The Gospel Manuscripts of the General Theological Seminary [Reprint 2013 ed.] 9780674337473, 9780674336810

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The Gospel Manuscripts of the General Theological Seminary [Reprint 2013 ed.]
 9780674337473, 9780674336810

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Oxvobd Univirsity Press 1918











PREFACE WE have collated and studied three minuscule codices of the gospels belonging to the General Theological Seminary in New York, and the results of our labors are presented herewith. We desire to express our hearty thanks to Professors George Foot Moore, James Hardy Ropes, and Kirsopp Lake, members of the Faculty of Divinity in Harvard University, for reading the manuscript of our work and for making certain valuable suggestions. CHARLES CARROLL EDMUNDS WILLIAM H E N R Y P A I N E HATCH

NEW YORK, January






Π CODEX 2346





GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY THE General Theological Seminary in New York has in recent years acquired three valuable minuscule manuscripts of the gospels. The first of these was purchased and presented to the Seminary by Mr. Samuel Verplanck Hoffman in 1 9 1 1 . The second was bought in 1913, the funds for the purpose having been provided by several friends of the Seminary and by the Society for the Promotion of Religion and Learning. The third was brought to America by the Rev. George Benton, an early missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Crete, who is said to have obtained it at Canea in that island. It was for many years in the possession of his son, the Rev. A. A. Benton. In 1913 it was given to the General Theological Seminary by the Rev. W . L . H. Benton, a son of the latter, who is a graduate of the Seminary, as his father and grandfather were before him.

I THE HOFFMAN MS. (GREGORY 2324) THE Hoffman manuscript was bought from Dr. Joseph Martini, a New York bookseller, in 1911. Nothing is known of its history before it came into his possession. It is written on fine vellum, is in excellent condition, and contains 315 folia and six pictures. The loss of one leaf has caused a lacuna extending from Mt. 2, 22 (iiri) to 3, 9 (ίβραά,μ1), but otherwise the codex is complete. Twentyfour leaves are prefixed, of which sixteen are coarse parchment and eight paper. The quires are numbered and consist of the usual eight leaves (15I cm. X 11 cm.). The letters are minute, and are beautifully and clearly made with brown ink on lines ruled with a stylus. Pairs of boundary lines frame each page on both sides and at the top and bottom. The quires are numbered in the lower outside corner of the page, but no catchwords (exclamantes) are given. The letters ΩΤΘΗ . . . Τ A, the remains of a cruciform pressmark, are still legible on the edges of the leaves. The text is written in single columns of 18 or 19 lines. The numbers and titles of the κίφ&Χαια, which are the work of two scribes of nearly the same date, are in a minuscule hand. One of these writers, who slopes his letters to the right, employs a brilliant red ink of the same sort as that used in touching up the text; the other writes in ink of a purplish tone and slopes his letters to the left. The initials, which are ordinarily minuscule in shape, are filled in with vermilion, and the same color is often used to adorn the prolonged tails of letters like p. Subdivisions of the text are indicated by ·:· in red. The conventional emblem of each evangelist appears in colors, chiefly red and blue on a gold background, before the several gospels. In the two remaining pictures, one before Mark and the other before John, the four emblems are combined in one symbolic figure. A t the beginning and end of each gospel are conventional designs resembling interwoven ribbons of red, blue, and yellow. The pictures and the ornamentation are probably contemporary with the manuscript. 8




The codex is bound in the purple velvet often employed to cover the books of high ecclesiastics. The front is ornamented with a silver-gilt plate, suggesting the workmanship of the sixteenth century. 1 In the centre Christ is seen rising from the tomb. An adoring angel stands on the left, and below on the right are two half-prostrate soldiers. In the corners are the four evangelists. Twelve stones (a rose-cut diamond, three carbuncles, three sapphires, three turquoises, and two corals) are set in the margin. There are two engraved clasps of silver-gilt, and on the back of the volume are four bosses representing the cherubim. There are no prologues or epilogues for any of the gospels. Lists of κεφάλαια precede Mark, Luke, and John, but the list for Matthew is missing. For Luke and John the usual 83 and 18 are given; but for Mark there are 49, irepl του μυστικόν τύπου being inserted as κ(φά\αιον 46. The numbers of the τίτλοι, together with those of the lections and Eusebian canons, are in the margin, although the tables themselves are not given. A t the end of the Fourth Gospel the following invocation is addressed to John: 'Ιωάννη irapBh>t και 6eo\6ye evayye\iστά και φί\€ του κυρίου του Ίράψαντος πρ&στηθι ev ωρφ δίκης. The opening words of the ecclesiastical lections are written in a faded red at the top or bottom of the pages on which they occur, and the words άρχή and reXos ordinarily mark the place in the text. The twenty-four leaves prefixed to the gospels contain a synaxarion which differs only slightly from that given by Scrivener {A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the Ν. T., 1894,1, pp. 80 ff.). The change from coarse parchment to paper after page χ 6 appears to have been occasioned merely by convenience, since it occurs in the middle of the lessons for the sixth week of Luke, and the handwriting is the same in both portions. The Gospels for the week known as ή τυρίνη or ή τυροφά^ος are the last given. The text of the " tags," which mark the beginning and ending of the lections, differs in some instances from that of the manuscript and from the Textus Receptus. The synaxarion is certainly later than the gospel text, and may date from the fifteenth or sixteenth century. Alpha is usually of the normal shape, but occasionally it has the stroke on the right greatly prolonged and drawn from left to right. 1 MM. de Voynich and Kekelian, however, declare that the cover is a modern imitation, probably made in Constantinople.



Beta is always like u. Gamma and delta are very rarely uncial. Epsilon commonly resembles b, but sometimes is like a small c with the stroke extended somewhat to the right. Eta is nearly k, but is occasionally uncial. Iota is never adscript or subscript; and when it follows a vowel with which it does not combine to form a diphthong, it has the diaeresis. Theta is a moderately long oval with the cross-stroke extending beyond the sides and bent slightly downward at the ends. Kappa is of the usual shape in a few instances, but ordinarily it resembles u with the first stroke greatly lengthened. In lambda for the most part the first stroke is prolonged; often, however, the first stroke is short and the second is prolonged and bent backward. Mu and nu are almost exactly alike, the uncial forms occurring rarely. Sigma lunatum is frequent, and in the ending oc. especially at the end of a line, ο is written in the bosom of c. Phi is closed, with a loop above at the end of the perpendicular line. Psi is flattened. Omega is like a figure 8 laid on its side. The tails of letters like mu or rho have a dot or a small hook at the bottom on the right. The interrogation mark is seldom and inconsistently used. The high, middle, and low punctuation points are all employed, the middle infrequently. Ν έφελκυστικόν is added constantly, even when it is not demanded by a following vowel. Only common words, like öeos, nbpios, etc., are abbreviated. The manuscript is not dated, but on palaeographical grounds we assign it to the tenth century. The text of the Hoffman MS. is of the ordinary " Syrian " type. The following readings are not given in the critical apparatus of Scholz, Tischendorf, or von Soden: Mt. 17: 11 {άποκαθιστφ); 17:19 (εΐπον κατ' ιδίαν)) 18:25 (om αυτόν)] 24:44 (προσδοκείτε); 26:59 {•γραμματείς pro πρεσβύτεροt); Mk. 6: 22 (om τηs θνγατρύς); 6: 56 (έπορεΰετο); 8: 10 (πΚοϊον add ευθέως); g: 13 {εν έαυτω pro αύτω); Lk. 3 : 2 3 (ώϊ ένομίζετο ων); 3 : 35 (σαγαν); ί ο : ι ι (υμϊν add έκ των ποδών ημών)1, ι ι : 7 {κΚίνην pro κοίτην); 12: 51 (om o n ) ; 20:45 (άκούσαντος); Jn. 17: 6 {om έκ του κόσμου). The following readings are attested by very few other authorities: Mt. 15:19 {om κλοπαί with 472 only); 20: 23 (δ έγώ πίνω pro μου1 with 1293 and 1574); 20: 24 {ίακώβου και Ιωάννου pro των δύο αδελφών with Γ only); Mk. 9: 50 {αρτύετε with 1434 only); 11: 29 {ερωτήσω with 579 only); 14: 3 {om ναρδου πιστικής with 248 only); Lk. 9: 18 {iyivero δέ pro




with sah only); Jn. 8: 20 (ταύτα add δέ with 145 only); 16: ι (om hunc versum with 235 and Ev. 47); 19:39 (om ώσά with Ath and Thdrt). καΐ ifivtro


, 6 σολομωνα 13 ελιακιμ 14 αχιμ , ι

5. 33 ερρηθη 38 ερρηθη 39 om σου




42 τω θελοντι 43 €ρρηθη

2 ιδομεν 6 εξ ου pro εκ σου

44 TOIS μισουσιν 4 6 om και

9 ιδον ι ι ιδον pro evpov 12 om αυτου

47 φίλους pro αδελφούς 6 , 5 γονιαις πλατιών


16 ιδεν 10 υπάγε add οπίσω μου 13

om αν 6 θυρα

ναζαρώ νεφθάλιμ

1 4 αφηση pro αφήσει IS υμων add 0 ουράνιος

1 5 νεφθάλιμ ι ό ιδεν

αφηση pro αφήσει

18 om 0 ιησους

16 om οτι


18 om ev τω φανερω

21 ιδεν

24 μάμωνα 7 , 2 μετριθησεται 2 5 απο pro εκ

22 om ευθεως 15 οικεία 17


9 επιδωση 10 η ante και


1 9 δίδαξα (bis) ουτως pro ούτος


20 υμων η δικαιοσύνη

II διδοναι in marg

21 ερρηθη

12 ούτως pro ούτος

27 ερρηθη om Tois αρχαιοις

13 απαγου (sic) 14 τι pro οτι 24 τους λογούς in

28 αυτήν pro αυτής

32 πας

ο απολυων



αυτω pro αυτόν

3 ΐ ερρηθη om δε

φρονημω pro

os αν

οικεία ν 25 προσεπαισον

1 The collations in the present study are based on Scrivener's Novum Testamentum Textus Stepkanici A.D. 1550 (Cambridge and London, 1887). Abbreviations are expanded, and differences of accent and punctuation are not noted. It has also seemed advisable to make no mention of the use or omission of ν Ιφίλκυσηκόν or of s in the adverb ούτωs.



7, 29 Ύραμματΐίί 8,

add αυτών

10,10 ράβδουs

4 μωυσης

του μισθού pro τηί τροφή$

5 orn τω ιησου

14 ίκτίΐναξατε

8 λογω

15 Ίομορων (corr ex yopappuv)

12 eiflTepov 13

16 ωσ«ι pro cos at


19 om δσθησεται . . .

14 iSev

23 ex τηί πόλεως ταύτης

15 διηκονη αυτω

25 eirtKakecav

20 φωΧαιους

28 φοβίΐσϋε pro


34 νομησητε

25 om αυτου

Ii, 16

29 συ pro σοι νήσου 32 κριμνου

20 ηρζατο add ο ιησους αι




22 ανεκτωτερον

eυκοποπρον add τω



23 (τγενομεναι pro αι "γενομεναι 24 ανεκτωτερον

eyupe 7 αυτου supra

27 παρεδωθη script

12, 3 0*» αυτοϊ 5

9 om ο ιησου$ 11 6οι







ωι pro ωσ«ι

2ΐ om ev

\(ßaias litt δ secunda vocis θαδδαιoj

25 ιδωί om ερημουται

5«/>ra sen/»/

27 εκβαλλει pro

4 ισκαριοτης 5

9 κτισησϋΐ veipav

. . . εαυτής εκβαλλω

οι υιοι . . . εκβάλλουσι in ras


8 om vtxpovs ίο


ετ/ενομεναι pro αι γενομεΐ'αι

5 om yap

ίο, 3




4 ιδως pro ιδων


παιδιοις ayopa

g, 2 αφ(ονται



32 om εν2

23 om το




28 (ν πνευματι θεου βγω 29


32 τω αιωρι τούτω

THE HOFFMAN MANUSCRIPT 1 2 , 3 3 επίΎΐνωσκίται 35 cm της καρδία? om τα 38 Ύραμματαιων 41 νηνίυιται 42 σολομωνοί (bis) 44 «Χθων pro έλ,θον 47 48 49 13, 2 4 8 13 14

hunc versum μοι pro μου 2 αυτόν2 καθίσω, pro καβησθαι τΐτανα add του ουρανου tirtatv ί» «arg συνιωσιν om «π aw η2 1 5 ιασομαι 17 23 καλην -γην

25 tvta-via 26 om και2 27 ο»» σω owl τα ζηζανια 28 συΧΚίξομίν 29 ξηζανια 3 θ αφίτβ αΛ/ ουν (supra script) om τω ξηζανια 32 μα,ζον add πάντων 33 (κρνφίν 36 ζηζανιων 38 ζηξανια 4 ° ζηζανια καιαται 44 Ο"* ταντα 47 βληθηση 48 αναβηβασαντα $2 τη βασιλίΐα pro us την βασι\eiav 54 (κπ\ησσ(σϋ(


1 3 , 56 ταντα ταύτα 14, 3 ^ τ1> v o c ^ s ΤΎ!ν i n r a s 7 δούναι αυτη 12 eSßovTes pro προσϊΚ&οντκ απίΚθοντί% pro eKßovres 14 2ο 34 15, τ 2 5 7 17 19 22 25 ^ο 3ΐ 32 37 39 ι6, ι 4 8 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 24 28

i5e»» πληρις Ύενησαρώ om οι όταν τον ίσθιουσιν eav pro αν ησαΐας irepi υμων «« 3

in ras

1 13 om 0 διφησα 14

49 om 0

17 ειπεί» add


20 τω opt ι τούτο (sic)

51 οψη 2, 2 om και1 4 και

(corr ex σαλειμ)

21 οτι pro ore λεγει

15 (ppayytXiov

27 (θανμαζον 35 ετι supra


19 OW 0

36 litt η vocis χαιρη in ras 42 ^γνωκαμίν pro οιδαμα>

22 om aurois

44 om 0

17 καταφαγεται


30 4,45 (opaKOTts 50 αυτω 2 add ο 51 ανηΎΎίίΚαν wos pro πα« 5, ι om 0 2 Xeyoßtvri 3 κατίκαντο 4 yap add κυρίου «τβρασσίτο

7 /9αλτ7 8 eyeipe κραβαττον 9 κραβαττον ίο κραβαττον XI κραβαττον 12 κραβαττον 37 πωποτί ακηκοατβ 45 μωυσης 46 μωυσΐΐ 6, 6 ί/μίλλίν ίο οι α> αλλα «1 του ότι add ο

ημών pro υμών 56 tSev pro et£t 57 copals

58 ΐιπίν add ουν 9, ι iStv jewels τ, omo 15 μου tri TOVS οφθαλμούς ι J ανίω&ν i 8 otn ουν ig tXeyere pro \eyere 20 υμων pro ημών 21 tavrov pro αυτου2 22 συνίτΐθηντο 26 ουν pro δ« avtu^ev 28 om ουν μωυσ&χ 2g μωυσα 3θ litt θ vocis οφθαλμούς in ras 36 «μγe add


19 eyevtro 22 om rots 23 0>» του


λίθου! πάλιν ποιων tpyuv λιϋαζΐται 33 om συ 31 32

3« πιστίυίτί pro 39 om ουν


αυτόν πάλιν βαπτιζων το πρώτον 4 ΐ ίποιησΐν σημαον II, 2 εαυτής pro αυτής 40

7 μαθηταις add αυτου 9 om 0 II 12 15 20 21 32 33 4θ 45 48 54 12, 2


37 toρακας 4ΐ uirev add ουν ίο, 6 litt a prima vocis παροιμιαν in ras 8 ηλθον προ tμου 12 litt υκ vocis \vms in ras om τα πρόβατα 8 13 μ«λλ€ΐ

ίο, ι 8


3 6 7 12 13 ι8 26

litt a vocis eav supra script (ξυπνήσω ουν add αυτω om αυτου αλλα om 0 απεθανίν αυτου eis TOVS πόδας iSfV οψη om 01 υμων pro ημών litt 1 vocis (φραιμ supra script ανακαμΐνων συν pro συναναΚίΐμ&ων litt ιξ vocis θριξιν in ras eμ(λλ(ν αυτήν add ινα τήρηση om ο2 om ο2 om και Tis διακονη



12, 28 πα rep add ayie 29 βστηκωs 34 om on 2 40 τη καρδία συνωσι pro νοησωσι τη καρδία (πιστριψωσιν ιασομαι 4 ΐ iStv 50 αυτή pro αυτόν Ι3,ι J]\0ev

15 δίδωκα TOieLTt pro ποιητή

ι8 εγω


om την 20 αν pro eav

23 € ts


25 αναττίσων 26 (μβαψας pro βαψας 3θ litt ου vocis ουν in ras

31 w » o ' 33 ζητησεται

36 07Γ0υ αίΜ «γω σαι vocis δυνασαι supra script om ο 38 φωνηση 14, 7 (ορακατ( 9 ίορακωί eopaxev

14 Οί» τι 23 ο1 τηρηση

27 07» ου 30 οί» τουτου (υρισκα pro ουκ £χ€ΐ 15, 2 φ(ρων pro φίρον1

6 eis βίΜ το KaitTt 15 ουκ otSev ο δούλοs (voces ουκ οι,δΐν et ο δούλοι litteris Β et A supra scriptis nota· tae sunt)

15, 16 μβινη δωη 24 αορακασιν χ 6, ι (ww hunc versum

3 om υ/uv 7 γαρ add βγω 8 ίλγίξη (sic) (Κίί γ i» ras) 10 ου pro ουκ er ι 13 λαληση pro λαλήσει2

ιό om «γω 19 δ« pro ουν 2ο


22 «ξίΤί χαρισίται 23 ο eav (rasura post ο) pro οσα α>> 33 «χ«τ€ pro φτ£ 17, 2 εδωκας pro δεδωκας δώσει pro δωση 6 om (κ του κοσμίου ι ι ω pro ods 13 «αυτοίs pro αυτο« 20 ττιστευοντων ι8, 2 ηδη pro ηδβι & om ο ιτ om σου

20 ow τ?; 2 ζ ηρνησατο add ουν

26 (δορ 27 ουν ow ο 3ΐ δ« ου»»2 32 εμελλεν

34 αλλο$ ειτεν

36 om ο ig, 2 αυτόν add και ηρχοντο vpos αυτόν 4 om ουν 5 «ξω ο ιησου! 6 ιδον


σταυρωσον2 add αυτόν Oeov υιον om ο1 enpavyafov pro (κραζον eavrov pro αυτόν2 13 τούτων των λόγων του 14 ην ωs pro Se ωσα ιό rjyayov 19 ίττ(θηκ(ν 2ο ο TOTOS ti)s rokews 23 αραφοί 270 μαθητηs αυτήν 28 30 5e pro ουν 3ΐ om η αυτοί» ^ro αυτών 33 ιδο? 35 ΐορακως «στα» αυτού ινα add και 39 om ωσα


ig, 40 αυτω tv pro αυτο 2θ, 8 iSev 14 om και1 om ο 15 €θηκas αυτόν ιό ραβουνι 2ΐ ανοστίλλω pro πέμπω 23 και κρατψται pro κίκρατηνται 25 ΐορακαμΐν 28om ο1 29 eopaKas om θωμα 31 om ο1 2ΐ, ι ο ιησους πάλιν 3 ίξηλθον add ουν 5om ουν ιι τοσούτον ι8 οτι pro ore 22 ΐρχωμαι 23 (ρχωμαι

II C O D E X 2 3 4 6 (GREGORY) 1

Or the history of this manuscript we know nothing beyond the fact that Dr. Joseph Martini of New York, who sold it to the Seminary, bought the codex from two Greeks in January, 1913. The Greeks declared that it had been brought to America from the Laura on Mount Athos. The end of the manuscript is missing, and though there are brief marginal notes by various hands, there is nothing to indicate the identity of the scribe. The codex is written on parchment of a coarse quality, and contains 273 folia (29 to 29$ cm. X 21 to 22 cm.). It is roughly bound in boards covered with red silk, and the binding has been done so carelessly that a number of leaves are misplaced. Some of them have been mutilated, apparently gnawed by mice, and some are discolored by water and age. The pages have been ruled with a stylus on one side, and the manner of the ruling indicates preparation for the marginal scholia. I t is by no means improbable that the commentary was copied directly from the exemplar. There are no catchwords or quire numbers, nor are there any pressmarks. The ink is brown and the initials are in red. The letters are ordinarily clear and legible. In some cases they have been restored by a later hand, and occasionally erasures are found. The manuscript contains no miniatures or illuminations. The following portions of the gospels are preserved: Mt. 1 7 : 1 0 ([ί]τιήλίαν)-ι8:4 (ούρανών)·, ι 8 : ΐ 2 (δοκίΐ)-2ΐ:33 (ΦΡαΎβ^ν)] 2 1 : 4 4 (τούτον)-2$· 6 (yeviffdat); 24:21 (άπ' &ρχής)-2ζ: $ι (δ[ταν]); 26:9 ([πραθη]ναι)-2Τ: 2Q (ττλίξαντα); 2 7 : 5 5 (ΤΦ b?0OÖ) to the end of the gospel; Mk. 1 : 2 1 (έδίδασκίν)-2 \ 1 3 (ίξ?}λ[&]); 2 : 2 1 ([^ττί^Χημα)7 : 1 7 (άττό το0); 7 : 2 8 ([ΰ7τοκά]τω)-8: 26 (τι[νί]); 8 : 3 6 (τί)-ι ι : 21 (αύτφ); 1 1 : 3 3 (ά-τοκριθάς) to the end of the gospel; Lk. 1 : 8 ([έγά»«]™)-6: 49 (οΐκίαν); y. 10 ([άσθ(]νοΰντα)-ΐ2: 54 (οϋτω$); 1 3 : 6 ([ίλβίγί^-ιδ: I i (jeKosvys); 1 8 : 2 2 (θησανρύν) to the end of the 1

Professor von Sodcn, shortly before his death, designated the manuscript A 16. 34



22 αρτον add και 25 Ύβνηματος 27 τροβατα add της

λίμα om μου

40 om


3° οτι add συ 3ΐ δ(η μΐ



om του


32 •γΐθσημανι

47 μαρια add η I om του 2 8 om ταχυ

33 om τον2 4 ° καταβαρυνομίνοι









σαββατων β\αψη


8 tvavTiov ΙΟ ην του λαου 14 Ύΐννησ(ΐ corr ex 22 (δυνατό 26 ναζαρΐθ


36 Ύηpei τη supra


44 το βρ(φο$ (V α γ α λ λ ί α σ α script 62 tvtvtvov litt ον supra 65 αυτοις pro 2, 4 ναξαρώ 12 om τη


2, 20 υπΐστρΐφαν 21 αυτόν pro το ταιδιον 28 αυτόν pro αυτο 39 Tαυτών pro



5ΐ eafapeö {sic) 3, I ηytμovtυτas 2 (τι αρχκρεωί om του 24


27 ιωανναν 30 ιωανναν



3 , 3 3 αραμ add του ιωραμ 35 σβρουχ ψαλίγ 4, ι ιτληρης τνέυματος άγιου 7 ττασα 8 om yap ί ο et add in marg tv ττασαις ταις οδοis σου Ii om οτι 1 4 om ο ι6 ναξαρ(θ l8

23 29 31 35 38 5, 5 6 8 14 ig 23 24

27 29 30 36 6, 7 9 ίο ιη


evayye\iaao6ai om τη1 om τιjss κατηλθεν add 0 ιησους απ pro e£ om το2 om η χαλασωμβν ιτληθος ιχθύων om του μωυσης om δια 1 tyupe παραλυτικω pro παραλίλυμα>ω eyeipe ίθίασατο add 0 ιησους om 0 μΐτα add των om επιβλημα 2 om αυτόν κατηγοριαν add κατ απολίσαι (litt λ«σ in ras) add 01 δί ίσιωπων αυτω pro τω ανθρωπω om ουτω του pro τοτου

23 χαρητβ 2 6 om υμιν

6 , 2 8 υμαί pro υμιν om και 35 om του 7, ι ι τω pro τη τολυς add της iroXecos 1 2 om ην ι 6 πανταs ι 8 KW λαν vocis απηγγαλαν supra script 24 τοις οχλοις pro προj τους οχλουί 25 διαγοντα pro υταρχοντα 28 om προφητης 3 ΐ om eixe δί ο κύριος 34 φίλος τϊΚωνων 37 αμαρτωλός add και 8, 3 αυτοις pro αυτω 1 4 ακουοντ€ς ι 8 tav pro αν 1 eov pro αν 2 19 eδυναντο 24 και προσίλθοντί* pro προσίλθοντΐς δί 28 (litt μημον in ras) pro (μηνυσεν λ(γουσι add Tim 41 21, 2 τινα και 4 ιαρισσιυματοs αυτών pro 1rtpιaceuovTos αυτο« 6 λιθον (in ras) pro λι0ω 1 2 •πάντων Ι 6 avyytvwv και φίλων και αδίλφων 2 3 yap




34 βαρηθωσιν αι καρδιαι υμων αιφνιδίως 3 6 om ταύτα 3 om 0 2 4 om το« 1 2 υτοδΐιξα avayaiov 1 3 ππ(ΐ> pro eiρηκίν 1 8 γεννήματος corr ex γενηματος 2 0 μου supra script 2 3 μέλλων τούτο 2 9 διατιθημι pro διατιθεμαι 3 0 om ev τη βασίλεια μου καθησίσθΐ 3 2 (κλιττη 34 φωνηση 35 ουθενος 3 6 πώλησα αγόρασα 42 τ aptvtyKe 47 τροηγεν avrovs pro προηρχετο αυτών 5 2 εξήλθατε 2 54 om αυτόν 55 περικαθισαντων 1 57 om αυτόν

CODEX 2 3 4 6 22, 58 60 62 66 71 23,

εφη pro ειττεν om 02 om ο πετρο* αυτών pro εαντων ΑΥΤΌΝ (corr ex αυτόν) α ντου


Ι η~γα*γον 2 Eθνος add ημων 3 Aπεκριθη αυτω pro αποκριθείς αντω (φη 8 ικανού add του χρονου 9 om αντω 1 4 ΔΙΑ στρέφοντα 25 αυτοις add τον βαραββαν 26 om του1


5c add αυτόν ένατης τούτο pro ταύτα ω ονομα pro ονοματι συνκατατιθεμενος om και2 om αυτο 2 53 Ι 55 om και 24, 4 άνδρες δυο 7 ημεμερα (StC) 9 ταντα ΤΑΎΤΑ 2 ΊΟ μαρια add η Ι 8 κ\εωττας of» ev 1 27 μωυσεως 23,35 44 46 50 5ΐ

34 όντως ψγίρθη ο κύριος

3 4 εβαΧΚον κλήρους JOHN Ι, 28 29 32 40 42

βηθανια pro βηθαβαρα om ο ιωαννης «κ του ουρανου (του in ras) om δε ερμηνεύεται (litt ER ΑΙ I « RAS) pro εστί μεθερμηνευομενον om ο 43 OM 5« 44 OM Ο νήσους αντω add ο ιησους 46 μωσης corr ex μωυσης ναξαρεθ

47 49 2, 1 2 17 19 22 23 3, 2 ζ ΊΟ 25

ναζαρεθ Ο*» Ο εμεΐνεν καταφαγεται WW Ο OW ΑΥΤΟ« «» 1 ROTS ΑΥΤΌΝ pro τον νήσουν om ο ΟΙ» Ο1 ιουδαίου

3 , 2 7 η tn marg 4, Ι ιησους (corr ex κύριος) pro κύριος 3 πάλιν in marg 1 1 3 om o 20 τω ορει τούτω 25 μεσιας 3 5 τετράμηνος 44 om ο 4 6 πα\ιν ο ιησους 2 5 ° αντω add ο script) 52 iiirov add ουν (supra 5, 4 εταρασσετο 5 τριακοντα και οκτω 7 βα\η 8 eytipt κραβαττον 9 κραβαττον ΊΟ κραβαττον 1 1 κραβαττον 1 2 κραβαττον 6, 3 ονν pro δε 6 ημεΧλεν



6, 9 io 12 24

om εν (sed olim aderat) om οι επΧησθησαν om και1

αυτόν pro τον νήσουν 28 ποιωμεν 29 τηστευητί 35 ουν pro δε 39 om εν 43 om ουν 44 αυτόν 2 add ev 45 7,16 2ο 2ΐ 26 29 31 32

om του 1 απεκριθη add ουν airεκρίθη add αυτω om ο αληθω$2 eras δε in marg om τούτων υπηρετατ οι φαρισαιοι και οι αρχιερείς

33 om αυτοις 39 om ο 4θ των \oyuv τούτων 4ΐ om δε 7, 53~8, ι ι om hos versus 8,12 αυτοκ ο ιησουί περιπατηση 14 om δε 19 om ο2 2ΐ αποθανασθί add και 42 ow ow 44 f 1 odd του 46 om δε 48 om ουν λνγομεν corr ex Xtyußtv 49 απεκριθη add in marg και ειπεν 50 την εμην pro μου 52 Ύΐυσηται 53 ημων in ras om συ

8, 54 ημων pro υμων 58 ειπεν add ουν 9, ι παραγων add ο ιησους Ύβννητης (litt νητη in ras) 3 om ο ιησους add in marg και ειπεν αυτοις 9 αΧΧοι δε οτι ομοιος αυτω εστίν in marg 15 πη\ον add in marg εποιησε και μου «χι τους οφθαλμούς 20 om αυτοκ 21 εαυτου pro αυτου2 29 μωσει 33 36 ίο, 7 8 12 22

ουκ εδυνατο (litt κ et ε in ras) ειπε add και ο™ 0Τί om προ εμου om τα πρόβατα 2 om τοις

33 om \ε·γοντες 39 των χειρών ι ι , 9 om ο ωραι εισι 15 αλλα 17 2ο 25 32

ιησουs add εκ βηθανιαν om ο ειπεν add δε αυτου εκ τους πόδας

37 εδυνατο 44 Tas χειραί και τους πόδας 5ΐ αλλ om ο 54 αλλ om την 57 om και1 12, 2 ανακειμενων συν pro συνανακείμενων 3 om τους πόδας αυτου 12 omο 2


CODEX 2346 12, 13 16 18 33 35 36 39 49 13, 15 18 25 37 38 14, 12 13 17 22 23 30 15, 6


om ο om 0 ηκουσαν eßeWev

cos pro «tos μη add η om 0 ιησου$ eSvvavro απ pro «ξ δίδωκα eyo) add yap ticuvos add OVTUS om 0 φωνηση om μου ο eav pro 0 τι av ecru/ pro ear at. Kvpit add και om o' om τούτο υ αυτο pro αυτα tts add το

16, 3 om νμιν 7 yap add «γω 16 om eyw

33 txere pro efert 17, I I ω pro ovs 20 18, 8 II 20 24 28 31 32 36

καθώς add και πιστίυοντων om 0 om σου om τη καιφαν καιφα πρωι δ( pro ουν 2 eßtWtv om 0 om ei (κ του κοσμου τούτον om ο2 om υμιν 3

37 39 40 om πάλιν 19, 3 rasura post ραπίσματα 4 om ουν




Or our three manuscripts only the Benton has been known to scholars. Dr. J. Rendel Harris examined it a number of years ago and described it briefly in The Sunday School Times (Philadelphia), June 4, 1887, p. 355. Gregory, who apparently never saw it, bases his description of it on the article just mentioned and numbers it 669 in his list. Von Soden designates it e 1025 and repeats the statements of Gregory. Nothing is known of its history before it came into the possession of the Rev. George Benton. There are no quire marks; but, as is clear from the numbering of the pages, the codex originally consisted of 359 leaves. This number was afterwards increased to 382 by the addition of the synaxarion. A t present there are only 272 in all. No pressmarks are legible. The text is written in single columns of 17 lines on pages measuring 13^ cm. X 17 cm. The letters are above the lines,1 which are faintly drawn with a stylus. There are two pairs of lines on the outer edge of each page, a pair at the top and on the inner side, and five lines at the bottom. The ink is brown, and the parchment is moderately fine, but its quality varies. Old Testament quotations are indicated by arrow-heads in the margin. The sections and Eusebian canons are also noted on the margin of the pages, but there is no table of canons. A list of the usual 48 κ€φά\αια precedes Mark, and 66 are prefixed to Luke, the rest having been torn out with the picture which originally faced the first page of the gospel. Similar violence has removed the entire list from before John. The τίτλοι are at the top of the pages in cinnabar, and the opening words of ecclesiastical lections, often so faded as to be illegible, are given in the margin. Occasionally άρχ and τί\ are written in the text. A small + marks the end of paragraphs. The original scribe wrote ν έφέΚκυστικύν in 1 Before the 10th century the letters are written above the line, whereas after that date they are pendent. Cf. Wattenbach, Anleitung zur griechischen Palaeographie' (1895), p. 57; and Gregory, Textkritik des Ν. Τ. (1909), p. 11.


C/3 s

* O ζ w PQ


£2 δ S


every possible place, but a later hand has carefully erased it whenever a following vowel does not demand it. Indeed, the whole manuscript has been corrected several times, and often words and letters have been removed by one corrector and restored by another. Iota subscript is never used; iota adscript is found only in Lk. 6:8. The breathings are usually square, but round ones occur occasionally, especially with ό Ίησους. The points are the high and the low; we have not observed any in the middle position. In many places commas have been inserted by a later hand. In the latter part of Luke the negative adverb μη, when used in an interrogative sentence, often has a double accent (")· A number of leaves have been lost from the fore part of the codex, and it now begins with Mt. 27:59 (Ιωσήφ). The other lacunae are: Lk.

1: 1-2: 16






1: 1-14




3: 4


(πρός 12:32

34 (ν16ν)·, 13:18-29. There is one picture at the beginning of Mark — a sort of baldachino in green, blue, purple, and gold, enclosing the title of the gospel. The impress of a similar design is visible on the first leaf now remaining of John, and the mutilation of Luke has no doubt resulted from some vandal's tearing out the ornamentation at the beginning of that gospel. We may therefore assume that the manuscript originally had a picture before each gospel. There are no striking peculiarities in connection with the shape of the letters. Beta is of the u shape. Delta is sometimes uncial, but more often minuscule. In the latter case the stroke on the right is usually brought down by a second stroke nearly parallel to the first. Epsilon is sometimes like b, and sometimes like a narrow 3 written backward. Eta is made like h or H. Theta is a small, narrow oval with a rather long crossbar. Mu is in rare instances uncial. Rho in one or two cases is written entirely above the line. Sigma lunatum is frequent. Phi is closed, with a sharp upturned hook on the right. Psi is flattened, and the cross-stroke is frequently almost upright. Omega resembles a figure 8 laid on its side. Gregory assigns the codex to the tenth century.1 We believe it was written early in that century. (υψω[θω])~ΐ2:


Cf. Gregory, Textkritik des Ν. Τ. (1909), p. 211.




T h e synaxarion at the end of the codex is preceded by the following superscription: έκλ.oyάδιον των Δ evayy (λιστών διά re της αρχής και του τέλους • τήν πίρικοπήν έκαστου ivayyeXwTod αμα δε την των κεφαλαίων παρασημάωσιν, άκριβως Siayopeiuv περιέχων δέ τήν αρχήν από τό iiyiov πάσχα- και τελειοϋται τό μηνολόγην.'. T h e text of the manuscript is of the usual " Syrian " type, but it contains some significant readings. Its most striking characteristic is its general agreement with Γ. In the following places Γ alone, so far as we have been able to ascertain, supports the reading of the Benton M S . : M k . 8 : 32 (προσκαλεσάμενος a prima manu pro προσλαβόμενος); 9 : 39 (οΰ pro ούδείς); 1 0 : 1 9 (κλέψης add μη πορνεύσηj); Lk. 3 : 23 (om ωσεί); 6 : 37 (om μη καταδικάζετε και ού μή καταδικασθήτε); 6 :48 (ό ποταμός om α prima manu)·, 11 :36 (ίχων α prima manu)', 21 : 22 (om του πληρωθηναι πάντα τά ytyραμμένα); 24 '·42 (^ύτόν α prima manu). Αέ post irpo&yovTes (Mk. 11 :9) is attested b y Γ , 954, and sah only; έαυτοΰ μαθηταϊς (Lk. 20 :45) by Γ and 235 only; φ a prima manu pro δ (Jn. 4 : 5) b y Γ and 69 only. In L k . 20 : 28 (μωυσης a prima manu) and Jn. 1 :46 the scribe changes from his usual spelling μωσης to μωυσής, thus agreeing with Γ . In the following verses the Benton M S . has readings that are not recorded by Scholz, Tischendorf, or von Soden: M k . 10 : 29 (om αμήν λέyω ύμιν); ί ο : 41 (om περί Ιάκωβου καί Ιωάννου); L k . 9 :38 (κύριε olim aderat)·, 12 : 24 (ου pro ούδέ1); 17 : 24 (ώς pro &σιrep); 19 :43 (om και ττερικυκλώσουσί σε); 22 : 55 (καθισάντων);1 24 : ι8 (έν ταύτα« ταΐς ημίραις); Jn. 3 : 36 (αύτω α prima manu pro τω νίφ); 4 ·' 53 Φ κύριος 'ότι in marg a posteriori manu); 7 : 22 (ημϊν pro ύμΐν); 13 : 1 5 (om ΰμΐν*); 15:20 (διώξωσιν pro διώξουσιν); 2θ : 2 (αύτοΐς add 'ότι). Other readings of special interest occur in M k . 12 : 1 9 (άναστηση with 999 only); Lk. 24 :46 (om 'ότι with 579 only); Jn. 4 : 47 (τόν νίόν αύτοΰ with 482 and Latin authorities); 15 : 1 6 (δ έάν fortasse a prima manu pro δ τι & ν with 235 only). Lk. 22 143 and 44 are obelized and Jn. 5 14 is marked with asterisks. T h e Benton M S . contains the pericope adtdterae, which is not found in the Hoffman M S . or in Codex 2346. 1

Scholz erroneously gives κβΰίσ&ντων as the reading of B.

wrote συνκαθισάντων, which has been corrected to συγκαίισ&ντων.

The original scribe




MATTHEW 27, 64 65

κλεψωσιν αυτόν VUKTOS om δε

28, g om ο 19 om ουν MARK

i, 2 σου2 sufra script εμπροσθεν σου (in ras) in marg 6 St add 0 7 om κυψας 8 υμάς εβαπτισα ίο ειδες litt ς in ras a posteriori manu 11 σοι (in ras) pro ω 14 om 0 16 αυτου add του σιμωνος αμφιβάλλοντας (litt αμφι in ras restitut) 27 eauTous pro αυτους

37 σ« ξητουσι 38 και iKti 44 45 2, ι 4

om μηδίν εν add τοις εισήλθε πάλιν εγγισαι κραβαττον 8 ούτως add αυτοί 9 tyupe (litt at supra script a posteriori manu) κραβαττον ίο επι της γης αφιεναι 1ι eytipe (litt at supra script a posteriori manu) κραβαττον 12 κραβαττον 14 λευην (corr ex λευιν) 21 om και1 επιρραπτει litt ρ prima sufra script 23 om tv

2,24 26 3» ι 3


5 7 8 10 II 12 21

ev supra script a posteriori manu om του2 ε^ηραμενην (corr ex εξηραμμενην) εξηραμενην (corr ex εξηραμμενην) ετγερθητι αυτοις add τι (corr ex on, ut videtur) αποκτειναι litt κτει in ras σου in marg εις pro προς om απο1 αφονται (corr ex αφωνται) εκραξον (litt ov in ras) φανερον αυτόν οι in ras περι αυτόν (fortasse corr ex προς αυτόν) pro παρ αυτου


32 33 35 4,3 4 8 9 II

IS 16 17

ουδείς δύναται pro ου δύναται ουδείς διαρταση pro διαρπασει σου2 add και αι αδελφαι σου και (in ras) pro η om μου2 ακουετε corr ex ακούσατε om του ουρανου επι (litt πι in ras) pro εις om αυτοις τα μυστήρια (corr ex το μυστηριον) οι (in ras) pro και1 om ευθεως ευθεως corr ex ευθυς



4,18 om ούτοι ίίσιν2 litt ο vocis aKovovres in ras 21 τΐθη pro ίπιτώη (rasura post vocem) 22 om rt 30 ομοιωσωμεν corr ex ομοιωσομιν litt ω vocis παραβα\ωμα> in ras 31 κοκκον (litt ον in ras) 32 litt (iv vocis τιτάνα in ras 33 ίδυναντο 37 e-n-eßaWtv litt X prima supra script 5, 2 υπηντησεν 3 μνημασι tδυνατό II τω opti 16 διηγησαντο 8t pro και διηγησαντο ι8 litt arteis vocis δαιμονισθώ in ras ig π&τοιηκί 2ΐ litt os vocis διαπβρασαντος in ras 23 €7ri07/s corr ex ετιθη 26 αυτη (corr ex αυτής) pro (αυτής 40 παντα s 41 ταΧηθα κουμ litt αι vocis eyeipai in ras 43 rasura post litt yv vocis yvw 6, 2 om ότι 3 «r (litt π in ras) pro ev 7 δώδεκα add μαθητας αυτου 8 TaprjyyeWev (litt e prima supra script et litt λ prima in ras) α μη ραβδον μονον (in ras) in marg 11 av corr ex tav

6 , 1 1 τον2 α posteriori manu και (corr ex η) pro η 1 IS άλλοι 1 add 8t (in ras) om η 17 om τη 2o litt ayi vocis aytov in ras ακουων (litt ων in ras) pro ακουσας 23 om και ωμοσεν αυτη οτι ο tav μ( αίτησηs δωσω σοι 24 29 30 31

litt ο vocis αιτησομαι in ras om τω και3 in ras rasura post litt ι primam vocis ιδίαν οι2 in ras ίυκαιρουν 32 απη\θ(ν 33 om 01 οχλοι avrous (corr ex αυτόν) pro αυτόν 1 τροηλθον corr ex προσηλθον 34 ο ιησου$ αδ( in ras a posteriori manu 35 om αυτω 37 αγορασομίν (litt ο in ras) 38 om και1 (rasura ante 1δ(τ() 44 om ωσα 45 βηθσαιδα (rasura post vocem) 52 αυτών η καρδία 53 7«'ησαρετ (corr ex "^(ννησαρ(τ) 55 litt βατ vocis κραββατοΐί in ras 56 οπου add δ αψονται (litt ο in ras) οσοι in ras om αν2 7, 2 αρτον (litt ov in ras) (μίμψαντο in marg α posteriori manu

THE BENTON MANUSCRIPT 7, 4 βαπτισωνται corr ex ραντισωνται 11 οφέΚηθηϊ {corr ex ωφεληθης) 12 α ντου1 in ras αντου2 in ras 14 litt av vocis παντα in ras et litt τα supra script 16 om et ns . . . ακουίτω (sei olint in marg) 17 «τηρωτησαν (litt ήσαν in ras) 23 ταύτα ταντα 24 om την 26 συραφοινικισσα (κβάλη 31 (ξ(\θων add ο ιησουί (in ras) 33 litt a prima vocis αποΚαβοßtvos supra script et litt 1ro in ras αντου (corr ex αυτόν) pro αυτόν €κ (in ras) pro ατο 35 γλωττηι (litt ττ in ras) 8, 2 ημΐραι 3 νηστκ (litt ι in ras) ηκουσι 12 στΐναξας (rasura ante vocem) 13 το1 eras 22 βηθσαώα (corr ex βηθσαιδαν) 2 3 yyayev (litt «ξ olim supra script) 2 5 aveßXept (litt av et litt ipe in ras) pro tveß\t\pe 26 τον supra script 31 και4 add των 32 προσΧαβομβνος corr ex νροσκαλΐσαμΐνοί 35 favrov φνχην 9, ι litt ι vocis yevcoivrat eras 2 om τον2 om τονJ 4 μωση


9,5 μωση 6 \α\ησβί 7 om λίγουσα 9 και awte καταβαινοντων litt αν vocis οταν in ras 13 om και1 16 litt συ vocis συζητάτε supra script (aureus pro avrovs 20 litt (γκα vocis ην^καν in ras τον ιησουν (ιησουν in ras) pro αυτόν 2 ιδον (corr ex ιδων) 22 το post tu1 α posteriori manu, sei postea eras 2 3 το eras 28 διατι (litt δια in ras) pro ort 30 evopewvTO (litt e prima in ras) 35 ίστω litt ιακον vocis διάκονος in ras 38 om ο 39 ου pro ouStis 41 om τω 42 eav pro av μικρών aii τούτων (α posteriori manu) 45 fis την ζωην εισέλθΐΐν ίο, ι om δια του 2 οι eras 7 litt ei primae vocis καταXtupti in ras 8 σαρξ μια ίο τουτου pro του αυτου ιι αυτη (corr ex αυτήν) pro αυτήν 14 om και2 ιό evXoyei 17 τορίυομίνου (litt supra script)





ίο, 19 om μη φονΐυσης κλΐψης add μη πορν(υσης (μη in ras) 21 tησους supra script a posteriori manu αυτω1 litt ω a posteriori manu αυτω2 litt ω a posteriori manu om rots 24 om τοιs2 litt 6eiv vocis ewihßtiv in ras 25 om τηs1 (sed olim supra script) δκ\θΐίν (litt δι in ras) pro (ΐσέΚθαν 27 om τω1 om eort (sed olim supra script a posteriori manu) 28 ηρξατο St (Se supra script a posteriori manu) pro και ηρξατο 29 om ο ιησους om αμην λίγω υμιν και add evecev 31 32 33 35 39 40 41 43

om 01 πάλιν add ο ιησοχκ (in ras) om Ton 2 omoi ιησουί eras om μου 2 om irepi ιακωβου και ιωαννου υμών διάκονος



10,52 litt ti vocis ηκολουθ€ΐ in ras II, I βηθφαΎΐ (corr ex βηθφα-γη) 3 αποστβλλί ι 4 τον in ras 5 βστωτων (litt ω prima in ras) 9 Tpoayovres add Se 18 ηκουσαν corr ex ηκουον litt ap vocis apxiepas in ras 20 βζηραμΐνην (corr ex ΐξηραμμίνην) 21 el-ηραται 22 airoKptßeis add 0 24 αιτησθί (litt η in ras) 25 στηκετΐ (litt er in ras) 32 om eav 33 om ατοκριβα,ς 12,3 litt ti vocis tSapav in ras 5 litt € prima et litt es vocis btpovTts in ras

19 23 26 27 29

31 32

Pro °·ν

47 litt ω vocis ναξωραιχκ in ras 48 πολλά (corr ex πολλοί) pro πολλοί 49 eyapai corr ex eyeipe 51 ραββουvi 52 litt € prima vocis avtßXeipt in ras α posteriori manu

33 35 36


airoKTaivovTts litt 0 prima et litt TaivovTts in ras αναστηση om ουν του pro tjjj 0«os1 add Otos Oeos 2 eras πασών corr ex πάντων eντοΚη corr ex των α>το\ων σου (in ras) pro ημων δβυT€pa add δ« (in ras) eαυτόν pro σΐαυτον €ΐπ«ί (litt e ultima in ras) pro ««ras 0€os in ras om των2 ίστι add του (a posteriori manu) om τω 1 om τω2 \eyei pro u-rrtv 2 ασπασμοί? (litt ι in ras)

THE BENTON MANUSCRIPT 12, 39 πρωτοκαθίδριαι* (litt ι ultima a posteriori manu) πρωτοκΚισι ais (litt ι ultima a Posteriori manu) 41 litt ι vocis ΎαζοφυΚακιου in ras

43 44

13, 2 4 II

litt ι vocis -γαζοφυλακίον in ras litt 1 vocis ya£οφυ\ακιον in ras litt β vocis ßiov in ras et rasura post vocem ο 6t (in ras) pro και ο ταύτα παντα (in ras) μΐριμνατε λαλησίτί (corr ex λα\ησητ() pro Χαλησητΐ

14 «στω$ 15 om Se 21 om η

πι στίυίτί 28 KM «τ pocis μαθίτΐ in ras et litt e ultima supra script 32 η pro και της 14, ι litt τουν vocis ΐζητουν in ras om ev 3 τον pro το 6 ev €μοι pro eis tßt

8 faxfv μου in ras 9 αμην add δί tav pro αν ίο om ο1 11 apyvpia 12 ετοιμασομεν (corr ex ετοιμασωμεν) 15 avoryewv 25 7ενηματος 2 J ev (μοι ev τη ννκτι ταύτη in marg a posteriori manu


14, 30 οτι add συ 31 απαρνησωμαι 32 Ύΐθσημανι

33 om τον 2 35 προελθων corr ex προσελθων 4θ οι οφθαλμοί in marg 41 om το2 45 X«7et odd αντω 47 om Tis 51 ηκολονθησΐν 58 ημΐίϊ in ras 60 om το 6 2 eK δεξιών καθημενον 6 5 eßaWov corr ex t\aßov

68 «ξω i'w ras 71 WW eiv vocis όμνυαν in ras η 2 το ρημα ο 15, I i aveireiaav (litt «π in ras) pro aveaeiaav 18 ο ßaoiXevs 20 αντου (corr ex αυτόν) pro αυτόν 1 litt e£ vocis t£ayouaiv in ras 22 yo\yoda corr ex 70X7oßav 24 διαμερίζονται 30 litt ßa vocis καταβα in ras 31 om δ« 32 πιστευσωμίν add αυτω (in ras)

33 ένατης 34 ίνατη \ιμα (rasura post litt ι) 4θ om και2 43 ελθων pro -ηΚθεν 47 μαρια 2 add η

ι6, ι om του2 τον ιησουν 8 om ταχυ ι8 β\αψη




Luke 2, 20 υπόστρεψαν 21 το παώων in ras 24 om εν ρομω κυρίου ροσσους ην ay ων 25 28 αυτόν (corr ex αυτο) pro αυτο litt ευ vocis «υλογτ/σ« t« ras 34 KW eu vocis ευ\οηησεν i » ras 39 WW r oocis ναξαρετ in ras 44 εξητουν 5i litt τ vocis ναζαρετ in ras 3, ι •qytßOVias corr ex ηyεμovειa$ 2 €7τι αρχιερεως om του IO ποιησομεν corr ex ποιησωμεν 12 •ποιησομεν corr ex ποιησωμεν 14 ποιήσομεν corr ex ποιησωμεν 16 om απασι 18 τω λαω (corr ex τον \aov) 19 om φίλιππου 22 rasura post σωματικω ευδόκησα 23 om ωι;« υιοί add του ηλει 24 ματϋα (in ras) ιαννα corr ex ιωαννα ματθιου 25 26 νααθ litt τ secunda vocis ματταβιου supra script ιωδα 27 ιωανναν νηρει 28 Μ«λχίι αδδι corr ex αδδει 29 ιωση corr ex ιησω litt ρειμ vocis ιωρειμ in ras ματθαν

3,29 3° 32 33

35 4, 2 4 7 8 9 II 12 ι6 i8 23 26 27 29

3i 33

35 3» 5, ι 2 6 8 19 23

λ«υι corr ex λευει ιωναν corr ex ιωναμ ωβηδ corr ex ιωβηδ αμιναδαμ litt pa vocis αραμ in ras αραμ add ιωαραμ σερουχ litt κ vocis φαλεκ in ras τεσσαρακοντα add και νυκτα$ τεσσαρακοντα om 0 (μου πασα om yap om 0 om οτι om αποκριθείς litt τ vocis ναζαρετ in ras ευαγγελισασϋαι τη1 in ras σαραφθα (litt αφθα in ras) rasura post litt εκα vocis εκαθαρισθη om τη% 2 rasura post litt 1 vocis κατακρημνισαι κατηλθεν add 0 ιησους litt κράζε jocis ανεκραξε in ras om φωνη μεγαΧη om το2 om η yfvycaptT (corr ex ytvirqaaptr) ειδε δε (δε in ras) pro και ειδε πλήθος ιχθύων του in ras om δια1 σου supra script


ώητ( om τηs εγείρε (litt αι supra script) 25 0 pro ω 28 παντα (corr ex απαντα) 2Q om ο 24

30 μετα add των

36 ιματιον παλαιοί* corr ex ιμάτιο) παλαίω om ίπιβλημα 2 6 , 4 irpos i » m a r g


om του 37 om μη καταδίκαζε« και ου μη καταδικασθητβ 4θ κατηρτισμΐνο! δε xas ΐσται cos ο διδασκαΧο! αυτου in marg 45 αυτου3 eras 48 ο ποταμοί in marg a posteriori manu 7, 6 μου υπο την στ(γην 8 ίμαυτον corr ex (μαυτου 9 ουτε pro ουδέ ι ι τω pro τη ναιν corr ex vativ om αυτω 12 litt εω$ vocis TroXews2 in ras ικανοί in ras 13 αυτή1 corr ex αυτήν ι6 πανταs


S KW rt üocm ort in ras κύριος in ras 7 om αυτόν Karriyopiav κατ (corr ex κατηyopuv, ut videtur) 8 eyeipai corr ex εγείρε 9 ow in ras om 0 21 εΰεραπευσε add ο ιησους αποκταναι pro απόλΐσαι 28 προφητης in ras ίο αυτω pro τω ανθρωπω 31 om eiTe δε ο κύριο! om ουτω 33 μη (corr ex μητίι) ig παντας add in marg και προσ34 φίλος τίλωνων καλεσαμενοί ο ιησους TOVS 35 om πάντων δώδεκα μαθητας αυτου (δω46 μου α posteriori manu Ktv αυτοί! δνναμιν και (ξου- 8, 3 αυτοί! pro αυτω σιαν (τι παντα τα δαιμόνια 8 eis pro επι και νοσους θ(ραirtveiv και 15 υπομονή add ταύτα λέγων awtareiXev αυτου! κηρνσσίΐν ίφων€ΐ ο ΐχων ωτα ακοιχιν την βασιλααν του Oeov και ακουετω ιασθαι τουs ασθΐνουντα! και ι 6 om δε eXtyiv avrois ο ακουων vpas ι 8 tav pro αν (a posteriori manu) eav pro αν 2ΐ αυτόν in ras 23 ΧΛΡντε 26 om υμιν 22 litt ε prima vocis ΐνφη in ras om vavres 29 π a p η y y f i \ e 27 α λ λ α (corr ex α λ λ ) 32 litt ow vocis παραίάλουν in 28 om και ras 33 litt η vocis ayadono^Tf in 33 ίίσηλθον ras 34 om απ(\θοντ(ς



g, ζ6 8,42 litt ηρ vocis θιτγατηρ in ras litt 7j5 vocis μονοτγβ>η% in ras 58 us in ras 62 43 ιarpois pro eis ιατρούς 10, ι 48 δί add ιησου; 5i (Χθων ιωαννην και ιακωβον Q, ι om μαθητας αυτου 3 μηδέ (litt δ in ras) pro μη re6 4 5 7 9 ίο 12 13

15 16 20 23

αν corr ex eav eav pro av om ταντα om ο βηθσαιδαν τους οχλου$ (corr ex τον οχΚον) ixdves δυο ayopaaoßiv (corr ex ayopaσωμΐν) και &τοιησαν ουτω in ras μαθηταα add αυτου om ο om καθ ημΐραν

24 eav pro αν1 αυτου ψυχην 25 ωψίλίΐται corr ex οφίΚπται 27 litt ηκο vocis ίστηκοτων in ras Ύ€υσω νται 28 ws (corr ex ωσ«ι) om τον 33 om ο1 μιαν μωση $6 ο α posteriori manu 38 διδασκάλΐ α posteriori manu {κυρα olim aderat) (πιβΧίψαι 40 ΐκβαλωσίν 41 τον υιον σου ωδί 49 om τα 52 αυτου corr ex eαυτου 55 om υμάς

om ο yap υιοί . . . αλλα σωσαι litt tiv vocis veTuva in ras om ο νήσουs t?ίσους (corr ex κύριος) pro κύριος

litt e prima vocis ejueXX«ν in ras 2 (κβαλη 6 om μα> 8 9 12 13 15

17 20 22 32 35 36 39 ιι, 2 4

6 8

om δ om βφ υμας om 5e χωραζιν (corr ex om του litt η prima vocis θηση in ras δΐ in ras om μάλλον μοι ταρΐδοθη ιδων add αυτόν

χωραζαν) καταβφασ-


in r a s etTcv corr ex ςιπων π\ησιον δοκίΐ σοι των \oywv προσίυχησθί corr ex τροσβυXetröe wavTi olim add τω om μου αυτω1 in ras οσον

9 ανοιχθησβται 10 ανοιχθησΐται ιι η pro et 13 18 25 26 27 31

δοματα ayaOa om και €υρισκ€ΐ add σχο\αξοντα (Χθοντα μασθοι (corr ex μαστοί) σολομωνος (corr ex σοΧομωντος)

THE BENTON MANUSCRIPT i i , 31 σοΧομωνοί (corr ex σολομωντος) 32 wceui corr ex νινευηται 33

36 38 40 4ΐ 44 54 12, 4

κρυπτην om ουδε υπο τον μοδιον εχον π corr e« εχων προτερον (litt οτερον in ras) pro πρώτον το εσωθεν και το εξωθεν ear αι. om οι2 om, και αποκτεννοντων

7 φοβηθητε (litt ηθητ in ras) πολλω (corr ex πολλών) 8 Ζίί/ ΐΐ vocis ομολογήσει in ras 9 εμπροσθεν (corr ex ενώπιον) pro ΐνωπιον1 11 litt ε ultima vocis μεριμνάτε in ras 15 αυτω pro αυτου1 16 litt ευ vocis ευφορησεν in ras 20 αφρον 21 πλούτων add ταύτα λέγων εφωνει ο εχων ωτα ακουειν ακουετω (in ras restitut) 22 ενδυσεσθε (corr ex ενδυσησθε) 24 ου pro ουδί 1 litt ει vocis πετεινών in ras 28 χορτον add τον (a posteriori manu) 31 παντα in marg a posteriori manu 32 ηυδοκησεν 36 litt ω vocis αυτω in ras 46 υποκριτών (fortasse corr ex άπιστων) pro άπιστων 49 επι pro εις 53 επι pro εφ 5« 0*λΐ7

12, 59 τον pro το 13, 2 ταύτα (litt αυ in ras)



τοιαύτα 3 μετανοησητε (litt ση in ras) 5 ωσαύτως (corr ex ομοίως) pro ομοίως 6 ζητών καρπον 8 κοπριά 9 αυτήν add ταύτα λέγων εφωνει ο εχων ωτα ακουειν ακουετω 15 μίσους pro κύριος (in ras) υποκριται 19 litt ει vocis πετεινα in ras 20 om και 21 εκρυψεν 26 αρξεσϋε corr ex αρξησθε 2η οι supra script 28 οψεσθε (corr ex οψησϋε) 2g om απο 2 34 αποκτεννουσα (corr ex αποκτεινουσα) 35 om έρημος om αμην λεγω δε 14) 2 υδροπικος 5 υιος pro ονος 8 litt η secunda vocis κληθης in ras 10 αναπεσε 15 άριστον pro αρτον ι6 μεγαν ig πεντε in ras 24 δείπνου add πολλοί γαρ εισι κλητοι ολίγοι δε εκλεκτοί 27 είναι μου 28 litt προ vocis προς in ras 32 πόρρω αυτου 15, 5 Λυτου pro εαυτου 8 λυχνον corr ex λυχνιαν litt η vocis ευρη in ras



1 5 , 1 7 άρτων corr ex αρτον 20 αντου pro eavrov 26 om αυτου αϊ] corr ex ti 16, ι om και1 5 χpeωφeι\eτωv corr ex φΐΐλετων 6 15 22 25

ig, 4 ότι δι in ras j/μελλε corr ex εμελλε 7 πavTts 8 ιησουν (corr ex κυρι&ν) pro xpto-

βaSovs (litt δ in ras) om (στιν om του ωδΐ pro obt

17, 4 om tin ae 7 os in ras iXöovn (litt e in ras) ασέΚθοντι αναττίσί


16 om fTi προσωπον 21 η1 in ras 24 ais pro ωσπ«ρ om η* 26 om του1 om και 2 27


34 β ο 1 18, ι προσεύχεσαι add avrovs (in ras) 5 litt η vocis υπωπιαξη in ras 6 ηκουσατί (litt η in ras) 7 ποίηση 8 την 2 in ras 9 om και1 14 η add yap 22 ε vocis en in ras 25 δΐΐλθειν (corr ex eiae\0eiv) pro ticthdtiv1 28 om ο 33 τη τρίτη ημ*ρα 34 κίκαλυμμβνον (litt α\υ in ras) pro κΐκρυμμΐνορ 36 (ΐη corr ex ει 43 litt θ vocis 0εω in ras

12 15 16 ι8 23 29 3θ 37

κνριον om eiTtv ουν /cat2 in ras /was (corr ex μνα) pro μνα μνας (corr ex μνα) pro μνα om την βηθσφα-γι (corr ex βηθφα-γη) ov corr ex ω ηρξατο

40 οτι eras 41 αυτήν pro αυτη 43 om και τίρικυκλωσουσι σε 47 om το 48 ποιησουσιν (corr ex ποιησωσιν) 20, 5 om ουν 8 και ο in ras 9 om τκ 19 ras in ras om τον \aov 24 litt «r 1 vocis εττιδει£ατε in ras 25 ουν pro τοινυν 2 8 μωσης corr ex μωυσης litt cos vocis τivos in ras 32 om δε 35 tK-γαμιζονται (litt « et fo in ras) 40 ίπΐρωτησαι 45 (αυτου (litt t in ras) μαθητακ 21, ι litt ι vocis Ύαζοφύλακιον in ras 2 τινα και 4 eßa\e add ταύτα \eyuiv (φωvei ο εχων ωτα axoveiv ακοικτω 12 πάντων 14 om eis



2i, 16 και cvyyevcov και φίλων και 22,49 αυτω in ras παταξωμεν αδ(\φων rasura post tv i j δια το ονομα μου υπο πάντων 50 om Tis 2ο δ( supra script a posteriori 52 ΐξη\θατ€ aut (ξηλθΐτΐ (corr manu ex (ξΐληλυθατβ) 22 om του πληρωθηναι παντα τα yeyραμμένα 54 om και εισήγαyov αυτόν 55 καθισαντων 24 τησουνται add tv (in ras) 25 ηχουσηί corr ex ήχους 56 litt ατενισ vocis ατενισασα 32 om οτι in ras 33 TaptXtvaerai litt τω vocis αυτω in ras 34 βαρηθωσιν 60 0 8 eras 66 om re αιφνιδίως (litt ω in ras) r/yayov 36 om ταύτα 37 ev τω ιερω in marg αυτών pro εαυτών των (λαιων pro το κάλου23, ι rtyayov μενον ελαίων 2 και in ras 22, 3 ο a posteriori manu 11 ο in ras tiriXeyoßtvov (litt \tyo in litt ov vocis αυτόν2 in ras ras) pro eπικάλουμενον 12 om μ er αλλήλων 2 14 om eyto 4 om τοις 15 imrpayßtvov add tv (in ras) 9 ετοιμασομεν (corr ex ΐτοιμασωμΐν) 18 om τον 12 avwyiuv (corr ex avayaiov) 25 αυτοίs (add τον ßapaßav) in marg a posteriori manu 13 litt ρηκε vocis ειρηκεν in ras litt το primae vocis ητουντο ι6 om ουκετι in ras ι8 yεvημaτos 26 om του1 23 om apa 28 om ο ιησους 3 ° om ev τη βασίλεια μου καθίσ&τϋΐ 29 μασϋοι 33 τον1 in ras 32 εκλιπη λεγομενον (corr ex κάλουμε34 φωνηση vov) pro καλουμίνον 35 om και υποδημάτων 48 θΐωρουντίί τα ytvopitva in ουθειOS marg a posteriori manu 36 πώλησίΐ εαυτών corr ex αυτών ayopaaei 51 om και αυτοί 4ΐ προσηυχετο corr ex νροσηυ53 μνημΐΐω (corr ex μνηματι) ξατο 55 om και1 hie versus obelis notatus est 43 24, ι litt ο vocis ßaßeos in ras 44 hie versus obelis notatus est αυτόν; (corr ex avrois) pro 4 avSpts δυο 47 9 παντα ταύτα αυτών




2 4 , 1 0 om ησαν δε 18 om εν1 tv ταύτα« τακ ημεραις 3 6 λαλουντων add και (a posteriori manu) των μαθητών αυτόν pro αυτών2


UM £ prima vocis επεδειξεν in ras 42 αυτω corr ex αυτόν μελισσιου corr ex μελισσών 4-6 om οτι 5 ο δε in ras


1, 28 βηθανια (corr ex βηθαβαρα) pro βηθαβαρα 32 ω$ pro ωσει 35 ow πάλιν 38 de in marg 40 om Se 42 μεσιαν om ο2 43 omSe 44 (πάρων αυτω add ο ιησους 46 μωυσης του i» ras litt τ vocis ναξαρετ in ras 47 48 49 2, ίο

litt τ vocis ναζαρετ in ras om 0 om ο litt σ secunda vocis ελασσω supra script 17 καταφα^εται 19 om ο 22 om αυτοίs τι; Ύραφη και in ras ω ειττεν ο ιησουί in ras 23

24 3, 2 3 15 16 22




om αυτου2 ταντα (corr ex ravras) αυτόν (in ras) pro τον νήσουν om ο litt η vocis εχη in ras litt ο vocis αποληται corr ex ω litt η vocis εχη in ras φαντιξον (litt 0 in ras)

ιουδαίου (corr ex ιουδαίων) om μοι φωνην του in ras τω υιω corr ex αυτω οψεται add την 4, 5 Xeyoßtvys (corr ex λετγομενην) ο corr ex ω ιακωβ in marg 13 om ο1 2θ τω ope ι τούτω 25 μεσιας (restitut) 3° φτλθον corr ex φτλθεν om ουν 1 μαθηται add αυτου (a poste3 riori manu) 35 om tri τετράμηνος 36 χαιρη corr ex χαίρει 37 ο2 eras 44 om ο 46 πάλιν ο ιησους 47 τον υιον αυτου 49 μου a posteriori manu 50 αυτω 2 add ο 51 vios (corr ex τακ) pro τ α « 53 om ο ιη σουχ οτι (ο κύριος οτι in marg a posteriori manu) 5, χ ην add η (a posteriori manu) 2 Ton in ras litt επι vocis επιλεγόμενη in ras 4 hie versus asteriscis notatus est

3, 25 28 2g 36

THE BENTON MANUSCRIPT 5, 4 εταρασσε corr ex εταρασσετο 7 βαλη 8 ετγειραι corr ex ετγειρε κραββατον corr ex κραβαττον 9 κραβαττον ίο κραβαττον 11 κραβαττον 12 hie versus in marg a posteriori manu 14 τι σοι in ras 19 litt η vocis βλεπη in ras 24 οτι in ras των \oyuv (corr ex τον Χογον) 26 εχει in marg 32 μαρτυρία add αυτου (in ras) 44 παρα1 corr ex παρ 6, ι om της γάλιλαιας 5 ayopaaoßtv corr ex ayopaσωμεν 6 ημελλε 10 om ουν 01 eras 11 εδωκεν 12 αποΚηται corr ex ατωληται 13 κοφινους corr ex κωφινους ig γινομενον corr ex yevoßevov 2 2 litt εισ vocis συνεισηλθε supra script a posteriori manu 24 και1 in ras 28 ποιουμεν corr ex ποιωμεν 2g om ο ττιστευσητε litt σ prima in ras (restitut) απεσταλκεν (litt αλκ in ras restitut) 35 ovv (in ras) pro δε 36 litt ει vocis ειπον in ras 40 yap (in ras) pro δε 41 εκ τον ουρανου καταβας 44 αυτόν 2 add εν 45 om του1


6 , 4 5 ακουων SS α\ηθης (corr ex αληθώς) pro αληθώς 1 αληθης (corr ex αληθώς) pro αληθώς 2 58 ξησεται corr ex ζήσει 62 θεωρείτε 64 μη in ras εστίν in ras 69 om και εηνωκαμεν jo om ο ιησους εις εξ υμων 7, ι ηθελεν corr ex ήθελαν (corr ex ειχεν εξουσι αν) 12 om δε οχλον in ras 16 απίκριθη add ουν (in ras) 21 om ο 22 ημιν pro υμιν 2g om δε 32 υτηρετας οι φαρισαιοι και οι αρχιερείς 33 39 4ο 4ΐ

42 52 53 8, ι 2


om αυτοί ς om ο τον λoyov corr ex των λ&γων litt αλλ vocis άλλοι 2 in ras et litt 01 supra script om he litt τι vocis οτι in ras ην supra script litt ηyepτ vocis eyηyepτaι in ras επορευθησαν (in ras restitut) και ο ιησους pro ιησους δε ελαίων add μονος (in ras) ορθρου δε in ras πάλιν add βαθεος (in ras) ηλθεν ο ιησους (in ras) pro ταρετγενετο om ο λαos ουν pro δε



8, 3 oiw xpos αυτοί» επί pro ev1 4 ταυτην ΐυρομΐν pro αυτη η γυνη κατΐΚηφθη «τ αυτω φορω (corr ex φωρω) pro (παυτοφωρω μοιχιυαμίνην 5 om tv δΐ τω νομω ο 8e ante μωσηζ om ημιν λιθαξίΐν pro \ιθοβο\εισθαι 6 eXeyop corr κατηγορησαι restitut) 7 litt κυ vocis (fortasse ipas)

ex απόν (litt ησαι in ras ανακυψας in ras corr ex avaß\t-

avrois pro irpos αυτους om τον «r αυτήν \ι$ον 8 om κάτω 9 om και υπο τη s συνΐώησΐως ίλίγχομίίΌΐ om ecüs των ΐσχατων νήσους μονοί (corr ex ο νήσουt μονοί) ουσα pro «στωσα ίο om και μηδενα θίασαμ(νοί π\ην της γυναικός emev αυτη corr ex tiSev αυτήν γυναι pro η γυνή om ecuvoi οι κατήγοροι σου in marg a posteriori manu 11 αυτη in ras και add ατο του νυν 12 αυτοis ο ιησους τ(ριττατηση 14 om υ/ttis St ουκ οιδατ« ποθΐν ΐρχομαι και που υπάγω (sed olim in marg)

8,18 μαρτύρα vtpi «μου in marg a posteriori manu ig om ο2 2θ γαζοφυλακιω

corr ex


φύΚακίΐω 24 ουν in ras om yap 2 j έγνωσαν olim add Se 33 και olim ante απίκριθησαν 39 om av 40 πατρός μου (corr ex 0eou) pro θίου 42 ουν in ras restitut 44 (κ1 add του 48 om ουν 52 53 54 57

γευσηται om συ2 ημών pro υμων ουν in ras

9)3 omo 9 om οτι1 «KUVOS



10 ηνίωχθησαν (corr ex ανβωχθησαν) 11 (μοι (in ras) 15 ηρωτησΐ (corr ex ηρωτων) μου €ττι τουj οφθαλμούς ιό του in ras 20 om αυτοί! 21 eaυτoυ pro αυτου 2 27 ηκουσατΐ corr ex ίπιστ(υσατ€ 28 om ουν 33 Μ eras 40 υμάς pro ημΐΐς ί ο , 6 litt να vocis τινα supra script a posteriori manu 7 om οτι 8 om προ eμου 16 ασιν (litt «j in ras) pro (στιν 22 om τοις

THE BENTON MANUSCRIPT 10, 23 om του σολομωνοί 26 on ουκ (vox οτι et litt κ in ras) pro ου yap om καθαχ ειπον υμιν (sed jortasse olim in marg) 28 litt ει vocis αρπασει in ras 39 ovv supra script ,a posteriori manu 42 eis αυτόν εκει («κει in ras restitut) 11, 8 01 ιουδαίοι λιθασαι 9 om 0 ωραι εισιν 11 ταύτα pro τούτο litt Χα vocis Xafapos supra script 20 om ο 21 om η 24 αυτω add η 32 om αυτου 41 ου ην ο τίθνηκως Kfißevos in marg a posteriori manu 48 litt ευ vocis πιστίυσουσιν in ras restitut litt ν vocis edvos supra script 51 ο eras 54 την eras 57 om και1 12, ι μέρων pro ήμερων 2 ανακειμενων συν pro συνανακειμενων 6 tße\tv corr ex εμεΧΧεν 12 om ο2 13 tXtyov pro εκραζον om ο2 ι8 ηκουσαν (corr ex ηκουσεν) 30 om ο 34 Tis εστίν ovros ο uios του άνθρωπου in marg 35 «os corr ex ios


12,35 36 37 43 44 49

μη add η (in ras) «os corr ex cos επιστευον corr ex επιστευσαν litt reρ vocis ηπερ in ras ουν (in ras) pro δε δεδωκε (litt δ prima in ras restitut) 13, 3 δώωκεν corr ex εδωκεν 4 litt ου vocis του supra script 10 η eras

15 om υμιν2 ποιητί corr ex -ποιείτε 16 ουδε in ras 17 ποιητε corr ex ποιείτε 32 και (a posteriori manu) ante ει 37 om ο 38 φωνηση 14, 3 litt θω vocis πορευθώ in ras α posteriori manu ετοιμασαι pro και ετοιμάσω 14 om hunc versum 15 μου (in ras restitut) pro ras tßas 17 δε α posteriori manu 22 KVpit add και

23 om ο1 3θ om yap (sed olim supra script) om τουτου 15, ι και 1 in ras restitut 6 αυτο (corr ex αυτα) pro αυτα (ls add το 16 ort av (litt τι in ras) fortasse corr ex ο εαν 20 διωξωσιν pro διω!ρυσιν i6,3 om υμιν 4 μνημονευητε corr ex μνημονεύετε, ut videtur 7 yap add ετγω 15 Χαμβανει



1 6 , 2 7 θ(ου in ras 33 exere (corr ίξίΤί 17,




1 9 , 1 6 yyayov 17 τοπον pro τον 20 ο Toiros τη!



23 rasura post εποίησαν (corr ex ποίησαντκ, ut videtur)

ί αυτου i « r a s 2 0 i « ras δίδωκας corr ex tSunas δωσΐί (litt ei t » r a s

αρραφος corr ex αραφος


pro δωση 7 έγνωσαν (corr ex eyvumav) I I ω pro ous

27 ο μαθητης αυτήν 28 ιδων (corr ex eiSus) pro αδωζ

rasura post καθοχ 14 μιαι (litt « in ras 20 τιστΐυοντων

25 κ\οπα (corr ex κλωπα) 26 tie pro ιδου


3 1 η supra manu




litt υ vocis tκανου in ras 34 (υθίως 35 ίστιν αυτου

22 tv ωσι 24 δΐδωκας pro (δωκα$ l 8 , 2 rasura post αυτόν

1 38 om Δ « om 01

rasura post συνηχθη 4 ο olim ante ιησουχ 8 otn 0

39 δΐ in ras ωαι corr ex cos 40 αντο add ev μίτα των corr ex μβτ

I I om σου eSaice 18 om 0

20, 2 ηγαπα pro &f>ihu avroLs add οτι

20 om τη iravTts pro πάντοτε

8 om ουν


25 ηρνησατο add ουν 27 om 0

9 litt ei vocis ηδασαν in ras I I τω μνημαω pro το μνημαον

28 πρωι (rasura post vocem)

14 om 0 I S Φηκ as αυτόν

32 eßfXXev (corr ex 36 om 0 2 37 om O 40 om παντκ 19,6




1 9 συνηγμίνοι in marg 28 om 01 29 om θωμα 1 3 1 om 0 2 1 , 3 ενφησαν

add αυτόν

7 θ(ου υιον I I om 01

I I ανφη

12 ίκραχτγαξον pro ΐκραξον (αυτόν pro αυτόν


corr ex ενφη, ut vide-

tur 12 rasura post


13 τούτον τον \oyov corr τούτων των λόγων 14 ωσπ corr ex ws




14 rasura post τούτο 25 οσα corr ex a litt αι vocis γραφηται in ras