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Copyright © 1990 by Frank Chalk and Kurt
Library of Congress Cataloging-in
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Chalk, Frank Robert, 1937-
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The history and sociology of genocide:
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analyses and case studies I Frank Chalk and
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"Published in cooperation with the Montreal
Institute for Genocide Studies." Includes bibliographical references (p.
Designed by Richard Hendel Set in Times Roman and Gill type by Marathon 'JYpography Service, Inc.,
Durham, NC Printed in the United States of America.
ISBN o-Jrld at \lllr. Washington, D.C., 1983. JolJiffe, Jill. East Timor: Nationalism and Colonialism. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1978. Ramos-Horta, Jose. Funu: The Unfinished Saga of East Timor. Trenton, N.J.: Red Sea Press, 1987. For additional literature on Indonesia and East Timor see Briarpatch (Regina,
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