The Wa of Myanmar and China’s Quest for Global Dominance 9786162151705

The United Wa State Army (UWSA) is a nonstate armed group that administers an autonomous zone in the difficult-to-reach

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The Wa of Myanmar and China’s Quest for Global Dominance

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-了 ~ri ;已忑飞~:;今 1' 沁 ~干

儿梦 1 l _.-:. •\f扩

叮 U 可I 口 ';一I ) " 和丰』 汪 L I-



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. .八畸八`嗣,.


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f \tyanrna r and China's Quest for Global Dominance




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The Wa o f M y a n m a r and China's Quest fo r Global D o m in a n c e

C o n te n ts

In trod uc tio n


Chapt er l ai ns en o f th e M ou nt The Wa: Wild M

T he

ISB.\' 978. 616-2 /5-/ 70 -5 e 2021 n •rt,/ Lmtner

Al/ r,加 I


"publicat1on may b . t reproduced " ~•- -' r by 初 v =· ·-

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The Wa an

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ner. • .,,,,versar · g a We/com e din . • v, 2019· Photo by Ye A y o(pehuac/ e-bu』Id 108 efforts · Wa Sta te, rYPnSNtn e, ee vh ernga

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卢 acssoadehe知 etnoor vmotnOTh g t a g n t o l y 回 如 应t lmpehaw 中 antONettpid gow

the NLD er, Aung San's , notorious Insein Jail while the main lead inRangoons er house arrest in her Aung San Suu Kyi, was placed undO Ncn hter, lrr daug ao o lv ta cr aa ns luro rte ry p.U S m .ICe PekS m I& thP ah hs twe fc RislS ng ad be b /e n\ . en sn goon ”1 in Ran atiu home ituga clo tig ab ot or nr ea pn en de m Im hn a n almost the entire population of Burma int IC ~o -c kn whe thh ta ve time a .a g ph m , atip eth Ka cally ia ne Ironi de d0 .I iti m pd it fli lnc wm em ne d ic r om l m tso ea rt oo ns he o en Th ec e e ha eT kD e uw ot F em ce dh eo al IA v ce lau w ne S rrg es td he n thw m olm eb oe ex tg .nt ndon ua n ah .nIno ha m2 n cn cnth wt eh 9a S 5n Ly an oe ta 4b ta h eS le am tht e0 dd nA nS e. th. mt sm on eA ha inm he re bIt d,r toa thousands of former insurgents who in ed against the regime, turn had r n f em n c ce ty lig m u s r kd to t ta mad .lu lts ent o ue deals with a L ernm m gov ,s eD rald o( C cent d sh the 8t nst ry ese agai c8 .ls ting Th 9 figh en u been nd had Im hm D At h . an w he o fo na taanen er areas was thwarted the ruling military. The threat from the bord teo danp nces for the country and . . eirysanyerly glthfich aJ and the regime was safe, but the conseque -rhse re g mtesve to engage in 'business' rtrn eh re F0 ee pw 9w 1a the outside world were disastrous. Freedom ld stop the production in the northeast meant that no authority wou , the US State Department of opium and its derivative heroin. In 1987 t n in Burma was 9砃00 estimated that the area under poppy cultivatio e lfym ota 12 11 sta rey ahand ros ere an oc he . aio tm eu spda nid PI, ae ap tIn 19的, that rose to 142,742 hectares, and in 1991, 1矶0 ares. r genptsrhect metric tons of heroin, up neds hectares with a potential production o璃 .sn tati.Igb .a onde ea ta c m en ty c k t ha i oi for ey olB tyIty ende .lgndthusn ent Administration nwteen in 啖7.10 The US Drug Enforcem from 53 tons~. ctaexgusosyswamodevmo ly m Sm ha tehh those also show a sharp nnB na c Du (DEA) has slightly different figures, but KaBooa on the UWSA entered m du am LtI 0·0e sh e fP ase in opium and heroin production after incre zd .sl ~aen8 government in Rangoon. rbbna into a ceasefire agreement with the military opium and 75 DEA states, Burma produced 900 tons of the 86, 压 e c c bl oiudt c m a an ytr l th rs d 203 tons of heroin s .n a19 c Th ie er ia ?P dd og p e dw a a of heroin. It rose to 2,430 tons of opium an tons d 215 tons of heroin wger titap(ei m an in 19的 to reach a peak of 2,575 tons of opiu . liePybn m 1993_11 r$ror bp de it possible for rm ent ma The ceasefire agreements with the governm and thus to import acetic y, freel e mor el trav to rs inee mut CPB the .lefoth d Thailand. For India, an t a, Chin et anhydrite and other chemicals from roduced in the former sr P was in hero 4 ber num te whi pure , heroin time first the t least seventeen a fo a were e CPB areas. In the early 1990s, there Ko and Kokang in the a from Mong J g chin stret s tion laboratories at loca 11 7



and one- time ally of Mah asang, had open ed the sout hern areas for the Wa, but he was far from th e mos t imp orta nt play er along the " Weis, Thai bord er. H is organization was, in effect, cont rolle d by the thre e brothers of y unna nese extr actio n who had spen t years in the

ist ily had fled across the bord er after the commun they e civil war and settled in Vingngun, wher 硬. Chinese 依 Kuomintang 沁r沪11 the dwi th the local Wa saohpa as well as the einvolve 1 Intelligence Agency (CIA).14 沪J1l vs cent ra asang's Wa to the Thai border d the . brothers with drew with Mah afl Wei take n over the Wa Hills. The middle brother, 伽 Wei cP.B had United the •oin ed opiu m warl ord Khu n Sa's Shanland 如r first J During ){oegang, and serv ed for seve ral years as its treasurer. (SVA) d extensively to Taiwan, West Germany, and p..rJl'lY be travele ired Thai tirne, h cont acts in Thai land , he had acqu 呻 ug 'Jhro countries. Tha i pass port s whe n he traveled abroad. His other and used citizenship t nam e was Pras it Chiw initipanya, sometimes Charnchai a Thai 伽ipasspor whil e the elde r brot her, Wei Xuelong, also Chiwinitipanya, the youn ger brother, bee血e Api char t Chiw inpr apas ri, and citizen, Pair ot Sam eur Jayneuk.15 The n the Thai nam e give was WeiXueyin , ng Qifu, had d I(hu n Sa, who se Chin ese nam e was Zha or warl wily akul , yet Tuai citiz en with the nam e Cha n Cha ngtr also become a een f the clos e rela tion ship that once exis ted betw another outc ome o ices. Burma's drug lord s and Tha ilan d's secu rity serv allegedly havi ng Wei Xuegang fell out with Khu n Sa after riso ned at the warl ord's embezzled a large sum of mon ey and was imp ns nort hwe st of Chia ng headquarters at Ban Hin Tae k in the mou ntai in 1982 and 19的 took Rai. Wei man aged to esca pe, how ever , and i-Bu rme se bord er areas refuge in Taiwan befo re retu rnin g to the Tha Lack ing an arm y inside where he buil t up his own dru g emp ire. r old cont acts with the Burma, he and his brot hers mad e use of thei O, WN A, and WN C. Wa and bank rolle d the buil dup of the WN Wa and the UW SA was When the WN C mer ged with the nort hern acce ss to the vast pop py established in 19的, the Wei brot hers gain ed



nort h thro ugh the Wa Hills in th e mid dle; and to th 匈AA area in eastern Shan State. 12 (Ess.) S The Wa mut inee rs'm erge r with the WN c, and th eW a Wh。 h fled the Wa Hills in the earl Y1970s and then encam 咐 th Ped f on the Thai border, also mad e it possible or the UWSA t elllseJves o estab妯 an entirely new base area far from thei r traditional h and omel al。n ' e frontier. Beginning in the mid-199os the Ch mes g , tens ofth ds ousan well as Lahu e som h of Wa, and from the nort , Were rel ng up just across the b 0cated to spru s town the south. Entire new Order f Thailand, and the inhabitants of th e area, mostl y ethnic Shan, driven out and became refugees in ·Thailand. The Wa leadership motivated the Wa to move south b Yclaiming that they wanted to get the peas ants in th e nort h awa Yfrom growing poppies. The Wa also said that th ose areas alon g th e Thai border were theirs because the first inha bita nts th ere were the close) yrelated Lawa, to whom the rule rs of Chia ng Mai as well as Kengtung had had to pay tribute as th e "original own ers of the land."13 The first claim was not convincing, as drug prod ucti on flou rishe d·m the Thai border areas after the move. The seco nd argu men t may have been historically corr ect, but th e Lawa pop ulat ion of nort hern Thailand is negligible and th ousa nds of Shan had lived th ere for centuries. But with thei r supe rior firepower, the UWSA wres ted control over a new . area in the sout h almo st as 1arge as the nort hern Wa Hills. The lead er of th e now defu nct WN C, Ai Kyaw Hso (Ai Xiao Sue), a former KKY com man der f rom Yawnghpre in the nort hern Wa Hills

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' CHAPTER 4 fields · in the Wa Hills as Well as areas refined · into heroin. Where raw The WNc leader Ai 0Piuni. Kyaw Bso coUlct the background as the Wei b (Ai 沁ao Sue) be soon of the 叩SA's rothers assumed southern f 沁d · drug: me如mph etamine. orces. lhe Weis alsoalrnost .int to1a1 吮。 Unlike roduCed co听。1 produced after heroin, Which month s of lab then cumb orious Work . couJd 囡




Serk, who had refused to surrender, called Ya叽 产°币cer t called the Restoration Council of Shan 叮;丿 3 neW rebel out:obably needed someone to counterbalance 仆aisp bll'.'fhe (Ress) RCSSwas able to obtain guns, uniforms, and 泸vwSA so that the the Thai s1·de of the border. Among the Shan, the uipJJlent frorn d to cause some confusion by naming his army the other eq J