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English Pages 154 [153] Year 1966
The Evolution of Canada's Flora commemorating the founding meeting of
~ Edited by ROY L. TAYLOR and R. A. LUDWIG
Copyright Canada, 1966, by University of Toronto Press Printed in Canada Reprinted in 2018 ISBN 978-1-4875-8254-8 (paper)
Decorations by
THE PAPERS COMPRISING the chapters of this book are the contributions to the colloquium presented to the Founding Meeting of the Canadian Botanical Association held at Carleton University, Ottawa, in May of 1965. Our goal was to highlight the occasion with the presentation of a series of original technical papers on some distinctly Canadian aspect of botany by distinguished Canadian botanical scientists. Canada's flora does not display the richness of a tropical flora nor can it boast the antiquity of an old-world flora. It is, however, unique in its newness, since it began with the last glaciation and is still expanding northward as glaciers recede and climate moderates. We are, in short, witnessing "evolution on the march." What then could be more distinctly Canadian and better mark the historic occasion of the founding than our theme and title, The Evolution of Canada's Flora? One cannot think of the status of botany in Canada without a feeling of admiration for a few devoted pioneer students who laid the foundations of our science as it exists today. To one of these, Frere Marie-Victorin, we respectfully dedicate this volume. We would like to express our appreciation to both the Royal Society of Canada and the National Research Council of Canada for the continued interest and financial assistance which enabled the Canadian Botanical Association to present and publish this colloquium.
President Secretary Canadian Botanical Association R. A. LUDWIG,
Preface v
A. LUDWIG, President, Botanical Association
Secretary, Canadian
3 Personal Recollections of Frere Marie-Victorin MARCEL RAYMOND, Curator, Jardin Botanique de Montreal 12 Phytogeographic Zonation: An Ecological Appreciation J. s. ROWE, Programme Co-ordinator, Tree Biology, Canada Department of Forestry 28 Evolutionary and Phytogeographic Patterns in the Canadian Moss Flora HOWARD CRUM, Curator of Crytogams and Associate Professor of Botany, University of Michigan 43 Reproductive Specialization as a Factor in the Evolution of the Canadian Flora THEODORE MOSQUIN, Research Scientist, Canada Department of Agriculture 66 Aspects of the Late-Pleistocene History of the Canadian Flora J. c. RITCHIE, Associate Professor of Biology, Trent University 81
Movement of Plants under the Influence of Man Professor and Chairman, Centre aetudes nordiques, Universite Laval
100 Development of Marine Benthic Algal Communities on Vancouver Island, British Columbia ROBERT K. s. LEE, Assistant Professor of Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland 121
Vegetative Propagation in Relation to the Aggressiveness of Species T. A. STEEVES, Professor of Biology, University of Saskatchewan; R. T. COUPLAND, Professor and Head of the Department of Plant Ecology, University of Saskatchewan; M. v. s. RAJU, Assistant Professor of Biology, University of Saskatchewan (Regina)
Personal Recollections of Frere Marie-Victorin
IT 1s AN HONOUR AND A PRIVILEGE to address such an eclectic group in a circumstance such as that of the founding of a society of Canadian botanists. This founding meeting is particularly apropos because the plant sciences are playing an increasing role in the expanding Canadian economy, and there are increasing demands for well-qualified botanists to participate in the development of our country's two top industries, forestry and agriculture. It is also a personal pleasure for me to recall to all of you the image of a man who was ahead of his time, a true Canadian, a well-known scientist, a brilliant educator-a man who has left his mark in many fields. He would have loved a gathering such as the present one, because all his active life, he gave so much of his time and energy to various societies, large and well known as well as small and obscure ones, much as he saw that he could promote an interest in and a better knowledge of this very important green world that surrounds us. I cannot forget that it was at his instigation and with his help that I delivered my first botanical lecture quite a while ago. I met frere Marie-Victorin in 1935 in appropriate surroundings. I was travelling with a cousin of mine towards Farnham, in southern Quebec,
when we saw an animated group of people moving about in a bog. Outside of botanists, only blueberry-pickers dare wander through bogs! These people were obviously not berry-pickers but, undoubtedly botanists. I walked towards the group and was met by a tall man with a pleasant face and a wide forehead, wearing the cassock and the split bands of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. This man introduced himself as frere Marie-Victorin. We had exchanged correspondence previously, but this casual meeting was the beginning of our association. It did not last very long, for he died nine years later in 1944. In the early years of our friendship, I was pursuing my classical studies in St-Jean and he would come on Sunday to take me out in the field. I would show him some interesting spots that I had discovered around my hometown and, little by little, we began to realize the importance of the Richelieu Valley as a migration path for several rare species of plants of southern affinity that enter Quebec along this route. Later on, he urged me to come to Montreal to study botany with him, which I did, and in 1943, I joined the staff of the Montreal Botanical Garden as a taxonomist. He was born Conrad Kirouac in April, 1885, at Kingsey Falls, Arthabaska County, in the Eastern Townships, and was one of a family of eleven children, five of whom died in early age. He is still survived by five sisters. His family was of Breton origin with a long Canadian history, for his great-great-grandfather had emigrated to Canada in 1730. When Conrad was still very young, his family moved to Quebec City where his father opened up a profitable grain business. He completed his first studies there and in 1901, when he was sixteen, he entered the community of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. He went through his noviciate at Mont-de-la-Salle, which was located exactly on the site where the Montreal Botanical Garden now stands. Two rows of elms, which we have preserved, date from this period. His health was always delicate and when a physician found out that the young man was suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, strange as it may seem, this special circumstance made a botanist out of him. He had to have a serious operation on one of his lungs-an artificial pneumothorax, to be precise. During his convalescence his superiors asked him to forget about his books and his students for a while, and to take a long rest in the healthy region of St-Jerome, where they had a school. They suggested that he take up a hobby, and they mentioned botany.
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On a pleasant day of spring, the young Marie-Victorin was in a maple grove. He was attracted by the numerous spring-flowering plants that make our woods so lovely at this time of the year. He had a book with him, Provancher's old Flore canadienne ( 1862), but he did not know how to use it. He had in hand a specimen of Erythronium americanum, the Dog's-tooth Violet. Fortunately, a peasant who was passing by gave him the French vernacular name, "ail-douce" ( sweetgarlic). In checking the name in the index of Provancher's book, the revelation of what a Hora is came to him, how you could find the names of plants by dissections, the use of analytical keys, etc. The botanist, Marie-Victorin, was born. Unfortunately, time does not permit us to go through all the details of his wondedul life. At that time, very few people knew about the plants in the province of Quebec, or even in Canada. He started collecting, exchanging specimens, letters, and opinions with American and European botanists, buying books on the subject, and systematically trying to explore the botanical features of his province. More important, he teamed up with a brother of his community, Brother Rolland-Germain, a Burgundian recently arrived in Canada who possessed a keen knowledge of natural history, and the two of them won recognition, both here and abroad, for the wealth of Quebec's Hora. Marie-Victorin and Rolland-Germain botanized in several regions of the Province of Quebec and even went to southern Ontario and eastern New Brunswick. But the most rewarding part of their exploratory work was probably their five trips to the Mingan-Anticosti district and to Gaspe. From 1924 to 1928, they went to the islands off the north shore of the Gulf of St-Lawrence every summer. The Mingan Archipelago offers a strange landscape of calcareous staircases seemingly designed for giants, huge flowerpots, a weird display of fantastic gargoyles, urns, and totem-like pillars. It is also a paradise for botanists. We need only mention Botrychium minga-
nense, Cirsium minganense, Scirpus Rollandii, Solidago Victorinii, Solidago anticostensis, all then new to science, not to mention the
many species that had never been collected east of the Rockies, such as the beautiful Cypripedium passerinum. In Gaspe, frere Marie-Victorin had a most unfortunate adventure: he fell ill and had to be carried down Mount Albert by his guides. His weak heart had once more played a trick on him. He gave up mountain-climbing but went on collecting along the various rivers that How down from the main Gaspesian plateau to the Baie des Chaleurs. There he and Brother Rolland-Germain were rewarded by
the discovery of a new Gentian and an interesting Aster, and they also brought back thousands of herbarium sheets which were distributed to various institutions. In winter, frere Marie-Victorin would take his critical specimens to Harvard University where he submitted them to the scrutiny of his good friend Professor Fernald, the authority on the vascular flora of northeastern North America and the editor of the eighth edition of the well-known Gray's Manual of Botany. Together they discussed the subject of migration of plants, their isolation, and their variation. Frere Marie-Victorin's discoveries became the subject of his technical papers and scientific communications, several of which he delivered to the Royal Society of Canada after he had been elected a fellow in 1924. At first he was in the literary French section but later he was transferred to the biology section. His theories on the origin and evolution of the Quebec flora were presented in an important paper published in 1929, "Le dynamisme clans la B.ore du Quebec." Fortunately for English-speaking botanists, he gave his theories a new form and reconsidered some of his earlier views in a remarkable lecture which he delivered in 1937 at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, entitled "Phytogeographical Problems of Eastern Canada," which was published with beautiful distributional maps and illustrations in the American Midland Naturalist of May, 1938. Of course, several of his theories on the phytogeography of eastern Canada are now outdated. Frere Marie-Victorin was working in the shadow of Professor Fernald and at that time the so-called "nunatak theory" reigned supreme among most northeastern American botanists. Today, we know more about the patterns of distribution of several of the rare and scanty "relics," because collecting has filled gaps. If, for example, one compares the distributional map of a given species drawn by Fernald forty years ago with those recently published by Professor Hulten, in Sweden, one soon realizes that several of these "relic" species fall into definite and well-known patterns. Nevertheless, the "nunatak theory" has been a very stimulating one and there are still some obscure Canadian species of odd and erratic distribution that are difficult to explain without it. Frere Marie-Victorin kept a diary during most of his field trips. It is to be hoped that some day parts of it will be published in book form because they are full of noteworthy observations on remote areas and on peculiar habitats that have been either destroyed or modified, or are still not too well known botanically.
In 1920, he founded the Botanical Institute of the University of Montreal and began to train a staff to help him organize the new department. He continued to teach, lecture, and write. In addition, he launched a series of contributions for exchange with other botanical departments and for a time he was the sole contributor. It is impossible to mention here all the titles of his bibliography. He wrote nearly one hundred papers on botanical subjects. I will mention only his monograph on Quebec ferns ( 1923), Lycopodium ( 1925), Equisetum ( 1926), Liliaceae ( 1929), Aroids ( 1931), his Ooristic studies of Temiscouata (1915), Lake St. John (1925), and Abitibi ( 1942). All this culminated in 1935 in the publication of his Flore laurentienne-a well-illustrated and readable book even for non-botanists, which describes the plants of the upper St. Lawrence Valley. This was the first modern regional flora that included known chromosome numbers for each species. Thanks to Dr. Ernest Rouleau, a new edition of this indispensable book, in a reduced and more practical format, with an up-to-date nomenclature, and with corrections and additions, has recently been published. Outside the botanical field, frere Marie-Victorin was a man of wide interests. He played an important role in improving the teaching of natural history at all levels through his countless articles and lectures. He made a long trip around the world, visiting various institutions and botanical gardens. While travelling in Africa, he had the good fortune of accompanying the famous Father Henri Breuil, the discoverer of the primitive paintings on the walls of the grottos of Lascaux by the Magdalenian men. In turn, this eminent priest was a good friend of a man who is highly esteemed today in intellectual circles for his stimulating views on the origin of life: the Jesuit Father Teilhard de Chardin. Through Father Breuil, frere Marie-Victorin was made aware of Chardin's new theories and he taught them to us 25 years ago at a time when several reactionary educators were afraid of the name itself: evolution. He was a remarkable lecturer, but he was at his best during those informal gatherings when he introduced a group of us to the marvels of the flora of Quebec. Once a week, several people from various walks of life would gather in the basement of the old university on St. Denis Street and later at the Garden, each of them having in hand a copy of his Flore laurentienne. At the beginning of each lecture, frere MarieVictorin would give a special "laius" as he called it. A living plant, either brought from the wild or from the greenhouse, often unusual,
would be in front of him. He would tell us its history, name, use, folklore, etc. This description would be supplemented with slides and herbarium specimens. After that, he would open his Flore and lecture informally on a family, a genus, or even a single species. When the lecture was over, the students and amateurs would bring him some of their specimens either to have them named or to have their identification verified. He would name them and tell his audience whatever he knew about their occurrence, authorship, and history or recall some personal souvenir about them. The same approach was used for the botanical outings for the general public which he occasionally organized. Several of us learned from these field trips to know and like plants. Personally, I think that it is the only way to teach botany. He founded, or had a leading hand in the founding, of societies such as the Young Naturalists Clubs, the Canadian Society of Natural History, the French-Canadian Association for the Advancement of Sciences, and he was himself a member of various botanical societies in United States and abroad. As president of the Canadian Society of Natural History he gave a public lecture every year at which time he usually took the opportunity to discuss an important problem in botany. More often, however, he dealt with questions pertaining to education itself, for example, the teaching of natural history in the upper grades, the founding and activities of Young Naturalists Clubs, and the educational obligations of French~Canadian naturalists. He also called for the creation of an institute of geology in Quebec, a province in which the exploitation of mine resources is very important for its economy, science, and for the Canadian nation as a whole. These lectures were always beautifully written, well delivered, and largely attended. They often caused reactions in the newspapers, both pro and con. Some people of conventional views would get scared. He made himself true friends as well as important enemies. He was not only an educator of great wisdom, but a good fighter in spite of poor and failing health. His goals were high and the results he achieved worth the struggle. In one of his lectures, delivered in 1929, he suggested that a city of the importance of Montreal urgently needed a botanical garden to educate the public by means of displays of the marvels of the vegetable kingdom. While travelling around the world, he had been impressed by beautiful botanical gardens located sometimes in very small cities. Newsmen and politicians became interested. A vigorous campaign backed him up. Work began in 1936 and, apart from the public greenhouses ( these came later), the Garden was opened in 1939 to the general public and to students.
What would he say now, seeing the 200 acres nearly all planted, the nine public greenhouses, the 28 service greenhouses harbouring the third largest collection of tropical plants in the world, the 30-odd sections devoted to various perennial, economical, medicinal, alpine, and aquatic plants; specialized gardens of Iris and H emerocallis; a test garden of annuals; children's gardens? This is not to mention an information service for the general public, distributing free leaflets on horticultural subjects; a working herbarium, a well-balanced library, an exchange service of seeds with other botanical gardens and 57 issues of a series of technical memoirs which are sent to most botanical institutions. It would indeed be a subject of pride if he were to see the thousands of visitors that come every year to see his garden. At the time of the Garden's opening, fn~re Marie-Victorin was finding our Canadian winters harder and harder on him. His health was slowly deteriorating and his sleep was poor. He began to spend three to four months each winter in Cuba, where Brother Leon introduced him to the richness of the flora of the West Indies. There, he botanized, took photographs, notes, sent living material to the garden-we still grow much of it-and wrote three most interesting well-illustrated books in collaboration with Brother Leon: Itineraires botaniques dans l'ile de Cuba. He did not at the same time forget his friends and colleagues in Montreal. I treasure several hand-written letters from this period, full of enthusiasm for the unusual plants he was seeing and the new experiences he was having. A !'intention des collegues et amis d'expression franc;aise, je voudrais rappeler que le frere Marie-Victorin, dont nous honorons Ia memoire aujourd'hui, vingt-et-un ans apres sa mort, n'a pas seulement ete un botaniste eminent, fondateur de tant d'ceuvres admirables qui demeurent, mais aussi un grand educateur, un esprit profond, combatif, a qui nous devons beaucoup dans le domaine de I'enseignement et sur le plan de !'education. Je suis convaincu que l'actuelle revolution tranquille ne l'aurait pas effraye, bien que la pointe d'atheisme qui l'accompagne quelquefois, l'aurait sans doute chagrine, car c'etait un esprit profondement religieux. J e voudrais rappeler ces beaux discours qu'il prononc;ait chaque annee, alors qu'il etait president de la Societe canadienne d'histoire naturelle, et ou les themes de I'enseignement des sciences et I'education en general etaient presentes par lui clans de nouvelles perspectives qui comblaient les uns et deconcertaie.nt les autres. On Jui en savait gre ou on lui faisait grise mine. Je ne voudrais pas oublier non plus que le frere Marie-Victorin a joue un role dans nos lettres canadiennes-franc;aises. Sans doute, des
c:euvres comme les Recits laurentiens et les Croquis laurentiens, bien qu'encore de lecture charmante, sont aujourd'hui peut-etre un peu depassees. Sa veritable action je la vois ailleurs. Par exemple, a I'occasion de la publication par l'abbe Felix-Antoine Savard, de Menaud, maitregraveur, ii en fit, dans un discours presidentiel a l'ACFAS une longue et intelligente analyse. Le role qu'y jouaient la nature et particulierement les plantes I'emerveillait. II en profita pour demander a nos poetes et romanciers de cesser de s'inspirer des cadres franc;ais et de la fl ore franc;aise, d'ailleurs empruntes aux romanciers franc;ais, et de se mettre a I'ecole de la route pour donner du Quebec un cadre digne de ceux qui l'habitent. On sait qu'il existe peu de races humaines veritables au sens biologique du mot. Mais au cours des temps, les melanges de sangs, les brassages ethniques divers, les transhumances, migrations et guerres operent a la longue une sorte de selection et finissent par grouper les individus ayant ensemble un certain nombre de souvenirs communs, d'aspirations et de desirs, developpes par un certain paysage, !'absence ou la presence de la montagne ou de la mer, la couleur du ciel ou la nature du sol. C'est ainsi qu'un jour, l'individu qui incarne le mieux les qualites d'ame, les experiences ancestrales OU les aptitudes du groupement, se met a chanter OU a ecrire. L'ame de ce peuple sort. Sa litterature est nee. Mais il demeure difficile a un rameau detache du tronc franc;ais et transplante ailleurs de vivre une aventure litteraire personnelle, tant est grande la tentation d'imiter ce qui se fait de mieux en France. C'est un peu ce qui etait arrive a nos poetes et romanciers canadiens qui ne regardaient pas la nature qui les entourait, mais empruntaient plutot a un Bordeaux OU a un Bazin la paleur des lis immacules et le parfum de !'humble violette, la bruyere de la lande et la gentiane des Hautes-Alpes. II est vrai que le gouvernement quebecois nous a donne le lis candide comme fleur emblematique. Rassurez-vous : la candeur n'est que de leur cote et aussi un peu !'ignorance. ]'imagine la belle colere qu'eut faite MarieNictorin. Mais laissons ce propos. L'auteur de la Flore laurentienne vit dans Menaud, maitre-graveur une sorte de rapatriement de notre flore et ii disait a ceux qu'effrayaient les noms de plantes cites par l'abbe Savard : Mais si ces "mots", que !'on veut pourfendre, sont tout simplement les vocables vrais qui designent des etres qui nous entourent et que nous frolons tout le jour sans leur demander jamais : Qui es-tu ? Alors, halte-la ! 11 faut bien que quelqu'un commence a balbutier !'alphabet propre du pays laurentien I Et si l'ecrivain frarn;ais
peut, sans ridicule, parler de primeveres et de bruyeres, de thym et de marjolaine, pourquoi I'ecrivain canadien craindrait-il d'appeler les choses de son pays par leur juste nom, puisqu'elles en ont un ? Pourquoi ne situerait-il pas ses personnages clans cet universe! et specilique decor de la foret laurentienne et de ses abords, clans "ces paysages coupes de tourbieres et de broussailles," parmi "les aralies et Ies fougeres," '1es kalmies enchevetres et gluants," le "long des sureaux rouges et des amelanchiers noirs," "des talles de harts rouges, de trembles gris-verts et des vemes dont Ies chatons annoncent le printemps?"
At least three books have been written on frere Marie-Victorin, a mountain range in the center of Ungava has been named after him, a boulevard travelling from Longueuil to Quebec also bears his name and it is always a shock for me when I wait for a bus at the head of Jacques-Cartier bridge to see one coming bearing the trivial information "Beaurivage-via Marie-Victorin." His monument in the Montreal Botanical Garden, the Garden itself, and of course all those species of plants either growing in Quebec or Cuba which he named or were named after him, as well as his numerous articles, essays, monographs, and books, will for centuries to come preserve the name of a great man.
Phytogeographic Zonation: An Ecological Appreciation
TRAVELLERS OUGHT ALWAYS TO BE BOTANISTS, said Darwin, for it is the plants that everywhere give character to the landscape. The thought is happily realized in the present gathering, and increasingly its message is appropriate for all North Americans with their penchant for migrating southward in the winter, northward or to the seas and lakes in the summer, and in all directions at all seasons to attend conventions and meetings, in these perambulations frequently covering great distances and encountering striking variations in the earth's green cover. Among botanists interest in the landscape is nurtured by a dual affection, for plants themselves and for the patterns that they form together in nature. All of us recall the pleasure of discovering beautiful wild plants; perhaps a solitary pink Calypso waving on the dark floor of a western larch forest, the first spring Anemones on a prairie hill, Trilliums under the green haze of leafing maples. Just as appealing, though more intellectual because more abstract, is the pattern aspect of vegetation. Some of you have come in from the far west or east, viewing from the air the intriguing designs of conifer-covered mountains, grassed valleys and plains, moss barrens, mixed evergreen-anddeciduous woodlands: a variegated landscape more and more touched with evidence of man's presence. Despite local defacement the prospect
remains ever attractive and cannot fail to stimulate interest in perceptive minds, raising questions about the inter-relationships of living things, present and past, at the thin, excited interface where air and fire meet earth and water. Here are the two sides of phytogeography: the fioristic with its taxonomic and chorologic interest in the distributions and ranges of plants, and the vegetational with its ecological concern for the areal extent of plant groupings and their relationships to other geographic phenomena. In this paper I shall consider the relationships of the two -for both are closely related historically and conceptually-taking examples from the forest vegetation and the tree flora with which I am most familiar. Along the way I shall examine some perennial problems, particularly those pertaining to phytogeographic boundaries, and finally I shall emphasize that a greater depth of focus which brings into the picture the total landscape and not only its superficial covering opens up a more stimulating and useful prospect for those with a bent toward phytogeography.
First a review of the broad zonation or regionalization of Canada's vegetation, generally pictured in a number of large divisions or "formations" which differ from one another in dominant growth forms and in environment. These extensive landscape units or geographic ecosystems have long been known from the descriptions of such plant geographers as Harshberger ( 12), Macoun and Malte ( 20), Weaver and Clements (31), and Halliday (8), to mention a few. In the following brief survey I shall follow Halliday's divisions, although others might equally well be used. Any description of the vegetation of this country should start with the Boreal Forest, Canada's most widespread and typical landscape, which extends in a broad belt from the Yukon to Newfoundland and touches on most of the other formations. It is predominantly a coniferous forest, mossy floored or with low herbs and shrubs, interspersed with extensive lakes and organic terrain. Fir-spruce is the typical expression in the east, spruce-pine-aspen in the west. Northward, the Boreal Forest grades through a subarctic savanna of lichen-woodland and a mosaic of forest-and-tundra patches ( the "hemiarctique" of Rousseau, 26) into the arctic plains; southward, in the Prairie Provinces, it passed into the open prairie through analogous zones, the best expressed being the mosaic aspen-and-prairie "parkland."
14 J.
To the north and south of the Boreal Forest, the Tundra and the Prairie resemble one another in their treeless physiognomy. Also comparable between the two are the vegetational gradients which extend away from the Forest, in the Tundra showing a reduction in species numbers and in cover from the low to the high arctic, and in the Prairie a similar change but in the opposite direction from tall dense grassland on the north and east borders to low, sparse cover in the south and west. Just as the lowlands and sheltered places in the arctic are conspicuous as the favoured plant habitat, so are the depressions of the prairies clothed with willows and shrubby growth. River valleys that, as protected ribbons of warmth, carry Boreal Forest species far into the Tundra, function in the south as protected avenues of moistness and coolness, allowing penetration of many of the same species deep into the plains. The Subalpine Forest in the southern two-thirds of British Columbia and the adjacent highlands of Alberta is the mountain counterpart of the Boreal Forest; indeed, it has recently become almost consanguinous thanks to the activities of taxonomists ( Boivin, 2, and Taylor, 30) who propose to treat Abies lasiocarpa as a subspecies of Abies balsamea, and Picea engelmannii as a subspecies of Picea glauca. However, lodgepole pine ( Pinus contorta latifolia) has so far maintained its specific identity apart from jack pine ( P. Banksuma), and the formation is also distinguished by the relative unimportance of poplars, birches, and black spruce ( Picea mariana), as well as by a unique western flora. The temperate coniferous Coast Forest along the mild Pacific shore has a counterpart too: the Columbia Forest of the interior "wet belt." Each consists of a matrix of western hemlock ( Tsuga heterophylla), cedar ( Thufa plicata), and Douglas fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii); but the Coast Forest, in addition to its more massive trees which reflect a particularly favourable milieu, is typified by a number of distinctive companion species, such as Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis) and amabilis fir ( Abies amabilis). In turn, the Columbia Forest has its own complement of characteristic species, for example the western larch ( Larix occidentalis) . A fourth Cordilleran landscape is the Plateau Montane Forest of British Columbia, lying in the rain shadow of the high coastal and interior mountains. It severely tests easy descriptions of "formations," for into its composition enter species that by association, and perhaps too glibly, are designated as Boreal (Picea glauca), Subalpine (Abies lasiocarpa), Coastal ( Pseudotsuga menziesii, the inland variety), and
Columbian ( Larix occidentali,s). Only in the southern part has it a unique dominant, the ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa). Crossing the continent, the Deciduous Forest of southern Ontario stands out as a distinctive formation, with its summer-moist climate, its low content of evergreens, and its mixture of mesophytic species in which oaks, hickories, ashes, and other broad-leaved "hardwoods" are richly represented. Between it and the Boreal Forest appears the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Forest and farther east the similar Acadian Forest in the Maritime Provinces. Formerly, an assumed fidelity of red spruce ( Picea rubens) to the Atlantic region suggested recognition of the Acadian Forest as a separate formation, but now its main support is the wedge of terra incognita ( the State of Maine) intruding from the south, a blank area on the map that creates a neat discontinuity! As in the British Columbia Montane Forest, a mixture of lifeforms and species complicates categorization of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence-Acadian landscape. The simple solution is to designate it as "transitional between Boreal and Deciduous Forests." Here is a good place to examine more closely the relationship between a particular vegetation zone and the species that characterize it. FORMATIONS AND SPECIES
This general landscape in which at Ottawa we find ourselves, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Forest, has attracted the interest of many students. One of the best known is Nichols ( 22) who at first interpreted the vegetation as an intermediate between the Deciduous and the Boreal evergreen (taiga) formations but later revised his opinion and proposed a separate formation: the "Hemlock-White Pine-Northern Hardwood Forest," or more briefly the "Eastern Hemlock Forest" from its most typical member. Reviewing earlier studies he pointed out that four or five important trees are practically confined to the region ( hemlock, white pine, yellow birch, red pine, and "perhaps red spruce") and that several others obviously belonged by virtue of having their centres of north-south distribution within the region or immediately to the south of it ( sugar maple, basswood, and northern red oak). Some obvious difficulties were recognized, such as the necessity of making a place in the "climax" for species which, though prominent here, are even more so in the north ( balsam fir and white spruce) and in the south ( beech, elm, and white ash), but presumably as a counterbalance Nichols pointed out that many other species important to the north and south were not present!
To illustrate the centre or "core" of the formation, Nichols superimposed the ranges of the four "endemic" tree species, and those of three other distinctive trees, thus revealing "the eastern hemlock region as the area of greatest concentration for the two groups of trees concerned." Note the circularity; the region having been identified by a particular complement of species is then revealed as the area of greatest concentration of them. One looks in vain for a discussion of boundaries; Nichols' maps show no exact coincidence between ranges of the key species, nor between formation boundaries and species range boundaries. The question of boundaries is raised in no spirit of narrow or carping criticism but to illustrate an essential point relevant to all areal "units" of vegetation, viz., that description and classification, in terms of particular combinations and abundances of species at centres of area, is easy and appealing, but bounding the "units" is not. The reason is a floristic one: every species while sharing area with others has its unique pattern of prominence and distribution. Therefore each "core" of overlapped species, described in terms of the presence and prominence of the juxtaposed plants, has theoretically as many possible boundaries as there are species. Cores can be typified in general terms but boundary lines demand attention to particulars, unless of course they simply split the difference between adjacent cores and are purposely left vague. Gilmour and Walters ( 5) have recently contrasted two kinds of classification: the "typological," based on general family resemblances but vague as to boundaries, and the "definitional," based on specific criteria. Vegetation lends itself better to the former than to the latter, and not without reason is the classification of vegetation sometimes called "typology." As is often the case, the two possible approaches appeal to different kinds of minds, exemplified today by the confrontation of those students of vegetation satisfied with general compositional similarities and those demanding exactitude, of those who select and sample cores and those who search for boundaries and find only gradients of varying steepness, of those who typify and those who ordinate as a means of sharpening the definition of their stand samples. In parenthesis, an understanding of classification and particularly of its purposive nature would long ago have solved some of the major disagreements pertaining to vegetation and its taxonomy. Gleason ( 6), much quoted by anti-typologists, has suggested that "a precisely logical classification of stands of vegetation is impossible because no two communities are precisely alike," a statement that can be interpreted as meaning that no two communities are sufficiently alike
to meet his rigid definitional standards. A pertinent aspect that has not, so far as I know, been explored is that relating classifiability to the scale at which vegetation is viewed. If a large and complex geographic area is divided and subdivided again and again, the possibilities for establishing a "precisely logical classification" are increased with each division which reduces the scale of the differences between units. Indeed, Gleason ( 6) admitted that similar vegetation did occur within a limited space, i.e., on small contiguous areas; he rested his argument for the individuality of communities by reference to the broad regional scene. In brief, those whose sample areas are large will inevitably discover uniqueness; those whose sample areas are small, numerous, and in the same vicinity are more apt to discover that essential of classification, acceptable alikeness. To return to boundaries: the problem is, of the many possible boundaries are some "better" than others? Much depends on presuppositions of importance; what seems meaningful to one may not seem so to another. Where vegetational life-form changes abruptly, as where forest meets prairie, there seems to be a "natural" boundary-especially if it is thought to be statically fixed. On the other hand, in areas of broad and gradual transition the element of human decision in setting boundaries is obvious; for example, the placing of the line between the Boreal and Subarctic forest vegetations where 10 per cent or 50 per cent of the surface bears lichen-woodland ( Hare and Taylor, 10). Between these extremes are the many boundaries which, partly depending on scale, appear to represent something more than chance; for example, the northern edge of the Deciduous formation in southern Ontario where a dozen or so "Carolinian" broad-leaved trees and numerous minor plants reach approximately the same limit ( Soper, 29), or the southern edge of the Boreal formation marked in the east by the range limits of such trees as red pine, white pine, and red oak ( the "limes labradoricus" or southern "main tree-line" of H ustich, 14). Some of the problems of boundary significance are illuminated by a consideration of the ranges of plants and of the reasons why they are where they are. Let us next examine two influences-migration history and fire-in relation to floristic phytogeography.
Taking a large view of the country and using the native tree flora as a yardstick, it is apparent that in Canada there are two centres of
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species richness: southern British Columbia with a preponderance of conifers, and southern Ontario with a preponderance of broadleaved trees. From these centres, numbers of species decrease toward the centre of the country and from south to north. For example, in approximate figures there are 30 tree species in British Columbia, 20 in Alberta ( including the Rockies), and 10 in Saskatchewan. In southern Ontario there are perhaps 75 native tree species, with about 50 at the latitude of Ottawa and Montreal, half this number (25) in the Clay Belt, and again half as many ( 12) near James Bay. These gradients of decreasing numbers of species parallel, to some extent, gradients of decreasing environmental favourability, but more than this they reflect differing abilities to migrate rapidly, to compete, and to adapt during the relatively short period that the land has been exposed since the Ice Age. The glaciated surface of Canada is young, opened in the last 10,000 years or so to invasion. As a general and somewhat oversimplified picture, the species present in the far north-white spruce, black spruce, tamarack, birch, poplar, willows-are the "weeds," the fast travellers, with light, wind-borne or water-borne seeds. Small-fruited genera such as Prunus and Sorbus have doubtless been carried into the subarctic by birds. In lower latitudes many species are larger seeded, slower migrators; the pines, maples, basswood, for example. Farthest south are the large-seeded trees: the oaks, hickories, walnut, butternut, distributed by animals at a still slower pace. Godwin ( 7) has discussed the palynological evidence of such differential tree migration in the British Isles, pointing out that the trees dominating the lowest pollen zones, the birch and pine, are light-seeded plants capable of quicker spread than the heavy-seeded elements of the mixed-oak forest of the later zones. Drury's ( 4) analogy is pertinent: "The great vegetation zones of the north are perhaps best thought of as temporarily exaggerated in their segregation, as though in a great natural experiment resembling paper chromatography." Two points are worth noting. One is that the surficial materials, newly exposed immediately after the recession of ice and water, were not inimical to the invasion of many plants. In the vicinity of Ottawa today the "raw" mineral soils exposed by gully-erosion of the Champlain Sea clays are rapidly colonized by spruce, cedar, hemlock, white pine, aspen, and birch. It may be that the fresh, unweathered soils, permeable and lacking the clay pan structures that developed later by weathering and leaching, provided the optimum rooting medium for a host of upland species that streamed northward with or ahead of
the light-seeded conifers and intolerant broad-leaved trees. The second point is the manifest speed with which the invasion must have taken place. Spruce in the Keewatin District, more than a thousand miles from the nearest unglaciated refugia, presumably averaged a rate of at least a mile every ten years ( 3 or 4 miles per generation) in order to reach that area today. The abilities displayed to travel without mycorrhizal symbionts, and to acclimatize rapidly to changing day-length and temperature during this long trip, raise important questions that cannot be explored here. The initial surge of invasion by species that favour open soils must have been succeeded by a phase of competition and partial or total elimination as the dominants consolidated their cover and as soils weathered and changed in nutrient regime and in moisture retentivity. Perhaps the various patches of prairie found deep within the northern and eastern formations can be explained as relicts of a much earlier and wider spread. However, where the first invaders were tree species, themselves dominating life-forms, the process of elimination and replacement must have proceeded comparatively slowly. Eastern white cedar ( Thu;a occidentalis) around Hudson Bay and red pine ( Pinus resinosa) in Newfoundland may be examples of species whose ranges have been considerably reduced by more aggressive competitors. But the northernmost trees have held their own. After all, the major factor in competition is getting there first, of pre-empting space in soil and air, and by that pre-emption excluding later arrivals. Once the Boreal species invaded and took over the north they perforce limited to the south the slower travellers' ranges. There is a tendency to accept the present distributions of species as fixed, nicely adjusted in a state of equilibrium, possessing therefore a special significance that awaits discovery in relation to soil or to climate. For example, the species that we call "Boreal" seem to belong naturally in the cold north. Surprise is natural when fossil parts of white spruce and tamarack are discovered in Pleistocene sediments in the southern States-evidence that they grew some 800 miles south of their present limits-and a climatic and zonal displacement is immediately postulated. Zoologists are tougher-minded: the bones of elephants and bears in southern Saskatchewan are not interpreted as indicating former tropical and montane climates, but as meaning that mammoths and grizzlies once roamed there, adapted to a climate not unlike the present one, and that these particular ecotypes disappeared. We cannot imagine what vegetation patterns would prevail if, without climatic change, the surface of Canada were to remain
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ice free for 10,000 years more, but it is certain that the ranges of species and the consequent phytogeographic zonation would not remain as they are today. SPECIES RANGES AND FIRE
One of the important environmental determinants of the ranges of species is fire, either acting directly to eliminate plants or indirectly to clear the ground of established cover and initiate a new cycle of immigration and competition. Almost all the native vegetation of Canada shows the influence of fl.re. The Boreal Forest is the "fire forest" par excellence, at least in most of its parts. While its regional diversity appears to depend primarily on the moisture retentivity of the soils, the effects of frequency and intensity of fires ( related to regularity of the precipitation pattern during the spring-to-autumn season) clearly exerts an additional control. Selection has been for species that can sprout or disseminate seed widely following burning. The basic pattern shows a dominance on the well-drained sites by balsam fir in Newfoundland and along the Quebec north shore, changing to the dominance of white spruce in Manitoba and westward, with black spruce and tamarack forming the forests on peats, and jack pine usually on excessively drained soils except in the extreme east where it is absent. Inextricably woven into the pattern are the effects of fires which in the east favour black spruce, birch, and jack pine over balsam fir, and in the west give the advantage to aspen, jack pine, black spruce, and birch over white spruce. Northward the Boreal belt is dominated by black spruce, reflecting both the increase in frequency of wet peaty substrata and the prevalence of fire. Southward where irregular rainfall also sets the stage for fire, the soils are better drained and black spruce is unimportant compared to jack pine, aspen, and white spruce. A "mass effect" in regeneration should be noted, whereby species present in abundance before disturbance are at an advantage in extending their distributions afterward; this explains the tendency in areas of extensive peaty lowlands, especially in the north, for black spruce to dominate the upland sites following repeated fires. The impress of fire can also be seen in most of the other formations; even in the Deciduous Forest it has doubtless played a role in perpetuating, for example, the oaks. In the Great Lakes-St. LawrenceAcadian Forest the prominence of evergreens, especially the characteristic red pine and white pine, can be traced to fire history. The typical
coniferous expression of the Cordilleran forests shows fire control, as would be expected in the summer-dry west. Even the "wet" Pacific coast forests burn periodically, and Schmidt ( 28) has shown conclusively that the distribution of Douglas fir, altitudinally and latitudinally, is directly related to this form of disturbance. Perhaps most instructive are the southern and northern boundaries of the Boreal Forest in west-central Canada, where there is strong evidence that the positions of the tree-lines are set by fire. That this is so for the forest-prairie boundary can hardly be doubted. In competition with woody vegetation, grass lands are maintained and extended by repeated fires, and Bird ( 1) has documented both the history of burning and the southward shift of the forest when, at the beginning of the century, agricultural development reduced the incidence of fires in the Canadian west. Just where the southern tree-line would stabilize itself in the absence of fire is not known, but there are some, such as Wells (32), who suggest that the forest, now confined within the grasslands to valleys and to relatively fire-proof rock outcrops, scarps, and sandhill crests, would engulf the prairie. A forest formation of Populus, Picea, Quercus, Pinus, Juniperus, and Celtis where now the cereals and native grasses wave is an intriguing but not farfetched idea. Incidentally, acceptance of the important role of fire within the forest casts a different light on forest "stability." The stable parts are the topographically "fire proof' loci-open sand hills, rock ridges, and wet lands. And what of the northern forest boundary, the arctic tree-line? Students of the subarctic mention the prevalence of fire; e.g., Lutz ( 18), Hare and Taylor ( 10), Hustich ( 15), but there is less mention of it in the arctic. This may only mean that, as in other treeless vegetation such as the southern grassland, fire leaves few conspicuous traces. Ritchie ( 24) pointed out that at least some of the "tundra" vegetation within the forest-tundra transition in northern Manitoba occupied sites where fire had removed the tree cover, and indeed the prominent life-forms of the north-graminoid and ericoid-are strongly suggestive of fire history. Man has not lacked an incentive to burn the tundra and subarctic forests as Lutz ( 19) has shown, and man using fire has been on this continent for at least 30,000 years. Discovery of tree remains north of the present tree-line are usually taken to indicate a climatic deterioration and a retreat of the forest southward, but when the remains include charred wood ( Bryson et al., 3), it may not be necessary to invoke the palaeoecologist's deus ex machina, climatic change.
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Where species of similar growth forms are mixed together it is difficult to observe evidences of instability. The popularity among geobotanists of "timber-lines" on mountains, and of "tree-lines" at the edges of tundra and of prairie, stems from the ease with which individuals of the arboreal species, conspicuously outlined against a vegetation of different life-form, can be accurately located and studied. This does not, however, confer greater "significance" on the conspicuous "tree-lines" than on the thousands of other plant range limits that lie hidden from view in the matrix of a more homogeneous vegetation. There are at least 75 tree-lines in Ontario, each one as significant or insignificant as the next. What the conspicuous tree-lines do show of importance is that species' ranges are actively changing today, and not in response to climatic change. There is no reason to believe that the observable disequilibrium is unique or even rare; probably all species are shifting this way and that, at different speeds determined by opportunity and by rate of evolutionary change. The conclusion is that the ranges of plants frequently reflect a chance history of migration related to the vagaries of opportunity, competition, and disturbances such as fire. Similarly, vegetationthe observable areal aggregations of plants-contains an element of chance, and expresses in its more or less haphazard groupings the continuing, dynamic evolution and migration of plants. Therefore it is a mistake to look for close relationships between plant distributions and climate or soils. PHYTOGEOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE
A favourite pastime of phytogeographers is seeking the climatic determinants of the ranges of plants and of the zonations of vegetation. The idea that climate exerts the master control over the distribution of the various forms of earth life is rarely challenged because it seems so plausible. It is a matter of experience that proceeding north or south, up to the high lands or down to the low, the patterns of vegetation change and so obviously does climate. Also, we turn the pages of our atlases and find that climatic boundaries do indeed match vegetational boundaries ( the atlases do not report the extent to which climatologists and botanists use each other's maps). Furthermore, because "climate" is an abstract category, comprehending a mixed bag of inter-related factors which impinge on or act over the earth's surface, it has a satisfying capacity to explain everything. When one parameter is tried and found wanting, for example, "temperature" as used by
Merriam ( 21) to bound the North American life-zones, another one appears in its place, for example, "thermal efficiency" as used by Hare (9) to bound the Boreal subzones in Quebec-Labrador. Plants are infinitely variable, adapting by ecotypic differentiation to a spectrum of environments. Common sense tells us that a PiceaLarix stand in Ungava exists in a different climate than a Picea-Larix stand in the Yukon or a Picea-Larix stand in southern Manitoba, and that if climate "controls" all three then climate has no sharp meaning. But beyond this fuzziness in concept there is a basic fallacy in climatic determinism; the distributions of plants and of plant aggregations depend not only on climate but also, as previously pointed out, on history and on physiography, on the age of the land and the nature of its surface, on opportunities for migration, on competition and disturbances. Ecological studies have amply demonstrated that the controls over plant distributions are both ecosystematic and historical; all lesser apparent controls are coincidental. The converse is also true; phytogeographic boundaries do not mark climatic boundaries. To map climates on the basis of vegetation is illogical; vegetation zones are vegetation zones, not bioclimatic zones. Just as illogical is the attempt to define "natural" regional boundaries on the basis of former vegetation patterns, traced out with painstaking labour through study of old surveys and other historical records. To reconstruct the vegetation as it used to be 100, 200, or 1,000 years ago may have various values, but a better understanding of the potential of the land, or of presumed "natural" climatic or soil boundaries, is not among them. To go back in time is not necessarily to find greater stability, a more perfect fit of vegetation to climate and soils, but perhaps less. Instability in nature is a fact that must be recognized ( Raup, 23); it is a tragedy that such an untidy fact should have dispatched the neat theory of "climax."
The main problems of phytogeography relate to range limits and vegetational boundaries. From the vast and complex patterns of plant cover on the land surface, vegetational units of various sizes can be identified according to purpose and the scale appropriate to each purpose. Using the formations as examples, I have suggested that vegetation can be typified with ease in terms of characteristic species visible at the "core" but bounded with difficulty due to its aggregate nature.
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Further, when the various floristic boundaries are examined it is found that they are frequently haphazard, related indirectly if at all to the limitations of specific environmental factors, and casting in doubt the popular assumption of close correlation between climate and the geographic positions of either individual species or of communities of species. What then can be inferred where clear vegetational boundaries, i.e., coincidences of distributions or ranges of species, do appear? The explanation may relate to the vagaries of migration, groups of species having travelled at approximately the same rate of speed to reach a certain line in space at the same time. Or a dominant life-form may bring along with it a group of dependent species, the limits of the dominant then marking a distinct vegetational boundary. Or again, a line separating dissimilar vegetational communities may mark the limits of a past disturbance, such as fire or insect attack. However, there is one kind of vegetational boundary of broad significance, thereby rating the epithet "natural"; it is the boundary that is aligned with a physiographic boundary, a change in "landform" ( the term being here used to include geological composition and structure as well as form of the earth's surface layer). Landform is the basic component of the landscape, the "parent" of the soil developed below its surface and of the topoclimate developed above, selecting and controlling, through its control of soil and local climate, the composition and structure of the community of living things that inhabits it. Therefore any sharp limits of landform units always mark actual or potential boundaries of soils, climate, and vegetation. Conversely, soil and vegetation may indicate where biologically significant boundaries between intergrading landforms should be placed. The ecological importance of landform suggests one answer to the problem of dividing up the frequently diffuse, erratic, or fluctuating patterns of plant cover, namely, to relate the vegetation and its boundaries to landforms and their boundaries. This exercise, which may be called "grounding" the vegetation, is guaranteed to give it a substantiality and meaning otherwise lacking. There are sound theoretical reasons for this assertion. The landscape is an ecological system and can be conceived as a pattern of intergrading ecosystem units, each terrestrial one consisting of an earth layer ( landform-soil and its biota) plus a superimposed air layer ( climate and the visible plant and animal community). Every ecosystem unit or land unit is an open but functional system. Vegetation on the other hand is no system; it is a component, a class based on
common occupancy of the ecosystem "box," lacking functional relations save through the ecosystem's two layers-land and air-in which its member plants are embedded. This is the basis for the assertion that "vegetation has no physiology and is therefore an incomplete and unsatisfactory object of scientific study" ( Rowe, 27), even though it has spatial attributes which allow its description and classification. In other words, the study of vegetational phytogeography-or in even broader terms, the study of biotic communities as communities and not as ecosystems-has limited value, fascinating though it may be. The ecosystem concept is popular today but unassimilated. Many ecologists, I regret to say, tip their hats to it and return to a scholastic phytosociology. "Too difficult to apply," runs the argument, and certainly its application requires a widening of interest beyond plants and vegetation to other geographic disciplines. The possibilities, however, are indicated by several geobotanical reconnaissances of northern Canada made in recent years, strongly oriented to the vegetation but with ecosystematic overtones: the study and mapping of Labrador-Ungava by Hare ( 11) and his associates at McGill University, and the study and mapping of northern Manitoba by Ritchie (25) at the University of Manitoba. In both studies a broad interest in the geographic landscape is expressed, with concurrent attention to plant cover and to landform; both studies demonstrate the importance and ecological significance of physiographic boundaries. The synthesis of vegetation and landform is perhaps best expressed and carried to its logical end in the landscape classifications developed by foresters in Canada, for example by Hills ( 13) with recent examples by Jurdant ( 16) and Lacate ( 17). The methods rely on use of aerial photographs to survey the landscape, matching the patterns of vegetation and landform to define morphological land units of consistent geological structure, topography, soils, and vegetation. In this, phytogeography plays an important though not dominant role, making a contribution both to land classification and to interpretations of potential land use. In conclusion, the subject of phytogeographic zonation raises problems relating to the distributions of plant species and to coincidences of their ranges. Boundaries between different vegetational areas are rarely presented in nature with satisfying precision, and an understanding of geographical history and of plant ecology shows why this is necessarily so. Man sets boundaries to geographic phenomena according to purpose and appropriate scale; choice and a sense of importance are implicit in the lines that he draws on maps. As
"vegetation" is an abstract concept compared to the substantiality of the landscape ecosystem, units of the former and their boundaries will be especially significant if related to the latter. A noted geographer recently remarked that geographers in general are not habituated to the idea of being useful, and presumably phytogeographers are no exception. Nevertheless, being useful has its virtues, and phytogeography in the context of "ecosystemology"-of landscape study, inventory, and land management-can look ahead to a virtuous and meaningful future.
1. BIRD, R. D. 1961. Ecology of the aspen parkland. Can. Dept. Agr. Res. Br. Puhl. 1066. 2. BoivIN, B. 1959. Abies balsamea (Linne) Miller et ses variations. Nat. Can. 86: 219-223. 3. BRYSON, R. A., W. N. IRVING, and J. A. LARSEN. 1965. Radiocarbon and soil evidence of former forest in the southern Canadian Tundra. Science, 147: 46-48. 4. OURY, W. H. 1956. Bog flats and physiographic processes in the upper Kuskokwim River Region, Alaska. Contr. Gray Herb. No. 178. 5. GILMOUR, J. S. L., and S. M. WALTERS. 1964. Philosophy and classification. In W. B. TURRILL, ed., Vistas in Botany 4: 1-22. 6. GLEASON, H. A. 1939. The individualistic concept of the plant association. Am. Midi. Nat. 21: 92-108. 7. GonwIN, H. 1956. The History of the British Flora. Cambridge Univ. Press. 384 pp. 8. HALLIDAY, W. E. D. 1937. A forest classification for Canada. Forest Service Bull. 89: Can. Dept. Mines and Resources. 9. HARE, F. K. 1950. Climate and zonal divisions of the boreal forest formation in eastern Canada. Geograph. Rev. 40: 615-635. 10. - - - 1959. A photo-reconnaissance survey of Labrador-Ungava. Memoir 6, Geograph. Br. Dept. Mines and Tech. Surv., Ottawa. 11. Hare, F. K., and R. G. Taylor. 1956. The position of certain forest boundaries in southern Labrador-Ungava. Geograph. Bull. No. 8, Can. Dept. Mines and Tech. Surv. 12. HARSHBERGER, J. W. 1911. Phytogeographic Survey of North America. G. E. Stechert & Co., New York. 790 pp. 13. HILLS, G. A. 1961. The ecological basis for land-use planning. Ont. Dept. Lands and Forests, Res. Rept. No. 46. 204 pp. 14. HusncH, I. 1949. On the forest geography of the Labrador Peninsula: A preliminary synthesis. Acta Geographica 10: 1-63. 15. - - 1957. On the phytogeography of the subarctic Hudson Bay lowland. Acta Geographica 16: 1-48. 16. JURDANT, M. 1964. Photo interpretation and forest land classification. Woodlands Rev. Sec., Pulp and Paper Mag. of Canada, Oct. 1964. Forest Res. Br., Contr. No. 634. 17. LACATE, D. S. 1965. Forest land classification for the University of British Columbia Research Forest. Forest Res. Br., Dept. of Forestry, Pub!. No. 1107.
18. Lurz, H. J. 1956. Ecological effects of forest fires in the interior of Alaska. U.S.D.A., Tech. Bull. No. 1133. 19. - - - 1959. Aboriginal man and white man as historical causes of fires in the boreal forest, with particular reference to Alaska. Yale Univ. School of Forestry, Bull. No. 65. 20. MACOUN, J. M., and M. 0. MALTE. 1917. The Hora of Canada. Can. Dept. of Mines. Geol. Surv. Mus. Bull. No. 26, 14 pp. 21. MERRIAM, C. H. 1898. Life zones and crop zones of the United States. U.S.D.A., Div. Biol. Surv., Bull. No. 10: 9-79. 22. NICHOLS, G. E. 1935. The hemlock-white pine-northern hardwood region of eastern North America. Ecology 16: 403--422. 23. RAUP, H. M. 1964. Some problems in ecological theory and their relation to conservation. J. Ecol. 52 (Suppl.) : 19-28. 24. RITCHIE, J.C. 1960. The vegetation of northern Manitoba: IV, The Caribou Lake Region. Can. J. Botany 38: 185-199. 25. - - 1962. A geobotanical survey of Northern Manitoba. Arctic Institute of North America, Tech. Pap. No. 9: 1-46. 26. RoussEAU, J. 1952. Les zones biologiques de la Peninsule Quebec-Labrador et l'hemiarctique. Can. J. Botany 30: 436-474. 27. RowE, J. S. 1961. The level-of-integration concept and ecology. Ecology 42: 420-427. 28. SCHMIDT, R. L. 1960. Factors controlling the distribution of Douglas fir in coastal British Columbia. Quart. J. Forestry 54: 156-160. 29. SOPER, J. H. 1955. Some families of restricted range in the Carolinian Hora of Canada. Trans. Roy. Can. Inst. 31: 69-90. 30. TAYLOR, T. M. C. 1959. The taxonomic relationship between Picea glauca ( Moench) Voss., and Picea engelmannii Parry. Madrono 15: 111-115. 31. WEAVER, J. E., and F. E. CLEMENTS. 1929. Plant Ecology. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York. 520 pp. 32. WELLS, P. V. 1965. Scarp woodlands, transported grassland soils, and concept of grassland climate in the great plains region. Science 148: 246-249.
Evolutionary and Phytogeographic Patterns in the Canadian Moss Flora
THE CANADIAN FLORA is an accident of its climatic and geological history. It is an abstraction, difficult to define or analyze because of a diversity of content and origin and also because of unnatural boundaries imposed by political compromise, convenience, and tradition. It is many floras, or parts of many floras, inter-related and interdigitated. The evolution of the bryoflora is a many-sided topic for discussion, fundamentally difficult because the country is huge, bryophytes are numerous, and bryologists are few. Very little is known about the evolution of bryophytes, in Canada or elsewhere. Even their origin from more primitive plants is a matter for conjecture and debate. Studies in developmental morphology, cytology, and paleontology have been too scattered and too fragmentary to be of much use, and phytogeographic evidence of origin and migration is limited by a scarcity of taxonomic information on relationships of species elsewhere in the world. It would seem that evolution at the specific level is at a near standstill. Mosses and liverworts are extremely ancient, but even the oldest fossils or humified remains of bryophytes are, for the most part, similar, if not identical to modern species. There are very few endemic genera or species in the Canadian flora, and such as there
are may be discovered, on further investigation, to be outside the political limits of the country as well. A good share of them are segregates from generic or specific complexes, representing, after all, personal opinions subject to re-interpretation. Although numerous regional races, varieties, or subspecies clutter up the literature and add to the burden of the taxonomist, the amplitude of genetic and environmental variation is too poorly understood to admit such deviants as compelling evidence of progressive genetic change rather than symptoms of ecological abnormality. Owing to the turbulence of its physiographic and climatic history, the vastness of Canada has not been available to its present flora until relatively recent times. After the final retreat of Pleistocene ice, the country was no doubt colonized by species of adaptability and aggressiveness. A high percentage of Canadian bryophytes are taxonomically difficult because of their great variability and it is tempting to think of such troublemakers as genetically plastic and evolutionary dynamic-as youthful species on the march-as compared with the old, genetically stable, and less migratory species of ancient floras. This may indeed be true in some instances, but many of our most troublesome mosses, like the many species of Drepanocladus and other Amblystegiaceae, are aquatics or semi-aquatics which vary during the growing season with changing water levels and alkalinity or species of wide range, like Hylocmnium splendens, occurring, for example, in stunted forms in the marginal environments of the arctic or particularly lush forms in the optimum conditions of the Pacific Coast. Examples of specialization and adaptive radiation into ecospecies are easily found. Dicranum bergeri of open peat bogs is obviously related to D. drummondii of rather moist coniferous forests, and D. fuscescens of mesic woodland sites becomes D. condensatum in drier woods and D. spurium in open, sandy habitats. The differences between such ecospecies are not particularly impressive in the extreme, and they are often non-existent in intergrading forms, thus indicating only slight genetic separation. Most bryophytes are adapted to fairly specific conditions of shade, moisture, and pH. Some grow only on trees, others on rocks. Some of the Splachnaceae grow on the dung of carnivores, some of the dung of herbivores. Some of our most interesting mosses are minute ephemerals which complete their short life cycles in the early spring or late fall when competition from larger plants is at a minimum. And many of our most curious species are pioneers of recently disturbed situations. They are also short-cycle plants, living in habitats later dominated by weeds, but they are by no means weedy
or cosmopolitan in distribution. Although disturbed habitats have been increasingly numerous because of man's extended activities in recent years, the mosses typical of such habitats, unlike Crataegus, show no signs of evolutionary explosion. In most or all the cases of ecological specialization mentioned here, broad distributions and, frequently, wide disjunctions in familiar patterns suggest that we are not dealing with recent evolution, but with ancient variants already widespread in times of phytogeographic antiquity, unless we seek the less likely explanation of parallel evolution in widely separated areas. Polytopic evolution of identical species is no doubt possible, but it puts a strain on credulity to use polytopic origins too often in explaining the broken ranges of species or even minor variants of species. Owing to the paucity and uncertainty of other evidence, the origin of the Canadian flora can be inferred only from an investigation of distributions. No one working with the taxonomy or floristics of bryophytes needs to be told that bryophytes occupy natural ranges predetermined by historical factors. Although phanerogamic botanists generally assume that spore-bearing plants are diffusely and ubiquitously distributed, phytogeographic and monographic studies have demonstrated that, in spite of random, long-range dispersal of spores, pteridophytes, hepatics, mosses, and lichens are governed in their ranges by ecological and historical factors and are distributed in much the same patterns as the seed plants. As a result, phytogeographic conclusions drawn from the distributions of phanerogams can be tested and strengthened by the distributions of cryptogams. Most bryophytes have fairly definite environmental requirements and are accordingly limited to ecological associations where those requirements are met. The possibility of successful migration over long distances is minimized by the off-chance that a spore will fall into exactly the right habitat at the right time for growth and can overcome competition from native species suited to the same habitat. The difficulties of invading closed associations seem prohibitive, and open disturbed situations are usually quickly occupied by species with broad ecological tolerance and short life cycles, or both. Although there are many widespread, weedy bryophytes and many ephemerals too, disturbed habitats are unsuitable for most mosses and certainly for most species of phytogeographic significance. Even if a chance immigrant could live in such a disturbed situation, vigorous natives, already present in force, would have the advantage of numbers. Many
widely distributed bryophytes, such as Rhytidium rugosum, rarely produce spores and have no known means of vegetative reproduction ( except for the slow process of tuft formation from a budding protonema). Although it is hard to understand how such species became widely distributed, their ranges can scarcely be attributed to longrange dispersal. In the case of dioecious species without some means of vegetative reproduction, successful colonization would depend on the unlikely establishment of both male and female strains in proximity at the same time. The improbability of long-range dispersal does not, of course, rule out its possibility. It is indeed difficult to explain otherwise the biotic occupation of remote oceanic islands of sudden volcanic origin, such as the Hawaiian Islands. It should be noted, however, that the possibilities for chance introduction of waifs and strays from distant lands are infinitely greater on such newly formed and isolated areas offering a variety of habitats and a minimum of competition than on an old continental land mass where the ecological niches have long since been filled. The literature on the efficacy of long-range dispersal is extensive. Arguments for the chance introduction of various groups of plants and animals of remote origin are ably presented by Zimmerman ( 23), and Wul:II ( 22) reviewed the case for the slow, step-wise migration which probably obtains under ordinary conditions; a complete resume of dispersal problems was recently presented by Skottsberg ( 15). Although long-range dispersal is freely admitted as a possibility, it seems probable that both phanerogams and cryptogams generally spread slowly from a centre of origin or dispersal and that the size and shape of their areas will be determined by past and present conditions of climate and geology and also by the inherent ability of the species to invade new territories and adjust to changing conditions. Modern distributions often provide a clue to the history of a flora. A similar origin and history of migration may be suggested by a number of genera or species occupying similarly discontinuous areas, but in the case of specific disjuncts, the possibility of recent, chance introduction must be borne in mind. A high degree of specific differentiation in the various parts of a dissected generic range suggests a long history of evolution since the primary generic dispersal. On the other hand, a large group of identical species of similar disjunction may indicate a continuity of area too recent for appreciable evolutionary change. For the most part, species of mosses occur in the same
patterns of disjunction as those occupied by genera of higher plants. Such specific disjunctions would in themselves be of little interest or significance, except by sheer force of numbers, unless it were granted that bryophytes are very ancient and have evolved so slowly that specific disjunctions among them are equivalent to generic disjunctions among more rapidly evolving higher plants. The history of any bryoflora is obscured by a dearth of information on the age and origin of the group. Morphologically, bryophytes are obviously primitive, and their ancestral origins are lost in antiquity. Certainly there has been considerable phylogenetic divergence between the Hepaticae and the Musci, and in the Musci, the Sphagnobrya, Andreaeobrya, and Eubrya are only remotely related. Many families of the Eubrya seem surprisingly distinct for such a relatively small group. Other evidence of antiquity is provided by the fact that most genera of bryophytes are very widely distributed and are represented in the various parts of their ranges by an abundance of geographically restricted and highly adapted species, thus indicating a lengthy evolution since their origin and prime dispersal. Because relatively few bryophytes are endemics of restricted range and because so many identical or closely related species occupy widely disjunct areas, Herzog ( 8) postulated a slow rate of speciation, based on relatively few morphological characters by which variation can be expressed. Other factors seem to me more important: many mosses regularly reproduce asexually and have become widely distributed as unvarying clones in which genetic recombinations are impossible and recessive mutant characters do not find expression. Furthermore, many mosses are monoecious and through self-fertilization have become virtually homozygous and therefore unvarying. As small plants growing in the uniform conditions of microhabitats, bryophytes are not subject to the same environmental pressures which may force larger plants to adapt, move out, or die. For this reason, bryophytes may have survived quite catastrophic climatic or geological alterations in isolated niches, on small nunataks, for example, and their relict distributions in or near such areas may show phytogeographic links which would not otherwise be evident. Our knowledge of fossil bryophytes, though meagre, supports the theory of an ancient, slowly evolving group. The two principal branches of the Bryophyta, the Musci and the Hepaticae, have been traced back to the Upper Carboniferous ( Savicz-Ljubitskaja & Abramov, 12). Steere ( 18) reported that most Mesozoic and Cenozoic bryophytes known from North America belong to genera and perhaps even to
species still growing on the continent. Most Quaternary fossil mosses could doubtless be identified as modern species if they were not so fragmentary and often poorly preserved. In summary, it seems that the bryophytes are indeed ancient in origin but have evolved so slowly that specific disjuncts among the bryoPhytes may be comparable to generic disjuncts among the higher plants and are therefore equally useful to the phytogeographer. Several familiar patterns of distribution demonstrate that mosses are similar in their distribution to higher plants and clearly reflect their floristic histories. A fair number of mosses are disjunct in eastern Africa and western South America, and a few of them occur in Madagascar and India as well. ( I understand that the boa constrictor is found in Central America and Madagascar, a similar distribution difficult to explain by long-range, chance dispersal.) Irmscher (9) has cited many examples from all groups of plants of similar disjunction as evidence of continental drift, and I ( 5) have reviewed the problem, with evidence especially from bryophyte distributions. There are few mosses of widely disjunct bipolar distribution, recently noted by DuRietz (7), who was particularly concerned with lichens and higher plants of similar range. DuRietz suggested a polyphyletic origin for such disjunct species because he did not believe in the efficacy of long-range dispersal even to account for the jump across the lowlands at the Isthmus of Panama! Many mosses of eastern North America, particularly those of the ancient Southern Appalachian Mountains, are also found in eastern Asia. Their distributions are paralleled by many flowering plants known by fossil evidence and modem disjunctions to be relics of a circumpolar flora of late Mesozoic and early Tertiary times. A fairly large group of Pacific Coast species extend along the Aleutian chain of islands to Japan; some, disjunct at the ends, could be remnants of the Arcto-tertiary forest, as Sequoia and Metasequoia surely are. A few mosses characteristic of the Atlantic Coastal Plain of eastern North America and also widely distributed in the uplands of tropical America occur as disjuncts in the more ancient uplands of the southeast. Similarly disjunct flowering plants are considered remnants of a Miocene tropical invasion which later retreated into the Coastal Plain as a result of continental uplift. A very few tropical mosses may owe their presence in the essentially temperate flora of north-central Florida to a tropical flora on "Orange Island" of Oligocene time. A number of species seem to be relics in unglaciated nunataks of various sizes. The widely scattered occurrence of Bryoxiphium suggests that it survived the Pleistocene in local nunataks ( Steere, 17).
In Alaska and the Yukon, a number of very rare mosses known otherwise from alpine or arctic-alpine ranges in Europe have been found, but only in unglaciated mountainous areas. The Driftless Area of the central United States includes a good number of boreal species far south of their present normal range; they are probably relics of some glacial advance or retreat that scoured the surrounding areas. All these distributional phenomena are familiar to the phanerogamic botanist. It is not generally known, however, that bryophytes follow the same patterns of distribution and no doubt have had similar origins. It seems obvious that moss species occupy natural ranges just as the species of higher plants do. A good share of the Canadian bryoHora is arctic or boreal and circumpolar in distribution. Very likely this large segment of the Hora had a similarly broad distribution during the cool climates of the late Tertiary when land bridges apparently joined both Europe and Asia to North America at one time or another. Elements of this flora doubtless survived the Pleistocene in various unglaciated areas, in part of the Arctic Archipelago, in the Brooks Range of Alaska, in some of the mountainous areas of the Canadian Northwest, and here and there along the Rocky Mountains, especially south of the Canadian border. Since the Pleistocene there has probably been some Horistic exchange across the Bering Straits, but the bulk of the Hora probably shifted back and forth with the successive advances and retreats of the Pleistocene ice. Since the temperate Hora of southeastern Canada was surely derived from the south, and much of the boreal flora occupying the breadth of the country probably re-entered Canada from more southern latitudes, a review of the physiographic and phytogeographic history of the continent seems pertinent. Since the appearance of angiosperms sometime in the Mesozoic, the world has suffered a number of vast geological transformations and climatic shifts that have profoundly affected plant distributions. The Cretaceous was a period of extensive continental erosion and submergence throughout the world. By the end of the Cretaceous, the North American continent had been drastically altered in contour and relief. A shallow sea covered the Rocky Mountain trough from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, and most of eastern North America had probably been reduced nearly to base level. The Mississippi Embayment extended from the present Gulf of Mexico to southern Illinois, and the Atlantic Coastal Plain was also submerged, as were most parts of Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. The elevation of the Rocky Mountains and associated movements of
the earth's crust at the close of the Cretaceous resulted in the uplift of most of Mexico and parts of Central America and the Greater Antilles. East of the Rocky Mountains, the Central Plains were largely exposed, the Mississippi Embayment began to recede, and the inner Coastal Plain was exposed. The elevation of land surfaces ushering in the Tertiary initiated new cycles of erosion. In eastern North America, the Appalachian Highlands extending from southeastern Canada to central Alabama and the Ozark Plateau were greatly affected by peneplanation cycles culminating in the Miocene. Re-elevation, probably late in the Miocene, was followed in turn by continental erosion which was interrupted near the end of the Pliocene and has not yet been completed. Mexico has been joined to the continent since the end of the Cretaceous, to Central America during most of the Tertiary, and to the Greater Antilles until upper Miocene or lower Pliocene times. During part of the time before the Pleistocene, the continent was also joined to Europe and to Asia, by more or less temporary land bridges. Such continuity of land surface and the mild and more uniform climates over the entire northern hemisphere during the Tertiary facilitated an exchange of floras between tropical and temperate parts of the Americas and also between the Old and New Worlds. Four major areas in eastern North America have long been available as refugia for plants: the Southern Appalachian Mountains and adjacent highlands, the Interior Highlands ( consisting of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains), the Driftless Area in the plains of north-central United States, and the "Orange Island" area of north-peninsular Florida. The Appalachian-Ozarkian Plateau has not been submerged since the Paleozoic and, except for its northern, glaciated portions ( roughly south to the Ohio River), it has been continuously occupied by plants since long before the origin of angiosperms. The southern limit of Pleistocene glaciation and the northern extent of the earlier Mississippi Embayment make it convenient to divide this ancient plateau into two massive residual areas of which the eastern Appalachian area has been phytogeographically more significant because of its larger size and more favourable climates, past and present. The outstanding phytogeographic feature of the Appalachian Highlands is the great mesophytic forest of ancient genera, many of which are known from fossil and modern distributions to have originated in the ancient Arcto-tertiary flora. The moderate climates of the late Mesozoic and early Tertiary favoured the development of a relatively homogeneous forest extending from Scandinavia and Spitsbergen
across northern Eurasia to North America and Greenland and probably far southward at appropriate altitudes. The trend toward cooler and drier climates throughout the Tertiary resulted in a southward shift of the flora and a dissection of its range. In North America, the gradual desiccation of the continental interior as a result of orogeny in the west and the development of a new climatic regime along the Pacific Coast resulted in the elimination of most Tertiary genera in central and western parts of the continent. Relicts of the Arcto-tertiary flora still flourish in eastern America, eastern Asia, and, to some extent, in a few other places of known antiquity. In western North America a good number of Arcto-tertiary plants retreated to the mountains of Arizona and from there later invaded the Mexican and Guatemalan Highlands, thus accounting for a surprisingly close relationship of the Mexican and eastern North American floras. The southern portion of the Appalachian Mountain system was most important as a refuge for Arcto-tertiary plants. According to Cain ( 2), the "virgin hardwood forest of the Great Smoky Mountains probably represents the greatest aggregation of Tertiary species now in existence in North America." Sharp ( 14) analyzed the modem distributions of genera represented in the Eocene Wilcox flora deposited along the margins of the Mississippi Embayment and found a strong relationship between the Wilcox and the modern floras of the Southern Appalachians, parts of Mexico and Guatemala, and eastern Asia. Most of the genera characteristic of the eastern North American deciduous forests, ranging from southeastern Canada to northern Florida and west to the prairies, have probably been derived from the Southern Appalachian refuge. During the Pleistocene, some Tertiary species may have moved to the more genial climates of the southern Coastal Plain, but, as Cain ( 3) pointed out, it is unlikely that entire associations of Tertiary relics now found in certain protected coves in the Southern Appalachians should have returned en masse after a Pleistocene exodus. Of course, not all the ancient genera represented in the fossil Wilcox flora or in the modern forests of eastern North America can be traced to a northern, Arcto-tertiary origin. An interesting group of plants now characteristic of the relatively young Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains, but rather sparsely represented by disjuncts in the more ancient uplands, apparently came from the tropics during the Tertiary and were widespread in the Appalachian and Ozarkian areas during the extensive peneplanation and the warm, moist climates of the Miocene. On re-elevation, probably near the end of the Miocene, the area was
converted from a low swampy plain into a well-drained upland favouring a more temperate, mesophytic flora. Many of the tropical species were forced to find suitable habitats in the newly emergent Coastal Plains. In some cases, isolated communities were left behind in the uplands, particularly on the Cumberland Plateau and in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Because of drier climates during late Tertiary and also post-glacial times, the Interior Highlands were less important in sheltering Arctotertiary plants, but the mixed mesophytic forest so well represented in the southern portion of the Appalachian Highlands is poorly represented there by relic communities, and a few endemics and disjuncts relate the flora to the Appalachian and eastern Asiatic floras (Braun, 1). A number of typical Coastal Plain species of tropical distribution or relationship have been found there as disjuncts giving evidence of a Miocene invasion from the American tropics ( Steyermark, 20). As shown by considerable floristic affinity to the Edwards Plateau of Texas and the San Carlos Mountains of northeastern Mexico, the Ozark Highlands were no doubt important in an eastward extension of the prairie and a limited invasion of xerophytes from the arid Southwest during various post-glacial xerothermic periods. The Driftless Area, a forested region surrounded by prairie and lying at the adjacent corners of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa, has also been exposed since the Paleozoic and was never covered by the Pleistocene glaciers which at one time or another scoured all the surrounding area. Its type of vegetation, as well as a few endemic species, suggests a possible role as a plant refuge during the Pleistocene and later, during periods of prairie expansion. There is some evidence that a part of north-central Florida may have had some significance as a plant refuge during part of the Tertiary. This area emerged as "Orange Island" during the Oligocene and was joined to the mainland by the close of the Miocene. The essentially temperate flora of the area includes a number of ferns of tropical distribution or affinity, many of them not found in the more tropical latitudes of southern Florida (St. John, 16); a few bryophytes are similarly restricted ( Schornherst, 13). Woodson ( 21 ) showed that Asclepias tuberosa consists of three subspecies centered around Orange Island, the Southern Appalachians, and the Ozarks, and Camp ( 4) suggested the migration of certain South American species of Gaylussacia into eastern North America by way of the Antilles and Orange Island. Although Orange Island was probably useful in the northward migration of tropical species during the Tertiary, it is doubtful whether it
was important in the survival of any species of modern Canadian distribution. The actual importance of the major refugia during the vicissitudes of the Pleistocene is subject to question. There is no general agreement on the influence of the Pleistocene glaciers on continental climates or even on the distribution of plants quite near the southern limits of ice. For example, Deevey ( 6) reasoned that pollen profiles from the Pleistocene of the Gulf region and the presence of northern disjuncts in the Deep South today indicate that glacial chilling in the southeastern states must have been fairly extensive and that warmth-loving species, including many or perhaps most of the "Miocene relicts" survived in peninsular Florida and Mexico and have since returned to their present positions ( that is, in the Coastal Plains and disjunctively in a few upland localities). Braun ( 1), on the other hand, said that both fossil and vegetational evidence indicate that the deciduous forest was displaced only in a band of varying width along the ice front, thus continuing the pattern of distribution which had been attained by the close of the Tertiary. It is certain, however, that many northern species did range as far south as the Gulf of Mexico during the Pleistocene and perhaps equally certain that many Tertiary species remained in the Southern Appalachian Mountains throughout the Pleistocene ( Cain, 3). It has been suggested that glacial meltwater may have lowered the temperature of the ground water along river courses sufficiently to account for the migration of northern species far southward along the Mississippi River system, although species of the well-drained uplands may not have been greatly affected ( Potzger & Friesner, 11). The grandeur of the past may have aroused great expectations which can scarcely be fuIBlled by our limited knowledge of moss distributions in Canada. It appears, however, that Canadian mosses, although broader in their distributions and showing very little endemism, occupy the same general ranges here as those outlined in Porsild's summary of geographic distributions of flowering plants and ferns ( 10). Collections have been too scattered and too sketchy to permit a detailed comparison, and any attempt to analyze the bryophytic composition of the various floristic regions or to work out phytogeographic affinities with precision seems premature and doomed to failure. The following observations are educated hunches, based on nearly twenty years of concentrated research on North American mosses, rather than on any exhaustive and authoritative analysis. As one would expect from a history of severe and nearly complete
glaciation in the not-too-distant past, the country is almost entirely occupied by aggressive, wide-ranging, ecologically undemanding species which show great variability, not because of unusual evolutionary potential, but because of seasonal response to environmental rigours and extremes. Most of the mosses now widespread in Canada probably occupied much the same wide ranges before glaciation, accompanied, however, by a large number of species which were less tolerant, less competitive, and less able to retreat to less suitable habitats southward. A good many of such species were preserved, however, in unglaciated parts of Alaska, the Yukon, and the northernmost islands of the Arctic Archipelago, as well as the Rocky Mountains and associated ranges south of the Canadian border. The vast Boreal Coniferous Forest occupies a completely glaciated area which scarcely offered any topographic impediment to a rapid and homogenous re-population mainly from the central plains of the United States, although there must have been some invasion of the area from northern and western residual areas as well. The bryophyte flora is depauperate and uniform throughout, clearly reflecting a uniformity of habitats as well as a repopulation from an impoverished source. Most mosses of the boreal forest are circumpolar and of little phytogeographic interest. The moss flora of the high arctic in many ways appears to be a mere attenuation of the flora of the boreal forest, but on closer inspection a surprising number of rare and interesting species may be discerned among those more characteristic of the boreal forest. This arctic element, mostly consisting of calciphiles, was recently publicized by Steere ( 19) in a paper particularly relating to the mosses of the ancient, unglaciated Brooks Range of Alaska. These species are mostly limited to the high arctic, but some few of them are represented in isolated stations far southward in the Rocky Mountains. Although many are found in the arctic of the Old World, a small number seem to be endemic to North America. The occurrence of the truly arctic element in the Yukon and in the Arctic Archipelago gives clear evidence of an old, northern flora residual in the arctic and re-distributed in post-Pleistocene times. The survival of northern species on this continent was favoured by a north-south continuity of high mountains, whereas in Europe there is a considerable gap between the tundra vegetation of northern Scandinavia and that of the Alps. ( It is erroneous and misleading to refer to the southward distribution of arctic plants in North America as arcticalpine, as they are not comparable to the arctic-alpine disjunctions of Europe; I prefer to call them arctic-montane instead. ) The Canadian
Rocky Mountains were heavily glaciated, but the American continuation, as well as the more western ranges of the Cordillera, were not. Owing to dryness in the American Rockies now, and probably in the Pleistocene too, the arctic element is only poorly represented as far south as Colorado, although the presence of a few rarities, such as OreM martiana and Voitia nivaUs, emphasize the importance of the area as an arctic shelter. At least as far as mosses are concerned, there is no distinctive flora of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. It is rather a fairly rich assemblage of widespread calciphiles derived in post-Pleistocene times from the American Rockies and the unglaciated mountains of Alaska and Yukon. Although it is generally assumed, on the basis of logic rather than on the evidence of distribution, that the Cordillera extending in a nearly unbroken chain from the arctic to the antarctic has provided a broad highway for easy plant migration north and south, the arctic and subarctic, bryophytic flora is only meagerly represented as far south as Colorado, and the Rocky Mountain and the Mexican floras are not even related. Migration from South America is similarly limited. Only a few High Andean species occur at the highest altitudes of central Mexico, and none of them has penetrated the American or Canadian floras. There are a very few bipolar species of mosses, occurring in some instances in widely separated intermediate stations, but these are too widely distributed in the northern hemisphere to be of any real phytogeographic interest and too few to be clearly referred to a history of Cordilleran dispersal. The flora of the Pacific Coast is the richest and most varied in Canada. It includes a number of endemic species and even genera in its total range which extends from northern California to southeastern Alaska and across the North Pacific in the Aleutian Islands. The flora shows a strong relationship with that of Japan, and many of the species appear to be Japanese-American disjuncts, but collections in the Aleutians are too incomplete to show whether the ranges are really discontinuous or not. The flora may have been derived in part from the Arcto-Tertiary flora which virtually disappeared farther to the south perhaps because of a change of climatic regime resulting in summer dormancy and winter growth, but the virtual absence of the eastern American species, disjunct in eastern Asia and so obviously Arcto-Tertiary in origin, makes it more logical to seek some other, more recent floristic exchange with Japan. The Canadian prairie has a very limited flora of widespread and weedy species. It may be rich in ephemerals of considerable interest,
as the American prairies are, but this one interesting element of the flora has been almost completely neglected. The deciduous forest of the Appalachian Highlands is represented by a mere fringe in southeastern Canada, especially in southern Ontario and Quebec. The mosses which reach their northern limits here are all widespread, mostly filling the entire range of the deciduous forest from southeastern Canada to northern Florida and west to the prairies. Some are American endemics, but the majority also occur in Europe, Asia, or both. Those of European occurrence may have occupied North America at some pre-glacial time when land connections existed between Europe and North America. Those of Asiatic disjunction very likely remain from the ancient Arcto-tertiary forest. Both groups were, of course, derived secondarily from the Appalachian Highlands following glaciation. The temperate flora of the Maritimes is similar to that of New England and the Alleghany Mountain system. Although there is some possibility of the eastern montane species surviving glaciation in small local nunataks, as in the Gaspe for example, there is no real evidence among the bryophytes, so far as I know. Most of the flora could easily have been derived from the mountains of the eastern United States where the flora is essentially similar at higher altitudes as far south as North Carolina. A small but interesting group of northern and Cordilleran disjuncts occur around the shores of Lake Superior and also in calcareous areas fringing the other Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence Valley, and the Gaspe. Most of the calciphiles grow in wet habitats, often in unstable situations, such as seepage areas at lake shores. I would guess that they are relics of glacial retreat persisting where they do because the habitats are right and there is no ecological pressure to move on. Those of the Lake Superior region, such as Cnestrum schisti, Mielichhoferia mielichhoferiana, and Timmia austriaca, may also be relics of a glacial retreat, stopping there for purely edaphic reasons, but because of the rugged nature of the terrain, they may have persisted there in small niches unaffected by glaciation. I have tried to show that moss distributions in Canada, though somewhat more diffuse than those of higher plants, reflect a similar history of migration. Because of a slow rate of evolution resulting in wide specific distributions and broad specific disjunctions, mosses in some cases show phytogeographic relationships not readily apparent from a study of phanerogams, such as the relationship of the Pacific Coast flora to Japan.
1. BRAUN, E. L. 1950. Deciduous Forests of Eastern North America. Blakiston Co., Philadelphia. 596 pp. 2. CAIN, S. A. 1939. The climax and its complexities. Am. Midl. Nat. 21: 146-181. 3. - - 1943. The Tertiary character of the cove hardwood forest of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Bull. Torrey Botan. Club 70: 213-235. 4. CAMP, W. H. 1941. Studies in Ericales: A review of the North American Gaylussaciae; with remarks on the origin and migrations of the group. Bull. Torrey Botan. Club 68: 531-555. 5. CRUM, H. 1956. Notes on Hypnodon, a genus of Orthotrichaceae new to North America. Bryologist 59: 26-34. 6. DEEVEY, E. S., JR. 1949. Biogeography of the Pleistocene. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 60: 1316-1416. 7. DuRmTZ, G. E. 1940. Problems of bipolar plant distribution. Acta Phyto. geogr. Suec. 13: 215-282. 8. HERZOG, T. 1926. Geographie der Moose. Gustav Fischer, Jena. 439 pp. 9. IRMSCHER, E. 1929. Pflanzenverbreitung und Entwicklung der Kontinente. II. Weitere Beitrage zur genetischen Pflanzengeographie unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Laubmoose. Mitt. Inst. allg. Bot. Hamburg 8: 169-347. 10. PoRSILD, A. E. 1958. Geographical distribution of some elements in the flora of Canada. Geograph. Bull. 11: 57-77. 11. PoTZGER, J. E., and R. C. FRIESNER. 1939. Plant migration in the southern limits of Wisconsin glaciation in Indiana. Am. Midl. Nat. 22: 351-368. 12. SAvrcz-LJUBITSKAJA, L. I., and I. I. ABRAMOV. 1958. Geological annals of Bryophyta. Botan. Zhur. 43: 1409-1417 (in Russian). 1943. Phytogeographic studies of the mosses of 13. ScHORNHERST, R. 0. northern Florida. Am. Midi. Nat. 29: 509-532. 14. SHARP, A. J. 1951. The relation of the Eocene Wilcox flora to some modern floras. Evolution 5: 1-5. 15. SKO'ITSBERG, C. 1956. Derivation of flora and fauna of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island. 1(5): 193-438. In The Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island. Almquist & Wiksell, Uppsala. 3 vols., 2086 pp. 16. ST. JOHN, E. P. 1936. Rare ferns of central Florida. Am. Fern Jour. 26: 41-50. 17. STEERE, W. C. 1937. Bryoxiphium norvegicum, the sword moss, as a preglacial and interglacial relic. Ecology 18: 346-358. 18. - - - 1946. Cenozoic and Mesozoic bryophytes of North America. Am. Midl. Nat. 36 ( 2) : 298--324. 19. - - - 1953. On the geographical distribution of arctic bryophytes. 1n I. L. Wiggins, ed., Current Biological Research in the Alaskan Arctic. Stanford Univ. Puhl. Biol. Sci. 11: 30-47. 20. STEYERMARK, J. A. 1950. Flora of Guatemala. Ecology 31: 368-372. 21. WoonsoN, R. E., JR. 1947. Notes on the "historical factor" in plant geography. Contr. Gray Herb. 165: 12-25. 22. WULFF, E. V. 1950. An Introduction to Historical Plant Geography. Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham, Mass. 223 pp. 23. ZIMMERMAN, E. C. 1948. Insects of Hawaii. 1: 1-206.
Reproductive Specialization as a Factor in the Evolution of the Canadian Flora
IT 1s Now GENERALLY RECOGNIZED that climate has been the major factor influencing the patterns of higher plant evolution. According to Axelrod ( 1, 2), Corner ( 12, 13), Richards ( 46), Delevoryas ( 18), and many others, most higher plant families very probably originated in the widespread tropical climates during Mesozoic time. Then, in the great expansion of temperate climates that followed the Mesozoic, the derivatives of these early tropical floras gradually invaded and became diversified in the expanding colder climates where numerous specialized evolutionary lines were produced. The Canadian flora represents, for the most part, end-products of this evolution from the tropics. The hereditary changes associated with the evolution of plants especially qualified for the colonization of the regions with colder climates are only now beginning to be understood. This increased understanding is due mainly to the recent application of the principles of genetics and cytogenetics to solutions of problems associated with the evolution of natural populations. Many writers have attempted to identify the particular attributes which impart superior adaptive properties in the colder climates. In this paper I shall examine a new hypothesis, namely, that reproductive specializations which promote genetic uniformity of
populations have played the dominant role in the adaptation and evolution of our Hora from plants of the lower latitudes. Evolutionary specializations which play a role in the progressive adaptation of plants to a new environment are of two very different types. The first includes modifications of vegetative morphology, anatomy, and physiological and ecological response while the second concerns changes in reproductive biology. The structure and the functions of a plant determine adaptation and survival only in the present generation, but reproductive biology controls the features that this generation will pass on to succeeding generations. The key role of reproductive specializations in evolution lies in their ability to restrict or to promote genetic variability by an assortment of devices, and thereby to control the amount of morphological and physiological variability upon which natural selection can operate. Stebbins ( 57, 58, 59), Baker ( 5), Corner ( 12, 13), Gustafsson ( 24), and many others have noted that reproductive systems of plants are closely linked with the kinds of environment to which their populations are adapted. Thus vegetative reproduction, self-pollination, and polyploidy are common in cold climates, self-pollination in weedy habitats, self-incompatibility in temperate regions, wind pollination in the temperate forests, and so on. Such correlations imply clear-cut cause and effect relationships between reproductive systems and environment. However, although a particular reproductive method may be relatively common in a certain region or zone, other equally successful types may also be present. Certain genetic factors of which reproductive systems are comprised may have a far greater effect on variability than others, and also different combinations of genetic factors can produce the same effect on variability. If we wish to discover whether or not different Horistic or ecological zones have significantly different levels of genetic variability and also to understand how this variability is controlled, then reproductive factors in each species of a region or zone must first be identified and evaluated using established genetic principles. Then, multiple correlations between genetic and environmental factors must be made. This paper is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the factors which enter into the construction of reproductive methods of higher plants, examines the question of what constitutes a reproductively specialized genetic system, and concludes with a general hypothesis relating to the Canadian Hora. The second part is a detailed breakdown of our Hora by ecological zones and taxonomic groups and provides tests for the hypothesis. When we speak of reproductive specializations, we imply that they
have been derived from an ancestral system. What then, constitutes a reproductively ancestral system? Fossils have been too few and fragmentary to solve this problem but they are not required for a satisfactory solution because many examples of definitely determined evolutionary sequences in factors influencing reproductive systems are known from living plants. The directions of these sequences and whether they are reversible have been experimentally demonstrated and can be inferred from many dozens of genera (Stebbins, 57; Darlington, 15, 16). Furthermore, reproductively specialized genetic systems must be defined in terms of genetic and cytological principles because the reproductive biology of fossil plants cannot be studied. In defining a reproductively ancestral genetic system, Darlington ( 16, pp. 39-41) has introduced the useful concept of an "ideal ancestor." An ideal ancestor is one which has the inherent capacity to give rise to all presently known genetic systems and not become extinct itself. Ideal ancestors would have a large measure of evolutionary flexibility and would have or could have a free exchange of genes. They would be diploid, often with a genetic incompatibility system favouring cross-pollination, meiosis would be regular with chiasmata distributed throughout the chromosomes, and all individuals would be moderately heterozygous with no two individuals exactly alike. Such an ancestral system would likely be comprised of hermaphrodites, i.e., of plants having perfect flowers (Crowe, 14). It would extend back in time beyond the beginnings of the Angiosperms ( see Whitehouse, 64) and would be common in most groups today. Highly specialized genetic or reproductive systems are very unlikely to be ancestral to other kinds of genetic systems. The two principal effects of reproductive specialization are shown on the left and on the right sides of Fig. 1. Starting from the ideal ancestor in the centre, toward the left we have those reproductive specializations which serve to increase the amount of genetic uniformity in populations. Toward the right we have the kinds of trends which, if present, serve to promote variability. The heavy arrows indicate well-documented lines of evolutionary specialization; the thin arrows indicate occasional reversibility. I shall deal briefly with each of these avenues and then attempt to show how each avenue has influenced the reproductive systems of our species and the evolution of our Hora. The factors leading to genetic uniformity will be considered first. Apomixis. The genetic effect of apomixis is the production of clones or pure lines. Apomicts normally originate from outcrossers ( Stebbins, 57) and many intermediate stages between sexuality and obligate apomixis exist ( Gustafsson, 24). The more nearly obligate the apomixis
...... MONOECY
the more would the clones be protected from genetic recombination. Polyploidy. The effect of polyploidy on the genetic system is to put a strong damper on the evolutionary process. Stebbins ( 57) has noted that although polyploids may produce some new variation on an old theme, they never seem to produce any major new departures. This conservative characteristic of polyploids is in direct contrast to the dynamic evolutionary potential of diploids, as is clear from studies of numerous genera like Crepis (Babcock, 3), Clarkia (Lewis, 35), and many others. An important mechanism responsible for imposing evolutionary limitations on polyploids has only recently been identified. It is a genie factor which prevents the formation of multivalent associations or their equivalents and thereby prevents the attainment of homozygosity of the many allelic genes on homologous chromosome segments. In such polyploids, bivalent formation is the rule. Genie control has been described recently from the hexaploid wheats ( Riley, 47, 48; Riley and Kempanna, 49; Riley and Chapman, 50; Kimber and Riley, 31) and may also occur in polyploid Gossypium ( Kimber, 30). That such genie control is probably very widespread among polyploids is suggested by the fact that many even very high polyploids show only bivalent formation. Segmental allopolyploids, which may be very variable because of intergenomic exchange also appear to be unable to produce
radically new departures. Polyploidy is considered to represent an efficient buffering system, resisting the effects of natural selection on particular alleles and promoting as well as preserving phenotypic uniformity in populations. Polyploidy in general, therefore, acts like a sponge, absorbing mutations but rarely expressing them. The higher the level of polyploidy, the more conservative and buffered the reproductive system. Small chromosomes. Smaller chromosomes are known to have fewer chiasmata and are thought to have fewer genetic crossovers ( Swanson, 61) and therefore, reduced recombination. Plants with small chromosomes would thus tend to have more uniform genotypes. Decrease in chromosome number. This device for increasing population uniformity applies mainly to certain genera of arid regions ( see Stebbins, 57). It has little application to our flora and I shall not consider it further. Inbreeding. Another of the great avenues of reproductive specialization in higher plants is that from outbreeding toward progressively greater inbreeding. Evidence for this far-reaching and important generalization comes from a variety of observations. These are: ( 1) Self-pollination is very strongly correlated with morphologically, ecologically, and cytologically specialized plants. For example, selfing occurs in annuals, at the ends of descending aneuploid series as in Crepis ( Babcock, 3), in restrictive habitats, and among weedy floras. ( 2) The great majority of our cultivated plants are self-fertilized and many have originated from known outcrossing relatives in historical times ( Darlington, 16). ( 3) Automatic selfers are usually closely related to certain outcrossing species and are presumably derived directly from them, while outcrossing species frequently bridge the gaps between genera. ( 4) Most in breeders contain flower features which are rudiments of outbreeding ancestry: for example, the small but colourful corollas of selfing Trifolium species and the lodicules of autogamous grasses ( Stebbins, 59). Evidence of a more general nature is also available. Stebbins ( 59), after reviewing breeding systems in the tribe Cichorieae of the Compositae concluded that, throughout that large group of plants, there was overwhelming evidence that inbreeders evolved from outcrossers and not vice versa. Numerous other workers ( Chambers, 11; Raven, 44; Moore and Lewis, 38) have come to the same conclusion with respect to other groups. Selfers, therefore, frequently arise from outcrossers, but the reverse rarely, if ever occurs. The genetic consequences of pronounced inbreeding on the reproductive system is usually to
drastically reduce heterozygosity and to increase as well as to promote homozygosity. Let us now give attention to reproductive devices that promote variability. Experimental evidence for the lines of specialization as noted on the right side of Fig. 1 is not as conclusive as for specializations promoting uniformity but what evidence is available suggests that the arrows are substantially correct, at least for many groups that have been studied (Crowe, 14). Monoecy and dioecy. Monoecy occurs when stamens and pistils are on different flowers of the same plant; dioecy occurs when male and female flowers are on separate plants. Many species have genetic systems which combine various degrees of hermaphroditism, monoecy, and dioecy. Lewis ( 33) and Crowe ( 14), who studied the morphological and experimental evidence for evolutionary sequences among outbreeding plants, concluded that dioecious plants had evolved principally from monoecious ones and Darlington ( 15) has suggested that there are evolutionary sequences even in dioecy. It is clear that the avenue of reproductive specialization toward dioecy will result in progressively greater outcrossing and more population variability. Baker ( 5) considered dioecy to be the most drastic form of outcrossing. Heterostyly. Most heterostyled species have two types of flowers: some plants of the population have flowers with long styles and short stamens and the rest have flowers with short styles and long stamens. Because self-incompatibility alleles are normally found in heterostyled plants, such plants cannot usually be self-fertilized, and seed set generally occurs only when the two flower types are intercrossed. There is no doubt that heterostyly is a derived and specialized form of outcrossing ( Crowe 13) and that it tends to increase the amount of variability. Gynodioecy. Gynodioecy is a condition where some plants of the species are female, others are hermaphrodite. Some degree of outcrossing is therefore necessary for seed set, at least in the females. Dichogamy. Dichogamy is the differential timing of stigma receptiveness and anther maturation. It is probably quite common but has scarcely been studied in our flora. It is apparent that the greater the degree of dichogamy, the more will outcrossing be favoured. Incompatibility systems. The most common mechanism favouring outcrossing is that of incompatibility genes ( East, 22; Fryxell, 23; Crowe, 14). Lewis (34), Crowe (14), Bateman (6), and others have classified the various kinds of incompatibility systems and have shown that plants with some incompatibility systems would be more stringent
outcrossers than those with other kinds of systems. Crowe ( 14) has also shown that all types of incompatibility systems appear to be phylogenetically related and that each of them can break down, giving rise to inbreeding as is shown in Fig. 1. Summarizing, we can say that the factors listed on the right of Fig. 1, while they might increase the relative amount of variability, do not have a genetic effect which is radically different from that of the ideal diploid hermaphrodites. This is in sharp contrast to the factors on the left, some of which, when present even alone, have a profound impact on the genetic system since the evolutionary result is relative uniformity of populations and a decrease in evolutionary potential. In addition to the reproductive factors listed in Fig. 1, there are two vegetative factors which affect the level of variability of genetic systems. These are long life cycles, and seed dispersal mechanisms. Long life cycles permit direct crossing between parents and offspring and increase inbreeding. Good seed dispersal mechanisms have the opposite effect. If seeds are widely scattered, the chances of close relative mating are reduced and outcrossing would be promoted. Environmental factors are of primary importance in determining the kind and degrees of reproductive specialization since, after all, it is the environment which shapes reproductive systems through the process of natural selection. Ecological conditions and climatic factors, particularly if they act over appreciable periods of geological time, are especially important in this regard. Pollen transport agents are also very important and will be briefly considered in the Discussion. In dealing with the effects of ecological and climatic factors on the evolution of our flora we come to the central hypothesis of this paper, namely, that in order to colonize and grow in ever more northern climatic regions as well as in environments maintained by man, plants must evolve the kinds of reproductive systems which promote and preserve a high degree of genotypic uniformity in populations. Thus, species having diverse evolutionary lineages but at present occupying similar ecological conditions or climatic zones would be expected to have a comparable capacity to express genetic variability. Whatever the kinds and proportions of reproductive components in a genetic system of a particular species, the effect on the level of population variability will be very similar. In some ecological or climatic zones, many species will have reproductive systems which are comprised of contradictory genetic components. I feel that evidence is available to strongly suggest that certain of these apparently contradictory components will, on analysis, prove to be largely
vestigial and therefore non-adaptive. Elaboration, amplification, and documentation of these statements together with a number of additional corollaries will now be considered. The gradual increase from south to north in reproductive systems favouring genetic uniformity becomes apparent when we consider each of the factors listed on Fig. 1. Thus apomixis, in many of its forms, is well known from the arctic ( Gustafsson, 24). Polyploidy increases from about 30 per cent in the tropics to between 80 and 90 per cent in some areas of the arctic ( Love and Love, 36; Reese, 45; Johnson and Packer, 29). Smaller chromosomes are also very common, especially in some of the larger groups like Salix (Westergaard, 63 ), Juncus (Snogerup, 54), and the Cyperaceae (Wahl, 62; Moore and Calder, 39; Hicks, 27). Inbreeding, mostly by self-pollination, becomes progressively more common toward the arctic although it also may be widespread in the tropics ( Corner, 12). In the same way as factors promoting uniformity of populations increase with latitude, factors promoting variability decrease. Thus monoecy and dioecy are found in numerous genera of temperate regions (Yampolsky and Yampolsky, 65) but the percentage of genera with these two outcrossing devices decreases sharply with latitude. Heterostyly is relatively common in the middle latitudes but is rare or not known in the arctic. Gynodioecy is common in some groups in the tropics and warm temperate regions but rare in our flora. Virtually nothing is known of the relation of dichogamy to latitude. Self-incompatibility associated with outcrossing appears to be the norm in temperate regions (Lewis, 34; Crowe, 14). The repeated breakdown of various kinds of incompatibility systems of temperate plants appears to have been of major importance in permitting the successful invasion of many families into the ever higher latitudes. Similar generalizations concerning increases in the frequencies of factors promoting genetic constancy can be made about our weedy flora. ECOLOGICAL ZONES
Turning now to the details of the Canadian Flora, the major phytogeographic zones will be considered first, then some common taxonomic groups. Only angiosperms and gymnosperms, both introduced and native, are included in the study. Six regional floras, representative of the major floristic zones, have been selected for comparison, and the location of each is shown in Fig. 2. The most northern sample is from what can be called the "botanical north pole" of North America, located
FIGURE 2. The geographical location of the six floras which are compared in Figure 3.
on Elle£ Ringnes Island, a region having one of the most severe polar climates of this continent. According to Savile ( 52) the region includes only 49 species. The second flora is that of the Arctic Archipelago by Porsild ( 43). The third is that of the Queen Charlotte Islands, now in preparation by Calder and Taylor (IO). The fourth is the flora of the boreal forest as exemplified by plants growing in the Great Clay Belt of north-central Ontario based on the work of Baldwin ( 4). The fifth flora is that of the prairies based on the work of Budd ( 9), although his flora is incomplete, particularly for Carex and Salix, and the sixth flora is that of southern Ontario based on the records of Soper (55). Estimates of the amount and the kind of genetic variability in the plants of a floristic or ecological zone must, at present, be based on subjective judgments of each species in the zone. When making estimates we must weigh the relative importance of the various factors which enter into the construction of the genetic system. For example, apomixis promotes uniformity but may occur with dioecy which promotes variability ( as in Antennaria). Similarly, polyploid or apomictic plants may have the large flowers of typical outcrossers ( as in Papaver
and Potentilla respectively). At the same time, only one of the reproductive traits listed in Fig. 1 will often have a profoundly greater impact on population variability than will all other traits combined. For example, the presence of nearly obligate apomixis, very strong inbreeding, or a high level of polyploidy are alone usually decisive in ensuring a high degree of genotypic uniformity in populations. Based on these considerations I have made estimates of the relative amount of variability in every species of each of these six floras and the results are presented in the form of histograms shown in Fig. 3. Each histogram has eight classes, A to H, and each species in these floras has
120 80
ELLEF RINGNES ISLAND (botanical "north pole")
QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS (temperate oceanic)
~ 20
o:: 280 w
~ 240
z 200
SOUTHERN ONTARIO (eastern deciduous,....,,..,~:---1-r---t forest)
120 80
40 0
3. The estimated relative amounts of population variability in species of six floralistic regions of Canada. FIGURE
been assigned to one of the eight classes. Class A of this arbitrary range includes the kinds of species which are either very highly polyploid ( some Saxifraga species), strongly apomictic ( for example, some species of Antennaria, Arnica, Potentilla, Taraxacum, and of the Gramineae), or strongly inbred (for example Koenigia islandica, Corydalis sempervirens, and autogamous grasses), whereas Class H includes species normally diploid, sexual, and at the same time having the kinds of floral features that very strongly favour cross-pollination ( for example Epilobium angustifolium and Dryas integrifolia). No firm rules were followed when assigning any species to the intermediate classes. For example, Salix species, which are dioecious ( a condition promoting variability) and also perennial, have small chromosomes, and may be polyploid ( conditions all promoting uniformity), were assigned to classes C to G depending on chromosome number if known. Monoecious Carex species were assigned to the area between B and E since small chromosomes, polyploidy and perennity are characteristic of the species and inbreeding is suspected ( see later discussion). Outcrossing grasses were scored between D and H, again depending on the degree of perennity and on the level of ploidy. Submerged aquatics presented the most difficult problems and in assigning some species, a great deal of subjective judgment was exercised. Each of the histograms in Fig. 3 includes all the species in the region, whether native or weedy. While scoring the species I found that most introduced weeds as well as those native species behaving as weeds nearly always fell into Classes A to C. A curve has been drawn in the middle and lower histograms in order to provide a rough estimate of the proportions of weedy ( above the curve) to non-weedy (below the curve) species in each of these four floras. Curves were not drawn in the top histograms since introduced weeds are absent from the arctic regions. Taken together, the six histograms demonstrate that both arctic plants and temperate weeds have strikingly parallel genetic systems-both have a preponderance of reproductive devices promoting uniformity. The histograms also clearly establish that the amount of genetic variability in the non-weedy native floras decreases sharply as one goes from temperate to arctic environments. REPRODUCTIVE PATI'ERNS IN SOME MAJOR GROUPS
The Cruciferae, a family whose reproductive biology is fairly well known, contains some 350 genera and 2,500 species of temperate and cold regions ( Lawrence, 32). Bateman ( 7) reviewed the breeding
systems of 182 species of 69 genera and 11 tribes. He showed that self-incompatibility was a very important outbreeding mechanism operating throughout the family. Also, most of the genera have produced self-compatible and even automatically self-pollinated derivatives. Large flowers and conspicuous inflorescences were associated with self-incompatibility. Medium-sized flowers were often self-compatible but plants with small flowers were usually automatically selfpollinated. Meiotic and mitotic chromosome studies are at present being made on numerous Canadian Cruciferae by Mulligan so that the distribution of polyploidy and apomixis in Canadian species can be correlated with Bateman's conclusions concerning incompatibility systems. The genus Erysimum of the Cruciferae has a number of strongly scented, large-flowered, self-incompatible species native to the western United States and adjacent Canada. However, one species, Erysimum inconspicuum, occurring from the Gaspe to the Yukon and south to New Mexico, has much smaller non-scented flowers. Its populations are apomictic; various chromosome numbers and also disturbed meiosis are the norm. The large-flowered, presumably outcrossed species, E. paUasii of the arctic, also has disturbed meiosis and is probably apomictic. The genus Lesquerella of the Cruciferae has its greatest diversity in the western United States and adjacent Canada where many largeand medium-flowered, apparently self-incompatible species have arisen, mostly by aneuploidy at the diploid level. Only one species, Lesquerella arctica occurs in the arctic and it is self-pollinated. It also has the highest known chromosome numbers of the genus ( Mulligan, unpublished) and, therefore, represents a highly buffered genetic system. The remaining arctic genera Cochlearia, Eutrema, Cardamine, Draba, Halimolobos, Braya, Parrya, Arabis, and Descurainia are either polyploid or self-pollinated or both, and some may yet prove to be apomictic. Mulligan ( 41) has also shown that the great majority of crucifers in our weedy habitats are self-pollinated; or, if they are perennial, self-incompatible, and actively insect-visited like Cardaria, they are repeatedly introduced into fields by man. The family Leguminosae is the third largest of higher plants with some 550 genera and 12,000 species ( Lawrence, 32). Most legumes are diploid and have showy flowers specialized for insect pollination. In the tropics the Leguminosae attains its greatest diversity, with hundreds of endemic genera, mostly shrubs and trees often actively visited by both insects and birds ( Corner, 12). In temperate regions,
legumes are either cross-fertilized by insects or are highly inbred by selfing. If they are selfers, then they often tend to behave like weeds. When weedy legumes are self-incompatible ( and often actively visited by insects) then they are perennial or they have the capacity to spread vegetatively as for example Ulex eurapaeus, Cytisus scaparius, Trifolium pratense, T. repens, T. hybridum, and Lotus corniculatus ( see Fryxell, 23, for references). In southern Canada, most of the genera are showy flowered, and many species among them are known to be cross-fertilized, for example, H edysarum, Astragalus, and Lupinus (Fryxell, 23). Self-compatibility is, however, known in Lupinus, Lathyrus, Vicia, and Trifolium and is scattered throughout the temperate genera ( Fryxell, 23). Only two genera of this family are relatively successful in the arctic, namely, the perennials Oxytropis and Astragalus. Observations of flowers and of seed set on herbarium specimens of these two genera from arctic regions indicate that they are probably automatically self-pollinated. In field observations on Melville Island, N.W.T., at 75°N, I found Oxytropis arctica (large showy Howers) to be scentless and very rarely visited by bumble bees but Astragalus alpinus ( medium showy flowers) to be very strongly scented and actively visited by bumble bees. However, it is not clear whether the bees are essential for fertilization and seed set. The family Scrophulariaceae is comparable to the legumes in that most of its members of low and middle latitudes are diploid and have flowers especially adapted for insect or bird pollination. According to the list made by Fryxell ( 23), practically all Scrophulariaceae are self-incompatible. The only genera invading northern polar climates are Pedicularis, Euphrasia, and Castilleja all of which, on the basis of herbarium observations, I consider to be strongly self-pollinated despite the presence in the arctic of many active flower-visiting insects ( see Downes 19, 20, 21, for references). In my field observations on Melville Island I failed to see a single bumble bee on either Pedicularis sudetica or P. arctica the latter of which was very common throughout the region. Sprague ( 56) in a remarkable study of pollination patterns in the genus found on the basis of a number of lines of evidence that northern Pedicularis species may produce seed by autogamy, but that in temperate regions species of this genus normally depend on insects for seed set. Among the weedy Scrophulariceae of temperate regions, annuals like Chaenorrhinum and some Veronica species are selfers, but species like Linaria vulgaris and L. dalmatica are outcrossers, with extensive perennating systems. The family Rosaceae extends from the tropics to the arctic but unlike
the Leguminosae and the Scrophulariaceae, it has few self-pollinated species or races in our area. If we can use the summary by Fryxell ( 23) as a guide, virtually all members of this family are strongly self-incompatible and it is well known that genera like Spiraea, Prunus, Amelanchier, Rosa and others are very actively visited by many kinds of insects. According to McAlpine ( 37) active insect visiting is true even for the genus Dryas of the western mountains and high arctic. It would be interesting to know whether the more northern representatives of the sexual, presumably diploid populations of Dryas and Sibbaldia have lost the self-incompatibility characteristic of the family, and to study the seed set and the pollination biology of populations of these genera at the northern limits of their range. Although the evolution of self-pollinating races does not appear to be an important avenue open to the Rosaceae in our area, another avenue toward genotypic uniformity, namely, that of apomixis, is being actively explored. Apomixis has been superimposed upon sexual outcrossing systems in both Potentilla of the alpine and arctic regions and in Rubus and Crataegus of temperate weedy habitats. The Orchidaceae are of special interest because our native species are neither weeds nor do they grow in the arctic. Bingham ( 8) has shown that the half-dozen orchid genera of the boreal forests require insects for seed set although whether or not any species is self-compatible is apparently not known. Presumably, outcrossing or at least self-pollination by insects is necessary for seed set. The chromosome numbers of northern orchids are quite high and presumably genetic variability is buffered to some extent. Raup ( 43) and Savile and Calder (personal communication) have observed numerous mosquitoes with orchid pollinia attached to their eyes and presumably mosquitoes are effective pollinators. Dozens of excellent examples of the close relationship between relatively uniform environments and constant genetic systems are also found in the Canadian Compositae and Gramineae and in many smaller groups. The genera Carex and Salix, since they are rich in numbers of species, appear at first to be exceptions to the hypothesis that a great deal of genetic uniformity is at a selective advantage at higher latitudes. Carex, a protogynous wind-pollinated genus, is mostly monoecious or occasionally dioecious ( Lawrence, 32). It has not been established by experiment whether any one of the 2,500 species of Carex can be selfpollinated. Most Carex species grow at the margins of bogs, in open areas of the arctic and often on open sites normally exposed to wind.
However, in most monoecious species the male Bowers are normally located immediately above the female and drop large amounts of pollen on the latter. If monoecious Carex species are self-compatible and normally self-pollinated they would be strongly inbred. Clearly experimental studies of pollination biology in this large genus would be very useful. Plants of this genus have remarkably small chromosomes and presumably a reduced amount of crossing over and increased linkage. Davies ( 17) and others have shown that in numerous Carex species, most chromosomes are duplicated one or more times by aneuploidy. Therefore, in addition to the presumed inbreeding, Carex species might, like polyploids, possess highly bufiered genetic systems because of extensive chromosomal duplications. The genus Salix is dioecious and most species are actively visited by insects ( Hjelmqvist, 28). Very small chromosomes are also a feature of this genus. Polyploidy is extremely common and without doubt serves as an efficient buffering system, thereby restricting genetic variability. It is possible that Salix might also represent a genus in which a great deal of inbreeding occurs by repeated close relative mating. Both Carex and Salix are perennial so that vegetative reproduction can also serve as a basis for uniform populations.
The broad pattern of reproductive specialization in the Canadian Bora appears to be one in which both native plants as well as weeds have adopted a variety of devices and combinations of devices for achieving a large measure of population uniformity. Stebbins ( 59), in his review of evolutionary patterns in the tribe Cichorieae of the Compositae, showed that in that large group of plants at least three devices were present which reduced genetic recombination and thereby achieved population constancy. Those three were aneuploid decrease in chromosome number, apomixis, and self-pollination. However, only one device operated in any one species. It seems clear that a similar adaptive process has produced the south to north and the native to weedy adaptation patterns but that in northern and weedy floras more than one device for promoting genetic constancy has occurred in many species as the examples above indicate. As mentioned earlier, many species growing in weedy and in borealarctic regions have some features promoting genetic constancy but at
the same time possess other features which normally promote variability. The presence of these combinations of opposing reproductive factors in a plant may be explained by assuming that each of the factors has an adaptive function which contributes toward maintaining the required balance in variability of the genetic system and this is undoubtedly true in some groups. However, a much more likely explanation for the presence of the numerous opposing tendencies, at least in the higher latitude floras, is that most of the reproductive features which normally promote variability have only a limited or no adaptive function today. It appears reasonable to consider that much of the genetic variability in northern regions represents a lag behind the present adaptive requirements of the genetic system-requirements which are largely physiological and as yet undefined. A logical conclusion to this line of reasoning as it applies to northern floras is that even genetic variability itself may be largely a vestigial feature in the higher latitudes. The capacity to produce variability is certainly deep-seated genetically, and we would not expect this capacity to be easily lost or replaced. As examples of non-adaptive outcrossing features in arctic plants we might consider the specialized flowers of the Leguminosae and Scrophulariaceae. These flowers are not evidence of specialized pollinator relationships having adaptive value but rather of outcrossing in the ancestry because, judging from herbarium specimens and field observations ( Savile, 51, pp. 987-88), most species of these two families in the higher latitudes must be selfpollinated. Likewise the colourful and conspicuous flowers of arctic representatives of genera like Arnica, Potentilla, and Taraxacum are largely adaptive features of ancestral outcrossers, since plants of these three genera are highly apomictic in the north. The dioecy of Antennaria is also vestigial since northern Antennaria are not only apomictic but are high polyploids. Many additional examples could be cited. A similar situation seems to be present among our weedy Hora. It is certainly not a coincidence that most of our outcrossed and usually self-incompatible weeds are perennial rather than annual or biennial, for example, Sonchus arvensis, Cardaria, Linaria, Lactuca, Trifolium repens, T. hybridum, and T. pratense. Similarly, perennial weeds like H ypericum perforatum, Taraxacum, and some species of H ieracium ( which may be actively visited by insects), although they appear to be normally outcrossed, are in fact strongly apomictic. Outcrossing among weeds, therefore, appears to be at a selective disadvantage because when features promoting outcrossing are present, they are compensated for by perennity or by apomixis, both of which tend to
ensure population constancy. That this "adaptive compensation" does in fact operate on a large scale among weeds is suggested by the fact that outcrossing is not associated as a rule with weeds that have short life cycles. Such weeds are normally self-pollinated and can therefore "afford" to have short life cycles as well as low chromosome numbers. It is of interest to consider the possible reasons for the remarkable success of constant genetic systems in high latitude and weedy floras. Stebbins ( 57, pp. 176-79; 59) has stated that plant populations characterized by self-pollination or apomixis are usually found in temporary habitats, particularly in the case af annuals or short-lived perennials. Although annuals and short-lived perennials are not common in the arctic, the region contains a very high percentage of self-pollinated, apomictic ( and polyploid) species, the majority of which are medium-lived perennials. Both boreal and arctic habitats are certainly not marginal or temporary since arctic environments date back at least to the late Pliocene and the boreal is undoubtedly much older. Likewise weedy environments are in my opinion relatively constant over large regions of the world ( although they may be temporary in one small area). Mulligan ( 41) and others have shown that there are many different kinds of weedy environments, for example, lawns, roadsides, row-crop fields, grain fields, pastures, and so on and that each environment has its characteristic weeds. In my opinion, therefore, it is not the temporariness or the marginality but rather the recurrent restrictiveness of northern climate and the relative uniformity of the many types of weedy habitats that create conditions for the remarkable success of constant genetic systems in these environments. The identity of the limiting factor promoting genetic constancy in the northern floras may be low soil and air temperatures during the growing season. Low temperatures would result in selection favouring the correlation and completion of many types of biochemical reactions at temperatures which are minimal for the maintenance of life. It would be advantageous to such plants to acquire reproductive features which keep variability to a minimum. Among weedy floras the identity of the factors favouring population constancy would vary from one weedy habitat to another. Parenthetically, I should like to add that the probable reason why weeds are so common in temperate and tropical regions is that man himself has created weedy environments in those areas where ideal diploid hermaphrodites are common and serve as a rich reservoir for the production of weeds.
If the above hypothesis on the relationship between genetic systems and northern climate is correct, then pollen vectors which are so necessary for maintaining outcrossing reproductive systems of plants of tropical and temperate regions should have progressively less and in some instances no effect on plant adaptation in the higher latitudes. Thus although many arctic insects clearly depend on nectar- and pollen-producing, showy-flowered plants for survival, these plants may have little or no need for insects. Hybridization between obviously different species as a source of genetic variability appears to be uncommon in the arctic. Few F 1 hybrids are known from the higher latitudes. The only example known to me of what appears to be introgression is between Poa hartzii and P. glauca from Ellesmere Island described by Savile ( 53). Most taxonomically difficult genera owe their complexity to apomixis. Intrapopulational variation is extremely rare but known from Saxifraga oppositifolia ( Savile 53). The genetic basis for variability in some classically difficult groups like Stellaria longipes and Cerastium alpinum has not yet been experimentally demonstrated. Our understanding of the role of polyploidy in evolution is presently undergoing important changes mainly because of the discovery that genes can very frequently control chromosome pairing at meiosis ( see previous discussion). Polyploids are known to be conservative and they do not seem to have the capacity to produce major new kinds of plants. Yet, many polyploids, for example Dactylis glomerata ( Stebbins and Zohary, 60) and Clarkia rhomboidea ( Mosquin, 40), are extremely variable and may have wide ranges. The extensive variability and distribution ranges of such polyploids appear to be due mainly to one or several of the following factors: ( 1) hybridization between polyploid races originating repeatedly from various geographical races of diploids, ( 2) repeated intergenomic exchange which results in new linkage relationships and new position effects, and ( 3) to the presence of a rich diversity of habitats which permit certain polyploid derivatives to adapt to a variety of conditions in which their parents could not grow. Such polyploids are frequently segmental alloploids ( Stebbins, 57) and have wide ecological ranges of tolerance. It is probably of great significance that these polyploids have to my knowledge been found to be native to temperate regions which have great ecological diversity, rather than to the colder climates which are relatively uniform. It is only those polyploids that do not have the capacity or mechanism for giving rise to a wide range of variants that have been uniquely qualified for the colonization of the higher latitudes and of
weedy environments. In northern and in man-made environments, polyploids decrease rather than increase the variability and the flexibility of the genetic system. Genie control of chromosome pairing as considered in the early part of this paper may be the vital factor partly responsible for maintaining the buffering and the consequent conservatism in northern and weedy polyploids. Genie diploidization, since it restores normal, diploid-like gametogenesis, ensures fertility. Once genie control of chromosome pairing develops, even segmental alloploids having grossly reorganized segments will become more conservative because crossing over between homologous segments, regardless of their position, will be prevented. I therefore feel that there is no experimental evidence whatsoever to support the widely popularized hypothesis that polyploids per se have greater ecological ranges of tolerances than diploids as suggested by Hagerup ( 26) and Love & Love ( 36). This is particularly so because both Hagerup and Love & Love were referring to high latitude and weedy polyploids. The reason that polyploids are widespread in northern and weedy environments is that polyploidy in these regions has a similar impact on the genetic system as have self-pollination and apomixis: it permits the perpetuation of a genetic system having narrow adaptational limits. Such polyploids have very wide distribution ranges because the narrow and relatively uniform boreal, arctic, and weedy environments are widespread. If the hypothesis on the relation between genetic systems and environmental uniformity or restrictiveness is correct, then ecologists might use genetic systems of plants as clues to the nature of the environmental parameters in a habitat. After all, environments have been testing genetic systems for millions of years. If genetic systems encountered restrictiveness or uniformity they themselves would promote uniformity but if they encountered permissiveness they would promote variability. It would not be at all surprising if botanists of the future were to find that the plants inhabiting specific ecological zones would have significantly different levels of genetic variability, for example the tree, shrub, and herb strata in a forest, the various ecological zones of sea and lake shores, or the altitudinal or edaphic zones in physiographically variable regions. It is of interest that Gustafsson ( 25) and Johnson and Packer ( 29) have already found such correlations between ecological zones and chromosomes characteristics, particularly polyploidy. No doubt other characteristics listed in Fig. 1 would show similar changes in frequency with different ecological conditions. Should such correlations prove to be widespread in the
plant kingdom, then they will unquestionably be of great practical and theoretical value to ecologists and to other population biologists. When we consider the immense amount of diversity among higher plants stemming from ideal diploid hermaphrodites, it is surprising that the main colonizers of widespread weedy and arctic habitats have the kinds of genetic systems that lead toward population uniformity; this, despite the presence of potential insect pollinators or wind pollination in both areas. One can only conclude that the kinds of mechanisms which preserve population uniformity ( and so lead to evolutionary dead ends), impart superior adaptative properties to plants in these habitats. The absence of diploid outcrossers in the arctic, and the compensation for outcrossing among weeds by perennity and apomixis ( as considered previously), also suggest that a high level of genetic variability is not adaptive in boreal, arctic, and weedy habitats. If self-pollination and apomixis in the arctic were simply devices to ensure seed set, then these devices would not be so common in temperate weedy habitats where pollinators are very common and where full seed set can therefore be readily attained by outcrossing. Also, if seed set were of primary importance to arctic plants, then polyploidy which is so common in the north would require a special explanation. It is true that self-pollinated and apomictic plants would have a better chance for long-distance establishment, but such establishment is, I feel, only a minor episode in maintaining the extensive distributions of boreal, arctic, and weedy floras. What is important is the hereditary capacity to use some reproductive device or combination of devices to preserve a highly adapted physiological system once such a system has been discovered by mutation and recombination. If natural selection favours progressively less genetic variability with increases in latitude, then the evolutionary potential of plants of lower latitude floras will be greatest, while the capacity to produce new species and genera in the higher latitudes will become severely restricted. Loss of a great deal of evolutionary potential is, therefore, the price of adaption to our latitudes. This loss would explain two wellknown facts about our native flora. One is the singular lack of endemic genera in our area, in contrast to climatically unique areas of more southern latitudes. The other is the notable lack of genetic variability within many of our species, even though they have extensive circumboreal and circumpolar distributions. Many Canadian species and genera are conservative and relatively static in evolution because they have for the most part lost the dynamic qualities of ideal diploid hermaphrodites. This does not mean that evolution of plants in the
higher latitudes or in weedy floras has stopped, but only that it proceeds at a relatively slow rate. Northern species of the genera Salix, Betula, Carex, and various Ericaceae, 0rchidaceae, Liliaceae, and others therefore give the appearance of being or are known to be relatively ancient. In the future, new species and genera suitable for colonizing the boreal and arctic zones are more likely to originate from variable temperate plants than from the genetically quite constant populations already growing in northern regions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
It is my pleasure to thank C. Frankton, H. Lewis, G. A. Mulligan, T. Rajhathy, P. H. Raven, and D. B. 0. Savile for their numerous helpful criticisms and suggestions concerning the manuscript. G. A. Mulligan kindly permitted me to use some unpublished information on the Canadian Cruciferae and W. G. Dore helped in scoring many of the grasses for Fig. 3. Special thanks go to D. B. 0. Savile with whom I had many useful and stimulating discussions on morphology and floral biology of arctic plants. Many of the staff of the Plant Research Institute provided information and opinions on diverse groups of · plants and influenced the ideas expressed in this paper. REFERENCES
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Aspects of the Late-Pleistocene History of the Canadian Flora
THE CONTRIBUTION OF STUDIES of late-Pleistocene Hora is of limited relevance to the basic question posed in this colloquium-what is the origin of the Canadian Hora? It is fairly clear that most elements in the present Hora have existed in North America throughout the Quaternary, and their origins must be traced in data from late Tertiary deposits. It is equally clear that the facts available are inadequate even to approach the question of late Tertiary and early Quaternary Horistic history. However, there is a contribution to be made to Horistic geography by Pleistocene studies, in that the contemporary distribution of the flora can be understood in part in terms of patterns of immigration into deglaciated land areas. While gaps remain, the general configurations of present-day plant distributions are well known, and Porsild ( 25) has provided a clear preliminary summary of the main floristic elements of our flora. Further, several notable attempts have been made to reconstruct hypothetical sequences of re-immigration, or to propose survival phenomena, to account for certain chorological patterns in the flora ( Braun, 3; Fernald, 14; Hulten, 19; Marie-Victorin, 23; Raup, 26; and others). It is perhaps appropriate now, if not essential, to assemble the factual record of late-Pleistocene flora, and to attempt to reconstruct
the past on the basis of fact alone. The exemplary studies of Godwin ( 18) and his colleagues might serve to point the way for studies of the history of the Canadian flora. The main sources of direct information about Holocene floras are records of plant macrofossil and pollen assemblages. In general, primary limnic deposits are the most reliable repositories for these subfossils, but bog, and even alluvial deposits also yield useful data. Investigations of deposits bearing such material for analysis have a long and fruitful history in Northwest Europe, the Soviet Union, and elsewhere in the Old World, and the last decade has seen a notable intensification and refinement of these studies in the United States. In Canada, as Terasmae (32) has pointed out, such investigations have lagged somewhat, and they continue to be pursued somewhat fitfully and without adequate interdisciplinary coordination. It would perhaps be appropriate here to recommend our new botanical organization to nurture a co-ordinated resurgence in Canadian biogeography, with particular emphasis on Quaternary history. It might be appropriate to outline briefly what can be expected of botanical studies of the late-Pleistocene, particularly in their application to problems of floristic geography. The information which is relevant to floristics can be abstracted at three levels. First, there is the fl.oristic record of what actually grew at a site, derived mainly from occurrences of large fragments or organs of plants, or less commonly, occurrences of large pollen grains or spores poorly adapted for dispersal. These are unquestionably the most valuable data for floristic geography, but they are seldom available, partly because limnic and other deposits rich in macrofossils are somewhat rare, but mainly because there is insufficient investigation of this kind. Secondly, relevant data can be derived from reconstructions of Holocene vegetation. These are based largely on rather loose interpretations of pollen spectra, usually summarized as relative frequencies of pollen and spore types. The evidence adduced here is seldom of direct floristic significance, but often it provides data that strengthen, or possibly erode explanatory hypotheses. However, palynological analyses of sediments in extra-tropical regions of the northern hemisphere seldom yield assemblages of more than one hundred pollen types, of which perhaps only one quarter can be identified with certainty to species level. Thus while we assume reasonably, that at least in forested regions the dominant elements of the vegetation are represented in pollen spectra, we can hardly expect to find evidence in one site for
much more than five per cent of the total Hora. Nonetheless, it is likely that the post-glacial history of our Hora will be based almost entirely on the results of palynological analyses. While one can search hopefully for rich deposits of plant macrofossils in early Holocene (late-glacial) sediments, post-glacial deposits seldom yield many remnants of terrestrial plants. It should be noted also that pollen analysis has several old, acute, and yet unsolved problems of its own, and until some progress has been made towards resolving them, one should view the published interpretations of pollen diagrams with the utmost caution. It is possible that the limitations of the method will be more exactly known when investigations along three lines of enquiry have matured-studies of pollen sedimentation rates in limnic deposits ( Davis and Deevey, 8), of the relations between contemporary pollen spectra and landform-vegetation regions ( Ritchie and Lichti-Federovich, 29), and of the differential preservation of pollen in lake sediments ( Sangster and Dale, 31). The final source of relevant data is paleoecology, and its contribution to historical plant geography is the least direct. The ultimate desideratum of late-Pleistocene studies, and it can be realized only under conditions of full interdisciplinary collaboration, is to assemble all possible analyses of chronologically and stratigraphically correlated biotas and sediments and to draw inferences about past environments. Certain substantial a priori assumptions are involved here, largely stemming from the methodology of geology, and the most that one can hope for is an accumulation of biological, geological, and physico-chemical data with considerable ecological concordance. The usefulness of paleoecology to Horistic geography is in providing reconstructions of the possible biotic and abiotic settings; the danger is to base reconstructions of past floras on paleoecological inferences, thus slipping into a familiar circuity of argument and reasoning. I propose to restrict my discussion to one of the four main phytogeographical regions of Canada, for various reasons which will emerge below. For many biogeographical purposes, and specifically for latePleistocene studies, we may recognize four general regions in Canada -the Arctic, the Cordilleran region, the Western Interior, and the Eastern region. I propose to examine here certain aspects of the latePleistocene history of the Western Interior of Canada, mainly because it lies within my own bailiwick, but also because the other three areas present a picture at present which is too complicated and confused, or, in the case of the Arctic, too inadequately investigated, to permit any clear generalizations. The contemporary and sub-fossil pollen assem-
blages from the Wes tern Interior ( approximately from western Ontario to the foothills, following the suggestion of Warkentin, 36) are composed of relatively few types, yielding simple but apparently informative pollen diagrams, whereas both the eastern and cordilleran floras have a profusion of anemophilous trees, often with indistinguishable pollen between closely related but ecologically distinct species, posing acute problems in interpretation. On the other hand, some of the difficulties of interpretation of Arctic data are caused by the paucity of pollen types recorded ( Livingston, 22, Colinvaux, 6). The area to be considered ( Fig. 1) lies at the conjunction of three major floristic provinces-the Northern Conifer Forest, the Eastern Deciduous Forest, and the Grasslands as defined by Gleason and Cronquist (17). We shall examine the botanical findings recorded from various sites in the Western Interior of Canada (sites 1-7, Fig. 1), suggest an interpretation in terms of vegetation history, draw some comparisons with geologically similar sites in Minnesota ( sites 8--12), and finally, suggest the broad outlines of possible floristic history. It is unfortunate that there is still some uncertainty about the glacial geology of the area, but we can suggest with reasonable assurance that the sites shown in Fig. 1 lie close to, or within the land area exposed during the Two Creeks interstadial, and most have been ice-free since that time. Following Christiansen ( 5) we can show the approximate position of the ice front at the Condie re-advance, which is tentatively correlated with Valders ( Christiansen, 4), and the suggested position of the Valders ice front in western Ontario ( Zoltai, 41 and 42). However, the position of the Valders ice front in the region of the southern extension of Glacial Lake Agassiz II remains in doubt ( Elson, 9, 11, 12). MISSOURI COTEAU SITES-GRASSLAND REGION
There have been several investigations in the last decade of fossiliferous sediments on or near the Missouri Coteau, in both Saskatchewan ( Kupsch, 21, Ritchie and de Vries, 28, and Terasmae, 33, unpubl.) and North Dakota (Tuthill et al., 34). Two sites will be discussed here-Hafichuk and Crestwynd-sites 2 and 3 respectively in Fig. 1. Both occur in kettle depressions of hummocky, disintegration moraine, well within the northern extension of the Grasslands region. The Hafichuk site ( described in detail by de Vries, 35, and Ritchie and de Vries, 28) was an excavation at the edge of a depression and revealed late-glacial gyttja quite close to the ground surface ( depth of 3 m).
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