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English Pages [166] Year 2017
The Principle of Relations
The Principle of Relations: Paradigma Principia Relationum By
Thomas Nordström
The Principle of Relations: Paradigma Principia Relationum By Thomas Nordström This book first published 2018 Cambridge Scholars Publishing Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Copyright © 2018 by Thomas Nordström All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. ISBN (10): 1-5275-0536-7 ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-0536-0
To Evy, Sven-Erik, Eta, Rebecca, Marcus, Pierre, Emel, Judith, Seth, Alwin and Wincent
Preface ........................................................................................................ ix Introduction ................................................................................................ 1 Chapter One ............................................................................................... 10 Postulates Chapter Two .............................................................................................. 12 The Principle of Relations Chapter Three ............................................................................................ 27 Manifestations of the Principle 3.1 The Mass of the Universe 3.2 The Species 3.3 The Human Body 3.4 The Human Consciousness and Psyche 3.5 The Society and International Relations Chapter Four ............................................................................................ 102 Applications of the Principle 4.1 The application of the principle to the photoelectric effect 4.2 The application of the principle to change of a species 4.3 The application of the principle to cancer 4.4 The application of the principle to ADHD 4.5 The application of the principle to the conflict at the Gaza Strip Chapter Five ............................................................................................ 116 The Constitution of the Principle Chapter Six .............................................................................................. 132 Summary Chapter Seven.......................................................................................... 135 Conclusions
Table of Contents
Chapter Eight ........................................................................................... 138 Research To Do… Chapter Nine............................................................................................ 143 Quotes and Reflections Afterword ................................................................................................ 153
Through the history of man and toward the future, there are three questions that will always follow humanity: 1. How can we understand the world? 2. What are the things and the beings in the world? 3. Why are things and beings changing? During a short life we will see things happen, but we will never fully understand. Most of reality is out of reach for man, since our eyes and ears, even with the help of a microscope and telescope, cannot see all of reality. It is, as we all know, impossible for humans to understand why the universe and its contents exist, we can only understand how, in the best case, the universe and its contents behave. This is a fact. That is life! The conclusion is simple: be open-minded and broad-minded. Trying to fully understand the meaning and inner quality of concepts, so the match with reality is complete, is the ultimate challenge for humanity. The process of creating such concepts takes time and can only be possible with an intense focus from an open mind and a persistent and stubborn personality. The Principle of Relations is based on a quite different starting point, foundation and base than the established sciences. Concepts such as gravitation, energy, forces and time lead to certain conclusions, while the concept of relation leads to quite different conclusions. To increase knowledge by finding new facts is a well proven method, while finding new concepts, theories and principles by theoretical investigations which can lead us to new insights in the reality, is of utmost importance and has to be restored.
With this treatise I hope to engage and encourage investigations of “holy” concepts within most sciences, in order to reach a deeper grade of understanding and knowledge about reality. The ultimate challenge for humans is not to be President, CEO, rich, Professor, set the world record in one hundred metres or to climb Mount Everest, however honorable, it is to formulate principles that can explain the entire reality and from which it is possible to deduce how different parts of reality behave. There are through history many people, mostly men, who have tried to explain what they have seen in nature and society. Even if some theories turned out to be useful, over time all theories will be shown to be false. The most remarkable fact of the history of science is how the science establishment lacks the quality not only to accept, but also to understand new ideas. Humanity´s need, longing and desire for order is basic. Once any human being has an order, scheme, structure or design, you can “kill” for just this order, whether it is in science, politics or religion. To overcome the gap between words and reality is the most demanding task for any human. This goes not only for science, but also for politics and religions. In our daily life, however, where we live and in the businesses where we work, there is not so often a gap between words and reality, for the simple reason that we need to survive. Sometimes in my life I have understood I was wrong in some idea and opinion, both in science and politics, as well as in business. This is always sad and painful, however healthy and helpful. The Principle of Relations is a Theory of Everything, my view of the world and it is a piece of art, i.e. art gives insight into reality from another perspective and can be a start to new scientific findings. The intuition, fantasy and creativity of art are very important in understanding reality. Art and science are closely connected, but art can be ahead, in front of and prior to science. Just as Ohad Naharin developed the movement language Gaga and as Picasso developed a new language of painting, so we must develop the
The Principle of Relations: Paradigma Principia Relationum
new language of natural science. We must cross all established borders to reach a new language. The conclusions of the Principle are dramatic; it becomes a fundamental questioning of all established thinking, both in natural sciences and politics. To fully understand the Principle, the remaining work is enormous. At this point in time the Principle of Relations can be understood only by persons not imprisoned in their existing thinking. The study of this book has to focus on understanding the Principle, not to tell why it is wrong compared to establish thinking. The Principle is a discontinuance, cut, end, interruption and stop towards established paradigms, meaning a dramatic and revolutionary new thinking. Normally a book has notes, but since most of the knowledge mentioned in these pages is commonly known and the purpose is to launch a new principle and a new paradigm, which point to the future, notes would focus too much on established thinking when we need to move forward. However I want to thank the persons who made it possible, both with knowledge, illustrations and pictures, to better understand, since all material is used for scientific understanding and to further develop human knowledge. Starting from new postulates, a new principle and new equations, reading is demanding as well as writing, i.e. it is important to have no references and no quotes, since they can confuse the new idea. This paradigm starts from new postulates and a new principle, and that is the main purpose; so try your best to understand this new principle and theory, and do not try to look at my mistakes concerning the established theories, which there of course are. Please give the Principle of Relations a chance, try for some minutes to apply the Principle to the research you are doing or to some phenomenon you have seen and experienced. At this stage it is impossible to do all that is proper in the traditional academic approach.
I am sorry about this, that´s why I have to write detailed books later on for each field of reality, i.e. the universe, species, the human and society. I will furthermore need help from persons who are willing to spend some time pushing this idea forward and move the idea to new heights. Please, then, mail me: [email protected] For inspiring and constructive comments I thank Christian Geisler, Victor Stampe Damgaard Christensen and Stig Svensson. Bromölla, Sweden - November 2017
We all need a principle that guides us in the world. To orient ourselves in the world, we need a map - ideas, concepts, theories, ideologies, common sense and/or religions. Most of us will follow established ideas: either a theory, an ideology or a religion. As I was born without a map, I have to create my own map. I seek the principle of simplicity that guides the world – a simple principle of everything. However, I don´t believe that mankind fully can understand it All. Even so, we must keep moving. The earliest ancient Greeks did not distinguish between being and things as they ought to be, as contemporary science does. This distinction has been extremely rewarding for modern man – and so for the sake of utility we must continue to distinguish what is from what should be. However, in order to contemplate the depths of eternity, we must also allow what is and what should be to fuse. In doing so, we will release the vast potential of free will, allowing us to explore previously unknown worlds. Classical philosophers and scientists of nature and culture, such as Aristotle, St Augustine, Hobbes, Newton, Spinoza, Wittgenstein and Einstein always started from a fundamental basis and tried to enclose all in the universe. We need to establish this tradition again, for the reason that today all sciences are split up into small pieces and now it is impossible to find the entire structure of the world. Albert Einstein: “I came to the conviction that only the discovery of a universal formal principle could lead us to assured results. How, then, could such a universal principle be found?” Einstein also explained the impulse to devise new theories: “This is the striving toward unification and simplification of the premises of the theory as a whole (i.e., Mach´s principle of economy, interpreted as a logical principle).”
According to Aristotle, wisdom is knowledge of principles and causes, so studying principles and causes is the most fundamental and valuable study in philosophy. Aristotle wrote in the book Physics: “… if we are to gain scientific knowledge of nature as well, we should begin by trying to decide about its principles”. Principles are the base for many ideas within science, politics, religions and in daily life. Human thinking is based on Principles. Most advanced thinking starts with a Principle. How possible is it that different parts of the reality and Nature are based on separate principles? Can Nature have the capacity to let different parts of the reality be controlled by different principles? I believe the answer must be no. Nature always follows the easiest way of behavior for the reason of simplicity. Then there are no doubts, in all cases of behavior, how Nature will behave. The conclusion must then be that there is only one principle that guides all in Nature. So, which is the principle? These are examples of Principles, defined as a fundamental law or truth from which others are derived: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
The Principle of non-contradiction The Principle of equivalence The principle of relativity The principle of quantum The Principle of superposition The Principle of Archimedes The Principle of uncertainty The Principle of randomness.
Now I want to add The Principle of Relations. Human history is a battle between Principles and in this book I focus on Principles. Please accept the fact that no one fully understands all Principles and their impact on equations, experiments and observations.
The Principle of Relations: Paradigma Principia Relationum
Even when I try to deal with some details concerning equations, it is the Principle that counts, since the formulation of new Principles will both challenge established thinking and push science forward. The method I have used is to take one part of the reality and find out the principle that governs the masses in this part. Then apply this principle to everything in universe. Since we cannot see the elementary particles or all of the galaxies in the universe, we have to start with what we can see. Of course in some experiments it is possible to see such things as the frequencies and masses of elementary particles, but this is not how elementary particles behave in Nature. There is a big difference in how Nature is in itself and how man can manipulate some parts of Nature. All experiments are based on existing theories, which might be false, but they can manipulate parts of Nature to behave according to the theory. This is also a road to cross the limit and border between what we can know and what we cannot know, a bridge from the known to the unknown, which Immanuel Kant´s philosophy described as the world of the phenomenon and the Thing in Itself, i.e. the noumenal world. This is also a way to in some part overcome Wittgenstein´s statement “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent”. There are three levels of thinking. The first is impression thoughts about concrete experienced actions and objects in our daily life. The second is interpretation of our daily experiences through our application of a concept, whether it is a religious, political or scientific dogma, a theory or a paradigm. Now, it is time to look deeper, to find new concepts on a fundamental level, i.e. the third level, to find a new fundament and a new paradigm. We need to establish a new and deeper understanding between the concepts and the reality, which have to be better integrated. It is often said that mathematics is the language of nature, but first we need to understand nature and the world as they are, then, afterwards, we can speak of the language of nature. So, the starting point for understanding nature and culture is a genuine listening to nature and culture. Pure mathematics doesn´t have this ambition. Sometimes mathematical equations are called the laws of nature, but we have to realize that Euclid’s, Newton’s and Einstein’s equations are only interpretations of Nature. At best they are a rather good approximation of nature´s manifestations, but they are far from being the laws of Nature.
All science starts with thinking, based on sensory experience, then formulation of sentences, which leads to a principle and finally some equations. If we really want to understand, we cannot just take one equation, understand it and continue to calculate. Instead we must go back to point zero and start thinking all over again, until we have formulated new sentences, new principles leading to new logic and new equations. We can show this by the following scheme: Nature ļ Observation ļ Thinking ļ Sentence ļ Principle ļ Logic ļ Equation ļ Observation ļ Nature The Principle of Relations follows the pattern of postulates, the principle, manifestations, applications and constitution of the theory, where each part is similar to each other.
Science must be built on a solid foundation. If scientific concepts are based on a weak foundation, then all conclusions, whether conceptual or equational, are false. That is the reason to question all of today´s accepted concepts, which needs to be done now and then.
The Principle of Relations: Paradigma Principia Relationum
Aristotle, most of all, formulated the concepts and structure of sciences, called logic, physics, biology, ethics, politics, poetics, rhetoric, dramaturgy, zoology, meteorology and metaphysics. Since then this is how science has been understood. Today, however, these basic sciences have turned into over 633 different sciences and it has been an exponential development over the last centuries. Almost any field of study has a name, ending with “-ology” from the Greek word logos, such as cardiology for the study of the heart, sociology for the study of society, carpology for the study of fruit and entomology as the study of insects to mention four out of the 633. Mostly the sciences are divided into four categories, i.e. science of nature including mathematics, science of society including humanities, technology and medicine. The concept of energy is fundamental in natural science today. Once stipulated, it is mostly used without worrying. At this point, we need to seek the roots of the concept. It all starts with Aristotle in the third century before Christ. Energy, in Greek ȞȑȡȖİȚĮ (Energeia), was called Vis viva, living force or being at work. Leibniz made a formal definition in 1695 and defined energy as the product of the mass of an object and velocity squared. In 1802, Thomas Young used the concept energy instead of Vis viva and from that year the concept energy has been employed. In his published lectures he wrote: “The product of the mass of a body into the square of its velocity may properly be termed its energy.”
103 years later, in 1905, Albert Einstein had formulated the equation E= mc2 in the theory of special relativity. From that point in time, science has not questioned the concept of energy. But, still, we do not know the proper significance of the concept or even if it is a useful concept for the interpretation of physical phenomena and appearances in Nature. Once a concept has been established and is used without any reflection, we are trapped. The word and concept of energy has more than any other concepts let and led humanity into a dead-end when it comes to really
understanding Nature. Even if the concept in its applications really has lit up the world, we need to investigate the concept itself again. Since Aristotle and through history, philosophers and natural scientists, such as Leibniz, Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Newton and Einstein, have used the analogy that nature is a house, built up by parts. Once formulated, it is easy to accept this basic logic. The belief that nature consists of some small pieces, elementary-particles and all are synonymous, with rules of connection, enables the creation of any structure and conclusion. From axioms theorems can be deduced, atoms with bindings create molecules, elementary-particles create atoms with bosons, and planets are connected by attraction. Furthermore these elements and conclusions are either true or false. All models of science through history and up till now are based on this model, as are the Standard Model, the theory of relativity and others. These are all human constructions, by analogy of how a house is built, i.e. block by block connected by bonding. From The Principle of Relations we will understand that concepts such as a priori and a posteriori, analytic and synthetic sentences, true and false, realism and nominalism are not valid dichotomies. It is human beings who invented, developed and created both logic and mathematics. They do not exist a priori in Nature. The distinction between analytic and synthetic statements is analogous to the distinction between reason and fact, i.e. truths of reasoning and truths of fact. A scientific law is a combination of reason and fact, i.e. a combination of an equation and observations. But we are always free to find an alternative and to find new relations between all existing branches of knowledge. Perhaps it is time to find the foundation which integrates science, religion and politics in one Paradigm. Today we can identify at least these paradigms: 1. PL 2. PP 3. PE -
The Paradigm of Logic The Paradigm of Relativity and Quantum theories in Physics The Paradigm of Evolution theories
The Principle of Relations: Paradigma Principia Relationum
4. PH 5. PI -
The Paradigm of Human Body theories The Paradigm of Ideologies
Table 1 below is from the book “Number”, by John McLeish, 1991.
Table 1 Once a paradigm has been created, researchers in all universities will be performing normal activities. (The concept paradigm was popularized by Thomas Kuhn.) It is very important, but the real challenge is to find the next paradigm and this cannot be done in established institutions. A paradigm is “home” for almost all people. In this universe, in this paradigm, they live their lives, not for one single day questioning the paradigm, whether it is within science, religion or politics. People build institutions and create hierarchies with the task of defending and protecting the paradigm, and they establish rules by writing books and performing ceremonies. We can see this in a church, a mosque, an institution at a university, and in a political ideology with flags, to mention some. The structure and organisation of science today shows that it is divided into pieces which are too small, and even philosophy, when you look at any institution worldwide, is only a result of its history: one professor in logic and analytics, another professor working with ethics. No one has a new angle on reality.
We must now find a theory which can explain the underlying facts of all these paradigms and theories. The theory of relations is one attempt to do this. So, I want to add a new paradigm, PR -The Paradigm of Relations, i.e. The Principle and Theory of Relations. Matter has been one main focus throughout the history of science and religion. The appearance of matter has been explained as a result of energy (Einstein), of form, source of causes and purpose/end (Aristotle), of spirit, body and soul (Christianity). Now we can add the Principle of Relations and how relations affect matter. The amount of knowledge in the world cannot be known by any single person, nor even a group of persons. All scientific knowledge of today is massive. Even within a specific discipline it is impossible to know everything. The only way to get hold of all aspects of reality is to formulate a principle. When testing the Principle you can only apply it to a small part of reality. Then if there are any reasonable judgements, statements and arguments supporting the Principle, we can continue with further investigations for other parts of reality. We must be able to associate these fundamental concepts of the Theory of Relations with natural and cultural objects, otherwise the theory is useless. Ultimately the theory has to be verified with empirical tests and observations. The Principle of Relations is formulated based on five postulates, transformed to equations and then applied to all fields of reality, i.e. the universe, elementary particles, changes of species, the human body, the human consciousness and psyche, and international relations. We are dealing with a principle valid not only for the micro- and macrouniverse, but also for biology, medicine, physiology and society. This Principle holds for the whole of Nature, i.e. all masses such as quarks, leptons, atoms, molecules, genes, DNA, cells, organs, human bodies, species, planets, suns, moons, galaxies and the entire universe. The Principle of Relations is a platform on which applications for all fields of reality can be understood, such as:
The Principle of Relations: Paradigma Principia Relationum
¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Gravity Strong nuclear force Changes of species Cancer Alzheimer´s AV-block III War Poverty Prosperity and Welfare.
The Principle of Relations is the third stage of understanding Nature: 1. Euclidian geometry 2. Non-Euclidian geometry 3. The Logic of Relations, i.e. nature and the entire universe is not geometry. The Principle of Relations is a Theory of Everything, a new view of the world and a piece of art. The conclusions of the Principle are dramatic: it becomes a fundamental questioning of all established thinking, both in natural sciences and politics. The Principle of Relations, its postulates and manifestations, is the fundament for a new science. This is what I am trying to do and this is the platform on which I, for the rest of my life, in detail, will investigate all applications and manifestations of the principle.
1. All consists of the world today, the world of the past and the world of tomorrow. 1.1 Everything that ever existed, exists or will exist is a part of All. 1.2. All is dynamic – All is “alive”. 1.3. All = X. 2. One world exists today. 2.1. The world is a part of All. 2.2. Anything that does not exist today is not part of this world. 2.3. The world is dynamic – the world is “alive”. 3. Any world is differentiated into component parts each one of which stands in relation to another. 3.1. It all hangs together. 3.2. Nothing lives in isolation. 3.3. It all hangs together through a relation - R. 3.3.1 Since it all hangs together, nothing is in isolation. 3.3.2 The relation is superior to the parts, a, b, c … 3.4. If the relation is superior, there will be no cause and effect between the parts. 3.5. The relation makes the parts´ existence possible. 3.5.1 Without relation the part will die and disappear. 3.6. The concept of relation explains a system. 3.7. All systems are arranged in a logical hierarchy. If a superior system collapses, then all subordinate systems will collapse. 3.8. All systems of relation, at a certain time, constitute the world. 3.8.1 Everything that happens, happens only one time. Nothing that happens will happen again. The unique disappears and will never come again. 3.8.2 Everything which is will be something new.
4. Everything that exists is physically concrete. 4.1. Meaningful concepts are concretely interrelated. 4.2. Abstract concepts must be able to be derived from concrete concepts. 4.3. The sentence expresses the thought in a way which is perceptible for the senses. 4.4. There are no meaningful concepts without concrete meanings. 4.5. The contents of thoughts are concrete. 4.6. That which is concrete either exists or does not at a certain point of time. 4.7. The combination of article 3.9 and articles 4.1 – 4.6 is the world alive. 5. Thoughts about concrete facts are meaningful propositions at a certain point of time.
Based on the postulates the principle is X = aRb where the concepts are the following: All = X and X is any A, B, C, D, E, F, G … in All. a is any system, unit, entity, part, element in any field of Nature. b is any system, unit, entity, part, element in any field of Nature. R is a flow of packages, p1-n, between a and b in any field of Nature.
Figure 2-1
Between all systems and all parts of systems there is a continuous flow of packages. Since R exists, there is no empty space, whether in the cosmos or between particles, i.e. R is present with its contents all over space all the time. Manifestations of the flow of packages are what science calls gravitation, energy, interaction and force, to mention a few.
The Principle of Relations
The packages are needed for any system´s survival as well as its change. Over time the packages change any system, e.g. the earth´s surface, the age of humans and the degree of prosperity. If this flow of packages for some reason is interrupted or stopped, being too weak or too strong or with damaged content, the receiving system will be damaged. For the human being there will be disease, for elementary particles there will be a nuclear explosion, for the society there will be crisis, violence, poverty and war. Some examples of equations, to be investigated fully later, are the following: E = aRb Where E is energy, a can be the sun, b can be a leaf and R is a flow of packages, photons, with material, based on article 3 of the postulates, between a and b. G = aRb Where G is gravitation, a can be the sun, b can be the earth, and R is a flow of packages, not yet discovered, with material, based on article 3 of the postulates, between the sun and the earth. This flow of packages is shown up as gravitation. The mechanism is however more complex as shown later. A = aRb Where A is what we today call an atom, a can be the combination of protons and neutrons, b can be the electron and R is a flow of packages with material, based on article 3 of the postulates, between a and b. C = aRb Where C is cancer, a can be blood cells, b can be the testicle and R is a flow of packages with material, based on article 3 of the postulates, between a and b.
Chapter Two
The logical hierarchy of relations based on axioms and article 3.8 of the postulates The axioms are: a1-n b1-n R1-n aRb Then the hierarchy can be illustrated as below in figure 2-2: aRb
Now we must identify all a, R and b, which leads us to this table: R1 =
a1 =
b1 =
R2 =
a2 =
b2 = etc.
And so on for an endless amount of billions of billions … for all areas of Nature. The Principle of Relations is valid for all systems at all levels in the entire Nature ¾ RS is the system of all relations within a certain a or b and between a and b. ¾ R is the organizational mechanism of masses and how elements are organized.
The Principle of Relations
¾ All structures and parts of it are changing over time by transportation- and transformation-systems in and between a and b as the mechanism of change. ¾ When any R is broken, disorder and damage will occur. The organizational mechanism of masses in the universe, species and the human body It is R that organizes b, i.e. the packages from a in R have an impact on b. We are dealing with a principle valid not only for the micro- and macrouniverse, but also for biology, medicine, physiology and society, i.e. for any given system. Transportation- and transformation-systems Any transportation-system has the same logic. It contains instructions as to how contents are delivered. There are addresses, carriages, details of how the content is loaded and unloaded, size of the content, how the content fits into different parts of the transport, calls for content, “doors” to the cover of a system and a mechanism to open “doors”. At all points of delivery the content will change appearance. It will look different. It will be transformed. A cover has an important role in all systems of Nature. Any system has covers, from one cover up to many. A cover protects the system and has a mechanism for taking in packages from outside. They all have the mechanism of transforming R, i.e. relations contents, to the inside of the system. According to aRb, both a and b have covers, which change the system of themselves when R affects them. The mechanism of change R is the transformational factor (tf) in Nature, in and between all systems. tf = f(R) The factor R has a different size and content for different systems. The bigger the system, the bigger the size of R, i.e. the amount of p1-n; see equation below.
Chapter Two
In R there are packages that change m, i.e. the mass, so over time, t, all m1n (=a1-n and b1-n) will change and disappear. However a is part of a system, where R1 will change, increase or decrease, the content of b, now changing to b11 … (in a11 the first 1 means a specific element and the second 1 means at a certain time; the same goes for b, then b11 changes to a12 and via R2 b12 will occur) a11 R1
a1 = a12 – a11 and
b11 (a12 R2
b1 = b12 – b11
When comparing a and b at different t, we can find out the content of R. This mechanism will be shown for the whole of Nature, i.e. all masses such as quarks, leptons, atoms, molecules, genes, DNA, cells, organs, human bodies, species, planets, suns, moons, galaxies and the entire universe. (This is now very abstract, however later on it will be clarified.) All structures and parts of structures are changing over time based on article 3.9.1 of the postulates. The flow of packages will over time change each of a, b, R and aRb. At t1 the structure and its content have one appearance and at t2 the structure and its content have another appearance. R contains p1-n and the equation of R is as below: R = p1-n = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn Or in the common form n R = pi = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn i=1
This content will over time change any structure a, b, c …
The Principle of Relations
Examples of key figures for different systems, which will change over time The key figures, to mention just a few, are: for the human body - pulse, fever, blood pressure, weight, creatinine, sedimentation rate and saccharine level; for the solar system´s planets and the sun - weight, size, distance to other planets and the sun; for the nation - gross national product, exports, imports; for the international system - poverty, diseases and wars; for companies - income, costs, profit, liquidity, solidity, products, market and customers, lead times in the production chain etc. The networks of RS 1. Everything is included in a network, connected by relations. This is valid for atoms, molecules, planets, solar systems, galaxies, organs, human being, groups and nations. 2. NW = network. 3. NW = (aRb) 4. NW = R 5. RS - is the system of relations. 6. The stratum/levels of the reality = the hierarchy of Nature = postulate 3.8. 7. The most basic stratum has impact on the next level of stratum/strata. 8. The reality consists of many strata. 9. Today we are told that the strong force between elementary particles is based on interaction between quarks, mediated by gluons. However it is the opposite, i.e. it is R between the elementary particles that are the source of the so called strong force. 10. Some particles belong with certain other particles and some particles cannot co-exist with others. 11. When we know all the relations R1-n in Nature, we can know the specific answer to the question concerning position and momentum for any particle, i.e. opposite to the principle of uncertainty. Then the principle of uncertainty is not valid. Based on the postulates, the fundamental concepts and the fundamental equations behind the laws of relations are the following: Basic concepts: 1. X = All 2. N = Nature 3. X = Systems in N
Chapter Two
4. N = X There are words that explain the same content, which then are synonymous words. All = X, has the content of everything, there is nothing outside. In Nature = N, the content is also everything and nothing more can be present. So All and Nature are synonymous words, i.e. X = N. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
X = all qualities in N, such as A, B, C, D, E, F, G … X = A, B, C, D, E, F, G … W = World S = System S1-n = Systems
A system´s content is less than N and X, so N and X consist of many systems, S. A system can be the human body, the earth, the atom, the galaxy, the sun, the moon, organs, organisms, animals and galaxies or nations, to mention a few. 10. P = Part 11. p = package Packages are contents, which are different in different systems. P can be the elements of any S, such as the kidney, the testicle, the heart, the sun or an atom. The difference between S and P can sometimes be subtle. 12. R = Relation 13. RS = systems of relations A relation is a flow of packages between systems. 14. t = time Since time doesn´t exist in N, but is invented by humans, it means the difference in an object, that difference now measured in human time. 15. T = Temperature Temperature doesn´t exist in N, since it is a consequence of the speed of the packages. 16. NW = Network
The Principle of Relations
17. RE is the Relations Equations. Basic equations: 1. X = aRb X = aRb is the overall principle. 2. X = W1-n 3. N = W1-n Ȉ means the summary after equal with the symbol = 4. W = S1-n 5. W = S This means there are infinite systems in the world. W can be summarized by all S at a certain time-period, t1 – tn. 6. 7. 8. 9.
S = (P1-n)1-n S = P S = f(aRb) (f means function) S = (aRb)
In any system there are finite parts in infinite relations. 10. RS = ( p1-n = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn ) In all relations there are flows of packages, dependent on the system: the packages are different from system to system. 11. T = f(R) Temperature is a function of R, i.e. it is by the speed and intensity of the packages that temperature will change and not vice versa. 12. t = f(R) Time is a function of R, i.e. time doesn´t exists in itself, but is integrated in R. Both time and temperature are not known in Nature, they are human inventions.
Chapter Two
13. S1 = (a1R1b1)R2(a2R3b2) … S is a complex of relations between all parts and elements in the system. a, b, c are complicated systems, that send and/or receive flows of packages, i.e. p1-n 14. R = p1-n = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn The big challenge is now to identify all p in all relations. 15. (a1R1b1)R3 (a2R2b2) 16. S = (aR1b)R2(aR3b) … and 17. S = (a1R1b1)R3(a2R2b2) 18. R1 is the relations within the kidney; R2 is the relations between R1 and R3-n … or 19. (a1-nR1-n b1-n)R(c1-nR1-nd 1-n) … Based on the postulates we have different levels of a system, where different structures of relations, aRb, are in relation to each other within the system. 20. Expansions need b after R, so the a can move to b. 21. This is what lies behind all expansions, for example sponges and the universe. 22. If L is Light, then R = L 23. E = L = hf (where the photon´s Energy, E, is associated with the frequency f of the wave and the constant h, i.e. Planck´s constant) 24. R = hf = E 25. Radiation is R. (Question to be asked: What are a and b between radiation?) 26. X = A-Z = A + B + C + …Z X is all and is equal to N, which has all possible contents in the entire universe.
The Principle of o Relations
The effects of The Prin nciple of Rela ations on Th he Paradigm of Logic and Mathem matics – PL PL is based oon these statem ments: 1. There arre atomic factss and elementaary propositioons. 2. Values aare true or falsse. PL is based oon a few conccepts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Conjunction Disjuncttion Negationn Implicatiion Quantifieer symbols and Tautologgy Truth funnction Truth vaalues
PR is basedd on these stateements: 1. There caannot be any fixed f facts and d propositions . 2. There arre no values which are eitther true or ffalse, only at a certain point of time. 3. Nature iss based on thee logic of relattions. 4. Nature is not basedd on the log gic of conjuunction, negaation and implicatiion. PR influencee on PL makes all of its conccepts invalid. 1. Based onn article 3 of the t postulates,, the basic conncepts of logicc, such as conjuncttion, disjunctiion, implicatio on, negation aand plus are not n valid. The logiic is not validd due to the prrinciple of rellation, since the nature of Naturre is “alive” annd is constantlly/continuouslly changing. 2. One eexample is Wittgensteiin’s logic. Wittgensteiin uses a sentences, where w for all x
m means all atom mic propositio ons,
m means any subbset of propossitions, and
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means thhe negation off all propositioons making up p
Elegant to loook at, but noot valid due to o PR and the same can app ply to the truth table 22-1, i.e. not vallid:
Even if Witttgenstein com mpletely chang ged his view later on, it sttill stands for how moost logic is useed. (Howeverr in the Philossophical Invesstigations Wittgensteinn focuses on the t specific an nd particular innstead of the common, general andd universal. This T is closee to the ideaa of the Prin nciple of Relations.) The numbeer 1 Based on arrticles 3.9.1 annd 3.9.2 of th he postulates, a and b chang ge, which means that tthe content of a and b are diifferent from ttime t1 to timee t2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
a = a at t1 and this is caalled = a1; so a1 is vvalid at t1 ; a2 is valiid at t2 = a2; ettc. a1 a2 ; b 1 b 2; a = a1 – a2 ; a=R; t = t1- t2 Within a certain time t1 – t2, the con ntent changes by a1 – a2 = content c of R. 10. If a = a aat t1 ļ a1 = a1, 11. thus 1 = 1 at t1 ļ 11 = 11 12. if a2 = a2, thus 12 = 12 13. if a1 a2, thus 11 12 14. Consequuently a and 1 are not static entities. 15. Thus 1+ +1=2 and a + b = ab are false, f except aat t1; howeverr t1 exists before t2 which always is the fact, i..e. what is truee at t1 is not trrue at t2
The Principle of Relations
16. Instead we have to realize that at t1 1+1=2, but at t2 1+1 2 17. This perspective gives a new interpretation to the definition of natural number n, which so far has been defined as the set whose members each have n elements, which is a fallacy by circularity and therefore an impossible definition. 18. Conclusion 1: We do not know if the nature of Nature is based on numbers. 19. Conclusion 2: Science, natural sciences and mathematics, based on the number 1, are not valid. With the first conclusions based on the postulates we can propose an alternative principle for the explanation of Nature - an aperitif 1. The movement of masses is explained by R and aRb. The content of R between a and b has speed, which explains the movement. The speed and content affect masses, looking like gravitation. So, it is not the amount of masses that causes movements and space-time curvature, as Einstein’s field equations (EFE) imply, it is R. 2. The Principle can also explain the number 1, the species, the human body and international relations. 3. R is present all over the Nature, i.e. in the universe, in the human body, in all species, in everything that exists, has existed and will exist. R is the reality behind everything. 4. In R there are packages that change m, i.e. the mass, so over time, t, all m1-n (=a1-n and b1-n) will change and disappear. 5. RP is a complex flow of packages in Nature. A package consists of mass, different in different systems. 6. If a is the mass m1, which sends packages to b, i.e. the mass m2, then a (=m1) will decrease its content, while b (m2) will increase its content. However there can be another a sending packages to b, which will then not decrease. It is complex. 7. If a is the sun, b is the earth and c is the moon, then these will be changed over time. We can expect change in surface, weight, structure and the distance between a, b, and c, since they will change. 8. We know that the mass of the sun decreases by 4 million tons/second and calculations of today tell us that the earth increases weight by 400.000 kg/year. Furthermore we know that the distance between the sun and the earth increases by 15 cm/year, also that the distance between the earth and the moon increases by 4 cm/year. 9. From the principle aRb we understand that masses are transported from the sun to the earth. What we don´t understand is the amount, as the theory implies large amounts, transported in a way that creates what
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we today call gravitation, but in reality is R, i.e. the flow of transportations. 10. The essence of Nature is its being, and atoms and molecules are the result, since no atoms and molecules exist in it. This also leads us to the conclusion that the structure of the atom is not based on the principle of orbits. Instead there is a continuous flow of packages in the micro-world, between particles in the atom, as well as in atoms and molecules. 11. Based on articles 3.1 – 3.9 of the postulates nothing lives in isolation, not a part, not a system. Everything hangs together, with continuous flows and impacts between all parts and all systems. Consequently the red blood corpuscle which the heart pumps is not the same from time to time, and it is not the same pion working in the atom, from t1 to t2. 12. The implications are that the content of an atom, a molecule, the earth, the sun, organs, organisms, the human body and galaxies will be different from t1 to t2 and consequently the weight will change, which means that the weight of an oxygen atom, as all atoms, is different from time to time, as well as planets, suns and galaxies. 13. Time, motion and mass are one. They are not separated. 14. t1(aRb) t2(aRb) or (aRb)1 (aRb)2 ; where 1 and 2 is t1 and t2. 15. When we have clarified the structure of aRb, in any system, we can not only predict the behavior, but furthermore we can, with technical methods, find new sources of energy, we can cure cancer and Alzheimer´s, as well as find new methods to stop wars. 16. R is not a mathematical relation; it is a physical relation, as postulated. Now we need to find out the content for every relation. R - This single and simple letter has to be explored. R has many contents depending on situation. R can be communication between two persons, it can be the meaning of gravity, and it can explain how DNA will change according to the cell and how the cells relate to other cells. R can also give us an insight into why war occurs and what love is. Now we have to find out all these relations in Nature and Society.
The Principle of Relations
Consequences for mathematics: i.
v. vi.
vii. viii. ix.
x. xi. xii.
Does mathematics exist independently from man? Is it possible that mathematics lives its own life? Is the language of mathematics a Bible? Is mathematics the new religion? No, mathematics is created by man. It is an efficient tool for calculation for technology and economy and everything in our daily life. It is also a method for interpretation of many phenomena in Nature. It is an innovation made by man. Mathematics does not live independently from man. It is not a Bible and it is not a new God. Mathematics is not the language of Nature. Mathematics can describe how concepts such as energy and time behave. Even if these concepts are misunderstandings they can be used, but they do not explain the behavior of Nature: that is still interpretations. From where does the number 1 come? Was it God who created number 1? Was it man who created number 1? Was it Nature who created number 1? The answer, as far as I understand, is that man created the number 1. Nature does not have numbers. God, if he exists, did not create numbers, says the Bible. Man’s brain has the capacity to create number 1 and all other numbers. Nature cannot adapt to this mathematics, but has its own logic. This logic can be found, if we listen carefully to nature. However there is reason-based logic that is beyond and more fundamental than mathematics. The language of Nature is not logic and mathematics. The language of logic is mental constructs, but it cannot be applied to Nature. This distinction is very important. In the human brain there is a logic, which helps us to understand and deal with our reality. It is good enough and it really has created many useful and powerful technologies for a high quality of life. However the language of Nature cannot be caught by humans. In what way can experiments give us solid knowledge about Nature and reality? In an experiment we cannot study how Nature behaves over time, we can only see a small piece of a part of a system. Of course we will get some knowledge out of it, knowledge valuable for a better life, but we will never fully understand, since we use logic created by man.
xv. xvi.
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In PX, i.e. all established paradigms, we have tools workable in ordinary life and these tools are based on ordinary life, however the established science understands them as laws of nature, which is wrong. The concept of information is commonly used. However we need to examine what the word stands for and the inner meaning of it. It is possible that Nature does not have any information beside R. It is obvious that information in society, such as IT and all its applications, is very useful. However in Nature information, based on PR, i.e. the Paradigm of Relations, cannot be used as an analogy of the meaning of the word in society. The behavior of Nature should not function if there were two systems depending on each other, such as masses and information between these two. Instead information is integrated in all masses.
The science of today, PX, normally focuses on entities, while PR focuses on the space between entities. The questions asked by PR are: 1. What is between entities such as planets, solar systems, galaxies, atoms, elementary particles, molecules, cells, organs and nations? 2. How can we see what is between entities? Mostly the relation is hidden from our eyes and ears, even with help from a microscope and telescope. The content of the relation is often invisible. However, when it comes to radiation we know that it is invisible, but can be measured with instruments such as the Geiger counter, which measures radiation in a specific area per second. We need a map over all relations and the content in them, i.e. the packages. When finding all contents in all relations, we must be aware that many are invisible. However there will always be content between entities, some not yet known.
Based on the postulates the principle is X = aRb The basic questions are: 1. 2. 3. 4.
What is the content of R? How is b changed? How is a changed? How does content pass the cover of a and b?
Figure 3-1
Systems, relations and the mechanism of change and organization of all matter: 1. S stands for System. 2. SU, where U stands for Universe. U is a relational whole based on article 3. 3. SGX is a system of a Galaxy, GX stands for galaxy consisting of … 4. Ssun is the system of the sun, consisting of … 5. The light from the sun can only marginally change any planet, it cannot hold the Earth in place. 6. SEH is the system of Earth where EH stands for Earth.
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7. What R can change the Earth? What R can hold the Earth in place? 8. SA where A stands for Atom, consisting of x. 9. SM where M stands for Molecule, consisting of x. 10. SE is the system of Evolution. 11. SH where H stands for Human Body. 12. SB where B stands for Brain. B is a relational hole based on article 3. 13. SS where S stands for Society in this combination. S is a relational hole based on article 3. 14. There are similarities between U, B and all S … 15. R = p1-n = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn. 16. There are many R, with different content in each R1-n. 17. Overall the mechanism of R organizes all matters in all systems. 18. RA organizes all particles in the atom. It is not interactions/forces between masses that constitute any system, it is R. 19. When any R is broken, disorder and damage will occur. 20. When RA is broken, we have an atomic explosion. 21. When any R in SB is broken, there will be a disease, such as Alzheimer’s and others. 22. When any R in SH is broken, there will be a disease, cancer, high creatinine, AV-blocks and others. 23. When any R in SS is broken, there can be conflict, chaos, violence … in the society. 24. There can also be dysfunctional R, which is a variant of a broken R. A dysfunctional R can be too large or too small a package. There is a scale from 1% to 100% of package. R can also carry dangerous content, which will damage S. 25. The pictures in 3-1 below show different systems in Nature, as an indirect indicative proof for PR:
Manifestations of the Principle
Now we can elaborate and investigate relations not only within a system, but also between different systems, such as: 1. SURSGX The system of Universe has by flow of packages an impact on the system of Galaxy. 2. SURSGXRSEH The system of Universe has by flow of packages an impact on the system of Galaxy and the system of Galaxy has by flow of packages an impact on the system of Earth. 3. SSRSH The solar system has by flow of packages an impact on human beings. SURSEHRSARSHRSB The system of the Universe has by flow of packages an impact on the system of Earth and the system of Atoms which have impact on human beings and human brains.
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Examples and questions: 1. If a is the sun, R is the light and b is the skin, then R will change b. 2. If b is the Earth, what is a and R, when it comes to holding Earth in place? 3. The fact is that Pangea changed and became continents; it was R that effected this change to the Earth, by packages from the Universe. 4. When a cell becomes dysfunctional, one explanation can be the effect of R, whether it is testicle cancer, Alzheimer’s or any other cell change. 5. Light occurs when subatomic particles gather in a beam moving from a to b. How does R gather the photons? 6. The transport system in a cell has been discovered. Molecules are being packed in vesicles and are with precision transported to the correct destination in or outside the cell. 7. The organization of the content of R, i.e. the packages p 1-n, does not need any exchange particles such as Ȗ, W+/W-, Z or g. 8. Furthermore R itself has matter, so R does not need H, the Higgs Boson. 9. Now we have to understand the mechanism of transformation that organizes particles to different structures and how these packages will move inside R, from a to b. 10. In what way will a broken R affect a system? 11. What is the course of a broken R? 12. A broken R towards the atom will be followed by an explosion. What will a broken R towards a galaxy and a solar system be followed by? A supernova.
Manifestations of the Principle
The principle design of reality based on the principle of relations These symbols and design illustrate how reality works and functions, based on the principle of relations, i.e. X = aRb.
Figure 3-2 (above) and figure 3-3 (below)
The connection between a system and the package to a system can be measured in weight, size, shape and color.
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If the weight of the system is X and x is the content of the package, then these entities will be proportional to each other. There are gates in all systems dealing with the transport of the packages. In cells, organs, the human body and all species this is well known. In the universe, between galaxies, suns, planets, moons, atoms and elementary particles this is not yet discovered. Based on the principle of relations we will find this mechanism all over Nature. Covers, gates and packages in Nature Covers have an important role in all systems of Nature, since they all have the mechanism to open gates to the inner part of the system, where the transforming of R will be executed. According to aRb, both a and b have covers, which change the system of themselves, when R affects them. A cover has gates, “doors”, for packages, both for incoming and outgoing R. Some examples: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Cover of atoms Cover of DNA Cover of cell Cover of Human Cover of earth Cover of solar system Cover of galaxy
M Manifestations off the Principle
Figure 3-4; The cover and gaates of a cell:
Figure 3-5; G Gate synapse andd ion flows in channel c after gaate opened in th he cover:
Figure 3-6; The cover of atoms:
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Figure 3-7; Covers and gates of houses, although created by man, but still the same principle as in Nature:
The Earth changes, when R with its packages arrives via the “doors” of the cover. Crust, mantle, outer core and inner core are continuously changing the earth by R: Figure 3-8; the geological world of today:
M Manifestations off the Principle
Figure 3-9; thhe geological world w 255 millio on years ago, Paangea:
If b is the w world of today and a is the world w 255 milllion years ago o, Pangea, then we havve to find R, i.ee. the packagees that changeed the world. The continenntal plates moove approximaately six centiimetres per yeear, as we know todayy. Then duringg the next 255 5 million year ars the plates will w have changed possition by 15.300 kilometress, since the pllates move 1m mm/week, i.e. 6 cm/yeaar and approximately 0,5 cm m/month.
Chapter Three T
We can now w also make a probable piccture, figure 33-10, of the geological g world of tom morrow, Pangeea Ultimo, 255 million yearrs in the future:
How is this change relateed to relationss in the solar ssystem? This has to be done by reseearch going foorward. Below w is the picturre 3-2, which illustrates i the phenomeenon:
Manifestations of the Principle
Clarify this by means of table 3-1:
Table 3-1 Questions to be asked: 1. How can the sun lose its weight? Is there another galaxy that contributes with packages, i.e. R, to the sun? 2. The Earth increases its weight by 400.000 kg yearly. From where does this increase come and what does this R look like? 3. Is it the increase of 400.000 kg yearly that affects the continental plates’ movement by 1 mm per week? How are these 400.000 kg manifest in aRb? Figure 3 -11; The cover of the solar system:
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Figure 3-12; The galaxy cover
Figure 3-13; The cover of the molecular DNA
The molecular structure of DNA can be seen in a microscope. DNA is not a stable and solid entity as there are no other entities a and b. DNA is a flow of particles requiring each other, keeping together and having co-existence; it continues in movement, as do all masses in the universe.
Manifestations of the Principle
Figures 3-14and 3-15; The cover of a leaf is the membrane:
Photosynthesis shows the process of R in Nature, how proteins, which are embedded in the membrane, gather light. See also pages 105-106.
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The picture below shows this phenomenon, but it can also be used to understand all types of flows between the sun and the earth:
Figure 3-16
Based on the principle of relations, i.e. X = aRb, we will now investigate the following applications: 1. Movement of masses, with the example of gates in the Earth for the transportation of huge amounts of masses, gives the effect of gravitation. The concept used in natural sciences, i.e. physics, is however not valid, since it is not concretely interrelated. 2. Changes of species with the example of how Nature affects a specie. 3. How diseases occur when there is a block in gates: diseases in general, and specifically in cancer. 4. How international relations can be changed by a global government affecting dangerous relations causing war and poverty.
3.1 The Mass of the Universe The principles and equations dealing with masses in the universe, so far, are within the paradigm PP: 1. The behavior of very large masses, such as that of the sun, planets, their moons and galaxies, is today explained by the principle of gravitation. There are two principles, that of Newton and that of Einstein. 2. AB is Attractions between Bodies, according to Newton. 3. The equation is F = Gm1xm2/r2. NE is Newton Equations.
M Manifestations off the Principle
4. Einstein´s Field Equaations, EFE, consist c of ten equations constituting the geneeral theory off relativity. However H here I need to sim mplify in order to understand thhe basic conceepts and comppare with the concepts of the prrinciple of relaations. 5. The mosst used equatioon is this
6. 7. 8. 9.
nsor and on thhe right side Tȝȣ T is the Where thhe left side is Einstein´s ten energy-m momentum tennsor. Workingg in geometriized units thee equation is Gȝȣ = 8ʌTȝ ȝȣ, where G = c = 1. e the fundament oof EFE I willl use the To undeerstand and elaborate equationn Gȝȣ = 8ʌTȝȣȣ STC is space-time curvature c cau using gravity and the currvature is caused bby masses, acccording to Ein nstein. The equuation I usee is then Gȝȣ = 8ʌT Tȝȣ, simplifiied from
The behhavior of verry small maasses, such aas that of attoms and subatom mic particles, is i today explaained by the principle of Quantum Theory, QT. 10. Quantum m field theoryy often uses th he Lagrangiann formalism, with this equationn:
Where ij and maybe its first derivatives ( ij/t and is a field, ij(x,t), ij). A ffield-theoreticc form then ap pplies, with thhe coordinatees (t, x) = (x0, x1, x2, x3) = xȝ. 11. The equuations used now, in order to make it simple, arre Ȍ(t,x); E = hv; E = hf; p = h/ȜȜ; E = nhf ; E = mc2 Some reflecctions based on o the princip ple X = aRb: 12. From thee principle aR Rb energy, tim me, forces/interraction and grravitation do not exxist in Nature.. 13. Based onn article 4.1off the postulatees, the conceppt of attraction n in (2) is not a vvalid scientifiic concept, since s it is abbstract witho out being concretely interrelatedd as article 4.2 2 postulates. 14. F = Gm m1xm2/r2 is onee interpretatio on of the univverse´s behavior, called gravitatioon.
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15. Gȝȣ = 8ʌTȝȣ is another interpretation of the universe´s behavior, called gravitation, where the left side is the space-time curvature and the right side is masses/energy. 16. How can the left expression in (16) be equal to the right expression? 17. In the equation Gȝȣ = 8ʌTȝȣ, Gȝȣ represents the curvature of spacetime and 8ʌTȝȣ represents the matter/energy content of space-time. So, what does this mean? Tȝȣ is the energy-momentum stress tensor of matter:
The metric tensor is Gȝȣ:
This means that Gȝȣ is equivalent to Tȝȣ. What does this mean? The statements p and q are equivalent, if the content is the same. The demand that p and q are equivalent is valid for all models, i.e. if p is a deduction from q and q is a deduction from p. Expressed like this p ļ q, p = q or p آq, p ֞q. Since Gȝȣ is the space-time-curvature and Tȝȣ is the energy/mass they are not equivalent, i.e. the contents are not the same. Based on articles 3.9, 3.9.1 and 3.9.2 of the postulates, a and b change, which means that the contents of a and b are different from time t1 to time t2. Then the consequence for Gȝȣ = 8ʌTȝȣ is that it is not valid. The relation might be Tȝȣ ĺ Gȝȣ, but not the opposite, i.e. Gȝȣ ĺ Tȝȣ.
Manifestations of the Principle
18. The curvature of space-time cannot be equal to matter/energy, it is not the amount or size of masses that creates the behavior of universe, called the space-time curvature, but it is R. 19. The formula must be Gȝȣ8ʌTȝȣ, which will now be seen as a description of the universe. 20. STCM means Space-Time-Curvature of Masses. 21. STCM = Gȝȣ8ʌTȝȣ. 22. Space-time and curvature of Masses is only a brief interpretation of the universe. STCM cannot explain gravity; it is not an explanation, and it is at the most an interpretation. The same goes for AB. 23. If energy, E, is explained by the flow of packages, R, then Einstein´s equation of gravitation will be E = STCM, where we can replace E with R, which will lead to the equation R = STCM. However R is not equivalent with STCM, instead it is the factor that organizes the cosmos, so the equation will be R ĺ STCM, but since R is integrated in all masses, it is not a separate factor or cause and cannot be separable from STCM. So now we will have RSTCM. 24. So then, what is gravity? What makes up the universe? 25. It is masses, entities, a, b, c … that constitute the universe and Nature, by R. 26. Between a, b, c … there are relations, R 1-n. 27. R is a complex of networks aRb in the universe. 28. R contains p1-n and the equation of R is: 29. R = p1-n = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn 30. From this follows: 30.1. R ĺ AB 30.2. R ĺ STCM 30.3. R = (aRb) 31. Now we are back to R. What is R? 32. R is a flow of packages between a, b, c …, i.e. between suns, planets, moons and galaxies. 33. R is the relation between masses, which manifests itself in the curvature, space-time, and the so-called gravitation. 34. How can we see these packages? 35. We must be prepared to accept that R, in the universe, has a speed higher than that of light and has a power higher than that of the nuclear forces, as will be shown at pages 50-51, with the name uc. 36. The universe is a complex of billions and billions and billions and billions … of R.
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Figure 3-17. The complex relations in the universe.
37. Each R follows the logic below:
Figure 3-18
38. We can apply the principle X = aRb for the solar system where X is the solar system a is the sun b is the earth
Manifestations of the Principle
and R is the flow of masses from a to b:
Figure 3-19
The solar system is a system for continuous transport of masses, for every day changing the structure of the solar system, even on a daily basis at a small scale; however over time the surface, the size and the orbit will change significantly.
Figure 3-20
39. If X1 = a1R1b1 and t varies from t1 to tn then 40. X1 = a1R1b1 41. X2 = a2R2b2 42. X3 = a3R3b3 43. X4 = a4R4b4 Xn = anRnbn
at t1 at t2 at t3 at t4 at tn
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44. The basic design of Nature, as shown above, gives the information that the Earth has gates for incoming packages and outgoing packages. Now we need to find them and identify them. These packages are the inner explanation of the phenomenon called gravitation. 45. The pictures below illustrate the principle for the solar system and show how all planets change over time, starting with the basic picture, and then show how the changes occur and how the galaxy of the Milky Way, which contains the solar system, also changes the solar system:
Figure 3-21
Figure 3-22
From the model below we can see how the flows will continuously change the position, surface and size of the sun and the planets:
Manifestations of the Principle
Figure 3-23
46. G is gravitation and a, b, c, d … are planets and solar systems/galaxies. Since R is the relation between a, b, c, d …, then G, in the meaning gravitation, is only a word for what our eyes can see, but the reason behind it is something else. So when we use the symbol G we do it in this meaning, i.e. as just a human word. 47. G = aRb 48. G = R 49. G = f (R) 50. G1-n = R1-n(a,b); this means that there can be different types of gravitations. 51. Whatever comes in the force of R will follow R, so then we have equivalence between G = R = E. 52. R ĺ G 53. RĺE
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54. E is a concept/word with the same history and background as G. 55. If we want to challenge the established paradigm, we must start by questioning all basic concepts in all sciences. What does this mean now? 56. Space-Time, ST, moves masses (M). 57. ST ĺ M. 58. Matter curves Space-Time. 59. M ĺ ST. 60. The equation Gȝȣ = 8ʌTȝȣ is not valid. 61. It should be 8ʌTȝȣ ĺ Gȝȣ. 62. But, R ĺ STCM is correct. 63. If M is Matter (=mass) and E is Energy, and if STG is Space-Time Geometry, and E = M, then R = M and STG will change in weight and surface … 64. But, if STG = EM, how is the motion of M caused and what is its content, i.e. R? 65. EFE did not take into account the content in EM. 66. Basic simple pictures can lead us in different directions. We have merely been told the nice anecdotes that Newton saw an apple fall down to earth and that Einstein told us his fantasy of riding on light. 67. If we now look at the pictures, 3-3, of a stone, we can get some ideas from it.
Manifestations of the Principle
68. In an ocean and a lake the sand has curvature, which we can see below in the picture 3-4:
69. On land the sand has a curvature, similar to the curvature in water, picture 3-5:
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70. Intuitively and by experience we understand that it is the movement of water and wind that creates STCM in the sand. 71. The same is valid for clouds in the sky. It is not STCM that creates the clouds, it is winds. 72. Then, by analogy, STCM in the universe results from movement outside STCM itself. 73. If this is true, STCM cannot be explained by EFE, Einstein’s Field Equations. 74. EFE tells us that STCM was created by itself, which is not a reasonable explanation. Consequences of aRb for the universe and the speed of light First we find some facts about the size of the universe and the distance between two positions on each side of the diameter and how these positions can be in contact, which they are as a consequence of aRb.
Table 3-2 There is a particle of universe, u, with the speed 823 m/s. The speed of uc is faster than c by the factor 224 We will hereinafter mention the speed of u as uc.
Manifestations of the Principle
We can now deduce NE and EFE from RE. Time is in RE absolute, due to the speed of uc. Now we must find the content and behavior of u. Three models of gravitation: the theory of body attractions (NE), the theory of General Relativity (GR) and the theory of relation (PR) view the behavior of big masses, planets, suns and galaxies, in different ways. 1. Newton´s gravitation can be shown as below, figure 3-24:
Figure 3-24
Gravity or gravitation is when two bodies attract each other, by a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Newton didn´t say anything about the essence of the force, which is strange, it is only formulated as an equation: F = Gm1m2/r2.
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2. Einstein´s gravitation is often shown as this, figure 3-25:
Figure 3-25
What happens with a person or a car on the down side of the Earth and what happens with a person or a car on the top of the Earth? I guess the reaction will be different: on the down side a person or a car will be crushed and on the right and left side a person or a car will fall off the Earth. PR differs, since it is not STCM the universe is based on, it is R. 3. Gravitation based on PR The four spheres of Earth are the cover, which via gates open the Earth for R, the packages coming to the Earth, then transform R to fit inside the Earth. One consequence is that masses (peoples, cars etc.) on Earth will be held on the surface of Earth, i.e. by what now is called gravitation. The illustration below shows the overview of this mechanism.
Figure 3-26
Manifestations of the Principle
The packages flows are in real time with a bigger speed than that of light and affect the Earth in all senses, e.g. how the Earth changes at the surface and how all people, houses, cars, oceans etc. will be stable on Earth. How the packages affect the four spheres of Earth, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, has to be explored in detail. Earth is not, like all systems, a closed system; it has relations to the cosmos by R, i.e. by flows of packages. Still we must be open-minded that the cover with gates is not yet known. Maybe the use of topological concepts and mathematics can help us to understand how R from the cosmos, i.e. the packages P1-n, affects the Earth. We know that the behavior of atoms and matter at temperatures close to absolute zero changes. (The quantum theory sees atoms as random movements, which is not the case due to PR, so quantum gravity fails). The KT transition (The Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition) might help us to understand the mechanism behind how the flow of packages comes in to Earth, where small vortices play an important role when temperatures rise. How flows from other solar systems or galaxies can affect the sun system is illustrated below in figure 3-27:
Figure 3-27
In Nature there are many R, related to each other. We need to identify and map all of R1-n. There is infinite R in the cosmos, illustrated by arrows in the figure 3-28 below and shown before:
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Figure 3-28
Two models of Nature´s elementary particles Two models, the Standard Model (SM) and the Relation Model, i.e. the Paradigm of Relations, PR, view the behavior of elementary particles in different ways. SM:
Figure 3-29
M Manifestations off the Principle
Figure 3-30
Questions annd comments about SM: 75. What is tthe interactionn between quaarks and gluonns? 76. What is tthe interactionn between parrticles in an attom? 77. What aree the interactioons between atoms a in a mo lecule? 78. What is iinteraction? 79. Which innteractions exxist? 80. Are theree interactions between a qu uark and electrrons? 81. What happpens in thesee interactions?? What happenns in an interaaction? 82. What is tthe strong force/interaction n? 83. Force annd interaction are the two co oncepts that fu fundamental th heories in physics are based on. The strong force/interactio f on is assumed d to have wing propertiies: the follow 83.1. Short rannge, i.e. distance of femtomeetre. 83.2. Nature´s strongest forcce. 84. Particless involved: a. Quarrks, that form protons and neutron. n b. Gluoons, that hold quarks q togetheer. c. Hadrrons, such as proton p and neu utron. 85. Gluons aare the particles that exchaange particless as quarks, antiquarks a and otheer gluons. 86. Gluons, leptons and quuarks are masssless particless. 87. What dooes a gluon loook like?
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88. How can we see a gluon, since gluons are massless? 89. If anything is massless, it does not exist, based on article 4.4 of the postulates. 90. But now we know. Nobel prize 2015: “for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass.” 91. Does Pion really interact in an atom? 92. In SM the elementary particles have no internal structure and no mass, except bosons, gluons and photons. In SM neutrinos have exactly zero mass. As we know now, neutrinos have mass, according to experiments showing oscillations. This means that SM has weaknesses in the fundamental equations. The axiom of PR is that the elementary particles have mass and an internal structure, so PR comes to a different conclusion, i.e. particles with no internal structure cannot act with Higgs Boson. Below the red arrow is R, that organizes the elementary particles, looking like an atom:
Figure 3-31
How do we know that this atom, over time, i.e. from t1 to t2, exists? It can be the shape of this structure at t1, but until t2 happens, R exists. R has structured the atom, so without R, there is no atom. Based on article 3.3.1 of the postulates the atom does not exist in isolation, as is clear from the picture below:
M Manifestations off the Principle
Figure 3-32
With PR w we can invesstigate how t1 occurred aand how R changes, continuouslyy, the structurre of any elem mentary particl es. Since an atoom manifestss, rather than exists, with protons and neutrons, R, any atom does not which are oorganized from m leptons and d quarks by R exist in itsellf, isolated from other masses. Based on PR the atom does not exist.. The shape iss the result of packages in constant fflow. The atom m does not liv ve in isolationn, based on arrticles 3.2 and 3.3.1 oof the postulaates. The shap pe looking likke a fixed atom is an optical illusiion. It is R and itts packages thhat show up th he shape, see ddiagram below w:
Figure 3-33
The figure 3-33, shows how the pack kages, i.e. thee elementary particles, move. Thenn at one pointt the curve loo oks like an attom as we are used to visualizing iit.
Chapter Three T
Compared tto the Feynmaan diagram, we w can see thhat no gluon is i needed and there iss no need for the positron, as well as thhere being no need for quark and anntiquark. Connsequently there are no distiinctions such as matter and antimattter. The Feynm man diagram,, as shown bellow, where an n electron and a positrron produce a photon, then n become a qu quark–antiquarrk, where the antiquarkk later radiatees a gluon, hass not and cannnot be shown in i reality. It is purely bbased on mathhematics. Seee figure 3-34
Figure 3-34
Based on artticles 3.4-3.6 of the postulaates, the Feynm man diagram is i false. Based on PR an atomic bomb b explosio on is the effecct of a broken n R. This, today, is the applicaation of PP - seee figure 3-35 below:
Figure 3-35
Manifestations of the Principle
With PR it is the opposite, i.e. when R is disordered there will be an explosion, since it is R that holds all elementary particles together. R on this level has a cover over the elementary particles, i.e. R organizes the particles. Imagine a balloon full of gas, which is struck by a needle. There will be a bang, a minor explosion. Then, by analogy, the neutron is the needle that strikes the cover of an atom. When RA breaks, we will have an atomic explosion, shown in figure 3-36.
Figure 3-36
Since it is R that holds the elementary particles organized in an atom, with a cover, a broken R will affect the atom, i.e. the neutrons, protons and the electrons inside the cover. It is not the so-called strong force that organizes the atom; it is R. The organization of any structure on any level is made by R1-n 93. What is in R? 94. What is in P1-n? 95. How, concretely and in what way, is b changed by R? 96. What is a? 97. Which mechanisms transport p1-n? 98. The movement of masses is explained by R and aRb. The content of R between a and b explains the movement in the micro-cosmos. 99. Interpretation of masses based on the principle of relations X = aRb will lead us in another direction with new equations.
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Consequences for the Standard Model 100. According to the Standard Model, SM, the Elementary Particles are Quarks, Q, (u,c,t,d,s,b), Leptons, L, (e,ȝ,IJ,Ve,Vȝ,VIJ), Bosons, B, (g,Ȗ,Z,W) and Higgs boson (H). The bosons (we can add graviton) are so-called force carriers, quarks and leptons are masses (matter). H, the Higgs boson, is the missing part in SM that gives mass to Q, L and B. 101. Based on article 4-4.4 of the postulates Q, L and B cannot exist without mass. 102. Consequently Q, L and B do not exist or H does not exist. 103. Again the Nobel Prize 2015: “for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass”. 104. So, since Q, L and B exist, the H does not exist. 105. Other postulates often mentioned are these: Nature prefers simplicity and shortcuts. Nature is lazy and not complicated. Nature is beautiful, but SM is not beautiful. “The more success the quantum theory has, the sillier it looks. How non-physicists would scoff if they were able to follow the odd course of developments! ” Albert Einstein. 106. R is flow. Any flow ĺ force, interaction, attraction and repulsion. 107. H and B = R. 108. R is the force carrier. 109. R has content. 110. R = p1-n = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn 111. The content is different from one system to another. The atoms and the molecules of H2O 112. H is the atom of hydrogen, O is the atom of oxygen and R is the relation between H and O. 113. H1 is one unique H and H2 is another unique H. 114. When there are many H, then the first 1 in H11 is the individual of H and the second 1 in H11 is at the time t1. 115. Then the molecule of water is H11RH21RO11 at t1. 116. At t2 the molecule is H12RH22RO12. 117. When e = electron and p = proton, then 118. RO = The atom of oxygen = eRp. 119. RH = atom of hydrogen = e-Rp+. 120. R is the relation between e and p. R is also a relation between H and O. 121. The atom of O is e-1Rp+1. 122. The atom of H is e-1Rp+1.
M Manifestations off the Principle
123. Then thhe molecule of o water is (H11 1 e-1Rp+1)R(H221e-2Rpt2)R(O11e-Rpt) 124. H= =H11 – H12. 125. On thee basis of the laws l of relatio ons, the atomss H and O do not exist unless thhe laws of rellations structu ure matter to tthese atoms. The T same is valid ffor the molecuule H2O. 126. Logicaal and consistent, the weigh ht of the atom m is not consstant. The weight iss also differennt when H and d O are single atoms or wheen related in the moolecule. 127. O, ii.e. the differeence between O1 and O2. 128. H, ii.e. the differeence between H1 and H2. 129. R = O and H H. 130. Based on articles 3.2-3.3 3 of thee postulates, tthe Bohr mod del of an atom is nnot possible, so the model below cannott exist as it sh howed up at the tim me:
Figure 3-37
The princip ple of uncertaainty is not ceertain, it is un ncertain When light iis manifest as a beam of ph hotons, we cann measure partticles at two points x1 and x2 at tw wo times, t1 and t2, based onn aRb: x0
x2 R = Photons … ……
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Postulates: 1. 2. 3. 4.
The speed of light is 300.000 m/s. The distance between x1 and x2 is 10.000 metres. The speed of the particle is 300.000 m/s at x1 and x2. The positions of the particle are x1 and x2 at t1 and t2.
Conclusion: 1. The times at x1 and x2 are respectively 10.00 and 10.00003. 2. The difference in time is 0,03s. 3. As the flow of packages between a and b is continuous, we might experience Nature as determined, based on the Principle aRb, which is valid for the entire reality. Consequences for the concept of energy: 131. E is energy in existing theories. Now a, b, c, d … are units and R is the relation between a, b, c, d … The consequence is that R will replace E, E = R, E = aRb, E = m1Rm2 , E1-n = R1-n(a,b); E1-n = R1-n; So, based on PR and aRb, we understand that the formula E= mc2 has many difficulties, since: 132. The concept of energy is not a valid scientific concept. 133. Equivalence does not exist in Nature, only in human thinking. 134. The speed of light is c, which means that c2 is pure mathematics, i.e. not valid. 135. In Nature there is no rest energy E0. 136. In Nature there is no rest mass m0. 137. The equation E0 = m0 c2 is as a consequence not valid. 138. In pRn, R = flows of pions, p = proton and n = neutron. 139. How does a pion change after every circle within the atom? What from “outside” changes the pion, in what way and during what time? 140. Reciprocal action is a relation of flows, not a static movement. 141. Based on R nothing lives in isolation, neither a part nor a system. Everything hangs together, with continuous flows and impacts between all parts and all systems. 142. Consequently it is not the same pion working in the atom at t1 and t2 143. The proton is related to the neutron by the pions.
Manifestations of the Principle
Consequences for the concept of time: 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152.
t is time, R is the relation. t=f(R). t1-n = f (R1-n). If no R, no time. Consequently there are as many times as there are R. t is in R; t is with R - t is connected with R. Time is the change, i.e. the difference between a2 – a1. Nature is! Nature has no time. Time as a concept is invented by humans, defined as the difference between a2 – a1.
Consequences for the concept of temperature: 153. 154. 155. 156.
Temperature, T, is dependent on R. When R is slowing down, T will decrease and vice versa. T is a function of R. T = f (R)
The relations R in Nature are the fundament and the concepts E, T, t and Gravitation are all manifestations of R. Dark matter and dark energy in the light of aRb Based on aRb, R is the explanation of dark matter and dark energy. The content of R in the universe, not yet discovered, will give new understanding of dark matter and dark energy, which means that they do not exist. Estimations have been done concerning the content of the entire universe, with approximately 70% dark energy, 26% dark matter and 4% ordinary matter. When we transform this to aRb, R is 96% and ordinary matter is 4%. R is a flow of packages, which continuously flows between a and b, i.e. different systems, such as planets, suns and galaxies. Matter is always in a flow of packages, either inside any system or between systems. Matter is not solid, that is an illusion. The structure of any system consists of flows. The conclusion is that R is 100% of all matter.
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The Expanding Universe versus aRb Based on aRb, R moves from a to b, then there is a b in the universe. What we now see as an expanding universe is instead R moving to b, which is outside the universe we can see. Based on the existing theory of the Big Bang and an expanding universe, there are supposed to be a beginning and an end. In the Big Bang all matter, time and space were in one single point, i.e. the singularity. It was 13.8 billion years ago, which is the age of the universe, based on these theories. This is how the universe was created, this is the history of the universe, we are told. To create the universe out of nothing is contrary to common-sense and logical thinking. “Nothing can be created out of nothing”, as Lucretius postulated more than 2.000 years ago. The idea of the Big Bang can now be replaced by aRb; then the Big Bang is a, the expanding universe is R and b is not yet known. Since aRb has always been existing, there is no beginning or end of the universe: the universe is timeless and will exist for ever and eternity. So, the universe does not have any history, the universe is not based on the idea of evolution. The concept evolution has been abused in most sciences. Based on aRb there is no cause and effect in nature, since it all goes around and around due to relations of packages – R. Consequences of PR for some fundamental concepts based on PP, the paradigm of physics, are: 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169.
Gravitation, based on article 4.2 of the postulates, does not exist. Gravitation is a misunderstanding of R. Energy, based on article 5 of the postulates, does not exist. Energy is a misunderstanding of R. Attraction, based on article 5 of the postulates, does not exist. Attraction is a misunderstanding of R. Repulsion, based on article 5 of the postulates, does not exist. Repulsion is a misunderstanding of R. Force, based on article 5 of the postulates, does not exist. Force is a misunderstanding of R. Electrical charge, both positive charge and negative charge, based on article 5 of the postulates, does not exist. Electrical charge is a misunderstanding of R. Exchange, based on article 5 of the postulates, does not exist.
Manifestations of the Principle
170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190.
191. o o o o o o o
Exchange is a misunderstanding of R. Interaction, based on article 5 of the postulates, does not exist. Interaction is a misunderstanding of R. Radiation from a black hole, i.e. Hawking’s radiation, is obvious from article 3.2 of the postulates. The universe is not expanding. The weight of any galaxy, solar system, planet, moons and atoms will vary over time. Collisions between atoms or any other particles are not normal. Attraction and repulsion do not exist. The speed of light is not the fastest. Cause and effect are not valid concepts. Gravitation does not exist. Evolution does not exist. Laws of Nature do not exist. Antimatter does not exist. Antiquark does not exist. Neither balance nor imbalance, neither equilibrium nor non- equilibrium exists. The contrary concepts motion and motionless do not exist. Time in itself does not exist. The Big Bang is a misconception, misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Gluons, photons and gravitons are not without mass. The multiverse is impossible since it says that those different universes are not connected to each other and this is not possible due to articles 3.1 – 3.3 of the postulates. Albert Einstein used these concepts: Space Time Energy Matter Energy-mass equivalence Space-time in the theory of special relativity Space-time-energy-matter in the general theory of relativity.
Since we now, based on the theory of relations, postulate that Nature does not have time and energy, there are only two valid concepts left, i.e. space and matter.
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Space and matter are not sufficient to understand the behavior of Nature, such as movement, structure, position and change of matter in space. I propose the principle of relations – R. If no time, t, and no curvature, C, then we will have RSM, but S may not exist since R fills all, so then we will have RM. It is maybe useless to say R = M, M = R, R ĺM or MĺR. The answer might be RM, but for now, let´s focus on RĺM, since we need to understand R. R is a flow of packages and all systems are flows of packages, so we can use R as the single explanation/interpretation of the world, since masses and matter are in continuous flows.
R The Paradigm of Physics – PP PP is based on these statements: The language of Nature is mathematics. 1. PP is based on PL. 2. Man stands outside Nature. 3. Man is master of Nature. 4. Nature is a non-organic system. PP is based on a few concepts: 1. Forces or interaction (gravitation, attraction and repulsion). 2. Masses (the leptons e,ȝ,IJ,Ve,Vȝ,VIJ and the quarks u,c,t,d,s,b and galaxies, suns, planets, moons). 3. The forces/interaction act between masses. 4. Exchange of particles (the bosons Ȗ, W+/W-, z, g and the graviton) mediates the interaction. 5. Space-time. 6. Field. 7. Energy (E). The theories and equations of PP are primarily these: 1. Special Relativity (SR) and the equation E = mc2 2. General Relativity (GR) and one equation is Gȝȣ = 8ʌTȝȣ 3. Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and one equation is
M Manifestations off the Principle
Consequencces and concllusions for PP based on PR : 1. PP is not based on valiid concepts. 2. Space-tim me as a conceept is not valid d. 3. Nature ddoes not knoow the conccepts of enerrgy, time, grravitation, repulsionn and attractioon. 4. What w we understandd as positive and negativee electrical charge c in matter iss a misinterprretation of th he direction oof R, i.e. the packages in R. W When R1 betweeen a1 and b1 has one direection, there will be a collisionn when it is cllose to anotheer R, i.e. R2 bbetween a2 an nd b2 that has an oopposite direction. A colllision, not reppulsion; but where in Nature ccan we find thiis? 5. E is equivalent to m, according to E = mc2. E hhas been show wn to be a useful cooncept, howevver E is only a way of meassuring R, i.e. p1-n 6. A physiccal system doees not have the property E, instead it has R. 7. Since tim me does not exiist in Nature, th he meaning off Relativity is useless. u Conclusionss Based on the two articles 3.3 and 3.6 of o the postulattes and the priinciple of relations wee can explain movement. m The movementt of a mass, whether w in the universee or the atom, is explained by b R and aRb . The content and flow of R betweeen a and b expplains the mov vement. It cann be shown in symbolic form as beloow: 1. RĺG G 2. RĺE E 3. RĺF F 4. Rĺĭ ĭ 5. Rĺhhv 6. RĺȌ Ȍ(t,x) 7. R ĺ mc2 8. R ĺ Gm1xm2/r2 9. R ĺ Gȝȣ8ʌTȝȣ 10. R ĺ NW 11. R ĺ L This is a Theeory of Everyything with R as a the commoon denominato or.
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This table 3-3 of relations in universe has to be explored and investigated:
Table 3-3
Manifestations of the Principle
3.2 The Species Based on the postulates and the Principle X = aRb, we can now look into the changes of species. Since the concept of evolution is based on human values, it is not valid. The mistake is analogous to what humans thought concerning the concept of geocentrism, later opposed by the heliocentric concept, i.e. we are not in the center of Nature and the earth is not at the center as geocentrism stated. SP is species, R is the relation between SP and Nature, N. N has impact on SP by R. SP will change as a consequence of N: s impact. With the language of the Principle of Relations we can summarize the change, not the evolution, of SP. SP = (aRb) Where a is N, which by R will change b, to another species SP2 N ĺ SP SP2 = a1R1-11 ĺ b1 Now we must study how R affects the genes and how new mutations occur, not as a random, but as a logical effect of R, i.e. Nature. SDNA - the system of DNA. aRb, where a is N, R is the content and b is SDNA The formula is then N1-n RSDNA The table 3-4 below must be explored and investigated in detail:
Table 3-4 To fully understand this equation we must change our perspective again, i.e. it is not the human who adapts to Nature, it is Nature who changes and creates, rather than adapts to, the human. Again a simple illustration, where N has the symbol of a tree, to show this:
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Figure 3-38
The Paradigm of Evolution – PE The Paradigm of Evolution, PE, is based on these statements: 1. 2. 3. 4.
The principle is random. The mechanisms of evolution are random. The random variation is generated by mutation. Mutation occurs when DNA fails to copy accurately or when external influences, such as specific chemicals or radiation, create mutations.
Manifestations of the Principle
Consequences of the concept of randomness and PE based on PR 1. If randomness is the principle, then man has no free will, due to the fact that conscious decision making is based on randomness. 2. If man is a consequence of randomness, then all species are caused by randomness. 3. Then our solar system is caused by randomness, as well as all galaxies. 4. Then the entire universe is based on randomness. 5. Then randomness as principle is based on randomness. Consequences of PE based on PR 1. Since the concept of evolution is based on human values, it is not valid. 2. Mutation occurs when N1-n RSDNA. 3. Randomness is not valid as an explanation. 4. Now we must study how R affects the genes and how new mutations occur, not as randomness, but as a logical effect of R, i.e. Nature.
3.3 The Human Body Based on the postulates and the Principle X = aRb, we can look into the System of the Human Body. With the language of the principle of relation we can summarize the system, S, for the human body, H, as SH = (aRb) Since there are cells, i.e. 100 trillion cells, where each cell is a living unit, between all cells and organs there are billions and billions of relations, R. As we all know the human body is a complex system of relations between subsystems, down to the smallest elements in and between cells. The system of the human body consists of relations between different flows of packages, i.e. the integumentary system, Si, the skeletal system, Ss, the muscular system, Sm, the nervous system, Sn, the endocrine system, Se, the cardiovascular system, Sc the lymphatic system, Sl, the respiratory system, Sr, the digestive system, Sd, the urinary system, Su and the reproductive system, Sre.
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When we apply the principle to the human body, the hierarchy can be illustrated as below: aRb
Now we must identify all a, R and b, which leads us to this table: R1 =
a1 =
b1 =
R2 =
a2 =
b2 =
R3 =
a3 =
b3 =
And so on for billions of billions of a, b and R within the human body. The flow of packages will over time change each of a, b, R and aRb. At t1 the structure and its contents have one appearance and at t2 the structure and its contents have another appearance. R contains p1-n and the equation of R is as below: R = p1-n = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn This content will over time change any structure a, b, c in the human body. From the lowest element in the cells to relations between systems within the body there are a complex R1-n. SH = (aRb) consists of Si, Ss, Sm, Sc, Sl, Sr, Sd, Su, Sre, Sn and Se , where each S1-11 has its own system of R1-n. SH = (aRb) = SiR1SmR2Sc R3SlR4SrR5SdR6SuR7SreR8SnR9Se R10Ss All systems and elements in these systems will change.
Manifestations of the Principle
When any R is broken, there will be a disorder and disease. Now we have to identify R1-10 and all R1-n within all S1-11. Research has clarified how cells shuttle molecules, how vital chemicals are transported within and between cells, how the vesicles contain and release these chemicals and find the right destinations and release the chemical in the right place. How can 100 trillions of relations control the total system? Now we must look at the brain, the heart, the kidneys, the lungs, the liver and the bowels, then translate the systems to the hierarchy of aRb. SDNA - the system of DNA plays an important role. When we identify a pattern or a model in Nature, we know for sure that it is valid at t1 only, at t2 it is gone. Below are some pictures showing aRb in the human body, where some particles belong to certain particles and some particles cannot co-exist with others. Now we must find a method to fully understand this and R in the human body. With an intensive, deep and earnest understanding of R, we will understand how the established theory of the human being will be transformed. Looking at the following picture, where the red arrow, R, dominates DNA:
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Figure 3-39
Still we have to understannd how particlles transform f rom one leveel to next.
Manifestations of the Principle
The model of relations applied to the Human Body, figure 3-40:
Figure 3-40
Each level is dependent on the level above. If the level above disappears, for any reason, the level below will disappear. Each level´s element, single or complex, is organized by systems of relations. When any relation is broken, disorder and disease will follow, until a new relation is restored.
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Diagnosis with a tool of R, then correcting R. 1. A pacemaker corrects the beating of the heart and overcomes AVblock. 2. A “brain maker” corrects the relation between cells in the brain and makes them work normally (not yet invented). Based on PR diseases will occur when R is broken. A broken R is a disorder behind diseases. Based on X = aRb we can find a possible explanation of cancer. The basic questions are: 1. 2. 3. 4.
What is the content of R? How is b changed? How is a changed? How does content pass the cover of a and b?
Figure 3-41 5. When any R is broken, disorder and damage will occur. 6. When any R in SH is broken, there will be a disease: cancer, high creatinine, AV-blocks, Alzheimer´s Disease, kidney failure, stroke, heart attack … 7. How does gate failure affect R and b, i.e. if the doors between R and b are closed and the interface is out of order? We know that in normal opening and closing of -ion channels, the flow of ions passes through the membrane of a cell. Our first suspicion is that, for some reason, the gate will not open. So, how can a gate recover from inactivity? Flow-block as a cause of diseases Based on PR, diseases will occur when R is broken. A broken R is a disorder behind diseases, such as:
M Manifestations off the Principle
o o o o o o o
AV-bblock III in the heart Strokke Heart rt attack and caardiac infarctiion Alzheimer´s diseasse – AD Schizzophrenia Kidnney failure Canccer.
nsport of When transsport in andd out of the cell is blockked, the tran molecules, eendocytosis, and a waste, exo ocytosis, cann not be perform med. The active ttransport systeem in and out of a cell can be illustrated with this picture, figuure 3-42:
Figure 3-42 The functioon of membrrane proteins is complex and there are a many functions: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Theree are signals between b the ceell´s inside annd its outside. Transsport proteinss take moleculles and ions accross the mem mbrane. Mem mbrane enzymees are active. Somee molecules iddentify other molecules. m
Transport oof molecules in and out of the cell ccan be shown n by the following tw wo pictures, figures 3-43 an nd 3-44:
Chapter Three T
The endocyytosis system::
Figure 3-43 The exocytoosis system:
Figure 3-44 When transsport in and out of the cell is blockked, the tran nsport of molecules, eendocytosis, and a waste, exo ocytosis, cannoot be perform med. We need to understand: 1. 2. 3. a. b. c. 4.
Whicch membrane protein is out of order? Whatt material willl be imprisoneed in the cell? How do these mateerials affect th he cell and DN NA? Whatt damage will occur? DNA damage? Cell ggrowth chaotiic – why? Damage outside thhe cell? No package of “food” inside thee cell will resuult in disorders.
Manifestations of the Principle
5. A blocked gate means no “food” (packages) to the cell and no way for the waste (packages) out of the cell. The content of waste inside the cell makes the cell grow in a chaotic way, i.e. cancer; see also investigation at chapter 4.3. Flow-block as a cause of Alzheimer´s Disease – AD The model of Alzheimer´s Disease:
Figure 3-45
So far the facts, based on science, which correspond to the model of R, are: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Amyloid, plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are involved. Loss of neurons and synapses. Inflammation. Lower levels of Neurotrophic factors and the brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF, (protein). 5. The activity of the neurotransmitter Alpha-7 nicotinic receptor (protein) is modulated by BDNF. Investigate: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Glucose influence on AD. The role of enzymes. How different transport systems broke R, i.e. the flows. How the Gating failed.
Let us first investigate why and how the Gating failed. We know that, in normal opening and closing of ion channels, the flow of ions passes through the membrane of a cell. Our first suspicion is that, for
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some reasonn, the gate will w not open. So, how cann a gate reco over from inactivity? When the gaates are closeed, no packagees can either ccome into or leave the cell. Then thhe cell will bee destroyed within, w and outtside the pack kages will be crowdedd. Outside thee cell, packag ges are crowdded as senile plaques. Inside the cell, genetic diisorder will occur. (It is noot genetic diso order that causes and ddisrupts the ceell´s normal fu unctioning.) T The pictures below will show this, fiigure 3-46:
Figure 3-46
Synaptic gaating shows thhe activation of a gate. Thhere are “gatekeepers”, neurons, whhich influence opening of th he gate.
Figure 3-47
Now we can n start up andd summarize all a relations an nd diseases in n this table 3-5:
Manifestations of the Principle
Table 3-5
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The Paradigm of the Human Body – PH PH is based on these statements, concepts and theories: 1. The science of the human body is built on PL, i.e. the analogy to a house; the sum of different parts constitutes a human body. 2. Physiology as science uses concepts based on PL and PP, such as mechanical, physical, bioelectrical and biochemical concepts, in the study both of human organs and of the cells of which they are composed. 3. The human body is made up of certain elements. 4. The focus is on organs and systems. 5. Most research is made on subsystems. PR is based on these statements regarding the human body: 1. 2. 3. 4.
The human body is a system of relations. SH = (aRb) = SiR1SmR2Sc R3SlR4SrR5SdR6SuR7SreR8SnR9Se R10Ss. There is a system of hierarchical systems between all aRb. Diagnosis can be made by an analysis of R, as a tool, which then can correct R, and so prevent, cure and reduce diseases.
PR influences on PH have these consequences: 1. When any R in SH is broken, there will be a disease such as cancer, high creatinine, AV-block III in the heart … 2. When any R is broken, disorder and damage will occur. 3. There is a need for a survey and a map of all R1-n in the human body. 4. Now, tools can be created that will influence broken R, in order to repair, prevent and reduce diseases. 5. The Paradigm of Relations has already been shown when it comes to the transport system in cells. Cells organize the route of the packages, P1-n, and how the packages of molecules in vesicles find their destinations and deliver the content. This mechanism, R, will cause diseases when it is disordered. (The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013 is all about this). 6. Research based on correlation can now be changed to research based on relations. Most research today investigates how phenomena exist at the same time, where one phenomenon is the cause of the second phenomenon, e.g. how smoking causes lung cancer and how bacteria cause inflammation. When the concept relation is the premise we will reach a deeper level of understanding, since we now focus on why a flow of packages is
Manifestations of the Principle
damaged and how we can restore the flow of packages, when it comes to diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer´s, inflammation, stroke, ADHD, heart attack and rheumatism. Once this mechanism is known, we will have a more efficient cure, perhaps just a few interferences will be needed for most diseases.
3.4 The Human consciousness and psyche Based on aRb, consciousness is the result of the flow of packages which occur from objects outside the human, but it can also occur from objects inside the human, such as body pain and dreams. These packages constitute the memory, which is the consequence of the same molecular movements over and over again, until there is a pattern in the brain, which will be triggered by the same stimuli of objects. The structure and pattern of the memory is a continuous flow of packages. It will only change by the arrival of new packages, depending on how strongly the pattern has been established. In the worst case, when a mental disorder has come up, it is possible to make the brain healthy again by using an intense flow of alternative packages. Consciousness is then a combination of memory patterns of flows of packages and the flow of packages from outside objects, i.e. consciousness is a flow of thoughts in real time. The structure of the human psyche, b, is affected by R, from a. When R is damaged, the psyche will develop diseases such as schizophrenia or suicidal behavior. Isolation and desolation, i.e. damaged R, is often the reason for diseases of the psyche, based on articles 3.2, 3.6.1 and 3.8 of the postulates. To fully understand the content in R between a and b in a social network is not easy, however there are some obvious contents, such as food logistics, heating of the house, water supply, clothes and furniture. All that is needed on a daily basis. When it comes to feelings, emotions and words like love, the content, in concrete concepts, is not that easy to understand. However there is a chemistry of love, where testosterone and estrogen, dopamine and serotonin are involved, combined with our sense of smell. That is why we need to start at the level of the consequences of a lack of R in these relations.
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We know from the research of the sociologist Emile Durkheim that in Protestant countries the rate of suicide is higher than in Catholic countries due to the fact that in Protestant countries people are more individual with fewer relations to other people. It is not psychological diseases that are the causes; it is isolation, desolation and loneliness. In Sweden 1.500 persons, mostly men, commit suicide every year. We know that solitude and loneliness, especially for men, are the reasons, not only for suicide, but also for bad health and early death. It can be compared with smoking too much or drinking too much, which is a frequent combination for solitary and isolated men, since it is mostly men who will be affected. Men in solitude die much earlier than married men. Loneliness and isolation, which is damaged R, increase the risks for both mental health and physical health, such as high blood pressure and heart problems, especially for older people. Newborn children can in the worst case die without physical contact. Loneliness kills. Loneliness predicts depression, suicide, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, risk of dementia, high cholesterol; it is in fact a life-threating condition. All persons need normal love and care in solid relations. If the closest relations are dysfunctional with social isolation, especially from an absent and charismatic father, the risk of schizophrenia will increase. How the damaged relation R will affect a child is rather well known, however it has to be explored again based on aRb. Furthermore, the individual´s relations in the family, with relatives and friends, are also affected by the surrounding society, which in turn is dependent on national and international relations, as will be shown in part 3.5 below, dealing with the society and international relations. It is family and friends who make us happy; to be famous and to have riches and wealth, which instead can lead to isolation and loneliness, do not make us happy. What a paradox! On page 151 there are some advice and rules for a good life, based on aRb. To maintain good health, both mentally and physically, loneliness and isolation must be conquered. To be part of a network of people will bring us a happy, healthy and long life. We need to explore this table 3-6 in detail:
Manifestations of the Principle
Table 3-6
3.5 The society and international relations Based on the postulate that nothing lives in isolation, not a part, not a system, everything hangs together with continuous flows and impacts between all parts and all systems. Consequently individuals, groups, nations and conglomerates of nations are interrelated through relations. In studying these relations we will find how several structures of power coordinate, how the national system relates to other national systems, concerning scientific, industrial, economic, political and religious areas and how all international relations will affect the problems the world is dealing with at a certain point in time. The world cannot be a home for all people before we create new relations between nations in the world and, as a consequence of these, we need new relations between groups and individuals within all nations. The world must work as one. We need to start a global discussion concerning a new ideology, Pasism, and how the top priority global problems should be addressed, which are the most important solutions to start with and how should a new global order be realized. Pasism comes from P as Power, A as Assuring, S as Survival and –ism comes from the meaning “distinctive doctrine”. Power Assuring Survival as a doctrine. Power Assuring Survival for humanity. PASISM! Pasism, political philosophers and the constitution of a WorldParliament. What many political philosophers have said constitutes the new ideology – Pasism! If we combine John Dewey’s “learning by doing” with William James´ and Charles Sanders Pierce´s pragmatism, in the meaning that we achieve
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knowledge by participating and not as spectators, we find support from these pragmatic Americans. What the world needs now is a period of consolidation – a period of at least a hundred years, maybe hundreds of years. We will have a world which will take very few and careful steps when it comes to securing such essentials as producing food for all, transport for all, housing for all, education for all, healthcare for all and social welfare for all. In this sense we can use the philosophy of Edmund Burke, but let us first start from Karl Marx´s idea of a revolution. Thus we combine those two. In the same way we can combine Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. A global society ruled by a government has to use arguments from both these philosophers. The individual human being and the nation will both have their rights to some extent, but not in all matters. Thomas Hobbes argues that a nation needs a central power in order to secure people´s security. If there is no central power, all will fight against each other and anarchy and war would be the result. The only solution is to draw up a treaty (covenant) that will create a fellowship, a society under a legitimate power. This goes for a nation as well as for the global society and international relations. We need to combine the opinion of all political philosophers, just because they individually represent a single dogma and a new pragmatic ideology must be based on all opinions. Let me quote John Locke: “Where can we find that person who have undoubted proof for all he believes in are true or that everything he will condemn are false or who can state that he/she from the base has investigated all his/her or others opinions? The necessary in believing without knowledge, yes, often on very weak grounds, in the volatile condition of action and blindness in which we are, ought to make us hard-working and careful in informing us, instead of practice constraint on others.”
Manifestations of the Principle
However, there are exceptions from this beautiful sentence, namely the reality. Sometimes you have to take a decision that in the short-term goes against the majority, but in the long-term is for the good of all. This is an experience that most CEOs and prime-ministers and presidents are familiar with. The philosophy of Hegel After the collapse of communism – communists used a top down Hegelian philosophy, meaning that instead of idealism they applied the concept of materialism – the concepts of thesis, antithesis and synthesis was not used any more. Now, I think, it is time for a renaissance for those useful concepts again. We all have the experience of developing via mistakes. The same principle can be applied to history, but this does not mean that all we did or that history did was completely wrong. So – if we combine all the good things we did in our history, we are able to create the next societal synthesis. The political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes argued that all humans are egoistic and want to combat each other. If there were no central power there would be a constant war between all humans. Now we have to apply this philosophy globally – to the entire world. Nations are egoistic and need a central power to prevent violence and war. The political philosophy of Karl Marx As history has shown us, communism with dictatorship of the proletariat could not solve the societal problems and create their dream of utopia. Instead we have seen oppression, poverty and stupidity, if we look at regimes such as those in Cuba, the Soviet Union and Romania. When we look at China, however, there is some consideration of a beginning to cross the border of communism so as to find a combination with the liberal economy.
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Democracy and dictatorship The world will need both democracy and dictatorship in the time to come. How is it possible to mention dictatorship when most of the people think that democracy can solve our problem? I believe that in some societal areas we need plans for the entire world, but where pragmatic solutions from our best expertise will solve the problems without interference from democratic elections. Sometimes people do not accept a democratic decision, and then they must be forced to do so, in the interests of what is best for the world. The UN has made up an agenda and goals for 2030: 1. No poverty 2. Zero hunger 3. Good health and well-being 4. Quality education 5. Gender equality 6. Clean water and sanitation 7. Affordable and clean energy 8. Decent work and economic growth 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure 10. Reduced inequality 11. Sustainable cities and communities 12. Responsible consumption and production 13. Climate action 14. Life below water 15. Life on land 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions 17. Partnership for the goals.
Without a world-government this will not happen. Albert Einstein: “I firmly believe that the majority of peoples in the world would prefer to live in peace and security. Mankind`s desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government”. How to avoid the third world war and why the UN cannot solve the problem. The United Nations lacks the power. Simple as that.
Manifestations of the Principle
Can there really be a third world war? Yes. If we look at history and learn from it, a third world war is a big risk. Whenever the global, or any, society faces fundamental imbalances and/or the interest of the established power is threatened, there will be war. Today we can see both. It is obvious for all that there can be difficult and problematic imbalances when it comes to natural resources, climate change and population growth. UN-people are mostly naive. The world is tough. When it comes to real power people will be mad. Global problems Today the world can be divided into two parts: x x x x x x
Winners – Losers Rich – Poor Nation against nation Continent against continent USA against Asia EU against Africa
Again, all of us can on a daily basis, via media, reports etc., see what is happening in the world: 1. Oil-prices are increasing and in the future the oil will be finished. 2. There are changes in the climate. 3. The world population will increase from 6 billion to 9 billion by the year 2050. 4. Lack of food and water. 5. When many nations want to raise their standard of living the demand for metals, energy and many other resources increases, and the earth will then be exposed to severe strain. 6. Struggle between groups within nations and conflicts between nations. 7. Refugees will increase from 60 million to hundreds of millions when the climate change is total with all its consequences.
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The constitution of a world-parliament The constitution will be based on two chambers – chamber one and chamber two. The members in chamber two will every fifth year be elected through election, while members of chamber one will be in office for their life-times. Chamber two will have 501 members, chamber one will have 201 members. The world government will have fifteen members to which for the first twenty years eight members will be elected from chamber one. The type of institutions that will be needed has to be considered. Below are some possibilities: Institutions x x x x x x x x
The Parliament The Council Presidency The Government Court of Justice Court of Auditors Ombudsman Data Protection Supervisor.
Financial bodies x x x x x
The World Bank The World Investment Bank and The World Investment Fund World Economic and Social Committee Committee of World Regions.
Decentralized bodies x x x x
Community agencies Security Policy Police and Judicial Cooperation in criminal matters Executive agencies.
Manifestations of the Principle
The world-parliament The parliament consists of two chambers, where chamber one is responsible for long-terms questions such as the constitution and chamber two will deal with legislation and the economy. The government will execute. Each region will have parliaments. Chamber one will consist of persons with extraordinary experience. The world-government The number and areas for the ministers are the same as those within the world parliament: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Agriculture, food and housing Health-care Welfare Education Infrastructure Industry R&D Security Finance.
Persons with extraordinary political experience will be elected to the world-government, such as Bill Clinton, Vladimir Putin, Tony Blair, Hu Jintao, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad … Global Programmes to deal holistically with world-wide issues … food for all, medical aid for all, housing for all, education for all, communications for all, …only one car … only two children … We have to produce and distribute food globally, in order to secure each individual’s needs. All capacities world-wide shall be used and the farmers will be sufficiently paid. All possible areas will be used, until this goal is fulfilled.
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Some ideas x Infrastructures … 1.000 trains x 24h x 1.000 travelers = 24 million people/day from Paris to Peking and back … x Two economic levels: planned-economy and liberal economy … Global organization x x x x x x
Global director for R&D … Global director for infrastructure … Global director for agriculture … Global director for finance … Global director for health … Global director for …
Peace, laws, global rules and security-forces To prevent a third world-war and to solve regional and national conflicts the world will need a world-government. We have seen that the United Nations is only marginally able to establish global and regional peace. We have seen that China, the United States of America and the European Union have established some stability within their domains, but on an international level the world still suffers from tensions - trials of strength. Only with a global government can we secure the safety of all human beings. With a global jurisdiction and a global court, with cooperation between prosecutor, referee and police-officers we can secure this safety. It is my absolute conviction that only with a world-power can we create peace and social stability. If clusters of countries compete, it can end in a third world war. That is why we have to make all countries work together for A world for all. If any nation has natural catastrophes, the world as a whole can help. With big investments in infrastructures we can promote new systems of energy. The world’s postindustrial societies are complex and the standard of living improves continually, but there are enormous gaps between rich and poor. The world has to cooperate to diminish this gap.
Manifestations of the Principle
We must create economic growth and still protect regional diversities, by building on regional specialism. We know by experience that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The human being cannot survive without a strong political leadership which will control the power of the markets. We believe in human rights, social solidarity, free enterprise, fair division of the fruits of economic growth, respect for cultural, linguistic and religious diversities in combination with traditions and development. Since 1989 the world has seen many changes, such as the fall of the Berlin wall, the fall of the Soviet empire and the rise of China and India as worldpowers. There is a possibility that these new spheres will be competitive, leading to new wars. So, if we do not unite, there will be big problems. Plan of action The world will face difficult challenges during 2020-2120 and has to deal with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Peace, welfare and stability for all citizens. The world must become one integrated organization. The world´s citizens must live in security and safety. Establish a balanced economy and social welfare. Secure diversity within science, culture and religion. Create sustainable development such as a good environment, human rights and a fair economy.
To Do: x Global Programmes x Leadership x Organization x Economy x Information and propaganda …TV … media … www and homepages … x Constitute the party, leadership and programmes x Use finance to make information and propaganda world-wide … x Starting up continental and national organization … x Financing
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x Compete in elections … Investigations to be done concerning: 1. The constitution, the organization of the world-parliament, worldgovernment and working order. 2. Growth areas 3. R&D focus and organization 4. Health care and its global organization 5. Regional and national structures 6. A renewable energy policy 7. Limits of a liberal economy 8. Etc.
Pasism creates
New Global Relations People in all countries; unite to carry out the vision A world for all!
Manifestations of the Principle
With this short proclamation called Pasism, we can create new global relations. We surely will meet with a lot of resistance, for the simple reason that no one wants to lose their power and privileges. The fundamental basis of Pasism is world-power by a world- government, with full authority to handle all the issues necessary to stabilize the world, so we can survive and so that all people will have a good life. A power assuring survival for all and the globe. Let us combine all the best in the world to find the solutions and combine all ideologies into Pasism. We have to realize that our world is facing the most challenging future ever and that we have two choices: 1. Problems will increase and in the worst case there can be a third world war. 2. The world can solve these global problems and will survive by means of a new world-power, a world-government. My conclusion is that the world can only survive through a worldgovernment and a world-parliament with power. Sooner or later this will be the conclusion of a majority worldwide. In one respect I want to quote John Locke. “New ideas always meet suspicions and most of the time resistance, by the only reason that the idea is not common yet.” So, the first goal is to win 10% of all votes in the world, starting in each individual country. Now we must help each other to find the solutions for the world. The method of finding global solutions for the different areas shall consist of three parts: 1. Vision and concrete goals in terms of key figures. 2. Status of today in terms of key figures. 3. Action-plans in concrete terms.
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In this first broad and general political programme, we have to simplify the complexity to make it understandable for all people. Later on we have to make detailed global plans. Below I show the method in a model: The method for finding global solutions Status of today: A world for some
Vision for tomorrow: A world for all!
Actionplan: A world-government
Using this model will be good for all different political areas, such as welfare, education, health, food, housing, finance etc. However, here is one example now. There is today the technology able to set up off-grid equipment to deliver electricity to water-pumps and households, which can then deliver water in order to get food. This is a self-supporting system to be installed wherever needed on the globe.
Figure 3-48 and figure 3-49
M Manifestations off the Principle
Self-supporrting system ¾ Hybrrid with winnd turbines, solar s panels and battery off-grid. Toolkkit for installaation and main ntenance 9 L Local managem ment 9 Innfrastructure for f electricity and water 9 T Technical suppport for solutio ons 9 Sources of watter 9 Pumps for wateer 9 E Electricity to thhe pumps and to householdds. It is easy too understand why w we need d a world-govvernment, but let some key figures aalso tell us whhy: 1. One bbillion peoplee go to bed hun ngry. 2. 1.4000 billion dollaars goes every year to militaary purposes. 3. 750 m million people face socio-eeconomic disccrimination beecause of their cultural identtities. 4. Increease from 6 to 9 billion peop ple in the worrld by the yearr 2050.
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In short, thiss is what we want. w
Pasism, is a new –ism, ann –ism for all people. p Pasism m is a new ideeology. “All by praggmatism” meaans that we will w use the beest practice wo orld-wide to solve anyy problem. This means that we cannoot throw all id deologies oveerboard, but in nstead we need to takee care of the beest in all ideollogies. I will call thhe new ideologgy “Pasism”, meaning that we will do th he best for all by pragm matism. We know w what bad and evil e Nazism an nd Communissm did, but we w have to admit that C Capitalism as well w created ev vil and bad thhings. So, a combination of thee best in conservatism, libberalism and socialism will be the nnew synthesis,, the new ideo ology, called ““Pasism”. As there alw ways will be power p structurres in the worrld, we can forresee that some decisiions and their consequencces will not bbe popular – however necessary. A constantlyy developing and growing g ideology m must be createed, which will compennsate for the exxisting dogmaatic ideologiess. In the begiinning the neew ideology, Pasism, willl consist of one o third socialism, onne third liberaalism and one third conservvatism.
Manifestations of the Principle
Every situation demands special answers. A global pragmatism has to deal with that. In short Pasism means that every creative person will have freedom for creation, and all human beings with problems such as homelessness and sickness will have shelters for their problems. That is the basis of the new civilization. During the 2100s when science, new technologies and education in combination with the world-parliament and the new vision “a world for all” have been fulfilled, we will have a civilized world. However, during history civilizations come and go. New empires have overcome former empires. Often new empires are based on new military skills or economic strength. History has been very bloody and will continue to be so because humans are violent. So far we have seen these empires and more: o o o o o o o o o o
Egyptian Greek Roman Chinese Ottoman Islamic Austro-Hungarian British Soviet American.
Some have tried, but failed, to conquer the world: 9 Napoleon in France 9 Adolf Hitler in Germany Both failed in Russia. Now, we can see how nations like China, Russia, India (?), the Arabiclanguage countries, USA and EU (?) want to conquer the world … Nato … ?
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The cynicism is total. If Russia can bomb civilians and hospitals in Syria, just to create chaos in the region and for Europe, they will do it. This is the tough law of politics. Who will be the winner? Who will dominate the world? For sure many nations have plans to take on world-domination! Is it possible peacefully to arrange a world-parliament and a world- government or do we have to face a third world war or the collapse of civilization? The Paradigm of Ideologies – PI PI - the Paradigm of Ideologies is based on these statements and facts: 1. Each ideology focuses on an interest group. 2. All ideologies are fully convinced they deliver the best to mankind. 3. Most ideologies were created before the twentieth century. Pasism is based on these statements: 1. “All people in the world” is the starting point. 2. Science, facts and statistics guide decisions for the best for all people. 3. The world needs a new ideology. 4. Pasism argues and suggests a constitution of a world-parliament and a world-government. The consequences for PI based on PR, are a new ideology, i.e. Pasism. The time has now come for the new ideology Pasism. President Emmanuel Macron has in his political speeches and movement opened up a way in for Pasism; however this is on a national level, but it can be used in international relations. We can also notice the policy of Angela Merkel´s CDU, which has some components that resemble Pasism and furthermore note the excellence as both person and leader that Angela Merkel radiates. Maybe the EU under the leadership of Angela Merkel can create the world-parliament with the EU as the model.
Manifestations of the Principle
When following the status of international politics of today, i.e. 2017, we can notice that the EU via French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed to a new set of European defense measures and a new generation of fighter jets. If a new world order cannot be reached by negotiations, it has to be done by military strength, which Europe once again can make happen. On the way towards a united world with a common parliament, this could start with the EU taking on the leadership role. When comparing different regions in the world, such as China (who now want to take control of the world and be the world leader after 100 years of degradation), Russia, America both south and north, India, Turkey and the Middle East, the choice from the perspective of Pasism will be EU. The reason is easy to understand, e.g. the level of democracy, the level of welfare, the level of industry and the history of science, politics and industry. Europe and especially Western Europe has a history of mistakes and successes, which has now been overcome by the organization of EU, which will soon be ready for taking the world leadership again. Under the leadership of the EU and persons like Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, a global action plan will be set up and fulfilled. They will start with a roadmap for deeper integration of the EU and first of all the euro zone, then things will come step by step, as a necessary historical progress. For sure, if the EU does not want to be the leader, we can see many threats and fears coming up from competing regions with bad behavior based on insufficient and inadequate thinking.
Let us now look in to some applications: 4.1 The application of the principle to the photoelectric effect 4.2 The application of the principle to change of a species Z 4.3 The application of the principle to cancer 4.4 The application of the principle to ADHD 4.5 The application of the principle to the conflict at the Gaza Strip Based on the principle design below, shown at page 31, we will find some answers as to how the Principle of Relations interprets Nature.
Figure 4-1
A Applications of the Principle
4.1 The application n of the priinciple to the t photoelectric effecct When lightt shines on some s metals they emit eelectrons. Max Planck formulated tthe Planck relation E = hf to o clarify this pphenomenon. Albert Einsttein formulateed a more acccurate descripttion and said that light is discrete w wave packets, i.e. the wavee-particle duaality. The quesstion was then if both low and high efficiency of light could em mit electrons.
Figure 4-2
The equationns to be analyyzed and comp pared with PR are the follow wing:
h (Planck’ss constant) f (the frequuency of photton) (work function)
Chapter Four
(Maximum kinetic k energyy of ejected eleectrons) f0
(the threeshold frequenncy for the photoelectric efffect to occur)
m (the rest m mass of the ejected electron n) vm
(the speeed of the ejeccted electron)
These equattions used by Albert A Einsteiin say that eneergy of a photo on is equal to Eneergy needed too remove an electron plus K Kinetic energy y of the emitted elecctron. What will haappen if we annalyze the pho otoelectric efffect based on PR? The questionns and statements are the fo ollowing: 1. We m must remove the t concept en nergy, since itt is not valid, as shown earlieer. 2. Any constants muust be removeed, since the principle tellls us that equattions do not fully explain the phenomeenon. A consstant is a fixedd quantitative value, used to t make the eequation solvaable. The real ccontent of a coonstant is not known. 3. We m must study hoow the metal or o any materiaal in itself wiill change due tto photons´ im mpact and influ uence. 4. Whatt exactly happens with thee material froom which thee electron movees? 5. We m must study hoow the electrrons are releaased, how thee photons influeence the mateerial so electro ons can move out. 6. Whatt exactly happpens when a photon makes aan electron move? m 7. We m must understaand how the process p over tiime changes Nature N in somee aspects. 8. Whenn the “atoms”” of the metall/material losee an electron, does the photoon replace thee electron? 9. Desccribe the charaacteristics of both b the photoon and the elecctron. 10. If onne photon hass an impact on o the metal,, how do billlions and billioons of photonss impact on th he metal? 11. Doess there exist a picture of this t in a miccroscope? Beelow is a photoon, picture 4-11:
Applications of the Principle
12. This picture lets us know that the impact must be significant on the material/metal that is hit by the beam of photons. 13. We must understand where in Nature this is a continuous process. Since before we know this: 14. An atom does not exist; it only looks like an atom, since it is an organization of particles in continuous flow. 15. It is the logic of R, i.e. the relations, that constitute an atom. 16. The fact that we can see atoms, planets, sun systems and galaxies, does not mean they exist as solid entities. The photoelectric effect is based on PP, which means that it does not exist in Nature. However we can manipulate Nature in such a way that it comes true in experiments and applications. This is good enough in the service of humans, but does not fully explain Nature. Light (L) is moving packages in Nature, which is the relation between a and b, i.e. the structure of b will be changed by R. L has the function of supporting b with packages needed by b. This gives a new interpretation of the photoelectric effect. Now we must study how b is changed by R, coming from a.
Chapter Four
The best exaample is photoosynthesis.
Figure 4-3
Distributionn of photosynthhesis on the globe, g figure 4 -4:
Figure 4-4
Applications of the Principle
By this I want to show that the world and Nature are alive, a living system, postulated in articles 1 and 2, i.e. All is alive, and All is dynamic. This is the same as the model shown before, i.e.:
Figure 4-5
4.2 The application of the principle to the change of the species Z We take two Z and each Z will be put into different systems, i.e. different systems of R, calling one Z1 and the other Z2. Then we will carefully study how Z1 and Z2 will change over time. Let us put the same seed, embryo or germ into two different systems of relations. According to PR they will develop differently by the impact of packages from R. The seed is dependent on water, temperature, oxygen, earth and light. Under normal conditions, grass germinates to be just grass. However if we change the conditions to extreme conditions, such as very cold, no light, no water and only some oxygen, let us see what will happen. Now we wrap two sunflower seeds in two pieces of tinfoil and one in plastic film. We put one tinfoil and one plastic film in a dark and cold box. The other tinfoil we put outdoors in normal Swedish summer conditions. They will be there for four weeks. After four weeks we can see a difference in both size and color.
Chapter Four
A more careful investigation has to be done, with a microscope as well, to study the inner structure of the sunflowers. Whatever kind of results will occur, there can be no relation between everything in Nature. We must find out which relations are possible. This means a huge amount of work to be done in order to identify all aRb when it comes to species.
4.3 The application of the principle to cancer When gates are closed, no packages can either come in or leave the cell. Then the cell will be destroyed inside, and outside it the packages will be crowded. The basic logic is as this model:
Figure 4-6
When R is damaged, this will happen, shown by the model over cancer:
Figure 4-7
The thesis in established science is that damage of DNA causes cancer. However based on PR it is not genetic disorder that causes and disrupts the
Applications of the Principle
cells´ normal functioning, since genetic disorder, if there is any, at the first point is caused by a flow-block in the cell. Then there is no chance to repair DNA by the use of genes, if needed, before the block is removed and R is restored. The figure below shows the established science of cancer, based on alternative axioms and the red arrow from the left shows the axiom of PR, i.e. the DNA damage is a result of a broken R, i.e. the gate to the cell will not open. How cancer results from DNA damage based on the thesis of medicine is shown by the figure 4-8 below, where the red arrow shows R, i.e. gate failure as the cause of DNA damage:
Figure 4-8
When we know how to identify a damaged gatekeeper, the opening and closing of a cell, and damaged flow of packages, we will have the solution to cancer. The question asked from PR will now be how exogenous agents can cross the cover of the cell and all borders can be made up by covers, before any external agent reaches DNA.
Chapter Four
The answer might be that they cannot reach the DNA, but instead there is another explanation. As an example, let us look at cancer caused by smoking. The explanation might be that smoke, consisting of tar, will make cells isolated by closing all gates by tar, so the transport of molecules, endocytosis, and waste, exocytosis, cannot function. Non-smokers´ and smokers´ lungs show visually the explanation based on PR, i.e. the tar makes the gates in the covers impossible to pass. The thesis based on The Principle of Relations tells us that lung cancer starts with tar stopping flows to lung cells by damaging the gates to the cell. The cause of lung cancer, then, is damage of R by gate failure.
4.4 The application of the principle to ADHD ADHD, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, means difficulties in concentration and control of activities and impulses. Based on aRb it is the society and the relations in the network that cause ADHD, via damage in the brain´s neurotransmitter system. As for now, we understand that flows of packages are essential for normal functioning in any system and when flows of packages of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain´s pathways are damaged, ADHD will occur. To some extent there are similarities between the network structure of relations for the individual human being, the network structure of relations for the neurotransmitter system in the brain and the structure of the human psyche. This is based on the flow of packages between the three levels, thus causing ADHD, as shown in the figure 4-9 below:
Applications of the Principle
Figure 4-9
ADHD is increasing in countries such as the USA: one report shows figures of over 40% increase over a period of eight years, from 2003 to 2011; and there are indications of increase in most parts of the world. Based on aRb, ADHD gives an indication that society in all its complexity must focus on dealing with ADHD. Modern society has some new phenomena such as ADHD, burn-out, Alzheimer´s, ADD, DAMP, dementia and similar diseases. The big challenge is to overcome these diseases, since it seems that they all are a consequence of a dysfunctional society and dysfunctional networks. As we have seen in part 3.5, a new ideology to deal with these challenges must be created and one example is shown below in 4.5
Chapter Four
4.5 The application of the principle to the conflict at the Gaza Strip In this example we will see that a block in the cover of a system has negative consequences for both the outside system as well as for the inside system. The block, whether it is caused by the cover itself or by inside or outside causes, has to be removed. Otherwise the broken and dysfunctional relation will damage the system inside as well as the system outside. Let us look into the complex situation of the Gaza Strip caused by the blockade, since Israel has control over its air, sea and land borders. Most supplies are cut off as a consequence of the blockade. From 2007 Egypt and Israel have had a blockade of the Gaza Strip. Israel intends that the Gaza Strip blockade will reduce Palestinian rocket attacks and that weapons cannot be taken to Hamas. However the blockade also stopped importation of all things necessary and important for daily life, such as building materials, food, clothes, and shoes. Based on the principle of relations, the block of relation damages both sides of the cover, which in this case is the border of the Gaza Strip. Inside the Gaza Strip people suffer from closed companies and 40% unemployment, less drinking water and electricity. Outside, i.e. in Israel, security and trade decrease more and more for every year of the blockade. Based on R, this can be shown symbolically as figure 4-10, where a is Israel and b is the Gaza Strip:
Figure 4-10
Applications of the Principle
The Gaza Strip is self-governing. It is a small territory, 41 kilometres long and 6-12 kilometres wide, with an area of 365 square kilometres. All borders are controlled by Israel and Egypt. The population is approximately 1,85 million. Hamas has the power in the Gaza Strip and their opinion about Zionism can be found in different texts, of which the Hamas Charter 1988 is one. Hamas Charter 1988 quotes Muhammed in three articles, i.e. 7, 22 and 32: x Article 7: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews."
x Article 22, says that the French and Russian revolutions, colonialism and both world wars were created by the Zionists or forces supportive of Zionism: "You may speak as much as you want about regional and world wars. They were behind World War I, when they were able to destroy the Islamic Caliphate, making financial gains and controlling resources. They obtained the Balfour Declaration, formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state. It was they who instigated the replacement of the League of Nations with the United Nations and the Security Council to enable them to rule the world through them. There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it."
x Article 32, refers to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: "Today it is Palestine, tomorrow it will be one country or another. The Zionist plan is limitless. After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying."
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Zionism: The concept Zion means Jerusalem and Zionism means that Jews should return to the Holy Land and establish a government which is legitimate, based on the Jewish perspective. The Zionist idea shows up in the Israeli Declaration of Independence: “The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books. After being forcibly exiled from their land, the people kept faith with it throughout their Dispersion and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to it and for the restoration in it of their political freedom. Impelled by this historic and traditional attachment, Jews strove in every successive generation to re-establish themselves in their ancient homeland. In recent decades they returned in their masses.”
Theodore Herzl, used these words for the Jewish State, 1896: “I believe that a wondrous generation of Jews will spring into existence. The Maccabeans will rise again. Let me repeat once more my opening words: The Jews who wish for a State will have it. We shall live at last as free men on our own soil, and die peacefully in our own homes. The world will be freed by our liberty, enriched by our wealth, magnified by our greatness. And whatever we attempt there to accomplish for our own welfare, will react powerfully and beneficially for the good of humanity.”
UN resolutions have been critical of Zionism, as fosterers of apartheid and racism. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on November 10, 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), "determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination". Chaim Herzog said the same day: "I can point with pride to the Arab ministers who have served in my government; to the Arab deputy speaker of my Parliament; to Arab officers and men serving of their own volition in our border and police defense forces, frequently commanding Jewish troops; to the hundreds of thousands of Arabs from all over the Middle East crowding the cities of Israel every year; to the thousands of Arabs from all over the Middle East coming for medical treatment to Israel; to the peaceful coexistence which has developed; to the fact that Arabic is an official language in Israel on a
Applications of the Principle
par with Hebrew; to the fact that it is as natural for an Arab to serve in public office in Israel as it is incongruous to think of a Jew serving in any public office in an Arab country, indeed being admitted to many of them. Is that racism? It is not! That … is Zionism."
And "another manifestation of the bitter anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish hatred which animates Arab society. Who would have believed that in this year, 1975, the malicious falsehoods of the “Elders of Zion” would be distributed officially by Arab governments? Who would have believed that we would today contemplate an Arab society which teaches the vilest anti-Jewish hate in the kindergartens? … We are being attacked by a society which is motivated by the most extreme form of racism known in the world today".
And "For us, the Jewish people, this resolution based on hatred, falsehood and arrogance, is devoid of any moral or legal value. For us, the Jewish people, this is no more than a piece of paper and we shall treat it as such."
It all ended on 16th of December 1991, when United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/86, revoked the determination in Resolution 3379, which had called Zionism a form of racism. This is the background to the Gaza Strip and the Arab – Israeli conflict. Can these two parties come to an agreement? Can the relation be normal and well-functioning again? History shows us that over time there will always be a solution and an agreement, like the one between Denmark and Sweden, which continuously made wars hundreds of years ago. But, with a global world-government there will be a solution within a short time. This is also valid for all conflicts all over the world.
The Paradigm of Relations, PR, is the Principle and Theory of Relations in Nature. PR is based on these statements: 1. 2. 3. 4.
The language of Nature is mostly out of reach for man. Man is a part of Nature. Nature is master of man. Nature is a living system.
PR is based on a few concepts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
All = Nature = X It all hangs together through a relation – R. The relation is superior to the parts, a, b, c … Everything that exists is concrete. The Principle or Relations is X = aRb.
Figure 5-1
The theory and equations of PR are: 1. X = aRb 2. R = p1-n = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn
The Constitution of the Principle
3. X = A-Z = A + B + C + …Z 4. X = S (aRb) PR is also the basis for a new ideology, Pasism, which is based on these statements: 1. All people and humans in the world are the starting point. 2. Science, facts and statistics guide decisions. 3. Pasism suggests a constitution of a world-parliament and a worldgovernment. The idea of Relations can symbolically be shown like this, figure 5-2, continuous flows throughout all the aRb of Nature, i.e. billions of billions of billions of billions …. of aRb in endless S:
Figure 5-2
Chapter Five
Each level is dependent on the level above. If the level above disappears, for any reason, the level below will disappear. Each level´s element, single or complex, is organized by systems of relations. When any relation is broken, disorder will follow, until a new relation is restored. We can now identify the entire Nature in a table 5-1 for all Systems of relations:
The Constitution of the Principle
Chapter Five
Essential concepts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
All that exists is concrete. All = X It all hangs together through a relation - R The relation is superior to the parts, a, b, c … X is any A, B, C, D, E, F, G … a is any system, unit, entity, part, element in any field of Nature. b is any system, unit, entity, part, element in any field of Nature. R is a flow of packages between a and b in any field of Nature. S is any system in Nature.
The Principle is X = aRb Basic equations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
X = aRb R = p1-n = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn X = A-Z = A + B + C + …Z S = (aRb) X = S
Manifestations*: 1. The Universe, e.g. masses, energy and gravitation. 2. The Species, e.g. how species change. 3. The Human Body, e.g. how the human body works and how to cure diseases. 4. The Human consciousness and psyche. 5. The Society and International Relations, e.g. how society should work and how to stop wars. *The Principle is valid for the micro- and macro-universe, for biology, medicine, physiology and society. This mechanism holds for the whole of Nature, i.e. all masses such as quarks, leptons, atoms, molecules, genes, DNA, cells, organs, human bodies, species, planets, suns, moons, galaxies, the entire universe and all societies.
The Constitution of the Principle
Basic concepts: 1. X = All 2. N = Nature 3. X = Systems in N 4. N = X 5. X = all qualities in N, such as A, B, C, D, E, F, G … 6. X = A, B, C, D, E, F, G … 7. W = World 8. S = System 9. P = Part 10. x = Elements a, b, c… 11. p = package 12. R = Relation 13. RS = systems of relations 14. t = time 15. T = Temperature 16. NW = Network Basic equations: 1. X = aRb 2. X = W1-n 3. N = W1-n 4. W = S1-n 5. W = S 6. S = (P1-n)1-n 7. S = P 8. S = f(aRb) or 9. S = (aRb) 10. S = aRb 11. S1-n = Systems 12. RS = ( p1-n = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn ) 13. T = f(R) 14. t = f(R) 15. t1-n = f (R1-n) 16. If no R, no time. 17. S1 = (a1R1b1)R2(a3R3b3) … 18. X = A-Z = A + B + C + …Z 19. R = p1-n = p1 + p2 + p3 …pn 20. a, b, c …are complicated systems, S, that send and/or receive flows of packages, i.e. p1-n
Chapter Five
21. P can be the elements of any S, such as the kidney, the testicle, the heart, the sun or an atom. 22. S can be the human body, the earth, the atom, the galaxy, the sun, the moon, organs, organisms, the human body, animals and nations, to mention only a few. 23. W can be the summary of all S at a certain time-period, t1 – tn. 24. (a1R1b1)R3 (a2R2b2) 25. S = (aR1b)R2(aR3b) … 26. X = (a1R1b1)R3(a2R2b2) 27. R1 is the relations within the kidney; R2 is the relations between R1 and R3-n … 28. (a1-nR1-n b1-n)R(c1-nR1-nd 1-n) … 29. X = SURSEVRSH 30. SURSERSARSHRSB 31. SURSG 32. SURSGSE 33. SSRSHRSB 34. RĺG 35. RĺE 36. RĺF 37. Rĺĭ 38. Rĺhv 39. RĺȌ(t,x) 40. R ĺ mc2 41. R ĺ Gm1xm2/r2 42. R ĺ Gȝȣ8ʌTȝȣ 43. R ĺ NW 44. R ĺ L 45. L = hf 46. R = hf 47. The molecule of water is (H11e-1Rp+1)R(H21e-2Rpt2)R(O11e-Rpt) 48. SP = (aRb) 49. N ĺ SP 50. SP2 = a1R1-11b1 ĺ b2 51. N1-n RSDNA 52. SH = (aRb) consists of Si, Ss, Sm, Sc, Sl, Sr, Sd, Su, Sre, Sn and Se , where each S1-11 has its own system of R1-n. 53. SH = (aRb) = SiR1SmR2Sc R3SlR4SrR5SdR6SuR7SreR8SnR9Se R10Ss 54. RE is the Relations Equations.
The Constitution of the Principle
Sometimes illustrations and pictures tell more than words:
Figure 5-3
Figure 5-4
Figure 5-5
Figure 5-6
Figure 5-7
Figure 5-8
Chapter Five
The Constitution of the Principle
Figure 5-9
Figure 5-10
Figure 5-11
Figure 5-12
Figure 5-13
Chapter Five
The Constitution of the Principle
Figure 5-14
Chapter Five
The model or relations applied to the Human Body, figure 5-15:
Figure 5-15
The Constitution of the Principle
Damaged R and its consequences can be shown based on the theoy of relations. The model of the Gaza Strip
Figure 5-16
The model of Alzheimer´s
Figure 5-17
The model of cancer, figure 5-18:
Figure 5-18
ADHD, figure 5-19
Figure 5-19
Chapter Five
The Constitution of the Principle
When RA breaks, we will have an atomic explosion.
Figure 5-20
We can now see the full scope of the theory, as below in table 5-2, where each number is a complex of specific aRb:
R is a flow of packages and all systems are flows of packages, so we can use R as the single explanation/interpretation of the world, since masses and matter are in continuous flows.
The Principle of Relations is an attempt to understand the world from a new angle, a new conception of the world. It is an attempt to understand all parts of reality, such as the elementary particles, the big cosmos, the human body, the human consciousness and psyche, species and society. The Principle is not the what or the real existing. It is not like Plato´s Forms, God or the Thing in Itself. It is my best concept to describe how the reality and the world behave. I admit that there is a difficulty in saying that the existing paradigms are false, because they are not fully false, but it is necessary to be a little provocative. Sometimes I should have used “may (not)” or “might (not)”, instead of the categorical “can (not)”. The same goes when I use the words “not valid”: then I mean it is not valid based on the Principle of Relations. When I say that atoms do not exist, but still later on use the concept atom, then it is in the meaning “illusion”, i.e. the existence of an atom means it exists for a short time, as an illusionary shape, as the smaller “things are”. Furthermore it can be difficult to see how the Principle via a new ideology can create peace and prosperity, but in its meaning of removing flowblocks, as in the case of the Gaza Strip, it can happen with a world-power manifest as world-government. Basically I see no difference between the ontological status of entities in physics and that of entities in society, as most philosophers do; they even see the difference as a fact. I do not. It is almost impossible and immensely difficult to get out of prevalent paradigms and to create a new paradigm, but I have at least tried. Can The Principle and Theory of Relations, at this stage, be considered complete, in the meaning that every element of the reality has a counterpart in the theory?
I will say both yes and no. Yes, because the concepts predict what happens in the human body, i.e. the different diseases. No, because the concepts used to predict the change of the solar system have not yet been measured; also the gates in the Earth and the packages between planets, suns and galaxies, have not yet been discovered. Anyhow, it is time to make an overview summary. The picture 6-1 below shows normal flow and damaged flow, which together is the summary of The Principle of Relations.
I am totally convinced that the final word has not been said about Nature and its behavior. So, why not try The Principle of Relations as another possibility?
Chapter Six
The relation R is a flow of packages and all systems are flows of packages, so we can use R as the single explanation/interpretation of the world, since masses and matter are in continuous flows.
Overview of paradigms
Figure 7-1
If we follow PR, then PL will not be valid. If PL is not valid, PX is not valid. In PP each level is built upon the more fundamental level, i.e. PP is based on PL. See figure 7-2 below:
Chapter Seven
Figure 7-2
PR is an alternative principle for the interpretation of Nature. If we follow PR, then PL will not be valid. If PL is not valid, PP is not valid. This simple figure 7-3 shows two different paradigms, since now we have two different paradigms, PX and PR, to interpret Nature:
Figure 7-3
Paradigma Principia Relationum, the Principle and Theory of Relations, mentioned as PR , has fateful and fundamental influence and effects on the existing paradigms, PL, PP, PE, PH, and PI, mentioned as PX. PX cannot explain Nature. PX is an interpretation of Nature.
The value of PR is hard to tell by this primeval foundation. Maybe it is the attempt, trial and spirit that counts. The conclusion is simple: be open-minded and broad-minded.
We need to structure and systematize all fields of science. Now we can, basically, spell out line by line the axiom and theorem of the theory of relations. The table 8-1 below is a start:
Table 8-1
Research To Do…
We must find out which relations are possible. Which particles, elements and entities can be related and connected to other particles elements and entities in Nature. This is the key to understanding Nature. This means a huge amount of work to be done. Furthermore we can see other start-up axioms and equations, such as these below in table 8-2:
Chapter Eight
We can also see the full scope of the theory, table 8-3, as below, to be investigated:
Table 8-3 Many interesting relations will be objects and items for further research, such as the following relations: 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 34, 46, 56, 67, 90, 103, 115 to mention just a few, in the table 8-4 below:
Research To Do…
Table 8-4
Chapter Eight
Quotes that make me happy “Every individual … has to retain his way of thinking if he does not want to get lost in the maze of possibilities. However, nobody is sure of having the right road, me the least.” —Albert Einstein, May 25, 1953 “What really make science grow are new ideas, including false ideas.” —Karl Popper (1902-1994) “The mere formulation of a problem is often far more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science.” —Albert Einstein (1879-1955) “It is the lone worker who makes the first advance in a subject; the details may be worked out by a team, but the prime idea is due to enterprise, thought, and perception of an individual.” —Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) “Every great scientific truth goes through three stages. First, people say it conflicts with the Bible. Next they say it had been discovered before. Lastly they say they always believed it.” —Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) “New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not common.” —John Locke (1632-1704)
Chapter Nine
“Nothing can be created out of nothing.” “Life is one long struggle in the dark.” —Lucretius (99 BC – 55 BC) “Three rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”. —Albert Einstein (1879-1955) “No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.” —Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) “Anybody can become angry — that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way — that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” —Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” —Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) “Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.” —Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) “Those who have never known the deep intimacy and the intense companionship of happy mutual love have missed the best thing that life has to give.” —Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) “It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this.” —Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) “One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important.” —Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) “My whole religion is this: do every duty, and expect no reward for it, either here or hereafter.” —Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
Quotes and Reflections
“Hell isn't other people. Hell is yourself.” —Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) “I am my world.” —Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) “I act with complete certainty. But this certainty is my own.” —Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) “I am sitting with a philosopher in the garden; he says again and again 'I know that that’s a tree', pointing to a tree that is near us. Someone else arrives and hears this, and I tell him: 'This fellow isn’t insane. We are only doing philosophy.'” —Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) “It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.” —Albert Einstein, 1921
Reflections … All is the concept that contains every existing concept and word, whether it is in science, culture, religion, ideology or any of everything that can be, has been or will exist. Words such as God, Nirvana, Allah, relativity, origin of species etc. are a part of the concept All. R. This single and simple letter has to be explored. R has many contents depending on situation. R can be communication between two persons, it can be the meaning of gravity, and it can explain how DNA will change according to the cell and how the cell relates to other cells. R can also give us the understanding of why war occurs and what love is. Now we have to find out all these relations in nature and society. The concept flow gives us some idea about the content of relation. We have words like cash flow, production flow, order flow, water flow, blood flow … It is impossible for any human and all mankind to know everything in the world. Science develops rapidly and in all fields, in a way that makes it difficult to be oriented above a certain level. This is the reason why we need to find a principle/method/theory which can orient us, even if only briefly, in the world. It is obvious that I have used existing knowledge in this book, but I need help to really go deep in many subjects.
Chapter Nine
The Theory of Everything is said to be valid only for the science of physics. However the word everything indicates that it is concerned with the entirety of nature. The correct phrase should be a Theory of Physics. If, which is a bigger ambition and vision, we with the Theory of Everything mean all sciences and all aspects of Nature, then we must think more bravely and more widely. We must find a principle and a theory which integrates all sciences. Also the organization of scientific disciplines today is inadequate and we must understand that since All is “alive”, there is no such thing as organic and non-organic chemistry etc. What is alive or not in Nature is not possible to see during our life- time, since some parts of Nature do not show this attribute during the life-time of the human being. It can take millions and millions of years. This is the fact for a stone. We can see that a stone is dead, but it is not. Over time a stone will change in a living universe. The Principle of Relations teaches us that everything is changing and that All and the world today is alive. R is the single letter that sums up The Principle and Theory of Relations in Nature and Culture. Pantheism? ļ God? ļ Buddhism? ļ R? ļ Hinduism? ļ Science? ļ Mathematics? The overall conclusion of this investigation is that the entire Nature is a huge living intelligence. Before science entered it was by God we explained everything in Nature and society. After the entrance of science it is mathematical language that explains everything in Nature and Society. Even today, of course, religious people believe that God can explain it all. God created all things and the word “all” includes everything, also Mathematics; but he did not create the symbols of Mathematics, they were made by man. But the principle called real-life principle, that was created by God. When it comes to the concept of God, it has to be renewed and developed, since to many people religions based on this concept have made and still make bad things in God´s name. This goes for Judaism, Islam,
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Protestantism and Catholicism, to mention some. God is no longer pleased with mankind. The concept of God is abused and has to be changed. Instead, examples of words or concepts can be All, Nature, World, Universe, Whole, Entire or Complete. After approximately 2.000 years it is time to move away from God. Atheists in science say that theism, i.e. believing in God, is false, they do not use the word unproven. Atheists say that there is no God with the same meaning as saying that there are no ghosts or no magic. This does not mean that we know everything; only that fact does not give reason to think there are supernatural beings. As long as we do not know, as long as we do not have the answers, we will say that either God or Mathematics/Science will fully explain Nature and Society. When we now move forward, the answer will certainly not be God or Mathematics/Science. Nature, for sure we know only a part of Nature, has all the answers we need. Nature will tell us. When we die, Nature will take care of us. Nature takes care of everything that dies. Rely on Nature and you will be safe and feel secure. Man creates. Nature is. There are no laws of Nature. It is only in man´s hubris that they exist and worst of all is that man has created these laws. Since all theories will be falsified, as history teaches us, we do not have solid laws of Nature. Nature is forever. Since N is, there is no evolution. It all goes around and around. N is “God”. N is All. Gravitation as a concept has blocked new ideas about the behavior of Nature, in the same way as once the concept of God did. Nature does not
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know concepts such as gravitation and energy. If we could talk to Nature, Nature could not use these words. These concepts have been made up by humans. They are an attempt to explain, but they mislead us. Instead we must try to understand Nature without such concepts as energy and gravitation and, furthermore, Nature does not have functions. Nature might be impossible to understand for humans, since we are still sitting in Plato´s cave, albeit now with electricity, central heating, food, television, iPhones and music. The photoelectric effect means that metals emit electrons when light shines upon them. Now we must ask ourselves where in Nature this happens. Where can we see light emit electrons in Nature? The answer is, no, we cannot see it. It is only in the laboratory where it is seen, seeing via experiments. This is one of many examples of researchers observing things in the laboratory and not in nature. Let us call this phenomenon The Axe. Often researchers use an axe to understand Nature and the biggest example of an axe is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN. When a man hits anything with an axe, some particles will be emitted, some pieces will be cut out. If we want to understand a theory of everything, ToE, we need some criterion valid for all systems in Nature. Not only for systems in physics and astronomy, but also for systems between micro- and macro-worlds, such as the cell, organs, different species, the human body, groups, classes and international relations. The difficulty is to find out the criterion for all systems. If we make the property Expansion into a criterion, since science today mentions this as a property for the universe, then all systems should have this property, but they have not. aRb = ToE where aRb means for the universe that the flow of packages exists between all a, b, c … in N.
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Nature is not a geometrical composition, even if it looks structured as such. Nature is “alive”. Now is also the time to concentrate all wisdom from the prophets and together with knowledge from different sciences, especially from the theory of relation, articulate a new basis for morality and ethics. Moses, Jesus, Paulus, Mohammed, Buddha and Tao, to mention just a few, did formulate wise rules for mankind. Modern science has acquired substantial knowledge, whether it is psychology, sociology, politics, physics, chemistry or biology, which can have good impacts towards a new morality. Morality in some countries is often based on religious beliefs, where a God, Nirvana or reincarnation is the base. However morality can be based on science and genuine experience, without religion. The world and mankind do need a new, common for all, moral code and rules of morality. Below I try to formulate new rules based on inspiration from different sources in religion and science and atheism and humanism and the principle of relations. The logic of relations gives ten life rules and pieces of moral advice, based on the importance of solid, genuine and functioning relations, between people: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X.
Fulfill the duty to your family. Act respectfully. Whatever you do, do it properly. Talk, do not shout. Eat less, not more. Some exercise every day. Love is important in life. Be open-minded and broad-minded. Life has ups and downs, keep moving. Do not kill.
Chapter Nine
During history immense efforts and struggles have been made in order to understand nature and society. We have seen how different paradigms, whether scientific, religious or political, have been both blessings and sources of harm to mankind. It is shaming to say it, but humility is nothing to mankind and of course too much humility will not lead forward and is even in some cases a historical tragedy. This hubris of mankind has damaged our knowledge, not all paradigms, but some. The most important works and persons in history that have and have had a big impact on history and science are, for better and for worse, these: ¾ The Philosophers of ancient Greece. ¾ Plato´s ideal world of forms. ¾ Aristotle studied the particular phenomena and the essence of things, but without modern tools he might have come to wrong conclusions about the universe. ¾ The Bible. ¾ The Koran. ¾ Baruch Spinoza´s Ethica. ¾ Isaac Newton´s Principia Naturalis. ¾ Albert Einstein’s The Meaning of Relativity. ¾ Charles Darwin´s The Origin of Species. ¾ Karl Marx´s Das Kapital. ¾ John Locke´s Essay Concerning Human Understanding. ¾ Adolf Hitler´s Mein Kampf. ¾ Bertrand Russel´s Principia Mathematica. ¾ Ludwig Wittgenstein´s Tractatus Philosophicus Logicus. ¾ Rene´ Descarte´s dualism of the body as a machine and the soul. He also created the coordinate system with x and y axes. ¾ Gottfried Leibniz theory of monads as the center of force effects of matter and masses. He also created the differential and integral calculus. ¾ Immanuel Kant´s concept the thing in itself which cannot be known. ¾ Arthur Schopenhauer meant that humans´ will to live causes pain. ¾ Friedrich Hegel´s concepts about God´s manifestations by dialectical processes. Charles Darwin cheers up all who have new ideas: “A few naturalists, endowed with much flexibility of mind, and who have already begun to doubt on the immutability of species, may be influenced by this volume; but I look with confidence to the future, to young and rising naturalists,
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who will be able to view both sides of the question with impartiality. Whoever is led to believe that species are mutable will do good service by conscientiously expressing his conviction; for only thus can the load of prejudice by which this subject is overwhelmed be removed.” How some ancient Greeks could have commented on PR, as I understand it: Thales does not support the principle of relations since his primary principle is water. Heraclitus supports the principle of relations by his principles All is flux, nothing stays still and nothing endures but change. Pythagoras does not support the principle of relations: “There is a good principle which created order, light, and man, and an evil principle which created chaos, darkness, and woman”, “Reason is immortal, all else mortal”, “There is geometry in the humming of the strings; there is music in the spacing of the spheres”. Let us quote Pythagoras, showing that he does not support the principle: 1. 2. 3. 4.
All is numbers. Number is the substance of all things. Numbers rule the universe. Number is the ruler of forms and ideas and the cause of gods and demons. 5. Geometry is knowledge of the externally existent, e.g. a2 + b2 = c2 Xenophanes supports the principle of relations: “Skepticism toward all knowledge claims and discourage dogmatic arrogance”. Democritus does not support the principle of relations: “Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.” Let us give Aristotle the final word by comparing what he says with the principle of relations. All is “alive”, based on article 1.2 of the postulates. If All is alive, then, there is a purpose in Nature.
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The master of philosophy, Aristotle, said 2.300 years ago, astonishingly and amazingly, in his thesis in the Physics and in Book II: 8-9 where we can read: “Anyway, it is clear that a thing´s nature is a cause, and that it is the kind of cause I have been saying – namely, purpose.” (b32) “Its reason is its purpose”. (a10) “It is clear, then, that in natural phenomena what are necessary are the matter and the changes it undergoes. A natural scientist should discuss both causes, but especially a thing´s purpose, because it is the cause of the matter, rather than the matter being the cause of the end. The end is the purpose, and the principle from which everything begins is the definition and specification of what the thing is, as in the case of artificial products.” (a30)
Now is the time to fuse what is and what should be. It is time to combine modern science with some parts of ancient philosophy, e.g. Aristotelian physics and metaphysics.
This is the beginning of my research based on The Principle of Relations. R is a flow of packages and all systems are flows of packages, so we can use R as only an explanation/interpretation of the world, since masses and matter are in continuous flows.
R I needed to print this incomplete manuscript, since I am living my fifth life after surviving being close to death four times, which has given me the ultimate dead-line for printing this manuscript. However I will as long as I live work with this principle, its manifestations and applications in the universe, in masses, in species, in the human body, in the human consciousness and psyche and in society. I will need help from persons who are willing to spend some time pushing this idea further and moving the idea to new heights. Please give the Principle of Relations a chance, try for some minutes to apply the Principle to the research you are doing or to some phenomenon you have seen and experienced. My dream and wish is to go into deep work with scientists and researchers in those separate subjects I have been dealing with in this book, in order to create papers with new combinations of facts and ideas. I think working with only two persons together in intense periods will come up with interesting results, after big and honest fights and discussions. If you are one of them, please, then, mail me at [email protected] Let us together improve the website www.paradigmor.com so we can use it as a platform and forum for further discussions.