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English Pages 141 [155] Year 1989
The World of the Scythians by R enate Rolle
Translated bv, F.G. vValls from the Gcrman Die 1-Velt der Sky•Jhen
Universi ty of California Press Ber keley and Los A ngelcs Material cu drept de autor
© 1980
Verlag C.J. Buch er f irs1 published in Germao 1980
E11glish traoslalion U nivcrsity of California Press First publishcd in English 1989 AU right$ rc;scrved. No part of 1his publicatio n may be reproduced, io aO}' form or by aoy mea,u, without pcrmission from lhc P ublishcr
Typeset by Lasel'lexl Lid, 1',,fanches ter, England and primcd in Grcal ßrirnin by
Thc Ba th Press, 8:uh Published by Uui"ersity of California. Press Berkeley a nly h i~ wi(C o r at any r;uc onc or th row ;111 intcrc."Sting lighl on thcir last his wives. Not long aftc!r 1h at 1he child d i,-cl, 01oments or lilC:: tn1shc...-d skulls. b low,:; o n thc " sccon d cntr:m cc Lo thc side g rave \,•a.s d ug temp le, ao d ill two cast:'S 1hc h an ds wcre d ug wit h i;normou.:i cxpcndüu rc; of la hour, .and thc into thc ground . Thc floor surfacc of carpe1ing child \~•as la icl oo the rig h1. sid e or 1hc young
Material cu drepl de autor
_..,. i ...
-~ II i!te jJ/J Prl{'ff)I: lm-gou duti,,g 1/u ,.m.11111li(fn iu 1949 ( R111/n1I:~) ..•ljf,-y lhc m11uMI ef 1/1, ,111m111/ ef J/011,. f, lllf limbrr r-01ulmrti011 is i•xpa1td: Jmrl't11h 1h, ietN1dm cr.ililtg iJ 1h, icrftlltll 1i111bt>r rhamhn.
12 T/1r mc,1, J,vrü1I in lltr !j/h Pa;-.;,ryl· lmrgmr i11 1/,r lrrr t:(!ff,11 i11 ,rif11 ( ft,11/t-11k11), T/i, a1Jfi11 r,n:1ün11l/.)· a.m1ai11ttl 1/u f/1111/IJ~!.I' tf" wm,um. 1ml t/1h J111d bte11 /111{[ draggM r,11/ hy gr1utt-,·obbt1J.
M 1t~rial CU orept d 1U1Dr
, .. /3
oJ embalmi11.~ i11d.1fon.r irt 1/i, b,u}; '!.f the lt'omrm fir 1hr pn:ucc:tion of ehe thig h:-. aud knc;l'l-. 1n :uldition, l h•thian wal'riür. E\'e-11 a t iti; nt: 15- 17)
' fü: hold, a pco plc sh.111 comc fro m th c 11o r1h, ancl a g-rcat ua lion, aml many kings shall be ra i.scd up from 1he coasts the canh. Thcy shall hold lh c bow and the l;rncr : dwy arc crud, and will no1 shcw mcrcy: Lheir ,·o ic:(' slmll m ar likc thc sca, aod lhcy sh,11) ride upon ho1•ses, cvery one pul in a r m}'> likc a ma n lO ba ulc, aga jnst thtc, 0 daughtcr of Ba b ylon.' Ucrcmiah, 41 - 2)
T in:~ pcoplcs art: rnkcu hy many sd ,olars
lhe C immed ans and SC}'t h ians, a nd n u mcrous a rchacological linds inclicatc tha t lhcy wcrc ind ccd p rescnt in thc ~incicn1 Orient. T h(· r omplin1 1(,·d hi:,;10ry o f 1hcsc largc-~calc to be
c:unpaigns - p,~rh!I cu dr'),
79 IU lr
M 1t~rial CU orept df! 1U1Dr
55 T,,1, !eft: Sili-a, i" j)rul g1Jftl-plfl1t:i/ lnm'-etu,· (Im/ ,,,d~•r /mm 1l1r So/(), dta kur.JJml. di•J,iding &;1!1i0,11:, itt b(IU/e ( Sir•
--- -- --- ----- -- ---------- ------- - - ---
pa11m1). 56 ß MI-IJ11t lrfi: 8t1Ulr lu1u«r11 - ··..;';"A,·. . • Gretl..s 11ml nahN' /Jol'l,,tdm1:, , '1•~ .,_., Sm,r mr " goM .lkimrkts .uahb,ml frnm J:urgan 8 oJ 1/11 jirOurX'(: of iu lOmrnlion. AriapciLhcs had thrcc wivcs of d iffercn1 n:uion:,litk-s: a C reek (i·olll lstria in 1hc south. :i rlaug h l('r of tlw Thra('i:'111 K i ng Tt•n;s (u• thc most o riginal figu rc among thc tha1 Philip positioned his best ridcrs eo 1he S(yt hian kin1:,r:s wa.s Atc~1s. who lcll in b:utlc rcar or thc \\'arriors. with o rck rs to kill anyonc aga i11s1 Philip 11 ol' !\'la(cdoni:-1 in ehe carly 1rying to f-Jcc. su1n nh:r of~{:i~) HC. G rl--ck sou1Tcs rclcr h> him T hc historica l staw.s of' Alcas is disputcd . F rom .soo,e sid,:s h(' i.s scc:n o nly as a m inor as /JoJi/111.S SkJthon AltaJ, and in La1in sourc~ hc is kno wn ;-1s Re.i: Sc.,tl1ar1m1, ::i.nd Strabo givcs wcstcrn king who in his cxpansion wes1wal'ds 1hc addi1ional info rmacion th;n hc rulcd ovcr camc into conflict with Philip II. Thc his 1o ry 1..he mas.s ofUarbt1ria11s iu 1he n~g-io n uor1h c,.r of llu.· perio pp. 163-
80. R. Rolle, Oiorpata. i ,f a lerialhefle zur Urund Frühgesch ichte Niedersathsens , vol. l 7
(festschrift for K. Radda1z), 1980.
A.l. Tel'enoiki1), Kimmffljt:,, Kiev 1976. Sauromatians: K .F. Smirnov, Savromaty, ~,[oscow 1964.
H.-J. Schnitzlcr, 'Der Sakcnfcldzug Darcios' des G rofkn', Antike tmd UnivusalgtSchichte,
E. von S tern, Der Pfoil.ultuß du 0/biopulilcn
A.~'L Leskov, Coniyj Krim v pen,,am tysjo{elelii do nalr,j r.ry, K iev 1965. Sindi and Macotae: X.V. Anfimov, l t. proslogo Kuha11i, K rasnodar
1958. Thracians : f, Vi;:11(.-di kov, T. Gtr:t.$Silll(lv, Tltrnkis,he K'tmJ I,
Leipzig 1976. A.l. :Mcljukova: Skifija ifraJ,·ijskij mir: M.oscow 1979.
Münster 1972, pp. 52- 71. Anaxagbrttt, aooual report of 1..he Austriao Al'chaeological lnstilute in Vienoa, vol. •1·,
Ko. 2, 190 1, pp. 57- 9 a nd supplcmcnt, pp. 61- 70. V.V. Struve, Podmd /)nnjtt I 1u, $t1kor,'-nwsst1getov, Jzvestija Akademii nauk SSSR, serija istorii i filosofü No. 3, J91-6, pp. 231 - 50.
Episodes fro,n ever)'da)' Sc)'thian At ehe eastern end of the Scythi an world K.A. Aki~ev, Kurga11 lssyk (lssyk mound. The
life 0.0. Gauina, Anti6u' brollQ' ~ Pi!lanogo (Thc Aociem Bronzes of Pe.~l:anoe), Kiev 1970.
Material cu drepl de autor
F . H:)nl:ar, ''Altai-Sky1lw n· und Sch:u-n:mi:;.111us·, A,·t(:sdu f V Congr«::s intnn.nional d.hcotac-., the !.2. magic 68. M:aikQp :l:1 Mannai-ool, M.Ch. lB.
M:m::o Polo I L2 ma11rcsses 21
hsyk l:urpn ~ ~ ~ ls1anblll 22 btria l22
M:tfbin ~ Melanchlacni, (he !2 2.1 mc-n 24. !ii:j mc.1:11-working LU!,, l.2fi:2 Miletw U mir,'r.l fil.. ~ 2.1
jcwtllc,'Y 1.1,, 47. GI . 63. ~ 2.L.
Mitbridatei VI Eupator 21 m-0gil)' (bu,•ial i:nouodi) 19.
tron Agc 100
l2Jl:1 K.lch0\1h lfu. rQCrvolr 120 Kalfüiratoo U Ju,mrmi«.JQ ~®J' 3fi Kamcnskic Kllcugur)' sand dunes
Napoleon I Neuri. tbe 12 Nikopol' l.12
Nim:, eh ZL 12 Nypha.ion ll 1
Octamasadc., King or the
Stythians 123, .W Odessa lB. Oet.fohamcd JV, Sult;m ~
Molocna>•a Ui Mongoli.- ~ Mongols, die li!., SS. 115, ill Musoow 2.i 6. musica) inStrumc-nts ~ 9.5.
Rome l:!: Roo' (tiver) l.fi R~towxew, M.
Rubruk, Wilhelm von l§.. ~ lli
Material cu drept de autor
Ructu.imo,·ski, l 63 Rudenko lfi.
R omania li Saitaph.l,rne, fil S:al:ts, the L 1.§. l2, g i1 Sd:a l11J1tJ1tormgo ±L 9 4--5· Sako 1iguumula ¼l Samas, god lJ Sanna1ians, die H .
8i:6. S3.t1ach, Moogol lcadcr lll Sauromatia fil: &! Saur(unatians., thc L2 sccptres ~ 69. Sc)·l:u, King or 1h1; Scythhms )23, l.26=1 Scythcs, Scyth.ian r())·al ances1or ~
Setond W()rld War 9. Semiramis fill Semire