The Power Of Stoicism 2 In 1: How To Move Towards The Beauty Of A Simpler Life - Even In Times Of Stress And Chaos 9781646962570

Do you want to learn how to navigate this chaotic life without wasting it? Would you like to learn how to slow down and

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English Pages 178 Year 2021

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Table of contents :
Chapter 1 - What Is Stoicism REALLY All About?
Chapter 2 - History Of Stoicism, Famous Stoics, And Notables Influenced
Chapter 3 - Cardinal Virtues And Understanding Your Sphere Of Influence
The Cardinal Virtues Expanded
The Dichotomy Of Control
Chapter 4 - What Are A Stoics Roles In Life?
Your Role As A Basic Human Being And A Member Of A Human Polis
Roles Of Circumstance
Roles Which You Have Chosen
Expanding Your Role As A Basic Human Being And A Member Of A Human Polis
Roles Of Circumstance
Roles Which You Have Chosen
Utilizing A Role Model
Chapter 5 - Turning Your Self-Discipline Into Iron
Chapter 6 - Learning The Stoic Mastery Of Emotions
Chapter 7 - Voluntary Hardship: Doing Without To Grow Within
Chapter 8 - Visualizing The Worse To Take Away It’s Power
Chapter 9 - Developing A Stoic Immunity To The Influences Of Others
Chapter 10 - The Material World Is Transient
Chapter 11 - Amor Fati And Memento Mori
Chapter 12 - Stoicism And Its Influences On Religion
Chapter 13 - Does Stoicism Still Apply In The Modern Day?
Chapter 14 - Stoic Psychology: Those Ancient Greeks Were RIGHT
Chapter 1 Being A Stoic Is Not Easy
Chapter 2 Do The Triage In Life
Chapter 3 Practice Voluntarily Discomfort
Chapter 4 Deal With The Insults
Chapter 5 Simplifying Lifestyle
Chapter 6 View From Above
Chapter 7 Cognitive Distancing
Chapter 8 Empathetic Understanding
Chapter 9 Show Up Every Day
Chapter 10 Never Play The Victim
Chapter 11 Practice Delayed Gratification
Chapter 12 Ignore Naysayers
Chapter 13 Do Less
Chapter 14 Be Grateful For Your Blessings
Chapter 15 You Can Live Happy Anywhere
Chapter 16 Help The Common Good And Maintain Social Relationships
Chapter 17 Accept And Appreciate Yourself
Chapter 18 Amor Fati - Loving Fate Whatever Comes
Chapter 19 Revenge Is Not Necessary
Exercises For Calming The Mind
Chapter 20 Have A Daily Diary
Chapter 21 Other Things That Matter
Be Genuine, Modest And Truthful
Have Patience
Pause And Take A Deep Breath
Speak Little And Well
Choose Your Company Well
Don’t Speak Too Much About Yourself
Speak Without Judging
Focus On Giving Value
Accept The Sacrifices
Ruthlessly Protect Your Time
Live Below Your Means
Keep It Simple, Do Your Job
Memento Mori
Chapter 22 Daily Stoic Routine
Morning Routine
Daily Routine
Evening Routine
More Stoic Exercises To Do Throughout The Week
Chapter 23 Watch Day-To-Day Improvements
Reference Sourcebooks

The Power Of Stoicism 2 In 1: How To Move Towards The Beauty Of A Simpler Life - Even In Times Of Stress And Chaos

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