268 7 26MB
English Pages 600 [301] Year 1951
w,i,ththe aol,l,abomtion, ol
Vor,uun I
609B.C. - 100B.C.
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3 t.rri'i*r:tltE
Colrlrnrnn oN TrrDPunr,rcError'r or MoxoGßaPrrs Henor,o F. CmnNrss, Chairm'an M.L.W. Lersrrvnn Wc,rnn Alr, ts, Jn. Hunnnnr C.Yourrr Pro,r,rr H.DnLlcv
Puetrssno By rEE Aupmoex Pnrr,or.ocroel Assoorasrox NuwYoar 1951 To su onosnED TEBoucE rsn AepNTs ox,TEE AggocranroN LErcasrpn B,II.BaecrwEr,t,
LaNonsrDR, pa., U. S.A. LTD., 50 BaoaD Sr., Oxronp, ENGDAND
Pnnss, Irc.,
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Drumann, W.,Geschichte D..O, Ilom,s. Second edition by P. Croebe. Leipzig, I 899-f 929. Dc Sanctis - Do Sanctis, G., Storia ded Romani. Four volumes. Torino, 1907-1923. Daremborg, Ch. et Saglio, D.-8. FFFFF,dlr,., D'i,ctöonna,ir e d,eeanti,qui,tös grecques et roma'i,nee. ESAR * Tennoy Frank and others, Am Eaonomic Srnaeg of Anc'ient Rom,e. Yolunres I-V, Baltimore, Maryland, f933-f940. PHG - Müller, C., Tragm,emta H'i^storiaortnm Gra,eaorwnt. FOR - Malcovati, H.,Oro,torurn Ronnanorurrb Fragmenta. Volumos I-IIf, Torino, 1930. l'raccaro, Btud,. Etd, Gracah. - tr'raccano, P., Stwilö swll,'etd,il,e'iGracchi,. per I'antichitä Studi storici classica. Gäbler, Amt,. Münz. Noril,griechenlanil,s - Gäbler, H., Döe antilcen M ämzen N orilgröechenlan'd,s, III : Makodonia und Paionia. Berlin,
r906. GLK - Grarnm,atici Latimd, edited by II. I(eil. - Gruober, I{. A,. Grueber, C nnBM Co'ine oJ the Rornan Republic dn the Britösh Mueewrn. Yolumes I-III, London, 1910. Gsell, .Eisü. ame.AJr. N oril - Gsell, S., H,istoi,re amciemmed,a l'Afri,qwe d,u -l[ord. Yolumes I-VIIf, Paris, r9l3-1928. Haywood, Stuil,. om Scipia Afri.canus - Ilaywood, R. M., Stu,illi,eson Sci,pio Africanus, in Johns IIopkins Studies in llistorical and Political Science, Series LI, No. l. Baltimore, Maryland, 1933, Head, ffiü8 - I{ead, B. Y., Hi,stor,i,a Numrnorurn. A Manu,al oJ Grealc Nwrnism,atöce. Second edition, Oxford, l9ll. Hegselbarth - Ilesselbartla, IL., Hi,atorisch-kri,t,ische U ntersuchumgem zwr d,ri,ttem Delcaile il,ae Lioirrs, Halle, 1889.
"Tzc. Ilolloaux, Xtp. Ilolleaux, M., "Tnaro6. Xrparqyö6 Bibliothöque des EcolesFrangaises d'Athönes eü deRome, Fasc. Il3, Paris, 1918. Hölzl - Hö121, M., Eaeti, Praetorü ab A. U. DCLXXXVUI wsqwe ad, A, U. DCCX,Leipzig, Diee.1876. Ilarvard HSCPlt, Studies in Classical Philology. - H. Jord.an, ToTtoIlülsen-Jordan graphi,e d,er Staitrt Rom, irn Al,terthum,.Bovised by Ch. f[ülsen. EZ - Ilistorische Zeitschrift. I. Cret. Inscriptionoo Cratiaae, published by Margarita Guarducci. I. il,e Dölos - Inscri,pti,ons d,e DöIos, published by X'. Dürrbach and P. Roussel; and by P. Roussel and M. Launey. Paris, 1935, and 1937. IG - Insori,ptöones Graeca,e. IGz - Inscri,Tttionea Eraecae, editio minor. IG&P - Inecr'iptionee Graecae ail Res Rornanas Pertinemtes, ILS - Imscriptionee Lat'inae Selectae, published by II. Dessau. Inecr. Ital. f 3.3 - Elogia, in Inscriptiones lüal'iae, Volume XfII, X'asc. 3, edited by A. Dograssi. Die Inscr'ittem aom I.a. Magn. M agnes'ia arm M aeand,ar, published by Otto l(orn. Borlin, 1900. Di,e InscriJten oon I. a, Olym,p. Olgrnpia, published by W. Dittonberger and K. Purgold. Berlin, 1896. L u. Pri,ema - InscröJten aom Priene, published by F. I{illor von Gaertringen. Berlin, 1906. llhe Jashemski - Jashemski,W.F,, Ori,gins anil' Hiatorg oJ tha Procomswl,ar and, t'he Propraetori,am Intper'iunt to 27 B. C. Chicago, illinois, 1950. Jahreshefte dos OesterJOEAI reichischen Archäologischen Instituts in Wien. JRS - The Journal of Roman Studies.
Jour. Inter. Arch. Num. - Journal inüornational d'Arch6ologio Numismatique. Jullian, Hiet. Qawle - Jullian, C., Hiatoita d,el,a Gaule. Volume fII, Seoond edition. Paris, 1920. Kloin - Kloin, J., Die Verwal,tungsbeamlem d,er Prouinzen d,es röm,iach,amRei,ches. Volume I, Part f, Bioilien und Sardinia. Bonn, I 878. I(lose - Klose, A., Röm,ischaPriesterfaaten, I. Teil. Breslau, Diss. I g 10. Krug - Krug, E. (),, Di,e Sematabotem der rörn ischen Republilc. Broslau, Diss. 1916. Lange - Lange, L., Rörrui,acheStaatea,lterthümer. Volume f, third edition, 1876; Yolume II, third edition, 1879; Volume III, second edition, 1876. LCL - The Loeb Classical Library. Lübker - Friodrich Lübkers -AeoIle nikon d,eskl,assi,schem Altertums. Eighth edition, Berlin, lgl4. MAI -Märnoires do I'Acaddmie des Inscriptions et Bellos-Lettres. Maxis - Maxis, 8., Die Praetoren Rorns aom 367 zw 167 a, Chr. Breslau, Diss. 1911. MDAI ( n) - Mitteilungen des deuüschen archäologischen Instiüuts (Römische Abteilung). . Mö1,. Glotz - Mölangee Gtotz. 2 Volumes, Paris, 1932. Meyer, Kl,. Bchr. - Meyor, Eduard, Kleine Schri,Jten zur Geech'i,chtatheorie umd, zwr wi,rteakaltl,inhen wnd politi,schen Geschöchte iles Altertwms. 2 Volumes, Ilalle, t9r0-1924. MGH - Monumenta Germaniae Hietorica. Mommsen, GB (or Ges. Bahr.) Mommsen, C. M. T., Gesa,m,melte Schri,Jten. Volumes I-VIII, Berlin, 1906-lgl3.
Mommson, Iwr. Schr, - Mommsen, C. M. T., Jurietiaclw Schri,ften,in Gqarnmelte -Sckri,tten, Volumos I-fII ,eeeabove).
Mommsen, 8P- Mommsen, C. M,T.. Römieche Forschungen. 2 yol'_ umes. Berlin, 1864-f 829. Mommsen, RMW - Mommsen, C. M. T., Gesaki,chte d,es rörniachen Mümzweseme.Berlin, 1g60. Mommsen, lSür.- Mommsen, C. M, T. Röm,iachesStaatereckt, Volumo I. third odition, Leipzig, f 88Z I volumell, third edition , Leipzig , 1887; volume III, Leipzig 1887. Mommson, Strafr. - Mommsen, C. M.T., Rörni,eckeaStraJrecht Leipzig, 1899. Münzer, APF - Münzer, F., Röm,i,ecka Ailel,aparüei,en unil, Acl,eleJami,l,ien. Stuütgart, I g20. Münzor, Gent. Val, I Mütr"e", F., De Gente Val,eria. Oppoliao, l89l (Berlin Diss.). Niese - Niese, 8., Geachtchted,er gröechiachen wtd maladoni,echen Btaaüen. 3 Yolumes, Gotha, l89g-f g0g Nipperdey, Zegee Annales - Nipperdey, I{., Di,e Leges Annal,ei d,er rönoöeakemRepubl,ilc, in Abhand,lung en d,er arichs,isahemGeeel,l,echaft d,er W'iesenechaJt. y.l. Leipzig, 1865. Nissen, Umtersuchungezr,- Nissen, I{. Krdti,eahe Anterauahwngen über d,i,eQu,el,lend,er oiertem und, fünften Dekail,e d,eeLiaiwc. Berlin, 1868. N.l - Neue Jahrbücher für das klassischo Altertum, Geschichto und doutsche Literatur und für pädagogik. .l[lS - Notizio degli Scavi di Antichitä. 4.1 OGIB - Dittenberger, W., Oriemtis Graeai, Imscr'i,pt iones B electo,e. y o lume I, Leipzig, I90B; Volume II, Leipzig, 1905. Pallu de Lesserü - Pallu de Lessert, 4., Eastes d,esprou'ümaee a;fricai,nes sows la d,ornimati,onrorna'ine. Perris, 189&-1901.
phw -philologischeWochonschrift. RA - Revue Aich6ologique. RE -pauly-Wissowa,"Räal,_Encgclopridie äer cl,ass,iscienAltertLms-
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS wiaaenechafl (since edited in turn by Kroll, Mittelhaus, and Ziegler). *REi - Pauly, F. von, Real-Encyclopdilie d,er al,assischemAltertwm,sw'ieeenschaJt(first edition). REA -Revue des Etudes Anciennes, Renil. Ist. Lombard. - Rendiconti del reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. RH - Il,evue llistoriquo. Rheinisches Museum für RhM Philologie. Riccobono, -Fomt,Iwr. Rom. Ante'iueti,m. (or Fontes) - Fontes ltmis Rorn6nq,e Anteiustini,anri, edited by S. Riccobono, J. Bavieran C. Ferrini,J. Furlani, V. Arangio-Ruiz. Volume I, second edition, Florence, l94l; volume II, 1940; volume III, 1943. nPh - R,evue de Philoloeie. L. Robert, Et. Anat. - F,oberü, L., frtwd,es a,natol,iennes. Paris, 193?. R,ostovüzeff, SEHHW Rostovtzeff, M. I., The Social and, Econom,ic Historg of the Helleni,sti,o World,. Oxford. 1941. B,otondi - R,otondi, G., Leges Pwbl,icae Popwl,i, Romam'i; Elencho Chronolog,iao. Estratto della EnGiuridica ciclopedia Italiana. Milan, 1912. SBAH - Sitzr:ngsberichte der l{oidelborger Akademio der Wissenschaft. Heidelberg. BBAW - Sitzungsberichte dor Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaft. München. Schulüen, Gesck. Nwmanti,a (or Geach, Num.) - Schulten, A.,Geschi,chte oon Numantio. Münchon, f933. BEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Eclited by J. J. E. Ilondius, Leyden, l92g -. Seidel, EA - Seidel, J., Fasti Aeil,,ilici,i. Breslau, Diss. 1908. Sherwin-White, ßorn. Ci,tizenshi,p Sherwin-White, The Rom,am Ci,ti,zenshöp. Oxford, 1939. Ä'IGa - W. Ditüonbetger, Syl,l,ogeInscriptüonurn Gra,ecarum,. Third
edition by lliller vonGaorüringen Otto Weinroich, Eric Ziebafi]l'. Sobeck (or Sobeck, Quaestoren) - Sobeck, X'., D'ie Qwaestorender rörnisah,enRepwblifr .Broslau, Diss, I 909 Stella Maranca - Stella Maranca, F., Fast'i Praetori,i. Mernotio della Accademia dei Lincei, 1927, p. 280ff. TAPLA - Transactions of the American Philological Association. TnF Tragicorwm Roma,morunt, Fragmenta, ed. Otto Ribbeck, Leipzig, 1897. Waddington - Waddington, W'. IL, Eastes d,esprouinces as'iatiques, in Philippe Lo Bas, Voyage archöologi,queen Gröceet enAsi,e Mimewre. Paris, 1870. W'ehrmarrn - Wehrmann, P., Fosti. Praetorä ab A.U.,DItXXXV ilI ad, A. A. DCCX. Borlin, 1875. Wouilleumier, Tarente Wouilleumier, P., Taremte d,es origines d, la conqu,öteromai,ne. In Bibliothöque des Ecoles Frangaisos d'Athönes et de Rome, Fasc. I4l, Paris, 1939. Wilcken, Chrest. - L. Mittois und U.'Wilckon, Grwnd,zügeunil, Chrestonxathie d,er Papgruskwn(1,e. Zw eite lIällte. Chr estom,athie,v on Ulrich Wilcken. Leipzig and Berlin, 1912. Willems, Sönat - Willems, P., Le Sönat il,e La Röpwbli,qu,eRom,aöme, Sa com,potitiom et ses attribwt'i,ons, Louvain and Paris. Volume I, 1878; Volume II, 1883. Willrich, a rlcund,enJci,Ischwng- Willrich, I[., Arlcuncl,enftilschwng,in d,er h all en i st i,schen -'iäd,i,schan L i,teratur. Gött ir,gen, 1924. Wilsdorf - Wilsdorf, D., Fasti, Hi,sgtan'iarunt, prouinc'iarwm, in Lei.pziger Stuil,i,en zur cla,ssischen Phi,l,ologie,Volume I, 1878. Wissowa - W'issowa, G., Religi,on wnil, Kwltws d,er Rörner. Second edition München, 1912. ZN - Zeitschrift für Numismatik.
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Drumann, W.,Geschichte D..O, Ilom,s. Second edition by P. Croebe. Leipzig, I 899-f 929. Dc Sanctis - Do Sanctis, G., Storia ded Romani. Four volumes. Torino, 1907-1923. Daremborg, Ch. et Saglio, D.-8. FFFFF,dlr,., D'i,ctöonna,ir e d,eeanti,qui,tös grecques et roma'i,nee. ESAR * Tennoy Frank and others, Am Eaonomic Szu'aeg of Anc'ient Rom,e. Yolunres I-V, Baltimore, Maryland, f933-f940. PHG - Müller, C., Tragm,emta H'i^storiaortnm Gra,eaorwnt. FOR - Malcovati, H.,Oro,torurn Ronnanorurrb Fragmenta. Volumos I-IIf, Torino, 1930. l'raccaro, Btud,. Etd, Gracah. - tr'raccano, P., Stwilö swll,'etd,il,e'iGracchi,. per I'antichitä Studi storici classica. Gäbler, Amt,. Münz. Noril,griechenlanil,s - Gäbler, H., Döe antilcen M ämzen N orilgröechenlan'd,s, III : Makodonia und Paionia. Berlin,
r906. GLK - Grarnm,atici Latimd, edited by II. I(eil. - Gruober, I{. A,. Grueber, C nnBM Co'ine oJ the Rornan Republic dn the Britösh Mueewrn. Yolumes I-III, London, 1910. Gsell, .Eisü. ame.AJr. N oril - Gsell, S., H,istoi,re amciemmed,a l'Afri,qwe d,u -l[ord. Yolumes I-VIIf, Paris, r9l3-1928. Haywood, Stuil,. om Scipia Afri.canus - Ilaywood, R. M., Stu,illi,eson Sci,pio Africanus, in Johns IIopkins Studies in llistorical and Political Science, Series LI, No. l. Baltimore, Maryland, 1933, Head, ffiü8 - I{ead, B. Y., Hi,stor,i,a Numrnorurn. A Manu,al oJ Grealc Nwrnism,atöce. Second edition, Oxford, l9ll. Hegselbarth - Ilesselbartla, IL., Hi,atorisch-kri,t,ische U ntersuchung em zwr d,ri,ttem Delcaile il,ae Lioirrs, Halle, 1889.
"Tzc. Ilolloaux, Xtp. Ilolleaux, M., "Tnaro6. Xrparqyö6 Bibliothöque des EcolesFrangaises d'Athönes eü deRome, Fasc. Il3, Paris, 1918. Hölzl - Hö121, M., Eaeti, Praetorü ab A. U. DCLXXXVUI wsqwe ad, A, U. DCCX,Leipzig, Diee.1876. Ilarvard HSCPlt, Studies in Classical Philology. - H. Jord.an, ToTtoIlülsen-Jordan graphi,e d,er Staitrt Rom, irn Al,terthum,.Bovised by Ch. f[ülsen. EZ - Ilistorische Zeitschrift. I. Cret. Inscriptionoo Cratiaae, published by Margarita Guarducci. I. il,e Dölos - Inscri,pti,ons d,e DöIos, published by X'. Dürrbach and P. Roussel; and by P. Roussel and M. Launey. Paris, 1935, and 1937. IG - Insori,ptöones Graeca,e. IGz - Inscri,Tttionea Eraecae, editio minor. IG&P - Inecr'iptionee Graecae ail Res Rornanas Pertinemtes, ILS - Imscriptionee Lat'inae Selectae, published by II. Dessau. Inecr. Ital. f 3.3 - Elogia, in Inscriptiones lüal'iae, Volume XfII, X'asc. 3, edited by A. Dograssi. Die Inscr'ittem aom I.a. Magn. M agnes'ia arm M aeand,ar, published by Otto l(orn. Borlin, 1900. Di,e InscriJten oon I. a, Olym,p. Olgrnpia, published by W. Dittonberger and K. Purgold. Berlin, 1896. L u. Pri,ema - InscröJten aom Priene, published by F. I{illor von Gaertringen. Berlin, 1906. llhe Jashemski - Jashemski,W.F,, Ori,gins anil' Hiatorg oJ tha Procomsul,o,r and, t'he ProPraetori,am Intper'iunt to 27 B. C. Chicago, illinois, 1950. Jahreshefte dos OesterJOEAI reichischen Archäologischen Instituts in Wien. JRS - The Journal of Roman Studies.
Jour. Inter. Arch. Num. - Journal inüornational d'Arch6ologio Numismatique. Jullian, Hiet. Qawle - Jullian, C., Hiatoita d,el,a Gaule. Volume fII, Seoond edition. Paris, 1920. Kloin - Kloin, J., Die Verwal,tungsbeamlem d,er Prouinzen d,es röm,iach,amRei,ches. Volume I, Part f, Bioilien und Sardinia. Bonn, I 878. I(lose - Klose, A., Röm,ischaPriesterfaaten, I. Teil. Breslau, Diss. I g 10. Krug - Krug, E. (),, Di,e Sematabotem der rörn ischen Republilc. Broslau, Diss. 1916. Lange - Lange, L., Rörrui,acheStaatea,lterthümer. Volume f, third edition, 1876; Yolume II, third edition, 1879; Volume III, second edition, 1876. LCL - The Loeb Classical Library. Lübker - Friodrich Lübkers -AeoIle nikon d,eskl,assi,schem Altertums. Eighth edition, Berlin, lgl4. MAI -Märnoires do I'Acaddmie des Inscriptions et Bellos-Lettres. Maxis - Maxis, 8., Die Praetoren Rorns aom 367 zw 167 a, Chr. Breslau, Diss. 1911. MDAI ( n) - Mitteilungen des deuüschen archäologischen Instiüuts (Römische Abteilung). . Mö1,. Glotz - Mölangee Gtotz. 2 Volumes, Paris, 1932. Meyer, Kl,. Bchr. - Meyor, Eduard, Kleine Schri,Jten zur Geech'i,chtatheorie umd, zwr wi,rteakaltl,inhen wnd politi,schen Geschöchte iles Altertwms. 2 Volumes, Ilalle, t9r0-1924. MGH - Monumenta Germaniae Hietorica. Mommsen, GB (or Ges. Bahr.) Mommsen, C. M. T., Gesa,m,melte Schri,Jten. Volumes I-VIII, Berlin, 1906-lgl3.
Mommson, Iwr. Schr, - Mommsen, C. M. T., Jurietiaclw Schri,ften,in Gqarnmelte -Sckri,tten, Volumos I-fII ,eeeabove).
Mommsen, 8P- Mommsen, C. M,T.. Römieche Forschungen. 2 yol'_ umes. Berlin, 1864-f 829. Mommsen, RMW - Mommsen, C. M. T., Gesaki,chte d,es rörniachen Mümzweseme.Berlin, 1g60. Mommsen, lSür.- Mommsen, C. M, T. Röm,iachesStaatereckt, Volumo I. third odition, Leipzig, f 88Z I volumell, third edition , Leipzig , 1887; volume III, Leipzig 1887. Mommson, Strafr. - Mommsen, C. M.T., Rörni,eckeaStraJrecht Leipzig, 1899. Münzer, APF - Münzer, F., Röm,i,ecka Ailel,aparüei,en unil, Acl,eleJami,l,ien. Stuütgart, I g20. Münzor, Gent. Val, I Mütr"e", F., De Gente Val,eria. Oppoliao, l89l (Berlin Diss.). Niese - Niese, 8., Geachtchted,er gröechiachen wtd maladoni,echen Btaaüen. 3 Yolumes, Gotha, l89g-f g0g Nipperdey, Zegee Annales - Nipperdey, I{., Di,e Leges Annal,ei d,er rönoöeakemRepubl,ilc, in Abhand,lung en d,er arichs,isahemGeeel,l,echaft d,er W'iesenechaJt. y.l. Leipzig, 1865. Nissen, Umtersuchungezr,- Nissen, I{. Krdti,eahe Anterauahwngen über d,i,eQu,el,lend,er oiertem und, fünften Dekail,e d,eeLiaiwc. Berlin, 1868. N.l - Neue Jahrbücher für das klassischo Altertum, Geschichto und doutsche Literatur und für pädagogik. .l[lS - Notizio degli Scavi di Antichitä. 4.1 OGIB - Dittenberger, W., Oriemtis Graeai, Imscr'i,pt iones B electo,e. y o lume I, Leipzig, I90B; Volume II, Leipzig, 1905. Pallu de Lesserü - Pallu de Lessert, 4., Eastes d,esprou'ümaee a;fricai,nes sows la d,ornimati,onrorna'ine. Perris, 189&-1901.
phw -philologischeWochonschrift. RA - Revue Aich6ologique. RE -pauly-Wissowa,"Räal,_Encgclopridie äer cl,ass,iscienAltertLms-
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS wiaaenechafl (since edited in turn by Kroll, Mittelhaus, and Ziegler). *REi - Pauly, F. von, Real-Encyclopdilie d,er al,assischemAltertwm,sw'ieeenschaJt(first edition). REA -Revue des Etudes Anciennes, Renil. Ist. Lombard. - Rendiconti del reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. RH - Il,evue llistoriquo. Rheinisches Museum für RhM Philologie. Riccobono, -Fomt,Iwr. Rom. Ante'iueti,m. (or Fontes) - Fontes ltmis Rorn6nq,e Anteiustini,anri, edited by S. Riccobono, J. Bavieran C. Ferrini,J. Furlani, V. Arangio-Ruiz. Volume I, second edition, Florence, l94l; volume II, 1940; volume III, 1943. nPh - R,evue de Philoloeie. L. Robert, Et. Anat. - F,oberü, L., frtwd,es a,natol,iennes. Paris, 193?. R,ostovüzeff, SEHHW Rostovtzeff, M. I., The Social and, Econom,ic Historg of the Helleni,sti,o World,. Oxford. 1941. B,otondi - R,otondi, G., Leges Pwbl,icae Popwl,i, Romam'i; Elencho Chronolog,iao. Estratto della EnGiuridica ciclopedia Italiana. Milan, 1912. SBAH - Sitzr:ngsberichte der l{oidelborger Akademio der Wissenschaft. Heidelberg. BBAW - Sitzungsberichte dor Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaft. München. Schulüen, Gesck. Nwmanti,a (or Geach, Num.) - Schulten, A.,Geschi,chte oon Numantio. Münchon, f933. BEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Eclited by J. J. E. Ilondius, Leyden, l92g -. Seidel, EA - Seidel, J., Fasti Aeil,,ilici,i. Breslau, Diss. 1908. Sherwin-White, ßorn. Ci,tizenshi,p Sherwin-White, The Rom,am Ci,ti,zenshöp. Oxford, 1939. Ä'IGa - W. Ditüonbetger, Syl,l,ogeInscriptüonurn Gra,ecarum,. Third
edition by lliller vonGaorüringen Otto Weinroich, Eric Ziebafi]l'. Sobeck (or Sobeck, Quaestoren) - Sobeck, X'., D'ie Qwaestorender rörnisah,enRepwblifr .Broslau, Diss, I 909 Stella Maranca - Stella Maranca, F., Fast'i Praetori,i. Mernotio della Accademia dei Lincei, 1927, p. 280ff. TAPLA - Transactions of the American Philological Association. TnF Tragicorwm Roma,morunt, Fragmenta, ed. Otto Ribbeck, Leipzig, 1897. Waddington - Waddington, W'. IL, Eastes d,esprouinces as'iatiques, in Philippe Lo Bas, Voyage archöologi,queen Gröceet enAsi,e Mimewre. Paris, 1870. W'ehrmarrn - Wehrmann, P., Fosti. Praetorä ab A.U.,DItXXXV ilI ad, A. A. DCCX. Borlin, 1875. Wouilleumier, Tarente Wouilleumier, P., Taremte d,es origines d, la conqu,öteromai,ne. In Bibliothöque des Ecoles Frangaisos d'Athönes et de Rome, Fasc. I4l, Paris, 1939. Wilcken, Chrest. - L. Mittois und U.'Wilckon, Grwnd,zügeunil, Chrestonxathie d,er Papgruskwn(1,e. Zw eite lIällte. Chr estom,athie,v on Ulrich Wilcken. Leipzig and Berlin, 1912. Willems, Sönat - Willems, P., Le Sönat il,e La Röpwbli,qu,eRom,aöme, Sa com,potitiom et ses attribwt'i,ons, Louvain and Paris. Volume I, 1878; Volume II, 1883. Willrich, a rlcund,enJci,Ischwng- Willrich, I[., Arlcuncl,enftilschwng,in d,er h all en i st i,schen -'iäd,i,schan L i,teratur. Gött ir,gen, 1924. Wilsdorf - Wilsdorf, D., Fasti, Hi,sgtan'iarunt, prouinc'iarwm, in Lei.pziger Stuil,i,en zur cla,ssischen Phi,l,ologie,Volume I, 1878. Wissowa - W'issowa, G., Religi,on wnil, Kwltws d,er Rörner. Second edition München, 1912. ZN - Zeitschrift für Numismatik.
PR,EX'ACE When Mommsen drew up the plans for the ProsopographiaImperi'i" "libera res publica" ßomani, he deliberately ercluded tfue period of the from its purview becausehe was most concerned to make available the rich harvest of information that ca,n be drawn from inscriptions and coins, and such material on the period of the B,omanRepublic a,ppeared "pauca ea,que satis cognita et illustria." As a conseto the editor quence investigators in this field have had to depend on Orelli's Onomasti,conto Cicero, the articles on members of particular families, at first by l(Iebs, and later mainly by Münzer, in RD, or the pneson: tation of Roman history through the biographies of some of the more important families in Groebe's reYision of Drumann'sGeachi'chteRomsOrelli's Ornmast'i,con'is sti[ a useful aid to students of tho Ciceronian period becauseof its citations of relevant texts, but it is marred by a number of mistaken identifications and is practically limited to the persons mentioned by Cicero. The early articles by Klebs in RE tend to be summary and incomplete. The excellence of those by Münzer, and of such special articles as those on Cicero and Lucullus by Gelzer and on Caesarby Groebe, is admitted on every hand, but they have appeared slowly with the slow progress of the volumes of ß8. Many of the early onescan be supplementedfrom more recent ovidence, while others, which include such important families as the Postumü and the Valerü, have not yet a,ppearedor have barely begun to appear. The value of Drumann-Groebe needsno emphasis.The comprehensive treatment of the more important members of the families chosen,the detail in which their official careers and relationships are considered (for example, the account of the Sergü included in ühe article on Cicero, and the appendix on Caesar's Legates in Gaul) together make the work an indispensable aid to students of the history of the last century of the Roman Republic. But earlier periods are sketchily treated, and important groups, such as the Cornelii Scipiones, the Servilü, tho Sempronü, and the Valerii, do not appear at all. Such a situation would appear to justify the preparation of a Prosopogra'phi'a'Li'berae Rei' Publicae on a full scale if means, time and assista,ncewere ava,ilable. Besid.esworks like these thero have been published a numbor of lists of the holders of particular magistracies a,nd priesthoods, but there has been no attempü to pr.esent them together as a body of vu
administrativepersorurel,thoughtheinfluenceofthoirfamilyrelation. importance' fi;# ot *y"l"l.in a work of great ä;r il-ü;";'set and-pro€opogra'phicai Ait'etsfami'ti'e?c' his Rt;mi,scn,Uauö'ii;'eÄ und' bnlliant results to tho interpretation method.shave beenffilt"d;ilh R'onald'Symo in his Roman of tho agesof Cicero'änd'Augustusqy megistraoiosand of wturryoi inÄ"-rt?ares of separato Reaoruti,on. importau:t contribution' The recent sepera,tomonuments make an by A. Degrassiin et Tri,unxpho,lßs publicationof the r.ri'ö*rit"res in tho study peri'od new * Itutiae äTir,l'- i"tpd:::t Tnscri,pti,ones I)iotators' consuls, of the lists of this Augustan*"""-irJ"t, and gf partiouror, in and sources, othgr and censor*, aru*o"?iori-lni* u"a structure of the history of skeletal Livv's History,*ilh;;;äe Elogia in volumeXIII' 3 the of the-RomanR"p"b[;:d;;il1;?t'91 contribution. Niccolini's 'Fosüi of the sameserres;'r""til;aluatrle a full--cilationof texts and en exoellent itei, Tri,buni,dril* P:t";';;;tt HoIzI,Maxis, and stell-aMorenoal discussionof probrä. rit"n"-u"", of "arious periods' Bandol's have each nade coilectionsof Praetorsof the Cenörs bv Do Boor' ihe studles study of the Did;;;;;; eachcontainusefulmaterial' but Leuze,andmost "*""Jfy Uy ftr'm' work' A group of pupils of are now largely -"p*"-"i"a üy D"g"t'*i's ö[ect'ions' Seid'el' of the Aediles' Cichoriusn*ou p"äää"ä o'"fot Ä*i'ssadors' and Bartsch' of K";t':{t}: sobeck,of the a;;ä;' Su[a and 44 B' c' Bardt and Klose the Leeatesu"t*"äiiä"ä;h'; Lists of rsts of priest$and priestly colleses. ;il; il;?öilä;" scattered in material u'pP9*"9-33ong othe'r 'd"""Td Promagistrut". nu"ä ' p""ic sanctis'table of commands {ar iöe Sasti: thoseof the list Kloin's in Praotore tho with thoseof Si.ify ati oi Sartlinia along. of Spainhavobeencollected itto'" "i';;" ü"it'"u'-' of the governors bv doLs'eri' thoeoof Iwacodonia bv Wilsdorf, tno'J Ji'äää;üly andChapot'Dr' Wilhelmina daeblcr,and thoseäAtfil'.ilt4dingüon oolleotionof promagistratos uäeful a Jashemskit *. ,u.uätiy p"uir.tt"q and "tt"tt ti::l':,"-torks' a,ndprovinci"r gooäiü'ä' ooneoting.-;;t öf the gillrnore in his Sotnot? ProfässorDtoia löiäiä-rt"naA"üsh no work ;hioh aß$ml)losin comRul,ein Asio Mi#.ilffi;;;itt' offioialsof oeohyo&r&nd fashionthe megittratceonJoit or Drehensive in short' o$cr in onnuallidr' thet doos' of iresentethem in ;ü;;;üi*l €omothillg moteriel ;sntily pre';cd in oor time with ;h";fd his in Rome of f"i tftä tit*1ot -ngfrtretes whar Arüicu, ,.*nipii'riä of Liber Annalia in the &go Cioerc'. Thoprosontcolleotiänisnoüdeeignodtogervoaßeoomplotoprososcoloof-;hich would ilöuq;;d;;;";;;rv posra,phyof the ffiä; w&y for one' It is iho take us too la,r afield, but may holptocloar
designedto meet the two problems outlined. above, the one administrative, the other biographical in nature, but to keep the emphasis mainly upon public offices and careers. The work as a whole oonsists of two parts. In the first the magistrates and other officials of each year a,ro presented in annual lists. Each entry is regulerlyfollowed byreferences to the ancient evidence regarding the name, the office and the date, and by a, summary, again with referencesto the ancient evidence, of that person's activities in office. A secondpart which will serve as an Index, will contain a summary reference list of c&reers. In this the names will be listed. in alphabetical order, each name followed by a list of offices arranged so far a,spossible in chronological order with numbers referring to tho years in which they were held. I hope that the two pa,rts together v'ill create a, useful worh of referenco on the administrative personnel of the Roman Republic. Volume I includes the lists of magistrates and officials from the beginning of the Roman Republic to the sixth consulship of Marius in 100 B. C. The section from 218 to 201 B. C. was prepared by Dr. Marcia Patterson in connection with her Br;nr Mawr dissertation on Roman Magistrates d,uri,ng the Seoond,Puni'c War. Yohtme II will continue the annual lists through the first century to 31 B. C., the date which marks the beginning of the Prosopographialrnperü, Romani. It will include appendiceson magistrates whose dates are completely uncertain, and on the Monetales, who are difficult to bring within a regular chronological scheme. It will also contain the Index of names and careers, &nd e select bibliogra,phy. The annual lists are numbered in accordance with the traditional Varronian system, in spite of the difficulties raised in arranging the magistrates of ths ea,rliestperiod in this, or any other, regular chronological scheme. This system provides the most convenient framework for presenting the evidencein orderwhile noting the differencesbetwoon. our chiefsources. The order of magistrates in each year hes had to be somewhat arbitrary. The Consuls, being the eponymous officials, aro placed first, and are listed, not in alphabetical ord.er,but in the order indicated by a comparison of the ancient evidence. Afber the Consuls are listed the Dictators, Masters of Horse, and Censors,in this order whenever they occur together. The lower electivo magistracies aro placed next, the Praetors, the Aediles, Curule and Plebeian, often followed immediately by the ludex Quaestionis since he was regularly a, recent Aedi.le, then the Tribunes of thö Plebs, and the Qua,estors, with the individual magistrates listed in alphabetical order in each case. Tribunes of the Plebs, who entered office on December 10, and Quaostors. who did so on December 5, are listed with the Consuls under
I- have listed the whom thoy aorvod most of their year' Similarly the year t'hat has with not ärder' in who a,re pi"ia noxt i*L"*g.t, consuls whose the of the vears with_ "Promagistratos, tLey ier"u, but ".p-irrä"h* and, in sucelestion they eeoure.N";l are listed the the commissioners, first the cession to them tue mititary officers a1d that thoy wero of the Soldiers, piaced here despite the, fact iüür-..
tfr"" ifrä Legates,angitre Prefects.Tho Legatesin ilffi;;I""io", according P f"""lt:ltAmbassadors' turn arcdividedintoihreeclasJes *uo'"'"sentofficiallybythesenatetodealwithforeignpowers;or by Senate!: t"'gi*:"t"t Envoys, who were ,"nt"fyin" 9t-?ffti-t:ts' and finall:i, Lieutenants, who servod other; ;;*it Senate thoso to the these aö'a raüher indefinito grouP with definite milita; ilil;;;:As of interrogation) l oonEidI have included amolngthem (with a ma,rk in military _ca,pooitie8but active ereble number of pe-räns whä were whosetit]eisnotpreserved.AftertheLegateserolistedthehefects. oT eleoted to &88i8n Then follow the commissioners who were ,ippoitttua ships, or perform of construction the lands, dedicate temprui ,"p"""ise of Triumviri namos the whon years few the other special assignmenis.Iä e.nd' aJ t!9 placed are they t" Cupltuf"t """ ""to"dud NJnfu Virgins andtho.Vestal priests thä regarding The inclusio' of oäti"e" priests i1 th9 v&rious ool""q"it". some expl;;"tio"' fechniäaly the """" after they were made elective by tho leses were tot *"giJt"*t*, and their positions were not annual but' t;""f 1"0; b. c.,'But ;ä;"öät the priesthoods were position8 of conheld f* ur"' ;;;;[y;;"e clear in t','e Lawa' and siderable political iofio""t", as Cicäro makes wereimportantprizesinanofficialcareer.Thoyearsofeuoces8ionend known' but ot'helvieo a of death of priests u"" "ot"a where these aro ho happens to be montioned' At p"f"riit U-täa ""a* " y"u" i" *litl of ühe oolleges of a few points when ufioi ""u"f' aff lfrg meribership lißtt. 8umm8ry have insertod pontifices and of Aogo", is kiown I most of dropp\g by The spelling of naäes has been standardized oourso' of end Foslius; not Folius' the archaic forms: -q.uUo.,not Ailius; obthoby indicatod aro Patricians Valerius, Papirius, P;pilii;., etc' which follows breviation pat. a,fter tle name. The number in braokots the family in of name the under article the a,Il names is the number of is discussed.An astorisk tig"tft"! that the RE inwhich *tr i"äi"iäJ I have frequently article will be foond in t'he old' RE ' In such ca'ses Altertunxs, bo d,eslclassi,sahem added referencesto Lübker's Reall,eri,lcall en un,d'Ailel,e|arnilien, end Drumann-Groebe, to Mtio,"*' s Ad,elspartei, In the line in the caseof mant;f ihe Valerü, to his De GenteValerda. conBuland with each name I rr""" i"ai*ted the dates of preetorshipB reforences anciont The ,ttip, *nr"uver the career has advanced that far'
which establish name, office, and date are arranged mainly in chron.logical sequence,and the summary account ofäctivities in offico is regularly followed by the ancient referenceson which it is based, again nrranged mainly in chronological sequence.rn a few cases,such aJthe consulships of Cicero in 68 and of Caesar in 59, or the activities of l'lamininus in Greece,the account has had to be abridged. rn general, legislative activityis more fully reported than militar! operati,ons. r have restricted discussion almost entirely to queötio-nsregarding particular n&mes, offices, and dates, and the material necessary tö explain the lists as they appea,r;and r have exclud"edthe involveüand far-r-eaching problems of the early chronology and the reliability of the lists of magistrates, particularly of those who held office before the -war with Pyrrh}r. ryy purpose in this work is not primarily to vindicate or to criticize the chronology of our record.sor tüe reliability of the names contained in them, but to make available the lists of magistrates as fully as r can. rt is however only fair to state briefly my general position. rn the first place, r am inclined to accept almost the entire list of eponymous magistrates, excepting only a few possible interpolations and the "Dictator" years.z rt seems impossiblä otherwise t6 explain the survival of the names of several extinct patrician families, är to find a period when the list as we have it could have been invented. some of the dictatorships and some of the triumphs appear to be less reliable, and a few 9f the early censorshipsu,"" ofeo tätquestion. The lists of Military Tribunes with consular power were more subject to interpolation, but with them the probremls to determine whichof our major sourcesis the most complete and which the most interpolated. rt is probable-that good records of priestswere preserved, but the names of -many of the early officers and minor officials in the early period indicate tha-bthey were taken from the lists of eponSrms.The täirdency of Roman families to glorify their beginnings läd tö some falsification of the tradition, as cicero says(Brut. az; cf.l,io. s.+0.+;,but that same emplasis upon ancestral achievementsmay have assisfuä in preserving , fuller record of official c&reersa,mongthe great noble fariilies. rn the second place, though our chief sourcösare based upon record.s . that are fundamentally sound, they may yet differ in valule. Niebuhr ,nd after him Mommsen assignedthe primacy to Diodorus in the belief that he represented essentially the material in x'abius pictor, and their view has had great influence. But both Eduard Meyer and K. J. Beloch have raised sound objections to the x'abian hypothesis, and to these Ä. Klotz has added new considerations.a rnouln Diodorus had good Hourcesr doubt if his lists should be placed above those of Livy, ihile
B,OXIANREPUBLIC Tl{D MAGISTR,ATESOF TIIE an obscure of the names often makes him the incompleto preservation xasti' have been estimated too and. uncertain guid'ei ;;;-i"N'"k;e sources'so much so that Sigonius highly becausettrey are-in-s"'ipiigryl compilation
"f Lt".y' Tft"v.":rytut""-l-1 usedthem to u*u"i tLä'i""T ro' insäription upon the arch of ffiiläB'c'' probabty prepa,red, revision presentsomeinteri"l *i1:1:".of i.usustus in the X'orum'and The,numerouscognomin€'and the in ihe intorests"f Aü;ä;i'"ii"t' with raterevisionin compa,rison compleregenealogieJffiffiiy;jiryy Livy' and"the order of the namosis in "Dictator" the simplerforms t;äh";;;"s thev include the ;;;#-M"'"o""i less domonstrably of the magisLivy preservesthö best record vears.It is probablethat -- .-,^ -^^^*Ä. -^r nr tl it;;;; of thl R'omanRepublic'a reliable recordsnot of the major In the tut"" p""ioä"TnäIJ *"r" lists of minor ofri"i*t' a's well' The magistrates o,'ry üi'i ;ith" from "td command'sreported in Livy magistrates,p"o**fi't"at"'' entirelvtruslworthy. Information zra-to 167B.C. .pö* ;; ;äor*o.t ** u"""if"tle for Atticus to find Legates on Tribuner, Quau'to"s'and' Mummius and Tuditanus)' )Y";;:\;';-ä-""'so' (see upon request holders upon the'noule families and'the *t it" L" pursuedhfi;;;;;s of his basis fä"t-4"9 ttta *'a" them the of of the maior -*gi'd"i"*-iu" career the irbi'u"o confused tal Li,berAnnatd, N;;;;;i' Praetor f" C' with that of C' Fannius C.FanniusM.f', Cä;;"i-i"$il' for an that his corrfusionwas pardonable' were before 118,we "";-k;;; careers their Crete-revealsthat inscription ,""u"tty f"""a in office (see113' Legates)' ättti""a-hieh contemporary""o tr'"i;"irt as pos.* ;". bä acknowledgedas far our obligat'i""- ;;";;; chance from hints more' "oi"t' but many to go siblein the biuriogiait;;;-t have *3J readingnow-forgottgt: from i-p'"t*iäns conversatio,'., works of like to *ä"tio* es"peciallythe the unrecorded.ttu""'i *t ould. ""airt" Elogiä' andto refer to and Deqrassion the il'ii'ö.i;"i';u law alovg' f" tft" t"ietasof public ,p".i"l collectionsä"ttioit"a ßömische,or' iohitn, Staisrecht, ond his institutions M";;;;;- "iö;;7';*'l'"i'ii tne Timeol cicero'und Greeniffi schunsen, ury" especiallyvaluable'Münzer's his Botsford'sn *i"Ä"';üi"r'"y9o'"t'ü'i" n" orti closin B E' and ßömiechßA d'kw;;;;;" "'a l'aa" 1 Cichorius while r'ave-'ueoniunda'montal' has various articloeü;;;;tl; ;!'-uiereuchunsefr zu Ltt'cit'i'us both in his nontici;"8;ä;r;;;ä end contributiona' who offoredmany Euggost'ions tl iiiorosaorl\lalcolmAgnew and I wish to u*p"JiJäy'"ppr**r1on this a-list of tt"q!1-T::-as wish had' considerodworking-ön suoh hie own prognoss I impeded' "ho ho founrl eenerouslygevew&y wlien has followed the t"rri"t *itrt intorost äo thank Lim too-ior tho
tlovelopment of this work. I wish to thank Mrs. R. V. Cram for her kindness in sending me the manuscript of Professor Cram's study of bba Conm,ls ol the Roman Republtc which was well advanced at his runtimely death, and Professor A. S. Peasefor giving me notes he had made on the Quindecemviri Sacris X'aciundis. Thanks are due to the staff of Widener Library, of the Numismatical Society, of the University of Pennsylvania Library, and of the Br5m Mawr College Library for assistance in making their resources available to me. I wish to express appreciation of a gift from Mrs. John D. Gordan for