223 7 31MB
English Pages 328 Year 1952
Pnrlol,ocrcel Mor{ocRApH s PUBLISI{ED BY TIIE
VorurvruII 9 9B . C . - 3 1 8 . C .
NUMBER, XV Vor,uun If
Coruurrrnm oN TEE Punr,rcarton or MorvocnApus WLr,rnn Ar,r,rN,JR.,Chairman knr,rpH.DnLeoy M. L.W. Lersrxnn
Bnnnl.nn M. Pnnsrrg Hnnnnnr C.Yourrn
' ;' i' Pusr.rsrno By rEE Ausnrcerv Pnr,or,ocrcÄl: Assocurros Nnw Yom 1952 Ao ap onosnED TERouoE rsu Acnrvrs or tEE AssograrroN LaNcestrn Pnrss, Iwc., LeNcaslrn, Pa., U. S.A. B. H. Br,ecrqrprr., LrD., 50 Baoeo Sr., Oxrono, ENelaNo
PREFACE In the Prcface to the first volume r have described the pran and purpom of the whole v'ork. The second contains little dsviation from 'fhe annual lists begin with 99 B. c. and .otriiilffttrrough !hr! nlan. tl E. c., und r have inserted at a few convenient points recapitulaiy ol the membership of the priestly colleges as a whole. Dr. rait h lbl'r, ,ronograph on the Triumviri Monetales reached.me after Appenör I orr these officials was already in proof. Accordingly, r have added I noto which attempts to summarize as briefly as possibrethe chronologicol groups and the arrangement of the Triumviri in collegeswhich ho presents. Appendix rr contains lists of magistrates of irncertain dote, arranged alphabetically under each magistracy. users of this work will note a few instances of inconsistency between these and a number of the names which r have admitted, though usually with a rnark of interrogation, into the annual lists. r can only e"pr"uu -y regret,that, such inconsistoncy was unavoidable and my trope ttrat tnä Index of careers will guide them to the pertinent information. rn Appendix rrr r have added a list of senators. There is little or no ovidence regarding what magistracies, if any, they held, yet the probability that the great majority of them held some magisiracy, if only the quaestorship, will perhaps justify including them. The rnde" of careers, in my view, is a co-ordinate section, which, besidesserving as a guide to the rest of the work, will, r hope, prove valuable also ai a conspectus of individual careers and family achievement. rn a final section r have tried to correct the errors of commission and. omission which have come to my attention since the pubrication of volume r, and to take account of new discoveriesand recent studies. r have also added a few notes which are not intended to serve as a discussion of the chronology but merely to emphasize the warning that in equating the years of the varronian reckoning with those of our own era r havo made use of a convenient tradition but not of an accurate svstem of dating. rt is a pleasant duty at the end of a long and exacting task to express my gratitude to those who have given help along the way. The acknowledgements listed in the preface of fhe firsi volume apply oqually to the second.To the list of libraries named there, the widener Library of Harvard. university, the Numismatic society, tnu u,'iuu"vii
sity of Pennsylvania, and Br;m Mawr colege, shourd now be added the former German Archaeologiöal rnstitute and the american Academy i" lo.*u'which ga,veme much aid during the final stagesof my work. I-"?rh to express appreciation of appröpriations of Tunds from the {adge Miller Research Fund of p"yrrilra*r coilege, and my thurrk, to I-wiss {rargaret Reesor,Miss Martha Hofiman, andr{iss Barb-araHughos for aid^in checking reforences. great debt to -y coleagues in dryn $r piofessor Lily Ross Taylor] college, particularly to .rrd. to thu $"*" late Professorw. A. oldfather, continues undiminishea. r wisn to thank Professor H. H. Scullard and Mr. G. C. Haines, F. S. e., fo" girrirrg _u an opportunity to use.much of_the page proof of the tatä E. Ä. Syäuo_ ham's work on The coinage ol the RinÄn^ßepu,bric,and Dr. A. e. noyce and other members of the stafi of the Amärican Numismatic sociäty for prompt accessto Dr. Karl pink's study of the Triumviri Monetares. r wish also to acknowledgo my debü to a number of reviewers of tolurye r, particularly ProfessorsH. H. scunard and G. Bagrrarri,who have brought errors and add.itional information to my attÄtion. The John Simon__GrrqgenheimMemorial X'oundatioo ,roi orrty g"rru -" thro rgh a-x'ellowshipthe.priceless_ gift of time for tho drafti"ng'of much of this volumo but has since madJ a substantial contributiä toward the_costof publicatio.n. An appointment as a Research scholar in rtaly tho x'ulbright Act enabled me to make my work more completö. 3'"q"." r-*t! to expressspecial gratitude to the committee on the pubrication of Monographs of the American philological Association, which accepted both volumes for publication and uiderwrote their cbst. The care and critical acumen of professor Delacy, the Editor, have mad.e a great contribution to the accuracy and consistency of both volumes and to their clarity of form and style. The whole wärk has benefitted greatly both from his help, and from tho experience and. skill of tho press of J. J. Augustin. Br5m Mawr College September, lg52
T. Robert S. Broushton
Annual Lists from 99 B.C. to 31 B.C.
Appondioes I. Monotales
Il. Mngistratos of Unce,rtain Daüe.. Pructors Aediles Tribunes of the Plebs Quaestors.. Promagistraües .. :. Tribunes of the Soldiers.. Legates Praefecti .. .. Iudex Quaestionis Quaesitor.. .. Triumviri.. .. Decemviri Stlitibus fudicandis Special Commissionsand Curatorships Augurs Quindecimviri SacrisFaciundis.. Boptomviri Epulones Flamens Priest Vestal Virgins
462 462 466 468 474 480 48t 482 483 484 484 484 486 485 485 485 486 486 486 486
llI. SupplementaryList of Sonators
fndox of Careers.. ..
Nots on Ohronology ..
Additions and [lorrections ..
e9 B.C.
A.U.C.655 Consuls
M. Arrorvrus M. f. M. n. (28) Pr. 102 A. Posruurus - f. - n. Ar,erNus Pat. (*36) Pr. by 102 CIL 12.2.680; Cic.P. ned,.adQui,r.ll; Iast. Cap.,Degrassi55f., 128, 478f.; Plin.Nll 8.19; GelI. 4.6.r-2; Obseq.a6; Chr.354 (Antonino et Albino); Fast. Hgd.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; on Antonius, -f. d,eDöl,os 4.1.1700;App. BC 1.32;Apul. Apol.17; and.on Postumius,Grueber, C&RBM 1.509. Antonius opposed the agrarian law of Titius (Cic. De Or. 2.48, cf..2.265;3.10; seeTribunes of the Plebs). Praetors ? C. Cessrus Lowenrusl (57) Cos.96 ? C. Conr,rus Car,ousz (12) Cos. 94 ? CN. Dourrrus AunNonannuss (21) Cos. g6 Aediles, Curule C. Cleuorus Pur,cnnna Pat. (302) Cos. 92, Pr. 95 Inscr. Ital. L3.3,no.7Ob-CIL 12.1,p. 200. Gave especiallysplendid games,and was the first to use elephants in aennti,ones (Cic. Verr. 2.4.6 ' "133;Har. Resp. 26; Off. 2.57; Yal. Max. 2.4.6; Plin. -l/l/ 8.19, wrr,r the names of the Consuls; 35.23; cI.21.6, where the praenomen is P.; Gran. Lic. 33 B). L. Var,nnrus Fr,eccus Pat. (*57) Cos. Suff. 86 öic. Flncc. 77; cf..Bchol.-Bob. 95 and 105 Stangl. Tribunes of the Plebs L. Arprrrnrus Serunwnvus (29) [,. Equrrrus (3) The two Tribunes were killed on their first day of office, December 10, lo0 B.C. (App. AC 1.32-33; cf. Cic. Rab. Perd,.20;Val. Max. 3.2.18; l)io 37.26; and on Saturninus, Inscr. Ital,. 13.3.16 and 83-CIL 12.t, 1r.lg5; see 102,Censors;and 100,Consuls,and Tribunes of the Plebs). I
99 B.C.
P. X'unrus (22) vetoed, with Marius' support, a bill to recall Metellus Numidicus (App. ßC 1.33; Oros.5.l7.lt; cf. Dio 28, fr. 95.1_3;pht. Mar. BI.t). Proposed the conJiscation of the properties of saturninus and his associates(oros. 5.17.r0). seo 98, Tribunes of the prebs, on Decianus. Q. Pournrus R,uruss (*4) Cos. 8g, pr. gl M. Poncrus Cenoo (*17) The bill of these two Tribunes to recall Metellus Numidicus from gxilg.was opposedby Marius (still Consul, December, 100), and vetoed by X'urius (App. BC l.3B; Oros. 5.t7.lt; cf. plut. U"i. Sl.l: Gell. 13.20.14;Dio 28, fr. 95.1-B). Snx. Trrrusz (23) a sympathizer of saturninus and author of an agrarian bill which was impeded by bad omens and vetoed by other Tribunes (cic. Leg. 2.14 and 3l; Rab. Perd,.24; Val. Max. 8.1, damn. B; Obseq.+0, Sextius; cf. cic. Deor.2.48 and 265),and perhapsalso author of a taw regulati"gjh9 assignment of quaestorian provinces (Cic. Mur. Ig,referring to 748.C.; Vot.12; Bchol.Bob. t4E Stangt). Rotondi (BBB)mentions him also as a possible author oL a Leu d,eTutera (but see iTiccolini, -F?p 443f.). Quaestors
Ar. Cr,euorusPur,cunns Pat. (296} Cos.79, Pr. 89 T. Ms,r,rus (10) Grueber,CnnBM t.tgg; cf. Mommsen,nMVf 561, no. lTZ. C. Saur,nruse (3) rn office on December 10, 100, during the disorders caused.by saturninus and Glaucia, he seized the cäpitor, was the last of his group to surrender, and was killed in the curia (App. BC r.32; cf. cic. Rab. Perd,.20;Oros.5.f 7.8-9). Promagistrates M'. Aeurllrusro (lI) Cos.l0l Proconsul in sicily (Liv. Per. 69). completed the pacification of sicily and returned tt celebrate an watio (fosidonius ii raa 2a.g7, 36, p. 245; Cic.De Or. 2.t95; Diod. 36.10.1;Val. Max. 9.13.1:Jerome 96,p. l49llelm; cf. Cic. Veru.2.5.5;Liv.per.69; Grueber, 9!:.:!yy. C&RBM 1.416; Cesano,Stud,.Num. t.220; Degrassi S62j. IIe was later, perhaps in 98, accusedof peculation but wön acquittal through the appeals of Marius and the ad.vocacyof M. Antoniis (cic. De ör.
:t.194-196;Xlaco. 98; Verr. 2.5.3; Brut. 222; Liv. Per. 70; Quintil. I n s t .O r . 2 . 1 5 . 7 ) . 1,. ConNnlrus Dor,lsnr,r,l Pat. (138) Pr' 100 ? Proconsul in x,arther spain (act. Tr. for 98, Degrassi 84f.' 562). seo 100, Praetors, and 98, Promagistrates' T. Drorusll (5) Cos.98, Pr. 101? Cic. Pis.6f ; cf. BEG3.3?8.Seel0l,Praetors, and l00,Promagistrates' Pontifices C. Irrr,rus L. f. (Ceus.tn Stnano)12 Pat. (135) the Hc annour""il ", pontifex the motion of the spears of Mars in no. L3.3, Ital. Ins*. Elogium, cf. 4.6.2; (Ge11. Regia o'irurium of the (\-CIL 12.1,p. 198). I The latest, possiblo year for his praetorship under t'he L,egesAnnalos' 2 Sinco the governorr'oi Sp*itrinb4 and 93,-duringand after tho oonsulship of was assigned-to C"ofl..,*,-"r. kio*,', his terrri must precede that of Didius, who in ge. Tle embiem of tho boar of Cl'nia on tho coins which Coni ii;#hfu (Gruober' rrornmemorate him suggest that his province was Nearer Spain I'224t')' Nurn' Cesano'5'üt'rd' lnO: Siua' (:Il.RBM 1.475; cf .Witäorf, Le'i,pz'i,g. 'l'tris is thereforo the latost po"ri|le"date for his praetorship, but he may have lxxrn a Praetor in 100 and a Promagistrate in 99' " Chu btest possible year for hiJpraetorship under the Legos.Annales' { IIe was pro-secuted Ly Appuleius Decianus-after his aedileship, which should Ilrcrefore bs datedin 99. with the rIn or1l| *o.r""u* only the namo Pompeius is given, but identification consul' and tribgnate ittt"".täl between thä (1,^sul of 88 is very piobable, since of the^Tribune both agroe with i!' * ,t,i'1, ana the politiäaisympathies ß ,Ihe father of Catoäf ütica died before 91 (PIut. Cai. Min. 1.1). IIe had held of his death I l|(r t,ribulate and was a candidate for the praeüorship at, tho time (6.2141 ro Drumann-Groebe in attributed is tribunate This iil,,fi. ii.ZO.f4). at'tested, indepe-nqenlly is not office of the 1,, l,orciusCato, Cos. Sg, whose tenure hqsbands of i;,,i tt Niccolini ttf i äil to Cu,to " f"tr'er. On the order of tho t.ivirr,, Cato's mother, see MüLnzer, APF 255-257' r Whe., aceused oi rna,iestas,probably in 98, Titius was convicted, mainly be266; Rab. I'rrrrsohekeptanimageof satur-ninusinhishouse (cic.Deor-.2.48and 2'253)' Or' De 225; Brwt Cic' I'rrd. 24ivät' Max. 8.1, da*tt. 3 ;cf' i 't'le coins irr qo".iitn contain the forms ep. 9l', 1. M?l:' 3id 9; Urb' The is rightly intorv*rirrt,ions in the order of tho first two ind.icaüä that the third not^Q' Dnlt(xl bv Mommsen and Grueber to mean Q(uaestores) urb(ani), the Praetor of 89 with id.entified be probably most .t'"rid ör""-äir" lirrlii"r"j. legion-ary commarrder of the 1w1,,,, ttrougtt Grueber disagrees, inay ahä be the Mommsen's ,.,,,,, ir, g7"and tho Interre]x of 78; see thoso years), and thereforo reasonably q*aestorship.a io" hit= years earlier, l"n iorrr,,t ivo suggestion oibS, quoting -frs 8888' e1,1,r,,*irrrtJäate. Malliusis not otherwise known. Cichorius, with one of tho 6 trrr,lirrt,tl t,o read UJloteiusl and to identify this Quaestor l.
officers of P.omp-eirxstrabo (a,s 146),but the occ'rrence Ro:nan public office in 143and tos rrno"" iis retention of ühoname Mallius in here. office on Decembors, roo e.b. 1u"**"""" Äa. 1.606).SeeApp. l}rlrr"J:d ; r0 obsequens(45) placesAqu'lius' victorw in sicily puts the end of the war afüerihe return of Mete[us in 100,but Livy (per. 6gl (see98, Tribunes of ühe?lebs). As he cerebrated-his Numidicus from erilo in gg oaatiouÄiÄlr"L ry 26,98, when rhe risr of rriumphs as preserveaio ii.2". u"girr. *g;i"iöä*t 86 and. 662),ih is besr dated in gg. ar Degr-assi(562) and Passerini (Athenaeu,rn12 , date his deparü're from Macedonia and rrir'""t*o lLsshl 1g4ff.) are inclined" to to celebratä rris tri'mptr in note in 1f,G3.378 thu pr'"asel-op&.i.xqv fiqTt";ü0,o; dyorrptevof6] ,t:&ä;S:t 12See the eenealogy_of the Caesarssuggestedby Mürrzer in RE 10.1ggf. datusIhe "t "i[
uy 'r" c-"""ä" .iää. ouruqäu,,"""p."i" " ,i*ilar one 98 B.C.
A.U.C. 656
Consuls Q. Cenor,rus Q. f. e. n. Mnrnr,r,us Nnpos (9b) pr. by tOl T. Drnrus T. f. Snx. n. (5) pr. by r0r CIL 12.2.68t; Xast...Cap.a_legraisi 54f., tZ8, 478f..;Ascon. 6BC; Obseq. 47; Chr. B54;Fast. Hya.lCtar. pasc.;Cassiod.; and on Didius, Cic. Mur. 17. They io require three nund,iiä i" tn"period :*ri"d.".1i* from announcement^of a bill to its p'assage(cic. Dom. 4r; Best.rB5, and Schot.Bob. r40 Srangl; phit. E.i; "t.An. z.o.t; Lig. i.ri and +g' x'est-us4l6L), and one tJforbid the union of unrerated. measuresin a single bill (cic' Dom. 53).Didius received.the provinc" of m"u""" spain (Obseq.47; seegZ-gB,promagistrates). Pfaetors ? L. Lrcnuus Crussusl (5b) Cos. 95 ? Q. Mucrus Scanvor,az (22) Cos. 95 Iudex Quaestionis C. Cr,auorus Purostns pat. (gO2) Cos. 92, pr. g5 Trd ghargeof the eraaestiod,esicariis et aeneficis(Erogium,I nscr.rtq,r,. 13.3.70b-CIL 12.1,p. 200). Tribunes of the plebs C. Appulnrus DncraNus (21) Brought unsuccessful proseäutions against p. X,urius (Tr. pl. gg), ,, which he lost becausehe-expressea"ug"EJfor the death of saturninus I
(Cic. Rab. Peril,. 24-25; Val. Max. 8.1, damn. 2; cL. Schol. Bob. 96 Stangl), and against Valerius T'laccus (Aed. Cur. 99; Cic. Xlncc. 77), rnd when he was himself prosecuted and condemned after his year of