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NEITHER SAFE NOR EFFECTIVE: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines
2nd Edition
Dr. Colleen Huber
© 2023 Colleen Huber ISBN: 9798397795159
The COVID Vaccines From Government institutions
Medical journals
CDC FDA HHS US Federal Court GOV.UK Public Health Scotland Government of Denmark Government of Canada
JAMA NEJM Nature Vaccine Journal of Pediatrics Circulation Pediatric Cardiology Nature Microbiology
And Pfizer, Moderna and Walgreens
Dr. Colleen Huber June 2023
This book is dedicated to Ernesto Ramirez, Jr. who lost his life, at 16 years old, just 5 days after his first Pfizer vaccine, an event verified on autopsy by four independent physicians, although Ernesto played sports and had no health problems before the vaccine. This book is also dedicated to all those who lost loved ones following vaccines, or who tried to talk a loved one out of a vaccine, or who risked their source of income or their education, standing strong against peer pressure, bullying, superstition and “mandates.”
“These vaccines are leaving a trail of death that is unparalleled in peacetime.” -
Dr. Pierre Kory
Thank you, Charlesetta Johnson, for giving me the most inspiring quote in the book: “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, … ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” Ephesians 6:14-16 Thank you, Nimueh Rephael, for your outstanding editing and proofreading. I could not have done this without your alert attention to detail and clarity of expression.
Introduction to the 2nd Edition
PART 1: The Early Evidence 1
What we knew by 2021: Danger signs in lab animals
PART 2: The Evidence as of 2023 2 3 4
NSNE: Court testimony on the COVID vaccines Bradford Hill criteria for causality in health effects Secondary vaccine effects
33 71 99
PART 3: Mechanisms of Risk: Cardiovascular Injuries 5 6 7 8
Laboratory evidence of cardiovascular injury: D-dimer Heart damage from the COVID Vaccines Heart fatigue from vaccines, fluid dynamics Student athletes perform worse post vaccine
107 121 133 139
PART 4: Injuries to Other Bodily Systems 9 10 11 12 13
Brain injuries after COVID vaccines Eye injuries after COVID vaccines Fertility challenges: Birth rates plunge How COVID vaccines cause cancer Ten worst hazards of the COVID vaccines
145 173 183 203 215
PART 5: More Mechanisms 14 15 16 17 18
Does any vaccine stay in the arm? Respiratory vaccines cannot work What is in a vaccine? Immunology 101.1 Vaccine auto-immune connection
227 235 243 251 259
PART 6: Trust and Distrust 19
Would you buy a used car from these companies?
PART 7: The Defeat of COVID Without Vaccination 20 21 22 23
Africa is starkly unvaccinated Vitamin D versus COVID Ivermectin versus COVID Overcoming fear of viruses
273 283 289 297
PART 8: Avoiding the COVID Vaccines 24 25 26 27 28
Religious exemption considerations Religious exemption inside-out Medical exemptions Top medical journals to cite in your exemption Court cases that have upheld bodily autonomy
307 315 323 333 341
PART 9: Healing 29
Fighting back against COVID vaccine injuries
Reviews from the 1st Edition of Neither Safe Nor Effective: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines “Even the FDA is having to (very quietly) admit much of what she writes is true.” “Thank you for writing this book! So many suffer for not knowing the truth.” “This is an extremely important book, especially if you've been vaccinated. Dr. Huber fully documents everything she says, and it's terrifying. But we need to know what's going on.” One of those books where you highlight all the important information and you look back and almost EVERYTHING is highlighted!” “I'm a lawyer fighting these mandates and found this book very well researched, passionate yet informative, scientific and analytical yet compelling and a fast read! Thank you for all the time consuming research! Amazing footnotes! “ “This book could save your life or the life of a loved one. Do not waste any time, get this book ASAP, for real. Straight to the point, no BSing . . . . “Solid, to the point, specifics, quotes, studies, all linked. No fluff, just facts, documented, one after another. Thank you to the author, for this work represents a lot of critical research. “ “ . . . I purchased 12 additional copies to give to people . . .”
“This should be a MUST READ for everyone, before choosing to get this vaccine. No one should be forced to inject something into their body that they don’t know enough about.” “Thank you for writing this book and thank you Ernest Ramirez for sharing your heartache, so that others don’t have to suffer like you have. Also- thank you Amazon for allowing this book to be sold. The world is a crazy place right now, and we should all have the freedom to make our own INFORMED choices.” “Dr. Huber has provided a wealth of information.” “This is an extremely important book, especially if you've been vaccinated.”
Introduction to the 2nd Edition I will show through the over 700 studies cited in this book that the COVID vaccines are, not only neither safe nor effective, but that they are far more dangerous than any previous vaccines still in common use in the United States, and they have resulted in more injuries and deaths, even ongoing, for the vaccinated than for the unvaccinated. The US government and most governments around the world eagerly promoted and even sometimes coerced people to receive the COVID vaccines, including many against their will. But the US government at least knew quite early on that the COVID vaccines were neither safe nor effective. Four of the first five references in this book, and many more throughout, are from the United States government, as well as other government-reported data throughout the world, but the majority of studies cited herein is from institutional and independent research scientists and physicians. Consider the following: Even Anthony Fauci MD, the COVID vaccines’ most widely recognized advocate, has admitted this in a January 2023 study: “Past unsuccessful attempts to elicit solid protection against mucosal respiratory viruses to control the deadly outbreaks and pandemics they cause have been a scientific and public health failure that must be urgently addressed.” 1 And: “As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted…. 13
“… as variant SARS-CoV-2 strains have emerged, deficiencies in these vaccines reminiscent of influenza vaccines have become apparent.” And Dr. Fauci’s team then identified the cause of the problem, which many of us have been pointing out for years, including for earlier vaccines: “The vaccines for these two very different viruses have common characteristics: they elicit incomplete and short-lived protection against evolving virus variants that escape population immunity.” Here is an age-old problem with vaccination against rapidly mutating respiratory viruses: It is like slowly swatting a fastmoving mosquito. By the time the swatter lands, the target is long gone. This will be explored in much greater detail in two chapters in this book. As recent researchers of the failures of the bivalent vaccines have noted: “Our findings highlight ongoing concern that the breadth of antibody response from current updated vaccines is not optimal for the pace of virus evolution.” 2 The FDA knew of COVID vaccine failure in 2021 However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had understood the problem of lack of efficacy (even negative efficacy), of the COVID vaccines earlier than the Fauci team acknowledged it. From the FDA’s September 17, 2021 briefing document: 3
“… the post hoc analysis appears to indicate that the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 during the analysis period among 18,727 study participants originally randomized to BNT162b2 [Pfizer vaccine] (mean of 9.8 months post-Dose 2 at the beginning of the analysis period) was 70.3 cases per 1,000 person-years, compared with an incidence of 51.6 cases per 1,000 person-years among 17,748 study participants originally randomized to placebo….“ That is, while COVID vaccine zeitgeist and “mandates” (here in quotes due to their illegality) were cresting in the fall of 2021, and would remain high for many months to come, the FDA had already seen by one metric 70.3 COVID cases in the Pfizer group, compared to 51.6 cases by the same metric in the placebo group. The FDA was also already aware of worse COVID disease in the vaccinated group, from the same memorandum: “Only 3 severe COVID-19 cases were reported during the analysis period, all of which occurred among study participants originally randomized to BNT162b2.” And, because of the fluid nature of government documents that we have found on controversial topics, let’s screenshot that page:
But even these findings were late, too late to spare the world’s people from the most widely used, most heavily coerced and most dangerous of the vaccines in common use in our time. Throughout the last two years, many interesting findings in vials of the COVID vaccines have been reported by those using advanced microscopic, spectroscopic or liquid chromatography techniques. These include graphene compounds discussed by the late chemist Andreas Noack, snake venom-like peptides discussed by chiropractor Brian Ardis, DNA contaminants, both plasmid and bacterial, found by genomics specialist Kevin McKernan, and oncogene (cancer-causing) peptides confessed to on television by Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel. Of those, the first three still await widespread confirmation at the time of this writing. As for the last of those findings, I discuss this in Chapter 19. Bancel’s name is on the US patent of the oncogene, Bancel said it “could” have ended up in the spike protein sequence, despite one in three trillion odds of that happening by chance, and Bancel’s company Moderna made one of the two mRNA COVID vaccines used on people all over the world. The point of this book is that, without going into other highly dangerous possible components of the COVID vaccines, there is already enough thoroughly verifiable evidence in this book to persuade and challenge literate and reasonable people to never succumb to dangerous and irreversible injections again, and to never commit poisonous assault, or threats of the same, with such substances on other people. An abundance of high-quality research on injuries and deaths following the COVID vaccines have appeared in the medical literature since the 1st edition. I have tried to capture the strongest of those here in the 2nd edition. Finally, in Chapter 29, let’s address current knowledge of healing strategies from COVID vaccine injuries. 16
PART 1 The Early Evidence
Chapter 1: What we knew prior to 2021 I have served as a medical expert witness numerous times in the capacity of Naturopathic Medical Doctor in Arizona. As such, I have testified regarding vaccine injury and vaccine safety considerations in court cases, and I began compiling and sharing the data herein and related testimony since February 2021. I ask that you, the reader, consider the information below, before submitting to the experimental COVID vaccines.
THIS CHAPTER IS A BLACK BOX EMERGENCY DOCUMENT, LAST UPDATED JULY 2021 The following outline is written with a lot of bold print, in case of an emergency need to get this information to a parent who is considering taking their children for the COVID vaccines. These next several pages must be read first before an irreversible medical experiment is done. The rest of this book takes time to painstakingly make the case about hazards related to the COVID vaccines, but this chapter is especially for emergency use.
1) Is the COVID vaccine experimental? The FDA granted emergency use authorization for these vaccines. 4 Emergency use authorization is required by law to be made only if there are no effective treatments for COVID. 5 a. But are there effective COVID treatments? 100s of studies done around the world have established, and repeatedly confirmed, fast, effective, safe and well-tolerated treatments for COVID that are in widespread use. I wrote about them in my book, The Defeat of COVID: 500+ medical studies show what works & what doesn’t. 6 b. General risk versus benefit An emergency experimental vaccine cannot be assumed to be safer than a virus with a very high survival rate, such as COVID. The average survival rate for NO COVID treatment at all is 99.85%, and we have very successful treatments available, which should easily achieve universal survivability from COVID, if widely available. Where does 99.85% survival come from? Dr. John Ioannidis is one of the most widely cited scientists in the world. His estimate in June 2020 of a 0.26% infection fatality rate (IFR) had been confirmed around the world. 100% - 0.26% = 99.74% survival rate. That has now been revised to IFR = 0.15%. So 100% - 0.15% = 99.85% survival rate. 7 2) Does the COVID vaccine work? The COVID vaccine is not even known to stop the spread of COVID. a. Dr. Larry Corey, who oversees National Institutes of Health COVID vaccine trials said on 11/20/20: “The studies aren’t designed to assess transmission. They don’t ask that question, and there’s really no information on this at this point in time.” 8 Since then, it has been seen that the earliest and most heavily vaccinated country, Israel, has had one of the highest COVID infection rates in the world since vaccination. 9
b.The FDA confirmed back in December 2020 that the first vaccine dose correlates with increased COVID infections. “Suspected COVID cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine group vs 287 in the placebo group.” This data comes from Pfizer itself. 10 3) What happened to the animals in the studies? This technology has been tried on animals, and in the animal studies done, all the animals died, not immediately, but months later, from other immune disorders, as well as liver inflammation, 11 12 and sepsis and/or cardiac failure. There has never been a long-term successful animal study using this technology. 13 No experimental coronavirus vaccine has succeeded in animal studies. 14 4) Specific risks of COVID vaccines, in roughly chronological order of side-effect manifestation: a. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is one of the ingredients. This has been correlated with anaphylactic shock. 15 16 So the CDC began recommending intubation kits at vaccination sites. 17 b. Cationic lipid coating of mRNA is known for many years to be toxic, 18 because these + charged fats interact with the – charges on our amino acids, our cell membranes and the phosphates of our DNA. Cationic lipids are attracted to and are destructive toward: i. Lungs 19 ii. Mitochondria, red blood cells, white blood cells
iii. Liver 21 iv. Nervous system (This is the Bell’s Palsy and tremors that are seen in vaccine victims.) 22
c. mRNA: Unlike a traditional vaccine, of injected, inactivated virus intended to stimulate antibody response, the COVID vaccine on the other hand is completely different in this respect. It uses messenger RNA (mRNA), which is a blueprint for your cells to create COVID-like (spike) proteins. Then your cells begin to make these COVID-like proteins. However, those proteins, in turn, stimulate your body to make antibodies against them. So now your body has been turned into a munitions factory for both sides of a war: The bad guys (COVID-like spike proteins) and the good guys (the antibodies fighting against them). However, before you pledge allegiance to the good guys, as you will see below, the good guys can be more lethal to the vaccinated person. i. History of mRNA vaccines: This technology had disastrous results in dengue fever vaccines in the past. Dengue vaccine is a mRNA vaccine. 23 When this kind of technology, not identical to the mRNA COVID vaccines, but of a very narrowly targeted set of selected viral genes (from a different virus), was used in children in the Philippines, many vaccinated children had far worse outcomes than unvaccinated children when they were later exposed to dengue, and many died. Prosecution for homicide resulted. 24 However, this had previously been known to happen with ferrets and with cats. In all cases, the vaccinated animal or human became more vulnerable to worse disease when confronted with it. It is expected that the relatively mild COVID illness, with a survival rate of 99.85%, may reduce to a much lower survival rate and become a truly lethal disease in vaccinated people when they later become infected with it. At this writing, (February 2021) there are no peer-reviewed published long-term human trials of mRNA vaccines at all, and no mRNA vaccine has ever been FDA approved. That’s how new the technology is.
ii. mRNA can affect DNA. One of the most worrisome risks with a mRNA vaccine is what can happen with reverse transcriptase. This is an enzyme in every cell, and it can theoretically lead to the mRNA creating changes in the cells’ DNA, a process known as viral retrointegration. Although this possibility had been thought unlikely, MIT and Harvard scientists found it happened. 25 If some of the 30 trillion or so cells in your body become permanent COVID factories, what is the long-term impact on your health, and would you want that outcome? iii. Spike proteins cross the blood-brain-barrier, attach to neurons and create brain inflammation. This is a problem because mRNA vaccines programmed the cells in the bodies of vaccinated people to keep making spike proteins. 26 iv.Spike proteins directly damage lungs. "The researchers found that the genetically modified mice injected with the spike protein exhibited COVID-like symptoms that included severe inflammation, an influx of white blood cells into their lungs and evidence of a cytokine storm—an immune response in which the body starts to attack its own cells and tissues rather than just fighting off the virus. The mice that only received saline remained normal." 27 v. Spike proteins likely damaged each of those organs due to: damage to mitochondria, which in turn damages vascular cells, leading to the clotting and bleeding problems that we have now seen in COVID vaccine victims. “S [spike] protein alone can damage endothelium.” 28
d. Antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) problem Prior attempts to create a coronavirus vaccine killed all the test animals, after they were later infected with wild virus. Here’s what happened: mRNA instructed the mammals’ cells to produce the spike proteins of the coronavirus. Then, later, when the animals confronted the wild virus, the intense buildup of antibodies had been stockpiled, and their sudden and overwhelming release killed the test animal. These risks have been documented in Nature, Science and Journal of Infectious Diseases. Here’s a study from the journal Nature Microbiology in September 2020 on that. 29 So long before even one person had received a COVID vaccine, this devastatingly poisonous effect was known by some and ignored by nearly all. e. ADE mechanism: ADE is a form of pathogenic priming, meaning the vaccine can result in a more severe disease, which has been seen in prior attempts at making coronavirus vaccines. The antibodies made can be neutralizing (which inactivate a virus, and that’s good), but antibodies are a problem when they are non-neutralizing, because then these antibodies carry active viruses directly to macrophages, which then become infected. This is how ADE happens. This antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) leads to: i. increased viral replication (more viruses to make you sick); 30 and ii. more severe disease.
f. ADE result: These macrophages tend to go to the lungs and fill the lungs, causing overwhelming inflammation and airway obstruction (as found later on autopsy). 32 However, the augmented antibodies also attack similar-looking proteins on internal organs, resulting in cytokine storm and death, 33 or auto-immune disease and organ failure. “Cats that showed high titers following vaccination succumbed at later timepoints to fatal disease.” 34 24
g. What about miscarriages, and why have men been advised to freeze their sperm prior to getting the injection? Both men and women are at risk for possibly permanent infertility, because the spike protein of a coronavirus “looks” to the immune system similar to Syncytin1, an essential protein in the placenta. This stimulates antibodies to fight the placenta, and possibly sperm. Mid-term miscarriages, which are normally very rare, have occurred in women who have been vaccinated for COVID. Miscarriages have now increased by 3,016%. 35 36 The New England Journal of Medicine had previously found that 14% of vaccinated pregnant women miscarried, mostly in the 3rd trimester, which is normally a very rare time to miscarry. 37 Women should expect high risk of miscarriage and to remain infertile for an indefinite amount of time, possibly permanently, if they take the COVID vaccine. Also, SARSCoV-2 viral particles have been found to linger in the testicles of men after recovery from infection. 38 h.Myocarditis is a life threatening condition, which injures the muscular layer of the walls of the heart, with no available treatment, because it entails the killing of heart cells. Myocarditis is typically very rare in youth, but has been disabling and killing vaccinated individuals. The CDC now confesses to the connection between myocarditis and the COVID vaccines. 39 The following study shows the likely mechanism of harm done to the myocardium, 40 and everyone who takes the COVID vaccines would find it nearly impossible to reverse or prevent such permanent damage to the heart. I explain this mechanism in Chapters 6 and 7 of this book. Immunologist Sucharit Bhakdi discusses the same in these interviews. 41 42 Pathologist Roger Hodkinson MD explains the devastation of myocarditis:
“Myocarditis is never mild, particularly in young, healthy males. It’s an inflammation of the heart muscle, the pump of the body. And we don’t know what percent of the heart muscle cells would have died in any one attack of myocarditis. The big thing about heart muscle, heart muscle fibers, is that they do not regenerate…. We do know that myocarditis can present decades later, with premature onset of heart failure that would otherwise not have been expected. So it’s a terrible worry for these people to know what’s going to happen to them in the future…. It’s not trivial.” 43 i. Why are COVID vaccinees MORE likely to spread COVID than the unvaccinated? Virologist Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, who worked for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, recently warned the World Health Organization (WHO) that "We are currently turning vaccinees into carriers shedding infectious variants." The Red Cross says, "At this time individuals who have received a COVID vaccine are not able to donate convalescent plasma with the Red Cross." Pfizer showed awareness of the possibility of transmission through inhalation or skin contact with a vaccinated person here. See pp 67-68. 44 This may partly explain the spring-summer 2021 surge of anecdotal reports of unusual menstrual bleeding and clotting among contacts of vaccinated persons.
j. Why is it more dangerous to vaccinate against COVID than against other viruses? Because COVID virus uses the ACE-2 receptor to get into your endothelial cells, including those lining the blood vessels. This creates an inflammatory reaction that the great majority (99.85%) have survived. (See above.) So if you have been exposed to the virus, and then get vaccinated, it is almost certain that the vaccine will cause new inflammation and damage to endothelial cells lining your blood vessels, and we have seen short-term abnormal blood clotting in people who have gotten the vaccine. But the more likely problem is launching new disease in the blood vessels. Dr. H Noorchashm MD, PhD says, “… the vaccine is almost certain to do damage to the vascular endothelium.” He explains in a letter that was deleted from its original sources, but may still be viewed. 45 Israel is at this writing the most heavily COVID-vaccinated country in the world. The findings of infectious disease experts are reported here, 46 in which widely published infectious disease Professor Hervé Seligmann determined, from the Israeli data, that the COVID vaccine causes: "…mortality hundreds of times greater in young people compared to mortality from coronavirus without the vaccine, and dozens of times more in the elderly…” 5) How to protect yourself and your family a. I strongly advise against this vaccine, regardless of brand, for everyone, without exception. b. Always read the Product Package Insert. This is required by law to be included with packaging of all vaccines, and US Informed Consent Law protects your right to be fully informed prior to any medical procedure, and your right to reject any medical procedure. 45 CFR § 46.116. 47 These are universal principles enshrined in the Nuremberg Code and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Declaration of Medicine and the US Constitution. 27
Here is the Pfizer insert, 48 and here is Moderna’s. 49 I strongly recommend reading ALL of it carefully with your family before you make a decision regarding whether to have the COVID vaccine. c. Discuss the considerations above, as well as other information you have heard about the COVID vaccine in a relaxed, unhurried setting with your loved ones. Make sure that you are not pressured into a procedure that you may regret in the future. If you choose to defer or reject the COVID vaccine, know that you are not alone, and many healthcare workers have done the same. “I’ve heard Tuskegee more times than I can count in the last month – and, you know, it’s a valid, valid concern.” Dr. Nikhila Juvvadi, a hospital chief clinical officer. 50 d. Share this information sheet with others who are also considering the vaccine. e. If your employer or school attempts mandatory vaccination, show this information to them. Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination, such as the covid vaccine, that is under EUA (explained above). 51 You should also consult your attorney to look into state and federal law prohibiting forced medical procedures. Organizations such as the National Vaccine Information Center, 52 Children’s Health Defense and ICAN may also have helpful information. f. If you find that the scientific information above is overwhelming, there is another way to look at COVID virus vs COVID vaccine risks. How many famous people have died of COVID? How many famous people have died within 3 weeks after taking the COVID vaccine?
6) Fraud related to COVID vaccines. The pharmaceutical industry is the largest advertiser in mainstream media. The above FDA finding of higher rates of COVID among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated has been confirmed by the FDA, and by Yale University public health professor and epidemiologist Harvey Risch. 53 7) The CDC announced a different COVID testing standard for unvaccinated people to deceptively multiply positive results by 4,096 times the positive COVID rate for unvaccinated people. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/COVID/downloads/Informati on-for-laboratories-COVID-vaccine-breakthrough-caseinvestigation.pdf, and then removed this document. There is also the egregiously deceptive propaganda that there is “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” based on the following sleight of hand: The CDC defines anyone as “unvaccinated” until more than two weeks after their 2nd COVID vaccine. 54 Therefore, acute injury, hospitalizations and deaths from the COVID vaccines are deceptively recorded as “unvaccinated.” Governments have pushed their citizens intensely to take COVID vaccines, including with bribes, threats and/or coercion. Millions of people including healthcare workers have taken to the streets protesting these vaccine “mandates.” “Mass indiscriminate vaccination with a novel set of genetic products that code for the lethal Wuhan spike protein was the worst pharmaceutical development idea in the history of mankind.” -- Dr. Peter McCullough
Did we unlearn the most important lesson from WW II ? Attorney Mary Holland, Esq. says, “If we learned anything from World War II, it is that medical procedures must not be forced on people.” What else is the Nuremberg Code about, if not to protect humans from such intrusions on their persons? For what else did anyone bother writing or adhering to the International Declaration of Human Rights (IDHR)? 55 “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person.” Art. 3, IDHR Even if the COVID vaccines were effective and safe, coercion of medical products has no place in human civilization any more than animals within their own species tolerate such abuse.
Many of us did indeed learn that most important lesson from World War II. Or maybe we learned it from the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Maybe we learned it from any one of the world’s major religions, which worded this way or that, all uphold the Golden Rule. And maybe we learned the Golden Rule even more specifically, and of central importance, from Rabbi Hillel speaking to a new convert to Judaism 2,000 years ago: “Don’t do hateful things to others that you would not want done to you. That is the whole of the Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go and study.” Now let us examine the voluminous evidence amassed against the COVID vaccines since their launch around the world.
PART 2 The Evidence as of 2023
Chapter 2: Neither Safe Nor Effective I have updated this chapter from the first edition of this book with abundant new information on safety and efficacy issues with the COVID vaccines. The older and newer COVID vaccines – together comprising the new bivalents - are alarmingly and irredeemably unsafe, as well as ineffective for the advertised purposes. It is increasingly recognized by laypeople, physicians, and scientists throughout the world that the COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe nor effective nor reversible, and I will provide irrefutable proof in this chapter. Background US mortality data at the end of 2020 did not support the allegation of a pandemic, because there was no more of an outlying peak in excess deaths in 2020 than other peaks throughout the past two decades. A series of CDC revisions have continually increased the number claimed dead in 2020. As of the date of this writing, April 24, 2023, the CDC simultaneously shows that 3,383,729 people died from all causes in the US in 2020 on one page written in December 2021, 56 and also claims that 3,390,079 people died from all causes in the US in 2020 on a different page. 57
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db427.pdf 33
If even two years after the end of 2020, allegations of the number of those dead in 2020 continue to increase, at what point will that number be settled? How is it that by December 2021 an accurate number of deaths in 2020 was not available to the CDC, but did become available to the CDC at a later date? Before the officially reported numbers change yet again, let’s take some more screenshots from the CDC. April 2020 has been considered the most deadly month for COVID in 2020, until the last half of December of that year, and this assessment has not changed since then. From the CDC on 4/26/23: 58
In either case, mortality for 2020 (the year of COVID virulence) was less than for 2021 (the year of the COVID vaccine), which was 3,471,732. 59 The 2020 mortality number remained at about one percent of the total US population, as in each of the previous three years, in which there was no pandemic. Notably, December 2020 had by far the highest deaths of any month in 2020 in the US, 32% higher than the average of the previous 11 months of what had been advertised to be the worst pandemic in a century, but in fact had no more than typical numbers of deaths in the US during that alleged pandemic. As of this time, no children are known to have died in the United States with a COVID diagnosis except for those having terminal leukemia and other advanced cancers and grave terminal illnesses and non-COVID life-threatening circumstances. It has been calculated that seasonal flu, lightning and being a passenger in a motor vehicle are all more life-threatening to children and adolescents than any of the COVID variants. Data released by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) show that each of those last three weeks of 2020 in December 2020 excess deaths (number of deaths over those expected) had higher excess deaths than any of the previous weeks of the alleged pandemic. 60 35
The Pfizer vaccines were released to the American public on December 14, 2020. 61
It may be no coincidence that December 2020 was the month that the vaccines became available to the public. Early 2021 showed striking excess deaths, and the COVID vaccine was the new factor. Furthermore, January to November 2020 show an average of 274,806 deaths in the US per month, from data in the following CDC table as of 4/26/23 (which the CDC chose to list in tiny light gray print). 62
Now contrast that 274,806 average total deaths in the US per month (January to November 2020) with 370,426 average total deaths of December 2020 and January 2021, which were the first seven weeks after the vaccine rollout. This is an increase of 95,620 deaths per month from before the vaccine rollout to the first two months of that high vaccination period.
I will show in this chapter that this increase in deaths in the US is most likely due to the new COVID vaccines that became available in December 2020, the same months deaths in the US significantly increased. The Pfizer COVID vaccines first became available for mass vaccination in the US on December 14, 2020, followed by the Moderna vaccine a few days later. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine would not become available till February 27, 2021. As soon as the earlier vaccines became distributed en masse, the total number of deaths per week for the rest of 2020 from all causes in the US jumped from 63,000 to 84,000, which is a 32% increase, unlikely to be attributable to any other cause but the vaccines.
It can be seen from the CDC data above, that the deaths per week in the US in each of the first seven weeks following the Pfizer and Moderna rollout all exceeded even the deadliest COVID weeks of 2020 (the two weeks ending April 11 and April 18 of 2020). 63 This should be enough to make anyone hesitant about the vaccines, and logically, more fearful of the vaccines than of COVID. In this chapter, I will share more published data and an overview of the latest scientific understanding of why the COVID vaccines are alarmingly and irredeemably unsafe, as well as ineffective for the advertised purpose of reducing COVID transmission, incidence, morbidity or mortality, with the understanding that the advertised purpose and media publicity surrounding the vaccines has changed for each of those four aforementioned goals during the time of their availability. Public health “experts” have not been straightforward with the data Another confounding factor for assessing safety or efficacy of the COVID vaccines has been a deceptive use of the word “unvaccinated” by Pfizer and their associates in governments to not only include those who were never COVID-vaccinated, but also those who have received a dose of a COVID vaccine less than 7 or 14 days ago. 64 This “case-counting window bias” allows infections, injuries and deaths immediately following vaccination to be assigned to, and sometimes even attributed to, the “unvaccinated” category, by deceptive sleight of hand. Fung, Jones, et al. write of such deception: “This asymmetry, in which the case-counting window nullifies cases in the vaccinated group but not in the unvaccinated group, biases estimates.” 65 A problem with this mis-categorization is that injuries and deaths have all peaked closely following COVID vaccination, mostly on the first day, as in the graph below. 66 Yet those individuals, for being so recently vaccinated, are falsely assigned the label “unvaccinated,” confounding much of the reported data. I will discuss VAERS later in this chapter. 38
The only good about this mis-categorization problem is that it is no longer such an issue now in 2023 and going forward. This deception really confounded much data in 2021, the year of peak COVID vaccine uptake, and to a much lesser extent in 2022. Now in 2023, very few individuals are still being COVID-vaccinated, so nearly everyone has made their decision to be vaccinated or not more than 14 days ago, and are therefore now in widely agreed upon categories at this late time.
The COVID vaccines have negative efficacy, and what that means The COVID vaccines are so ineffective against COVID that they have negative efficacy. This means that you have a greater likelihood of infection and / or hospitalization from COVID after having received the vaccine than not receiving it. The COVID vaccines have not only failed to reduce cases and hospitalizations from Omicron and COVID generally, but they have actually increased the incidence of both. Results of negative efficacy of the COVID vaccines are seen all over the world. Neither the Pfizer nor Moderna clinical trials addressed preventing transmission. Tal Zaks is the chief medical officer at Moderna. He told the British Medical Journal, “Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of transmission, because in order to do that you have to swab people twice a week for very long periods, and that becomes operationally untenable.” 67 Dr. Larry Corey oversaw the National Institutes of Health COVID vaccine clinical trials. He said on 11/20/20, “The studies aren’t designed to assess transmission. They don’t ask that question, and there’s really no information on this at this point in time.” (The article where he was quoted as saying this had not been, but is now, behind a paywall.) 68 Negative efficacy shown by the most prestigious medical journals The New England Journal of Medicine shows that those who are fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 recover significantly more slowly from the illness and remain contagious for longer periods of time after SARS-CoV-2 infection. 69 40
From: Figure 1, J Boucau and C Marino, Duration of shedding of culturable virus in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (BA.1) infection. Jun 29 2022. N Eng J Med. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9258747/
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published data showing that persons receiving 2 or more doses of COVID vaccines experienced more re-infections with COVID than people receiving 0 to 1 dose, and that the probability of reinfection increased with time. “Surprisingly, 2 or more doses of vaccine were associated with a slightly higher probability of reinfection compared with 1 dose or less.” 70
An analysis in the British Medical Journal found a “net expected individual harm” from the COVID vaccines in the context of college mandates, and calculated that “boosting young adults with BNT 162b2 could cause 18.5 times more SAEs [significant adverse events] per million (593.5) than COVID-19 hospitalisations averted (32.0).” And “for each hospitalisation averted we estimate approximately 18.5 SAEs and 1,430-4,626 disruptions of daily activities – that is not outweighed by a proportionate public health benefit.” 71 Negative efficacy of the COVID vaccines is seen throughout the world Subramanian and Kumar examined COVID vaccination across 68 countries and found “… the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID19 cases per 1 million people.” 72 Switkay showed that Subramanian and Kumar’s trend line regarding relation between new COVID cases and vaccination is not only positive, but “… indeed, there is a very strong positive association.” 73
From: H Switkay. Comment on Subramanian and Kumar, “Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination.” Mar 13 2022. PDMJ. https://pdmj.org/papers/Comment_on_Subramanian_and_Kumar
A Bayesian analysis of data from 145 countries shows that the COVID vaccines cause more COVID cases per million and more COVID-associated deaths per million over the vast international scope of this study. 74 The study found “a marked increase in both COVID-19 related cases and death due directly to a vaccine deployment….” The results in the US were 38% more cases per million 75 and 31% more deaths per million 76 caused by the COVID vaccines. Other studies found no difference in viral loads or rates of infection between vaccinated and unvaccinated. 77 78 79 43
In order to further comprehend this vast worldwide lack of efficacy of the COVID vaccines, let’s now look at analyses of the phenomenon of negative efficacy of the vaccines in specific countries. A study of 51,011 employees of the Cleveland Clinic in the US was done. It found, “Risk of COVID-19 increased with time since the most recent prior COVID-19 episode and with the number of vaccine doses previously received.” 80 The following graph shows increasing incidence of COVID disease starting after the first day of the Cleveland Clinic study. We can see a clear dose-dependent increase in infections made worse by each successive dose of the COVID vaccines, with the unvaccinated having far less COVID disease than their vaccinated co-workers. The small print at the right says, going down from the top [in yellow] > 3 doses, [in blue] 3 doses, [in green] 2 doses, [in red] one dose, [in black] 0 doses.
“Cumulative incidence of COVID-19 [infections] for subjects stratified by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. Day zero was 12 September 2022, the day the bivalent vaccine began to be offered to employees. Point estimates and 95% confidence intervals are jittered along the x-axis to improve visibility.”
A later analysis of the large Cleveland Clinic study above, by the same authors, verified those findings and found, “Risk of COVID-19 also increases with time since most recent prior COVID-19 episode and with the number of vaccine doses previously received.” 81 That is, the > 3 dose cohort had not only suffered more incidence of COVID positivity than those with fewer or no doses, but the slope of their line is greater, which predicts more COVID-positivity on into the future for those individuals.
Jeff Childers’ graph of these results lends more visual clarity: 82
An Oxford University study of 900 hospital staff members in Vietnam showed that peak viral loads among the infected vaccinated (“breakthrough” infected) staff were 251 times higher than those of unvaccinated personnel. 83 This Danish study 84 showed that both Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines showed negative efficacy against the Omicron variant within only 90 days of administration, and that that decline in efficacy was even faster for Omicron than for the earlier Delta variant. This sharp decline is illustrated in the following graph.
The above graph shows that both of the mRNA COVID vaccines predispose toward increased risk for Omicron infection, as the timeline passes the 90-day point, due to negative efficacy. 89.7% of people infected with Omicron in Denmark were either “fully vaccinated” or had their first booster. 77.9% of the Danish population was fully vaccinated as of the time of the study. 85 Therefore, vaccinated individuals have been more predisposed to Omicron infection than the unvaccinated in Denmark. Data from the UK government, Office for National Statistics, shows that each successive vaccine dose has increased the likelihood of testing positive for the Omicron variant, showing negative vaccine efficacy, as in the table below, 86 which is not always consistent with data reported by the UK government’s Health Security Agency, even regarding the same time periods. 87 Click through to the Excel file to see the following table.
From: Office for National Statistics. Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection survey, UK: Characteristics related to having an Omicron compatible result in those who test positive for COVID-19. Dec 21 2021. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthands ocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/adhocs/14107coronaviruscovid19infection surveyukcharacteristicsrelatedtohavinganomicroncompatibleresultinthosew hotestpositiveforcovid19 [Author’s caution to readers: Content on UK.gov webpages has changed frequently, even for the same time periods. Click through link to Excel file to see the above table.]
On a population wide level in Ireland, mass vaccination is correlated in timing with dramatically rising COVID-19 cases. The Irish population has had among the highest rates of vaccine penetration in its adult population, 94.8% fully vaccinated as of January 22, 2022, yet COVID-19 cases rose 317% over the previous January, before the vaccines were in use. 88 In Scotland also, among those who had received one, two or three vaccines, or none at all, the unvaccinated had the lowest case rates in January 2022 of all four groups, as seen in this table 89 and graph. 90
Sweden also has found that unvaccinated people who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in the Omicron period “had reduced proportions of hospitalization and death overall….” 91 Two other very heavily vaccinated countries saw their case rates skyrocket following mass vaccination. Here are South Korea and Germany: 92
A study of 4,020 cases of Omicron in Germany on December 31, 2021 showed that of those, 1,137 were boosted. There were only 1,097 unvaccinated Omicron cases. 93 94 However, there were similar numbers of people in the three categories of “boosted,” ‘fully vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” in Germany as of 12/31/21. German scientists studying the German government’s excess mortality data observed that the higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality. 95 As we can see, the unvaccinated have had a strong advantage against Omicron, which was the prevalent COVID strain throughout the world at that time. The COVID vaccines do not work against the Delta strain either. In July 2021, in the United States, in Massachusetts, at a time and place that Delta was predominant, of a total of 469 new COVID cases, 346 of those (74%) were in people who were partially or fully vaccinated, and 274 of the vaccinated were symptomatic. 96 In Delhi, India, of 34 Omicron cases at a hospital, 33 were fully vaccinated (97%). However, India’s COVID vaccination rate was only 40% at that time. 97 51
Both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were found to plunge to negative efficacy within months. 98 99 100 The implications of negative efficacy in a heavily jabbed world A study by Chemaitelly et al. in Qatar of over 2,000,000 people, for whom vaccination status and COVID disease incidence data were available, showed, just as the preceding studies, that zero to negative efficacy was apparent within months after injection. Authors attributed that decline to “immune imprinting compromising protection in people who had the booster vaccination against the newer omicron sublineages.” The authors explain the mechanism further as [the booster] “could have trained the immune response to expect a specific narrow pre-omicron challenge; thus the response was suboptimal when the actual challenge was an immune-evasive omicron subvariant.” 101 Original antigenic sin What Chemaitelly et al. are describing is also called original antigenic sin. Original antigenic sin (OAS) was first described by Thomas Francis Jr in 1960, on the observation that when individuals were exposed to a new strain of influenza they tended to respond with production and activation of antibodies that were better targeted to the strain of influenza they had first encountered in childhood rather than to the new strain. 102
OAS is an undesirable narrowing of capability and effect of immune defense against only certain specific invading microbes, and their proteins, which prior vaccines had trained the immune system to recognize. In this way, vaccines make us over-specialized in our response. Exposure to antigens influences future antibody production and responses, even inappropriately and ineffectively. Memory B cells, which are stimulated by previously encountered microbes or other antigens, have lower activation thresholds than naïve B cells. As a result, “primary addiction” is observed, in which most antibodies that we have in the arsenal are descended from the originally induced antibodies, against what may well be a now long gone microbe.103 104 Due to original antigenic sin, we may be able to flourish an antibody response to the flu of five years ago, if we were vaccinated then, but that over-specialization of immune vigilance and training renders us less able to fight this year’s flu, or new variants of SARS-CoV-2, or other unfamiliar microbes. OAS is likely exacerbated by the mistaken approach of vaccinologists, tampering with the blood, whereas the body is well-prepared to confront new microbes by way of the respiratory tract, not by way of first introduction through the blood. I discuss the reasons for this in the chapter on why respiratory vaccines fail. If the COVID vaccines merely predisposed one to higher risk of the common cold now known as the Omicron and Delta variants, then we might simply laugh off these vaccines as a frivolous and superstitious activity. However, the safety data are nothing less than horrifying.
The COVID vaccines are not safe The decision to vaccinate and its impacts are irreversible. No liquid is ever un-injected any more than a lake can become unpolluted, or a cup of coffee with cream can revert to pure black coffee. Even immediate regrets come too late to undo such a procedure. Nor can poisons ever be fully antidoted, in the sense of returning a condition of health to exactly as it was earlier, although I discuss the most promising remedies in the last chapter of this book. There is now considerable evidence of harm and deaths caused by the COVID vaccines. The peer-reviewed medical literature is replete with studies showing injuries and deaths correlated to the COVID vaccines. Here are over 1,000 such studies and reports, reported alphabetically by title, such as in the following screenshot. 105 The reader can verify each of these studies with PubMed, by either by clicking through from the site, or by typing the last 8 digits of each study, such as shown below, into the search bar at PubMed, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/. I admit that I have not verified all of the 1,000 studies cited, but many dozens of those I randomly clicked through all do indeed go to peerreviewed studies on PubMed, showing the claimed results, with none of my random sample failing that test. PubMed is the largest medical library in the world; it is free and open to the public. Most of the following injuries were known to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which was overseen by Anthony Fauci. NIH runs PubMed, and most of those studies cited were published by the end of 2021. Here are several of those > 1,000 studies, cited with links to PubMed, on injuries and deaths following the COVID vaccines.
From: El Colectivo De Uno https://elcolectivodeuno.wordpress.com/2021/12/29/how-much-moreevidence-do-you-need-here-is-a-list-of-860-scientific-studies-and-reportslinking-covid-vaccines-to-hundreds-of-adverse-effects-and-deaths/
The COVID vaccines are known to be hazardous, because of the over 1200 types of adverse reactions, many of them known to be permanently disabling, as documented in courtordered FDA document release on the adverse events observed after administration of the Pfizer vaccine in the clinical trials. 106 107 108 The clinical trials of the Pfizer vaccine showed tremendously concerning data, which was not initially shared with the general public, and has had to be extracted by court order and numerous FOIA requests.
The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Service (VAERS), at https://VAERS.hhs.gov, was established by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to track vaccine-related injuries and deaths. It is the only central database for vaccine injuries and deaths in the US for healthcare providers to record such events. OpenVAERS.com summarizes reports located at https://VAERS.hhs.gov. More deaths and injuries have now been reported on VAERS following the COVID vaccines in just two years of use than for all other vaccines combined over the last 30 years of reporting. 109 110
From: https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality
As we shall see below, independent data analysts consider that the VAERS data reflects under-reporting of vaccine injuries and deaths, and for a number of reasons. The VAERS system is difficult for a busy healthcare provider to use, takes about an hour to report an individual death or disability because of all the information demanded, but will log the user out after 15 minutes of inactivity, without saving the report that was started.
Also, complete information is demanded by VAERS, requiring knowledge of vaccine lot number, details of vaccination timing, details of death or disability timing, etc. (It is painful for all involved to gather all of the demanded information with complete and verifiable reliability from a grieving family.) The electronic forms do not accept incomplete information. VAERS threatens the reporting party with prosecution if any of the data reported is later determined to be incorrect and arbitrarily labelled “fraudulent.” With such deterrents to use, it is unlikely that VAERS captures even a majority of deaths and disabilities following vaccination. Although data analysts working independently each estimated a far higher number of deaths and disabilities following COVID vaccination, the VAERS numbers are still horrifying, as we shall see below. We can see from the above OpenVAERS graph that a comparison of the number of COVID vaccine deaths reported exceeds the number of non-COVID vaccine deaths reported by orders of magnitude. OpenVAERS’ interactive graph of all deaths reported by year, shown above, reveals that deaths reported to VAERS in 2021 and 2022 from the COVID vaccines (22,395 + 12,478 = 34,873) is 33.5 times higher than from all other vaccines combined (525 + 515 = 1,040) for those two years. Even over the 33 years of VAERS reporting, reports of deaths following the COVID vaccines exceed reports of deaths following all other vaccines combined. 111 By no means do I consider the other vaccines to be at all benign. This author has treated many times over the years patients who were permanently disabled and / or chronically injured following flu shots, DTaP, MMR, HPV, the various hepatitis shots and others (which had all been administered elsewhere of course.)
The punitive practice by VAERS of threatening prosecution if any of the data reported to VAERS are later determined to be incorrect is such a strong deterrent to reporting that we have to wonder what portion of known deaths and injuries following vaccination remain unreported. In response to this problem of government threats against those who report vaccine injuries, independent journalist Steve Kirsch conducted a non-threatening survey of healthcare workers on his Substack platform. 641 respondents who identified as nurses, physicians and other healthcare workers responded. There were more than 6.6 times as many adverse events observed following COVID vaccines than for all other vaccines combined, but doctors were 5.5 times less likely to report an adverse event if it happened after a COVID vaccine than for other vaccines. 112 Data released by Pfizer upon court order showed reports of 1,223 deaths among vaccinated people within the first 90 days following vaccine administration. 113 Pfizer had requested 75 years to release their 450,000 pages of data on their threemonth clinical trial with 44,000 subjects, but this request was denied by a federal judge. 114 The following screenshot from Pfizer’s court-ordered document release shows just the first part of the letter A of the COVID vaccine reactions that Pfizer found.
Fraud has been verified in the Pfizer vaccine trial, including falsifying data, unblinding patients, being slow to follow up on adverse events, mislabelled laboratory specimens, and the targeting and firing of staff for reporting these types of problems. 115
The US military has experienced an 1100% increase in deaths in one of the youngest and fittest cohorts in the US population, the military’s own recruits, as revealed in US Senate testimony. Data from the military’s DMED system show that cancer diagnoses tripled in recruits after the deployment and coerced injections of the COVID vaccines, and that the military primarily comprises a young population. That data may only be submitted to the DMED system by military doctors. 116 Because of the deaths and carnage witnessed as a result of the COVID vaccines as well as violation of civil liberties and human rights, the US Navy Seals sued the Biden Administration. 117 The Fifth Circuit federal court has agreed with the district court that the defendants have not shown good cause for denying religious accommodations under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 to the plaintiffs. 118 There had been reported an average of 84,896 all-cause deaths in the US per week in those first horrific seven weeks of vaccine rollout, as referenced earlier. Whereas there had been reported only 65,071 all-cause deaths in the US per week throughout 2020 (during allegedly the worst pandemic in a century) prior to vaccine rollout, there was an average of 84,896 deaths per week during those seven weeks postrollout. This is an estimated excess of 150,885 Americans killed during those seven weeks beginning with the Pfizer rollout. For perspective, the swine flu vaccine was pulled off the US market in 1976 after only 25 deaths. Independent data analysts assess mortality and morbidity Independent data analysts have determined, using nine different types of analysis, that by the end of 2021, the number of Americans who have been killed by the COVID vaccines likely numbered approximately 388,000, but was at least 150,000. 119 120 This number is consistent with the increase in weekly deaths reported by the CDC in the first seven weeks of vaccine availability. 60
One of those data analysts, Jessica Rose, examined US government data, from the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) 121 and the Health and Human Services Administration (HHS) 122 and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 123 in order to calculate the number of deaths per number of vaccine doses administered up through the end of 2021. 124 Her graph below summarizes those results, and shows vastly higher deaths per one million doses (35.6) for the COVID vaccines than for influenza vaccines (0.3) and for all other vaccines in use in the US.
And a zoomed-in view of the last entries in Rose’s graph, for larger print:
And Rose’s calculation of the total number of deaths per injection:
Former Blackrock portfolio manager and financial analyst Edward Dowd prepared, in March 2023, an updated assessment of morbidity and mortality related to the COVID vaccines. He estimates 310,000 excess deaths in the US are most likely attributable to the COVID vaccines, from the time of the rollout, and that 1.36 million individuals ages 16-64 who were actively engaged in the labor market became disabled following COVID vaccination. 125 Dowd compared previous mortality of working age young adults from before the COVID vaccines to after the rollout. Previously, working age adults died at about one third the rate of the general population. Then in 2021, that age group suffered 40% excess mortality, but the general population had 32% excess mortality, which reversed the previous survival advantage of the labor force age group, Dowd explained in an interview. 126 Disabilities among the same ages skyrocketed beginning in 2021. The only new population-wide factor at the time was the mass uptake of the COVID vaccines.
The CDC position The CDC has recently advertised its contradiction to two years of mortality and morbidity data summarized above. Even after all the carnage following COVID vaccination, with evidence from all over the world, this advertisement is displayed by the CDC as of February 10, 2023. 127
Most of the raw mortality data cited above for the US is from the CDC. Is the CDC to be trusted?
Over recent decades, there has been an imperative at the CDC to keep finding a new epidemic to justify its funding. 128 In 2009, Nobel laureate Kary Mullis PhD said, “The CDC was looking for it already…. They were hoping there was going to be a new plague, because polio was over, the CDC’s budget was getting decreased…. There were memos going around the agency saying, ‘We need to find the new plague. We need to find something to scare the American people so they will give us more money.’” 129 CDC AIDS Director James Curran MD 1982 – 1992 said, “There was … a threat of reduction in all public health programs … This led to workforce cuts in public health service, particularly in the CDC.” 130 Highranking NIH official Dr. Robert Gallo, who would later work closely with Anthony Fauci, said, “The CDC in Atlanta was under threat for reductions and even theoretically for closure.” 131
Now the CDC has generated funding aside from government. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Esq. says, “The CDC is… a vaccine company…. The CDC owns over 20 vaccine patents. It sells about $4.6 billion of vaccines every year.” Since 2021 the CDC has given out hundreds of millions of dollars in grants for “culturally tailored” pro-vaccine materials to “influential messengers” to promote COVID vaccines and flu shots to communities of color in all 50 states, but under the guise of local “partners,” without the CDC logo. 132 133
General mechanisms by which the COVID vaccines cause injury The following chapters address how the COVID vaccines injure a number of bodily systems. A common mechanism of such injury was described by world-renowned microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi, who showed that 93% of people who died after the COVID vaccine were killed by the vaccine, and that the pathology of those autopsied showed life-threatening effects in blood vessels throughout the body. 134
The preponderance of evidence so far is that the principal mechanism of damage to various bodily organs is by means of micro-clotting, due to disruption of normally smooth, laminar, unimpeded liquid blood flow through the circulatory system, now cluttered with jutting spike proteins from the endothelium into the lumen of capillaries, where a now overburdened heart must push – no longer smooth liquid blood – but now turbulent, and then micro-clotted and somewhat jellied blood through where liquid blood used to flow easily, freely and without obstruction. 135 136 137 Also, endothelitis was observed on autopsy, an abundance of dead endothelial cells and T-cells clogging the capillaries. This showed an unprecedented degree of immunological self-attack. 138 It has now been found that two-thirds of adolescents with COVID vaccine-related myopericarditis sustained continuous heart abnormalities for at least months after their initial diagnosis. This has been verified with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) on cardiac MRI imaging. Such findings are in alignment with the well established cardiology observation and understanding that neither myocarditis nor myopericarditis is an acute or transitory condition, but rather these serious diseases involve death of irreplaceable cardiomyocytes, which are necessary for the health and proper function of the heart. 139 The COVID vaccines have also been observed to damage the human innate immune system, specifically an aspect of our immunity that is necessary to fight viral infections, 140 and to result in altered T-cell responses, and even to interfere with immune system responses to other vaccinations. 141 The UK government acknowledges what mRNA technology scientists have known for decades: The COVID vaccines are a form of gene therapy, which rely on lipid carriers. From gov.UK: 142
As lipids, the mRNA in COVID vaccines can be transported across the blood-brain barrier, where it provokes inflammation. 143 Now it is being observed that demyelination, mitochondrial damage and other degenerative processes in the brain lead to a plethora of neurological pathologies observed in the medical literature following the COVID vaccines. This is correlated with altered findings on brain imaging. 144 I discuss these in the chapter on brain injuries following COVID vaccination. In summary, I agree with the World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus that boosters should not be used to kill children.145 Why would he suggest that the vaccines are being used to kill children, when enthusiastic adults want to give the COVID vaccines to their children? Perhaps his warning has to do with these concerns from the Canadian COVID Care Alliance: “Recent studies 146 147 148 suggest that the spike protein produced in response to vaccination, may bind and interact with various cells throughout the body, via their ACE2 receptors, potentially resulting in damage to various tissues and organs. This risk, no matter how theoretical, must be investigated prior to the vaccination of children and adolescents.” 68
The Canadian COVID Care Alliance calls on the Canadian government “to Immediately halt the mass vaccination program of children and adolescents until such time as studies are conducted and the uncertainties about the potential pathogenicity of the spike protein can be addressed.” Here is their letter, signed by 21 scientists, to Ontario Premier Ford regarding the same. 149 I agree with this, and I urge governments and health care leaders and providers and independently thinking citizens to take the precautionary principle with regard to human health. It would be reckless to vaccinate either children or adults, given the abundant and growing evidence that we have seen of the dangers and negative efficacy of the COVID vaccines, whether in earlier form or in the latest bivalent form. It is important to keep in mind that those of us who have been warning about the lethal nature of the COVID vaccines – and I have been warning the public against them since February 2021 150 -- expect that deaths caused by the vaccines have not yet ended. These vaccines cause slow cumulative damage to especially the heart, 151 152 the brain, 153 human reproductive capacity, 154 and other bodily organs and systems. 155 The COVID vaccines are highly concerning for subsequent development of cancer, because of the abundant spike proteins produced by the vaccines, and their observed role in inhibiting DNA damage repair. 156 At worst, this means that although the COVID vaccines have already been disastrous in terms of lives lost, the larger vaccine catastrophe is possibly yet to arrive, even if no more injections are given. But those consequences may be blamed, by some, on other factors than the COVID vaccines, due to delayed onset and diagnosis of obvious diseases. “These vaccines are leaving a trail of death that is unparalleled in peacetime.” - Dr. Pierre Kory
Chapter 3: Bradford Hill criteria applied to COVID vaccines The COVID vaccines meet all of the Bradford Hill criteria for causation of injuries and deaths. How do we know if society-wide changes are responsible for health effects in populations? Population-wide environmental factors may or may not be related to subsequent health changes in the population, which presents difficulty in determining cause and effect, especially if multiple, large scale events happen in a close time frame. Our chaotic and hectic world does not neatly divide into experimental group versus control group for anything at all, due to other numerous influences in people’s lives that create intersecting subsets all over the place. To sort through the cacophony of people’s lives in a busy world, Sir Austin Bradford Hill published a set of criteria to assess for, or to determine, epidemiological causality in 1965. 157 These have become generally accepted standards for assessing which causes can be reasonably tied to which effects in our infinitely variable and abundantly populated world. Let’s consider the example of the city of Flint, Michigan, which in early 2015 experienced a rise in lead content of its municipal tap water from 104 parts per billion (ppb) to 707 ppb in only two months, and in some places over 13,000 ppb. 158 159 To put that in perspective, the upper safety limit for lead in drinking water, established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is15 ppb. 71
As might be expected, Flint residents in 2015 soon showed widespread clinical signs and symptoms that were consistent with known effects of lead poisoning, such as skin rashes, nausea, hair loss and anxiety and depression. 160 Such signs and symptoms of lead toxicity had been known for centuries, and are well documented by toxicologists. But were these caused by lead in their water, or by something else? There were other data that met Bradford Hill criteria, which led to the conclusion of cause and effect between the higher than usual levels of lead found in Flint drinking water and observed signs and symptoms of poisoning in the Flint population. A half century later after Bradford Hill published his list, by applying and examining these criteria in 2015, epidemiologists were able to attribute the clinical presentations of Flint residents to the sudden spike of lead contamination in their drinking water, as opposed to other possible mass-scale causes. The Bradford Hill criteria can be summarized as follows: 1) Strength of Association: Are there very different findings among populations with different environmental exposures? Is one population much more likely to experience a common effect than another, in which the two populations differ in some environmental exposure? If so, by what factor or rate of prevalence of an observed health parameter? 2) Consistency: Do independent observers see the same pattern or association between two variables being considered? Is the association observed among multiple populations, or across multiple studies by different authors? If there are animal studies, are the findings in humans consistent with the findings in the animal studies?
3) Specificity: Does the substance of exposure cause a specific set of diseases or symptoms? 4) Temporality: Does exposure precede the onset of a disease or condition? How close in time? 5) Biological gradient, or dose-response: Does greater exposure correlate with more incidence of disease or more severe clinical effects? 6) Plausibility: Does a cause / effect relationship between the two variables make sense from a point of view of a commonly held understanding of biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology and known toxicology data? 7) Coherence: Does everything about the cause / effect possibility make sense, and stand the test of time and different ways of analyzing the data? 8) Experiment: Have controlled studies shown the effect? If the provoking agent is either avoided or discontinued, does avoidance or discontinuance of exposure reduce or eliminate the effect? 9) Analogy: Does a similar agent cause a similar disease?
Since the international release of the COVID vaccines in December 2020, there have been anomalous health events reported around the world. But is there a cause-and-effect relationship between the vaccines and human health events, including higher rates of deaths from all causes, cardiovascular injury and COVID positivity? Some of the following analysis refers to and relies on data from testimony on vaccine hazards that I have given in court cases, reported in Chapter 2 of this book, and a reader of that chapter will find some of the references below familiar, but there are also additional data that I cite below. A wide variety of human health events, that differed in incidence and prevalence from before, has been reported following administration of the COVID vaccines. Let’s apply Bradford Hill’s nine criteria, one at a time, as follows, in order to see if a causal relationship between the COVID vaccines on the one hand, and increased injuries, infections and deaths on the other hand, is likely or not. 1) Strength of association may be seen in vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. We can see there is a difference expressed in the government health statistics of a number of countries, as well as in Pfizer data, whereas vaccinated populations have different rates of certain types of injuries than the unvaccinated. There were 1,223 deaths and over 158,000 adverse events among vaccinated people observed in the Pfizer clinical trials within the first 90 days after vaccine administration, 161 162 and this information was released by Pfizer and the FDA only under court order. 163 Although the vaccines have only been available for about 28 months at this writing, already over 35,000 Americans have died, and over 65,000 Americans are permanently disabled after one or more doses of these vaccines, as reported to VAERS, which is a difficult to use database maintained by the US government. 164 165
British Medical Journal senior editor Peter Doshi and coauthors estimate that for every 10,000 vaccinated people, there will be up to 15 serious adverse events, meaning either death, near-death or disability. To put this in perspective, in the average-size urban or suburban high school in the US, this would be five serious victims per school, if all students were COVID-vaccinated. They also found that the Pfizer COVID vaccine trial showed a 36% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group than in the placebo group. 166 COVID vaccination rates in the US roughly correlated with higher rates of reported COVID positivity in 2022. Geographically, the New York Times showed higher rates of both in the northeast US, and less through the plains states and the south. 167 Deaths attributed to COVID-19 do not correlate, but it must be considered that the threshold instructed by the CDC for attributing death to COVID-19 for vaccinated individuals is different than for unvaccinated individuals, or for those vaccinated less than two weeks before death. Therefore, total deaths are a more reliable marker than “COVID-19 deaths.” The New York Times article omits total deaths, and states are slow to report these.
From: New York Times. Coronavirus in the US… Apr 20 2022. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html
2) Consistency across countries and across continents is observed. The medical literature, by an early tally, contains over 1,000 studies regarding injuries and deaths following the COVID vaccines from multiple continents. 168 And by a later tally, there are over 1,250 peer-reviewed case reports and studies citing adverse effects post-COVID vaccination. 169 The latter are searchable by body system, as in the following screenshot:
From https://archive.ph/T4hPV
It was found in India that the COVID vaccines displayed negative efficacy against Omicron. 170 Regarding deaths in India, 350 million doses were administered in India’s vaccine rollout. Simultaneously, there were 3.7 million excess deaths, with a vaccine dose fatality rate of 1%. 171 One of the youngest and fittest cohorts in the United States, the military’s own recruits, has experienced an 1100% increase in deaths following their mass mandatory vaccination. 172
In Ontario, Canada, deaths from COVID-19 shot up 39% from 2021 to 2022, 173 although 91% of the Canadian population is now COVID-vaccinated. Ontario is so heavily vaccinated that 2.61 doses of COVID vaccines have been administered for every person in Ontario. 174 Austria has administered over 18 million doses of COVID vaccines so far, which is enough to have double-vaccinated about 103.7% of their population. 175 Yet the COVID death toll keeps rising, as seen below. 176
Like Austria, but almost a hemisphere away, Australia had very low COVID mortality for many months. Australia had no detectable all-cause excess mortality even 13 months into the declared pandemic. And in early 2021, Australia experienced a step-wise mortality spike simultaneously with the COVID vaccine rollout of April to August 2021. 177 Two-thirds of the 31,000 excess deaths during that tragic period were determined to not be due to COVID. 77
Rancourt et al.’s graph below shows the millions of excess deaths experienced throughout Australia – millions of people who would not have otherwise died by statistical probability -not so much after COVID disease spread, but after vaccine uptake through the population. 178 Maximum daily reports of COVID-19 vaccinations in Australia peaked in AugustSeptember 2021, and then again in January-February 2022. 179 (The reader can also see below that, just as through the west, the 2017-2018 flu season was more severe than the COVID period before the vaccine.)
From: Rancourt, et al. p. 8. https://correlation-canada.org/wpcontent/uploads/2022/12/2022-12-20-Correlation-Australia-excessmortality-vaccine-rollout.pdf
3) Specificity is seen in a number of disease and injury conditions as follows. We find higher rates of Omicron among the vaccinated populations of various countries, as in Sections 1 and 4 herein, as well as the cardiac injuries discussed in Section 6 of this chapter. However, the documents that Pfizer released under Court order revealed 1,290 types of adverse events observed following the COVID vaccines, which affect all major organ systems. 180 181 182 This would argue against specificity; however, we know that it is more common for an environmental toxicant to have a variety of systemic toxic effects, rather than only a specific observed effect in a specific bodily organ. In the matter of adverse events following the COVID vaccine administration, heart injury, including myocarditis, and neurological injuries and increasing rates of COVID positivity and deaths from these predominate among other reported effects. The cardiovascular injury effect is more specific in that young males are affected more than other demographic groups, according to the CDC. 183 US Health and Human Services Secretary (HHS) Xavier Becerra acknowledged in a White House video session, “We know that vaccines are killing people of color, blacks, Latinos, indigenous people at about two times the rate of white Americans,” 184 which seems to be a confession that people of all of those races are being killed by vaccines.
Informal reports of widespread cardiac arrest and deaths in athletes have been reported individually, but a pattern of these events has not been acknowledged until recently by governments, sports associations or mainstream media, but have come from several hundred reports from dozens of countries. The prestigious medical journals are beginning to acknowledge myocarditis and related cardiotoxicity from the COVID vaccines, such as in this JAMA study. 185 The FDA acknowledges “myocarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.” 186 The actual events of athletes collapsing on fields have been witnessed by millions of sports fans in hundreds of stadiums and fields since early 2021. This article lists each of 1,850 such events, and for each, the athlete’s name, country, date of event and link to the original news article. 187 The predominant observed pathologies in the COVIDvaccinated have been, as shown in this chapter, as follows: COVID positivity, with possible immune suppression, cardiovascular injury and deaths from all causes. Secondarily, we see neurological injuries, hepatic injuries and cancers in the COVID-vaccinated, and the latter have fewer supporting studies at this time than the first group, but those events may all be seen in the Pfizer court-released document referenced above. 4) Temporality is seen in Ireland in significantly rising COVID cases following widespread COVID vaccine administration. 188 This was also the case in Germany and South Korea, 189 and in Israel for the Delta variant, 190 and in Omicron incidence in Denmark. 191 192
India’s 1.4 billion population experienced COVID vaccine rollout, in 350 million doses, during April to July 2021. In those same months, 3.7 million residents died, which was not explainable by COVID infection. This vast tragedy was “a unique, sudden, unprecedented and extraordinarily large excess all-cause mortality event” 193 during April to July 2021. Weekly mortality in India rose to almost 700% of its baseline value during that time, and was reported in leading medical journals such as The Lancet. 194 195 196 A JAMA study of 23.1 million people in national health registers across Scandinavia showed: “The risks of myocarditis and pericarditis were highest within the first 7 days of being vaccinated….” 197 The VAERS system in the US shows evidence of close temporality of death following COVID vaccination. Approximately 50% of deaths occur within the first two days following vaccine administration, as seen in the graph below from Open VAERS, which summarizes VAERS data in a verifiable way. 198 199
From May 2022:
And from May 2023:
The above graphs, each a compilation of reports to VAERS of deaths following COVID vaccines in the United States by number of days between those events, adhere to a hyperbolic attenuating curve, which further supports cause and effect by temporality. A lack of causation from vaccines to deaths should result in an erratic curve of temporality, without pattern. Also, one year elapsed between the first and second of the above two graphs, and as additional data points have accumulated, the attenuating curve visibly approximates a more hyperbolic curve, from one year to the next, as expected from probability, just as few dice rolls will not necessarily show 1/6 for each number, but the total of many dice rolls are expected to approach exactly 1/6 for each number. These suggest a temporally established causality between vaccination and death. In Israel there was strong temporal correlation between the 1st and 2nd vaccine doses to young adults, ages 16 to 39 and the number of cardiac arrest emergency calls, as in the graph below. 200 This study appeared in the journal Nature.
L Sun, E Jaffe, et al. Increased emergency cardiovascular events … Apr 28 2022. Nature Scientific Reports. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-10928-z#Sec14
5) Biological gradient or dose-response occurs when higher doses or more doses of a substance is correlated with increased incidence of adverse events. In the US, Cleveland Clinic’s study of its 51,011 employees found a consistent dose-response, as shown in the following graph. The higher the curve on the graph, the more vaccine doses and the higher cumulative incidence of infection in that cohort. 201
Walgreens, one of the two largest pharmacy chains in the US, used to show more COVID positivity correlated with more vaccine doses, as shown below. 202 This has been consistent, week after week, through 2022 and early 2023.
Here are the ratios of dose-response found by Walgreens in April of 2022:
Walgreens.com https://www.walgreens.com/businesssolutions/covid-19index.jsp
And from April 2023:
The two Walgreens graphs measure two different phenomena. In the 2022 graph, we can see a dose-response showing increased COVID positivity rates with increasing doses of vaccine. However, in the 2023 graph, we see attenuating effect as time goes on from most recent vaccine dosing. Those who were vaccinated a long time ago have generally more COVID positive rates than those vaccinated recently, with the unvaccinated generally holding one of the best positions by either metric, dose response or dose-effect attenuation.
In Germany, the higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality. 203 Of the 16 federal states in Germany, Saxony and Thuringia had the lowest vaccination rates and lowest excess mortality. The authors concluded, “Complete vaccination increases the likelihood of death.” Case positivity 204 and risk of death were shown to be successively higher with each successive vaccine dose in the UK, before the reported data was eliminated. 205 206 207 Among children ages 10 to 14 in the UK, mortality rates had increased substantially with each additional vaccine dose. Children were up to 52 times more likely to die following COVID vaccination than unvaccinated children, as shown in the following graph of data from the Office of National Statistics, UK. 208
The Exposé. UK Office for National Statistics. Age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status, per 100,000 person-years, England, Age 10 to 14. Apr 27 2022 https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/04/27/kids-death-risk-increases-5100percentcovid-vaccination/
Then, the content of those UK government webpages was heavily altered, and they no longer show the same data. The data they now show are contradictory to what was shown there a year ago, even regarding that same time period. For this reason, I have to recommend robust skepticism against any data reported by the UK government regarding COVID vaccine adverse effects. Regarding specific effects, higher doses of a single vaccine injection were correlated with more heart damage than lower doses. Specifically, Moderna’s vaccine contains 100 micrograms (mcg or µg) of mRNA, whereas Pfizer’s vaccine contains 30 mcg of mRNA. In an enormous study of 23 million Scandinavians, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA Cardiology, the Moderna vaccine was correlated with higher rates of myocarditis and pericarditis than the Pfizer vaccine, and the second dose of mRNA vaccine resulted in higher rates of heart damage than only receiving one dose. Each vaccinated group, both Pfizer and Moderna, both single-vaccinated and double-vaccinated had higher rates of heart damage than unvaccinated people. 209 Myocarditis is considered to be permanently debilitating, and life-shortening, as there is no replacement mechanism for dead cardiomyocytes (the cells that together accomplish the pumping work of the heart). The bivalent vaccines The new bivalent COVID vaccines include the original spike mRNA from the earlier 2020 vaccines plus Omicron BA.1 or BA.4-5. Both Pfizer and Moderna bivalent vaccines are showing an even higher rate of adverse reactions (87%) than the original monovalent COVID vaccines (52%), with greater need for palliative medication. 210 The authors found also more interference with ability to work, as in the following graph:
Graph from Wagenhäuser, Reusch, et al. https://www.clinicalmicrobiologyandinfection.com/article/S1198743X(23)00030-7/fulltext
In April 2023, the FDA cut the COVID vaccine dosing for children from a total 1.0 ml to 0.25 ml. 211 Was this 75 % reduction in dose an admission of high toxicity at high dose? The same FDA document warns: “Postmarketing data with authorized or approved monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines demonstrate increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly within the first week following vaccination.” Let’s screenshot that also for the sake of posterity and litigation and justice:
The new FDA dosing:
6) Biological plausibility for the elevated deaths associated with the COVID vaccines is now theorized. The preponderance of evidence for cardiovascular damage is by means of micro-clotting induced by the mRNA-driven ongoing generation of spike proteins, 212 213 214 215 and that such changes are lasting. 216 217 218 Biological plausibility for the higher rates of Omicron and Delta in vaccinated populations is supported by evidence of damage to the innate and adaptive immune systems, which have been observed to result from these vaccines. 219 Seneff, Nigh, et al. have outlined observed mechanisms of damage caused by mRNA vaccines, including to innate immunity, especially through damage to our most essential cytokine for fighting viral infections, namely, Type I interferon. Here is their diagram of the scope of mRNA vaccine damage, as currently understood: 220
S Seneff, G Nigh, A Kyriakapoulos, P McCullough. Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations… https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027869152200206X
The damage to endogenous interferons leaves the vaccinated population more vulnerable to both viruses and cancer, as their innate immunity mechanisms of vigilance against cancer and viruses becomes impaired. Further evidence of the narrowing of immune effect accomplished by the COVID vaccines is that 93% of unvaccinated first time COVID patients produced antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein (N-protein) of SARS-CoV-2, while only 40% of vaccinated first time COVID patients produced these antibodies. 221 As a result, the vaccinated cohort was rendered with antibodies that were non-neutralizing or fell below a neutralizing level. These are antibodies that are unable to block or clear pathogenic microbes. The result is a limited ability to mount a broad immune response to SARSCoV-2 virus. This is evidence of an induced vulnerability, and it is one of the bases for warnings of antibody dependent enhancement correlated with the COVID vaccines, as discussed by earlier researchers. 222 92
7) Coherence is established by consistency among different ways of analyzing the data. Independent data analysts, using nine different types of analysis, have calculated that the number of Americans killed by the COVID vaccines numbers approximately 388,000, but is at least 150,000. 223 224 A different way of analyzing vaccine outcome data was the Skidmore survey, in which 2,840 participants in the US of diverse background completed a survey in December 2021. Skidmore calculated 278,000 fatalities due to COVID-19 vaccination. 225 The paper was later retracted by the publishing journal without evidence shown to justify a retraction. 226 Financial analyst Edward Dowd prepared, in March 2023, an updated assessment of morbidity and mortality related to the COVID vaccines. He estimates 310,000 excess deaths in the US most likely attributable to the COVID vaccines, from the time of the rollout. 227 8) Experiment in human populations is unlikely to happen overtly with the COVID vaccines, but self-selecting populations give us an experimental and a control group. Canadian physics professor Denis Rancourt has been cited over 5,000 times in peer-reviewed journals. He led a research team in examining the vaccine dose fatality rate (vDFR) in Israel and Australia. Deriving data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Rancourt et al. found that in each of the eight states of Australia and in each of the oldest age groups, there was a step-wise increase in mortality by dose of vaccine. They were able to determine this, because Australia staggered the vaccine rollout for different jurisdictions and age groups, as if the government had knowingly conducted a population-wide experiment. 93
Even in the absence of any such central planning, for each of these vaccine rollouts, there was a simultaneous increase in all-cause mortality. 228 Rancourt et al.’s graphs for each Australian state shows the same pattern as their graph here for all Australia:
From: Rancourt, Baudin, et al. https://correlation-canada.org/wpcontent/uploads/2022/12/2022-12-20-Correlation-Australia-excessmortality-vaccine-rollout.pdf
Australia had had no excess deaths at all throughout 13 months of the alleged pandemic declared by the WHO on March 11, 2020. Then the excess deaths coincided precisely with the vaccine rollouts, and in step-wise pattern for each dose, for each state and for each age group. 229 In Scotland the unvaccinated had the lowest case rates. 230 The various countries shown in sections 1, 4 and 5 above also compared the vaccinated as an experimental group versus the unvaccinated as a control group, with each self-selected and not randomized.
We can compare two countries near opposite ends of the vaccination uptake spectrum, New Zealand (93% COVIDvaccinated as of Dec 2022) 231 and Yemen (1.5% COVIDvaccinated as of July 2022). 232 Here is a visual comparison of their vaccination uptake. 233
And here is a visual comparison of those two countries’ case rate and death rate.
From: Our World In Data, Johns Hopkins University. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
In this very small, controlled, but not randomized and not blinded study of US high school athletes, control versus experimental groups were established by the athletes’ parents’ prior choices. None of the unvaccinated students complained of fatigue, chest pain or showed declining performance. All of the COVID vaccinated students had some of these symptoms, and all have persistent sports performance deficits compared to their previous performance according to their coaches. 234 9) Analogy: Widespread organ damage was seen with previous attempts to use a cationic lipid carrier for mRNA delivery, 235 such as were used with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
In this Cell study, whether by intradermal or intramuscular injection, lipid nanoparticles carrying mRNA given to mice were highly inflammatory, with high neutrophil infiltrations, and with “a high mortality rate, with mechanism unresolved.” 236 High mortality has also been observed in animal studies of attempts to vaccinate against coronaviruses. 237 238 A brief index of the studies referenced above and listed below in the endnotes may be seen in the following table, organized by application of Bradford Hill criteria. Some studies may be notable in additional categories as well as those listed, and there are many studies not listed here which also address the Bradford Hill criteria, including the over 1,000 NIH studies on Pub Med that support the above data. 239
Bradford Hill criteria applied to COVID vaccines injuries and deaths Studies cited herein by endnote #
Increase in COVID positivity
Cardiovascular injuries
All-cause injuries and deaths
170, 173, 201
197, 200, 209,
162, 164-167, 169,
213, 218
171-173. 176-183,
of association
170, 173, 176 201, 202, 230,
197, 209
168, 169, 171, 172
170, 173, 176
180-183, 185, 186
180-182, 184, 187
197, 200
193-196, 198-199, 229
201, 202, 204
203-208, 210
Biological plausibility
197, 212-218
212-218, 220, 222
173, 176, 201,
223-225, 227
228, 229, 231, 232
176-179, 229
202, 230
Experiment Analogy
201, 202, 230
Chapter 4: Secondary vaccine effects The spike protein shedding that Pfizer warned about in their documentation to the FDA seems to have shown up at my clinic. Here is a retrospective study on the data that I collected. Whereas the primary effects of a medical treatment affect the person receiving the procedure or medication, secondary effects are signs and symptoms in individuals who are close to the patient. Secondary effects are of such concern that, for example, if a cancer patient receives permanent radioactive implants, such as radioactive “seeds,” pregnant women and small children are generally advised to maintain a distance for two months or to avoid close contact of more than a few minutes.240 241 Primary effects of adverse events following COVID vaccines have been documented at the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of the US Department of Health and Human Services. 242 Under court order 243 following FOIA request, 244 Pfizer released information to the FDA regarding primary adverse events following COVID vaccines. 245 The list shows 1,290 different kinds of adverse conditions, totaling 158,893 “events” that were observed following administration of the COVID vaccines. Some of these conditions are known to be permanently disabling and/or lifethreatening.
Secondary effects of the COVID vaccines have been observed in family members and co-workers of people who recently received COVID vaccines. Much of this information has been censored, after informal discussions of these phenomena on social media. 246 Pfizer had acknowledged to the FDA that spike protein shedding from recently vaccinated people could occur by means of exhalation and skin contact, and that such exposure is “reportable to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of investigator awareness.” 247 A small retrospective study of secondary vaccine side effects In my clinic in Arizona, 26 people reported reactions following exposure to COVID vaccinated people, in a time-dependent manner. This was a minority of the patients being currently seen. The following data thus comprise a retrospective case series of patients who reported symptoms after visiting or working with COVID-vaccinated people. The ages of the affected individuals are from 5 to 80 years, and of both genders, and of multiple races. The raw data is seen in the table below, in order of month of first exposure, where 1 = January, 2021; 2 = February, 2021, etc.
We can see from the above raw data that the preponderance of secondary effects occurred in the spring of 2021, which was a time of high COVID vaccine uptake in the US. That distribution is shown in the following graph:
None of the 26 individuals complained of initial reactions from February to March, or from August to October of 2021, nor since December 2021 to the present. This likely corresponds to a time when most of those who wanted COVID vaccines had received them, and then again when boosters were widely available. The one first response in November occurred following a gathering of suburban seniors in which the subject was present. This was a time of known recent booster uptake. One other subject had symptoms near that time, a 68 year old male (line 19) in the first table, who had first had hypertension, which was unusual for him, in June 2021, and then again in December 2021, after booster uptake among those close to him. Type of symptoms reported: The following are the major signs and symptoms, and the number of patients with each: Menstrual irregularities: 7 Post-menopausal menstrual-type symptoms: 6 Miscarriage 1 Fatigue and / or malaise 5 Hypertension 3 Migraine 1 Seizure and fever 1 Lymphadenopathy 1 The preponderance of menstrual symptoms among the signs and symptoms is consistent with known increased concentration of spike proteins in ovaries over other organs. In this study of zebrafish inoculated with spike proteins, a disorganized extracellular matrix in the ovarian stroma was observed. 248
Treatments In our clinic, after documenting the reported exposures and signs and symptoms of each individual, we treated them in accordance with a mutually respectful patient-doctor consult culminating in unpressured agreement on appropriate treatment. Patient preference determined which of the following of the doctors’ suggestions were followed, and some treatments had been chosen before consult, i.e. ibuprofen, pine needle tea and acetaminophen: Avoidance 16 Ivermectin 16 N Acetyl Cysteine 12 Pine needle tea 2 Ibuprofen 1 Acetaminophen 1 Vitamin C 1 These add up to more than the 26 patients of the affected cohort, because most chose multiple strategies. Regarding avoidance, one moved to a very rural area, and has now found relief there; the symptoms had been so intense as to warrant moving from a suburban community.
A retrospective assessment At this writing, none of the above still report symptoms on questioning, although most have chosen to stop, or to not bother much with, the interventions above. This fast decline in previous symptoms reported, as well as lack of new symptoms reported, and lack of resorting to remedies for the same, suggests that COVID vaccination has not proceeded at such an intense pace following the spring of 2021, and it also suggests that the incidence of spike protein shedding from vaccinated individuals has slowed or stopped. Another possibility for the lack of reported symptoms since spring 2021 could be habituation or tolerance in the unvaccinated population to spike protein shedding from the vaccinated population.
PART 3 Cardiovascular Injuries
Chapter 5: Laboratory Evidence of Cardiovascular Injury: D-Dimer I tested my COVID-vaccinated patients for D-dimer, a breakdown product of clotting, a telltale sign of prior clotting activity. Each lab result came back high, even long after the last injection. Warning against self-harm I would guess that the Venn Diagram of people who chose to submit to COVID vaccines and those who rely primarily on naturopathic medicine for their healthcare have very little intersection. Skepticism of conventional medicine is robust among those who have seen undesirable pharmaceutical effects on themselves and loved ones. So this growing contingent tends to avoid conventional medicine, unless necessary, choosing instead chiropractic, naturopathic, acupuncturist, herbalist and homeopathic practitioners as primary providers. Among both new patients to my clinic and some whom I had not seen in years, since before COVID, there are those whose approach to their health is integrative, combining some natural and some conventional medicine. In my case as of the time of this writing, there were twelve total people in my medical practice, to my knowledge, who had decided to submit to COVID vaccination before we consulted. [I learned of more later.]
What happened to twelve COVID-vaccinated people Unfortunately, a patient whom I had not seen in a while died suddenly and unexpectedly eleven days after his one COVID vaccine dose. Two others had been in remission from cancer after finishing our clinic’s treatments for 14 and 5 years respectively. The latter person’s cancer returned within a few months after the jab. Another never had cancer, but I had not seen him since before COVID, and he had felt bullied into getting two shots, not knowing that I had been writing medical exemptions. I learned of those four people’s COVID shots during early to mid-2021. None of those four returned for care after COVID vaccines, nor for a D-dimer lab. I consulted later with each of the remaining eight patients. Of those, I offered three new patients, as of early 2022, the Ddimer lab, and they declined. That leaves five remaining COVID vaccinated patients from mid-2022 on. Of those five, I saw four returning patients whom I had not seen in years, since before COVID. I recommended to each of four, plus a very new patient, (subtotal five) that each get the D-dimer lab, so that we could have some idea about the impact of the COVID vaccines, and if it would be prudent to take any measures, and each of them agreed to have their blood drawn for this D-dimer lab. So the following data is from those five patients. Notably, fibrinogen, PT/INR, platelets and troponin were all normal, even though all of those labs, when the results are high, are evidence of clotting. Of those, only D-dimer was out of range in these particular patients. Sam, Tim, Ann, Joe and Jen (all very different from their real names) are all from early 60’s to early 80’s in age. All five had at least one COVID vaccine. They are all certain that they did not have any COVID vaccine doses as late as Summer 2022. Most of the doses were during 2021, with a latest dose in early 2022. D-dimer labs were all drawn within the last quarter of 2022. 108
# of
% of max
% of max
COVID ref vax< 500 ng/ml
ref D-dimer
ref D-dimer
ref 9.4-12.5/
< 500 range
< 250 range 200- 400 mg/dL
Platelets ref 150-450
norma l
norma l
not tes ted
not tes ted not tes ted
not tes ted not tes ted
not tes ted
not tes ted not tes ted
But first, an explanation of D-dimer D-Dimer is a protein of two parts or "mer," hence dimer. D refers to dextrorotation, or a right-handed spiral structure. I drew this lab, because D-dimer is a breakdown product from fibrin, so it's helpful for knowing if there has been excessive clotting, both build-up and breakdown, going on. The presence of high D-dimer gives evidence that the body has been fighting (with some success) against one or more clots that have been held together by fibrin threads. I have looked at this lab in covid-jabbed patients (and from earlier, other cardiovascular history patients), because it is informative regarding blood viscosity, clotting time, risk for clots, and / or blood-thinning strategies. (Which all open a new can of worms, because homeostatic anti-coagulation is also going on, and neither excess bleeding nor clotting can be risked. Therefore, this is a whole other set of challenges for those who had the "clotshot.") Now I admit that this is a very tiny retrospective case series. That said, it turns out that all but one of the patients who agreed to a D-dimer lab are coming back above normal range. Sam and Tim were roughly triple and quadruple, respectively, the top of normal range after two COVID vaccine doses each. Ann was at the 79th percentile of the more generous lab reference range. All five are way above range in the following Medscape range of < 250 ng/mL. 249 250
Medscape refers to the clinical reference Mosby’s Diagnostic & Laboratory Test Reference, 14th ed. Elsevier, 2019, by KD Pagana, TJ Pagana, et al., in which the D-dimer reference range is < 250 ng/mL.
From: https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2085111-overview
Here is the Medscape interpretation of D-dimer levels:
Unlike other markers for thrombotic tendency, high D-dimer can reflect a chronic tendency toward active fibrin formation and degradation, that is, the body’s tendency to clot excessively, as well as for homeostatic opposition to that tendency, leading to the (somewhat) successful disintegration of fibrin, a kind of clot-busting. (Interestingly, my COVIDvaccinated patients were all normal in all other clotting indicators and clues that we tested: platelets, fibrinogen, PT / INR and troponin, but all had concerning D-dimer levels. This suggests some successful homeostatic normalization that the most unfortunate “clotshot” victims have not been able to achieve.) D-dimer is often used as an indicator, along with lung imaging, of whether a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has developed into a pulmonary embolism. None of my five patients above had or developed a pulmonary embolism, although Jen did have a small DVT, now resolved. Conditions that may be correlated with an elevated D-dimer include DVT, pulmonary embolism, acute stroke, aortic 111
dissection or other vascular flow anomalies, traumatic brain injury and cancer.
D-Dimer Reference Ranges D-dimer is considered normal in the US when below 500 ng/mL or 250 ng/mL. It turns out to be inversely correlated with longevity. In a four-year study of 17,359 apparently healthy, randomly recruited adults, > 35 years old, mean age 55, in southern Italy, reported in 2013 by Di Castelnuovo, de Curtis, et al., D-dimer showed no significant association with either age, sex, smoking, BMI, alcohol consumption, hypertension or diabetes. 251 However, in accordance with smaller earlier studies, high D-dimer concentration in the blood was independently associated with higher rates of subsequent death from any cause. The risk was found to increase for Ddimer > 210 ng/mL. From Di Castelnuovo et al. Table 4, deaths from all causes skewed strongly toward the highest quartile of D-dimer results, although that was 8% of the study population; conversely, note the longevity association with low (< 221) D-dimer:
Here was the distribution of D-dimer levels, with hazard and C/I for each level.
From: DiCastelnuovo, deCurtis, et al. Associationof d-dimer levels with all-cause mortality… https://www.haematologica.org/article/view/6782
Let’s now plot the distribution of this Mediterranean adult preCOVID population’s D-dimer levels against the levels we have found in our COVID era, COVID-vaccinated patients:
D-dimer levels: 2013 Italy vs post-COVID US 13214
5000 0
# of individuals, 2022 postvax, US
# of indviduals, 2013, Italy
0 312 2022 post-CV vax US
This distinction between the 2013 healthy adult Italian population and the five COVID-vaccinated US patients is quite stark. 113
D-dimer tends to increase with age. To accommodate this known increase, while being able to reasonably rule out a pulmonary embolism suspicion, Douma and le Gal, et al. proposed an increasing cut-off of normal D-dimer by decade, as follows. 252 [Note the likely typo in the original where 950 is marked twice on the y-axis, instead of 950 and 850.]
From: R Douma, G le Gal, et al. Potential of an age adjusted D-dimer cutoff… https://www.bmj.com/content/340/bmj.c1475
Three of my five patients discussed above were still well above the cutoff for their (or any) age group by the BMJ criteria. Whereas the mean age of participants in the Italian study was 55, the mean age of participants in my study was 76. Therefore, to account for this considerable age difference, I then assigned an age-based advantage to each of the five in the latter, subtracting 100 D-dimer points per decade (= 10 points per year) of age above 55. That would render the ageadjusted table as follows, still significantly different than the Italian data: 114
age Sam Tim Ann Joe Jen
71 80 61 82 84
# of COVID vax doses 3 4 3 2 2
D-dimer ref Subtract from < 500 ng/ml D-dimer true # 1391 160 2397 250 394 60 1035 270 522 290
Age-adjusted D-dimer 1231 2147 334 765 232
Adjusting for age still has all five of the US COVID-vaccinated subjects above the cutoff for optimal D-dimer < 221 from the Italian study. In contrast to the BMJ article, the large Italian study found no association of D-dimer levels with age. Elevated D-dimer and COVID-vaccination A new clinical syndrome, since February 2021, has been observed, vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), characterized by both clotting and low platelets. The two phenomena tend to have some opposing effects, because platelets are required in the clotting cascade, which is a 14-component process to create a barrier to bleeding, known as a clot. In a case study, researchers had previously found significantly elevated D-dimer = 9050 mcg/L FEU = 9050 ng / mL = 18 x the top of the 500 ng / mL cut-off, in a patient with both thrombocytopenia and extensive venous thrombosis at one week following her COVID booster dose of the Pfizer-Biotech injection. 253 Another VITT case presented 10 days after his second dose of Moderna vaccine with a D-dimer of 1890 ng/mL, and died 12 days after hospital admission. 254 Another VITT patient had a D-dimer of 6.8 mg/L = 6800 ng/mL 20 days after a Moderna booster. 255 Another (previously healthy) 76year old VITT patient had D-dimer = 17,400 ng/mL at two days after his first Pfizer vaccine. 256 His presentation to the hospital appeared as follows: 115
The American Society of Hematology limits criteria for diagnosis of vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia syndrome (VITT) as being from 4 to 42 days post-COVID vaccine prior to symptom onset, along with presence of any venous or arterial thrombosis and thrombocytopenia with platelet count < 150 x 109/L, and markedly elevated D-dimer (> 4 times upper limit of normal). 257 These parameters would have excluded the above 76-year old unfortunate patient, who presented two days following his first Pfizer vaccine, although he met other criteria set by ASH. The UK government’s Yellow Card system has reported “445 cases of major thromboembolic events (blood clots) with concurrent thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts) in the UK following vaccination with COVID-19 vaccine Astra Zeneca” mostly following the first dose, through November 23, 2022. The same system found in that time period 33 such cases following the Pfizer vaccine and 8 cases following the Moderna vaccine. 258 There are contrarian perspectives, however, as follows. An observational study of 567 healthcare personnel denies any association between COVID vaccines and elevated Ddimer. 259 There was also a claim, early in the COVID vaccine peak uptake period, that VITT was “rare” following COVID vaccination. 260 116
However, each one of my COVID-vaccinated patients who agreed to be tested for D-Dimer were above the range found in 2013 southern Italy for optimal longevity (< 221). I would then have to question the suggestion that thrombogenic events associated with COVID-vaccination as being either non-existent or rare. Diseases correlated with elevated D-dimer D-dimer can be used, among other indicators, of cancer risk. Very high D-dimer levels correlated with higher incidence of cancer, as below: 261
From: Han, O’Hartaigh, et al. Impact of D-dimer for prediction https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0153514
In the latter data, I have to note that both forward and reverse causality may be at work. That is, either a pro-coagulant effect of cancer, or a carcinogenic effect of thrombosis – or both – may be at work. And there have been studies that support both directions of causality.
Let’s not get wild, folks Of the people who consulted me during or throughout COVID, I pretty much warned everyone around me - at least those who stood still long enough to hear me out - to please avoid these vaccines like the plague. 262 Some whom I had not seen in years, and now regret their jabs, have expressed anger that I didn’t reach out to warn them. I did publish my dire warnings about the COVID vaccines above on February 21, 2021, before most Americans had taken the COVID shots, but I did not reach out individually to thousands of patients who have consulted with me over my 16 years of medical practice. My reply is that I also do not stand at the edge of each cliff with a sign that says:
Look, I just can’t be everywhere, advising everyone to quit playing Russian roulette, or to not take a stroll in the fast lane of a highway at night. There are only so many warnings I can broadcast, and those are with exceedingly small reach. Suffice it to say, let’s consult (either with me or with your local contrarian, critical thinking or independent medical professional) before undertaking risky or experimental injections and other questionable practices.
Chapter 6: Heart damage from the COVID vaccines: Is it avoidable? Abstract This chapter addresses the question of prevalence of COVID vaccine associated myocarditis, as well as known mechanisms of spike protein-induced myocarditis, considering the epidemiological consequences of mass vaccination with spike protein-generating COVID vaccines, such as are being deployed throughout the world at present. The cardiac impacts of spike protein distribution have risen to particular concern, due to the recent extraordinary increase in new cases of myocarditis and pericarditis, including among populations that typically have vanishingly rare incidence of this disease, especially young men, with particularly anomalous occurrence in young male athletes. Introduction The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds increased reported cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, most notably in adolescents and young adults,263 including in the absence of COVID-19 infection.264 Myocarditis was only rarely found post-vaccination prior to the COVID mRNA vaccines, and then mostly associated with the smallpox vaccine.265 Typically and historically, myocarditis patients are older with high prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease and heart failure.266
Myocarditis is an extremely concerning condition. At five years post-diagnosis, myocardial injury, which is a clinically indistinguishable condition from myocarditis, and often discussed interchangeably and synonymously, is correlated with a 72.4% mortality rate, and is therefore correlated with higher mortality than even Type 1 myocardial infarction (rupture of coronary artery plaque with thrombus) or Type 2 myocardial infarction (vasospasm generally), which have 36.7% and 62.5% fiveyear mortality rates respectively.267 So myocarditis is likely even more concerning than myocardial infarction. This may be due to the generalized cytotoxic injury, due to external cause, throughout the heart in the myocarditis event, compared to the localized watershed damage affecting a portion of the heart, which is associated with myocardial infarction. Heart function is mostly regulated by cardiomyocytes and vascular endothelial cells. Cardiomyocytes have no potential for self-renewal, as they are terminally differentiated cells. When they die, they necrose and are replaced by proliferating fibroblasts, which form fibrotic tissue. This tissue reduces systolic function, and is associated with a poor prognosis.268 Due to the generally much higher activity level of a young athlete than of the historical prototype myocarditis patient, are we simply noticing greater contrast in activity level before and after the COVID vaccines in the former, and missing this contrast, and hence the myocarditis diagnosis, in more sedentary individuals? This paper will examine the possible mechanisms of the mRNA COVID vaccine association with myocarditis, in order to assess how common this association might be. When asked in June 2021 about the risk of myocarditis following the COVID vaccines, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, pathologist, replied: 122
“Myocarditis is never mild, particularly in young healthy males. It’s an inflammation of the heart muscle, the pump of the body. And we don’t know what percent of the heart muscle cells would have died in any one attack of myocarditis. The big thing about heart muscle, heart muscle fibers, is that they do not regenerate,... so you’re stuck with an unknown percentage of your heart muscle cells having died. We can’t estimate the number, and therefore the long-term results are utterly unpredictable. We do know . . . that myocarditis can present decades later, with premature onset of heart failure that would otherwise not have been expected. So it’s a terrible worry for these people to know what’s going to happen to them in the future…. It’s not trivial.” In diagnosing myocarditis, cardiac magnetic resonance studies (CMR) have shown specific sites of inflammation or fibrosis, and help to evaluate functional impairment of heart muscle. Myocardial edema and late gadolinium enhancement are seen on CMR in cases of myocarditis. In all cases reporting chest pain post-COVID vaccine in one study these abnormal findings were present on CMR in each subject. Past or current COVID-19 disease had been excluded in all subjects.269 However, the more widely accepted criterion of myocardial injury is a threshold of serum troponin levels at or above 99th percentile of upper reference range.270 Elevated troponin is considered to be both sensitive and specific for myocardial damage. Troponin is a protein normally confined to the cytosol of cardiomyocytes, as well as other muscle cells, and is not normally found in the blood; however, it is released in the circulation when heart muscles become damaged.
At the time of this writing, in the current post-peak-COVID era, it has been 15 months since peak COVID mortality in the US and the world, which occurred in mid-April 2020, as shown by CDC data.271 Now, a year later, COVID vaccines have been aggressively introduced in most countries, and Our World In Data, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, estimates that 2.5 billion people or one quarter of the earth’s population, have already taken one of the new COVID vaccines, although they have only been available for about six months.272 As morbidity and mortality from SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 and its variants have diminished, and the world’s death rate per 1000 people is still at a relative low in 2020 and 2021 compared to the last seven decades, without evidence of any recent pandemic by mortality data,273 we now can turn our attention to the health effects of the new COVID vaccines. None of the new vaccines attempts to introduce the entire coronavirus into the body, but rather a spike protein generating mechanism. Therefore, let’s focus on only the spike protein’s effects on the myocardium and its cells. Mechanisms Recent introduction of mRNA vaccines that program human cells’ genetic mechanisms to generate spike proteins have led to an increased interface generally between spike proteins and bodily tissues. These recently increased venues of interaction have apparently exceeded, both in human populations and in human tissues, the levels that mRNA vaccine developers had expected.
For unknown reasons, mRNA vaccine researchers had expected spike proteins to remain entirely in the deltoid muscle at the vaccination site of the vaccinated person, as reported in the media,274 and it was apparently imagined that these spike proteins could somehow evade release into the general circulation. However, it has recently been determined that the delivery of spike proteins and / or their generating mechanisms, as with all known injected substances, do indeed diffuse and travel in an organism, away from the site of injection, in accordance with wellestablished principles of circulation, throughout the body, including to internal organs. Organs that have been affected by this body-wide distribution have included the heart, brain, spleen and liver, with especially high concentrations found in the ovaries and the plasma.275 The spike protein is the part of coronaviruses in general, and SARS-CoV-2 in particular, that attaches to and interacts with human cell membranes. I examine the role of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein on the myocardium, and mechanisms by which the cardiomyocytes and vascular endothelial cells, which predominate there, may be threatened by such exposure. It is possible that other elements of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, besides spike proteins, have deleterious effects on cells, including risk for myocarditis. 276 It has been observed also that mRNA interventions are fragile and unpredictable in their effect,277 and have been seen to damage mitochondria by a number of known mechanisms.278 Of patients hospitalized for COVID-19, myocarditis-pattern injury was observed in 4.5%279 to 27% of cases.280
Moreover, in the event of SARS-CoV-2 infection, it was found that the associated cytotoxic and pro-apoptotic effects were sufficient to abolish cardiomyocyte beating (contraction-relaxation cycles).281 However, direct virus replication was not found on examination of the myocardium, 282 283 and SARS-CoV-2 RNA was not found in the cardiomyocytes. 284 Therefore, it is worthwhile to examine if post-vaccine myocarditis is likely to be caused by spike proteins generated by the vaccines, and to result from either the cytokine storm or from the endothelial damage caused by spike proteins. Considering a wider set of possible causes, we know that fulminant SARS-CoV-2 infection is characterized by hypoxia, systemic inflammation, thrombosis and / or cardiomyopathy, as well as myocarditis. All of these have been observed in vitro in the presence of spike proteins, and all of these can result in higher levels of measured troponin, which in turn establishes diagnosis of myocarditis, or at least clinical awareness of signs of myocarditis.285 At this time, there is not any other part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that is known to attach to human cells. The binding of the spike protein to cell membranes initiates a cascade of events that result in fusion of the viral and cellular membranes and entry of the virus into the human cytoplasm.286 Most of this activity in most human cells seems to involve one or both of the S1 subunits of the spike protein, but for human brain endothelial cells, it seems the S2 subunit of the spike protein is involved.287 Human host cell proteases participate in this fusion and entry.288 The spike proteins that are generated by the mRNA COVID vaccines are said to be identical to those attached to SARS-CoV-2.289 The spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 is a trimeric, or three-part protein, composed of two functional S1 subunits, as well as a structural S2 subunit. 126
Each of those three units are, incidentally, bound and inactivated by the drug ivermectin.290 In the absence of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, the two drugs most thoroughly studied and most widely used in early and late cases of COVID-19,291 the spike protein remains in a conformation that enables it to attach to the ACE2 receptor on human cells, and to enter by that portal. Conversely, either of those drugs are able to change the conformation of the spike protein in such a way that prevents entry to the human cell.292 ACE2 receptors are found in cells throughout the human body, and have been shown to have varying effects on different organs. ACE2 receptors have been found to be highly concentrated in cardiac pericytes,293 even more so than in the lungs.294 But the presence of ACE2 has been observed to have a seemingly paradoxical protective effect in the cardiovascular system, such as preserving ATP production.295 Spike proteins have been found to downregulate ACE2.296 Human cardiomyocytes have been observed to express the ACE2 receptor, and that is the main portal by which the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is observed to attach. In addition to the ACE2 receptor, the CD-147 receptor is also used by the spike protein to enter host cells.297 Spike protein was found to enter cardiomyocytes in vitro, and cytotoxicity was detected at 24 hours post exposure, and “profound cytopathogenic effects” were visible at 96 hours in cardiomyocytes. 298
The spike protein alone of SARS-CoV-2 has been found to have damaging effects on endothelial function.299 In fact, the spike protein alone was found to produce pro-apoptotic factors that were determined by researchers to be responsible for endothelial cell death.300 Endothelial cells that were treated with the spike protein showed mitochondrial fragmentation and dysmorphic changes, as well as reduced mitochondrial respiration with redox stress, but increased glycolysis, and it was shown that the S protein alone damaged endothelial cells by this mechanism.301 Interestingly, in those in vitro studies, cell function was found to be restored by adding N-acetyl-Lcysteine, which is a reactive oxygen species inhibitor. The spike protein has been found, without other viral elements, to stimulate cell signaling in human cardiac pericytes that has been associated with cardiac cell dysfunction. Some of this dysfunction includes findings of increased amounts of the following pro-inflammatory cytokines (those involved in cytokine storms) in cardiac pericytes on in vitro exposure to S protein: MCP1, IL-6, IL1B and TNF-alpha.302 TNF-alpha is specifically associated with heart failure and myocarditis.303 Caspase-3 is associated with apoptosis. When coronary artery endothelial cells were exposed to spike protein, they were found to have increased Caspase 3/7 activity, which was correlated with pro-apoptotic effect. Some of the above activity was through the ACE-2 receptor, but more data showed involvement of the CD-147 receptor on those cells,304 and we have seen above that both pathways are used by spike proteins for cell entry. The cell death experienced in myocarditis seems likely to be at least partly due to this activity. Electrocardiogram (EKG) abnormalities have also been found following COVID vaccine administration. This includes diffuse ST elevation and an inverted T-wave in lead III, as well as sinus tachycardia.305 128
A summary of expected effects after COVID vaccination is in Figure 1. Figure 1: Cardiovascular events following COVID vaccination Spike protein enters circulation
Goes to ACE2 and CD147 receptors
enters endothelial cells
and pericytes
↘ and
cardiomyocytes ↓ Damaged and dysfunctional mitochondria, And loss of beating, And profound cytopathogenic effects within 96 hours ↓ Cardiomyocyte death ↓ Irreversible myocarditis
↗ caspase protein and mitochondrial damage
↗ proinflammatory cytokines
Discussion The pathways discussed herein are inevitable routes of spike protein transit in the body and in the cells. ACE2 receptors are abundant in every known cell type. When spike proteins have been introduced to the body, either through the SARS-CoV-2 virus or by means of the mRNA COVID vaccines, is there any realistic way possible to block their interaction with ACE2 receptors in any individual? In the case of acute infection with SARS-CoV2, infected individuals have a self-limiting encounter with spike proteins, which may be thwarted by some of the therapeutics mentioned above. However, in the case of the mRNA-vaccinated, no endpoint of spike protein production is yet known. Nor is it yet known if it is safe to use any of the spike protein blocking therapeutics in vaccinated individuals. In the absence of extraordinary and deliberate measures to block ACE2 receptors and CD147 receptors and/or Caspase 3/7 activity, is it then possible to expect that cardiac pericytes and endothelial cells could escape the pro-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic effects of the spike protein, especially considering that protein’s perpetual regeneration in vaccinated people? Could a therapeutic be invented for vaccinated people to protect their cardiomyocytes and pericytes from spike protein damage, and to be dosed frequently enough to combat the body’s ongoing spike protein production? If such an expectation is not realistic, then mRNA vaccines that prepare human cells to generate an unknown supply of spike proteins for an unknown amount of time are to be treated with extreme caution and avoidance until better understood. It is also necessary to defer further vaccination until there are known methods of both discharge of such proteins and the mechanism to turn off or attenuate mRNA-induced spike proteins, and/or to safely thwart the destructive effects of spike proteins in host cells. 130
We must also urgently learn the answer to the following question: Is the human recipient of a spike proteingenerating mRNA vaccine reasonably expected to continue to generate spike proteins for an indefinite amount of time? Or even permanently? We need to know this, because the spike protein has been shown to have deleterious effects, and because myocarditis, which seems to be one of those effects, is now being observed in some vaccinated individuals, the mechanisms of which are discussed in this chapter. There is observed precedent for mRNA medical treatments to have lasting effect on DNA,306 which impacts future as well as present generations. Questions involving such serious potential consequences for human health must be answered, and standards of safety and informed consent must be met, before an ambitious and experimental procedure on the massive scale we are witnessing is deployed on populations. As a result, vaccines of this type must be avoided until these questions are thoroughly resolved, in order to prevent further harm to human health.
Chapter 7: Heart fatigue from vaccines, as shown by fluid dynamics Blowing water out of a straw is easy, right? What if it were milk instead? No problem. What if it were maple syrup? What if your heart were challenged to make a similar effort 24 /7? The path of blood from the heart through the body’s circulatory system takes blood, its cells and dissolved nutrients through a path from wide to narrow to wide again. This happens when the blood, pumped from the left ventricle of the heart, flows through the wide aorta (our body’s main central artery), and is then pushed through ever-narrower arteries. Then in turn, these branch into narrower arterioles, and finally into the capillaries. The capillaries are so small, so thin, that even a microscopic red blood cell must fold and momentarily deform a bit, in order to make it through that tunnel in order to get some elbow room, so to speak, on to a venule, then a vein, and then to the spacious vena cava (our body’s central vein) in its perpetual round trip journey back to the heart.
From Hemodynamics, Cardiovascular Physiology, Physiology, 5th ed.
When blood is normally thin, this journey has little resistance – even with narrowing vessels, because there are an increasing number of those vessels on roughly parallel paths, dividing the flow of blood. Blood pressure stays low to moderate, and the heart does not have to work particularly hard to move blood around. But blood is not always thin these days. The cardiovascular effects of the COVID vaccines are comparable to placing many rocks in the creek, so to speak, which in an actual creek would change smooth flow to turbulence, stagnant eddies here, and rapids there.
The mRNA vaccines deliver an estimated 40 trillion packets of mRNA instruction code for human cells to produce spike proteins. The “spikes” are well-named, because when they are released from the cells where they are produced, and then into the bloodstream and come to dock at the ACE-2 and CD147 receptors, their shape disrupts the smooth surface of the inner lining of the blood vessel. Once laminar smooth blood flow now becomes disrupted by turbulence and momentary stagnation, which immediately leads to clotting. But none of these are large injuries, so the phenomenon is a widespread micro-clotting and a general viscosity of blood. This illustration by Angeli and Spanevello, et al, shows spike protein production and release from cells to then float freely until the spike proteins dock onto the endothelial cells lining blood vessels and jut out into the lumen, just as boulders jut into the flowing water of a stream, changing the water’s motion. 307
There are also CD-147 receptors and the effects of spike protein attachment there, as well as other considerations of endothelial cell death, inflammation associated with spike proteins, as well as the activity of platelets in the newly formed microclots. I discuss these mechanisms more elsewhere. 308
How thick blood flows As a stream of fluid (liquid or gas) is forced by the pumping of the heart against a constricted opening, both its speed (v) and kinetic energy (KE) increase. Bernoulli’s equation explains the physics principle of conservation of energy, in the specific case of a fluid being forced through a narrowed opening:
Where ρ is the fluid density, and the kinetic energy per unit volume KE/V is ½ of mass times the square of velocity per total Volume (V). But don’t worry about that so much. More importantly, Bernoulli’s equation tells us that if there is something that raises the viscosity of blood, then there is a corresponding rise in the kinetic energy expended to move blood around. According to Bernoulli’s equation above, the increased fluid density corresponds to a rise in energy used in moving blood through vessels. This would create more effort for the heart. We know from decades of experience with atherosclerotic patients, that when the heart labors to push blood through rigid blood vessels, then not only does blood pressure rise, but the overworked heart is at risk of congestive heart failure, which is a concerning disease that has a 30% survival rate a decade after diagnosis. Resistance in the cardiovascular system is directly proportional to blood viscosity, where η is the viscosity of blood. (With a fluid, the tactile sensation of “viscosity” or thickness of a liquid, is quantified by osmolarity, often in mOsm/L. Osmolarity is just a quantifiable way of assessing viscosity.)
There is a further consideration with having viscous blood. The symbol πc represents capillary oncotic pressure, which means an inward pressure or the tendency to draw fluid inward. When πc increases, such as when blood is thickened by the involved process of conglomeration of various microclot components, then the plasma part of blood may tend to stay in the capillaries and not diffuse into the surrounding tissues. This would have the effect of increasing blood pressure, until other homeostatic mechanisms take effect. Here is a corollary of Poiseuille’s equation, in which resistance (or the drudgery of pushing thick blood through the body) is proportional to the blood’s viscosity and to the length of the vessels, but is inversely related to the radius of the vessels.
So let’s say you got the COVID vaccine(s), but you still want to be able to have your heart push blood easily around your body. The above equation shows that resistance (R) increases when length (L) increases. This means that you have to blow water harder out through a very long straw than through a short straw. But resistance also increases when viscosity (η, pronounced EE-ta) increases. So you have more difficulty blowing maple syrup through a straw than water through a straw. The denominator of the equation gives a way out of the dilemma of COVID vaccine-induced viscosity creating extra resistance. The radius of the blood vessel is r. In Poiseuille’s equation, we see that r is in the denominator, so if the radius (or rather r4 ) increases, then you can have lower resistance again. So vasodilation may be a strategy that clinicians explore if COVID vaccinated patients develop hypertension.
It’s possible that the problem of a chronically overworked heart could be medicated with positive inotropic agents, which boost heart pumping force, such as digoxin, but this may lead to pump burnout (heart failure) in the nearer term. So other strategies would include various ways to lower blood pressure by means of beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blocking drugs. As an abundance of caution, it is important to not use any of the currently available COVID vaccines with either children or adults, until the cardiovascular consequences are better understood, or for those who are already vaccinated, to offer therapies that are appropriate for the cardiovascular consequences that patients present clinically.
Chapter 8: Student athletes perform worse than controls following COVID vaccines I am a co-author on this peer-reviewed article, published on PDMJ.org. Sports coaches had commented to us that vaccinated student athletes were all performing worse than before, and than their unvaccinated peers. So we investigated further. Abstract High school and middle school athletes were observed retrospectively following vaccination with mRNA COVID vaccines. Of twenty student athletes, half were vaccinated and half were not, according to their parents’ prior choices. In this study we compare sports performance of vaccinated versus unvaccinated student athletes doing the same activities. We also compare the sports performance of vaccinated student athletes with their own sports performance prior to vaccination. The observed changes post-vaccination can be helpful to illustrate the cardiovascular changes that occur with COVID vaccination.
Introduction A preponderance of evidence is accumulating with regard to injuries and deaths correlated with the COVID mRNA vaccines. Clinical studies that document this phenomenon now number in the hundreds. 309 1,290 types of adverse events, many of them known to be permanently disabling, with over a total of 158,000 adverse reactions, have been found after administration of the Pfizer COVID vaccine, and the reader is encouraged to read the list of these in the last 9 pages of the Pfizer report linked here. 310 This Pfizer document was not made available to the public by the FDA, and the FDA argued that it should be sealed for 55 years, and then for 75 years, but rather it was forced to be released in December 2021 by court order. 311 The overall risks of severe injuries and deaths from the COVID vaccines have alarmed physicians and scientists all over the world. Renowned immunologist and microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt have summarized these vaccines’ causative role in deaths after vaccination. 312 Autopsy results showed more cardiovascular derangement than for any other organ. Increased inflammatory markers correlate with COVID vaccines. 313 And it is thought that the sudden deaths among athletes during 2021 since the widespread use of the COVID vaccines is mostly due to severe cardiac or cardiovascular pathology.
Methods and Results Two sports coaches were interviewed regarding performance of their teenage student athletes. On questioning, we learned that there are twenty student athletes with shared training time among the two coaches. Fifteen of these student athletes are high school students, and the rest are younger. The student athletes spoke freely and informally with the coaches about who received the vaccine and how they felt afterward, and who did not receive any vaccines. The student athletes’ parents’ choices regarding vaccination of their children were unknown to the coaches or to us until after those injections. The parents’ choices regarding vaccination of their children had spontaneously formed an experimental group versus a control group, with none blinded. Strict anonymity is observed regarding the student athletes, their parents, their coaches and their schools, due to the range of emotional responses toward vaccinated and unvaccinated people that were encouraged during the worst months of medical coercion by political leaders such as Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron and Justin Trudeau. There was no comparison study of the two groups planned before or at the time of data collection. The two coaches, who spoke to us on condition of anonymity for all involved, retrospectively observed the following of the COVIDvaccinated student athletes, and we report their findings in this retrospective study. 1) None of the vaccinated student athletes are competing up to their own previous level; all are performing worse than in 2020, in the assessments of the two coaches. 2) None of the vaccinated student athletes can endure the same exercise drills for the same amount of time that they used to tolerate prior to vaccination.
3) Recovery from exertion took longer in the vaccinated student athletes than before vaccination and took longer than in the unvaccinated. 4) After the injections, most or all of the vaccinated student athletes talked about one or more of the following reactions after vaccination: a) chest pain; b) dizziness; c) seeing stars; d) feeling as if they would faint; e) shortness of breath. The student athletes talked freely and spontaneously about the above symptoms without anyone taking notes at the time. There was no prompting from coaches about reporting of symptoms. 5) The unvaccinated girls began beating vaccinated boys in competition, whom they could not do well against the previous year. This change was unexpected and was considered unusual by the coaches. 1), 2), 3) and 5) are still observed in all of the vaccinated student athletes, up to several months after the earliest student athletes were vaccinated. In contrast, the unvaccinated student athletes had none of the foregoing symptoms or deficits in sports performance or declines in sports endurance, as observed by the two coaches, and continue to improve in their endurance and performance, as expected by the coaches.
Discussion Athletes may be expected to have more robust circulation during exertion than while sedentary, and generally increased blood flow than is seen in sedentary individuals. Such enhanced circulation, during high activity or exertion serves the purpose of supplying the increased oxygen needs of the body and increased metabolic activity that exertion requires. To increase blood flow requires increased cardiac output and arterial vasodilation. With high cardiac output, there arises increased demand for, and then supply of, coronary arterial blood flow. Coronary arterial vasodilation is regulated by autoregulatory mechanisms, as well as the neurologic vascular innervation mediated by the autonomic nervous system and hormones that serve to adjust vasodilation versus vasoconstriction, as physical activity requires. The mRNA COVID vaccines begin a process of spike protein production throughout the body. Spike protein effects on ACE 2 receptors in the vascular endothelium serve to vasoconstrict. The result may obstruct the body’s supply of increased blood flow and oxygen, just when the demands are greatest, during exertion. Spike protein associated immune and inflammatory factors can also affect perivascular and periarterial cells, as well as CD8 and NK T-cell infiltration. 314 All of these can reduce coronary vasodilation.
Further compounding the problem of blood delivery to peripheral and coronary tissues are the spike protein positions and effects. Jutting from the endothelial surface, spike proteins are docked onto ACE-2 receptors. These are thought to adversely affect blood flow through turbulent rather than laminar flow. As stagnant blood pools, the clotting cascade begins ubiquitously throughout the body. Such micro-clotting thickens and slows the blood, which would further impair the delivery of blood and oxygen to the capillary beds in the heart and in the periphery. Thus, coronary blood flow can be adversely affected by high viscosity, which is also caused by spike protein induced RBC aggregation from adhesion through CD 147. As a result, the heart is burdened to push a more viscous liquid than normal blood through the body’s arterioles and capillaries. The above-described mechanisms, further described in Chapters 6 and 7 of this book, as well as in the Alee, Nadeem book, 315 create obstacles to optimal blood flow that would necessarily affect all recipients of spike protein generating COVID vaccines. We therefore must recommend avoidance of any of the COVID vaccines by any child or young adult with current or future plans to engage in physical exertion.
Chapter 9: Brain injuries after COVID vaccination There are back door routes to the brain. COVID vaccine developers have traversed a path through those doors. And they knew they had entered the brain by November 2020. We have 86 billion neurons in the human brain, and each of those connects with 10,000 other neurons. No other structure in the known universe rivals the brain’s complexity. The brain is also the most exclusive club, so to speak, in the body. The gatekeeper is the blood-brain barrier (BBB). That barrier, shown in the second illustration below, is mostly composed of tight junctions between endothelial cells that line, in a single layer, the capillaries (our smallest blood vessels) that nourish the brain. So the BBB is in effect the capillary walls and the tight junctions between its cells. However, to some extent there is a liquid component to the BBB, in that the pristine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that bathes the brain and spinal cord is kept pure by the BBB. At the risk of oversimplifying, if the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, is the royalty of the body, then the skull and vertebrae and BBB are the castle walls, and the CSF is the moat, but a clean moat unlike the medieval ones. Intruding molecules and pathogens would have to traverse both solid and liquid barriers. Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels, and they are everywhere in the body. They are the U-turn points where arteries and then smaller arterioles give way to capillaries, then venules and then veins in blood’s perpetual round trip from the heart to everywhere else and back again. Anywhere you can point to on your body has a dense and intricate network of capillaries under the skin.
From: University of Minnesota. Atlas of human cardiac anatomy. http://www.vhlab.umn.edu/atlas/physiology-tutorial/blood-vessels.shtml
The bottleneck of the BBB is comprised of the tight junctions between capillary wall endothelial cells, prohibiting passage of most substances, as detailed below. Those ubiquitous capillaries run through the entire body, and in the brain they are 40 micrometers apart, which is a space in which two neurons can fit. 316 Given that proximity, every neuron in the brain is nourished by an adjacent capillary.
Illustration: Diana Molleda. In L Hopper. Healthy blood vessels may be the answer to Alzheimer’s prevention. Jul 11 2019. USC News. https://news.usc.edu/158925/alzheimers-prevention-healthy-blood-vesselsusc-research/
The bottleneck at the blood-brain barrier For a molecule floating in the blood to travel from the blood to a neuron, it has the tightest challenge at the tight junctions between capillary endothelial cells, to exit the bloodstream. Then, once inside the brain, in the space surrounding neurons, if a molecule or a microbe is to arrive into the brain, it must next cross the brain cell (neuronal) membrane to enter that cell, and finally the nuclear membrane of the neuron.
The BBB rejects 98% of even small molecules, and > 99% of large molecules. 317 Charged or polar molecules and ions cannot pass. The large ones cannot pass directly, simply for not making it past the tight filtration of the BBB. Oils, and substances that are soluble in oils, such as caffeine and nicotine, have a better chance of crossing the blood-brain barrier than water soluble compounds. Certain small molecules may enter unchaperoned, such as oxygen and glucose. Nutrients such as B vitamins enter by way of saturable transport systems. 318 Ions and charged polar molecules cannot cross, because they get stuck at the hydrophobic lipid layer. This simply means that because oily and watery fluids do not mix well, the fatty cell membrane disallows passage of most water soluble substances, and keeps them out of the brain’s cells, unless they are carried in by other means. Back door routes to the brain But there are back door routes to the brain, and it seems certain that COVID vaccine developers have either arrived there inadvertently or have determined a path through those doors. And they knew they had entered the brain by November 2020. Let’s look at what gets into the brain and how that happens. A typical pharmacology strategy to enter the brain is chaperoning, in which substances that do not typically cross the BBB are compounded together with substances that do cross, which may mimic endogenous molecules.
Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) carry medications into cells, but rarely cross the BBB alone. Monoclonal antibodies have shepherded LNPs across the BBB. 319 Enzymes interact with cell membranes and can be used. 320 Also, if previously nonBBB-crossing LNPs are linked to neurotransmitter derived synthetic lipids, then they can cross the BBB and carry medications or other chemicals with them, and then those LNPs can enter neurons. 321 The reason for this is that neurotransmitters are typically in the brain, and belong in the brain, and generally pass without gatekeeping. In other words, when a Trojan horse molecule such as a LNP is dressed up with a neurotransmitter, that would typically belong in the brain, then it fools the blood-brain barrier into allowing passage inside the brain. Then COVID vaccine injection occurred. COVID vaccines were advertised to “stay in the arm” following intramuscular injection, although the physiology of circulation, as known for centuries, pre-empts any such localization of a liquid in the body. 322 Pfizer contracted with Acuitas Therapeutics in November 2020 to test the Pfizer vaccine in Wistar rats. 323 Their pharmacokinetics report shows that the COVID vaccine LNPs, as well as the messenger RNA (mRNA) they carried, were found within minutes and hours in the brain, eyes, heart, liver, spleen, ovaries and other organs of rats, including amounts of mRNA harvested from each sacrificed animal. 324 Pharmacokinetics studies how much and how fast substances arrive to destinations throughout the body, after intramuscular injection (or other route). The entire Pfizer report on these findings was submitted by the FDA under court order. 325
Released by Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. Acuitas Therapeutics. 326 Final Report: Test facility study No. 185350, Sponsor ref No. ALC-NC-0552. Nov 9 2020. p. 25 https://phmpt.org/wpcontent/uploads/2022/03/125742_S1_M4_4223_185350.pdf
This available report text is in Japanese, but the tables at the end are all in English, such as this one. 327
From: Pfizer report_Japanese government.pdf p16
Other animal studies have shown that when mRNA is packaged in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), those packets cross the blood-brain barrier. 328 329 330 Not only has the mRNA been detected in the brain, but it is also highly inflammatory. 331
The Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines use mRNA to instruct human cells to make spike proteins. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is an intermediary between genes and proteins, in a relationship that is analogous to a template and a finished functional product, where mRNA is the instruction manual. In the case of the mRNA vaccines, spike protein is the product. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain pegylated liposometype LNPs, meaning that they are attached to polyethylene glycol as a chaperone molecule. LNPs are released into the circulation following the vaccine injection, and some of those LNPs approach the blood-brain barrier. It was once thought that LNPs could not cross the BBB, unless attached to antibodies, in which case they accumulate in the brain within 24 hours and stay trapped there. 332
Brain tissue was analyzed at 1 h, 6 h or 24 h after intravenous injection of liposomes packaged with [3H] daunomycin. From J Huwyler, D Wu, et al. Brain drug delivery of small molecules… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC19511/
And it is still a challenge for liposomes to cross the BBB. 333 But the mRNA from COVID vaccines have been detected there, as shown above.
Now mRNA is inside the brain and past the BBB, so it has access to neurons. Now that we have LNPs with their mRNA payload delivered past the BBB and into the brain, what do they do once they arrive to the fluid surrounding neurons? The rest is an easy journey for LNPs. Neurons take up LNPs, and they do so very efficiently, at 100% uptake, by means of apolipoprotein E, and usually without immune reaction at that point. Apolipoprotein E is abundant in the brain; it is produced by astrocytes. 334 335 The mechanism of uptake is endocytosis, in which the membrane of the neuron engulfs or swallows the approaching LNP. That has been observed since at least 2013. 336 In this way, the Trojan Horse content of the LNP is delivered, because it was contained in a benign-seeming, to the neuronal membrane, package. A different doorway to the brain Now at the same time, there is a different process going on. After injection with the mRNA vaccine, LNPs are traveling throughout the whole body, in accordance with longunderstood principles of circulation. Cells throughout the body take up these LNPs in endosomes and then the LNPs release their contents (the mRNA payload) into the cytosol of cells, 337 where the mRNA will then instruct the cell’s genetic machinery to produce spike proteins. Evidence has accumulated that mRNA-generated spike proteins are being produced in various bodily organs following COVID vaccine injection. Thus, throughout the blood, and on toward the brain, there are now free-moving spike proteins on the external side of the bloodbrain barrier, that is, in the capillary walls. And it turns out that even they get into the brain. Here’s how the unchaperoned freely moving spike proteins cross the BBB:
Some of those spike proteins are traveling in the circulation and inevitably arrive to the blood-brain barrier. 338 Unlike the LNPs that travel through the membranes of neurons, the spike protein approaches the blood-brain barrier just as it does in the rest of the body, by way of the ACE-2 receptors, which happen to be abundant at the brain-blood interface. 339 By this route, the S-1 of the spike protein easily crossed the BBB in mice.340 However, the spike protein is toxic in many ways. Each subunit of the spike protein was found to cause a dysfunctional leaking of the BBB. Within 2 hours of spike protein exposure, barrier permeability was seen. 341 It was also found that the spike protein was taken up readily at the capillary endothelial cells of the BBB, which opened that barrier also to spike protein entry to the brain. 342 In this way, there is an unfortunate feedback loop of earlier-arriving spike proteins widening the gates for later-arriving spikes to enter the brain. The Rho-A molecule seems instrumental in this prying apart mechanism at the tight junctions. 343 Yet another proposed route of access to the brain is described by Seneff et al., by means of migration of mRNA-containing LNPs via the vagus nerve toward and into the brain. 344 Brain injuries observed by Pfizer The following screenshot from Pfizer’s documentation to the FDA, released under court order, shows a small part, listed alphabetically, of observed injuries in Pfizer’s clinical trial. 345 Because central nervous system, cerebral and cerebellar all begin with ce, we can see the injuries they found at the blood vessels of the brain and central nervous system in this one screenshot.
Pfizer Worldwide Safety. 5.3.6 Cumulative analysis of post-authorization adverse event reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) received through 28 Feb 2021. P 31. https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6postmarketing-experience.pdf
These were injuries found by Pfizer in their 44,000 person clinical trial in late 2020. Many of these injuries observed by Pfizer, and submitted to the FDA, in their clinical trial are lifethreatening. For example, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, which is among those adverse events listed in the screenshot above, is an otherwise rare blood-clotting event that blocks an essential route for blood to exit the brain. As the pressure of blood builds up in the brain, swelling, hemorrhage and consequent damage to neural structures occur. You may note that these thrombosis injuries are technically outside the BBB, because they occur in a blood vessel. However, any clot in a blood vessel anywhere in the brain has the effect of what is called a watershed infarct. This is what happens in a stroke, or in a smaller injury, a transient ischemic attack (TIA). What this means is that the blood vessel that is blocked by a clot has smaller blood vessels emanating from it in a wedge or pie shape. Now, since the clot became stuck there, all of the tissues in that pie-wedge, the watershed, have been deprived of the oxygen and the nutrients that moving blood would normally bring through those now occluded vessels. As a result, some tissue inside the blood-brain barrier becomes so damaged that any of the following -- memory, cognition, speech, vision, other senses, mobility and other voluntary muscle control and/or other abilities -- can be and are injured, as I will show below. However, injuries of brain tissue that is protected by the bloodbrain barrier are also evident following COVID vaccination, even without detected thrombosis. Mechanisms of brain injury Peter McCullough MD is the final author on the Seneff, et al. paper, A potential role of the spike protein in neurodegenerative diseases: A narrative review.346 He summarizes their findings:
“Seneff and colleagues describe the pathophysiological rationale for COVID-19 vaccines in the development of neurocognitive disorders. Key features are: 1) CNS penetration of the vaccines, 2) neuroinflammation, 3) Spike protein activation of toll-like receptor-4, 4) folding of Spike protein into amyloid plaques, 5) cumulative exposure with multiple shots connotes enhanced risk.” “There is now abundant evidence that the synthetic lipid nanoparticles travel into the brain and install the genetic code (mRNA or adenoviral DNA) for the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein. As this protein is produced and accumulates in the brain, it can cause inflammation and also fold into an amyloid plaque. Thus, there is strong rationale for some vaccine recipients to develop mild cognitive dysfunction, Alzheimer’s-like dementia, and other forms of neurocognitive decline. Because seniors were heavily vaccinated, many families and doctors will attribute clinical changes to advanced age and not the vaccine. They should understand in each and every case, that COVID-19 vaccination should be considered a determinant of cognitive decline in a previously healthy person.” One mechanism of injury to the brain, and all other organs, may be damage to mitochondria observed following COVID vaccination. Abramczyk et al. showed a reduction in vitro of cytochrome C in mitochondria. 347 Cytochrome C is essential to oxidative phosphorylation, which is an essential function of mitochondria. As a result, less ATP is produced. ATP is a molecule that is the currency unit of energy in the body. It is used by all cells for energy. When there is less of it, we are exhausted and more vulnerable to cancer among other disease states.
A better known, more easily imaged by MRI, mechanism of injury to neurons is de-myelination. Myelin is the fatty sheath surrounding the axon of each neuron. It enables communication among neurons, with electrical signals leaping quickly along an intact myelin sheath, as when the brain tells the hand to pick up an object, but would get slowed down along damaged myelin. Breakdown of specific neurological injuries following the COVID vaccines Hosseini and Askari break down four categories of neurological complications of COVID-19 vaccination in the following figure: 348
From R Hosseini and N Askari. A review of neurological side effects of COVID-19 vaccination. Feb 25 2023. Eur J Med Res 28. 102. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9959958/
Let’s look at the anatomy of a neuron, where we see the long myelin sheath coating the axon, which is the conduit of signalling from one neuron to the next, and on to muscle, which enables activity, or in the opposite direction from skin and sensory organs, eyes, ears, etc., which registers as perceived sensation in the brain.
From: Healthwise, Incorporated. University of Vermont. https://www.uvmhealth.org/healthwise/topic/tp12596
Myelin is vulnerable to degradation and pitting from a variety of causes, and has been observed following COVID vaccination, 349 as well as earlier vaccines, the effects of which can be seen on MRI. 350 A common manifestation of demyelination is multiple sclerosis (MS). Exacerbation of existing or not yet diagnosed multiple sclerosis was seen after COVID vaccination, 351 as well as new onset MS. 352 353 Also observed following COVID vaccination are such demyelinating conditions as Guillain-Barré Syndrome, 354 355 356 transverse myelitis, 357 and similar neuropathies. 358
Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS) is an auto-immune condition in which the immune system attacks the nervous system, both motor and sensory neurons, causing weakness which may lead to paralysis, as well as tingling and other altered sensations. GBS has long been observed to follow earlier vaccinations, such as Hepatitis B and Influenza vaccines, likely due to the upheaval provoked in the immune system by a needle carrying antigenic material past the immune system’s primary defenses in the skin and mucous membranes. Of 1,000 post-vaccine GBS cases reported in the US from 1990 to 2005, 774 occurred within 6 weeks following vaccination. 359
From: Propel Physiotherapy. https://propelphysiotherapy.com/neurological/guillain-barre-syndrometreatment/#
A Lancet study found that Bell’s palsy has been seen 3.5 to 7 times higher in the COVID-vaccinated population compared to unvaccinated cohort. 360 Bell’s palsy is a dysfunction of the 7th cranial nerve, also known as the facial nerve, and results in facial muscle weakness or paralysis on one side of the face, observed as a one-sided smile or a wink instead of a blink. Abducens nerve (6th cranial nerve) palsy has also been seen following mRNA vaccination. 361 This limits eye movement to the side, affecting peripheral vision. Encephalopathies 362 and encephalitis 363 and seizures 364 and exacerbation of seizures in epileptics 365 have also been reported following mRNA COVID vaccination. Functional damage has also been observed following COVID vaccination, even acknowledged in conventional medicine as early as 2021, the year of peak COVID vaccination. 366 367 Memory loss, aphasia, motor and sensory nerve deficits, muscle weakness and tremors have been observed following COVID vaccination. 368 369 370 371 372 In other cases, worsening of pre-existing neurological pathology has been observed following COVID mRNA vaccination, such as worsening of Parkinson’s Disease 373 374 and of functional neurological disorder (FND) even in the young. 375 Of 21 adult patients at a Toronto hospital with functional motor movement disorder, 58% developed their neurological symptoms following COVID vaccination, and 22% developed such symptoms after COVID infection. 376 A common complaint reported by clinicians following COVID vaccination is tinnitus, 377 but this is still not well-reported in the medical literature, and has circulated anecdotally.
OpenVAERS.com summarizes reports of adverse events following vaccination since 1990 catalogued on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the US Dept. of Health and Human Services. 378 Unlike VAERS, Open VAERS.com summarizes VAERS data by category of injury. 379 For each category of injury and deaths reported to VAERS over its 32-year history, 2021 and to a smaller extent 2022 showed vastly higher number of reports than previously, as the reader can see in the second table below from OpenVAERS that show reports of neurological injuries. Of the 2.4 million adverse events ever reported to VAERS in its 32year history, 1.5 million of those events were reported following the COVID vaccines, over their short two-year history.
From: OpenVAERS.com https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data/bellspalsy 162
The following graph shows reports of Guillain Barré and transverse myelitis by year. We can see that 2021, the year of peak COVID vaccine uptake shows far higher incidence than other years.
From: OpenVAERS.com. https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data/paralysis
Prion Risks from the COVID Vaccines Let’s summarize the evidence to date linking the mRNA vaccines to prion-like protein mis-folding and consequent brain injury. Concerns have arisen about “mad cow” type disease, known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans, has affected COVID-vaccinated people. Those diseases are known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), the first in cows and the second in humans, and they are always fatal, generally within a few months to a year. German neurologists Creutzfeldt and Jakob were the first to describe such illness in the 1920s. A macroscopic view The word spongiform describes the devastation to the victim’s brain: a loss of solid mass that is seen on autopsy as shrinkage of gray matter. 380 163
The photo below shows that the brain has retracted from the skull, with large gaps and deep grooves, in a CreutzfeldtJakob victim. 381
From D Gragoso, et al. Imaging of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Imaging patterns and their differential diagnosis. https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/abs/10.1148/rg.2017160075
In contrast, here is a normal brain at about the same level as in the photo above, the normal one filling out the space to the skull more completely. 382
From F Gaillard. Normal brain (MRI). https://radiopaedia.org/cases/normal-brain-mri-6
A microscopic view While there is a loss of so many neurons as to shrink or collapse the brain, there is also a notable loss microscopically. In the photo below, sponge-like holes open up, as indicated by the arrow, a process called vacuolation. 383
From: G Dudhatra, A Kumar, et al. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies affecting humans. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/isrn/2013/387925/
A rapidly progressive dementia, muscle functional deficits, visual disturbances, convulsions and proprioception impairment are common hallmarks of CJD. 384 385 The medical literature prior to release of the COVID vaccines shows the most common routes of transmission to be iatrogenic, by tissue donation from a CJD victim, or contaminated, unsterilized surgical instruments 386 387 or by injection of human growth hormone (hGH). 388 Mice that were inoculated with prion-containing material developed prion disease. 389
TSE-type diseases are known as prion diseases. Prions are abnormally folded proteins, which are a kind of amyloid protein, which in themselves may not be such a threat. Some amyloids occur naturally throughout the body, and sperm could not swim without amyloid proteins. But CJD prions are especially dangerous, because they seem to trigger chain reactions, in self-sustaining positive feedback, in which normal proteins then also transform to the abnormal prion proteins. With such a quickly multiplying effect, the brain is soon irreparably damaged. Disruption to neuronal cell function ensues, to the point of cell death. A further difficulty is that prion proteins, like other amyloids, tend to lay flat against each other, more like neatly folded clothes in clean laundry, rather than clothes loosely piled into a washing machine. This dense folding makes the lockedinside component proteins unable to cross cell membranes or to otherwise interact normally with other proteins for needed cell functions. Prions seem to be trafficked in envelopes called exosomes, 390 just as mRNA carried in lipid nanoparticles also travel, and the latter have been seen to travel with great efficiency. 391 This exosome transport is the likeliest means known so far of the rapid virulence of prion protein overwhelming the brain. The rapid spread of mRNA packets throughout the brain and the rest of the body was known by November 2020. 392 SARS-CoV-2 proteins have been observed to interact with amyloidogenic proteins. 393 This is especially concerning given the self-perpetuating virulence with which prion-type proteins multiply. This induction of prion-like misfolding activity has also been seen with RNA-binding proteins, 394 and in the mRNA vaccines. 395 Seneff and Nigh show that the mRNA format of vaccines is highly risky for prion formation from the spike protein, affecting the vagus nerve initially before more widespread activity in the brain. 396 They show evidence that spike proteins generated by the mRNA vaccines build up toxic prion-like fibrils in neurons. 397 167
After release of the COVID vaccines, in the year 2021 alone, there were over 200,000 reports of vagus-nerve related symptoms and signs that were linked to the COVID vaccines. That enormous number comprised over 97% of all cases with any such neurological symptoms, following any vaccine, in that year. 398 With regard to COVID vaccines, the late Nobel laureate professor Luc Montagnier contributed to a paper published shortly before his death, in which 26 COVID-vaccinated individuals acquired the rare CJD so rapidly that 23 of the 26 developed symptoms of CJD within two weeks following their second dose of the mRNA COVID vaccine. Twenty of those CJD victims had already died by the time that paper was published, and those deaths occurred on average five months post-injection. 399 Then by June 2022, all six remaining patients had also died. The following graph shows the distribution of days from injection to first symptoms:
From: J Perez, C Moret-Chalmin, RIP Luc Montagnier. Towards the emergence of a new form of the neurodegenerative Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Twenty six cases of CJD declared a few days after a COVID-19 “vaccine” jab. 2023 in Intl J Vaccine Theory, Practice Res. 3 (1). https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/66 168
The researchers had also found that the CJD seen in these patients is more aggressive and quicker to progress than earlier forms of CJD. I have cited Stephanie Seneff’s and Greg Nigh’s brilliant work extensively. Although the following list is only marginally relevant to the matter of prions, in one of the articles cited herein, Seneff’s list below gives tremendous food for thought regarding the future risk-benefit considerations that would be prudent for individuals to make regarding injection of a brandnew product. 400
From: S Seneff, G Nigh. Worse than the disease?... https://dpbh.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/dpbhnvgov/content/Boards/BOH/Meetin gs/2021/SENEFF~1.PDF
It is important that copies of studies on the brain injuries and neurological sequelae following COVID vaccines are kept. At a time of rampant censorship in medical publications, many of the studies by authors cited here have already been removed from publication and are no longer accessible to the public. Others are behind paywalls, such as this Alonso-Canovas review 401 and many others. This disappearance of documented vaccine adverse events comes unfortunately at a crucial time, as the world begins to consider the magnitude of the effects wrought by the COVID vaccines. Better risk-benefit analyses should be made before future vaccines are rushed into widespread use.
Chapter 10: Eye Injuries from the COVID Vaccines Injury to the eyes following vaccination can be a sign of more widespread disease, including the possibility of sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease that is often found on biopsy. It manifests as granulomas in multiple organ systems. It is known to occur following a number of drugs and vaccinations. 402 403
When sarcoidosis affects the eye, it usually inflames the uveal tissues that form the middle layer of the eyewall, an emergency ophthalmic condition known as uveitis. These tissues include the iris, the choroid and the ciliary body, shown below in blue/purple, in this eye anatomy illustration. 404
From: H Kolb, Gross Anatomy of the Eye, https://webvision.med.utah.edu/book/part-i-foundations/gross-anatomy-ofthe-ey/ 173
An estimated 25 to 50 % of sarcoidosis patients suffer from uveitis. 405 Uveitis manifests with blurred vision, floaters and other symptoms including pain and redness of the scleral tissue (“bloodshot eyes”) and / or photophobia, the latter particularly in an anterior uveitis. After receiving one of the COVID vaccines, the onset to uveitis averaged 8.0 days post-vaccination, according to a literature review by Haseeb et al. of 58 studies on this topic. 406 The mode was two days post-vaccination. These findings were similar to the Rabinovitch et al. findings of average 7.5 days in their review of literature regarding uveitis onset post-Pfizer BioNTech vaccine. 407 Haseeb et al. reviewed all ocular complications following COVID vaccination found in the medical literature until February 2022. Their Table 1 summarizes this data. My graph below further summarizes from that table days of onset of signs and symptoms of eye injury following vaccination, as drawn from the Haseeb et al. Table 1 data as follows.
My stacked line graph shows that of the 88 patients reporting over the first 21 days following vaccination, covered in 58 articles reviewed by Haseeb et al., the majority were found to have signs or symptoms of ocular injury on or near day 2 following vaccination. The preponderance of findings within the first few days shows a temporal association between vaccination and eye injury that either favors a causality hypothesis or a willingness to ascribe ocular injury to a recently received vaccine. These findings of two days peak onset differ by two days from the mortality findings post-vaccination from the US government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data. Those aggregate data of days from vaccine dose to death is summarized in the following graph. 408
From: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality
Possible reasons for this disparity in number of days could include the immediacy of awareness of death, contrasted with delay in confirmation of visual changes by eye consult and imaging, as well as some patients’ possible delay of recognition or initial denial of visual changes. Another possibility for such two-day delay, as discussed in the last section of this chapter, regarding mechanisms, is that the impact of micro-clotting or immune-complex deposition is not necessarily immediate. Other eye injuries following COVID vaccination Ng et al. reported in their literature review other eye injuries following COVID vaccination, including acute macular retinopathy, central serous retinopathy, thrombosis, multiple evanescent white dot syndrome, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease reactivation and new-onset Graves’ Disease. 409 On the day after a first Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine, a 61year old male noticed discomfort and blurred vision in his right eye. 410 An ophthalmologist consult found iritis and increased pressure in that eye. His vitreous humor in that eye was so turbid that the right retina can barely be seen in fundoscopic exam (the cloudy-appearing image on the reader’s left below):
From: T Numakura, K Murakami, et al. A novel development of sarcoidosis following COVID-19 vaccination and a literature review Oct 15 2022. Intern Med. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9646347/ 176
A case of bilateral vision loss occurred in a 79-year old female who had received the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine two days earlier. 411 The injury to each eye was different, and each resulted in some vision loss.
A and B show damage to the right and left optic nerve heads respectively. C and D show nerve fiber loss in each eye. From: A Maleki, S Look-Why, et al. Figure 1C.
A case of a healthy 33-year old female with occurrence of a new blind spot (nasal field defect) and flashing lights (photopsia) ten days after her second Moderna mRNA injection. Ocular computed tomography (OCT) imaging showed damage to the ellipsoid zone in each eye. 412
A case of central serous retinopathy (CSR) developed in one eye of an otherwise healthy male 33-year old, who had received a first dose of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine less than 3 days earlier. 413 This injury had the effect of swelling and lifting his right eye’s macula away from the basement membrane, which pocket filled with serous fluid. The affected right eye is shown in the images on the reader’s left below, and can be better appreciated in the cross section of the fundus, as shown in the authors’ Figure 1B 414 below:
This triangular pocket holding serous fluid should not be here. It interferes with vision. Corneal graft rejection has been reported after the Pfizer vaccines, including in a patient 7 days after a first PfizerBioNTech dose. 415 Some of the accompanying signs were diffuse corneal edema and conjunctival hyperemia.
Why is this happening? Possible mechanisms A problem with vaccination since its beginning is the assumption that a counter-natural practice could produce more desirable than undesirable results in humanity’s timeless quest to repel pathogenic organisms. In the case of vaccination, there is breach (by way of antigen-laden needle) of a person’s first and most frequently engaged (and arguably most decisive) immune barriers, namely the skin and mucous membranes. Vaccination thus effectively denies and prevents the role of those organs in immune function and repulsion of microbes, as this practice re-assigns first encounter immune effect from skin and mucous membranes to the cells of the blood and lymph. As a result, the vaccinee risks the following complications to present and future immune function, as summarized by Maleki, et al. 416
From Maleki, et al. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8358769/
Uveitis and choroiditis are two auto-immune phenomena that have occurred many times following earlier vaccines. This 2016 review of 289 post-vaccine uveitis cases over a 26-year period describes eye-related manifestations of such immune system upheaval. The median number of days between vaccination and onset of uveitis was 16 days, and 23 different vaccines and vaccine combinations were identified. 417 With regard to the mRNA COVID vaccines, spike proteins are generated by the mRNA mechanism for an undetermined amount of time. SARS-CoV-2 RNA has been found in tears, aqueous humor and other ocular tissues. 418 419 Either this RNA and / or spike proteins may provoke immune complex deposition, which may be an inflammatory stimulus in the middle layer of the eyewall. 420 Ivanova et al. had identified a significant reduction in Type I interferon observed in the mRNA-vaccinated population, as having a potential causative role in derangement of immune function in COVID-vaccinated individuals. 421 Rabinovitch et al. also identify changes in Type I interferon as a mechanism in post-vaccine uveitis. 422 There are known systemic risks that are highly correlated with the COVID vaccines. Regardless of mRNA or viral-vectortype, notable injuries have mainly involved systemic hemostasis-related pathologies, such as thrombogenesis / clot formation, particularly microscopic clotting that has contributed to myocarditis 423 and vaccine-induced thrombocytic thrombocytopenia (VITT). 424 Haseeb et al. attribute some post-vaccine orbital injuries to the eye, such as superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis and Tolosa-Hunt syndrome to a possible hypercoagulable state. 425 Spike proteins are generated without known endpoint by the mRNA COVID vaccines. These proteins access the cells lining our blood vessels, the vascular endothelium, by means of the ACE-2 receptor, and jut into the lumen, creating eddies and 180
stagnation, which impede the smooth laminar flow of liquid blood through normal blood vessels. Such turbulence in turn gives rise to risks for macro- and micro-clotting. 426 The retina is ideally suited for study of such phenomena, due to the safety of the fundoscopic eye exam, and the clarity of the normal vitreous humor enabling such examination. Many of the injuries described and summarized above were treated to relief of symptoms by the use of corticosteroids, but some individuals’ conditions remained refractory to treatment. Those who consider either the new experimental COVID vaccines or the older vaccines should be fully informed, prior to vaccination, of the possibility of eye injury as well as the history of specific injuries associated with each vaccine that they consider taking. A fundoscopic exam of the retinas prior to vaccination may be considered as “before pictures” that may be compared to “after pictures” following medical interventions such as vaccination.
Chapter 11: Fertility Challenges: Birth Rates Plunge in Heavily Vaccinated Countries In many countries, births drop sharply nine months after peak COVID vaccine uptake. Let’s look at how this happens. And will these populations recover? Vital Statistics – Hidden Data Since the beginning of COVID, vital statistics, as reported by governments around the world, are hard to come by. For example, even today in the United States, Massachusetts and New York, Illinois and Washington are four of the states that, at this writing, have not updated births data since 2019 427 and 2020. 428 429 430 Nineteen European Countries By August 2022, Raimond Hagemann, et al. had compiled data on birth rate changes in 19 European countries.431 In this extremely important paper, and in all the countries that the authors examined, the inflection point of reduced births is consistently at the end of the year 2021. This was nine months after the spring zeitgeist to take the COVID vaccines nine months earlier. Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovenia, as well as Iceland, Northern Ireland, Montenegro, Serbia, all show this pattern. Nine months after peak vaccine uptake, the births decline.
From Hagemann, et al. Danish data:
All of the nineteen countries studied saw accelerating declines in births in 2022, beginning at nine months after peak COVID vaccine uptake. Note the small p values in the following table, favoring causation of infertility, rather than highly coincidental correlation between peak vaccination in spring of 2021 and sharply declining birth rates nine months later.
Sweden Data analyst Gato Malo has noted, as have others, that too many countries are locking their vital statistics data away from public view, which pre-empts any valid analysis. Occasional glimpses are available. Looking at Sweden, he found that if he overlaid month-tomonth change in births, he found that the strong dip in births beginning at November – December 2021 lines up very tightly with the percentage of people who were unvaccinated 9 months earlier. 432 That is, as the proportion of unvaccinated people (that is, fertile people) declined, so too did the birthrates decline. And births in Sweden have not yet shown signs of recovery from this decline.
From: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/swedish-birthrate-data-novemberupdate
UK At a similar time as in Sweden, we see births decline in the UK. After December 2021, the number of women giving birth is no longer in the forty thousands, but now crosses down into the thirty thousands, and stays there. 433
Comparing year-over-year decline, we might write this mean decline, where b is births, as (Σ b1, 2021…b6, 2021) - (Σ b1, 2022…b6, 2022) = 256,785 – 227,302 = 29,483. This is a deficit of 4,913 births per month. Similarly to Sweden, the inflection point of decline matches a 9-month point following the months of peak vaccine uptake in the UK. 434
Switzerland Switzerland saw its largest drop in birth in 150 years, more than in each of the two World Wars, the Great Depression and even the introduction of widely used oral contraceptives. 435
Why Is This Happening? Naomi Wolf explored menstrual irregularities reported following COVID vaccination and even following contact with COVID-vaccinated people. As the first to discuss these problems publicly and to gather data online from women who were experiencing menstrual changes, she was criticized and censored on social media. Her Daily Clout organization led a team of over 3,000 researchers, including Pierre Kory MD, to dissect the documents released by Pfizer / FDA under court order regarding clinical outcomes of the 44,000-person clinical trial of the Pfizer COVID vaccines. The Daily Clout team summarized their findings in their book on Kindle: Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports. 436 They report Pfizer’s findings of overwhelming injuries in their experimental group. Of the 22,000 individuals who had received the Pfizer vaccine, “Pfizer could not determine the outcome in over 20,000 people reporting vaccine injuries.” 437 The Daily Clout team explores in their book topics related to the COVID vaccines’ impacts on male and female fertility. As their team traced the data reported by Pfizer, it was found that 270 of the pregnant women in the Pfizer trial reported a vaccine injury. “… but Pfizer only followed 32 of them and 28 of their babies died. This is a shocking 87.5% fetal death rate.” 438 Pfizer logged over 158,000 separate adverse events during that clinical trial, under 1,290 different types of adverse events, an enormous compendium of human suffering. 439 Wolf’s team notes,“If Pfizer had a TV commercial for its COVID vaccine listing the 158,893 adverse events reported in the first 12 weeks, the announcer would be reading them for more than 80 consecutive hours.” 440
Even this exhaustive list could not be complete, because Pfizer could not account for outcomes of 22% of participants. Pfizer does list 11,361 of the patients as “not recovered” at the time of their report. 441 This is 51.6% of their experimental group “not recovered” from adverse events. No liquid will ‘just stay in the shoulder / arm.’ We have known, and Pfizer has confessed to, the transmission of spike proteins from one person to another by skin contact and exhalation. 442 I discuss that in Chapter 4 of this book. Adverse effects on vaccinated breastfeeding mothers and their babies included a range of vomiting, fever, rash, partial paralysis, blue-green discolored breast milk and other side effects. Not surprisingly, the injected vaccine liquid passes from mother to nursing infant as well, in accordance with long established physics principles of dispersal and diffusion of liquid introduced into a semi-solid (55-60% water) body, as well as centuries of basic, undisputed physiology and circulation of blood and lymph: Liquids introduced into the body diffuse throughout the body, as always. This has also been known of lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery of medication since its first development, that it, of course, enters the circulation. Those who alleged – and those who believed – that a liquid injection would “stay in the arm” had not even a junior high school student’s grasp of basic biology or physics. But Pfizer knew: It advised male participants in the trial to avoid sexual contact with women of childbearing age or to use condoms. Here is an overview of the impact of lipid nanoparticle (LNP)delivered substances to human male and female reproductive organs. 443
From R Wang, B Song, et al. Potential adverse effects of nanoparticles…
Male Infertility and the COVID Vaccines mRNA vaccine ingredients are observed to disperse throughout the body, collecting in the testes, among other organs. 444 An adverse event of note in Pfizer’s list of 1,290 adverse events post-vaccination is “anti-sperm antibodies.”
An Israeli study later confirmed damage to sperm, both in total numbers and motility, from the Pfizer vaccine. 445
The word “temporarily” in the title is misleading, because the researchers assumed sperm would recover after their 3-month study period, although they ended their observation at that time. And they did not show any evidence that sperm did actually recover. So their word “temporarily” is so far unverified. Pfizer did not test for male reproductive toxicity, 446 nor for the adverse effects that may be transmitted by vaccinated mens’ semen on their children’s development. One might think that male reproductive effects would have been tested for in Pfizer’s trial on rats. However, it appears only the female rats may have been vaccinated; the male rats perhaps not. 447 Rather, Pfizer simply instructed human male study participants to avoid intercourse or to use a condom. When Pfizer pronounced the male rats’ reproductive organs free of toxicity, we need to know the answer to this question: Had the male rats been vaccinated at all? The Daily Clout team writes, from their scrutiny of the Pfizer animal studies, that the male rats had not received mRNA injections. Harm caused by lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to male reproductive organs and ability had already been established years earlier. As seen in this 2018 study, such organs were known to be vulnerable to toxic influences from LNPs. 448 Besides lowered sperm counts and motility, researchers have found “folded amorphous spermatozoa, cells lacking or showing a small hook, and cells with undulating or elongated heads were the most frequent abnormalities found.” 449 Moreover, toxic chemicals, such as phthalates and other endocrine disruptors, 450 were already abundant in the environment prior to the COVID vaccines. These have likely contributed to declining sperm number and quality for a halfcentury, 451 in which sperm counts have been dropping by about 1% per year since 1972. 452 192
However, the COVID vaccines are making spermatogenesis even more rare. The problem is that most of the male reproductive cells, including spermatogonia and spermatozoa, express ACE-2, which is what spike proteins use for entry into human cells. Just as happens in blood vessels throughout the body, the spike protein arrival at the ACE-2 receptors was found to damage not only sperm, but also the blood-testis barrier, and to contribute to orchitis. At day 150, sperm concentration was 15.9% below baseline, below even the 75to 120-day period, and had not begun to recover by the end of the study.453 Female Infertility and the COVID Vaccines The World Health Organization (WHO) had long taken an interest in “anti-fertility vaccines” and “fertility regulating vaccines,” as they wrote in 1992. “Chorionic gonadotropin is the one antigen that fulfils criteria for an ideal contraceptive vaccine.” [Emphasis added.] 454 Fetal death was so rampant among COVID-vaccinated pregnant women observed by the CDC in the V-Safe Surveillance System 455 that I compared the miscarriage rate to the ‘morning-after pill’ in abortive effect of those pregnancies for which outcomes were reported. 456 That is, between 80 to 90% abortive effect. This is comparable to what the Naomi Wolf / Daily Clout team found, 87.5%, as referenced above. However, that V-Safe data had been released too early for accurate tally of all pregnancy outcomes, simply because it included women still in their first two trimesters. Researchers examined the cohort of pregnant women in the second half (second 20 weeks) of their pregnancies. 457 However, it seems to be flawed by missing data. 458
Miscarriages also show a dose-dependent response. The Pfizer vaccine is a 30 mcg dose and the Moderna vaccine is a 100 mcg dose. At an October 2022 CDC expert committee meeting (ACIP), the following data were presented: 12,751 women took the Pfizer vaccine, and 8,365 women took the Moderna vaccine. 422 Pfizer-vaccinated women, that is 3% of the Pfizer total, miscarried (lost their pregnancy by 20 weeks gestation), and 395 of the Moderna-vaccinated women, that is 4.7% of the Moderna total, miscarried. 459
From: CDC. COVID-19 in pregnant people and infants ages 0-5 months. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2022-10-1920/02-03-04-COVID-Ellington-Kharbanda-Olson-Fleming-Dutra-508.pdf
This means that 42% more of the Moderna group miscarried than the Pfizer group. This large percentage difference in such large cohorts (in the thousands of participants) supports a dose-response relationship of the COVID mRNA vaccine with miscarriage, worsened with the more potent dosing. The documents that Pfizer sought to have concealed for 75 years, but instead was forced to release by court order, reveal the 1,290 types of adverse events, and 158,000 total adverse events, noted above.
Also revealed in the same documents was that Pfizer excluded 21 groups of people from their trials, including “women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.” 460 Although pregnant women were excluded from these clinical trials, the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ACOG) urged pregnant women to get vaccinated, even while acknowledging that “none of the COVID-19 vaccines approved under EUA have been tested in pregnant individuals.” 461 The vaccines had been tested on 44 pregnant rats over 6 weeks, as required by protocols of Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity (DART) studies, but they had not been tested on pregnant women. Ill effects were not reported from the rat study. 462 However, nine of the ten study authors were employed by and held stock in Pfizer or BioNTech companies, as acknowledged in small print at the end of the article. Therefore, a highly conflicted study of only 44 rats, studied over six weeks, was the sole research basis for the obstetric profession to urge pregnant women to be vaccinated. Pfizer’s reporting of women in the trials who became pregnant following vaccination found 413 pregnant women, of whom 270 cases were considered to be serious and 146 to be nonserious. The serious cases included “spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5) premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each). No outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies.” 463 A problem with the short 12-week trial is that nearly all of these new pregnancies were apparently in early gestation, first trimester, at trial end.
The Daily Clout research team determined after examining and comparing miscarriages following various vaccines over time, “If you are pregnant, you are more likely to lose your baby in a miscarriage if you receive a COVID-19 vaccine than if you receive measles, mumps, flu, tetanus, or any other vaccine.” 464 They found from the US government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) that in VAERS’ 30year history, through March 2022, a total of 4,693 had experienced miscarriage in all those years. 4,505 of those had received a single vaccine. 3,430 of those miscarriages were in women whose vaccinations included a COVID vaccine. Sixteen of those 3,430 had also received another vaccine near that time. 3,430 – 16 = 3,414 miscarriages were after the COVID vaccine alone. Compare this number with 4,505 for all single vaccines over the 30-year history of VAERS. Therefore, 3,414 / 4,505 = 76% of all miscarriages ever reported to VAERS occurred after the COVID vaccines, during the short time that they have been in use, December 2020 through March 2022. Since at least 2010, it has been known that nano-particles were hazardous to the ovaries and to fertility generally, and bioaccumulation has been known. 465 466 In the case of spike proteins, it comes as no surprise that the ACE-2 receptor is the port of entry for spike proteins to gain access to ovarian cells, both granulosa and cumulus cells. 467 These are the ovarian cells that support the development of oocytes.
Congenital malformations The US Defense Medical Epidemiology Database System (DMED) 468 is the largest database of health statistics of the generally young, healthy and fit military population. That is, until military service members were forced to take the COVID vaccines or to be dishonorably discharged, with loss of benefits. Few if any religious exemptions were permitted. This database reported, when comparing 2021 to 2020, a 419% increase in female infertility reports, a 320% increase in male infertility reports and an 87% increase in congenital malformations. The report shows a mean baseline rate of 10,906 cases per year, 2016 to 2020. Then part of 2021, not even the full year, showed 18,951 such cases. 469 This is a 74% increase over the 2016 to 2020 mean. Prevention is massively easier than cure. Avoiding toxins such as LNPs, especially those that generate spike protein, such as the mRNA vaccines, is a necessary first step. Let’s hope that the coming years show the fertility crisis for both males and females to be reversible, as we learn how that may be accomplished. Has Population Growth Reversed? The world’s human population may be imminently poised at the inflection point of reversal from growth to decline. This reversal of population growth would be the first decline in human population since the 14th century plague in Europe, and before that, the last ice age, 27,000 to 19,000 years ago, when it is estimated that the world population declined by about 61%. 470 Dr. Meryl Nass is among the first (perhaps the first) to discuss that the curve of human population growth has likely changed course and has now likely reversed to decline and may have turned that corner in 2020. 471 197
Fertility rates are calculated as number of children per woman. Replacement value is greater than 2.0. This equals the sum of the exact 2.0 people (needed to replace the mortal parenting couple), plus an added margin, due to child mortality (those children who did not survive to their own reproductive age). Even a fertility rate of exactly 2.0 therefore results in population reduction. A 2.1 fertility rate is estimated to result in an overall stable population level. 472 Dr. Nass cites fertility rates, including from four of the world’s largest countries by population, China, India, United States and Indonesia, in that order. Among those, only India and Indonesia still show fertility rates of above 2.0. All of the four largest countries’ fertility rates have been in precipitous decline as in her graphic below.
From M Nass. I think the world’s population… Feb 26 2023.
The source of the above data is the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development, (OECD).
From: https://data.oecd.org/pop/fertility-rates.htm
In the above graph, notice the vast majority of the world’s countries have now arrived, by 2020, below the replacement line of 2.0 (really 2.1; see below). I count only eight countries above the 2.0 fertility rate line, in the following order of fertility: Israel, South Africa, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Peru, India and Mexico, in that order. On the above site’s chart, please take your browser to at least 250% zoom to sort out the tightly packed lines in this graph. Then there is a gap, from there downward, to the next highest fertility countries, topped by Turkey at 1.88, with the rest of us falling below those numbers.
Those eight countries of > 2.0 fertility are in this order of size by population: 100th, 25th, 4th, 41st, 32nd, 43rd, 2nd and 10th. Therefore, of the largest ten countries in the world, only three remain above replacement fertility level, India, Indonesia and Mexico, although all are significantly declining in fertility rates. The other seven of the top ten by population are already below replacement level fertility, and still going down. The fertility rate needed for a stable population level is predicated on other assumptions. The OECD assumption of that number being 2.1 holds that deaths remain at a constant rate. But there is no assurance of such constant mortality in our new ‘died suddenly’ environment, at least not here in the heavily COVID-vaccinated countries of the northern and western hemispheres, everywhere except Africa really. 473 Once a fertility rate gets into < 2.0 territory, the average parenting couple is no longer replacing all of itself. At that point, net population unavoidably declines, again with assumption of a constant mortality rate. 474 Vital statistics are notoriously hard to obtain in the COVID era. In the US, the following four states, for example, have neglected to report births since 2019 and 2020 respectively, Massachusetts, New York, Illinois, and Washington state. But are the scanty vital statistics that the public is allowed to see even true?
The relentless population counter at WorldOMeters marches ever upward past 8 billion people on the planet. 475 Perhaps their algorithm for such counting could be made available to the public. Clicking on the “Worldometer’s RTS algorithm” from this page https://www.worldometers.info/worldpopulation/us-population/ 476 currently leads to a blank page at the time of this writing. Clicking on “populations estimates and projections methodology” on this page https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ goes to a page at the US Census Bureau, where world populations data and projections are not sourced to external pages. 477 Such circular “we said so, because they said so” does not inspire confidence. Whom to believe about population? So I asked Google.
The first ten Google search results I saw alleged a stillgrowing population. Among those ten, there was one naysayer: Elon Musk projecting a future population collapse. 478 But OECD, Nass and Musk are not alone. Stein Emil Vollset, writing as lead author of a study in Lancet forecasts a future population decline before the year 2100, with a turning point at mid-century. 479 He says, “If our forecast is correct, it will be the first time population decline is driven by fertility decline, as opposed to events such as a pandemic or famine.” 480
However, as OECD data shows, this decline looks like it has already started. Has Meryl Nass MD thrown down the gauntlet to the Malthusians to prove their allegations of ongoing vigorous population growth? If so, I join her in making this challenge to them.
Chapter 12: How COVID Vaccines Cause Cancer Antibodies are studied more than other immune system proteins for correlation with pathology. This does not mean that they are more decisive in disease outcomes. Type I interferon likely has far more impact. Are antibodies the whole story of immune resilience toward cancer? There has been much attention to a study showing IgG4 antibodies spiking in the blood labs of those who are tripleinjected with the mRNA COVID vaccines. Journalists are speculating that this may be the cause of increased cancers in the COVID-vaccinated. But that is not the main reason that the COVID-vaccinated are getting new cancer cases, sometimes aggressive “turbo cancers,” or coming out of remission from earlier cancer. Rather, there is earlier research that provides more plausible mechanisms for cancer risk, based on abundant prior knowledge of immune function. Let’s look at both the new study on IgG antibodies and earlier research. The popular fallacy seems to be along these lines: “Antibodies are easy to test for. Plus, they are the focus of vaccine development and vaccine action. Therefore we spend a lot of time thinking and talking about them. Therefore they must be important markers of disease outcomes. Therefore they must be decisive in disease outcomes.” After focusing my own work on cancer patients for the last 16 years, if I made this mistake in thinking, most of my patients over the years would be dead by now from misdirected efforts. 203
No, cancer remains a mega-problem of metabolic derangement, mitochondrial damage, immune distraction, disrupted cell signaling, frenzied growth, lack of apoptosis, weakened tissues, angiogenesis, and DNA damage, as the principal features of an entity that feeds itself at the expense and to the detriment of the organ and the organism. These are the principal features of cancer, and they are hard as heck to treat successfully. Elsewhere I discuss that very daunting challenge. 481 IgG3 versus IgG4 First, let’s look at a study on IgG3 versus IgG4 antibodies in the triple-jabbed. Herein, let’s call it the IgG4 study. 482 It finds that the triple-jabbed may be developing a noninflammatory tolerance to even high levels of spike proteins. That is, rather than having typical dyspnea, cough, olfactory and other full-blown COVID-type symptoms, IgG4 is a tolerant and tolerizing antibody that allows virions and spike protein load to accumulate in the body without the usual symptomatic alarms. Thus, a COVID positive PCR result with mild symptoms, or even no symptoms, often ensues. This may partly account for the many celebrities and politicians frequently quoted in MSM saying in so many words, “I tested positive for COVID, but thanks to my shots, it’s mild.” Yet their lack of effective immune defeat of SARS-CoV-2 is what prevents their developing a lasting neutralizing immunity. As a result, they (at least at first) tolerate high spike protein loads and are perpetually vulnerable to recurrent infections. Even more worrisome, what underlies that recurrence of mild symptoms, show the IgG4 study authors, is a precarious derangement of immune function with potentially problematic stockpiling of viral load, spike proteins and antibodies, with potentially devastating consequences for their future health outcomes. 204
An abundance of immunoglobulins can create a multiple myeloma-like disease in the COVID-vaccinated, a sludgy protein-laden blood that is harmful to the fine filtration structures, glomeruli, of the kidneys. The graph below shows the actual increase in IgG proteins in the blood after a second dose of vaccine is an order of magnitude higher than that of the unvaccinated. 483
That immune deviation, misdirection and derangement has been previously described as pathogenic priming, a maladaptation of the immune system to either ignore or to fight ineffectively against genuine threats, while at the same time focusing its resources to slay the paper tigers of nonthreatening antigens. This happened in the design of the mRNA vaccines to produce a spike protein that was characteristic of the original Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2, but turned out to be ineffective against Delta, Omicron and subsequent strains, as some of us had earlier warned. 484 Because the Wuhan strain had already flamed and burned out, the COVID vaccines were obsolete by the time they were offered to the public. 205
Under circumstances of natural infection, whereas IgM antibodies flare for a short time after infection onset, IgG antibodies, in contrast, are slower to develop, and are those that remain long after an infection has resolved. (For example, my measles IgGs are still robust on a blood lab decades after I had measles as a child, with only natural immunity, no vaccine history.) The subclass IgG4 is a non-inflammatory one that is correlated with tolerance to antigens, similar to allergy shots rendering the immune response more tolerant to grass pollen. IgG4 has no known effector function. Likewise, IgG4 seems to be inversely correlated with anaphylaxis. Here, in the IgG4 paper, regarding the COVID-vaccinated, IgG4 increases considerably, over 38 times, after a third mRNA injection. Please note that the scale of the y-axis is logarithmic, putting the IgG4s quite far up there.
At the same time, both triple- and double-jabbed lose a considerable amount of their IgG3 antibodies, discovered at 180-day and 210-day follow-up labs, respectively. Note again the logarithmic scale, showing cratering drop-off of IgG3 antibodies, with skyrocketing IgG4 antibodies. This is from Figure 1 of the IgG4 paper: 206
The subclass IgG3 is sometimes thought, including by the IgG4 authors, to be pro-inflammatory, one of many immune assaults against invading pathogens, although there is evidence to the contrary as well. 485 IgG3 is thus sometimes assumed, including by the IgG4 authors, and interested journalists, to neutralize, or fight effectively against, antigens. However, there is little support, other than correlation of titers, for the assertion that IgG3 antibodies may be effective warriors against pathogens. The IgG4 study authors acknowledge an earlier observation of “IgG3 responses correlating with partial protection against HIV,” 486 and only a rise in IgG3 antibodies after natural infection with SARS-CoV2, without mechanism of its protection. 487
One possible clue as to the IgG4 study authors’ observations of low IgG3 is the glycosylation of IgG3 as impactful on SARSCoV-2 infection severity. 488 (Immunoglobulins are glycosylated protein molecules generally, but hyperglycosylation seems to be a problem. Glycosylation is generally detrimental to its optimal function; notorious glycosylation has devastated more than simply antibodies, in our junk food loving culture.) IgG3 antibodies are a very small proportion of IgG antibodies and have not yet been well-studied. 489 Both IgG3 and IgG4 antibodies are generally a small proportion of all our B-cells, 3% and 4% respectively. Low IgG3 antibodies are not necessarily correlated with low disease severity. For example, in COPD, we see this correlation of low IgG3 levels with life-threatening exacerbations of COPD. 490 All antibodies, including IgG3 and IgG4, generally rise and then fall in case of natural infection. 491 Below I will explain why I am not so sure the cause and effect vector goes as is currently being assumed, from low IgG3 / IgG4 ratio to generalized immune dysfunction. Rather, I suspect that it may more likely be an effect of other mechanisms, described below. There is so much more to immune function than only antibodies The first problem with the current IgG fascination is the assumption that just because antibodies consume much attention, and are easily measurable proteins on a blood lab, that they are then necessarily impactful on the vast complexity of the rest of the immune system. Metaphorically, by assuming that that which we can see is necessarily decisive, we are looking at the skin, so to speak, and assuming that we therefore know the functions of the internal organs and that the skin is the dominant cause of internal effects. Obviously, such is not the case. 208
Let’s first assume that the highly mobile and ubiquitous blood contains many of the cells in our immune system and are, as a whole and in parts, key to optimal immune function. Here is the proportion of IgG immunoglobulin antibodies to the rest of the immune system: Immunoglobulins are present on the surface of B-cells, where they act as receptors for antigens. B-cells fluctuate in number, but average 5.2% of all white blood cells. White blood cells are 0.1% of all cells in the blood. Therefore, B-cells are about 0.005% or 5 in 100,000 cells in the blood. I explain further about that in the chapter Immunology 101.1.
This proportion of B-cells to other cells in the blood is vanishingly small. If you can see the very skinny red line at the far left of the band below, that is the proportion of all Bcells compared to the vast remainder of cells in the blood. (The thin red line would actually need to be a little thinner to be true to scale.) ↙ B-cells
↓Remaining cells in the blood
Now let’s look at other aspects of immune function that are powerhouse fighters against cancer, but have been associated with high viral load and/or high spike protein, such as is expected to occur after COVID vaccination. These researchers found that two of our most important cancerfighting cells, natural killer (NK) cells and CD8+ T-cells were significantly reduced in these circumstances. 492 Reduction in NK cells is seen with more aggressive tumors. The most important paper to date on COVID vaccines and cancer risk But the major problem with the mRNA COVID vaccines and cancer risk was shown in April 2022, in the Seneff, Nigh et al. paper. 493
The science community’s pre-occupation with the relatively smaller adaptive immune system, mostly its humoral portion, and unfamiliarity or disinterest in the vastly more important and stronger innate immune system has led attention away from this seminal paper. I have to recommend not only reading but thoroughly studying the Seneff, Nigh paper for the best understanding to date of the effect of the COVID vaccines on tumorigenesis and immune-failure with respect to cancer and metastatic events. What Seneff et al. found is that the most profound threat to immune function by the mRNA vaccines is the interference with Type I interferon signaling pathways. This in turn debilitates the surveillance capabilities of the immune system in cancer detection. As a result, we see both new tumors and metastases of existing cancers in the COVID-vaccinated. We see what is now called turbo cancers. Here is how Seneff et al. supports that hypothesis. Their paper is enormously detailed, and my summary of it below is quite brief. Ivanova, et al. found that people who were naturally infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been able to dramatically up-regulate our arguably most crucial cytokine, Type I interferon, as seen from their peripheral dendritic cells, whereas mRNAvaccinated people have not shown this ability, nor any such increase, nor any progenitor cells for the same. 494 From those various findings, is evident that the COVID vaccines suppress Type I interferon signaling. The results are a devastating breakdown of many downstream immune functions, creating new vulnerability to not only viral diseases, but also to cancer. The necessity of interferons for the body’s war against cancer is further seen in the productive clinical use over decades of interferon as a therapeutic agent to cancer patients.
The most appreciated mechanisms of Type I interferon against cancers include up-regulation of the tumor suppressor gene p53, as well as kinase inhibitors, and the resulting arrest of cancer’s cell reproduction. Perhaps even more crucial is that Interferon-alpha, a type of interferon I, makes cancer recognizable, or in a way visible to other immune cells for destruction.495 Two other major effects of Type I interferons, specifically interferon-alpha, are cell differentiation and apoptosis, which are two of the major events that are important for a natural victory over cancer. Type I interferon also activates the essential cancer-fighting cells discussed above, CD8+ and NK cells. There are further genetic effects of Type I interferons, each of which tend to suppress tumors, notably through IRF-7 genes. 496 These genes have impact on cancers of the breast, prostate, uterus, ovaries and pancreas. But these and oncogenes generally appear to become dysregulated by the mRNA vaccines. Fay et al. discuss G-quadruplex formations in RNA, and that role in proto-oncogene expression. 497 This can in turn lead to cancer progression. Cancer Incidence Even before the boosters were rolled out to the public, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) showed vastly more cancers following COVID vaccines than for all other vaccines during the 30-year history of VAERS. These new cancers following the COVID vaccines accounted for 97.3% of post-vaccine cancers reported to VAERS. Here again from Seneff et al.:
From: Seneff, Nigh et al. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9012513/
It should be noted that the reporting of these 2021 cancers occurred in large part prior to the US public’s (tepid) uptake of even the earliest mRNA COVID boosters (injection #3 in the fall of 2021) as here shown in Our World in Data. 498
That 3rd injection is the one after which the IgG4 paper authors saw the most difference in IgG3 / IgG4 ratios, but not necessarily the greatest increase in cases of cancer. Let’s consider the whole immune system, not only immunoglobulins, as necessary to protect against the ravages of cancer. Immune cells and cytokines, and their exquisitely coordinated and synergistic functions, must be protected from the destructive events initiated by irreversible experimental injections of novel products, such as the mRNA vaccines.
Chapter 13: The Ten Worst Hazards of the COVID Vaccines 7 of these hazards were known by scientists prior to release of the COVID vaccines. 13 of the 33 endnotes below are from 2020 and earlier, prior to peak uptake. Any one of them is a stop signal. Independent journalist Steve Kirsch asked me for the five main takeaway points from the 1st edition of my book Neither Safe Nor Effective: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines. It was tough to narrow the list down to five. So here are ten that I consider essential red flags. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 below are too seldom discussed, even by those of us who have been early critics of the COVID vaccines. Each of the ten is and has been prohibitive to the use of mRNA technology and coronavirus vaccination of any kind in healthy populations. Therefore, fully informed and completely uncoerced consent is required before use. All ten points address safety rather than efficacy. First I summarize, and then discuss below, these ten most salient red flags against use of the mRNA COVID vaccines. Each alone is a prohibitive red flag against use in human populations. Two years ago I wrote the first comprehensive warnings that I had seen of seven of the following hazards (#4 through 10) of these vaccines. 499 Then I covered all of the ten below in my book. In order of importance, I believe these are the ten worst hazard signals regarding the COVID vaccines. 1. Bradford Hill criteria indict the COVID vaccines as being the cause of increased injuries and deaths, by nine different 215
criteria, redundantly confirmed around the world. An abundance of data from vastly different sources corroborates this causality. 2. When the FDA was forced by court order to release the list of adverse events observed by Pfizer in their short clinical trial, the list ran to 1,290 different adverse events observed, including very serious and devastating adverse events, many of which may be permanent. 3. One of the most important papers in the COVID era shows that the COVID vaccines damage the immune system, and allow new cancers to form, due to devastating interference with Type I interferon signaling pathways. 4. It is more dangerous to vaccinate against SARS-CoV-2 / COVID than against other viruses. 5. Myocarditis is a life-threatening condition. 6. mRNA can affect DNA. 7. Antibody-dependent enhancement is more than a mere distraction of your immune system in the presence of pathogens or cancer cells. Because it distorts immune function, it can become a weaponization of your immune system against you. 8. Cationic lipids, such as used in the lipid nanoparticle delivery system of mRNA vaccines, have never arrived well at human cell membranes. 9. Male and female fertility has been impaired, and birth rates have declined, by mechanisms known prior to peak uptake of these vaccines. 10. Spike proteins cross the blood-brain barrier, attach to neurons and create brain inflammation and mis-folded (prionlike) proteins.
Chapter and page references are to the paperback version of the 2nd edition of Neither Safe Nor Effective. The Kindle version is still being suppressed by Amazon. 1. (Chapter 3) Bradford Hill criteria indict the COVID vaccines as being the cause of increased injuries and deaths. The Bradford Hill criteria are the most widely accepted set of criteria, over a half century, to assess for causality in epidemiological phenomena. Did A cause B? Or are A and B merely correlated? The experiences of entire populations are vastly multi-factorial. Therefore, it has been necessary to examine correlated data from multiple perspectives or criteria, to evaluate likelihood of causality, to assess whether or not correlated data arrive to such a (necessarily strict) threshold where causality (or lack thereof) may be determined. For all 9 of these criteria, there are multiple clinical studies, population data and other pieces of evidence that the COVID vaccines are not only correlated with, but also causative of higher rates of injuries and deaths. Those criteria are: Strength of association, consistency, specificity, temporality, biological gradient/dose-response, plausibility, coherence, experiment and analogy.) Data is especially abundant for causative action from the COVID vaccines to cardiovascular injury and deaths from all causes.
2. (p. 54) When the FDA was forced by court order to release the list of health injuries observed by Pfizer in the short trial, the list ran to 1,290 different types of adverse events observed. Pfizer lists 1,290 different kinds of injuries, and presumably only those "of special interest." Note the severity and both acute and potentially chronic nature of the adverse events listed. 217
It is well worth reading Pfizer’s entire list of these adverse events. 500 I strongly encourage the reader to do so. 3. (p. 85) One of the most important papers in the COVID era shows that the COVID vaccines damage the immune system, and allow new cancers to form, due to devastating interference with Type I interferon signaling pathways. Seneff, Nigh, Kyriakopoulos and McCullough showed that the most profound threat to the human immune function from the mRNA COVID vaccines is by means of obstruction of Type I interferon signaling pathways. 501 The disabling of this most important cytokine known to immunology creates downstream mayhem. The surveillance capabilities of the immune system become disabled with regard to cancer detection. This lights out subterfuge allows both new tumors and metastases of existing cancer, in the COVID-vaccinated to grow without opposition from our immune system. Hence, the emergence of the new turbo cancers. Whereas those of us who were naturally infected with SARS-CoV-2 were able to up-regulate Type I interferon when needed, mRNA-vaccinated people have not shown this ability.
4. (p. 23) It is more dangerous to vaccinate against COVID than against other viruses. The SARS-CoV-2 virus uses the ACE-2 receptor to enter endothelial cells, including those lining the blood vessels. This creates an inflammatory reaction that the great majority (99.85%) of those naturally infected have survived. If you have been exposed to the virus, and then get vaccinated, it is almost certain that spike proteins generated by the vaccine will cause new inflammation and damage to endothelial cells lining your blood vessels, launching new disease in the blood vessels. Dr. H Noorchashm MD, PhD says, “… the vaccine is almost certain to do damage to the vascular endothelium.” He explains in a letter that was deleted from its original sources, but may still be viewed. 502 218
Dr. Noorchashm writes,“I am writing to warn that it is an almost certain immunological prognostication that if viral antigens are present in the tissues of subjects who undergo vaccination, the antigen specific immune response triggered by the vaccine will target those tissues and cause tissue inflammation and damage.” In this case, the vaccine stimulates the immune system to attack the already injured cells lining blood vessels, with a resulting array of vasculitis, thrombophlebitis, vascular insufficiency (both arterial and venous) as well as thromboembolic complications such as stroke, myocardial infarction and myocarditis. 5. (Chapter 6) Myocarditis is a life-threatening condition, which injures the muscular layer of the walls of the heart, with no available treatment, because it entails the killing of heart cells. Myocarditis is typically very rare in youth but has been disabling and killing vaccinated individuals, particularly at moments of devastating synergy with anxiety-driven catecholamine release, such as an athlete under game performance pressure, or a journalist as cameras roll. The CDC has confessed to the connection between myocarditis and the COVID vaccines. 503 The following study shows the likely mechanism of harm done to the myocardium, 504 and everyone who takes the COVID vaccines would find it nearly impossible to reverse or prevent such permanent damage to the heart. I explain this mechanism in the chapters on myocarditis and fluid dynamics. Pathologist Roger Hodkinson MD explains the devastation of myocarditis: “… We don’t know what percent of the heart muscle cells would have died in any one attack of myocarditis. The big 219
thing about heart muscle, heart muscle fibers, is that they do not regenerate… ” 505
6. (p. 19) mRNA can affect DNA. One of the most worrisome risks with a mRNA vaccine is what can happen with reverse transcriptase. This is an enzyme in every cell, and it can theoretically lead to mRNA creating changes in the cells’ DNA, a process known as viral retrointegration. Although this possibility had been thought unlikely, MIT and Harvard scientists found it happened here: 506 If some of the 30 trillion or so cells in your body become permanent COVID factories, what is the long-term impact on your health, and would you want that outcome? At the time of the vaccines' release in December 2020, there were no peer-reviewed, published, long-term human trials of mRNA vaccines at all, and no mRNA vaccine had ever been FDA-approved. That's how brand new the technology was. These needed to go through much longer and more rigorous animal testing before release and use with humans.
7. (p. 20) Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) problem. Prior attempts to create a coronavirus vaccine killed all the test animals, after they were later infected with wild virus. Here’s what happened: The mRNA instructed the mammals’ cells to produce the spike proteins of the coronavirus. Then, later, when the animals confronted the wild virus, the intense buildup of antibodies had been stockpiled, and their sudden and overwhelming release killed the test animal. These risks have been documented in Nature, Science and Journal of Infectious Diseases. Here’s a study from the journal Nature Microbiology in September 2020 on that. 507 220
Thus, long before even one person had received a COVID vaccine, this devastatingly poisonous effect was known by some and widely ignored and hidden from the public. ADE mechanism: ADE is a form of pathogenic priming, meaning the vaccine can result in a more severe disease, which has been seen in prior attempts at making coronavirus vaccines. The antibodies made can be neutralizing (which is helpful as it inactivates a virus). However, antibodies are a problem when they are nonneutralizing, because then these antibodies carry active viruses directly to macrophages, which then become infected. This is how ADE happens. This antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) leads to: increased viral replication (more viruses to sicken the individual); 508 and more severe disease. 509 Another problem is that these macrophages tend to go to the lungs and fill the lungs, causing overwhelming inflammation and airway obstruction (as found later on autopsy). 510 However, the augmented antibodies also attack similar-looking proteins on internal organs, resulting in cytokine storm and death 511 or auto-immune disease and organ failure. “Cats that showed high titers following vaccination succumbed at later timepoints to fatal disease.” 512
8. (p.17) Cationic lipid coating of mRNA Cationic lipids are known for many years to be toxic, 513 because these (+) charged fats interact with the (-) charges on our amino acids, our cell membranes and the phosphates of our DNA. Lipid nano-particles (LNPs) have been found to carry mRNA vaccine content to multiple sensitive bodily organs, such as brain, ovaries, spleen, liver. Cationic lipids are attracted to and are destructive toward: lungs, 514 mitochondria, red blood cells, white blood cells, 515 liver 516 and 221
nervous system. (This is the Bell’s Palsy and tremors that are seen in vaccine victims.) 517
9. (p. 21) Male and female fertility has been impaired, by mechanisms known prior to peak uptake of these vaccines. Why was there no warning from the CDC or FDA about the anti-sperm antibodies discovered by Pfizer in the vaccinated trial participants? What about miscarriages, and why have men been advised to freeze their sperm prior to getting the injection? Both men and women are at risk for possibly permanent infertility, because the spike protein of a coronavirus “looks” to the immune system similar to Syncytin1, an essential protein in the placenta. This stimulates antibodies to fight the placenta, and possibly sperm. Mid-term miscarriages, which are normally very rare, have occurred in women who have been vaccinated for COVID. Miscarriages have increased in the UK. 518 The New England Journal of Medicine had previously found that 14% of vaccinated pregnant women miscarried, mostly in the 3rd trimester, which is normally a very rare time to miscarry. 519 As it turns out and as predicted, 19 European countries began experiencing significant declines in birth rates beginning nine months after peak COVID vaccine uptake. 520 Researcher Naomi Wolf has taken a particular interest in topics related to the COVID vaccines’ impact on fertility and women’s reproductive health. As their team traced the data reported by Pfizer, it was found that 270 of the pregnant women in the Pfizer trial reported a vaccine injury. “…but Pfizer only followed 32 of them and 28 of their babies died. This is a shocking 87.5% fetal death rate.” 521
10. (Chapter 9) Spike proteins cross the blood-brain barrier, attach to neurons and create brain inflammation and mis-folded (prion-like) proteins. This is a problem because mRNA vaccines programmed the cells in the bodies of vaccinated people to keep making spike proteins. 522 The lipid delivery system permits breach of the blood-brain barrier. As it later turns out, Bells palsy, 523 Guillain Barre syndrome, 524 525 and cerebral venous thrombosis 526 have been observed as adverse events following mRNA COVID vaccination. Prion or prion-like diseases, characterized by misfolded proteins, have been observed following mRNA COVID vaccination. 527 20 of 26 patients with Creutzfeld-Jakob like illness have died, and the remaining six were in critical condition, following a COVID vaccine at time of that study’s publication. 528 The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is known to interact with amyloidogenic proteins and to stimulate Lewy body-like formation in a cell line. 529
PART 5 More Mechanisms
Chapter 14: Does any vaccine stay in the arm? No. And every medical professional could have figured that out, if they had stopped to think about it. Injected liquid (of any kind) cannot simply ‘stay in the arm.’ Here’s why. First, a diabetic’s daily experience An estimated 8.5% to 10% of Americans have type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). 530 531 This brings much of the entire US population into acquaintance with one or more diabetic individuals, and we may even be related to a diabetic or may even live in the same household. With such high prevalence, most adults, and all healthcare professionals, are aware of diabetics’ need to check their blood sugar frequently. Although there is now an electronic blood sugar monitor that has been helpful for checking blood sugar without a needle poke, the glucometer and needle is still the most common method. These are some glucometers:
photo: Healthline
To make it work, a very small needle, a lancet, is used to elicit a drop of blood, which is then applied to the end of a test strip. The test strip is then inserted promptly into one end of the glucometer, which starts a chemical reaction between the person’s blood sugar (glucose) and of enzymes on the test strip. The glucometer then displays a number, as the 102 in the above photo, resulting from that chemical reaction. The number is the interpretation of that reaction as the amount of glucose in the person’s blood. But those details are merely introduction to glucometers, not important to my argument. And here is the needle that is used in the glucometer. It is so small that I placed an arrow. It is 30 gauge, which is 0.312 millimeters thick, and it is 3 millimeters long.
A zoomed in lancet
photo: Amazon
Now if you ask any diabetic, no matter where they poke themselves, even on the fingertips, which are some of the most distant extremities from the heart, they never fail to produce a drop of blood when they are poked with this item. (Unless years of manual labor made thick, tough callouses, and then the needle poke is done on an uncalloused side of a finger.) Now let’s compare this with the needle used for Pfizer vaccine administration. 532 It is 22 to 25 gauge, which is wider than the glucometer lancet. The Pfizer needle is 1 to 1.5 inches in length. Let’s say it is on the smaller side, 22 gauge and one inch long. So the glucometer needle is 3 millimeters long and 30 gauge thick, which is 0.312 millimeters thick in outer diameter. An online chart shows millimeter thickness from gauge. 533
The Pfizer vaccine needle is one inch = 25.4 mm long and 22 gauge, which is 0.718 mm thick in outer diameter. Here is a zoomed-in size comparison:
So even a tiny needle, such as a glucometer lancet will not fail to elicit a drop of blood. You don’t even have to map out where the blood vessels run under the skin. Just pick any spot, and be confident that you will strike a leak, no matter where you poke. You don’t have to repeatedly stab yourself with the tiny needle above, in order to find a rare blood vessel. No matter where you use the glucometer lancet, unless calloused or pathologically coagulated or dehydrated, a drop of blood will appear. Why can we be so sure of this? Because the capillaries are only 100 micrometers = 0.1 millimeters apart, 534 which is a third of the thickness of even the glucometer lancet, and 1/7 the thickness of the Pfizer vaccine needle. And for every tenth of a millimeter that needle advances through flesh, 3 to 7 more capillaries are blown. What does this mean for access to the bloodstream? It means that numerous blood vessels have been pierced, and are now leaking, no matter where you poke.
So any needle pierce of skin, even as shallow as three millimeters, will allow penetration of the one-millimeter thick epidermis – which does not have blood vessels - and will plunge the needle all the way to the hub, through the 3millimeter thick dermis, which does have blood vessels, and then through that to the subcutaneous layer, or hypodermis, which has larger blood vessels. Cleveland Clinic illustrates the layers here, with their respective blood vessels:
Illustration, Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/22357-dermis
We know from the diabetics’ experience of not having to repeatedly stab themselves to try to find a drop of blood, that blood vessels are disrupted every single time, even by the tiny, thin and short needle above, and to such a great extent, that a drop of blood oozes all the way out past the lancet’s length, and onto the surface of the skin.
Then we see that if the Pfizer vaccine needle is over 8 times as long, and over twice as wide, then all the more blood vessels, including some of the larger and deeper ones in the subcutaneous layer are accessed. (For larger needle use, a Z-track technique is often used, to minimize such blood spillage on the surface.) The larger and deeper vessels are farther apart, and are less likely to be accessed in any single needle poke. However, it is often forgotten that the ubiquitous and densely distributed capillaries are there also, which is necessary for all of the body’s cells, both superficial and deep, to be nourished by the blood. Otherwise, they would die. Therefore, any needle access to both superficial (by glucometer lancet) and deep (by vaccine needle) will assuredly disrupt capillaries and very possibly some venules as well. And then 0.3 ml of liquid is deposited in the neighborhood of the broken blood vessels. Is it any wonder then that any injection of any liquid at all can access the whole body? A red blood cell takes less than a minute to complete a journey from a capillary to the heart and back to a capillary again. The liquid plasma that carries it is on the same path. Injections of liquids then go with the flow. Therefore, yes, the mRNA vaccine or any other vaccine or injection travels the path of accessing the entire bloodstream. The body is 55 to 60 percent water. And then a liquid is deposited in this semi-solid material by a vaccine. Is it any more likely to stay in one spot than if you add some water to food that you are preparing? So perhaps cooks could also have guessed that a vaccine would not simply stay in the arm. We also know of distribution of injected liquid from men who get testosterone shots. Does the deltoid site of injection get more muscular or hairy, but not the rest of the body? No, injected liquid accesses blood and lymph. 232
In medical school we learned centuries-long knowledge of circulation and lymph drainage. Every cell in the body is less than a fingernail's thickness away from the nearest blood vessel, actually within 50 to 100 micrometers away, 535 as needed for the nourishment needed to sustain that cell’s life. Innumerable capillaries are pierced and disrupted during vaccination by needle piercing flesh to a depth of an inch or similar. (Worse vaccine reactions are possibly correlated with a larger blood vessel accidentally pierced.) If local versus systemic were the main consideration regarding the COVID vaccines, where mRNA had killed all the test animals, and no coronavirus vaccine had ever been successful, and LNPs create havoc at cell membranes... If local arm versus systemic considerations were primary, any healthcare professional could have rung the alarm, and we all should have, and a number of us did. (It seems I was first with comprehensive warnings of expected damage to multiple bodily organs by these vaccines on 2/21/21. 536 – Readers, please correct me if I’m wrong about that.) Possibly there were laypeople with respect to medicine who had not heard that prior mRNA experiments and prior attempted coronavirus vaccines had killed all the test animals, nor that lipid nanoparticles were known to be toxic to multiple bodily organs. There were even many healthcare professionals who did not know these essential facts. It is possible that caution was thrown to the wind by both laypeople and healthcare professionals after hearing the assertion that the vaccine would stay in the arm. As we can see from the above evidence, no injected liquid can be reasonably expected to stay in the shoulder or arm, as alleged by the pandemic / vaccine industrial complex. We would do well to remember the exquisitely intricate circulation in humans and the rest of the animal kingdom prior to accepting any more experimental or otherwise sketchy injections.
Chapter 15: Respiratory Vaccines Cannot Work They have never worked, and here’s why. Vaccines for respiratory diseases have a consistent record of inefficacy regarding the alleged purpose of generating specifically neutralizing antibodies and imparting resilience to the diseases for which each of those vaccines is named. The influenza vaccine, flu shot, has averaged 14% efficacy for seniors, 537 the group most at risk for poor influenza outcomes, in the US, and generally shows no statistically significant differences in antibody profiles between vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects. 538 This low efficacy is not surprising, given the impossibility of the task. Quickly mutating viruses, such as are involved in respiratory infections, make poor vaccine candidates due to the stark contrast between the quick agility of viral mutation and the clunky slowness of manufacturing and distributing and administering hundreds of millions of vaccine doses. Viral mutation speed running circles around industrial vaccine production was especially visible to the world in the COVID era, as the Wuhan strain spike protein, on which the COVID vaccines were based, quickly disappeared, as Delta, Omicron and subsequent variants pre-dominated, each in turn. Negative efficacy of the COVID vaccines has been scandalous around the world. 539 540 541 542 543 Risk of COVID infection and death with COVID were found to rise with each successive dose of vaccine for most age groups. 544 545 The widely disseminated COVID vaccines were obsolete before the vast majority of vaccinees had been injected.
However, there is another reason, a basic microanatomical reason for the inevitable failure of all vaccines for respiratory infectious diseases. First, let’s review the microanatomy of the alveolus (Plural: alveoli), which is where gas exchange occurs, the route of oxygen into the body, carbon dioxide out from the blood to the lungs to exhalation. The shape of clusters of alveoli looks like bunches of grapes, and this maximizes surface area for oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange.
From: MMS Life Science, https://sites.google.com/site/igotcells/respiratorysystem/11-alveoli
Now zooming in, there is a 3-layer barrier between the blood and the air in the lungs, called the blood gas barrier (BGB), or the alveolar-capillary barrier. It has enormous surface area, seventy square meters in an individual human, yet is no thicker than 500 nanometers. 546 This structure maximizes both volume and ease of gas exchange between air and blood. A ubiquitous layer of intermeshed capillaries surrounds each alveolar sac, enabling nearly adjacent respiratory air and liquid blood to stay microscopically close, yet always separated. West illustrates the layers of the blood-gas barrier, also known as the alveolar-capillary barrier. 547
From: J West. Comparative physiology of the pulmonary blood-gas barrier… Figure 1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2803621/
As shown, the blood gas barrier (BGB) is only 0.5 micrometers = 500 nanometers thick.
The BGB keeps our lungs from filling with either liquid blood or cells from the blood. Forty different cells comprise this barrier, but the ultimate gatekeepers at that location are both the tight alveolar epithelium and the zonulae occludentes, or tight junctions, which are in turn regulated by “pore and leak” type protein activities. 548 The BGB mainly serves as the filter by which the small molecules oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between airspace and blood. Large proteins such as antibodies, however, cannot pass the blood-gas barrier in a healthy person under physiologic conditions. Nor would it be desirable to have plasma proteins leak into the alveolar epithelium or mucosa, to fill the lungs with fluid. Also, capillary oncotic pressure depends on the presence of plasma proteins in the blood. This is also necessary, along with the BGB, to keep blood from escaping the blood vessels and getting into the lungs. The obstacle of finely meshed filtration at the blood gas barrier has long been thought to be the obstacle to large proteins passing from the blood to the lungs. 549 550 Taylor and Gaar calculated the pore radius of the alveolar epithelium to be 0.6 to 1.0 nanometers. An IgG antibody is 7.25 nanometer radius, and cannot fit through such tight areas in a healthy individual. Thus the antibody generated by the vaccine does not get to where it was intended to arrive. Joseph Lee compares the size difference between a small water molecule, which cannot easily pass the tight barrier, to the large antibody that is advertised to be able to travel to where it is needed to stop or prevent a respiratory infection. The 18 dalton size of the water molecule to the 145,000 dalton size of an antibody is like the size of a can of soda to the size of an SUV, which is 8,000 times larger. 551 Therefore, not only have antibodies never been observed to pass from the blood to the respiratory epithelium, but it is not feasible in healthy individuals.
Even transport of small molecules, such as sodium and water, is tightly regulated from blood to the lungs in a healthy person. 552 A sodium molecule is 0.19 nanometers, and a water molecule is 0.27 nanometers in diameter, and fenestration ranges across similar sizes. IgG molecules, on the other hand, the antibodies that are stimulated by vaccines, are typically 14.5 x 8.5 x 4.0 nanometers. 553 The tight junctions are the “functional and structural boundary” which controls the transport of ions, water and other small molecules. 554 These are the connecting pieces between the barrier cells, and function as the gatekeepers of what reaches the lungs. In healthy people, these junctions are so tight that even the smallest proteins, let alone large IgG antibodies, do not have a feasible path from the blood to the surface of the airways. IgG antibodies stimulated by vaccines are about 145,000 to 150,000 daltons, yet even 40,000 dalton molecules are blocked by the BGB. 555 The larger the protein, the less the appearance in the lavage fluid from broncho alveolar washes. 556
The tight junctions are also mechanically strong, having tensile strength comparable to reinforced concrete, yet adequately supple to distend on inhalation. Scanning electron micrographs show that any breaches of the BGB occurred not at the tight junctions, but rather within the cells themselves, so that any disruptions were within rather than between cells. 557 All of this changes in a person with acute or chronic respiratory disease, in which the respiratory epithelium becomes injured, following a diverse array of possible mechanisms, and in which fluids and proteins can enter the airspace. 558
There is neither a pressure gradient, either oncotic or diffusion under natural circumstances, that would draw, push, release or otherwise place large proteins such as antibodies across a small barrier to enter the airspace of a healthy person, unless in intense exercise. There would have to be an induced pressure inside the capillaries of 50 mmHg in order for even small 6 nanometer wide hemoglobin proteins to enter the airways, 559 which can occur in elite athletes during intense exercise, and at 100 mmHg in thoroughbred racehorses during peak performance. This exercise must be quite intense for this to happen. Elite human athletes performing at the top level of their oxygen consumption for a few minutes have disrupted the BGB so much as to cause bleeding into their alveoli. Experiments with thoroughbred horses on treadmills at peak performance has shown the same disruption of BGB cells and bleeding into the alveoli at 100 mmHg of pulmonary capillary pressure. 560 Such high pressure is typical of the aorta in humans, but capillary pressure is typically from 10.5 to 22.5 mmHg. 561 Therefore, in ordinary human activity, such bleeding into the lungs does not occur in healthy individuals. Besides intense exercise, other known stressors that cause failure of the blood gas barrier are all known to be pathological: high-altitude pulmonary edema; high capillary pressure causing edema and hemorrhage; use of ventilators, as in an ICU, to overinflate lungs; and having an abnormal extracellular matrix, such as in Goodpasture’s syndrome, in which bleeding occurs from the pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli. 562
Even when there are breaks in the BGB, they generally do not disrupt the basement membranes, and they generally close within a few minutes. The vaccine advocates’ promise of appearance of vaccine-induced IgG antibodies from the blood through the BGB to somehow arrive to the alveolar epithelium – to be in the right place at the right time to fight disease or to prevent infection – has not been observed to happen in the entire history of vaccination, despite the relentless hype. Lung epithelia apparently never got the memo from vaccine advocates that such large molecules as vaccine-induced antibodies were supposed to squeeze through such tight spaces to arrive to the area where they might be most useful, the surface of the lung alveoli. Essentially, injecting a liquid that reaches the bloodstream, in order to stimulate the B-cells of the immune system to produce huge antibodies, results in no observed transport of these huge molecules through to the respiratory epithelia and mucous membranes – the battlefield where respiratory infections are fought – in a healthy person. And the immunityby-injection strategy has zero chance of succeeding in such a quest. Creating antibodies in the blood to attempt to fight respiratory infections is simply the wrong strategy in the wrong place. Unless the vaccine induces lung disease, as described above, in which case the tight junctions between the blood and the alveoli could be pried apart, or alveolar epithelial cells could be burst apart, to such a degree that such leakage occurs. But in that case, the vaccine induces new disease, and thus the vaccine would be understood a priori to have failed in its alleged and heavily advertised purpose.
Let’s be careful what we wish for. Large proteins do not belong in the airspace of the lungs, and would be difficult to clear. The promise/threat of vaccine-induced antibodies arriving to those surfaces would not necessarily be helpful, even if it were possible. The challenge to clear proteins from airspaces contributes to poor prognosis in patients. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is associated with large quantities of proteins in the airspace. Those who die of this disease have been found to have three times the amount of protein in their airspaces than ARDS survivors. 563 Likewise, the barrier is protective in the reverse direction. If air leaked into the blood in the form of a sufficiently large bubble, the air embolism arrival to the heart would be fatal. Therefore, let’s not wish for such easy blood-lung transport of large proteins. SARS-CoV-2, as with all respiratory viruses, arrives to the upper airways first, and then to the lungs in natural infection. This is where antibodies might be useful, at the mucous membranes at the alveolar epithelium, where plasma cells produce secretory IgA antibodies. However, antibodies cannot arrive there from the bloodstream, due to the barrier examined herein. Nor can those antibodies exert their influence from across the tight blood gas barrier. Those vaccine-induced antibodies are in the wrong place to have a useful effect, and they always have been. Therefore, injected vaccines against respiratory pathogens are useless. Historians have observed that sanitation and indoor plumbing made such a decisive reduction in infectious respiratory disease epidemics that the turning point came “when humanity stopped drinking its own sewage.” [Original author unknown].
Chapter 16: What is in a vaccine? Vaccine adjuvants, their role, and risk mitigation if you spill such substances on your skin or elsewhere Adjuvants are substances that have been added to vaccines for about a century, and that are present in every vaccine that is commercially produced. Their alleged purpose is to enhance the immune response. Adjuvant is from the Latin adjuvare (to aid). In fact, they are substances that are each documented in chemical industry literature to have shown concerning effects on exposure. The standard toxicology reference documents in the chemical industry are the Oxford Materials Safety Data Sheets, and I reference those in the tables below. Why would known poisons be added to vaccines? One may speculate on a variety of motives for their presence, but the official explanation is basically this: The mechanism of adding a small amount of a poison to a tool that is hoped to stimulate immune function is that by means of some cell death, metabolic disruption and / or tissue damage, the whole immune system is placed on high alert to muster its forces to wage war against the new crisis: the new poison introduced by breach of skin and mucous membrane armor. Table 1 shows the adjuvants that are currently used in common childhood vaccines, as well as the remedial measures advised when individuals are exposed to the same substances.
Table 1: Common adjuvants currently used in common childhood vaccines and emergency measures to use in case of exposure Adjuvants used in licensed vaccines 564 Alum
Aluminum hydroxide Aluminum phosphate
Instructions for mitigating risks of exposure listed in the Oxford Material Safety Data Sheets 565 Irritant to eyes and skin “serious eye damage” If inhaled or ingested, get medical attention. For skin or eye contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water for 15 minutes.
MF59 Squalene Tween (polysorbate) 80
Span 85 (Sorbitan trioleate)
If in eyes, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Ensure adequate ventilation. If swallowed, make victim drink water (two glasses at least). In case of skin contact, take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. In case of eye contact, rinse out with plenty of water. Use PPE with gloves, minimum layer thickness: 0.11 mm If breathed in, move person into fresh air. In case of skin contact, wash off with soap and plenty of water.
AS04 Alum MPL (monophosphoryl lipid A)
See above for alum ingredients Pyrogen derived from Salmonella. If breathed in, move person into fresh air. In case of skin contact, wash off with soap and plenty of water.
AS03 Squalene with alphatocopherol Tween (polysorbate) 80
See above for squalene
MPL (monophosphoryl lipid A) QS-21 Liposomes
See above for MPL
22-mer singlestranded DNA
[exogenous DNA]
See above for Tween
Hemolysis of red blood cells [presumed delivery system]
CpG 1018
Table 2: Adjuvants used in COVID vaccines for adults and emergency measures to use in case of exposure Adjuvants in COVID vaccines
Toxic effects from Oxford Material Safety Data Sheets
Polyethylene glycol
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If ingested, clean mouth with water and drink afterwards plenty of water. If skin or eye contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention. Handler with PPE. Ensure adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Anaphylactic shock 567
Cationic lipids
Damage to lungs, mitochondria, red blood cells, white blood cells, liver, nervous system 568 569
Table 3: Adjuvant proposed for use in COVID vaccines for 5-11 years of age and emergency measures to use in case of exposure Proposed adjuvant to be used in COVID vaccines for children
Toxic effects from Oxford Material Safety Data Sheets
Tromethamine (Common name ”Tris”)
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If ingested, clean mouth with water and drink afterwards plenty of water. If skin or eye contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention. Handler with PPE. Ensure adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing.
Tromethamine (or “Tris” or “Tham”) is a blood acid reducer that can reduce acid levels in the body following heart surgery or cardiac arrest. Now why would such a substance need to be added to the COVID vaccine? Could it be that a new epidemic of heart disease is being caused by these vaccines in the older age groups? Indeed, we are seeing increased hospitalization around the world, only partially but not mostly attributed to COVID, since widespread COVID vaccine distribution. The adjuvant method of using a small dose poison to “aid” or to elicit a systemic reaction, although widely upheld as a necessary aspect of exemplary scientific practice by vaccine enthusiasts, has been widely and vehemently rejected when applied homeopathically, as for example when 18th century physician Samuel Hahnemann dosed himself orally with small doses of quinine from the bark of cinchona trees, which simulated malaria symptoms, and then seemed to have protective effect against malaria. Since then, homeopaths have even treated with minute (even below Avogadro’s number) amounts of arsenic, strychnine and other poisons, in order to alert the hypothalamus to restore homeostasis, to overcome symptoms and illness. The adjuvant substances listed above should give rise to concern among the public and the health care professions regarding their use, and should draw particular attention to the requirement for informed consent, as required under the Code of Federal Regulations: 45 CFR § 46.116, particularly section (a), (b), with particular attention to (b) (8), (c) and (i).
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has been asked by the Biden Administration to force vaccination in US workplaces, first large and possibly small businesses also. However, Congress established OSHA’s toxicology standard, as upheld by the Supreme Court, to be: “Standard which most adequately assures, to the extent feasible, on the basis of best available evidence, that no employee will suffer material impairment of health or functional capacity even if such employee has regular exposure to the hazard dealt with by such a standard for the period of his working life.” 570 The OSHA standards for chemical exposures then have been established as maximum permissible exposure to substances, not minimum permissible exposure. This alone disqualifies OSHA from mandating the introduction of a new hazard that is not desired by either employer or employees. And therefore, the Biden mandates are null and void, because they are pre-empted by existing laws and federal regulations regarding OSHA’s role in the workplace. Then there is the matter of informed consent, the massively expensive lesson of the Holocaust: that medical procedures must never be forced on individuals, enshrined in the Nuremberg Code, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Medical Declaration as well as United States law. Have the vaccinators in your midst ensured that your “refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled, and the subject may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled?” 571 Have the vaccinators in your midst acknowledged the experimental nature of the COVID vaccines, and that as the public participates in the Phase 3 trials of the COVID vaccines without being so informed, also contrary to informed consent law, the COVID vaccinated people are de facto research subjects? Have the vaccinators in your midst made you aware of any of the above risk mitigation recommendations for the adjuvants they propose to inject into you? 248
“In the early Renaissance, the Italians… brought the art of poisoning to its zenith. The poisoner became an integral part of the political scene. The records of the city councils of Florence… contain ample testimony about the political use of poisons. Victims were named, prices set, and contracts recorded; when the deed was accomplished, payment was made.” 572
Chapter 17: Immunology 101.1 Vaccines target a small portion of the entire human immune system, and often lag behind mutations of microbes. Yet vaccines have dazzled humans for centuries. Let’s consider the vastness of the human immune system, the resource that the body utilizes in encounters with any virus or other invading microbe. This essay gets a bit into the weeds of human immune function and will seem as esoteric on first encounter as it does to first year medical students. I summarize below the complex and synchronized activities of the vast majority of immune players that are at work and what they accomplish together, before the small remainder, the object of vaccine activity, namely B-cells and the antibodies made by them, even show up. There are two branches of the immune system in humans. These are the innate and the adaptive immune systems. Vaccines target about five percent of immune system cells, namely B-cells, and although some would argue T-cells also, the evidence for that is much weaker. The innate immune system, which does not make any demonstrated beneficial use of vaccines, is the older of the two, the more widespread in the animal kingdom, and the one that has been active in our bodies since birth.
Considering first the innate immune system, the larger and far more versatile of the two major branches, it is so ubiquitous throughout the body that cells of the innate immune system are no farther from any other cell than the thickness of a fingernail. This short distance represents the maximum distance of any living cell to the nearest capillary blood vessel that nourishes it. When you get a “complete blood count” from your lab, and you see neutrophils, monocytes, etc., you are looking at counts of cells per milliliter (or microliter, as indicated) of liquid blood that move through every blood vessel. The innate immune system has the larger share of cells in the blood, many more than the adaptive immune system. Although cells are basic units of the immune system, the epithelial barriers of the skin and mucous membranes are the first defenses involved in innate immunity. These function best when they are intact barriers. When those barriers are not abraded, lacerated or punctured, they are better able to exclude invading pathogens, which are microscopic infectious agents, from the far more vulnerable internal tissues and organs. The skin is more visible than the mucous membranes, but there’s not as much of it - 2 square meters versus 400 square meters for the latter, or the size of two tennis courts. How is the latter so large? Think of all the folds and turns of the intestinal villi and the respiratory epithelia. The skin is our ultimate shield against the abundant microbial world just outside it. (Vaccines are Trojan horse mechanisms that, among other effects, breach and defeat the strongest purpose of our very advanced and formidable yet supple armor.)
Our innate immune system continues beneath the surface. It is the tapestry of the paths of first responding cells that are ready everywhere to attack invading pathogens (from a splinter, insect sting, just inhaled microbes, etc.) In fact, this level of vigilance is so comprehensive throughout the body, that very often new pathogens are completely defeated and dispatched, even weeks before the antibodies of the adaptive immune system would begin to ramp up to do the job. The various types of cells in the innate immune system are the tools that the body calls on to destroy invading pathogens. Macrophages (literally big eaters) have been just under the skin everywhere throughout the body since birth, mainly cleaning up the debris of cellular processes, such as disposing of naturally dying cells. Normally they just perform these tidying-up tasks, until they are summoned to confront new invading microbes. Macrophages arrive first to the scene of many pathogenic assaults. They crawl toward and engulf arriving microbes. These were relatively dormant monocytes in the blood, about two billion circulating at any one time, until vitamin D helps them to mature to be devastating eating machines, when the need arises. At that point, macrophages in turn alert the helper T cells of the adaptive immune system, but we haven’t gotten there quite yet. There are additional chemical signals that alert macrophages to the presence of dangerous infection, taking them to a hyperactive state, enlarging them, increasing their chemical power to devour pathogens, and chemicals called cytokines, particularly a cytokine known as interferon gamma that is produced by another innate immune cell, the natural killer cells. Then macrophages produce another cytokine, tumor necrosis factor, which directly kills cancerous cells and virusinfected cells, and can activate other immune players.
Macrophages need back-up when the body is invaded, and then dog-whistle their allies the neutrophils by means of interleukin-1, which is a type of cytokine, or chemical signaling system. A half-hour later, neutrophils are at the site of infection, ready for murderous assault. Neutrophils are so deadly to the pathogens they engulf that they liquefy their prey. There are 20 billion of these vicious killers circulating throughout the body at any time. In response to the alarm from macrophages, neutrophils that have been speeding along their path in the bloodstream, then – by means of multiple chemical signals - begin to stick to the interior walls of blood vessels, gradually roll to a stop, then pry apart cells of the blood vessel walls, exit the bloodstream, and then go into the infected tissues, where they actively eat pathogens. The feast ensues, where macrophages and neutrophils swallow and destroy invading pathogens. (Vaccines are not yet relevant to this detailed and intensely synergistic immune activity.) Natural killer (NK) cells similarly circulate in the blood until needed at a site of viral infection, and then migrate there, where they kill human cells that have been infected by viruses, bacteria or other pathogens. NK cells also can signal macrophages to hyper-activate and to step up the attack. Through positive feedback, the numbers and potency of each is increased. Complement is another feature of the innate immune system. These are proteins produced by the liver and abundant in the blood and throughout bodily tissues that are especially lethal to bacteria and other microbes. They are quite poisonous and directly punch holes in or otherwise destroy invaders, but our own cells have so many defenses against complement that we remain unharmed by these naturally produced poisons. Chemical differences between our own cells and invader cells help guide the work of complement to harm the invaders but not to harm us. 254
Complement can attract and strengthen macrophages, to make their work more potent. Complement places obvious signs on viruses, by attaching signaling molecules to viruses, which notify macrophages and neutrophils to attack them. Complement can also directly destroy viruses. Interferon is the cytokine mentioned before that human cells produce when viruses are nearby. This chemical interferes with viral entry and replication, and serves as a warning signal to nearby cells to produce it also. The blood cells best equipped to make Type 1 interferon, which is our strongest type of interferon are dendritic cells. These ingest the pieces and debris of foreign pathogens and carry them to the lymph, where T cells will be developed. The above may seem to be state-of-the-art high tech design, but the innate immune system has worked this way for millions of years. (Incidentally, nothing involved with a vaccine has shown up yet, except if a prior vaccine happens to significantly match the current attacking pathogen. This has been especially problematic with respiratory viruses, which mutate so quickly that every vaccine used against them has been obsolete by the time of mass distribution, such as flu shots with 14% effectivity, and the COVID vaccines, which do not match the Delta strain, etc. But that’s okay, because most infectious assaults on the body are dealt with by the innate immune system within just a few days, especially with adequate vitamin D available. More on that later.)
There are 5 x 10 9 = 5 billion red blood cells per milliliter of blood. There are 5 x 10 6 = 5 million white blood cells per milliliter of blood. Some would argue that red blood cells are also an important component of the innate immune system, because they can produce cytokines and can increase the numbers of and influence activity of other immune cells, such as neutrophils, macrophages and monocytes, and because they carry oxygen to tissues. We have 20 to 25 trillion red blood cells in the body. This is roughly 1000 times the number of neutrophils and 2,000 or 3,000 times the number of lymphocytes, and it is about 10,000 to 20,000 times the number of B-cells, which are the target cell of vaccine activity. Cell Count and % of white blood cells per milliliter (ml) of blood, adult human Innate immune system
Adaptive immune system
Cell type
Neutrophils Monocytes Natural killer cells Eosinophils Basophils Dendritic cells TOTAL INNATE
% of all white blood cells573 53.8% 8.4% 4.4%
Count per ml of blood
Cell type
2,690,000 420,000 220,000
T-cells B-cells
3.2% 1.0% 1.0%
160,000 50,000 50,000
% of all white blood cells 22.5% 5.2%
Count per ml of blood
1,125,000 260,000
The adaptive immune system is the smaller part of the human immune system. I say this because lymphocytes are less than 30% (with wide variation in individuals) of the white blood cells in a complete blood count, and less than two tenths of one percent of all blood cells. B-cells are anywhere from one to twenty percent of all lymphocytes at any given time. This means that probably less about 0.005 % (or 5 in 100,000) of all cells in the blood are targeted by vaccines. In the generous scenario that all T-cells are stimulated and boosted by vaccines, that would raise the count to 0.1% (or one in one thousand) of all cells in the blood that would be stimulated by vaccines. In a brazenly deceptive article published in Nature, it is asserted that “functional virus-specific memory CD8 T-cells can be detected in humans for several decades following acute viral infections or immunization with live attenuated vaccines,” while the two studies cited in support of this claim did not show anything at all about this occurring following immunization. 574 There is not any convincing evidence that Tcells are reliably and permanently influenced by vaccination. There have been reported brief dead-cat-bounce effects on Tcells in vitro following vaccines while using heavy laboratory manipulation. Although there have been long-anticipated long-term effects of vaccines on T-cells, it seems the only reliable immune-provoking effect of any vaccines, both the older attenuated and live vaccines up through the mRNA vaccines, is to stimulate B-cell activity, to make antibodies to more quickly attack the exact same invader in the future. But will you ever meet that exact same invader again? SARSCoV-2 is a RNA virus, and those are notorious for fast change,575 which is one reason why they have evaded successful vaccine development over the years.
The purpose of a vaccine is to accomplish a task that the innate immune system already does. That is to indicate to the adaptive immune system which pathogens are dangerous and which are not. In the event of a threatening pathogen, whether bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, it is the innate immune system that stirs the adaptive immune system to activity, and it is the innate immune system that determines which components – of T cells and/or B cells – will be activated, as challenged and honed by ages of real world training in our ancestors. The immune system cannot be expected to be self-sufficient, however. Every cell mentioned above in both the innate and adaptive immune systems is stimulated and developed by vitamin D, and cannot function well without it. This then is the most true, broad-spectrum and valuable vaccine, along with moderate amounts of its synergistic partners, the other basic nutrients: vitamins, minerals and amino acids. My book The Defeat of COVID cites 130 studies about the immune functions of vitamin D, its effects in strengthening and developing every single type of cell mentioned above and specifically regarding the spectrum of immune effects on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID disease.
Chapter 18: Vaccine Auto-immune Connection Nearly identical amino acid sequences are observed between autoimmune disease epitopes and the biological material in which vaccines have been cultured. What are the odds? An interesting and important study examines over 23,000 epitopes 576 from the epitope database of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). 577 These epitopes are protein sequences associated with 82 autoimmune diseases. Vinu Arumugham's study compares those sequences with the amino acid sequences identified in common vaccine culture media. Such culture media as animal, plant and fungal proteins have been used over decades to produce vaccines. Those proteins have ended up in the final manufactured injected liquid as part of the vaccine dose, and therefore arrive in antigenic manner to the blood of the vaccinated person. The FDA acknowledges fetal calf/bovine serum in some vaccines 578 Let’s screenshot that, to make the future disappearance of this page a little harder:
Advocates of vaccination have steadfastly insisted that sharp rises in both vaccination uptake and autoimmune diseases over recent decades must be simply correlation, without causation, perhaps just another chapter in the growing volumes of surprising first-intervention-then-disease correlations, which are now often nicknamed by skeptical scientists as “coincidencitis.” Let’s review first the pertinent data. Incidence of rare or unobserved autoimmune diseases has grown tremendously in only a half century in the United States. Vaccine advocates have argued that these diseases were always common, but previous generations of physicians must have been too obtuse to observe them. Vaccine advocates have previously argued that the relentless head-banging, toe-walking, lack of eye contact, lack of speech, lack of toilet-training and drooling of a severely autistic child or adult would have escaped the notice of physicians of the past, as an argument for why autism is never discussed in medical writings and archives except for in the past several decades. As for the recent enormous increase in autoimmune diseases, the argument goes, surely Hippocrates could not have spotted an asthmatic attack. Nor Maimonides. Nor Paracelsus. None of the great medical minds of previous ages, let alone their lesser-known medical contemporaries, could have noticed the patient’s desperate breathing during an asthmatic attack or could have diagnosed the intestinal bleeding in Crohn’s Disease, or any of the other autoimmune diseases never observed in humanity during the pre-vaccination era, the provaccine narrative insists. Yet the rise in such diseases is stark, as summarized in the graph 579 below by Beecham et al:
This graph is from J Beecham, S Seneff. Autoimmune disease: Budget buster or enlightened solutions. Arch Comm Med Pub Health. 2017. https://www.peertechzpublications.com/articles/ACMPH-3-122.php
Here is global uptake over an overlapping period of time of the following vaccines. 580
From: Global vaccine coverage by vaccine. N Galles, P Liu, et al. Measuring routine childhood vaccination coverage in 204 countries and territories, 1980-2019: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2020, Release 1. The Lancet. Jul 2021. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS01406736%2821%2900984-3/fulltext#%20
Both vaccine uptake and autoimmune disease incidence are seen to increase steadily from 1980 to 2000 in the above graphs. This common trend in both graphs might be more coincidence, except that Arumugham found such near identity between autoimmune disease epitopes and commonly used vaccine culture media proteins that a causal connection is not only plausible but very likely. Under ideal conditions, proteins optimally arrive to the body by way of the GI tract, where they are properly broken down into amino acids before being carried into the blood. However, protein-laden vaccines, injected directly into intramuscular tissue, arrive to the blood, unfiltered by the elaborate (and one might argue necessary) filtration structures in the GI tract. These vaccine ingredients then arrive in such an unnatural, even counter-natural way, and deposit these animal, plant or fungal antigens, in which the vaccine was cultured, into the circulation. Now the body resists and battles against this 262
Trojan Horse assault to the blood. So the vaccinated person develops antibodies to counteract those proteins. Thus, a new allergy or full-blown autoimmune condition is initiated. Then zooming out from the vaccinated individual’s blood to a society-wide historical view, both of the above-mentioned variables, vaccine uptake and autoimmune disease incidence, sharply increased following the huge increase in types of vaccines and vaccine doses since the 1980's. For some autoimmune diseases, the increase was exponential, as seen in the above graphs. Various mechanisms have been proposed for each autoimmune disease, but Arumugham's analysis shows such an infinitesimally low probability of chance occurrence of the near identity of the protein contaminants in vaccines with autoimmune epitopes that causality cannot be dismissed plausibly. The Arumugham paper uses a novel approach to establish a causative role of vaccines in auto-immune etiology.
PART 6 Trust and Distrust
Chapter 19: Would you buy a used car from these companies? People all over the world have been pressured to take Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson injections, before being informed of those companies’ histories.
“Would you buy a used car from this man?
Many people already know that in 2009 Pfizer paid the largest criminal fine in US history. This 2.3 billion dollar fine was for health care fraud. The Guardian reported the event. 581 Many people have also learned, after many years of household use, that asbestos was used by Johnson and Johnson in baby powder for decades, an undisclosed toxin in widespread use all over the world. Reuters reported on that. 582
But what do we know of Moderna, a company that had never previously made a vaccine, nor even a product, as reported by Fortune in 2020? 583
Moderna patented a sequence of a cancer gene in 2017 that, it was reported, somehow ended up in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, despite a one in three trillion or so odds of such an event by chance. 584 This is that patent. 585
Notice that Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, is listed as the first inventor. At first, it seemed that such a genetic insertion in SARS-CoV-2 could not be easily proven or disproven, and I began to look for the 19-nucleotide genetic sequence in the fine print of the patent, but there was an enormous amount to sift through, and frankly, I gave up looking for it. Then, astonishingly, Bancel himself admitted to FOX Business that yes, this very event was possible. 586 Here are my questions: 1) I have worked with cancer patients for the last 16 years as a naturopathic oncologist. All that time, I have used time-honored natural ingredients in IV nutrients, the ones we have known for many decades: vitamin C, B vitamins, minerals, and I have always explained at length how they work to patients and the public, both in my books and online. If I had done what Moderna did, if I came anywhere near - within miles of – inventing a pro-cancer gene, and then actually having the nerve to patent such a thing, do you think any cancer patient 268
would come within miles of me ever again? And then if I had it inserted into a known bio-weapon in a bioweapon lab, would any sane person come anywhere near even one item that I produced? Would anyone buy so much as a used car from me? Cancer patients actually want to fight cancer, not visit with a pro-cancer poison maker. And not just a pro-cancer poison maker who would inject lab mice with such nastiness, but rather disperse it into the human population via an engineered coronavirus? If I were then brazen enough to invent a vaccine, would any sane or well-informed person trust me so much with that very first vaccine, that they would actually irreversibly inject such a wacko concoction? 2) Considering Pfizer’s 2.3 billion dollar record setting felony fine was for drug fraud, would any sane or knowledgeable person consider taking any drug that Pfizer made ever again? Much less an irreversible injection, where the ingredients have not been fully disclosed? 3) Considering that everyone knows how very deadly asbestos is, and its connection with mesothelioma, would any sane or self-respecting person take a product made by a company that hid asbestos in an over-the-counter product for decades? Well, so much for the COVID vaccines, which we know have negative efficacy and a horrific pattern of deaths and injuries, as I write about in the first five chapters of this book. For COVID prevention and treatment, that only leaves the early treatments that have been working successfully all over the world, such as in the meta269
analyses and randomized controlled trials on nearly all continents. The most comprehensive information that I have seen on that is here: https://c19early.com/ My book The Defeat Of COVID explains how the bestperforming and safest early treatments vitamin D, zinc, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin work against COVID or any viral respiratory infection, and data showing how masks, lockdowns, testing and vaccines have not worked. 587
PART 7 The Defeat of COVID Without Vaccination
Chapter 20: Africa is Starkly Unvaccinated Africa is starkly unvaccinated, and starkly unvanquished by COVID. Let’s study that victory with utmost diligence. Africa as a whole is very strikingly unvaccinated, according to Johns Hopkins University, Our World in Data.
From: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-people-vaccinatedcovid
Let’s keep in mind that most striking continent on an otherwise bleak world map, 588 as we examine the following map, which shows Africa’s burden of COVID cases since the beginning of COVID. 589 273
Here is Africa’s relative share of COVID cases since the beginning of COVID:
From: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
The data reports that can be expected three years into a pandemic One would reasonably expect a worldwide pandemic that began three years ago to have been recorded with some ballpark accuracy in case counts, and morbidity and mortality data throughout the world by now, as each hemisphere has been through three winters. One would also expect that a worldwide vaccine campaign that peaked over a year ago to have resulted in reliable vaccine uptake maps. One would expect a general consensus of the above shown data. So let’s accept the above maps as not (or not yet) disputed, and as reliable documentation of historical events of pinnacle importance, events that behoove humanity to understand well, and to understand as thoroughly as if our future well-being depends on it. One who has faith in the practice of vaccination would have also expected that vaccines carrying the name of the pandemic to have mitigated case counts of the same disease. How then is the overall experience of the African continent to be understood? Africa was not the only part of the world where reported COVID cases have been low. Prior to vaccination, numerous countries were barely impacted at all by COVID. Let’s zoom out from Africa now to examine events in other countries. Former US Dept of Justice adviser Gavin de Becker wrote an article on Children’s Health Defense 590 that also appears in a book by Edward Dowd, Cause Unknown; in it he looks at COVID mortality in various nations, primarily in Asia, but also in Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, after COVID began, as well as before and after the launch of their vaccination campaigns. Three of de Becker’s timelines are as follows. De Becker indicates with a syringe pointer the date at which each of the following countries began their COVID vaccine campaigns.
From: Gavin de Becker, https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covidvaccine-deaths-cause-unknown/
From: Gavin de Becker, https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covidvaccine-deaths-cause-unknown/
From: Gavin de Becker, https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covidvaccine-deaths-cause-unknown/
De Becker notes, “The reality displayed on the graphs you’ve seen is undeniable, cannot be unseen, and is available to anyone 591 more interested and more industrious than media and governments have been.” Elusive truth in morbidity and mortality data: the PCR problem De Becker’s article, as the Johns Hopkins data, necessarily relies on reports that are fraught with much difficulty, for the reasons I review below, primarily the wildly misapplied PCR “test” to COVID diagnosis. However, because that alleged test is primarily how the world has evaluated and tallied cases of COVID, and deaths from COVID, for three years, we are necessarily dependent on and limited to the derived data from this alleged test for any meaningful assessment of COVID epidemiology.
COVID-19 diagnoses have been troublesome from the beginning. It has been noted, including at Johns Hopkins University, which produces the most university-based statistical data on COVID, that reported deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart disease and diabetes decreased significantly in 2020, while COVID-19 deaths became the cause of death listed for now over six million lost lives around the world. Flu and pneumonia as primary causes of death nearly disappeared. For every lost life and every grieving family, the signs and symptoms of this respiratory disease phenomenon occurred, and then it is a matter of disagreement as to whether we will call those deaths flu, pneumonia or COVID, with no particular loss of life any less tragic for the bereaved from one diagnosis from the others. Cardiovascular mortality reports also dropped precipitously, without any credible reason for the change. Another unexplained surprise to epidemiologists was that those deceased with a COVID cause of death exceeded the average age of life expectancy in the US. Genevieve Briand of Johns Hopkins University discusses these anomalies. 592 Flu and pneumonia had always been among the most threatening diseases for seniors. And then the mortality reports changed. There are two major influences that created an alleged 2020 pandemic out of what was otherwise a typical flu year. The following two factors led to false reporting of US mortality data for COVID: First domino falls The first was a manufacturing technique that wound up being wildly misappropriated as a diagnostic test, despite the prior protests of its inventor, the late Kary Mullis, PhD. 593 The essence of the world’s confusion and fear of COVID stems from the testing itself. Reverse-transcriptase, polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is a method for producing more RNA nucleic acid sequences. 278
Essentially, PCR does what it was designed by Mullis to do: It matches or aligns specific genetic signatures between a given test reagent and a sample. As the test is run in consecutive cycles, each cycle doubles the sample. So that sample then grows exponentially. The PCR is simply incapable to determine if the introduced sample contains adequate viral particles or virions to rise to the threshold of causing an infection. For those who have worked with PCR, it is understood that any PCR process run through 20 or more cycles is useless for detection. The CDC acknowledged that 33 cycles or more are unlikely to detect active virus. Yet for all of 2020, throughout the US, the number of cycles used in “COVID-19 testing” have been above 37 and often well into the 40’s. 594 Boris Borovoy and I discuss problems related to this misuse of PCR. 595 It was the misjudgment at the core of worldwide disaster. From such a simple decision and widespread acquiescence to create a test out of a non-test, whether by error, misunderstanding or possibly worse on the part of some - the deliberate misuse of a scientific process - a new world may be in its birth from this manufacture. This misuse, born of widespread misunderstanding of PCR, became the pretext for the estimated four trillion dollar COVID industry. Second domino falls The second factor that fired up the COVID engines, so to speak, at least in the United States, was the financially incentivized COVID cause of death. Under the US CARES Act, hospitals were compensated more than twice as much money 596 for a COVID case than a flu or pneumonia case, 597 and the most lethal treatments were compensated even further. 598 Many US hospitals made millions of dollars from this shift in diagnosis during treatment and on death certificates. 279
Other forensic evidence shows lack of a pandemic in 2020. Wall Street seems to need and to have greater reliance on accurate data than governments. COVID is primarily a pathogenic disease of the respiratory tract, with dyspnea (shortness of breath) noted as one of the most common symptoms along with coughing, in which acute and late-stage care often involves supplemental oxygen. Oxygen use would be the most reliable artifact of COVID care. Therefore, we looked at sales of medical oxygen, by revenue of the top companies that produce it, in 2020 versus 2019. We then noted that their sales decreased in that time. Meanwhile, sales by six of the top oxygen concentrator producers trading on the NYSE had increased by less than one percentage point from 2019 to 2020. 599 This is the 0.93% in the last line of the following table. In the same time, the world’s population grew by 1.05%. 600
From: C Huber, B Borovoy. Data that disprove the COVID-19 pandemic. Dec 19, 2020. PDMJ. https://pdmj.org/papers/is_there_a_pandemic 280
For whatever other wealth distribution occurred during what is widely considered to be the peak pandemic year of 2020, the New York Stock Exchange does not reflect the primary medical need of the pandemic patients to have made impact on the revenue of the main companies supplying that medical demand. How Africa defeated COVID so decisively without vaccines Part of the African continent’s success is no doubt due to a fortunate accident of microbiology, infectious diseases, pharmacology and immunology. It so happens that two of the most effective treatments for COVID, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, are routine prophylactic weekly medicines throughout equatorial Africa, because they happen to be known for a half-century as the best and safest anti-parasite medications. So the population, at least through about 31 countries, the tropical middle rectangle roughly, of Africa already were well-equipped prior to COVID events launching in late 2019 to early 2020. As fortune would have it, the unpatented and relatively inexpensive half-century old drug ivermectin, whose inventors won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015, 601 also has been the most effective medicine against COVID, 602 due in part to its specific effect against RNA transcriptase, 603 as well as its blocking effect on all three parts of the trimeric spike protein, and other mechanisms, which I discuss in Chapter 22. Hydroxychloroquine is also used widely throughout at least equatorial regions of Africa as a prophylactic against parasites, but which fortunately has now been studied extensively and used successfully as both prevention and treatment of COVID disease, and as inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 replication and activity. This is shown in over 380 studies conducted in 55 countries. 604 281
Africa leads again This is not the first piece of evidence that Africa is leading the world away from a microbial-pretext tyranny. In the summer of 2022, Africa stood alone in being the continent, led by Botswana, to pull the worlds’ people back from the precipice, while pushing the World Health Organization (WHO) back from their attempted tyranny over all world governments. 605 This danger is by no means past, and new efforts for WHO dominance over the world are ominously re-grouping at this time. 606 Africa led the way and inspires the world. Are the politicians and “public health experts” of the rest of the world humble enough to admit their grotesque errors, even crimes, and to learn from the peoples of the African nations, their experiences and lessons on handling a pandemic? Or will ethnocentrism or a hostile and racist pride, or the sheer greed stimulated by the lucrative COVIDmania boondoggle, prevent learning from the African experience? Will such provincial and purchased attitudes bury the 21st century’s most important lesson to date?
Chapter 21: Vitamin D beats the vaccines against COVID Vaccines only work on adaptive, not innate immunity. Vitamin D does a much better job with both. Adaptive immunity and the COVID vaccines The adaptive immune system comprises T-cells and B-cells (lymphocytes), and it is the smaller part of the human immune system. T-cells and B-cells generally comprise < 30% of the white blood cells in a complete blood count lab, and are less than two tenths of one percent (0.2%) of all blood cells. Bcells, which are the cells on which vaccines act, are anywhere from one to twenty percent of all lymphocytes at any given time. This means that probably less than 0.005 % (or 5 in 100,000) of all cells in the blood are targeted by vaccines and can produce antibodies. Even if all T-cells could be stimulated and augmented by vaccines, that would raise the count to 0.1% (or one in one thousand) of all cells in the blood that would be stimulated by vaccines.
Vaccine manufacturers have focused, as they must in every vaccine for it to address advertised claims, on recognizable proteins produced by a pathogen. In the case of COVID, that protein is a spike protein. A second encounter with a pathogenic microbe, following either naturally acquired infection or the vaccine, arouses immunological memory. That subsequent encounter with a pathogen is a larger and faster response than in the first encounter. Often these are so fast and forceful that an individual can clear a virus before even being aware of its presence. This is an asymptomatic defeat of the virus. The goal of vaccination is for the vaccinated individual to experience no disease from the pathogen. There are enormous and mounting problems with the use of vaccines against COVID. One of the earliest known problems is that vaccines against coronaviruses have never worked. 607 Other early problems with the COVID vaccines used in 2021 (from late 2020) include their hasty development and lack of animal trials and lack of informed consent and political and financial pressure to take vaccines. mRNA vaccines have had animal 608 and human trials, which failed abysmally. 609 The COVID vaccines were likely doomed to fail because they combined several known red flags for disaster: mRNA, lipid nano-particles (highly inflammatory), Polyethylene glycol (PEG) (known to be highly and dangerously allergenic), and addressing a coronavirus. All of these four factors had been known to scientists in various fields to be very problematic already.
Then, compounding this growing catastrophe with the COVID vaccines, professor of viral immunology Byram Bridle discusses how corners were cut, the phase three clinical trials were skipped, which forced the public on which the vaccines were used to become the phase three clinical trial subjects, of course, unbeknownst to them: “Those being vaccinated now are, whether they realize it or not, part of the phase three experiment.” 610 This is aside from the enormous problems now being learned regarding the lack of safety and lack of efficacy, in fact negative efficacy of these vaccines. 611 For those of you who have not submitted to these vaccines, and even for those who have, I would suggest being very glad that vitamin D exists and is widely available. This chapter will examine effects of vitamin D, achieving far more protection of the human body in the adaptive immune realm than vaccines can even begin to achieve, and this has been amply demonstrated with regard to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID.
Adaptive immunity and Vitamin D Vitamin D receptors have been found in abundance in activated lymphocytes.612 613 Whereas multiple lymphocytes contain vitamin D receptors, CD-8 lymphocytes, also known as cytotoxic T-cells, were found to have the highest concentration, and vitamin D was found to increase the number of those receptors.614 However, vitamin D also regulates helper T cells, notably TH1, TH2 and TH17, as well as the regulatory T cells that play an essential role in the prevention of auto-immune disease. Where vitamin D is deficient, T-lymphocytes are shown to be pathogenic.615
TH1 helper T cells tend to be more pro-inflammatory; their cytokines include interleukin (IL)-2, interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and vitamin D tends to suppress TH1, switching adaptive immune response to TH2.616 For example, the vitamin D receptor (VDR) inhibits the T-cell cytokine IL-2.617 In contrast, vitamin D tends to enhance TH2 helper T-cell proliferation and cytokine production. TH2 T-cells are more anti-inflammatory and those cells excrete such cytokines as the interleukins IL-3, IL4, IL-5 and IL-10.618 619 Vitamin D3 has shown association with priming naïve human T cells, specifically CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes, to enhance their migration to sites of infection.620 The expression and activity of vitamin D receptors are important for every stage examined in the life of a T lymphocyte, including development, differentiation and expression of effector functions.621
Vitamin D vs viral infections In the presence of pathogenic respiratory viruses, normal lung epithelial cells convert 25-hydroxy vitamin D (which is the inactive or storage form of vitamin D) to the active form, namely 1,25-hydroxyvitamin D3, which is the active form.622 Cathelicidins are stimulated by vitamin D, and are essential to defense against viruses. Vitamin D also stimulates the powerful Type I Interferons (IFNs) which in turn stimulate expression of over 100 IFN stimulated genes, which show a variety of antiviral activities.623 624 Vitamin D also showed evidence of inhibiting viral replication.625
COVID has been compared to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in that both have shown life-threatening amounts of inflammatory chemokines in the airways. In both diseases, this process has been a part of its pathogenesis, severity of the infection and mortality.626 Modest improvement in each is obtainable with prescribed corticosteroids,627 but vitamin D gave more consistent response in RSV treatment.628 Even the intractable human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) has shown susceptibility to Vitamin D treatment.629 630 Significantly improved outcomes of respiratory infections have been seen with vitamin D supplementation and / or higher serum levels, in terms of shorter hospitalization, lower cost of care and lower mortality.631 632 In a study of 18,883 individuals, there was an increased prevalence of upper respiratory tract infection in those having less than 30 ng/ml serum levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D compared to those having 30 ng/ml and above. This association was even stronger than season, body mass index, history of asthma or smoking or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).633 Pneumonia patients with < 12 ng/ml 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels had higher mortality at 30 days.634 Children also showed correlation between low vitamin D levels and pneumonia and acute lower respiratory infection. 635 636 Likewise, vitamin D deficiency in children was associated with more likelihood of hospitalization, severity of disease and longer hospitalization for respiratory infections.637 This chapter is part of a series on Vitamin D, with regard to its effects against SARS-CoV-2 in particular and viral infections in general, and the successfully life-saving results that vitamin D has shown against SARS-CoV-2, COVID and its variants. That series is on https://colleenhuber.substack.com.
Chapter 22: Ivermectin versus COVID Ivermectin sends COVID-19 to lockdown. Ivermectin is on the WHO List of Essential Medicines and is approved by the FDA. This well-tolerated but potent antiparasitic medicine has been prescribed billions of times in its 36-year history against a wide range of parasites. It is a drug in the avermectin family, so named because those compounds are produced by the soil organism Streptomyces avermitilis. It has also been studied and used against a wide range of viruses especially over the last decade, and there is evidence of potent antiviral effects against Influenza A and over a dozen other viruses tested.638 In a meta-analysis of 96 trials of ivermectin versus COVID-19 in humans, 85% improvement in prophylaxis was seen. Studies were from all continents except Antarctica. Considered individually, 59 of those studies were found to be statistically significant. Over the 96 studies in meta-analysis, 45 were randomized controlled trials. Of those studies in the meta-analysis that were peer-reviewed, overall improvement in early treatment was found to be 62%. In that enormous meta-analysis, 135,554 patient results were reported by 1,030 authors. 639 The c19ivm.org site that reports the ongoing meta-analysis is continually updated with new data, although most of the data is from 2020 to 2021.
From: https://c19ivm.org
It is estimated that the likelihood of an ineffective treatment showing such positive results as the above results in the 49 studies in the meta-analysis to date is exceedingly small. That probability is estimated to be 1 in 563 The overall results of the meta-analysis were not only found to be “overwhelmingly positive,” but also “very consistent, and very insensitive to potential selection criteria, effect extraction rules, and/or bias evaluation.” The first clinical trial of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients was an observational study in four Florida hospitals from March to May 2020. Even in patients with severe pulmonary involvement, mortality was 38.8% in the treatment group vs 80.7% in controls, and this group showed the strongest mortality difference from controls, which raised the possibility of ivermectin also being available as a salvage or rescue treatment.640 In a randomized controlled trial, patients given ivermectin were 8 times more likely to be medically released than those in the placebo group. This was even though the average age and number of co-morbidities were later found to be somewhat higher in the experimental group than in the control group.641
The African continent has had remarkably low incidence of COVID-19, particularly equatorial African countries. It may be helpful to look at African countries where ivermectin has been used commonly for decades against the onchocerciasis that it has been prescribed for, to observe population-wide effects. In this population comparison, risk of COVID-19 death was found to be 88.2% lower and mortality 85.7% lower in 31 countries where onchocerciasis is endemic and ivermectin is commonly used than in 22 countries where neither is the case, even though the latter group of countries has a higher life expectancy, 66 years vs 61 years.642 Ivermectin, for all its power against viruses, is among the safest of medicines that are in long-term and widespread use.643 There are no known serious drug-related adverse events.644 Again, it is commonly taken by the populations of 31 African countries for effect against endemic parasites. Dosing has been given as a single annual dose of 150 mcg/kg against filariasis. There have been very few serious adverse events reported over more than 30 years of use. 37 of approximately 14,000 patients treated in Ghana had symptomatic posture hypotension, associated with fainting or sweating or tachycardia. These were treated with corticosteroids.645 This Lancet study determined its safety in pregnant women, and the risk of fetal damage was not greater than in control women’s fetuses.646
However, despite this safety data going back 3 decades, the US FDA has alleged, “Any use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 should be avoided as its benefits and safety for these purposes have not been established.” The FDA offered no supporting evidence for their claim.647 One concerning risk is that ivermectin is sold over the counter for veterinary use, and if people feel desperate to use it to ward off COVID-19, they might break off too large a piece from a large horse pill. For this reason, it is much better to consult a healthcare provider for ivermectin use and dosing. To further enhance safety, liposomal ivermectin carriers have been developed. When these were used against Dengue fever, cytotoxicity was reduced up to 5 times, absorption was faster and in vivo efficacy was improved.648 Despite the spectacular worldwide effect profile, of excellent effect against COVID-19, with 0.26% observed minor side effects, and its use across several continents, ivermectin is widely shunned and ignored in western Europe and in the US. Here is a brief synopsis of how that came to be. Ivermectin was invented in Japan in 1975 as an anti-parasitic drug by Satoshi Omura, a Kitasato University professor emeritus, which earned Dr. Omura the Nobel Prize in Biochemistry. Ivermectin turned out to be quite effective against a broad spectrum of parasites. The drug was so effective in eliminating a range of parasitic infections, and at very low cost, about $0.10 US, that 3.7 billion doses have been delivered to much of the world’s population since its invention.649
A cell culture study in April 2020 showed a 5000 times reduction in SARS-CoV-2 from one dose over 48 hours, compared to control samples.650 Several Latin American countries, Egypt and India soon began to use it for COVID-19, and then South Africa and several European countries as well. However, resistance remained strong in the US and western Europe, following the vocal disapproval of The World Health Organization (WHO), The US National Institutes of Health (NIH), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicine Agency (EMA). These agencies all expressed disapproval of ivermectin for use with COVID-19 patients. Even after more than 20 randomized controlled clinical trials showed promising effect without adverse reactions, many western countries have still not adopted its use. Social media companies censored ivermectin research. Even when the WHO commissioned and reported a meta-analysis of ivermectin, it was censored by YouTube. Only negative commentaries were permitted in western media.651 How does ivermectin send SARS-CoV-2 to lockdown? There are a number of mechanisms by which components of SARSCoV-2 need to stay mobile and active in order to replicate, and thus to spread throughout the human body. It turns out that ivermectin binds several of these, which inactivates the virus. Let’s look at exactly what happens to bind or to lock down SARS-CoV-2.
RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase (RdRp) is one of the main enzymes used by SARS-CoV-2 to achieve RNA replication. It is required for viral genome replication, and therefore it is helpful if a nutrient or drug can act on it as an obstacle in some way. 173 drugs were tested in this study for their ability to bind RdRp (making it unavailable or inactive), including two examined in this book, hydroxychloroquine and vitamin C, although vitamin C was also found to have relatively high binding energy for RdRp in this study. Of all the drugs tested, ivermectin was found to bind RdRp with higher binding any energy than any other drug. Authors attributed this finding to ivermectin’s hydroxyl, methoxy and sugar moieties.652 One strategy against SARS-CoV-2, as well as other endemic and pandemic RNA viruses, has been to interfere with transport of viruses into a host cell’s nucleus. Ivermectin has been shown to accomplish this by binding, destabilizing and inhibiting the protein IMP alpha/beta1. When this protein is inhibited, viruses are unable to enter a cell’s nucleus, and therefore unable to replicate. Decreased infection results. IMP alpha/beta 1 has been inhibited in SARS-CoV-2 entry into nuclei by ivermectin.653 Previously, it has been observed that ivermectin inhibited that same protein from entry of other RNA viruses, giving it a broad-spectrum antiviral effect.654 655 656
Figure © L Caly, J Druce, et al. The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. Jun 2020. Antiviral Res. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166354220302011?via %3Dihub
It turns out that ivermectin not only binds tightly to RdRp on SARS-CoV-2, and IMP alpha/beta1; it also strongly binds the spike protein on SARS-CoV-2. This particular spike protein is trimeric, meaning it has 3 subunits which vary in amino acid sequences or other ways. It was observed that ivermectin binds all three of the SARS-CoV-2 subunits, both the structural S2 subunit, as well as both of the two functional S1 subunits.657 This binding of all 3 subunits of the trimeric spike protein may be considered a trifecta of fortunate results of ivermectin in favor of the human host and in opposition to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Ivermectin has different mechanisms against parasites, already a miraculous healing drug for that use alone through much of the world’s population. However, now that we learn of its tremendous effect in binding both RdRp and all three trimers of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, we are certainly fortunate to have this medicine in our arsenal against COVID19. It is inexpensive, and full COVID-19 treatment of an individual, from first dose till last needed can be less than one US dollar. Ivermectin is therefore available to even the poorest communities in the world. Ivermectin is being compared to the discovery of penicillin in its tremendous impact, and perhaps was one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century.658 The fact that this tremendously effective, safe and low-cost antiviral drug is not as thoroughly known to the world as penicillin is a chasm of ignorance that the COVID era is giving the world an opportunity to correct.
Chapter 23: Overcoming Fear of Viruses Know viruses well enough to defeat them and to stop worrying about them. First, let’s explore the fear of viruses, and then the basic prevention and treatment tools, in order to overcome that fear. First acknowledge and understand the fear of viruses “Only love, understanding, and organized goodwill can cast out fear.” --Martin Luther King, Jr. Widespread fear of SARS-CoV-2 sent the world into a devastating panic three years ago. When all accounts and ledgers of damages incurred during this COVID era have been tallied, we already see that that the total damage caused by panic over this virus exceeds the total damage caused by the virus itself. Those are tallied in morbidity and mortality due to the panic versus due to the virus that is the object of the panic. With over 1,200 citations from the medical literature and governments’ vital statistics webpages, I believe I entered detailed assets and liabilities on this tragic pandemania balance sheet (accounted not in money, which others write about, but rather in human suffering) in my last two books, The Defeat of COVID and then this book. “Fear does us more harm than the things of which we are afraid.” --[generally attributed to] Marcus Aurelius
Not only were children’s educational experiences wrecked, small businesses closed and many bankrupted, friendships and family relationships shattered, but people submitted to suffocating themselves with masks and having mystery juice injected, which turned out to be toxic and risky for chronic disease. The sad truth is that the coronavirus microbe SARS-CoV-2 did not itself inflict that on us. “Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.” -- Bethany Hamilton Government / corporate cartels tried relentlessly to incite panic, which made a massive portion of humanity submit to those self-destructive acts. Too little has been said that the microscopic entity at the heart of all that destruction seemed to be so unimportant itself as a pathogen that standard medical advice for COVID was, “Wait till your lips turn blue and then go to the emergency room.” Too few doctors protested; too few patients rebelled; and way, way too many of those infections could have been easily prevented and treated with the information below. In April 2022, I addressed the impacts of that fear and our practical routes away from the state of fear in a one-hour talk at the Environmental Health Symposium, one of the largest environmental medicine conferences in the US. 659
Second, know the viruses well enough to defeat the fear of them, and to stay well-equipped for their arrival. “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” -- Nelson Mandela Talk of overcoming fear is empty talk without a practical means to overcome it. The only way to stop fearing a virus is to know what to do, and to remain prepared, in three circumstances: -
Prevention Treating early signs of viral infection Treating later signs of viral infection
In The Defeat Of COVID, I wrote the most thoroughly researched book that I have seen on the mechanisms of action of the five most successful early treatments for COVID / SARS-CoV-2 infections. Those treatments are vitamin D, ivermectin, zinc, hydroxychloroquine and vitamin C. Some of those are best used preventatively. 299
Vitamin D In my clinic, I have mostly worked with cancer patients for the last 16 years. I had previously asked them to take 10,000 units of vitamin D for years on end for its anti-cancer effects. But then, after the 130 studies on vitamin D that I reviewed and included in The Defeat Of COVID, it seems clear to me that higher amounts of vitamin D would be well-tolerated and even more effective. Since then, we all, they and I, take 14,000 units each day. I think we are better off for it. In this chapter, when I say vitamin D, I mean vitamin D3, cholecalciferol. It is the best COVID preventative. COVID became a minor inconvenience for all age groups that supplemented vitamin D while infected or prior to infection. It was soon seen in clinical settings around the world that it was nearly impossible to die of COVID with early and regular supplementation of vitamin D. 660 We have known of vitamin D’s effects against pathogenic microbes for a century. Its benefits are ubiquitous throughout the immune system, for impact on the protective effects of various component immune cells and their coordination under adverse conditions of pathogen accumulation. Vitamin D is active in the innate immune system 661 and in the adaptive immune system. 662 But vitamin D is especially effective against COVID, and I consider it to be the most effective COVID and viral disease preventative, both from recent years of clinical practice with COVID patients, as well as in the 35 studies that I cite. 663
I think 14,000 units of vitamin D3 per day is a good dose for myself, and often for the cancer patients and COVID patients whom I have treated. Many of the latter group are cancer patients whom we got into remission years ago, and then came down with COVID symptoms. Here are my thoughts on those dosages. 664 Vitamin C Vitamin C is also helpful to have on a regular basis. The preventative effect of vitamin C on viruses is well established and time tested over a half century since Linus Pauling’s work. Dr. Thomas Levy calls it “the ultimate virucide.” Around the world, COVID patients on vitamin C have done better than COVID patients without it. Some of the mechanisms of vitamin C against COVID include upregulation of the very crucial viral fighting Type I interferon, while down-regulating the inflammatory cytokines that appear in the sickest COVID patients. Due to the essential role of vitamin C in collagen formation, it improves the lung epithelial barrier. These days I take 1000 mg of vitamin C two times per day. You might wonder why vitamin C is so frequently dosed compared to vitamin D. C is water soluble and flushes out faster, but D is oil soluble, so the latter stays with you longer. Third, take prompt action when viruses get busy in your nostrils. “There is no disease that you cannot treat. It is our obligation to help the patient.” -- Dr. Pierre Kory
Somehow, despite best intentions for keeping C and D on regular regimen, perhaps you still come down with upper respiratory symptoms. In case of COVID, this would most frequently be dry (sometimes productive) cough, shortness of breath and impaired smell or taste. Sometimes body aches or other flu-like malaise are present. Iodine Rather than waiting for formal diagnosis, here is what I have told patients: Start Dr. McCullough’s iodine regimen. Others have borrowed his idea for topical anti-viral at-home nasal wash, but I believe Dr. Peter McCullough was first to discuss this publicly. 665
Dr. McCullough’s povidone iodine protocol for prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
This is such an easy procedure! 10% Povidone iodine is available over the counter, very low cost for huge volume. 10% dilution straight in the nostrils would feel unpleasant. I prefer to dilute as he recommends: 0.5 teaspoon in 1.5 ounces water. That is one-half teaspoonful of 10% povidone iodine in about one-third cup of water. Dr. McCullough instructs the following procedure: Squirt or spray up nose; sniff back; spit out; repeat as much as every four hours while symptomatic. In recent winters at my clinic, even doing this procedure twice has reversed patients’ symptoms. Even once in my own case a while back the iodine nasal wash reversed all symptoms, and then back to normal. 20 studies in 15 countries support it. 666
My book The Defeat Of COVID cites over 500 studies from the medical literature designed to not only defeat COVID disease, but to make use of the broadly applicable strategies summarized above in order to have viable means against any viral or bacterial assault. With these tools at your disposal, I still see no need whatsoever to inject the mRNA mystery juice that has such an abysmal safety history and horribly negative efficacy. “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it… For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” - Nelson Mandela “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a strong mind.” Paul, letter to Timothy. “Ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” Ephesians, 6:16. … ALL the fiery darts, All the fiery DARTS. (emphasis added). 303
PART 8 Avoiding the COVID Vaccines
Chapter 24: Religious exemption considerations When human rights abuses are inflicted against workers' constitutional rights, there are legal ways to resist. What happened to the Biden Administration’s OSHA “mandate” in the US Supreme Court? Five Supreme Court justices, in this January 2022 case, acted in a way (except for a thin thread of possible excuse, as I discuss below) that possibly violated the Constitution and federal law. Except that they did not create a new mandate; they simply stayed an existing one not of their creation, and they kicked the matter back to lower courts to be decided in more detailed litigation there. However, by that time, healthcare workers, those with legal standing, will have been irreversibly injected in gross violation of every contemporary understanding of human rights. I am referring to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) mandate forcing healthcare workers whose employers receive Medicare / Medicaid funds to be injected with COVID vaccines, whether they want to or not. Notably all four dissenting justices, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch and Barrett, wrote dissenting opinions. In a 5-4 vote, the majority ruled to allow Biden’s mandate that healthcare workers in Medicare / Medicaid facilities must be forced to take the COVID vaccines, or lose their jobs. In doing so, the five justices in the majority ignored the following laws and international treaties. -
the Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution, which defers any powers to the states or to the people that 307
are not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution. I am not an attorney, but I am quite sure that neither the US government nor state or local governments has ever been granted authority to medicate (or to inject or to force inject or to force medicate) any citizen, regardless of type of work. -
Arguably the First Amendment, protecting freedom of religion and freedom of speech, considering that action (i.e., refusing a vaccine) is an expressive act, and has been previously considered as a form of speech.
The Fourteenth Amendment provides for equal protection under the laws. It would be a flagrant violation to force a healthcare worker to be subject to unwanted medical treatment when fellow citizens are not.
I am not an attorney and cannot speak about this knowledgeably, but I would think that even Supreme Court justices may not prescribe a medical treatment without a license to practice medicine.
Practicing forced medicine on those who do not want it. This is the biggest elephant in the room. This is a violation of federal informed consent law 45 CFR §46.116 and much of the rest of 45 CFR §46, as the only COVID vaccines available in the US to date are experimental and under “Emergency Use Authorization.” (Comirnaty was FDA approved, but is not yet available anywhere in the US, nor will be this year, we are told.) Practicing forced medicine also violates the Nuremberg Code and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Helsinki Declaration. Some of history's most noxious barbarians chose to administer some form of poisons to their victims. Information already gathered by the US federal government, Department of Health and Human Services' own database, VAERS, showed that the 308
COVID vaccines have caused more deaths in only one year than all other vaccines combined over the last 30 years. 667 668 I explain more specifically over the previous chapters how that happened: The Nuremberg Code arose out of humanity's essential need to prevent another Holocaust. Attorney Mary Holland says, "If we learned anything from World War II, it's that medical procedures must not be forced on individuals." I think she means even medical procedures that could very well turn out to be benign, and that your well-meaning relatives and coworkers urge you to get. The bottom line from a human rights perspective is: Your medicine may be my poison, and I alone decide that. Even without the Supreme Court decision, is there any obligation to comply with an unconstitutional law? From Marbury vs Madison 5 US 137: Any law, mandate or other that is “repugnant to the Constitution is null and void.” Understanding the fundamental principles of human rights enshrined in the US Constitution and the Nuremberg Code should have been a strict requirement for all of these justices at various checkpoints in their development as middle school and high school graduates, let alone as attorneys and then jurists. Every doctor and pharmacist knows this principle well: Never force, coerce, threaten or even unduly pressure a medical treatment on a patient. I was required to study informed consent principles in medical jurisprudence courses both in medical school and later in my role as an IRB member. That later training was done in seminars given by the Office of Human Research Protections of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). How were these justices exempt from such basic human rights and federal informed consent law training? How was Biden exempt?
Justice Clarence Thomas understands the issue well. In his dissent, Justice Thomas wrote, “These cases are not about the efficacy or importance of COVID-19 vaccines. They are only about whether CMS has the statutory authority to force healthcare workers, by coercing their employers, to undergo a medical procedure they do not want and cannot undo.” 669 But here we are, amid the shambles of the Schwab / Gates concocted great reset / digital passport / ’we own you and your possessions’ reset, which by the way suffered an important defeat in that January 2022 Supreme Court case, because the great news of that day was that the OSHA mandate was rejected by the Supreme Court. Now most Americans are not likely to be inflicted with a digital vaccine passport-enabled China-type social credit system, at least any time soon. Or at least, the resetters will have some considerable hurdles before they could push the US to that point, after the Supreme Court's OSHA ruling. But SCOTUS did rubber stamp on that day the (what I believe to be) clearly unconstitutional and illegal assault on the bodily autonomy, personal choice and medical wisdom of medical professionals. Many healthcare workers have been too intimidated by threats of job loss to openly resist the new biofascists, but have fought back with various non-compliance, passive resistance, contractual demands (such as you, employer, must agree in writing to un-inject your witches' brew from me before I leave work each day), and other perfectly legitimate forms of civil disobedience, disrespect and inconvenient obstacles against their knuckle-dragging employers who opted for a human rights-violated, vaccine-sickened and resentful workforce. Heckuva job, bosses!
Religious exemption and medical exemption Even in this debacle of human rights abuse from the majority decision, there is a window of hope left open by the Supreme Court's ruling of January 2022: Religious exemption and medical exemption. In the Court’s opinion on the CMS case: “The Secretary of Health and Human Services administers the Medicare and Medicaid programs, which provide health insurance for millions of elderly, disabled, and low income Americans. In November 2021, the Secretary announced that, in order to receive Medicare and Medicaid funding, participating facilities must ensure that their staff—unless exempt for medical or religious reasons—are vaccinated against COVID–19. 86 Fed. Reg. 61555 (2021). Two District Courts enjoined enforcement of the rule, and the Government now asks us to stay those injunctions. Agreeing that it is entitled to such relief, we grant the applications.” [Emphasis added]. 670 Religious exemption requires no outside stamp of approval, such as from a physician, as it is a declaration by an individual. Although some have argued that an employer may deny such an exemption (the Interim Rule), the US government itself confirms that “Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from discriminating against individuals because of their religion (or lack of religious belief) in hiring, firing, or any other terms and conditions of employment.” And: “It is also unlawful to retaliate against an individual for opposing employment practices that discriminate based on religion….“ 671
I am not an attorney, but I can opine that the Civil Rights Act seems to be prohibitive against an employer’s attempt to deny religious exemption. The Supreme Court has previously honored any "sincerely held religious belief" as adequate ground for religious exemption. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act 672 reinforces the First Amendment and was upheld earlier this month, even in defense of the First Amendment rights of military service members. Religious exemption is a declaration made by an individual, backed by the First Amendment and now acknowledged again in this January 2022 Supreme Court ruling. Here is some language used with employers that has been seen to be successful in the COVID era for expressing religious objection, and thus asserting religious exemption to the COVID vaccines. How do I already know this, when the SCOTUS decision came down only recently? Because here in Arizona we have long had some of the strongest exemptions to vaccines of any states, including religious exemption. And that fact is exactly what brought my family here decades ago. Now 100,000s of families have made the same or similar exodus to the free states. In Arizona, we see this especially from California. Already several dozen patients of mine (including MDs, RNs, pharmacists, pilots and flight attendants, but even more, workers in large companies) have kept their jobs in the COVID era using some variation of some of the following language for religious exemption from vaccines. If you agree, and especially if you feel strong agreement with any of the following, (I am not an attorney, so cannot say confidently, but would think that) it would rise to the level of sincerely held religious belief: - 1 Corinthians 6:19 - "The body is the temple of the spirit." A logical corollary to this is not to recklessly trash the body with experimental treatments, especially substances that have already proven to be toxic. 312
- COVID vaccines were developed using tissue cloned from aborted fetal cells. I do not support that industry, and do not want that cannibalistic abomination injected into me. - A Harvard study has shown that exogenous mRNA can change DNA. 673 If I am forced to risk changing my DNA, am I still the creature that God created? Or do I then become somebody's genetic experiment? - The right to bodily autonomy is inherent in each human being and is God-given. I am not a member of any religion that condones forced injection of anything, even saline, into the body of an unwilling person. - My refusal to participate in the vaccine superstition cult is my expression of my sincerely held religious belief. Each of the above statements have been made by multiple people known to me to have been used successfully with their employers. In recent years, COVID era topics are the topics that patients have wanted to discuss most avidly, so I have learned a lot from them about what has worked with their and their family members’ employers. If you think some of the above language would be useful to a healthcare worker or to a resident of one of the cities that have fallen to biofascism, such as NYC, Chicago, etc, please share it with them. “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, … ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” Ephesians 6:14-16
Chapter 25: Religious Exemption, Inside Out Instead of arguing your own religion for exemption from vaccines, why not indicate the vaccinators’ religion as NOT your own, and separation of church and state? Many people have expressed to me a bashful reticence on the topic of religious exemption, as if they are afraid of not being qualified to make the claim. I am not an attorney, but my patients declared to me as a practicing physician, especially in 2021 and less often in 2022, their decision not to have the COVID vaccines, and how they planned to deal with a tyrannical, informed consent-violating employer. We discussed medical exemption and religious exemption, and a number of them selected the latter. Even for someone who is a lapsed Catholic for example, or Jewish but not particularly observant, or even with an entirely secular history, I put forth the case below that there is still plenty of basis for religious exemption. The Supreme Court has made clear that a religious exemption is based on “sincerely held belief,” not necessarily cardcarrying membership in a congregation, since the Ballard case 322 US 78 (1944). 674 And later in the US EEOC vs IBP case, 675 in the context of employment. One might sincerely believe either of the following, for example: “The body is the temple of the spirit.” 1 Corinthians 6:19, or “I believe God does not want me to conduct experiments on my human DNA.”
So the above relates to positive assertion of religious belief, as a reason to avoid vaccines, or at least maybe the COVID vaccines. But what about negative assertion? Consider this statement: ‘I am NOT a member of the vaccine religion, and I do not wish to take their sacraments.’ Or how about this: ‘I don’t know what religion I am, but I’m definitely not that one.’ No lesser luminaries than Thomas Jefferson and James Madison have your back on that, as I show below. What is a religion? Merriam-Webster lists four definitions of religion, 676 including some circular use with the word religious. However, Webster’s third definition may be considered applicable to the cultural or psychological superstructure that has flourished over the underlying vaccination business model / economic base. 3: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Respecting the vaccine religion, without being a member Our mostly peaceful society shows us everyday that a majority of people respect, or at least don’t actively oppose, the religions of others. We don’t show a particular desire to argue or interfere with, berate or punish those of other religions. Likewise, we the unvaccinated generally tolerate the free will and the healthcare decisions of those who believe in vaccines, even when the tolerance is not returned to us. Vaccination is treated as one of the citizens’ sacraments (along with taxpaying) that is cherished by governments and institutions of the last two centuries, and especially since 1986, with vaccinators usually expecting everyone to comply. One might think from advertisements, public health officials’ pronouncements and other widely broadcast propaganda, that there is no true immunology outside of the vaccine religion, nor any permissible non-participation. However, since the times of Jenner, Pasteur and later Salk, knowledge of immunology and microscopy have advanced tremendously. Those of us who study immunology now have an appreciation of the vast array of immune cells and their synchronized and cooperative actions in the defeat of invading pathogens. The science of immunology is vast. I have written a basic overview of the major players and their functions in the chapter on Immunology 101.1 earlier in this book. We have seen a diverse array of immune cells and signaling chemicals known as chemokines and cytokines interacting in a way that overshadows the small part of the immune system that vaccines act on, the 0.005% of the cells in our blood, B cells, that produce antibodies. One might argue that B cells are as much as 5% of our white blood cells, which are recognized as the more specifically functioning immune cells.
However, if one considers that oxygen delivery (a system of O2 drop off and CO2 pickup messenger service) by red blood cells (RBCs) is an immune function as well, then B cells and the antibodies produced by them are a vanishingly small part of a vast and ubiquitous immune symphony. Why do I call RBC’s messenger service an immune service? Because anaerobic bacteria are the majority of our indigenous flora, and robust oxygenated blood flow keeps them from overwhelming us. Vaccines have negative effects as well. We now know that the COVID vaccines have many devastating effects, one of which is to sharply reduce Type I interferon, 677 which is the strongest molecule that our body makes against viruses and bacteria generally. The COVID-vaccinated have lost this precious substance and pathogen-fighting ability, and thus many of them keep getting sick with COVID, herpes zoster and other infections. Vaccination qualifies as a religion also by the following criteria: Consecration: Liquid, as an entity, has no inherent religious value. But then a priest consecrates wine, which transubstantiates the wine into the blood of Christ, by a process honored by the Christian religion, reinforced with two millenia of faith and over a billion of the faithful. Now a previously ordinary liquid acquires religious value. Similarly, the content of a syringe, when labelled ”vaccine” by a public health official, has become consecrated, and is now assumed by the faithful to strengthen a person against infectious disease by a mystical process, with some gaps in the explanation and testing, but at least reinforced by the faith of its adherents. 318
Sacrament: What is the sacrament of the vaccination religion? The act of receiving, usually by injection, the consecrated liquid bearing the holy name “vaccine,” a name which confers special and unchallenged value in a way that the words “injection,” “shot,” or “intramuscular treatment” do not. Is receiving this sacrament superstition? Is it idolatry? Scripture: The CDC, the FDA, the NIH and prominent politicians speak authoritatively. They are the repository of knowledge and policy for the flock. The masses receive their written and spoken pronouncements as the devout flock that receives the sermons of religious leaders. Blasphemy against the vaccination religion: Now here are some ideas that are held by vaccine skeptics. These are not part of, and not particularly welcome in, the vaccination religion The human, as all known vertebrates, has an innate immune system, the larger, ubiquitous, always on call, and more constantly vigilant of the two major immune divisions, and this division has never been observed to be enhanced by vaccination. The smaller of the two, the adaptive portion of the human immune system, has been observed to be affected by vaccination, but the lack of saline placebocontrolled studies leaves us wondering to what extent and whether beneficially or not. Vaccine-induced immunity is questionable, wanes with time, and has been shown to be negative at various times throughout history, including with smallpox, polio, mumps and pertussis vaccines. Recorded history’s largest infectious diseases, scarlet fever, cholera and bubonic plague, never had vaccines, but disappeared completely with indoor plumbing and sanitation, “when humanity stopped drinking its own sewage.” 319
Religious exemption turned inside out So let’s say a religious exemption consists simply of this language: “I am not a member of the vaccine religion, and I do not take the sacraments of that religion, or anybody else’s religion. So no thanks.” On what basis in US law can we assert this? The First Amendment The first two clauses of the First Amendment to the US Constitution address religion: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion [‘the Establishment Clause’], or prohibiting the free exercise thereof [‘the Free Exercise Clause.’]…” [The First Amendment then goes on to discuss free speech and three additional rights.] The Establishment Clause seems especially useful here as a negative assertion, a prohibition of state-sanctioned religion. Discussion of separation of church and state goes back to at least the writings of 18th century legal philosopher Montesquieu, and was most strongly championed in Europe by John Locke. In colonial Virginia, Thomas Jefferson had advocated a “wall of separation” between the church and the state. The Anglican Church was still the established religion In his home colony of Virginia. At the urging of Baptists in colonial Virginia, both Jefferson and Madison argued against state support for any specific religion. The basis of their opposition was that citizens’ natural rights to religious liberty were violated when being forced to pay taxes to support a religion they did not follow. Since the time of the adoption of the First Amendment, US courts have upheld this separation. 320
Every US state, except California, Connecticut, Maine, and New York, honor religious exemptions from vaccination. Please see this map from the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). 678
By the way, if you think vaccine skepticism began only in the last year or two, please see this much earlier history. NVIC was started by Barbara Loe Fisher 679 four decades ago, in order to provide resources to parents for fighting medical tyranny. Her Australian counterpart, Meryl Dorey, has championed human rights and informed consent regarding vaccines for decades. https://informedchoice.substack.com
Please don’t despair if you live in CA, CT, ME or NY. If you are a healthcare worker, the January 2022 CMS ruling by the Supreme Court, acknowledged religious and medical exemptions to vaccine mandates, which is the first time that I, a medical expert witness on vaccine injury, have seen such exemptions from vaccines acknowledged on a federal level. Furthermore, even if you do not work in healthcare, let’s say your state does not honor religious exemptions from vaccination, then please, with your attorney, look into Title VII, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which specifically prohibits discrimination of employees on religious grounds. Also, the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution specifically prohibits such discrimination. As always, I must remind readers that I am not an attorney, and any statement from me that may resemble legal advice is likely a means to get us both in trouble. A search for a helpful attorney may begin with “constitutional attorney near me,” or the like.
Chapter 26: Medical Exemption
Zyklon B was forced on unwilling people in the 1940's. The COVID vaccines were forced on unwilling people last year. But not on my watch. Here’s why. Of the thousands of patient appointments I've had in the COVID era, I've often been in the role of patient advocate, but with a particular urgency in working with people who found themselves coerced by their employers to submit to COVID vaccines. (Such coercion is in clear violation of federal law, 680 as the reader likely knows.) Medical doctors, nurses, other hospital workers, pharmacists, flight attendants, pilots, and especially those working for companies of more than 100 employees have come to me for medical exemption from vaccines. Of those, I found the pharmacists to be the most memorable demographic, for three reasons: First, pharmacists (PharmD) are the most specifically educated in drug toxicity of any class of professional. That pharmacists would have to come to a naturopathic physician to receive a medical exemption from a forced injection, one which is known by them to be poisonous, would have been unimaginable until 2021. I'll never forget what a pharmacist told me in one of these visits: "The most important principle I learned in my PharmD education was to never force a medication on a patient. So why is my employer forcing this on me?" 323
Then there were other stories, from people who knew pharmacists who would no longer be willing to administer the covid vaccines, whether refusing to take appointments for those, or who outright quit retail pharmacy altogether, leaving pharmacies so short-staffed that many have closed. 681 People who had never had an issue with timely pickup of their non-controversial blood pressure medications of a decade's use then sometimes found it difficult getting even these filled on time. 682 The covid vaccines have not been so fondly received by pharmacy staff as the powers-that-be had assumed. There are grapevine stories of people who know from others of multiple full vaccine vials going into the trash routinely in 2021 - 2022, and suspected tremendous numbers of saline or other harmless shots and nothing shots of needle only, instead of the clotshot. I have heard of this compassion being directed especially to frail seniors, teens railroaded by vaccine cult parents, and people who confided to the pharmacist, “I don’t want this, but my job is making me.” However, there are grapevine stories of pharmacists who now flat out refuse to give COVID vaccines to anyone, especially recently, since all the revelations of harm. I think it's fair to say that the CDC boast of 77.4% of Americans partially or fully vaccinated 683 is almost as crazily false as their claims of "safe and effective." Having an ear to the ground in the Phoenix area, with especially keen interest in this issue since December 2020, and from a number of different industries' employees, including hospital, insurance, pharmacy and transportation, including among local and nationwide management, all speaking confidentially to me, and all without direct knowledge of the same, the actual number of COVID-vaccinated is likely between 60% and 70%, minus those who have since died from the vaccines. Let’s just say that the smart pharmacists likely wised up to COVID shot toxicity early and are not fond of injuring their customer base, or other assault. 324
Especially during peak need in 2021-2022, I wrote medical exemptions for all who asked, because it is a fundamental principle of medical ethics, and what mainly separates us from fascists, that nobody should be subjected to a medical treatment that they do not want. Together with the Hippocratic Oath, First Do No Harm, these are the two most important principles in medicine. So my medical exemptions all read the same, as follows: "Medically exempt from ALL COVID vaccines, due to known and proven risks of severe injury." There is no need, nor justification, to violate a patient's privacy to their employers by saying the vaccine can't be taken due to heart disease or family history of heart disease or other condition or vulnerability to the same. Rather, the fact that the COVID vaccines are known to be poisonous is enough of a reason for a medical exemption, and the fact that the person does not want it is way more of a good reason, in my opinion, a decisive and pinnacle jurisdiction reason, not to have it. I am not an attorney. By “pinnacle jurisdiction” reason, I mean that the patient has the final and ultimately decisive say regarding what goes into his or her body, including any medical treatments to be taken. I am not interested in government or media pronouncements to the contrary. The sovereignty of the human body is non-negotiable in a postslavery society, and our rights are inalienable. I know that one of my exemptions was rejected by a Colorado employer and one by a local employer, but in both cases, religious exemption was then used successfully. States such as California have made it clear that anyone who doctors who write medical exemptions should not have a license to practice medicine, and Toby Rogers PhD describes the California law as “the most draconian anti-science law [he has] ever seen.” 684
If such fascist laws as California’s SB 276 and SB 277 ever took hold in Arizona, there would be fierce court battles. If I were involved, there would be a merciless barrage of data and court-ordered Pfizer documents 685 that I would submit to the court(s) to defend my previously written medical exemption(s), and more importantly, an individual’s right to have it. I have submitted to other courts testimony that is contained in Chapter 2 of this book, regarding the now known negative efficacy and the alarming risks of the COVID vaccines. The 1/11/22 draft of that material quickly became out-of-date, as additional damning evidence against these vaccines is now in the public domain since I wrote it, and I have updated that for Chapter 2 in this book’s 2nd edition. University of California Concedes to Health Freedom Here is a December 2022 victory in our fight for health freedom, which sometimes must be fought for one person at a time.
The tiny print says: “… Your request for a permanent medical disability exemption for vaccines has been granted…..”
People from all over the US, and sometimes internationally, have asked me to write medical exemptions to COVID vaccines. I have never refused this request, because I don't want to be an accomplice to a poisoning, and elsewhere I discuss some thoughts about that. 686 My prior medical exemptions for students and staff at various universities, including University of California usually worked right away, with a few exceptions, in which we went to Round 2 or even 3, and then won. Usually, U of C did not push back, and those exemptions were usually not disputed by the administrative personnel receiving them. Pleased patients then informed us that their medical exemptions had been acknowledged by the administration. I am so happy about these individuals’ human rights prevailing; however I have one quibble. Medical exemption from any unwanted medical procedure is a right to bodily autonomy assured, I believe, by the US Constitution and basic human decency. (I am not an attorney, so that opinion plus $3 will buy you a cup of coffee.) But also please refer to the chapter on case law on bodily autonomy, which is a trove of judicial precedent for the health freedom of US citizens. In other words, I consider the medical exemptions that I have written for an individual to be irrevocable except by that individual (or parent/guardian), and not subject to the capricious veto of a bureaucrat who wants to practice forced medicine. Then the draconian California AB 2098 was signed into law, on September 30 of this year, which threatened healthcare providers with possible loss of license for writing medical exemptions.
After that, I received another request for a medical exemption from a University of California student. This one was harder to get through to completion. Our fight went to three rounds, and then we learned that we won, and the happy news was that this student's medical exemption was accepted by the administration. Here is what worked. First attempt First, I wrote a medical exemption, with language that I typically use: Medically exempt from ALL COVID vaccines, due to known and proven risks of severe injury. Note lack of mention of personal medical history of the person seeking exemption. I consider that to be a potential violation of his / her privacy right under HIPAA. More importantly, there is throughout the world sufficient proof that the COVID vaccines are indeed poisonous, with the largest body of indisputable evidence of cardiovascular damage summarized in the earlier chapters on myocarditis and other heart and cardiovascular injuries. We have known about these since early 2021, and they have been suffered by uncounted (maybe uncountable due to delayed onset) recipients of these vaccines. I have testified in court cases as medical expert witness regarding these effects, and so far, we have won every case, except one in which one of the plaintiffs then decided to become vaccinated, in which case my arguments became moot for that individual. In other words, patients have the right not to be poisoned. The medical exemptions that I have written identified the poison and asserted medical protection against their being inflicted with it. It seems straightforward to me that the burden is on the vaccine advocates to prove that the injection that they attempt to mandate is not hazardous. 328
Second attempt The university chose to push back and stated that they wanted the medical exemption to be written only by a MD, DO or NP, because it should be written by a licensed medical professional. They also grumbled that I was out-of-state. I then wrote a letter to the university administrator, pointing out my 16 year history of licensed medical practice, and that patients have a right to choose their healthcare providers as they please, even if out-of-state. Third attempt The university then said that they still rejected the medical exemption, and that there was little time left for this studentt to get injected. So I wrote the following letter to U of C. This is the one that was pivotal to the student’s success in having her medical exemption recognized.
“Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless or corrupt…. Noncooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good…. Civil disobedience is the inherent right of a citizen.” Mahatma Gandhi
Chapter 27: Top Medical Journals to Cite in Your Exemption Even the world’s most prestigious medical journals now raise serious concerns about the COVID vaccines, as I will show below. Yet even now, as the skepticism of the world toward these experimental vaccines increases, the medical exemptions that I’ve written for patients are sometimes questioned by employers. Readers may feel free to use any part of the following letter that I wrote in mid-2022 as needed to assert your civil rights and your bodily autonomy, as support for your medical, religious or philosophical exemption. Just help yourself to anything useful in the following letter. Jane Doe Anywhere, USA Dear Jane: You have requested, and I have written, a permanent and irrevocable Medical Exemption from ALL of the COVID vaccines. I wrote this, not because you have a personal medical history of disease; on the contrary, you are a very healthy person. I wrote it, because we are all vulnerable to injected cardiotoxic substances, and you should not have to take one in order to keep your job. This Medical Exemption may be cancelled only by you, and not by a third party, such as an employer, because it was your right to request it of me, your right to assert and to use it, and I have marked it as “Permanent.”
Your employer, as well as other vaccine crusaders throughout the government and in the general population, wish to subject you to a known and established toxic injection, the risks of which will be shown below. Such an imposition is in accordance with their own belief system, and not with yours. Your employer seeks to learn of a specific contraindication from your receiving the COVID vaccines, despite your employer’s lack of legal authority to impose such a threshold in the case of any citizen, employed by them or not. Certainly, by the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, and by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VII, your employer has no legal authority to impose their religion (consecrated vaccine sacrament and injection rituals) on you or anyone else, nor to insist on any such procedures as a condition of employment. The medical basis on which I wrote this Medical Exemption is the following:
COVID vaccines are known to have negative efficacy In addition to evidence of toxicity, as will be shown below, data from around the world also show negative efficacy of the COVID vaccines. This is based on observations of increased incidence of COVID infection found in multiple countries to be dose-dependent with every injection of COVID vaccine. This Journal of the American Medical Association study shows that dose-dependent relationship, specifically that the number of re-infections increases with each dose of vaccine received. 687 Also, the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine reports that individuals fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 recover significantly more slowly from the illness, and remain contagious for longer periods of time, compared to unvaccinated individuals. Also, it showed that those who are vaccinated remain five times as contagious as those who are unvaccinated ten days after SARS-CoV-2 infection. 688 334
In fact, all of the Bradford Hill criteria, besides those cited above, for the causative role of the COVID vaccines in increasing rates of COVID infections, including through the Delta and Omicron variants, have been demonstrated numerous times throughout the world. That extensive research is too lengthy for this letter but is abundantly documented in my book Neither Safe Nor Effective: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines. 689 There are several mechanisms of toxicity to the human body by the COVID vaccines. Here are some. One of the aspects of COVID vaccine toxicity is the inclusion of cationic lipids. These positively charged lipids are damaging to our cell membranes and our DNA, being attracted to the negative charges there. An article from the journal Toxicology Research shows the mechanism of cell death by means of cationic lipids, and that this cell-killing mechanism was dose-dependent. 690 And this danger has been known for a long time. A 2006 study in Journal of Controlled Release showed that the liver is vulnerable to such toxicity. 691 The spike protein itself, which is produced indefinitely in the human body after injection by the mRNA COVID vaccines, and is injected directly into the body in the case of non-mRNA COVID vaccines, is known to be highly toxic. This protein has been observed to damage both the structure and the function of the endothelium. The endothelium is a fundamental structure of the cardiovascular system and other bodily organs that is essential to life. An article from Circulation Research discusses the mechanism of injury to the cardiovascular endothelium by means of spike proteins. 692
All COVID vaccines are correlated with severe injury and death, according to peer-reviewed data. After more than a year of observation of morbidity and mortality outcomes around the world following mass vaccination deployment, the COVID vaccines have been withdrawn from younger age groups in six nations: Sweden, Finland, France, Germany, Denmark and Taiwan, listed here in order of stringency. Citations of COVID vaccine-related morbidity and mortality data exceed the scope of this letter, and may be found in my book, Neither Safe Nor Effective: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines. In response to your employer’s request, there are numerous specific medical contraindications to receiving the COVID vaccines including the following: All of the COVID vaccines, whether mRNA or not, have been proven irrefutably to be poisonous to the heart, as well as to other organs. This vulnerability of the human heart to damage by such poisons is, alone, an absolute contraindication for any person to receiving any of the COVID vaccines. A study in the prestigious British Medical Journal showed several of the Bradford Hill criteria for COVID vaccineassociated myocarditis: dose dependence, coherence, specificity and temporality. 693 A study in the prestigious journal Nature shows the cardiac arrest emergency calls made in Israel in temporal association with vaccine rollout. 694 Although myocarditis and cardiac arrest cases among males have been reported following COVID vaccination around the world, the study finds, “Among females, cardiac arrest calls increased by 31.4%,” which was even more than for males (25% increase). Likewise, acute coronary syndrome emergency event call increases were also higher for females than males (40.8% versus 21.3%). The authors show combined data in the following graphs.
Graph in C Sun, E Jaffe, R Lev. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-10928-z#Fig1
The journal Vaccine also raises concerns on risk-benefit considerations given the concerning heart injuries observed among vaccinated individuals. On examination of serious adverse events of the COVID vaccines, these researchers complain that “raw data from the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials are not publicly available,” and “Unfortunately, as we approach 2 years after release of COVID-19 vaccines, participant level data remain inaccessible.” 695 Regardless of the mechanism of toxicity or the target organ that the COVID vaccines injure, the demonstration of data showing any injuries or deaths following these vaccines are cautionary and even prohibitive against their use by a judicious and scientifically literate individual, such as yourself. As of this week, the following statistics on COVID vaccine morbidity and mortality were reported to VAERS.gov, a database of the US Department of Health and Human Services. A summary of the morbidity and mortality data for the COVID vaccines just in the United States may be found at https://openvaers.com/covid-data, and can be further summarized as follows: Deaths: 30,479. Hospitalizations: 174,371. Heart attacks: 16,337. Myocarditis/Pericarditis: 51,722 And never to be forgotten as well, 56,994 people now permanently disabled following these medical procedures, the irreversible COVID vaccines. Attempts to thwart spike protein effects in the body have shown mixed results at best at this stage, and there is no known way to stop the mRNA-driven spike production mechanism once even one of these injections has occurred.
Following the tragic consequences for these hundreds of thousands of victims of the COVID vaccines in this country alone, we can now see that these vaccines are thus prohibitively dangerous, and it would be reckless to receive any of these vaccines, given the above thoroughly established morbidity and mortality data. Please let me know if I may provide any further information or testimony as Medical Expert Witness. It is essential to resist and to refuse to comply with the dangerous medical experiment that is being threatened against you, as it is in violation of US law, the US Constitution, the Nuremberg Code and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Please share this letter with your employer as needed, and at your discretion. Sincerely, ---
Chapter 28: Medical Freedom in US Courts: Court Cases That Have Upheld Bodily Autonomy The right to refuse medical treatment has a long history of judicial recognition in US state and federal courts. This list of cases that are pertinent to bodily autonomy shows the link to each case with quotes from each ruling judge. Background The history of legal torts has long recognized the physical security of one’s body. It is referred to in the 39th Article of the Magna Carta. The English jurist Sir William Blackstone, writing in 1753, identified “the right of personal security” to include life, limb, health and reputation. 696 He identified personal security as one of the three elements of “liberty,” with the other two elements being personal liberty and private property. The history of US judicial recognition of medical freedom has often hinged on individuals’ right to refuse unwanted medical intervention, whether examination or testing or treatments.
There are two strong legal bases for upholding this right of refusal. First, the US Constitution guarantees privacy, which prohibits governmental intrusion on medical decision-making by the individual. The reader will note that the cases below cite the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 14th Amendments, although it seems the 13th Amendment may be equally applicable, because if a human must not be owned or enslaved or conscripted to involuntary servitude by others, then logically that person’s body and bodily decisions must not be controlled by others. Also, common law guarantees individuals the right to informed consent for any medical interaction, along with its corollary, the right of refusal to consent to any proposed medical treatment, without coercion, harassment or punishment. The preponderance of judicial rulings on the right to refuse medical treatment have upheld this right of refusal, and so strongly that the reader will find below that courts have prohibited doctors, hospitals and government actors from violating it. It has been clear throughout US history, and in the cases listed below, that mentally competent adults, and even many with diagnosed mental illness, as well as prisoners and “mature minors,” have the right to refuse medical treatment, even if that treatment may be life-saving, and even if that treatment may be disapproved of by the medical profession or others. Ronald B Standler PhD, Esq compiled an outstanding list of judicial decisions throughout US history that pertain to individuals’ right to refuse medical treatment. His essay on this topic covers about 80 cases. 697 This more abridged summary of some of those court cases, as well as several more, contains refers to settled court cases in the US.
The following compilation aims to provide more extensive quotations from the justices’ opinions when pertinent to the right to refuse medical treatment and its historical support in the courts, with specific attention to court rulings on individuals’ rights to refuse medical interactions, exams, procedures and treatments. This topic also is involved with the right to privacy and bodily autonomy and informed consent. The judges cite the US Constitution and its Amendments as well as statutory law. Disclaimers 1) I am not an attorney, and even if I were, I would not and do not offer general legal advice. Clearly a qualified attorney in one’s own state or in the state with jurisdiction where a dispute arises would be an appropriate expert to consult regarding a dispute or action or legal advice. I have practiced medicine for 16 years and have been numerous times a medical expert witness in court cases that are somewhat similar to these cases, but I do not share my opinion on any of the cases listed below, with one exception: the highly anomalous Jacobson vs Massachusetts case of 1905, discussed at the end of the article, as well as the Introduction section at the beginning of this article. The quotes shown below are all from the judges’ rulings in the respective cases. 2) Judicial opinions are attributed to the judges who authored them, and no other person holds the copyright to those, and I quote them only with attribution to the court opinions.
United States federal and state court cases pertaining to the right to refuse medical procedures, informed consent, and bodily autonomy 1891: Union Pacific Railway Co vs Botsford, 141 US 250, 251. https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/141/250 In this landmark case, considered to be one of the most important for bodily autonomy, Justice Gray referred to the “inviolability of the person,” and cited prior references to it in our constitutional history. After an injury, the railway demanded medical examination of Botsford, who refused. The court upheld Botsford’s right not to be examined, and stated: “No right is held more sacred or more carefully guarded by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and unquestionable authority of law.” “The right to one’s person may be said to be a right of complete immunity; to be let alone.” ---
1914: Schloendorff vs Society of New York Hospital, 105 NE 92, 93 New York https://biotech.law.lsu.edu/cases/consent/schoendorff.ht m “In the case at hand, the wrong complained of is not merely negligence. It is trespass. Every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body; and a surgeon who performs an operation without his patient’s consent commits an assault, for which he is liable in damages.” “The fact that the wrong complained of here is trespass rather than negligence, distinguishes this case from most of the cases that have preceded it.” --1958: England vs Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners. 259 F 2d. 626, 627. 5th Circuit. 1959: Cert. denied. 359 US 1012. https://casetext.com/case/england-v-louisiana-stateboard-of-med-exam “…the State cannot deny to any individual the right to exercise a reasonable choice in the method of treatment of his ills,….“ ---
1962: Erickson vs Dilgard. 252 New York 2d. 705, 706. New York Superior Court. https://casetext.com/case/matter-of-erickson-v-dilgard In the matter of an adult with internal bleeding who refused a blood transfusion, the Court ruled: “It is the individual who is the subject of a medical decision who has the final say and that this must necessarily be so in a system of government which gives the greatest possible protection to the individual in the furtherance of his own desires.” --1965: In re Brooks’ Estate. 205 NE 2d 435. Illinois. https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/5914c89eadd7b 049347ebd5c Brooks had refused blood transfusion on both religious and medical grounds, but received transfusions despite her expressed wishes. “It is established that the commands of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution relating to religious freedom are embraced within the Fourteenth Amendment and by it extended to the States.” Cantwell vs Connecticut, 310 US 296, 303, 84. L.ed. 1213, 60 S.CT 900, 903. School District of Abington Township vs Schempp, 374 US 203, 215, 10. L.ed.2d 844, 83 S CT. 1560, 1568. “The controversy [of conformity vs nonconformity to religious beliefs] culminated in the First Amendment’s guarantee to the individual of freedom from governmental domination in his religious beliefs and practices….” Reynolds vs United States, 98 US 145, 25. L.ed. 244. Davis vs Beason, 133 US 333, 33 L.ed. 637.
“In the final analysis, what has happened here involves a judicial attempt to decide what course of action is best for a particular individual, notwithstanding that indivdual’s contrary views based upon religious convictions. Such actions cannot be constitutionally countenanced.” --1965: Griswold vs Connecticut. 381 US 479, https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/381/479/ The right of privacy is implicit throughout the Bill of Rights. “A right to privacy can be inferred from several amendments in the Bill of Rights.” --1971: Winters vs Miller. 446 F 2d 65. 2d Circuit, US Court of Appeals. https://casetext.com/case/winters-v-miller The Court upheld the right to refuse medical treatment. “It is clear and appellees concede that if we were dealing here with an ordinary patient suffering from a physical ailment, the hospital authorities would have no right to impose compulsory medical treatment against the patient’s will and indeed, that to do so would constitute a common law assault and battery. The question then becomes at what point, if at all, does the patient suffering from a mental illness lose the rights he would otherwise enjoy in this regard.” ---
1972: Holmes vs Silver Cross Hospital of Joliet, IL. 340 F Supp. 125, 130. Northern District of Illinois. https://casetext.com/case/holmes-v-silver-cross-hospitalof-joliet-illinois “A state-appointed conservator’s ordering of medical treatment for a person in violation of his religious beliefs, no matter how well intentioned the conservator may be, violates the First Amendment’s freedom of exercise clause in the absence of some substantial state interest.” --1972: Canterbury vs Spence. 464 F 2d 772, 780. Washington DC Circuit. https://biotech.law.lsu.edu/cases/consent/canterbury_v_s pence.htm “The root premise is the concept, fundamental in American jurisprudence, that ‘every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body…. ‘ [citing Schloendorff vs Society of New York Hospital, 105 NE 92, 93. New York 1914.]”. Cert denied. 409 US 1064, 1972. “True consent to what happens to one’s self is the informed exercise of a choice, and that entails an opportunity to evaluate knowledgeably the options available and the risks attendant upon each.” ---
1972: In re Osborne, 294 A 2d 372 Washington DC. https://casetext.com/case/in-re-osborne-35 Although a man who was injured by a tree falling on him had two young children, his right to refuse blood transfusion was upheld by the court, beginning with a bedside hearing. “Judge Bacon took note of a possible overriding state interest based on the fact that the patient had two young children. It was concluded, however, that the maturity of this lucid patient, his long-standing beliefs and those of his family did not justify state intervention.” Associate Judge Yeagley concurred: “Although I concur in the court’s opinion, I would add that the thrust of the opinion in my view, while based on the First Amendment, is not … based solely on religious freedom, but also on the broader based freedom of choice whether founded on religious beliefs or otherwise.” --1972: Cobbs vs Grant. 8 Cal 3d 229, 502 P.2d 1, 104 California Reporter 505. https://biotech.law.lsu.edu/cases/consent/Cobbs_v_Grant. htm “A person of adult years and in sound mind has the right, in the exercise of control over his own body, to determine whether or not to submit to lawful medical treatment.” “… it is the prerogative of the patient, not the physician, to determine for himself the direction in which he believes his interests lie. To enable the patient to chart his course knowledgeably, reasonable familiarity with the therapeutic alternatives and their hazards becomes essential.” --349
1973: In re Yetter, 62 Pennsylvania D&C 2d 619. Com Pl. https://cite.case.law/pa-d-c2d/62/619/ Although a 60-year old woman had been found to be schizophrenic and delusional and committed to a state hospital, she was found to be mentally competent to refuse surgery for breast cancer. The patient stated that she was afraid because of the death of her aunt following such surgery, and that it was her own body and she did not desire the operation. “It is clear that mere commitment to a State hospital for treatment of mental illness does not destroy a person’s competency or require the appointment of a guardian of the estate or person. “In our opinion, the constitutional right of privacy includes the right of a mature competent adult to refuse to accept medical recommendations that may prolong one’s life and which, to a third person at least, appear to be in his best interests; in short, that the right of privacy includes a right to die with which the State should not interfere where there are no minor or unborn children and no clear and present danger to public health, welfare or morals. If the person was competent while being presented with the decision and in making the decision which she did, the court should not interfere even though her decision might be considered unwise, foolish or ridiculous.” --1976: Matter of Quinlan. 355 A 2d. 647. New Jersey https://law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey/supremecourt/1976/70-n-j-10-0.html This well-publicized case considered for the first time whether a patient in a persistent vegetative state could have life support withdrawn. The case upheld the right to refuse medical care to also belong to unconscious patients. 350
1977: Superintendent of Belchertown State Sch vs Saikewicz 373 Massachusetts 728. https://law.justia.com/cases/massachusetts/supremecourt/1977/373-mass-728-2.html “The constitutional right to privacy, as we conceive it, is an expression of the sanctity of individual free choice and selfdetermination as fundamental constituents of life. The value of life as so perceived is lessened not by a decision to refuse treatment, but by the failure to allow a competent human being the right of choice.” --1978: Matter of Quackenbush. 383 A 2d. 785. New Jersey, Morris County. https://law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey/appellate-divisionpublished/1978/156-n-j-super-282-0.html A 72 year-old man had gangrene in both legs. Surgery was offered as a way to remove the infection, which the patient refused. “Always present is the predominant interest in the preservation of life. But constitutional and decision law invest Quackenbush with rights that overcome that interest. Quackenbush, therefore, as a mentally competent individual, has the right to make his informed choice concerning the operation, and I will not interfere with that choice.” ---
1978: Lane vs Candura. 376 NE 2d. 1232, 1236. Massachusetts Appellate Court. https://law.justia.com/cases/massachusetts/court-ofappeals/1978/6-mass-app-ct-377-1.html Even if amputation of a gangrenous leg were necessary to save a patient’s life, the Court ruled: “The law protects her right to make her own decision to accept or reject treatment, whether that decision is wise or unwise…. Mrs. Candura’s decision may be regarded by most as unfortunate, but on the record in this case it is not the uninformed decision of a person incapable of appreciating the nature and consequences of her act. We cannot anticipate whether she will reconsider and will consent to the operation, but we are all of the opinion that the operation may not be forced on her against her will.” --1978: Satz vs Perlmutter. 362 So 2d 160. Florida Appellate Court. https://casetext.com/case/satz-v-perlmutter “It is our conclusion, therefore, under the facts before us, that when these several public policy interests are weighed against the rights of Mr. Perlmutter, the latter must and should prevail…. Such a course of conduct [violation of Perlmutter’s will] invades the patient’s constitutional right of privacy, removes his freedom of choice and invades his right to selfdetermine.” ---
1980: Andrews vs Ballard. 498 F Supp. 1038 1049. Southern District Texas. https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/districtcourts/FSupp/498/1038/1652028/ At the time of this case, Texas state law and Rules of the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners only allowed licensed physicians to practice acupuncture in the State of Texas. The plaintiffs, 46 residents of Harris County Texas, had sought acupuncture treatment. They argued that the constitutional right of privacy, protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, encompasses the decision to obtain or reject medical treatment and that existing laws impermissibly deprived them of that right because they (a) virtually eliminate the practice of acupuncture in Texas, and (b) are not necessary to serve the State’s interest in protecting the health and safety of the patient. “For the reasons stated herein, it finds that the challenged articles and rules do not withstand constitutional scrutiny.” The Court referred to the right to refuse medical treatment as a privacy right and cited 10 cases, including Union Pacific R Co vs Botsford: “No right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded, by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and unquestionable authority of law. As well said by Judge Cooley: ‘The right to one’s person may be said to be a right of complete immunity; to be let alone.’ “ “Since that time, the importance of this right remains unchallenged and undiminished.” ---
1980: Davis vs Hubbard. 506 F Supp. 915, 930-932. Northern District Ohio. https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/districtcourts/FSupp/506/915/1653591/ “… this Court notes at the outset its essential agreement with respect to both the existence of the right [to refuse medical treatment] and the factors which determine its shape. But unlike some of the courts which have derived the right to refuse treatment from the First Amendment, the Eighth Amendment, as well as the ‘penumbras’ and ‘shadows’ of these and the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments, this Court believes the source of the right can best be understood as substantive due process, or phrased differently, as an aspect of liberty guaranteed by the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.” “Our own constitutional history contains many references to the importance of the ‘inviolability of the person.’ ” “More specifically, a respect for bodily integrity, ‘as the major locus of separation between the individual and the world,’ (L Tribe, American Constitutional Law) underlies the specific constitutional guarantees of the Fourth Amendment, [4 cases cited], the Eighth Amendment [3 cases cited], as well as the due process clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. [2 cases cited] ”
“Closely related to a person’s interest in his body is his interest in making decisions about his body. In the law of torts, this interest is reflected in the concept of consent. For example, in the context of medical treatment, treatment by a physician in a non-emergency that is rendered without the patient’s informed consent, or exceeds the consent given, is actionable as a battery. See, e.g. Mohr vs Wiliams, 95 932 Minnesota 261, 104 NW 12 (1905); Pratt vs Davis, 224 Illinois 300 79 NE 562 (1906); Rolater vs Strain, 39 Oklahoma 572, 137 P96 (1913); Schloendorff vs Society of New York Hospitals, 211 NYT 125, 105 NE 92 (1914); Wells vs Van Nort, 100 Ohio St. 101, 125 NE 910 (1919). The principle which supports the doctrine of informed consent is that only the patient has the right to weigh the risks attending the particular treatment and decide for himself what course of action is best suited for him.” --1981: Matter of Storar 52 NY 2d 363. New York. https://casetext.com/case/matter-of-storar-2 “To the extent that existing statutory and decisional law manifests the State’s interest on the subject, they consistently support the right of the competent adult to make his own decision by imposing civil liability on those who perform medical treatment without consent, although the treatment may be beneficial or even necessary to preserve the patient’s life.” [3 cases cited]. ---
1982: Zant vs Prevatte. 286 SE 2d. 715, 717. Georgia. https://law.justia.com/cases/georgia/supremecourt/1982/38375-1.html A prison inmate had the right to starve himself by refusing forced feedings, due to his right to privacy. “A prisoner does not relinquish his constitutional right to privacy because of his status as a prisoner. The State has no right to monitor this man’s physical condition against his will; neither does it have the right to feed him to prevent his death from starvation if that is his wish…. it has no right to destroy a person’s will by frustrating his attempt to die if necessary to make a point.” --1983: Taft vs Taft. 446 NE 2d. 395. Massachusetts. https://law.justia.com/cases/massachusetts/supremecourt/1983/388-mass-331-2.html A woman’s pregnancy required sutures to preserve the pregnancy, but this was refused by the woman on account of religious beliefs. The court upheld the woman’s refusal. “The wife’s constitutional rights are established on the record. Any interest the State may have in requiring a competent, adult woman to submit to the operation is not established.” ---
1984: Bartling vs Superior Court. 209. California Reporter 220, 225. https://law.justia.com/cases/california/court-ofappeal/3d/163/186.html “The right of a competent adult patient to refuse medical treatment has its origins in the constitutional right of privacy. This right is specifically guaranteed by the California Constitution (Article 1 § 1) and has been found to exist in the ‘penumbra’ of rights guaranteed by the Fifth and Ninth Amendments to the United States Constitution. (Griswold vs Connecticut 1965). In short the law recognizes the individual interest in preserving ‘the inviolability of the person.’ The constitutional right of privacy guarantees to the individual the freedom to choose to reject, or refuse to consent to, intrusions of his bodily integrity.” “… if the right of the patient to self-determination as to his own medical treatment is to have any meaning at all, it must be paramount to the interests of the patient’s hospital and doctors.” [To do otherwise] removes his freedom of choice and invades his right to self-determination.” (Satz vs Perlmutter). ---
1985: In re Brown. 478 So. 2d 1033, 1040. Mississippi. https://law.justia.com/cases/mississippi/supremecourt/1985/478-so-2d-1033-0.html “The informed consent rule rests upon the bedrock of this state’s respect for the individual’s right to be free of unwanted bodily intrusions, no matter how well intentioned. Informed consent further suggests a corollary: the patient must be informed of the nature, means and likely consequences of the proposed treatment so that he may ‘knowingly’ determine what he should do, one of his options being rejection. That we would hesitate hardly a moment before holding liable a physician or hospital which proceeded without the patient’s informed consent says much regarding the patient’s broad right to refuse treatment.” --1985: St. Mary’s Hospital vs Ramsey. 465 So. 2d. 666, 668. Florida Appellate Court. https://casetext.com/case/st-marys-hosp-v-ramsey A Jehovah’s Witness kidney patient refused a blood transfusion. The Court ruled: “This competent, sick adult has the right to refuse a transfusion regardless of whether his refusal to do so arises from fear of adverse reaction, religious belief, recalcitrance or cost.” ---
1985: Matter of Conroy. 486 A 2d. 1209, 1225. New Jersey. https://law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey/supremecourt/1985/98-n-j-321-0.html “On balance, the right to self-determination ordinarily outweighs any countervailing state interests, and competent persons generally are permitted to refuse medical treatment, even at the risk of death.” “… We hold that life-sustaining treatment may be withheld or withdrawn from an incompetent patient when it is clear that the particular patient would have refused the treatment under the circumstances involved. The standard we are enunciating is a subjective one, consistent with the notion that the right that we are seeking to effectuate is a very personal right to control one’s own life. The question is not what a reasonable or average person would have chosen to do under the circumstances but what the particular patient would have done if able to choose for himself.” ---
1986: Bouvia vs Superior Court. 225 California Reporter 297 (Cal. App). https://law.justia.com/cases/california/court-ofappeal/3d/179/1127.html A quadriplegic expressed the wish to be allowed to die. “The right to refuse medical treatment is basic and fundamental. It is recognized as a part of the right of privacy protected by both the state and federal constitutions…. Its exercise requires no one’s approval. It is not merely one vote subject to being overridden by medical opinion.” [Citing Griswold vs Connecticut and Bartling vs Superior Court] are but a few examples of the decisions that have upheld a patient’s right to refuse medical treatment even at risk to his health or his very life.” This decision was approved by the Conservatorship of Wendland, 28 P.3d 151, 159. California in 2001. “But if additional persuasion be needed, there is ample. As indicated by the discussion in Bartling and Barber, substantial and respectable authority throughout the country recognize the right which petitioner seeks to exercise. Indeed, it is neither radical nor startlingly new. It is a basic and constitutionally predicated right. More than 70 years ago, Judge Benjamin Cardozo observed: ‘Every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body…’ (Schloendorff vs Society of New York Hospital).” ---
1987: In re Milton. 505 NE 2d. 255. Ohio. https://casetext.com/case/in-re-milton-10 The State of Ohio attempted to compel an inmate of a mental hospital, who was diagnosed with psychotic delusion, to undergo treatment for a cancerous tumor. “Appellant has expressed a long-standing belief in spiritual healing, and great weight must be given to her statement of her personal beliefs. We cannot evaluate the “correctness” or propriety of appellant’s belief. Absent the most exigent circumstances, court should never be a party to branding a citizen’s religious views as baseless on the grounds that they are non-traditional, unorthodox or at war with what the state or others perceive as reality.” “…we hold that the state may not compel a legally competent adult to submit to a medical treatment which would violate that individual’s religious beliefs even though the treatment is arguably life-extending.” --1987: Matter of Farrell. 529 A 2d. 404, 413. New Jersey. https://law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey/supremecourt/1987/108-n-j-335-0.html “Generally, a competent informed patient’s ‘interest in freedom from nonconsensual invasion of her bodily integrity would outweigh any state interest.’ Conroy 98 New Jersey at 355, 486. A 2d, 1209, at 1226 New Jersey 1985.” “A competent patient’s right to exercise his or her choice to refuse life-sustaining treatment does not vary depending on whether the patient is in a medical institution or at home.” ---
1987: Public Health Trust of Dade County vs Wons. 500 So 2d 679 Florida Appellate Court. https://law.justia.com/cases/florida/supremecourt/1989/69970-0.html The Court ruled that the State’s interest in having children reared by two parents was not a sufficient reason to order a Jehovah’s Witness patient to submit to a blood transfusion. “By forcing Mrs. Wons to submit to a blood transfusion forbidden by her religious beliefs, the state compelled rather than prohibited affirmative conduct, and there was no immediate public danger posed by her refusal to consent to the transfusion. Therefore, cases concerning the prohibition of affirmative religiously based conduct are inapposite to this case.” (See in re Estate of Brooks). --1987: Sagala vs Tavares. 367 Pennsylvania Superior Court 573, 578, 533 A 2d 165, 167 https://cite.case.law/pa-super/367/573/#p578 “In order for a consent to be considered informed it must be shown that the patient was advised of ‘those risks which a reasonable man would have considered material to his decision whether or not to undergo treatment.’ “ (Cooper vs Roberts 220 PA Super 260, 286A 2d. 647.) And that this is the standard of care. (Festa vs Greenberg, 354 PA Superior Court 346, 511 A 2d 1371, 1373. 1986.) “As a practical matter, an operation performed without informed consent is a technical battery, which makes the physician liable for any injuries resulting from that invasion.” ---
1988: Cruzan vs Harmon. 760 SW 2nd, 408, 417. Missouri. https://law.justia.com/cases/missouri/supremecourt/1988/70813-0.html “The doctrine of informed consent arose in recognition of the value society places on a person’s autonomy and as the primary vehicle by which a person can protect the integrity of his body. If one can consent to treatment, one can also refuse it. Thus, as a necessary corollary to informed consent, the right to refuse treatment arose.” “A decision as to medical treatment must be informed.” “There are three basic prerequisites for informed consent: the patient must have the capacity to reason and make judgments, the decision must be made voluntarily and without coercion, and the patient must have a clear understanding of the risks and benefits of the proposed treatment alternatives or nontreatment, along with a full understanding of the nature of the disease and the prognosis.” --1989: In re EG, 549 NE 2d 322, 328 Illinois. https://law.justia.com/cases/illinois/supremecourt/1989/66089-7.html A 17-year old leukemia patient and Jehovah’s Witness refused blood transfusion, upheld by the court. “We find that a mature minor may exercise a common law right to consent to or refuse medical care….” “Because we find that a mature minor may exercise a common law right to consent to or refuse medical care, we decline to address the constitutional issue.” --363
1990: In re Guardianship of Browning. 568 So 2nd 4, 10 Florida. https://law.justia.com/cases/florida/supremecourt/1990/74174-0.html “An integral component of self-determination is the right to make choices pertaining to one’s health, including the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment.” “Recognizing that one has the inherent right to make choices about medical treatment, we necessarily conclude that this right encompasses all medical choices. A competent individual has the constitutional right to refuse medical treatment regardless of his or her medical condition…. The issue involves a patient’s right of self-determination and does not involve what is thought to be in the patient’s best interests.” --1990: In re AC., 573 A 2d. 1235, 1252. Washington DC 1990, en banc. https://law.justia.com/cases/district-of-columbia/court-ofappeals/1990/87-609-4.html “… the right of bodily integrity is not extinguished simply because someone is ill, or even at death’s door. To protect that right against intrusion by others, family members, doctors, hospitals, or anyone else, however, well-intentioned, we hold that a court must determine the patient’s wishes by any means available, and must abide by those wishes unless there are truly extraordinary or compelling reasons to override them.” ---
“We emphasize, nevertheless, that it would be an extraordinary case indeed in which a court might ever be justified in overriding the patient’s wishes and authorizing a major surgical procedure such as a caesarian section. Throughout this opinion we have stressed that the patient’s wishes, once they are ascertained must be followed in ‘virtually all cases,’ ante at 1249, unless there are ‘truly extraordinary or compelling reasons to override them,’ ante at 1247. Indeed, some may doubt that there could ever be a situation extraordinary or compelling enough to justify a massive intrusion into a person’s body, such as a caesarean section, against that person’s will.” --1990: Cruzan vs Director, Missouri Dept of Health. 497 US 261, 270. https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/497/261 This US Supreme Court case has been cited as the definitive case that prohibits government / police power enforcement of any medical treatment. “The logical corollary of the doctrine of informed consent is that the patient generally possesses the right not to consent, that is, to refuse treatment.” “Most state courts have based a right to refuse treatment on the common law right to informed consent, see e.g. In re Storar or on both that right and a constitutional privacy right see e.g. Superintendent of Belchertown State School vs Saikewicz.” ---
1991: Norwood Hospital vs Muñoz: 564 NE 2d 1017, Massachusetts. http://masscases.com/cases/sjc/409/409mass116.html A Jehovah’s Witness, who was the mother of a minor child, had a right to refuse blood transfusion, upheld by the Court. “A competent adult has a common law and constitutional right to refuse a life-saving blood transfusion, based on the individual’s rights to bodily integrity and privacy…. There is no doubt, therefore, that Ms. Muñoz has a right to refuse the blood transfusion.” --1992: Matter of Guardianship of LW. 481 NW 2d 60, 65. Wisconsin. https://law.justia.com/cases/wisconsin/supremecourt/1992/89-1197-9.html “The logical corollary of the doctrine of informed consent is the right not to consent – the right to refuse treatment.” “We conclude that an individual’s right to refuse unwanted medical treatment emanates from the common law right of self-determination and informed consent, the personal liberties protected by the Fourteenth Amendment and from the guarantee of liberty in Article 1 Section 1 of the Wisconsin Constitution.” ---
1993: Thor vs Superior Court. 855 P. 2d. 375. California. https://law.justia.com/cases/california/supremecourt/4th/5/725.html “More than a century ago, the United States Supreme Court declared, “No right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded, by the common law, than the right of every individual to possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and unquestionable authority of law…. ‘The right to one’s person may be said to be a right of complete immunity: to be let alone.’ [Citation.]” (Union Pacific Railway Co. vs Botsford 1891).” “Until recently, the question of a patient’s right to refuse lifesustaining treatment has implicated potentially conflicting medical, legal and ethical considerations. The developing interdisciplinary consensus, however, now uniformly recognizes the patient’s right of control over bodily integrity as the subsuming essential in determining the relative balance of interests…. This preeminent deference derives principally from ‘the long-standing importance in our Anglo-American legal tradition of personal autonomy and the right of selfdetermination.’ [5 cases cited]. As John Stuart Mill succinctly stated, ‘Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.’ Mill, On Liberty (1859 p. 13). “Because health care decisions intrinsically concern one’s subjective sense of well-being, this right of personal autonomy does not turn on the wisdom, i.e., medical rationality, of the individual’s choice.” “We therefore hold that Andrews’s right of self-determination and bodily integrity prevails over any countervailing duty to preserve life.” ---
1996: In re Fiori. 673. A. 2d. 905, 910. Pennsylvania. https://cite.case.law/pa/543/592/ “From this right to be free from bodily invasion developed the doctrine of informed consent. (See Schloendorff.) The doctrine of informed consent declares that absent an emergency situation, medical treatment may not be imposed without the patient’s informed consent. A logical corollary to this doctrine is the patient’s right, in general, ‘to refuse treatment and to withdraw consent to treatment once begun.’ Courts have unanimously concluded that this right to selfdetermination does not cease upon the incapacitation of the individual.” [3 cases cited] --2001: In re Duran. 769 A 2d 497. Pennsylvania Superior Court. https://law.justia.com/cases/pennsylvania/superiorcourt/2001/a02026-01.html A liver transplant patient gave explicit instructions not to receive transfused blood during operation. “Appellant next argues that the trial court violated Maria’s common law and constitutional rights when it appointed an emergency guardian to consent to a blood transfusion on behalf of Maria in spite of her religious beliefs and prior directives. We agree.” “[The patient’s] unequivocal refusal of blood transfusion therapy is protected by Pennsylvania common law and that the trial court erred when it appointed an emergency guardian to abridge this right.”
“The right to refuse medical treatment is deeply rooted in our common law. This right to bodily integrity was recognized by the United States Supreme Court over a century ago when it proclaimed ‘no right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person….’ “ (Union Pacific Railway Co vs Botsford.) “The right to control the integrity of one’s body spawned the doctrine of informed consent.” (See Fiori; Schloendorff) --2001: Conservatorship of Wendland. 28 P 3d. 151, 158. California. https://law.justia.com/cases/california/supremecourt/4th/26/519.html “One relatively certain principle is that a competent adult has the right to refuse medical treatment, even treatment necessary to sustain life. The Legislature has cited this principle to justify legislation governing medical care decisions (§ 4650), and courts have invoked it as a starting point for [26 Cal. 4th 531] analysis, even in cases examining the rights of incompetent persons and the duties of surrogate decision makers.” [2 cases cited]. --2008: Salandy vs Bryk. 864 New York 2d 46 New York AD. https://casetext.com/case/salandy-v-bryk A Jehovah’s Witness patient refused a blood transfusion, however the physician ignored the patient and performed the transfusion. The Court held that the patient could sue the physician for medical malpractice and infliction of emotional distress. --369
2010: Stouffer vs. Reid. 993 A 2nd 104, 109. Maryland. https://casetext.com/case/stouffer-v-reid-1 “We explained that the ‘fountainhead of the doctrine [of informed consent] is the patient’s right to exercise control over his own body … by deciding for himself [or herself] whether or not to submit to the particular therapy.’ (Mack, 618 A 2d at 755. Maryland; Sard vs Hardy. 379 A 2d 1014, 1019. Maryland.) Further, we point out that ‘a corollary to the doctrine is the patient’s right, in general, to refuse treatment and to withdraw consent to treatment once begun.’” Id. --Even persons who are confined in the State’s custody have a constitutional right to refuse “treatment,” at least in some situations. (Davis vs Hubbard). See for example, Mackey vs Procunier, 477 F 2d 877 (9th Circuit 1973); Knecht vs Gillman, 488 F. 2d 1136 (8th Cir. 1973); Scott vs Plante, 532 F 2d 939 (3rd Cir. 1976); Bell vs Wayne County General Hospital, 384 F. Supp. 1085, 1100 ED Mich. 1974); Rennie vs Klein, 462 F Supp. 1131 (D NJ 1978); Rogers vs Okin, 478 F Supp. 1342 (D. Mass 1979) ---
Two very pertinent and famous cases are notably missing from this list of cases. Roe vs Wade addressed bodily autonomy and selfdetermination of a pregnant woman. What has remained controversial is to what extent the other human being contained within her body is or is not also endowed with, or may have claim to, the rights of people, such as life. I leave that complex and long-debated matter (back to at least the time of Aristotle) for other discussions in different venues. The other pertinent and controversial case in this area of bodily autonomy is the much misunderstood and misquoted Jacobson vs Massachusetts case of 1905. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/197/11/ Mr. Jacobson had nearly died as a child after receiving a smallpox vaccine in his native Europe. Later, having immigrated to the US, the State of Massachusetts sought to compel citizens to receive a smallpox vaccine. Jacobson prosecuted the State. The US Supreme Court favored the belief that smallpox vaccination was safe and effective, and therefore the Court alleged a compelling state interest in mandating the injection on citizens. Justice John Marshall Harlan, writing for the majority: “Until otherwise informed by the highest court of Massachusetts we are not inclined to hold that the statute establishes the absolute rule that an adult must be vaccinated if it be apparent or can be shown with reasonable certainty that he is not at the time a fit subject of vaccination or that vaccination, by reason of his then condition, would seriously impair his health or probably cause his death. No such case is here presented.”
However, it had already been empirically observed for over twenty years, since the Leicester England tragedies, that those vaccinated with smallpox were more likely to die of smallpox than the unvaccinated, and that stricter smallpox vaccination laws in the 1860’s were followed by an acceleration of smallpox outbreaks, until a smallpox pandemic swept through Europe in 1870-1872. Journalists, professors, doctors and parents warned of outbreaks following – not preceding – vaccination campaigns. 698 What is little known about the 1905 Jacobson case is that Jacobson was given a choice to pay a five-dollar fine or to submit to the vaccination, and Jacobson ultimately chose to pay the fine. This would be about $ 161.20 in today’s currency. “And the Court ordered that he stand committed until the fine was paid.” The US Supreme Court did not mandate the government or police to force Mr. Jacobson to have the vaccine against his will. But they did fine him for this decision. Was Jacobson unreasonable in his refusal to be vaccinated? Twenty years earlier in Leicester England during a demonstration of 80,000 to 100,000 people from all over England, Mr. Councillor Butcher of Leicester said of the mass of people who had gathered, “They lived for something else in this world than to be experimented upon for the stamping out of a particular disease. A large and increasing portion of the public were of the opinion that the best way to get rid of smallpox and similar diseases was to use plenty of water, eat good food, live in light and airy houses, and see that the Corporation kept the streets clean and the drains in order. If such details were attended to, there was no need to fear smallpox, or any of its kindred; and if they were neglected, neither vaccination nor any other prescription by Act of Parliament could save them.” 699 372
PART 9 Healing
Chapter 29: Fighting Back Against COVID Vaccine Injuries Fighting Back Against COVID-Vaccine Injury Can some of the injuries inflicted by the COVID vaccines be reversed? Let’s take stock of which treatments are most promising, and get started with them. Disclaimers: None of the substances mentioned below can be expected to accomplish a full reversal of vulnerability, risks and in some cases outright injury inflicted by the COVID vaccines, but one or more may possibly be effective enough for some people. None of the following discussion is intended as either diagnosis or medical advice. As always, consult your local healthcare provider for your optimal individualized plan. In the past I have referred to the post-vaccine recovery treatments recommended by Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik. 700 However, I think there may be some additional promising treatments, which I will discuss below. Prevention is a lot easier than cure. This is why I usually focus my writing on prevention of harm, rather than trying to reverse it. The COVID vaccines are so hazardous that, while maintaining a full-time medical practice (in a partly unrelated field, naturopathic oncology), I took time in 2021-2022 to write a book on the hazards of the COVID vaccines, in which I cited over 300 studies in the first edition showing that these products were neither safe nor effective, the title of the book. 701 Those vaccines absolutely must be avoided at all costs, by all people of all age groups and occupations, without exception.
Nevertheless, let’s go after the spike protein as best we can, if you have already been injected. The spike protein is the product manufactured by the hijacking of genetic machinery by mRNA COVID vaccines. These newly produced proteins are then taken throughout the body by circulating blood and lymph. Spike proteins have notoriously damaging effects on multiple bodily organs. I have written extensively in my book Neither Safe Nor Effective and my Substack articles on these mechanisms of injury. References on these premises of widespread pharmacokinetics and harmful effects are now in the thousands, and these premises are now understood and accepted as true by increasingly large populations. So how shall we reverse the effects of the spike proteins?
From https://www.autonewseye.com/u-turn-sign/
Ivermectin Ivermectin has shown the greatest number of distinct effects against spike proteins of any substance I know. Of all substances, I think it offers the best help to the vaccineinjured, as well as to the unvaccinated who suspect that they have been exposed to spike proteins. 376
Ivermectin is produced from cultures of the bacteria Streptomyces avermitilis. You may know of ivermectin as having earned its developers Satoshi Omura and William Campbell the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015, for its tremendous effect against river blindness and filariasis diseases in tropical regions. Its very broad range of antimicrobial activity has shown effects against diseases caused by roundworms, mites, lice and ticks, as well as many viruses. 702 For this reason, ivermectin has been listed for many years in the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. 703 The reader may have also heard biased pronouncements of “horse paste” by journalists employed by media funded by competitive commercial interests against ivermectin. Ivermectin has several mechanisms against spike protein. One of its most impressive effects is that it binds the protein Importin alpha / Beta-1, which would allow passage of coronavirus carrying spike protein into the nucleus of human cells. 704 705 706 Ivermectin not only binds this Importin α / β-1 protein, but also destabilizes and inhibits it. This is one of the ways that ivermectin has been so effective against COVID-19 disease, from over 95 studies to date in 27 countries. 707 Ivermectin has been shown to block spike protein’s clumping effect (called hemagglutination, which can lead to clotting) on red blood cells when ivermectin was dosed either before or after exposure to spike protein. 708 Ivermectin accomplishes this anti-clumping effect by binding tightly to spike protein. 709 710 Thus hemagglutination is prevented. This effect against red blood cell clumping is an extremely important action against clotting, which is one of the main means of harm caused by the COVID vaccines. Another mechanism of ivermectin against clotting is its prevention of spike protein interaction with CD-147 on human red blood cells, preventing spike proteins from docking there, and by this means preventing the clumping of red blood cells together. 711
Ivermectin not only binds to part of the spike protein, but it binds to all three spike protein subunits, both the structural S2 subunit, as well as both of the two S1 subunits. 712 This is a trifecta of good fortune for the human sufferer of spike protein injury. This comprehensive binding effect makes ivermectin’s thwarting of spike mischief that much more effective, than if binding spike only at a single molecule. COVID-vaccinated people tend to have high levels of inflammation and low immune function, suffering notoriously frequent bouts of COVID, despite the high-profile advertising of the vaccine that they received. Seneff, Nigh et al. found that this immune damage was primarily characterized by loss of Type I Interferon, our most important immune chemical signaling agent. 713 Ivermectin helps restore Type I interferon and interferon-related genes. 714 Also, because ivermectin so thoroughly binds spike proteins, at multiple sites, it holds promise for the related vaccine escape strains, Delta, Omicron, etc., that have continually plagued COVIDvaccinated individuals. I personally have found that COVID-vaccinated patients tend to feel much better very quickly after taking even one ivermectin dose, and they seem to do much better than those who refuse to take it. I have not yet seen such quick improvements in both wellbeing and energy in the COVIDvaccinated with any other treatment so far as after even one dose of ivermectin.
Ivermectin can be taken daily or weekly. It has been taken on a weekly basis for decades by people in tropical areas. The safety profile is very impressive. Because ivermectin has been established as one of the world’s safest drugs, 715 the first clinical trial phases have already been completed. As a re-purposed drug, it can reduce the time frame for widespread use and benefit. 716 12 mg / day has been observed to be a generally well-tolerated dose for adults. Ivermectin is absorbed 2.5 times better with food than without. 12 mg doses are available, 717 but consulting with your healthcare provider is essential to best address individual needs, for which this article is no adequate substitute. Protecting the brain Serious neurological injury is correlated with the COVID vaccines. 718 In Chapter 9, I showed there are at least three known ways that COVID vaccines can injure the brain. Let’s consider the most promising ways to reverse as much as possible such injuries. Agmatine Agmatine is made in the body from arginine, a common amino acid in most protein-rich foods. You likely eat some arginine at least once or twice per day, even if vegan. Chemically, agmatine is classified as a polyamine, which is like a protein or peptide, but much smaller. Agmatine, when supplemented, has been shown to protect neurons 719 and the blood-brain barrier. 720 721 It also prevents oxidation and edema.722 It has shown a lot of promise against chronic diseases of the brain, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, 723 as well as acute attack, such as stroke. 724 Some of the specific effects are that Agmatine increases blood flow into and out of the nervous system, seems to improve cognitive function and helps to repair brain injury. 725 726 379
Dosing 500 mg, once or twice per day seems to be well tolerated, and much smaller than the 2670 mg /day taken orally for five years in one study, 727 but must be discussed with your healthcare provider, for best individual care. Phosphatidyl serine Phosphatidyl serine (PS) is a naturally occurring molecule in the body, located in the membranes of human cells. It serves to keep cells responsive to signaling with other cells. It has been said that PS is the best defense against age-related cognitive decline. In mice, PS was shown to improve learning and memory as well as myelination within three months, 728 and in rats in three weeks, 729 and that was after the rats had initially been given a neurotoxin. Another rat study showed that brain inflammation, neurological deficits and that surgically-induced ischemic (stroke-like) injury was improved within 24 to 72 hours with PS. 730 Another study found that inflammation was reduced and viable neurons increased, including in the hippocampus, which is active in learning and memory, following oral dosing of PS. 731 I have used phosphatidyl serine when indicated with my patients for many years, and have found it to be helpful and well tolerated at 100 mg oral dosing in the evenings. Some doctors dose it more frequently throughout the day. This is another substance that should be discussed with a local healthcare provider before starting. For example, I would generally not give PS to an Addison’s Disease patient, due to an observed cortisol-lowering effect.
Protecting the heart and blood vessels Nattokinase Nattokinase is an exciting and promising intervention for those with spike protein exposure. Nattokinase is an enzyme from a traditional Japanese fermented food, natto, which is made from soy. Tanikawa et al. found that nattokinase degrades the spike protein, in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner. 732 Nattokinase also has the highest fibrinolytic and thrombolytic (clot-breaking) effect of tested substances by oral route, and very importantly, it does this without provoking bleeding as a side effect. 733 Many studies have been published on the clotdissolving effect of nattokinase. 734 Chemically induced clots in dogs were dissolved, and imaging showed that normal blood flow was restored, within five hours after oral dosing of nattokinase. 735 Human response to a single dose of 2000 units of nattokinase showed similar clot-dissolving effect within four hours. 736 These effects seem especially well-suited to COVID vaccine blood vessel injuries, because it is the walls of the blood vessels that are damaged with disruption to normal blood flow that has been so dangerous for COVID-vaccinated people, 737 best seen in the retina. 738 Those vessel walls and the clots that form at their inner surface seem to be repaired by nattokinase. 739 I have asked my COVID-vaccinated patients to take nattokinase 2000 units per day, a typically well-tolerated dose, 740 while running these labs every 3 months: D-dimer, CBC / platelets, fibrinogen, PT / INR, if any of those have been out of reference range. Naturopathic physicians have recommended nattokinase and similar for decades for some, not all, cardiovascular patients, when indicated, and I have never known it to cause new problems. It seems to be generally well tolerated. 381
Protecting the immune system Vitamin D Vitamin D3, also named cholecalciferol, is the active form of vitamin D. The irony of vitamin D3 luxurious wealth in the homeless (but without other reasons for the rest of us to envy such an economic condition) is that their long exposure to sunlight begins vitamin D production in the skin and is further developed in the liver and kidneys, and this natural production is widely considered to be the best quality vitamin D. Supplemented vitamin D3, while often lifesaving, is a less desirable substitute for skin exposure to sunlight, and of course, must be without sunscreen. Sunscreen, besides containing carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting ingredients, interferes with optimal vitamin D production. I have lived for decades in one of the sunniest places on earth, Arizona, and play outdoor sports. I have never used sunscreen, because of – not in spite of – risk / benefit analysis. Vitamin D3 does not seem to affect spike protein antibodies, and may not have much interaction directly with spike proteins,741 but indirectly, it impacts the ACE-2 receptors that spike proteins use for entry to human cells. 742 743 The range of benefits for immune function imparted by vitamin D3 is vast, and seems to affect all major aspects of immune function. I cited 130 studies in the chapter on Vitamin D alone, for use against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID, in the book The Defeat Of COVID. 744
Of those immune effects that could benefit the COVIDvaccinated, I think one of the strongest may be its support of Type I interferon. Type I interferon is one of the most important chemical messengers in our immune systems, and this is one of the huge losses of the COVID-vaccinated. This loss of Type I interferon is likely the main reason why they suffer repeated bouts of COVID. 745 If vitamin D3 levels are above 50 (and I prefer them to be 70 to 100), then both acute COVID and long COVID have been far less likely to cause hospitalization and death. 109 treatment studies from 32 countries show overwhelming benefit of vitamin D against COVID disease and SARS-CoV-2. 746 Another protection of vitamin D against COVID-vaccine injury likely involves the following. Researchers have found that vitamin D stabilizes the endothelium within 24 hours, by strengthening cell-cell junctions. 747 The endothelium that lines all of our blood vessels is where tremendous damage is seen in the recent epidemic of myocarditis and brain injuries following the COVID vaccines. At my clinic, for a variety of reasons, we almost all take 10,000 to 14,000 units of vitamin D3 per day, patients and staff, even those of us who have 20+ minutes average sunlight exposure per day. However, you and your healthcare provider may prefer different dosing. Due to the highest quality vitamin D availability from sun exposure, it may be helpful for the COVID-vaccinated, and probably everyone else as well, to incorporate outdoor time on a daily basis.
None of these substances can be assumed to be ‘good enough.’ Because none of the above substances can be expected to completely antidote the mild to moderately poisonous effects of the COVID vaccines, I hereby do NOT endorse those vaccines for use by anyone of any age group. Nobody should read this article, and then say, “Well, okay, I’ll give in to my employer / parent / sibling, etc. and get the jab, just to keep the peace, because I can always antidote it later.” No, you cannot always, and can never fully, antidote it. Rather than relying on an elusive holy grail antidote, you must fight with every legal means available to you to keep these experimental substances out of your body. If you have already had one or a few doses, you must fight like hell, fight as hard as the unvaccinated, to not be inflicted with any more. In this blunt language, I hope to convey necessary urgency. Religious exemptions are strong, even indisputable arguments, when well expressed, throughout the United States, as in chapters 24 and 25. Such arguments are also available to people of no recognized religion, and they must be equally available and accessible, on the basis of the 1st Amendment, 748 Equal Protections Clause of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution 749 and the 1964 Civil Rights Act. 750 There are also legal arguments for refusing mandated medical procedures on the assertion of bodily autonomy, based on a century of case law, including many Supreme Court cases such as in Chapter 28. There are also medical exemptions from principled and courageous medical practitioners. Remember the conventional wisdom regarding exemptions: Religious ones have often worked better than medical ones. And some unconventional wisdom: If you decide to use a negative religious assertion, it can be: “I am NOT a member of the vaccine religion, and should NOT be forced to take its sacraments,” citing the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. 384
Dedication I would like to repeat that this book is dedicated to Ernesto Ramirez, Jr. who lost his life, at 16 years old, just 5 days after his one Pfizer vaccine, an event verified on autopsy by four independent physicians, although Ernesto played sports and had no health problems before the vaccine. Here Ernest’s Dad lays to rest his son.
This book is also dedicated to all those who lost loved ones following vaccines, or who tried to talk a loved one out of a vaccine, or who risked their source of income or their education, standing strong against peer pressure, bullying, superstition and “mandates.” 387
Endnotes Introduction 1
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Chapter 1 4
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C Huber. The Defeat of COVID. Apr 10 2021. https://www.amazon.com/Defeat-COVID-medical-studiesdoesnt/dp/0578248212/ref=sr_1_1 7
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J Murphy, C Huber. Student athletes perform worse than controls following COVID vaccines. Jan 16 2022. PDMJ. https://pdmj.org/papers/Student_athletes_perform_worse_than_controls_foll owing_COVID_vaccines 235
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Chapter 4 240
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Naomi Wolf had begun to gather informal reports from individuals on social media regarding menstrual irregularities in family members of recently vaccinated people. Before that information was consolidated or analyzed, she was suspended from Twitter. This BBC article is too biased to attain credibility, but gives the key event of discussing of vaccine secondary effects and the June 56, 2021 timeframe of Wolf’s suspension from Twitter, which is close in time to peak incidence of secondary effects in this study. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57374241 None of the prominent MSM smear articles on the event of Wolf’s suspension from Twitter reveal any attempt to interview Wolf, and one of her detractors claims that he “took an hour on the internet” to refute her, leaving the reader no confidence in the veracity of such articles. https://www.businessinsider.com/whos-afraid-ofnaomi-wolf-2021-6 It is possible that the empirical data that Wolf had begun to gather may be lost permanently. 247
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Chapter 5 249
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Index Adjuvants
Adverse events (See also Injuries)
25, 29, 38, 42, 54-58, 58-60, 66, 68, 71-76, 79-80, 85, 89, 98, 107, 112, 122-125, 135, 140, 145, 154-158, 162-163, 170-171, 173-181, 189-192, 194, 196, 212, 215-219, 222223, 291, 328, 335-338,
Animal studies
21-22, 24, 72, 97, 149, 151, 192, 220, 233, 284
14, 22-25, 52-53, 92, 149151, 191, 203-209, 220-222, 235-242, 251, 253, 257, 263, 283, 317-319, 382
Antibody dependent enhancement (See also Original antigenic sin)
24, 92, 221
80, 96, 121-122, 139-143, 219, 240
77-78, 93-94, 321
77, 183
Biological gradient (See Dose response) Births (See also Fertility and Infertility; Pregnancy)
183-202, 216, 222
Bivalent COVID vaccines
14, 33, 45, 69, 89
Blood-brain barrier
23, 68, 145-156, 216, 223, 379
Blood donation
Bradford Hill criteria
Brain (See also Blood-brain barrier)
23, 68-69, 112, 125-126, 145171, 216, 222-223, 379-380, 383
68-69, 77
35, 60, 69, 80, 92, 99, 108, 112, 117, 157, 203-216, 218, 253, 268-269, 300-301, 350
Cardiac arrest
80, 83-84, 247, 336-337
74, 79, 80, 84, 91, 107-140, 217, 278, 328, 335, 381
Children, adolescents, fetuses
19, 22, 28, 35, 68-69, 88, 90, 141, 144, 189, 192, 193, 195, 198, 206, 243, 244, 246, 260, 262, 287, 349-350, 336, 362, 366
Cleveland Clinic
44-46, 85
23, 26-27, 67, 91, 107-138, 144, 156, 167, 176, 180-181, 223, 377, 381
Court cases, court orders
19, 55, 58-60, 74, 79, 80, 99, 140, 149, 154, 189, 194, 216. 217, 248, 307-312, 315, 320, 322, 326, 341-372
27, 33-38, 76-78, 124, 275, 277-279, 287, 291
COVID Positivity / PCR test (See also Efficacy)
29, 33, 35, 38-52, 74-75, 7980, 85, 87-88, 98, 204, 277279
COVID Survival
20, 22, 27, 63, 218
COVID Transmission
20, 26, 38, 40, 190, 192
From vaccinated to unvaccinated
26, 100, 189, 190, 192
Deaths from vaccines
5, 24, 27, 29, 33, 35-39, 50, 51, 54-64, 67, 69, 71, 74-83, 88, 91, 93-94, 96, 97, 98, 122, 140, 162, 168, 175, 189, 193, 195, 200, 215, 217, 235, 275278, 309, 336, 338-339
Data disappearance
Data manipulation
29, 38
5, 387
47, 80, 183, 336
21, 23, 69, 131, 157, 204, 216, 220-221, 245, 313, 315, 335
Dose dependent effects
44, 85-90, 98
Efficacy and negative efficacy
14, 20, 24, 33, 38-53, 76, 235, 269, 310
Emergency use authorization (EUA)
20, 308
England (See United Kingdom) Exemption Medical
311, 322, 323-339, 384
197, 307-322, 384
Fauci, Anthony
13-14, 54, 65
FDA (US Food and Drug Administration)
Fertility and infertility (See also Births; Pregnancy)
11, 14-15, 20-22, 29, 55, 74, 80, 90-91, 99-100, 140, 149, 154, 156, 189, 216, 217, 220, 222, 259, 289, 292-293, 308 25, 183-202, 216, 222
Fluid dynamics
29, 57, 267-269
50-21, 80, 88, 183, 336
Golden Rule
31 471
Heart (See also Cardiovascular)
25-26, 67,69, 79, 89, 121138, 144-145, 149, 219, 232, 242, 247, 328, 338, 381
29, 40, 42, 50, 125, 287, 338, 383
Immune system, Immunity
14, 25, 53, 67, 91-92, 160, 180, 203-214, 218-219, 241, 243, 251-263, 283, 285, 319
Adaptive immunity
91, 211, 251-258, 283-286
Innate immunity
67, 91, 211, 251, 258, 283, 300, 319
51, 76, 81, 198-200, 293
Infection with SARS-CoV-2
20, 21, 25-27, 38-48, 67, 74, 81, 85, 90-91, 121, 126, 130, 161, 204-208, 235, 242, 287, 294, 299, 300, 318, 334, 335
13, 15, 19, 25, 29, 38, 54-63, 66-69, 71-98, 112, 122-125, 135, 154-181, 215-223, 325, 335-338, 344, 375-383
48, 80, 183
20, 27, 80, 83, 93, 191, 199, 336-337
Korea, South
50, 80
Lipids in vaccines; LNPs
21, 67-68, 96-97, 148-149, 151, 153-154, 157, 167, 190, 192, 197, 216, 221-223, 233, 244, 246, 284, 335
21, 125, 149, 222, 246, 254, 335, 382
21, 23-24, 111, 127, 221-222, 235-242, 246, 286, 301
11, 15, 29, 42, 248, 307, 309310, 322, 328, 372, 384
Microclotting (See also Clotting)
67, 91, 135, 144, 176, 181
24-25, 102, 193-196, 222
21, 23, 68, 125, 128-129, 157, 204, 222, 246
16, 21-24, 47, 67-68, 80, 8997, 121-126, 130, 135, 139140, 143, 149-154, 157, 161163, 167-168, 177, 180, 191194, 197, 203, 205-206, 210223, 232-233, 257, 284, 335338, 375
Mortality from vaccines (See deaths from vaccines) Myocarditis (See also Heart)
25-26, 67, 79-81, 89-90, 121131, 180, 216, 219-220, 328, 336, 383
Negative efficacy (See Efficacy) Nervous system
21, 143, 145-169, 222, 246, 379
Omicron (See Variants, Omicron) Original antigenic sin
248, 307, 310
102, 125, 149, 196, 212, 222
Plausibility, biological
73, 91, 98, 217
Polyethylene glycol (PEG)
21, 151, 246, 284
Pregnancy (See also Births; Fertility and infertility) Qatar
193-194, 356 52
Safety topics
19, 33, 37-39, 53-98, 100, 131, 155, 215, 243-246, 285, 291-292, 353, 379
81, 89
48, 94
Secondary effects
121, 319, 371-372
25, 167, 191-193, 222
Spike proteins
16, 22-25, 67-69, 72, 77, 8991, 99-104, 121-131, 135, 143-144, 151-157, 167, 180, 190, 193, 196-197, 204-205, 210, 216, 218, 220, 222-223, 235, 281, 295-296, 335, 338, 375-384
125, 149, 222
Sweden (See also Scandinavia)
50, 183, 185-187, 336
73, 80-83, 175, 217, 336
Testes (See Sperm) Thrombosis (See Clotting) Treatments for COVID
20, 269-270, 281, 289, 291292, 296, 298-301
Treatments for spike protein exposure
103, 375-384
Treatments, medical, unwanted
308-309, 325, 341-372
Tromethamine (Tris)
United Kingdom
47, 67, 88-89, 116
United States
13, 16, 27, 33-38, 43-44, 51, 53, 56, 60-64, 74-76, 79, 81, 83, 93, 96, 99, 121, 124, 160, 162, 175, 183, 196-198, 201, 213, 248, 260, 267, 278-279, 292-293, 307-316, 319-321, 327, 338-339, 341-372, 384
Vaccine exemption (See Exemption) VAERS
38, 56-58, 74, 81-83, 99, 162163, 175, 196, 212, 308, 338
Variants Delta
46, 51, 53, 80, 91, 205, 235, 255, 335, 378
40-41, 46-53, 76, 79-80, 89, 91, 205, 235, 335, 378
Vascular endothelium (See Cardiovascular) Vietnam
Vitamin D
253, 255, 258, 283-287, 300301, 382-383
Worldwide data
275, 279