The organization and administration of the Union army, 1861-1865, Vol. 2 9780685227367

1965 reprint of 1928 edition, in 2 volumes. Volume I, 323 pages; volume II, 348 pages.

125 28 60MB

English Pages 671 [348] Year 1965

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Table of contents :
Frontmatter (page N/A)
the Concession to the Bourgeoisie (page 11)
The Mercenary Factor (page 49)
Operation of the Enrollment Acts (page 103)
The Slacker Problem (page 175)
The Conscientious Objector (page 247)
Appendix I (page 263)
Appendix II (page 269)
Appendix III (page 277)
Appendix IV (page 281)
Bibliography (page 287)
Index (page 297)
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The organization and administration of the Union army, 1861-1865, Vol. 2

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The Organization and Administration of the Union Army Volume II

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