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English Pages 338 [352] Year 1984
The Zapotecs: Princes, Priests, and Peasants
aou esaaTa ne i¢ ven oea oa ™" su OW salen cos ae aFann, :aeam —_ aro, Oe aoe UNa ew a) oa an Co ooa ii,., Weeeneenrn, vo C. a) Aae
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lige pgoF aoooe ofaeSy ee a|.oo-oei.cS_ooae aeaepit LOG oo ee-~~~ oe>_hy 'ia ‘ mec ne aaoe ifoe . oe a aa Oe ue te7hee a oF ca 234a a“OS ee, a Vili, iY=ay coe Say oo ig a ae as oers‘ae ‘Le% ea~~. oe DK ee Wee Sans Sa a wo ls *ek 5ae c— iL.3 1i; :7) . : oe ae ie oo. ay fe aoe ee 4uA oyaaahoe wems oy leeee ip dye cs - Co : Lo oeoS .- at i. 0Ge.
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6 THE ZAPOTECS for constitutional government, attacked the privileges of the Church and the army, and opposed the restoration of a monarchy under the French-imposed Maximilian. After many years of struggle, he finally overthrew the conservatives, and Mexico was invigorated with a new program, called La Reforma, which was a series of laws designed to transfer political powers from an exclusive elite to a democratic republic of Mexican citizens. A second Oaxacan, who claimed to be part Mixtec, helped destroy Juarez’ plans. He was Porfirio Diaz, who learned his caudillo politics in the chaotic Isthmus of Tehuantepec; he became president of Mexico
in 1876 and ruled until rg10. Diaz had supported Juarez and the liberals in the War of the Reform (1858-61), but he shortly turned to different policies. During his regime he surrounded himself with an exclusive elite of intellectuals and large landowners and promoted coercive political oppression. While Mexico prospered under Diaz as a land of favored elites, as a land of the poor and oppressed it had no equal. Diaz ultimately was overthrown in the bloody Mexican Revolution that began in 1910.
Juarez and Diaz, then, were “Indians” who became presidents of their country. However, the term Indian in Mexican society has connotations quite different from those it has in North American society. Except in a few atypical areas, reservations were not significant in Mexican history. Tribal affiliation in North America, as denoted by tribal rolls and tribal councils, has no parallel in the core areas of Mexico; in those areas Indian is a generic term which has applied, since colonial times, primarily to social status, sometimes to use of an indigenous language, but seldom to physical characteristics.’ During Spanish colonial times, Indians were defined primarily with
reference to a peasant community, often called the republica de los indtos. As such, they became part of the Spanish estate system, which had long distinguished between nobles, clergymen, and peasants. While race was important in the official rhetoric of Spanish colonial society, it tended to be more a social and cultural than a biological phenomenon. For example, Indians who had been nobles in preConquest times remained so under the Spanish system once they accepted Christianity, and they became rapidly acculturated to Spanish
life-styles. If an individual could acquire the wealth, contacts, and cultural traits necessary to occupy a different position in the social
OAXACA 7 order, admittedly difficult in the rigid Spanish system, he could acquire a document to make his biological origin coincide with his new social position. Thus, to be Indian was, and has continued to be, largely a social and
cultural phenomenon, synonomous with peasant and with the particular relationship to land and community which that term implies. Contemporary Mexican society, like the Spanish colonial society which preceded it, still places great emphasis on the “gentleman complex.” Individuals who work the land for subsistence, who work with their hands and who display primary allegiance to their small com-
munity, are low in the social order. For example, it is reported that rural inhabitants who live very near the modern city of Guadalajara, who speak only Spanish, and who clearly are of mixed origin are referred to as Indians; they reside in a tightly knit community and practice subsistence agriculture and pottery making.” In a sense, then, this appellation is largely derogatory; to be called muy indio in Mexican Spanish implies that one is deferent, 1s probably illiterate, and displays little knowledge of the world outside his small
community. And, while the revolutionary intellectuals of the twentieth century have aimed their programs toward incorporating the Indian into the mainstream of Mexican society, they have worshiped primarily at the shrine of the great Indian tradition of pre-Spanish times. The modern Indian, with his little tradition and peasant heri-
tage, has been incorporated only slowly into the mainstream of Mexican society. Patterns of dress and behavior likewise have been used to identify
an Indian in modern Mexico. In certain regions, such as Oaxaca, specific communities display distinctive clothing styles, behavioral characteristics, and craft specializations. These traits often are thought
to be typical of particular Indian groups. However, they tend to be most typical of communities or regions, not of any particular group or linguistic affiliation. Also, since local populations have been subject to
various acculturative influences throughout history, these cultures represent complex fusions of pre-Spanish, Spanish colonial, and modern Mexican cultural traits—a fusion which almost always defies separation into constituent elements. Another criterion for defining an Indian in modern Mexico is the retention of an indigenous language. Indigenous languages still are
8 THE ZAPOTECS spoken by a sizable percentage of the Mexican population. Although bilingualism is widespread, children in many parts of rural Mexico
still continue to learn an Indian language before Spanish. While Spanish is used everywhere as the official language of Mexico, in
Indian many areas an indigenous tongue remains the language of the home and of the pueblo.
Table 1. States in the Republic of Mexico with the Largest Numbers of Speakers of Indigenous Languages.*
State Speakers Monolingual 1950
1. Oaxaca 586,853 212,520 2. Puebla 297,490 118,971 3. Yucatan 279,380 43,523 4. Veracruz 252,739104,244 87,318 5. Chiapas 198,087 6. México 183,051 39,207 7. Hidalgo 179,629 8. Guerrero 124,693 60,401 59,241
g. San Luis Potosi 89,096 28,972
10. Michoacan 51,273 12,106
11. 32,8161,892 5,351 12. Campeche Sonora 25,058 1970
1. Oaxaca 677,347 206,32} 2. Veracruz 360,309 89,623 3. Yucatan 3575270 56,570 4. Puebla 346,140 94,194 5. Chiapas 287,836 147,720 6. Hidalgo 201,368 77,868 7. México 200,729 20,683 8. Guerrero 160,182 85,091 g. San Luis Potosi 113,898 25,953 10. Distrito Federalt 68,660 1,447 tr. Campeche Michoacan 62,851 12. 55,03112,326 5,920
"*CitationinChapter1,Note7, + Distrito Federal in 1950 had 18,812 speakers of indigenous languages with only 170
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we Tututepec, ‘ O ‘ 3
1 Mixtec 9 Chinantec 3 Chocho 11 Chatino 4 Trique 12 Mixe N S Amuzgo 13 Chontal 6 Mazatec 14 Nahuatl 7 Ixcatec 15 Huave 2 Popoloca 10 Zapotec
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14 more State Lines ————mmnemme Linguistic Groups
0 10 20 30 40 SO mi. Map 2. Regions and Linguistic 0 O20 40 506070 80 km. (Drawn by Terry Prewitt)
ee groups of southern Mexico.
I2 THE ZAPOTECS In 1970 Oaxaca had a total population of 2,015,424; approximately 34 per cent—677,347—-spoke at least one indigenous language, the highest number in any state in Mexico. Of these indigenous language speakers, 206,323 were monolingual, 246,138 (approximately 36 per cent) spoke Zapotec, and 168,725 (approximately 25 per cent) spoke Mixtec. There were 50,578 monolingual Mixtec speakers and 48,500 monolingual Zapotec speakers.*
Zapotec and Mixtec are related languages and belong within a larger grouping called Otomanguean, a phylum which includes five branches: Otomian, Mixtecan, Chinantecan, Manguean, and Zapotecan.” The Otomian branch includes such languages as Otomi, Mazahua, Matlatzinca, Pame, and Ocuilteca, all of which are spoken in the states of Mexico and Hidalgo. The Mixtecan branch contains Mixtec, Popoloca, Ixcatec, Chocho, Mazatec, Trique, Cuicatec, and Amuzgo. Mixtec 1s spoken in the highland region of western Oaxaca called the Mixteca Alta, in a lowland region bordering on the states of Puebla and Guerrero called the Mixteca Baja, and in the coastal region in the southwestern part of the state called the Mixteca Costa. This distribution corresponds closely to known Mixtec distribution in pre-Spanish and Colonial times, except that Mixtec-speaking elites were distributed throughout a wide area of southern Mexico. Popoloca is spoken in the southwestern part of the state of Puebla as
well as a portion of the northwestern part of Oaxaca. Ixcatec and Chocho speakers exist as enclaves in the Mixtec-speaking territory of
the Mixteca Alta, while Trique speakers, located in the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca, are surrounded by Mixtecs of the Mixteca Baja and Costa. Mazatec speakers occupy the extreme northwest section of
Oaxaca, while the Cuicatec speakers border them on the south. Chinantec, the sole language within the Chinantecan branch, is spoken to the east of Cuicatec.
Within the Mixtecan branch, Popoloca, Ixcatec, and Chocho form one family, Mazatec and Amuzgo form second and third families, and Mixtec, Trique, and Cuicatec make up a fourth. Manguean consists of Chiapanec and Mangue, languages spoken in Central America. Zapotecan includes the Zapotec languages as well
as Chatino, which is spoken in a southwestern part of the state of Oaxaca bordering on the Pacific Ocean.’ While linguists differ over the details of the exact placement of these
languages-within a larger classification, their studies do show that the
Otomanguean languages have links with other languages in Meso-
america and belong to a very ancient stratum of Mesoamerican languages. Based on studies of the distribution of these languages, their internal and external relationships, and on glottochronological calculations, it has been posited that from 7000 to 5000 B.c. Mesoamerica consisted of an uninterrupted belt of related dialects. By about 4000 B.c. the Mesoamerican languages had begun to differentiate into
Otomanguean, a more northerly Uto-Aztecan (which includes languages spoken in northern Mexico and the southwestern United States as well as Nahuatl—the language of the Aztecs), and Mayan to the south. Between 4000 and 1500 B.c., because of migrations and the isolation of various groups, the Otomanguean languages began to diverge from one another. The Manguean languages probably split off first, followed by the Otomian languages. The divergence between Mix-
tecan and Zapotecan probably occurred next;° many scholars have posited that it occurred somewhere in the region of northwestern Oaxaca or southwestern Puebla. The Zapotecs may not have reached their present locations in Oaxaca before 1500 B.c.'
The Zapotec or Zapotecan languages, like the Otomian and Mixtecan languages of Otomanguean, are tone languages. In Zapotec, the meaning of a word frequently is determined by voice pitch. These tones, as in the Chinese languages, are absolutely essential to distinguish among certain words and thus are technically called tonemes. The Zapotecan languages differ, however, in the number of tonemes they employ: in some there are four tones—high, low, rising, and falling; and others have but three tones—high, low, and rising.* Generally, Zapotecan has a staccato and musical character, very liquid and sonorous, features which prompted the French traveler Brasseur de Bourbourg to characterize Zapotec as the Italian of the Americas. The utilization of tones and the presence of long and short, nasalized, and rearticulated vowel sounds, along with a soft, liquid r and a frequently used glottal stop, undoubtedly influenced this depiction. Zapotec also contains a series of contrasting pairs of strong
and weak (fortis and lenis) consonants. Syntactically, Zapotecan has a number of interesting features. Verbs
are modified by the addition of prefixes and suffixes which become fused with the verb stem to indicate voice (passive or active), tense
14 THE ZAPOTECS (present, past, or future), and mood (indicative, imperative, or conditional). Tense in Zapotec displays very fine shades of meaning between actions that were completed in the past, actions that are occurring or have occurred regardless of present or past, and actions that will occur. In addition, two special tenses are used for customs or conditions which are neither past nor present and for those indefinite actions which do not refer to specific persons or actions in either the past, present, or future.
Adjectives are of the verb type and in general follow the same conjugations as the verbs. Nouns and pronouns are changed depend-
ing on the person speaking; whether the object is human, animal, inanimate, or sacred; and the specific relationship (such as intimate or distant, inclusive or exclusive) to the person, animal, or object addressed or referred to. While most languages employ juxtaposition in some form, Zapotec differs from many in that elements are combined in various positions without modification. While Zapotec has received many loan words from Spanish, struc-
turally it has remained quite conservative. In the other direction, Zapotec has had an important influence on the Spanish of the region, especially on pitch, tense structure, and the use of plurals. Oaxacan Spanish in particular tends to have a “sing-song” quality, to exhibit a modified Spanish tense structure, and to drop plurals as endings on
nouns. Nouns in Zapotec do not have different singular or plural endings; number is indicated by the preceding word or prefix.’ Zapotec never has been written to any great extent, although popular songs and poems often are composed in Zapotec. There is a group of scholars and intellectuals in Oaxaca who pride themselves on their knowledge of the subtleties of Zapotec; some from Juchitan in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec have become nationally famous for their poetry.”
Although Zapotec is a viable language, it remains primarily a situational language spoken mostly in the home and the village. But Spanish also is used in every village, and also as the language of discourse among those from different villages or regions, as the lingua franca of trade, and as the official language of the Mexican Republic. As a result, Zapotec has tended to fragment into linguistic entities which do not necessarily correspond with cultural entities. For example, Laura Nader has pointed out that most Zapotecs share more
culturally with their non-Zapotec-speaking neighbors than they do with other Zapotecs.'* To many Zapotec speakers, pueblo or regional
afhliations are much more important than is the commonality of speaking Zapotec. In short, Zapotec is used in specific social contexts;
speaking Zapotec, then, does not constitute an overriding or unidimensional attribute denoting a distinctive cultural pattern. Today, also, although Zapotec may have been a single language in the remote past, one cannot speak of a single Zapotec language, but instead must speak of numerous Zapotec languages, as different from one another as are the various Romance languages. Some authors, for example, distinguish six Zapotec languages: Valley Zapotec (spoken
in the Valley of Oaxaca), Isthmus or Tehuano Zapotec (spoken on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec), Serrano Zapotec (spoken in the district of Ixtlan in the Sierra de Juarez), Nexitzo or Rincén Zapotec (spoken in the Villa Alta district), Villalteco (from Yalalag in the Villa Alta district), and Southern or Miahuatlan Zapotec (spoken in the Sierra de Miahuatlan).”* Others distinguish nine Zapotec languages, adding an additional language in the northern mountain district of Choapan (Bixanas) and dividing the southern unit into three distinct languages (Lachiregi, Yohueche, and Loxicha)."* It also appears that of these various languages, the Northern Zapotec languages (Serrano, Nexitzo, Villalteco, and Bixanas) are more closely related to one another
than to the Valley, Isthmus, and Southern languages, which form another group. Thus, the Zapotecs occupy a considerable proportion of the state of Oaxaca; the major groups also occupy distinct habitats, a factor partly explaining the cultural differences among them. Oaxaca is primarily mountainous; the Mesa del Sur, the wide eastern section of the southern Mexican highlands, lies within its boun-
daries. Intermontane basins within this region, however, have constituted the major population centers. The largest of these, the Valley of Oaxaca, located almost in the center of the state, has been
and continues to be one of the most densely inhabited regions of Mesoamerica. The Valley also has been the province of the Valley Zapotecs, the builders of Monte Alban, throughout pre-Spanish, Colonial, and modern times and has been the setting for major social
and cultural developments in Oaxaca. While Mixtec and Aztec speakers have been present in the Valley, Zapotecs have always consti-
tuted the majority of the indigenous population there.
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WA, 430, a“ee )ipTEPEZIM SDSatSOG. SePod 2,Sane OUTS NPA eee OA ATLAN SELON 2We WN ROG eA ae “YA A aay “hy SY t.ayr. /A fe)ROL ASSARNE NN a Oye ete ‘Sipe Sah { eS a soot Malte Pa. n cans AX. DN i J a Sie ct ECE 2 bis ge ae atia ° Nhataey SVR Ho ARR OES, “ifs Sx ay te oN, “i mn \. ‘ gim Ss ANTA aye , : Aes pi MY ui RY SAGA >
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— he Sean SW uf
> Chg, j PRO of =~~. Py ee 5eeee SAWS
Pu) "2 | tie: er Se Sih . 2 iot 0 4 os ih _tS“aAEM Zh¢ t Ag “GCE ! N "33 ~~ yay raheMiahuat ee a, Wd ws ~ was a iy eS a SSSIE Sa? Se i aoe , y ee 5 A, 3 im A rH=rn. ’ pth
RAG itt) oN —) 4is Pilih) SAAN es bySy Terry — aN . “? (Dr awh bySePrew 4. The Valley of Oaxaca an d its environs. Map 4.
20 - THE ZAPOTECS Centigrade—the annual range is six degrees Centigrade, while the daily range is approximately fifteen degrees Centigrade. In any given year there 1s but a slight chance of frost, and in some areas, such as the main Atoyac floodplain south of the city of Oaxaca, frosts rarely occur. At altitudes above two thousand meters, these conditions change markedly. Summer temperatures can drop so low that the cultivation of maize is inhibited. Frost-resistant strains of maize were developed in later periods of pre-Spanish history, but their absence in earliest times helps to explain the choice of the Valley as a key area for intensive cultivation. The Valley is not uniform. Elevations vary from 1,420 meters to
1,740 meters. Rainfall (occurring predominantly in the summer months, while the winter season 1s dry) ranges from 490 millimeters at Tlacolula to 740 millimeters at Ocotlan in the southern wing of the Valley. Most Valley soils are of the Brown Soils group, but in drier areas, as near Mitla in the Valley of Tlacolula, they tend toward Gray Desert Soils. In the higher alluvium areas of the Valley, as in parts of the valley of Etla, are found the finest-grained soils with the greatest water retention, thus the most productive. In other areas, the depth of the water table is more important than soil texture in determining agricultural productivity. Along the floodplain of the Atoyac, water is within three meters of the surface, but in
higher alluvium areas it may be as deep as ten meters. Where the water table is shallow, well irrigation can be practiced. Availability of water has been of crucial importance in the Valley, for the soils are low in humus and nutrient concentrations. In addition to rainfall and well irrigation, canal irrigation also 1s possible in some areas, as it is in Etla, where the River Atoyac makes a deep channel.
In other areas the river channel is shallower and has flooded frequently in past times, depositing a layer of sand detrimental to agriculture on the bottomland. In some areas of the Valley, streams and rivers are mostly dry but become raging torrents, more destructive than useful, in the rainy season. In those areas of the Valley where dry farming (Zemporal) can be coupled with small-scale irrigation, the cultivation of two or more annual crops is possible. However, canal irrigation on a large scale has been largely impractical in the Valley because springs are small and surface flows inadequate.
OAXACA 21 The habitat of the Valley Zapotecs can be distinguished clearly from those of their neighbors to the north, south, and southeast. The various Zapotecs who live to the north occupy an area of high mountains dissected by hundreds of small torrential streams, creating a land of precipitous slopes and sharp ridges. This cool mountain region varies greatly in its productive capacity and is characterized by wide diversity among locales. While the mountains have not barred contact between the Zapotecs of the Ixtlan and Villa Alta districts with the Valley Zapotecs (nor with their neighboring Mixe and Chinantec speakers), the Zapotecs of Choapan have sought more contacts with the peoples of Veracruz.
However, this highland region always has been historically somewhat peripheral to the Valley. In pre-Spanish times it displayed little of the cultural complexity of the Valley; in Colonial times it was an
outpost secured only by creation of a Spanish settlement at San Ildefonso de Villa Alta after a bitter battle between the Spanish and the local inhabitants. It also was the scene of one of the most serious Indian rebellions in Oaxacan colonial history. It therefore 1s not sur-
prising that the liberal Benito Juarez, who was to become one of Mexico’s leading reformists, was born in the village of Guelatao in the sierra in the district of Ixtlan. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec is another distinct geographical habitat of the Zapotecs. This flat, extensive region borders on the Pacific,
and its Zapotec-speaking inhabitants are concentrated primarily in the Tehuantepec and Juchitan districts. The isthmus is also occupied by Huave, Chontal, and Mixe speakers and by Zoque speakers of the Mayan family of languages. In this area of low, rolling plains with a humid tropical climate, the
Zapotecs of the isthmus appear particularly proud and independent. Well known for their elaborate ceremonial dress, isthmus women have particularly been noted for their independence and worldly manner, characteristics that have prompted the myth that Isthmus Zapotec society is a “matriarchy.” However, in a recent study of isthmus society, Beverly Chifias has shown that this myth is exaggerated and otherwise incorrect.” Extensive trade is of particular importance in the economy of the Isthmus Zapotecs. Women are heavily involved in this trade, and this involvement partly explains their seemingly worldly and independent manner.
22 THE ZAPOTECS The isthmus is a region of marked geographical and historical contrasts. It contains jungles and arid brush, oases of green orchards and cornfields, and lagoons and port towns, and it has attracted oil magnates, canal and railway construction schemes, and sailors and itinerants from many parts of the world. All these were accompanied by a turbulent political history.”°
The Southern Zapotecs (the Lachiregi, Yohueche, and Loxicha) have historically inhabited the Oaxacan districts of Ejutla, Sola de Vega, Miahuatlan, Pochutla, and Yautepec. This region includes the Sierra de Miahuatlan, a mountain system which runs almost parallel to the Pacific until it terminates at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and contains high mountains (the highest point is El Cerro de Pluma, 2,120 meters above sea level) as well as a relatively fertile coastal plain
along the Pacific. The Zapotecs today inhabit the highest parts of this mountain system, from Miahuatlan to the coastal area very near the towns of Pochutla and Puerto Angel. These Southern Zapotecs probably have the smallest population of all the Zapotec groups; they are also the least known."
The Growth of the Zapotec Great Tradition
IXTECS AND ZAPOTECS have both called themselves the Cloud
Mev Mixtec proper, Nusabi; in Zapotec, Ben ’Zaa— indicating that the two have a common origin. Mextecatl, the Nahuatl word used by the Aztecs to refer to the Mixtecs (from which their modern name was derived) also means Cloud People;
Tsapotecatl, the Nahuatl word from which Zapotec was derived, may represent a phonetic instead of a semantic translation of the Zapotec. It means people of the zapote; the zapote is a tree found in abundance in the Zapotec area. However, the Zapotecs probably never referred to themselves by this term. There are a number of Mixtec and Zapotec origin legends. According to one, the Mixtecs descended from a divine couple, who them-
selves came from a tree. This legend seems to refer specifically to Mixtec-speaking overlords who conquered the non-Mixtec-speaking (but not necessarily non-Mixtecan) inhabitants of the Mixteca Alta, perhaps in the seventh century after Christ. Some accounts claim that the original inhabitants of the Mixteca Alta came from the earth and not from trees.” Some Zapotec origin legends, which were first transcribed shortly after the Spanish Conquest, claim that the Zapotecs were the original inhabitants of the Valley of Oaxaca and were born from rocks or were the descendants of wild animals such as pumas and ocelots. Another
legend places their origin to the north; it states that the Zapotecs settled in Oaxaca before the founding of the Toltec empire in central Mexico and that they came from Chicomostoc, or Seven Caves, which also was the legendary homeland of the Nahua tribes of the Valley of Mexico. Some post-Conquest Mixtec legends also attribute their origins to the Seven Caves. These later legends probably are the result of Aztec influence on Mixtecs and Zapotecs in later pre-Spanish times.” 23
24 THE ZAPOTECS igor _| STAGES _|| Monte alban] ett egions periods und Groups TUES eens mare wT | Aztecs-Mintecs=Zopotecs
1350 2 Rote cra eaten = 8 = ixtecs & Zapotecs) Postclassic < CUILAPAN & TEMUANTEPEC HEGEMONIES
TV < Zapotec Princedoms
730 IB a "Classic Zapotecs -
650 Classic TRANSITION IAIIB $ A 38
aaPoanRIO ST c Guadalupe 850 4 6}------- o _-- +--+ +--+ g 3 San Jose Q 1504 | Early ~o aa NI
1900, |------— Woe GL _-| REgional Centers & States
C UO u} LeU Q 7) ,+
5 Middle
Tierras Largas
8000 |
> of . Otomanquean Archaic v g
0 Oaxacan Branch q
< _t = >
Most authorities agree, however, that these legends are products of various factors, subject to distortion, and almost impossible to interpret
in direct historical terms. Also, since assignment of archeological remains to ethnic or linguistic groups is beset with difficulties, it is difficult to ascertain exactly when Zapotecs first can definitely be identified in the Valley of Oaxaca. Most scholars agree that the inhabitants
Lowland Maya Mixteca Olmec Region Al ta-Baja-Costa Central Mexico 1521
| Mexica Aztecs of wg MIXTES , Fenochtitlan
o‘=DYNASTIES CP OZ 1350 og 4A «\ Epigonal Toltecs
2 ar > S 1200 f 0 VV Toltec"Chichénitzd | 2 o'cEs ¢ Tula Toltecs 1000
Maya 650
Classic Petén 700 Uxmial -Puuc Style
ws Sf Teotihuacdan
:EO©*WY) u.{>>
300 200 100
La Venta y lu Lu
‘ant . oHuitzo “ny “Win, Pm, YS ‘ 7" :hing, ‘ : Py 4 23 4 2 43 K; ‘1 ~“Soong ry?” eg Ye£
= Raye \Yy : “Pay f *.,
* 4, = =, (a 44, = ;«, * %s, % ,
tty fe) Wey yeas, Pa ye F MOGOTE 7%» = "g 3 eae %,,re Fj “ay the ab? ‘=thy sagay
os’ ,lerras Maye ANz Pe < %, %™ ;i wo Largas bane f Yn, @Macullxochitl : ;,, Cuilapan fe, SOginzu mbi “ Me 0__.%, La ILYECO
4rs 4 . tte . % % ::336%>22a=£Js”*PF “ = 2 om ‘ * = ,, : %, = “s, : ie Pl 4, é “MM, o = “ny ", 2 4 :=nu Me, aay fgL IPE nay 4 ¢ 4 ty 4 < f 4, 2 y f, ‘* t v. * . 4, 2 'y 3 a) =2%,Sat o"yy 4‘ MONTE; amore ny,
l Ante t 7) fe} z= yeh, *43 Le] '?, “ RY ur, ru 4, ZAACHILA© ( 2 B iol CO oO. =g ~~ ~
anger” 2 NG, Loma Largas 7 “» ‘e 4, = By, she a ad an 2 . a 2 2 mw ay m4, 58! cx ‘n $ & % hon ° ‘ta, ", “*, k 2 “wana, ah, = Me, z=1ery ’ ‘5 a "ay Te te 4, WW ae ae yy ', i
4Thy wetfigte,. fey :a Aeer : 0 10 20 ee 30 i —=—E S KILOMETERS We, Flay, % je ‘4 ?x Wovseg | 4 %, tt ‘/, = Tt *% % 4 “by “, t te, %, 4, er, + I~ Ny aay "ey %3 een y ty % ar “4, Ae, ty, 4 *“,+, “, s, "4, 4 a 3 %, 4, % sy = ama "a, Ly thay, +) ' », %, fey %, , err, ' es, “, a, haa,, t, te 2 ‘y fe, Ls ‘a > % de fy RY « e, "Ve, “3z 3 p % 74 % } \ = “ 4 t 4, ip > 4, % 4%y 4 A Vtg z = 4 oe, BY "hay = % “ = 4, s > ry z %s ‘ny, ~ ‘MN F a p Se ‘haaes, a * ‘wit 7, 4 * tp 4% . Pa } = ”, | ” “, 13 a *n yer ebay =,fay 4, HOt epee ayet os 4a, ysis g %, 3% ty SS S ¢, 4 wt tos % xt ‘ Ay +e antl g 4a=48 "pw) ‘a ‘ “, yw we ]
? 1, “
%, 3Otay “ws &
*4+ ra
te 4, 4, - = ty ' ’ #8,
a4, 4 M,, 46 ryMe, %, 430, re
; “, o Miahuatlan ™
Leen rrrmnen nnn ed ») Z Mey, yt! time =arte aah i4, wish Fe ,rey ww = th Fs p
ap >. Archeological sites of the Valley of Oaxaca. (Drawn by Terry Prewitt
THE GREAT TRADITION 31 veloped in the Valley; this period corresponds to the Early Formative Tierras Largas and San José phases. The Early Formative, although represented by at least twenty-two sites in the Valley, is best known from the sites of Tierras Largas and San José Mogote, both located north of the present city of Oaxaca. Early Formative sites mainly are in areas of high alluvium, especially where the water table was near the surface. For this reason more sites
are found in the Etla and the central part of the Valley of Oaxaca (around Zaachila), while in areas like the Tlacolula valley, where the water table is low, they are sparse. Most Early Formative sites are associated with areas where pot or well irrigation could be practiced. Well or pot irrigation consists of digging sometimes as many as ten shallow wells in the cornfield and then pouring water, drawn from the wells with a large pot, around the corn plants. No large labor force or centralized direction is required for this type of irrigation; it can be performed by individuals of a single household.”*
This kind of agriculture can support nucleated sedentary villages. For example, at Tierras Largas, by 1300 B.c., a hamlet of some eight to ten households existed; it still contained about eight to ten households about goo z.c. Households are estimated to have consisted of from two to four persons; houses were of wattle and daub construction, some six to seven meters long by four to five meters wide.” By 1300 B.c. San José Mogote was a village of perhaps fifteen to thirty households; in the San José and Guadalupe phases it grew to a settlement of perhaps several hundred households, containing a population of at least 1,500 inhabitants by Middle Formative Guadalupe times. In the late San José or Guadalupe phases San José Mogote prob-
ably represented a center from which surpluses from surrounding hamlets (perhaps as many as from twelve to twenty and including Tierras Largas) were controlled and redistributed by high-ranking lineages."® At San José Mogote artifacts have been found over a large area as the site grew from ten to forty hectares in these two phases. In addition to storage pits, hearths, and household implements, the arti-
facts have included fragments of figurines, decorated pottery, black and white mica fragments, small polished mirrors of magnetite, and imported marine shells. Houses were constructed of wattle-and-daub walls (plastered with
32 THE ZAPOTECS mud and whitewashed), and they sometimes had stone foundations; they were separated from one another by courts and patios. Excavation of these houses has led to inferences about social patterns. The location of tools on the floors suggested that houses were divided into men’s and women’s work areas. Tools used by women in Mesoamertcan culture, such as grinding stones, maize huskers, and cooking pots, were found to the right as one entered the door; flint chipping areas with cores, scrapers, knives, burins, and drills—presumably men’s tools—were found on the left. Houses at San José Mogote also displayed differences in the amount
of presumed luxury items they contained, such as magnetite, Spondylus and pearl oyster shell—perhaps used for ornaments—and 1mported ceramics."’ The distribution of these traits within the site implies the presence of status differentiation in the society.
In addition, these traits demonstrate that the inhabitants of San José Mogote had contacts with other regional groups in Mesoamerica.
For example, marine pearl oyster comes not from the Valley of Oaxaca but from the Pacific coast, while pearly mussels come from the Gulf coast; one mollusk found at San José Mogote apparently comes from the Chiapas-Guatemala coast. Small magnetite mirrors from Oaxaca are also found in deposits of
the “Olmec” culture of the southern Gulf coast of Mesoamerica, although large concave mirrors of local ilmenite also are found in the Olmec zones. Olmec culture at that time showed evidence of welldeveloped ceremonial activity and social differentiation, including complex art styles, temple-pyramids, stelae and altars with carved inscriptions, and monumental stone heads. Jade carving and glyphic inscriptions are found in the Olmec area in the Middle Formative, corresponding to the Guadalupe phase in the Valley. Ceremonial zones also are found at San José Mogote. Excavations of the Early Formative at San José Mogote revealed a recessed circular area which had been plastered and painted red. In the late San José or early Guadalupe phase, an artificial platform with stone terrace walls was constructed with a north-south orientation.
Evidence of ceremonialism and artifacts displaying a general resemblance to those of the Olmec culture have led some scholars to postulate its close affinity with the Valley of Oaxaca. Some have suggested that the Valley was invaded by the Olmecs and that it formed
THE GREAT TRADITION 33 part of an Olmec “empire.” Others have suggested that religious pilgrims were sent out from the Olmec area to proselytize among the inhabitants of the Valley as well as much of central Mesoamerica. Many of the traits on which such hypotheses are based are found in Monte Alban IJ and earlier times.”
But as Kent V. Flannery has pointed out, “classic” manifestations of the Olmec culture correspond not with these later developments but with the Guadalupe phase in the Valley. His interpretation of the evidence is that contacts between the Valley of Oaxaca and the
Olmec region generated exchanges of luxury goods and patterns which enhanced the prestige of the emerging Valley elites as well as the elites of the Olmec area.*” Exchanges between elites serve to reinforce and widen the gulf between the local elite and commoners, for it puts them in possession of items and knowledge not available to the mass of the population. There is increased evidence of social differentiation, the centraliza-
tion of political power, and ceremonial activity by Monte Alban I times. The Valley population expanded significantly; for example, Monte Alban I materials are found at more than forty locations, and Monte Alban II materials are found at more than sixty sites.” A number of environmental zones were exploited in those times. Along with the dry farming and pot irrigation of earlier periods, small-scale canal irrigation coupled with hillside fallowing systems appeared. Canal irrigation was generally practiced outside the high alluvium on perennial streams, generally located in the piedmont zone, where the most water was available. Settlements in both this zone and the pot-irrigated high alluvium supplemented water control farming and, with fallowing on the lower piedmont, produced a kind of “infield-outfield” system.” Some settlements attained considerable prominence. For example, San José Mogote grew to more than 250 hectares by Monte Alban II times and became internally differentiated into ceremonial and secular
precincts, cemetery areas, and zones reflecting craft specialization. Monte Alban was first colonized in the Early Monte Alban I period and expanded to cover an area of more than four square kilometers
by the beginning of Monte Alban II. In the eastern arm of the Valley, the site of Dainzii displays considerable complexity as an elite center.”* In the southern arm of the Valley, Ayoquesco seems to have
34 THE ZAPOTECS been particularly important. Other, smaller sites in the Valley also display differentiation into various zones. Densely populated, and displaying regional centers of power and cult, the Valley seems to have been fragmented during Monte Alban I and II times into a number of independent states. These perhaps were allied in various ways through intermarriage, exchange, and trade, although they seem to have maintained political independence. The number of states in those times is not known now, but it is clear
that the state as a sociopolitical form had arrived in the Valley of Oaxaca.
What factors were responsible for generating the state in this region? Increased differentiation of the society plus “massed power,” much in evidence, are not unique to developments in the Valley but represent a cross-cultural regularity found in a wide variety of early cultures such as those of central Mexico, the Hwang-Ho Valley in China, Egypt, coastal Peru, early Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley. These cultures all represent what have been called “pristine civilizations.” Generally, anthropologists are not content to explain each of these cultures in its own unique terms, but instead seek explanations that have broad applicability. Some have argued, for example, that intensive agriculture—which they feel is a precondition for the development of the state—could only have been carried on in these semiarid and arid regions with large-scale canal irrigation works and that the
construction, control, and maintenance of such irrigation systems necessitated a centralized authority, that is, the state.” This “hydraulic theory” of the formation of the state, while it has been productive as a hypothesis to be tested, needs considerable modi-
fication. First, while irrigation agriculture in the Valley of Oaxaca undoubtedly facilitated a more effective exploitation of the environment, it is not clear that irrigation there required an extensive political bureaucracy to coordinate it. Instead, the Valley inhabitants seem to have depended on a variety of techniques other than largescale canal irrigation, such as well-pot and small, largely localized, canal irrigation coupled with a fallowing system.
The type of irrigation agriculture developed thus seems to be strongly influenced by the peculiarities of the local environment. In the Tehuacan Valley of Puebla, where a long Mesoamerican sequence
THE GREAT TRADITION 35 has been established, large-scale canal irrigation was practiced. Unlike
the Valley of Oaxaca, pot irrigation was not practical because of the depth of the water table. Also, prolific springs made large-scale canal irrigation much more feasible in the Tehuacan Valley. Second, most investigators now agree that where large-scale canal irrigation was practiced, it appeared after, not before, increased social differentiation and political centralization; thus, it may be a result of them instead of a cause.”
The assumptions that underlie the hydraulic hypothesis also have been questioned. For some time anthropologists have proposed that the invention of agriculture increased productivity to the point that a surplus was accumulated, thus freeing part of the population to pursue
other endeavors. With newly found leisure, they turned to other specialized matters such as religion and crafts. This specialization in time led to social differentiation, the development of writing and law,
and advances in political organization. Agriculture also implied sedentary living, population increase, and nucleated settlements. It is now known, however, that agriculture does not require sedentary life, nor does sedentary life imply nucleated settlements, nor do nucleated settlements require agriculture or sedentary life. Moreover, we have learned that even hunting and gathering societies, if located
in favorable environments, can produce some surplus and that the food quest for them does not require as much time as previously had been thought. But hunters and gatherers, like agriculturalists who practice extensive cultivation (slash-and-burn or swidden agriculture), generally do not produce the surplus of which they are capable.
The problem then becomes one of explaining the organization of labor that generates increased productivity, or what causes “people to work more, or more people to work.” Thus, the causal chain is no longer linear; that is, increased productivity, population growth, surpluses, social differentiation, nucleated settlements, and sedentary life may not necessarily cause the state, but equally they may be caused by the increased centralization of power. The relationship among these factors constitutes a “feedback” process, one wherein a number of factors influence one another. It is probable that there are no prime movers that can be found to explain the origin of the state. Instead, explanations must be sought in terms of several related, but not necessarily identical, factors acting on one another.”
36 THE ZAPOTECS While the exact processes that give rise to a massing of power are
numerous, the mechanisms for the legitimation of power display greater regularity. Power must be legitimized through an ideological system in which certain individuals possess, or are imputed to possess, special abilities or crucial answers to specific problems. In early agricultural societies these individuals are religious practitioners who work their “magic” on life-crisis situations. They may receive their power for various reasons: because they are particularly close to the lineal ancestors of the group or to the gods, or because of “spirit” possession.
It is not surprising, then, that the earliest examples of monumental architecture in connection with temple-idol cults, complex art styles, and “writing” (evidence for increased social differentiation and the massing of power) are found in conjunction with ceremonial centers. In all of the “pristine civilizations” sacred centers are set apart from the majority of the population, are dedicated to gods of sustenance
and fertility, and are presided over by an elite which possesses a special relationship to these gods.” MONTE ALBAN AND THE ZAPOTEC GREAT TRADITION
Monte Alban contains the most impressive, and the best studied, cere-
monial zone in the Valley of Oaxaca. Located on a series of ridges about 400 meters above the Valley floor and 1,540 meters above sea level, Monte Alban is slightly southwest of the present city of Oaxaca
near the confluence of the three valley branches which form the Valley of Oaxaca.
The central and defensible location of this site in the Valley was probably a factor that attracted its earliest settlers; it was unoccupied, however, until Monte Alban I times. Its setting, literally on top of a mountain, suggests a strategic defensive location. An apparently defensive wall, roughly two and one-half kilometers in length, was built along the north, northwest, and west edges of the site in late Monte Alban I or II times.*” This feature probably attests to competition between various states in the Valley—a competition that could have forced some of the population to seek a defensive and strategic location.
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spine co ae ‘Me ONae oeGes a es ae BeeSa. any eeae meoo ue_Le aiea7oe oeue ae 8coieme *’._para )| ~P % a _yfoeigsNea Sons i vt Go 7 : aee
a.aNe oo iaiioe oo Me oe ao ee eo me oe ae a)Oe one oo nes a.‘iaaC aane -|ai: DSO iy :a_ :ases vo a:)aa aei aff LO ae 0) one py Me oer . oe Me oo “— aAah es oo. i‘iaaLee _oe _. a.fe .WG :;::..iwot a— ae My ieaiae co Ak aOe eo ee ae a) |:oe ™ ..;:oe ee oe .ieUs aae a.aeWe Oe ee oF — ee ee co ae ™ os :~:ai i7aaa iRG Me iee ae Oe ERS ae aes ):-ie ea ea i)aoeen aae ue :|“:7. :oe :afs8 :ee one) oo ee Oe Le Bore fie _._MY ..iahe: a:. : | ne ane nae a.ayea Mi oo a.e We aoe iDy Ba oy ae oe ae .ie ay i ree a.iny ay me aai.oy ioy ‘aae ae By ms oo aoe lhe aani.|:es .ini Lo Le as aoo ce a‘esoe |oo) _oay) _aa_aCe /_.:)ieS 2eo|be ip, ee a.gi oo ey ;a Le CN Ay es De ate v5 .‘ne 7 —— 8‘a)a oo) oe ae i7. a) Hae a.oy ul .i es |% . oe we oe } a eee ae oe 5 ie < 4 va ae @ eine .:| oe ei ae ao ae My ) a ane 77 i oo a my a oo a mee aaa . asi | ) : } | 5 ‘ a a A . i oo a ue i 7 uh Nes PON He ae a ae ae on zs , ] 5 ; : | | . ::=7oTa @ i)Co oe 8aa “ooaeaoo " y~ ue itl Ae some ce i hyaau ie:ue ee aHae Bae Coat ve of ” Hee us a:oo. a _ |.L . °.os 2ae ee Od ame ae aae Oo OM — a. aN a — es a fon oe oe oe a oe , a » Z fh : ered | ha ae a a oa i ae a ue Hs ie Le . . ae i me “, | ie Vea >, coe a woe : Co oO BN ne a AM ae oF as 8 ok . Ss Ym ie a oe ne : ee Ba ie a _ , oo me CIN oo oo Se Bay wou Don a 8 5a Gn ey eo ee ee ~~ LL a ee | . oe oo 5 .:! ee pe Le ene ee oy a eee / M4 oo) a.a :oe ve :wie_.ee|oe )A :_—:5ce || : ::: .an 5i'haoe a7v"BSaae Lo ee ue us :Heon aaae awe oe ee ..oe aanie :_.iae. gf 7i‘a 4a _. . vy oe ee a ae oe lig: — i oe ues SNA oe Ma PAN se se oe il oe a pane | |wes ° He . _. ee Ke ae oy i , Ve esa ae : :|: aa: a -. ::,ss a a i Ct nN sy if — ney o eae ER Le Hl) mi i ie ne yi Ns i Os La oe o . ses He ees ae Ne nate i 8 Pes, mn 0 Wee iY aee ae ee a a. ae ae p) Les 7 ee! ::fee :hewe :7 ogee aeoo es:aaeee wae Le - ceasa ieis, s,:um \—Swe | 2|; Erevaste is. — _ Le oeCo _.ae oeoe coRS— oe3 -. oe se!aeear f | | _ ae oa a a Le ea te 1 a) i ee oe a ees es % 7 oe Ns oes o 8 at oe iy a oe a oe Nee Wy van ith a nee ae i a a 1 ne ae i a a ae ss Bed : : wes a Nn A oo ih cal oo . a “se a. a an re a MY ee 8 a8 LOSS “ ey ne oe oF i a sy ce a 7 _ ae es a : a ena ny) mee oo oe 8 A oe a a . |
, : :| |}::,|:|,:'3es ;::.“5 :.,;< —. iscan Lo .i a~ Us aMe ioe . _. id oF oe 1iaHe oe ee oo i~~ a4 oe _Bes >» |ete :-;: oe. os me a_xa_oS 2ae Poe ce ,|,;:,: ee:Boe ial _. ‘ oe _ oe es yi a 1s a co , : Lo — . | |. a | ae a Ee oe oe ll _ 2 Lh : | ; . Me oe me Bae BS ares ES ee oe oe 7s Hens = mee ee * Vo ae / a i | . 2 & es oo Eee nd a : ist ES eee ee _ ) a i) 7 a 7 i mo *: : : . 3 oe See : oes : aeeaees SS TEES a Paes OSES bee a a ue . oe a i : ’ , | } ve Ee ae SORES OEE 5ee mae aes ne 7 Ne aa | |— oF : ,}:|.|: eS Le ae aeae De ee non aSuan ‘Ll .oea. afeeaerr ee es BES es onl cy . ae a a us vee eae eo - ee oe oeene oo Mist aeee aee oe.ne oe Me iee eee aaSat Oe aoe oe ya.ee oo |i” 4ee |:,|::::| oC oe aof:oo. eo: See ae Eee oe tes 7mee ee oe .uy oe éEoe ;‘iod ,7:e::;a :es :28 ,.2S “es " ea hy os a= ne SEES ess _a] :]|:| 7 . a.SES ES aosoe peas =oo nee ee ue ie iS Be Se ee oF Se |ay ee Ee 2 aE Le ak | . : eS — . .ae ae es oe ae a SESS nS HP a. | o : . ae : oe Ege — ee ees ee as oes Hes EES ean oe SS aeee oe ee ae 7— ne :a _ . ae ae _ = . J ae a oe & os ee Ae oa _ / _ ee28 oe0;Soe aoe2s 5 eae. _¢l.:. Z : | |,.|| . U oe ee oe ee oe .ae ne ae PF .aS : oeeee oe Bee oe ee ee Ee ne _ -. escee a Eena EESries neee: — oeC ot 2Z|: - | ° 1S Sl10 Beesae a S OS we oe Son CES ueee _. oo _ |pate |mi! re J:| :,| |oe ae oe a: PES 3eeoe .aoeeS os oe oe aene ewe ees ix 1S O oe ee oe m nb eee oes aa_. ee oo SES woe Co ae oo : peanartines eaeeemee: Sneaeeaesten Soeenpeds deserts %area , Ea ~2>|— ‘ene :an 4ua2:ees 4:ue | oe, oa He sh oe ie ae ee CaN aee oe es Rants SSESISSS oreeae oe tees penne ea ayy .. ..=... OS aea, Seoe ie Ss pea a: esCe a) es ce cea ey Lae Be EES OG Ds aCOBO Deanne ek8oo ae Semi eeSnare a CES SOE SoS ES SRR Sen TSmy _ oe oe a ae ar! oe Ne Ae a ae Oe ae: ee. Na . Sey ees Si nee 5 A a eae SEES BEES Cees Lo oo soe amcoaee oe es oe ae a ee ee FS oe ea oo ae ios 2. ey Te FESR ES eens aanéae “f .aeesR a." :eae 7EEE _LS ue ae oe . oe =.Oe ees WS ye ea _ae oR SCS oe SOS TS OE ES eRe ate SEE ae E: Lo SRO oe 7 a cs SS aA TES aees Been eee RU BOR Ue, Es ReaC ie eee) 3 NSC eeRD even say aecones RR ne Ween oe SEES Sa SoAS o “ .eras aeeee HO aee aura 2 oo oe Be 8Ae De Nas es Bo as Se Ae aeaeeOe ails ee ee SEES SEs Cee aoeee oe Esee oeee aeoae peas) ONC De Bearer EOCa neaS oe eeSC CE 6asOa Ms iOe Ba RA aes ‘Gianna OS Ce Rae oe aSORA a.= _4 .: 7 Poe ee eo se oo. Ce Nos eae aie ISe Os “aise ee ee esOD osueae ae Cee ee nls. .. :onen 3eeAes oBe aaa Le Oe acs Bee RS esaeCaone ee ae OSs reills SISH eepine SS Pah oes Bes 4 ae aeee Pies: es\ fee esAe . oeoy) ‘ Oe ee Ree As ae ie CHOON ee honda aes cies ees eeioON esSS TheeOe Lao oe Nesas on ne arte heer MUR. eRhee Os aeenenatee oe Grater ote oe ae oe ae Ce — OS a. a os a He PO ie ee pee a Ne cia ne ve ee aie Pen oe Ce Se Ko Lo . _ 7 L .wg oe ai es ee oe ee |.aSe Meee oe UNxe | aa2 ine aw oe ee -; eee ESae SEINE Ln ees ori anoe Gs/ -de Aea eioeOeSo (aa eeesee ACN: a ince ewSOUR _—— Paseae Ssz: : ve : : _. — Ss ae Ue ue Poy RN pa 6 2 oo CA co eas WOES cm Se ae ee oo Woe eS age Sia Ne x SES eee oo ee, me eennes SELES) TEST eared SOCDA Rasen TEES,
ee se Ce . Mi 1 Cea Ce ee a ae Lo. os a aM oe oF a f ut ; < < 7 :
:7; iyayoo oea a;DD oooe.a en ooeeoseS eu 2 Clcifee gi « Om " : 7: . ; ee a oo as oF OEE BEES Spent | : ty if as A oe Oe Sete Ps ee _ oe Ce Ce .. en BOON ae a ae nana’ pansies SAS mor
‘a.| A ifife _ 4peter FF es ANS OS es pacer ia ee Segiins Bi Raa Vas llAO oe OND TREN asoeee BoBane We aSeen Cs ese Bye Ee “REE . - one. we -Za of: te s. 7a" .ey Sine: _ Os SeSND ek 07 anOS SAO oo ee oeSee Ss ean Cee ay AfeBO See Roe MEAG -oe Eek) ee a>Ive SES DEERE WEES : /rae ~ ‘.SES ™ eeu Ose OPS PeREUe ee BES EUS ee 2theee paca OG. Sood ae en iBG Reece SURES ees | es bee NOE: ese ee es ee co a ae BORN TaN saaiaee Loge ee Byee SOny et Seeeaeecne i eee os fear ee zy 2ue eeoe ‘ey oo. Sons SSS AM oo SeerSee Rn Lo eon Sa aeSs ae ey ee oo ooORS CN.Nee aeINS. = us Ee Gis CETTE -ees se —Oe ee8Pn So Oe Be RS: ee oesing x yee eens EE.naSEOs Sess Uae aSS ee22 .. SEES aeSSE om Senge 3nee : wt
i sete CE Ee a oe . a. — . — _ es oD _
Q Z pre - _. OS o__. Lo Seesoe, eee. ae ae ee eee oe Rie ae eae, ae! ee ee. ‘ae eeeshe, eee aSa EE oe ° eee ot >... OG Cae ee ee Se aony i eet Cet an oe sl — oe Bite oeon eeefe ame eens! .y Ae -:ae ws aeve:an fpaeaSea a CC .. er SRR os cea oeAlene i SO oe oeEES CcSOT ..rhs 8 -ie 4: Zo |..J,Zoad .are Ce ofcoer oo. PENS re DEUS ee Uae Cos ANU aoe ae ee ae Ae ZN 8_at oe SOS peace EUS ; :awhee ie : aNk | oe _os anoeain ee Bee Oe ns Re oo anh aoe Bee LeaaSO Iee BSS iPGS oe eege SR oo. SESE TL (ues Bit eee . Un ae a GSS OS Cg y a . ie . Ce ey a es a J . og as “ : “tn — : : CEU RASey oS > a a es Beye Lee ee ok ee oe ae a oo. .. : _ we st oy . oo a eS ce oa ee ae SO ee ee ae oe oe a ee a .woe To Pee NS NS de ee Bis be paeal-Were ae esBe oT Lo SS ore Pures ae :a iaeoo saPseaeece eo . Lepeons iced ae ae aooCses ee Oe asee oy .Beagere 7aeponaness .ES ens i-a|;,: oe ee PES ne — a ARs aSSR Ae Ri ON we Oe ote ee pees eeaeaee Sanigeio no ee° .ree pert De : :Ue Bae es oeame BS ee ee ees Bex ee Ne afe ae ne Bnce LO en aei aBs ON . ae Heerease iia, cSCi Seren ;a| :ws 4| :ee .ve oi ES awe oo . ae oe ee REN Lee as ifFf ee MS) ee “ih ae Saye Cl Sein
a A oe a . Foe. : Fwees hs a Mee ae bepy e.pets ae eeeee ee8 ee ae ee. aes aceae ee2Le a esot Oe TE Bona nely oo . ii _7 -_ , eyinatt we e r ae . y oa j7L( #e ’ y f / — . . ee. ee: Be ee a ee es oe) Rees oe a ON ee bdo! oo ee ys : : _.ty| Some co. Cr CeEece oeaeee Os JEST - 4 eee . eee | gae A ey Ey, ee ar Fe Serene te Oe|SOSA: isee.*cree eon OS _GG oe oe Cs a..CO _Pag_aeORCS _-aeoh . Nice be. < ~ _UU 4. : Na LES ee ee ee seis IGEN RIO oeas Ce EN ony ae|eeé ae“ SEES ES | .;taf| .‘: :é.‘;ee.oe — . 8.bears oeoe AG oeaaa Pe SO esee Gs ares .esBSomeS od 2oe teeeaa. eease .ee — aMisge:aeoo .Mo eee eee een:
cer oo = . . aoeDeters . A Rae ytespee ge GRR eae -ee 2 ateee See Ses oe. eae Pees pei ee ee sees st cia es Os sulin:ea ESES i ee oe seasSES: oes | CC ” aaa Leet ee%aEEeeeeaesSee oe. Seer Gs pti ot ne RES ea Mees es BAEC RNSee ce es oo eSSESS OnESeRGate oe:cyae NR eeSahai enanone eh ae : :Sey :
: ..noo |Q | ie- foe a Noe aiENGR ee Bee SHES — . ee PPR ee oi es ee La Ae Cann ee ee Se fee.ae oo Ro. ai econ eeeees Seee Reet aon8 EMEA PAS a ¥anes OS aeCle ee erece Pages es ee Ge) oeSLE ROHR a Ne CC :ve , :— , | y.i vere Be Saeee iiaey BOON se ee pees ee ee BE : . bea AOcsSaas OG ey | aei Lo Webi er anaoe veeaDTS — HATS . aalah at ae Ree — eeSUR oo os eee Os ee tee Ee ND ey oN ae SPM EnsicS eee ME pee.:ae:: Paercers Sige eS sll Woes ee MO isres ORE eeBess Deere: eeeae ee See essere ee acca ee Cees ee oeesOi oe aeiai es o, 4aNa on v sRoe : J 72rer : nig .J:o 7 QE)OS a ei SeOne ON ieparr FESS — Ses SES ESS: eetae Ce ES eae Sra Coe pea peee Oeee DOG acs: eeSOs eeeS ESE ase NEES Soy ae :ue diay Lass aSSIR SASS oe . oe _ a Ses Lo. ms gee PS ee A nee es Se bee ee SOR OES mae ies Mie > .4. ogee SEES SEA es yee: aedoe RRSae asOS any es eeoe BeApeautsas Lae Ess Es anesDo ga pee Eunos fe eeSe BEES eee ee 7 i _Nye ee anaee oo) oe oe Woe ee ae Sores oe aeBene ee Ce ee oe 8| aS se |aoe , 7wey zi : asie .:SS eyoe ee rau Se pes LORE 7BEES ese Ee: Pie 2oe Wes :Cais esOnae ae oe aNSSER oe I as Meee ee UeeeceSN oe. eeolne:Le ee Oewoh eeitePetes 8DS o, .a a7oo Ne . al =Ps :SisaoE sd,nen :.
aes FREE Sn. oe Lo | oe oe . — ee .. | Siete -. es ee Le
g :yy oSEEE | iate a .ee eeePani eeLD -.. .Gale: ee fuses eeae, peen ee aatin — . Ss a peas one2crises oe Re oo es peoo RUNS Tae ee Bis Figs SG wae Bees ee.ON 8, ee sao SEES ene ee ee a 3)anes oe, * ‘.: a oban iae ; ts-::: | (ALAS ey L a6ee Woe iBe FF SeCees ee, .eae eo — =... _ga ee Re Om 72ifCEE ye | yy aN . . . oe a Pe Ss _ oe ~~ ae ce Ns we aie creer Sores Peeters Pehl y s oe iood eat Os ee. Co . yy ee oo oe a —“s |. le _ BB :Depew CEees Sareea : & oo eT at fon ry oe ae) ela Z _ L| >y: Ly _Pons Se:Poe Ree eecS UD Beers . es-ibis Ceag5oeee gs 7ane 2‘ ae|oS aaews oe aye a ea aeTo [os Pande: .oe A eeeae hes go a nen _ ES-ne oo oes Rea ee oe TANSong ae Sou ae fe aeae - : rr ne cn nee i : eis s ees DD cit ee bee Sih Za Ree oe ee ee ee Ve uae fo Pees SUNS a SESE. eee ee eine ROE Besar Os OSES Gh ea ei ae coe ee seal ge ae PRON oe ee oe : :
:CESSES ,L_:y 7y_—< ae 7MIA ie? atae weoo oe 7.acas Sf ee ae: | —Le -_ Oe .aers aeooee— eee aae SESS HESE Esoe yess : Lo 76 igSaas a .7eee ~ ey ne ~27 | 7/|renee ih o~ a NG 7 es ee eee ;mls Ao Sones 8 —_ a 7 gE ae ) — :OEE:: : ity3eeseam Sp ee Pe [ Obi BREE a an oo ee .. a oF i Wee oe 8 ee ae ax Re: | ann ea es as oe . - acre US Neae oo, ee Ne Ss eeeae pe Oe ee ge aereRaenee oe |e ®.. ee.| oe — :~— .f “a‘:s)::. : wot ae:moe . BeESL :we SBE aii Ee SOG An iis os eo rote ee ices eee: eG PRE e ee aes eeSe es aceoo ete Ce oefo > Leet Za ier ' .be. :js “ee ?) Ht meee oe SE [_ ESS ioe eee oo ee es Le Poe .¢ 4, ‘a. 7~~ Paneee wind BIS ee 48Pere ayEO 3.Seoe aeBOs Coe ey oo. oo eee es
, | y a 8 Le ae AU a. Coe Se ih eae as eee oes es WOE os ee ee Bees ceaeye ee es ee ie oo a coe Be ih Pee ee ie ase oe oe ee eee te re 8 fenet
OO eer ees.NG Beeiaas Bort ie oeOR OeSEI ae ROS eSeos oe ilOG ae Ree OYeeee) ES Noe es DERE See es ce a aneat :: ,L: Ly : | is, i«as”’. _2Oo a eei: Co heecceee eae - . lee pealaiauoseh Meee Sees ee Ee Eee: weeny . an eo PhSa Dette eo ae FeiieeRea SE a eneon Cssoy a ee No ae Ses al ay i . NMG yee nSee eeelcool ooSeOsaySoa ae Yr. . owee * : |a. 7Yow iSel . . ae 3Eee ont ANS ot:aet a 7i_Oo iicnilGnne Ae 8. ce a.ee Oe ey aataan ee ge ae ee aeeee ae DEL ¢ i oo ie ee a a ee i as a ee iti ee ee On Dau | | ee oc Ses ee De er Veco a areata! we feet ee RNG ees Me oe ion aN oo ea op se Hea oe A ao Ha as Oe J oe OR OMe tes eee ae a ii SN AM ee ee Be Cee ee : : j y, || ,Qo :z ,— Se eeeeeeBre Oe oo eGDORN ve ie y ON | Aaa.ATe ‘e a Seyees Cas| wiialeesie ui He nrc aae || eee en eeLo an es sy Si ineeesa A ea ‘ Tse era. eae aa : a| — aoe ‘ ea a|: a_ np oo Se wee Des et) cee P aeeCee i aRPree a Les ae ne OeLe La Hay Cae i Si i. aCann os RG Ve . ii SS aN_Nee )ee eeeek a Ce eee eeOr SSeeee(7 oe SEES — _ice i|| - : ay SS eeeit a ae aoeee Wie cae oeasi: aeteeaCe iohi ee Bey ite ae
1: ,aSs STS ararae aiiaye aSe_a oa wile aaeeiaoe _ ee oo —_ |oeoopies _. 77 :/EES :ile a4ae -Se 7LO wit weil a. ae eS Se Ne ae a. en Sea ees gener ee 8o,.Bet oo :her ee;_TESS RO a ny on aae aShey ee al Co ol ae eeae eoe ee Lo ae a) aaay ee aAew be : ge 6 ae a Tan a, ee ea ae Net ae ee ne oe ee Le ee i a 7 AK, os : ss és : : : veh ie ye 7 Co Co Ns Ce a ne oe co. ~ Se 2vile ; . \ aa — oe a | Nn oh ROT ee a. Mal re a -— aes Wes eee Nik woe fee coe mn -inloo. oo ua aoe i ae ae Peae oe ia _LA iSs moe ee leee meee Poe Aee|een oe ooanil neee oe ee. ee aeee Ne ee xSs _iDe fie: aon ae |oe ..| _7. es —" iaaee ve Te og My mea .Dl 7\Sa eocene wo °|éa::opt [-u"iaa on aoat ul oe i... lh eee ol) aooieoe ee AON ae aoRae“@ ee _Base ee Rane \!ae Le: ss... i— oe ey ae nixUSES: aen ee Se Seay sei! .ne Al ae oO eS mS BV Lon ‘aeee NO) EOI ealCT aei ee a pea es Mans RS. eees Pane Mee Hy eaea a ie: oeye yan Ca meet oe ee aaN Dee aa on ee a|ea TG ae ee Ue iRots eeCes lsBil oe oe a... a: Beets 20 .|::xes ey oo iee ienae eet oo 7Hoana — A oe 1ieeeae ee |:. |.4aee :oe si 2me co Ee.neel pice ii Oe ee ees oo ie eG sauce ae Waco es ees NINES wl ,= c7|MG aeasa Mee oan aeeBanu oe .ade Aiea esvee BOY cm 8. AN oeinne SGe Vee oo eeOe oo cooae et ae Gait Rae csoee Ce ..AA thEES one ieTR aeaCi Ss )i poate Bee ae ae Hey aNaa Rai: ES oe ee Pes oo LARS :|boat ::: ey . -as a yase ee ye ORS cotaOTIS Sea ‘ee: BEN Cl Ue ae as Ne ao a Saale oeENS a .ee . Oe /Bee _ ;ee ‘ 'co _4*.:an. : .| nn r5a a[Fa ik aaa BAAN oe Fe. ie Rees eh Mi Wig Al aoa Nt ieon oe ES PGs Bieta ere DS ee ai.ones we . -Mai |sioo Olsats) -_ Tne Le. Dias: an en Ha a pn oe ae oo oe Ke ce: ; K;iy . i3aee oLe [ies i oe ee aan alties Hise eglie Bias Oa BeMe oe es ee Hens a ee a aeOS ee oe .. ae SS Aa a|aePes eh UN lei es Bs RENIN LeCea ie aSai eeSeee. Di i Sa say TH ae Ree Mette SS a 7.a oe OE pn ene 3)Sse ie BSN feoeee Sear y., C :Psa oe eeoe ane Us eeeeee eT it 7ne iiM ibe oo aeSe|iseatin ae Coe ioele east pees oe Bie aeore oe i| eH HloN WePe Oe Rye2Loe a aiare aMi al DE ifee Te foe Sa SReeen hint ee Ne es By esBons Ca OP aN Se F Fe oun aeces aN iene aela)i ao Aleea altel Hahctalsina a Ue a ees aPs—SN. con SES iAUS ea ae aTaN SSRoeeae NoorsBate AN Se ne ee GE -
oea, aeece,ee ieoo a ane sh aae Au HIN i os Co. sn Rea) eeioe oe Dia Do ae aee Oss Bays Se es« Sen: .}:“:.iEesit -a‘eeaaBO 7. oC ne i.aaeeaM oe oe ee |22He ,a)oe4:2ve7uo ik “a :¢€ee< re SAO So aa ke ee en aee oe One oe Oe en ae|i7 aBes -aeayoe .oaame YY Ce ee aae.. ae oo Ci :nM _~~ — \on 4) Y aa} 44oe ¢“ :rata: ;| Zes . aioe xoO, om :CO ; ey :Os, :. We ~~ .Sea— ee ay ee iie hy oo Mee oS oe: OO OMe NON aaa da8Cae ateas Mie 7.ae a1is Grae a:aa _aeee f‘ ‘ ;N we .SU Pe iOeHa oo oO aCo ..oe 1, eeoe oN oom aSsees ee en Oa aON Os Lhee ffii2. :os‘onl =3Re “( ’)
:. :_. Ne oe ee B re| Meeo a ay Ee ye pogefea [ON a oooo SSyg eee SD eran i~! Seen a > a || oe oe es ee we oe oe i 8 oe S| qT L > 4 a
aeeeee: Gee, & oe a ge) Ce eeSiiee. Oi fn oeof. BR Neneh HeaAG ae i aN esea oe ls eoSS C cog ~— Kee Se7Nees Le oa oe le oeOy aSaosoh A ee ee oo. Ces . ee ee ae ei Beg oe ee Mes oyoe oo ae: 7;6426cfF | ee ee a‘2“.Uae Re us Oe oe Ga atees ee my, es a.ee eiee aHuss a:aCeieSergi oe di ie bs Se eacine Ue nh me:ee ent esPEN Wee oeol saan geNae aeee CcBOON NOS OES iee: aONS KOS CSMENN Cea a a oe Nk egROCA eA iii NI cK: aa aNae Pee ee Se Set wes Se Nie coKale Gon as Ue een Cae eae iesLea a. a| aram -oa. :zagf 7AOR wy 4‘é7!:aeee a“af i7.BSNS & JOeueSANG oe OM Urartetie ee ee 2are: Oe iaROY Sipiats ih eae ANG a. asSEia aaee aSORE SS Neate Le oeyall Ny ooDoe :. esJaes 72... Co OK AaHPog ees ae Sas Le eo ny can Tenna :_ :j Q;an.| Nee Ys aN aa as/ PO ee RNa SUNG CIN Oy Sa iHcoer eeA ogiieaN ec Bee Bal LeaTee oe aneTR, anesee Oe Sore pees esSUT oeae POM Mere eS a oe aii. a SR :» ce ae N 4:.os : ee ‘|OI) f : es < : ; , , ee o : i oe a i > ae 7. soe oe es Be ee ae oe a on), oe ai a Te Kae SIs, VIALE ee POR eo ue a ce eae Bie Rue -: |X:J | L 4 .OO }. y. oe oC ie eeSia xoeee Osie ce 2. We ree NY He Aan Mini: : Le Te 4oa os ey Oa Mn ea ts PS iisey eS OOH as5, — . Were ouaaei Ne Seepee: Hee eee ||ETE seni aes Ha eA DN | ae Leeee q‘: ‘| ee |y SE esCe ee ie Tee TO ee aeAi -|.Heo iN a ae ihae oii aay eee aNe aAerie . eS meoeeens apeeTT Asesirc es o =aoe
. ce Se eg ee Oh ne el on Ween oo | 8 as —. . = i oo. . ; - es4:>:é
; i. _ges | Oi inhas gaes Ca OS Lo Be eeikae a Oe. alla:oeCo oes oo NN a ee aee a eh eyae | ee ceee BY seer Nee ee aRDees eesae Peoe Laat aa seaeeae a}ie rae aSin, esae We Aok. Te WyaMoe: Bo aNS a |: Y Co: aFeeaeia|Wc god | ee oeaeRies oheeLo oo
aGLe ia— alae ee a a aes oe ee onLo oe ee a:~oaeNn 7— |%, ee ilOe Pe a Ue RS oo =).=—s—iss oo :.7.”co I Te ae an aiee oo oe. a— a| cae aai.oe \ c7_a, ;2] i- :7a/ a aae — | ooeG eee oeoeLe ee,oa ee esaoy a‘ oe ao 4oo . coeyeeoaLe oe ee os Coe ae ee.aes: "oo aceoo .nih . | fae 2.ee|Ce w :SEES YSe % %,34~ : 7:. ee aoa oa \olee‘ oe\4% i,Hii oo ae >yy | Oe Ls, +e We iky ree hyde _ye oo aeeaedoo. ae 2) oo ee SI a"ee te os Co ee oc CRS Pe He . cee ae[| ..||~~ aes ae oeaoe => . .:Seoe eeas|. alaeee is aretin ese aeseo |a_s Zs ”Z —
ee We Hu)Lo a Fe Pr nee aN a AsatSina MScone Beraens ES oe SoaCee ae eS ¥aNeeRe GEuiNe Oe eeees ee aene tee Ce) Oeane oo TT| "a 7E .\w COG oe ail ony Wie. eM oe Eee esrere eG ay pe |. ||: :-. FF ooes aEs _Le ee paren: peara : :oe eeoeee Oe, Ges. eyee 1o ees oaiES oe Ne LOO |_ a_ -7 " .4iened éi. 47 2ELE aacan e>as oe ae |. ne a ee _— oF _een Dee ee ae eeaane eee 2.ee RUE CERES :a7ee -aN ae ae ae oe Poi. is: aSELES i esTe| Af A |eet ne elias las ee, aeBE esaSAN eseH eseeee i ees ee | eeNee) ne De) ee See eeeae te NSINES Dies. ieaaah -eeewee :. 7|4& j| |i7ae HUI Eas i oeee ae ens Se bs ae age ses ye eeoe Wits 8CO FN eee » Pa 7A oe - oe 7econ oo oe Ones es ONY tees eeBeal Pe Nl Ui Monee llpees eeRates PR oo | 7os . eT i en ee Sree ioi) a ee se Cite es ate Oe aeyn EO ois ante |\we aoe aZe oe s SN: SOUS Oe Sati ee oe Beat GN, ee ce wie vHeae. igae -- a
| ae Bee es Lo Hie ee a agai: pote a -aN i oe . oC ae pal oe oo ee a a a ._ i Loo ee _ ae 8 0 eae 2 ne a \ Og ye es on At UA ule oo ae 6 a a iN DEA Sea aE aaa eae ae Wes ee Bey i es sae WTS Se uN a nas si =: Gs ee, oon, ne OR SRE NE epee
en — : SS a — a , i. VS. = d a roe a Q NOES oe 2 Ws ) ST OH dae Lr ‘ a A ca Wes Soa aan i es peace a ones a se wee ee SO aes ai eee SR i anit oe " ae erie we
: ; . : } | ‘ a . : us wt ecw. i) nN eH RNR Bee ass es Su Ne: nity ae ll Ss jee a. ones LAS MSR ange ae Tai EGA a PON is me Hiihhe . - oe .
: : . A: eee EG Ne Bo aes POSER an SONS Regs CU pe Feat Pe ag asl Ean) Ish al ste oan lees ee UREA Ui RN a i Ra ait Nees ye HES: . 7 4 i 4 / y 7
: ms : : : _.. oo ae MRE os nea aes Ly Bes oo SESS 30s Ui Nags ee SERN fee ce ee es pes SEES Biear as Saar Q aes Te OU Spm :
bhi. : ;| nl : >~og.eee oo a eeoT — eee on ae . sae igSareea |aes:aernea: :coZL — Co i aoe)Ja — 2Gener ge . eeSs SELES Se SEES eee :“;:;|::‘4 aee. es ey oo oy : "._— eS ee mein Se cee oes! s oe ~ .-=:Oe : oo. a5. eeOe eaeEe Ge Bite oe:ie a |eeoe recta oe SES SS Tebe Se oe a ow a 2 i. .. : ::|:afoe reLe : : Po . GO a i a oe of a _ |. -*-. REE reas Sere oa ee poe Eee es ;: h.F we le: =ook Se 8on __ ieG a. ‘8=aae TH hE oe aai: i 2sci) ke Cee SS |Lo PG Ss Pen © |ans it. awee aeSe ..7 oe |ee |ght | es _.on Lo ee SEE THEA ne hee » 7 2 oe es SONS ee sop oe Bees Le eee ay eeee oo en ovat) ic aeSees aeeen aee _.4Sire a. ee bs ,efey _.ie .::. :L oes a ) o eo _ .. ae a — a a, a 7 :oos I=7 ep x Z me “ae . ON, ae au ie Le ess ee. : Srna ESS Scorers eens w. aa | voy — ee oe es Oa a ae ae oe ~~ Ff oe ce , LD oo) . pee aPt: Se fs:oe . : TM Se OM Ha eo! eet ay Le Ae EES°oeeo ae aae REOoo Kittie . o . -~~ SS y y _ - ]: aeeeSeley |. oe oo. Bsen —_ . ae : | ra ‘ “ef 7 ' ane o . o Hic ay Sey ON: NS eee ors Mes UES: Sit LA HS Sieh ae 5 Dee apes at VS eae ES _— : gE Sa nT ae mete a
: i boiSS“ “- :om a ig . ooaneiewNae a gg eSaea aAly oeHO Rees 2 7oO aesOEeeSs,{EEE SEES weve»ae woe af , oe i a ae: a su ai Le eaae otal haanLee. Oe a oe ae Oe Re fp neere ea DEUS pos pancRTede Ores :. | il : 1 . 4 3S ay aed i is | — ae al il) ee yy eet: A Ray si hs ee. Sie oe CC nee OES ee SEE Ene SEEPS Sats at Site ° ne
eit. .ateypee. LPitiy :2a(| Le aeny aaeFA ape oe Ce vee Lea, ew” Le .foete :a : . Nee | Le esRe HN a VS aeis oe Dyk He.a ann oe CO. inNy Bee: Se Le a Coe ee”aDT oe en co _. "y:ce age ee oF oeens eee Soe Ss |.ol pi”” aeeeoe We fo ok. CsHG AeOo Ge ee -. ioe | eePal aoe WOES CEU SS a¢cea res :Le -|l; :-fae . Ni oe | :Pk ae Bae Rae ae_ ee et LO ae UNTER OS On eae aps :errors . Oe -'_ fiEpes | |: oo H Ae Z sm : Ls ~ co pe, | ie ae Ve ee eee eee UNG | oo SN ne ae Gi ts aS oo ee — Tatas: — ai _ . / Co a i i : Lye Wis a. TT Te a oe a Wes Sos i Ce SEL EADS SESE arene nee hebiey J/| ooe :::a a: oe Cee 2 LC i li Po ne _. Rea He il i Te eos MONG HM MN Mee oo Eicon es Ne oe ih ee Se SS oe eaean SEATS DA anne paren . ve ne oy be ee Fe a§ LES oo aEee . Lee _. 4Peres aRepco five :7 |OLE oy (7 _odSeae aPe .esBos cn ~~ »OEE! \ y;a catooo _L.]’ i:,/ J”ee | ta4oe si yoe -Bs : 6a 7_ ae ey one Sea Ove nSee eee no oa eo RS 4 ee .8 SEES PES SUSE cigs aes oo eS ol i oa Po ee eae SSSA Boe ilet | |: J; to UGSee ee eee Cla tN aober [.ue | ee wen : yr r—=*=“ Dontetds eis oeoF :a .hQ ;:.:wo Se | aeom», . Oeewe 4, terrae ee . eesSe SES See ete ae areroneeal :lene h mo he &ie Co oo AG KOU ro. aRee ) ee oo SES HES Sy aes PSS PES 2eeeile ine PZ Co . th oe esa Wey oe CR ee OS ao We ‘ co ee Coe eeEESISS PO SLATS SE SPEEE! EE Hoe we 8; |>,iSeEGSSe ae |TO aonms ies Oe Co Le aehi se a: Se oe Sah ule apunts ae eA ranrWes Be |iSS ee:|.ae aaye 7-Eco — a :a_coe Le Ra) he at TE ge . Oe ieiiee eos ee aSo ea Beene poe ee” See oRee: 4ROS ee REE aS ne oe Seen SAMMUT ea. fost ee I oo iain ei ks ae ae Sant aiOs sone Os oF ca Ces EOE . ee es ,Ly 7wt J iee :-: ’ | .ee _BEE PP.gg oo aesHES ee oo Ria ow ae eee SiLBS SPI _ es eS Oe eee iee :ey 3Seamer — SEES Raeentee es HALA! coeeee : |:,ao RSOe eee FON Melee aaaaAe Ceoo Ps NOS oeces a He. Reks ee ue —Shh es ee iSne ee .eee : CS| a| ES eee oo a ,. : | oe i oe 7. of : — a 1. SES SITS fui! tole . te . a Se eid 7 a) a Le een Oe eee es Me oo : cL | : : : ee . ee BS ee an Oe me aactin oe EN of sein _ |Evo | :ye7| a;os ae Lae Moe ee oo. ae aIIGE Me oo. :5ill_ics 7eeeot4aIALe |aAL 4ee ee — ee ae |aeoe ee ES fuses sh 4_a S og) -ee “ee a esae ]oe aae SoOa ae aNee! Wee, AUek iy Bt ees ae ee Pt Soni i ee Bees ees Se See a ee een cochege eninh AES: ope ea.. :ye ee oo oo Co aoo oC a4Te .|thats ee ae Sue ie oie: aeeES Be cee ee Se ee y| ,Z 2:poor .aLy :aLoo :oo SsOK sPn ”ayaeees .bi: aaae iePN Le a Me Nay NS oe pe ioe BsOE oe ue ne a. iSoo Oe Peat pete }Hee) Gs we RN itietnLON Ce a. Eo aa:llaee ats Pres Le oe sSEES :ogLi “Ja ..anit 2+ )Lo : LD as :: | . ae “oaTE es Aye oe oa Ge ee eG Os Oe oo tS JeS 7#ey :re 2S: Ny aae BREST al ees isSe oe Ges atOG A ee oe he oe Soe errata ee .“-“eins any cana ae peroeser ae oess oe iue ea ee Ce SA geHES oo EP ee Bo ee oo ie Has Pie wy:= .“ . .:. F 7 oo oe LO a) oe a. Lo oe os Ree Lo es i. . , . : 4 . = : ) Bae ee . oF ens es VOR se ves TaN: Oe aa a a si oe a 7 3 : . . . | ) Ene aa sae VO oo oN Su Us BRR Aa al Hsia ae ae ne ee al ie Coe aan ae once AES Re vt Wee oe Or ee |e POSSESS oe S L . , Dl $ : 2 : 4 ~
poeeSeneaan ls. ”BEF Oa Bees oo ae es ana ee ”STS
yo eee abe - oaia .—. ei ~one;a .eg;:ty:is |: ::.-3:3 od q:|oo oer oe oo aiiae ae a.ee ie:=Lie ae Soe : if:Cs763a 3 4 ee a — ae E — tka Sal cae ee s a ae oo. ON a: Pet ae e:7 * 5 Wi : we ke — nes Ly — ED a i. ‘ ee es i esses Bet ys NG ia ae Ca PG oS Si a na oe Ue et i a ae i A yi a paces My oo ey . ‘ieee ae Ny bein a, SG ei a ie 7 is : : Ie: ae‘:ns oo i a.Ke ve¢ ceSa:> ooa veLie i“og i poeta i ee2 es:itis aepoca a a ae 7 : : ON ; a :ms ae a. oe aS LE Ue ae oA gage 0)eo. TeEas 3@ ai Po ts tele Pela) ee:we tetler aie ae :eeos ce .aeaeaaEeroame .SSee_ceae a. ¢yyooisaeEne *oe, FE Yee — o. ‘ . F ee:né a ea ee i,a Z ae Ae i an >. Ce nee oo ihe La ale eee GN a Ws We . ts by ses — ae We WES aos ee ee oe aM oe aoe Lo coo ati--—. wi ‘e.aeee :es :.:2oo4 := i ‘>.,:: - |:| : pe os ie a oe 6 of Age a bie el ES ae se | ei hgOe oo Neat Te ete ssoer a ai ® as CN oeaM eeMy aeeneoa i: alk oe i) 7eo aa aeeA) USES Ee! g cS oSave ::2p ;eea oo. 4sa “7 i ein aa Sally ee aeMe ° ro a es oe oe co a> ee aie ae ce wt “a. a. a aos
3 — . : : — : i | : a # 4 ans ee a oi Co a oe ee ce a co ee ee a is Nes oe a ae) aoe a is, aii ite NS a a ee ay LOG . Sg Lo oo, Th ey ee ea ee we oe Sw : - ~ ae ye * ee 3.: ‘ < a u . : i Ue sae oe ‘i Stat a ag ie Ait Hii Monee aoe ca ie A ete oe Os a n sania He £08 eG elt ih mn 8 RG Wanye ss oo oe MN Lo aual a is: wee
a a oe a ais i. ae a oo ine a Nis cic pli a . Oy) A oe Lo oe as a a . ii oe ee ean ie ae es ee Lat a oe AE AARC See Rosary CoS : rise : ;cou ¢ ¢SienYe » ye £ a Ce Hea Ann eels oy Nie a Re ra on a oo a ae a coe cia: eG a ie Wes neo es ee en nels es i fase vt
oe i Hii ci bail te Re: Ne ae Me eS iii ee Oe Ris a a a aM ee Ns Os Le ae es: as Ee a Te ULES HGH a ea ae Aine ey, Sues a Mc 3 We ya ie Lee SOs Bec ay: . re z
3LS ie :ieee Dinh Co Se pe Wee oa i ieoC NG,eee Pe... acoe ee e yy rr ee Be Co nePS oo acc oe oe ae) Ce ct7 oS Pea: aoo. eee“pn |ae. oleae he-on Cg a oe eePo ne Oe BSG ENS es, oo sa CT Cone: see, a a 8 ee nae meen oe A Te oe juke ee a oo ee Bm oo eee a ee eres peed co ioneidliy eae sie ie Ny oo Le See “seis ae Ba Bi es Og
Be NOG Vs URIS: OH: aah GN eG ae ae ee eH: EN Geet OG i ee . ES Ee SO a Ps oe COG as Wee SUN oa Ee aa DA Wee [ha a aes Gs oe en eke: Leen ok Cache sae hs oO Gees ee
; é : ‘4 ~ . oy a l. oy et se oo sce Sy i ae ie A) oe Hi BE ee Mee es ee & Pa ae eee Eee RN BR eee REECE ie ay Lo Were age ee Sc Naas Home ea Uh ee nats ae CS oe ese an ee oe aE: Bay ue Za es tne ON a Nine See NG vate st oe eee Sais eae) oe RON Pe aneaig —. oes ie peer NG ae fs co Ge LOY Oa NN) Soa is a hie ey) oo Ce oe y _ _
Loay oo ae Me NI:oo ag Ue Raye es eeae HO) — ee _ oe ES ae on . Mee on ee ee OE Ca.7Sg snus Bi ~~ :||. esoo ae .eS ae aa oe ‘HOES eee 2OU oe ae OeeeBe oe ae aOeaoe ieSG en oevon eae :— a“ - ee oe aeee aof. atPy eo aauae .ste ON oo oe oy 4eeoe ao Oe ee ge oe in :Bee Ske ee |og oo oo ae ee Base oe ogc aeew see aoo cS ee ae _2oT eee hages oe oe ‘ge. " ic ace a (oo Be Ee re os ae aLae aCoe agaBoM oe eo Ce ue ee aMe oe caoo ae oc} ee oy a. eee He i. ae aBe oc ae oe ee |oe ee aaeOs oy oe OS OM ee >Pi ae . ..wo 2@ oo me ce ee oo me oo Bo. ah Oe Sine A ne ns aea. 3Oa ooae eeeeoo ee eee pie ooe OG aoh oe ve aat ios Mie: Way ae ae oe si e on ee gs aS oo ae Nive eeWe ws oeoN 2ee ee aee os ee ee OES ee es.aER oo a ae ie er aDee oy aPease eeNOS ae i-aa oe-Mn aha .a 4OC: a. ‘4 age ‘te | / oe Co ae . a ee cos . Ne ee SR De a oe me ee . ._ =. a Cie a oo . ine ; o . ve a. ae Se r ees ie oa i. Biss. is CSS ee A oo. es EET B a . ae oF oe Bes oo ae : oo ee Cae ee nae oe oe pen a oo. 7 a 4 Co. ee 7. See |. oe Mg, ees ae ey ea Fe TNS seus ny, Sa oo. Be eee ue ee EN Es 2a ee oe ae. Le ae Toe a: Oe Sica seoeage “s _ a. Ce :(: S,:uy too. :aLo A . ay eo‘aDS ae PG SESS . ee es ae ee eee Cay eo ie ‘: |")€ é4oN jii:r¥Os .~.. oe i.¢oe auc a eG BS eees BES oe ue oo. |oe 8feDSS ON is er oo. ON oe oeOs oe BIN wae Ce ue ae ey ae «acces aOe aeyen aeROS ee-_ Kee Cn Niu os a Se i ON io ANY aoe a ON tee Le ee ;.joe wX hy aa,— oe Se. iee ee 8eeoe-esee patel on oo Se ee oe Woes ee ri re 6Jo :De Ce ye Ee ie_oe Bee a. i MC .oo. oo. . ioe oo ne _— A _aeee 2aoe aRes ey ',2g J:! :.j:ae ,.*:JaLOS a;ae Le Ue ae a~— oa BN aBoe Le Se aeas ee oe Sy SHesre SS aOe: eae ENN ONE SG ‘ae ca ONG a¥:La a ine SN ORs ooa Se ay eG eh SES oa seeoe es ae Rg es os Pee esee=ee iiege os oo }Le: BES ee aOe Re Pe as a:Loe oo.om iii: aeae oee Ss . oo aeoe Bess: — res oe 7a ae SO eae oes eGRe een 2.assFF oe aOe Sea4 :OO |;ote 2:. Oe :© , ane ¥ae ‘ ae “eae_Se aENG ae gies: eeoo age cee ee ee een oh ies Gaaos Somer eer es
ie 8._.7aeaeoo.oea oo eeoeskee: oy oeoeVig Bo oooeeei a_i.si. ee igen -oe: -.:-: |4,we s Se oy a. is oo ... _. oo _ _ a ae 7 a a ok . ae ee | oe oo oe «a eee Lo. , .oo. aeca ee a . ae | ae re oo. a oe ae ee ae oe ae ye een Soeee oe oan Oo ae Daa So , c i 4 . af a i a oe ek ie es : : i ae ae CONG ee ee a ae yee eS es as oe ROO: ee ee : oo. eee es ee eee re Ls a .- .Aa ee ‘— oeAO Me asateaeEee 2 ae hes eS ."oe aon Eis . Gs Cay oa .. eeGn 2ee PO aoe ry aeoo HO oe oe oo ia se aai ie a‘ie SN alli a a i/ Y 2 Sones ae MO ai. ‘~) oo oe a aLe Le Ce ioo a“A
.é ee ae a a Ce a 7. i o.. aeoaa ae ie ae a aoe oei a. 7i ae :: ‘: :‘ :: :i.; ge : : ; >. ¢ : 2~.a“A ::iéoo a < < ae ee ye es ue Se St _ oo | 5‘| 5;"3‘‘;:“5:"):”:"2::ce ms ( Ve ae _ o " 7 * | S a |oo ioo 4a‘ * : | a oe oo oo a a ee oe co ow oo ih ..xsi oe. fe a a oo i a ee iB >. aoe ie gkde He oo s ey oe ie me) oo oe.aae os ioe « he os . Me 3eoa) a or ee aos i:: nes | aaa i~Co . ), #a2a.aoe _Co ae . oe oe . : ge oe oe | eo , oe oe a; ee oeeei atees oa
ve : oe 7s i a oe. M 4ai fo S 2 ta nte oowe a oeaat |eee aeeee afoe eeoo Qos oy SS at Kase Hague aR Nae ait ei eA CA if os Ste A NS ie AM nN Hs ae oa niet ee
eae Oe uyy oo Wn Nh nk. ee oe ele ey Bute gee oe oe4.
oo iaOK aoo Co inoe a aeee il_ oe ii oo es LLL NTN oo oo. a ioo ) Ee ases Lo ae a we C . 4 ee amet oe ee i on ae ve i wee _ gee poe PORES eee tas Beene CESS. ners one | oe ee preeree ee Sie Nene Eas es HESS aoe Sere ne eon acee .oo —) 8oe Se ae. Se aeeen ee ge oes [oe_ oes Pee oe ae ee ew _oSBases _POS =TNoeeRI ;eee= 1:a,oo: : |.i a9” . aae . ec EOS ES oe : i.eee a esaeein eeeee tate ES ae OE gese oe|USMS: a.eee eanee Pe eeSee ee Bs eg 2 | aR os ETommig es oe a pce heel 2 we re EES ore PE a a ee. ae ee pans — ‘enone a a) oe Conn TOS CoN Ci ene aRien Nene iil oi :heaDal veMihi iEa aeeae es Lonely Seeee acsLogeeiesds nes ae Neeee CN est | oe ee Sig ASRS aan UHM AN aa n° svat eee wediee tenasienna wha S as eeSNE RNINTae aepees eee: eee OEE ee ee— CC“— _ 8 pees BeenieSo SESS SeOES POREeens RES SES, ee weiss ee cece camanneeta
ara.a2oo ye “a. ) EET aege Sys pecans ES arSSfe SEAS SEES EEE CON 1g fecha Res LoS premecriiceeatne: Bee oatME Snespeas SALE aac noose oo aEeSe Le ee SEER Pe ee ERsBeads Seer soe piace seeic NRUNN’
cae gee REE OREESSE SEs BC ADS fhee! ene 77 oo | a |aCO: 4 eeDURA ee eeeEERES aes aeacee eePeaeaee TEEEE ee) SESE) SELES SEAS eerPOPEATER eens SHES ee DSSS oeTa LONG
ne Ones ee, TU ee on oe ia COS: PERS poe ee Lee ee ete eee ais ieee Di Sea agai: oe eres pares PERSE: es SHES sekigen See nes ey eeeraees oe ON ,
eu:oe Ce ee ee com oeeG Sco ui Aiea eas ee ss EES SEES So) SSE EE! won COOL aN Ses es SE a ai IRI Rey aee MS. Soeae pages pacers Eeeecan segaSES REISE EsePass SEES Sone SRE Se!rae SEIS we rhyele gosta 02 2INNIS EN ai iii = aeThanh o \)) “Jeee _ are A oe ooae Nica aegaey ae paieieos eeSEES oeree SASS SEI ODEs Pee
a lis aong — Faeee eee Os LeaeaCF Oe ho, oe oo SEER a= leg ES ease eee ee Ce oT a. ee” lo oF peal Ae Lr,eaneeoe oo oi.ee| isPot Ee eeRies po GEES eee J Rese ae _Hi aa ano oeoeveae TT Ue uae Wes ul eke Se ee abiie,aa NM ane ca oe iu ys og ee we i:sand one oesee aee ee iet a, el ears aeOle Re pa as SFaN Horie Atiees oeAne aae ae ea Spee ae Zo nh Seer ee SSoe aeee Seren eee NEG nN est.a: | : - .:oe gee — ae Loe oe Heeeoe Oe ew ay Ws WC ae, a ills aie ayOU ee ae ge Dees Bee eam a‘ Lassi San aneaoe Roan, eee aa ae ay ae Sa He i Hees aoe. Cusesiae PON Tu ail cc a Bisco) NR ones AOR ane a ee mes: Ves ree Seek SASS IAS COPE SE Se Cae Mee Bigs penne ORES een peeael RS et el Cl i
bya» we ae |ai!aeoeFe oo ge iwliae:is_. (teoo Bese yeaeeeieLuLo 8 aaie prea da ne ee ee oe ee esEe Sian aeages oe ia eS . Tiaea oe ie ie ieaco Hig ee ieios ey Ci aege Me, Mss cialdiet en poe ore“ La Ala ee aa eea Oeee ose Bein eeon Ce aa Saee aus— Lo Me On oo aeUs4oe i “" _iy A .oe : a, . Oe ee ao Me. uence ee pO ee CO ee -. ee ge ce 8 _ oF . =— fe se ‘Cw sg MG 8 ee oes a ee | sa .. | if mi 2 | : ; * ¥ - F ee s oa pe . os Ze Oe ree Le . ., fo ve os 28 ‘ l : : : :
a) aees oo ee oo Pas Agger aes aae aLo oe tater Bee EE ee Se esee oe en ee i siCc oe aae coaae Loe Re Bae re EE eg Soe |.Ne Oi ones eee pear aeae SOLER. SaaS ee Se ‘site aes ek ae spats oe, Wes iC OGAe aeeer ve nS rail i.ke Ceey hse COS seg eee a_ane oe ss are eeoe. ae ee RE ee aoa PH eeegees voycarer eae CC PEERS SE eae peor Sg Maes SH oe Pee oo. Co. ean Ce Le re oa ol |os :oo Le. SN Woe peecee Ss eeceWien eeace Be es os ae oe Hes gO oo'GEESE Be a a : De >eeeeLoe OK LO aoe "No ee Oe aisoo sia an SS oe Pee et pee eee Pesan RR: Co ae eeA ee oe eee Oe ae PN eee Le seuaaen Sea CEES oe es ee ee see a)ERs ad ., Oe . .ae OnROSES pase aea agSON PN eee ga M2 ant: nll Ne SeMia came Be eee SEES SLSee eeeRoe eeeees SEEN oe aeunan ON eae Oste Be Coenaes oo . SESS |. . oe Le Po Be Bs cM oe ce Ba ee es eee) |||) cae Mie oa et as vet rae iin Pras ee oe pans eters we Ee sees aie Besar UN, ee aeie) BS Loe Co er ON a a ial sii ct eee oo ee: i ee oe ge re EE ee ee ee Bas | ee oe a AO -.. he eso Me oe8Co Pee EE. Pr seoe Eeaes Le aSone ae eee ClPp enRES es eeSeNes sages ee ee Sates! TegCog Sakeee te a8 eeao oe OS Se oy eeBn eeeee ee i.2.ja oll ce iees a Daa Me mePOE eee eetae SH pe aeON leeeeee eeepeer e os wee soe |oy os ee ie - .ae 2on 3 ="a)|)~ .> a aeae Si nti ee Pokies eee hae oe oe ae ST LeKeee a£oe E: ee oe coos es I age creeTrSeliage ete es Wg, Bee J ! fe aeTsSEES SeeaesSEALS BAN se al of oe 5 oa“ oe NG _—" RES ies: AO oe oe Gaal eeenti eTes les ee ee es ee oe eae eee eae eg easeeARES Da ee eee ee SS SeeareenE JSTae ssa (. oe | . es = ASS ¥ esa oa “a le oe a nes ON Oe: ESE TNs gS oeoe esCNG eae oe SADE ee ee oe- DELETES: ae ee
oo 8 — =e a ee a ke 2 2 fe — ee. ee i.
s4 “i ie Me _: i- ee co eal RS Seaue eeas eegee BOS) ooTaos . Dsnyy eee oeSW beay ae eseogue es Cera cee aehie Oe es _ eee es ee See |. Ce oo 2 . :;". i” o DS: ve “s oe ites ere ee Ny eseeSe ioe sei tom oes SOE acame Ce oe.Sy ees pee co Se Cg eewe ge Senet Be Nae ee Oe ooeee ee it: oo gaa. EES ee eee Nee)—ltCt cael 2 “en _ wae ies ee Cem Ge aeee oe Sn LL eSa) iss Sep. BEEN oo eee a— ase ee aan Re es ee eeee ooF. i ESS tea Lo esSe Tse ae Oe eeBeene ese SEEDS. eewig:. ite7ai egcm ”ee,-awe ie ooaesa,aeaanti ai aBeeee. ee Pee aEeoeaie _aBOP oe ge ieeee Ege 2 BOI — | a ne eoCsed
s : - te : indi, . ¢ io = —— sue ae 4 a. oo. ne ee ee 5 se oe ESS Jee ees: ae ee ff —rrti—i Boos
.oe aaLe eg eeeeaoo. oe aesv. oeioon 72.|=oe ee ‘ee Sy:bee ses|rc..i,emg |ca aN gs Ro ey oe ee oe ee ee,oe"ie oes i:aeNS oo oe oe ee -.os ee: ceoN aad oe a. ee ON NGOS: aeS )ge :ee :ny iaaee ©pos :=oy 5=2. .PEs 4cee he ae aone Sie: Be ce -age oo oo €a“6 :ae ¥ee a|6oe ee ae See oeoe es eo. oe Nie ay Ow ~ ae -‘;Ege #|aLy :i o oo i * ue oo ga a i. 8 -? " oo
— a : 3 un :: 2ee re oo. oo Le us Ae ae ee oe PN oe a es ke ee . . a a i. he i = a 4 ‘ if A ‘ os EE Be Fe eS See if a fe as ae a a... — ee Oe te ESOS paae oe eee a Lo ‘ee — .|es eee eo a ee ie Be: (.es HNO AN oehes Sue ae ae a a. _oF | aoo — :2siiy ?. xeo) es ~, : ; |eh ; !7 oo : 2Jes )7)aoS Ls oe .araa.eats ee ee eo on. Ol — it 3bx>eS ,eee Pees. m4 :Ws sn oe oe .Es— oF ee LD wsSe Coae oe ee eres eae ee oa _. ones eo _>, ee »ee :—“~ ‘ss | )iM +.‘: :' oo Oe ee ee Oe ee ee aes ee oo aoe ee aNeHESS ieee — ist ,‘i.ieee ea Ae ae Ne ee a—_ Do Bee oh ae 7areEee ioe “— .“te ~==, 42iff a> es a fee oe eee) moe eee ee cs aan he.CN ee oe 1ES: accra oie oeoe ge :2 _. -:— — =a. oa A re oo Oa Se pe ee oeCe: ee eeee NOES: 2aoe cc! ae es A se ti:~ me 4.uf =" be oe : oN a oN ee oF oo i. ee ae i yu — Bae . oe ee Ae . ee 7 ee Le Ra er: ae ee Ce oe es ” ~ ok ‘ j ee Tee Cee Ss oeTe aA Lo Rg PG yee >,oe | | iG 77 . _ae. < ree We J. .kee IN TT aoFoo. (Osoeoes esoe . =. es eau eeWe 8 NENG ir pe ie |MW Ce. bee assxy re :|‘vaee7.=Ce Hig OT ee .. _ i cae :‘ .oo = i _N ot i3@salt - LLfj .all a ay I oe:ee eeoo eeeo Geee A beee ee _ Dignec dehiz Nsoe ees ‘pot: OHS ey Ae) oo Og aes : : io oe 4 ee ee 7 i ss |Le : ‘ iest el 2 ai _ To oe _ an. Jo . Ba ee We UE SN a Ne eee Se Be Recon: Gy heh SURE ey ee ee he es i Co os: Le Ce eeeares ee ee. ee UEcca Eee es Gigscce . a oo “ A ae ;ee ON a aLe oo.eoace: | aeoo enae aeee LpPeas Ee epee: 2. ee ee ene! ae : 2we of ie TW aSieae: Os ; s: .2es 3oyMe 4 Wee Tei oar |Aee se oePhne Osag Ghai: ceRe rose a aoe ee BAERS aes ee es Ramentear FeeSLoo. , ee ||Co ~:ee3 ; te ©CC a Whe Hino ee Ce So eeee oeRU es ee eeHee eee io eee Oeee BS SeLe ERR OS EEETE ae oem eo oe Pee Se Oe a oo. Bii haere Ee alBU eee fC rae eS ape ZN ee oe coer SENG araieMee ee ae aS OO ag DE-aRG Sn edeeeae Roe oowee iii sill Oe Ss Saal ieee ee Wes Oe ES oeSSssSEES | ee es Bere oe iaea. _ena : “aeae :aoh attece j : : i ‘ ‘ ; ; ra s wo oe lise coun —, ae ON Cae ee ee SOS Lee ee 8 _ eee i gS UnSgEE Rs ee me ae iA ae _
Cy BY ek ae OOS bos Es Re tees ae es oe oe oe mea a BIEN oo Fe Sale us oo ee SSO es Se OOT eae oe gi ee a ee é eee eae Se RO Ce oe eS so RN ee ES Bee ee ee fie iVer. He ses I ee eS pee Ve he ee oy aN al oe pee ee ae: res JOS need ies c er eee Rieciee ereees es Se SUOED eae pete ee Bc) a ee OS es oe ee 2.
: a ; 44 : ’ :. os iy ae oe — _. eee fe | ined thine BS ost ca or Oe \laeepet eee Re ee Ber Ss oa aes sae ac sen: pas Sea) iat (SEES EES SOIR ee eo . Pe
ee Dass ay ee Bae Woe - RE oN Geis ae . Ev se el es ae ne see eee oe oe see ae ee ae ee wi aoe anes: 7 pees eat SAE RS eases ee iM ie foe 2
AG ae CRO ROO ren CeeesGO Se OREO ee eeEE I Cee. PeNanny 76 AYO BeeSSeeBeans ee ees RRR ARE eeshear? te SEES eS | Oe aeRC A,a eae “4Nee : teoe ‘eeaepee i ARO DER ERs eS ee ‘ss oe ey eee see agesne Beret SOG es: PAS eres il ORS ey soeing Bees ‘hin Pa ae, ee ets ron bees SR Ste ee eenA paneetrs
Le - es ' 7 Le OTN Bae ssee case a. Bs ye. ese eee ae ae eee. Ne i LO SUN TRS eee Pe a Veoh ESE) ee ES ceeeee ao .ay Heeee a aeeae ei 208 REO ae :eeGes oeCe oeeeoeeees Gs ee POON oaiM seeeesNe SEN Bs PTI PA iia i eee leaN sais Seeee mane a aoe eeeeevee ar PEE beth a Ls ee Gee a
oe ae oe ae a cee oa vide oo er Oo a eo eee See a eee Cee Oe De a Ge es pees ig ae ESTP DN: pears ane a SN see as Eee Ee Ee
: : ~ oy on : i » _ 7 a — oF ae le. Be So ea WINE Ste ee SONA ee RS Fe ae ee Ps a ceananeeries Ee eee aes Ne ce ee ge ee By oO os oo BO ees oe Seer : ae Sait ee ase pera sia eae a Seen SONG oo se Rp: etic ES SOE. oo. EY a ee dares aes HOES Us ieee ei ee oo Sex Dee ee Ce ee Ee es ZN ae a Nl ae ee reece iy Nia cam Tee ON a Be Pali 7 See cg CRD ee SA edpaie pee Se ene ones 8 Le ee: ol eee he Le - a : [ ce
ae 7 — i oe cae Oe 2 ee a Ye re eit ‘ : : : “ is a as o coe Bare ee SES ee a aaa | ae | eee a a SAE ce e i ae _ Ce ae MEN a‘ee aey Ck oo Ss: re ee oem 08 ae aes aeS Lee a oo Ce Eei Coe com -Us : Co x: 4af aCa ct ee — 4Ce aoe ceee ve . isoo le Sis SC AON bie aae ve Gate eS ee ie eOe, ses ee CCa i ferion ;*! — ans oF og ae ee os aN cee Bene ESS ee OeOe us oe.ae Chea Ua: .an an dy = :ES ke ee aIOCee oy se, pee Si ey CO *ee f.:AOR ,he sng on ry ni aroe ee. eS oo ea Oe: 4oo Ms aeee oo eee eseee oe aeeo, OS — QR Ny oeesae Neal Oe De ceeoe tefT ee) UGE: oea Lares ee ee aRUS eer, 0sBia Rcee Cie: Be — eee Uewads aaoe eae aeZS eere eeaoe oo be ISS See eBg a ‘:ce u:Ce. be ||Les aye acCe eG ial oycy culttd sae aa as ee Rees 7LE ical: PCS Hepa eee esCN aN Re AUS A oo . PaON el ee a ey aesoo OG) eeeeEO UR ASO Ee Slap =oes oa 2‘es 2i:.oy 7es ee .Cee or aoe ane Gia oo ene ee ae Ss ee NY Boe im So CMe DES CG oe ae Ban ANS UNS Ss RSs en ne co He ee ee ee ee ese eS oe ge. Ae ee ee ee Ee Brae Sa ana oe Ge Soe | 7 a 2 = - es SS CO ae Ve as as Ko oy oe ee oe a ee. a eee a es oe Fi ROD Be ne ws a Ae Co ee ay ee y : , wis a — ee ee Le Sees ee ee as Neher Co oe Ee ee a ae avant ae iS caer Sa OO yee: aM be Sy i eS ee yh $No 2 a ae aaeeee Ta Con es es ea asas ie ae crore 6 ce. LSE OG ee2 os 7)esOO ae a—DE ae. peers Be oe aeialee aeee|oe. ol aeaMNES fe ee| _. keLoe 4as|ses ag © :7 mar ; BO ON seoe A es eRe HN eeilBee es oeee a SH oo si we 2i oe ae US ~~ ee Cs an?
ee a Ls ae ee As eens es a a es ce ee UE as ee oe MiG ee Pe dis (oe P — , ie i _ * . 4, ,
oo Se Son“ee Os be BON pubehegeiees ee eeoN ee:pee ese nes ae aeoesaat oe Bonne ._ >» ;Pee »* y: : SG : 4 see f aCo; iNe S me + .ee weet oe Bes on ee " ee es ee oeSera SPSooARS itertipoe aoe a Hens ae iy seaCe ee
(o. ee esaNeBeene i. aeysienna 4... eea.oeie oeeeife ae| SOS oe (i. OO araeaESaeCe aae Bee A i eee ‘_oo oe ms Me - Oe 4eeaasve _Bae pe oe .Oey oo eeneeeeHENS oe _ee MeLo ie “BE aN ph iBe . —oo oo BS at oa aae eeNe oe Rec Ne EON: oeeeBeee oeoo 3) Da ae os aaaOG Gee |SG aaahoes fe-aVe a RON. i SO: Ns a Oe, (aeaCy Ce: 2B Pe Boer Seana EEE ae| uteee oeeto oeGanges: ee pret gpereee NG eeae ANOS, ll: _.OS . Fe ee APS ONS A aa PINES: iEES Se HG Bead2SANG ees aie Me Seen i oeSERA | i eeeSEE esee aeSpaces eee nai\ie pape. Sa porn hseee anten eesed Bee eo eee ee Ge eet ee 2 |haWe hoO ‘ Looe = yue3Bsa*NRCS — hes i. a. ee eoi LSE esieeae CAM Seo Na SSN REN reBeseoeeeooOLE he
i*é.. .ug 1Ce aPOaee ahee a oe aghee oD ye iapillgg Se oo oeom we.a=< @ oe oe-a_2. LS r.ag 99 ,_BE ee a .‘ ee Wee? eee BAN eee oo eeLe Sees gceee oe es ces Ae Pees Ne Ca 3Gn ee Soon a 7 UO -ae Oe RES EUS SOS a Ahs Pe oaah Oe..ies ae oe. ea on ee oeoe. .ass aa Ae eres ee oe a3 :ie ne : |: aee: eae caees Ce, UNE eee Bune ).0ee oon ie oe eer a. end aeSie ING aDORE oF ae BC eeRES ie oe Segenealy aees) eeSie co eS va paneatien oe ).eeee Ny ce aBie Lae TNA we oo eS 4 ;“ :4 vi ou 2aLs OSge i rae CGS oo an Ree Oaoe lL Le . _ EOS aeee Deee geeaaie PR oe EN one es oe Le ae a. ae Biew ey 8aM Roe
é) . ant ‘% ee... ve foe _ oo ae ee ee ce a. Bog ey oo. TT en eo & — oN
7ee oe i.ee: — ee— le eS oe ae oe _ aes ame A ie a-PT yriee:oC Bae og Co eg oe ee aaaeEeSee aacohepa Dee Ee =—Mii oo _SU ee 2. aate i oe a_Gee ae ssUe ees RS eae ree —ae Bra as Bogureuecy atopete Ee neOe agent ates Ae Re aes 4 a~Lo ,a 2M3 :td Ce Oe oe. — ee peers oe ee co ee Ee aSoe ee oo. ;er a, Ce aTA ae Ce ee oe ae Oe eee es Eee oo Oe. — ge : Basan a.— i-7ayae RO ee eeSe: 2re oe. Cee pies iiae aMINE Be Sg ten ers Ae Bo i... es ee Say .ES Og Ae PR NEG CU EO ae ee ees Wee aS hi ee So Oe ore Ai_)... at: ie ow BU anaes Cae SONS os Pa oe hoe NG eee Be eeiSa ce RGeS es a Gg ie he FF ae Ce 2 ON oe ie: NT Se a a Ly ae _. Ys o4eeie5ai Pe oe eee Bai seeniee ee es ee ee. PO SN ) ee a ON: Nase es os. ue ) ite a _. oo. . : 3 , “ é — i if a i . a are a LEO oo sie ee oo ees CO i So ae ee oe Ce Coe. Fa. oo oo ee ee aa Pa Sas ee a Oe HORS oo ge ee ee a LE ge i Oa 2 ae GS nas ee Ae rata ii: i ae ue oo Fis fe aes a NG eee oN ek RE) We Re ay es ae a. C. ee be$ :ee is | ee ee : a Pe Ea ei ee) a Eee ih ee Oo Ge NOs Seay NER Ce ere ee a OS Sn) ae Ee COO OM ee ee ae Co eG MV iWO éee ¥. : = % : “i a a rie 7. ek ye ie ERR oS Se POOR ae ee aM ues ee Eire oe 1 ee Pen oan Rie RES Be ON ae os ees Gee . . oe Se a a ay es iN a a oe oo . “a a wc ¥ Z e a 6 ia : : ce ee ea Ss RUS a ae SONS ee ee 2 ee ee : re AAI ef pe ne yates ae ee, oes ee eee PERS ied ees SVEN, SD oo ees Nee | CES Dee ee athe eye ee, Sie a Heal Vee wes? BOS REN ES sO Na) Ne Peau We PO. canes ee ees oe eG Ga oD a : | , - ' : ; :
iI :es : ¥eres “ Zen : aia es -i ioe Monies LA iseAll a i.oun SONa Oe eaeaedad LEO Reese | Se) OEa.Ns ee aeoeyi aN es alt es -SS Se. ae oa Caaaoe PAE PSMe neeask NN: ee Ne as ee ee ae Lge 4 oo ’ ‘eHe :
|BO 8fsa as4“yoe ieee Ges wf aaga, oo eeaeeeoeBren Ce ‘esoeLe ty:eaeare: 3cefe as oe _ensates _eee “Te oeeee, ae eea.eis esaSoo. ls ke Ss a_— oeoo:a ee Le ae Y =3h 4ay ee PAG BHR ae HN ee SG: ce Beal Ose y we Oeoe See -.onGaSe po pe hhek |. ieaa| a. Nec ae oe ee sae ge ae a we :OT — :ees> ae : yee g oe : Sa -Coe! aco E.. oni. ee —o aee ieeeee aeOUR Tees oR eG ee cae, Ot a 8aetna pe Oe aS es Ce Sej iy Ee CoMe MO ae oe Pon CORES BS oe aa Bee UNG A aeaay SAG Ee Be it Hes: oe bee eeae A MN as eae Ane aue ESSAE es ee| oe Gg Teaas ee|: Rr 2 Ce Se eee aee a) anae Pe, any Sgee 2aeae ES PETES SOM 8aioe oe soeepeats as aaae4esLS +r ose ee aBSOe oe ua, oeeee en aied aes a) ee eli es wai —— éPEN Ge eae 7Ne Se 2Nee lare Lo a Beas eG Seeeeeere vege Sa ce— ae. Sais ‘i Tica See me Co asee :aoy LG Ss 2 ey iii a vl ae ae Me oo Wee. ae fF i: ee ill ee gel |Le 2Le % :ie A .Ce “tal -nN: teco 4ANE he ,oo aie CAO teaaae eG ee eyes: Ca oe Me Se Pei Ll aee Hie yt kins ey eps oo ad 3oeoaeee|aoe tic ™ 25 am ‘as — eG | . ae ae 7 a i rap oo ala Ce ae ce a ee is a i ae Se ea ee es a ia ee en) aie i oo et NN oo oo ot ae Dy a ae a es og: Dee 2 a Co 4 are eet ee eat ke FF waa mA et 8 ee a ees i oo te on aoT uF iahi in Cy a oie Minit le a Sie oo Mia AIM er oo De cess Lata iit oo. Ke! ay oo el ae i. HG ea en ve — Slt ro SMT ee pee a ee oH a ne ns es Se a ie i ae i . os , ve : :a uy oe is a 1: aae oe aNilg Au athei i We oeae aine ae oe oo oe owe “ingen a oe Ce aoo ae eee .he we ae Te oo None aaof Oe _2 its a... 1“ 2pone ai a ae oe iWy! ioo eo aaJi:; ame A oe eee aee ae .alaeNe aae-aon .Sl oy ee a ae OG Gg ey —__ ai"ae Se cro HTP iCe nA a) ea SRNR ae rae :Ta:.oe ueaHl oo ee Le, a_. eae oy of Gi Oe aoo oC oe ee lees ener ase ats sates ite Le ae s A ee oe ie oe aaOe — a ieae rr. aoe oe Ne isa nN a od :acreer Sale oe A ee Adan) Gi : rey ORE OU aaAA ae ne ey nh We oe gh AS ee aoaaaIN Oe:ee Ba aN aa ee ay Hii oo a on ae i Be oey pe (HOS OU eS: SRS ES sone Sn: Nan ao ae a Bea OR Wage este sgdiee Beit i ae “o Cs is) gene oe 2a AU ee: me a ie Te Hath Cn qn ie o) ” oy
: : u oe oe , ee oo. 4 es ‘-, a ~ ee 4i OE oo | | . TTteaea ii ee)ae iale en a a atoo aoo. esr,oo oN’ ooae ey a ee .TN,Ce ee. on | iaenee
| | ao a s
COMAIOES ison aa fi itl ii eae OSE Peis uae eel a a ne Ney MCA Seal ih es ae ne Hee na ee IAS i) Laas Se aM oars:
a i a en isi es aay a a nee Ree Ail es fii Wea ne ae se) 7 ae AS, te es ar a
Monte ourtesy Kay Parker.)
Peeoe is eS ns ee u : "i ee .eeoe Bees seae =~~ wu-a ~:— 7 3a ‘ oe eecee ee ee as io
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| |;| |ee :| ;:ae:i{Es,; ;A ¥coe "- sana ouoo.ofce oo a we lnOe.aeea:oD eet eee oy ee= ig:ee ee|ee pepe oe aoo,7|ee iOs ee see 0ee a aoe a igo Dyer a “_4e :< ie | : , 28 : : oat /ee: ae ceSy aoe eeeS a, ae es oe cee be 2aeeaNd
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: : ‘ ;ee |OSs Ks d : i 4 s oo em a We mh a ae is ee Le Ee rasa oa OOS: oe ices es — ed ee ETS ate ae oo Be a ae oo. a _ gs : : : , Z ; 3 : } : SORES. : : ee OG on a eae oe bea ee me a s Co ee ne a aie aa uN Ns ae Co wh CE ae wae ce a Lee BOs Le aoe i: 3 : , , : é: ‘ Sapeae HES Be Ne ee: cE 0ie _eeoo oo £oe ore.oa ‘aotsere *oeiPg be ::a_< :Pee :/oo 3eeSee =pet :ae:deere |es ? |eeeee ePOLES é::eae :off|:ESE Dy aae: oe aSS aae ee es he! se | le:yee in, "aitaae:oe Eas pee aes Sty ae esPSsBence ne aoercie |co ‘je Sg Mead /faof. €, :ees oe .eer := :ee ,eee 7;iilers |Ge |7:,oe: oeSEE tied Yee Ue ree aee ‘ae, ae .:oo eS — |cae oa aaa ae .Re a. oo a/a:ae |ee aoe ou Bee se emec ey sees See ee: on:Sees |are ee := ae se A eer ie ae gie ee oe eee Ol |. > | SERE oe ae og aoe: es ee 4) Se Me aay oo ae sis alt Get iae .a ais on ue oN) .ae ee igi os ae SEBS ae west Be oe .Oa: .? oe Bes te es Bei ee ee a i ue ee ay: , : ~ , :| eee 5 ee oe oo a oF oo 7 A Bs, ea 4 : = : é :SES :ay ‘ % _ a ae ae Pog ae Bee Pe ee ee EES: oS ge ns Ee — ee ee as |. am a a ae a as i 7 a ,: ; ; : 2 :Page :,nee |oo émis ,Seino J ¥ | ae oy Bae Ce ee le : wo Migs Ce, 2 tes sea Rte Pe oe Soe ene ie oa pene stBees , = . a at oo a ea ae es ca oe a Wee OES: ae See ee Ee: S oe a ee oe WEES alii ers m A ;% .zi ‘ y oe . ae Pc A ae a eo a . see ace eR) ta ify ae ey > ee ies a Se nye o i) oe es LE on) Ge NE: |. ee) Va a oe GN Ne he Te ait i FF GS 7. poe te ee Ee oe seis Somer Teg Sroages. ol ae ine Pood * : Loe ie |e':;(re oy ce oe = 3 oo oo ae Ce a oF eee ve ce ae Pe ee he: : oe Loe ae «dl He Pm of — Ses Le OS . pe ae ee 2 an "3A co en ee poe ooae ae Bass Sa ee oe a Le Leye Scam ae aoa JES ES reasEES eee ee HES: ges ee Ee fone ESS PRES ee oe ag TSi ss ne Nis iBedi oo. ee : eae Fs Mee gO es ae ute ig ‘ aii:ceéoeioF glaJa:.Go ee .apees Eons ES ness oe fo ae mS ao :aeevere Dek: — ome Co ee spe Be eee ae. Bee oe ee Os ee . , . : ):oF ,= Ve CRS aSoS Serre SO: snore, Sorssy ponereee: aeee ene EES ceases aad eee epee Coe Bsa ae oer od eee Le BS oe OSS pee ees ponies eee eae Parra: ae oe 1— ee Be aetLS :ee a .:|} i_ ae oe aeee SS Se eee :ESE iipatannn aEe Lee coy Bes Wea SSUES EE, : es arene erage eS: SAAT SEES eens ae a2pee Be aa oa iBEES ee oe ESS ee epee pees DEES ies ee BS SEES ees a . oe a SO: bey ;eea?aoo”eya2.oe ee ree ee oS ae ee eae Ses SES o as oe ae " 7soe aTae ee SS , ee re POE parka SSS ere ae ace ae eee peers ees oe Bee ae ee Hees yes ee: Ree eos a. OSs oe es pega pooner mS Pe AEE SEAS Sey SE aoe Rosson pene SEE DSBS aoe ESS: Se Sg ee EERE Oo oe eee oan :ONG ,C ;oS oS cee eee eee EnESS aoe BESS eves ce pees 285 aes rae eee eee cg eo ree : eee woes Bd a ae Deere ES ee nee Ie ips ee ee oo ae erates a zesPHS = Boy :eepeSere Tenet a A oes ie SORA ESSS oe rae oe Sees oe SSS giesoe aad ee ee eee Soe parce oP SEreane SEES Freer A ELAS Chere 1 nae esSoar cera gets pera o.i me ON a a eete util ey — fa . a| _oe -7:aa.; ::Sew :3 Sans SIEEES Hee eesHEE: she Bas eS seEEE: see Reee Sead eS ee BS RES REL! eel ae iGMe oooe. i 2aloeCe oo-eee a: :©: : re- :ers : ;. :, i, :|aei: :ie re gens coInt ae 8 Sh ieeee iea as: oe : |fae , : oe, : . Beat , ; :Eagare ) ‘ | ‘sonBait ”CBO | Sante ie 5ene a ee i a ae a)aofight Be ae< oe %oea aaaoo. oe fooeCO ee rip ee. Vo co iiseeco oe
' ey : ee, J oie ie: ;aleea i)a 3, ., :2: :2:ee Nh‘ wg Bee ae Aee nea | : : 2 3 d a Tec | i rill ee.” Be 8 a Ue ee i |
He .aaa . rae PEE eeOe He Bie . ee yy Lo ait a at ooPoe oe lI oe a oe seae aay aaa5) ooee, i.Ws eyae a aaHoe sie 48ey te, eo Se ue: oo :oe: gh :aera : ses : | Bee |SEE : ;ae: fee :ane : CEERE - :DEES : " :aor : ;ea ‘ ae : oe a oo % Bhs stee 28 wee aeHay a eM ay Sie ei‘ :Ra Las Fiiss: On Eeeeine SheoF aA . 4a aefihe oe aiik cmos moe 7oeeo. aeiheon (3ee ; Oe 3oe.xBes ‘ SNe 13 ,
, ; . . : bigs ee. Doe ee Se eee&oe : . . abaer bt agy, Joh s oo aLo UR: ee -eeoo a erfre ootat >. NSS = mh ae vee i oe us Se a Le ES ESS fe de oe ae ee ee ae ? 7 : J Z Z 5
y : :Aes foeoea oe ie eee ee oe eS“gat See2re- aae FES5oLl OSES ee oe y ;eo | : ” S . eee wees eee.ca et ae —ee wsos¥aoe : ee es ;: | ec Fe BEES
THE GREAT TRADITION 65 Most of the Grand Plaza that can be seen today in reconstructed form dates from Monte Alban IIB, with earlier buildings buried underneath. Except for the danzantes and Building J, which date from Monte Alban I and II, and the South Platform, which may date from IIIA, the rest of the central ceremonial-administrative precinct apparently is Monte Alban IIIB.”
One distinctive architectural feature which appeared in Monte Alban IIIA is the so-called talud-tablero, a feature that combines a sloping wall with a panel. In Monte Alban I and II times the lower walls of pyramids apparently formed a gentle slope to the summit. With the introduction of the ¢alud-tablero in IIIA, pyramids contained a decorative panel, generally framed, which interrupts the slope. This trait, widespread in the Mesoamerican Classic stage, traditionally has been associated with Teotihuacan architecture. Stairways in Monte Alban III also became more elaborate, being set into the structures and, on some of the larger buildings, divided
into flights. Most structures were covered with stucco and painted, many in red, as were some of the stelae which accompany them. Another characteristic feature of Classic Monte Alban architecture
consists of the great quadrangular patio surrounded by buildings. Apparently, two types can be distinguished: ceremonial and residential. The ceremonial type invariably has an altar or adoratorio in the middle of the patio, a feature lacking in the residential type. The ceremonial patios are flanked with temple-pyramids, while the residential patios contain structures which probably were dwellings for the upper classes. The patios of the elites are structurally similar to the patios of the gods.
A ball court, which originally may have been constructed in Monte Alban II times, took form in period II. The plan of this court 1s that of an I, and it has the peculiar characteristic of having two niches in
opposite diagonal interior angles of the court along with a circular stone set in the center of the floor. As plaster undoubtedly covered what today look like steps or seats, producing smooth side walls, the game probably was watched from surrounding temples. The ball court was called gueya in Zapotec; the game played there was called lachi.®
Little is known about the way /achi was played. From sculptures and from accounts of the game among the post-Classic Mayas and
Stela 9 at Monte Alban. (Courtesy Kay Parker.)
_Z::_| :_-_- .- -_-. |. :. |ee HOES Se— 2 Sees EMSSe eeaoe en Pees as oo.oeES es ee Doss ae ee oe ee ae ee ea ESee Poa 23 oe— ae ie DEES ee Pee
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:ESE: Es: ES. eee : :ae-oe .oe _eee :oe _ee oe| esa... ee eee Ee Ss es ee ee a... oe a — SS - -
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| : J = : | _ _ . . — ee oe :SUES _ : CSE 2 | :SeEESS : _ _ penceees _ | . oooe CSOs eea a.ee 3S ee ee a i — te . .:: : : o os : : _. _ ee. o. oe
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hoe No Seoemesntantes Reacts repeats ene eats ikey ORME Baers Eee wa Sere BME paeaeer ioe erie abate ene Pete staat pes ee ae eee pRecrees ee ae aoe enees oe ae oe - _ _ 7 / : / : : , : , : :
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I“EES Se SEES - eS es DEES ee ee ee = pemene eee aepaces ooesSESS oe coe oepacee aoe ea —— CEES Beers Raat ee Soeae oe Biss sts ueoe ee a. .—=— eeBesa cee es ee Sore peeeee ee esBES ee ene ee eoSeeeHoe: _s esee - : .-77/- .:::|
cere ee ae ee Bias a ee oe ee eae a Se ee ee — oo ss oo — : ; : EE USSESESY Hepat eee ae es pe SORE SUE pena ee pater eee snare Bae ere ae SOE Seer oe ee Seen ie _. _ . : | : :
Seonieer nares SESS ees SESE SSSA: Conny Page ERAS Berar es Se rans Seamer SS Cs ener oo oe Pee ee BO ee oe Boe SEE, oe ae oe . eee eee: es ee Re es PSUS SERS ess SERRE eens renee SE SESS aoe Os SURES EO oe Sears omnes sens BEES: UES SEES SNES os oes einen SE: — oe - eee oe are 2 Sone cee SS oe aa 4 oe oy ie .
ASS SEES Raper es ES Senne Seen Ps ee aes pees peace ee me ees ee cara apone ee .ao eres RES SEE See ee Rene cr ee SEpene SEE EUsRenee ee SEES: eeeee oe ee ee EES SsHannes vaca: Rennes Cs —. Se pee are POU ee ee ee eeee —— ONE eee EES ESEE ES pees 3s SER ee ee SsesSS — OE aesSener eeeeeeeeS Se eee EES Gree ee aeSas ESS oken ooa .:oe
SERS, SEES OES, ee Saree — SS ee ees Se OSS_Cs$ — . ..Sones TeEERE EES Roonaan SERREJESS Pinions see ee ee eaeAES OeUe Soa SsSoe maar anore ee oe oePS. Ss a a -.ee oe a
SSIES, PARES REESE PERE SEER SEA pereaarecee SEELAS ee LERcreas BEESBerens o8 ers enone AEE SES pores Siaeecunat OESEs oesarenes ene = ORS SEES Ses: SS oa ee ee a ne i oe .. . | PEERS: sate SES SERperenne Cees arenes SEES ORE SES eee mone BEESREET ZEEE See oar eee BESSaces seers fogeiBares a Re es — — oer: i —SEES eae esBES ERsoauer: eee: Soha
Berra poe Te Se EES SES cePOE eaceeeae eteSSE: ee Eee ee aS eee eae eee ee Bearer Sues ee esSeen ee AEs —een caneae oe SESH ESN ae eens ae oo. Bees ee —. SEES Searennens enenentinen nnnSOS See EOS eee ee Recaro eens Serer ene oa oheare eeEee: Beane oo. Seeeeenaest ESTERS CAUSES eresSythe SESS Sarma Reruns meeps aaa: PeEe eet eee ees BORD Sener enCU SeatsOSes aes eaeSES eee oeencee Se eeeen ORSee EERE BaeEO cee. a. Rares eae SESS reeaas “olasaae pee Boe rie EN Renee ee eeSESS ae eea EIR DOPE CGT es eeeee ne oe esERY LS eects oe Ee a ooaSee .a ee.Oe SESS EEEeee permennuctes SR ESRIE ESHER eres pre atae Rearaane ee oe CeSone Seema pee Sasi ee HES Hs — rn ae eee SSS eee ARES EEEean CMESENS SSSR SES EES TERRES Saronents SEE CREE OSES SEES SERS eenceene otis marae ieareaae RROEE SS RBE Eee OES SEES SREeE AR EES Sie aeeee SEESce Shaanti ESS pees age AAS a. ee oN i eeu eset See erentSSSI ReeSsnea DESES SANsree HENGE EER EEE SSS ae ener poets Set “SESE eS SeeCEE Soe entersOE teth ase Ronen anensSees EEE ESES EEE eeens poeta oeESS oeSeeoeecono ERE nen Re SICA Lo. a es nee .
LSS Je Bec on eee ean oe a eeSO POEs Pee SOS Deeieee Pee eeoe Seeeo) ee es oo EGESeg EseateSEE esoe Es eancn eee es eeeeSea eesSe See ESE See oo ot' _oo. .. ; SED ee a. eeneas ee Es ee oes es . eeee..=aeOsfee \aeeSo. oe. eens oo es SL es ee eco He OES es Se SSScape once a ks. . oee ge ee eee ee ss ee ES ae ee ee Se aeeeees es oeeeee ie — ye po eR Re Tan SUNEES ES ETE serene pe aoe pierre SUPER SEE ES SETS SS Eee eae: = ee CEES SEES ORES peer SORES TEES EEE eae Re oeeancanee NED eer aie ee ORS Sy Sean — oo :
wy ESET aaaee OSES eee SRS BORE EEREEES aena ee SSIES hes en semneeaen EES PERLE Set BASES ESS: peers ore SE SES eee SHE SAS oe Seseroiee EER PERE eee ee a ae .. _ - . se eo ‘ah : :
[EE SESE) SS 2 EEE ESSE paceman AREAS SEE Peete ete ne SUES eee ea ees pants Satya EES eis SoS eae ieee ipa SECS, ee Satan asd NAN ses CS LS CaN nid POA Set aaa aan bie ne Sa Saale TORN SNS a a
DEES pene Eee Rae omaey eseer cece Borers fnSEES Reena LESS pene SURES esee ee ea SHA eeMO TURES iae .eea. Ur Be a9— iya eS ee oseeSeen es ee EE Habeas eeeaeeteee Stee Ee oe es oe -es.ayoo |—one >. Septhrea EE ee Sinus enes eer ueEE Seee es ee eee een eneES ERERoane, Peet ERE esEEO Enea eat Fee ENeae ae ee 0D Neoo OnE ros Rea res erent er ee Peis ener ean aeSeeoe ue a. oo .LOS Le a oaaeee
eeseEERE Ea SEE Oo SE co. So SSS Reomen rinEEE Perna eae SSPE eeeee Ses Pe ee TSE ne > oo : we .ee a =| a= as SESE EEE esesSes ES Ee OS ee Be ee eeES ee HI ee ey .Ne ee oSea os 4aea ea uh :hy|o“|as : eee Hoi prtiehte Pecan tates Lose Haase eemae ce See Ces pees esond esSs Be es oe eeos os : . ss EES Eee reESearn oe eee erRe Ce EES eeae ee ee geONT oo ea|eee 8Soe PON oe es SEES es es Cee ee eee eee SoU ES eae a... Disha ee eye areas erie ae ieieine BS ee SEU eee eesES AEes eee eee oe ea araas eeeeo oe eeSON ee a) Pe aeCO Paha nO Sie eS aOe 2o: =of
.. . a a. eo oo _ oo |yae . i. ). oe — oe ek Oe ey eh Co eae! ae ae Ce oe oo Fees i CaS ie ae .ie _oe _. _. .a7. oo oo aae Rey: OS ON oe ;Ce oe Ce Os ak Ps ee ee :oe ae OE ea ae oe ON eeee CO oo oo. Ey OG ea ES _oo .raoO ee eG oe ayees BR cae a. ee. b a | os oe oo oe ee I ow ne |. EO . oan AN oo ee aoe Ce oe ay ayee aaee aae Ces AS Ean ees Ua Rene on NS ae ere ee Reo Onee oco eeae a ES EES Sars a— Bae Peaee AON ee Oe ie, oo ee ASG Oe a . ae Sats ae ee ON ae es ae oo ae eas eas Oe kw . Ce ee es Bea Os as fo aa Gs en Le ee ee ESOS ee . Lo Co 7 . a oe on BU es ee ee it ae ee ele Se tai Rs Me oF ue Ye Oe OI Se eS SEA ecchenecatas eee Os PSE ee . ee BUNUN Cas eA: Oe oe Ce i CS Ta es Ce Oe a a os eG |... ee Cees ee ee ae ees 2. oo _ Le OS ay LG Mes oe Oe es eS ae BE ake ON, es ae, ns a ee ae a ee OG Gs RO es ae a LN a. .~~ aeVR OS an ee 8s as Pee ae aN ee EG ON Ds NENG Se Me oe Nas ORM Ea seNy a LW as ees OO cee _ RS i So oe See ee oe ce ee ee a OO Nes Be oN a eG aha: VO SUNS ae Ss aes Ts a a es ae ss ay Hi: Se ee ee oo ey oss) ee ee oe | Cee oo. Ca) RS — ON Sas ea.-; oe ie oo eG) oo. oo.a... HOMou. ONS URN Coe ee Ce ee Oe caees REN:-SERS os _ | oe . ae. ee a iing as oD ES 0s ae Sn ne ae Rae Ue ee ey oe oe is Be a PU Naens a oo oo NO a LOE Ose Se Le Pe ae noi sa) PN Oe ee ee ae a — aN as Ce eeoe TO ce onRi Os es Dee oo aes OeTN, MUN eelroeaS eebe Esoo ee Le Oueae Se ie ok |oe .oeae : aseOe -de .eesesf aaos aa aw aoo. ee ee ee On a... ee — aao ee oaOE oe eeOO _ae ‘oe Soe ee uh Co ee oo oo sone ea aSe_ Eee »Be a ae Oe I a oo i a. oe -. | _ aeeT oe ae as Bi RUNGE: Oo ge See oi ase Se eees Pane: ee oe oCces NS RG Ceee Reee a— Gres SEIN Oe eR eee UE EN Ny Oe ea, a! is a ae eS ee ea Be a es CN si OG a Ooo Be i .. oe a ee Coa EO ee oe ee RO nee a i ey NS OE ee ee oe, A ee es . -.. OM CL eo ee oe aeES ee ee Oe Co eo Ns, as So | SO ..eG —., :elaNlSi— .me :ee—ay— oF .SU ae Ce :tsTRSsoo oy Lo oo oo De oo oe oo an Do. Cg ae on ee Oe Oe 2eS as ee oe eeee asOS cas ee ees. :_ ..”oe a Oe ee me oe See BT ee eaee eaeee Ss a aes OE PES OOM ieNONI ES Lae a oa ae oeee se..Ae OU wee be a. LO oo |SER [Co a I.ee oo. coSH aee iCaaLEG enMe Ce aae ee ne Mea ae ORS es gs ON Gee ae ‘oe o ce . c _ x a a —o... GRO OU a > oe ck . . _ . oi ee Te OM a na Aria, Re cans ene Tae ane OP oe So, Oe RECN ee a aSNe DOS SEM sc Oe Nee Bere ee cnt a DME ee A Seas oo ee al Bk Oe: Se eT ee oN Ce PO es oe oe a oo oo oo . ee ‘a _oooe eeae 8oT |oe a,i ee i.oe— oo SN. ioe _.eeoe |.oo ee ksoe|G aoe aesae oe aa oo aa Ce ne CO ao.. oo ee oe ae ge ee -UU — — eae LOG. . oe Se on CS Oea ee ooop» ea Oe As ._Oe Lo. oe an oC-aee: oe Sooo. oo aOe eee oo C. CS a. oo ee oe ofaee ey — ~~ Ba eee PEE SRS BIR oS a Man: OS UIE CR I OOO SCION eo SOM SO ee OIE NUON Seceae Ses ESTO NG OOS Beart PE Es Ne ane POS BMC a eee ene ee SS Soa
ee Ree CRS oe Dee Co SC IG ee 2 a a. SA See Oe ON aR Be: ss SR CI BO EES Be os oe Gs See ieee ON es Pe nae eee ence Rape ee PS gases
o. .. | - a . ee >). a oe .. oe ._ . | OG OMG SON ss oe ie CSS ee ee ROR ONC: RHE NRO Oy eae ae a REO a Cae ROBO RIN eS USS SRBC: acres Cee, SG Aes Rasher PS Bg eee ee OS oe
ee oe Sy OE NNR Oe AR SOs SON eK as De ee ee UN ee Mineman lh oe eels or ee Rac Ne ee sa uy oo ES ON ORCS: SANE ee ees oe a PONS oF a SO eee a SEO Os ea ONE oe 1 Lo IPR GeOE , eas iy Gea a en i AOE oN eee Ce eG RNR BO ea. Vee oO eee — i Coe re UaeeEsa SA US aes BOON CONES SeEOS . aesee ie ee FeRRO 8 a Coe We oaSS Oi Pee ONO Ee ea oe ON SO Ue . Nao eSSe ea AU a ONS NOsses RUS ed BOA a SNa Oe
a Le Ue: eS Re So an A ok DNS Cae ee. Rs COE ee ere sou ei oh Bice CRG SE a NG RN SO Sn ORNS og en Oe OS eo SS ee See Wee : i a. ae as aT ore ATi ae ve OARS Pas Me oe Ue eee Ue EO Ne AG ee Cit PMNS i BRE NDS ae ee ay, SO SA a RS COS) a NS a
Fm . ee a. . “oe _oe. ._. 4' oo aoo NG a aoo A os CER GN Re a oo aoe ee oe —. a,.eae .oo. oF ee aeReolooee . .. -aa. ao. eeaOe en,SNoe ipoeaeeeaOSs . oF oo.
co ae ooo es ee ON) a TO oe aCaBee oe es a eR ees es imSe ee oN ee . oo HCN TRU Ss SOG ae uu Been olan a ieee oe aa Va —.. aN SOUS aDo, Se ass, aHe aSs OO Ge aSCe Coen ae ON aHee Se o 8eS) aae oo .NN oc .o . :. : .So a. a. /ae oe aeCo .ae So NCC icc: ay aee aSa ee oo. Se .oo 7oF .— on — | aan .AORN a.oo _.Ree — ae oo aoe nis on Me onetlant Ba Ls NN A oo oHG aa|aoo SCN ue Oe OO ae eae CC oo eo Oe, iii We eas aa.Co: oo iek Re IED asOR Co IN oe _GOS a%See peace ea Oe ee oo ee eee ain Oe oo .ee 7‘ee a. oe ao a oe ee ae oe ee ce ey i ee ee ee ee: Re CO as Be es one es: ee oe . . . . . 7 oo ae as ee ne ay oo BN Sa nue eee Fa bse: ee oe POC RIC ae ee RU oe BUY Seas oe : Se ees ae S a _ i. oe co ‘ oe ee oe oe CO Ro Ses ee. ee Oeics ee OU eee a oe aS . oe (oe BUEN oeoe Be asol afe So a ae Ba paeeees ONGeee ae SHaaae es aNDs SRGOs TKO” eAIR OS Sei Ae ce CSO aais RRM UDE PS, SA MOIR Salih SEG RENN Aaa ee oa BN ORO a CR ee ae LS oe RS ey IN . I eS 2K ao oo a Ne Se ein PIGS PaO NNN Oe es ee oo. oa Oe es Tse OM an. Oe os — . a. a oe ee ne ee ee oe ea a Os oo oe ee) ee ey ee as Se te Ei ee Oa a) OE a,Oe ee Co. Ps .2Se Bae ee oe 1Sco eae ae es . OG _o aioe L -oo eenen . oy a7.as se Coe co ases RN Be Ves ER eR le es (0 nae oe NEN OR eo nae a: oe i ae. OREN Oe eg ee us ORS sone Oe URS SU csTS :aCee oe Bu GONE EO ...... aoe Me 8. ee . C oe : es es oo Ce a oo ees oes oe Oe ee Pe ey a nies Se Le oe oo ee Lae ares eae ue oo a US Le. Co Oe PO Be es Bes eas. on a eS US cat REO a ce iesOe ee 8 Oe le Cn Se a eh o a SC Wega CN oe an a. ie oo a |.(... ee nese oo. oe Ne . Oe. oy eel ON CN wae Ss ee Ceae Seay Berrie net ees SNe ee eeeee ae oe oe Pale SR oe neee oo Oe oe a ey eee cn ee ee als Le a Cae ~~ -. | a Ce ooa ae Ne Se aose SOC eanND ie cS Oe te SN Ses CSO IRN esoe ees eee ee Re RES LO aeaos) ae IESE SS A ay oeoe. SaOU oe SSS — se a. — Oo oe, a Ce) ae Ce OG a es Ske NS oe Se oan AE a a A ae) ee ey ee oe v ne : ee. i oe 3 ii i. Bk SS Cee Be ee a N so es SS IGS Ga Oe en oe. ee oe BS SE ie Ae 2 aN ~— _ Bee Coe oo oFOS oo .Co fsea) oo aeiLo ee Oe —aoe Ws eS ‘eyye oN Pe) aCie a ias aeaH o.. ee aSe q.ae ion . oO es ny Oe Co 7 a a Oe a oo Se oo. .. Fe oe oe oe I as ee oe as a De MG — Os — aas Re ae a oe .. LOOM 3 es Seam De ee Oe oo Oa) — oo a ee oe ee a es | TOON ee EON TS ae CD eee ae oo. “A oO ee Coa RAO ONG ARCO oe oe Re _ ae eee a cn ”a. a.ee _ oe |.aco. oo oe oo ee a.ien eee) aees ee ek rea Oe oe. ee aN Ce asae OUR Lo ee oe NS. pees a Oe es ee sees aeaa.es 4. ek i. — oo 8 Ca ee To RE oN ahd oo oe Re a COS ee Nes OO Le or a ae ee ee Tea ON CaN) ee ea eee oe oe ae ae en ae BN ae ae ee a oe oy oe Ces oo ae Ge oe es oe ed a ee. oe Cee oe NON oe OG) oe as TO Hh OO ca y Ss in as AA Oe a 1G Seas Nas ee — soi ne ae Sk ag) ee EON oo. tea EN SSH Yahey AAC SN UCU bee es SESE EN i; oe. oo Oe” Oe aed es as >SS: Fe Rae iLe Oe cue oe Oe ee wis aoa Gre oo aOc Ss Nae ah ee eeee uA a ee aaa aeTe ee a. ae se PO aesae Cay aeoo Sees aae Cae aaPU oe OO as oe oo . oo .eeoe oe 2|Say:i Oe oa eae Oeoe ooas ee Eee eed eae Oe aeaOR NO iOs ae ei ic oe es oo Oe SS Sees ee: oe L oo aeTe a.aTee wae oeee SS Se esSOs aaa ae Be et — CONN eae Pe NCR aN oe Oe es ONG Oe oe _... SO Ss oo Cs CO .Gna oo ARS ae oe .Me ee .Lo oo. ae aOO Se ee SE Oe SL eo ae es oe. oe Se Ue Oe Ny Cc Ss le ON ey Oe a si o. (ey . ey ee) eo oo oe 0 ae Ry oes a Dee OOS oo. Og Doe a a on PUD eee: ea ae OU ss genes ONG ee ee . a , Rise: as ie eo OSs oF ONC PGE a iae ae oe ON oo a ON NO ak ae ae Ce ae a — i | DO as oe oo . oo ae oo oo nee Gs Oeee Sey asaee a ae CaN oeOe CO Oiess SO Pe TSee cass es a Socom Re aintae aS ANG SEERA ooal ee ES Say De DR Setsee ae USE a ee oe. : Te ee ee ioe NS ee Ns eae atM ee Oe .OO . aae a.ee aoo. oe CU 1B i SMG BNA SEEM Co Seer ae:oe MOOS ae oe aen) aoe Vo CER EG USS ACN Oe aia— ee . oo ee) oo, ee eo ea ee aMRS a, oe. oo. — ae aesaeee NC ae OO iy Oa Oe. Bs Ne ee Se aAe ON le oe oe oo a. ol aoo ee es es DEIN ON oe ee Ces ea Ue es ee.a Ea a.aN SO ee es OO Coa esSR Se_oo eta oo Ras ie oe ae a. aecoe eee ,ee Oe us ee ay eo ae aae ek Se ea AD) Ne ee a— nS aoo oe Ne a. cae OS ee Coe eae ee ey a OO ee oo. oo ee oo Coe oo .AN _ae.. oes ie a ee OC A he ON ae Sens Ce OR PS OST. Se Bee . Ds Pa DN ea Nie hs oe ..Be. oo. ae a oe oe TR Moe Be OS a ae ee oe Se Ree as Gr ie Ee OO a Seca) a EN . Re a SON Se nn en a, « ae AOE La oe Oe oe ee on ee ee re a es See CA eee Oe a a. FG aN ee EN oe as. aee i Co oe oo oe oo OIRO as Le eae Se SON ss we a ... oo... ee oo Dea oe Se ee Ho |. oo... COG LOS eo Oe ee ay oe i > ay oo ce oo ae oo . oo oo Pee a . in ail ay ES es ls iG OG eas NON LENE SRC TIN Oe aN Ce ee IES es LESS ke eee eH eee Ss Sa OCR! ae as AOS eines 8 eRe? oa) ess ey SOR SO nn . TS oa nil Lon re ENG: a Le. ee ORR OU ee SN gas Oo oor oe Ca ae a oo oo oo . oy . oe Lo a a oo Ce Oe. co ey fe oo ee ae ey CAS ae DES ua Ce oe ee a oo ey 7.a. oe ee ee Ok eo) es es oe es oi .. te ae FO ao ae a a eae oo ‘ oe ioo ae aaoo Rae SOROS a.Oe. Se Ne 2oe Chas le . ee ey-aloo ee oo i. oeoe Es ay Nex ae oe Ov Co oe a oo ae Ce oe oe a Y a. ae a. ee a oe aoe oe SVN EO OT —. aS oe a ee sae ee nes, ee ly Co . Ne eal re a... ae ee . . ee Co ee ae a en Lo a a as oe oo oe oe OS ea Lo ee ae Co Cn Lee | a ee oe 2 ee >... a nS Aaa a ORs Se oe oe ee oo aee aoo xa a... ee 2asoe oo he iONG ou eae es oo ae: es oe — Nee: OO Ra Se) coy os OG aa i. Ce eet ee oe an Os: aA ee ae aoe Pe ae acnc: oo -_ oe NRG ee NI aw a) ae es Te tae aa, ae ae Bee |uy Senne as raise Ee aees SOG ae. oe ae — aoS aok _. >. Lo aOe co ia oe Co el oe Hen Oey ii... oe 7ee.. 7hs .neee oo .a =.os — :CC oe aOs Co ol. Co ee oo. iSENG aCE LOS On ie eee ee ON ee Se ee. aaeae ak aee ee Ce ceie, oo ee coe Ce aae ae eas aoeRON ae on ee oo Asn aPOOREST ak — 7oo “ Le _: Se ne aSO oo ee — co aY .io_. ees Ae Te es ae LG ie oe — a. aSiaiteeaoO oe ESS Ue re ee POSURE NING BS Oi Set aLe eseiona Lee NM BO ORES ey Sn AN aE oo Nis a.a... Ls, aa CG. aae ae ON ES Co 2LE, aes NS Ree |.ea)eae PO i... Loe ea “Os )ene oe es oe — oe oe oe oe oe oe ee iete oo .pe einai COO Gee aUO oe ees Oe es ce es Oy aii UI De ae Ne aes ae aes iiles ilCO Teo EO Ra eene Ce “e ae. ae eG oy oe 1ERAS as es 7We oe oo a‘ae oo ia. ee Le aa ee ‘4 Oe — OSG eS EEO . ae. oe Co ee acs ee Coss aBO Oe — on ie. Ns Ler Se. Na anes ee EOS
ee a i a. oo. | iS ... eee ge De Oe oe -... oo | _...
Ce |. -ae sySekea *i oe Gere a ; a CG Ce as oe ou a_ SSes oo LC | . oo . oe Be one GA Seo See aN ee a |. RNS e
eT ee a aea ERS co A Cest
oe : _ o ; oo : / , a o a ae Do oo “ a ae . Ir
. ee oe ee ee ee ie ee es oe a _ oo —
rr es ee ER ee..negeaa HES ee ae aSee CEES hers! ... . anes ee oe ee eeee eeseeseneeta ese eee ee eae rae; _ a . ee Ny ae oe es oe ee one eB ee Se PEE pone TENESSY ae
2 CC Esee aeSsoo SE EeSHES BeBeene ereeeeeSeres pees Ee ooSSeS ESEERE SSereSeuraenenes Se ae eeeanSE SS Seen _. - L — Be Saas. aeeae ee SESS eenseaten eran Soman SEES ee ee SEO Secerrere nantes SE:eee SereneEES ee eneees SLAs ene net .
-_ -ee .ees. —rr—“‘“‘(O‘COirOCO Ss aBoke eeSESeSe Ceeeee eae ee aeoe esee ee ee ee aera BESS ee ee oct es Ss SS ee USERS ee is DEERE oH eee seareieraitee pape ideSEER ees SEUSS rise oo 2 Ss eee oe a ee 2 aoe ee Ses eSLsESE mips aeSame ee neh
-aoeoe i.> ee a... . . _ _ _ . —er—e ee.=== ee ees oe . |. .__| -_- :. :| _| = _ |es a | cee ee oe ee a oe ees ee ee Ae . HES Seoie ee eeaeeaneae eae ere ae Eee ~~.—rr—eE eee ee ———e ee ee ee ee ee toeee EES Perr USES ees _. — Co oo SS es oe Es eee ee eS — — eee coe ee os ee ee ee _ =. es ee eee COsee .eeSEDER a eee SonesEES eae ees eeeee ponies Ropar ee anal UG ER SGEE eeEasSEE 8 es He oe es ee ee Des Ceooe o CeO nee ENE Nes Be — . . . .— . _. -._ |- .:
a ~~ he ee Se ee BA asc. oo | . ee oe . eeoe Be ee |. oe a ~~. —.BESS . Ss ee eee Ss ae oe— oooe—rere—e Le Seeoe feSESS ee eeee es ee nee C=” — . aeeants ee EES peer Ess Sorecee aeSA ntnee =e ee . Se CESS erasSERESS ne SEE ee SS a =. ae oe -oe =—ereme ES ee eSEESS create ear EEE OEE OEE SEMIS — _ _ oo ce ee onan oe deve Serer oe SDS Se ee Sem Boa eee eee mises SSN a Pe SA es pairs ce peers ree Buen aes PEE SREEEE aaees CASES COE Sop Renreaaae TAS Se aeeee reas -
. oo ss oe Ee eee ee cae ee = eee Ce — ee pee pee etic ESS peers aaeee aa caaaats eereneeies SORES HVESEESISES SPEEA i. ee ee eesC a |.oe EES Reraraiere SEEe SESS EESES SETES i es .ceoseeEES a 8 EN ae 2S ee ESOSSS . eleoeire pees Se eee Eg eae ONES SsSERRE SEE ee aes SS . | . ee ee eee 2 Se eeeHee Se s ee = ee Benee ce eeee Seaeee Peete eneeae ESSE en Sararenanen SER seriesToe acresTe —r———S—s eeaeeeCae . oeeeESEE ences eee eee eter f eeeseeGauci — Se eeneee a ces ee SAS SES SSIES setters
=. : - oo i. oo eee . Ce ee es Se Os ee EE DEESSES — =|eeeSEas Cee ces Ce ee ee eerienarenes nS ee. es eee ee eee ees .a... . . Boe EG ees Be — es Sean DOS pecs eenen ee ene core a peor Seen SURES EEE: BESS: Saracen eepenerioeane DRESS oe es co Sesneeeene Se ee core Sees: ee SEARS EES ee .. .eeFU | pens: Ee eune eteee cee eea perce oe SeSes BeamSs ee RESET IEE peereaen SESE SESRERE seeeree SHEE ES . =. —oe ee Re oe ee ee ee afsee oe estoes os See nan Ge eens Scns Se eaecera SEE SEO ee aaee SESS _ a oe ees esee eeone ae SeeSa Eee pane oo eee OSG ES eeEES oa ERAS See eee Ne UME SESE UES Sees Sacieneeaneeees Tee a_=._. ee es ee SO: SEE ee EPS BEOSEIEE rene eee SEREES SoS EES) SP 8 See . ee ee ee ae ee eee SEN EES ee perma Sonne cae Oe . oe -. A es a ee ES ceo: oo EEE : USES enone ean ees se Sener ee Raper ccna ree pase pees eee iey rosa Se SESS es SSS “ . | | . Ora — EO ORO G fe HEE PE SSS ee PERSE oes UES Ee Ee SEE SE EU ES ES ee eee ES ene SRR aS SS een Sun —=—seS ee See eee See HEGRE ee ees eas ea SoS es SE: erate ae paren Eat eee ees Sees peseeiantens ee ee EE paapeaatas SE SAS EERE | re-— PREIS ee Sseaeeee ences See Rereenery ESE EE eeees SEES ponent eee 2 HESS oe SOS .. oe es ee eeeecias eeeee ee ee es esee SOE ee Seoe ces .a_..... oe eee a=. — se eeaeeOn eo ere SSSI Eisen aesce nee eres CEES reacts Seas ... ee SS ee eee es ee Reena eee ee —. ee oe oo ss ee DIURGUE Pee ESeeas AOS Speer Ai eeSUSE Ca eee _ornremes at SORES .eee a oeeens tyRonee ™ ‘a Ce a.ESS eeaePPE ee CE Se ge aeeoe ee ee aoe eepee _/ ee a . ee Sieten aes peace oe: RES US Pe canes . oo os nate BES: pants Sha Behe Baik Pen earaess BESO Rae renean Seno ae seapres a ORES EID SORES span hetette SESS SES | sto. ES CC eeiteresee ee EES pene onease i. eee ese PRESS Soe oepeace anne pares |.Cees . oe ee_ ESS ES ee ESLES a EE pes 2eeeser eee re SS: eaeSERRE seen pperrats meee ener aesSEES SE z_. . . a a ee 7 SS ee erator NEES pres ee panty eee | es OSs Se nee ee Sa cceeeere acne ee Sear ere ees {LEER Ee emcees SE Ceosee Seheer oocee eeeBOSSES ee Ss Ee SEs ee ee. oe Seappenee eee Seeeeeens Ramones EES Bees Roe eoeaseae eens JESSIE PEE |eo core ee ee SE EE ee ee peanernt SEES See SAE UES ereSee ae poeaaaienen epee cateBananas Soemrmaentirs eat aeecersmane SESE En
[_ ee ee ee ee Cl Oo es Sea eee —r—. — ~=——rsises—eEN Beane See ae Susetets oF SESS Sane en eae Aes ee ES pace: Beers SE oes Scene emer Reena ESSE SOROS Seana eee as why
| oe i Renee ee eae os eG as ee es eres EES Se RUE Saneeeree ate ae ences arene Seti SRS BEES IES pone ES ge ieee eras eee pean SEES SEES Rennie SE pecans ares ALO porareees neeeeeS
meetee oeeas ... @ ‘neoFLees :ae.Co :ve :mae .ia) 3Oe2oo ‘ee 4oo :eeoo -| Cee ew .aeae aOe Oo. ee aORES —.. es ON oA oe oo -— PS ROG i.Es oe ae oo pe ee — oN ee es oo oo ..Bi ..oeMice -;Se: oe aGe . oe 7Ae -— Me oo es— ce ae ee aaes oe ay PENG oo oo )% i.aHee .oo. eo ’ae — ee Dae .ee LS a._. . OES oy .ae De aN o ek . Oe YANG Oe AN ae es: es ee: NG yee a eee . Se ee iaat oF AUN Fen aee Me pe ae Co oo Se ea is aie oa NER, a oe os ae oeoo . |-. ae .. PS ee Ne = oe Be GN oo i os oe ae OG es . ZR ane aes ae :: . |ro a a . eo i... ae Sh 7 Soo a oo a te Ce oe _. ey a ey, a) oo a. on ae of _ ~~ > * oo oa oo oe . He oo a 8 a ee oe o8 oe Cie ee oo Oc a a ie a Oe ne ey ae ee oe Se oF Byes ee . We eeeeBe oo eS oeSe oe Bea a_Ons NG .ee! ay oy a:- ., oo eK-ee ooee eee] | SS eAes oo BESae Pseas aee oe _— .. Se EN eea Cee es ae DOR Tas Ae a;= .ee OG oe oo ee oe : ee os eae .pes i. -Pe“=|Oa :ee : Oa F ::|:— :54 ae es Se Co oo _oo oo -aes aeis ’coe :Beos .Wiioo: ..eea|| foes =.oo. x| |eas nee _ONE: =. aOne a. oe Co ed . Rune ne Se eee Oe as BOR. 2.Ceae htiyoe aiAM MA ae . “f “: :Rey < :te ::NiGe Os ':;.ee ; oe . POO .ies|.BON NENG ee— eeeeeS a2ae oo:eee ee ee aea ee aOe ee oe ee ae ae aC — REN Le SS OR \ Cars a EN Co Ce a POS ees ae uae a Ca ne oN) ae ee rads Nes co aren se Wa Ce es eae sey Le aa _ ee Se, Ss —
Soa i..ee nt . pe Wee ee. es ee a a LaNO oh es a Ra RSLeReee(NA Secor reatoo a RON — — . Re es res So a ona vane aOeNS ee Hee en eee a x ae Sa Co:SieeOS ne es ooeeoO ceee .osTN Oe.A SAAN ee a) ee oi SO) eeOY) Re NGI Peaa| SES ORG Seeeveeeon ReesCN Yew aoe .i. .ee HOG SER Ones .. ue ee ee aes ae nae Rees ee — waBoeke Red VE aeeeeae ie Sao TA OR Cao: e S REooAOy, oe ORS Heentea ate eee gosSS
oo ee ”ee WR — ne eae eeaeUe Oy as — Oe eegs ge Oey Os oe,ae — : ee _..ee ee .ae eae eae eeSoe .es SINS TeRG aie eee SEES esoe SEE ee Fa: DKS Ws oe en Wiis een Se i” a2. .;$ Q.. oe aoo oe ee oo .SS aae ee oeee Se oe oe — oe 8aeOe oe oe ee ae ee ge aEe -—.. Sees ees -—. ee Nae area Loe "i_Oe ee Q — _:2A:ees ..aE> ee Ay a.a .— oes ay . Be sees OER MiSs _oo os me ..ae 3IES ae aTe : :oo =ee 7a. Se oe .eeoo ie oe ee oN oe.Te oo ee ae .oe ee :Oy .OI ‘aS -eeERG :3;STU :=:aoo. |. . -.. oeBOs .es eeee . mes _.Ee Oeee Eeeseyeee Sou OO Sere Reaypees eee - Rea eeee RIS ve 7. Sui Sepa ee Sy OR
. -— ee . - Se Py eo oe oe BGs: os a as a | a oo) oe oe Se ee a aee ee.oN a| oe — oe Moe oe aoe aGe :: =:| — ee oo) ~— —. .Mies ~~ Ls Ce — ie..ee |—. —... _:ee~:“he — iaNy oo ..._. :.poe ..a ..Lo a. i-:.LA oe: Ne ee . i~~
| .oo a. — Be | ee PRS aSOR ae es — Bes ae on ia oa oypee -— eS eeoe ees eas panes ESS |. eee ee ee ENR Paes ”cheering oo ayes Rae ae Sone TEs OS ooo. es es .ood “oe _., Sie .|CO 2::;:oe .;|ee F: . .Ges .se —.. oe oe os ES, SH eee oe ER | Ne .RA SOON aN Sot .ee ne oo : ”oo - 'oe ns = BS EG eres Ce esee -— ANS ean SRN aepone: Ae: ee aN . ee : A:ss oe |—e |oe := oe cee OS . ee ee ee Se ee CRTC Bees anes Renee NS ie oe aaoe ee oo | ee asos os a& ooa .oe ens POWRAS Sites ue oo aeScee as oo ee .aEsbee OE eeOSANG Ug Se .oeHe . AG aN — oe ee eas Mee Be Sy ae a | sii Oe es eos I CONS ok ee SS OS Se ee Eeeoe. es . oS es ke Os Bae ed eee FoesAo SoS Coen oN eees. OES GGENG: Se a ON _ — Le a Pe Co Pe ee — od .a. 7 esa|eo. _.SUS oe _eekee . i8heen oe . SeONS aae ooms ee \eoBs....).. ...os.ee ye a oe BSS ee me ee |eeoo Bae oo hee oN Be . ee cae .Cea nee aree erie oy ae PANU 5: eee .|. oeoe ee .See EES ee ye oeBe . ae sees ae ERS ar eeeie oS Bae: eos ee os es es i ae Ca eeOe HGS ae Sees sane ees See oo ee . VGN oN yy oe oo -a.ofAAeeooe. Ets ~-Rainn me :=Beeeeso:.:Sia -ee0=eeBigs .oeBS:LON = 3: eSae:eseeaeae :Oe aoa Fee ENG abe ee Oe oeabeaes — ce yoo ae as— Ss aeaeee ae Le aeas aK ae aes ayork oT oes es coSa one «ie aSe amen Bocce. _eS een | . oe oe .. Looe oe eee an Bees oe) oe a Eee ae POSS ae Oe ee os . se es os oe oe . ge oes ee es : oo oe . . = : é _ . : ‘ :a ||ae|“pit : : , ete ie ee a oe So oes ee oo Ne AAR . He oe “>.esee,oe . 3oeAP - oe Pee Oe . . aeeHees oe poe ee ee i RGSS 0 ee oo)es ‘6—. ee oe ee _—. oo . — Se NG es earsoeOe: LIES sae Sa oe ee
oo. oS - = oa = —
— oe aSaasee aaete—iis oo .=BGs %aes Ses 5x zs ;SONG, : a| i.|ae ee A ie = aoe a—. ee SS oman .:oe oe — = aa =e Ss oe = Le ES AN Deco SURES, OR oo . oo aNie Re i See i eeee — Beies ce Nee oe es SO.. : : : : “ y — = canes . Ne :Be |ie= oh ‘aeoe aoeate ak Sf oe — “7 -eae Ee ioeoo .co:ee :oo -eees |.ont es — 7;:_: : z Dg oe oe _aVON -aoBees a2 aecae ees a..oo. oP oe.— ee ee ae es] oo |“,:oe ieg ee ee be es ne ae donip otntae = :| | oe : ee 4 —ee > | ON ate os— — esae 7 Ses. 2 OS oe a eS A aoe oe ie. es— Re Ree Shee EOS ee ideas nates PRESS ee ee aco ao es eS nas Sen ee oe xe ee eaten eae Mrs See ere: eons Sy ea Ky oe WN aN at SU ESTER Dae PONS: SG au Sea i Eee Sn PEERS: Hause ee ars Oa Hes Sieh BR % AG Ap en ea pee se EERO oy . | :
RS 2) oo a . SELES yu Fae Ge ges ERS os a ax oo oS — oo Cee . sae oo. . ane ee ENON ie oe fee see Soe 3 up Sie es Ce ee ORR aoe Ss He : : | | : 2 | 3 : : . | ) | : : . ; _ _. oC na Be sina GSS See fe Ee Ce oo. ee Gn PE SIININ SS « ee, HN oo See eu fans Sate zo Ba mt ae aS oe ae Ese
! ; : : . oe 2 f - : - | 7 : od ee oo . oe ue . oe ee
eee SEI SSS: as Pe ae pare - ESR saben: rams Cs Sees Bese Ee, es Sone Ve EEO — SS TERED Reo ee SOP SARA ORES Oe . . ae eS 2 . - . ; = - e ; :
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Se ee ee ik ee Ve Ae ee Ree | oe ae ROE oe _ a a OG OS ee _ oo — “suas a an Cee cae — i ow —— of co ee | he oo a Coe co ‘y oe Oa .. oS a. oe pos ant oy neheee ES , eee 2 oy ae ee Se Mae oo i 2. Se ae oe i me : ae —— a ca. co ae ge . es ae, ea — aa Sie es es oe — ee ae ae ee es ae S | ee ae ee oe oe . oo Co oe oo.»_ ae BY — ee PSoe, DUS Ey rnSee aRe Bee geHace oooe i eS ree EESOs ooeeoo. se .LoS oeoyOUR oe.a. aa Ss — Cs-— SOS Ry COO. oeCe ..Ns eeees ee OOS eeeEE cr eee a po aeeeEES oe NR ee aeoeco cee Ny . oe comigi RYa aree oe ak a oe ee, ee ee oe oe oe oe oo. . oe OS !Oe , % : ) > se a : . < oo. ae Oe perce ae sees: ee res Co DESO Co Ee EISBER ES eee es ee OG ee oe Wie Hess oo ean ee ANG aes ol Co oe on Ce a co ae a ae oe FON % oe oe Ua a Os ee SENG a) oe iss oo . — oo os 5 : ; s te 2 : si ‘ : : ; = 2 is : _ : .. oO Bee eee ee Ss: ONG _ ... SESS Bes ae oe EIN o) Ns 2 SUN ce ee sas es Sees, 2) poets a oo oo es oo oo . a *§ oe ee es oo NOSES —_ | oO . a eee Ne 7ee‘oe \oo SES ee a7 -ye Os oe) ae Os oe oe ak ae oN, a eeis . ae ow .. 2xLi esee ee . Se oe aM es os Oka: ‘oo .co aOR LAD . ue oe Se Oe.a. 0oS oe ene Seoe A ok coast AN iia°Peete Se ie|.ee— a . ee Cae Ne) beeen eoie ca& aeee: aae Be oeoS — oo ‘oo oe EN OO ooNoes: oe Ces eee aSUN: eS aone _ |.ree cre -DENS mo es ::|: Qa:.oo a1:) :©‘oe oF aeeNSOS lo. a oe oo ee oe — coe oe nl -oe-ee.See ore ae ca! : ’ | i : , : 3 : ; se . ws : . c na sony . ee BOO Ree ee mee es ES ee OBES on oo a (SK eae SG ee ‘ — Cae oe ey a Paw Boe Rs ee ay SG — a oo iy ee “we ane Os Be ae eae Ao oe ee a POS . ee. eS ee ge ene ab Lo.Joo POS Ss SCO oe Sai oeOeos aeoo eeees Ke eS of asow ceees Isaeee — SN oeoo oO : a_. niin :ae=Oy ~ee : “aoe eo a.ee |iHs oo a| ON ee.os aon eee oe) 8eSoe ce — oo :aan oe |.|:See oe _Tee |ae : oe ce :we : —o :OG =— ~~ aeae a ee ONS OS AN Ree ae ces oe eeaes SAO oe;= re ss sea ee.SS — Wek ce Seat i.cece ae akee es oe ee Ree Lo ve .: xCoan aaae -ee — ae ee Sc ee oo .aeoe _. :icanoe — : eh .—oon :| cnes=-uae: ne ok Nee OS oy ae|FN ee eke ea. Die OR ES ae ceBice mann See oe -_= ee:omee xoe Neei SR i)oon rien re.corre USAR Ber Ceeoe aes ne Oa OS Ban 28 8 ge soee v AG Mae— SES an ee SA eS a eae RIN ESE CN eee oe ee eacece iennis es i on oe oe = se :r : Se : : ; : : * a . os DOU ae ee Caner ae oe on 2S ae CaS Roc Ane es eS me) Co asa ny eee si oni CLINE ae eas oe Be le . 8 oO oe oo 4 . ce | ey OM oo es ey : oe ae oo oo ae oo ee a . E : : = | | : : cs ‘ “ ar _ Be a) a ‘inane ie aes Pe Oe Senne Baa A Ne oe Se aaa NESE? ae Lee — coe oe _ UNIS co) oe OOS Ce LO) Le SG ae Ror SS Chee eae ee ce a. ant es oe ee ee y . on ae Hwee NN oe oo) Ca OE — aN RO: oe oo i “ “ : = — : : = OGco SOG eeoF SoOe Se oa aean ONG oe ee oon . —.. _ eecoy weeCe: — SO os ee Cn saltSe aeoe NUS ee SNe US oy il— PG| oo ness — —oe ooSh) oo aLo cy as "Coee ee aDa — .OS ieoo eiune Ss _. ae ee oe eee Sy ae a— ENS ee. |oo. Ni ce aee Sau oe BOG De pone Ps EGee ee uN oaee eas aa oy LNG oe ae ae eeeee RUNS aces ooneuer eSoo Oe“eee nel TNS: CO oe — of ’ens aoe Ue aao oe es oe oo Ao Oe oe nes iOe Os eseS a) 8oe Ny — ai anaes oo ope one ay oe Le ee .A xDue a Oe ee Be Res aes LOG De _aes— SORES — oS oe Sones De oe me me _re x eek =OS =ROSS 2esNOs =ee 2co “eeae = ;" > aieMe asoO ee ak ae ae — .a.RS oD a. oe aees iene er yy a 2A EN Cee ee See es Dy ROO sy eo Leos . oe ee“ates oy aeAe NG Coon eesiesoe oe ee awe ee RIoo eee Oe aLo:7ame . ee as Oe as ee~_ ON ee Oe— eSoe Sas auaa a aoeMe osee aeae: DONG Sn eeSea, eeoe ae ae ene eeswomen” oe ‘Ga Nas oo :eee : ok 3Coe ri x : on :Lee *< ftoo a -— zBey cbe aoeae -a. me ee oe Cee Se Oe «LON ee esLee oe ea ee ee isOT in EG oN Ne eeAN nee eeae Re ORES aae3 Re Cos a a oe oe See oe ie oe oe oe 0.0% “s a Bac ae Z 7 Hoe oo. K a Ny Se. ee oe oN ee oo a ae oo Boe ene Cea See Ne a i: oo ae ae eee Pees Ue oo cae ee oo i ce SS ee 0 oo o. oy CG i.eeco . SN DS oy ek Cae aeaeeens oY Geoe oo oo. Cc een aeoe osOy es ee Oe|oo Ce ..ae aan yy aes oeRes aSe ow ceDOE es ee os eeoo ORs as oe — me a== : fi = :ee :; :: ae Ss ee 2a es oe ee ne See ON | SOG ..as ae as a a) aayee .ssaS.ee‘|oo “St= “AC =?es =es Bee Oy ek _i2oo oes leaae ieSe . a.oe :éae =SU. oF me Co a eeaoeae 7 oooe oe OO) we ee ae oo a. oe OG Se a AOae SSOoo oe aOe i oeCC i OU oe Ge yeos y ee Se Crs AN aa a= ees= a oo
| oo a / ee “ . oe oo clei aeaiaa oe ae a : . * * 3 ae . : | . | oo oo a. - . : a _ : te 7 et a. .. oe —— aT RR =
pean on . a _ co a oe i oO oes. oe . ee occa rei 3 —— : : aoo ai ae oo... Ss os eo aoe a a.oo etoeoe~oo ..oeoe oe.eswi Lae oo :;i ae Co ae es oe oo |.Cs aaeae Ce oo. | Lon 2ye er ut =asoo =—ie =oe:6CO Z= | :Seez.:. e:Co . Fes, oo. OO i. Cee ee ee ee ee) ) ae 1 Le Oe i" ie ie i | ee a oo oo mo ok ue co — oo. a | — = — : a Oe a, Le ae — oe ee eG ee Be oN es eo ee -. oor eo oe en oe : | : . ; ; , , “A oa ; ur : io — ae ae Pa Ns Eee Ss Do up OG Pe ae oye ue es a a te ene ee oo. Bece Les yeFsORE ieeco eu. ne |.ee ES, a0 \Nees ne |... Nn aOsaByoe ean 7. ao poo" cea Ve HG ee=“aoo ee := Be ey.WAG ee POON Sy ..ee :ee _oo We Saon ce1:Se ee ar oe aTe yeas uyaca aedae aeco RYee esoF oo aBos - :ot — reao =oo :ae ==== : : 3:as es Coe. oo Co aoe el. ony oe aeee Bice CO eee Ce ans Bes on ce ee ie ce oe ee — :Sy, :on :3:!):POIs =— .oe ... ae aOye oe ee. ee a- oo -telat aco. ey ey Lo A Co: oo .ce Co san oe Ve oeOOS oo se ET aoe nee Ee Ce _=3oS Boek .._ .Se °... oe oovy a.oo sc ESS Ks Eee aio) Oe ee Oe soi oe pce as Hie Sica se oe Ceae oe _ ica |. : oo —— an oo. 5 oe | . eyaay ae ane _. .2.Loos . |. ee BaCONG ee NG ce ee oesa oo ie oe . awe —asaea aoF: nee : : =. ‘z oo = 2a ie oo. a ny oe oe a ae Ree SANG on ey ‘“ oe ay ee OER oN OA Ry ae a a ‘ eds a oe es ae ee oo N) GIR ean Ee aes es oo Ws oe oo pias oe oe y 7
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BOO Ls= ee aee eees eeDeere eeete SS ..co Tes ce ea Use PGSO mS ee Ee Uh ee Been Sean Boe oe cial ie a Ba SOS |— ... aeoe oe os eee oe ..OO oe Tee ee oo Sa Se ee ane Oe oe .CU Nes oe a) .::,:ek 7ioe be re :eee we —* : oes oe | _HA Bs oe ae .nsitaus Te ee Os ioan ee as ik bk oN iPeas ae ES es, ee ke LO oo ee vee ee LSBoe WAN PE Co ROS aeSO Ts Ke aeSey ee OG SO Oa oN Bue aa Butte eee .:Nee ne Oe= se ots :;ae : .Oe .ul=ae aa os = ; : : : : , s os me gmc. Ge . a oe — 5 : : : ~ : : : . eee ee es .EES eeee See oe oo 7 ee HS ae UA es ee aes ASRS ROINE? Nigncacn US.ce Ue cig ies ae oC YS BEN ON ees Sane SO orcece eee TOs il~ | ._ | oe ena ees Ee ee a ... we es ae er oe ae SOU ie ele SHEE oo LON a SEO nie eine . SE _.. Sa ve Ee a Oe . Ce ae LO Oe a ee | on Y GS oe oy ok anaes oo — a ~_ ee ee ee oe a ee ... asaes DAW RON SO HG ee OG ee 4oe ee oe CasMe NGiwiGiy: SO asoe ee)COS SON EN COUN: CG es ges oe as Ca UeGe PRES eae |) —088 oo : es SG . a ee oes ee io ON se oc a 5 ee A BOI) as Me ii eae ) SURES | ety Ne ne US eee See ee ie a Bs Lo oe S oe coe .. . oy uy Oe us a is BS . a a me oe a oy SAE, — os oe gee as . oe : - ~ i
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ue i eae tore Nie rs ee ESET>pone oe ee ee SSO Ti ae seussoe a Be els Rea ee ae Sues es IUCo OR wa RBC ‘ye . 2 .ee: ay os . a | . “4 aeeaegs one esViegas oo eee Hees oeAa oy oyTeUe eeassOho esooOe See Eee Oe eee i eeeCIOS ag ESI pee eeee eesae oo BsaOsay ES a. Baten Hs) as| Os Os ONY oe oeaa)oe oR LONee oo rs Bensae a oeNe. ea Ba ate _ . ee = -
To .— ees a a... Be ESS Lon ae ee.au oo3 oe SOE eeoooe ae ee Osaew oooe aoe es aemee a. oe oo-eeoe oes ee HONS Sea ecnce IOS: aDees, es _aaa a O80 ae aWs OS Oe UMA: a Hee ae ae. a wn NaN oe Be ayaNN aes ae A oe SS2Lee aoy ve HOES oeee oN Csaeoe Dees a Ae eeae Ce ae HN ae a ee NK oooe “eSo oo ee aOy PAG Ua . aa. Ves Man oo . Le “J a7 ee oo oe oy oe .oaOeaCLO .COs or :oo ae | sae . oo Le Oe oe Os a Bee oo ee Be ae oe a 1 oe oo Ne or . . oe Mee neBo Pe Oe eeoeLo paca see Les aes ee ee ee Poe eee aa oN oe iG oe oo Ra esi oo es oo | -— eea.|. oo NOS _. Le oe Oe ae 2 oo oo ee es oo Co ee o.. uy Me Gee: Se oa a SNS ‘isis ou Sl .. a. We SING ey hae) oes a ae — ea oe a Se See ee Coe) _ oe a oe eR Ce Soin oe Na Se seeas nie SHOE) a In SOON ee CN ae Sic ene Cee een eae hata SES SO ee es Nee es Se: — ee oa -oe .. sa=ee:mame arsga— ee ee “ ee ReOoosoe ae oeseee oeaeaCo | .as_ —a .— oe Eame oy | Lo a oei.Sau. a a .fo es ae Nesoo UNaBO co ae ooof
=:= =:ee =Z — mene casuieat LO aay oe ae ..aon ae Bae 7. . Oeoe eses oF OS CeSe PN oe NS .. = = aoo aoe?ee “s -)ae =Lo. oe oe ee .Ne: oo aee oo .oe er ee ane co re |;ee .Oe _oooe oo aen oc .oo ye oo :a°_ tee oo. oo yo omen one on .sae ee .ae oo ae es aoo. .»Co : : = = = = 5 : ae on oo oe ae oe a Dee oe aLo. ne= oe Oe ee aoo oe ne Ve oe oo oe oo ioo eeOa oaa LN ie — Ce oe tea .et >. .i.i .|.| 3 : = = | =e e : ‘ ee — ' oe oo ee oe ae a .. . ON . ee Oe coe an Ween a oe oo cae Oe ae a oo. ne an a TOO oan os ae co ZO oe eo ee ee a... oo . . | say ee oo | 5Eee Oa. ee a.:see Le en eR uu .= 0.SeLow ee i“. aey Nona Me Sie ae ea es .a— oe Oo PON sae oo oo Oak canal |.Bere ee ey me "ee a.ie oy oe ae es :oo 2Le .aes tok io... = :Oe 2ykPe = = vos :oeoc a. ee — ee SN oe eee Sey Shaan ee. aae oy eeee ae See oo PN VON oo aa oo .My ea oo ONY ma aee es =z 7esee= 3:oe—— =aeLe :ON ==:eee iee a-os = ) ee ie ee us a oe So ies oe Oy ae a 7. Ab oo eae * ee ke ee Oe i oe he oe i ce es . . = = = ae a 3 . oe) — | oo co a oo oe — a ae co oa ! es : =— _ a a wy oe oe oe oo ae -.. oo co oy oo oo an 7. oo oe . oe ::=:SEE = = :== *— anes o. es Aes Oo oo es Oe ee Bere aoe aLO es Ze bes _===aeRS:aaE=eeee;ieee. oe. oN. as oe aSon — Co ue . aece i. Co a..a. .eo | . .7..|4. . SO ae sain Te3 Oe oe oea es Sa os RA eeaCON Cea Sean i resoo eens . RUE Bs me Sey AER :OU = = == — _ha oe-Sue Ce aieBa ot aieoe Oe ou iWsoo oo. aa. ..Co eet Dy oo ae Ge La) aoo an oe Z :Date < non — |oooooe .oe .as “.oe aoe —. ce |.Hae ae oo on i .EE: ie Ne ae Lon ey eeaes eoOe a, oe a—_— ie aN AO au ee Cons Ce ee), oe oe ao AAe) oo en oe a.\)i. co Z = = ti ss coma Lo a . oe Las oo oo. ey lo ae rae ee . ee .. ey oe one oo a oo a es ae oo oo oe a a we — 2 oe ae a Ce :. . aoo oe oo a cs See a) ae oe es oo a ee Co oa ee oes oe ae a ee. os oe Ce Oe oe a oo ee co a Le a — oe ee oe a os oo ee oo a a ake Coy Ae Ce oo NS a) Coe a Le ee — ee oF . oon Me Co oo as ee a HS a ow oe Se oo oe oF ee cone oe ae os ee ee oN oo. Cas ea en a A oo a . potfcaw po onl oo Lue oe oo 7at..ia. oy Looe oo aOa Rs oeoe oo ee oe . ..oo. SON Seea Le eaaGe DeOG ee Rey oy) a oe a oe ROas ee Ree a vyae a hohe OS Sa isee _oe of Sy. Uae ieae ne aS a Te feaeeaae |. — ee ai oeoeaCe ae oenis a|.ey.. oe) os oe ee i ie Ce Ca Ae Ons COs oo. Osh a.q os oe. oa oe Oe eon oe es Oy ae oo ae ... oe aSey as) aaoo oe 1) .ea oe oo :oe = = — vais e _ . | . ees oe CONN RNa ae — . OO COCR Sy OG a SFU . : — a Le oe oe ae ss Cn oo. ee os ae oe Co We oo —. eo .. LG ee ae a a ae oy a L ee OO SR ao a ae og .. . — —_ ae . : : oe alee Os eats ue eel SO PR oe ae ey ca ... as rR a Ce Se oe .. a ee IR Se ee — | a ae . = = —— ee ae aS a a oo a co Mie :RE: a“e ae "BN we :aoere .Ns|ee.ia)-.SOARS oe |—oF A oo oo oS oo oo Oe oo . ,— oe .oe .ae ee EVO Ue Us oe aoe a— _eeOe Pa oo Oe eee ee ..eeEe aaca ee — 7]_.7|-a ;= seg aoe oeEee: ee On a ‘: BGS LUC RANG PEO PMN Rae eee.. Se ee Neo PES OsiORS: i eroe Ga ES BS Ge tee oe. SN 8 .oe -ae om - >» :oe - -_ we S .— |a ‘a)ag . ue y a oe ce . Ce .. . oe . a) La ee — Se So . !aae Z : n 2 “ — SS .. Ne . ee ee coe es 7 Se >. oo ae an .. UAE . oe oe BON .. PONG as ROO Sens oo eS ess eae ae — | ee Ns Aa: fe — —. . |. a — — ee oo . —. . — eae _ oes . ee ee Oe A ae a if 7 .. . > . : ss | : ) : oe ee : . oa | oo us a. Po ee a a... oe oe ey ne 8 oe eG . : ea —.. oe OG . oe oe Fo es oe o a oo a ee es foo Ps ee — Vas oe ae aes eats a. ae Ce si a i . _. “ : “ o aING es 5 8 .. oe ee ee EOS a Se oo Bs oe se oe si oe ss Ga RE BR belie Gee ae i oo ns ne ae calle — ROC, LON _ ee aes eee _ . oo les SN . oo oo — o Me . a, in bh : ; : = Doss .oe ..co .i..weee oe. ae eeee Be . as usaOn oe .eS “ae - :iee ;on :%:oeaee ;. Sot :: oe eeOe es |— Oe Cs ae Be ...ee ECS os oe Le ae .ae |2=a. ase| a. ...— ae en SOU oe. ake OSS aSS Ss — Wg 83 aisi ee a‘oe — on — oo 8ae Co .aBRU oo —o. ..oe>?oo Bee _Press oo ee Soe :— ee oe aiUN -.4|ON ae m — ee ea US as _a.a ee ce (an os Se ..Oe Oa oo iaSs;oe ay fon : Ca eaeen SOS oo ee RS os . .\— - oo. oo Wee Lay Soe oe ee Cree Ont aoe. ae ae es aeas eae ee |.ee Daan aseoe oe 2D |.oe .oe oo a. 7e|oF Hine _. aN eee -ee co ye oo. oe Peas pe :> eee Ce a . ee oo ee ee oe a le oe oo . a oe. a _ a we oS oo Oe a es oe cl oe oo OE Jae a —— ee o ae = i _ a cone ae oe ee oo A: a Soy o — — We ..|. Cee eeMRE oe oe Riel IK oo Oe ees i a_ Sieeo CLS — oo oe. . eae) aeiowe 3Sn ae oo ome esoe a Bee ree oe te 0 co aJ _oooo. Ce a— oe. iGes ~_ es eeNe agli: eeTyoo aAee oo
.ae-—ehHose oo :_ sa=ee en an oe SON i....ane oe one . aes . =) a: oe ares Bee Loy) uySe: ooooeeoaeee ao .oo ,3*a pe is ie: sre., ey .~ zo 203 SeLe ee .oe. oy) HS — .Ue .eee ooWee eeON esoo. OS oo Ee,ee ae eeae a aa.oe oN oo aaae Me »aoe .— aie= ssxm := . ;~35 ae ee . ee |.ee Oe eeoo ox_A be aSe eo oe Secs ae a ok en Fa iSCe Ne Ce ee NG Ne oe ee .ee S .ce OF —. i.eg |NON oo .iAis soy Pein EON an ie ee ae :eee oe |a.Hee nee Se -. Co oe Se oo of. “8 oe .ise -—. ee oo. aMie ae ou, ..Ba e*el Pas aaa cn ee ee oa ———— aeea2 .. .oe tgs ee es ey Os ea oe ~— . ae SAG oo ie) es i ea) ae on 4~~ a. — es . oo ISS ie SOs io CN eo er a Le a ee or, Pa cain Ne aN Ts eee ee .... |.ee Soe | ah oN Ron oe one oe . . ee So Hoe Re ON oo oath te ee we he oe . ieee ee ee ee oe. oe oa Oe LOH Cee eos _.. oe Ee Ce on Le a UNC sail Wa Be sn aie a a eeOe Hen oe EES ae | s ee A oe Be ESS 8 ses OA Bae . Se OOS Ba ee Be era oe BASS CoRR Sex Sa ae Nee: SEN Suge OG sane PSTN a LON crea alte a CUS Ha) oo Pen Oa cee cam Fay Wy enh :
Does Bae . oe ake aes -. . See die as al ee co aN Be eas CORES oo. Soe RS EN RON oo AN ean m a iene os er aN, eT I a i saint al 4
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LSND igoe Hee es oe2esee - aeeeee oo iN eee oe eae Re uaeSe ST eemo osA Ones asCee ieeewe NA Se oe ey pieae vo.oe i ee . al .:~= SEE ee Oe .a.Ge .es eee sc Bes Ne ae Oe se aeGe NaS . es “Fake . One >oe io. See ee ae oO ee oe ee oe oe ‘neae es HO a.Gee ce ee CO. Ae oe -teee :_':= a=;|: HE ges .Co .-Ne _Ss Bilis |ieon aSse |Oe .ONES _Me |Coe By ee Bes cs eeay aoo NORA Se nN Nes .oF .-oo ae , “?..::Ue :on hee :oeCeoF oneo -aeoo -. |eeoo) Oe i,Nae aOn es oo ae re ys Le oS os lan aNd ae EON es ee Loe eo aeeBOs aa Vo era oeae Pe ae ge) es ee hee ee _Coan eo INSN ee RT NG oo Se .ee — oe oece ae aey ee Mae Bs oooe Oe. ae ae oy ic ee as On eeae ieo nene oemas es aan a 8 . i = . Os es ie .. oe | a a a eS: a oo a ae So) ae OB ae Ak ae — — a a ae a oe — Oe ee es oo ee ee Ca oe oe i. en ao ee oo. (ee ee Ss ee ee oe a Le ane | peices So ae es oe es oe Se eos ay oe ey aie ee ee Soe ae es RO as ee a—— - aae 4|;-oo oo. See aAe Fee ale Bere) if a. iiieo ee co aSy :eeaah ins :-aans .oe 6. oiHt ,ea‘|oe ee ee oe aEe aoe Ae iaoeneih as ae He oa ale aiyRaa oe 2. ae oe oe aa:pM -,ce.ou.-ee _-hg | ee Se Nelo Rae es oe Re oe ae iHal es aai aSGCe ae es) Hi ae aes ce _. :a0een is :S .eee Kook oe -BO aOe es Se— rsed He ioe ASST esi aLan La oe os ah oni SOS iaoa Te Rae Sa, ee oi a= _TE:a. zca4 :7‘!2 |_Ps., 3 : : “ r : oo. | a SN De a See a ae a ee ihe ne i I He oe a ae ne oe Oe, . ue oe oe ape oy oe es oe a a a ee Ce oe ee ie ie esate oe oe eS ol eee ee eers OS SE eau ee CREE: | aia HN Soah He aisDens Sere HN Saas tyee eitita alle Hi antee aaene Ace ae ea nAie a aaNCH ea) neeeAnan eale ee > pM He bg sea Sona ae Sy me Con es) alaHy eae Hee Ree eG ee es Os OES oe SON ie Pe Sa iy Co i a ie Ss egy Wea Cail Sanna! ital PA ay Ls ny Ah Ha Sea al al el Fc ee Ina ain Sasa ih Vy Leh |oe Sean ee Beat SCONE: oo oe aoe col a ee thAin eeaALA alin ae IseaatyaN oe oi) a—. Sauh ae 3— ee ,as ee:os Be ee eae Pee ESS go a aLa nis a)aas aaINE Hes aBist atCooo aaaisso) oe a ae ihe a Hi | . aogees oe ou Aloe DNaah Pecan oeaPs ey Save i oeny en Ae ag as ‘EES GOS aesity esSeema: BOSS Ee ee sae
B iea Ses ee aoaaeaaae aeotcaHo oe ice oe a Ds a CoN oo oe aos oe aPoe als Pe Bee We SAR. He xoseaen s oo a LSS Ra asfauu es ee :eee ..eseeso .eee — -oe -wae - SAE /titeoe : eee =sb :ee es a on oe Nae ou Low eee Ne Rose aa Neier Ae Gs CORN a oe isoo SeRS See: ie Ae See eee oy ee:soo .Shean “ : . co aH i) ee Peat oe oe We aLo. oeee SONS Se POG ee Ke ae ae OMNES) a OUee Rae aly ea poeaN es :A UNi BORE ane oN aN ve SU eeoN Oeaoe Roe Ee Nae: Sees ears Ree oes eeeeaeunger sin ae 2 Ce coinMace ae BE oo Tos Ee ae Lee a :Rev oe aR NeOuoeON BsROR. oe eeeeAre aa 0 ae oe eee GeoSSN ae eee ne a at a De oo on ee ae aes i as es Les2 ee ns ant ah oe ee asaeesoo . oo Se Bea SinesaCe seesao oe EE ee : Se ee ENR Bones Bee
a ee - oo oo. Be - a *. i wee : ae ae eG a oo ae 2:ee i oS oo. oe . aoo a -oo | et ooee oF ; ..Be -_.oe oo eS a) Pe ' ceaa aeoO i La aeoats oe. it ae — ee He Pe paoS eed ;Es ". oe ss bes + : aD ee i ae es ee 2 oo ee a {a ae a ee — a } eee oe ee oe ee . oe ae ‘tie laa gS .. |. es : ,Q| Te Logn, cstaa. ap hae Se ve eaees Beee So a Sines: Se CSE SEGA one eeos Sea a ON Aa eG ROS Se AR Sates Sees : peee een -.>— SREEBES? coer eae SOE e ORS Oe ieoe Ree PORT ee: a. . SEO oe Recent aeeae Peeee es EE coaies ears eee ae olnoma oo .ve a ».— ‘ oo eeBee ; ‘.2c.
: . e : _— | J See SORE nee Ee oes SOR BR SSREE os ae pe pe eeeaeee Se oe oy es ae Pe eee
ae ston Sa oneeS SHES ae eS: ce TEES us peanges Sonaree aS omeoraor- mae Lege OS eh PSB
Bs EU ES Se es oe SA : ee ~~ ee ee ee Ea eeCo SUS sees ee ee SES LS oe ee DB eeee eee Sen Sie es |De Ss . ee . HOOT SA OSs ee Pee eae OB ee eee eeee eee DEES es nets ee EE TG Rs Se ey es ee ee So ee a te ee ee Ree: poe ne EE a oe eee Oe eS ee Ee ee rr es non : a -.hLUrL LDL 8 a # .. . # #§#&«» = re : SS rrr—“—rCCC . i eeu eee... oe a SS .~=—r—rti“. aee eee =. — ae (eeae— oo. De SO |-one ee ee J... Oo esses eee i:.... ee 7 a|=. —So a... aee.aco) OES Oe oo a yee oe. .... .SeSIaeeeSe— .aee fo ee Beat ae .ee — -oo — es. — oe
ae ve. oe OMAR, eee CS eee ee ee aos Sac eet NE RS DO eos eeee oe RS eee GIONS an aoo .Oo >. |.iN ee OO ne He ye OER ee peEES eee ee aSSE ete |eese eA NG Pe Sa Se oeSAE es ee aoe ere aSOS ee oeor Se ee SES ernie Je oo iee |.oo LOC ST aeSO a: ||ees COU Gon Wei Ne wane &emcncas SS CO 64 SNC iOS Satna TERROR Se oa oo i. a. a ROT ACaSt|ESO eau EIN ERVIN 8Ue es See eeePs Reson ni ES SEVEN OR cePe esOSS eats Nia neuN ROT ae SRE RRS SSE CiGEG DS a AeONS Bee nen ne me ne RUE en SOREN: RICC SSeS SOSDONS SeaPe NG Gees ae OS SOS WR avinSe RSEous ee oe oo Ee Se es |.eas ea BONS Sel GINS SE nN See ON ee Poa ea aoeROCCE ce Bem 8OS Co oo Ce i.Te ..SEES re |SEE eae ae SI CoE (See ases) uae eee RE LU SEPA ee: OOS, eo) ETE OG) iNG Oa Sa HA HR ON MN ih ae ike eer errn ERS |Teno Os ES ee aeee UN RO, Boe enon ee ee TO eee ee ee aS tL ee a| eo a. GN Ee OO AT TE Re tes BO iDG ane EO RISES Ce Ce eae OCU POCO Se ee FE RG UNE Es ee aa NG esTUE at Se ee es POA RS OU UE SCONES Oem ay re ee eee MES oa es Sen ee eens oO .ae Dt Ne RGAE see asaESN EE ERRNO BRS nn osa Hh SR EROS SS ants EE || ion been WRG eae pace i Ge ae, Soha SeCAM seieneis | OES soa ieitecetr tty oe ESMES ee RRS aSRN SS es Ors EERearn yes Cec encanto aseen SESS a ee, CMSB FOS SRG Hy SAMS E ON Su MIMD eas eeee pte SO Ge aiceCe eeeaee Me ee Bee ener ESS, ee ee re oe Soe SO SEER SEU ne NE ren oa EM ee ae le ae ISueR OSes ss ee A eG Oe Ne eed Oe oo ee Le Oo Gg oe fopoe a. ©. Cu ae OMNES oes ee SS a Ue — — | ee EUSTON Seine Cnc DOSER ORION DESEO SONORA Ce ere as eas oe RR EN ee aR Fs ONS ee Po eee ee ee SS. SRO oe eee Nae PRS Ce Ree a ES OE Soe oO | OS: osTeHh cielaeneeeea on OUR _ .— POs Sa ESS: oe ee SENS se oe. es A ee an | eR eGr Ue INES SED ne eines FF Se Se SEER OSES Pe SRR ane es oe SCONES Bs es ea eesieate eS eee eh Renan
oe ..oo . ooie a La LE GEN a WBS ill Sue StsSe Se Se)SS ADEE EEN RUSE CaOS SS Oe. CS SSeee 2 Ser SOEO aihne ROS RR aSNS a aa We OG Roluameanmesi OGee SURE eS SETS UN os By ES RRRcus M MNES Mabie! oe eSesARe a iG) ene es eon SOR REN SOS Gs LE eaeOSS ee ey crn 72 ene Gece SsOO CUNO eA SEE ESS DO RES IEE SSOar eereereae eant | Oe Ne ORG ly Nat CF ARG aIG Ms shESSE ACO) a RE SOOT SUS ESOS Gy eeae0a amon BS RCS SsRen eeeSaaS RRA Oy EN eee RIES ae eeeeSie ee RRR CRORES SUN EOE RU Ce ee eae Oy SS
—hrrrC— °—=R ASG SUS ae Ia.i-7 17 Lae. SSrf... Co Cc ._.enth Muse, oo Ses Reeees iPro ies aon ie SARE ae CNS Oe ee
o of the aachila. ( By , Inc.)
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CYCLES OF CONQUEST 99 Personages depicted on the walls of Tomb 1 have been identified with individuals in the Mixtec codices. For example, two personages named ¢ g Flower and ¢ 5 Flower were found represented. While
the association of 3 g Flower is not certain, ¢ 5 Flower is the individual mentioned in the Codex Nuttall as the great-grandfather of 3 6 Water “Colored Strips” from Yanhuitlan. The latter had a daughter who married ¢ 8 Deer “Fire Serpent,” possibly the individual buried in Tomb 1.”° It is also significant that Tomb 1 was located near
the highest mound at Zaachila, which was probably the stronghold or “castle” quoted above in Burgoa.
The data from Zaachila suggest that the spectacular contents of Tomb 7 at Monte Alban probably are quite late period V and date from the time when the Mixtecs had already conquered Zaachila, Lords of Yanhuitlan as depicted in plaster sculptures of Tomb 1, Zaachila: a, 3 9 Flower; 5, 3&5 Flower. (Source: Mary Elizabeth Smith, Picture Writing from Ancient Southern Mexico, figs. 39d and e.)
Ape — % ; OLS
SS; — COO IQ ga= = §;(S* o o (A= ae A i c @) CCAD SES ———— WSN
eS ee tli fay rome. fF 3 . aa ie .a: 7.a.ee acooaae aeeaOy oo“le oe aonio ee,oe aesoF oo mae ee aa Lo aa.°oe ‘oooo ee TT
7 _ . a oe vo oT . ie oe os oe ae oo ee Oe
Lo CE ANN NaiOe eine iG CK As as ae ie a eees oyaiON CN ay oe aCae Os ateoAa ae ee ae Has Ne 1 raee Beans OngaHe yeas Wa ONG SeLe ERaoDOR yea Rae aealyao PyRGN oe Ceoe Nee sna7ees Et ee . ous nasLan tao oe Te Sa aGs Weel FUE EDOU oe Ta Mey es ROG DONG MM acan CON aOa aaanes Laie Meas aGy oo :Lo a es .eran ) oe Ss oe eee AsNS aLo USUne NOsoo aN ues oe a Or WNaU AN LOD oeFTE ens NN AIaMent PRS ns Ne en SCO Na oe FaRlanete ik OS a aeae isi oe sii: ORS oo Sa ayRON, oees ca aa) haa aCo .”Oe 7.ate oy Peee. ns aNGCO esat ee ORS ene oe Aa Beaty NNO Sa a LA OeOs aeoe Ce aveaaa TT as_Hana coSas eeCo a | i: a . a a a TOs SN ODA iy OOS Ss AT as Os Be SS a NA Ceca Aes. Pe aes Cane haya els Raion Any Oa eae Le sa. oo ie a aa a ait Ue Pos a Maal i anes Pe Aa i Ca Nei . oo Vy
Tee oF oo ee aeo a. Oe aSanteayoo oe ee Co aeea| ieooNa ee ee -oo|. . _oeoeiii es .fo xal hy _On 2Te =eeCe -.ae eON . fia:oe "iw, me /teea iy aeeey oe oe ne oe ee saat vais en °:a=. Heino RN Bieo aOs Beta oe ean cy Liss oe LOE aecapes, ae od be Sai aya el on a— Aeof oe aece) Ci ee.i eeoe aoe Aa SUitinaa Ae iee a>STAC Ce oe faa se ae: FOOT |NEA of ae oe J. ie .ee aAN aONG -os aee:ooNC aae aAas oe. 7—|>. |...ooea.iSee 4aay Tue AN LOG ooGs aHO Aa) ea aes Soue Oe an— aa alt Aci FON OEaN aoo Oy if |. Menem oF Oo aaaee..Die oF ansOn OU NNN Oe FOoe aeoe raOC a ONG Seas POG Pe aon UEae ey LISS SO Me Ss ssl ones inaEen ao a .. Ua .|Co So 4oe oSe :ea es . 7 |. .. i ma ves ane as Oe i Ca oe RE NINE oie SG cn a... oe a oo .. a ean a. oe CO | aN in nee — e aa ean .. — . a, oo. a oo. | -. ok ae ae ee ae ee OE eG GU I . oo ee OG UN Su oo oe ei co oy ee A eu ei oe He oo. DONE He ne a| ioo i. TEE oy aD ERE LOC ae Fe a On ROSS CNG SE a ig, il ee es Ree) a oa oS Sie es TOs Sas seman nee oe ON Paina SS Ne oo Oa yes Ee LN ONE ae oe oo a aee aoo Loe oei4 ey Oe >... a Ce Lo ie as oe ae oe ie oo Oe Co oo a oe oe ae oe a a ea oo Bi LE REG Ue a.Ce HON SN oefee ERG Re Oe es| Mines i Co Hie oo ieee silaee RN eeCaan ieSe ae eees ety anyhea My Ca aa Hn eM. CO Ge aan ee UA es da ae Pa a oe iPe) ee oo aWee ees eae eaeSeti ortaoe itu poe So ae: neee: ee aleS ies eSae a NGO en Ce Peel ae aAOe aaaoe oo .ee ce oa aa i.RS | CNC ee ee Vo ee ee See ee 1osase ae a.ee ee Soe aus Bee aaea.ant ae ee aaoo oe oo - iae On eeRe oe ROU ayHEN eo a) es CHE pee oe ane aaoae _aaaeCORN saesCo — |.LoeURSa.orOSIee..a 3Pili ak _OeteeeCo oMissi See ..oeSes etooeas oe .aigOa ee ae iisl_ceoo ee
eG os, YS enReate— Pe . aaLa— oe .oe ya. Peoo — eeaaae a ee~~ Ae a LORS not ee esae — as LOGS oeaa Ll oo eeA 3|. 8 Pe . eS ce “ae a | aaCC eS ee ey HL Mee os ete AE OO NON aes A HG OR OS Sa aes oo oy A Say OA PANS DN Se He) UTE sal We SRC: Uc a PNR can Anes pie i a Se es IU HIER ena PU eae Tae TO TORN Me Se Fa NEUES es a a oo . . ) | .
Tigi as SN Ges Ae Me TO SCSI A BAN Ce vA Oe OO Re | Oe Sie Ot Te STUN Pa SG PSR Ly Ves ivan oes ie! A ih AR Fe Oe RES o sau panel i ila NE Cte iis LS a Sy aad oa a Nl venle DGGE ONE PY in taalea Fa ES UR ay oe x i ye Ds
ue 5 yo si a. ao GUE oe BO eeeae oe _cen Mk aeasain a ees ul-.. ooeer Nain oe Be a ees Bae ol ean: ee cA By ue Lae aa eeCaM: Cc Ce °° ooCee oo.) | ASO ae Pais serene -..ae ay ie iiBy aoe Oe ity Ea sO Pea Dae Suen Se ee OO aNeaoF eae atsyON aaORSON aeBae SO AG ENE oei|.oo ea[ oe ae SSR Pes eeNaa -ee oe all AacoTe Sdaia Se aee Ne SnSe,ON oes ee: RR ve ee Oe |as : ! we me oe ;oe cc a aSe ie i oe HMA ooeePi Oe a eyDe vue Th ea ee SNS CSas siaHi EON Bee aee aeei saa a oyan a Tit aN LES: a A—. adhe SUA Nose OR) SUMO hal.iii -oeeis BS a) eee ms oe ulHis: Os aeSaris aaDee Te iin aCean oeSEBS oe ais Pe Sais —. —. San —‘ioe .Oa Co
io :Oa i i7 |aaeee ee es :Cas oeoo ESeya Oe i eeae BO2oees Oa5S ~~... aae ees ee aaenSe eeaeies Bsa, ee iy okdan Pee ei ee ailoe > oe CaSe a ia. oe . a aoo ooa |.Sane ne ee Oe. Se aMI ee ee PO ee oy Lo aaR oeik! oO oe Oe Oa Ce ol os aa. oN cee ek a. Ne ee iat ‘eae oo i aaee en Ns AMa ARES Ee ee.To aoe SUN Sees JKe eea eeTa Soe Lean i ie eS ine aCeAN as SAG ines Ou ue ee te ‘incon: itHee Ch a eA PO es ue etoo Re atee esoe ae ..oeSen: oS) a eees oeee LG aaeanaaa COS oe ee Oe SR ANA a... Ce eo; taaSse ee Ss viaeee Te aN NG SLR ooeHave a ee oo oo oe oe Se Ses oe -— Ly ee es ae ae teLee eeos oo oe ee: soe oe oe OS 7Bt _oeOG aoaeese eae oo oo LERBU ONIN etye PO ee| Beal We ae ay a SN 2 ea eR Tues nes Bleeae eee iaeau i i Nees aeOu) Pe ee)aof Lae CoihEON oeha LoaNaa eM aeae SERS USOT oe SORee ae Oses ROAR: ooes Re Beene a SAR Hor Se Mtwe Cee, Pena ae a seee ea ‘ita aa)aeee eetSU aN om SSRN IAN ri iaa, eae Deh Anus aaFEN aeeeaeoeNo eae CO OR aaikaoLa es LsLae oe oealidua oe|MOOR ae aeaceRBS LO Us a ae aNataSeGa_aaseca ue
ae) _ « s HS — Oy ee oo oe Ly —— a i oo a oF ae oe : ae -° f — oo oo ge — oe 8 we we eo oe — oe oe _ a >, = oo oe s i — — i
ae ee ae |eGee eee ee Ne Cu ea Ses |— ieoeoe We os lanai Eee aoe oe oo— Cee. a NG aa ES|as aPEP oo aeao UES See See ee |oeee — 1iaateonok oooo aya oeDONNA ey eeBene: QOS ON 0 8pees ioTOE FP RASS Oe: eee in Peay oes a eeNia eee aa Le OI neal aig Co oo aoo PCa a. 5— ere oe saa area erent WON Nae eee as oo . De oe. saan . chen Poy raat cn, od axoe te INE aoo eee en AONE: eepear eer pace ES Ee ORES INees RU KS aN See eeee OS OSne SU ences IO ee SS ROUEN BCSLO ON HEN SUSUR Oe Sees Oea atCe yeae Sines Cyay ae aA ae Ae aoe Bis nls:eee aoe. CM a— ne =. Cena el|isoy a a .aoa aOMe oe 2AOI es eae oO ae Ce NGS oe san oo aHeye otetas ais Ho koe es _ES oe ee oe — oe ee ae ae ss ee iu eee ree B ae ee Gh oie ne Oe ee ..RU aMg Pas eee eee Sass UNE Se ee erengs >.AEcoeAN oa. oo BGC — ee aiiaoe Ck) are ee iLe Cae Se eene NR oa viesac Ae a oeOR ee UG: Baie aa eG oo Ea ae a Hee Aii SAH Ni as BOA Ne ee oe iii CN aHanes aeaOe oe ten tii :Eai aada ee — :.. 7 .— oe ooei ee ge ae eee-ORS Lo soa a leas ae eSEE eee ee Beoe | Gea i ue SG iat|as eee Ue— eR ONC BS AN abou aeAa De tianA me val hich US ais |One ets LA a os Pik ai ore ESke aaAnnee PCN oe as ann oe a ee Oe a Se POOR ee ees a ee ae a WOROS: EUG a , oe NER ye a Dae a ee | v a sal Oe aa Se ee . Os Rae So NM oe We eeeo es osceue eee es me-aNe aeee on ateON Sere Se OH eeSt ha Sal ..eaSes oe hase LEE aa Genes se ae a on ae: aeOn Cal ie ee itet GO Bejis LOU ic oe Bere OOS Co ane ieOR PR asae Rak a5 PH SAa|on ani Le | ee ine eeoe Sa "Ce ees Le iceRM Wy oe eeey Tay Mies ee CO ee ee aaTeel aoe 04 Gs oe ee . can ee Se Co oe) ae Ra aN Co aCee aee 3reoe Be. — Las =es “hes Lous Ee oe Pa uae oe ae ee Me Cg as ae ee IsoCe et ate os))aes eae Ha 1eeoS ee Ones oe eeiG PSon sanliniai aah. |ai acalh eee ue) oeee EE os oo ee ae ue ER Os eeee ee MS ERS SY SO oe Seal Oe me | ae Ce Oo aoo oo ee. ono we ne o-. ote aNG Me oN amie oeae|.vie oe ae SO _|eesyao Oo — RO OE Ty os ee .oo uae aa) eee aNS‘aan iUGae ae a! ae Bee Ce. ae ee ee -_ Cl oo. oo oo — oo alaeve -A nile Sis esoe uaa Oe aee Clhan mane hin one oF 5eeoes oo FO ae A —ON ee aea. ee ll Taye La aee Tea cAmnhe oo. oo
Fens Tt aLOaBy i. aaeee aN aeeaeGee c.Neeean ae a—. me eae aMS sw ees ee oe Ce —— om * po a aon ot mae Ve aiia oo oS a: eeoe aeiee ESS KRNONG SIEGail EE ee Be ee ee aca) 0 ce DRS aesSG oo. teoe aNia PU is aeeaSe GilCc MeaLia Pwran Soda Hya eeo ne ] oe ee“=sey Diag anSail es—ae ios(ieee TM ene ie oeAaOe a ee ueEs es oe Pe Be wsSe oe eae ee ee ane oo a. oo at ee Tea Na Pe ivi Seah ae i SERA oe se ey AMM es ee oe ees ae seer ooSes De ieyeePOSNER os oe eeOMe Rua: CO oo SRDS ae Haile hak es OAT ooaSRM co. ee ooa
ne ae ne a nage! ; 1 a.iLe ee AR es ee ee Hes WC ae Se Bee es~~ LE ae-— as ee pee Lea NS_—— MeN Kae eneas SORoe lyoe a . a oo a yo aee of .[-. ..Aes 7es oe ee A oe aon oo. aaee ~~ 7Lo eo ees Se bee ene ae |... oo edRenee oo Lsaeae oe Ae ess eee noe os ee oie aad |i .Oeoe ai He laoeaon ae ee al ..Se— ee ee ee Oa st— ee Coy te eesc >eeSN oe ... . OS EE ae I USSG NUOS CE ie ne Ge TOC GT HR RES MUS a Tl a | CC _ ge a i =. a. ae Ce rr —r—“N*™C—t—s—s—srS—S—sSS : TES Ragu mmonrn ice aian) aera Se ea |Haus Ts DURDEN FG | aa ecER aeeeeeet eR Oa ae 8REESE st$ . oe 0—OSs-Ce oe iOUot i aOe aES a... oo 2GT 23=——s—es—sOsSFs . oo. feee 7enn iNS eR OO eS Ler DIRE SEE aN SO ASO RS . wie oo. aCC anne antl eae EU SHNaa NSS ASE DA AN ENG: Ln TES AeA ee Oe) BSS eG Ny RO oe na rr 8aM ee I:Aee SS LL BRS SEN ee ca OO GO nas ee.Bee, ee .EEeeese _eeEe . 7 | oe oe Le |... oo i ee We es Oe eae Les Oe ee SS es ee |=. Co a. oe LO Ce a ee a ee Oe er ee ie a a ee | oe . «sz. _ oe ee oe a ee ee a ee Eas oe a oe eu ei AIR mt oe LCOS en, a wa oo ee — EEE GBs Se ee rrr SC Nn eS UN OTE DS TES eee aa) BS anne ee ee a ee HON i eee ee es oe ee eee ce oe . ee ees Os in ae ee oN a = . Se De gee eg oe De Oe INN Gis aes oo os a Aa ie Ne as eee an rr 8 . | _ . — «oC. ok. Oo eee ee Ce Ana a = ee. ee ee ae Se Co oe | iy oo DO ee ae Lau olli a SO a eK ue Pie ..#. § 204«=«.—Cs CL hr a ~~ oe a. | ol 8 ae a a [_ =. Co .._. ss se a | . a | ue Lk. Than ESS Gn Se ea aE RNIN Ree eo Me KM A TARR RS A CC GAG RR eee OPS IRS soos EO. a Bee Oe ES PRE. a _ _. - -. _ _ . _ OO) ae (A aie Henin AG ee oN ee Guat RAT at i ie rh ous a ON Dea een ROTA Slee Tes Wess EE SOE eee ane De RE OER SUE UNOS seh enerey iuaaeci tyne woe:
ieee or . aee. .SEG Te .ES i a.eeoe eed MM Re:eAOat Ns iii sesDie eeSMa 11 ecceee tne Le Rei MUL CONN Cae sais| aTI RRR ni Leaete Me te OOLceae CSO Beha Te Oe ena aia eae iat) Se CT Bee TEN (|| aaa ieaNepees ee pei eeae eaeNOR | Ns TNCs OMI MK: ESOS . 7Reber Te em as
|. Ll ee a |. eect, — a _
ES SEEGA a eee ene NUNES GS Ue TU EaseSONG TSU ASG ONIN SS HRN eT EN RRMiscRane a UE RON A UNaes SF OMT INSAUS SAMI Sr eee aan, Ce eeSUES aa -ESE, oeSE7ENS _ .SEES .— i eee UAE aaEOS LOROM GING SOE Mia Na PC OE ESMOG ETM Deas sen? oN eeYeeTe) eeORE SOY EEE RES: ce: GaeiTG ANUA Ne TTA See Mainae snl ene SC SC Sian RAT 8ee7. CC . oo ooSSCS . _ . Res oa BS ey EO CE Nan ET GN AS TM TEUAGATA ROOE SH aS MR ap ER aes SRI SOR RSSoED RS ceeBe eo eee reneeee reeree Reeeee REN ERY ETS SE CA aSener Le oS ONi2NEE SE ane VO Sy NCO NSaie ETee edisa! iN es iaaOe
,EU oe8 es . yei LUrFr——="E . . L . oe Laon aeeeoHN TUG aa Sen aEN Ree ryeaaera MOM are oliOMI besuhane. eS ee SHG SUAS eae iy BCerAT ey tr meaEN SoU Rs:Nay )—,—C esate US ae porated Ooa races SOC ES Rs aGe ON EG ERS DP Sou A ee ryinca |ak BINA ERG) SOGE Meee | Bc SN oFBae POONA ON Cc Oa GEE ue SEEDS eeNOE DU Se UREN ets:ann oy ah EURO Po Garay Niteee ONT asa IS SEEN EEGOSA ee SSah SENSE: ngeeen Re SI aerate eeeSEE anieee
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|. a. / oo oe a. ee ee oo SUSU ee ee 0 Oe. ae Lie i. Bg .os =. oo eo Co og a a a rr r——eB Le =. es oo , Ds oo Le oe a a oe a Se =| es a... Ll. ee Lg a FC lL oo LL =ee ee CO eee hr ae a as ee Ce ea ee a De es ## & #° . .}238§383§=—. ee oo | Ne eee ee ee aee SS AM es GESa SENG ae eeee i —. aNee ee LL hr aieeCa So aea ee =_ — FF . .. i ee PAG OO RCA SS i MH ea SS a Seah Ue a RI: aR SET a NSERC GOR vba nnn Le THE, SON Sea RDU ee PE ON le
CRUE ESS 2 Soe ee ee ee SE USES OSE a Sw Hina RO eG Sil PR eT Beane OCR aU NEL aia PHC RSAC U DRC SEE OHI USI ae aa DM poke ioe ARGONNE RO CG . . . ee Le Seen, Cee eee ES EES ee SS a a SHUTS Uae cane CaM Sens sien PN ae ee HH OOS OO OG ORM) ESTO I HA ini LS OO SER PE SSE SS Pee Seen OIE ION Ce tee De etic ORE LESS US ae ea re fore es SRC ee ee Oe |" SL IN Soecane ene RS SeSIMMS AM SNRs ee eeall NIRSer RAANS icantee DO ty Su te ee an Oa es ose RS SES OE Ss Ee OATES Pe ee llGOES ScTeOpe ee ee Dee Ge| ani)!aes ae LO eeae-aor ..}} #Ce,#4@=€©. . ee Pe oe | eyOS Lee 6 9Ei pe a ~_-.l”lrmrmrmUmrmUmC—C~—~—C—CO—OCOCOC oe
esee ee eeoeoeee: hr —a: ee eeeeoe — hh :eeSC ses oe ee ee Ee ae 7 Se Oe ee .8 . . : A ee a ee =Oe =—rr—=—emmO.i—ksXUaMU(.~srrt=“a=Pé$+t''.. AG PEE OE NM occeseces Seas A oe: Fe a RG Os NG Nie OE pene LS eee Lees: eee SO ts ee as SOs SE Eee Cee ee oe Ee Saal een en REO OO) ae ee Berens || HAR Ne Sige BE RDS
MNase iS So OANA Bea! TP SSE AE ER 2 Se aii SS SCS OT Rea Cre Cn ae eee a BEL OSS ic ane SENT ese ee EOE aa on: oe NON ORE. BO Cana eerie SRR ROS Ea a Ua GME ee oes oe ay oa ee eee LOSE I NES HOI LOE USETh PMs OS Ouran LeSSR CC OO Co BNC CAM FToteater Recency onere| eee Reena SEE BOIWEES nee eee a vy ae ee eeu LRM TOON UIee eerceeseCSRS EON HEEN BON SU Se UES IO eae Ea) ee OLaeGO a Leena CONeOe ee aOca ate ITT nceaRsNePeete ee Oh eee Rae camRR Ean SenNeen Ene eh iaES
.|.aHee aEA REE U Oo OO es , CC CU ANE Onur nace Oe uae CeCOIN SOR ie aan EN WR eM SUE GS SHUM Se OS eeME ee ES ee EASES aay i OSes eaGey Seas BSG OOS SIiTe IS Se SUIS ANON we OEM REO OR aaBENE UNG a :ae aN ieea cal Mas AeeMMM eee Soca nes, || een enCa a UOGN EU 1) SESS en CIE SeeTN RA IO IN a eeIRE Re es PSUS Ro LOBEaSN OeWON ee Ne y)AO CSUN STR Ren eS ic ca I Beers 0)CaM Hosa MiNicuises een i sree eee meer | Ge Sea ete Se Es pee CA Meee | ae OlUNAM RE eaLO EE Se CCC RON Lr he cu ua)aris Se SeASes EN cae LCseer issae UN oe eres Bee o oes Oy LO AU lait SCE ST Ce eRe cA EH DSR aR oe SI HH SN aaa RES RS RU oes eee oe ESO RNS RERUN es LO EI Aku Lae RICO Re ye Lae EU Mi ci ne GIES GO NOR i eee SS iain Pe a PON Ne e322 ECS SOA GAM RE Socata Nem
OM case my A ar) NG SE ON SS COC OI eas EG OS Ie eer eet EB DES GSR SHEENRRIC NN SEEM Coe an ioe on CSO TOS SU a ae se aT Ih LUDA Ea ReGen TIES RSA 1 BRS eet ESTES ESR ERR tt TORR ROS
cesSD oN Wh FSA OE Ae mE RAE In SCR O I aA EN Mu IN ea I Peel eae ee en ce SSM ee Ss SOU IeSI CSRCS ae EN PRGace SOEUR CRN IntCUE aceite HUW AL sms nate SEM inMUM ree| isp: RSAC teNaess Uo Nai eeSS SH Sse PS BARONE SFO SoGMUA SARC aSS TTA Aes e082 es ISUSU Pe ert re seSSIES Ee US SE GANS ENO ee Oe Uae SAN ORS Sy IESE Se OER aac) Ree Sas BR li| _ open TN ees oli SE Te AMSI Co CTE AE ea nM hilBS Reo eae ESC TS SS GES ORS ca ee ieCSR SORA ER asEN EGE OS eee) oo oo oe aPanel "Uae) Te EEN Sce cok a STia eaSs FG AEN ehUSES TS ACE eeNAAR TNname BUGS SE Rae ae Le SRD ere eee CO EOS ROO NaeCes prcate oe DRESS G3 Haare SIONS SOREN, Ro a eae SN ae Ne RSS arse TNE LasCaen ess eeAYA i uaa Sees BN Sap (eng ea& ct Nt Ini:
a oe ue oo ee ea) hr - = he” PESOS ee TD Re UR ec eRe eo ay Be AMA a aah TO TU ees een EE ae pe POPES a— eS RS eee ORME ose OeNS eeeSS EEE SERS GG BOS URDO ©an POE LG LER LES MNOS Cs ote BE ereae CI) SO Geinicinars VAMC ATT ANOS: i enatten eee Caen TE ppeneen RO: ESPONS ees ay CGI SSE amr pea et SAM LT ce eTAAR Ce OIG ese emEG |MICE Resce eran seni oe eeDES Dey eas OoSUES wyTe WAR OO PCOS FSO McSeat IR issROO aOa i ea FEA aR LR SOR NER UU aacceoes PATER fe nySOE AR AMON toa oy _ ee_-2RI _7a :ee7. i oD Ry cot ea fi ESO Rene oes COE ST Fg SER TA Tee Sah CO i SEE Cees eae oe aeee SSG Ae Ee SeeeDUN eee oe EE ee SOURIS Col Gea ed SU OG Oe a ee Seenoe 8. . — _ SAO _— iSeater os OU Rie ea NORTON TIN es GE Eee eecr esis cece ere ea) || eee retry ED HER ERNIE EES USN SED i OO ey PO IGS OR Rene PRE SM CES NC SO eM A AORN: Mosences sc UN Beni ANA NaS 1 ER Oe aes eu epee reece mite Siero ese
Ce Ss ee ee See eee Li Lic A ge Btn 2 oe ee eee os BORSA a Us: Re re oe See Saree a Aes eee: DE NES: DE ee SMM OER ONES a ee ee
pe See Be 8 aeee OSa:aeOy ee Ele FE IGN aPUNO Ee eee Ca aN ea ne ee es Ne:eC! RESCUE aye ae OoeRa ON Se NOM 2 SOON, OSUaes EAA ED IGBONIS ae oa Se ee Oe nace a aooOe a LCESuan ils say Ohae RGR ss ELE RG Ceti SM ais AON co: Danes Sere enn ee i i eee OS OER LG NSS FONSECA SRE LING SC Oe DOSS ay monn acer ON aE Sas eee er ee cence Sear UNG se REO ON ee ane 6 ity. oF i keoe easPsCe rs Co OS aeheeeaS| aa eea)CaO SEUE GEOS COOise EARN OS Ne aaaPos RRS arn a SOS eee LOSS a DN eS AZURE BEES Se I ree e Bae aaa he lewy) s, Q wn il eeOARS oS ea WC ae Re IN Se eae SON esMas SHIN Se caer ee eee ees Bees ie ES NOS OC CN: an OE IaIRAT ae RAS RENAN 5 ich SM SSRIS MOS SM SEU NCINTT AUs a egg CE IRE SOOO S RUR RA AM cae eee ugh GE Neoe a ARS1coos eaeiBoA te ESSN eee RS TTteaRC eae Dan GD Oe Ge Oana Shea 2 AE UTUa 2Sint cco Bee Vee SOLO SR 2ST llBe |SER ReIN REE (ITS LISANE Gs ES OE: _.7 >a SQ aeeisSM ce NANI tihicch i CE OG) ON ON MG: Rae alia EU OUR GN, OG A COHOL oxhe ee Yet AH ares ES gear) SG Ba PeINS EISCR ONS ASEE Caey apa nn LOG Oe
a a es LC - 7 oo ee ENE STE SSL NOUN OE Ga EE OT As Ua ene LOST aaa De en ace) He cay SENS eee Sree OE IER beeen DELS OS EOE OES hapenonie
_ Lee ee ee Oe a er oe
Daca a nee eee BeaGece eee)Oe MMI isaCe OeDOS SAECO es SESS Preca re Re SAG unt teMs eee COheoe EE EES ESI ae Ts ee ONcine TE NOSES aa eee NSOEEES A E GO IS geeSOOO ee oe ReLE a Cae ey ee EEMe BOSeeOUI RRs 7: /Po . . _.ee CCee oe UE : oe eee ea eee ee ee ese SE Ge ARoe SGN ee pat OE HOLE SS ate.OSCE USO CaS ein G0 en MEE LUNA) TROBE ceaae PAN RRRERAT UT DUN NGNO PL i AMOR (ee etegemeeee peiirnicesce cians aan IEG SANUS OSU GR fe SEINE COIN BaPUeee ee SO een en OSCila aAeimener aa eT a ‘Meal HC art NOOR Mi cei ee ee ee ee ee UIE NG Be ee Pos Saeed . OE ROC aie Un ee LEC S OST NO eC A Rah Ne ea NER LT a aeeons DEES OED ES ee ee ee ee DES OS be On ee ene ae ES BE OI LMS UC CLR S ee SE Ss es ik: LT i. ft IOaOS ee OEMSonan ES OO ae eee Mee:SUIT SM SOE Soe ae es ONae Beee Mena ute ROR cs ee aDANONE HSS: I. — oe ..eeoepee eSOURO ee ee SS COCooeSesVOCUS enEARS i rrr—“‘ROC Ces aD A GO NM aM IMAC Se eee ae ee
SUES Se ee en oe ee iinee 8. ©. oO CC ee le ee ee Oe 8. .£§©737+ Ch oe USO SE ee Bee CEee ee eeeee ggCe — .e..G©C-_—mhmsEseFp# oai Se lr 0 i — rr— CL SS US ee I Ce SE Sas 0 ee CC i. Ce . . ee So i ee Dae @ = ee Bees er a ee ee Se See eee eee SOE los ee ee oe me ee ee ee ee ee eee eeiae ee oe ~~ a ee LL ee CEs oe oo EES ee EES anelrrlrrC“‘i Ca ese ee _. | Sa ee aGe eeDO eSeee osLL eo ~—ChCCCCC. eeCC i.ee _ee iCES ee ee USES ee ee CU ee ee cL ee... oe RG en ee SaSUS ESS cer oe RESSD Pe SO es 3 osBSUS ee 2 #} . Ee .}.}3§=§=—=—_C EsCC .| .| | ee oo PS ae Gs ee ee ee a oo a oO _ =” 8 ESO a fe rt iCts”COC i . ee ae ce a ee oe = . i. CC _ Ee ene acee Nee esee AEE Lo —.... BC LUE GOES Ii. SSI OE Ee._s EONS oeaoO oe eeeee ioo i . oO eee ae ee eee ee ee a 2 hl Ll _ ee See Seo s. BS Wie Ee Coe ee ee ok ane ee oe ae oe ee ae Se Oe ee AN NS ee oe ee ee De ee PEesene Os ee aOeSONNE oeESO GSI oeRES Revue ee. So 8.a Bese SEEN ||DE a peOE a os Pee ee acne ee eee eeHos Tee ee LL ne eenne aoe HOeeeeee eee SL ee a Ce SEEPS SE Rees: ee CSS ee oe Rs . SSRs ——rrrr—”—.._CUC«§&wrC—Ci«C:Si‘CCCidzsCCizsi¥siCVS oe ae oo .
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SEES OSS SES I HO Rhee een ae EE SS AER God SLRS DS CE ee eRe ER See eee Se ee SEE ESE ee Lee .
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° cL Ee
LD -Le#aoee EE SO ees eee ne orn ee aoe aes Remncumonras Ee Reorattien So oes nena Sane ecco heoneaeae MSc ESE ISSA Pe SECU |. ss“ \ a- a_SD -. rnSeer eeaesene RU SeoneSe Bee a a eee eeSORE DECENT GSae SES EOS OSSALSiesrea ciara nroDEI Eee |
os oo ee ee oo Cll i. —_
ee aUS iit ge ee SO ee SECS AO SE _OG . amore .Beohare Dl _: acere .eea oe aeeee eee eee eeLo Oe lrOsSESE, CTS CEOs Roker eeeaseeee ee eeae eseee I TN CeSe MIME OG eeOEE eeSee EOSee eee ~~. ee eee ne eee ee ae SEUSS ESSE SEAN Se ees We a. es NSE eaters eeUS SECS So oaSeree Pen ee ee Cyeen EDO eee a EOE ree eRe econ an2eee ee OS am Ioe:aes eee eeey She nme ene eee Reet nce ee: RG RE a rE EEE SO ee eee MINS NN Po AM oe Se ee se EU: eee ey cee Seuroo ray ee CON Sa ONCE ig Ce PS AUT atl a eaeaae Ne PSE CIES SS SHOR Gen: Seaeeseceree aeree eae Earache reccie EES
Pee commen ee a me eee BE aM PN eG Sy RE CORE cae ce cag ecco eens EES Re ee ECE A ren Tne Reena EEE SS noosa ee HE SIS R I OOS ARU SER ER Mas Oe TC ane te ee ore ec DOSES Soiree corsa paar nes eee Dubee rane panoniees
Shreremataey ccc CE LS Paani aeRO Ny, eee FH) CUCU IN Geeta ou eee Ree Bs \ Cea eran enn ee ee Senna eae sent Beene eee oan oe EOE EE LE US GS Bio eraa amen eC eons SERRE Se SIS ES Oe ees ee | pean RUS GUS OS sce PEN CRemer NT, UN TRG are eeeeS eeeEe ree SUA ANTE STU aeons tate Eee seni RenRSM ES SUES ae Ro HENS OESoe Reeeee eeenares ORES TCS oe, a SAUD eeueee eae rahe ete nate nat es ee 8pee: aEa aq 8 ea Sn 75s WEIN Fcc Sennett EIN SeTe oeccaee eeeets CUO ENG AGN ee on SRE Un gs SR Sateeecaee econ DOSE oo aeee INS Co SrCoc RS IRE RG RES OE haiti Pitan cemeto\ Oe es PeEE eS eo a ee ES PEON INI De . . a|aeae eeeSO DOS SEU e 327 Berson Someones TARO a oseee RS REM SRE EaECE OSHS EeESE es IRS SMM sce aee en OSE SEES LS SOROS eRiaciian nis ete Deorenaa neaont OSES So PA SET: " _ . io. oo C a oo a a OGeeeeeeooeT aeMG pres ae iinisiasaiusscamiimansidl danse ORNS (a ase nent Ro Pee Roane ee 5) 0ee MACE Cee ean ants EROS eae nen See Gecpecce tarsRES eter COE Raab Ree ie RNS RR SAIS eS UES ty ihe isihiisssisciess asco EMME SRR ca ES SRG RO eae Ne eS BUM OSM CoS eRe Pcaemer eaREA een cae feo SOE eee en eer ERO SRS BERS Se: a util Be ee eeeoee eeaam eee Sere |||cee Ra PASEO OSD ee Hon Me BeBena eee eesSIS POS IESE O SLD ELS Senco | ieee nee 2Se HES cd EERE SESS : DEE LeRe ee:ena i ainiacilgiiih ans: eee ere eePecehinn cee eee eeepaar eee usOUEST acs PMs Cie ea Deer tae ooe comet AN oo SELES LIDGE SS ESeee eeSUES SSeS Ses gees ete ey ee enSeen eres Bee Can cone ears |5care Seance ES 1 aR sineceie Darn Sareea, SRR ENEERS IOUS eee ERTIES SSOP Saas mer aSL Des
of ee | oa 7 Ee es ae De Maa ais ec ee ee eee eee DSS REO SIE | (FO . eaoo2yy iee:ee. oo bau ieaeDO aeen aESS CC ue | neEE ISee ES reee 8. oe 2SMI PE SLAIN ERI RS ee eeCo oe ee ee Seen nae ota anaes eeeee eee eee “t
atio of the Tomb V
: c. 3 ro ee PSE SAU ORE OG EA a ll uc” | aemreor remaaen en teenie ne eae SURES Se ESSiSS & eee 8 ee eaeRee {aScon onsieihc See Pern Maas EEE ESSE anePE myiersitTee °
s at Mitla, showing the distinct | c els °
2.) i Oe a MO a, ES ee ne iaso. — —— “~ ast| ee ooee 1 ee ree ee ee oe SES ee eesSSRIS TE ESOE es Benes Pnernaree LEB Se nf LLU Ce aa Seca ee ee ee SsEe Se LOSS EA Sy CSS LU. ct. LLrD,rrrCCrr—“‘EC*C Pe eee SE EATS Be) eee | a ... — uh Le oo ae rr | | _ oCNe _.,. a, |.|... Cea| ay yeLCCC a ee — — | ee ee SUSIE EOS Se HUE ORE SEES A a... .,rrrCt—~—s——C*FR . / cea |.Le oe — =... oo. Oe Ce ee CO ee ee SO SE SE : LURES iSehmmm vee, i ee MM cos ee Lr . oo : se i a”. . i, ~~. §. ~F a. a... ee es rr r—“ EE Soe erence HES a Ce Cw; i... ee #£2~2. OSES OR CN I es ee ee SO SIM SEAS ORs NR PAN SUSIE i RRS TO er | oe S Le Oe ee > 9»... — —,,rUrlrlrw—w~w~™~OCOCOCWSC _ _. ,.,.OeoT ee i ee a iMie oeee re eeWie ESE SU aoeCR eesOO 5 CAREEE :-| LC a ee Wg Oe ==. a. oS ON SU ON ane MN I UN Be We a | ee oo oo DD ..AON ,dhmrrtrt~*s*s~i‘( C; ee oe es oo | .: iOOooiGa,.UR i.kenialee...... _CO 2 2... oeNicoe a lS rrrC—~—~—“‘RNSCC A Ps ces a ee eee ee ee ES Oe ee eS 5 oe eee .as_. ee oo Co Toy oy yf ee ee EE EU ETERS en RCN eNO iainirci a ni amis i 1oeoeini |..:aJoga . yo FS COI ama ieee ee
ee cee ees — aSRC Gy innaeeAIMS 4a Po oSI SS eo. aii.eeeCo eeSEEDS een eno eeSceee eeeeSGU ee Peeelogagmpnnsantone cist ged aE eR REL . Neier ee SOOM Se.ee OS eeeee eer enn neSESE omeooh ete ee ee eee eesSURE SURES Watset REA SESE SES Se EN REST EE EELS ESSENCES OSSNSGSASE SENSES :. eee _ . HO aMae | OL eats eee a See) ISete SOCAN) SS ce Det ccmiecan eet PER EaS SESE ESSE RE OSES osspetuenaeaoeianeitssgen SESSSUES EESSEEULEDSS ES une noses a oe SSSR ON ae a Gee eeoe Paemeee eee |) CES URONIC 0.1) 0 ES ES Se asec TU ROS Dee See eeetree Aeneee ht aESe SES BE a TEE SERRE 2 ERE : LEEIEESENEMISSEES ES RISERS ners Pes eee 2 ee
|...as|1-Mi whe _ee Ls :I Nee _ he a ose BG SS eSORES: Rane 2 OE SEES PR EANTSIAUINW ie AR |ccs INGLo a Co PeaT SG USGA NES ORS EOSee IRENE AS eae OSS28 ES a SEZO Sie aR SCIONa EERIE es TOR siebeee EIS MLSE .,TN OO ee CEG GS EO ee ee Pea nee SS oR TAS SOMES wel Oe oeus IRON esSS oN: UN Me GG Oe RRR ee ees CT UD eeEEN: Oe aEEE aSMUSEESS cc . /SSI :BEE ? 2SIL :wees | 7 a: |.7i.>.|ee ..eewe. 4Fee OM OG EE Rae eae castes ee saCE RRR ema ae SESE we ear | Te aNCO eS eer AUD: SSS eer Bao CRIs DS acres OO ORC SES et aeBE ae EE eS PERS LE SSeS EEUU aE aSOS aSSESE REmh SUE i o.: : ye ee. aoe Oe aa) MN:eae Wiis AeOP ATTeee OO AH SoA cooSs ESSE GES SION I Se RT EES SESS I SUSE See Eee CPRL Se MNES OEE: Ee et pes
oe Ol .. |. I rc ~~ ee oe i | ee . = | — . :
eeia8 oo. I a ee ,DhLUwD”rCCO AO a: CU MRS GIS IMMCe MES. PSSaFiore ans JOE SUEDE SS eee SES ar MintiSS nein ES aaa Roan manent anea Ee REESE SSCESSES CU re JOSE ESS RA ae : SO :Ee Ce -.. | acarienteni ES ISGcane OSanne OSE ee ee er ee SEE 2S USS SEES ESG2SE SAREE : wk iii Ue CSS RO arse eres CN ONG eS Se Me sqe ee ah Ce) i eee ONENESS SES Ee BEE ae cee ease a Can are ROE CELE ESO LE SES HERI SEE Se “RESIS EE EE Cen ane Soh, fein, :
:oo. a. Be | geOS oeI aOMI oe os EEE SOG ronan enereee Eee SSO : JOAES eeSS ft . . a..ee.,.. =: 2... Eefo ee SS ONSO DUCO IS CESSES ES ue nenaan a eras ea ESE arenaOE ieneSUS a ee ES ACERS i. i .. 3... SIRES Se IN cs oc ESSEC SASSO eee ee een ee ere een rer SR SS ORs ae ECE ECE EES SE Sab SS SIDER ER enna eS ESS ong : i. Ce Ce SS OMIMIN Gees Se ee een SS SH AMM NO SSMS oe EES OE SOLU ES a OS Rt a ie rater ee eee ae SERA PIE Se ay etree ater ge
. i -. OS NIeeeoFe WyeeORCI IC iyae coco esoars ee eee a anne So oe een ene eee eine ome tee eR SCE JERE ES SR EE ee EAI VEILS as .“|.°COUNT — _oeig.....SNeeeee oo Dar eeSESE aia Re ee So ee ore ee SS ee 2: peaeeteenaen NS MR II te Lee eeSoa asDS RG I cetera een aear Rees trae SSE Ee eno ie eC eeeeRES Se JESSE canara _ >>. OeEU ONoo RCT oO IACCES CNM Mo Maco: sek SCS OSSeee ae aoa ao inngie pee arnt DEE OnE snene OSeerie rg nen neeISS cner SnGR Sateen CORE RE ERSaere PES Seacrest : wrtue _oooS oo SON Otoe PSOo MMA GsMae eeWe anihEU eCi ES ee ara: DS Sse BEER GE EE Seis ean aerate ECEE USE SUL loan atin eeeaee eee a EEE SEED : BESSA oe
:TeaSSTBN aUa,.,D,,,r””C™~C~C i EO ees CSASOS eeSUEE eeSESE eeNESE ee Ce Ss esSIGee a : :scBPS Slings DREN AE SUS Se UIA oe LO CRE Nig ee SS SOO i ON IO GS Ehee SE CANIN POSeee Ra ENare INO) GINA ee Se i eeore a — oo ,7.toe! .,)Oe : 7AAG —a4OCOD oe . aIN. or OOeeake SUES ceSS SrSoe nae! :. 1, veCoo ee ee oH)| ee Pe Ty MNck cece NE SEE SES IUSSU OSS SC ee SNSSCs ee ESee SOteES
|FF © Se. |. ..,”D—lc rw a a fe oo oe . oe a _ 2... Co = Ne ee Se Oe Mai esc cle ee ee te BEES SEES BO Oa, DN ane ae — hrrlrrCs i, a, Ce i i ee ee . oo. . ee RIN SRG la UIA CAS PERS es Se iis ee eee NE US a ee RES See TS HN, FO UG OG Ni oo aces CRON CSSISIE OS SE OSCE SUE So Snore Sen aan ciaoia ae Rene Aa eaiheetnae SE RE eens Sap ee se SAAN EE SES Se
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aoOSO _. UN o. ea ...a Lr .. ee oo: ~~... rrrrrrC ON IO ORhe, UG ©. SS US NUSoo SURTT, i HS — OREO SC SR SnCC ee eeae :
.y| ee SUaEE ON Se aa ON OU ss UGuae a CMU eei es EEE NIA RERUN GaSe ESSTANCE ONE Ue PE Mi ea oNGRR Pe esroam OM SLSUT SEI HITTIN aap nnIUeeBU wea ea ee ones SES SSSRS ee ARSE Gee SreeohieaReoae SsenRTEE : IEE SASEe : : eae ° : eeUe SO Nee Ee IO ON ineBS ee te ee mae cua URT GES OU ON RUSOM GECar IRCA eee SRoe R RDBreen RA S oen OM I Esai eae DEUS een EEE RCSSa ESOa SES eeEs eeseae AOBEI Beasties .ae...Oei Oe aMME EIS eI8SIM Se| oeeegee eS We ING a OES eee eeCSRS ER Ae PDN ORCC RCE desSIS OMESPens SRL|| nS SUNG GUTTTU Na haa UU HER SONa IN NOR acter SNES: SE ORS SS ECE es nee EOSSeEEE
co ‘i. oo , 3 et Ces i. ee oo Ne ae oo .. LUC a lL Vie ae . Se i Sammon eet EEE SES Carer cane seep aeons TOES Se noe SI SE oe
7eeOO AS a. hl lhU ee _.MRSS .™ 4eS eeEo aee eae |agSR Se oe ee S -: TS ON ea LO ey ee Te POTS ONoe ase era INoa aIN CM OM eeeeBe Sree names SS io ee oeee SOI ieIO SRA OSES | NG esOCS eaRU TAI ODS eG CeFe 1CN INS cs OeON PR eeRntecoei nomen rea Se ee Ras SSI : -wy co NG Oe US SR Ce OO SSS ae ei See eee ene aiLe | Ee oe SO ME hr NOOSE ueaeins SEER iOCC ,rrt—ssSCisCSsS oe oo SE a ee ee Me cs Sa cy OC A a .. . .. . £# Dee ee EO OG ONE le ee ye CM GE ARS as cs Bee | il emmeseee Us oc eo . oa, . : a; aig I GA Le Oe ee NeOo) NS I aOe ee MESEU STI RM SS I SG Ce TEREee Sa na CRIN OCR ED Seon ee eee Segaa eee menees at PERS a SS aSeaeOT aIMusea OT GES eee ne En EE oe ee EO ORS ee 8 eSDe eee OES EC MMM S82 DORR AR oes ioe ieee Oe ee PO a I eerie eee eg ee eae ere eee SURE : oS oe nie TCUN.|.OG aAG— a oaOm :LC .NNeeOe MG GO SO INEGSy aeae aOSReeS ae eee a 2ee . Co Noe ee eas ..... PO TIN Cia Ianceas oe EARS oo So .. . oo. oo. EU ONE IRS ee ee pe ak \oapeceee | tency Catan | es ee) SIRE oes SO eS HOT sie SS ROO Se on anon EOS CM Ge Se Ree AMON ORR I eo DEIN oS Sc eo ease aca te Cerone coe ee ESS bat UR 2S : Poe
oe SSS A a i ee SO gn Ban RE a a S Bh Misia: — » 2 rr Re = | DO es oe ll . . — oe LLLLmrD,rtrts”:~—::C«i~—“‘C~CS rc css | |. | 2... Oe a ee |Seoo :
ee RENO ces ON aa SNM SIO SMG a PES ON ONG NIE. SONOS SIS SAMS SESE 1) UI SRR ean aera ee MURS Soe IE OS SEN RRO ON SUE eR ree | aes ee Re NG A Oe TIN aT aaa ea ease Soca tor cone eee ta ene Sena ee te a a aR : ere gh ares OSS EROS RAE? RE AI OR ee ie RLS ON SCO URNS CU ZOOS RSS NUS SUMING SMG CNS CARN UR eae ais SSMS SSS NIG CRAIN GS OCS a Ub aMiNigsrc Renee ieee: Bee Cee aR CODA na NR ean OLS ELSES COR SMA Sia eGR ANP ORIO Se i SULTS HIN Re Sa Fite SARS Hah Saran er Renae Seta? nora ° Y
. .| DRO oo CsRare elaeee PSM SUBS SSR eeMU Rete SR ee ve aaOR higcgisns oe SEAS EOS OREO UOT Sates. PR eykeeee ee OIE aU IEEc EE SSIN OES S Ras CET eee BORE! :..Cce ‘ es oeCe Coen IE MRSS SUA, ce ee PaCoe) avASO OOGN Gheee eos ee Rr SRE ORY OSG REV 2 ieYOa en NS INN Le lige PRN cis SE RS aetna Ee i...NO ae en UN ey | Caer SO NGS Ne eonUN SERS ashe OWSee Se rereES Seeeeae ETPe MG MGS CSO SETS oon aEN, cyaROSS arOS Me ecTMi eN SGN ere Ne WIGig.s Secs bee ee eeeSe See DEES es o7:ae Pa i. |......Ce:oe ee eee Ae Tse OREN CSSN ROO NSN OG Pg Sunes a a se OR EEO Oe SONSES ER OIE Ce aee ee BORNE CMS SS ISR SETONGSES CUO SIS UPS SS eee ee) OLED SSSR ASO ata cai sad oeCS a ES eC re RMa A CE iis, Se eee JoeSn Ra EE a 2 Specs aa:° 2 : ! . Oe I OR OSDee ISS SUS Sery TEEN SUNS SUE RAN ORS ANSE CEL CNC UU as OeOO AMOUR ORE ee OO UE Te aU EOIN os RS BERG Sat Ue eo VON OU SC AneOO Ss RCS RAN enNOI esa BeiSUA ies ae BUS EERESS nen Sees DER GERES oe aa Thy : LC | oe Oe ee rae WT Se US CO GES OM NT EU CO Un 1 ai MER PRR OF ON Se CESS SASS OILY ee a ae ee ee INNINGS TES COE ORS ANC SAS ON ee SSMU CANS LE TNR EM ics 2: ON SR Se OU DO ROSCOE OL AIS PEO a a ena) PU) | Re cee ERD RR ens EEDA |_ |=-:”r—*—“‘#EEECUCVNW Os OS ene eA Co OSES eeee ee ic ESiii: ns RE GO, SEN TN: Os ea RE SUNG or1aM oo Sai ear eteee sna sia eeeee ParaHOTELS} ear ars Sen wie OO i Oa COO i Oe ec © CU SIN Oa ee ea |VOR ee ROS CMR eoESUS ai a ee iis | Roa sce eo aee Co oo Ga PC Re aN i keNe Se CS Ee a ee AOD Cea een Se NN aceRace ee SRE EEE 3 esSs : mo ae SR ee OL NR COCO OE ny Sones SRE RSS _eriS Lio. lL eeOU ea ee ESOS ASRS, eee eee USA Sa ra ieee ee ae Oe SKEciRNG OES IN Sa Oe HEaaNet SRS Seer i os Sey ee biggie Eee CURES ae CESSES hm SUA eeUE eeEO OS ONSSUSE NUON SNSeee Gi es BEeeOSES A TE OS AISI CSSBOGS GSS2 SAUCE a Oe aC OUa egies SR ieEEOEE pecmeaioaeny: eypens oes ON ea DOCG ee ESSE SOS SOE ONES SUT Ge HONIG EST ESS ES EUS INS RN NSU SU CSS ORGS ECAR MUS HUN SIG BNSC. IT AS Ges saree EE SC OA Rn iL DEGE USSR ED GEN ST BUS ESN aM SOS Ng i OS RM A OM: 27. NRO GE RT ge ciear Ge ee ee i Y Sutil
OO oo — is. a o.oo. ©... 2 ee “ESS 7 a.a. . Ia,, VW. es i SS r—“( irs ee OU CU a Oe —., SS eeee all Dek,.a = | |a, Oeooee aMayet UM. Scala —ages|| Sooo : ees EN )ee RL . aS Seon : — ee ke: Re ENR On Cae ieee HOPES RG SG BG ROTES SAMS 80 SOY oe SONORAN ee Oa OG: DO igs 2S ek Bees as ae Oe ORS RUSS OUNCES ey ES ASCSM AC UIUC E ee by re es SS ONL MME MIMS ee : EER ee SET SS OS SE RES nor IAD, :
SEE Cn iin, OS OO a) Oe een .}©}”«})}.|«.ClClCClC OO ..... ™... ah Pn eR ON eee ORS ea eee ne eae eee ee By EE: 5
a . ee } -.hrrrtr”rt—~—“‘“OOOOOOC*t*t*—*t—t*t*ti‘(C(#®YSSCSCiCiCCC }}»}»}»}.} } }8§8§8§=—lhCCl ee = rc eee eR Rocca EES EENaesNS SS aoeCT sateNOAT Ai ONC es NA Si Up, oT oC SSa ea ee ear SUREESE a eT Se aeSo TS: ee Bee -— OI . aNOTE rc Guaices ea EG SeaSN UNGAR SG FI Se are BE LLL,Ue BE CY Reena ee Ve ae a .OSI SMIeee Toaee Wiis ee NCR OS a EO SS as CEOS ST RU ve BS BoON ie OO STAAL SIE II PSUi) ee SERS a WS CUA aABe es Uae ee |) SSSR REE SEES ee ae ee Pe SO es TUE lon, a. ea: DU IGA S oS Seees es ae Dis cane aunSSUI eeous PSRN eSCOR MisMN ot cae SCIRUS} THIRDAC ReSEG Ey ats NTSReS RUeae NUNN ti eases VL
a Fe i ... oe erie eee ete ee —.. oEi .NS =el —ert———C — — a ha, ee 0oe eeioo Ce bee ee..... eS ess ee aaee OO DE OO GO ee Ci oe ee iG ees Oe DN i ua, i ee a ee TOG Se ee a. ee Og I oI |Pe .@#}3}3»§58£©. CC . ..ae . ee oo iy — a GS oo ee -DOR |r-ee a..=. ..ioo Bee .ee 7. ee >... -IRC _ eG | Ce ee |ae a re. ——... ..3 Ee as. Os ae ae ae EO a. .lrttwtCOCO~*SCS ene cn.ge ee Ce HS Ee | ol .ee |ee 2. ee ee SN oe a ee ee eT PO EO ee 7ey SES SO Cee Ceok ee _Gi ee ai ORR ay SS i— aSU iso oe ee io Mc OR ee . PN ae CO ee i a. oo a es ee ee oe rrrt~tsr—CCsCsC oe le “oo ee a Oe ON SE age ee LO ESI CON ee Oc EN ee ee ae WiiOe Oafg. iorr ae ee oe ee ey EOC a ON iaee See A) ee oaIS ee Oe ae ee Ce SS ee OT EON IN OI aeM aLE Co ee OO INN CO aee ee ie ee OE SC ae 2 Tn ee oo eo OOO AR Pe ainl ee eeas CO IN i:Ce IS Se OS ISIS ee 2 ek “ kk Ue re a Cee ee ee. C...l ~~ CS tC OT ee — ae — Ne ee iat. OU ae | ee eh OO RSIS ONIN GU CERN ay oe SO 2 ara Lh De es ae oO NN ON OOS as CO eS a Oe Me a. oa ;ee . . ee a r i a . -. | ee EG Ss UES ESE SES SR WOM es: ys aees .=oases oo 7eee ew sin TE CO CeCe Oe rrree SOee NG NRCS Sy OE NUM Bias coe Ve ee ENON NG Sy ee Cs oo a.ee .... iiioa. — #.. aee : ON :.|.2o— SCE ee ae I i. ee ES oe OT a. — rrr ee eS CO ee ee |.cc:a SUG OU eeSe ee eeeSUSE eeOe ay AURAGN YN a era ON Sees osoe Peeoo aae ilreeHS ee r——CC rr |eeCORSO ee i.ee ee COomon ee aree a. ‘a ec ey — .} } | ee ee BN es Os ol UN ica SC CORR, Ce DOMME: OSES er eats hie, > _. _. =... Ce Aa i SON ks a. Dig eos SR Ses ae Bas gas SOG OSES US IECUS SCS cs SU NURI FSi ee ae cece ee see SOLES
OT 5 ISS tet aca te rearee ESSN NOU OHI at OR ee ee ee EN Ne LE ORO a Ne FA ER ere Oe NT A ORRENSRaG NE EN NOS SGI: SES ONES ING cone ne Be OU USNC YORI Ui ay eeaneae OSSINING oe TE AR ee Ra MSTA Gs selene ninth ae ne - a... . . tr OE MUA aes OL VERSE NK NRE IRA a EE On Oe NG SEC SR SG NMG RO NG NN ee UTR A Minas ee aig So SEY Pe :
Bee (| ema ie ies BeeeeSait: COU TeUSN Nala tlGEN SSS eee AIG TigeR LO CITT SG TUCO SS OOM MT TAsOn Ren ST TM anhBS RRR eectOMS eat cere LOSES Soc en ICE GU apseaT |) ane SESES ol >... |. os. ey NU Be Bn ee UMA Ss OUI RE NSS EU UR SS NN eeaeaisaoe ie UNSSC SANs oe: AaSeanRSoeLora CaN Sceet eenNMI es MMMMR a DN MINN ceo
Re MT a INN oy FOO OE OO Oe ie iia ee Ce ME Steg ke SE NM Oso EA eS OR SESS Gs Ni as SSO MNS Ce EG SEE AMT MUN isis DOSS OG 2 ay CER ies GV NS ae Santa:
a... 2) CIES a CO SEN oS aiiRSOtNAT ce eee EES SONS POWPe OSa en Ce Oa ESS SaaRG MIME ese: eeRea ERT RC aan eae ORS CORALS aAMR Da eaiae eli.NI | Biase oroeras OAPes) Pe Rea oilRR iM0) SEE .ea i. 7oo oSoe 0Os eoe: ee er Oe autes cee SERRA MIRON Ce SORORITY TH eRe We Bie Rege eeah OR NGI UEheega PN aaa eee ill ome HAPS 100Sees Nan RI Co ae a1De TlaAS MM AMES So NG ISaes SG Se SOS ngsaGooey SCRA ES ES aSO Mee Oe Aae EE OS ADee EN) DPT OS eee Na nee pS MC MR asc CG aa: pee =A .... a. aeeeeSNOE USN, aeee NG Sees MN os Ue es oe Racers Peco RCo aes SO nn OIeC ORI RIN, OEE OR aaoa SS eslOG OE aaee: SGatDO os IC Sere NSS, STIRS DIceaefosc een eee iCANCE eee ll Fe eeas ai Ae) ie) TanGI eeAPE peneossoe Ne eee | eee ee Be eS Cae geAM CSNSS, Soa I SEO Oe TE ee Bae OU SOS AOS AMaas MES oeSESS SSE Wc Se Do NN Sea
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a es ee Boe —. ©. oo :
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Mitla mural painting in Mixteca-Puebla style. (Drawn by Carol Smith after Ignacio Marquina, Arquitectura prehispanica | México, 1951 |.)
in the post-Classic stage they assumed more importance than before in the Valley. They also are found at Zaachila and are frequently encountered in the Mixtec codices.
Monolithic stones of extraordinary size and weight, drawn from a nearby quarry without draft animals and fashioned with only stone tools, are known from Mitla. They were used as columns and lintels in both the palatial structures and the tombs. Mural paintings from the Mitla Church Group are Mixteca-Puebla in style. The nature of the year sign, plus depictions of deities and lords, relate them to Mixteca-Puebla and not Zapotec style. While the palatial structures at Mitla generally have been assigned
to period V and thus identified as “Mixtec,” this classification must remain tentative. First, the palaces contain no stratigraphy, and, as a result, it is dificult to assign them to either period IV or period V, although they are almost certainly post-Classic. Second, the stratigraphy elsewhere at Mitla is unclear. For example, the South Group showed a peculiar sequence: First, it revealed Zapotec of Monte Alban IITA (Burial 1); then Zapotec of period IV (Burial 2). However, the next two sequences are difficult to assess. A tomb (3C) has been identified as Mixteca-Puebla although it contains no polychrome or metal but only stone mosaics and miniature vessels of possible Mixteca-Puebla derivation. Tomb 3C was destroyed, however, and over its ruins was
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constructed a pyramidal mound of Zapotec style. The sequence then becomes: ITI, IV, V,IV(?).™
The relactén of Mitla, and Burgoa, indicate that Mitla was the Zapotec religious center, presided over by a Zapotec high priest, who
is likened to a bishop or pope—a common equation in Spanish sources. It also was a burial ground for the highest-ranking Zapotec nobility; second-rank nobles were apparently buried in Teitipac.”
Burgoa relates further that the palaces of Mitla contained the dwellings of the high priest and his attendants as well as apartments for visiting dignitaries. Mitla also had a cacigue, a secular lord.“ Of course, it is not certain to which specific period of Zapotec history these accounts refer, except that it was sometime after the fall of Monte Alban. Extensive excavations undertaken at Yagul (probably the old Tlacolula) relate to the problems at Mitla.® Yagul is built on the south and west slopes of a low hill to the northeast of present-day Tlacolula. On
the summit of this hill is a fortress of stone and mud walls which is in most respects identical to a fortress located on a crag some 154 meters above the valley floor a mile or two from Mitla. These fortresses
apparently were used as places of refuge during military attacks. On the south slope are the chief ceremonial, commercial, and administrative areas of Yagul. There were located bases for temples (pyramidal mounds), palace structures with patios, a ball court similar to the one
| at Monte Alban, and some thirty-five tombs. The central precinct measures approximately 140 meters from east to west and 180 meters
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Map 9. Archeological zone of Yagul, Oaxaca. (Drawn by Terry Prewitt after John Paddock (ed.), Ancient Oaxaca)
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|,Ded | ia,.a.iba ee Reger aaalSe taeeG . :Be : : 2. :iemos :_ae :: ).en weet . jae .L|..fvy-Q:,::.,,SIN :on :DeiCe i. oe i.ETSea Ge eo ee Se 0Mee aLS:a|NOG |!or,-::|7: :|. — ee Re aN SG ea) Sean :— dens :os Lhe 2:"| |sus ~~ aLON SO ee Se sialic : Ee: wr ::De :|wee : . 8 i Te ame: ‘ J .:tees asor ah Soe Sly ARM ML NeCT ATS ESR ORG Hct Reach Renn ee Ee ce MONO O TERS Ge a ee ee a DOC agisesees : Ly 1 oe” nels OR ea oe le Bape i. ne an We : a . wee L i ., | Bee ;: in OG ee — oe ee a ee ee ee ee Oe Ne: hs: _. 7 oo. oh eeneee oe co ee Bee. ae See) ome (7 le INS Se ee er Doo Cian 8 ae egies es . BURoe ee LeGane ee aee et as Beeae en poe aee as ua heee ie na. Mae NG aeEe SMa So ee ea, ea ako |. ote : “.__.: 7ot;oe cee ooa es Be ae hs oe “att RUNES Bee ee SES Mrs okES oeFNee aseeMO sz a ae eeee ueESS aee : Pe eeFeeel eece os ee ooi.oo 7- a..a — ARTE SOS SRG Sco a a nn: Ra eae ee ee ie AMMO oS See Soon Uc ome Bice nO InnIbl: ae | — _. . - a bs a : . i My Nes Dias OR ee a Wa ei Se ous ee ee eee) UE eS ANS Se PE ee ROE, MS as ee Wea SUES cco a eae eee SN
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2 _ ee a oe ae — . a ( | a Le - : '
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— ot os os-| oe oe ae .ee) oo. ..se 3| aoe ‘ee Ai HESS a.7\: [‘:\ ,:: retee i _— 7ee:AS : a. _—
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e :7es| 1r S7 ': -
in S ee om Monte nN I ; and S ialer =
Iappear l e€to b associated Ww ! S, ec1S . rtra :S
cas a es aeeoe eee .yee Sein ayes
en Boas eee eines Pe ae pireerene EES i asic : _ io. oo _ a. Ree oe WO ae oe |— oo ie ee oF eea a:ee ee oo .. aaosaee i cers Me ee oe Bee Co : . ee MRO
POs . . PEL Ss aE SESCBS ee eave . es BSC eagIN ee=Boe
HRN ON a ee CES eeuritwalriiter ee Lsrr Soasipiociumponinairsnnuanans cae LS anaes? PO ea UNC ee eet Nee oo as eee ae CR Cl oe SOS ae oo eeeee ee | a ee eesRo eS 2aea Sea ec Coe Se nN. ee eeoe See 2 NS ae oe 7.UO oe Sa, CT SN, ‘SGaac eee ere Co ee A aah LS ORNS ae Wed RG PROG aN 2Neer Ge eas SOS — SMa NINA ani oe ee EUS ores eee oe oo eRe Catt ON RR oa ey aa Re SiS oo .MT ee si ee eG Pe ee eee eee ee va ee RO ee ROC RUE PR Ea aS CS Voi TMG nn ssSeana Bes ees PE Ca ONES Ss eC Oo e:NUR Oi MMe eee aaORS BR Oe BONS AR aS Re sco eVSR SC SS: ie iii oo Ce SEE ee ee Coeee eeSe Sh an Te SEIS ON eee MEE eaCae te aes UP AN SR man es all Sc le ee aerators me a beatae ee ee eee ee HIN, FE ee ei isis, SU DOU eeFORO iS Ae oy) NaS SEE Sa NEN iper Ne JMAE Aaa HO SAR ED Cneninge osluOe Pate cenesEEE SSAMO esSG BM oe ANON TE SG ooxane etSee aN OaSkie ie ee So 258 Cs Gh ee RCE Sella PRE OMA oe eson a Re ES NG ane eat tTSeeman goers
ee. ee _ F- .. i a «= * . ee ve . Ul hr LL |... .... - ee Cohn i of a. mie «a|i8SN — |Woes ig o. oe ae til meg on Med aoCca 2aeomen L ae “ee-asae aoe 2ne aeeiasiasG oe ai oe ee ee oe Es oeBene oaoeMaines aoyoo aes 8 oo ee I; ee ee ue ae Wh cosas Sie cca ae Beeres eae oe La a7 Wyo Be ONsaws aa | ccd Ie aeye aa8 2ween: aoe eeeae ne oles ees oeee ON ee ies OE: oeBe ay sieSNe oe ee |aD) ee|ok ai,ee Lo Wai "iiOne SH Co reeage aBay aee .TN Mie AES Mie SRL a a a. oe We ia. . ue — oe Oe a mf yy oe Pg One 8 a a oe es en oe wo oe oe ae 45sSdWe 3° Aue setiesyg aeeoy — | 7 22 ae on oe ae ee oi ay ae ae es a nin oe 3i oe: ys =aCSee igs ay = Be 7. ay 28 Le vate a eee ie es ee oe aa _. is ional lip Os ae: ee oe ae Wee ae ae Cae 2pe ee 3 SR ve aN oe a aN ae re oe nase oe oad Oi ae — Ni oe aN co ee Hee Mie ss eae ae ee Fontes Pe We Be Be Es Wes DOR Oe oe io 4 PSE wt ee a pen ae — as ua iG sis sean scale eo (i Beeee oe) pois AC eam Re ee oe pe eee Be Ona Sas ee ae ee SS eee Wee Oy ANG ae ‘sive ee east oe Pa Hal Na ee ah a es ee et eePa Bae Silage aea Mi ARON oocasoo oeeeSo aes ES" as oe. keoaern a ae a“aN eee oe: oo ae “alee ae ae eS es os PES ee fue oe Nciae Lo. ies ae. -. te Las ee ay ss es asan ee ee Kes Lee nui
ae a oe . ee ae 2 Lee Poa REP STIL . ened
ee oO Wee Hh: oe Sie Me ee ee NT a ae my nN ee me oe wee
=. a Ligne enooa,ee. oe on.Cae ae a SS oe je na 7 oo
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Oe IN ye oe oo oe ne 4 a . A an Oe os hee ee a 3 an eae ee ae ene On aa ee Laie ae Ke ee gee ee ee es es ae ee Be Rees ea Se a ae. pe Be Be ee se aoeaeEES BA A a aee.ieail ae aeoe aea7a.eeres ie ee SasHe oe apeVe OLED preaa 2neesaERS RG ay . Y seeSes se TBR ou | SNe nee a Oe ee RE ESA8. . eS Beon Be Pee EstBe I ein PeeNNR ie eeoe Beae: Seeee IN % a ES eesee Bey ie~~ eonee es es eee ee Boe ae oeBese as Peee _ ..D MY ili ene Wee DeoNeus So Ks i, Pe Gi a BA oe eneeerere ee ae:_ fe Nee A eee ) See a . eee ec Se pea aeeinePde CeSER RANaseeRePSS esleC8 aeetFe aes 2 ails Ae ae _aAaOe aeaaPe ane. se Heal Seer eeeeEee ee ie |Se ae SA oe Be aeeneries AN es ee een: ne oe) eege a Blea oe oeie ale? Mees Ee aaams hice .Oere4oe aMes aigmM ae io fe oe Iees ae ae ee ee es oe aoseeiBoe NSS or eyBa Ss eeDee Ne eee 2Sreoe aoo =se Bes eee ieA oti aeGoes See we2s EN aCs |ee| Re paris aBae ase oe se baaa ae| es OS Beoo Og. sieee ta:2ee cee GS: oe || As ee aoe ies cgpes LO SLL oe i4 Be: Gaya: SEER Ae NES aWess ee AN Fk ae aea.SOON es aetSS oe i,aesHie ceOe oes Tes es Lee te oo oe Rt at aes ieee Boul /Ming | ea ANG ey: Berta eee Nes il Wee ae BER —iey Se Ss a)ee isane EES a ee) Se reBea! co | eke, Seam nae iets hes Bos ee WM aere 2ie ae” ae a ee yh oy 5 We es mo ns A SEES Ses eis Aa et, oe ae oe ee pce Byes eee ee Tew ae en Dee ee MB eR Pale ey te ae sa a iia Bey dee Ree ssae SEES a Bia ae a a ee a pepe 8
L2 i_|..Pa — aoF- a aoyoo|. _ofSo 3ha ee 2 “— PeSee ee gayBea oo geag aeieoei.ot i ce 7. ef : es Pe ae 7 i ee es a a ee ee ee & a a es oe Mae: By oo os Ce ss nea Bass Lo ae a Mee ee ee ee ay es i a
weSgfeBe oeSES HoaLaie pala ee ee eeaPe Sore De: Sy eae oo eh ee oe Seen a eee oneaesaaha see ee iNG myRaa FaeWG Cees SMe rae HES eee rakes i ESBeeeaeaes ee HS ee Sesh Mi:Be vl eae SeEEE FO a‘a‘eee USS ee BNee eee oe ne: ge HEE ea na ea iscoSAN eo AN irePSs Ss eee Sie Bas RO aeeeseas ss aeee NINA Ae: ornare cose tame ee: yi) ea Sos a) ce ;
ie oloe eee a of i— on Linas Cages oN _ ee oo ee2ges vg is a 2ff. a 2 camel i caeoe oe ee: Beea7 ee x eeeoe aegee. . |.Ue ee oo oe _oF oo Ke — io oe oy He ¥ ;ieos »eeaoa 7co— «ss a..4,_oa74haHe.—ss a. *oo ea ae a«_oF oe Pa "a ofa‘oe| _Lae aaeS — a oF 7 Le: ae ose:a[7 Pee Ae ee _2 . aa._.ae se age oo ee |oeeeSe ee a aoe eeSodears 2De Bons eeeeeea.eee eeweaoe peroaeeee Ike oeae Beee oaLate inl Cages neees oe eee eeees eee ESSRI: Hace os ee.BaaWiel ooa:ae: fa a. Beat’ Sete (oe es AIS ee ee al Ses SES iy Bo aeeee ieee se soe Le uiasi ee paneer EES ata Ne He a We ee a ge g_ Lo pee Bh ee 3ay aeee are aeae eeROS ee oeia seas Pee Saae Loe oeae| teeee BcGoCy te eh in aie Lo iaae Pesaeone oe By Ta: pore Be aeis eeonrmaay Soepas AesBe Se esSSS ae a ee eea.Naan Aoe|eeeee 8 GN EE!nee eo eee fetans . Ss Beat: aH sone ee oe ue peel ae boeea eo Tes ee TsNe oo: We qa Ae ie WA Bes aeae i)BH igi:Oe ae o a ee aN | eeeee ae ipes ae: ees: ae esat3ee — oe ee a oe ae ee is SON oa BELG Recs eons ae syee a Oe a—. a.ao As Me A‘oi oeeeiaaMe aePte esWise ih :a A a Ee eeae 2Be) eae ae HY He iesesoeSe pe ie|aEE ee See (eaeee ie Les os ie pefe as sis AES See ayio Pi ai Meee _ ane a ao HN el|i |ee ees ae ea) aes Bat Eee a aR ee cae CR) nisi: eSeSoat_eooe Fee 8PeaMR Wes >ee ee KROES: 2 Cai a. eeaie a: MN Ee Oe eee eee eeoo ce a eee aeaLo a po eS =|oa. iy A oe Le 8ine a a Me ee7aefF Hieoe oe oo a ie a ee Mee eSoe. Ae SRE ON Cy eee _con aoeVel es8aES Se Mii: ae i is 2. ee ae BiLN er aeBO Se oees i)oeaei ieae ie Bee Bae a Ber or aa eer cee ae BiWeg Aaeeseae a a81eeae oo ee esoeena Woes sc oy oO un oeCoa oeoo ae Eeesoes ohco oeMe ees ef oo on Nae He hes iWk: 0eeeCan ae ae ._.. Ce es ee cl aRee egos eee SG ae oo. . NG .ai, .uM ge 8oe coe Wee Lee ONS oe in Pal es SEE ae Wencee a HOE ee Ms a I bl ON ae Bee ae a ee ee Bl, ese eae Rae oo seen Die Laan TN ee le Be eee ee Porn a |ee coe pte a AO ai 5 ae pee es EE er. re aM ie ee ie ee ee a eee es Be | Genes Stee oe a Ce i an Gi ek So eee es Pes aes ees gee ae SE lane SoD EES Beane es a ee ys 18 Me: Pe nee Seeeaie aera 3 De te EES eee 2 / ie cee ee SES a, oe ae ssc Weel SHEN me aa ee am Bee eg Coe pcre one eee mI eeSONS SS NORD Bie se Ce ae 2Sei eae Say aoa We lin ia Wes canes SEES Woe SESE AS ESSaeSES iene pea Bares a aogae: ReiCepaBee i. eee | eee. aeee eee a SH I:ie aeae peeeyae: a 7 Oe a eee poo aN pores Nan ik aeSeeaM ee es SSSR SaleatalaeHee eres eeepre feaaesieoetne pee:Re aeSa Aaa A aaa | aa Geeer hee a . BM: eeSSNs es 1oeae Seaaie aseol rere Beaa Bee ere ieeeeee a vi oi eae caeTareaeae SeaeaeOeRS Be) eeOe) os ee es | ee weeecoer Ha: SES oes esaaK oe Se oo Hew fa ae onae We SN ee Haeseca SS SEeSe See i aN eae eee BeeWee NyCo See itaNe oe aan aro Tae SeSONGR soree ee | esaaeeoo es a Bee ifOe|BK Re aes: MlisiBe oa 7 Be eae ieURE ioces ie Sie 2 isanEIR aBees HEH ooae 8RS: Ne een ae ee cy ‘i a Bei ae aeeas — pene aeoe eo ne se aee
a ge ful a; a ae ee 2 a a :: ft a ie — oN ie a seals oo oe ene os ie — ae alii ae
i. a a. i. | a a ee _ oe ha ee oe oe. a _ . 7s lew ST 7 | i a at. a Be oe one ae aa _ wa a “Aa oe | a ee 7. ae. Wes | ee oe Rs aa. ee a Teese oe: . a. aie ee ae | | an | ¢ 7 ae aias oo ee ee — eg oe 7 ye SoG Tr. a : oe Ng ee oo oe
oe “ae coed DWe: |a ee Pe ope | .aa. a.aoe 3|ee osa oS
Ld ao al oo. :{ae oe C. oe °aoe nN Sea | .) &
een Pees eres ee Ree
“oe ie ES EEA eeeea ae oe aeeee EO Ne: Laegaapraastareisss TOE Seis Ce : oN, “ati eeoo os ._.patsy oo ~— ..Oa aieoo .SN ese : es . aeon une cc . oo :oe oF ‘eeoeae oe ee ae se: — — ae — .ey oe UO ae Oe aN NS SNUG EnoF . aaoe aoo ee a aae as —. ee a SORE i sees aeROBe ON LOSI Oe CO ne Co aa ees ZOOM See fsRA a areas ayis:BON ee oo. .fscee NS ae aM Pe Oe PORE es Sa POON Le OS eice tiPe Re Rae Cs — oo ie Ce : (| o 2 3 oo i ul TN ae Rees es ee Os oY) Ne ee ee ONO Oiag one a 2 : Le | -. a oo. . Oe i Nae Pas Pe CO ee Se IN, NA UO eer ia = al y, ; é al . _. — a. oe eo) oo . ~~ es ce oe2ie NESE aes cee NN aFe —_ oo oS . o. ce es EO US ee oo Bea en oe Ses oe oo faPEN es aes peer i) ce maunnn -Se _ a — 3 7 a. . ee Ok Zo BS ee POLS oe EOIN Sg PO) eaee Se See eee oo ET Sn — tai | : . . it ee i. a nee . ees |. ae Rie RNC me oe ae CR Re sineniainlay Loe es Spans aN — oe a AOR WS es aay o oe |. Poe ee ss ye ae ae 4a.eC ae oC he oe PS ese ica ae Pe .. Dy ao mS ee CARES ee eae en a Oe SS ON -. .. We Se SE SONG a FT Leal aSN— :BNNs Kees “ | es ea ec FO Bea core oo ne ee eS OG ees GS pe eS Oe SVEN oe AN aA oe aRAGES ae eeae Ceo es ieaniiient i a as COs as ee es ce oe 2 Pe. Oe oy Ce a... > a Sa es ne ae on oo a eaONOe Pane ceys Ae eeOe eaeee ocean ROE eeAESoN cee Be (oe SA Se SN RAMSOe ES Ua a icone Been 8 SSG We es. Cee ies ee eo ee CO easee Co Proton cae PEERS me ee OE SEE Ny Oran nes STNOe as ae oe ON_ nas_wv:: ,
econ en eee es yg SES EEE re ee Sonssniuuaninc nay
: ooglOs- oo — Ce ae as oe oe oo.oo ._ Reha: 3 on. — x usw ial ooa ee mee ee ay PEN Wes ie at — en oe aRO aea OR eo ee oe ee oo. |ee 7aaa . pe — | ,, ae ONS uN —. — — BOS Rane Oe ee poe Coee ea Speeae ooES Oe: oe Ce ey OR): De eR ae Barone ee oo .qi o)7 |-: 3 |. Oe es a, oe . : :7|_: | ee ee -—. Po ee te oo. es ee ee oe _ieicin _LON |Ss as ~~ Te aOe “i oo aay my — ras.ae we oe. eeher an Pe asee ane a ess ee) AUCs eee ite Oe ee i— es oe -— =Ses SOND ee >.—.. Be 8— ee a...ec eeae es oo SeeSi aa)Gl eeTe oe oe a LZ oo ih OeOe |. . a iLy 8 oi ee oueeCe oa . a Se SEC Res a... He Ss ,:, . | oe a es EE eG OS USS ESOS ON oe SON ee ee PUAN Mi ee OR ee Se DU oe pve SPOR AN ODO Sa OEE SN eS EO UNE See Rens ENG HN Sah UO a ene On Pe) Renee : cares a
Ree SN esses SH es ae es PR eee aeoe eee oeesenn aatHRN es:lilies AECOS, — SR He Ree oo aNLeau AON bp esike ES ne . aeeRee RGoe. ee e Pes Se i SSE NIOeES eeSoeaten etoF ee ees ESR ee eS eeSe eon NaN SS ec ieet, TON He :. . EO: eke PeoeIaseee auoe hySee ee oeasLes 7ee eee aSS eeeeioee Be oeNIB Peay SO eeeS eereee oe tS oe CsBro ee oe a Ee aay esae Sean LC crMEHR SatEaueOE ae Hesscse ie ee a woe
i -Cas ooee ce) ae Teee ee ve sh ee eeENE ee OeES ares FesDs Soe RRC ey aSecs Rit eac ene eS%oes — 2.aes se ee,Rees ee TYae TS Ansel Pee WiiaoSpone ee Ce Oe SO re Ca ae ee ie eae SSROE hy ee oeos AN eSee RRS SsCs i ee Cee es erSOM aenee eyamaae aeaeat ae a ouihises —ee — Ge ee ESIGN Sea ee Se he eee se IR iALan Ce TaD .EON ee oN aeeneee Ce ee seAas eee EO ee ab nee ene ene eeORS Me Ae Bes .Oe.eeaeRE Hy aee caices S oe ee Seen Me es Nes coe SO ee |esaeee _2.SG en” So aeTA Oey |lip aeo oe CESS LS HOG) ON ee— eeRee eee es EN aaN RA leCe: oe ara cee oe UES mas ae ee aligsiscsesec: -—. » “Nos - oeSo ae oe— Co ea)7aes.. ees es CW.ee iia Otis oe OO OOS CA Saeo BSRSS De OG RS PSU SRO ae SUNS PS OS SONGS TS eeee aeA SOE LaaN oo SO Oe wis
=esee :ee ieSe ”— i tieo :— 8eeoe OO eeaos _ioesee ae ae Ss —7— ies Oe oS ee7isie~~ ee|.— SePe oSeseae oo. ON a ee ee oe. Coe oaae eee ll Ua a a ee oe ee I oe . : . . a a aee 4. |@=’+a:a, ie < 2o -LS ig) ty — . . Oe i US Ag Cc ©. ees Rita, oe - . ie ™ | - i. | iu Ce es oe 6 oo oe relat EE TEN ay oo Re ee Roane eeee. Oe feesERG eeeon Soe ee ee olWEN ae aoe ee ees oH Soe . OS Bees cris ee iNOs Cheam ee Bs NS aa TaN ee . ty ee ASO. OOM ooCees Ce eeti)Be: oe Se esOe ees se SOs Co eae Ce ee ee ee eee aSFeeSUAS aoe — . Te Soe Ge eee Re es a, Lo Ce es Pe ee PERO eeseo SESE oe, soaes Oe eSSe oy Supa Bearman Ea Sesee ss ee oeGSS aes SR ESOS NG OS AERee oS ene te aN: eee eee DE Pee: OMEN OG pera onePO SSA ee SOSORGS eZFARE ee ise aaa SLske :— .:Pee ane es oe ue8 Oe oo AEE 2ig Ne ne ee .LON — ee ue aeeH oe .PTE oaRESON Oe ee A) MS ESR: SRE Ree — oeSE SE oe — eee ee) ee Fe es ee cee ieas ae Ly8Se ieaepeeeaaee SOG ean eeone en ne OE Issocc a| oars cea Seg ES ee ey Sree ee ee Ce ST Oe 2 oe ee ae ae Ee Ses We as oe a |. — oa eo oe Oe Ve: oes Ss oe . SU ee ee eae ee ve ce “ — Ce BO . a. . a; : — See ee ee ee oe ee a SENG OS Oe Fe: eeu | La ee SS Sy BGR: ees PE ee a ea SOE ego Ree aa ee Pe ee SN Boe es I PR panes a ee Me ane rane eee ee ee 7 ee ee Vs ne PG ee ee NGC aD oe ee ae ES Manas AG. ee Rone oe ON ee: ees ee oe oe oe US es ; . a SEeeoe A eee Es apee: roesEE CoEeaes oeeeee.. -. _. _. _— BeeOs ee Beas URGE — en Ree aaeBea Ds osae as an ONSaaa, ee eee ee oeSan ce eeee BeEOS SU eeee RNEs _—.. : a :.
Saye eea ao po ees Seaoe ae.— oe Ss .ee . .eee | .ah — — -_aid2; Se os eeeesaeo ee eea.oe . a.-ceo aeo ee — — -ee a. Gos :oO -ee FO . Doe —. — ee eres SNP inn oo i— ‘ es :|— io |. ee se .ee 6ee .eea...ee .oo. oeeCoes aosSO-... ones SORES orcs OOCr es es ee eae |_ ee Ds Oe Gee ARiser PES A ane oo oe oo ~~ . SF a a. oo. ee ss . — . — ian Sa = : . A _ . . lols . eae eee BN Bla ae Cees a FO ee OT Se e Coa Eos eee See eas Se IAC sae eS pera ee as etree EEE set ror ‘aa .\Pe .OO O. es J aOe) oni ‘ee } ~*~ .SM aS esESTs es Saas. Rae ae eee ee Fey —.Co |.oe aSiete eee erp Ree price . zi a Sas oC ns NUN en— SS on eana. a isSe ees eens .sos Ue.Pes eee sot ee| Soy aes sue SOS Oe agtiert SSS Oa coe me iOo Peast oe EG osSI OsOg CS ars ooa7 ee leoO aaoe es SN SEES —— oot! ase ee aes oo os ces ee HOES, ae -—_ ..eegs.... .ORS va oe aieee Oe a... — .eeSO
- Ha UTSaSe Nea Es a .a... ye on ee —eie«w ff oo i 7 ee oe _ oO . oo oe -..... _ a. Ce — | Ff oo. , oo BIS buf es ae . . « ee a _ BS ~S i ee a a ne ,ee oo | oe * i Ns i ae oe oo as oy One ese a a l ecg See NN Os a es BONG Son . 2S Ret | eo i AUS NRE Sa SE 2ff Se ee ee s.— aN eeLo See ee ie Se ee Ne ioe— osa. eet oe oTms 4] |ee_eei7. -.. ee aHea Es aeWo*oe ae CC oo |7 o- _oe|.+... aS a aeaa-eea “3 4OD oe i) cei ames oo x— ow =. Bln ee SRE —OF ee ae ae oe oo. CN ee eter) | ae ine7 Seee se eeee a : ne UPCeRES ngSSDS ee Pee) oSNeoo L ;.oPe8ee2oidesmoe. OeUES a Cee — a.
3Ee pDRLoe :oe 4ee -oei/..Seana “—.pines ee KE. hs Big ee MES DEORE ES oe eeoan oe -. aa aa oeSE « eeoo Rae ee oe- ee _a ee asepeeeg aae— aeIoeieee .Se Wine ck |es eee ares UR Ones es ow he ome @ ee ee es) ee) ACORN CR a_en abol atcon Ai OO cal) UNeee GY aes esa) 0 eS se Ese a)Ohh Te uaisccinineng Se coal Rane ee es Coal Aa ee one er Coe _hh aSes _ pp -ee -a isoo :pee ::Ries fee iis OA: eu Oaeae re Sead ee ES eeueatenes Dee ee ‘ 3BS4"Sacre ' oBpene : :LESS .: ~aaeNE —Estiip 0. my odeeeisong \aRage me oe "ReeLian. ee Vee ane oe ane eth CC ‘in EE Ce aan aecope Ba oo Nee = : : ” ‘ | 2 : : al ; : ' _ 2 “ ‘ 1 . . 7 a a Ngee i eae ease eat ai Neves 24 BOSS Sea Disa De AGN ROE Hes en i ae ia tea enn pees pericin So Men Posscen certs useninde: ee) Oey . SE ANE SUR Ihe Ee EU ears es
SO aaa eee Ce Nesta AA OS ae Ue ae Ta Se TEAR ae Ee Bets arias SUNNY Be ESE se a cece Ne 2 AN ee eee SEE re) AN TORS, Seat ccun poet eta eee Seer see —. 8 / . .. :
2 . _. . a .a. :. oe ‘. co oe eeBOL RienRee s aePe sane Cee i i ees eal Fe Loans eeee OAine aNesLaEO ae Bees oy aesLG SNBae ee ne ne oe CSRS oe| os ee oe .— easoea eee ae ee: Wig eeae RES Reeeeeae ee ne —eeGia) heeee a Ur—QQ
:pee — So | oo cea OURS: Sere: eae Se i So ee eaeee ORO SEE IOee Soo Pahoa (ee Sees oe ES ee ees NUE aM eens oe SOWis Oe Oe es OO a. ne Ova ae Sea ce:_.. . . eee Seamer ae ee oe Se aSeas esMIRE: TUN osetNe apne aee ieae oRANARA: aeee ee es Bee . oe ESS cree oon ees Eas PURER ER EEESu SEE SUH Soc eens roeee eeeBE ie eeereeceernee Oe eee ss, Sea ae ee Ser oe eens tteee Loy oer ee,ea Bee ees | iNCaN HRS any aale o.es — _ _. -_ sie7aj Se epee rae Pe eeERE OSs ees a) ee ROLES aUUM ON ee ee. aeSEO eeBS ane Sd aeo ee .ee-ae— aras SESpe SRR Rtege reuSE ESSE RES oe eeeaeRies I So ees MRS Se SM eee Rae Re ee: ene esa“ _hls — EER Ee ea eae eee oe ees oes oe eee wiee) eau ES ccna Sees OI esipRea: Season LN Teelie a Bo heaN — —oN — . 2-. SERRE ne Bees errr canesHee ES SE Ss oe ne Reece aeee es fe eeEDR Aa am ee iOs ea aeASE 1 eee|eS oer | iG eyee Wee 2 aa OG RG Saint Rianeaononss oe. a eos PROC hssSL SINS ooo) Berea ah a Ci ot — _=i. oe “ ms pee nes SECT TC Roe ESS Se aa AOS See — ah ae Rs SOG poe boaeoes a eee eh oe PO ga OOS Races SN i ae ie ae pticuneneye cs cc TORS a — - . : e ws
eeIe eeBe | ee ea ieeesrr ico: Pe aeOsaeoe oeeeeeee SS oe— —PRC . ~ =eee omOo “o _EU _- oo =ae _ES aee ae iebil es Lo eae Oe eeEe SeTinea OG eee US ASS 8 el > . Fo a | so oe oo ——— oeS i_os :aee .:Ge On Fs le a ee pee ee ee Dae ee oe oo Ce ... oe :a -a:_.aee oi eos Ogee Ge ee oe ee ie eee ee ae eee GS Ree ee eee Oe See PS ES .7 oo re. / rr Be = 4 HO Seeoes i Eas Ea is ERS ee ae BE ee oS SOE |. > ae... i aye ee eats Se es es fo ee — ee es Cee PE Seas es Poareonaens ee SO
Ee eeesee 2ee Oe aes oo eeRee eeeeee ou _. eoe| -| iee ee ee aaes: ee 2 -.... |. .aeke pee oeSoe ai ee ee ins esoe oeaoe ——:ooSEES a oo . a oe ee oe oe a»I- -bee -aOS— eeee stons:EO EEE ceees PSST oe ES .o >.oe | . Ce ay Sa OE Gen Sone ees Wrounieca Sue Ee Res Manos eee eeee ee SRee See reed @. &...2 _IEa—... ai PEO .oe eeEea. poe Bee See: ESR OES WEA USE =mey-: aah :.:...*|ee_. oe rt Ee 2S ESS aeeee UR GE eres
Se as ae a Clr erg ee | oT .. _ _ _ } - : .cs eeieee ee| y_— eassee | SS —8ae oo oe -ee.. ..EES oe .|OO —- re 2a .re, ECOG: ee a Cc | a oo a _ 7 — : 2 hmmm oe ee a ee — ee ES — BRE gee #8 | ey ee es oo as ee ee aera i eenee a...: ee. ee Se 2s Ons oe -....... — — — 7|.eS . _e. © Se ee ae ay Cae :Se :.eeaee aSes ee eeoes -_.... )ae . nna — .: ee oo_.as Pek acree _ . Oe a . oeoe . aeee .: Ee Ee ... — Ss Es ASS oo lCLUlUe ees ee ee oe eee PS eee Se ee ie .ee .ek-— ee — — 7 — .|. .eee eee =|. en-— — es ee See oe SSS OSES =Wok ee — oo — SU so ee POs oe _ Eeeeee.——s is Oe ee oe ._-:. :a _o_weaoF : . | 7 Pee 7 _aoeae wae ceeamSOS inOROs (ote ee Bees pesS ee ae aN .. reaSeaNe EeaeSEP SEES paeeen EEE EE CS aoe.. Na oo oe} eereeaSe eeRane ES eerpcRee ce SeSE ar DEES eee penunioceres . pene_ae.ee-—. ee Rs ea etONA BiOacses SG We Tsee reac ey) Sy TSScue ea eeES ie Se ee By Acer a Beare RRS Ua pecten caeay eR,— ieee SEE OTS geen See ee SU IRI . DLLSEESS : 3 ee | oo. eonearee eee oe ome ree Soe ee Se SEE ee eS ous Ae ee eo. ae Noe ce | sls oa ae oo. eae EO SoS Serene aes Bee SE eae ce SSRIS ESOS eee ee ORES Le Soe SLES
=7: 4ae ; p:aeofl | | :— . —|.- c - .peor es OESSEA Btn Rete eee ua epee eee SeedSO Berea SSE Paes pene ees Pa Ee fh Gira Se neCSP: USES arabes PIERRE SEES Ze ES ae prcrarrae ISER PSNI wit 2 :: ec=2 — e Co -. ee -OR ee neces REE Gio Doers era ne2 mee : arene - be ae. oe SERS . SERS: ee Mateos Brae ORE ROU: See eeSe ES..eee -— SS Seton RESIS eeeranerars RU oeen PeePEN oar eres SEES eSaaae tenes : .—.LESS ees FREESE oe— Ce -...esBoas ee _eeaoe ~~. ah SEs OS BeNEE aorCESS escoe REESE SEES BOERS
2 eee i . < — 4 me . cae UA? a es aeons Me See panes — Se RASS Ber ee oe ee ERS Sa eabivouente te ee eames cenens ee pe ina Pee ane ere > : . | a oe ORES SEES eat eRe Bees aN Ren ee eam pee Suu eee Mipeeientee EES SSUES Sheers AEROS: Se NONE EE SaaS hen Ee ENS noe et ESN es SEES ENES. ASRS SEES pra oe SLES ae | ‘ee : ; :ee : _Eee : : LoSE 7 5CAE | a | . oo ee ease ey as eaeEES ede Fes i pean SoeBOB Bc apeOS es — ..aeee aoe casas Sere aSee peat Saree: Goerhee oe2. cy wee2ff— a ... yg .. Bene Ui ee pee ace ||| eae ese ca eae Beers | eee ee Pee ol ae Roe oS ree a BO ee Say aes cee CORES ESTOS att : oa de be a oe i . . . oe La. euro cad ci a Nowe reas Hee eee Br eat || eee See Wes: Seen a ye eases ener ee tee 2 aa WMS esiks eset wey Beeb se
i ae oo i — Sipe ae UR See a ne EAN EES SSI Os Ree es SRS Bae nS SOU aa Pen APE USCA B ee Sa hee rR ye eee Been ch Ca Se amen an BIE, eet Ror Py al ee yy
Lo. oe |. Te ee ON Sec ee ees : ay 2 UNS SiS Re ees SN AN Ss | oe CE a So a RO ie Hae oo
: a - :*: iiWG OS ' |.. .OGG . ee A Oe PIR Rae aeSINE eeeRae SHE oreo i LOGS Oe Si ee ee es |ce il eae Ai aaa RS ks1 cease Pee ilI Ue TS ot EE eea oa EC ESOS aoeaBe ea PC ee US SE ONS gy eas aerent ae a IMR iaeoS RRR SURES De Ses iae ee.& : . OTS aas| SSE GONG ea aeeeSSRI Weer ele Gai iin este ike MCE Dips eeSMR 11 Sree So SSI OSsicaaaease Ss SUE On Ss ee ee Me aeNO es aN SOS Sets oeaES Lr | ee Bee nS: EG ERE SISSON .5 . mM EOS RseRee NA shu oe eee eeieeePe a Sens a ORtO RSSeg RAMMNS PUG ONIN NEON Ranaes eeMieiceycupeetn eaten SSA MINiiasMin NN aM oo a. —aM :. :| .7. |. 8aoF _ Co _. SER eo Seno aeeas Pena SNS ee pe OU SSMU SUR e508 Ispeke Ce Se ReioPOC eeI) ae eo: EOE - ne oe oy Cie oe oaSS Oe ON eeMICs fyNy aeee | SRR ZA HO eea,aN NeReaCe ee ae Fieece Onn eo. a ee ee Phe) eeceeee| Faas Sinan aed |es es ea SO ene ey OC OO Nk CRAIN) CeetSSOO NRT SAAC EEN a |2 " ee aee) asa CO ne eS ERGO M oN OO eT (RNNG Sea ACONN aR Sclicwals BEee RSEsc eneee ae phe ay oe a i eens SRN Sal NPE DNSON SaaS A NEAR Sa NV EE ea os a ga ay, Sieh ae
i eee ae ca Ooae FeeLePea ee i AEs Se iaN OSae ia Nl Sassen oe aS LAsaree eee eae | ) | |Ce | a rere eg, >. J oo IToeLnOea OOM ORE GE eeile aUMS eaME PA aTU aaa setereee De
Deir. vei: aog CCooa oo ae OO Cejae aeee ee.eeooeee .. : nee a a : ok ol wre Py Ce ee Ee om oe a ee tetas hw LL :;:;FC Oo ieCe i16 as aoo a _. a oo ey: |aFi es Ciwee es . “iota FF a oCe aoo (3. a ||i... -—
| | - |. a .. oo i —— ee
a wet de : ee eT Te SEO ee gs Ue ee BN es eee ST: Sa MA SUEY GN a OS ONE I eee OCS SUNG oath He nS aes HOMME iNe ihtan Teena eee oe | ; . tl . ae ee Dns ROWS oc ON noe MESON) as FES OR REN WANE aie ae ay open) SNE BA OU an Ce a aaa UR Fee ae aan eee SOSA neat Joost
we! eeUE ae le aM — ea eae ire.... se oe ee oy i fk wy |. 7a a: .pct a: :::DAME AT eeSg a7eee oe EE SN re .OO NESS Aoee a .ae |Oe US :an Dee Pe ——_—rs eseai 7Oe ON aooo i... a¢SS ae .we ee eo - —_ >... ie oe a oeCO oe De CC ee Sais ano sna eaaC FRIED « ee Oa aa le UE OS eas a saee eee : ee Co eG er ae Oise COG Oly eenee Oo a, Ae ee Se Sic Oe .| , ; 5 J _ ao a. Cy a aa oe ROC ARIUS INE AONE ee SU Ui iy DA AAR i SON OS aS SI ae Tegan eM. see Mie sist SCM ADS Nt OO i Sanaa JERSE ES UES Pos ; vie : ee ee es Uae OO UN Ee eo ae ees Eo ee : Me : ae a i yo a Ci a Obie: a ae ea eo Oy a OO RNR Gigi 05 EE aes . o ee ae | dite a. eo oo. oo te eee . oe _ gs Ae : : : ee OAS AS: ieee SO SRL 8 ON i Mia IN TE SAN lana DS Os a i eS PO y a. WOM MISS es Ciena ET Es) a oo _. 8 2 :foe .‘tte 2 : ,BE Un SO MMs Co SM a BON SAN ERaa SONOS com ESR SEN aan 7ea SN SSCNN Ga een SePE eses SES SoNC UO ORE CaN|.re oO ae a ee oe 4. a.OSM i. co a eee As alitean GOCE MAIS Bee She SOs INS en RO ea a*TEoT See EEE :,Ss — Ree RN NM ann En Ua KER A CE SIR AiGy OC ie AEat aNG UES a.Seeee 4 .EE LD , ee Z a|VS .oe oo.ae oe Ae Pee PES ONS oe Oph due uaa Vee TA ONO NaS Sa NG DOnNecREAST SE Dee Bo an Soe gare aee Rs Fs eS ay. De OU See AN. eae Onin Be AER | Do) Ca) ONO SS a , Oe EG Ga OG hic. COO)SS ae eae eee | __os es CS AeeOG Se SS ONS os FO assUN at eC eS|RO OG eR OC Ns LO Dp ,os a2ee) _PURO eg aEO oe aie ee ae ie eg aeMOn Co ee ee ere a.eaes.nSne eae Cee _|_eee @ rs 7UA _IaaBONGO ae aOE ue oe ay ae _> aAaeOSU oo aCo aOnaAee oo ee 0a icUN lL SE se.... aT 4— .En oe Na SNFIN EN Se SOR ana: eal Nae inNIN lg aa ISCC Ns SECON BN AAH Serena DUNES .ee ee AE aS nS ae LeU AN OEE ONY MN 0 SNS oo ... -et |Z ,:°| |oo oo a IN NC SGI IAN SORA aE NC OS ROG Ailes FG RONG i a Uo, NM OE a as eer OT a lou _ gol_. a aaoe es, ea0 Oe eeeOo ESAS GSS a COO TC axOe DO PG ENeee eccoaSoS: 5 BS C ven yo ae ..on—.. oo ae Ne eel ll| yo LO i,ION Le REeee SN, ena JASE rent iets i, oo | oo a Ck Co eee ees rt ->. RRee nes: asSe POeaaslaatag URGE AN ea geSAN aes at an EN Say ES OSS Ss NRCS eNOS SE SEU IONCSN CO Ura amet Me oe SEES peels ,fa , o| yr Ce2F eeRoaaa.ON UMM Mah Oo: eta: NC ck BinDRG pees : OeEAT EELS :=ta;| 7.pee ae eS eaoo 7Ce lLae Ln): OT Oy, issnoe _— ee oe .) ieee MORES ACES a Ue, a oe ONOee MICS, ceteris OU) CE SNOT ANE Ni CO SE MONA SENG) ee Og ee Ana RE a Se. ;ee — or a ee lhl Oe co , es es He Oe aLO “ Na oe .ne aee. is, Co .i ENGI 0Ce ees poner eae wor oe . -. ey aa a as : AG oe he NER ON ariel ae oe oo eG a Ca ge oC a ee. Ge |. a Py Ss SS Ser De EY sh OO as Pe a uM ac! 2 ON TON Ne Ce SCT, i OO . _ — . a OR aeiE LO SU SsMe aSSee CeGs ee eG PR RCO Sooo Se cet Qee :| a .:,an EG ene aSesSOTO i:2... aOO ihOE aesoe Fl OE Sc uaLO LO ESI ac ay Le esae a Se SES ::| :: re Oeoe OTON Mae ERS HES as Fe ONS AON OO CONES! LE Sha: ae BOESOS ESOS SINS, MING COE: , ::e:eee .ST |. . a« FO aSOR eS Iai. SG a:CN Se EY ni SOG aeee Neco eaA es es, SONOS a oe ll caren EeDT : nA RELAIS USS oS SoD Pe oo ae fe oe as a _ oe . Ee AS : : ST a SO ae a ea es ee OO ek ee oN ee oo ee es OO eee ee Pt lens Cee LO reOO Ney OO OS clan oe CO eS :;PED Teare Be ne, EER ec ORE Sy NG SG OO ioCe COC Co |2_ :4ee :. Ch Ee eS Beno Dns eta CC .a.,OeaEN aTNaaee.aa|ORs ..7 a_SEES: rr -: ee ; aaRO oe OC, eG EN ON OG oo* SS ig Hs CeDAR JA ceSOO oy Oa ee Bee Mtn RTT EO aieaERC) ni ala DG a he Nea SC aSeer OCNS ESS ans co fetalASAE te WATE | |-, os —Oo ae — oe oe IMINE SYdees LISIVa SNBOM ee LODE a , as Se ail ee VOSE ESS OSStl A GSaaa OOCeara hres aioe Aea:|||‘ieaES SRPEEISUC SEUEshean won . | ; eS a ae oo ee |. eee ee oe, . : eee om oe ... es ee. oo, Ce . A CL pies reer er |) . _ . as oo oo oe a oo. . | _ — i : 7 —_ a. : y ee oo. Ce So ae oe OOO oe Ce a Se 0 0 aes sree ease PU AE .ve Cen: ites (EE o eeoe LOaOS RCOU Ns ShEOS LE CReT ES Ea Rua a ey>. Ae Fr. a ke oo — —_ ::Frae vis eee Oe oom, L| SE [_ . a Ue —™e . . .. a |... oe ie J Renee SL ca a a llr CO a | 2 8 . : Bee a a Oe aN aes OO Oa ee Oe CO on ee So ERE : SE: neers 1S ee a CS sn Oa Ns as a OE) ey a oo . _ oo .;: |:wos CTS :ee. ee 22 LO Dn Nan ieOe aiCN alLay iii: ... -— ee Gs |ae.Na aaCS aae OO Mies Pe NOR aEO Oe iii .. 7 8ee |-_7 ee ll oo | 8 oe emai . ~~ / . :i.ae Le, 7 oo . a, a oF . ht. 2 7:aZen enUNS! |..,. } ee oo aa, Ne ee a, Be Oe Oe nnOS SM isek aee ORs ee) \-F coe SEs ee .. "| ea E a ae aa aii Ie OE a PROMO IN ee Ne 0 oa: 2 ee Te AR a OC AN ie) OO ON ct A a oe i i. arama Bee ae ae OE OU Oa eT iG SOS ih NN i). _ ff 4 7 | reeo POUT ee eyPee Oe esaeeeT Oe iia ho en a SN: Lo aCo es er)aN Mine ee |ce MES i:eeceATelNER a Oe OO ieOMe | aieeeee . : OUP UR NESE Weisel Oe FR PES NE ae OO NCS OOO ANU Se CO an SR COO. i . . S
a- cee ’ : : : a,“et TENRC LOU TES Nias OL NOG) Dae ea seevil eSONTO iOiauen a oa . i... . Sanernies “s \ : L0 eee a ioe Pee °CORRES CeeFs, RO NO Sn DOA SAGs OA ce coal MEN I PO Se AMS OSS SNAG GRR GeNee POSSSUN CO Beisena uae Oe OUR
;_ Bees: aaee. a TUG Aceca Cee NE ea ay Oeae Ftee ON UN aN) Leaesamma ohRO ees aOEE oo rs -. oo UOeeSIA AOS PSA I Soe. OS) CO NON BORE LO eS Ie LO NS Cee 2foe re | o:Z.awe : ,fAoe :— | oeer As ott ERS ENO EDS MR: OR Cas. Tn Mies, ie ee ae ee2. ness eeea. aeeieaaaCO CS Aann Nie eeeM SSUR eGRyLe SS20aM igs. a POU OR TEMG TEI IRS OO aeTSees
. : 6 De ea a a LO elle a ee ee
. ;i:ars ioeSOL Ne ee aOe Ce Oe Oe a.oeLSE aaeOe ee ee) aaSS_i oe ee _Re aSeoo AS OM CNG ee GME Bae UG as Hage On ee :> we | |:. a :|a|oF anSAS .WR a.aRe a —.. ee UR aeTC IGaa RONG eT Rnlig iiGay ca oa OUD A: ON aa Ce Se Pi A DEE : ONES a ee |) oe a Oe Oe ua a ae a . ga Se oS sak a HO Roe ete Oat GET RC Lo . . | | | L SoU es aN SO aN Pe MON ORNS OOS NUN is LSM Nee We oe. oo _ oe , , oe e } _ — a Co — a Le Mee Cc GO NOUN Ge ea RTA as C0 | ano y CO Was Rie pO oS AES MOUME Ase rel | ar en a en CO a Pe i ee eae cas eS a RRO LS Ss oS oe eon o. : ae : |e es ey) eG US Co PC RES Se ER AM SER ee eS Nieto RTM NCGS Re aes DN) AG SS goes i anonee set : : raed! - I Ie caus, RUG ON ey ae OO COUT DU ce urea PRESB AN a: RDO? HO URE Rane eee BO ONG CRIN TH aR tenn eR 3 es CO ;
: a ere ee BE NC BOR OOO NS FO ae Pies as OE COS Ee en i Mies ee RIS MES e cc Foe ne SAU A CI ay SE NCR IN AASV Scum ae Le oo a es : iUe CoCO DaeNE ONSy WOO i NySAME Fe eeeaDe ST Ee a reOe UONes eis Be Ds:aNS ae CO . T—. SoS: wed : .LES : ee ge 8. ae TO OR ie aNN, He SE a NaC ae ON eC aimal | oe oo. es EERE
aa Sa.ak Coe SN aN ABice Li RE OG AUNHe REMAN OS RSENSDCE Pcie Shana: aR Ru NG Ua Gea: RAC tS er | seneneenety aeemeameess SELES SPA | -7:| |ae OO.eat PAO MOMania RO ee UA AT TENTH: ARMANI NGO A Ne aa ARON .: -— :_:7.ee IaRS isPeo CO PS TS REBUNUN ES FOE TTA BSEN SeseesNT HR De A leAROSE Abate RRsat: RG: TN)= BURL ae eeSee : es
. oe : : :aes SaJoes en aaa eae RS. Re |Rea ES,ee LaECO oS BON RO GOOspH HO RO ETNnua ye HOO Se a SSG NOREE GaN es eae a DORON aiaSe Baa Ga Os Us| NSO oust sc : ; seers ; ° oe . ee OL UM ANTS Tea es RHEE OTE TE MOR OS PRO SURG OOS ENG BOG ek Pana) sana Coreen:
g oe ee oo CO a CoaS. ea OUI Co a) i a.. NEN SONOS a. “Sse MSrs ee Cope Bee -, . oe |... i oe... ee 8 :|bey ae Pe a lL Le a OO ee ee ooo oo rr ee woh : Le os OO EU ae Ge OO a ae. ia ST ae Se So a. .. | -_ , we v -. a oe . a i. Oe) ne es TS E : :| :Co [ENS hae ORG LO acaUc: ST OSI Ty oo 3LL | .eae —Sean L .: | Ss raSs - _2:-..RO .. ooOe Loami Oeae CCN ey ou i... ooaepee arenas aul: ee OOS . a ne eS Ce ee ook eu Siyoies ae aoe ee OG ee eae aeS ae. aoe -nen) ee ws Fe OP ae CN Og aI8 UO aee | Sete 7. :| ee:;.:|oe:reas POS [Ts ge aeei une ee |Ce LOE eaON ap eeSe MI Oe ee ae oo. «_ _2a ,US oo. eo ooCGE OO OS Cees ON I OH. ana OI ES Iee CEST AS ; oe rr | Oe ee ee. ee ee ie Oe Gs SUS ee : : ree ot ee A es a LT : eee i ee ©. ee oe oC Be ae Bo ag eee eee eee (ee ce | — | . og Se RY a er a) Co ee es ee | oo. |. eee EO ES ee eS . wre SS Hee ee Ns a Se ee ee ESOS ee i he Be eee ee i:.oCs ER Le oe oo Co (oe i ae ae a ee eee ee ::: peSs fas Soo iyNOE ao ~~ —.... _OG—.... —. LL EES . er .. i. i pe oo wipes ORES oo) a) oy eo ne oe Ce Le we tte iess ES a ee CONG etaCys SLaSe OSE FOO ee eer-... SS2. MO na Seii. ieEDS oo.co oo. ye : | eee Ce Co i... a _. DD 7 .Doe oea SUS aS: oe OCU N|CON A)eee foIae we Baye ooo. OGG SES EIS: SE fy Lt : Uebel ee ee a. SS oo a, oo 4 a _. 7 a vie : ee ee ee ee oe Ee RG a a , ee ieee Oo ice PO ee ene ee oe teee—ee aFON Ce oo aUNSNaLO.OT ,,rC~COSC eeee ce : :::oe -re - ee ee ES SEO co eea Le a a lr,oO See eas SRSTee USS DE PSE ..._ee:we lee etCOSI Oa ae Ce oo .ae EeCC Ll oe — i2 eeeaCree CEoo OOoo Ae Oe ay a Ee _-..r,r”rt— CO" JS SE is ae _.,rr—™””—CPE"E=E ee : Ltf oo aiy 2 aaLO RO Naa A eCCON seas Beem aae i Bo SINS SSEeee EE OUR es : io a | .. a OCG aca 1 aaa 2... ee Se Bk oe eee ee ae Ha ig 7 SEs Esra Oe UNO ENR OO ) co eee oe — oo :: a Ll ae eS a ons ee eee CC ee Le ee 8 ae Poe || a a te Co es — | .:Lo. : et Be ae ee) ie a ee TE SEISS SESE oe Ce LO Cea Oe a i: ie VG ae oo 8 82 a i. | (EE [Loe On >. e a | Soot YL i Ls es wk P| .. Wiig PS eS Oe a, ee a a @ LO _ | oO ae -ae Con i co a:OO iisRiese eeeSER |)eoiea0) DOO OG ee ae ee: -—(fl Co _ 7. . vo) ee as:CN C00 .) — ee | -.:_ee | oo a ee aeaeea LC et 0ee SaeeNaa bleS eeeeae A es Bee: es)semana 0a) eee DRIES Sg .. . Deo LAURER SOAS aes aSGSOG Me AG ONRERUN Ee Se ESCoe ooSCRAEE oo. ee 1 *fo. .||7 | TERRES ee eee RU ORRLU UT Gae. A Ree OA ON OO AS EI ne SE acca ss Oak LO osMES SON SON NAG RE ae Me So os eeronatrass Z 7 ESSE a8 a icag.Ny . aasLO RO OI aeNORD Ui ES Se ea BHO UN ENON a Sa EUoy OUI aie ILD DATS?
a, Bee Daon: ae pete ee) —Vn hrCEE OeREO Ce VON SEN NNR eeROGe OS OG OR ae) AR i a UIC Eeaae noe tae = .SEED .
.. _erONG SOE: Sea Se aa aie Coa uaePUNE SS Ae eS G a GIR: ESON: sacle Le SOG eeOU Scares aeee esasey : , ae e _ a oe CO ae RE ONO NG RG ONL ASS is . Ree Et Oia OO NON Une AGN en RE ON SUAS Ra aa Tecan CO aunt Oa eS UGS? Ra i ket Og sal Senn Sig ery ones
: De, : “ a - . a | oe a, EN MG ss LOO IS aE a oe a IN MERE ONG TON ea See id SRA Pe S
He OSSo ge Ce — ee a CEN OSG RUBE ERCOes |cea.:: cs a .oe ._ : . fre vos he Ores ls grek RSERS ROS Aa yha A AN a aceA EeSOE Nn anesoca DESea MEN a ON TNO OG SSS DN RH ENA: REM as Oa eeae .22 = oo So ceeeiee rari tnnes nnte ae iSee OS oo EOE NRA Oe ON ns AN, ON CO OGDO COa EG! ae CLOT hy ..aanay) Hp ee ew oe OE, IS OSS ea) NS SON Ne ee CO ON a ee Oe) NC SS ON Maas oa ee 2 SE bodies tthe spares ETERS : , | 7Spee 2, eo a Oe OO nr aa ee oe a a ee Heda ee RUE REN tie Oe ae eee oe URN Pg Se See a Sr
oO. we Pee . ge . Va Soko OVE NT eG SN Ont OS SCOR LC EOC aaa OE I, TI oso BOING O US CNR oo ee eee ee
See ree Pa: ere SSRN aSa) FOROS BOA POGEN aay SONA Ee SONNY TNE ay, wo10) OGaeeee OC eeNO emcees caeeens a TRIAS » eeLees i Beoo ALae0 Poeerrrmatee a iaeeasereees10) cree Oe GS Oe ONC HGH DUG PEN NS EE NGG COSI LENO UH ooSESE eas aoa OEE TD. :
| | , . Lo. Agere ODOC UN) CONC OO Oo A ORS Aa oo Soa) a. rrC—O—OO—=REZ. eee SU RUE EMSS Sipe set Sens s
re | _ lle i. _ ‘i | —_— De c. ee ee — ee ol eeeC to ee SEES JESS : ora omnis A oo ae | ee hl a 8 ae ee ae es: : é 7 | . ; Pe oy . lo ON WGN, POR NSO NT REN EPIRA SSNS SO) HORAN BAIN ATS FA A ON aS | aes - Ba Masts ree Sy BON Ren ee SUES LTS ae Sette ie SES Tne
: WOE ae NO - 2) |)PN aeereretenr rae RO eeeece se aeEGU MN GER SUNS SRG CR RSS NG FO RS aBREINER OU SO OU)SES Seesse ROHSU ENCage RS Os goa Sea ae 7nee . : i. —. _SS ®a. fe OO ONE SD) Aaa) OCUON SESN ayNE ONC Neg SEA OOS 82 Me ROSES ane crea
i.)- 8roy ae Een BEES ME ERO BEE EDN RRS UGE ES SCRE D SUM 6) ema Bass DOSES Ss re peitea see eee [IRN EDEE DE_ _ ee I) eee IRI 2eeSSS EECONGR I Ne huOa AOE RN RSD RO IRR DUN eas AS EM NINES | : i. 2oo Se ee a Ny SU OR SNES PSC AN SER Peay SR EHGOS A ne er UG OPIS e Le aceon eneeeeSee oes ieeee ars~~ PES eee | | | a i. [ee 7 i i. een 7 So 2 Co Lo Hs ONS ARMS ON NATO OR aah i HUNG Recah aaaayEO AREAS, oot ASO | Nae Aa aoe ESSE ACAI wo. aA DMN SGMERC RSS aa SO GN Gone GsNBSNARE as SO CE eaPeinAeeereWESoea Sarre |. 7 : _
feet a oe RT Ro RUN OU a Ee aminniiy SN De Gn a Ones ee Tek ee ere Co a aes OS Beane ee ee Seng La pean eeates oere cere
. .|: ioo Be |eR ay Nana RNS a SiGe SL Oe UCOU OOS eerae WOR OaCo TNEee CSN sae sooo ee RHN llONE SOUS SRee ON SCS OM 6 wore! : ereSS *: 7. ,aoo>| By oe a. . rrr Re OC age SS 0) a:ae Baise NG: IN i:ae |PSOE Scene neRe eeRES BFSUSE Pe OIG oeiHONS Cae Os eae ae EG Oe Ee =OU OO Siar aTEE aaa) ISM Wy ees aes SPE , | Bad _ae LeTS SEA =n. NOS yy SR SESS SON a: SR ee Ue aiaee: eR ITE es |Se AsFe _.FS .ON oo aa BRE SRR Seee Ue aeai iern |OT ae Rec Ne: OR SNS aTee RINE SADT ee _ . oe ee Es es CO FO OG al es Se ce A ea a : : : : eae OO Fo Tee CO ee ee Cs Ue oe eee yl SM ease eae pone ee Lt:| .a7:::| ,.in at CR PEE Me Rec RS oe Seay Ss a ee ee Us as PES SOR SES es ea hi: ee oe i _ i _ S , - a7| i7.aao -oe —r—“‘_OCOCFO eee Se TN Oe USEScan MNeeRees ee Ma: ay aleOR Fa Dae anes og) MNGi SEESTES SLsoe : eS:. aoe ee SSRNR SOS OEas os ...#&} WON es oe Ce oe acane SUSU HEH _Beoe . ae aCs.Cae | Ce BOSeeeeR Cie eeNo ese a Ses) 1)oyCe VAS aa OER SISE IE 7|| .:|.oe E :-oo:.|... SN RON oe CRS ee 8oe OU ayOa De ee Ne aSELLS IeeEN coco IEE Ae — LO ee Ps | ~~ —h—D Cy OS ON NEE ie et) NOS a eraaeaed REMIES Sn SE wos | |7eee CyOS easeea ,oa #7 }1|7|7 7 @2&=©=§=FhlhlCCC i SO> ea. FUSESES ie Vea| as BEa |.ieoo ey .# oe}ech .#} }®@2&=. OS OS: Pe an ee BU So OE Ue tans MN oe GiaDIoeNo WEEE A : Shel
..“FDee CT eG HN . -[_ eB . . ||Oe - 7D :; :CeCe a! :eaee :LO ee Nt .. i oe ~~ UE INee c es ne Oe eeaas Oe ES ORG ae 2 a| oe le oo. Oa = Le Le eG eee ee oo. ne oC cc #2. Oe ee aCOS eee eee ae et eee see :. Co:| :weog oo. ee lLISOS ae ey Pea CC .aonBes RS ah serie .F ee a2 ARAM HONING ees Oy SR Ee eeNN SERune SE IN NOOO RCS Se anon SR ee ER ae MONS REGS RU BOSSBO ieSONS eae ee un iOCR DSSS RR GaN as Coane ee UNS nee Cares DiSnel .aoeae TG OI ON os Se eee ke GE Oe ee aRpane _Seats 1G. [_ | FUSE : ;oo:Ce aEs I ke Cla ee eee Ca Ma oN ||SnON Re as SEE NEST IS oe seBasie ic ae fee PE EES pa Serres SE Pye re ts — ee #§#@2@2&©§™ a . oo os oo a a Tes sca aca a a Be Say Gees ee ay ee et ee PON So ANUS IN ie: Meat PONE g OS ISTE es ;| Ly Puen s : Septet, BMD ne Se iy ASCO ea ee ee ee a Ce NO a ee ae eG, OM ae: ee —_— | ie es La DORE Ge ee Roe es . BE SN oe oo USES FOS EEEE SIS :oe ner SEE —— ss Gs) : ee re Oe Ne Oe Oe aS ee oe — i es :ee. FNS i aeOD ee ines a NN ;a ols - Ts Oe a a as eseeeeescae Be De eesGIES ee Oe Ce es Ga: STE reeoook ee
;Cy —ess—s es a oeen| aCC _ .ees . i CC ai gti —_—,... es ee | — aee/ _oe .
Se: Uo eo a a. . ll. a | | .. ee ;
2 se .ee oe|away ajBS aasie Ha oe i ee ee aNS oe onco) neoo ae .. LC oo i . oe |/::3'/:: ::. ||— |7-’Dees i aferes oo ih oC. inaEy oe esoe ie8|oN) Seay iy eh ioe nag oe. ON .aNe He oa aa Hak on ion oS.Ce % at EEL
pee OES: oes rere weed ne Sie ooaaries. aere oF &§ eee cepeoaties Ea!:pe me et. ae oe fae SST 8 7. :7a7as / |aeSeren! ;| Hed :| ES |a"se > ow .Sees aooeo Ht a_% Seer See: :aoe OPEN :|ples As i.aeiol nn aa io ae oeo SESS ; aeeerar ee . aeeeeane oe :8-ieea:_— ; ee |.Dade VEL anfEa “eis et : es aa— | 2oC ee oa a BOERS MRM ecaaa Meo SN Rt aeSS AO ORee OaOc hsMali ca US BUCO MURS G SE CRC US oe CSR ee }‘ >a7 i ae Ne Saas a ee TOI SS aRa OE RU os UaCE: FS SESE RSs oa OS ME cs cthesd 2 2B . OE teOU OD a. aas) oo. Oe ON CTO ANOe RR SER Ronny Aer LS Uae SECO entke RR lana OM aN OSs SECS TO o vee aeeaOS es aooAges ae eeoo aaeeCO OC aeTeRR ae OE Me NE COC me arn PR ee Os SO . . TG No TOU SSR ah REIN FIR Le AUR eC aN ss IN CHT oo FTN TRS SARI Sa) RN CAA NE IRAN aRl a RAVAN Ne a chat SUIS SRE Ms MINS COME a Cn IMs BOT a ROC AUS Ra Nes ct Mi Nanaia Pe a oN REAR Ur eee OF a at) UU A ON HAS AIRSHIURMEA sue GABA RV GANS
ci EOS TR ics aeOaeeESheen a ACIS GRC ana 08 RE SHOS aENaa RENIM SRSN geSG icaMnAONE Cou TAN NARS ROO Ren De GaN a Reger oe i Lo be pe | eCON >. oyea ee ene OG a.CSS Ca Neanon LOCALES SMSea it HlNe MST a UNO ea PE atSSM Sy SNA aHNENG CN a ARN A A RSS a ees: Oo ces ae Bh ee JU NR SMa: US ee SCO ameCS Seen? AO HU: ed oeeI eeNR iN MUON St Gi LURE CCTM
7, INSEE aOe owe 9 CA pe NG a oe Ne LON: eee aCRCC csARM Sas Ce SO US ENE TOONS OEE asaeACRE ea FO AN pane asant ER Bee Aeae as Oe Ua, ASSURE MT aHT aeS .— MaiLSS Su SC EEO GSFN i iceeS POCO SCO AG are SS HINO cia eeeSO Ms sees eM aceSee LE EI ENE AGU ange com acNAC Nee sin) TECESS tae NT eae aSSeg PU a BER Rina earNTR hae a RG SRLS Tes HIN aaooSei Le ea Se sl olen a) ee ee NT: aS MCs VN SR No aE Se ease OMRON RT US EN UNIO aRR OR MN oN aePSS SO CE ee eeaneae EO in NG SeSai} enUAC OR pans thay TN UNE MO ON LOU aaSke nna ee CS ORC olSO Naar SeRMB SRS SATB Se Co Hise Re aN oem NER oe) . I_. “| |: eo. . : ic. -a .eG . ‘ORNS »Mega ae > SN ,i 2eames Ay — " . aOCCA ce oe oe Age aM osee SROR seize Oe RORa ARM ESL: PE RAN cen na ss abe EO hha SoSCID PANSMUT PA AROS ES ROSSA NS apart SOLS ORL GRR Reeaaa MTS TA riiea PS :OE eyERE We uit SeIS ee ce aeSe GO aU Ua aani Sone aN AReon UMS An RY ER Tener UOERROR Te aR asa eeaNee OC DOU ANE Oe NAG Fieeeee Be SY Rec UNen ENC aRee asONS RSS eISE GSR Coe A ON ey. oe, MANE
L RAes Gis ee Lo a ee aa HGNG aS ie OeGe ee CO aa) OT ae LS Nine aee a i Co 2 yi ee ge a “ae tae a L a ee i ee oe = Ve RA Ce ee a Le ea) De A ee ee a ee en ea I > es ae a oe ere a OC a a a RE. Le Ne ee TR UN EC IN ce ae ee eT Ue CU ON ee of oo :a ee ae ee ee i aa SO a I ae LS Ge UA ee ee NN a, CGN No ay OS OC: 2a an Oe NC I se aCe ce) eee Oa i i a Ce Ue ae Fo I ee en UU Uae ice ee oe ee . 2 se diiiber ante se :-_ Oe A aay Oe TN Sit oo OS GN LS ee aa a a Ne ay ee a Se ee a aay A ae i OO co i i eo ae oD _ Ce ao ae ee ee oe ee ee ee oe oe oN Gas a al a. | aoe —— ie ae ee I a eens ee ee ae OO a a ae oo ae ee ee oo 2 Ce ae ee oo a Ce |.=....w!.lhmhmhmDhUmUmUDU yl ~ . 87 of Ns kaw ee OM SO a. fe oF ©. oo. —.. .eeeeoS oe 7Pee oo . oT ea ae ee a.DO mlm oo. Se :NRG a, oo... oo .aa oe Lo Oe of oe a Lo ee aye a7 ee i. ai-rr oe ie se . Lo LON NieuA ng iii eeSe Ce LS ee ee ae ens eseae Rees eee | ee OO aoe FOES eae MO’ ey _eeoie ON os oo Se ers ee Ge aay 8oe Ce OE es Oe aeaoo Ua ee ee ue No. _ oo . a . — i oa | a | ae RG Ce Ce a ee oe a Oe ec De EG Be aN HO NE ee I ge ee — aoo8...| GL oo OS “~, |. | > fh | UL 2 - .. #..oe .|. ee. r,s Ae age SG SGee WR ee=Co SIGS MN |)|See Sadi ioe aaene i ..,rmr,rr”r”r”rC~™””CSCS eee a fC ee Oe) esae GI OO i TE asauere oeAS OOiaTa CC ae dae .... =. a DO a ee ee ee oe CO “pe a OO aes ee LSE SeaRES OO Oe ee ee Css fo — | hla ro |% i. Seca _i Ne oe —NN | eecor gu. Le Gs aoo ce Nas ee oFee a ,ae a| ff,aoo a ew 5 Ds RR OS EO INS UG ie Cae oe OR cc. SU Sa Ot Ne aa as Ue TM MISS SS SRI SS SR Maes tN UU SEN TRL aeGa BO ee Cte tere ie REO Da ae OMRON i PN MONO OC Fr Gop a MIR Ce I INR SS aN ees ee OEE UMN IN Ss Soe Ce a
* aeoo) oeaSo .. ee gsPSS iia se SCs a HS a Me aie ies es aCay US) ansasSUSAR IO Teas 5S STAIN eeeaees Se eee ONE OUR ei ee ces| EPA ee era eae UG Sy Hy Rg RSE SIEM GUN IEOS ESNST A ean Oe LTE GIA OSG gees eee OCS: Rl) ON PSN ess!ee CoO eeNGA MN MN nea Bytes es) HSCS Se ONG URC EA PN en RCS etelceae Cmca ONC ay |"9OS _ ..OMe a Bs am yOLU I ee oe aeA TIGR tee POS 2eeaN arecVOR Ns AT eaNe Re BORON eoaie RRR ee Saari: Aa Lecone eyoSas NUNC Sib aa Nae na OUST asCiSG BIB NN NR eae ves ests eee eh Ge eeee ule UU aE Hee SE CEN Rass ee: NN Tei NCR er (acetate: NRaeSAR SADE RUSS HOPS ech cee OsOE SONU Wes a SENN LCcs nM aAG E ee inion ‘ioe a CUI eae: ey ihOG iaU NN ice EN Vaan ceRee eg ieee ann Ee ay esUs ONES aeNos a sae mae ea aa) ah CO Us PM 2 UT RRReg RSS oe DUNS a eR Bue esSaree GePN HS ase SN ECan PeeSah AS .. :1)es ae|nay oe .Ai RA ay La oh OM ag et CSO AIGA Lee ee ANe ee LCN DO eG NtieNae aOeee eeas Bei MERE tylyeect Sr Sane Mess) rg Oecas oy.
‘ ie Le | TTS OG ae LA TO CN Nees AOR SM SIR SCN Ee HO aia er oe a NS ai RO a SZ Ite, UN Ws 8 RN LL SHO RCC So Ca es Oe i oo . oo
} Oe es Te Ok On ee OM CO OO as, CO eG Ns cl I ae RR ai ee Sos a ee ee ON OE EON canna Oe | 2 oe aie ae eta aING aeeGS ae a 2AioOe eeeens: a eS eeme I MANN ia Se a SNE eS: NT aeees eae aa TN.., Oe SEO ae Co i See scl EON IGM DS SE HU IO ge aIaRe em SA ee Oe a.“ace i a aes oo _* hea ee amie oo !? aoe a ae oeOs |SL oo aSMAPS ee Ae EE Nn OG UeA acs OeaCR GSI Soo aN eS aakaeCO TOOBIN I.ey CaS IRSoe TOSS 0G Cy oe Pe OSU SNe: UR BOBS ReLoOE ee Deen eaeTe RRMEE Be) Ns, ON HS eea Ne es SONa inis ai Tose) ae he:(||OS a eareeneaee aa ea Coan OM . : i a ne CONUS | oo a oe UNDOR SO SOaLR OLI Nags PBN crcsa) me PTO EO SRC DIS) mt NTS28 Sa iS MOK GOS SNMES ZEN AtiBe a | ae oe SeteMS ote Bee oy see a aEed, RO aU AR IC ABR ea RUaaa a SSMS RS NERE MED oie ali ae Kanne EEN TN OES UN UR GRIN aeiRiess Ce eeihectee ee Se: DO MAO HO. Re SER ONT asSO och REE OS a 2h eeBe Oe || So oeee pees Le a .oo ..CCN . ai Oe SEE REE NATCS ANS isPE So HD Care ay plain: kia on Maan SUK CaN SO NNT amo UN IHNaueae SeAe OMe Ue NERS BGt RN AA aDae sea Na ii SS ou: whe : co Le ee Ne ee ese Ra BNA SE IONE SOcs SEO vie TG SUM RIPRA NR We SOS RIND Se sans TOONS GN OT oeMeN: a ON eins lgaTE | | — nN ~~ io. oo ec oo A Gr a CTR UU SUR GCE in Ug Hic aR SINE esis ee | ORRGENE Ah Uinta OE OR peat era ONY, 1) isa OCU AEN, PUNISH MSS BES Sia fe Ra asso cM ane li SAS ecre rain Vie
NhaeRIL RICANS IRIR LLeae aS aOSES LAINOS NUCO ERO SCION SSO 2) RES ace ce Peeoe a iSOU i eee PR SS MUI cece LE NN RE eH ae ee _ oo ne :i FREON ll. ee ar Tilia NS aaICONGR ee ee OIE a a) es ooONS Senay eeSe eseeee CAT FO Se AEa NS eNO MONG co aiesRAO a SyON ACSA i LG ASCO Bis Ry iG FM Ne Ge a. POUR US Sa Seago a ee ct BON ORO BRE COTE UGE EE NES SY OU Se OS CRN Saag PE ig ASS ee MAO UT nC EU GME ALO MCR anil ane! DS ONO MM SR on NE eS ie UAE i Wik Me GMO SURG CES EHO e SEE UHM enn
= ye | oe ee SET I Rea eee | aS) NG IS a an ae heey | Os OS TU UN SS: | aan es ae 1 Oe Crees HAE MCR anc JO ORE ee eee GPS ye
| us 8 ee i. he hae! _ Y _ oF oo oe halen Svc aan ERE LEE OAS. SOAS EE SS SOC ae ee ee Be URS ES AOS AeA BUN USE Mc rN eae NN HN eee et HON eee es el a Gs UCR eee eee a Oe ceva POO VOM Beale
— ee: oe Ooa Bc aS Bey oa, ay OUR NO SHROSES Ngo OE SEO USAR asec ayeTOG eS rh ge De EOE aero ee. Sd VERO Gee Ia Be cosas Ceatime ROO SEOs ee Aaa OR cee atsual aa at | ae - “5Be Ss 7ON iCu | . er: DSO as Paes TS SS SN SUS SSE CAME Me & Acm ee NO > BN SOS PSC SEM UES ee Niji keeure ae EO SO INGE ER Na SSSA AIOE NS Ne ee GR oeeeLOGUE eeSL >oaa!ae _TA: Oe UO oC RO eeENO ee eeBN eee aeeRI GOs PON ACO NROR CO igs eu: eee eea -). se BY Nn |Ne — .} aae oeee me . ee IN iON Oa aeaeON Ns es TO MI RO es Ber ee. POG ge ee Te ne aSE. AG Ce aURaee OT eRe reCN ad) ae eer ei eee eS Ea NN aaeCL ee Or aly: og TNS inoe DO) Me os Aen ne eeZITA es Be FT Sis i FI EAS Ty AIMEE eK Un al ae ae Maite: ae-o ee: Ee aca aEN iUA LEN aCe eeor ONO RO OM aPe 2 eta Be ere ie oie Be ETN a) ee,2AE MU UAC SUOy aPROSE OSU ES:ETN Aee unos SOMATA ID, MORES Sans ONSEN oe ReSCM SNS an Roe spe I ae SIS OS cael bene aOO a aM Beeo ee a ioo sf 7 a a 7 DO ee LO A OS ee A Be eS ea ava SE a Abn Ne Ny, ON Sing en aye ee yi ent ee RC ON OAM Care aC oie Oe oe a » > | oe ee. eg — , _. UL Sy a... cM NNR UUM eg EG SCI SRO TOS Nas CE WMG Aig A oases SAN Sica MMA cany COS AGRIC SUM IR S DME coinnice SI Saital LOO GAN GOa OGG I I eee ANON Es ee oea Oe a Oe NGOREO RO BENG Uecos NESMe ereCONS en EMeeApe Mey SINT Gi Te CSIC MeO Le at ae AMR oo .. | ae. hte. Po oo |. a eeaCe SE SUNN 5 Ro nNea Mae Care NaeMU ase sae nnome grNN DNeee GRO RUAGUA HEE Sup A ee HGS
a rr ee ee es Vie NeaOA.8eee SL ae OS CG OU US daRe aa es age, elon oe llaLL oeOe ELE NORMANS WE CANN SCS oe _ oe GN A ee BE TAN es eS OM ea iyfet Fn ie | a Os 7 | oo iG , . ee a 2 Co [se ea Cee = Oa a SOG ae . ee RCS TNC ee ee a ee i .. a = — -_ Le An ae ee IN SUNN ES a lL ee Oe BBO QMO EN GS I NUS A eg i a ee |) a is a. yt OS . a... A Sia Ce ee a OR EEE LS ecg De ee ee ea ae Ce eo ae _. ee ae I ee a I , ge LU ea ee meta es a ee ee Res Pee ONES IS oad Hi ate CN mn a oe lh, |. l,l rr rr CCC rr -— Sa .. ay Ca Ne I: Sa ee ea SS URN a eee Se an ee NO Na Re ee ee CR so ease mae none ae URE, er ne er Oe Ihise ae ee OT es SURO: er iG te PN OO UO i ee ee ee SIS EIS ee a OO Co ee ee ee ee ee ae eC aaa ee ee ee en i) en _ . 1k Ime ee ae NaN ee keen Daeas SaOle MUN SG ae ROMHERERO ances Hee wae UU aes ‘ e PA a Ne 8G, |.NS cges UO aa aS aN a geoats he, Ct. ae aaNt al NO a MN Ae a ieee oe DEN eCLR CON OONSCs oon Aicaah Meee ae tan SeCOSINE er etn reeOy ra Tee eit osSSSOT ON Sees cs iN)Ce oNosOR) oe ane ae eo a CeMIR | eeeaG8 TO ON ailBees aSUMMA ORere NORE Wye ONE CRE PrRAIS DORHEROS aa all A Ninian: a sania RRa2AON IRE Oey) ee eee Be Un eaeCr eTnis: i TESiG AER ala OE aT Onc eeDeere eS COUN MEOa GeLoe ee Sy MN Se IACI OG a ae: Osees INCE ONG ONa TCU SeeCane Meme Ot Pea nua nha GE tt) Sea CMU Str. MNa Ce OC 7Ma SN Miss cass eeGoes SOM: ee Me a iD a DO aac os NG OU aes hseonUN DG I BONS NO ae BG MM GIES NOT SS MRT Ge RO UO OC evapo MIM mIN a a SR _heDoe ia 8Ss oe va ae Ms.NN ee iILUN ANE Go oN alla ant Rea: es Ba CICS SOOO: CE NM ORR Se SIR Nye | Ra Umea Pa) THAD SAR ESSN Cores co aPUNE NT SS Se re EEN caer St tt 14 RO CSST UE SHUT Uae ERaU ORE GM MONS i ROU Nee ON FE RS ee gg eekG LOMe eG PMU laUNE AaTS RINSING US Oe, SO OE IRS c Sain mune: TON. A OS aa ETE SRA) oes Saal aR TE SG MORIN OS NN ARGRRS NEOUS Saas Ce Ree oe HINT oan ROT HN LO DS UR ene ike: Say Sse FTN RE A A Ta aMMe NN Nba nes eeeSee Go MIG. CONIC ae IT SRMent Nn | AREA Tae MO EM Dc RCE Ba Banas Cr OSU I etascoraed 1) RG IRIIeTONE Maa es ANT Sec saatnnss SoM) SUG IRSSAC LN ac a ae NeANY Ia aEaIRN Ioeiiin oeMle Ms: CO OOO ONG: NN, SAGO MME Mea STR Se INU sem HMMA SNe ie COI RSE RG NI DNOS a SN acs SAR Eee eRe AU SO eR _. i eo, ee eg i) Lo oo aeUS a, OHSIS Gy Hse as Wen yi CE:SG Ons FOUN SaasmR ae SNee cs eagerness ae cs Be OG aie Guo RAEN SNGe ees oea Bae Re nG: Dee Okg a ee ey. aEGBG AIEyCe ee HO SONU i Nea) Ca OO 8 GCN ee aneea GrUNA I Bm eTSetee oesSEOs CGSaran al oO a ana Veeeane
ee absa |eC 2keoe. ee DoOe LS Oe aareNe: ONE aeeemee ae aici is Lee el: OO ON eee CoAARNE en oe Ne ON ic oe oy Bae eM LOE GI ON eeLO ON lePCO ct: Ce eg On: eeaune egene aeag eeNeSn ee _Gs oo 7CUoe ay Pe ao Uease ees eeSO ln,Gh TTeee Bin AROS aA Oe eta eSi Cees gS aay ei aa ie — cage a aatOi a,a ed — 8 as ee Ne ee as eo OO Se i ee iG e Ae asy +CO a *.s ae CO OE i Soka Oa. oe NEI ANE OE RICE MsMESSER Rea can CONAN cauCO PEON CaO SAC Gaee ae be IN: MOR ee 8 _. | ot a DRC BORG SCENE Se BN a Oa Ses Rt ME GON: se 8 a ee SN MI ONE OS Pa Mice ina ea
ee ol ii aBe Cehr, eeee esae.. ee OeCe ee Ol Fe acea a.
|6eceaiaaa ~~ aME feGe Cf aa Cae RON RR sea ER COCO, aESReece mM EO CORE Suiihies IS SE SOO cas SOC Ama CO le aRON ee DOA in Se a SME NN NG ANG ok on SHARES SER UNG BaAUC eames 7,NAAN SS RSG aaee On Ot CMM ee UNG SS aNNe ee ieTOE LaMOU Sees: UME RcaENS SeICU Ua MMMM 28: ISS SUM eS ROSS CES EE ORS SS SOO) Be CMC OMaEa Ae Ses NE ONC GS CC SO asease MineCURES AU ON es OR sa eee BERL HON SR SONNE SORE LON MU ES SO NaCOE SIO MUS 2 aN ES SINC OORe sasanaay UN GEC i RTGS AGOSTINI NGI Ny DRY aie I Re ,ae ——_— oe Ainne TT, PT ea ee ae OG OMG NG HOM Nie Be OMNI eS IORES OMIM gOOD, ene INS Ne MO oeee DAMN EeEO ed al: FAN isc ance AesMS eI Nas PIES Ee a HM ee eRe ORES aia OTT ABS ee Ree PaMina BRE Bs Oe an MON, BONERS aaaCMG MTC OI. oo ieSS RON Saee asem oe TE EE EN SG Te anne LO Seena SESE PDR ice wlEROS DESIR ON: ee DoUI aera aye ery SRA eROnes Sy SO SeoN SetSGN PerelENS AENiaSe DR eas. aN Yeee DU ie OG Maal NZS RNS Sicccc7 3k SOSA NU“oi aSlDaehn oe Pensa os ~~ HME | i. CeCy STON sali esREM ONS SSG PON Se Te PCESore eI UN UNI a.aun RAVER SaSEATS PIS ids MMe Se UR ERE MO a SR eR eae oe BeAU URN ON oeSeMen Bese Ph RNASE TM ROE egg ey eee iC NG cage Pree AN CIT ag Le NE UNECE Se eee ee aes al SA OU Oro c8s SS SIAR NS GC sy SMM UNS oN CH RH NAMING DES UNG i ES EMS NONE lin HUARD cc cto ssisunste SCG OAKS ON OU aT IDITEN TRORO ean Deal AGN ae ae NOG ad
es LrTaaeCe. OO aeeNO aOeee ee ieyas ia OO ia ee Ne iOGies A CO Ce oe oo ee ee aLLaelena ia aENG iaieoe iee _27 So | =... Cw ee — oo ee ee ee TELoo Nlic eeCe asee ans NnlL a, SOoa aoe ER TC ie ee— Lee
RA os8atooaaeoe oo” OU aie NU eeess ON ltsee aaan a be ee Oo aee aSCORE oeTe CR TMG ee 8 as oF aPe oeEO i.e ingle bagel 7asin oo. Co oe eroe sa CO TNO Na aME i Oy VE aeCON Cea CMG SS Ss Soin Gs eeFN ae— ae OP i Bl OEM } .°illite oe a UU ess eeiTa ad Oe Es SO a Ga eC aR‘AG tT Te Ne INSy aSOS Miia SION NCAR iOO ie: Sanco FO ues ON EOS. iGN eae ioc" USN ae He CE CM ee Os Ne an aee em os aeT Oo as ee NOTING i: ON LS eee Co ae Ba reSCEBees. ment oe re — , aCose a :oS ...ee oo. .ae 7ee oeee LO i ae eea.ee ee oy Os COs Ue Sees Oe Pe Cae ee eeee ese ssSe SOS a ee a I nNos: ae nee SN ocnan SeaCaSe . vee : -~ _ y a . -. oe oe LR Sai Os SEES OS COUR: wane 2 ig: ital Tae eee em ENE erence eS es % LON ie Ne ai Miigrc en PR OOM es [TSS eee ee Senne ae Ca See pie LES fy eee ae Sa Oe ii i Hie Boca
ra Phe ta rh SN Peas ile Sai an MNES OUI BU es Be ROE ES ol i Hee ate Pinang ee Fis a Tee ane Hath Nene See oe Daas Re ae Pee AN Nerang Srstaeneae ses: ae Eee eee Bee OL STE al STNG We Deno ae a: E ae oo “. i : 1. S 5 : “ ‘, me
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IN NEW SPAIN 182 many as four thousand resided in communities ringing the Spanish city. More Nahuatl speakers were brought in to work the mines southeast of Antequera. By the end of the Colonial period, however, be-
cause they underwent rapid acculturation, Nahuatl speakers had virtually disappeared in the Valley. The Mixtecs, who had been distributed in a number of places in the Valley in the late pre-Conquest period, were congregated by Hernan Cortés in and around Cuilapan.”’ In 1529 Cortés had taken the Valley as part of his vast marguesado, which also included part of the Valley
of Mexico, much of the present state of Morelos, the area around Toluca, and later Tehuantepec. Cortés held almost all of the Valley towns during the early part of
the Conquest period, but by the 1540’s his holdings had been restricted, for various political and economic reasons, to the Cuatro Villas (Etla, Cuilapan, Tlapacoya, and the Villa de Oaxaca)."® With
the exception of the Villa de Oaxaca, which was predominantly a Nahuatl-speaking community, these towns contained Mixtec speakers. Other Mixtecs were brought into the Valley, especially to the
Etla region and to San Lorenzo Albarradas, near Mitla, from the Mixteca Alta.” Documentary records describe the sizable, if concentrated, Mixtec-
speaking population in the Valley during the Colonial period. For example, one source states that in 1570 there were 18,000 Zapotec tribu-
taries in the entire Valley and some 6,000 tributaries in Cuilapan, primarily a Mixtec town and by this time the largest Indian settlement in the Valley, with about 20,000 inhabitants. At a slightly later date there were 12,100 Zapotec tributaries in the Valley and 5,000 tributaries in Cuilapan.** While Mixtec was spoken in the Valley throughout the Colonial period, there are few, if any, Mixtec speakers there
today, even though communities such as Cuilapan, Atzompa, and Santa Cruz Etla claim a Mixtec heritage.”®
A number of factors account for the disappearance of the Mixtec language. As minorities in Zapotec-speaking areas, the Mixtecs abandoned their native language and adopted Spanish, which became the lingua franca in the region. In other communities they intermarried with Zapotecs. In the Etla and Cuilapan areas, where native cacique
and Spanish control and influence were particularly strong, they rapidly adopted Spanish.”
184 THE ZAPOTECS The Valley’s indigenous population suffered a tremendous decrease
during the early Colonial period, a phenomenon characteristic of most of New Spain. Although the conquest of the Valley was a relatively peaceful one and the inhabitants escaped the military combat losses suffered by the Mexicas of Tenochititlan,” they did not escape epidemic disease. Diseases brought by the Spaniards, against which the Indians had no resistance, reduced the native population of the Valley by half by 1568. The population fell even more in the early seventeenth century, dwindling perhaps to one-fourth of its size at Spanish contact.” The native population recovered somewhat during the next hundred years, although there were cycles of decrease and increase; by 1740 there were about 70,000 inhabitants (including natives, mixedbloods or mestizos, and Spaniards) in the Valley. By 1790 the Valley population had increased to some 110,000 inhabitants. In 1959, the population had grown to 290,000 inhabitants, perhaps equal to or slightly surpassing its population 1n aboriginal times.
The Spanish population of the Valley mostly was confined to Antequera. In 1526 Antequera had a population of 120, which increased to 3,000 by 1660. It then underwent a boom and grew to 19,000
by 1777, but declined to about 17,000 by the end of the Spanish Colonial period.
In the sixteenth century Antequera’s population was almost exclusively Spanish. Later, however, it took on a more diverse character.
For example, some nearby Indian communities, such as Villa de Oaxaca, gradually lost their lands, became infiltrated with mestizos and Negroes, and turned to more commercial enterprises. Additional migrants led to an increasing diversification of the city. Antequera
thus developed a highly mixed population perhaps as early as the middle of the seventeenth century.
In the 1790’s, when the population of Antequera reached 18,000, it included some 7,co0 mulattoes and Indians, and about 11,000 Spaniards and mestizos.
Although the mestizo and Spanish population of Antequera was quite large, it remained small elsewhere in the Valley, as did the Negro
and mulatto population. Spaniards and mestizos resided on some rural estates, and a few towns contained token populations.” By law, Spaniards (except corregidores and the clergy) and mestizos were
forbidden to reside in Indian towns. |
IN NEW SPAIN 185 Negro slaves were imported into the Valley in the sixteenth century, particularly following the official abolition of Indian slavery by the New Laws of 1542. The dwindling native population, and strong legal pressures limiting access to its labor, also promoted the importation of Negro slaves. Most Negroes were employed as cowpunchers,
laborers in sugar mills, and servants for both Spaniards and Indian caciques. However, the Negro population of the Valley always was relatively small; in the 1790’s there were only 2,436 Negroes in the Valley.” INDIAN CACIQUES
The Spaniards recognized the noble status of local Indians and, with certain reservations, permitted them to retain their favored positions. In the Valley of Oaxaca, having submitted peacefully to the conquistador Francisco de Orozco in 1521, native caciques were given special treatment; the Spaniards incorporated the Indian nobles as a special branch of their own nobility, according them Azdalgo status. It was readily acknowledged that the prestigious native caciques would be helpful to the Spanish cause in collecting tribute, in serving as military leaders, and in converting commoners to Christianity. Since cacigues retained their traditional prerogatives, as did principales, they developed a loyalty to their Spanish overlords and rapid-
ly became acculturated to Hispanic patterns: wearing Spanish clothing, carrying swords and daggers, riding horses, and using the appellation “Don” in front of their new Spanish names—prerogatives restricted to nobles.” They also rapidly learned Spanish, left their Indian communities to reside in the more prestigious Antequera, and became converts to Christianity. However, intermarriage between Indian nobles (whether male or female) and Spaniards was relatively rare in the Valley of Oaxaca.” Caciques had to meet two criteria to maintain their positions. First,
they had to convert openly to Christianity, denouncing the old gods for all to see, and undergo baptism. Second, they had to demonstrate their descent in a direct line from a native pre-Spanish lord. The same strictures applied to the principal or lesser nobility group; they also had to proclaim themselves Christian and be able to demonstrate their noble status.
186 THE ZAPOTECS Caciques, as well as principales, were entitled to exact tribute, in kind and in labor, from their subject populations. Many cacigues also
held grants of land and retained tenant farmers (terrasgueros) to work them. This practice especially was true in the valley of Etla and around Cuilapan, where even some principales enjoyed the prerogative of retaining terrasgueros.” The size of noble landholdings also was increased. Following de-
struction of the temples and abolition of the native priesthood, the former temple lands frequently were assigned to native caciques.” Additional increases in noble landholdings sometimes came from the usurpation of pueblo or communal lands assigned to macehuales. But Spaniards also brought with them a new concept of wealth, and caciques soon learned not to be content to simply exact tribute in the old manner; maize, cacao beans, feathers, and jade meant little in the new society. As a result, cacigues, emulating the Spanish entrepreneurs, turned toward more capitalistic enterprises. Cattle and sheep
ranches frequently were owned by Indian nobles. Others became involved in the cochineal industry, which became very important during the Colonial period, especially in the Zimatlan arm of the Valley. Some invested in stone quarries, salt deposits, and wheat mills, especially in the Etla wing of the Valley.” Generally, after 1650 the native nobility, particularly in the Valley of Mexico and in Michoacan, hardly was distinguishable from mace-
huales, either by wealth or prestige,’ but in parts of the Valley of Oaxaca they remained relatively prosperous throughout the Colonial period. A number of factors account for this: in addition to the relatively peaceful conquest of the Valley and the lack of a strong Spanish encomendero group there, the fact that many caczgues were able to consolidate and maintain their estates (cacicazcos) intact is significant, for in other areas of Mexico the estates were usurped by Spanish landowners. The Indian cacicazcos of Cuilapan and Etla constituted the largest individual estates in the Valley of Oaxaca, whether Spanish or Indian, throughout the long period of Spanish rule.” But in other areas of the Valley and Zapotec Oaxaca a more typical pattern ensued. Estates were fragmented and dispersed, and tensions between macehuales and nobles reduced the supply of Indian labor for cacicazco lands. Costly land disputes with macehuales and others,
the squandering of money to emulate Spanish patterns of luxury,
IN NEW SPAIN 187 droughts, frosts, wheat blights, and an epidemic among cattle and sheep in the eighteenth century caused many caciques to go into debt
—debt that could be repaid only by breaking up their estates.*” In the valley arm of Tlacolula, in the Southern Zapotec region around Miahuatlan, in Tehuantepec, and in the Zapotec sierra, caciques hardly were distinguishable from macehuales by the middle of the Colonial period.** Since most principales never succeeded in crystallizing and entailing their estates, they suffered a similar fate. In fact, even Spaniards, particularly the Creoles, were unsuccessful in transmitting large
landholdings and retaining labor for their estates in the Valley—a factor that distinguishes these Oaxacan areas from others in Mexico and helped to prevent the strong development of the hacienda there.” While some cacigues in the Valley were relatively wealthy, almost everywhere the Indian nobility suffered loss of prestige in their local Indian communities. Struggles with macehuales over land and labor led to an increasing gulf between the two groups and the partial undermining of the political power of the native nobility in Indian communities. As the Colonial period went on, caciques enjoyed prestige, and some enjoyed wealth, in the new Spanish society, but wealth was a guarantee neither of effective prestige nor of political influence in the local Indian community; conversely, prestige was not a guarantee
of wealth. For while cacigues and other nobles were favored by Spaniards, such favoritism, along with the pursuit of Spanish entrepreneural activities, alienated them from the common Indian. Perhaps this was inevitable from the beginning of the Colonial period, for as Taylor writes: “The nobles’ loyalty to their Spanish rulers was accompanied by a ready acceptance of Spanish ways. Caciques considered themselves aristocrats on the Spanish level. In many respects
they had more in common with the Spanish society of Antequera than with the people of their own jurisdictions. This aloofness early became a matter of physical as well as psychological distance. . . .”*°
In short, Indian nobles either were alienated from macehuales, becoming wealthy and prestigious in Spanish society, or were reduced to the level of macehuales in wealth, and also suffered a loss of pres-
tige. In a social and cultural sense, then, although Indian caciques were recognized as distinct, they either became nonIndians or common Indians. This dual process, described by Charles Gibson as typical of the fate of the Indian nobility throughout the New World,”
188 THE ZAPOTECS reflects the basic nature of the plural society of New Spain—one divided into isolated worlds with little allowance for groups intermediate between them.
The Indian community, or pueblo, defined by law as a discrete entity
in the Spanish system (the repuéblica de los indios), went through various stages of evolution after the Spanish conquest of Mexico. During the early part of the post-Conquest period, caczques and other Indian nobles continued to govern their communities, exact tribute, and supervise most activities—positions apportioned on the basis of pre-
Conquest privileges. But beginning in the 1530’s, the Indian community was organized, with some modification, in accordance with the basic institution of Spanish town government—the cabildo. The Spanish envisioned the creation of an Indian community that was largely self-governing as well as economically self-supporting. This had been the model of municipal (cadiddo) organization in Spain, where offices were elective and were rotated. The major offices were alcaldes (judges for minor crimes and civil suits) and regzdores (councilors who legislated laws for local matters). In the New World, these offices were continued, except that in Indian communities an additional office was added—that of gobernador, or governor. The gobernador was the highest elected political office
and the most powerful and prestigious position in the Indian community. The origins of this position may have related to a position in the aboriginal town government, to some precedent in Spain, or, more probably, to a combination of both of these factors, an adaptation of Spanish and Indian forms of government to the specific conditions of the New World. It is known that in the early stages of cabildo government in the Indian community of New Spain, the highest positions were occupied by members of the Indian nobility, and the office of gobernador frequently was held by a cacique, the most prestigious individual in the community.”’
Also during this early period, only Indian nobles could serve as electors, and only Indians could serve on Indian cabildos. These cabildo officers carried out a number of local functions: they guarded
IN NEW SPAIN 189 communal properties, collected local tribute, enacted local legislation not covered under Spanish law, and were responsible for maintaining
peace, enforcing compliance to Spanish orders, and assuring attendance at religious functions.
In addition to the offices of gobernador, alcalde and regidor there were lesser offices, appendages to the cabildo. While these positions varied from town to town, most pueblos had mayordomos (supervisors) of communal lands, escribanos (scribes), alguaciles (police officers and custodial workers), and cantores (singers for masses and
religious ceremonies). These positions generally were assigned through a system of rotation—a system that probably was responsible for development of what was to become the core of the Colonial Indian community, the civil-religious hierarchy or cargo system. The domination of the Indian cadildo offices by the native nobility was but a transitional phase, however, for by the end of the sixteenth century their hold over cabildo posts had declined. A number of factors account for this development. First, the tremendous population decline that took place in the sixteenth century, coupled with Spanish legal restriction of cabildo posts to Indian nobles, created a lack of personnel that made enforcement of such restrictions difficult. Second, the rapid Spanish acculturation of Indian cacigues turned their local
populations against them. Finally, as the power of the Spanish bureaucracy increased, the prerogatives of the native nobility to cabildo posts decreased. Election to the main cabildo offices required approval of the viceregal arm of the Spanish government, enforced within the various levels of the Spanish Colonial bureaucracy, the corregimiento, the audiencia, and the Viceroy. Conflicts between Indian commoners,
who soon gained access to Spanish legal channels, and their native
nobility, along with the reduction of prerogatives to tribute and wealth for most Indian nobles in the 1560’s, ultimately meant that the distinction between Indian noble and commoner became less clear.
Thus, legal strictures could not be enforced, and common Indians gained access to cabildo posts even though the Viceroy continued to insist that voting rights should be restricted to Indian nobles.*° The evolution of cabildo government in the Valley of Oaxaca followed this general model, although the process was somewhat slower: “the macehual class gained more and more political control as the colonial period played out.”*”
190 THE ZAPOTECS Macehuales in the Valley of Oaxaca ultimately gained the right to vote, although in no Valley town was an entire cabildo elected by the
whole community in the Colonial period. In some towns, such as Tlacochahuaya in the eighteenth century, macehuales could be elected to the posts of alcalde and regidor without having privileges as electors (vocales). In others, such as in Zimatlan, they gained the right to serve as electors for certain stipulated offices.
Legally and officially, cabildo offices were for a one-year term, and a person could not serve again in the same office for a period of three years. However, in the early years caciques and principales repeatedly were elected to the same office, some serving for as many as eleven to fifteen years.*”
But continual abuse of these offices, plus the rising aspirations of certain macehuales, \ed to the decline of cacique rule. For example, only one cacigue held the office of gobernador in the Valley after 1725... The abuses of cacigues frequently are mentioned in Spanish sources, and their character often is described in harsh terms. Burgoa, for example, describes seventeenth-century caciques: The caciques [of Huitzo] nowadays are half as intelligent and twice as wicked as their predecessors. All the old caciques have died, and with
them have gone their esteemed reputation and courage, as well as the cattle estates they once possessed. Their heirs, more absentminded than vigilant, find themselves poverty-stricken. Their habits are corrupt; and when they lack outsiders with whom to quarrel, they stir up disputes and misunderstandings within the towns. ... To sustain their petulant excesses they even usurp the capellanias [benefices] that were granted to the convent by former caciques.*”
Another source speaks of the cacique of Matatlan in the 1720's: “He is a captious, bold, and shameless man whose only interest is in stirring up the rustic temperament of the natives of this town. He constantly arouses them against their priests and ministers, the alcaldes mayores, and the other representatives of justice.”** In 1689, the cacique of Etla, who had given away community lands to the Church, declared: “The people of the Villa de Etla have declared themselves my enemies.””**
Cacique disputes with their town populations were frequent in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In some towns they were barred
IN NEW SPAIN IQI from holding any cabildo post. In others, such as Coyotepec, a cacique was elected to a lowly office and refused to serve because he felt it beneath his dignity. Some caciques attempted to usurp the office of gobernador, as in Zimatlan in the 1690’s, and both the principales and the commoners united against him, taking the issue to a higher authority; the cacigue ultimately was forbidden to hold office and had
his estate confiscated.*” Appeals by Indians to Spanish authorities were frequent in the Colonial period, a mechanism some have interpreted as a substitute for the warfare of pre-Spanish times as a means
of resolving disputes.“ Open violence also frequently erupted in towns over noble usurpations of office. The macehuales of Zaachila disrupted the elections of 1590, and in 1719 they ousted the gobernador of the town. At Macuilxdchitl in 1790 the townspeople removed the gobernador by force.*" Caciques ultimately disappeared from the local community political
scene, although in some cases they attempted, mostly unsuccessfully, to reassert their influence. Principales also lost their hold over offices as their status and wealth declined. Finally, prestige based on com-
munity service instead of hereditary privilege became much more important as a criterion for serving in an important cadildo post. By the end of the Spanish Colonial period, the Indian cabildo had taken a form that was neither distinctively Spanish nor like the government of pre-Conquest times. Instead, it represented an adaptation of Spanish town government to local conditions—conditions that made the holding of political office less a right that could bring wealth
and power to a privileged nobility than a duty designed to preserve and protect a local Indian community of peasants. In this system, prestige became synonymous not with wealth and power but with their antithesis—poverty and service.
In other respects, the post-Conquest Indian community as a political entity had more in common with its pre-Spanish past—a commonality resulting more from the structural similarity between the
political communities of ancient Oaxaca and Spain than from the survival of aboriginal institutions. The relationship between a cabecera
and its sajetos was similar in both periods: the cabecera dominated the political life of the sajetos, as sujetos did not have cabildos of their own. Throughout the Colonial period, however, there was shifting in the
aie Oe a Oe Co. Coon a ia Ce Ce yee oo oo aaae) oe aOO .oe a.oo 7Co i oF Oa ON ONO Oe aee Oy ae Oped oF OU ON a.,. oe ee . . _ oo a SO ONE US RON Oa ae ae ee iii CO a a oe CO eo ae .)~ fon eoo. oo Ce es |. oe aONG, aMoree i.ioSee oe Lo | Re |. Ce CO OS ee esae aasoe -. sfee —ee IO”. oe ey on Se + a
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B/ ee AD Ss NY SOR —s) hl” eo ULUrrtrt— .
oe, 1 iar ee OG ae ie a) SNe | Saar CE ae eee PHU ae eee eee Bee oe a a ee ees Go SG aR ae et : OM FR te ER Sea i Sateen a AOR nO ness | Pee OBR a Cra a PO ee Naan Be ay ae eee een aoe a EUs ee es Eee BOs sie
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p peraeaesPie eee eee eg Ne pantnates ees gaan rede EGE Saneaevga Sete hs,ees Ae na ONO OSA eee HR, sega ncistatitity ee nutes See ee SS. es Ree oe ae USE a ee STS Be ees es Ret BRN esaeeOe wanlee ES[Saae GS ie eeioan ee . _ | - | _ge Wess inPee auclieianiol aeposet Vig iea oe eae eeae oo Wee AES any eeee aee eeee(| i —ee > ws 4 ge ¥A mu “a ~ceEES oo 2Betts ge FF ee oe ae i), eeoa oa) 22.esla oo aeMe oe he ~~ Ss es Be oooneeaeage |aaawe oe ee se. “~~. CCU oe Lr re x a|.gsoe oe oyee 7ooeeTO .ee3;
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Os PE Le ee. oo ,@ eoee=|; ok. Coe. Depe Lo 2—— Pee8 oi, oeee i F.C i eeWages oe Laos ee a 2ihe ae eee oe oe.Soe _. :a--iy ees oo -aea“oe en oy oe .rr,— ey i, oe ae ee ao _i.Ge ae Was, -eeeeee:ateee A. ae Ca oe ne cpiety 2esOe ge | _:eee |7:es ut = ”oe 3. aw )oo SaoFF EES a Eee I Ae ee a ee SNde be ess anes Les re Ceee DD Oi geee BM es eeea eae ii PoyOe Hii Shijgs EERE BESS Seeact oe nea pecan .tere ve iee eeeOES Rall ee ae) aalin: Wee | TN Waihi ine i ere Renee aWaees ae ee as isge SGU SEES eee oeiLmngyioee =a Pee ee a |Bea A Oe ae in:Teac Lee es Ue ok id yy Pr) _.___: Baers pee:pits EU rys i.ae ere ee eeeBe eesks SA Bree PGS Me ih oe eae es ee ieee | 1Ee: ae Ries ee oeLL aIine ey ete ec7eeSRR | eaeeee ee Rene: a. eeees . : iEOS je XT) » _ oBenen eG, ae Wii 8 Ag Oe ieeeae Pe ee ee aeeeRee ee hut ae ees es (ee ee.Bee )pe Sears SRE Spare a ‘Sigg suaimd ee TE ore ihe Pee eas. aeSoi C8. i es,ee Ne aeWier ik Poe oe = eeee8 |ee ee praca OS SeGe oeSlee ee AACS sesBO ators ee iCT eaeANA ee eeeee, | SSMU Reoe Sees POEs era eeee ee Re A) 7 7a es Ti 2=~2 Ct >_;
) i ( 2a oe Ce, Ce ee e oe CF ee ee HO ele ee oe . fi Vi ee fe SS EOS
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oe ee aDene 7| —— ee ee ee ee eee ee :iooce ie “eee ee Eee _soeses Pn “s Ve ee ee wy AG Le — 2Meeaeos eeooee eo aoe.eecoee ee oo .teaeCL FZ Dy: :eeeta.ee, =f “tly ss7o Le :|oe -hea:ie. -aee “MSS \Sas \ae aeaee2iaes ce ae aegee eas ._ OS eee | tea eee oe hen oe ee eee Seo | -es 7 Se, _ce : :\ee ~Bes eeee ORT eae2. Bee |es ea anced TORS ie isseen ey8oe eeae RIN aa gees ihCO ra encase | beg ees oeesanesta SUES nce Risehenss es Es nee LU Ry a a Pe Wi Soe fl es ae LC eC / & ra Fe — , b —z ee ae VW A ee ee ee fies We ee oe a ie — -— i. ce se ae oe ee ae eae os URL Eee ae ee Ss Sa oe oe oo ee ee oF. Oe Co oe a ee, i oo -. | « i a : f Px >yaee 4 tee eee ee | .ony ies 4 oe Va ee oeMae fi §aN ee Mi Le De eo ~~ PN oe Ce (}/ _ee we we Pe
.ears athe ierat SE eenn I SerreSe EE aePe een SEG pocorn eee Pee eeFe eres e ui(oo ae ae _if es s oe ie. aeee cayee Satis | eeaa is Dyes i 2oo Se ee. ee aioe fg Aes, By og eee¥/% ae , aea ce EE Ce EE oes ee fey ~~ Aes — RSC SS Co. oT oe ol. oe to yy Pe te Sere aeoD aes eeeeeee oe oh |lig espeeoe 1oe. Soy -anaes ye ss -Bees : _EES | ee |OS | Seneeoet _ _ee -oe | oe |eae _ if oiPEERS oeOe ANNE A YIN eeHee nSes Euan ES GES a eM eae Vee aeefr ee merase SRR AE!|:a -a . Teena Soe eee ORE eM ARES ORS EEC o Beeiaaaig ar ss tee ore ae Seen SO eee eee eee es ee ey Lng one Pes ea 4s ce oe cea ai Reet ey ee ae LL a oe Se: a Nami, oe: ff ae 3 (y ‘il 4 -
| : : iy : | / - , . - 7 - | , 7 8 . oe ae ey) eR ee AN RR ae faa aS geet eg Paar ise ay Does sae | ee sate pens CE presto POEs Shteay ees Benen ee eae Hs oligo nae Wie me * eee Woe aa Au A ia eats pees sae EES ie ; : Z : : | e : | . 7 _ / : | , a _ ah FUR) Asis Pes aa Co es: EE Reese ee eet, ths Ses ne eet! Breer Renate re NSPS ERS ees hee setae Te ene, ese Mics te MBS Be ode Banemes i seneee tees BR, aN a te aes posh Sacre nar
: Sea: es Scope cena es EEE Se ERE Seite sea eaceer trees Serene arena Pe teeeee sees | beeen PaaSESS D1 ese onesenbeeen eee CI Sauce SE pee aienea renee Meee suas eee eeeeFSU Se Rags acoaetes one ES caer EEE Gesees ESvars oS So Micon / _ _ . - why oe oe De Mee eee ERO Oenaar Sevres eesas ERTS Se eeSerene ER Rete Esse ose eeoresae ee SOE RESUS _ oS 2 5_ oe a ae SEEDS peers sees ates epg aeately Beat OESAESU aN Bas ak Gah eaten eaters, earee enters EAs Sea geo POE. Ge SenBENG ore ss Ras eis poe eR Res SOE SS Bacarra Coreteate eae TALS, SOARS SR aero aan Cran picacuncute SNES ee SURE seit igen: nee oe rene pene eee aes eee igi
IN NEW SPAIN : : 193 political status of Indian towns. Depopulation brought about the consolidation of many towns into single entities, brought about the extinction of some communities, and created towns which had no preSpanish antecedents. In other cases, inhabitants abandoned whole towns or barrios because of population pressures or attempts by authorities to subject them to a labor draft; some became squatters on abandoned land. Bitter disputes, leading to violence and litigation, also ensued over the political status of towns; some objected to the
tule of the cabecera and petitioned for cabecera status. In general, there was a tendency for political units to increase in size in the early Colonial period, while smaller units obtained independent political
status in the later years of Spanish rule.** | THE LANDED INDIAN PUEBLO
The Indian community in the Valley of Oaxaca was conceived, above all, as a land-based entity. Grants of land, generally made to whole communities, had the long-term effect of solidifying the identifica-
tion of the Indian commoner with a place, of pitting community against community and commoners against an Indian noble or Spaniard who received a separate individual grant. The strong community tradition, characteristic of pre-Spanish times, was strengthened in the Colonial period; for Indian commoners the pueblo remained their major unit of identification. A number of types of grants were given to Indian communities. The first—and the only one really protected by colonial law—was the fundo legal, or townsite. The size of this entity varied slightly during various phases of the Colonial period, but in numerical terms each town was entitled to a grant of five hundred squared varas (a vara equaled approximately one meter) of land, which was divided into houseplots. Technically, only Indian commoners could hold cultiColonial map of Macuilxéchitl, part of the 1580 relacién of Macuilxéchitl, showing locations of its suzetos (by chapels), roads, footpaths, fields, grazing areas,
and important native nobles. Text in Nahuatl. (From Francisco del Paso y Troncoso (ed.), Papeles de Nueva Espanta, Vol. 4, p. 109; original in Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid.)
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Bc ee eS _ Colonial map of Teotitlan del Valle. Depicted are locations of Teotitlan del Valle (upper left) and an estancia (lower left); also included are vacant or public lands (da/dios) to the right of Teotitlan del Valle, level field areas (dlanos) at the middle left and center, less productive field areas (dlanos con
REE EERE . tans a ee es fk = | f H Wy ape / ome
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Vy (J the top aid righe. Text in Spanish (In Archive Genoeal de la Nacion, México, Tierras, Vol. 35, Exp. 7.)
196 THE ZAPOTECS vated fields within this area, and there were to be no ranches within one thousand varas of an Indian community.” Second, there were four other types of communal lands: (a) communal lands for the support of religious festivals and similar community-wide expenses; (b) communal pasturelands and woods; (c) communal darrio lands, owned separately by the residents of a section of a community (which sometimes corresponded to a group of related individuals or a former community), divided into plots and worked by nuclear families; and (d) communal tracts given to otherwise landless individuals who entered into a ¢errasguero relationship with the community, often performing services for the town in exchange for the use of these plots.
Theoretically, all communal lands were inalienable—that is, they could not be sold except under very special conditions—and individuals within communities held only usufruct rights over them. But in the Valley of Oaxaca much land was sold, encroached upon, or usurped by other Indian communities, native nobles, or Spaniards. While some towns retained large areas of land, many others were reduced to their fundo legal. There also were privately owned lands within Indian communities. At first, these were restricted to the Indian nobles, but eventually the notion of private, alienable holdings also was adopted by macehuales.
Macehuales sometimes acquired lands by purchase from nobles or from communities needing funds to pay tribute or debts or by usurping communal lands in cases when the community could not demonstrate clear legal title to a plot of land, for boundaries often were vague and unclear. The audiencia usually automatically approved the
sale of land valued at less than thirty pesos. The extent of private macehual holdings in the Colonial period cannot be ascertained, but, although it probably increased as the Colonial period neared its end, it undoubtedly represented the exception instead of the rule. Indian communities soon learned to employ legal procedures to meet their land needs in the Valley, and Spanish colonial records attest to frequent litigations. Disputes between pueblos over lands were common,” and there was a tendency for larger communities to expand at the expense of smaller ones, a procedure almost always supported by the Spanish authorities. Frequently, threatened communities argued that lands were theirs in primitivo patrimonio (held in
IN NEW SPAIN | 197 pre-Spanish times), a strong argument to the colonial authorities. Nevertheless, many communities lost those lands. However, since land varied greatly in quality throughout the Valley, the size of a
community’s holdings was not necessarily an index of its productive
For example, the Etla arm contained the most productive land.”
But it also was in the Etla arm that the most serious erosion of Indian
community lands occurred; few towns there held more than their fundo legal by the end of the colonial period, and some even held less. Such a phenomenon is partly explicable by the strength of the native cacicazcos in the Etla arm as well as by the expansion there of other private estates. While the fertility of the land, coupled with irrigation, somewhat compensated for this situation, frequent squabbles over water rights reduced many communities to poverty. As a response to this situation, some Etla towns specialized in a commercial crop. For example, San
Sebastian Xochimilco supplied onions for the Antequera market, San Andrés Ixtlahuaca specialized in tomatoes, and several communities supplemented their income by using nearby woodlands for charcoal, firewood, and other wood products. Nevertheless, the communities of the Etla wing of the Valley had such reduced landholdings that they could not absorb—except in the
community of Huitzo—any population growth. In the eighteenth century the Etla region was described as a land “of pestilence, hunger, shortage of water, continuous land usurpation, and other afflictions.””” The southern arm of the Valley displayed variation throughout the
Colonial period.” Some communities, such as Cuilapan, Zimatlan, and Ocotlan, were relatively prosperous. In other communities, inadequate landholding generated problems in maintaining a food supply. There also were found large Spanish haciendas as well as large, expanding Indian communities, a situation which generated boundary disputes and reduced the landholdings of many communities. A sharply fluctuating population added to peasant misery in many communities in this region.
Cuilapan, the former Mixtec capital favored by Cortés, retained large landholdings throughout the Colonial period, encroached on nearby towns, and grew a great variety of marketable crops; in fact, Cuilapan often had an excess of land. Zaachila, however, continued
198 THE ZAPOTECS to suffer a land shortage throughout the Colonial period, and the former Zapotec capital never really escaped the continuing expansion of the Mixtecs. Its lands were encroached upon by Cuilapan and later
in the Colonial period by Spanish haciendas; many Zaachila men were forced to serve on haciendas to meet tribute demands. Much later, Zaachila was among the very few Valley towns that contained
active agraristas during the Mexican Revolution of r910—a phenomenon that supports the general reason often given for that conflict, chronic land shortage. Today it appears to be one of the most xenophobic towns in the Valley, understandable in view of its history.
Zimatlan had ample lands, and Ocotlan prospered through ranching, which supplied most of the meat for the important regional market there, but, as in Etla, other communities in this area turned to specialization to help alleviate land shortages. Atzompa specialized in a green-glazed pottery; Coyotepec first turned to maguey and later to black pottery. This strategy of specialization was attempted by a number of towns in the Valley—a strategy symptomatic of their inability to sustain themselves and meet tribute demands with their local land base.
Many towns in the valley of Zimatlan also produced cochineal, a product that required little productive land. The Bishopric of Oaxaca was the major producer of cochineal, which underwent a great boom in the eighteenth century and became a major source of dye in Europe.
It stood third in export products from New Spain until aniline dyes brought about its demise in the latter part of the nineteenth century.” Cochineal was not produced in the northwestern and southeastern arms of the Valley, although, in addition to Zimatlan, 1t also was produced in Tehuantepec, the Sierra de Juarez region at Ixtepeyji, in the Mixteca Alta, and in the Southern Zapotec region around Miahuatlan, where it was reported to have been of superior quality. In many cases, communities became prosperous for short periods because of cochineal,
and special Indian officials were appointed to handle it, although it always was under strict Spanish regulation and control.” The valley of Tlacolula, generally lacking the development of large cacicazcos and Spanish haciendas, retained pueblos with large landholdings throughout the Colonial period; however, these larger holdings did not also imply a greater productive capacity. Sheep and maguey cultivation were also more important in the valley of Tlaco-
IN NEW SPAIN 199 lula than elsewhere, often leading to extensive, not intensive, use of the land.”®
Community specialization and trading were more typical of the Tlacolula arm than of any other area in the Valley, as were highly developed local markets. Typical was a specialization in serapes, found only in the Tlacolula arm of the Valley, and the making of pulque or mezcal. Even today towns such as Teotitlan del Valle continue to specialize in weaving serapes. In the Colonial period, weavers
were found also in Santo Domingo del Valle (now Diaz Ordaz), Tlacolula, Mitla, and Macuilxéchitl. Besides pulgue and weaving, towns in the eastern arm specialized in petates (palm-leaf mats), firewood, charcoal, wooden spoons, and other items. Such community specialization did not, however, mean the demise of subsistence agriculture—communities continued to protect their land base and to use specialization as supplementary income. As in most peasant societies, craft specialization was not a substitute for agriculture. Disputes over land always were common in the Tlacolula wing of
the Valley; violence, strong community xenophobia, and constant litigation between pueblos were characteristic of the area. While it remained heavily Zapotec, strong dialectical differences between com-
munities probably developed during this period as Spanish became the dingua franca for intercommunity negotiations. The strong protective stance that most communities took toward their land base also encouraged community endogamy here as it did elsewhere in the Valley of Oaxaca. One of the most prosperous towns in the Tlacolula arm was Tlalix-
tac, which constantly encroached on its smaller neighbors. Not only did it have an important maguey industry—it was the major producer
in the area—but it also irrigated lands and had at least two sheep ranches. It was described as well kept and prosperous as late as the 1820's, when economic problems had reduced most Valley towns to utter poverty. The expansion of some larger Indian towns at the expense of their
neighbors represented a common phenomenon in the Valley and shows that Indian communities frequently lost lands to their nearby Indian neighbors, and not exclusively to predatory caciques and Span-
200 THE ZAPOTECS ish hacendados, the picture most often presented in works dealing with the Spanish Colonial period .
Of the many communities in the Tlacolula arm, only Mitla had serious disputes with Spanish haciendas, which bordered it on the east, north, northwest, and southwest. Mitla also lost communal lands when its sujetos were allowed to become independent entities. While Mitla probably retained enough land for subsistence purposes, it primarily became a town of itinerant merchants, a specialty it still enjoys
along with its importance as a place of Zapotec religious pilgrimage.”’
On the average, the Valley of Oaxaca was not characterized by a paucity of Indian land. It is estimated that during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the average Indian plot ranged from 2.26 to 3.43 hectares, or about twice the size of the present-day Indian plot. In addition, the average Indian family usually had at least two plots which, as in most peasant societies, were seldom contiguous, bringing the total family landholding to between 4.44 and 8.87 hectares.” The ideal, probably seldom met, was for all Indian families to have land
of equal productive value and fertility—a value consistent with the egalitarian ethics of most peasant societies. INDIAN TRIBUTE AND LABOR
The Indians of New Spain were peasants in the Spanish estate system,
a fact well illustrated by examining the system of tribute and labor. Indian communities were given lands not only for subsistence but also to provide revenues for noblemen, the Spanish crown, and its subsidiary bureaucracy and to serve as a captive source of labor for various enterprises. Finally, Indian peasants were to underwrite the maintenance of their own local cabildo offices through a system of tribute assessment.
The earliest institution that recognized this fact was the encomienda—a grant of Indian towns to a Spaniard, giving him the right to exact tribute and recruit labor from them. But the encomienda was subject to much abuse, and the crown attempted early to abolish it, or to curtail its growth, not only in response to pressures from the Church, but also because so much autonomy was thereby given to
Spanish noblemen that it threatened to undermine crown control.
IN NEW SPAIN 201 The Spanish colony of New Spain was envisioned above all as a con-
trolled society, economically, politically, spiritually, and culturally administered by the crown and its bureaucratic arm.
The encomienda was relatively insignificant in the Valley of Oaxaca, although it was somewhat important in the Zapotec sierra and south.®® Oaxaca’s first encomendero was Hernan Cortés—the Marqués del Valle—who had, as his title suggests, almost unlimited
powers, a situation he created for himself after the conquest. As marqués, Cortés could grant encomiendas and lands within his jurisdiction, although he handed both out sparingly. But the history of the marquessate reflects the overall fate of such enclaves within crown territory: Cortés’ power and jurisdiction were continually reduced. By the 1530’s the marqués’ jurisdiction in the Valley had been reduced to the Cuatro Villas (Cuilapan, Villa de Oaxaca, Etla, and Tlapacoya), even though he also retained possessions in Tehuantepec, Morelos, and Toluca. His heirs, however, were to lose much of this vast estate as the crown continually curtailed their prerogatives.”
While the Spanish authorities, with crown aid, moved rapidly to revoke or control encomiendas, they did not abandon the idea that the Indian community should be a source of revenue. Corregimzento, in a sense a crown encomienda, was in force throughout the Colonial period, and Indians were assessed royal tribute. Various bureaucratic
salaries, including those of the corregidores, also came from these peasant revenues.
The tribute system in the Valley of Oaxaca underwent several stages of evolution. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries tribute was collected in various forms and was converted into a crown standard. Later, royal tribute was collected in specie or currency, a factor that continued throughout the Colonial period. Tribute was levied according to a census of the adult male popula-
tion; exemptions were made for the old and sickly, the extremely poor, and the nobility. After 1560, exemptions for the principal group were no longer in effect, although caczques continued to be exempt and legislation to remove their exemption was retracted. A community tribute, in addition to the royal or encomienda tribute, was assessed to underwrite the salaries of community officials and to defray certain costs (such as the sustenances of priests and the costs
of religious observances), and special lands were set aside for this
202 THE ZAPOTECS purpose; this community tribute generally was in addition to Church tithes. In the Valley of Oaxaca, beginning in the 1550’s, lands supplying community tribute were divisible into fields of about 0.028 hectares, each plot to be worked by a tributary male.” A married male represented one tributary, while a widow, widower, or unmarried male corresponded to one-half tributary in the assessment system. Documents pertaining to Zapotec Valley towns provide an illustration of how the tribute system operated in crown communities.” In the southern arm ef the Valley, Zimatlan and its associated towns (Tepezimatlan and La Magdalena), which were put in corregimiento in 1532, paid tribute valued at 266 pesos of gold each year in addition to crops from a designated field and one chicken every day, given to sustain their corregidor. In 1536, Zimatlan (not including its associated towns) paid tribute valued at 206 pesos of gold and also contributed crops valued at 48 pesos, bringing the total tribute to 254 pesos. Of this, 41 pesos went to the crown, while 178 pesos went to pay the salary of the corregidor. The Marqués del Valle, who had residual rights to tribute at this time over most of the Valley towns, received 35 pesos. According to the Suma de visitas, which probably dates from this period, Zimatlan paid its cacique 454 pesos and seven tomines ot gold, and, of this, the cacigue gave 57 pesos to the crown. This tribute was given every hundred days in equal proportions. The
inhabitants of Zimatlan also contributed four hundred fanegas (a janega equaled approximately ninety liters) of maize and gave one chicken every day.
The tribute lists for other towns in this period reveal a similar profile, although tribute varied depending on the size of the popula-
tion. In 1531, when Mitla and Tlacolula in the eastern part of the Valley were put in corregimiento, these towns paid four tributes each year, valued at between 192 and 208 pesos, in addition to an unspecified amount from a small field. In 1536 they were assessed a total of 159 pesos, divided as 130 pesos of gold (paid in ¢ejuelos, ingots) and 29 pesos for crops. Of these, the crown received 26 pesos while the corregidor got 133. According to the Suma, Mitla gave 7 pesos and six tomines of gold each eighty days and an additional 130 fanegas of maize each year. The author of the Suma adds that these people grew little maize because of their poor land but lived mostly by selling chickens and soap.
IN NEW SPAIN 203 The author of the Suma also claimed that some of the Valley towns, such as Zimatlan, Tlalixtac, and Zaachila, paid too little tribute—the
Indians there are described as rich and able to pay more. Such a phenomenon illustrates quite well the status of peasants in Spanish colonial society and helps account for observations that peasants had little desire to increase their productive capacities: the larger their production, the more the required tribute.
The Suma document for Zaachila also illustrates the variety of products paid as tribute during this early period. Zaachila paid to its cacique 325 pesos and four zomines of gold; the caczque, in turn, gave
to the crown 28 pesos of gold dust each year. For six months of the year, Zaachila gave the corregidor one chicken, two hundred tortillas, five cargas (one carga equaled approximately two fanegas) of firewood, one hundred cacaos (cocoa beans), one-half fanega of maize, and the services of five Indians. The corregidor each year also reserved twenty-five fanegas of maize, three fanegas of beans, and ten fardos (bundles) of chilies. In 1531, when Zaachila and Iztepeque were combined into a corregimiento, they gave, each eighty days, four tezuelos
of gold, and they had two fields producing one thousand cargas of maize. They also gave the corregidor a “moderate” amount of food. In 1536 these two towns paid a total valued at 275 pesos of gold, including 235 pesos in gold dust and 11 pesos in crops. Of these, 48 pesos
went to the crown, 128 pesos and four tomines to the corregidor, and 33 pesos to the marqués.
Later documents for these same towns indicate that the crown moved to standardize procedures and also give some indication of the relationship between local Indian officials and the tribute they received. In 1572 Zaachila gave 1,699 pesos and four zomuines, paid in three installments, as well as 717 fanegas and three almudes (one almud equaled approximately one-twelfth of a fanega) of maize. The Zaachila document also states that after the 1,434 pesos and. the maize
were paid to the crown, the remaining pesos were deposited in the community strongbox or caja. This caja had three keys to it; one was in the possession of the gobernador, another was held by an alcalde, and a third by a mayordomo. This fund was to be used for whatever was deemed necessary by these officials to maintain the community (including, presumably, their own salaries), although they had to keep a strict accounting of their expenditures.
204 THE ZAPOTECS Also, according to the Zaachila document, each tributary in the community was assessed nine and one-half reales of silver and onehalf fanega of maize; widows and widowers paid one-half of this assessment. The aged, very poor, and infirm were not assessed, nor could further tribute or services be demanded of them. The officials of the community should make sure, the document insists, that the Christian religion was maintained and that the priests had their needs satisfied.
Similar documents pertain to other Valley Zapotec communities, and the general tribute system is described similarly in all of them, although each total tribute, of course, varied depending on the number of tributaries in the community. For example, in 1574 Zimatlan gave 1,676 pesos, five tomines and six granos (there were approxtmately twelve granos per tomin) of gold (oro comdn), along with 297 fanegas and nine almudes of maize. Of this, the crown received 73 pesos and one tomin for the community. As in Zaachila, Mitla, Tlacolula, Tepezimatlan, and most other Valley communities, each tributary was assessed nine and one-half reales of silver and one-half fanega of maize. In Tlalixtac, however, they were assessed only eight reales of silver per full tributary, and in Ixtepec each full tributary paid only six zomines.
The crown and its legislative arm worked hard to standardize tribute schedules but found it almost impossible. One continuing prob-
lem was the fluctuation of the population. In response, tribute assessments periodically were revised, but the slowness of bureaucratic
procedures and communications usually meant that the assessments were dated, usually excessive, and therefore could not be met by many Indian communities. There also were many opportunities for abuse. Since the salaries of corregidores, officials of the communities, and the funds for other privileged individuals came from the tribute quotas, excessive demands could not be controlled easily, nor could corruption be curtailed. Such abuses seem especially to have been characteristic of communities held in encomienda. Excessive demands sometimes led to Indian violence; a serious rebellion took place in Oaxaca in the seventeenth century among the
Zapotecs of the isthmus and the sierra. It started in Tehuantepec, where the Spanish alcalde mayor was stoned to death and an Indian mob sacked Spanish establishments, seizing muskets and other
IN NEW SPAIN 205 weapons. After establishing an Indian government in Tehuantepec, the revolt spread through Nejapa and finally to Ixtepeji and Villa Alta in the sierra. The Indian army ultimately grew to ten thousand men. The Indian leaders of the revolt held out for a year, communicating with the viceroy and explaining that they were not in rebellion against
the crown but against excessive tribute. However, in 1661 an envoy from the viceroy subdued the rebellion with an army. The Indian governor of Tehuantepec was dismembered and hung in quarters at the four entrances of the town of Tehuantepec. Others also were quartered and mutilated. A peace finally was proclaimed with a solemn mass.” While such widespread peasant rebellions were not characteristic of Colonial Oaxaca (and especially the Valley region),°° the economy of Spain in the seventeenth century and throughout the later Colonial period led to increased demands for tribute to be paid in specie instead
of in kind. The increasing demand for currency generated a number of changes in Indian communities. In the sixteenth century and early part of the seventeenth century, communal lands for the purposes of filling tribute coffers were kept intact. But beginning in the seventeenth century, some communal lands were sold, rented, or diverted to cash crops to meet the new tribute quotas."" Increasingly, peasants turned to outside sources of revenue. Some peasants became heavily involved in commerce. Others acquired cash through wage labor or became involved in the prosperous cochineal industry. As a result,
there was some “opening” of the peasant community during this period, and cash became more and more a crucial part of the peasant economy. However, this situation did not continue for long. Yellow fever epidemics in 1739, 1766, and 1780, along with serious famines in 1779-80 and 1785-87, intensified the economic problems of the eighteenth century. The cochineal industry started its decline in the early eighteenth century and, although it recovered for short periods, went into permanent decay after 1783. Communities that had become overspecialized
or almost totally dependent on this crop, such as Ixtepeji and Miahuatlan, had neglected their basic subsistence needs and were in such a dire situation that they applied for and were granted exemptions from royal tribute.”’
206 THE ZAPOTECS Most other peasant communities, however, did not become overspecialized to this extent, nor did they so radically divert their traditional land use patterns. Therefore, when the larger economy collapsed, they still could meet their subsistence needs. This ability to survive illustrates the dual adaptive nature of peasant communities: they can “open” or “close” depending on the economic environment of the larger society in which they find themselves embedded. The viability of the peasant eocnomy, however, depends on the retention of a subsistence land base. To the extent that it mitigates against such retention, “opening” cannot go too far. The Valley Zapotec communities, on the whole, remained “closed” in that those lands which provided their subsistence mainstay were not diverted. But those communities that did overspecialize were unable to “close” when economic conditions changed.
Tribute involved more than payment in kind or specie in New Spain and Oaxaca—it also involved labor. The early encomendero was entrusted not only with things but also with backs to produce things. The Spanish administration wrestled continuously with the problem of providing goods and labor for the Spanish colonists, their vanguard, and protection from abuse for the Indians, their wards. In the middle of the sixteenth century (1549) a compromise was reached for the labor issue; the administration of tribute was separated from the administration of the labor system, and the repartimiento was created to handle the latter. Under this system, Indians were subject to labor drafts to work for the Church, for the Spanish estates, and for mines and other enterprises.”*
The history of the labor system in the Valley of Oaxaca, as in all of New Spain, is a grim one. Frequent protests, abuses, coercion, incon-
sistency in policies, and misery for both Indians and dependent Creoles mark its pages. The Indians felt this system to be the most abusive of all, and in various ways they attempted to escape its wrath;
the Spanish colonist felt that the peninsulares (Spanish bureaucrats born in Spain) had abandoned them with their policies. Labor issues brought pervasive conflict between Spaniard and Spaniard, Spaniard and Indian, and Indian and Indian. When royal and marquesado tributes were paid partly in kind in the sixteenth century, the relatively small Spanish fmmbunity in the Valley of Oaxaca was supplied with cereals. Spanish estates at that
IN NEW SPAIN 207 time were few, and they specialized mostly in livestock production, which required only a few Indian laborers supplemented by Negro slaves. A decline in population and the new cash tribute demands in the seventeenth century altered this situation. The Spanish estate now played a much more important role in supplying the Spanish community; consequently, more laborers were required. The repartimiento had supplied most of the needs for labor in the sixteenth century both in the mines (which generally were closed by the seventeenth century) and on the Spanish estates. Generally, under
this system, normal service for Valley Indians was for one week (with Sundays off) each year; 4 per cent of all tributary males were expected to be used at a single time. Each enterprise was assigned a fixed number of Indian workers who were to be paid a wage, a stipend
that frequently was avoided in practice.” | But Indian labor did not meet demand as Spanish agricultural enterprises expanded. Further, the crown moved to limit labor demands on the Indian population. For example, in 1609 repartimtentos for agricultural purposes were banned, even though reasons of “public utility” forced the audiencia to grant some immunities. Because of these and other factors, the repartimiento system went into decline throughout the Colonial period. While abuses were common, and Indians often were forced to serve illegally, the labor needs of the Spanish estates in the Valley never were adequately met. One response to the decline of Indian tribute in kind, and the inadequacy of Indian labor through the repartimiento system, was the hacienda. This institution, “half capitalist, half feudal,” as described by Eric Wolf,” represented both the entrepreneurial orientation of Spaniards and older feudal notions, but more than anything else it was a response to the economic dilemma inherent in the structural separation of the Indian population from the Spanish colonists. Haciendas often are thought of simply as large landed estates. But although they generally were large, they most of all represented a type of social and economic organization, not simply an area of land. The hacienda combined both intensive and extensive patterns of agricul-
ture and stock grazing. Further, it fostered close social relationships
between masters and peons, providing most of the material and spiritual needs of the workers. Workers bound to Aacendados were given advances of money, a subsistence plot, masses, and medical
208 THE ZAPOTECS services as well as protection; basically, they received goods and services in exchange for loyalty, devotion, and hard work.” In the sense that it was an economic enterprise designed to feed cities and towns,
the hacienda was entrepreneurial in orientation: in the sense that it represented an enclave or domain of a patron and his clients, it was feudal. Only a few Spanish estates in the Valley of Oaxaca corresponded to
the classic haciendas of northern or western Mexico, although haciendas were found in all three arms of the Valley during the Colonial period. Of the more than sixty haciendas of which there are records,
the heaviest concentration was in the Zimatlan or southern arm of the Valley. Haciendas in the eastern part of the Valley were larger in size but fewer in number. Those in the Etla arm generally were smaller than elsewhere in the Valley, although they normally had proportionally more land under cultivation, as opposed to grazing land, than was found in other Valley regions.” It also seems that these haciendas, in general, did not approach the size of those elsewhere in Mexico, many of which held land well in excess of 8,800 hectares.‘* In the Tlacolula arm, for example, hacien-
das held between 8,o00 and 12,000 hectares; in the southern arm, between 3,200 and 1,160 hectares; and in the Etla arm, between 3,200 and 1,000 hectares.”
Only a few haciendas in the Valley of Oaxaca achieved political and economic autonomy, had large, luxurious cascos (buildings), and contained numerous resident peons—characteristics associated with the classic hacienda. The six Valley estates that were entailed (mayorazgos) seem to have most closely achieved these characteristics. A few others also achieved religious and political autonomy; for example, San José, in the Zimatlan arm, and Santo Domingo Buenavista, in the eastern arm, received licenses in the seventeenth century permitting masses to be held in their chapels. Such a license severed the last ties between Indians residing on the hacienda and their town
of origin, as they then were no longer subject to the political and religious jurisdiction of their former cabecera and doctrina. After a period of expansion in the seventeenth century, however, the haciendas in the Valley suffered the effects of the economic decline of the early eighteenth century, and hacienda lands frequently were sold, rented, or mortgaged.”
IN NEW SPAIN 209 One reason for the relative insignificance of the hacienda in the Valley of Oaxaca was that debt peonage, the institution that kept the hacienda viable, met with but limited success in the region. To an extent, given the shortage of the labor supply, since most Indians had adequate lands and could not be pressed into service because they lacked the means to meet their royal tribute schedules, they were in a favorable negotiating position in the Valley. A shortage of adequate labor meant that Indians interested in working on haciendas could demand significant advances from the Aacendado. The crown
moved to limit such advances, however, imposing a five peso limit on Aacendados which limited their ability to attract peons, an imposition that engendered bitter complaints from many hacendados.™ The small size of the Negro and mestizo population did not make up for the shortage of Indian peons. For example, in 1777, when debt peonage was dominant elsewhere in Mexico, of the fifty-six Valley estates, twelve had no resident peons, thirty-three had from one to three, and only four had more than fifty. Of the 1,499 non-Spanish residents on Valley haciendas in the same year, 966 were Indians, 411 were mulattos, and 122 were mestizos.""
Debt peonage thus seems to have been relatively insignificant in the Valley, and by the middle of the eighteenth century, even though the Indian population had recovered from the drastic decline of the sixteenth century, haciendas still could not obtain adequate labor. Deterioration of the economy, plus unattractive working conditions on haciendas, meant that many Indians refused to work on haciendas at all, even as paid day-laborers. In exceptional cases, such as in Zaachila in the 1790's, Indians were forced to serve on haciendas by Spanish authorities because they could not meet their royal tribute payments.” By the end of the Colonial period haciendas were not a pervasive force in southern Oaxaca; they never had been present 1n the sierra, for mining enterprises and other commercial ventures had been much
more lucrative there, and in the Valley they failed to take hold and significantly expand. By the end of the eighteenth century many hacendados were forced to rent their lands to get some returns on their investment, and Spanish estates (the majority of which could not be classified as haciendas) held no more than one-third of the land in the Valley.”
The Spanish Conquest was, above all else, a conquest of souls: the Spanish Church, in the guise of its friars, moved rapidly to eradicate the old religions. Native priests were deposed and native temples and idols destroyed. Catholicism was to become more than an appendage of Indian life; it also was to dominate its major focus of social life— the pueblo.
The Dominicans were entrusted with the conversion of souls in Oaxaca, although others, such as the Franciscan, Jesuit, Augustinian, Carmelite, and Mercedarian orders, founded houses in Oaxaca in the late sixteenth century. However, the influence of these latter orders was small: while the Franciscans and Augustinians established themselves in the core area of New Spain (the Valley of Mexico and its
environs), the Dominicans concentrated most of their efforts in Oaxaca.
From the beginning Dominicans were few and Oaxaca was vast.
Communication was a problem. They early friars worked both through intermediaries—native cacigues—and through a lingua franca—Nahuatl. At a later date many learned the indigenous languages, but there were never enough friars who spoke them. In the early period there were but four doctrinas (seats of ecclesiastical establishments) and many visitas (towns without resident friars or priests). Doctrinas were established at Etla, Cuilapan, and the Villa de Oaxaca by 1550. Huitzo and Ocotlan were added a few years later. By the end of the sixteenth century, many more were added: Zaachila, Santa Ana Zegache, Santa Cruz Mixtepec (Ixtepec), Santa Catarina Minas, Santa Marta Chichicapa, San Miguel Tlalixtac, San Geronimo Tlacochahuaya, San Juan Teitipac, Teotitlan del Valle, and Tlacolula. These were administered by approximately seventy Dominicans.” With that many souls, and only a few friars, they concentrated on
the ritual nature of Catholicism—participation was the key—even though they tried to present more subtle understandings. The Indians
were taught in large groups; many villages could be visited only rarely and others not at all. At least, however, every community was to have a church—and building by labor drafts soon accomplished this task for even small communities. As with most peoples, the Zapotecs interpreted the new religion in
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) oo. oN Oy Cee Coe a|es aeet . Fon Me oe | .. .ce We ei —es Ss :ig - :..iY Ok Ce Ce Ca _ae .isTs ae ..oe .ee — 7Lae ~»-ie:We s::ss oo co oo iss oo :eySwe — :my .|oo. 3coe :..a“oea)as ..~|Ass oD ee aa so oo oe Bea|aCoon Re PO ae ee |..oe ae oF. .oe Bes oe -8 .oe oS Pa 7ee Fi SO oe K co ee neie iel |ue) eG oo ee ao .oo as oe akis Dy) aOe -.eed i.oe — .ms iaoe oe oo oe yaes ae aoe is oe _eeoe i) .ee ae. oo aHe oo Be Loe 8esoe :a,oay wi :aoe .oe ;YS :=am e.oo. ;Cc :oo “3 eaOne ..Dot Mee, aOy Nee -aoo. 4ae ve os Sa en aS ae ic a.::a, Se oF oe .ee Se|..eo oo OK oa ae Be oe — |a isoe oe Nols Ss — a. oo ne oo) Gs . os . aaet . | . ‘ fe: e“3 }.A Pe Se So We ae ae _oe oe aoF ce ee es a|.Da ..ae oe a~ol oe Q ae oo a.ce .:i. -;_. 2ee :ai-= : |:“e ae a . Coe : | ao Os x Oa Bos oe Oe — . . “ : re 3 :ae . ee On i _ Nk oo on oo a co es oe Oe Oe oo oT —_— : :BOG :3oe5.~~ ): z-Us ae a ee : oo ee ak) oe oo) ee Ca — BO De Ce Be Dae oo Se . « ak oo —_ ai. aun Re . BS oo os ee _ we a oo a ae is —. a oo He SOM oo oe Y a — ie > ,-._™ aoLO oe oe. aaOS Ks i aise Aeoe oe : RUSs .ae Cs GaN Ne a Coe os Le Me Bo aeas aee oo oe. ae Uae Lo So ee eo Ae . wy aOG . ee Le ees oy ADs Ps oo i oe ~ oo) ui a ee oo 4Nae oe eeoD Aa ha ce —ie oe rene Me Hee ts he oo Le oe ico oe |o ee>. sy ae eo aos Se yeCaN ee Oe Oe oe one SO . -oo . ‘— no “i |::crag aoo oy . esee amee.aae Co. OS oy aae) ee Me) Le aee — oF _.. .,We % ee as _Oe oN aaoo oF |mone leaOe aae‘ioe Ce oo Co. oe ae ean a_ oo -Ta as:oeioe aos :-: 3~: ::; : :
..:we | >ne — 7oyoe aLe eS ce a.—o. oe oe oo .oe tt7es;:— ;,4,| h:i “a oe |.ee ny LO aoo oo ge me en ae oo ae i aLo . .. ee7>oe ee:oe-oo .-;_.3on. >.}axee ee — oe ee 5 — _ ie oo 7. *, iBS . he oom er, oe a . oo ca oe ne ee ee 8nie SLoe .:me oo oe3 oe oo — a~~ . oy at». okoo ‘oo aeeeea aoo .. RG RGOs ooa SON a Soye ses ooae See SNe oF oeen niemae .— oo. 7Pe ae — «= >! : : oe ae i oe Noe x oe oo | . os ee ia...: “ied “3 :a 2es |aee .ce *x ao aroon CORN ooss Oe oe ee) oe ah i_.Oe— eeoo |.a Ae oo|See . oe oo oo) a — | . co ue . | oo a | oe oe ::.ooo | ax: : 4 et oo oo 2 oo Ales a. é — ee oe ns .. oe . oe a A | . ,:|2 : ; s z 3 ‘3 “e s “ es s _ ee eae ese ae ae Ce GR oe a eee: a yi aN ee es oe oo en ae oo AS oN a es . Re ae . fag Oy a. oe oe ae a a ei . ae ee ee oe — co a as OOS) oN ae >. ose .. Se — _. Be ee a if ce oe — a oe oe oe . oy oo Sy ee ee Ns Ne eae: Ae) 8 oo Oy a. a ie Fo a aN Ah oe COR a < |. ._ | | 5 = ? ! . C f ; a . . a ae ie Ce us eae Cy Be des oe ee a oo Roe ou oe SIRs % . a oe oe ae cove a — | : : | cas i | a ee | we . — oo. a es oe oS a | oe ee foe oo oe oe Oe ee ee . oes oO — oe . .. ae es A ee a . ee oe — Cc oo . Le a ee — a | ra Go: |. a ae . — Oe ge oe oe2oe Lo aoe oFa..vee oF .aes es oo ..oo oooo ie |oe Cee a «_ve ae . oy Cos — Me a. a. ast.— oe..: ee Co .— oe|.~—. oo A oF co . .ye oe aaoo ats oO i : oo . a a oe —. Ce _ « . _ ae ...|| ae of HataCo. pees ~~ AO oe Dae a oe a aee Oy_e is .eS _a,— :.ee -SS pe.— |me &oe §.oo 2ee = | =ie aoo eeme -.oe 8 ro Br La — aOG ueG. aeeoe .. aee ae .— oe ae — oo ae aa ee ae — a“ aaE 3|;ee :.¥; 2oe aoy 2on is..Lea .ce SS os oo oe me oo co — oe afoa oo asoo ae aeae |.ieee iS — a. ee te: | eS ‘:= sPik :es - 6;“f :.— ee oe Oe Seo oD oo ee — oe ey oe oeoo ee oe CA Ou FOS oo .>. ;Sa os Be oe oe we Ook ee an ane ..|ae aSS ae oF oe Sa eisee -5~|Ra aas as os Os eG oe ee ee _é. ioo. aea— ,.Sy :oe :ee :ee| ca _oo Oe . ee ee NN ea es oeS oo oe ae Le BS Re a—. :.ae ne oo Ka :.|‘ye Zz) .VR . “‘iSa ee — es SeSe aws oe _. he ae aN oe oF oa oo. eG ... ae oe aN i;:.— . a oo es . ot , ¢ : : ‘ ae aee oe co ..aaa oe us pioS so. Beoo & . Kes wi— — ne ey oN es eS Cy Son —[ of ee i ae oo — ees send oo. Ge Shae aeao. Dees .es 2< .a' .|;| aus Ko . oo of .. Le oe oo Lo oe oe ro a || . ss . oe ae ae . on ~ 1 So a i. —— a .. Fs a ey cc a 4 4 , cs + | 4 ie . ey wie s . | Ue Ds Me |. es Oy ee — ee oo soe . — es . Os ae Bsa “he : é 4 : ‘ : oo oe ee — Co. Cae oo oe 8 ce Core i ms oy Ny .. ee ay oo. On ee ae . ee ee Re iS ae ONS One (ORs ae ca oe oo a ee oe ORR os _ ~~ : : 2 : : ; : . ’ ‘ is : * ‘ ; — . _ : . |. ee SO ane SO VARS one ok on oe |. oa HEY oo Se eg AN 7. . ee a a5« :|:, oo :— aa. pees . :oo eecg a aCN ee al Os Lie |Co — 0 -NU! ee ae— Oe: Roars Bea. 2.. .‘;oe ~ 3ou : . oe —— -.. ee ae -.aeos) Ke SUS oya ae Sa-— oy oe .esss .PON oe 7basoo Co ..ee) oo ... ee A jae pee ao oo 4erLo es aeyee oe oe |LL 7— ayee ce oN .|._ 7ae ee Soy a:oe oe ‘4: jae ,5|ak=ae ..CO ae aCo .— Ki J. ey ioes oe oo Bo .SY |wee .fe NG ane 1eeoe aoe oN Z4s ae aRo eT VES oo. Es co aLes one anne me |CF oa ye ‘goth 'oe . BS ‘-oes =—:ee 5:ieeTR |:oo oe ss Aaa yaaeoe . oo ee uea ee) oo ae ee.oo oo Ca LO. — NG aicant Co a oe Ban SER Te .ae oF ee =Ses ;5La aey . :oe o0G oo ee ee ee ve OR oo Ps 0aaSe Oe oo aoe oe aBey oo |. 2,;ye |Ki : oe ;:ieUe aes ;cn |ee) :ae igt aee Ne oo Kes |Beit Goes KOeon co ..ah ou .. aeOO aaoe he Re aoe ‘2ae : |Danes eA _-;aS i aOo oN Wee ss & . co Hise Cee |Ge asoe ee SIN Giese NsoF |.ee 0]me Oe. ye aoo .. NGS eoae ast es a. Pee oo3an UR oe oe oo ayee Ue Ane Ce eea ~~ Ce Coe oe neOa iiete oo RN ae aust ae ano eas aeyae eeau Le “— ee = ;— “a _3 .6ae oF oe ASN i eek Roe aOG oo. [oe Coe ae EONS ieee oeBAN oo aise Vee 5pee oe Bea ee aeS aieaoo oo. Co oo ou .__%: ‘) *. ‘oe | ‘ a é oe @ . eo x 7 3 — a oe — . Fes Co. SA Ny oo | — oe as;ae) ee ee oo Res ae es aNs oo. a Cy a. Hoe aeCee OR ce Pyes CaN ee a ae Me Se ee ola . DO SON ay Ce Ke . a. HOS oese es Se aa Res aeAes ae . :pasuuonyy -oo :+ ;,=oe :ee .| ce < PNU 2ES :Se 2eo 4EN oAas :> 7“c oe ees . a:HK oo Ns on Lo akSoeuotns oo Oy oe ee oe oe aeiOe Loe .aoe me ve Ce oe . Ce oe ee . ee ne . ae ae ee —. ye Bo okey a5Be .'.peBee .oo ee ee ee oe oe _. oF oo rf a Oe oo ae ie oo a ey oo oo ORR ae . oe oo. ee . oo. . ae a : _ ae ee 3G a a Sect Se ee | CO ee ae oe ee &oe: 2: -_ Nae — S oe OS |. 2 — | . Pea ae Ps oe eo en Cs < Segoe ee ‘ as aaax|.oo .;oe“7|Bae ee : ia. 34 : F: a a ? So ee es . Gy eek ae EN Ose Ra el ae ee ae Be . os ea oo ee NG oe pane Ss ee Os ie BSE ys ee oo —atts SNe WL oe — . oo ey So ks ee -.. es Nese oy So ae ne oe OUR AN . i | oo. — oon BBG ae a ee ee | Ge i| co ESS ae ce oo . ee ON 4 en LOS pe Co a ve ly Loe NS ee on er) oe Wes oR WN oe Bo) Aa ee is RA ey es Ae ee es EG a sn ee Danae - Se DS ees sa CO ety age A es ae We Re Nes Oe — oe . _
- : ‘ 2 - = a . — aD oo au Bon Bane CO co Re a SOS: Moan | ee NG LOR oe HESS hee as ee SN oa — é _ ine —. . a. soa OE oe Benes oe Ce 4
hos oo) eee oe eeoe eea ioe Ne OeSee Hy .. Co LL .aes es.ae oe oy oo ae oo ee ae -. eS -|. ms, _ee~oe .oF “Ce..— “2a:oe .i :‘= ae Ss oe 2 | ae aes ee oe BesEO veoo _. —8— aeaS xa_Oe uas —oo a reo ni ces ae ..ae a. oe Me Ses FONCS — we BY OG oo ay of :yes oe oeio i .LOS i)uo 7— Soe aeoo os isoo — ee oo. . ae oo me om tg ,ae . | ee :; ao oe co oe 7. :ae oe .Here oo. oo .Oe oe aoeoe — .8coe oN — etoe e|cae ee oeNe i..— oS La —. aaee — oe Me ail oo) |.oe yO :oo — >. co — .ayeee —. ..a. oe ae — 0Ne oo oo — a -ee : ee a. aoe Gos oe Lo aoe ee oe oeaoe iea7Co aeee . oo Ne Lo ..aoe oo ae — ee|.“fee oo ‘ae oo & as, so ioe Bae — ee oe ae DE ee oeSEO Ho ve Se.ae ee So ee meoe oo ae 4Rea ) ; , ! : . i : . ay : . ae see Oe oe Ce Ns eo a) Ree . — Ce |. a ee Se on ip es La * oo oe Le ee oo . a 2) a ee ee a cae . We .. ee |. ve — — . oe ae ee co -. — : oo Sy as a ey ae oo ee oe q ee Coe a. oo ee i: a ee Des ee a oe a ee oo ee on oo . oe As Hy ne eae ay oe aM Se . oe oe oe oe oo ee Cae oo oS Oke ae |. : . oe 7. oo. . es oe Se | oa. eeaee ce EOE SOUS Be ey OX ae < aee nsese oe :. .aoe — ese oe HOSS) ae _|oe .— oo oo van oe oo ou oo Pat ee apeo oo — _.eSoo oe a|ee.Axoe — ne ae i.gare :2:oo ::; oo & :Os a oo fk SN ee pee — Ne BOS oea_cc ew ey ee Se oe ey aNe — ooa) Oe |..ho on ® Ane |ee :.,:; oh ,: .: oe esaAe ee oe cs ie oe -_ ae aoe AO ae ee Beaoe eo Le ee ee ‘=. . ee ue 0G 2ae ee. — ue oe me .. :“|oo ._os 2:_ee oe : oS ve oe oo . ee oy oe a as ee oo. | Ee ok. va oe me) Ko — : oe : , #Bs oe eo oe a. A oe He te bs" Ne i BAe cae aN oo gai oo — os . oe |. i ie . | oe es — oe ie oe i CN: oo oo. _ oe oe — oo oe ee oo . — | A oo oe a — ner Hees ae oe ia— ee oe ca ee eu ¢ee|Se aee iNGPe — "eefeee oo aName aaeiG . Ia_. _s. — ia _Hi |.ee—oepoh oe oe eee oe Ce we oe | RS, .| |oe Ae oo ON ie3 :< ; ieee , -‘:°:a. 7a :|- .a . BE vo ee co SN) oo CS ; oa F SS eaa uaa CaN avos mM ae 2 eh : a.ay eeae EOS eae | ae ES_ SOE Ze Ge ee a SG oO asoe Sa LORS A. RN ee Piece SOS Book. ee ee ee a te Son _.a3SsUee ae | .oo .oo aae:oo Os eee oo ee re ce ue ye o.Seea |eS ae — aN co 7. ok Oo ‘o0 Se ee oo. . -oe 7. =||. a4 is ry : . oy | co oe te ae a ee es ce . oe ae | < Mole a . : : ; ; ie x Es io . . 4 . / . oe oo oa Oe a .. e oo Pat: 4 oe a a a. — . a Ms CNR SRR Bag SUR SAM: ANS y Hs es i INS — ENN eee Nes ss fo Nie Si ee ee Sas Ss i ail oe oe SSS a, ae eS iy oe ING — ee . NS SEN HA ON sy) Bs ae a Me o . : ‘ is :|Bee Lo : — . a ee eo a oN oe a coy a oe Me oe oe ee oe 7 bos oe Lo | ee . a Ly oe a ee — ee ue ca ye oe . & So | us ‘ .:Sx:.}aes :. :aLoe i om :oo. :— F_.Ds ™ .he.oo — ce oe ae |.aoo Oe pe aee |eee ae Ne Qoe.ae aSS ie we |oes Se Ve. 7Soe & 8 oo Mo ale ON _oe LG Ne) _Ns _eS oo. ane oF Se eefe ae oe Bs .‘i.Le . ee ioo.m .iPos.aoe ee _& oo es PO — ane |eS Lo a.ee _— oo 0 EON oe Co 7. .:ae aoeaS oe ae .8. oe mes ox eRe 4eeoe — oe) BAe ae oo — AG . Ser on eo5 oo ;ne :Saas “oy:oe CS 1re es oD a. :Se a— o‘-. cme -—. — aie a.ae eae OO) oe ke 3oC Ee asA oe aa ASS SS oaoo. oe ee. ve aeae Hie eae o i|. oo ee—— GS oo ROE Sa .oooe Pes -ee oo a.BUN .oe )_ee ioo oe Rts 2one ees.a_ aS oe |aePe —‘oo he— oo ok a|a oes Ay oeCoes oo san Re Be wea. Bas eg ao Wee ee oo. Ne-.ee Ceoe oe — reee a SERA cone . .ee Ree oe RGIS a.m ey) Zo ol oe ee | eo a oy o oe ay a aa J . é : , | oo es . oS ae a a oe a — oy oo a Hee . » on ee aa ae Ps. oo ae | oo es Lo oe — oo — toe ae ee me _ f é: 4 : | t Ses .SHED < >oN ie= 4asOs:o Na oo — :a— ce Be ....PS Os oo ee Co ae os |.Ce _He ae oe NN ten ee oo Bo es SUNN oe Ley eh ee ae oo. ESE: ne on an oe oo ee ioo aey ee ene ey hs ee Oe) as ae oN Gs — oe i.Co uN oo |.As x.ey — .ae ae Soe oe — oo oo Kos ae oo :: a;Oe ae ae oS — . Ny oo aoF sue Bee Coe |oe ns BSS — ee eee aoe aPe eee on Ce Oe Mi ew ee eS ae Gs oo ee Sa POO oes ae es aes |.a A é», :oe poo ‘ee . oe ne oo. oe a a Stee Co be ee ee ae i oo OG BUN ee ON . . as o roe i Se a . ae Oe oe |. ay Pasa i Co aGS ae oy sN oS ys Os ‘ a oo a Ce ce . s an a Re Bh ny oa ee NIN ae a . OO) i eae Gs Ca | wes . AEs aS iy BN a Oe oo er C. KV Ui oF — oe 2a oe eee soe .Boe on ws oR a i OG aM .. | SN oo ep ee 5) . Os oo — ey a Bs aes oe (eg >. SN Hae ee ee ae ae Be . ee ee By ee ee a CS e Cae oo © Zt. i . Sos ne : ee a oe ee os oo co Oo oe ao — a 2 wine : i : ; S oe . oe Le Co is an ee Se oo i oe Co ee Moa ae . A oe — ie oe i . . Boa oo. a : © . . i. i : or uf j ee oe. oa. ae ue . oo yoo oo oo Le ae a. eS ee oa a oo a ae a Coe oO 8 ak . oe -. a ee uh oo. oo FNS oo ee 3 |. — a oo ‘ — > _ Si |:.asesa:SER *ASANO) A ."aeooeeeS¢oo_aaeo le :aee aoePoe Ss ae es oo ee ...Ne Ata |oe fo .~|.% | iLO iORES |rae 3‘ :oo 3ne |aee a|8ay .Le ay io .aes aee ee ae ie — a_a8 lise oe — .Re GR oe SUNS |.is ee OS ae eS ee ee OG hae Oo eG a. ie a.ee ee Uy .oe aSa -a|_ ’Ree Mg co ee 8SOOO ey °Re .a.ah oos a— ee :Se |.i_aee ae ae oo oo ‘;,Se :aah saae |:Ge ae :.-be — .aN yes oe Coe Oe Ve aes oe an Sa eee : 3Se af 7iéDee te 8ee D |eeWs oes ‘a:.aBs— ee — aoeSU _:oe|.aeeBs|.:ee7oeRU _— oe — oe Ban a‘we iG Lae a— ae AR Oe ae eos ee — oe oe a— es oe .‘.Zo _. ates a5 ae SU Oe “a. oe oe ie x|. oS As .oo ae — xae ee — AS Ce oo i— ae Se eh 2s oe oo. PETS De oo Ae ee oe Tae Loan es OSS ee |.Geen ce oo |.ue ean ae ee Dos oa .ee & ‘,..| ay an .oe a8 ae oo Les my NES aoe — -oo ey So ce oon oo Be em — oo Coe oo RN oe oe Bes ie oo ee -Fe oe -es eG SOSe aco — aa SPN en BONN i— .eS ee aoe as .— HN oo. ss aoe bo — |ai ioe .et— — |eS ca ok oe a-va — oe ie oo Coe — ao ee aWE — Co oe een. aPeo oe ee ae — oe ee — as ss aco ee aio ‘oe CON nace ve Lo BERN SS oe Wiss % |aOo) LS .oo -ey .ass we !2.a :es :‘. :ca :|. |oo ¥i. eG sa ie oe a. oo .— ee .ea, .Ha .oh — |.ue _Ns .— !Poe va;ae ;i::")aNOR :CoN oo. o‘0ee _oy aoe‘LOR oe oo oe :xne oe — oo .|eSos |.-|ak jae 4|oo q_— :ee .oo .|.ee) oo |oe oo ce .OS oe Ou — :..oe :se: >,aae ao. aoo. ae Se oe a— |ace oo oo. ..— ie oo. oo oe nee oy oo. — |a....aoe ‘i . . . ee . ee a : bs 3 | eee ne oe ay oN aoF ae ee oo. as. ee Soi SN lie a: aa— oe aa—. Manas eo) oe «.|.— oo Oe ee Os oe Re Na He i _ 7; 2 * .esBOs — aSa oe ae oe ue oe — oe. — oo. COM Ge . ae oo. aa ‘Ce oy ats 2: iey) AOR —. | Ss oo . a Su: lia es tes oe eS ae oe es hy — |. |oe ne ak Ces oe es . ae oo ee ee . . . . . * ‘._“ ve — aRa oe oe — oe oy aN i oo oN aa oo a on ee ae | | oo i Lo so Re -.. oo oo Ny oe ie es a | oa Pee a ve a oo os ae . .oo aSee .anp >oyoe as anes | . ae oo ee ee OU eas a — ce ae . . Ca oN ee wae oe oe BS RNG ey a 0 ue CON ee se Sh Poet as aoe ee ts OX oe = . re :: ORR SO ee ee Oe ; Oey on a on Ou ots Aer coe va ae a Su ee SU ENG — oy _. aAs ce . . ve oe oe a — . [ : _ : : ¥ / ;. oo. :oo. |Won ;aoe "oe a.aa — co aces oe aie: aR oS ae ae A ay oo. ae — ee iN oe — ae oe —. ee oo | : 2 , > .: : ;| oe ey oo 7Oey ee .oe Nee aaaaeaae oe -asoe oe — aRA} |aatea4.:es :ey 3ANSE oe -ss — co as ey os oo. oo en aave aaSe) ois oe — .i7. oo .: ah we ea ue ee Ree WoO eto ae ts ee SA BOG BU aay ee aPe aan 8) oe ee Bans .« : a : . oe Pe ey oo oe oe , et a ae a — . Te eee , oe ee oe oe oe aC oo oe — | See oo. co — aoo ee Pe ae e‘aue ne — Se Aye Cee ue aoo ANG ee a:oe |Ne, asiRae me Re Bers aie Oe es LN Be LO Rhy os COs es Re es . |. ce ‘ee ee ie oe oe ae ee EN .. / — | x“ : / | oo sane . im — i ey a ae eee eee ast es LEN ae Ee ne Soe Ras Eas FOR ith Ca ee ey a . | | : : SA ae ee oe — ee a ee _ ee ok ] . me 7. : OS _. oo oe 2) oe a on oe |. oe —; -ce oo aROO ie a Co CO . |. : . .“OR 4oe | :Nee a) — a oe a a ae a _. a . ee ae . . _ > ae Lae — _ _ : . : PDAS Oe Ree Si RNG ee ; . : : , oo oo Pa .oe .— °te .a-et.ii ew :ocMe oe — > io :_ soe -OD eS aay a. ee are oo oe oe ._. .a-— oo Ma Ce cae EER ..Od aoe -Os: eae il S -t ] oo. eae a. . ie rae . .- ;.— ae i Oe|. i_— a|DN oe .oeoo :eeaaeueoSo.:oe.oe oo | }0oo JAbe ov -» a oe ooe. aoe oo Lo oo _oo oe aoe _ee~— /aoYe -osee _oe_oeee:oR:mnaee ‘a. ° e(oee ese L| *oe ere oe ee ne ae De LOG
es | oo oo oo——: — ee a. aoe. -a |a?| _ ee >:oe }. .:— |.‘ ae oe.oF .cos — : ;:oo ‘_:oe .;ye ro e th ree|all : .— |. ..—. ..oo. .— -oe ‘: — ,, ,s}.fM “oe 5) ae oe . . oo | | a a , a- i ] es oe oe Cys 7 o . - e
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| e S : ) | . : an 3 Suc 7 ere ,eu elt
Owns Ir ): O: mes a ustin old
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_ 1Ca | 7 2 : 5 an : many cases, V :| | | the SO1— aden I1
y ere 91 Yl sd
r 1stia 1
IN NEW SPAIN 213 old gods: San Pedro assumed attributes of the old rain god Cocijo, a leading figure in the Zapotec sacred calendar as San Pedro was in the
Catholic one. In Jalapa, Saint Catherine of Siena and Pinopiaa, a Zapotec heroine who was deified, were equated and worshiped at a common shrine.’ The Virgin Mary became but another saint in the pantheon, an important intercessor, as a female counterpart to the major supernatural figures. Christ had various refractions, symbolized by a variety of images, and pilgrimages were made to special locations where these were housed.*”
In addition to the many basic similarities in the religions—both used incense in their churches, both fasted and did penance, both went
on pilgrimages, both believed in a supernatural mother, both were hierarchical in their conceptions of religion—were similarities that permeated the simplest levels. Both had a naming ceremony couched in mystery and guarding against evil; as the old priests divined, the new ones baptised. Both religions gave a special place and special exemptions to children who died; in the old days Zapotec children went to a special heaven, a kind of dwelling place for the innocent, as
they now ascended directly to heaven as angelitos. Marriage (although now there would be no polygyny) and death in both religions were special times for religious celebrations. Burgoa, for example, discusses misunderstandings concerning death practices arising from
similarities in the two religions and what for him became an unwanted equation of the offering of bread and wine in the mass with the offering of food to accompany the dead on their journey through the underworld in the old religion.”
While there were these similarities that eased the transition to Catholicism, the friars were not always happy with the outcome. For although they could turn their backs on simple errors and the worship of new saints in old disguises for the sake of participation, they could
not tolerate idolatry or the worship of the old gods in old forms. Above all, they felt they had to eradicate the old priesthood, the guardians of the old gods. The Inquisition, especially as directed against Indian nobles, was an instrument to accomplish this task. It has been argued that the Inquisition was not directed toward the Indians, but abundant documentation has refuted this contention. For example, it already has been mentioned that in Sola, native beliefs
and practices continued into the seventeenth century, and native
214 THE ZAPOTECS priests, called /ezrares (then not a formally constituted priesthood), were tried and sentenced for idolatry. Another example comes from the Valley of Oaxaca and concerns the priesthood at Mitla and the last prince of Tehuantepec, Cosijopil. Although Costjopii embraced the faith immediately and was baptised as Don Juan Cortés, this conversion did not end his important links with his pre-Spanish past. When the Spanish discovered a strong Zapotec priesthood at Mitla,
they moved rapidly to close the temples there. The Zapotec priests then appealed to Cosijopu, offering him the position of high priest of the old religion, thinking he would not be suspected by the Spaniards. But the plot to go underground was discovered, and the Inquisition was ordered to try Cosiyopu. Cosijopii died of a cerebral hemorrhage before his fate could be sealed; the native priests who had
appealed to him were executed in a solemn ceremony by the Inquisition.” Nevertheless, on many levels old customs survived and have continued to the present, although by now aboriginal and Spanish notions have become so fused that it 1s almost impossible to separate them into their constituent components. Like the Spanish peasant, the Zapotec peasant practiced a folk religion far removed from the world of official, complicated theology. Belief in witches, in evil spirits, and appeals to special patrons for intercession became the most
important religious elements in Zapotec life. As in the pre-Spanish past, the complex theogeny of official Catholicism was transformed into a mundane setting by the Zapotec peasant. Peasants have to live in a mundane world, and gods who have mundane powers have the most appeal to them. In a strict sense, the effect of the Church on the Zapotecs was more than simply religious, for the Church was also a social and economic
institution and had an important effect on the social organization of the Indian community. For example, the Dominicans, unlike the Franciscans, did not take vows of poverty and early became involved in economic enterprises. Receiving donations of land from Indian nobles and Indian communities, the Church became the largest nonIndian landholder in the Valley, and the Dominicans were the largest
landholders among the Church groups. It is estimated that the Church held approximately one-fourth of the land in the Valley at
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a a os wh oo oe . on 2 oe ae . a ae ee a e 7. oa ee oe oo a mo ae nee Ps Se SEES core ee Sak |.a,a De Lo. ae a . Ce oo ae oc os oe ne oo a oe a oy os os oy ae oe ae oo a oo oe Q 7 a, ee be : , us . : : , 3 : ¥ | , : ‘d ‘ : : : ~ 2 ‘ ‘ 3 : a _. ee Se a oe . oe .. 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216 THE ZAPOTECS the end of the Colonial period, although Church groups did not, in general, turn to agriculture but concentrated instead on livestock and other enterprises.” Nor was the Church a homogenous group oriented to a single set of principles. The Dominicans, for example, came into conflict with
the secular clergy who generally followed the friars, constituting a sort of rear guard in the Christianization process; while the friars were to convert, the secular priests were to maintain. By 1760 the Dominicans had lost some of their most important, and most wealthy, parishes to the secular priests: Etla, Zimatlan, Tlalixtac, Zaachila, and Cuilapan.” Further, the secular priests, unlike the Dominicans, derived many of their revenues from a system of tithes. Although the revenues from this source were smaller for Oaxaca than for bishoprics in highly pop-
ulous areas of New Spain, Indians were nevertheless subjected to tithes on community treasuries (cajas de communidad) and on Old World crops, particularly wheat and livestock. The friars opposed the tithes, or dzezmos as they were called, arguing that the Indians were too poor to pay them; the seculars argued that on the contrary, it was the Spaniards in Oaxaca that were poor, not the Indians.”
While the Indians also were subject to a Church labor draft for work on Church lands and for building and repair projects, the institution that most affected the local community was the cofradia. Indian cofradias (brotherhoods) in the Valley of Oaxaca were responsible for staging various religious festivities and providing supplies for them. They were responsible for vespers, processions, masses,
and sermons for Corpus Christi, Holy Week, Christmas, and the fiestas of the local patron saints, providing not only the organization but also salaries for the priests. Further, they supplied candles and wine for masses, oil for sacramental Jamps, adornments for altars and saints’ images, and other items involved in maintaining the cults as well as maintenance of the church itself. Lands set aside for the maintenance of community cofradias were collectively owned and operated. They were supervised by mayordomos, a general term for supervisors of collective land in the Colonial period. In the Valley of Oaxaca, most communities used ranching, which required less of a community labor pool than did agricultural lands, or some other enterprises such as wheat mills to meet cofradia
IN NEW SPAIN 217 expenses. Of eleven eighteenth-century Indian cofradias in the Valley, only one worked arable land. In some cases cofradias served as a cover for lands owned by the
local priest, a practice strictly forbidden by law. Cofradia lands in Etla, Zimatlan, Santa Marfa Tenexpan, Atzompa, and Zaachila were reported as being controlled and administered by clerics instead of the local hierarchy. This practice led to some conflicts. For example, com-
plaints were made that the priest in Zaachila received an annual tribute of one hundred pesos from the community as well as his usual fees for marriage, burial ceremonies, and religious festivities, and that he sometimes charged twelve pesos instead of the normal seven for directing the religious holidays.” Officeholding by indigenous inhabitants within the cofradia organization became intertwined with the cadildo organization, leading to a system that has been called the civil-religious hierarchy. This system eventually became the core of the colonial Indian community. While its exact development in the Valley of Oaxaca cannot be traced, indirect evidence suggests that its development there followed a process similar to that found in other areas of New Spain. Individuals would be pressed into service by the community, performing first menial jobs for cofradias (sweeping the church and so on), and then, after a lapse of a few years, moving to a more important post, ultimately reaching
a post such as mayordomo. Civil posts would either follow the religious ones or would alternate with them. All men would be expected to serve and would be subject to harassment (if not physical abuse or expulsion from the community) if they did not do so. In addition to guaranteeing that individuals performed important community functions, this system served two additional functions: it allocated prestige to individuals in the society, for those that served the
highest posts had the most prestige, and it served to undermine development of huge wealth differences among Indians, for outlays of some funds and time were required in fulfilling their duties. This institution again illustrates the adaptive nature of the peasant way of life and provides yet another index of the peasant’s plight. As excess wealth was siphoned from peasant communities by outside elements, so would excess wealth be siphoned off by internal elements.
Wealth tended to threaten the peasant’s existence on both fronts. It could lead to increased external demands as it could alter the power
218 THE ZAPOTECS balance within, pitting peasant against peasant. Shared poverty thus
became an adaptive strategy and a cultural tradition passed on through a characteristic form of social organization—the civil-religious hierarchy or cargo (literally, “burden”) system. The peasant could survive only by controlling the forces of his undoing, internal and external, and poverty was his weapon. Thus, the civil-religious hierarchy tended to create a homogeneous community in wealth and to reinforce the distinctiveness of the Indian community as a corporate institution in New Spanish society. As Pedro Carrasco has written, the civil-religious hierarchy “is a direct
function of the peasantization of the Mesoamerican Indian—a fact that formerly independent stratified societies become unstratified peasant communities within a wider social system.” Religion, to the extent that it provided yet another focus for strong Indian community solidarity in the face of pressures from within and without, also provided an important psychological function for the Indian. Fiestas, held in conjunction with the cult of the saints, became a time when Indians could escape the tensions of everyday life, of poverty, of alienation, and of strong pressures to become sub-
merged in a tightly knit social unit as well as a time to dream of utopias. Alcoholic beverages constituted an important ingredient to achieve these ends as they became incorporated, often in a ritual context, into these major events. The native Indian in New Spain turned readily to drink; friars, priests, and others frequently criticized and lamented this development. But it was widespread—a survey of the drinking establishments for Indians in the Valley of Oaxaca in 1726 located 513 of them for only forty-six towns.””
The Zapotecs in Modern Mexico
Y THE END of the Spanish Colonial period, the Zapotecs had
B=: reduced to a peasantry, or, more properly, to communi-
ties of peasants. Little that was distinctively Zapotec remained of their culture and society; instead, the rural Indian peasant culture of central and southern Oaxaca was a conglomeration of things preSpanish and of things Spanish. While Zapotec languages continued to be spoken, rural Zapotecs identified mostly with a community and very little with a Zapotec ethnic group. As today, it is probable that one first was a member of a town (a Mitlefio, Tehuano, Teotitlefio,
Yalalteco, or the like) and second a member of a region (vallista, istmeno, serrano, and so on). Although the Spanish designation zapotecos may have entered into their vocabulary, Zapotec ethnicity, on a larger level, was of little consequence, as there were (and are) few, if any, social forms that gave it unity. Further, the designation “Indian” was much more important than the designation “Zapotec” in the society of New Spain; Spanish policy
made few ethnic distinctions among Indians, so their cultural and ethnic differences were of little consequence. Membership in a peasant
estate and afhliation with an Indian community, as primary criteria for the assignment of status and identification, became much more important for the local Indian peasant. Events in the nineteenth century, after independence from Spain, and during the first half of the twentieth century did little to alter this situation. To be sure, there were personnel changes among elites, legal changes in the society regarding the various ethnic strata (Indians and mestizos no longer were barred from certain positions), and changes in the conception of the role of the state. But these events,
frequently turbulent and fast-changing, affected the upper and intermediate orders of the society much more than they did the Indian
peasant. 219
220 THE ZAPOTECS There are three major periods of importance in modern Mexican history: the movement for independence from Spain, the Reforms
(La Reforma) of the middle of the nineteenth century begun by Benito Juarez, and the Mexican Revolution which began with the overthrow of Porfirio Diaz in 1g1o0 and continues, at least in the ideology of the Mexican government, until the present day. The movement for independence, initiated with the famous grzzo of the priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla in 1810, ultimately was the
wrenching culmination of Spanish economic and political dilemmas;” it climaxed in the coronation of Agustin de Iturbide as the first emperor of Mexico in 1822. Iturbide’s reign was short-lived (only two years), after which Mexico was thrown into a political turmoil that lasted, with few peaceful interludes, for one hundred years. The major effect of Mexican independence, then, was the creation of a power
vacuum that cast Mexico into an era of political instability, aptly characterized by Charles Cumberland as the age of “Marking Time.” The Mexican independence movement, although for the most part a mere political struggle, also was fired with the anger of social reformers. Hidalgo had led what essentially was a peasant revolt aimed
not against the Spanish crown but against the abuses of a Spanish bureaucracy. A compatriot, José Maria Morelos, also a priest, led a peasant army through the south, sacking haciendas and Spanish towns and confiscating lands belonging to the Church. His successes culminated in the capture of the city of Antequera in 1812, a bitter victory, for he was defeated and executed there as well. Vicente Guerrero, who fought under the commands of both Morelos and Iturbide, was president of Mexico for a nine-month period (AprilDecember, 1829). However, his fate was as violent as that of Morelos;
he was deposed by force, fled south, finally was captured, and was shot at Cuilapan, which added his martyred name to its own to become Cuilapan de Guerrero. The struggles headed by Hidalgo, Morelos, and Guerrero all struck
against the power of the criollos and the Church (both large landowners) and sought reforms for the Indian population. Perhaps above all they were opposed to the peasant’s universal enemy, a strong, cen-
tralized state, as they sought virtual autonomy for the local Indian peasant community. But these hopes proved futile; Mexico was claimed by the criollos and the Church.
IN MODERN MEXICO 221 During the era that followed independence and the Reform movement of the Juaristas from the 1850’s to the 1870's, the country was in turmoil as liberals and conservatives fought over the proper constitution and function of government. Few policies actually were implemented during this period; struggles for control of the government and power were the order of the day. During most of the period of La Reforma, Benito Juarez struggled simply to control the country. By 1867, however, this Zapotec from Guelatao had gathered sufficient power to institute his program in full force, reforms hailed in Mexico as the triumph of liberalism over conservatism.*
La Reforma had a number of goals, including general constitutional reform, but, from the perspective of the Indian population, its most significant aspect probably was its attack on the power of corporate institutions. Specifically, Juarez and his cohorts sought to disamortize their lands, particularly those of the Church, and directed a
frontal assault on such properties. It often is remarked that while anticlerical (against the secular power of the Church), La Reforma was not anti-Catholic (against the Church as a religious institution), a distinction often made when church-state conflicts occur in predominantly Catholic countries. Institutions besides the Church also came under attack, including
the corporate landholdings of Indian communities; Indian communal lands also were to be sold or, more properly, individualized. The Juaristas thought that communal properties were too vulnerable to usurpation by other entities; individual private property was to solve this ill.°
As La Reforma unfolded, the central district surrounding the city of Oaxaca, like much of Mexico, was economically depressed and lacked political stability.” There had been several cholera epidemics in 1833 and 1854 and serious virus epidemics in 1851 and 1852 which caused the death of 1,146 individuals. The important cochineal industry was largely defunct.
Zapotec still was the most important language in rural communities, although by 1850 Spanish also was widely spoken in the area. Agricultural practices had changed little since the Colonial period; the diet still was based primarily on maize and beans, and the number of livestock was very low in relation to population size.
222 THE ZAPOTECS Each pueblo had a weekly market and was part of a system which included the capital, where the market was held on Saturday. However, craft specialization, a characteristic of present-day Valley communities, apparently was of little importance in this period.
Political functions still were largely in the hands of local community officials, as they had been in Colonial times; even though a municipio type of government had replaced the Colonial cabildo, it functioned much the same as cabildo government on a local level. However, as a result of liberal legislation in 1858, the Valley was divided into a number of districts beyond the municipio level; a political official at the district level generally was appointed by the state governor and served as an intermediary between municipio officials and the state government. However, political authority in the Valley during this period was
quite weak. There was considerable fear of robbery, murder, and violence. For example, many towns which normally held annual saints’ fiestas had to cancel them during this period for fear of brawls
and riots. Vagabonds, who apparently were numerous during this period, were thought to be the major cause of such incidents. Before La Reforma, most Indian communities in the central district
of Oaxaca had retained their communal lands, a heritage from Colonial days. There were both communal lands, which were apportioned to nuclear families, and municipio lands cultivated in common for the support of community activities. In some cases, communal lands were rented or leased to acquire funds to support community enterprises or for fiestas in honor of a town’s patron saint. Nevertheless, it appears that communal lands generally were small in size, and existing data suggest that private ownership already had become the most important type of land tenure in Indian communities before La Reforma.
During 1856 and 1857, after the initial disamortization of lands brought about by the Juarez reforms, Indian communities surrounding the city of Oaxaca in the central district, those in the Etla district, and perhaps those in other districts of the Valley, sold most of their remaining communal lands to conform to the new laws. These lands
seem to have been purchased mostly in small parcels by nuclear families already residing within the Indian community; in rare cases, some lands were bought by outsiders.
IN MODERN MEXICO 223 Traditionally, it has been argued that properties disamortized by Juarez and his cohorts fell into the hands of Aacendados, land speculators, or corrupt politicians and that the Indian peasant received few benefits from the redistribution of land—in effect, that the poor became poorer as the rich became richer. It appears, however, that this process did not occur in the Valley of Oaxaca to the extent that it may have occurred elsewhere in Mexico. The reasons seem to be that the
Church had comparatively little rural wealth in central Oaxaca— what wealth it had was invested mostly in urban real estate—and, as noted in Chapter 5, hacienda development was not as pervasive in Oaxaca as elsewhere.
While most communities in the Valley defended themselves against the sale of lands to outsiders, this defense did not necessarily mean
that privatization of property favored the equitable distribution of land to all villagers as Juarez intended. Instead, in the Valley as elsewhere in Mexico, the privatization of land sometimes led to its acquisition by more prosperous local villagers. For example, in San Juan
Guelevia,’ in the Tlacolula arm, a small group of related village families by the name of Lépez managed to gain control of over 92 per cent of the arable land within that village; the remaining 8 per cent was held by 354 villagers. This situation developed as the cost of saints’ fiestas was transferred
from income from communal lands (worked by all through a draft system) to private sponsorship under the mayordomia system, which theoretically placed the burden of sponsorship on the wealthiest individuals within the community, thus economically “leveling” its various families.
However, sponsoring a fiesta in the mayordomia system also became a prerequisite for secular political ofces within the community; further, the local political council designated which individuals would assume mayordomia obligations. Sponsoring a saint’s fiesta in turn brought prestige in exchange for an outlay of funds, a commodity sought by most members of the community. Therefore, since the
council appointed the mayordomos and those so appointed were bound by tradition to serve—a tradition backed up by considerable community pressure—control of the council meant control of the community’s wealth.
One astute villager, a Lopez, followed just such a strategy. He
224 THE ZAPOTECS coerced the council, with the support of an area priest, into designat-
ing poorer villagers for mayordomo positions, then he gave them loans to defray their sponsoring costs and required them to put up their lands as collateral. Since most villagers could never repay the loan, Lopez gained control of most of the land in the municipio by foreclosure. A similar process has been reported for other Valley villages, such as Diaz Ordaz,” also in the valley of Tlacolula. In addition, it appears that there was some growth of the hacienda,
especially in the Valley’s Zimatlan arm, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.” While detailed studies are lacking for this period, apparently some families managed to purchase haciendas and maintain them intact over generations (an inheritance pattern much rarer in the Colonial period)" and probably acquired lands in Indian communities through the process of advancing loans. In general, the privatization of all lands made this strategy much more feasible than it previously had been. Although apparently not as disastrous for Indian landholders in the
Valley of Oaxaca as it was elsewhere in Mexico, Juarez’ land program did not accomplish its intended result; privatization did not protect Indian lands from usurpation. Nor was Juarez able to bring political stability, through constitutional rule, to Mexico. Mexico was in a state of economic and political chaos throughout most of the nineteenth century. Political stability and economic solvency, at least in the eyes of those outside Mexico, were to come only
with the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz, former liberal ally of Juarez who turned into his conservative enemy; Diaz assumed the presidency in 1870 after the death of Juarez and remained the strong man in Mexico until 1910, although at times he followed constitutional convention to the extent that he ruled in the guise of puppet presidents.
Diaz developed a strongly centralized government and a federal police invested with the authority, and weapons, to keep peace in the country. He turned to and succeeded in attracting foreign investments to stabilize the Mexican economy. Internally, the trends of the nineteenth century reached their culmination: the hacienda continued its “creeping paralysis” over most areas, and the gulf between the rich and the poor widened to perhaps its maximum extent in Mexican history.
IN MODERN MEXICO 225 Lacking resources to attract foreign investors, and without a tradition of haciendas to attract a vigorous new breed of hacendados,” the
Valley of Oaxaca remained isolated from major developments in Mexico. Diaz, although of Oaxacan birth, seems to have taken little interest in the region, ruling it the same as others through appointed governors loyal to his program. However, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, where Diaz had been active
as a military jefe, constituted an exception in the Oaxacan scene, as this area was an important center of commercial activity and wealth,
much of which was concentrated in the hands of Dofia Juana C. Romero, cacica of Tehuantepec, whose favors Diaz, among others, enjoyed.” It was against Diaz and his policies that the bloody Revolution of Ig1o0 was directed. However, the Revolution cannot be characterized in simple terms.’* It was more than simply a peasant revolt, a struggle for land—it also was a struggle for power by those denied a niche in the Porfirian structure—vagabonds, runners of contraband, day laborers, bandits, disenfranchised intellectuals, aspiring politicos, and others.
The main areas of the military phase of the Revolution were centered in the north and central areas of Mexico and were led by quite different figures. Pancho Villa was a bandit from the north, a former peon on the rampage with no social program but the destruction of those he despised; Emiliano Zapata was a peasant apologist from Morelos. Recent evidence suggests that even Zapata’s cause, at least intially, was not as much a reaction against peasant disenfranchisement from their lands as it was a rebellion aimed at restoring their relationships to haciendas. In Morelos many peasants had been at-
tached to haciendas and constituted the major labor force for the cultivation and refining of sugarcane, a major crop there. New techniques, developed by Germans, were introduced for the refining and processing of sugar in the late nineteenth century, and peasants in Morelos fell victim to industrial innovation. Many were released from the haciendas, and with no land of their own for support, they rebelled, at first not for land but for reinstatement. At a later time, when reinstatement became impossible, land for peasants and their communities became the issue." But both Zapata and Villa were incapable of controlling a govern-
226 THE ZAPOTECS ment of or usurping power on any widespread level, and the Revolution, turbulent throughout the decades on both sides of 1920, became a struggle for political power, for caudillo rule. It was not until the 1930's that some programs, including programs of agrarian reform, were successfully implemented and the centralization and stabilization of power under a single political party—the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI)—was effected. In general, the Revolution was much more important in the sierra and isthmus regions of Oaxaca than in the Valley. Communities in the sierra rebelled, fought one another, or allied themselves with the changing currents of the struggle by reducing their neighboring com-
munities to rubble.’ The isthmus, too, became an area of strife as communities split over the issues of the Revolution and their allegiance to Diaz, who was a hero for some;"° bandits, such as Nicanor Diaz (apparently not a relative of Porfirio), emerged to terrorize the rich and, allegedly, to undo their wrongs and distribute their wealth to the poor."’ Similar phenomena, symptomatic of the chaos of the Revolution, also occurred in the Oaxacan south, especially around Miahuatlan.*®
But as in previous periods of history, the Valley of Oaxaca seems to have played a less active part in the commotion. The vallistas had little interest in plundering, allegiance to changing causes, or agrarian reform. Developments of the military phase of the Revolution, as well as the social phase which followed, were much less important in the Valley region than have been developments of the last two decades, when Mexico entered what has been called the industrial phase of the Revolution, aimed primarily at economic growth.
Agriculture forms the basis of the economy of modern Zapotec Oaxaca. Maize and beans remain the staples, as they have since preSpanish times, and much of the arable Valley land is used for their cultivation. For example, between 30 and 50 per cent of the agricultural land in the Valley of Oaxaca is devoted to maize.”” Three general types of cultivation are in practice. On steeper slopes, the coa (digging stick) and the hoe are used, and the land 1s cleared,
)LOG CO. SES ae ES ee eee aces cE ee oe ee aeCe aeee oe oo.ee oa oo ee oo Cs Les |.ooae7eese=eeae eeeee ee oe Ces (oe ee EEO eeaRee Oe ee . cee Ces ooeSae oe Se Coe pes PN ee es oo ee ees esesee ee EU eeeeCe ee .a...one oo —.... — aoo. es oe oo 2 ._| _ee—YY | a oo ee ee ceaeaoo eeeoe ae Ee oe ee Leoe BEES
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Ks SON ee ee L _ c | % Bs poe ee He Ls ei | BOE oo . PS, e aah Tae ie ie ees vee PO Ran . oe Ss . CT es i a. Paes Pa . a — a : oe ee eer Ss Woe PS oa os ee ee SSM Se a a TaN Oe nie NG neta si oo Ur Osa iy a Wn: y a a aie i oe a oe = ri : i : Be .:Ss nee oe ee eee EOE eS aaliLe beAS MO Co Ce aeeoo. Be ae oor HN aera esOIG: oe GT oe aa. ie SG ee| oo ee aa.eae --:SOs | Gant .i. : ;¢ae ee ee oe eo ee DO ON iea— 5ee)|eR ee a) oe oe Ge ee ee. oy ea aCo isye 2assDAN e: 5;) Eee. 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Ue FF Co a es On aes RO) OOO US ON as OO Gs .OM) Caa Le Hei LR CONS oe aan ee es eee SHEAR ne oea!Os eee So eae FAa ee eySis ae ie ON ae ie ie? Ce aooeeOe MCR TE AG Wee oo ae aee eel is) oa|eee ael ey, eae oe. ONE OES ee aN: TERE eae ag) OSG RAE iLo aNBee ON oo OOS NS aaa Las an Oa aed PE Ce ONG tia NUR ee tS oe Le eNO nt (ee es Ce anAGES oeae Ksay Bess aeRee raea eeseae eee ee DOSS ae ESE Ae as eae ioe weee Ce oe Sea Pa eaN ENS I)ay FO De.i,ee Testa en oa IN aLe SS ESE esa ee OU iVOTES oo. aGaN Ce AS ee :GON BOs uit Ce Ca teCees FeVaee eeVARI oe acoeTFe Me oe a. aDO ee eee oo ne esiss a)RN aye
ae oe ae ian me oo os a as Ca, OG La oe —. Cs Co a Lo a . ee es Se Se oo ea
i oo eae: OO ONO DN Cy LO en La a ee ae oe a ee Te Se ea a BADR a oe Lee ae : oe os a. a.oe SN oe Ma, aeaaa. oe aesoe — CG SOS ay| 3AS oe ee be aaoe F«. .8k - oo GeLo a Dl ee oo oeaes asa-— ooMOH Se oese ae|.eee i7 a: ee a— . Seoo i Leea ee es iCo) aa a Ot on ooOh oe oe ee USLs, a oFaaeTS ew8
“- =>.eeTe a oD oe alla oo on. ee ee a ~~asa 2 .— ee oo. ee oeee oF)|
EE Keon EN NeRR, LOEise SNe coeee: PEOLa eS we oe TSS SSI FESS GON aa VERON TR SSS ERS Mn TeA, OySan a Ge aN OV VS See nN He a- HT MS atcrea HA AER HD es tne AOE: CU Mebs Bea Snes EES SERN Ue San WIS OND a STG REihee Dos OG . ieiBea ee ER LOGE aeO OO EME oe aeFe |Gt eaeetece oe ILaaeeCe RoR ee SR AIESG PARR SES: Se POR Bota) SSM: NR Ti Se OS eee es aeNE as No ioe Ae AOA Ne ee CO Sos: ee We ee Cee COIN ee UU Nees SEN oy Oc yes TAGS (eeGS We eee NUOU ec: |) ae ROR RCe DEMON BRN ye ER SER GE US Rea Reaa ill A GTath TNa ase AeGR xRSen CNG ZA AUN a CsSo DS, ACG: Tes Pees PAO AE aeINOS aeerie FMpee : nod TRS CNCaN) ee ae Ha cs ee Pe Res ee PON ies USGS IRON Se LE MEO SEER: LOUNGE! UU OER TEASE ie SOI a Se Ge HRN! eee) ON! eR HG PeSe eeEs Se MCG eee neneee ae Pee une Cau BOS
Buona SI TINA aa PeasSOE Beisee ENREGS. ES a OaOy Canes LOO NNO SntiOE NSEey Dee ASSO CSE: NO eASA CN CHUNG MS MH SSC SUa CUT a Oo Sian GSSree ee Pi taesecs i emcee SO ey aN ee He ee teaSD) ENPerera SSS eRe ae ESE CME HUIGaAN Sain PEANG ee Sean aeGe A Ny a GROIN CM SDEEN a ie ES Ne ReGene eperes OES ie meee BONN ey URN, Pe IE Se RA it eae ae RCS ee ee DNS es SG SAU ee Ue ay ean Pe Ne Te aS EN 1 aaa Rete. AEG Aa LN OG EGON eA ES ain aii Nal, 1 eae seis atte Beers Borer OU ea SESE CEG Se Ses) AT US Ae eee enone Ce
|aoo. ee ee _—eke oe . See Sa: eeeeDcee me ee oO oo oo ££ — ae: a oe DUGG ee Oia aes -_ ae .oe es eG eG ceaee re OO! x ae So — ... oe a. a oe coe RO eeee oe — oe Co aasaoe oy ..a ioe Co ee ‘ a... |eeee |.EsSe De ee a eas .oe aBee ee oe oe oe oo. . ae es oe ee esoe ieee ee a. ee— ca .aas— ee— Sa.oe
SN en Mens escsaE mos eee: ceraece aeoeeee ee Be vata Buy AeRRR Ge) SN aN peer SNS ee Bei | pe oe oeieCe BiSs ouLW SO GesDAC i oyNEN| ea epgly, OR AoatGes eSeyPanis re ieESE aes Ve Bens CHER Sa uitieee BeeSes SUR Be peEEE eeeGas OOS ON Mane Sea eee ee eeRome Pee REE ee NG NG SOSA STS ESOS SRB Sean VST aaaoo) eae: MEas Sasae! Ces TwaOU Gl Ee 20% BeyES es RRR | SORA HAAS HOY AOR TSSe NAN Pa ee SUES: US ees ND OOM ANG SNS NE ENTERS USN Hi aoeeee ada os OOS gsRc POORER Be ene SONS: SANS NR, By aneate) AMIN > Be 3Eaa EEReeRPM ee oeeBEES eee BUN CO OGD CO28 Nes UNIT eeeaaes pteaaSU i ERA Sa (0) SSesEES, Re coos GsNe VAet tain: ah St, aeNE Hoes SESS eS Pes eaeee earn Peaeee PEON: ESSER OE Ce eh AEM 6) aeEU SEC ee |oe: Sanne USUSeoee NONI oe POE SUG MITA a ee ee LS TS eG SO Bete EERE ES Oe Ae er Ba Peron res eerie at ones BEES ESSE SS SN Ce aee CORN SESE: Le peor ARS: EES OE One ae ee Cay mae cae pepe ae Me aes See neers ae es es Me ees —SO he Be a aMae NG, Be).eee ee EERIE See Cas mS BG OTE SUE STS aPE a |areas ee OO eee See LN aaa piece ieoF | aaa OOS To Pate eens eeSe eewe ae ee oe ee le ae
a, i GUNG eee JED See es rans tne i... AN atl eos en bay ais . | ae Ee Mee eee ie a ceioas Es SR es aan all ee Cie Oe ae Ce es. Soe Los DDE
oo eeaoo —ee——— a ooa.oeae: fe . oeee —ee Fooe Des oe pe eeFTF _ | A: as, CS SL yee RUa ae ENSH: CoHons eR SS ee NOE Aon,eee oosyONG rere aesa een HORSE ER cs Peer ORE oessae IOS aaaIM ci ese ie — | a:eeNioes aeameneate TM As ARE SG SIa ZO Sa LEN Gy NSU REIN Tc Ne eee RIES Sg We aces AS eePUGS Rec Sreeeee ae ENS SRSeeESS Deane BrrrEEE tie SyZS Legeeeeaee Seach ee Bea Sens Se SN aes
Oe a Os a oe aeaos >. |oC Siae Oeee Ueae a. ee ae Pe ee esaoo) ee Oe ee Oe ok cs ne ....... a. Co oe aa. oe ee oe ae oo. ee oo. oe oo.Se ... oo . . of. a. a Ce aa.. |.ae Ca. oeaORG ai... a Sita awh ee ey oeoe a oo eseyCo - aCe ae.Ce a .Looe. oe ae a oo. ae Ce ee oo CNeG OeoaooeeCo oo aa a|. oo i o oo ee oo i aeeea Ca ee ee — Oe
aaDa7EON ae aaPENG Le SO esee el NR Ra SE See eee . ee AN Ne ROG CMa Re SNE IESEoo RBG aS RS TUNG a ae aS Aaa ROG TSi. es RRO ROE Coes Re aaaORS ee: ee ee eeeSAEs EE: Sete aden isis BeeSe BeretOe ene ERoat COS ea eae Os Oeee es Re,Sheen SESS aaaoeae ial aEnee Le. Oe ala. a UeTN ion OG aes oeCee han ee EEPON OES Sete nee Se Deo ect see ee =. oeaeLENO, aCE oo aFeeines CN as See NCA ieSERCH, Iai LO 1 oe Sa OSS eeee ees Se SOE NCES ee eS a aes AE Osre eeeRe oo UE oo oS aSONS oe Vs co i,SAM! HS ee ).ee reese eae PES ae SEA LE ESCO CASINO |Ce ARNG UNM Deana CER ES, aon ery en easNaN HUES es Re CO SO a ORG Se aeoe eee Roe He Seacamecae SSeS RS Oe ores See ue RyINS eayo aae LOR eo Teas Sas AAR onan aence osrere Oe eeec ON oes nseas ee,REE SSE eisORS: ee: OO oe ine.esaOO OCU Hea aECRle enaee LO aM aTOO oeae alUS OGLSSaN Sia UN es SC oe OS SAS as ROU BeSee eeOarsESS ey esaRacer esee
ee Ce ee: ee Oy Oe ee oe . CO ea, eee Co OSes aa — eee ee ae
Oa aa REGU TBSa CS AMIGA SO Co Oe Na A iit Le in) TNees a —Ree NGGaN He ae eanasr ee Ca ener neeesPOO SSRee uaaRete oes Serr oo) eeSEa LOG oe SeEASE oe a NG ee ise GAN aulOO vnTs TENN ehPON a | asin a Ee Oey SAR Bie Neecon SOR SE Bee ERsceRee eeeanes I eeESS Lae le
Od COS NO,eG ek UN a eae ae Uy conee OCeabeee ESaye SOEaa eG ae ease a Cae Os ee Oe Oe LOLYOU Lo. Pa ne oaOe LO a ES aNeGesay aeens ea a.lea aoeOe a aoeoe 2
ON see OH RN, OUR NCA EU SE an POM onSEN ENGTN uyiOU Aa TT AES AS Tt AEN asSEHR GN OO ee Su aby iLUGO a. SOEARO, SAL ui a iN ay nh: Cs Taasteae — SNe Seat Nate Re OeNON Aeona EAN OSNy) aSa ASSUMES CO |Op aN ES TA ante Dae SG SS CN: Oe Cs one isCO A ee Cee Hae eea easiest Ba HCNAN, Ma artek Sa MEENE SRR SRN ORAS ae EN Gs PES RN a Lae OUSU EME Ny ASSOC IG, VEN ERS a aOeAPD ZOGEG IRANiNGs ANG!OSE NANA Hi: ie OI aa aAT ea ve LO ats Ce Sie: Ga Say a Uae NG! vith AeHN ANON SSRN LeeRONAN SU RAC RROeeaa PLR Nass SAA ate eeON PASC NT aNES ONIN EONS Co Cs ICRU Oe ee SS i asSe OO a vee Ls stl Me hae Bess a ONE UNE
I RU RIN Oe COIN eo aa He.LO SEU eh Ss au OO an eG) OC Das Lo is i eaatilgl Oi ene ul oe ee Ue nsi Ane oo aes Con LO Ree EC UD aeGN Genes aeNULe ooOoioo aaORO CeReOe ne es olNG Deh .. Uae So
eas Lo oe OH a Gy aea. ee. aTN aeoo oea-UE oO aaOe es Co LO Co Sean ll ee —-Hs oe RUS nn (ia aOe co Co Se CO ae ee_— |ens |CO oo es Ssh i... oe Ook oo i. oo co ... a. Co a . His Annan oe Oe ES oa oo. —. oo es ee oy oo oe oo. Nass ERR Ny Oe Oe: SU GT Oe a OO OOO TIROG: GN LOO ANa eeoe RC eeee aae Hy ae ean ENT ST ay na oe ee caeG eis oN is es—. :oo oesee ES, Se LANs 4 ST eG. a a as a Is hn ee flat oe a Co i Ns ee Se ak ae a a Ok a ae I ... oa a ee Ce aN a a. ; ae oo ee Ua DAC Lai OL PO Ce ey aeoo. aLSLa 2oF ae Se asOO OG RNeee NON ea SHAN SEAT SeRNS ee CO Ac ncele OTEOS aSS ast a RAN GH aaaan oeCo AAS aSona eaOe AUER: aleOe aOG ee.oe Pe ey ey Le. OOo ON CO ey eeUe oofae akon EaOS ee as eeEeaee oe OO OU Co as aSe OG aneeeaFee es oe —. aa:Benes. Lo esesIRR oe a... i oo. a co oe oo oo . oe i. _...... oo |. Dan ee Noe Oe Be oo Bann ae ie .. — es oe Des No OC GO ECON NS ee ON: IOCSs SONG SU Oe NOoo yin He ieae is Nin! a... Oa Oe oa.See hes Sy ae RASS aa TE SS ea) Oe. ECG OIG oe ONPek SONS | a eeOO LN OeGnNN a aa EN eC Ne a a aLe Ceoeoenae — .— Fes OMAR OIGooPsOe COO, Lo PERI OG i aeGe oe ie ee ace oe CO NeatBoe Cie aRaoea eo) SUC A
|.aeeeeOaoo. a .. a. oo a (oo Se . oo — ae ee OS a a eo CO a es Cai oo Me oe . Oe Sey oe Es oo oo a... oe Le PO es ee. er oo CO eas oe S a. aeCee oeoo. ae
ae . — 2 M al ee eel l and
. . a . oo a a oe a a on
a oo. a Loee VeLO ye oe ee oe) ey es oes ae ee Se eS DENN RG Se— we — I . aoo OeOO Oa aea.ae eeeeee aS ae oo ee a ae eySUS .... ae ooTG CeARN ce aoo neTeeeSein CO SE) a Oa OOBR i CO Oe GNU Ce AT eela moe se .. SOEs ee as Oa ee
LON EON AeaOR AIS Ua OCHO SAN ON Onn es AON, asSASS ea a SO a ESN DY oa ST SARI SIR les Ge Asse iS ooLO COR aSEE Re aDa Hee Ons Ru) SRN — es BasGS UNO sai Ua RMR AN SUA O RNY SER AON lieeees oo‘3eaCes BeSee oe,SOI a)eeeeUA neNS a RU Gea oo3ae es ioe OeDAN RESON HOSS Sy, SC tsNCGaN SO ne SS NONAAe heOG, ONSANG HSN| REGIA SAGES ON RG esaFOO CANMane oe ea aia isa GasaHG aNN oo SRR Sai oe CON ists DIRS SBN — ee es Ge.
LO aeCeEES RS Le ae aeENG oR oo aOO alan a aOe CO OE |Ne aAEN Lee es>... NOUN, Be Oe OO OI OS LO ORO eke, SOG Oe ee LsaeON LOS AON Oe TN: Lo Pe a.ea! RSaes) teoo) AIOoeee Vg On Oe OO ls SON RR ND, ON SOE aFN LAS SNE an Ue OTA A aaeaDeak Ue aM ...., |.Oe 4LO LG oeaDOG Fiaeel sh Nan ee oeaos oeSes a:. SAOOO ONGSD FE ONES PCO ao) ORE ON AeNO UNE: ea NaON HCMC LO PU AOD OH SAS eis Te Ma a Oe SOGGY My an aAlay ianet es RONG CS CAGE ina TE EGG CoN Gas me SNE OANA OS SME OM COON asasIN SNau ANN ee: ENN De aLO Lat aNS aoN AiN alone Ln HGR na eM Uh Ae setAn a. rae vate ae ‘ASS Re OE: Hee AURE os ae FOC Nk Rens aee ao NI 0G OCS RE DO a Ose eA Oe LE Ae FANGS NS HE SAIN ea tana ey Hea ee eats EN SMR PO. EOS MUSING: Vay Eea COO FE OU BE USS SU GT CO Se aCR Lee OT SHS: Pee ayeS ee! SEG: AR Mar Fu NEO enEME Sa eGeile aeehaLE ae ASiSOSA ase ON OOo aya By YEN aUe Co a) LOC Ay LO ee ee Ha Oe ae oe aanesDOS a. ea ne ee Ni aPON: iLUelaee SRO ee, NASON Se NO BO ss ao) LO OO igOe OS ed OES NN aSRESETS GR aCG: ONIN es Oa RNS ie) ey SEN an ROS PEON ON NED Ta I NOH aA oe ee NO Gir ssn Oe! Oe TI TU ONE ei Ce IO SOO et INOU NG TESTA Cae IRA OA Noo ACH EOOU OO eaSTURGIS SNCs ORG EG Ta Ora a esaah aORE RHINE oe Sk CAVE CONN RD ROOMS ioS: aeVES EA aaNOE Reh ae Oe Ta SCRE A anes Ua) LCE Des Del ea Ie ci Et Lae SA eT AES Ean Le ny a ce EON AN AIR ND Ee,SONNE aeae Sy, aPSS UDR LOO. SNARE Ns AOR ues OR) ORIN CSA Ti a Ae as CT rah Oa PNG a Ce ne LO On NT ee ann SS NES EGE RNA ena ORO RCS PE SUDO SACD MEU AD SACRE Oe SAG PURSES Sele Ee aeaE Lesa aCMa neOC Oats eyae esOKs Dee aTAS Le FEUE aSSnes Ree Hen La ORNs ey HAS tN! ie i BN CaDONS eee as es oe in Lea Ftae EOS ee Dah EM onn ya eos: Ten oe .. neni oo ee Sh a a ses Ce a ee SOS aie TORO SRE Lay nee AN SN ot Mah Be Mtns SHUG RO ee Leen SGN eee Us Fe . a LO Gs Sa) St a i Oa ‘ NN, EOIN es NEM eeoauve Ne ly sit SG ONE a ARN AON SG Ne ly MANE Diesen iM ag CREAM a Pe a ae as PENS nS tea EN Nt He ai Ce aia eee ip 4 REet NTO ca Cae oni Seo una eeSTE: Heaton Le Re ae Ca oie aa NY i SOON oo SOON oe ee. ec in He ee CECE aC LIE Pe nak Ae a SUN Nea LeSi CO ataah Foe UNN A eaaea aHis ltaeG eenei aiDAN SO Sn aia as eet! eeMANA tee ee Us OA a) ATs SSR CO et aes DOs ats Ce LC Soe SG Ne Pe aTe AO Ts es Ty PH any es hiOs aae oe TO siNa Eee Heat Pien aa ER ase Hanes eann aHee iat NR aCS ao aS io Fe aat Va es aOE aLoe ee ii aNea AOGINIE sae ee ae oe ee es aePO et Sa Te onae es) AUER ShAC anes eena a TN SnAte eee onA TG
a .oo . .Loaos . a. -.. os — ae a) ieeeG 7. ay.a....a. ..Ca.oo Soe ae es ee .aniaeeOE LL ee ee iaaa. oeaLe oe aoo aes OC aone aeeee aae — oo ae oo oo oe a -. 7 LC ee a . a ae ee aaa. me ooCo He os aea is oo iaee aane, te ae Cs en oe) ne A re ith nes oe ae . ae os a. Ne enN aN ee GE ee Fue Sei Hh ales a ae aN a le S— ee aCoa.Ns Oe eOe ]AGN l ees a —ake ‘itGa a ie PGi t f ee an ae Ne —eeec OI ans COG Hedoea PSEA
USHMAN Sy He Hanae Np TS ce Su Noah Tae es ala
le ae ES oe a | oe (OSes oh 2. 2 UE GEES elihe Rene en era ree ee BE a ee eee eet cogs agente a oo|.USE Sa UES PEE Ee? ESET SS Ee ee cea oe aeae ee ..ens ee ae ae ee ESE SSUES OT (SEES “< >icos, oo. a—— SSS USE ne eee SEB Eo “ae Ce es :a.BURRIS LSS es BSUS SSE EETEES SS SERS ce Tes a oe aaPONS en aah Co.He a | .|.ae oh :SIETE WEEE SEBS DS2 Bg FEU a... eeRA oe SMa oeee ae ..Oe SDE PAS CEE Si gs Relea ee cee etree ee CESS AN ee |. es ooo oo. ol BS ee : So Se En i eS oS a... aa SII SUAS sts PECe VEE EES SESE TAURI DPMS Oe ee —co ye es . ABT Perea Se UST IAT SUIASMES RSssMESSE a er oe 20 -aS, he,a ...SsWE eee POD ESAISAA UyReson SRS Sess ee SUES? SPSS IEVEEL IS hroo DO Oe . aee aeae SOREP ESL RES BEI SOS ete ies UOT es SRE HEE CeCe oa 2a... be |.x’:re OAL Sa Dah ASSERTS OSE Do eTNS [Ee SURES So a a :: We LD | 7 a oe = ae ee a .. . : io . ee os oe Le Q . PE LL 7. _ ) : . ot _ a a... .=SAPS Ed ete : ere pee rere (SUE ee:afone -...rrrCCOCOCS”S olent .Oe oo a. ees Coe Dene oses AOE TREO SUSE A ..|.JSS TT Gas ee -/.— oeae aOTE ioo aoe ae058 2TUES DEI SR An Pe EES JOSE STL Ss Seco eee ERS! aeaen ee . ON Be |.Se oo. ee GSS es (MINIS eS SEEDS SRE E SEs EISSE . a _ — 2S . oo a a Wo ESET NTS wih o: : LORS Ge AEELSSE a a i. i és .iy : TEER We Ane Ee EASE EE Sa ee caer ate tae a a ec. ee oo, a | eee NEWee Soars ee os WSESAV SST LEIS ooCe oo”Os .~|._ |. y_ ae eesSORE Beis Se . Ce Seg ES EEEEL ESP RSSsBe Sh SSS a oo -— i a...alae
SO Oe 4ey .. LAUR sen .... SMB viii . ueieytesueieiesteyensest aa ahm aoeoe fs Pee SeSUISSE Ps eae :HADES PaLt eensape “apeguueggitteetistemesicgees oe dyerLo isis Silas LU SOIT Sn seg fects aeaeers ners SE ve Mengca diesen urine * a a PANeee Pes ="SESE TE Beats HEISE USfe Sera eee reRISERS
—.. .. ey ee ee WP ee aE ml ee tie eee eee erree LEASE es SSRIs Rreeeeenoe ene CE sedgtsanagtassensmssncanesseees DE USare wgts :tee ie fy COREE EES PeSST 7 DSSIS SahSS peshcetaee eta SSE ee Saat eeeesemer ne aSOAS Ss See eee: Seen eeeUSES CURT SUSIAN! oes See SOS “rtehrs L a TAT ASUSE Seraeeeenereenee he PCOS | Gece Rerea reage ne SEE erateReo :pes REE ‘ wanes a|.a. eeaOO: eeTO IWes ee APS DSTA es SES eRe es oo ARE SE oeaoeoo aDe Gees Te dsp BLES St: eres nls REE: - ers linevei tneHULSE bs re CoE eres 20ST SS SERN RO rae aonSeagate Pe ee ee es 1coment Se a ee o Tn 1ELS LDAE “geen Carin ea et ee ee WOR ho is eee RTE EE SECTS RE RC EESSSRES! fee ene ATS AUIS LOSES SUS SESE ee ee PEERS Oe LOR ON. ES ss SSUES ED ee er ee ene *
ee aoe BRL 2 ASMA ete oar 2 EELS MSP ene DAES eS Bu ani wy ee aSSa ee SO Ta Ga) ee iasasTRG oo esaSEES Se Ditnine eP :inn Seema ReneS Sateen IPRS Estes UES as poli: oeTEE SESS: Seeeeaea) oo Me PSUS :7 PSEA Ge UOTE SEES Og SONS SEN a brOT eeAMG aeeea oo. .. bo llOa! YES ae 2: Teves zEs Teilee ils Pn eefis AS2 SPU erPR ris tee SET rks a te BR NGS ae BSS RN A .A. >. ci a... yee : TAS JADED ESD Be MISUSE SAD eetenn eae HS oe Ne oes oo oo . . ... eTaN) oeee) a, Lo a a a... Bee se DSTANTS} fe) Peeps Be ee ER See eegige! SE IEEE SL CE IE te ee SNM SONOS AN ON EOS OS Be Kat nS
a a| -ere ee ret Se ses Bagge fPIeN Bee 2SASE REESE wih SODA Lv Rekanrs aa — as Opus wid oie OPSSete TEU STS VESEuE NEE SLU US SA yy caeaeooagHlOsoooe. — Oe ee “
= |) 2leesDee WEEE fats}Se DISEASE MitMANES RS PISASelsIID EASUDA een fetSS a smn: TES oe ey oo. VaR nae |. oo ets EES . nr einen Sr EEE ae Cai eedaa: eeORES ESE esihOSI IS oe DaSy CSS)
a . yo Lo of ee ee ota hs. oe oo 7 fe a r a. co a Co > 4. oo . _:Cb ee ee pe eee eee DISS SEE ee [— ... — re - oo LD Ly _ = aS ee a :
|De aaereee HADES ne! vo BES Ee SIG nog ae ey TS At 2 es ere ITEP SY Mle . etSes DOLE ESRIDIS US nt See DOes SRC Uy _.— : a— be __.“oe . i“ ROL AMEN SG Oe oseee *nt VA SO BREA reee cee SERED CORTE SAAT ans Pa eeeT ine KG sani SAAN a... *— ~_ ‘.eeOe ic iUNOaSo |aeas |caesess iBogen! Le aSEC ES aBARES oD a: Pieretrneactiety aieases aORS oe _. _oeaie7.euMnn 4oe-Sees " Be 2OFSense Q ak EIR Seno CEU SE ee .a iSEE |oo ee He Se CA USS SOAS Ce SE Ce :i|NaN LO oo ce .._~°oee ae hl Wes res fre UPS ESSER Ee ace AE fe aSNE es aaenass |.Ei ae oo BA ne TRE RSGE LET MEETS SU Me SE Bins DAES Raat epee aera eres ee Was as oe oo . _ ae oe oo WO As PGs SAN nT est {ES 3S) oe . i ae ee FO oo ay2pepe es eee eeeaoeeer rece ated RH AT ASTM WP UETSE Sa DARDS aes . | oeaaie Oe le oa ao \aeOne . ee SERESRE SS Se oo a a a. |al) ae eee or SoS SSeee aioe ee...a,aMa 8ipsaOe oe. oo ae | eeeees 1 - poore TEESE EE SAE eeFee fe) Weise ISSiS SS URES Es Oe SSN Beas ol oe 7.Le -a |...a eg PEREEE: ERD Vouee ets CSRS erate ence ees | aes oe Le Cs es eee (Se SESS Bye De Peee cael ei peace ree eee : eae eeseen JESS, asie le Se e eG ae peace eee SOAR eA he ae Senin CUES peg Fee ro a hh oe es 2 eee te tease eee neers Peete net A ee reat CORTE | LISLE PEERS i . of a oo | eee eee EES ES : DEER A CATE oy EE _ ee a os by SP ee BER EB SS ST sees UE Aa MS ee ey oe my ._. . rli a comets ere eae HE SE es ere ene cee cerieratesenne hl ee : ... oe| |Mee eee : an SES UE ST PSD eSAS Si Pair PEA renee SESE UERINCE — aoe - aaSg aOe Cerss .. sae UOC ASS aS HEU MASAI Suess Pee TAR OS ee SESE . . oe oe eae S : ; SI ORan SUE eee ee oeeecaee SALE AE Ce a at OA a. ee ... won a aes Tentey MEERA IN Es Ee mcrae aera eee arora Scenes , .. tidsi«i‘(‘... =~. — «& ioOs ee oe .—_ . io. Es — a a. — -— ... 8 --.. iCe|. OE iLe a™~—aa aooa-—— |= . ie }§ aae. anCe es oo aae ee|. os ge oe . es — oe ne as, i . rr LL c — . | a —— ao ws .|aee |aa~s.l.-lhmhmrmlmrrUrUmUm es . a a I a a Ls oo ils ee a .... : < aa| ae ... i. a —— eeim™=™=: — . Ce ee . Oo -..... 7 a . |. 8 9 = ESS -....w @ 2 i . se ACO ns OS IN lions i i = ee a EON 9 Eigse: Pec aS ee es dette oo ae = i , — a >. PER en oF eee Be oe es Fr | _ — ._.. 4 oy 7“ ae "4 oe ee aoeSOE aWe |... iTE oo 4a— Ces |eseee esIOee Pee eae .as tc. So ee a. — — — os oe eeNS Oe Ee aee: ae oe ieee oo .:i... |ee |.aee oo .ERG - Dee CS =ee IMP Gig o: Pentti nea SEs ie aul Re i a_— ‘ eeaaSSA = es a ee as Od eee conn COE ap Pe ene OU A Oo oe ee 8 CC ne an See OSS G DOCS ao a . — —_— — ae | — De SES: Reo RU serena so! EE ON ll ee -SF 9. | i a ee ee ... RI Co ae=. See ees one ee FFoe _ .ieee oe. 7 ..:—__. - —’ .ae - .ii| ae i. oo ee | -. — “ee ae ROSAS, cone ae | i. Reena Mego |... . ._ — oeOsOe oehlSo Lee ReSeS iya oe a -eee oe ee os Oa oe frSSS Be ceee ee oo ee OU oe i ee -eeee oo ee Se ae aace — ee .eeee ~~ — ee *a ee aee|eaters — iSRR . _ _a *ee os / . 7 ne ee EG . — 2. OU G oe. Peer oe eee oe Eee OO ee oY | .ae ae aa. oe — i.aoe .aeseCr |iles .... i_eo aaei..— ioa|i4% :ae ve 7we Wes sR Ls ee . «LL OU es Re . . oT ‘bh — oe oo _ : _ —— Ge a._aN Rs Sa .: i_... ee Oe Ee aCe 2ae ee ee .a NE aoe ON hie Ce — oe eeee Sura | . Oe a ee ay te as oo as a es oe | o ee oo re es Ree a. Oa CE Sos a SG ... Dee eee ete iy . | — CC |... |. | eae es 8. 7 o |. eo i Br asm a ae, Seon oo aan Eee |||ye. craps aoa ee We ee Oe Ue nO ES aURS ooee ee oS i. _ : ee ee |. ens —— eG ees es ee o |. i 4,| eo-a aes a _ oo . . peer hm CO” HR oe oe econ eee EEE _. _SSS a.Ro Be oe re oe aBe a Sper eeihaes eta Pee Ve na aeget, rr—=ETERN’”’ Ee SONS arn materia ;ee hg! 7 a a TS tae EO oe Ait ee eal FE ee Inne DO | Ga ears eee LOU EE RE ee a RO ee Lo De eee Ais ie, a ee oo . oe —— ~~ ¢ye a . oo PMMA RANI oes TVS curs ee Ta A ua a Te ati Ua eat ul ay a a Le AONE A eeoe nce EIS SS ERAGE Oe ee ocean a oF Oe ek_ ON SN et Oe oo _: ...: “i oe aSOa aiaFA a.....oe aee—|.2oe2.San OeDe eee a_. Ce aee ee EI ws Oe i)(_ aSEa. a..ee oe ot | asoe -.Ld :.SO / _1 .eh a be See aaD an ea i| ——rs—O—" LD as oo oe a oe i —— ,Dhlr,r”:C~C~sS : a C | ™ es a a . ‘ . _ oo _ 7 ce i ull oe a vn i, 4 _ _. : oe ee Se en oo ES Sos a a i en, rr ik .. .. oo. — csee EES Ge Ns oSae Ueoo 1. cea Ts oo aa es ee il =. CC Ee Es TD OT Ce hm,” _— ass a ee. ee ok Ny ee uiOhio angh a2-.eeae — iTee Ol a Toe Se ee ee oe — CD ee ee gee ee eee ae es ey ‘ei aaaeaans es ie Ce ee Se as oes a aee Ce— gas.Sere ee Ce a 2, a eeFE me |SSE ee ee a_ Put Ce ia oe_. a a._Soe Uo Y — ee aeES Ce oo. ee ss oe lea _ oe -SS | oe *|.|BO i aOO ot ae 'a_me >— _. oe =. Ce ee:ie es ee aee Oe ...— eee i. .2a.: oO De a>.ieo ee ia eed at i aPTO sae ee — Osae _Oe —rrtw~—COC CR ees eaSe oo ssees pet a rraoo Dog. — DOU OO =. ee SS Ne, Se ae : oc ‘ So BRD a)ss. a=.CeOe eei IN eeOe eeBeal as a SOE ISSaca OE areNG sees Se)UGS in)Bupcaanil Aa— oe |aeaa a.aoe a 8PEE oe Naa o ..eel : eal es i Se OO ua E ane aUR aVeanent i OANA ..BoSE Bo oe — ©. poor ees NOS eae)Bas DT ilies aS Sia ESELA OMaN a es SH eseGu) ae Men eee US ae | a. a... a a oo —r—~—=*=“‘CO™CNN _. en ss eieigegQ34wSee a) ai Lo ay, Ge IeA rs NEMS oF HUE oie LO ee a— ee Be esneas a ees as Ns Eioreneraeety ren Seii aLees es tyET is: sel aeeee oo .. /, ena es Os EeOO aae oe esae aeee AA Gs IS EG ee ENG TN RR eee oo . oe —_ ~~ ee ee rr i ee ol a. DU oo Pe eee On — — : —C—Crrsr— ee a. oo ee ees oe |.Ce | | OE aN PUN aes Ganae RAR eae eal HRN) PON Oe Tone aya RN Oo Aaa ey Ha sey Salina ees Se eeFe ae Ga enaeroee Be. SC— eae |. Oe ee ee ee CON Re Oe Ce En i ee a Oe De ee DO ee Ao ee | EOE OS Mei OS Vila a SCG SN Ln Naa ae LS LO ae es . .: .Oe — . . ee LL re ae ee ae aa 1S Seas EOS DEE SSS ors EON Rate Ty ERs Ee ESA) a a. fs EEO SEEEE Ieee SE SOR SARs RR Ss POI ete ee SESS De ee eg ae acs ee ee Pe ea ee Ce DT Scie Gia — oO — aPe Dae ae Bs Pere coeds Sean Spey RACES OES rrr EO FOAL TiO eee Bee ee .. . . Lo a a | as — ms =a . = SU LPTa ee ee ae EE ST MAA cic eee cae es OA Se tii EMO MOS SS on Sa .La a ESFaia PO Cas Sno Seem Riera ees OD] APN Ocak aOUR -. EsSey ee i MG oe: otnN eeRSUeEO ea OO OS LH oe = atea — ee eel) CS iO ae a... oo Co aae ee:eeesss oS hag ‘ei -Ce _.— a. a TS: = SEN Dsoe es= TE I Seeman SS Cs SO RCI HN HOUR oa Cnn: oNCy USAT ES RSRS use, Aion CRT EET RBS oo -.LSee ESE RNs ea Oe AOU aEOE: |.Oaatsee ORGS Seeeeor nee
en ee - oo ee a : — + — i 0, a y _..Ce aee ONES = oS . a. it Sen Oe See ee: ROGER, ape eee sean eee ee pee a et aca GM ESSE Ne Hel SAU iaites A ae na ETE say IS Ne asl ARTO A AI SCT AGU) i ee ee — _ _. . i le
ae OS UO Se TS Sn eee SEES WARS ROR TDRSS SO ave NON DEI ae SON los Ee valle DR OO, Ce a PSSA Ey en il Se SOT ay clean ois Te oo _. >.
ba ae — . — es Cs fue ERs Se eee CU OWS NR i eG eet) Gale Mae ae ge SOU en cena STN EARS aM
_ _ . ee . ees ae ee os .. a es. SURE pt eae eae SERS SS a i ae BE COO Se HON ORI ees
ORS ee POO eo . — ee ee Sy eae Se i Teer EG ae SER GN | He es oo . oe
o. .Ce: 7 COOH Sosa. NSS OE ee Se ee Peeac eaeean ee AN Oe DPSRD ON epee SZ eee eee Seance I SeaCO epeaseee ee OMe eeeeS ee aaed : a _a S| —..aOR TeeSTe Ge peemne eegsgrnn OOeea) I ie NN ee ee es RSE NIE
ee See ee He BO ee a ee ee Ss ee ek | OA RAs ce Se SN Cae PhEERRES DS PAS a AO Uae Hs Stn ne se
-- .. .a_ §. 0D. . CeDO CeeSS) canReagan SO NSEN enSe eee rsi cars Peis wares cams ees CEN OeRepentneenserser oe OS ORoe Sueee aa es AER eg ee oe eeeee patentee cL aeneeeo BN DOMES AO - ee 8ie~~ oe ee LES Ue. acooaeae ee oN Oe eo s aeAEE eres . = ee csROO? — ee |.ieeeee|OREN Te NN aSee BSTOSTS Be oes ASRS See SE =——rs—esSM pe ee ee SS: sae ee ee pee ee ey ECasne CEN EES OR || aN ANG ~ i. Or . oF 3 oo —a oe LSS=SSS eeSiena: ee SO ee peer peeee Geoo SOE as ee EIoe OMEN OS Oe a ic se PASEOe SE aBe a MUR SOFG ee RESON NSaESS POO recat ENS aes
ea Co GS gee .a. —PROS —— .. eae Bae ee ce. ee SLI SS SEE ee es Ces ”oe | cere ia =...
ie ii ae, a ae aa ek >.ie. ce oo oe A oo a \ SO: oe Ue r4 a oe / ee . oo oo Le. aee er i. oo ee Ke . i i a cs. i: ee oe Cy a .. a ae ey, -Vs 7ao fe:.fia oo. eo i Le oe ee i. -_ oo a-oore |7oo. [UL eon, _— ae ie oF oo ae oo Oeeo “a gi cs a SS |....lUmU a es oe. a Le ee oeeo +t dee ith SiS LLL LL Oi iii ie
‘ee ISERIES ISON GE Sea scale o ai F
ol LoCo Ll Oa A .i Nana OE aE I ae ees COI SPApiesa sis crmacunneencmamn CS NE Nn aes en mranaaconaa ae a aEea: oo Co. oo . iey OR OS BNE LOhmm eM Fa ane Cose SUE CoP| EN eS CO les teae a eG LTee, CONEY |(oe icon fe ie aoo-ares CO le,cnceUU oa) erSILO Ce ae ee aBete Oe sosrvopoaeccesneeei |ie ie ees oea Dia na WO Ce NOES NN eeaa Sn a es:OS ue Oa oe Ue eA eG shige BA as ee AO eee Se ee onrposaRra — Ns ORs Lo Carrere ea CTS WENN: ee =Yt ee Ge CU RS aROmen Oe aN IN es Os, i ee ieee We ee our 3oo a, — tog yi. Ce oo Ae | NO OE ss ee Oe ae Pe PO UU an |ecneerrean Ce es. NG ye ee gee PIERS RE ee RRR IRON » ae a a oe oi ee ea eS GT a a ae Bee a RS ye 2eoneh ee Rs1 i:sll etBoses nce ieee 2ion gee SSDI GS ce. Ligier men IRRRR co _ooieee Os icasei: ess a:Oe Reee ona ge SS sae eg at,5 Es aeSOSVC Wal Ce ane eae: NG ec Sait. HONGO IRS SOUR LL eesSS ° eso ate Ber cya Re ae PSEES REN oe Ne sR oe ae RENIN” SIRE OG GEN OG a Sealine RNIN CAH Re: re TNE CON es COG A eae . [TMB a cedeae coor REE oe. Oe NSD: SOLE SES See panes: | aaa ae a FTE I a LO SG ete MT NN a an ee eo ot i. .— — |JESS :Bee E::pape Le Lo oe fi oo as Cave ia, ee es | ee Le : Ramm Peer oan | eee Mn: Soe SES oe Bia Ns Ce ee ie ne ye ag es uy, Oo Sn nN Gy OG eae Qe a. eo ieNa. 2 SOUP ioo —— |NSERC, eaR. a i aCC oe hee LS eee ainCe IOsa. at i. Dic ON a BOaed eh ENS ee Te aee ay ea CE va cesee es SR eS MME CuMS aul eae Ai ore une . (oo. : eae SES .SE afe Ne ae a are Ps: :Ss |toe ee oo. Se I . OS STs eG Silas ea. SUR CIM 2 RBS: BESS as So eee PIMs ESE Hes Ss ae a SUNN he: SUR Gee cE ee Oe Ce a oe ey Dalal Sees ORI oct NR ns aN oo Rah oe Be SREY Sehata ene See eine core Peo ORS i JSS fo k . _—a ee —i LO eeSeeee Se aaCe oeasaeone eeST SNe Bee A eeNS ieoe eeaarene Peet oan ye es 5) ,ES Rhee I es:eat ee Ee ees Ss Be Sepa sd: sels: ae cohSORES ois oe STRESSES G [EEE PegES Poe Mees GT GI ct aain OMe ic sur NG Oe ING CaN ee SPANO LORS SS Sean RMN Ne Aik en as SOG SG Oe OG OO ant NEE een Nags DE ON EPS ETE OF TESS
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oy oe aOe aOEi :aeee a eee -PPR oo Se ~:eeoo :eeeeeee *aeeeeeSs afoeoe S joo|oo7=oe|eeee al 4tO af 7 oo aeies oe a oS —.* ...aa.OO =oo oe EN ON Bees eemereets ee) ee reas ie ee Me oe Os: Oe one LOO ey a on ae : Seo : ee =: oe oe ae ae oe Conta wh ae i eae eee ee : . eee es oS 27 eee eee ane oe SOO oe LS PHONONS oe RO . a : = a ao Fe i Ne oe oe oa SO ee ee Oe . ee eee eee oe : ee oe Be Ce | ee ge a Oe ee | .. oo oo a a” 7 | & eye : { 3Co . oa or xy ae on oo DO Le a cc ee oe POI AT Sic Renner aes : cee a es MES ee _ ee — Ck [ aaoe oe enPaONG: Bsae, LO aey UN eae aseee ak Oe Ce ee id eae reOMNES DRESSES oS LSB i ree co eee ce Berl 0eee LO: aee Se eee ae, oe Raeeee ceo. i ~~ sf ee Co, oe ee ee eee oe Ea ES Ae eee oe oe SMES ES eo ae Re On eee a oe ae UN es i ee So ae 8 cae Sy ‘ ks ae (coe Sra = oo) Us bee 2 re | oe oe re oF iees oe oe 5° Oe es ae ok. Os OO as ae Wo eee Pe OU oo eee ee ene SI eG ec erate nee det ae ae . Pane we eee ee os. ae Os re Oy oe a SONI ee oo eee oy . 200 SESE So coos Ceeeeeee eee Say, ES ee ee es ny : . : -) : ve De As on Ne Ne Oe OR: Beats eer as igre A RY Ht Cee ee as wi Waiegete 08 os She eee ETE SOS EES SE EL SEU : Tyee AN S ee as ae 3s 9. ee ere ae a a ve Te ee ee as a a eae peasant Peo rr POC Sen Sl SS ee eo eee Me bie. : eee oe ERR, a we 7}ae gg . |ESSN oe ..ee oe 2S is— Poona aMeee ee ESS % eo eesatis TEES Po on oe aK, |Be ~ | ' “go-~—_ ee ON Ro eee Roe he ee ce aaa ad Me RES F:fee | soe Seuice Tec ye oe Boe 2a MOU es seSe. Re: a8 Oe aNe HO ee ae Oe UR isos AOR SES SUS oer Ses : ane ;ot2SET ene ae —— ;al |et|.-_ - Pe %. )“ ma Arr. Ve:face Pee ens JESERE ERS SM Ate ceOEE at : eyes oe ance Baan ehae cae;LOSS: A eee :oatese : ee coEES Sa a :ERS. ce |#-“SLEEPS 4% .eee ae aee eee Be ee ae rE aaeSales Se Ss oo ay. 8.oe :ee PeUENCE aGBS ce DS SU RS eeeee we oo Se Soee oeous eerie aed os EES Beaiy eeEony Ye. oe EE: se ve lage eSHe oe wed Se SERS ae eee SEES eg aee AG BROS TADS i etie ESre See : PALE: Gee: iiae 7| 3ts 8Se oe soe: EE Pee ae Iermeee aOe Se) oeAS io Ee oh Se ae ee Be ee ee oe ee +:SERRE SABES De COTE JARRE Se ri Se SE: ees nea sae Ce ee“NG Boe Be ae aonaBeIN -iCRB 7. ve ONO ES eecea oeSe oo OS I eer Oe ges SOS EEE PoreRR eee ener etooeG, oe ae ae Oeea: SEt a: iA eloe ee aBe a2S ae oe © Pe — ee. ae OO ae Pee eee oo ue ee .|aoe :|«& Oe EC Ey OE ne corer eae oe” ee ee:Oeee es PO eeae SIRES CEs 2a woe ea ap EEoo eg ECO en a_Q ZU -aaa BORE aa eS i aee re FLEE EQS OO Nis — eeee Ce oy Oe eee ae ante NES : SUES eeBar eaae aeeee eaiies A2 %On oe ERS SEa Seog RON a:eS HUAEESS Ee: pare a. q DE Os Nig, ey EEE SS aee Ee Ef Se ee eae Be ee aseer Le SN Be. ae |Be - oe _-% ,7. i_ | |_4 Ai ca erie aoe 8wie iee ee ee ECOG Ne ONES SONG Ses 2See a ttloe CES gerne Us? Ae ,Ne 2eee Oe BS: me ae ek Aae Ree ON aes Pe ee Gg :eS i& 1|tk Bose Ne RE aee SS Be Be ae DOS SCN Bil ee eae Ces Peer eee aSs Ce SNe ee os _8 | tst gee os a ee oe aes Oe yee ae i Se Ce ne ee eee oo 7. | | r _—_— = ak a NS Nias. a Be a 7 ee . 2. LEG | | . a of ooSUM 7 ae oeaaa i ae . aeewees Co 1: EOS : rr Ce eeeeee: OE eure caverns a. ee | Poe a| = aN|aeoe TN. aay:; aie: ha EO SRN. al * . EON: ES Paeae et Saasee Racca : : eeee poeee oo ee 7 . Eo 1:| ( oeomni | - ee ~sne_Oy : oe a aOa OA aeDS a aech: eas oeeee TEMS as Bete ie eee Bet SE Bes Dee PEAS eeIRD Se Ser | eee Fee as _— ,oy_< oe oo , Ci I‘ NO Oe: RO Ae Sele specs eean DATE TE ST Sekt comeaerce: oteennee ae TNoe ee Sai one re ssi ES. — : : MUI Ee Seas. apres LESING ee SSE UNS Ge i EO Bay ee NO NSENOS ues ae BURGOS SS OO No eee reas eee ene as SE SENOS RR oe SU a tae SSS: . CESS fete Te es EH BO Ny: eas eee or eeaael ent JB
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ae a ee
“ — a a ea aue i) aaaaid . i oeuaa oy oean Ne|aoe ee ES = .oeseee a .... oo. Oe oe oe oe "2g =aoe Pose os oO.C mn ooa ay vios oeae aae a Pee iaeae ae ote Be O , wN, oS aPe Co aCe : oe
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