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English Pages [7] Year 2011
Sacred Sex 3 – Summary Notes
Copyright ©1999 - Current, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series *Not intended to Diagnose, Treat, or Cure Dis-ease or Illness, nor is it to be presented or construed, in any way, as a substitute for Professional Medical, Surgical or Psychiatric Care or Treatment.
There’s weird things happening, this is all coming since the fall of the Thothian shield because they’re pickin at us; they’re pickin at the Indigo shield, harassing it, trying to make us tired, tryin to drain us, tryin to get us to that point so that when we get to that point where we meet the first interface, we will be so tired, drained, exhausted and weak that we won’t be able to hold enough of the kundalini currents through the kamasutra to be able to hold the shield together. What the red dragon groups, which are the aggressors in this Victim-Victimizer game that we’re stuck in the middle of down here, what they want to do, is shatter the shield enough, which is not necessarily vaporize any of us, they just want to break it up, so we can’t hold the frequencies that will hold the rainbow thread krystal spiral open… … So why is it then? Why is it then that through all known history, and especially since the fall of Metatron, a game has just been created out of it, but it’s not a game to the people that have to live it and suffer through it and die for it, over and over again. It is a net, and it is a net that we can begin the process of breaking, so that you can spot it when it’s coming. You can begin to catch yourself when you stop and realize, uh oh.. it sounds like I am being a victim here. Cuz if you’re playin victim it means you’ve got a victimizer and you’ve engaged the game with someone… and these things run subconsciously, through the elementals that are taking your mind over and turning into stuff that comes out your mouth that gets you in trouble! You get into these weird loop arguments where there is just no solution and you can look at each other, two people engaged in it, and you think the other person is absolutely nuts, or completely possessed at the moment. And there are all sorts of attachments that connect to the field through these imprints because these are held in the teleosphere…These would normally hold, in little jelisich points, the natural program of your expansion cycles and your memory matrix. You have an energetic relationship with everything that you see and everything you manifest through yourself, your body and it is stored as an imprint in the crystal body as a radiation imprint and when, with the sextant clock, what it does is it puts a false memory matrix into the entire crystal body structure on the full 3D level, so part of that false memory structure is the chemicals that controls the fight or flight instinct, which is completely out of proportion to what it should have been. It’s almost a detriment to survival at this point because everyone is so over-chemically reacting that it actually hampers other levels of understanding where neither flight or fight are a needed option…
The way that they get into the crystal body is in through the keys. Part of the keys that we are carrying have encryptions that carry certain aspects of the victim victimizer game. And it is when we are most vulnerable that we will be easy targets for FAs to attach to our fields for manipulation and for their food source, because they will ride those currents once they are able to burst through the crystals in your anatomy and into your lower aspects. So, it is a real nightmare. It is a loop of energy that is a no-win situation. It is meant to create complete reversal of the personal keys and to allow other things to take over your body and your existence. It has been doing pretty well on this planet for the last number of centuries. VV1 - The Buddy – Lone Child Aggressor: The Buddy The person is reeeeeeeeeeally nice. If you feel into it you’ll notice that it is an “odd” sort of nice. Objective: To seduce the victim into doing what the aggressor wants by making them feel good and needed. The aggressor in this case, in denial or unaware of his/her role in the vvgame, would simply believe that they are being a really good friend to the other person. Target: Lone-Child “I don’t like being here and this place is hard, and I really wish I had a friend to be here with me”. Many people establish this one very young. The lone-child will be drawn into these relationships because it seems safe. VV2 - Baby Doll – Doting Do-gooder Aggressor – Baby Doll “Oh, I really like you, I’ll do whatever you want” which actually gets the other person to do what they want. They make it seem like the other person has all the power but they really don’t. The aggressor in this case unaware of his/her role would simply believe that they are child like and are good at being cared for. Target - Doting Do-gooder Will do anything to be liked.
VV3 - Hero/Saviour – Helpless Honey Aggressor: Hero/Saviour Pretending to be the supportive, protective and nurturing parent. Objective: Covert control via the aggressor’s dependence on the target as a result of fear and self doubt. This person “takes care of everything”. They do things that appear to look good on the surface but they actually make it so that the victim is more afraid of functioning on their own, which keeps them attached to the aggressor (where the aggressor now has complete control over the target’s energy). This will keep victim’s bound to the relationship even if the healthiest thing is for them to be set free. The aggressor, unaware of his/her role in this vvgame, thinks that they are being a good care-taker, parental figure, or nurturer for another person. Target: Helpless Honey The damsel in distress, can’t seem to do things on their own, always needs help. Crying and needing to be needed therefore gives up all their energy quantum to the aggressor. VV4 - Terrorist – Acrimonious Achievers Aggressor: Terrorist This is the first Overt VV game.. it is the cause of fear, pain, disorientation and confusion by direct intimidation. To catch the person off guard to create confusion, to convince people around and the target itself that it has done something bad and deserved what it has coming. Often the aggressor will work to isolate the target so that people and groups will begin to “side” with the aggressor. The aggressor in this case, unaware of their role in the VVgame would believe that they have every right to be acting the way they are because they are right, or good, and the other party is wrong, or bad. Target: Acrimonious (bitter) Achievers Classic USA’s role in world drama. (She doesn’t say anything more about this aspect)
VV5 The Possum Aggressor: Possum To distract and disarm the target. It is aggressor contrived false security for the victim. The aggressor in this case, unaware of their role in the VVgame would believe that they have nothing to say. Everything is good, seriously, what’s the problem? We’re not enemies; there’s no conflict. (curl up into a possum ball). The victim thinks everything is safe and there is no threat. (She does not give a name to the victim here). VV6 The Snake – Status Seeker Aggressor: The Snake Objective: Disarm the target and get them to let down their boundaries. False resolution in order to disarm (The Treaty of Altair!) The aggressor that is unaware of their role in the VVgame, would believe that they are actually offering a truce to the conflict, but the FA is simply setting up an attack. Target: Status Seeker The victim is convinced out of the desire to want to keep the peace. VV7 – The Martyr – Blind Blamers Aggressor: The Martyr “Poor me, it’s terrible what you are doing to me!” The target is made to look like the false aggressor in order to further loose allies to further isolate the target. Covert control via “direct mirroring”. Where the aggressor accuses the target of the same behaviour that the aggressor itself is doing to the target. “And look at you, look at how your are behaving, you are like ____ and ____ how horrible a person you are.” Really trying to make the target look like the bad guy and get allies to stop supporting the target. The aggressor in this scenario has no idea that they are projecting their own behaviour onto the other person. Target: Blind-Blamers These people often have hidden angers because they are trying to be so nice and forgive everyone for everything. They feel out of control in their lives and don’t understand why so many people “keep doing these things to them or saying that they are a horrible person”. The sneaky part is that you feel depressed or re-pressed, sad, or life just isn’t happy, doesn’t feel right. You feel like you are being victimized by your life. You are blaming the other covertly, for you not taking control because you have adopted patterns
from childhood to keep the peace. This person says yes too often, when they should be saying no. By not putting your boundaries up in the first place, the aggressor steps over them and you blame them when in fact, it is you not taking control of your own life and taking care of your own needs. The target needs to take ownership here and assert that they are being accused of something that they are not doing while knowing that the person that is accusing them really thinks they are, so you don’t get mad at them for accusing you either, you realize that your fields are having an element problem together. At this point, a good way to break the pattern is to say “I have no argument with you” and step away, disengage, courteously. Do not alienate the aggressor. Then run frequency, get clear as much as possible and hold to the truth “I have no argument with this person” and ask source to help you both heal the situation. The target needs to learn how to not get flattened by the aggressor so that they can get to this point of healing. Know that sometimes, you can’t fix it and you can walk away from the relationship. VV8 – The Magician – The Sinner The Aggressor: The Magician When the aggressor does not succeed in convincing the target that they were “the bad one” they go into mirroring and modeling your behaviour/field. If you are calm, they will become calm. It is the fake empathy “I am like you”. They appear to be very rational at this stage which caused the victim to second guess themselves. When the aggressor achieves this level, the victim then starts to believe that the aggressor must have been right all along, because they are rational, calm, and acting in a way that the victim can relate to. The aggressor might say things like “it’s okay if you were “bad”, I would be that way in your situation too, don’t worry, I still love you.” This is the reverse mirror. The Target: The Sinner Feels so bad for everything that is going on around them and on the planet. Mea Culpa. You feel bad in general and you don’t know why and there is a whole guilt complex that is associated with this. This person says sorry a lot! They are confused and not sure when they do things wrong. VV9 – The Bully – The Fixer Aggressor: The Bully As the fixer finally begins to pull-away, the bully will end in direct attack (psychopathic) Target: The Fixer Always coming back for more, never giving up because you love the person, or value the relationship so much. You keep getting knocked down and you are persistent, you keep
coming back (almost annoying!) hello I love you! At some point, the fixer needs to realize that they need to leave. Additional Concepts of Importance -
In the 6-6-6 escalation, you will play this out and then the aggressor switches to the victim and back and forth until it gets really bad and the food source for FAs enhances (this is their master plan with the VV game). Each level is a higher and higher level of mental warfare. Some people do this consciously, some are being manipulated by FAs. You’ll notice that you’ve been in the same relationships your whole life! I mean come on, how many times can the relationship’s destruction be someone else’s fault! If you are playing the outer victim role or the outer target role, there is a part of you that is actually being an inner aggressor and you are not expressing it out here, but are actually attaching to people’s fields in an aggressive way that you don’t even know you are doing. And most of us don’t even know that these are running! Often you’ll have to get through things like anger, or a closed hear to see that you are actually just hurt deep inside. There are layers to this. Your elementals and FAs are fighting through you! You actually start having FA arguments. Especially if you have one person with green coding and the other with red! Is it me? Is it you? Or is it “element 3”? There is a certain quality that Element 3 has, You can feel when it is at play. If Element 3 has an agenda, or let’s say one person is causing a problem for the FAs, they will put out a contract on “whacking” that person astrally. They will literally try to attach to the person that that person engages with and will try to cause harm through them. So if a person has any vulnerability, let’s say to physical violence, or heartgasm, the FAs will siphon from that opportunity to cause chaos in the relationship. The higher you find yourself in the VV game, the more metatronic keys are activated and the more FA control and infiltration there is on your field. These arguments are cover-ups, orchestrated plans for FA food sources. They are master plans. When you feel love for someone, it forms a beautiful base pulse rhythm, and it forms a harmonization and expansion with another person. If a relationship that you are in is anything but joyous, then FA energy is at play and you have the opportunity, and responsibility to heal it! For example, Az and Ash have been targeted because FAs are doing everything they can to destabilize the shield. Remember, that when you feel this energy is at play, it’s neither person’s fault. If you feel like a bad relationship you are in is a result of what the other person is doing, than know you are being tapped by Element 3!
So the best case scenario is when you can look at each other in this and say.. do we even know what we are arguing about and laugh at it. Humour is such an important antidote to the VVgame! With the game intensifying over the next few years, this is going to escalate. We need to remember that each person is a manifestation of god and that both people involved need healing. Address these scenarios, with how can WE heal this. And don’t expect the other person to heal it. You can do this on your own, by healing it in yourself and changing your way of being with the other person. You can ALWAYS find a krystic solution. If one gains when the other looses, you’re still in the game. Know that the solution means that it is a win-win for both parties involved.