The Typology of the Early Codex 9780812276961, 0812276965

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Table of contents :
List of Books and Abbreviations
Towards a Typology of the Codex
The Dimensions of Papyrus and Parchment Codices
The Priority of Parchment or Papyrus?
Manufacture and Size
How a Codex Was Made Up
The Codex and the Scribe
The Form and Date of the Earliest Codices
Technical Index
Recommend Papers

The Typology of the Early Codex
 9780812276961, 0812276965

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The Eighteenth Publication in the Haney Foundation Series Universitv of Pennsylvania


University of Pennsylvania Press 1'J77

Copyright© 1977 by The University of Pennsylvania Press. Inc. All rights reserved Lihrar~ ofCon!!ress Catalo!! Card Numher: 75-10125 ISBN: 0-8 I 22-7696-5

Printed in the United States of America Publication of this book was made possible b, a grant from the Hane, Foundation oft he L'n1versitv of Pennsylvania


List of Books and Abbreviations Illustrations Preface Chapter I Towards a Typology of the Codex Chapter 2 The Dimensions of Papyrus and Parchment Codices Table I: Papyrus Codices Grouped by Dimensions Table 2: Parchment Codices Classified by Dimensions Appendix: Note on the evidence of Latin codices written on parchment Chapter 3 The Priority of Parchment or Papyrus? Table 3: Papyrus Codices Written in Two Columns Table 4: Summary Table of Totals (by centuries) of Papyrus Codices Table 5: Detailed List of Early Parchment Codices Appendix: The date of the Berlin Cretans Chapter 4 Manufacture and Size Chapter 5 How a Codex Was Made Up Table 6: List of Single-Quire Codices Table 7: List of"Uniones" Table 8: List of "Terniones" Table 9: List of "Quaterniones" Table 10: List of"Quiniones" Table 11: Alternation of Fiber Direction in the Gatherings of Papyrus Codices Chapter 6 The Codex and the Scribe Table 12: Contents of Bodmer Composite Codex (Codices) Chapter 7 The Form and Date of the Earliest Codices Table 13: Inventory of Papyrus and Parchment Codices Dated Before c. iv Table 14: Codices Having Fifty or More Lines to a Page Table 15: Codices Having a Square Written Area ( {3measurement) Table 16: Consolidated List of Codices Consulted Technical Index

v11 1x xx1 I 13 14

26 32 35 36 37 39 41

43 55 58 61 61 62 64 66 73 79 89 89 96 98 IOI 187

List of Books and Abbreviations

This is not a bibliography of the codex, but an aid to identification of works cited i1 the text. A detailed list of abbreviations used by papyrologists is set out in the works of R. A. Pack (below) and in my Greek Papyri (see below), pp. 157-71 (brought up to date in an Italian edition now at press at Lemonnier, Florence, 1975). Abbreviations employed by New Testament scholars will be found in detail in the works of K. Aland and B. M. Metzger below. K. Aland, Kurzgefasste lisle der gr. Handschriften des Neuen Testaments. Berlin, 1963. H. I. Bell and T. C. Skeat, Fragments of an Unknown Gospel. London, 1935. Cambridge History of the Bible. Cambridge, 1963-70: Vol. I ed. P.R. Ackroyd and C. F. Evans, 1970; Vol. II ed. G. W. H. Lampe, 1969; Vol. III ed. S. L. Greenslade, 1963. G. Cavallo, Ricerche sul/a maiuscola biblica. 2 vols. Florence, 1967. R. Devreesse, Introduction a/'etude des manuscrits grecs. Paris, 1954. Sir Frederic Kenyon, Books and Readers in Ancient Greece and Rome (abbrev. Books and Readers 2). 2nd ed. Oxford, 195 l. W. H. P. Hatch, The Principal Uncial Manuscripts of the New Testament. Chicago, 1939. P. L. Hedley, Unpublished list of Biblical manuscripts (compiled 1934). E. A. Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores (abbrev. CLA). 11 volumes plus supplement. Oxford, 1934-73. J. Mallon, Paleographie romaine. Madrid, 1952. B. M. Metzger, The Text of the New Testament. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1968. R. A. Pack (abbrev. Pack 2), The Greek and Latin Literary Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt. 2nd ed. Ann Arbor, 1965. C. H: Roberts, "The Codex," Proceedings of the British Academy XL (1954): 169-204. (A revised edition is in preparation.) W. Schubart, Das Buch bei den Griechen und Romern (abbrev. Das Buch 2). 2nd ed. Berlin and Leipzig, 1921. (The 3rd edition of 1962 is useless to scholars.) ---Griechische Palaographie. Munich, 1925 (in Handbuch d. Altertumswissens-



Graecae Berolinenses. Bonn, 1911. R. Seider, Pa/aographie der griechischen Papyri. 2 Bande. Stuttgart, 1967, 1970. E. G. Turner, Greek Papyri: An Introduction. Oxford and Princeton, 1968. ---Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World (abbrev. GMA W). Oxford and Princeton, 1971. ---The Papyrologist at Work. Duke University, 1973. ABBREVIATIONS

A DIK = Abhandlungen des Deutschen archaologischen lnstituts. Cairo, 1958-. ARCH IV = Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Leipzig/Berlin, 1901-. BASP = Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists. New Haven/Toronto, 1963-. BICS = Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Univ. of London, 1954-. BI FAO = Bulletin de /'lnstitutfram;ais d'Archeologie orientale. Cairo, 1901-. BKT = Berliner Klassikertexte. Berlin, 1904-. Cd' E = Chronique d' Egypte. Brussels, 1925-. CLA = E. A. Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores. Oxford, 11 volumes plus supplement.

CQ = Classical Quarterly. 1907-. CR= Classical Review. Oxford, 1887-. DJ D = Discoveries in theJudaean Desert [of Jordan]. Oxford, 1960-. G RBS = Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies. Cambridge, Mass., 1958-. HTR = Harvard Theological Review. Cambridge, Mass., 1908-. JEA = Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 1914-. J HS = Journal of Hellenic Studies. 1880-. JN ES= Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Chicago, 1942-. JTS = Journal of Theological Studies. New Haven, 1900-. M IFAO = Memoires pub/ies par /es membres de la Mission Archeo/ogique Fran e r *

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