Volterra adventures 9781470441166, 1470441160

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English Pages XVI, 219 stron; 22 cm [240] Year 2018

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Table of contents :
Cover......Page 1
Title page......Page 4
Contents......Page 8
Preface......Page 12
List of Symbols......Page 16
Part 1 . From Volterra to Banach......Page 18
1.1. A vector space......Page 20
1.2. A linear transformation......Page 21
1.3. Eigenvalues......Page 23
1.4. Spectrum......Page 25
1.5. Volterra spectrum......Page 26
1.6. Volterra powers......Page 28
1.7. Why justify our “formal calculation”?......Page 30
1.8. Uniform convergence......Page 31
1.9. Geometric series......Page 33
Notes......Page 36
2.1. An initial-value problem......Page 38
2.2. Thinking differently......Page 41
2.3. Thinking linearly......Page 42
2.4. Establishing norms......Page 43
2.5. Convergence......Page 45
2.6. Mass-spring revisited......Page 49
Notes......Page 52
3.1. A general class of initial-value problems......Page 54
3.2. Solving integral equations of Volterra type......Page 56
3.3. Continuity in normed vector spaces......Page 58
3.4. What’s the resolvent kernel?......Page 62
3.5. Initial-value problems redux......Page 66
Notes......Page 68
Overview......Page 70
4.1. How “big” is a linear transformation?......Page 71
4.2. Bounded operators......Page 73
4.3. Integral equations done right......Page 78
4.4. Rendezvous with Riemann......Page 80
4.5. Which functions are Riemann integrable?......Page 84
4.6. Initial-value problems à la Riemann......Page 86
Notes......Page 90
Part 2 . Travels with Titchmarsh......Page 96
5.1. Convolution operators......Page 98
5.2. Null spaces......Page 101
5.3. Convolution as multiplication......Page 103
5.4. The One-Half Lemma......Page 106
Notes......Page 112
6.1. The Finite Laplace Transform......Page 114
6.2. Stalking the One-Half Lemma......Page 116
6.3. The complex exponential......Page 120
6.4. Complex integrals......Page 122
6.5. The (complex) Finite Laplace Transform......Page 124
6.6. Entire functions......Page 125
Notes......Page 128
Part 3 . Invariance Through Duality......Page 130
7.1. Volterra-Invariant Subspaces......Page 132
7.2. Why study invariant subspaces?......Page 134
7.3. Consequences of the VIST......Page 140
7.4. Deconstructing the VIST......Page 143
Notes......Page 148
8.1. Strategy for proving \conjc......Page 150
8.2. The “separable” Hahn-Banach Theorem......Page 153
8.3. The “nonseparable” Hahn-Banach Theorem......Page 161
Notes......Page 166
9.1. Beyond Riemann......Page 172
9.2. From Riemann & Stieltjes to Riesz......Page 177
9.3. Riesz with rigor......Page 179
Notes......Page 186
10.1. Introduction......Page 190
10.2. One final reduction!......Page 191
10.3. Toward the Proof of Conjecture U......Page 192
10.4. Proof of Conjecture U......Page 195
Notes......Page 197
Appendix A. Uniform Convergence......Page 200
B.1. Complex numbers......Page 202
B.2. Some Complex Calculus......Page 204
B.3. Multiplication of complex series......Page 205
B.4. Complex power series......Page 207
Appendix C. Uniform Approximation by Polynomials......Page 212
Appendix D. Riemann-Stieltjes Primer......Page 216
Notes......Page 228
Bibliography......Page 230
Index......Page 234
Back Cover......Page 240
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Volterra adventures
 9781470441166, 1470441160

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Volterra Adventures

S T U D E N T M AT H E M AT I C A L L I B R A RY Volume 85

Volterra Adventures Joel H. Shapiro

Editorial Board Satyan L. Devadoss Erica Flapan

John Stillwell (Chair) Serge Tabachnikov

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 46-01, 45-01. Cover image: ESO/Igor Chekalin (http://www.fpsoftlab.com/gallery/index.htm) Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0. For additional information and updates on this book, visit www.ams.org/bookpages/stml-85 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Shapiro, Joel H., author. Title: Volterra adventures / Joel H. Shapiro. Description: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2018] | Series: Student mathematical library ; volume 85 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2017052435 | ISBN 9781470441166 (alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Volterra equations. | Functional analysis. | Convolutions (Mathematics) | AMS: Functional analysis – Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.). msc | Integral equations – Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.). msc Classification: LCC QA431 .S4755 2018 | DDC 515/.45–dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017052435 Copying and reprinting. Individual readers of this publication, and nonprofit libraries acting for them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such as to copy select pages for use in teaching or research. Permission is granted to quote brief passages from this publication in reviews, provided the customary acknowledgment of the source is given. Republication, systematic copying, or multiple reproduction of any material in this publication is permitted only under license from the American Mathematical Society. Requests for permission to reuse portions of AMS publication content are handled by the Copyright Clearance Center. For more information, please visit www.ams.org/ publications/pubpermissions. Send requests for translation rights and licensed reprints to reprint-permission @ams.org.

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For Marjorie




List of Symbols


Part 1. From Volterra to Banach Chapter 1. Starting Out


§1.1. A vector space


§1.2. A linear transformation


§1.3. Eigenvalues


§1.4. Spectrum


§1.5. Volterra spectrum


§1.6. Volterra powers


§1.7. Why justify our “formal calculation”?


§1.8. Uniform convergence


§1.9. Geometric series




Chapter 2. Springing Ahead


§2.1. An initial-value problem


§2.2. Thinking differently

24 vii



§2.3. Thinking linearly


§2.4. Establishing norms


§2.5. Convergence


§2.6. Mass-spring revisited


§2.7. Volterra-type integral equations




Chapter 3. Springing Higher


§3.1. A general class of initial-value problems


§3.2. Solving integral equations of Volterra type


§3.3. Continuity in normed vector spaces


§3.4. What’s the resolvent kernel?


§3.5. Initial-value problems redux




Chapter 4. Operators as Points


§4.1. How “big” is a linear transformation?


§4.2. Bounded operators


§4.3. Integral equations done right


§4.4. Rendezvous with Riemann


§4.5. Which functions are Riemann integrable?


§4.6. Initial-value problems a` la Riemann




Part 2. Travels with Titchmarsh Chapter 5. The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem §5.1. Convolution operators

81 81

§5.2. Null spaces


§5.3. Convolution as multiplication


§5.4. The One-Half Lemma






Chapter 6. Titchmarsh Finale


§6.1. The Finite Laplace Transform


§6.2. Stalking the One-Half Lemma


§6.3. The complex exponential


§6.4. Complex integrals


§6.5. The (complex) Finite Laplace Transform


§6.6. Entire functions




Part 3. Invariance Through Duality Chapter 7. Invariant Subspaces


§7.1. Volterra-Invariant Subspaces


§7.2. Why study invariant subspaces?


§7.3. Consequences of the VIST


§7.4. Deconstructing the VIST




Chapter 8. Digging into Duality


§8.1. Strategy for proving Conjecture C0


§8.2. The “separable” Hahn-Banach Theorem


§8.3. The “nonseparable” Hahn-Banach Theorem




Chapter 9. Rendezvous with Riesz


§9.1. Beyond Riemann


§9.2. From Riemann & Stieltjes to Riesz


§9.3. Riesz with rigor




Chapter 10. V-Invariance: Finale


§10.1. Introduction


§10.2. One final reduction!


§10.3. Toward the Proof of Conjecture U



Contents §10.4. Proof of Conjecture U




Appendix A. Uniform Convergence


Appendix B. Complex Primer


§B.1. Complex numbers


§B.2. Some Complex Calculus


§B.3. Multiplication of complex series


§B.4. Complex power series


Appendix C. Uniform Approximation by Polynomials


Appendix D. Riemann-Stieltjes Primer









This book guides mathematics students who have completed solid first courses in linear algebra and analysis on an expedition into the field of functional analysis. At the journey’s end they will have captured two famous theorems—often stated in graduate courses, but seldom proved, even there: (a) The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem, which characterizes the null spaces of Volterra convolution operators, and which implies (in fact, is equivalent to): (b) The Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem, which asserts that the only closed, invariant subspaces of the Volterra operator are the “obvious ones.” The pursuit of these theorems breaks into three parts. The first part (four chapters) introduces the Volterra operator, while gently inducing readers to reinterpret the classical notion of uniform convergence on the interval [a, b] as convergence in the max-norm, and to reimagine continuous   functions on that interval as points in the Banach space C [a, b] . It exploits, at several levels, this “functions are points” paradigm (often attributed to Volterra himself) in the process of solving integral equations that arise—via the Volterra operator—from the kinds of initial-value problems that students encounter in their beginning differential equations courses. At the conclusion of this part xi



of the book, readers will be convinced (I hope) that even linear transformations can be thought of as “points in a space,” and that within this framework the proof that “Volterra-type” integral equations have unique solutions boils down to summation of a geometric series. In the process of tackling initial-value problems and integral equations we naturally encounter Volterra convolution operators, which form the subject of the second part of the book (two chapters). It’s here that the problem of characterizing the null spaces of these operators is introduced, and solved via the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem. The final step in proving the Titchmarsh theorem involves Liouville’s theorem on bounded entire functions, for which just enough complex analysis (using only power series) is developed to give a quick proof. The final part of the book (four chapters) aims toward using Titchmarsh’s theorem to prove the Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem. Here we encounter a pair of results that lie at the heart of functional analysis: the Hahn-Banach Theorem on separation by bounded linear functionals of closed subspaces from points not in them,  and the Riesz representation of the bounded linear functionals on C [a, b] by means of Riemann-Stieltjes integrals. The Hahn-Banach theorem is derived from its extension form, which is proved in the usual way: extending by one dimension, then using some form of induction. This is done first for separable spaces, using ordinary mathematical induction, and then in general by transfinite induction, which is carefully introduced. The Hahn-Banach extension theorem (nonseparable version!) then provides a quick proof of Riesz’s representation theorem. Here it’s hoped—but not assumed—that the reader has seen the Stieltjes extension of the Riemann integration theory. In any case, an appendix covers much of the standard material on Riemann-Stieltjes integration, with proofs omitted where they merely copy those for the Riemann integral. The book’s final chapter completes the proof of the invariant subspace theorem for the Volterra operator.



Each chapter begins with an “Overview” and ends with a section of “Notes” in which the reader may find further results, historical material, and bibliographic references. Exercises are scattered throughout, most of them rather easy, some needed later on. Their purpose is twofold: first, to enhance the material at hand, and second (no less important) to emphasize the necessity of interacting actively with the mathematics being studied. I hope this book will expand its readers’ horizons, sharpen their technical skills, and for those who pursue functional analysis at the graduate level, enhance—rather than duplicate—that experience. In pursuit of this goal the book meanders through mathematics that is algebraic and analytic, abstract and concrete, real and complex, finite and transfinite. In this, it’s inspired by the words of the late Louis Auslander: “Mathematics is like a river. You just jump in someplace; the current will take you where you need to go.”1 Acknowledgments Much of the material presented here originated in lectures that I gave in beginning graduate courses at Michigan State University, and later in seminars at Portland State. Eriko Hironaka suggested that the notes from these lectures might serve as the basis for a book appropriate for advanced undergraduate students, and she provided much-needed encouragement throughout the resulting project. Paul Bourdon and Jim Rulla read the manuscript, contributing vital corrections, improvements, and critical comments. The Fariborz Maseeh Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Portland State University provided office space, library access, technical assistance, and a lively Analysis Seminar. Michigan State University provided electronic access to its library. To all of these people and institutions I am profoundly grateful. Above all, this project owes much to the understanding, patience, and encouragement of my wife, Jane; I couldn’t have done it without her. Portland, Oregon September 2017 1 Paraphrased by Anna Tsao in: Notices Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 45, #3, 1998, page 393.

List of Symbols

N: The natural numbers; 1, 2, . . . R: The real numbers C: The complex numbers “scalars”: R or C (usually your choice)  · : Symbol for a norm; usually the sup- or max-norm on a vector space of functions OrbT (v): {T n v}∞ 0 , the orbit of the vector v under the linear transformation T MT (v): The closure of the linear span of OrbT (v); the smallest closed T -invariant subspace containing v   C [a, b] : The space of scalar valued functions that are continuous on the compact interval [a, b]   V : The Volterra operator on C [0, a] Vκ : The “Volterra-type” operator with kernel κ 0: The constant functions taking value 0 1: The constant function taking value 1, or the least element of a well-ordered set (see page 146) VIST: The Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem   Cb : The subspace of C [0, a] consisting of functions that vanish on the interval [0, b] (0 < b ≤ a) xv


List of Symbols   C0 : The subspace of C [0, a] consisting of functions that vanish at the origin.   R [a, b] : The collection of scalar-valued functions on [a, b] that are Riemann integrable   (f ): The left-most support point of a function f ∈ C [0, ∞)   C [0, ∞) : The space of continuous, scalar-valued functions on the half-line [0, ∞)   spt f : The support of f ∈ C [0, ∞) ; closure of the set of points x for which |f (x)| = 0

Part 1

From Volterra to Banach

Here we introduce the Volterra operator V , which takes as input a function f continuous on a finite closed interval [0, a] of the real line, and outputs the function whose value at x ∈ [0, a] is just the integral of f over the interval [0, x]. With natural pointwise operations, the continuous functions on [0, a] form a vector space upon which V acts as a linear transformation. After settling some natural algebraic questions about V (Is it invertible? What is its spectrum?) we’ll begin to reinterpret the classical notion of uniform convergence on the interval [a, b] as convergence in the max-norm, and to reimagine continuous functions on  that interval as points in the Banach space C [a, b] . We’ll exploit, at several levels, this “functions are points” paradigm (often attributed to Volterra himself), in the process of solving integral equations that arise—via the Volterra operator—from the kinds of initial-value problems that one encounters in a beginning differential equations course. At the conclusion of these four chapters, I hope you’ll be convinced that even linear transformations can be thought of as “points in a space” and that within this framework the proof that “Volterra-type” integral equations have unique solutions boils down to summation of a geometric series.

Chapter 1

Starting Out

Overview. This chapter introduces the linear transformation that will occupy us throughout the book: the Volterra operator. We’ll study natural questions of invertibility that attach themselves to this transformation, and identify these as problems involving solutions of certain integral equations. In solving these problems we’ll be led to a notion of geometric series involving linear transformations which will, in turn, draw us into questions about pointwise and uniform convergence for certain infinite series of continuous functions. In this way, we’ll take our first steps into the realm of functional analysis, that area of analysis in which functions of all sorts are viewed as points in appropriate spaces.

1.1. A vector space   Our adventures begin in C [0, a] , the collection of real-valued functions that are continuous on the closed interval [0, a] of the real line, where a is a fixed positive number. From calculus we know that the pointwise sum1 of two continuous functions is continuous, as is each constant multiple of a continuous function. It’s then straightforward   The pointwise sum of f and g in C [0, a] is defined, for each t ∈ [a, b], to be (f + g)(t) = f (t) + g(t). 1



1. Starting Out

  to check that C [0, a] , endowed with the pointwise operations of addition and multiplication by scalars, is a vector space with scalar field R, the collection of real numbers. Scalars. From time to time we’ll want to consider continuous functions on  [0, a] that take complex values, in which case the scalar field for C [0, a] will be C, the collection complex numbers. We’ll see later that the basic results of calculus for real-valued functions remain true for complex-valued ones; right now it’s enough—should the need arise—to assume this. In general, the term “scalar” will refer to either R or C. Unless otherwise specified, this will be your choice.

1.2. A linear transformation   We are going to study a remarkable linear transformation on C [0, a] , the Volterra operator V , that takes a function f ∈ C [0, a] to the function V f , whose value at x ∈ [0, a] is  x f (t) dt . (1.1) (V f )(x) = t=0

  If f ∈ C [0, a] then (V f )(0) = 0, and the Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus tells us that V f is differentiable at each point of [0, a],2 its derivative being just f itself.     Exercise 1.1. Let C 1 [0, a] denote those f ∈ C [0, a] that are     differentiable on [0, a] with f  ∈ C [0, a] . Show that C 1 [0, a] is     a vector subspace of C [0, a] , and that the image of C [0, a] under     V is C01 [0, a] , the subspace consisting of functions f ∈ C 1 [0, a] with f (0) = 0.

Properties of integrals that we learn in elementary calculus show that   the Volterra operator is a linear transformation on C [0, a] . In the pages to follow you’ll see that, thanks your preparation in real analysis and linear algebra, you’re ready to discover this operator’s fascinating properties, and in so doing, further enhance your skills in these subjects. 2 At the endpoints, differentiability means that difference quotients have one-sided limits, these limits being the derivatives at those endpoints.

1.2. A linear transformation


Linear Algebra: Two Fundamental Questions. Linear Algebra is about solving linear equations; given vector spaces V and W , and a linear transformation T : V → W , the subject’s first fundamental question is: Given a vector w in the “range space” W , do there exist vectors v ∈ V such that T v = w? In other words: Does T map V onto W ? If this is the case, then the second fundamental question is: Given w ∈ W and v ∈ V with T v = w, is v unique? If not unique, what are all such v’s? In short: For a linear transformation T : V → W and a vector w ∈ W , what is   T −1 {w} = {v ∈ V : T v = w}? In the best possible situation, for each w ∈ W there is a unique v ∈ V such that T v = w, i.e., T maps V one-to-one and onto W . Then the equation v = T −1 w defines a linear transformation T −1 : W → V , the inverse of T ; we celebrate by calling T invertible. It’s a fundamental theorem of linear algebra that a linear transformation T on a finite dimensional vector space is one-to-one if and only if T maps the space onto itself iff3 T is invertible. Not so for the Volterra operator!   Proposition 1.2. On C [0, a] , the Volterra operator is one-to-one, but it is not invertible. Proof.  Thanks to Exercise 1.1 we know that V does not map C [0, a] onto itself, and so it is not invertible on C [0, a] . To show that V is one-to-one it’s enough—by linearity—to show that V f = 0 from the Fundamental implies f = 0.4 But this follows immediately   Theorem of Integral Calculus; if f ∈ C [0, a] with V f = 0, then 0 = (V f ) (x) = f (x) for each x ∈ [0, a], i.e., f = 0.  3

“iff” is the standard abbreviation for “if and only if”. We’ll use the notation 0 for the zero element of whichever vector space we’re working in. In this case it denotes the function taking the value 0 at each point of [0, a]. 4


1. Starting Out   Exercise 1.3. Proposition 1.2 implies that C [0, a] is not finite di  mensional. Prove this directly by exhibiting in C [0, a] an infinite subset that is linearly independent.

For the next exercise, let V be the vector space of scalar sequences, which we’ll view as scalar-valued functions on the collection of nonnegative integers, with algebraic operations defined pointwise. Let S : V → V be the “forward shift”: (Sf )(n) = f (n − 1) if n > 0 and Sf (0) = 0. Let B : V → V be the “backward shift”: (Bf )(n) = f (n + 1) for each integer n ≥ 0 and each f ∈ V . If we think of each f ∈ V as an infinite “tuple” (f (0), f (1), . . . ), then Sf results from shifting each entry of f one place to the right, and placing 0 in the empty left-most place, while you get Bf by shifting each entry of f one unit to the left and discarding f (0). Exercise 1.4. Show that, unlike the situation for finite dimensional spaces: (a) S is one-to-one, but is not invertible. (b) B maps V onto itself, but is not invertible.

For a one-to-one linear transformation T : V → W , the notion of “invertibility” depends crucially on the range space; if W = T (V ) then T is invertible, otherwise it is not. Consider the Volterra operator, which but not invertible when viewed as a mapping  is one-to-one,  of C [0, a] into itself. The situation changes dramatically,   however, if we take the range of V to be the subspace C01 [0, a] defined in Exercise 1.1 above. Thanks to the result of that exercise:   Proposition 1.5. When viewed as a mapping from C [0, a] to   C01 [0, a] , the Volterra operator is invertible.

1.3. Eigenvalues Proposition 1.2 shows that 0 is not an eigenvalue of V . There’s more!   Theorem 1.6. On C [0, a] , the Volterra operator has no eigenvalues.   Proof. Suppose f ∈ C [0, a] satisfies, for some λ ∈ R, the “eigenvalue equation” (1.2)

V f = λf.

1.3. Eigenvalues


We wish to show that f = 0. Proposition 1.2 handles the case λ = 0, so suppose λ = 0. Now V f is differentiable on [0, a] with (V f ) = f there. Since λ = 0, equation (1.2) demands that f also be differentiable, with derivative continuous on [0, a], and with f (0) = 0. Thus, upon differentiating both sides of (1.2) we see that f satisfies, on [0, a], the initial value problem f = λf  , f (0) = 0. Since f satisfies the differential equation f = λf  on [0, a], we know from calculus that there is a constant c such that f (t) = cet/λ for  each t ∈ [0, a].5 But c = f (0) = 0, so f = 0, as promised. In the realm of real vector spaces, this last result is perhaps not so special. linear transformation inExample 1.7. For θ ∈ R, let Tθ denote   θ −the sin θ to left-multiply column duced on R2 by using the matrix cos sin θ cos θ vectors. Then Tθ simply rotates each non-zero vector through θ radians. It’s geometrically clear that Tθ has no (real) eigenvalues as long as θ is not an integer multiple of π. Exercise 1.8. Prove that, nevertheless: For real vector spaces of odd dimension, every linear transformation does have a real eigenvalue. Suggestion: Show that every polynomial of odd degree with real coefficients has a real zero.

Here’s what is special. A basic theorem of linear algebra tells us that every linear transformation on a finite dimensional complex vector 1.6 space must have an eigenvalue.6 However Theorem   remains true, with the same proof, even if our functions  in C [0, a] are allowed to have complex values, in which case C [0, a] is a vector space over the 5 Proof : Rewrite the differential equation as f  − λ−1 f = 0 and use the product rule to show that the derivative of e−t/λ f (t) is e−t/λ times the right-hand side of this rewritten equation, hence ≡ 0. Thus e−t/λ f (t) ≡ constant. Here we’re using the notation ≡, pronounced “identically equal,” to mean “equal at every point of the set under consideration.” 6 Proof : If T is such a transformation, then det(λI − T ) is a polynomial in λ with complex coefficients and so, by the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, has a root in C).


1. Starting Out

complex field. Thus the Volterra operator shows that: For infinite dimensional vector spaces, real or complex, linear transformations need not have eigenvalues. Exercise 1.9. Continuing Exercise 1.4 (page 6), show that the forward shift S has no eigenvalues. What about the backward shift?

Change of base Suppose a and b are real numbers with a < b.  point.  Denote by C [a, b] the vector space of scalar-valued continuous func- tions on [a, b] (endowed with pointwise algebraic operations). C [a, b] has its own “shifted” Volterra operator Va , the linear transformation defined by:  x   f (t) dt (f ∈ C [a, b] ). (1.3) Va f (x) = t=a

  The next exercise shows   that Va acting on C [a, b] is similar to V acting on C [0, b − a] .   Exercise 1.10. For a < b and f ∈ C [a, b] , define Sf on [0, b − a] by: (Sf )(x) = f (x + a) (x ∈ [0, b − a]).     Show that S is an invertible mapping C [a, b] → C [0, b − a] , and −1 that Va = S V S.

Consequently, “similarity-invariant” properties of V transfer immediately to Va . For example, thanks to Exercise 1.10 and Theorem 1.6, we know right away that the “shifted” Volterra operator Va defined by equation (1.3) has no eigenvalues.

1.4. Spectrum Suppose, for the moment, that T is a linear transformation taking a vector space V into itself. Then a scalar λ is an eigenvalue of T iff the linear transformation λI − T has nontrivial null space (where I is the identity mapping of V ), i.e., iff λI − T is not one-to-one. Thus for V finite dimensional, λ is an eigenvalue of T iff λI − T is not invertible. However in general—as illustrated by what we just saw for the Volterra operator—a linear transformation can be one-to-one, but still not invertible. Thus a scalar λ that is not an eigenvalue of T might still have the “quasi-eigenvalue” property that λI − T is not invertible.

1.5. Volterra spectrum


Let’s call the set of all its eigenvalues and “quasi-eigenvalues” the spectrum of T , and denote it by σ(T ).7 More precisely: (1.4)

σ(T ) = {λ ∈ scalars : λI − T is not invertible}.

In honor of the fact that the eigenvalues of T , if there are any, form a special class of spectral points, let’s give their totality a special name: the “point spectrum” of T , and denote it by σp (T ). Our work in the last section can now be summarized like this: (a) 0 ∈ σ(V ) (Proposition 1.2), and (b) σp (V ) is the empty set (Theorem 1.6). Question: Is σ(V ) = {0}? In other words: Is λI − V invertible for every non-zero scalar λ? We’ll take up this question in the next section, after first pausing to get some further experience with the concept of spectrum. The Volterra operator is not the only natural linear transformation defined   on a space of continuous functions. For ϕ ∈ C [a, b] let Mϕ denote the multiplication operator defined on C [a, b] by (Mϕ f )(x) = ϕ(x)f (x)

(x ∈ [a, b]),

in short: Mϕ f = ϕf .

  Exercise 1.11. For ϕ ∈ C [a, b] :

  (a) Show that Mϕ is a linear transformation on C [a, b] . (b) Show that σ(Mϕ ) = ϕ([a, b]). (c) Determine the eigenvalues of Mϕ . (Warning: some Mϕ ’s have eigenvalues, others don’t.)

Exercise 1.12. Continuing Exercises 1.4 and 1.9 above: (a) Show that the forward shift has spectrum {0}. (b) What is the spectrum of the backward shift?

1.5. Volterra spectrum For let’s ask if σ(V ) = {0}, i.e., is λI − V invertible on  definiteness,  C [0, a] for each non-zero scalar λ? Now λI − T = λ(I − λ−1 T ) for each λ = 0, so (upon substituting λ for λ−1 , and noting that the 7 More precisely, this is the “algebraic” spectrum of T . There is also a “topological” notion of spectrum, which we’ll clarify in Chapter 3.


1. Starting Out

identity map is invertible) it’s equivalent to ask: Is I − λV invertible for every scalar λ?   Note that I − λV is one-to-one on C [0, a] for each scalar λ (trivially true for λ = 0; if false for some non-zero scalar λ, then 1/λ would be an eigenvalue of V , contradicting Theorem 1.6). Thus our question really asks:   For each scalar λ, does (I −λV ) map C [0, a] onto itself ? A bold strategy. Try to invert the transformation I − λV by making sense of the “geometric series formula” ∞  ? λn V n , (GSF) (I − λV )−1 = n=0

where the question mark signals that (except for the case λ = 0, where it just says I −1 = I) we don’t yet know what this equation is supposed to mean.   As a first attempt to achieve some meaning, let’s fix f ∈ C [0, a] and x ∈ [0, a], substitute f into both sides of (GSF), and evaluate everything at x. The right-hand side of (GSF) becomes (NS)


λn (V n f )(x),


a numerical series, i.e., one in which each term is a scalar. Now we can ask some meaningful questions:   (a) Does (NS) converge for each scalar λ, each f ∈ C [0, a] and each x ∈ [0, a]? (b) Suppose the “pointwise convergence” of part (a) does  happen for a given scalar λ and function f ∈ C [0,a] . Does  the resulting sum function, call it g, belong to C [0, a] ? (c) Suppose it does: is (I − λV )g = f on [0, a]? An affirmative   answer to all these questions would show that I − λV maps C [0, a] onto itself and so (because it is one-to-one) is invertible

1.6. Volterra powers


  on C [0, a] , with (GSF) providing the inverse as follows: (1.5)

∞      (I − λV )−1 f (x) = λn V n f (x) n=0

  for each f ∈ C [0, a] , and x ∈ [0, a]. In particular, this would show that σ(V ) = {0}. For this strategy to succeed we’ll need to know something about the n-th power of the Volterra operator, i.e., the linear transformation V n that results from n successive applications of V . We’ll do this in the next section, but first, please work out the following simple exercise. Exercise 1.13 (A cautionary tale!). In (GSF), suppose that the symbol V , instead of denoting the Volterra operator, just represents a non-zero real number. Is (GSF) then true for each real number λ? If not, for which λ’s does it hold?

1.6. Volterra powers Crucial to all that follows is the next result, which shows that powers of the Volterra operator are operators of “Volterra type.”   Theorem 1.14. Suppose f ∈ C [0, a] . Then for n = 1, 2, . . . ,  x (x − t)n−1 (1.6) (V n f )(x) = f (t) dt (x ∈ [0, a]). t=0 (n − 1)!   Proof. Fix f ∈ C [0, a] and x ∈ [0, a]. We proceed by induction on n. For n = 1 the result is just the definition of V (reason: 0!=1). Suppose the result is true for some n ≥ 1. We wish to show it’s true for n + 1. To see this, just calculate:  x    (V n f )(t) dt (V n+1 f )(x) = V V n f (x) = t=0  x  t (t − u)n−1 f (u) du dt , = t=0 u=0 (n − 1)! with the last equality provided by the induction hypothesis. On the right-hand side of that equality, interchange the order of integration to obtain  x  x (t − u)n−1 (V n+1 f )(x) = dt f (u) du , u=0 t=u (n − 1)!


1. Starting Out n

for which the inner integral evaluates to (x−u) . Thus n!  x n (x − u) f (u) du , (V n+1 f )(x) = n! u=0 as desired.

Let’s substitute Theorem 1.14 into the numerical series (NS), i.e., the right-hand side of equation (1.5), in the hope that something good will happen. The calculation to follow will be “formal” in the sense that—if the final result appears to be useful—we’ll have to justify certain crucial steps.   Suppose, then, that f ∈ C [0, a] , x ∈ [0, a], and λ is a non-zero scalar. Off we go! ∞    λn V n f (x) (NS) = n=0

= f (x) +






(x − t)n−1 f (t) dt . (n − 1)!

Upon shifting the index of summation on the right-hand side and interchanging the order of summation and integration, we obtain:

 x  ∞ λ(x − t)n (NS) = f (x) + λ f (t) dt n! t=0 n=0  x eλ(x−t) f (t) dt , = f (x) + λ t=0

the “formal” (i.e, “suspicious”) part being the interchange of summation with integration in the final step. Leaving aside (temporarily) the justification of this operation, the above calculation does provide a closed-form expression for a possible right-hand side to equation (1.5), i.e., a possible solution to the integral equation (I − λV )g = f , namely:  x eλ(x−t) f (t) dt . (1.7) g(x) = f (x) + λ t=0

Whether or not g really is a solution can be checked—as the next exercise asks you to do—without reference to the (as yet un-proven) calculation that produced it.

1.7. Why justify our “formal calculation”?


  Exercise 1.15. For f ∈ C [0, a] , and λ a non-zero real number, let g be the function defined by equation (1.7). Verify that  (I −λV )g = f on [0, a]. Conclude that λI − V is invertible on C [0, a] for each non-zero scalar λ.

Thanks to Exercise 1.15 we now know that, regardless of its ultimate status, our formal calculation has led to: Corollary 1.16. σ(V ) = {0}. A confession. We didn’t need (GSF) to motivate a proof of Corollary 1.16. A simple substitution reduces the integral equation (I−λV )g = f to an initial-value problem, the solution of which follows from a standard technique used in elementary differential equations, and produces the function g of Exercise 1.15. The following exercise outlines how to do this. Exercise 1.17 (Spectrum without GSF). Show that the substitution z = V g converts the integral equation (I − λV )g = f into an equivalent initial-value problem z  − λz = f , z(0) = 0. Obtain the solution g of Exercise 1.15 by solving this latter problem using the “method of integrating factors.” Suggestion: Multiply both sides of the differential equation by e−λt , note that the new right-hand side is the derivative of e−λt z(t), and integrate both sides of the new equation over the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ x.

1.7. Why justify our “formal calculation”? We set out in §1.4 (page 9) to determine the spectrum of the Volterra operator, reducing this problem   to one of solving, for each scalar λ and each function f ∈ C [0, a] , the integral equation (I − λV )g = f . This we’ve done in two different ways: (a) By wishful thinking; using a formal calculation (as yet unjustified) involving the tentative geometric series formula (GSF) to obtain a guess for the solution f , and then verifying, in Exercise 1.15, that this guess is indeed a solution. (b) Using elementary differential equations: Exercise 1.17. Why not just use method (b), which is a lot simpler than (a)? Given what we know now, why continue on to justify the formal calculations


1. Starting Out

that led to method (a), therefore obtaining yet a third proof that σ(V ) = {0}? Here’s why: The more ways we’re able to solve a problem, the better we understand it, and the more likely it is that we’ll be able to solve further problems suggested by the original one. Case in point: our integral equation (I −λV )g = f is a very special Integral Equation of Volterra Type, for which the general form is:  x K(x, t)g(t) dt = f (x) (x ∈ [0, a]). (1.8) g(x) + t=0

For “kernels” K(x, t) continuous for 0 ≤ t ≤ x < ∞, Volterra showed in 1896 that (1.8) can be solved in the form  x R(x, t)f (t) dt (x ∈ [0, a]), (1.9) g(x) = f (x) + t=0

where the “resolvent kernel,” R, has the same continuity as K.8 In our case K ≡ −λ, for which we identified in Exercise 1.15, the resolvent kernel as R(x, t) = λeλ(x−t) . We’ll see in the next three chapters that integral equations of Volterra type provide an important way of studying solutions to differential equations. Our hope is to be able to use the geometric-series method to study these integral equations in mathematically rigorous fashion. For this, all will depend on the crucial concept of uniform convergence, which we’ll now take some time to review.

1.8. Uniform convergence The notion of pointwise convergence, upon which we’ve based our attempt to give meaning to the mysterious formula (GSF), has two fatal deficiencies. First: Pointwise convergence need not preserve continuity. For example, let fn (x) = xn for x ∈ [0, 1]. Then each fn is continuous on [0, 1], but fn (x) → 0 if 0 ≤ x < 1, and → 1 if x = 1. Conclusion: The limit of a pointwise convergent sequence of continuous functions need not be continuous. 8 For Volterra’s treatment of this equation, in English, see [64, pp. 43-53]. For a freely downloadable version (in French), see [63, pp. 40-56].

1.8. Uniform convergence


Second : Pointwise convergence need not respect integration. Example: for n = 1, 2, . . . let fn be the function on [0, 1] whose value is 1 1 zero off the interval [ 2n , n ], and over that interval has graph given by the equal sides of the isosceles triangle of height 4n. Thus each fn belongs to C([0, 1]), and fn → 0 pointwise on [0, 1]. Nevertheless 1 f (t) dt = 1 for all n, so the integral of the limit function is not 0 n equal to the limit of the integrals. Thus: Pointwise convergence does not suffice to justify the “formal calculation” of the last section. Recall that a sequence (fn ) of real-valued functions on a subset S of R converges uniformly to a function f on S iff: For every ε > 0 there exists an index N = N (ε) > 0 such that |fn (x) − f (x)| < ε whenever x ∈ S and n > N. In other words: (fn ) converges to f uniformly on S iff it converges at each point x ∈ S, and the index “N (ε, x)” for that pointwise convergence can be chosen to be independent of the point x ∈ S. Just as in the case of the real line, a sequence can be uniformly Cauchy, meaning: For every ε > 0 there exists an index N = N (ε) > 0 such that |fn (x) − fm (x)| < ε whenever x ∈ S and n, m > N . The following three results from Advanced Calculus, which you can think of as the “ABC’s of uniform convergence,” provide the rigorous foundation for the geometric series method we’re attempting to use in unearthing the secrets of the Volterra operator. For each of them: [a, b] is a finite, closed interval of the real line and (fn ) is a sequence of scalar-valued functions, each of which is continuous on [a, b]. Theorem A. If (fn ) converges to a function f , uniformly on [a, b], b b then f is continuous on [a, b]. Furthermore: a fn (t) dt → a f (t) dt . Theorem B. If (fn ) is uniformly Cauchy on [a, b] then it is uniformly convergent there to a function that is (by Theorem A) continuous on [a, b].


1. Starting Out

Theorem C (The Weierstrass M-Test). Suppose there exists a se quence (Mn ) of positive real numbers such that n Mn < ∞, and |fn (x)| ≤ Mn for each index n and for each x ∈ [a, b]. Then the  infinite series n fn converges uniformly on [a, b] to a function that is (necessarily) continuous on [a, b]. For proofs of Theorems A and B, see Appendix A, page 15. Theorem C follows from Theorem B upon noting that its hypotheses imply  that the partial-sum sequence of the series n fn is uniformly Cauchy on [a, b].

1.9. Geometric series We aim to use the concept of uniform convergence to understand the Geometric Series Formula (GSF)  on page 10. Here’s a notation that makes this easier: for f ∈ C [0, a] , let (1.10)

f  = max{|f (t)| : 0 ≤ t ≤ a},

where the “max” exists and is finite because f is continuous on the compact9 real interval [0, a]. We call f  the max-norm of f . We’ll see in the next chapter  that the max-norm defines a crucial notion of distance on C [0, a] , but for now it’s just a notation—a very useful one, as you’ll see upon doing following exercise.   Exercise 1.18. For a sequence of functions (fn ) in C [0, a] , show that: (a) fn → f uniformly on [0, a] iff fn − f  → 0. (b) (fn ) is uniformly Cauchy on [0, a] iff: for every ε > 0 there exists an integer N = N (ε) > 0 such that m, n > N =⇒ fn − fm  < ε.

Here is the estimate from which all else follows.   Proposition 1.19. If f ∈ C [0, a] then for each non-negative integer n: an f  . (1.11) V n f  ≤ n! 9 Recall that to call a subset S of R (or Rn , for that matter) compact means that every sequence drawn from S has a subsequence convergent to a point of S. The HeineBorel Theorem asserts that a subset S of Rn is compact iff it is closed and bounded; see [47, pp.36-40] or [59, Sec. 1.3] to review these matters.

1.9. Geometric series


Proof. For n = 0 the promised inequality is just f  ≤ f , so suppose n ≥ 1. By Theorem 1.14 we know that for each x ∈ [0, a] :    x   n    x (x − t)n−1 (x − t)n−1 ≤  V f (x) =  f (t) dt |f (t)| dt   (n − 1)! (n − 1)! t=0


Since |f (t)| ≤ f  for t ∈ [0, a], the estimate above implies:  x  n   xn (x − t)n−1  V f (x) ≤ f  dt ≤ f  . n! t=0 (n − 1)! Thus    an f  , V n f  = max  V n f (x) ≤ 0≤x≤a n! as desired.

Observe how Proposition 1.19, makes short work of the following crucial “continuity” property of the Volterra operator. Corollary 1.20. If (fk ) is a sequence of functions continuous on [0, a] and uniformly convergent to a function f (necessarily) continuous on [0, a], then V fk → V f uniformly on [0, a]. Proof. From the linearity of V and Proposition 1.19 (with n = 1): V fk − V f  = V (fk − f ) ≤ afk − f  → 0. Thus V fk → V f uniformly on [0, a] by Exercise 1.18(a).

With this result in hand, we can finally put on a rigorous basis the idea of inverting I − λV via geometric series. Theorem 1.21. For each  scalar λ the linear transformation   I − λV is invertible on C [0, a] . Moreover, for each f ∈ C [0, a] we have (I − λV )−1 f =



λn V n f


where the series on the right converges uniformly on [0, a]. Proof. If λ = 0 then I − λV = I, and (1.12) reduces to  equation  “f = f ,” so suppose λ = 0. Fix f ∈ C [0, a] and x ∈ [0, a]. Let Mn =

(|λ|a)n f  n!

(n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ).


1. Starting Out

Then for each such index n we have from Proposition 1.19:  n n   λ V f (x) ≤ Mn (x ∈ [0, a]). ∞ Since n=0 Mn = f e|λ|a < ∞, the Weierstrass M-test insures that the series on the right-hand  side  of (1.12) converges uniformly on [0, a], to a function in C [0, a] ; call this function T f . Thanks to Theorems A and B on page 15, this uniform convergence justifies the steps of the “formal calculation” that followed Theorem 1.14.  Please  check that the map f → T f is a linear transformation on C [0, a] . Our task now is to show that: (1.13)

(I − λV )T = I = T (I − λV ),

i.e., that (I − λV ) is invertible, and that T is its inverse. N n n To this end, let SN = n=0 λ V . By the same “telescoping series” argument we use to sum geometric series of real numbers: (N = 0, 1, 2, . . .). (I − λV )SN = I − λN +1 V N +1   Thus for f ∈ C [0, a] and N = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,          (x ∈ [0, a]),  (I − λV )SN f (x) − f (x) = |λ|N +1  V N +1 f (x) hence (Proposition 1.19 again) (I − λV )SN f − f  ≤ MN +1 → 0 as N → ∞. Conclusion: (I − λV )SN f → f uniformly on [0, a]. We also know that SN f → T f uniformly on [0, a] (this is what  it means for n λn V n f to converge to T f uniformly on [0, a]). Thus by Corollary 1.20 we have, uniformly on [0, a]: V SN f → V T f

hence (I − λV )SN f → (I − λV )T f .

Thus (I − λV )SN f converges uniformly on [0, a] to both f and (I − λV )T f . Since uniform convergence implies pointwise convergence, and since a sequence of real numbers can converge to at most one  limit,  f = (I − λV )T f on [0, a]. This is true for every f ∈ C [0, a] , so we’ve verified the first equality of equation (1.13). The second one follows in the same way from the fact that (I − λV )SN =  SN (I − λV ) for each index N .



To this point we’ve been studying the Volterra operator V as  a linear transformation on C [0, a] , where a is an arbitrary positive   number. But V also acts as a linear transformation on C [0, ∞) , the vector space of continuous scalar-valued functions on the positive half  line [0, ∞). Since C [0, ∞) contains unbounded functions, the maxnorm makes no sense for it. The next exercise asks you to show that, nevertheless, the major results of this section remain true, sometimes with appropriate modifications. Exercise 1.22. Use the fact that Exercise 1.15 and Theorem  1.21 hold for each a > 0 to prove that for V acting on C [0, ∞) : (a) σ(V ) = {0}, and (b) Theorem 1.21 holds, provided that “uniform convergence on [0, a]” is replaced by “pointwise convergence on [0, ∞),” or even better: “uniform convergence on compact subsets of [0, ∞).”

The next chapter will begin our quest to bend the Volterra operator to the task of reducing inital-value problems for differential equations to integral equations of Volterra type. After that we’ll develop the geometric-series method introduced here into a form that will apply to general Volterra integral equations (1.8).

Notes The linear transformation we’re studying is named for Vito Volterra (1860–1940), a towering figure in the mathematics of the late 19th and early 20th centuries who is regarded by many to be the “Father of Functional Analysis.” He was born on May 3rd, 1860, into a poor Jewish family in the Italian city of Ancona. From age eleven onward he showed uncommon ability in science and mathematics, eventually obtaining—at age twenty-two—a doctorate in Physics from the University of Pisa, and the next year assuming a full professorship at that university. Motivated by problems in mathematical physics, Volterra published in [63, 1896] the first of his famous papers on what have become known as “integral equations of Volterra type.” A year later he set out in [62] his revolutionary idea of viewing functions as points, and integrals as “functionals” (a terminology due to Hadamard) on these


1. Starting Out

newly envisioned “points.” In the next three chapters we’ll make extensive use of this paradigm shift to clarify and extend the work done in this chapter. For more on Vito Volterra’s life, see the Notes to Chapter 10.

Chapter 2

Springing Ahead

Overview. We’ll use the geometric-series formalism of the last chapter to study an initial-value problem that describes the motion of a simple mass-and-spring system. This will again require arguments involving uniform convergence, which we will discover are best carried out in the setting of “normed vector spaces.”

2.1. An initial-value problem Consider an object of mass m moving in a straight line on a frictionless surface, influenced at time t > 0 only by an external driving force F (t) and a spring force −kx(t) that resists, and is proportional to, the object’s displacement x(t) from its equilibrium position (hence the minus sign—we assume the constant k of proportionality to be positive). Consequently the total horizontal force acting at time t on 21


2. Springing Ahead

Figure 1. A mass-spring system; 0 is the equilibrium position, x(t) is the position at time t.

the object is F (t) − kx(t). Now the object’s velocity at time t is x(t), ˙ where we’ll use the “dot” notation for “derivative with respect to time,” so its acceleration at time t is x ¨(t). By Newton’s Second Law (Force = mass × acceleration.) the motion of our system is therefore governed by the second order differential equation m¨ x(t) + kx(t) = F (t). Let’s assume that at t = 0 the system is at rest and in the equilibrium position (spring neither stretched nor compressed), so that x(0) =  x(0) ˙ = 0. Upon writing f = F/m and λ = k/m, the motion of the system at time t > 0 is described by the initial-value problem: (IVP)

x ¨(t) + λ2 x(t) = f (t) for t > 0,    The differential equation


x(0) = x(0) ˙ = 0.    The initial conditions

We’ll consider only “forcing functions” f defined on some finite time interval [0, a], and continuous there. Thus we ask:   Given f ∈ C [0, a] , does (IVP) have a solution on [0, a]? If so, is this solution unique?   A look at (IVP) reveals that for f ∈ C [0, a] , any scalar-valued function x on [0, a] that hopes to be a solution must satisfy the initial conditions(of course), must be twice differentiable (of course) and, since  f ∈ C [0, a] , must have its second derivative continuous on [0, a], and therefore both its  first derivative and itself continuous there also. 2 [0, a] the collection of all such functions: twice We’ll denote by C00 continuously differentiable on [0, a] with function and first derivative equal to 0 at the origin.

2.1. An initial-value problem


  2 Exercise 2.1. Check that C00 [0, a] , with the usual pointwise operations of addition and scalar multiplication, is a vector space.

In a first course on differential equations, we learn that very general linear differential equations can be solved by the method of Variation of Parameters.1 For second-order problems this involves finding a linearly independent set {x1 , x2 } of solutions to the “homogeneous” (right-hand side = 0) differential equation, then calculating the determinants         x1 (s) x2 (s) x1 (s) x2 (s)  and D(s, t) =  , W (s) =      x1 (t) x2 (t)  x1 (s) x2 (s) and finally writing down the solution as: x(t) =


D(s,t) s=0 W (s)

f (s) ds .

Exercise 2.2. (a) Observe that the functions x1 (t) = cos(λt) and x2 (t) = sin(λt) form a linearly independent set of solutions to the differential equation x ¨ + λ2 x = 0. Use this to show that, for the differential equation of (IVP), the method of Variation of Parameters leads to the solution  1 t sin[λ(t − s)]f (s) ds. x(t) = λ s=0 (b) Use the Leibniz Ruleto verify that the function x of part (a)  2 really does belong to C00 [0, a] , and is a solution to (IVP).

The Leibnitz Rule of Exercise 2.2(b) states that under appropriate differentiability hypotheses:  t  ∂F d t (t, s) ds. F (t, s)ds = F (t, t) + (2.1) dt s=0 s=0 ∂t For a more general version, see [59, §5.4, p. 357, Exercise 7]. Exercise 2.3. Use the Chain Rule for functions of two variables to derive the Leibniz rule. 1

See, e.g., [58, §5.7 and §10.7].


2. Springing Ahead Exercise 2.4 (Non-constant coefficients). Consider the second order initial-value problem x ¨(t) + p(t)x(t) ˙ + q(t)x(t) = f (t),

x(0) = x(0) ˙ = 0,

where the functions p, q, and f are continuous on [0, a]. Use the Leibniz Rule to verify that the method of Variation of Parameters, as described above, really does give a solution. Suggestion: There’s no need to expand determinants; just recall that a determinant is linear in each column, and that the time-derivative of the determinant D(s, t) is just the derivative of its second row.

Exercise 2.5 (Non-homogeneous initial conditions). Consider the initial-value problem consisting of the differential equation of Exercise 2.4, but with possibly non-homogeneous initial conditions x(0) = a and x(0) ˙ = b. Show that the substitution x = z + a + bt results in the homogeneous initial-value problem: z¨ + p(t)z˙ + q(t)z = g(t),

z(0) = z(0) ˙ = 0,

where g is continuous on [0, a] and “closely related” to f . Conclusion: When studying existence and uniqueness of solutions of initial-value problems, it’s enough (at least for second-order problems) to consider only those with homogeneous initial conditions.

2.2. Thinking differently We can use the Volterra operator  t g(s) ds (2.2) (V g)(t) =

  (g ∈ C [0, a] ),


where now the “independent variable” is t (for “time”), to import the ideas of Chapter 1 into our study of the initial-value problem (IVP). Suppose x (now the “dependent” variable) is a function in C [0, a] that satisfies this initial-value problem; then its second derivative y = x ¨ exists and is continuous on [0, a], so by the Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus (and initial condition x(0) ˙ = 0),  t x ¨(s) ds = x(t) ˙ − x(0) ˙ = x(t) ˙ (t ∈ [0, a]). (V y)(t) = s=0

Again by the Fundamental Theorem (and initial condition x(0) = 0):  t x(s) ˙ ds = x(t) − x(0) = x(t) (t ∈ [0, a]). (V 2 y)(t) = s=0

2.3. Thinking linearly


  Thus, if the function x ∈ C [0, a] satisfies (IVP), then the equation x = V 2 y creates a solution to the integral equation y + λ2 V 2 y = f .


  Exercise 2.6. Check that the converse is true: if y ∈ C [0, a] satisfies (IE), then x = V 2 y satisfies (IVP). In this way, (IE) and (IVP) are “equivalent.”

2.3. Thinking linearly We’ve just used the Volterra operator to change the initial-value problem (IVP) governing the motion of our mass-and-spring system into an the integral equation (IE), which asks:     Given f ∈ C [0, a] does there exist y ∈ C [0, a] such that (I + λ2 V 2 )y = f ?

(2.3) If so, is y unique?

2 2 The first of these  questions asks if the linear transformation I + λ V maps C [0, a] onto itself, while the second one asks if the transformation is one-to-one. Thus the two questions taken together ask:

Isthe linear transformation I + λ2 V 2 invertible on  C [0, a] ? If so, then, thanks to Exercise 2.7 below (and the invertibility of products linear maps), the linear map V 2 (I + λ2 V ) will  of invertible  2 [0, a] take C [0, a] invertibly onto its image: the vector space C00 defined on page 22. This will establish existence and uniqueness for solutions of (IVP).     2 Exercise 2.7. Show that V 2 : C [0, a] → C00 [0, a] is invertible.

We already know from our spectral investigation   of V (Corollary 1.16, page 13) that I + λV is invertible on C [0, a] for any scalar λ. The exercise below warns that we can’t assume this implies invertibility for I + λ2 V 2 . Exercise 2.8. Let T : R2 → R2 be the linear transformation of “rotation about the origin through 3π/2 radians.” Show that I +T is invertible, but that I + T 2 is not.


2. Springing Ahead

Fortunately, the method of Chapter 1 saves the day; it instructs us to: (a) Write (I + λ2 V 2 )−1 formally as a geometric series.   (b) Apply the result to an arbitrary function f ∈ C [0, a] . (c) Substitute into the result of part (b) the integral formulas that Theorem 1.14 provides for the images of f under the powers of V . (d) Interchange the resulting (infinite) sum and integral; see if anything good results. (e) If so, use uniform convergence to justify rigorously part (d). Exercise 2.9. Check that steps (a)–(e) above really do prove that (IVP) has a unique solution.

In §2.6 we’ll translate this exercise into the language of “normed vector spaces”: vector spaces whose algebraic properties are complemented by a naturally defined “distance function” (e.g., the real line with its usual distance, or more generally Rn with its Euclidean distance). The next couple of sections will develop the necessary machinery, which we’ll then use to (efficiently) invert I + λ2 V 2 .

2.4. Establishing norms In the last chapter’s work on spectral properties of the Volterra operator we introduced the notation f  to abbreviate the maximum of the absolute value of a function continuous [0, a], and we used this notation to make uniform convergence easier to use. In fact, “ ·” is more than just a notation; it’s a device that establishes for C [0, a] a natural notion of “distance” which will allow us to treat continuous functions on [0, a] as “points,” and to deal with uniform convergence of sequences and series of such functions, in the same way that we deal with convergence of sequences and series of real numbers. Definition 2.10 (Norm). Suppose V is a vector space over the real or complex field. A norm on V is a function  ·  : V → [0, ∞) with the following properties, where v and w denote vectors in V , scalars are denoted by a, and 0 is the zero-vector of V :

2.4. Establishing norms


(n1) v = 0 =⇒ v = 0 (“nontriviality”), (n2) v + w ≤ v + w (the “triangle inequality”), (n3) av = |a| v (“homogeneity”). Exercise 2.11. Prove the converse of property (n1): 0 = 0.

More if [a, b] is any compact real interval, define for f ∈  generally,  C [a, b] the “max-norm” (2.4)

f  = max{|f (t)| : a ≤ t ≤ b}.

Exercise   2.12. Prove that  · , as defined above, is a norm on C [a, b] . More generally: (a) What happens if you replace [a, b] by an arbitrary compact subset of Rn ? (b) How do you modify definition (2.4) to get a norm on the vector space of all bounded scalar-valued functions on [a, b], or more generally, on any set S?

If V is a vector space with a norm  · , then the pair (V ,  · ) is called a normed vector space. For example, we have for each n ∈ N the Euclidean n-space Rn : the space of n-tuples of real numbers x =  n 2 1/2 (ξ1 , ξ2 , . . . , ξn ), where the norm is x = . However, k=1 ξk there are other possible norms for Rn , two of the best-known being: n x1 = k=1 |ξk | and x∞ = max1≤k≤n |ξk |. The fact that these three norms on Rn are all different (please convince yourself of this) brings up an important point: Different norms on the same vector space yield different normed vector spaces. In particular: (Rn ,  · 1), (Rn ,  · ), and (R,  · ∞) are three different normed vector spaces.


2. Springing Ahead Exercise 2.13. On Rn (take n = 2 or 3 if you wish), show that: (a)  · 1 and  · ∞ actually are norms. √ (b) √1n  · 1 ≤  ·  ≤ n  · ∞. Suggestion: For the first of these inequalites use the CauchySchwarz inequality |x · y| ≤ x y, where x · y is the dot product of the vectors x, y ∈ Rn (see, e.g., [59, Lemma 5.15, page 284], where it is called “Schwarz’s Inequality”).

(c) For each of the above norms on R2 , sketch the closed unit balls (i.e., the set of vectors of norm ≤ 1).

Just as for the Euclidean norm of Rn , each norm on a vector space defines a distance between vectors. More precisely, the distance function for the normed vector space (V ,  · ) is d(v, w) = v − w

(v, w ∈ V ).

From its inducing norm, the distance function d : V × V → [0, ∞) inherits these four properties, where u, v, w is an arbitrary triple of vectors in V : (d1) d(u, v) = 0 ⇐⇒ u = v (d2) d(u, v) = d(v, u)



(d3) d(u, w) ≤ d(u, v) + d(v, w) (d4) d(u + w, v + w) = d(u, v)

(the “triangle inequality”), (“translation invariance”).

More generally, if S is any set, then a function d : S × S → [0, ∞) possessing properties (d1)–(d3) is called a metric on S. The only metrics we’ll consider here will be the translation-invariant ones induced by vector-space norms. Exercise 2.14. For  ·  a norm on a vector space V : (a) Prove the “reverse triangle inequality”:    v − w  ≤ v − w (v, w ∈ V ). (b) Use this inequality to show that  ·  is a continuous function from the normed vector space (V , ·) to [0, ∞).

2.5. Convergence From “distance” follows “convergence.” Supppose V is a vector space with norm  · . We say (not surprisingly) that a sequence (vn )∞ 1 of vectors in V converges for the norm of V , or—assuming we all

2.5. Convergence


understand which norm we’re talking about—just “converges in V ,” to a vector v ∈ V , provided that for every ε > 0 there exists an integer N = N (ε) > 0 such that the distance from vn to v is < ε whenever n exceeds N , i.e., such that: n > N =⇒ vn − v < ε. Notation: “vn → v,” or “limn vn = v.”

  Exercise 2.15. Show that a sequence of functions in C [a, b] converges for the max-norm (2.4) iff it converges uniformly on [a, b]. Exercise 2.16. Show that in a normed vector space: a sequence can have at most one limit (i.e., if vn → v and vn → w, then v = w).

Exercise 2.17. For the real vector space Rn : (a) Show that a sequence converges for the Euclidean norm iff it converges coordinatewise. (b) Show that the 1-norm, Euclidean norm, and max-norm all have the same convergent sequences (cf. Exercise 2.13).   Exercise 2.18. On C [a, b] define the “one-norm” by  b   |f (t)| dt (f ∈ C [a, b] ). f 1 = a   Show that every sequence in C [a, b] that converges for the maxnorm (2.4) also converges for the 1-norm (to the same limit), but that there exist “1-convergent” sequences that are not “maxconvergent.”

The basic properties that we learn in calculus for convergence of real sequences carry over—with the same proofs—to convergence of sequences of vectors in normed vector spaces. For example: convergent sequences are bounded,2 the limit of a sum of two convergent sequences is the sum of the limits,3 and similarly for scalar multiples of sequences. In what follows we’ll use such properties freely without further explanation. But don’t take them for granted! If you’re not sure of one of them, please review the calculus version, then prove the vectorial one as an exercise. 2 3

More precisely: If (vn ) converges in V then supn vn  < ∞. More precisely: If vn → v and wn → w, then vn + wn → v + w.


2. Springing Ahead

Cauchy sequences. Just as for real numbers, for normed vector spaces there’s the notion of Cauchy sequence, i.e., a sequence (vn ) of vectors in V such that for every ε > 0 there exists a positive integer N such that n, m > N =⇒ vn − vm  ≤ ε. Exercise 2.19. Show that in a normed vector space: (a) Every convergent sequence is Cauchy. (The converse is not always true; see Exercise 2.22 below.) (b) Every Cauchy sequence is bounded.

Definition 2.20 (Completeness). To say that a subset S of a normed vector space is complete means that every Cauchy sequence of vectors in S converges to a vector in S. Completeness is a fundamental property of the real line, and it carries over to Rn thanks to the fact that Cauchy sequences therein are “coordinatewise Cauchy” (cf., Exercise 2.17(a)). If a normed vector space is complete it’s called a Banach4 space. For example: Rn , in its Euclidean norm, is a Banach space for every positive integer n. Exercise 2.21. If a subset of a Banach space is closed (meaning: every convergent sequence of vectors in the subset has its limit in the subset), then it is complete.

We learn in advanced calculus that if a sequence of functions continuous on [a, b] is uniformly Cauchy, then it converges uniformly—to a function that is necessarily continuous on [a, b] (see Theorem B, page 15). In the language just introduced, this says:   Theorem B . In its max-norm, C [a, b] is a Banach space. Exercise 2.22. Exercises on completeness in different norms. (a) Show that Rn is complete in its Euclidean norm (cf. Exercise 2.17). Is it complete in its 1-norm? In its maxnorm?   (b) Show that C [0, a] is not complete in its 1-norm (cf. Exercise 2.18).

Infinite series. Suppose (vn )∞ vectors in a normed 0 is a sequence of ∞ vector space V . To say: “The infinite series n=0 vn converges in 4

Pronounced BAH-nahk.

2.5. Convergence


V ,” means that there is a vector v ∈ V such that the sequence of  N ∞ partial sums n=0 vk N =0 converges in V to v, i.e., that N      vn  → 0 as v −

N → ∞.


In this case we call v the sum of the series, write v = ∞ say “ n=0 vn converges to v.”

∞ n=0

vn , and

All the basic rules proved in Calculus for handling convergent sequences and series of real numbers remain true, with the same proofs, for normed vector spaces. In particular, there is the (in)famous “n-th term test,” whose proof is left as an exercise. is a sequence in a normed vector Proposition 2.23. Suppose (vn )∞ ∞ 0 space for which the series n=0 vn converges. Then limn vn = 0. Exercise 2.24 (No “n-th term converse.”). Show that for each normed vector space (say, over the real numbers) V there is a sequence of vectors (vn ) with vn  → 0, but for which n vn does not converge. Suggestion: Review the result for R, then use it on a one dimensional subspace of V .

Absolute convergence. This notion carries over directly from infinite series involving real numbers to infinite series involving vectors ∞ in a normed vector space. More precisely, an infinite series k=0 vk ∞ in such a space is said to be absolutely convergent if k=0 vk  < ∞. Just as in the real case, one must prove that absolutely convergent series actually converge, i.e., that their partial sums form a sequence that converges for the norm of the space. For this we need—as in the real case—completeness. Proposition 2.25. In a Banach space, every absolutely convergent series is convergent. Proof. The proof is the same as the one for the real line. Let Sn n denote the n-th partial sum of the series, i.e., Sn = k=0 vk . By hypothesis the corresponding numerical series of norms converges, so it is Cauchy. Thus for each ε > 0 there exists a positive integer n  such that for n > m > N we have nk=m+1 vk  < ε. By this and


2. Springing Ahead

the triangle inequality (generalized inductively from its original two terms to finitely many), n n       vk  ≤ vk  < ε , n > m > N =⇒ Sn − Sm  =  k=m+1


so (Sn ) is a Cauchy sequence in V , and therefore convergent, thanks to the completeness of V .  The Weierstrass M-test (Theorem C, page 16) nowresults  from taking the Banach space of Proposition 2.25 to be C [a, b] in its max-norm. Exercise 2.26 (Absolute convergence   vs. convergence). For k a positive integer define vk ∈ C [0, 1] by vk (x) = xk /k.   (a) Show that if C [0, 1] is given the 1-norm of Exercise ∞ 2.18, then k=1 vk is absolutely convergent, but not convergent. (b) What’s the situation for this series in the max-norm?

2.6. Mass-spring revisited   Henceforth we’ll always consider C [0, a] to be endowed with its max-norm, and therefore a Banach space. This will help us to clarify the steps outlined at the end of §2.3 for using geometric series to solve the mass-spring problem by inverting the linear transformation I + λ2 V 2 .   To this end, fix f ∈ C [0, a] , and let λ be a scalar (not necessarily positive; if you wish, it could even be complex). Recall from page 16 the crucial estimate: an f  (n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ). (1.12) V n f  ≤ n! Thus ∞ ∞   2n 2n   (a|λ|)2n λ (V f ) ≤ (2.5) f  ≤ ea|λ| f  < ∞ , 2n! n=0 k=0   ∞ 2n hence the series n=0 (−λV ) f converges absolutely in C [0, a] , and so by Proposition 2.25 it converges to a function in C [0, a] that, as in the proof of Theorem 1.21 (page 17) we’ll call T f . You’ve

2.6. Mass-spring revisited


already verified, in the course  ofproving Theorem 1.21, that T is a linear transformation on C [0, a] . The (purely algebraic) telescoping series argument of Chapter 1 shows that for each non-negative integer N : (I + λ2 V 2 )


(−1)n (λV )2n = I − (−1)N +1 (λV )2(N +1) ,


  so for each f ∈ C [0, a] : (2.6)

(I + λ2 V 2 )


(−1)n (λV )2n f = f − (−1)N +1 (λV )2(N +1) f .


Again by estimate (1.12), the last term on the right converges  in norm to zero. Thus the right-hand side of (2.6) converges in C [0, a] to f ; consequently so does the left-hand side.   Corollary 1.20 asserts that on C [0, a] the Volterra  operator V is continuous, in the sense that if hn → h in C [0, a] then V hn → V h (we’ll develop this notion further in the next chapter). Thus I + λ2 V 2 has the same property of “sequential continuity” so, upon ∞ recalling the notation T f for the sum of the series n=0 (−λV )2n f : the left-hand converges   side of equation (2.6), which we just showed 2 2 in C [0, a] to f , also converges therein to (I + λ V )T f . Thus, the uniqueness   of limits proved in Exercise 2.16 guarantees for each f ∈ C [0, a] that f = (I + λ2 V 2 )T f , and a similar argument shows that f = T (I + λ2 V 2 )f .   Conclusions: (a) In the Banach space C [0, a] , for any scalar λ, the linear transformation I + λ2 V 2 is invertible, with ∞  (−1)n (λV )2n (I + λ2 V 2 )−1 = n=0

  where the series on the right converges pointwise on C [0, a] (mean  ∞ n 2n (λV ) f converges in the norm of C [0, a] ing: the series  n=0 (−1)  for every f ∈ C [0, a] ). Note that by “treating functions as points,” this extended notion of pointwise convergence differs not at all from the one we learned in calculus for sequences and series of real-valued functions. This crucial paradigm shift takes us into the realm of “functional


2. Springing Ahead

analysis,” which we’ll think of as: that area of analysis where “functions become points.” (b) Consequently, the integral equation y + λ2 V 2 y = f has, for each   f ∈ C [0, a] , the unique solution y = (I + λ2 V 2 )−1 f =


(−1)n (λV )2n f


  the series on the left being norm-convergent in C [0, a] . (c) In view of part (a) and Exercise 2.7 (page 25), the linear transfor2 2 2 −1 mation  V (I +2 λ V )  , is invertible when viewed as a mapping from C [0, a] to C00 [0, a] , hence the initial-value problem (IVP)for the  mass-spring system of §2.1 has unique solution, for each f ∈ C [0, a] : (2.7)

x = V 2 (I + λ2 V 2 )−1 f =


(−1)n (λV )2(n+1) f


  where the series on the right converges in the norm of C [0, a] , i.e, uniformly on [0, a]. With this, we’ve completed the steps outlined in  Exercise 2.9, rephrasing in the language of the Banach space C [0, a] the uniform convergence that made the “geometric-series” method work. Exercise 2.27.  Use the series representations above to show that for f ∈ C [0, a] the unique solution of the integral equation (I + λ2 V 2 )y = f can be written  t sin[λ(t − s)] f (s) ds (t ∈ [0, a]), y(t) = f (t) + λ s=0

and that the unique solution of the initial-value problem (IVP) on page 22 is the one obtained by Variation of Parameters in Exercise 2.2 (page 23). Exercise 2.28. In our initial-value problem (IVP), suppose the forcing function f is continuous on [0, ∞). Use the work just done on   this problem for C [0, a] to show that (IVP) has a unique solution   x ∈ C [0, ∞) , given by equation (2.7) above, where now V acts   on the vector space C [0, ∞) , and the series representation of the solution converges uniformly on every subinterval [0, a].

In the last exercise,  why not instead use our Banach-space method directly on C [0, ∞) ? For starters, there are unbounded functions   in C [0, ∞) , so the max-norm can’t be defined thereon. In fact,



  C [0, ∞) supports no norm adequate for our purposes; you’ll be asked to prove this in Chapter 3 (Exercise 4.40, page 72). Exercise 2.29 (Invertibility through factorization over C). Take the  elements of C [0, a] to be complex-valued. Show that I +λ2 V 2 now factors into a product of two linear transformations that (taking for granted that our previous work on the Volterra operator   extends to the complex setting) are each invertible on C [0, a] . Deduce from this the invertibility of I + λ2 V 2 on the (now complex) vector  space C [0, a] .

2.7. Volterra-type integral equations Recall from §1.7 our discussion of “Volterra type” integral equations, which we’ll now write in the form  t κ(t, s)y(s) = f (t) (t ∈ [0, a]) (2.8) y(t) + s=0

with “Volterra kernel” κ continuous for 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ a. We pointed out that Volterra proved each such equation to have unique solution y, given by  t ρ(t, s)f (s) ds (t ∈ [0, a]), y(t) = f (t) + s=0

where the “resolvent kernel” ρ has the same continuity as does κ. Our “mass-spring” integral equation y + λ2 V 2 y = f is, thanks to Theorem 1.14 (page 11), an example of a Volterra-type equation, with integral kernel κ(t, s) = λ2 (t − s) and resolvent kernel ρ(t, s) = λ sin[λ(t − s)] (Exercise 2.27). In the next chapter we’ll take up the general theory of Volterra-type equations, in the process taking to a new level our understanding of convergence for sequences and series of linear transformations.

Notes Who was Banach? Just as Vito Volterra is often regarded to be the “father of functional analysis,” the Polish mathematician Stefan Banach (1892–1945) is the father of modern functional analysis. It was Banach who first realized the importance of the class of complete normed vector spaces, developing their major theorems and thereby


2. Springing Ahead

laying the foundation for what we now call functional analysis. Banach’s 1932 book [6] set out what was known at the time, popularized the subject, and still makes fascinating reading. Distance and norm. In his thesis [15, 1906], Maurice Fr´echet (1878– 1973) showed how the notion of distance could be encapsulated in the axioms for “metric” set out here on page 28. Fr´echet showed how to use the notion of metric on an abstract space to define convergence, continuity,  and compactness, and he gave concrete examples— including C [a, b] metrized by the max-norm—of the utility of this idea. The terminology “norm” and the modern symbol “·” go back at least to a 1908 paper of Erhard Schmidt [50, page 57]. Uniform convergence. The concept of uniform convergence was formulated in 1841 by Karl Weierstrass (1815–1897), who not only provided its name, but made clear its importance to the rigorous formulation of arguments involving convergence of sequences of functions. Later in this book we’ll encounter the famous Weierstrass Approximation Theorem, showing that any continuous function on [a, b] can be represented as the uniform limit of a sequence of polynomials. Weierstrass was instrumental in establishing a rigorous foundation for calculus, introducing, for example, the “epsilon-delta” definition of continuity, which has bedeviled generations of calculus students.

Chapter 3

Springing Higher

Overview. Here we’ll further exploit the notion, introduced in the last chapter, of pointwise convergence on Banach spaces to provide unique solutions to a general class of integral equations of “Volterratype” that arise from higher-order initial-value problems. We’ll show how to represent these solutions, both for initial-value problems and their corresponding integral equations, in Volterra’s original form as “resolvent integrals.”

3.1. A general class of initial-value problems For a positive integer n, consider the initial value problem (IVPn ) consisting of the differential equation (DEn )

x(n) + p1 x(n−1) + . . . + pn−1 x(1) + pn x = f

(where x(k) =

dk x ), dtk

(ICn )

and initial conditions

x(0) = x(0) ˙ = · · · = x(n−1) (0) = 0 .

Here we assume that the “coefficients” p1 , p2 , . . . pn , are scalar-valued functions that are continuous on the interval [0, a], and that the same is true of the “forcing function” f . 37


3. Springing Higher

Taking the hint from previous work, we use the Volterra operator to make the “change of dependent variable”:   (CVn ) x = V ny , y ∈ C [0, a] .   As the function y runs through C [0, a] , its V n -image x runs through the continuous scalar-valued functions that are n-times continuously differentiable on [0, a] and satisfy the initial conditions (ICn ). Thanks to the Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus we know that x(k) = V n−k y for each integer k between 1 and n, hence the result of substituting (CVn ) into (DEn ) is the integral equation y(t) +


  pk (t)(V k y)(t) = f (t) (f ∈ C [0, a] , t ∈ [0, a]).


Upon applying Theorem (1.14) (page 11) for positive-integer powers of V , and interchanging summation and integration, this equation becomes:  t (3.1) y(t) − κ(t, s)y(s) ds = f (t) t ∈ [0, a], s=0

where (3.2)

κ(t, s) = −

n  pk (t)(t − s)k−1 k=1

(k − 1)!

(0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ a),

a scalar-valued function continuous on the closed planar triangle Δa = {(t, s) ∈ R2 : 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ a} (the “dueling minus signs” in equations (3.1) and (3.2) serve to simplify the geometric series that will inevitably arise). The formula (3.3)


(Vκ y)(t) =

κ(t, s)y(s) ds s=0

  defines a linear transformation Vκ on C [0, a] , and shows that the change-of-variable (CVn ) transforms every solution x of (IVPn ) into a solution y of the system of integral equation   (IEn ) (I − Vκ )y = f (y ∈ C [0, a] ). To complete the picture we need to show that if y is a solution of (IEn ), then x = V n y is a solution of (IVPn ). For this we follow

3.2. Solving integral equations of Volterra type


Exercise 2.6 on page 25 by noting that x satisfies the initial conditions of (IVPn ), and that the steps of the last paragraph reverse to yield y+


pk V k y = (I − Vκ )y


which, by (IEn ), equals f at each point of [0, a]. Thus each solution y of (IEn ) will yield, via the change-of-variable (CVn ), a solution of  (IVPn ). Conclusion. The initial-value problem (IVPn ) and the integral equation (IEn ) are equivalent in that the correspondence x = V n y (equivalently: y = x(n) ) transforms a solution of one problem into a solution of the other. Example. The mass-spring investigation of Chapter 2 led, via the change of variable x = V 2 y, to the integral equation (I + λ2 V 2 )y = f (equation (2.3) on page 25), which Theorem 1.14 (on page 11) allowed us to write as (I − Vκ )y = f , with kernel κ(t, s) = −λ2 (t − s).

3.2. Solving integral equations of Volterra type By now it’s no secret that the crucial step in solving the initial-value the problem (IVPn ) lies in proving that   integral equation (I − Vκ )y = f has a unique solution y ∈ C [0, a] , i.e., that the linear transfor mation I − Vκ is invertible on C [0, a] . In achieving our goal, the particular form of the “integral kernel” κ will not matter; what will matter is its continuity on the closed triangle Δa . To formalize this, let’s call each scalar-valued function κ that’s continuous on Δa a Volterra kernel for [0, a]. Each such kernel, being continuous on the compact triangle Δa , is bounded thereon and attains its maximum. At the risk of overusing “norm notation” let’s define κ = max{|κ(t, s)| : (t, s) ∈ Δa } , relying  on context distinguish this norm from the max-norm on C [0, a] .


3. Springing Higher Exercise 3.1. For κ a Volterra kernel for [0, a]: for each (a) Show that Vκ f is differentiable at the  origin  f ∈ C [0, a] (thus Vκ does not map C [0, a] onto itself).   (b) Show that it’s possible for Vκ (C [0, a] ) to include functions that are not differentiable on [0, a]. Suggestion: Try κ(t, s) = γ(t) for a suitable function γ.

Exercise 3.2. Use the Leibniz rule (see Exercise 2.2, page 23) to show  that  if κ is sufficiently differentiable, then for every f ∈ C [0, a] , the image-function Vκ f is differentiable on [0, a], with derivative continuous there.

Now that we’ve got some experience with operators of Volterra type,   let’s prove that they all map C [0, a] into itself, and get some idea of how they change the functions upon which they act. Proposition 3.3. Suppose a > 0 and  κ is a Volterra kernel for [0, a].   If f ∈ C [0, a] then Vκ f ∈ C [0, a] and Vκ f  ≤ aκf .   Proof. Fix f ∈ C [0, a] . To show that Vκ f is continuous on [0, a], fix points t and t in [0, a] with t < t. We’re tacitly assuming that neither f nor κ is the zero-function (else Vκ f = 0), so we may suppose, without loss of generality, that f  = 1 = κ (why?). Thus:   (Vκ f )(t) − (Vκ f )(t )     t  t     = [κ(t, s) − κ(t , s)]f (s) ds + κ(t, s)f (s) ds  s=0  s=t  t  t |κ(t, s) − κ(t , s)| |f (s)| ds + |κ(t, s)| |f (s)| ds . ≤    s=0 s=t       ≤1



Let ε > 0 be given. Since κ is continuous on the compact triangle Δa it is uniformly continuous there, hence we may choose δ > 0 so that whenever p and q belong to Δa with Euclidean distance apart < δ, we’ll have |κ(p) − κ(q)| < ε/(2a). We may, of course, also shrink δ (if necessary) so that it’s < ε/2. Now continue the last calculation

3.3. Continuity in normed vector spaces with 0 ≤ t − t < δ:   (Vκ f )(t) − (Vκ f )(t ) ≤




|κ(t, s) − κ(t , s)| ds + (t − t )       ε < 2a

< ε2

ε ε ε  ε t + ≤ a + 2a 2 2a 2 ε ε + = ε. = 2 2 Summary: Given ε > 0 we’ve found δ > 0 such that if t and t belong to [0, a] with0 < t− t < δ, then |Vκ f (t) − Vκ f (t )| < ε. Thus Vκ f belongs to C [0, a] , as desired.
0 there exists δ = δ(v0 , ε) > 0 such that (3.4)

v ∈ E and v − v0  < δ =⇒ T v − T v0  < ε .

To say T is continous on E means it’s continuous at every point of E. When T is continuous on E , and in addition the quantity δ in (3.4) can be chosen to work for every point v0 ∈ E , then we say T is uniformly continuous on E . More precisely: To say that T : E → W


3. Springing Higher

is uniformly continuous on E means that for every ε > 0 there exists δ = δ(ε) > 0 such that v0 , v ∈ E and v − v0  < δ =⇒ T v − T v0  < ε .   Theorem 3.4. Every operator of Volterra type on C [0, a] is uniformly continuous thereon. Proof. Suppose κ is a Volterra kernel for [0,a]. Let ε > 0 be given, ε . Then for f ∈ C [0, a] , Proposition 3.3 guarand choose δ = aκ   antees that whenever g ∈ C [0, a] with g − f  < δ, then Vκ g − Vκ f  = Vκ (g − f ) ≤ aκ g − f  < aκδ = ε.   Thus Vκ is uniformly continuous on C [0, a] .

In the next chapter we’ll have a lot more to say about uniform continuity in normed vector spaces. Exercise 3.5. Continuing in the notation of the paragraph before Theorem 3.4: Show that T is continuous at v0 ∈ E iff: whenever (vn ) is a sequence in E that converges to v0 , the image sequence (T vn ) converges in W to T v0 . Exercise 3.6. Show that the norm of a normed vector space is uniformly continuous on the whole space (cf. Exercise 2.14, page 28).   Exercise 3.7. For this exercise let V∞ denote C [0, a] in its max  norm and let V1 denote C [0, a] in its 1-norm (see Exercise 2.18, page  29, for the definition). Let I denote the identity map on C [0, a] . Consider the maps I : V1 → V∞ , and I : V∞ → V1 . Show that one of these identity maps is continuous, but the other is not (cf. Exercise 2.26). Exercise 3.8. Suppose E ⊂ R and f : E → R2 . Thus for each t ∈ E we have f (t) = (f1 (t), f2 (t)) where f1 and f2 are real-valued “coordinate functions” on E. Show that f is continuous at a point of E iff f1 and f2 are continuous at that point. Generalize this to scalar-valued functions defined on subsets of a Euclidean space of dimension n > 2.

In order to bring our geometric series method to bear on the Volterratype integral equation (I − Vκ )y = f , we need to extend to powers of Vκ the crucial estimate (1.11) obtained previously for powers of V .

3.3. Continuity in normed vector spaces


Theorem 3.9. For each Volterra kernel κ for [0, a] and each nonnegative integer k, we have  k  k     Vκ f  ≤ aκ f  f ∈ C [0, a] . k! Proof. For k = 0 the result is trivial (it states that f  = f ),  and for k = 1 it is just Proposition 3.3. Suppose k > 1. Fix f ∈ C [0, a] and t ∈ [0, a]. Then:  t   κ(t, s1 ) Vκk−1 f (s1 ) ds1 Vκk f (t) = s1 =0 t


  κ(s1 , s2 ) Vκk−2 f (s2 ) ds1 ds2


κ(t, s1 ) s1 =0

s2 =0

Continuing to unpack the successive powers of Vκ in the integrand on the right, we finally express (Vκk f )(t) as the k-fold iterated integral (Vκk f )(t) =   t κ(t, s1 ) s1 =0



κ(s1 , s2 ) . . . s2 =0

κ(sk−1 , sk )f (sk ) ds1 ds2 . . . dsk . sk =0

Now take absolute values on both sides of this expression, crash the absolute values through each integral on the right, and replace each instance of |κ| by κ to obtain:1  sk−1  t  s1 k k |Vκ f (t)| ≤ κ ... |f (sk )| ds1 ds2 . . . dsk , s1 =0

i.e., (3.5)

s2 =0

sk =0

  k Vκ f (t) ≤ κk (V k |f |)(t)

(0 ≤ t ≤ 1).

It follows from this and Proposition 1.19 that  k   k   Vκ f (t) ≤ aκ  |f |  (0 ≤ t ≤ 1). k! For the promised inequality, take the maximum of the left-hand side over [0, a], noting again that f and |f | have the same max-norm.  We can now solve our integral equation. 1 Best done on a blackboard, with an eraser. For complex scalars, the “absolute value of integral ≤ integral of absolute value” inequality is Proposition 6.19 on page 105.


3. Springing Higher

Theorem 3.10. Suppose κ is a Volterra kernel  for [0, a]. Then the linear transformation I − Vκ is invertible on C [0, a] , with (3.6)

(I − Vκ )−1 =


Vκk ,


  where the series on the right converges pointwise on C [0, a] .   Proof. We know from Theorem 3.9 that for each f ∈ C [0, a]  the numerical series k Vκk f  converges which, by Proposition 2.25 (page 31), implies that  the right-hand side of equation (3.6) converges pointwise on C [0, a] . For each non-negative integer N , let    k SN = N k=0 Vκ . Then for each f ∈ C [0, a] there exists a function Sf ∈ C [0, a] such that SN f →  Sf . As we’ve seen before, S is a linear transformation on C [0, a] . Our job is to show that (3.7)

(I − Vκ )S = I = S(I − Vκ ) .

By the familiar telescoping-sum argument, for each index N : (I − Vκ )SN = I − VκN +1 = SN (I − Vκ ) .   Since Vκ is continuous on C [0, a] , sois I −  Vκ , hence (I − Vκ )SN converges to (I − Vκ )S pointwise on C [0, a] , and by equation (3.8) the same is true for SN (I − Vκ ). On the other hand, thanks once more to Theorem 3.9, we know that VκN +1 converges pointwise to the zero-operator. Thus equation (3.8) also tells us that (I − Vκ )SN → I   pointwise on C [0, a] , and the same is true of SN (I − Vκ ). Thus (I − Vκ )SN converges pointwise to both I and S(I − Vκ ), so by the uniqueness of pointwise limits (exercise), S(I  − Vκ ) = I. Similarly for (I − Vκ )S, hence I − Vκ is invertible on C [0, a] , with inverse S.    We now know that for every f ∈ C [0, a] and every Volterra kernel κ, the integral equation (I − Vκ )y = f has unique solution  k y = (I − Vκ )−1 f , where (I − Vκ )−1 is given by the series ∞ k=0 Vκ that converges pointwise on C [0, a] . But we’re not done yet! In §1.7 we pointed out that, not only did Volterra show (I − Vκ ) to be invertible, he also exhibited its inverse in the form I + Vρ , where ρ is (3.8)

3.4. What’s the resolvent kernel?


a Volterra kernel (the “resolvent” kernel for κ).2 We’ll “resolve” this issue in the next section.

3.4. What’s the resolvent kernel? We’ll now show, following Volterra himself, that the solutions we’ve obtained for Volterra-type integral equations can be written in terms of “resolvent operators.” For this we’ll need to know that a product of two operators of Volterra type is again an operator of Volterra type. To this end, recall the notation Δa for the triangle {(t, s) ∈ R2 : 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ a} on which our Volterra kernels are defined. For κ and μ Volterra kernels for [0, a], define κ  μ : Δa → R by  t κ(t, z)μ(z, s) dz (0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ a).3 (3.9) (κ  μ)(t, s) = z=s

Lemma 3.11 (Volterra-type products). Suppose κ and μ are Volterra kernels for [0, a]. Then κμ is a Volterra kernel for [0, a], and Vκ Vμ = Vκμ Proof. First, let’s show that κ  μ is continuous on Δa , hence is a Volterra kernel. This is best done in words. Suppose (t, s) and (t , s ) are points of the triangle Δa that are close together. We wish to show that the values of κμ at these points are close together. These values arise from integrating, respectively, over the intervals J = [s, t] and J  = [s , t ], whose endpoints are close together. Therefore computing the difference between (κ  μ)(s, t) and (κ  μ)(s , t ) involves integrating the difference between their two integrands over the (large) intersection of J and J  and then each of the integrands separately over the appropriate remaining (small) intervals (one or both of which may be empty, depending on the way J and J  intersect). Since the integrands are bounded, their integrals over the small intervals are small. Since the integrands are continuous, the integral of their difference over the large interval is also small. Thus the difference in 2 Exercise 1.15 (page 13) asked you to verify this for the special equation (I − λV )y = f , i.e., for κ is the constant function λ, in which case the resolvent kernel   . turned out to be ρ(t, s) = exp t−s λ 3 Note the similarity to matrix multiplication!


3. Springing Higher

question is the sum of at most three small numbers, and so is small. Done!4   Next, for f ∈ C [0, a] and t ∈ [0, a] compute:  t   (Vκ Vμ )f (t) = Vκ (Vμ f ) (t) = κ(t, z)(Vμ f )(z) dz z=0

 z  t κ(t, z) μ(z, s)f (s) ds dz = 

z=0 t  t



κ(t, z)μ(z, s) dz f (s) ds , s=0


In the last line the inner integral is, as promised, (κ  μ)(t, s).

We’ll also need to know that Volterra kernels are uniquely determined by the operators they induce. Lemma 3.12. If κ and μ are Volterra kernels for [0, a] for which Vκ = Vμ on C [0, a] , then κ = μ on Δa . Proof. I leave it to you to check that the mapping κ → Vκ is a linear transformation from   C(Δa ) into the vector space of linear transformations on C [0, a] . The lemma asks us to show that this map is oneto-one, so it’s enough to show that if Vκ is the zero-transformation, then κ ≡ 0 on Δa . We’ll proceed contrapositively, assuming κ is not the zero-function on Δa , and trying to prove that Vκ is not the zero-operator. We’re assuming that κ(t0 , s0 ) = 0 for some (t0 , s0 ) ∈ Δa , and may suppose, without loss of generality, that κ(t0 , s0 ) > 0 (why?). Then by continuity, κ(t, s) is > 0 throughout some open rectangle R = {(t, s) : |t − t0 | < δ , |s − s0 | < ε} centered at (t0 , s0 ) that lies in Δ and has sides parallel to the coordinate axes. Choose f ∈ C [0, a] with f (s0 ) > 0 and f (t) = 0 for |s − s0 | ≥ ε. Then (Vκ f )(t) = 0 for |t − t0 | < δ so Vκ is not the zero-operator, as we wished to show.  4

Exercise. Make this argument “epsilonically” rigorous.

3.4. What’s the resolvent kernel?


Corollary 3.13 (-multiplication is associative). If κ, μ, and ρ are Volterra kernels for [0, a], then (κ  μ)  ρ = κ  (μ  ρ). Proof. By Lemma 3.11 we have V(κμ)ρ = Vκμ Vρ , and by the associativity of multiplication (i.e., composition) of linear transformations, Vκμ Vρ = (Vκ Vμ )Vρ , so another application of Lemma 3.11 shows that V(κμ)ρ = Vκ(μρ) , from which the desired result follows by Lemma 3.12.  A simple induction generalizes Corollary 3.13 to -products of more than three Volterra kernels (exercise). Thus for κ a Volterra kernel for [0, a] and n a positive integer, we can now define κn = κ   κ · · ·  κ . n times

Thanks to Lemma 3.11 (generalized by induction to products of more than two kernels—exercise), we obtain the following representation for powers of Volterra-type operators: Corollary 3.14. If κ is a Volterra kernel for [0, a] and n is a positive integer, then Vκn = Vκn . Exercise 3.15. Let 1 denote the function on Δa that takes the n−1 constant value 1. Show that 1n (t, s) = (t−s) for each positive (n−1)! integer n. Exercise 3.16. Show that “-multiplication” of Volterra kernels is not commutative. Suggestion: Show that the kernel κ ≡ 1 does not commute with every Volterra kernel. Consequence: The Volterra operator does not commute with every Volterra-type operator.

To make progress finding our resolvent kernel, we’ll need good estimates on -powers of the original kernel κ. Here’s a start; Lemma 3.17. For 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ a: (3.10)

|κn (t, s)| ≤ κn

(t − s)n−1 . (n − 1)!


3. Springing Higher

Proof. We proceed by induction. For n = 1, inequality (3.10) just says that |κ(t, s)| ≤ κ, which is true by the definition of κ. Suppose, then, that 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ a and inequality (3.10) holds for an index n ≥ 1. We desire to prove that it holds for n + 1. By the associativity of “-multiplication”:  t    κ(t, z)κ∗n (z, s) dz  |κ(n+1) (t, s)| = |(κ  κ∗n )(t, s)| =  z=s  t ≤ |κ(t, z)| |κ∗n (z, s)| dz . z=s

In the second line above, the first factor of the integrand is ≤ κ (of course!), while the induction hypothesis asserts that the second n−1 factor is ≤ κn (z−s) (n−1)! . Thus,  (t − s)n κn+1 t (n+1) , (t, s)| ≤ (z − s)n−1 dz = κn+1 |κ (n − 1)! z=s n! as desired.  Corollary 3.18. For each Volterra kernel κ for [0, a], the infinite  ∗n converges uniformly on the triangle Δa ; its sum is series ∞ n=1 κ also a Volterra kernel for [0, a]. Proof. According to Lemma 3.17, for each non-negative integer n: an−1 . (n − 1)! Thus the infinite series in question converges in the max-normed Banach space C(Δa ) (i.e., uniformly on Δa ), with sum ρ ∈ C(Δa ). Thus  ρ is continuous on Δa , and so is a Volterra kernel for [0, a]. κn  ≤ κn

Theorem 3.19 (The Volterra Resolvent   Theorem). Suppose κ is a Volterra kernel for [0, a] and f ∈ C [0, a] . Then the integral equation (I −Vκ )y = f has unique solution y = (I +Vρ )f , where ρ is a Volterra kernel. Proof. From Theorem 3.10 we know the integral equation in ques n tion has unique solution y = ∞ n=0 Vκ f , with the series convergent

3.5. Initial-value problems redux


    pointwise on C [0, a] . Thus for f ∈ C [0, a] : y(t) = f (t) + = f (t) + = f (t) +


(Vκn f )(t)

n=1 ∞ 

(Vκn f )(t) n=1 ∞  t  n

κ (t, s)f (s) ds



= f (t) + s=0

s=0 ∞ 

κn (t, s) f (s) ds


where the second line follows from Corollary 3.14 and the last one from the uniform convergence established in Corollary 3.18 above. ∞ Consequently y = f + Vρ f , where ρ = n=1 κn is the desired Volterra kernel. 

3.5. Initial-value problems redux In closing this chapter, let’s not forget that all of our work was motivated by linear initial-value problems of the form  x(n) + p1 x(n−1) + . . . + pn−1 x(1) + pn x = f (IVPn ) x(0) = x(0) ˙ = · · · = x(n−1) (0) = 0 where the differential equation has continuous coefficients pj , and the boundary conditions are homogeneous. We reduced the problem to a system of integral equations: x = V n y, (I − Vκ )y = f , where κ is a Volterra kernel formed from the coefficients of the differential equation. We’ve just established that the second of these equations has unique solution y = (I − Vκ )−1 f = (I + Vρ )f where κ is given by equation (3.2) on page 38, and ρ = Thus x = V n (I − Vκ )−1 f = V n (I + Vρ )f

∞ k=1

κ∗k .


3. Springing Higher

is a solution of (IVPn ), with the homogeneous initial conditions sat  (n) isfied because V n takes C [0, a] into the subspace Cn ([0, a]) consisting of n-times differentiable functions on [0, a] which, along with their first n − 1 derivatives, vanish at the origin. We still need to show that this function x is the unique solution for the forcing function f , and—drawing on our experience with the mass-spring system of Chapter 2—that it can be represented as a Volterra-type integral of f . For the uniqueness we need only note that   (n) V n is one-to-one (because V is), and takes C [0, a] onto Cn ([0,  a]) (exercise), and so is invertible when viewed as a map C [0, a] → (n) Cn ([0, a]). Consequently, V n (I − Vκ )−1 is also invertible as a map   (n) C [0, a] → Cn ([0, a]), which establishes the desired uniqueness of the solution to our initial-value problem. As for the representation of this solution as a Volterra-type integral, we know from Corollary 3.14 (see also Exercise 3.15) that V n = V1n , where “1” denotes the kernel that takes value 1 on the triangle Δa . Thus our solution to (IVPn ) is: x = V n (I − Vκ )−1 f = V1n (I + Vρ )f = (V1n + V1n Vρ )f = Vτ f where τ = 1n + 1n  ρ.

Exercise 3.20. Consider the initial-value problem consisting of   fourth order differential equation x(4) − x = f with f ∈ C [0, a] , and homogeneous initial conditions x(k) = 0 for 0 ≤ k ≤ 3. (a) Follow through the steps of the proof above to show that the unique solution is: x = Vτ f , where   τ (t, s) = 12 sinh(t − s) − sin(t − s) . Suggestion: Use the proof above along with Exercise 3.15 (page 47) to represent x as an infinite series that you can identify as the sum of two recognizable power series (recalling that sinh(x) = (ex − e−x )/2).

(b) As a check on this result, verify the solution given above by direct substitution, using the Leibniz rule for differentiating integrals (cf. Exercise 2.2, page 23).

The next exercise asks you to solve, for Volterra-type operators, the problem that launched our study of integral equations: What is the spectrum of Vκ ?



Exercise 3.21. Show that each operator of Volterra type has spectrum {0} but that, in contrast to what we’ve learned about the original Volterra operator V (Proposition 1.2, page 5), there exist Volterra kernels κ for which 0 is an eigenvalue of Vκ (i.e., for which Vκ is not one-to-one).

This exercise raises the question of characterizing the null spaces of Volterra-type operators. We’ll devote Part 2 of this book to answering this question for an important subclass of operators that keeps arising in our investigations: the “Volterra convolution operators.”   These are operators Vκ , where κ(t, s) = g(t − s) with g ∈ C [0, a] . Examples: V n for n a non-negative integer (Theorem 1.14), and certain operators that have arisen in the solutions of some special initial value problems and their related integral equations (Exercises 1.15 and 2.27).

Notes  k The Neumann Series. The geometric operator-series ∞ k=0 Vκ that’s been the foundation of our work is an example of a Neumann Series, named for the German mathematician Carl Gottfried Neumann (1832–1925), who used such series in solving integral equations arising from potential theory. Volterra integral equations. Unknown to Volterra, his 1896 paper [63] on the integral equations which now bear his name was preceded a year earlier by similar work of J.M. Le Roux (see [8, page 276] for a reference). This our first example of “Stigler’s Law” (see next item). Stigler’s Law Proposed in 1980 by the statistician Stephen Stigler [54], asserts that “No scientific discovery is named after its original discoverer.” Examples of Stigler’s Law abound (see, e.g., Malcom Gladwell’s New Yorker article [17]); we’ll encounter it again in this book (see the Notes to Chapter 8). Fittingly, Stigler attributes his law to the sociologist Robert K. Merton.

Chapter 4

Operators as Points

Overview Looking back. In Chapter 1, our efforts to understand the spectrum1 of the Volterra operator led us to the integral equation (4.1)

(I − λV )y = f ,

  with λ a given scalar and f a given function in C [0, a] . Our  suc- cess in solving equation (4.1) for the unknown function y ∈ C [0, a] hinged upon finding a meaning for the “geometric-series” formula: ∞  −1 λn V n . (4.2) (I − λV ) = n=0

By the end of Chapter 3 we’d learned to recognize the right-hand side of equation (4.2)as aninfinite series that converges pointwise on the Banach space C [0, a] . Using this point of view we were able to easily prove existence and uniqueness for solutions of the far more general class of integral equations of “Volterra type.” In short: we started in Chapter 1 with functions, and evaluated them at points of the real line. Then in Chapters   2 and 3 we regarded functions as points in the Banach space C [0, a] , and evaluated linear transformations at these “points.” 1

See equation (1.4), page 9.



4. Operators as Points

In this chapter we’ll go one step further and view linear transformations as points in a Banach space, and not think at all about evaluating them. Thanks to inequalities derived in Chapter 3, we’ll  k be able to show that each geometric series ∞ k=0 Vκ converges absolutely in the appropriate Banach space of linear transformations, with sum equal to (I − Vκ )−1 , and the proof will be, word-for-word, the same one we’ve always used to sum numerical geometric series. As an encore, we’ll be able to use our new-found proficiency with geometric series to easily extend our previous results on integral equations from spaces of continuous functions to spaces of Riemann integrable functions.

4.1. How “big” is a linear transformation? Theorem 3.4 on page 42 showed   that Volterra-type operators are uniformly continuous on C [0, a] . Its proof works more generally, to establish: Proposition 4.1. Suppose L is a linear transformation that takes a normed vector space V into a (possibly different) normed vector space W . If there is a positive real number M such that (4.3)

Lv ≤ M v

(v ∈ V ),

(where the norm on the left-hand side is that of W ), then L is uniformly continuous on V . Note that a linear transformation L satisfies inequality (4.3) above if and only if sup{Lv : v ≤ 1} ≤ M . More generally, we define the operator norm (or just norm) of a linear transformation L from a normed vector space V to another one W to be: (4.4)

L = sup{Lv : v ∈ V , v ≤ 1},

where the supremum on the right may even be infinite.2 According to Proposition 4.1, if L < ∞ then L is uniformly continuous on V . 2 On the next page, Exercise 4.6 shows that even if this supremum is finite, it may not be attained. That’s why in the definition (4.4) we use “sup” instead of “max.”

4.1. How “big” is a linear transformation?


In terms of operator norms, Theorem 3.9 (page 43) now looks like this:   Theorem 4.2. Every Volterra-type operator Vκ on C [0, a] is unin for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . formly continuous, with Vκn  ≤ (aκ) n! The following exercises provide some experience with the concept of operator norm, after which you’ll be ready to better appreciate its connection with continuity. Exercise   4.3 (Evaluation functionals). For b ∈ [0, a] define on C [0, a] the linear functional eb of “evaluation at b” by: eb (f ) = f (b). Show that eb  = 1 for each b ∈ [0, a]. Exercise 4.4. For a linear transformation L as above, show that: (a) In definition (4.4) above, the same value results from taking the supremum over the unit sphere of V (the collection of vectors in V of norm equal to one). (b) Lv ≤ Lv for each v ∈ V . Exercise V n acting  4.5.  Fix n ∈ N. Show that for the operator n on C [0, a] , the supremum in definition (4.4) is a /n!, and it is   attained for some unit vector f ∈ C [0, a] . In particular, V n  = n a /n!. Exercise   4.6 (Continuation of Ex. 4.5, now with n = 1). Give C [0, a] its 1-norm (see Exercise 2.18, page 29), and consider V to be a linear transformation on this new normed vector space. Show that V is still a bounded linear transformation, and that its norm is still a, but that now this   norm is not attained (i.e., V f  < af  for every f ∈ C [0, a] \{0}).

Here is the whole story about the connection between continuity and finite norm for linear transformations between normed vector spaces. Theorem 4.7. Suppose V and W are normed vector spaces, and L a linear transformation V → W . Then the following statements are equivalent. (a) L < ∞. (b) L is uniformly continuous on V . (c) L is continuous at some point of V . (d) L is continuous at the origin of V .


4. Operators as Points

Proof. We’ve already noted in Proposition 4.1 that (a) → (b). The implication (b) → (c) is obvious. (c) → (d). Suppose L is continuous at v0 ∈ V , and that (vn ) is a sequence in V convergent to the origin. By Exercise 3.5 it’s enough to show that Lvn → 0. To this end note that vn + v0 → v0 , so by the continuity of L at v0 we have Lv0 = lim L(vn + v0 ) = lim(Lvn ) + Lv0 , n


with the last equality guaranteed by the linearity of L. Conclusion. Lvn → 0, as desired. (d) → (a). If L is continuous at the origin, then there exists δ > 0 such that Lv < 1 whenever v < δ. This implies, thanks to the homogeneity of both L and norm, that Lu < 1/δ for each vector u ∈ V with u < 1, i.e., that L ≤ 1/δ < ∞.  Exercise 4.8. Let n be a positive integer n, and give Rn its Euclidean norm. Show that every linear transformation on Rn is continuous. Is this result any different for Rn in the 1-norm? In the max-norm? Exercise 4.9. Show that if L is a bounded linear transformation on a vector space V , then L = inf{M ∈ [0, ∞) : Lv ≤ M v for every v ∈ V }, and that (in contrast to the “sup” definition (4.4) of norm) the infimum above is attained, i.e., that L belongs to the set being “inf-ed” over.

4.2. Bounded operators Definition 4.10. If V and W are normed vector spaces and L : V → W is a linear transformation with L < ∞, then we say L is “bounded.” Notation and terminology. We’ll denote the set of all bounded linear transformations V → W by B(V , W ); in case V = W , we’ll just write B(V ). We’ll sometimes refer to bounded linear transformations as “bounded linear operators,” or just “operators.”

4.2. Bounded operators


  For example, we’ve seen that on C [0, a] , for each non-negative n integer n: the Volterra power V n is bounded with V n  ≤ an! (Proposition 1.19, page 16), and more generally, for each Volterra kernel n κ, the Volterra-type operator Vκn is bounded, with Vκn  ≤ (aκ) n! (Theorem 3.9, page 43). Question: Which linear transformations on Rn are bounded? Answer : All of them! Proof : Suppose, more generally, that T : Rn → V is a linear transformation, where V is any normed vector space. Let {ej }n1 be the n standard orthonormal basis3 for Rn , and set M = k=1 T ek 2 . Fix v ∈ Rn , so there is a unique n-tuple (aj )n1 of real numbers such that 1   v = nk=1 aj ek . Thus v = ( nk=1 |ak |2 ) 2 by the orthonormality of the ek ’s, so n n n n    1   1  2 2   T v =  ak T ek  ≤ |ak | T ek  ≤ |ak |2 T ek 2 , k=1





√ ≤ M

where the first inequality follows from the triangle inequality for norms, and Thus √ the second one from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. n T v ≤ M v. Since v is an√arbitrary vector in R we see that T is bounded on Rn with T  ≤ M .  Exercise 4.11. For T a linear transformation Rn → Rm , let (ti,j ) be the m × n matrix that represents T by left multiplication of column vectors.  2 (a) Show that T  ≤ j,k |ti,j | . (b) Show that in part (a) there is equality for some linear transformations T , but strict inequality for others. Suggestion: Start with n = m = 2, then generalize if you so desire. 3

See [3], Chapter 6, Definition 6.23 and Example 6.24 on page 180


4. Operators as Points Exercise 4.12. Show that every vector subspace of Rn is closed in Rn . Suggestion: Choose an orthonormal basis for the subspace (see, e.g., [3], §6.B. page 185), and use it to define a linear isomorphism from the subspace to an appropriate Euclidean space. Show that this map and its inverse are bounded, so the subspace inherits the completeness of this Euclidean space.

It’s important to note that here the term “bounded” for linear transformations means “bounded on the unit ball,” not “bounded on the whole space.” Exercise 4.13 (“Globally-bounded” linear transformations). Suppose V is a real or complex vector space and W is a normed vector space over the same scalar field. Find all linear transformations L : V → W that are “globally bounded” in the sense that supv∈V Lv < ∞.

According to Theorem 4.7, the continuous linear transformations are just the bounded ones; to celebrate this we’ll use B(V , W ) to denote the collection of all continuous linear transformations from the normed vector space V to the normed vector space W . Exercise 4.14. Show that B(V , W ), with addition and scalar multiplication defined pointwise, is a vector space, and that the operator norm  ·  really is a norm thereon.

The next exercise shows that in B(V , W ), operator-norm convergence (resp. Cauchy-ness) implies pointwise convergence (resp. Cauchyness) on V . Exercise 4.15. Suppose (Ln ) is a sequence of operators in B(V , W ). Show that, for the operator norm on B(V , W ): (a) If (Ln ) is a Cauchy sequence, then (Ln v) is a Cauchy sequence in V for every v ∈ V . (b) If L ∈ B(V , W ) and Ln → L, then Ln v → Lv in V for every v ∈ V .

Suppose V , W , and X are normed vector spaces, that T ∈ B(V , W ), and that S ∈ B(W , X ). Define ST to be the composition of S and T , i.e., (ST )v = S(T v) for every v ∈ V . Proposition 4.16. In the setting of the previous paragraph, ST is a bounded operator V → X with ST  ≤ S T .

4.2. Bounded operators


Proof. Fix v ∈ V with v ≤ 1. By the definition of ST and two applications of definition (4.4) we have (ST )v = S(T v) ≤ ST v ≤ S T v ≤ S T  . The desired result now follows upon taking the supremum of the lefthand side over the unit ball of V .  Exercise 4.17. Continuing in the “three-space” setting above: (a) For S ∈ B(W , X ), define the “left-multiplication map” MS by MS T = ST for T ∈ B(V , W ). Show that MS is a bounded operator from B(V , W ) into B(V , Z ), and obtain an upper estimate for its norm. What’s the situation for right multiplication? (b) Suppose that in addition to the single operator T ∈ B(V , W ) we have a sequence (Tn ) of them that converges to T in the norm of that operator space. Show that STn → ST in the norm of B(V , Z ).

Theorem 4.18. Suppose V is a normed vector space and W is a Banach space. Then: in its operator norm, B(V , W ) is also a Banach space. Proof. We need to show that B(V , W ), given the operator norm, is complete. To this end, suppose (Ln ) is a Cauchy sequence in B(V , W ), i.e., For every ε > 0 there exists a positive integer N = N (ε) such that: m, n > N =⇒ Lm − Ln  < ε. This implies, thanks to Exercise 4.15(a), that for each v ∈ V the sequence (Ln v) is a Cauchy sequence of vectors in W which, thanks to that space’s completeness, converges to a vector in W that we’ll call Lv. Thus is created, thanks to the uniqueness of limits in normed vector spaces (Exercise 2.16), a mapping L : V → W that one easily checks is linear. L is continuous (i.e., bounded) on V . To see why, note that because the operator sequence (Ln ) is Cauchy for the operator norm, the corresponding sequence (Ln ) of its norms is bounded: M = sup Ln  < ∞ n


4. Operators as Points

(Proof. Same as for real numbers). Fix v ∈ V and choose a positive integer n such that Lv − Ln v < M v. Then Lv = Lv − Ln v + Ln v ≤ Lv − Ln v + Ln v ≤ 2M v       ≤M v

≤M v

Thus L is a bounded operator from V to W with L ≤ 2M (with little more care, we could have proved L ≤ M ; exercise). (Ln ) converges to L in the operator norm. For this one, let ε > 0 be given, and choose N = N (ε/2) according to the Cauchy criterion enunciated at the beginning of this proof. Fix v ∈ V with v ≤ 1. By the definition of L, the vector sequence (Ln v) converges to Lv, so we can choose an integer M (v) ≥ N such that ε m > M (v) =⇒ Lm v − Lv < . 2 Fix such an m, and note that m > N . Thus for each n > N : Ln v − Lv ≤ Ln v − Lm v + Lm v − Lv ≤ Lm − Ln  v + Lm v − Lv       N

M (v)

whereupon Ln v −Lv < ε. The choice of N = N (ε/2) in the Cauchy criterion did not depend on the vector v, so for n > N : Ln − L = sup (Ln − L)v = sup Ln v − Lv ≤ ε . v≤1


Thus Ln − L → 0, i.e., Ln → L in the normed vector space B(V , W ).  Exercise 4.19 (The Banach space of bounded functions). For any set S let ∞ (S) denote the space of bounded functions on S with values in R (or C). Show that ∞ (S), endowed with the supremum norm f  = sup{|f (s)| : s ∈ S} (f ∈ ∞ (S)), (cf. Exercise 2.12(b), page 27) is a Banach space.

4.3. Integral equations done right


4.3. Integral equations done right4 Thanks to Theorem 4.18 we know the space of bounded linear transformations on a Banach space is itself a Banach space. We can use this to make short work of all our previous arguments involving integral equations of Volterra type. Theorem 4.20. Suppose κ is a Volterra Then the  kernel for [0, a].  ∞ operator I − Vκ is invertible on C [0, a] , and (I − Vκ )−1 = k=0 Vκk where the series on the right converges absolutely in the Banach space  B(C [0, a] ). Proof. Thanks to Theorem 4.2 (page 55) we have ∞ ∞   k  (a κ)k  Vκ  ≤ = ea κ < ∞ . k!



Thus by Proposition 2.25 on page 31 (“absolute convergence in a  k Banach space implies the infinite series ∞ k=0 Vκ is  convergence”),  convergent in B(C [0, a] ) to a bounded linear operator that we’ll temporarily call T , and which we claim is the inverse of I − Vκ . We claim T is the inverse of I − Vκ , i.e., that (4.5) Let SN =


(I − Vκ )T = I = T (I − Vκ ) .

k k=0 Vκ .

Then by the telescoping-sum trick:

(I − Vκ )SN = I − VκN +1 = SN (I − Vκ ) so—concentrating for  the moment ∞ on the first equality in  (4.5)—the  operator sequence (I − Vκ )SN N =0 converges in B(C [0, a] ): on one hand to the identity operator I since  N +1  N +1  Vκ  ≤ a κ → 0 (N + 1)! (Theorem  4.2 again), and on the other hand, since SN → T in B(C [0, a] ), to (I − Vκ )T by Exercise 4.17. Thus (I − Vκ )T = I by the uniqueness of sequential limits in normed vector spaces (Exercise 2.16, page 29). For the second equality of (4.5) the argument is the same.  4

With apologies to Sheldon Axler [3].


4. Operators as Points

Conclusion. Once we’ve established the appropriate norm estimates   for the powers of Vκ , by operating in the setting of B(C [0, a] ): the argument establishing invertibility for I − Vκ is the same one we learned in high school for summing a numerical geometric series. −1 This argument shows, without further effort,  that  (I − Vκ ) , being the sum of a series that converges in B(C [0, a] ), also belongs to that space. In summary:

Corollary 4.21.  If κ is a Volterra kernel for [0, a] then I − Vκ is invertible on C [0, a] , and its inverse is also a bounded operator on   C [0, a] . This result suggests, for bounded operators, a more restrictive notion of invertibility. Definition 4.22. To say a bounded operator T on a normed vector space V is boundedly invertible means that T is an invertible linear transformation on V , and that its inverse is also a bounded operator on V . With this language, Corollary 4.21 can be restated: If κ is a Volterra kernel for  [0,a], then I − Vκ is boundedly invertible on C [0, a] . For bounded linear operators on normed vector spaces, the notion of “boundedly invertible” is considerably stronger than that of “invertible”, as the following exercise shows.

4.4. Rendezvous with Riemann


  Exercise 4.23 (Invertible, but not boundedly so). For f ∈ C [0, 1] and x ∈ [0, 1], define (T f )(x) = x1 (V f )(x) for 0 < x ≤ 1, and set T (f )(0) = f (0). (a) Show that T is a bounded linear transformation on   C [0, 1] , with T  = 1.   (b) Show that T maps C [0, 1] one-to-one into, but not onto, itself. (c) Let P denote the vector space of polynomials   (in one variable), regarded as a subspace of C [0, 1] , and en  dowed with the norm of C [0, 1] . Show that the restriction of T to P is a bounded operator on P that is invertible, but not boundedly invertible.   (d) Show that P, in the norm of C [0, 1] , is not a Banach space. For Banach spaces, however, “invertible” does imply “boundedly invertible.” This is not trivial; see the Notes at the end of this chapter. Exercise 4.24 (Initial-value problems revisited). Consider the initial-value problem (IVPn ) = (DEn ) + (ICn ) that led off this chapter. (a) Use what you know about (I −Vκ )−1 to show that “small perturbations” of the forcing function f on the righthand side of (DEn ) result in only “small perturbations” of the solution x of (IVPn ). (b) Suppose we replace the homogeneous initial conditions (ICn ) by non-homogeneous ones. Show that (at least for n = 2) “small perturbations” of these initial conditions result in only “small perturbations” of the solution to (IVPn ). Suggestion: Use part (a) above, along with Exercise 2.5 on page 24.

4.4. Rendezvous with Riemann Until now the word “integral” has always meant “Riemann integral of a continuous function.” We’ll see in this section that all our previous results on integral equations of Volterra type continue to hold—with the same proofs—when the “forcing functions” are merely Riemann integrable.


4. Operators as Points

Let’s start with a trip down memory lane. Recall that a finite set P = {xj }nj=0 is called a partition of [a, b] if (4.6)

a = x0 < x1 < · · · xn−1 < xn = b ,

and T = {tj }nj=1 is said to be a set of intermediate points for P if (4.7)

xj−1 ≤ tj ≤ xj

(1 ≤ j ≤ n).

Then for f a bounded, scalar-valued function on [a, b] we associate to the triple (f, P, T ) the Riemann sum (4.8)

S(f, P, T ) =


f (tj )(xj − xj−1 ) .


We say f is “Riemann integrable on [a, b]” whenever the “limit” of these Riemann sums exists, in the sense that there exists a scalar λ(f ) such that for every ε > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that whenever P is a partition of [a, b] whose “norm”5 (4.9)

ν(P ) = max |xj − xj−1 | 1≤j≤n

is < δ, then |S(f, P, T ) − λ(f )| is < ε for every set T of points intermediate for the partition P . As with all our previous notions of “limit” this can happen for no more than one λ(f ); if it does happen b we write λ(f ) = a f .   Definition 4.25. R [a, b] will denote the collection of bounded, scalar-valued functions on the interval [a, b] that are Riemann-integrable thereon.6 From our real analysis course we know that every continuous function on [a, b] is Riemann integrable7 (something  we’ve been tacitly assuming throughout this book), and that R [a, b] is a vector space under pointwise operations, upon which the scalar-valued function b f → a f is a linear functional (i.e., a linear transformation of the vector space into its scalar field). We also know that all the various manipulations we’ve performed when integrating continuous functions 5 Apology: this is standard terminology for partitions of intervals; it has nothing to do with the concept of “norm” for vector spaces. 6 Recall that boundedness is built into the definition of Riemann-integrability. 7 See, e.g., [59, Theorem 3.2.8, page 134].

4.4. Rendezvous with Riemann


work as well for Riemann integrable ones (see, e.g., [59, Chapter 3]). We’ll assume all these facts from now on.   We’ll endow R [a, b] with the “sup-norm”   (4.10) f  = sup{|f (x)| : x ∈ [a, b]} (f ∈ R [a, b] ).   Theorem 4.26. Taken in its sup-norm, R [a, b] is a Banach space.   Proof. R [a, b] is a subspace of ∞ ([a, b]), the space of bounded, scalar-valued functions on [a, b]. Thanks to Exercise 4.19 we know that ∞ ([a, b]), taken in its sup-norm, is a Banach space.   Thus by Exercise 2.21 (page 30) we need only show that R [a, b] is “supnorm closed” in ∞ ([a, b]).   To this end, suppose that (fk ) is a sequence in R [a, b] , that f ∈ ∞ ([a, b]), and that fk →f in the sup-norm, i.e., uniformly on [a, b]. To show : f ∈ R [a, b] . I leave it to you to show that the b  scalar sequence a fk is a Cauchy sequence, hence converges to a scalar λ.8 Let ε > 0 be given. Fix, for the rest of this proof, a positive integer k such that both  b  ε ε   and  fk − λ < . fk − f  < 3(b − a) 3 a Observe that if P = {xj }n0 is a partition of [a, b] and T = {tj }n1 a set of intermediate points for P , then: n     [f (tj ) − fk (tj )] [xj − xj−1 ] |S(P, f, T ) − S(P, fk , T )| =  j=1

n  j=1

|f (tj ) − fk (tj )| [xj − xj−1 ]   

≤ f −fk 
0 such that whenever P is a partition of [a, b] with ν(P ) < δ, we have  b    ε  fk  < . S(fk , P, T ) − 3 a Putting the last two inequalities together with the fact that k has b been chosen to make | a fk − λ| < ε/3, we see from the triangle inequality that whenever ν(P ) is < δ and T is a set of intermediate points for P : |S(f, P, T ) − λ| ≤ |S(f, P, T ) − S(fk , P, T )|  b       + S(fk , P, T ) − fk  +  a


  fk − λ ,


where each term on the right-hand side of this inequality is < ε/3. Conclusion: |S(f, P, T ) − λ| < ε for each partition P of [a, b] with ν(P ) < δ, and each set T of intermediate points for P ; i.e.,   b  f ∈ R [a, b] (with a f = λ).   We can now extend to R [0, a] all the results about  integral  equations of Volterra type established previously for C [0, a] . To keep matters straightforward, we’ll continue to assume continuity for our Volterra kernels. The original definition (3.3) of the integral   operator Vκ (page 38) then extends without difficulty to R [0, a] , the point being that, in the integrand we see for each fixed t ∈ [0, a] the pointwise product of a function that is continuous on [0, t] (namely: s → κ(t, s)), and one that is Riemann integrable there. Since continuous functions are Riemann integrable, and products of Riemannintegrable functions are again integrable,9 definition (3.3)  Riemann  makes sense for any f ∈ R [0, a] and any t ∈ [0, a].     Exercise 4.27. Show that C [a, b] is a closed subspace of R [a, b] ,   and that on C [a, b] the sup-norm and max-norm coincide.


See e.g., [59, Theorem 3.36, page 139]. See also Exercise 4.34 on page 74.

4.5. Which functions are Riemann integrable?


Theorem 4.28 (Theorem 3.9 redux).   Suppose κ is a Volterra kernel for [0, a]. Then for each f ∈ R [0, a] ,  n  n  Vκ f  ≤ aκ f  (n = 1, 2, . . .). n! Proof. The argument is word-for-word the same as the one that proved Theorem 3.9, once we note the following properties of Riemann integrals that were used without comment in its proof: (a) If f is Riemann integrable on a closed interval, then it’s Riemann-integrable on any closed subinterval.   b c b (b) If f ∈ R [a, b] and c ∈ (a, b), then a f = a f + c f . b  b   (c) If f ∈ R [a, b] then so is |f |, and  a f  ≤ a |f |. 10  Corollary 4.29 (Theorem 4.2 redux). Every Volterra-type operator   n for n = 1, 2, . . . . Vκ is bounded on R [0, a] , with Vκn  ≤ (aκ) n! ∞ Thanks to this corollary, the geometric series n=0 Vκn converges ab  solutely in R [0, a] . By the completeness of R [a,  b] , this series converges to a bounded linear transformation on R [0, a] which the by-now-familiar trickery identifies as (I − Vκ )−1 . Thus: for each Volterra kernel κ for [0, a]: Theorem 4.30 (Theorem 3.10 redux). I−   The linear transformation ∞ Vκ is boundedly invertible on R [0, a] , with (I − Vκ )−1 = n=0 Vκn ; the series  on the right converges absolutely for the max-norm of R [0, a] . Corollary 4.31 (Theorem 3.19 redux). There is a Volterra “resol vent” kernel ρ for [0, a] such that for each f ∈ R [0, a] the integral equation (I − Vκ )y = f has unique solution y = (I + Vρ )f .

4.5. Which functions are Riemann integrable?   The space R [a, b] contains, in addition to the functions that are continuous on the interval [a, b], the ones that are piecewise continuous. Recall that a function f on [a, b] has this property whenever there exists a partition {xj }n0 of [a, b] such that f is continuous on 10

For f continuous and complex-valued, see Proposition 6.19, page 105.


4. Operators as Points

each open subinterval (xj−1 , xj ), and has finite limits at each endpoint (1 ≤ j ≤ n). If, at an endpoint xj , these limits do not both equal f (xj ), we say that f has a jump discontinuity there. Thus: a piecewise continuous function on [a, b] is one that is continuous there, except possibly for finitely many jump discontinuities. Example. Let f (t) = 1 for 0 ≤ t < 12 , and = −1 for 12 < t ≤ 1. Define f ( 12 ) to be any real number you want it to be; the resulting f is piecewise continuous on [0, 1], and has a jump discontinuity at 12 . Proposition 4.32. Piecewise continuous functions are Riemann integrable. Proof. Suppose f is piecewise continuous on [a, b]. Then there is a partition that that divides [a, b] into a finite collection of contiguous closed intervals for each of whose interiors f is continuous, and has finite limits at the endpoints. Thus, for each of these subintervals f can be defined to be continuous on its closure, hence is Riemann integrable thereon. Thus, for the case of just two intervals, the Proposition follows from this complement to property (a) on the previous page: If a ≤ c ≤ b and f is Riemann integrable on both [a, c] and [c, b], then f is Riemann integrable on c b b [a, b], with a f = a f + c f . In general, the Proposition follows from the two-interval case and an induction, which I leave to you.  In 1904 the French mathematician Henri Lebesgue gave the following important characterization of the Riemann integrable functions on [a, b]: Lebegue’s Riemann-integrability Theorem. A bounded function f is Riemann integrable on [a, b] iff the points of [a, b] at which f is discontinuous form a set of “measure zero.” To say a subset E of the real line has measure zero means that: for every ε > 0 there is a finite or countable collection {Ij } of open  intervals whose union contains E, and for which j |Ij | < ε. For proofs of Lebesgue’s theorem see, e.g., [52] (freely downloadable, and

4.6. Initial-value problems ` a la Riemann


highly recommended), [59, §3.5, pp.172–178], or for the original (in French), [32, page 29]. Observation. Each finite subset of R has measure zero. Proof. Suppose the set has n points. Given ε > 0 let Ij be any open interval of length ε/n containing the j-th point of the set.  Note how this observation and Lebesgue’s theorem combine to give a quick proof of Proposition 4.32. Exercise 4.33. Show that every countable subset of R has measure zero. Then show that, more generally, the union of every finite or countable  collection of sets of measure zero again has measure ∞ ε zero. (Hint: j=1 2j = ε.) Exercise 4.34. Use Lebesgue’s Theorem to give quick proofs that: (a) The pointwise sum of two func  and pointwise  product  tions in R [a, b] is again in R [a, b] .   (b) R [a, b] is closed in ∞ ([a, b]) (cf. Theorem 4.26 above).

4.6. Initial-value problems ` a la Riemann We began our study of the connection between initial-value problems and operators of Volterra type in Chapter 2, with a mass-spring system that led to the initial-value problem: (IVP)

x ¨(t) + λ2 x(t) = f (t)    The differential equation


x(0) = x(0) ˙ =0 ,    The initial conditions

with λ a fixed scalar, and f a continuous scalar-valued function on a finite interval [0, a]. Let’s now examine what happens if we allow forcing functions f that are (for example) piecewise continuous. In this generality we need to be careful about what’s meant by calling x : [0, a] → scalars a solution to the initial-value problem (IVP). If the piecewise continuous forcing function f is not continuous on [0, a] we’ll require that x be continuous on [0, a], satisfy the initial conditions, and satisfy the differential equation on those intervals of [0, a] on which f is continuous. Thus x ¨ = f − λx will inherit both the continuity of f on those intervals, and the jump-discontinuities of f at their endpoints. Consequently, for each solution x of the differential equation of (IVP), x ¨ will be piecewise continuous, hence Riemann integrable, on [0, a].


4. Operators as Points Now we appeal to:

The Second Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus. Sup pose  h is  11continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b), with h ∈ R [a, b] . Then  b h = h(b) − h(a). a

For a proof, see, e.g., [59, Theorem 3.3.12, pp. 143–144] or [47, Theorem 6.21, page 134]. Upon applying this theorem with h = x˙ on [0, a], and noting that x satisfies the initial conditions of (IVP), we see that V x ¨ = x˙ on [a, b], and therefore by another application of the Second Fundamental Theorem (this time to integration of the function x, ˙ which is continuous on [0, a], with x(0) ˙ = 0) we see that V x˙ = x. Thus, just as in Chapter 2, y = x ¨ satisfies the integral equation (IE)

(I + λ2 V 2 )y = f

on [0, a].

The results of the last section show, for this special case, that  the  2 2 linear transformation I + λ V is boundedly invertible on R [0, a] , with inverse ∞  (I + λ2 V 2 )−1 = (−1)k (λ2k V 2k ), k=0

  the series converging absolutely in the Banach space B(R [0, a] ). Thus (IE) has unique solution y = (I + λ2 V 2 )−1 f =


(−1)k (λ2k V 2k )f ,


with the series on the right converging uniformly on [0, a], and so the solution x of (IVP) must—just as in Chapter 2—have the form (4.11)

x = V 2 y = V 2 (I + λ2 V 2 )−1 y =


(−1)k (λ2k V 2k+2 )f ,


again with the series on the right converging uniformly on [0, a]. Thus (IVP) can have at most one solution, the function x given by (4.11). 11 This means that if we extend h to a function on [a, b] by assigning it some finite values at the endpoints, then the result is Riemann integrable. This will be the case for some end-point value assignment iff it is the case for every such assignment.

4.6. Initial-value problems ` a la Riemann


To see that x, as given by (4.11), really is a solution, we need the: The  First  Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus. If f ∈ R [a, b] and  t f (t ∈ [a, b]), F (t) = a   then F ∈ C [a, b] and F  (t) = f (t) at each point t ∈ [a, b] at which f is continuous. For a proof, see, e.g., [59, Theorem 3.3.11, page 142] or [47, Theorem 6.20,  pp.  133–134]. Now we start 2with the unique solution y ∈ R [0, a] found for (IE), and set x = V y so that, in particular, x(0) = 0. By the First Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus, x˙ = V y at each point of [0, a]. Thus x(0) ˙ = 0, so by another application of the First Fundamental Theorem, x ¨ = y at every point of [0, a] at which y is continuous. These points coincide with the continuity points of f so x, which we’ve already shown satisfies the initial conditions of (IVP), also satisfies the differential equation on each interval where f is continuous.  Exercise 4.35. Using the arguments  above as an outline, show that for a “forcing function” f ∈ R [0, a] and “coefficients” {pj }n 1 continuous on [0, a], the initial-value problem (IVPn ) of §3.1 has a unique solution on [0, a]. Can you extend this result to [0, ∞)? (Exercise 4.40 on the next page shows that the Banach-space based proofs that worked for [0, a] can’t be made to work on [0, ∞).)

Here are some exercises that complement the material covered so far. Exercise 4.36 (The Banach space of absolutely summable se∞ quences). Denote by 1 the set of scalar 0 , ∞ sequences x = (x(n)) 1 endowed with the “1-norm”: x1 = k=0 |x(k)| for x ∈ . Show that in this norm 1 is a Banach space (cf. the proof of Theorem 4.18).


4. Operators as Points Exercise 4.37 (The forward shift on 1 ). Define the “forward shift” S on 1 by setting (Sx)(0) = 0, and (Sx)(k) = x(k − 1) for k > 0. In other words, S shifts each x ∈ 1 one unit to the right, and puts zero in left-most slot (cf. page 6 and Exercise 1.4 where this transformation is defined on the vector space of all scalar sequences). (a) Show that S is a bounded operator on 1 ; even better, show that Sx1 = x1 for each x ∈ 1 (i.e., S is an isometry). (Note, however, that S is not invertible.) (b) Show that S has no eigenvalues.

In the next two exercises, L denotes the linear transformation that the matrix ( 10 11 ) induces on (column-vector) R2 by left multiplication. You’ll be asked to find the norm of L when R2 is given three different norms.12 Exercise 4.38. Find L if R2 has: the “max-norm.” The “1norm.” Exercise 4.39. Find L, assuming R2 has the usual Euclidean norm.   Exercise 4.40 (No “natural” norm for C [0, ∞) ). Show that there   is no norm on C [0, ∞) for which norm convergence (of a sequence) implies convergence at every point of [0, ∞). Suggestion: The convergence condition means that each of the evaluation functionals of Exercise 4.3 are continuous. Show that this implies there’s   a function ω : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) that “limits the growth of C [0, ∞) functions,” in the sense that sup{|f (x)|/ω(x) : x ∈ [0, ∞)} < ∞ for each   f ∈ C [0, ∞) . Show that no such function ω can exist.

The next two exercises are relevent to the discussion of “Lebesgue integral” in the Notes to this chapter. 12

Answers: 1.618 . . . .

Exercise 4.38: both norms = 2. Exercise 4.39: L =

√ 3+ 5 2




Exercise 4.41. A function F : [a, b] → scalars is said to be absolutely continuous provided that: for every ε > 0 there exists δ = δ(ε) > 0 such that whenever {Ij } is a finite  collection of pairwise disjoint open subintervals of [a, b] with j |Ij | < δ, then  j |F (xj ) − F (xj−1 )| < ε (here Ij = (xj , xj−1 ), and |Ij | is its length). Show that:   x (a) If f ∈ R [a, b] and F (x) = a f for x ∈ [a, b], then F is absolutely continuous on [a, b].   (b) If κ is a Volterra kernel for [0, a] and f ∈ R [0, a] , then Vκ f is absolutely continuous on [0, a]. Exercise 4.42. Note that every absolutely continuous function on [a, b] is uniformly continuous thereon. Show that the converse is not true. Suggestion: Define f on [0, 1] as follows: f (0) = 0, and on the interval 1 1 ,n ] the graph of f is the isosceles triangle based on that interval, [ n+1 and having height

1 n

at the midpoint (n = 1, 2, . . . ).

Notes Bounded invertibility. Exercise 4.23 shows that normed vector spaces can support linear transformations that are invertible, but not boundedly so. Not so for Banach spaces! The “Open Mapping Theorem” of Functional Analysis (see [48, pp. 99-100], for example) asserts that a bounded linear operator taking one Banach space onto another one must take open sets to open sets. This implies that if the operator is one-to-one, hence “algebraically” invertible, then it is boundedly invertible. In particular, for a bounded operator T on a Banach space, the notions of “algebraic” spectrum (the set of scalars λ such that T − λI is invertible) and “topological spectrum (the set of scalars λ such that T − λI is boundedly invertible) coincide. The Riemann integral. Riemann’s version of integration, introduced in the first few pages of his 1854 Habilitation13 dissertation, which dealt with the representation of functions by trigonometric series, built upon earlier work of the French mathematician Augustin Louis Cauchy (1879–1857). 13 This is a step beyond the PhD required in Germany and now in much of Europe as a qualification for university-level teaching.


4. Operators as Points

Bernhard Riemann (1826–1866). During his brief life (which ended just a few months short of his 40th birthday) Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann made—in addition to his introduction of the Riemann integral—enormous contributions to mathematics. Today, students of complex analysis encounter, right at the start, the Cauchy-Riemann equations14 characterizing analytic functions; and then Riemann surfaces. Students of differential geometry encounter the Riemannian metric, which was introduced in Riemann’s 1851 doctoral dissertation, and which, six decades later, provided the mathematical foundation for Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. Then there is the Riemann Hypothesis, formulated in Riemann’s 1859 paper “On the number of primes less than a given magnitude” [41]. The Riemann Hypothesis has had a lasting impact on mathematics; many mathematicians regard it to be our subject’s most important unsolved problem. Most believe it to be true.15 It is one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems of the Clay Mathematics Institute, the reward offered for its solution being one million dollars (US). The recent book of Mazur and Stein [34, 2016] gives a beautiful exposition aimed at making the Riemann Hypothesis accessible to serious readers with a background in basic calculus. For more on this, see the Notes to Chapter 8 (page 154). Differentiation vs. integration. Up to §4.6, this book had been rather cavalier about the Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus, allowb ing it to mean either that a f  = f (b) − f (a) whenever f is differentiable on [a, b] with f  continuous there, or that if f is continuous b on [a, b] and F (x) = a f for x ∈ [a, b], then F is differentiable on [a, b] with F  = f . However Riemann integrability no longer enjoys the complete symmetry between integrating derivatives (the Second Fundamental Theorem, which has the same conclusion as the continuous case), and differentiating integrals (the First Fundamental Theorem, where the conclusion F  = f holds only at points where f is continuous). 14

See the Notes to Chapter 8, page 153. At meetings of the American Mathematical Society you can pick up a bumper sticker that reads: “Honk if you believe the Riemann Hypothesis.” 15



Thanks to Lebesgue’s Riemann-integrability Theorem (page 68) and the concept of “absolute continuity” introduced in Exercise 4.41, we can make an “almost equivalent” modification of the First Fundamental Theorem, where we use the phrase “almost everywhere” as an abbreviation for “everywhere except for a possible set of measure zero.”   t Suppose f ∈ R [a, b] and F (t) = a f for t ∈ [a, b]. Then F is absolutely continuous16 on [a, b] and is almost everywhere differentiable thereon, with F  = f . As for the Second Fundamental Theorem, one might hope that if F is differentiable on [a, b] with f = F  bounded there, then f would be Riemann  x integrable on [a, b], which would allow us write F (x) − F (a) = a f for x ∈ [a, b]. But that’s not to be! Vito Volterra, in his student days, displayed a function F differentiable on [0, 1] with derivative bounded, but not Riemann integrable [61]. It fell to the French mathematician Henri Lebesgue to clean up the ensuing chaos by proving that for a scalar-valued function F on [a, b], subject to a certain caveat, the following three conditions are equivalent: (a) F is absolutely continuous on [a, b]. (b) Almost everywhere on [a, b]: the function F has a derivative, that coincides with a functionf that is integrable on [a, b]. x Furthermore, F (x) − F (a) = a f for every x ∈ [a, b]. (cf. the Second Fundamental Theorem). (c) There exists f integrable on [a, b] such that for x ∈ [a, b], x F (x) = F (a) + a f , and F  = f almost everywhere (cf. the First Fundamental Theorem). Caveat: The integral here is the Lebesgue integral, a far-reaching extension of the Riemann version to a much larger class of “Lebesgue integrable” functions. For example, the famous “Dirichlet function” which takes values 1 at the rationals and 0 everywhere else is not Riemann integrable on any finite interval, but turns out to be Lebesgue integrable with integral zero. 16

See Exercise 4.41, page 73.


4. Operators as Points

Lebesgue integration. The Lebesgue integral is the foundation of all post-undergraduate analysis; it brings into existence a plethora of important Banach spaces and bounded linear operators. The methods we’ve developed so far for solving Volterra integral equations and related initial-value problems transfer, almost word-for-word, to many of these spaces. The AMS Student Mathematical Library has excellent introductions, [38] and [14], to the Lebesgue integral. The undergraduate-level introduction to functional analysis [49] has a nice one-chapter development of the Lebesgue integral, and makes an excellent companion to the book you’re reading right now. In a nutshell: given a bounded, real-valued function f on [a, b], say with m ≤ f (x) ≤ M for each x ∈ [a, b], the Lebesgue theory demands that, instead of partitioning the “horizontal-axis” interval [a, b], you partition the “vertical-axis” interval [m, M ] by points P = {yj }n0 , set Ej = f −1 ([yj−1 , yj ]) , and choose your set T = {tj }n1 of “intermediate points” so that tj ∈ Ej . Then you form the “Lebesgue-Riemann sum” (4.12)

S(f, P, T ) =


f (tj )|Ej |


where |Ej | is the “length” of Ej , and hope—as in the Riemann theory—that these sums converge as ν(P ) → 0.17 Here’s the rub: What is the “length” of an arbitrary subset of R? Any reasonable definition of length must agree with the usual one on intervals, and be “additive” in that the length of each finite pairwise disjoint collection of sets is the sum of the individual lengths. Moreover, we’d like like to extend this notion of additivity to countable collections of pairwise disjoint intervals, so as to be able to measure the lengths of arbitrary open subsets of R. Finally, we want this extended notion of length to inherit the translation-invariance of ordinary length, i.e. |E + a| = |E| for each subset E and real number a. Unfortunately, this asks too much: in 1905 the Italian mathematician 17 There’s an amusing analogy that illustrates the difference between Riemann and Riemann-Lebesgue sums, and suggests why the latter might be the basis for a more efficient method of integration. Suppose you wish to count up the value of a pocket full of coins. The “Riemann method” would involve taking the coins out one at a time, incrementing the total value obtained as you go along. The “Lebesgue method” would involve dumping all the coins out on the table, separating them into piles according to their various denominations, then summing the total value of each pile.



Giuseppi Vitali proved that the usual notion of “length” cannot be extended in this way to all subsets of the real line [60].18 In short: The real line contains “non-measurable subsets.” It turns out that a reasonable class of “measurable sets” which supports the desired extension of “length” is: the smallest one that contains all open intervals, all sets of measure zero as defined in §4.5, is closed under complementation, and closed under the formation of at-mostcountable unions (hence, by complementation, is also closed under the formation of at-most-countable intersections). A real-valued function f on R is then defined to be “measurable” if the set f −1 (I) is measurable for every open interval I. Once all this has been done, it’s finally possible to form the Lebesgue-Riemann sums as defined by equation b (4.12) above, and proceed to define the Lebesgue integral a f as in the Riemann theory.19 The Lebesgue-measurable sets. One can think of giving an “internal” definition for this class of subsets of R by starting with the open intervals and the sets of measure zero, then at each succeeding stage adding to the existing collection all complements and at-mostcountable unions. This complement-union augmentation process captures the open sets, the closed sets, and much more; continuing it “forever”(entering, in the process, the mysterious realm of “transfinite induction,” about which we’ll get serious in Chapter 8) produces the class of Lebesgue-measurable sets. One can then extend— after some hard work—the usual notion of length to a countably additive, translation-invariant function on the collection of Lebesguemeasurable sets.

18 Vitali’s example, the same one taught in modern courses on “measure theory,” depends on the Axiom of Choice, which we’ll encounter in the Notes to Chapter 8. 19 Actually, the definition of “Lebesgue integrable” differs a little from the corresponding definition in the Riemann theory in that it allows unbounded functions, but requires that the Lebesgue integrals of their absolute values be finite.

Part 2

Travels with Titchmarsh

In studying the Volterra operator we’ve encountered the more general class of “operators of Volterra type.” In this part of the book we’ll characterize the null spaces of the important subclass of “Volterra   convolution operators.” We showed in Chapter 1 that on C [0, a] the Volterra operator is one-to-one, i.e., its null space is {0}, hence the same is true of its powers V 2 , V 3 , . . . , all of which turned out to be convolution operators. However the null spaces of more general convolution operators are not so simple; the answer is provided by the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem, a celebrated result upon which the next two chapters will focus. Titchmarsh’s theorem will reappear in Part 3, where it will play an essential role in determining the Volterra operator’s invariant subspaces.

Chapter 5

The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem

Overview. The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem characterizes the null spaces of Volterra convolution operators. In this chapter we’ll understand the theorem’s statement, then reduce its proof to a special case, which we’ll tackle in the next chapter.

5.1. Convolution operators   Each g in C [0, ∞) induces on that spacea “Volterra convolution operator” Tg , defined for each f ∈ C [0, ∞) by  x g(x − t)f (t) dt (x ∈ [0, ∞)).1 (5.1) (Tg f )(x) = t=0

  Thus Tg is a linear transformation on the  vector space C [0, ∞) . The definition works as well for C [0, a] which—thanks to the fact that each function continuous on [0, a] can be extended continuously to [0, ∞)—we’ll now feel free to think of as consisting of restrictions to [0, a] of functions in C [0, ∞) .   For f and g in C [0, ∞) note that, for x ∈ [0, a] the integrand on the right-hand side of equation (5.1) depends only on the values these 1 Note the change of notation from Part 1: x is now the “independent variable,” with t the “variable of integration.” This signals the fact that, from now on, we won’t be discussing initial value problems.



5. The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem

functions take on [0, a]. Thus if we start with f and g defined and continuous only on [0, a], and extend both to functions continuously to [0, ∞), the restriction of Tg f to [0, a] is independent of the particular extensions chosen for f and g.   Note also that Tg is, on C [0, a] , an operator Vκ “of Volterra type” (as defined by equation (3.3) on page 38), with κ(t, s) = g(t−s).   Exercise 5.1. Show that Tg f = Tf g for all f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) .

Here are some examples of Volterra convolution operators that we’ve already encountered: (a) The Volterra operator itself: V = Tg with g = 1.2 (b) The Volterra powers: V n = Tg with g(x) = (n=2, 3, . . . ).

xn−1 (n−1)!

(c) Operators providing solutions, in Chapters 1–3, of various integral equations and initial-value problems, in particular: (i) Exercise 1.15 on page 13 (concerning the spectrum of V ), (ii) Exercise 2.27 on page 34 (motion of a mass-spring system), (iii) Exercise 3.20 on page 503 Exercise 5.2. Consider once more the initial-value problem (IVPn ) of §3.1 (page 37). Show that whenever the coefficients p1 , p2 , . . . , pn are all constant on [0, ∞), the solution is given by a convolution operator.

For any linear transformation, it’s of fundamental importance to find the null space. For the Volterra operator V = T1 we know the answer; the operator is one-to-one, so its null space is {0}.4 For general convolution operators the answer is more complicated; it’s provided by the namesake of this chapter, the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem [56, 1926]. We’ll devote the rest of this section to understanding both the statement of Titchmarsh’s theorem and its role in determining convolution-operator null spaces. Then we’ll begin the (nontrivial) process of proving the theorem—a consciousness-expanding quest that will take us through the next chapter! Here’s the “easy half” of the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem. 2

The symbol 1 denotes the function taking only the value 1. Proposition 1.2, page 5. 4 The symbol 0 denotes the function taking only the value zero. 3

5.1. Convolution operators


  Proposition 5.3. Suppose a, b > 0 and f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) . If g ≡ 0 on [0, b] and f ≡ 0 on [0, a], then Tg f ≡ 0 on [0, a + b].5 Proof. Fix x and t, with 0 ≤ t ≤ x ≤ a + b. Since g ≡ 0 on [0, b] we have g(x − t) = 0 for x − t ≤ b, i.e., for x − b ≤ t. Thus if g(x − t) = 0 then we must have t < x − b ≤ (a + b) − b = a, hence f (t) = 0. Conclusion. 0 ≤ t ≤ x ≤ a+b =⇒ g(x−t)f (t) = 0 =⇒ (Tg f )(x) = 0.  Figure 2 below depicts the proof of Proposition 5.3.

Figure 2. g(x − t)f (t) = 0 for 0 ≤ t ≤ x ≤ a + b

  For an efficient statement of this result, define for f ∈ C [0, ∞) :  inf{t ≥ 0 : f (t) = 0} if f = 0 (5.2) (f ) = ∞ if f = 0 In other words, (f ) is the “left-most” point of the support of f .6 In particular, f = 0 iff (f ) < ∞. Note that if 0 < (f ) < ∞, then, since f vanishes identically on the semi-open interval [0, (f )), continuity demands that f also vanish at (f ). This need not happen if (f ) = 0 (Example: f = 1). 5 Recall: “f ≡ 0 on S” (short for: “f is identically zero on S”) means that f (s) = 0 for every s ∈ S. 6 The support of a function is the closure of the set of points at which the function does not vanish.


5. The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem

The assignment a = (f ) and b = (g) converts Proposition 5.3 into: Proposition 5.4 (The  “Easy  Titchmarsh Inequality”). For each pair of functions f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) , (ET)

(Tg f ) ≥ (f ) + (g).

Figure 2 depicts f and g both non-negative, with a = (f ), b = (g), and g > 0 on an interval with right-hand endpoint (g). It’s clear from the picture that under these hypotheses: as soon as x exceeds (f ) + (g), the function t → g(x − t)f (t) ceases to vanish identically on [0, x] so, thanks to positivity, (Tg f )(x) = 0. Thus for the picture’s situation there is actually equality in inequality (ET). The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem asserts that there is always equality in (ET), i.e., that there is a companion “Hard Titchmarsh” inequality:   (f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) ). (HT) (Tg f ) ≤ (f ) + (g) In concrete terms, (HT) means that: even though there may be certain x > (f ) + (g) for which the values of t → g(x − t)f (t) have enough cancellation to render (Tg f )(x) = 0, there must be a sequence (xn ) strictly decreasing to (f ) + (g) with Tg f (xn ) = 0 for each n. It might appear, upon redrawing Figure 2 for more general f and g, that this ought to be obvious. Not so; the proof of inequality (HT) will occupy the latter part of this chapter, and all of the next one!

5.2. Null spaces Let’s see how Titchmarsh’s theorem: “(Tg f ) = (f ) + (g)” determines the null spaces of Volterra convolution operators. The case  C [0, ∞) is special.   Theorem 5.5. For each g ∈ C [0, ∞)\{0}, the null space of Tg is {0}, i.e., Tg is one-to-one on C [0, ∞) .   Proof. We wish to prove that if f ∈ C [0, ∞) and Tg f = 0, then f = 0. We’ll proceed contrapositively, assuming that f = 0 and proving Tg f = 0. In “-language” we’re assuming that both (f ) and

5.2. Null spaces


(g) are < ∞, so by inequality (HT): (Tg f ) ≤ (f ) + (g) < ∞, i.e.,  Tg f = 0. For 0 < a < ∞, convolution-operator null spaces are more complicated.   Theorem   5.6. If g ∈ C [0, a] \{0}, then the null space of Tg on C [0, a] is   {f ∈ C [0, a] : (f ) ≥ a − (g)}.   Proof. We’re viewing functions in C [0, a] as restrictions to [0, a] of functions in C [0, ∞) . If f ∈ C [0, a] with (f ) ≥ a − (g), then (Tg f ) ≥ (f ) + (g) ≥ a by (ET). Thus Tg f vanishes identically on [0, a], i.e., f is in the null space of Tg .   We need to show that no other function in C [0, a] belongs to  this null space. To this end, suppose f ∈ C [0, a] does belong to this null space, i.e., that Tg f ≡ 0 on [0, a]; in -language, (Tg f ) ≥ a. Combining this with the “Hard Titchmarsh” inequality (HT) we obtain a ≤ (Tg f ) ≤ (f ) + (g), so (f ) ≥ a − (g), as desired.  In plain language, Theorem 5.6 asserts that Tg f ≡ 0 on [0, a] if and only if f ≡ 0 on the interval [0, a − (g)] (our assumption that g is not ≡ 0 on [0, a] means that (g) < a, so this interval is nontrivial). Thus we can think of Theorem 5.5 as the limiting case “a = ∞” of this result. Here’s another important special case.   Corollary 5.7. Suppose g ∈ C [0, a] . Then Tg is one-to-one on   C [0, a] if and only if the support of g contains the origin. In particular, the operator Tg can still be one-to-one even if g(0) = 0; all that’s needed is a sequence of points tj  0 in [0, a] such that g(tj ) = 0 for each j. We’ve already seen examples of this phenomenon: for each integer k ≥ 2 the k-th power V k of the Volterra operator tk−1 is one-to-one (because V is), and V k = Tg where g(t) = (k−1)! , a function with the origin in its support, even though it vanishes there. Exercise 5.8. Consider the function g defined by setting  g(0) = 0 and g(t) = t sin(1/t) if t = 0. Show that g ∈ C [0, ∞) and that   Tg is one-to-one on C [0, a] for every a > 0.


5. The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem

The following exercise asks you to establish a prototype of Corollary 5.7 whose proof does not require Titchmarsh’s theorem.   Exercise 5.9. Suppose g ∈ C [0, a] is differentiable on [0, a], with   g  ∈ C [0, a] . Show that if g(0) = 0 then Tg is one-to-one on   C [0, a] .

Suggestion: Differentiate both sides of the equation Tg f = 0, using the Leibniz Rule (equation (2.1), page 23) on the left-hand side. Then use Exercise 3.21 on page 51.

To finish the proof of the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem it remains to establish inequality (HT). This will be best done by recasting the operator-theoretic notion of convolution into an algebraic form.

5.3. Convolution as multiplication   We define the convolution of two functions f and g in C [0, ∞) to be  x f (x − t)g(t) dt (x ∈ [0, ∞)). (5.3) (f ∗ g)(x) = t=0

Thus f ∗ g = Tg f , so by Exercise 5.1, f ∗ g = Tf g = Tg f = g ∗ f, i.e., convolution is a commutative operation.   For a > 0, Proposition 3.3 (page 40) asserts that Tg maps C [0, a] into itself, with operator norm ≤ a g. Thus:   Proposition 5.10. Suppose f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) :   (a) f ∗ g ∈ C [0, ∞) .   (b) If  ·  denotes the max-norm of C [0, a] , then f ∗ g ≤ a f  g.   Exercise 5.11. Suppose g, h ∈ C [0, a] . Reverting to the notation of the previous chapters, define Volterra kernels κ and μ on the triangle Δa : 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ a by: κ(t, s) = g(t − s) and μ(t, s) = h(t − s). Show that the “Volterra product” κ  μ, as defined by equation (3.9) on page 45, is induced by the convolution g ∗ h, i.e., (κ  μ)(t, s) = (g ∗ h)(t − s)

(0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ a).

5.3. Convolution as multiplication


  Proposition 5.12. For f, g, h ∈ C [0, ∞) , and λ a scalar, (a) f ∗ 0 = 0, (b) f ∗ g = g ∗ f , (c) λ(f ∗ g) = f ∗ (λg), (d) f ∗ (g + h) = f ∗ g + f ∗ h, (e) f ∗ (g ∗ h) = (f ∗ g) ∗ h. Proof. Part (a) is obvious, and we’ve just discussed (b). Parts (c) and (d) follow from standard properties of integrals. As for (e):  x f (x − t)(g ∗ h)(t) dt [f ∗ (g ∗ h)](x) = t=0

 t  x f (x − t) g(t − s)h(s) ds dt . = t=0


Now interchange the order of integration, then make the change of variable u = t − s in the resulting inner integral:  x  x [f ∗ (g ∗ h)](x) = f (x − t)g(t − s) dt h(s) ds s=0 x

t=s x−s

= s=0 x

f (x − s − u)g(u) du h(s) ds


[f ∗ g](x − s)h(s) ds

= s=0

= [(f ∗ g) ∗ h](x) as desired. Exercise 5.13. Derive the associative property (e) of convolution from the associative property of linear transformations under composition. Suggestion: Use Exercise 5.11 above. along with Lemmas 3.11 and 3.12 on pp. 45–46.

Exercise 5.14. Show that convolution operators   commute with each other: Tg Th = Th Tg for all h, g ∈ C [0, ∞) (Note that by Exercise 3.16 on page 47 this is not true for all operators of Volterra type.).


5. The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem

Properties (a) and (c)–(e) of Proposition 5.12, along with   (d’) (g + h) ∗ f = g ∗ f + h ∗ f (f, g, h ∈ C [0, ∞) )   show that convolution multiplication turns C [0, ∞) into an algebra over its scalar field, and (b) asserts that this algebra is commutative. Further examples of algebras: Any field is an algebra (commutative) over itself. The collection of linear transformations of a vector space V , with composition as multiplication, is an algebra over the scalar field of V (non-commutative if dim V > 1). The space of continuous, scalar-valued functions on an interval, with pointwise multiplication or (as we’ve just seen) convolution multiplication, is a commutative algebra. An algebra, or more generally a ring 7 is an integral domain if the only way a product of two elements can be the zero element is for at least one of them to be the zero element. Thus, any field is an integral domain, as is the ring of integers with its usual algebraic operations. On the other hand, the algebra of n × n real (or complex) matrices  is (for n > 1)not an  integral domain, and the same is true of both C [0, ∞) and C [0, a] with pointwise multiplication. However, thanks to the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem:   Proposition 5.15. With convolution multiplication, C [0, ∞) is an integral domain.   Proof. Suppose f and g belong to C [0, ∞) . If f ∗ g = 0 then f belongs to the null space of the convolution operator Tg , which by Theorem 5.5 is the singleton {0}.    In the other direction, Theorem 5.6 shows that C [0, a] , with convolution multiplication, is not an integral domain. It asserts, for  example, that if f ∈ C [0, a] \{0} is ≡ 0 on [0, a2 ], then f ∗ f = 0. 7 A ring is a set with binary “addition” and “multiplication” that obeys properties (a), (b), (d), and (e), of Proposition 5.12, but omits any notion of scalar multiplication. Example: The integers, with the usual algebraic operations, is a ring.

5.4. The One-Half Lemma


    Exercise 5.16. Each of the vector spaces C [0, a] and C [0, ∞) , when viewed as an algebra with pointwise multiplication, has a multiplicative identity, namely the “identically 1” function 1. Show that no such identity element exists when the spaces are viewed as algebras with convolution multiplication. Suggestion: Exercise 3.21 (page 51) makes a stronger assertion.

5.4. The One-Half Lemma Here are the two components of Titchmarsh’s theorem, restated in terms of convolution multiplication. First, there’s the “Easy Titchmarsh Inequality,” a.k.a. Proposition 5.4 (or in plain language, Proposition 5.3):   (ET) (f ∗ g) ≥ (f ) + (g) (f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) ). Then there is the heart of Titchmarsh’s theorem, the yet-to-be-established “Hard Titchmarsh Inequality,” which implies that there is equality in (ET):   (HT) (f ∗ g) ≤ (f ) + (g) (f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) ). We’ll show in this section that the crucial step in establishing (HT) is to prove the special case f = g, i.e., the statement: (f ∗ f ) ≤ 2(f ), the plain-language version of which is:   Lemma 5.17 (The “One-Half Lemma”). Suppose f ∈ C [0, ∞) , a > 0, and f ∗ f ≡ 0 on [0, a]. Then f ≡ 0 on [0, a2 ]. The proof of the One-Half Lemma will occupy the next chapter; we’ll devote the rest of this one to showing how the lemma implies inequality (HT), and therefore the full Titchmarsh theorem. The argument depends on two subsidiary lemmas, the first of which uncovers an interesting interaction between convolution and   the operator M of “multiplication by x,” defined for f ∈ C [0, ∞) by (0 ≤ x < ∞).   Clearly M is a linear transformation on C [0, ∞) . What’s interesting for us is that, relative to convolution, it’s a “derivation.”   Sublemma 5.18. If f and g belong to C [0, ∞) then (5.4)

M f (x) = xf (x)


M (f ∗ g) = (M f ) ∗ g + f ∗ (M g).


5. The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem

Proof. For x ∈ [0, ∞):     (M f ) ∗ g (x) + f ∗ M g (x)  x  x = (x − t)f (x − t)g(t) dt + f (x − t)tg(t) dt t=0 t=0  x f (x − t)g(t) dt = x(f ∗ g)(x) = M (f ∗ g)(x) , =x t=0

as we wished to show.

The last result was routine, but the next one is not. In plain language it states that if f ∗g vanishes identically on an interval [0, a], then so does f ∗ M g. Although its proof depends only on Sublemma 5.18 and the “Easy Titchmarsh” inequality (ET), the argument is, nevertheless, surprising.   Sublemma 5.19. For each pair f, g of functions in C [0, ∞) , (f ∗ M g) ≥ (f ∗ g) . Proof. Let G denote the set of all non-negative γ for which  numbers  (f ∗ M g) ≥ γ(f ∗ g) for all functions f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) with f ∗ g = 0. Since the condition f ∗ g = 0 means (f ∗ g) = ∞, the definition of G involves no “zero times infinity” problem. Clearly 0 ∈ G, so G is nonempty.   In fact, G ⊂ [0, 1]. To see why, fix f ∈ C [0, ∞) with 0 < (f ) < ∞, and f > 0 on the open half-line ((f ), ∞). Note that (f ) < ∞ (since f = 0). Now M f > 0 on ((f ), ∞), and from the discussion centered on Figure 5.1 (page 83) we know that (f ∗ f ) = (f ∗ M f ) = (f ) ∈ (0, ∞).  Thus if γ > 1 there exist f and g (in this case g = f ) in C [0, ∞) such that (f ∗ M g) < γ (f ∗ g). Conclusion: γ ∈ / G. Let Γ = sup G, so 0 ≤ Γ ≤ 1. Our goal is to show that Γ = 1. First of all, observe that Γ ∈ G. To see why, fix f and g in C [0, ∞) with f ∗ g = 0. We wish to show that (f ∗ M g) ≥ Γ(f ∗ g). Choose a sequence (γn ) in G with γn  Γ. Now (f ∗ M g) ≥ γn (f ∗ g) for each index n (by the definition of G), so this inequality remains true in the limit, i.e., (f ∗ M g) ≥ Γ(f ∗ g), so Γ ∈ G, as we wished to show.

5.4. The One-Half Lemma


Now for the surprising part. Suppose, for the sake of contradiction, that Γ is < 1. Since Γ ∈ Gwe have  (f ∗ M g) ≥ Γ(f ∗ g) for each pair f, g of functions in C [0, ∞)   with f ∗ g = 0. In plain language: For a > 0 and f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) with f ∗ g = 0: f ∗ g ≡ 0 on [0, a] =⇒ f ∗ M g ≡ 0 on [0, Γa].   Fix a > 0, and fix two functions f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) with f ∗g identically 0 on [0, a], but not on [0, ∞). Since f ∗ g = 0, the same is true of M (f ∗ g) , so by Sublemma 5.18, either (M f ) ∗ g or f ∗ M g (or both) is = 0. Upon swapping the names of the functions, if necessary, we may assume that f ∗ M g = 0. Next, consider the convolution product h = (f ∗ M g) ∗ [(M f ) ∗ g + f ∗ M g]. Thanks to our hypothesis on f ∗ g, and the fact that Γ ∈ G, the first term in round brackets on the right-hand side is identically 0 on [0, Γa], while the term in square brackets, which by Sublemma 5.18 is just M (f ∗ g), is ≡ 0 on [0, a]. Thus by the “Easy Titchmarsh” inequality” (ET), (5.6)

h ≡ 0 on [0, a + Γa].

On the other hand, by the algebraic properties of convolution established in parts (b), (d), and (e) of Proposition 5.12 (page 87): h = (f ∗ g) ∗ (M f ∗ M g) +(f ∗ M g) ∗ (f ∗ M g)       I


In Term I, note that M f ∗M g is ≡ 0 on [0, Γ a]. Reason: Since Γ ∈ G we know that (f ∗ M g) ≥ Γ(f ∗ g). Now M g ∈ C [0, ∞) with f ∗ M g = 0, so the pair f and M g satisfy the conditions specified for test functions in the definition of G. Thus (M f ∗M g) ≥ Γ(f ∗M g) ≥ Γ2 (f ∗ g), i.e., M f ∗ M g ≡ 0 on [0, Γ2 a]. Thanks to this, and the fact that f ∗ g ≡ 0 on [0, a], inequality (ET) guarantees that term I is ≡ 0 on [0, a + Γ2 a], a smaller interval than the one guaranteed by (5.6) on which h ≡ 0. It follows that term II is also ≡ 0 on [0, a + Γ2 a], hence by the One-Half Lemma (at last!) f ∗ M g ≡ 0 on [0, 12 (a + Γ2 a)].   Since this is true for all f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) \{0} with f ∗ g ≡ 0 on [0, a], and all a > 0, it follows that 12 (1 + Γ2 ), which is > Γ, belongs to G. Thus our assumption that Γ = sup G is < 1 has led 2


5. The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem

to the contradiction that something in G is strictly larger than Γ. Conclusion: Γ = 1, as desired. So far, we’ve proved Sublemma 5.19 under the additional assumption that  f ∗ g = 0. To remove this assumption, fix functions f and g in C [0, ∞) with f ∗ g = 0, i.e., (f ∗ g) = ∞. We wish to prove (f ∗ M g) ≥ (f ∗ g), i.e, (f ∗ M g) = ∞, i.e., f ∗ M g = 0. To this end, and fix a > 0. It will be enough to show that f ∗ M g ≡ 0 on [0, a]. We may assume for simplicity (and without loss of generality) that the values of both  |f| and |g| are ≤ 1 on [0, a]. We’re thinking of functions  in C [0, a] as being restrictions to [0, a] of functions in C [0, ∞) . If needed, make a new extension f˜ of f from [0, a] to [0, ∞), defining f˜ to be ≡ 1 on [2a, ∞), and to have graph over [a, 2a] that is the line segment connecting the points (a, f (a)) and (2a, 1). Then on [0, ∞) our newly-defined extension f˜ is continuous, with absolute value ≤ 1 there. Make a similar extension g˜ of g, and note that f˜ ∗ g˜ = f ∗ g ≡ 0 on [0, a]. Claim. f˜ ∗ g˜ = 0. Once this is claim is established, we’ll be able to apply the part of Sublemma 5.19 just proved to conclude that f˜∗ M g˜ ≡ 0 on [0, a]. On [0, a] we know that f˜ = f and g˜ = g, so also M g˜ = g, hence—thanks to the claim—we’ll also have f ∗ M g = f˜ ∗ M g˜ ≡ 0 on [0, a], thus finishing the proof of Sublemma 5.19. Proof of Claim. Please begin by verifying that: For x ≥ 4a and t ∈ [2a, x − 2a], both f (t) and g(x − t) equal 1. This suggests that x g (t) dt into for x ≥ 4a we break the integral (f˜ ∗ g˜)(x) = t=0 f˜(x − t)˜ three pieces: g (x − t)| are I1 over the interval [0, 2a], where both |f˜(t)| and |˜ ≤ 1, I2 over [2a, x − 2a], where f˜(t) = g˜(x − t) = 1, and g (x − t)| are ≤ 1. I3 over [x − 2a, x],where both |f˜(t)| and |˜ Consequently, both |I1 | and |I3 | are ≤ 2a while I2 = x − 4a, so by the “reverse triangle inequality”: (f˜ ∗ g˜)(x) ≥ I2 − |I1 | − |I3 | ≥ (x − 4a) − 2a − 2a = x − 8a.

5.4. The One-Half Lemma


Thus (f˜ ∗ g˜)(x) > 0 for x > 8a; in particular f˜ ∗ g˜ = 0, which—as explained above—finishes the proof of Sublemma 5.19.  The One-Half Lemma implies the Titchmarsh theorem. So far we have shown that the One-Half Lemma implies Sublemma 5.19. We finish this chapter by using Sublemma 5.19 to derive the full Titchmarsh theorem. For transparency we break the argument into several pieces.   Step 1. Suppose a > 0 and f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) with f ∗ g ≡ 0 on [0, a]. By Sublemma 5.19 we know that f ∗ M g ≡ 0 on [0, a]. Apply Sublemma 5.19 again, now with M g in place of g, thus obtaining f ∗ M 2 g ≡ 0 on [0, a]. By induction we have f ∗ M k g ≡ 0 on [0, a] for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , i.e.,  x f (x − t)tk g(t) dt = 0 (0 ≤ x ≤ a). t=0

Thus, by the linearity of integration, for each polynomial p:  x f (x − t)g(t)p(t) dt = 0 (0 ≤ x ≤ a). (5.7) t=0

Now fix x ∈ [0, a]. Thanks to the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem 8 (see Appendix C, page 195) there is a sequence (pn ) of polynomials that is uniformly convergent on [0, x] to the function t → f (x − t)g(t) (or, in the case of complex scalars, to the complex conjugate of this function), hence  x f (x − t)g(t)pn (t) dt 0 = lim n  x t=0 lim pn (t)f (x − t)g(t) dt = n t=0 x |f (x − t)g(t)|2 dt , = t=0

with uniform convergence justifying the interchange of limit and integral in the second line. Since the integrand in the last integral is 8 This famous theorem asserts that each continuous, scalar-valued function on a finite, closed interval of the real line is the limit, uniformly on that interval, of polynomials. It is universally regarded to be the Fundamental Theorem of Approximation Theory.


5. The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem

continuous and ≥ 0 on the interval of integration, it must be identically zero there, ie., (5.8)

f (x − t)g(t) = 0 whenever

0 ≤ t ≤ x ≤ a.

Step 2. Suppose (f ∗ g) = ∞, i.e., that f ∗ g ≡ 0 on [0, ∞). We desire to show that (f ) + (g) = ∞, i.e., that either (f ) or (g) (or both) is infinite. In plain language: we wish to show that at least one of the functions f, g vanishes identically on [0, ∞). We’re assuming that f ∗ g ≡ 0 on the interval [0, a] for every a > 0, hence by Step 1, equation (5.8) holds for every a > 0, i.e., for all x, t ∈ [0, ∞) with 0 ≤ t ≤ x. Suppose f does not vanish identically on [0, ∞), so f (x0 ) = 0 for some x0 ∈ [0, ∞). For x ≥ x0 set t = x − x0 , so 0 ≤ t ≤ x, so upon substituting these values into equation (5.8) we see that 0 = f (x0 )g(x − x0 ), hence g(x − x0 ) = 0 for all x ≥ x0 , i.e., g ≡ 0 on [0, ∞), as desired.   Conclusion: If f, g ∈ C [0, ∞) and f ∗ g ≡ 0 on [0, ∞), then either f or g (or both) vanishes identically on [0, ∞). In other words (f ∗g) = (f ) + (g) when either side is infinite. Step 3. Finally, suppose (f ∗g) < ∞ (i.e., f ∗g is not identically zero on [0, ∞)). We want to prove inequality (HT): (f ) + (g) ≥ (f ∗ g). This is trivial if (f ∗ g) = 0 (i.e., if 0 is in the support of f ∗ g), so suppose a = (f ∗ g) > 0. By inequality (ET): a ≥ (f ) + (g), so in particular (f ) and (g) are both ≤ a. If (f ) = a then we know from (ET) that a = (f ∗ g) ≥ (f ) + (g) = a + (g) so (g) = 0, hence for this case: (f ∗ g) = (f ) + (g). Suppose, then, that (f ) < a. For each positive integer n there exists xn ∈ [(f ), (f ) + 1/n] such that f (xn ) = 0. For x ∈ [xn , a] set t = x − xn and apply the result of Step 1 to the interval [0, a − xn ]. The result is: 0 = f (x − t)g(t) = f (xn )g(x − xn )

0 ≤ x − xn ≤ a − xn .

Thus g ≡ 0 on [0, a − xε ]. Now let n → ∞, so xn → (f ), and invoke the continuity of g to conclude that g ≡ 0 on [0, a − (f )]. Thus (g) ≥ a − (f ), i.e., (f ) + (g) ≥ a = (f ∗ g).



Thus the One-Half Lemma implies inequality (HT), and therefore the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem.  In the next chapter we’ll prove the One-Half Lemma, thereby completing the proof of the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem.

Notes Who was Titchmarsh? The British mathematician Edward C. Titchmarsh (1899–1963) taught at Oxford University from 1932 to 1963. In addition to fundamental contributions to the mathematical research of his time, Titchmarsh wrote influential books on topics as diverse as the Riemann zeta function, Fourier transforms, and eigenfunction expansions for solutions of differential equations. His most popular book: “Theory of Functions” (1932) introduced complex analysis and Lebesgue integration to an entire generation of mathematicians; it still makes fascinating reading. Proofs of the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem. Titchmarsh proved his theorem in [56, 1926], using deep results from complex analysis. Our proof of Lemma 6.8 is based on arguments of Mikusi´ nski from [35]. In the next chapter we’ll follow in the footsteps of Titchmarsh by using complex variables, albeit in a much more elementary way, to finish the proof of the One-Half Lemma, and therefore of his theorem. The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem. This result, universally acknowledged to be the “Fundamental Theorem of Approximation Theory,” was published by Weierstrass (in [67]) when he was seventy years old! The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem is especially remarkable in view of the fact that on any finite, closed interval there exist continuous real-valued functions that are nowhere differentiable (see, e.g., [47], Theorem 7.18, page 154). Even worse, there exist “space-filling curves”: continuous mappings taking [0, 1] onto the unit square (see, e.g., [47], page 168, Exercise 14). Nevertheless, Weierstrass assures us that such monstrosities9 (or, in the case 9 In an 1893 letter, the French mathematician Charles Hermite wrote: “I turn away with fear and horror from the plague of continuous functions which do not have derivatives.” You can find a reference to this letter, as well as a fascinating history of the “plague” it mentions, in Allan Pinkus’s beautiful exposition [39] of the history, proofs, and importance of the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem.


5. The Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem

of space-filling curves, their coordinate functions) can be uniformly approximated, to any desired accuracy, by polynomials.

Chapter 6

Titchmarsh Finale

Overview. The last chapter saw the proof of Titchmarsh’s Convolution Theorem “(f ∗ g) = (f ) + (g)” reduced to the special case f = g, a.k.a. the “One-Half Lemma.” Here we’ll connect the OneHalf Lemma with the Finite Laplace Transform, for which we’ll prove a powerful uniqueness theorem that establishes the Lemma, and with it, the Titchmarsh Theorem. Our proof will take us through severalvariable calculus, then into complex plane, where Liouville’s Theorem—one of the miracles of complex analysis—will provide coup de grˆ ace.

6.1. The Finite Laplace Transform   The Laplace transform of f ∈ C [0, ∞) is the integral  a  ∞ st e f (t) dt = lim e s t f (t) dt , (L f )(s) = t=0



defined for those values of s ∈ R (if there are any) for which the limit on the right exists.1 Here we’ll be interested only in the integrals under the limit symbol. These are the the “Finite Laplace Transforms,” for which we use 1 In the usual definition, this is the Laplace transform of f at −s. The definition given here is more convenient for our purposes.



6. Titchmarsh Finale

the symbol La f . Officially:  a e s t f (t) dt (6.1) (La f )(s) =

  (f ∈ C [0, a] , s ∈ R).


Exercise   6.1. Show that La is a linear transformation taking C [0, a] into C(R), the vector space of scalar-valued functions continuous on the whole real line.

Finite Laplace transforms have an important power-series representation.   Lemma 6.2. For a > 0 and f ∈ C [0, a] : (6.2)

(La f )(s) =


cn sn

(s ∈ R)


where the series on the right converges absolutely, and  1 a n (6.3) cn = t f (t) dt (n = 0, 1, 2, . . .). n! t=0 Proof. Fix s ∈ R. We know from calculus that for x ∈ R: ∞  xn , ex = n! n=0 with the series converging uniformly on each compact subinterval of R. Thus, if s ∈ R is fixed, the series for est converges uniformly for t ∈ [0, a] (exercise). Consequently: (6.4)

f (t)e s t = f (t)

∞ ∞  sn n  sn t = f (t)tn , n! n! n=0 n=0

with the series on the right uniformly convergent for t ∈ [0, a] (another exercise). The desired representation for (La f )(s) then follows upon integrating both sides of equation (6.4) in t over [0, a], and on the right-hand side using uniform convergence to interchange the order of integration and summation.    Exercise 6.3. Show that for each f ∈ C [0, a] there’s a positive constant C for which |(La f )(s)| ≤ Cea|s| for s ∈ R. Then give an example to show that this exponential bound on the growth of La f cannot be improved.

  Corollary 6.4. La is one-to-one on C [0, a] for each a > 0.

6.2. Stalking the One-Half Lemma


  Proof. Fix f ∈ C [0, a] with La f = 0. By the linearity of La it’s enough to show that f = 0. By Lemma 6.2 and the uniqueness theorem for power series (see, e.g., [59, Corollary 4.5.7, page 263], or Theorem B.8, page 192), all the coefficients cn of this series must vanish:  a tn f (t) dt (n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ). 0 = cn = t=0 a The linearity of integration now implies that t=0 p(t)f (t) dt = 0 for each polynomial p. By the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem there is a sequence (pn ) of polynomials convergent uniformly on [0, a] to f (or, if the scalars are complex, to its complex conjugate), hence  a  a  a pn (t)f (t) dt = lim pn (t)f (t) dt = |f (t)|2 dt , 0 = lim n


t=0 n


with uniform convergence justifying the interchange of limit and integral. From this we infer, thanks to the continuity and non-negativity  of |f |2 , that f ≡ 0 on [0, a], i.e., that f = 0.   Exercise 6.5. Is La invertible on C [0, a] ?   Exercise 6.6. Suppose f ∈ C [0, a] is ≥ 0 on [0, a]. Show that if La f is merely bounded on R, then f ≡ 0 on [0, a].

To prove the One-Half Lemma we’ll need to establish the result of Exercise 6.6 without the positivity assumption on f .

6.2. Stalking the One-Half Lemma In this section we’ll use the Finite Laplace Transform to get “halfway” to the proof of the One-Half Lemma. To avoid fractions, let’s replace the interval [0, a] in the statement of the One-Half Lemma (Lemma 5.17, page 89), by the interval parameter [0, 2a]. Thus our new statement of the One-Half Lemma is: Lemma  6.7 (The One-Half Lemma redux). If a > 0 and f ∈ C [0, ∞) with f ∗ f ≡ 0 on [0, 2a], then f ≡ 0 on [0, a].   For f ∈ C [0, ∞) and a > 0, define fa on the half-line (−∞, a] by: (6.5)

fa (t) = f (a − t) (−∞ < t ≤ a).


6. Titchmarsh Finale

Thus fa is continuous (−∞, a], in particular on [0, a], so we can form its finite Laplace transform La fa . To show f ≡ 0 on [0, a] it’s enough to do the same for fa (since t ∈ [0, a] iff a − t ∈ [0, a]). Thus, thanks to Corollary 6.4 we can prove the One-Half Lemma by showing that  if f ∈ C [0, ∞) with f ∗ f ≡ 0 on [0, 2a] then La fa ≡ 0 on R. Here’s a down payment:   Lemma 6.8. Suppose f ∈ C [0, ∞) with f ∗ f ≡ 0 on [0, 2a]. Then La fa is bounded on R. Proof. Fix a > 0 and f satisfying the hypotheses of the Lemma. Without loss of generality we may assume that |f (t)| ≤ 1 for t ∈ [0, 2a], so also |fa (t)| ≤ 1 for t ∈ [−a, a]. For s ≤ 0 we have e s t ≤ 1 for each t ∈ [0, a], hence    a    a st     (La fa )(s) =  (6.6) e fa (t) dt ≤ e s t |fa (t)| dt ≤ a , t=0


Conclusion: La fa is bounded on the half-line (−∞, 0] (regardless of whether or not f ∗ f ≡ 0 on [0, 2a]). The goal now is to show that La fa is bounded on (0, ∞). For this we’ll consider the symmetric integral  a e s t fa (t) dt (s ∈ R), L(s) = t=−a

the definition of which makes sense because fa is defined and continuous on [−a, a]. To show La fa is bounded for s > 0, it’s enough to show this for L: the point being that La fa (s) is the difference of L(s) 0 and the integral t=−a e s t fa (t) dt, this latter integral having absolute value ≤ a because—just as in the last paragraph—the absolute value of its integrand is ≤ 1 over its interval of integration. We have not yet used the hypothesis that f ∗ f ≡ 0 on [0, 2a]. To get this condition into the picture let’s note that: to show L(s) is

6.2. Stalking the One-Half Lemma


bounded for s > 0 it’s enough to do the same for  a  a e s u f (a − u) du e s v f (a − v) dv L(s)2 = u=−a v=−a  a  a su sv = e e f (a − u)f (a − v) du dv v=−a u=−a  s (u+v) e f (a − u)f (a − v) du dv , = S

where S is the square in R2 of side-length 2a, centered at the origin. The diagonal u + v = 0 bisects S into an upper triangle Δ1 for which

Figure 3. The square S, decomposed into triangles Δ1 and Δ2

u + v is ≥ 0, and a lower triangle Δ2 on which u + v is ≤ 0. Thus L(s)2 = I1 (s) + I2 (s), where  es (u+v) f (a − u)f (a − v) du dv (j = 1, 2; s ∈ R). (6.7) Ij (s) = Δj

Just as in our analysis of L(s) for s ≤ 0, we see that, since u + v ≤ 0 on Δ2 , the integrand of I2 (s) has, for each s > 0, magnitude ≤ 1 there, hence (6.8)

|I2 (s)| ≤ Area(Δ2 ) = 2a2

(s > 0).

For I1 (s) we make the change of variables u = a − (x − y) and v = a − y, which takes Δ1 (in the “u, v-plane”) to the triangle Δ3 (in the “x, y-plane”) having vertices at the origin, (2a, 2a), and (2a, 0).


6. Titchmarsh Finale

Figure 4. The triangle Δ3 ∂(x,y) Since ∂(u,v) ≡ 1, the change-of-variable formula for multiple integrals yields for each s ∈ R:  I1 (s) = es(2a−x) f (x − y)f (y) dx dy

Δ3 2a


f (x − y)f (y) dy dx y=0   




= (f ∗f )(x) =0 for 0 ≤x ≤ 2a

Thus I1 (s) = 0, so L(s)2 = I2 (s) for each s ∈ R, which, along with inequality (6.8), proves that that L2 (s) is bounded for s > 0. Consequently, the same is true of L(s), hence La fa is bounded on (0, ∞). We previously showed that La fa is bounded on (−∞, 0], so it’s bounded on R, as promised.  Exercise 6.9 (One-Half Lemma down payment). Prove the OneHalf Lemma under the additional assumption that f is ≥ 0 on [0, 2a]. Suggestion: Lemma 6.8 and Exercise 6.6.

To finish the proof of the One-Half Lemma we’ll be leaving the friendly confines of the real line and venturing into wide-open spaces of the complex plane. The next few sections contain the necessary background material which, if you’ve already had an introduction to complex analysis, should be highly skimmable.

6.3. The complex exponential


6.3. The complex exponential First, we need to extend the Finite Laplace Transform from the real line to the complex plane; this requires knowing what est means when s is a complex number. The complex exponential ez is defined, for z ∈ C, by the power series ∞  zn z . (6.9) e = n! n=0 Proposition 6.10. The infinite series on the right-hand side of equation (6.9) converges absolutely for each z ∈ C, and uniformly on each bounded subset of C. Proof. Suppose B is a bounded subset of C, and choose R > 0 so n that each point of B has absolute value < R. Let Mn = Rn! . Thus n  ∞ |z | R < ∞. Thus the series n=0 Mn = e n! ≤ Mn for each n, and z defining e converges uniformly on B and absolutely at every point of B.  Exercise 6.11. Show that eiθ = cos θ + i sin θ for each θ ∈ R.

According to this exercise we’re already acquainted with the exponential eiθ (θ ∈ R): it’s the complex version of the unit vector (cos θ, sin θ) ∈ R2 that makes an angle of θ radians with the horizontal axis. Proposition 6.12 (The polar decomposition). For each z ∈ C\{0} there exists θ ∈ R such that z = reiθ , where r = |z|. Proof. We have z = x +  iy where x and y are real, not both zero. Thus z = rω, where |z| = x2 + y 2 and ω = z/|z|. Since y x and Im ω =  Re ω =  2 2 2 x +y x + y2 trigonometry tells us that for θ any value of arctan xy : Re ω = cos θ iθ

i.e., ω = e .


Im ω = sin θ , 


6. Titchmarsh Finale Exercise 6.13. Suppose z, w ∈ C have polar decompositions z = reiθ and w = ρeiϕ . Show that: 1 1 = e−iθ , (a) z r (b) zw = (rρ)ei(θ+ϕ) (so |zw| = |z||w|), (c) z n = rn einθ for each n ∈ Z.

Proposition 6.14 (The Addition Law). For each pair z, w ∈ C: ez+w = ez ew . Proof. By definition of the complex exponential: ∞  (z + w)n . ez+w = n! n=0 According to the binomial theorem: n  n n−k k n (z + w) = w z k k=0   n! where nk = k!(n−k)! . Thus ez+w =

∞ n ∞  n   1  n! z n−k wk z n−k wk = . n! (n − k)!k! (n − k)! k! n=0 n=0 k=0


The expression on the right, the Cauchy product of the series defining ez and ew respectively, converges to ez ew by Theorem B.3 (page 188).  Corollary 6.15. |ez | = eRe z for any z ∈ C. Proof. Write z ∈ C as x+iy where x, y ∈ R. Thanks to the Addition Law: ez = ex eiy with |eiy | = 1. Thus |ez | = ex by Exercise B.1(d).  Exercise 6.16. (a) Use the addition law for the complex exponential to prove the addition formulae for the (real) sine and cosine. (b) Show that the trigonometric addition formulae for the (real) sine and cosine imply the addition law for the complex exponential.

6.4. Complex integrals


6.4. Complex integrals     The functions in C [0, a] and C [0, ∞) are “scalar-valued” where the choice of scalars (real or complex) has so far been left to you. For complex-valued functions defined on real intervals, we’ve asserted that the usual rules of calculus regarding integration and differentiation continue to hold. Now it’s time to get (more) serious about this. Continuity and integral. Suppose f : [a, b] → C. For each t ∈ [a, b] define u(t) = Re f (t) and v(t) = Im f (t), so we can write f = u + iv, where u and v are real-valued functions on [a, b]. Thanks to Exercise 3.8 (page 42) we know that f is continuous on [a, b] iff u and v are continuous there. We define the integral of f over [a, b] to be  b  b  b f (t) dt = u(t) dt + i v(t) dt . (6.10) a


Exercise 6.17. Show that


einθ dθ = 0 for each n ∈ Z\{0}.


The usual properties that we learn in calculus for integrals of realvalued functions on intervals remain true for complex-valued ones. b For example, the mapping f → a f (t) dt is a linear map from the complex vector space C([a, b]) (consisting of complex-valued functions continuous on [a, b]) into C. The additivity of this map follows directly from that of real-valued integrals. As for homogeneity: Exercise 6.18. For f : [a, b] → C and λ ∈ C, prove that  b  b f (t) dt = (λf )(t) dt . λ a


A propertyof real-valued integrals that’s crucial to estimating their  sizes is: “| | ≤ | · |”. This is true for complex-valued integrals as well, but the proof requires a little trick. Proposition 6.19. Suppose f : [a, b] → C is continuous. Then     b  b   f (t) dt ≤ |f (t)| dt .   a  a


6. Titchmarsh Finale

Proof. We may, without loss of generality, assume that the complex b number c = a f (t) dt is not zero. Let ω = |c|/c, so |ω| = 1. Then invoking successively the definition of ω and Exercise 6.18 we obtain    b  b  b      ωf (t) dt . f (t) dt = ω f (t) dt =   a  a a Since the left-hand side of this string of equations is real (postive, in fact), so is the right-hand side, hence by the definition of complexvalued integral:    b  b  b    f (t) dt = Re (ωf (t)) dt = Re (ωf (t)) dt   a   a    a   ≤



|ωf (t)| dt = a

equation (6.10) b

|f (t)| dt , a

where in the second line, the inequality follows from the fact that the absolute value of a complex number dominates the real part of that number, while the final equality follows from Exercise 6.13(b) and the fact that |ω| = 1.  Corollary 6.20. Suppose (fn ) is a sequence of complex-valued functions, continuous on the compact interval [a, b] and uniformly convergent there to a (necessarily continuous) function f . Then  b  b fn (t) dt → f (t) dt. a


Proof. Thanks to Proposition 6.19 above, the proof is word-for-word the same as that of the corresponding one for real-valued functions: Theorem A on page 15.  The following exercise will be important to us later in this chapter. Exercise 6.21 (A complex-exponential series). Suppose (cn )∞ 0 is a ∞ |cn | < ∞. For θ ∈ R, let F (θ) = complex sequence with n=0 ∞ inθ . n=0 cn e (a) Show that the series defining F converges uniformly on the real line, and that its sum is a (complex-valued) function that is continuous on R.  2π 1 F (θ)e−inθ dθ (b) Use Exercise 6.17 to show that cn = 2π 0 for each non-negative integer n.

6.5. The (complex) Finite Laplace Transform


We’ll also have occasion to consider integrals of complex-valued continuous functions defined on compact subsets of the plane (here, just closed squares or triangles). The definition of such integrals in terms of real and imaginary parts, as well as their properties, are the same as the ones described above for integrals over intervals, and the proofs are the same.

6.5. The (complex) Finite Laplace Transform We  cannow define the Finite Laplace Transform of a function f ∈ C [0, a] by equation (6.1), with the variable s now allowed to run through the complex plane. For the record:  a e s t f (t) dt (s ∈ C). (6.1C) (La f )(s) = t=0

The integrand on the right, being the product of two functions continuous on [0, a], is itself continuous, so the integral on the right-hand side of equation (6.1C) exists in the sense described in the last section. We can now generalize Lemma 6.8 to the complex case.   Proposition 6.22. Suppose f ∈ C [0, ∞) with f ∗ f ≡ 0 on [0, 2a]. Then La fa is bounded on C. Proof. Just as in the real setting, fix f satisfying the hypotheses of the Proposition, with |f (t)| ≤ 1 for t ∈ [0, 2a]. Set fa (t) = f (a − t), so in particular: |fa (t)| ≤ 1 for t ∈ [−a, a]. For s ∈ C with Re s ≤ 0 and t ≥ 0 we know from Corollary 6.15 that |est | = et Re s ≤ 1. Therefore, as in the proof of Lemma 6.8:    a    a st  (La fa )(s) =  ≤ e f (t) dt |e s t | |fa (t)| dt a   t=0 t=0  a t Re s = e |fa (t)| dt ≤ a ,   t=0  ≤1

where the interchange of (complex) integral and absolute value in the first line is justified by Proposition 6.19 (page 105). Thus we’ve shown, independent of any hypotheses on f ∗ f , that La fa is bounded on the “closed left half-plane” {s ∈ C : Re s ≤ 0}.


6. Titchmarsh Finale

It remains to show that the hypothesis f ∗ f ≡ 0 on [0, 2a] will render La fa bounded on the “open right half-plane” {s ∈ C : Re s ≤ 0}. To this end, fix s ∈ C with Re s > 0, and note that |est | = et Re s ≤ 1 for t < 0, hence  0   0   st  ≤ e f (t) dt |e s t | |fa (t)| dt ≤ a a      t=−a



Thus, to show that La fa is bounded for s in the open right half-plane, it will be enough—just as in our proof of Lemma 6.8—to prove this for the symmetric integral  a L(s) = e s t fa (t) dt . t=−a

The rest of the proof proceeds exactly as that of Lemma 6.8—once you replace the phrase “s > 0” with “Re s > 0”; I leave the details to you. 

6.6. Entire functions  n A function f : C → C is said to be entire if f (z) = ∞ n=0 an z where the power series converges at every point of the complex plane. By Theorem B.6, the series must therefore converge absolutely at each point of the plane and, for each positive real number r, uniformly on the closed disc |z| ≤ r (and so, uniformly on every bounded subset of the plane). By its definition, the exponential function z → ez is entire. By the fundamental properties of convergent series, the set of entire functions, endowed with pointwise addition and scalar multiplication, is a complex vector space. Thus, for example, the “complex hyperbolic functions” sinh z = 12 (ez − e−z ) and cosh z = 12 (ez + e−z) are entire, 1 eiz − e−iz as are the “complex trigonometric functions” sin z = 2i  iz  1 and cos z = 2 e + e−iz . Perhaps more germane to our program is:   Proposition 6.23. If f ∈ C [0, ∞) and a > 0, then La f is entire.

6.6. Entire functions


Proof. The proof of Lemma 6.2 carries over word-for-word to provide the series representation (6.2)–(6.3) for La f (s), where now the series converges for every complex number s.  The complex Laplace transform is one-to-one; indeed, if La f ≡ 0 on C then it’s ≡ 0 on R, hence by Corollary 6.4 (page 98), f ≡ 0 on [0, a]. However now that we’ve been “C-enlightened” we can show that something much stronger is true:   f ∈ C [0, a] is ≡ 0 on [0, a] whenever La f is bounded on C.2 The key to this amazing result is: Liouville’s Theorem. If an entire function is bounded on the whole complex plane, then it is constant there.  n Proof. We’re given an entire function f (z) = ∞ n=0 an z , where the series converges at each point of the complex plane, and are assuming that there exists a positive real number M such that |f (z)| ≤ M for each z ∈ C. Fix (for the moment) r > 0. The series representing f converges absolutely at each point of C, hence it does so for z = r, ∞ n n i.e., n=0 |an r | < ∞. Let Mn = |an r | for each index n, so  iθ n Mn < ∞. We’ve noted that |e | = 1 for each θ ∈ R, so by Exercise 6.13(b) we have |an r n einθ | = |an r n | |einθ | = |an r n | = Mn . Thus (6.11)

f (reiθ ) =


an r n einθ ,


where the Weierstrass M-test blesses the series on the right with convergence that is uniform for θ ∈ R. Exercise 6.21 (page 106), with cn = an r n and F (θ) = f (reiθ ), now guarantees that for n = 0, 1, 2, . . .  2π 1 n an r = f (reiθ )e−inθ dθ , 2π 0 2

Exercise 6.6 (page 99) has already established a very special case of this.


6. Titchmarsh Finale

whereupon, finally admitting that |an r n | = |an |r n ,  2π    n iθ −inθ  2π|an |r =  f (re )e dθ  

0 2π

  f (reiθ )e−inθ  dθ

(by Prop. 6.19)


≤ 0

|f (reiθ )| |e−inθ | dθ       ≤M


M dθ = 2πM . 0

Thus for n a fixed non-negative integer we have |an | ≤ rMn for each r > 0. If n is positive we see upon “unfixing” r, and letting it → ∞, that an = 0. Conclusion: f (z) ≡ a0 on C.

Exercise 6.24. On page 108 we observed that the complex sine and cosine functions are entire. According to Liouville’s Theorem, these functions, while bounded on the real line, cannot be bounded on the complex plane. Prove this directly. Exercise 6.25. Suppose f is an entire function for which there exists M ∈ [0, ∞) and a positive integer N such that |f (z)| ≤ M |z|N for each z ∈ C. Show that f is a polynomial of degree at most N .

Corollary 6.26 (“Super-uniqueness” for Finite Laplace Transforms).  Suppose f ∈ C [0, ∞) and La f is bounded on C. Then f ≡ 0 on [0, a]. Proof. Thanks to Proposition 6.23 and Liouville’s Theorem, La f is constant on C, so by the representation of equations (6.2)–(6.3) (page 98) and the uniqueness of power series (Proposition B.8),  a tn f (t) dt = 0 for n = 1, 2, . . . . 0

a By the linearity of integration, 0 p(t)tf (t) dt = 0 for every polynomial p. By the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem, there is a sequence pn of polynomials that converges uniformly on [0, a] to f ,



the complex conjugate of the function f . Thus  a   a pn (t)tf (t) dt = tf (t)f (t) dt = 0 = lim n




t|f (t)|2 dt .


Since the function t → t|f (t)|2 , which is continuous and non-negative on [0, a], has integral zero over that interval, it’s ≡ 0 there. Thus f ≡ 0 on (0, a], and therefore by continuity f (0) = 0, i.e., f ≡ 0 on [0, a], as we wished to show.  This completes our proof of the One-Half Lemma, and with it, that of the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem.

Notes The use of Liouville’s Theorem to finish our proof of the One-Half Lemma is due to Yosida and Matsuura [68, 1984]. Understanding the Titchmarsh Theorem. At a December 1997 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, the noted American mathematician Gian-Carlo Rota (1932–1999) gave a talk: “Ten Mathematics Problems I will never solve” [46]. Rota’s “Problem Number Three” was the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem. Rota claimed that, to the best of his knowledge: “No elementary proof of this theorem has ever been given . . . .” He pointed out that a couple of famous mathematicians had already published proofs claimed to be “elementary,” but which he’d found to be “neither elementary nor enlightening.” Rota would undoubtedly say the same of the proof we’ve given here, viewing it as neither “elementary” (it appeals to complex analysis), nor “enlightening” (lots of of ad hoc trickery). In Rota’s view, the difficulty in finding a good proof of Titchmarsh’s theorem resides in our insufficient understanding of the algebraic structure of repeated integration by parts. It’s interesting to read further in his paper to better comprehend what he’s getting at, and to see an example of how a great mathematician seeks true understanding.

Part 3

Invariance Through Duality

In this final part of the book we’ll use the Titchmarsh  Convo lution Theorem to determine the closed subspaces of C [0, a] left invariant by the Volterra operator. There are four chapters, the first of which introduces the problem of invariant subspaces, discusses its importance, and connects it with Titchmarsh’s theorem. Then follow chapters devoted to two of the cornerstones of functional analysis: the Hahn-Banach Separation Theorem, which provides the strategy for characterizing the Volterra operator’s invariant subspaces, and the Riesz Representation Theorem, which implements this   strategy by identifying the bounded linear functionals on C [0, a] . In the final chapter, these remarkable results team up with the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem to establish the Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem.

Chapter 7

Invariant Subspaces

Overview. Now begins our final Volterra adventure, wherein we stalk the “Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem,” a famous result  that characterizes those closed subspaces M of C [0, a] for which V (M ) ⊂ M . In this chapter we’ll begin to appreciate the theorem’s depth and importance, and will establish an initial connection with Titchmarsh’s theorem.

7.1. Volterra-Invariant Subspaces Suppose V is a vector space upon which acts a linear transformation T . To say a subspace M of V is invariant for T (briefly: “M is T invariant”) simply means that T (M ) ⊂ M . There are two “trivial” invariant subspaces: V and {0}; all others are “nontrivial.” Exercise 7.1. For V and T as above, suppose the scalar λ is an eigenvalue of T . Show: the “eigenspace” Eλ = {v ∈ V : T v = λv} is T -invariant. Under what conditions is Eλ nontrivial?

Eigenvalues need not provide the only invariant subspaces. In these final few chapters we’ll seek to characterize,   for the Volterra operator V acting on the Banach spaces C [0, a] , the closed invariant subspaces. Here are some: For a > 0 and b ∈ [0, a] define the subspace Cb = Cb ([0, a]) by:   (7.1) Cb = {f ∈ C [0, a] : f (t) = 0 for 0 ≤ t ≤ b}. 115


7. Invariant Subspaces

  In particular, C0 is the collection of functions in C [0, a] that vanish at the origin; it’s the largest of the Cb ’s. The smallest is Ca : the zero subspace.   Exercise 7.2. Show that each Cb is a closed subspace of C [0, a] that is invariant for V .

Upon recalling the notation (f ) for the “left-most” point of the sup port of f ∈ C [0, ∞) (defined by equation (5.2), page 83), we have for b > 0:   Cb = {f ∈ C [0, a] : b ≤ (f )},1   Exercise 7.3. Show that (V f ) = (f ) for each f ∈ C [0, ∞) .

The Volterra operator has no eigenvalues (Theorem 1.6, page 6), so none of the subspaces Cb are eigenspaces. We’ll call these subspaces,   along with the whole space C [0, a] , the “obvious” closed invariant subspaces of V . Our goal henceforth is to prove that there are no others. More precisely: Theorem (VIST)). Theorem 7.4 (The Volterra Invariant-Subspace   2 If M is a proper closed subspace of C [0, a] that is invariant for V , then M = Cb for some b ∈ [0, a]. In the next section we’ll explore some consequences of the VIST. As a down payment, here’s a particularly immediate one: Corollary 7.5. Every proper, closed, V -invariant subspace of   C [0, a] lies in C0 . The requirement of “closed-ness” cannot be omitted from the hypotheses of Theorem 7.4. Example: the subspace of polynomials is nontrivial, not closed (why?), and V -invariant. But it’s not equal to any of the Cb ’s. In general, an operator’s “obvious” closed invariant subspaces (if there are any) need not be the only ones. The following exercise shows that an operator we’ve previously encountered has a “Volterra-like” collection of such obvious subspaces, but—unlike the   To make the definition of (f ) strictly legal, we now think of functions in C [0, a]   as restrictions to [0, a] of functions in C [0, ∞) . 2 A “proper” subspace is one that is not the whole space. 1

7.2. Why study invariant subspaces?


Volterra operator—it also has “non-obvious” ones. The underlying vector space is 1 , the collection of scalar sequences f = (f (k))∞ 0 that are absolutely summable. According to Exercise 4.36 (page 71), when endowed with the “1-norm” ∞  |f (k)| (f ∈ 1 ), f 1 = k=0 1

 is a Banach space. Exercise 4.37 shows that the “forward shift” S, defined on 1 by setting (Sf )(0) = 0 and (Sf )(k) = f (k − 1) for k > 0, is a bounded operator which—like the Volterra operator—is one-to-one but not invertible, and has no eigenvalues. The exercise below asks you to identify some “obvious” closed subspaces of 1 that are invariant for S, and then—by thinking of each vector in 1 as the coefficient sequence of a power series—to find some “non-obvious” ones. Exercise 7.6. For the forward shift S on 1 : (a) Show that for each non-negative integer k, the subset Lk = {f ∈ 1 : f (j) = 0 for j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , k} is a closed subspace of 1 that is invariant for S. These are the “obvious” invariant subspaces. (b) For f ∈ 1 and λ a scalar of modulus ≤ 1, define ∞ f (k)λk . fˆ(λ) = k=0

Show that for each such λ: the power series on the right converges, and the map f → fˆ(λ) is a bounded linear functional on 1 . Give an estimate of the norm of this

(λ) in terms of fˆ(λ). linear functional. Find Sf (c) Some “non-obvious” invariant subspaces. Show that if |λ| ≤ 1, then {f ∈ 1 : fˆ(λ) = 0} is a closed subspace of

1 that is: nontrivial, not equal to any of the Lk ’s, and invariant for S.

7.2. Why study invariant subspaces? Here are two reasons. First, we hope the restriction of a linear transformation to an invariant subspace will be more easily understandable than the original operator. The model for this is the famous Jordan Canonical Form, which asserts that each square matrix with


7. Invariant Subspaces

complex entries is similar to a block-diagonal matrix, with each such “Jordan block” having the form “eigenvalue times identity plus nilpotent” where each nilpotent summand has 1’s running down its first super-diagonal and zeros elsewhere.3 The resulting linear transformation of complex Euclidean space then breaks into a direct sum of easily understood restrictions to invariant subspaces. A second reason for studying invariant subspaces is their connection with approximation. Suppose V is a normed vector space. Definition 7.7. To say that a subset S is dense in V means that the closure of S is V , i.e., that every vector in V is the limit of a sequence of vectors taken from S (equivalently: for every v ∈ V and ε > 0 there is a vector w ∈ S such that v − w < ε). For example, the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem (Theorem C.1, page 195) tells us that for each finite, closed  interval [a, b], the set of one-variable polynomials is dense in C [a, b] . Definition 7.8. To say that V is separable means that it has a dense subset that is countable. Example: We know from previous courses that the set of rational numbers is countable, and that every real number is the limit of a sequence of rationals. In other words: the rationals form a countable dense subset of the reals, hence R is separable. Exercise 7.9. Prove that in Rn , with its Euclidean norm, the vectors with rational coordinates form a countable dense set. Thus Rn is separable for every n > 1. Is this true for Rn in its “1-norm”? In its “∞-norm”? (These norms are defined on page 28; see also Exercise 2.13 on that page.)

Definition 7.10. To say a vector v ∈ V is cyclic for T (or just: “T -cyclic”) means that the linear span of its “T -orbit” (7.2)

OrbT (v) = {v, T v, T 2 v, . . . }

is dense in V . 3

See, e.g., [3, §8D, page 270 ff.]

7.2. Why study invariant subspaces?


Thus, to say “v is T -cyclic” means that each vector in the space can be approximated in norm by linear combinations of vectors in the T orbit of v, i.e, that MT (v), the closure of the linear span of OrbT (v), is equal to V . Exercise 7.11. Show that the closed set MT (v) is a T -invariant subspace of V that contains the vector v, and that it’s the smallest such closed subspace (meaning: MT (v) ⊂ M for each closed, T invariant subspace M of V that contains v).

  Consider, for example, the Volterra operator V acting on C [0, a] . The constant function 1 on [0, a] has V -orbit OrbV (1) = {1, x,

x2 2!


x3 3!

, . . . },

whose linear span is the collection of all (one-variable) polynomials, which by the Approximation  Theorem, is a dense sub Weierstrass  space of C [0, a] . Thus MV (1) = C [0, a] , i.e: Proposition 7.12. For each a > 0,the constant function 1 is cyclic for the Volterra operator on C [0, a] .   Not only does the V -cyclicity of 1 in C [0, a] follow from the Weierstrass theorem, it implies the Weierstrass theorem; so the two results are equivalent (at least for the interval [0, a]) in that either one can be derived from the other. Exercise 7.13 (Cyclic vectors of a nilpotent matrix). Let T be the linear transformation of Rn (or Cn ) given by left-multiplication of column vectors by an n × n upper-triangular matrix having 0’s on the main diagonal. Find the cyclic vectors of T . Suggestion: Start with n = 2.

Exercise 7.14 (Continuing Exercise 7.6). Show that for the forward shift S on the sequence space 1 , the vector e0 (that has 1 in its initial position and zeros elsewhere) is cyclic.

Proposition 7.15. Suppose V is a normed vector space and T is a bounded operator on V that has a cyclic vector. Then V is separable. Proof. Let v be a cyclic vector for T . Fix a vector w ∈ V , and a real number ε > 0. By the definition of cyclicity, there is a positive


7. Invariant Subspaces

integer n and an n-tuple of scalars (a1 , a2 , . . . an ) such that w −


aj T j v < ε/2.


Suppose for the moment that our scalars are real. Then by the density of the rationals in the reals, we can find for each index j a rational n ε , where M = j=1 T j v. Thus number qj such that |aj − qj | < 2M n n n            qj T j v  = w − aj T j v + (qj − aj )T j v  w − j=1



n n          ≤ w − aj T j v  +  (qj − aj )T j v  j=1



ε + |aj − qj | T j v 2 j=1    ε < 2M

ε ε < + M = ε. 2 2M Thus the rational linear span Q of OrbT (v) is dense in V . I leave it to you to show that Q is countable (hint: it’s a countable union of countable sets). This completes, for real scalars, the proof that V is separable. The proof for complex scalars is no different, except that now the qj ’s are complex numbers with rational real and imaginary parts. The set of these “complex rationals” is countable, and it’s dense in C by the n = 2 case of Exercise 7.9.  Here’s the “cosmic truth” behind the above proof: If a linear combination of vectors in a normed vector space closely approximates a vector w, then sufficiently small perturbations of its scalar coefficients will produce a vector that still closely approximates w. Exercise 7.16. Show that: For each finite, closed interval [a, b], the   Banach space C [a, b] is separable. Suggestion: Weierstrass Approximation Theorem + (rigorous application of) the “cosmic truth” of the last paragraph.

Corollary 7.17. For a bounded linear operator T on a nonseparable normed vector space, no vector in V is cyclic.

7.2. Why study invariant subspaces?


An important consequence of this Corollary is that every bounded linear operator on a nonseparable Banach space has a proper, closed, invariant subspace (namely the closure of the orbit of any non-zero vector). We need an example of a nonseparable Banach space! Recall from Theorem 4.25 (page 64) that the space R([a, b]) of Riemann integrable functions on the finite closed interval [a, b] is a Banach space in its supremum norm. Proposition  7.18. For each finite, closed interval [a, b], the Banach space R [a, b] is not separable. Proof. For a < t < b let ft take the value 0 on the interval [a, t] and 1 on (t, b]. Being piecewise continuous, each function ft is, by Proposition 4.32 (page 68), Riemann integrable on [a, b]. Note that if s and t are distinct points of (a,  b) then  fs −ft  = 1, where the norm is the supremum norm on R [a, b] . Thus we have an uncountable collection of functions in R [a, b] , each of which lies a distance 1  from all the others. Suppose G is a dense subset of R [a, b] . To show : G is uncountable. For each t ∈ (a, b) there is a function gt ∈ G with ft − gt  < 14 . To prove G uncountable, we need only show the gt ’s are distinct for distinct values of t. To this end, suppose s and t are distinct points of (a, b). If you draw a picture, showing gt in the open ball of radius 14 about ft , and similarly for gs and fs , it seems obvious that gt − gs  should be > 12 , so gt = gs . Rigorously: gt − gs  = (ft − fs ) + (gt − ft ) + (fs − gs ) ≥ ft − fs  − (gt − ft ) + (fs − gs ) ≥ ft − fs  − gt − ft  − fs − gs  ,          =1

< 14

< 14

where we’ve used the reverse triangle inequality (Exercise 2.14, page 28) in the second line, and the ordinary triangle inequality in the third. >

1 2

Summary. Each function in {gt : a < t < b} of G lies a distance away from all the others, so the gt ’s being distinct for different


7. Invariant Subspaces

t’s, form an uncountable subset of G . Thus G , an arbitrary dense  subset of R [a, b] , is uncountable.   Conclusion: R [a, b] is not separable.  Exercise 7.19. Consider the Banach spaces of scalar sequences 1 (cf. Exercise 7.14 above) and ∞ = ∞ (N ∪ {0}) (introduced more generally in Exercise 4.19 on page 60). Show that 1 is separable, but ∞ is not. Suggestion: For ∞ , associate with each subset E of the non-negative integers, the function fE ∈ ∞ that takes the value 1 on E and 0 off E. Thinking of elements of ∞ as sequences, use a diagonal argument (like the one that shows the unit interval of the real line is uncountable) to show that the collection of functions fE is uncountable, and use this fact to adapt the proof of Proposition 7.18 to ∞ .

We know that the constant   function 1 is a cyclic vector for the Volterra operator on C [0, a] . According to Corollary 7.17 above, noth ing of the sort is true for R [0, a] . The “Invariant Subspace Problem” asks if every bounded linear operator on a separable, infinite dimensional Banach space must have a nontrivial closed invariant subspace. Equivalently: Does every such operator have a non-cyclic vector? This problem has received much attention during the past eighty or so years. Right now it’s known that some “reasonable” Banach spaces support bounded operators that have only trivial closed invariant subspaces. Fortunately, these operators are exotic; you’ll never encounter one in everyday mathematical life. On the other hand, for many kinds of “reasonable” Banach spaces (most notably “Hilbert space”), the problem remains open. For more on this, see the Notes at the end of this chapter. Question. Why is the Invariant Subspace Problem stated only for Banach spaces that are separable and infinite dimensional? Answer. By Corollary 7.17, the problem is solved in the affirmative for non-separable Banach spaces. For the finite dimensional ones, it’s also solved! Consider, for example, the Euclidean space Rn . The discussion on page 57 shows that every linear transformation thereon is bounded, and according to Exercise 4.12 (page 58), every vector

7.3. Consequences of the VIST


subspace therein is closed. The same is true, with the same proofs, for Cn . In fact, the same is true (with a more complicated proof) for every finite dimensional normed vector space (see, e.g., [51, Section C3, pp. 197–197]). The exercise below completes the invariant-subspace discussion for Cn . Exercise 7.20. Show that for n > 1, each linear transformation on Cn has a nontrivial invariant subspace. Why do we exclude the case n = 1? Suggestion: According to the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, every polynomial with complex coefficients has a complex root.

The situation for finite dimensional real vector spaces is more subtle. Exercise 7.21. Show that on R2 there are linear transformations with no nontrivial invariant subspaces (cf. Example 1.7, page 7).

According to Exercise 1.8 on page 7, if n > 2 is odd, then every linear transformation on Rn has an eigenvalue, and so, if the transformation is neither the zero map nor a constant multiple of the identity, it has a nontrivial invariant subspace. In fact, this is true for every n > 2, but for even n the proof is more subtle: see, e.g., [3, Theorem 9.8].

7.3. Consequences of the VIST To gain further appreciation for the Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem, let’s assume it has been established, and derive some important consequences. Thanks to the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem we know that the constant function 1 is cyclic for the Volterra operator acting on   C [0, a] . The VIST provides a much stronger result.   Corollary 7.22 (The Volterra Cyclicity Theorem). f ∈ C [0, a] is V -cyclic iff f (0) = 0. Proof. If f (0) = 0 then the V -orbit of f , and therefore   its linear span, lies in C0 , hence by the continuity of V on C [0, a] , the same is true of the MV (f ) of this linear span (exercise). Thus  closure  MV (f ) = C [0, a] , i.e., f is not cyclic. Conclusion: f cyclic implies f (0) = 0. (Note: VIST not yet used.)


7. Invariant Subspaces

Conversely, suppose f (0) = 0. Then f ∈ / C0 , hence MV (f ) is not contained in C0 , so by the VIST, MV (f ) = C [0, a] , i.e., f is V -cyclic.  Thanks to the VIST we’re be able to characterize, for each b ∈ [0, a), the cyclic vectors of the restriction Vb of the Volterra operator to its invariant subspace Cb . Corollary 7.23 (The Cb cyclicity theorem). Suppose 0 ≤ b < a. Then f ∈ Cb is cyclic for Vb iff b = (f ) (equivalently: iff b is in the support of f ). Proof. Since f ∈ Cb , we have (f ) ≥ b. If β = (f ) = b, then β > b, so f ≡ 0 on the interval [b, β], i.e., f ∈ Cβ . Consequently OrbV (f ) ⊂ Cβ , hence the same is true of the linear span of OrbV (f ), so by the continuity of V , the same is true of MV (f ) (exercise). Thus MV (f ) ⊂ Cβ  Cb , so f is not Vb -cyclic. Conclusion: If f ∈ Cb is Vb -cyclic, then b ∈ spt f . (Note: once again, the VIST has not yet been used.) Conversely, suppose b = (f ). Then f ∈ Cb , and the VIST guarantees that MV (f ) = Cβ for some β that’s necessarily ≥ b (because MV (f ) ⊂ Cb ). But f lies in MV (f ), hence b = (f ) ≥ β. Thus b = β,  i.e., MV (f ) = Cb , so f is Vb -cyclic. We’ve mentioned that our (eventual) proof of the VIST will make essential use of the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem. In fact: Metatheorem 7.24.4 The Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem implies the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem.   Proof. Fix functions f and g in C [0, ∞) . The Titchmarsh theorem asserts that (f ∗ g) = (f ) + (g). We’ve treated this equation as two separate inequalities: (≥) “Easy Titchmarsh” (ET), noted in Proposition 5.4 on page 84, and (≤) “Hard Titchmarsh” (HT), discussed on page 84, and ultimately established at the end of Chapter 6. 4

A “metatheorem” is (at least, here) a “theorem about theorems.”

7.3. Consequences of the VIST


Thanks to (ET): if (f ∗ g) = 0 then both (f ) and (g) must be zero, hence the Titchmarsh theorem is “easy” if (f ∗ g) = 0. Now suppose a kind spirit has given us a Titchmarsh-free proof of the VIST,5 and that (f ∗g) > 0. Our goal is to derive the Titchmarsh theorem by establishing the inequality (HT)

(f ∗ g) ≤ (f ) + (g).

To this end, set a = (f ∗ g) and b = (f ), so 0 ≤ b ≤ a, with (ET) providing the latter inequality. We may, in fact, assume that b < a; otherwise b = a, so (ET) would imply that (g) = 0. Then trivially: we’d have equality in (ET), so we’d have (HT).   Now think of f and g as vectors in C [0, a] . Since we’re  assuming  0 ≤ b < a we know that Cb is properly contained in C [0, a] . The VIST supplies Corollary 7.23, which asserts that f is cyclic for the restriction of V to Cb , i.e., that MV (f ) = Cb . Since f ∗ g ≡ 0 on [0, a] we have thereon: (7.3)

0 ≡ V (f ∗ g) = 1 ∗ (f ∗ g) = (1 ∗ f ) ∗ g = (V f ) ∗ g.

Upon repeating the calculation we see that (V n f ) ∗ g ≡ 0 on [0, a] for

n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .

Thus h ∗ g ≡ 0 on [0, a] for each h in the linear span of the V -orbit of f , and so for each h in the closed linear span MV (f ) = Cb of that orbit. In particular:  a h(a − t)g(t) dt 0 = (h ∗ g)(a) = 0

  for each h ∈ C [0, a] that vanishes identically on [0, b]. Now a − t ∈ [0, b] iff t ∈ [a − b, a], so h(a − t) ≡ 0 on [a − b, a], hence the integral in the last display extends only over the interval [0, a − b]. Consequently  a−b ϕ(t)g(t) dt = 0 (7.4) 0

  for every ϕ ∈ C [0, a − b] with ϕ(0) = 0. Now suppose that g(0) = 0. Choose ϕ = g in the real case,  a−b or ϕ = g in the complex case, to conclude that 0 |g(t)|2 dt = 0, 5

See, e.g., [29] for such a proof, albeit in a somewhat different setting.


7. Invariant Subspaces

which, by the continuity of |g|2 , yields the desired conclusion g ≡ 0 on [0, a − b]. Unfortunately, g(0) need not be 0. Not a problem! Just go back to equation (7.3) and apply V to both sides, obtaining for the interval [0, a]:  0 ≡ V ((V f ) ∗ g) = 1 ∗ (V f ) ∗ g) = (V f ) ∗ (1 ∗ g) = (V f ) ∗ (V g), where the associativity of Volterra convolution provides the next-tolast equality. In other words, equation (7.3) holds with V g in place of g. Since (V g)(0) = 0, the argument of the last paragraph works to show that V g ≡ 0 on [0, a − b]. Differentiate both sides of this last equality (or quote Proposition 1.2, page 5) to conclude that g ≡ 0 on [0, a − b], as desired. 

7.4. Deconstructing the VIST In the previous section we listed some important consequences of the Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem. In this one we’ll go the other way, showing that the VIST is a consequence of (and therefore “equivalent to”) the special case b = 0 of Corollary 7.23, the nontrivial part of which we’ll glorify as: Conjecture C0 . If f ∈ C0 has 0 in its support, then f is cyclic for the restriction of V to C0 . The proof of Conjecture C0 is not trivial; it will occupy the next three chapters! We’ll devote the rest of this chapter to proving that (the truth of) Conjecture C0 implies (the truth of) the VIST. Here’s a first consequence of Conjecture C0 : Metatheorem 7.25. Conjecture C0 implies Corollary 7.22 (the Volterra Cyclicity Theorem). Proof. Assuming   Conjecture C0 has been  proved, we wish to show that f ∈ C [0, a] is V -cyclic on C [0, a] iff f (0) = 0. The proof that cyclicity implies f (0) = 0 goes as in our original proof of Corollary 7.22 (which did not depend on Conjecture C0 ).   Suppose, then, that f ∈ C [0, a] with f (0) = 0. We wish to show, using Conjecture C0 , that MV (f ) (the closure in C [0, a] of

7.4. Deconstructing the VIST


  the V -orbit of f ) is all of C [0, a] . Without loss of generality we may assume that f (0) = 1. Thanks to Exercise 7.3(b) (page 116) we know that 0 lies in the support of V f , i.e., V f does not vanish identically on any interval of [0, a] having 0 as its left endpoint. Thus Conjecture C0 guarantees that V f is cyclic for C0 . Now 1 − f ∈ C0 , so given ε > 0 there exists a positive integer n and scalars a1 , a2 , . . . , an such that n n           ε > (1 − f ) − ak (V k f ) = 1 − ak (V k f ), k=1


where in the last equality we’ve defined a0 to be 1. Thus 1 lies in MV (f ), so also M  V (1) ⊂ MV (f ). But according to Proposition  7.12, MV (1) = C [0, a] . Conclusion: MV (f ) = C [0, a] , i.e., f is V -cyclic.  Now we’re going to show that that Conjecture C0 implies the full Cb Cyclicity Theorem (Corollary 7.23). To be precise: We’ll assume the truth of Conjecture C0 , and from this show that if 0 < b < a, and f ∈ Cb has the point b in its support, then f is cyclic for the restriction of V to Cb . The idea is to connect the action of the Volterra operator on its invariant subspace Cb with its behavior on the space C0 . For this we’ll use the time-honored notion of similarity, which made its first appearance here in Chapter 1, pp. 8. Definition 7.26. Suppose X and Y are normed vector spaces, and that T : X → X and U : Y → Y bounded linear transformations. If there exists a boundedly invertible 6 transformation S : X → Y such that T = S −1 U S, we say T is boundedly similar to U (by S). Clearly: if T is boundedly similar to U by S, then U is boundedly similar to T by S −1 . Now please work the following Exercise, which continues with the same cast of characters, and is not too difficult, but is crucial for what comes afterwards. 6

Recall: this means that both S and S −1 are bounded (Definition 4.22, page 62).


7. Invariant Subspaces Exercise 7.27. Continuing in the notation of Definition 7.26: Show that x ∈ X is cyclic for T iff Sx ∈ Y is cyclic for U . Suggestion: You’ll need to check that T = S −1 U S implies T n = S −1 U n S for each non-negative integer n. The rest follows from definitions, linearity, and continuity.

Metatheorem 7.28. Conjecture C0 implies Corollary 7.23 (the Cb Cyclicity Theorem).   Proof. For 0 ≤ b < a, consider   the linear map S : C [b, a] → C [0, a − b] defined for f ∈ C [b, a] by (Sf )(x) = f (x + b)

(x ∈ [0, a − b]).

According to Exercise 1.10 on page 8 (with roles of a and b inter−1 changed), the map S establishes a similarity  Vb = S V S between the Volterra operator on C [0, a − b] and its “shifted” ver V acting  sion Vb acting on C [b, a] . The same is true if V , Vb , and S are restricted to the “C0 counterparts” of their original domains of definition, i.e., to those subspaces consisting of functions that vanishat the  left endpoint of their  intervals of definition (example: C0 [b, a] = all f ∈ C [b, a] with f (b) = 0). Please check that: (a) The similarity map   S, is an  isometric  linear transformation taking C0 [b, a] onto C0 [0, a − b] , and its inverse is also isometric.   (b) The point b lies in the support of f ∈ C [b, a] iff the origin lies in the support of Sf .   It follows from Exercise 7.27  that f ∈ C [b, a] is cyclic for V  b iff Sf  is cyclic for V acting on C0 [0, a−b] . In particular, if f ∈ C0 [b, a] has b in its support,then 0 lies in the support of Sf , so Sf is cyclic  for V on C0 [0, a − b] by Conjecture C0 , hence f is Vb -cyclic on C [b, a] . So far, Assuming Conjecture C0 : if b lies in the support of f ∈ C [b, a] , then f is cyclic for the “shifted” Volterra operator Vb .   To finish the proof we need only observe that C [b, a] “can be regarded as” the space of restrictions of Cb to the interval [b, a], and once  this  is done, Vb “can be regarded as” the restriction of V to C [b, a] . 

7.4. Deconstructing the VIST


Exercise 7.29. Make the last paragraph rigorous by showing that the map that takes f ∈ Cb to its restriction to the interval [b, a], establishes a similarity between Vb and the restriction of V to Cb .

Finally, the sought-for reduction of the VIST to Conjecture C0 . Metatheorem 7.30. Conjecture C0 implies the Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem (Theorem 7.4). Proof. Given Conjecture C0 we also have, thanks to the metatheorems established above, Corollaries  7.22  and 7.23. Suppose M is a closed, V -invariant subspace of C [0, a] that is not equal to C [0, a] . To show : M is, for some 0 ≤ b ≤ a, the “obvious” closed, V -invariant subspace Cb . We may assume   that M = {0} (else M = Ca , and we’re done). Since M = C [0, a] , Corollary 7.5 of the VIST  (page  116) guarantees that M must lie in C0 , those functions in C [0, a] that vanish at the origin. Let b = inf{(f ) : f ∈ M }, so b is the infimum of all the points in the supports of the functions in M . Note that b < a since M = {0}, and that M lies in Cb and contains functions whose leftmost support points lie arbitrarily close to b. Claim: There exists F ∈ M with (F ) = b. Granting this Claim, it’s easy to see—assuming the VIST—that M = Cb . Indeed, by Metatheorem 7.28, F is cyclic for the restriction of V to Cb , hence Cb = MV (F ) ⊂ M ⊂ Cb , so there is equality throughout. Proof of the Claim. The idea is straightforward, but “the devil is in the details.” By the definition of b we may choose a sequence (fn )∞ 1 of functions in M for which the numbers bn = (fn ) form a sequence strictly decreasing to b. Consequently, for each index n the function fn vanishes identically on [0, bn ], but one can find points in (bn , a) arbitrarily close to bn at which fn does not vanish. In other words: there exists a sequence (xn ) of real numbers such that a > x1 > b1 > x2 > b2 > . . .  b , and fn (xn ) = 0 for each index n. Since M is closed under scalar multiplication, we can assume (upon multiplying fn by a suitable scalar of modulus 1, if necessary) that fn (xn ) > 0 for each n.


7. Invariant Subspaces

Now “scale” each fn so that ∞  fn  < ∞. (7.5) n=1

Here “scale” means “multiply by a positive real ≤ 1.” Thus  number   f converges in the norm of C [0, a] to a function F the series ∞ n=1 n which, since each fn belongs to the closed subspace M , also belongs to M . We’re going to show that by appropriate further scaling of the fn ’s (which will preserve equation 7.5 as well as the fact that fn ∈ M ), we’ll be able to insure that F (xn ) = 0 for each n. In this way we’ll produce the desired function F ∈ M with (F ) = b. It remains to produce the desired final scaling of the functions fn . Let FN denote the N -th partial sum of the series that defines F , i.e., N  fn (N = 1, 2, . . . ). FN = n=1

Thus F1 = f1 , so in particular: F1 (x1 ) > 0. Now F2 = f1 + f2 and, since f1 ≡ 0 on [0, x2 ] we have F2 (x2 ) = f2 (x2 ) > 0. To insure that f2 (x1 ) can’t render F2 (x1 ) equal to 0 we further scale of f2 so that (7.6)

|f2 (x1 )| < 14 f1 (x1 ).


  F2 (x1 ) ≥ f1 (x1 ) − |f2 (x1 )| > 1 − 14 f1 (x1 )

One more step establishes the pattern: Since f1 and f2 vanish identically on the interval [0, x3 ] we have F3 (x3 ) = f3 (x3 ) > 0, and by our previous scaling of f2 (and the fact that f1 vanishes identically on [0, x2 ]) we have, upon scaling f3 so that |f3 (x2 )| < 14 f2 (x2 ):   F3 (x2 ) = f2 (x2 ) + f3 (x2 ) ≥ f2 (x2 ) − |f3 (x2 )| > 1 − 14 f2 (x2 ) .



As for F3 (x1 ): we scale f3 further so that |f3 (x1 )|

|f2 (x1 )|   

− |f3 (x1 )|

1 < 4 f1 (x1 ) by (7.6) f1 (x1 ) − 14 f1 (x1 ) − 412 f1 (x1 )   f1 (x1 ) 1 − 14 − 412

Continuing in this manner we obtain for N = 1, 2, . . . (by an induction argument that I leave to you) a scaling of fN such that FN (xN ) > 0 and for k = 1, 2, . . . N − 1: k   1 FN (xN −k ) > fN −k (xN −k ) 1 − 4j j=1 ∞   1 > fN −k (xN −k ) 1 − j 4 j=1


1 3 fN −k (xN −k ) .

Since “scaling” the functions fn preserves the original inequality (7.5),  the series n fn still converges uniformly on [0, a], with the sum F belonging to M , and now for each index k, F (xk ) = lim FN (xk ) ≥ 13 fk (xk ) > 0 N →∞

Consequently b = limk xk lies in the support of F , i.e., (F ) = b. This completes the proof of of the Claim, and with it, that of Metatheorem 7.30. 

Notes The problem of characterizing the closed invariant subspaces for the Volterra operator was first posed, in a somewhat different context, in 1938 by Israel Gelfand [16] and solved eleven years later by Shmuel Agmon [1].

Chapter 8

Digging into Duality

Overview. In Chapter 7 we showed how the Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem (“The  only closed invariant subspaces of the Volterra operator on C [0, a] are the obvious ones”) follows from: Conjecture C0 . If f ∈ C0 has 0 in its support, then f is cyclic for the restriction of V to C0 . In this chapter we’ll a develop strategy for proving Conjecture C0 based on the Method of Duality, wherein approximation results (of which Conjecture C0 is one) are deduced from properties of a Banach space’s dual space: its collection of bounded linear functionals.

8.1. Strategy for proving Conjecture C0 The proof of Conjecture C0 can be summarized in three words: approximation, separation, and extension. Approximation. If f ∈ C0 has the point 0 in its support, then Conjecture C0 asserts that f is cyclic for the restriction to C0 of V , i.e., that each function in C0 can be approximated uniformly on the interval [0, a] to any desired accuracy by linear combinations of the functions V n f for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . 133


8. Digging into Duality

Separation. Our proof of Conjecture C0 will be based on the fact that, in a normed vector space, any vector not in a closed subspace can be separated from that subspace by a bounded linear functional. More precisely: Theorem 8.1 (The Hahn-Banach Separation Theorem). Suppose V is a normed vector space, W is a linear subspace, and v is a vector in V that is not in the closure of W . Then there is a continuous linear functional Λ on V with Λ ≡ 0 on W , but Λ(v) = 0. Stated as a result about approximation, the Hahn-Banach Separation Theorem asserts: If, for a given linear subspace W of V , the only continuous linear functional on V that vanishes on W is the zero-functional, then W is dense in V . Here’s a down payment on the Separation Theorem. Exercise 8.2 (A “proto” separation theorem). For a closed subset W of a normed vector space V , define the “distance from v ∈ V to W ” by dW (v) = inf{w −v : w ∈ W }. Show that dW : V → [0, ∞) has these properties: (a) dW is continuous on V (in fact, uniformly so), and (b) dW (v) = 0 iff v lies in the closure of W . Suggestion: To get some feeling for the distance function, start with V = R, and sketch the graph of dW for W : a point, an interval, the union of two disjoint intervals, . . . .

Thus, given a closed subset W of a normed vector space V , and a vector v ∈ V , that is not in W , the real-valued function Λ = dW is continuous on V with Λ(v) = 0, and vanishes identically on W . The Hahn-Banach Separation Theorem says that if W is, in addition, a subspace of V , then we can find a continuous, real-valued linear function Λ on V that performs the same separation as dW . We’ll use the Hahn-Banach Separation Theorem to prove Conjecture C0 by showing that if f ∈ C0 has 0 in its support, then the only continuous linear functional on C0 that vanishes identically on MV (f ), the closed linear span of the V - orbit of f , is the zerofunctional. This enterprise will occupy us for the rest of the book. But first, let’s talk about that third word upon which we promised the proof of Conjecture C0 would depend: extension. It refers to:

8.1. Strategy for proving Conjecture C0


Theorem 8.3 (The Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem). Suppose V is a normed vector space, and W is a linear subspace on which there is a bounded linear functional Λ. Then there is a bounded linear ˜ on V whose restriction to W is Λ, and whose norm on functional Λ V equals Λ. ˜ a Hahn-Banach extension of We’ll call the linear functional Λ the original functional Λ. Thus Theorem 8.3 can be restated: Every bounded linear functional on a subspace of a normed vector space has a Hahn-Banach extension (to the whole space). Exercise 8.4. Prove the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem for the (very) special case where V is the Euclidean space Rn . Suggestion: Start with the case n = 2. If you wish to continue, use the Riesz Representation Theorem to represent each linear functional on Rn by inner product with a vector in Rn (see, e.g.,[3, Theorem 6.42, page 188]). The argument works for all inner-product spaces.

Metatheorem 8.5. The Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem implies the Hahn-Banach Separation Theorem. Proof. We are supplied with a normed vector space V , a linear subspace W of V , and vector v0 in V that lies outside the closure of W . We desire to find a bounded linear functional Λ on V with Λ ≡ 0 on W , and Λ(v) = 0. Since v is not in the closure of W , its distance d = dW (v) to W is > 0 by Exercise 8.2(b). Let M be the linear subspace of V spanned by W and the vector v, so each vector in M has the form av0 + w where a is a scalar and w ∈ W . Thus we can define a linear functional Λ on M by Λ(av0 + w) = a

(w ∈ W , a ∈ scalars).

By its definition, Λ vanishes identically on W (the case a = 0), and Λ(v0 ) = 1 (the case w = 0). In fact, Λ is a bounded linear functional


8. Digging into Duality

on M . To see why, note that for each scalar a = 0 and vector w ∈ W : |Λ(av0 + w)| = |a| = ≤ =

|a| d

inf{v0 − v : v ∈ W }   

  |a|  v0 − − a1 w  d 1 d av0 + w .


Thus Λ is a bounded linear functional on M with Λ ≤ 1/d (Ex˜ be a Hahn-Banach ercise: In fact, there is equality here). Let Λ ˜ takes the value 0 on W , and 1 at v0 , extension of Λ to V . Thus Λ so it’s the desired bounded linear functional on V separating v0 from W.  Recall that a linear functional on a vector space is just a linear transformation from the space into the scalar field. Since our scalar fields (R or C) are complete in their Euclidean metrics, Theorem 4.18 asserts that: The operator-normed space V ∗ of bounded linear functionals on a normed vector space V is a Banach space. V ∗ is called the dual space of V . Any argument that uses bounded linear functionals to obtain properties of the underlying normed vector space is called a “duality argument.”

8.2. The “separable” Hahn-Banach Theorem In this section we’ll prove Theorem 8.3, the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem, for Banach spaces V that are separable, i.e. that have countable dense subsets. We’ll do this in several steps, the first of which omits separability, and requires only the uniform continuity of bounded linear maps. Lemma 8.6. Suppose W is a dense subspace of a normed vector space V , and Λ is a bounded linear functional on W . Then Λ extends uniquely to a bounded linear functional on V , having the same norm as the original.

8.2. The “separable” Hahn-Banach Theorem


Proof. Fix, for the moment, v ∈ V . Since W is dense in V there is a sequence (wk ) of vectors in W such that wk → v. In particular, (wk ) is a Cauchy sequence in W so, by the boundedness of Λ, the same is true of the scalar sequence (Λ(wk )). Since our scalar field is complete, limk Λ(wk ) exists therein. I leave it to you to check that this limit depends only on the vector v, and not on the sequence (wk ) ˜ used to approximate it. Once this is done, define Λ(v) to be this limit ˜ on V is vector, and check that the resulting scalar-valued function Λ linear. ˜ is a bounded linear functional on V It remains to check that Λ with norm equal to that of Λ. For this, fix a vector v ∈ V with 0 < v ≤ 1. Choose a sequence (wn ) of vectors in W with wn → v. By the continuity of the norm of V (Exercise 3.6, page 42) we have wn  → v, hence the vectors un = (v/wn )wn belong to W , have norm equal to v ≤ 1, and un → v. In other words the unit ball of W is dense in the unit ball of V . ˜ Continuing in the notation of the last paragraph: Λ(un ) → Λ(v) ˜ so the supremum of |Λ| ˜ over the unit ball of V equals (definition of Λ), ˜ is bounded on the supremum of |Λ| over the unit ball of W . Thus Λ V with norm equal to Λ

Exercise 8.7 (Generalization of Lemma 8.6). Suppose S is just a subset of a normed vector space V , and f is a scalar-valued function, that is uniformly continuous on S . Prove that f has a unique extension to a scalar-valued function that is uniformly continuous on the closure of S .

The proof of the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem for separable spaces hinges on the simplest special case: extension by one dimension! In this: we still don’t need the separability hypothesis on V , but we do require our scalars to be real. Lemma 8.8 (Helly’s Extension Lemma, 1912). For real scalars, the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem is true for subspaces W having codimension one in V . Proof. The codimension-one assumption means that: There is a vector v0 ∈ V , but not in W , whose linear span with W is all of V .


8. Digging into Duality

In other words: for each v ∈ V there exists a scalar t and a vector w ∈ W such that v = w + tv0 . As soon as you check that the scalar t and vector w are uniquely determined by v, we’ll be able to extend ˜ on V by fixing a a linear functional Λ on W to a linear functional Λ scalar λ0 and writing ˜ + tv0 ) = Λ(w) + λ0 t (w ∈ W , t ∈ scalars), Λ(w ˜ to equal Λ on W and λ0 at v0 , and then extend it i.e., we define Λ linearly to all of V . (8.1)

Now suppose, in addition, that the linear functional Λ on W is bounded for the norm of V . To prove our Lemma we need to choose ˜ given by (8.1) is bounded on V a scalar λ0 so that the extension Λ with norm equal to Λ, i.e., such that for every w ∈ W and every scalar t: ˜ + tv0 )| ≤ Λ w + tv0  . |Λ(w) + tλ0 | = |Λ(w We are assuming that Λ > 0 (else Λ is the zero-functional, and there is nothing to prove), so upon replacing, if necessary, Λ by Λ/Λ we may assume without loss of generality that Λ = 1, and also that t = 0. Now rewrite the last inequality with Λ = 1, and multiply both sides of the result by |t|−1 . The transformed inequality is (positive homogeneity of norm): |Λ(t−1 w) + λ0 | ≤ t−1 w + v0 

(0 = t ∈ scalars, w ∈ W ).

Next, note that as w runs through all of W , so does t−1 w, hence, upon writing d(w) = v0 − w, the last inequality transforms into: (8.2)

|λ0 − Λ(w)| ≤ d(w)

(w ∈ W ).

This is our “target inequality.” If we can find a scalar λ0 that satisfies it for every w ∈ W , then equation (8.1) will provide the desired extension of Λ to V . To this point we could as well have allowed complex scalars. Geometrically, the target inequality says that λ0 belongs to the scalar “disc” Dw of radius d(w) centered at Λ(w) (a closed disc if our scalars are complex, and a compact interval if they are real). Viewed this way, the sufficient condition for equation (8.1) to define a Helly extension of Λ to V is that, as w ranges through W , the intersection of all these closed “discs” should be nonempty.

8.2. The “separable” Hahn-Banach Theorem


To see that such a scalar λ0 exists, fix vectors w and w , in W . Thanks to the linearity and “norm-one-ness” of Λ, and the triangle inequality: |Λ(w) − Λ(w )| = |Λ(w − w )| ≤ w − w  = (w − v0 ) − (w − v0 ) ≤ w − v0  + w − v0  = d(w) + d(w ), i.e., for any pair of scalar discs Dw and Dw , the distance between their centers is ≤ the sum of their radii. Please draw pictures, for both real and complex scalars, to convince yourself that this means: Any pair of scalar discs Dw and Dw have nontrivial intersection. The proof of Helly’s Extension Theorem for real scalars now follows from the “binary intersection property” of the real line. Lemma 8.9. Suppose F is a family of closed, bounded, real intervals,  each pair of which has nonvoid intersection. Then F is nonempty. Proof of Lemma 8.9. For I ∈ F let a(I) and b(I) be, respectively, the left and right endpoints of I. Let A = sup a(I) and B = inf b(I). I∈F


Fix an interval I ∈ F . The binary intersection hypothesis on F guarantees that a(I) is a lower bound for the right endpoints of each of the intervals in F . Thus a(I) ≤ B. Since I is an arbitrary interval in F , this implies that A ≤ B. (Exercise: Show that A and B are finite.) To get a point that lies in every interval of F , choose any real number between A and B. This completes the proof of Lemma 8.9, and with it, that of Helly’s Extension Lemma.  Exercise 8.10. Suppose F is a family of closed, but not necessarily bounded, intervals of the real line that intersect two at a time. Must the whole family have nonempty intersection?

Proof of the “separable” Hahn-Banach Theorem. (a) Real scalars. Suppose V is a separable normed vector space over the real field, W is a linear subspace, and Λ is a linear functional on W that is bounded for the norm of V . Our goal is to show that Λ has a HahnBanach extension to V , i.e., that there is a bounded linear functional


8. Digging into Duality

˜ on V , equal to Λ on W , and on V having the same norm that Λ Λ has on W . For this we’ll use Helly’s Lemma (Lemma 8.8) as part of a Mathematical Induction argument which, with an eye toward establishing the non-separable case (see §8.3 below), we’ll lay out in (perhaps too much) detail. We’re assuming that V has a countable dense subset, which we’ll arrange in a sequence (vn )∞ 1 . For n ∈ N let Wn denote the linear span of W and the vectors {vj : 1 ≤ j ≤ n}, thus producing a countable chain of subspaces W ⊂ W1 ⊂ W2 ⊂ . . . , each of which is either equal to its successor or has codimension 1 therein. For n ∈ N let Pn be the statement: “Λ has a Hahn-Banach extension to Wn .” If W1 = W (i.e., if v1 ∈ W ) then P1 is true trivially: Λ is its own / W , so W1 has codimension Hahn-Banach Extension. Otherwise v1 ∈ 1 in W , and Helly’s Lemma provides the desired extension. In either case, P1 is true. Similarly, if Pn is assumed to be true then either Wn = Wn+1 or Helly’s Lemma provides a Hahn-Banach extension Λn+1 of Λn to Wn+1 . Please check for yourself that Λn+1 is a Hahn-Banach extension of Λ. Thus the truth of Pn implies that of Pn+1 , so by Mathematical Induction, Pn is true for each n ∈ N. Now let W∞ be the union of all the subspaces Wn . Because these subspaces form an increasing chain, W∞ is itself a subspace of V (Exercise: it’s not true in general that the union of—even two— subspaces is a subspace.). Define Λ∞ on W∞ as follows: Fix v ∈ W∞ . By the definition of W∞ there exists n ∈ N such that v ∈ Wn . Let n be the smallest such integer and set Λ∞ (v) = Λn (v). Note that Λ∞ (v) = Λm (v) for any integer m > n since Λm is an extension of Λn . This makes it easy to check (please do this!) that Λ∞ is a linear functional that extends Λ from W to W∞ . In fact, Λ∞ is a Hahn-Banach extension of Λ; to see this, fix a vector v ∈ W∞ and then a positive integer n such that v ∈ Wn . Thus Λ∞ (v) = Λn (v). By construction, Λn is a Hahn-Banach extension of Λ to Wn , so |Λ∞ (v)| = |Λn (v)| ≤ Λn  v = Λ v

8.2. The “separable” Hahn-Banach Theorem


which shows that the norm of Λ∞ on W∞ is ≤ Λ. Since Λ∞ is a linear extension of Λ, it’s clear that its norm on W∞ is ≥ Λ. Thus Λ∞  = Λ so Λ∞ is, indeed, a Hahn-Banach extension of Λ. Finally, it may happen that W∞ = V , in which case W∞ is the desired Hahn-Banach extension of Λ to V . In any case, W∞ contains the dense set {vn }, so is itself dense in V , so by Lemma 8.6, Λ∞ has ˜ to V , with Λ ˜ = Λ∞  = Λ. This a unique linear extension Λ completes the proof, for real scalars, of the “separable” Hahn-Banach Theorem.1 (b) Complex scalars. If you wish to consider, henceforth, only real vector spaces and real -valued functions, free to: skip this part, proceed directly to the next section, and consider “scalars” to be “real numbers.” Suppose now that W is a complex vector space, and Λ a linear functional thereon. Let Re Λ and Im Λ denote, respectively, the real and imaginary parts of this complex-valued functional. Please check that both of these are linear functionals on the real restriction of W , i.e., linear functionals on the real vector space that results from restricting multiplication on W to the real field. For each vector w∈W: Λ(w) = Re Λ(w) + i Im Λ(w)


Λ(iw) = Re Λ(iw) + i Im Λ(iw).

Since Λ is complex-linear we have also: Λ(iw) = iΛ(w) = − Im Λ(w) + i Re Λ(w). Thus, for every w ∈ W : (8.3)

Re Λ(w) = Im Λ(iw)


Im Λ(w) = − Re Λ(iw),

which allows Λ to be expressed entirely in terms of its real part: (8.4)

Λ(w) = Re Λ(w) − i Re Λ(iw)

(w ∈ W ).

1 When doing a proof, one should check that the argument takes into account trivial subcases. In our situation: Λ might be the zero-functional, or W might be the zerosubspace, or all of V , or it might have finite codimension in V . One could quickly dispose of these cases separately, but please check that the proof given here works for them, too.


8. Digging into Duality

I leave it to you to check that the argument reverses: If Φ is a linear functional on the real restriction of W , then (8.5)

Ψ(w) = Φ(w) − i Φ(iw)

(w ∈ W ),

is a linear functional on the complex vector space W .2 In summary: Proposition 8.11. A complex-valued function Λ on a complex vector space V is a linear functional on V if and only if its real and imaginary parts are linear functionals on the real restriction of V , with (8.6)

Re Λ(v) = Im Λ(v)

for every vector v ∈ V .


Im Λ(v) = − Re (iv)


Corollary 8.12. A linear functional Λ on a normed vector space V is bounded iff its real part is bounded, in which case Λ =  Re Λ. Proof. Suppose Λ is a (possibly unbounded) linear functional on V . We need only show that Λ =  Re Λ, where either side of the equation may be infinite. First of all: | Re Λ(v)| ≤ |Λ(v)| ≤ Λ v, for each v ∈ V , so  Re Λ ≤ Λ . In the other direction, fix v ∈ V . We may assume that Λ(v) = 0 (exercise). Let ω = |Λ(v)| Λ(v) , a complex number of absolute value 1. Thus |Λ(v)| = ωΛ(v) = Λ(ωv) = Re Λ(ωv) ≤  Re Λ ωv =  Re Λ v. Conclusion: Λ ≤  Re Λ, so we have the desired equality of (possibly infinite) norms.4  Exercise 8.13. Show that the preceding proposition and corollary remain true if Re Λ is replaced by Im Λ. 2 Right away we know that Ψ inherits the additive property of Φ. The trick is to show that it behaves properly with respect to complex multiplication. For this, note that if a and b are real and w ∈ W , then Φ((a + ib)w) = aΦ(w) + bΦ(iw). 3 If you’ve studied complex analysis, equation (8.6) may remind you of the CauchyRiemann equations that describe the relationship between the real and imaginary parts of an analytic function. In fact, the Cauchy-Riemann equations are a special case of what we’ve done here; see the Notes at the end of this chapter for more details. 4 Note the similarity between this argument and the one for Proposition 6.19 on page 105.

8.2. The “separable” Hahn-Banach Theorem


Now suppose W is a linear subspace of a separable complex normed vector space V , and Λ is a linear functional on W that is bounded for the norm of V . By Corollary 8.12, Re Λ is a bounded linear functional on the real restriction of V (still normed by the norm of V ) so it has a Hahn-Banach extension Φ to (the real restriction of) V , hence (8.7)

Φ =  Re Λ = Λ,

with the first equality expressing the “Hahn-Banach-ness” of the extension, and the second one following from Corollary 8.12. Let ˜ Λ(v) = Φ(v) − iΦ(iv) (v ∈ V ). ˜ is a linear functional on V It follows from Proposition 8.11 that Λ which, since Φ = Re Λ on W , is an extension of Λ. Thus ˜ = Φ = Λ, Λ ˜ is a Hahn-Banach extension by Corollary 8.12 and equation (8.7), so Λ of Λ. This completes the proof of the Hahn-Banach Theorem for complex, separable normed vector spaces.  Exercise 8.14 (The three faces of C). We can think of the algebraic system C of complex numbers in three ways: as a field, as a one dimensional vector space over this field, and as a two dimensional vector space over R (i.e., as R2 , the real restriction of C). (a) For a ∈ C let Λa denote the mapping of “multiplication by a,” i.e., Λa z = az for each z ∈ C. Check that Λa is a linear functional on the complex vector space C, and that every such linear functional is a multiplication map. Does your argument works for other fields? (b) Show that a mapping T : C → C is linear on the real restriction of C iff there exist real numbers a, b, c, and d such that T (x + iy) = (ax + by) + i(cx + dy)

(x, y ∈ R).

(c) For a real-linear mapping T on C, as described in part (b): Show that T is complex-linear iff a = d and c = −b. (d) If T as in part (c) is complex-linear, then by part (a) it must be a multiplication map. What is the “multiplier”?


8. Digging into Duality

8.3. The “nonseparable” Hahn-Banach Theorem In the previous section we used Mathematical Induction to expand Helly’s Lemma—which established the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem for subspaces of codimension one—to the full extension theorem for arbitrary subspaces of separable (real) normed spaces. To handle the non-separable case, we’ll do much the same thing, but this time using an “infinitely” more powerful version of induction. To set the stage, let’s re-examine the usual notion of Mathematical Induction. It’s based on the system (N, ≤), where N is the set {1, 2, 3, . . . } of “natural numbers,” and ≤ its usual ordering. A basic property of ≤ is that it “well-orders” N, in that: Every nonempty subset S of N has a least element, i.e., a member w of S such that w ≤ s for each s ∈ S. Proposition 8.15. The well-ordering of (N, ≤) implies the Principle of Mathematical Induction. Proof. We’re given a sequence (P1 , P2 , . . . ) of true-or-false propositions for which we know that P1 is true, and that the truth of Pn implies that of Pn+1 (the “induction hypothesis”). We wish to prove, using the well-ordering of N, that every proposition Pn is true. To this end, let T denote the set of those natural numbers n for which Pn is true. By hypothesis, 1 ∈ T , so T is non-empty. We wish to prove that T = N. Suppose not. Then F = N\T is nonempty, so by well-ordering it has a smallest element s. Now s can’t equal 1, since 1 ∈ T . Thus s > 1, so s − 1 belongs to N, and the minimality of s in F now forces s − 1 to belong to T = N\F , i.e., it forces the proposition Ps−1 to be true. By the induction hypotheses, Ps is therefore true, i.e., s ∈ T , which contradicts the fact that s ∈ F . This contradiction arose from the assumption that T = N, so T = N,  i.e, all the propositions Pn are true. The version of Mathematical Induction we need to prove the general Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem requires similar infrastructure, but with the ordered system (N, ≤) replaced by something more general.

8.3. The “nonseparable” Hahn-Banach Theorem


Definition 8.16. A relation on a set S is simply a subset R of the cartesian product S × S (the set of all pairs of elements of S). The relation R is an ordering of S provided that it obeys the following axioms, where we use the notations s  t to signal that (s, t) ∈ R, and s ≺ t to mean that s  t and s = t: (a) Reflexivity. s  s for each s ∈ S. (b) Antisymmetry. If, for a pair of elements s and t in S, we have s  t and t  s, then s = t. (c) Transitivity. If, for a triple s, t, u of elements in S, we have s  t and t  u, then s  u. Exercise 8.17. Sketch, as subsets of the plane, the relations that give the natural orderings for R and N.

An ordering  of S is called a total ordering if it satisfies: (d) Trichotomy. If s, t ∈ S then s ≺ t or t ≺ s or s = t. Finally, a total ordering  of S is a well-ordering if it satisfies: (e) “WO”. Every nonempty subset E of S has a least element, i.e., an element e ∈ E such that e  s for each s ∈ S. Examples 8.18. According to these definitions: (a) In their natural ordering, both N and Z (the set of all integers) are totally ordered. We’ve noted that N is wellordered; but Z, however, is not (e.g., Z itself has no least element). (b) The real line R, in its natural ordering, is totally ordered, but not well-ordered. Exercise: Show that, in the natural ordering of R, no nontrivial subinterval is well-ordered. (c) For any set the inclusion relation “⊆” is an ordering of its subsets. Exercise: this ordering is not total iff S has more than one element. (d) Every countable 5 set can be well-ordered. By definition, S is countable iff there is a one-to-one mapping of S onto N, i.e., iff the elements of S can be arranged in a sequence 5 Here I mean “countably infinite.” Exercise. Show that every finite set can be well-ordered.


8. Digging into Duality (s1 , s2 , . . . ). We impose the well-ordering of N onto S by: sj  sk iff j ≤ k. (e) Every countable set can be well-ordered in many different ways. Consider, for example, the following well-orderings of N which are different from the “natural” one: (i) 1  3  4  · · ·  2, in which 2 is now “larger than” all the rest of the natural numbers. (ii) 1  3  5  · · ·  2  4  6  · · · , in which every even natural number is “larger” than every odd one.

The examples of part (e) illustrate an important way that the natural ordering of N can differ from more general well-orderings. In each of these examples the element “2” is special; it is not an immediate “successor” of any other element. To efficiently discuss well-ordering, let’s adopt the following definitions. Definitions 8.19. For a set S well-ordered by a total order : (a) For t ∈ S the notation “[s, t)” will denote the set of u ∈ S with s  u ≺ t, and “[s, t]” will denote the set of u ∈ S with s  u  t, i.e., [s, t) ∪ {t}. We’ll call such sets “intervals.” (b) The symbol “1” will denote the least element of S. (c) For elements r and s of S: to say “s is a successor to r” means that r ≺ s and if t ≺ s then t  r. (d) We’ll call non-successors limit elements. Thus S is a successor to r provided that no element of S can fit strictly between r and s, i.e. iff [1, s] = [1, r) ∪ {s}. For example, if N has its natural order then each element = 1 is a successor, but with the orderings of Examples 8.18(e), the element “2” is a limit element. Exercise 8.20. Show that the orderings of N described in part (e) above are well-orderings. Then show that these orderings are “essentially different” from the natural one on N in that N can’t be mapped onto itself in a way that takes the natural ordering to either of the other two. Extra credit. Show that the two orderings of part (e) are essentially different. Exercise 8.21. Define well-orderings for: (a) The set Z of integers. (b) The set Q of rational numbers.

8.3. The “nonseparable” Hahn-Banach Theorem


Example 8.22 (A well-ordering with infinitely many limit elements). Arrange the natural numbers in a triangular array as follows: the first row just contains “1”, the second “2” and “3”, the third “4”, “5”, and “6”, etc. For n ∈ N let Sn denote the n-th column of the resulting array. In this way you partition N into a countable pairwise disjoint collection of countable subsets. Give each of these subsets the natural order of N, but for m < n make each element of Sm strictly less than each element of Sn . Convince yourself that this defines a well-ordering of N, and that it has infinitely many limit elements. Corollary 8.23 (The Principle of Transfinite Induction). Suppose  is a well-ordering of a set S and that {Ps : s ∈ S} is a collection of true-or-false propositions indexed by S, and which satisfies the “Transfinite Induction Hypothesis” (TFIH)

Pt true for all t ≺ s ⇒ Ps true.

Then: if P1 is true, so is Ps for every s ∈ S. Proof. This is essentially the proof we gave for “ordinary” induction. Let T be the subset of S consisting of elements t for which Pt is true. We wish to prove that T = S. Suppose not; then S\T is a non-empty subset of S so it has a least element u. By hypothesis, 1 ∈ T , so u = 1, hence the “interval” [1, u) is nonempty and, thanks to the minimality of u, it must be a subset of T . Thus u ∈ T by (TFIH). This contradicts the fact that u ∈ / T , the contradiction arising from our assumption that S = T . Thus S = T .  Which sets can be made “transfinitely inductable” by prescribing a well-ordering? We already know this works for countable sets, in which case the induction principle is the usual one. Now fasten your seat-belts for the: The Well-Ordering Theorem. Every set can be well-ordered! For anything beyond finite or countable sets there’s no obvious reason to believe the Well-Ordering Theorem. A closely related tenet of set theory is the “Axiom of Choice,” which asserts that: given a family of non-empty subsets of a set S, there exists a subset of S consisting of exactly one element chosen from each of those given


8. Digging into Duality

subsets. This one is “obviously” true. In fact, the Axiom of Choice and The Well-Ordering Theorem are equivalent in that each implies the other! For more on this fascinating “odd couple” of theorems and their philosophical implications, see the Notes at the end of this chapter. Thanks to the Well-Ordering Theorem and Corollary 8.23: Corollary 8.24. Transfinite Induction is possible for any set. We can now establish the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem for all normed vector spaces. It’s enough to do this for real spaces since the “real-to-complex” trick we used in the separable case works quite generally.6 Proof of the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem. Suppose V is a normed vector space, W a linear subspace, and Λ a linear functional on W that is bounded for the norm that W inherits from V . We desire to find a Hahn-Banach extension of Λ to V , i.e., a bounded ˜ on V whose restriction to W is Λ, and whose linear functional Λ norm is equal to Λ. To this end, let’s use Corollary 8.24 to impose a well-ordering  on V , denoting by 1 this ordering’s smallest element. For each v ∈ V let Pv denote the proposition: “Λ has a Hahn-Banach extension to the linear subspace of V spanned by W and [1, v).” First we need to prove that P1 is true. If 1 in W then W1 = W , so Λ is its own Hahn-Banach extension. Otherwise W has codimension one in W1 , and Helly’s Lemma (Lemma 8.8) supples the desired extension. Next fix v ∈ V and assume the Transfinite Induction Hypothesis: Pw is true for all w ∈ [1, v).


By Transfinite Induction, we’ll be done if we can use (H) to establish the truth of Pv . There are two cases to consider. (a) v is a successor. In this case there is a vector u ∈ V such that [1, v) = [1, u], and so (8.8) 6

[1, v] = [1, u] ∪ {v}.

Alternatively, it’s enough to check that it works for the “1-codimensional” case.



By (H) we know that Λ has a Hahn-Banach extension to Wu , and equation (8.8) shows us that Wu is either equal to Wv or has codimension 1 therein. Thus (thanks again to Helly!) Λu has a Hahn-Banach extension Λv to Wv , and—as we already noted in the separable case— Λv is a Hahn-Banach extension of Λ, i.e., statement Pv is true. (b) v is not a successor. Then we use the fact that the subspaces Ww have been defined so that they contain the original one W , and they “increase as w increases:” w1  w2 ⇒ Ww1 ⊆ Ww2 . Thus, just as in  the separable case, W∞ = u v Wu is a linear subspace of V , and we can define a linear functional Λ∞ on W∞ by setting Λ∞ (w) = Λu (w), where u is the smallest element (well-ordering!) in the set of vectors u such that w ∈ Wu . You can check, just as in the separable case, that thanks to the induction hypothesis, Λ∞ is a Hahn-Banach extension of Λ to W∞ . Since [1, v] = [1, v) ∪ {v}, we know that Wv is the linear span of W∞ and the vector v, hence, as before, W∞ is either equal to V or has codimension one therein. Thus Λ∞ has a Hahn-Banach extension to Wv , i.e., statement Pv is true in this case as well. Conclusion: Λ has a Hahn-Banach extension to V .

Recall that the final step in our proof of the separable case required Lemma 8.6 to extend, to the whole space, the Hahn-Banach extension—obtained by ordinary induction—to a dense subspace Lemma 8.6 to get the final extension to the whole space. But in the just-finished proof of the general case the Well-Ordering Theorem— disguised as Transfinite Induction—has allowed us (even in the separable case) to skip this final step, and go directly to the full result.7 Are Hahn-Banach extensions unique? Sometimes they are, sometimes they are not. See [37, §7] for more on this.

Notes Who proved the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem? Another example of “Stigler’s Law” (see Notes to Chapter 3), this result is universally attributed to Hans Hahn [21, 1927] and Stefan Banach8 [4, 1929], 7 8

Does this give you more, or less, confidence in using the Well-Ordering Theorem? See the Notes to Chapter 2, page 35 for more on this famous mathematician.


8. Digging into Duality

who independently proved the general (real) result. In fact, the version given for real, separable, normed spaces was first proved in 1912 by the Austrian mathematician   Eduard Helly [24]. Although set in the Banach space C [a, b] , Helly’s arguments apply to normed spaces, which he revisited in 1921 in a paper [25] that the distinguished French mathematician Jean Dieudonn´e calls: “a landmark in the history of functional analysis” (see [12, page 130]). Hahn and Banach both re-discovered Helly’s “codimension–one” lemma (Lemma 8.8 here), and used transfinite induction to finish off the argument. Hahn cited Helly’s paper [25], while Banach acknowledged Helly’s work in [24] for its contribution to the moment problem,9 but (curiously) not for the extension theorem. In [5, Theorem 1, pp. 226–228] Banach proves a somewhat more general extension theorem for real vector spaces. Here the functional Λ to be extended is dominated, at each point of its subspace of definition, by a real-valued function p defined on the whole space that is subadditive (like a norm) but merely homogeneous with respect to multiplication by positive scalars. Banach’s result asserts that Λ ˜ to the whole space, dominated at each point has a linear extension Λ therein by p. This generalization provides important Hahn-Banach separation theorems for convex sets. The complex case. A special case of our derivation of the complex Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem from the real one, occurs in F.J. Murray’s 1936 paper [36]. The proof presented here was published in 1938 by Bohnenblust and Sobczyk [9] (who credit Murray for originating the idea) and independently that same year by Soukhomlinoff [53], who also used it to prove a “quaternionic” version. However, an entirely different proof was obtained in 1913 by none other than . . . Eduard Helly! Key to his argument was the result below, the special case n = 1 of which is our Lemma 8.9 (page 139). Helly’s Intersection Theorem. In Rn , if a (possibly infinite) family of at least n + 1 closed, bounded, convex sets has the property that every n + 1-fold subfamily has non-void intersection, then the whole family has non-void intersection. 9

See the Notes to the next chapter, page 170.



Recall that for complex scalars, our target inequality (8.2), asserts that one can make a Hahn-Banach extension from the subspace W to its linear span with the vector v0 ∈ V \W by finding a complex number λ0 common to the entire family of closed discs {Dw : w ∈ L}. In order to use Helly’s Intersection Theorem one must therefore show that each triple of these compact discs, now viewed as subsets of R2 , has non-void intersection. This Helly was able to do—though delayed by serious injuries suffered serving as an Austrian soldier during World War I, and subsequent detention as a prisoner of war in Russia—he did not publish his proof until 1921. In [25, pp. 7677] Helly stated his intersection theorem, pointing out in a footnote that he’d proved the result in 1913, and promising that a published proof would soon be forthcoming.10 Although set in normed spaces consisting of complex sequences, Helly’s argument works in general to obtain the Hahn-Banach theorem for all complex separable normed spaces. Sadly, Helly’s “landmark” paper [25] never assumed its rightful place in the canon of functional analysis. Even as late as 1975, Holbrook [27]—aware of Helly’s intersection theorm, but not of his paper [25]—gave a Helly-type argument for the complex extension theorem, and showed that it can also be made to establish the quaternionic result. Holbrook went further, using his approach to simplify known extensions of the Hahn-Banach theorem where the scalar field is replaced by an appropriate normed space. In [37] you’ll find an informative and affectionate treatment of the Hahn-Banach Theorem, its history, and the mathematics that surrounds it. The Well-Ordering Theorem. This result, was originally conjectured by Cantor in the late 1800’s. Its first proof was published in 1904 by the German mathematician Ernst Zermelo [69], who showed it to be equivalent to the Axiom of Choice (stated here on page 147). You can find an in-depth, but still (somewhat) accessible, discussion of Zermelo’s work and the subsequent controversies it unleashed, in the online essay [22], from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 10

The proof appeared in [26, 1923].


8. Digging into Duality

Controversies surrounding the Axiom of Choice. The Axiom of Choice (henceforth: “AC”), and its equivalent, the Well-Ordering Theorem, initially stirred much controversy, which only intensfied when AC was later employed to prove, even within the friendly confines of R3 , apparently contradictory results. The most famous of these, the Banach-Tarski Paradox, asserts that any solid ball in space can be decomposed into a finite number of pieces, which can then be reassembled, without distortion, into two identical copies of the same ball! Such apparently contradictory results encouraged foundational research showing that AC cannot be derived from the commonly accepted axioms for arithmetic, and that no contradictions can arise from using it to augment those axioms. In fact, the same is also known about the negation of AC, so you can have your mathematics either way! Here, we’re following the preference of most mathematicians by accepting AC, albeit a bit sheepishly. For clear expositions of the Axiom of Choice, well-ordering, and Transfinite Induction, you can’t do better than Sections 14–18 of Halmos’s delightful book [23], wherein it’s noted (page 60) that: It used to be 11 considered important to examine, for each consequence of the axiom of choice, the extent to which the axiom is needed in the proof of the consequence. An alternative proof without the axiom of choice spelled victory; a converse proof, showing that the consequence is equivalent to the axiom of choice (in the presence of the remaining axioms of set theory) meant honorable defeat. Anything in between was considered exasperating.

Halmos notwithstanding, mathematicians concerned with the foundations of our subject still pursue, with great enthusiasm, important relationships between the Axiom of Choice (AC) and theorems that arise from it. For example, is the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem (HB) equivalent to the Axiom of Choice? Answer: No. It turns out that AC can’t be derived from HB. 11

My emphasis.



However HB does imply some results usually credited to AC, one of these being the Baire Category Theorem—a theorem important in both analysis and topology. For more on this, see [66, Ch. 13] (especially Fig. 13.1, page 214), [37] (especially §9), or the comprehensive book [28]. The Banach-Tarski Pardox. For a quick and elegant introduction I recommend Terry Tao’s online preprint [55]; for the same proof in slightly more detail see [51, Chapter 11]. In Stan Wagon’s masterpiece [66] you’ll find in-depth treatments of both the Banach-Tarski Paradox and its further repercussions up to the early 1990’s.12 The Cauchy-Riemann Equations. Equations (8.3) call to mind the Cauchy-Riemann equations of complex analysis. If you’re familiar with these, and with the definition derivative of a function R2 → R2 as a linear transformation, you might enjoy filling in the details of the following paragraph. Suppose f : R2 → R2 is differentiable at the point z0 ∈ R2 . Write f in real coordinates f = (u, v), so the matrix of the (real) derivative of f at a point z0 = (x0 , y0 ) ∈ R2 with respect to the standard unit vector basis of R2 is13 ⎤ ⎡ ∂u

∂u ∂y ⎦

∂v ∂x

∂v ∂y

[Df (z0 )] = ⎣ ∂x

where the partial derivatives are evaluated at z0 . According to Exercise 8.14(c) on page 143, Df (z0 ) is complex -linear if and only if (at z0 ): ∂v ∂v ∂u ∂u = and =− . ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y These are the Cauchy-Riemann equations, which arise when we regard f as a mapping C → C (written f = u+iv), and assume the (complex) limit f (z) − f (z0 ) f  (z0 ) = lim z→z0 z − z0 12 The most recent edition is [57], which takes into account advances made through 2015. 13 Here we regard points of R2 as column vectors.


8. Digging into Duality

exists, in which case Df (z0 ) by Exercise 8.14(d) can be realized as (complex) multiplication by f  (z0 ). The full story is: f is complexdifferentiable at z0 iff it’s real-differentiable at z0 and satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations there. More on The Riemann Hypothesis. Continuing from the Notes to Chapter 4 (page 74): Upon his election in 1859 to the Berlin Academy of Sciences, Riemann submitted the paper “On the number of primes less than a given magnitude” [41] in which he studied the ∞ “zeta function” ζ(s) = n=1 n1s , which Euler had earlier shown, via  his formula ζ(s) = p (1 − p−s )−1 (for s real, the product extending over all primes p) to be intimately connected with the distribution of prime numbers.14 Although the original series for ζ(s) converges absolutely only for those complex numbers with real part > 1, Riemann showed how to continue ζ analytically to C\{1}, and conjectured that, except for zeros at the negative even integers, the remaining (“nontrivial”) ones all have real part equal to 12 . This conjecture, now known as the Riemann Hypothesis, is open to this day. Riemann verified it for the first few nontrivial zeros; as of October 2004 it had been verifed for all such zeros having imaginary part of modulus up to 1013 (see [19]).

14 You’ll recognize ζ(1) to be the (divergent) harmonic series, and ζ(2) to be the series shown in various analysis courses to converge to π 2 /6. The value of ζ(2) was the famous “Basel Problem” solved in 1734 by Euler, who went on to obtain explicit formulae for ζ(s) for each even natural number s. Little is known about ζ(s) for s odd (and > 1). For example: are all of these numbers irrational? In 1979 Roger Ap´ ery [2] proved that this is so for ζ(3). It’s not yet known if ζ(3) is transcendental.

Chapter 9

Rendezvous with Riesz

Overview. In this chapter we’ll use the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem to prove the Riesz Representation Theorem, which gives a concrete  representation for the continuous linear functionals on C [a, b] . In the next chapter the Riesz Theorem will team up with the Hahn-Banach Separation Theorem and the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem to establish Conjecture C0 : the approximation theorem that we’ve just shown implies the Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem.

9.1. Beyond Riemann   Our setting is the Banach space C [a, b] : those scalar-valued functions that are continuous on the finite, closed interval [a, b]. The norm is—as usual for this space—the max-norm, which we continue to denote by  ·  . Our  goal:  To usefully represent the bounded linear functionals on C [a, b] . Here is a practice problem, with the sequence spacec0 —all  those scalar sequences that converge to zero—filling in for C [a, b] . Since convergent sequences are bounded, c0 is contained in ∞ , the vector space of bounded scalar sequences, which—when equipped with its supremum norm—is a Banach space (Exercise 4.19, page 60). 155


9. Rendezvous with Riesz

The exercise below asks you to show that c0 , in the supremum norm inherited from ∞ , is a Banach space, and to “usefully represent” its bounded linear functionals. Exercise 9.1 (The dual space of c0 ). Show that: on c0 , the supremum norm is actually the “max-norm.” Then: (a) Show that c0 is a closed subspace of ∞ , so is a Banach space. 1 (b) Show ∞ that if g ∈ , then the formula Λg (f ) = k=1 f (k)g(k) makes sense for each f ∈ c0 , and defines a bounded linear functional of norm ≤ g1 on c0 . (c) Show that every bounded linear functional Λ on c0 is a Λg for some g ∈ 1 , and that g1 = Λ. Conclude that the mapping g → Λg is an isometric linear isomorphism taking 1 onto (c0 )∗ . Suggestion: Once you’ve found g for Λ (Hint: go back to part (b) and ask: “g(k) is Λg acting on which vector?”), you must show it belongs to 1 . For this it’s tempting to use the test vector f that has the “sign” of g(k) in the k-th position (± if your scalars are real). Unfortunately, this f , while bounded, need not lie in c0 . Nonetheless, this idea “almost” works.

Parts (b) and (c) of this Exercise1 will serve  as a template for the work to follow, in which we’ll replace c0 by C [a, b] , and summation by integration. The exercise below gives a preview of what’s to come.     Exercise 9.2. For g ∈ C [a, b] define Λg : C [a, b] → scalars by:  b   f (t)g(t) dt (f ∈ C [a, b] ). Λg (f ) = a   Show that Λg is a bounded linear functional on C [a, b] , with Λg  ≤ g. Extra credit: Show that Λg  = g.

The next exercise  shows that some very natural bounded linear functionals on C [a, b] cannot be represented by the integrals of Exercise 9.2. 1 Often glibly summarized as “(c0 )∗ = 1 .” Note that the completeness of 1 never figured in your argument, so by Theorem 4.18 (and the fact that linear isomorphisms preservce completeness), this Exercise gives an alternate proof that 1 is a Banach space.

9.1. Beyond Riemann


Exercise 9.3. For each c ∈ [a, b] let ec be the functional “evaluation at c”:   (f ∈ C [a, b] ). ec (f ) = f (c)   (a) Show that ec is a bounded linear functional on C [a, b] , with ec  = 1.   (b) Show that there is no g ∈ C [a, b] for which ec is one of the functionals Λg of Exercise 9.2.

Let’s examine a bit more closely the linear functional Λg of Exercise 9.2. From our work in §4.4 we know that in the definition of Λg , the integral on the right-hand side is a “limit of Riemann sums.” Recall what this means: Given a partition (9.1)

P : a = x0 < x1 < · · · < xn−1 < xn = b

of [a, b], and a set (9.2)

T = {tj : xj−1 ≤ tj ≤ xj }nj=1 ,

of intermediate points for P , the corresponding Riemann  sum of the function h = f g or—for that matter—of any h ∈ C [a, b] , is S(h, P, T ) =


h(tj )(xj − xj−1 ) .


The Riemann integral of h over [a, b] is defined to be the “limit” of these sums, in the sense that there exists a scalar I(h) such that for every ε > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that whenever (9.3)

ν(P ) = max |xj − xj−1 | 1≤j≤n

is < δ, then |S(h, P, T ) − I(h)| is < ε for every set T of points intermediate for the partition P . When this happens (as it always does when the functions under consideration are continuous), I(h) is our integral. Here’s a way of viewing Λg that’s more productive for our purposes. By the uniform continuity of g on [a, b], if P is a partition of that interval with ν(P ) very small, and T is a set of intermediate points for P , then on each sub-interval [xj−1 , xj ] the values of g are all very close to g(tj ), hence  xj g(tj )(xj − xj−1 ) ≈ g(t) dt xj−1


9. Rendezvous with Riesz

where “≈” means “is very close to.” Thus if we define  x g(t) dt (x ∈ [a, b]) (9.4) α(x) = 0

we see that the Riemann sum S(f g, P, T ) is—for ν(P ) very small— not only very close to Λg (f ), but also very close to (9.5)

S(f, P, T, α) =


f (tj )[α(xj ) − α(xj−1 )] .


For f and α any scalar-valued functions on [a, b], we call S(f, P, T, α), as defined by equation (9.5), the Riemann-Stieltjes sum of f for the partition P , the intermediate point-set T , and the integrator α. If these sums have a limit in the sense just discussed for ordinary Riemann integrals, we say f is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable over [a, b] with respect to α, and write  b f (t) dα(t) = lim S(f, P, T, α) . ν(P )→0


    In particular, for each g ∈ C [a, b] , every f ∈ C [a, b] is RiemannStieltjes integrable with respect to the integrator α defined by equation (9.4), and  b   f dα (f ∈ C [a, b] ).2 Λg (f ) = a

Exercise 9.4. Translate the work of the last paragraph into an appropriate “δ-ε argument.”

As an illustration of the power of Riemann-Stieltjes integration, let’s show that it can be used to represent the “evaluation functionals” of Exercise 9.3: something that—according to part (b) of that Exercise— the ordinary Riemann integral cannot do! Fix c ∈ [a, b), and define αc to be a “unit step” at c, e.g., αc (x) = 0 for x ≤ c, and = 1 for x > c.   Proposition 9.5. For c ∈ [a, b), every f ∈ C [a, b] is RiemannStieltjes integrable with respect to αc , and  b   f dαc (f ∈ C [a, b] ). ec (f ) = f (c) = a 2

Henceforth we allow ourselves to omit the “variable of integration.”

9.1. Beyond Riemann


  Proof. Fix f ∈ C [a, b] and ε > 0. Invoke the uniform continuity of f on [a, b] to provide δ = δ(f, ε) > 0 such that |f (t) − f (t )| < ε whenever t, t ∈ [a, b] with |t − t | < δ. Fix a partition P and a set T of intermediate points, as given by equations (9.1) and (9.2), such that ν(P ) < δ. Since c < b there is exactly one index k ∈ [1, n] for which c ∈ [xk−1 , xk ); for this k we have αc (xj ) − αc (xj−1 ) = 0 for j = k, and = 1 for j = k. It follows that n  f (tj )[αc (xj ) − αc (xj−1 )] S(f, P, T, αc ) = j=1

= f (tk )[αc (xk ) − αc (xk−1 )] = f (tk ) , so |S(f, P, T, αc ) − f (c)| = |f (tk ) − f (c)| < ε. Summary: We have shown that limν(P )→0 S(f, P, T, α) exists, and b equals f (c), i.e., that a f (t) dαc (t) = f (c).  Exercise 9.6. In the definition above, αb ≡ 0 on [a, b]. Modify the definition of αb so that the conclusion of Proposition 9.5 remains true for c = b.

The next exercise shows that linear combinations of evaluation functionals are represented by Riemann-Stieltjes integration with respect to more general “step functions.” n Exercise 9.7. For F = {cj }n 1 ⊂ [a, b), and  W = {wj }1 ⊂ R, let α =  n j=1 wj αcj . Show that each f ∈ C [a, b] is Riemann-Stieltjes b  integrable with respect to α, and that n j=1 wj f (cj ) = a f dα for each such f , where αcj is defined above.

Extra Credit: Here’s a generalization of the previous exercise. Exercise 9.8. f , and α1 , α2 , . . . , αn , are real-valued func Suppose  tions on C [a, b] , with f Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to each αj . Suppose w1 , w2 , . . . , wn are real numbers. Show that f is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to α = b n  b n w α , and that f dα = j j j=1 j=1 a f dαj . a Suggestion: First do this part for n = 1, then n = 2 (i.e., show that the Riemann-Stieltjes integral is “linear in the integrator.”), then for arbitrary n by induction.


9. Rendezvous with Riesz

To close this section: an exercise that extends to Riemann-Stieltjes integrals a simple change-of-variable familiar to every a  a student of Calculus. Informally, it says that 0 f (a − t) dα(t) = − 0 f (y) dα(a − y). We’ll need it in the next chapter; the proof is informative, and not difficult.3 Exercise 9.9 (A simple change-of-variable). Suppose f and α are scalar-valued functions on [0, a], with f Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to α. For t ∈ [0, a] define α(t) ˜ = α(a − t), and fa (t) = f (a − t). Show : fa is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable a a ˜ with respect to α, ˜ and 0 fa dα = − 0 f dα.

9.2. From Riemann & Stieltjes to Riesz The Riesz Representation Theorem asserts that Riemann-Stieltjes integration is powerful  enough to represent every bounded linear functional on C [a, b] . The proof is built upon the simplest of functions. Definition 9.10. Let X be a set. The characteristic function of a subset E of X is the function χE : X → {0, 1} that takes value 1 on E and 0 on X\E. For example, if X = R and E is the interval (c, ∞), then χE is the unit step function αc of Proposition 9.5 above. A Heuristic Argument. Characteristic functions a strategy  provide  for connecting bounded linear functionals on C [a, b] with Riemann  Stieltjes integrals. Fix a bounded linear functional Λ on C [a, b] , and associate to it the function α defined on [a, b] by: α(a) = 0 and α(x) = Λ(χ[a,x] )   Then fix f ∈ C [a, b] , a partition (9.6)

(a < x ≤ b).

P : a = x0 < x1 < · · · xn−1 < xn = b of [a, b], and a set {tj }n1 of intermediate points for P . Let I1 = [a, x1 ], and for 2 ≤ j ≤ n let Ij = (xj−1 , xj ]. The family of intervals {Ij }n1 3 For the general change-of-variable theorem in Riemann-Stieltjes integration, see Proposition D.6, pp. 208 of Appendix D.

9.2. From Riemann & Stieltjes to Riesz


so obtained is pairwise disjoint, with union equal to [a, b], so upon abbreviating the characteristic function of Ij simply as χj , we have (9.7)



χj , hence f =



f χj on [a, b].


The uniform continuity of f on [a, b] insures that if we choose the points of P sufficiently close together, then f ≈ f (tj )χj on Ij for each j whereupon, thanks to the second equation of (9.7): f≈


f (tj )χj


[a, b] .


Invoking successively the continuity of Λ, then its linearity, we see that: ⎛ ⎞ n n   (9.8) Λ(f ) ≈ Λ ⎝ f (tj )χj ⎠ = f (tj )Λ(χj ) . j=1


If 2 ≤ j ≤ n then Ij = [a, xj ]\[a, xj−1 ], so χj = χ[a,xj ] − χ[a,xj−1 ] , hence (9.9)

Λ(χj ) = Λ(χ[a,xj ] ) − Λ(χ[a,xj−1 ] ) = α(xj ) − α(xj−1 ).

Since α(a) = 0, this equation holds as well for j = 1. Thus we can rewrite the right-hand side of equation (9.8) as Λ(f ) ≈ S(f, P, T, α), b which, upon letting ν(P ) tend to zero, implies that Λ(f ) = a f dα. Our Heuristic Argument was straightforward and intuitive. Unfortunately: It doesn’t work! Exercise 9.11. What’s wrong with it?

Please think about this question for a while before consulting the answer (hidden in the footnote4 below). However, all is not lost; to the rescue comes . . . The Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem! Let ∞ ([a, b]) denote the collection of all bounded, real-valued functions on [a, b]. With pointwise operations it’s a 4 Answer to Exercise 9.11: The “definition” (9.6) of α is faulty! We’re not allowed apply Λ tocharacteristic functions of proper subsets of [a, b]; no such function belongs to C [a, b] .


9. Rendezvous with Riesz

vector space, and thanks to Exercise 4.19, when endowed with the supremum norm f  = sup |f (t)| a≤t≤b

it’s a Banach space.  Since continuous functions are bounded on compact sets, C [a, b] is a subspace (in fact, a closed one; exercise) of ∞ ([a, b]). Now ∞ ([a, b]) contains all the characteristic functions of subsets of [a, b], and thanks to the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem5 the bounded linear functional Λ that occupied our attention for the last ˜ to ∞ ([a, b]), of norm couple of pages has a bounded linear extension Λ equal to Λ. Our heuristic argument can now be salvaged by simply putting a “tilde” over Λ whenever it tries to act on a characteristic function. Thus, for example, equation (9.6) becomes ˜ [a,x] ). (9.10) α(a) = 0 and α(x) = Λ(χ ˜ replacing Λ in its In the same vein, equation (9.8) survives with Λ two right-most expressions, while similar antics rescue equation (9.9). These changes resurrect our heuristic argument. Now let’s make it legitimate.

9.3. Riesz with rigor   We’ve associated, to each bounded linear functional Λ on C [a, b] , a ˜ is a prospective “integrator” α defined by equation (9.10), where Λ ∞ Hahn-Banach extension of Λ to  ([a, b]). We wish to prove that the original functional Λ is represented by Riemann-Stieltjes integration against α, i.e., that  b   f dα (f ∈ C [a, b] ). Λ(f ) = lim S(f, P, T, α) = ν(P )→0


  To this end, fix f ∈ C [a, b] . For ε > 0, an appeal to the uniform continuity of f on [a, b] insures that there exists δ > 0 such that for t and t in [a, b]: ε . |t − t | < δ =⇒ |f (t) − f (t )| < Λ 5 According to Exercise 4.19 (page 60), the Banach space ∞ ([a, b]) is nonseparable, so here we need the Extension Theorem in its full “transfinite” generality (Theorem 8.3, page 135).

9.3. Riesz with rigor


Now consider a partition P : a = x0 < x1 < x2 < · · · < xn = b with ν(P ) = max{|xj − xj−1 | : 1 ≤ j ≤ n} < δ, and a set T = {tj }n1 of intermediate points for P . Upon recycling the notation of our heuristic attempt: n  f (tj )[α(xj ) − α(xj−1 )] Λ(f ) − S(f, P, T, α) = Λ(f ) − j=1

˜ )− = Λ(f


˜ j) f (tj )Λ(χ

j=1 n   ˜ f− =Λ f (tj )χj . j=1

Thus, using  · ∞ for the supremum norm on ∞ ([a, b]): n      ˜ f (tj )χj  |Λ(f ) − S(f, P, T, α)| = Λ f− j=1 n     ˜  f (tj )χj  . ≤ Λ f − j=1

˜ is a Hahn-Banach extension of Λ, so Λ ˜ = Λ, hence the Now Λ result of the last calculation is: n      f (tj )χj  . (9.11) |Λ(f ) − S(f, P, T, α)| ≤ Λ f − j=1

Thanks to our choice of δ, for every partition P with ν(P ) < δ we know that |f − f (tj )| < ε/Λ on [xj , xj−1 ] for 1 ≤ j ≤ n. This implies, since the intervals [a, x1 ] and (xj−1 , xj ] for 2 ≤ j ≤ n, form a pairwise disjoint family that exhausts [a, b], that n    ε   f (tj )χj (t) < f (t) − Λ j=1 for each t ∈ [a, b], i.e., that n      f (tj )χj  f − j=1

ε . Λ


9. Rendezvous with Riesz

From this   estimate and inequality (9.11) we conclude that if f ∈ C [a, b] and ε > 0 there exists δ = δ(f, ε) > 0 such that |Λ(f ) − S(f, P, T, α)| ≤ ε whenever P is a partition with ν(P ) < δ and T is a set of intermediate points for P . Thus  b Λ(f ) = lim S(f, P, T, α) = f dα , ν(P )→0


so we’ve established most of: Proposition 9.12 (The Riesz Representation “Proto-Theorem”).  Suppose Λ is a bounded linear functional on C [a, b] . Then there exists a bounded, scalar-valued function α on [a, b] for which each  f ∈ C [a, b] is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable, and for which Λ(f ) = b f dα . a Proof. It only remains to prove the boundedness of α. By definition, α(a) = 0, and for a < x ≤ b we have ˜ [0,x) )| ≤ Λ ˜ χ |α(x)| = |Λ(χ  = Λ.   [0,x)  ∞ =Λ


Thus Λ is an upper bound for the values of |α| on [a, b].

In order for the representation promised by Proposition 9.12 to be useful, we’ll need to know more about its integrators α. For example, does every bounded function on [a, b] provide a Riemann-Stieltjes   integrator representing a bounded linear functional on C [a, b] ? According to the next result, and the exercise that follows it, the answer is NO. Proposition 9.13. Suppose Λ is a bounded linear functional on   C [a, b] and α is an integrator that represents Λ as in Proposition 9.12. Then n  |α(xj ) − α(xj−1 )| ≤ Λ (9.12) sup P


where the supremum is extended over all partitions P = {xj }n0 of [a, b].

9.3. Riesz with rigor


  Proof. Suppose Λ is a bounded linear functional on C [a, b] , and α an integrator that represents Λ in accordance with our “Riesz ProtoTheorem,” Proposition 9.12. As in the proof of that Proposition, let ˜ be a Hahn-Banach extension of Λ to ∞ ([a, b]). Λ Fix a partition P = {xj }n0 of [a, b], and let χj denote the characteristic function of the interval (xj−1 , xj ] if j > 1 and of [x0 , x1 ] if j = 1. Suppose, for the moment, that our scalars are real. For 1 ≤ j ≤ n choose ωj = ±1 so that |α(xj ) − α(xj−1 )| = ωj [α(xj ) − α(xj−1 )]. Upon recalling the definition of α (equation (9.10)): n 

|α(xj ) − α(xj−1 )| =



ωj [α(xj ) − α(xj−1 )]




˜ j) = Λ ˜ ωj Λ(χ



ωj χj


n     ˜ ≤ Λ  ωj χj 




˜ = Λ. so the desired inequality (9.12) follows from the fact that Λ For complex scalars we can choose ωj in the above argument to be an appropriate complex number of modulus one; I leave the details to you.  For a given partition P , the sum on the left-hand side of inequality (9.12) is called the variation of α over P , often denoted by var (α, P ). The supremum of these variations, i.e., the left-hand side of (9.12), is called simply the variation of α, usually denoted by var α. When var α is finite we say (notsurprisingly) that α is of bounded variation. Let’s denote by BV [a, b] the collection of all scalar-valued functions of bounded variation on [a, b].   Exercise 9.14. Show that BV [a, b] is a vector space.


9. Rendezvous with Riesz

Propositions 9.12 and 9.13 yield this chapter’s sought-for result: Theorem 9.15 (The Riesz Representation Theorem). If Λ is a boun-  ded linear functional on C [a, b] , then there exists α ∈ BV  [0, a] with var α ≤ Λ, with respect to which every f in C [a, b] is integrable, and for which:  b   f dα (f ∈ C [a, b] ) . (9.13) Λ(f ) = a

The following exercise shows that there are scalar-valued functions α on [a, b] that are bounded—even continuous—but not of bounded variation. By Proposition 9.13 we know that such functions cannot be Riemann-Stieltjes integrators representing bounded linear   functionals on C [a, b] . Exercise 9.16. Fix a sequence (xn )∞ 0 of points in [0, 1], with 0 = x0 < x1 < x2 < · · ·  1, Define α to be the function whose graph is a “sawtooth curve” whose n-th “tooth,” for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , is formed by joining the point (x2n , 0) to (x2n+1 , n1 ) with a straight line, and similarly joining (x2n+1 , n1 ) to (x2n+2 , 0). (a) Show that α is continuous on [0, 1], but not of bounded variation. (b) Extra credit: Find a continuous function on [0, 1] that is not Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to α. Suggestion: Construct an appropriate sawtooth function whose “teeth” alternate above and below the x-axis.

Before moving on, please take a look at the next few exercises, placed here to build confidence in dealing with bounded variation. Exercise 9.17. Here “interval” means “closed, bounded real interval.” (a) Show that a function of bounded variation on an interval is, on every subinterval, of bounded variation with variation ≤ that on the whole interval (b) Show that a function of bounded variation on each of two contiguous intervals is of bounded variation on the union of those intervals, and that its variation on this union is equal to the sum of its variations on the contiguous subintervals.

9.3. Riesz with rigor


Exercise 9.18. Show that every function on [a, b] that’s differentiable, with derivative continuous on [a, b], is of bounded variation there. Is the same true if the derivative is just piecewise continuous?  / Exercise   9.19. Suppose α is differentiable on [a, b], but α ∈ C [a, b] . Must α be of bounded variation?

Exercise 9.20. A continuous function α : [a, b] → C defines a curve in the complex plane. Show that var α is simply the length of this curve, i.e., the total distance traveled by the point α(t) as t goes from a to b.

Here is an important converse to our present version (Theorem 9.15) of the Riesz Representation Theorem:   Theorem 9.21 (Riesz Representation Converse). If α ∈ BV [a, b] then:   (a) Every f ∈ C [a, b] is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to α, and (b) Equation   (9.13) defines a bounded linear functional on C [a, b] with Λ ≤ var α. Proof. Part (a) is a standard result about Riemann-Stieltjes integrals; you’ll find its proof—which closely parallels that of the corresponding result for ordinary Riemann integrals (the case α(x) = x)— in Appendix D (Theorem D.1, page 199). As for part (b): the linearity of the functional in question follows quickly from the definition of “Riemann-Stieltjes Integral,” the argument again being entirely analogous the corresponding one for ordinary Riemann integrals. For the rest, we need to prove that if α b is a function of bounded   variation on [a, b], then | a f dα| ≤ f var α for each f ∈ C [a, b] . This follows quickly from the fact that for


9. Rendezvous with Riesz

every partition P of [a, b] and set T of intermediate points for P : |S(f, P, T, α)| ≤


|f (tj )| |α(xj ) − α(xj−1 )|


≤ f 

n  j=1

|α(xj ) − α(xj−1 )| 

≤var α

Since our notion of “limit” for Riemann-Stieltjes sums preserves nonstrict (exercise), this estimate shows that for every f ∈  inequalities  C [a, b] :   b   f dα ≤ f  var α , |Λ(f )| =  a

hence Λ ≤ var α. This completes the proof of Theorem 9.21.

Here is a summary of the results obtained so far: Theorem 9.22 (Our “final” Riesz Representation Theorem). Sup    b pose α ∈ BV [a, b] . Define Λα on C [a, b] by: Λα (f ) = a f dα. Then:   (a) Λα is a bounded linear functional on C [a, b] , with Λα  ≤ var α (Theorem 9.21).   (b) Conversely, every bounded linear functional on C [a, b] has the form Λα for some function α of bounded variation on [a, b], with var α ≤ Λ (Theorem 9.15). The question  of uniqueness. Does every bounded linear functional Λ on C [a, b] uniquely determine the integrator α that represents it? Sadly, the answer is “no.” For example, it’s enough to note that the definition of Riemann-Stieltjes integral involves only differences of the integrator’s values, so adding a constant to the integrator does not change the value of the integral. Thus, for example, any constant function on [a, b] is an integrator that represents the zero-functional. See the Notes below (page 171) for more on this issue.



Notes Confronting the Complex. You may wish to check that the connection between real-valued and complex-valued Riemann-Stieltjes integrals   brings no surprises. For example, f ∈ C [a, b] is integrable with respect to the function α : [a, b] → C of bounded variation iff the real and imaginary parts of f are integrable with respect to the real and imaginary parts of α, the integral has the expected expression in terms of its real and imaginary parts. Who was Riesz ? A Hungarian mathematician, Frigyes Riesz6 was a dominant figure in the development of early twentieth-century functional analysis. The Riesz Representation Theorem of our story was one of a family of such results that he obtained for specific Banach spaces. In Chapter 7 (Exercise 8.4) we encountered another: the identification of linear functionals on Rn . Riesz extended this result to Hilbert space.7 E. R. Lorch, in a reminiscence [33] of his 1934 postdoctoral work under Riesz, recounts this anecdote. At a European mathematics conference circa 1910, several young mathematicians sent a postcard to their esteemed British colleague G. H. Hardy. Each one, instead of signing his name, wrote down the formula for which he was best known. Riesz’s contribution (paraphrased in our notation) was 1 “Λ(f ) = 0 f dα.” Proof of the Riesz Representation Theorem. Riesz announced his famous representation theorem in [42, 1908], and provided a detailed proof in [43, 1911, Section III] that’s vastly different from the one presented here. Instead of using the Hahn-Banach Theorem, which was not available to him at the time, Riesz used continuous functions to approximate linear combinations of charactistic functions of intervals. He then proved that each bounded linear functional Λ, upon being applied to such an approximating sequence, yielded a convergent sequence of real numbers whose limit could be taken as the value of Λ at the characteristic function being approximated. 6 Pronounced (something like) FREE-jyus REES. When publishing in German (e.g.,[44]) he was “Friedrich Riesz,” and in French (e.g.,[42, 43]): Fr´ ed´ eric Riesz. 7 “Hilbert space” refers to any Banach space with norm induced by an inner product.


9. Rendezvous with Riesz

You can find fascinating discussions of this proof either online at [7, 2015], or in Chapter III of Riesz’s famous book [45]8 (sections 49–51, pp. 105–112). Regarding [45]: Sections 49–53 cover everything we’ve done here in this chapter and the previous one, while its preceding sections cover much of what now constitutes a first-year graduate course in real analysis. For an in-depth treatment of Riemann-Stieltjes integration, also freely available online, see Chapter XI of [30]. In §5 of that chapter (pp. 265–269) you’ll also find a Riesz-like proof of the Representation Theorem. Riesz, Helly, and the Moment Problem.   The moment problem for of functions in C [a, b] asks for a characterization a sequence (fn )∞ 1 for which there exists a function α of of those scalar seqences (λn )∞ 1 bounded variation on [a, b] such that  b fn dα (n ∈ N). (9.14) λn = a ∞ When this happens, (λn )∞ 1 is called a moment sequence for (fn )1 .

For example, if fn (t) = tn we have a classical moment problem, while if [a, b] = [0, 2π] and the fn ’s are all of the form sin nt or cos nt, then we’re doing Fourier analysis. Here’s a necessary condition. Suppose (λn )∞ 1 is a moment se. Thus for each N ∈ N and each N -tuple (an )N quence for (fn )∞ 1 1 of scalars we have  b  b N N N N    a n λn = an fn dα = an fn dα = Λα ( an fn , n=1






  where Λα is the linear functional on C [a, b] given by RiemannStieltjes integration   with integrator α. By Theorem 9.21, Λα is bounded on C [a, b] with norm ≤ var α. We conclude that (9.15)

N N         a n λn  ≤ C  an fn ,  n=1


where C = Λα  ≤ var α. 8 Co-authored with his student B´ ela Sz.-Nagy, and known to this day simply as “Riesz-Nagy” (pronounced something like “REES-NAHdge”).



∞ Thus, necessary for (λn )∞ 1 to be a moment sequence for (fn )1 is that there should exist a positive constant C for which inequality (9.15) holds for every N -tuple (an )N 1 of scalars, and every n ∈ N.

Building on previous work of his own, and even earlier work of Hilbert’s student Erhardt Schmidt (in Hilbert space), Riesz showed [43, 1911] that this necessary condition is also sufficient. Thus: Riesz’s Moment Theorem. Necessary and sufficient for a scalar ∞ sequence (λn )∞ 1 to be a moment sequence for (fn )1 in C [a, b] is that there exists a positive constant C such that inequality (9.15) holds for every N -tuple (an )N 1 of scalars, and every N ∈ N. To prove sufficiency, Riesz first solved the problem for finite lists of λ’s, using (9.15) to provide uniform bounds on the variations of the integrators he produced. He then showed that it was possible to extract from these a sequence of such integrators convergent, in an appropriate sense, to one that worked for the entire sequence of λ’s. Eduard Helly, in an effort to better understand Riesz’s work, ∞ observed that given (λn )∞ 1 and (fn )1 satisfying (9.15), one could define a linear functional Λ on the linear span M of (fn )∞ 1 by setting Λ(fn ) = λn fn for n = 1, 2, . . . , and extending linearly to M . Inequality (9.15) then guarantees that Λ is a bounded linear  functional  on M , so it has a bounded linear extension to all of C [a, b] , either   by uniform continuity if M is dense in C [a, b] or, if M is not dense, then by the separable version of the Hahn-Banach Theorem—first proved by Helly in [24] for just this purpose! More on uniqueness in the Riesz Representation Theorem. In order for a function α of bounded variation on [a, b] to represent,   via Riemann-Stieltjes integration, the zero-functional on C [a, b] , it’s necessary and sufficient that α take the same value at a, at b, and at every point at which it is continuous. For details, see [45, §51, page 111] or [30, page 268]. Bounded variation vs. continuous-function integrability. Suppose α is a scalar-valued function on [a, b]. We know that if α is of bounded variation there, then it Riemann-Stieltjes integrates every


9. Rendezvous with Riesz

  f ∈ C [a, b] . The converse is also true: If α integrates every f ∈ C [a, b] , then it must be of bounded variation (see, e.g., [30, Thm. 335, page 269]). Who was Stieltjes? For information on the discoverer of the RiemannStieltjes integral, see the Notes to Appendix D, page 211.

Chapter 10

V-Invariance: Finale

Overview. Here we’ll harness the Hahn-Banach, Riesz, and Titchmarsh theorems  to the task of proving that the Volterra operator, acting on C [0, a] , has only the “obvious” closed invariant subspaces.

10.1. Introduction In Chapter 7, Metatheorem 7.30 (page 129) reduced the of  problem  characterizing the closed invariant subspaces of V on C [0, a] to that of proving: Conjecture C0 . If f ∈ C0 has 0 in its support, then f is cyclic for V0 . Here’s a brief review of the terminology and notation involved in this statement,and in means  those to follow. In this list:  “subspace”  “subspace of C [0, a] , f is always a function in C [0, a] , and “closed” means “closed in C [0,a] .” Cb : For 0 < b ≤ a, this is the subspace consisting of functions that vanish identically on the interval [0, b], while C0 is the subspace of functions that vanish at the origin (page 115). Note that Ca = {0}. Each of these subspaces is closed and invariant for V , meaning: V (Cb ) ⊂ Cb . These, along with the whole space 173


10. V-Invariance: Finale   C [0, a] , are what we’re calling the “obvious” V -invariant subspaces. Vb : The restriction of the Volterra operator V to the invariant subspace Cb (page 124). Here we’ll focus attention on V0 . VIST: The Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem, which asserts that the only closed invariant subspaces for V are the “obvious” ones: Cb for 0 ≤ b ≤ a (page 116). Support: The support of f is the set of all points x ∈ [0, a] with the property that f does not vanish identically on any neighborhood of x (page 83). Notation: spt f . In particular: c ∈ [0, a] belongs to spt f iff there is a sequence of points (xj ) in [0, a] converging to c, such that |f (xj )| > 0 for each index j. V -Orbit: The V -orbit of f is the set of functions 2 OrbV (f ) = {V n f }∞ 0 = {f, V f, V f, · · · } (page 118).

M V (f ): The closure of the linear span of OrbV (f ). It contains f , is V -invariant, and is the “smallest” such closed subspace, i.e., it’s contained in every closed, V -invariant subspace of C [0, a] that contains f (page 118). Cyclic vector (for Cb ): A vector f ∈ Cb for which MV (f ) = Cb , i.e., for which the linear span of OrbV (f ) is dense in Cb (page 118).   BV [0, a] : The space of scalar-valued functions on [0, a] that have bounded variation (page 165). The function u: The function in C0 defined by: u(x) = x for x ∈ [0, a] (page 174). A modest function that will turn out to be the star of this chapter! By the end of this chapter we’ll have a proof of Conjecture C0 , and therefore of the VIST. But first:

10.2. One final reduction! The function u defined above has 0 in its support, so Conjecture C0 implies that u is cyclic for V0 . This suggests that if we intend

10.3. Toward the Proof of Conjecture U


to prove Conjecture C0 , we should at least be able to come up with free-standing proof that u is cyclic for V0 . Here it is. Lemma 10.1. The function u is a cyclic vector for V0 . Proof. We need to show that # un the linear $ span of OrbV (u) is dense in C0 . Since OrbV (u) = n! : n ∈ N , its linear span is just the collection of polynomials that vanish at the origin. Fix f ∈ C0 . By the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem (Appendix C, page 195) there is a sequence (qj ) of polynomials—possibly not all vanishing at the origin—that converges to f uniformly on [0, a]. In particular, qj (0) → f (0) = 0, so upon setting pj = qj − qj (0) we have pj (0) = 0 for each index j, and pj → f − f (0) = f uniformly on [0, a]. Thus  the span of OrbV (u) is dense in C0 , as desired. Here’s our final reduction of the Volterra Invariant Subspace Problem. Conjecture U. If f ∈ C0 and 0 ∈ spt f , then u ∈ MV (f ). Metatheorem 10.2. Conjecture U implies the Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem. Proof. By Metatheorem 7.30 (page 129), it’s enough to show that Conjecture U implies Conjecture C0 . So suppose Conjecture U has been established. Fix f ∈ C0 with 0 in its support. To show: f is cyclic for V0 . Conjecture U tells us that u ∈ MV (f ), hence MV (u), the smallest closed, V -invariant subspace of C [0, a] that contains u, lies in the closed, V -invariant subspace MV (f ). By Lemma 10.1, MV (u) = C0 , so C0 is contained in MV (f ), which (since f ∈ C0 ) is itself contained in C0 . Conclusion: MV (f ) = C0 , i.e., f is cyclic for V0 .

10.3. Toward the Proof of Conjecture U In our proof of Conjecture U we’ll encounter, for Riemann-Stieltjes integration, a new version of Volterra convolution.


10. V-Invariance: Finale

    Definition 10.3. For f ∈ C [0, a] and α ∈ BV [0, a] , define the function f ∗ dα on [0, a] by:  x f (x − t) dα(t) (x ∈ [0, a]). (f ∗ dα)(x) = t=0

Note that f ∗ dα is not the convolution of f with α.1     Lemma 10.4. Suppose f ∈ C [0, a] and α ∈ BV [0, a] . If f (0) = 0   then f ∗ dα ∈ C [0, a] . Proof. Write F = f ∗ dα, and suppose 0 ≤ x < x ≤ a. Then  x  x F (x)−F (x ) = [f (x − t) − f (x − t)] dα(t) + f (x − t) dα(t) . t=0 t=x       = I1

= I2

Let ε > 0 be given, and use the uniform continuity of f on [0, a] to choose δ > 0 so that whenever t and t belong to [0, a], with |t−t | < δ, we have |f (t) − f (t )| < ε/(2var α). In particular, if x − x < δ then |(x − t) − (x − t)| = x − x < δ, hence the absolute value of the integrand of I1 above is < ε/(2var α) for each t ∈ [0, x ]. From this it follows that |I1 | ≤ ε/2. If t ∈ [x , x] then |t − x| < δ, so we have, since f (0) = 0: |f (x − t)| < ε/(2var α), whereupon |I2 | ≤ ε/2. Conclusion: For every ε > 0 we can find δ = δ(ε) > 0 such that whenever 0 ≤ x < x ≤ a, x − x < δ =⇒ |F (x ) − F (x)| < ε, i.e., F is (uniformly) continuous on [0, a].

1 To assign a definite meaning to the symbol  “dα,” try thinking of it as representing the linear functional that α induces on C [0, a] by Riemann-Stieltjes integration. So the f ∗ dα can be thought of as the “convolution” of a continuous function with a continuous linear functional.

10.3. Toward the Proof of Conjecture U


  Remark. If we do not assume that f ∈ C [0, a] vanishes at the origin, the convolution f ∗ dαmay fail to be continuous. Example: f = 1. For each α ∈ BV [0, a] :  x (1 ∗ dα)(x) = dα = α(x) − α(0), t=0

so 1 ∗ dα inherits the discontinuities (if any) of α. Our new “Riemann-Stieltjes convolution” will also occur in disguise:     Lemma 10.5. Suppose f ∈ C [0, a] and α ∈ BV [0, a] . Then:  a f (x − t) dα(x) = −(f ∗ dα)(a ˜ − t) (t ∈ [0, a]), (*) x=t

where α ˜ (x) = α(a − x) for x ∈ [0, a]. Proof. Assuming that the change-of-variable formula from Calculus works for Riemann-Stieltjes integrals just as for ordinary Riemann ones (it does: see Corollary D.7 on page 209), the substitution u = a − x transforms the integral on the right-hand side of (*) above to:  a−t (10.1) f (a − t − u)dα(u) ˜ = −(f ∗ dα)(a ˜ − t) (t ∈ [0, a]).  u=0

Finally, we’ll need to knew that Riemann-Stieltjes convolution has the associative property proved in Chapter 5 for ordinary Volterra convolution (Proposition 5.12, page 87). Proposition 10.6 (Associativity of RS-convolution). Suppose    that  f and g belong to C [0, a] with g(0) = 0, and that α ∈ BV [0, a] . Then on [0, a]: (f ∗ g) ∗ dα = f ∗ (g ∗ dα).


10. V-Invariance: Finale

Proof. Since g(0) = 0, we know from Lemma 10.4 that g ∗ dα is continuous on [0, a]. Fix x ∈ [0, a] and compute:  x   f (x − t)(g ∗ dα)(t) dt f ∗ (g ∗ dα) (x) = 

t=0 x

s=0 t=s x   x−s

s=0 x

t f (x − t) g(t − s) dα(s) dt s=0 t=0 x  x f (x − t)g(t − s) dt dα(s) =



f (x − s − y)g(y) dy dα(s)


(f ∗ g)(x − s) dα(s)  s=0  = (f ∗ g) ∗ dα (x) , =

where we’ve used: in the first two equalities, the definition of convolution; in the third one, Proposition D.9 on change-of-order in iterated integrals (with x in place of a and f (x − t) in place of f (t)); in the fourth one, the change of variable formula (from calculus) applied to the inner integral with the substitution y = t − s; and in the last two equalities, the definition of convolution. 

10.4. Proof of Conjecture U Fix f ∈ C0 with 0 ∈ spt f . Conjecture U asserts that u ∈ MV (f ). Thanks to the Hahn-Banach Separation Theorem (Theorem 8.1, page 134) it willbe enough to prove that every bounded linear functional on C [0, a] that takes the value zero on MV (f ) also takes the value zero at u. To this end, fix a bounded linear functional Λ on C [0, a] with Λ ≡ 0 on MV (f ). To Show: Λ(u) = 0. The Riesz Representation Theorem (Theorem 9.15, page 166) pro  vides α ∈ BV [0, a] that represents Λ via Riemann-Stieltjes integration:  a   g dα (g ∈ C [0, a] ). Λ(g) = 0 a a We’ll be done if we can show that 0 u dα = 0, i.e., 0 s dα(s) = 0.

10.4. Proof of Conjecture U


Our assumption that Λ vanishes identically on MV (f ) implies2 Λ(V n f ) = 0

(n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ).

In particular, for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,  a  V n+1 f dα = 0 = Λ(V n+1 f ) = 0




(x − t)n f (t) dt dα(x) ,


where the last equality follows from Theorem 1.14 (page 11). In this display, the inner integral on the right-hand side is un ∗ f which, by the commutativity of Volterra convolutions (Proposition 5.12(a), page 87), is:  x f (x − t)tn dt (x ∈ [0, a]). (f ∗ un )(x) = t=0

Thus for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . we have  a  x n 0= f (x − t)t dt dα(x) . x=0


The order of such iterated Riemann-Stieltjes integrals can be interchanged just as for ordinary Riemann integrals (Appendix D, Proposition D.9). Thus for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,  a  a (10.2) 0= f (x − t)dα(x) tn dt. t=0  x=t   call this F (t)

Lemma 10.5 tells us that F (t) = −(f ∗ dα)(a ˜ − t) for t ∈ [0, a]. Since f (0) = 0 we know from Lemma 10.4 that f ∗ dα ˜ is continuous on [0, a], hence the same is true of F , so there’s no question about its Riemann integrability in equation (10.2). Moreover, that equation and the linearity of (Riemann) integration yield  a F (t)p(t) dt (10.3) 0= 0

for any polynomial p. By the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem (and Theorem 1.8, page 15, on the behavior of Riemann integrals of uniformly convergent sequences  of functions), the same  is therefore true for any function p ∈ C [0, a] . Since F ∈ C [0, a] , we can take the function p in equation (10.3) to be F , or—if we’re working 2

. . . and is, in fact, equivalent to (exercise) . . .


10. V-Invariance: Finale

over scalars—the complex conjugate of F . In either case:  a complex 2 |F (t)| dt = 0 whereupon, thanks again to the continuity of F , 0 0 = F (t) = −(f ∗ dα)(a ˜ − t)

(t ∈ [0, a]).

Consequently f ∗ dα ˜ vanishes identically on [0, a], and since it’s a continuous function thereon, we can form its (ordinary) Volterra convolution with the function u, thus obtaining at each point of [0, a]: (10.4) 0 = u ∗ (f ∗ dα) ˜ = (u ∗ f ) ∗ dα ˜ = (f ∗ u) ∗ dα ˜ = f ∗ (u ∗ dα), ˜ where the second and last equalities follow from the associative law for Riemann-Stieltjes convolution (Proposition 10.6 above, noting that f (0) = u(0) = 0), and the third one is just the commutative property of ordinary Volterra convolution (Proposition 5.12(b), page 87). The function u ∗ dα ˜ is continuous on [0, a] by Lemma 10.4, and equation (10.4) has just announced that this function’s Volterra convolution with f is identically zero on [0, a]. By hypothesis, 0 ∈ spt f , ˜ vanso the Titchmarsh Convolution Theorem3 guarantees that u ∗ dα ishes identically on [0, a]. In particular, u ∗ dα(a) ˜ = 0, i.e.,  a  a  a (a − t) dα(t) ˜ = s dα(a ˜ − s) = s dα(s) = Λ(u), 0= t=0



where in the second equality we’ve proceeded as in Riemann integration to make the substitution s = a − t (justified by an appeal to Exercise 9.9, page 160, or more generally, to Proposition D.6, page 208). This completes our proof of Conjecture U, and consequently, that of the Volterra Invariant Subspace Theorem. 

Notes The Invariant Subspace Problem. For a given operator on an infinite dimensional Banach space, the problem of finding all its closed, proper invariant subspaces can be a difficult one. The Volterra operator is one of the few for which this has been accomplished. In the 1980’s, Enflo [13] proved that there are Banach spaces that support bounded operators with no closed invariant subspaces other than the obvious ones ({0} and the whole space), and a bit later Read showed that the sequence space 1 is one such Banach space [40]. However, in 3

At last! In fact, we’re only using its special case: Theorem 5.5 on page 84.



the setting of Hibert space the problem remains open to this day. For recent material on this problem, see the research report of Challendar and Partington [11], and the book [10] by the same authors. More on the life of Vito Volterra. Volterra served in the Italian military during the First World War, earning for his service, the Croce di Guerra. After the war Volterra returned to academic life where he became a leading figure in the nascent field of mathematical biology. You can find, in any modern textbook on differential equations, the Volterra-Lotka (or predator-prey) equations, which describe a fundamental model for the population dynamics of two interacting species, one of which preys upon the other. As Volterra rose to prominence in the world of Italian mathematics, the Fascist Party, led by Benito Mussolini, rose to dominate Italian politics. In 1931 Volterra refused to take an oath of allegiance required by the Fascist government, a courageous stand4 which ended his academic career. Volterra spent the rest of his days living, working, and lecturing mostly outside of Italy. He died in Rome on October 11, 1940. This short description of Volterra’s life and work cannot do justice to his many accomplishments; the biographical essay of Whittaker, reprinted in [65, pp. 5-28] provides a brief, but much more detailed picture. For more complete treatments of Volterra’s life and times, see the biographies written by Goodstein [18] and Guerragio–Paoloni [20].


Volterra was one of only twelve university professors in all of Italy to do so!

Appendix A

Uniform Convergence

Theorem A. If (fn ) converges to a function f , uniformly on [a, b], then f is continuous on [a, b]. Furthermore:  b  b fn (t) dt → f (t) dt . a


Proof. Fix ε > 0. By uniform convergence we know there exists an index N = N (ε) such that n > N =⇒ |fn (t) − f (t)| < ε/3 for each t ∈ [a, b]. Fix n > N , and note that fn , being a continuous function on a compact subset of the line, is uniformly continuous. Consequently there exists δ = δ(ε) > 0 such that |fn (s) − fn (t)| < ε/3 for all s, t ∈ [a, b] with |s − t| < δ. Thus for all such pairs s, t: |f (s) − f (t)| ≤ |f (s) − fn (s)| + |fn (s) − fn (t)| + |fn (t) − f (t)| < ε ,          N =⇒ :      b   b  b      fn (t) − f (t) dt f (t) dt − f (t) dt =     a   a n a  b ≤ |fn (t) − f (t)| dt   a   < a

0 be given. Use the definition of “Uniformly Cauchy” to choose N = N (ε/2) so that n, m > N ⇒ |fn (t) − fm (t)| < ε/2 for all t ∈ [a, b]. Now fix t ∈ [a, b] and choose m > N such that |fm (t)−f (t)| < ε/2 (this index m depends on t, but that will not matter). Then for all n > N: |fn (t) − f (t)| ≤ |fn (t) − fm (t)| + |fm (t) − f (t)| < ε.       N ⇒ δk < 2 ∞ε |aj | . Then j=0

Δn =

N  k=0


δk an−k + 


δk an−k

k=N +1


with II(n) < ε/2 for all n. Now N is fixed, and for each index k between 0 and N we have limn→∞ an−k = 0, so for all n sufficiently  large, I(n) < ε/2, hence Δn < ε. Thus Δn → 0, as desired. Note that this last part of the proof only requires absolute conver gence for the series n an , so it actually proves the following result (with no promise about absolute convergence of the product): Theorem B.4 (Mertens’ Theorem). Suppose complex series A = ∞ ∞ n=0 an and B = n=0 bn converge to A and B respectively, and that at least one of the series converges absolutely. Then the Cauchy product of these series converges to AB. The exercise below shows that if two infinite series converge, but neither converges absolutely, then their Cauchy product may not converge. √ n Exercise B.5. ∞ Let an = (−1) / n + 1 for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Thus the series n=0 an converges by the Alternating Series Test. Show that, nevertheless, the Cauchy product of this series with itself does not converge.

 2 Suggestion: Use calculus to show that (x + 1)(n − x + 1) ≤ n + 1 for 2 0 ≤ x ≤ n. Thus the n-th term of the Cauchy product in question is ≥ 1 for all n.

B.4. Complex power series Given a sequence (an )∞ 0 of complex numbers and a point z0 ∈ C, the (complex) power series with coefficients (an ) and center z0 is the  n infinite series ∞ n=0 an (z − z0 ) , where z runs through C. By analogy with the real case, the vital question for any complex power series is: For which z ∈ C does it converge?

B.4. Complex power series


Every power series converges trivially at its center. We learn in ∞ calculus that a real power series n=0 an (x − x0 )n converges only at its center, or for every x ∈ R, or in some largest finite open interval centered at x0 (with convergence at the endpoints varying from series  n 2n to series). Consider for example, the real power series ∞ n=0 (−1) x . According to the geometric series theorem, this series converges when |x| < 1 to (1 + x2 )−1 , and diverges for all other x ∈ R. But here’s a mystery: The function to which this series converges has impeccable behavior on the whole real line; it’s infinitely differentiable there! Question. What’s happening with this “impeccable” function to cause its representing power series to diverge at x = ±1? The answer lies in the complex plane, where the “complex analogue” of the power-series-convergence theorem of calculus clears up the mystery. Theorem B.6 (Convergence for complex power series). If the com∞ plex power series n=0 an (z−z0 )n converges at the point z1 ∈ C\{z0 }, then it converges absolutely for every z ∈ C with |z − z0 | < |z1 − z0 |. Furthermore, the convergence is uniform on every closed disc centered at z0 and having radius < |z1 − z0 |. Before proving this theorem, let’s see how it explains the “cosmic reason” behind the failure of the real power series for (1 + x2 )−1 (center at the origin) to converge in an open interval larger than (−1, 1). Should the real series converge in such a larger interval, then by Theorem B.6 its complex counterpart (the same coefficients, but now with the “complex variable” z replacing the “real variable” x) would have to converge uniformly on the disc |z| ≤ 1. In particular, the sum would have to be continuous in that closed disc, so the function z → (1 + z 2 )−1 (to which the series converges on the disc |z| < 1) would have to be bounded thereon—which (being unbounded as z → ±i) it’s not. Proof of Theorem B.6. The proof is word-for-word the same as for the real case. We may assume without loss of generality that z0 = 0  n (why?). Our hypothesis is that ∞ n=0 an z converges at z1 = 0 (we exclude the origin because, trivially, any power series converges at its

B. Complex Primer


center). Thus the sequence (an z1n )∞ 0 converges to zero (Proposition 2.23, page 31), and so is bounded, i.e., M = supn |an ||z1 |n < ∞. Thus for any z ∈ C with |z| ≤ r < |z1 | |an z n | = |an | |z|n ≤ |an |r n = |an ||z1 |n (r/|z1 |)n ≤ M ρn .       ≤M

=ρ 0 for which ∞ n=0 an (z−z0 ) = 0 whenever |z−z0 | < R. Then an = 0 for each non-negative integer n. Proof. Without loss of generality we may assume z0 = 0. Let f (z) = ∞ n n=0 an z , so f (z) = 0 for |z| < R; in particular 0 = f (0) = a0 .

B.4. Complex power series


Our power series therefore has a common factor of z; factor it out! Consequently 0 = z(a1 + a2 z + a3 z 2 + · · · ) = zg(z),  n where g(z) = ∞ n=1 an+1 z , with that power series converging for all z with |z| < R. This makes the function g represented by the new series continuous, and equal to 0 everywhere on {|z| < R}, except possibly at the origin. But by its continuity, g must also take value ∞ zero at the origin, i.e., the series n=1 an+1 z n finds itself in the same situation as the original power series that converges to zero at each point of a disc centered at the origin, so its leading coefficient a1 equals 0. Repeat (i.e., proceed by induction). 

Appendix C

Uniform Approximation by Polynomials

Here is a proof of the “Fundamental Theorem of Approximation Theory.” Theorem C.1 (The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem, 1885). Suppose −∞ < a < b < ∞ and f is a scalar-valued function continuous on [a, b]. Then there is a sequence of polynomials (pn )∞ 1 that converges to f uniformly on [a, b]. If f is real-valued, then each approximating polynomial pn can be chosen to have real coefficients. Proof. We’ll follow the argument in [47] (Theorem 7.26, pp. 159160). The first step, which I leave to you, is to observe that it’s enough to work on the closed unit interval  [0, 1].  Next: It’s enough to prove the theorem for functions f ∈ C [0, 1] for which f(0) =f (1) = 0. For once this is done, then given an arbitrary f ∈ C [0, 1] , subtract off the degree-one polynomial p(x) = f (0) + [f (1) − f (0)]x to obtain a function continuous on [0, 1] that vanishes at the endpoints. Use the above-mentioned, soon-to-be-proved, special case of the Weierstrass Theorem to find a uniformly convergent sequence of approximating polynomials for g, and add p(x) to each one to obtain from this the desired sequence for f . 195


C. Uniform Approximation by Polynomials

Crucial to our proof will be the polynomial sequence (wn )∞ 1 , defined for n ∈ N by:  1    n 1 2 n 1 − t2 dt . wn (x) = cn 1 − x where = cn −1 Here are the facts we’ll need about these polynomials. (a) Each wn has real coefficients, and is an even function, i.e., wn (−x) = wn (x) for each real x. (b) Each wn is monotone decreasing on [0, 1]. (c) Each wn is ≥ 0 on R.  1 wn (t) dt = 1 for each n ∈ N (by the definition of cn ). (d) −1

(e) For each n ∈ N we have cn < 2n, so that for 0 < δ ≤ 1: n  (C.1) max wn (x) < 2n 1 − δ 2 → 0 δ≤|x|≤1

as n → ∞. Items (a)–(d) above are obvious, and given (a) and the first part of (e), so is the last part of (e). Part (e) asserts that wn converges to 0 uniformly on every closed subinterval of [−1, 1]\{0}. This is clearly  2 n true for the polynomials 1 − x ; the first part of (e) asserts that the normalizing constants cn do not increase quickly enough to spoil this convergence. For the moment, let’s believe this, saving its proof for last.   Now down to business! Fix f ∈ C [0, 1] with f (0) = f (1) = 0, and extend f to the entire real line by defining its values to be 0 off of [0, 1]. Note that the extended function inherits the uniform continuity of the original one. For n ∈ N define  1 wn (x − t)f (t) dt (x ∈ R), (Wn f )(x) = t=0

and observe that wn (x−t) is a polynomial in the two variables x and t, hence the function Wn f is, itself, a polynomial, with real coefficients if f is real.

C. Uniform Approximation by Polynomials


Now make the change-of-variable s = x − t in the integral above, thus obtaining:  x f (x − s)wn (s) ds (x ∈ R). (Wn f )(x) = s=x−1

From now on we’ll assume that x ∈ [0, 1]. Note that f (x − s) can be non-zero only when 0 ≤ x − s ≤ 1, i.e., only when s ∈ [x − 1, x]. Thanks to our assumption on x, this latter interval lies inside [1, 1], so f (x − s) = 0 for all s outside [−1, 1]. Consequence: Since x ∈ [0, 1], we can rewrite the definition of (Wn f )(x) as  1 (Wn f )(x) = f (x − s)wn (s) ds (n ∈ N), s=−1

so—because the integral of wn over [−1, 1] is 1 (by choice of the constant cn in the definition of wn )—we have for each n ∈ N and each (fixed) x ∈ [0, 1]:  1 [f (x − s) − f (x)] wn (s) ds . (Wn f )(x) − f (x) = s=−1

Let ε > 0 be given. Use the uniform continuity of f to choose δ > 0 (and < 1) so that whenever t and t belong to [−1, 1] with |t − t | < δ, we have |f (t) − f (t )| < ε/2. From our last displayed equation and the non-negativity of wn :  1 |f (x − s) − f (x)| wn (s) ds = I1 + I2 |(Wn f )(x) − f (x)| ≤ s=−1

where I1 =

|s| N ⇒ n(1 − δ 2 )n < 16f  whereupon ε ε n > N ⇒ |Wn f (x) − f (x)| < + = ε 2 2 for every x ∈ [0, 1]. Thus the polynomial sequence (Wn f ) converges to f uniformly on [0, 1], as desired.   I leave it to you to check that if f ∈ C [a, b] is real-valued then the approximating sequence eventually produced by this proof consists of polynomials with real coefficients. Now it only remains to verify that cn < 2n for each n ∈ N. 2 n

To this end, use the even-ness of wn and the substitution t = cos θ in the integral defining 1/cn . Thus  1  π/2 1 =2 (1 − t2 )n dt = 2 sin2n+1 θ dθ . cn 0 0 Perusal of the graph of the sine function over the interval [0, π2 ] will convince you that sin θ ≥ π2 θ for θ in that interval, hence   2n+1 π/2 2n+1 1 1 π 1 > , ≥ 2 π2 θ dθ = cn 2 n+1 2n 0 whereupon cn < 2n, as promised. This completes the proof of the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem. 

Appendix D

Riemann-Stieltjes Primer

This appendix continues the work of §9.1, developing some mostly standard facts about Riemann-Stieltjes integration that extend wellknown results about Riemann integrals. Recall: the term “scalars” refers to either R or C; the choice is yours. Theorem D.1 (Fundamental existence theorem). Suppose α and f are scalar-valued functions on [a, b], with α of bounded variation and f continous thereon. Then f is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to α. Proof. Our goal is to find a scalar λ such that lim S(f, P, T, α) = λ,

ν(P )→0

i.e., such that for each ε > 0 there exists δ = δ(f, α, ε) such that for all partitions P with ν(P ) < δ, and all sets T of intermediate points for P , the Riemann-Stieltjes sum S(f, P, t, α) differs from λ by less than ε. Now fix ε > 0 and invoke the uniform continuity of f on [a, b] to choose δ = δ(f, ε) such that |f (t) − f (t )| < ε whenever t and t belong to [a, b], with |t − t | < δ. We proceed in several steps. 199


D. Riemann-Stieltjes Primer

Step I. Suppose P and P  are partitions of [a, b] with P  ⊂ P , and ν(P  ) < δ. Write P : a = x0 < x1 < x2 < · · · xn = b and P  : a = x0 < xk 1 < xk 2 · · · < xk m = xn = b . Fix sets of intermediate points T = {x }n =1 and T  = {tj }m j=1 for P and P  respectively. Now split the Riemann-Stieltjes sum S(f, P, T, α) into m pieces corresponding to the intervals into which P  decomposes [a, b]. For the kj -th such interval we’ll have for the difference between the parts of the Riemann-Stieltjes sum S(f, P, T, α) and S(f, P  , T  , α) corresponding to that interval: ⎛ ⎞ kj  f (t )[α(x ) − α(x −1 )]⎠ − f (tj )[α(xkj ) − α(xkj−1 )] Δj = ⎝ =kj−1



[f (t ) − f (tj )][α(x ) − α(x −1 )] .


In this last sum, t and tj both belong to the j-th interval corresponding to the partition P  , and since ν(P  ) is < δ we have |f (t ) − f (tj )| < ε, hence |Δj | < ε


|α(x ) − α(x −1 )|.



     m m   Δj  ≤ |Δj | |S(f, P, T, α) − S(f, P  , T  , α)| =  j=1  j=1 ≤ε

kj m  

|α(x ) − α(x −1 )|

j=1 =kj−1


|α(xq ) − α(xq−1 )|


≤ ε var α .

D. Riemann-Stieltjes Primer


In summary, we’ve proved that if f , ε, and δ are as above, then: If P and P  are partitions of [a, b] with P  ⊂ P and ν(P  ) < δ(f, ε), then for any sets of intermediate points T and T  for P and P  respectively: (D.1)

|S(f, P, T, α) − S(f, P  , T  , α)| ≤ ε var α.

Step II: A convergent sequence. Given n ∈ N, let Pn be the partition that divides [a, b] into 2n subintervals of equal length. Choose any set Tn of intermediate points for Pn (e.g., the midpoints of the resulting subintervals). Continuing with f and α as above, let Sn = S(f, P, Tn , α). Now fix ε > 0, let δ = δ(f, ε), and choose N ∈ N large enough that the intervals of PN all have length < δ (i.e., such that ν(PN ) < δ). Then if n > m ≥ N we have Pm ⊂ Pn and ν(Pm ) < δ, so |Sm − Sn | < εvar α by the result of Step I. In other words, the Riemann-Stieltjes sums (Sn ) form a Cauchy sequence of scalars which, by the completeness of the scalar field, converges to a scalar λ. Our goal now is to show that this convergence carries over to the full “generalized sequence” of Riemann-Stieltjes sums for f and α, i.e., that limν(P )→0 S(f, P, T, α) = λ. We’ll do this by imitating the result you know from calculus: If a Cauchy sequence of scalars has a convergent subsequence, then the whole sequence converges (to the subsequence’s limit). Step III: A Cauchy-like condition. Continuing the argument above, suppose now that P and P  are any two partitions of [a, b] with ν(P ) and ν(P  ) both < δ = δ(f, ε). Let T and T  be corresponding intermediate-point sets, and set T  = T ∪ T  . Add points to P ∪ P  (if necessary) to obtain a partition P  of [a, b] that contains exactly one point of T  in each of its subintervals. Thus P  contains both P and P  (hence ν(P  ) < δ), and has T  as a set of intermediate points. Denote by S, S  , S  the Riemann-Stieltjes sums for f and α corresponding to these partitions and intermediate point-sets. By Step I we have the estimate (D.1) for P and P  , and for P  and P 


D. Riemann-Stieltjes Primer

as well, i.e., both |S − S  | and |S  − S  | are < εvar α. Thus: (D.2)

|S − S  | ≤ |S − S  | + |S  − S  | ≤ 2ε var α ,

which establishes the desired “Cauchy” condition for our RiemannStieltjes sums S(f, P, T, α). To finish the proof, fix ε > 0 and choose δ = δ(f, ε/var α). Choose n ∈ N so large that that ν(Pn ) < δ and |Sn − λ| < ε. Then for P any partition of [a, b] with ν(P ) < δ, and any set T of intermediate points for P we have from estimate (D.2), with (Pn , Tn ) in the role of (P  , T ): |S(f, P, T, α) − λ| ≤ |S(f, P, T, α) − Sn | + |Sn − λ| 2ε var α + ε = 3ε var α i.e., limν(P )→0 S(f, P, T, α) = λ. Thus f is Riemann-Stieltjes inteb grable with respect to α, with λ = a f dα. 
0 be given, and choose δ1 > 0 so that for partitions P1 of [a, c]:  c    f dα − S(f, P1 , T1 , α) < ε/3 ν(P1 ) < δ1 =⇒  a

for every set T1 of intermediate points for P1 . Similarly, choose δ2 for f and α over the interval [c, a]. Let δ be the minimum of δ1 and δ2 . Fix such partitions P1 and P2 for [a, c] and [c, b] respectively, with ν(Pj ) < δ (j = 1, 2), and choose a set of intermediate points for each partition, subject only to the restriction that c belongs to both.

D. Riemann-Stieltjes Primer


Then P = P1 ∪ P2 is a partition of [a, b] with ν(P ) < δ, with T = T1 ∪ T2 a set of intermediate points for P , and S(f, P, T, α) = S(f, P1 , T1 , α) + S(f, P2 , T2 , α) Upon replacing each Riemann-Stieltjes sum above by its corresponding integral we commit an error of < ε/3 per sum. Thus the left-hand side of equation (D.3) differs from the right-hand side by no more than ε. Since ε is an arbitrary positive number, this establishes equation (D.3).  Proposition D.3 (Integration by parts). Suppose scalar-valued functions f and α are defined on the interval [a, b], with f RiemannStieltjes integrable with respect to α. Then α is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to f , and  b  b f dα = f (a)α(a) − f (b)α(b) − α df . (D.4) a


Remark. We know that (on compact intervals): “Continuous functions are integrable with respect to functions of bounded variation.” The above proposition has the curious consequence that on such intervals: “Functions of bounded variation (which need not be continuous) are integrable with respect to continuous functions (which need not have bounded variation).” Proof of Proposition D.3. The core of the integration-by-parts formula is a similar one for sums, called—not surprisingly—the “summation-by-parts formula.” In the form best suited to our application, and (bj )n+1 of scalars, and asserts: this one concerns two lists (aj )n+1 0 0 (D.5)

n  j=1

aj (bj − bj−1 ) = an+1 bn − a0 b0 −

n  j=0

(aj+1 − aj )bj .


D. Riemann-Stieltjes Primer

This proof of equation (D.5) amounts to nothing more than writing down sums and shifting indices; it goes like this: n n n    (aj+1 − aj )bj = aj+1 bj − aj bj j=0



n+1  j=1


aj bj−1 −


aj bj


= an+1 bn − a0 b0 +


aj (bj−1 − bj ) ,


which is just a slightly disguised form of the desired equation. To prove equation (D.4), start with points T˜ = {tj }n+1 and P = 0 n+1 {xj }0 , where a = t0 = x0 ≤ t1 ≤ x1 ≤ t2 ≤ x2 . . . ≤ tn ≤ xn = tn+1 = b . Thus T˜ is a partition of [a, b], P˜ = {xj }n1 as a set of intermediate points for T˜ , while P = {xj }n0 is a partition of [a, b] with intermediate points T = {tj }n1 . Upon applying equation (D.5) with aj = f (tj ) and bj = α(xj ), and noting that t0 = x0 = a and tn+1 = xn = b, we arrive at (D.6)

S(f, P, T, α) = f (b)α(b) − f (a)α(a) − S(α, T˜, P, f ) .

Our assumption that f is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to α means that: as ν(P ) → 0 the left-hand side of equation (D.6) b converges to a f dα, hence the Riemann-Stieltjes sums on the righthand side must also converge, making α Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to f , and establishing the integration-by-parts formula equation (D.4). That was an intuitive argument.1 To make it rigorous, fix ε > 0 and choose δ > 0 by the integrability assumed for f with respect to α, so that for partitions of [a, b] into subintervals of length < δ the b corresponding Riemann-Stieltjes sums approximate a f dα to within ε. Choose the points tj and xj of the previous paragraph so that ν(T˜) < δ/2, and observe that ν(P ) ≤ 2ν(T˜) < δ. Thus: for all 1 It assumes that “generalized sequences” of Riemann-Stieltjes sums behave like ordinary sequences. They do, but we’ve never proved that.

D. Riemann-Stieltjes Primer


sufficiently fine partitions T˜ of [a, b] and corresponding sets of intermediate points P˜ , the left-hand side of equation (D.6) approximates b f dα to within ε, hence the Riemann-Stieltjes sum on the right a b approximates f (b)α(b) − f (a)α(a) − a f dα to within ε. Conclusion: α is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to f , and equation (D.4) holds.  For the next result we’ll need a lemma whose proof is already baked into that of Theorem 9.21 (page 167). Lemma D.4. Suppose α is a scalar-valued function  of bounded variation on the interval [a, b]. Then for each f ∈ C [a, b] :   b   f dα ≤ f  var α,  a

where f  denotes the max-norm over [a, b].   Proposition D.5. Suppose g ∈ C [a, b] and α is a function of bounded variation on [a, b]. Let  x β(x) = g(t) dα(t) (x ∈ [a, b]). t=a

  Then β is of bounded variation on [a, b] and for every f ∈ C [a, b] :  b  b f (x) dβ(x) = f (x)g(x) dα(x) . a


Informally, the Proposition asserts that dβ = g dα. Proof. (a) Fix a partition P : a = x0 ≤ x1 ≤ · · · ≤ xn = b of [a, b]. By Proposition D.2, for 1 ≤ j ≤ n we have:  xj g dα , β(xj ) − β(xj−1 ) = xj−1

whereupon, letting vj (α) denote the variation of α over [xj−1 , xj ]: n n   xj n       ≤ g var (β, P ) = |β(xj ) − β(xj−1 )| = g dα vj (α) ,   j=1




where the first equality is the definition of the variation of β with respect to the partition P , and the inequality on the right follows from Lemma D.4. Now Exercise 9.17(b) (page 166), generalized


D. Riemann-Stieltjes Primer

by induction to sums of arbitrary (finite) length, assures us that n j=1 vj (α) = var α, so var (β, P ) ≤ gvar α for every partition P of [a, b]. Upon taking the supremum of the lefthand side of this last estimate over all such partitions we see that β is of bounded variation on [a, b] with variation ≤ gvar α. (b) For a partition P as above, let T = {tj }n1 be a set of intermediate points, and calculate the corresponding Riemann-Stieltjes sum:  xj n n   f (tj )[β(xj ) − β(xj−1 )] = f (tj ) g dα . S(f, P, T, β) = j=1



Now S(f g, P, T, α) =


f (tj )g(tj )[α(xj ) − α(xj−1 )]





f (tj )


g(tj ) dα , xj−1

therefore |S(f, P, T, β) − S(f g, P, T, α)|  % &   xj xj   n =  f (tj ) g(tj ) dα(t) − g(t) dα(t)  xj−1 xj−1  j=1   n  xj   xj  ≤ f  g(tj ) dα(t) − g(t) dα(t)  j=1



Now let ε > 0 be given and use the (uniform) continuity of g on [a, b] to choose δ1 > 0 such that |g(t) − g(t )| < ε/(2f var α) whenever t and t belong to [a, b] with |t − t | < δ1 . Calling once more on Lemma

D. Riemann-Stieltjes Primer


D.4, we see that if ν(P ) < δ1 then for 1 ≤ j ≤ n:    xj   xj   xj      g dα − g(tj ) dα =  [g(t) − g(tj )] dα    xj−1 xj−1 xj−1  xj ≤ |g(t) − g(tj )| dα xj−1


t∈[xj−1 ,xj ]

|g(t) − g(tj )| vj (α)

ε vj (α) . 2f  var (α) This estimate, along with the previous one concerning the difference between Riemann-Stieltjes sums, yields:  xj n     f (tj ) [g(t) − g(tj )] dα(t) |S(f, P, T, β) − S(f g, P, T, α)| =  ≤


  |f (tj )| 




  [g(t) − g(tj )] dα(t)



< f 

n  ε ε vj (α) = . 2f  var (α) j=1 2    =var α

Now use the integrability of f with respect to β to choose δ2 > 0 such that  b    ν(P ) < δ2 =⇒  f dβ − S(f, P, T, β) < ε/2 a

for sets T of intermediate points for P . Thus if δ = min(δ1 , δ2 ), we have whenever ν(P ) < δ and T is intermediate for P :   b   f dβ − S(f g, P, T, dα)  a

    b     f dβ − S(f, P, T, β) + S(f, P, T, β) − S(f g, P, T, α) ≤ a       ε