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The Saint James Liturgy
Analecta Gorgiana
169 Series Editor George Kiraz
Analecta Gorgiana is a collection of long essays and short monographs which are consistently cited by modern scholars but previously difficult to find because of their original appearance in obscure publications. Carefully selected by a team of scholars based on their relevance to modern scholarship, these essays can now be fully utilized by scholars and proudly owned by libraries.
The Saint James Liturgy
An tient Liturgies
C. E. Hammond
i gorgias press 2009
Gorgias Press LLC, 180 Centennial Ave., Piscataway, NJ, 08854, USA www.gorgiaspress.com Copyright © 2009 by Gorgias Press LLC Originally published in 1878 All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without the prior written permission of Gorgias Press LLC.
ISBN 978-1-60724-184-3 ISSN 1935-6854 This book is an extract of C. E. Hammond, Antient Uturgies, London: Macmillan, 1878.
Printed in the United States of America
§ ii. The Liturgy of S.James (Greek). This Liturgy is the surviving Greek representative of the Liturgy once current in Jerusalem, Palestine, and indeed throughout the Patriarchate of Antioch. In this its extant form however it does not represent the true Liturgy of S. James exactly, since it has certainly been modified in some Marks of respects after the Liturgy of Constantinople. For instance, the modlficatlon-
Manuscript authority.
Hymn S Mcwyei^r, K. T. X. (p. 2 7, h), the Hymn oi RA xepovfiw LIVTTTIK&S, K.T. X. (p. 32, § V I I . b), the Hymns that accompany the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin (p. 45, § xvi. b), and the Great Entrance itself, were all first introduced into the service at Constantinople, and spread to other Churches from that. Further, these insertions point to a time not earlier than the end of the fifth century; indeed the Hymn oi ra x€P0Vftp belongs to the seventh: and the numerous words of controversial theology, already alluded to, which occur passim; and the use of the Creed; all tell of times when protests against heresy were needful. A limit in the other direction is placed by the earliest MS. of the text, which belongs to the tenth century; whence of course there can be nothing of later date than this in the text. On the other hand, it must not be supposed that these .
obviously later insertions overcloud the earlier elements: for there is very much of the staple of the prayers that is manifestly of very great antiquity. The close parallelism of the very wording of a large part of the Liturgy with the Syriac S. James is a good warrant for claiming for such prayers an age greater than the Council of Chalcedon (A.D. 451). Then again the very close agreement of this Liturgy with the account of the Liturgy given by S. Cyril of Jerusalem in his Fifth Mystical Catechesis, delivered in the middle of the fourth century, has great significance, while such special points as the general simplicity of the diction of the prayers, the rubric for the reading of the Lections (p. 29, § 111), in which there is no mention of any Lection from the New Testament; and the simple way in which several times the Apostles are mentioned, without the string of epithets with which a later age thought to do them greater honour, all seem to lay claim to an early period rather than a late one. The ritual too is cumbrous as compared with that of S. Basil or S. Chrysostom, which superseded it. We seem in looking at these Liturgies side by side to be reminded of a Norman Church in contrast to one in Early English, and one in the Decorated, style of architecture. There are only three MSS. of this Liturgy known to exist:—
viz. i . One of the twelfth century, from which Demetrius Ducas published the Editio princeps in 1526, and of which all the texts that have been published, including the present one, are reprints. 2. Cod. Messanensis, so-called from having been first found in the monastery of S. Salvador near Messina. This belongs to the end of the 10th century. Daniel's dercription of it is ' mutilus et oscitanier conscriptus' 3. Cod. Rossanensis, found at Rossano in Calabria, and thence carried to the library of the Basilian monks at Rome. It is of the early twelfth century. These last two Codices give a text substantially the same as the first, but with a great many small differences. The various readings from them were first published by Assemani in the fourth volume of his Codex Lilurgicus, and again by Daniel in his Cod. Liturg., vol. iv. The text of S. James's Liturgy has been often published. Besides Dr. Neale's well-known ' Primitive Liturgies,' there are useful editions with notes by Dr. Daniel (as above), by Rev. W. Trollope, and by Bp. Rattray. The last, however, called 'Liturgy (the Ancient) of the Church of Jerusalem,' 1744, 4to., is a rare book. § iii. The Liturgy of S. James (Syriac). Ecclesiastically the Syrian Christians 1 may be divided into Four bodies four classes. There are the orthodox, or Melchites, as they sp^Sng" are sometimes called, who are now in communion with the see chnstlans ' of Constantinople, and have adopted the Liturgy of S. Chrysostom for that of the Syriac S. James; the Nestorians, of whom we shall speak presently, when we discuss the Liturgies of Group I I I ; the Jacobites; and the Maronites. The Jacobites are Monophysites, as regards their creed. The Maronites were originally Monothelites, but in the twelfth century they abjured this heresy and were admitted into com1 Cf. Prof. G. Bickell, 'Conspectus rei Syrorum literariae,' pp. 59-70, for much of the substance of this paragraph.
m u n i o n with the R o m a n C h u r c h .
B o t h Jacobites and
ronites use for the m o s t part the same Liturgies, of w h i c h that o f S. J a m e s is the chief a n d prototype : the Maronites h o w e v e r d o not recognise s o m e few o f the latest o f the m a n y Jacobite Liturgies, and they have t w o peculiar to themselves.
T h e y also
have altered the W o r d s o f Institution into conformity with the R o m a n use, a n d reduced the I n v o c a t i o n
a Prayer
spiritual benefit to the c o m m u n i c a n t s . The Syrfac
great authority o n the Syrian
Liturgies is R e n a u d o t ,
derived from w h o in his s e c o n d v o l u m e gives translations in L a t i n o f the the Greek s. James, texts of thirty-eight of them, and t w o versions o f the P r o a n a p h o r a l service, prefaced b y a learned Dissertation, a n d with notes to each Liturgy.
H e asserts (torn. ii. p. xviii) that, if w e
c o m p a r e the Syriac L i t u r g y of S. J a m e s with the G r e e k L i t u r g y o f the same name, not o n l y do the contents of the prayers but their very wording, as well as the a r r a n g e m e n t s o f the ritual, p r o v e that the latter is the original f r o m which the former is derived. The Text beiow.
T h e Pro-anaphoral service, called the Or do communis or generaits,
is used with all the A n a p h o r a e alike.
reprint with the third line o f p. 67, b e l o w .
It ends in our W e have
the first of R e n a u d o t ' s t w o Ordines, which he prefers as b e i n g (in his opinion) the o n e m o s t usually f o u n d in g o o d (torn. ii. p. 47).
B u t P r o f e s s o r Bickell gives reasons for believ-
i n g that the first of the t w o O r d i n e s is Maronite, and the second Jacobite.
intelligible; the
second is certainly the m o s t consistent
a n d it agrees almost entirely with that g i v e n in
M S S . obtained
in T r a v a n c o r e
Rev. G .
H o w a r d , a n d described b y him in his w o r k o n ' the Christians o f S . T h o m a s and their L i t u r g i e s . '
T h i s work, w e m a y remark
b y the w a y , is o n e which cannot fail to interest and instruct the r e a d e r ; and will g i v e life to the study of this L i t u r g y . Letter of of EdesSP'
A n early illustrative d o c u m e n t , valuable for the information it gives about the Syrian L i t u r g y in the seventh century, is the 1 The text of this Liturgy was in type before Prof. Bickell's pamphlet came to hand.
Epistle of James, Bishop of Edessa, A.D. 6 5 1 - 7 1 0 , 'ad Thomam Presbyierum.' Bunsen 1 praises it as ' the only rational liturgical commentary on the Eastern Liturgies which exists.' The original Syriac with a Latin translation is to be found in Assemani's Bibliotheca Orientalis, torn. i. pp. 479, etc. The Latin translation is reprinted in No. II, of ' Excerpta Liturgica.' (Messrs. Jas. Parker and Co., Oxford). We learn from this document that the Syrian Liturgy of the seventh century was essentially the same as that which we still have.
' Analecta Ante-Nicaena,' vol. iii. p. 32.
'() Upevs. 'Ev irora
O ©eos
p.epo\vV Iboii
fie fir) e£ovbevaxrrjs,
beer- PRAYERS.
r f i Oeita TOVTIO
the°Pnest. rr\v tTTjv afyopSiv &ya$0Tt]Ta, av tpavrjv, o ©eos1L 3-uke > iX(£0VV7) r e Kal peyakonpineia, vvv nai ael Kal els TOVS al&vas r&v aluvoiv. 'Ap^v. EU^IJ TOV 6v/uafiaTos Trjs elaoBov rrjs ¿vap£eu>s.
Aeonora Kvpie 'irjaov XpKTTi,
o eKOVcriias
eavrov Qvcriav apv, ' KaTabefcàpievos èia TTJV riptrlpav crmrripiav orapKiuOijvai è/c rijs àyias deoTOKOv Kal àfmapOévov M a p i a s , àrpénrais ¿vavdptoirrj< r a y , oTavpùù8(Cs Te, Xporrè ó © e o s , OavaTtp Bavarov TTaTr\uas, i t s aiv Trjs àyias T p i a ò o S j p.tv. 'Titèp rfjs elpr/vrjs rov avpnavros Koapov, Kal kvtaaeios naa&v r&v ayitov rov Qeov ¿KKXrjai&v, rov Kvpiov btr)6&p.ev. 'Tirep ¿(^i'creoj? r&v apapTL&v Kal avy\(ap-qa(ais r&v TrXrjpp.eXr)p,arv rip&v, Kal rov pvaOfjvaL 77//as àirò iraarjs 6Xi\//eais, òpyfjs, Kivbvvov, Kal àvàyKijs, Kal ewaraoracrecos ¿x.6pS>v, rov Kvpiov ber]6&p.ev.
n. The Trisa-
Elprjvi] 11an iv.
E t r a oi ifraXrai
TOV rpitrayiov
àOavaros, tXér\aov
f¡pas. 1 This should probably be similar prayer below.
the participle belonging to the
Liturgy of S. James [Greek).
Kai o Upfvs iiTtv)(eTai emK\u>op*i>os. XI. OIKTLPHOV Kai e\erjpov, paKpodvpe kat iro\veXee /cat akr)6i.ve ^¡'¿"¡^thc Kvpie, ¿viflXeifiof ¿TOIJXOU K a T o u a j T t j p i o u o - o u , /cat ¿IRAKOUFFO»» K i n g s viii. „ „ < „ v c , v x ~passim. rjptav Ttav crV
was repeated after each suffrage.
30 IV. a
Koapov, /cat Kvpíov
'TTTep TOV pvadfjvaí
aimAr/^etos uavrus
f¡FJ.as airo nácrjjs 0XÍ\¡rea¡s, ópyíjs, niKpov
p.IG>v T¡¡XS¡V} beófiedá
'Irjcrovv Xpitrrov,
eXulba Kara^Caaov
rriv 6eiav emrekiuai. paKaplorrjTos,
ayaOSiv yopriye, o bovs r o t s avOpdt-
Trjs altovlov
oweos viro tov
vvv Kal
Kal Tavrrjv
els anokavcriv
vXarr6pevoi, Kal els >s aXrjOeias Kal tt]v evyapKSTiav
r/pas ev ayiaapy
rV aylutv,
Kal TO Tivevpa
TO vavdyiov,
TO Ovpiapa TOVTO,
¿IS Ttporrebe^oo TTJV Trpoa(j>opav "A(3ek
Tavrr] a~o al(T)(yvr]s -napaTTToj-
rij cup a ayt'a
(ppovTjp.aTa ano
TTOvrjpov irpayparos, Kal crdfov els -upouKweiv Kal bo£a£eiv (re TOV llartpa
o etoais r a
¡3as TOV
Kais aopdrojs cO
Toiv okcav vnobe^apevoi Ta^eaiv,
r a t s ayyeXi-
Xiyrjadra iraaa orap£ ¡ipoTela, Kal V ¡¡amkevovTcov, Kal Kvpios TU>V KvpievovTtav, X p i a r o s o © e o s T}\xu)V TTpoepyerai aayiaa6r}vai Kal bodrjvai els [ipoxriv T O I S nicTTols' i:pot]yovvTai 8e TOVTOV ol X°P01 ayyekw fj.eTa Tiaarjs apxiji Kal e£ovalas, ra iruXvoppara yepovfUp., Kal TO 1 This proclamation of the Deacon should probably be placed earlier, where the marginal note stands (§ V supra). a The common reading is •ndptoov, for which form there seems no authority. 3 A comparison with the Syriac Liturgy shows that originally the Elements were placed on the altar at the beginning of the Service. The ceremony of the Great Entrance here is probably an introduction from the rite of Constantinople, and not a part of the true Liturgy of S. James.
vpvov á\\r¡\ovia,
of S.
ras oiréis
VII. c
Kal (3oS>vra tov
O Upéis, elaáyav ra àyia Scópa, Xéyct rf¡v ev%r¡v TavTTjp. 'O ©eos, ó ©eos f¡p.S>v, 6 tov ovp&viov áprov, tt¡v Tpo(f>r¡v
•navrbs KÓa-fxov, tov Kvpiov r¡[j,&p 'Irjcrow Xpicrròv ègairooreCkas, ^erond)°oblatlon
Tr¡v, koI ewpy¿Tr¡v, evXoyovvTa, Kal àyió.(ovra r¡pas, avros
(v\óytjaipériù, ò tv v\frrjkois KaroiKtSv, Kal raweiva ¿cpopcúv, ['E(c0¿w)o'ts] on alverov Kal TrpocrKVvrjròv Kal vveptvbo£ov vTtàpye-L r ò itaváyiov ovopA crov, roí Tíarpós Kal roí3 T í o O /caí rov ayíov Ylveúp,aros, vvv Kal àet nal (is rovs alcovas riàv alévcüv. 'O SMKOVOS. Képie, ev\óyr]opias, rov
aepuv, reXeias
R£iv -napovrtov 1
ojxfipiav everrjpias,
elpi\vIKOOV, Kal
TOU OTC^DFOU TOU p s . ]xv. 1
berjOa/xev. KM
ev ravTfl
This response is repeated after each suffrage. D 2
Liturgy of S. James [Greek).
X. a. 5>pa Kai ¿i' ttüvtI xaiptp irareprnv re Kal abe\S>v T\p.u>v, u~ovbi]s', Kaparov, Kal TTpoQvjxias avroov, tov Kvpiov berjdQpev. Kai virip TTacrrjs \ffV\ijs Xpurrcavf/s dAißop.evrjs Kal KaraTrovovp,ivqs, ¿Xe'ovs Kal ßor/Odas ®eov euibeopÄvi]i, Kal eiri(TTpo(f>rjs t&v Treir\avr]iiiviov, vyifias t&v acrdevovvraiv, Kal avappvtrecos t&v alyjxaX&Tiov, ävanavtreoos t&v npOKeKOip,r]jiivtav iraTeptav re /cat abe\(f>&v, tov Kvpiov ber]6&flev. 'Yirep tov eloaKovo-drjvat, Kal evirpoabeKTov yeveaöai tt\v h(T]0fj vül fjjMv •nXovcria Ta eher] sal roiis oinTippobi avrov, tov Kvpiov Se?j6&p.ev. Trjs itavayias, ay^pavrov, virepevbo£ov, fiXoyTj^evrji he
povoyevovs Kal
Kal ayiaaov
Kal rà Trve.vp.ara"
rrjv àya6r\v,
TCIV TOO X a o G (rov
r w àyCu Kal
evXoyqròs Yìvevpari,
Heb. xiii. is.
ei vvv
'O Xaós. 'AJUTJI». 'O iepeis. Etprivi] nàaiv. ' O ÒMKOVOS. Karavv^eas" rrpoaipépe ' O Xaós.
'O Xaós.
n poV
c f . isa. vi.
V àacpaXeias
XVI. a
Ps. Ixv. 5.
of S. James
Mvr¡aOrjTL, Kvpie, irKeóvTùìV, ¿domopovvTcov, ¡eviTfvovraiv Xpiariav&v, T&v èv dea/xotSj t&V èv v\aicalí, t&v èv al\¡xaXtoaíais Kaì è£optats, t&v èv / x f r á A A o t s /caí fiaaávois Kaì niKpais fiouXetats ovtcüv irarifiíúv Kaì àòe\v, kolì t£>v Vito •jTvevixáraív aKadàprav évo)(Á.ov¡aévoiv, rrjs napà crov tov Qeov ra\fCas láaems avTÜp Kaì autTTjpCas. Mvr¡adr]Ti, Kvpie, náaqs yjfvxqs XpiaTiávíjs 6\ij3op.évr)S Kaì Karai:ovovp,évr¡s, è\éovs Kaì (ìorjOeias aov tov Qeov ¿TTibeo¡jL¿vr¡i, Kaì èmarpocpijs t&v TrcnXavrjpévav. MvrjuOrjTL, Kvpie, tu>v kottuóvtoùv Kaì òiaKOvovvToov r¡p.ív TTaTfpiDV Kaì àò(\u>v •¡¡¡j.mv dia rò ovop.á aov to àyiov. MvtfadijTi, Kvpie, TsàvTiav tìs àyaOóv' narras èXérjaov, Ae'critOTa• naatv fjp.iv hia\\.áyr\di' dpr¡i>ívaov rà 7TÁ.?J0ÍJ tov kaov itoV ètaaKeèaaov ra crKavbaka' Karápyqaov rovs i r o X é / x o w •navaov ras rav aìpéaetov èiravaaràaeis' ttjv aì]v dpr¡vr]v /cat Tr¡v ar¡v áyáirr¡v \ápiaal f¡¡MV, 6 ©eòs 6 (rwrfjp rj/J.wi', tj èXirìs i r á n w Twe i r e p á í i w TÍjs
MvjjadrjTi, Kíipit, (VKpaaías àèpuìv, op¡3pa>v dpr]ViK¿v, hpóacùv àyadctìv, Kapiìóìv evcpopías, Kaì tov aTeávov tov kviavTov Fs. cxlv. 15, Tíjs X P ' ) 0 T 0 ' T " Ó S (TOV 16
CTOUJ K a ì ejAmirXas irai/
á0aX|¿oi i r á n w
e l s ere ¿Xm£oucn,
d e o í y e i s FFÙ TT]1'
ov e u S o x í a s .
tíov KapTTOtjiopovvTcov Kaì KaWifpyovvroov
MyrjuOrjrt, Kiípte,
Diptychs of tile Living.
KAÌ (TU 8Í8OJS Trje Tpo4>r)i' auTÜi' kv eÚKcupía"
èv Tats à y i a i s aov éKK\r¡aías' Kaì p.ipvr]jxév(av tiZv -nevqTiav, •¡(rjpóùv, òp(pavù>v, fei>cav, Kaì èmòeop.éva)V kai iravrcnv t&v èvTftXap.évo>v i¡plv tov p.vr)p.ovtvew avrójv èv Tais npoaev\ais. 'Eri p.vr¡a6rjvai Kara^iumov, Kvpif, Kaì twv Tas irpoa(f>opàs TavTas TTpocrevtymvTMv èv Tr¡ ar¡p.epov r/p-épa ènì rò ayióv aov Ov(TiaaTr¡pwv, Kaì VTrìp 5>v é'/caaros T¡poar\veyKev, r¡ Kara S t a x
voiav exíl> KaL T a > r a P r t ü ) S a¡j.evcov. Mvr¡adr¡TL, Kvpie, /cara TO TiAfjOo? tov èXéovs aov Kaì tup oLKTippwv aov, Kaì èp.ov tov rarreivov Kaì à^peiov dovXov aov, Kaì tiSv TO àyióv aov OvaLaari'ipiov kvkXovvtoov (juikovcoV kui
Liturgy Xapiaai
¡3top á/xe/xnrov, aatiiXov
TT]V hianovíav
XVI. a
cpv\a£ov, Kal (3a6fious áya8oús TreptTroirjaai, iva fvpiop.(p eXiov i Tim. ¡¡i. 13. Kal yápiv
¡¿era irávrtav
r a w ay[u>v T5>V am' aióivós aoi
/cat yeveáv,
Trpo(prjT(úv, anoaTÓXutv,
naripoov, opo\oyr]T(uv,
biba(TKa\a>v, óaCcov, Kal iravrus TTVEUP-aros biKaCov év w f o r e i TOV Xpurrov
[Xaípe, KexapiT(ü(j.¿inr) M a p i a , 6 Kúpios fiera v OVK ipvr¡a6r]ptv,
TOV OLKO.ÍOV ¡x¿XPL Ttavcrov, év napa&eíaov, T&V
óSuVrj, Xiimj,
Kal is- xxxv. 10,
evOa èmaKonei r ò G>s TOV irpocrcimov crov Kal KaraXàpirei Sta navrós' rjptjòv 8è r a riKrj ri/s farjs X p t c r r i a i ' à Kal tvàpecrra Kal àvap.àpTr]Ta èv dprp>rj Kareudwov, Kvpie, Kvpie, èrriovvdyonv FJIJTÀS V~Ò TOVS TIóòas T&V ¿K\(KT&V aov, o r e QLAets Kai a>s déXeis, fióvov \iùph aia\vvrjs Kvpios ó ©eòy rj\x&v npoabe£àp.evos avrà els r ò ayiov Kal virepovpàviov, voepóv, Kal TivevpaTiKÒv avrov Ovaiaanjpiov
XVI. c
Liturgy of S. James
1 At this point in the common text occurs the following suffrage from the Deacon's Litany, with response :—
'O Sidicovos. Kal iirip dp-qvr}S «ai ivaraielas iravròt K&ofiov «ai TWV àyiwv @co£ì ÈTCTC\T]p.aTa Kal rà nvivp-aTa, Kal \jrr]\à(prìaov r a s òiavoCas, Kal àvàKpivov r a s c r u m S i / c r a f , Kal eKfiaXov àó>v7]o-is] Kaì Kara^iciùa-ov r/pàs, Aéunora (frikàvdpm-ne, p.trà Ttapprjcrias, àKaraKpÌTUis, iv Kadapa Kapòia, \jfv\fj awrerpipnéuT/, àvtiraicrxyvTM TTpoaiava, riyiaapivois ytiktui. roXpav (TtiKaKeìoOai tre tov èv r o t s ovpavots aywv ©eòv Ylarépa, Kal kéyeiv, 'O \aós. I l a r e p 7)p.S)V 6 èv r o t s ovpavo i s , àytacr0jjrco r ò ovofxà f aov Kal tcl^ igns. T H E LORD'S ' PRAYER. 'O Upetis imKkiv&iitvos Xey«' g K a i p.Tj e'urevéyKris rjpas els ireipatry.6v, Kvpie, Kj'¡pie tSiv The Embolismus.
Liturgy of S. James (Greek).
X V I . g hwapecov, ó elùìus rqv àaOéveiav rjpiSiv, ¿ M a pvaai ¿¡¡J.as curò E p h . vi. 1 1 .
X V T I . P r a y e r of Humble Access.
rov Tcovrjpov, Kai T&V epytav avTov, TTaarjs ètirjpeias Kal (jieOoSeias avTov, CtLtx TO óvofxà crov TO ayiov, TO èiriK\T]6(v em rrjv RIPTTEPAV TcnrfivaxTiv, [ ' E K ^ a u ^ c r t s ] "On (rov ÌOTTIV T] jiauiKeia, Kal ?/ 6vvapis, Kal fj òó£a, rov Tlarpós, Kal rov Tiov, Kal rov àyiov Uvevfiaros, vvv Kal àeC. 'O Xaór. 'hfi-qv. 'O Upevs. Eiprjvri iraaiv. 0 Xaór. K a i T(S Trvevpari ¡rov. 1['0 St¿Kovos. Tàs Kea\às rjpSiv reo Kvp(a> Kkiva>p.ev. 'O Upcvs, 'O © e ò i ò ¡¿eyas Kal Oavpatrros, emòe ènl TOVS S O V A O V S vra Kal àXrjOivbv ©eòi 1 rjp&V, TTJV ayiav Kal òpoovcrwv T p i a S a , liar èpa Kal T i ò v Kal T O ayiov I l r e u / a a , vvv Kal àel e is TOVS ala>vas T&V aldtviav ['EK^cij/ijcrif] 2 o t yàp irpeiret Kal enoipeiXerai fi irapa navTow rjp&v òo£o\oyta, Tipi), Kal TTPOITKVVQTRLS Kal (V\api a y t o s e i ( j . i . - Kvpie ó © e o s r¡\xS>v, áKaráXryure &eov A o y e , r llarpi Kaì r a í àyCTù) V, avappvcTíws rS¡v aixfnaXtàrtùi', àvairavcrtws T&V •npoKtKoip.r]¡xévcov irarépiav re Kal aÒfX(f>&v ?¡p.o)v, Ttávres ¿Krev&s tlnap-tv, Kvpie èXér)V FRACTION' AND r/ ~ e r > C o m I M1IXTURR. E f ü x r i s rov iravayíov c r t o / n a r o s Kal rov rijxíov atoaros rov Kvpíov Kal Qeov Kal 2 < u r ^ p o s i)p£>v 'Irj
cr(payia a t , 6 0e K\rjpa' ore 8e eiraipovinv ical rovs Kparrjpas els TO p.era8ovvai irparrov
KO.1 del
FJUCDV, O ovpdvtos
^(lapTov eIs t6c o u p a i ^ ,
alv KOÍ o'iapáorí .
/ c a r r i t o era?
y) pas
crov ev airoXavcrei
crov fÁvaTTjpíav, els 8ó£a
qpS¡v, ó ©eos, Kal crol
crov pLvarr¡píu)v, Kal npocrcjiépopév
crov, Kal Kara^LMírov í¡pas
acpecriv apapr igjv,
rv ¿wr]i>
crol. OTav noirjirrj TR¡v
cícofioi/, ÁPTERA I
" E n Kal en Kal día -rravrbs ev elpr¡vr\ TOV "Owcos
A.TTOTpOTrr¡v Travrbs Ttovrjpov upáypaTos, els Koiviavíav
ó Siáicopor OVTCO S'
Kvpíov her¡0S>p.ev.
ayiatrp.I.TU>v avrov els ecfióbiov
/caí 8A>peav TOV ayíov Ylvevp.aTOs, BER¡QS>pev.
'O Upéis EV^FTAI'
els alcovíov,
of S. James
T i j f navayias, a\pavrov, vvepevdo£ov, evXoyrjpevrjs beairoivrjs X X . r/paiv, deoroKov Kal aemapdevov Mapias, Kal navruiv r£>v ayiatv TO)V an' altSvos vol evapeaTrjaavriop pvripovevaavrei, eavrovs Kal aK\?j\ovs Kal wacrav TT]V CCORJV r/piov XpiariZ TM 0ciriav avyKarafias S r f j aarOeveia ru>v bov\o>v aov, Kal Kara^idxrai f/pai p.tTauy^iiv Benedlctlon' ravrtjs rijs enovpaviov Tpairs(r]s, jarj KaraKpCvps rjp.as r o v y apapriaKovs em r f j p.era\r/\]/et T(iiv a\pavru>v crov p.vart)pia>v, aWa rov ayiov aov Tlvev¡xaros, Zva ayioi yevop.evoi, (vpwpev ¡¿epos Kal K\r]povop,(av fxera n&vrmv ru>v ayioiv rcov air' atiovis aoi evaptaTi]aavT(iiv, ev T(2 (fxiOTL rov TTpocrtairov arov, Oia r&v oiKTippoiv rov p.ovoyevovs crov Tlov, Kvpiov be Kal ®eov Kal 2 a m / p o s rjp.u>v 'Irjaov Xpiarov, p,e6' ov evXoyrjros ei avv roi navayiu Kal ayad£> Kal (WOTTOISI aov YIvevpLari• on -qvXoyrjTai Kal bebo£aarai TO iravrip.ov Kal p.eyakoTTptTiii ovojxa aov, rov Tlarpos Kal rov Tlov Kal rov ayiov flvevparos, vvv /cat ael Kal els rov? ai&vas riav ald>va>v. c
'O Xaos. 'Ajxriv. 'O Upeis. Eiprjvr) ~aaiv. 'O Xaoy.
K a i 7(3 nvevjiari
XXI. aov.
O StaKovos. 'Ev elprjvy Xpiarov Kal
7TaXiv Xeyci"
'Ev elprjvji Xpiarov rtopev6G>p.ev. 'O Xaor. 'Er ovopari
Ev)(fi aTroXvTLKr] Xeyopevr) napa rov SiaKovov. 'AtTO So'frjy els BO£av iropevop.evoi, ae vp.vovp.ev rov 2oorrjpa T&V \j/vx&v fjp.&v. A of a Harpi Kal Tim /cat ay[OTTOI£V Kal á\pávTu>v pvaTTjpíoúv, vvv Kal àel Kal ees TOVS alSvas r a ) V alávcov. 'Ap.r¡v. Eira CVYTI TOV ÍXacruov. m
Kvpie 'Irjaov Xpiare, T i e TOV ©eov TOV ¿ c o r r o s , ¿¡ivi Kal Absotoion Ttoiprpi o atpaiv T7¡v apapríav r o í ; KÓapov, o to óávtwv toís S u c r i p 196] xpeaxfieiXeTais yapiaápívos, Kal T7¡ àfiapTiaApr¡aá¡xevos, avv TT¡ àtfiéafi TIOV ó.p.apri¿v avrov, aves, a(p(S, avyyápi]aov ó © e o s r a "n^r]ij.peXr]paTa r¡p.(Sv, r a étovaia, Ta à/covaia, r a iv yváaei, Ta èv àyvoia, Ta iv napa¡3áaíL Kal napaKof¡ yevóptva, à o t o e TO rii'eíipiá aov to -naváyiov vnìp TOVS èovXovs aov Kal el TI tSw ÍVTOXÍÚV aov avOpairoL aápKa (popovvTes Kal TOV KÓafiov TOVTOV oÍKovvres, fj iic TOV biafióXov i-nXavqQr¡crav, elre iv Xóyui r¡ iv I p y t o , e t r e viro Karápav inréireaav, rj r ¿ ) tSifa) avaOépLaTi, vapaKaXoc) Kal 8éofxai TR¡v &aTÓv aov (piXavdpanríav,
p f 'erof
of S. James
r et a -1 r
Seraphim laudaris: coram quo consistunt mille Angelorum myriades, excelsa et coelestia agmina : qui oblationes ex donis et proventibus fructuum tibi oblatis in odorem suavitatis dignatus es sanctificare et perficere, per gratiam unigeniti Filii tui, et per illapsum Spiritus tui sancti. Sanctifica etiam, Domine, animas nostras, corpora nostra, spiritusque nostras, ut corde puro, anima lucida, et facie inconfusa, audeamus invocare te Deum coelestem, Patrem omnipotentem, oremusque et dicamus : Pater noster qui es in coelis, T H E LORD'S Populus. Sanctifìcetur, etc. PKAYEK. Sacerdos. Domine Deus noster, ne inducas nos in tentad tionem, quam virtute destituii sustinere non possimus, sed fac The Embolismus. etiam cum tentatione proventum, ut possimus sustinere, et Cor. x. 13. libera nos a malo. Per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum, per quem, etc.
of S.
Populus. Amen. Sacerdos. Pax, etc. PopUÌUS.
79 XIV.
E t CUm, etC.
Diaconus. Inclinate capita vestra coram Deo misericordi, Access, coram altari propitiatorio, et coram corpore et sanguine Sai- a vatoris nostri, in quo vita posita est suscipientibus illa : et suscipite benedictionem a Domino. Sacerdos. Tibi inclinant servi tui capita sua, expectantes mise- b ricordias uberes a te. Benedictiones copiosas quae a te sunt mitte, Domine ; et sanctifica animas, corpora, spiritusque nostros, ut digni simus communicandi corpori et sanguini Christi Salvatoris nostri : per gratiam et misericordiam et amorem ejusdem Jesu Christi Domini nostri, cum quo laudatus et benedictus es, in coelis et in terra cum spiritu tuo, etc. Populus. Amen. Sacerdos. Pax, etc. Populus. Et cum, etc. Sacerdos. Misericordiae Dei, etc. XV. Populus. Et cum spiritu tuo. Diaconus. Unusquisque cum timore et tremore ad Deum aspi- a ciat, et misericordiam et gratiam a Domino postulet. ELEVATION Sacerdos. Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus potens b Sabaoth, pieni sunt coeli et terra laudibus tuis. Exaltare super ps. ivH. 5. coelos Deus, et super omnem terram gloria tua : ad te levavi Ps. CXXÌH. oculos meos qui habitas in coelis, etc. Et post pauca Eucharìstiam accipiens in matiìbus dicit illa voce : Sancta sanctis in perfectione puritate et sanctitate traduntur. Sancta Sanctis. Tum dicunt omnes simul : Unus Pater sanctus, unus Filius sanctus, unus Spiritus sane- c Conf tus. Sit nomen Domini benedictum, qui unus est in coelo et.• Confess,on of Faith. in terra : ipsi gloria in saecula. Gloria Patri et Filio, et Spiritui sancto, omnia sanctificanti, et omnia expianti. Sacerdos. Domine, vere et certo credimus, et in te credimus, quemadmodum credit in te Ecclesia sancta et Catholica : quod sis unus Pater sanctus, cui sit gloria, Amen. Unus Filius sanctus, ipsi laus, Amen. Unus Spiritus sanctus, ipsi gloria et gratiarum actio in saecula, Amen.
8o XV. e
Liturgy of S. James
Diaconus. I n resurrectione Christi Regis accipiamus veniam animabus nostris in fide, et dicamus omnes aequaliter Filio, qui salvavit nos per crucem suam : Benedictus Salvator noster, Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus es o m nibus modis, magnificans memoriam genitricis suae, sanctorum et defunctorum fidelium, Alleluia. Yirtutes coelorum stant nobiscum in medio sanctuarii, et ministerium exhibent corpori Filii Dei, qui immolatus est coram nobis. Accedite, accipite ex eo remissionem peccatorum et delictorum, Alleluia. Super altare tuum sanctum, Domine, memoria fiat patram, fratrum, doctorumque nostrorum ; resurgantque ad dexteram tuam in die ortus majestatis tuae, R e x Christe. Alleluia. Benedictus Dominus qui dedit nobis corpus et sanguinem suum vivum, ut per illa veniam consequamur, etc. Cum statis in sanctuario, Sacerdotes, aperite ostia cordium vestrorum, dicite psalmum et benedicite super Eucharistiam hanc in sanctuario positam. Psalmus 150.
Sacerdos interjeclis aliquot orationibus quae pro Ecclesiarum consuetudine variae hunt, frangit ex majori Eucharistici panis parte minorem aliam, qua in tior^and^0" ca^'ce intincta reliquas in modum crucis signal, dicens :
intinction. a
Inspergitur sanguis Domini nostri, corpori ejus, in nomine Patris >ì< et Filii,
et Spiritus sancti. >ì»
Eamdem particulam immittit in calicem dicendo :
Miscuisti, Domine, divinitatem tuam cum humanitate nostra, et humanitatem nostram cum divinitate tua ; vitam tuam cum mortalitate nostra, et mortalitatem nostram cum vita t u a ; accepisti quae nostra erant, et dedisti nobis tua, ad vitam et salutem animarum nostrarum : tibi gloria in saecula. Sacerdos accipit corpus Christi, dicens :
Praesta, Domine, ut sanctificentur corpora nostra per corpus tuum sanctum, et purificentur animae nostrae per sanguinem tuum propitiatorium, sintque ad veniam delictorum et remissionem peccatorum n o s t r o r u m ; Domine Deus, tibi gloria in saecula. Mox Eucharistiam distribuii Sacerdotibus, Diaconis, deinde Laicis, dicens :
Corpus et sanguis Domini nostri Jesu Christi datur tibi in veniam delictorum, et remissionem peccatorum in utroque saeculo.
of S. James
Interea dum communio adminisiratur cum cochleari, Dìaconus reliquis succinentibus clamai :
Fratres mei accipite corpus Filii, clamat Ecclesia : bibite san- XVI. e guinem ejus cum fide, et canite gloriam : hic est calix quem miscuit Dominus noster super lignum crucis : accedite mortales, bibite ex eo, in remissionem delictorum. Alleluia, et ipsi laus, de quo bibit grex ejus, et puritatem consequitur. Qui versus, ut et multi alii,juxla communicantium numerum minuuntur vel producuntur: mox Sacerdos abstergit vaso Diaconorum ministerio, et deinde dicitur Oratio gralìarum actionìs.
Gratias agimus tibi, Deus, et praecipue laudamus te ob im- XVII. a mensum et ineffabilem erga homines amorem tuum. O MUNION™ Domine, quos admittere dignatas es ad participationem mensae Thanksgivtuae coelestis, ne damnes ob susceptionem mysteriorum tuorum sanctorum et immaculatorum. Verum, O bone, custodi nos in justitia et sanctitate, ut digni effecti communicatione Spiritus tui sancti, partem, sortem et haereditatem consequamur cum sanctis illis omnibus, qui ex hoc mundo tibi placuerunt : per gratiam, etc. Populus. Amen. Sacerdos. Pax. Populus. Et cum spiritu tuo. Dìaconus. Iterum atque iterum pro consummatione mysteriorum horum sanctorum Deum precemur. Sacerdos. Deus magne et mirabilis, qui inclinasti coelos et e descendisti pro nostra hominum salute, aspice nos per miseri- Benedlc " on ' cordiam et gratiam tuam : benedic populo tao, et haereditatem Ps. xxxiv. I. tuam conserva : ut semper et omni tempore laudemus te, quia solus es Deus noster verus, et Deum Patrem genitorem tuum et Spiritum tuum sanctum, nunc et semper, etc. Populus. Amen. Dìaconus. Benedic, Domine. Sacerdos. Benedic omnibus, conserva omnes, etc. Ve I aliam benedictionem pro Ecclesiarum consuetudine et festorum varìetate diversam : qua recitata Diaconus incipit psalmum Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore. Quo dieta abeunt, et finitur Liturgia.