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English Pages [254] Year 1966
A. Malakhov
The Mystery of Earth's Mantle
A. M A J I A X O B
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A. iJ{a l rt k h o v
THE MYSTERY OF THE EARTH'S MANTLE Translated from the Russian
UDC 550.311+550+38+551.1+551.12/16 (0.23) = 20
What is the inside of the Earth like; what mysteries does its mantle conceal? What will the sensitive feelers of superdeep holes encounter there—boiling liquid magma or superhard matter, unimaginably high temperatures or cold approa ching absolute zero? Science cannot as yet give the exact answers to these questions, though myriads of different hypotheses have been put forth. This book tells haw scientists are 'erreting out the secrets of the deeper zones of the Earth; its subject is the romance of the searches and tenacious investigations carried out by geologists who have devoted themselves to the study of the depths of our planet.
Riddles and More Riddles An A rgu m en t.................................. In the Fiery F o n t ............................ The End of Gondwana L a n d ................ Rock R h y th m s ................................ Laws or R id d le s ? ............................. The Black Arteries of the D e p t h s .......... What the Neoneptunists S a y ............... “ We Must Not Wait for Favours...”...........
9 12 25 35 43 52 60 68
Flow of Information A Signal into the U n kn ow n .................. Key to the Gravity C o d e .................... Heat and C o l d ................................. You W ill Not Find This in Any Textbook Stray C u rren ts............................... Hall! R adioactivity!.......................... First R e s u lts ................................... From Outer Space into the Depths of the E a r t h ....................................
79 100 112 119 120 134 143 145
[n Search of the Unknown Failures at F i r s t ............................... Geography of the U nknow n................... The First Stone Tells Its S t o r y ............ The Stone from the Kola S p ea k s............ The Story of the Third and Fourth Stones . A Message from the Fifth S t o n e ............ Courtiers of the “ Queen of the Depths” . . . An Artificial M a n tle.......................... And Here, T