The Letters of Samuel Johnson, Volume V: Appendices and Comprehensive Index [Course Book ed.] 9781400851560

With these two volumes Princeton University Press concludes the first scholarly edition of the letters of Samuel Johnson

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Table of contents :
APPENDIX I. Letters of Uncertain Date
APPENDIX II. Letters Substantiated by Mention
APPENDIX III.Translations of Letters in Latin
Recommend Papers

The Letters of Samuel Johnson, Volume V: Appendices and Comprehensive Index [Course Book ed.]

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The J^etters of SAMUEL J O H N S O N

JAMES BOSWELL'S DREAM, 6 FEBRUARY of "my much respected Freind Dr. J o h n s o n " (Hyde Collection)


The Jitters of






ISBN O - I 9 - 8 1 1 2 8 7 - 4 (vol. l ) O - I 9 - 8 1 1 9 5 2 - 6 (vol. 5) LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA (REVISED FOR VOLUMES 4 AND 5 ) J O H N S O N , SAMUEL, 1 7 0 9 - 1 7 8 4 .




PR3533.A4 1992

828'.609 [B]





page Vll




Letters of Uncertain

A P P E N D I X 11

Letters Substantiated



xiii Date by Mention

of Letters in Latin

3 37 49









of annotation and transcription have been modeled on the style sheet for the Yale Research Edition of the Private Papers of James Boswell. T h e most detailed version in print appears in the front matter to The Correspondence of James Boswell with David Garrick, Edmund Burke, and Edmond Malone, ed. P. S. Baker et al. (ig86). T h e statement that follows adheres closely to this version. POLICIES


Choice and Arrangement of Letters T h e letters are presented in chronological order. Letters written for others, as well as public dissertations in the guise of letters, have been excluded. Undated letters that cannot be assigned with confidence to a specific year appear in Appendix i, where they are ordered alphabetically by correspondent. Appendix n gathers together the evidence for letters whose texts have not been recovered. Translations of Johnson's letters in Latin appear in Appendix in. T h e copy-text has been the MSS of letters sent, whenever such MSS were available. In the absence of originals, we have used MS copies. When no MSS at all have been recovered, we have used printed texts as copy. Transcription In accordance with the policy of the Yale Research Series, "manuscript documents in this edition have been printed to correspond to the originals as closely as is feasible in the medium of type. A certain amount of compromise and apparent inconsistency seems unavoidable, but change has been kept within the limits of stated conventions." T h e following editorial conventions are imposed silently: Addresses. Elements appearing on separate lines in the MS are Vll



run together and punctuated according to modern practice. On franked covers, handwriting is that of the franker unless otherwise specified. Datelines. Places and dates are joined at the head of the letter regardless of their position in the MS. Punctuation has been normalized. Salutations. Abbreviations are expanded. Commas and colons after salutations are retained; in the absence of punctuation, a colon is supplied. Complimentary closes. Abbreviations are expanded. Punctuation has been normalized. Elements appearing on separate lines in the MS are r u n together. Complimentary closes paragraphed separately in the MS are printed as continuations of the last line of text. Endorsements. Handwriting is that of the recipient unless otherwise specified. Punctuation. At the ends of completed sentences periods may replace commas or dashes and are always supplied when omitted. A sentence following a period always begins with a capital letter. Changes. Substantive additions and deletions in Johnson's hand are recorded in the notes. Lacunae. Words and letters missing through a tear or obscured by a blot are supplied within angle brackets. Inadvertent omissions are supplied within square brackets. Nonauthorial deletions are not reported unless the reading is in doubt. Abbreviations, contractions, and symbols. T h e following abbreviations, contractions, and symbols, and their variant forms, are expanded: abt (about), acct (account), agst (against), Bp (Bishop), cd (could), compts (compliments), Dr (Dear), Ld (Lord), Lop (Lordship), Ly (Lady), Lyship (Ladyship), reed (received), sd (should), Sr (Sir), wc (which), wd (would), yr (your), & (and), &c (etc.). All retained abbreviations and contractions are followed by a period. Periods following ordinals have been removed. Superior letters. Superior letters are lowered. Vlll



Brackets. Parentheses replace square brackets in the text, brackets being reserved for editorial use. Spelling. T h e original spelling has been retained, except for obvious inadvertencies, which are corrected in the text and recorded in the notes. Capitalization and paragraphing. Original capitalization and paragraphing have been retained. ANNOTATION

Headnotes. Postmarks, although partly illegible on some letters, are left unbracketed when not in doubt. Marks on the wrappers other than addresses, postmarks, endorsements, and stamped and written franks have been ignored. Footnotes. When an abbreviated source is given, the full citation may be found in the list of cue titles and abbreviations on pp. xiii—xv. All other reference titles in the footnotes are sufficiently complete to enable ready identification; for each letter, these citations are presented in full the first time they occur and are shortened in all subsequent occurrences in the notes to that letter. Except where a work has been directly quoted, no source is given when the information is available in the Dictionary of National Biography, an encyclopedia, or other general reference work. Reference to all letters is made by correspondent and date. Post and Ante references supplement but do not replace the index, which should be consulted whenever the identity of names or places is in doubt.



Is born at Lichfield, 18 Sept.


Attends Lichfield G r a m m a r School.


Enters Pembroke College, Oxford, in October.


Leaves Oxford in December.


Death of his father Michael.


Usher at Market Bosworth School.



Resides in Birmingham; translates Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia.



Marries Elizabeth Porter; opens school at Edial.


Leaves for London in March; begins work for Edward Cave.




An Account of the Life of Richard Savage; Harleian Miscellany.


Signs contract for the Dictionary.


Irene produced; The Vanity of Human Wishes.


Begins Rambler.


Death of Elizabeth J o h n s o n ; final Rambler.


Oxford M.A.; publication of the Dictionary.



Begins Idler.


Death of his mother Sarah; publication of Rasselas.


Final Idler.


Is granted annual pension.


Meets J a m e s Boswell.


Founding of T h e Club.


Meets H e n r y and Hester T h r a l e ; Dublin LL.D.; The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare.


The False Alarm.


Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting Falkland's Islands.


Hebridean tour.



The Patriot; tour of Wales.


A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland; Taxation No Tyranny; Oxford D.C.L.; trip to Paris. xi


Trial of Dr. Dodd; begins work on Lives of the Poets.


First installment of Lives.


Death of Henry Thrale; second installment of Lives.


Founding of Essex Head Club.


Final break with Hester Thrale; dies 13 Dec.



Adam Cat.

R. B. A D A M , The R. B. Adam Library Relating to Dr Samuel Johnson and His Era, 4 vols., 1929—30.

Alum. Cant. 1

J O H N a n d J. A. V E N N , Alumni Cantabngienses, Part 1 (to 1751), 4 vols., 1922—27.

Alum. Cant. 11

J. A. V E N N , Alumni Cantabngienses, Part 11 (1752-1900), 6 vols., 1940—54.


J O S E P H F O S T E R , Alumni Oxonienses ... 1500-1714, vols., i 8 g i - g 2 .


Alum. Oxon.11

J O S E P H F O S T E R , Alumni Oxonienses ... 1J15-1886, vols., 1887-88.



The Correspondence ofJames Boswell with David Garnck, Edmund Burke, and Edmond Malone, ed. P. S. Baker et al., 1986.


W. P. C O U R T N E Y a n d D A V I D N I C H O L S M I T H , A Bibli-

ography of Samuel Johnson, 1915,1925. Bibliography Supplement R. W. C H A P M A N a n d A. T. H A Z E N , Johnsonian Bibliog-

raphy. A Supplement to Courtney, 1939. Bloom

E. A. B L O O M , Samuel Johnson in Grub Street, 1957.

Burke's Correspondence The Correspondence of Edmund Burke, ed. T. W. Copeland et al., 1958-70 Chapman

The Letters of Samuel Johnson, with Mrs. Thrale's Genuine Letters to Him, ed. R. W. C h a p m a n , 3 vols., 1952.

Clifford, 1952

J . L. C L I F F O R D , Hester Lynch Piozzi, 2d ed., 1952.

Clifford, 1955

J . L. C L I F F O R D , Young Samuel Johnson, 1955.

Clifford, 1979

J. L. C L I F F O R D , Dictionary Johnson, 1979.


J A M E S B O S W E L L , The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., ed. J. W. Croker, rev. J o h n Wright, 10 vols., 1868.

SJ's Dictionary

S A M U E L J O H N S O N , Dictionary of the English 4 t h ed., 1773.


Dictionary of National Biography. xiii


CUE T I T L E S AND A B B R E V I A T I O N S Earlier Years

F. A. P O T T L E , James Boswell: The Earlier Years, 1740— 1769, 1966.


The Correspondence ofJames Boswell with Certain Members of The Club, ed. C. N. Fifer, 1976.


S A M U E L J O H N S O N , A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, ed. J. D. Fleeman, 1985.


The Gentleman's Magazine, 1731—1907.

Greene, 1975

D O N A L D G R E E N E , Samuel Johnson's Library, 1975.


S I R J O H N H A W K I N S , The Life of Samuel Johnson, 2d ed., 1787.


A. T. H A Z E N , Samuel Johnson's Prefaces and Dedications,




1937Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D., 1773, ed. from the original MS by F. A. Pottle and C. H. Bennett, 1961. J. G. H E N D Y , The History of the Early Postmarks of the British Isles, 1905.

Hill Hyde, 1972

Letters of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., ed. G. B. Hill, 1892. M A R Y H Y D E , The Impossible Friendship: Boswell and Mrs. Thrale, 1972.

Hyde, 1977

M A R Y H Y D E , The Thrales of Streatham Park, 1977.


James Boswell.

Johns. Glean.

A. L. R E A D E , Johnsonian Gleanings, 11 vols., 1909—52.

Johns Misc.

Johnsonian Miscellanies, ed. G. B. Hill, 2 vols., 1897.


Johnsonian Newsletter.

later Years

F R A N K B R A D Y , James Boswell: The Later Years, 1769— 1795, 1984. Boswell's Life ofJohnson, Together with Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides and Johnson's Diary of a Journey into North Wales, ed. G. B. Hill, rev. L. F. Powell, 6 vols., 1934— 50; vols, v a n d vi, 2d ed., 1964.



J O H N N I C H O L S , Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, 9 vols., 1812-15.

Lit. Car.

F. A. P O T T L E , The Literary Career of James Boswell, Esq., J


Lives of the Poets Johnson's Lives of the English Poets, ed. G. B. Hill, 1905. xiv

CUE T I T L E S AND A B B R E V I A T I O N S Lond. Stage

The London Stage, Part i n (1729—47), ed. A. H . Scouten, 1961; Part iv (1747-76), ed. G. W. Stone, Jr., 1962; Part v (1776—1800), ed. C. B. Hogan, 1968.

Namier and Brooke SIR

L E W I S N A M I E R a n d J O H N B R O O K E , The House of

Commons, 1754—1790, 3 vols., 1964. OED

Oxford English Dictionary.

Piozzi, Letters

H E S T E R L Y N C H P I O Z Z I , Letters to and from the Late Samuel Johnson, LL.D., 2 vols., 1788.


Annotated presentation copy, given to Sir James Fellowes, of H. L. Piozzi's Letters to and from the Late Samuel Johnson, LL.D., 1788 (Birthplace Museum, Lichfield).


H . R. P L O M E R et al., Dictionary of Printers and Booksellers, 1668-1725; 7 7 2 6 - / 7 7 5 , 2 vols., 1922, 1932.


The Poems of Samuel Johnson, ed. David Nichol Smith and E. L. McAdam, rev. J . D. Fleeman, 1974.


A. L. R E A D E , The Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson's Ancestry, 1906.


Review of English Studies.


Samuel J o h n s o n .

S l e d d a n d K o l b J . H . S L E D D a n d G. J . K O L B , Dr. Johnson's Dictionary, 1955Thraliana

Thrahana: The Diary of Mrs. Hester Lynch Thrale, ed. K. C. Balderston, 1942.


Times Literary Supplement.


The Correspondence and Other Papers of James Boswell Relating to the Making of the "Life of Johnson," ed. Marshall Waingrow, 1969.

Walpole's Correspondence, Yale ed. The Yale Edition of Horace Walpole's Correspondence, ed. W. S. Lewis et al., 1937—83. Wheatley and C u n n i n g h a m H . B. W H E A T L E Y a n d P E T E R C U N N I N G H A M ,


Past and Present, 3 vols., i 8 g i . Works, Yale ed.

The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, J. H . Middendorf, gen. ed., 1958—


The fitters of SAMUEL J O H N S O N


Letters of Uncertain Date

Frances ^Burney SATURDAY1 MS

Berg Collection, New York Public Library Saturday

Mr. Johnson begs of Miss Burney that she will favour him with a copy of Cecilia to lend a friend. i This letter, placed in 1783 by Hill and by Chapman, could have been written anytime after the publication of Burney's Cecilia, 1 a June 1782

T'homas Qadell MS

Hyde Collection

Mr. Johnson desires Mr. Cadel to send him, if he has it, Xenophon de Rebus Graecorum, the Scotch Edition. 1 1 SJ refers to the octavo edition of Xenophon's Hellenica published in 1762 by the Foulis Press (Philip Gaskell, Bibliography of the Foulis Press, 2d ed , 1986, p 248) SJ owned a copy at the time of his death (Greene, 1975, p 119)

SdwardQave 1 Hill (1 10) follows JB {Life 1 155-57) l n dating this letter to 1742, Chapman (1 22) assigns it conjecturally to Autumn 1743, but does not explain his decision The contents do not justify such a precise dating, even if one follows Thomas Kammski in connecting it to the "Historical Design" of SJ's letter to Cave, Autumn 1743 (Kammski, Early Career of SJ, 1987, p 251 n 50)




MS - H y d e C o l l e c t i o n

Sir: You did not tell Me Your determination about the Soldier's Letter,2 which I am confident was never printed. I think it will not do by itself, or in any other place so well as the Mag. extraordinary. 3 If You will have it at all. I believe You do not think I set it high, and I will be glad if what You give for it You will give quickly. You need not be in care about something to print, for I have got the State tryals 4 and shall extract Layer, 5 Atterbury, 6 and Macclesfield7 from them and shall bring 8 them to You in a fortnight, after which I will try to get the Southsea re(port), 9 and then I hope to proceed regularly. I am etc. SAM. J O H N S O N 2 J B notes that "I have not discovered what this was" (Life i 156 n 4) Neither has any subsequent inquirer 3 T h e annual supplement to the GM, published every December 4 A Complete Collection of State- Trials, and Proceedings for High- Treason etc (1719, 1730, 1742) 5 Christopher Layer (1683-1723), Jacobite conspirator, whose plot to restore the Pretender was foiled in 1722 Convicted of high treason, Layer was executed in May 1723 6 Francis Atterbury (1662-1732), Bishop of Rochester, was arrested m 1722 on suspicion of involvement with the Stuart cause and tried before the House of Lords in May 1723 T h e Lords voted 8 3 - 4 3 against Atterbury, who was stripped of all his ecclesiastical positions and banished for life 7 T h o m a s Parker (1667-1732), first Earl of Macclesfield and Lord Chancellor (1718-25) Macclesfield was tried before the House of Lords in May 1725 on charges of bribery and fraud H e was found guilty by a unanimous vote, fined, and briefly imprisoned 8 MS "not" del before "bring" 9 Possibly The Report from the Trustees of the South Sea Company to the Honourable House of Commons (London, 1724)

Thomas T)avies PRINTED S O U R C E ' J B ' s Life,


1 " H e indeed loved Davies cordially, of which I shall give the following little




Come, come dear Davies, I am always sorry when we quarrel; send me word that we are friends. evidence. One day, when he had treated him with too much asperity, Tom, who was not without pride and spirit, went off in a passion; but he had hardly reached home, when Frank, who had been sent after him, delivered this note" (Life iv.231 )•

l\obert JJodsley M S : Folger Shakespeare Library. A D D R E S S : To Mr. Dodsley.

Sir: I have as You see written my Letter, and am yet in doubt whether I shall send it, I cannot see what good it can do you, however if you think differently from me I do not love the reputation of obstinacy or perverseness. I have dated the Letter for Monday. You may think on it, whatever you do it will please me if You can please yourself. If You have a Shakespeare pray send it though in sheets. 1 I will return it in 2 two or three days. I am, etc. SAM. J O H N S O N 1. If one assumes that SJ is referring to his own edition, then this letter could have been written anytime between the autumn of 1761 and the late summer of 1765 (the period when, by a conservative reckoning, substantial portions of the edition were "in sheets"). 2. MS: "for" del. before "in"

yames Elphinston P R I N T E D S O U R C E : J a m e s Elphinston, Forty Years' Correspondence, 1791, 1.34.

[In one letter (among many now lost) he said] My health seems to be returning; and with health of mind and body a man may supply or bear the remainder of his wants. 5

T)avid Garrick MS : Free Library of Philadelphia. A D D R E S S : T O David Garrick, Esqr., Adelphi. 1

May 25 s

Dear Sir:

You have many requests, and many of them must be denied, but I hope this will not be of the number, by which you are desired to order your Boxkeeper, to reserve four places for Dr. Bell of Westminster, 3 any night on which You intend to appear, before Friday. I am, sir, your most humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N 1. Address added in pencil in an unidentified hand. 2. The indisputable terminus ad quern for this letter is 1776, when Garrick retired from the stage (10 June). If the address is accurate, it cannot have been written before he moved into the Adelphi (Mar. 1772) {Letters of David. Garrick, ed. D. M. Little and G. M. Kahrl, 1963,11.775). The most reliable terminus a quo is the date of William Bell's doctoral degree, 1767. 3. William Bell (1731—1816), D.D., Prebendary of Westminster and brother of John Bell (1745-1831), the London bookseller.

Edmund Hector1 M S : Hyde Collection. A D D R E S S : To Mr. Hector in Birmingham. POSTMARK:

28 AV.

Dear Sir: That You and dear Mrs. Careless should have care or curiosity about my health gives me that pleasure which every man feels from finding himself not forgotten. In age we feel again that 1. As the postmark makes clear, this letter was misplaced by JB (Life, 1791, 11.421), who dated it c. Mar. 1782. It is inconceivable that it could have been written in Aug. 1782, given SJ's serious and protracted illness during that period. I follow Hill (Life iv.147 n. 1) and Chapman (11.473) m accepting 1780 as the terminus ad quern (Henry Thrale died in Apr. 1781, and, as Hill observes, "What he says of friendship renders it almost certain that the letter was written while he had still Thrale"). 1778 and 1780 are both possible dates.




love of our native place and our early friends, which in the bustle or amusements of middle life were overborn and suspended. You and I should now naturally cling to one another, we have outlived most of those who could pretend to rival us in each other's kindness. In our walk through life we have dropped our companions and are now to pick u p such as chance may offer us, or 2 to travel on alone. You indeed have a sister with whom you can divide the day, I have no natural friend left, but Providence has been pleased to preserve me from neglect, I have not wanted such alleviations of life as friendship could supply. My Health has been from my twentieth year such as has seldom afforded me a single day of ease, but it is at least not worse, and I sometimes make myself believe that [it] is better. My disorders are however still sufficiently oppressive. I think of seeing Staffordshire again this autumn, and intend to find my way through Birmingham, where I hope to see You and dear Mrs. Careless well. I am, Sir, Your affectionate Friend, SAM. J O H N S O N 2. MS: "o" superimposed upon "t"

John Hoole1 P R I N T E D SOURCE: Chapman HI.26I.

Mr. Johnson returns thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Hoole for their kind attention and enquiries. 1. In all likelihood this note belongs to the last few years of SJ's life, c. 1780-84. Its indisputable terminus a quo, however, is 1761, the year in which Hoole was introduced to SJ (Hazen, p. 60 n. 2).


Griffith Jones1 9 OCTOBER M S : Hyde Collection. A D D R E S S : To Mr Jones.


Oct. 9

You are accustomed to consider advertisements and to observe what stile has most effect upon the publick. I shall think it a favour if you will be pleased to take the trouble of digging twelve lines of common sense out of this strange scribble, and insert it (three times) 2 in the daily Advertiser at the expence of, Sir, your humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N

Please to return me the paper. 1 Griffith Jones (1722-86), printer, translator, and for "many years" editor of the London Chronicle, the Daily Advertiser, and the Public Ledger (Lit Anec in 465) "The native goodness of his heart endeared him to a numerous and respectable literary acquaintance, among whom he reckoned the philanthropic Mr John Newbery Dr Oliver Goldsmith, and the pious and learned Dr Samuel Johnson, to the latter of whom he was for several years a near neighbour in Bolt-court, Fleetstreet" (Lit Anec in 465). 2 MS mutilated, "three times" from text in European Magazine 34, 1798, P 163

'Thomas JPawrence 14 JUNE M S : H o u g h t o n Library. A D D R E S S : T o Dr Laurence.

Dear Sir:

June 14

I have enclosed some account of your Son, with which, upon the whole, I think you will be pleased, otherwise I should not wish to be the reporter. T h e Lady's Letter you must not show, as it contains secret 8



history. 1 I am, Sir, Your most obliged and most humble Servant, SAM. J O H N S O N i It is likely that SJ refers to a report from Sir Robert Chambers on William Chauncy Lawrence (Ante To Robert Chambers, 30 Sept 1773), and that the "secret history" came from Lady Chambers (cf Ante To Robert Chambers, 31 Oct 1779) If that interpretation is correct, then the letter must date from the period between W C Lawrence's departure for India in 1773 and his death in 1783

Alexander MS


H o u g h t o n Library


To Mr Lennox in G e r r a r d Street, Soho


Mr S J o h n s o n


I beg the favour of you to lend 2 me another Guinea, if you can by Frank. My compliments to dear . I am, sir, your most humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N 1 The address and the reference to Francis Barber date this note to the period between Mar 1753 and late 1756 (Duncan Isles, "The Lennox Collection," Harvard Library Bulletin 19, 1971,p 4 i 8 n 190) 2 MS "lend" altered from "send"

Qharlotte JTennox1 MS

H o u g h t o n Library


To Mrs Lenox


Saml J o h n s o n

1 Given the general nature of this letter's contents, it is impossible to suggest a period more precise than virtually the full term of their acquaintance, c 1749— 84 The confident handwriting establishes, however, that the letter could not have been written at the very end of SJ's life 9


Dearest Madam: I am sorry you misunderstood me, I did not write for my Books but for their names which you did not send me. 1 wish you would for once resolve to use any method of transacting with your friends but that of letters. You will, in whatever part of the World you may be placed, find mankind extremely impatient of such letters as you are inclined to favour them with. You can send your letters, such as the last but one, only 2 to two sorts of people, those whom you cannot pain, and those whom you can, and surely it is not eligible either to give mirth to your enemies or to raise anger in your friends. I have no 3 pleasure in saying this, and am glad that I have delayed beyond the time in which I might have been inclined to say more. I have no inclination to continue quarrels, and therefore hope you will again allow me, now I have vented my resentment, (to be), 4 Dear Madam, your most obedient, and most humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N 2 MS "only" superimposed upon "any" 3 MS "not" with "t" partially erased 4 MS: tear in bottom left-hand corner

{^harlotte Jennox THURSDAY NIGHT1 M S : H o u g h t o n Library. A D D R E S S : To Mrs. Lennox.

E N D O R S E M E N T : Mr. Saml. J o h n s o n .

Dear Madam:

Thursday night

When friends fall out the first thing to be considered is how to fall in again, and he is the best that makes the first advances, I have designed to come to you ever since half an hour after you ran from me but I knew not whither. I did not when I began i The handwriting suggests that this letter dates to c 1779—84 10



intend to say more [than] the first sentence, nor when I left off, to have a final quarrel. Pray, my dear, think no more of it, but come to me or let me know when I can come to you, for the thought of driving you away will be very painful to, Dearest Parlet, 2 your most obedient etc. SAM. J O H N S O N

I have not read your Letter nor will read it, till I know whether it is peevish or no, for if it be you shall have it again. 2 It is probable that SJ has in mind Falstaff's question to Dame Quickly "How now, dame Partlet the hen, have you enquired yet who picked my pocket'" (/ Henry IV in m 50-51) For a discussion of the biographical and literary resonances, see Duncan Isles, "The Lennox Collection," Harvard Library Bulletin 10 -> 197!.P 420 n 194

Qharlotte jTennox 2 5 JANUARY1 M S : H o u g h t o n Library. ADDRESS:



Jan. 25

That mistake may not gather strength by time, I make this haste to assure you, that between hurry and sickness joined with other causes of confusion, I did not on Yesterday morning know either your Face or your Voice; and that the answer which I happened to give you was intended for another, very unlike you, so that you must not be angry with, Madam, Your humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N 1 The address indicates that this letter cannot predate 1779 During his last six winters SJ was often ill, most severely in 1782 and 1784 According to Duncan Isles, "1782 appears to have the better claim" ("The Lennox Collection," Harvard Library Bulletin ig, 1971, p 179 n 162) The available evidence is far from conclusive, however, and 1779-84 remains the least debatable indication of date 2 The preceding part of the address has been torn away


John J^evett1 MS: Hyde Collection. Sir:

Golden Anchor, Holborn, Sat. Morning2

I have been hindred from writing to You by an imagination that it was necessary to write more than I had time for, but recollecting that Business may be despatched much more expeditiously by conversation, I beg to be informed when I can wait on You with most convenience to Yourself. I believe I shall find means of accommodating the affair so as to give You reasonable satisfaction. 3 You forgot to send me word what interest is due which I mention that You may examine, for though Mr. Aston 4 has a receipt for Interest which I got him to pay to Your Father, I 5 cannot conveniently wait on him about it. I am, Sir, Your most humble Servant, SAM. J O H N S O N i. John Levett (1721-99), son of Theophilus, called to the Bar in 1743, M.P. for Lichfield (1761-62) (Namier and Brooke 111.39). 2. In all likelihood this letter, as well as the two that follow, was written between May 1746 (the death of Theophilus Levett) and Nov. 1748 (the death of Henry Hervey Aston; see below, n. 4). 3. SJ continued to owe interest on the mortgage Theophilus Levett had granted him and his mother in 1740 {Ante To Theophilus Levett, 1 Dec. 1743 and n. 3). 4. The Hon. and Rev. Henry Hervey (1701-48), fourth son of the first Earl of Bristol. Hervey, who had known SJ since 1730, befriended him during his first years in London (Clifford, 1955, pp. 126-27, 175). When in 1744 Hervey's wife Catherine inherited the estates of her brother, Sir Thomas Aston, Bt., he changed his name to "Aston" (Johns. Glean, v.246). 5. MS: "but" del. before "I"

John devett M S : Hyde Collection.

Sir: I am very ill, and unable to wait on You or meet with you. I have been disappointed by two to whom I applied, and either 12



of whom might have done it without inconvenience. T h e Gentleman whom I have desired to come with this has effected it, on terms which may make a little longer delay, but if you have any one with whom You can leave the things necessary it may now be done. I am, sir, Your humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N

I had sent to You but I had forgot your lodging which you have not mentioned in your notes.

John Jevett M S : Hyde Collection. A D D R E S S : To (Mr. Levett.)

Saturday I am very much obliged to You for your concession, which though, I think, not absolutely necessary to me, will be extremely convenient, as it will rescue me from the necessity of soliciting a favour, which, you know all mankind is apt (to ra)te not according to its real value (but to) the exigence of him that asks it. I have all the assurance that human life allows, of being able by the time you mention of settling the affair without any trouble, and shall consider this exemption from the pain of borrowing as a very considerable favour to, Sir, Your humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N

As You mention nothing of my coming to You, I suppose it is not convenient. May I have the pleasure of seeing you? I am almost always at home. Will You spend an evening with me?




M S : Michael Silverman.

Mr. Johnson's compliments to Mr. Millar. He begs the favour of seeing the Elements of Criticism. 1 i. The terminus a quo for this letter is the publication (by Millar) of Lord Karnes's Elements of Criticism (1762), the terminus ad quern the death of Millar (1768). According to SJ, Karnes took "the right method in his 'Elements of Criticism.' I do not mean that he has taught us any thing; but he has told us old things in a new way" (Life 11.89-90).



THURSDAY1 M s: Folger Shakespeare Library. Thursday

Mr. Johnson will wait on Miss Moore to morrow, about seven in the Evening. 1. The terminus a quo for this note is SJ's introduction to More, June 1774 (Life iv.341 n. 6), the terminus ad quern some few months before SJ's death, 13 Dec. 1784.



FRIDAY1 P R I N T E D S O U R C E : J o h n Grant Catalogue, Mar. 1931, p. 1. A D D R E S S : To Miss Moore.



I will wait on Mrs. Garrick and you on friday, it was by mere 1. The terminus a quo is the death of David Garrick, 20 Jan. 1779 (Ante To Hannah More, 12 Apr. 1781, n. 1), the terminus ad quern some few months before SJ's death, 13 Dec. 1784.



forgetfulness, not inadvertence, that I made an improper appointment before. I am, Madam, Your most humble servant, SAM.JOHNSON

"John ^Qchols FRIDAY A F T E R N O O N

M s: British Library. Friday afternoon Mr. Johnson is going to tea, and begs the favour of Mr. Nichol's company. i In his ordering of SJ's "little billets" to Nichols, F W Hilles places this note between 12 Apr 1784 and 20 Oct 1784 ("Johnson's Correspondence with Nichols," Philological Quarterly 48, 1969, p 228) It could in fact belong anywhere in the series (1778-84)

jTewis T'aul1 MS

Birmingham Public Library.

Dear Sir:


I have been really much disordered—when your last message came I was on the bed, and had not resolution to rise, having had no sleep all night, I indeed had for two days no audible voice, but am now much better, though I cannot hope to go out very quickly. I am, sir, your humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N 1 Both Hill (1 66) and Chapman (1 94) assign this letter to 1756, neither one discusses his reasons for doing so The mere fact that SJ and Paul were corresponding regularly during that year does not justify their conjectural dating The date ("21 Dec ") added to the bottom of the letter in an unidentified hand offers no real clue (the twenty-first of December did not fall on a Saturday in 1756), neither does the direction on the verso ("To Mr Johnson in Gauf's Square, fleet Street") Paul's "last message" may concern the flurry of business dealt with in dated letters of this time (Ante To Lewis Paul, 13 Jan 1756 and Late Feb or Early Mar 1756), but then again it may not At the very least we can say that the letter probably predates SJ's removal from the Gough Square house in 1758


"Thomas cPercy1 M S . Hyde Collection. A D D R E S S : To the Reverend Dr. Percy.

Sir: I have sent you home a parcel of books, and do not know that I now retain any except Gongora, 2 and Araucana. 3 If you can spare Amadis, 4 please to return it to, Sir, your most humble, SAM. J O H N S O N i The terminus a quo for this letter is Dec 1769 (when Percy proceeded D D from Cambridge), the terminus ad quern 1782 (when he became Bishop of Dromore) The handwriting would seem to indicate that it comes from the early to middle 1770s, when Percy was working on his collection of Spanish ballads in translation, "Ancient Songs, chiefly on Moorish Subjects" (Gisela Beutler, Thomas Percy's spamsche Studien, 1957, p 146) This miscellany was not published in Percy's lifetime (see Ancient Songs, ed David Nichol Smith, 1932) 2 Luis de Gongora (1561-1627), prolific Spanish poet, who wrote in various forms, including the sonnet and the ballad 3 SJ refers to La Araucana (1569), an epic poem by Alonso de Ercilla (153394) 4 Amadis de Gaule, a fifteenth-century Spanish romance, possibly translated from the Portugese

John 'Perkins1 M S : Hyde Collection. A D D R E S S . To Mr


Sir: I have sent a receipt for the interest. I have a draught of 20o£ upon the house. When shall I bring it? I am, Sir, your most humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N 1 Soon after the acquisition of the Thrale brewery by John Perkins and his partners, June 1781 (Thraliana 1 498-99), SJ began to use Perkins as his private banker (Ante To John Perkins, 6 Aug 1781) At the time of his death, he had £300 on deposit with the firm (Life IV402 n 2) This note therefore belongs to the period between the summer of 1781 and the autumn of 1784 16

"John Perkins 2 4 JANUARY1 M S : Hyde Collection. A D D R E S S : T O Mr. Perkins.

Dear Sir:

Jan. 24

I am sorry for You all, and shall hope soon to see You all well; when You come, allow your selves time for talk and tea, else I shall be discontented. I am, dear Sir, your most humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N

My compliments to Mrs. Perkins. 1. The form, content, tone, and handwriting of this and the following note (dated 3 Feb.) suggest that they belong to 1782-84 (cf. Ante To John Perkins, 8 Oct. 1781; 23jan. 1784).

John T'erkins 3 FEBRUARY M S : Hyde Collection.

Febr. 3 Mr. Johnson expected Master Perkins's yesterday, and supposes there was some mistake in the message. He begs the favour of seeing them to day, or as soon as is convenient to them.

Frances Reynolds1 M S : Hyde Collection. 1. This letter may date to c. 1769, if James Northcote's account is to be trusted. See below, n. 2. 17


Dear Madam: This is my letter which at least I like better than yours. But take your choice, and if you like mine alter any thing that you think not ladylike. 2 2 SJ encloses a letter he had written for Frances Reynolds to send to her brother In it he expresses her concern over Sir Joshua's lack of "notice," and asks for "a degree of attention as may set me above the contempt of your servants" (MS Hyde Collection) James Northcote appears to describe this letter when he reports "Johnson, who participated with her in her troubles voluntarily offered to write a letter himself, which when copied should pass as her own This accordingly he performed, but when this letter was produced by him for her approval, she felt herself obliged to reject it, as the whole contents of it were so very unlike her own diction, and so decidedly like his, that the intended deception would no more have passed with Sir Joshua, than if Johnson had attired himself in her cap and gown, and endeavoured to impose his identical person upon Sir Joshua as his own sister" (Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1818, 1 203) For similar instances of mediation, Ante To Frances Reynolds, 15 Feb 1779, 28 May 1784

Frances Reynolds1 MS: Hyde Collection. ADDRESS: TO Mrs. Reynolds Bolt court, 2 in the afternoon Mr. Johnson will wait [on] dear Miss Reynolds in about two hours. 1 The Bolt Court address places this note sometime in the period 1776-84

^Joshua Reynolds^ M S . Hyde Collection. A D D R E S S : T o Sir J o s h u a Reynolds

Sir: This is brought You by a young artist who is going to persue 1 The terminus a quo for this letter is 1769, when Reynolds received his knighthood The handwriting suggests a date in the 1770s 18



his studies in Italy, and thinks it disgraceful to leave England, without having had the honour of a conversation with you. Of his skill I cannot judge, all else that I know of him is to his advantage. I am, Sir, your most humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N

yoseph Simpson1 MS

Beinecke Library A copy sent to J B by Mary Adey, 2 26 Feb 1785


Dear Sir: Your 4 Fathers Inexorability not only grieves but amazes me, 5 he is your Father, he was always accounted a Wise Man nor do I remember any thing to the disadvantage of his good nature, but in his refusal to assist you, there is neither good nature, Fatherhood nor Wisdom. It is the practice of good Nature to over look Faults which have already by the consequences 6 punish'd the 7 Delinquent. It is natural for a Father to think more favorably than others of 8 Children, and it is always wise to give Assistance while a little help will prevent the Necessity 1 Ante To John Levett, 17 Mar 1752, n 3 The terminus a quo for this letter is the death of SJ's mother, Jan 1759, the terminus ad quern Lucy Porter's move into her new house, early 1766 It is most likely to have been written before Lucy Porter inherited her brother's fortune, Apr 1763 (Ante To Lucy Porter, 6 Feb 1759 and n 3, 12 Apr 1763) 2 Mary Adey was Joseph Simpson's first cousin (Reades, p 212 n 4) 3 Three other copies of this letter have been recovered one by the Rev Daniel Astle, sent to JB in Dec 1786 (Beinecke Library), another by Mary Adey, sent to H L Piozzi on 2g Oct 1787 (Rylands Library), and one sent by a "Mrs Clerke" to a "Miss Simpson," '21 Sept 1802 (Beinecke Library) Substantive variants have been recorded For more extensive commentary, see Waingrow, pp 67-70 4 "Mr Simpson communicates your Letters regularly" (Astle), "Communicate your letters regularly" (Piozzi) 5 Stephen Simpson (? 1700-74), lawyer and landowner in Lichfield (Johns Glean iv 150, 160, Clifford, 1955, p 92) In 1719 he married Jane Adey (1702— 67), daughter of Joseph Adey the elder, attorney of Lichfield, and sister of Joseph Adey the younger, father of Mary (Reades, p 212 n 4, Johns Glean xi 5) 6 "consequence" (Astle, Piozzi) 7 "their" (Astle) 8 "of his" (Astle) J



of greater; If you married imprudently, you miscarried 9 at your own hazard at an Age when you had a right of choice. 10 It wou'd be hard if the 1 1 Man might not chuse his own Wife who has a right to plead before the Judges of his Country. 12 If your imprudence has ended in difficulties and inconveniences, 13 You are yourself to support them, 1 4 and with the help of a little better health you wou'd Support them and conquer them. Surely that want which Accident and Sickness produces 15 is to be supported 1 6 in every Region of Humanity, tho' there were neither Friends nor Fathers in the World, You have certainly from your Father, the highest claim of Charity tho' none 1 7 of right, and therefore I wou'd counsel you to omit no decent nor Manly degree of Importunity. Your debts in the whole are not large, and of the whole but a small part is troublesome. Small debts are like small shot, they are ratling on 1 8 every Side, and can scarcely be Escaped without a Wound. Great debts are like Cannon of loud Noise but little danger. You must therefore be enabled to discharge petty debts 19 that you may have leisure with Security to Struggle with the rest. Neither the great nor little debts disgrace you. I am sure you have my Esteem for the Courage with which you contracted them, and the Spirit with which you endure them. I wish my Esteem cou'd be of more use. I have been invited, or have invited Myself to Several parts of the Kingdom, and will not incommode my Dear Lucy by coming to Lichfield while her present Lodging is of any use to her. I hope in a few Days to be at leisure and to make Visits. Wither I shall fly is 9. "married" (Astle, Piozzi) 10. Joseph Simpson had first been married, "at least as early as 1754," to Elizabeth Gravenor, the daughter of a silk merchant in Coventry (Johns. Glean. iv. 149, 157); "the imprudent marriage which SJ speaks of in his letter was presumably his second" (Waingrow, p. 68 n. 17). 11. "a" (Clerke) 12. At this point Astle's text includes the following quotation, whose source has not been traced: "Cui se clientum Capita fortunae / fides tutanda credunt." 13. "inconvenience" (Astle) 14. "and to conquer them" (Astle) 15. "produce" (Piozzi) 16. "succoured" (Astle) 17. "to none" (Clerke) 18. "in" (Clerke) 19. "demands" (Astle, Piozzi) 20



Matter 2 0 of no Importance, A Man unconnected is at home every where, unless he maybe said to be at home no where. I am sorry Dear Sir 21 that where you have Parents, a Man of your Merits 22 shou'd not have an 2 3 home. 2 4 I wish I cou'd give it you. I am, my Dear Sir, 25 Affectionately Yours, SAML. J O H N S O N 2 6 20 "a matter" (Astle) 21 "dear Simpson" (Astle) 22 "merit" (Astle) 23 "a" (Piozzi) 24 See above, n 5 "I am sorry to Say my Aunt Simpson was more implacable than my Uncle, which was very Strange, as She had generosity and Charity to others, and was Esteem'd a very Sensible Polite Woman" (Mary Adey to JB, 26 Feb 1785 Waingrow, pp 70-71) 25 "I am, Dear Simpson" (Astle), "I am, Dear Sir" (Piozzi) 26 MS "Johson," corrected by JB, "Sam Johnson" (Astle, Clerke)

T'ercival Stockdale PRINTED SOURCE

Percival Stockdale, Memoirs, 1809, pp. 1 2 8 - 2 9 .

[I was once expressing to him (I think it was in the year 1778) my anxiety for a permanent establishment in the church. I told him that as I had some personal acquaintance with Burke; if I was assisted with his friendly, and warm recommendation to that gentleman, I had no doubt that he would exert his interest to procure me a benefice. Johnson replied, that if I would engage to him, to be conscientiously attentive to my clerical duties, he would write to Burke in my favour. I sincerely made him the promise that he required of me. Dr. Johnson gave me his letter of recommendation to read; it was a short, but kind one. . . . I, at this time, took several occasions to express my dislike of the measures of government; as I detested the american war. To this circumstance, a humorous, and ironical remark in the doctor's letter alluded. . . . After he had spoken well of my orthodoxy, he added;] to his political heresies, I wish that you were more an enemy.


zJxCargaret Penelope Strahan 2 0 SEPTEMBER M s. Beinecke Library. A D D R E S S - To Mrs. Strahan.

Dear Madam:

Sept. 20

When you kindly invited me to dine with [You] to morrow, I had forgotten that I had my self invited a friend to dine with me. I will therefore wait on You any other day. I am, Madam, your most humble servant, SAM. J O H N S O N

William MS


Hyde Collection.

A D D R E S S - To Mr. Strahan

Dear Sir: What you tell me, I am ashamed never to have thought on—I wish I had known it sooner—Send me back the last sheet and the last copy for correction. If you will promise me henceforward to print a sheet a day, I will promise you to endeavour that you shall have every day a sheet to print, beginning next tuesday. 2 I am, Sir, Your most, etc. SAM. J O H N S O N 1 The contents of this letter suggest a period early in the printing of the Dictio nary—sometime between the autumn of 1749 and the summer of 1750 2 J L Clifford explains the background to this letter "We know that Johnson was, at some point, supposed to receive a guinea for carefully prepared copy which would make a printed sheet This was paid on delivery, and every guinea parcel was then tied up at the printers and 'put upon a shelf in the collector's room till wanted' Printed sheets were sent back to Gough Square for revision" (Clifford, 1979, p 55) The problem at issue here may have involved "clipping close" (Ante To William Strahan, Spring or Summer 1753, n 6)



William M S : Hyde Collection. A D D R E S S : T O Mr. Strahan.

Dear Sir: I must desire you to add to your other civilities this one, to go to Mr. Millar and represent to him our manner of going on, and inform him that I know not how to manage, I pay three and twenty shillings a week to my assistants, in truth without having much assistance from them, but they tell me they shall be able to fall better in method, as indeed I intend they shall. 2 T h e point is to get two Guineas for, Your humble Servant, SAM. J O H N S O N i. According to J. L. Clifford, this letter could have been written "as early as late 1749" (Clifford, 1979, p. 55). It is unlikely to have been written later than mid 1750, by which time SJ's assistants would have fallen "better in method." 2. "If he was paying only 23s. a week to his amanuenses, that would mean that he probably had only two working at the time (one receiving 12s. and the other 1 is.), or possibly three, with lower wages (9, 7, 7)" (Clifford, 1979, p. 55).

John 'Taylor THURSDAY N I G H T 1 M S : Beinecke Library. A D D R E S S : T O the Revd. Dr. Taylor in Market Bosworth, n e a r Leicester. POSTMARK:



E N D O R S E M E N T : T h u r s d a y Night.

Dear Sir:

Thursday Night

I received on Monday your kind Letter, which I am now, I hope able to answer. I know not what to think of your affair with Mr. Broderic, 2 if he has not yet answered your Letter 1. The terminus a quo for this letter is Taylor's nomination to the rectory of Market Bosworth in 1740 (Life 11.542). The handwriting points to a date in the early to middle 1740s. 2. "Mr. Broderic," who has not been identified, must have been living in the London area; otherwise he could not have been reached by the penny post. 23



which I thought very rational and polite and therefore sent immediately to the penny post, you must I think write to him again, so as to keep the affair alive, though it will be like playing at Chess by messages, 3 Life may be ended before the Game. I hope I shall grow better and I perceive You hope so too, but you forgot to direct the Bill so that I knew not whither to carry it. I am, Dear Sir, Your humble Servant, SAM. J O H N S O N 3 According to J M Osborn, "Johnson's reference to 'Chess by messages' [now known as 'correspondence chess'] is one of the earliest in the history of the noble game" ("Johnson to Taylor No 90," TLS, 24 Dec 1964, p 1171)

John Taylor M S : H y d e Collection.


With regard to your last scheme it is probably too late to mention it, for I suppose Wills2 may before now have resigned his preferments. You laid I remember some stress upon the Kings Journey, which as I am well informed, is now no lon( ) 1 This fragment appears to have been cut from a letter to J o h n Taylor that relates to Taylor's campaign for preferment to the deanery of Lincoln t h r o u g h the patronage of the Duke of Devonshire {Ante T o J o h n Taylor, 24 Sept 1781 and n 1) If this hypothesis is correct, then the letter must date to late 1781 or early 1782. O n the verso appears part of the draft of a letter (also in SJ's hand), designed presumably for Taylor to copy over and send to the Duke "( }ly imply a want of Confidence in your Grace's Promise I feel less concern for my present obligations to reside here, because (I am) myself absolutely unable to p r o m o t e the efficacy of your Grace's kind Intentions (half a line) must be wholly your Grace's act, as ( ) " Cf T o J o h n Taylor, 20 Oct 1774 2 Possibly J o h n Wills (c 1741-1806), D D (1783), Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford, and Rector of T y d d St Mary, Lincolnshire (Alum Oxon 11 IV 1578)

Hester 24 1772


1772, 1772, ^72, lf n*> !772, 1772. 1772, 1772, 1772,


°ctober °ctober

3> October 4 November 7 November 9 November 14 November ' 9 November 21 November 23 November 27 November 69

1773, 6 September 1 7 7 3 , 14 September ^ 7 3 . 2 ! September 1773, 24 September „ 1 773> 30 September 177 177

3 ' ' 5 October 3' 23 ° c t o b e r

1773, 1773, 1773, 1773, 1774, 1774, i775> 1775, 1775,

28 October 3 November 12 November 18 November 11 March 17 December Early January 3 February 4 February

ALPHABETICAL THRALE, Hester (cord.) 1775, 3 March 1775, 6 March 1775, 8 March 1775, 1 April 1775, 3 April 1 7 7 5 , 9 May 1775, 12 May 1775, 20 May 1775, 22 May 1775, 24 May 1775, 25 May 1775, 26 May 1775, 1 June 1

775>5june 7 7 5 , 6 June 1 7 7 5 (1), 7 J u n e 1 7 7 5 (n), 7 June 1775, 10 June 1775, 11 June *775, i 3 J u n e '775' 17June 1775, l g j u n e 1775, 21 June 1775, 23 June 1775, 26 June 1 775> 1 July 1775, Early July 1 775'c-3july 1 775'6July 1775, 9 July 1775, 1 1 July 1775, 12 July 1775, 13 July 1775, 15 July 1775, 17 July 1 7 7 5 . 2 0 July 1 7 7 5 . 2 1 July 1 7 7 5 , 2 4 July 1775, 26 July 1 7 7 5 , 2 9 July 1775, 1 August 1775, 2 August 1775, 5 August 1775, 29 August 1


1776, 1 1 February 1776, 16 March 1776, 23 March 1776, 25 March 1776, 30 March 1776, 1 April 1776, 4 April 1776, 9 April 1776, 6 May 1 776» 1 1 May 1776, 14 May 1776, 16 May 1776, 18 May 1776, 22 May

1777, 22 October 1777, 25 October 1777, 27 October 1777, 29 October l 777> 3 November 1 7 7 7 . 6 November 1 7 7 7 , 10 November 1778, 30 April 1778, 15 October *778, 24 October !778, 31 October 1778, 9 November 1778, 14 November !778, 21 November

1776, 23 May 1776, 4 June 1776, 5 June 1776, 6 June 1776, 8 June 1777, 11 January *777> i5january 1777. i6January 1777, 19 March 1777, 27 March 1777, 19 May 1777, 2 June 1 7 7 7 , 4 August 1777, 7 August 1777, 9 August 1777, 13 August 1777, 23 August 1777, 27 August !777> 6 September 1 7 7 7 , 8 September ! 7 7 7 , 13 September J 777, 15 September 1777, 18 September 1777, 20 September 1777, 22 September !777> 25 September 1777, 27 September 1777* 29 September 1777, 6 October 1777, 13 October 1777, 16 October

1779, 10 March 1779, 18 March 1779, 9 April 1779, 20 May 1779, 29 May 1779, 10 June 1779, 1 2 J u n e !779> H j u n e 1779, 17 June 1779, l g j u n e 1779, 24 June 1779, 26 June 1 7 7 9 , 4 October 1779, 5 October 1779, 8 October 1779, n October 1779, 16 October 1779, 21 October 1779, 25 October 1779, 28 October !779> 2 November 1779, 4 November 1 7 7 9 , 7 November 1 7 7 9 , 8 November 1779, 16 November 1779- 20 November 1 7 8 0 , 6 April 1780, 11 April 1780, 15 April 1780, 18 April 1780, 20 April




1780, 25 April 1780, 1 May 1780, 7 May 1780, 8 May 1780, 9 May 1780, 23 May 1780, 25 May 1780, 6June 1780, 9 June 1780, 10 June 1780, 12 June 1782, 1780, 14 June 1780, 15 June 1780, 21 June 1780, 4 July 1780, lojuly 1780, 27 July 1780, 1 August 1780, 8 August 1780, 14 August 1780, 18 August 1780, 24 August 1780, 25 August 1780, 16 October 1781,5 April 1781, 7 April 1 7 8 1 , 9 April 1781, 11 April 1 7 8 1 , 12 April 1781, 14 April 1 7 8 1 , 16 April 1781, 17 April 1 7 8 1 , 22 May 1 7 8 1 , 2 8 May 1 7 8 1 , 17 October

1 7 8 1 , 8 December 1783, 21 June 1782, 5january 1783, 23 June 1782, 6 January 1783, 24 June 1782, 28 January 1783, 28 June 1782, 16 February 1783, 30 June 1782, 17 February 1783, 1 July 1782, 21 February 1783, 3 July 1782, 14 March 1783, 5 July 1782, 16 March 1783, 8 July 1782, 24 or 25 April 1783, 23 July 30 April 1783, 13 August 1782, 2 May 1783, 20 August 1782, 4 May 1783, 26 August 1782, 7 May 1783, 22 September 1782, 8 May 1783, 23 September 1782, 9 May 1783, 6 October 1782, 21 May 1783, 9 October 1782, 26 May 1783, 21 October 1782, 4 June 1783, 27 October 1782, 5 June 1783, 1 November 1782, 7 June 1783, 13 November 1782, 8 June 1783, 20 November 1782, n June 1783, 24 November 1782, 12 June 1783, 27 November 1782, i 3 j u n e 1783, 29 November 1782, 17 June 1783, 1 December 1782, 9 November 1783, 13 December x 1782, 30 November 783, 27 December 1782, 11 December 1783, 3 1 December 1782, 16 December 1784, 12 January 1782, 17 December 1784, 21 January 1782, 18 December 1784, 9 February 1782, 20 December 1784, 2 March 1 7 8 2 , 2 6 December 1784, 10 March 1782, 28 December 16 March

1 7 8 1 , 20 October 1 7 8 1 , 23 October 1781, 27 October 1781, 3 1 October 1 7 8 1 , 3 November 1781, 10 November 1 7 8 1 , 12 November 1 7 8 1 , 14 November 1 7 8 1 , 24 November 1781, 3 December

1783, 17 January !783, 23 March 1783, 30 March 1783, 3 1 March !783, 1 May ! 7 8 3 , 8 May 1 7 8 3 , 5 June 1783, 13 June 1783, ig June 1783, 20 June


1784, 1 5 April !784, 19 April 1784, 21 April 1784, 26 April ^ 8 4 , 13 May ! 7 8 4 , 3 1 May 1784, 17 June 1 7 8 4 , 2 6 June 1784, 2 July 1784, 8 July

TABLE T H R A L E , Sophia



WARTON, Thomas


1783,24July1754, i6July THRALE, Susanna 1783, Late Spring or Early Summer 1783, 26 July 1783, 9 September 1783, l 8 November 1784, 2 5 March RR



THURLOW, Lord c , 1784, 9 September TOMKISON, Mr. 1783, 1 October TONSON, Jacob 1758, 10 February 1765, 9 October 1765, 19 October "MR. URBAN"

1754, 28 November 1754. 21 December 1 755> 1 February 1 7 5 5 - 4 February 1755, 13 February >755, February ' 7 5 5 ' *o March 1 7 5 J5 , 2 5 March


755> 13 May 1755, loJune 1755, 24 June y August

1757, 21 June 1758, 14 April 1 June 1769, 3 1 May 1770, 23 June

1780, 28 July WESTON, Phipps l y 6 8 , 22 April 1768, 28 April 1768, 3 May WETHERELLi




1770, 14 June ^J WHEELER, Benjamin 1 7 7 5 , 30 March 1775, 15 April 1778, 2 November WHITE, Mrs. J7 8 4> 2 November WHITE, William 1773, 4 March

1 7 4 3 . August VYSE, William 1777, 19 July 1 7 7 7 . 2 2 July 1 7 8 0 , 3 0 December 1 7 8 1 , 10 April „ , 1784, 29 November

1780, 9 May WAY, Elizabeth 1782, 4 May 1782,6May 1782, 12 June 1783, 23 April Q »1 1 1784, 23 November

WARTON, Joseph 1753, 8 March

WELCH, Saunders 1778, 3 February

1783, 31 May 1784, c. 20 August 1784, 2 October


1784, 17 November

1754. 8 March 1754, 24 December 1756 15 April 1765,' 9 October 1770, 27 September 1780, 23 May


1 7 7 6 , 6 February ' 7 7 9 . 3 May WESLEY, Sarah 1783, 28 October


WILKES, John 1783, 24 May WILSON, Thomas 1 7 8 2 , 31 December g2 WINDHAM, William

WORSLEY, Richard 1 7 8 1 , 28 August

1780, 27 J

Comprehensive INDEX



SJ's writings, opinions, and principal topics of commentary have been indexed separately. The reader should therefore go directly to the relevant entry, for example, "Rasselas," "friendship," "solitude." The primary authority for locating letters to a given correspondent is the Alphabetical Table of Correspondents (v.59-72). However, as a supplementary guide to the reader, the entries for SJ's correspondents end with a comprehensive listing (by volume and page number) of all letters to the individual in question. The following abbreviations are used: Bt. (Baronet), Kt. (Knight), ment. (mentioned). Peers are listed under their titles, with cross-references from the family name. Letters and supplementary annotation that appear in the Addenda (v.55-58) have not been indexed.

A Abbess, Mrs., housekeeper, 111.258 and w6 Aberbrothick see Arbroath Abercrombie, James, businessman, II.12 and re2 Aberdeen, Scotland, 11.57, 58—59. III.9m 1 Abingdon School, 1.332/12 Abington, Frances, actress, 11.205 and 72726,7 Abrahami Couleii Angli, Poemata Latina (ed. Sprat), 1.340 and n 1 Abrege de la Vie des Peintres (de Piles), 111.89m Abridgment of Law and Equity (Viner), 1.161722 Absalom and Achitophel (Dryden): quoted, nr.797115 abstinence: as calmer of thoughts, 111.28; Dr. Lawrence recommends, 111.261; effects of compared with those of parsimony, 111.366; see also Johnson, Samuel —diet; health Account of an Attempt to Ascertain the Longitude at Sea (Williams/Johnson), 1.44715


Account of a Series of Pictures in the Great Room of the Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce (Barry), iv.i35*18 Account of Corsica (Boswell), 1.273 a n d n 11, 298712, 3 2 8 - 2 9 and H4 Account . . . of Mr. Blacklock (Spence), n.537115 Account of the . . . Commemoration of Handel (C. Burney), iv.357 and n 1, 3 8 4 - 8 5 and 71711,14, 431 and 714; and SJ's dedication, iv.357 and n 1, 384 and 72/11,14, 392 and »2 Account of the Loss of the Grosvenor, Indiaman (A. Dalrymple), iv.227 a n d n4 Account of the Trial of the Letter Y, Alias Y (Edwards), 1.70 and 72723,9 Account of the Voyages undertaken . . . in the Southern Hemisphere (Hawkesworth), 111.50 and 726 Adair, James, n.210 and n 13 Adam, Robert, architect, 11.52m, 108/12,111.70/24, iv. 135718 Adams, Sarah (later Sarah Adams Hyett), iv.55 and m , 346; SJ thanks for visits, iv.327; and SJ's stay in Oxford, iv.332 and n2 Adams, Sarah Hunt (Mrs. William), iv.346 and ng




Adams, Rev. William, D.D., Oxford don: ment., 1.80 and 716; and Father Wilkes, m.75; a n d SJ's request for K. Macaulay's son, 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 - 1 2 ; SJ dines with, 111.361-62, iv.51, 52, 54; and E. Edwards's edition of Xenophon's Memorabilia, iv.304 and 722, 3 4 5 - 4 6 ; ment. as host at Oxford, iv.334; copies of SJ's books sent to, iv.441 -LETTERS: 11.338, H I . 1 1 1 - 1 2 , iv.3045, 345—46 Addenbrooke, John, Dean of Lichfield, I.380 and ni, 11.157 and n14 Addison, Joseph, essayist and literary critic, 1.37715; quoted, 1.366712, II.160722, 339714, 111.249719, iv.191716; and Lives of the Poets, 111.22671741,2, 228, 229717, 237, 254; and The Tatler, iv.241 and 712 Adelphi, The, 1.26711, iv. 135718 Adey, Felicia Hammond (Mrs. Joseph), I.301 and 77713,4; ment., 11.254, 282, III.48, 149; death of, 111.154 and 714, 163 Adey, Jane see Simpson, Jane Adey Adey, Joseph (the elder), attorney: ment., v. 19725 Adey, Joseph (the younger), Lichfield Town Clerk, 1.301723; ment., v. 19725 Adey, Mary (later Mrs. John Sneyd), daughter of Joseph and Felicia, 1.317 and 723; and SJ's visit to Lichfield, II.224, 228, 230, 263721; ment., m.i4g, 328, iv.15, 22, 294, v.19 and 72722,5 "Ad Urbanum" (Johnson), 1.14 and ns Adventurer, The, 1.67 and 72722,4, 77721, 88726, hi.17 Advertisement touching an Holy War (Bacon), n.2g5 ar>d Aelian (Claudius Aelianus), rhetorician, 1.11 and 724 Aeneid (Virgil), 1.51724, 52 and 725; quoted, 1.100726, 172727, 273 and nio, 286222, 376 and 722, 11.35 a n d ™4> 37


(LETTERS) and 7212, 125 and 223, 230 and ni6, 309 and nS, 111.19 a n d 723, 61 and ny, 77 and n 10, 301722, iv.i3o«5; Dryden's translation ment., in. 11 gn6, iv.232 and 722 age and aging, 111.68, 88, iv.127; "one of the old man's miseries is, that he cannot easily find a companion to partake with him of the past," in. 107; on growing old, iv.go; see also youth Agricola (Tacitus), iv. 145 and 713 Akenside, Mark, poet and physician: medical advice, 111.4222, 52 and na, iv.365; Lives of the Poets, ment., 111.233725, 301 Akerman, Richard, Keeper of Newgate Prison, 111.268 and »6 Alanc ou Rome Vaincue (Scudery), i-95«7 Albemarle, 3d Earl of (George Keppel), 1.211712 Aldine Press, 1.3127127 Aldrich, Henry, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 1.7712; musical collection, 111.136712, 137223 Alexander, Thomas, 11.17 and 77721,5, 20, 22 and 723 Alexander et al. v. Paterson et al., 11.205 and n 1 o Alexander's Feast (Dryden): quoted, 11.232 and 726, 111.90722 Alfred (Alfred the Great), King of England, 111.354 and 723 "Allegro, L ' " (Milton), iv. 178722 Allen, Rev. Charles, 111.321-22 Allen, Edmund, printer: ment., 1.155721, 156223, 175724, 2 5 1 , 253, iv.100, 152, igg, 282, 3 i g ; and Dodd case, 111.27-28, 2g7ii, 31722; recommended to continue as printer for Royal Academy, 111.104-5 and 723; SJ owes rent to, 111.361; death of, i v . 3 5 5 56722; death ment., iv.358, 369, 390, 406,424 —LETTERS: 11.225, 2 a 7> 111-27-28, 376, iv.148, 3 3 1 - 3 2




Allen, Mrs. Edmund: ment., 11.227; death ment., iva6o Allen, Elizabeth (daughter of Elizabeth Allen Burney) see Meeke, Elizabeth Allen Allen, Hollyer, of Magdalen Hall, 1.163 and /15 Allestree, Richard, author, 111.158/12 Almoran and Harriet (Hawkesworth), m . 1 7 and «4 Alnwick Castle, 11.45 a n c ' n2 < 46/13, 50, 5 1 - 5 2 and ni Althorp, Viscount (later 2d Earl Spencer), HI. 195«3, iv.96 and ra4 Althorp, Viscountess see Bingham, Lavinia Alzuma (Murphy), 11.24/14 Amadis de Gaule (Spanish romance), v.16 and »4 America, 1.203 American Traveller (James), 1.27/14 American War (American Revolution),

Angell, George (the younger), 111.113 and/m2,3 Angliae Notitiae, or the Present State of England (Chamberlayne), 1.72/19 Annals of Scotland (Hailes), 11.139/13, in. 157 and /14; SJ sent manuscript for comments, 11.145 a n d n4> !50, 154; SJ sends manuscript back, 11.213, 295, 298m; SJ makes few alterations on, 11.266, 269 and n 1; and "character" of Robert the Bruce, 11.274 a n c ' nb'> SJ receives first volume of, 11.284 and 714, 295 Anne (Lucy Porter's maid): suffers from worms, m.49, 5 2 Another Traveller (Paterson), 1.389m Antimachus, 11.290/13 Antonius Musa, physician, 1.55/117 Apollonius Rhodius, poet, 1.108 and /12 Apothecaries Hall (London), 111.126 and ny Appeal to all that Doubt or Disbelieve the

11.259 and ntj, 111.95 and Brag,10, 156/13, 197/14, 207/14, IV.27Z14, 29/14, v.21 Ames, Joseph, antiquarian, 1.357/14 Amores (Ovid), iv. 185/12 Amphitryon (Dryden), 11.356/11 Anacreon, poet, 1.393 a n d n4 Anacreon (Baxter), iv.113 and «3, 209 and ns, 299 Analysis of the Gaelic Language (Shaw), hi. 12 and rc/13,5 Anatomy of Melancholy (Burton), 11.118 andre3 "Ancient Translations from Classic Authors" (Farmer), 1.335/13, 3 5 5 Andrews, Francis, Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, 1.257 a n d n3 Anecdotes of Some Distinguished Persons (Seward), 111.229/17 Anecdotes of William Bowyer (Nichols), iv.84/17 Anfossi, Pasquale, composer, IV.99M2 Angel, The (inn, Stilton), 11.47 a n d «2

Truths of the Gospel (Law), 1 . 1 2 3 m Appendix Virgiliana, iv.391 and Z17 Apperley, Thomas, of Leominster, Herefordshire, ment., 1 . 1 9 0 - 9 1 and Z13 - L E T T E R : 1.296—97 Appius and Virginia (Dennis), 1.52—53 and n8 Araucana, La (de Ercilla), v. 16 and Arbroath (Aberbrothick) Abbey, 11.57 and n 12 Archaeological Dictionary; or Classical Antiquities of the Jews, Greeks, and Romans, Alphabetically Arranged (Wilson), 111.357-58 and /15 Archer, Thomas, architect, 1.411/13 Aretinus, Leonardus, 11.59/128 Argyll, Duchess of (Elizabeth Gunning) (wife of 5th Duke), 11.109 and W3, 1 l o ; and J B , 111.76 and 79 Argyll, 4th Duke of (John Campbell), 11.105/117 Argyll, 5th Duke of (John Campbell):






Argyll, 5th Duke of (cont.) SJ dines with, 11.108 and n 1, 1 0 9 - 1 0 ; Maclean's lawsuit, 111.357216, 40 and 725; and SJ's Hebridean tour, 111.76 and 723

m , 98, 99; and J . Taylor, 11.286 and «2 Astle, Daniel, soldier, 11.179 and 722 Astle, Thomas, antiquarian: ment., 11.179 and 722

- L E T T E R : 11.109


Ariosto, Ludovico, poet, 1.83m, 92 and 712; Hoole translation of Orlando Furioso, HI.323 and 71713,4,6 Aristotle, 11.597128, IH.122M7 Arithmetique Made Easie (Wingate), iv.138 and 715 Armadale (Skye), 11.817152, 87711

Aston, Catherine (Mrs. Henry Hervey Aston), v. 12714 Aston, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas: ment., 1.344, 364, 3 7 2 - 7 3 . 4*4 and 712, 4 1 5 , 11.222 and 715, 229, 2 5 8 - 5 9 a n d ra3- 3 1 1 . m-45 ra 2, 53. 92, l66 > 200> 285, 378, iv.166, 3 8 4 m ; on



11; health >" T h r a l e ' s d e a t h ' of discussed and ment., H I . 1 0 - 1 1 , 13, „ „ 48 and 712, 5 1 , 60, 6 4 - 6 5 , 86, 87, 91, , „ 9 6 - 9 7 and 715, 100, 1 4 8 - 4 9 , 1 5 2 - 5 3 , ^ 3 6 7 - 6 8 , iv.202, 3 4 1 ; l6?> ^ ^ 55_s6) §J visitS] m 4§ and s6l> 3 6 4 > 365, 3 6 7 - 6 8 ; struck with palsy, ,,,.48722, 58, 172; improved health

Arnold, Richard, author, m . * g 3 n i „ „ „ ArsAmatona (Ovid), 111.697112, 28OTJ6 Ars Poetica (Horace): quoted, v.2qra2 Art of Painting of Charles Alphonsedu Fresnoy . . . with Annotations by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knt., iv.i 15771 Art Poetiqne, L' (Boileau-Despreaux), 1.95717, iv.349714 Asbridge, John, of Lichfield, 1.154 Ascham, Roger, author, 11.48 and W15 Ashbourne: ment. of plans for visit in 1770, 1.254714, 327, 3 4 4 « i , 347 and 714; The Mansion, 1.347 and «3; SJ visits in 1 7 7 1 , 1.366-67; SJ's 1 7 7 2 visit, I . 3 9 7 7 J 2 ; SJ's stay in 1775, 11.192712, 2477211, 255; Thrales visit in 1774, II.235m, 111.60713; SJ and J B visit in 1776, 11.309724, 309—10 and ?272i,2, 3 1 6 and 722; SJ's 1 7 7 7 visit to, in.20726, 56, 57, 64721, 73 and 726; JB's visit to, m . 3 9 - 4 0 and 72722,3; a barren place, III.63; n o evil but very little good in, 111.85; SJ's stay in 1 7 8 1 , iv.68n4; SJ visits in 1784, iv.340-41 and 721, 3 7 3 74, 383; vacancy of SJ's life in, iv.381; SJ wishes to leave, iv.406; as a solitary place, iv.414

- L E T T E R S : 1.292-93, 328, N I . 1 0 - 1 1 , 13, 6 4 - 6 5 , 9 6 - 9 7 , 1 5 2 - 5 3 , 164, 197, 2 0 7 - 8 , iv.29-30, 296, 437 Aston, Henry Hervey, son of 1st Earl of Bristol, v.12 and 71712,4; lends SJ money, 1.38713, 60, 154, v.12 and 77712,4; ment., 1.292721, 3 7 5 T J I ; and J B , 111.98711 Aston, Sophia see Prujean, Sophia Aston Aston, Sir Thomas, 3d Bt., 1.292721, 375721,111.86724 Astronomica (Manilius): quoted, iv.308 and 722 Athenae Oxomenses (Wood), 1 . 1 1 5 and na, 133722; and R. Rawlinson, 1^79723 Atterbury, Francis, Bishop of Rochester ( 1 7 1 3 - 2 3 ) : ment., 1.55 and 7217; trial before House of Lords, v.4 and 726

Ashbourne Grammar School, 1.4 and 773, 394722 Ashburton, 1st Baron (John Dunning), politician, lawyer, 111.42, iv.95-96 and

Auchinleck, Alexander Boswell, Lord, JB's father, 1.238 and 725, 262 and 726; and JB's legal career, 11.9 and mo; SJ plans to visit, 11.99, IOO> 1 0 2 > SJ and



IV 4 1 0 a n d n l > 4 1 2 ;


LORD AUCHINLECK J B visit, 1 1 . 1 1 6 - 1 7 a n d 727236,37; and advance copy of Journey, 11.166; J B to visit, 11.365 and ni; and entail dispute, 11.284-85 and n 1, 287, 289, 294 and 723, 329; JB's desire to be independent of, 11.328 and M7; JB's relations with, 11.360 and n 1, 3 6 4 - 6 5 , 111.8 and «2, 19 and «5, 142, 2 1 5 and rag; and case of J . Knight, 111.42 and rai8, 104; health of ment., 111.181 and 722; death of, i v . 7 1 - 7 2 and 721; death ment., 1V.737H, 77, 126 Auchinleck, Ayrshire: SJ ment. plans to visit, 11.102 and 713, 108, 1 1 1 ; SJ and J B visit, 11.102 and 713, 1 1 6 - 1 7 and 7137; J B visits, hi. 19 and 725; distance from Carlisle, 111.215 and 72727,8; Mrs. Boswell invites SJ to, i v . 9 1 - 9 2 and 712 Auchinleck, Elizabeth Boswell, Lady (2d wife of Lord Auchinleck), 11.209 and 723, 364,111.142723; inheritance of, iv.72722 Auchnashiel (Auknashealds): Invernessshire, n.74 Aureng-Zebe (Dryden), 1.374 and 713 Ausonius, Decimus Magnus, 11.260729 Austrian Succession, War of the, I.297214 Autobiographical and literary Anecdotes of William Bowyer (Nichols), iv.78 Ayrshire: and J B , IV.263T24



College: and E. Johnson's burial and tombstone, iv.348 and ni, 350 - LETTERS: 11.29-30,1^348-49 Bahadur, Raja Nandakuma, iv.129 and 72722,3 Baillet, Adrien, scholar, 1.312 and 7126 Baker, David Erskine, author, 1.290725 Baker, Eliza Clendon (widow of David), 1.290 and 715 Baker, Sir George, Bt., M.D., iv.377 and re2 Baker, Thomas, antiquarian and biographer, m.43 and 713 Baker-Holroyd, John see Sheffield, 1st Baron Balbi, Giovanni, 11.257713 Ballard, Mr., 1.103 Ballencrieff, 11.69722 balloons and ballooning, iv.204 and ni, 218, 222, 235, 259, 268, 272, 279 and 71722,5, 281, 3 7 7 ' 4°4> 4 ° 7 a n d 438 and 721; as amusement, iv.4o8-g; fiery demise of Sheldon-Keegan balloon, iv.415 and 727; have no use until can be guided, i v . 4 1 5 - 1 6 Bamff see Banff Banff (Banffshire), 11.63 Bank of England, in.272 and ni Banks, Sir Joseph, Bt., explorer: ment., 1-387, 11.57 a " d 7215, 1 1 8 , 111.317; elected to The Club, in. 1 3 2 and 725, 142; SJ dines with, iv. 138 - LETTER:



Barber, Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Francis: birth of, 111.375726, 376

Bach, Johann Christian, composer: ment., 111.248723 Bach-y-Graig (Salusbury estate), II.587219, 147724, 111.66 and 724 Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans, essayist and philosopher, 11.295 and 716 Bagnall, John, iv.i2672i8 Bagot, Sir Walter Wagstaffe, 5th Bt.,

Barber, Elizabeth Ball (Betsy) (Mrs. Francis), 11.357 a n d n3', ment., 11.358, iv.332, 433; daughter born, hi.375 and «6, 376 Barber, Francis (Frank), SJ's servant, 1 . 1 1 5 a n d " 3 , 145 and 721, 222, 327722, 364, 368, 379, 398, 4 1 3 and 722, 111.4, 49, 62, 86; SJ petitions for release of,

re 1.299 a n £ l 3 Bagshaw, Thomas, chaplain of Bromley

1 . 1 8 7 - 8 8 and 77721,5,6; and Mrs. Coxeter, 1.357723; ment., 11.37, 1 5 9 n l > 2 1 1 ,





Barber, Francis (cont.) 220, 238, 273, 323, 358, 111.66, 1 1 7 and 713, 140, 184, 361, 376, iv.177 and 723, V.4J11, 9 and n 1; marriage of, 11.357 and 223; and proof sheets of Lives of the Poets, 111.156-57 and m; daughter born, 111.375 and 726; health ment., iv. 15; and package from Lisbon, iv.norai; and ballooning, iv.438 - l e t t e r s : 1.315, 350, 353, iv.199 Barbeyrac, Jean, savant, 1.101712 Barclay, Alexander, poet and scholar, I.89-90 and 72723,4 Barclay, David, banker: ment., 111.345

— l e t t e r s : 1 . 1 9 6 - 2 0 1 , 2 0 5 - 7 , 212—15 Barker, Edmund: death ment., IV.259B6 Barker, Mr., possible servant of the Dukes of Devonshire, 111.359 Barnard, Edward, Provost of Eton, 1 1 1 2 3 5 and ru; and Evelina, 111.236 and 723 Barnard, Frederick Augusta, librarian: and formation of Royal Library, 1 . 3 0 3 - 4 and 713, 3 0 7 - 1 4 ; ment., 1.306, 111.156, 1^395221 - l e t t e r s : 1.307-14,111.348-49 Barnard, John, page of the backstairs,

and ru, 3 4 8 m ; and J . Scott's biography, iv.404 and ni - l e t t e r : iv.404 Barclay, Mrs. Robert, iv.415 and ni Barclay, Robert, brewer, in.348711; and sale of brewery, 111.353; ment., iv.37 and 723, 86, 163/16, 3 1 5 and «2, 4 1 5 and n 1 Baretti, Giuseppe, 1.87 and nS, 92 and 214, 1 1 1 , 155711, 163, 164—65, 346712, 348 and n6, iv. 19721; ment., 1.74725, II.26, 190 and 729, 194728, 228, 229, 273, 3 3 7 , 339 and 775, iv.241; gold watch incident, 1.83—86 and 77721-7; on SJ's reaction to H. Boothby's death, 1.123722; quarrels with T. Davies, 11.9 and 727; tutors H. M. Thrale, 11.118 and 725, 1 5 1 , 2 1 8 and 226; and proposed trip to Italy, 11.2237212, 299722; and regatta, 11.234721; and F. Chambers, 11.244 and 724, 252; Hester Thrale's relationship with, n.248 and 723, 253 and 725; trip to France, 11.271721, 276; leaves for Bath with the Thrales, 11.313 and 72721,6, 314721; health ment., 11.325; quarrels with and leaves Thrales, 11.365-66 and 7215; translates Discourses of Sir J . Reynolds, 11.3667217; musical scheme of, 111.144 and 729, 156; dines with SJ, 111.212

1.307m Barnard, Thomas, Bishop of Killaloe (1780-94), Bishop of Limerick (1794-1806), 11.261722 - l e t t e r : 111.6 Barrett, William, surgeon and antiquarian, 11.336 and ng, 339 Barrington, Daines, lawyer, antiquarian, and naturalist, iv.240 and 222 Barrington, 1st Viscount (John Shute), iv.240?22 Barrington, Samuel, admiral, 1^31724 Barry, Sir Edward, Bt., m.d., iv.266 and 226 Barry, James, painter: and Essex Head Club, iv.120, 257 and 724; and M. Lowe's painting, iv. 121 and 72722,3, 1 3 5 and 718, 154; and Sir J . Reynolds, iv. 1 3 5 and 728, 257724; ment., iv. 189 - l e t t e r : iv. 1 2 0 - 2 1 Barwell, Richard, 11.351722 Bas Bleu, Le (More), 111.335721, iv.2g7 and n 1, 3 1 7 Baskerville, John, printer and typographic designer, 1.105 and 72726,7, 323 Baskett, Mark, printer, 1.2467210 Bassette Table, The (Montagu), 1.371 and 722 Bath: Hester and H. M. Thrale and Baretti at in 1776,11.31372721,6, 314721,




3 1 7 and rai; SJ accompanies Thrales Beattie, Mary Dun (Mrs. James, the to in 1776, 11.317/17; J B visits SJ and elder), 1.388 and ra3, 11.44; ment., the Thrales in 1776, 11.323 and m; 111.302 Conte Manucci invited to, 11.325 and Beauclerk, Charles George, son of Topny, Thrales return from in 1776, ham, m . 2 3 1 and ra6 II.334/13; Thrales and F. Burney visit Beauclerk, Lady Diana (wife of Topin 1780, 111.228 and rai; warm waters ham), 11.170 and /17, 111.210/13, 2 3 1 of ment., m.245 and »7; SJ on, and n6 III.262; violence against Catholics in, Beauclerk, Elizabeth, daughter of Top111.273 and rara6,8, 274; Thrales leave ham, 111.231 and »6 because of violence in, m.273 and n8, Beauclerk, Mary, daughter of Topham, 279/11; good roads between London 111.23land «6 and, 111.331 and /14 Beauclerk, Lady Sidney (Mary Norris), Bathurst, 2d Earl (Henry Bathurst): mother of Topham, 111.231 and /15, and Dodd case, 111.27/11 iv.126 Bathurst, Richard (the elder), West InBeauclerk, Lord Sidney, M.P., 1.192/12 dian planter, 1.115/13 Beauclerk, Topham, 1.192 and rani,2, Bathurst, Richard (the younger), physi205 and zi2, 207, 2 1 3 , 3 6 0 / 1 1 , m . 2 1 0 cian and writer, 1.68-69 and Z13, 1 1 and n$, 2 1 4 ; and The Club, 115/13; death of, 1.211, 2 1 5 , iv.259«6 11.27m, 1 2 6 m , 128/15; health of, Baxter, Richard, author, 11.150/17, 11.170 and n6, 111.9 and zi6, 2 1 6 and iv.271 and Z14 nio; ment., 11.213; and H. Hervey inBaxter, William, author: Anacreon, cident, m.g8—gg and nn 1,2; and poriv. 1 1 3 and »3, 2og«2 trait of SJ, 111.127/15; death of, Bayley, Ann Hinckley (Mrs. Francis), 111.216/110, 231 and nn$,5,8, iv.126; liiv.22/25 Bayley, Francis, of Lichfield, iv. 22/15 Bayley, Hester, daughter of Francis, iv. 2 2 and «5 Beach, Thomas, wine merchant and poet, 1.16/12 Beaton (Bethune), David, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 11.56 and rag Beattie, James (the elder), poet and philosopher: ment., 1.388 and 393/11, 11.8 and /12, 43, 46,111.35, 347 and rai; and pension issue, 11.41-42 and n8, 44, 1 1 1 ; calls on SJ while staying with B. Porteus, 11.210 and M14; F. Reynolds wishes to send O. Goldsmith's epitaph to, 11.344/13, 345; on SJ, 111.347/11 - L E T T E R S : 1 . 3 8 2 - 8 3 , 11.44, 111.301-2 Beattie, James (the younger), son of James and Mary, 111.302/13, 347/11


brary of, 111.231 and nS 1.211 Beauties of Johnson: Consisting of Maxims and Observations . . . Accurately extracted from the Works of Dr. Samuel Johnson, 111.361/11, iv.28 and «5, 40/2/13,4, 41 Beauvoir, Osmund, headmaster of King's School, iv.31/16 Becket, Thomas: and Macpherson manuscripts, 11.177/16 Becket, Thomas a see Thomas a Becket Beckford, William, M.P., London alderman, 1.278/12 Belford, Northumberland, 11.52 and W2 Bell, John, bookseller, 111.226/11; ment., v.6ra3 Bell, John, schoolmaster, 111.102 and rai Bell, Robert, printer, 11.13/1/15,6 Bell, William, Prebendary of Westminster, v.6 and nnn,§\ ment., 111.244; and —LETTER:

BELL Bell, William {cont.) almshouses, iv.270 and 725 Bellamy, George Anne, actress, 1.172 and nio Bellum Catihnarium (Sallust), i.22i«6 Bembo, Pietro, iv.390 and ra6 Bentham, Edward, D.D., 1 1 . 1 9 6 - 9 7 Bentley, Richard, D.D., 1.396 and 727 Berkeley, George, Bishop of Cloyne, in.235 and «2 Bernard, Edward, astronomer, I.86«2 Berwick: ment., 11.50 Bethune, David see Beaton, David "Better Answer (To Chloe Jealous)" (Prior), iv.22on6 Bevan, Amelia see Perkins, Amelia Bevan Bevan, Silvanus, banker, 111.348m Bevan, Timothy Paul, banker, 111.334m Bewley, William, surgeon, in.353 and m ; death ment., iv. 199 and rai Bible, The, iv.77; SJ advocates translation into Gaelic, 1.269-70 and 71722,9; early printing of, 1.313 and 727231-34; quoted, iv. 1537119; Polyglot Bible, iv.395—96 and ran2-4 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta (B. Walton), iv.395712 Bibliotheca Grteca, 1.312 and 7228 Bibliotheca Regite Catalogue, 1.307722 Bibliotheque raisonnee des Ouvrages des Savans (Barbeyrac), 1.101722 Biggin, George, balloonist, ^.408723 Bingham, Anne, daughter of 1st Baron Lucan, in.204 and 713, 2 1 3 Bingham, Sir Charles, Bt. see Lucan, 1st Baron Bingham, Lavinia, daughter of 1st Baron Lucan (later Viscountess Althorp), in. 195 and 723, 204 and 723, 2 1 3 , iv.266 Bingham, Louisa, daughter of 1st Baron Lucan, in.204 and 723, 2 1 3 Bingham, Margaret Smith see Lucan, Baroness


BLAIR Bingham, Margaret, daughter of ist Baron Lucan, HI.204 and ng, 2 1 3 Bingham, Richard see Lucan, 2d Earl of Biographia Britannica, 111.226722; SJ requests copy of, in.76 and rail, 93 Biographical and Literary Anecdotes ofWilham Bowyer (Nichols), iv.66«2, 424 Biographical History (Granger), 1.416m, 4i7»4 biography: SJ's comments on in Rambier, 1.266 and ra«4,6; SJ's fundamental premise concerning, 1 . 3 4 5 - 4 6 and 715 Birch, Thomas, literary scholar, 157 and 715 - L E T T E R S : 1 . 3 6 - 3 7 , 44, 65, 7 6 - 7 7 , 1 0 1 - 2 , 1 1 5 , 124, 133, 1 3 5 Birmingham, iv.26«3; SJ passes through in 1767, 1.260714; Edinburgh compared to, 11.52; SJ and J B visit in !776, 11.310; SJ visits in 1777, in.20 and «6, 46778, 48, 90; SJ visits in 1 7 8 1 , 111.362 Biron see Byron Bishop's Palace (Lichfield), 1 . 2 2 3 - 2 4 and 725 Bishop Stortford Grammar School, i-35 o r e 3 Blackamoor's Head Inn, in.74 and 722 Blackfriars Bridge, 111.45722 Blacklock, Thomas, Scots poet, 11.53 and 7215 Blackmore, Sir Richard, poet and physician: and Lives of the Poets, m.225 and 723, 233725, 260 and 723, 286 and n 13, 301; essays of ment., 111.260 and 723; ment., v.32 and 723 Blackstone, Sir William, Kt., jurist, 1.162723, 276721, 111.112m; and grain embargo, 1 . 2 7 5 - 7 6 and 725; and copyright law, 11.130723 Blackwall, Anthony, iv. 104m Blair, Hugh, clergyman and critic, 11.128 and 726; and Ossian controversy, 11.177 a n d 724, 339726; publica-



tion of sermons of, 11.367 and ni; sermons of ment., 111.8, 19, 99 Blenheim, 111.3714 bloodletting see Johnson, Samuel— health; medicine Blount, Thomas ( 1 6 1 8 - 7 9 ) , lexicographer, 1.66722 Blount, Sir Thomas Pope (1649-97), 1st Bt., writer, 1.65-66 and 222 Bluestockings, 1.185721, 11.17572725,6, in. 14725; prominent hostesses, 1.185721, HI.27785, 116724, 236727, 242722, 251228; SJ attends party of, iv.52772; and Hester Thrale's marriage to G. Piozzi,

BOSWELL theological views, 1 . 1 1 9 - 2 1 ; death of, 1.123/22 - L E T T E R S : 1.76, 1 1 6 - 1 8 , 1 1 9 - 2 4 , 139 Bordesley Hall, 1.416712 Bosville, Godfrey, JB's "Yorkshire Chief," 11.777229,111.46 and 725 Boswell, Alexander see Auchinleck, Alexander Boswell, Lord Boswell, Alexander (Sandy), son of J B : birth of, 11.146 and 779, 273 and 721; ment., 11.280, 284, 296, 329, 360,111.8, 12, 357213, 36, gg, 103, 2 1 5 , 304 Boswell, David, son of J B : birth of, 11.364 and 724; death of, 111.12 and ?2g,



Bodleian Library, 11.219723,111.135, 136; SJ presents books to, 11.150 and 72727,8 Bodward, Thomas, tenant at Gough Square, 1.255725 Boece, Hector see Boethius, Hector Boethius (Boece), Hector, Scots historian, 11.126 and 723, iv.2gg Boileau-Despreaux, Nicolas, poet, I.305-6 and 773; quoted, 1.95727, iv.349 and 224 Bolingbroke, 1st Viscount (Henry St. John), 1.60 and 724 Bolingbroke, 2d Viscount (Frederick St. John), iv. 163723 Bolingbroke, Viscountess (Lady Diana Spencer): divorce and remarriage of, II.170 and 727 Bolt Court (London), 111.8723, g3, 96221; SJ moves to, 11.316 and n 1; and G. Jones, V.8T2I Bond, Phineas, attorney, n. 11 — 12 Book of Common Prayer, 11.21723; quoted, III.122728, iv. 128 and 7228 book publishing see printing and publishing books: on collecting, 1 . 3 0 7 - 1 4 ; and illustrations, 1.31 i7277ig,2i; on dictionaries, iv.379; see also printing and publishing Boothby, Hill, SJ's friend: discrepant

Boswell, Elizabeth see Auchinleck, Elizabeth Boswell, Lady Boswell, Elizabeth, daughter of J B : ment., 111.304 Boswell, Euphemia, daughter of J B : birth of, 11.144 and ra5, 146; ment., 11-156, 214, 284, 2g6, 360, 111.12, 352213, gg, 103, 2 1 5 , 232, 304 Boswell, Euphemia, mother of J B : death of, 1.262726 Boswell, James: and Grand Tour, 1 . 2 6 1 - 6 2 ; relationship with his father, 1.262, 272, 11.360 and m , 3 6 4 - 6 5 , in.19, 3 1 8 , i v . 7 1 - 7 2 ; defends thesis, 1 . 2 7 1 - 7 2 and 72721,2; marriage of, 1.329 and 727, 332; ment., 11.25,69, 84, g2, 111.42-43, 45, 62, 70 and 22721,4, 7 1 , 74, 76723, 79 and 727217,21, 207, 220, 255 and 223; elected to The Club, 11.27 and n l ' affection for SJ, 11.43 and 722; apartment of, 1 1 . 5 2 - 5 3 and rag; controversy with Sir A. Macdonald, 11.77 and " 3 ° , 114"> expects SJ to visit his father, 11.99, 1 0 0 ' and lawsuit of Sir A. Maclean, 11.1057217, 214; projected Baltic trip, 11.156; receives, reads, and comments on Journey, 11.166 and 72721,3; and Memis case, 11.176 and ni, 178; and Ossian controversy, 1 1 . 1 7 6 - 7 8 and 722, 1 8 0 - 8 1





Boswell, James (cont.) and 77772,3,5,6; and SJ-Raasay controversy over clan supremacy, 11.203, 206, 214, 2 2 8 - 2 9 ; and the English bar, 11.205 and rag; ment. of law case tried and money received, 11.205 and 7110, 209; opinion of in Lichfield, 11.224; SJ's love for, 11.267, 330,111.63, 103, 3 1 8 ; and entail dispute, 11.28485 and n 1, 286-89, 291, 294 and 713, 298 and 773, 299, 329; suffers from melancholy, n.2g8-g9 and rei, 348, 349; comes to London, and then accompanies SJ to Oxford and Lichfield, 11.299774; with SJ in Lichfield and Ashbourne, 11.309-10 and 71711,2, 3 1 1 ; visits SJ and the Thrales in Bath, n.323 and W2; seeks a "place," 11.328 and 717; and "Rowley" poems, II.332719; and Mrs. Rudd, 11.334 and 776; SJ pays in books, balance due from Hebridean tour, 11.348 and 773, 34g; and Lives of the Poets, 111.20 and nio; visits SJ in Ashbourne in 1777, III.65 and «2, 6 6 - 6 7 , 68, 73, 7 6 - 7 7 ; SJ-Percy dispute, m . 1 1 3 - 1 4 ; wishes to come to London in 1778, 111.125 and 774; visits SJ in London in 1779, 111.125714, 186 and 774; SJ hopes to send some Lives to read, m . 1 4 3 and 777; SJ's letter of introduction to J . Wesley, 111.162; SJ's concern over not hearing from, 111.177 and ni, 178, 1 8 1 ; on Henry Thrale's health and appearance, 111.185; visits Chester, iii. 191 and m i ; visits Lichfield in 1779, HI.igi and ran, i g g - 2 0 0 and 712; financial problems, 111.230 and 772, iv.77; SJ on melancholy of, HI.232; SJ unable to meet for interview with, 1 1 1 . 3 1 7 - 1 8 ; melancholy at thoughts of predestination, 111.328 and ni; in London, 111.33577712,3; and proposed trip in 1782 to London, iv.27 and 773, 73771; SJ's advice on frugal living,


(LETTERS) iv.27-28, 45, 1 1 2 , 347; and Society of Solicitors, iv.28 and rty; SJ's advice on remaining with Mrs. Boswell, 1 v. 737(2; SJ gives R. Chambers news of, iv. 126; SJ informs of his stroke, iv.164; and Essex Head Club, 1 v.2377(2, 345; concern over SJ's health, iv.284 and ni, 286 and 726, 291 and n 1; political ambition of, IV.299OT13,6, 310; SJ's advice on election campaign, iv.306; and trip to Oxford, iv.332 and n\; hopes to visit Lichfield with SJ in 1784, i v . 3 3 5 36; involved in plans for SJ's augmented pension and trip to Italy, iv.342 and 773; SJ's advice on projected move to London in 1784, iv.347 and n 1, 3 6 1 - 6 3 ; on Seward's Louisa, iv.412713; on last letters from SJ, 1^434712; on SJ's affection for T. Davies, v.4??i -HEBRIDEAN TRIP: ment. while in St. Andrews, 11.55, 56; at Arbroath Abbey, 11.57; ' n Aberdeen, angry that professors would not talk, 11.60; ment., 11.69, 84, 92; shares bread, n.74; ment. at Inn in Glenelg, 11.7677; fears ghosts in chapel on Inchkenneth, 11.105 a r , d 7718; desires to be on dry ground, 11.107; keeps register of weather conditions, 11.110; offers tip to keeper at deer park, 11.111; SJ on as traveling companion, 11.115; and visit with Countess of Eglinton, 11.116 - L E T T E R S : 1.237-40, 2 6 1 - 6 2 , 2 7 1 - 7 3 , 298, 3 2 8 - 2 9 , 3 3 1 - 3 2 , 3 6 2 - 6 3 , 3 8 8 89,393-94,11.7-10,41-43,51,11920, 123, 1 2 4 - 2 5 , 1 2 7 - 2 8 , 1 3 2 - 3 4 , 140, 142, 144, 145—47, 1 4 9 ~ 5 ° , 1 5 3 _ 54, 155—56, 166—67, 1 7 0 _ 7 2 , 1 7 6 78, 1 8 0 - 8 2 , 2 1 3 - 1 4 , 2 6 5 - 6 7 , 26g, 270, 2 7 3 - 7 4 , 2 8 0 - 8 1 , 2 8 3 - 8 5 , 2 8 6 89, 291—g2, 294-96, 304, 315—16, 323-24, 348-50, 360-61, 364-66, 111.11-12, 19-20, 31, 33-36, 39-42, 4 7 - 4 8 , 5 6 - 5 8 , 6 3 - 6 4 , 74, g 8 - i o o ,




101-4, 113-14, 118-20, 141-43, 1 5 6 - 5 7 , 161, 178, 1 8 1 - 8 2 , 199-201, 2 1 4 - 1 6 , 230-32, 303-4, 3 1 7 - 1 8 , 328-29, iv.3-4, 27-28, 4 4 - 4 5 , 70, 7 1 - 7 3 , 9 0 - 9 1 , 1 1 2 - 1 3 , 164-65, 2 0 9 10, 262-64, 284-86, 290-92, 2 9 8 99. 305-6. 346-48. 3 5 4 - 5 5 . 358-59. 360, 4 3 3 - 3 4 Boswell, James (the younger), son of JB: birth of, 111.142 and n 1; illness ment., iv.i 657n7 Boswell, John, uncle of JB, in. 35n113 Boswell, Margaret Montgomerie (Mrs. James), 1.329 and n7; SJ meets, 1.389 and n8; Hester Thrale hopes she will accompany JB to London, n . i o m i ; relationship with SJ, 11.42, 120, 123, 125, 128, 182, 213, 214, 265, 266-67, 273, 281, 284, 289, 292, 296, 329, 360, 111.8, 11, 19, 4 2 - 4 3 , 79, 99, 318; concern over JB's and SJ's health during Hebridean trip, n.77; mien and manners of, 11.111; SJ on relationship between J B and, n.133, 329-30; ment., 11.144, 150, 154, 167, 171, 178, 270, 304, 350, in.12, 57, 181, 215, 216, 232, 304, iv.28, 45, 306, 434; SJ on birth of son, 11.146 and n9; and gift for JB's stepmother, 11.209; and entail dispute, 11.273n12, 284-85 and n 1, 298 and ny, and orange marmalade, in. 11 and ru, 19, 33 and n2, 4 2 - 4 3 , 46, 157; health ment., IIl.35n113, 47 and n2, 103 and ran 1 - 3 , 118, 142 and n2, IV.3M1, 4, 27 and n2, 70, 73, 92, 112, 292; pregnant, 111.142 and rani ,2; sent set o f Lives of the Poets, hi. 157 and n3, 177 and ra2, 304 and n8, 325; SJ's advice to J B concerning, iv.73 and n2, 77; invites SJ to Auchinleck, iv.91-92; SJ thanks for attention from, iv.298-99 — l e t t e r s : n.329—30, 111.42-43, iv.91 -92 Boswell, Thomas David, brother o f JB,




111.280 and ng, 318, iv.164n1, 165 Boswell, Veronica, daughter of JB, 11.111 and n4; birth of, 11.42 and n 11; ment., 11.128, 144, 156, 167, 171, 178, 280, 284, 296, 360, hi.8, 12, 20, 35*113, 36, 47, gg, 103, 157, 215, 232, 304; SJ on relationship with, 11.213, 214, 329 Boufflers-Rouverel, Comtesse de (Marie Charlotte Hippolyte), 1.360-61 Boulton, Matthew, manufacturer and engineer, 11.310 and n3 Bouquet, Joseph, bookseller, 1.47*13 Bourke, Joseph Dean, Archbishop of Tuam, iv. 186 and n8 Bourne, Thomas, usher, 1.4n3 Bouverie, Harriet, iv.239n9 Bouverie, William Henry, politician, iv. 289n5 Bowen, Mr., bookseller, 111.188-89 a n d " 5 . !95. »98 Bowker, Mr., cotton manufacturer, 1.144 a r K ' «5 Bowles, Dinah Frankland (Mrs. William), iv.177 and «5, 195; ment., iv.202, 210, 219, 230, 274, 281, 324, 345. 3 6 1 . 4 0 3 Bowles, Rev. William (the elder), Canon of Salisbury, 111.245*14; ment., iv.28i, 324. 345 Bowles, William (the younger), of Heale House, m. 245 and «4; SJ plans to visit, iv.177 a n d "4- >82-83, 188, 190, 191, 267-68; SJ gives account of his testicular sarcocele, iv.201-2, 210, 2 1 8 - i g , 2 3 0 - 3 1 ; on Stonehenge, i v . 2 2 i * u i , 222; political life, iv.289 and ra5 - l e t t e r s : i v . 1 7 6 - 7 7 , 182-83, 188, 201-2, 2 1 0 , 2 1 8 - 1 9 , 2 3 0 - 3 1 , 267-68, 2 7 3 - 7 4 , 280-81, 2 8 9 , 3 0 7 - 8 , 3 2 3 - 2 4 , 344-45- 361, 402-3 Bow Street, London, 1.26*11 Bowyer, William (the younger), printer, iv.66 and «2, 424



Boyd, Charles, brother of James, 11.61 and «8 Boyd, James see Errol, 15th Earl of Boyd's Inn (Edinburgh) see White Horse Inn Boyle, Charles see Orrery, 4th Earl of Boyle, John see Orrery, 5th Earl of Boyle, Robert, philosopher, iv. 54 and 224 Boylston, George, of Lichfield, 1.26oand 727 Braganm (play, Jephson), 11.175 a n d " 6 Brahe, Tycho, astronomer, 11.337723 Brandt, Sebastian, satirist, 1.89713 Brandywine, Battle of, 111.957710 bravery, iv.294 Braxfield, Robert Macqueen, Lord, Lord of Justiciary, 111.255222 Breachachadh Castle (Coll), 11.101724 Brent, Sir Nathaniel, translator, Warden of Merton College, Oxford,

ni.55 and 224, 60, 75 and 724, 77, 78, 87 and 722, 94 and 722, 96 and 723, 97, 99; Thrales in temporary quarters in, 111.80-81 and 724; principal meeting places in, 111.81727; ment., 111.139 a n d 228; "The Steine," 111.144 and n-j\ Thrales visit in 1779, 111.165 a n d 222; SJ accompanies Thrales to in 1780, in.264n 3 , 31771713,4, 3 1 8 ; unrest in Bath in 1780 causes Thrales to leave for, 111.273778, 274, 279711; on news of husband's death, Hester Thrale leaves for, 111.329771,331713; SJ goes to in Oct. 1782, iv.77 and 778 Bristol, H . M . S . , 1 v.49721, 56 British Enchanters (Granville), 111.246 and 72m,2 British Museum: and SJ's request concerning Swinton letter, iv.445 a " d 224 British Synonymy (H. L. Piozzi), iv. 19721

i-i3n3 Breton language, 1.152 and 726

Broadhurst, Walter, watchmaker,

Brewer, father, 11.336—37, 343 j 1 /~> 1 • c J D Brewse, John, Col., engineer, 11.64 and nlg

Brochel Castle (Raasay), 11.88 and 726 Brocklesby, Richard, M.D.: ment. in re-

Bridge, Edward, steward, 1.400 and 722, 11.115 and 7227 Bridgen, Edward, merchant, 1.206729 Bridgen, Martha Richardson (Mrs. Edward), 1.206 and 729 Bright, Rev. Henry, headmaster: and George Strahan, 1 . 2 0 9 - 1 0 and 72723,4, 2 1 7 , 218; SJ dines with, n.217 - LETTERS: 1.209-10, 332, 3 3 3 - 3 4 , 338 Brighton (Brighthelmston): and the Thrales, 1.249722, 250222; SJ joins Thrales in 1769,1.327727; SJ on, 1.349 and ni, 11.361, I I I . 1 9 3 ; R . Thrale sent to, 11.207725; SJ inquires if he and Thrales will visit in autumn of 1775, 11.241 and 724, 255; SJ's trip to in 1776 ment., 11.347726; Thrales visit several times during 1777, 111.15722, 58, 73 and 729, 87 and 722; SJ's ment. of plans for and visit to Thrales in Nov. 1777,

S a r d t o S J ' s h e a l t h ' I v l 5 2 , ' 5 5 , 159l6 ° ' l 6 4 ' 2 1 2 l 6 ' a 6 1 ' 286226, 2 9!> 32, 438; and Juvenal, iv. 155 and 726; S J P r a i s e s ' l v i 6 8 ; o n A ' Williams's death > I V 1 9 8 : a n d w - G - Hamilton, IV 2 - 4 ' a n d " 4 , 243; a " d Essex Head Club ' IV'257; S J d'neS with' IV"325' 335; SJ gives account of his health to, IV - 3 5 1 _ 5 3 > 3 5 5 - 5 6 , 359, 3 6 4 - 6 5 , 368, 3 7 6 - 7 8 , 3 8 1 - 8 2 , 4 1 5 - 1 6 , 428, 436; accompanies SJ to Royal Academy, iv.418 -LETTERS: iv.192-93, 3 5 1 - 5 3 , 3 5 5 56, 3 5 9 - 6 o , 3 6 4 - 6 6 , 368, 3 7 0 - 7 1 , 372-73- 376-78> 3 8 i - 8 2 , 386-87, 4 0 0 - 4 0 1 , 405, 4 0 8 - 9 , 4 1 5 - 1 6 , 49122 ' 4 2 8 , 436 Brodaeus, iv.318*111 Broderic, Mr., v . 2 3 - 2 4 and 722 Broglie, Francois Marie (Marechal de


T- 1


H I . 1 6 6 and 722


B ROG LIE Broglie), Marechal of France, 1 . 2 9 - 3 0 andmg Brolas (estate), 11.105/117 Bromfield, Robert, M.D., 1.368 and 712, 370; and Henry Thrale's stroke, in. 168 and ?i2 Brooke, Francis, attorney, in.53 and 718 Brookes, Mrs., 1.137 Broome, William, poet: and Lives of the Poets, 111.233775, 257, 278 and m ; and Pope's translation of the Odyssey, in.259 and 7ii Brown, John, father of Mrs. John Hawkesworth, 1.130718 Browne, Isaac Hawkins, poet and M.P., iv. 182 and 72714,5 Browne, Mrs. (of Bath), 111.236 and «6 Browne, Sir Thomas, Kt., 1.132 and 723, 133

BURNEY Burke, Edmund, 1.218m, 257m, 259/23, 265/2/212,13, 3 3 9 m , iv.62 and «3, 398714; and Stamp Act repeal, 1 . 2 6 4 - 6 5 and 71716,7; proposes A. Vesey for Club membership, 11.26713; proposes C. Fox for Club membership, 11.128713; ment., 111.14711, 258, v -25; SJ asks help of for J . Rann, m . 1 6 1 and 712; SJ directs F. Reynolds to buy engraving of, 111.192 and 712; on H. Croft's memoir of E. Young, 111.322/25; and JB's political hopes, iv.27714, 262/11; resignation of, iv.59 and 711; ment. as Club member, iv.96; and G. Crabbe, iv.i 16711; tours southwestern England, iv.195 and '727, 196/22, 2 2 1 ; and East India Bill, iv.277 and 224; and P. Stockdale, v.21 - L E T T E R S : 1.340, i n . 1 6 1

Bruce, James, explorer and travel writer, 11.193 and ni Bruce, Mrs. (of St. Andrews), 11.55-56 and n8 Bryant, Jacob, classical scholar, in.3 and »4

Burke, Jane Mary Nugent (Mrs. Edmund), 1.340 and «2, iv.ig5727, 196722; ment., 1.352, in. 14 and ni; SJ's condolences on death of her father, 11.277 - LETTER: 11.277

Buchan (Aberdeenshire) see Buller of Buchan Buchanan, George, poet and scholar, I.58/26, 11.126 and Z24, 111.306/26 Buller, Francis, jurist, 111.2497110 Buller, Susanna Yarde (Mrs. Francis), m.249-5oandnio Buller of Buchan, Aberdeenshire, II.61-62 Bunbury, Catherine Horneck (Mrs. Henry William), 111.277/28 Bunbury, Henry William, caricaturist, III.277/28 Bunbury, Sir Thomas Charles, 6th Bt., 11.128 and »4 Bunker Hill, Battle of, 11.259 and «5 Burgoyne, Miss, godmother of Ralph Thrale, v.31 and/22 Burgoyne, Sir Roger, 6th Bt., iv.35/13, v.31/22


Burke, Richard, Jr., son of Edmund, iv.62223, 398 and 72/24,5 Burke, Richard, Sr., brother of Edmund, IV.62/23, 195 and 727, 196/22 Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury: History of His Own Time ment., iv.89 and 722 Burnett, James see Monboddo, Lord Burney, Charles (the younger): marriage of, iv.185 and W] Burney, Charles, MUS.D.: ment., 1.74/25, in. 14 and 224, 85, 140, 143, 205, 244, 310; stays at Streatham Park, in.77 and 727; stepdaughter's elopement, 111.85/22, 91; robbed, 111.127; writes music history, 111.135—36 and n3, 136—37, 140, ig6 and 72/115,16, 205, iv.21; and Baretti's musical scheme, in. 144; and Henry Thrale's stroke, 111.171; on his daughter's Latin les-




Burney, Charles (cont.) sons, hi. 173116; gives music lessons, 111.238, 244; and Mrs. Ord, in.242 and 772; trip to Winchester, 111.260772; SJ requests research assistance from, m.2g3; and proofs for A. Pope's "Life," 111.323772; SJ revises passage in General History of Music, iv.21; SJ returns book belonging to, iv.242; and An Account of the . . . Commemoration of Handel, iv.357 and 771, 3 8 4 - 8 5 and 77711,14, 392, 4 3 1 1 - L E T T E R S : 1.102—3, 57—159-60, 256, in.135, 1 7 1 , 242, 293, iv.21, 173, 1 9 9 - 2 ° ° - 357-58, 379-80, 384-86,


(LETTERS) ling," 111.188 and nq, igg, 202; and R. Cumberland, m.ig6 and n 12, 2og; and J . Delap, 111.196 and 7113; Evelina discussed, 111.213 and 776; fears during Gordon riots, 111.273 and 77778,9, 27g and 713; receives advance copy of Prefaces, iii.28grai; and proofs for SJ's "Life" of Pope, in.323 and 712; leaves Brighton, iv.88771; and S. Dobson, iv. 147 and 716; dines with SJ, iv.317, 3 i g ; and Thrale-Piozzi affair, iv.322«7, 328711; frugal in sending her letter to SJ, iv.430?7i, 4 3 1 ; SJ requests copy of Cecilia, v.3 L E T T E R S : 111.353, iv.48-49, 1 7 3 , 4 3 2 , v

392-93,43°-3i,437 Burney, Charlotte Ann (Sophy), daughter of Charles, the elder, 111.310 and 772, iv.242 and 773; ment., in.86 and 713, 91 Burney, Elizabeth Allen (2d wife of Charles, the elder): and daughter's elopement, 111.85-86 and 77772,3, 9 1 92; robbed, in.127; health ment., in.135, 288 and 7ii, iv.358 and 713, 380, 4 3 1 ; ment., in.310 - L E T T E R : IV. 1 7 3 Burney, Esther, daughter of Charles, the elder, 111.59 a n d 712; ment., in.86 and 773, 91 Burney, Esther Sleepe (1st wife of Charles, the elder), 1.158 and 778, 160, 256714, 111.31077772,4 Burney, Frances: ment., 1.158778; h i . 1 3 3 - 3 4 , 135, 205 and ni, 2 1 1 , 2 1 9 and 774, 228771, 229, 236 and 773, 238, 244, 249 and 7710, 252, 257, 270, 273, 276, 281, 282716, 310, 364 and n6, iv.245; first meets SJ, in. 14774; relationship with stepmother, 111.86 and 9 1 ; becomes protegee of SJ and Hester Thrale, 111.130774; godmother of, in. 133774; Latin lessons, in. 173716, ig5 and 776; travels with Thrales to Brighton, 111.186773; ment. as "young-

-3 Burney, James, son of Charles, the elder, the elder, 111.317 and 775, 373 and 712, 378 and 77772,3, i v -56; and John Mara's employment, iv.48-4g and 771,56 - LETTER: iv.56 Burney, Richard Thomas, son of Charles, the elder, iv. 161 and 774; trip to Winchester, 111.260772 Burney, Sarah, daughter of Charles, the elder, 111.86773, 91 Burney, Sarah Rose (Mrs. Charles, the younger), 1 v. 185717 Burney, Susanna Elizabeth, daughter of Charles, the elder, 111.310 and 77772,4; ment., 111.86 and 773, 91 Burney family: SJ's love for, m . 3 7 3 Burton, Catherine Kennedy (Mrs. John), in.371 and 775 Burton, John, of Ashbourne, in.371 and 775 Burton, Richard or Robert see Crouch, Nathaniel Burton, Robert: Anatomy of Melancholy quoted, 1 1 . 1 1 8 and 773, 111.201 Bute, 3rd Earl of (John Stuart), 1.199717, 2 0 7 - 8 , 2 1 2 ; resignation of, 1.23177771,3 —LETTERS: 1.207—8, 2 1 2




Butler, Samuel, poet: and Lives of the Poets, in. 122 and ns Butter, Mrs., wife of Dr. William, 111.70714 Butter, William, M.D., 1.395 AN D " 4 ; and J . Taylor, 11.40, m . 1 5 5 , 3 4 4 - 4 5 Byrkes, Robert (Robin of Doncaster), 11.47 a n d «5 Byron, Augusta (later Mrs. Christopher Parker), in. 144 and 726 Byron, Capt. George Anson, 111.241718 Byron, Charlotte Henrietta Dallas (Mrs. George), 111.241778 Byron, John, Vice Admiral, 111.133715, 208 and ni, 241718, 372774 Byron, Sophia Trevannion (Mrs. John), HI. 1 3 3 and 72715,6, 144, 204, 208 and 711, 2 1 1 - 1 2 , 216, 241 and 718, 251714, 372; ment., iv.41

C Cadell, Thomas, bookseller: and G. Baretti's book, 11.190; trade practices, 11.306 and 726, 307 and 777; ment., 11.354721, 111.23721, 1 3 7 and 721, 325; and SJ's Prefaces, in. 159 and 724; publishes J. Cook's Voyages, 1^332722; requested to send SJ's books to Oxford, iv.440-41; SJ requests copy of Xenophon's Hellenica from, v.3 1 1 — L E T T E R S : H I . 1 0 4 - 5 , 58» 59> 324— 25, iv.i 1 3 - 1 4 , 123, 4 4 0 - 4 1 , v.3 Caesar, Gaius Julius, 1.12 Calder, Rev. John, literary scholar: and Chambers's Cyclcepedia, 11.4723, 297; firing of, 11.293—94 a n d 72I, 297 — L E T T E R : n.297 Caldwell, Sir James, 4th Bt., diplomat, soldier, and author: ment., 111.266 and 725 — L E T T E R : 1.278-79 "Caldwell Minute" (Johnson), 1.279 and 723 89

Callender, James Thomson, iv.28n6 Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live (Baxter), 11.150717, iv.271 and 714 Calm Address to our American Colonies (Wesley), 11.290 and 712 Calmet, Augustin, Benedictine writer, 1.313 and 7133, iv.318 Calvert, Felix, brewer, 111.53 and 717 Calvert, Mrs., 1.251, 253 Cambden, Hannah, 111.48713 Cambridge, Richard Owen, iv.100 and 715 Cambridge University, 111.43 a n d 716; ment., 111.257 Camden, William, iv.221 and 7113 Campbell, Archibald, 11.109713 Campbell, Lady Elizabeth, daughter of 3d Earl of Loudoun, 11.116 and 7231 Campbell, Flora Macleod (Mrs. James) see Macleod, Flora Campbell, James, of Treesbank, 11.116 and 7233 Campbell, James Mure (later 5th Earl of Loudoun), 111.357215 Campbell, John ( 1 6 9 3 - 1 7 7 0 ) see Argyll, 4th Duke of Campbell, John ( 1 7 2 3 - 1 8 0 6 ) see Argyll, 5th Duke of Campbell, John ( 1 7 0 5 - 8 2 ) see Loudoun, 4th Earl of Campbell, Mary Montgomerie (Mrs. James, of Treesbank), sister of Margaret Boswell, n. 1 1 6 and 7233 Campbell, Mr. (of Auchnaba), 111.41 and 7210 Campbell, Thomas, clergyman and antiquarian, 111.23 and n 1; and C. Congreve's sermon, 11.163724 camps, military see military camps candlelight: helps drive off melancholy thoughts, 11.179, 296 Canice, St. see Kenneth, St. Canons of Criticism (Edwards), 1.70224 Canterbury, Archbishop of ( 1 7 6 8 - 8 3 ) see Cornwallis, Frederick

CANTERBURY Canterbury, Archbishop of ( 1 7 5 8 - 6 8 ) see Seeker, Thomas Canynge, William, merchant of Bristol, 11.336779 Caogad (Synod of Argyle): McFarlane's version, 11.150718 captiousness, 111.369-70 Carcass (ship), 11.16 and n6 Carless, Ann Hector (Mrs. Walter), sister of E. Hector, 1.343 a n d » i i , 414, 416, 111.362; ment., 11.174 a n d n l > 275, 310, 111.48, iv.26, 438, v.6, 7; SJ happy to see brother and sister live together, 11.301-2 Carless, Rev. Walter, 1.3437211 Carlisle, Cumberland, 111.21572777,8 Carlisle, Dean of see Percy, Rev. Thomas Carlisle, 5th Earl of (Frederick Howard), IV.266N4; SJ'S comments on manuscript of Father's Revenge, iv.10 and 721, 245, 251—52 and 22225,7 Carlisle,




and n8, 20722, 6871214,6; ment., HI.55, 266, iv.31 and 226 - LETTER: 1.126 Carter, Laura, daughter of Charles, 11.195 a n d n.2 Carteret, John see Granville, 1st Earl Carwardine, Penelope, painter, 1.216 and 728 Casaubon, Isaac, classical scholar, 111.8774 Castiglione and Solferino, Prince of (Luigi Gonzaga), 111.16 and 724 Castle Ashby, 1. igo?72 Castle Inn (Birmingham), 1.7729, 111.48723 Castle Inn (Brighton), 111.81727 Castle Street (London), 1.14721, 17729, 110221 Catalogi Librorum Manscriptorum Anglite et Hibernice, 1.86-87 a n d Catalogue of the Lords of Session (Hailes),



Howard, Countess of, iv.266 and 724

Catalogue of the MSS. in the Cottonian Li-

Carmen seculare (Horace), 111.144729 Carmichael, Poll, protegee of SJ, 11.3 and 221, 124,111.139, 140 . . . „ . Carnan, Anna Maria see Smart, Anna Maria Carnan

brary, 111.354721 Catalogue Bibliotheca Harleiana, 1.37222, 308 and 223 Catalogus Bibliothecce Thuance, 1.65221 B Catcott, George Symes, pewterer, 11.339

Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark: _ , death of, 11.208 and no Carr, Rev. John, 1.28-29, 31 and 225 Carr, William (of Etall), 11.617211

and " 6 ^ Cathedral 01 see under geographical . . . „ . . ,, , designation, e.g., St. Andrews, Catne^ j Catherine II, Empress of Russia,

Carte, Rev. Samuel, antiquarian, Prebendary of Lichfield, iv. 104 and 723

I n 231778 Catholicon (Balbi), 11.257 and 223

Carter, son of Charles: illness and death of, 11.162-63, 162223, 1 8 9 - 9 0 and 718,

Cato, Publius Valerius, iv.391227 Cato (Addison): quoted, 11.339 a n d "4.

1 95n2 Carter, Charles: and projected riding school at Oxford, 11.183 a n d »2, 187 and 712, 188, 189, 193, 194, 195, a n , 218, 219, 223, 233, 260, 268721, 293, 300, 303, 308 and 72i, 3og; forced to sell his horses, 11.236724 Carter, Elizabeth, Bluestocking, 1.17

iv. 191726 Cator, John, timber merchant, 111.50 and 723, 216722, iv.96, g8, 163 and 223, 275, 276 and 715, 3 1 8 ; named trustee of Hester Thrale's estate, 11.587219, 2 5 3 - 5 4 and 778; and G. Baretti, 11.3667216; as executor of Henry Thrale's will, 111.330726, 3 3 1 and 225, 90



334' 3 4 1 a n d W2; and brewery negotiations, 111.339, 341 and «2, 345 and ni, 3 5 2 - 5 3 ; and election results, iv.316 and 713; ment. as guardian of Thrale children, iv.337 and 773, 339771; H. M. Thrale lives with, iv.3397(1, 391 Caulfeild, James see Charlemont, 1st Earl of Caulfield, Miss, in.10 and 712 Cave, Edward, bookseller: and Sarpi project, 1 . 1 2 - 1 3 and 774; ment., 1.24/21, 25, 58 and 228, 143/21; and Mr. Urban, 1 . 3 2 - 3 3 , 33716; and C. Lennox, 1.47 and 775; death of, 1.126 and 773; heirs, 1.128774 — LETTERS: 1.5-7, 22, 34, v.3—4 Cave, Richard, printer, 1.143771, 144 and 773, 145, 146 — L E T T E R : 1.127 Cave, William, printer, 1.128 and 774, 1 3 1 , 144 and 7t4, 145 — L E T T E R : 1.127 Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 111.25 and 773, 359; resignation of, iv.59 and 771; ment., iv. 109771 Cavendish, Lord George, 11.152716,

Celtic language, 1.152716 Chamberlaine, Frances see Sheridan, Frances Chamberlaine Chamberlayne, Edward, author, 1.72719 Chambers, Anne, mother of Robert, 1.287 and 773, 11.507126, 68 and 714 Chambers, Catherine (Kitty), maid, 1 1 7 5 and 772, 180, 1 8 1 , 182 and ni, 1 8 3 - 8 4 , 185; and house in Lichfield, 1.182 and ni, 263; ment., 1.187, 196> 209, 2 2 2 - 2 3 , 241; SJ visits during final illness of, 1.241713, 275 and 714, 282772; description of disease of, 1.282—84; death of, 1.283775, 293, 316774 Chambers, Ephraim, lexicographer, 1 . 2 1 and 7 1 2 , 1 1 . 4 and 712, iv.393 and 774 Chambers, Frances Wilton, Lady (wife of Sir Robert), in.203, v.8—9 andre1; marriage of, 11.127 A N D 712; letter from, ment., 11.236, 244, 245; and G. Baretti, 11.244 a n d 774; and death of son, iv.215 and 777 Chambers, Hannah, sister of Robert, 1.287 and 773 Chambers, Richard, banker, brother of Robert, 11.68 and 774, i v . 5 7 - 5 8

in.25 and 713, 359, iv.62771; resignation of, and ni; ment., iv.109771 Cavendish, Lord John, in.25 and 773, 359, iv.62 and 7ii; resignation of, iv.59 and TU; ment., iv.iogni Cavendish, William ( 1 6 4 0 - 1 7 0 7 ) see Devonshire, 1st Duke of Cavendish, William ( ? i 6 g 8 - i 7 5 5 ) see Devonshire, 3d Duke of Cavendish, William ( 1 7 4 8 - 1 8 1 1 ) see Devonshire, 5th Duke of Cawdor Castle (Nairn), 11.64/211 Cebes of Thebes, putative author of Tabula, 1.11 and 723 Cecil, James see Cranbourne, Viscount Cecilia (F. Burney), 111.364/26, iv.96 and n6; SJ requests copy of, v.3 and n 1 Celsus, Aulus Cornelius, n.34 and ns

- LETTER: iv.57—58 Chambers, Sir Robert, Kt., jurist: and Vinerian professorship and Vinerian lectures, 1.160-62, 1 6 4 - 6 5 , 2 7 6 - 7 7 , 282771, 288, 288711, 293771, 320 and n2, 322/73, 333/71, 4 1 3 ; ment., 1 . 2 0 5 6, 245723, 303, 304, 305 and 723, 3 3 7 , 11.125, m.5/25, 112/21, iv.445, v.g/71; and East India Company, 1 . 2 7 7 - 7 8 ; and P. Carmichael, 11.3 and 722,6, 124; trip to India ment., 11.41 and 77/24,5, 86 and n/22-4, 147; travels with SJ, 11.45, 4 6 - 4 7 and 722, 50/226; 1 1 . 1 2 0 21, 138,111.5/25, 203, i v . i 2 4 - 2 g , 214— 16; SJ's intention to visit, 11.120/21; and The Club, 11.126/21; marriage of, 11.127 a r ) d «2; brings SJ's letter to W. Hastings, 11.135—36, 137; in Calcutta,





Chambers, Sir Robert (cont.) II.236; politics and, i v . 5 7 - 5 8 and MM 1 - 3 , 5 , 6 2 - 6 3 and nS; sent revised set of Lives of the Poets for distribution, iv.123 and rai; as President of the Asiatic Society, iv.i27ra23; and SJ's proposals for Langton's estate, i v . 1 2 8 - 2 9 ; death of son, iv.2i5ra7, 2 2 7 - 2 8 ; and Reynolds portrait of, iv.227 and «5 - L E T T E R S : 1.86-87, 1 1 2 , 1 1 3 - 1 4 , 1 3 8 39, 160-62, 1 6 4 - 6 5 , 190, 192, 195, 2 1 0 - 1 1 , 218, 2 7 5 - 7 8 , 2 8 7 - 8 8 , 336, 358, 390, 11.67-68, 8 5 - 8 6 , 98-99, 1 2 0 - 2 1 , 138, HI.203, i v . 1 2 4 - 2 9 , 2 1 4 16

Charlemont, ist Earl of (James Caulfeild), Irish statesman, 111.10/22 Charles II, King of England, 1.192/22 Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender, 11.80 and M48, 83, 90 and rai6 Charles, J.A.C., balloonist, 1 v.204m Charleton, Walter, M.D.: on Stonehenge, iv.221 and/114 Charlotte Sophia, Queen (wife of George III), 1.382 and ra6, n. 164m, 1 1 1 . 1 5 m ; reaction to Journey, 11.166 and K2; and C. Lennox's Proposals, n.20irai, 202 and n$; and M. Knowles's needlework, n.332ra8; ment. of doctor to, iv.377»2; and C. Burney's History of Music, iv.37g and

Chambers, Thomas Fitzmaurice, son of Sir Robert: death of, iv.215/17, 228

13 Charterhouse, Aldersgate, London, 1.10

Chambers, Sir in.250/114



and m 4 ; and Isaac De Groot, 111.36 and "2- 39

Chambers's Cyclopadia see Cyclopcedia, or an Universal Dictionary Chamier, Anthony, financier and M.P., 1.352 and ra5, 11.171 and «2, 329/19, III.27/12, 34; and anticipated FrancoSpanish invasion, 111.180; SJ visits, 111.182/17 , Chandler, Richard, D.D., author, 11.209 and rag

Chatham, 1st Earl of (William Pitt), I a6 - 4 and ra7, 277/12 Chatsworth (estate), 1.411 and rara3,4; SJ visits ' ' - 4 1 1 . 4 ^ . iv-397 and rai, 409 and ra3; J B visits, 111.79 and rai7 Chatterton, Thomas, poet: and "Rowley" manuscripts, 11.332 and rag, 336 and raq, 339/26, iv.14 and rai , , chess (game), v.24 and n% :8 \ a Chessmgton, 111.364/16 chester: J B vlsits> l n . l g l and nll>

Chapel of St. Moluag (Raasay), 11.89 and rai2 Chaplin, Charles, of Lincolnshire, 111.59 and

" 4 . 86 Chapone, Hester Mulso (Mrs. John), poet and essayist, 111.240 and /12; and Lord Carlisle's manuscript, iv.10, 2 5 1 - 5 2 ; ment., iv.242 and «4 - L E T T E R S : IV. 10, 245, 2 5 1 - 5 2 Chapone, John (husband of Hester), 111.240/12 "Character of a Good Parson, The" (Dryden), 1^325/21 Characters Historical and Panegyrical (Perrault), 111.61/26


214/21 Chester, Bishop of ( 1 7 7 1 - 7 7 ) see Markham, William Chester, Bishop of ( 1 7 7 6 - 8 7 ) see Porteus, Beilby Chesterfield, 4th Earl of (Philip Dormer Stanhope), 1.28 and M5, m.230 and N L . S J on patronage of, 1.94-97 _ L E T T E R : 1.94-97 Chesterfield, 5th Earl of (Philip Stanhope): and Dodd case, 111.25/23 Chetwood, William Rufus, author and prompter at Drury Lane Theatre, 1 . 2 3 - 2 4 and rei5



Cheyne, George, M.D., 11.118 and 212, 2 5 7 - 5 8 andrag,348 andn2,111.304m child-rearing, 1.325; see also parents and parental authority "Chloe Jealous" (Prior), n.24g and 221 Cholmondeley, George James (later 1st Marquess of Cholmondeley), 111.87 and ni Cholmondeley, Mary Woffington (Mrs. Robert): ment., 111.87221, iv.41, 2 1 7 ; recommends artist T. Hickey, 111.282 and m , 283; SJ dines with, 111.290; proposed move to Wales, i v . 2 1 1 - 1 2 — L E T T E R : 111.22-23 Cholmondeley, Rev. Robert, 111.22221 Cholmondeley, Robert Francis, son of Mary and Rev. Robert: death of, 111.22 and 224 Chotusitz, Battle of see Czaslau, Battle of Christ Church, Oxford, 1.722m,8,g Christianity: i.26g; see also religion Christian Morals (Browne), 1.132 and 223, 133 Christ's Hospital (London), HI. 1 1 2 - 1 3 and 22222,3; ar *d charity for blind, I I . 1 5 2 - 5 3 and m Chronicle, or Customs of London (Arnold), III.293221 Chudleigh, Elizabeth see Kingston, Dowager Duchess of Churchill, Charles, poet, 1.1737213 Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Tully), 1.12, 221 and 724, 3 1 0 and 727710,12; quoted, 1.372772,11.335777,111.308775, iv.360722; ment., iv.352 and 223 Cirillo, Domenico, physician and botanist, iv.32 and 274 Clandestine Marriage, The (Colman and Garrick), 1.285721 Clapp, Rev. Joseph, 1 . 3 1 5 m Clapp, Mary (Mrs. Joseph), 1.315 and M?7i,2, 334, 353, 385; ment., 1.350 Clare, Viscount (Robert Nugent), 1.356 and 226


Clarendon, 1st Earl of (Edward Hyde), 1.77 and n 1, 11.183222, 111.110 and 774 Clarendon Press, i.246mo, 11.305713 Clarissa (Richardson), 1.70224, 752210, 11.328 and 225; SJ on need for index, 1.47-48 and ram,2, 75; translations of, 1.93 and n6; SJ alludes to, 111.138 and 222 Clark, Richard, attorney: and P. Carmichael, 11.3 and 223, 6, 124; and Essex Head Club, iv.257772, 258, 278 - L E T T E R S : 11.5-6, 124, 1 1 1 . 1 1 2 - 1 3 , 1 2 0 - 2 1 , iv.92-93, 258, 278 Clarke, Godfrey Bagnall, 11.152226 Clarke, John, brother of Samuel, 1.63229 Clarke, John, of Sandford, Somerset, m. 14222 Clarke, John, schoolmaster, 1.217226 Clarke, Rev. Samuel, 1.63 and 229 Clement IX (Pope), iv.a39229 Cleone (Dodsley), 1 . 1 7 2 - 7 3 and 22228-12 Cleonice, Princess of Bithynia (Hoole), 11.159-60 and 22221-3, 1 7 2 - 7 3 and 22222,3, J 7 5 Clerke, Sir Philip Jennings see Jennings Clerke, Sir Philip Clive, Catherine ("Kitty"), actress, 1.111)13 Club, The (Essex Head Club) see Essex Head Club Club, The (Ivy Lane Club) see Ivy Lane Club Club, The (Literary Club): founding of and membership expansion, 1.251 and 222; attendance of Burke, 1.264; SJ on various members' attendance, 1.265; SJ on its holding together well, 1.267 and 778; ment., 1.352, 11.26, 27, 156, 111.6, 42, 99, 1 1 6 and ?22, 329221; SJ attends, 1.356, 11.175, !95> iv.96, 138, 164 and 774, 166, 167, 3 3 5 and 772; seeking new members, 11.126—27 and m ; new members added, 11.128, 111.12 and 22227,8; and Goldsmith's epitaph, 11.330 and 22221-4; session to






Club, The (cont.) commence with session of Parliament, hi. 132, 142; SJ on its heterogeneity, iv. 1267719 — MEMBERS: Althorp, Viscount, iv.96; Banks, J., 1.386771, in.132775, 142; Barnard, T., m.6ni; Beauclerk, T., 1.192712; Bingham, C. (1st Baron Lucan), 111.84772; Boswell, J., 11.27 a r | d n 1; Bunbury, Sir C., 11.128 and' 774; Burke, E., 11.26773, 128713, iv.96; Burney, C., 1.102771; Chambers, R., 1.86771; Chamier, A., 1.352775; Charlemont, 1st Earl of (J. Caulfeild), in. 10712; Dunning, J., (1st Baron Ashburton), 11.286712, in.42; Dyer, S., I.265 a n d 7711; Eliot, E., 111.198784; Farmer, R., 1.335771; Fordyce, G., II.128 and 775; Fox, C., 11.128 and 723; Gibbon, E., 11.129771; Goldsmith, O., 1.251772, 265, 11.126771, 129771; Hawkins, Sir J., 1.265 and 7212; Jones, Sir W., iv.126; Langton, B., 1.251772; Macartney, G., 111.213 and 724; Malone, E., iv. 13721; Nugent, C., 1.265

Colebrooke, Sir George, 2d Bt., M.P., director and chairman of the East India Company, 1.357 and 715 Colet, John, Dean of St. Paul's, iv.i3i?7i "Colin's Complaint" (Rowe): quoted, 111.67 and raio; ment., 111.235, 237 Coll, Isle of, 11.98, 99 and 772; arrival on, 11.100; description of, 11.101 Collection of the Moral and Instructive Sentiments, Maxims, Cautions, and Reflexions, Contained in the Histories of Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir Charles Grandison (Richardson), 1.75779 Collet, Matthew, SJ's barber, iv.92-93 and 712 Collier, Arthur, lawyer and classicist: epitaph for, 111.126 and 772; ment., 111.127774 Collier, George, R.N., 1 . 2 4 6 - 4 7 and 712 Collier, Mary, relative of SJ: dispute over division of her mother's estate, IV.I6T21, 53, 56, 60, 62, 64, 7477723,4, 75,76,93,94,101,105-772724-6,141 Collier, Mary Dunn see Flint, Mary Dunn Collier

and 7713; Palmerston, Viscount, iv. 164 and 774; Percy, T., 1.190771; Reynolds, Sir J., 1.251772, 265, 11.330 and 722; Shipley, J., 11.335 a n c ' 723; Steevens, G., 1.254723, 11.126—27, 128, 129; Vesey, A., 11.26 and 773; Windham, W., iv. 140721 Cobb, Mary Hammond (Mrs. Thomas), sister of Felicia Adey: ment., 1.301 and 724, 3 1 7 , 343, 364, 11.224, 229, 230, 2 3 1 , 263 and 721, 282, HI.149, 160, 166, 365, iv. 15, 22, 167, 294, 357 Cobb, Thomas, Lichfield mercer, I.301724 Cocker, Edward, mathematician, II.677230 Cocker's Arithmetick, 11.67 a n d 7230 Coffey, Charles, 11.81722 Coirechatachen (Skye), 11.79—80 and 7744, 817752, iv.73726, 2157212

Collier, Sophia, relative of SJ: dispute over division of her mother's estate, IV.I6T21, 53, 56, 60, 62, 64, 7477723,4, 75, 76, 93, 94, 101, 105—772724—6, 141 Collins, Rev. John, Shakespearean commentator, iv.308 and 725 Collins, William, poet, 1.77-7872773-5, 88, 89, 91, 11.214 and 729, 111.227 and 72721,2; and Lives of the Poets, 111.233725, 254,301 Colman, George, playwright, 1.1997210; concern over She Stoops to Conquer, 11.25 a n d 725; and S. Foote, 11.366 and 72ig - L E T T E R S : 1.285-86, 320—21 Colquhoun, Sir James, Bt. (25th of the Colquhouns), 11.109721, 1 1 0 and 772 Colquhoun, Ludovick, son of Sir James, 11.110 and 723 Columba, St., 11.1067223


COLVILLE Colville, John, servant, iv. 1 1 2 and wi Colyear, Charles see Portmore, 2d Earl of Commemoration of Handel (C. Burney) see Account of the .. . Commemoration of Handel Commentaire (de Crousaz): SJ's translation of, 1 . 2 0 - 2 1 and 722 Commentary on the Four Evangelists (Pearce), in. 131718 Commentary on the Psalms (Home), II.138711 Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England (Nelson), 111.158 and 713, 159 and 712 Companion to the Play House (Baker), 1.290715 Compleat Angler, The (Walton), 11.139 and 725



"Considerations on Corn" (Johnson), 1.276714 Considerations touching the Usefulness of Experimental Natural Philosophy (Boyle), iv.54714 controversies and quarrels: method of solving "vexatious affair" between E. Cave, T. Warren and Dr. R. James, 1.25—27; "an agreement can only be made by a communication of your thoughts," 1.27; on reconciling variances and interposing in controversies, 1.27; and W. Huggins, 1.85-86, 2 1 5 ; between D. Garrick and R. Dodsley, 1.172 and 779; between G. Colman and D. Garrick, 1.285711; and E. Langton, 1.359, 3 7 3 - 7 4 ; involving P. Carmichael, 11.3721, 124, 111.139, 140; G. Baretti and T. Davies "have had a furi-

Complete System of Astronomical Chronology (Kennedy), in. 169775


Compton, Rev. James, librarian: admission into Church of England, i v . 7 7 78; and dedication of his book, iv.82, 85; SJ recommends for position at St. Paul's School, iv.131 and 722 - L E T T E R S : iv.77-78, 82, 85 ,, ,„,.. , _Q Comus (Milton), iv. 178721 „ . . , „ 1• , Confession of Faith . . . Translated into the ... . , , , , Irish by the Synod of Argyle, 0.150727

"4- 25; and O. Goldsmith and G. Col' » - * 5 and 725; and T. Johnson, N. 1 5 8 and 723, HI. 100; and Rev. J. Coulson,n.8i7andna;betweenW.Langley and J- Taylor, n.244; between J B and his father, 11.364-65,111.215; involving ST, T. Percy, and T. Pennant, ni. 1 133 J

quarrel," 11.9 and 727; between A. Murphy and D. Garrick, 11.23-24 and


Congreve, Rev. Charles, 1.87214, 1 1 5 ; ill health and drinking, 1 1 . 1 6 3 - 6 4 and 72223,4, 198, 301, 302; ment., 11.167, 204; SJ on death of, 111.345 Congreve, John, father of Charles and Richard, 1.82214 Congreve, Richard, friend of SJ, 1.8 and 7214,111.357723 - L E T T E R S : 1.9—11, 1 1 4 - 1 5

14 and ni; between SJ and W.Strahan, , , . „ . in.123 and 221; involving R. Levet, ,. . . in. 127, 139, 140, 189, 209—10; mvolvi n g A. Williams, m. 134, 139, 140, 191, 3 9 , , I v . i 3 7 and 7*8,139 andrag; involvi n g E . Desmoulins, 111.134, 140, 189, l g l , 2 0 g _ 1 0 ; I V . 1 3 7 a n d „8> ,39 a n d n g ; b e t ween C. Lennox and J . Dodsley, m. 138 and 221; between G. and W. Strahan, i v . 7 9 - 8 0 , 1 1 1 ; and T. Davies, v . 4 5 and 771 conversation, 11.238-39 and 725

Congreve, William, playwright, 1.374727, III.H0722; and Lives of the Poets, 111.233225, 254, 262 Conquest of Granada (Dryden), iv.275 and 722

Conway, Francis Seymour see Hertford, 1st Earl of Cook, Capt. James, explorer, 1.386721, 111.50 and 725, 1^332722; and J . Burney, 111.317725




Cooke, Elizabeth Anne see Way, Elizabeth Anne Cooke Cooke, William, biographer, 1 1 1 . 9 3 m l , IV.4OM4 Cooke, William, D.D., Provost of King's College, Cambridge, 111.3222 Cooper, Anthony Ashley see Shaftesbury, 3d Earl of Cooper, Grey, politician, 11.186 and 227 Coote, Sir Eyre, Kt., 11.64 a n d 2214 copyright, 11.125 and n4> 1 2 9 _ 3 I a n d m Copyright Act of 1709,11.125224 Corbet, Andrew, brother of John, 1.4222 Corbet, Sir Corbet, Bt., iv.26it23 Corbet, John, schoolmate of SJ, 1.4 and 772 Cork, Earl of see Orrery, 5th Earl of Cornbury, Viscount (Henry Hyde), 11.183772, 303 and 771, 305 Cornwallis, Frederick, Archbishop of Canterbury, in.39 and 72722,6, 3 2 1 Correggio (Antonio Allegri da Correggio), painter, 111.89271 Correspondence of John Hughes (ed. Duncombe), 111.224 and 772 correspondence see letter writing Corsica: and J B , 1.262775, 273 and 7711, 298 and 77772,3, 3 2 8 Cotterell, Charles, admiral, 1.11 oni Cotterell, Charlotte see Lewis, Charlotte Cotterell Cotterell, Frances ("Calamity"), daughter of Charles, 1.205 and 723, 2 1 4 , in.245 and 716, iv.145 and 774, 229 and 773,321 and 726

cousin of Hester Thrale, 1 1 . 1 4 8 m ; as colonel in army, 111.128228, 129; and Thrale estate, 111.251726 Cotton, Rowland, admiral, cousin of Hester Thrale, 1.414222 Cotton, Sidney Arabella, aunt of Hester Thrale, 11.332 and 226, m.73 and 229, 236, 238; ment., in.80, 83, 229; F. Burney on, 111.228 and 224 Coulson, Rev. John, 1.245223, 336 and 222, 111.46; ment., 11.216, 2 1 7 , 220, 268 and 221 Council of the Royal Academy, iv. 112772 Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy (Helsham), 1.72 and 228 Covent Garden Theatre, 1.1722210, 28572221,3, 320723, 11.24774, in.201725 Coventry: SJ at, 111.165 Cowley, Abraham, poet, 1.101226, 374274; and Lives of the Poets, 111.812713, 83772, 1 2 2 and 722; quoted, 111.308723, iv.72 and 723 Cowley, Father William, 11.272725, 336, iv.304 and 721, 346 and 226 Cowpar (Fife), 11.55 Coxeter, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas (the elder): 1.357 a n t ' ra3> 11.363 Coxeter, Thomas (the elder), writer, I -357 an< 3 n4'> ment., 11.362 Coxeter, Thomas (the younger), 1.357; SJ seeks medical help for, 11.362 and 724, 363Coxheath Camp, Kent, 111.128 and 228, 129; George III visits, 111.132226 Crabbe, Rev. George, poet, iv. 116—17

- LETTER: 1 . 1 1 0 - 1 1

a n d 72221-4,

Cotton, Elizabeth Aston (Mrs. Rowland), 1.414772 Cotton, Sir Lynch Salusbury, 4th Bt.: death of, 11.259-60 and 227; ment., iv.239 and 776 Cotton, Philadelphia, cousin of Hester Thrale, 111.807223 Cotton, Sir Robert Salusbury, 5th Bt.,

1 1



D ni,


Cradock, Joseph, man of letters, iv. 107—8 Craggs, James (the elder), financier, 1.37 and 725 Craggs, James (the younger), friend of Pope, 1.37 and 775 Cranbourne, Viscount (James Cecil) (later 7th Earl of Salisbury), 111.258225 96

CRANBOURNE Cranbourne, Viscountess (Mary Amelia Hill), HI.258 and 715 Crane, Edward, Prebendary of Westminster, 11.335 and n4 Craven, 6th Baron (William Craven), 111.2417110, 291 and rag Craven, Baroness (Elizabeth Berkeley) (wife of 6th Baron) (later Margravine of Anspach), in.241 and raio, 258; SJ to dine with, HI.253 Creation, The (Blackmore), v.32 and (13 Crescimbeni, Giovanni Mario, author, i.g2 and 0,4 Crewe, Frances Anne, iv.23gng Crichley, Jeremiah see Crutchley, Jeremiah Crisp, Samuel ("Daddy"), dramatist and critic, m . 3 1 0 and 723; death of, iv.igg and rai Critical Pronouncing Dictionary (Walker), iv.100724 Critical Review, founder of, 1.72 and RA3; and C. Lennox, 1.136 and rai Criticism on the Elegy written in a Country Churchyard (Young), iv. 168 and 723 Croft, George, schoolmaster and Oxford don, i.2g7 and 714 Croft, Herbert, barrister: and "Life" of Young, hi.322 and 72722,4,5; ment., iv.136-37 - L E T T E R : iv.113 Croker, Rev. Temple Henry, miscellaneous writer, 1.84 and 725, 86 Crosbie, Andrew, advocate, 11.537214 Crouch, Anna Maria Phillips see Phillips, Anna Maria Crouch, Nathaniel, writer and publisher, iv.27i722 Crouch, Rawlings Edward, naval officer, IV.140B3 Crousaz, Jean Pierre de, Swiss theologian, 1.20712 Crowmarsh (estate), Oxfordshire, in.20iandn2 Crown Office Row, 11. i g 5 « 3




Cruikshank, William Cumberland, surgeon: and Royal Academy, i v . 1 3 5 - 3 6 and rai; SJ's request for medical attention from, iv. 183; SJ presents Lives of the Poets to, iv.184; and SJ's testicular sarcocele, iv.ig6-g7, 206, 2 0 7 - 8 , 220, 226, 233; ment., iv.216 —LETTERS: iv.183, 184, 2 0 7 - 8 , 2 1 3 14, 256, 2 8 6 - 8 7 , 3g3~g4 Crutchley, Jeremiah, M.P., 11.184 and 723; legal negotiations for brewery sale, 111.216712, 334, 345 and ni, 352— 53; as executor of Henry Thrale's will, 111.330726; and H. M. Thrale, m.372 and 717; health ment., iv.147; ment. as member of Parliament, iv.316; Hester Thrale borrows money from, iv.318 and «8; ment. as guardian of Thrale children, iv.337 and 213, 339 and rai Cullen, Robert, 11.53727213,14 Cullen, William, M . D . , N . 5 3 R A I 4 , iv. 286726 Cumberland, Duchess of (Anne): ment., 111.283712 Cumberland, Duke of (Henry Frederick): ment., 111.283722 Cumberland, Richard, playwright, 11.318 and 727, 111.195, 201—2, 204; and F. Burney, 111.196 and rai2, 209; alleged financial loss of, 111.205 and 722, 210; The Walloons, iv.33 and 724 Cumming, Thomas, Quaker merchant, 11.140—41 Cummins, Mr., creditor of Henry Thrale's estate, 111.366 and ni Cummins, Mrs. see Cumyns, Elizabeth Thornton Cumyns, Elizabeth Thornton (Betsy), schoolmistress, 11.326721, 111.280, 366721, 367; and L. Carter, 11.195722, 209 Cursory Observations on the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley (Malone), iv. 1 4 m



Curzon, Sir Nathaniel, 5th Bt. see Scarsdale, 1st Baron Cust, Richard, D.D., HI.359771 Cyclopadia, or an Universal Dictionary (Chambers), 1.21712, 11.4 and 77772,3, 293771; dedication, iv.393714 Cymbeline (Shakespeare), IV.205??6 "Cymon and Iphigenia" (Dryden), 111.827715 Czaslau, Battle of, 1.30 and 7219


DEATH 11.161 and 722, 180, 197, 199; ment., iv.141 and 725 Daventry: SJ at, 111.165 David I (of Scotland), 11.52778 Davies, Mrs. Thomas: ment., iv.150, 369 Davies, Thomas, actor and bookseller, 1 2 8 5 and 722, 111.62 and ni, 94, 104 and 77722,3; and G. Baretti, 11.9 and 727; SJ to dine with, 11.195; appointed Printer to Royal Academy, 11.225722, 227; theatre benefit for, 111.110 and 722, 1 1 1 ; success as author, in.302 and 725; ment., iv.54 and 724, 82, 326, 374; SJ's affection for, v . 4 - 5 - L E T T E R S : IV. 1 5 0 , 3 6 8 - 6 9 , v . 4 - 5

Dagge, James, London solicitor, 1.320773 Daily Advertiser, v.8 and 721 Dale, Mrs., 11.244 a n d Dale, Robert, 11.244726 Dalling, Sir John, Bt., Governor of Jamaica, 111.291729 Dalrymple, Alexander, iv.227724 Dalrymple, Sir David see Hailes, Lord Daman, Mary see Warton, Mary Daman Darcy, Robert see Holdernesse, 4th Earl of Darlington, Durham, 11.48-49 and 7717 Darnley, Lord (Henry Stewart): ment., 11.52778 Dartmouth, 2d Earl of (William Legge), m.30 and 723 - LETTER: iv.132 D'Aubigne, Theodore Agrippa, iv. 147 and 726 D'Audiguer, Vital, author, translator, 1.136722 D'Avenant, Corbet see Corbet, Sir Corbet D'Avenant, Hester Salusbury Cotton (Mrs. Corbet), cousin of Hester Thrale, 111.134 and 7212, iv.239, 261723, 3 2 1 ; plans trip with Hester Thrale, 11.222777, 224725, 226 and 727 Davenport, William: SJ secures job for,

Davis, Mrs., companion to A. Williams, ^279 and 728, iv. 199 De Anima Medica (Nicholls), 1 v.335721 De Arte Graphica (du Fresnoy): and W. Mason's translation, iv.i 15721 death, 1.200, 3 0 0 - 3 0 1 , 316, 404 and 771, 11.20-21, 28; on mourning and on death of R. Elphinston, 1.45-46; reiigion and, 1.46, 301 and 722; "hears not supplications, nor pays any regard to the convenience of mortals," 1.110; SJ on report of his own death, 1.118; on death of E. Cave, 1.126 and 723; difference between death by war and death by disease, 1.167; o n ' o s s his mother, 1.176, 1 7 9 - 8 0 , 1 8 1 - 8 2 , 183, 184; SJ hopes that a good life will end in a contented death, 1.200; "we are subject to the general law of mortality, and shall soon be where our doom will be fixed for ever," 1.215; SJ on loss of various friends, 1.215, 111.48, 49, 5 1 ; and L. Porter's brother, 1.220; "on Death we cannot be always thinking," 1.296 and 774; on death of C. Hardinge, 11.296—97; on death of Harry Thrale, 1 1 . 3 1 1 - 1 2 , 3 1 3 - 1 4 ; SJ consoles M. Cholmondeley on loss of son, i n . 2 2 - 2 3 and 72724,5,7; o n death of




Mrs. C. Elphinston, i n . 1 2 1 - 2 2 ; on death of Mrs. Adey, 111.163; hovering over us, 111.169; SJ on death of a spouse (to T. Lawrence), in.223; on death of Henry Thrale, in.330 and

Delap, Rev. John, D.D., poet and playwright, 11.241 and «6,111.196 and >113, 206 Delle arti del disegno (Reynolds, trans, Baretti), 11.366 and 7717

K2, 3 3 1 , 332, 334, 335; and mortality, ment., 111.336; a minute between health and, iv. 15, 23; pleasures of happy death compared to longest life, iv.26; and suicide, lv.40-41 and 72223,7,8, 43; "to die is the fate of man, but to die with lingering anguish is generally his folly," 1 v. 402(7; "we are perpetually within the reach of," iv. 138; when comes would excite less horror, iv.151; passing into another world, iv.168; thoughts on A. Williams's death, iv. 187; on death of a friend, iv.236; must prepare ourselves for, iv.236, 290, 406; frequency of, iv.239—40; on consolations and condolences, i v . 2 5 2 - 5 3 ; "a sinner approaching the grave is not likely to be very cheerful," iv.289; SJ's thoughts of his own, iv.28g, 290; SJ's fear of, iv.312; pass life with attention fixed on eternity, iv.340; "who can run the race with?" iv.358 "Debates in the Senate of Magna Lilliputia," 1.18223 Debates Relative to the Affairs of Ireland (Caldwell), 1.278711 Decision of the Court of Session upon the Question of Literary Property (Boswell), 11.125774 "Declaration of Rights" (manifesto), 11.170723 deforestation, 11.63 and 222, 111.41 and 72ii Deformities of Dr. Samuel Johnson (Callender), iv.28 and 226 De Groot, Isaac, great-grandson of Hugo Grotius, m . 3 6 - 3 7 and 223, 39,

Deluge, The (painting, M. Lowe), i v . 1 2 1 22, 1 2 1 and «2 De I'universalite de la langue fran$aise (Rivarol), 1.32 irai De Medicina (Celsus), 11.34722 Denbigh, Wales, 11.149 a n d n3 Denham, Sir John, Kt.: and Lives of the Poets, 111.83772, 122 and 772 Dennis, John, literary critic, 1 . 5 2 - 5 3 and 728, m.225 and 22223-5 De officiis (Cicero), 1.221 and 214, 31 02222 10,12, in.308215 De Origine Moribus et Rebus Gestis Scotorurn (Lesley), 11.126 and 222 Deplacitisphilosophorum (Plutarch), 1.363222 depression see melancholy and depression Derby: ment., 111.68; J B and SJ visit, 111.70-71 and 224; on china made in, i n . 7 0 - 7 1 and 226 Derby, Rev. John, Rector of Southfleet, in.131 and w8 Derbyshire, 1.347222, 349223, 363, 11.11, in.20 Derbyshire china, i n . 7 0 - 7 1 and 216 De satisfactione Ckristi (Grotius), 111.39725 Descartes, Rene, 1 . 1 1 8 and 727 Description geographique . . . de la Chine (Du Halde), 1.19 and 726 De Senectute (Cicero), 1.372222 "Deserted Village" (Goldsmith), 111.230771 Desmoulins, Elizabeth Swynfen, member of SJ's household, 1.125 and 22724,6, 111.78, 190; and L. Paul's Birmingham mill, 1.124721, 125 and 726; ment., 111.120, 131726, 134, 139, 252, 37 6 > I V 1 9 9 > 250, 426, 4 3 3 ; and C. Lennox, 111.138; relationship with R.

44 De jure belli ac pacis (Grotius), 111.39775 99




Desmoulins, Elizabeth (cont.) Levet, 111.140, 189, 2 0 9 - 1 0 ; SJ on daughter of, HI. 190; relationship with A. Williams, 111.191, iv.137 and nS, 139 and rag; health ment., 111.290 and 72726-8, 296, 300, iv.9 and 712, 15, 23; SJ recommends for Charterhouse position, 111.321 and n5; departure of ment., iv.139, 145, 167


Dialogus de Oratoribus (Tacitus), HI.797112 Diary and Letters of Henry, Second Earl of Clarendon, 11.300721 Dicey, Cluer, printer and bookseller, I - 1 4 1 anc[ „ 2 D i c k j S ir Alexander, 3d Bt„ M.D., 111.41 and nll> ly 2g6 and 2 g l n l ; pre. sented w k h 2 d e d k i o n o f journey>

- LETTER: 11.262 Desmoulins, John (Jack), son of Elizabeth: and employment at Drury Lane, r ' ' HI.131 and 716, 139, 140, 144; ST at^ tempts to find employment for, iv. 132 r ' and 711; ment., iv.145 Desmoulins, Mr. (husband of Eliz. . . . . , abeth), writing master, 1.125 and 715 _ . T , Desormeaux, J.-L. Ripault, 1.150722 r, n. j•• t i / • • /T> \ De Studiis Theologicis (Bentham), ^ II.196711 De Temperamentis (Lawrence), iv.g and n2

11.180711, barb

IV 2 g 2

36472722,3; cultivates rhuand

. ., , ,. . r . Dickens, Mrs., friend or Hester Thrale, . in.204 and 7ii „. ., „ ., Dictionanolum Tnlingue (Ray), 11.200 , ana Dictionanum Saxonico-et Gothico-Latinum (Lye), 1.231 and 71722,4, 250-5171712,3; J ' proposals for, 1 . 2 5 2 - 5 3 and 72222,3; r r .1.1 >J> subscribers, 1 . 2J ^ 2 - 5 3 and 72722,3, 26f; 0 J Dictionary in Englyshe and Welshe (Salesbury), 1.3107213

De Thou, Jacques-Auguste, historian, Dictionary of Ancient Geography (Macdiplomat and bibliophile, 1.65721 bean): SJ writes preface, 1.21 and 722 De Tranquillitate Animi (Seneca), Dictionary of the English Language III.354721 (Johnson): and A. Macbean, 1.21222; Devonshire: SJ and Reynolds trip to, partners in contract for, 1.40 and 724, 1.2067212, 2 1 5 m ; Sir J . Reynolds in, 4 1 ; SJ works on, 1.42723, 43721, 82221; 111.308 and 724 partners "blockade," 1.50—51 and Devonshire, Duchess of (Georgiana 71721,2,4; culling of quotations comSpencer) (wife of 5th Duke), 111.24721, pleted, 1.65722; manuscript copy, 1.73 26 and 724, 130 and 722; ment., iv.33; and 72721,6; completion of first two volSJ visits at Chatsworth, iv.397, 398 umes, 1.81 and 725; plan for Oxford and 725, 409723 M.A. in time for inclusion on title page, Devonshire, 1st Duke of ( 1 6 4 0 - 1 7 0 7 ) 1.88 and 723, 8g, 90; Lord Chester(William Cavendish), 1.41172723,4 field's advance publicity for, 1.95-97; Devonshire, 3d Duke of (?i6g8—1755) publication of, 1.100 and 715, 109228; (William Cavendish), 1.28725, 2g and SJ on reviews, 1.101 and 727; C. Bur7210,31 and 722, 111.25723 ney on, 1.102-372721-5, 157 and 723; Devonshire, 5th Duke of ( 1 7 4 8 - 1 8 1 1 ) and S. Johnson, 1.104 a n d n4< SJ on (William Cavendish), 111.24 a n d n l < making of, 1.105, 1 Q 6; 2d edition, 2 5 - 2 6 , 130722, 35g; ment., iv.62 and 1.109 and 728; co-publisher, 1.129725; F. 722; SJ visits at Chatsworth, iv.397, Greville on, 1.129-30225; critics of, 398, 399726, 409223; and J. Taylor, 1.157 a n d 725; and D. Garrick, 1.274 v.24711 and 72i; 4th edition, 1.382 and 723, 390




and MI, 392, 393M1, 3 9 6 - 9 7 , 11.8-9 and «6, 14, 30 and M2; printing of 1st edition, v.22 and wi Dictionary of Trade and Commerce (Rolt), I.360M1 Dilly, Charles, bookseller: ment., II.30m,







Dodsley, James, bookseller, brother of Robert, IV.277M4; offer for T. Percy's Reliques, 1.191M4; and C. Lennox, 111.138m; and Irene, iv.441 Dodsley, Robert, bookseller, 1 . 1 5 and nn2,6, 16, 17—18, 40M4, 109 and M7, 150-51,


1 7 8 M 5 ; death


dine with, 1 1 . 1 9 4 , 3 3 0 M 4 , 3 3 1 M 3 ; a n d

wife, 1 . 9 0 a n d « 6 ; a n d T . Percy's

trade practices, 1 1 . 3 0 6 a n d n6, 3 0 7 - 8

liques, 1 . 1 9 0 - g i a n d M4, 1 9 5 M 3 ; S J re-

and M7; SJ dines with, iv.325 - L E T T E R S : I I I . 1 7 7 , 355, i v . 2 7 0 - 7 1 Dilly, Edward, bookseller, 11.30m, 192 and M3, 2 1 0 7 7 1 3 , 330774, 3 3 I M 3 ; ment.,

quests "sheets" of edition of Shakespeare, v.5 and MI - L E T T E R S : 1.40—41, v.5 Dolben, Sir William, 3 d Bt., M.P.,




disappointment, 11.234 Discourses on Art (Reynolds): and Baretti translation, 11.366 and M17 Dissenters Bill (1773), 11.13 and ra8 Dissertation on the Prophecies (Newton), i.2i6w6, 11.6 Dissertations on the Ancient History of Ireland (O'Conor), 1.151 and 77Mi,4; revised edition, 111.237*3 Dixie, Willoughby, son of Sir Wolstan, iv.62712, 64 Dixie, Sir Wolstan, 4 t h Bt., 1.4 a n d M6, 3 1 , IV.62M2

Dolphin (ship), i.386«3 Donaldson, Alexander, 11.125M4 Don Quixote: Baretti's translation, 11.9M7 Dorset, 3d Duke of (John Frederick Sackville), 1.372712 Double Falsehood (Theobald), 111.166774 Douglas, Duchess of (Margaret Dougl a s ) (wife of 1st Duke), 11.53 a « d n l ° Douglas, 1st Duke of (Archibald Dougn 53^10 Douglas, John: and establishment of 0 x f o r d

r i d i n g

s c h o o l



3 0 3


3 Q 5

Dobson, Matthew, M.D., I V . I 4 7 M 6 , 2 4 9 and M2, 2 5J 0

— LETTERS: 11.300, 3 0 3 - 4 „ , „

Dobson, Susannah (Mrs. Matthew), . . writer, IV. 147 and M6 , .. i/i ,, j „ t Docksey, Merrial (later Mrs. James Pat, , „ •, „ . , ton), niece of David Garrick, 111.215 and 773

Douglas Cause, 111.76M3 ^ , , ^ , ,. Dovedale, Derbyshire, 1.349 and n% Drake, Sir Francis, Kt., soldier and explorer, 1.348 and M7 ' Dramatic Works of Shakespeare, with Notes

Doctrines of a Middle State (Campbell), 11 109M3

(Rann), III.IOOMI Dromore, Bishop of see Percy, Rev.

Dodd, Rev. William, LL.D.: forgery case


of, 111.25 a n d M3, 2 7 - 2 8 M 7 7 1 - 3 , 2 9 m ,


30, 3 1 - 3 2 and M771,2, 49, 58, 128, 283H2; death sentence, m . 3 3 - 3 4 and

Drummond, Alexander Monro, physician, 1.168 and M4, i6gM7?7,8, 2 8 1 ,

The (Addison), 1 1 1 . 2 2 6 and M2

n . 3 5 0 a n d MM4,6 - L E T T E R S : III.30, 3 2 - 3 3

Doddy see Dodsley, Robert Dodsley, Catherine Iserloo Robert): death of, 1.90 and n6



Drummond, Robert Hay, Archbishop of York, 11.193 a n d " 4 . 3 1 5 and 775, 219 Drummond, William, Edinburgh book-



Drummond, William (cont.) seller: ment., 11.51, 350 and 715 - L E T T E R S : 1 . 1 6 8 - 6 9 , 268—71, 2 8 0 - 8 1 , 289-90 Drury LaneTheatre, 1.17222, 23227211,13, 80729, 124713, 252722, 2 8 5 m , 320723, II.24)24; and J . Desmoulins, 111.131216, 139, 144; R. B. Sheridan sells his share of, iv.33 and 226 Dryden, John, 1.374223, 375221, 111.8224; quoted, 11.231—32 and 226, 111.792215, 82 and 7215,90222, 205226, 2 1 8 and 2210, 276227, iv.251 and 223, 275222, 325221; and controversy with E. Settle, m. 1 2 0 21 and m ; and Lives of the Poets, h i . 1 2 0 - 2 1 , 122, 124 and 22?21 —4, 143227; Lord Hailes's description of, III.182 and 226 Dublin, Ireland, 1.170 Dublin, University of: SJ's degree from, I.257 and 222 Du Fresnoy, Charles Alphonse, painter and poet, iv. 1 1 5 m Du Halde, Jean Baptiste, author, 1.19 and 726 Duke, Richard, poet: and Lives of the Poets, 111.146 and 221 Dunbar, James, Professor of Philosophy, 111.282 and 725, 304, 328773 Dunbuy, Aberdeenshire, 11.61 Duncan, William: and Ossian controversy, 11.168723 Dunciad, The (Pope), 111.166724 Duncombe, John, miscellaneous writer, 111.224222 Dundee, Scotland, 11.56-57 Dunk, George Montagu see Halifax, 2d

Dunvegan (Skye): arrival and stay at, 11.71 and 713, 91—92, 1147220 Du Puy, Jacques, Parisian bookseller, 1.65m Du Puy, Pierre, Parisian bookseller, 1.65m Durham, 11.49 a n d 222218,19 Durham Cathedral, 11.49222219,20 Durham Yard, London, 1.26m Dury, Maj. Gen. Alexander, 1 . 1 6 6 - 6 7 and m Dury, Mrs. Alexander (wife of MajorGeneral), 1.166m Dyer, John, poet: and Lives of the Poets, 111.224222 Dyer, Samuel, classical scholar, 1.265 and 2211; SJ directs F. Reynolds to buy engraving of, in.192 and 222; death of, iv.126 and 7216; death ment., ^.259226, 3 1 7 Dyott, Catherine Herrick (Mrs. Richard), 11.238 and 723, 244 and 226, in.60 and 273 Dyott, Richard, of Lichfield, 11.238723, 244 and 726, 111.60 and 223

Earl of Dunn, John, innkeeper, father of Mary Dunn Collier Flint, iv.74 and 724, 76 Dunning, John see Ashburton, 1st Baron Dunvegan, House of: and SJ's mistaken statement concerning clan supremacy, II.203, 206

and politics, iv.248 and 221 Easy Phraseology for the Use of Young Ladies (Baretti), 11.339725 Eclogues (Virgil): quoted, 11.228725, 111.77226, iv. 1392211 Ecole des femmes, L' (Moliere), 111.88723 Edgar and Emmeline (Hawkesworth), 11.356221

Earl of Somerset (Lucas), in. 21 and 723 E a s t India Bill, 1 v.248221, 277724, 291722 East India Company, 1 . 2 7 7 - 7 8 and 222, 357 and 725, 392723, iv.58t22; and J. Hoole, 111.323222, 324 and 726; and S. Dyer's investments, iv.126 and 7216;





Edgcumbe, 3d Baron (George Edgcumbe) (later 1st Earl of Mt. Edgcumbe), 111.213725 Edgcumbe, Baroness (Emma Gilbert) (wife of 3d Baron), 111.213 and 225

tic, iv.133, 138, 1 4 2 - 4 3 , 176; take all opportunities, iv.302; see also knowledge; reading Edwards, Edward, classical scholar, Vice-Principal of Jesus College, Ox-

Edial Academy, i . i o n n , 2322274,11 Edinburgh: SJ visits in 1773, 11.41 and 77715,7, 43> 4®» 5 1 ' 5 2 - 5 3 ; food in, 11.96; SJ ment. he soon hopes to get to, 11.99, 1 G O ! and J B , 111.214711 Edinburgh, University of, 11.52726 Edinburgh Gazette, iv.28727

ford: kindness shown during SJ's stay in Oxford, iv.51, 52, 5 5 - 5 6 and 713; death ment., iv.214, 329; and edition ofXenophon's Memorabilia, iv.304 and 77772,3, 3 4 5 - 4 6 and 77774,5 — LETTER: 1 1 1 . 1 3 5 - 3 6 Edwards, Rev. Thomas, curate,

education: on drawing up a plan of education for use in teaching, 1.10; advises S. Ford to read classics and study Latin, 1 . 1 1 - 1 2 ; on J . Elphinston's scheme for education, 1 . 1 6 8 69; advice to G. Strahan, 1.217—18, 219, 2 2 0 - 2 1 , 2 3 4 - 3 5 , 248; on learning to write by writing, 1 . 2 2 0 - 2 1 ; advice to J B , 1.238-40; advice to W. Strahan concerning his son George, I.244-46; cost in 1764 of Oxford education, 1.245-46; and knowledge of Christian doctrine, 1.269; "he that voluntarily continues ignorance is guilty of all the crimes which ignorance produces," 1.269; importance of language study, 1 . 2 6 9 - 7 1 , iv.127; "you can never be wise unless you love read' ing, 1.350; advice to IB our minds 0 , cannot be empty, 1.363; on St. AnR J 0 / , drews University, 11.56; on Kings „ ». , A College, Aberdeen, 11.59; on A. , , „ ... ^ ,• u Macaulay s— send him to an English , ,„ , a • school, 11.213 and no; on necessity of providing "innocent amusement," II.223; on intellectual growth and

11.190222 Edwards, Thomas, literary critic, 1.7022723,4 Eglinton, Countess of (Susanna Kennedy), 11.116 and 7235 Eglinton, 1 ith Earl of (Archibald Montgomerie), in. 12773, 102 and 22223,4 Egremont, 2d Earl of (Sir Charles Wyndham), 1.231721 Eld, John, 1.29 and 229 Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady (Pope), iv. 187226 Elements of Criticism (Kames), v. 14 and 771 Elements of Elocution (Walker), iv. 100724 E l g i n > Morayshire, 11.63 and 77777,8 E i g i n C a t h e d r a l , 11.63 and 727 „.., , . _ . , w Ehbank, 5th Baron (Patrick Murray), , , „ , „ lawyer and army officer, 1.363 and no „ ' - LETTER: 11.68-69 „ , , „ „ Eliot, Edward (later 1st Baron Eliot), 111.198 and 224

mind's need for "new subjects of meditation," n.261; on experience v. youth, 11.263-64; on early childhood education—"let the child alone," 11.327 and 778; importance of religious education, i n . 2 1 1 ; advice toR. Chambers on Asiatic study, 1 v. 127 and 7223; and arithme-

Eliza see Carter, Elizabeth Ellis


and Eloisa



' William, headmaster, 1.350 ™3> 3 5 3

t0 Abelard (Pope), 11.1062219 Elphinston, Clementina (Mrs. James): death of, 111.121 and n\ Elphinston, James, translator and schoolmaster: ment., 1.168774, 16972777,8, 281, 11.25 a n d n4', SJ's condolences on death of wife, i n . 1 2 1 - 2 2




Elphinston, James (cont.) -LETTERS: 1.42, 4 5 - 4 6 , 5 7 - 5 8 , in.121 —22, v.5 Elphinston, Margaret Penelope see Strahan, Margaret Penelope Elphinston Elphinston, Rachel Honeyman (wife of Rev. William), mother of James, 1.45 and 722 Elphinston, Rev. William, 1.45772 Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1.1 m i Enchiridion Militis Christiani (Erasmus), 111.82 and 7718 Endeavour (ship), 1.38671773,4 English Chapel (Edinburgh), 11.52 and 773 English Malady, or a Treatise of Nervous Disease of All Kinds (Cheyne), 11.348 and 712 English proverbs: quoted, 111.199729, 290 and 724 Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Taste, and of the Origin of Our Ideas of Beauty, etc. (F. Reynolds), IV.H6T21, 3 1 1 and 721; SJ's criticism of, 111.355-56 and J • JJJ J 72221,2, i v .J3 0 -J3 1 and 72222-4; cost of ^ publishing, and Si's suggestions, . . . . iv.323; decision not to print, iv.327 Epigrams (Martial), 111.92723 ., . „ .. . ^ , Epilogue to the Satires (Pope): quoted,



Ernest Augustus, Prince: birth of, 1.382716 Errol, Countess of (Isabella Carr) (wife of 15th Earl), 11.61m 1 Errol, 15th Earl of (James Boyd), 11.61 and 22778,1 1, 63 Erse language (Scots Gaelic), 1.269 and «2, 270717, 11.266 Erskine, Sir Henry, 5th Bt., soldier, 1.208713 Essay of Health and Long life (Cheyne), 11.118772 Essay on Man (Pope): quoted, 111.363773, 374™4> iv.iam, 192711, 321774 Essay on Mr. Hume's Essay on Miracles (Adams), 1.80226 Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare (Farmer), 1.335721 Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, An (Beattie), 1.382221 £ssay gn (he Qrigin> ProgT(^ and £stab_ Mlment ofNational Society (S hebbeare), v27722 ,, ,, ,,, , „ r n^ tssay on the Writings and Genius oj Pope „ . , /T (J. Warton), 1.133—34 and 72i _ ,„ r e , Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shake° spear (Montagu), 1.185721 . Essay y on Truth (Beattie), 1.393 and ni Essays on the History of Mankind (Dun-

Epimetheus (Greek myth), 1.413721 Epistles (Horace): quoted, 1.358221, II.71225, 111.48725, 104726, 202228, 215722, iv.347 and ?22, 370 and 222 Epistle to Cobham (Pope), IV.153M21 "Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot" (Pope), III.258722 Epistolae Ho-elianae (Howell), 111.727212 epitaph: on Hogarth's by Garrick, 1.383-85 Epitaphs (Pope), 111.324 and 222 Epsom, Surrey: SJ visits, 111.182227 Erasmus, humanist, 111.82 and «i8; quoted, iv.36o?22 Ercilla, Alonso de, poet, v. 16223



' m-a8an5 Essays Upon Several Subjects (Blackmore), m.260 and 773 Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical language (Wilkins), iv. 176 and 72223,4 Essay upon Unatural Flights in Poetry (Granville), 111.246 and 222 Essex Head Club, iv.284-85, 308, 3 1 7 , 332 and 223, 3 3 5 and 721, 345 and 223, 3 5 1 and 724, 390 and 724, 395 and 723, 401 and 222,416 and ni; establishment of, iv.256—57; absentee fine, iv.257, 278, 308, 324, 378,404, 406; SJ's poor health prevents his attendance,






iv.279-80 and 727, 319; rules of, rv.280 and «7 -MEMBERS: Barrington, D., 1v.24.ore2; Barry, J., iv.i2orei; Boswell, J., iv.257112, 345; Bowles, W., 111.245714, iv.289 and re2; Brocklesby, R., iv.257; Clark, R., iv.257772, 258, 278; Hoole, J., iv.278, 395 and 713; Jodrell, R. P., III.229778, iv.257772; Murphy, A., iv.257«2; Nichols, J., iv.257722; Paradise, J., 11.1947212, iv.257722; Ryland, J., iv.351 and 774, 4 1 6 and rei; Sastres, F., iv.3771; Strahan, W., iv.345

vern Waters (Wall), 1.361 and rem,2, 366/15 Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament (Wesley), 11.290 and rei Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament (Wesley), 11.290 and 771 Eyles, Mr., 11.17775, 20, 22 and 723

and 724; Windham, W., 1 v. 140721, 257722 Estaing, Comte d' (Jean-BaptisteCharles-Henri d'Estaing), 111.213 and

111.249727 Fabricius, Johann Albert, classical scholar, 1.3127728 Fairfax, Edward, poet, 1 1 1 . 1 1 6 - 1 7 a n c '

F Fables for


the Female




Eugenio, or, Virtuous and Happy Life (Beach), 1.16 and 772 Eunuchus (Terence): quoted, 111.4771,

Falconer, James, D.D., Prebendary of Lichfield, iv.29-30 and 775 Falkland Islands, 1.392723


False Alarm, The (pamphlet, Johnson), I-333™ 2 ,11.325722 family, 1 . 1 7 1 - 7 2 ; on "discordant" families and "the pleasure of peace," " 365; s e e parents and parental authority fanc y a n d imagination, 11.134 Farmer, Richard, D.D., Cambridge don:

Euripides, 1.12; quoted, iv.360772 European Magazine, 1.205m Eutropius, Roman historian, 1.221726 Evans, Rev. James, 11.35 and re6, 326 and 723, in.244; ment., 111.253, 288 Evans, Mr., apothecary, 11.189-90 and n8 M 49723


Evans, Mr., unidentified: ment., iv.326 Evelina

(F. Burney), in. 140, 196 and J C C J 7214, 2 1 3 and 726, 236 and 72/23,4, 370; and A. Wedderburn, 111.130775; and ,, . . . E. Montagu, 111.130724 , Evelyn, John, diarist, 1.327 and 775

M ' V . iv.14; and Lives of the

Examen (de Crousaz), 1.20 and 722 Exercises to the Accidence (Turner),

Poets, 111.257 - LETTERS: 1 . 3 3 5 - 3 6 , 355,111.43, 257 • fatality, 11.31 Father's Revenge, The V(Earl of Carlisle), 6 ' iv.iorei, 2 5 1 - 5 2 and 72/25,7 „ X . , , Faulkner, George, printer and book,, , , seller, 1.30 and 7222, 63, 757210, n80 and , 1 5 1 , 279; ment., 11.205 re8

1.217774 Exeter Street, London, 1.1 an 1 expectation, 1.203—4 experience: and learning, 11.263-64

Fauques, Mademoiselle de (Marianne Agnes Pillement), 1.178724 Female Quixote (Lennox), 1.46/21, 56/23, 5 8 - 5 9 and 723

Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air (Priestley), iv.218/23

Fennici Lexici Tentamen ("Finnick Dictionary"), 1.88/25, 97' 1 5 7 n 6

Experiments and Observations on the Mai-

Fenton, Elijah, poet: and Lives of the




Fenton, Elijah (cont.) Poets, HI.233715, 2 4 7 - 4 8 and rani ,2, 254; and Pope's translation of the Odyssey, in.259 and rai Ferguson, Adam, 11.537114 Fermor, Arabella, 11.272714 feudalism, 1.311 and rai6, 394, m.200 Fielding, Henry: quoted, 1.380713; death in Lisbon, iv.285 and 724 Fielding, Sir John, Kt.: and Gordon Riots, 111.268 and ra4 Fingal. An Ancient Epic Poem (Macpherson), 11.168m, 170 and 722 Finnick Dictionary see Fennici Lexici Tentamen Firebrace, Bridget Bacon, Lady (wife of Sir Cordell), 1 . 1 8 - 1 9 and 715 Firebrace, Sir Cordell, 3d Bt., of Ipswich, 1.19715 Firmian, Graf Karl Joseph von, Governor of Lombardy, 1.213715 Fisher, Philip, 1 1 . 2 1 8 - i g Fitzherbert, Selina, friend of SJ, protegee of H. Boothby, 1.121 and ra8 Fitzherbert, William, father of Selina, i . n 8 a n d n 5 , i2ira8, ig8—99 and ra6 Fitzmaurice, John see Kirkwall, Viscount Fitzmaurice, Mary see Shelburne, Dowager Countess of Fitzmaurice, Thomas, M.P., m.251 and - LETTER: 111.146-47 ^ Fitzmaurice, William Petty see Shel, „ burne, 2d Earl of „ , T TI Fitzroy, Lady Caroline see Harrington, „ r Countess of Flavius Eutropius see Eutropius Fleetwood, Charles, patentee of Drury Lane Theatre, 1.17722, 23 and rai3 Fletcher, Mrs., friend of J . Taylor, iv.18 and rarai,2, 60 Fleury, Andre Hercule de, Cardinal, first minister of France, 1.29 and 7214, 307219

FORDYCE Flint, Louise (later Mrs. Antoine Rivarol), friend of F. Reynolds, 1 . 3 2 1 - 2 2 Flint, Martha, daughter of Mary and Thomas, 11.246 and raio, iv.141 and 773 Flint, Mary Dunn Collier (Mrs. Thomas), cousin of SJ, in.59 and ng, iv.i6?n, 106 and 71713,6 Flint, Thomas (b. 1724) clerk, 1.233 a n d 715, 11.246 and raio, 111.59 and ng; dispute with daughters over inheritance, iv.16 and rai, 5 3 - 5 4 , 74»3> 76, 106 and nra5,6, 107 Flint, Thomas (b. i76g), son of Mary and Thomas, iv. 141 and 713 Floyer, Sir John, Kt., physician, 1.6 and nij, iv.303 and n6, 353 and nwj.8 "Fly, An Anacreontick, The" (Oldys), 11.148717 food: on gluttony, iv. 1 8 1 - 8 2 ; see also Johnson, Samuel—health Foote, Samuel, actor and playwright, 11.366 and raig, 111.92—g3 and ran6,811 Forbes, Sir William, Bt.: ment., 11.537213 - LETTER: i v . 3 6 1 - 6 3 Ford, Benjamin, uncle of SJ, 11. igira4 Ford, Rev. Cornelius, cousin of SJ, 1.3721, 369 and n5, ii.igira3 Cornelius, grandfather of SJ, Fordj n. 1 9 0 - 9 1 and nra3,4 Ford, Joseph, uncle of SJ, 11.191 and 724 . RCI t Ford, Mary, aunt 01 SJ, n.igi?24 , „, , Ford, Mary, maternal great-grand. r„T mother of ST, 11.191723 Ford, Nathaniel, uncle of ST, n.iqi and J 3 r

Ford Ford




aunt of S




> Samuel, cousin of SJ, 1 . 1 1 - 1 2 - Samuel, uncle of SJ, 11.191724 Ford, Sarah, mother of SJ see Johnson, Sarah Ford Fordyce, Alexander, banker, 1.392 and n3, 11.49—50 and n22






Fordyce, Elizabeth see Spence, Elizabeth Fordyce Fordyce, George, M.D., 11.497121; elected to The Club, 11.128 and 775 Fordyce, James, 11.497121 Forres, Morayshire, 11.64 Fort Augustus, 11.66777723,24 Fort George, 11.64 and 7712 Fothergill, Thomas, Vice Chancellor, Oxford: and Oxford riding school, 11.188 and ?72, 193, 2 1 5 and 772, 216, 218, 219 and 774, 223, 246 and 778, 293; and SJ's honorary degree from Oxford, 11.194717, 196 - LETTER: 11.196

Portsmouth, i n . 1 8 0 - 8 1 and na, 183, 1 8 4 - 8 5 , 191, 193, 197, 207 Frankland, Sir Thomas, Bt., iv. 177 and 775 Fraser, Alexander, 11.63 a n c ' n3> 72779 Fraser, Dr., dinner guest of Alexander Fraser, 11.72779 Frederick II (Frederick the Great), King of Prussia, 1.29—30 and 7719 Frederick, Prince of Wales, 1.307771 Frederick William (of Prussia), iv.279 and 773 French language, 1 . 1 2 9 - 3 0 and 775 Frey, Thomas, president of St. John's College, Oxford, 1.300777

Foulis, Andrew, printer, 11.214777

friendship: on friends long separated,

Foulis, Robert, printer, 11.214777 „„„ 1.393 . „ „ „ and „ j 77773,4,11.214 „ „ „ , ,, ,,, . and1 foulis t> Press, _ „ , . v„ „r a, l 77777—9, -3 „ , _ • , , t 1 r Fowke, Francis, brother of Joseph,

30 and 773 - LETTER: iv. 1 2 39 - 3 1 ° Fowler, Rev. Robert, headmaster, 1.315

"the greatest benefit which one friend can confer . upon another, is to guard, and excite and elevate his virtues," 1.45; on separation (death) as . . . incitement to virtuous friendship, 1.46; "I think scarce any temporal , „ , , . , . , , good equally to be desired with the re• ,c ... . . „ c gard and familiarity of worthy men, ^ and Elphinston and T and j Warto„; , go; and c Burne>, j r u » o 1 . 1 0 2 - 3 ; and E. Hector, 1 . 1 0 4 , 1 0 7 - 8 , , .• a c • 1 4 2 - 4 3 , 1 4 6 - 4 7 , 153, v.7; friendships r c o c of youth, 1.104, 114, 146, 148,11.29697, HI.57, v.7; on "old" friend as op„„J . „ „ posed to new, 1 . 1 0 4 , 1 1 4 - 1 5 , 1 4 2 7 7 3 , 1 4 6 - 4 7 , 148, 153, 11.277, " 1 2 2 8 ,

anc ' "3 Fox, Charles James: and politics, 11.128 and 773, iv.68772, 263773, 27777771,4, 299712, 306 and 774; and The Club, 11.128 and 77773,4, "I-12778, iv.96; resignation of, iv. 5 g and 771; and East India Company, iv.248771 Fragments of Ancient Poetry collected in the Highlands of Scotland (Macpherson), 11.168771

3 0 9 - 1 0 , 345, iv.238-39; and R. and Congreve, 1.114, 1 1 5 ; ° n earthly friendship, 1.118; and H. Boothby, and J . Taylor, 1.140, 148, U i 8 ; 11.277; and letter writing, 1.140; "form a n ( j exercise of friendship varies," 1.142; one of the "few states of which it is reasonable to wish the continuance through life," 1.142 and 773; on having family members "born to

France: SJ's trip to, 11.271 and 77771,4,6,7,9, 272—73, 301; proposed invasion of Isle of Wight and

friends," 1.171; and G. Strahan, 1.224-25; "to take friends such as we can find them, not as we would make

Fowke, Francis, son of JToseph, 11.350771 r Fowke, JToseph, East India Company r ' ' ' official, 11.350721, 3 5 1 and 722, 111.203; sends packet from Portugal, iv. 110771; sent revised set of Lives of 1 the Poets, iv. 12s and 771, 129; ment., iv.128, 3 ° 2 1 5D; and "Nandakuma" trial, iv.129— 3



FRIENDSHIP friendship (cont.) them," 1.225; and Sir J. Reynolds, I.244; o n value of JB's, 1.261-62, II.43, 280, 111.63-64; "he promises himself too much, who enters life with the expectation of finding many friends," 1.262; on high value put on friendship, 1.262; on acquiring new friends in old age as "uncommon instances of happiness," 11.40; SJ hopes his friends (the Thrales) will never forget him, 11.71-72 and 725; on a "common friend" caught between adversaries, 11.351; on acquisition of the Thrales' friendship, 111.83; o n Henry Thrale's friendship, 111.83, l74> 175"> "one of the greatest comforts of this weary pilgrimage," iv.22-23; "fortuitous friendships of inclination or vanity are at the mercy of a thousand accidents," iv.134; on friend lost and found, iv.238-39; and "incommunicative taciturnity," iv.246; "a friend at once cheerful and serious is a great acquisition," iv.383; true use of, iv.389; at time when weakness ofbody or mind loses pride, iv.434-35; on falling out and falling in again, v. 1 0 - 1 1 Frisick language, 1.240 and 7211 Frome, Somersetshire, 111.298 and 727 Fuentes, Don Remigo, friend of Baretti, 1.214726 Fuentes, Rosina, inamorata of Baretti, 1.213, 214 and 726 Fust, Johann, printer, 1.310 and 72?2io,i 1, 313—14 and 7229



"Galatea" (Walsh), 111.276724 Galba, Servius Sulpicius, Roman emperor, 11.259718 Galbraith Castle, 11.110 and 714 Galen, physician, m.299 and 715 Galick and English Vocabulary (M'Donald), 11.150727 Galliff, Elizabeth Taylor, sister of John Taylor, 1.148-49 and 727 Gardiner, Ann, wife of a tallow chandler, 1.330721; health ment., 11.206; ment., 111.3, 272, iv.199, 330 Garrick, David, 1.17722, 23 and 7211, 26221; ment., 1.31, 80729, 172 and 729, 173 and 7222, 264227, 302724, 11.311724, 111.124723, 215 and 223; and SJ's Shakespeare, 1.247-48; and G. Colman, 1.285721; and Hogarth's epitaph, 1.383-85; A. Murphy's attack on, 11.23-24 and 724, 25; and Zaphira, 11.172721; and J. Hawkesworth's works, 11.262 and 721; SJ on death of, 111.93728, 150721, 1 5 2 - 5 3 ; assists M. Lowe, 111.115 and 725; epitaph, 111.150721; and Walpole's drama, 111.225721; terms of will of, 111.365725; funeral costs and payment, iv.33 and 227; sells share of Drury Lane Theatre, IV-33726; SJ requests theater reservations for W. Bell, v.6 -LETTERS: 1.247—48, 2 5 1 - 5 2 , 274, 3 8 3 - 8 5 > v-55 Garrick, Eva Maria Veigel (Mrs. David): ment., 1.252 and 724, 274, iv.33, 35, v.14; and Nollekens's bust of SJ, hi.108; SJ's condolences to, 111.150; and H. More, m.335 and 22721,3; SJ dines with, iv.31, 325 - L E T T E R S : III.150, i v . 2 9 6 - 9 7 , 4 1 2

G Gaelic language, 1.269 Gage, Viscountess (Elizabeth Gideon), III.15221

Garrick, George, brother of David, 111.365225; and D. Garrick's dispute with A. Murphy, 11.23-24 and 224 Garrick, Merial, sister of David, 111.365725 Garrick, Peter, wine merchant, brother




of David, 1.17/22, 2 3 m l , 247/12, n.311 and «4, iv.412; and SJ's visit to Lichfield, 111.51, 166, 365 Gassendi, Pierre, 11.337/13 Gastrell, Jane (Mrs. Francis): ment., II.222 and 775, in.ii, 13, 56, 97, 148, 149, 152, 153, 197, 208, 364, 368, iv.384 - L E T T E R S : I I I . 1 0 1 , iv.29—30, 202, 296, 437 Gawler, Mr., of Putney, in.290 Gay, John, poet: Lives of the Poets ment., III.301; and Spaulding Society, iv.84 and 772 Gell, Dorothy Milnes (Mrs. Philip, the elder), 11.244/17 Gell, Philip (the elder) of Hopton Hall, Derbyshire, 11.244 and "7- 111.60/73, 3 1 6 and n 1 Gell, Philip (the younger), 11.244 and 727 General History of Music (C. Burney), III.135-36 and 723, 136, 196/2/215,16, 205, iv.20; keeps journal to collect material for, 11.7 and 726; SJ revises passage in, iv.21 and 771; and SJ's dedication, 1 v.379223 General History of the Science and Practice of Music (Hawkins), iv.18 and 722, 20 genius, 111.284 Genoa stone see Sententia Minuciorum Gentleman's Magazine, 1.5/21, 111.227 and /772i,2; SJ's suggestions for, 1.677/74-7, 18-20; Si's first contribution to, 1.14 „„ . , and 772; S i s epigrams to Eliza (E. „ .... .. , „ Carter) published in, 1.17 and 728; re,. , porting ofr parliamentary proceedings, 1.18 and 723; and Du Halde's Description geographique . . . de la Chine, 1.19 and 726; co-printer, 1.143721; and Hawkesworth, 111.17-18 and 21725,6 Genuine Account of the Behavior and Dying Words of William Dodd (Villette), 111.35 and 7212 "Geographical Dictionary": SJ's proposal for, 1.68-69 and 722

GIBBONS George II, King of England, 1.198 and 725; ment., 1^393/24 George III, King of England, 1.198 and 715, 279 and 713, 3 0 5 - 6 , 382/16, 111.15/11; coronation of, 1.201 and z?i, 207/113; grants SJ's pension, 1.208 and ??6, 222; and Lord Bute, 1.231773; and J. Beattie's pension, 11.42/78; and Journey, 11.159, 1 6 4 > 166; ment. of sister's death, 11.208719; dismissal of Prince of Wales's preceptors, 11.347 7710; and Dodd case, in.25/73, 27/11, 30 and 771, 32 and 774, 33773, 34; ment., 111.116/72, 181; visits Warley Camp, in. 132 and 776; and Lives of the Poets, 111.156 and 775, 348; and Gordon Riots, 111.2697713, 271, 275; and contemporary politics, iv.59/21, 263773, 291 and w2, 305/22, 306; and SJ's request for pension increase, ^.342/23, 398/71; and dedication of C. Burney's An Account of the . . . Commemoration of Handel, iv.357771, 392 and 772; Sir J. Reynolds appointed painter to, iv.375 and 775; ment. of doctor to, iv.377772 George Augustus, Prince of Wales (later George IV of England): ment., 11.347 and raio, iv.321, 407722 George Wichers' Almshouses (Westminster), iv.269 and 773 ('virgil)) m.124„2; quoted; m

„ , „ .... , T Germain, Lord George, politician: and „ „ ... ' P. Stockdale, 111.286/23, 291 Germantown, Battle of, 111.05/210 Gerrnan

in S s advice on crea J' " >' al L l b r a l 7 ' X^oS' 3 ° 9 Gerxisalemme Liberata see Jerusalem Delivere ^ Getcliffe see Galliff, Elizabeth Taylor Gibbon, Edward: rejected but later elected to The Club, 11.129 a n d ni, 111.12/28 Gibbons, Rev. Thomas, 111.38/23




t l o n o f Ro




Gillespie, Thomas, M.D., iv.286ra6, Gordon Riots, 111.2637212, 2 6 7 - 6 9 and 291m rarai-3,6-10,12-15, 270-71 and Gill, Mr., printer, 1.2467210 ran2-4,7, 272—74 and rani,2, 274—75, Glasgow: SJ's visit to and impression of, 303; and A. Williams, 111.288712; and II.102 and 223, 1 1 5 Streatham, in.303 Glenelg, Inverness-shire, 11.76 Gosnell, Thomas R., 1v.11 and 725 Glenmoriston (Glenmorrison), 11.67, 7 2 Gough Square, London, 1.43721, 160725 gluttony, iv. 1 8 1 - 8 2 GM see Gentleman's Magazine Golden, Robert, architect, 111.81227 Goldsmith, Henry, brother of Oliver, in. 1 oral Goldsmith, Mrs. Henry, in. 10 and rai Goldsmith, Oliver: and The Club, I.251222, 265, 11.126221, 129721; and the Hornecks, 1.339721, 34072722,3, 352 and 274; ment., 1.356 and 226,11.128725, III.6771, 192 and 722, 230721, 269729; and She Stoops to Conquer, 11.9 and ra8, 14, and ra 10; and G. Colman's campaign against She Stoops to Conquer, II.25 and 225; and JB's candidacy for membership in The Club, 11.27; a n d J . Oglethorpe, 11.124222; death of, 11.146 and 226, 147; SJ's Greek verses on, 11.148 and ra8; quoted, 11.229 a n d «8; epitaph, 11.330-31 and 72721-5, 344 and 223, 3 4 5 - 4 6 and 222, 3 6 6 - 6 7 and 722, 111.44722; biography of, 111.10 and rai; death of ment., iv.126

government: SJ on absolute governments, 1.29; on fault of British Constitution, 1.161; on equal representation in, iv. 109; "operations of government have little influence upon the private happiness of private men," iv. 124; see also politics and the contemporary political situation; self-government Graevius, Johann Georg, classical scholar, 1.310 and 7212 Graham, George: and Telemachus, 11.214228, in.9 Grandison (Richardson) see History of Sir Charles Grandison Granger, James, collector and historian, 1.416-17 Grant, Colquhoun, 11.181 and ra6 Grant, Gregory, M.D., 11.181 and ra6 Grantham, Lincolnshire, 11.47 Granville, 1st Earl (John Carteret), 1.28725, 2 9 - 3 0 and raig Granville, George, poet: and Lives of the Poets, 111.233725, 246 andrara1,2, 254, - L E T T E R : 11.27 2 9 6 ; and preface to British Enchanters, Gongora, Luis de, poet, v.16 and 722 111.246 and rai Gonzaga, Luigi see Castiglione and SolGray, Stephen, experimenter, 1.79222 ferino, Prince of Gray, Thomas: SJ on letters of, 11.206 goodness, 1 ^ 2 9 4 - 9 5 and ran; and Lives of the Poets, Gordon, Sir Alexander, 7th Bt. of Lis111.233225, 257, iv.70 and 723 more, 11.59—60 and 2229, 72 and 227, Gray's Inn, 1.184221, 187222 120 and 223, in.g Gray's Inn Journal, 1.160 and 725 Gordon, 4th Duke of (Alexander Gorgreatness, 1.213 don), in.274 and rai 1 Greaves, Samuel, footman to Henry Gordon, Lord George, President of the Thrale, iv.257 and rai Protestant Association, 111.267 and rai, Greek language, 1 . 1 1 - 1 2 , 111.136 270 and 723, 272722, 2747211 Greene, Richard, surgeon, apothecary, Gordon, Thomas, Professor of Philosoand antiquarian, 1.318 and 722, 345, phy, 11.59 and 7226 346, 380, 111.162, 1 6 3 - 6 4 , 166, 167;

1 10




SJ lends artifacts to, possibly for museum of, ii. 1 1 ; ment., 11.224, l n -48,

Gutteridge, Barton, of Desborough, Northamptonshire, 1.192/28

5 1 , 9 2 , 164; visits SJ, 11.244; SJ and J B visit, 11.311; ment. of Taylor-Wood case, 11.335226, 355; museum of, 111.51 and n8; and epitaph and gravestones for SJ's family, iv.443-44 - L E T T E R : iv.443-44 Greene, Thomas Webb, son of Richard, 11.335 and 226; ment. of Taylor-Wood case, 11.355 Green Hill (Lichfield), 11.263 and n 1 Greenwich, 1.12221 Gregory, James, M.D., III.31222 Grenada, 111.208221 Grenville, George, politician, 1.231m, 356223 - L E T T E R : 1.221-22 Greville, Frances Macartney (Mrs. Richard Fulke), H I . 1 3 3 and 724 Greville, Richard Fulke, essayist and M.P.,1.129-3022222,4,5;ment.,111.133224 Gribon (Mull): Mackinnon's Cave, II.107and2224 Grierson, George, printer and philologist, 1.268 and 22221-3 Griffith, Thomas, Fellow of Pembroke College,Oxford, 1.376-77and223,377, 379 Grotius, Hugo, jurist and statesman, III.36223, 39 and 225,44 Gruterus, Janus, classical scholar, 11.199-200 and 222 Guadaloupe, 1.202 and 22221,2 Guarini, Giovanni Battista, poet, 11.337222 Guest, Jane Mary (later Mrs. A. A. Miles), musician, 111.248 and 213 Gunning, Elizabeth see Argyll, Duchess of Gutenberg, Johann, 1.3102210, 3132232 Guthrie, William, miscellaneous writer, 1.18223 Gutteridge, Anne see Percy, Anne Gutteridge

Gwynne, Nell, actress and mistress of Charles II, 1.192222 Gwynn, John, architect, 1.201221, 111.45— 46 and 222, 1 0 7 - 8


H Hailes, Sir David Dalrymple, Lord, Scots judge, 11.139 a n d 22223,4; and Walton's Lives, 11.139 and 22223,4, 1 4 5 46, 150; and Annals of Scotland, 11.150, 1 7 1 , 213, 266, 269 and m , 274 and »5, 280, 284 and 224, 295, 298221, ln - 3 3 a n d m , 104, 157 and 224; Ossian controversy, 11.170 and 222; SJ's feelings for, 1 1 . 1 7 1 ; SJ wishes opinion of concerning Journey, 11.172; and Inchkenneth verses, 11.178229; and JB's controversy with his father over entail, 11.285 and 222, 289, 2 g i m , 292, 294-95, 2 99; ment., 11.304, 111.325, iv.209; and Journey presentation copy, 11.364222; and Knight case, 111.42 and m8, 104; compared with T. Percy, hi. 114; description of Dryden, 111.182 and 226; sent set of Lives of the Poets, iv.91 and 225; sends gift to ailing SJ, iv. 165 hair see wigs and hair Halifax, 1st Earl of (George Montagu), iv. 35223 Halifax, 2d Earl of (George Montagu Dunk), 1.231221 Hall, Edward, chronicler, 1.63 and 217 Hall, Martha Wesley (Mrs. Wesley), iv.234and 222, 319; ment., 11.290, v.35 Hall, Rev. Wesley, 1^234222 Hamilton, Anthony, D.D., Vicar of St. Martin's in the Fields, iv.144, 2 8 7 - 8 8 , 330 Hamilton, Archibald, printer, 1.72 and




Hamilton, Archibald (cont.) 773; and firing of J. Calder, 11.293m, 297

Hardinge, George, lawyer: and Walpole's drama, 111.225 and nz, 226 Hardy, Sir Charles, Kt., admiral, n.154

- LETTER: 1 1 . 2 9 3 - 9 4

and M 2 , 1 1 1 . 1 8 0 and n i 2 , 1 8 1

Hamilton, 6th Duke of (James Hamilton), 11.109743 Hamilton, John, Archbishop of St. Andrews (1546—71), iv.343—44 and 775 Hamilton, W. G. (William Gerard) ("Single-Speech" Hamilton), M.P., 1.259773, 276774; SJ to dine with, n.193 and 771, 194; SJ dines with, in.244; offers financial assistance to SJ, iv.241 and 774, 243, 266, 4 2 2 m ; SJ gives account of his health to, iv.422-23; ment., v.25m

Hardy, Rev. Samuel, 1 1 1 . 3 1 5 - 1 6 Harington, Henry, M.D., 11.332 and 775, 336 and 7710; ment., 111.236 Harleian Catalogue see Catalogus Bibliotheca Harleiance Harleian Miscellany, 1.37772 Harley, Thomas, politician, 11.162 and 772 Harrington, Countess of (Caroline Fitzroy): and Dodd case, 111.27m, 3 1 - 3 2 HI.31-32


Harrington, Henry see Harington,

- L E T T E R S : iv.243, 4 2 2 - 2 3


Hamlet (Shakespeare), iv.46772; quoted, 1.381773, 11.17773, 2 2 9 m l , 267779, 3337711; Jennens's edition of, 11.25 and 777

Harriot Stuart (Lennox) see Life of Harriot Stuart Harris > Elizabeth Clarke (Mrs. James), ni. 14 and 772

Hammond, Henry, Chaplain to Charles I, author of Paraphrase and Annotations upon ...the Psalms, 1 1 . 2 5 5 - 5 6 and 772, 26g and ?7i, 111.358 Hammond, James, poet: and Lives of the Poets, 111.233775, 260 and 772 u ~ „ . , ,,» „ Hampton Court 71 Palace: SJ requests grace-and-favor lodgings, 1 1 . 3 1 9 - 2 0 1 , and 77772,4

Harns ant







classical scholar, in. 14



' T h o m a s - s o a P manufacturer, -3 °™3 Harrison ' R e v - Cornelius, 11.48-49 and I


Harrison, JJohn, saddler, uncle of SI, J L W 7 9 Hartwell, John, dyer and woolen manu-

Handel, George Frederick: and C. Bur^ acurer,^1.343 an 729^ ^ arvest 0 1 ney's An Account of the ... Commemora775> 1 1 2 2 » 2 3 7 3 > 2 45> (ion of Handel, iv.357771, 384771, 385 5°> 2 5 J 52 , Harvest of 1777, 111.46 and 774, 4 8 - 4 9 , and 7714,431774 " ' 2 , •• •• 5 1 . 5 2 - 5 3 , 56, 59, 67, 69, 73 handwriting see penmanship IT ' ,, r r ° Harvest of 1783, iv. 1 7 5 Hannah, servant to J. Taylor, 1 . 2 2 6 - 2 7 Hastie> J o h n > schooimaster) r . 3 88nni, and 775, 233, 25?6 4>5' 39 o r a 4' 393 happiness: SJ on, 1 . 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 . 1 1 9 Harborough, 3d Earl of (Bennet Sherard), 1.218771, iv. 108772 Harcourt, 1st Earl (Simon Harcourt), in.72 and m Hardestee, William, usher, 1.4773 Hardinge, Caleb, M.D., 11.296 and 775

Hastings, Warren, Governor-General of India: asked to aid W. C. Lawrence, 11.86774, 161; and Fowke case, 11.351 a n d 772; ment., 111.5775, iv.403 and 773; s e n t r e v i S ed set of Lives of the Poets, iv.i23 and 771, 124; and "Nandakuma" trial, iv. 129773




-LETTERS: I I . 1 3 5 - 3 7 , 1 6 0 - 6 1 , 1 1 1 . 2 8 2 83, 3 2 3 - 2 4 Haunch Hall (estate), n . 1 9 0 - 9 1 and 223 Havana: captured by England, 1.211 and «2, 2 1 5 Hawkesworth, Honor see Ryland, Honor Hawkesworth Hawkesworth, John, author, 1.67212, 68/16, 77 and n 1, 128224, 278 and nn1,2; and Chambers's Cyclopcedia, 11.4; and posthumous edition of his works, 11.262 and ni, 356221, 359; edition of Swift, 111.17 and 213, 295 and 223; and Cook's voyages, in.50 and 226; and Ivy Lane Club, iv.247>2i; death ment., iv.259 and 226, 3 1 7 - L E T T E R S : 1.129-30, 11.4 Hawkesworth, Mary Brown (Mrs. John), 1.130 and 228, in.17, 18; health of, n.4; undertakes posthumous edition of her husband's works, 11.356221 Hawkins, Sir John, Kt.: on SJ's Proposals, 1.5221; and The Club, 1.265 a n d 2212; marriage of, 11.3225; and P. Carmichael, n.3, 6; and Walton's Angler, 11.139 and 225; and his History of Music, iv.18 and T12, 20; ment., iv.92211, 1262216, 336; and Ivy Lane Club, iv.246-47, 256; biographical project of, iv.308 and 226; and his son's manuscript, i v . 3 1 0 - 1 1 and 221 - L E T T E R S : 1 1 . 3 , iv.246-47, 256, 3 5 1 , 436 Hawkins, John Sidney, son of Sir John, i v . 3 1 0 - 1 1 and ni Hawkins, Laetitia Matilda, daughter of Sir John, iv.92 and 211 Hawkins, Sidney Storer, Lady (wife of Sir John), 11.3 and 225 Hay, Charles, advocate, 11.532214 Hay, George, M.P.: ment., 1.30022227,9 - LETTER: 1 . 1 8 7 - 8 8 Hay, John, servant, 11.65 a n d nl7 Haymarket Theatre: and Samuel Foote,


Head, Mr. see Plunkett, Mr. Heale House (Wiltshire), ^.17772222,4, 194 and >13; SJ's visit to ment., iv.267, 268,274 health (mental and physical): melancholy indisposition, 1.143 a n d w 8 ! e f " feet of bad marriage on, 1 . 2 3 6 - 3 7 ; "to preserve health is a moral and religious duty," 1.359; advice to E. Aston, "gayety is a duty when health requires it," in. 13; thankful for exemption of mind from disorder of body, 111.6465; keep an easy, free, quiet, open mind, m.154—55, 175, 265, iv.64, 6 6 67, 92, 94, 244, 254, 259, 262; ill health often the effect of intemperance, 1^40227, 41228; the body receives some help from a cheerful mind, iv.52; effect of constipation, iv.67; "upon your mind in my opinion your health will very much depend," iv.67; basis of all happiness, iv.74; importance of exercise, iv.86, 244, 247; difference between health at 30 years and at 70 years, iv.go; keep body open and mind quiet, iv.94; importance of change of environment, iv. 191; "disease produces much selfishness," iv.200; effect of solitude on, iv.213; importance of diet, iv.244; use of milk, iv.247, 253, 254, 269; on effect of visitors when one is ill, iv.265; perverseness of sick men, iv.305; when one regains health, one regains peace of mind, i v . 3 2 1 - 2 2 ; "let nothing vex you," iv.333; "with the health of mind and body a man may supply or bear the remainder of his wants," v.5; see also Johnson, Samuel—health; medicine; melancholy and depression Heberden, William, M.D., 11.40 and 224; and Henry Thrale's illness, 111.169, 1 s 7 a n d ra2> 1 79> i 8 4 a n d n 2 ' 221226; ment., iv.42, 267, 352, 353, 355, 356;

11.366 and 2219

SJ wishes to see, iv.149, 152, 164; and




Heberden, William (cont.) SJ's remarkable recovery, iv.155, 157, 275, 276—77, 291—92, 293, 295, 296, 300; and SJ's illness, iv.158, 159, 164; SJ praises, iv. 168; and SJ's testicular sarcocele, IV.197M6, 207, 208, 226; recommends opiates for SJ, iv.265, 269; and H. Fielding, IV.285/24; on appetite as barometer of health, iv.318, 365; SJ gives account of his health to, iv.418-20; SJ disobeys, iv.436 - LETTERS: iv.282, 4 1 8 - 2 0 Hebridean journal (Boswell) see Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides Hebridean tour: early ment. of, I.362m, 363, 389227; J B encourages SJ to plan, 11.41 and 22/21,3, 43/12, 45; SJ sets out on, 11.45-46; beginning of, II.54; SJ describes, 11.122; SJ wishes to send gifts to people who were hospitable to him, 11.128; SJ pays expenses owed J B in books, 11.348 and Z13, 349; as most pleasant journey, 11.361; delight in talking over, in.57; ment., III.65/13, 303 and 226; and Duke and Duchess of Argyll, 111.76/23; see also Boswell, James—Hebridean trip; Scotland Hector, Ann see Carless, Ann Hector Hector, Edmund, surgeon and friend of SJ: SJ on long friendship with, 1.42 and TC3, 104, 153, 291, iv.312, v.6-7; ment., 1.106/29, 343, 11.11, 19, 175, 310, 111.48, 141/213; visits SJ, 11.343 and «4; on SJ's health, 111.362, 373 — L E T T E R S : 1 . 1 0 4 - 5 , 1 0 7 - 8 , 141—43, 146—47, 152—53, 2 5 9 — 6 1 , 291, 414— 16, 11.174, 1 9 0 - 9 1 , 2 7 4 - 7 5 , 3 0 1 - 2 , i v . 2 5 - 2 7 , 4 3 7 - 3 8 , v.6-7 Hector, Mary Gibbons (Mrs. Edmund), 1.291 and «4 Hector (dog), 111.374 and 222 Heeley, Elizabeth Ford (Mrs. Humphrey), cousin of SJ, 1.290 and/22, 3 1 6 Heeley (Heely), Humphrey, iron-

HEROIDES monger, 1.290 and 223, 3 1 6 , 1 1 . 1 6 5 and n 1, 309; and Wicher's Almshouses, iv.269-70 and «6; in need of money, iv.366 - L E T T E R : iv.366 Hellenica (Xenophon): SJ requests copy of, v.3«i Helmont, J . B. van, author, IV-38/22 Helsham, Richard, mathematician and physicist, 1.72 and n8 Henault, Charles Jean Frangois, historian and playwright, 11.266 and ny, 283, 295 Henderson, Mr., Henry Thrale's valet, 111.26 and n2 Henley, 11.310 and rei Henry, David, bookseller and printer, 1.143 and m , 144 Henry IV Part I (Shakespeare): quoted, 111.78/(3, 212/19, 238 and n6, iv.97m Henry IVPart II (Shakespeare): quoted, ni.77 and n$ Henry VI (Shakespeare): quoted, 1.368/22 Henry VIII, King of England, 1.10/215 Henry VIII (Shakespeare): 11.34/22, quoted, 11.95 a n d " 4 4 "Henry and Emma" (Prior), 111.293/21 Henry of Blois, Bishop of Winchester, papal legate, 1.255/23 Herbert, George, poet, iv.308 and 225 Hercules Furens (Seneca): quoted, in.175223 Hereford, Dean of see Wetherell, Nathan Hereford Infirmary, 1 1 . 2 1 0 and 2216 Hermes, or a Philosophical Inquiry concerning Universal Grammar (Harris), 111.14/22 Hermit of Warkworth. A Northumberland Ballad (Percy), 1.356 and 215 Heme, Elizabeth (Phebe), cousin of SJ, in.297 and 22/23,4, 320, iv.288 and /14 Heroides (Ovid): quoted, 1.211/14, 111.143/21


HERSCHEL Herschel, William, musician and astronomer, i v . 3 0 1 - 2 and 723 Hertford, 1st Earl of (Francis Seymour Conway), 11.319-20 Hervey, Catherine Aston (Mrs. Henry), 1.375 a n d ' health ment., 111.86; SJ to dine with, 111.164, 3 1 0 Hervey, Henry see Aston, Henry Hervey Hickey, Thomas, portrait painter, 111.282-83 and W2, 283 Hickman, Dorothy, cousin of SJ, 1.3723, 111.296719 Hickman, Gregory, cousin of SJ: ment., 111.296729 - L E T T E R : 1.3



n 16, 394; SJ's dislike of stock conversations on history, "talk not of the Punic War," 11.238 and 715; and chronology, 111.61; "many falsehoods are passing into uncontradicted history," 111.200; SJ's history "a narrative of misery," iv.383 History and Antiquities of Hinckley in the County of Leicester (Nichols), 1 v. 104m History and Antiquities of the City of Bristol (Barrett), 11.336719 History of America (Robertson), 11.357773 History of Charles V (Robertson), n.3577(3 History of English Poetry (T. Warton), 111.255723

Hinchingbrooke, Viscount (John Montagu) (later 5th Earl of Sandwich), rv.35223 Hinchliffe, John, Bishop of Peterborough, 111.258 and 724, 266 and 724 Hinckley, Blanche Pyott (Mrs. Thomas), of Lichfield, 1.293 a n d rl 7 Hippolyte, Marie Charlotte see Boufflers-Rouverel, Comtesse de Histoire de Charles XII (Voltaire), 1.28726 Histoire de la Marquise de Pompadour (Fauques), 1.178724 Histoire des Conjurations, Conspirations et Revolutions Celebres (Tertre), 1.150 and ?22, 151224 Historia del Concilto Tridentmo (Sarpi), 1.13 and 223 Historiae Romanae, 1.221726 Historiarum sui Temporis (De Thou), 1.65721 Historical and Philosophical Account of the Barometer (Saul), iv.218223 Historie of Foure-Footed Beasts (Topsell), 1.22 and 723 history: difference between history writing and journal writing, 1.34, 329; "topography or local history prevail much in many parts of the Continent," 1.311; and feudalism, 1.311 and " 5

History of his Own Times (Burnet), iv.89 and 722 History of Ireland (Leland), 1.257721, 1 1 1 . 2 3 a n d 224 History of Music (C. Burney) see General History of Music History of Music (Hawkins) see General History of the Science and Practice of Music History of Scotland (Robertson), 1.281724 History of Sir Charles Grandison (Richardson), 1.48222, 56221, 74 and wi, 7572727,9,10, 7971221,3—5; importance of an index for, 1.48722; quoted, 111.79 and 7210 History of the American Indians (Adair), 11.210 and 2213 History of the Council of Trent'. SJ's proposals for, 1.13 and 223, 19—20 and 728 History of the Life and Reign of Philip, King of Macedon (Leland), 1.257221 History of the Marchioness de Pompadour (trans. Johnson), 1.178 and 224 History of the Rebellion (Clarendon), 1.77 and 721, 11.183722 History of the Reign of Phihp the Second, King of Spain (Watson), 11.357 a n c ' n 2 Hitch, Charles, bookseller, 1.40724, 129 and 225, 1 3 1




Hoadley, Benjamin, playwright, iv.393 and 224 Hoare, Sir Richard, Kt., banker, 111.86226 Hoare's Bank, in.86 and «6 Hodder's Arithmetick, iv. 138 and 224 Hodgson, Brian, Ashbourne innkeeper, in.371 and 224

395, v.7; illness and recovery, 11.35859; dines with SJ, iv.317, 3 1 9 hope, 1.203, 207 Hope, John, M.D., IV.286»6 Hopkins, Benjamin, politician: and chamberlainship election, 11.347 a n c ' nn8,g Hopper, Ann Carless, niece of E. Hec-

Hogarth, William, painter: epitaph for, 1 . 3 8 3 - 8 5 and rani,2,4,8; "Columbus Breaking an Egg," 1.384 and 224

tor, 111.141 and 2213 Horace, 1 . 5 1 - 5 5 ; quoted, 1.95m3, 299212, 3432212, 345224, 358 and n 1,

Holder, PRobert, apothecary, iv.6 and m , 34; ment., iv.359, 365, 368

36322224,5, 381224, 11.13 a n d "4, 7 lra 5> 100222, 1942214, 111.48225, 104226, 141

Holdernesse, 4th Earl of (Robert Darcy), n.347 and m o


Holinshead, Raphael, author, 1.63 and „7

Baretti s

' 202 and 228, 215222, 1^47227, 347222, 370222, 387226, ^29222;

Holland see Netherlands, The


' 111.144229


Philidor s





Home, George, Vice-Chancellor of Ox-

Hollyer, John, cousin of SJ, 1 1 . 1 5 7 - 5 8 , I V ^ 0 TT




' B i s h o P o f Norwich, and Walton's Lives, 11.138—39 and 221, 1 4 5 - 4 6

- LETTER: ir. 1 3 8 - s q

Home, Henry see Kames, XLord Homer, 1.12, 52 and «6, 92223; quoted, I.404 and 221, iv.1282227; and Macpherson's translation of the Iliad, II.169 and 229


' friend of Gold" ' 3 4 ° a n d n2 > 3 5 2 and «4! marriage of, 111.277 and 228 Horneck, Hannah (Mrs. Kane), friend of

Hood, Samuel, Baron, iv.306724 Hoole, John, dramatist and poet: ST to •, „ . dine with, 11.26, 194; ment., 1.279 and 227, 3 3 4 and m , 11.142221, i n . 1 1 5 , 192223, 282, iv.33, 238223, 306, 309; and Cleonice, 11.159—60, 172—7322222,3, 175; translation of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, m . 3 2 3 - 2 4 and 22222,4,6; SJ dines with, iv.31, 100221, 3 1 7 , 319, 325; and Essex Head Club, iv.278, 395 and 223; and J . Scott's biography, 1v.404.n1; and SJ's last days, IV.441MI - L E T T E R S : 11.27—28, 1 5 9 - 6 0 , 267, 3 5 8 - 5 9 , 111.283, iv.212, 240, 3 6 3 - 6 4 , 3 9 4 - 9 5 . 4 ° 3 - 4 . v.7 Hoole, Rev. Samuel, iv.238 and 223, 240222,395 Hoole, Susannah Smith (Mrs. John): ment., 11.27 a n d n l < 267, iv.363—64,






ment., 11.239.


f I V ' 4 1 ' ^J Lives of the Poets to,


'"14. set

-LETTER: 1.339-40 Horneck I




P l - Kane, Royal Engineers,


Horneck, Mary, friend of Goldsmith, i-339 n l > 3 4 ° and 22222,3, 3 5 2 and 224; ment., 11.239 Hotham, Sir Richard, Kt., East India merchant and M.P., 111.254 a n d «4, 276 Houssaye, Amelot de la, 1.13223 Howard, Charles, proctor, friend of SJ, 1.180 and 223, 185, 229, 234 Howard, Frederick see Carlisle, 5th Earl of Howard, John, philanthropist, iv.322 and 22228,9



Howe, Sir William, general: and American War, HI.952110 Howell, James, author, in.72 and ni2 Huddesford, George, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, President of Trinity College: ment., 1.155 - L E T T E R : 1.98-99 Hudson, Miss, embroiderer and seamstress, iv. 1 4 5 - 4 6 and 225, 147, 172 Huggins, William, scholar of Italian literature: gold watch incident, 1.83-86; death of ment., 1.215 -LETTERS: 1.83-86 Hughes, John, poet, 1.81 and 224 Hughes, John, schoolmaster, 1.3«2 Hume, David: ment., 1.393221,11.357223; and copyright issue, 11.129221 Humphry, Ozias, portrait painter: and apprenticeship for SJ's godson, iv.309, 3 1 3 , 328

INGE I Iceland, 1.170 and 215 Icolmkill (Iona), island, 11.106 and 2123, 107—8 and 2227 idleness, 1 . 1 4 7 - 4 8 , 273; "few are so busy as not to find time to do, what they delight in doing," 1.76; "be not solitary; be not idle," 11.118, 3 1 3 , 111.201; "keep yourself busy, and you will in time grow cheerful," 11.319; SJ now paying fine of idleness, 111.308; "be always busy," in.142, 265; "never be without something to wish, and something to do," 111.377; on not being idle, iv.180—81; on leisure as disease, iv.349; see also solitude Idler, 1.48221, iv.441; reference to SJ's final essay in, 111.84224 Ignoramus (Ruggle): and J . S. Hawkins,

- LETTERS: iv.309, 3 1 3 , 3 2 8

1 v.310221

Hunter, Elizabeth see Seward, Elizabeth Hunter Hunter, Rev. John, 1.185221, 301225 Hunter, John, M.D., in. 1 1 7 and rai Hunter, Lucy Porter Howard (Mrs. John), 1.185 a nd rai, 301221, 316224 Hunter, William, M.D.: to present advance copy of Journey to King George III, 11.164; ment., iv.32224; discusses politics with SJ, iv.59; death of, iv.i ig and 222, 136221; and Royal Academy, iv. 135—36 and rai - L E T T E R S : 11.164, 1 1 1 1 1 7 - 1 8 Huntingford, Rev. George, m . 2 5 g - 6 o and 222 Hussey, Rev. John, 111.147-48 Hussey, William, politician, iv. 2 89225 Hutton, James, Moravian church leader, 111.342211, 273 and 227 Hyde, Edward see Clarendon, 1st Earl

ignorance, 1.269-71 Iliad, The (Homer): quoted, 1.62 and 222, 404 and rai; and J . Macpherson's translation, 11.169 and 229; Pope's translation, iv.66 and 222, 842(6 II Palmertno d'Inghilterra, 11.309 and 225 IIpastorfido (Guarini), 11.337222 imagination: see fancy and imagination Impey, Sir Elijah, Kt., Chief Justice, iv.58 and 225 Improvement of the Mind, The (Watts), 111.367 and ra6 Inch Galbraith, 11.110224 Inchkeith, island, 11.54-55 and «2 Inchkenneth, island, 11.104-6, 1 7 1 Inchkenneth verses (Johnson) see Insula Sancti Kennethi Inchlonaig, 11.110224, 1 1 1 and ra8 India, iv.248, 277; and R. Chambers, n . 8 6 and 22222-4, 120221, iv.127, 2 1 5

of Hyde, Henry see Cornbury, Viscount Hydrops (Lawrence), 1.283 and 223 Hyett, Benjamin, iv.55721

indulgence, 11.301 infidelity (religious), 1.314 Inge, Henrietta Wrottesley (Mrs. Theodore William), iv. 185 and 225





Inge, Theodore William, Staffordshire landowner, iv. 185715 Inge, William, scholar and antiquarian, iv. 185726 Inner Temple Lane, 1.187712 Inoculator, The (Sutton), 1.282714 Inquiry into the Causes of Infidelity and Scepticism (Ogilvie), iv. 115711 Inquiry into the Original of the Public Debt (Elibank), 1.363716 Inscriptiones Antiquae Totius Orbis Romani (Gruterus), 11.199721 Insula Sancti Kennethi (Johnson), 11.106 and 1119, 1 7 1 , 178/19 intellect, intelligence (mind), 1.363, iv.254; on powers of mind liable to change, 1.134; on reaching the limit of one's intellectual potential, 11.261-62 and 221; and learning, 11.263—64; see also education; knowledge Introduction to the Italian Language (Baretti), 1.92224 Introduction to the most useful European Languages (Baretti), 11.190 and 229 Inverary Castle (Scotland), 11.108 and 722, 111.73/23 Inverness, 11.65 Iona, island see Icolmkill Ireland: SJ on, 1 . 1 5 1 - 5 2 , 170; SJ on need for history of, i n . 2 3 - 2 4 ; political situation and free trade, iv.64-65 and 225; reforms demanded, iv.217 and 7112; see also Irish language; Irish

Isay (Isa) Island (Skye), 11.71 and «4 Iserloo, Catherine see Dodsley, Catherine Iserloo Islam (Ilam) Garden, Staffordshire: SJ and J B visit, 111.73 and 714; ment., 111.79 Isle of Wight: and threatened FrancoSpanish invasion, 111.180712; ment., 111.279 Italian Library (Baretti), 1.92724 Italy: ment. in relation to creation of Royal Library, 1.308, 309, 3 1 1 ; ment. of proposed 1774 trip with Thrales to, 11.223 and 2212; plans for, then postponement of, 1776 trip, 11.299 and 722, 3 1 6 , 317727, 3 1 8 and 221, 319, 3 2 1 , 322, HI.299 and 222; SJ's proposed 1784 trip to, 1^342223 Ivy Lane Club, iv.317; beginnings of, iv.246-47 and 221; plans for reunion, iv.246-47, 256; members reunion, iv.259; SJ gives dinner for remaining members, iv.316 —MEMBERS: Bathurst, R., 1.68223; Dyer, S., 1.2652211; Hawkins, Sir J., iv.24647 and rai, 256; Hawkesworth, J., 1.67/22; Lawrence, T., 1.116722; Payne, J., 1.47723; Ryland, J., 1.127/21, iv.246, 247/21, 256

literature Irene (Johnson), 1.12/21, 17 and 222, 23— 24 and mi7, 28; produced at Drury Lane, 1.42/23; copy to be sent to Pembroke College, Oxford, iv.441 Irenicum, or the Importance of Unity in the Church of Christ Considered (Worthington), 11.175 a n d 723 Irish language, 1.152 and 726, 111.23 Irish literature, 1.152, 111.23-24 and 22721,3—5 Isaacs, Isaac, neighbor of SJ, 1.119/23

J Jack the Gianthller, 1.296 and 225 Jackson, Andrew, uncle of SJ, 1.7/29 Jackson, Cyril, sub-preceptor to Prince of Wales: dismissed by King, 11.3477210 Jackson, Harry, friend of SJ, 1.291 and 223, 11.297, 301; death of ment., 111.48 and 224, 5 1 , 5 7 Jackson, Humphrey, chemist, 11.22—23 and 225, 111.305/24

1 18




Jackson, Richard, government official, rv.237-38 Jackson's Oxford Journal, 1.413m Jamaica: capture of by French, 111.198 and 216, 2 1 2 and n 12; and P. Stockdale, 111.286/13, 287, 291 and rag James IV (of Scotland), 11.58/221 James V (of Scotland), 11.52/28, go and rai4 James VI (of Scotland), 11.52 and n6 James, Robert, M.D., 1.24/21, 25 and/22, 26—27 and 224, 125/26, i2g; and Mrs. Salusbury's illness, 1 1 . 1 6 - 1 7 and ram,2, 18 and rai; SJ on medicines of, iv.372 Jealous Wife, The (Coleman), 1.199 and mo Jeans, John, 11.72 and raio Jebb, Sir Richard, 1st Bt., physician: ment., 111.168/22, 248 and rai, iv.13, 19, 20, 42/21, 43; medical advice, iv.47 and 22224,6, 48


Jessop, William, clergyman, 1.268 Jewel, William, friend of S. Foote, 111.93/110 Jodrell, Richard Paul, classicist and playwright: SJ dines with, 111.229 and n8, iv.325; and Essex Head Club, iv. 257/22 - L E T T E R : IV. 1 2 2 - 2 3 Johnson, Elizabeth Jervis Porter (Tetty) (Mrs. Samuel): impending marriage to SJ, i.iomo, 11/216; SJ's concern over health of, 1.22—24, 31, 3 2 , 4 4 and 225, 59; financial problems inherited from first husband, 1.39 and ni; death of, 1.59/22, 61/2/21,3, 90 and 227; E. Desmoulins and, 1.125/24; ment., 1.185/21; SJ's wish for Thrale child to be named for, 1.302/24; funeral service for ment., 11.29/21; lettering and placement of gravestone of, 1 v.348-49 and 22221,3; inscription on gravestone of, IV -444

- LETTER: i v . 5 0 - 5 1

- LETTER: 1 . 2 2 - 2 4

Jeffries, Elizabeth, Maid of Honour, li.205 and «7 Jeffs, William, Reader at the Temple

Johnson, Elizabeth Reynolds (Mrs. William), sister of Sir J. Reynolds, 1.215/21, 216 and 224, 376/22

Church, iv.238222 Jenkinson, Charles, M.P., politician (later Earl of Liverpool): ment. 1.300 and rag, in.29; and Dodd case, 111.29, 30

Johnson, John, Vicar of Cranbrook, iv.i78andra5 Johnson, Maurice, 1^84/22 Johnson, Michael, father of SJ: ment., 1.275/22, iv. 104/23

- L E T T E R S : 1 . 2 5 8 - 5 9 , III.29

Jennens, Charles, Shakespearean editor, 11.25 and 227 '




, ...

Jennings Clerke, Sir Philip, 1st Bt., M.P., friend of the Thrales, in. 168 and 223, 195, 206 and «6, 253, iv.161, 163/26; contractor's bill of, in. 2 4 0 - 4 1 and ra/24,5; and Gordon Riots, 111.269/214 Jephson, Robert, 11.175 and rara6,7 Jerusalem Delivered (Tasso): Hoole's translation, 1.279/27; Fairfax's translation, 111.117/22 Jervis, William, Warwickshire squire, 1.22/21 119

S a m u e l


J o h n s o n

catalogue of his books, 1 . 7 - 8 and n^; plans to keep boarding school, 1.10; on failed cotton mill investment, 1.24— 26, 125 and ra6; on proposed historical account of British Parliament, 1.34—36 and 225, 3 6 - 3 7 and 223; moderator in gold watch dispute, 1.83-86; and M.A. from Oxford, 1.88 and RA3, 8g, 90, 94, g7, 9 8 - 1 0 0 ; on difference between real and ideal, 1.165—66; on

S. J O H N S O N



(cont.) "every man's" affairs, 1.212; receives degree from University of Dublin, I.257 and 712; Spanish fluency ment., II.26 and J12; French letters, 11.37~3g, v.2g-3o; apologizes to J . Macleod of Raasay on statement of mistaken supremacy in Journey, 11.203, 206, 2 6 5 66; named trustee of Hester Thrale's and estate, 1 1 . 2 5 3 - 5 4 and JB's controversy with his father over entail, n.286-8g, 2 g i - g 2 , 2g4—95; on importance of method in life, 11.361 and 77725,6; epitaph on monument in St. Paul's ment., 111.7221; Nollekens bust of, m.54 a " d 222, 98, 1 0 8 - g ; parodies politicians, 111.72 and 727211,12; talk of another expedition with J B , HI.74; lends J B money, i n . 7 4 - 7 5 ; on hair care, Iii.g5-g6; portraits of, in.127 and 72725,6, 278 and rai, iv. 120221; as executor of Henry Thrale's will, 111.330 and ra6; on the common course of life, iv. 170; on use of initials, iv.233; o n animals, iv.264; on "speaking figure," iv.331; on Hester Thrale's marriage, iv.338, 339, 3 4 3 - 4 4 and 777, 3 5 1 ; on public opinion, iv.367; see also under the specific subject heading, such as death; medicine; politics and the contemporary political situation



and death, 1.43, 1 7 4 - 7 5 , 1 7 6 - 7 7 ; on death of his wife, 1 . 6 1 - 6 2 and 72721,3, go and n-j\ on rumor of his death, 1.118; and death of H. Boothby, 1.123722; on being only child, 1 . 1 7 1 72; attends theater, i.igg-200; on return to his birthplace, 1.206, 207; on rising early, 1.265 and rag, 267; named godfather to Thrale child, 1.302 and 224, 3 2 4 - 2 5 , 326; wish for Thrale child to be named after "Tetty," 1.302224; first love, 1.3437211; on his 64th birthday, 11.75; cousin squanders borrowed money, 1 1 . 1 5 7 - 5 8 and 223; receives D.C.L. from Oxford, 1 1 . 1 9 3 94 and 727, 196; on death of longtime friend C. Hardinge, 11.296-97; on death of Harry Thrale, 1 1 . 3 1 1 - 1 2 , 3 1 3 - 1 4 ; godfather to J . Langton, ni-37 and rai; on being 68 years old, m.68, 73, 87, 88; ment. of 70th birthday, HI. 191, 202; reference to his 71st birthday, 111.308; on his love of the Burneys, 111.373; and Collier inheritance affair, iv.16 and rai, 53, 56, 60, 6 2 , 7 4 - 7 5 , 7 6 - 7 7 , 9 3 , 9 4 , 101, 1 0 5 - 7 , 141; plans for his birthday dinner in 1783, iv.igg; makes his will, iv.288, 433221, 4 4 2 - 4 3 and 222; on his wife's gravestone, iv.348, 430, 435, 444; on epitaph and gravestones for family, iv.443-44; love for his wife, iv.444

- D I E T : iv.47; abstinence (fasting), -FINANCIAL ISSUES: mortgage and 1 . 1 2 2 - 2 3 , n l l 5 7 _ 5 8 , 186, 207, 234, finances, 1 . 3 7 - 3 8 and 723, 43, 64, 1 5 3 245, 248, 275; avoidance of meat, ad54, v.12 and 723; financial problems, 1.39 and rai, 4 8 - 4 9 , 82, 158 and 722, vocates a semivegetable or alternate diet, 111.198, 202, 229226, 241, 248, 179 and rag; W. Strahan as SJ's agent, 266, 279, 2 8 3 - 8 4 , 288, iv. 136; banker, and paymaster, 1.50 and rai; potatoes and spinach, 111.248; is thinunder arrest for debt, 1.132; pension ner, the less we eat the better, in.290issues, 1.20872724,6, 209, 212, 2 2 1 - 2 2 , gi; eats little, iv.7; eats meat, iv.155; iv.398 and nni,2, 399-400, 446; if he use of milk, iv.365, 397, 409 had enough money what he would do, - F A M I L Y A N D P E R S O N A L L I F E : on 11243; on debts, ni.40; profits from wife's illness, 1.31, 32, 42—43 and rai, political tracts, 111.137221; expects 59; response to his mother's sickness Henry Thrale to be his personal

1 20




( F I N A N C I A L

I S S U E S )


( H E A L T H )

banker, 111.174 and 772; and F. Reynolds's German friend, 111.177; overpayment and money from M. Prowse, m.344 and 714; see also money H E A L T H : 1.317, 3 1 8 and rai, 324, 375, 410, 11.5; on pain and illness, 1.62, 1 1 7 ; on being near madness, 1.91 and 712; bloodletting, 1.116, 11.40, 111.4, 5 and »2, 7, 9, 158, 167 and ra2, 234, 275, 277, iv.4-5, 1 6 - 1 7 , 19 a n d 1 3 , 29, 3 4 - 3 5 . 3 8 ' cough, 1.116, 1 1 8 - 1 9 , 196, 216, 11.5, 1 0 - 1 1 , 14, 125, in.35, 209, 223, 234, 236, 275, iv.8, 1 2 - 1 3 , 20, 37, 38, 42, 44, 4 6 - 4 7 , 5 1 , 3 0 9 - 1 0 ; restless and tedious nights, 1.122, HI.11, 21, 142, 162, 164, 290, iv.7, 39, 356; eye inflammation and other disorders, 1.128 and 773, 1 3 2 - 3 3 , 134, 222, n.35 a n d rai, 37, 40 and 723, 41, 45, g8; colds, 1.196, 11.5, 40, 125, 364, m.2og, 212, 22g, 234, 236, 275, iv.26; bloodletting ment., 1.196, 11.253, 111.158, 223, iv.5, 6, 7, 20; rheumatism, 1.336, 337, 339, 344, 345, 3 4 6 -

179, 186, 202, 207, 223, 234, 248, 275, 277; remedies, 111.96 and ra2, 97; lamed one of his knees, 111.125; takes musk, 111.125-26 and rai, 1 2 7 - 2 8 ; new medicine, 111.131; takes valerian, 111.140 and 713, 141; feeling better, improvement in, HI. 149, ig7, 203, 207, 212, 233, 243 and 773, 275, 277, 279, 294, 302, 318, 327, 349, 372; takes opium and opiates, 111.158, 186, 193, 233, 236, 275, iv.24-25, 42, 47, 48722, 97«2, 136, 149, 1 5 1 , 219, 265, 272, 274, 283, 297-98, 303, 353, 377, 381, 388-89, 419; told how well he looks, 111.158, igo, 193, 198; to J . Taylor on, 111.163; better than when in Scotland, 111.181; J B says he looks well, m.i8g; grows light and airy, 111.202, 221, 243 and 713, 280; "gravedo," 111.364; hurt in leg grown better, 111.373; bronchitis, or a chronic bronchial infection, iv.4 and rai; Latin letters to Thomas Lawrence on, iv.4-5, 7, 1 6 17, 20, 2 4 - 2 5 , 34, 39; takes "poppy"

47' 349> 3®7< 3 7 3 ' 374> 375! lumbago, I.367; flatulence, 1.410, 11.238, 248, HI.21; gout and foot problems, 11.5, 268, 33g, 342, 343, 346, 347, 350, 111.185 and 713, 186-87, i8g, igo, i g i , ig3 and 725, 204, 221 and rai, iv.17, 202, 205, 206, 208, 209, 244; SJ's comments on state of his health, 11.9— 1Q > 33> 34- 1 0 2 > l n -63, 92, gg, 108, 153, 154, 160, 367, 368; dejected and depressed, 11.38712, 3g776, iv.212, 27g, 282; on importance of exercise, 11.40, 45 and 713, HI. 175, i7g; during Hebridean trip, 11.98, 125; hearing disorder, 1 1 . 1 1 3 - 1 4 , 226; fainting fit, II.212; respiratory problems, 111.4-5, 6 - 7 , g, 36, 52 and ra2, 148, 162, 164, i7g, iv.17, 34, 44, 83, 1 0 7 7 2 1 ; takes ipecacuanha, 111.4 and W2, 52 and 772; illness leads to visit to Streatham, III.6772; takes physic, 111.21, 166, 167,

for sleep, iv.119; "arthritical" complaints,; effect of illness of 1768, iv. 125775; mind unimpaired body given way to repeated shocks, i v i 30; catharticks, iv.136, 353; "stroke of palsy," iv.i48-4g and rai, 148 and 773; swollen legs, iv.149; on his loss of speech and problems with his voice, iv.i4g, 1 5 1 - 5 2 and raio, 162, 164, 167, 1 7 1 , 174, 177, i7g; stroke ment., iv.i4g, 150, 1 5 1 , 157, i5g, 164; and blistering, iv.153, 1 5 4 55 and rara3,4; stroke reported in newspapers, iv. 159 and rai; use of cantharides, iv.161, 162, 163, 165, 167, 35g, 364-65, 370; testicular sarcocele and ment. of possible surgery, iv.182, 183 and ra2, 184, 196—97 and 71714,6, 200, 201, 205, 206-7, 208, 209, 210,219-20,226,230,210,211,213, 216, 218, 220, 223, 225, 230, 231,




( H E A L T H )


J O H N S O N ' S


(cont.) 1 . 2 6 / 1 1 ; Gough Square, 1.43m, 160/15; 235; tooth extracted, iv.211; being Staple Inn, 1.184 and m ; Gray's Inn, solitary, iv.232 and «3, 237; testicular 1.187/12; Inner Temple Lane, 1.187/12; sarcocele gone, JV.244, 246; dropsy, Johnson's Court, 1.252/21, 11.316 and IV.268/13, 283, 285, 287, 290, 294, rai; home in Lichfield, 1.263 and 223, 296, 297, 300, 304, 3 1 2 , 319, 334, 275 and ra2, 346 and ra6; constructs 436; dreads effect of opiates, iv.280; "new study," 1.265 and raio; Sadler asthma, iv.285, 296, 297, 300, 303, Street, 1.346 and ra6; move from 304, 319, 334, 368, 372, 373, 376; Johnson Court to Bolt Court, 11.316 diuretics, iv.289, 290 and rai, 293, and m ; Bolt Court, 11.316 and rai, 3 6 4 - 6 5 , 382; thanks God for recov111.7-8 and Z13; requests free accomery, iv.319; on his miraculous recovmodations at Hampton Court Palace, ery, iv.319-20; takes squills, iv.348, 11.319-20 and rara2,4 356, 368, 370, 372, 3 7 3 , 3 7 6 - 7 7 . 381, 394, 401, 419, 428, 435, 436; gives account of his health to various individuals, i v . 3 5 1 - 5 3 , 355, 423; constil o h n s o n ' S a m u e 1 ' n e P h e w o f S i r Jpation, iv.353, 409, 4 1 5 . 428; Reynolds, 1 . 3 7 6 - 7 7 and n2 diacodium, iv.365, 3 8 1 ; improvement Johnson, Sarah Ford, mother of SJ: and recovery, iv.368-70, 386-89, business and finances of, 1.23/18, 393. 394- 396, 405; relapse of dropsy, 24/218, 38, 154, 181, 182; SJ on eventual death of iv.436; since his 20th year has seldom ' I -43- 45' death of, given him ease, v. 7 i-45»3> i 7 7 » * ; ment., 1.61, 11.191 and n - L I T E R A R Y W O R K S see under the title 4< and Dictionary, 1.104 a n d " 4 ; SJ's h o e t o visit of the individual work P > 1106/29, 1 1 4 - 1 5 ; SJ's - O P I N I O N S A N D C O M M E N T S see under concern she will hear rumor of his death the specific topic, such as death; edu- L 1 1 9 : a n d subscriptions for S S cation; friendship J ' Shakespeare, 1.142, 147, 153; SJ on -RELIGION: "I cannot receive my relideath of, 1.179-80, 1 8 1 - 8 2 , 183, 184; S S w i s h t o s e t t l e d e b t s of I l 8 z gion from any human hand," 1.119; ' > ' l87 prayer, "When my Eye was Restored ~ L E T T E R S : 1 . 1 7 4 - 7 5 , 176, 1 7 7 - 7 8 to its Use," 1.128 and ra3; prayer on Johnson, Thomas, currier and cousin day of mother's funeral, 1 . 1 7 9 - 8 0 and of SJ: ment., 1.326 and rai, 337, 339, m ; on last day of Lent, 1.391 and rai; 111.165-66, iv.440 and 22/21,2; squanSarum Rite, 1.396/28; prayer when ders money lent by SJ, 1 1 . 1 5 7 - 5 8 and w sick, iv. 1 5 1 and 223; on prayer and 3 fasting as reason for recovery, iv.2go — L E T T E R : III. 100 and rai; God has granted a reprieve, Johnson, William, mayor of Torringiv.292-93; receives holy sacrament at ton, merchant, 1.216 and 22/24,7, home, iv.312; thanks God for recov376/22, 377 ery, iv.319; first care is to please God, Johnson, William Samuel, agent in Loniv.367; see also religion don for Colony of Connecticut, 11.14—


- RESIDENCES: Exeter Street, 1.12/21;

Castle Street, 1.14/21, i7rag, 110/21; Bow Street, 1.26/21; Durham Yard,


Johnson's Court 11.316 and rai






Johnston, Arthur, poet, 111.9 and nil, iv. 2 99 Johnston, Margaret Penelope, granddaughter of W. Strahan, 111.285 and n 10 Johnston, Rachel Strahan, daughter of W. Strahan: ment., 111.2857110 Johnston, William, bookseller, 1.178 and 775, 390 Jones, Benjamin, prisoner, iv.363 and m Jones, Capt. Benjamin, of the East India Company, 1.357 a n d «2 Jones, Griffith, printer, translator, and editor, v.8 Jones, John, prisoner, iv.363 and 771 Jones, Mary, poet, 1.155 and 775 Jones, Mr., shoemaker, 111.316-17 Jones, Rev. Oliver, chantor of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, 1.155775 Jones, Sir William, orientalist, 11.137 7714; and politics, m.254 and 779, 266; ment. concerning The Club, iv. 126 Jonson, Ben, poet: ment., hi. 120774 Jopp, James, Lord Provost of Aberdeen, 11.60 and 77i Jortin, Rev. John, D.D., classical scholar, iv.84 and 776 Joseph, JB's servant see Ritter, Joseph journal-keeping, 11.260-61 and 771, in.61, 107—8; difference between history writing and, 1.34, 329 Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides (Hebridean journal) (Boswell), 11.777730, 95; MS given to Hester Thrale to read, 11.206 and n 13, 209 and 775; Hester Thrale's reaction to, 11.209 and 775, 266; SJ inquires if Hester Thrale has read, 11.223, 228-29; H. L. Piozzi's concealment of SJ's comments on J B , 11.236772; SJ glad Hester Thrale has read, 11.239, 2 5 3 Journal to Stella (Swift), 1.322 and m Journey from London to Genoa (Baretti), 1.2007711, 348 and 776

JUGEMENS "Journey, The" (Churchill), 1 . 1 7 3 m 3 Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland (Johnson): and SJ's letters to Hester Thrale, 11.54m; deforestation ment., 11.63112, 1 1 1 . 4 1 m l ; controversial statement on supremacy of clans, 11.837111; SJ gathers information for, 11.120775, 123771; manuscript delivered to printer, 11.134 a n d 775, 144 and 771; printing begins, 11.144 a n d 773, 147; contrasts notion and fact, 11.145 a n d 771; printing of 2d edition, 11.145 and 772; J B supplies information for, 11.146 and 7711; SJ regrets having to neglect proofs to visit Wales, 11.149; printing of and distribution plans, 11.150, 151 and n 5> number of pages printed, n.154; corrected last page of, 11.155 and m ; canceled leaf in, 11.156—57 and 77772,4,7; l s t edition and errata 'eaf, 11.159 and 77773,4; J ® receives copy of, 11.166 and 77771,3; SJ sends in boards, 11.167; and MacphersonJohnson controversy, 11.168773, 181 and 775; to send J B parcel containing copies, 11.170; divided opinion on, 1 1 1 7 4 and 772; sales of, 11.182; SJ apologizes to J. Macleod of Raasay for mistake concerning clan supremacy, 11.203; theme of patriarchal authority, 111.40 and 778, ment., 111.137771; financial contract for, m.325 and 772; copy sent to Oxford library, iv.441 and 773 - P R E S E N T A T I O N C O P I E S : for certain people, 11.144, *8O and 771, 364 and 772; sent to Hester Thrale, 11.159 a n d 773; sent to W. Hastings, 11.160—61; sent to W. Hunter to present to George III, 11.164; and J. Taylor, 11.167; SJ instructs J B regarding 2d edition for friends in Scotland, 11.180 and m Jugemens des sgavans sur les principaux ouvrages des auteurs (Baillet), 1.312 and 7726




Julius Caesar (Shakespeare): and Jennens's edition of, 11.25227; quoted, 111.77W9 Juslenius, Daniel, lexicographer, 1.88215 Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis), 1.16 and 223; quoted, 1.172 and 225, 111.358227, iv.155 and n6, 355211, 401221

K Kam (dog), 111.374 and ni Kames, Henry Home, Lord, Scots jurist, 111.31222; and Elements of Criticism, v. 14 and ni Kearsley, George, bookseller: ment., hi.361; and The Beauties of Johnson, 111.361221, iv.28225, 40224, 41 - LETTER: iv.41 Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire, 1.392 and 222, 395 Keegan, Allen, balloonist, IV.279M2, 415221 Keep, Mr., 11.7 and 22228,9 Kelly, Hugh, playwright: SJ's prologue for benefit performance of A Word to the Wise, in.2722226,7, 49 Kelly, Mrs. Hugh, 111.27 and 227 Kemble, John Philip, actor, manager of Drury Lane Theatre, IV.228T28, 2 3 2 33 and 226 Kennedy, Catherine ^1700-1779) (Mrs. John), 111.169 and 225 Kennedy, Catherine, daughter of Rev. John Kennedy see Burton, Catherine Kennedy Kennedy, Rev. John, HI. 169215, 3 7 1 Kenneth (Canice), St., 11.104 a ° d 22g Keppel, George see Albemarle, 3d Earl of Kettell Hall (Oriel College), 1.108225 Kilmorey, 10th Viscount (John Needham), iv.23g and 22225,7,8



Kindersley, Jemima, author, iv.217 and 227 King, Rev. William, D . C . L . , Principal of St. Mary's Hall, Oxford, 1.98 and 221, 186 and 225 Kinghorn (Fife), 11.55 King Lear (Shakespeare), 1.351 and 222; quoted, 111.368223 Kingsburgh (Skye), 11.90-gi King's College (Aberdeen), 11.58 and 2221, 59 and 2229 Kings Norton parish, 11.190-91 and 222 Kingston, Dowager Duchess of, Elizabeth Chudleigh, 11.321223 Kinsey, Peter, neighbor of SJ, 1.119223 Kippis, Rev. Andrew, clergyman and biographer, 111.226212 Kircaldy (Fife), 11.55 Kirkwall, Viscount (John Fitzmaurice): birth of, in.147 and 223 Knapton, John, bookseller, 1.4022223,4, 41 Knapton, Paul, bookseller, 1.4022223,4, 4 1 , 1 1 0 and ni Knight, Joseph, former slave, in.42 and 222217,18, 104 Knightsbridge: Mrs. Langton visits baths at, 111.245 and 227 knowledge, 1 . 2 6 9 - 7 1 ; is always to be wished to those who can communicate it well, 1.192; the most pleasing and valuable of all acquisitions, 1.219; SJ's quest for, 1 1 . 1 3 6 - 3 7 ; acquaintance with the world is, 111.256; see also education; intellect; reading Knowles, Mary Morris (Mrs. Thomas), 11.332 and 228 Knowles, Rev. Thomas, 11.332228 Know Your Own Mind (Murphy), 11.24224 Knox, John, 11.55 a n ( i " 5 ,

1 24

LA B R U Y E R E L La Bruyere, Jean de, moralist, 1.380 Lade, Ann Thrale, Lady (wife of Sir John, 1st Bt.), sister of Henry Thrale, 111.62-63, 65 and Til, 69, 91, 366; and brewery finances, 11.245 a n d nio; ment., 111.184712; on Gordon Riots, in.272 and 714 Lade, Sir John, 2d Bt., nephew of Henry Thrale, 11.98 and 7751, 111.626377713,5, 65, 69, 73, 91, 272724; SJ writes 21st birthday poem for, 111.296 and n8 Ladies' Charity School, 1.330 and ni, 360 and 772; A. Williams's bequest to, iv.205 and 777, 225 land tenure see feudalism Langdon, Robert see Longdon, Robert Langley, Mrs. William: ment., 111.59 Langley, Rev. William, headmaster, Ashbourne Grammar School, iv.5657, 141; controversy with J. Taylor, I.394 a n d " 2 . 11244, m -59> 69; and employment for W. Davenport, 11.161 and 222; ment., 11.231, m.155; makes improvements in his garden, 11.249; and Collier-Flint inheritance controversy, iv.16 and 72I, 5 6 - 5 7 , 75, 101 and 722, 1 0 5 - 6 and 724, 141 - LETTERS: iv.56-57, 141 Langton, Algernon, son of Bennet, the younger, iv.24226 Langton, Bennet (the eider), Lincolnshire gentleman, 1.106 and 727, 107, 163 and 227, 193, 264, 267, 359 and 772; ment., iv.128 Langton, Bennet (the younger), friend of SJ: ment., 1.157225, 163, 218, 251722, 3 1 9 - 2 0 , 359, 3 6 1 - 6 2 and 722, II.422210,48229,1947212,209,111.67224, 1 1 2 , 216, iv.43, 1 1 8 - i g , 3 1 3 and 221; height of ment., 1.164 a n d 774; travels with T. Beauclerk, 1.192721, 213; offended by SJ, 11.42 and «g; visits SJ,



11.170; SJ's advice for rheumatism, 11.200-201; ment. of departure for Lincolnshire, n.2og, 213; and possibility of stabling C. Carter's horse at estate of, 11.236714, 246; SJ dines with, 11.326, 350, iv.138; SJ on mismanaged finances of, 11.360; to dine with SJ and T. Percy at Chaplain's table, 11.362; SJ plans to dine with, 111.3, 4, 417715, 245; family ment., 111.9 and 717, 41 and 7115, 47, 6777775,6, 99, 1 1 8 - 1 9 ; a t military camp, 111.36 and 7719, 47, 118, 1 2 4 - 2 5 , 142, 182; SJ on, 111.118-19 and 773; and T. Beauclerk's will, 111.231 and n8; on leave from militia, engaged in engineering work, 111.266 and 727; and Prefaces, 111.278 and 712; financial problems, iv.126 and 7714, 1 2 8 - 2 9 and 7131, 3 8 3 - 8 4 ; pays SJ a sick call, iv.156; SJ to travel to Rochester with, iv.165 and 225, 168, 171, 172; SJ thanks for hospitality shown in Rochester, iv.200; and SJ's Latin poems, 1^3187211, 441721; SJ has money on deposit with, iv.383 and 226; recipient of SJ's Polyglot Bible, IV -395 W 3! summoned to SJ's bedside, 1^441721 -LETTERS: 1.105-7, 1 6 5 - 6 7 , 1 7 1 - 7 4 , 192-94. 264-67, 3 5 1 - 5 2 , 3 5 5 - 5 6 , 3 8 1 - 8 2 , 387, 391, 11.147-48, 200201, 208, 345, 111.7-8, 3 6 - 3 7 , 124— 25, 1 3 1 - 3 2 , 3 5 0 - 5 1 , iv.22—24, 200, 208, 2 2 4 - 2 5 , 3 0 2 - 3 , 309—10, 314, 349-50,382-84,441 Langton, Diana, daughter of Bennet, the younger: ment., 11.326 and 725, 345, 360,111.9727,47, 67 and 226, iv.174 and 224 Langton, Diana, sister of Bennet, the younger: ment., 1.171 and 223, 193, 267, 356, 11.427210 Langton, Diana Turnor (Mrs. Bennet, the elder): ment., 1.172 and 226, 193, 264, 267, 356, 387, 111.74722, 7 6 - 7 7 ,




Langton, Diana (cont.) 78 and 778, iv.314 and 776, 350; visits Knightsbridge, in.245717 Langton, Elizabeth, daughter of Bennet, the younger: birth of, in.9 and 776; ment., iv. 174 and 714 Langton, Elizabeth, sister of Bennet, the younger: ment., 1.171 and 773, ig3, 264 and 772, 267, 356, 375, 11.427710,111.78 and 779, iv.314 and 776; SJ comments on her claims of his "frigidity," 1 . 3 7 3 - 7 4 ; health ment., I.387 and 772; SJ sends Lives of the Poets to, iv.303 and 7ii 1 - LETTER: 1.358-59 Langton, George, son of Bennet, the younger: birth of, 1.387 and 771; ment., 1.391, 11.148 and 779, 326 and 775, 345, 360,111.9777, 47, iv.24, 3 1 4 ; SJ on education of, 11.327 and 777 Langton, Isabella, daughter of Bennet, the younger: birth of, iv.31 and 775 Langton, Jane (Jenny), daughter of Bennet, the younger: birth of, II.345772, 350 and 777; ment., 11.360, in.9777, 37 and ?7i, 47, 3 5 1 , iv.24, 174 and 774, 3 1 4

LAWRENCE 1.197; and education, 1.248; importance of, 1 . 2 6 9 - 7 1 ; on speaking a language perfectly, 11.271 and ng; see also under the names of the specific language such as French language; Irish language; Latin language La Rochefoucauld, Francois de, Due de: quoted, in.91— 92 and 7210 Latin language, 1.12, 219, 220—21, 2 3 4 35, 11.271779, iv.318; SJ corrects JB's use of, 1.272 and 77773-5 Latin poems (Johnson), iv. 1 5 1 and 716, 3 1 8 and n 1 1 , 441771 La Trobe, Rev. Benjamin, general director of the Moravian congregations in England, 111.34 and 7711 law: on professorship of the common law, 1 . 1 6 1 - 6 2 ; and women, 1.228 Law, William, theologian, 1.72 and 777, 123771

Lawrence, Charles, son of Thomas, in.310-13 Lawrence, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, iv.42, 50, 57, 61, 7 0 - 7 1 , 111-12

Lawrence, Frances Chauncy (Mrs. Thomas), 111.218 and 7712; death of,

- LETTER: i v . 3 2 4 - 2 5


Langton, Juliet, sister of Bennet, the younger: ment., 1.171 and 773, 193, 267, 356, 11.427710, III.74722, 7 6 - 7 7 Langton, Mary (Mrs. Bennet, the younger) see Rothes, Mary, Dowager Countess of Langton, Mary, daughter of Bennet, the younger: ment., 11.148 and 729, 326 and 775, 345, 360, 111.9727, 47, iv. 174 and 224, 303 and 729, 3 1 4 Langton, Peregrine, son of Bennet, the younger, iv. 24726 Langton, Peregrine, uncle of Bennet, the younger, 1.266-67 and 72771-3,5 Langton, Lincolnshire, 111.119774 language: importance of Greek, 1.11— 12, 111.136; on use of two languages,

Lawrence, John, son of Thomas: visits SJ, iv.61 and 712; death of, iv. 147 and 725 Lawrence, Soulden, son of Thomas, 11.172 arid 771, 111.44 and ?7I Lawrence, Thomas, M.D.: and bloodletting, 1.116 and 722, iv.4-5, 1 6 - 1 7 , 19723; ment., 1.117, H9> 1 2 ° , 122, 11.11, 40, 2 0 6 - 7 , 111.36, 52, 1 3 1 , 189, 310771, 3 1 1 , iv.6, 61722, 128, 160, 219; medical advice, 11.33; SJ wishes to assist son of, 11.86 and 774, 1 6 1 ; and SJ's gout, 11.268; and A. Williams's health, 11.360; SJ to visit, 11.363; SJ dines with, 111.3, 229, 235, 2go; treats SJ, in.4, 5, 7, 1 2 7 - 2 8 , 1 3 1 , 140, 2 2 1 ; SJ suggests Hester Thrale call on, 111.184; wife's

1 26




illness and death, 111.218 and rei2; SJ's condolences on wife's death, 111.22223; and Evelina, 111.236 and 213; medical suggestions for Henry Thrale, 111.261, 301221, 309; on diet, in.294; SJ's Latin letters, iv.4-5, 7, 1 6 - 1 7 , 2°> 2 4 - 2 5 , 34, 39; suffers stroke, iv.39 and 713; health ment., iv.42, 126; one of last medical directives, iv.47; SJ's concern for, iv.50, 57, 61, 71, 1 1 1 - 1 2 , 1 2 3 - 2 4 ; health worsens, iv.65; death of, iv. 147 and 775; death ment., iv. 152, 214; use of Latin, iv. 154 and 771 - L E T T E R S : 1.282-84, 11.154-55, 1 5 8 » 172, 176, 111.44, 1 2 5 - 2 6 , 146, 178, 2 2 2 - 2 3 , iv.4-5, 6 - 7 , 8—9, 16—18, 1 9 20, 2 4 - 2 5 , 34, 39, 1 2 3 - 2 4 , v.8-9 Lawrence, Thomas, painter, 11.328 and 778 Lawrence, William Chauncy, son of Thomas, 11.86 and 774, 161, iv.128, 215, v.8-9 and 771 Layer, Christopher, Jacobite conspirator, v.4 and 775 Leake, James, bookseller, 1.320773 learning see education Le Courayer, Pierre Frangois, theologian, 1.13 and 773 Lectures on Hebrew Poetry (Lowth), 111.286771 Lectures on the Truly Eminent English Poets (Stockdale), 111.286772 Ledbrooke, Rev. John, curate of Market Bosworth, in. 170 and n 1 Lee, Arthur, M.D., 11.331 and 773 Lee, William, merchant and diplomat, 11.331 and 773 Leedes, Edward, philologist, 1.11 and 775 Leek, Staffordshire, in.86 and 778 Legge, William see Dartmouth, 2d Earl of Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, philosopher, 1.20 Leland, Thomas, historian: ment.,


n.205; and History of Ireland, in.23 and 214 - L E T T E R : 1.257 Lennox, Alexander, husband of Charlotte, 1.46711, 66 and 772, 137, 11.202, v.9; ment., m.28ore7, 3 5 3 Lennox, Charlotte Ramsay (Mrs. Alexander), author: and S. Richardson, 1.56 and 773; and Lord Orrery, 1.63 and 77775,6; and G. Baretti, 1.87778; reviews of her translations, 1 1 3 5 - 3 7 ; SJ on soliciting for edition of Original Works, 11.201-2; copyright controversy with J . Dodsley, 111.138 and 771; and R. Cumberland, in.201 and 775, 202; daughter ill, 111.280 and 777; SJ seeks help for, ni.353-54; SJ on her letters, v.10; SJ quarrels with, v. 10—11 -LETTERS: 1.46-47, 58-60, 66, 71, 135—37» 1 5 0 - 5 1 , 11.201-2, 111.138, v.9-11 Lennox, Harriot Holies, daughter of Charlotte, 111.280 and 777 Le Notre, Andre, landscape architect, 1.411774 Lescaro, Doge of Genoa, 11.94 a n d r i 4 1 > iv.321 Lesley, John, writer, 11.126 and ?72 Lester, Mr., 11.257 a n d Lettere familiari (Baretti), 1.2007711 Letters from Italy (Miller), 111.236777 Letters from Italy (Sharp), 1.193776 Letters from the Island ofTeneriffe . . , and the East Indies (Kindersley), iv. 217 and 777 Letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne (Melmoth), 111.249 a n d Letters on the Study and Use of History (Bolingbroke), 1.60774 Letter to Lord Braxfield (pamphlet, Boswell), 111.255772 Letter to the People of Scotland, On the Present State of the Nation (Boswell), iv.285 and 775, 291 and 772, 299773 letter writing, 1.139-40, 142, 2 3 7 - 3 8 ,




letter writing (cont.) II.256, 260 and ra i; as mark of friendship, 1.139—40, 2 0 0 - 2 0 1 ; short letter to distant friend is an insult, 1.196; on unauthorized publication of, 1.298 and 212; punctuality of correspondence is proof of great regard, I.301; ment. of "letters about nothing," n.237,111-64, 7°> 2 99! SJ o n "materials" for excelling in, 11.256; intermission of is not decay of kindness, III.64; a s duty, 111.71-72; to Hester Thrale, "how small a part of our minds we have written," in.88; SJ on his letters to Hester Thrale, "in a man's letters his soul lies naked,"



- L E T T E R S : 1.60-61, 64, 1 5 3 - 5 4 Levett, Theophilus, Town Clerk of Lichfield: ment., 1.23218, 43, v.12 and rara 1 - 3 - LETTERS: 1.37-40 Levy, Mr., 111.251 Lewes, Thomas, commander, R.N., 111.113223 Lewis, Catherine Villiers (Mrs. John, 1st wife), iv.172 and 221 Lewis, Charlotte Cotterell (Mrs. John, 2d wife): ment., 1.110221, 205 and 224, 214, in.245 and 226, iv.145 and 224, 172, 298 and rai, 302223, 3 2 1 ; and estate of deceased husband, iv. 160223, 166

111.89-90; SJ on dating fully, in.214; SJ on Hester Thrale's lapse, in.301; material for, iv. 170; SJ's advice to C. Lennox, v. 10 Lever, Sir Ashton, Kt., HI. 163 and 224 Levet, Robert: ment., 1.105221, 138 and 225, 252221, 11.100, 1 2 1 , 111.4, 68, 72, 120, 127, 139, 140, 189, 203, 2 0 9 - 1 0 , 300; marriage of, 1.205 a n d 226, 214; SJ asks Henry Thrale to lend money to, 11.108; and T. Cumming's health, II.140-41; injures himself in fall, 11.343; health ment., 11.361; register searched for information on, 111.68, 72, 75 and 225; quarrels with A. Williams, 111.127, 139, 140; quarrels with E. Desmoulins, in.140, 189, 2 0 9 - 1 0 ; medical advice of, in.290; death of, iv.6 and «2, 8, 9 and 221; death of ment., and its effect on SJ, iv.8, 9, 15, 23, 126, 130, 160, 167, 186, 225, 265; question of heirs, IV.IO—12 and rarai6, 22 - L E T T E R S : 11.148-49, 2 7 0 - 7 3 , 356— 57, 358 Levett, John, son of Theophilus: and SJ's finances and mortgage payment, 1.60-61, 64, 153—54, v . 1 2 - 1 3 ; ment., 1.206 and raio


- L E T T E R : iv.307 Lewis, Erasmus, Under-Secretary of State, 111.248 and 223 Lewis, Rev. John, Dean of Ossory: ment., 1.205224, 214, iv.172 and n 1; death ment., iv.i6ora3; estate of, iv.i66andra4 Lewis, William, M.D., HI.68 and 223, 140723, 189 Leycester, George, cousin of T. Beauclerk, in.231 and 227 libraries: SJ on formation of Royal Library, 1 . 3 0 7 - 1 4 Lichfield, 1.1062211, 260729, 361; Bishop's Palace, 1 . 2 2 3 - 2 4 and 225; SJ's birthplace, 1.275 a n d " 2 ; SJ visits C. Chambers in 1767, 1.282722; George Lane, 1.327 and 724; Borough-Cop Hill, 1.344 a n d " 5 ; Stow Hill and Pond, 1.344 a n d 223; Sadler Street, 1 3 4 6 and re6; SJ visits in 1 7 7 1 , 1.364; on effect of Reynolds's portrait, 1.372 and 722; SJ visits in 1772,1.397 a n d 222; SJ's plans for and visit to in 1775, 11.217 and 22724,5, 221, 254, 255; box clubs in, 11.224; J B visits, 11.309724, 3 1 1 , 330 and 724, in. 191 and ran, 1 9 9 - 2 0 0 and 222, 207 and rai; SJ visits in 1777, 111.20726, 46—47 and 228, 48;



barren of entertainment, m.49; workhouses in, 111.51 and 777; races at Whittington Heath, 111.53 a n d n9> 5 5 - 5 6 ; SJ on people in, 111.55; SJ visits in 1779, in. 160, 1 6 5 - 6 6 and 772; SJ visits in 1781, 111.233711, 327 and 773, 356 and 7ii, 360, 362, 377—78; omits visit in 1780, 111.296, 303, 308, 327, 336, 345, 349; SJ en route to see E. Aston, 111.361; Thrales' visit to, 111.365714; SJ's hopes to visit soon are not realized, iv.22 and 773; SJ's 1784 visit to, iv. 167726, 340 and Til, 352; considers visiting with JB, iv.335-36 Lichfield Cathedral, 11.156 and ?72 Lichfield Grammar School, 1.87214, 104721

life, 1.199, 11360, iv.254; on looking back upon, 1.146; melancholy errands, such is the course of Life, 111.361; compared to nature, iv.198 Life of Alexander Pope (Ruffhead), 111.295 and ni "Life of Ben Jonson" (anonymous, possibly Chambers), 1.138 and 72i Life of Harriot Stuart (Lennox), 1.47225 Life of Samuel Johnson (Boswell): and J. Hussey, 111.148722 Life of Savage (Johnson), 1 . 3 2 - 3 3 and 72221-6, 3 5 - 3 6 and 22228,9 Life of Swift (Hawkesworth), in. 17 and 723, 295 and 223 Lincoln: deanery of, 111.359221, 374, 377 Lincoln Cathedral, 11.48 and ng Linley, Elizabeth Ann see Sheridan, Elizabeth Ann Linley Linley, Thomas, composer, 1^3322725,6 Lintot, Bernard, bookseller, 111.247721 Lisgow, Tom, 11.7 and re8 Literary Club see Club, The (Literary Club) literary critics and criticism, 1.92, 1 4 9 50 and 222, in.249, iv.251-52; on reviewers, 1.107 Literary Magazine, 1.138 and 72221,2,4,



160 and 71715,9; and Lennox's works, 1.137 and 71715,7 literature and literary scholarship: SJ praises T. Warton for promoting English literature, 1.81; schemes of the writer are his property and revenue, 1.156; "commentary must arise from the fortuitous discoveries of many men in devious walks of literature," 1.162; "Whatever strikes strongly should be described while the first impression remains fresh upon the mind," 1.166; establishment of Royal Library, 1.307-14; on fundamental premise of theory of biography, 1.345—46 and 725; "he who calls much for information will advance his work but slowly," 11.127; o n dedicating works, 111.358, 375; and anonymous authors, 111.372; evidence of SJ's interest in scholarship during his last days, iv.445 and 774; see also education Little Hagley, Worcestershire, 1.369 and 72223,6 Littleton, Sir Edward, 4th Bt., M.P., 111.262-63 and ng Lives (Walton): and Lord Hailes, 11.139 and 223, 145—46; ment., 11.150 Lives of the Poets (originally Prefaces): beginnings of, 111.20 and 229; SJ continues to search for material for, ni.43; SJ visits Oxford for information, 111.45; SJ's request for Biographia Britannica, 111.767211, 93; SJ works on, in.81 and 2213, 83 and 722, 93, 1 2 2 - 2 3 , 152 and 77722-5, 228 and 222, 238, 254, 260 and 722, 264, 273, 278, 285, 286, 294—95, 297, 301, 303, 304; and J. Nichols's involvement with Prefaces, 111.109721, 319 and 223, 338; SJ requests advance copy of Prefaces, 111.122 and 722; SJ wishes J. Reynolds to read, 111.123; SJ hopes to send J B "Lives" to read, m.143 a n d n1\ a n d index to, 111.145 and ni\ revises of







iv.65?! ], 70, 84 and 72713,5, 9 1 '

Lives of the Poets (cont.)

a n d ad


Prefaces, 111.146 and 774; passage from vertisement to 2d edition, iv.8i??i; "Life of Smith" included in D. Garfinancial compensation for revised rick's epitaph, 111.150771; installments text, iv.84 and 773, 113-1477771,2 of Prefaces sent to L. Porter, 111.153 - P R E S E N T A T I O N C O P I E S : to George and ni; J B requests proof sheets of III, 111.156 and 775; to various friends Prefaces from F. Barber, 111.156 and in Scotland, 111.157; to Mrs. Boswell, 712; and SJ-Cadell controversy, III. 159 111.157 and 773, 177 and 772, 304; disand 771, 348; SJ refers to first inpute with T. Cadell over presentation stallment of Prefaces, in.195 and 774; copies, 111.159 and 774; advance copies and C. Burney, 111.1967716; controsent to friends, 111.289 and 771; G. versy surrounding Milton Preface, Steevens to receive complete set of, 111.1997710; SJ continues work on, 111.343; to M. Prowse, 111.344 and 773; III.224-25, 226 and 77771,2, 227; SJ obto F. A. Barnard, 111.348; to B. jects to designation as "Johnson's Langton, 111.350-51; to W. Bewley, Poets," 111.226 and rai, v.32; Prefaces 111.353 a n d n 1 > t o ' Wilson, iv.103 ment., 111.229777; remaining "Lives" to and 776; to Sir J . Reynolds, iv.i 15773; finish, in.233775; SJ distracted from to J . Fowke, iv.123 and rai; to R. work on, in.233, 246; last biography Chambers, iv. 123 and rai; to W. Hasto be finished, 111.237779; "I am seektings, iv.123 and rai, 124; revised ing for something to say about Men copies sent to W. Langley and Langof whom I know nothing but their ley's response, iv. 141 and 775; to W. verses," 111.237; SJ on progress toward Cruikshank, iv.184; to Pembroke Colcompleting, III.254, 296, 297; SJ relege, Oxford, iv.441 and 773; see also quests information from R. Farmer, under the name of the specific poet m.257 and rai; possible reference to listed below: Addison, J.; Akenside, B. Langton's advance copy of Prefaces, M.; Blackmore, R.; Broome, W.; But111.278 and «2; SJ on finishing, 111.280 ler, S.; Collins, W.; Congreve, W.; Cowand 775; and corrections to final ley, A.; Denham, J.; Dryden, J.; Duke, proofs of Prefaces, m . 3 1 9 and 77712,3; R ; Fenton, E.; Gay, J.; Granville, G.; and help of I. Reed, m . 3 1 9 and 773; Gray, T.; Hammond, J.; Hughes, J.; financial arrangements made for, Lyttleton, G.; Milton, J.; Philips, A.; 111.325 and rani-4; second and fiPhilips, J.; Pitt, C.; Pomfret, J.; Pope, nal installment of Prefaces published, A.; Prior, M.; Rowe, N.; Sheffield, J.; III.325 and 773, 3 3 8 m ; finished, Smith, E.; Stepney, G.; Swift, J.; 111.328; holograph manuscripts of Thomson, J.; Waller, E.; Watts, I.; Prefaces, 111.328773; SJ has "load of West, G.; Yalden, T.; Young, E. copy" of Prefaces for J B , 111.328 and Lleweney, Denbighshire: Thrale family 773; officially rechristened, 111.338771; estate at, 11.148 and rai, in.251 and 776 title chosen, 111.347 and 772; set promLloyd, Rachel (Mrs. Sampson), 11.310 ised to L. Porter will receive one, and 772 III.349; SJ wishes to complete gifts to friends, 111.350; SJ requests set from C. Dilly, III.355; "generally commended," iv.26; revised editions of,

Lloyd, Sampson, banker: SJ and J B dine with, 11.310 and 772; ment., iv.26 and 774 Lobo, Father Jer6nimo, Jesuit mis-




sionary, author of Voyage to Abyssinia, 1.143718 Loch Lomond, 11.110 Locke, John, 1.293 and 775 Lockhart, Mr., physician, in. 1 1 7 Lombe, Sir Thomas, Kt., in.70774 London, in.90, 1 1 9 ; St. John's Gate, 1.5 and 772; Charterhouse, Aldersgate, 1.10 and 7714; Westminster School, 1.10 and 7715; Durham Yard, 1.26771; Mitre Tavern, 1.279 and «6; riots in Oct. 1774, n.15 and 714; Lothbury Street, 1 1 . 1 1 2 and n~j; SJ dissuades J B from visiting, 11.132-3477771-4; Middlesex Hospital, 11.363 and 773; Hockley in the Hole, Clerkenwell, in.66 and ne; Hoare's Bank, Fleet 3

Loudoun, 4th Earl of (John Campbell), 11-115 a n d " 2 9 ; ment., 111.357715 Loudoun, Dowager Countess of (Lady Margaret Dalrymple), 11.116 and 7730 Loughborough, 11.316773 Louisa (Seward), iv.412 and 773 Louis XIV, King of France, 1.305-6 and 773 Louis XV, King of France, 1.308 and 773 Louis Xavier Stanislas, (Monsieur) (later Louis X V I I I of France): and H. M. Thrale, 11.272 and 772 Love for Love (Congreve), 1.374777 Love of Fame (Young), 1.364774 LOWE


Hall, 111.126773; fire near London 3 Bridge, &

in.204 and 775; Somerset J ^ , House, 111.2507714; Gordon Riots, J ^ 111.267-69 and 7 7 7 7 1 - 3 , 6 - 1 0 , 1 2 - 1 5 , 2iv.Qi 7 0 - 7and 1 and n « 2 - 4 , 7 ; Argyll 777; Blackfriars Bridge,Street, iv.92 , , ' , „ , T , and 723; booksellers shops on London Bridge, iv.271771 .T ' , London (Johnson), 1 . 1 4 - 1 5 and 773, 15 , J O J n and 772, 1 6 - 1 7 and 773, 1 8 and 773, ' r 172775,111.365776 . , y „ , c London, Bishop of see Lowth, Robert • r. -J L 1 11 > u London Bridge: booksellers shops on,





_ „ , „ 14; allowance restored, iv.Smni ,2; , • , . . . . . , c submitted painting is rejected for , . , , . D Royal Academy s exhibition, i v . 1 2 1 , , . CT , 22, 1 2 1 and ?72, 135; S J s evaluation

Street, 111.86 and 776; Apothecaries r

a n d L o r d Southwell> m

3 l g


01, iv.213 —LETTERS: III. 114—15, iv. 1 , 8 1 , 154 ^ ^ ^ ^ B ,i s h of L o„n d o n . ment., 111.291 and 779, iv.77771, 82 and or


- LETTER: 111.286-87

Lucan, 1st Baron (Sir Charles Bingham, 0 , 7th Bt.) (later 1st Earl of Lucan), , 111.84 and 772; ment., 111.115, 116774,v 0 ^ 187, 195773, 209, iv.266?75; trip to 3 J ' ' Italy, in.204 and 772; STJ dines with,



London Chronicle, 11.284 and 773 loneliness see solitude Longden, Mrs. Robert: ment., iv.421 a n d



HI.213, 2 5 1 , 253 Lucan ' Baroness (Margaret Smith Bingham) ' 1 1 1 1 1 6 a n d n4-> m e n t > l l l l 8 7 > 1 9 5 and 773, 1 9 8 , 2 0 9 , 2 1 3 , 2 4 0 , 2 4 5 ,

n l

Longden, Robert, 1 1 . 3 1 6 - 1 7 and 776, IIlQ, III.O 1 "Longinus": On the Sublime, 111.2377710 Longman, Thomas ( 1 7 3 0 - 9 7 ) , bookseller, 1.40774 Longman, Thomas (d. 1755), bookseller, ment., 1.41, 1 1 0 and ni - LETTER: 1.40


^ t r i P t o I t a l >' l n ' 2 ° 4 H. M. Thrale, 111.262


Lucian, 1.11 and 775 131



' a d E a r l of (Richard Bingham), m.204 and 772 Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus): quoted, 1.303 and 774 Lucas, Henry, lawyer and man of letters, 1 1 1 . 2 1 a n d 773

Lothair I (of Germany), 111.3771

and n2



Ludwell, Philip, plantation owner, iv.42 5«3 Lunardi, Vincenzo, balloonist, 1V.2047U, 407712, 408 and 713 Lye, Rev. Edward, etymologist: and his Saxon dictionary, 1.231 and 77772,4, 2 5 0 - 5 1 , 2 5 2 - 5 3 , 265 -LETTERS: 1 . 2 5 0 - 5 1 , 2 5 2 - 5 3 Lysandre et Caliste (D'Audiguer), 1.132772 Lysons, Samuel, antiquarian and lawyer, iv-336andrai Lyttelton, 1st Baron (George Lyttelton), poet: death of, 11.112 and raio; and Lives of the Poets, 111.233775,291-92,292 and 772, 294, 295, 300 and 714, 301 Lyttelton, Thomas, son of George, 11.1 i2raraio,i 1 Lyttelton, William Henry see Westcote, 1st Baron

M Macaria (Delap), 111.1967713 Macartney, 1st Baron (George Macartney), diplomat, 111.213 and 77772-4 Macartney, Baroness (Jane Stuart), wife of 1st Baron, hi. 213713 Macartney, Frances see Greville, Frances Macartney Macaulay, Aulay, son of Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth,11.2i3andra6,hi.1 i2and775 Macaulay, Rev. Kenneth, 11.213776, m.i 1 1 - 1 2 and 713 Macaulay, Penelope (Mrs. Kenneth), 11.213 and ra6, m.i 12 and 773 Macbean, Alexander, SJ's Dictionary assistant, 1.21 and 722, 7 1 - 7 2 and 774, in.12, 140; financial plight of, 11.207 and 777, 208 and rai; and index to Lives of the Poets, in. 145 and rai; at Charterhouse, in.333 and rai; death of, iv.336—37 Macbeth (Shakespeare): quoted, 1.380774,

MACLEAN 11.212773; references to, 11.64, 65 and n 15; Jennens's edition of, 11.25/17 Macclesfield, 1st Earl of (Thomas Parker): trial before House of Lords, v.4 and 777 McClure, Captain, sailor, 11.104 and 715 Macdonald, Sir Alexander, gth Bt., 11.8713, 62 and rai, 6 9 - 7 0 and 773, 77 and 7729, 1 ' 4 and n23> SJ and J B visit on Hebridean trip, 11.62 and rai, 77, 797744,114 Macdonald, Mrs. Alexander, mother of Allan Macdonald, n.91 and raao Macdonald, Allan, 11.90 and rai8 Macdonald, Elizabeth Diana Bosville, Lady, wife of Sir Alexander, 11.8773, 77 and 7729 Macdonald, Flora Macdonald (Mrs. Allan), 11.90 and rarai6,i8, 917720 Macdonald, Florence (Mrs. Roderick), 11.75 and n 2 2 Macdonald, Ranald (of Egg), 11.180773 Macdonald, Roderick (of Sandaig), 11.757722 McFarlane, Alexander, 11.150718 McGhie, William: death ment., iv.259716 Machiavelli, Niccolo, 1 . 7 4 - 7 5 and re6 Mackinnon family of Coirechatachan, iv.73776, 89 andrara1,4, 2157112 Mackinnon, John, 11.807148 Mackinnon, Lachlan, 11.797744, 807746 Mackinnon's Cave (Mull), 11.106-7 and 7724 Maclaurin, John, Scots advocate: presented with 2d edition of Journey, 11.180771; involved with J B in law case, u-349 and 773 Maclean, Alexander (14th of Coll), 11.278-79 and 772; visits SJ, 11.278, 281 and 77775,6 Maclean, Sir Allan, 6th Bt., (22d of Maclean), 11.104-5 andrarai1,17, 1 0 6 7, 214, 365; and lawsuit against Duke of Argyll, in.35 and ni6, 40 and 775




Maclean, Donald ("Young Coll"), 11.91, 9 3 - 9 4 and 2237, 101 and 226, 103, 104 and 7113, 278 and rani,2; SJ and J B stay with on Coll, n.99212; dances, 11.1062222; SJ on sending gift to, 11.128; death of, 1 1 . 1 5 3 - 5 4 and rai Maclean, Hector (4th of Muck), 11.92 and n30 Maclean, Hector (1 ith of Coll), 11.1042213 Maclean, Hugh (13th of Coll), 11.932237, 101224, 278222 Maclean, Isabella Macleod (Lady Muck), 11.92 and 2230 Maclean, Sir Lachlan, 1st Bt., 11.1052217 Maclean, Lauchlan (12th of Coll), 11.101 and 224 Maclean, Maria, daughter of Sir Allan Maclean, 11.105 and 2215, 106 and 2222 Maclean, Sibella, daughter of Sir Allan Maclean, 11.105 and 2215, 106 and 2222 Maclean, Una Maclean (of Coll), wife of Sir Allan, 6th Bt., 11.104 and 2213 Maclellan (clan), 11.742219 Macleod, Alexander (of Ullinish), 11.92 and 2232 Macleod, Alexandra, daughter of Lady Macleod, 11.g2 and 2231 Macleod, Ann, daughter of Lady Macleod, 11.g2 and 2231 Macleod, Anne, daughter of 11th of Raasay, 11.70 and 227, 82 Macleod, Catherine, daughter of 11th of Raasay, 11.70 and 227, 82 Macleod, Christina, daughter of 1 ith of Raasay, 11.70 and 227, 82 and ra8 Macleod, Clan of: and SJ's mistaken statement concerning clan supremacy, 11.83 and ran, 203, 206 Macleod, Elizabeth, daughter of Lady Macleod, 11.92 and 2231 Macleod, Emilia Brodie, Lady (of Dunvegan), mother of 23d of Macleod, 11.70 and ra6, 7 1 , 72, 85, 92 and 2231 Macleod, Flora ("The Princess"),

MACLEOD daughter of 1 ith of Raasay, 11.70 and 11117,8, 82, 84 and 2220; marriage of, 111.35 and >115 Macleod, Isabella, daughter of Lady Macleod, 11.92 and 2131 Macleod, Isabella-Rose, daughter of 1 ith of Raasay, 11.70 and 227, 82 Macleod, James, son of 1 ith of Raasay, 11.70 and 227, 80 and 2250 Macleod, Jane Macqueen (Lady Raasay), wife of 1 ith of Raasay, 11.82 and 225, 84, 203 Macleod, Jane, daughter of 11th of Raasay, 11.70 and 227, 82 Macleod, Janet, daughter of 11th of Raasay, 11.70 and 227, 82 Macleod, John (11th of Raasay), 11.70 and 227, 82 and 225, 89, go, iv.73 and 225; ment., 11.752222, 802248; meets SJ on arrival on Raasay, 11.80; controversy over SJ's mistake concerning clan supremacy, 11.83 a n d ran, 203, 206, 214, 228—2g, 265—66, 281; SJ on sending gift to, 11.128; presented with 2d edition of Journey, 11.180221 -LETTER:


Macleod, John (4th of Talisker), 11.81 — 82 and 223, g3 and 2235 Macleod, John, son of 11th of Raasay, 11.70 and 227 Macleod, Julia, daughter of 11th of Raasay, 11.70 and 227, 82 Macleod, Lady see Macleod, Emilia Brodie, Lady Macleod, Malcolm (10th of Raasay) (Old Raasay), 11.83 a n d n l 3 Macleod, Malcolm (b. 1 7 1 1 ) : and Prince Charles Edward Stuart, 11.80 and 2248, 83, go and 2216; ment., 11.88, 203 Macleod, Malcolm, son of 11th of Raasay, 11.70 and 227, 82 and rag Macleod, Margaret, daughter of 1 ith of Raasay, 11.70 and 227, 82 Macleod, Maria, daughter of Lady Macleod, 11.92 and 2231, 1 1 3 - 1 4 and ra20




Macleod, Mary Maclean, wife of 4th of Talisker, 11.82713, 93 and 7235 Macleod, Mary, daughter of 11th of Raasay, 11.70 and 777, 82 Macleod, Norman (22d of Macleod), 11.75 and 7721, 91 and 7722 Macleod, Norman (23d of Macleod) (Macleod of Macleod): ment. as head of clan, 11.69—70 and 773, 82773, 84 and 7719, 87, 91; SJ thanks for hospitality, 11.85; SJ on education and manners of, 11.87 a n d 77772,4; m ent., 11.92 and 7731; SJ on sending gift to, 11.128

Manning, Rev. Owen, antiquarian, 1.231772 Mansfield, 1st Earl of (William Murray), Lord Chief Justice, 11.193 a r | d 773; and Somerset slave case, 11.349 a " d 774; an d Dodd case, in.25773, 27771; relationship to Sir T. Mills, 111.211774; and Gordon Riots, 111.267 and ni, 268 and 777 Manucci, Conte (Giovanni Tommaso), n.325 and 773, 326; to travel to Bath, 11.328, 3 3 3 Manuzio, Aldo, classical scholar and - L E T T E R : 11.85 printer, 1.312 and 7727 Macpherson, Isabel, sister of Rev. MarMara, John, sailor, iv.48-49 and 771, 56 tin, 11.80 and 7146 Maria Theresa, Empress, Holy Roman Macpherson, James: Ossian controverEmpire, Archduchess of Austria, sy, 11.168-69, 170, 1 7 6 - 7 8 and 77772Queen of Hungary, 1.307719 4,6, 1 8 0 - 8 1 and 77772,3,5,6 Marie Antoinette, 11.272 and 772, 275 - L E T T E R : 11.168-69 Marie Josephine Louise of Savoy Macpherson, Rev. Martin, 11.807746, (Madame): and H. M. Thrale, 11.272 87771 and 772 Macquarrie, Lauchlan (16th of Ulva), Marie Stuart Reyne d'Escosse, Nouvelk 11.104 and 777, 365, III.40-41 and Historique (Boisguillebert), iv.344775 77776,7,10 Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1.389776, Macqueen, Rev. Donald, Minister of 11.587723 Kilmuir, Skye, 11.93 a n d 136, 266 and Market Bosworth, Leicestershire, 774; ment., 11.203 iv.61-62 and 772 Macqueen, Lauchlan, 11.677729 Market Bosworth School, 1.4776 Macqueen, Robert see Braxfield, Lord Markham, Rev. Robert, Chaplain to the Macraes (clan), n . 7 4 - 7 5 , 74 and 7719 King, 1 1 1 1 3 6 and 771 Maddox, John, lawyer, n . 3 5 4 - 5 5 and Markham, William, Bishop of Chester 774, iv.76 and 775 (1771); Archbishop of York (1777), Maintenon, Madame de, mistress of in.7, 136 and 771, 267771; and Oxford Louis XIV, 111.277 a 'id 779 riding school, 11.193 and 775, 2 1 5 and ra Mainz Psalter, 1 . 3 1 2 - 1 3 and 7729 3' 3°°> 3 ° 3 ' 3 ° 4 ' dismissed by King Mallet, David, poet: quoted, iv.188728 George III, 11.3477710; SJ to dine with, Malone, Edmond: on A. Vesey's elec111.3; and SJ's request on behalf of I. tion to The Club, 11.26773; ment., De Groot, in.37 11.129712, 111.182776, 351721, iv.443772 Markland, Jeremiah, classical philolo- LETTERS: IV. 1 3 - 1 4 gist, iv.84 and 777 Mam Ratagan (Ratiken), 11.76, 77 Marlborough, 4th Duke of (George Manilius: quoted, iv.308 and ?22 Spencer): ment., 111.3774 Manners, Lord Robert: tribute to by G. Marmor Norfolciense (Johnson), 1.22773 Crabbe, IV.I 17773 marriage, 1.214, 329,11.32, v.20; on un-






suitable or unhappy, 1.226-30; on balsam of Peru, 1.122 and 722; use of alimony, 1.229; advice to J . Taylor bark, 1.174, iv.47, 48, 3 3 5 ; and cataafter separation, 1.242; on an impruracts, 1.193; and mineral springs, dent marriage, v.20 1.361-6272771—3, 370, 392212; sugMarsili, Giovanni, poet, translator, botgested treatments for Mrs. Salusanist, 1.155 and rai, 207, m. 168 bury's cancer, i.36i-62«rai-3, 4 1 6 Martial, Iii.g2re3 and 214, 11.18 and rai, 19 and 22221,2, Martinelli, Vincenzo, Florentine man of 19—20; use of mercury, 1.416 and 224, letters, 1.74 and 225 111.193, 2 6 4 - 6 5 ; advice for T. CumMary, Queen of Scots, 11.52 and 228, ming, n. 1 4 0 - 4 1 ; advice to B. Langton 54722, 146 and 227, iv.343—44 and 775 for rheumatism, n.200-201; diacoMary of Guise, 11.54222 dium, 11.298, iv.ia and 221, 20, 37, 38, Mason, Rev. William, poet, biographer: 353, 359; ipecacuanha, 111.4 and 222, and T. Gray, 11.206 and rai 1; and Art 52, iv.365; treatment for worms, of Painting, iv. 1 1 5 and rai ni.49 and 223; musk, 111.125-26 and masquerades: in Scotland, n.8 and rai, 1 2 7 - 2 8 ; valerian, in.140 and-«3; 22223,4 bloodletting (phlebotomy) defined in Massingberd, William Burrell, LincolnSJ's Dictionary, 111.167222; advice on shire squire: ment., iv. 146227 bloodletting for Henry Thrale's illMateria Medica (Lewis), 111.140223 ness, 111.185, 243, 261, 301221, 3 0 4 - 5 , Mathias, James, London merchant, 306, 307, iv.335 and rai; on nurses, I.339 and 225, IN.233, 336 HI.194; importance of exercise for Matlock, Derbyshire, 1.347 a n d ra4, 349 Henry Thrale, 111.195, 206, 2 2 1 , 261, and «3 305; diet of whey, 111.220-21; avoidMaurice, Rev. Thomas, poet, classical ance of meat, in. 2 29 and 226, 266; and scholar, and orientalist, 111.170 and ra2 abstinence, 111.243, 261, 2 6 3 - 6 4 ; caMawbey, Sir Joseph, Bt.: and 1 7 7 5 bythartic, 111.261; on use of purge (purelection, 11.212 and 22224,5, 227 and 228, gative), 111.265, 301221, 3 0 4 - 5 , 306; 228 and 223 and diet—"the less we eat the better," Maximes (La Rochefoucauld), 111.912210 in.290-91; treatment for E. DesmouMaxims, Characters, and Reflections (Grelins, in.2902(226-8; importance of ville), 1 . 1 2 9 - 3 0 and 22224-7 sleep, in.305, 307; on drinking a Maxwell, Anne Massingberd (Mrs. Wilgreat deal of water, 111.371; laudaliam), iv. 146 and 227 num, iv.20; and iatrochemical school, Maxwell, Rev. William, D.D., reader of 1 v.382(2; influenza epidemic of 1782, the Temple, 1.268222, iv.146 and ra7 iv.42711, 43«2; opium, iv.47, 359; use Mayne, Sir William, Bt., 11.44 a n d 221 of electricity, iv.71; avoid constipation Mayo, Rev. Henry, LL.D., clergyman, "costiveness," iv.74; use of calomel, II.30 and 223 iv. 136; use of blisters, iv. 153; "blisterMazarin Bible, 1.3137232 ing ointment," iv.153 and 2222; use of M'Donald, Alexander, 11.150777 salts of hartshorn, iv.153, 157; use of Medicinal Dictionary (James), 1.25722, cantharides, iv. 155 and 774, 156, 157, 37722 359, 3 6 4 - 6 5 ; treatment of testicular medicine: remedy for indigestion and sarcocele, iv. 1 9 6 - 9 7 and 22224,6; a trolubricity of bowels, 1 . 1 2 0 - 2 1 ; use of car, IV.196M3; use of milk, iv.247, 253, J35




medicine (cont.) 254, 269; difference between hysteric and apoplectic fits, rv.250; use of carbon dioxide or "fixed air," iv.253 and rai; defensative, iv.287«i; Pix Burgundica, iv.287 and 222; use of acetum scilliticum (dried squills and vinegar), iv.292 and 222, 348, 352, 356, 359 and 721, 364, 365, 368722, 373, 394; gum ammoniacum, iv.372 and 223; use of turpentine or oil of terebinth, iv.382 and 723; diuretics, iv.3g4; use of decoctions of bran, v.2gn2; see also health (mental and physical)

Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph (F. Sheridan), 1.1947114 Memoirs of Samuel Foote Esq. (Cooke), 111.932211 Memoirs of the Countess of Berci (trans., Lennox), 1 . 1 3 6 - 3 7 and 22221-3,6 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Samuel Foote (anonymous), 111.93229 Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick (Davies), 1.285222, 111.302725 Memoirs of Watts (Gibbons), 111.38783 Memorabilia (Xenophon), 111.136725; Edwards's edition, ^.30422212,3, 3 4 5 - 4 6 memory: SJ on, 11.268

Meeke, Elizabeth Allen (Mrs. Samuel), stepdaughter of Dr. C. Burney, 111.85-86722 Meeke, Samuel, husband of Elizabeth, 111.85222

Mentelin, Johann, printer, 1.3132232 Menyies, Mr., tutor, i.i68«6, 169228 Mercer's Company, iv.131 Merope (Voltaire), 1.124723 Merry Wives of Windsor (Shakespeare):

Mei, C. M„ translator, 111.378 and 725 »i-9*»7. 1 2 5 n 3 ' 140 and 2110 , , . , , • , Metamorphoses (Ovid): quoted, 1.405221, r melancholy and depression: a greater , 0 1 ., ,. , , •c „ 11.50 and 7224, 201 andra6,111.85 and evil than a disobedient wile, 1.229— j i> i rr • o j raio, iv.iqi-92722, 265 and 722,400721 1 CT 30; SJ on his own suffering, 1.287; ada » . T _ , o c Metaphysics (Aristotle), 111.122227 vice to J. Taylor on, 11.179, 180, 2g6; r j \ < , • ^ TT1 a Metcalfe, Philip, brewer and friend of advicetoJBon, n.265, 2gg, 348, 34g, f , . , TI . rr,, . Sir JI. Reynolds: ment., iv.86 and rai, in.232; advice to Hester Thrale on ' 2 2 sorrow and, 111.128; reference to ^ ' ^1 1 1 „ R J • - LETTERS: iv.75, 4 3 8 black dog 01 depression, 111.133, ' •' , Meynell, Littleton Poyntz, of Bradley i3g, 141, 143, 200 and 773; a journey ' ' ' , • , Park, Derbyshire, 1.118725 r may bring suspense 01, iv. 191; see also ' , u, , , > • IN Michelerove, Sussex: the Thrales' visit, 6 t . health (mental and physical); Johnson, Samuel—health; 111.306728 . Michell, John Henry, scholar, King's Melmoth, William, poet, essayist, trans„ , ., , College, Cambridge, 111.307721 lator, 111.249 and 22724,6 » c., Middle Ages: SJ on, 111.355 Memis, John, 11.171221, 176 and rai, 178, Middlesex Hospkal (London), n.362 and

Memoires du Comte de Comminges (Tencin), 1.136222

Middleton, Lady (Diana Grey Middleton)> n . 6 o _ 6 l a n d „ 7

Memoirs (Stockdale), 111.286723

Milbourne, Luke, poet, in. 124 and 222

Memoirs for the History of Madame de Maintenon (Lennox), 1.150 and 273

Miles, Mrs. A. A. see Guest, Jane Mary military camps, 111.128-29, 132

Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully (trans. Lennox), 1.137 a n d 72728,9, 111.138221

Millar, Andrew, bookseller: ment., 1.40724, 60, 137 and w6; acts as SJ's banker, 1.82 and rai, 132; and Percy's





Reliques, 1 . 1 9 4 - 9 5 and 723; SJ requests Karnes's Elements of Criticism from, v. 14 and 721

debts, iv.72, 36a; "pain of borrowing," ment., v. 1 3 ; on small versus great debts,

- L E T T E R S : 1 . 7 1 - 7 2 , v.23

M o n r o , Sir A l e x a n d e r , Bt., M.D.,

Miller, Anna Riggs, Lady (wife of Sir John), Bluestocking, 111.236777 Miller, Sir John, ist Bt., 111.236777 Mills, Sir Thomas, Kt., in.211 and 771 Milton, John: quoted, 1.71 and 772,

in. 2857210, iv. a 86226 Montagu, Edward, husband of Elizabeth, 11.205 and 775 Montagu, Elizabeth Robinson (Mrs. Edward), author, letter-writer: ment.,

1 1 1 . 1 1 9 7 7 6 , 139775, 2 1 7 7 7 3 , 3 6 8 a n d 772,

1 1 . 1 9 5 , 2 0 5 a n d 775, 2 9 3 , 1 1 1 . 3 , 27775,

iv.17877771,2, 1 9 1 7 7 4 ; a n d Lives

of the

5 5 , 192773, 2 3 7 , 2 3 8 , 2 4 0 , 2 5 1 and 774,

Poets, in.122, 1 5 2 and 775; attacks on SJ's "Life," in.199 and n 1 o Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of Macbeth (Johnson), 1.33776 Miscellanies in Prose and Verse (Jones),

253, 258, 295, iv. 1 3 7 and 777, 1 3 8 ; and Harry Thrale's death, 1 1 . 3 1 3 - 1 4 , 3 1 5 , 322; print of, 1 1 1 . 1 2 6 - 2 7 and 773, 1 5 7 ; and Evelina, i n . 1 3 0 - 3 1 and 774; and Hester Thrale, 111.228, 249 and 774;


a n d G . Lyttelton, in. 292772; health of,

Miscellanies in Prose and Verse (Stockdale), 111.286772 Miscellanies in Prose and Verse (Williams), 1.185-86

m.302 and 774; informed of A. Williams's death, iv.203, 2 1 7 — LETTERS: 1 . 1 8 5 - 8 6 , 189, 1 1 . 1 2 1 , 2 7 8 -

a n d 773, 279775, 111.9 a n d


7712, 240/71 Miscellany (Lintot), 111.247771 Mistakes of a Night (Goldsmith) see She Stoops to Conquer Mistress, The (Cowley), 1.374 and 774 mistresses, 1.213 Mitre Tavern, 1.279 and 776, 11.315 and

Montagu, Lady Frances (Lady Frances Burgoyne), iv.35 and 773 Montagu, George see Halifax, 1st Earl of Montagu, John see Hinchingbrooke, Viscount Montagu, John see Sandwich, 4 th Earl



Moisey, Abel see Moysey, Abel Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin),

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 1.371 an(j n2

111.88773 monastery; of St. Edmund, 11.272775

Montgolfier brothers, balloonists,

monastic life, 1.200 „, , . . „ , ,, T Monboddo, Tames Burnett, Lord, Scots • « • , judge, 11.266 and 774, 111.31722, 42 and 7718, 250; SJ and J B visit, 11.57 and , T . • a 777714,16; and Journey presentation copy, 11.180771, 364772

• » , • , , , t^ Montgomerie, Archibald see Eglinton, 0 , „ , „ 1 1 t h Earl of

Monckton, Mary (later Countess of Cork and Orrery), 111.251 and 778, 258; ment., iv.33 money: on not borrowing, 111.71, iv.45; on living within one's means, iv.28; power of, iv.45; SJ warns J B against

Montgomerie Monthly Review: and C. Lennox, 1 . 1 3 6 and 771 Montrose (Angus), 11.57 and 7713 Moore, Edward, playwright, editor, 111-249 a n d n7



Montgomerie, Margaret w Margaret Montgomerie 0 0


Montgomerie, Mary see Campbell, Mary



Moore, William, printer and publisher, hi.270—71 and «4 Moraes, Francisco de, author, 11.309215 More, Hannah, writer and social reformer: ment., iv.33, 4 1 2 ; SJ dines with, iv.51—52 and 222, 54, 55; SJ's criticism of Le Bas Bleu, iv.297 and m , 317 - L E T T E R S : HI.335, iv.296-97, v. 1 4 - 1 5 More, Sir Thomas, Kt., 1.112—13 Moret, Chevalier de, balloonist,

Murdoch, Archibald (of Gartincaber), 11.153m Murphy, Arthur, 1.173 a n d W22 > 249m, 111.140, 209223; on SJ's Shakespeare, 1.160 and 21225,6; dispute with D. Garrick, 11.24 and 224, 25; and P. Carmichael, 11.124 a n d n 1 > a n d copyright case, n.125 a n d n4> m e n t -> n.194 a n d 22228,9, 2 4 0 ; Harry Thrale attends play by, n.323 and 222; and S. Foote, 111.93 and 22229,10; and Lennox-Dodsley dis-

iv. 279222 Morning Chronicle, iv.40223, 41228 - LETTER: iv.43-44 Morrison, Rev. Thomas, 1.216 and 225 mortality see death Moser, George Michael, Keeper of the Royal Academy, iv.142 and 222 Mother's Catechism for the Young Child (Willison), 11.150227 Mountstuart, Viscount (John Stuart), eldest son of 3d Earl of Bute, 1 . 2 7 1 72 and 222,11.328227 Mouseley (Mousley), Mr., neighbor of J . Taylor, 1.140, 148 Moysey, Abel, M.D., 111.228—29 and 225, 235, 261222, 266 Muck, Lady see Maclean, Isabella Macleod Muck see Maclean, Hector (4th of Muck) Mudge, Jane (Mrs. John), 1.215222 Mudge, John, M.D.: ment., 1.215 and 222, 244, 11.35 a n d 221; and SJ's testicular sarcocele, iv.196-97 and 226, 206, 207, 208, 216, 220, 2 2 3 - 2 4 , 226, 233 - LETTERS: iv.196-97, 206, 223—24 Mudge, William, son of John, SJ's godson, 1.215222, iv.197 and 228 Mull, Isle of, 11.99 a n d 222, 101, 103, raa 106-7 a n d 4 Mulso, Hester see Chapone, Hester Mulso Murchison, Murdoch, factor, 11.76 and 2227

pute, 111.138 and 221; visits SJ, iv. 163; and Essex Head Club, iv.257222 Murray, Alexander, 11.315 and 221 Murray, David see Stormont, 7th Viscount Murray, James, architect, 11.52225 Murray, John, publisher, 11.284224 Murray, Patrick see Elibank, 5th Baron Murray, William see Mansfield, 1st Earl of Musgrave, Sir Richard, 1st Bt., 11.334 and 227, 336, iv. 137, 146, 273225 Myddelton, John, of Gwaynynog, Denbighshire, 111.68-69 a n d n7> 279 and 224 Mysterious Mother (Walpole), 111.225 and 22221,2


N Nairn (Nairnshire), 11.64 Nairne, Sir William, 5th Bt., of Dunsinnan, Scots judge, 111.31222 Narrenschiff Das (Brandt), 1.89223 Natural Method of Curing the Diseases of the Body, and the Disorders of the Mind Depending on the Body (Cheyne), 11.257—58 and 229 nature: experience of compared to life, iv. 198 Naude, Cardinal Gabriel (Naudaeus), ^ ^




Neander, Michael, n.lag and ri2 Neaulme, Jean, i.75216 Needham, John see Kilmorey, 10th Viscount Needwood Forest, 1.347 and 222 neighbors: importance of being on good terms with, 1.140 Nelson, Robert, author, 111.158 and 223, i5g and 222 Nepos, Cornelius, historian, 1.12 and 226, 217 Nesbitt, Arnold, 11.34223; SJ on death of, hi.371

Newton, Andrew, Lichfield wine merchant, 111.51 and 225 Newton, Thomas, D.D., Bishop of Bristol ( 1 7 6 1 - 8 2 ) , 1.216 and re6,11.6 Nezzy see Nesbitt, Susanna Thrale Nicholls, Frank, M.D., iv.335 and 221 Nichols, John, author and printer: ment., 1.44225, 111.237, iv.114, v.32721; and index to Lives of the Poets, 111.145; correction to proofs of Lives of the Poets, 111.319 and 223; and revision of Lives of the Poets, iv.65-66, 81, 84; and Essex Head Club, 1^257222; SJ hopes

Nesbitt, Susanna Thrale (Mrs. Arnold), II.34 and 223, 36 and «7,111.85, g4 and 223, 168221

for visit from, iv.281, 282; invited for dinner, iv.282; and J. S. Hawkins's proposal for publication of Ignoramus,

Netherlands, The, i.3og; Seven Provinces, 1.240 and 2212

i v . 3 1 0 - 1 1 ; SJ hopes to hear from, iv.403; entrusted with J. Swinton's let-

Newark, Nottinghamshire, 11.47 and 223

ter o f

Newbery, John, bookseller: ment., 144, 164, 169221, 170226, 187723

2 2

- LETTERS: I . 4 8 - 4 9







"literary intelligence," iv.445






M.109-10, 1 1 6 - 1 7 , 1 2 2 4 5 - 4 6 , 152, 2 2 4 - 2 5 , 2 2 6 -


260, 2 7 7 - 7 8 ,




3 1 8 - 1 9 , 3 ^ - 2 3 , 3 M , 3 3 8 , 343, 347,


350,379,^65-66,78-79,81,83-84, 104, 281, 282, 3 1 0 - 1 1 , 4 2 3 - 2 4 , 445, v.15


Newcastle, 2d Duke of (Henry Fiennes . . , Clinton): and Spences manuscript,

Nicholson, lane, chaperone of Hester Thrale's daughters, 1^337222, 339221 Nicol, George, bookseller: and T. Cook's T, Voyages, iv.332-33722 - L E T T E R S : iv.332-33, 3 7 3 - 7 4 , 3 G 5 - G 6

III.229227 Newcastle (Newcastle on Tyne), 11.41 7 and 22K, si, 68222 Newdigate, Sir Roger, 5 th B t , M . P . , i.sgg and 224, 300 and 229, 111.254 and

., „ .





A I 3






New Dispensatory (Lewis), 111.68273 Newgate Prison: and Gordon Riots, 111.268 and 77726,9

trait bust of SJ, 111.98, 1 0 8 - 9 a r | d 773 _ L E T T E R S : „ . 3 6 6 - 6 7 , 111.54 Nollekens, Mary Welch (Mrs. Joseph), 11.366771, 367 and 773; ment., m.54,

New Grammar of (Clarke), 1.217776


xo6 Nomenclator Classicus sive Dictionariolum

newspapers, iv.40; SJ advises L. Porter not to pay attention to, 111.181, 220; report SJ's stroke, iv.i5g; and JB's self-promotion in, iv. ig5 and 225; on robbery at Thrale brewery, iv. 2 34 and 772, 235

Trilingue (Ray), 11.200724 Norfolk Marble see Marmor Norfolciense Norris, Randall, attorney, 111.340 and 771, iv.g5 North, Frederick, Viscount North, politician: stops sale of SJ's pamphlet,

the Latin


NORTH North, Frederick (cont.) I.356 and 722; ministry




Observations on the Statutes (Barrington), iv.240?72


I I . 1 3 7 7 1 1 3 , 240716, III.197774; a n d S J ' s


Taxation No Tyranny, 11.184771; proposals concerning American colonies,

Netherlands (Temple), iv.360773 O'Conor, Charles, Irish antiquarian






Odei (Anacreon), 1 . 3 9 3 and 774 Odes (Horace): quoted, 1.3437712,


poses tax increase, 111.156773; resigna-


tion of, iv.27774, 29774; and f r e e trade


to Ireland, iv.65775; a n d the political


situation, IV.68?72, 248773


- LETTER: 1 1 . 1 8 3 - 8 4


36377774,5, in.1417712,









Northallerton, Yorkshire, 11.45, Northamptonshire, 1.232777; SJ and A. Williams visit, 1.243 a n d n 1 Northumberland, 1st Duke of (Hugh Smithson), 11.4773, 362 and 772; SJ visits, 11.45—46 and 77772,3, 5 1 - 5 2 and ?7i; and T. Percy, in. 113771, 1 1 4 Northumberland House: fire at, III.231779 Norton, William, 11.222 and 772, 227 and 778 Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco (Dryden), in.120771 Nouvel Abrege chronologique de I'histoire de France (Henault), 11.266777 Nugent, Christopher, M.D., 1.265 and 7713; death of, 11.277 ar>d 771 Nugent, Edmund, son of Viscount Clare, 1.356776 Nugent, Robert see Clare, Viscount Nundocomar see Bahadur, Raja Nandakuma nursery rhymes: quoted, 111.92775, 1447711

of The

and historian, 1 . 1 5 1 - 5 2 , i n . 2 3 - 2 4

SJ supporter of, 11.212775; ment., in.30, 1^407722; proD.C.L.,

on the United Provinces

"Ode Upon Liberty" (Cowley), iv.72773 Odyssey, The (Homer), 1.92 and 773, ln - 2 5 9 and 771 Oeconomicus (Xenophon), 11.361 and 775 Offley Place, Hertfordshire, 1.400771 Of Heroic Virtue (Temple), in. 2197714 Of Popular Discontents (Temple), 1 1 2 9 5 a n d n5 Of the Origin and Progress of Language (Burnett), 11.577714 Ogilvie, Rev. John, D.D., Scots homilist and poet, iv. 1 1 5 and 771 Ogle, Mr., oboist, 1.189771 Ogle, Mrs., 1.189 and 771 Oglethorpe, Gen. James Edward, 11.124 and 772; SJ to dine with, 11.325 Okeover, Edward Walhouse, 11.244 and 778 Old and New Testament Connected (Prideaux), 11.72 and 7712 Old Arcadia (Sidney), in.57772 Old Bailey Sessions House, 111.268 and 779 Oldys,

" N u t - b r o w n M a i d " (ballad), m . 2 9 3 a n d




11.139775, 148777, 111.767711

Onslow, Middleton, M.P., 11.184 AR|D >12 Onslow, Thomas, M.P., 11.184772 "On the Death of Dr. Robert Levet"



Observations on the Faerie Queen of Spenser (T. Warton), 1.80 and 771, 109 and 776

( J o h n s o n ) , 1.138775

On the Principal Prophecies of the Old and New Testament (Hardy), III. 315771 On the Sublime ("Longinus"), in.2377710





Opie, John, painter: and portrait of SJ, iv. 151213, iv.ig3 and ni, in .frontispiece opium: use of see Johnson, Samuel— health; medicine Opus Aureum (Neander), 11.129222 Oratio Haruaeana (Lawrence), iv. 154221 Ord, Anne Dillingham, Bluestocking, in.242 and 222; ment., 111.243, 244,

Ostaig (Skye), 11.812252 Othello (Shakespeare): Jennens's edition of, 11.25227 Otho, Marcus Salvius, Roman governor, 11.259-60 and nS O'Toole, Arthurus Severus Nonesuch, soldier, 1.417 and 224 Ottonelli, Giulio, scholar, IV.426M2

245, 249, 277, 282 Ord, Robert, M.P., Chief Baron of the Scots Exchequer, n.532211 Onatrike (van Helmont), 1^38222 Origin and Progress of Writing (Astle), 111.354221 Original and Progress of Satire (Dryden), III.8224 Original Works of William King (Duke), 111.146221 Orkney, Countess of (Mary), m. 147 and

Otway, young boy, 11.25 Oughton, Sir James Adolphus Dickenson, 11.53 a n d 2212 Ovid: quoted, 1.211224, 286221, 287223, 405221, 11.502224, 201226, 111.692212, 85 and 72io, 143221, 280226, iv. 185^2, 191-92227, 265222, 400221; banishment Of, IV.402223 Owen, Henry, M.D., iv.304 and 223, 346225 Owen, John, brother of Margaret,

225 Orlando Furioso (Ariosto), 1.8322221,3; quoted, 1.92 and 222; Hoole's translation, i n . 3 2 3 - 2 4 and 22224,6 Oronsay, Isle of: echo cave on, 11.92-93 and 2233 Oroonoko (Southerne), 11.356221 Orphan of China (Murphy), 1.173 and 2219 Orrery, 4th Earl of (Charles Boyle), 111.247222, 248 Orrery, 5th Earl of (John Boyle), biographer and antiquarian: ment., 1 . 5 5 56223, 80, hi.247222, 248, v.31 and 22222,3 — LETTERS: 1 . 5 1 - 5 5 , 6 2 - 6 4 Orvilliers, Louis Guillouet, Comte d',

111.326221 Owen, Margaret, cousin of Hester Thrale: ment., 111,3 and n5> 14 and 224, 85, 88, 2 8 4 - 8 5 , 294; health of, 111.281 and 224; SJ's advice to, 111.32627 - L E T T E R : 111.326-27 Oxford, 1.377,11.120 and 221,111.90; SJ's ! 7 5 4 visit to, 1 - 8 1 - 8 2 and 226, 82 and 221; SJ's 1 7 5 5 visit to, 1.100 and 227, 109; SJ's 1759 visit to, 1.186 and 22221 — 5, 187; SJ's 1762 visit to, 11.216; SJ's 1767 visit to, 1.288 and 225, 289; SJ's 1768 visit to, 1.294222; J B at, 1.298224; politics, 1.299—300 and 22223-5,7,9; SJ's 1770 visit to, 1.336; SJ's 1772 visit to, 1 4 1 3 and 222; SJ and J B visit in

French naval officer, 111.180222 Osborne, Thomas, bookseller, 1.37 and 222 Osmund, St., 1.396228 Ossian: and SJ-Macpherson controversy, 11.168-69 and 22221,3,7, 170 and 222, 1 7 6 - 7 8 and 22222-4,6, 1 8 0 - 8 1 and 22222,3,5,6, 339226; compared to T. Chatterton, iv.i4

1776, 11.309224; SJ's 1 7 7 7 visit to, 111.20 and 226, 45; SJ wishes to visit in !778» ni-137 and 224; and elections, 111254 and 229; SJ at Angel Inn, 111.361-62; SJ's 1 7 8 1 visit to, 111.36162; SJ's 1782 visit to, iv.46, 50, 5 1 - 5 2 ; SJ's 1784 visit to, iv.305 and 225, 329, 330 and 221, 3 3 2 - 3 3 , 408 and 225; see also Oxford University




Oxford and Cambridge Miscellany Poems (ed., Fenton), hi.247rai, 248 Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs, in.iggng, 290 and «4 Oxford University, 1.8, 156; Christ Church, 1.7221, 8 and 22228,14, 111.136 and 22222,3; Peckwater Quadrangle, 1.7222; SJ granted M.A. degree from, 1.88 and 2(3, 8g, go, g4, g7, g 8 - i o o ; Oriel College, 1.108225, 2 9 6 - 9 7 and 22221,2,4; Charles Viner's bequest to, 1.161722; University College, 1.244-46 and 22223,4,5,8, 2g7«2; Chambers-SJ collaboration on Vinerian lectures, 1 . 2 7 6 - 7 7 and rai, 322223; New Inn Hall, 1.2g3?2i, 333721; SJ presents Baskerville's Virgil to Trinity College, I.323 and 225; and riding school affair, II.183 and 722, 188, 189, ig3, 2 1 5 , 2ig, 223, 236224, 246, 260, 268 and rai, 2 93- 3 ° ° ' 3 ° 3 _ 4 ; Lord Cornbury's bequest to, 11.183 and 722, 193; SJ wishes to present Taxation No Tyranny to friends at, 11.187-88; SJ awarded D . C . L . , 11.193—94 and 227, ig6—97; and the Macaulays, 111.111 — 12 and 22223,4; Jesus College 111.135221; Bodleian Library stairs, i v . 4 1 8 - 1 9 and 723; SJ sends his books to Pembroke College, iv.441 and 22722,3; s e e a^so Oxford; Trinity College Oxford University Press, 11.305724, 306

P Page, Francis, M.P., 1.299 and 225, 300 and rag Page, Miss: ment., 1.218 Paine, James, architect, 11.52721 Palmer, Rev. Joseph, nephew of Sir J . Reynolds: and Cleonice, 11.172—73 -LETTER: 11.172-73 Palmer, Mary, niece of Sir J . Reynolds,


PARIS (later Marchioness of Thomond), Iii.i5ira2 Palmer, Mary Reynolds (Mrs. John), sister of Sir J . Reynolds, 1.215ml, n.172211, in.151212 Palmer, Theophila, niece of Sir J. Reynolds (later Mrs. Robert Gwatkin), 111.151222 Palmerston, 2d Viscount (Henry Tempie): and The Club, iv. 164 and 224 Pamela (Richardson): and G. Faulkner, i.75rarag,io Pandora's box, 1.413 and rai Paoli, Pasquale, Corsican patriot, 1.262225; SJ dines with, 11.204, 325; ment., 11.206, m.g, 1 1 5 , 115224, 142, i8g, 3 3 5 and 222, iv.134, 136 Paradise, John, F . R . S . : and Essex Head Club, n.ig4rai2, 1^257722; SJ dines with, 11.194 a n d niz, m -3> 4' !6ra4, iv.31, 325; ment., 11.213223, 111.282, iv.122, i3g, 156, 185, 186; SJ gives account of his health to, iv.424-2 5 - LETTER: iv.424-25 Paradise, Lucy, daughter of John, IV -4 2 5 a n d 223 Paradise, Lucy Ludwell (Mrs. John), iv.425 and 223 Paradise, Philippa, daughter of John, iv.425 and 223 Paradise Lost (Milton): quoted, in. 1 igra6, i3g«5> 217223, 1 v. 13302, 191224 "Parallel Betwixt Painting and Poetry" (Dryden), 111.276727 Paraphrase and Annotations on the New Testament (Hammond), 11.269721, 282 Paraphrase and Annotations upon . . . the Psalms (Hammond), 11.255 a n d TC2> ln -358 parents and parental authority, 1.262, 3 2 5> n - 3 1 — 3 2 and 223, v. 19—20, 28721; see also controversies and quarrels Paris, 111.75; SJ on his trip to, 11.271 and 22774,6, 2 7 2 - 7 3 , 2 7 4 - 7 5 , 276 Paris, Treaty of (1783), IV.277«2



Parker, Augusta Byron (Mrs. Christopher) see Byron, Augusta Parker, Sackville, Oxford bookseller, 111.362 and «6 Parker, Thomas see Macclesfield, 1st Earl of Parliament, British: SJ's proposed history of, 1.34 and 222 Parliamentary History, i n . i o g - i o Parnell, Thomas, poet, 11.73m8 Parr, Rev. Samuel, schoolmaster and classicist, 111.7 and ni Partney, Lincolnshire, 1.266 and 222 Paterculus see Velleius Paterculus, Gaius Paterson, Charles, SJ's godson, 1.389/21, 11.353 a n d nni,z; SJ seeks opportunities for, iv.142 and n 1, 309 and «2, 3 1 3 ; further requests to O. Humphry, iv.328 Paterson, Samuel, bookseller and auctioneer: ment., 11.353 and rei - L E T T E R : 1.389-90 Patrick, Charles, Hull tradesman, iv.10-12 Patriot, The (Johnson), 11.15/24, 155 and rera2,3, 325/22 patrons, 1.96, 2 1 3 - 1 4 Patten, Thomas, D.D.: ment., iv.102 - L E T T E R : 111.356-58 Patton, James, husband of Merrial Docksey, 111.215/23 Paul, Lewis, inventor: ment., 1.260 -LETTERS: 1.24-27, 116, 123, 1 2 4 - 2 5 , i 2 8 - 2 g , 1 3 0 - 3 1 , 141, 1 4 3 - 4 6 , v.15 Payne, John, bookseller and accountant, 1.47 and rare3,5, 88ra6; and Ivy Lane Club, 1 v. 247211; and E. Johnson's gravestone, iv.350, 435; health ment., iv.380, 389-90, 4 1 0 II, 416, 435 Peace of Paris (1792), 1.212/22 Pearce, Zachary, Bishop of Rochester, III.131/28 Pearson, Elizabeth (Mrs. John), m.igirag


PERCY Pearson, Rev. John Batteridge, in. 153 and «2, 191 and reg; ment., 111.333, 328, iv.15, 167, 253, 294, 357 Pelham-Holles, Thomas see Newcastle, 1st Duke of Pelle, Mrs., iv.144 and 222; ment., iv.286, 288, 330 penmanship, iv.143, 261 Pennant, Thomas, naturalist and traveler, 11.93/136, 111.41 and K13, 1 1 3 - 1 4 and rei Penneck, Rev. Richard, Keeper of the Reading Room, British Museum: ment., 1.295 - L E T T E R : 1.294 Pepys, Lucas, M.D. (later 1st Bt.), 111.168/22, 188 and n\, 285, 306/28; and Spence manuscript, 111.229/27; and SJ's illness, iv. 107, 149, 168 and n1 Pepys, William Weller, grammarian, n - 1 7 5 a n d «5, 111.341/22; ment., in.213, 235, 258, 282, iv.156 Percy, Anne, daughter of T. Percy. death of, 1.352 and rai, 353/23 Percy, Anne Gutteridge (Mrs. Thomas), 1 1 9 2 and ra8, 201 and «2, 231, 243, 253,111.71 and re8 Percy, Barbara, daughter of T. Percy, 1.352/22 Percy, Charlotte, daughter of T. Percy, 1.352/22 Percy, Elizabeth, daughter of T. Percy, 1.352/22 Percy, Henry, son of T. Percy, 1.352/22, 111.215 and re6; death ment., iv.127 Percy, Rev. Thomas: ment., 1.251/22, 411/25, 11.50, v.33 and rei; and M. Rolt, 1.360 and rei; and O. Goldsmith's epitaph, 11.331; asked to help T. Coxeter, 11.362—63; and O. Goldsmith's biography, in.iorei; and debate with SJ over T. Pennant, 1 1 1 . 1 1 3 14 and rei; as Dean of Carlisle, 111.13a and n4, 2 1 5 and 22/24,5; and fire at




Percy, Rev. Thomas (emit.) Northumberland House, in.231 and ng; SJ gives R. Chambers news of, iv. 127 -LETTERS:




Sardinian diplomat, 1 . 8 4 a n d 726

46, 362—63, v. 16 Percy (More), 111.335771 Perkins, Amelia Bevan (2d wife of John, the elder): ment., in. 194771, 334771, 274, 3 1 5 ,


Perrault, Charles, author, m.6in6 Perreau, Daniel, n.334776 Perreau, Robert, n.334716 Perrone, Conte di (Carlo Francesco),


2 3 1 — 3 2 , 2 4 3 , 3 3 0 — 3 1 , 3 5 2 — 5 3 , n.45—

348771, i v . 2 5 7 ,






(Jones), 1 1 . 1 3 7 a n d 7214

Persian Heroine (Jodrell), 111.229718 Persian language, 11.136 Persius, Roman satirist, 111.358777 Peter the Great, tzar of Russia, 11.101 a n d 775

Petrarch: and S. Dobson, iv.147 and «6;

- L E T T E R S : iv.271, 276, 3 3 3

ment., i v . 3 9 0

Perkins, Henry, son of John, in. 194 and 771 Perkins, John (the elder), clerk at Thrale brewery: and Thrale brewery, 1 1 . 2 0 a n d 772, 3 3 3 - 3 4 ;



Thrale's inheritance of Welsh estate, 11.58 and 7718, 1137717; informs SJ of Harry Thrale's death, 11.311771; ment., 111.176, 294, 338; and the management of brewery and negotiations for sale, 111.216772, 305, 3 3 1 , 334771, 339> 3 4 3 4 5 352-53

1 1 . 2 0 7 a n d 777, 2 0 8 and n\,






309, 3 1 5 ;

death of, 1 1 . 3 1 5 Phaedrus, fabulist, 1.12 and 778 Philidor, Francois, composer, 111.144779 Philipps, Sir John, 6th Bt., M.P., 1.160 and 771, 195 and 77772,4 Philips, Ambrose, poet: and Lives of the

4 6 a n d 771, 3 4 8 and 771,



Petty Fitzmaurice, William see Shelburne, 2d Earl of Peyton, Mrs. V. J., 11.207777, 3 1 5 Peyton, V. J., clerk: financial plight of,







iv. 1 8 5 a n d n 6


Philips, John, poet: and Lives of the

paign, i n . 2 4 4 , 2 5 0 - 5 1 ; a n d G o r d o n

Poets, 111.15277772,3

Riots, 111.2697714, 276; health ment., III.371 and 772, 374; SJ requests coal from, iv.36—37, 1 0 3 - 4 ; SJ's advice on travel, iv.63-64; SJ on an unpleasant incident involving, iv. 163776; SJ apologizes for not receiving, iv.274; and money due SJ, iv.315; as SJ's private banker, v. 16 and 713

Phillips, Anna Maria, singer and actress, iv.140 and 723; ment., iv.i37?76 Phillips, Peregrine, attorney, iv. 140 and 772 Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland (Campbell), in.23771 Phipps, Constantine John, 11.16 and 776; ment., n. 1 1 8

- L E T T E R S : 1 1 . 1 5 2 - 5 3 , i n . 1 5 , 3 4 8 , 352—

phlebotomy (bloodletting) see J o h n s o n ,

5 3 , 3 5 6 , 3 6 0 , iv.8, 3 6 - 3 7 , 6 3 - 6 4 , 8 5 -

86, 89, 1 0 3 - 4 , 274,




34> 333,




S a m u e l — h e a l t h ; medicine

7°> 2 7 1 ,


Phormio (Terence), 111.206774


Phraates I V , K i n g of Parthia, 1.547212

v.16-17 Perkins, John (the younger), 111.194771, 360 and ni Perks, Thomas, attorney, 1.39 and 711, 40773

Pierson, John Batteridge see Pearson, Rev. John Batteridge Piles, Roger de, artist, author, 111.89771 Pindar, 1.393 and 773, 11.8 and 771 Pindarick Ode on Painting Addressed to


PINDARICK Joshua Reynolds, I.2l6n5





Plan of a Dictionary (Johnson), 1.94m, 102721

Pine, William, 11.290711

Plato, 11.290 and 773, 111.157

Piozzi, Gabriel Mario, singer, composer, music teacher, 111.375 and 77774,5, 3 7 8 and 775, iv.322717, 331772, 337772; love lyric composed by, iv. 19771; ment., iv.32; Hester Thrale on parting from,

P r i d e s , The, 1.348 and 778 Pleasure> n i 3 3 Plin >' < t h e e l d e r ) ' ' ' 3 7 ' " 3 Plumbe ' F r a n c e s ( F a n n >'> s e e Frances Plumbe

iv.175776; Hester Thrale's love for


Plumbe, Ralph, Henry Thrale's nephew, I 2

- ° 9 W 1 ' 3 3 * and 77771,2, 3 3 3 - 3 4 and

ment., iv.2 4 i77 5 ; and Hester Thrale's nervous breakdown, iv.255m; Hester Thrale's daughters condemn her marriage to, 1^331222, 337772; marriage to Hester Thrale, iv.343 and 77771,3; effect of marriage on Hester Thrale, iv.351 and 771 . TT T „ Piozzi, H. L., iv.igm, 54724, 158774; on „ , „ . „„ „., Bach-y-Graig, 111.66774; on SJ s opin.. ,, ion ofr Mrs. TLangton, the elder, „ 0 „T .„ j „ „ 111.78778; on Lilly Lolly, 111.797721; rj.i . , _ . ., ,, on TI Henry Thrale s stroke and health, m. 168771, 187273; on the Kennedys, „. j. , . 111.169725; on Mr. Head (Mr. nlPlun, , .. „ kett), in.209773; on Mrs. Browne ot „ , „ „ „., . , Bath, 111.236776; on SJ J s thoughts on 3 , , , , remedies and stewed lampreys, . . . „ . 111.239229; and Mr. Cummins, „T r„ 111.366771; on SJ recommending a „ . . „.,, , pinch of snuti, m-375 and 723; on „ ,. „ . n the speaking hgure, 1^331223; and „ T .. , . S. Lysons, iv.336271; see also Thrale, Hester Lynch;


3 3 8 and n\ ' Samue1' suSar refiner' H e n l 7 Thrale's brother-in-law, 1.332m, 3 3 3 34. 407 and 775,11.31,73, 34 and 774 Plunge", Mr. (called Mr. Head by SJ), nl 2 ' °9 a n d "3 Plutarch, 1.363712,111.284774 J J ^ ^ PoemataOmnia(Johnston), m.qand n\ i J 3 Poems J(Johnson), iv. 15 1226 ' • Poems by Eminent Ladies, 1.155715 J ° Poems on Several Occasions (Rowe), Plumbe

111.227722 Poems Supposed to Have Been Written at rr Bristol, by J Thomas Rowley, 11.332220 3 3 ' Poetical Amusements at a Villa near Bath (Miller), 111.236727 ° ' Poetical Works of Mr. William Collins, 3 11.214 and 779 . Poetical Works3 of Nicholas Rowe, 111.227222 ' poetry: SJ on writing SJJ on 0 of, 1.3; J ' ' • Hogarth's epitaph by Garrick, 1.383— 0 1 1 0 J

Pitches, Sir Abraham, Kt., 111.26725 Pitches, Lady, " wife of Sir Abraham,' III.26775D Pitches, Sophia, daughter of Sir Abraham, 111.26 and 775 Pitt, Christopher, poet: and Lives of the Poets, 111.233225, 254

^ Polhill, Nathaniel, tobacco merchant, . M.p., in.254 and 724 „Pohtian: ... , rfor printing • . proposals poems R 01,1.5721 p0iitica[ Account of Ireland (Macartney), 111.213724 Political Tracts (Johnson), in.325 and 223 politicians:





Pitt, William (the elder) see Chatham, 1st Earl of

727211,12 politics and the contemporary political

Pitt, William (the younger), 1 v.2637(3, 291772, 29972722,3, 305722; proposed reforms of, iv. 109721

situation: "the good or ill success of battles and embassies extends itself to a very small part of domestic life,"





politics (cont.) 1.213; and Henry Thrale's campaigns, I.250723, 294-96, 297-98, 111.244, 2 5 0 - 5 1 and 77772,5, 252—54, 256, 257, 262, 2 8 0 - 8 1 ; SJ's involvement as "fact gatherer," 1.259 a n d 773; conflicts in 1774, 11.15 and 774; on imperial conquest, 11.16 and 777; dissolution of Parliament, 11.151 and rai, 240 and ra6; new Parliament meets, 11.156 and n 1; relations with America, 11.186; SJ's concern over stability of English government and success in America,

tions of government have little influence upon the private happiness of private men," iv. 124; situation in April 1783, iv.124; economic situation due to the American War, iv.2i7 and 7710; East India Bill, iv.248 and 773, 277 and 714; W. Pitt appointed First Lord of the Treasury, iv.263723; dismay and gloomy times in, iv.267; the deleterious effects of political corruption on government, iv.277; a R d W. Bowles, iv.289 and 77722,5; parliamentary tumults have begun to subside,

II.250-51; SJ hopes to obtain graceand-favor lodgings in Hampton Court since he has had "honour of vindicating his Majesty's government," 11.319—2072222—4; SJ parodies politicians, in.72 andraw1 1 , 1 2 ; decline in trade, increase in taxation, 111.156 and 223, 2 0 7 - 8 and 224; proposed invasion by Franco-Spanish fleet, m. 1 8 0 81 and 222, 183, 184-85, 191, 193, • r 1. n iiq7, 207; nation full of distress, ' , . . . . HI. 197; We who have no part of the nation's welfare entrusted to our management, have nothing to do but serve God," 111.207; SJ on economic recession, i n . 2 1 3 - 1 4 and 228, 220, 221; Contractors' Bill, in.240-41 and 22724,5; SJ on honest votes, 111.262; Gordon Riots, 111.267-69 and rani3,6-10,12—15; fall of Lord North, iv.27 and 724; successor coalition to Lord North's ministry, iv.29 a n d 2(4; death of Rockingham causes changes und resignations, iv.5gni, 60; and Cavendishes and Fox-North coalition, iv.62 and 72721,3; Ireland and free trade, iv.64-65 and 725; disagreements between Rockingham-Shelburne coalition, iv.68 and 222; and Shelburne, iv.74; and W. Pitt's proposed reforms, iv. 109 and rai; "the state of the Publick, and the opera-

iv.299 a n d "722,3,6; and JB, iv.305 and 222, 306 and 223; advice to J B on parliamentary candidacy, iv.306; see also American War; government; and under the names of specific events and statesmen Politics (Aristotle), 11.592228 p M y H o n e y c o m b (Colman), 1.285771 P o m f r e t j j o h n ) p o e t : ment., v. 3 2ra 4 „ . „. _ ,. , . _ 0 Poole, Sir Ferdinando, 4th Bt., 111.8485 and 725 Poole

' Harriott, daughter of Sir Ferdinando, 111.84-85 and ra6 Poole, Lady, wife of Sir Ferdinando, 111.84-85 and 225 Pope, Alexander, 1.20 and 222, and J. Craggs, 1.37725; quoted, 1.53728, 11.1062719, 111.166224, 188724, 258722, 363223, 374774, iv.i2rai, 1537221, 187226, ig2rai, 321224, 423225; ment., 1.60714, 111.89722, 91723; works ment., 1.356226, 11.272774; and Lives of the Poets, 111.225 ar) d "224,5, 233225, 237229, 284223, 2g5 andrara1,2, 3 1 9 and rai, 323 andrara1,2, 324 and 222, 328223; and Lintot's Miscellany, m.247 and >21; and translation of the Odyssey, 111.259721; proofs of SJ's "Life," in.323 andrara1,2; and Iliad translation, iv.66 and 222, 84226; SJ revises biography of, iv.66 and raa, 84226





Porter, Elizabeth see Johnson, Elizabeth

240, 252; SJ to visit, iv.341; and fam-

Jervis Porter

ily gravestones, iv.443, 444

Porter, Harry, mercer and wool draper,

- L E T T E R S : 1.43-44, 1 1 8 - 1 9 ,


E. Johnson's first husband, 1.22m,



302, 3 * 5 - 1 6 , 3 1 7 , 3 1 8 , 3 3 7 - 3 8 , 3 3 8 -

7 . 196, 208-9, 263, 2 7 4 - 7 5 , 3 0 0 -

Porter, JJoseph, brother of L. Porter, ,H ' _ , 1.301 and no, 3 3 7 - 3 8 , 339 and n5; 3 331 o > j> ment. as Fpossible recipient of SJ's letK . q ters,' 1 . ™ 3 4 1 m , 6361711;' ment., ' 11.282 „ a t, and 724, 111.233, 336; death of, iv.236 and m , 240, 252 Porter, Joseph, uncle of L. Porter, !-43 re 3 Porter, Lucy, SJ's stepdaughter: ment., 1.24 and 7718, 39, 61, 154, 364, 3 6 7 68, 372772, 404, 11.367, 111.45772, 50, 91, 93, 176, 200, 243, 285, 362, 372, iv.240, v.20; and S. Johnson, 1.174, 1 7 5 - 7 6 , 177; and S. Johnson's death, I.179—85; "a little discoloured by hoary virginity," 1.206 and m i , 285; death of her brother Jervis, 1.220; and brother's legacy, 1 . 2 2 2 - 2 4 ; receives diamond ring from SJ, 1.241; SJ visits in Lichfield, 1.285, 3 2 6 - 2 7 , 3 7 2 - 7 3 ,

^9> n - 2 6 9 - 7 o , 2 7 5 - 7 6 , 281-82, III.97-Q8, 1 0 8 - 9 , 14Q-50, 1 5 3 - 5 4 , ^ tv 3 j j JI> 160, 1 6 2 - 6 3 , 1 8 0 - 8 1 , 1 9 0 - g i , 220, o c a 2 3 3 - 3 4 , 3 2 7 - 2 8 , 3 3 5 - 3 6 , 349. 360, co c iv.15, 2 1 - 2 2 , 122, 159, 1 6 7 - 6 8 , 236, „ 2 5 2 - 5 3 , 290, 2 9 3 - 9 4 , 320, 3 4 1 , 3 5 6 5 7 , 3a6 9 . 4 0 1 - 2 , 4 4 4 . ^ 5 5 - 5 6c P o r t e r > M a r > , a c t r e s s ; 1 . 1 1 1 a n d « 3 , 205 and n 3 , 2 1 4 , i v . 2 2 9 p o r t e us, Beilby, Bishop of Chester, n . 2 i o m 4 , m . 3 7 0 - 7 1 and 714; SJ dines with, iv.31 and 773 Port family of Islam, Staffordshire, in.73774 Portmore, 2d Earl of (Charles Colyear), iv-313 Portree, Skye, 11.68m, 90 and 7716 Portsmouth, England, 1.215-1677772,3 Pott, Percivall, surgeon: and SJ's testicular sarcocele, iv.196 and m, 2 0 1 - 2 , 206, 2 1 7 , 218, 220, 223, 224, 225, 226, 229, 233, 235; SJ wishes that he be called in again, iv.287

379, 380, 397, 11.11, 2 3 1 , 2 3 5 - 3 6 , 254, 258—59, 111.55-56, 166, 365, 367, 368; and SJ's portrait by Reynolds, 1.372712; has gout in her hand, 11.221, 222, 224, 255, 257, 276 and 774; health ment., 11.226, 229, 255, 269-70, 111.48, 58, 60, 87, 167, 365, 367, 368, iv.356-57, 4 1 0 and 771, 4 1 2 , 4 2 1 ; ment. of Hester Thrale's gift to, II.226, 257; attends church after long absence, 11.234; on prologue for H. Kelly's play, 111.49; and Nollekens's bust of SJ, III.54 and n2, 98, 1 0 8 - 9 , requests investigation of family of J . Patton, 111.215 and 773, 220 and 771; SJ gives account of his stroke to, iv.159; death of her brother Joseph, iv.236,

poverty, iv.28, 1 1 2 , 347; as destroyer of independence and influence, iv.45; a great enemy to human happiness, iv.90 Povoleri, Giovanni, Italian tutor, lv.ig and m Powell, William, 1.320 and 773 power: "strongly entwisted with human nature is the desire of exercising power, however that power be gained or given," iv. 189 "Prayer for Indifference" (Grenville), M-133724 prayer see Johnson, Samuel—religion; religion Prayers and Meditations (Johnson): ment., 1.209773

Porter, Jervis Henry, brother of L. Por, , J ter: death of, 1.220 and M




Prediction of Merlin, the British Wizard (Swift), in.293 and n 1 Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of the English Poets (Johnson) see Lives of the Poets Present State of Music in France and Italy: Or, The Journal of a Tour through those Countries, undertaken to collect Materials for a General History of Music (C. Burney), n.7 and 726 Prestwick, Ayrshire, 11.123 and 772 Price, Rev. John, 11.219 and >13 Prideaux, Humphrey, theologian, 11.72 and n 12 Priestley, Joseph, scientist, iv. 218713 Prince of Abissinia. A Tale see Rasselas printing and publishing: importance of an index, 1.48 and 222, 75 and >17; estimating costs, 1.191 and 714, iv.323; advice to E. Lye on subscriptions for his Dictionarium, 1 . 2 5 0 - 5 1 , 2 5 2 - 5 3 ; SJ secures job and forecasts journeyman's wages for W. Davenport, 11.197; principles as they relate to Oxford University Press, 11.305-8; on organizing collected works, 111.18; advice to J . Compton, iv.82; on dedication of books, iv.82 and 774; and E. Edwards's edition of Xenophon's Memorabilia, iv.304, 3 4 5 - 4 6 ; and terms for publication of J . S. Hawkins's edition of Ignoramus, iv. 3 1 0 - 1 1 and 771; SJ's suggestions for publication of F. Reynolds's Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Taste, iv.323; on dictionaries and lexicographic projects, iv.378-79, 390, 4 2 5 - 2 6 ; and SJ's dedication for C. Burney's Commemoration of Handel, iv.384-85 and 77771,14; and Polyglot Bible, iv.395-96 and 27772-4; and SJ's Dictionary, v.22 and 222; see also books; and under the names of SJ's individual works Prior, Matthew, 11.249 a n d nl '< quoted, in. 195777, iv.220776; and Lives of the


PUBLISHING Poets, m . 2 2 4 m , 224 and 772, 228, 254; and ballad of "Nut-brown Maid," 111-293 a r | d n 1 Priory of St. John of Jerusalem, 1.5722 Priory of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine, 11.55 and 226 Proby, Rev. Baptist, Dean of Lichfield Cathedral, 111.55 a n c ' ™2 Proby, Mary Russell (Mrs. Baptist), 111.55 and 723 Progress of Discontent (T. Warton), 1.100 and 04 "Prologue to The Conquest of Granada" (Dryden), m. 218221 o Proposals For Printing, by Subscription, the Dramatick Works of William Shakespeare (Johnson) see Shakespeare (Johnson) Proposals for Printing by Subscription, Dedicated to the Queen, A New and Elegant Edition, Enlarged and Corrected, of the Original Works of Mrs. Charlotte Lennox, 11.201 and 771 Proposal . . . to Remove the Nuisance of Common Prostitutes (Welch), 11.329229 "Propositions for conciliating the Differences with America" (Lord North), 11.186773 Prowse, Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas), 111.297-98 and 77771,2,4,5, 320, 344 Prowse, Mary, daughter of Elizabeth and Thomas; see also Rogers, Mary Prowse - L E T T E R S : 111.297-98, 320, 3 4 3 - 4 4 , iv.46 Prowse, Thomas, M.P., III.297 and 77771,2 Prujean, Sophia Aston (Mrs. William), 111.148771 Prujean, William, 111.148 and 771 Public Advertiser, false report of Henry Thrale's death, 111.16722; and "Cinna," v.27222 public opinion, iv.367 publishing see printing and publishing

Q.UARLE S Q Quarles, Francis, poet, 111.5224, 121224 quarrels see controversies and quarrels Queeney see Thrale, Hester Maria Queensberry, 3d Duke of (Charles Douglas), 11.328227 Quesnel, Joseph, 1.65221

R Raasay, House of: and SJ's mistaken statement concerning clan supremacy, 11.203, 206 Raasay, Isle of, 11.69 and n2< 7°< 111.41; SJ sets out to visit, 11.79; arrival and reception at, 11.80, 82; description of, II.88-89 Raasay, Lady see Macleod, Jane Macqueen Raasay see Macleod, John (11th of Raasay) Racehorse (ship), 11.16 and 226 Racine, Jean, 1.305-6 and 223 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 1.44 Rambler, 1.57223, 6022221,2, iv.77ni, 134224, 281224; publisher of, 1.47223; SJ's payment for, 1.49222; SJ apologizes for "trouble" his revisions have caused, 1.55222; Edinburgh edition, 1.57225; SJ requests sets of, in.355; ment., iv. 144; and Russian language, iv.284 and 223; quoted, iv.3162(5; presentation copies sent to Pembroke College, Oxford, iv.441 and 223 Ramsay, Allan, painter, in. 1 1 6 and 222, 117-18, 161222; SJ dines with, III.16122221,2, 188, 189; goes to Italy, iv.133 and 221; recovers mobility in Italy, iv. 189, 285; death of, iv.3747522223,5; death ment., 1 v.388m Ranby, John, surgeon, 1.23 and 227

RELIGION Rann, Rev. Joseph, m.ioo and ni, 161 and 22221,2, 165 Rape of the Lock (Pope), 11.272214; quoted, in. 188224 Raphael, painter, 111.89221 Rasselas (Johnson), 1 . 1 7 8 - 7 9 and nni,2, 5,8,9,11; ment., 1.184, l 8 5 ' n.iani, 111.17224, iv. 2 732(3; translated into Russian, 11.13227, iv. 2 84223; translations of, 11.13 and 22225—7; Italian translation ment., 11.118, 111.378225; copy sent to Pembroke College, Oxford, iv.441 Rasselas: Istoria di Rasellas Principe d'Abissinia (trans., Mei), 111.378215 Ratiken see Mam Ratagan Rational Farmer, The, 1.27224 Rational Inquiry concerning Prayer (Cumming), 11.140221 Rawlinson, Richard, topographer and antiquarian, iv.79223 Ray, Richard, wood mason, 11.23 and n 2 Raynes, Henry, Chancellor of the Diocese of Lichfield ( 1 7 1 3 - 3 4 ) , 1 v. 104223 reading: as antidote to mental disturbance, 1.395, n -265; as prerequisite for intellectual and social life, 111.288; SJ has more opportunity for, iv. 130 Reading Mercury, 1.170226 reason, 11.31-32; compared to fancy, 11.134 Reed, Isaac, editor and literary scholar, in.319 and 223 regatta, 11.236223; England's first, 11.231 and 225, 2 3 2 - 3 3 , 234 and 221; as conversational topic, 11.238-39 Regulating Act of 1773, (¥.582(2(2,5 Reid, John, sheep stealer, 11.150225 Reid, Miss, 1.137 Relation of a Journey begun in 1610 (Sandys), 11.269 and n i , 282 religion: and death, 1.46, 301 and 222, 11.313; and Richardson's Sir Charles Grandison, 1.79 and 225; SJ differs with H. Boothby on, 1.119 and 221; "Chris-





religion (cont.) tianity is the highest perfection of humanity," 1.269; and SJ's mother's 1 health, 1.174, 7 7 _ 7 8 ; advice to J B on study of theology, "it ought not to be considered a question whether you shall endevour to know the will of God," 1.238; and issue of translation of the Bible into vernacular, 1.2697 1 ; "studies of the Learned are influenced by forms of Government and modes of Religion," 1.309; advice to T. Barnard as he visits a part of the world "divided between bigotry and atheism," 1.314 and 7738; issue of immunities and toleration for dissenters, 11.13 and 30 and 773; on church now cathedral in Edinburgh, 11.52 and 774; impressions of chapels visited in the Hebrides, 11.105-6; on the Jews'annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem, II.133; o n f a n c y and religion, 11.134; and death of Harry Thrale, 1 1 . 3 1 1 - 1 2 and 772, 3 1 3 ; prayer as source of tranquility, 11.312; and Dr. Dodd's case, III.29, 3 2 - 3 3 ; importance of early religious education, 111.211; advice to newly ordained preacher, i n . 3 1 1 - 1 3 ; SJ on S. Hardy's religious doctrines,

Renny see Reynolds, Frances Repington, Gilbert, friend of SJ: ment., i.gng - L E T T E R : 1.7-8 Repington, John, brother of Gilbert, 1.7711, 8 Rerum Scoticarum Historia (Buchanan), 11.126714 Revenge, The (Young), 111.81776 Reynolds, Elizabeth see Johnson, Elizabeth Reynolds Reynolds, Frances (Renny), painter, sister of Sir J. Reynolds: relations with her brother, 1.1737721, in. 151 and 771, v.18 and 772; ment., 1.244, 321771, 322 and n2, 372, 377, 11.6, 111.108, 198, 302, iv.33, 4 1 ; and subscription solicitation, n . 2 0 1 - 2 ; pays condolence call on Hester Thrale, 11.322; and O. Goldsmith epitaph, 11.344 and 773, 345; health ment., 111.102; SJ dines with, in.202-3, 209; paints portrait of SJ, 111.278 and 771, iv.151773, 188; and advance copy of Prefaces, 111.278 and 772, 294; goes to Richmond, 111.308; SJ to give set of Lives of the Poets to, in.352; failed scheme to sell paintings to Hester Thrale, hi.352 and 772; SJ's criticism and advice on her En-

III.315—16; and death of Henry Thrale, 111.330, 332, 334, 3 3 7 - 3 8 ; "prayer can pass the line and the Tropics," iv.131; see also Johnson, Samuel—religion Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (Percy), 1.190-92 and 774, 1 9 4 - 9 5 Remarks on Prince Arthur (Dennis), 111.225773 Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift (Lord Orrery), 1.51 and 77771-3, 6 2 - 6 3 and 773, v.31773 Remarks on the Tragedies of the Last Age (Rymer), in. 124773 Remarks upon Cato (Dennis), hi.225 and 714

quiry Concerning the Principles of Taste, 111. 3 5 5 - 5 6 and 771; iv.30-31, 3 1 1 , 323, 327; invited to dine with SJ, iv.231, 249-50, 258; invited to SJ's for Christmas Day, iv.261-62 - L E T T E R S : 1 . 2 1 5 - 1 7 , 246—47, 3 7 6 - 7 8 , 11.144-45, 3 2 0 - 2 1 , 3 2 2 - 2 3 , 3 4 3 - 4 5 . 352, 111.151, 177, 1 9 1 - 9 2 , 194, 2 7 8 79, 352, 3 5 5 - 5 6 , iv.30-31, 116, 186, 190, 212—13, 249-50, 258, 3 1 1 , 323, v. 1 7 - 1 8 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Kt., painter: financial success of, 1 . 1 7 3 and 7720, 199 andrag,205 and 775; relations with his sister Frances, 1.1737721, in.151771, iv.326, v.18 and 772; trip to Devon





with SJ, 1.2062212, 2 1 5 m , 255212; reputation increases, 1.214; ment., 1.216 and 228, 376, 377, n.6, 270 and 223, 344, in. 14, 67225, 89m, 1 1 5 , 1 1 6 and n2, 132, 151212, 161222, 202, 244, 250, 302, 308 and 224, iv-75221, 137, 139, 185, 186, 266, 377222; health of, I.243—44, iv -87 and ni, 91; and Literary Club, 1.251222, 265, 11.126221; and the Hornecks, 1.339221; portraits of SJ by, I.frontispiece, 1.372 and 212, in.127 and 22223,5,6, HI. 134; and O. Goldsmith's death and epitaph, 11.146, 3 3 0 - 3 1 and 22222,3, 344743, 3 4 5 - 4 6 ; drinks too much, 11.171; and subscription solicition, 11.201—2; SJ solicits support for E. Allen, 11.225, 2 2 7> a n d rumor concerning Harry Thrale's activities before his death,11.322-23;residences of, 11.335222; SJ dines with, II.335,111.3,4, 198, 290; SJ asks to assist C. Paterson, 11.353; SJ desires engravings after portraits by, m.ig2 and 222; delivers twelfth Discourse at Royal Academy of Arts, iv.96 and 227; and G. Crabbe, iv.i 1 6 - 1 7 ; SJ appeals to on behalf of M. Lowe, i v . 1 2 1 - 2 2 , 121223; SJ gives R. Chambers news of, iv. 1 2 6 27; J . Barry's attacks on, iv. 135218; on financial success of Royal Academy's exhibition, iv. 136; portraits of the Streatham Park circle, iv. 2 27225; double portrait of H. Bouverie and F. A. Crewe, 1^239229; explains et in Arcadia ego, iv.23g22g; and Essex Head Club, iv.256—57 and 224; involved in negotiation for SJ's augmented pension, iv.342 and 223, 347; SJ gives account of his health to, iv.354; as Painter to the King, iv.375 and 225, 388 and 221, 413223; and denial of proposed pension increase, iv.3g8 and 22221,2, 400, 4 1 3 ; on SJ in public (urban) life, iv.428 and 221 -LETTERS:


3 4 5 - 4 6 , 353, HI.123, 329, 3 5 1 , iv.87, 1 1 4 - 1 5 , 116—17, 1 2 1 - 2 2 , 135—36, 142, 195-96, 2 5 6 - 5 7 , 3 2 9 - 3 0 , 3 4 1 42, 3 7 4 - 7 5 ' 3 8 7 - 8 8 , 407, 4 1 2 - 1 3 , v.18-19 Reynolds, Mary, sister of Sir J . Reynolds see Palmer, Mary Reynolds Rhetorical Grammar (Walker), iv. 100124 Rhudde, Anthony, 11.179221, 322 Rhudde, Mary Wood: and legal dispute with J . Taylor, 11.179 and n n i - 3 , 2 8 2 83, 285-86, 296, 3 0 2 - 3 , 328, 335, 355 Rhys, John David, grammarian, 1.3102213 Riccio, David, favorite of Mary, Queen of Scots, 11.52 and 22227,8 Rice, Frances (Fanny) Plumbe (Mrs. John): elopement of, 11.31 and 223, 32, 33 and 223, 34224, 36 and 226, 1 1 2 and 227, v.28m\ ment., 11.234 Rice, John, 11.31223, 32, 3 3 - 3 4 and 223, 34224, 36 and 226, 1 1 2 and 227; ment., n.234 Rice, Morgan, distiller, father of John, 11.31223, 32, 3 3 - 3 4 and 22223,4 Richard III (Shakespeare): quoted, iv. 133222 Richardson, Rev. James, 111.170223 Richardson, Martha see Bridgen, Martha Richardson Richardson, Robert, Dean of Lincoln Cathedral, 111.359221 Richardson, Samuel: SJ on need of index to novels of, 1.47-48, 75 and 22227,9; a n d C. Lennox, 1.59 and 223, 60; ment., 1.67224, iv.160; death of, 1.206 and «8, 215; SJ alludes to, 11.328225, 111.79, ' 3 8 and 222; and H. M. Chapone, 111.240 and 222 -LETTERS: 1.47-48, 5 5 - 5 7 , 6g-7o, 7 4 - 7 6 , 78-80, 93, 132—33 Richardson, William, nephew of Samuel: ment., 1.132 and 221

1.243-44, 387, 11-330-31,

- L E T T E R : IV.I 1 5





Rider, Richard, Chancellor of the Diocese of Lichfield (1734-40), iv. 104213 Rider's British Merlin: quoted, in. 139


Rogers, Mary Prowse (Mrs. J . M.): and E. Heme's legacy, iv.288 and 714; see also Prowse, Mary

a n d 222

- LETTER: iv.288

Ritter, Joseph, servant of J B , n.65ni6, 280 and « 4 , 111.104 and ny Rivarol, Antoine, author, 1 . 3 2 1 m Rivington, C., printer, 111.174722 Rivington, John, bookseller, 1 . 3 5 4 - 5 5 Robert brothers, balloonists, iv.204221 Roberts, Griffith, grammarian, 1.3107113 Roberts, James, bookseller, 1.33 and 776 Roberts, Judy, niece of Bennet Langton, 1.163 and 277 Robertson, Margaret see Strahan, Margaret Robertson Robertson, Thomas, publisher, iv.28t27 Robertson, William, historian, 1.281 and 724, 289, 11.52, 532213, 128; and copyright issue, n . i 2 g m Robin of Doncaster see Byrkes, Robert Robinson, Rev. Richard George, 1.303m Robinson, Sir Thomas, 1st Bt., politician, 1.84726 Robson, Bateman, attorney, 11.58 and 22ig, in.317, 339 Rochefoucauld, Francois de la see La Rochefoucauld, Due de Rochester, Bishop of (1713—23) see Atterbury, Francis Rochester, Bishop of (1756) see Pearce, Zachary Rochester, Bishop of ( 1 7 7 4 - 9 3 ) s e e

Rolt, Mary (Mrs. Richard), 1.360 Rolt, Richard, journalist, 1.360m Roman Catholic Relief Bill, in.268225 Rona (Skye), 11.80, 89 Roper, William, son-in-law of Sir Thomas More, 1 . 1 1 3 and 724 Rose, Sarah see Burney, Sarah Rose Rose, William, schoolmaster, iv.185 and 277 Rosmunda (Rucellai), iv. 19721 Rossdhu (Dumbarton home of Sir J . Colquhoun), 11.109 and ni Rothes, Countess of (Jane Elizabeth Leslie), wife of L. Pepys, iv. 138 and 227 Rothes, Mary, Dowager Countess of (Mrs. Bennet Langton, the younger): marriage, 1.351 and 222; ment., 1.356, 374, 381222, 382, 391, 11.326225, 345, m - 9 , 37, 6722775,6, 71 and 727, 125, 142, 3 5 1 , iv.24, 1 1 8 - 1 9 , 126, 138727, 200, 225, 313221, 3 1 4 , 350, 384, v.25; birth of first child, 1.359 a n c ' 224, 387; SJ dines with, 11.326 birth of Jane ment., 11.350 and 227; birth of eighth child, iv.31 and 725 Rowe, Nicholas, poet and playwright: quoted, 111.672210; SJ on obscene epigram of, 111.226-27 and 222; and Lives of the Poets, 111.228, 233725, 238, 254, 328723 Rowley, Thomas, fabrication of T.

Thomas, John

Chatterton, 11.332729, 336729, 339726

Rochester: SJ's visit to, iv.165, 1 7 3 ; SJ's return from, iv.i74 and 722, 178, 179; SJ on heat in, iv. 180 Rockingham, 2d Marquis of (Charles Watson-Wentworth), politician, 1.2317? 1,1 v.29274,62223; death of, iv.jgand n\ Roebuck, Elizabeth, friend of SJ: death of, 111.48 and 723

Royal Academy, 111.27 a ° d 274; early exhibitions of paintings lead to formation of, 1.199728; appointment of printer to, 11.225 a n d " 2 , 227; Nollekens's portrait bust of SJ intended for exhibition at, 111.54222, 108; ment. of 1 7 7 8 spring exhibition, m.i 1 5 and 223; move and official opening of 1780

Rogers, Rev. J . M., i n . 2 g 7 « i , iv.288774

exhibition, 111.2507214, 2 5 3 ;




ROYAL ACADEMY Lowe's painting, iv.121772; on dinner and 1 7 8 3 opening exhibition, i v . 1 3 4 35 and ran5,6; 1 7 8 3 exhibition's finances, iv. 1 3 4 - 3 5 and 21715,6, 136 and 773; and SJ's godson C. Paterson, iv.142; SJ attends spring 1784 exhibition, iv.320, 3 2 1 , 324, 4 1 8 Royal Library, 1.303 and 773; advice on formation of, 1 . 3 0 7 - 1 4 Royal Society, iv. 176773 Royal Suppliants, The (Delap),



Sackville, John Frederick see Dorset, 3d Duke of Sadler, James, balloonist, iv.438771 St. Albans, 11.316773 St. Albyn, Rev. Lancelot, iv.39-41 St. Andrews, Archbishop of see Beaton (Bethune), David St. Andrews, Cathedral of, 11.55 a n d "-5 St. Andrews, University of, 11.55 and


773, 5 6 a n d 7710

Rucellai, Giovanni, poet and dramatist, iv.19771 Rudd, Margaret Caroline, adventuress, 11.334 and T?6, 111.59 Rudd, Mary see Rhudde, Mary Wood Ruddiman, Thomas, Scots classicist and antiquarian, 1.58 and 776, 272 and 775, 11.126724 RufFhead, Owen, miscellaneous writer, III. 295 and 721 Rufus, William, 11.487710 Ruggle, George, playwright, iv.310771 Rushworth, Mr., speculator, 111.305 Russell, Rev. John, in.55773 Ryland, Honor Hawkesworth (Mrs. John), 1.128724 Ryland, John, merchant: and Ivy Lane Club, 1.127771, iv.246, 247771, 256; and Hawkesworth project, 11.356 and ni, 359, I I I . 1 6 - 1 8 ; SJ gives account of his health to, i v . 1 7 0 - 7 1 , 380, 3 8 8 - 8 9 , 410, 429; oversees lettering and placement of E. Johnson's gravestone, iv.348 and 723, 350, 430, 435; and Essex Head Club, iv.351 and 774, 4 1 6 and ?7i - L E T T E R S : 1 1 3 5 5 - 5 6 , 359, I I I . 1 6 - 1 8 , iv.170-71, 177-78, 350-51, 380-81, 388-90, 4 0 7 - 8 , 4 1 0 - 1 1 , 4 1 6 - 1 7 , 429-30, 4 3 4 - 3 5 Rymer, Thomas, critic, 111.124 and 773

St. Andrews (Fife), 11.55-56; ment. of trip to, 11.357 St. Asaph, Bishop of see Shipley, Jonathan St. Cross (almshouse), 1.255773, 111.3637 St. Cuthbert, Church of (Darlington), 11.497717 St. Giles, Church of (Edinburgh), 11.52 and 774 St. John, Frederick see Bolingbroke, 2d Viscount St. John, Henry see Bolingbroke, 1st Viscount St. John's Gate, London, 1.5 and 772, 33722, 1 4 1 , 146 St. Leonard's College (St. Andrews University), 11.56 and 7711 St. Mary's Abbey (York), 11.48 and 7710 St. Mary's and St. Machar's, Cathedral of (Aberdeen), 11.58 and 7722 St. Mary's College (St. Andrews), 11.56 and 7710 St. Moluag, Chapel of (Raasay), 11.89 and 7212 St. Paul's School, St. Paul's Churchyard, IV.I3IAND77I

St. Salvator's College (St. Andrews), 11.56 and 777710,11 Salesbury, William, lexicographer, 1.3107213 Salisbury, Wiltshire: SJ plans to visit, iv. 190, 191; Heale House described,





Salisbury, Wiltshire (cont.) iv. 194 and 723; SJ's trip from, i v . 2 1 6 17 Salisbury Cathedral, iv.222 Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus), historian, 1.12, 221 216 Salter, Samuel: death ment., IV.259K6

Sandys, 2d Baron (Edwin Sandys), 11.118228 Sandys, George, colonist and poet, 11.269m Sannaland, island (Mull) see Samalan Sappho, 111.8214 Sarpi, Paolo, historian, 1.13213, 1 9 - 2 0

Salusbury family: Hester Thrale inherits property of, n. 147 and 214

and 228 Sarum Missal, 1.396218

Salusbury, Hester Maria Cotton (Mrs. John), mother of Hester Thrale: ment., 1.280, 295, 327, 346, 370, 398 and 22221,2, 407 and 225, 4 1 5 , 1 1 . 7 , v.25; death of, 1 . 3 1 8 - 1 9 and m ; health and illness of, 1.318-19221, 36222222,3, 366, 416224; home robbed, 1.343228, 346, 3 4 7 - 4 8 ; health ment., 1.364, 373, 378, 399, 402, 403 and 224, 404, 408, 409, 410, 4 1 2 ; illness of, 1 1 . 1 7 - 1 8 , 17 and 222, 18 and 221, 19, 28, 3 1 , 35, 37 and 221, 38222; impending death of, 11.20-21; health improves, 11.22, 23, 24; death of ment., 11.37221, 147225; epitaph for, 11.215 and 221, 220, 221, 223, 229 and 22229,10

Sastres, Francesco: SJ forgets appointm e n t with > IV -3 and 221, 32; ment., IV -99> 1 5 ^ 4 ; SJ to invite to meet C. Lewis > I V -3°7; m e n t - o f lexicographic project of, iv.378 and 223, 390, 406, 425_26 - L E T T E R S : iv.32, 3 7 8 - 7 9 . 3 9 Q - 9 1 . 406,425-26,432-33,439 Satires (Juvenal): quoted, iv.355 and 221, 401221 Sa ul, Edward, author, iv.218 and 223 Savage, Richard, poet, dramatist, 1 . 3 2 33 and 22221-6 Savile, Sir George, 8th Bt.: and Gordon Riots > "1-267221, 268 and 225 Sayer, Robert, print and map dealer,

- LETTER: 1.280

" - 3 4 3 a n d 223

Salusbury, John, father of Hester Thrale, 1.280221, 11.1122213, 335224; and inheritance controversy, iv.88 and „ 2 T j / c - u n , Salusbury, Lady (Sarah Burroughs), wife of Sir Thomas, 1.401223; dispute -.u 11 . I-*-., , • , with Hester Thrale over inheritance, iv.88m, 95 and 221; Hester Thrale's „ • , , r, n financial settlement with, iv.3i8n8 Salusbury, Sir Thomas, Kt., uncle of ' Hester Thrale, 1.400—40122221,3, 406; ^ ^ controversy over estate, 1 1 . 1 1 2 - 1 3J and ' 222213,15, 114, 1 1 7 and m 0 J ^ ' Samalan, island (Mull), 11.106 and 2221

Scaliger, Joseph (1540-1609), classical scholar, iv.391 and 227 Scarsdale, 1st Baron (Nathaniel Curzon), 11.243-44 and 221, 111.70224 Schoeffer, Peter, printer, 1.310222210,11, r 313re29 scholarship see literature and literary r . ' scholarship Scholemaster, The (Ascham), 11.482215 . . science: experiments using sun's rays, „ „ , iv. 1 6 1 - 6 2 and 225 „ . . n Scotland, 1.362-63221, 389227; propaga. . . > . • ,, tion or Christian knowledge in, 1.269, , •• „ T 71 and 222; Langton s visit to, 1.381 in, 11.8 and and n2; masquerades

Sandiland, island (Mull) see Samalan

^223,4; plaids in, 11.59; SJ on defores-

Sandwich, 4th Earl of (John Montagu),

tation in, 11.63222, 111.41 and mi-, food



in, 11.95—96; houses in, 11.97; King

Sandyland, island (Mull) see Samalan

says not to go there anymore, 11.174; 154




SJ speaks well of "every thing Scotch, but Scotch oat-cakes and Scotch prejudices," 11.214; W. Seward visits, m.31 and 722; SJ on introduction of money into the Highlands, 111.40 and 228; SJ on JB's feudalism project, in.200; and corrupt electoral system, iv.263 and 225; politics in, IV.291W2; see also Hebri-

will, III.201 and ni, 339, 3 4 1 ; SJ on mind of, in.211 Scripture-Account of the Nature and Ends of the Holy Eucharist (Hardy), 111.31522221-6 Scripture Theory of Earth, The (Worthington), 11.175-/12 Scudery, Georges de, poet, 1.95717

dean tour Scots: on new King's relationship with English and Scots, 1.198—99; SJ jokes about, 11.330 and 774,332; Scots angry at SJ's Journey, 11.174 a n d n 2 > ment. of their writing English well (with specific reference to H. Blair), hi. 19 Scots "dialect," in. 11 Scott, Anna Maria Bagnall (Mrs. William), iv.1267718 Scott, John, poet: death of, iv.404 and ni - LETTERS: 11.142-43 Scott, Mary Anne, daughter of William, iv.1267718 Scott, Susanna Thrale (Mrs. Thomas), iv.8g773 Scott, Thomas, M.P., brother-in-law of Henry Thrale, iv.89 and 773 Scott, William, classicist and jurist: ment., 11.41775, 268 and 7ii, in.254and 719, 266, 268; SJ inquires about employment for a young man, i v . 1 1 7 18; SJ gives R. Chambers news of,

sculpture, 1.311 and 2218 Seasons, The (Thomson), 1.15071713,4 Seeker, Thomas, D.D. Archbishop of Canterbury: and Edward Lye, 1.231774, 250 Sedgwick, Henry, childhood friend of SJ, 11.297 a T K ' 776 Select Collection of Poems (Nichols), in.278721 self-government, 1.200; see also government Selwyn, Charles, banker, iv.228 and 719 Seneca, philosopher, in. 175773, 354771 Sententia Minuciorum, 11.192, 1 9 9 - 2 0 0 and 711 Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life (Law), 1.72 and 777 servants, iv.73 Settle, Elkanah, poet, 111.120-2177771,3,5 Seven Years War, 1.139777 Seward, Anna ("Swan of Lichfield"), poet, 1.301 and 775, 3 1 7 , 111.366—67, 370723; ment., 11.234; success of Louisa, iv.412 and 273

iv. 126 and 2218; SJ gives account of his health to, i v . 4 1 7 - 1 8 - L E T T E R S : iv.117—18, 4 1 7 - 1 8 Scrase, Charles, solicitor, 1.381 and 225, i n . 1 4 0 - 4 1 , 1 9 5 - 9 6 and n i l , 206 and 226, 2 1 7 , 339 and 273; and Hester Thrale's Welsh property, 11.240 and ?2io, 241225; and brewery finances, 11.245 a n d n\o, 257; ment., 11.327 and 224, in. 188, 219, 274, 285, 294; makes loans to Thrales, 111.67279, 134229, 241 and «6; health of, 111.94-95 and 776, 219, 281 and 723; and Henry Thrale's

Seward, Elizabeth Hunter (Mrs. Thomas), 1.301 and 225 Seward, Rev. Thomas, 1.28 and 224, 301 and 225, 380, 11.333 Seward, William, F . R . S . , F.S.A.,"11.148228, 111.14724, 3 1 and 71721,2, 3 5 - 3 6 , 68 and n6, 168, 229 and ny; ment., 111.310, iv.426; visits SJ before going abroad, iv. 147; becomes Hester Thrale's confidant, iv.241 and 225; health ment., iv.412 Shaftesbury, 3d Earl of (Anthony Ashley Cooper), 1.24721



SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare, William, 1.135, 25^n3> 335; quoted, 1.368 and 222, 380 and r/4, 381 and ng, 111.7777725,9, 78*13, 92227, 125723, 140 and raio, 212219, 308112, 368213, iv.46212, 205226; Jennens's edition of, 11.25 a n d 227; and Lives of the Poets, in.2372210; for references to works of see title of individual work Shakespeare (Johnson), 1.158, 159-60 and 22221-3,6, 2 5 5 - 5 6 , 335221; SJ's Proposals for Printing, by Subscription, the Dramatick Works of William Shakespeare, 1.135 a n d 722213, 1 4 0 - 4 1 , 142, 146-47, 159-60 and 226,11.201-2 and 222; and E. Hector, 1.142, 146-47; terms of contract regarding free sets for SJ, 1.153 and W2; ment., 1.155, 164; publication date changes, 1.158, 159 and 222; appendix, 1.162-63 and 72i; and T. Percy, 1.232 and 728; published, 1.246 and 221; and D. Garrick, 1.247-48 and 72221,2, 251, 252; and G. Steevens, 1.254 a n d n3< 335 a n d K3> 354; and J. Tonson, 1.254—55; and J. Warton's subscription, 1.255; an15 "Skia" (ode, Johnson), 11.102 and 722 Skye, Isle of, 11.62 and m , 69 and 722, 71, 77; description of, 11.78-79; imprisoned on because of weather, 11.86, 87; agriculture and climate of, n.97— 98 Skyrmsher, Charles, probable first cousin of SJ, iv.442-43 and 722 Slains Castle, Aberdeenshire, 11.61 and n 9 Smalbroke, Richard, Chancellor of the diocese of Lichfield, 1.233 a n d rai, 11.230771 Smart, Anna Maria Carnan (Mrs. Christopher), 1 . 1 6 9 - 7 0 Smart, Christopher, poet, 1.169m Smelt, Leonard, Deputy-governor to the Prince of Wales, 111.250 and 7712 Smith, Adam, political economist: ment., 11.357773, III.12718 Smith, Edmund, poet: and Lives of the Poets, in. 150771, 1 5 2 and 77773,4 Smith, Sir George, 1st Bt., 11.222773 Smith, Rev. Haddon, becomes Reader at the Temple Church, fv.238722 Smith, Henry ( 1 7 2 4 - 6 8 ) , cousin of Henry Thrale, 11.132771 Smith, Henry (? 1756-89), cousin of Henry Thrale: appointed trustee of Thrale brewery, 111.216772; ment., 111.316 and 771; as executor of Henry Thrale's will, 111.330776, 3 4 1 ; ment. as guardian of Thrale children, iv.337 and 773 Smith, J . R., engraver: engraving by ment., 111.127773 Smith, Jane (Mrs. Henry), 11.132 and 771 Smith, John, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland, 11.52773




Smith, Joseph, British consul at Venice, 1.308214 Smith, Joseph, ironmonger: ment., I.350 8 - L E T T E R S : 1.334, 3 5 3 5 4 ' 3 5 Smith, Lady (Catherine Vyse Smith), II.222 and 213, 230, in. 166; gets new postchaise, 11.229 Smith, Mary (Mrs. Ralph), n. 132 and rai Smith, Ralph, cousin of Henry Thrale, 11.132221 Smith, Richard, Brigadier General, iv.58 and 224 Smithson, Sir Hugh see Northumberland, 1st Duke of Smollett, James, Commissary of Edinburgh, cousin of Tobias, 11.110 and 226, 216 and 228 Smollett, Jean Clerk (Mrs. James), 11.216 and ra8 Smollett, Tobias, novelist, 1.187221, 188227, 11.110 and ra6 Sneyd, John, High Sheriff of Staffordshire, 1.317223 Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge in Scotland, 11.150227 Society of Procurators, iv. 28227 Society of Solicitors, iv. 28227 Sofonisba (Trissino): quoted, 111.378 and rai Solander, Daniel Charles, Swedish botanist, 1.386 and 224 solitude, 1.9 and 227, 292, iv.247, 263; "is one of the greatest obstacles to pleasure and improvement," 1.9 and 227; SJ on his reclusive life, 1.42; since death of his wife SJ is "a kind of solitary wanderer in the wild of life," 1.90; "where monastic life permitted, every order finds votaries, and every monastery inhabitants," 1.200, "I cannot think it pleasant to live quite alone," 11.71; "be not solitary, be not idle," 11.118, 3 1 3 , ni.201; "Here sit poor I, with nothing but my own soli-

tary individuality," 11.256; "I live in stark solitude," 111.206; "he who lives by himself has many hours of unwelcome solitude," iv.211; feels weight of solitude very pressing, iv.247; could bear sickness better if relieved from solitude, iv.263; "a man unconnected is at home everywhere . . . or nowhere," v.21 Somerset, James, slave, 11.349—50 ar| d 223,349224 Some Thoughts Concerning Education (Locke), 1.293225 Southerne, Thomas, playwright, 11.356221 South Sea Company, v.4 and ng Southwark: SJ invited to, 11.22222, 26221; Henry Thrale's political activities in, n - 1 5 1 and 222, 111.254224, 262, 314; Henry Thrale plans improvements at house in, 11.226 and 213; Thrales move to, 111.217, 218228, 219; Hester Thrale campaigns in, 111.251225, 258226; Hester Thrale visits, 111.2622212; The Clink, 111.276 and 225 Southwell, 2d Baron (Thomas Southwell), 11.6222, IV.8IK2; and M. Lowe, m. 114221, 3 1 3 Southwell, 3d Baron and 1st Viscount (Thomas George Southwell), 111.313 and rai, iv.8m2 Southwell, Baroness (Margaret Hamilton) (wife of 3d Baron): SJ's condolences on death of husband, 111.313— 14 - L E T T E R : 111.313-14 Southwell, Edmond, son of 2d Baron Southwell: ment., 11.6 and 222 Southwell, Edward, of Wisbech Castle: tutor for, 1.198 and 224 Southwell family, iv.8irai Southwell, Frances ("Mrs. Southwell"), daughter of 2d Baron Southwell: ment., n.6 and 222, 204 and 222, in.251, 253





Southwell, Lucia (Lucy) ("Mrs. Southwell"), daughter of 2d Baron Southwell: ment., 11.6 and 222, 204 and 222, HI.251 and 227, 253 Spain, 1.200; proposed invasion of Isle of Wight and Portsmouth, HI. 1 8 0 - 8 1 and K2, 183, 1 8 4 - 8 5 , 191, 193, 197, 207 Spaulding Society, iv.84722 Spence, Elizabeth Fordyce (Mrs. Jo-

Steele, Sir Richard, Kt., 111.226 and ni Steevens, George, Shakespearean editor: ment. 1.254 a n d n3> 3 3 5 a n d n3> 354, 3 5 5 , iv.8, 108222, 168, v.27; and Jennens controversy, 11.25 a n d " 7 ; and The Club, 1 1 . 1 2 6 - 2 7 , 128, 129; and "Rowley" manuscript, 11.332 and rig; to receive set of Lives of the Poets, m.343; ment., iv.8, io8«2, 168, v.27; on H. Croft's books, iv. 1 3 6 - 3 7

seph, M.D.), 1 1 . 4 9 - 5 0 and NW21,22

- LETTERS: 1 1 . 1 2 6 - 2 7 , 1 2 9 , 1 1 1 . 1 0

Spence, Joseph, M.D., RI.492121 Spence, Joseph, Professor of Poetry, Oxford, 11.532215, m.22g and 227, 259 and 221 Spencer, Charles see Sunderland, 3d Earl of Spencer, George see Marlborough, 4th Duke of Spencer, George John see Althorp, Viscount Spencer, Lady Georgiana see Devonshire, Duchess of Spenser, Edmund, poet, 1.80221, 81224, 8 8 - 8 g and n8, 94 Spicer, John, student, 1.8 and 728 Sprat, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, 1.340221 Staffordshire, 1.363, 11.332, 111.20, 24, 44, 8622727,8 Staffordshire Canal, 1.366-67 and 773 Stamford, Lincolnshire, 11.47 Stamp Act, 1.264 and 727 Stanhope, James, 1st Earl, politician, 1.37 and 724 Stanhope, Philip see Chesterfield, 5th Earl of Stanhope, Philip Dormer see Chesterfield, 4th Earl of Staple Inn (Gray's Inn, London), 1.184721 State of the Prisons of England and Wales (Howard), iv.322 and 72728,9 Staunton, George Leonard, physician, 1.202—3


Stephens, Rev. Robert, 1.32 and re8 Stepney, George, poet, 111.146 and 213 Stewart, Francis, SJ's amanuensis, 1.50 and 222, 7372221,3, 111.2322212 Stewart, Mrs., sister of Francis Stewart, 111.232 and rei2, iv.291, 299 Steyning affair, 1 1 1 . 3 1 6 - 1 7 Stilton, Huntingdonshire, 11.47 a n d 222 Stockdale, Percival, author, 11.354, 111.286-87 and 22222-4, 291 and rag — LETTER: v.21 Stockton, Mr., 1.41 Stoneham, James, sailor, 111.271 and 727 Stonehenge, iv.221—22 and 722211,13,14, 17 Storer, Peter, attorney, 11.3225 Storer, Sidney see Hawkins, Sidney Storer, Lady Stormont, 7th Viscount (David Murray) (later 2d Earl Mansfield), 11.271226 Stourbridge Grammar School, 1.3722 Strahan, Andrew, son of William, iv.366 and 72771,2 Strahan, Rev. George, son of William: education of, i . 2 o g - i o and 22723,4, 217—18, 2ig, 2 2 0 - 2 1 , 2 2 4 - 2 5 , 234— 35, 248; and neglect of friends, 1.224; enters University College, 1.244—46 and ni; ment., 11.87; marriage, 111.144 and reio; SJ dines with, 111.158; relationship with his father, iv.68— 6922722-5, 79-80, 95, 105, 110—11; SJ gives account of his health to, iv.420 —LETTERS:







Strahan, Rev. George (cont.) 224-25, 234-35, 248, iv.68-69, 7 g 80, 105, H O - I I Strahan, Margaret, daughter of George, iv.420 and n 1 Strahan, Margaret Penelope Elphinston (Mrs. William): ment., 1.45 and 224, 72, 246, iv.83, 174, 3 7 1 - 7 2 , 4 1 1 , 420 and ni; illness of, 111.230229; at Bath, in.255; SJ's condolences on death of son, 111.342-43 - L E T T E R S : HI.342-43, iv.9-10, v.22 Strahan, Margaret Robertson (Mrs. George), HI. 144 and 2210, 158, iv.420 and22i Strahan, Maria Isabella, daughter of George, iv.420 and n 1 Strahan, William, printer, m.p.: ment., I.42221, 66«2, 132, 158, 281224, II.354221, 111.23221, 342211, 202, 257, 342221, iv.9, 78, 189, 317227, 366 and 221, 395221; and SJ's Dictionary project, 1.50-51, 73 and 22221,4, 82221; SJ on proposal for "Geographical Dictionary," 1.68-69 and 222; acts as SJ's banker, 1.82 and ni, 397, ni.137, 325, iv.433 and 221, 442, 446; and Rasselas, 1.178—79; cost of George's education, I.244-46; SJ gives opinion to on copyright issue, 11.129-31; and publication of Journey, 11.144221, 155, 159; and presentation copies of Journey, II.155, l6 7> 36412; SJ asks to cancel page in Journey, 11.156-57 and 22222,7; asks assistance for two indigent cases, 11.162-63; and Ossian controversy, 11.168223; and SJ's Taxation No Tyranny, 11.184-85, 187-88; SJ wishes political evaluation from, 11.250-51; and firing of J. Calder, 11.293221, 297; SJ offers help with Scots authors'works, 11.357 and 223; publication of H. Blair's sermons, 11.367 and 221; quarrei between SJ and, 111.123; SJ dines with, 111.187, 204; wife's illness,



111.230219; and Gordon riots, 111.267 and 223, 26g, 303; granddaughter ment., 111.285 AND N L ° ' asks for political assistance on behalf of Henry Thrale, 111.314; on SJ's cough, iv.46; relationship with son George, iv.68Qgnm-5, 79, 95, 105, 1 1 0 - 1 1 and 221; SJ gives account of his health to, iv.83, 87-88, 1 7 3 - 7 4 , 3 7 1 _ 7 2 > 4 1 1 , 442; resigns from Essex Head Club, iv.345 and 224 -LETTERS: 1.50-51, 68-6g, 73, 82, 178-79, 244-46, 397, 11.129—31, 1 56~57, 161-62, 167, 184-86, 1 8 7 88, 2 5 0 - 5 1 , 357, 367, 111.123, x37> 314, 325, iv.83, 87-88, 95, 1 7 3 - 7 4 , 3 7 1 - 7 2 , 4 1 1 , 442, 445-46, v.22—23 Strahan, William (the younger), printer, son of William: death of, in.342 and 221 Stratico, Simone, mathematician and engineer, 1.207 and 2213 Streatfeild, Anne (Mrs. Henry), 111.126 and 222 Streatfeild, Sophia, Greek scholar, friend of Hester Thrale, 111.116226, 126 and 222, 127 and 224, 131, 134 and 227, 166 Streatham Park, 1.284 and 223, 307221, 3 2 3 - 2 4 and 223; ment. of "pineapple" and "strawberries and cream," in association with, 1.323-24 and 223, 343; laboratory, 1.371 and ni, 376; Thrales move from to economize, 1.403 and 225; additions and improvements to, 11.23 and 22222,3, 226 and 224, in.52 and 224, 253 and 221; ment., 111.5, 6222, 96223, 177, 379, iv.38 and 222; lake dredged, m.52 and 224; "now eighth wonder of the world," 111.88; SJ praises, HI. 166; and Gordon Riots, 111.269 and 2214; and SJ's biography of Pope, m.3ig and 221; Hester Thrale lets, 1 v.91217; portraits at, iv.227215 Strickland, Cecilia Towneley (Mrs.




Charles), friend of Hester Thrale, II.272715, 3 3 6 - 3 7 and 7717 Strickland, Charles, 11.3377717 Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education (More), in.335771 Stuart, Col. James, son of the 3d Earl of Bute, friend of J B , 111.1917711 Stuart, Rev. James, 1.271 and 779 Stuart, Lady Jane see Macartney, Baroness Stuart, John ( 1 7 1 3 - 9 2 ) see Bute, 3d Earl of Stuart, John ( 1 7 4 4 - 1 8 1 4 ) see Mountstuart, Viscount success: "always produces either love or hatred," 1.78 Sulpicius Severus, hagiographer, in.299 and 774 Sunderland, 3d Earl of (Charles Spencer), diplomat, statesman, and bibliophile, 1.37 and 776 Suspicious Husband (Hoadley), iv.393 and 774 Sutton, Daniel, inoculator, 1.282 and 774 Swan, John, M.D., III.227 and 771 "Swan of Lichfield" see Seward, Anna Swift, Jonathan: ment., 1.322711, III.248773; and J. Hawkesworth, III.17 and 773; and Lives of the Poets, 111.233775, 295 and 773; quoted, 111.246779, 299 and 773, iv. 1527715, 336 and 772; and prophecy of Merlin, III.293 and 771 Swinburne, Henry, travel writer, 111.213 and 717 Swinton, John, historian and Keeper of the Archives, Oxford, iv.445 and 771 Swynfen, Elizabeth see Desmoulins, Elizabeth Swynfen Sydenham, Thomas, M.D., III.227 and 771 Sylva, or A Discourse of Forest-Trees (Evelyn), 1.327 and 775 Sympson, Rev. Thomas, Priest Vicar of Lincoln Cathedral, 1.264 and 773




Synod of Argyle, 11.150/1717,8

T Tacitus, Cornelius, historian, in. 797712, iv. 145773 Talbot, Catherine, author, 1.67774 Talbot, Thomas, D.D., 11.210 and 7716 Talisker (Skye), 11.817752, 85, 93 Talman, William, architect, 1.411773 Tamil literature, iv. 127 and 7724 Tasso, Torquato, poet, in. 117772 Tatler, The, iv.241 and 77772,3 Taxation No Tyranny (Johnson), 11.170 and 773, 173, 174, 1 8 4 - 8 5 and 77771-3, 320/78, 325772; changes in, 1 1 . 1 8 5 - 8 6 and 71771,4; SJ wishes to present to friends at Oxford, 11.187-88; to send copy to E. Hector, 11.191; copy sent to J. Taylor, 11.192; and Lord North, 11.194777; hostile responses appear, 11.197-98 and 773; J . Wesley's use and support of, 11.290 and ?72 Taylor, Elizabeth see Galliff, Elizabeth Taylor Taylor, Elizabeth Webb, first wife of Rev. John, 1.32 and 7711 Taylor, Rev. John: ment., 1.8 and 775, 368, 403, III.16, 25, 45712, 53, 55, 597)9, 67774, 68, 74, 166, 176, 243, 264, 378, iv.152, 232 and 772, 246, 369, 3 7 1 ; health ment., 1 . 7 7 - 7 8 , 3 4 1 , 342, 367, 369, 370, 373, 375, 3 9 4 - 9 5 ' 396; marital problems, 1.225—30, 2 3 2 - 3 4 , 2 3 5 - 3 7 , 2 4 1 - 4 2 ; home and grounds of, 1.347 and 773, 3 7 1 ; interest in animal husbandry, 1.371, 11-235, 2 44, M-59, 69, 79, 81 and 7710, 83, 86, 3 7 7 ; post-chaise of, 1.373 a n d 774, 11.310772, in.68, 70774; SJ stays with, 1.379, 408, 409, 11.235, in.46— 47, 56, 5 7 - 5 8 , iv.340-41; and O'Toole, 1.417774; legal dispute with



Taylor, Rev. John (cont.) M. Rhudde, 11.179 and nnl>3> 2 8 2 83, 285-86, 296, 3 0 2 - 3 , 3 0 9 - 1 0 and rai, 3 2 1 - 2 2 andra2,324, 3 2 7 - 2 8 , 334, 335. 337. 346. 3 5 4 - 5 5 ; a n d boarding of C. Carter's horse, n.236214, 246; ment. concerning the harvest, 11.238; hopes to see Thrales at Ashbourne again, 11.239; o n Henry Thrale's failure to visit, 11.247, 251; SJ concerned over health of, 11.285, 296, iv.74, 93, 94; SJ dines with, 11.325; visits Thrale children with SJ, 11.326; and JB's stay with, in.39-40, 56; improvements to house and grounds at Ashbourne, 111.58-59, 79, 822117; musical interests, m.59; SJ and J B use chaise of, 111.68, 70224; Hester Thrale on, 111.792221; SJ on health and diet of, hi.154-55, 167, 1 72, 179-80, 2 4 2 43, 264-65, 296, 3 4 4 - 4 5 . 37o, 373. 374; SJ tries to find curate for parish of, m . 1 7 0 - 7 1 ; and selection of new Bishop of Gloucester, 111.183; bloodletting, 111.242, 243, 261, iv.300, 335; lawsuit of, 111.258, 2 6 1 - 6 2 , 265, 296; and St. Margaret's, Westminster, 111.259229, 265; and deanery of Lincoin, in.359 and rai, 374, 377, v.24rai; and Collier inheritance case, iv.i6rai, 5 3 - 5 4 . 5 6 - 5 7 , 60, 74, 93, 94, 1 0 1 , 1 0 5 - 7 ; and silver coffeepot, iv.18 and ra2, 60; SJ advises against an uneasy mind, iv.66-67, 335; SJ informs of his testicular sarcocele, iv.201; SJ recommends milk, iv.247, 253, 254, 269; ment. of return to London of, iv.381; SJ gives account of his health to, iv.426; charge of neglecting health angers SJ, iv.427; SJ recommends temperance, 1^427222 - L E T T E R S : 1.4, 28—32, 6 1 - 6 2 , 103—4, 139-40, 147-49, 2 2 5 - 3 0 , 2 3 2 - 3 4 , 2 3 5 - 3 7 , 241—42, 248—49, 2 5 3 - 5 4 ,

n.10-11, 151-52, 191-92. 282-83,

22, 39-40, 4 4 - 4 5 , 122, 135, 162-64, 167-68, 179-80, 197-99' 2 1 4 - 1 5 . 276-77, 285-86, 296-97, 3 0 2 - 3 ,

3 ° 9 - 1 0 > 3 l 6 - ! 7 . 3 2 1 - 2 2 , 324, 3 4 6 47, 3 5 4 - 5 5 , m . 2 0 - 2 1 , 2 4 - 2 5 , 1 5 4 55, 163-64, 179-80, 1 8 2 - 8 3 , 1 9 2 93, 2 2 0 - 2 1 , 242—43, 264-65, 3 4 4 45, 359-60, iv.16, 18, 5 3 - 5 4 , 59-60, 6 1 - 6 3 , 64-65, 66-68, 7 4 - 7 5 , 7 5 - 7 7 , 93~94, 1 0 1 - 2 , 1 0 5 - 7 , 108-9, 1 4 8 49, 179, 193, 201, 209, 2 2 5 - 2 6 , 237, 243-44, 247-48, 2 5 3 - 5 4 , 260, 26970, 2 7 6 - 7 7 , 300-301, 312, 333, 3 3 4 36, 3 4 0 - 4 1 , 421, 4 2 6 - 2 7 , v.23—24 Taylor, John, Birmingham merchant, 1.260 and 223, 416222 Taylor, Mary Tuckfield (Mrs. John), second wife of Rev. John, 1.61 and 224; marital estrangement and legal battle, 1.226-30 and ni, 2 3 2 - 3 4 , 2 3 5 - 3 7 , 242 and rai Telemachus, a Mask (Graham), 11.214 and ra8, 111.9 Temora. An Ancient Epic Poem (Macpherson), 11.168221, 170222 Temple, Henry see Palmerston, 2d Viscount Temple, Sir William, 1st Bt., statesman and author, 11.295 and 225, 111.218-19 and 2214, iv.360 and 223; on Ireland, 1 1 5 1 and 225 Temple, William Johnson, friend of JB, iv.70 and 223 Tencin, Madame de, author, 1.136222 Terence (Publius Terentius Afer), 1.12; quoted, 111.4211, 206224,1^372224 Tertre, F.-J.Duport du, Jesuit author, 1.150 and 222 Tetty see Johnson, Elizabeth Jervis Porter Theatre des Etats du Due de Savoie, 1.312 and 2225 Theobald, Lewis, Shakespearean edi-

330, 3 9 1 - 9 2 . 394-97. 397-98. 399.



. t-SHM, ni-166224




Theocritus, 1.12 "Thief and the Cordelier" (Prior), in.195 and 217 Thirlby, Rev. Styan, IV.84B8 Thomas a Becket, 11.57)112 Thomas, John, Bishop of Rochester, Dean of Westminster, iv.269 and «4, 270 and ra6 Thomas, R., bookseller, 111.188-89 and K5, 195 Thomas, Rev. Dr., schoolmaster, 11.36 and ra6 Thomason, George, collector, 1.308)24 Thompson, John, cooper: and R. Levet's death, iv. 1 oral, 1122224-6 Thomson, James, poet, 1.150 and 22223,4; and Lives of the Poets, in. 20 and 2210, 227, ^32224; quoted, 111.240223 Thomson, Mrs. Robert Thomson, sister of J . Thomson, in.202210 Thornhill Mansion, Bromley, Kent, 1.130228 Thorpe Constantine, Staffordshire, IV.I85«»5,6 Thoughts on the Coronation (Gwynn), 1.201m, 111.45222 Thoughts on the Late Transactions Respecting the Falkland's Islands (Johnson), 1.351721, 381 and rai, 11.155772, 325272 Thrale, Anna Maria, daughter of Henry and Hester, 111.20728; birth and death of, I.2g7ra2, 3 0 2 - 3 and 22223,5; ment., 11.146 and raio Thrale, Cecilia Margaretta, daughter of Henry and Hester, 111.20228, 88 and re6, 1347211; birth of, 11.340 and 722, III.7 and 773, 162 and «2; health ment., iv.i20«2, 134; and J . Cator, iv.163 and 224, 275; effect of mother's marriage on, iv.33grai Thrale, Frances Anna, daughter of Henry and Hester: birth of, 11.151 and 723, 204 and 722; ment., 11.221, 235, 252 and 226, 111.20228; health of, n.246and 225


Thrale, Henrietta Sophia (Harriet), daughter of Henry and Hester, HI. 1 3 4 m 1; birth of, 111.80721, 162 and >12; on absent friends, 111.375 and n5, 378; illness of ment., i v . n g and rai, 120 and rai; death of, iv. 134 and ni Thrale, Henry: introduction to SJ, 1.249)21; political career and parliamentary campaigns; 1.250)13, 293)12, 2g6, 2 9 7 - 9 8 , 111.244 a n d n l > 2 5 1 1 2 , 254 and 214, 262, 2 8 0 - 8 1 ; ment., i.28g, 324, 325, 332221, 334, 346, 371221, 375, 376, 4 1 5 , 11.6224, 7, 58, 356, 111.5222, 31222, 42, 46226, 52, 54, 58, 62223, 75»g, 8 1 - 8 2 and 2214, 82, 87221, 88, 91, g3, gsrag, 119, 139, 156, 188, 209223, 273228, 276, 281, 285, 372227, v.25; SJ requests help in securing discharge of T. Coxeter, 1.357; and W. H. Lyttelton, 1.369223; and SJ's chemistry experiments, 1.371221; financial problems, 1.398223, 3gg-4oo, 407 and n 4 , 111.67219, 241 and «6; threatened suit against, 11.17 and 22221,5, 20; dispute concerning brewery, 11.22 and 223; and improvements at Streatham Park and other expansion plans, 11.23 a t l d 72222,3, 226 and 724, 249, 259, 111.52224, 67rag, 75—76 and raio, 82; and quack chemists, 11.31 and 222, 37; and Plumbe-Rice affair, 11.31723, 33 and 273, 34724; and his brewery restes, 11.36 and rail, 111.336, 3 3 9 - 4 0 ; SJ wishes his company on Hebridean trip, n . 9 4 - g 5 ; SJ requests he send money to R. Levet or A. Williams, 11.108; to visit J . Scott's garden and grotto, 11.142-43; to visit Wales, 11.147 and 774, i4gra3; political opposition to, 11.151 and ns, 154; SJ asks to make H. Heely the "Keeper of the Tap," 11.165; entertains constituents, 11.165 a n d 223; SJ requests character reference for C. Carter, 11.182-83; and J . Crutchley, 11.184723; improve-






Thrale, Henry (cont.) ments at Southwark, 11.226 and 713, 2 2 g; fails to visit SJ and J . Taylor when in Derby, 11.251, 253; trip to France, 11.271 and rai; visits E. Hector, 11.275772; meets L. Porter, 11.276773; planned but canceled trip to Italy, 11.299 and 7722, 3 2 1 , 322; grief of over Harry's death, 11.317, 3 2 1 , 322; after his son's death visits SJ, 11.317773; SJ encourages F. Reynolds to pay condolence visit to, 11.321; false report of death of, m . 1 5 and nn 1,2, 16 and 222, 19 and rai; SJ's letter of "pure congratulation," in.16; and brewery management and finances, i n . 5 2 - 5 3 and 775, 67 and ra8, 69, 91, 216 and 772, 2 1 7 ; visited Lichfield, in.55771; presents Thraliana, 111.61775; SJ borrows money from, m.71, 72—73, 75; goes to Brighton, 111.182777; will being drawn up, 111.201 andran1,2; election results, III.254 and 774, 3 1 4 and rai, 318; death and funeral of, in.329 and 772, 343771, 344 and rai; SJ on death of, III.330 and 722, 3 3 1 , 332, 334, 335, 337, 34g, iv.23; and SJ's coal, iv.36; SJ on attention given to him by, iv.125; SJ writes epitaph for, iv.125 and rag; Sophia's illness compared to that of, iv.250 and 722; SJ gets books for, v.26 - H E A L T H OF: suffers from depression, in.126771, 128, 133, 1 3 9 - 4 0 and rai, 141, 143; suffers stroke, in.168 and rai, 169, 1 7 1 - 7 3 ; SJ's congratulations on recovery from stroke, i n . 1 7 3 - 7 5 , 264; "keep mind quiet," 111.175; activity and exercise recommended, iii.175, 195, 206, 209, 218, 305; stroke ment., 111.175-76, 179, 182, 183, 184 and raa, 190; recovery and improvement of, in.179, 205, 2ig, 220, 2 3 1 - 3 2 , 233, 23g, 265-66, 288, 302; and bloodletting, 111.185, ' 8 7 , 242, 3 0 4 - 5 ; ment., n i . i g 2 - g 3 , 206,


257, 296, 299 and rai, 309; suffers 2d stroke, in.221 and ra6; diet, 111.229 and ra6, 239719, 241, 246, 248, 266, 2 8 3 - 8 4 , 288, 294; T. Lawrence and SJ discuss, in.235, 3 0 1 7 7 1 ; abstinence suggested, 111.248, 2 6 3 - 6 4 ; SJ's medical advice to, in.304-7; apoplexy ment., 111.326-27; SJ warned against "full meals," iv.427 and 771 -LETTERS: 1 . 3 2 4 - 2 5 , 357, 3 7 8 - 7 9 , 11.99-100, 1 0 2 - 3 , 1C) 8, 165, 1 8 2 - 8 3 , 338-40,111.16,45, 173-75, 263-64 Thrale, Henry Salusbury (Harry) (the younger), son of Henry and Hester: birth of, 1.280772; ment., 1.343 a n d w5> 346, 365, 373, 375, 378, 11.217, 221, 229, 240, 111.20778; education of, 11.24 and rai; and his mother's Welsh estate, n. 1 1 3 and 7715, 2 4 0 7 7 1 0 , 248; SJ on love for, 11.119; owes SJ a penny, 11.215 and 726; SJ on health of, 11.24546; death of, 11.299773, 3 1 1 - 1 2 and rai, 3 1 3 , 323 and 772, 111.162 and 772, 299772; Conte Manucci and death of, 11.325723 Thrale, Hester Lynch (Mrs. Henry): pregnancies, 1.250772, 280 and 772, 3 6 4 - 6 5 , 368, 11.102 and 777, 151723, 340 and nrai,2, 3 4 1 7 7 2 , 341—42 and 72722,3, 365; and SJ-Chambers collaboration on Vinerian lectures, 1.276271; SJ's concern over health of, 1.280, n.213, in.188, 362 and 725; iv.26-27, 241 and 775, 255, 3 2 1 - 2 2 ; and political campaigns of Henry Thrale, i.2g3, 2 g4~96, 298, 111.244, 2 5 0 - 5 1 and 72772,5, 2 5 2 - 5 4 ' 256, 258726, 262; and Ladies' Charity School, 1.330271; ment., 1.382, 388, 11.100, 111.3775, 15722, 16, 2 2 « i , 31722, 42, 45, 58, gg, 109, 157, 288, 328, 352, 360721; and J. Beattie, 1.383772; and Plumbe-Rice affair, n . 3 1 - 3 4 , 36; and SJ and Mrs. Salusbury's death, n.38-3gra7?2,6; and her Welsh estate, 11.58 and






nn 18,lg, 147 and 214, 240 and 7210, 241215, 248; SJ wishes her company on Hebridean trip, n . g 4 - g 5 ; loses uncle's estate, 1 1 . 1 1 7 - 1 8 ; to visit J .

n1, 349, 351, 352-53; financial concerns, 111.363 and ni; and Povoleri verses, iv.lg and n 1; on R. Chambers, iv.62-63 and 778; on

Scott's garden and grotto, 1 1 . 1 4 2 - 4 3 ; SJ on birth of son, 11.146 and nio; fall from horse, 11.151 and 213, 154; receives advance copy of Journey, 11.159 and 223; assists Carter family, 11.162 and »22, 162 and 22223,4, 195 a n d " 2 ; on W. W. Pepys, 11.175225; and Oxford riding school scheme, 1 1 . 1 8 2 - 8 3 , 187, 1 8 8 - 8 9 , 193, ig5, 209, 2 1 1 , 2 1 5 , 216, 218, 219, 223, 246, 293, 3 0 8 - 9 ; given JB's Hebridean journal to read, 11.206 and 2213, 2og and 225; attends regatta, 1 1 . 2 3 1 - 3 2 , 234 and 221; anxiety over her children's health, 11.245-46, 248, 2 6 4 - 6 5 and »6; and Ralph's death, II.251; and husband's health, 11.266, III.187, 188, IG5, 198, 205, 206, 209, 2 1 1 , 218, 229, 235, 301221, 3 0 4 - 7 ; trip to France, 11.271221; visits E. Hector, 11.275222; meets L. Porter, II.276223; and Harry's death, 11.311— 12, 3 1 3 - 1 5 - 3 l 6 * 3 1 9 . 3 2 1 , 322; and Hawkesworth play, 11.356; Baretti quarrels with and leaves, 11.365-66 and 2215; death of children ment.,

health of J . Perkins, iv.63711; dispute with Lady Salusbury over inheritance, iv.88ni, g 5 - g 6 , 98; resides in London, iv.91 and 227; and Harriet's death, iv. 134 and ni; and ballooning, iv.203-4, 235, 2 7 2 - 7 3 ; SJ advocates baths for her health, iv.255; suffers nervous breakdown, iv.255 and 221; and Piozzi affair, rv.322777; secret marriage plans of, iv.ga8ni; impending marriage alienates daughters, iv.337 and 222; marriage to G'. M. Piozzi, iv.338 and 221, 3 5 1 and 221; SJ urges to live in England rather than Italy, iv.343 and 223; see also Piozzi, H. L. —LETTERS: 1.249-50, 2 8 1 - 8 2 , 2 8 4 - 8 5 , 2 8 6 - 8 7 , 289, 293, 294~g6, 2 9 7 - 9 8 , 299—300, 3 0 2 - 3 , 3 0 4 - 5 , 307, 316— 17, 3 1 8 - 2 0 , 322, 323—24, 3 2 5 - 2 7 , 333, 3 3 6 - 3 7 , 342—49, 3 6 1 - 6 2 , 3 6 4 7 1 , 3 7 2 - 7 6 , 3 7 g - 8 i , 3g8, 399-404. 4 0 5 - 1 2 , 4 1 3 - 1 4 , 4 1 5 , 11.5, 6 - 7 , 16— 21, 2 2 - 2 7 , 28—2g, 30—3g, 4 6 - 5 1 , 6g— 84, 87—g8, 1 0 0 - 1 0 2 , 1 0 3 - 8 , 1 0 9 - 1 9 ,

III.20 and 228; wishes to meet Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, m.24, 2 5 - 2 6 ; visited Lichfield, 111.55211; ancestral home, 111.66224; SJ joins at Brighton and returns with to Streatham, 111.96713; eye injury, 111.102; and Nollekens's bust of SJ, HI. 108; and husband's stroke, 111.16769. 1 7 1 - 7 3 . 1 7 5 - 7 6 , 1 8 4 - 8 5 ; miscarriage, 111.182 and 224, 183; and Gordon Riots, m . 2 6 7 - 6 9 , 2 7 0 - 7 7 ; and SJ's biography of Pope, 111.319221; reaction to husband's death, m.32g— 33, 329221, 3 3 3 - 3 4 , 336; and Henry Thrale's will, ni.33g, 3 4 0 - 4 1 , 340 and «5, 3 4 5 - 4 6 ; brewery sale, 111.348 and

132, 159, 1 6 5 - 6 6 , 173, 1 7 4 - 7 5 , 1 8 6 87, 188-go, ig3~g5, 204-8, 2 0 8 - 1 2 , 2 1 5 - 1 8 , 2 1 9 - 2 5 , 225—27, 2 2 8 - 5 0 , 251—62, 263—65, 268, 2g3, 308—g, 3 1 0 - 1 5 , 3 1 7 - i g , 3 2 5 ~ 2 g , 331—37, 3 4 0 - 4 3 , 111.3—5, 2 5 - 2 7 , 4 5 - 4 7 , 4 8 54, 55—56, 6 0 - 6 3 , 65—74, 115—16, 1 2 6 - 2 8 , 1 2 9 - 3 1 , 133—34, 1 3 8 - 4 1 , 143-44- 155-56, i57~58. 165-70, 1 7 1 - 7 3 , 1 7 5 - 7 7 , 184-89, 194-96, 198-99,201-3,204-6,208-12,21620, 228—30, 2 3 5 - 4 1 , 2 4 3 - 4 6 , 2 4 8 55, 257—5g, 261—63, 265—77, 279— 82, 2 8 3 - 8 6 , 2 8 9 - 9 1 , 2 9 4 ^ 5 , 2 g 6 g7, 2gg~300, 301, 3 0 4 - 8 , 3 1 6 - 1 7 , 329-33, 333-34. 336-38, 338-41,








Thrale, Hester Lynch (cont.) 345-46, 346-47, 361-68, 370-75, 377—79, iv.5-6, 7—8, 1 2 - 1 3 , 19, 20, 3 1 - 3 2 , 33—34, 34—35, 3 7 _ 3 9 , 4 1 _ 4 2 > 4 2 - 4 3 , 46—48, 49—50, 5 1 - 5 2 , 54—56, 86, 88-89, 95 — 99' 100—101, 107, 118-20, 134-35, 136-37, 145-48, 150—53, 1 5 4 - 5 8 , 159—64, 165—66, 168-69, 1 7 1 - 7 2 , 1 7 4 - 7 5 , 184-86, 187—88, 191—92, 2 0 3 - 5 , 207, 2 1 6 17, 2 1 9 - 2 2 , 2 2 8 - 3 0 , 232—33, 234— 35, 238-40, 2 4 5 - 4 6 , 248-49, 250, 2 5 4 - 5 5 , 258—59, 264-67, 272—73, 275-76, 283-84, 292-93, 294-95, 297-98, 3 1 5 - 2 0 , 3 2 1 - 2 2 , 3 2 5 - 2 6 , 328—29, 334, 3 3 6 - 3 7 , 338, 3 4 3 - 4 4 , v.25-31 Thrale, Hester Maria (Queeney; also "Miss"), daughter of Henry and Hester: ment., 1.209m, 295, 320, 343, 346, 362774, 370, 373, 375, 376, 408, 4 0 9 , 4 1 1 , 1 1 . 2 4 , 166 and «2, 180, 217, 226, 229, 275712, 328, ni.14 and 774, 20778, 26 and 773, 27 and 718, 45, 49, 50, 55, 62, 82, 94, 1 3 4 m l , 141, 143, 205, 229, 238, 244, 254, 257, 262,

n.276713; leaves for Bath after Harry's death, 11.314711, 316; growth of, 111.65; 13th birthday, in.68 and ?ii, 98 an d n5> dancing and dancing lessons ment., 111.82, 84 and 773, 209, 218; Latin lessons, in.173 and 776, 195, 294; ment. as "youngling," m. 188 and 713, 199, 202; and estate of Crowmarsh, 111.201772; SJ requests his watch be sent by, in.222; SJ gives advice on life, 111.234—35, 288—89; s o r e eyes, 111.248 and 772; music lessons, 111.248 and 773; SJ on her father's death, 111.342; SJ on captiousness of, 111.369-70; and J. Crutchley, 111.372 and 717; moves to London, iv.91 and 777; SJ urges study of arithmetic, iv.133, 138, 1 4 2 - 4 3 ; SJ's warning against idleness, iv. 1 8 0 - 8 1 ; anecdote of, iv.194 and 772; opposition and reaction to mother's marriage, iv.331772, 337 and 772, 3 3 9 - 4 0 and ?7I; and "speaking figure," iv.331 and 773; SJ on her mother's marriage, 1^339; to live with J . Cator, iv.339711; SJ's two maxims for, iv.367

270, 2 7 3 , 2 7 6 , 2 8 1 , 2 8 5 , 306, 3 2 8 ,

- L E T T E R S : 1 . 3 7 8 , 404, 4 1 2 , 1 1 1 . 5 8 - 6 0 ,

329221,332,337,364,371,375,1^35, 38, 41, 55, 163, 185; smallpox inoculation, 1.282 and 77773,4; cabinet of, I.403 and m , 409—10, 4 1 2 , 4 1 5 , II.112, 118, 218; birthday ment., 11.75 and 7124; letters from and lack of letters from ment., 11.112, 252, 254, 3 3 3

1 2 8 - 2 9 , 2 1 2 - 1 4 , 222, 2 3 4 - 3 5 , 256, 287-89, 3 0 9 - 1 0 , 3 4 1 - 4 2 , 369-70, 3 7 6 - 7 7 , iv.99, 114, 133, 1 3 8 - 3 9 , 1 4 2 - 4 3 , 1 8 0 - 8 1 , 189, 1 9 4 - 9 5 , 8 1 1 12, 2 2 7 - 2 8 , 2 6 0 - 6 1 , 278-80, 3 3 0 3 1 , 3 3 7 - 3 8 , 3 3 9 - 4 0 , 367, 391—92, v.24-25

and ?i2, 336, in.51, 53, 143, 167, 202, 205 and ni, 219, 236, 297, 299, 364— 65 and 772, 365, 367, iv. 169, 298, 3 1 6 17, 3 1 8 and 777, 325; studies Italian with G. Baretti, 11.118 and 715, 1 5 1 , 218 and 716; health of, 11.189 and 777, 2 4 5 - 4 6 , 3 1 3 and Til, 3 1 4 - 1 5 , 3 1 7 and 771, iv.52; and guinea hen, 11.228 and 772, 241; trip to France, 11.271721; attracts attention of French royalty, 11.272 and 722, 275; meets L. Porter,

Thrale, Lucy Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Hester: ment. as SJ's godchild, 1.302774, 3 2 4 - 2 5 , 326, 327, 349; birth of, 1.324 and 724; ment., 1.343, 346, 362774, 365, 376, 404, 412, 11.98, 146 and 7710; illness and death of, 11.114 and 7121, 119, 147225, 111.20228 Thrale, Penelope, daughter of Henry and Hester, 11.146 and 7710, in.2on8 Thrale, Ralph, son of Henry and Hester: godfathers of, 1.369723, 11.118278;







birth of, 11.102777, 119, 146 and reio; sent to Brighton because of ill health, 11.207 and 775, 241214; health of, 11.217, 2 2 1 , 228, 233, 237, 239 and 22224,5, 241, 245, 248; death of, II.239225, 248224, 2 5 1 , 111.20278; godmother of, v.3 in 2 Thrale, Sophia (Sophy), daughter of Henry and Hester: birth of, 1.365 and 775, 367, 368, 3 6 9 - 7 0 ; ment., 11.146 and raio, 22g, 111.20778, 1347711, 2 4 4 45 and 772, iv. 175; health of, 11.246 and 775, 264 and ra6; SJ visits, 11.326 and ?7i; and Brighton, in. 165 and 774, 281721; writes verses, in.295 and 778; living in London, iv.91 and 727; ment. of letters to and from, iv. 169, 174, 233, 235, 259, 3 1 8 , 325; SJ on mathemathical and scientific proficiency of, iv. 1 7 5 - 7 6 , 2 5 4 - 5 5 ; story of ment., iv.185, 189; illness of, i v . 2 4 5 46 and rai, 249 and 722, 250, 254; health ment., iv.293, 295, 298, 302; opposed to mother's marriage, iv.33i7?2, 337 and 772; effect of mother's marriage on, iv.33gm - L E T T E R : IV. 175—76 Thrale, Susanna Arabella (Susy), daughter of Henry and Hester: birth of, 1.343 a n d TJ6, in.119; ment., 1.346, 349, 370, 11.146 and mo, 229, III.20728, 1347211, 143; SJ on health of, 11.246; SJ's "little girl," 11.252; SJ visits, 11.326 and rai; godfather of, 111.53728; SJ defender of, 111.80 and 273, 1 4 1 , 3 6 6 - 6 7 ; and Brighton, 111.165 a n d 724, 281771; with SJ at C. Burney's home, III.244-45 and 772; writes verses, m.2g5 and 778; living in London,

Tibullus, Albius: quoted, 11.1947114, iv.3537710 Tighe, Edward, Irish lawyer, 11.175 a n d n6 time: on tomorrow, 1.110; importance of trifles in whiling away, i.igg; "Time cannot be always defeated, but let us not yield till we are conquered," 11.301; and quarter-days, 111.95ma; SJ on, iv. 147; "the opiate of musing idleness," i v . 1 8 0 - 8 1 ; on futurity, iv.294g5

iv.91 and 777; ment. of letters to and from, iv.139, 146, 153, i6g, 174, 2 3 3 and 7711, 235, 259, 293, 295, 325; SJ on gluttony, iv. 181—82; opposition and reaction to mother's marriage, iv-331772, 3 3 7 and 722, 339221

Tiridates II, Arsacid prince, 1.54 and 7212 "To Fortune" (Thomson), 111.240773 Tolcher, Henry, alderman of Portsmouth, 1 . 2 1 5 - 1 6 and 773 Toleration Act of (1778), 111.267771


- L E T T E R S : iv.169-70, 181—82, 1 9 7 98, 2 4 0 - 4 2 , 3 0 1 - 2 Thrale brewery, 11.20212, 23 and 225, 1 1 5 , 242224, 2457710, 3 3 3 - 3 4 ; and restes, 11.36 and m i , 257, 336, 3 3 9 40, 440; need for male heirs, 11.365 Thrale family: F. Reynolds inquires after health of, 11.344721, 345 Thraliana, in.61 and 725; ment., 111.66 Three Crowns Inn, Lichfield, 1 . 2 2 2 - 2 3 and 776 "Three Warnings, The" (poem, Thrale), in.240 and 771 Thuanus, Jacques-Auguste see De Thou, Jacques-Auguste Thurloe, John, secretary of Oliver Cromwell, 1.30 and 7221 Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Lord, 1st Baron, Lord Chancellor: and J . Taylor's lawsuit, 1 1 . 3 2 1 - 2 2 and 773, 324 and 724, 346 and 725, 354 and 772; ment., 111.333m; involved in request for increase in SJ's pension, iv.342 and 723, 3g8 and 77771,2, 4 1 3 ; SJ on denial of pension increase but on personal gratitude to, iv.3gg—400 -LETTER:









"To Miss Aurelia C — R: on her Weeping at her Sister's Wedding" (Collins),

Treatise of English 1.221 and 225

111.22722,21,2 Tomkison, Mr., iv.213 "To Mr. Cyriack Skinner Upon his Blindness" (Milton): quoted, m.368212 Tom Thumb the Great (Fielding), 1.380223 "To my Honour'd Kinsman, John Driden of Chesterton" (Dryden): quoted, 111.205226 To the Honor of the Noble Captaine O'Toole (Taylor), 1.417224 Tonson, Jacob, the younger, publisher: ment., 1.129224, 153222, 260, 274 and 221; and SJ's finances, 1.274 a n d n l - L E T T E R S : 1.158, 2 5 4 - 5 5 , 2 5 7 - 5 8 Tonson, Richard, publisher, 1.129224 Tooke, William, historian, iv.284 and 222 Topsell, Edward, author, 1.22 and 223 Torrington, Devonshire, 1.215-1622221, 4 Tour in Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides (Pennant), 11.932236, 111.412213, 113221 Tour of Ireland, A (Twiss), 11.205214, 334 Tour Through Some of the Northern Parts of Europe (Wraxall), n.2og—10 and ni2 Towers, Joseph, miscellaneous writer, 111.762211 Townley, Charles, engraver, 111.192,23 Trapaud, Alexander, Governor of Fort Augustus, 11.66 and 2223, 111.142226 travel, 11.50 and 2228, 9 4 - 9 5 ; "the use of travelling is to regulate imagination by reality," 11.78; advice for long journey, iv.63—64 Traveller, The (Goldsmith), 111.230221; quoted, 11.229228 Travels in Asia Minor (Chandler), 11.209 and 229 Travels through Portugal and Spain (Twiss), 11.204 and 223, 209 Travels through Spain (Swinburne), 111.213227

Treatise on a Consumption of the Lungs . . . and of the Structure and Use of the Lungs (Barry), iv.s66n6 Treatise on Asthma (Floyer), 1 v.303216 Treatise on Opium (Young), 1.72 and 225 Trinity College, Oxford, 1.11m; SJ presents Baskerville's Virgil to, 1.105226, 3 2 3 and 225; Kettell Hall, 1.108225 Trissino, Giangiorgio, playwright, 111.378221 Tristia (Ovid), ^'.402223; quoted, ^.400221 Tuam, Archbishop of see Bourke, Joseph Dean Tuckfield, John, M.P., 1.227, 2 2 9 an 334 Tychonis Brahei. .. vita (Gassendi), 11.337 and 223 Tyrwhitt, Thomas, Chaucerian scholar: and "Rowley" manuscripts, 11.332 and 229, 339 Tyson, Mr., Master of Ceremonies, Bath, 111.269-70 and n 16








Victor Amadeus II, King of Sicily and Sardinia, 1.312 and 7124

Ullinish (Skye), II.8I«52; cave at ment., 11.107 and 2124 ran Ulva, Isle of (Mull), 11.104 and 717 Universal History, 1.93 and 771 University College, Oxford, 1.244-46 and 77773—5,7, 297 and 774 "Urban, Mr.," 1 . 3 2 - 3 3

V Vaillant, Paul, bookseller, 1.140 and 771 Vanity of Human Wishes (Johnson), I.28776 Vansittart, Robert, D.C.L., Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, 1.186 and 774, II.113 and 7718 Vass, Lauchlan, 11.65 and r i 1 7 Veigel, Eva Maria see Garrick, Eva Maria Veigel Velleius Paterculus, Gaius, Roman historian, 1.12 and 777 Vergilius, Polydorus, historian, 1155774 Verney, Ralph Verney, 2d Earl, 1.218771, iv.i26?7i6 Vernon, George Venables, M.P., 1.4 and 774 Verrine Orations (Cicero), 11.335777 Versailles, 11.272 and n 1 Verses on Inchkenneth see Insula Sancti Kennethi Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift (Swift): quoted, 111.246779, 2gg and 773, iv. 1527715, 336772 Vesey, Agmondesham, AccountantGeneral of Ireland, 111.27775, 2og, 2 1 3 ; elected to The Club, 11.26 and 773 Vesey, Elizabeth (Mrs. Agmondesham), Bluestocking, in.27 and 775, 187, 2og, 266; ment., 111.157, 22g, 235, 251778, 276

Village, The (Crabbe), iv.i 1 6 - 1 7 and 1-4 Villette, Rev. John, Ordinary of Newgate, in.34 and 779, 357712 Vincent, Sir Francis, 7th Bt., 11.227778 Viner, Charles, jurist, 1.161772 Vinerian lectures, 1.276 and 771, 282771, 293771, 320 and 772, 322773, 333771, 413771; preparation of statutes for, 1.161772 Virgil, 1 . 5 1 - 5 5 , 105776, in. 124772, iv.390-91 and 77776,7; SJ's response to Lord Orrery's conjecture concerning, 1 . 5 1 - 5 5 ; quoted, 1.96 and 7720, 286772, 327773, 376772, 11.35774, 377712, 125773, 228775, 2307716, 309778,111.15772, 19773, 61777, 7777776,10, 301772, iv. 130725, 1397711, 232 and 773; Baskerville edition of, 1.105776, 323 and 775 Viry (Viri), Francois Marie Joseph Viry, Comte de, Sardinian envoy, 111.91 Vision of Theodore (Johnson): ment., 1.11773, iv.a8i«4 Vitellius, Aulus, Roman emperor, 11.259778 Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, iv.426 and 772 Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet), 1.28716, HI.200 and 776 Vossius, Isaac, scholar, 111.61776 Voyage to Abyssinia, A (trans., Johnson), 1.25773, 143778 Voyage to the Pacific Ocean (Cook), i v . 3 3 2 - 3 3 and 772 Voyage towards the South Pole (Cook), 111.5077775,6 Vyse, Catherine Smalbroke (Mrs. William), 11.230 and 771 Vyse, Mary, daughter of Rev. William, 1 3 1 7 and 775; and SJ's visits to Lichfield, 11.228, 230, 111.166 Vyse, Rev. William (the elder), Treasurer of Lichfield Cathedral, 1.317775,




Vyse, Rev. William (cont.)

Walmsley, Magdalen Aston (Mrs. Gil-

I I . 2 3 0 m ; ment., 1 1 1 . 3 8 m , 3 2 1 a n d 714, iv.442 and m

bert), 111.86 a n d 774, 9 1 , 2 4 0 Walpole,




Vyse, William (the younger), Rector of Lambeth, son of Rev. William: SJ solicits help on behalf of I. De Groot, III.38-39, 44; ment., 111.124774, 166, iv.320; SJ solicits help on behalf of E. Desmoulins, 111.321; SJ solicits help on behalf of A. Macbean, 111.333; and J . Compton's conversion, iv.77-78 and m ; SJ suggests J. Compton's book be dedicated to, iv.82

392773; on capture of Havana, 1.211772; on Lord Lyttelton's death, 11.1127710; E. Tighe and, 11.175776; on American political situation, 11.186713; on Duchess of Kingston's bigamy trial, 11.321773; on dismissal of Prince of Wales's preceptors, 11.3477710; on health of T. Beauclerk, 111.9776; on gout, 111.193775; on political situation in 1779, 111.197774; on American War


debt, 111.207774;






on H .


Travels, 111.213777; and Mysterious Mother, 111.225-26 and 77771,2; and G o r d o n Riots, 111.2697712, 272772; on

severe weather, iv.36771; on R. Cambridge, iv. 100775; o n heat of summer, W

i v . 1 7 5 7 7 5 ; on J . Opie, i v . 1 9 3 7 7 1 ; on balloons, iv. 20477]

Wade, Mr.: ment., 111.218 Wakefield, William, 11.487711 Wales: SJ and Thrales visit, n . 1 4 7 and 774, 148-49771, 149, 1 5 1 ; has nothing that can excite or gratify curiosity, 1 1 . 1 5 1 , HI.66 and 714; SJ returns from, 11.151






knowledge in, iv.211 —12; see also Welsh language Walker, John, lexicographer and elocution specialist, iv. 100 and 714 Walker, William, grammarian, 1.221 a n d 775

1 1 . 1 3 9 a n d 773, 1 4 5 - 4 6 , 1 5 0

war, 1 . 2 1 3 Warburton, William, Bishop of Gloucester, 1.92 and 771; replaced as Bishop of Gloucester, 111.183 a n d 1 2 ; and SJ's biography of Pope, 111.259771, 295712

Wall, John, M.D., 1.361771, 362772, 366775, 370

Waller, Edmund, poet: and Lives of the Poets,

Walpole, Sir Robert, 1.28775, 37716, n - 3 5 3 and 773 Walsh, William, poet, 111.276 and 774 Walton, Brian, Biblical scholar, 1^395772 Walton, Izaak, iv.308; and Lord Hailes,



Warley C a m p , Essex, 1 1 1 . 1 2 4 7 7 1 , 125772,

772, 122 and ?72 Wallis, Capt. Samuel, 1.386713 Walloons, The (Cumberland), iv.33714 Walmsley, Gilbert, Registrar of the Ecclesiastical Court, Lichfield,

1 3 1 - 3 2 and 772, 142; George III visits, 111.132776 Warren, servant, 1.343 a n d 718 Warren, Thomas, Birmingham printer and bookseller, 1.24m, 25 and 723, 26—




Ward, William, Birmingham mercer, 1 . 4 0 and 773 Wardlaw, Henry, Bishop, 11.55773








ment., 1 . 2 6 0









Warter, Rev. Thomas, 1.218/12 Warton, Joseph, poet and critic: ment., 1.80771,89,90,91,97,101,109,186/14, I I I . 3 , 37, v.34; and SJ's Shakespeare, 1.162 and n 1, 3 5 0 - 5 1 - L E T T E R S : 1.67-68, 7 7 - 7 8 , 9 0 - 9 1 , 1 33-34> 2 5 5 _ 5 6 , 350-51,111.259-60, v.33 Warton, Mary Daman (Mrs. Joseph), I.255 and 771 Warton, Thomas, poet and literary historian: ment., 1.86, 87, 106779, 1 3 3 , 1 5 5 - 5 6 and 771, 186/74, 209, III.135; and Baskerville's Virgil, 1.323/75; and SJ's Shakespeare, 1.341; commitment to reviving "antiquated literature," II.139; SJ mistakenly opens JB's letter to, m.255 and 773

and 715; and Gordon riots, in.2697113 Welch, Anne (Nancy), daughter of S. Welch, 11.328-29 and 779, 111.106-8 and 722, iv.160 and n6; ment., 111.54 and 773 Welch, Mary, 11.366/71, 367 and 773; see also Nollekens, Mary Welch Welch, Saunders, j.p.: ment., 11.328-29 and 779, 366/71, 367 and 773,111.54 and 773, iv.160 and 776 - L E T T E R : III. 1 0 6 - 8 Welsh language, 1.152 and n6, 111.136; see also Wales Wesley, Rev. Charles (the elder), evangelist brother of John: ment., 111.95/78 Wesley, Charles (the younger), harpsichordist, son of Charles, the elder, M 5 9 AND „3> Q5

1.80-82, 8 7 - 9 0 , 9 1 - 9 2 , 94, 97-98, 99-101, 108-10, 1 1 2 - 1 3 , 1 5 5 , 1 6 2 - 6 4 , 3 2 3 , 3 4 1 . n 1 . 2 5 5 . V-33.34 Watson, Robert, Professor of Logic, St. Andrews, 11.55 a n d ™4> 357 a n d n 2 , III.8, 165 and 773 Watson-Wentworth, Charles see Rock-

_ LETTER: v.34-35 Wesley, Rev. John, evangelist, 1.295/21; m e n t . , 1.295/11, 11.164, v.35; visits W. Dodd l n . 3 4 „ „ 8 > 1 1 ; S j introduces J B to> m l 6 s , _ L E X T E R S : n.290, 111.162 Wesle>, M r _ o f S o u t h w a r k > L2g5-g6,


ingham, 2d Marquis of Watt, JTames, engineer, 11.310/73 0 , Watts, Isaac, rpoet, 111.38 and 77772-4, 367 and 776, v.32 . . . ., „, r c , , . . Way, Abigail see Sheffield, Lady ... _ . . Way, Benjamin, M.P., 111.3772 Way, Elizabeth Anne Cooke (Mrs. Benjamin): ment., 111.3 and 772, iv.33773, 2 1 7 ; SJ thanks for pocket book, iv.132

2f)5 a n d W1

... , „ . . . . ,. „ Wesley, Samuel, harpsichordist, son of . . .. , Charles, the elder, 111.59 and 773, 95 Wesley, Sarah, daughter of Charles, the 0 ' elder: ment., 111.95 and 778, v.35 LETTER, iv.233 34 >- S a r a h ' sister younger, v.35






- LETTERS: iv.35-36, 53, 132, 439, v.34

Wesley, Sarah Gwynne (Mrs. Charles,

Way of the World (Congreve), in. 110/72 Way to Keep Him (Murphy): Harry Thrale attends performance of, 11.323 and ?72 Webster, Rev. Alexander, 11.120 and ??6, 123, 124, 127 and 77i, 128 Wedderburn, Alexander, lawyer and politician, 1.207-8/73; and J.Taylor's lawsuit, 11.324 and 775, 327, 346 and 772, 354 and 773; on Evelina, I N . 1 3 0

the elder), v.35 a n d r i 2 West, Gilbert, poet: and Lives of the Poets, 111.233725, 2 9 2 - 9 3 and /?5 Westcote, 1st Baron (William Henry Lyttelton), M.P.: godfather to R. Thrale, 1.369773, 11.118/78; ment., 1.369 and 77/75,6,111.50; and SJ's "Life" of his brother G. Lyttelton, 111.29193, 294






Westminster School, Dean's Yard, London, 1.10 and 7*15 Weston, Rev. Phipps, 1.303-4, 3 0 5 - 6 Wetherell, Nathan, D.D., Master of University College, Dean of Hereford: ment., 1.24577773,4, 111.46, 282 and 777; and Oxford riding school, 11.183712,


188 and 777, 333712; political supporters oppose Henry Thrale's reelection, 11.151 and 772; SJ dines with, 11.330774, 3 3 1 and 773, 332; and chamberlainship election, 11.347 and 77718,9; a n c ' Gordon Riots, i n . 2 7 0 - 7 1 and 774, 272 and TH, 273

188, 189, 194, 2 1 5 , 2 3 3 , 246, 3 0 0 and

- LETTER: i v . 1 3 9

774, 3 0 3 - 4 , 308; wishes to visit Thrale brewery, 11.194, 195; and SJ's honor-

Wilkes (Wilks), Father Joseph, Benedictine monk, 11.272775, 3 3 6 - 3 7 , 338 and

ary D.C.L., 11.197772; SJ informs of


bookselling practices, 11.304-8; SJ to dine with, iv.52, 54 - L E T T E R S : 11.304-8, HI.170-71 Weymouth, iv.172 Wheeler, Benjamin, D.D., Regius Pro-

Wilkes, Mary, daughter of John, iv.139 and 77712,3 Wilkins, John, D.D., Warden of Wadham College, Bishop of Chester, iv.176 and 77773,4; flying chariot

fessor of Divinity: and inscription on "Genoa stone," 11.192, 199-200; duties as clergyman, 111.312; SJ to dine with, iv.55; death of ment., iv.187, 214, 305, 329 - L E T T E R S : 11.192, 1 9 9 - 2 0 0 , 1 1 1 . 1 3 6 - 3 7 Whitbread, Samuel, brewer, in.53777; SJ dines with, iv.138 and 718 Whitby, John, son of Thomas, 1.1 m i 6 , 37771 Whitby, Thomas, Staffordshire landowner, 1.11 and 7716, 11.157714 White, Mrs., SJ's housekeeper, iv.433 White, William, first Bishop of Pennsylvania, 1 1 . 1 2 - 1 4 Whitehead, Paul, poet, 1.15776 Whitehead, William, poet, 1.285773 White Horse Inn, Edinburgh, n.51 and 771 Whiting, Ann, relative of SJ, iv.440«3 Whiting, Sarah, relative of SJ, 1^440773 Whittell, Thomas, clerk, in. 1 2 0 7 7 4 Whole Duty of Man (Allestree), 111.158 and 772, 159 Wicher's Almshouses see George Wichers' Almshouses wigs and hair, 111.95-96 Wilcocks, Johnny, actor, 11.339 a n d n 3 Wilkes, John, politician: ment., 1.187771,

scheme, iv.2737(3 Willcox, Johnny see Wilcocks, Johnny "William and Margaret" (Mallet), iv. i88ra8 William I, King of England, 11.497718 William the Lion (of Scotland), 11.577712 Williams, Anna, poet, 1.44775, 7 8 - 8 0 and 77771,2,9, 216, in.9 and 7712; failing eyesight of, 1.44 and 775, 124; ment., 1.87, 138, 205, 2 1 1 , 214, 217, 221, 231, 251, 253, 334771, 352, 354, 360, 375, 388,11.6, 27, 28, 119, 142771, 181, 186, 273, 324, 326, 358, 359, 111.6, 1 3 1 , i8g, 202, 204, 295, iv.82, 85, 173, v.25; SJ's plans for benefit for, 1.124 a n d n % 1 2 6 , 1 2 7 - 2 8 , 129, 3 2 0 - 2 1 and 774; and Sir J . Philipps, 1.160-61771, 195; residences, 1.173 and 7719, 252771; and Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, 1 . 1 8 5 - 8 6 and n3, 279 and 775; and Ladies' Charity School, 1 . 3 3 0 7 7 1 , 3 3 1 ; SJ asks R. Chambers and Henry Thrale to call on and lend money to, 11.99, 100, 108; corresponds with Sir A. Gordon, 11.120 and 7(3; and T. Cumming, 11.141; and petition for charity for blind, 1 1 . 1 5 2 - 5 3 and rai; health ment., 11.194, 206, 246, 283, 3 6 0 - 6 1 , 365, i n . 4 1 - 4 2 , 58, 60,





68, 78, 95, 99, 102, 119, 189, 203, 296-97, 300, iv.9 and «2, 15, 23, 126, 1 3 0 - 3 1 , 160, 1 6 7 - 6 8 ; and F. Chambers's letter, 11.245, 252< Hester Thrale visits, 11.259; death of, 111.367120, iv.187 and rai, 198, 214; relationship with R. Levet and E. Desmoulins, 111.127, 134, 139, 140, 191, 209, iv. 137 and ra8, 139 and rag; at Kingston, 111.288; and Gordon Riots, 111.288772, 290, 303; last illness of, iv.186, 187, 189, 191, 192; effect of her death on SJ, iv.igs and rai, 199, 202, 203, 2 0 4 - 5 , 212, 213, 219 and 775,225,230,236,265,312,389,404; and E. Montagu, iv.203, 2 1 7 Williams, John, sailor, 111.271 and 717 Williams, Zachariah, inventor, father of Anna, 1.44775 Willison, John, author, 11.150777 Will of King Henry VII (Astle), 111.354771 Wills, Rev. John, Rector of Tydd St. Mary, v.24 and n2 ra2, Wilson, Thomas ( 1 6 6 3 - 1 7 5 5 ) (the elder), D.D., Bishop of Sodor and Man, iv. 103 and rai Wilson, Rev. Thomas (c. 1704-84), D.D., Prebend of Westminster Abbey, 1.103 and rai, 111.258, 259779, 265; death ment., iv.326 Wilson, Rev. Thomas ( 1 7 4 7 - 1 8 1 3 ) (the younger), schoolmaster: and Archaeological Dictionary, 111.357-58 and 77771,5; SJ on dedication of book by, iv. 1 0 2 - 3 -LETTERS: iv.102-3 Wilson v. Smith and Armour, 11.9 and rag Wilton, Frances see Chambers, Frances Wilton Wilton, Joseph, 11.127712, 2 1 5 7 7 1 , 220 Winchester: SJ visits, 1.255 a r | d 222, 111.260 and ra2 Windham, William, M.P., scholar and mathematician: and Essex Head Club, iv. 140771, 257722; visits SJ in



Ashbourne, iv.386 and 722, 387, 408 -LETTERS: iv.140, 3 7 5 - 7 6 , 4 1 3 - 1 4 , 439 Wingate, Edmund, mathematician, iv. 138 and 715 Wise, Rev. Francis, Radclivian Librarian, 1.88 and 712, 89, 94, 97, 108, 109, 1 1 2 , 1 1 3 , 1 1 4 , 155, 165 Wishart, George, tutor of John Knox, 11.56719 Witlings, The (Burney), 111.188773, 1967712 Woffington, Margaret, actress, m.22rai women, 1.214; SJ on power of, 1.228; and inheritance rights, 11.288-89, 291; and gluttony, iv.181 Wonderful Curiosities, Rarities, and Wonders in England, Scotland, and Ireland (Burton), iv.267 and 773 Wood, Alexander, surgeon, in. 103 and 77772,3 Wood, Anthony, antiquarian, 1 . 1 1 5 and 133712, iv.79 and 713 Wood, Mary (Mrs. Ralph) see Rhudde, Mary Wood Wood, Ralph, nephew of John Taylor, 11.179771, 283, 355, 111.164; ment., 11.335716 Woodcock, Mr., solicitor, 1.228 and rai, 229, 2 3 2 - 3 3 Woodward, Francis, M.D., 11.332 and 774, 336, 111.236, 238, iv.249 and 772, 250 Word to the Wise, A (Kelly): SJ's prologue for benefit performance of, 1 1 1 . 2 7 and 77716,7; SJ's prologue ment., 111.49 workhouses, in.51 and 777 Works of George, Lord Lyttelton (ed. Ayscough), m.2g2 and 774 Works of the English Poets, with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical (Johnson) see Lives of the Poets World, The: and Dictionary notices, 1.95 and 775 World Displayed; or, a Curious Collection of Voyages and Travels, 1.187723


WORTHINGTON Worthington, William, D.D., Prebendary of York, 11.175 a n d nn2,3; death of, in. 131 Wraxall, Nathaniel William, 1st Bt., memoir writer, 11.209—10 and 7712; and J. Macpherson, 11.168772; ment., in.235 Wray, Sir Cecil, Bt., iv.306724 Wright, Mr., printer, 1.2467710 Wright, Rev. Thomas, curate, 111.170773 Wrottesley, Sir John, 4th Bt., iv. 185 and 775 Wyndham, Sir Charles see Egremont, 2d Earl of Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams, 4th Bt., 1.296 and 772

X Xenophon, 1.12, 11.361 and 775, 111.136 and 775, iv.304772, 345, v. 3 and 771

Y Yalden, Thomas, poet: ment., v.32274 York, 11.47-48 and 77777,9 York, Archbishop of see Drummond, Robert Hay York, Edward Augustus, Duke of: and S. Foote, 11.3667219



Yorke, James, Bishop of Gloucester, in. 183712 Yorktown, Battle of, iv.65715 Young, Edward, poet: quoted, 1.364714, 111.81716; and Lives of the Poets, in.233775, 295, 296, 32277771,2,4,5 Young, Frederick, son of Edward, in.322 and 772 Young, George, medical writer, 1.72 and 725 Young, John, classicist, 1 v. 168-69 and 773 "Young Coll" see Maclean, Donald youth, in.234-35; "every new action or practice is a kind of experiment," 1 1 4 2 ; confidence of at 21 years, 1.171; immaturity of juvenile years, 1.198; "too rigorous in our expectations," 1.225; " ^ e transition from the protection of others to our own conduct is a ver

y a w f u l P o i n t of human existence," - 99' a n d learning, 11.263-64

n l

Z Zaphira (Palmer), 11.172721 Zobeide (Cradock), iv. 107771 Zodiac signs: ment., in.277 and 7210; the Virgin, in.294 Zon, Giovanni Francesco, Venetian resident, 1.85 and 221, 87