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Nigel Mortimer
First published in Great Britain in 2012 by Ancient Mail Verlag as 'Isaac Newton & The Secret Sun Dial' This Edition published 2015 Wisdom Books Second Edition Updated Copyright c. Nigel Mortimer 2015 The moral rights of the author have been asserted All rights reserved.
ISBN-13: 978-1519246745 ISBN-10: 1519246749 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the author/publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchases.
Typeset in Garamond -Normal Also by Nigel Mortimer
UFOs, Portals & Gateways WISDOM BOOKS 2
" Nature and Nature's laws lay hid by night, God Said, Let Newton be! And all was light."
Alexander Pope
Table of Contents PREFACE 2015....................................................................................................................... 5 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 9 Hiding The Sun Dial From History.................................................................................12 The Megalithic Structure..................................................................................................... 20 Hidden By The Folly........................................................................................................... 25 An Ancient Portal................................................................................................................. 29 Tunnels To Nowhere .......................................................................................................... 41 The Battle For The Right To Know..................................................................................48 The Search For The Sun Dial ............................................................................................ 53 A Line Of Enquiry............................................................................................................... 63 Isaac Newton & The Sun Dial............................................................................................ 75 Seekers Of The Truth....................................................................................................... 89 Evidence Hidden From View........................................................................................... 131 The Strange Case of the ET Stone................................................................................... 145 A message from Sharlek : A portal visitor. ...................................................................154 How to locate your portal and activate it:.....................................................................155 Additions............................................................................................................................. 158 ABOUT THE AUTHOR................................................................................................... 168 INDEX
ince I first wrote this book in 2011 (published in 2012) my wife Helen and I have continued our investigative work at the Sun Dial portal in Settle, North Yorkshire. Since then there has been so much new data and revelations surrounding the mystery that we felt we must try to expand on the original text and content. So I decided to publish an up to date edition of the original book 'Isaac Newton & the Secret Sun Dial' under a new and more fitting title. I have re-assessed each chapter of the original book and given new views, insights and more information where I feel it relevant. New photographic evidence has been added. Of course, a new chapter and conclusive notes have been added so as to bring the reader right up to date with what has been and continues to happen at the portal. Much of this new evidence is presented in my book 'UFOs, Portals and Gateways' which followed the first edition of this one in 2013 and explains how we continued to work at one particular location at Castleberg woods called the Horseshoe Trees. I will not be replicating that information here, but I will try to give additional supportive views on what has happened since then. In just a few years Helen and I have uncovered more mysteries, had our own experiences with phenomena at the portal sites and have documented what can only be described as the truly unexplained. Why are we doing all of this? Well, I see the investigations of the Sun Dial portal as being a progression. I don't know actually when this progression started, but I do know that it links with all the other UFO experiences that I have had since I was very young. I have been able to watch during my life, the UFO phenomenon evolve from sightings in the skies to inter-dimensional expectations of travel through time and space as I am certain some of the UFO occupants are able to do. Maybe, because we always seemed to see UFOs in the skies, we have allowed ourselves into thinking that they must originate from somewhere beyond them and the obvious 5
choice being other planets in this reality that we can touch and understand. Science is showing us other more profound possibilities for the origins of some of these UFOs and we are now beginning to experiment ourselves towards the very real expectation that life may exist in other dimensional states at a quantum level and beyond that. Have any of my views regarding the ancient sites connection with portals changed since I wrote this book? Well, no, I still see this theory holding ground and it is interesting that a number of other researchers in the UK have started to connect ancient sites like those found in Wiltshire and Rendlesham Forest (both UFO hotspots) with portals. One group is working towards a connection between crop circles and ancient energy lines, connecting up the dots and finding many similarities with the phenomenon we have uncovered here at the Sun Dial portal. This cannot be pure coincidence. Before you read the rest of this book, I feel it is my obligation to make you aware that it has been my own experience that forces beyond our human control continues to dissuade, corrupt and attack some of those who follow the path as seekers of the truth. These forces are projections from human spirits who remain within the scope of our reality but exist just outside it in a realm where they continue to influence the actions and lives of truth seekers in ways that we would call negative and unhelpful. They do this for several reasons, but it has been my experience while researching this book that ‘they’ have a long agenda to keep at all costs, an ultimate secret. This secret was known about when these incarnate spirits lived previously on the earth plane and the pact they made then, with others like them, has been kept intact even in the afterlife. This secret is driven by the knowledge kept hidden for thousands of years by this group. It has been kept away from the public domain until very recent times. As more and more people are now awakening in the realization about who, and what they really are, (spiritual beings) these negatively motivated beings draw close to this world and hamper where they can the ultimate progression in human kind. They know that what they do is futile and that the truth will out in time, at the right time, but until then they must play their part in the progression, for it is through such negative involvement on their part, that allows the seekers of the truth to progress and grow spiritually. This might sound contradictory, but without the turmoil they bring to the arena, we would have little to compare our achievements 6
with. Knowing this and theorising, this is one thing, the physical reality of it is another! I know this to be true as I was psychically cursed in the Autumn months of 2011 while undertaking field research for this book. At first I was tricked, then I was dissuaded from continuing and then I was attacked verbally and psychically. The outcomes were that within two months I was rapidly becoming seriously ill and thoroughly unable to continue any kind of investigation into the quest. Having spent the last couple of decades without any major illnesses, I found this sudden deterioration in my health to be a shock and it would be a further eight months before I could begin to return to normal. In my previous book ‘The Circle & The Sword,’ I wrote about the reality of higher beings which interact with seekers of the truth here on this planet. They use interdimensional doorways to enter our reality at sacred places which we call portals and stargates. I have had experience of direct communication with one such celestial being called Sharlek (meaning ‘bringer of wisdom’) and he has always been a true friend to me in my life. He assists me in helping to bring hidden knowledge to the peoples of this world and to help reveal the true course of our corrupted version of history. He is also my protector in the spiritual sense, like an angel of light he guards against those negative human spirits who wish to project their power on other individuals for selfish gain. They sold their souls while living the earth life to gain power and position, but at the cost of freedom of spirit in the world unseen. The Celestials like Sharlek, have often given world-changing communications to some of our most famous people, in the way of ‘hints’ and suggestions. They are not allowed by universal law to interfere with our thoughts and deeds, but can give us clues from which we may (or may not) make our own realisations. One such person was Sir Isaac Newton. Yet, if Sharlek is so powerful, then why was I allowed to suffer the illness of the curse as I did? The answer is that what took place, the curse, the suffering, was allowed in order for me to understand just how big and important this quest for the truth about the Settle sundial really was. You could say, that in the past I had led a charmed life and regarded that I was watched over by a higher energy of protection, yet now there were those who held the knowledge which enabled them to break through my protective shield. Their knowledge, right or wrong, enabled them to be very strong psychically and attacking me in the way they did, proved to me that I was dealing with a group that had little regard for individual well-being at the cost 7
of keeping ‘their’ knowledge a secret. As I write this it is April 2012 and I am back on the quest. I do not fear any further attacks, yet know that there may indeed be some more before this is all brought out into the public domain. I have decided mentally that I will have to put down the shield of protection for a while longer, in order for me to pick up the sword of truth and wield its psychic strength. Now, I am on the attack. I have survived the first of many battles and I know that I am being led farther along a path of revelation. Those spirits who attacked me know this and I have a real sense at last that as the year 2012 opens a future of awakening for humanity, their great secret will be at last known to all on this planet and we will at last take our part in the universal family of spiritual beings. Much of the knowledge brought to you in this book has been directed to me by my protector and guide Sharlek. Others like him are ready to help all seekers of the truth who undertake their own quests for the good of all living beings. Please read on, in the knowledge and understanding that you are protected by those who love and care about us all. If you have negative intentions and wish to gain the knowledge of this book for your own personal ambitions or to corrupt what is written here, then let it be known that this will be a reflection of yourself and one which you will have to carry with you in this life and others. Seek the truth and the truth will set you free.
magine a place where time stands still, an ancient place where living intelligent creatures like you and me, yet more spiritually advanced, step through into our own reality and bring with them knowledge to further the spiritual growth of humanity. If such a place existed, it would be the greatest secret of all time. The reality of the Settle Sun Dial, a star gate to another dimension was discovered by the author and his wife in the summer months of 2011. They found themselves on a quest unlike any other ultimately revealing how the British government in the 18th Century had misled its own people into thinking the portal was something else, before obliterating the ancient sacred site it once stood on. The author was psychically attacked in the winter months that followed and became gravely ill after a spirit cursed him for seeking the truth about the stargate. Driven by the search to reveal the occult knowledge that had been hidden for so long, he discovered the amazing fact that Sir Isaac Newton had secretively been to visit the sundial gateway just before making his historic world-changing theories about gravity and the lore of the universe. He became firm friends with the Settle locals, all brilliant mathematicians. Newton is said to have been, in secret, the last of the great sorcerers and it is now known that he took a hermetic approach to his worldview, one in which science and the occult overlapped, but there were those around him and after his death who made certain that he would not be remembered for his inclusion in the ‘invisible college’. With the realisation that an ancient secret had been re-visited some four hundred years later, the author ends the quest using his own psychic communications with the portal visitors. He gains photographic evidence for the reality of the Settle stargate and reveals a message from beyond that affects every one of us in the near future...... This story is true, but you will find it difficult to believe. The powers that be, have preferred our ignorance about it for thousands of years. Read and speak out freely about what you find here and then I will have done my lot. 9
“And so with diligent hands and good intent we set down our Dial on the earth. We wish it may resemble that instrument in its celebrated happiness, that of measuring no hours but those of sunshine. Let it be one cheerful rational voice amidst the din of mourners and polemics. Or to abide by our chosen image, let it be such a Dial, not as the dead face of a clock, hardly even such as the Gnomon in a garden, but rather such a Dial as is the Garden itself, in whose leaves and flowers the suddenly awakened sleeper is instantly apprised not what part of dead time but what state of life and growth is now arrived and arriving.” Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 – April 27, 1882)
Hiding The Sun Dial From History “The
summit of Castleberg once formed the gnomon of a rude but magnificent Sun Dial, the shadow of which, passing over some gray self-stones upon its side, marked the progress of time to the inhabitants of the town beneath.” Dr. Whittaker -The History of Craven 1805.
ettle nestles in the picturesque vale of the River Ribble, some twenty five miles north of Skipton in the Yorkshire Dales. The town is quaint and seems to be lost in the past, living is slow and relaxed and the natural beauty of the surrounding countryside is astounding for all to see. The towns’ houses snugly fit the narrow roads which lead up to the dramatic slopes of craggy woodland, majestically rising to the great rock summit called Castleberg. Nothing major has changed in Settle over the past decades apart from it becoming a tourist attraction in the Yorkshire Dales reached by the Settle-Carlisle railway. Thousands of visitors walk the streets of Settle each year during the summer months totally unaware of a deeper mystery that hangs over the town, one which is centuries old but has very little historic evidence for. However, four hundred years ago that mystery re-emerged in Settle, a part of the local landscape vanished from view and with it, a conspiracy was born to keep any knowledge of this mystery away from the public domain. Most people who live in the United Kingdom will have heard the name Stonehenge and will know what that great megalithic monument is. The structure, being massively impressive where it stands on the Salisbury plain in Wiltshire, has become an ‘expected’ part of the landscape and would be hugely missed if it should be taken down for some reason. Indeed, there would be a national outcry, should such a thing ever possibly occur? Let us just imagine for a moment that Stonehenge including all the visible elements of the site should vanish within twenty-four hours with absolutely no explainable reason. Nobody sees great monoliths fade into the 11
ether, nobody hears any movement, nobody speculates as to how or, why this should happen, nobody asks any questions as to why this has happened and everything about the preexistence of Stonehenge is simply ignored. That would be very odd indeed, and in all likelihood, we can quite rightly say that it will not happen. We could never even imagine such a thing to take place like that, surely there would be people in the know, people responsible for this unexpected vanishing act? We have a problem, however because I am in these works proposing that something akin to a mysterious vanishing on the scale of something as ancient and monumental as Stonehenge really did take place in Settle. What seems like pure fantasy became fact with historical evidence to support the view when several giant megalithic stones vanished from sight within the course of a single year between 1778 and 1779. The locals of Settle referred to these stones as the ‘Sun Dial’ which straddled the slopes of Castleberg. Castleberg Rock rises some 210 feet above the township and is probably the largest natural structure in the region. It would be impossible to visit Settle and not notice this massive outcrop of limestone rock, so imposing its appearance. Local historian, Thomas Brayshaw (died 1931) wrote of Castleberg in 1880: ‘ Two important features of Settle at the beginning of the 18th Century present certain problems – the fine old building called The Folly and the curious sundial on Castleberg best known through Buck & Feary’s inaccurate engraving. In both cases, there are serious gaps in our information and all that is possible to consider the various scraps of evidence that have come down to us and to piece them together as best we may.’ Brayshaw mentions two interesting facts here, one concerning the enigmatic building called The Folly (about which we will consider later) and two, Buck & Feary’s ‘inaccurate’ engraving of the Settle sundial. Without question, Brayshaw is not happy with the way previous historians have dealt with these important features and it seems the descriptions of such have been passed down the generations in a way to project them as something they are not. We are shown in Brayshaw’s narrative a new insight about the fact that the sundial may have been something else other than what had been spoon-fed to the peoples of the area, and this is a gem in the coal heap as there are relatively few good references, historically, to the sundial. We cannot trace what or, where the sundial once stood today as it no longer exists. This is very odd, as it would have been as famous as Stonehenge to people living and traveling to Settle before its mysterious disappearance in 1779. Why would such an ‘important feature’ simply be lost to historical record? It just does not make any real sense. 12
What little we do know concerning the sundial, we can be reasonably certain that a structure called the ‘Sun Dial’ once existed on the slopes of Castleberg and this information comes from two reliable sources. The first comes from Samuel Buck’s sketch which he made in 1720. These shows five large flat stones marked with the numbers VIII to XII, positioned down the middle-western slope of what is today known as the Castleberg plantation. The shadow from the precipitous summit might, on a sunny morning, roughly show the hour on the flat stones, as shown in his sketch. We are told that Buck drew this picture on the spot, and we are also told that ‘it seems improbable that he should have introduced the stones of the Sundial from his own imagination’, but can we be sure of this? The other source of information about there being a sundial at Settle comes to us from the letters of Bishop Pococke who visited Settle on a tour of Yorkshire in 1750 and he wrote at Wentworth House on August 8th, 1750, “ A little further we came to a most pleasant village called Giggleswick, crossing the Ribble a little beyond this place we came in a quarter mile to Settle, a little town situated under a high rocky hill, on the lower part of which four stones being placed they serve as a sundial to the country for three or four miles southwards, as they know what hour of the morn it is when the shadow comes to them from nine to twelve.” Straight away we can see that there are some discrepancies between the two accounts given here which may be due to the 30-year gap between each, but may also be due to the way time and man changes the landscape. In Buck’s sketch, he draws in five stones while Pococke mentions only four. Maybe one stone had been removed by the time Pococke visited Settle? In any case, both of them are certainly describing the same structure and position the sundial on the slopes of Castleberg. The earliest date that we have for there being a sundial at Settle is 1720. We also know that by 1779 the sundial had vanished and was practically forgotten about by the inhabitants of the town if we are to believe what Brayshaw stated. Brayshaw also noted in his own investigations during the 19th Century a couple more ‘discrepancies’: “ In the 1778 engraving the stones are placed down the southern slope (of Castleberg) and a shadow from a quite imaginary hill to the south is introduced between the figures VIII and XI, to give greater likelihood in the picture.” 13
“ the fifth stone, originally marked VIII, was placed so low on the slope (in the engraving) that it might be invisible from many points of view?” He then goes on to give us just one more tantalising clue that all is not well with the way Buck & Feary had depicted the sundial and speculates that the true nature of the structure may be very different indeed: “For in that year the Rev. John Hutton passed through Settle on a tour and though he has much to say in his journal about Castleberg and the limestone quarry at its base, he makes no mention of the sundial, nor any tradition associated with it.” Could Brayshaw be pointing out in a cryptic manner that the sundial was nothing like the set of marked stones that Buck & Feary included in their sketch and engraving? To sum up then, we know that the sundial apparently existed in 1720, it was known to locals of Settle and we have independent accounts from around that time up to 1750. Soon after this date the stones must have been removed and in a short period all living memories of the sundial had been forgotten or at least become a faint recollection by 1779. As to the actual antiquity of the sundial, we know nothing from the historical record, it may have been constructed in the early 1700’s or it may have been very much older than that? It is possible that several natural boulders were responsible for the sundial structure and maybe these were decorated with Roman numerals at a later time, but if so, where have these boulders gone? There is one big problem with that theory. The size of the boulders. We are told that the stones of the sundial could be seen 3 to 4 miles away from Settle and the farmers in the fields (again around early 1700’s) could make out the shadow cast on them at this distance. If this is the case, then those stones would have to be very big indeed, maybe as big as the monoliths at Stonehenge! On top of all that, we also learned that Buck & Feary’s engraving was an ‘inaccurate’ representation of the sundial. It is recorded that the locals of Settle were dismayed when the engraving was produced to see that it looked nothing like the structure they were used to seeing every day. The engraving must have been produced around the time that plans were being proposed for the removal of the sundial, for locals agreed that they ‘remembered no flat rocks with Roman numerals carved or marked on them’, but something entirely different. An engraving of something that wasn’t there maybe? The earliest depiction of the structure pertaining to be the Settle Sun Dial was thought to be (until recently) the Buck & Feary engraving of 1778 (possibly adapted 14
from Buck’s slightly earlier sketch?), but there was an earlier candidate, a drawing as part of a map produced by John Coakley Lettsom (1744-1815) in circa 1765. John C Lettsom is an intriguing character and becomes central to our sundial mystery as will be seen later. The map entitled ‘ Old Map of Settle Town’ shows several features that remain in Settle today and looks to be a reasonably accurate representation of the area known well to Lettsom called Upper Settle; consisting of mainly the older parts of the township towards the southern end of Settle under Castleberg and includes the main Quaker residences of the time, a few public buildings, names of local roads and trackways, etc. What I find peculiar, is how this map came to be found, being in the house many miles away of the Darby family of Ironbridge. Lettsom, having been educated at the same Quaker school in Penkeith and being himself a family friend of the Darby’s had sent the map, we are told, to his contemporaries. Born in the West Indies, the son of a slave trader, Lettsom was sent to England to be cared for at a young age by the Rawlinson family of Furness. On leaving school in 1761, he came to live in Settle to serve an apprenticeship with the surgeon Abraham Sutcliffe (who lived at Sutcliffe House, now a SPAR shop). After returning to the West Indies, he studied as a doctor of medicine at Leydon and later becoming a noted surgeon, himself in London. It seems reasonable to suggest that while Lettsom was working the rounds in Settle (some think the map is the produce of his extensive knowledge of Upper Settle where he lived and worked?) he would have got to know the Sutcliffe family very well. William Sutcliffe, son of Abraham (Abe) Sutcliffe fully maintained the families medical reputation in the town after his father’s death and would have known Lettsom and maybe worked with him at some time. Both had an avid interest in the wildlife and fauna of the region and it would be hard to not speculate that they might wander the slopes of Castleberg cataloging rare herbs for use in their medical practice. Like Lettsom, William Sutcliffe became known throughout England as a respected Botanist and both wrote extensively on the subject. Lettsom’s map entitled ‘ To Joseph Rathbone of Liverpool, this sketch of Settle in Yorkshire is (delivered/drawn?) by his friend J.C. Lettsome’, shows very explicitly that the sundial was in situ on the slopes of Castleberg when he drew it up from first-hand knowledge. On the map, he shows four (not five) large pointed stones in a line down from the summit and these look to be a major feature of the Settle environment during his time. 15
There is enough pictorial evidence from around the 18th Century and later, to suggest the sundial, whatever its true form, was real and once stood on the slopes of Castleberg. It was certainly known to the locals of Settle before 1779. We have established that the sundial was known about in 1720, but we also know that the Buck & Feary engraving does not show a true representation of it in 1778, just one year before the stones of the sundial go missing for some as, yet obscure reason? The engraving of the Settle Sun Dial that Buck & Feary got so wrong, was actually commissioned by the English Government in 1778 and passed through parliament that same year for approval. When the engraving was ‘released’ for public viewing’s it caused much outrage amongst the locals of Settle as we have explained. They insisted that the real sundial rocks were much older looking and not flat. They were not even sure if they were man-made and may have been prehistoric natural boulders. Whatever these stones were, the locals knew that this official engraving was utterly wrong. Nobody knows what happened next, but we do know that no other engraving was made to replace the Buck & Feary original, which seems very odd? In fact, as time went by, this misrepresentation became fixed within the memories and minds of future descendants of the doubters and they began, generation by generation, to believe that the engraving showed a true likeness of the long lost sundial. The true aspects of the sundial were now lost to history. Of course nothing like this could have developed if the real sundial had never been removed from its locale on the slopes of Castleberg, so maybe it was because the locals had spoken out about the ‘official engraving’ that action had to be taken by those who did not want the truth about the structure to be remembered and within a single year, not a single trace, not a single stone, was left as evidence that a sundial had ever graced that station. So, if it wasn’t enough that the peoples had been fed a version of ‘their’ sundial that was wrong, and then having it vanish from their midst, even more amazing, we have no record anywhere to show us how or, why this had happened or who was involved in moving stones of considerable size without the knowledge of anyone else! There must have been travelers too, who would have noticed this Vanishing act of megalithic proportions. Why is there no ‘official’ record about the removal of the sundial, after all it must have been of some importance for it to have been engraved (wrongly) in the first place? Brayshaw writes: “The Buck & Feary engraving was published in 1778, but we have good evidence that in 1779 the sundial had vanished and was practically forgotten.”
LETTSOM'S MAP shows four pointed stones for showing the time of the day'. Adaptation by Nigel Mortimer from the original Lettsom map 1760.
Stones like these found in Scotland were associated with Sun worship in ancient times. There might have been a similar row of stones that once ran down the hillside at Settle, but due to their pagan connections these were secretively removed from the landscape during the late 18th Century.
The Megalithic Structure
f you should visit Settle, please do me a favor and ask any of the modern-day locals about the sundial and I bet that most, if not all, will reply that it was an old carving that used to be on the big rock at the top of Castleberg or something like that. This is the present day presumption that the Settle Sun Dial, long lost and forgotten by most, was some kind of traditional contraption which was carved onto the rock face of the massive crag that overlooks the township. Even learned historians will tell you that this is what the sundial was!. Nevertheless I am afraid, this is wrong. This misconception comes about because people remember what they are told and what they read. They repeat things over the generations and often fiction becomes fact. I think this belief about the sundial comes mainly from what Dr. Whittaker wrote about the sundial in his History Of Craven, which describes it as being associated with the summit of Castleberg (i.e., the massive rock) and that this formed the gnomon. This, along with a mix-in of 18th Century fads with traditional sundials from western Europe, like the Analemmatic Sundial which casts a shadow on a horizontal surface (such as the ground), moves clockwise around a pointer and varies in length during the day, has led to modern day authorities innocently getting it wrong when they suggest the settle sundial to be a single fixed structure. We know that this cannot be the case that there were four or five separate stones (at least) which made up the sundial and that these were positioned apart down the slopes of Castleberg. What concerns me much more than false memories or suggestions based on misconstrued ideas, is how we imagine the sheer size of this sundial if it was true that it could be seen miles away? Let’s take a look at Dr. Whittaker’s description of the sundial again. We see that he mentions the individual stones as being big, gray and called ‘SelfStones’. This term was popular for describing megalithic standing stones around the time that he wrote up his findings and we often find the stones of druidic circles being called singularly ‘self-stones’. Another popular name was ‘greystones’. The 19
idea that ancient stone circles were associated with time and the measuring of the seasons by early Man, link the Settle sundial ever closer with a megalithic origin and we do have evidence of other stone circles and standing stones in the region nearby. A magnificent stone circle once stood on Cleatop to the south of Settle but was destroyed in early Victorian times and little trace of it is left today. We know that the stones of the Cleatop Circle were quite substantial and it was claimed that they could be seen by travelers from several miles away. The circle must have been a prominent landmark on the horizon. During the religious reformations of the late 1800’s many old pagan sites (including standing stones and stone circles) were either destroyed or incorporated into other buildings and boundary walls, many moorland stone circles were taken apart and used to build sheep-folds. By ‘making use ‘ of these ancient structures two things happened, one, it obliterated these sacred pagan places from living memory, something the promoters of Christianity felt obliged to do as pagan equaled ‘the devil and all that was wrong in the world’, and two, a ready supply of rock could be put to a more productive use without the need for person power at the quarries. Ironically, today we find that many Christian meeting houses contain ‘the devils’’ foundation stones. Considering now what Bishop Pococke wrote in 1750: “served as a sundial 3 or 4 miles southwards.....” This statement alone points towards something that is quite monumental in size and we realise that no flat stones could even mark a shadow more than a few meters, let alone a distance in miles without interruption, which would take the shadow cast to Giggleswick and beyond! Either the Bishop got this wrong or he has been misrepresented in what he actually said about the sundial. Maybe his version has been altered to fit the later version of the sundial as depicted by Buck & Feary? Maybe he meant that the stones of the sundial themselves could be viewed from 3 or 4 miles away, but this suggests that these stones were massive? We may never know, but there are large standing stones dotted around the Settle region which have survived the passage of time, like the slab of stone just outside the porch of Giggleswick’s church of Alkelda. The pointed stone of some considerable age has been carved at a later date and faint outlines remain of a double cross, a spear, a sword and a chalice. This stone was thought to be very ancient when a Miss Sutcliffe made an accurate sketch of it in 1760 and it has been suggested that this could have been used as a gravestone for a prominent Crusader to Templar of the region? We need to make two considerations from what we understand about the Self-Stones: Option One: they were four (or possibly 5 or more?) flat stones or boulders carved 20
to depict the hour of the day in Roman numerals. If so, the shadow cast, would be measured in feet at best. Example•flat stone 4ft across x 1ft high = 2ft optimal shadow length cast. Option Two: they were four (or more) upright standing stones positioned at regular intervals down the southernmost slope. If each stone were 4ft across x 20ft high=32ft optimal shadow length cast. * Very quickly, we can see the problem here. We would need huge stones for an uninterrupted shadow to be cast any distance up to a mile and the fact is we do not have any ancient megalithic stones anywhere in the world which reach those expectations. Looking at all the different types of standing stones and stone circles from around the UK, we find that there is an average size for most groupings. For example, in Yorkshire most of these megaliths fall between flat and 4 to 5 feet tall, with a few exceptions like those found in the churchyard at Rudstone in North Yorkshire which are considerably taller. Looking at Lettsom’s map, it is obvious that the sundial structure is completely separate from the Castleberg Rock that is drawn in above it, and look to be a row of large pointed stones on the south-westerly slope. They are indeed ‘self-stones’ showing that they are not a part of anything else in the location. I would consider that Lettsom has given us an almost accurate depiction of the sundial, very much at odds with that in Buck & Feary’s, which as we now know, includes aspects of the locality which simply do not exist, like the extra hill which nobody can determine or find in the actual landscape. So the question remains, was all this done in order to fool anyone who wanted to keep alive the accurate memory of the real sundial, or was it just a case of artistic license going massively astray? Given that the Buck & Feary engraving had been commissioned by Government just a year before the sudden disappearance of the stones, we cannot help questioning the timing of it all. Pure coincidence or maybe there was good reason on the part of those in power, those ‘in the know’, to mix-up the facts and hand down to the future generations a manipulated version of reality? Casting a shadow of doubt The largest stone in the circle found north-west of Settle at Castle Rigg, Cumbria has the effect of casting a shadow that has been observed to stretch up to half a mile at the summer solstice. This is some considerable distance and the stone is less than 3 21
meters high, so how is this achieved? Earth Mysteries researcher, John Glover made this notable observation: ‘Astoundingly, the (megalithic?) builders have made use of another natural feature along the alignment and that is the deceptively simple fact that the ground slopes gently away from the stones in the direction of the Candlemas alignment. At sunset on midsummer’s day, the sun appears to set in an angle formed by the large stone of the alignment and the ridge of Latrigg away to the west. The exact point of the sunset appears to be marked by one of the mounds on that ridge. Evidently the length of the shadow is a result of this height and the natural slope of the land.' Here we have a vital clue, it may not be the sheer size of the stones which determine the length of the shadow cast (in the case of the Settle sundial it was claimed to be 3 to 4 miles long, but this may have been exaggerated somewhat!) but the formation of the sloping landscape on which they were positioned. We know that Castleberg rises to a summit crag up a gradient of around 45 degrees, which is fairly steep and the lay of that slope is in a terraced fashion. Could anything like this allow a line of standing stones (let’s say for arguments sake that they were around 10 feet tall) to cast a shadow that would be elongated down the steps of the terracing of Castleberg? The length of each terrace is about 400 yards long. This would enable a shadow cast to be quite observable to those in the township below and the accumulation of houses in Upper Settle during the early 18th Century and, before that date. There is still evidence today that four or five terraces make up the slope, so it seems logical that the placing of four or five standing stones on the flats of the terraces would allow a shadow cast on each. Depending on the different heights of the stones, time of the year/day and prevalent weather conditions, it would be possible to observe shadows of different lengths on the ground behind the stones. Today, this would be impossible due to the woodland that envelopes the same ground. Was the Settle sundial simply a tool invented by Neolithic Man using his astronomical knowledge to tell the time of day (which it seemed to do well), or was it something else which just happened to operate in that way visually, but could also do other things which neither he nor others since have quite got a grasp on? Alexander Thom, who made numerous observations of the astronomical connections and measurements of megalithic structures believed that ‘clearly, the megalith builders were not building ‘ritual centers’ nor even just observatories – they were trying to express control or come to terms with something. Behind the physical constructions lay some sort of cosmology.’ Even if we simply regard these megaliths as temples (the word temple: tempus -time, 22
templum-sacred space), Keith Kritchlow stated in the 1970’s, that: ‘ the temple is where the inner and outer axes of the universe meet. The stone ring provides the sacred place where the two sides of creation met.’ All over Yorkshire there are examples of stone circle temples, and I worked quite extensively at the site of some of these at Ilkley Moor during the 1980’s and 90’s. The most impressive circle to be found there is called the Twelve Apostles which overlooks the Wharfe Valley and out to Nidderdale in North Yorkshire. Ilkley Moor is the central part of a larger area called Rombalds Moor, but this in itself is only six miles square, encompassed by the towns of Ilkley, Bingley, Keighley, Shipley, etc. Is it pure coincidence that all these places have names that end in ‘ley’? Probably not, as the term denotes pasture land that lays at the sides of rivers and we have two major rivers running through the region; the Aire and the Wharfe. However, we must not rule out that the name is also associated with the invisible ley lines which themselves are apparent where there is an accumulation of ancient sites and Ilkley Moor is no exception here in that there are more cup and ring marked rocks, standing stones and stone circles to be found within this relatively small geographical area, than anywhere else in the whole of England. Interestingly, Ilkley Moor is also found to be positioned geographically at the center of the country.
The author's wife Helen seeks out the positions of the standing stones on the southern-slopes of Castleberg, using pendulum dowsing in the summer of 2011. Positive reactions with the pendulum were gained at several sites, but no obvious or physical signs of the missing stones were found on that visit. (Upadte: In 2013, Helen had a dream about the possible location of one of the missing stones and decided to re-check her dowsing results. The location where the stone was shown in the dream matched one site she had dowsed at., but had found nothing. In the dream, she saw the large pointed stone buried under the ground close to the summit of Castleberg. There was, she claimed, a pool of water around the stone and it looked to be contained in some kind of cavernous opening.
Hidden By The Folly
or most visitors to Settle today, one of the highlights of the town tour is a visit to the enigmatic 17th Century Folly. Yorkshire has a number of buildings called Folly, shells which seem to have no sensible use and often buildings which were constructed to promote the wealth of their owners more than anything else. You could say these follies were built to represent rather than to accommodate. If it were not for the actual physical location of The Folly in Settle, it would be difficult to include such an eminent building in our quest to discover the truth about the sundial, but due to the very fact that Richard Preston sought to erect it where it stands today at the foot of the Castleberg slopes was no mere coincidence. Throughout history, there had been rumors that Richard Preston ruined himself by building The Folly, which may have been started as a way of explaining away the fact that he put so much effort into a building that he had very little intention of ever living in? He built the jewel of Settle as an empty shell and with good reason on his part. Brayshaw writes: ‘There were so many Richard Preston’s in the district (of Settle) that these facts (about him) are difficult to trace. He may have been the Richard Preston who, in about the year 1650 joined with three partners in leasing all the corn mills of the parish and then raised the price of grinding corn, but the identification is not complete. We can only be certain of him in August 1666, when, as Richard Preston of Inglemoore in the County of York, gentleman, he was granted administration of the effects of his uncle Robert Preston of Settle, a very well to do Mercer, who had purchased much property to the south of the town and died interstate.’ Brayshaw goes on: ‘At the time of his death, Richard Preston’s property included practically all the land from Lodge Lane and the boundaries of Anley to Settle, reaching to the 24
Ribble near Cammock, with extensive pasture rights on Banks (Castleberg Plantation) and Scaleber, The Folly (which he called Tanner House) and various shops and dwelling houses in Settle.’ The building of The Folly has been given as between 1675 and 1679. Obviously Preston was a man of means and much wealth who also had a stake in local farms with quit rents, so if he had ever wished to live in The Folly, there seems no reason he could not have done so, even if this had meant selling off local land to do so.
THE FOLLY, SETTLE, built by Richard Preston around 1679 with a very decorative frontage but very plain side walls and interior. Its position obscures the location of Castleberg's southern slopes. PRESTON'S BILL FOR LEGAL WORK in the case of William Haworth and others V. Preston and others, showing that he was a local lawyer of some wealth.
It seems that he never had any intention of living in the building in the first place. There is some suggestion that Tanner House (The Folly) was eventually shared at intermittent times, as ownership is given to the Ellershaw’s family, sold by them in 1703 to Margaret Dawson, widow of Langcliffe Hall and her son William for £600, 25
but since 1708 this fine mansion has never been used for long term domestic habitation or its intended purpose as a ‘gentleman’s residence’. Brayshaw suggests this may have helped to change its name from Tanner House to The Folly? Since the 18th Century, the building has been used for space to hold public meetings, temporarily as a joiners’ workshop, storeroom and even a fish and chip shop. More recently, The North Yorkshire Council run the Folly as a museum. Again, we find a strange incomplete history for one of Settle’s more prolific buildings, a mansion with rooms any local dignitary would be proud to occupy and show off to family and friends with a tower built to observe the lowlands of his estate, with ornamental gardens (currently being restored by volunteers) to match anything else of such grandeur to be found within the Yorkshire Dales, but never occupied in a manner worthy of its heritage. It remains a mystery where he obtained his considerable wealth. Most local historians are happy to repeat what has been known about The Folly since Preston’s times and actual information about the place is surprisingly scarce. Research is ongoing, but little in the way of new facts about the building come to light as I write and the explanation that the house was never finished, hardly squares with what is known. It is said that the tower at the back never reached its intended height. Why should that be so? The paneling within the main rooms is thought to have been left unfinished, yet the building hosts a lovely and extensive oak wooden staircase with many refineries. What we have here, is a house with a fancy frontage, plain side walls and an ‘incomplete tower’ at the back and I suggest that The Folly is just that, a ‘folly’ and not the real thing at all. It is a pretense, an eye-catching fake of a dwelling which would have caught the eye of any passed by. Obscuring the Obvious The rear of The Folly hosts a fabulous ornate terraced garden which rises up the slopes of Castleberg. I found evidence in the summer of 2011 for this garden extending much farther up the slope to about 100ft above the level of the town, in the way of small rocky platforms of the same style found in the garden right outside the back door of the building today. It is hard to see how the stones of the sundial could not have occupied the same ground on the southern slopes of Castleberg as that of the Folly’s gardens, in fact, it would make much more sense if the sundial was a major feature of the garden itself, unless of course Preston did not want 26
anyone to know about the existence of the standing stones in the first place. What better way to obscure the view of the stones behind the Folly than to build a tower, just high enough to achieve this feat. Wouldn’t that look like a tower that has not been completed? The best way to hide a secret is to keep the secret out in the open for everyone to see, and then divert attention from it by confusing the facts about it. People have a strange habit of not seeing what is there, right in front of their eyes, and there are those in powerful positions who know this. If you make a secret obvious, then the purpose behind the secret will remain, hidden from view in open sight and nobody will think that they need to ask any questions about it. The Folly holds a very special secret and that is why it was built to be a ‘folly’, a fake. Everyone knows it is a folly, but even to this day, nobody knows why. Sometime after the death of Richard Preston the southern slopes and gardens fell into neglect leading to a further public loss of knowledge about the Castleberg landscape and the sun dial which occupied it. We get no mention of the sundial until 1720 and it is not mentioned once in the writings of Preston or his associates before this date. It may have been the case that the encroaching woodland (that covers the hillside today) with trees and plants no doubt planted by Preston’s workers, added further camouflage to hide the standing stones from open view. The grounds would have become private land, and out-of-bounds to most of the local population. When you look at the woodlands in the Castleberg plantation, it becomes obvious that certain older trees have been purposefully positioned at intervals along the slopes. The area was redeveloped and new vegetation planted during the succeeding years, with parts of the slopes later becoming a popular place for outings in Victorian times. Today, there is a thick blanket of shrubs and thicket on the southern slopes, but during the summer months it is possible to make your way through these along narrow track ways that wind their way to the summit of Castleberg through a maze of substantial boulders. Some of these are 30ft across, but can only be seen when virtually right on top of them, so thick is the undergrowth.
An Ancient Portal
et us review what we have learned about the sundial so far and how it is appreciated today? 1. At least two attempts have been made within the past 500 years to hide significantly any true knowledge about the actual structure of the sundial. 2. Diagrams and descriptions made in the 18th Century show differing kinds of structure for the sundial and ‘extra’ information (like the hill which does not exist) has been added. There has been added confusion as to where the sundial was located on the slopes of Castleberg. 3. Noteworthy personages from the Settle area were directly connected with keeping the actual whereabouts of the sundial a secret from the local public and travelers. 4. During the 18th Century, John C Lettsom included a more believable example of the sundial in his street map of Upper Settle. He went on to be highly regarded as a Doctor of Medicine and a founder member of the Fellow Society of London. His map was eventually found in his friend’s house in Ironbridge. 5. There may have been 4 or 5 stones of considerably large size, which may have been visible three to four miles away. Evidence from Lettsom’s map suggests that these were pointed stones positioned on terraces on the southern slopes of Castleberg. No trace of any such stones have been found anywhere in or around the Settle area. 6. Richard Preston built The Folly to obscure the view of the standing stones on the slopes behind the building. The Folly was built to be an empty shell and included a tower with elaborate frontage to draw the eye away from the ‘private’ grounds where the sundial stones stood. Now we have a new and very different picture emerging about the sundial and what it may have been, one which seems closer to the truth than the presumptions that have been handed down to us through the passages of time. Today, hardly anyone 28
talks about these facts, but they are readily available to anyone who cares to do the research and look a little deeper. I know it may seem like a leap of faith when I suggest that the sundial was a row of ancient standing stones and it is true that I have no written or handed down evidence to support this singular fact, but we must look at the whole picture here and take into account that the area in question is very ancient, would have been a focus for Neolithic Man’s activities with sacred groves and wells in some abundance on the Castleberg slopes. The sacred site of the sundial would have been known to ancient man for thousands of years before its first mentions in our version of history and it is without doubt that I can happily propose that he must have found the area of special significance for to build such a structure in the first place. I tend to believe that we have two different sources (at least) for the major kinds of megalithic structures -standing stones and circles – here in the UK. First, there are the ‘originals’, stones which pre-date the accepted historical record and were probably set up around 30,000 to 50,000 years ago. These stones were placed on the instinctively sourced out sites of the Earth Energy grid which can be found to crisscross the whole world and where vortex’s of this energy accumulate together. I do not think that Neolithic Man had anything to do with these stones, and they belong with a much older race of humans with a very high level of spiritual intelligence. Then there are the second types of stones and the later stone circles which were copying of the originals erected by the Neolithic farmers; who’s shamanistic priests would interact with the sites but did not have the full concept as to why these places were so special and sacred. Paganistic Sun worship, stemming from and later returning to the region we call Ancient Egypt took place during the Neolithic era in the UK and solar religions became confused with the real purpose for the stone circles we find in Europe and other places. Due to the way we measure time we forget that the concept of ‘time’ is really an illusion, even though we are able to see the passage of time with various devices and astronomical bodies passing over us in the heavens. The reality is that there is nothing that we can quantify as being time and we invented it to place events in sequences and progressions. There is only movement through space which we can measure with the equation that we call time. The early inhabitants to the slopes of Castleberg may have been able to understand this concept that everything moves forwards through space and how long they perceived this can be related to something, that ‘something’ may have evolved into the concept of time once they 29
began to measure aspects of their environment which would include the Earth, the sky and the planets and stars. To the first inhabitants of the Settle area, the stones of the sundial would have had very little to do with measuring time and it would have been the later Neolithic’s who would associate them with planning in their farming activities throughout the years. The ‘first’ peoples would have planted the stones themselves on those slopes to bring into their reality a focus for the site and the unseen energies at that sacred place. They could appreciate instinctively how everything in their environment was linked together and how they, as living beings, were also a very important part of that environment too.
Helen stands by a boundary fence which had a sign in 2011 warning the public not to enter that part of the woods at Castleberg. It has been claimed by the local authorities that the area is dangerous, a place of conservation and out of bounds due to tipping. Is it mere coincidence that the tunnel that runs from Town Head enters the woodland at this point and runs off into the ground (now filled in) at the location that is prohibited?
They would have had what we call today a holistic view of the world and I think that once the pagan reality was eventually lost to most of society, a linear intellect began to dominate his understanding of numbers and traditional sciences. The true use for the sundial stones and the actual reason for their placing became faded and unrecognised to future generations, save the few who took the ‘original’ knowledge 30
of the first peoples with them, into secreted and jealously guarded protection and in doing so, brought about a two-tier system of those ‘in the know’ and those who only knew what they were told, often untrue. The elevated ego’s of the secret societies had been born through this process and what had once been fact, eventually became the stuff of myths and legends to those who did not know better! The holders of the truth faded into the shadows of time. Why keep the truth concerning four or five standing stones such a big secret? Surely, to do so for such a long time must have meant that the secret was one worth keeping at all costs and it seems that there was something quite remarkable about the sundial, for the likes of Buck & Feary and their Governmental aids to get so closely involved in changing details about it. It’s almost as if the sundial was so widely known and maybe quite famous in the years just before Buck & Feary’s visit, that something had to be done about the situation that would put a stop to the sundial’s reputation. Could they have known or been a part of those select few who knew the knowledge of the ancients? Maybe they were privy to knowing that the sundial was much more than a mere timepiece carved into the landscape and they knew others had failed to see for thousands of years, that the Settle Sun Dial was, in fact, a gateway to another world? I would never think of making such a fantastical claim without explaining why I have come to this conclusion and the rest of this book will be about the evidence to support my claim. In the previous chapters, I have made it clear that I regard the sundial as a megalithic standing stones structure and that these stood on the slopes of Castleberg to mark a particular spot. It is the particular spot on the southern slopes which is important, more so, than the stones themselves (which I regard as only markers but fascinating in their own ancientness) and it was for this very reason that Buck & Feary’s engraving was manipulated so that all focus would be on the imaginary flat stones, instead of the actual position in the landscape. Remember how Preston’s Folly had been built to take the eye away from what was there for all to see on those southern-slopes. The locals of that time were not stupid ignorant people, they knew well that Buck & Feary’s engraving was a no-no, but those with a secret to hide also knew that it would only take a couple of generations to obscure the truth. If the Government had said the missing sundial was so, then a faded memory would find it very difficult to differ opinion. So, it was a case of keep telling the people it looked like this and they would eventually believe it, and guess what, they did. 31
We have established that there were probably four or five stones somewhere on the southern slopes of Castleberg, but to pinpoint the exact position of those stones is quite a task, mainly due to two major factors. One, the stones have long disappeared and two, the slopes are covered in vegetation, boulders and trees which would hide any ground level indications that the stones may be buried? The northern most edge of Castleberg was re-developed in the late Victorian period when a small park with swings was built and much clearing of the woodland was undertaken when the later Tot Lord trail through the woods was established. This area is still in use today, but alas is often strewn with empty beer cans and takeaway rubbish left behind by those who neglect what early Man regarded as sacred ground! The move to develop this northern edge of the slopes may have been instigated in an attempt to keep Settle’s socialites away from wandering onto the ‘private’ southern slopes or maybe it was just the best place to build a park as it overlooks the center of town about 150ft below? There is no evidence for the former speculation. Thousands of visitors trek across the slopes of Castleberg every year and it has been that way for hundreds of years, the rock at the summit being a favorite with climbers. Once the top has been reached, it affords spectacular views all around the Settle region as far away as Pennygent in the north to Pendle Hill in the west, but there is little in the way of any kind of view other than the treetop canopy right under foot if the slopes are observed from here. Any secrets, hidden in the form of that immediate terrain remain obscured from a visual aspect. The bottom of the southern slopes are dissected by rows of old and new houses, ancient wells and the Folly gardens as we have mentioned. We need to look further if we are to determine whether there are any less obvious clues for standing stones at this place which may have connected it with the Neolithics. We have the ancient wells and springs that dot the whole region and these, we know, were associated with deity worship in those times, plus within the woods we find ancient groves (these are different to the clumps of trees planted later, on the slopes possibly to hide the evidence of the sundial?) and again, these were held sacred to those ancient peoples. It is known that later, the Romans occupied Castleberg from where the name derives: we have a Roman Fort at Ilkley called Castleberg - but there are no recorded accounts of any motive offerings & sacred objects ever been found in these woods, yet good evidence to suggest early man roamed these slopes comes from finds made by Tot Lord at Victoria Cave only a short distance away. There are several nearby building which interest me greatly, including Sutcliffe Buildings which was built right next to The Folly in late Victorian times and a little farther up 32
School Hill is the Zion Congregational Church built to represent the ‘square base’ of Solomon’s Temple. A stone’s throw away from the church is Settle’s Freemasonic Hall, called Castleberg Lodge, with the windows facing the Folly all bricked up, but still in regular use today. These places seem to show a network of underground tunnels and small passageways. There is evidence that a large underground tunnel existed between the Folly and Sutcliffe Buildings which has been bricked up at the cellar of the latter and small passageways run underground level at the rear of the Folly too. These look to have been built at the same time as the original building, but remain a puzzle as to why they are there in the first place? I am a firm believer that the first humans knew far more about certain aspects of their own position in life and the world in which they co-existed with everything else around them than most of us do today. Recent findings by archaeologists and historians alike, tend to suggest without saying too much about this, that Neanderthal Man appeared very much like modern homo sapiens (because that is exactly what he was!), but say very little about the way he was suddenly able to reason basic technology, mathematics and the sciences in such a short period of time. It was as if there was already a race of peoples living alongside the Neanderthals who were advanced in these ways of learning and integrated their knowledge into the life’s of these early farmers? Over time, the Neanderthals grew in numbers and the earlier race moved onto different parts of the world sowing the seeds of ‘civilisation’, leaving behind a race of neophytes who held the instinctive knowledge, but had forgotten the keys to gaining access to it. We call this way of knowing ‘instinct’ today and it has remained, albeit a watered down version, with most of the ‘lesser’ animal life forms on this planet. Within modern human beings, it is rarely appreciated or put to good use. Space-time reasoning in which the mind collects information through the five normal senses leaves us with a yearning to understand what we have lost and forgotten since those times. We view historic events in a linear way through time, we reason like a computer, and we tend to disregard anything that does not fit in with the way we are told societies should operate around us. We focus our attentions on the way the world operates and expect it to be a certain way. When climates change suddenly and unexpectedly, we rationalise the reasons for this, but time and again are often proven wrong. It was through the last major climatic change on this planet that Neanderthal Man moved away from using his instincts and launched the world into linear space-time reasoning. This was mainly due to survival in the harshest of weather conditions which necessitated organisation of the patterns of the day and 33
night. Soon, what became religious worship was borne out of the need to understand the mysteries of the world and the heavens, a need which space-time reasoning could not relinquish. Suddenly, Man felt alone and vulnerable, unable to predetermine his fate, so turned to the oracles and sacrificial offerings of his own kind, to bring about excuses in his mind which he could use to overshadow the fact that he was unable to reach his own ‘higher being’. With the rising of the sun each day, our early ancestors began to witness linear timescales in the three-dimensional reality all around them. They separated themselves further from the first peoples’ view that the world was a holistic body and humans were a part of that world in physical, thought and deed. They became more and more seekers of wisdom and less and fewer carriers of the wisdom. It was during this transition that early Man continuing his practices of religious rites at his stone circle temples and the like (around 3000 BC), lost the very reason these stone monuments had been constructed in the first place (around 25-30, 000 BC)? Shamans, who carried this lost knowledge (again in a, much watered down form) drew the conclusions that these stone temples were connected with Solar activity and instigated the worship of the Sun as a representation of the life-giving godhead, the Moon as the traveler through the darkness and mystery of death, and the planets and stars as the embodiment's of all other aspects of human life. They were close, but even these great Shamans missed the point of it all, the true reason of how and why these temples came into being in the first place was now secreted behind an ignorance of myth and folklore. Even so, these high shamanic priests learned over time to keep their knowledge a closely guarded secret, only they could gain access to the gods and everyone else would have to go to them in order to do the same. Only they knew the secrets of the rituals of the sacred sites and only they could perform them. Ignorantly, the masses of the peoples looked on in awe, and soon the tier system of society slotted into place with those who ‘knew more’ at the top of the ladder, those who ‘knew less’ lower down it, much the same as we have it today. So, you see, we are not that different from our early ancestors after all because we still seek answers to the world’s mysteries with a space-time approach. For thousands of years, the standing stones and stone circles became symbols of paganistic solar religions. Through rituals, often involving human sacrifice, dance and frenzy of the mind, life-force-energy was given off and charged into the sacred site, the stones acting as holders of this energy. In truth, most of what has taken place at these sites as far as human interaction is concerned has been a kind of role34
play, the ritual play serving to energise the place with human life-force. In a way, most stone circles, we can say, are folly's and they were never intended for the use that early Man gave them! There is a magnificent secret, one which Humanity lost thousands of years ago, about the stone circle sites that we find all over the world. These sacred sites are a legacy handed down to us from a people who thought in a very different way to any one of us today and instinctively knew human capacity was not retarded by the single use of the five physical senses alone. Stone Circles can still be found in the landscape, even after such a long period of time due to the selection of stone being used. These temples were first built long before the foundation stones had been put in place to build the pyramids of Egypt. They were markers, points on a landscape very different to that which we see today, an environment criss-crossed by a world grid of energies, so subtle and yet, so powerful in another way. The first peoples positioned the stones in circles to mark out a ‘sacred place or site’. The appearance of the stones made a statement to all that ‘interacted’ with it - ‘this place is sacred ground’ - there is something different about this particular position on the Earth’s grid. Although stone circles still look fantastically enigmatic today, they take us back to a time that is hard to imagine, before historical memory. The stones themselves, are nothing more than stones placed in a particular way. It is the location, the spot geographically, in which we find these stone markers that is the more important factor and it is all to do with the energies at that particular spot once recognised by the first peoples, that gave birth to the positioning of such stones. So we should consider the southern slopes of Castleberg as being sacred ground. Amazingly, the first peoples sought to place markers in stone here (and nearby at Cleatop) and by doing so, they were making a statement that has lasted the thousands of years since: ‘ This place is special and should be regarded as such by human beings’, and they told us why this should be so, but eventually, we forgot it. We, this planet and everything in the universe is consciousness. Everything is aware of everything else because it is all a part of the matrix, the energy grid which pertains everything else. Nothing can escape this reasoning because it is an absolute truth. Working on his theory about stargates, American psychic and visionary David Wilcock states, ‘the underlying fabric of the universe is consciousness’. I think, therefore I am and all that is known to me is within the realm of everyone else’s thoughts. How can this be shown to be true? We are told that we live in a 3D reality and that our senses appreciated this. We call this SPACE-TIME. Time, as we 35
have seen is found within this realm and it is ‘spaced out’, perceived as linear, measured by succeeding events in time. This is not really true. Time is not linear, it only looks to be as it is sensed this way by our physical senses and the brain which is stuck in SPACE-TIME. We can define SPACE-TIME as: 1. Three dimensions of space, One dimension of time. 2. You can move around in three dimensions of space. 3. One dimension of time is fixed, moves forward like a river. We can also speculate that there is a flip-side to SPACE-TIME and we can call this reversal TIME-SPACE. We can define TIME-SPACE as: 1. Three dimensions of time (to us), One dimension of space (to us) 2. You can move around in three dimensions of time. 3. This ‘dream plane, astral plane, other side, etc.’ is accessible once our thoughts and appreciation of SPACE-TIME have been withdrawn from consciousness. This sounds incredible, but we all experience TIME-SPACE during our lives, each and every one of us! We just do not know what it is. The key to this ‘hidden’ ability is the Human Psychic Function – the ‘art’ of viewing an alternative reality in TIMESPACE. There are places where we are able to experience TIME-SPACE states of being (this is not the same as a state of the SPACE-TIME mind) and the Entry and Exit points in TIME-SPACE are the sacred sites which can only be reached at certain times depending on the situation of the energy-grid at any particular point (for example, when there are planetary alignments, these affect the grid patterns). When these gateways open up to the psychic function within us all. Have you ever experienced a sudden ‘buzz’ sound in your head? Research has shown that this is often due to a sudden unexpected activation of the pineal gland which is situated within the center of the brain and looks very much like a pine-cone. The pineal gland has been known about since the earliest times and ancient cultures from around the world depicted it as ‘third eye’. This was known to the first peoples 36
and would have been utilised by instinct (i.e. They knew what to do with it). Activation in the correct way of the pineal gland would have connected the pre -Neolithic’s with the TIME-SPACE dimension. The pineal is your higher dimensional gateway and once it is activated it allows you to perceive another sense of things which operate within the etheric realms of the conscious imagination. Remember EVERYTHING is a part of the consciousness, even your imagination which is really reality in the SPACE-TIME realm, being created. Researchers agree, once activated correctly and safely, the pineal allows access to what the ancients called the ‘World Tree’ -which science today explains away as the DNA and energy cells within the human physical body. Esoteric’s call these the Chakras and the Kundalini, which holds the open source of knowledge of all that is spiritual, occult, or hidden from the ‘closed mind’. The pineal was intended to be nourished and used to enable humanity a way to traverse the TIME-SPACE realities of the etheric worlds, but this faculty has been consistently shut down by misuse of diet, impaired health and the dumbing down of individual freedoms by an unfair society. Today, the gland which was given to us with the intention of transdimensional access has become an obsolete muscle with no recognisable function (according to current medical thinking) in the SPACE-TIME reality and by later age, it often calcifies and ceases to function altogether. When the gland is open and nourished well (by meditation for example) the creation of an electromagnetic field allows a shield to form around the gland and this blocks out all references to SPACE-TIME (our normal everyday thinking and appreciation of the 3D world). Water content, which is found within the gland becomes ‘activated’ and allows molecules to ‘flip over’ opening an inner-mind gateway that lets you ‘see’ with your third eye the world of TIME-SPACE: 1. Darkness (for example) activates EM activity in the pineal gland. 2. EM activity feels like pressure, buzz, tone, hissing -all which are caused by the acceleration of SPACE-TIME thoughts inside the head showing the ‘flip over’ of consciousness into the TIME-SPACE state. So, now we have here two sets of components in play which, together, allow us to envisage a supernatural use for the Settle sundial. There is the sacred site, itself, the stones on the southern slopes and there is the possibility to gain access to the TIMESPACE dimension at the sacred site, much in the way the first peoples did and then positioned marker stones to ‘remember’ where this special location was when they returned into the physical SPACE-TIME awareness. Without the second realisation 37
and activation of the pineal, sacred sites would remain ‘inactivated’, leaving the stones which identified them as structures within the SPACE-TIME landscape, but with no real purpose. Once this knowledge of the first peoples had been pasted onto the Neolithic Shamans, those ‘in the know’ would want to keep this a well-hidden secret, one which would promote power and wealth for them in the SPACE-TIME realm, but also provided something else for them. Access to the TIME-SPACE dimension was not a one-way trip with the sudden realisation that they were not alone in their etheric travels. Others, who’s origins were not of this reality traveled the gateways too and this process was to them, the preferred method of everyday transportation across space and time and in their visits they passed onto the first peoples the knowledge of the ancients. The secret is that such stones, stone circles and sacred sites are in effect psychic amplifiers. At these places, our pineal gland is activated, allowing us to 'realise' the TIMESPACE dimensions which are utilised by a host of extra-dimensional beings, some like us, others not; who come and go through these stargates as easily as we catch a bus. The secret is that we as living human beings, can and do have the capacity for connecting our individual consciousness with another world, one in which the laws of SPACE-TIME science and power based governments, go out of the window. This truth has been held back from humanity overall, except for the few, and there are those who know this to be true and will stop at nothing to keep it hidden.
The Church of Zion, Settle, built upon land at the foot of the southern-slopes of Castleberg where the author believes the column of standing stones would have ended. Have buildings like this one been built on the buried stones or are they located elsewhere in the Settle area? (Update: As of October 2015 the Zion Church building has been sold for redevelopment.)
The rear west-facing wall of the Church of Zion in Settle, which would have looked onto the southern-slopes, again windows and doors blocked up (like other nearby buildings) with no explainable reason.
Tunnels To Nowhere
ooking around Settle's old buildings, townhouses and halls, you will notice many walled-up doorways and underground passages which don't seem to have any reasonable explanation. Some may have been closed up for security purposes, but when you find windows that have been cemented up that face onto the lovely open moorlands to the east of the town, then this obviously is not the reason. There seems to be, without going over the top too much, an almost systematic cover-up of these passages and tunnels and it is obvious that at some time in the past many of these were filled in along their length. Folly’s all over Yorkshire (like the one at Settle) have hidden tunnels associated with them, some built at the time of construction, others later – many appearing as bolt holes during the English Civil War. Even the ones where no obvious tunnel system can be found, often have legends of such underneath them and myths surrounding them involving a hidden treasure guarded by demonic phantom dogs. A good example of this can be found at Dob Park Lodge (once called Dog Park) at Otley in bordering West Yorkshire, known today as a folly. No treasure has ever been found, apart from some old pewter plates and a cannonball from the Civil War, but the intriguing tale of the Barguest with fiery red eyes persists and in more superstitious times may have been enough to ward off anyone attempting to get into the tunnel under the lodge in pursuit of the treasure. When we consider The Folly at Settle and our attention goes to the rear gardens (which form the base of the southern slopes), we find small underground passageways just big enough to crawl along that head north-south towards the adjacent Sutcliffe Buildings. There is a walled-up doorway facing these tunnels at the cellar level of Sutcliffe Buildings which looks to have been re-opened sometime in the recent past? Sutcliffe Buildings is now a residential block of flats run by a local housing association built on ground that may have been the same as that where the Folly was originally built. Prior tenancy and use of the building is something of a 40
mystery today and the locals of Settle have very little to say about its history, which for such a large and imposing building is again remarkable. As with the myths surrounding Dob Park Lodge, I witnessed a paranormal occurrence above ground and on the route of this passage connecting the Folly and Sutcliffe Buildings but did not know of the tunnel’s existence until some months after the experience. I was viewing the Folly from the driveway adjacent Sutcliffe Buildings in April 2011. It was a clear morning and sunny. I gazed at the old silver birch tree that stands in the grounds of the Folly (close to where the tunnel is) noticing how for two-thirds the way up it was being strangled by Ivy but just where it cleared near a major fork in the branches, I was stunned to see what looked like a giant white owl perched there! Unlike any kind of bird I had ever seen before, this ‘owl’ stood over a meter tall and was strangely thin and slender but with a puffed out face like a normal owl. It remained completely stationary and did not look real, staring without blinking once, right at me. I began to be mesmerised by this odd stare. I looked away and then back, it was still there and did not move at all. I began to try to rationalise what kind of bird this could be and as I did so, without taking off out of the tree, the ‘owl’ simply faded from view and melted into the background. I wondered for some time afterwards, ‘could this be the same ‘owl’ that I had seen about thirty years previous in 1976? I used to ride my motorbike a lot in North Yorkshire then and on one trip I was at Denton, between Otley and Ilkley. As I rounded a sharp bend in the road next to Denton Hall, a bigger owl swooped down slightly ahead of me and low to the ground. As it did, it turned its head to stare at me and I have never forgotten those piercing red eyes! I am resolute that in both cases, what I saw was not of this world. Even though I am aware that some very exotic birds of prey exist in North Yorkshire, I have yet to meet one in normal circumstances that can vanish from sight in a matter of seconds without moving at all. That morning in April, I told my wife Helen about the owl experience and speculated that it may have been some kind of psychic protector of the Folly site? There are numerous instances of supernatural entities like the owl, in British and worldwide folklore, that appear at locations associated with deeper mysteries. We have already mentioned the Black Dogs protecting buried treasures. Over the next few months, we had a strange run of inexplainable events that took place close to the Folly, including shrieking noises & sightings of odd looking lights above the building. The loud shrieking sounds were not unlike the noise which could be made by a large bird of prey, often heard in the early hours around 3.00am and on one occasion both Helen and I were suddenly awoken by a loud scream, looked out of 41
the window of Sutcliffe Buildings to see if the owl had returned, but saw nothing. We continued to look at the tree, but as we did, the scream gradually began to lessen as if whatever was making the sound, was traveling away through the Castleberg plantation? As it did so, all other wildlife and bird sound we could previously hear clearly stopped as the screaming thing approached and then sprang back into life once it had moved on -a very odd experience indeed. One local resident who lives in the Sutcliffe Building flats said that he had lived there for most of his adult life and the sound was completely new to him. He said that he ‘thought he was hearing things’, until I told him that we had also heard the screaming noise.
In April 2011, the author saw what he thought to be a 'giant owl' which was over a meter in height, positioned in a tree in the grounds of The Folly. Soon after, he and other people began to hear strange shrieking noises coming from the same location with no visible explanation. The 'owl' vanished from sight as Nigel watched. Then a year later in April 2012, he took a series of photographs of the same place and on them a number of Orbs appeared exactly on the branches where the 'ghost owl' had been perched. (Update: Since first edition, the author has take a photograph of the ghost-owl entity in the woods behind The Folly).
UFO SECRETS OF THE SETTLE SUN DIAL Townhead House: circa 1875 with the Castleberg woods in the background. The building no longer exists after a fire and demolition during the 1970's. The land it stood on is now occupied by housing association flats. A number of tunnel entrances and massive doorways that run underground can still be found in the grounds which lead out into the local woodlands. The house was owned and lived in by Tot Lord, a local archaeologist and collector. It was said that a giant neolithic skeleton has secreted in the house which Tot had discovered in the nearby caves.
Sacred sites often have tales about ‘Guardians’ associated with them. Could the owl I saw, be such a guardian of the sundial site? These protectors often show up when there is renewed interest in the sites, awaiting recognition once more, to take on the guises of mythical creatures. They test onlookers with psychic quests, and if found worthy then they can, for the right reasons, reveal hidden truths about the site. Close to the frontage of The Folly, across Victoria Road, can be seen the rear view of the Freemasons Hall called Castleberg Lodge which is actually situated on Chapel Street. All of the very large windows have been cemented up which gives the building a further air of mystery. It is in continual use by local Masons who meet every Thursday before the full moon. Surely this has occult connotations. Owls have been connected with the moon since early times and in the higher degrees of freemasonry in the U.S., past and present politicians are said to be members of a Masonic sect that meets at Bohemian Grove; an ancient woodland that surrounds a giant statue of an owl called Molech. This owl symbolism, very ancient adapted from the mythology of Babylonia, depicts the presence in the owl to be able to see ‘everything’ while others (not of the knowledge) cannot – the owl being able to turn its head a full 360 degrees. Tradition shows us that during the 1600’s, the owl was associated with witchcraft in the Yorkshire and nearby Lancashire regions and we will see later how the famous witches of Pendle Hill connect with the modern day odd going on’s at Settle. There was one particular building which was close to the edge of Castleberg until demolished in the 1970’s called Town End House, that really does have an established tunnel mystery, a tunnel which connects the building with the 43
woodlands of which physical evidence remains today. This was the home of Settle’s most famous son, Tot Lord (1899-1965). Tot Lord devoted years of his life to archeology and speleology and unearthing facts about pre-historic cave dwellers to Settle. He kept a remarkable collection of stone flints and bones that he had found in the local caves west of Castleberg and so successful were his endeavors that Sir Arthur Keith, the great anthropologist and anatomist remarked of Tot, ‘ You have been a great pioneer in what you have achieved for the pre-histories of Settle. We are all your debtors.’ Tot bought Town Head Estate from Dr. Edgar’s widow in 1949 which included a magnificent Victorian mansion, Town Head. He installed a mini museum of all his archeological finds called the Pig Yard Club, above which was the notorious ‘ghost room’, so called because of the strange nocturnal noises heard coming from it at night. Tot included in his collection a quite remarkable thing, the remains of a 16year-old giant, he stood at 8ft 6 inches tall and was discovered beneath the foundations of a great wall at Buckhaw Brow! Could this have been an example of one of the first people that we discussed previously and if so, then what was it doing in Town End? There is an amazing direct connection between Tot Lord and the Settle sundial. In his ‘The Tot Lord Town Trail’ booklet, Richard Whinray states: ‘In 1963 the Guardian newspaper interviewed Tot, who expressed his concerns about local mill closures, the consequences of building the Settle by-pass – fewer visitors – and Beeching’s proposals to pull up the Settle-Carlisle line. Tot suggested that the old sundial, the biggest in the world should be restored, and that at night it could be flood-lit along with the rest of Castleberg. Tot thought that this would help to put Settle on the map, and encourage crowds of visitors to the town.’ It certainly seems that from reading this quote made in 1963, that Tot knew the whereabouts of the sundial and speaks as if it would be no mere task to restore it, but we know that the sundial had vanished from the slopes of Castleberg hundreds of years ago! This is very strange and seems very much at odds with what everyone else was saying about it? Unless, Tot really did know where the stones were hidden (maybe they were underground and still in situ on the slopes of Castleberg and maybe he intended to uncover them in an excavation?) and he realised the importance of the stones? He states that the sundial is the biggest in the world, but we need to know what he is comparing it with? We know that other historians had stated it was large enough to 44
cast a shadow three to four miles away, but we also know that this would take an immense structure to do so, much larger than any other standing stones found anywhere in the world to date. The ‘biggest sundial in the world’ certainly would attract visitors to Settle without a shadow of doubt, but this claim just leads us to ponder further as to why it could vanish in the first place if it was such a magnet to passing travelers, unless of course, it represented something that should not be known about. In April 2012, I emailed local researcher Richard Whinray who wrote about Tot Lord. I asked him about the claim made by Tot that the Settle sundial was the largest in the world and he wrote back referencing Tot in the Guardian article of 1963: ‘Why he asks’ (Tot Lord) ‘has not Settle restored to itself the honor of having the biggest sundial in the world. This, hundreds of feet long, was marked out on the turf slopes of Castleberg, and caught the shadow of a nearby hill moving between 8 a.m. And noon. The hour markings were removed sometime in the 18th century.’ Nothing of Town Head remains apart from some surrounding walls and a bricked up tunnel leading underground into the Castleberg plantation called the Tot Lord’s Trail today. Where this tunnel goes to nobody seems to know but it takes a northerly turn as it enters the woods in the direction of the southern slopes, having been filled in at some point about 200 meters along this route. A tunnel that leads to nowhere.
This underground tunnel passes under High Street, west of Town Head and the opening can be found in the adjacent woods of Castleberg which are partly out of bounds to the public (where this opening is located). The tunnel turns a sharp right and descends, but then after 30 yards it has been filled in and no further trace can be found. Where was this tunnel leading to?
Walled up tunnel leading into the grounds of The Folly at the cellar front of Sutcliffe Buildings (now flats) built in 1889. A number of tunnel entrances like these have been found blocked up around Settle. Could this simply be an underground cooling cellar entrance or does it link up with the other tunnels that the author found to be running from nearby up into the hills of Castleberg?
The Battle For The Right To Know
n the summer months of 2011, I made several trips onto the southern slopes of Castleberg with the intention in mind, to try to discover the whereabouts of the Settle Sun Dial. I knew that I would probably not find any physical evidence of the standing stones, flat stones, or whatever, and this became hard fact on my first visit, for if anything had been there in the past, it was certainly not visible to the naked eye although they may have been buried under the ground? Undeterred, I still had two tools at my disposal in the search for the sundial. Dowsing was one of them and the other, I was attempting to contact psychically any discarnate spirits which may be connected with the sundial in the past. I have had some fantastic success over the years in psychic questing, using these means to contact and receive information unattainable with the normal five senses, having re-discovered a lost stone circle (now recognised as Backstones Circle on Ilkley Moor) in 1989 and a large but forgotten standing stone called the Theif Thorne around the same time, all by using dowsing, dreaming and channeling. I have also had some failures too, so nothing was ‘expected’ and whatever was gained, I would accept with much gratitude. Encounter In The Woods In August 2011, Helen and I made our way along the edge of the southern slopes, and at a point not far from the back of the Zion Church, I decided to use dowsing with a long pendulum to see if I could pick up any signs from the presence of the sundial stones? What happened next, quite unexpectedly, is recorded here transcribed from the actual video footage we took at the time: Helen: ‘ The trees (here) are in a circular pattern, and we believe that it is here one of the stones is buried. Notice the difference when you come out of the circle (of trees), the pendulum goes back and forth, whereas in the circle it’s now going round and round. This is an indicator that something is definitely buried here. ‘ Nigel is now going to tune-in and see if he can connect with anything that is 47
connected to this area? (Nigel closes his eyes and stands silently in the small grove of trees) Nigel: ‘ I feel a whirling sensation going around me now, like I’m in a mist, it’s odd, I want to say 1780 ..something all the time, I’m back then. ‘I’m talking to someone called Jeremiah, coming forward to me (Nigel beckons the unseen spirit toward himself), come forward, he wants to talk to me about what we were talking about, he says...no, he’s laughing his head off at me like as if he’s drunk. He’s really thin, little with sideburns like Amos Brearly (a past character on TV’s Emmerdale Farm), he’s looking at me now, he’s trying to say, Jeremiah: “you know, it’s all a joke what you’re doing here. It’s not real, there was nothing here...forget that you, it was a joke, nothing here!” “ It’s always been a joke, the big hill, it never existed.... Nigel: ‘I’m asking him, are you sure?’ because I don’t believe him and told him I can feel the energy here of it, and now his face has turned gray..... he’s telling us to clear off Helen, he’s turned nasty and he’s covering something up. He’s not funny or jolly anymore, he’s really nasty..telling us to ‘clear off’ in a weird accent, it’s not like Yorkshire..sounds like “claroff, claroff, claroff!” He jumps up and strikes at me with his hand as if punching the air as he says this, Nigel: ‘ I’m telling him: “ We are going to find out, you’re back in that time! He’s stamping his feet like a spoilt kid would and running around the trees. I ask Helen to pan the camera around to the back of me by the trees. Nigel: ‘He’s saying ‘malfunction’! Right, how does he say that to me, how does he know modern words?’ I step back and trip - ‘I don’t think he is from that time, I think he is something else? I tell Jeremiah, ‘Malfunction, that would not be a word you know?’ Seconds pass, quietness and he’s gone without a reply! I ask Helen to walk into the circle of trees, it’s very cold. Helen: ‘You can definitely tell the difference in the circle, it’s very cold. Uncomfortable. Nigel: ‘I do not feel he was who he said he was, it was when he told me his 48
name. I have to say this, I feel there are other places like this one on here (the slopes) and not just this one. I’ve been told (by the spirit at the site) that the stones were buried and they put little groves of trees on the slopes to ‘remember’ where they once stood, Nigel: ‘I don’t feel happy about this, I need to tell you something else. Jeremiah (or whatever he was?) has threatened me psychically. He wants me to leave this well alone, I think he was one of a party who hid the sundial hundreds of years ago and he told me if I don’t heed his words, he will curse me. Helen: ‘Curse You .....But how is that possible? I held onto a tree trunk to steady myself, still feeling dizzy and disorientated. A sickly feeling came over me and I replied to Helen, “ I think I am going to be very ill.” Typical of the kind of clothing and hat that the author described 'Jeremiah' wearing, this actor shows that farming and local gentry clothing was simple and hard wearing suited to the work on the land undertaken in the late 17 th Century onward. In the 18th Century, Settle had an established community of Quakers and the types of clothing that the figure Nigel witnessed in the Horseshoe Trees site at Castleberg seemed to match what they may have worn at that time. Below: Photograph taken of the author at the time of his encounter with the entity calling itself Jeremiah. Helen took the photo just as the episode ended and Nigel came out of trance at the Sun Dial portal site.
We did not venture onto the slopes of Castleberg during the rest of the summer months and my attention seemed to be taken away from exploring in the quest for the sundial, as I was busy moving into a new house in Settle. I decided to stop smoking and was looking forwards to a better state of well-being as the months brought in a wet autumn. I felt privileged that I now lived right under the rocky summit of Castleberg 49
in the wonderful Yorkshire Dales. Any thoughts of the curse put on me by the dark entity calling himself ‘Jeremiah’, was long forgotten and Helen and I looked forward to our first Christmas together in our new home. It was around late October, that I started to notice my breathing was not quite right and I found that each day, I was repeatedly having to take in extra breaths to get a satisfactory intake of air. At the same time, I noticed that I was generally feeling unwell as if I had a fever, but I didn’t even have a cold. These were strange symptoms for me and ones which I had never experienced before in my life. At first, my doctor ran blood test after blood test to determine what the cause could be and I began to feel frustrated when I suspected the doctor thought that my symptoms must have been psychological? December came with a sudden and unexpected shock for me. I began to feel rapidly very ill indeed and the breathing problem became the main focus of every day for me. Just to get through the day and night without having to gasp in air, was often a bonus. The winter brought a hollow feeling of severe coldness for my body to cope with too, and I spent weeks constantly visiting my doctor and the local hospital trying to understand the illness I had. Christmas came and went without any kind of celebration for us both. I was so ill that I could not travel to be with family or friends over the festive period. I worried a great deal that I may not ever make a recovery again. Between January and March of 2012 for six weeks, I did not get out of bed and Helen became a house nurse to me. I was simply just too weak and my thoughts were turning to what she would do if I were to die. I really felt scared & helpless, I thought I was going to die. One day in early February 2012, I decided that I would try to get out of bed. I was still very weak, but something inside my head forced me to do this. It was like I was listening to another voice, one which knew me better than myself. I went to the doctors again and the tests this time showed that I had been infected by a very nasty stomach bug which was only discovered in 1987. My breathing difficulties had been caused by the bacteria producing large amounts of acid in my stomach which aggravated my lungs, flooding them with mucus. As I write this in April 2012, I am still not fully recovered from the illness, but I feel I am on the way to achieving normal health again and breathing in is much better for me. In mid-April, I revisited the southern slopes and felt strong enough within myself to challenge the thoughts of the possibility that something supernatural had caused me to be cursed with illness? Maybe the illness I really suffered had nothing at all to do with the curse made by Jeremiah and it was just bad timing for something which 50
was going to happen anyway. Who knows? What is certain, is that I had been ill in a way that was quite 'threatening' for me, I had battled the illness and I now felt that I was stronger in myself for going through it, my physical body had been weakened, but my spirit had been enforced and I was now ready to take on any other malevolent entity that might want to try dissuade me from seeking out the truth about the sacred site of the sundial.
The Search For The Sun Dial
Ancient history is a good place to start. Have you noticed how about 300 years ago or thereabouts, all our ancient history texts were ruled unreliable because they mentioned “supernatural” events?”
f my proposal that the Settle sundial was really a kind of psychic stargate, an entry point to other dimensions, then why do we find it so difficult to envisage this possibility? Possibly it is because the words ‘stargate’ conjure up the fictionised portal jumping escapades of the film and TV series of the same name? However, the idea that stargates could be real is not a new one, and we can trace the notion back to ancient Egypt and Babylonia, now a part of modern Iraq. The real concept of there being a stargate was brought to our attention in 1992 by Mark Roberts at a UFO Conference in Arizona in the US. What is Stargate? The word Stargate has become a merging point between fiction & reality. The cinema Stargate was an ancient time-dimensional doorway to the cosmos ~ with knowledge of ancient writings & star constellations as the keys to opening the gate ... The reality Stargate is an ancient depiction of a cosmic portal painted at the entry to a cave containing one of the most ancient representations of the constellation known as the Pleiades. The star map and other ancient paintings & features within the cave have provided the keys connecting over four decades of study involving: decades of field archaeology linked to an ancient alphabet; Egyptian hieroglyphs; ancient symbols for the star system known as Sirius revered as the Star Goddess Sothis by the ancient Egyptians; and links to an even more ancient culture ~ with a directional key to a prime base of the cosmic visitors who had arrived on earth at the very dawn of antiquity. The fictional Stargate offered a physical doorway for humans to step through ~ at present, the real Stargate has only provided a mental doorway. A portal-of-the-mind that has provided a means to step into an expanded mind, much in the manner of the activated pineal TIME-SPACE 52
way. Which is the most important? A physical stargate, or one in which we can travel just by thinking about where we would like to go? If we are to consider the amount of energy we need to travel through space in our own 3D reality, the second choice would always be the winner. Imagine being able to traverse the universe and look into multi-dimensional zones unobtainable to the physical eye. The third eye allows us, once correctly started, to move in a couple of steps from our world to another, with very little energy expelled in the process. The artistic concept of what a stargate portal looks like is really only based on what we see in the film versions; a futuristic construction in the shape of a hollow wheel with hieroglyphics all around it which has a counterpart on the ‘other side’. The truth is unless we have secretly made a working physical contraption that does exactly what is portrayed in the films, then I do not see why the portals have to have any kind of physical structure to themselves at all? Could it be that we are making the same mistake here that we did when we put so much importance on the visible magnificence of the stone circles, and by doing so, we missed the point that the stones were only markers of the spot which held the energy allowing an ‘invisible’ portal to exist? If we travel through these gateways with the inner mind, then surely there is no need to take the body along for the ride. Let us consider for a moment, that we ‘know’ that portals like the ‘invisible ones’ really do exist and we are attempting to travel through one. We have ‘activated’ our pineal gland, we find ourselves in an odd trance -like state and all association with the 3D physical world begins to melt away as we project ourselves towards the spot where the stones mark the stargate. What happens next? Well, to be honest, I do not know. I have not (yet!) traveled into another dimension intentionally, but, I have had a very similar experience (which happened suddenly without notice) while I was meditating in a stone circle on Ilkley Moor in the late 1980’s. “The
standing stones of Backstones Circle stood silently, watching over the sleeping valley township of Ilkley. I stood within the circle of stones, and in my inner-mind I began to hear an unspoken voice which directed me to look forwards, ahead of me in mid air. Appearing without any sudden expectations, I watched as a radiant glow, so warm and vibrant, formed into the shape of a glowing golden sword pointing down towards the ground I stood on. In amazement, I looked beyond the sword vision, to see that the whole was encompassed in a large orange sphere which blotted out the surrounding landscape. This gradually faded from view as I adjusted my eyes to the brilliance of the sword, 53
so real now, that I felt as if I could easily reach out and touch it. As I walked up the moorland path that ran along the gorge at either side of Backstones Beck on the 30th January 1991, I reflected on my vision at the nearby stone circle. I asked to myself, why had this sword come to me, what was its purpose?” What actually happened at Backstones Circle is written about in my ‘The Circle & The Sword’ (Chapter: The Call Of Backstones) and I do not feel I need to repeat everything here, but central to re-discovering Backstones Circle by psychic means, I had a vision while standing in the circle some months later: The early 1990’s saw vision claims of magical and symbolic swords from all over the UK, and 1991 had reports of people visualising standing stones and dreams of ancient megalithic sites. Was the Earth speaking to us, as some would have it, or was there another answer? Could the sword have been a manifestation of the inner-mind made real, or maybe it was how I was perceiving the energies that had accumulated at the stone circle? Maybe Backstones Circle was itself a portal to another dimension? In September 1991 at a prayer meeting in the Ilkley Parish Church a prayer group spent part of an hour together seeking God’s will for their place of worship. They sought a vision of the way forward, the true direction for the church in the coming years. What I did not know then, was that they had sought a real vision, and it came to them in the form of a sword! The curate, Tony Kidd, saw in his mind’s eye a sword which had emerged from the roof of the church, moving slowly down and embedding itself in the floor of the center aisle.
The author discovered Backstones Circle on Ilkley Moor in 1989, another ancient site of standing stones associated with UFO sightings and strange events. He used a combination of dowsing and communication with inter-
UFO SECRETS OF THE SETTLE SUN DIAL dimensional Beings to locate the lost stone circle.
Tony Kidd wrote, ‘ The sword was double edged and golden in color. It was highly polished and glowing with an extremely warm and rich vibrancy. It seemed to be almost alive, so warm was its color and texture’ His description reminded me of how I had described my own sighting of a UFO in 1980; like something that was alive. Visions of the same sword were then seen on at least three other times by the congregation at the church. One particular vision took place in July 1992 and was observed by other leaders at the same church in Ilkley. Vicar, Peter Marshall and ordain, Nick Tucker, were each awakened early in the morning hours, with the feeling that a voice was speaking to them about the sword. This source imparted on them, the importance of the visions, and that Ilkley as a place had been chosen to be the location for the development of spiritual reawakening. The words each heard, ‘Begin Here’ being of significance. Peter Marshall attempted to decipher the sword visions. He thought that the descent of the sword from above, its cross-shaped handle, and arrival in the center of the church had obvious religious overtones. He was totally unaware at this time of my own sword vision at Backstones Circle, less than a mile from where God had spoken to his church. I wondered at that time, what would he make of this? Would he be able to accept that the very same vision had been shared by someone not connected with this house of God, someone who had experienced this spiritual vision at the location of a pagan place of worship within an ancient stone circle! I was also quite certain that he would not have been equally aware that the church stood on ground which had been the site of yet another UFO experience in March 1982. Again, looking back I think the whole point of these visions was missed by myself and the church at Ilkley. The two location’s had common ground in that they were both sacred and places of worship. Both locations were very ancient and both were positioned on the world energy grid cross-over points (i.e., where these subtle energies meet up). Both were (and still are) possible candidates for stargates. It was not so much the visions of the swords that were important, but the fact that they took place where they did. The psychic message given to the congregation at Ilkley was ‘Begin again here’....And it should have added, ..’and this time get it right, for did not Jesus say, 'I am the light (energy) and through me you shall enter the kingdom of heaven.'
Vision of a golden sword as witnessed by the author at Backstones Circle, Ilkley Moor .
Whatever the true meaning about the sword vision at Backstones Circle, I have little doubt that my re-discovery of it, the vision and other odd happenings around that time, were not caused by mere chance. Portals are like windows (indeed paranormal researcher Jenny Randles coined the name ‘window areas’ for places where the veil between this physical reality and another unseen, in which all kinds of strange things happen) and the key to opening them is within the psychic mind of every human being. You don’t have to be a saint or a prophet to gain access to this other reality, other dimension, call it what you will, you just have to look at everything sideways, try not to listen when you are told it is impossible (because it will become impossible) and then have the belief in yourself that it is a failing of the human ego to presume that we know everything. Science is being tripped up every day and because it fails to move away from past doctrines, past false truths and has a habit of repeating uncertainties, it is happy to let the ego of Man constrain any hope of entering the New Age. Sometime in early 1990, on the far side of Leeds, West Yorkshire (some fifteen miles from Ilkley Moor), occultist medium Phil Hine had received a message from the beyond, “Something has been awoken, something that had lain dormant for thousands of years, yet now could be found by any man on the moors above Ilkley.” He was told in his message that a newly found stone circle was a gateway, a link 56
between this world and others, and those that used it wished to enter into our world. Hine had no idea that Backstones Circle had just been re-discovered by psychic means and he was not known to me at that time. The validity of what he proclaimed “ a newly found stone circle was a gateway” stands testimony to the run of very strange, yet very true events that happened to me over a decade and a half ago. Then, in June 1991, Paul Bennett witnessed for himself strange apparitions that weaved their way around the upright stones at the circle site. ‘Phantom figures with little form, appeared to be moving at speed between the stones of the outer circle, then becoming a spinning vortex of pure blue light, spiraling upwards into the skies above’. A week later, two teenage girls walked alongside Backstones Circle and were amazed to see a ball of orange light in broad daylight that was not the Sun, too low in the sky; this being the first of the recurring events to take place at that enigmatic and yet very ancient place. It was like an invisible gateway had been opened and all sorts of weird and wonderful things began to manifest through it, making their way into our reality, but these were no mere phantoms of the mind, they were psychically created lifeforms that could take on a denser form once they reached our side of the portal and in doing so, became what we would determine as ‘visitors’. It is my opinion that I think portals and stargates can take many ‘visual’ forms and don’t really need to be solely connected with ancient stone circles. Remember, the stones put down by the first peoples were only markers and very good ones as they have lasted the test of time, but there are other places which are less known to be sacred. These places are often stumbled on, they may be what sensitive people call ‘special places’. We all have our own special places, lovely parts of the countryside, a beach by the sea, a shaded woodland glade, anywhere which is a part of nature that remains unspoiled by human activity tends to be that kind of special place. Some of these places, I am sure are portals, the clue will be in that they are associated with many strange visitations over a good length of time. In 1934, local businessman Nicholas Size wrote about his own experiences on Ilkley Moor near the Backstones Circle site: From his personal records he writes, ‘The feeling that I had been there (Ilkley Moor) before always intrigued me, and about this time I read some of the literature of the Theosophical Society, and learned that many other people had at different times shared my experience, in one place or another, of thinking that they had seen the place before, when in point of fact they were seeing it for the first time. The theosophists explain that this phenomenon is due to our having veritably seen the place before in some previous incarnation, and it is fair to say that some similar view is held by multitudes of 57
people in India and elsewhere. Also, the theosophists suggest that at times our own spirits visit new places in our dreams and half-remember them, so that when we encounter them for the first time we have really (in a way) seen them before.’ Maybe the Ilkley Moor region (for example) is one huge portal and maybe that is why there are so many ancient sites, cup & ring carved rocks, stone circles and standing stones there for such a comparative area? If we can establish that this terrain is connected with a portal or portals, then we should be able to look for similar environmental attributes in the Settle area. All in the mind or all of the mind? There is a legend concerning the moorlands surrounding the Bingley region about 30 miles from Settle, on the River Aire side of Ilkley Moor concerning the colorful tale about Athelstan, King of England in 920AD. Visiting Yorkshire en-route to battle in Scotland, where he succeeded in defeating King Constantine, as well as hordes of Danish marauders. Researcher Paul Bennett showed that there were place-name connections with this enigmatic figure, some of them found in the local streets and boundary stones still in existence today, like Athelstan’s Lane in Otley, and The AthelStone on Harden Moor, near Keighley. In Athelstan’s entourage was his foster-son Hakon, who had been sent over to England by his father, King Harold Fairhair of Norway. Hakon was not much more than a young teenager when he had to take on his royal responsibilities back in Norway, after his notorious brother Eric Bloodaxe had plundered much of the homeland for greed and power. Despising the cruel rule that his brother and wife Gunnhild of Denmark had forced upon Norway, Hakon swore vengeance and turned away from the darker paganistic witchcraft that evil-hearted Eric and Gunnhild were practicing. On his return to Norway as King of all the land, Hakon was much loved by his 58
peoples who came to call him Hakon The Good. It seems that they had Athelstan to thank for that, who had taken a liking to young Hakon, teaching him the ways of a king who although still pagan in some respects, yet blithe of temper, well spoken in the English dialect, and wiser than most, instilled the Christian doctrines in him. Athelestan’s court, at either Wessex or in York, was the place where Hakon was Christened; so loved by his foster father was the youth, that he gave him a magnificent sword for his personal use. This sword is interesting. It may have been one of the many sacred relics said to have been collected by Athelstan from all over Europe. It is written in the Norse saga that, 'it was the grandest of all swords to enter Norway, and was so powerful, that it could cut straight through hard stone with one clean stroke!’ Here we have tentative connections with King Arthur’s magical Excalibur -the sword granted to the boy king by Merlin. Hakon’s sword had a name too, so famous was it in his time called Quernbiter (pronounced Kern-bitter). Legend had it that wielding the weapon, Hakon could cleave a quern, a kind of circular stone corn grinder, with a single stroke and with so much accuracy that he hit the center eye of the quern every time. It would be a fancy of thought to think that there really was such a blade in existence at that time, which had the extraordinary power to be able to accomplish this impossible feat, so we should look at this legendary tale as possibly a symbolic representation of something else? As we have already discussed, swords were often thought to have held their own qualities of strength and personality. Swords were depicted as being holders of the truth, strength, righteousness, and good; all qualities that the owner would have liked to have been reflective of themselves. We see this clearly with Hakon’s sword cutting straight through to the center eye. In this kind of thinking, we could say that the center-eye symbolises the ‘psychic eye’, the center of inner knowledge, the all-knowing eye. Eventually, Athelstan centered his rule in York. Today, on a clear day, it is possible to see the towers of York Minster from the top of Ilkley Moor. Unfortunately, there is no firm historical record to show whether Athelstan ever visited Ilkley Moor, but it does seem likely that he would have been familiar with the Wharfedale region. Before his time, there had been important Roman garrisons at Otley and Ilkley, then later, Anglo-Saxon and Viking communities spread throughout the Yorkshire dales. At Ilkley Church, there are three beautifully carved stone crosses (which can be found inside the building now) which date to 770-870 AD. The high quality of these carvings suggest that the site may have been a pre-Viking monastery, plus we 59
cannot ignore the connection the Hakon had with the Bingley area and the legend of the sword, Quernbiter. The thoughts of some kind of Thor-like Viking warrior on his mount, wielding the mother of all swords and slicing through standing stones like they were made out of butter seems far too fantastic anywhere, even on Ilkley Moor, but the story had to originate somewhere. Like all legends, there is usually some truth at the core of it all. The Center Eye No matter how enigmatic we find the story of King Hakon to be, it is with his symbolic sword and its association with the Ilkley moorlands where we find intrigue and fascination. The real sword, said to have been lost in the Pentland Firth in battle, is of little consequence really, but what is highly significant is the fact that history records that Hakon returned to his homeland and became the King known as Hakon The Good. In Norway today, there exists within parliamentary procedure, laws which were put in place by Hakon himself, so wise was this man, so insightful that he was able to see far ahead of his time. Did he obtain a sense of something that was hidden, some occult knowledge which would enable him to effect others in a positive way? Was he able to ‘see’ with his center eye that which others could not understand? We know that the pineal gland contains magnetic material in birds and other animals. It is a center for navigation. If the pineal gland turns out to contain magnetic material in humans (researchers are looking), then it may be involved in navigational processing. Magnetic processing is subtle and may be part of the bodies unconscious navigational system. Scientists believe that the pineal body is a magnetoreceptor, capable of monitoring magnetic fields, and helping to align the body in space. It may also allow the body to appreciate the movement of vibrational frequencies that are then recognised as a kind of sixth-sense. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) suppress the activity of the pineal gland and reduce melatonin production. This is why there are some concerns regarding the EMF’s produced by mobile phone masts and other microwave antennas which may be affecting and blocking out our latent abilities to produce correct quantities of melatonin. Field because it contains magnetite. This field can interact with the earth’s magnetic field. It can also affect and be affected by the presence and positioning of quartz bearing standing stones, like those found on Ilkley Moor. Psychics who have meditated at the Twelve Apostles and Backstones Circles’ have noted a wonderful frequency or vibration occurs when they physically whirl around 60
in one spot within the stone circles. They state that spinning is an awesome way to activate all your energy vortices: glands and chakras. Your energy waves move out to meet other waves and a greater harmony with the cosmos is achieved. These waves are frequencies and, of course, the most naturally harmonic frequencies are the ones created out of nature. Once our awareness has been opened to all possibilities, then it seems that anything which can be possibly imagined can in effect, come into being. We are only just beginning to understand how we as biochemical and spiritual beings are a part of the whole spectrum of vibrational frequencies, and in doing so, the chasm between science and magic is rapidly disappearing. Let us imagine for a moment that another worldly intelligence exists in space and time and it is fully aware of our evolutionary path. It understands that we are historically at the dawn of a new era in which we will step forwards with a new level of understanding about who, and what we are? A part of this understanding leads us to find that we are able to sense places located in our physical reality, places like stone circle sites; where our own vibrational resonance remains in harmony with the frequencies of these places and can in the right conditions, allow us to interact with those who are projecting their presence at these places in a way that we can understand? Sometimes these manifestations are perceived as UFOs, sometimes aliens and sometimes brilliant balls of light -it just depends on what kind of receiver you are and what kind of ‘expectations’ you hold within the secreted corridors of your pineal gland? Our unseen visitors can read us like a book, every one of us, and everything that we fear, everything that we long for, and everything that we hope to become is a possible projection as far as they are concerned, but it is always projected in the knowledge that we are at the dawn of this new understanding. Knowing this, as I do, I no longer fear such manifestations like the screeching giant white owl.
A Line Of Enquiry
owsers have long known that there are several different kinds of earth energy. We have already mentioned the World Energy Grid that crisscrosses this planet like a matrix connecting sacred sites to each other and indeed portals to other portals for that matter, and then we have vortexes (which people often get mixed up with portals and stargates), but these are spiraling energies which are created at sacred sites naturally or man-made and there is some evidence that the military is experimenting with this vortex energy which may be tied in with the possibility that they understand the portal reality and maybe using it?). The energy that connects these places together in the physical 3D world is measured as Ley Lines and that is why many ancient sacred sites are aligned to these Ley Line energies. If we look at the planet with the TIME-SPACE perception of the inner-mind, then we would see that it is a living conscious entity, and just like our own bodies it carries a vital energy to sustain itself and the life forms which inhabit it in the world energy grid. Because we find so many standing stones (and stone circles) along these lines of earth energy, it is reasonable to suppose that if the Settle sundial was a row of ancient megaliths, there would be evidencing in the immediate and far-off landscape for a connecting energy line. The stones, we know stood on the southern slopes (of Castleberg) and we have some idea that the first stone (let us suppose there were four or five) would be close to the summit and if we space the rest of the stones out about 150 meters intervals down the gradient, we will be somewhere near, with the last stone being behind The Folly or possible behind the Zion Church? When positioned in the woods just below the summit, it is possible to make out along this descending slope running approx. SSW, areas that progress in platformed levels almost like a giant terrace. This is not obvious at first sight due to all the dense foliage and strewn boulders from the summit, plus an old tumbled down wall dissects the slope, but this does 62
become apparent after several viewing’s. It is not hard to imagine some impressive standing stones lined up on these once open clearings. The fact that these stones were lined up (and all descriptions, even the Buck & Feary false depiction of the sundial shows this) on the slopes of Castleberg shows that an energy line exists and it may have ‘traveled’ quite a distance from the site of the stones. The land to the east of Castleberg is high moorland ground that stretches over to adjacent Malham and is dotted with caves and ravines. It would be near impossible to map out any kind of ley line on this terrain, so we must look for a continuation of it towards the west of Settle. Visually, when stood on Castleberg, it is easy to make out several prominent landmarks which may be situated along this line. So, what are we looking for? Most leys include other ancient sites, standing stones and stone circles, barrows and tumuli, ancient springs and wells, crossroads, bridges over rivers, ancient ponds and lakes and church’s, that were built on sacred energy sites, many things in fact, but all clues, if they line up with one another, that we have a genuine ley line. Some dowsers suggest that these connecting points on the ley line have to be visible to the naked eye for it to be a genuine ley, but I see little solid reasoning for this when we understand that Neolithic Man had no problems appreciating this energy grid even when some of the sacred sites along its route were positioned in densely overgrown forests unless of course these sacred sites were marked with stones before the forests took hold at an earlier time by the first peoples. The Line of Energy We can take a journey along this line of energy and visit the spots along its course which connect to each other. Helen and I spent the summer months of 2012 actually walking the line from Langcliffe (north of Settle) to Mearbeck (to the south of Settle) as part of the recovery program after my illness in the previous winter and spring. When we first set off along the route, we had not idea what we would find, if anything at all that may show it being a genuine ley line. We had our own expectations of the kinds of things that should be situated on the line, other standing stones, ancient wells, places of worship, sacred groves, etc., but after looking at old and modern maps of the region, all our expectations were somewhat diluted by the fact that the route ran over open farmland and the maps did not show any major sites apart from the missing stone circle that once stood on Cleatop. There were, however, some amazing realisations from looking at these maps and reviewing what we had already discovered in our quest to establish the sundial as a portal. While previously researching the connection with The Folly we found 63
that Richard Preston owned half the land around Settle at the time he built it and the line runs through the middle of the landowner’s property, plus his descendants, the Preston family came from nearby Mearbeck, the line running through the village too! Between Mearbeck and Settle, we noticed a lane called Ingfield. Historians have long debated where Richard Preston was born and it was presumed that it must be close to Mearbeck? No record of his birth or the location of it has been found to date, but there is evidence that a Richard Preston of Ingmoore was known about at the time he was living. There is no such place as Ingmoore recorded anywhere around Settle, but there is the Ingfield Lane that the line dissects. Could it be that Ingfield and Ingmoore were one and the same place and if so, could we find a dwelling place there today where Richard Preston once lived? We have looked at the mysterious tunnel systems at Town End where Tot Lord lived, again the maps show the line runs through the site of the demolished mansion, onto The Folly and right through the middle of adjacent Sutcliffe Buildings. Can this be pure coincidence? The landscape around Settle has changed considerably since earliest times and down the centuries since. The topography of the landscape would be unrecognisable today to what it was like only a couple of hundred years ago, but some aspects of the environment do not change that much and can still be found as they were even thousands of years ago. The megalithic structures of the first peoples were made to last, they were simple, and they did the job! Other sacred sites, like the springs and wells, for example, do change, but remain in situ as a part of the sacred landscape and they survive because they are vital elements in holding the balance of the energy grid. The following is from notes made along the route of the Ley Line: Langcliffe & St. John’s Church The best way to follow the ley line is along the adjacent High Street that runs between Settle and Langcliffe. The ley runs north-south for about a mile and a half from the sundial at Castleberg and many features can be made out in the fields next to this old track. In particular, we will be dedicating a whole chapter to the finds at Langcliffe Manor, so astounding were they, at the end of this book but the route does include some visually stunning sites. As we enter Langcliffe village there is an ancient well which is still in use today and fed by an underground spring. The position of the well gives it a feeling of some importance in earlier times, it is next to a small triangular shaped grove of trees that is walled off. The line runs to the 64
north side of the village passing close to the Methodist Church and onto St. Johns Church on the hill. An ancient causeway runs north-south right along the ley and connects the church with the grounds of Langcliffe Hall. Whether the church was built on sacred ground is debatable, as records show that it was the site of an old tannery in previous times, but it is so close to the ancient causeway that I feel it is possible. I have visited the church several times in the past few years but did not know until 2012 that it’s position in the landscape connected it with the ley line from the portal and I was amazed at this ‘coincidence’. I was even more surprised to find that my surname of Mortimer was known to the residents of Langcliffe and personages of that name lived there during the mid-1800’s and through to the 1960’s. It is outside the scope of this book to trace a family tree to see if these are my father's descendants, but on the gravestone of one George Mortimer, we find the symbol I am shown, ‘ the spiral’ by spirits when I am on the right track so to speak. The verger told me, that other Mortimer gravestones had Ivy leaf symbols carved on them which denotes everlasting truth. An abundance of Ivy plants grows all around the site of the sundial.
Langcliffe Hall on the northern most end of the line of energy balancing the Sun Dial portal. This is the residency where it is said that Sir Isaac Newton visited as a friend of the Dawson family.
Barrel Sykes About mid-point between Settle and Langcliffe, Barrel Sykes is a major crossroads that runs across the open moors above the ley line. Even before I realised it was positioned on the ley, I had been aware that many UFO experiences have happened here down the years including an alleged landing in a field by several locals in the 1960’s. The Verger of Langcliffe Church claims to have seen a cigar shaped UFO here quite recently as well as a ghost of a teenage boy at this site. A large (one of the largest in the region) standing stone can be seen from the roadside sitting at the corner of a field on the right, and close-by we find a larger copse of trees. Moving 67
towards Langcliffe, the ancient causeway continues into the grounds of Langcliffe Hall. Chapel Street Gardens & Park On 22.4.12 discovered in the undergrowth several stones about 3 to 4ft in length. These had lay in situ for a very long time within a copse of trees, in the corner of the park owned by the council. One of the stones had been grown over by old tree roots. There may be the form of a stone circle here, but this requires further investigation. Ingfield Lane On a visit in April 2012, two buildings both sides of the lane running adjacent to the ley line. One looks to be an old barn and the other, a small dwelling. It could be speculated that this is Ingmoore, the birthplace of Richard Preston but nothing conclusive is forthcoming. To the right of Ingfield Lane stand the enigmatic Falcon Hotel, known previously as Ingfield Hall. There is an ancient well next to this that has been built into the wall along the track. A little further on a ford crosses the trackway and runs for about 60 meters north-south. A small standing stone of about 3feet high stands in a field on the side of the ley line. Four Lanes A crossroads of ancient track ways is found here and about 200yards along the route of the ley line, the track way is encompassed with an avenue of trees on both sides running north/south. Castleberg can be seen clearly from this location which is visually in line with the southern slopes. Lodge Farm Spring Visiting the site of Lodge Farm Spring on 24.4.12, which stands on ground immediate left of the track way and positioned exactly where the ley line would run through, the area is dotted with numerous underground springs and wells on the surface. A recumbent standing stone lays next to the track which has been half buried on the left-hand side (where the ley line passes through). The head of an ancient spring can be found within feet to the north of the Lodge ruins next to the track way. Castleberg can be seen from this position, aligned to the southern slopes. Two large standing stones (which have been made into gateposts) of about 8 feet tall lay on the ground and there is evidence of a shallow cairn, in the form of a small mound of rocks. Cleatop Stone Circle ‘Not included in any previous archaeological surveys of megalithic rings, this circle of stones was apparently visible from quite a distance away, sitting on the hillside 68
where now there is a woodland. It was described by the great Yorkshire historian Harry Speight (1892, 1895) though today it seems that all remains of it have vanished.’ (Megalithix wordpress.com) This stone circle about a mile south of Settle would have been missed by historians if it were not for a group of local antiquarians, who told that “at Cleatop, about a mile to the south of Settle, are the remains of an ancient stone circle.” We know from the written words of Harry Speight that the circle was still in situ sometime in the mid-1800’s: “A little above Cleatop Farm (near Rathmell)…is Cleatop Wood. Cleatop derives its name from the A.S. Cleof, a rocky aclivity; Latin clivus, a bank or slope. Near the northeast side of the wood there was once a very noticeable Druid’s Circle, about 60 feet in diameter; indeed, Mr Thomas Brayshaw of Settle, informs me that within the memory of persons still living, it was so regular and well-defined that one or two gaps caused by the removal of stones could be easily distinguished. The eminence at the rear of the site has, from time immemorial, been known as Druid’s Hill.” Other sources go on to describe the site and lend some interesting facts about it; there were stones which were ‘set on end and weighed several tons’, there were at least twelve stones and others that were rolled down the hill a short distance. A peculiarity raises its head yet again, in that one source sets the size of the circle at 60 feet in diameter and another later one at 36 feet. This may be purely due to the dismantling of the circle sometime around 1883 (when a few stones were still standing) and after which may have led to confusion about the actual original size? The Enclosure Acts passed towards the end of the 18th century greatly increased the number of dry stone walls in the parish, and it is probable that many old stone monuments were destroyed in making them and in their subsequent repair”. Modern day historian Paul Bennett, states,’ We have no references of burials or other excavations here, to give us any idea of whether human remains had ever been found. It’s an intriguing place in the landscape though and worthy of further explorations.’ Nick Harding of www.megalithic.co.uk states: ‘the circle was originally so complete and regular in shape that it could be made out on the hillside from quite a distance, and that it was glaringly obvious when a stone was removed.’ Doesn’t that sound a little like the description we have of Settle’s sundial, stones which were so impressive in stature and size that they could be seen from miles around? Then suddenly, they are gone! On 12th May 2012, I set off with Helen to continue walking the southern ley line from Castleberg farther on from the Lodge, 69
up the rising ground and through Cleatop Park until we reached the site of the supposed stone circle. As we began to make our ascent alongside the trees that run south of the field in which the stones were once said to stand, I kept a look out for any tell-tale signs that there may have been at some time, a stone circle here, but the location is so fully strewn with natural boulders and rocks that this task is difficult. It is possible, however, to locate the sites of ancient stone circles even if the stones have long vanished or if the site has been destroyed because we can often find a rimlike-trench called a henge, where the ground has been raised around the circumference of the circle. Sometimes stones which have fallen over ( called recumbent), can be found sticking out of these trenches in line with the formation of the circle, so this gives us something to look for when trying to locate such sites. Some stone circles have at their center one or more free-standing monoliths. The most reliable account that we have about the Cleatop Circle is from Harry Speight, but his description of its size differs from later archeologists and researchers who think the circle was smaller. Not long after Helen and I arrived at the location that Speight gives as the place where it stood, we realised something extraordinary. There were several small henges in the area known as the Druids Hill (an escarpment strewn with hundreds of rocks of various sizes directly to the north of the woods) and one of these was about 36ft diameter. However, if we move to the area where Speight suggests the circle was, to the north-east of the woods, there is little in the way of evidence for a circle here. We also have another problem with Speights location and that is the ground to the north east of the woods falls away and would have been hidden from view when observed from the surrounding countryside. We also know that it was common practice for these stone circles to have been built on land that has a slight incline to the west. We decided to move away from the northeast of the woods (in the adjacent field that runs down to Pond Woods) and search around the westerly facing slopes that overlook the Ribble Valley with a clear view of Settle in the north, Giggleswick in the north-west and Rathmell in the west. Looking down the slope, I enquired Helen if she could see what I could? I made out the line in the field of what would have been a massive stone circle (reminding one of the Castle Rigg Circle in Cumbria) over 200 meters in diameter and there were still the tell-tale signs of stones which had been left in situ around the lower half of this immense temple. Helen suddenly walked off towards the center of where this massive circle would have once stood so proudly on the skyline. I looked on, as she began to move her arms around in the air.
are you doing that for?” , I enquired of her, she looked so odd, it was as if she was doing this automatically and didn’t care that she must have looked very strange to anyone else who might have seen what she was doing. “ I don’t know, just feels the right thing to do....” she replied, and she carried on circling the ground where she imagined the standing stones once were. I stood puzzled for a moment, and watched her, it seemed like a strange dance from the distant past. I held up the camera and took two shots of her on the highest part of the slope overlooking Druids Hill with the Cleatop woods in the background. She was silhouetted against the cloudy blue sky with arms outstretched as if in prayer to some unseen elemental force. When the photos’ were uploaded to be viewed on the computer later that evening, I sat amazed at what appeared on the second of the two shots I had taken of Helen. There, hovering in the air above and to the right of her raised arms, was a dark shape which I had certainly not seen when I took the photo. It was clearly different to anything else in the picture and was not a defect of the camera.
The author sits on one of the hundreds of rocks and boulders that are scattered around Cleatop. The whole area was a Mesolithic place of ritual and worship.
Mearbeck The stream which we have been following at points along the leyline formed the boundary between Settle and Long Preston and the name ‘Mere beck’ actually means boundary denoted by a beck or small stream, of which one rises behind the top house in Mearbeck. The whole of Mearbeck was once owned by the Preston family. The last Mrs Preston (nee Procter) died in 1915. She had several daughters and at least two sons, one of whom was killed in the Boer War and one (Captain Preston) in the early days of the Great War. Tantalisingly, we have yet again reference and connection to Richard Preston’s family of the Folly in Settle to the ley line. Does this photograph taken in May 2012, show evidence of another portal opening up above the stone ring site of Cleatop Circle? On closer examination the shape in the image (top right corner) may have been caused by a water droplet on the lens of the camera, but it did seem unusual that when other pictures were taken with the same camera seconds before and after this one, no anomalies were found to be present. Helen is in the background requesting for some kind of phenomena to appear in the picture when Nigel took the shot. So, the jury is out on this one.
Below:: The winding track that leads south towards Mearbeck. The energy line from the Sun Dial portal at Castleberg connects at least three places along the route which were associated with the Preston family.
This photograph taken by the author on 5 th May 2012, while following the Sun Dial energy line between Settle and Langcliffe, he was about a quarter mile from Castleberg when he saw a bright spherical object moving from east to west at treetop level before being lost from sight behind the trees in the foreground. The ball of white light made no sound and swerved in an arc as if rounding the corner. A series of photographs were then taken after the sighting, but nothing like the object turned up in them. This led the author to conclude that this may have been one of the first of the visitors to have traveled through the portal since its re-discovery.
The energy line has been connected with accounts of people seeing strange and phantom-like apparitions along its route. There are legends of black dogs and a headless horseman that appear at certain times of the year. Like similar accounts from Ilkley Moor, the Barguest (or Padfoot) was known to stop travelers along the route with its massive red glowing eyes.
Isaac Newton & The Sun Dial Newton wrote, ‘those who “hold fast” to God’s love and the pursuit of TRUTH are destined for salvation.’
he ancient small village of Langcliffe near Settle in the Craven district of Yorkshire is graced by Langcliffe Hall, a building probably altered from an earlier one on the site by Henry Somerscales in 1602; the first Dawson to occupy the hall as a family seat was Christopher Dawson (1647- 1693). Several authors claimed that his son William Dawson was a noted mathematician and scholar; a friend of Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), who visited Langcliffe Hall. (Information is taken from Langcliffe.net website – M J Slater). There are numerous sources, most of them from around the 19th Century that make this astounding claim connecting Sir Isaac Newton with the impressive building, but is there any truth to the matter? First, it should be mentioned that my attention to Langcliffe Hall only came about because it was the ‘last stop’ on the sundial ley line in the northerly direction, but if I had not ventured to look into this aspect of the energy line and the landscape around the sundial, then the Newton connection may not have been made so readily? Was this pure coincidence or was it meant to be? On 24th April 2012, with my wife Helen, we set off to travel to Langcliffe, mainly to pick up books that we often bought from the church there. I noticed that the newly found ley line along the route was taken up by an ancient causeway that led straight into the grounds of Langcliffe Hall, now secured off by a tall wall all around, allowing little chance to venture nearer the building. Peering through a gap in the wall at the rear of the Hall, I could make out a slope with beautiful gardens and ponds. I noticed what looked to be a small orchard and apple trees dotted around it. Later that day, I decided that I would do research on the internet about Langcliffe Hall, in the hope that I would find it had been built on an ancient site and was 74
possibly connected with the sundial leyline. To my utter surprise, on the Langcliffe website I read: Dr T. D. Whitaker, author of The History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven in the County of York, (first edition 1805), made the cautious remark “Major (William) Dawson was a man of talents and literature and is said to have been one of the first persons in the North of England who understood Newton’s Principia”. The same statement was made in the later editions of 1812 and 1878 with apparently no challenge to its accuracy. W. Howson in his book An Illustrated guide to the Curiosities of Craven (1850) comments that “Sir Isaac is said to have been an occasional visitor at Langcliffe Hall, and to have made an arbour, still existing in the garden, his favorite retreat for philosophical meditation”. This was amazing stuff for me. Newton, probably one of the most important human beings to have ever graced the Earth, here in this tiny village only a mile and a half away from the slopes of Castleberg in Settle; a view he probably took in on days when he sat in that splendid garden in solitary meditations? Surely, he would have known about the Settle Sun Dial, maybe he had visited it, maybe he ‘knew’ what it was? My mind ran away with me and all the possibilities. I looked and sought out other incidences of information about Sir Isaac Newton and a connection with the Langcliffe area. I could find nothing other than the record at Cambridge of his friendship with a particular William Dawson. H. Speight in The Craven and North-West Yorkshire Highlands (1892) is more effusive. “He (William Dawson) was a man of high classical attainments, and, it is averred, was one of the very few persons living at that time who could comprehend Sir Isaac Newton’s Principia Philosophiae, an erudite and once much-talked-of work, which unfolds various mathematical principles of philosophy, the chief novelty or discovery being that of the principle of universal gravitation, as deduced from the motion of the moon. This important book was published in 1687. The great philosopher is said to have been an occasional visitor of Major Dawson at Langcliffe, who had an arbour purposely constructed in the garden for him, wherein he is said to have passed many hours in solitary meditation and not infrequently in learned converse with his friend over a mutual pipe. Before the re-arrangement of the gardens and outbuildings, there was a rookery and a small orchard at the north side of the house, where the kitchen garden now stands, and two old apple-trees yet remain. It is here where Newton’s arbour stood, and the two fruit trees are credited with having sprung from cuttings derived from an old tree planted by the Major to commemorate the philosopher’s great discovery of the 75
law of gravitation, from the well-known story of his watching an apple falling while sitting alone in his home garden at Woolsthorpe, in Lincolnshire.” The first Dawson to occupy Langcliffe Hall was Christopher (1647-1693) and it was his son, William who was this noted mathematician and erudite scholar. It is very likely that he knew of Isaac Newton as they were at Cambridge at the same time and may have become friends -it looks very likely. It is also very likely that Dawson would have made Newton aware of the Settle Sun Dial for two main reasons. One, it is known that Newton had a love of sundials and he made models and carved them in his early life like the one he inscribed on his family home wall in Bookstore, and two, the Settle Sun Dial was said to be the largest in the world at that time, surely something he would not want to miss. Newton also had a keen interest in ancient archaeology and would have been fascinated with the fact that the sundial was an ancient megalithic monument positioned on the ley line, with all the other elements we have discussed. For anyone like Newton, the place would have been a paradise for the enquiring mind. We should point out that traveling long distances in those times was not something you could do every day with ease. Travel by stagecoach started in 1658 in this part of Yorkshire and London to York took four days, Newton, it is stated, was not much of a traveler, but there are records that show he did visit other parts such as Towchester in 1672 for two weeks. Any reason to visit Langcliffe must have been a very good one. There may have been a third reason for his travels to Yorkshire and in particular to the Langcliffe area. One of only forty schools at that time, at nearby Giggleswick (about a mile and a half from Langcliffe) in the entire country was at a standard as to be able to offer students the possibility of gaining a degree enabling them to go to Cambridge and an unusually high number of the ‘locals’ made the grade from this out of the way school. It remains a private school and church today. It is said 76
that Isaac Newton was friends with others from this school, amongst them, the Paley family, local landowners. William Paley wrote a famous book ‘Evidences of Christianity’ in 1794. Further relevant information and evidence for Newton’s visits to Langcliffe is found in John Peile’s Biographical Register of Christ’s College 15051905 and of the earlier foundation, God’s House (1910). “Dawson William, son of Christopher, born Langcliffe, Giggleswick School under Mr Armitstead. Admitted pensioner under Mr Lovett January 1691/2 age 15. BA 1695/6. Admitted Gray’s Inn October 1693. Married Jane Pudsey. Friend of Sir Isaac Newton who visited him at Langcliffe. “ Academic teaching would always portray Newton as a founder of modern sciences, but there is another hidden side to the great man. In fact, it has recently been revealed that Isaac Newton was more of a heretic in his time; secretively practicing the art of alchemy and sorcery. Without doubt, he was one of the original truth seekers: He wrote, " Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my greatest friend is Truth.” Most of Newton’s discoveries were made within a time span of only 18 months between 1665 and 1667: 1660 – started at trinity College Cambridge. 1665 – at Woolsthorpe he laid the foundation for his system of gravitational law and around this time the legend of the apple falling from a tree in the orchard appears. 1667 – He is chosen as Fellow of his college. 1668 – Becomes a member of parliament. 1669 – Appointed master of the mint. 1671 – Elected Fellow of the Royal Society. 1687 - the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica published (said to be his greatest works). 1703 – Made president of the Royal Society. 1705 – Queen Anne made him a Knight. It is difficult to imagine that all this time, Newton in secret, was delving into more occult matters and concerns, which if became known to the wider public and the church, would have meant possible imprisonment for heresy. We can be reasonably sure that he visited Langcliffe after 1665 because we have information that shows he had passed on the story about the falling apple and gravity on his visit to the Dawsons: 77
the re-arrangement of the gardens and outbuildings there was a rookery and a small orchard at the north side of the house, where the kitchen garden now stands, and two old apple-trees yet remain. It is here where Newton’s arbour stood, and the two fruit trees are credited with having sprung from cuttings derived from an old tree planted by the Major to commemorate the philosopher’s great discovery of the laws of gravitation' and we find that he continued his visits after the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica was published in 1687: “Major (William) Dawson was a man of talents and literature and is said to have been one of the first persons in the North of England who understood Newton’s Principia”. It was at this time that the Folly was being built at Castleberg and it is likely that Newton would have been aware of this, it being so close to the sundial on the southern slopes, but there is no mention of his interest anywhere on historical record which remains a major puzzle? Did someone at that time not want any connection to be made publicly between Newton’s endeavors and the pagan site? Papers released by auction (and now residing in Jerusalem) show that Newton led a very secretive life. Very early on, he rejected the divinity of Christ and the trinity but did not proclaim this in public until on his deathbed. By the early 1670’s, he had become an underground heretic and he believed that he had been chosen by God to decode the secrets locked in the works of the Ancients, fascinated by the geometrical values of Solomon’s Temple; which he believed was a blueprint for the occult secrets of the universe. After his death in 1727, a clandestine group of sensors went through the works of Newton and made certain that he would only be remembered for his mechanical approach to the sciences. Many of his papers on alchemy were written off as ‘not fit to be printed’ and remained out of sight of the public for four hundred years! The mechanical view of the universe is accepted today worldwide, but there was much done in the 18th Century to relegate Newton’s view that his works were underlined with a spiritual concept of God and that he was a seeker of the truth. Newton claimed: “Truth is the offspring of silence and unbroken meditation” The scale of this deception by those who sought to hide Newton’s occult interests, is evident by the number of papers he dedicated to them (and there may have been more that have been destroyed?), over 4000 pages. In these, he expressed how God created the universe and how it was possible, he thought, for humans to imitate the works of God to achieve miracles in nature. He repeatedly claims that he thought that he was ‘chosen’ by God to decode these mysteries. 78
Newton visited Stonehenge in his mind (maybe a case of remote viewing?) and imagined it as a very ancient temple which revealed the wisdom of the ancient peoples. Newton said that the ancients ‘knew’ that the planets orbit the Sun. How did he know this? Had someone else told him, for such a bold statement that it would be very difficult to prove otherwise, and does not seem the observations of one who’s aims were to try prove his theories. Maybe Newton did not have theories, maybe he knew that these were facts about the knowledge that had been given to him through occult means? He also stated that Stonehenge represented the solar system and that it had a physical fire at its center yet no physical evidence for a fire has been found in the middle of the site. Could this have been a code? The fire representing the energy of a stargate at the center of the stones -certainly orange balls of plasma energy have been sighted at stone circles in modern times. His greatest works, the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica contains Newton’s laws of motion and universal law of gravity have been called magnificent and all encompassing and there was nothing like it or the way of thinking in physics up to that point. With this publication, Newton changed the way we saw the world forever. It has come to light that Newton hid alchemical references in the works and actually stated that gravity could be explained in a more esoteric manner. How this is achieved has never come to light. The original 1687 edition has only one reference to God as the creator of all, but in later editions he seems to stress the all-powerful role of the creator in the universe. What lies behind the story about Newton’s visits to Langcliffe is, however, illuminating if the wider context of Newton’s world and that of the villagers of Langcliffe and the parish of Giggleswick in which it used to lie is considered. The story becomes a remarkable one with a theme of mathematics and natural philosophy – which in Newton’s time was essentially the unfolding of our understanding of forces which hold the universe together and motion of heavenly and other bodies, described mathematically. Many students from Giggleswick School went to Christ’s College or were in residence about the same time as Newton: Roger Altham, Hugh Armitstead (BA 1672/3), Robert Armitstead (BA 1662/3), Robert Banks (BA 1670/1, MA 1675), Henry Bradley (BA 1670/1), John Carr (born Langcliffe 1630?, died 1675, son of William, MB, MD, Fellow 1662-5, FRCP 1669/70, Regius Professor of Physic), John Carr (born Langcliffe, son of William, BA 1664/5), Richard Carr (BA 1667, MA 1671), Thomas Catterall (BA 1666), Oliver Craven (BA 1665/6), Christopher Dawson, Thomas Gibson, Edmund Green, Thomas Paley (BA 79
1671/2), Ambrose Stackhouse (BA 1670/1, MA 1674), and Richard Tennant (ordained at York, 1664). Christopher Dawson, born in Langcliffe in 1647, went to Giggleswick School and was admitted to Christ’s College as a pensioner under Mr Stanford in 1663, (in common with many other students he did not graduate), and should, therefore, have been aware of Newton’s presence and could have made friends with him. Christopher’s son William also went to Christ’s College, in 1691/2, and became BA in 1695/6. During this time in Cambridge, William could well have made friends with the, much older man Newton, now highly respected for his work, perhaps recalling acquaintanceship with his father Christopher in earlier times. William was admitted to Gray’s Inn in October 1693; he probably lodged at the Inn as required for his studies but some students are known to have been allowed to lodge nearby outside the Inn. William was not called to the Bar so it is not known how long he might have resided in London. Newton often traveled to London around this time and is known to have had a circle of young friends in London so William may well have been welcomed – particularly if he did have exceptional mathematical ability and understanding to discuss the weighty mathematical, theological and philosophical problems with Newton and others in the coffee houses of the day. Since 1690 as Member of Parliament, Newton "found new acquaintances under whose encouragement his accustomed reserve began to melt”. Soon after 1690 he was made president of the Royal Society and two years later was made a Knight. It would have been around this time that he would have become very aware of the importance of the region known as Castleberg and the significance of the Settle Sun Dial; the largest temple of its kind to be found in the world. We can see that there was a group of learned men (not just Newton alone) who took an interest in the Settle area during the mid to late 1600’s, known to one another through their academic work, but maybe also through an underground society which may have later evolved into the regions’ freemasons? With reference to Newton’s friendship with Samuel Pepys in later years in London. Pepys had a brother John admitted to Christ’s College, Cambridge in 1660 who took his BA while Newton was there, and later a nephew (admitted 1695) and a cousin, Roger Pepys, who married Anne Bankes of Giggleswick in 1640. A little farther afield, in Bradford, Abraham Sharp (1653-1742) had his home in Little Horton (Horton Hall in which he was born and returned to, in 1694, was demolished some years ago). Abraham Sharp was an assistant, astronomical instrument maker and confidant to John Flamsteed the Astronomer Royal at 80
Greenwich and was a very able mathematician. His mural tablet in Bradford Cathedral says (in Latin), “He was rightly counted among the most accomplished mathematicians of his day. He enjoyed constant friendship with the very famous men of the same repute, notably Flamsteed and the illustrious Newton. He drew up the description of the heavens made by the former of these (Flamsteed) in (astronomical) tables of the greatest accuracy; he also published anonymously various writings and descriptions of instruments perfected by himself.” Sharp’s papers were lost by fire so little is known of his mathematical work. While Sharp was working in London (1684-90) he became the friend of a group of mathematical practitioners frequenting the coffee houses. Sharp was unmarried, was unmindful of his meals, led a reclusive existence later in life – rather like Sir Isaac in his early days – and is said by Cudworth (1886) to know a Mr Dawson (however, probably one of a Dawson family living in Bradford, not Langcliffe). Were there perhaps other first class mathematicians Newton would have liked to confer with, when he was in and around Langcliffe to make a short visit worthwhile and relaxing after a period of intense work in the university or in the Mint? Newton certainly absented himself from Cambridge many times for a week or two, sometimes his whereabouts unknown. The freemasons first appeared publicly in Settle on 7th June 1774 and were known as the Atholl Masons, meeting at the Black Bull Inn which formerly stood on the eastern side of the marketplace. This group only existed for fifteen years (we are told) and after it there was no Lodge for another hundred years! If there was any truth in the fact that Isaac Newton had been visiting Langcliffe in order to carry out esoteric workings at the sundial, then they would have had knowledge of it and would have wanted to keep this a closely guarded secret. It would only be another four more years to 1778 before Buck & Feary would produce their false representation of the sundial to the public, commissioned by the government. Any practising Freemasons from the Athol Lodge in Settle, would certainly have firsthand knowledge of what was going on at the time and they would be quite aware that the public of Settle were not happy with the way ‘their’ monument had been depicted. Around this time, pagan ceremonies were still being remembered and although Masons were often practicing Christians on one level, they were often involved in performing rituals which pre-dated the former due to tradition or 81
maybe through choice? Newton’s papers released years after his death made it clear that he had rejected the Christainised church and what it stood for -a falsehood as far as he was concerned – and took up the view that the ancients were the original holders of the truth. Which ancients was he talking about? The actual ‘first peoples’, who laid down the megalithic structures or the ‘antients’ as the early Freemasons called them. - the keepers of the ancient truths concerning mans place in the universe, also known as the Athol Freemasons. Many ancient lodges held a festival on June 24, the summer solstice that had been a day of heathen rejoicing, but in early Christian times became St John the Baptist’s day. The masons also held a festival on the winter solstice, December 27, which was another day of heathen rejoicing that became St John the Evangelist’s day. Although other saints were held in high regard by Freemasons, including the Quatuor Coronati or Four Crowned Martyrs, nevertheless the two Saints John were adopted as the patron saints of Freemasonry, giving rise to such old expressions as “a St John’s Lodge” and “the St John’s Men”. In the early days of speculative Freemasonry the officers of lodges were installed every six months, usually on the festival days of the two Saints John. Nowadays the Masonic festivals are usually held annually, for example on St George’s Day in England, on St Patrick’s Day in Ireland and on St Andrew’s Day in Scotland. (Circle of Prayer Website). Even today the meetings held at the Castleberg Lodge on Chapel Square in Settle, remain somewhat hidden and secretive as we have seen and they seem to be linked with a celebration of the full moon: Meeting Dates: Thursday on or before FM -taken from the WR province.net website. We are told that many early lodges used to meet on the dates of the full moon or thereabouts, simply because it would make getting home easier, the moon lighting up the dark country track ways and roadsides. This may be the case, who knows, but one can be excused for thinking these grown men, used to surviving the enactments of the Masonic degrees during lodge meeting times, should not be too afraid to walk home in semi-darkness, moon or no moon? No, this connection with the Luna orb probably has its roots in ancient pagan ceremonies which, for most of us have long been forgotten. In Freemasonry, the Moon has always been associated with the Senior Warden in the West, following the Egyptian tradition associating the Moon with that direction. As the Moon is the mere reflection of the Greater Light of the Sun, so too does the Senior Warden reflect the “Light” of the Master. This, of course, is allegory and we should always be prepared to look for deeper meanings. That is the secret of 82
Freemasonry, keep the truth hidden in the open for all to see, or, in this case, for all to read into. Know the truth of the secret, but do not realise it. We know that Newton was fascinated with the motion of the moon and knew that it held the key to his law of gravity findings. He was also interested in the ‘Greater Light’ of the Sun and it was these two elements he regarded most as holding the clue to unraveling the mysteries of the universe and understanding God. He believed that the creator had laid down clues within the landscape (which were fully understood by the first peoples) and the sacred sites reflected back the light (i.e. Illuminated) of the Sun and Moon. The “Light” of the Master was the vessel for the hidden knowledge of the ancients; this could be acquired by ritual and meditations, at particular times in the calendar around the solstices, for example, or maybe at the full moon. The Settle sundial positioned on the southern slopes of Castleberg faced the western horizon overlooking the Ribble Valley from the east and was dissected by a line of energy held in place by other ancient sites running north-south. We should find balance within this esoteric landscape and we need to look for a sacred position to the west of the portal. We find it in the circular chapel of the school at Giggleswick, where so many of Newton’s genius friends achieved their learning – a centrally planned church, based on the circle, rather than the cross as a symbol of the divine. Newton rejected the cross of Christianity as a falsehood to his beliefs and regarded the older ways of the ancient world as a better representation of the meeting between nature, man and the creator God and he knew that their circular stone circle temples held the key to it all. Temples were not just places of worship, they were built to denote the sacred situation, the invisible made visible, the recognition of that which is known yet unknown. The design and Masonic influence of the chapel at Giggleswick is the key to balance within the sacred landscape and when we recognise this balance and hold it within the TIME-SPACE framework of the inner mind, we then can attain the knowledge of the star gates. The Chapel was the gift of Walter Morrison of Malham to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. He commissioned T G Jackson, a leading architect of the time; work begun in 1897 and was completed in 1901. The architect’s challenge was to design a Gothic building with a dome (as specified by Morrison) and yet make it appear as if it were natural to the surroundings. It was also Morrison’s wish that the building should be finished and furnished in every respect, leaving no room for the subsequent intrusion of possibly unsympathetic work, and so the Chapel has become a rare instance of a building in which every detail has been completed and designed by, or 83
under the direction of, the same person. (Update: I have written in greater depth regarding Giggleswick Chapel and the Masonic connections that it has with Settle in my book, 'UFOs, Portals and Gateways')
Giggleswick Chapel seen from the west. Insert: Walter Morrison MP lived at nearby Malham Tarn House and he used his wealth to design and construct the chapel. The site it was built upon has tell tail signs of being very ancient and it may have been this influence of solar worship that persuaded Morrison to locate the chapel here. Inside the chapel he incorporated masonic symbolism and the ancient swastika motif of the East.
Newton wrote, 'those who “hold fast” to God’s love and the pursuit of TRUTH are destined for salvation.' Although Newton rejected the falsehoods of the Roman Catholic Church in private, he firmly believed that those who spent their lives asking genuine questions about the mysteries of the world, would through their search for truth find God. There was something very Masonic in the way he looked at the values of life: Newton 84
declared, “Through the asking of such questions is one liberated from those who would hide behind deception, for the architects of such sundry falsehoods view the Question as a deadly foe and go to extremes to avoid the Honest Answer, even if that answer be that the answerer does not yet know the whole truth; for the wise man freely admits that the greatest mystery is that Ultimate Truth designed by the Great Architect of Creation in whose shadow we all stand.” In Masonic lore, the creator or God is called the Great Architect; one who plans out and designs, for it was Newton’s understanding that this was how God worked his wonders in the world and the universe, as a planner and designer of the mysteries which we could solve if we chose to do so. Everything had been laid down by God’s hand from the beginning of his creation awaiting discovery in coded form. Mysteries of the landscape could reveal great truths, occult learning was not to be frowned on, but to be explored for in it were the workings of this God’s mind, and the greatest mystery of all was Man himself. Newton made several prophecies about the future. He did not make these proclamations public in his lifetime, but many years later it became apparent that he had devised a method of obtaining hidden information by decoding literal texts from within the Bible. His predictions were based on his intense study of Jewish history and ideas. He studied Hebrew so he could read the Old Testament in the original language. In a July 26, 1985, interview with Professor Popkin, the Hebrew newspaper Hamishmar quoted Newton as saying that the Jews will return to Jerusalem in the twentieth century. In his prophetic interpretations, Newton used numerous mathematical calculations, including gematria (translating the Hebrew letters of a name into their numerical equivalents). I am growing more and more convinced that Newton’s visits to Langcliffe were due to the attraction of the ancient sundial at Settle which his friend William Dawson had told him about. Both men were interested in ancient archaeology as we have seen. Until these visits can be confirmed, we will have to leave any speculation about whether he knew the real purpose for the stones or not? His musings about Stonehenge and early civilisations would show that he did realise that the sacred temple was a gateway known to the ancients and designed by the first peoples. Knowing that he was, at some level, involved with the inclusion of the occult in his findings within science and the world we live in, I propose that he would also have been able, in a practical way, to understand the energies of the site and communicate with temporal beings through the gateway at the location. It is obvious that he was the right kind of person for this to have worked. He was a 85
dreamer, a visionary and sorcerer, much more so, than history has allowed us to remember openly. In their excellent book ‘The Elixir and the Stone, Michael Baigent & Richard Leigh repeat what Lord Keynes had to say about Newton: “ Why do I call him a magician? Because he looked on the whole universe and all that is in it as a riddle, as a secret which could be read by applying pure thought to certain evidence, certain mystic clues which God had laid about the world to allow a sort of philosopher’s treasure hunt to the esoteric brotherhood. He believed that these clues were to be found partly in the evidence of the heavens and in the constitution of elements... But also partly in certain papers and traditions handed down by the brethren in an unbroken chain back to the original cryptic revelation in Babylonia. He regarded the universe as a cryptogram set by the Almighty.... By pure thought, by the concentration of the mind, the riddle, he believed, would be revealed to the initiate.” And that is what Newton was, an Initiate. The activation of the pineal gland, as we have seen, is what is required in the initiation, the realisation that the inner mind can travel independently of the consciousness. If we look at the story about how Newton discovered the force of gravity and the apple falling from the tree in his orchard from an esoteric platform, evidently it symbolises something much more profound. Mixing religion with science was the norm for Newton as he saw this as one and the sane thing and would often make his accepted scientific finds through more occult means, but this was not known at the time. Yes, he was a scientific and mathematical genius, but he was also a very adept sorcerer. The two went hand in hand for Newton and other contemporaries at that time. Do we really think that it took (for Newton) the falling of the apple from the tree, for him to ‘realise’ that the force of gravity existed, when every day, he would have been aware of many different objects and occasions where this ‘falling motion’ would take place? It would be akin to someone spending every day of their life looking at different modes of transport with wheels, then to suddenly ‘realise’ and proclaim that ‘wheels go round and that is why the vehicles move forwards’! I just do not buy it. No, I think that Newton was referring to something else here, yes it was connected with his theories about gravity, but also, something much more profound. As a biblical scholar who rejected the way the church had misquoted certain aspects and events within the teachings of Christianity and as a seeker of the truth, Newton may have encoded the ‘apple’ story with allegory’s in order to reveal his real thoughts on gravity and motion: Newton is sat in his garden orchard meditating on the subject at hand when suddenly and without warning the apple falls from a branch of the tree and hits the ground. Newton knows that in esoteric 86
terms the main object, the apple, in this situation can represent only one thing -the food of knowledge, as in the biblical story about the garden of Eden. Yes, the apple falls towards the earth from the apple tree (a symbol of the holder of this knowledge) and he is then presented with a choice, does he eat the apple or does he not? To eat the apple (the container of the knowledge meant for him alone) would in effect feed his requirement to ‘know’, what cannot be known so easily with the normal five senses. It is part of his quest to discover the hidden knowledge of the ancients and in doing so, lead him towards the truth and God. That is Newton’s secret knowledge about gravity and motion, moving towards the ultimate goal and in doing so, utilising a force which remains to most, unseen and unrealised. Once Newton brings the idea of this force into the ‘real’ world of the physical senses, he is able to calculate where it fits into reality, although he knows that it actually originates and exists outside these realms. Adam and Eve were told not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. This is the tree that gives knowledge of good and evil and if they did so, they would not know God. We know that Eve, being the naughty girl that she was supposed to be did the opposite and was banished with Adam from the garden after the serpent lied. “God knows that if you eat from The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you’ll become just like God, and will be able to decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong.” Newton felt he had done nothing wrong. He did not, like Adam & Eve, take the forbidden fruit from the tree (of knowledge), it just fell down to the ground in front of him and brought with it ‘new’ ideas for him to contemplate. Newton wanted to ‘know’ God; the creational-force behind the universe and reality and he knew that this had nothing to do with threats concerning what is good and bad. It was all about revealing the truth, and any God who jealously guarded the truth, was regarded by Newton as a false depiction of the ultimate deity. In effect, Newton was saying that it was alright to ask of the tree of knowledge, to request of the great unknown. Information could be received in this way without paying the ultimate price, just as long as, you were a seeker of the Truth.
Seekers Of The Truth 1. SQUARING THE CIRCLE
f you position yourself at the summit of Castleberg and look across the valley to the west you will see clearly defined on the horizon the wonderful Giggleswick Chapel mentioned earlier. Built in 1897, it was a gift by local man Walter Morrison to the nearby Giggleswick school, the same school which had fostered so many brilliant mathematicians years earlier. In the words of the chapel’s own guidebook, it states: The Chapel was the gift to Giggleswick School of Walter Morrison of Malham. It came as a bolt from the blue to a school that was already racking its brains to wonder how to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. Morrison proposed a gift of a Chapel and obtained T. G. Jackson, a leading architect, to design it. This was to be a very odd design, the base of the chapel built so that its walls were fitted into the naked rock which projects out the surface of the ground. With its fine domed top made from copper Morrison drew on his inclinations toward the architecture of churches in the East, in particular Palestine and you can see the mosque influence here, but the dome of the round chapel also reminds us of an earlier time when circular churches were the norm. The same guide states in reference to what a particular dalesman made of the building: ‘One of them is even reported to have said he understood they were “building a heathen temple up yon.” It was also Morrison’s wish that the building should be finished and furnished in every respect from the beginning, leaving no room for the subsequent intrusion of possibly unsympathetic work. The Chapel, therefore, affords a rare instance of a building in which every detail, not only of construction but also of decoration and furniture, has been at once completed and designed by the same hand or under the same direction. We shall see in due course that Morrison’s wife helped to build other similar churches in Toronto to such demanding specifications! Much has been 88
written about the chapel, but it also holds secrets which hide behind the blatant apparentness of so peculiar a building perching atop of its hill. I decided to look at the chapel, quite literally, from several different angles, first off by looking at it from a distance on the opposite side of the valley at Castleberg. We know that there is a major ley line between Cleatop and Langcliffe that passes half way through the site of the sundial at Castleberg and my first suspicions arose that there may be another running east/west between Castleberg and Giggleswick chapel when I viewed a direct line of sight between the two points. In May 2012, I decided to walk this line to see if it, like the previous ley line, had significant ancient sites and megalithic monuments along its route. I was absolutely flabbergasted to find that this path passed through places and sites which I had visited previously the year before with my wife Helen, but both of us had no idea that they had anything to do with the sundial portal. In fact, at that time, only a year before our realisation that we had discovered the amazing sundial, we found ourselves taking this very route (of the ley line) purely out of visiting Giggleswick to buy books! In the April of 2011, I was stood looking up at the sky to the west of Settle as there were several lenticular clouds overhead which looked enigmatic. It was about 8.30am and I had popped out for a cigarette, when suddenly a bright white spherical object that turned and became almost metallic looking (as if it were a ball bearing in the sky) came out from behind one of the clouds. It moved slightly to the north and then shot off to the far north. I now know that the object was positioned over the same spot where a standing stone stands by stone walling in a children's play park in Settle.
Above: Hidden by the walling at the playing fields at Tems Beck, Giggleswick, a short standing stone marks out the energy line between Castleberg and Giggleswick Chapel. Above Right: Sacred geometry within the panels of the westfacing lights of the chapel. The 'flower of life' is repeatedly demonstrated as the hexagram or 'Star of David' at various places along the energy line.
Sacred symbolism at The Folly and Giggleswick Chapel: Above Left - The hexagram motif is found under the doorway arch of The Folly, Settle, hidden in sight within the 'flower of life' decorative carvings. Above Right – The Circle Cornerstone at Giggleswick Chapel on the eastern side, representing the solar orb of the Sun.
Circular embankment at Giggleswick Chapel: Above Left - -evidence of remains for an earthen embankment to the south of the chapel can still be seen today which would have surrounded the site where the chapel was built. Above Right - A similar ancient embankment found at Dowthe in landscape not to dissimilar to that in the Settle area.
Two months after this sighting of what I took to be a UFO, Helen and I went to see if we could find anything in the area beneath where the object had originally hovered, and we were amazed to find a small but very ancient stone and then across the playing field by the Tems stream at Giggleswick, more stones of a similar nature giving the impression that a stone circle may have been at the site of the park before it was redeveloped in later years as a play area. So, here I was again just over a month to the year, walking through the play park, revisiting those stones, but with a new awareness, an ability to look anew at my surroundings. The walling of the park was obviously older than victorian, and the leyline took me straight to the only gap in the wall through an old style from where I could see on the rising ground above me, the chapel itself. Much bigger than I had imagined from my previous vantage point at Castleberg, the chapel was immensely impressive and I stood there amazed at its magnificence, even the ground it stood on looked to be ancient; like a miniature gothic cathedral sitting proudly on the site of some long forgotten tumulus. Once I had reached the Chapel I began to look for the symbolism which I felt had been built into the architecture by Morrison. It was well known that he was an influential person in Settle and Malham and was quite used to walking the local moorlands with a passion for archeology. Had he been privy to Settle’s great secret, that the sundial had been a somewhat cosmic portal, a gateway to other dimensions, a window to God’s heaven perhaps in his view. Why would he build such an unusual feature, a round chapel with a domed roof, on top of a distinct hill. I looked at the topography of the site on which the chapel stood and noticed that there were features in the landscape which made this place very important indeed. I wondered, could it be that Morrison chose this specific site to build his chapel because he knew it to be ancient and sacred ground and if so, how did he know this? His interest in archaeology and the neolithic finds in local caves would have given him sufficient knowledge as to understand ancient settlements and places of worship. He would have become familiar with standing stones and stone circles, barrows, tumuli, ancient wells and ancient enclosures, all available to the surrounds of his hometown in the Dales. I walked around the chapel with a kind of fixation on the building, but I was also looking at the ground around it. The chapel was like a living being itself, springing up out of the rocky earth, it felt like it was growing, pushing, expanding. Without a doubt, this was sacred ground. I stopped and looked away from the chapel, over the valley to the east and could easily make out the rocky crag of Castleberg hanging 91
over the township below. I traced the line of the ley I had walked to get to the chapel and noted all the places along it that I had stopped to take in their ancient significance. I made out the leyline that ran north/south from Langcliffe to Cleatop Circle and suddenly it dawned on me, all three ancient sites were connected by straight lines dotted with ancient features within the landscape. Adjacent to the chapel, on the trackway that leads into the grounds it is built upon, there is a gate. The gate is not ancient and not very old, but the two standing stones at either side of it (to which it is fastened) are. I walked up to the gate and peered through it. The form of the land behind fell away to the west and then hit a bump in the field at the spot of an ancient tumulus, at the side of which I noticed a spring. As I turned away from the gate, a form within its structure hit me, the hexagram, made up from the criss-crossing of the gate’s wooden paneling. I had seen the hexagram before in the quest at The Folly on a motif under the main door archway. On the western side of the chapel (the front of the building) above the main doors, is a quite magnificent circular window. Unless you were actually at the chapel and standing right under this, you would not see this wonderful window, behind it only trees and moorland fields for some distance. It is a giant construction of the ‘flower of life’ and within it can be found the symbol of sacred geometry depicting the fundamental forms of space and time, the hexagram. The circular design of the chapel dome may have been in keeping with the sacred geometry of the site it now stands on. A clue to this is the odd design of the 'corner stone' found on the ground to the right of the main doors. This looks to be very 'masonic' in nature comprising of a circular brass ring inlaid into the flat stone which is raised in the shape of a 'square' on the top/right edges. Is this pure coincidence or does it mean something else? The circle is one of the oldest forms known to man and represents, amongst other things, eternity and the godhead. The circle is also found within ancient sites as the stone circle, referred to as the original solar temples and associated with Sun worship all over the world. The links that can be made with the sundial are pretty obvious. As if to reaffirm the connection with the Masonic worship of the sun, the same motif in a more modern fashion can be found at the eastern side of the chapel too; a metal circular roundel with rays coming out of a central point, that has been laid into the gravel path up to the building. So here we have something very similar to what we find at the sundial site on the slopes of Castleberg. This temple of worship dedicated to the Christian god is a mystery in that those who built it and those who gave direction on how it should be built, included paganistic elements within its structure; the 92
hexagram and the Aten – the symbol of solar worship in ancient Egypt so often found above the pillars on doorways to masonic halls and lodges. Could there be other reasons for these symbols appearing at the chapel? The hexagram (six-pointed star) is found in ancient Indian temples and we know that Morrison was influenced by eastern religions. It is a mandala symbol and represents the perfect meditative state of balance between Man and God. We are told that if this state is maintained, then it results in nirvana and Man is released from the bounds of earthly things and material trappings. It is often depicted (as a popular myth) as an amulet or symbol for warding off evil, fever and diseases, but there is little evidence for this. The symbol is very ancient, however it was only used by the Jews (as the Star of David) in the Middle Ages as a sign of Jewish identity. Its religious connection and useage goes back to the 3-4th Century synagogues in Galilee but the main symbol of Judaism is the menorah or candlestick. In Indic lore the symbol consists of two triangles pointing up and down, showing again balance -the two components are called ‘OM’ & ‘Hrim’ (in Sanskrit) and denote Man’s position between the earth and the sky -the mystical union of creational forces. In Buddhism, it is called the ‘origin of phenomena’. There are various connections between the hexagram and King Solomon and it was said to be the original representation of the Urim and Thummim, by members of the church of the latter day saints, the Mormons. We have seen that Settle has a church of Zion positioned at the foot of the Castleberg southern slopes and the hexagram is worn as a badge by some of its congregation. The Muslims regard the symbol as ‘the seal of Solomon’. The hexagram is found outside of religion too, in heraldry it is fairly common, but rarely called by this name. In Germany, it is ‘the star’, in English & French heraldry, the ‘mullet of six points’ (a mullet is a French term for spur rowel found on riding boots). In New Age groups and cults the hexagram is regarded as an important symbol. In Theosophy, the Star of David was used as a seal and emblem when it was founded in 1875 and in Raelism (which is a UFO religious group founded in 1974 by ‘Rael’ who believed that space travelers came to Earth and synthesized life from non-living matter in seven bases around the world, all which contained the symbol and the swastika. In Wicca, it is used to bring the change of events from the Upper world to the Lower world; ‘as above, so below’, and in Occultism it is attributed to the seven old planets outlined in astrology and used as a talisman for conjuring up spirits in Witchcraft: Dr John Dee, court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I stated: ‘The double triangle viewed as Solomon’s seal is a geometrical synthesis of the whole 93
occult doctrine. The two interlaced triangles are the Buddha gums of creation. They contain the ‘Squaring of the Circle’ (the philosopher’s stone), the great mysteries of life and death and the mystery of Evil. The Chela who can explain this sign from every one of its aspects is virtually an adept.’ Traditionally, the hexagram is a combination of four elements: Air, Fire, Water and Earth made up from the interlacing triangles. In freemasonry, these triangles (or Deltas) symbolise the union of the two principle forces -the Active and the Passive pervading in the Universe. The two triangles, one black and one white are the representations of the mingling of opposites in nature, darkness and light, error and truth, ignorance and wisdom, evil and wisdom, etc. The key is to find the balance between the two. As the hexagram is featured inside and outside Masonic temples, they thought that it may have been found by Templar’s within the original structure of King Solomon’s Temple. A modern view on the hexagram symbol has connected it in error with evil and negative influences on humanity and it is often said that ‘a hex has been put on someone if they are cursed. It is said the ‘star’ was condemned by the God of Israel (Amos 5:26) and it was called by Him, ‘the star of your god, Moloch or otherwise called Chiun -referring to Saturn (Satan). The Rothschild name has been associated with the Illuminati and this means ‘Red Shield’. A red hexagram was found hanging on the door of Mayor Amschel Bawer, who changed his name to Rothschild. Numerically, the hexagram contains three 6’s. It contains a six, within a six, within a six = 666! Whatever the true origin of the hexagram, this ancient design is sometimes depicted contained within the circle. In fact, its outer points of the star shape if equal in length touch the circumference of the circle bringing unity and the eternal into the equation. Most of the motifs that contain the hexagram symbol that I have found in the Settle area were contained within the circle. As you enter the site of the chapel at Giggleswick by the northernmost track way (probably the original track to the hill) the land is dotted with outcrops of rock and several trees, making the terrain difficult to evaluate, but on close inspection, it is possible to make out the remains of a circular form in the ground. This ridge is raised about three feet and runs in an arc to the east and west of the track way for about fifty feet. Its path is interrupted by more modern building work and from when the land was cleared in 1889 (the chapel was opened in 1901), so the exact size of this ridge cannot be determined today. When I looked at it, however, I recognised it as something that is often found at 94
ancient sites, the ring of a neolithic embankment or henge, usually found at places (like Stonehenge) where the circular ridge surrounds the inner temple of the stone circle. My approximations are that the embankment was originally over 200 meters diameter and the chapel had been built right in the center of the circle. 2. SACRED LANDSCAPE
I felt by the summer of 2012 that I had now enough evidence to support my theory that the sundial at Settle was something more than just a novel way of telling the time of day for the inhabitants of the town back in the 1600’s. There was something about its position within the local landscape that had caught my attention and eventually led to the discovery that a series of interconnecting ley lines of energy passed between the sundial site and two other places close by. All three of these places were signified by the ancient sites that could be found there in this sacred landscape. My question now was, why should these places be connected at all, what would be the purpose of that and to be honest, until I found out that there were leys running from the site of the sundial at Castleberg, I had presumed, wrongly, that the southern slopes were the most important place in this quest of discovery about the portal but in my investigations I kept finding the coincidental appearance of the hexagram symbol. I knew that the hexagram was a very ancient symbol and represented something other than what the various religions and cults of the world had adopted it for, and I also knew that it was made up from two interlacing triangles that represented duality. I considered that the triangle pointing upwards probably represented the spiritual path and the downward pointing one, the material world of mankind. There was a sense of looking for the balance within this symbol and finding it in the center or the heart of the motif. Yet, I thought that it stood for something else too, maybe a map, hidden in view, like so many of the other clues I had found in the Settle area. I decided that I would look at the three sites, Castleberg, the chapel at Giggleswick & Cleatop. All these were connected in some way with the personalities from Settle’s past who understood the sundial and it seemed to me that some of these people had known about the portal but had kept it a close secret. The three locations, when connected by straight lines on a map, obviously made up an isosceles triangle with two right angle lines pivoting at the Castleberg site. It is no secret, that ‘triangles’ can be plotted all over maps where there are numerous ancient sites and I agree that this could just be a matter of looking to join the dots out of pure coincidence, but there is something very 95
different about the Settle triangle. Its lines are connected along the very paths of the discovered ley lines. Lines of earth energy (still not fully understood but dowsers are able to get reactions from them and monitor the frequencies of such) pass along the Earth’s energy grid and can be found all over the globe. The nodes, where these lines of energy intersect, are places which hold in place a spiraling vortex which we call gateways or portals. Was the triangle at Settle showing us further that a portal existed in the area, maybe right in the center of this unseen triangle of energy? In Newton’s first Law, it states: ‘A body in motion will travel in a straight line at a steady speed unless some force acts on it (and a body at rest will stay at rest unless some force acts on it).’ This is the law of inertia but does it really only apply to an object moving within the SPACE-TIME reality of the everyday world? What about forces which are unseen? Well yes, it does. We know that electricity is a force and that it can be made
Authors map with triangulation's including the region of the portal. These lines of energy run between the energy holding points of the portal, each place being a portal vortex location at the crossover points.
to move, to accelerate and it can be made to stop too by ‘influencing’ its’ force. Energy travels in a straight path between two points because it is the shortest route, so it would be no surprise to find that ley energy does the same, it travels between the nodes of ancient sites (portals) and holds these places in balance by inputting energy and taking energy out of them, moving it from one site to another like a giant network. Today, we have in a sense replicated within our 3D reality this network system and have enabled intelligent thought processes to travel between its nodes. We call it the Internet and we use mechanical appliances (computers) to send out and receive information, but we cannot visually see this ourselves unless we use the same appliances to decode this information for us to understand. I am in no doubt that the first peoples could tap into this world energy grid and interact with the energies at these portal sites without the need to use anything like the most powerful computers we have in this material world today. We have a problem at some of these ancient portal sites today and that is they are not in balance and the energies which travel between them are fluctuating to such a degree that their intended purpose as gateways to other realities has become very unstable. Some major gateways have very little in the way of energy of any kind, actually ‘visiting’ them and have in a sense become deactivated. How can a computer work if it has no input of information and the only thing apparent is the CPU, which awaits an intelligent response? So if we are describing something which, though unseen, can connect in an intelligent way physical places, then at some time in the past this unseen energy must have been known about for Man to later build sign posts to denote ‘this is the place’. In the first instance, there must have been a source for this information, someone or something must have plugged in, booted up the computer and granted permission for our world to join the inter-dimensional network. Without a doubt, the ley lines were known about in the Settle area in the distant past and time has been a major factor (illusion or not) in the forgetfulness of man, about real purpose. It was through the efforts of an earlier race of humans with much more pronounced psychic and instinctive abilities, that we have any recognition of such leys at all, for they were the ones, guided by those who inhabit the realms of the other dimensions, who mapped out the world energy grid and marked them with stones which have lasted the test of time in most cases. During the religious reformations of the 1600’s and again in the Victorian era, many of these ancient sites were destroyed or moved from their original locations (as is what had happened at Settle) in the name of Christianity because they were deemed 97
pagan or satanic places. I do not think that this was the whole story behind the destruction of these temples and there were other reasons at play. People were beginning to discover new religions in this country and influences from the far and middle east brought a new ‘threat’ to the established religious viewpoint. This brought about squabbling rivalries between different Christian doctrines, but always it was deemed the satanic influence of the pagans must be wiped out. It was, for the christian church, a win-win situation. They had the perfect excuse to dismantle thousands of years of ancient history and at the same time bring back into the fold those lost sheep who had been influenced by the devil (i.e., those who had held onto the old ways even if in a watered down way) and this meant more coffers from an ever-expanding congregation! The church became all powerful while preaching truth and forgiveness, while the original temples went into devastating shutdown and those brave enough to continue their worshiping at these sites hunted down and tortured to death as witches. There is a big problem with this in that not all ancient places were targeted for the wrath of the church and historical records show that some pagan worshipers were allowed to incorporate Christian values into their own religions at sacred wells & groves. In fact, many of these became holy wells dedicated to saints of Christianity and the situation became even more bizarre when the church started to incorporate obviously pagan elements into its buildings, like the green man for example. No, it seems that the real targets of the ‘modern’ religions were the standing stone circle sites of the lower valleys, as those found on higher remote land, seem to have escaped the destruction. Why this should have happened is still open to debate among'st those who see the circle sites as either pagan religious temples, astronomical observatories or ancient meeting places? The real reason may be found in the way that the circles were often ‘taken over’ by the imagery of the church, like we have found at the chapel site in Giggleswick. Symbolically, the site, even with the replacement Christian temple in situ, holds clues to what was there before, because man does not want everyone (just the masses) to forget that this was sacred ground even before anyone had ever heard of the Christ. The Church knew this fact to be true and they also knew that no person had to go through them or their represented religion to get to the spirit-world or to survive death through Jesus Christ. They did know, however, that it was possible for all men to travel in spirit and in a sense, also in the physical, through the gateways at these sites. Their religion and every other man-made religion was hiding this very fact, a secret that they would wish to keep down the generations at any cost. 98
Newton’s third law states: ‘For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’ We know that in the physical world, this holds true, but simple as it may sound, it also applies to the world of spiritual man in a much more profound way. From a purely scientific approach, it seems that what Newton states here is very matter of fact, but it is also what is meant at the very heart of such notions like ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne, now available in over 46 different languages made popular in recent times. What is given out is what you can expect to receive back seems to be the message. Doesn’t this sound like what Newton was saying here, “every action has an opposite reaction of the same value”. Scientist or mystic? With the destruction and shutting down of the temples of the first peoples by modern man, we could expect a ‘reaction’, and boy did we get one! Today, people are beginning to look at religions in a new way, almost as if they have been influenced by something that was never there before, or maybe by something which they had ‘forgotten’ about? People all over the world are waking up to the fact that they are themselves universal beings and have free will. The domination of the church no longer exists to many of these free-thinkers, who have not turned back to the ways of paganistic devil worshipers, but have embraced the wonderful beauty of the planet, the cosmos and our actual position within it. Underlying all of this new way of thinking there remains a place for the God which the church made so inaccessible to those who did not know the truth and could only follow the lead of those who stated that only through them would they reach this God. They call their God the creator and know that he /she/it is accessible to anyone at any time as they are themselves, a part of that God. By effectively turning off the stone circle sites, those responsible knowingly or unknowingly took part in one of humanity’s greatest failings, the disconnecting of the human spirit from the cosmos. This has been, for thousands of years, an ongoing process driven by selfish power and greed. It has established humanity as an aspect of the material dense world of the five senses and this confusion brought about the loss of his real identity and insecurity that eventually blossomed into the world in which war and vengeance seem the norm. This, if not corrected soon, may lead to utter displacement of the human soul as was predicted by Yeats in his visioning poetry:
The Second Coming Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight; somewhere in sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again, but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
If what we read in the prophetic poetry of Yeats shows a sense of the second coming, then we must ask how and when this may come about? Hijacked by the Christian church, the notion that a savior from a supernatural realm (heaven in their case) is not a new concept and dates back to very ancient times. Without a shadow of a doubt, I am aware that there are indeed guides, who reside in the spiritual realms and help humanity, but in the whole, we are responsible individuals with free will and certainly have to make our own mistakes in life in order to progress and learn from these in the spiritual sense. The first peoples knew this as fact, but it was the church, by giving ‘hope’ to an intelligent free-thinking being, that took away the ability for us to ‘know’ why we are born into this world, why we live the lives we do, and why we experience the death that releases the soul from the material computer. The chaos that Yeats refers to in his Second Coming is not one of a material world gone mad with its obsession towards war, but a chaos in which the whole of reality struggles to keep in balance. Nirvana has become a hope, not a reality. Yeats refers to the falcon in symbolism and it is now that we turn our attention to that majestic of birds, an old friend of mine which turned up in a vision I had at Backstones Circle in 1993. I drew a picture of what I had seen in the vision then, but until very recently I did not know what it really meant. ‘They shall renew themselves as eagles’, the words my pineal gained access to as I watched the symbol of the falcon and standing stone with Sun behind it open up to my inner eye. The Sun cast a shadow in the vision, but the birds head was positioned such, that it’s light could not be thrown onto it and it remained, hidden. In recent weeks, a sudden and amazingly simple explanation came forth – the Sun 101
was casting a shadow -it was the sundial - and the eagle, well....I have never been happy with that drawing of an eagle and plenty of people down the years have said, ‘it looks more like a hawk’, a falcon. The falcon is a symbol of liberty, freedom and victory to all who are in bondage, whether it be moral, emotional or spiritual? In early Egyptian hieroglyphs, the falcon represented the common word for ‘God’ and the early Egyptian dynasty kings’ ascension was known as the ‘flight of the falcon’. The human-headed falcon (Horus) represented the human soul and in Europe, the falcon represented a visionary power, wisdom and guardianship. I decided to dissect the triangle that I had traced out between Castleberg, the chapel and Cleatop stone circle as I thought that these places were holding the earth energy in balance at this place and it would make sense that if a stargate portal had existed, it would be found in the center of this triangular landscape. I expected to find an overlooked ancient site, maybe the remains of a significant stone monument, maybe the stones from the sundial itself, but as I walked up to the spot where the triangulation crossed on my first visit to the place uncovered, I was utterly dumbfounded. Standing proudly, at the very spot indicated on the map I held in my hand, was a well known landmark to Settle, the Falcon Hotel, now a three-star stopover for those who wished to seek out the natural beauties of the Yorkshire Dales. Even though this was not what I expected, the hotel stood on the very site shown to me where the portal should have been and, of course, there would be no big sign there to state ‘here is the holy grail that you seeketh’, but the place did look very inviting, so I decided to take a closer look. Trying to research anything about the Falcon hotel is a very arduous affair and little new information has come to light for me. I know that the hotel was built in 1841 and originally called Ingfield Hall situated on the edge of pastureland close to Ingfield Lane – which makes up a part of the north-south ley line and where there remains the possibility for the birthplace of Richard Preston who built The Folly. Ingfield Hall was not built as a vicarage but as a private dwelling for the Rev.Hogarth John Swale,the first vicar of Settle. Until this time, Settle had no church of its own and shared the parish with the Alkelda Church in Giggleswick. The church of the holy ascension was designed in the Early English style with incorporated gothic influence by Thomas Rickman in 1831, ten year’s before the construction of Ingfield Hall and was dedicated not to a saint like most parish churches, but to a mystery -the holy ascension. There is a greater puzzle concerning 102
this church: ‘A rather more earthly mystery about our church is the fact that it is not aligned along the usual east-west axis but is instead aligned North-South. So the “East Window” actually faces South with the attractive result that the sunlight produced a colorful effect streaming through the stained glass onto the adjacent walls and floor. This is best seen if you are fortunate enough to visit in the morning when the sun is shining.’ In effect, what the clergy are saying here is that the church was built on the northsouth axis so that an attractive result could be obtained by sunlight on the southfacing window, even though this flys in the face with all Christian doctrine. The very purpose for the building of Christian churches on the east/west axis was to celebrate the connection between the risen christ and the rising of the Sun and this tradition was followed on the whole throughout Europe and beyond. Yet, we find this conundrum of a church built in the 1800's laid out by one of the country's leading designers and most successful church builders, surprisingly following the pagan path of north/south worship in their house of God? This was no mistake, the church was built in this way on purpose to hide in plain sight the regions very old paganistic roots. We find confirmation of this within the structure of the church itself in the very windows that the clergy speaks of, where at the foot of four pillars we find, yet again, the hexagram symbols. The apparent influence held by members of the Swale family of this period had on the way churches were built and the reasons they got involved in supporting this cause was underlined by the actions of Mary Lambert Swale of Ingfield Hall, Settle. She gave a huge amount of money, around £5000, to help build the Holy Trinity church in Toronto but remained anonymous as the benefactor . She died when she was only 25 yrs old and it was after her death that the discovery of her help in raising the funds to build the church came to light, with the stipulation from her that certain aspects must be kept, like making it a free church for everyone (at that time it was common for the wealthy to buy pews and gain advantages in the church) on an equal basis, no matter they’re social status, for all time. For the fact that within, and on the exterior walls of the church can be found Masonic symbols including an open book, King Solomon’s head and several other Masonic motifs, it seems that the Swale’s were very much in keeping with the old ways of the traditional freemasons and this may have been why the total exclusion of the paganistic elements had to be included in the churches that they built, alongside the values of Christianity. Whatever the truth, Mary Lambert Swale became known as a philanthropist, a lover 103
of humanity and her cause was to help to enhance the development of the human being, through her own example. If anyone would know the secret of the Settle sundial, it would be the town’s freemason fraternity which stretches back to the 18th Century at least. Settle holds onto its mysterious past with an attitude that suggests it as nothing more than a quaint old market town, but this could not be further from the truth. For example, in the marketplace on Duke Street there is a building known since 1663 as the Naked Man Cafe, the original sign hangs over the door depicting a supposedly naked man holding a cloth over his vital bits, but there is one major problem with this sign. The naked man is not naked! On a closer inspection, it can be seen that although painted black, the man is fully clothed with a collar and buttons down his shirt & looks to be wearing short trousers. In his hands he does not hold a cloth, but an apron with initials I C and the said date on a white background. As if to confuse things even more, we find the apparent counterpart to the ‘naked man’ at an old inn in Langcliffe, again a sign over the door showing another figure which is supposed to be the ‘Naked Woman’, but it is clear to see that this is no member of the female sex, but a fully clothed man, complete with mustache and short beard in the style of the period. How they have both been regarded so wrong for so long a time is beyond explanation, but the Naked Man Cafe is another example of a secret hidden in plain view. During the early 1600’s, inn’s and public houses were the meeting places of covert groups which took on the guise of the Rosicrucian and then the Freemasons and it is known that a particular practice of one of the higher degrees was to be performed naked. The cloth that is found being held on the effigies of the naked man and ‘woman’ at Settle and Langcliffe are typical of the aprons that Freemason’s wear at such gatherings. This reference comes from the Bible and can be traced to Gen. 3:7 “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig-leaves together and made themselves aprons.” The Masonic usage refers to aprons worn by stone masons in quarries. The aprons themselves differ. The Masonic one is white lamb’s skin.”
UFO SECRETS OF THE SETTLE SUN DIAL The sign of the Naked Man that hangs over the door of the cafe of the same name in Settle. The effigy on closer inspection is not 'naked' and holds an apron very much like that which Freemason's still wear today in their ceremonies. Why the name 'Naked Man' took hold is uncertain, but there is a rumor that the figure represents a man who was found dead and naked in one of the rooms associated with this building in the 17th Century. Could this have been some kind of ritual that had gone wrong or simply a myth that hides something else that connects the 'Naked Man' with the Sun Dial mystery?
The 'Naked Woman' at Langcliffe. A counterpart to the Naked Man at Settle market place, this figure is again anything but naked. The author believes it represents a Masonic figure with apron and mason's square above the head. Other features lend this to be a man and not a woman as the name suggests. The addition of what looks like a mustache and beard contemporary with the 17th Century, lends weight to this. It is interesting that we have the black and white colouring of the two figures as if to denote a balance of energies and this may even relate to the black and white checkered board pattern found in Masonic lodge's.
As mentioned earlier, we know that officially Freemasonry first appeared in Settle on 7th June 1774 at the Black Bull Inn which formerly stood at the eastern side of the marketplace. The earliest record of a Freemason being made in England was in 1646, one Elias Ashmole, so it would have been possible that Masonic influences may have traveled to this part of Yorkshire and it may be the case that the Atholl (Ancients) Masons originally came down from Scotland, 105
across the borders, with their earlier versions of the craft? It seems that a type of freemasonry was being conducted (based on the ancient principles which involved much more arcane rituals which connected with pagan elements) around the Settle area earlier than the 1774 date given in the official records and I suggest the best clue we have for this presumption are the two 'naked figures' at Settle and Langcliffe. If we take our eye off the actual human figures themselves, which as we have determined, are both males, we will discover that other Masonic symbols emerge from the confusion of these carvings that don’t show us what they are meant to. The naked man at the marketplace in Settle is positioned within an enclosure which resembles the coffins that we find in the degrees of freemasonry and the ‘man’ is stood on an arch or bridge, again a Masonic symbol alongside the aforementioned apron. The figure we find at Langcliffe literally shouts out its Masonic connection as it involved two of the most sacred of icons to be found within freemasonry – the square (above the figure’s head ) and the apron which it holds in the desired position. Local historic records tell us that the Inn where the ‘naked woman’ carving appears was formerly the house that backed onto Langcliffe Hall, which we know had supposed ties with Sir Isaac Newton at a later date. The letters ‘ LSMS’ on it refer to the owners of the house, Lawrence & Mary Swainson and the date of their occupancy, 1660. Their son Thomas Swainson was known to be a landowner of the area called, Barrel Sykes from the deeds that still survive today dated 1622, but less known that he was, in fact, a brilliant mathematician. It is written on a plaque in Giggleswick Church that Thomas: “knew arithmetic, geometry and astronomy perfectly” It seems again, that we have uncovered another contemporary of Isaac Newton living in the Langcliffe area, who had through his parentage Freemasonic involvements. Evidence for any member of the Swale family ever being themselves Freemasons is purely subjective and the best evidence at this time comes from the way that they conducted their lives both in the Settle area and overseas. They were committed to helping their fellow man at all levels of life and used their wealth for worthy causes. There have been several other well-known characters from Settle who have done similar deeds, a proportion that seems at odds with the size of the town’s population size which was considerably less back in the 19th century, including The Reverend Benjamin Waugh (20 February 1839 - 11 March 1908) who was a Victorian social reformer and a campaigner who founded the UK charity, the National Society 106
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in the late 19th century, and George Birkbeck (10 January 1776 – 1 December 1841) who was a British doctor, academic, philanthropist, pioneer in adult education and founder of Birkbeck College. After mechanics started asking questions about the apparatus he used in his lectures, he had the idea of holding free, public lectures on the ‘mechanical arts’ (c 1800-1804). These Saturday evening events proved very popular and continued after his departure to London, leading to the formation in 1821 of the first Mechanics’ Institute. Now, I am certainly not saying that any of these famous characters from Settle’s past had been directly involved in anything remotely connected with the portal sundial secret, but I am very open to the suggestion that a kind of influence pervades the Settle area which is connected with the positioning of the portal there and this influence may have been picked up at points in time by individuals whose lifecourse would then take them onto do wondrous things that could change the societies they lived among, even maybe alter the world that they affected by their ideas, discoveries and inventions. 3. FALCON MANOR HOTEL
As you enter Settle on the busy B6480 it is impossible to miss the enigmatic and statuesque frontage of the Falcon Manor Hotel, formerly Ingfield Hall. As has been already mentioned, this is the place that I believe occupies one of the country’s most active inter-dimensional portals and if this is truly the case, then there must be some kind of evidence to back up the claim. The building has been around for over 170 years, so the lack of printed information about the hall is quite surprising, yet not an uncommon fact in the Settle area. It is frustrating to find that local historians can only speculate at why the hall changed its name in the 1920’s or why details of its occupancy are sketchy to say the least? Externally and inside the building there are puzzles to unfold and secrets to resolve. The grounds to the hall are typical of a building of a much earlier pedigree and would not look out of place if it had been built in the 1600’s. Initially, one feature stands out which draws our attention to the possibility that there is something not quite right here. That feature is the columned frontage to the main doorway which is a visual projection of Masonic proportions. The two columns found in freemasonry derived from the pillars of Solomon’s temple, named Jachin & Boaz, are represented either side of the arch of the doorway and above this can be found the outline of a triangle 107
with the sign of the Aten (or solar disk of ancient Egypt) in its center. Masonic lore states: "You enter[ed] the Lodge between two columns... The pillar or column on the right, or in the south, was named, as the Hebrew word is rendered in our translation of the Bible, JACHIN: and that on the left BOAZ. Our translators say that the first word means, “He shall establish;” and the second, “In it is strength.”...The former word also means he will establish, or plant in an erect position- from the (Hebrew) verb Kun, he stood erect. It probably meant active and vivifying Energy and Force; and Boaz, Stability, Permanence, in the passive sense.” This is just what we should find at the site of the portal – an active and vivifying energy and force alongside a sense of stability and balance. The two doorway pillars symbolic of the situation at the site of the Falcon Manor hotel. Triangles, again found at the heart of Masonic symbolism, kept appearing and reappearing during the quest to find the sundial portal and each time it was in the way of a right-angled triangle. For example, it was mapped out over the landscape as ley lines between the three sites of Castleberg, the chapel at Giggleswick and Cleatop Circle. This symbol was received by Pythagoras from the Egyptians during his long sojourn in that country and with it, he also learned the peculiar property that it possessed, that the sum of the squares of the two shorter sides is equal to the square
The Falcon Manor Hotel, Settle. Possible masonic influences can be seen in the main doorway with two columns (pillars) and triangle with Sun symbol above the door.
of the longest side-symbolically expressed by the formula, that the product of Osiris and Isis is Horus. This figure has been adopted in the Third Degree of Freemasonry, but more importantly the symbolism of the god-form Horus is the expression and understanding gained by calculating the other two forces symbolised within the qualities of Osiris and Isis (the active and the passive) and we can also represent Horus graphically as the winged falcon. There is really very little in the public domain written about Ingfield Hall and even enquiries to the present owner of the hotel only brought about information which has been known for years and with no surprises forthcoming. In my emailed message to the staff at the hotel in May 2012, I asked if anyone working or staying there had ever had any unusual experiences which they found hard to explain. I was surprised and somewhat disappointed to receive a short and abrupt note back informing me that 'there is little information available about the hall/hotel’ and that ‘ nobody has ever seen any ghosts there’ even though I had not specifically asked if anyone had! Netherless, I was grateful that they had taken the time to reply at all and supplied me with an A4 attachment to the email containing the standard information about the lineage of the hotels owners and a brief history. 4. WHEN THE VISITORS RETURN
‘.....In 2012, Earth’s axis will tilt, along with a polar reversal, causing terrestrial and celestial grids to re-align, the pineal eye will perceive beyond ultraviolet,& we’ll ascend to the next dimension beyond time.’’ (Moira Timms) As I write the ending to this book in the year 2012 I look around me and see that things in the world are changing fast on many different levels. There seems to be a meltdown in society and the governments which run the peoples in countries regarded as super-powers as well as those that continue to emerge through the social change like the Arab spring, for example, seem to be ‘expecting’ something new. As most people already know, this year was supposed to be the big one for change and this has been predicted many times by many different cultures. Some of these predictions about change refer to the planet as a physical entity and see things happening much in the way that Moira Timms has, as quoted at the start of this chapter, yet others see it as an opportunity for humanity to change; the emergence of a new kind of human being, more caring, more devoted to his home planet, fair and more aware of the love he has to offer his fellow man as a spiritual being. 109
Even Sir Isaac Newton had a go at prophecy and looked for the ‘end of the world’ in the biblical references appertaining to this in such books as David and Revelations. He insisted through his occult knowledge that the end of the world as he knew it during the 18th century could be calculated using numbers, which he did, and found the year 2060 to be significant. He also predicted that ‘the catholic church will come to an end sometime between the year 2035 and 2054, but as this is still some way off, we shall have to wait for that one to see if he was correct or not. I do not feel, we have to worry too much about ‘the end of the world’ or any other dramatic change for us in the near future. There have been several physical changes to this planet Earth, all which we have managed to survive and adapt to, even evolved from. We should be far more concerned with where we are heading as conscious beings with a moral duty to those who come after us. That is what has been entrusted to every human being since the human computer was graced with the input of what we call intelligence. As things stand at the beginning of 2012, I fear we are in need of reminding ourselves about who, and what we truly are and once that has been established, then we can move on and think about our place in the physical world. To date, humans have spent far too much time listening and not acting. They take their lead from those who are supposed to be the ones (with the knowledge) who have the wisdom that establishes an honest and fair society, but we have seen so many times, the world over, that this is not always the case. Society was not meant to support those who through greed and power put themselves into lofty positions to dictate what is right and what is wrong when they do not follow their own examples. Humanity, all over the world, is beginning to see that this is the case. We are all, every one of us, even those who until now have hidden the knowledge and kept council with those who ‘need’ to feel the security of power and materialism, changing and realising that we are a part of the reality which governs all. As a part of the holistic consciousness, our actions, good or bad, right or wrong, purely shades of gray within a spectrum which we have always seen previously as black and white. Responsible conscious beings like us, need to wake up to the fact that our greatest responsibility is not to one another within the physical world (although that is an important consequence of this), but to one another and the universe in the spiritual sense, for every action we manifest within the physical world, it effects deeply the progression of the ‘reality’ of the unseen dimensions. The ‘end of the world’ that has so often been predicted by the prophets of man-made 110
religions since the departure of the first peoples is the end of a world in which the physical computer, we think of as ourselves gives way to the fully integrated man. This new evolution in human awareness is what has been repeatedly predicted as the end of times, the end of the bad times for most of the human race, for with this change we can at last throw off the shackles of what we have deemed to be a normal society which was in effect, a prison for the soul. At the end of 2012 we can look forward to some amazing changes which will seem magical to many of us and to appreciate fully what is taking place, we will change within ourselves. It will be a natural progression and there will be no fear involved in this. I used to think about this happening and used to say to myself, “yes that’s great, but what about all those people that will miss this change? It seems so unfair that they will not be around, those that have passed over years before right back throughout history.” Does it seem right that only those around in 2012 should be the ones who witness this great change in the way we live out the future? I was, of course, being naïve in forgetting that this change is a change that involves everything, all energies, all life forms, whether they are operating in the physical computer or beyond the physical realm. Everything will be effected in some way and we need not worry about those who passed on before this event happens, as their energy will be able to manifest much more easily once the density of the energy grid has been lifted. What we call spirits, will be traveling back and forth through the portals as if it was always the normal thing to do, and amazingly, that process is beginning to take place right now. The year 2012 will be a time to begin the process of changing our expectations about the world and who we are. Just this speculation in the heart of every single one of us is enough to seed a forest of thought which will become an established reality in the near future. It would no longer be a case of ‘you are what you eat, but ‘you are what you think’, once we integrate and understand how to operate the pineal correctly. We have seen already how easy it is for large groups of people and single individuals to move mountains with the insistence of thought and ideas. In the middle and far east the world has changed forever and dictatorships have crumbled because people started to believe it was possible to stop listening to those in power who had corrupted the land they loved. They became free spirits and took it on themselves to bring about the change that they desired with world changing effects. Great military powers could not bring about what these free spirits did for themselves -that says it all. The facts about 2012 111
are very simple really, most things that mean anything usually are. WE all want a better life and a better reality to live in, but the one that has been held in place by those (with the knowledge) who are reluctant to step away from the status quo because they fear a change which will limit their materialistic empowerment, is the obstacle that has to be removed. All we have to do, is remove this current reality and we do that by ‘how we see it’. Most of the people see their 9 till 5 and the odd day off for good behavior, as normality and I can see why they should do so because that is all they have been used to, in their lives and probably the lives of thousands of people before them and around them. This is not wrong and there are many people who will say, hey wait a minute, I’m happy with my life, I have everything I need, so why should I want any change to come about? If you don’t know what can be possible, then it is normal to be ok with what you have and many will prefer to remain in this kind of thinking for as long as they can. However, once the benefits of Integrated Man come into being, it will be more and more difficult for the die-hard's to remain unconscious to the new reality. After all, I don’t see many people preferring to drive around in cars that have no wheels because their ancestors stubbornly refused to move with the times and rejected the obviousness of the invention of the wheel. Once we begin to see the change and what it can do for us all, we will want to be a part of something that will propel humanity into the environs of the cosmic brotherhood.
The author's own artistic impression of an activated ancient portal like the Settle Sun Dial, with the spiraling vortex perceived in the TIME-SPACE visioning. Such sacred sites can be found all across the world but most remain in a state of neglect. By activating these sites in the way early man intended, the portals may open up new and forgotten methods of inter-dimensional travel.
Even before I began the quest to seek out the truth about the Settle sundial portal, I had known that we share this planet with visitors who are not human or originate from this reality. Some of these visitors are from another dimensional part of the Earth and some are from other places in the universe. Some of these otherworldly visitors are human souls, but they reside within the physical computers of other kinds of living biological machines. To be honest, there is a plethora of visitors to this planet and it has been that way since the earliest of times. I know that there will be people who read this book who will find everything I say in it a little hard to accept as the truth. This is a shame in a way because it was to try to defeat secrecy that I decided to write about the portal at Settle, a conspiracy of monumental proportions that has been going on for at least the past four hundred years in the local area. This is a search for the truth and everything that I have discovered along the way has come about by my own acceptance of the truth, not by 113
being deluded, not by wishful thinking and not by hiding facts to myself. I realise that by writing this book about information that has yet to be established and proven, I will open myself up to criticism and mockery, but I accept that as a part of this evolution and hope that others will step out of their comfort zones to venture into the unknown, to listen within, and to expect that which we are often told is not achievable or ‘realistic’. You can look at this world from at least two different angles. The first is a world which changes very slowly in time and we live out our lives in it with the ‘expected’ routines of day-to-day existence, with unusual events, difficult times, and out of place events occurring from time to time. The second way is a world which is not governed by time, and events which can be good and bad, happy and sad, take place within the moments of their appreciation by us. We do live in this second type of world, some of the time, mostly when we are sleeping and dreaming, but the option to bring a new way of realisation into being is one which can be readily embraced by all of us. When the falcon flies at speed and darts around the skies, it has its work cut out to be able to take in everything that is happening around it in the landscape and the sensation of time for the bird seems to speed up too, but when it gently soars on the wind, it takes in more of its’ surroundings, is more alert to changes and blends in with the dance of nature because it is unaware of the same illusion of time passing. When we slow things down, they get much more interesting and we are able to appreciate more of what is actually taking place. Of course this is not rocket science, but it is essential to understanding why we live lives that often seem so hurry-scurry – there are not enough hours in the day. Of course not, we invented those hours. There are no hours in the day. The illusion of time is a shackle around the neck of humanity, it strangulates forward thinking and blocks out our ability to understand fully who, and what we are. And, we have a lot of understanding to get through in the immediate future. When I was twenty years old I began to ‘dabble’ (I say dabble because I certainly know now that I did not know what I was doing back then) with scrying. I bought a small crystal ball which probably wasn’t crystal at all but made of glass, and I would spend hours in my bedroom peering into it, and wasting time. I followed every process I could read about from ancient to modern texts, which I hoped, would inform me how to see things that others couldn’t in my divinity tool, and guess what, I wasted more time. Then, one day I was startled to see the most horrific face 114
emerging from within the milky depths of the crystal ball. A monster, green and scaly looking like a reptilian demon gazed back at me, it hissed and writhed within its reflective tomb and scared me half to death! I did not pick that crystal ball up again for quite some time after that, but there was something that I knew the instance the reptilian appeared to me, ‘I had to understand what was happening and what was about to happen’ if I was to be able to connect with the experience and carry it forward. The experience was a quest and a test for me, not something that I should fear and be frightened about, but something which I should accept and seek to know the truth about. It has been over 30 years since that experience for me and I still do not know who the ‘monster’ was or what ‘it’ wanted or, why ‘he’ came to me? In that time, I have been fortunate to have met several off-worldly beings from other realities, including my guide Sharlek and I have been able to discover through understanding, what my relationship with those was and is. However, I don’t worry that the reptilian will make a sudden and unexpected comeback one day (and if he did I would embrace the moment with all my heart) and maybe he has in the guise of the owl, because I know that time stood still for me when that manifestation took place thirty years ago and it helped to change my life and the way I look at this world. I don’t count the years and wait for the memory of the experience to fade with time, I wait for time to catch up with me, the reptilian, and my current understanding. As human beings many of us, including myself, have issues with the ego. Most of us will not like to think that this is a truth about themselves, but the way society is run and how we are expected to conform to it on a daily basis, are reasons we often like to think that we are much better beings than we really are. Don’t get me wrong, I do realise that we are all wonderful people and we have progressed so far in such a short time intellectually and that is something we should all be very proud of, but to be honest in our achievements as a race of living beings, we fail in so many other ways too. The ego could elevate us to positions in society where we then forget how we got there and show a lack of compassion, and to the extreme, an utter disregard for our fellow man, even allowing the right to kill one another for the sake of ‘protecting’ the homeland when sensible discussion and debate would be a, much more ‘civilized’ way, of sorting out our problems. When certain people reach positions of ‘power’ they let the ego take over where appreciation and understanding should prosper and grow. The ego of man is one of the biggest obstacles to discovering who we truly are and negates the human ability to connect with the 115
‘higher self’. For we are all spiritual beings living out the journey of the soul on this planet and when we let the materialistic viewpoint takes us over, then we automatically disregard the fact that outside the spiritual, everything else in this world is an illusion made reality to us by our computer brains which are only less than half switched onto what is really happening. Understanding is the key word. We need to take the time to understand in another way, a different way and I know that this might sound crazy, but it is possible. You can understand by using the computer brain which accesses the mind (the program operating within the flesh and blood electrical components of the brain), which we all do ‘without thinking’ every day for a million different reasons. We can also understand using the ability we have to ‘know’. We think that we know things because we have been taught them and then we remember them in the future and this is obviously true to some degree, but there is a process of ‘knowing’ that leads to a deeper understanding of information. Dowsers, like me, use this kind of knowing all the time and eventually do get tuned into ‘picking up’ information without having to learn or be told about it. It is linked to ESP but is not purely that, because ESP uses the direction of the computer brain to ask questions and then gain answers that will fit those questions and many times the wrong information is linked into that and sometimes the right information comes through. In the process of Knowing, the person becomes receptive to information in a more passive way and the material computer brain does not dictate what or, where the information is, or where it comes from? That is because the information is everywhere at the same time and we are a part of that ‘knowing’. It already exists but as physical human beings we get at least two choices as to how we can access the information and as we are ourselves a part of everything else, we actually tap into something which we already ‘know’. We have tried to understand this before and have called it instinct. If I were to tell you that I had absolute proof the aliens exist and then asked you where you thought they came from and how they get here, it would be a sure bet that most would answer that the aliens come from a far-off planet and get here in super hi-tech spacecraft we call UFOs. Well yes, some can and some do, but those who have a full ‘understanding’ certainly do not. They long ago realised that as multi-dimensional beings who are themselves a part of everything else that has ever and will ever exist, understand and know that instantaneous travel (or movement and manifestation of the being) is the most preferred method and probably accomplished something like that in a period of their evolution when the spiritual aspect of the 'being' was recognised for what it 116
was and activated within.. Possibly a time much like ours in the very near future, when Activated Man will lead us back to a time ( and this is not a negative move) when the first peoples lived on this planet and achieved much more in a spiritual way than we have realised today. A time long- forgotten, because we have been told that such a time is impossible and those that told us this knew that our computer brains would hold this information to be correct and so, we believed it. This is why those in power who understood the Settle sundial, changed the goalposts of truth – concerning what it was and what it was used for? They knew that if they continued to tell the common people that it was something other than what it really was, that they would eventually start to say the same thing. They were ‘taught’ to know what it was by a negative influence who had ulterior motives in this world and because they did not understand how to ‘know’ in the correct way, this was easy for those with the power of influence. This situation continues today through the mainstream media and is the hidden agenda of those in power all over the planet. What evidence did I have to make such a bold statement that concerns world governments and a massive cover-up connected with portals and ancient sites? There is, in fact, a growing amount of evidence that this is the case. If it is true that there have been those in powerful positions who understand the portals on the world energy grid and that they have known about them since at least the 17th Century, then why wouldn’t they have tried to understand how they operate themselves before now? The simple answer is, they have. The best information that I can offer about this comes from my own research dating back to 1980 and the realisation that a top secret US-run spying base only miles away from Settle, here in the UK, was actually built on the very spot where there had previously been a neolithic site. RAF Menwith Hill is situated on the A59 between Harrogate and Skipton in North Yorkshire and is the pride of the National Security Agency (NSA) who specialise in micro-telecommunication eavesdropping on anyone, anywhere in the world. RAF Menwith Hill is situated on land that was used for grazing by local farmers and old maps of the area show that quarrying for sandstone was prevalent too; indeed, a large quarry was situated to the north-west area, on land which is now occupied by the grounds of the base, known as Steeplebush. The land which the base stands on now, in view of ‘field area separated by boundary walling’ has not changed all that much really and old public track ways still show up on modern image maps running through the grounds of the base itself, yet ‘right of way’ along these track ways has been negated by the NSA. What was once the farming lands of our forefathers, is now governed for us by an allied force who is prepared to arrest 117
anyone who ‘trespasses’ onto ‘their’ land....... For any evidence that a stone circle was known to have existed here prior to the base, we need to examine early maps, for it is in these that we often find evidence of such things. Maps before the 1900’s often show the sites of ancient artifacts, barrows, tumuli, boundary stones, ancient wells, enclosures and, of course, stone circles; many of which have been lost or thrown down by the hand of modern-day man after this date. It is upsetting to see just how many stone circles have ‘disappeared’ from later maps. Luckily enough, areas like Blubberhouse Moor, where Menwith Hill is located, megalithic stones are still being found by local archaeologists and researchers like Paul Bennett. The major stone circles of Rombalds Moor remain in situ and have appeared on maps down the centuries without change. Both areas are quite similar in topography, similar terrain and would have been host to common stone age dwellers in the distant past. If a major stone circle had once existed at Menwith Hill, then it should have shown up on at least one early map. Even if evidence for the circle itself is missing from these early maps, it should be possible to observe other clues in them which may show that an ancient settlement connected with megalithic stone monuments left clues to their occupation around the area. I decided to look at as many old maps as I could find of the area in question, and then compare these with maps from more recent times, more importantly the ones just before the NSA base being built and just after. I looked at maps from 1889-1893, 1900, 1958, 1970, and modern maps via google earth; which may be about 3 years old (circa 2007/8?).
Close up of the Menwith Hill site, with the ancient tumulus called Round Wood.
If there was to be any evidence at all of a stone circle (or remnants of standing stones), it would more likely be found on the earlier maps -those from 1889 through to 1900. Even in the late 1800’s many maps still contained references to sites of antiquity, many of these being pagan sites which escaped the religious reformations of the time; where not only were ‘druidic temples (for example) censored from maps, but the actual physical counterpart was destroyed, altered or dismantled and used in the construction of Christianised buildings and dwelling places! I suppose it depended greatly on who was actually drawing up the map at the time, whether ancient relics were to be included, or not. Sometimes, even if a stone circle had been deleted from a map in this period, it would still be possible to see ‘where’ it most likely would have been situated, as the name of the circle or standing stones could remain as a location pointer, and these maps often show a highlighted area (usually in the form of a ring) in the landscape; which may have been a circular embankment which once encompassed the circle of stones, and remaining in the landscape after the stones had gone. From information given to us from the NSA website, we are told that Menwith Hill Base covers a ground area of about 560 acres (probably more now with the inclusion of Steeplebush); an area which is constantly being developed and redeveloped. When 119
modern maps of the location are viewed, it is difficult to imagine what was at the site before ‘the base’, if anything remarkable at all. Before doing anything else, I felt it necessary to examine the earliest map (MAP-A) to establish what aspects of the landscape had been recorded prior to 1889? As can be seen, the layout of trackways and lanes (later to become roads) seem to have changed very little, the same to be said for boundaries of fields and place names. We can see from the 1889 map that one particular object stands out, mainly due to its shape a circle. Again and again, as I viewed this and later maps, my attention kept coming back to this landmark known as Round Wood. In MAP A(1), the name to this site is given as either ‘Hawk Ridge’- (Because of their splendor, hawks & eagles appear in the folklore & mythology of various peoples & races and we have seen how the falcon symbol lays at the heart of our Settle quest. In many mythologies, the hawk is a solar bird, associated with sun gods. As with other confusions between hawks & falcons, sometimes the myths about hawks can also be related to falcons. Similarly, eagles are associated with sky gods & represent spiritual power, majesty, victory & ascension.) or Round Hill Ridge, even some suggest Round Hat Ridge, but I feel the former to be correct. The association of Hawks and Falcons with other ancient sites in the Washburn Valley and Wharfedale may be reflected in remembered place names like ‘Hawksworth, Hawkstone, etc.’ Certainly, by 1970 the site at Menwith was known and stated on maps by then as ‘Round Wood’. This got me thinking. A wood, or set of trees that were perfectly round, in a landscape circa 1800’s, which the map does not seem to show any other kinds of round copses nearby -this was very unusual. What is nearby, and was again evident in the 1889 map, are sandstone quarries to the north and the east of Round Wood. These are marked as ‘ old quarry', so it has to be presumed that they were in disuse or then very old in the mid to late 1800’s. I feel it would be safe to say that Round Wood is another example of a Bronze Age Round Barrow, and if so, it would show that the area was revered by early man as a ‘special’ place of worship, or maybe somewhere where the veil between this dimension and others was quite accessible and maybe it was then possible to sense something unusual about this site. With the disused quarries nearby, I would be surprised if the position of Round Wood had not been at an earlier time, a ring of stones, indeed some round barrows do have stones built into them; thought of as supportive structures used in burial mounds, but maybe just the remnants of an earlier stone monument at the same site? Whatever the significance of Round Wood, there seems to have been some ‘early attraction’ to it from those who had planned out the Base initially for there is 120
evidencing on MAP D: 1970-74, that an access road had been laid to a mysterious square shaped building just to the south of Round Hill mound. Further, on this same map, we can see that all evidence of there ever having been Round Hill has been obliterated from it! (Interestingly, though there does seem to be three small markings where Round Hill would have occupied on the map, and in earlier maps these markings are the same for stones and boulders.)Sometime between 1966 and 1970 Round Hill was wiped off the face of the earth by the building and construction of one of the world’s most strategic NSA establishments, without a nod or a wink to the archaeological fraternity of this country. Or was it? 5. GOING UNDERGROUND
The problem I have with Menwith Hill as a Top Secret Base (no matter what they supposedly do there) is that it is too obvious and conspicuous. If it is so secret, shouldn’t it be hidden away somewhere else, maybe in the more secluded reaches of the Yorkshire Dales other than on the very doorstep of one of this country’s largest towns at Harrogate (actually less than 8 miles!). Menwith Hill Base is no secret -the whole world knows it is there, and everyone who cares to know, knows what they do there because the good folks of the NSA tell us all just what they do there. That’s how secret Menwith Hill is! It has been mooted for some time now that the real deal at Menwith isn’t what you can see (even though it does look futuristic and outerspacey with those massive golf ball radomes) -that’s just to throw you off the trail – it’s what you can’t see that matters, and what you can’t see is probably right under your nose at the base -and I mean that literally. In 1966, Mr Bellows of Leeds worked for a private company which supplied pipe-lagging to the base. He delivered materials to the base for a three month period, and he estimates over 20 square miles of soundproofing, water-pipe lagging and other pipe-surround materials were lorried into the base. He remained puzzled at how much of this was needed when the base as far as he knew only occupied an eighth of the area he supplied for, 121
and none of the supplies were ever brought back out of the base, yet disappeared from view each time he delivered to it! He concluded, the only place it could have gone, was underground. I know there’s a lot of hype about UFOs and underground military bases now being claimed all over the world and to most ‘normal civilians’, this notion sounds ludicrous, but it is only when we study the topography of the Yorkshire Dales region and Blubberhouse Moor, in particular, that we find such a claim may well hold ground. This region in its geological formation is a honeycomb of natural underground vents, caverns, tunnel systems, and man-made mineral mines. As one cave explorer, I once chatted with from the region told me, ‘there’s a completely unknown world down there, right under most peoples feet that they know nothing about! Subterranean worlds are again the stuff of myths and legends, but in this particular part of Yorkshire there is one on-going tale that repeats itself every now and again involving people who enter caves, get lost in long tunnels, and suddenly come across strange phenomena that they later find hard to explain in ordinary terms. A good example of this occurring can be found in the book, ‘The Lost World Of Agharti’ by Alec Maclellen. (Corgi) The author tells the tale of how he set out into the dales to the west of Menwith Hill and on entering a cave on a hillside, he became terrified by a rumbling sound and a strange green glowing light that came at him from inside the earth.‘There is a long-held tradition in the West Riding of Yorkshire; a tradition which said that somewhere in the Dales was the entrance to an underground world. By common consent, this subterranean kingdom was the haunt of fairies and goblins and the little people, but there had been one or two other folk who maintained that it was the dwelling place of people like ourselves who had lived hidden from the sight of man since time immemorial.’ Alec Maclellen. Menwith Hill is no secret, but it holds secrets, and that is the difference. No, I think that Menwith Hill base ‘had’ to be located where it is and there was and still is no other option for its placing. As I was nearing the completion of my research into the Menwith Hill portal, I came across this very intriguing information: “Menwith Hill Base was located in an area of significant archaeological importance – with a Neolithic Settlement there. A wealth of flint microliths have been found in the area of the base. ‘The US occupants in c.1990 removed an ancient megalith known as ‘Tibby Bilton’ (Bilton is an area to the northeast of nearby Harrogate and Tibby derives from Tabitha in Spanish meaning ‘beautiful, devoted to God, a variant of Elizabeth’) this was possibly the last standing stone remnant of a prehistoric group or circle of 122
standing stones.” In more recent times, it seems that the portal connection with Menwith Hill is being made clearer. There is a secret program being run at the base called OPERATION PHOENIX and this was brought to the attention of parliament in 2010: Q: Fabian Hamilton: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make an assessment of the purposes of Operation Phoenix activities at the US base at RAF Menwith Hill. A: Nick Harvey: Project Phoenix is the name given to the demolition and replacement of one of the original operations buildings at RAF Menwith Hill. Construction works are estimated to be completed by June 2011. (15 Nov 2010: Column 564W ). Seems quite an apt name for this project at Menwith Hill Base: Project Phoenix (also known as Operation Phoenix). 1. ’the demolition and replacement of one of the original operations buildings at RAF Menwith Hill. Could this pertain to buildings associated with Round Wood? Where have we heard of Project Phoenix before? Oh yes, Project Phoenix is an SETI project; a search for extraterrestrial intelligence by analyzing patterns in radio signals. It is run by the independently funded SETI Institute of Mountain View, California, USA. Project Phoenix started work in February 1995 with the Parkes radio telescope located in New South Wales, Australia, the largest telescope in the southern hemisphere. Between September 1996 and April 1998, the Project used the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia, USA. Rather than attempting to scan the whole sky for messages, the Project concentrates on nearby systems that are similar to our own (i.e., those most likely to have planets capable of supporting life). This means the Project concentrates on about 800 stars with a 200 light-year range. The Project searches for radio signals as narrow as 1 Hz between 1,000and 3,000 Mhz: a broad bandwidth compared with most SETI searches. On the other hand, wouldn’t Operation Phoenix be a very apt title to give to a project where something that was forgotten about, maybe an ancient site, is now remembered again (the phoenix rising from the ashes of the distant past?) enabling a very new way of direct communication with such extraterrestrials. Even if it were possible to confirm that some superpowers have finally worked out how to activate and operate portals, I think that their methodology would have 123
derived from looking at the problem from a materialistic attitude, one which is, unfortunately, evident for all to see in the ‘everyday’ world we all live in. However, in more recent times, there have been open clues as to the US involvement in experiments involving the human ability to receive information using the psychic ability, where the participants would remote view other places from a static point and then bring the information into the present reality by relating, writing down or drawing what they had ‘seen’ with the third eye. The project was called ‘Stargate’ and led by the Federal US Government working closely with the NSA (who operate Menwith Hill) from the early 1970’s through, we are told, to 1995. Project Stargate was, we are told, one of the several sub-projects to investigate claims of psychic phenomena with potential military and domestic applications. For some years after the project ended, research results coming out of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and The American Society for Psychical Research determined that: ‘observations provide a compelling argument against the continuation of the program within the intelligence community. Even though a statistically significant effect has been observed in the laboratory it remains unclear whether the existence of a paranormal phenomenon, remote viewing, has been demonstrated. The laboratory studies do not provide evidence regarding the origins or nature of the phenomenon, assuming it exists, nor do they address an important methodological issue of inter-judge reliability......Thus, we conclude that continued use of remote viewing in intelligence gathering operations is not warranted.’ In the years since 1995, rumors went around the pro-psychic ability supporters that these results were not a true reflection of what had been established, but the official line from the NSA remained the same and publicly they claimed no further interest in the subject, but in 2011 new information came to light that put a big question mark on whether or not we could really trust what was being said by those who had been in charge of the project? In 2007, a document was brought to our attention by Ufologist Nick Pope, who worked previously for the MOD in the UK. It made a very clear statement (page 11 of 50 in the document released in 2001 by the governing body releasing the finds of a Remote Viewing project, under the Freedom Of Information Act by Timothy Good ) that members of the public had been approached to take part in their ‘experiments’, yet the MOD had, until that time, claimed to have had no public interest in the subject or anything else termed ‘paranormal’. We now know that this was not true and military bodies and the world governments have run a series of projects which definitely do involve trying to acquire information by what can only be described as ‘occult’ methods. Nick Pope states that: ‘Participants 124
were invited to be tested, but again, there was absolutely no indication that the real sponsor was the MoD. The tests took place in a property which had been commercially rented, to disguise the fact that this was a government program. Remote viewers were given a detailed questionnaire which included such questions as “at what age did you have your first psychic experience?” and “have you ever participated in a séance?”. The reason which was given with the release of the document under the FIA, that these unsuspecting members of the psychic community were to be ‘used’ in the program, was due to the MOD searching the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden after the 9/11 atrocities and any method of gaining ‘sensitive’ information should be attempted no matter ‘how bizarre’ if it brought about the required outcome. We need to ask the question, however, was it really necessary for the MOD to dupe its own citizens into complying with their aims when one would suppose that most if not all of them would have been happy to help in the situation. In his amazing book which I highly recommend, ‘Does it Rain In Other Dimensions?’ Mike Oram discusses his own personal encounters with beings from other realities and his lifelong interest in UFOs. In the book, he recounts the experience he had while traveling on a dirt road at Groom Lake, Nevada close to Area 51. He notices a gray military pick-up truck behind him. He stopped the car and got out of the drivers side door ‘to look at a small purple flower growing in the desert sands. The flower had a very unusual effect on his emotions and seemed to grow, swooping all around him in ‘its’ essence. During the fifteen seconds, it had taken Mike to get out of the car, the gray truck had disappeared. Under hypnotic regression, Mike recalled how before stopping the car he had heard a noise and then the car tyre had gone flat, but before he could get out of the car, he was surrounded by the military who ordered him out at gunpoint. He states, ‘We were taken to the rear of our car, where a truck with a strange device on the back was backed up to ours. The truck held a long tubular device which seemed to have two wheels attached.’ Mike thought, through his deeper consciousness, that these wheels were three magnetic coils called a Magnetic Pulse Generator. Mike knew that the device was able to create a portal -it was a Mobile Portal Creator. Mike then claims that the military forced him to enter through the portal that they had created in front of his eyes. It was circular, about seven feet tall and a couple of inches off the ground, you could see the desert through it and it looked like wavy lines of energy like water rippling. (Note: I have seen this effect myself at the Folly portal in 125
Settle -author). Stepping into the portal Mike found himself in an underground military base. One minute he was standing in the desert, the next in another place entirely.' At the time of Mike’s experience, he had never heard of a Magnetic Pulse Generator, but such things do exist! Pulsing magnets are used every day in hospitals and fall into two categories Non-destructive and Destructive, they are used for anything from breaking up kidney stones to manage pain and sleep disorders. It is even claimed that pulse magnets can be used to change weather patterns. The extreme use of pulse generators has been incorporated into the highly debatable HAARP (HighFrequency Active Aurora Research Program) which was set up by the scientific community in 1993 to ‘better understand, stimulate and control the ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communication and surveillance systems’. In truth, it seems the HAARP system has many different uses and some scientists believe that ‘HAARP at its current extraordinarily high levels of power are quite capable of generating such highly advanced, esoteric phenomena as gravity waves; the ability to implement inter-dimensional and time-bending, distortion, shifting, rifting and the like would be along the same lines.’ In other words, the HAARP technology manipulates the essence of this reality using waves of generated gravity at particular high frequencies, to produce an interdimensional portal! I believe that there are special secret forces in our world who use governments as cover for their activities which include quantum communications between themselves and otherworldly beings. They have a long established, at least since the 1600’s, understanding of how these communications operate at the quantum level of physics and they can tune into particular harmonic frequencies within the make-up of the Earth itself through the world energy grid using magnetic wave generators of various kinds. It is as if they are merging ancient knowledge with modern scientific technology and they conduct these communications at selected ancient sites. Why would they use ancient sites like the ones we have described around the Settle area. It is all to do with the stones at these sites, which act like capacitors that hold a very subtle energy (electrical) charge through the crystals and micro-metals found within them. The inner mind can be ‘affected’ by this charge which enables the receptive person to ‘communicate’ in several different ways, maybe thoughts, hearing sounds, or seeing the projected information? So, if this is the case that the military in some covert way is conducting experiments in communications at these ancient sites, then what evidence do we have to back this up? Well quite a lot actually, most of the accounts coming from UFO-type 126
phenomena that are reported around the world involving the appearance of special forces at the times of the sightings and the Settle area is no exception. In an article entitled ‘Who is watching.....?’ which appeared in the April 2011 issue of Settle’s Community News, it stated: ‘The release on March 3rd of Britain’s ‘XFiles’ revealed hundreds of investigations of unidentified flying objects. The 8,500 pages in 35 files represent the largest single release of classified UFO documents ever by the British government, the latest in a series of responses to Freedom of Information requests and finally reveal to public scrutiny the case(s) which have become known as the “Ribble Phenomena”. The first reported incident took place in the Spring of 1942 when villagers in the Langcliffe area reported seeing lights in the sky and witnessing a silver-gray craft touch down in the vicinity of Barrel Sykes. A number claimed to have approached the craft but were unable to touch it, being repelled by a strange force. After a brief stay, the craft flew off leaving the witnesses confused by what they had seen. They reported the incident to the police and regardless of their varying ages all gave identical descriptions and stuck adamantly to their story despite questioning by Air Ministry officials. However, as the country was at war and it was feared that the story would cause widespread panic it was swiftly suppressed, the witnesses held briefly at hospital at Harrogate, and their families informed that they had suffered hallucinations caused by eating bread baked with flour which had been contaminated by ergot (a fungus which creates a chemical which acts similarly to LSD). The second incident occurred twenty years later. Two children fishing in the Ribble at Bridgend witnessed a large silver ball crash into the water. In their statements, they described it as being ‘almost the size of a helicopter’. They ran towards it and could hear thudding noises coming from inside. Unable to reach it they ran for with their father on his tractor. However, by the time they returned the area was cordoned off by British and American troops. The family was held in custody while the object was recovered and transported elsewhere. They were then sworn to secrecy and informed that what they had seen was a new weapon which had misfired and that they had walked into a combined services exercise in preparation for a forthcoming military action. In the middle of the following month, President Kennedy sent American Marines in Laos. Since then the waters of the Ribble have been regularly monitored and the soil in the area of Barrel Sykes checked for contaminants. Professor D’Avril of the European Space Agency states in the report that “the water 127
shows no chemical transformation whatsoever but apparently it has somehow retained a ‘memory’ of the incident.” This is supported by the research on the soil samples which show an “increased susceptibility to biomagnetic resonance”. Since then there have been several sightings of ‘lights in the sky’ in the area, increasing in frequency in 1982. These have been variously dismissed as American stealth planes, a ghostly Lancaster bomber and escaped high-altitude weather balloons. The authorities are sufficiently concerned to maintain a sort of ‘no-fly’ zone in the upper Ribble valley by almost continual low-level flying and training sorties. However, writing in “Inter-terrestrial Inter-national” Polish Ufologist Glupek Kwiecien claims that, “ The work of P.D’Avril supports the idea that there is something very special about the Ribble. We can only eagerly wait to see if there is further attempts at contact in 2012 and beyond.” The truth, it would seem, is out there.’ I emailed the newsletter asking for more information about the two mentioned cases and awaited a reply. Four days later I got one. Just a couple of lines from Alistair Cook of the production team. ‘Oh dear..he states, it would seem this is an April fools joke. There never were any reports made. This happened last year.’ That is all he put, so I decided to try to contact him again, but this time no reply. I found this very odd. Ok, it was the April issue, so yes it could have been a bit of Ufological leg pulling. Nevertheless, there are several points that don’t make sense here if that is simply the case. 1. There had been no reference made to the article being an April Fools joke in any succeeding monthly issues (4 issues now at the time of writing). 2. There seems to be a lot of detail in the article for such to be all made up just to ‘fool’ people and then never print any responses to this joke. 3. It is true that coincidental to the 1942 landing near Settle, top brass military were staying in the small town in the spring of that year. There is video documentation of this existing today, showing high-ranking officials in the town square at a parade. 4. Locals to Barrel Sykes ‘remember’ a UFO landing there (probably the 1960’s incident) and other UFO experiences have occurred in the same locality in more recent times, one of the witnesses being the verger of Langcliffe Church. 5. Alistair Cook states ‘it would seem this is a joke’ Wouldn’t he know if it was a joke or not? 6. The region in question is less than 7 miles from where the famous High Bentham UFO abduction case took place (details of which appeared on national TV 128
and all over the Internet, yet this is not mentioned in the article. 7. All other articles are ‘authored’ in the newsletter. This is the only one that is not. Wouldn’t the ‘joke’ have been more convincing if it had been authored? Knowing the area as I do, and the convincing evidence that has come to light regarding the portal at Settle along with recent photographic evidence, I think that this is yet another secret in plain sight. The article involves far too much imaginative information which fits in with what has actually taken place at Settle and the surrounds for it all to be pure fabrication. This is not wishful thinking on my part, the evidence for the Settle Sun Dial Portal stands up alone without the need to include such details as we find in the ‘Who is watching?....’ article. Yes, ‘the truth is out there’ and it might just be the case that someone is really trying to tell us this. It would not be the first time, however, that an unsuspecting editor was suddenly censored for putting into print information that some regard as just a bit too near the truth. And, that is what all this is really about....A matter of the truth. When this truth is fully released, fully understood and fully realised, then humanity will be able to welcome openly the visitors into a world which is occupied by a race that is fair and honest. Sadly, at present we are still trying to achieve that status overall, but I fully realise that many people the world over accepts that we feel that we are about to blossom, to break out and become something else, a new man and a new awareness within. While there are those who govern us and claim to be working for our best intentions, while they secret that knowledge which would and should have helped mankind to leap into the arms of the cosmic brotherhood, then we will be no better off, than those lowly people of the Settle area of the 1700’s who were duped into thinking that the sundial was unimportant and forced to remain silent when it was spirited away from the landscape. The destruction of the Settle sundial was a tragedy for it took away with its disappearance a hope for a future where free men of all races on and off this planet could live and learn about everything which we have been told is impossible to achieve and has been suffocated by the dressings of magic, lies and deceit, behind which was always hidden the truth. Even when we do eventually discover the truth about the Portals and Stargates, and I am certain we will sooner rather than later, it will not come as such a big surprise for many of us remaining outside of the ‘secret’ knowledge fraternities, because the secret of the portals was never a secret anyway, its knowledge, its understanding, was already held within every one of us who has ever put a foot on this planet. We are 129
the stargates and the stargates are Us, We are the reality of this world, and We are a part of the whole. They just didn’t tell you that.
Evidence Hidden From View
'Strange is just the word we assign to that which we fear, and we fear because we do not understand' Lee Mortimer
n the years since I wrote the first edition of this book, there have been some amazing revelations concerning various aspects surrounding the Sun Dial portal at Settle. These have been either hidden or simply lost to time, but with a little detective work by Helen and myself, we have managed to uncover things which we now feel should be added to the account. How we came about this information is varied. Some of it came by interactions with others interested in the portal investigations, through website posts, and in one particular case, direct from someone who's family is connected with the historic portal cover-up. Other sources of information came about from our own work at the portal site at the Horseshoe Trees and around the town at Settle. This is all a journey of discovery. It is ongoing and incomplete and will remain that way until we all know the truth about portals and the possibility of travel to other dimensions. Only then will we be able to reflect on all of this information and say yes, that was right or no, that was wrong. It feels at times like you are putting together a massive jigsaw puzzle but have to go on, even though you know it will never be completed by you because certain pieces are missing. Even so, we must go on and in doing so, we leave a legacy behind that maybe others will pick up on in the future and continue to speculate, dream and envision the truth of it all. For now, however, here is an update of the most current findings we have made since 2012. In the first edition of Isaac Newton & The Secret Sun Dial, I hinted that we were looking for portal vortex areas within the Castleberg Woods and we did find other sites which looked promising. We first set out to try locate where the original standing stones of the 'sundial' may have once stood on its slopes and speculated 131
that these might be the points where these vortex areas may be found. But, we were in for a surprise. At one such place (which would be in the vicinity of the eleven o'clock position of the stones carved with roman numerals on the Buck & Feary engraving) we tested to see if this was one such vortex. The area was void of anything similar in the way of energies and phenomena that we had encountered at the Horseshoe Trees site lower down the slope. I suppose this goes to underline that whatever the stone slabs that are shown as the sundial on that engraving really are supposed to be, they do not represent anything connected with the portal theory and I believe that this lends more weight for the engraving being an intended misrepresentation of what was really there. I am sure there are other vortex areas on the slopes of Castleberg, but we did not find them. So, we returned to the Horseshoe Trees site to continue most of our portal experimentations and investigations throughout 2012 to date. In the summer of 2013, Brenda Butler, a friend interested in the Settle portal made a comment on facebook that she could see strange markings in the ground across the fields that lay adjacent to the south of the woods at Castleberg. Upon inspection using google earth, I noticed a large circular marking that looked like it had been there for many years. The circle was made up from the change of colouration in the soil of the field and looked to me like it had a small embankment all around it's 30ft wide circumference. I ventured up onto the higher ground to the south of the field and looked down at this marking below. It certainly looked like the remains of some kind of ancient impression, maybe where a stone circle had once stood? I was not too surprised at this and it was Helen who first noticed that the circle was aligned with the Horseshoe Trees. From this, we were able to project an imaginary line connecting the circle and Horseshoe Trees site up towards the summit of Castleberg, running just behind the place where the flagpole stands today. In this field which once housed a Victorian quarry (west of the summit), there remain traces of Neolithic embankments and ancient wells scattered here and there. This place had been recognised by Man since earliest times and was dwelt upon right up to the Roman Occupation at least. Helen and I almost felt that we had an obligation to bring the importance and recognition of the Horseshoe Trees site (and the portal vortex we believed to be present there) back into the general awareness of those local historians who seemingly had chosen to ignore this amazing place. We were driven on to regularly visit the woods, learn about its wildlife and plants, examine the rock formations and 132
to sense the unseen energies flowing through it. This, for us, became a definitive wonderland where anything was possible and a place in which it was so easy to dream the impossible. I am certain now, the impossible was allowed to permeate that place at times that when we wandered and dreamed. The line of trees (horseshoe in shape) held a sacred space for us both. We would enter into it, no more than nine feet across, but it was like moving from one world into another. Nothing changed in any remarkable way as far as the eyes were concerned, but it was within the senses that you knew the difference. Many times, you would move into the space between the tree trunks and feel the ever so slight pull of something unseen, like a guiding hand on the back, moving you to a certain spot in the middle, or turning you to look in a certain direction. There was a presence in that space and it was aware of who we were. It was not human, it was not an earth energy, it was not alien or elemental. It was all of these things combined. It was 'awareness'. I can't remember who's idea it was to start to move large boulders up the slopes of the woodland to place in the spaces between the trees of the Horseshoe site, but we started to undertake this sometime in late 2012. There was snow on the ground that had managed to fall through the sparse branches of the woodland trees, but no matter how cold these stones were to the touch, we felt they had to be moved into place. In effect we eventually formed, by lifting and carrying these stones, a miniature stone circle. It was around this time, once the stones were in place that things picked up with regards to the interactions with the entities that we had first felt there. It was almost as if we had built a kind of home for these projections to manifest into. It felt like it was a safe area, both for ourselves and I wondered, for the Beings that were aware of what we had been doing there? In the main we kept most of our visits and investigations at the site in the woods to ourselves. There were a few trusted friends we shared the ongoing results of our communications with otherworldly entities. Some of these people were local to Settle, some came from as far and wide as the furthest south and west of the UK. It was as if we were beginning to become a part of a network of other portal hunters; people like ourselves who seemed to have a deeper understanding of the connections we thought we alone had been privy to. It soon became apparent that these other 'sensitives' were making exactly the same discoveries at their own portal sites as we were up here at the Settle Sun Dial. Something important was growing. A gradual awareness that whatever UFOs were, they did not simply fly in our airspace, but 133
could be found to manifest out of thin air at portal locations. It seemed Ufology had hitched up a gear and was now fully incorporating inter-dimensional origins for some UFOs at least. At the winter solstice of 2013, we invited a local group of 'spiritual' people to the Horseshoe Trees site. We had made a new and recent friendship with one particular woman in this group and she said she was a healer using angelic and reiki energies. She seemed the ideal person to have with us on that occasion as we had intended to try channelling at the portal with the group. When we got there, after struggling to climb up a very wet, slippery and muddy track that winds its way towards the summit of Castleberg, we noticed something very odd. This 'angel lady' had sped past us at the bottom of the track and we lost sight of her in the darkness of the overhanging canopy of trees. When most of the group finally caught up with her, breathless from the most difficult of evening walks, she was sat down in the middle of the circle of stones and in a deep meditation. I noticed that her shoes were not covered in mud like the rest of us. It was as if she had been transported to the site ahead of any of us! More odd, was the revelation that earlier in the evening when talking about the portal site with her in the comfort of a shop in Settle's township, she remarked that she had never been to the site and in fact never knew that anything like the portal ever existed on those woodland slopes even though she had lived in the area all of her life. So, there was a nagging puzzle for me as I stood and watched her silent meditation in the Horseshoe Trees. How did she know where to go in the dark and how did she get to the exact location so quickly? Helen and I never got the chance to ask her about this. Soon after that one and only visit with this woman, she decided to cut all ties with us giving no explanation. She had been so friendly and so in-line with our views about the portal and the visitors from other realms we had experienced there. Now, we were being ignored and blanked! A few weeks passed by and we moved on to other things. We would see her as we walked by in the streets of the town, but she would often turn a corner just before we could meet, or simply turn around and walk the other way. All sorts of things were going through our minds and we wondered if we had upset her somehow or maybe she just found us a little too weird? It was a few months later that we discovered the actual reason. Settle has a well-written history and it has (as you will have seen in the earlier parts of this book) a hidden history too. Finding and exploring the possibilities of the portal was always my attempt to realise more openly this hidden part and without a 134
shadow of doubt Helen and I had been quite successful with this so far, but we had not really reckoned with how such secrets are kept hidden for centuries within small communities like Settle and its surrounds. I did know from the start that there were still family names tied in with the portal investigation of people who were still alive today like the Preston's, the Dawson's, the Carr's, the Morrison's the Birbeck's, to name just a few. These are major families in the area and have a pedigree that stretches back to the times of Newton at least. Not all of these families are directly connected with the secreting of the Sun Dial back in 1779, but I am aware that some personalities from the town's distant past would have been privy to associated mysteries yet to be fully uncovered. The fact that most of these families have never been forthcoming with any evidence to support or negate the idea that something called the Sun Dial was apparent at Settle in any of the local histories can do nothing to make any speculation that a grand cover up of sorts must have taken place at some time. This can be underlined when we find, like Helen's discovery of the Sun Dial picture in the Freemasons Hall, other families present the exact same picture of the Sun Dial engraving on the walls of their magnificent residences. You will probably have realised for yourself that we made the link with this lady (who's name I am not allowed to put into print at this time) and one of these 'important' families. In fact, she was a direct family member of one of them. Looking back now, I believe that she was sent to maybe find out just what we knew ourselves about the portal site? She was the one asking all the questions, but giving little back in reply. It seemed she was with us that evening to monitor and watch us, but as in the ages old tradition which seems to be the case in Settle locally at least, this was done in a very underhand way. The months rolled on into 2014 and during the spring I made regular visits back to the site. I managed to feel a strong and direct connection with the place, the portal becoming a part of everything I could see and feel there. The woodland was beautiful and so full of new life. It was full of unseen energies and alive in a way that day to day living in the township below could never match. Some of the manifestations of Beings that were appearing at the portal were astounding and in some cases they extended a friendship that does not have to be created by either party. I was, however, fully aware by now that this place could also harbour other less pleasant entities and there was no way that I would ever allow myself to be cursed with the illness I had previously suffered there. I listened to those who hold such wisdom and knowledge, Beings that always have our interests at heart, and they showed me a method to keep the 'nasty's away involving a cone of pure blue energy. 135
I did not know this at the time, but later found out that this cone of energy was actually a living Being in itself, someone we were to call 'the blue lady'. From time to time, we would notice that certain small boulders and stones that made up the Horseshoe Trees circle we had constructed had been moved or rolled away down the hillside. This was annoying, as it meant that we had to constantly collect more boulders and place them back at the site. This was hard work and to some degree, difficult for me in that I was still in recovery from my illness and also hard for Helen due to the weight of them. Nether less, we always tried to rebuild that which we had started in the year before -it seemed so important to us that we keep that aspect of shape at the place. It held everything together. We did not lay any blame on anyone for the removal of the boulders. Children would often come up into those woods and play there, so maybe they not seeing the importance of it all, might have removed them? Certainly there was enough evidence for this in the food wrappers and drinks tins that were now scattering the woodland floor in an ever increasing and neglectful way. Then something changed. The circle of stones had been completely dismantled! Not one of the original stone boulders could be found under the trees anymore. They had been moved some hundred yards and put over the other side of a farmers wall, hidden from sight. Someone was trying to hide them from us, that was certain from these actions. As if to confirm that, we were shocked to see that the wonderful living trees that had stood for maybe between fifty and a hundred years, the same trees that formed the horseshoe shape of the circle, had been scorched and burned along all sides of their trunks. Some of the branches of these trees had been twisted and broken, left scattered about on the woodland floor. No other trees nearby had been touched in this manner, just the ones in the circle. It all was very sad indeed. But you know nature has a way of gaining the upper hand in all cases of human violation and it was not long before new growth began to take hold. It seemed like the healing of those trees had been speeded up and they began to look even better than before. The burnt markings on the bark began to fall away and new vibrant growth replaced it. It seemed that within two weeks of finding such a sorry state, the trees had managed to change themselves and I am convinced that this was due to the kind of energy that surrounds the area to make this possible. It was not too long before Helen and I were carting bigger boulders up those slopes and we eventually created a better and more appealing portal vortex circle. The stumbling blocks presented by those who did not want anyone to know about 136
the portal did not end there. Of course, it is a normal process of publishing any book that if it has relevance to the historic area of a particular location, then a copy should be offered to the local library at least. Other copies could be distributed to shops in Settle, or so I thought. The Settle library is run by the local district council in the main who use mostly volunteers to staff it. I presented the Sun Dial book to them in 2012 by contacting the main area library in Skipton who are responsible for distribution. At first, I did not get any kind of reply from them, but upon insisting that the book had a historic value to the Settle area, they almost reluctantly said they would take two copies to place in the library. After supplying them with these copies, I thought I would have a look for it in the Settle library. Nothing there in the section on local history and nothing there in the supernatural section (the only other available section that this title could be filed under with its allocated serial number as given by Skipton Libraries. Two months passed but there was no sign of the book, so I decided to ask the staff if they had been supplied with a copy and where it could be? I was told that it should be in the local history section, but it clearly was not. I left it a few more weeks in case there had been a problem with supplying the book to the local library at Settle. I contacted Skipton libraries to find out if they had, in fact, catalogued the book under local histories but was dumbfounded to learn that my title had been allocated a serial reference that would place it in the 'computers and digital media' section! I was given no reason why this should be the case but was assured that this would be changed. So, I took a trip to the Settle library and there it was, the book all about a very explicit local historic mystery was sandwiched between 'how to build a computer' and 'the dummies guide to PC's'. Needless to say, nobody had borrowed the book to read. Why would you when looking for books about computers? So, with a lot of back and forth I managed to get the book re-assigned and moved to it's correct place in the library. However, the problems did not end there. The book had been borrowed a few times during early 2013 noted by the inked date stamp inside its cover. I flicked through it and noticed a sheet of paper inserted in between the middle pages. On it was written, 'do not display this book' and a signed name. We will come to this person's name in due course. I contacted the library about this and wrote in part,
'In the past month (June 2013) I visited the Library 3 times and on each occasion I found that my book was in different sections and not where it is supposed to be. 137
On the first occasion, I found a letter from Mr. ****** of the NCHT directing the North Yorkshire Libraries to stop stocking my book (as outlined below in previous emails). I have this letter and pointed out to the staff my concerns about this personal correspondence/ inclusion in the book while it was publicly available in the library. They allowed me to keep a copy of the letter.' The Service Development Officer - West, North Yorkshire County Council, Library and Information Services were quick this time to respond although very briefly,
'You're quite right, the letter from NCHT should not have been in the book when it was returned to shelves at Settle. Please accept our apologies for this error.' Someone, who I did not know about at that time, was informing the library to keep my book hidden, or so it would seem. I pointed this out to the staff again and they just shrugged their shoulders. I do not blame them, I do not think they had anything to do with this and it was apparent that they were just as perplexed by all of this book hiding as I was. Then things got really weird. About two weeks later, my publisher of the book got in touch with me. He is based in Germany and specialises in books about strange phenomenon and unexplained ancient mysteries. His email to me contained a level of worried concern when he explained in it that a certain person who was connected with the local historical society in Settle, had written to him to state that I had used a copyright image in my book (the picture of the Lettsom map) and that he demanded that all publication of the book should be stopped immediately and any books in circulation destroyed. I spent the next month trying to contact this person, trying to establish why he had made this claim when in truth the copyright to the image I had used had run out legally more than two hundred years ago and thus now resided in the public domain. Was this just sour grapes from someone who did not like the fact that I had written a book about the area where he lived or was there something more sinister to his motives? Of course, at first my publisher fearing retributions from a possible copyright allegation on his company, tried to come up with a solution and offered to put a blanking plate in any future editions of the book stating that this particular image was withdrawn. But I did not agree with this and spent the next weeks proving my case. In the end, this person backed down and since then the book has remained in the library and local shops without any interference. I tracked this person down to find out more about him; he was connected with the North Craven Historical Research Group and lived close to Settle, was closely associated 138
with the work undertaken at The Folly and had some clout in the area being a local businessman. Alongside these activities, he worked with his wife producing local history written documents and booklets. Why would this person be at all bothered by a seemingly insignificant book about an old sundial when, in fact, I learnt that he, himself, had also written about the Settle Sun Dial briefly from a completely repetitive viewpoint of known but inaccurate facts? To this day, I do not know if Dr. Micky Starter (pseudonym) of Langcliffe had any ulterior motives as fact. I highly suspect he had, just by the fact that he would not engage with me in a proper and decent manner over the copyright issue (in fact he even tried to deny he had even done this at first until I managed to call his bluff) and I was given the run around by other members of the NCHRG in an obvious attempt to try distance him from his own allegations once they had been disproves. He is an interesting character in other ways, has run a business associated with Bradford University which seemingly dissolved with no assets only a few years ago, but is a current director of the North Craven Building Preservation Trust Limited worth over £1.9 million net associating himself with such celebrities as Alan Bennett. Yet he has time on his hands to write to publishers overseas concerning a small and 'insignificant' book. During the summer months of 2013 this unwanted attention seemed to go away and we just got on with working at the portal site with no more hindrances. It gave us the opportunity to look further into the historic aspects of the portal cover up and we made some jaw-dropping discoveries. It has always been assumed by the very few locals who actually know anything about the sundial that the way it simply disappeared overnight is something that cannot be known about because there is no historical record available to them of this action. But surely, as I outlined earlier in this book, something on that massive scale could not simply vanish from sight in such a short period of time without someone, somewhere, knowing about it in 1779 and wouldn't it be reasonable for this story to have been passed down the generations on a local level? Imagine Buckingham Palace just suddenly vanishing from sight, with no trace of it whatsoever, overnight. It would cause a national outcry and there would be those in power demanding a full investigation into it! That would be the equivalent of what happened in Settle back then, but the historic records (or failure to find any of them) show nobody turning a blind eye. One day it was there looming over the whole of the town, noticeable by every one of the folks in Settle. The next day, it was gone and nobody said a word. Come on now, if that does not stink of a cover-up of immense proportions, I don't know what does? 139
From what I could estimate, we have seen that the standing stones that once ran down the Castleberg hillside, must have been quite large and maybe up to 15ft tall, maybe more? I would imagine that they would have been quarried by the Neolithic races from quite close by as there are remains of such ancient pits behind the area rising from the flagpole and within the woodland itself. So, we can imagine that these standing stones would have been made from the same kinds of geological rock that is found within the existing strata and observable in the outcrop at the top of Castleberg and if that was the case, then maybe we can still find at least one of these stones somewhere secreted in the Settle locality? It was my friend Jez that alerted me to the fact that one such stone might actually still exist in Settle today. I wrote about it in my book 'UFOs, Portals & Gateways', but for clarity I would like to mention it again here. There is a wall that runs the length of a lovely large garden opposite the Whitefriars car park which is about fourteen feet high. It is a substantial wall and very difficult to see over from the said car park, but I was told by my friend that if you walked to the very far corner, you could just manage to see over it, climbing up the side of the wall a little. At the other side, there could be found a large pointed standing stone! He was right. When I first saw the stone in the ornamental area of the garden of the old hall known as Whitefriars, I could easily imagine it being once situated on the hillside slopes above the town making up a part of the original sundial. It's make up was from the same volcanic mix of limestone that other boulders in the woods were created of. The unmistakeable pockmarked and bubbled exterior of the blue-grey rock, which seemed to hold within its shape facial features as if trapped in time, gave away the ancient connection with the landscape of Castleberg, now the stone only a matter of several hindered yards from where it may have once stood. As I gazed at the stone that had been placed on top of the centrepiece of a circular pond and , I was assured by the current owners of the hall, it having a pipe running up it inside to let water recycle from the top back into the basin, I wondered who had put it there and when? As in many of Settle's mysteries, I could find no historic record for this. I did, however, find a little out about the name of the place where this stone is now in situ. Whitefriars is an intriguing name for this 17th-century family house, with monastic origins and gets it from its connection with the Carmelite monks who date back to at least 11th Century in England. According to one disputed belief, the Carmelites began in the time of the Old Testament prophet, Elijah, about 500BC. If this is true, then the White Friars would be the only religious order to have a pre-Christian past 140
and it opens up the possible reasons as to why they would have removed (if they did?) a pagan symbol in stone in Settle. The White Friars first arrived in England in 1242. During the next century, they founded priories all over the British isles, six of them in the Yorkshire towns of York, Hull, Pontefract, Doncaster, Northallerton and Scarborough, the last in 1319. There must have been a good reason why Settle was chosen as a focus for these Carmelite monks and that may have been the sundial itself. To get to this reasoning, we should look at the biblical story of Elijah.
Above right: Helen stands outside the gates to Whitefriars, now a hotel residence. It has a long history that dates back several hundred years, Left: The standing stone that occupies the fountain area in the garden of Whitefriars Hotel. Whitefriars is named after the connection that Settle had with the Carmelite Monks who established themselves in towns and cities throughout Yorkshire in the 14th Century onwards. Was this one of the pagan stones that originated on the slopes of Castleberg?
It seems from the biblical account, Elijah was in constant battle trying to convert the peoples of Israel away from pagan and false gods, in particular, the worship of Baal. He gave a test to the people at the times of a famine to see who would follow Baal or the only one true God in his opinion, Yahweh. The people of Israel, 450 141
prophets of Baal, and 400 prophets of Asherah are summoned to Mount Carmel. Two altars are built, one for Baal and one for Yahweh. Wood is laid on the altars. Two oxen are slaughtered and cut into pieces; the pieces are laid on the wood. Elijah then invites the priests of Baal to pray for fire to light the sacrifice. They pray from morning to noon without success. Elijah ridicules their efforts. Elijah now orders that the altar of Yahweh be drenched with water from "four large jars" poured three times (1 Kings 18:33–34). He asks God to accept the sacrifice. Fire falls from the sky, consuming the water, the sacrifice and the stones of the altar itself as well. Elijah then orders the death of the prophets of Baal. Elijah prays earnestly for rain to fall again on the land. Then the rains begin, signalling the end of the famine. This is interesting for a number of reasons which may be speculative, but might indeed thrown new light as to why the Carmelite White Friars chose to stay at Settle. The line of standing stones they would see still apparent in the 11th Century would be too imposing for them not to notice. This would have been a major problem for them in it would have been a constant reminder that the area had a direct connection with the pre-Christian doctrines and the earlier pagan past, something that the church in whatever form had been trying to obliterate since the Roman invasion. The story just told about Elijah would have been well versed with the monks in white (and black hoods we are told) and it's theme of praying to God in order to destroy the pagan alter and beliefs of Baal may have been enacted at Settle at some time? There are a number of aspects that would fit the same story from the bible if it had been originated in Settle rather than the bible lands. For example we read of the people being summoned to Mount Carmel (the Castleberg hillside), the pagans praying from morning to noon (these stones are depicted on the engraving of Buck & Feary with those exact times), Elijah made an alter and drenched it with water (was this the remaining stone in Whitefriars that is constantly being drenched in water?) and of course the whole intent of Elijah's conversion attempt is against the worshippers of Baal; a fertility deity, prince lord of the earth and even lord of the heavens who oversaw that Ba'alism was about human sacrifice, orgy gatherings, and self-mutilation. Could ever such atrocious things have been happening in the quaint old town of Settle way back then, that it took the resident White Friars of later generations to end such horrors and one way to do this would have been to remove as quickly as possible the very thing that symbolised these pagan events. The sundial. Of course this distracts from the original purpose of the Sun Dial stones as placed there by the Neolithic races way before any such monks appeared in Settle, but it 142
does show that there may have been, as is suspected, an ongoing link with pagan ritual and celebrations at such portal sites in rural areas of the UK, often held in secret away from Christianity and in some cases that surely remains the case today. In a nutshell, supernatural things happen at these ancient pagan sites. The church often fears these events as they have no concept to explain them away so they associate them with the negative aspects of their own religion. The only reason, which they choose to ignore and over place with religion for these supernatural events in the first place, is that these ancient pagan sites are portals. Neither the Christian church or the pagan worshippers ever got that one right by directly connecting these places with their own ego-based man-made religions. I proposed earlier that a number of prominent families residing in Settle and its surrounds, may have been in secret privy to the truth about the reasons why the sundial disappeared and this might have been kept quiet down the generations due to their own involvement in the pagan side if things that would have been frowned upon by the church. Up until now, the only connection we have between the portal at the Settle Sun Dial site and Walter Morrison is the chapel at nearby Giggleswick. In 2014, I went looking around the house where Morrison lived in the late 1800's that is located at the side of Malham Tarn. There was a framed picture of the man himself in the main dining room which has been replicated times over in the historic record, but I was not ready for other more relevant images that I would find in other parts of that great house. Even before entering it with my wife and son Warren, I glanced upwards and saw what looked like a small but distinct silver orb in the sky over the rooftops. It stood silently and without any sense of movement, but all three of us watched it for a few seconds and managed to take a photograph of the object before it 'dissolved' from view. Maybe this was some kind of sign that would keep us more alert to other mysteries within the former home of Morrison. Much of what took place in the house is again written about in my book 'UFOs, Portals and Gateways', but there is something that needs to be mentioned in this chapter as it bares witness to how the families and secret societies like the Freemasons operating around Settle hold this in common; that is the fact that in Morrison's lakeside residence there remains a large framed picture of the engraving of the Sun Dial, just the same as was found in the back room of the Freemason's Hall in Settle, just the same as was presented by Buck & Feary all those years ago. I remember thinking to myself as to why was this picture not on display for all the public to see, as I only got to see it myself by moving past a roped off staircase that was clearly out of bounds. As I turned the steps to go upstairs, I could not believe 143
my eyes...a framed picture (exactly like the one in the Settle Freemasons Lodge) hung on the wall at the top of the grand staircase. As I looked back down at Helen at the foot of the stairs, I motioned for her to come up and take a photo of the picture. One which was obviously important to Morrison to hold such a prominent place in his home. Ever since 2012, there had been rumours for some time (certainly throughout the period that we had been investigating the portal) that another 'Sun Dial' picture existed in Langcliffe Hall. I had tried in vain to pursued the current owners to let me have a private look around their home as a guest in order to try establish any concrete truth with the Isaac Newton connection discussed earlier. I thought, rather naively, that should I be allowed into the Hall, I would then be able to ascertain for myself whether this picture existed or not? If it did, then that would be three locations important to the portal investigation that had a pictorial connection with the sundial at least. Alas, I was only invited to view the gardens on a public open day which was not really beneficial to me. I was supplied, however, with a copy of the known historic record which supposes that Newton may have visited Langcliffe Hall, but no other information to lend any weight to this. It would be another two years in the months just prior to this book going to publication that I would find out the truth about Langcliffe Hall's connection not only with the sundial picture but also with the phenomena that Helen and I had already gained evidence for at the portal itself. Right: Photograph taken by the author when he visited Malham House in 2014. This was the home of Walter Morrison MP. At the top of the main flight of stairs to the upper levels, this framed engraving of the Settle Sun Dial can be found and looks identical to the one his wife discovered in the Settle Freemason's Lodge.
The Strange Case of the ET Stone
lthough the Sun Dial portal was our main focus for investigation between 2012 and 2014, I was intrigued to learn that fellow researchers including Derek Savory had been actively seeking out portal sites in the Rendlesham Forest region of Suffolk. Rendlesham is known for the famous 1980 case in which an alleged triangular shaped UFO landed in the woodlands close to RAF Woodbridge and security staff from the base under the command of Colonel Charles Halt recorded an encounter with this and other UFOs as they happened. The case has always been denied by the MOD. Even within the ranks of those who claimed to have been in the forest when this all happened, accounts seem to differ in some respects and agree in others so much so, that this has led to fall outs and accusations between the witnesses. This is a shame, as some 35 years on since the episode, it does not help anyone to get to the truth when this kind of thing takes place. Without a shadow of doubt there are people involved in Ufology who seem to be provocateurs', it seems there always have been, but this group do little to help and rather undermine the decent attempts to seek out the truths that we should all be after finding out. People like Derek Savory, Brenda Butler and Larry Warren (one of the original airmen who encountered the Rendlesham UFO) are in a different class. They are honest truthseekers and spend huge amounts of their own time investigating the Rendlesham Forest enigma. I know for a fact that Derek travels miles from his home on most weekends to spend time within the woodlands at Rendlesham and has, through his efforts managed to capture some amazing photographic evidence. Brenda, who has been doing this since the original investigations into the aforementioned landing case alongside Dot Street & Jenny Randles has secured so much comparative evidence that it leaves me in no doubt that the area, like here in Settle, is a portal of immense significance. Derek has been happy to supply me with information and materials from the 145
Rendlesham area since 2012 which includes maps that highlight ancient sites and Saxon habitations, reports of his own and people he knows experiences plus actual artefacts that he believes may have an actual ET origin. One of these artefacts was a stone (which looked like a burnt pebble) that he claims had fallen from the sky onto the forest floor. In fact, he says that there had been a number of these stones that have fallen over the years, seemingly out of nowhere and this mostly happens when there is a group of people present. What is interesting is that that types of stone do not seem to be indigenous to the Rendlesham Forest area and look different from other small stones scattered about or embedded in the ground. He tells me that when these stones fall, they are sometimes hot to the touch and break up on impact, while others fall and bounce as if made of a lighter substance than rock. They come in all sorts of unusual shapes too and the one that Derek sent to me (which I now call the ET stone) has the distinct shape of a greys face in profile with a whiter shading to the stone where an eye would be! At first, I speculated as to what these stones could mean. Why were they randomly falling from high above the trees at Rendlesham and did this serve any kind of purpose? Going along the lines of others who have used special gemstones and crystals in the past to divine information on a psychic level, I experimented with the stone to see if this could be the case. Once intention to do this was applied by thought of mind, the stone began to warm up in the hand, sometimes it would not.
The author at the Horseshoe Trees site on Castleberg working with the ET stone. Is it some kind of transmitter of energies?
Maybe these stones were a kind of transmitter, a natural looking device that had been sent to people like Derek and Brenda to aid them in their investigations. Whatever their true source, these stones do instigate strange things to happen and I can personally vouch for that. On one occasion when I was showing a friend (who is a sensitive herself and works with crystals) the stone, she held it in her palm and noted how it was beginning to warm up along her forearm. Then suddenly, she looked past me and over to the corner of the living room. For a few moments, she just sat there and gazed straight ahead without saying a word. The whole room seemed to have become strangely quiet and still as if we were just there in a void and then she looked back at me and exclaimed, 'there are two of them. Two Beings, Greys.' I did not see anything, but I did feel the altered atmosphere and a sense that we were not alone. Later, she went on to describe what she had seen, long tall entities that had spindly long fingers. At another session with a different person not known to this witness, the same kind of entity was described right down to the long fingers and unusual height. Were these the guardians of the stone or maybe those who launched the stone into the woodlands in the first place. We did not know, but it seemed clear that whatever these Beings were, they could turn up and be visibly observed by those that held the stone while others in the vicinity would see nothing. The fact that this stone, like others that had been 'received' in the forest, was some kind of communication device kept nagging at me, so much so, that I decided in 2013 to experiment with it at the Horseshoe Trees site. From time to time on visits to the Horseshoe Trees I would notice something that would seem to flit between the branches of the trees but I could never determine what it was. There was no definite shape to it, just a quick blur of blue-grey. This must have happened maybe a dozen or so times on various visits before I managed to get a much better look at this elusive phantom. I had been told about a method of photographing entities that Brenda Butler of Rendlesham had been having much success with at that particular portal area and this involved facing away from the area you might sense the Being to be in, then holding the camera over the shoulder to take the shot behind you. I wondered why this would work at all in that you would not know if anything was there behind you when you pressed the camera shutter button. But there was a good reason behind this seemingly ridiculous practice. Brenda told me that one of the main reasons why people did not get good photographs of entities at the moments that they manifest into our reality, was because they were more than often facing the position the entity occupied and this was a dangerous practice for humans due to the negative effect that such a 147
manifesting energy could have on the eyes of the photographer. As they operate on levels of the light spectrum which we do not fully understand yet (beyond x-rays and ultraviolet light), the essence of the thing which we refer to as radiation is highly detrimental to the iris and can, if looked upon for too long, cause long term problems. This, I understand, is one of the main reasons that we do not get 'good clear' photo's of UFOs and Beings at close range, as these entities aware of this problem, only allow themselves to partly manifest into our reality to protect us from it. Well, this reasoning certainly sounded worthy of a try to me, so I decided that the next time I became aware of this elusive entity at the portal, I would experiment with Brenda's technique. I took a number of photographs with a small Vivitar digital camera at various selected positions all around the area about one hundred yards from the Horseshoe Trees circle of stones using the 'over the shoulder' technique. This was quite difficult to do at first as the camera was of the auto-focus type and I did not know if I was pointing it far off into the fields away from the site or even at something like a treetrunk right behind me. Sometimes, I would find myself pressing the camera button more than once as I tried to control it in this very awkward and peculiar position. I am so glad that I did though as it certainly brought about some fantastic results! On one occasion, I thought that I saw a small dark object low in the sky, but some distance off to the west. It was stationary and as I had just been attempting to communicate with an entity which we affectionately called the 'blue lady' (a Pleiadian Being), I grew excited that this might have been a visual observance of her craft close to the portal. I turned around from the direction of the UFO and clicked the camera in the fashion described. As I did so, I felt the sudden movement of the air behind me move across my back. I turned and saw a fading light, but nothing more. It was only later when I reviewed the photo on the camera that I gained a possible explanation for the unseen presence so close to me. There, virtually on my right shoulder and directly behind me, I was a vivid image of what looked like some kind of hood of the most brilliant blue and within its shadow the faint outline of a face with a massive black eye. I knew instinctively that this was not the blue lady (a more humanoid form), but resembled what has been termed the Greys, yet this one was wearing some kind of hooded apparel. This, although amazing in itself, was not the only photograph I managed to get off this elusive entity, the same one that had been moving around the portal trees as if in a game of hide and seek. A matter of days later back at the site with Helen, I took more photographs using 148
the 'BB technique' hoping for more close ups of the phenomenon. It was while I was looking around the area (again encompassing the same hundred yards as before) without the camera being set up to take photo's, that I saw something move behind a large tree trunk off to the west of the site and up towards the giant rock on the summit of Castleberg. Whatever it was, it was small, about the size of a terrier dog standing on its hind legs. It seemed to have a large head that was outlined in the same blue that I had seen on the previous 'Greys' close-up' photo. I got the impression that as I saw it, it saw me and had decided to go behind the tree-trunk some thirty yards from my position. I wanted to shout out to Helen but found that I could not. Maybe I was subconsciously stopping myself from doing so as this may have scared off the entity? In a moment, it moved it's head back and this looked really odd like it was moving in and out of the tree in slow motion, but at the same time a physical part of it, the hooded part, remained behind. Then it all came together and the entity kept peeping slowly around the side of the tree, back and forth, as if it was looking to see if I was still looking at it. I didn't know why at the time, but I felt a connection with the small Being. I started to feel an emotion flooding me as one would do for a lost child. It seemed hopeless, scared and as if it should not have been there. How I knew this (or felt it) I do not know, but I did and I wanted to find a way to reassure 'him' that all was going to be ok, yet in truth, I had no idea what was wrong with 'him' or why I was feeling this. I was confused by it, but just knew I had to help somehow. I decided there and then that at the next opportunity I would try channelling to communicate with 'him', something that Helen was not really happy with as I had put all psychic activities aside since my illness (due to a loss of my own energy due to the illness and the practice of this communication takes even more of it from the body and soul) and she felt that I should not try anything like this until I was fully recovered. She was right of course, but I did not need to worry as the entity began to communicate with me with no intention of my own or use of my own depleted energies. "You wondered why I am here with you", said a softly spoken voice in perfect English. " I am not here as a choice of my own, I am lost here, yet I am with others like you, but still I am alone here". The best way that I can describe this voice that I could hear in my head with sudden clarity, is like the rush of water over a high waterfall or dam and then a silence apart from a background buzz that is very faint. There was no separation between the roar of the waters sound and the immediate sudden absence of all sounds around me apart from the inner buzz. I was alert and knew exactly what was happening, the 149
voice was like someone who was well educated and gave a sense of authority, crazy, but like a private school teacher is the best way to describe it. 'He' went on, "A long time ago, hundreds of years (this may have been thousands or even more, as I did not remember this fact well) we came to your place. We came to Liverpool and we were taken there by your kind under the ground and held there. We cannot escape this place. I have been left here at this place with you now. My 'family (or something like that?) has gone onwards and I am here. I am only 1500 years old, they are elders much older than me. I cannot get back to them and have been waiting here for them to return from tunnels in Liverpool. The will of others will not let them return." I suddenly realised why this small Grey like Being was fearful of the human people he was hiding from behind that tree and why he could do no more than secret himself in the woodlands close to the portal vortex. He was lost. Had he been abandoned or had he escaped some kind of military or secret mission to capture his 'family' and take them underground at, of all places, Liverpool? I shook my head. Was this serious or was this just another entity type playing a trick to mislead me? I could not get the image of the scene in the Steven Spielberg film E.T., from my mind. All Helen and I needed now was a trail of M&M sweets on the ground and we could eventually get this little chap back to where he belonged. The scenario was that ridiculous. The photograph I managed to take on that occasion shows exactly what I saw with my naked eyes. A small figure by the side of the tree described and still wearing that vivid blue hood, dazzling to the sight. It is included in this edition and must be one of the few 150
genuine photographs that we have of these small Grey types. We tried to make ourselves available for more contacts as the year headed into 2014, but as of 2015 moving into 2016, we have not heard from him or had any observance of his presence at the site; the entity who we now call the 'baby alien' due to his very young years of age! Was there any way to validate the information that I received from him? I decided to call upon the UFO community without stating anything about the encounter or photograph and I was surprised with the results. In all my years of investigating UFOs, I do not think that I ever had a case from the Liverpool area to look into. This is no surprise really as my main line of focus was always the Ilkley Moor and West Yorkshire regions around Leeds and Bradford, with the odd case coming from the Lancashire-Yorkshire borders. I was aware of other groups who did operate in Liverpool and its surrounds back in the 1980's, but that is all. I had never heard about any underground tunnels in Liverpool before, but if there were and these had connections with UFOs or underground bases, etc., then that again was not known to me. What I was told absolutely blew me away! Seemingly, it’s well known that there are many tunnels under Liverpool, hundreds, possibly thousands. They were dug by a man named Joseph Williamson, who gave them the name of the Williamson Tunnels almost 200 years ago. He designed them and paid jobless men to dig the tunnels alongside himself. These tunnels ran near and under the city centre, were dug just so these men could be paid to gain a living and apparently for no other reason. Why would he want to do this? Just dig tunnels with no purpose for the only reason so that people could have jobs? Sounds laudable, but I feel this cannot be the whole story. 'Born in England in 1769, Joseph Williamson was a successful tobacco merchant. He ploughed his money back into the local area – Edge Hill – by employing men to build houses. After the Napoleonic Wars, unemployment was rife across Britain; Williamson presumably saw a philanthropic opportunity to engage them in the area’s development. It was perhaps thanks to this that he got the nickname ‘The King of Edge Hill’.' (BBC - The Lost Tunnels of Liverpool). Amongst all the reasoning given to this massive tunnel project it has been repeatedly stated that 'maybe he and his wife belonged to a fanatical religious cult that anticipated the end of the world, and his tunnels were designed to provide shelter during the apocalypse.' Why would anyone suggest this at all? Maybe there was more to this man than we currently know? But, how does all this about some mysterious tunnels in Liverpool fit in with what 151
the 'baby alien' told me in 2013? Well it was known that before Williamson started to dig, there were hollows and pits in the ground around the Edge Hill area (that may have been natural or may have been ancient -this is still unclear) and all that he did at first was to build arched covers over these so that he could use the reclaimed land to build houses on. Was he simply doing this to advance his own building projects or was there another hidden reason as to why he was covering up so many tunnels? It is said that he was very secretive about the tunnels, only allowing certain people to see inside the hidden parts of them which were decorated in numerous gothic, chapel-like features that have survived in many parts of the tunnels today. I wondered, could Williamson have been privy to a secret that at all costs he had to keep 'covered up' literally? These are not small tunnels like the ones we found in Settle, but they are a part of a vast labyrinth with some chambers of immense size. It has been suggested that this tunnel system may have already existed before Williamson's time and they are much older than 200 years, with more and more evidence pointing to a global network of tunnels existing at the time of the first people. I find it intriguing that Williamson chose to start his initial excavations at Mason Street and maybe, like here in Settle, this holds a clue that connects the portals mystery to these ancient underground places and perhaps he simply found or knew of their secrets and thereby made full use of them, maybe repairing, renovating, adding bits on, etc., which would completely explain why there is no record attached to his legacy about constructing them, or anywhere else for that matter. No evidence has yet come to light that Williamson was a Freemason, but there is slight evidence that Freemasons may have been in his tunnels; either digging them or visiting them. Amongst the many common artefacts discovered in the tunnels are clay pipes, one which had the Masonic symbol of a square and compass on it. So, there may be historical secrets associated with the Edge Hill tunnels, but is there any UFO connection that would make the channelled story any more believable? Not far from Edge Lane at the junction of Durning Road and Holt Road, Chris Harris was a 45-year-old plumber in 1977. He noticed a long grey cylindrical object with rounded ends, high in the sky over St Cyprian’s Church. The object was seen by other people passing by and described as looking like it was made of heavy gunmetal. A psychic medium by the name of John Kelly, who lived on West Derby Road, while out walking his dog in Newsham Park, said he felt an overwhelming urge to look directly overhead and saw a 'greyish long craft, at least a thousand feet in length, just stationary in the sky.' He said in the Liverpool Echo, 152
"The dog began to whimper, and I experienced a tingling sensation in my head. I got the impression that someone in that UFO – or whatever it was – wanted to be seen in the sky. I felt that there was someone up there with a huge ego, and I felt he had not come from another world, but another dimension, another plane of existence. It dematerialised not long afterwards and went back to the world it belonged to.” A more recent UFO sighting in the Edge Hill area took place in 2014 and was reported in the Liverpool Echo and the Daily Mail as this report was accompanied by photographic evidence. Twenty-eight-year-old mum Giedre Misiunaite and her husband watched an airborne object that was silent, bright blue and stationary from their back garden at Old Swan. Then suddenly, it started to move backwards and forwards at a great speed, changing colour to amber, then red. She said that it was far too fast to be any kind of airplane or helicopter. There have been many other similar UFO sightings over the Edge Hill area, plus ghost stories and strange sounds being heard inside the tunnels, so I would say evidence is mounting up to suggest that there may have been more secretly held reasons as to why Williamson spent so much time and effort in and around those cavernous places. Could we suspect that somewhere, maybe in those sealed off passageways now bricked up awaiting excavation, there remain groups of Grey entities that have been held captured by some unknown force? What are the possibilities of this race of Beings actually having originated from within the depths of those tunnels? Deep and mysterious tunnels that seem far too grand of design for them to be no more than serviceable underground links between one place on the surface and another.
A message from Sharlek : A portal visitor. 'What grace upon you men of old We brought to those who wait and hope, Instructive plans of old and new To give a sight and bring to view All that came in glory be For every man and minds at sea Waves unknown to share the tide Within a scope, without a hide today we learn to give you all The ways you seek to keep and toil For in the end you will decide That which you keep you cannot hide, We stay with you and share your grace A jewel within a sacred place Of the heart, the stone and blood The life below that is above All are One, Methuselah's line The flame desired outside of time Embrace we all forgive the past And know within that you are not lost Of those who come to seed the world's We love you most.' 154
How to locate your portal and activate it:
he quest for the Settle portal has been a personal one for my wife and me. It is the main reason we ever came to live in the area and from the start we both knew that whatever lay behind the Settle Sun Dial mystery, it was important to follow this journey of discovery through to the end. Yet, we always knew that finding the portal was not something that we could keep to ourselves and it was something that everyone should eventually understand. That is the destiny of all people on this planet, to understand the portals and to know how to use them in the future. In the distant past, the first people knew how to communicate and travel with beings from other dimensions through these gateways, then due to power and greedy ambitions by a minority of the human race, the larger percentage of peoples from around the world lost the ability and forgot to keep the knowledge of the first peoples. During the 17th and 18th, Century’s the opportunity for the ‘discovery’ of remembering the past truth about the portals came about through the brilliant mindsets of individuals like Newton, but alas, superstition and fear obstructed the normal progression to understanding it yet again. From that time in our history until today, there have been ‘visitors’ who have used these portals for millennia to manifest into this world and help us to move forward to the point where we are able to attempt again to fulfill our destiny and join the cosmic family. The quest to seek out the Settle portal has been a spiritual one for Helen and me. The growth of the inner-mind is essential to finding out who we are and what our position is, but one thing is certain. We all need to know that we are spiritual energies and we have been and always will be (as energy) a part of everything else. We are a part of the creational force we call God. My quest took me on a journey through two very different landscapes. One was found in the SPACE-TIME reality of the landscape around Settle, the other, a journey within the being of my SELF. It 155
was through this combination, that we find the truth path to conscious-to-conscious inter-dimensional communication and travel through the portals. Claire “Vati” Watson of the ‘earthportals.com’ website states: ‘When looking for your portal, pay close attention to the temperature and electrostatic sensations. The portal will have a different temperature, usually cooler, than the rest of the room, and when you find it you should have a tingling sensation when you stand in it. ‘ I found this to be true when I stood on the slopes of Castleberg and have done so many times since when communicating with beings from other dimensions. She goes on: ‘Often, the sensation feels like “goose bumps,” but without the bumps, and with body hair standing up as with static electricity. When a portal is active in the home, a large electrostatic field is evidenced, generating enough voltage to increase battery power. Stand in the portal and allow yourself to relax completely. You may feel the sensation of anti-gravity, which I describe as a “floaty” feeling and which causes my arms to float up over my head, where they feel the most comfortable.’ Signs of a Portal Manifest: • A mysterious mist/fog • Unexplained or odd looking light forms • Phantom shadows of people in and around the area • Odd looking creatures in and around the area • Disembodied voices, sounds and footsteps • A sudden drainage of one's own energy levels • Uncontrolled inability to move or sense fully surroundings • Clusters of Orbs traveling in and out of the area • Odd smells and odors • Effects on the emotional senses • A sense of being watched.
You can activate YOUR portal: Once you begin to recognise that special ‘sacred space’ where your portal exists, stand or sit outside of it and look inside it for anything unusual happening. Some people see specks of light, orbs, or quick shadowy shapes that fleet by. If possible, try to personalise this space and connect to it by repeating an affirmation and please do remember to protect yourself with the highest of white light from the angels of 156
good and the power of the creator. By building up an atmosphere in this space, you will get to ‘know’ the portal. Portals are naturally occurring structures which you can enlarge and enter into. To enlarge my own portal, I visualise it in my minds eye and then at the physical location (my special place in the nearby woods of Castleberg in my case) I surround it with crystals to hold the energy of the site in balance. Make your experience with this creation of the portal a happy and enlightening one, don’t be afraid and keep a positive mind on the type of outcome you want from being involved with the link you have made with the energies that surround you. Using quartz crystals in conjunction with the opening up of the portal is useful in that the properties of the quartz enable it to give off an almost electrical charge known as the piezoelectric effect when the crystal is under pressure. A cigarette lighter works in this way using flint and the sparks that are emitted from it to light the flame, is the byproduct of piezo-electricity. When the crystals are manipulated in this way by the portal-beings, the quartz, the portal and the beings (including yourself) are enhanced and the electrical vibrations given off by the quartz at that time enables the portal beings to become visible to us and we to them.
Additions Strange Markings On Stones & Ghost Owl Visit:
esearcher from the U.S., Mike Clelland, has been examining cases that involve sightings of the 'ghost owls' associated with UFO encounters. He has accumulated a wealth of information that seems to run parallel with that which we have been getting from the Settle portal area and Rendlesham Forest. The descriptions of these owls that may be manifestations or psychic projections of portal entities have been categorised as shape-shifters in the main. This again links with the way we have observed and photographed larger than normal white ghostly owls that appear like guardians at portal sites. I recommend the work of Mike Clelland who regularly speaks around the States and the UK. In July 2014, we were privileged to have Mike come over and take a look at the Sun Dial portal site for himself and I spent most of the afternoon at the Horseshoe Trees circle with him. Mike is a good dowser and he used this method to examine the energies that were obvious to him there. It was while he was looking close at some of the stones in the circle that he made an interesting discovery. There had been at least three larger stones that had been marked with a metal object (or maybe another stone?) which, although faint, could be made out to contain pictures showing a spaceship, alien Grey face, hexagram and some wording in English. Also inscribed was the word 'death'. Of course this could just have been all done by children, but as the site of the circle is getting more well known, I feel that it may have deeper connotations and someone 'in the know' was leaving us a message. For, as had happened once before, Mike and I also discovered that the whole circle had been desecrated yet again with boulders and old tree branches been thrown into and around the site to cause as much disarray as possible. Shortly after Mike's visit and return to the States, I photographed another strange looking owl manifesting into form at Castleberg, as if it was a guardian of the area. I 158
wondered, does Mike attract these ghost owls and if so, could this be an example of the subconscious mind interacting with the environmental surroundings at the portal? Did Mike leave his own 'influence' at the site and from it, did the elemental Beings weave a manifestation that would be 'familiar' to us both?
On a stone in the Horseshoe Trees circle, this etching of what looks to be a typical Grey entity face and something else that may represent the portal itself, appeared in the summer of 2014 and discovered by Mike Clelland (below).
Summer Solstice Alignment In 1665: Working with a computer model software that allows you to look at any particular landscape at any time and date in the past or future, I set in the coordinates for the position of the Settle Sun Dial in 1665. This would be around the time that Newton was 'discovering' the theory of gravity at Woolsthorpe where he laid the foundation for his system. The time the legend of the apple falling from a tree in the orchard appears. William Dawson would have been living at Langcliffe Hall at this time and as we have seen, it may be reasonable to suggest that Newton and the Dawson family were known to each other, if not friends. I was amazed to see how the alignment of the summer solstice sun worked out in this program, with the solar orb presenting itself exactly between the two hills that overlook the position where the Sun Dial was said to have occupied at 6.40 am. Is this mere coincidence?
The Hall and the UFO picture: This new information brings this edition right up to date and I mention it here with all the details I have at present. No doubt there will be further revelations concerning this, but it will have to wait until I or someone else writes a new book on this subject as it seems almost as big a mystery to me as the disappearance of the Sun Dial portal. Facebook is a wonderful thing. It brings people together who have never even met before and makes the efforts of investigative research so much easier. Often new and startling information will come out of the blue via this media, as happened in the weeks running up to November 2015 when I received a facebook message from someone who I had never met before. What is even more astounding is that this person claimed to live in the Settle area, had undergone his own UFO encounters and had been stalked by a secret service in the U.S. around 2008 leading to an experience with a Being that instructed him as to how portals operate. I found it more difficult to believe that this person we will call Mick (pseudonym) would also state that he was not aware of my work with the Sun Dial portal, yet he took regular visits to the very same site according to his facebook page. Mick first got in touch with a line of sentence on Facebook, 'thought you might find this interesting?' There was a photographic image attached to the message showing a wooden framed picture, obviously very old and aged. It looked at first to be the engraving of the Sun Dial as depicted by Buck & Feary, but there was something very odd about it. It looked too light of line and was obviously not an engraving but an actual original sketch of the same picture. With additions! Moments later as I peered over this fascinating photo, more images began to fill the message box, one of a close-up view of the title and another very low down in the right-hand corner that showed a signature that was not Buck or Feary, but someone called 'H. G. Cooke' and dated 1778 (the same date as the alleged Buck & Feary copy. I got straight back to Mick and asked him where he had seen and photographed this picture, not revealing that there was something unusual about it in the signature. He replied, 'It's in ******** house in ********* an old building built in 1602'. My own research for this book meant that 1602 could only mean a handful of places in the Settle area, so I suggested back to him, 'that would be ******** Hall then? Please don't worry I will keep this confidential and not post on here. There are 161
some intriguing things I can see in the sketch compared to the engravings'. Mick asked me not to publish the names or places involved in this, as he had managed to take this photograph without the knowledge of the owner and was afraid of any repercussions, hence the need for a pseudonym. A couple of days passed before Mick got back to me. In that time, I had been scrutinising the copy of the sketch he had sent me. Something looked different about it, so I compared it with the only other known image in existence as far as I know, the Buck & Feary engraving. My jaw dropped as I looked upon something that seemed to have been sketched into the picture with the same faint pencil lines on the middle upper right-hand side (directly over the hill in the picture, that everyone contemporary with the late 1700's said should not be there as it did not exist in the landscape), what looked to me like a modern day rendition of a UFO! There was even a pencil line that showed a trace of swooping, looping movement, much in the way that cartoonists draw. To underline the utter fantastic, this object (and the phantom hill) was positioned in the picture exactly where Helen and I had discovered the Horseshoe Trees portal vortex. Mick's second message gave the impression that he has fully aware of the Horseshoe Trees site. He wrote, 'Went up there the other day. It was open for 30 seconds but as I got nearer it closed, they are aware that we are looking and were a bit angry. Who I don't know. But got that reading. I did pinpoint where they are but not the port hole (sic. portal) yet'. I mentioned the 'UFO' in the sketch to him. There was no reply for several days. I was hoping that Mick would get back to me concerning this with more information, but his eventual message was not expected in the manner it was written. The friendly chat back and forth had all but ceased and he seemed reluctant to enter into fuller discussions about the picture. He wrote, 'will have a look, will look at that thing on top of hill closer, could be a smudge as picture hasn't been cleaned for a while.' I looked at the photo he had sent me again, it did not look like a smudge, it looked like a part of the drawn in picture to me, but with due respect I kept this to myself and continued to ask him politely for anything else he could add. Maybe he could take another close-up photo if he got the chance particularly of the region which shows the 'UFO over the hill'? His almost immediate reply (I got the impression he must have had good and close access to this picture?) was even more daunting, 'good news and bad news, I had a really close look at the picture. Quite clearly it is an original sketch as you can see the indentation of the pencil 162
marks in the paper. The bad news is that the UFO is a bug squashed on the inside of the glass.' Was this the end of the trail? I hoped not, so I decided that the best thing I could do for now was to try and reassure Mick that although I would have dearly liked to have seen the picture for myself (which was seemingly impossible due to the location he had told me it was sited at) and put my mind at rest over the UFO issue, I would wait a while and see what else may be forthcoming from him? This gave me time, as it seemed now that unless I contacted him through Facebook, he seemed reluctant to keep up the correspondence. I found this odd, as he had been the one who had first sent me the image of the Sun Dial sketch. I decided this was a time for some of my own investigations into this picture and the elusive name that was written in heavy pencil underneath it. It is very difficult to see any fine detail in the Buck & Feary engraving compared with the 'Cooke sketch' as we shall call it from now on. The Cooke sketch is a much more refined picture, you can see many fine pencil drawn lines and details that are missing in the engraving. This is probably due to the engraving method of the time, but it is obvious that Buck & Feary must have taken their engraving from this picture or another one exactly the same as it. The date on the Cooke sketch is exactly the same as Buck & Feary's engraving, which would indicate that they are one and the same. The biggest clue or folly is the inclusion of the hill on the righthand side in the sketch. The hill that is not there today and according to local historians, was not there in the period it was drawn; the late 1700s. Whoever Cooke was, he had included things in the sketch that did not exist. Why would he do this? There is another anomaly in both the Cooke sketch and the Buck & Feary engraving, the boulder in the far low left side. In the engraving, it is difficult to make out whether this is a boulder, a haystack, a bush, or other things that have been suggested, yet in the Cooke sketch it is obviously a large boulder estimated at about three to four feet high and seems to have inscriptions on it, but these are difficult to see in the image I received. Mick told me previously that there were some things in the sketch that looked to be rubbed out but had left a trace behind. The boulder was one of these and he said 'it was much larger and smoother'. Interestingly, the sunlight that is shining down onto the supposed flat sundial stones with roman numerals on them (as depicted in the Cooke sketch and the Buck & Feary engraving), also shines onto this particular boulder. I wondered, does that boulder, if large enough as not to have been moved over the last two hundred and thirty-seven years, still remain in situ and if so, could it still be found today? It's 163
position in the picture gives two vital clues as to where it may still be found. It's apparent size and the houses in the picture that resemble 'upper Settle'. As there is no indication that the River Ribble is included in the sketch, then it seems that this boulder is situated somewhere east of it, between the river and the upper Settle side (to the immediate south) of the town. Mick was insistent that what I thought looked like a UFO in the sketch was no more than a mark and then he got back to me pushing this further by stating that he had taken a closer look again and could identify it as a squashed bug under the glass of the framed picture. I suppose it could well have been some unfortunate flying insect that met its' doom at some time in the past, but it just looked too much like the rest of the picture for me and seemed to be made up in shape by pencil lines the same as in the rest of the sketch. Without being in front of the original, it would be very difficult to determine this, one way or the other. UFO or flying bug, we still had a mystery on our hands and I needed my contact Mick to help in any way that he possibly could without putting himself in danger. From the outset, I have wondered if the Cooke sketch is an original. Could it not be simply a case of someone with great artistic skills just copying the Buck & Feary engraving and putting their sketch into an old wooden frame, making up a signature and then presenting it to me in order to lead us away from the truth regarding the Settle Sun Dial? Again, without better inspection (which I hope will be made available to me one day) this will probably be left unanswered into the foreseeable future. I did make enquiries locally to see if anyone knew of an ancestor with the initials of 'H. G. Cooke' living around 1778, but nothing has been forthcoming although I am aware that there may be a Cooke family once lived in Stanforth, which is not far from Settle and is known as Knight Stainforth as it has Templar connections. Let us presume for the time being that this is the original sketch and it was made by someone called Cooke. We know that Buck & Feary, renowned artists in their own right in their day (working in the main for Parliament, they made an engraving of the Settle Sun Dial that bares no resemblance to what was actually there, although their picture is eye-catching and the flat roman numeral inscribed stones on the hillside of Castleberg, do add a sense that this was a monumental structure) travelled England making similar sketches of other famous places and buildings. Looking at their other engravings, it seems that Feary was the one who had a particular interest in strange and unusual or even ancient places. They were supposed to have made another engraving in the Settle area of the Ebbing and Flowing Well, but this again 164
looks far more dramatic than it really is and is made to look far larger than we see at the side of the road today. Was this something they did on purpose? Maybe it was a way to promote an area (Settle did seem to be important to those in power in London and had the Newton connection earlier) much as the media do today with hype and outlandish pomp. How many times have we visited somewhere that looked amazing on the brochure, only to find let down by the actual realisation of the place? Yet, this does not fit with Buck & Feary. They were being commissioned by Government to make actual and detailed pictures for inclusion in news sheets and educational pamphlets. There was no cause for any artistic license. So, that seems to only leave three or four possible scenarios. Either Buck & Feary stole from or was given the already drawn sketch of the Sun Dial by Cooke for them to replicate in their engraving by Cooke, or, Cooke copied the engraving when it was published by Buck & Feary. Another possibility is that none of these people were responsible for the Cooke sketch and Buck, Feary and Cooke were working together to produce it, or finally, some other artist since that time drew the picture
The mysterious Cooke Sketch that turned up in October 2015. Could this be the original drawing of the supposed sundial at Settle that Buck & Feary used to make their engraving from as a government cover up back in the 1700's?
Above left: The tell tail dated signature of H. G .Cooke. Was this the original artist of the false representation of Settle's Sun Dial, or just a red herring? Above right: A close up view of the strange object seen over the hill that was not there in the sketch. Was this a futuristic vision of UFOs at the portal or just a 'squashed insect'?
and made it look old, adding confusion to all the already established confusion. It was Halloween 2015 and I decided to have a look around the area where I thought the boulder that was now clear in the Cooke sketch might be. Looking at a print out copy of the Cooke sketch in my hand, I let 'it' lead me. This is a kind of dowsing, using the image to instruct the senses and the inner-mind as to where the boulder may be found. I had already satisfied myself that it still existed to this day by pendulum dowsing prior to my journeying to look for the rock. At first, my own intuition led me towards a place that I felt was right for the picture, about the same distance, and had its own sundial. The line of energy that runs between Giggleswick Chapel and Castleberg, dissected by the river, passes along Kirkgate. As this was probably one of the original routes into Settle, connecting much of the surrounding farmlands, it would be sensible to suggest that any important or significant boulder may be found there. I have shown in earlier chapters (and expanded on this in my other book 'UFOs, Portals & Gateways') that the Settle lowlands close to the river had a number of megalithic stones, stone circles and Neolithic enclosures, some which remain in their original sites today like the stones at the playing fields close to Tems Beck. So, I followed this route and let myself be turned this way and that until I reached the ornamental 166
community resting place called Millennium Gardens. The garden is small and only covers up to one hundred feet across with an adjacent children's play park with swings and climbing frames. On the one side you have the serenity of peace amongst some beautiful rock strewn flower beds, on the other, you have the endless joyful shouts of playful children. There could not be more a contrast of energies in such a small area. There is a pathway that winds its way from the entrance to something that is embedded into the tarmac of the ground. I walked along this mini-maze, around a bed of flowers and south towards the gleaming brass of a flat circular sundial. Of course, I have seen this sundial many times before and have always thought of it as being almost like a joke in plain sight of the hillside away to the east where the Settle Sun Dial once stood. It is the kind of traditional sundial, one where you can stand on a specific spot and the sun would then cast your shadow onto the outer rim of the circle, giving an indication of the time. This is not an old sundial feature. I would say it has only been there within the gardens for a few decades or so. Could this be the spot where the boulder in the picture had indicated and now it was lost to time, replaced by a modern working sundial? That is exactly what I was beginning to think to myself, just as I felt a definite pull towards my right, so I turned away from the sundial and began the very short walk towards another entrance off the road. There at the side of the garden's wooden fencing stood firmly planted into a little rise in the ground, a grey and worn boulder of considerable size. As I looked upon it, the sun began to shine down over the Castleberg hills and lit up the very top part of this massive stone.
Present day Settle, 2015. Photograph taken by the author of the general area where he believes the Cooke Sketch was drawn from, with the boulder still in situ close to a modern sundial in the Millennium Gardens. The ground now where fields would have been in 1778, are now covered by the car park of Booths supermarket.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR NIGEL MORTIMER was born in Munster, Germany in 1959, returning to live in his family home town of Otley, West Yorkshire after several years Singapore and Nottingham where his father served in the forces. He has had a varied working life as a hospital porter, male nurse, costing clerk, courier driver, postman and book shop owner with his wife Helen. He currently writes and lectures about his personal UFO experiences and portal investigations. Within Ufology, Nigel has actively been involved since 1980 after an initial sighting. He soon became a regional UFO investigator for the Northern UFO Network, then onto being Area Director Of Investigations for BUFORA in the 1990's. He ran his own UFO group from Addingham, the respected West Yorkshire UFO Research Group (WYUFORG) which later became the Independent UFO Network (IUN). He has written numerous newspaper articles and appeared in TV documentary's about UFOs in the past, but is more selective who he gives interviews to in recent years due to the way the mainstream media is run. He supports online news channels and runs his own internet video show, 'Opening Portals Show'. Since 1990, Nigel has claimed that he is in contact with a Celestial Being called Sharlek. He has written about this in his book, 'The Circle & The Sword', published originally in the 1990's and updated in 2012. He works with this Celestial guide in order to bring love, peace and healing to the planet at this time. To contact Nigel you can email him at: [email protected] Website: www.openingportals.moonfruit.com Facebook: search for 'opening portals page -currently over 1200 members. Other Books by Nigel Mortimer include: The Circle & The Sword, Wisdom Books 2012 UFOs, Portals & Gateways, Wisdom Books 2012 How to Request a UFO Presence, Wisdom Books, 2015 Isaac Newton & The Secret Sun Dial, Ancient Mail Verlag, (German language) 2012. NIGEL IS AVAILABLE TO PRESENT HIS TALK ABOUT THIS BOOK CONTENT, OTHER UFO EXPERIENCES AND PARANORMAL MYSTERIES FOR YOUR GROUP OR CONFERENCE.
INDEX Abraham Sharp..........................................................................................................................................65 Activate portal........................................................................................................................................127 Agharti.......................................................................................................................................................97 Alan Bennett............................................................................................................................................112 Alexander Thom........................................................................................................................................20 Alistair Cook.............................................................................................................................................102 Analemmatic Sundial.................................................................................................................................17 Area 51......................................................................................................................................................99 Aten....................................................................................................................................41, 43, 50, 74, 86 Athel-Stone................................................................................................................................................49 Athelstan, King...........................................................................................................................................48 Atholl (Ancients) Masons...........................................................................................................................84 Baal..........................................................................................................................................................114 Backstones Circle...................................................................................................40, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 81 Barguest.....................................................................................................................................................35 Barrel Sykes..........................................................................................................................55, 84, 101, 102 Bishop Pococke...................................................................................................................................13, 18 Blubberhouse Moor..................................................................................................................................96 Brenda Butler...........................................................................................................................................117 Bridgend..................................................................................................................................................101 Buck & Feary..........................................................................12, 15, 18, 19, 27, 52, 65, 105, 115, 130 - 134 Carmelite Monks.....................................................................................................................................114
UFO SECRETS OF THE SETTLE SUN DIAL Carr (family of).......................................................................................................8, 30, 52, 58, 65, 91, 107 Castle rigg, Cumbria...................................................................................................................................19 Castleberg...5, 11 - 20, 22 - 29, 31, 36 - 42, 52 - 60, 62, 64, 66 - 76, 81, 86, 105, 106-113, 115, 120, 126, 133 - 135 Castleberg Rock ..................................................................................................................................12, 19 Christ’s College..........................................................................................................................................64 Christopher Dawson .................................................................................................................................59 Cleatop .................................................................................................................17, 56 - 58, 71, 73, 81, 86 Constantine, King.......................................................................................................................................48 Craven Historical Research Group...........................................................................................................112 Darby (family of)........................................................................................................................................14 David Wilcock ...........................................................................................................................................31 Derek Savory............................................................................................................................................117 Dimensions..................................................................................................31 - 33, 44, 72, 78, 88, 105, 126 Dob Park Lodge .........................................................................................................................................35 Dot Street (& Jenny Randles).................................................................................................................117 Dr. Whittaker.......................................................................................................................................11, 17 Druids Hill..................................................................................................................................................57 Earth energy.....................................................................................................................26, 52, 77, 81, 107 Edge Hill...................................................................................................................................................122 Electromagnetic fields..............................................................................................................................50 Elias Ashmole............................................................................................................................................84 ET Stone.......................................................................................................................................4, 102, 117 European Space Agency...........................................................................................................................102 Fabian Hamilton........................................................................................................................................97 Facebook.................................................................................................................................................130 Falcon manor Hotel ..................................................................................................................................85 170
UFO SECRETS OF THE SETTLE SUN DIAL Fellow Society ...........................................................................................................................................25 Freedom Of Information Act ....................................................................................................................99 Freemasons Hall, Settle..........................................................................................................................108 George Birkbeck........................................................................................................................................85 Ghost Owls..............................................................................................................................................129 Giggleswick...............................................................................13, 18, 58, 61 - 67, 71 - 79, 82, 86, 115, 134 Giggleswick Chapel...........................................................................................................................71, 134 Giggleswick School....................................................................................................................................71 Gnomon...............................................................................................................................................11, 17 Gray’s Inn ..................................................................................................................................................64 Green Bank, West Virginia.........................................................................................................................98 Grey Aliens................................................................................................................................17, 118, 120 H. G. Cooke (artist)..................................................................................................................................131 HAARP......................................................................................................................................................100 Hakon (the Good, King of Norway)......................................................................................................49, 50 Harrogate...............................................................................................................................93, 96, 97, 101 Helen Mortimer..................................................5, 36 - 42, 53 - 59, 72, 105 - 110, 116, 120, 121, 126, 131 Hexagram (symbol)...............................................................................................................73 - 76, 82, 129 High Bentham UFO ................................................................................................................................103 History Of Craven (book)...........................................................................................................................17 Horseshoe Trees.........................................................................................5, 105 - 109, 118, 119, 129, 131 Ilkley..................................................................................................20, 21, 28, 36, 40, 45 - 48, 50, 51, 122 Ilkley Moor...............................................................................................20, 21, 40, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 122 Ingfield Hall...............................................................................................................................................83 Ingmoore...................................................................................................................................................53 Inter-dimensional.................................................................................................................5, 7, 78, 85, 100 Ironbridge............................................................................................................................................14, 25 171
UFO SECRETS OF THE SETTLE SUN DIAL Jachin & Boaz (pillars)................................................................................................................................86 Jeremiah....................................................................................................................................................41 John Coakley Lettsom...................................................................................................................14, 15, 25 Joseph Rathbone......................................................................................................................................15 Joseph Williamson..................................................................................................................................122 Keith Kritchlow.........................................................................................................................................20 Knight Stainforth.....................................................................................................................................133 Langcliffe Hall..............................................................................................23, 54, 55, 59, 60, 84, 116, 130 Larry Warren............................................................................................................................................117 Lee Mortimer...........................................................................................................................................105 Ley Line................................................................................................................................................52, 54 Liverpool Echo.........................................................................................................................................123 Magnetic Pulse Generator.......................................................................................................................100 Magnetoreceptor......................................................................................................................................50 Malham............................................................................................................................52, 67, 71, 72, 115 Mark Roberts.............................................................................................................................................44 Mary Lambert Swale.................................................................................................................................83 Masonic Symbolism..................................................................................................................................86 Michael Baigent & Richard Leigh.............................................................................................................69 Mike Clelland..........................................................................................................................................129 Mike Oram................................................................................................................................................99 Millennium Gardens...............................................................................................................................134 Moira Timms.............................................................................................................................................87 Mount Carmel..........................................................................................................................................114 Naked Man Cafe.......................................................................................................................................83 Naked Woman (image).............................................................................................................................83 NCHT........................................................................................................................................................111 172
UFO SECRETS OF THE SETTLE SUN DIAL Neanderthals.............................................................................................................................................29 Neolithic Man................................................................................................................................20, 26, 53 Newton’s Arbour.................................................................................................................................60, 62 Nicholas Size.............................................................................................................................................48 Nick Harding..............................................................................................................................................57 Nick Pope...................................................................................................................................................99 Nick Tucker................................................................................................................................................46 NSA............................................................................................................................................................94 NSPCC........................................................................................................................................................85 Otley..........................................................................................................................................................36 Paul Bennett............................................................................................................................47, 48, 57, 94 Pendle Hill............................................................................................................................................28, 37 Penkeith.....................................................................................................................................................14 Peter Marshall..........................................................................................................................................46 Phil Hine....................................................................................................................................................47 piezo-electricity.......................................................................................................................................128 Pig Yard Club..............................................................................................................................................37 Pineal gland..............................................................................................................................................32 Pleiadian Being.......................................................................................................................................119 Portal.................................................................................................................................................44, 128 Principia...................................................................................................................................59, 60, 62, 63 Project Phoenix.........................................................................................................................................97 Quaker.......................................................................................................................................................14 Queen Victoria..........................................................................................................................................71 Quernbiter (sword)....................................................................................................................................49 RAF Menwith Hill.......................................................................................................................................93 RAF Woodbridge......................................................................................................................................117 173
UFO SECRETS OF THE SETTLE SUN DIAL Ralph Waldo Emerson..............................................................................................................................10 Rathmell, Nr Settle...............................................................................................................................56, 58 Rawlinson family of Furness....................................................................................................................14 Remote Viewing........................................................................................................................................99 Rendlesham Forest..............................................................................................................6, 117, 118, 129 Rhonda Byrne............................................................................................................................................79 Ribble Phenomena...................................................................................................................................101 Richard Preston................................................................................................22, 24, 25, 53, 54, 55, 58, 82 Richard Whinray.......................................................................................................................................38 River Ribble........................................................................................................................................11, 133 Roman Numerals (on sundial)..................................................................................................14, 105, 132 Rombalds Moor.........................................................................................................................................94 Round Hill Ridge.......................................................................................................................................95 Royal Society.............................................................................................................................................62 Rudstone (in North Yorkshire) .................................................................................................................19 Samuel Pepys............................................................................................................................................64 Secret Base ...............................................................................................................................................96 Self-stones.................................................................................................................................................17 Settle Library ..........................................................................................................................................110 Settle-Carlisle railway...............................................................................................................................11 Settle, North Yorkshire...............................................................................................................................5 Sharlek.......................................................................................................................................4, 7, 91, 125 Sir Arthur Keith..........................................................................................................................................37 Skipton (in North Yorkshire).....................................................................................................................93 Skipton Libraries.....................................................................................................................................110 Solomon’s Temple....................................................................................................................................29 Spiritual Beings............................................................................................................................6, 7, 51, 92 174
UFO SECRETS OF THE SETTLE SUN DIAL Stargate..................................................................................7, 9, 31, 33, 44, 45, 46, 48, 52, 63, 81, 98,104 Steven Spielberg (film E.T).....................................................................................................................121 Summer Solstice.....................................................................................................................................129 sun dial .....................................................................................................................................................24 Sun Dial .....................................................................4 - 15, 27, 44, 60, 103, 105 -115, 117, 126, 129 - 135 Sun worship........................................................................................................................................26, 74 Sutcliffe Buildings..............................................................................................................28, 29, 35, 36, 54 Sword.......................................................................................................................7, 18, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50 Tanner House (The Folly).........................................................................................................................23 The Circle & The Sword (book)............................................................................................................6, 45 Thomas Brayshaw ....................................................................................................................................12 Thomas Swainson.....................................................................................................................................84 Tibby Bilton (stone circle).........................................................................................................................97 TIME-SPACE........................................................................................................................32, 33, 44, 52, 67 Timothy Good...........................................................................................................................................99 Tony Kidd..................................................................................................................................................46 Town Head..........................................................................................................................................37, 38 Tumulus...............................................................................................................................................72, 73 Tunnels.......................................................................................................4, 29, 35, 96, 121, 122, 123, 124 Tunnels of Liverpool...............................................................................................................................122 Twelve Apostles........................................................................................................................................51 UFO............................................... 2-6, 44 - 55, 72, 75, 92, 96, 99, 101 - 113, 116, 117, 119, 129, 130, 134 UFO experiences............................................................................................................................5, 55, 102 UFOs, Portals and Gateways (Book).....................................................................................................5, 116 Urim & Thummim.....................................................................................................................................74 Victoria Cave ............................................................................................................................................28 Walter Morrison.........................................................................................................................67, 71, 115 175
UFO SECRETS OF THE SETTLE SUN DIAL Wentworth House.....................................................................................................................................13 Wharfe Valley...........................................................................................................................................20 Whitefriars...............................................................................................................................113, 114, 115 William Dawson....................................................................................................................59, 60, 68, 130 Witchcraft..................................................................................................................................................75 Woolsthorpe..............................................................................................................................................60 Yeats .........................................................................................................................................................80 Zion Congregational Church.....................................................................................................................29 Alexander Pope...........................................................................................................................................3 Abraham Sutcliffe.....................................................................................................................................15 Alkelda (church).........................................................................................................................................18 Brayshaw .................................................................................................................................12, 13, 16, 56 Cambridge................................................................................................................................60, 61, 64, 65 Cleatop.......................................................................................................17, 31, 53- 58, 71, 73, 76, 81, 86 Denton Hall, Wharfedale..........................................................................................................................36 Dimensions....................................................................................................................................44, 72, 78 Ebbing and Flowing Well......................................................................................................................133 Elijah (prophet).......................................................................................................................................114 Falcon.......................................................................................................................................................80 Freemason.................................................................................................29, 37, 66, 84, 86, 108, 116, 123 George Mortimer.....................................................................................................................................54 Isaac Newton.......................................................................................4, 7, 59, 60, 61, 65, 84, 87, 105, 116 Langcliffe, Nr Settle.....................................23, 53, 59, 60, 64, 65, 68, 71, 83, 84, 101, 102, 112, 116, 130 Margaret Dawson.....................................................................................................................................23 Mearbeck............................................................................................................................................53, 58 Molech......................................................................................................................................................37 Nick Harvey...............................................................................................................................................97 176
UFO SECRETS OF THE SETTLE SUN DIAL North Craven Building Preservation Trust ..........................................................................................112 North Yorkshire District Council..............................................................................................................23 Pennygent.................................................................................................................................................28 project Stargate........................................................................................................................................98 Reptilian Alien..........................................................................................................................................91 Round Wood......................................................................................................................................95, 97 SETI...........................................................................................................................................................98 Settle Sun Dial........................................9, 14 - 17, 27, 40, 60, 64, 103, 107, 112, 115, 126, 130, 133, 135 Sothis........................................................................................................................................................44 SPACE-TIME..........................................................................................................29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 77, 126 Stone Circles.............................................................17 - 26, 30, 31, 33, 45, 48, 51 - 57, 63, 73, 93, 94, 134 Stonehenge..................................................................................................................11, 12, 14, 63, 68, 76 T G Jackson................................................................................................................................................67 The Folly...........................................................................4, 12, 23, 24, 28, 29, 35, 36, 52, 58, 62, 100, 112 Tot Lord ...................................................................................................................................28, 37, 38, 54
“UFO's Portals and Gateways was an informative and at the same time entertaining look into the realms of portals. The author takes you on a journey on the history of portals from the beginning of time until present day. He relays personal experience through the decades which lent credibility to the validity of portals actually existing. I read this book in two sittings , as I couldn't put it down! I would definitely recommend UFO's , Portals and Gateways! “ (quote from Amazon.co.uk)