Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 9781912579662

The Academic Word List (AWL) contains 570 word families which frequently appear in academic texts, divided into 10 subli

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Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Sheldon Smith

Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Copyright © 2018 Sheldon C.H. Smith All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or in any means – by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without prior written permission. ISBN 978-1-912579-66-2 First Edition This book is published by Evident Press in conjunction with EAPFoundation.com and EAPCourses.com websites. For more information on titles by Evident Press, visit www.evidentpress.com. Acknowledgements Academic collocations are derived from the Academic Collocation List (ACL), developed by Kirsten Ackermann and Yu-Hua Chen using the Pearson International Corpus of Academic English (PICAE). The lists were generated using the online ACL highlighter of EAPFoundation.com. See: http://www.eapfoundation.com/vocab/academic/acl/highlighter/. The texts used in the Exercises section are taken from the OpenStax resources provided by Rice University. Acknowledgements are given where those texts occur. Definitions taken from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. THIS SOFTWARE AND DATABASE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' AND PRINCETON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, BUT NOT LIMITATION, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE LICENSED SOFTWARE, DATABASE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. Pronunciation of words is adapted from The Carnegie Mellon University Pronouncing Dictionary.


Sheldon Smith

Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5 About the Academic Word List ................................................................................ 5 About this book.......................................................................................................... 5 Guidance for study .................................................................................................... 6

Academic Word List: Sublist 1 ................................................. 7 Exercises (Sublist 1) ................................................................................................. 57 Task 1: Focus on Meaning #1.................................................................................. 57 Task 2: Focus on Meaning #2.................................................................................. 58 Task 3: Collocations #1 ............................................................................................ 59 Task 4: Collocations #2 ............................................................................................ 59 Task 5: Collocations #3 ............................................................................................ 60 Task 6: Word form #1 .............................................................................................. 61 Task 7: Word form #2 .............................................................................................. 62

Academic Word List: Sublist 2 ............................................... 63 Exercises (Sublist 2) ...............................................................................................107 Task 1: Focus on Meaning #1................................................................................ 107 Task 2: Focus on Meaning #2................................................................................ 108 Task 3: Collocations #1 .......................................................................................... 109 Task 4: Collocations #2 .......................................................................................... 109 Task 5: Collocations #3 .......................................................................................... 110 Task 6: Word form #1 ............................................................................................ 111 Task 7: Word form #2 ............................................................................................ 112

Academic Word List: Sublist 3 ............................................. 113 Exercises (Sublist 3) ...............................................................................................153 Task 1: Focus on Meaning #1................................................................................ 153 Task 2: Focus on Meaning #2................................................................................ 154 Task 3: Collocations #1 .......................................................................................... 155 Task 4: Collocations #2 .......................................................................................... 156 Task 5: Collocations #3 .......................................................................................... 157 Task 6: Word form #1 ............................................................................................ 158 Task 7: Word form #2 ............................................................................................ 159

Answers to exercises ...........................................................................................160 Sublist 1 .................................................................................................................. 160 Sublist 2 .................................................................................................................. 164 Sublist 3 .................................................................................................................. 170

Index of words .......................................................................................................175 About the author ..................................................................................................180 Accessing Online Resources...............................................................................181 3

Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3


Sheldon Smith

Introduction About the Academic Word List The Academic Word List (AWL) was developed by Averil Coxhead at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The list contains 570 word families which frequently appear in academic texts, but which are not contained in the General Service List (GSL). The 570 word families of the AWL are divided into 10 lists (called sublists) according to how frequent they are. Sublist 1 has the most frequent word families, sublist 2 the next most frequent word families, up to sublist 10, which has the least frequent. Each sublist contains 60 word families, except for sublist 10, which only has 30.

About this book The book has the following features. 1) All 60 words in AWL sublist 1 are given. 2) Pronunciation of each headword is shown. 3) Definitions are given for each headword. These are the most common definitions of these words, rather than all possible meanings (many meanings of the words do not relate to how they are used in academic contexts). 4) The word family of each word is also given (adj, noun, verb, etc.). These are categorised by type, so you can easily tell which word has which word form. 5) Common academic collocations using each AWL word are also given. These are taken from the ACL (Academic Collocations List) developed by Pearson Education. 6) There are exercises at the end of each sublist to help you practise each of the words. The exercises cover all 60 words in each sublist (often multiple times). More exercises can be found by accessing the online resources. See the end of the book for access details. 7) There is a study guide (below) to help you understand how to use the AWL, and this book, to improve your academic vocabulary. 8) For the sake of clarity, each word is shown either on a single page, or with two words occupying one page.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Guidance for study When studying vocabulary, the first step is to understand the meaning. Looking up words in a dictionary to find the meaning can be difficult, and so to help you with this, all headwords in the book have definitions, which are limited to how the words are used in academic contexts. Many students simply never get past the first step, which means they may be able to understand the word when reading, but will not be able to use it productively in writing or speaking. A second step is to understand different word forms of the word, i.e. the word family. This will enable you to use the word more flexibly in your speaking or writing, and is an especially useful skill if you want to paraphrase material. For example, the word benefit, in AWL sublist 1, can be a verb or noun. The adjective form is beneficial. A third step is to focus on usage. Here you would need a good dictionary to help, or you can study the word in context. This book helps by giving example sentences, though these are only of the headword, and further study may be needed. Examples of usage for the word benefit are shown below. benefit (n) of benefit (v) from beneficial to

What are the benefits of studying academic vocabulary? Students can benefit from studying more vocabulary. Studying vocabulary is beneficial to your writing and speaking.

Also related to usage are collocations, or common word combinations. This book includes all collocations from the ACL (Academic Collocations List) which use these words. A fourth step is to focus on pronunciation. Understanding the pronunciation of a word is important if you want to use the word correctly in your speaking, or understand it in a lecture. Pay particular attention to shifting stress as the word form changes. For example, the word BENefit has the stress on the first syllable, while beneFICial has the stress on the third syllable. Note that only pronunciation of headword is given in this book, so for this extended pronunciation work you would need to use a dictionary.


Sheldon Smith

Academic Word List: Sublist 1


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

analyse [ænəlaɪz] verb 1. make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features. E.g.: analyse a specimen, analyse a sentence, analyse a chemical compound [Syn: analyze, break down, dissect, take apart] 2. consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning. E.g.: analyse a sonnet by Shakespeare, analyse the evidence in a criminal trial, analyse your real motives [Syn: analyze, study, examine, canvass, canvas] 3. break down into components or essential features. E.g.: analyse today's financial market [Syn: analyze] n (thing) analyser analysis

verb analyse analyze

adj analytic analytical

opposite x

n (person) analyst

verb forms analysed analyses analysing analyzed analyzes analyzing

adv analytically

other analyses (pl)

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: careful analysis, comparative analysis, critical analysis, detailed analysis, economic analysis, final analysis, full analysis, further analysis, historical analysis, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, statistical analysis, subsequent analysis, systematic analysis, textual analysis, thematic analysis, theoretical analysis, analytical approach, analytical tool. v+n: conduct (an) analysis, use (the) analysis.


Sheldon Smith

approach [əproʊtʃ] verb 1. begin to deal with. E.g.: approach a task, approach a new project [Syn: set about, go about] noun 1. ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation. E.g.: his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons [Syn: attack, plan of attack] n (thing) approach

verb approach

adj approachable approaching

opposite unapproachable

n (person) x

verb forms approached approaches approaching

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: alternative approach, analytical approach, common approach, comprehensive approach, critical approach, flexible approach, general approach, holistic approach, integrated approach, logical approach, methodological approach, qualitative approach, quantitative approach, similar approach, standard approach, systematic approach, theoretical approach, traditional approach. v+n: adopt (an) approach, develop (an) approach, take (an) approach, use (an) approach.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

area [eriə] noun 1. a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography). E.g.: it was a mountainous area [Syn: country] 2. a subject of study. E.g.: it was his area of specialization, areas of interest include... 3. the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary. E.g.: the area of a rectangle, it was about 500 square feet in area [Syn: expanse, surface area] n (thing) area

verb x

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: complex area, core area, geographic(al) area, key area, local area, main area, major area, metropolitan area, particular area, related area, rural area, specific area, subject area, urban area, vast area, whole area, wide area. v+n: cover (an) area, identify (an) area.


Sheldon Smith

assess [əses] verb 1. place a value on; judge the worth of something. [Syn: measure, evaluate, valuate, appraise, value] n (thing) assessment n (person) x

verb assess verb forms assessed assesses assessing

adj assessable adv x

opposite unassessed other reassess reassessed reassessing reassessment

Collocations from the ACL n+n: assessment process, risk assessment. v+n: assess (the) impact (of), make (an) assessment. _________________________________________________________________

assume [əsum] verb 1. take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof. E.g.: I assume his train was late [Syn: presume, take for granted] n (thing) assumption n (person) x

verb adj opposite assume x x verb forms adv other assumed x x assumes assuming Collocations from the ACL adj+n: basic assumption, common assumption, fundamental assumption, underlying assumption, certain assumptions. v+n: assume (the) role (of), assume responsibility, make (an) assumption.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

authority [əθɔrəti] noun 1. an expert whose views are taken as definitive. E.g.: he is an authority on corporate law 2. official permission or approval. E.g.: authority for the program was renewed several times [Syn: authorization, authorisation, sanction] 3. the power or right to give orders or make decisions. E.g.: he has the authority to issue warrants [Syn: authorization, authorisation, dominance, say-so] n (thing) verb adj opposite authorities x authoritative x authority n (person) verb forms adv other x x x x Collocations from the ACL adj+n: central authority, local authority, political authority, public authority. _________________________________________________________________

available [əveɪləbəl] adj 1. obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service. E.g.: kept a fire extinguisher available, much information is available through computers, available in many colors, the list of available candidates is unusually long n (thing) verb adj opposite availability x available unavailable n (person) verb forms adv other x x x x Collocations from the ACL adj+n: available data, available evidence, available information, available resources. adv+adj: currently available, freely available, publicly available, readily available, widely available. v+adj: become available, make available.


Sheldon Smith

benefit [benəfɪt] verb 1. derive a benefit from. [Syn: profit, gain] 2. be beneficial for. [Syn: do good] noun 1. something that aids or promotes well-being. [Syn: welfare] n (thing) benefit n (person) beneficiary

verb adj benefit beneficial verb forms adv benefited x benefiting benefits Collocations from the ACL adj+n: beneficial effect, economic benefits, potential benefits.

opposite x other x


concept [kɑnsept] noun 1. an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances. [Syn: conception, construct] n (thing) concept conception conceptualisation n (person) x

adj conceptual

verb conceptualise

opposite x

adv other verb forms conceptualised conceptually x conceptualises conceptualising Collocations from the ACL adj+n: abstract concept, basic concept, central concept, defining concept, key concept, theoretical concept, conceptual framework.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

consist [kənsɪst] verb 1. be composed of. E.g.: What does this dish consist of? [Syn: comprise] n (thing) consistency

verb consist

adj consistent

n (person) x

verb forms adv consisted consistently consisting consists Collocations from the ACL adj+n: consistent pattern, consistent results.

opposite inconsistency inconsistent other x


constitute [kɑnstətut] verb 1. form or compose. E.g.: These constitute my entire belongings [Syn: represent, make up, comprise, be] n (thing) constituency constituent constitution n (person) x

verb constitute

adj constitutional constitutive

verb forms adv constituted constitutionally constitutes constituting Collocations from the ACL adj+n: constituent elements, constituent parts.


opposite unconstitutional

other x

Sheldon Smith

context [kɑntekst] noun 1. the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event. E.g.: the historical context [Syn: circumstance] 2. discourse that surrounds a language unit and helps to determine its interpretation. [Syn: linguistic context, context of use] n (thing) context

verb contextualise contextualize

adj contextual

opposite uncontextualised uncontextualized

n (person) x

verb forms contextualised contextualises contextualising contextualized contextualizes contextualizing

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: broader context, cultural context, economic context, global context, historical context, institutional context, international context, original context, political context, present context, social context, specific context, wider context, contextual factors.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

contract [kɑntrækt] verb 1. make smaller. E.g.: The heat contracted the woollen garment 2. make or become more narrow or restricted. [Syn: narrow] 3. compress or concentrate. [Syn: condense, concentrate] n (thing) contract n (person) contractor

verb contract verb forms contracted contracting contracts

adj contracted adv x

opposite x other x


create [krieɪt] verb 1. make or cause to be or to become. E.g.: create a furor [Syn: make] 2. create or manufacture a man-made product. [Syn: produce, make] 3. bring into existence. E.g.: The company was created 25 years ago, He created a new movement in painting n (thing) creation creativity n (person) creator

verb create

adj creative

opposite x

verb forms adv other created creatively recreate creates creating Collocations from the ACL adj+n: creative process, creative thinking, creative work. v+n: create (an) environment, create (an) impression, create (an) opportunity, create conditions, create opportunities, create problems.


Sheldon Smith

data [deɪtə] noun 1. a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn. E.g.: statistical data [Syn: information] n (thing) data

verb x

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: appropriate data, available data, empirical data, existing data, experimental data, historical data, missing data, numerical data, original data, preliminary data, primary data, qualitative data, quantitative data, raw data, relevant data, reliable data, secondary data, statistical data, online database. n+n: data gathering, data set, survey data. v+n: collect data, extract data, gather data, interpret data, obtain data, present data, process data, provide data, record data, report data, store data, transmit data, use (the) data.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

define [dɪfaɪn] verb 1. determine the essential quality of. [Syn: specify, delineate, delimit, delimitate] 2. determine the nature of. E.g.: What defines a good wine? 3. give a definition for the meaning of a word. n (thing) definition

verb define

n (person) x

adj definable defining adv x

opposite undefined

verb forms other defined redefine defines defining Collocations from the ACL adj+n: defining characteristic, defining concept, defining feature, broad definition, general definition, narrow definition, precise definition. adv+vpp: (be) broadly defined, (be) clearly defined. _________________________________________________________________

derive [dɜraɪv] verb 1. reason by deduction; establish by deduction. [Syn: deduce, infer, deduct] 2. develop or evolve, especially from a latent or potential state. [Syn: educe] 3. come from. E.g.: The present name derives from an older form n (thing) derivation derivative n (person) x

verb derive verb forms derived derives deriving

adj derivative derived adv x


opposite x other x

Sheldon Smith

distribute [dɪstrɪbjut] verb 1. make available. E.g.: The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia 2. be distributed or spread, as in statistical analyses. E.g.: Values distribute 3. spread throughout a given area. E.g.: the function distributes the values evenly 4. distribute or disperse widely. [Syn: spread] n (thing) distribution distributor

verb distribute

adj distributed distributional distributive

opposite x

n (person) distributor

verb forms distributed distributes distributing

adv x

other redistribute redistributed redistribution

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: geographic(al) distribution, normal distribution.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

economy [ɪkɑnəmi] noun 1. the system of production and distribution and consumption. [Syn: economic system] 2. the efficient use of resources. E.g.: economy of effort n (thing) economics economy

verb x

adj economic economical

opposite uneconomical

n (person) economist

verb forms x

adv economically

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: economic activity, economic affairs, economic analysis, economic benefits, economic change, economic conditions, economic consequences, economic context, economic crisis, economic exploitation, economic factors, economic forces, economic goal, economic growth, economic inequality, economic integration, economic interests, economic policy, economic power, economic prosperity, economic reform, economic relations, economic relationships, economic resources, economic sector, economic stability, economic status, economic structure, economic success, economic system, economic theory, economic value, economic welfare, advanced economy, capitalist economy, global economy, local economy, national economy, political economy, rural economy.


Sheldon Smith

environment [ɪnvaɪrənmənt] noun 1. the area in which something exists or lives. [Syn: environs, surroundings, surround] n (thing) environment

verb x

adj environmental

opposite x

n (person) environmentalist

verb forms x

adv environmentally

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: external environment, immediate environment, natural environment, physical environment, political environment, social environment, urban environment, environmental changes, environmental concern, environmental consequences, environmental damage, environmental degradation, environmental effects, environmental factors, environmental impact, environmental issues, environmental policy, environmental pollution, environmental protection.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

establish [ɪstæblɪʃ] verb 1. build or establish something abstract. [Syn: build] 2. use as a basis for; found on. [Syn: base, ground, found] 3. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment. [Syn: prove, demonstrate, show, shew] n (thing) establishment

verb establish

adj established

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms established establishes establishing

adv x

other disestablish disestablishment

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: established order, established practice, established principle. adv+adj: long established, newly established. adv+vpp: (be) clearly established, (be) firmly established, (be) well established, once established.


Sheldon Smith

estimate [estəmət] verb 1. judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time). E.g.: I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds [Syn: gauge, approximate, guess, judge] noun 1. an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth. E.g.: an estimate of what it would cost [Syn: estimation, approximation, idea] 2. a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody. E.g.: many factors are involved in any estimate of human life [Syn: estimation] n (thing) estimate estimation

verb estimate

adj estimated

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms estimated estimates estimating

adv x

other overestimate underestimate


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

evident [evədənt] adj 1. capable of being seen or noticed. E.g.: a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript [Syn: discernible, observable] 2. clearly apparent or obvious to the mind or senses. E.g.: evident hostility [Syn: apparent, manifest, patent, plain] n (thing) evidence

verb x

adj evidenced evident evidential

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv evidently

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: ample evidence, anecdotal evidence, available evidence, clear evidence, compelling evidence, considerable evidence, convincing evidence, direct evidence, documentary evidence, empirical evidence, experimental evidence, further evidence, historical evidence, little evidence, recent evidence, scientific evidence, strong evidence, substantial evidence, sufficient evidence, supporting evidence. adv+adj: (be) particularly evident, clearly evident. v+n: find evidence, give evidence, present evidence, provide evidence, show evidence.


Sheldon Smith

export [ekspɔrt] verb 1. sell or transfer abroad. E.g.: we export less than we import and have a negative trade balance 2. cause to spread in another part of the world. E.g.: The Russians exported Marxism to Africa noun 1. commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country. [Syn: exportation] n (thing) export

verb export

adj x

opposite x

n (person) exporter

verb forms exported exporting exports

adv x

other x


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

factor [fæktɜr] verb 1. resolve into factors. E.g.: a quantum computer can factor the number 15 [Syn: factor in, factor out] noun 1. any of the numbers (or symbols) that form a product when multiplied together. 2. one of two or more integers that can be exactly divided into another integer. E.g.: what are the 4 factors of 6? [Syn: divisor] 3. anything that contributes causally to a result. E.g.: a number of factors determined the outcome 4. an abstract part of something. E.g.: a key factor in her success [Syn: component, constituent, element, ingredient] n (thing) factor

verb factor

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms factored factoring factors

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: critical factor, crucial factor, demographic factor, key factor, main factor, major factor, related factor, significant factor, specific factor, associated factors, contextual factors, cultural factors, economic factors, environmental factors, external factors, historical factors, political factors, relevant factors, social factors.


Sheldon Smith

finance [fənæns] verb 1. obtain or provide money for. E.g.: Can we finance the addition to our home? noun 1. the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets. 2. the commercial activity of providing funds and capital. 3. the management of money and credit and banking and investments. n (thing) finance finances

verb finance

adj financial

opposite x

n (person) financier

verb forms financed finances financing

adv financially

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: financial affairs, financial assistance, financial institution, financial management, financial market, financial problem, financial resources, financial support.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

formula [fɔrmjələ] noun 1. a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement. [Syn: expression] 2. a conventionalized statement expressing some fundamental principle. 3. a representation of a substance using symbols for its constituent elements. [Syn: chemical formula] 4. (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems. E.g.: he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials [Syn: rule] n (thing) formula formulation

verb formulate

adj forumulaic

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms formulated formulates formulating

adv x

other formulae (pl) formulas (pl) reformulate


Sheldon Smith

function [fʌŋkʃən] verb 1. serve a purpose, role, or function. E.g.: The table functions as a desk [Syn: serve] noun 1. a relation such that one thing is dependent on another. E.g.: height is a function of age, price is a function of supply and demand 2. a mathematical relation such that each element of one set is associated with at least one element of another set. [Syn: mathematical function] 3. a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program. [Syn: routine, subroutine, subprogram, procedure] 4. what something is used for. E.g.: the function of an auger is to bore holes [Syn: purpose, role, use] 5. the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group. E.g.: the function of a teacher [Syn: office, part, role] n (thing) function

verb function

adj functional functioning

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms functioned functioning functions

adv functionally

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: basic function, essential function, main function, primary function, social function, specific function, functional requirement. v+n: perform (a) function, serve (a) function.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

identify [aɪdentəfaɪ] verb 1. give the name or identifying characteristics of; refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property. [Syn: name] n (thing) identification identity

verb identify

adj identifiable identified

opposite unidentifiable

n (person) x

verb forms identified identifies identifying

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: multiple identities, collective identity, cultural identity, ethnic identity, national identity, political identity, religious identity, sexual identity, social identity. adv+vpp: (be) clearly identified, (be) easily identified. v+n: identify (a) problem, identify (a) way, identify (an) area, identify (an) issue, identify factors, identify features.


Sheldon Smith

income [ɪnkʌm] noun 1. the financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time. n (thing) income n (person) x

verb x verb forms x

adj x adv x

opposite x other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: disposable income, low income, middle income, national income, total income. _________________________________________________________________

indicate [ɪndəkeɪt] verb 1. give evidence of. E.g.: The results indicate the need for more work [Syn: argue] n (thing) indication indicator n (person) x

verb indicate

adj indicative

opposite x

verb forms indicated indicates indicating

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL v+n: give (an) indication (of), provide (an) indication (of).


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

individual [ɪndəvɪdʒəwəl] adj 1. characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing. E.g.: an individual serving [Syn: separate, single] 2. separate and distinct from others of the same kind. E.g.: mark the individual pages [Syn: case-by-case, item-by-item] noun 1. a single organism. 2. a human being. [Syn: person, someone, somebody, mortal, human, soul] n (thing) individual individualism individuality

verb x

adj individual individualised individualist individualistic

opposite x

n (person) individual individualist

verb forms x

adv individually

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: individual behaviour, individual case, individual characteristics, individual choice, individual component, individual differences, individual element, individual experience, individual interests, individual item, individual needs, individual response, individual responsibility, individual rights, individual variable, individual variation, particular individual, private individual, single individual, unique individual.


Sheldon Smith

interpret [ɪntɜrprət] verb 1. make sense of a language. [Syn: understand, read, translate] 2. make sense of; assign a meaning to. E.g.: How do you interpret his behavior? [Syn: construe, see] 3. restate (words) from one language into another language. E.g.: Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries? [Syn: translate, render] n (thing) interpretation

verb interpret

adj interpretative interpretive

opposite misinterpret misinterpretation

n (person) interpreter

verb forms interpreted interpreting interprets

adv x

other reinterpret reinterpretation

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: correct interpretation, historical interpretation, literal interpretation, alternative interpretation.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

involve [ɪnvɑlv] verb 1. require as useful, just, or proper. [Syn: necessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, take, call for, demand] 2. contain as a part. E.g.: Dinner at Joe's always involves at least six courses 3. have as a necessary feature or consequence; entail. E.g.: This decision involves many changes [Syn: imply] n (thing) involvement

verb involve

adj involved

opposite uninvolved

n (person) x

verb forms involved involves involving

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: active involvement, direct involvement. adv+vpp: (be) actively involved, (be) directly involved (in). v+adj: become involved (with/in), get involved (with/in).


Sheldon Smith

issue [ɪʃu] verb 1. circulate or distribute or equip with. E.g.: issue a new uniform to the children [Syn: supply] 2. come out of. E.g.: Water issued from the hole in the wall [Syn: emerge, come out, come forth, go forth, egress] 3. prepare and issue for public distribution or sale. [Syn: publish, bring out, put out, release] noun 1. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon. [Syn: consequence, effect, outcome, result, event, upshot] 2. some situation or event that is thought about. [Syn: topic, subject, matter] 3. an important question that is in dispute and must be settled. E.g.: the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone, politicians never discuss the real issues n (thing) issue

verb issue

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms issued issues issuing

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: central issue, complex issue, contemporary issue, controversial issue, core issue, critical issue, cultural issue, current issue, ethical issue, global issue, key issue, legal issue, main issue, major issue, methodological issue, practical issue, real issue, related issue, relevant issue, similar issue, single issue, special issue, specific issue, technical issue, theoretical issue, wider issue, environmental issues. v+n: address (an) issue, consider (an) issue, deal (with an) issue, discuss (an) issue, explore (an) issue, identify (an) issue, raise (an) issue.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

labour [leɪbɜr] verb 1. strive and make an effort to reach a goal. [Syn: tug, labor, push, drive] 2. work hard. [Syn: labor, toil, fag, travail, grind, drudge, dig, moil] noun 1. a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages. [Syn: labor, working class, proletariat] 2. productive work (especially physical work done for wages). [Syn: labor, toil] n (thing) labour

verb labour

n (person) x

verb forms laboured labouring labours

adj laboured labouring adv x


opposite x other labor (US) labored (US) labors (US)

Sheldon Smith

legal [ligəl] adj 1. having legal efficacy or force. [Syn: sound] 2. of or relating to jurisprudence. E.g.: legal loophole 3. relating to or characteristic of the profession of law. E.g.: the legal profession 4. established by or founded upon law or official or accepted rules. n (thing) legality

verb x

adj legal

opposite illegal illegality illegally other x

n (person) verb forms adv x x legally Collocations from the ACL adj+n: legal action, legal basis, legal framework, legal issue, legal obligation, legal position, legal proceedings, legal protection, legal requirement, legal right, legal rule, legal status, legal system. _________________________________________________________________

legislate [ledʒɪsleɪt] verb 1. make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation. E.g.: We cannot legislate how people spend their free time [Syn: pass] n (thing) legislation legislature n (person) legislator

verb legislate

adj legislative

opposite x

verb forms adv other legislated x x legislates legislating Collocations from the ACL adj+n: national legislation, proposed legislation, legislative measures, legislative power.


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major [meɪdʒɜr] adj 1. greater in number or size or amount. E.g.: a major portion (a majority) of the population, a major portion of the winnings 2. greater in scope or effect. E.g.: a major contribution, a major improvement, a major break with tradition, a major misunderstanding 3. of the field of academic study in which one concentrates or specializes. E.g.: his major field was mathematics 4. of greater seriousness or danger. E.g.: a major earthquake, a major hurricane, a major illness verb 1. have as one's principal field of study. E.g.: She is majoring in linguistics noun 1. a university student who is studying a particular field as the principal subject. E.g.: she is a linguistics major 2. the principal field of study of a student at a university. E.g.: her major is linguistics n (thing) major majority n (person) major

verb major

adj major

opposite x

verb forms adv other majored x x majoring majors Collocations from the ACL adj+n: major advantage, major area, major cause, major challenge, major change, major component, major concern, major contribution, major decision, major difference, major factor, major feature, major focus, major impact, major implications, major influence, major issue, major part, major problem, major reason, major role, major shift, major source, major theme, great majority, large majority, overwhelming majority, simple majority, vast majority.


Sheldon Smith

method [meθəd] noun 1. a way of doing something, especially a systematic way; implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps). n (thing) method methodology

verb x

adj methodical methodological

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: alternative method, common method, effective method, experimental method, modern method, qualitative method, quantitative method, scientific method, standard method, statistical method, traditional method, methodological approach, methodological issue, methodological problem. v+n: apply (a) method, describe (a) method, develop (a) method, employ (a) method, use (a) method, use (a) methodology.


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occur [əkɜr] verb 1. to be found to exist. E.g.: sexism occurs in many workplaces, precious stones occur in a large area in Brazil 2. come to pass. E.g.: Nothing occurred that seemed important [Syn: happen, hap, go on, pass off, pass, fall out, come about, take place] n (thing) occurrence n (person) x

verb occur verb forms occurred occurring occurs

adj x adv x

opposite x other reoccur

Collocations from the ACL v+adv: occur frequently, occur naturally. _________________________________________________________________

percent [pɜrsent] noun 1. a proportion multiplied by 100. [Syn: percentage, per centum, pct] n (thing) percent percentage n (person) x

verb x

adj x

opposite x

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: high percentage, large percentage, low percentage, small percentage.


Sheldon Smith

period [pɪriəd] noun 1. an amount of time. E.g.: a time period of 30 years, hastened the period of time of his recovery, Picasso's blue period [Syn: time period, period of time] 2. a unit of geological time during which a system of rocks formed. E.g.: ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods [Syn: geological period] 3. the interval taken to complete one cycle of a regularly repeating phenomenon. 4. a stage in the history of a culture having a definable place in space and time. E.g.: a novel from the Victorian period [Syn: historic period, historical period] n (thing) period periodical

verb x

adj periodic periodical

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv periodically

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: brief period, earlier period, entire period, extended period, given period, historical period, initial period, short period, whole period.


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policy [pɑləsi] noun 1. written contract or certificate of insurance. E.g.: you should have read the small print on your policy [Syn: insurance policy, insurance] 2. a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government. E.g.: they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation 3. a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group. E.g.: it was a policy of retribution n (thing) policy

verb x

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: current policy, economic policy, educational policy, effective policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, key policy, national policy, public policy, social policy. n+n: government policy, security policy.


Sheldon Smith

principle [prɪnsəpəl] noun 1. (law) an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature). E.g.: the principles of internal-combustion engines [Syn: rationale] 2. a basic truth or law or assumption. E.g.: the principles of democracy 3. a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system. E.g.: the principle of the conservation of mass, the principle of jet propulsion [Syn: rule] 4. a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct. E.g.: their principles of composition characterized all their works [Syn: rule] n (thing) principle

verb x

adj principled

opposite unprincipled

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: basic principle, established principle, ethical principle, fundamental principle, general principle, guiding principle, key principle, main principle, moral principle, organising principle, underlying principle.


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proceed [prəsid] verb 1. follow a procedure or take a course. [Syn: go, move] 2. continue a certain state, condition, or activity. [Syn: continue, go on, go along, keep] n (thing) procedure proceedings

verb proceed

adj procedural

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms proceeded proceeding proceeds

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL v+n: adopt (a) procedure, describe (a) procedure, follow (a) procedure, use (a) procedure.


Sheldon Smith

process [prɑses] verb 1. perform mathematical and logical operations on (data) according to programmed instructions in order to obtain the required information. E.g.: The results of the elections were still being processed when he gave his acceptance speech noun 1. a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states. E.g.: events now in process, the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls 2. (psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents. E.g.: the process of thinking [Syn: cognitive process, mental process, operation, cognitive operation] 3. a particular course of action intended to achieve a result. E.g.: it was a process of trial and error [Syn: procedure] n (thing) process

verb process

adj processed

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms processed processes processing

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: complex process, continuous process, creative process, democratic process, developmental process, due process, dynamic process, evolutionary process, natural process, ongoing process, slow process, underlying process. n+n: assessment process, learning process, thinking process, thought process, information processing. v+n: process data, process information, begin (a) process, describe (a) process, start (a) process.


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require [rikwaɪɜr] verb 1. require as useful, just, or proper. E.g.: success usually requires hard work [Syn: necessitate, ask, postulate, need, take, involve, call for, demand] 2. have need of. [Syn: want, need] 3. make someone do something. [Syn: command, compel] 4. consider obligatory; request and expect. E.g.: We require our secretary to be on time [Syn: ask, expect] n (thing) requirement

verb require

adj required

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms required requires requiring

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: functional requirement, legal requirement, minimum requirement. v+n: require consideration, require knowledge, require resources, meet (a) requirement.


Sheldon Smith

research [risɜrtʃ] verb 1. attempt to find out in a systematically and scientific manner. E.g.: The student researched the history of that word noun 1. a search for knowledge. E.g.: their pottery deserves more research than it has received [Syn: inquiry, enquiry] 2. systematic investigation to establish facts. n (thing) research

verb research

adj x

opposite x

n (person) researcher

verb forms researched researches researching

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: academic research, basic research, comparative research, considerable research, current research, earlier research, educational research, empirical research, existing research, experimental research, extensive research, further research, future research, initial research, little research, original research, past research, previous research, primary research, published research, qualitative research, quantitative research, recent research, scholarly research, scientific research, traditional research. n+n: (for) research purposes, research effort, research evidence, research findings, research methodology, research topic, field research. v+n: carry out research (of), conduct research, publish research, undertake research.


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respond [rɪspɑnd] verb 1. show a response or a reaction to something. [Syn: react] n (thing) response responsiveness n (person) respondent

verb respond verb forms responded responding responds

adj respondent responsive adv x

opposite unresponsive other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: appropriate response, emotional response, individual response. _________________________________________________________________

role [roʊl] noun 1. what something is used for. [Syn: function, purpose, use] n (thing) role n (person) x

verb x verb forms x

adj x adv x

opposite x other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: active role, central role, critical role, crucial role, direct role, dominant role, essential role, key role, leading role, major role, minor role, pivotal role, prominent role, significant role, vital role. v+n: assume (the) role (of), consider (the) role (of), examine (the) role (of), play (a) role (in), take (a) role (in), take on (the) role (of, as), take up (the) role (of, as).


Sheldon Smith

section [sekʃən] noun 1. a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical). E.g.: he always turns first to the business section, the history of this work is discussed in the next section [Syn: subdivision] 2. one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole. E.g.: the finance section of the company [Syn: part, division] n (thing) section n (person) x

verb adj opposite section sectioned x verb forms adv other sectioned x x sectioning sections Collocations from the ACL adj+n: concluding section, final section, introductory section, opening section, preceding section, previous section. _________________________________________________________________

sector [sektɜr] noun 1. a body of people who form part of society or economy. E.g.: the public sector n (thing) verb adj opposite sector x x x n (person) verb forms adv other x x x x Collocations from the ACL adj+n: economic sector, manufacturing sector, private sector, public sector. n+n: business sector, service sector, state sector.


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significant [səgnɪfɪkənt] adj 1. important in effect or meaning. E.g.: a significant change in tax laws, a significant change in the Constitution, a significant contribution, significant details, statistically significant [Syn: important] 2. too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation. E.g.: the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level, no significant difference was found 3. fairly large. [Syn: substantial] n (thing) significance

verb signify

adj significant

n (person) x

verb forms signified signifies signifying

adv significantly

opposite insignificant insignificantly other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: cultural significance, great significance, little significance, political significance, practical significance, social significance, statistical significance, (a) significant amount (of), (a) significant degree (of), (a) significant proportion (of), significant change, significant contribution, significant correlation, significant correlation, significant development, significant difference, significant effect, significant factor, significant feature, significant figures, significant growth, significant impact, significant improvement, significant increase, significant influence, significant interaction, significant number, significant part, significant portion, significant reduction, significant relationship, significant role, significant shift, significant variation. adv+adj: highly significant, particularly significant, statistically significant, significantly higher. adv+v: significantly affect, significantly increase. adv+vpp: (be) significantly correlated (with), (be) significantly reduced. v+adv: contribute significantly, differ significantly, vary significantly.


Sheldon Smith

similar [sɪməlɜr] adj 1. having the same or similar characteristics. [Syn: alike, like] 2. marked by correspondence or resemblance. E.g.: similar food at similar prices, problems similar to mine, they wore similar coats n (thing) similarity

verb x

adj similar

opposite dissimilar

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv similarly

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: similar approach, similar argument, similar characteristics, similar effect, similar issue, similar pattern, similar properties, similar result, similar situation. adv+adj: broadly similar, remarkably similar.


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source [sɔrs] verb 1. specify the origin of. E.g.: The writer carefully sourced her report noun 1. (technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system. E.g.: a heat source, a source of carbon dioxide 2. someone who originates or causes or initiates something. [Syn: generator, author] 3. the place where something begins, where it springs into being. E.g.: Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River [Syn: beginning, origin, root, rootage] 4. a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to. E.g.: he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation [Syn: reference] n (thing) source

verb source

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms sourced sources sourcing

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: alternative source, common source, external source, key source, main source, major source, original source, possible source, potential source, primary source, principal source, rich source, secondary source, single source, useful source, multiple sources. v+n: become (a) source (of), provide (a) source, use (a) source.


Sheldon Smith

specific [spəsɪfɪk] adj 1. stated explicitly or in detail. E.g.: needed a specific amount 2. (sometimes followed by `to') applying to or characterized by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique. E.g.: rules with specific application, demands specific to the job, a specific and detailed account of the accident noun 1. a fact about some part (as opposed to general). [Syn: particular] n (thing) specific specification specificity

verb x

adj specific

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv specifically

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: specific area, specific aspect, specific case, specific characteristic, specific context, specific example, specific factor, specific feature, specific focus, specific form, specific function, specific information, specific issue, specific knowledge, specific meaning, specific needs, specific problem, specific purpose, specific question, specific reference, specific sense, specific type. adv+adj: culturally specific, historically specific.


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structure [strʌktʃɜr] verb 1. give a structure to. E.g.: I need to structure my days noun 1. a thing constructed; a complex construction or entity. E.g.: the structure consisted of a series of arches [Syn: construction] 2. the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts. E.g.: artists must study the structure of the human body, the structure of the benzene molecule n (thing) structure

verb structure

adj structural structured

opposite unstructured

n (person) x

verb forms structured structures structuring

adv structurally

other restructure restructuring

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: structural adjustment, structural change, structural element, structural feature, structural properties, basic structure, clear structure, complex structure, economic structure, existing structure, formal structure, global structure, hierarchical structure, institutional structure, internal structure, organizational structure, overall structure, political structure, social structure, underlying structure.


Sheldon Smith

theory [θɪri] noun 1. a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena. 2. a tentative theory about the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena. E.g.: a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory, he proposed a fresh theory [Syn: hypothesis, possibility] n (thing) theory

verb x

adj theoretical

opposite x

n (person) theorist

verb forms x

adv theoretically

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: theoretical analysis, theoretical approach, theoretical basis, theoretical concept, theoretical debate, theoretical framework, theoretical issue, theoretical model, theoretical perspective, theoretical study, theoretical understanding, theoretical work, classical theory, critical theory, cultural theory, economic theory, evolutionary theory, general theory, scientific theory, social theory. v+n: apply (the) theory, develop (a) theory, test (a) theory, use (a) theory.


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vary [veri] verb 1. be at variance with; be out of line with. [Syn: deviate, diverge, depart] 2. be subject to change in accordance with a variable. E.g.: Prices vary, His moods vary depending on the weather 3. make or become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence. [Syn: change, alter] n (thing) variability variance variant variation

verb vary

adj variable variant varied varying

opposite invariable invariably

n (person) x

verb forms varied varies varying

adv variably

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: dependent variable, independent variable, individual variable, random variable, single variable, considerable variation, genetic variation, individual variation, regional variation, significant variation, wide variation, varying degree. v+adv: vary considerably, vary greatly, vary significantly, vary widely.


Sheldon Smith

Exercises (Sublist 1) Task 1: Focus on Meaning #1 Study the following text on Biological Rhythms and Sleep. Fill in the gaps using words from the box. All are words from AWL sublist 1. [Note: words from sublist 2 (italics) and sublist 3 (bold) are also shown, for preview purposes.] consistent individuals similarly

defined involved

environment x 3 period x 2

identified role

Biological rhythms are internal rhythms of biological activity. Some of these take place over a long _____________, for example a woman’s menstrual cycle which lasts 28 days, while others are much shorter. A circadian rhythm is a biological rhythm that takes place over a _____________ of about 24 hours. Our sleep-wake cycle, which is linked to our _____________’s natural light-dark cycle, is perhaps the most obvious example of a circadian rhythm, but we also have daily fluctuations in heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, and body temperature. Some circadian rhythms play a _____________ in changes in our state of consciousness. Psychologists have _____________ several situations in which a person’s circadian clock gets out of synch with the external _____________. One way that this happens is travel _____________ crossing multiple time zones. When we do this, we often experience jet lag, which is a collection of symptoms that results from the mismatch between our internal circadian cycles and our _____________. These symptoms include fatigue, sluggishness, irritability, and insomnia (insomnia can be _____________ as a _____________ difficulty in falling or staying asleep for at least three nights a week over a month’s time) (Roth, 2007). _____________, _____________ who do rotating shift work are also likely to experience disruptions in circadian cycles. Rotating shift work refers to a work schedule that changes from early to late on a daily or weekly basis. For example, a person may work from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Monday, 3:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, and 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday. In such instances, the schedule changes so frequently that it becomes difficult for a normal circadian rhythm to be maintained, often resulting in sleeping problems, depression and anxiety. Source: Adapted from Psychology, 4.1: What is Consciousness? © 2017 Rice University. Download for free at Download for free at Download for free at https://openstax.org/details/books/psychology.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

Task 2: Focus on Meaning #2 Read the second part of the text on Biological Rhythms and Sleep. Fill in the gaps using words from the box. All are words from AWL sublist 1. [Note: words from sublist 2 (italics) and sublist 3 (bold) are again shown.]

constitutes indicates require significant

established individuals research x 2 varies

evident occur researchers

function periods response

When people have difficulty getting sleep due to their work or the demands of day-today life, they accumulate a sleep debt. A person with a sleep debt does not get sufficient sleep on a chronic basis. Sleep debt and sleep deprivation have _____________ negative psychological and physiological consequences. Lack of sleep can result in decreased mental alertness and depression-like symptoms. These effects can _____________ as a result of accumulated sleep debt or in _____________ to more acute _____________ of sleep deprivation. _____________ have _____________ a connection between sleep deprivation and obesity, increased blood pressure and increased levels of stress hormones (Banks & Dinges, 2007). Some sleep-deprived _____________ have difficulty staying awake when they stop moving (for example sitting and watching television or driving a car), and those suffering from sleep deprivation can put themselves and others at risk when they put themselves behind the wheel of a car or work with dangerous machinery. Some _____________ suggests that sleep deprivation affects cognitive and motor _____________ as much as, if not more than, alcohol intoxication (Williamson & Feyer, 2000). It is _____________ from this that getting sufficient sleep is crucial in leading a healthy life. Exactly what _____________ sufficient sleep, however, _____________ greatly across a person’s lifespan. _____________ by the National Sleep Foundation (n.d.) _____________ that newborns _____________ the most sleep, at between 12 and 18 hours a night, and that this amount declines to just 7–9 hours by the time we are adults. Source: Adapted from Psychology, 4.1: What is Consciousness? © 2017 Rice University. Download for free at Download for free at Download for free at https://openstax.org/details/books/psychology.


Sheldon Smith Task 3: Collocations #1 Match the following words to form common collocations of AWL sublist 1 words. An example has been done for you. creative economic environmental individual major process research

data issues methodology process role response theory

Task 4: Collocations #2 The following are sets of collocations for AWL sublist 1 words, taken from the ACL. In each case, one collocation is incorrect. Identify and cross out the incorrect collocation. An example has been done for you. Example: economic analysis, specific analysis, theoretical analysis a) analytical approach, methodological approach, responsive approach, theoretical approach b) export area, major area, specific area c) available data, available evidence, available theory d) economic factors, economic policy, economic process, economic sector e) available data, interpret data, process data, require data f) major issue, major method, major source g) assessment process, creative process, policy process


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Task 5: Collocations #3 The following adj+n collocations match one word from the AWL sublist 1. Identify which one. Choose from the following nouns. An example has been done for you. authority concept context economy income percentage principle (a) procedure section advanced/ capitalist/ global/ local/ national/ political high/ large/ low/ small basic/ established/ ethical/ fundamental/ general/ guiding/ key/ main/ moral/ organising/ underlying abstract/ basic/ central/ defining/ key/ theoretical central/ local/ political/ public broader/ cultural/ economic/ global/ historical/ institutional/ international/ original/ political/ present/ social/ specific/ wider concluding/ final/ introductory/ opening/ preceding/ previous disposable/ low/ middle/ national/ total adopt/ describe/ follow/ use



Sheldon Smith Task 6: Word form #1 Complete the following sentences by changing the word form of the word(s) in brackets. An example has been done for you. Example: There are many economic (economy) benefits of the policy. a) The policy is very _______________ (benefit) for the economy. b) There were several significant problems with his _______________ (assume). c) There are several important _______________ (finance) implications. d) It is usually _______________ (legal) to conduct research on people without their consent. e) His plan had many _______________ (structure) flaws. f) Her _______________ (estimate) were inaccurate, which caused several problems in the analysis. g) The government’s new _______________ (legislate) on the environment was well received by the general public. h) The company is a major _______________ (distribute) of electronic components. i) Academic language contains many _______________ (formula) phrases, such as ‘What I want to talk about today…’ and ‘Turning to the next section…’. j) He copied his methods and results from other authors, meaning his work was very _______________ (derive). k) She had lots of difficult procedures to follow, which made her work very _______________ (labour).


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Task 7: Word form #2 Change the following noun forms from the ‘thing’ to the ‘person’. An example has been done for you (economy->economist). analyse contract create economy environment export finance individual legislation research response theory



Sheldon Smith

Academic Word List: Sublist 2


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achieve [ətʃiv] verb 1. to gain with effort. E.g.: she achieved her goal despite setbacks [Syn: accomplish, attain, reach] n (thing) achievement n (person) x

verb achieve verb forms achieved achieves achieving

adj achievable adv x

opposite x other x

Collocations from the ACL v+n: achieve (a) goal, achieve (an) objective, achieve (an) outcome. _________________________________________________________________

acquire [əkwaɪɜr] verb 1. come into the possession of something concrete or abstract. E.g.: They acquired a new pet [Syn: get] 2. acquire or gain knowledge or skills. E.g.: Children acquire language at an amazing rate [Syn: learn, larn] n (thing) acquisition n (person) x

verb acquire verb forms acquired acquires acquiring

adj x adv x

opposite x other x


Sheldon Smith

administrate [ædmɪnɪstreɪt] verb 1. work in an administrative capacity; supervise. [Syn: administer] n (thing) administration n (person) administrator

verb administrate verb forms administrated administrates administrating

adj administrative adv administratively

opposite x other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: public administration, administrative practices. _________________________________________________________________

affect [əfekt] verb 1. have an effect upon. E.g.: Will the new rules affect me? [Syn: impact, bear upon, bear on, touch on, touch] n (thing) x n (person) x

verb affect verb forms affected affecting affects

adj affective adv affectively

opposite unaffected other x

Collocations from the ACL adv+v: adversely affect, directly affect, severely affect, significantly affect. v+n: affect (the) development (of), affect (the) outcome.


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appropriate [əproʊpriət] adj 1. meant or adapted for an occasion or use. E.g.: not an appropriate (or fit) time for flippancy [Syn: suitable, suited] 2. suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc. E.g.: a book not appropriate for children, a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity, it seems that an apology is appropriate n (thing) verb appropriacy x appropriateness

adj appropriate

opposite inappropriacy inappropriate inappropriately

n (person) x

adv appropriately

other x

verb forms x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: appropriate action, appropriate behaviour, appropriate conditions, appropriate data, appropriate form, appropriate language, appropriate level, appropriate point, appropriate response, appropriate skills, appropriate treatment, appropriate way. v+adj: consider appropriate, deem appropriate, seem appropriate.


Sheldon Smith

aspect [æspekt] noun 1. a distinct feature or element in a problem. [Syn: facet] 2. a characteristic to be considered. n (thing) aspect n (person) x

verb x verb forms x

adj x adv x

opposite x other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: certain aspect, cultural aspect, fundamental aspect, general aspect, key aspect, negative aspect, particular aspect, positive aspect, related aspect, social aspect, specific aspect, technical aspect, various aspects. v+n: consider (an) aspect, focus on (an) aspect. _________________________________________________________________

assist [əsɪst] verb 1. give help or assistance; be of service. [Syn: help, aid] n (thing) assistance n (person) assistant

verb assist verb forms assisted assisting assists

adj assistant adv x

opposite unassisted other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: financial assistance, medical assistance, technical assistance.


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category [kætəgɔri] noun 1. a collection of things sharing a common attribute. [Syn: class, family] n (thing) categorisation categorization category

verb categorise

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms categorised categorises categorising categorized categorizes categorizing

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: broad category, general category, main category.


Sheldon Smith

chapter [tʃæptɜr] noun 1. a subdivision of a written work; usually numbered and titled. E.g.: he read a chapter every night before falling asleep n (thing) chapter n (person) x

verb x verb forms x

adj x adv x

opposite x other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: final chapter, following chapter, introductory chapter, opening chapter, preceding chapter, previous chapter, subsequent chapter. _________________________________________________________________

commission [kəmɪʃən] verb 1. charge with a task. noun 1. a fee for services rendered based on a percentage of an amount received or collected or agreed to be paid (as distinguished from a salary). E.g.: he works on commission 2. a special group delegated to consider some matter. [Syn: committee] n (thing) commission n (person) commissioner

verb commission verb forms commissioned commissioning commissions

adj x adv x

opposite x other x


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community [kəmjunəti] noun 1. the body of people in a learned occupation. E.g.: the news spread rapidly through the medical community [Syn: profession] 2. a group of people living in a particular local area. E.g.: the team is drawn from all parts of the community 3. a group of people having ethnic or cultural or religious characteristics in common. E.g.: the Christian community of the apostolic age, he was well known throughout the Catholic community 4. a group of nations having common interests. E.g.: they hoped to join the NATO community 5. a district where people live; occupied primarily by private residences. [Syn: residential district, residential area] n (thing) community

verb x

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: academic community, ethnic community, international community, local community, rural community, scientific community, virtual community, wider community.


Sheldon Smith

complex [kɑmpleks] adj 1. complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts. E.g.: a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody, a complex mass of diverse laws and customs noun 1. a compound described in terms of the central atom to which other atoms are bound or coordinated. [Syn: coordination compound] 2. a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts. E.g.: the complex of shopping malls, houses, and roads created a new town [Syn: composite] n (thing) complex complexity

verb x

adj complex

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: complex area, complex interaction, complex issue, complex pattern, complex problem, complex process, complex question, complex relationship, complex set, complex situation, complex structure, complex system, increasing complexity. adv+adj: extremely complex, highly complex, increasingly complex.


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compute [kəmpjut] verb 1. make a mathematical calculation or computation. [Syn: calculate, cipher, cypher, work out, reckon, figure] n (thing) verb adj opposite computation compute computable x computer computational computing computerised n (person) verb forms adv other x computed x x computes computing _________________________________________________________________

conclude [kənklud] verb 1. decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion. [Syn: reason, reason out] 2. bring to a close. E.g.: The committee concluded the meeting 3. reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation. [Syn: resolve] 4. reach agreement on. E.g.: They concluded an economic agreement, We concluded a cease-fire n (thing) verb adj opposite conclusion conclude concluded inconclusive concluding inconclusively conclusive n (person) verb forms adv other x concluded conclusively x concludes concluding Collocations from the ACL adj+n: concluding remarks, concluding section, general conclusion, logical conclusion. v+n: draw (a) conclusion, lead to (the) conclusion.


Sheldon Smith

conduct [kɑndəkt] verb 1. transmit or serve as the medium for transmission. E.g.: Many metals conduct heat [Syn: transmit, convey, carry, channel] 2. direct the course of; manage or control. E.g.: You cannot conduct business like this [Syn: carry on, deal] 3. behave in a certain manner. E.g.: They conducted themselves well during these difficult times [Syn: behave, acquit, bear, deport, comport, carry] noun 1. manner of acting or conducting yourself. [Syn: behavior, behaviour, doings] n (thing) x

verb conduct

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms conducted conducting conducts

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL v+n: conduct (a) study, conduct (a) survey, conduct (an) analysis, conduct (an) interview, conduct research.


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consequent [kɑnsəkwənt] adj 1. following as an effect or result. E.g.: the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness [Syn: ensuant, resultant, resulting, sequent] n (thing) consequence

verb x

adj consequent

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv consequently

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: direct consequences, economic consequences, environmental consequences, negative consequences, political consequences, possible consequences, serious consequences, social consequences, unintended consequences. v+n: cause consequences, have consequences.


Sheldon Smith

construct [kənstrʌkt] verb 1. draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions. E.g.: construct an equilateral triangle 2. put together out of components or parts. [Syn: manufacture, fabricate] 3. create by organizing and linking ideas, arguments, or concepts. E.g.: construct a proof, construct an argument 4. create by linking linguistic units. E.g.: construct a sentence, construct a paragraph noun 1. an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances. [Syn: concept, conception] n (thing) construction n (person) x

verb construct verb forms constructed constructing constructs

adj constructive adv x

opposite x other reconstruct reconstruction


consume [kənsum] verb 1. use up (resources or materials). E.g.: this car consumes a lot of gas [Syn: eat up, use up, eat, deplete, exhaust, run through, wipe out] n (thing) consumption n (person) consumer

verb consume verb forms consumed consumes consuming

adj x adv x

opposite x other x


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credit [kredət] verb 1. accounting: enter as credit. E.g.: We credit your account with $100 2. give someone credit for something. E.g.: We credited her for saving our jobs noun 1. money available for a client to borrow. 2. approval. E.g.: he was given credit for his work, give her credit for trying, the credits were given at the end of the film [Syn: recognition] 3. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage. [Syn: citation, acknowledgment, reference, mention, quotation] 4. recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in semester hours. [Syn: course credit] n (thing) credit

verb credit

adj x

opposite x

n (person) creditor

verb forms credited crediting credits

adv x

other x


Sheldon Smith

culture [kʌltʃɜr] noun 1. a particular society at a particular time and place. [Syn: civilization, civilisation] 2. all the knowledge and values shared by a society. [Syn: acculturation] 3. the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization. E.g.: the developing drug culture, the reason that the agency is doomed to inaction has something to do with the FBI culture n (thing) culture

verb x

adj cultural cultured

opposite uncultured

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv culturally

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: cultural activity, cultural aspect, cultural attitudes, cultural background, cultural boundary, cultural change, cultural context, cultural differences, cultural dimension, cultural diversity, cultural factors, cultural heritage, cultural history, cultural identity, cultural influence, cultural institution, cultural issue, cultural life, cultural norm, cultural perspective, cultural phenomenon, cultural practice, cultural significance, cultural theory, cultural tradition, cultural values, common culture, dominant culture, global culture, local culture, modern culture, national culture, political culture, popular culture, traditional culture.


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design [dɪzaɪn] verb 1. make or work out a plan for; devise. E.g.: design a new sales strategy [Syn: plan, project, contrive] 2. make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form. E.g.: design a better mousetrap [Syn: plan] noun 1. an arrangement scheme. E.g.: the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult, it was an excellent design for living [Syn: plan] 2. something intended as a guide for making something else. [Syn: blueprint, pattern] 3. the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan). E.g.: he contributed to the design of a new instrument [Syn: designing] n (thing) design

verb design

adj x

opposite x

n (person) designer

verb forms designed designing designs

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: experimental design, urban design. adv+vpp: (be) specifically designed (to, for), well designed.


Sheldon Smith

distinct [dɪstɪŋkt] adj 1. (often followed by `from') not alike; different in nature or quality. E.g.: plants of several distinct types, the word `nationalism' is used in at least two distinct senses, gold is distinct from iron, a tree related to but quite distinct from the Euro [Syn: distinguishable] 2. constituting a separate entity or part. E.g.: on two distinct occasions [Syn: discrete] 3. recognizable; marked. E.g.: noticed a distinct improvement, at a distinct (or decided) disadvantage [Syn: decided] n (thing) distinction

verb x

adj distinct distinctive

opposite indistinct indistinctly

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv distinctively distinctly

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: distinct group, distinct type, clear distinction, sharp distinction, distinctive feature. v+n: draw (a) distinction, make (a) distinction.


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element [eləmənt] noun 1. any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter. [Syn: chemical element] 2. an abstract part of something. E.g.: the grammatical elements of a sentence [Syn: component, constituent, factor, ingredient] n (thing) element

verb x

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: basic element, core element, essential element, individual element, key element, main element, single element, structural element, constituent elements.


Sheldon Smith

equate [ɪkweɪt] verb 1. be equivalent or parallel, in mathematics. [Syn: correspond] 2. consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous. E.g.: You cannot equate success in financial matters with greed [Syn: compare, liken] n (thing) equation

verb equate

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms equated equates equating

adv x

other x


evaluate [ɪvæljueɪt] verb 1. place a value on; judge the worth of something. [Syn: measure, valuate, assess, appraise, value] n (thing) evaluation

verb evaluate

adj evaluative

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms evaluated evaluates evaluating

adv x

other re-evaluate re-evaluation


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feature [fitʃɜr] verb 1. have as a feature. E.g.: This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France [Syn: have] noun 1. a prominent aspect of something. E.g.: the map showed roads and other features [Syn: characteristic] n (thing) x

verb feature

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms featured features featuring

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: central feature, characteristic feature, common feature, defining feature, distinctive feature, distinguishing feature, essential feature, general feature, key feature, main feature, major feature, particular feature, positive feature, prominent feature, salient feature, significant feature, specific feature, striking feature, structural feature, physical features.


Sheldon Smith

final [faɪnəl] adj 1. conclusive in a process or progression. E.g.: the final answer [Syn: last, net] 2. occurring at or forming an end or termination. E.g.: the final chapter [Syn: concluding, last, terminal] noun 1. an examination administered at the end of an academic term. [Syn: final examination, final exam] n (thing) final finality

verb finalise finalize

adj final

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms finalised finalises finalising finalized finalizes finalizing

adv finally

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: final analysis, final answer, final chapter, final decision, final outcome, final phase, final point, final position, final product, final result, final section, final stage, final step, final version.


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focus [foʊkəs] verb 1. direct one's attention on something. E.g.: Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies [Syn: concentrate, center, centre, pore, rivet] noun 1. special emphasis attached to something. [Syn: stress] 2. the concentration of attention or energy on something. E.g.: the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology [Syn: focusing, focussing, direction, centering] 3. maximum clarity or distinctness of an idea. E.g.: the controversy brought clearly into focus an important difference of opinion n (thing) focus

verb focus

adj focused focussed

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms focused focuses focusing focussed focusses focussing

adv x

other foci (pl) focuses (pl) refocus

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: central focus, clear focus, main focus, major focus, particular focus, primary focus, specific focus. v+n: focus attention (on), become (the) focus (of), provide (a) focus, focus on (an) aspect.


Sheldon Smith

impact [ɪmpækt] verb 1. have an effect upon. [Syn: affect, bear upon, bear on, touch on, touch] noun 1. a forceful consequence; a strong effect. E.g.: the book had an important impact on my thinking [Syn: wallop] 2. influencing strongly. [Syn: impingement, encroachment] n (thing) impact n (person) x

verb adj opposite impact x x verb forms adv other impacted x x impacting impacts Collocations from the ACL adj+n: direct impact, emotional impact, enormous impact, environmental impact, great impact, likely impact, little impact, major impact, negative impact, positive impact, potential impact, profound impact, significant impact. v+n: assess (the) impact (of), consider (the) impact (of), make (an) impact. _________________________________________________________________

injure [ɪndʒɜr] verb 1. cause injuries or bodily harm to. [Syn: wound] 2. cause damage or affect negatively. [Syn: hurt] n (thing) injury n (person) x

verb injure verb forms injured injures injuring

adj injured adv x


opposite uninjured other x

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institute [ɪnstɪtut] verb 1. set up or lay the groundwork for. [Syn: establish, found, plant, constitute] noun 1. an association organized to promote art or science or education. n (thing) institution

verb institute institutionalise

adj opposite institutional x institutionalised institutionalized

n (person) x

verb forms adv instituted institutionally institutes instituting institutionalised institutionalises institutionalising institutionalized institutionalizes institutionalizing

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: academic institution, cultural institution, democratic institution, educational institution, financial institution, national institution, political institution, public institution, social institution, institutional arrangement, institutional context, institutional framework, institutional structure, institutional support.


Sheldon Smith

invest [ɪnvest] verb 1. make an investment. [Syn: put, commit, place] n (thing) investment n (person) investor

verb invest verb forms invested investing invests

adj x adv x

opposite x other reinvest reinvestment

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: foreign investment, private investment, foreign investor. _________________________________________________________________

item [aɪtəm] noun 1. a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list. E.g.: he noticed an item in the New York Times, she had several items on her shopping list [Syn: point] 2. an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole. [Syn: detail, point] n (thing) item itemisation n (person) x

verb itemise

adj x

opposite x

verb forms itemised itemises itemising

adv x

other x


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journal [dʒɜrnəl] noun 1. a periodical dedicated to a particular subject. E.g.: he reads the medical journals n (thing) journal

verb x

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: academic journal, international journal, online journal, scholarly journal. _________________________________________________________________

maintain [meɪnteɪn] verb 1. state categorically. [Syn: assert, asseverate] 2. state or assert. E.g.: He maintained his innocence [Syn: defend] n (thing) maintenance

verb maintain

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms maintained maintaining maintains

adv x

other x


Sheldon Smith

normal [nɔrməl] adj 1. conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal. E.g.: serve wine at normal room temperature, normal diplomatic relations, normal working hours, normal word order, normal curiosity, the normal course o 2. being approximately average or within certain limits in e.g. intelligence and development. E.g.: a perfectly normal child, of normal intelligence, the most normal person I've ever met noun 1. something regarded as a normative example. [Syn: convention, pattern, rule, formula] n (thing) normalisation normality normalization

verb normalise normalize

adj normal

opposite abnormal abnormally

n (person) x

verb forms normalised normalises normalising normalized normalizes normalizing

adv normally

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: normal conditions, normal development, normal distribution, normal practice.


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obtain [əbteɪn] verb 1. come into possession of. E.g.: How did you obtain the visa? 2. receive a specified treatment (abstract). [Syn: receive, get, find, incur] n (thing) x n (person) x

verb obtain verb forms obtained obtaining obtains

adj obtainable adv x

opposite unobtainable other x

Collocations from the ACL v+n: obtain (a) result, obtain data, obtain information. _________________________________________________________________

participate [pɑrtɪsəpeɪt] verb 1. share in something. [Syn: take part] 2. become a participant; be involved in. [Syn: enter] n (thing) participation

verb participate

n (person) participant

verb forms participated participates participating

adj participating participatory adv x

opposite x other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: active participant, active participation, effective participation, full participation, political participation.


Sheldon Smith

perceive [pɜrsiv] verb 1. to become aware of through the senses. E.g.: I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon [Syn: comprehend] 2. become conscious of. E.g.: She finally perceived the futility of her protest n (thing) perception

verb perceive

adj perceived

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms perceived perceives perceiving

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: perceived importance, perceived need, perceived threat, public perception, visual perception.


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positive [pɑzətɪv] adj 1. characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or certainty etc.. E.g.: a positive attitude, the reviews were all positive, a positive benefit, a positive demand 2. greater than zero. E.g.: positive numbers 3. having a positive electric charge. E.g.: protons are positive [Syn: electropositive] 4. involving advantage or good. E.g.: a plus (or positive) factor [Syn: plus] n (thing) x

verb x

adj positive

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv positively

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: positive action, positive aspect, positive attitude, positive connotation, positive correlation, positive discrimination, positive effect, positive feature, positive feedback, positive image, positive impact, positive influence, positive outcome, positive relationship, positive result, positive value, positive view. adv+vpp: (be) positively associated (with), (be) positively correlated (with).


Sheldon Smith

potential [pətenʃəl] adj 1. expected to become or be; in prospect. E.g.: potential clients [Syn: expected, likely] 2. existing in possibility. E.g.: a potential problem [Syn: possible] noun 1. the inherent capacity for coming into being. [Syn: potentiality, potency] 2. the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts. [Syn: electric potential, potential difference, potential drop, voltage] n (thing) potential

verb x

adj potential

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv potentially

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: potential benefits, potential conflict, potential customer, potential harm, potential impact, potential problem, potential risk, potential source, potential value, full potential, great potential.


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previous [priviəs] adj 1. just preceding something else in time or order. E.g.: the previous owner [Syn: old] n (thing) x

verb x

adj previous

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv previously

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: previous chapter, previous decade, previous discussion, previous experience, previous generation, previous knowledge, previous paragraph, previous part, previous research, previous section, previous study, previous work. adv+vpp: previously described, previously discussed, previously known, previously mentioned, previously thought.


Sheldon Smith

primary [praɪmeri] adj 1. of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondhand. E.g.: primary goals, a primary effect, primary sources, a primary interest 2. of or being the essential or basic part. [Syn: elementary] n (thing) verb adj opposite x x primary x n (person) verb forms adv other x x primarily x Collocations from the ACL adj+n: primary aim, primary care, primary concern, primary data, primary education, primary focus, primary function, primary objective, primary purpose, primary reason, primary research, primary responsibility, primary source, primary task. _________________________________________________________________

purchase [pɜrtʃəs] verb 1. obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction. E.g.: The family purchased a new car [Syn: buy] noun 1. something acquired by purchase. n (thing) purchase n (person) purchaser

verb purchase verb forms purchased purchases purchasing

adj x adv x

opposite x other x


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range [reɪndʒ] verb 1. change or be different within limits. E.g.: Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion, The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals, My students range from very bright to dull [Syn: run] noun 1. the limits of the values a function can take. E.g.: the range of this function is the interval from 0 to 1 2. the limits within which something can be effective. E.g.: range of motion [Syn: reach] n (thing) range

verb range

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms ranged ranges ranging

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: (a) broad range (of), (a) diverse range (of), (a) great range (of), (a) large range (of), (a) limited range (of), (a) narrow range (of), (a) vast range (of), (a) whole range (of), (a) wide range (of), (a, the) full range (of), (the) entire range (of).


Sheldon Smith

region [ridʒən] noun 1. the extended spatial location of something. E.g.: the farming regions of France, regions of outer space [Syn: part] 2. a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth. E.g.: penguins inhabit the polar regions n (thing) verb adj opposite region x regional x n (person) verb forms adv other x x regionally x Collocations from the ACL adj+n: regional development, regional differences, regional variation. _________________________________________________________________

regulate [regjəleɪt] verb 1. bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations. E.g.: We cannot regulate the way people dress, This town likes to regulate [Syn: regularize, regularise, order, govern] 2. shape or influence; give direction to. [Syn: determine, shape, mold, influence] n (thing) regulation

verb regulate

adj regulated regulatory

n (person) regulator

verb forms adv regulated x regulates regulating Collocations from the ACL adj+n: regulatory agency, regulatory framework.


opposite deregulating deregulation unregulated other x

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relevant [reləvənt] adj 1. having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue. E.g.: the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research n (thing) relevance

verb x

adj relevant

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

opposite irrelevance irrelevant other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: relevant data, relevant factors, relevant information, relevant issue, relevant literature, relevant material. adv+adj: highly relevant, particularly relevant. _________________________________________________________________

reside [rɪzaɪd] verb 1. live (in a certain place). [Syn: occupy, lodge in] 2. be inherent or innate in;. [Syn: rest, repose] n (thing) residence

verb reside

n (person) resident

verb forms resided resides residing

adj resident residential adv x


opposite x other x

Sheldon Smith

resource [risɔrs] noun 1. available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed. 2. a source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed. E.g.: the local library is a valuable resource n (thing) resource resources resourcing

verb x

adj resourced resourceful

opposite unresourceful

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other under-resourced

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: additional resources, available resources, economic resources, electronic resources, financial resources, limited resources, natural resources, scarce resources, sufficient resources, valuable resources. v+n: allocate resources, provide resources, require resources, use resources.


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restrict [ristrɪkt] verb 1. make more specific. [Syn: qualify] 2. place limits on (extent or access). E.g.: restrict the use of this parking lot [Syn: restrain, trammel, limit, bound, confine, throttle] 3. place restrictions on. [Syn: curtail, curb, cut back] n (thing) restriction

verb restrict

adj restricted restricting restrictive

opposite unrestricted unrestrictive

n (person) x

verb forms restricted restricting restricts

adv restrictively

other x


Sheldon Smith

secure [sɪkjʊr] adj 1. kept safe or defended from danger or injury or loss. [Syn: protected] 2. free from danger or risk. E.g.: secure from harm, his fortune was secure, made a secure place for himself in his field 3. not likely to fail or give way. E.g.: the lock was secure, a secure foundation, a secure hold on her wrist verb 1. cause to be firmly attached. [Syn: fasten, fix] 2. make certain of. [Syn: guarantee, ensure, insure, assure] n (thing) security

verb secure

n (person) x

verb forms secured secures securing

adj secure secured adv securely

opposite insecure insecurity other x


seek [sik] verb 1. try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of. [Syn: search, look for] n (thing) x n (person) x

verb seek verb forms seeking seeks sought Collocations from the ACL v+n: seek help, seek information.

adj x adv x


opposite x other x

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select [səlekt] adj 1. of superior grade. E.g.: select peaches [Syn: choice, prime, prize, quality] verb 1. pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives. E.g.: She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her [Syn: choose, take, pick out] n (thing) selection

verb select

adj select selective

opposite x

n (person) selector

verb forms selected selecting selects

adv selectively

other x

Collocations from the ACL adv+vpp: (be) carefully selected, (be) randomly selected.


Sheldon Smith

site [saɪt] verb 1. assign a location to. [Syn: locate, place] noun 1. physical position in relation to the surroundings. E.g.: the sites are determined by highly specific sequences of nucleotides [Syn: situation] 2. the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located). E.g.: a good site for the school [Syn: land site] 3. a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the World Wide Web. E.g.: the Israeli web site was damaged by hostile hackers [Syn: web site, internet site] n (thing) site

verb site

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms sited sites siting

adv x

other x


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strategy [strætədʒi] noun 1. the branch of military science dealing with military command and the planning and conduct of a war. 2. an elaborate and systematic plan of action. [Syn: scheme] n (thing) verb adj opposite strategy x strategic x n (person) verb forms adv other strategist x strategically x Collocations from the ACL adj+n: strategic decision, strategic importance, strategic management, strategic objective, strategic planning, alternative strategy, coping strategy. n+n: learning strategy, teaching strategy. v+n: develop (a) strategy, have (a) strategy, use (a) strategy. _________________________________________________________________

survey [sɜrveɪ] verb 1. consider in a comprehensive way. [Syn: appraise] 2. make a survey of; for statistical purposes. noun 1. short descriptive summary (of events). [Syn: sketch, resume] 2. a detailed critical inspection. [Syn: study] n (thing) survey n (person) x

verb adj survey x verb forms adv surveyed x surveying surveys Collocations from the ACL adj+n: national survey, recent survey.


opposite x other x

Sheldon Smith

text [tekst] noun 1. the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.). E.g.: pictures made the text easier to understand 2. a book prepared for use in schools or colleges. E.g.: his economics textbook is in its tenth edition, the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy [Syn: textbook, text edition, schoolbook, school text] n (thing) verb adj opposite text x textual x n (person) verb forms adv other x x x x Collocations from the ACL adj+n: classic text, introductory text, key text, literary text, original text, textual analysis. _________________________________________________________________

tradition [trədɪʃən] noun 1. a specific practice of long standing. [Syn: custom] 2. an inherited pattern of thought or action. n (thing) tradition

verb x

adj traditional traditionalist adv traditionally

opposite non-traditional

n (person) verb forms other traditionalist x x Collocations from the ACL adj+n: cultural tradition, literary tradition, western tradition, traditional approach, traditional culture, traditional form, traditional method, traditional practice, traditional research, traditional society, traditional value, traditional view.


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transfer [trænsfɜr] verb 1. shift the position or location of, as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes. [Syn: remove] 2. move from one place to another. E.g.: transfer the data, transfer the patient to another hospital 3. send from one person or place to another. [Syn: transmit, transport, channel, channelize, channelise] 4. transfer from one place or period to another. [Syn: transpose, transplant] noun 1. someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another. E.g.: the best student was a transfer from LSU [Syn: transferee] 2. the act of transferring something from one form to another. E.g.: the transfer of the music from record to tape suppressed much of the background noise [Syn: transference] n (thing) transfer transference

verb transfer

adj transferable

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms transferred transferring transfers

adv x

other x


Sheldon Smith

Exercises (Sublist 2) Task 1: Focus on Meaning #1 Study the following text on The Scope of Physics. Fill in the gaps using words from the box. All are words from AWL sublist 2. [Note: words from sublist 1 (underlined) and sublist 3 (bold) are also shown, for review/preview purposes.] affect construct range

appropriate consumers select

computer equations text

conducted feature(s) x 2

Think about all the technological devices you use on a regular basis. Computers, smartphones, global positioning systems (GPSs), MP3 players, and satellite radio might come to mind. All these groundbreaking advances, commonplace or unbelievable, rely on the principles of physics. Aside from playing a significant role in technology, professionals such as engineers, pilots, physicians, electricians, and _____________ programmers apply physics concepts in their daily work. For example, a pilot must understand how wind forces _____________ a flight path. As you will learn in this _____________, the principles of physics are propelling new, exciting technologies, and these principles are applied in a wide _____________ of careers. Physics, which comes from the Greek phúsis, meaning “nature”, is concerned with describing the interactions of energy, matter, space, and time to uncover the fundamental mechanisms that underlie every phenomenon. This concern for describing the basic phenomena in nature essentially defines the scope of physics. Physics aims to understand the world around us at the most basic level. It emphasizes the use of a small number of quantitative laws to do this, which can be useful to other fields pushing the performance boundaries of existing technologies. Consider a smartphone, such as the Apple iPhone. Physics describes how electricity is _____________ along the various circuits inside the device. This knowledge helps engineers _____________ the _____________ materials and circuit layout to _____________ an iPhone with _____________ that _____________ will enjoy. Knowledge of the physics underlying these devices is required to shrink their size or increase their processing speed. One specific _____________ of an iPhone is the GPS function. Physics describes the relationship between the speed of an object, the distance over which it travels, and the time it takes to travel that distance. When you use a GPS in a vehicle, it relies on physics _____________ to determine the travel time from one location to another.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Source for Task 1 text: Adapted from University Physics Volume 1, 1.1: The Scope and Scale of Physics © 2017 Rice University. Download for free at Download for free at Download for free at https://openstax.org/details/books/university-physics-volume-1.


Task 2: Focus on Meaning #2 Read the second part of the text on The Scope of Physics. Fill in the gaps using words from the box. All are words from AWL sublist 2. [Note: Words from sublist 1 (underlined) and sublist 3 (bold) are again shown.] affect conclusion regulation

aspects designing transfer

assist element

complex evaluate

Although physics can seem like a difficult and _____________ subject, knowledge of physics is useful in everyday situations as well as in nonscientific professions. It can _____________ you in understanding how microwave ovens work, why metals should not be put into them, and why they might _____________ pacemakers. Physics allows you to understand the hazards of radiation and to _____________ these hazards rationally and more easily. Physics also explains the _____________ of heat, helping you understand how a black car radiator removes heat in a car engine and why a white roof keeps the inside of a house cool. Physics is a key _____________ of many important disciplines and contributes directly to others. Chemistry, for example—since it deals with the interactions of atoms and molecules—has close ties to atomic and molecular physics. Most branches of engineering are concerned with _____________ new technologies, processes, or structures within the constraints set by the laws of physics. In architecture, physics is at the heart of structural stability and is involved in the acoustics, heating, lighting, and cooling of buildings. Parts of geology rely heavily on physics, such as radioactive dating of rocks, earthquake analysis, and heat _____________ within Earth. Some disciplines, such as biophysics and geophysics, are hybrids of physics and other disciplines. Physics also has many applications in the biological sciences. In _____________, physics contains the most basic _____________ of science. It helps us to understand the world around us and is used by all the sciences, meaning the study of physics makes other sciences easier to understand. Source for Task 2 text: Adapted from University Physics Volume 1, 1.1: The Scope and Scale of Physics © 2017 Rice University. Download for free at Download for free at Download for free at https://openstax.org/details/books/university-physics-volume-1.


Sheldon Smith Task 3: Collocations #1 Match the following words to form common collocations of AWL sublist 2 words. An example has been done for you. cultural positive traditional primary distinctive conduct (a) final potential

culture chapter tradition aspect survey impact focus feature

Task 4: Collocations #2 The following are collocations for AWL sublist 2 words, taken from the ACL. In each case, one collocation is incorrect. Identify and cross out the incorrect collocation. An example has been done for you. Example: final analysis, final answer, final chapter, final decision, final finance, final outcome, final product, final result, final stage, final version a) extremely complex, highly complex, increasingly complex, largely complex b) central focus, clear focus, final focus, main focus, major focus, primary focus, specific focus. c) active impact, direct impact, emotional impact, enormous impact, environmental impact, great impact, likely impact, major impact, profound impact, significant impact d) academic institution, democratic institution, educational institution, financial institution, managing institution, political institution, public institution, social institution e) active participation, central participation, effective participation, full participation, political participation. f) perceived importance, perceived need, perceived study, perceived threat


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 g) a broad range of, a large range of, a limited range of, a narrow range of, a tiny range of, a vast range of, a wide range of. h) relevant data, relevant factors, relevant impact, relevant information, relevant issue, relevant literature, relevant material i) available resources, economic resources, financial resources, limited resources, natural resources, relevant resources, scarce resources, valuable resources j) strategic decision, strategic focus, strategic importance, strategic objective, strategic planning

Task 5: Collocations #3 The following adj+n collocations match one word from AWL sublist 2. Identify which one. An example has been done for you. aspect chapter community element journal positive potential previous primary certain/ cultural/ fundamental/ general/ key/ negative/ particular/ related/ social/ specific/ technical aim/ concern/ data/ education/ focus/ function/ objective/ purpose/ reason/ research/ responsibility/ source action/ aspect/ attitude/ connotation/ correlation/ discrimination/ effect/ feature/ feedback/ image/ impact/ influence/ outcome/ relationship/ result/ value/ view academic/ international/ online/ scholarly basic/ core/ essential/ individual/ key/ main/ single/ structural benefits/ conflict/ customer/ harm/ impact/ problem/ risk/ source/ value academic/ ethnic/ international/ local/ rural/ scientific/ virtual/ wider chapter/ decade/ discussion/ experience/ generation/ knowledge/ paragraph/ part/ section/ study/ work final/ following/ introductory/ opening/ preceding/ previous/ subsequent



Sheldon Smith Task 6: Word form #1 Complete the following sentences by changing the word form of the word(s) in brackets. An example has been done for you. Example: There are many economic (economy) benefits of the policy. a) She was very proud of her _______________ (achieve). b) One company taking over another is called an _______________ (acquire). c) The _______________ (administrate) agencies of the US government are funded from public money. d) The are several ways to _______________ (category) an economy. The main ones are ‘command’ and ‘capitalist’ economy. e) The _______________ (commission) had to consider the case carefully before he came to a decision. f) It is important to consider the _______________ (consequent) of environmental pollution. g) The company collapsed because there were not enough _______________ (credit) who were willing to invest. h) The company need more _______________ (invest) from its shareholders. i) The laboratory equipment was _______________ (item) to ensure the lab technician had a clear record. j) The _______________ (maintain) crew encountered several problems when repairing the building. k) Everyone agreed that the _______________ (purchase) had paid too much. l) The _______________ (region) tensions may eventually lead to war. m) The _______________ (reside) of the building were concerned about its safety. n) After a better method had been _______________ (seek), the experiment was conducted. o) The building was _______________ (site) in the wrong location.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Task 7: Word form #2 Change the following adjective forms from to the opposite. Collect them together according to the prefix used. An example has been done for you (cultured->uncultured). conclusive injured regulated restricted

cultured normal relevant secure

distinct obtainable resourceful traditional



in cultured




Sheldon Smith

Academic Word List: Sublist 3


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

alternative [ɔltɜrnətɪv] adj 1. allowing a choice. E.g.: an alternative plan [Syn: alternate] 2. pertaining to unconventional choices. E.g.: an alternative life style 3. necessitating a choice between mutually exclusive possibilities. [Syn: mutually exclusive] noun 1. one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen. E.g.: there is no other alternative [Syn: option, choice] n (thing) x

verb x

adj alternative

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv alternatively

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: alternative approach, alternative explanation, alternative form, alternative interpretation, alternative means, alternative method, alternative model, alternative solution, alternative source, alternative strategy, alternative view, alternative way.


Sheldon Smith

circumstance [sɜrkəmstæns] noun 1. the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event. [Syn: context] 2. a condition that accompanies or influences some event or activity. n (thing) verb adj opposite circumstance x x x n (person) verb forms adv other x x x x Collocations from the ACL adj+n: certain circumstances, changing circumstances, exceptional circumstances, historical circumstances, local circumstances, personal circumstances, political circumstances, social circumstances, special circumstances. _________________________________________________________________

comment [kɑment] verb 1. explain or interpret something. 2. make or write a comment on. E.g.: he commented the paper of his colleague [Syn: notice, remark, point out] noun 1. a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material. E.g.: he wrote an extended comment on the proposal [Syn: commentary] n (thing) comment commentary n (person) commentator

verb comment

adj x

opposite x

verb forms commented commenting comments

adv x

other x


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

compensate [kɑmpənseɪt] verb 1. make amends for; pay compensation for. E.g.: She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident [Syn: recompense, repair, indemnify] 2. do or give something to somebody in return. [Syn: pay, pay off, make up] 3. adjust or make up for. [Syn: counterbalance, correct, even out, even off, even up] n (thing) compensation n (person) x

verb compensate verb forms compensated compensates compensating

adj compensatory adv x

opposite x other x


component [kəmpoʊnənt] noun 1. something determined in relation to something that includes it. E.g.: the smaller component is hard to reach [Syn: part, portion, component part] 2. an abstract part of something. E.g.: jealousy was a component of his character [Syn: constituent, element, factor, ingredient] n (thing) component n (person) x

verb x verb forms x

adj x adv x

opposite x other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: basic component, essential component, fundamental component, individual component, key component, main component, major component.


Sheldon Smith

consent [kənsent] verb 1. give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to. [Syn: accept, go for] noun 1. permission to do something. E.g.: he indicated his consent n (thing) consensus consent

verb consent

adj consenting

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms consented consenting consents

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: general consensus, political consensus, informed consent. v+n: reach (a) consensus, give consent.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

considerable [kənsɪdɜrəbəl] adj 1. large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree. E.g.: a considerable quantity, the economy was a considerable issue in the campaign, went to considerable trouble for us, spent a considerable amount of time on the problem n (thing) x

verb x

adj considerable

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv considerably

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: (a) considerable amount (of), (a) considerable degree (of), (be of) considerable importance, (in) considerable detail, (to a) considerable extent, considerable attention, considerable debate, considerable effort, considerable evidence, considerable influence, considerable interest, considerable research, considerable support, considerable variation. v+adv: differ considerably, vary considerably.


Sheldon Smith

constant [kɑnstənt] adj 1. persistent in occurrence and unvarying in nature. E.g.: maintained a constant temperature, a constant beat [Syn: changeless, invariant, steady, unvarying] 2. continually recurring or continuing without interruption. E.g.: constant repetition of the exercise, constant chatter of monkeys noun 1. a number representing a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context. E.g.: the velocity of light is a constant 2. a quantity that does not vary. [Syn: constant quantity] n (thing) constancy constant n (person) x

verb x

adj constant

verb forms x

adv constantly

opposite inconstancy inconstantly other x


constrain [kənstreɪn] verb 1. hold back. [Syn: restrain, encumber, cumber] 2. restrict. [Syn: stiffen, tighten, tighten up] n (thing) constraint n (person) x

verb constrain verb forms constrained constraining constrains

adj x adv x


opposite unconstrained other x

Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

contribute [kəntrɪbjut] verb 1. bestow a quality on. [Syn: lend, impart, bestow, add, bring] n (thing) contribution

verb contribute

adj x

opposite x

n (person) contributor

verb forms contributed contributes contributing

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: major contribution, significant contribution. v+n: contribute to (the) development (of), make (a) contribution. _________________________________________________________________

convene [kənvin] verb 1. meet formally. E.g.: The council convened last week n (thing) convention

verb convene

adj conventional

opposite unconventional

n (person) x

verb forms convened convenes convening

adv conventionally

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: conventional view, conventional wisdom.


Sheldon Smith

coordinate [koʊɔrdənət] adj 1. of equal importance, rank, or degree. verb 1. bring into common action, movement, or condition. E.g.: coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers, coordinate his actions with that of his colleagues, coordinate our efforts 2. bring order and organization to. [Syn: organize, organise] noun 1. a number that identifies a position relative to an axis. [Syn: co-ordinate] n (thing) coordinate coordination

verb coordinate

adj coordinate coordinated

opposite x

n (person) coordinator

verb forms coordinated coordinates coordinating

adv x

other co-ordinate co-ordination co-ordinator


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

core [kɔr] verb 1. remove the core or center from. E.g.: core an apple noun 1. the central part of the Earth. 2. the center of an object. E.g.: the ball has a titanium core 3. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience. [Syn: kernel, substance, center, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, marrow, meat, nub, pith, sum, nitty-gritty] n (thing) core

verb core

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms cored cores coring

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: core area, core element, core issue, core skills, core value, central core.


Sheldon Smith

corporate [kɔrpɜrət] adj 1. of or belonging to a corporation. E.g.: corporate rates, corporate structure n (thing) corporation

verb x

adj corporate

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x


correspond [kɔrəspɑnd] verb 1. be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics. [Syn: match, fit, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agree] n (thing) verb correspondence correspond

adj corresponding

n (person) x

adv other correspondingly x

verb forms corresponded corresponding corresponds


opposite x

Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

criteria [kraɪtɪriə] noun 1. plural of criterion; a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated. n (thing) criterion

verb x

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other criteria (pl)

Collocations from the ACL v+n: meet criteria, use criteria. _________________________________________________________________

deduce [dɪdus] verb 1. reason by deduction; establish by deduction. [Syn: infer, deduct, derive] 2. conclude by reasoning; in logic. [Syn: infer] n (thing) deduction

verb deduce

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms deduced deduces deducing

adv x

other x


Sheldon Smith

demonstrate [demənstreɪt] verb 1. show or demonstrate something to an interested audience. [Syn: show, demo, exhibit, present] 2. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment. E.g.: The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound [Syn: prove, establish, show, shew] n (thing) demonstration demonstrative n (person) demonstrator

verb demonstrate verb forms demonstrated demonstrates demonstrating

adj demonstrable demonstrative adv demonstrably demonstratively

opposite x other x


document [dɑkjəment] verb 1. support or supply with references. E.g.: Can you document your claims? 2. record in detail. E.g.: The parents documented every step of their child's development noun 1. writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature). [Syn: written document, papers] n (thing) document documentation n (person) x

verb document

adj documented

opposite x

verb forms documented documenting documents

adv x

other x


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dominate [dɑməneɪt] verb 1. have dominance or the power to defeat over. [Syn: master] 2. be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance. E.g.: Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood [Syn: predominate, rule, reign, prevail] n (thing) dominance domination

verb dominate

adj dominant

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms dominated dominates dominating

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: male dominance, dominant culture, dominant discourse, dominant form, dominant group, dominant ideology, dominant paradigm, dominant position, dominant role.


Sheldon Smith

emphasis [emfəsɪs] noun 1. special importance or significance. E.g.: the red light gave the central figure increased emphasis [Syn: accent] 2. the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch). [Syn: stress, accent] 3. intensity or forcefulness of expression. E.g.: his emphasis on civil rights [Syn: vehemence] n (thing) emphasis

verb emphasise emphasize

adj emphatic

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms emphasised emphasises emphasising emphasized emphasizes emphasizing

adv emphatically

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: greater emphasis, increasing emphasis, particular emphasis, special emphasis, strong emphasis. v+n: give emphasis, place emphasis, shift emphasis.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

ensure [enʃʊr] verb 1. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something. [Syn: see, check, insure, see to it, control, ascertain, assure] n (thing) x

verb ensure

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms ensured ensures ensuring

adv x

other x


exclude [ɪksklud] verb 1. prevent from being included or considered or accepted. E.g.: The bad results were excluded from the report [Syn: except, leave out, leave off, omit, take out] n (thing) exclusion

verb exclude

adj exclusionary exclusive

opposite x

n (person) exclusionist

verb forms excluded excludes excluding

adv exclusively

other x


Sheldon Smith

framework [freɪmwɜrk] noun 1. the underlying structure. E.g.: restoring the framework of the bombed building [Syn: fabric] n (thing) framework n (person) x

verb x verb forms x

adj x adv x

opposite x other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: conceptual framework, institutional framework, legal framework, regulatory framework, theoretical framework. _________________________________________________________________

fund [fʌnd] verb 1. furnish money for. E.g.: The government funds basic research in many areas noun 1. a reserve of money set aside for some purpose. [Syn: monetary fund] 2. a supply of something available for future use. [Syn: store, stock] n (thing) funding funds n (person) funder

verb fund

adj funded

opposite x

verb forms funded funding funds

adv x

other x


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illustrate [ɪləstreɪt] verb 1. clarify by giving an example of. [Syn: exemplify, instance] n (thing) illustration

verb illustrate

adj illustrative

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms illustrated illustrates illustrating

adv x

other x


immigrate [ɪməgreɪt] verb 1. come into a new country and change residency. E.g.: Many people immigrated at the beginning of the 20th century n (thing) immigration

verb immigrate

adj x

opposite x

n (person) immigrant

verb forms immigrated immigrates immigrating

adv x

other x


Sheldon Smith

imply [ɪmplaɪ] verb 1. have as a logical consequence. [Syn: entail, mean] 2. express or state indirectly. [Syn: connote] n (thing) x n (person) x

verb imply verb forms implied implies implying

adj implied adv x

opposite x other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: major implications, political implications, social implications, wider implications. _________________________________________________________________

initial [ɪnɪʃəl] adj 1. occurring at the beginning. E.g.: took the initial step toward reconciliation noun 1. the first letter of a word (especially a person's name). E.g.: he refused to put the initials FRS after his name n (thing) initial n (person) x

verb x verb forms x

adj initial adv initially

opposite x other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: initial period, initial phase, initial position, initial research, initial stage.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

instance [ɪnstəns] noun 1. an item of information that is representative of a type. [Syn: example, illustration, representative] n (thing) instance

verb x

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x


interact [ɪntɜrækt] verb 1. act together or towards others or with others. E.g.: He should interact more with his colleagues n (thing) interaction

verb interact

adj interactive

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms interacted interacting interacts

adv interactively

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: complex interaction, human interaction, significant interaction, social interaction.


Sheldon Smith

justify [dʒʌstəfaɪ] verb 1. defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning. [Syn: apologize, apologise, excuse, rationalize, rationalise] 2. show to be right by providing justification or proof. [Syn: vindicate] n (thing) justification

verb justify

n (person) x

verb forms justified justifies justifying

adj justifiable justified adv justifiably

opposite unjustified other x


layer [leɪɜr] verb 1. make or form a layer. E.g.: layer the different colored sands noun 1. a relatively thin sheetlike expanse or region lying over or under another. 2. an abstract place usually conceived as having depth. E.g.: a simile has at least two layers of meaning [Syn: level, stratum] n (thing) layer n (person) x

verb layer verb forms layered layering layers

adj layered adv x


opposite x other x

Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

link [lɪŋk] verb 1. connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces. [Syn: connect, tie, link up] 2. make a logical or causal connection. [Syn: associate, tie in, relate, colligate, link up, connect] noun 1. the state of being connected. [Syn: connection, connectedness] 2. the means of connection between things linked in series. [Syn: nexus] n (thing) link linkage

verb link

adj linked

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms linked linking links

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: causal link, direct link, strong link. adv+vpp: (be) closely linked (to, with), (be) directly linked (to), (be) directly linked (to, with), (be) inextricably linked (to, with), (be) strongly linked.


Sheldon Smith

locate [loʊkeɪt] verb 1. discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining. E.g.: Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest? [Syn: turn up] n (thing) location n (person) x

verb locate verb forms located locates locating

adj located adv x

opposite x other relocate relocated relocation


maximise verb 1. make as big or large as possible. [Syn: maximize] 2. make the most of. [Syn: maximize] n (thing) max maximisation maximization maximum n (person) x

verb maximise maximize

adj maximum

opposite x

verb forms maximised maximises maximising maximized maximizes maximizing

adv x

other x


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

minor [maɪnɜr] adj 1. inferior in number or size or amount. E.g.: a minor share of the profits 2. of your secondary field of academic concentration or specialization (US university). 3. of lesser importance or stature or rank. E.g.: a minor poet, had a minor part in the play, a minor official, many of these hardy adventurers were minor noblemen, minor back roads noun 1. a young person of either sex. [Syn: child, kid, youngster, shaver, nipper, small fry, tiddler, tike, tyke, fry, nestling] n (thing) minority

verb x

adj minor

opposite x

n (person) minor

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: minor change, minor role, ethnic minority, small minority.


Sheldon Smith

negate [nɪgeɪt] verb 1. make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of. E.g.: This action will negate the effect of my efforts [Syn: neutralize, neutralise, nullify] 2. prove negative; show to be false. [Syn: contradict] n (thing) x n (person) x

verb adj opposite negate negative x verb forms adv other negated negatively x negates negating Collocations from the ACL adj+n: negative aspect, negative attitude, negative connotation, negative consequences, negative correlation, negative effect, negative feedback, negative impact, negative outcome, negative side, negative stereotype, negative value, negative view. _________________________________________________________________

outcome [aʊtkʌm] noun 1. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon. [Syn: consequence, effect, result, event, issue, upshot] n (thing) verb adj opposite outcome x x x n (person) verb forms adv other x x x x Collocations from the ACL adj+n: desired outcome, final outcome, likely outcome, negative outcome, positive outcome, possible outcome. v+n: achieve (an) outcome, affect (the) outcome.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

partner [pɑrtnɜr] verb 1. act as a partner. E.g.: Astaire partnered Rogers noun 1. an associate who works with others toward a common goal. E.g.: partners in crime [Syn: collaborator, cooperator, pardner] n (thing) partner partnership n (person) x

verb partner

adj x

opposite x

verb forms x

adv x

other x


philosophy [fəlɑsəfi] noun 1. a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school. [Syn: doctrine, philosophical system, school of thought, ism] 2. the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics. n (thing) philosophizing philosophy n (person) philosopher

verb adj opposite philosophise philosophical x philosophize verb forms adv other philosophised philosophically x philosophises philosophising philosophized philosophizes philosophizing Collocations from the ACL adj+n: moral philosophy, natural philosophy, political philosophy.


Sheldon Smith

physical [fɪzɪkəl] adj 1. relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy; especially physics. E.g.: physical sciences, physical laws 2. according with material things or natural laws (other than those peculiar to living matter). E.g.: a reflex response to physical stimuli 3. involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit. E.g.: physical exercise, physical suffering, was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance 4. having substance or material existence; perceptible to the senses. E.g.: a physical manifestation [Syn: tangible, touchable] 5. concerned with material things. E.g.: physical properties, the physical characteristics of the earth, the physical size of a computer n (thing) x

verb x

adj physical

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv physically

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: physical activity, physical appearance, physical characteristics, physical contact, physical development, physical environment, physical features, physical health, physical needs, physical presence, physical properties, physical proximity, physical science, physical space, physical symptom, physical world.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

proportion [prəpɔrʃən] verb 1. adjust in size relative to other things. noun 1. the quotient obtained when the magnitude of a part is divided by the magnitude of the whole. [Syn: proportionality] 2. magnitude or extent. E.g.: a building of vast proportions [Syn: dimension] n (thing) proportion

verb proportion

adj proportional proportionate

opposite disproportion disproportionate disproportionately

n (person) x

verb forms proportioned proportioning proportions

adv other proportionally x proportionately

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: (a) great proportion (of), (a) high proportion (of), (a) increasing proportion (of), (a) large proportion (of), (a) significant proportion (of), (a) small proportion (of).


Sheldon Smith

publish [pʌblɪʃ] verb 1. have (one's written work) issued for publication. E.g.: She published 25 books during her long career [Syn: write] 2. prepare and issue for public distribution or sale. E.g.: publish a magazine or newspaper [Syn: bring out, put out, issue, release] n (thing) x

verb publish

adj published

opposite unpublished

n (person) publisher

verb forms published publishes publishing

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: published literature, published material, published research, published work. v+n: publish (a) journal, publish (a) report, publish (an) article, publish research.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

react [riækt] verb 1. act against or in opposition to. E.g.: She reacts negatively to everything I say [Syn: oppose] 2. undergo a chemical reaction; react with another substance under certain conditions. E.g.: The hydrogen and the oxygen react 3. show a response or a reaction to something. [Syn: respond] n (thing) reaction reactivation reactor

verb react reactivate

adj reactionary reactive

opposite x

n (person) reactionary

verb forms reacted reacting reactivated reactivates reactivating reacts

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: adverse reaction, chemical reaction, emotional reaction, strong reaction.


Sheldon Smith

register [redʒɪstɜr] verb 1. be aware of. E.g.: Did you register any change when I pressed the button? [Syn: record] 2. enroll to vote. E.g.: register for an election 3. record in writing; enter into a book of names or events or transactions. noun 1. an official written record of names or events or transactions. [Syn: registry] n (thing) registration

verb register

adj registered

n (person) x

verb forms registered registering registers

adv x

opposite deregister deregistration other x


rely [rɪlaɪ] verb 1. have confidence or faith in. [Syn: trust, swear, bank] n (thing) reliability reliance n (person) x

verb rely

adj reliable reliant adv reliably

verb forms relied relies relying Collocations from the ACL adj+n: reliable data, reliable information.


opposite unreliable other x

Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

remove [rimuv] verb 1. dispose of. [Syn: get rid of] 2. get rid of something abstract. E.g.: The death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage [Syn: take away] 3. remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, taking off, etc. or remove something abstract. E.g.: remove a threat, remove a wrapper [Syn: take, take away, withdraw] noun 1. degree of figurative distance or separation. E.g.: just one remove from madness or it imitates at many removes a Shakespearean tragedy; n (thing) removal

verb remove

adj removable

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms removed removes removing

adv x

other x


Sheldon Smith

scheme [skim] verb 1. devise a system or form a scheme for. noun 1. a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole. [Syn: system] 2. a schematic or preliminary plan. [Syn: outline, schema] 3. an elaborate and systematic plan of action. [Syn: strategy] n (thing) verb adj opposite schematic scheme schematic x scheming n (person) verb forms adv other x schemed schematically x schemes scheming _________________________________________________________________

sequence [sikwəns] verb 1. arrange in a sequence. 2. determine the order of constituents in. E.g.: They sequenced the human genome noun 1. serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern. E.g.: the sequence of names was alphabetical, he invented a technique to determine the sequence of base pairs in DNA n (thing) verb adj opposite sequence sequence sequential x n (person) verb forms adv other x sequenced sequentially x sequences sequencing


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

sex [seks] noun 1. either of the two categories (male or female) into which most organisms are divided. E.g.: the war between the sexes 2. all of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses. E.g.: he wanted a better sex life, the film contained no sex or violence [Syn: sexual urge] n (thing) sex sexism sexuality

verb x

adj sexual

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv sexually

other sexes (pl)

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: biological sex, safe sex, sexual abuse, sexual act, sexual behaviour, sexual contact, sexual difference, sexual exploitation, sexual identity, sexual intercourse, sexual orientation, sexual violence.


Sheldon Smith

shift [ʃɪft] verb 1. change place or direction. [Syn: dislodge, reposition] 2. move very slightly. E.g.: He shifted in his seat [Syn: stir, budge, agitate] 3. move around. [Syn: transfer] noun 1. a qualitative change. [Syn: transformation, transmutation] 2. the act of changing one thing or position for another. [Syn: switch, switching] n (thing) x

verb shift

adj shifting

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms shifted shifting shifts

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: global shift, major shift, significant shift.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

specify [spesəfaɪ] verb 1. determine the essential quality of. [Syn: define, delineate, delimit, delimitate] 2. decide upon or fix definitely. E.g.: specify the parameters [Syn: set, determine, fix, limit] 3. be specific about. E.g.: Could you please specify your criticism of my paper? [Syn: particularize, particularise, specialize, specialise] n (thing) x n (person) x

verb specify verb forms specified specifies specifying

adj specifiable adv x

opposite unspecified other x


sufficient [səfɪʃənt] adj 1. of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant. E.g.: sufficient food n (thing) sufficiency

verb x

adj sufficient

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv sufficiently

opposite insufficient insufficiently other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: sufficient condition, sufficient detail, sufficient evidence, sufficient information, sufficient resources.


Sheldon Smith

task [tæsk] verb 1. assign a task to. E.g.: I tasked him with looking after the children noun 1. a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee. E.g.: the endless task of classifying the sample [Syn: job, chore] 2. any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted. [Syn: undertaking, project, labor] n (thing) task

verb task

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms tasked tasking tasks

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: main task, primary task. v+n: carry out (the) task, complete (a) task, perform (a) task.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

technical [teknɪkəl] adj 1. of or relating to technique. E.g.: technical innovation in recent novels, technical details 2. of or relating to proficiency in a practical skill. E.g.: no amount of technical skill and craftsmanship can take the place of vital interest- John Dewey 3. of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles. E.g.: technical college [Syn: technological] 4. characterizing or showing skill in or specialized knowledge of applied arts and sciences. E.g.: a technical problem, highly technical matters hardly suitable for the general public, a technical report n (thing) x

verb x

adj technical

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv technically

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: technical aspect, technical assistance, technical detail, technical expertise, technical issue, technical knowledge, technical problem, technical skill, technical support, technical term.


Sheldon Smith

technique [teknik] noun 1. a practical method or art applied to some particular task. n (thing) technique

verb x

adj x

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv x

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: basic technique, statistical technique. v+n: develop (a) technique, employ (a) technique, use (a) technique. _________________________________________________________________

technology [teknɑlədʒi] noun 1. the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems. [Syn: engineering, engineering science, applied science] 2. the practical application of science to commerce or industry. [Syn: engineering] n (thing) technology

verb x

adj technological

opposite x

n (person) x

verb forms x

adv technologically

other x

Collocations from the ACL adj+n: technological advances, technological change, technological development, technological innovation, technological progress, advanced technology, current technology, digital technology, modern technology.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

valid [vælɪd] adj 1. well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force. E.g.: a valid inference, a valid argument, a valid contract, a valid license n (thing) validation validity n (person) x

verb validate

adj valid

verb forms validated validates validating

adv validly

opposite invalidate invalidity other x


volume [vɑljum] noun 1. the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object. E.g.: the gas expanded to twice its original volume 2. a relative amount. E.g.: mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water 3. a publication that is one of a set of several similar publications. E.g.: the third volume was missing, he asked for the 1989 volume of the Annual Review 4. the property of something that is great in magnitude. E.g.: the volume of exports [Syn: bulk, mass] n (thing) volume n (person) x

verb x verb forms x

adj x adv x


opposite x other x

Sheldon Smith

Exercises (Sublist 3) Task 1: Focus on Meaning #1 Study the following text on The Early Years of the J.F. Kennedy Presidency. Fill in the gaps using words from the box. All are words from AWL sublist 3. [Note: words from sublist 1 (underlined) and sublist 2 (italics) are also shown, for review purposes.] consensus funded shift

constrained instance technologies (x2)

convention outcome technological

emphasised sexes volume

The 1960s was a decade of hope, change, and war that witnessed an important _____________ in American culture. World War II veterans and baby boomers of both _____________ and all ethnicities began to make their influence felt politically, economically, and culturally. Their efforts helped unravel the national ___________ and laid bare a far more fragmented society. As a result, men and women from all ethnic groups attempted to reform American society to make it more equitable. The United States also began to take steps to exert a positive influence on the world. No one symbolized the hopes and energies of the new decade more than John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the nation’s new, young president. Kennedy had __________ the country’s aspirations and challenges as a “new frontier” when accepting his party’s nomination at the Democratic National _____________ in Los Angeles, California. Kennedy focused most of his energies on foreign policy, an arena in which he had been interested since his college years and in which, like all presidents, he was less _____________ by the dictates of Congress. Kennedy, who had promised in his inaugural address to protect the interests of the “free world,” engaged in Cold War politics on a variety of fronts. For _____________, in response to the lead that the Soviets had taken in the space race when Yuri Gagarin became the first human to successfully orbit the earth, Kennedy urged Congress to not only put a man into space but also land an American on the moon, an _____________ finally accomplished in 1969. This investment advanced a variety of military ___________, especially the nation’s long-range missile capability, resulting in a great ___________ of profitable spin-offs for the aviation and communication industries. It also _____________ a growing middle class of government workers, engineers, and defence contractors in states ranging from California to Texas to Florida—a region that would come to be known as the Sun Belt—becoming a symbol of American __________ superiority. At the same time, however, the use of massive federal resources for space ___________ did not change the economic outlook for low-income communities and underprivileged regions.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Source for Task 1 text: Adapted from U.S. History, 1, 29.1: The Kennedy Promises © 2017 Rice University. Download for free at Download for free at Download for free at https://openstax.org/details/books/us-history.


Task 2: Focus on Meaning #2 Read the second part of the text, with information on Kennedy’s Actions on Civil Rights. Fill in the gaps using words from the box. All are words from AWL sublist 3. [Note: words from sublist 1 (underlined) and sublist 2 (in bold) are again shown, for review purposes.] demonstration illustrate reacted remove

dominated initially registered task

ensure (x2) partners registration

excluded published relied

Cold War concerns, which guided U.S. policy in Cuba and Vietnam, also motivated the Kennedy administration’s steps toward racial equality. Realizing that legal segregation and widespread discrimination hurt the country’s chances of gaining political and economic _____________ in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, the federal government increased efforts to secure the civil rights of African Americans in the 1960s. Kennedy had _____________ supported civil rights. His efforts during his presidential campaign to secure the release of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., who was arrested following a _____________, won him the African American vote. Lacking widespread backing in Congress, however, and anxious not to offend white southerners, Kennedy was cautious in taking up the _____________ of assisting African Americans in their fight for full citizenship rights. His strongest focus was on securing the voting rights of African Americans. Kennedy feared southern white Democrats would _____________ the support on which his government _____________. He also worried about the impact a struggle over civil rights could have on his foreign policy agenda as well as on his re-election in 1964. But he thought voter _____________ drives far preferable to the boycotts, sit-ins, and integration marches that had _____________ global media coverage in previous years. Encouraged by Congress’s passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1960, which permitted federal courts to appoint referees to _____________ that qualified persons would be _____________ to vote, Kennedy focused on the passage of a constitutional amendment outlawing poll taxes, a tactic that southern states used to disenfranchise African American voters. It passed both houses of Congress and was sent to the states for ratification in September 1962. [Continued on next page.]


Sheldon Smith Kennedy also _____________ to the demands of the civil rights movement for equality in education. Two examples _____________ this very clearly. The first is his response to riots which broke out on campus when African American student James Meredith, encouraged by Kennedy’s speeches, attempted to enrol at the segregated University of Mississippi in 1962. Kennedy sent the U.S. Army and National Guard to Oxford, Mississippi, to _____________ support for U.S. Marshals that his brother Robert, the attorney general, had dispatched. The second example is the 1963 bill that Kennedy _____________ following similar violence at the University of Alabama when two African American students were _____________ after attempting to enrol, The bill would give the federal government greater power to enforce school desegregation, prohibit segregation in public accommodations, and outlaw discrimination in employment. Kennedy would not live to see his bill enacted; it would become law during Lyndon Johnson’s administration as the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Source for Task 3 text: Adapted from U.S. History, 1, 29.1: The Kennedy Promises © 2017 Rice University. Download for free at Download for free at Download for free at https://openstax.org/details/books/us-history.

Task 3: Collocations #1 Match the following v+n combinations to form common collocations of AWL sublist 3 words (the noun forms are sublist 3 words). carry out/complete/perform (a) develop/employ/use (a) achieve (an)/affect (the) give/ place/shift meet/use

emphasis criteria task technique outcome


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Task 4: Collocations #2 Each of the following sentence has two collocations using sublist 3 words, taken from the ACL. One collocation fits the meaning of the sentence, the other does not. Cross out the one which is wrong. An example has been done for you. Example: The data was analysed using sophisticated basic techniques/statistical techniques. a) Several patients suffered adverse reactions/chemical reactions to the medication, such as increased heart rate and headaches. b) Cigarette smoke plays a minor change/minor role in global warming. c) Many people consider repetition to be the core element/central core of language learning. d) For millions of years dinosaurs were the dominant form/dominant role of life on Earth. e) The new breakthrough in cancer research will have major implications/social implications for those suffering from the disease. f) Many cases of sexual orientation/sexual violence go unreported to the police. g) The medication did not have the desired outcome/final outcome the doctors were seeking and the patient’s condition grew worse.


Sheldon Smith Task 5: Collocations #3 The following adj+n collocations match one word from the AWL sublist 3. Identify which one. alternative circumstances component considerable framework interaction link negative philosophy physical proportion (of) technical causal/ direct/ strong Moral/ natural/ political complex/ human/ significant/ social amount (of)/ degree (of)/ importance/ detail/ extent/ attention/ debate/ effort/ evidence/ influence/ interest/ research/ support/ variation approach/ explanation/ form/ interpretation/ means/ method/ model/ solution/ source/ strategy/ view/ way certain/ changing/ exceptional/ historical/ local/ personal/ political/ social/ special activity/ appearance/ characteristics/ contact/ development/ environment/ features/ health/ needs/ presence/ properties/ proximity/ science/ space/ symptom/ world basic/ essential/ fundamental/ individual/ key/ main/ major aspect/ assistance/ detail/ expertise/ issue/ knowledge/ problem/ skill/ support/ term aspect/ attitude/ connotation/ consequences/ correlation/ effect/ feedback/ impact/ outcome/ side/ stereotype/ value/ view conceptual/ institutional/ legal/ regulatory/ theoretical (a) great/ (a) high/ (a) increasing/ (a) large/ (a) significant/ (a) small


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Task 6: Word form #1 Complete the following sentences by changing the word form of the word(s) in brackets. An example has been done for you. Example: Students need to complete their university registration (register) before they can be issued with a library card. a) The experiment was conducted in way which _______________ (maximum) the chances of success. b) Many _______________ (immigrate) face discrimination when they arrive in a new country. c) The age of the respondents was _______________ (specify) so we do not know what it is. d) The _______________ (layer) of igneous rocks can give them an attractive appearance. e) The head offices will be _______________ (locate) to a new city. f) The case for global warming is well _______________ (document). g) The pages of the book are numbered _______________ (sequence). h) Although the presentation was in Chinese, it was accompanied by written _______________ (comment) in English. i) Children _______________ (constant) make mistakes, which is a vital part of learning. j) The programme has a new _______________ (coordinate), who is inexperienced by very eager. k) Many business _______________ (corporate) seek to reduce tax by using offshore funds. l) They used the _______________ (scheme) of the building to locate the underground wiring. m) If there is _______________ (sufficient) supply of food to meet demand, some people will go hungry.


Sheldon Smith Task 7: Word form #2 Change the following forms into the noun ‘thing’ form, and add them to the table in the correct column. Be careful of spelling. An example has been done. compensate correspond exclude reliable



contribute deduce justify remove

convene dominate minor valid






Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

Answers to exercises Sublist 1 Task 1: Focus on Meaning #1 Biological rhythms are internal rhythms of biological activity. Some of these take place over a long period, for example a woman’s menstrual cycle which lasts 28 days, while others are much shorter. A circadian rhythm is a biological rhythm that takes place over a period of about 24 hours. Our sleep-wake cycle, which is linked to our environment’s natural light-dark cycle, is perhaps the most obvious example of a circadian rhythm, but we also have daily fluctuations in heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, and body temperature. Some circadian rhythms play a role in changes in our state of consciousness. Psychologists have identified several situations in which a person’s circadian clock gets out of synch with the external environment. One way that this happens is travel involves crossing multiple time zones. When we do this, we often experience jet lag, which is a collection of symptoms that results from the mismatch between our internal circadian cycles and our environment. These symptoms include fatigue, sluggishness, irritability, and insomnia (insomnia can be defined as a consistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep for at least three nights a week over a month’s time) (Roth, 2007). Similarly, individuals who do rotating shift work are also likely to experience disruptions in circadian cycles. Rotating shift work refers to a work schedule that changes from early to late on a daily or weekly basis. For example, a person may work from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Monday, 3:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, and 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday. In such instances, the schedule changes so frequently that it becomes difficult for a normal circadian rhythm to be maintained, often resulting in sleeping problems, depression and anxiety. Task 2: Focus on Meaning #2 When people have difficulty getting sleep due to their work or the demands of day-today life, they accumulate a sleep debt. A person with a sleep debt does not get sufficient sleep on a chronic basis. Sleep debt and sleep deprivation have significant negative psychological and physiological consequences. Lack of sleep can result in decreased mental alertness and depression-like symptoms. These effects can occur as a result of accumulated sleep debt or in response to more acute periods of sleep deprivation. Researchers have established a connection between sleep deprivation and obesity, increased blood pressure and increased levels of stress hormones (Banks & Dinges, 2007). Some sleep-deprived individuals have difficulty staying awake when


Sheldon Smith they stop moving (for example sitting and watching television or driving a car), and those suffering from sleep deprivation can put themselves and others at risk when they put themselves behind the wheel of a car or work with dangerous machinery. Some research suggests that sleep deprivation affects cognitive and motor function as much as, if not more than, alcohol intoxication (Williamson & Feyer, 2000). It is evident from this that getting sufficient sleep is crucial in leading a healthy life. Exactly what constitutes sufficient sleep, however, varies greatly across a person’s lifespan. Research by the National Sleep Foundation (n.d.) indicates that newborns require the most sleep, at between 12 and 18 hours a night, and that this amount declines to just 7–9 hours by the time we are adults.

Task 3: Collocations #1 The following are the collocations: creative process, economic theory, environmental issues, individual response, major role, process data, research methodology The following is the pairs as per the exercise in the book: creative data economic issues environmental methodology individual process major role process response research theory

Task 4: Collocations #2 a) analytical approach, methodological approach, responsive approach, theoretical approach b) export area, major area, specific area c) available data, available evidence, available theory d) economic factors, economic policy, economic process, economic sector e) available data, interpret data, process data, require data f) major issue, major method, major source g) assessment process, creative process, policy process


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Task 5: Collocations #3 advanced/ capitalist/ global/ local/ national/ political high/ large/ low/ small basic/ established/ ethical/ fundamental/ general/ guiding/ key/ main/ moral/ organising/ underlying abstract/ basic/ central/ defining/ key/ theoretical central/ local/ political/ public broader/ cultural/ economic/ global/ historical/ institutional/ international/ original/ political/ present/ social/ specific/ wider concluding/ final/ introductory/ opening/ preceding/ previous disposable/ low/ middle/ national/ total adopt/ describe/ follow/ use

economy percentage principle concept authority context

section income (a) procedure

Task 6: Word form #1 a) The policy is very beneficial (benefit) for the economy. b) There were several significant problems with his assumptions (assume). c) There are several important financial (finance) implications. d) It is usually illegal (legal) to conduct research on people without their consent. e) His plan had many structural (structure) flaws. f) Her estimates (estimate) were inaccurate, which caused several problems in the analysis. g) The government’s new legislation (legislate) on the environment was well received by the general public. h) The company is a major distributor (distribute) of electronic components. i) Academic language contains many formulaic (formula) phrases, such as ‘What I want to talk about today…’ and ‘Turning to the next section…’. j) He copied his methods and results from other authors, meaning his work was very derivative (derive). k) She had lots of difficult procedures to follow, which made her work very laborious/laboured (labour).


Sheldon Smith

Task 7: Word form #2 analyse contract create economy environment export finance individual legislation research response theory

analyst contractor creator economist environmentalist exporter financier individual/individualist legislator researcher respondent theorist


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Sublist 2 Task 1: Focus on Meaning #1 Think about all the technological devices you use on a regular basis. Computers, smartphones, global positioning systems (GPSs), MP3 players, and satellite radio might come to mind. All these groundbreaking advances, commonplace or unbelievable, rely on the principles of physics. Aside from playing a significant role in technology, professionals such as engineers, pilots, physicians, electricians, and computer programmers apply physics concepts in their daily work. For example, a pilot must understand how wind forces affect a flight path. As you will learn in this text, the principles of physics are propelling new, exciting technologies, and these principles are applied in a wide range of careers. Physics, which comes from the Greek phúsis, meaning “nature”, is concerned with describing the interactions of energy, matter, space, and time to uncover the fundamental mechanisms that underlie every phenomenon. This concern for describing the basic phenomena in nature essentially defines the scope of physics. Physics aims to understand the world around us at the most basic level. It emphasizes the use of a small number of quantitative laws to do this, which can be useful to other fields pushing the performance boundaries of existing technologies. Consider a smartphone, such as the Apple iPhone. Physics describes how electricity is conducted along the various circuits inside the device. This knowledge helps engineers select the appropriate materials and circuit layout to construct an iPhone with features that consumers will enjoy. Knowledge of the physics underlying these devices is required to shrink their size or increase their processing speed. One specific feature of an iPhone is the GPS function. Physics describes the relationship between the speed of an object, the distance over which it travels, and the time it takes to travel that distance. When you use a GPS in a vehicle, it relies on physics equations to determine the travel time from one location to another.


Sheldon Smith Task 2: Focus on Meaning #2 Although physics can seem like a difficult and complex subject, knowledge of physics is useful in everyday situations as well as in nonscientific professions. It can assist you in understanding how microwave ovens work, why metals should not be put into them, and why they might affect pacemakers. Physics allows you to understand the hazards of radiation and to evaluate these hazards rationally and more easily. Physics also explains the regulation of heat, helping you understand how a black car radiator removes heat in a car engine and why a white roof keeps the inside of a house cool. Physics is a key element of many important disciplines and contributes directly to others. Chemistry, for example—since it deals with the interactions of atoms and molecules—has close ties to atomic and molecular physics. Most branches of engineering are concerned with designing new technologies, processes, or structures within the constraints set by the laws of physics. In architecture, physics is at the heart of structural stability and is involved in the acoustics, heating, lighting, and cooling of buildings. Parts of geology rely heavily on physics, such as radioactive dating of rocks, earthquake analysis, and heat transfer within Earth. Some disciplines, such as biophysics and geophysics, are hybrids of physics and other disciplines. Physics also has many applications in the biological sciences. In conclusion, physics contains the most basic aspects of science. It helps us to understand the world around us and is used by all the sciences, meaning the study of physics makes other sciences easier to understand. Task 3: Collocations #1 The following are the collocations: cultural tradition, positive impact, traditional culture, primary focus, distinctive feature, conduct (a) survey, final chapter, potential feature The following is the pairs as per the exercise in the book: cultural culture positive chapter traditional tradition primary aspect distinctive survey conduct (a) impact final focus potential feature


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Task 4: Collocations #2 a) extremely complex, highly complex, increasingly complex, largely complex b) central focus, clear focus, final focus, main focus, major focus, primary focus, specific focus. c) active impact, direct impact, emotional impact, enormous impact, environmental impact, great impact, likely impact, major impact, profound impact, significant impact d) academic institution, democratic institution, educational institution, financial institution, managing institution, political institution, public institution, social institution e) active participation, central participation, effective participation, full participation, political participation. f) perceived importance, perceived need, perceived study, perceived threat g) a broad range of, a large range of, a limited range of, a narrow range of, a tiny range of, a vast range of, a wide range of. h) relevant data, relevant factors, relevant impact, relevant information, relevant issue, relevant literature, relevant material i) available resources, economic resources, financial resources, limited resources, natural resources, relevant resources, scarce resources, valuable resources j) strategic decision, strategic focus, strategic importance, strategic objective, strategic planning


Sheldon Smith Task 5: Collocations #3 certain/ cultural/ fundamental/ general/ key/ negative/ particular/ related/ social/ specific/ technical aim/ concern/ data/ education/ focus/ function/ objective/ purpose/ reason/ research/ responsibility/ source action/ aspect/ attitude/ connotation/ correlation/ discrimination/ effect/ feature/ feedback/ image/ impact/ influence/ outcome/ relationship/ result/ value/ view academic/ international/ online/ scholarly basic/ core/ essential/ individual/ key/ main/ single/ structural benefits/ conflict/ customer/ harm/ impact/ problem/ risk/ source/ value academic/ ethnic/ international/ local/ rural/ scientific/ virtual/ wider chapter/ decade/ discussion/ experience/ generation/ knowledge/ paragraph/ part/ section/ study/ work final/ following/ introductory/ opening/ preceding/ previous/ subsequent


aspect primary positive

journal element potential community previous chapter

Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Task 6: Word form #1 a) She was very proud of her achievements (achieve). b) One company taking over another is called an acquisition (acquire). c) The administrative (administrate) agencies of the US government are funded from public money. d) The are several ways to categorise/categorize (category) an economy. The main ones are ‘command’ and ‘capitalist’ economy. e) The commissioner (commission) had to consider the case carefully before he came to a decision. f) It is important to consider the consequences (consequent) of environmental pollution. g) The company collapsed because there were not enough creditors (credit) who were willing to invest. h) The company need more investment (invest) from its shareholders. i) The laboratory equipment was itemised/itemized (item) to ensure the lab technician had a clear record. j) The maintenance (maintain) crew encountered several problems when repairing the building. k) Everyone agreed that the purchaser (purchase) had paid too much. l) The regional (region) tensions may eventually lead to war. m) The residents (reside) of the building were concerned about its safety. n) After a better method had been sought (seek), the experiment was conducted. o) The building was sited (site) in the wrong location.


Sheldon Smith Task 7: Word form #2 These are the opposites: abnormal, inconclusive, indistinct, insecure, irrelevant, uncultured, uninjured, unobtainable, unregulated, unresourceful, unrestricted, non-traditional These are the opposites on the prefix mind map. conclusive




distinct secure



regulated cultured injured obtainable resourceful restricted





Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Sublist 3 Task 1: Focus on Meaning #1 The 1960s was a decade of hope, change, and war that witnessed an important shift in American culture. World War II veterans and baby boomers of both sexes and all ethnicities began to make their influence felt politically, economically, and culturally. Their efforts helped unravel the national consensus and laid bare a far more fragmented society. As a result, men and women from all ethnic groups attempted to reform American society to make it more equitable. The United States also began to take unprecedented steps to exert a positive influence on the world. No one symbolized the hopes and energies of the new decade more than John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the nation’s new, young president. Kennedy had emphasized the country’s aspirations and challenges as a “new frontier” when accepting his party’s nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, California. Kennedy focused most of his energies on foreign policy, an arena in which he had been interested since his college years and in which, like all presidents, he was less constrained by the dictates of Congress. Kennedy, who had promised in his inaugural address to protect the interests of the “free world,” engaged in Cold War politics on a variety of fronts. For instance, in response to the lead that the Soviets had taken in the space race when Yuri Gagarin became the first human to successfully orbit the earth, Kennedy urged Congress to not only put a man into space but also land an American on the moon, an outcome finally accomplished in 1969. This investment advanced a variety of military technologies, especially the nation’s longrange missile capability, resulting in a great volume of profitable spin-offs for the aviation and communication industries. It also funded a growing middle class of government workers, engineers, and defence contractors in states ranging from California to Texas to Florida—a region that would come to be known as the Sun Belt—becoming a symbol of American technological superiority. At the same time, however, the use of massive federal resources for space technologies did not change the economic outlook for low-income communities and underprivileged regions.


Sheldon Smith

Task 2: Focus on Meaning #2 Cold War concerns, which guided U.S. policy in Cuba and Vietnam, also motivated the Kennedy administration’s steps toward racial equality. Realizing that legal segregation and widespread discrimination hurt the country’s chances of gaining political and economic partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, the federal government increased efforts to secure the civil rights of African Americans in the 1960s. Kennedy had initially supported civil rights. His efforts during his presidential campaign to secure the release of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., who was arrested following a demonstration, won him the African American vote. Lacking widespread backing in Congress, however, and anxious not to offend white southerners, Kennedy was cautious in taking up the task of assisting African Americans in their fight for full citizenship rights. His strongest focus was on securing the voting rights of African Americans. Kennedy feared southern white Democrats would remove the support on which his government relied. He also worried about the impact a struggle over civil rights could have on his foreign policy agenda as well as on his re-election in 1964. But he thought voter registration drives far preferable to the boycotts, sit-ins, and integration marches that had dominated global media coverage in previous years. Encouraged by Congress’s passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1960, which permitted federal courts to appoint referees to ensure that qualified persons would be registered to vote, Kennedy focused on the passage of a constitutional amendment outlawing poll taxes, a tactic that southern states used to disenfranchise African American voters. It passed both houses of Congress and was sent to the states for ratification in September 1962. Kennedy also reacted to the demands of the civil rights movement for equality in education. Two examples illustrate this very clearly. The first is his response to riots which broke out on campus when African American student James Meredith, encouraged by Kennedy’s speeches, attempted to enrol at the segregated University of Mississippi in 1962. Kennedy sent the U.S. Army and National Guard to Oxford, Mississippi, to ensure support for U.S. Marshals that his brother Robert, the attorney general, had dispatched. The second example is the 1963 bill that Kennedy published following similar violence at the University of Alabama when two African American students were excluded after attempting to enrol, The bill would give the federal government greater power to enforce school desegregation, prohibit segregation in public accommodations, and outlaw discrimination in employment. Kennedy would not live to see his bill enacted; it would become law during Lyndon Johnson’s administration as the 1964 Civil Rights Act.


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Task 3: Collocations #1 The following are the collocations: carry out/complete/perform (a) develop/employ/use (a) achieve (an)/affect (the) give/ place/shift meet/use

task technique outcome emphasis criteria

The following is the collocations as per the exercise in the book: carry out/complete/perform (a) emphasis develop/employ/use (a) criteria achieve (an)/affect (the) task give/ place/shift technique meet/use outcome

Task 4: Collocations #2 a) Several patients suffered adverse reactions/chemical reactions to the medication, such as increased heart rate and headaches. b) Cigarette smoke plays a minor change/minor role in global warming. c) Many people consider repetition to be the core element/central core of language learning. d) For millions of years dinosaurs were the dominant form/dominant role of life on Earth. e) The new breakthrough in cancer research will have major implications/social implications for those suffering from the disease. f) Many cases of sexual orientation/sexual violence go unreported to the police. g) The medication did not have the desired outcome/final outcome the doctors were seeking and the patient’s condition grew worse.


Sheldon Smith Task 5: Collocations #3 causal/ direct/ strong Moral/ natural/ political complex/ human/ significant/ social amount (of)/ degree (of)/ importance/ detail/ extent/ attention/ debate/ effort/ evidence/ influence/ interest/ research/ support/ variation approach/ explanation/ form/ interpretation/ means/ method/ model/ solution/ source/ strategy/ view/ way certain/ changing/ exceptional/ historical/ local/ personal/ political/ social/ special activity/ appearance/ characteristics/ contact/ development/ environment/ features/ health/ needs/ presence/ properties/ proximity/ science/ space/ symptom/ world basic/ essential/ fundamental/ individual/ key/ main/ major aspect/ assistance/ detail/ expertise/ issue/ knowledge/ problem/ skill/ support/ term aspect/ attitude/ connotation/ consequences/ correlation/ effect/ feedback/ impact/ outcome/ side/ stereotype/ value/ view conceptual/ institutional/ legal/ regulatory/ theoretical (a) great/ (a) high/ (a) increasing/ (a) large/ (a) significant/ (a) small


link philosophy

interaction considerable

alternative circumstances physical

component technical negative

framework proportion (of)

Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Task 6: Word form #1 a) The experiment was conducted in way which maximised/maximized (maximum) the chances of success. b) Many immigrants (immigrate) face discrimination when they arrive in a new country. c) The age of the respondents was unspecified (specify) so we do not know what it is. d) The layering (layer) of igneous rocks can give them an attractive appearance. e) The head offices will be relocated (locate) to a new city. f) The case for global warming is well documented (document). g) The pages of the book are numbered sequentially (sequence). h) Although the presentation was in Chinese, it was accompanied by written commentary (comment) in English. i) Children constantly (constant) make mistakes, which is a vital part of learning. j) The programme has a new coordinator (coordinate), who is inexperienced by very eager. k) Many business corporations (corporate) seek to reduce tax by using offshore funds. l) They used the schematic(s) (scheme) of the building to locate the underground wiring. m) If there is insufficient (sufficient) supply of food to meet demand, some people will go hungry. Task 7: Word form #2

-al removal

-ance dominance ** reliance

-ence *



compensation contribution convention * domination deduction justification ** validation* * The word dominate has two forms, dominance and domination. ** The word reliable has two forms, reliability and reliance. ***The word valid has two forms, validation and validity.




-ity ***

validity ** reliability

Sheldon Smith

Index of words The following are all the words in sublists 1-3 of the AWL, with page numbers.

Academic Word List: Sublist 1 .............................................................................. 7 analyse ........................................................................................................................ 8 approach ..................................................................................................................... 9 area............................................................................................................................ 10 assess......................................................................................................................... 11 assume ...................................................................................................................... 11 authority................................................................................................................... 12 available.................................................................................................................... 12 benefit ....................................................................................................................... 13 concept ..................................................................................................................... 13 consist ....................................................................................................................... 14 constitute ................................................................................................................. 14 context ...................................................................................................................... 15 contract .................................................................................................................... 16 create ........................................................................................................................ 16 data............................................................................................................................ 17 define ........................................................................................................................ 18 derive ........................................................................................................................ 18 distribute .................................................................................................................. 19 economy ................................................................................................................... 20 environment ............................................................................................................ 21 establish.................................................................................................................... 22 estimate .................................................................................................................... 23 evident ...................................................................................................................... 24 export........................................................................................................................ 25 factor ......................................................................................................................... 26 finance ...................................................................................................................... 27 formula ..................................................................................................................... 28 function .................................................................................................................... 29 identify ..................................................................................................................... 30 income ...................................................................................................................... 31 indicate ..................................................................................................................... 31 individual ................................................................................................................. 32 interpret ................................................................................................................... 33 involve ...................................................................................................................... 34 issue .......................................................................................................................... 35 labour ........................................................................................................................ 36 legal ........................................................................................................................... 37


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 legislate .....................................................................................................................37 major .........................................................................................................................38 method ......................................................................................................................39 occur..........................................................................................................................40 percent ......................................................................................................................40 period ........................................................................................................................41 policy .........................................................................................................................42 principle....................................................................................................................43 proceed .....................................................................................................................44 process ......................................................................................................................45 require ......................................................................................................................46 research ....................................................................................................................47 respond .....................................................................................................................48 role ............................................................................................................................48 section .......................................................................................................................49 sector.........................................................................................................................49 significant .................................................................................................................50 similar .......................................................................................................................51 source ........................................................................................................................52 specific ......................................................................................................................53 structure ...................................................................................................................54 theory ........................................................................................................................55 vary............................................................................................................................56

Academic Word List: Sublist 2 ........................................................................... 63 achieve ......................................................................................................................64 acquire ......................................................................................................................64 administrate .............................................................................................................65 affect .........................................................................................................................65 appropriate...............................................................................................................66 aspect ........................................................................................................................67 assist ..........................................................................................................................67 category ....................................................................................................................68 chapter ......................................................................................................................69 commission ..............................................................................................................69 community ...............................................................................................................70 complex.....................................................................................................................71 compute ....................................................................................................................72 conclude ....................................................................................................................72 conduct .....................................................................................................................73 consequent ...............................................................................................................74 construct ...................................................................................................................75 consume ....................................................................................................................75


Sheldon Smith credit ......................................................................................................................... 76 culture....................................................................................................................... 77 design ........................................................................................................................ 78 distinct ...................................................................................................................... 79 element ..................................................................................................................... 80 equate ....................................................................................................................... 81 evaluate .................................................................................................................... 81 feature....................................................................................................................... 82 final ........................................................................................................................... 83 focus .......................................................................................................................... 84 impact ....................................................................................................................... 85 injure......................................................................................................................... 85 institute .................................................................................................................... 86 invest......................................................................................................................... 87 item ........................................................................................................................... 87 journal ...................................................................................................................... 88 maintain ................................................................................................................... 88 normal ...................................................................................................................... 89 obtain ........................................................................................................................ 90 participate ................................................................................................................ 90 perceive .................................................................................................................... 91 positive ..................................................................................................................... 92 potential ................................................................................................................... 93 previous .................................................................................................................... 94 primary ..................................................................................................................... 95 purchase ................................................................................................................... 95 range ......................................................................................................................... 96 region ........................................................................................................................ 97 regulate..................................................................................................................... 97 relevant..................................................................................................................... 98 reside......................................................................................................................... 98 resource .................................................................................................................... 99 restrict .................................................................................................................... 100 secure ...................................................................................................................... 101 seek ......................................................................................................................... 101 select ....................................................................................................................... 102 site ........................................................................................................................... 103 strategy ................................................................................................................... 104 survey ..................................................................................................................... 104 text .......................................................................................................................... 105 tradition.................................................................................................................. 105 transfer ................................................................................................................... 106


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3 Academic Word List: Sublist 3 ........................................................................ 113

alternative ..............................................................................................................114 circumstance ..........................................................................................................115 comment .................................................................................................................115 compensate ............................................................................................................116 component..............................................................................................................116 consent ....................................................................................................................117 considerable ...........................................................................................................118 constant ..................................................................................................................119 constrain .................................................................................................................119 contribute ...............................................................................................................120 convene ...................................................................................................................120 coordinate ..............................................................................................................121 core ..........................................................................................................................122 corporate ................................................................................................................123 correspond .............................................................................................................123 criteria ....................................................................................................................124 deduce .....................................................................................................................124 demonstrate ...........................................................................................................125 document ................................................................................................................125 dominate .................................................................................................................126 emphasis .................................................................................................................127 ensure......................................................................................................................128 exclude ....................................................................................................................128 framework ..............................................................................................................129 fund .........................................................................................................................129 illustrate .................................................................................................................130 immigrate ...............................................................................................................130 imply .......................................................................................................................131 initial .......................................................................................................................131 instance ...................................................................................................................132 interact ...................................................................................................................132 justify ......................................................................................................................133 layer.........................................................................................................................133 link...........................................................................................................................134 locate .......................................................................................................................135 maximise.................................................................................................................135 minor.......................................................................................................................136 negate ......................................................................................................................137 outcome ..................................................................................................................137 partner ....................................................................................................................138 philosophy ..............................................................................................................138


Sheldon Smith physical ................................................................................................................... 139 proportion .............................................................................................................. 140 publish .................................................................................................................... 141 react ........................................................................................................................ 142 register ................................................................................................................... 143 rely .......................................................................................................................... 143 remove .................................................................................................................... 144 scheme .................................................................................................................... 145 sequence ................................................................................................................. 145 sex ........................................................................................................................... 146 shift ......................................................................................................................... 147 specify ..................................................................................................................... 148 sufficient ................................................................................................................. 148 task .......................................................................................................................... 149 technical ................................................................................................................. 150 technique ................................................................................................................ 151 technology .............................................................................................................. 151 valid......................................................................................................................... 152 volume .................................................................................................................... 152


Unlock the Academic Word List: Sublists 1-3

About the author Sheldon Smith has been teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP) since 2002, working in the UK, Indonesia and China. Since 2005 he has been working on pathway programmes which prepare EFL students for university study at Western universities, chiefly in the USA, UK and Australia. In addition to text books for academic English, he is the author of several novels and text books for Chinese language learning. He is the founder and chief developer of the EAPFoundation.com website. He currently resides in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China.

About Evident Press Evident Press is an independent publisher specialising in academic texts. It currently publishes two series of books for academic English: the EAP Foundation series, in conjunction with the acclaimed academic English website EAPFoundation.com; and the Unlock the Academic Word List series. It also publishes the Chinese Characters for HSK series for learning Chinese.


Sheldon Smith

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