Three Kingdoms Volume 11: The Battle of Red Cliffs [1 ed.] 9788998341619

Three armies. Thousands of ships. Millions of soldiers. Decades of war come to a head when Bei Liu and Quan Sun form a t

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Three Kingdoms Volume 11: The Battle of Red Cliffs [1 ed.]

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Wei Dong Chen • Xiao Long Liang

The Battle of the Red Cliffs





Three Kingdoms Many centuries ago, China was made up of several provinces that frequently waged war with one another for regional supremacy. In 221 BC, the Qin Dynasty succeeded in uniting the warring provinces under a single banner, but the unity was short-lived, only lasting fifteen years. After the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty was established in 206 BC, and unity was restored. The Han Dynasty would last for hundreds of years, until the PostHan Era, when the unified nation once again began to unravel. As rebellion and chaos gripped the land, three men came forward to take control of the nation: Bei Liu, Cao Cao, and Quan Sun. The three men each established separate kingdoms, Shu, Wei, and Wu, and for a century they contended for supremacy. This was known as the Age of the Three Kingdoms. Written more than six hundred years ago, Three Kingdoms is one of the oldest and most seminal works in all of Eastern literature. An epic story spanning decades and featuring hundreds of characters, it remains a definitive tale of desperate heroism, political treachery, and the bonds of brotherhood.

Wei Dong Chen and Xiao Long Liang have chosen to draw this adaptation of Three Kingdoms in a manner reminiscent of the ancient Chinese printing technique. It is our hope that the historical look of Three Kingdoms will amplify the timelessness of its themes, which are just as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago.

Vol. 11

The Battle of the Red Cliffs Created by


Wei Dong Chen, a highly acclaimed and beloved artist, and an influential leader in the “New Chinese Cartoon” trend, is the founder of Creator World in Tianjin, the largest comics studio in China. Recently the Chinese government entrusted him with the role of general manager of the Beijing Book Fair, and his reputation as a pillar of Chinese comics has brought him many students. He has published more than three hundred cartoons, which have been recognized for their strong literary value not only in Korea, but in Europe and Japan as well. Free spirited and energetic, Wei Dong Chen’s positivist philosophy is reflected in the wisdom of his work. He is published serially in numerous publications while continuing to conceive projects that explore new dimensions of the form.

illustrated by


XiaoLong Liang is considered one of Wei Dong Chen’s greatest students. One of the most highly regarded cartoonists in China today, XiaoLong’s fantastic technique and expression of Chinese culture have won him the acclaim of cartoon lovers throughout China. His other works include “Outlaws of the Marsh” and “A Story on the Motorbike.”

Original Story “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” by Luo, GuanZhong Editing & Designing Design Hongs, Jonathan Evans, KH Lee, YK Kim, HJ Lee, JS Kim, Lampin, Qing Shao, Xiao Nan Li, Ke Hu © Chen, Wei Dong 2013 All rights reserved. Original Chinese edition published by Anhui Fine Arts Publishing House. Scanning, uploading, and electronic distribution of this book is prohibited.


Volume 11

YU ZHOU Yu Zhou, who is Quan Sun’s most trusted general, has been charged with defeating Cao Cao’s immense army. Knowing that he cannot defeat Cao Cao’s forces on strength alone, Yu Zhou devises a series of schemes that allow his spies to infiltrate Cao Cao’s camp and influence him into making decisions in battle that play right into Yu Zhou’s hands. While Yu Zhou is clever in his own right, he keeps a wary eye on Liang Zhuge, whom he knows to be a threat to Quan Sun’s ambitions to rule the nation.

GAI HUANG Gai Huang is one of Yu Zhou’s trusted agents. When Gai Huang appears to endure humiliating mistreatment at the hands of Yu Zhou, he is approached by two of Cao Cao’s spies, Zhong Cai and He Cai. They urge Gai Huang to betray his former master, but his true allegiance will surprise more than one leader.

NING GAN Ning Gan is a friend of Gai Huang’s. Like his friend, Ning Gan is approached by Cao Cao’s spies and urged to defect. However, asking a man to be a traitor is dangerous and can lead to disastrous consequences.

CAO CAO Cao Cao, the prime minister of China and most powerful man in the nation, dominates through overwhelming power and the obedience of a weak emperor. Lately his aura of invincibility has disappeared. He recently lost his most trusted advisor, Jia Guo, to illness, and only after his death does he realize how much he relied on Jia Guo to guide his forces to victory. Now that Bei Liu has recruited Liang Zhuge to his side and Quan Sun has put Yu Zhou in charge of his forces, the threats to Cao Cao’s power are greater than ever before. While Cao Cao maintains his strength in numbers, his strategic failings mean he is a little too eager to put his full trust in another advisor. As a result, Cao Cao’s plan for the battle at the Red Cliffs will result in either his greatest victory or his greatest defeat.

ZHONG CAI AND HE CAI Zhong Cai and He Cai are two of Cao Cao’s spies who have infiltrated Quan Sun’s camp. When they see Gai Huang and Ning Gan being mistreated, they seek to exploit the two men and urge them to join Cao Cao. However, Cao Cao isn’t the only one using the Cai brothers as pawns...


Volume 11

GAN JIANG Gan Jiang has known Yu Zhou since childhood, but he now serves Cao Cao and is sometimes sent to spy on his old friend. On a previous occasion, Gan Jiang was tricked by Yu Zhou into giving Cao Cao false information. When Cao Cao sends Gan Jiang back again, Yu Zhou takes him prisoner and he meets a most unusual man whose offer is almost too good to be true.

LIANG ZHUGE Liang Zhuge is a legendary military strategist who advises Bei Liu. Since forming a tenuous alliance with Quan Sun, Liang Zhuge and Yu Zhou have been wary of each other, as they both look for any opportunity to give their masters the upper hand once the battle against Cao Cao is settled.

TONG PANG Tong Pang is the second most famous schemer of his time after Liang Zhuge. Having fallen out of favor with Quan Sun, Tong Pang offers his counsel to Cao Cao. The resulting battle plan will have disastrous consequences for the person who least expects it.

YU GUAN Yu Guan is Bei Liu’s sworn brother who for a time served under Cao Cao. When Liang Zhuge hands out battle assignments to Bei Liu’s commanders, he passes over Yu Guan, fearing divided allegiance. Yu Guan vehemently denies this and is dispatched to capture or kill Cao Cao.

Chapter 1

Spy Games 208 AD

Summary Cao Cao has fallen victim to one of Yu

are think ing about the same k ind of

Zhou’s schemes, and in doing so has killed

attack, but such a plan will require specific

the only two commanders in his forces who

cooperation from nature.

knew how to do battle on water. When Cao

Cao sends two spies to seek out those who

Sun’s camp, Yu Zhou takes him prisoner

would switch sides and fight for him, he

for being Cao Cao’s spy. While in captivity,

learns that two men seek to join him after

he meets Tong Pang, a legendary schemer

falling out with Yu Zhou. However, Cao Cao

who has fallen out of favor with Quan Sun.

remains unsatisfied and sends Gan Jiang to

When Gan Jiang recruits Tong Pang to Cao

learn more.

Cao’s side, the old man suggests a battle

plan to Cao Cao that fills his army with

Meanwhile, Liang Zhuge and Yu

Zhou are devising a strategy for doing battle with Cao Cao on water. Both men

When Gan Jiang arrives in Quan

confidence, but could also spell its doom.


River Han


XiangYang ChangBan JiangXia

The Great River


XiaKou FanKou

WuLin Red Cliffs


KuaiJi ChaiSang Lake PoYang

Lake DongTing YuZhang ChangSha

a Cao Cao stations his army at WuLin, where the naval forces train in advance of doing battle with Yu Zhou’s forces at the Red Cliffs (ChiBi).

B Across the river, Yu Zhou is also preparing for a battle that will change the course of the war.

Cao Cao’s camp What?! The ships sank again? The real fighting hasn’t even begun yet!

This is pathetic!

S LAP I’ve put all my resources into this navy. You’ve been training for weeks...


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

And yet you only ever bring news of accidents and disasters!

Forgive me, My Lord.

Jin Yu

I swear this will not happen again.

Just get out.


My Lord, you must understand. our forces are used to fighting ground wars. We’d be stronger in a sea battle, but--


I know, I know! I armed the enemy by firing arrows at a bunch of empty boats.

You really don’t have to remind me. Don’t be so hard on yourself, My Lord. Liang Zhuge’s trickery is the stuff of legend. However, I don’t think it will determine the outcome of the war.

You’re right... Being clever only gets you so far... You can’t trick your way past an army of 800,000! That’s the spirit, My Lord!

So tell me...


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What’s the latest word from Zhong Cai and He Cai?

As planned, they have gone into Wu Province and surrendered to ning Gan.

The board is set, and the pieces are in motion. And this time, I control the game.

Good... Good!

It bothers me that the two of them were accepted without reservation. It seems too easy. They are likely to be killed.

If they can sneak out even a morsel of useful information, then they’d be more valuable to me dead than they are right now.

What do I care of that? Zhong Cai and He Cai are just a couple of expendables, as far as I’m concerned.

But enough about the two spies. While we wait for news, we need to focus on this travesty of a navy.

Yes, My Lord.


Meanwhile, Yu Zhou was punishing one of his own...


How dare you do this to me!

Gah! Yu Zhou! You little brat!

I was fighting battles while you were still in diapers!


Gai Huang

But you keep ignoring orders and the chain of command!

Wh AM 014

Beat him until he shuts up! Do it!


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I’ve tried to be respectful of you, as an elder and as a soldier.

I will not tolerate such insolence! And your headless body should send the message to everyone loud and clear!


My Lord, stop it!

Commander Gai Huang is descended from a family of loyalists. He has defended Eastern Wu with distinction. You must pardon this indiscretion.

What kind of loyalist advises surrendering to the enemy? I will not tolerate such things!

Ning Gan


That’s not what he said! He merely suggested engaging Cao Cao in some­ thing other than a fullscale war!

What did you say?


CK Ci Taishi

You... Once a thief, always a thief! You would sell us out too? What did you call me?! Mark my words, I am not a thief!


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My Lord, please. Gai Huang may be insubordinate, but it is wise to be lenient with him for the time being.

Pu Cheng

He’s right. Besides, we can’t allow word of internal conflicts to get out.

HMPH... Fine. Gai Huang is too old to be worth my time, anyway.

Zhong Cai He Cai



Damn it!

CK A R K I always sought to do the right thing, And he calls me a liar.


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But I only stole to help those in need.


It’s not fair.

Don’t take it too hard. Remember, he’s a politician. Maybe he’s trying to rile you up.

I was once a thief, it’s true.

And why on earth would he want to do that?

Ze Kan He probably thinks that you and Gai Huang represent major obstacles between him and the power he seeks.

That’s insane!

Isn’t it obvious? I’d say you and Gai Huang are as good as dead.

Are you saying that Yu Zhou intends to remove me?

I can’t allow that to happen.

Please, advise me. What should I do?

There’s only one option. Leave here, and join forces with the man who won’t kill you.

You mean turn coat and join Cao Cao’s army? I can’t believe... Wait a minute.


Ah! So sorry, My Lord --

GRUH! Spies!

Thud 020

Three Kingdoms Volume 11

My Lord!



U G H! You are one of Yu Zhou’s spies!

You have heard too much, and now you must die!

A C K!

My Lord, wait!

We don’t have to die and neither do you!

We can help you avoid getting killed!


Start making sense. Fast.

spt My name... is Zhong Cai.

This is He Cai. We are from Cao Cao’s camp. We surrendered to Quan Sun’s forces not long ago, under Cao Cao’s orders. We’re spies, but spies for Cao Cao, not Yu Zhou! If you wish to join him, we can help.

And what reason do I have to trust the word of a spy?

My Lord, our elder brother was Mao Cai, who was wrongfully killed by Yu Zhou. Why would we serve such a man?


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We are Cao Cao’s loyal subjects. We are here on his orders.

Hm. Sounds plausible enough.

I think you can trust them. What choice do you have?


Yes, My Lord.

Which I hate, but I refuse to die in vain.

Go to Cao Cao. Tell him I intend to join him.

I am certain Cao Cao will install you in the high command.

Tell him that Commander Gai Huang will be surrendering as well.

And tell them he will seize several supply ships and bring them along.


A short time later...

Cao Cao received the letters declaring that Ning Gan and Gai Huang wished to surrender to him.

I don’t know about this. It could be a plot.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Of course it’s a plot, you moron. ning Gan and Gai Huang together? It’s far too easy.

But these days, it’s hard to keep track of who’s betraying who. And what do we have to lose?

So they are really spies for the other side. I can easily manipulate them while they are here. But why take the risk?


We can win this battle with naval forces alone. We don’t need to complicate things with games like this.

If you say so.

Think about perception. If we turn away or kill every soldier or citizen who tries to join us, we won’t be very popular.

I’ll keep an extra close eye on them, then.

good idea.

In the mean time, send Gan Jiang back to Yu Zhou’s camp. I want another set of eyes in the enemy’s tent, as well.


Meanwhile, all was not well with Yu Zhou. Go ahead, drink up. I don’t feel up for it right now.

My Lord, don’t worry so much about Gai Huang. It’ll work out in the end.


A brilliant scheme, I must say.

What can I say? To fool Cao Cao, you need an extra level of deception! Like his own spies!

Wait, you figured it out? Ha ha ha!





So you’ve convincingly sent two of your men into Cao Cao’s camp.


This plan was so clever, I’m sure half of your own army was deceived.


Hm. And I suppose you figured it out at the start.

not entirely. I wasn’t sure until I heard you laugh just now.

This will surely drive Cao Cao over the edge.

My Lord! A message.

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The rest is up to him.

Ha! Zhong Cai and He Cai went back to Cao Cao and delivered the news. Two of my men are going to join him.

Very well.


At any rate, I’ve done all I can.

How do you know he’ll trust the word of his spies?

Then he armed us for battle by firing arrow at our ships. His pride is wounded. When that happens, men make bad choices on impulse.

Because he’s not as clever as he used to be. First he was fooled by Gan Jiang...

Very good. I can tell you are see­­i ng things more clearly these days.

Thank you, But my foresight is nothing compared to yours.

Possibly. I’ll tell you what. write your plan on your palm. I’ll write what I think it is on my palm, and we’ll compare.

In fact, I bet you already know what my next plan is. Don’t you?

This sounds amusing. Let’s do it.


All right. Let’s see.



Ha! I knew it! You can see right into my mind!


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And if that’s the case, then you know I plan to kill you very soon...


Later, Yu Zhou met with Ning Gan and Gai Huang. My friends, I can’t thank you enough for going along with this plan. I know you have endured disgrace, but it will allow us to win the battle.

A toast. To small sacrifices and great victories!

My Lord, the thanks is ours. I’ve known and been indebted to you all my life.


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now I finally have the chance to repay your kindness. I would endure any disgrace for that.

Thank you.

I couldn’t agree more, My Lord.

Believe me, my cun ning alone will not win this war.

You have stood by me and rewarded my talents. In service to you, I fear not even death.

You flatter, My Lord. But devotion without purpose is blind, and creates a world without light.

It’s the truth, My Lord. Your scheme is so ingenious it would fool a mind reader.

All right, enough! The alcohol has caused an outbreak of flattery! Besides, I have one more plan up my sleeve.


There is another part to this scheme?

Using the two of you was only the first part of the plan. now comes the second part.

May I ask what it is?

And like the first time, I’m going to use him against his master.

Do you remember when Cao Cao sent Well, Gan Jiang he’s sendto spy ing him on me? back here a second time.

But how do you plan to--wait a minute...

Will this involve the man you keep in the small temple?


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

That’s right, it will. It’s time for Tong Pang to play a part.

Mao Cai

Days later... What was that? Gan Jiang is here again?

It’s obviously a plot of some kind. We’ll deal with him.

no, wait!


AH . . . Has no one told you the plan?


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

On your knees!

Grrf! koff Grrgh!



My friend?


Yu Zhou! , It’s m e g. n Gan Jia I’m your ! frien d


Three Kingdoms Volume 11


Don’t make me laugh!

Friends of mine pay visits because they wish to spend time with me. not because they’ve been sent by Cao Cao to spy on me!

Wait a minute! I can explain that! It’s just--

Don’t even try it!

You can’t talk your way out of this. Luckily, only I know who you are. If anyone else knew, you’d have lost your head by now.

Guards! no! Yu Zhou! Lock him up until the war is over!

Yes, sir!

Don’t do this! Let me explain, please!


nice work, Gan Jiang. now what do we do?

This place is surrounded by cliffs we can’t climb down. And the only bridge is guarded by sentries.

We’re as good as dead in this place. Only our ghosts could manage an escape.

Enough! You’re no help!

I can’t think over the sound of your voice!


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Sigh What’s the light coming from that temple?

now what do I do?

Is someone else here?



I have a guest? Please, come in.

Sorry to intrude. My name is Gan Jiang. I saw your light.

What’s your name?

Tong Pang

One of Cao Cao’s men, yes? My name is Tong Pang. Like you, I have fallen out of favor with Quan Sun and his men.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

!!! Tong Pang! I didn’t know you-I’m so sorry!

For what?

Come now, you’ll injure yourself doing that.

It would be an honor to injure myself bowing to a noble man like you. It’s the least I can do to show my respect.


Ha! What good is respect when we’re locked away in this place like common thieves?

Why am I here? Isn’t it obvious? I’m here for the same reason you are.

I had heard that Quan Sun was seeking the most talented people to join his cause, so I came, just like many others. But I discovered that Quan Sun was just an amateur who had placed all his faith in Yu Zhou. Before I knew it, I was locked away.

If I may ask, why are you here?

We’re both here because of Yu Zhou. He’s a villain! And he’ll ruin everything!

You’re absolutely right! I’m one of Yu Zhou’s oldest And friends... look how he’s treated me.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

He’s leading the gullible Quan Sun down a path of no return.

But they are all such fools, they couldn’t find the truth with a map!

On the other hand...

Cao Cao is a man who is not so easily deceived by petty fools. And he values truly talented men. If you were to join him, I know he would hold you in high esteem.

Believe me, I’ve considered such a thing before. But once bitten, twice shy. I was a fool to have believed in Quan Sun-…

HM... HM...

Ha! Like I said, Cao Cao and Quan Sun are completely different. Take my word for it.

You see, I’m actually here on orders from Cao Cao. Yu Zhou discovered that and locked me in here. My job is to take back valuable information to Cao Cao.


But with you, I can take back something more valuable.


Of course!

You mean you’re working as Cao Cao’s spy?

And I know Cao Cao would welcome you with open arms.

now, how we get back to him is another matter. This place is impossible to escape from.

Really? How?

Ha ha! Don’t be silly! Escaping from here is easy!


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Soon after, the two men had escaped, and Tong Pang met with Cao Cao.

I don’t like this. It’s been hours, and those two are still talking.

Who is this Tong Pang person? And why is Cao Cao willing to listen to him for so long? Tong Pang is a highly respected strategist. Word has it that he’s just as clever as Liang Zhuge. We need someone like that on our side.


I don’t care if he’s as clever as the gods. I don’t think we should trust someone so hastily.

I completely agree with you. He must have an ulterior motive…

SIGH... Jin Yu! Come take a look at this!

Ha! Tong Pang! You have lived up to your reputation!

My Lord, you embarrass me with flattery. This is a simple idea for better combat.


Perhaps. But We needed a simple solution, so thank you for that!

Three Kingdoms Volume 11

My Lord? What... what is this?

It’s a brilliant way to engage in sea battle!

Our forces are not good at naval combat, right?

But, My Lord. If the ships can’t move--

So we chain the ships down and reinforce them with boards. It’ll seem to the men like they’re fighting on the ground!

If the ships can’t move, our men won’t get seasick. And we take away one of our weaknesses. now do it!


Yes, My Lord.

now go.


Come this way, Tong Pang.



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We’ve prepared a banquet for you.





All present!



A H DU R M D M Ready for your order, My Lord!


Unleash us on Wu Province!

Let us at the traitors! We’re ready!

My word. This is an impressive sight.

Well, Jin Yu! What is the state of our naval forces now?

The chains and boards have indeed stabilized the ships. Listen to the men; they are in very high spirits as a result.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

! ! ! H H A YA

He Zhang is ready, My Lord, and awaiting your order to attack!

We are ready, My Lord! Give us the order!

Does anyone doubt Tong Pang’s counsel now? Where would we be without him?


Speaking of which, why did you allow Tong Pang to leave for JiangDong?

He left to mount an attack directly against Quan Sun and Yu Zhou.

I know you wanted me to keep him here, where you could watch him. But sometimes you have to trust a person and then not doubt them.

I haven’t been able to completely trust an advisor in a long time. And we haven’t had much success during that time. So it’s time I trusted again, and it’s time our luck changed.


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He knows them both. They won’t see it coming.

My Lord, what are we waiting for?

My Lord, if I may. we’ve stabilized the ships against the currents and waves. But, if they mount a fire attack from the air, we’ll be incinerated.

We were ready to do battle yesterday!

You think I don’t know that?

It’s still autumn, you fool!

The wind is blowing against them right now! If they mount a fire attack, they’ll set fire to themselves!


Huang Xu reporting! All men present! Ready for battle!

That’s true, My Lord. But still...

Dian Li reporting! All men present! Ready for battle!

Ha ha ha! Listen to them!

Do you really think any kind of an attack can stop them?

Perhaps not. When will you give them the attack order?


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Any day now. Gai Huang will be here soon with supplies. When he arrives, we attack.

Jin Yue reporting! All men present! Ready for battle!

Yuan XiaHou reporting! All men present! Ready for battle!


Dun XiaHou and Hong Cao reporting! All cavalry present! What are your orders, My Lord?

You are all marvels of combat!


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Our finest hour is at hand! Soon, I trample Wu Province! Then, I rule the world!


Chapter 2

Which Way the Wind Blows 208 AD

Summary O n t h e e ve o f b a t t l e, Ca o Ca o i s s o

Yu Zhou goes along with Liang Zhuge’s

confident of his impending victory that

plan, but then orders that Liang Zhuge be

he throws a tremendous celebration. But

killed at the end of the ritual. Liang Zhuge

his good mood is volatile at best; when an

performs the ritual and the wind shifts, but

advisor criticizes Cao Cao for tempting ill

he escapes before he can be captured. Yu

fortune, Cao Cao lashes out with deadly

Zhou recovers, dispenses with Cao Cao’s


two spies, and readies for battle.

As the battle draws closer, Yu Zhou

Back in Bei Liu’s camp, Liang Zhuge

is increasingly anxious. In order for his plan

mobilizes his master’s commanders to take

of attack to succeed, he needs the wind

advantage of Cao Cao’s impending defeat.

to change direction. When the wind fails

But he does not give an assignment to Yu

to shift, the stress proves too much for Yu

Guan, fearing his divided allegiance after

Zhou, and he becomes very ill. Liang Zhuge

he served Cao Cao. Yu Guan pledges to

offers to fix the problem by performing a

serve only Bei Liu and is dispatched to kill or

sacred rite, which will change the direction

capture Cao Cao.

of the wind and alleviate Yu Zhou’s pain.

FanKou HuaRon a

WuLin [Cao Cao]


Red Cliffs [Yu Zhou]

a Cao Cao throws a massive celebration on the eve of battle. B Liang Zhuge performs a sacred rite to change the direction of the wind. ages of important figures at that time

Cao Cao / 54

LianG ZHuGe / 28

Bei Liu / 48

Quan sun / 27

Yu ZHou / 34

On the eve of battle, Cao Cao’s forces were jubilant, so an enormous banquet was held.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11




! HOO!!




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Attention, everyone!


It has been decades since I raised my first volunteer militia. Since then, I have defeated many enemies on the path to peace.

But in all that time I have failed to conquer Wu Province and expel that dog Quan Sun. This has been my greatest lasting regret.

Today, standing before the greatest collection of soldiers, commanders, and advisors in history, I know my regret will not last much longer.

Our forces cover the land like a blanket of death! They will overwhelm Wu Province and force their leaders to their knees!


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Soon, we bring this war to an end! Soon we usher in an age of peace!

Soon we savor the fruits of our labor!


Here here! Let’s get this over with and beat the drums of victory!


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Indeed! The drums will sound before you know it! A toast! To victory!




It must have mistaken moonlight for daylight and left its nest.

Why is that raven out at night?

Under moonlit skies, the raven flies, he left his nest to wander and roam...

He comes back to his tree, circles one, two, three...

But there’s no longer a branch to call home.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Fu Liu Um...

My Lord, why do you quote such an ominous poem on the eve of battle?

What’s so ominous about it?

Well, it’s about a raven that can’t find a place to land. It’s not the best image to conjure.

And you’re some kind of expert on the matter?

How dare you try to lecture me!


no man ruins my party and lives to talk about it!

S H OOn K Guhk... Hrrk...



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huff huff

MP O h W

THmp 075

... Oh, no. What have I done?


Tomorrow we will bury him with the highest honors.

I’m drunk. I... I don’t... I’ve made a terrible mistake.

All of you, get out. now!


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Yu Zhou’s camp

Two more just now. Are we fighting or playing? I know Cao Cao is a monster, but why does he keep sending young boys?

Tai Zhou

F LO P 077

It’s been several days since the last big attack. Four days, am I right?

Because the number of soldiers was quite small, wasn’t it?

He’s stall­ ing.

That’s right. But even that wasn’t much of an attack.

But why? What’s he doing?

Yes, it was.

My guess is he will launch a full attack within days. Within days? Why not just launch a full attack days ago?

He needed time. His army doesn’t know naval combat, so he needed to train them. The reduced number of attacks these last few days, and the age and inexperience of those he sends, can only mean one thing... His forces are finally ready, and the great battle is about to begin.


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So what do we do until then?

Yes, My Lord.

Exactly what we’ve been doing. We’re ready for this fight.

And when the time comes, we will show our quality.

My Lord, if I may. when are you going to let Gai Huang defect? The longer he delays, the more likely Cao Cao will get suspicious.

What day is today?

I’m aware of the risks.

But it’s not quite time. Tell me...


It’s november 12.


I don’t understand. Why hasn’t the wind shifted? If it doesn’t change soon...


FW IP Hnng! 080

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kwuk Grah!



Later, in the medical tent...

A shift in the wind was crucial for Yu Zhou’s planned fire attack. Without it, Cao Cao would win the battle easily. The stress of waiting for the wind to change became too much for Yu Zhou, and he fell ill.

Look at that! The far side of the river is glowing. Cao Cao’s forces must be having a last great feast before the battle. .




Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Don’t say his name! I... I’ve done everything right. Plan ned it perfectly. And the gods cheat me at the end.

koff, koff

Su Lu! Help me!


Water. Please. I need some water.

Here you go.


My Lord, you’re coughing up blood! You must stay calm.

This is not good. You’re sick and no one knows why. What if this gets worse?

Cao Cao’s army is on our doorstep. The attack will come any moment.


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I think I know what ails our good commander ...

If you know the cause of the illness, you can devise a treatment. Please, help him.

Well, that’s a relief. Even the best doctors we could find have given up on him.

Illness of the mind? Of course they have. You can’t treat an illness of the mind with medicine.

Very well. Let me take a look.

Ah, yes...


HUH. He is distressed because the wind hasn’t shifted. So we must do it for him!

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Wait, say that again. Shift the wind?

We need the southeastern wind in order for the fire attack to work. You know how to do this?

You do?

I’ve picked up a few magic tricks over the years. Erect an altar. I will perform a sacred rite, and that will conjure a southeasterly wind.

Three days’ worth?

Ha! I don’t need three. All I need is one!

All told, I can get you three days’ worth of wind out of the southeast.


How long will this take? How soon before the wind--

The wind will begin to blow on november 22. You will have three days.

Then all our problems are solved!

If you are right about this...

You heard the man. Order the men to build an altar, right away.


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As you wish, My Lord.

Once the altar was built, Liang Zhuge began performing the rite.



SH Oo w H



F Wo



First the wind was blowing the wrong way. now it’s not blowing at all. This is dumb.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Does anyone else think he looks like a lunatic waving a stick? Where’s the wind he promised?

Sheng Xu

Don’t worry about it.

Ah. Hence the soldiers posted on all sides.

Feng Ding

Regardless of whether this works or not, we have orders from Yu Zhou. When Liang Zhuge’s done with his little dance, we kill him.

This will be easy. If he ever gets done with his dance.




Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Where’s Liang Zhuge?

The wind...The wind has changed course!

Get to the alt ar! Grab him befo re he escapes!


Got him.

On your feet!

H U H?

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Cao Cao’s camp “Yu Zhou has been watching me closely for days, so it’s been hard to make my move. He has more than one set of eyes, if you take my meaning.

“But a supply fleet will set sail today. I will capture the ship and kill the captain.

“Look to the east. My ship will hoist a flag with a blue dragon.”

So it seems. But I don’t trust him. It seems excessive to present the captain’s head to you. Like he’s trying too hard.

“I will present his head to you as proof of my loyalty.

So that’s the letter from Gai Huang, yes? He’s finally plan ning on coming over to our side?

Don’t worry. If he’s a spy, we’ll spot it right away. That’s why I ordered Zhong Cai and He Cai to accompany him.



He Cai

Zhong Cai

Ze Kan, it’s us! We’re ready to go!

ning Gan, are you there?

Gai Huang?

How pathetic... You know, rats boarding ships is how plague spreads.

We... we don’t know what you’re talking about.


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B AM Fortunate­ ly, the only journey you’ll be making is a one-way trip to hell!




Dang Han Meng Lu

Tong Ling

Yu Zhou


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

So... It appears Liang Zhuge escaped. But we won’t chase him. Defeating Cao Cao is more important.

Are you sure? Liang Zhuge can change the wind. That’s too much power to ignore.


You can’t ignore power that doesn’t exist.

The wind always changes course around the middle of november. But this year it hadn’t happened yet. The stress of this is what made me ill.

no man can change the wind. no matter, I’ll deal with Liang Zhuge, after we’re done here.


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Changing the wind is one thing. Fooling a man who is deathly ill is another.

What do you mean?

Liang Zhuge is an expert in the weather, though, and I think he knew the wind would kick up in a few days. The altar and rite were just theater.

This world only has room for one of us.

In the meantime, let us grant Cao Cao a fiery exit from this life!

Bei Liu’s camp

Sorry I’m late, My Lord. I hope you didn’t worry.

I know better than to worry about you, Liang Zhuge. Just the same, I’m relieved to see you.

My Lord, Yu Zhou will attack tonight.

My forces are yours to command...

Very well. Listen up, everyone. We have no time to lose. We need to be ready and in position.


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The following orders are to be carried out without delay. I will not accept even one wrong move.

Yun Zhao! Take 3,000 across the river and wait in the forest on the far side.

Cao Cao is certain to pass by there in retreat. We can not miss the chance to ambush him.

yes, sir!

As you wish!

Fei Zhang! Take another 3,000 soldiers and lead them to the entrance of ShangFang Valley. Yun Zhao’s ambush should drive Cao Cao directly toward you. When it does, take him.

I’ll bring him here on a leash like the dog he is!


...Is that it?

Liang Zhuge, why do you insult me like this?

I’m the most battle-tested soldier in this army. I’ve lead our forces to victory countless times.


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Yet, today of all days, I receive no orders. What is the reason for this?

You don’t trust me, do you?

Actually, Yu Guan, the most important job of all remains to be assigned. But I’m afraid--

Look, we are ambushing Cao Cao in waves, but I’m positive he will slip through both attacks.

When he does, he will have to travel along the Huarong Path. If we trap him there, it would be impossible for him to escape. But we must trap him.


Are you saying you think I’d let him go?

I owe him nothing.

I see. Under­stand. I was once indebted to Cao Cao, however, that debt was repaid a long time ago.

Very well, Yu Guan.

Either I bring you Cao Cao’s head... Or I let you take mine in its place.

Your honor is beyond reproach, So I will trust you. The trap is set. now all that’s left is to catch Good the rat. luck, my friend.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Cao Cao’s Soldier

Chapter 3

The Battle of the Red Cliffs 209 AD

Summary Now that the winds have shifted, Yu Zhou is ready for battle. When one of his men, Gai Huang, captures a fleet of supply ships and sets sail for Cao Cao’s forces, the first salvo is fired in a battle that will change the landscape of the struggle for control of China. Both Yu Zhou and Cao Cao have bet everything on their respective strategies. Before the day is over, one man will revel in the victory of a lifetime, while the other will be desperately trying to escape complete ruin.

FanKou HuaRong






Red Cliffs

1 Cao Cao builds up his naval strength

3 Once the wind shifts and begins

in JingZhou, then sets out for WuLin,

blowing toward the west, Yu Zhou

where he amasses his army on the

commences his fire attack. The wind

western bank of the river.

fans the flames into an enormous inferno that consumes the entirety

2 The allied forces of Quan Sun and

of Cao Cao’s naval forces.

Bei Liu approach from the opposite direction and make their camp on

4 Having barely escaped the

the eastern side of the river, near the

disastrous river battle, Cao Cao

Red Cliffs (ChiBi).

desperately flees on horseback through HuaRong, where he is pursued by Bei Liu’s commanders.

The next day, Gai Huang set out to join Cao Cao and bring him the promised supply fleet.


n of Any sig ? him yet



Three Kingdoms Volume 11

F WA P You all know the plan. Board the ships. Take the supplies. Kill Gai Huang. Ah!

There he is. yawn Finally.

Th u d 111


My Lord, the wind has suddenly shifted. It’s now blowing directly toward us!

My Lord! Those ships look far too light.

They can’t possibly be loaded with supplies.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Something isn’t right.

Jin Yu! Send the forward boats! Stop that fleet and search them top to bottom! Yes, My Lord!

Hold your position!

Gai Huang, by Cao Cao’s order, stop these ships now!


Look out! It’s a trap!




Three Kingdoms Volume 11

An Image of a Warship

This is an image of a flagship from the time of the Han Dynasty. A typical flagship was three stories tall and capable of transporting more than 1,000 soldiers.

Look out!





Three Kingdoms Volume 11


A A H H!!! C rackle






h T k n Tho

nk o h T onk

H RR . . .

I’ve been set up!

S H I NG 120

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Gai Huang, Tong Pang... They’re in it together!

I swear to the gods they will endure something worse than flames for this!

The fire is too big to fight! We have to get you out of here! no!

My Lord, please!


Full speed ahead! Turn those ships to ash!

Gai Huang

Wipe them out! All of them!


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Cao Cao is the one wear­ing a red robe! He is the main target!

K N O SH O Got him!

That ought to slow Gai Huang down.

I said all ahead full! Don’t hold anything back!


Get some buckets! Put out this fire! It can’t be done! We must run!







Three Kingdoms Volume 11

GA SP I don’t believe this.

How could this happen?

Thousands of ships consumed by fire in a matter of hours!

It happened because we chained the ships together! They are burning as a single ship!

I put my full confidence in him.

I was so sure. And I walked right into his trap.

Tong Pang’s idea...


My Lord!

You need to get out of here! The enemy is run ning riot over us!

The fire attack has spread from the water to land. Our battle lines have totally collapsed!

Where are the enemy forces?

Yu Zhou’s soldiers lie in ambush on all sides. And the fire is raging so hard we can’t tell ally from enemy.

What about Dun XiaHou and Yuan XiaHou? What about He Zhang and Huang Xu?

Tell me! Where are they?!

My Lord, almost all units are pin ned down and fighting for their lives.

They’re trying to fight their way out of there, but it doesn’t look good.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Oh, no...

My Lord, enemy forces are about to land on our side of the river. If we linger here much longer, we’ll find ourselves surrounded.

I have to wake up.

This must be a night­ mare.

My Lord, pull yourself together! We need to leave!







Three Kingdoms Volume 11





That’s the signal. Gai Huang has suc­ ceeded!

All soldiers! Charge!



It’s a lost cause here. All our ships have been destroyed.

Sir, we must go.

We are not giving up! What other units are in the area?

There are no other units in the area.

The rest have gone up in flames.

Almost all of them have been driven to retreat.

Abandon your posts! Fall back to JiangLing!



Three Kingdoms Volume 11



Look! Yu Zhou’s flagship!



KRA C K Aaaah! Just like stomping an anthill.


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If it still floats, sink it! If it still breathes, drown it!

Clear this river of every last enemy ship!

I want everything up in smoke or at the bottom of the sea! That’s an order!


Among Cao Cao’s forces...

Pull him up! What’s the situation on the ground?

Pure chaos. All units have either been wiped out or are on the run. I barely made it out.

Qian Lu

This is hopeless. Order the men to fall back to JiangLing. At least we can save ourselves.

Tong Li

KRON Incom­ ing!


Three Kingdoms Volume 11



Tai Zhou

We’re not done yet! Attack! Wipe out Cao Cao’s minions!


All right, form ranks! Don’t let them off that ship!

I will kill anyone who flees! Hold your positions!

My Lord!

What is it?

All roads out of here have been blocked. And there’s no sign of friendly forces anywhere!

That can’t be true...


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Are you sure? Where is Commander Cao Cao?

He fled!

Reports are that he’s already on his way back to JiangLing. Ignore that last order!

Everyone fall out! Follow me!


Cao Cao! Stop right there!

The rest of you, get Commander Cao Cao out of here! I’ll deal with this!

There’s no escape! Your head is as good as ours!


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Yes, sir!

Meng Lu

Your nobility is admirable, but futile! I am Meng Lu, and I will kill your master!

And I, Liao Zhang, use men like you for practice!





C LO P 140

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HUH? Look up ahead! Are those our soldiers? I can’t see clearly.

Cao Cao! Stop right there!

Ning Gan

I am ning Gan, and I will be the last person you ever see!


Save it, you worthless errand boy! My Lord will not have to see your ugly face, because I won’t let you within fifty yards of him!


Chu Xu?

SH 142


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Gah! Why did I have to pick a fight with this guy?


I’ll hold them off for as long as I can.

Get My Lord out of here, now!

Cao Cao! Only a coward runs away!


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!! ! H

Enough! You only have a few words left!

Best to use them well before you die!

Let’s see how tough you talk with your head split in half!


Don’t slow down! They are hot on our trail!

HU FF H U F F ...





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I’ve got him! Over here!

At last, I can bring this battle to an end!

Tong Ling




So long as I am protecting him, the only thing that will end is your life!


Don’t stop, My Lord! You have to keep moving! Go!


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nG A R

Don’t let up, boy! Faster! Move!

Hyah! Let’s go!

Hyah, boy!


My Lord! Our victory is total. We’ve completely destroyed the enemy’s camp and naval fleet. The enemy’s death toll is too high to count.

Captives number more than 30,000, and the remaining soldiers have been scattered by the flames like a colony of ants fleeing a brush fire.

Very well.



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Remember this day, men. This was the day that tens of thousands of soldiers defeated an army of more than one million. Sun Tzu and Wu Zi themselves could not have conceived such a resounding victory. History will remember this day, and my name will be sung throughout the ages.

Take note, Liang Zhuge.

As of now, I am the greatest hero of the age.


Chapter 4

The Great Escape 209 AD

Summary Cao Cao has barely managed to escape the Battle of the Red Cliffs alive, and with his remaining forces in complete disarray he must race back to his lands with only a handful of soldiers for protection. Cao Cao is utterly baffled by his failure to anticipate the strategies that defeated his army at the Red Cliffs, so he works furiously to anticipate his enemy’s next moves as he tries to get home. But each decision he makes leads to another ambush, until finally he is escaping almost completely alone. He is convinced he has outwitted the last of his foes, but there is one more person in Cao Cao’s way, and this person has sworn to not let Cao Cao get out alive.

River Han


XiaKou FanKou


The Gre at R iver

C HuaRong Yu Guan

B HuLu Fei Zhang

A WuLin Yun Zhao Red Cliffs Yu Zhou

Lake DongTing

A Cao Cao escapes WuLin, but is almost immediately ambushed by Yun Zhao.

B Cao Cao’s men get him past Yu Zhao, but Cao Cao walks right into another ambush in HuLu, this one led by Fei Zhang.

C Cao Cao cheats death for a second time, but now he must get past Yu Guan in HuaRong.

The fleet is lost. Most of the sailors were killed or captured.

Well, we’ve managed to lose them for now. Even so, we’re still right in the middle of the lion’s den.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

What is the status of our naval forces?

A few of them made it back to shore. But it’s unlikely they will reach us.

The cavalry was able to retreat almost immediately, but the infantry was decimated. All are either dead or dispersed.

What about the other forces?

I lead an army of one million into battle, and, thanks to a few simple tricks and my own stupidity, I lead them right into a trap.

Heh... Heh...

Do we know how many men are left? Do we have a number?

We think there might be 15,000 left, led by He Zhang, Huang Xu, and myself.

Ha ha ha!

That’s it? That’s all we have left! Ha ha ha ha! That’s so imposs­ible, it’s hilarious! You have to admit, that’s probably never been done before.


Can you believe I fell for the tactics of two novices like Yu Zhou and Liang Zhuge?

Are you kidding me? Take a look around you! How can I not look down on them?

My Lord, I think your mistake was in underestimating the two of them.

We are stuck in the middle of our enemy’s land, entirely cut off from support. Anyone who knows the first thing about tactics would attack us right now. We’re com­plete­ ly exposed!

ut! ch o ! t a W us h Am b


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

But do you see any sign of the enemy? no! Like I said--



Cao Cao! This is the end of the line! Come and meet your doom!


RUM B LE What happened to Huang Xu and He Zhang?

P lin k P lin k

March March They stayed back to fight off Yun Zhao. I don’t know if they made it out of there alive.


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HA HA HA HA! You know, I have a reputation for being vindictive, But Bei Liu is a cut above.

My Lord, there’s a fork in the road up ahead.

That’s another piece of cruel fate. If I’d just killed him years ago... none of us would be going through this right now.

I spared his life countless times, and this is how he repays my kindness. His disloyalty is unmatched, mark my words!

One of the paths is a short­ cut. We should avoid it entirely. They will likely be waiting for us along that path.

They are thinking the same thing we are. So let’s take the shortcut.

I don’t think so. I think they know we would take the long path to avoid them.




HE H... 160

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HE H...

My Lord, please stop that. Every time you laugh, bad things happen to us. What’s so fun ny, anyway?

HA Once again, I’m laughing at the stupidity of the enemy.

From that position, it would only take a few soldiers to wipe us out. We’re like fish in a barrel down here! Ha ha ha!

HA If they’re so smart, why didn’t they position men on the cliffs above us?


Oh, no.

W h OMP 161

A very keen insight, Cao Cao. Why not just offer your head, and we can all go home?


Ah, Fei Zhang!

My Lord, get out of here. And please stop talking!



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HA !

Don’t run, Cao Cao. You’ll only delay the inevitable!

Raaah! Get My Lord out of here! We’ll deal with this hairy louse!

Fei Zhang! How can you know the future when you don’t have one!


Liao Zhang



Three Kingdoms Volume 11

CHU xu



! ! ! H

K LA n G

Ha! Is that all you’ve got? Did you skip a meal or something?

If you’d like, I’ll only use one arm! Ha ha ha!


G 165

Elsewhere... Well, this will probably go down as the greatest day of Yu Zhou’s life.

Indeed. But it should also add to your legend. The outcome matched your prediction almost exactly.

Well, not entirely. Cao Cao will still be a problem. Although he’ll have a tough time raising an army for a while.

Wait. What aren’t you telling me?


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Cao Cao?

He won’t be a problem after tonight, remember? You sent Yu Guan to HuaRong to--

Don’t worry about it. I have a plan for dealing with everything when the time comes.


My Lord! Another fork in the road up ahead. To the right is the main road. To the left is the road to HuaRong.

There’s smoke rising from the second path. It’s probably another ambush party.


Let’s go to HuaRong!

But, My Lord, the smoke--


I’m not falling for such childish tactics again. To Huarong!

The smoke is a trick to make us think there will be an ambush. That’s a typical tactic of Liang Zhuge.


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They want us to take the main road. They’re waiting for us there.


Ha! Careful...

Don’t be so ner­ vous!


We’ve escaped every attempt to capture me so far. no reason to think our luck has changed.

We just need to reach Huarong. Then we can regroup and figure out the next step.




U Y 170

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!! ! n A



The Battle of the Red Cliffs is the centerpiece of Three Kingdoms, and it represents the culmination of events that define the first half of the story. From the chaotic aftermath of the war against the Yellow Scarves that opens the story, the focus of Three Kingdoms has gradually narrowed to the point where three men determine the course of events: Cao Cao, the brilliant but ruthless prime minister who gained power through cunning and maintains power through cruelty; Bei Liu, a man of royal blood and humble beginnings who pledges, along with his two sworn brothers, to restore peace to the land; and Quan Sun, who unexpectedly inherits his father’s mantle and must live up to his family’s legendary name. For years, these men have outmaneuvered countless rivals in the ongoing struggle for the throne. What makes the Battle of the Red Cliffs such an epic encounter is that it represents the three most powerful forces in China finally colliding with one another. Decades of turmoil, millions of casualties, social and economic upheaval,


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

generations swallowed whole by endless war: when the armies meet at the Red Cliffs they carry with them not just weapons, but the weight of the entire war. The results are seismic. And if the Battle of the Red Cliffs represents a culmination in terms of story, it also represents a culmination in terms of the central theme of Three Kingdoms: that what begins as nobility eventually becomes hubris, and that even the best of intentions cannot prevent one from being undone by ambition. Take the examples of Cao Cao and Yu Zhou: both are fiercely intelligent men who believe entirely in the righteousness of their cause, that the rule they each fight for will usher in an age of peace. The nobility of this belief has endeared each man to the people around him, which in turn has endowed him with a great amount of power and responsibility, but also a tremendous degree of vanity. This vanity eventually spins so far out of control that each man comes to believe that he can overcome nature as a means of gaining the


upper hand at the Battle of the Red Cliffs: Cao Cao believes he can make fighting on water seem like fighting on land, and Yu Zhou devises an entire battle strategy around the idea that the wind will change direction because he needs it to. These delusions make both men incredibly vulnerable. For Cao Cao, he is risking the fate of his entire army. For Yu Zhou, he is risking his own life and sanity. When a man places himself above nature, there can be only one outcome, and the Battle of the Red Cliffs will teach everyone – some sooner, some later – the cost of such hubris. The Battle of the Red Cliffs is what the story of Three Kingdoms has been building toward from the beginning, a culmination of events that will prove definitive to both the winner and the loser. But as it is also the thematic culmination of what has happened so far, it is safe to say that not long after the battle it will be hard to tell who won and who lost.


Three Kingdoms Volume 11

Gai Huang

Vol. 01

Vol. 02

Vol. 03

Vol. 04

Vol. 05

Vol. 06

Vol. 07

Vol. 08

Vol. 09

Vol. 10

Vol. 11

Vol. 12

Vol. 13

Vol. 14

Vol. 15

Vol. 16

Vol. 17

Vol. 18

Vol. 19

Vol. 20

“...Invaluable...beautiful artwork...commendable efforts to bring the characters to life.” – Publishers Weekly

Three armies. Thousands of ships. Millions of soldiers. Decades of war come to a head when Bei Liu and Quan Sun form a tentative alliance to do battle against Cao Cao at the Red Cliffs. The all-or-nothing outcome means that the victor will have the upper hand in the struggle for the throne. But it also means that a single miscalculation can have devastating consequences. Based on one of the most popular and influential novels ever written, Three Kingdoms is an epic adventure of heroism and villainy, honor and deceit, and overcoming individual failings to serve a greater purpose.

In collaboration with Tianjin Shenjie Comics, China

All-Ages . Adventures . Action