The doctor within by Dr Tim O'Shea (author of Vaccination Is Not Immunization )

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The doctor within by Dr Tim O'Shea (author of Vaccination Is Not Immunization )

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9/17/23, 8:11 PM

A Normal Life - thedoctorwithin

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A Normal Life Get Our Newsletter

You’re born. You get no drugs and no vaccinations. During childhood you have the usual mild, immune-building illnesses, but conservative treatment gets you through them without antibiotics or drugs, and you build your natural immune defenses. You don’t eat white sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils, pasteurized dairy, or drink soft drinks or excessive alcohol. You concentrate on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and a clean, natural diet. You never learn to drink coffee or to smoke cigarettes. The only pills you take are natural antioxidants and enzymes and minerals, which are part of your daily intake. You drink 1 – 2 liters of water every day. Into adulthood, you never get sick: no colds, no flu, no headaches, no diabetes, no ADD, no “thyroid problems,” no panic attacks, growing pains, fatigue, or digestive disorders, no high blood pressure. The only pains you experience come from accidental injury. Perhaps you do moderate exercise


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A Normal Life - thedoctorwithin

or sports activity to maintain mobility and general fitness. You look to the care of your spine. You stay adjusted. Your entire adulthood is spent in this disease-free mode. As you age, your mind gets sharper, your body gets stronger, your immune system tougher. You experience no arthritis, cancer, or osteoporosis, no Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Finally one day after 90 or 100 years, you flicker like a candle and go out. The above paragraph may be useful in choosing a doctor. Some doctors will say all this is impossible; which for them is true. So don’t choose them. All this is possible; moreover, thousands and thousands of people are living it. So listen only to those who can help you achieve such a condition of living health. Because now we’ve arrived at the threshold of a time when good health and a powerful immune system are not only advisable; they are the very determinants of survival.


9/17/23, 8:11 PM

A Normal Life - thedoctorwithin

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9/17/23, 8:12 PM

Fake news: history of the public relations industry

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The Doors of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything Get Our Newsletter

Fake news.

– Tim O’Shea


9/17/23, 8:12 PM

Fake news: history of the public relations industry

Aldous Huxley’s inspired 1954 essay detailed the vivid, mind-expanding, multisensory insights of his mescaline adventures. By altering his brain chemistry with natural psychotropics, Huxley tapped into a rich and fluid world of shimmering, indescribable beauty and power. With his neurosensory input thus triggered, Huxley was able to enter that parallel universe glimpsed by every mystic and space captain in recorded history. Whether by hallucination or epiphany, Huxley sought to remove all bonds, all controls, all filters, all cultural conditioning from his perceptions and to confront Nature or the World or Reality first-hand – in its unpasteurized, unedited, unretouched infinite rawness. Right off the cave wall. Those bonds are much harder to break today, half a century later. We are the most conditioned, programmed beings the world has ever known. Not only are our thoughts and attitudes continually being shaped and molded; our very awareness of the whole design seems like it is being subtly and inexorably erased. The doors of our perception are carefully and precisely regulated. It is an exhausting and endless task to keep explaining to people how most issues of conventional wisdom are scientifically implanted in the public consciousness by a thousand media clips per day. In an effort to save time, I would like to provide just a little background on the handling of information in this country. Once the basic principles are illustrated about how our current system of media control arose historically, the reader might be more apt to question any given story in today’s news. If everybody believes something, it’s probably wrong. We call that



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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

In America, conventional wisdom that has mass acceptance is usually contrived. Somebody paid for it. Examples: Pharmaceuticals restore health Vaccination brings immunity The cure for cancer is just around the corner Menopause is a disease condition Childhood is a disease condition When a child is sick, he needs immediate antibiotics When a child has a fever he needs Tylenol Hospitals are safe and clean America has the best health care in the world. Americans have the best health in the world. The purpose of Health Care is health. Milk is a good source of calcium.


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

You never outgrow your need for milk. Vitamin C is ascorbic acid. Aspirin prevents heart attacks. Heart drugs improve the heart. Back and neck pain are the only reasons for spinal adjustment. No child can get into school without being vaccinated. The FDA thoroughly tests all drugs before they go on the market. Pregnancy is a serious medical condition Infancy is a serious medical condition Chemotherapy and radiation are effective cures for cancer When your child is diagnosed with an ear infection, antibiotics should be given immediately ‘just in case’ Ear tubes are for the good of the child. Estrogen drugs prevent osteoporosis after menopause. Pediatricians are the most highly trained of al medical specialists. The purpose of the health care industry is health. HIV is the cause of AIDS. AZT is the cure. Without vaccines, infectious diseases will return Fluoride in the city water protects your teeth Flu shots prevent the flu.


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

Vaccines are thoroughly tested before being placed on the Mandated Schedule.   Doctors are certain that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh any possible risks.   There is a terrorist threat in the US.   The NASDAQ is a natural market controlled by supply and demand.   Chronic pain is a natural consequence of aging.   Soy is your healthiest source of protein.   Insulin shots cure diabetes.   After we take out your gall bladder you can eat anything you want   Allergy medicine will cure allergies.   Your government provides security.


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

  The Iraqis blew up the World Trade Center.   Wiki and Google are completely open, uncensored, and interactive This is a list of illusions, that have cost billions to conjure up. Did you ever wonder why most people in this country blindly accept most of the above statements, but can’t discuss them intelligently?

PROGRAMMING THE VIEWER Even the most undiscriminating viewer may suspect that TV newsreaders and news articles are not telling us the whole story. The slightly more lucid may have begun to glimpse the calculated intent of standard news content and are wondering about their reliability and accuracy.. For the very few who take time to research beneath the surface, that small subset who are still capable of abstract thought, a somewhat darker picture begins to emerge. These may perceive bits of evidence of the profoundly technical science behind much of what is served up in everyday media. Events taking place in today’s world are enormously complex. An impossibly convoluted tangle of interrelated and unrelated occurrences happens simultaneously, often in dynamic conflict. To even acknowledge this complexity contradicts a fundamental axiom of media science: Keep It Simple. In real life, events don’t take place in black and white, but in a thousand shades of grey. Just discovering the actual facts and events as they transpire is difficult enough. The river is different each time we step into it. By the time a reasonable understanding of an event has been apprehended, new events have already made that interpretation obsolete. And this is not even adding historical, social, or political elements into the mix, which are necessary for


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

interpretation of events. Popular media gives up long before this level of analysis. Media stories cover only the tiniest fraction of actual events, but stupidly claim to be summarizing “all the news.” The final goal of media is to create a following of docile, unquestioning consumers. To that end, three primary tools have historically been employed: deceit dissimulation distraction Over time, the sophistication of these tools of propaganda has evolved to a very structured science, taking its cues in an unbroken line from principles laid down by the Father of Spin himself, Edward L Bernays, over a century ago, as we will see. Let’s look at each tool very briefly:

DECEIT Deliberate misrepresentation of fact has always been the privilege of the directors of mass media. Their agents – the PR industry – cannot afford random objective journalism, interpreting events as they actually take place. This would be much too confusing for the average consumer, who has been spoonfed his opinions since the day he was born. No, we can’t have that. In all the confusion, the viewer might get the idea that he is supposed to make up his own mind about the significance of some event or other. The end product of good media is single-mindedness. Individual interpretation of events does not foster the homogenized, one-dimensional lemming outlook we’re shooting for. For this reason, events must have a spin put on them – an interpretation, a frame of reference. Subtleties are omitted; all that is presented is the bottom line. The minute that decision is made – what nuance to put on a story – we


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have left the world of reporting and have entered the world of propaganda. By definition, propaganda replaces faithful reporting with deceitful reporting. Here’s an obvious example from the past: the absurd and unremitting allegations of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction as a rationale for the invasion of Iraq. Of course none were ever found, but that is irrelevant. We weren’t really looking for any weapons – but the deceit served its purpose – get us in there. Later the ruse can be abandoned and forgotten; its usefulness is over. And nobody will notice. Characterization of Saddam as a murderous tyrant was decided to be an insufficient excuse for invading a sovereign nation. After all, there are literally dozens of murderous tyrants the world over, going their merry ways. We can’t be expected to police all of them. So it was decided that the murderous tyrant thing, though good, was not enough. To whip a sleeping people into war consciousness has historically involved one additional prerequisite: threat. Saddam must therefore be not only a baby-killing maniac; he must be a threat to the rest of the world, especially America. Why? Because he has weapons of mass destruction. For almost two years, this myth was assiduously programmed into that lowest common denominator of awareness which Americans substitute for consciousness. Even though the myth has now been openly dismissed by the Regime itself, the majority of us still believe it. Hitler used the exact same tack with the Czechs and Poles at the beginning of his rampage. These peaceful peoples were not portrayed as an easy mark for the German war machine – no, they were a threat to the Fatherland itself. Just like the unprovoked Chinese annihilation of the peaceful Tibetan civilization in the 1940s. Or like Albania in the Dustin Hoffman movie. Such threats must be crushed by all available force, under the pretext used by every strong nation in history to subjugate a weaker one. With Iraq, the fact that UN inspectors never came up with any of these dread weapons before Saddam was captured – this fact was never mentioned again. That one phrase – WMD WMD WMD – repeated ad nauseam month


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after month had served its purpose – whip the people into war mode. It didn’t have to be true; it just had to work. A staggering indicator of how low the general awareness had sunk is that this mantra continued to be used as our license to invade Iraq long after our initial assault. If Saddam had any such weapons, probably a good time to trot them out would be when a foreign country is moving in, wouldn’t you say? No weapons were ever found, of course, nor will they be. So confident was the PR machine in the general inattention to detail commonly exhibited by the comatose American people that they didn’t even find it necessary to plant a few mass weapons in order to justify the invasion. It was almost insulting. Now nobody asks any more. In 2010 a poll of US soldiers in Iraq showed 60% believed the Iraqis blew up the World Trade Center. So we see that a little deceit goes a long way. All it takes is repetition. Lay the groundwork and the people will buy anything. After that just ride it out until they seem doubtful again. Then onto the next deceit. SELLING WAR Did you ever wonder how all the war leaders down through history were able to persuade armies of thousands as individuals to leave their homes and families and risk their lives for vague, obscure reasons? How do they sell that? How do you get people to go off to war? With rare exceptions, it’s been the same formula right down the line: sell idealistic young men the lie of the glory of war, defending their country and home from some imaginary enemy, some contrived foreign threat, from a place of alien culture. Then any oppposition to the ‘war effort’ are then lilylivered, unpatriotic, etc. Patriotism – the last refuge of a scoundrel. Hermann Goering summarized it eloquently at Nuremberg: ‘Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in


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Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.’ This technique holds true right up to the present time, intensified exponentially by the magnitude of incessant, pervasive online media. Worked great for Bush and Obama in their marketing of war. DISSIMULATION A second tool that is commonly used to create mass intellectual torpor is dissimulation. Dissimulation simply means to pretend not to be something you are. Like phasmid insects who can disguise themselves as leaves or twigs, pretending not to be insects. Or bureaucrats and who pretend not to be acting primarily out of self-interest, but rather in the public interest. To pretend not to be what you are. Public servant, indeed. Whether it’s the Bush/Obama in Iraq or Hitler in Germany, aggressors do not present themselves as marauding invaders initiating hostilities, but instead as defenders against external threats. Freedom-annihilating edicts like the Homeland Security Act and the Patriot Act – still the law of the land – do not represent themselves as the negation of every principle the Founding Fathers laid down, or as shaky pretexts for looting the country, but rather as public services, benevolent and necessary new rules to ensure our SECURITY against various imagined enemies. To pretend to be what you are not: dissimulation. Other examples of dissimulation we see today include:


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

pretending like the world’s resources are not finite   pretending like more and more government will not further stifle an already struggling economy   pretending like programs favoring “minorities” are not just a different form of racism   pretending like drug laws are necessary for national security   pretending like passing more and more laws every year is not geared ultimately for the advancement of the law enforcement, security, and prison industries   pretending there is a bioterrorist threat in the US today   pretending there is a terrorist threat in the US today   pretending the present regime has not benefited from every program that came out of 9/11 To pretend not to be what you are: dissimulation. DISTRACTION


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

A third tool necessary to media in order to keep the public from thinking too much is distraction. Bread and circuses worked for Caesar in old Rome. Marie Antoinette offered cake when there was no bread. The people need to be kept quiet while the small group in power carries out its agenda, which always involves fortifying its own position. Virtually all new policies of the regimes since 9/11 may be explained by plugging in one of four beneficiaries: Oil   Pharmaceuticals   War gear   Security industry Every act, every political event, every bill introduced, every public statement of the present administration has promoted one or more of these huge sectors. More oil, more drugs, more weapons, more security. But the people mustn’t be allowed to notice things like that. So they must be smokescreened by other stuff, blatant obvious stuff which is really easy to understand and which they think has a greater bearing on their day to day life. A classic axiom of propaganda is that people shouldn’t be allowed to think too much about what the government is doing in their name. After all, there’s more to life than politics, right? So while the power group has its cozy little wars and agendas going on, the people need to have their attention diverted. All the strongmen of history would have given their eyeteeth to have at their


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disposal the number and types of distractions available to today’s regimes: TV sports, its orchestrated frenzy and spectacle, where the fix is usually in Super Sunday the endless succession of unspeakably boring, inane movies, short on plot, long on CGI, re-working the same 20 premises, over and over the wanton sexless flash of ‘talent shows’ with their uninspired lack of talent, a study in split second phony images colossally dull TV programs which serve the secondary purpose of instilling proper robot attitudes into people who have little other instruction in life values the artistic Mojave of modern music, with its soulless cyber-droning, a constant quest for the nadir of reptilian brain stimulation, devoid of lyrical competence, instrumental proficiency, or human passion the ever-retreating promise of financial success, switched now to the trappings and toys that suggest success, available to anyone with a credit card organized superstitions of all varieties, with their requisite pseudo-spiritual trappings the constant sensationalization of crimes and “issues” throughout the world whose collective goal is the humble and grateful acknowledgement of “how good we’ve really got it” dwelling for months on the minutiae of unsupported allegations of impropriety, preferably sexual, of a celebrity personality non-events presented as events, brought to life by media alone, employing one of the Big Three hooks: sex, blood, and racism


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

With these ceaseless noisy, banal distractions, the forces promoting the general decline in intelligence and awareness jubilantly engulf us on all sides. Media science holds the advantage: as people get dumber and dumber year by year, it gets easier and easier to keep them dumb. The only challenge is that their threshold keeps getting lower. So in order to keep their attention, messages have to become more obvious and blatant, taking nothing for granted. Here are some indicators of our declining intelligence: – flagrant errors of grammar and spelling rampant in advertising, which go unnoticed – declining SAT scores and the arbitrary resetting of Average, which has occurred at least twice in the past 8 years, in order to cover up how dumb our kids are really getting – forcing the the dumbed-down Common Core philosophy upon American elementary schools – increased volume and decreased speed of the voices of newsreaders on radio and TV – the limited vocabulary and clichéd speech allowed in radio programs; the obvious lack of education and requisite pedestrian mentality required of the corporate simians who are featured on radio – increasing illiteracy of high school graduates, both written and spoken – the unwritten policy requiring school teachers, especially math and English teachers, to pass students who have failing marks, especially if they’re a certain race or other, so that the school won’t “look bad” – decreasing requirements for masters theses and PhD dissertations in both length and content – increasing oversimplification of movie and TV plot lines – absence of subtlety in conceptual and dramatic content; blatant moralizing of compliant


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robot values – the speed at which images on TV are flashed, giving the viewer barely enough time to recognize which sledgehammer idea they are referring to before the next one appears, about 2 seconds later. That way there is no possible way the brain can follow a train of thought in any kind of depth. From childhood the brain learns that it is not to be tasked with understanding abstractions or concepts of any subtlety from the information presented. All the brain has to do is react to the incessant bombardment of fragmented ADD-generating visual stimuli without trying to derive sense or logic from it. This is why TV should be watched only with the sound off, since it has generally the same educational value as a lava lamp. – the enormous proportion of time spent by TV channels telling the viewer what will be shown in the future, leaving no time for actually delivering what they have already endlessly promised in the recent past, which should be airing at the present moment. – newspaper articles that are not written by reporters but that are scientifically crafted phrase by canny phrase by the PR industry and placed into the columns of syndication in the guise of ‘hard news’ – the recent removal of the basic science prerequisites for US chiropractic schools, which had been in place for 50 years – Jerky, clumsy news clips, loaded with coarse innuendo and nonsequitur, ridiculously brief: most news clips evoke only the most superficial suggestion of events which may or may not have transpired, resulting generally in the transfer of no information – the downward spiral of the level of ordinary conversations, which are commonly just exercises in stringing together random clichés from the very finite stock of endlessly repeated homogeneous bytes. It’s as though we’re only allowed to have 50 thoughts, and most conversation is just linking these 50 programmed audio clips together in a different order: America becomes our own private Sicily


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

– in popular music the overriding absence of melody, lyric, chord complexity, or instrumental competence – increase in mandating neurotoxic drugs and vaccines with new laws and regulations TERRORISTS ARE US? Imagine for a moment that 9/11 was a put-up job engineered for the sole purpose of cementing the current regime into power and frightening the bovine populace into surrendering even more of what little freedom they have left. Hypothetical situation now, just work with me a little. Imagine there never were any dissident crazed terrorists representing Osama or Saddam, but instead a highly disciplined though slightly whacked-out team of military special forces, programmed somehow to think they were doing something valuable for some faction or other. A put-up job, from the inside. So then imagine that all the violence and stress perpetrated on the collective American psyche since 9/11 about war, bioterrorism, and security has all been completely unnecessary. And that all the trillions of dollars of extra security and wasted time in airports and borders was also totally unnecessary because there never were any terrorists, except us. And all the shrill media articles and “stories” that support the few underlying events have been unnecessary, their prime purpose being self promotion. Think how much our quality of life has suffered. What if all this stress has been totally unnecessary? Many of our best people have come to precisely these conclusions. Once you got past the initial hurdle of being able to consider the unthinkable possibility that the present regime could be so obsessed with gaining political advantage that they would actually blow up 3000 of our own people, the rest falls into place. Over the top? Not such a stretch really when you compare the thousands that have been sacrificed to the whims of other blood-mad tyrants the world over, throughout all of recorded history. Exactly how are we any better?


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

WHAT DO WE REALLY KNOW? When it comes to a discussion of what’s going on in the world, the honest individual must admit that he has almost no idea. When was the last time Obama invited you into the Green Room for a private chat with Cheney and Hagel about the future of big oil? When did Bill Gates last invite you up to his Redmond digs for a wine and cheese brainstorming session about the next Big Thing? Or when did your neighbor who lives three blocks away from you call you up to tell you about the unfulfilled plans of his father who just found out he’s dying of cancer? How many life stories of the world’s seven billion people do you know anything about? This is to say nothing of fluid events which are coming in and out of existence every day between the nations of the world that only the few ever hear about. What is really going on? Much more effort is spent covering up and packaging actual events that are taking place than in trying to accurately report and evaluate them. These are questions of epistemology: what can we know? The answer is: very little, if our only source of information is the superficial everyday media. The few people who buy books don’t read them. Passive absorption of pre-interpreted already-figured-out data is the preferred method HOW IT ALL GOT STARTED But wait, we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s back up a minute. In their book Trust Us We’re Experts, Stauber and Rampton pull together some compelling data describing the science of creating public opinion in America. They trace modern public influence back to the early part of the last century, highlighting the work of guys like Edward L. Bernays, the Father of Spin. From his own amazing 1920s books – Propaganda, and Crystallizing Public Opinion – we learn how Edward L. Bernays took the ideas of his famous uncle Sigmund Freud himself, and applied them to the emerging science of mass persuasion. The only difference was that instead of using these principles to uncover hidden themes in the human unconscious, the way Freudian psychology does, Bernays studied these same ideas in order to


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learn how to mask agendas and to create illusions that deceive and misrepresent, for marketing purposes. THE FATHER OF SPIN Edward L. Bernays dominated the PR industry until the 1940s, and was a significant force for another 50 years after that. (Tye) During that time, Bernays took on hundreds of diverse assignments to create a public perception about some idea or product. A few examples: As a neophyte with the Committee on Public Information, one of Bernays’ first assignments was to help sell the First World War to the American public with the idea to “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” (Ewen) We’ve seen this phrase in every war and US military involvement since that time. A few years later, Bernays set up a stunt to popularize the notion of women smoking cigarettes. In organizing the 1929 Easter Parade in New York City, Bernays showed himself as a force to be reckoned with. He organized the Torches of Liberty Brigade in which suffragettes marched in the parade smoking cigarettes as a mark of women’s liberation. After that one event, women would be able to feel secure about destroying their own lungs in public, the same way that men have always done. Bernays popularized the idea of bacon for breakfast. Not one to turn down a challenge, he set up the liaison between the tobacco industry and the American Medical Association that lasted for nearly 50 years. They proved to all and sundry that cigarettes were beneficial to health. Just look at ads in old issues of Life, Look, Time or Journal of the American Medical Association from the 40s and 50s in which doctors are recommending this or that brand of cigarettes as promoting healthful digestion, or whatever. He also invented the slogan Safety First, creating an industry which was founded on our obsession with the illusion of safety


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

During the next several decades Bernays and his colleagues evolved the principles by which masses of people could be generally swayed through messages repeated over and over, hundreds of times per week. Once the economic power of media became apparent, other countries of the world rushed to follow our lead. But Bernays remained the gold standard. He was the source to whom the new PR leaders across the world would always defer. Even Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s minister of propaganda, author of the Final Solution, was an avid student of Edward Bernays. Using Bernays principles, Goebbels developed the popular rationale he would use to convince the Germans that the Final Solution was the only option to purify their race. (Stauber) This is the reach of Bernays. SMOKE AND MIRRORS As he saw it, Bernays’ job was to reframe an issue; to create a desired image that would put a particular product or concept in a desirable context. He never saw himself as a master hoodwinker, but rather as a beneficent servant of humanity, providing a valuable service. Bernays described the public as a ‘herd that needed to be led.’ And this herdlike thinking makes people “susceptible to leadership.” Bernays never deviated from his fundamental axiom to “control the masses without their knowing it.” The best PR happens with the people unaware that they are being manipulated. Stauber describes Bernays’ rationale like this: “the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict in a democratic society.” — Trust Us, p 42 These early mass persuaders postured as performing a moral service for humanity in general. Democracy was too good for people; they needed to be told what to think, because they were incapable of rational thought by themselves. Here’s a paragraph from Bernays’ Propaganda:


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

“Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or business in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.” A tad different from Thomas Jefferson’s view on the subject: “I know of no safe depository of the ultimate power of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise that control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not take it from them, but to inform their discretion.” Inform their discretion. Bernays believed that only a few possessed the necessary insight into the Big Picture to be entrusted with this sacred task. And luckily, he saw himself as one of that elect. Josef Goebbels, an avid student of Bernays, in turn had another apt pupil of his own: Adolf Hitler: “What good fortune for those in power that the people do not think… It gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening to them…Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.” HERE COMES THE MONEY Once the possibilities of applying Freudian psychology to mass media were glimpsed, Bernays soon had more corporate clients than he could handle.


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Global corporations fell all over themselves courting the new Image Makers. There were dozens of goods and services and ideas to be sold to a susceptible public. Over the years, these players have had the money to make their images happen. A few examples: Philip Morris   Pfizer   Union Carbide   Allstate   Monsanto   Eli Lilly   tobacco industry   Ciba Geigy   lead industry


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  Coors   DuPont   Shell Oil   Chlorox   Standard Oil   Procter & Gamble   Boeing   Dow Chemical   General Motors   Goodyear


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  General Mills

THE PLAYERS Dozens of PR firms have emerged to answer the demand for spin control. Among them: Burson-Marsteller   Edelman   Hill & Knowlton   Kamer-Singer   Ketchum   Mongovin, Biscoe, and Duchin   BSMG   Ruder-Finn


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

Though world-famous within the PR industry, these are names we don’t know, and for good reason. The best PR goes unnoticed. They are invisible. For decades they have created the opinions that most of us were raised with, on virtually any issue which has the remotest commercial value, including: pharmaceutical drugs   vaccines   medicine as a profession   alternative medicine   fluoridation of city water   chlorine   household cleaning products   tobacco   dioxin


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  global warming   leaded gasoline   cancer research and treatment   pollution of the oceans   forests and lumber   images of celebrities, including damage control   crisis and disaster management   genetically modified foods   aspartame   food additives; processed foods


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  dental amalgams   biotechnology and GMO   autism

LESSON #1 Bernays learned early on that the most effective way to create credibility for a product or an image was by “independent third-party” endorsement. For example, if General Motors were to come out and say that global warming is a hoax thought up by some liberal tree-huggers, people would suspect GM’s motives, since GM’s fortune is made by selling automobiles. If however some independent research institute with a very credible sounding name like the Global Climate Coalition comes out with a scientific report that says global warming is really a fiction, people begin to get confused and to have doubts about the original issue. So that’s exactly what Bernays did. With a policy inspired by genius, he set up “more institutes and foundations than Rockefeller and Carnegie combined.” (Stauber p 45) Quietly financed by the industries whose products were being evaluated, these “independent” research agencies would churn out “scientific” studies and press materials that could create any image their handlers wanted. Such front groups are given high-sounding names like: Temperature Research Foundation   International Food Information Council


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  Consumer Alert   The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition   Air Hygiene Foundation   Industrial Health Federation   International Food Information Council   Manhattan Institute   Center for Produce Quality   Tobacco Institute Research Council   Cato Institute   American Council on Science and Health


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  Global Climate Coalition   Alliance for Better Foods Sound pretty legit, don’t they? All are bought and paid for. As Stauber explains, these organizations and hundreds of others like them are front groups whose sole mission is to advance the image of the global corporations who fund them, like those listed above. This is accomplished in part by an endless stream of ‘press releases’ announcing “breakthrough” research to every radio station and newspaper in the country. (Robbins) Many of these canned reports read like straight news, and indeed are purposely molded in the news format. This saves journalists the trouble of researching the subjects on their own, especially on topics about which they know very little. Entire sections of the release or in the case of video news releases, the whole thing can be just lifted intact, with no editing, given the byline of the reporter or newspaper or TV station – and voilà! Instant news – copy and paste. Written by corporate PR firms. Does this really happen? Every single day, since the 1920s when the idea of the News Release was first invented by Ivy Lee. (Stauber, p 22) Sometimes as many as half the stories appearing in an issue of the Wall St. Journal are based solely on such PR press releases… (22) These types of stories are mixed right in with legitimately researched stories. Unless you have done the research yourself, you won’t be able to tell the difference. So when we see new “research” being cited, we should always first suspect that the source is another industry-backed front group. A common tip-off is the word “breakthrough.” THE LANGUAGE OF SPIN As 1920s spin pioneers like Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays gained more experience, they began to formulate rules and guidelines for creating public


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

opinion. They learned quickly that mob psychology must focus on emotion, not facts. Since the mob is incapable of rational thought, motivation must be based not on logic but on presentation. Here are some of the axioms of the new science of PR: technology is a religion unto itself   if people are incapable of rational thought, real democracy is dangerous   important decisions should be left to experts   never get too technical; but keep repeating the word “science”   when reframing issues, stay away from substance; create images   never state a clearly demonstrable lie Words are very carefully chosen for their emotional impact. Here’s an example. A front group called the International Food Information Council handles the public’s natural aversion to genetically modified foods. Trigger words are repeated all through the text. Now in the case of GM foods, the public is instinctively afraid of these experimental new creations which have suddenly popped up on our grocery shelves since the ;ate 90s and which are said to alter our DNA. The IFIC wants to reassure the public of the safety of GM foods. So it avoids words like: Frankenfoods


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  Hitler   chemical   experimental   manipulate   money   unsafe   scientists   radiation   roulette   gene-splicing


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  unpredictable   random Instead, good PR for GM foods contains words like: hybrids   natural   science   beauty   choice   bounty   cross-breeding   diversity


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  earth   farmer   organic   wholesome It’s just basic Freud/Tony Robbins/NLP word association. The fact that GM foods are not hybrids that have been subjected to the slow and careful scientific methods of real cross-breeding doesn’t really matter. This is pseudoscience, not science. Form is everything and substance just a passing myth. (Trevanian) Who do you think funds the International Food Information Council? Take a wild guess. Right – Monsanto, DuPont, Frito-Lay, Coca Cola, Nutrasweet – those in a position to make fortunes from GM foods. (Stauber p 20) CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD PROPAGANDA As the science of mass control evolved, PR firms developed further guidelines for effective copy. Here are some of the gems: dehumanize the attacked party by labeling and name calling speak in glittering generalities using emotionally positive words when covering something up, don’t use plain English; stall for time; distract get endorsements from celebrities, churches, sports figures, street people – anyone who has no expertise


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in the subject the ‘plain folks’ ruse: us billionaires are just like you when minimizing outrage, don’t say anything memorable – platitudes are best when minimizing outrage, point out the benefits of what just happened when minimizing outrage, avoid moral issues Keep this list. Start watching for these techniques. Not hard to find – look at today’s paper or tonight’s TV news. See what they’re doing; these guys are good! SCIENCE FOR HIRE PR firms have become very sophisticated in the preparation of news releases. They have learned how to attach the names of famous scientists to research that those scientists have not even looked at. (Stauber, p 201) It’s a common practice. In this way, the editors of newspapers and TV news shows are themselves often unaware that an individual release is a total PR fabrication. Or at least they have “deniability,” right? Stauber tells the amazing story of how leaded gas came into the picture. In 1922, General Motors discovered that adding lead to gasoline gave cars more horsepower. When there was some concern about safety, GM paid the Bureau of Mines to do some fake “testing” and publish spurious research that ‘proved’ that inhalation of lead was harmless. Enter Charles Kettering. Founder of the world famous Sloan-Kettering Memorial Institute for medical research, Charles Kettering also happened to be an executive with General Motors. By some strange coincidence, we soon have Sloan-Kettering issuing reports stating that lead occurs naturally in the body and that the body has a way of eliminating low level exposure. Through its association with The Industrial Hygiene Foundation and PR giant Hill & Knowlton, SloaneKettering opposed all anti-lead research for years. (Stauber p 92). Without


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organized scientific opposition, for the next 60 years more and more gasoline became leaded, until by the 1970s, 90% or our gasoline was leaded. Finally it became too obvious to hide that lead was a major carcinogen, which they knew all along, and leaded gas was phased out in the late 1980s. But during those 60 years, it is estimated that some 30 million tons of lead were released in vapor form onto American streets and highways. 30 million tons. (Stauber) That is PR, my friends. JUNK SCIENCE In 1993 a guy named Peter Huber wrote a new book and coined a new term. The book was Galileo’s Revenge and the term was junk science. Huber’s shallow thesis was that real science supports technology, industry, and progress. Anything else was suddenly junk science. Not surprisingly, Stauber explains how Huber’s book was supported by the industry-backed Manhattan Institute. Huber’s book was generally dismissed not only because it was so poorly written, but because it failed to realize one fact: true scientific research begins with no conclusions. Real scientists are seeking the truth because they do not yet know what the truth is. True scientific method goes like this: 1. form a hypothesis 2. make predictions for that hypothesis 3. test the predictions 4. reject or revise the hypothesis using the test results 5. describe the limitations of the present position 6. always ask the next question


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Boston University scientist Dr. David Ozonoff explains that ideas in science are themselves like “living organisms, that must be nourished, supported, and cultivated with resources for making them grow and flourish.” (Stauber p 205) Great ideas that don’t get this financial support because the commercial angles are not immediately obvious – these ideas wither and die. Another way you can often distinguish real science from phony is that real science points out flaws in its own research. Phony science pretends there were no flaws. THE REAL JUNK SCIENCE Contrast this with modern PR and its constant pretensions to sound science. Corporate sponsored research, whether it’s in the area of drugs, GM foods, or chemistry begins with predetermined conclusions. It is the job of the scientists then to prove that these conclusions are true, because of the economic upside that proof will bring to the industries paying for that research. This invidious approach to science has shifted the entire focus of research in America during the past 50 years, as any true scientist is likely to admit. If a drug company is spending 10 million dollars on a research project to prove the viability of some new drug, and the preliminary results start coming back about the dangers of that drug, what happens? Right. No more funding. The well dries up. What is being promoted under such a system? Science? Or rather Entrenched Medical Error? Stauber documents the increasing amount of corporate sponsorship of university research. (206) This has nothing to do with the pursuit of knowledge. Scientists lament that research has become just another commodity, something bought and sold. (Crossen) THE TWO MAIN TARGETS OF “SOUND SCIENCE” It is shocking when Stauber shows how the vast majority of corporate PR today opposes any research that seeks to protect public health


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the environment It’s a funny thing that most of the time when we see the phrase “junk science,” it is in a context of defending something that threatens either the environment or our health. This makes sense when one realizes that money changes hands only by selling the illusion of health and the illusion of environmental protection or the illusion of health. True public health and real preservation of the earth’s environment have very low market value. Stauber thinks it ironic that industry’s self-proclaimed debunkers of junk science are usually non-scientists themselves. (255) Here again they can do this because the issue is not science, but the creation of images. THE LANGUAGE OF ATTACK When PR firms attack legitimate environmental groups and alternative medicine people, they again use special words which will carry an emotional punch: outraged   sound science   junk science   sensible   scaremongering


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responsible   phobia   hoax   alarmist   hysteria Our riflemen are sharpshooters – theirs are snipers. The next time you are reading a newspaper article about an environmental or health issue, note how the author shows bias by using the above terms. This is the result of very specialized training. It is a very disciplined art and science. Another standard PR tactic is to use the rhetoric of the environmentalists themselves to defend a dangerous and untested product that poses an actual threat to the environment. This we see constantly in the PR smokescreen that surrounds genetically modified foods. They talk about how GM foods are necessary to grow more food and to end world hunger, when the reality is that GM foods actually have lower yields per acre than natural crops. (Stauber p 173) The grand design sort of comes into focus once you realize that almost all GM foods have been created by the sellers of herbicides and pesticides so that those plants can withstand greater amounts of herbicides and pesticides. (see The Magic Bean) THE MIRAGE OF PEER REVIEW


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

Publish or perish is the classic dilemma of every research scientist. That means whoever expects funding for the next research project had better get the current research paper published in the best scientific journals. And we all know that the best scientific journals, like JAMA, New England Journal, British Medical Journal, etc. are peer-reviewed. Peer review means that any articles which actually get published, between all those full color drug ads and pharmaceutical centerfolds, have been reviewed and accepted by some really smart guys with a lot of credentials. The assumption is, if the article made it past peer review, the data and the conclusions of the research study have been thoroughly checked out and bear some resemblance to physical reality. But there are a few problems with this hot little set up. First off, money. Even though prestigious venerable medical journals pretend to be so objective and scientific and incorruptible, the reality is that they face the same type of being called to account that all glossy magazines must confront: don’t antagonize your advertisers. Those full-page drug ads in the best journals cost millions, Jack. How long will a pharmaceutical company pay for ad space in a magazine that prints some very sound scientific research paper that attacks the safety of the drug in the centerfold? Think about it. The editors may lack moral fibre, but they aren’t stupid. Another problem is the conflict of interest thing. There’s a formal requirement for all medical journals that any financial ties between an author and a product manufacturer be disclosed in the article. In practice, it never happens. A study done in 1997 of 142 medical journals did not find even one such disclosure. (Wall St. Journal, 2 Feb 99) A 1998 study from the New England Journal of Medicine found that 96% of peer reviewed articles had financial ties to the drug they were studying. (Stelfox, 1998) Big shock, huh? Any disclosures? Yeah, right. This study should be pointed out whenever somebody starts getting too pompous about the objectivity of peer review, like they often do.


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Then there’s the outright purchase of space. A drug company may simply pay $100,000 to a journal to have a favorable article printed. (Stauber, p 204) Fraud in peer review journals is nothing new. In 1987, the New England Journal ran an article that followed the research of R. Slutsky MD over a seven year period. During that time, Dr. Slutsky had published 137 articles in a number of peer-reviewed journals. NEJM found that in at least 60 of these 137, there was evidence of major scientific fraud and misrepresentation, including: reporting data for experiments that were never done   reporting measurements that were never made   reporting statistical analyses that were never done (Engler) Dean Black PhD, describes what he the calls the Babel Effect that results when this very common and frequently undetected scientific fraud in peerreviewed journals is quoted by other researchers, who are in turn re-quoted by still others, and so on. Want to see something that sort of re-frames this whole discussion? Check out the McDonald’s ads which routinely appear in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Then keep in mind that this is the same publication that for almost 50 years ran cigarette ads proclaiming the health benefits of tobacco. (Robbins) Very scientific, oh yes. KILL YOUR TV? Hope this chapter has given you a hint to start reading newspaper and magazine articles a little differently, and perhaps start watching TV news shows with a slightly different attitude than you had before. Always ask, what


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are they selling here, and who’s selling it? And if you actually follow up on Stauber & Rampton’s book and check out some of the other resources below, you might even glimpse the possibility of advancing your life one quantum simply by ceasing to subject your brain to mass media. That’s right – no more newspapers, no more TV news, no more Time magazine or People magazine Newsweek. You could actually do that. Just think what you could do with the extra time alone. Really feel like you need to “relax” or find out “what’s going on in the world” for a few hours every day? Think about the news of the past couple of years for a minute. Do you really suppose the major stories that have dominated headlines and TV news have been “what is going on in the world?” Do you actually think there’s been nothing going on besides the contrived tech slump, the contrived power shortages, the re-filtered accounts of foreign violence and disaster, even the new accounts of US retribution in the Middle East, making Afghanistan safe for democracy, bending Saddam to our will, etc., and all the other non-stories that the puppeteers dangle before us every day? What about when they get a big one, like with OJ or Monica Lewinsky or the Oklahoma city bombing? Or now with the Neo-Nazi aftermath of 9/11. Or the contrived war against Iraq? Do we really need to know all that detail, day after day? Do we have any way of verifying all that detail, even if we wanted to? What is the purpose of news? To inform the public? Hardly. The sole purpose of news is to keep the public in a state of fear and uncertainty so that they’ll watch again tomorrow to see how much worse things got and to be subjected to the same advertising. Oversimplification? Of course. That’s the hallmark of mass media mastery – simplicity. The invisible hand. Like Edward Bernays said, the people must be controlled without them knowing it. Consider this: what was really going on in the world all that time they were distracting us with all that stupid vexatious daily smokescreen? We have no way of knowing. And most of it doesn’t even concern us even if we could


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know it. Fear and uncertainty — that’s what keeps people coming back for more. If this seems like a radical outlook, let’s take it one step further: What would you lose from your life if you stopped watching TV and stopped reading newspapers and glossy magazines altogether? Whoa! Would your life really suffer any financial, moral, intellectual, spiritual, or academic loss from such a decision? Do you really need to have your family continually absorbing the illiterate, amoral, phony, culturally bereft, desperately brainless values of the people featured in the average nightly TV program? Are these fake, programmed robots “normal”? Do you need to have your life values constantly spoonfed to you? Are those shows really amusing, or just a necessary distraction to keep you from looking at reality, or trying to figure things out yourself by doing a little independent reading? Or perhaps from having a life? Name one example of how your life is improved by watching TV news and reading the evening paper or the glossy magazines. What measurable gain is there for you? What else could we be doing with all this freed-up time that would actually expand awareness? PLANET OF THE APES? There’s no question that as a nation, we’re getting dumber year by year. Look at the presidents we’ve been choosing lately. Ever notice the blatant grammar mistakes so ubiquitous in today’s advertising and billboards? Literacy is marginal in most American secondary schools. Three-fourths of California high school seniors can’t read well enough to pass their exit


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exams. (SJ Mercury 20 Jul 01) If you think other parts of the country are smarter, try this one: hand any high school senior a book by Dumas or Jane Austen, and ask them to open to any random page and just read one paragraph out loud. Go ahead, do it. SAT scales are arbitrarily shifted lower and lower to disguise how dumb kids are getting year by year. ADD: A Designer Disease At least 10% have documented “learning disabilities,” which are reinforced and rewarded by special treatment and special drugs. Ever hear of anyone failing a grade any more? Or observe the intellectual level of the average movie which these days may only last one or two weeks in the theatres, especially if it has insufficient explosions, chase scenes, silicone, fake martial arts, and cretinesque dialogue. Doesn’t anyone else notice how badly these 30 or 40 “movie stars” we keep seeing over and over in the same few plots must now overact to get their point across to an ever-dimming audience? Radio? Consider the low mental qualifications of the falsely animated corporate simians they hire as DJs — seems like they’re only allowed to have 50 thoughts, which they just repeat at random. And at what point did popular music cease to require the study of any musical instrument or theory whatsoever, not to mention lyric? Perhaps we just don’t understand this emerging art form, right? The Darwinism of MTV – apes descended from man. Ever notice how most articles in any of the glossy magazines sound like they were all written by the same guy? And this writer just graduated from junior college? And yet he has all the correct opinions on social issues, no original ideas, and that shallow, smug, homogenized corporate omniscience, which enables him to assure us that everything is fine… All this is great news for the PR industry – makes their job that much easier. Not only are very few paying attention to the process of conditioning; fewer are capable of understanding it even if somebody explained it to them. TEA IN THE CAFETERIA


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

Let’s say you’re in a crowded cafeteria, and you buy a cup of tea. And as you’re about to sit down you see your friend way across the room. So you put the tea down and walk across the room and talk to your friend for a few minutes. Now, coming back to your tea, are you just going to pick it up and drink it? Remember, this is a crowded place and you’ve just left your tea unattended for several minutes. You’ve given anybody in that room access to your tea. Why should your mind be any different? Turning on the TV, or uncritically absorbing mass publications every day – these activities allow access to our minds by “just anyone” – anyone who has an agenda, anyone with the resources to create a public image via popular media. As we’ve seen above, just because we read something or see something on TV doesn’t mean it’s true or worth knowing. So the idea here is, like the tea, perhaps the mind is also worth guarding, worth limiting access to it. This is the only life we get. Time is our total capital. Why waste it allowing our potential, our scope of awareness, our personality, our values to be shaped, crafted, and boxed up according to the whims of the mass panderers? There are many important issues that are crucial to our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being which require time and study. If it’s an issue where money is involved, objective data won’t be so easy to obtain. Remember, if everybody knows something, that image has been bought and paid for. Real knowledge takes a little effort, a little excavation down at least one level below what “everybody knows.” Copyright MMXV – Dr Tim O’Shea References Stauber & Rampton – Trust Us, We’re Experts – Tarcher/Putnam 2001 Ewen, Stuart – PR!: A Social History of Spin – Basic Books 1996 Tye, Larry – The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and the Birth of Public


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Relations – Crown Publishers, Inc. 2001 Bernays, E – Propaganda – Liveright 1928 King, R – Medical journals rarely disclose researchers’ ties – Wall St. Journal, February 2, 1999 Engler, R et al. – Misrepresentation and Responsibility in Medical Research – New England Journal of Medicine v 317 p 1383, November 26, 1987 Black, D, PhD – Health At the Crossroads – Tapestry 1988 Trevanian – Shibumi, 1983 Crossen, C – Tainted Truth: The Manipulation of Fact in America, 1996 Robbins, J – Reclaiming Our Health – Kramer 1996 Huxley, A – The Doors of Perception: Heaven and Hell – Harper and Row 1954 O’Shea, T – Genetically Modified Foods: A Short Introduction


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Fake news: history of the public relations industry

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The last resort: holistic health for survival

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holistic health.

With all the information offered for free on this website, people start thinking – hey, maybe this guy knows something. Yeah this might be the guy who’s going to tell me what magic bullet I should be taking that’s going to cure all my diseases, without my participation. In keeping with the universal law that No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, I get emails and phone calls from all over the world where people are describing their clinical history in lurid detail – what can you do for diabetes? What can


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The last resort: holistic health for survival

you give me for arthritis? What do you got for high blood pressure, Lou Gehrig’s, diabetes, restless leg, AIDS, weight loss, thyroid, hot flashes, cancer, reflux, chronic fatigue… Often what they’re really saying is – what magic bullet can you give me that will cure my problem, without my participation, and allow me to continue my self-annihilating lifestyle? In 2 weeks. I know where this idea came from. It’s the eternal promise of Organized Medicine, advertised on TV: your health is not your responsibility. Diseases and illness are not your fault. It’s a bug, or better yet, the newest hoax – it’s genetic. When it comes to health, we try the easiest stuff first – doctor appointments, tests, MRI, procedures, drugs, and more drugs – sometimes even surgery. All the things that THEY do – anything that doesn’t require activity on our part. The comforting illusion that we’re doing something about our problem by letting somebody else do it. After a while, when all this has failed, a little light goes on – for some. And that’s the idea that these guys really don’t know what they’re doing – if one drug doesn’t work, they have a thousand more. And you realize that if you’re going to stop the downward spiral, it’s going to be 100% up to you. So maybe you’ve come to that point of self-loathing or desperation or confusion or being fed up or whatever where you finally know that you have to make a change. Just you. The Last Resort. Maybe it’s a chronic digestive problem. Or a weak heart. Or diabetes. Or chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, or MS. Or arthritis, or allergies, or asthma. Or obesity. Or a degenerating spine. Or cancer. Or a cross reaction from those combinations of medications all the geniuses are giving you, without much consideration or concern, after that 5 minute office visit. With a nurse.


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The last resort: holistic health for survival

It comes down to this: there are several areas, each of which must be addressed on a daily basis, for at least 60 days, if you are to have any hope at all of making the transformation from declining health to improving health. These include: Hydration Subluxation resolution Colon health Enzymes Oral chelation Drug check Vitamins and minerals The New West Diet Motion Sunshine Escape causative social pattern Most of the above have entire chapters devoted to them at Chapters. Each one of them must be confronted directly if the individual is to have any chance of being healthy again – truly healthy, not just the temporary absence of symptoms. So please read each chapter – the whole thing. Right here we’ll just mention a few key points. Again, each area is critical – it’s all or nothing. Stop reading here if you’re too exhausted to care about your health enough to do this little assignment. Or if you’re committed to doing “as much as I can” to get better. Or if you’ll “try.” That’s my favorite: “I’ll try.” Losers try. Winners do whatever it takes. If you’re gonna ‘try,’ just keep on surfing, OK? Have a nice after-life. This program is not for the irresolute. If you think all this is not your job, sayonara. Ask for more drugs. Give John Lennon my regards. And stop


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The last resort: holistic health for survival

whining, would you please? With 7 billion people on the planet do you really think anybody is going to miss you? A few words about each critical area: 1. Hydration. Work up to 2 liters of water per day. No exceptions. No excuses. Read Water chapter. 2. Colon health. Two-part detox is crucial in the 60 Day program: Expel and Flora. Remember what the ancients said: death begins in the colon. Read chapter. 3. Enzymes If at least 80% of your lifetime diet hasn’t been raw foods, you need enzyme supplementation. Twofold action: clears the tract, and clears the blood. Read chapter. 4. Oral Chelation Some accumulated poisons aren’t water soluble. Arterial plaque, mercury, aluminum, lead, etc. These require a specific formula to chelate them out of the tissues and arteries. Read Oral Chelation chapter. 5. Drug check. Get a Physicians Desk Reference. I don’t know, just get one. WalMart maybe. Or any library. Pre-2017. Get your glasses or a magnifying glass. Look up every drug you’re taking. Read all the fine print on each one. Much of it is doctor-babble, but you’ll be able to understand the part about Adverse Reactions. That means side effects. Read the whole section on each drug. When you’re all done, ask yourself – did your doctor do all that reading before he wrote you the prescription? If drugs were going to cure you, you’d already be better. See how many of your current problems are listed as side effects of the drugs you’re taking.


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The last resort: holistic health for survival

Exactly when did you expect your doctor to take you off drugs? 6. Subluxation. Find a chiropractor who knows what this word means. It means spinal fixations that block and distort nerve messages. The brain is connected to the body via the nervous system. Our best science shows that if there is interference in those lines of communication, the organs and tissues and systems won’t work correctly. 7. Vitamins and minerals. Each has its own chapter on the website. Read the whole thing. Vitamins are worthless without minerals and enzymes. Enzymes are worthless without vitamins and minerals. Minerals are worthless without vitamins and enzymes. Vitamins and minerals are micro-nutrients we need every day. Useful enzymes are found only in natural foods. 8. The New West Diet. See the short chapter titled the New West Diet. Thought we could just leave it at: Stop Eating Trash. For a little more specificity. For the first 60 days, only Categories I and II. 9. Motion Think of it in terms of the lymphatic system. What’s that? There’s a second complete circulatory system throughout the entire body that carries not blood, but lymphatic fluid. This is the circulating immune system which carries away cell wastes and helps identify foreign invaders. Problem is, the lymph system has no pump to move the fluid around the way the heart pumps the blood through your arteries. The only way lymph gets circulated is motion – exercise. Without motion, this waste dumping system backs up. Want to get old fast? Stop moving.


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The last resort: holistic health for survival

The idea is, after you’ve learned about colon detox and freeing up blocked areas in the blood with enzyme supplementation, it’s not enough to free all this toxic debris from its resting place. Now it’s gotta be moved through and dumped. And the lymph system plays a big role in that. Walking, running, swimming, bicycling, breathing – something! 10. Sunshine It’s located outdoors. Get some. 11. Escape causative social pattern This step cannot be skipped. Many factors over the years create a disease process in the body. You can have the best diet, the best probiotics in the world, but if the people in your immediate circle are unbalanced, negative, and diseased themselves, it may be impossible to transform your destructive lifestyle to a healing lifestyle. Don’t pretend you can ignore this piece of the pathology jigsaw puzzle that is killing you. You know what I’m talking about. You might change all the above factors and skip this last one, but still die right on schedule. Don’t underestimate the social context that helped create your disease condition in the first place. Bad Company – till the day I die… Paul wasn’t kidding. ***** People are looking for the Magic Bullet – that one pill that is going to take away their pain or disease without them having to change anything in their diet or lifestyle. What they really want is to have something done to them that requires no effort on their part and more importantly, that will allow them to continue their current lifestyle of toxic indigestible party foods. Drug manufacturers and supplement companies know this, and target their advertising in the direction of exactly that mindset: don’t worry. We’ll cure you. We’ll take it from here. Diet has nothing to do with your illness – it’s genetic. You have no responsibility for your own health – just leave it to us. All you


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The last resort: holistic health for survival

have to do is take this pill three times a day and 25 years of drinking, smoking, and overeating will just melt away… The health care system in this country today is obviously not working. Looks to me like it’s collapsing all around us. More and more people are abandoning mainstream medicine in favor of natural methods that work with the body, not against it. But here again, alternative medicine is often itself another quagmire of false claims, hyperbole, and confusion much of which doesn’t work either. So how will you know what works and what doesn’t? One way is blood analysis. Learn how the circulation is clogged by indigestible reactive foods. Learn how to clear that. Another way is have some basic criteria for supplements. A few suggestions: Enzymes must be whole food, and be completely bioavailable for your cells to use. Minerals must be chelated, and only include the 20 or so proven beneficial to humans. No 88-mineral colloidal toddies. Vitamins must be whole food. No synthetics. Green foods and food grade herbs. Oral Chelation must be powerful enough to bind heavy metals and plaque, but nonreactive in itself. Flora must be stable blends, with actual counts. No soil based organisms or single strains. Antioxidants should be able to reduce all free radicals in your blood for three or four hours. EFAs should be high-end blends, like Nordic Naturals or MOR. Or better yet, grilled fish 4x a week. Water should have some minerals – best sources (Voss, Icelandic, Eternal, etc). No fluoride, distilled or reverse osmosis.


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The last resort: holistic health for survival

Colon cleanses must be non-corrosive, gentle, effective whole herbs only. Read chapter. Figure out how to streamline your supplement intake. You don’t need a wheelbarrow-load every day. Just a few high-end items. The whole focus of the 60 Day Program is to take as few supplements possible, spend the least money possible yet still have complete detoxification and cell nutrition. Such a radical immune support and cleansing regime can have a dramatic effect on virtually any indisposition you can name. Your body doesn’t need the permission of medicine in order to cure itself. Usually, all it needs is no interference with its own healing systems. The 60 Day Detox program is really very simple once you realize that you’re only going to be putting stuff in your mouth that will do one of two things: cleanse or nourish Couldn’t be simpler. Simple yes, but not that easy. But until you’ve done 60 days of this basic program, you’re wasting your time even asking for advice. The good news is that most people say that it gets much easier after the first 2 weeks. The hard part was overcoming the inertia of a lifetime, and deciding to actually do the Program. This is the start of health, the bare minimum, the fundamentals. So give yourself one last break. Whatever you need to do to get the self confidence to win this battle, do it. If this is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do, seems like life’s been good to you so far. Losers try. Winners do whatever it takes.


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The last resort: holistic health for survival

For stories of some winners, see Feedback page.

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9/17/23, 8:14 PM

The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

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The 60 Day Program Get Our Newsletter Full body cleanse detox. How to detox your blood, as well as clear the colon of all debris. For most, it will be the first time. Health results are potentially unlimited. [Standard Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs] .

See newest video introduction The 60 Day Program is a very specific full body cleanse detox whose purpose is to restore the body to normal equilibrium, at the same time providing only what is absolutely nourishing to the cells, adding nothing more to the toxic load. This is done by clearing the tract, and clearing the blood. Why Healthy People Don’t Get Sick



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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox



Order Program Toxic buildup in the tract and in the blood can damage every system. So for 60 Days, nothing but the best nutrients in, all wastes out. The features of the 60 Day Program: The New West Diet Enzymes Expel Total Florabiotics Antioxidants Total Complete Minerals Phase 2 Hydrolyzed Collagen 1-2 litres water per day


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

The Program is simple, it has been around for decades. It consists of a common sense natural diet, and seven supplements. People should be taking the least number of supplements and spending the least amount of money on them. We need only those supplements which will give the body everything it needs to nourish its cells, clear out the tract and re-balance the blood. And actually be absorbed. There are very few health imbalances which will not show a favorable response. In many cases, the 60 Day Program may be the missing piece of the puzzle that has been eluding people for so long. See Testimonials page. Likely you will find stories of people in much worse health than you, who made a total recovery. Even if you are a fairly healthy adult, normal weight, who rarely gets sick, a full body cleanse detox is a must, periodically. Consider the toxic load in today’s air, food, and water – the biosphere we live in. No matter how healthy we try to be, our cells are going to accumulate some of that noxious debris. In today’s world more than 85,000 chemicals have access to the food, air, and water of every country. Including the chemtrails over your head. We’ve all read about the bio-accumulation of mercury, thimerosal in vaccines and from dental amalgams. (Dentistry chapters). Most of us have taken in significant amounts of processed foods during our lifetime, which may remain locked in our tract and in our cells: Enzymes chapter. Also: Hydrogenated foods. By themselves, these accumulated poisons often cannot escape the tissues in which they are trapped. Eventually the tissues break down, causing organ breakdown – disease. Most people die with an enormous toxic load locked


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

within their tissues. An effective cleanse will address this intestinal and cellular toxification. The majority of health conditions today are chronic and degenerative. Modern medicine admits having a poor track record curing them, and their incidence is skyrocketing. America is the sickest of all industrialized nations. Highest drug intake, highest rate of degenerative disease. . Over 54% of our children already have some chronic degenerative condition. Any healthy individual who is interested in optimum health or longevity should complete a periodic detox program. At least every 40 years, right? Whether you need it or not! Athletes focused on peak performance are all in search of program that provides lean muscle gain and maximum oxygenation of the body’s cells and tissues at all times. And best recovery time. In short, everyone can benefit from a real detox program. OK, next let’s look at the New West Diet. Here are the four categories of the complete Diet:

NEW WEST DIET CATEGORY I. — UNRESTRICTED Fruits, Vegetables, Juices – preferably organic Brown rice Grilled fish Legumes Selected food grade herbs 1-2 litres good water



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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

Organic meats (no hormones or antibiotics) Eggs (organic) Raw dairy Whole grains Integral breads, including rye and potato (no high fructose, no hydrogenated oils)

CATEGORY III. ON RARE OCCASIONS – (not during 60 Days, only with enzyme supplements) Processed cheese White sugar/ White flour Commercial pizza Real ice cream Canned foods Coffee Alcohol Pasteurized dairy Seeds, Nuts, Oils Popcorn CATEGORY IV. NOT IN THIS LIFETIME Soft drinks Fake milks: soy milk, almond milk, etc. French fries Doughnuts Potato chips Refined protein powders Margarine Hydrogenated oils Mayonnaise Diet soft drinks Diet anything Nutrisweet/Aspartame/ high fructose Soy in any form In the 60 Day Program, there are no seeds, no nuts, no oils. No cooking oils, no salad dressing oils. Exception: EFA supplement oils, like fish oil, flax


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

oils, DHA, etc. Also no popcorn, and no fake milks – soy silk, almond milk, etc. And of course no alcohol. Or coffee. The short version of the New West Diet is this:

no pasteurized dairy no refined carbohydrates ( white sugar, white flour) no hydrogenated oils

So that’s it, the classic traditional human diet, responsible for the healthiest people who have ever lived. It’s not a diet – so much as a lifestyle. Only when that is understood will normal weight and normal health return. For the seriously debilitated, or acute situations where time is of the essence, a raw foods or juice fast diet will probably be the most expeditious way to stabilize and detoxify, for the first week or two. See video Juice Fast. For everyone else, it simply means that for the next 60 days you’ll restrict your intake to what you see above in Categories I and II. Religiously — no cheating. It’s not really as scary as it looks — there’s a lot of variety in those two categories. The important part is that you eat a lot, eat all the time, and don’t let yourself feel the least bit hungry. If the body gets the idea that it is being starved or deprived, it will hold onto everything, including stored toxins and sludge. That’s just its natural survival mechanism. This is a program of nourishing abundance. The body must be shown that it is getting an abundance of easily digestible nutrients – enzymes, vitamins, minerals. Then it can let go of the debris. Now for the other half of the 60 Day Program: THE SUPPLEMENTS.


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

Here are the seven nutritional supplements for the 60 Day Program: DIGESTAZYME Complete digestion, minimize intestinal residue, unblocked circulation, longevity DOSAGE: 3 caps 3 times a day   TOTAL COMPLETE MINERALS Critical for cell function, immune strength, longevity DOSAGE: 3 caps per day   EXPEL Clears the colon, promotes the immune system, total body detox, flat stomach DOSAGE: 1 – 4 caps per day   TOTAL FLORABIOTICS Colon is the center of the immune system, normalize intestinal flora DOSAGE: 3 caps 3x per day   HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Promotes new collagen production, Reinforces depleted collagen reserves throughout the body DOSAGE: 2 – 6 tablespoons per day blended in juice


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

PHASE 2 Supports the healthy heart – circulation, plaque and heavy metals detox DOSAGE: 3 caps in the morning   MEGAHYDRATE Cancels free radicals, O2 transport DOSAGE: 2 scoops 2x per day     HYDRATION O2 transport, cell nutrition, muscle cell fluidity, anti-aging 1-2 litres/day   [See a complete chapter on each one of these supplements.]

IGNORE THE DOSAGES ON THE LABELS OF THE ABOVE Much of what is written on labels is political. Sometimes the formulator is forbidden from recommending the proper dosage or applications. Above are the correct dosages for the 7 supplements. As long as you finish a bottle in a month, you’re on schedule. These are food supplements, not drugs. So the exact dosage isn’t critical; missing a day won’t invalidate the detox. Suspend all other supplements during the program. If they worked we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Least number, remember? This program approaches the body at the cellular level — that’s why it cannot fail to work — every time. Because no matter how sick you are, no


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

matter what diseases you may believe you have, as long as you’re still alive your cells have to follow the same human physiological principles as the rest of us. After all, you’re just flesh and blood. Nine times out of ten, you don’t have to accept the dead-end guesswork diagnoses of the disease-care merchants. If you’re still alive, you can heal! ESSENTIAL CHAPTERS TO READ If you really understand how the Program affects you physically, you’ll be much better motivated to follow through. To get that whole story, read these four chapters before you start: Enzymes The Key To Longevity Journey To The Center of Your Colon Sugar: The Sweet Thief of Life To The Heart Patient FOCUS AND EXCLUSIVITY:

This program only, for 60 days; no other supplements, no other diet, hold the drugs. You already tried that, right? Versions of the program will result in versions of resolution. The program works only if the patient will follow it without modification. (See the stories at FEEDBACK AND TESTIMONIALS) Seems like the only patients who have ever complained about poor success buckled under the simplest questioning about how strictly they had kept to the regimen. It’s the 60 Day program, not the 8 Day Program, or the 28 Day Program. If you’re going to give it a try, then give it a try – do the deed. Don’t bad rap the program because you wimped out the first week. And for God’s sake don’t say “I’ll try.” Losers try – winners do whatever it takes.



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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

In the past 15 years, working with thousands of patients who have gone through the 60 Day Program, certain types of behavior, certain patterns of compliance emerge. Some people have false expectations, thinking this Program is magically going to return them to glowing health in just a few days. After years of self abuse. It won’t. Success requires the gradual cleansing of the digestive tract and the blood, slowly restoring energy and vitality, week by week. As long as it takes. A wide range of recovery is possible, depending on the level of autointoxication at the start. And the level of compliance. How long did it take you to get this run down and bloated? We see several kinds of drop-outs, with various levels of self delusion, making this or that excuse about why they can’t continue the program, which they’ve already acknowledged as their only hope of escape from the deteriorating health they’ve been living with for several years. Example: “I’ve been on the program for 6 days and I’m no better, in fact I’m worse – this can’t possibly work, and I just can’t do it, I felt so much better when I was eating my junk food every day. So I quit.” Or this one: “Yes I know I was on the way towards degeneration and death, and my doctors can do nothing for me, but without my nighttime snack foods my life isn’t worth living, so I’m quitting the program and taking my chances…” Enter the Healing Crisis. Simply stated, in any recovery, you may get worse before you get better. Any real detox is dredging up all sorts of stored indigestibles and accumulated poisons from your gut and tissues. A variety of temporary symptoms may appear as they leave. Stomach pain, flu-like symptoms,


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

bloating, blockage, fatigue, brain fog, etc are signs a transformation is actually taking place. This can be disconcerting, but these symptoms are the good news. Most of us harbor powerful chemicals that can be re-introduced into the system on the way out. Freed up drug residues into the blood stream can cause occasional dizziness, disorientation, or mild headache. The Digestazyme, Phase 2, and Expel – really are going to pull toxic debris out of the tissues. Not maybe. That can be a jolt to the system when one suddenly stops the intake of noxious yet tasty junk foods and drink, in favor of hydration, nutrients, and detoxifying supplements. Withdrawal can be a quantum shift. Many scenarios are possible. Occasionally we get people who tried the program without reading the above chapters at all. And they call in, thinking that the supplements are the reason for their new symptoms, as though the supplements themselves are toxic. Some of these people may do a Consultation at that time. Upon investigation, almost 100% of those cases admit to not following the Program as specified. How to detox your blood. So there are two essential rules: 1. Read the chapters before getting the Program. The whole thing. 2. Learn how to calibrate your rate of detox, to control any healing crisis If the symptoms of healing crisis become too uncomfortable, the patient must calibrate the program. The best way is to stop these 3 supplements for a day or two. Digestazyme Phase 2. Expel Then, after the symptoms subside, start up again, just one of the 3 at a time, with 1/3 dose. Then gradually add the other two after a few days, until you’re


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

back to the regular dosage again. You can completely control your rate of detox to what is tolerable Again, these are not drugs. We’re not prescribing cures for diseases here. You can adjust the dosages to whatever allows you to continue detoxing, at a tolerable pace. So be warned. The 60 Day Program may look simple — it is simple. But unfortunately it is not necessarily easy. Going cold turkey on 2 root beer floats, 6 glazed donuts, and a large bag of barbecue chips per night can be a shock. My sugar, my salt, my mouth-feel, my kick, my raison d’etre, my added flavors – no longer frills, but over time, now life’s essentials. Right? Herein lies the essential distinction between the allopathic / mainstream approach and the holistic approach. Pharmaceuticals cover up symptoms, and while the problem still remains, the patient may get some temporary relief. That’s the whole allure, isn’t it – abdicate responsibility for your own health to a third party. Cover up the problem with pain drugs. Until some terminal disease appears. Holistic cures are under no such compulsion to delude. It forces responsibility onto the patient. Rooting out the underlying cause of the problem may not be easy, is not quick, and may not be pleasant. That is because we are working with what’s left of the functioning systems of the body, and forcing them back into the trenches – get back to work! Kidneys, colon, digestive tract, circulatory system, immune system, muscles – do your job!!

THE DEEP CLEANSE Sometimes detoxification happens in phases. Many patients will stabilize during the first month and fall into a tolerable rhythm of detox. They’re feeling much better and figure that the worst is over, expecting a gradual upswing the second month.


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

But the body has other plans. If the Expel, Enzymes, and Phase 2 are able to reach a deeper level where poisons have been harbored for years, new symptoms may be triggered as these timebombs are released into the blood. Occasionally, patients might develop a hacking, productive cough, or elimination of unusual excreta, perhaps even passing a little blood for a few days. Or transient dizziness, headache, shooting pains, etc. These are usually temporary – nothing serious – just indicators that the detox has unearthed noxious stores that have been deeply buried for a long time. After a week or so, if the detox continues, these deeper areas are cleansed and the symptoms may disappear as abruptly as they came on. This is the classic holistic trajectory – so often this is the way the body heals itself. It’s a retracing, some of it is uncomfortable, and then health returns. The only true health. Here’s an extreme example of a Whiner, fortunately rare: “Dear Dr. T, This is my 12th day on the 60 day Detox program. I find that when I eat this way, I do not suffer from GERD anymore. But – I am constantly thinking about food, carrying food around, and planning my meals around my supplements and my supplements around my meals. I am also gaining weight. I used to eat all kinds of junk – and pizza – and not gain weight. When I began this plan – I did not do so with the expectation of dramatic weight loss – but – I did expect that with all the proper eating habits, the supplements, Expel, and the chelation products – I would see some positive results. I am disappointed that almost 2 weeks have past and that my clothes are getting tighter. I often feel bloated. I find that this way of eating has a negative effect on my mood. I am going to quit the program and go back to my old diet. This isn’t working for me. — MR X ”


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

My response: [Dear Mr X: You can’t evaluate a 60 day program after 12 days — Is it called the 12 Day Detox program? You’re definitely not gaining weight because of the detox. That is impossible. What you’re probably experiencing is water retention as you’re pulling all the stored poisons out of your tract and tissues. Another possibility is temporary blockage of the tract from initiating the process of actually expelling all that waste from your blocked tract for the first time in 2 decades. This is common among people who are really toxic, during the first phase of detox. This program isn’t a magic bullet that cures everyone of a lifetime of selfindulgence and abuse in a week. You may have to suffer through the discomfort of readjusting your metabolism to natural foods – paying the price for the sins of a lifetime. Which takes a bare minimum of 60 days – not 12 days. So if you’re looking for my permission to be a fake, you came to the wrong shop, brother. Not buying that it’s the program’s fault and not your own lack of will power to make a change. There’s nothing wrong with the program, as you can see by looking at the Testimonials page on the site. Why did it work so well for all those people but not for you? Did you see any of them pulling out after 12 days, whining about it’s too hard? Poor you, poor baby. If you had read the chapter about the 60 day program before you started, you would have read about the Healing Crisis, which is what you’re experiencing and you would know that it typically means 2 things: The program is actually working for you. You really need to do it I didn’t see anywhere in the chapter where we claimed this was a 2-week walk in the park. So go ahead and return to your chemicals, junk food, and


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

self annihilation. Look ahead 3 years into the future. My regards to Elvis and Mr Lennon. – Dr T] Think I was too hard on the poor baby? Then this program is not for you. It’s only for those who can take responsibility for their own health. And are willing to do whatever it takes to get it back. Today we’re in a whole new world, where the truth about health and nutrition is being censored.. Like never before in our history, it truly is the Survival of the Informed. As far as the imaginary ‘food addiction’ goes, most patients find that after a week or so of going cold turkey on junk foods, sugar, coffee, etc. the craving vanishes. Often patient are astonished at how easy it was. That happens all the time. The 60 Day Program is not just another option on the shelf at GNC. Saving lives is serious business. This classic, natural approach is often the only solution in these advanced cases. So all you tentative, cowering dilettantes and germaphobes – back to your sniffling, coughing, cable channels, with your little facemasks, vaccines, drugs, Haggendazz, pizza and Fritos, diet Coke, wikiing your brains out, trading your life for a virtual life in the Metaverse… That life of sickness and declining energy and power – it’s all yours. But you others, you bold travelers ready to set yourselves free from the yoke of dependence on someone else’s version of health – step up and get busy. You’ll try? Please. Don’t bother. Losers try – winners do whatever it takes. It’s really not that hard. You can do it.

Order Program “He not busy being born is busy dying.” – Mr Zimmerman


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

For some stories of real people who were probably much worse off than you at the outset, click here Testimonials Here’s just one of those stories: “HI Dr T! Wanted to let people know that the most important thing about the 60 Day Program is exactly what you say – if you’re not going to dedicate yourself for the entire two months, don’t even bother. Truer words were never spoken. Once I read that, I knew this guy was for real. A few years ago I got a mysterious lung infection. Not only could I hardly breathe, but the pain was so bad I went to the hospital. They were mystified and took a biopsy from the lung. Their best guess was MRSA, complicated by pneumonia and sepsis. The treatment was 6 weeks of almost constant IV vancomycin. I worsened during that time, bedridden, completely incapacitated. After 6 weeks, no improvement – still couldn’t breathe or get out of bed. The best the “experts” would come up with at that point with was another 6 weeks of exactly the same IV antibiotic. At that same time I came across your life-saving website at thedoctorwithin and began reading about the 60 Day Program. Everything you said rang true, especially the part about taking responsibility for my own health because the medics are just guessing, etc. Reading that one idea saved my life. Especially when I found out later that MRSA is the most antibiotic resistant of all bacteria! If I’d have listened to them I’d probably be dead. Anyway, after reading the entire 60 Day Program chapter, I went home and ordered the Program. I also read the chapters on the individual supplements and the New West Diet. I never read anything like this – it all made so much sense. It wasn’t easy at first.. The part about the healing crisis was right on the money. For a few weeks I got worse, but I realized that was the evidence of detoxing all those years of sludge and drugs from my tissues. I could feel the changes happening inside me, but it was slow going. But soon I got over the


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

hump and could feel my life returning. I actually did the entire program twice because it made sense to continue the only thing that had ever shown positive results. After everything I’ve been through the one thing I’m sure of is – I would have never got the results I’ve seen without doing your program. I would never have realized that I could be responsible for my own health and could overcome any health challenge. Why don’t more people know about this? No wonder you’re being censored! Have a great New Year doc – can’t thank you enough for giving me my life back. Carlton Stroughton Sarasota ” More stories [Standard Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs] .


9/17/23, 8:14 PM

The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

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9/17/23, 8:15 PM

Maintenance Schedule After Completing the 60 Day Program - thedoctorwithin

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Maintenance Schedule After Completing the 60 Day Program Get Our Newsletter

If you have achieved your health goals, have no chronic pain, enjoy abundant energy, are normal weight, sleep all night, then you are ready for the Maintenance Schedule. {If not, continue the ongoing program until those goals are met.} Having followed the normal adult dosages, after 2 months you pretty much know what supplement has what effect by now. Assuming you’re at your desired plateau of health, here’s the new schedule for the supplements: 1. Digestazyme – 3 caps, once every day, or any time you overindulge 2. Florabiotics – 3 caps, once every day 3. Minerals – 3 caps every day 4. Expel – 3 caps daily 5. MegaHydrate – 2 scoops every day 6. Oral Chelation – 3 caps every day 7. Hydrolyzed Collagen – 2-3 tablespoons every day Remember, none of this is written in stone – these are not drugs. These dosages are just guidelines – all this can be tailored to your own desires. The objective is to keep the tract and the bloodstream unobstructed and to enjoy the good health described in so many of the stories in the Feedback section of the site.


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Maintenance Schedule After Completing the 60 Day Program - thedoctorwithin

The holistic lifestyle is still possible, no matter what the uninformed on TV/wiki/google say. Many people maintain their detoxed lifestyle by routinely doing the 60 Day Program every year. Seems more and more advisable in the drugged, hydrogenated world in which we live.

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9/17/23, 8:15 PM

Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

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Enzymes: The Key to Longevity Get Our Newsletter

Digestive Enzymes.

– Dr Tim O’Shea “The joy of life depends on a sound stomach whereas bad digestion inclines one to skepticism, incredulity, breeds black fancies, and thoughts of death.” – Joseph Conrad Why do we die? Why do we age? Why do things wear out? Do we just live our lives and then all of a sudden out of the blue a disease bug comes floating in from who knows where and causes an illness that kills us? Unless of course the right drug can be found to kill the bug. Do you believe this? The majority of people in actually do. But some are discovering that lifestyle has everything to do with susceptibility to disease. Lifestyle: – diet, stress level, mental outlook, daily physical movement, or lack thereof. Non-bug issues.


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

Many of us today are becoming disconsolate about seeing our parents die of the same diseases our grandparents died of. Despite all the “breakthroughs” we’re constantly reading about in the popular press, our health as a nation is not improving in the least.

In Chapter One (A Normal Life) we saw the 10 major killers of Americans: Heart disease: 616,067 Cancer: 562,875 Stroke: 135,952 Pulmonary disease: 127,924 Accidents: 123,706 Alzheimer’s disease: 74,632


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

Diabetes: 71,382 Pneumonia/Flu: 52,717 Kidney Disease: 46,448 Septicemia: 34,828 – CDC Except for accidents, these illnesses are largely preventable; they are caused or aggravated by years of bad dietary habits. The top 3 have gone unchanged for the last 30 years. What does that say about a health care system spending $3 trillion annually? These diseases don’t just fly in on the night air and invade our pure, innocent bodies. Loading up on indigestible, devitalized foods slowly kills the body’s cells and tissues, week by week, month by month. Whichever particular organ gives out first – that’s what we say someone died of: he had a bad heart, he had a bad liver, he had a bad stomach, he was a lunger, etc. But that’s not right. Healthy people don’t get sick. The body is either healing or dying, every day.

NAME YER POISON The principal obstacle to full health is the degree of blood toxicity. You may think of poisons as things like arsenic, or cyanide, or rat poison, or things that secret agents in James Bond movies bite in capsules just before they’re captured. There are many levels and types of poisons. The best ones kill you the slowest and are undetectable. Let’s consider the slowest poisons of all: the food we eat. Most modern food which the American diet comprises, is poison. Why do I say that? A good poison will: 1. block the flow of blood, 2. decrease the amount of oxygen to the tissues 3. interfere with one or more major systems of the body,


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

4. cause addiction to the poison itself 5. eventually kill the subject without ever being detected No poison in history has achieved these goals on the scale that processed food has.

WHAT ARE ENZYMES? We are surrounded by examples of enzyme activity every day. Take a banana. A green one. Put it on a windowsill for a couple days. It turns yellow and ripens. That’s enzymes working. “Without enzymes, seeds would not sprout, fruit would not ripen, leaves would not change color, and you would not exist.” – D’Raye, p.3 [4] Enzymes are properties of all living cells that bring about changes. Enzymes are specific proteins that are active in every cell of your body every second. Enzymes change things into usable forms. As Dr. Royal Lee said long ago, enzymes “… are the most important unit in the human body, because every chemical change that takes place to repair tissue or to assimilate food involves the activity of enzymes. Without enzyme activity there is no life. No plant or animal can live without the activity of its enzymes.” -Conversations, 1955 [9] Biologically, we are nothing more than collections of living cells. What happens to our cells happens to us. Life functions of cells are mediated by enzymes.

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ENZYMES AND ENZYME ACTIVITY By themselves enzymes are just pieces to the puzzle. For enzymes to actually perform the thousands of tasks they do, helpers are necessary.


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

Doctors call these helpers co-factors. Most co-factors are vitamins and minerals. The enzyme and the co-factors orchestrate themselves in an ultra sophisticated biochemical symphony called a complex. It is the enzyme complex that brings about enzyme activity – without all the players, the game doesn’t happen. “Nutrients cannot work in isolation ….Absence of any one of these essential nutrients is enough to destroy our health.” – Erasmus, p 73 [20] An enzyme supplement must contain these co-factors. If it doesn’t, the body itself must provide the missing nutrients. If the patient is vitamin or mineral deficient, taking an isolated enzyme supplement won’t have much beneficial effect. Enzyme activity is a major team effort. “An enzyme is a functioning mechanism, not a chemical…. an enzyme itself is a living principle.” -Conversations in Nutrition [9] The vitamins we’re talking about here are not the synthetic ones you usually see in the grocery store. Only natural whole food vitamins can collaborate with enzymes. As Dr. Lee wrote almost 50 years ago: “When you take a vitamin out of this group and crystallize it and put it in a bottle, it becomes a … chemical. It is no longer part of the living substance. It is no longer a part of the living mechanism we call an enzyme.” [9] Vitamins, minerals, and enzymes are the three legs of a stool. In the wacky marketplace of today’s food supplements, we’re assaulted on all sides by people screaming Vitamins!, others yelling Minerals!, and others hollering Enzymes! as though each one alone were the Magic Bullet that can cure anything. The real ideas are cooperation, synergy, and co-factoring. Nothing exists in isolation in the body. An enzyme without co-factors has no enzyme activity.


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

SPECIFIC SHAPES Enzymes have very specific jobs to do. Their activity is compared to keys that must fit certain locks. Enzymes are long-chain proteins held together in very specific shapes by hydrogen bonds. If anything happens to the Velcro-like bonds, the enzyme protein unravels, losing its shape. Without the shape, the key can no longer fit the lock. Then it’s no longer an enzyme – just another foreign protein.

What do foreign proteins cause in our body? Right – inflammation. Immune response. And that’s exactly the meaning of auto-immune. The body now attacks itself because it senses there’s an alien on board. Self has become not-self. If the bonds are broken, the enzyme collapses, and can no longer do its job. Such a collapsed enzyme is said to be denatured. Several things cause an enzyme to become denatured: heating above 118 F (cooking) drugs alcohol fluoride free radicals food processing canning irradiation genetic engineering .


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

Watch this short video on whole food vs. denatured enzymes:

COOKED VS. RAW Edward Howell MD, world authority on enzymes and human nutrition, talks about how enzymes are denatured above 118F. Since water boils at 212F, you can see how cooking is detrimental to most foods. That’s why when it comes to vegetables, raw is best, steaming is much better than overcooking. Fad diet recommendations that ignore this basic premise are all the more flawed. The more intact enzymes still in the food, the less we tax the body’s own enzyme stores.

SAVINGS ACCOUNT We have two main types of enzymes in our bodies. Dr. Edward Howell, in his masterwork Enzyme Nutrition [5], tells us it’s as though we are given a bank account of enzyme energy at the beginning of our lives. The bank account contains two types of enzyme currency: – metabolic enzymes – digestive enzymes The more of that bank account we have to use for digestion, the less is left over for the thousands of other tasks which the metabolic enzymes have to perform in our bodies. Details like thinking, breathing, walking, seeing, cell life, etc. – all depend on enzymes. Think of people grossly overweight. Do they perform these various functions well, or do they seem impaired? Simply, they have to expend too much of their enzyme energy trying to digest all the heaps of indigestible food that keeps coming down the hatch.



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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

Metabolic means having to do with operating the body’s specific systems. Cell life, nerve transmission, brain signals, hormone distribution, oxygen exchange, liver function, acid-base balance in the blood, stuff like that. All these jobs require specific enzymes in order to happen, on a second-bysecond basis. Metabolic enzymes are the worker protein molecules that keep this whole biochemical circus going all day long. Over 5000 metabolic enzymes have been identified in the human body. [5]

DIGESTIVE ENZYMES The class of enzymes you’re probably most familiar with is the one that involves digestion. The mouth, the stomach, the pancreas, the liver, and the intestine produce various enzymes whose job is to break down any food we eat into usable components. No matter how greasy, no matter how much extra cheese, or how much white sugar, how many chemicals, no matter how indigestible a food is, your body will try to break it down by means of enzymes. Some foods are very easy on the body. Turns out, those are the ones which contain within them all the enzymes necessary for complete digestion. Examples: apples, corn, watermelon, green peppers, pears, celery, etc. Raw fruits and vegetables. These foods don’t require that the body waste energy producing a lot of powerful digestive juices in order to change them into a usable form.

THREE FOODS We all know that human food comes in three varieties: fats protein carbohydrates Each is a large molecule. Since the body prefers smaller units, these large fat, protein, and carbohydrate chains must be broken down. Fats are broken down to fatty acids; proteins are broken down to amino acids; carbohydrates


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are broken down to glucose molecules. The process of breakdown is called digestion. Each food type has a special enzyme to make this breakdown happen: Lipase is the enzyme that breaks down fat. Proteases break down protein. Amylase breaks down carbohydrates. Now many doctors and others with no background in nutrition will say that we can eat anything we want because the body’s digestive enzymes are designed to break the food down. This would be true if we were eating an 80% natural diet. The natural diet leaves behind no residue from the digestive activity. That is normal digestion. But we don’t have a natural diet. Most of us have the Standard American Diet. You know – burgers, fries, pizza, beer, chips, donuts, coke, ho-hos, chicken nuggets, ice cream, buffalo wings, oreos, velveeta, ranch, snickers, cheetos, etc. These are non-foods, new to the human species in the past century. Our digestive systems were never designed to break these chemical freakazoids down. So the stuff doesn’t get digested – it just sits there, rotting. Abnormal diet = abnormal digestion.

TOXEMIA AND VICARIOUS ELIMINATION Toxemia means blood poisoning. Way back in 1926, a famous Colorado healer, JH Tilden MD, wrote a book which was the culmination of a lifetime of


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clinical experience, Toxemia Explained. Dr. Tilden was radical. He didn’t believe drugs cured disease. He had one simple thesis: “… every so-called disease is a crisis of toxemia, which means that toxin has accumulated in the blood above the toleration point. … the crisis, the so-called disease – call it cold, flu, pneumonia, headache, or typhoid fever – is a vicarious elimination. Nature is endeavoring to rid the body of toxin.” Toxemia Explained p. 49 [8] A disease is named for where the toxins accumulate so much that that body part starts failing. This model of disease, known as vicarious elimination, has never been disproven. What happens is, the normal avenues for expelling waste – liver, kidneys, and colon – are overwhelmed. As a survival instinct, other organs of the body become enlisted to help get rid of wastes. They try desperately to expel the indigestible, rotting poisons, often becoming inflamed or diseased themselves in the attempt. One obvious example of this idea is acne. Acne is not a skin problem. It is a vicarious elimination: the blood and the colon are so backed up with poisons that are accumulating faster than they can escape that the body tries an extreme solution: expel the poisons through the body’s largest organ: the skin. An alternative escape route. As the poisons leave, they irritate the normal skin and cause rash, redness, or pustulated eruptions, like pimples or boils. This is why skin creams and lotions don’t work in such a scenario. It’s not a skin problem. It’s a problem of chronic blood poisoning from of an indigestible diet. Third World people rarely get acne. Acne is a disease of excess, a consequence of the fast food lifestyle. Chronic ‘incurable’ eczema and psoriasis often fall into the same category. People suffer needlessly for years with these diseases, under the direction of their well-intentioned but clueless dermatologist who has convinced them that their only hope is to find the right medication for their ‘skin disease.’


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Same with the kidneys. Their original job was simply to maintain water and electrolyte balance within the blood. But with the advent of modern foods of commerce, suddenly the kidneys find themselves spending all their energy trying to filter out these new manmade chemicals from the blood – a function for which they were never designed. Result: kidney disease today is the #9 cause of death in the US. [1] Dr. Henry Bieler offers another example of vicarious elimination: the lungs take over for the kidneys. When the level of toxins in the blood exceeds the kidneys’ capacity to eliminate them via the urine, the lungs try to take up some of the slack. The lungs secrete some of the blood’s toxins through their mucous membranes. Such toxicity irritates and inflames the delicate lung membranes, and can be the initial cause of pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, edema or virtually any other lung problem. (p 164) [6] Same with a cold. A cold is simply the body’s way of saying that the level of toxicity has now surpassed the body’s ability to get rid of wastes through the normal avenues: colon, kidneys, and liver. So it will try alternative or vicarious routes: nose, mouth, throat, eyes, or lungs. Bieler uses this same model to explain dysmenorrhea and pelvic inflammatory disease: irritation of female organs when they are used as alternate routes of toxin removal from the blood, every month. At menopause, when this avenue of detox falls into disuse, various new problems may occur as a result. (p 172). Vicarious elimination: an organ of reproduction being used as an emergency organ of detoxification. Again, Tilden’s theory of vicarious elimination is that many diseases are really just an organ’s emergency attempt to discharge excess poisons because the primary avenues are overloaded. If that body part is overwhelmed in the process, it becomes diseased and we pretend that that organ, in isolation from the rest of the body, is the problem. Such thinking is more than just simplistic and disingenuous; if medical decisions are based on false perceptions characterizing the diseased organ


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as the disease, the results will range from ineffective to fatal. Dr. Tilden felt that undigested food in the intestines and in the blood was the primary cause of all disease. His ideas are now being substantiated in most gastroenterology journals, which explore in great detail the ‘modern’ phenomenon of

LEAKY GUT SYNDROME The reason the food remains undigested is lack of enzymes. Here’s what happens: We eat trashy food. We can’t digest it. It remains in our intestines in a rotting form for weeks on end. Eventually the protective intestinal lining weakens and allows some of the rotting, undigested food to enter the bloodstream. Once in the blood, the toxic debris can settle just about anywhere. As a foreign protein, the debris can then initiate an inflammatory reaction at the particular location where it happens to end up. The snap diagnosis is that we have a problem at the site of the inflammation: the joints, the muscles, the liver, the kidneys, the intestines, the stomach, whatever. Then we are given drugs to cover up the symptoms. Doctors pretend they can treat that single ‘problem’ part in isolation from the rest of the body. That’s why it doesn’t work. According to Dr. Tilden, these types of chronic, mysterious illnesses almost always have toxemia as the root cause. Dr. Tilden was ahead of his time. His ideas are far superior to modern drug remedies. In most chronic disease situations, especially one that has baffled all the medical geniuses, Tilden’s approach should be tried first, if one is to have any hope at all of a complete, permanent recovery. Thomas Sydenham, the most famous English physician of the 17th century, long ago supported Tilden: “Disease is nothing else than an attempt on the part of the body to rid itself of morbific matter.”


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– Bieler, p 40 [6] Morbific – that means dead and rotting. For more on the colon see Journey to the Center of Your Colon.

THE SHELF-LIFE BUSINESS Let’s talk about processed foods. How did all these artificial, devitalized foods become the main components of the American diet in the first place? Long story. In 1910 Harvey Wiley, MD was the first head of the original FDA. Dr. Wiley was a big critic of food adulteration. He was against bleached flour, refined sugar, and the sale of adulterated, devitalized foods. He once tried to prevent the Coca Cola Company from shipping Coke across interstate lines because it had white sugar in it, which Dr. Wiley correctly described as an adulterated food. Then Wiley actually began seizing shipments of bleached flour. A legal battle ensued and went all the way to the Supreme Court in 1913. Wiley won. Bleach was proven to be an empty filler, whose main purpose was to kill bugs and bulk up the flour. This law has never been enforced, or reversed either. Soon thereafter the huge financial interests controlling food processing banded together and got Wiley thrown out of office. Ever since we have had white flour, which has no food value whatsoever – no vitamins, no minerals, no enzymes, and which often contains large amounts of bleach – (Bealle, Royal Lee) That’s what bread labels even today are talking about when they state ‘unbleached flour.’ [6, 9] Food processing has only been around for about the last 100 years or so. Food processing came about mainly during wartime when we had to figure out how to transport large quantities of food to the WWI soldiers without spoiling on the way. Scientists found out that the more efficient were the methods of removing enzymes from foods, the better it transported and the


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longer it lasted. After the war, the techniques that had been earned were applied to the grocery business. The supermarket industry soon found out that profits could be greatly increased if foods can be made to last longer without spoiling. If that meant that they were also removing most or all of the nutrition from the food along with the enzymes, hey, too bad. The manufacturers weren’t in the health business; this was the Shelf-Life business. Scientific methods of enzyme removal and food preservation became more and more sophisticated. Chemical additives came in, which do nothing to nourish the body – it’s just about the money. And now the two new buzzwords are irradiation and genetic engineering. Do you think any of these methods has anything to do with increasing the nutritive value of foods? This is big business, driven by one motive only.

GOOD LIVER – GOOD LIFE One of the first organs to be overwhelmed by the constant deluge of toxic fast foods is the liver, the most important organ of the body. Bieler feels that if the liver were able to keep up with cleansing the blood of all the indigestible debris we shove down our throats, we would live more or less indefinitely. (Bieler, p63) Before it gets into general circulation, digested food from the intestine goes first through the liver via the portal vein. The liver is then supposed to choose what to do with the digested food i. make new body tissues ii. release energy iii. store nutrients for future use Unfortunately in an enzyme-less diet that consists of 80% hard fats and refined sugars, the liver hardly has time to get around to these standard life functions. Instead it wastes most of its energy and power just trying to tread water in a sewer of chemicals. Liver cells die, cirrhosis results, and this is today the #10 cause of death in the US. (Historical Statistics [1])


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The human liver evolved from 60 million years of animal liver evolution. For all but the last 100 years of man’s 200,000 years, the human diet was simple fruits and vegetables, with a little animal protein. Thus was the liver allowed to develop normally and concentrate on its main tasks, which did not involve toxic waste breakdown. Modern processed foods are a shock to evolution. (Food Is Your Best Medicine, p 183) [6] Bieler explains the idiocy of trying to force the liver and kidneys to work harder by falsely whipping them into action by adrenal-stimulating steroid and diuretic drugs, which is the standard medical approach. This is a short-term solution and will ultimately result in organ destruction. The simple fact is, the liver and kidneys were never meant to work this hard, spending all their metabolic energy trying to deal with enzymeless processed food chemicals from our horrible diet. Bieler, p 142) [6]

WESTON A. PRICE Once there was a dentist named Dr. Weston A. Price. In the 1930s, he and his wife went around the world, gathering data from dozens of countries. He was looking for the healthiest people on earth. That is, the ones with the longest lifespan, no degenerative disease, no tooth decay, the strongest bones, and best physiques. Everywhere he went, Dr. Price would check the bones and teeth of various tribes and civilizations, including: Swiss Alpine villages Fiji Eskimos Seminole Indians Canadian Indians Scottish primitives Melanesia Hawaii What Price found was startling and undeniable: across the board, those primitive civilizations and cultures enjoyed sound teeth, strong bones, and lives generally free from degenerative disease, provided there was adequate


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natural food and a mineral-rich water supply. Then invariably, as soon as the enzymeless foods of commerce became available to these simple people, within a few years, their teeth would be rotten, their bones would soften, and they would experience the onset of epidemic degenerative diseases, just like the ones that prevail in America today. Like Royal Lee and JH Tilden, Price is talking about white flour, white sugar, and processed, devitalized adulterated foods. [7] The common factor in the new foods which infiltrated and corrupted the diets of these primitive societies, again, was lack of enzymes. Dr. Price also examined ancient skulls from the burial grounds of many of these civilizations. He was looking to correlate the amount of tooth decay with the formation of the dental arches, as well as the formation of the facial bones and the nostrils. Location after location, Price’s findings were overwhelmingly consistent: when the isolated people had a primitive diet consisting of fish, whole grains, raw dairy, and a mineral-rich environment, the people enjoyed perfect teeth, and a very low incidence of infectious and degenerative disease. Price correlated beyond a doubt the exposure of primitive people to white flour and white sugar with all the following: Bone thinning Facial deformity Mouth breathing, because the nostrils did not develop properly Rampant tooth decay Tuberculosis Arthritis Price shows how physical degeneration of a group of people who may have enjoyed nearly perfect health for centuries – how this situation can be destroyed within a few years of being exposed to the foods of commerce – white sugar, white flour, and processed devitalized products. Dr. Price’s book is called Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, [7] and is still in print. No nutritionist or dietician can claim to be well-informed without a thorough understanding of this landmark work.


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Remember, nutritionists and dieticians are the ones who design hospital food, airline cuisine, and school lunches.

THE IDIOCY OF THE HIGH PROTEIN DIET Because of advertising, and ‘soft’ advertising in which scripted information is made to look like hard news, food fads are as rampant today as ever. Eat for your blood type, eat for your body type, eat for your horoscope, eat for your recovered memories, eat what your muscle testing says, eat according to your ethnicity, eat according to the results of your hair analysis – junk science is at its zenith in America today. Not the least unscientific of these is the popular high protein diet. Riding high on the cholesterol/ heart disease myth, and the Dangers of Carbs spectre, the high protein diet was the new messiah – the ultimate healthy diet. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Obviously if someone is pounding fries and ice cream and coke all day long, and suddenly he trades up to the high protein diet, there are going to be some immediate improvements in the way the patient feels. But the same effect would probably have been obtained by an all citrus diet, or Price’s diet of raw milk and rye cakes. There are many physiologic nightmares which are promoted by the Atkins approach. We’ll look at just a few: A long-term high protein diet exclusive of good fats and natural carbohydrates is very detrimental to the kidneys, the liver, and the blood. The breakdown products of processed artificial protein are highly acidifying to the blood and tract. In addition to blocking most digestive and metabolic enzymes by constantly lowering the body’s pH, this sets in motion the whole calcium buffering program in which the pH of the blood is saved from all the dangerous acidification by pulling calcium out of the bones and teeth.


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The body’s next effort may be to precipitate some of the excess protein out of solution in the form of uric acid crystals. These may then be deposited in joints and organs, resulting in arthritis, kidney stones, gallstones, etc. Too much protein in the diet putrefies in the digestive tract, setting up blockage, leaky gut syndrome, and a whole host of intestinal disorders. Excess nitrogen in the system from all those excess amino acids further stresses the blood. The food advertisers pretend that we need more protein and less fat. The more protein and the less fat, the better. The truth is, Americans average 125g of protein per day, while only requiring 25g. (MacDougall) We are not protein deficient in this country. That only happens in Third World starvation countries. The reason for this Protein Religion is simple economics: high protein foods are expensive. It’s a sales job. At stake are billion$ in foods and billion$ in advertising. The high protein diet is of course aggressively promoted by the entire soypandering contingent. Having perpetrated the lie that soy is a complete, safe protein, far superior to those fat-laden animal proteins, the soy sellers are enjoying huge success by means of consistent and ubiquitous persuasion methods in all media. This concept is just as false and as dangerous as the high protein diet itself. For the whole story please see The Magic Bean. Food faddists like to complicate things, deriving rules and patterns out of thin air. Usually for the end purpose of book or supplement or food sales. A reasonable proportion of fats, protein, and carbohydrates is just common sense. Less important than the proportion of fats, protein, and carbohydrates is the form in which each is presented. Digestible or indigestible? Natural or processed? Raw or cooked? Sprayed or organic? Cleanse or clog? With or without enzymes? These are the real issues that determine the value of a food. These are the questions we should be asking. The other major misconception is the fat-free phobia that has taken hold in this country. Controlled by advertising from huge food interests, false


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information is everywhere about the dangers of fat and cholesterol and how this causes heart disease, etc. The solution? Processed soy, a toxic indigestible non-food containing the worst possible type of fat: altered fats. The irony is that Americans are now actually fat deficient, having been tricked into thinking that all fats are bad. We need good fats, essential fatty acids, and we’re not getting them. (Erasmus) [20]

MILK – A DEVITALIZED ENZYMELESS FOOD The absence of enzymes in modern dairy products exists by definition: milk is pronounced ‘pasteurized’ only when all the enzymes have been removed by heating. From pasteurized milk we then get butter, ice cream, cheese, yoghurt, and milk chocolate. Problem is, all these foods can’t be digested. Undigested food goes all over the body and causes chronic low-grade inflammation. And blockages. That is why holistic nutritionists generally agree that milk is the #1 cause of allergies. Don’t believe it? Take away all dairy for 60 days from the allergy or asthmatic child. The operative word here is all. See what happens to the allergies. (Allergies: The Threshold of Reactivity) Yes I know what you’re thinking – where will we get our calcium from then? Big surprise: milk is not a good source of calcium because the enzyme phosphatase, which is necessary to absorb calcium, was destroyed by pasteurization. (Douglass) The only reason we think we need milk for calcium is that we’ve heard it all our lives – on TV, in school nutrition programs, from dieticians. But guess who paid for all that advertising and promotion? Starting way back in the 1950s, the American Dairy Association spent millions providing ‘educational’ materials for American grade schools in which dairy products are presented as one of the Four Food Groups. This never had anything to do with science – this is marketing. There’s no such thing as the four food groups. They made it up! (McDougall) [21] So, as for the calcium requirements of children:


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“… Pasteurized milk is incapable of rebuilding or maintaining bones and teeth.” – Royal Lee, 1955 [9] And as for digestion: “commercially modified milk and baby foods are all foreign to the baby’s liver digestion and may produce diarrhea, milk allergies, and constipation.” – H. Bieler, 1965 [6] It is not just Africans who have lactose intolerance – all humans have lactose intolerance when it comes to pasteurized milk. But it’s still a word game: lactose is milk sugar. We’re not allergic to milk sugar; we’re allergic to milk. No enzymes = junk food. Milk is a junk food. Think your baby needs it? Think again. Pasteurized cow’s milk is sensitizing your baby to an unnatural non-food allergenic protein. Consider this: man is the only animal who figured out how to remove enzymes from milk. For the whole story on milk, read Twogood’s No Milk and Dr Ron Schmid’s The Untold Story of Milk. [12, 22] Also see the pediatrician chapter. Milk is a very common example of an artificial, man-made food about which a century of advertising has created the illusion of a healthy staple. The same ideas apply to other processed foods. That means one that has been devitalized by the food industry by removing all the enzymes. Problem is, only the enzymes made it a living complex in the first place. The above comments about milk refer only to pasteurized milk. Raw milk from cows living in a natural mineral-rich environment is another story altogether. Dr. Price thoroughly documents the health of Swiss Alpine villagers, isolated from processed foods. Some of these healthy people lived on a diet centered around raw butter and raw cheese, from cows and goats. Their health was far better than most of ours today.


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The point is that natural, unprocessed, unpasteurized dairy products could be a superlative nutritional staple, because it is loaded with the fat soluble vitamins A, D, and E, minerals and enzymes. What destroys milk is civilization: killing the enzymes by heat, adding antibiotics and hormones to the cows’ diet, keeping the cows in a mineral deficient environment, and artificially preparing it for long periods of storage. (Price)

EATING IN AMERICA: A CONDITIONED RESPONSE Let’s talk about the food we eat. Now most of us know what we should eat. But when it actually comes down to it, we simply eat food that ‘we’re hungry for.’ We can’t really be blamed for this, right? Billions of dollars are spent conditioning us about what we should feel hungry for. Look at TV, billboards, radio, newspapers – what are we constantly assaulted with? Images of burgers, fries, ice cream, chips, Pepsi, candy, donuts, milk, cheese, MGD, etc. Just hearing these words makes our Pavlovian mouths water. These are the best poisons ever made. Not only do they contain little or no nutrient content; even if they did there’s almost no chance of our getting to it because these foods have no enzymes in them. All those were taken out during processing. Therefore the entire burden of digestion is placed on our body’s own enzymes. Foods are being broken down only partially, or not at all, by our own digestive enzymes, because many foods are so foreign, so processed, have so many chemicals and preservatives, and are so new to the human race that they overstress our body’s ability to metabolize them.

GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE IN So what happens to all this undigested food? Where does it go? Well, what happens is, a lot goes in, but never comes out. Too vague? The average 35 year old has between 4-22 lbs of undigested food in the intestine alone, even


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according to the FDA. (Richard Anderson) Apocryphal evidence says John Wayne on autopsy was found to have closer to 44 lbs. of it! Elvis was said to have had more than 20 lbs. As noted above, this rotting debris doesn’t just stay in the intestine, but can make its way intact into the bloodstream, to be deposited in practically any location of the body. Such food is foreign and may cause inflammation in any area where it becomes lodged – Leaky Gut Syndrome. It can be the mechanism for just about any -itis you can think of: arthritis, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis, nephritis, myositis, bursitis, etc. As well as allergies. Such floating debris triggers the immune response. If it’s always there, the body’s always reacting to it. Symptoms of that reaction are: fatigue stuffy nose asthma sneezing blocked sinuses skin rashes fibromyalgia chronic fatigue syndrome

ALLERGIES! Reaction to undigested food has been implicated as the cause of over 90% of allergies. (See Allergies: The Threshold of Reactivity) All these conditions usually don’t just pop up for no reason, or because of some genetic tendency. People pretend they’re allergic to dust, pollen, dog hair, cat fur, horse feathers, phases of the moon, etc. But why look for an exotic cause when the obvious is staring you in the face? Years of eating food that cannot be broken down has predictable and definite physical consequences. Diet does not affect your health; diet determines your health.


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Know anyone taking allergy shots and pills for years that still has allergies every year? Why would the allergist cure them? Job security, James. Ten to one the missing piece of the puzzle is enzymes. Try the60 Day Program.

ENZYMES AND AGING A very clear chain of events connects enzyme depletion with the aging process: undigested food clogs the digestive tract. The stuck food rots there, and creates toxins and free radicals. Free radicals destroy cells, causing premature aging of tissues. Free radicals attack the cell membrane causing them to shrivel up and dehydrate, and subjecting the DNA to alteration from outside forces. Large undigested molecules seep into the bloodstream from the intestine, gumming up the blood, blocking normal oxygen distribution to the body. Cells are starved, causing premature cell death. This is not even controversial – any pathology text documents Leaky Gut Syndrome, hypertension, and chronically blocked circulation as the result of undigested fats. Worse yet, much of the immune system depends on circulating white cells. When the blood gets all backed up with undigested sludge, these cells can’t circulate. Result: depressed immune function. Aging. Fifty years ago embalmers at funeral homes had to prepare the corpse immediately after death because it would soon rot. Today there’s not such a hurry. After a lifetime of preservatives, spices, artificial additives, hydrogenated oils, and hard fats the modern corpse can sit out for a few days without going bad. It’s pickled. As Bieler says, we have effected the mummification of the living. [6] (p 220)

SICK ANIMALS Dr. Howell makes the observation that humans are the only animals who, in their natural environment, live their lives with disease. Think about it: how many human diseases are there in the pathology textbooks? 1000? What


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other animal in nature gets even 5 diseases? Why? Dr. Howell explains that humans are the only animals that eat processed foods, the only animals who subsist on enzyme-less food: “All wild creatures get their enzyme supplements in the raw food itself.” – Enzyme Nutrition p7 [5] The saliva of horses and cattle doesn’t even contain enzymes, like ours does. The work of digestion is largely aided by the enzymes in the grass or hay they eat. A whale that had 32 seals in its stomach was found to secrete no digestive enzymes! (Howell) [5] Digestion took place by means of enzymes contained within the seals themselves. Think of the burden this removes from the whale’s digestive system during his lifetime. Or more accurately, since we’re the exception, think of the burden enzymeless food places on our systems. We must expend great quantities of energy producing and maintaining digestive enzymes that Dr. Howell describes as “pathologically rich.” What a waste of energy. At what a price. Almost a century ago, France’s finest surgeon noted the ill effects of commercial foods given to pedigreed dogs: “In successive generations of purebred dogs, nervousness is often observed to increase. This phenomenon occurs in subjects brought up under artificial conditions, living in comfortable kennels, and provided with choice food quite different from that of their ancestors, the shepherds, who fought and defeated the wolves.” – Alexis Carrel, p 106 [14]

BLOOD: THE INTERNAL MILIEU Going back to the blood now, and the idea of toxicity, remember that the blood was the carrier which deposited all the undigested food debris in various locations throughout the body. But this type of debris also has observable effects on the red blood cells themselves.


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Undigested fats and protein in the diet commonly cause a condition known aserythrocyte aggregation, which is simply clumping of the red cells. This causes circulation problems and may be the primary cause of chronic fatigue. It stands to reason – if the blood cells are all stuck together like globs of motor oil, they cannot flow very easily through the blood vessels. Circulation is the only way that the body’s cells can obtain oxygen, which they need every second. Clumping of red cells graphically decreases the amount of oxygen that is being carried to the tissues. We’re not just talking about fatigue anymore; lack of oxygen spells tissue degeneration, premature aging, and early death. Just think of the stress that clumped up red blood cells put on the heart. Red cells are supposed to be free and separate so they can circulate easily. What is the #1 cause of death in the US? Alexis Carrel also demonstrated how the longevity of cells is largely determined by two things: their ability to take in oxygen and nutrients and expel wastes. That’s it. Longevity of cells obviously determines longevity of the body. Clumping of red cells from daily processed foods diet prevents both oxygen in and waste out. It’s not rocket science.

OXYGEN AND CHOLESTEROL Those shooting pains down the legs or arms are sometimes simply the result of muscles being forced to operate without sufficient oxygen, screaming in protest. Again, lack of available oxygen can cause degeneration and dysfunction of any organ or system of the entire body: arteries, heart, lungs, skin, kidneys, digestion, you name it. The oxidized cholesterol crystals from all the hydrogenated foods that precipitate out of solution in the blood – these crystals classically lodge in joints and muscles, and cause gallstones, gout, fibromyalgia, and arthritis. How many of us in our 40s still eat the same way we did when we were teenagers? It’s the road to ruin. We’re just flesh and blood after all.


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CHRONIC FATIGUE Ever get food poisoning? Or maybe you know someone. Every single day in America 200,000 people get food poisoning, 900 of them are hospitalized, and 14 die. (Schlosser) Usually we think of food poisoning as being violently ill, throwing up, and being incapacitated for a few days, because of having gotten some bad food at a restaurant. But there’s another type of food poisoning that is much more common, in fact, epidemic. This is the type of disorder the doctors and hospitals just can’t quite put their finger on. The tests are all negative. But the problem just goes on and on: no energy, intermittent sharp pains in the stomach area, bad skin, bad breath, chronic low-grade allergies, constant feeling of impending disaster – like things are just ‘not right.’ The catch-all diagnosis is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This type of food poisoning results from years of eating a diet deficient in enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. All those GMO snacks and fast food and dairy simply can’t be broken down. The body is starving from lack of nutrients. Holistic doctors call this phenomenon malnutrition of the affluent. Funny to think how someone 70 or 80 lbs. overweight can be starving, but that’s exactly what’s going on. Their constant hunger is a never-fulfilled craving, always hoping that some real nutrients will actually come down the hatch. But instead, pattern eating takes over – the sweet, soft foods, hydrogenated fats and oils, seasoned to taste with a ton of white sugar and salt. Comfort foods. And that is why obese people can’t lose weight – if they cut down their eating the body actually thinks that it is starving and tries to conserve as much of everything as possible because it’s in Survival Mode.

CHRONIC INDIGESTION – TAPING THE OIL LIGHT Gas, bloating, heartburn, stomach ache, feeling full when beginning to eat, abdominal cramping, unsatisfied hunger – these are common symptoms of


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

enzyme deficiency. But most doctors treat such problems as though they were signs of drug deficiency! Perfect examples are Tagamet and Prilosec – standard drugs given for indigestion and heartburn. Now the main reason there is pain is simple: blockage. All that pizza and fries and tacos and yoghurt is devitalized food: no enzymes. As a result, once in the stomach, it just sits there. The stomach produces more and more acids and digestive enzymes trying to break down this overcooked, chemical-laden sludge we mistakenly refer to as food. But it can’t do it. All that digestive juice sitting there unable to do its work is uncomfortable. It burns the stomach. On swallowing, the acid splashes back into the esophagus causing a painful condition known as reflux esophagitis, or heartburn. The New England Journal in 2010 stated that20%of the US population has reflux. By 2015, NIH was reporting reflux in18%-27%of the population in North America. (24) So first the geniuses try Tagamet, with the idea that all the excess acid needs to be absorbed. When that doesn’t work, enter Prilosec. The shrewd rationale behind this brain-child is to stop all digestion by halting further production of digestive juices by the body. Short-term, the discomfort is postponed, but what about the underlying cause – the sludge sitting there in the stomach? It now begins to rot (go rancid, putrefy, or ferment, depending on whether it is fat, protein or carbohydrate). We call it Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, chronic colitis, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and later – colon cancer.

FADS AND TRENDS Don’t get caught up in the Milligram Game. Or the Calorie Game. Start with the basics. If the food was never broken down in the digestive tract, well then, it went right through you. Or worse, it’s still in there. It doesn’t matter what we eat; it only matters what we digest.


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

HOW FAT WAS SHE? Had to go through a revolving door in two trips? High school picture an aerial photograph? Hog farmers learned long ago that hogs get fat twice as fast if they are fed cooked food. Cooking destroys what? Right. Enzymes. The definition of obese is that a person weighs 30% more than his normal weight. The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta now says: 37% of Americans are obese. But 60% are overweight. For anyone who doubts these figures, empirical verification may help: go to the mall and sit on a bench in the concourse for half an hour. People get fat because they eat cooked and processed foods – enzymeless foods which cannot be broken down.

LARGE PLEASE Even more than the quality of food, it’s the quantity that makes fat Americans. Consider this: for normal nutrition, humans need about 25 grams of protein per day. Our average intake is 125 grams! (McDougall [21]) As for white sugar, we consume an average of 160 pounds per person per year. How much do we need? Zero! White sugar has no food value. (Sugar: The Sweet Thief of Life) As for fats, that’s a whole story in itself. The body requires essential fat for optimum health, but only natural fats – like in avocadoes, raw nuts, flaxseed, cocoanut, and fish. These foods contain the fat enzyme lipase – which breaks them down. But that’s not what we eat. The fats we load up on are artificial, manmade fats like in chips, fries, and margarine. These artificial fats are non-foods, indigestible, and are bioaccumulative. They make for clogged arteries, cellulite, and spare tireage; once in the body they become rancid trans fatty acids. Rancid trans fatty acids are a major producer of free radicals. And that


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

means aging, cell breakdown, and DNA mutation – confirmed reservations for an eventual all expense paid vacation in sunny ICU. Most sick animals refuse all food until the healing power of nature (vis medicatrix naturae) has the opportunity to excrete the poisons. Often the greater part of the poison is undigested, rotting food which has somehow become blocked in the digestive tract. To eat in such a situation is only compounding the problem. Nature knows better. So forget about the old saw Feed a cold; Starve a fever. Starve both until the patient is hungry. Listen to the innate wisdom of the body; it’s usually right.

PUT IT BACK! So what’s the solution? Same as the problem: enzymes. Either eat an 80% natural foods diet full of natural enzymes, or else put back into the food the enzymes that were taken out by food processing. Put back into the body the enzymes that can detox the blood and the tissues, where all this halfdigested residue has taken up residence. Want to detox the system? That’s your choice: whole foods or whole food enzymes. Natural whole food enzyme supplements take away nothing from the body and require that no energy be expended by the body to get rid of them after they’ve done their job. Natural whole-food supplements contain within them exactly what a perfect food should contain: all the enzymes necessary for complete breakdown and absorption by the body, with nothing left over. Three Digestazyme capsules three times a day for 60 days. What could be simpler?


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

ENZYMES: MODERN BIOMEDICINE Only in the last 15 years have powerful whole-food enzymes been available. Dr. Howell himself, having died in 1988, would certainly have welcomed a supplement as clean and powerful as the natural whole-food enzymes available today, which can be taken along with meals and can serve to help replace the enzymes removed in food processing. Enzyme supplements are such a simple solution to a whole spectrum of health challenges, many of which are life-threatening, that they are generally not considered by mainstream practitioners. MDs are taught to look for the dramatic rescue, the quick-acting drug, the heroic procedure that can snatch the patient from the jaws of death, or whatever. That’s more sexy; it’s ‘real medicine.’ The first problem is that most medical doctors don’t even know of the existence of whole-food enzymes. Yet. The second problem is that medical doctors have a very limited exposure to enzymes in medical school. The only concept they usually have is what is found in Guyton’s Physiology, the standard text. They just learn that enzymes are ‘catalysts’, which means substances that cause things to happen but are themselves unchanged in the process. Dr. Howell, who was himself an MD,


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

proved not only was this idea inaccurate, but that there was a grand and dynamic interchange between the enzymes of digestion and the enzymes of all the other life functions, which are called enzymes of metabolism. There are several high quality enzyme supplements on the market today. There are also many mediocre or worthless enzymes available. How do you tell the difference?

THE BEST WHOLE FOOD ENZYMES 1. are broad spectrum 2. contain all necessary cofactors 3. are totally bioavailable to the cells. The oldest and largest producer of enzyme supplements in the US is the National Enzyme Company. This was Dr. Howell’s company. Today they produce enzymes for some 400 supplement companies. Scientists found out decades ago that Aspergillus-derived enzymes were the best supplements for humans because they were broad spectrum, and could operate in the whole range of pH which exists in the human digestive tract. Howell spent his whole life providing abundant proof of his research. Broad spectrum means the enzymes can digest fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The best companies also add cellulase. This is the fiberdigesting enzyme, which allows the vitamins and minerals within fiber to be set free and made available to the bloodstream. The esophagus, the stomach, the sections of the small intestine, and the colon define a wide range of pH. That means an acid/alkaline range. Digestazyme works well in all these environments. The best Digestive enzymes contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals necessary as co-factors for enzyme activity to take place, as explained above.


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

The final feature –bioavailability– is only emphasized by one formula, that of the late Dr Stan Bynum. His formula became the modern supplement Digestazyme. It is well known as a clean product – nothing left over in the blood after it does its work. Complete digestion.

ENZYME THERAPY Unless the patient will eat an 80% raw foods diet, he must take enzyme supplements in order to clear the tract, and to clear the blood. Three capsules three times a day.

NAME OF THE GAME With no background in nutrition, the family physician may not be the best source of information when it comes to whole food enzymes. Why? Because the patient is taking the first step in the dangerous direction known as I Can Be Responsible for My Own Health. As Dr. Mendelsohn explained, most doctors don’t support this idea, because it tends to take away their control of things. And if you don’t think the name of the whole game is Control, just observe any TV channel with a stopwatch and tell me how long you can sit there without someone telling you to take some type of medication. Five minutes? Ten? Your job is to need as many drugs as possible between now and the day you die. Their job is to sell them to you. Does this have anything to do with health? Rarely. This has to do with pharmaceutical economics. Health is an entirely different topic altogether ( Most medical doctors tell patients that diet has very little to do with their particular disease. Ever hear of a medical doctor doing a thorough analysis of a patient’s diet before diagnosing him as a diabetic and putting him on insulin for life? Of course not. This is sales and marketing. Occasionally doctors might say that diet may have contributed to a disease, but almost never will they say that diet can cure a disease. Curing disease comes from only one thing: drugs.


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

GLOWING HEALTH OR MERE SURVIVAL? Where are our bright young people today? Where are our adults who live most of their lives as shining examples of glowing health, bursting with energy and vitality? A human being is not a static mass of cells, but a living process. Each day we have a chance either to improve overall health, or else just to survive for another 24 hours. Each day, each meal, is an opportunity to strengthen the immune system, to shore up the body’s reserves through nutritional choices. At any given moment in time, our health is simply the cumulative result of all these past choices. Three opposing forces are constantly at work, trying to control our food selection: 1. our informed brain 2. the advertising skills of the food industry 3. non-nutritive food additives whose only purpose is addicting us to certain foods by stimulation of the taste buds and the nervous system Eating when we’re not hungry, or else just enough to get through the day, choosing the most conveniently available foods, the tasty ones with that quick jolt of sugar, or oxidized fat – this will allow us to survive. But there’s another option available to us – choosing foods that will detox the body, build our immunity, unclog our blood, and optimize the quality of life. Our ability to make rational choices based on the body’s real needs rather than on the programmed urges from the food industry – this ability will determine our total health potential. Look around you. Go to the mall. Where is this Glowing Health today, even among young people? Where is it? Rather do you see bloated, slovenly, enervated unhappy people, caricatures of the human form, with bad skin, bad posture, and blocked colons?


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

Processed GMO foods become our cells. We become processed GMO beings. Never underestimate the forces at work 24 hours a day to make us consume as much processed dairy, GMO hydrogenated soybean oil, white sugar, and white flour as possible. We are addicted to the things that poison us.

40/20 If you’ve hit 40 and are still eating the way you did at 20, you’re going down my friend. You’re wearing out, filling up. The body has exhausted its efforts to break down all those chemicals, all those preservatives, all that hydrogenated oil. Since you still take it in, it has to end up somewhere. It does – inside you. After age 40 you simply can’t eat the way you did at 20. Not if you’re going to be healthy enough to avoid doctors and hospitals. Comfort foods? So you have to have your comfort foods, right? Poor baby, baby, baby. How comfortable will you be in ICU? Or in the Afterlife? After 40, no more chips and fries. The golden arches are history. That’s it for you. Next time around maybe.

THE MASTER KEY The best course of action would be to eat a diet consisting of more than 80% enzyme-rich raw foods. No argument there. But most of us simply can’t resist all that conditioning and taste manipulation and advertising. We rationalize to ourselves how ‘life was meant to be lived and the hell with the rest’, etc. And that line of reasoning brings most of us to processed foods. Everything we put in our mouths is a decision, even if it’s an unconscious one. Each food choice poses two options:

– will this cleanse or clog?


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

The cumulative effect of these decisions determines whether we are toxifying or detoxifying day by day – whether we are getting sicker or better, building our immune reserves or using them up, promoting degeneration or slowing it down, moving toward life or toward death… Aging or anti-aging.

ONE SIMPLE STEP Whole food enzyme supplements – 3 capsules 3 times a day for 60 Days – can be the key to health, without changing one single other thing. Detox the blood and the tract. What’s the alternative? The toxins accumulate in the blood. Result: allergies, autoimmune stuff, arthritis, or any type of disease that starts with a chronic low-grade inflammation of something or other. Almost sounds too simple. But that’s the hallmark of the classic cure – simplicity. We’re not adding anything new. We’re simply replacing something that has been artificially removed by food processing: enzymes. We allow the body to find its normal equilibrium. Unless we take in sufficient enzymes to completely break our food down, we eat too much. Year by year, we balloon up – check out the mall! Even for those of us who are not overweight, we still have a decision to make. If we insist on sticking with the modern American processed food diet, our only salvation from ‘digging our graves with our teeth’ is this: whole food enzymes. The importance of this chapter can scarcely be overemphasized. No matter what the diet, no matter what the drug program, no matter what condition the body is in, if this issue of enzyme intake is not meticulously addressed on a daily basis, you’re really not serious about getting better. With any illness or chronic degeneration, a program of enzymes is the starting point, the minimum, the foundation of any healing regimen that has the slightest hope of success. See our Nutrition videos and seminars on the YT channel:


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

Click here to order Enzyme supplements. Copyright MMXXII

[Standard disclaimer: As required by FDA, no claim is being made here that these supplements or references will treat or cure disease.] REFERENCES 1. CDC – National Vital Statistics – 2010 2. Schlosser, E – Fast Food Nation – 2001 3. Naisbitt, J – Megatrends 2000 – Harper – 1991 4. Douglass, WC, MD – The Milk Book – 1984 5. D’Raye, T – Food Enzymes – Avieca – 1997 6. Howell, Edward, MD – Enzyme Nutrition – Avery – 1988 7. Bieler, H MD – Food Is Your Best Medicine – Random House – 1965 8. Price, W, DDS – Nutrition and Physical Degeneration – 1939 – Keats 9. Tilden, JH, MD – Toxemia Explained – Kessinger – 1926 10. Lee, Royal, DDS – Conversations in Nutrition – Standard Process – 1955 11. Wiley, H MD – The Foods and Their Adulterations – 1930 12. Guyton, AC, MD – Medical Physiology – Saunders – 1996 13. Twogood, D – No Milk – Wilhelmina – 1991 14. Whittaker, J, MD – Best and Worst of Today’s Supplements 15. Carrel, Alexis MD – Man, The Unknown – 1935 – MacFadden 16. Jensen, Bernard – Empty Harvest – Avery – 1990 17. Anderson R – Cleanse and Purify – 1998 18. Mendelsohn R, MD – Confessions of a Medical Heretic 19. How Safe is Soy? Newlife Magazine – May 1996 20. O’Shea T – The Magic Bean? Soy-tainly Not! – 2001 21. Erasmus, E., Fats that Kill – 1993 22. McDougall, J, MD – McDougall’s Medicine 23. Schmid, R. – The Untold Story of Milk 24. P Gorecki, M.D. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) – 25. El-Serag HB, Sweet S, Winchester CC, Dent J. Update on the epidemiology of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: a systematic review. Gut. 2014; 63:871–880.


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Digestive Enzymes: The Key to Longevity

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[Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs] Digestive enzymes. Read these stories from real people, just like you: Any worthwhile nutrition course will acknowledge that Nutrient foods must have 3 components in order to be beneficial to mammals: whole food enzymes vitamins minerals Broad spectrum: addresses fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, as well as fiber in the diet. Unless you eat an 80% raw foods diet, it is likely that undigested processed foods are accumulating in your digestive tract and arteries. This is


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Digestive enzymes - Digestazyme

why daily enzyme food supplements have been so popular for the past century . For the complete story of the critical importance of enzymes, refer to Enzymes The Key to Longevity. The  formula is based on the original research of Dr Stan Bynum.  Bynum was the successor to Dr Edward Howell, MD at National Enzyme Company, outside St Louis Missouri. Howell was the founder of NEC, and certainly the world expert on whole food enzymes during his entire lifetime. After he left NEC, Dr Bynum was also the founder of Infinity in the early 1990s. See The Lost Interview. Bynum’s principles on enzyme nutrition were clear and uncompromising: processed foods by definition have had their enzymes removed for greater shelf life. The food industry admits that much. Once in the body, adulterated, unnatural foods cannot well be broken down into the component nutrients the body needs. Without enzymes, processed foods can be inflammatory. Not only do they offer little food value in and of themselves, but by blocking the tract and bloodstream, they can also interfere with nutrient uptake from any enzyme-rich natural foods we may have eaten. Such as fruits and vegetables. The key is bioavailability: what is available at the cellular level. All your body’s cells need oxygen and nutrients, all day, every day. Lack of both promotes deterioration, dysfunction, and aging, as Dr Bynum proved. That’s the effect of a lifestyle of processed enzyme-deficient snack foods in the body: the foods of commerce. What’s in Digestazyme? Amylase 6000 DU Protease 6.0 (conc.) 10000 HUT Protease 4.5 15000 HUT Protease 3.0 21 SAPU Peptidase 2000 HUT Alpha-galactosidase 150 GalU


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Digestive enzymes - Digestazyme

Acid maltase 5 MaltU Lactase 250 ALU Lipase 1000 FIP Glucoamylase 10 AGU Invertase 350 SU Cellulase 80 CU Dietary Ingredients 110 mg Beet (root) 60 mg Magnesium glycinated 2 mg Calcium glycinated 5 mg Zinc glycinated 2.5 mg Manganese glycinated 0.333 mg Other Ingredients Rice bran, vegetable cellulose and water  See the chapter called The 60 Day Program for the key role played by Digestazyme in the detox program: 3 capsules 3 times per day for 60 days. The strength of the 60 Day Program is its classic simplicity, built on the fundamentals of nutrition and human physiology. Dr Bynum said: Take care of the fundamentals first: tract and blood. And the first of the fundamentals is certainly enzyme nutrition. Digestive enzymes. Buy Digestazyme [Disclaimer:  No guarantee or claim whatsoever is being made or implied that this whole food supplement will cure, heal, or treat any condition or disease.  It is a food, not a drug.]


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Watch this video: Click here Hydrolyzed Collagen: Your Heart, Your Face, Your Performance Hydrolyzed Collagen – The Science Another collagen video And one more [Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs] Read a few stories from real people, just like you:

Collagen chapter follows stories. If you want to skip them, scroll down for all the science. HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN STORIES Hello Doctor T! No hip replacement! this stuff is a miracle. Almost 3 years ago I was having severe hip pain. Getting worse. X-rays showed bone on bone in the hip ball and socket joint. They were scheduling me for surgery when a Doctor of chiropractic told me about your Hydrolyzed Collagen. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I gave it a try. I decided I might as well do it right and take the maximum dose that you recommend on your website – 3 tablespoons blended in juice twice a day. Nonstop – never miss a day. I was blown away when after 3 months all the pain was gone! Never expected the joint to


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

rebuild like that. I figured might as well keep going and build up as much new cartilage as possible, so I’ve kept it up for almost 3 years. Now I have normal use of the hip – no pain. The stiffness resolved when I started adding a couple oz of certo and grape juice. I’m a new man. Going to get new Xrays so I can actually see the new layer of collagen in the joint. Can’t thank you enough – and that chiropractor for telling me about it. The surgeons were really mad! Too bad, right? E. Baney N. Java, NY [email protected] ************************************************** Hello, my name is Don. I ordered your Collagen about 2 weeks ago and am amazed of how well it works. I’m a 41 year old bodybuilder/MMA training & bootcamp participant. My shoulder presses are on the heavy side and i was having problems with my left shoulder for months….now it went away….cannot believe it. I have a question about this product, i noticed that my erections are better and semen volume has risen….no complaints here, but just wondering if this stimulates HGH levels or something? my email is ************************************** Hey Dr T! Thanks to your Hydrolyzed Collagen I cancelled my hip replacement surgery. Here’s what happened: I had severe degenerative arthritis, according to my doctor, and the X-rays. The hip socket was bone on bone – you could see it clearly. It got to the point where I was in almost constant pain and had to use a cane to walk. I had to be on 2 pain killers a day, including Diclofenec, which can cause stroke and heart attack – – but otherwise I just couldn’t function. I started taking your collagen twice a day, blended in juice, just like the label says. After 2 months I was much better – after 3 months I had no pain at all! I


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

can walk now, go swimming and do normal activities. So glad I found this solution and skipped the surgery. Thank you! Indiana Gary grootz3879@gmail ************************************ Hey Doc, I have been using the Collagen for many years now. Looking back, after an ACL surgery my knee was getting gradually weaker. I began to wear a knee brace hoping that would improve things. It didn’t. After a year of the brace the knee was getting worse, so my orthopedist was scheduling a second surgery. That was when I started taking your collagen every day. After about 3 months the pain was gone and the joint kept getting stronger. No surgery! Now I am able to do the full F45 workout with no restriction. People should know they have an alternative to surgery – especially when the long term track record is pretty dismal. Really appreciate thedoctorwithin – all the chapters and information! Kurt Francis Physicist Santa Barbara [email protected] .) *************** Dr. Tim: I’m now at 4 months on 60/day program with your collagen. This mix has w/o a shadow of a doubt reduced my L hip pain from about 10 to a 2! I’m amazed at this improvement. Implementing the above is literally allowing me to be more active throughout the day! Had I not experienced this myself, I never would have believed


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

collagen would bring me so much relief! I’m assuming my L hip cartilage is being restored – would you agree? In November I’m scheduled for a visit w/my orthopedic Dr. and a L hip x-ray should be telling. I’m also beginning to exercise more although, slightly and carefully. With much gratitude to you, Rosanne Manner Dallas, Texas [email protected] *************** Dear Dr T This hydrolyzed collagen is unbelievable. I thought there was no hope! I have had low back pain for 6 years, worsening every year. A chiropractor I went to was no help. Waking up at night with pain, I even had to stop exercising. It was getting so bad I had to pick up my legs with my hands to get in the car. I began limping, and walked in a stooped over posture, all the time. Finally one month ago someone told me about collagen. After 5 days taking it, I could walk straight again. After 2 weeks the pain was over 50% gone, and I began trusting my right leg to bear my weight for the first time in 2 years. Now it’s been one month and the back pain is completely gone, except for occasional twinges. Medicine had nothing for me, except experimental surgery. My life was going down down down. How I ever found out about collagen, I am beyond thankful! Cheryl Johnston cheryljohn@gmail *********************************************** For more stories go to Testimonials page.


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

[Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs]


INGREDIENTS: 100% Hydrolyzed Collagen FOR BEST RESULTS: BLEND IN JUICE During the past decade, Hydrolyzed Collagen has become very much in demand all over the world. For best absorption, the label recommends that the collagen powder be blended in juice. Thousands of people seem to have achieved best results following this advice. Occasionally someone will express concern about taking in too much sugar when using juice for the blend. “I can’t take the sugar” …. Here are a few reasons why such concerns are groundless. Any fruit or vegetable juice can be used, including celery juice, cucumber juice, cabbage, kale, or any other juice. Orange juice is the most popular, being the most common breakfast beverage. Whatever juice you choose, we’re talking about 100% pure of course, no concentrates, nothing added, organic if possible. Now fructose is the natural fruit sugar in juices. If pure, the juice will contain within it all the vitamins and enzymes necessary for its complete breakdown into its simplest carbohydrate components. That’s called digestion. This metabolic process will not cause undue stress, abnormal insulin spiking, overtaxing the pancreas or any other adverse effect in the healthy individual.


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

No matter what you might read on google-pedia. Blood glucose will always be temporarily elevated following a meal that includes carbohydrates. That is a necessary sign of the digestive process. Postprandial. But it soon returns to normal levels between meals. Pure natural juices are not a cause of diabetes. Just visit any supermarket and look down the double aisle of Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, beer, etc. and see the real cause. How much of that is in your kitchen? Pure organic juice seems to work best for blending, for 2 logical reasons: 1. collagen suspended in an easily absorbable medium 2. whole food Vitamin C is an important co-factor in initiating the conversion of hydrolyzed collagen into the body’s own new collagen.   So, yes you can dissolve the Hydrolyzed Collagen in a smoothie. So just forget about imaginary issues about too much sugar, etc. Fruit juice is not the reason why almost 30% of today’s US population is diabetic! See chapter: Sugar The Sweet Thief of Life It would be intriguing to be able to look into the refrigerators and kitchen cupboards of some of these callers who are so worried about the ‘sugar’ in organic orange juice. Of course we’d find absolutely no Coke, soft drinks, cookies, donuts, liquor, beer, wine, cakes, pies, candy, chocolate, etc, just lying around… Right.

WHAT IS COLLAGEN? A polypeptide molecule, collagen is a protein in our bodies. In fact, collagen is the largest and most abundant protein in the body, making up about 30% of our total protein.


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

Proteins are made of amino acids, such as glycine, proline, arginine, hydroxyproline, which are amino acids that exist in collagen in varying proportions, depending upon the source. As the largest protein in the body, collagen is a chain of over 1500 amino acids. Collagen is the connective tissue for almost all our structures, including

heart……………lungs……….arteries………discs……….blood cells skin…………….muscles…….bones………..cartilage……..liver other organs……hair…………joints………..nails…………prostate As we age, collagen production drops way off, and any of these systems can be affected. Most common example of collagen decrease: the floorward tendency of our skin and muscles as we age, which doctors call ptosis. In the organs, decreased collagen causes instability and weakness. Organs like the heart and prostate may enlarge; other organs just get flimsier and weaker. For this type of degenerative problem, drugs simply don’t work. Why does collagen production decrease? Hormonal changes, drugs, alcohol, processed food, white sugar, hydrogenated oils, overwork, radiation, fluoridated water, excess sun, nutritional deficits, dehydration, stress, trauma.

COLLAGEN LOSS What else happens as collagen production decreases? Muscles and skin sag. The bones lose density. The joints and ligaments become weaker and less elastic. Cartilage becomes thinner and weaker at the joints it is supposed to cushion. Hair loses its wave or curl or thickness. Organs may sag toward the floor (prolapse), and may malfunction. The lungs turn to paper. The heart weakens and enlarges. The liver and prostate may weaken and enlarge. The arteries weaken and are less able to resist plaque formation. Also they are more likely to develop a break in one of their 3 layers


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

(aneurysm). The muscular colon weakens. The skin becomes thinner and it wrinkles. Ever notice that kids never lick their fingers for friction when thumbing through the pages of a book – only adults do? Collagen breakdown. Ever notice that plastic surgeons often own large houses overlooking the ocean? Collagen breakdown.

COLLAGEN DIGESTION Normal digestion breaks down protein into peptides and amino acids, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. In order for the collagen found in foods and most supplements to be utilized by the body, it must first be broken down many times by the digestive system, and then absorbed into the blood in the precise form needed. It’s then reassembled into your collagen. Protein digestion of dietary collagen is often incomplete, resulting in some very large, unusable peptide chains. This is why eating beef, chicken, turkey, etc. in order to gain muscle mass is an inefficient and metabolically expensive process.

A BETTER IDEA: HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN With high end collagen supplements, the protein breakdown is already done, resulting in a more uniform result: usable small chain peptides and amino acids, ready to go. Hydrolyzed collagen radically increases the amount of usable protein in the diet. Highest quality hydrolyzed collagen supplements are made from cattle hides. All mammalian collagen is structurally identical: including bovine and human. The cattle skin’s outer layer is split from the inner layer. The outer layer is used in the leather industry. The inner layer provides the raw material for a highly technical, multi-step process whose final result is Hydrolyzed Collagen.


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

This Hydrolyzed Collagen is sourced from grassfed beef. The raw unprocessed collagen can contain all essential human amino acids except tryptophan, including Glycine Proline Hydroxyproline Glutamic acid Alanine Arginine Aspartic acid Glycine Tryptophan is not necessary to make structural collagen in mammals.[17] For 100 years, many companies have been using the inner split to manufacture gelatin. Gelatin has been used for decades in the food industry as a thickening, emulsifying, and jelling agent. Examples: marshmallows, candies, health bars, jello, custards, fillings, canning, etc. There is even a grade of gelatin that is actually used in hospitals as a blood plasma substitute. So we might imagine the strict QC standards for sterility and cleanliness in place in producing collagen of this quality. High end hydrolyzed collagen as a food supplement came about later on, but does not come from gelatin. Scientists learned to bypass that step and to break the raw material’s long chain triple helix protein into shorter pieces, and then to separate the 3 helices from each other. The resulting short individual peptides make up hydrolyzed collagen. Cleaving peptides into sections is known as hydrolysis.

MOLECULAR WEIGHT One determinant of Hydrolyzed Collagen’s ultimate quality is molecular weight, or size of the finished molecules. The unit of molecular weight is the


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

dalton. The molecular weight of a batch of collagen, although expressed as a single number in daltons, is actually an average size within a range. Commercial collagens sold as food supplements today can run from 10,000 daltons up to more than 50,000 daltons, depending upon processing. The average is near 45,000. For optimum bioavailability, or uptake at the cellular level, small is better. The lower the number of daltons, the smaller the molecule, the greater the bioavailability. Below 2000 daltons there would be too many free amino acids, which would give the collagen a very harsh taste. At 3000 daltons, hydrolyzed collagen gives a neutral taste – actually no taste when mixed with fruit juice. This is the optimum molecular size for the best repair usefulness by the body. Bioavailability is a prime criterion in evaluating any supplement, not just collagen: how much of the supplement actually gets absorbed at the cellular level. Bioavailability is expressed as a percentage, the higher the better, meaning that the greatest percentage of the supplement actually enters the body’s cells. The 3000 dalton range is more than 15x better than most. Its bioavailability approaches 90%, digested and absorbed [ 2, Asghar] Other studies showed 95% bioavailability by radio-assay testing. [3, Oesser] By contrast, most health supplements sold in mall stores have very cheap ingredients, which result in very low bioavailability, perhaps in the area of 5% or even less. Many pills, as in most of the multi products, do not even dissolve at all and pass through the body intact. That would obviously be about a 0% bioavailability.

DOSAGE Hydrolyzed Collagen comes in a big pouch: 1.1 lbs. Dosage varies from 2 – 6 tablespoons per day, blended in juice.


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

How much should you take? Acute conditions, injuries, arthritis, etc : 3 tablespoons twice a day, blended in juice. Maintenance dose, or detox program: 3 tablespoons per day, blended in juice. May be done 2x per day if needed. This is not a pharmaceutical – precise amounts are not critical. You could probably take a whole jar with no adverse effects. But that would be wasteful. Maximum absorbed amount would be in the vicinity of 6 tablespoons per day, for most adults. LOADING DOSE That means in order to really give this supplement a fair try, you have to take it every single day, until you go through 2 full packages. Don’t miss a day or you’re wasting money. Only then will you be able to say you really gave it a try. Why blended in juice? Much better absorption if the collagen is suspended, we found out. Therefore better results. Any kind of fruit or vegetable juice – organic is better of course, no concentrates, sugar, or other additives. TYPE I OR TYPE II? People call all the time and want to know if it’s Type I or Type II. This indicates 3 things: They’re at the very beginning of an understanding of collagen They skimmed some superficial articles off google/wiki or one of the low-end collagen sites for a bout 30 seconds. They never read this chapter. There’s a short answer and a long answer to this question. Short answer: it’s both, but Type is a non-issue and not relevant to rebuilding human structures. Type I and Type II are 95% identical. It’s the wrong


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question for the new shopper. They really should be asking about things like sources and bioavailability, which do vary widely within the industry. Long answer: (OK to skip this unless you have some college science) When we’re talking about types, you have to specify, are you talking about the supplement, or the type of tissue you’re trying to strengthen in your own body? There are at least 16 types of collagen in the mammalian body, but most of it is Types 1, 2, and 3. With our Hydrolyzed Collagen, the source is primarily bovine Type 1. Grass fed, of course, no hormones, antibiotics, etc. But because of its small molecular weight, this collagen is available for many different types of tissues within the body, and all the structural tissues. So stop reading the contradictory overintellectualized ‘science’ papers pretending to figure what’s the best collagen by Type, and look at the dozens of stories on the Testimonials page of real patients with real problems. Want to get more technical? They’re both triple helix,



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1 BETA helix The 2 Alpha helices are identical. The beta helix is only 7% different. . . TYPE II COLLAGEN 3 ALPHA HELIXES

Therefore the two Types are over 95% identical, with only a very few peptides different. This is why asking “is the supplement Type I or Type II” is irrelevant, because after hydrolysis, at 3000 daltons average size, there’s no way to tell which type any one peptide came from. So when someone asks “is it Type I or Type II?” that means that they have just begun to investigate collagen and know very little about it at all. Far less than someone who has read this chapter.

SORRY MADAM: SHORT-CHANGED BY EVOLUTION You’re not gonna like this, ladies, but men’s skin is more resistant to aging than women’s. It’s a physiological fact, and it’s incontrovertible.


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

Why? The short answer is that throughout aeons of mammalian evolution, in trade for the structural advantage for stretchability of the skin, selected for in childbearing, there’s a downside. Male dermis has a beneficial structural cross linking, a consequence of male hormones. Selected for by hunting and fighting activities, as genetic anthropologists will tell you. Women’s skin lacks this inborn cross linking, because the lines of skin collagen are formed primarily almost perpendicular from the surface of the skin. Straight in. The result is slightly thinner skin, but extremely more elastic. [17] This is why those little Chinese gymnast children you see at Cirque de Soleil are never boys. They’re always little girls – extraordinarily elastic. Later on, in the childbearing years, this characteristic comes in very useful, which still applies even to women who give birth in their late 40s. It’s hormonal, directly related to the XX chromosome. Too bad, but consequently women are prone to the ‘orange peel’ look of the skin’ As the dermis becomes thinner, and fat cells increase, the thin dermis may mold around the bumpy fat cells underneath, giving the classic orange peel look. This is why women are often willing to rush off to any plastic surgeon who promises to tighten things up a little. It can sometimes help. But many are opting for a much less expensive, natural and noninvasive first resort: Hydrolyzed Collagen food supplement.

NO OTHER PROTEIN POWDERS You’ll read this on the label – do not take any other protein powders when you are taking this supplement. Why not? Simple. It’s a waste of money. Our whole philosophy is that we want patients to be taking the least number of food supplements possible, spending the least amount of money on


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supplements, but still giving the cells everything they need for optimum cell nutrition and detoxification. Nutrition and detox are only valid if they’re addressed to the cellular level. If you’re taking several protein supplements, how would you know what does what? Another of the most commonly asked question that people call in with – why no other protein powders? A few of the reasons: THE PROCESS Bringing the raw split all the way to the best finished hydrolyzed collagen is a very expensive and complicated process involving huge tanks and equipment, many of which are some 4 stories high. Here is a summary of the major steps, again for the technically minded: 1. Washing First there is a very thorough washing process to remove large impurities from the raw split. 2. Hydrolysis to 3000 daltons The best method for hydrolysis of the raw split uses a proprietary blend of proteolytic enzymes. Without heat and acids, the bio-compatible integrity of the finished molecules will be guaranteed. The best companies skip the gelatin phase, and hydrolyze raw material directly from the split. 3. Microfiltration Next: microfiltration at 80°C to remove small particulate contaminants 4. Deionization, for purity. All foreign molecules and salts are removed via cationic and anionic ionization


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5. Concentration A proprietary process next brings the 5% protein concentration of the raw split up to the necessary 15% protein concentration. 6. Sterilization The material is sterilized at 140 degrees C for 3 seconds. 7. Hydrogen Peroxide perfusion The material is stored in giant vats for 3 days in an H2O2 solution and then tested again for microbes. Virtually never are any found by this stage. 8. Spray drying This step is done in huge stainless steel vats several stories high, with powerful blowers. A completely sterile process, it takes over 8 hours. Spray drying at 80 ° removes H2O2 and enzyme residue. 9. Metal detection Last step. The hydrolyzed collagen is blown through a metal detector for any possible heavy metal contamination. They never find anything of course, after all this hydrolysis and sterilization, but they always want to err on the side of purity. After that, the material is bagged, in a final very sterile process and placed on pallets for shipping. Very few companies go to all this trouble to get these smallest, purest peptides, so close to human building blocks of lean muscle, damaged joints and providing for other collagen deficiencies. Once the body is provided with usable building blocks for new collagen, often for the first time, most systems can show dramatic improvement: Impossible? Why have we heard so little about the fantastic effects of collagen? Well just think – if a natural food supplement 100% clean, with no side effects could actually have powerful therapeutic effects on any system


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dependent on collagen, who would study that? Who would publish the results? Actually, legitimate studies have recently been conducted, and the results are overwhelming. See References.

SKIN REBUILDING: CLINICAL STUDIES As we’ve seen, skin is made of collagen. As we age, collagen production drops off and skin sags because it gets thinner, weaker, drier, and less resilient, less pliable. This deterioration is directly linked to amino acid content. Specific amino acids in the skin’s structure, like glycine, proline, hydroproline, and alanine – decrease with age and bad diet. Since Hydrolyzed Collagen contains most essential amino acids, it is not surprising then that third party clinical studies have clearly demonstrated significant skin improvement by taking it daily. A 2008 study in Tokyo [14] of 33 women ages 40-60 who took 10 g of Hydrolyzed Collagen daily for 2 months showed a 91% increase in skin hydration and resilience. A Dermiscan study in Lyon, France in 2008 showed similar findings in an age group of 35-55: an increase in skin smoothness and hydration, using the new Corneometer and Skin Image Analyzer technologies. [15, 16] After 12 weeks of 10g Hydrolyzed Collagen daily, 41% less furrowing, less wrinkles, more resilient, more hydrated. Skin resilience was measured by the C&Z Cutometer, which is objective and state of the art. Other scientists have shown exactly how the new collagen is rebuilt, not only in the skin, but in bones and ligaments. Metabolites of Hydrolyzed Collagen build bone, skin and ligaments by attracting fibroblasts. This is how they trigger the synthesis of new collagen. ([5] Postlethwaite)


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Hydrolyzed Collagen also increases the diameter of collagen fibrils in the dermis by the same mechanism: fibroblast stimulation. This in turn increases cohesion of the dermal collagen fibers themselves, which is a true anti-aging step. In the skin, this action means increased thickness, suppleness and resilience, as well as hydration. Hydration, or water content of skin tissue, is proven directly related to overall smoothness and decreased furrowing and wrinkling. ([9] Sumida)

AWARENESS OF COLLAGEN Global awareness of the value of hydrolyzed collagen is skyrocketing across the world today at more than 10% per year, in several applications. In Japan and China the most popular area of increased awareness of hydrolyzed collagen is in anti-aging cosmetics, specifically for skin rebuilding, and for hair and nails. Japan is already a huge market for hydrolyzed collagen, and their demand is increasing about 3% per year. In China it’s a newer discovery, and that demand is increasing at a rate close to 100% per year. The effective cosmetic uses of hydrolyzed collagen as employed in Asia are now well documented by many clinical studies we will cite. In Europe, where hydrolyzed collagen is certainly very important for cosmetics, the #1 application is in the area of bone health. Elderly folks, especially women, are acutely aware of the epidemic levels of osteoporosis in their demographic. The unfortunate truth is that most of the standard osteoporosis information, furnished by the pharmaceutical industry to promote drugs and calcium supplements, is incorrect. Many of the drugs, like Fosamax, are not only dangerous, but they actually harm the bones in the long run, making them to dense, weaker and brittle as marble. But Europeans have known for years that hydrolyzed collagen, as a natural product, can deliver the promised improvement to bone health with none of


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the documented side effects of drugs. That’s one reason demand for hydrolyzed collagen is increasing at about 5% per year in Europe. In the US and in South America, the demand for hydrolyzed collagen is increasing by about 20% per year, for these same effects: improvements in skin, hair and nails as well as bone re-mineralization. The increased global demand for hydrolyzed collagen has brought with it some new dangers, of course. Newcomers to the collagen industry, with little experience in processing traditions, seeing the glittering new market, take many production shortcuts, and focus instead on making extravagant claims.

WEIGHT LOSS Back in 2005 the World Health Organization said that 41% of Americans were obese. Think it’s gone up or down since then? Different sources, different figures, but just look around. Obesity is a Body Mass Index over 30. Overweight is a BMI over 25, so easily much of the population is overweight, at least 60%. Obesity happens with a high ratio of energy-dense and indigestible foods compared with body’s energy used. What we don’t need is stored as fat. It has been known for 25 years that Hydrolyzed Collagen has a very satiating effect: appetite suppressing, thereby promoting weight loss, as shown in many clinical studies. [4,6] That’s why since the 1990s, the makers of health bars have been adding collagen for weight loss applications because it promotes appetite control. But with our 3000-dalton powder form, mixed in juices, 10 g per day not only suppresses appetite but also provides highly usable protein. Nor are there any acids, fillers, hormones, antibiotics, or harsh processing — the downside of standard weight loss gimmicks we’re all familiar with.


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

COLLAGEN FOR ATHLETES Another area that is increasing worldwide demand for hydrolyzed collagen is certainly the field of sports nutrition. A natural available molecule that can quickly boost lean muscle gain, decrease recovery time, rebuild damaged joint structures without surgery, improve cardiovascular performance – on and on – athletes all over the world are dumping their steroids and cortisone in favor of Hydrolyzed Collagen. This is accomplished by its promotion of natural creatine, an essential amino in new muscle growth following workouts. Arginine within the hydrolyzed collagen also promotes increased muscle mass. Hydrolyzed Collagen is the ideal source for amino acids because of the care taken in production. Enzyme hydrolysis.. This cannot be said for most brands of arginine, creatine, hydroxyproline, etc. sold in mall stores and gyms. Athletes who want the healthiest training methods are learning that large quantities of pure Hydrolyzed Collagen can be added directly to smoothies and shakes and have a much more immediate effect than the small amounts in the sugared hydrogenated “health bars.” Or the overblown protein drinks, ubiquitous in supplement stores and health clubs, which are not in the same category as low molecular weight Hydrolyzed Collagen, in any discussion of metabolic physiology promoting optimum athletic performance.

ANTI-AGING The group which probably benefits most of all from these same exact pathways of amino acid nutrition with Hydrolyzed Collagen is certainly the elderly. With reduced diet intake, the availability of usable proteins is optimized if Hydrolyzed Collagen is employed as a food in the daily routine. Same deal as with athletes: maintenance of leaner muscle, decreased fats to clog arteries, increased organ support. [7, Hays]


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BEST OF TODAY’S COLLAGEN These days there are many different collagen products online. You see them at health food stores and everywhere. Most are made using harsh production steps, as cheaply as possible and then marketed as the best possible, etc. Capsules are a giveaway it’s less than optimum. Kinda hard to fit 3 tablespoons into a capsule. In powder form, Hydrolyzed Collagen can be mixed with fruit or vegetable juice, preferably organic, not from concentrate. Any time of day – with meals, without meals – doesn’t matter. Use a blender. If it foams up, just wait till the foam goes away. For marginal results, mix it in water. For no results, try coffee. Because of the expense of the careful processing described, there is no comparison in results with other commercial collagen. Taking it twice a day, 2 or 3 tablespoons in juice, most patients notice a some difference in 3 weeks or less. After a month, many have experienced dramatic changes. As with any completely natural product, the result is cumulative, which means don’t miss a day once you start. Or expect changes overnight. How long did it take you to get this worn out?

GLUCOSAMINE We’ve all heard about Glucosamine sulfate – a protein supplement derived from the chitin of shellfish. Chitin is the hard material that makes up the shells. The theory is that in pure form, glucosamine sulfate will rebuild joints because it is a component of the shellfish’s shells as well as a component of your cartilage. An Italian researcher, Rovati, was the world authority in the area of glucosamine sulfate for over 60 years. The main problem was stability – isolated glucosamine sulfate naturally tends to degrade into formless mush after about 30 days. In the 1970s, Dr. Rovati patented a process to stabilize


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glucosamine sulfate, which process is still used today. Glucosamine sulfate can sometimes deliver what it promises – relieve joint problems. But what usually happens when people stop taking glucosamine? Right – the problem returns. That’s what everybody says. Why is that? Because the action of glucosamine in joints is primarily anti-inflammatory. Not reconstructive. Glucosamine may stop the inflammation, which is caused by the action of worn out discs, joint capsules, menisci, bursae, etc. But the irritation continues and inflammation is constantly occurring. So when the glucosamine stops coming in, inflammation is once again uncontrolled, and the pain starts back up.

CLINICAL RESULTS Above we have seen recent clinical studies cited for the use of Hydrolyzed Collagen. Some of the early work that was done with hydrolyzed collagen involved cancer patients. As cancer progresses, it often destroys muscle tissue in a very aggressive fashion. People who have been around family members who are dying of cancer may notice the characteristic way that the muscles of the arms and legs seem to turn to limp string. Doctors call this condition cachexia. As more and more patients began to use Hydrolyzed Collagen, a wide range of clinical gains was demonstrated. First the chronic joint conditions, especially of shoulders and knees that had been weak and painful for years — suddenly, normal. Canceling replacement surgery is almost routine. Many patients report the skin thickens and tightens, after daily supplementation is begun. They say hair often thickens as well. Those changes we expected. But what was most surprising was the number of organic dysfunction cases that were addressed. [See: Feedback and Testimonials section on the site] Such improvements would show up with great regularity, and soon we came to almost expect them. When the physiology of these conditions is considered, the logic falls into place. For the first time in years, the body is


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being provided with the building blocks of its own new collagen. It prioritizes where the collagen is needed most – the epitome of the holistic model. This is a completely different approach from drugs which admit to being destructive in the chronic case. Performance athletes and bodybuilders all over the world are switching to hydrolyzed collagen. For a reason..

PART OF THE 60 DAY PROGRAM In the 60 Day Program, it has been practically a mantra that we want to keep the number of supplements to an absolute minimum so that the patient was spending the least amount of money, but still taking in everything necessary for a complete detox and nutrition turnaround. These patients are the target of every Magic Bullet Salesman since Louis Pasteur, all claiming their products were essential to any effective program, etc. But with collagen this clean and absorbable, the body can often benefit from suddenly having something that hasn’t been present for years, but which is the structural material of virtually every part. And it’s the body itself that is doing the prioritizing – the triage. The body directs the repair materials to the locations most in need — truly emblematic of the holistic model. Holistic means give the body what it needs to heal its own tissues, remove the interference, remove the accumulated wastes. And stick with the program until normal equilibrium is re-established, no matter what. Classic simplicity, with high expectation of positive results; but difficult to commit to, because it requires lifestyle change. Sadly, when faced with a choice between lifestyle change and death, most people will choose death. Obviously that’s not the demographic that can expect the best results from the 60 Day Program, which includes 6 supplements all of the same calibre as the Hydrolyzed Collagen we have been describing.


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But for those with the wherewithal to follow through and adhere strictly to the regimen, the missing key to their health picture may appear. We didn’t even have time to name it – it’s just called Hydrolyzed Collagen. Set forth in the chapters of it’s a product that can affect all the systems of the body at the cellular level. Hydrolyzed Collagen is the definition of the 100% natural food supplement, aimed at highest bioavailability at the cellular level. [Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs] Buy Collagen Now

REFERENCES 1. Engelbrecht, Christoph – Interview: Paris, France 6 May 2010 2. Asghar, A – 1982 chemical biochemical and functional characteristics of collagen—Advances in Food Research vol 28 p 231 3. Oesser , S – 1999 oral administration of 14cgelatinhydrolasate Journal of Nutrition vol 129 p1891 4. Veldhorst M – A breakfast with a-lactalbumin protein Clinical Nutrition vol 28 p 147 2009 5. Posstlethwaite, A – 1978 Chemotactic attraction of human fibroblasts National Acad. Of Sciences vol 75(20 p 871 6. Martin A – Advanced nutritional intakes Ed. Tec. & Doc Paris 2001 7. Hays N – Effects of whey and fortified collagen Journal of Am. Dietetic Assn. vol 109 p 1082 2009 8. Guyton, A.C., M – Textbook of Medical Physiology 9. Sumida E The effect of oral ingestion of collagen peptide on skin hydration Journal of Nutritional Food vol 7(3) p 45 10. Theodesakis – The Arthritis Cure 11. Warberg, Otto – The Metabolism of Tumors


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12. Rotta Research Labs – “Profile of Glucosamine Sulfate” 13. Woods, Chris – “Repairing Parchment With Collagen” 16 Apr 1997 14. SOUKEN study Tokyo Japan: two month study hydrolyzed collagen 2008 15. DERMISCAN study Lyon France Cutaneous properties of hydrolyzed collagen 2008. 16. COURAGE and KHAZAKA study: Moisturizing effect of hydrolyzed collagen measured with Corneometer and Skin Image Analyzer 17. Seminars with German molecular biologist Stephan Housmanns, PhD – Autumn 2016 ***************************************** A few more collagen stories from patients: HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN STORIES Dear Dr O’Shea wanted to thank you for all the work you have done to make your detox program available to not only me but the public. I finished the 60 day program and “wow” what a difference it has made for me. Not only feeling better in all aspects but lost about 30 pounds. I was headed for a health crisis and feel for the first time I can get well. Before program I was 235 lbs. at 60 years old. Eating well did not change my weight or how I felt……weight gain came on gradually over the last 6 years – it was impossible to lose. Health was getting worse, tired, no stamina, lethargic, could not exercise and got worse when I did. November 2013 blood pressure was 210/110 and nothing I tried made it any different……..thought I was going to explode internally………every heart attack symptom I knew about I had and then some. Told my kids I felt like I did not have very long to live. Had to get on Lisinopril and I had not been on any medication since I was 18 years old. Medication helped me get out of crisis mode but still did not feel well. At times my blood pressure was too low while on meds. Started your


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program and within 10 days my blood pressure was 137/72 most of the time without being on meds. Felt like I was being able to come out of the land of the dead. Stronger physically…..have had a lower back condition that has been debilitating since 1992 and even that had drastically changed. Stamina increased gradually, not tired, all symptoms associated with going to have a heart attack pretty much have disappeared. I have lost 30 pounds. I started the 60 day program in May 2014 and have continued to follow it. Thanks again for all your work you have done with developing your program and making it available……….I can only guess as to the amount of time, effort and energy it took. All I can say is I will be eternally grateful for getting a second chance to live again… Every time my kids see me they are totally shocked as to how much better I am…………they saw me on a downhill slide before that they never thought I was going to come out of other then dying. Mark M Diede, D.C. PS: You are right about the trolls in the state of Arizona. ******************************************************* HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN: REHAB OF LOST BICEPS For years I have been a competition water skier, specializing in slalom skiing. I had learned to replace my low-end generic protein powders a couple of years ago with Hydrolyzed Collagen, introduced to me by Dr O’Shea. It always worked extremely well to build lean muscle and also for quick healing of minor injuries and strains in three days or less. So much better than all those other standard health club powders. I never thought I would have to put collagen to the test however until I had a freak accident that cost me my biceps. I was skiing with a very short line and started to fall. As my hand hit the water, the rope handle popped out of my hand, and in a split second the boat snapped the handle away, which went up


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my arm, right into my biceps, severing it in half crossways, with the tendons still attached. The pain was unimaginable. I was most unfortunate then to go first to an orthopedist who delayed treatment due to misdiagnosis of the type of injury. By the time I had found a competent surgeon, my arm was in a pre-gangrenous state. That surgeon did the surgery the next day, removed all that was left of the biceps and insertions, leaving me minus one biceps. I began rehabbing a week later with range of motion exercise, and doubling the collagen dose. After just 3 weeks of rehab I could straighten my arm all the way. I continued the regimen, and after a few months was able to resume virtually all my sports activities again, including water skiing. Although I no longer perform at the intense competitive level, my recovery has been dramatic. I am able to do almost everything I had done before the injury, with compensatory development of collateral musculature, resulting from the constant rehab exercises and collagen. I am very glad I discovered this very simple and effective collagen product; I just wish I didn’t have to test it to this extent! J. Thielman Lake Tahoe ****************************************************** hi doc, Skiing in Lake Tahoe. Took a very easy fall but landed wrong and flipped backwards onto the right shoulder. Examination showed severe rotator cuff tear with Grade I acromio-clavicular separation. The shoulder was completely locked up for 2 weeks. No range of motion in any arc, due to severe pain and edema. Practicing chiropractor – could not work at all. Began looking into total disability paperwork. Then I began taking Hydrolyzed Collagen every day. Noticed immediate results — gradually increased motion, decreased swelling, improving quickly. After 2 weeks, I was able to return to work, with some restriction.. After 6 weeks continuing with Collagen, was completely recovered, with no residual pain, stiffness, or restricted motion. No drugs, no


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medical doctors, no rehab. Just collagen and chiropractic adjustment – natural holistic, vitalistic approach. Dr Brent Trockman Avila Beach CA *********** This hydrolyzed collagen is unbelievable. I thought there was no hope! I have had low back pain for 6 years, worsening every year. A chiropractor I went to was no help. Waking up at night with pain, I even had to stop exercising. It was getting so bad I had to pick up my legs with my hands to get in the car. I began limping, and walked in a stooped over posture, all the time. Finally one month ago someone told me about collagen. After 5 days taking it, I could walk straight again. After 2 weeks the pain was over 50% gone, and I began trusting my right leg to bear my weight for the first time in 2 years. Now it’s been one month and the back pain is completely gone, except for occasional twinges. Medicine had nothing for me, except experimental surgery. My life was going down down down. How I ever found out about collagen, I am beyond thankful! Cheryl Johnston cheryljohn@gmail ********************************************* i bought your collagen and my tooth is no longer loose Mary Lynn < [email protected]> ********************************** HEY DOC,


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The collagen has been working remarkably well for my patients. And fast. Have one auto accident patient, in her 60s. Badly injured hip joint, limping. 8 weeks of best chiropractic care yielded minimal results. Began collagen and in 2 weeks she had full range of motion and was practically healed up. I’ve seen the benefit for my patients, not just with collagen but with the rest of your supplements as well. Thank you, Dr T! Dr Aaron Seaton Redding *********************************** Hey Dr T! Thanks to your Hydrolyzed Collagen I cancelled my hip replacement surgery. Here’s what happened: I had severe degenerative arthritis, according to my doctor, and the X-rays. The hip socket was bone on bone – you could see it clearly. It got to the point where I was in almost constant pain and had to use a cane to walk. I had to be on 2 pain killers a day, including Diclofenec, which can cause stroke and heart attack – – but otherwise I just couldn’t function. I started taking your collagen twice a day, blended in juice, just like the label says. After 2 months I was much better – after 3 months I had no pain at all! I can walk now, go swimming and do normal activities. So glad I found this solution and skipped the surgery. The doctors weren’t happy. Thank you! Indiana Gary grootz3879@gmail *********** Hello, my name is Don. I ordered your Collagen about 2 weeks ago and am amazed of how well it works. I’m a 41 year old bodybuilder/MMA training & bootcamp participant. My shoulder presses are on the heavy side and i was having problems with my left shoulder for months….now it went away….cannot beleive it. I have a question about this product, i noticed that


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my erections are better and semen volume has risen….no complaints here, but just wondering if this stimulates HGH levels or something? my email is


********* Weight Loss, Pain Relief, Cravings Reduced About 8 months ago my daughter and I started taking the Hydrolyzed Collagen. Our dosage is 2 tablespoons of collagen twice a day. We both had muscle pain which for her went away quite quickly. Mine, since I’m in my 70’s, healed slower. We had significant weight loss. She has lost 27 pounds –I have lost 17 pounds. Daughter has gone from a size 12 to a size 6, and I have gone from a 12 to an 8. I have also had a remarkable change in hair thickness, as well as faster growth of fingernails. Everyone has noticed these changes, as well as a thickening of the skin of the face. We try to stick to grass-fed meat and organic produce but it wasn’t until the introduction of the Hydrolyzed Collagen that things started to improve. We both will be taking this amazing supplement for the rest of our lives. I believe this will slow down the aging process. Sue P. — Las Vegas [email protected] *********** I had major degenerative changes in the cervical spine – discs gone C4-T1, both knees bone on bone, both the hips – bone on bone at acetabula, discs gone at L4 and L5. This was after a lifetime of sports including martial arts, marathons, etc. I was reduced to a wheelchair for more than a year, in


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

constant pain. I could walk at home, but very slowly, and was bent forward at a 30 degree angle. Then I learned about the Hydrolyzed Collagen from Dr O’Shea’s seminar I attended. After a month or 2, I quit the wheel chair for a walker, then went to a cane, and finally returned to unassisted walking. But the most amazing finding was getting new X-rays after a year of taking the collagen 2x a day: the discs had returned in both the neck and low back, and the menisci in both knees had returned! Also the hips, though still close up against the acetabula, were significantly improved. I had far less pain than before, allowing me to walk. The doctor said the new X-rays looked like that of a 30 year old. (I’ve been in practice that long) What really turned it around for me was when I upped the daily dose to 3 tablespoons 2x a day. I could just feel my strength and mobility return. I feel very fortunate having discovered this Hydrolyzed Collagen. Without it I would certainly have been in the land of the tall trees by now. – Dr S. Bosshuf, Santa Barbara ***************** HI Doc For many years I used to get Cortizone shots in the base of each thumb and my big toe approximately every eight months. After taking your Hydrolyzed Collagen for a few months the pain was gone! Because of an injury to my toe I had one additional shot. With that exception, I have been pain free all this time. I have been taking Hydrolyzed Collagen every day for 3-4 years. Thanks for a great product! Jerry Medinger Key Largo [email protected] ********************


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

Dear Dr O’Shea Our office has been buying 50 Collagen at once for several years. Paients love it. Many success stories. we just had a man with a knee surgery who was told it would take 14 weeks before he could walk again, After 7 weeks he was completely healed and walks with no pain.. thank you! Dr Roger Roberts office Sierra Vista AZ [Dr T]: that’s great, doc. I just wished he would have tried it sooner – might have avoided the surgeryua altogether, like so many others. Keep up the good work. The healing begins in your office. ***************************************************** Hi Doctor Tim, Was glad to have stumbled upon your site and took a chance to purchase your collagen. All my life, I had been an avid soccer player, and 8 years back I had to call it quits as both my knees were wobblY. I suffered from acute stabs of pain in my left knee whenever I suddenly changed direction. I had an MRI done and the orthopedic doctor asked if I would like to consider microfracturing to try to regrow some worn knee tissues. All it cost was around USD $15K or so per knee! That was only in June this year before I ordered my Collagen from you which arrived in early July. Now, I am actually playing soccer again!! – for 2 teams whose average age is around 35. I am 52 and am proud to say that my team mates appreciate my high work rate. Thanks Tim Philip Wen


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

Singapore ********************* Dear Dr, Can you send another consignment of Collagen ? However while reading through your testimonials I noticed the advice you gave to a couple of people about a loading dose – so for a low back pain I had been experiencing I doubled the dose, as you advised, and literally the next day my back had improved. The day after that I was 100% better. Couldn’t believe it. Great Stuff. Many thanks. Kind Regards, T. O’Kelly N.Ireland *************** Very informative Dr T. You have obviously spent a great deal of time and effort with this subject and the products. In a world with so much marketplace competition it is rare to find your web page. .. there are exceedingly unscrupulous merchants that sell rotten and harmful foodstuff from China and anywhere else they can get it to unsuspecting consumers. For the sake of myself and my family I am careful of what we all consume. I have ulcerative colitis and am hoping this will be a healthy choice for me. So for these reasons I am careful to read and understand product information on labels. I do not know anything about you or your product and only have your website to go on for information. I am the sole provider. I cannot afford to risk my health for any reason because that would jeopardize my livelihood as well.


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

Based on the manufacturing process of this product described on your website I would like to purchase your hydrolyzed collagen today. The information in the chapter of your web page was what to look for in the best hydrolyzed product and did not claim it applied to your product necessarily. But I will assume your product is produced exactly the way as described on your site. Thanks for your time and for the lesson on collagen. David Stokely [email protected]> ********* Thanks a lot, Dr. T. We will always remember you as our angel who watches over us and guards us against all evils and from being lured in by charlatans and “googlepedia” as you call it. Really for a novice who is desperately looking for a cure, we are often drawn to our eventual disappointments. There’s so much to learn from you and from your website that it will take two lifetimes to learn from it. How you were able to master it is beyond admirable. My wife and I often think of your sage words whenever we are reading something and often use this question to help guide us: “What would Dr. T think about this? For instance, we were all along doing our smoothies with your Hydrolyzed Collagen with all the mixed fruits and berries thinking we should get as much nutrients and enzyme as we can to optimize our body’s needs. We were also following your direction: “Get the most nutrients into your body as you eat.” Good thing you caught us in time when you told us, mixing Hydrolyzed collagen with tea is bad. Mixing it with so many varieties is also bad and it’s better to mix with one fruit or one vegetable juice. Whew! What a screeching halt that was.


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

Anyway, this statement is to tell you how much we must still learn from your immense knowledge. Thank you also for sharing it with us and everyone so generously and openly. God Bless You. Molly Vivian and Joseph Los Angeles ******************************** Greg White, 60 years old, Santa Paula, CA Two years ago, Mr. White was taking morphine and Vicodin multiple times a day. His original injury had been mishandled by Worker’s Compensation, – four failed back surgeries, and his medical doctors were trying to convince him to go for a fifth. For some 31 years Mr. White has been a patient of Dr. Alice Nelson of Santa Barbara CA. He had been coming in for adjustments every six weeks or so. After a nutritional seminar with Dr. Tim O’Shea, Dr. Nelson thought a trial of collagen for Mr. White would be worthwhile. He no longer looks like the man we knew 2 years ago. That man had severe muscle wasting, and was by his own admission, a drug addict to those pharmaceutical drugs he was taking. The man we see now has regained much of his musculature and is completely free of all prescription pain medications. How did Mr. White get to this point? In his own words: I started taking the collagen about a year ago (June 25, 2009), . The collagen calls me. I listen to my body. I take it every day, once in the morning, and again in the afternoon. I don’t forget, it’s food to me. It’s what my body wants. I like to think I can trust what my body says, now. [When under medical care] I was doing what I was told, and it was killing me,


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

slowly. Nobody saw anything wrong with that. Ignorance isn’t bliss! I asked if his medical doctors wanted to know why he is so much better. I don’t think so. They were angry I didn’t want to continue with the morphine. They lost money, I think that was it. With regard to taking collagen: It’s easy. If you take the collagen once or twice a day for a couple of weeks you’ll know there is a difference. Your fingernail clippers don’t work as well… If it helps my fingernails, I’m thinkin’… what else is it doing all over my body? …THIS is modern medicine. Making people better. I’m a better person with less pain. And, I’m clearer now. No more fog in the head. Mr. White told his surgeon that he’s saving about one thousand dollars a month in prescriptions. “Collagen unlike pharmaceuticals is not poison, it’s GOOD. If you’re paying attention at all, you will quickly notice improvement – little bit by little bit – until you say wow! This stuff is amazing! I wouldn’t let them do a lumbar fusion – and they fought me, hard – …I don’t know why they [the medical doctors] didn’t get on the phone and call you guys. Why didn’t they want to know what’s so different about the collagen, and chiropractic? Where is “here, have some more morphine” in the Hippocratic Oath? In the dark of the night, there’s only one person there… and until you call for help, you’re alone. …If you don’t think there’s hope, there isn’t hope.” ************** thought you might be interested that your collagen is turning my grey hair back to its original color of dark brown. – dr steve [email protected]


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

********************************************* Thank you for your advice regarding your 100% hydrolyzed collagen supplement. I will look forward to receiving 12 packs in due course. Regarding my knee story, if it is helpful: I have had weak knees since i was a child. Most of my life, I was not able to kneel down for more than a few minutes without pain, and when i got up I was always stiff when i started walking. Ten years ago I was advised to take some serrapeptase enzyme for a different reason, and my knees became very loose and would regularly clunk slightly out of joint. This was painful and very alarming. As a result I was no longer able to sit cross-legged, or kneel down at all. Every time i got up, I would hobble for several minutes in pain and stiffness. I was only in my early 40s. Then, earlier this year, I tried your collagen. I took two heaped tablespoons in vegetable juice twice a day. Within two months I was able to kneel down without pain. It was amazing. My knees no longer clunk out and I am not stiff when i get up. This is hard to believe as I lived with stiffness for most of my life, but it is absolutely true! I am so grateful! My husband used to have very white hands and feet in the winter, but after taking the collagen at the same dose (two table spoons twice a day) his noticed his hands and feet were a normal colour again. He was really surprised and happy and he no longer gets chllblains, which were very painful. And lastly, our dog. She is an old rescue, and was very poorly. Since starting on the collagen, she has had a new lease of life. She is no longer sick after eating, and her back legs, which were very weak with no muscle, have strengthened up really well. Although she will never be a strong dog, she bounces around and is so much happier.


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

With kind appreciation and thanks. Joanna Fuller Somerset UK [email protected] ********** Hi Doctor Tim, Was glad to have stumbled upon your site and took a chance to purchase your collagen. All my life, I had been an avid soccer player, and 8 years back I had to call it quits as both my knees were wobblY. I suffered from acute stabs of pain in my left knee whenever I suddenly changed direction. I had an MRI done and the orthopedic doctor asked if I would like to consider microfracturing to try to regrow some worn knee tissues. All it cost was around USD $15K or so per knee! That was only in June this year before I ordered my Collagen from you which arrived in early July. Now, I am actually playing soccer again!! – for 2 teams whose average age is around 35. I am 52 and am proud to say that my team mates appreciate my high work rate. Thanks Tim Philip Wen Singapore *********** Dr. O’Shea – you have another winner with this new Collagen supplement! It is definitely on my top five supplement list. The list of side benefits are amazing. The weight loss my wife has experienced was an unexpected bonus. Scars disappearing, hair and nails thickening, better sleep, etc. I and my family will be taking this for life in addition to the other fine cutting edge supplements you recommend. It’s so nice to know someone who has done the research and sells the “real deal” and that I’m no longer wasting my


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

money trying to find the right supplements in the health food jungle. – Martin Runik, Cameron Park CA ******************** Dear Dr O’Shea, I had a emergency liver transplant in 2009, after a severe liver infection. The drs. said I wouldn’t make it and my family was told to say goodbye. By the grace of God and the Cleveland Clinic I survived. But, as a result of the trauma, medically induced coma, and a long hospital stay I came out with neuropathy and fibromyalgia. I woke up with severe body pain all over, in my joints, and been loaded with so many toxins they didn’t function well. My hairdresser sells the collagen at her salon and recommended I try it. I was at a point I could barely walk when I woke up because of hip pain. After trying your collagen powder for just one night. I woke up with NO HIP PAIN what so ever. After taking it for a couple weeks by body all over body pain is now finally gone! I also had tried the WEN hair products and lost a lot of hair as a result. Nothing was helping me grow it back but your powder. I can feel new growth !! Now I hop out of bed and feel like I did when I was 30 and am now 48yrs old. HUGE DIFFERENCE in my life in every way and I don’t have to take pain meds. Prescribed by dr. THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU !! Sincerely, Michele Manco Cleveland, OH [email protected] ***************** Hydrolyzed collagen for my dog? Wouldn’t have guessed it but thank you for this wonderful product. Our 13 year old retriever has been undergoing chemotherapy for cancer for


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

some time. As a result, she developed an abscess in her leg that was resistant to all antibiotics, for months. It was very painful and caused her to limp. In desperation one night she chewed her leg all the way down to the bone to get at the abscess. She actually got most of it but by that time there was a huge hole where the skin and muscle had been chewed away. The wound would not close, became infected, and was not getting better. The vet couldn’t help at all. This was when we started adding Hydrolyzed Collagen to her food. There was an immediate improvement– you could see it – the wound began to close. With no drugs, she got better and better until after two months of collagen, her leg is completely healed . I wouldn’t have believed t if I hadn’t seen it happen right before my eyes. Thank you for this great product!! – Dr Susan San Jose ****************** I have been taking collagen for almost 4 years now. I originally had chronic joint pain of the knees and hands for about 10 years. Nothing helped except for glucosamine, and that was only a little. Nothing appeared like a cure until I began taking Hydrolyzed Collagen regularly. Soon I could exercise normally – no pain. This collagen definitely cured me of joint pain. I found a winning ticket and I will continue to take it. HC for the rest of my life because of everything it does. Thank you! – A. French, Bay Area ***************** Greg White, 60 years old, Santa Paula, CA Two years ago, Mr. White was taking morphine and Vicodin multiple times a day. His original injury had been mishandled by Worker’s Compensation, – four failed back surgeries, and his medical doctors were trying to convince


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

him to go for a fifth. For some 31 years Mr. White has been a patient of Dr. Alice Nelson of Santa Barbara CA. He had been coming in for adjustments every six weeks or so. After a nutritional seminar with Dr. Tim O’Shea, Dr. Nelson thought a trial of collagen for Mr. White would be worthwhile. He no longer looks like the man we knew 2 years ago. That man had severe muscle wasting, and was by his own admission, a drug addict to those pharmaceutical drugs he was taking. The man we see now has regained much of his musculature and is completely free of all prescription pain medications. How did Mr. White get to this point? In his own words: “I started taking the collagen about a year ago (June 25), . The collagen calls me. I listen to my body. I take it every day, once in the morning, and again in the afternoon. I don’t forget, it’s food to me. It’s what my body wants. I like to think I can trust what my body says, now. [When under medical care] I was doing what I was told, and it was killing me, slowly. Nobody saw anything wrong with that. Ignorance isn’t bliss! I asked if his medical doctors wanted to know why he is so much better. I don’t think so. They were angry I didn’t want to continue with the morphine. They lost money, I think that was it. With regard to taking collagen: It’s easy. If you take the collagen once or twice a day for a couple of weeks you’ll know there is a difference. Your fingernail clippers don’t work as well… If it helps my fingernails, I’m thinkin’… what else is it doing all over my body? …THIS is modern medicine. Making people better. I’m a better person with less pain. And, I’m clearer now. No more fog in the head.” Mr. White told his surgeon that he’s saving about one thousand dollars a month in prescriptions. “Collagen unlike pharmaceuticals is not poison, it’s GOOD. If you’re paying attention at all, you will quickly notice improvement – little bit by little bit – until you say wow! This stuff is amazing!


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

I wouldn’t let them do a lumbar fusion – and they fought me, hard – …I don’t know why they [the medical doctors] didn’t get on the phone and call you guys. Why didn’t they want to know what’s so different about the collagen, and chiropractic? Where is “here, have some more morphine” in the Hippocratic Oath? In the dark of the night, there’s only one person there… and until you call for help, you’re alone. …If you don’t think there’s hope, there isn’t hope.” ************** Dr T: Having initially started on the collagen for kidney degeneration (blood tests every 6 months) 8 months into the collagen I herniated a lower back disc and began treating with inversion – which has definitely helped. I have confirmed cervical spondylitis aggravated by torn rotator cuff muscles in both shoulders which never seemed to heal completely. I have been taking the collagen one time a day – 2 tablespoons – for several months, and I can see no obvious benefit. I exercise but invariably arthritis kicks in and I have to ease up. At 61 I seem to be suffering from steady degeneration thanks to a very hardworking life – complicated by massive stress. Always lived a healthy life on all fronts. I see much sense in your approach – and humour. Am I expecting miracles from the small ration of collagen? is it worth continuing? Many thanks for your consideration, it is much appreciated. from …… the Yukon [email protected] [Dr T]: THAT’S EASY- no loading dose. someone with as stressful a life as you is causing destruction faster than your tissues can be repaired. not unlike a basketball player with a sprained ankle who thinks it’ll heal if he keeps


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

playing. In your extremely traumatic lifestyle, you must start out with a loading dose – which you’ve never done– which would be 3 tblsp twice a day. what you’ve been doing is barely enough to keep pace with the rate of declining collagen production that accompanies aging– to reverse a degenerative trend you have to tip the balance in favor of abundant availability– to give the body all it needs to maintain tissue integrity and at the same time repair tissue damage– i thought this was explained in the chapter on hydrolyzed collagen, but maybe it wasn’t clear enough– so the answer is — double or triple your intake — not forever but at least for 2 or 3 jars until you reverse the trend more toward healing instead of progressive degeneration. and take a break– ! life is short enough! regards dr t *************** thought you might be interested that your collagen is turning my grey hair back to its original color of dark brown. – dr steve [email protected] ********* After attending Dr O’Shea’s nutrition seminar I have been using the 60 Day Detox in my practice. Recently I was working with a patient, a 50 year old construction worker who had a swollen and arthritic knee for years. Painkillers and antibiotics couldn’t touch it. Recently he had a severe flareup and had great difficulty walking. He started taking Dr O’Shea’s collagen, and after one week was 80% recovered. In 3 weeks he was 90% cured. His wife is a nurse and doesn’t believe in anything holistic. But after seeing these results with the husband, decided to try the collagen for the rheumatoid arthritis in her fingers that had been worsening for years. After 2 weeks, her hands were 80% recovered.


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Hydrolyzed Collagen - the best of all collagen supplements

I don’t know what this collagen is, but my patients are amazed. – Dr Yaniv Farbenbloom, Los Angeles

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Journey to the Center of Your Colon Get Our Newsletter

How to Detox Your Colon  Version Française

See new video: Say Goodbye to Colon Problems For Good   This chapter has several specific applications: 1. for those who have reached that certain point between self-loathing and self esteem where they can no longer endure the condition of their body and


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

are prepared to do whatever it takes to reverse the tide 2. for those who have begun a nutrition or supplement program with no results, or else may have reached a plateau in their progress. 3. for those with long term allergies which years of shots and pills have not cured 4. for those who know they’re not eliminating normally 5. for those who daily strain at stool, hoping to produce rabbit pellets 6. for those who have been diagnosed with one of the following dead-end labels:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Spastic Colon Crohn’s Disease Chronic Colitis Leaky Gut Syndrome Regional Ileitis Esophageal Reflux Malabsorption Syndrome Candida albicans Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

How to detox your colon. This is not a discussion for the improvement of the above conditions. We’re talking about resolution: the return to normal operation of the systems. If 1-6 above apply to you, and you grasp the


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

principles cited in the medical sources at the end of this chapter, your problems may well be over. Many doctors have noted the pivotal importance of the colon in the body’s health, from the ancients to the moderns. Physicians from ancient Rome and Greece felt that “death begins in the colon.” (Hippocrates) These healers regarded the colon as a life-center of the body – one of its most important organs. The colon’s importance seems often to be glossed over and patronized by today’s mainstream approach, in which the colon is thought of simply as the body’s sewer, without regard for its many critical, dynamic biologic functions. Consequently, rates of death from colon cancer are at an all time high in our country’s history. Colon cancer has been the #3 cancer in the U.S. for the last 30 years. The above list of “diseases” are experienced today in epidemic proportions, and with standard treatment are almost never cured. The irony is that to return to a normal state is simplicity itself. The biggest obstacle seems to be finding that out. Let’s begin with some

BASIC PLUMBING The digestive tract can be thought of as a long tube from one end to the other. Food goes in one end; waste exits the other. The tube is divided into sections we know:

Mouth Throat Esophagus


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

Stomach Small intestine Large intestine

The large intestine is also called the colon. That’s the whole tube, top to bottom. It’s important to remember one odd fact: the inside of the tube is still considered the outside of the body. No misprint. The food sitting there in your intestines is still outside the body. Reason: it hasn’t been absorbed into the bloodstream yet.

Let’s follow a grape through the tube. You pop the grape into your mouth. Chewing releases the grape’s enzymes, which are going to help break it down into its component parts. You swallow the chewed grape. It goes down the esophagus and ends up in the stomach. There the grape gets churned around some more, and has some of the body’s digestive juices break it down further. After about an hour of this, the stomach spits the chewed grape particles into the next section of the tube, the small intestine. The small intestine is about 22′ long. After more enzymes are added, this is when the grape particles first get inside the body. Happens like this: the inside of the small intestine is lined with a velvety layer of tiny fingerlike projections called microvilli.


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

It’s kinda like a microscopic version of one of those pieces of mattress foam rubber with the bumps on it. The microvilli increase the absorptive surface area of the colon to the size of a football field. Absorption of the nutrients contained in the grape particles happens through the microvilli. The nutrients are passing from the inside of the small intestine through the intestine wall, into the bloodstream. After several hours of giving the small intestine enough chance to absorb all nutrients, the undigested waste, whatever’s left over of the grape that wasn’t absorbed, gets moved along and propelled into the final section of the tube: the colon. The colon is a muscular tube about six feet long. All along the walls are infoldings called haustrae, which mark off sections of the colon. By the end of adolescence, the passage through the colon should be about two inches in diameter. Adolescents should have little trouble eliminating, because the process of undigested layers of waste sticking to the lining of the colon wall is not that advanced. With an unrestricted diet high in rancid fats and excess protein, the inside passageway gradually becomes smaller and smaller, requiring more force to push everything through. Straining at stool is an obvious sign of a blocked colon and is not normal. Elimination should be effortless, no matter what the person’s age. Producing rabbit pellets with great effort is a sign of serious obstruction, as well as a toxifying lifestyle. What do you think happens to all that food you eat? Where does it go? Adolescents who are educated to eat lots of raw live foods may never experience the buildup of sludge layers at all. Here we see the distinction between average and normal: The average American has a bad diet and little dietary advice, eating about 125 grams of protein a day with about 25 grams being sufficient. The normal American teenager – about as rare as finding an honest individual in


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

Congress – likely has been shown what to eat for optimum health, and knows the indigestibility of and absence of nutrients in most fast foods. There are three primary reasons for rotting food persisting in the digestive tract:   1. We kill our friendly bacteria 2. Acidification of the body decreases enzyme production 3. Mucoid plaque in the intestinal lining halts peristalsis

Let’s do them one at a time. 1. FRIENDLY BACTERIA Wrongly described as the body’s sewer, the colon is actually buzzing with life activity. Billions of friendly bacteria are hard at work in the colon. Their job is the final stage of digestion, leaving only what is absolutely of no use to the body to be eliminated.

The friendly bacteria, weighing as much as three pounds in the normal colon, more than 400 species, also function to keep bad bacteria in check. (Shahani) It seems that most bacteria in the world and in the body are actually beneficial to our health. Bacteria are the janitors of the world, disposing of decaying and diseased cells. Think of a beach with no bacteria. What would happen to all those dead fish that wash up there? Wouldn’t be much of a Club Med spot, that’s certain.


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

How do the friendly bacteria, called probiotics, keep the bad bacteria in check? Well, think of a crowded theatre. You walk in, and there’s no place to sit; all the seats are taken. So you can’t stay. Same thing with bacteria. There’s only a certain number of “seats” in the colon. If they’re all taken by friendly bacteria, then there’s no chance for the bad bacteria to set up shop and start to duplicate themselves. According to most researchers, like Simon Martin, normal probiotics should be more numerous than the cells of the intestinal lining itself. Here’s why probiotics are so important. Normal people generally have some cancer cells, Candida yeast, E. coli, staphylococcus, strep, and any number of other potentially bad organisms you can think of in their tract most of the time. But they don’t get any disease. Researchers know, for example, that 50% of men over age 75 actually have prostate cancer, found on autopsy, but only 2% die from it. Why? The body encapsulated the cancer: limited and controlled its growth, walled it off. Same with Candida or most other bacteria; normally they’ll be held in check by sufficient friendly bacteria. E. coli is actually a probiotic when held in check by normal friendly flora. It’s only when the friendly strains get killed off that the potentially bad organisms get a chance to get a foothold and take over. The bad bugs are then called opportunists. The key is balance. Problem is, our friendly bacteria are constantly being killed off. How? Same culprits as cited in the ALLERGIES chapter: antibiotics we take antibiotics given to the animals whose meat we eat antacids, like Zantac, Tagamet, Prilosec, etc. NSAIDs, like Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin, Motrin, etc. other prescription and over the counter medications white sugar carbonated drinks antihistamines chlorinated water


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

fluoridated water coffee

SCAVENGERS NOT PREDATORS Without friendly probiotics, the final stage of digestion can’t take place. Debris rots in there. Opportunistic bacteria and Candida start taking over. Bernard Jensen, on the relation between the bad bacteria and the undigested food: “…bacteria and viruses, which are cell scavengers, are not there for lack of something better to do. They’re there because there is malnourished, enzyme-depleted, diseased, and necrotic tissue. Functioning as nature’s biological sanitation department, they must break down and eliminate the sick tissue to prevent further poisoning of


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

the body. If you stop their action, you allow continuous poisoning by the decaying tissue.” – Empty Harvest p 113 Jensen makes a point here that should not be missed. He’s talking about rotting food in the colon as well as diseased living cells of the colon itself, both attracting bacteria. It’s an identical situation in the two separate instances: Undigested food in the colon Bacterial infection in a diseased organ of the body (the colon) In neither case are the bacteria causing illness. They are trying to prevent illness by breaking down the dying tissue. Scavengers not predators. Whether it’s rotting yogurt in a blocked colon, a dead coyote in the forest, or infected liver cells in the body of an alcoholic, bacteria are just doing what they do best: cleaning up. When the bacteria are “diagnosed” as the cause of the illness, rather than a sign of the illness, the medical approach is to try and kill them. But that’s like killing the garbagemen. The garbage remains. Understanding such a simple concept is pivotal in arriving at a holistic outlook toward health. Chronically undigested food is often present in quantities too great for any bacteria to scavenge. The debris then becomes plastered onto the inside lining of the colon, eventually making it smooth and shiny, like the inside of a new shotgun barrel. When this happens, absorption is blocked. (Rogers)   2. ACIDIFICATION OF THE BODY This part is a bit technical, so don’t feel bad about skipping it, especially you Common Core grads from California. It involves pH. That means acid/base balance. You know, like soap is basic or alkaline, and oranges are acidic. Now in the body certain places only operate correctly if they’re at exactly the


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

right pH. The stomach lining for example has to be alkaline in order to counteract the acidic digestive enzymes. Otherwise we’d constantly be burning holes in the stomach lining. All phases of digestion are totally dependent upon a delicate acid/base balance. The problem is, most foods in the Standard American Diet – Big Mac, Five Guys, Del Taco, fries, coke, pizza, etc. are acid-forming. That means they lower the pH of the body: too acid. The balance is disrupted: many enzymes can’t operate. Digestion is inhibited: food sits there and rots. A sixteen ounce bottle of Coke has a pH around 2. Very acidic. To bring the pH back up to our normal 7.3, we would have to dilute the Coke with about ten gallons of water. But we don’t usually drink ten gallons of water after every Coke. So how does it work? The blood must maintain a pH between 7.3 and 7.45. (Guyton). If not, we die. With all the acid foods we keep eating, the body tries desperately to keep its pH within the range. The first things it tries are buffering with bicarbonates in the blood and lungs. (Guyton, p 392) Next, the body begins to sweep the extra acids into the tissues, especially muscles and joints. That’s what lactic acid buildup comes from. If that’s still not enough, as a final effort to keep from acidifying, the body will actually precipitate acids out of solution, in the form of solid crystals and salts. This is the exact mechanism of gallstones, kidneys stones, uric acid crystals, plaque, and cholesterol crystals. A built-in protection for self preservation. We think of these stones as major medical problems, but in reality it’s just a sign that the body’s systems are functioning as they should. Otherwise we’d be dead of acidosis. So what happens to the colon from an over-acid diet? In a word, enzymes. Or rather, lack of enzymes. Enzymes are necessary to break down and digest food. If the environment is too acid, the enzymes in the stomach and small intestine don’t work very well. By the time it gets to the colon, everything that was supposed to be digested should have already had it happen. But it hasn’t. So the undigested food gets dumped into the colon.


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

There are no digestive enzymes in the colon. So the food just sits there and rots. Now, minerals can only be absorbed at a certain pH. And minerals are a necessary component of enzyme formation. So it’s a vicious circle: acidification of the body causes decreased minerals, which cause decreased enzyme production, which causes the food to rot in the tract. Which further blocks absorption of water, nutrients, and minerals. Downward spiral. Absorption. Another critical job of the colon is electrolyte reabsorption and water reclamation back into the bloodstream, so we’re not constantly losing them. Electrolytes are important minerals, like sodium and potassium which conduct electrical charge through the body. They are necessary for normal cell function. The idea is for the body to maintain as much water, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium as possible, for maximum conservation. Remember, we’re almost 70% water. The colon is the logical place for this reabsorption to happen since it’s the last portion of the tube. In the sick human, the colon is blocked. Water and electrolytes don’t get reabsorbed. Where do they go? Out. The body loses water, general dehydration, cell death, premature aging, kidney destruction, spilling of electrolytes, blood thickening, the whole enchilada of downward health then follows. Blocked absorption alone is enough to slowly kill you.

3. MUCOID PLAQUE HALTS PERISTALSIS Mucoid plaque is a term used by many holistic doctors and researchers to describe the uniform rubbery layers of mucous and rotting food which


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

compact themselves year after year along the entire length of the digestive

tract. (Anderson) Peristalsis is the normal rhythmic muscular action of the intestine to push food down and outward, out of the body. Mucoid plaque is formed as the intestine keeps producing mucous as a normal response to an irritant: undigested food. Food is not supposed to just sit there and rot. We’re only supposed to store three meals before their waste is expelled. (Jensen.) But most Americans store nine, twelve, or even more meals before one comes out. This increased transit time is irritating to the intestinal lining. Mucous is not powerful enough to move the toxic, enzymeless sludge of DelTaco and Curlie Fried Onion Rings with ketchup. But the body keeps on valiantly trying, and more and more mucous is constantly being produced. Eventually the mucous becomes matrixed with the most indigestible elements, like trans fatty acids from the Barbecue and Sour Cream chips. And it goes on day after day, week after week, month after month, etc. And the layers get thicker and harder and the colon grows in diameter. And we absorb less and less nutrients and we lose more and more water and minerals. The intestinal walls contain long muscles whose job it is to keep things moving along. These muscles gradually become overstretched and weakened by the pressure of too much waste pushing against them, expanding outward, like blowing up a long thin balloon. Thus peristalsis – the normal wavelike muscular motion of the colon – is further inhibited and blockage is again promoted.


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Mucoid plaque blocks inflow and outflow, resulting in lack of nutrient, water, and electrolyte absorption, as well as retention of toxic putrefaction in balloon-like blocked outpocketings of the intestine. In addition, pathogenic bacteria, parasites, and Candida thrive in the mucoid plaque layer and are actually protected by it from prescription or natural herbal remedies and efforts to remove them. Researchers refer to the mucoid plaque as a “culture medium” for these organisms. (Forstner) Like most diseases, Mucoid plaque is a natural response to an unnatural stimulus. It is a necessary protection the body produces to try and shield itself from poisons. Mucoid plaque is a product of the constant production of mucous by the glycocalyx lining cells, brought on by the modern American diet of fake, empty, processed, chemical-laden, hormone-laced, antibioticsoaked foods. Many doctors have noted that when the plaque can be removed by a cleanse, remission from virtually any disease may result. Simple cause and effect. Mucoid plaque has been definitely linked to gastric cancer by the simple mutation of the lining cells – metaplasia. (Sipponen, Filipe) No big surprise here – cell damage is caused by inflow/outflow blockage, and after a certain time, mutation occurs. Another mechanism is that the constant secretion of mucous captures the toxins, but since normal transit is blocked, the toxins become locked in one location, often for years, resulting in irritation and eventual cell mutation. The cells steep in their own wastes, month after month. In a lecture in San Jose California on 26 Sep 98, Dr. Richard Anderson told the story of one of his patients who underwent the cleanse in Hawaii a few years ago. The patient was passing long strands of the rubbery mucoid plaque, some over 20 feet in length! Fascinated, the patient hung the strands over his clothesline in the back yard. He then took a length of the plaque, and packaged it in a box to send to the mainland to prove what happened to him. He mailed the package at the local post office in Hawaii.


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A few days later, two serious-looking officials in ATF windbreakers knocked on the patient’s door and asked him if he had sent such and such a package to such and such an address. The patient said yes, and asked what was the problem. They answered that the post office has dogs that sniff out all packages mailed off the island, and that one of them had become very excited about this package. The patient asked what were the dogs trained to detect. Only two things, came the answer: drugs and explosives. Which dog was it? The one for explosives. The patient was incredulous, especially when he recalled that he had worked with munitions some 25 years ago, and his job was to handle explosives! He explained the detox cleanse to the two agents and they were satisfied. This story illustrates the power of a such an intestinal cleanse: the body had retained these strong toxins in the mucoid plaque lining of the colon, stored in a concentration powerful enough to be detected by dogs through the layers of wrapping of a sealed package some 25 years later! Of course it’s anecdotal, but Anderson has been doing this for 15 years and has cleansed several thousand patients. He has amassed a ton of clinical data, but not through double blind studies. (Only drugs require double blind studies. Most of which are faked or never done.) The rubbery mucoid plaque layer seals in toxins and prevents absorption of water and nutrients. Toxic sludge promotes proliferation of pathological bacteria and yeasts, like Candida. Now for the bad news. There’s another separate demon at work in the blocked colon. His name is

AUTO-INTOXICATION The sludge that’s stopping up the works is undigested food. Undigested means rotting: putrefying, fermenting, going rancid. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Want to see what that looks like? Leave some meat, some french fries, and some bread out on the counter for a week. A blocked colon


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can be even worse, because of the time frame involved: in many people the sludge sits in the colon for weeks or even longer. The colon walls are normally very well sealed in order to protect the body against reabsorbing the waste that is about to be eliminated. It’s a sophisticated design, set up to allow water and electrolytes back into the body, but no toxic poisons. Stay with me now. In long-term buildup of undigested food in the colon, eventually a situation emerges that doctors call Leaky Gut Syndrome. Essentially what’s happening is that the sludge has built up so much blockage that the pores of the inner membranes of the colon become locked open. Some of the toxic debris is forced through the walls of the colon, along with the water and electrolytes, back into the bloodstream. Hence, the name autointoxication: you’re poisoning yourself. Once in the bloodstream, the undigested debris, now a foreign irritant, can take up residence in any organ or tissue it finds room. Chronic inflammation begins, and gradually, degeneration of that organ. Here are some of the diseases that such a sequence can cause: Chronic Allergies Jaundice Kidney disease Acne Hepatitis Psoriasis Blinding headaches AIDS Arthritis Pancreatitis Chronic fatigue syndrome Depression Infections Fibromyalgia Septicemia Multiple Joint Pain Syndrome Dermatitis


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Autoimmune Disorders Candida albicans Cancer to name just a few. This list is taken from an article by Leo Galland, MD who has done extensive research in this area of hyperpermeability, as illustrated by the list of over 150 references at the end of the article. It’s funny, when people with average intelligence first hear about Leaky Gut Syndrome, they usually understand it right away because it seems logical. Very often, it is the nutritionists, dieticians, and doctors who seem more apt to question the existence of hyperpermeability, or Leaky Gut Syndrome. Even though there has been years of copious research in the best medical journals thoroughly documenting its characteristics and nature, Leaky Gut Syndrome is not commonly taught as part of the medical curriculum, or the abbreviated curriculum presented to nutritionists and dieticians. Many of these people therefore conclude that since they got their degrees without hearing about hyperpermeability or Leaky Gut Syndrome, it must not exist. Dr. Galland suffers from no such illusion. He traces the physiology of how large molecules of the “toxic/antigenic load” (undigested sludge) work their way through the intestinal walls and are first introduced into the liver before they are available to the bloodstream. Dr. Galland describes the “high cost” of the liver’s detox work: creation of free radicals and other “reactive intermediaries” which themselves may be passed into the bloodstream if the toxic burden becomes too great for the liver’s defenses. Here we see the particulars of autointoxication, not just some New Age literary musings. Dr. Galland points out the wide range of pathological conditions, listed above, which may come about exactly through this mechanism. Very sophisticated markers have been devised which can measure the toxins that “leak” into the body. (S. Martin) Jensen has an axiom that the disease is named by where the toxins finally settle.


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Candida albicans, the opportunistic yeast, can be both a cause and a result of Leaky Gut Syndrome. Once Candida gets a foothold in the gut, it puts down “roots” through the gut wall, causing openings through which large molecules and toxins can leak. Candida cells can themselves be introduced into the bloodstream in this same fashion. (Simon Martin) Sherry Rogers MD, implicates Leaky Gut Syndrome as a primary cause for autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus. She says such conditions can be the result of the “formation of auto-antibodies due to leaking of body tissue look-alike antigens…”

TRANSIT TIME Let’s talk propulsion for a minute. Normal elimination involves rhythmic contraction of the muscles in the colon wall, to push the waste outward. Again, this natural, wavelike motion is called peristalsis. It is normal to eliminate two or more times per day. Transit time: how much time between food in and waste out. Normal transit time is less than 24 hours. This means that only two or three meals should be in transit throughout the digestive tract at a time. Today’s breakfast IN pushes yesterday’s breakfast or lunch OUT. Toxic fecal matter is supposed to totally leave the body in one day, not hang around to toxify. That’s the design. Many people you know have been brought up to think that it is normal to eliminate only once every two or three days. Or even longer. That means they are storing NINE meals or more in the tract at all times. The waste from nine meals or more is always inside them. Want to discover your own transit time? Try this simple test: eat something you usually don’t eat that will be easily identifiable when it comes out. Frozen corn, peanuts, and pistachios are some good examples. Simply note the time


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

from when you eat the markers to the time when you see them leaving. That’s your transit time, at least of the matter that is not cemented to the colon walls. The problem is that the longer the food is in the colon, the more it begins to rot and toxify the body. Modern soft foods and empty junk foods have greatly increased transit time, for two reasons: 1. They are indigestible, enzymes removed 2. They lack fiber The colon thus becomes a breeding ground for pathological bacteria whose toxic byproducts further add to the totality of biochemical poisons. All this yuk is then available to be reabsorbed into the bloodstream, because of Leaky Gut Syndrome. From the chapter on Allergies, you’ll remember that means hyperpermeability of the gut wall: stuff gets through into the bloodstream which shouldn’t get through, because of the destruction of the cells of the colon’s lining. Large molecules of rotting fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, which also may drag along with them the toxic wastes of the pathological bacteria that have been breeding in the putrid sludge, all this can leak through into the bloodstream. From there the toxins have access to every cell in the body. Getting the image? Let’s make it worse. Let’s hypothesize a lot of indigestible chips and margarine into the mix. No enzymes. Less than one glass of water per day. That’s right – we’re making cement here. Solid compacting of unmetabolizable sewage, daily pasted and encrusted in ever-thickening layers along the inside folds, the haustrae, of the colon. Mucoid plaque. Think the inside diameter of that shotgun barrel is getting bigger, or smaller year by year?


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

SIX FOOT BALLOON The colon is fabulously distensible: it can expand up to five times its normal size when stuffed. Surgeons report expanded colons up to 12 inches in diameter, with a central opening the size of a pencil! (Tissue Cleansing p. 27) Technicians who measure percent body fat on patients day after day begin to notice an odd fact: many people with almost normal body fat readings have enormous abdomens. Pregnant trucker Santa Clauses with skinny legs. Reason: it’s not fat. It’s a monster colon, packed with sludge to five times of its normal size, expanding outward. (Rich. Anderson) Actually makes sense – if it were otherwise, many people would be dead in their 20s because the colon walls would become so layered with sludge that there would be no passageway left for elimination. The colon would simply close up. Doing sit-ups? Trying to flatten that lower abdomen, and you aren’t really overweight? But it won’t get flat, right? It isn’t fat. Most likely it’s rotting food in the colon. How’s the elimination? Transit time? In his fascinating book, Cleanse and Purify, Dr. Richard Anderson cites his encounter with one medical doctor who did not want to be identified. This doctor, after hearing Anderson’s lecture about mucoid plaque and expanded toxic colons, told the audience: “I have spent twelve years working in the field of post-mortem diagnosis. I have seen many thousands of dissected cadavers. What Rich is telling you is the absolute truth. Everybody has it in there. We have a way of attaching a hose to the upper intestines and with the aid of powerful chemicals, we literally blow the stuff right out of the intestines. I have seen the heavy ‘beer belly’ and so called fat people lose all that bulk in five minutes. It wasn’t fat. It was the mucoid layer that Rich was talking about. and in that filthy substance we see all sorts of worms, bacteria, fungi, and many unidentifiable things. It is almost unbelievable that people can live with that filth in them. All these people were dead of course, and it wasn’t hard to see why.” – (Anderson p2-46)


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

Probably won’t read a story like that in any of the popular press. The noted surgeon, Dr. Harvey Kellogg, of the Kellogg Sanitarium in Battle Creek Michigan, (yes, those Kelloggs) whose experience was with the colons of living subjects, agreed:

“Of the 22,000 operations that I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon. Of the 100,000 that were performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal.”

Dr. Kellogg estimated that over 90% of the “diseases of civilization” were due to a blocked and non-functioning colon. – cited in Iridology: the Science and Practice p 408 If ‘normal’ people can have up to 22 lbs of undigested food in the colon, how much can the Beef Barbecue Buddhas be carrying? 50 lbs? 100? The imagination reels. A little more plumbing, now. The colon begins in the lower right abdomen, goes up toward the head about 8 inches or so and then makes a right angle straight across the upper abdomen over to the left side. Then it angles downward again, and then out. Trace this path with your finger. OK. The section of the colon that traverses straight across from one side to the other is known as the Transverse Colon. Gastroenterologist researchers now know that in the stuffed and expanded transverse colon, the horizontal section, the extra weight is enough to make it prolapse, or fall down, so that it is lying atop organs that it normally wouldn’t be in contact with, like the bladder, the uterus, the prostate, or the ovaries. Dr. Stephen Chang at the University of California has now shown that combining the effects of Leaky Gut Syndrome with a collapsed colon can actually be the mechanism for toxification, infection, and disease of any organ that is now touching this leaking, sagging toxic tube. (Ross Anderson) Obviously it would be an ineffective waste of drugs to treat these new


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infections in isolation, as long as the process of autointoxication continues, wouldn’t you say? Another common condition is:

REFLUX Intestinal reflux, gastric reflux, esophageal reflux – who cares? All the same idea. The pipes are backed up. You start eating and you’re already full. Stomach juices back up and burn the delicate lining of the esophagus. Heartburn. Classic misdiagnosis: hiatal hernia, which is something rare and completely different and unrelated. Reflux is much more common and easily explained, in light of the empty, toxic, indigestible American diet we teach our children. When the overall pressure can be relieved by a colon cleanse, transit returns and reflux is no more. Reflux never was the underlying problem. Like the rest of them, reflux was just a sign of the problem: blocked pipes. You’re getting a lot of information here, more than most doctors want to think about. The medical attitude toward the colon generally takes the Sewer View. More than 44 million Americans depend on laxatives for elimination. With $23 billion a year in antibiotics (see chapter) being given to American patients, concern for normal flora repopulation doesn’t get much airplay either. The view of the colon as a living, breathing, active, vital organ is probably not something you’re going to hear about at your next HMO visit. Corrosive laxatives may bring a day or two of relief, but the underlying condition persists. Antibiotics may kill all the bacteria for awhile, but why were the bad bacteria there in the first place? Rotting food. And what about the friendly bacteria also killed off by the antibiotics? Who’s gonna do their job? No one. Then there’s the standard drugs most internists use.


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

One of the most common is Prilosec. As we saw in the chapter on Enzymes, Prilosec is a powerful inhibitor of HCl (hydrochloric acid.) The reasoning goes something like this: the patient has tremendous burning gut pain and bad digestion and elimination. Must be too much stomach acid. So Prilosec turns off the stomach acid and the burning stops. For today. But guess what else stops. Digestion. Without HCl, protein doesn’t get broken down, and it sits there and rots, further contributing to the toxic buildup and cess-pooling. This is called treating the problem by harming the patient. With reflux, clearing the colon takes the pressure off the lower part of the GI tract, allowing room for the contents of the small intestine and the stomach to move downward. No more splashing acids into the esophagus. It’s simple plumbing. But natural cures are always overlooked if they interfere with drug sales. Another drug – Propulsid – supposedly works by forcing the impacted food out of the intestines. Unfortunately, so many people have died of heart failure from it, that is was scheduled to be taken off the market after 6 months, in Aug 2000. (Rubin) [That’s standard procedure. Even though the FDA knows people are dying from a drug, they keep it on the market for up to a year to allow the drug companies to recover some of their investment!] In the colon, the layers of compacted inner cement prevent reabsorption of water and electrolytes, as well as the return of normal flora activity. Dehydration and indigestion ensue. The toxic debris begins to irritate and inflame the delicate mucosal cells of the inner lining. Aspirin, Motrin, and Tylenol further aggravate the lining. (Rogers) Chronic inflammation of the colon’s inner lining – colitis – is epidemic. It is a precursor to cancer. Many patients have found that after detoxing the colon and getting rid of rotting wastes that have been in there for weeks or months, suddenly their colitis is history!


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

COLON CANCER for 35 years the third most common cancer in America. Simple mechanism: blockage of inflow and outflow by rotting sludgy plaque. Surface lining cells swim in toxins day in day out, then weeks and months. Can’t get nutrients, can’t get rid of wastes. That about covers it for cell needs. Colon cancer has also long been linked directly to the chlorination of municipal drinking water. (See Water chapter.) The mechanism is simple: chlorine sterilizes the colon by killing off the normal friendly bacteria which should live there. A 1989 report from Oak Ridge Associated Universities showed definite correlation between increased cancer incidence and fifteen years of chlorine in Denver’s drinking water. (Eco-Update) With no flora, sludge builds up and the delicate epithelial cells of the colon lining become packed with toxic decaying waste. Same scenario: the cells can’t perform the two necessary functions of every living cell – nutrition and waste removal. Many cells die, but other simply mutate. That’s what cancer is: altered, or mutated, cells. Sections of the colon can collapse and become very narrow, like ribbons, easily blocked with hardened waste. This creates a condition called Crohn’s Disease, and the narrow sections are called strictures. Extreme force is then necessary to propel waste past these blocked narrow passageways. Between the narrowed sections, outpocketings of toxic poisons can then balloon out, due to lack of normal transit of wastes. These pockets are very hospitable environments for bad bacteria and parasites to set up shop. Imagine the potency of by-products given off by pathological bacteria who are themselves feeding off toxic sludge. Autointoxication advances. A desperate reflex to try and expel the mounting poisonous load commonly results in violent and painful cramping of colon wall muscles – Spastic Colon. The problem is not with the colon. The problem is with the human who keeps poisoning himself.


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

Resection, or cutting away a problem length of the colon, is a common medical recommendation in the persistent “problem colon” case. Sometimes the impacted waste has become like hard rubber or even calcified like a cement. Laxatives and drugs just won’t do the trick. Standard medical thinking is, when drugs fail, something has to be cut out. The PetBoys Method: the body is an automobile. Not a very holistic or long-term outlook, but it pays the bills. And it’s got quite a tradition. Usual result is that the scar tissue which forms after the surgery can soon form as much obstruction as the original undigested cement load. For colon cancer, resection is routine. Cleansing is not even a medical option at that point. What they’ll never tell you is that one third of all colon resections for cancer end up in recurrence of the cancer later on. (Yamada p 1801) Stands to reason: if you don’t remove the cause of the cancer in the first place – autointoxication – what’s to keep the cancer from returning? The connection between Leaky Gut and ALLERGIES should now be apparent. Allergy symptoms are one of the signs of auto-intoxication. Most allergies are food allergies, and Leaky Gut Syndrome is one mechanism and one explanation of that entire process: indigestible food, rotting in gut, leaking into bloodstream, symptoms of allergy. When the doctors “can’t find the cause” of your allergies, here it is. Read the chapter on Allergies Time for a reality check. The colon should be seen as a life center of the body, in my opinion, not as a sewer. Conserving water and minerals, creating a hospitable environment for the life-promoting probiotic bacteria, and providing an unobstructed path for waste elimination – these are indispensable functions of the colon, and should be the only goals of any treatment program. Back in the 1920s Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Alexis Carrel began his famous petri dish experiment in which he proved that living cells could be kept alive indefinitely by simply controlling the nutrients and waste removal in the surrounding solution. After 28 years, the original chicken liver cells were still alive in the petri dish, and Dr. Carrel’s point was proven. For living cells, there


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

are two main requirements: proper nutrients, and unobstructed elimination of wastes. With a blocked colon, all the body’s cells suffer: autointoxication poisons the entire body, all its tissues, and all its organs. This can be the cause of practically any disease, especially those conditions listed in the pathology books as “cause unknown.” JH Tilden, MD actually went so far as to say that this type of chronic blood poisoning was the only disease. (Toxemia Explained) That’s a brief overview of how the colon should work. For the majority of Americans, it doesn’t. Death rates from colon cancer have been increasing since 1971. So the other side of the coin is that a clean, unblocked colon can dramatically boost the health of the entire body, allowing the body’s natural defenses to start defending. Disease cannot coexist in a healthy body. Provided with the preceding information, what kind of shape do you think your colon is in? Impacted? Diagnosed pathology? Pregnant Buddha? Average functioning, but some cement layers suspected? Even the healthiest colons can benefit from periodic roto-rootering.

SOLUTIONS Colon hydrotherapy when performed by a licensed professional is more than just an enema. My opinion is that its real value is as a jumpstart to cleansing. The limitation is that much of the old sludge in the colon is not water soluble. Moreover, weekly maintenance colonics may not allow the normal proliferation of the body’s own friendly bacteria, because they are always getting flushed out. But to get things moving in the person who has decided to detox and cleanse, colonics can certainly be effective. Spinal adjustment can have immediate and dramatic effects on colon pathology, especially with Spastic Colon. The nerve plexus through which the brain controls the action of the colon, those nerves exit the spinal cord in between the lumbar vertebrae. The nerves turn the colon ON and OFF. Any spasm is a blocked reflex arc: the OFF switch is stuck. Specific adjustment of


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

the involved vertebra can break the stuck spasm reflex instantaneously, and restore normal function of the colon. No colon diagnosis should ignore this simple biomechanical approach. Visceral massage by a trained therapist can certainly be temporarily beneficial. There are a variety of colon cleanse programs. You won’t find out about them at Kaiser or your HMO. They don’t involve drugs or surgery; therefore insurance doesn’t cover them. Big surprise. There are several holistic cleanses, and most are herbal. The simplest and safest formula that I have tested is an herbal blend called Expel.

ORDER PRODUCTS No corrosives or irritants, with sufficient water intake, these herbs seem to unclog blockages for most people, usually with immediate results. To scrape away all the layers of impacted debris pasted onto the colon walls like stucco – that takes weeks or months. But the patients generally see immediate evidence that they’re working toward that goal with these herbs. My view is always towards convenience, simplicity, and working in complete holistic sync with the body, trying to restore patterns that have been lost.


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

Build up the flora, begin a cleansing diet, and restore normal digestion and effortless elimination. No magic bullets here; for 60 days we need

THE 60 DAY PROGRAM   1. Affix New West Diet to refrigerator door, with magnet, in a location of maximum guilt potential. 2. No PASTEURIZED dairy: milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, white dressings, creamy soups, ice cream. 3. No white sugar: cookies, donuts, soft drinks, candy, junky desserts 4. Eat a lot, but from the New West Diet. Never be hungry. 5. Drink 1-2 liters of water per day (not tap water). (Voss, Icelandic, Eternal, etc) 6. Three DigestaZyme caps, three times a day 7. 1-4 caps per day Expel Go for max. 8. Six caps per dayTotal Florabiotics 9. Consider stopping all drugs 10. Get the lumbar spine adjusted.   That’s it. A 60-day colon detox. Doing part of it or your version of it will not do the trick. It’s an integral system. Ready to get your life back? And your health, your color, your strength, your immune system?


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

THE HEALING CRISIS Natural cures are different from drugs; first of all, with rare exceptions, drugs don’t really cure anything, nor is that their intent. The focus of drugs is to cover up symptoms. The underlying problem may remain, but so what? There’s always one more drug to try – that’s why there’s 12,000 of them on the market at any one time. The biggest business in the history of mankind. Almost one fifth of our GNP! In an actual healing situation, especially one involving detox, there may be some new unpleasant symptoms that are the result of a temporary shifting back to normal. These may include transient dizziness, disorientation, gas pains, or skin rashes. Holistic healers are quite familiar with the healing crisis, and generally regard it as a good sign that the body is responding and making a needed change. In the example of colon detox, the body often protects itself from a toxin – drugs, chemicals, additives, etc – by encapsulating it in fat cells and mucoid layers. In this way toxins can remain for years in many areas of the body, including the colon, walled off and unable to do direct harm to the body. It’s a survival mechanism, well documented. Then when the person begins an herbal cleanse, these toxins may suddenly be liberated and re-enter the bloodstream as the protective encapsulations are broken down by the herbs. Slight dizziness or nausea may occur, but only for a short time. Unless they have been informed, patients unfamiliar with natural cures may become anxious and think


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

‘something is wrong,’ especially if they have lived their lives conditioned to take a drug for any and every symptom. The best course of action is to drink 1-2 litres of water in order to facilitate the cleansing of the blood. Many a morning hangover could have been avoided by the hapless inebriate having drunk two glasses of water prior to passing out the night before. It’s the dehydration due to the high concentration of the toxic alcohol that brings on the hair of the dog. Same idea in colon detox. Look for that healing crisis. Don’t freak out. Everybody detoxes at a different rate. Just back off a little on the herbs for a day or so, and continue.

LEVELS OF DETOX How long should you detox? When will you know if you “got it all”? Good question. My opinion is that initially, your goal is just to get yourself eliminating on a daily basis much more than what you’re accustomed to, but with no real discomfort. At some point, one day you will likely experience a catharsis, or major cleansing ejection. A few people get nervous when this happens and call the doctor, thinking their “brains have come out” or some other such illusion. Most will experience a feeling of lightness and clarity they haven’t had for years. That is the beginning of detox. At first I thought that this catharsis was the final goal of detox. But the more people I talked to and read about, I learned that there are many levels of detox. The initial catharsis is just the beginning. Like a geologist digging deeper into the earth to find prehistoric layers of rock, detoxification can gradually uncover and liberate deeper levels of preserved toxins within the colon, the fat cells, and elsewhere. Think back to your teenage years and your twenties and all the trashy foods you ate – years of toxification. If all that poison came out at once, the result would be death. The body won’t allow that to happen; gradual detox is a protective mechanism. Even people who have extremely clean diets, who may be vegetarian and eat mostly raw foods, often go on routine fasts, colon programs, and liver cleanses and get surprising results. They are going for optimum clean blood – maximum purity of the biological terrain, just like in Dr. Carrel’s


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

petri dish. This is the true objective of any detox program – excavate deep and bring the old debris out, level by level. Then keep it clean. The rate of detox should be controlled so that extreme fatigue and prolonged nausea are avoided. What’s the hurry? Except for transient, momentary discomforts, a detox program should bring new energy and strength, almost immediately.

YOU KNOW IT DON’T COME EASY For the average American, The Program is easy to understand, a little difficult to complete. For those with a colon problem, it’s a little discipline: Candida and other organisms may crave their little milk and sugar fixes for the first few days. But it’s counterproductive to think you can take some magic bullet Intestinal Cleansing Formula and all your colon problems will be gone in a week. The only way that’s going to happen is when a lifestyle change, involving all the above steps, allows your body to heal itself. A little inconvenient retracing. If you actually follow The Program like your life depends upon it, it will. Such cleanses have been life-transforming, even for people the most serious conditions. ( See Feedback and Testimonials) After shaking the monkey, you’ll be free. The healthy body rejects any and all disease conditions. The body heals itself from the inside out, and yours is no exception. No matter how far gone you think you are, no matter how hopeless you’ve been told your condition is, no matter how long you’ve been like this, no matter what you’ve already tried, one fact is on your side: you’re just flesh and blood. Flesh and blood has to follow immutable biochemical laws. Not that we know what all these laws are. But your body knows. Just like in Alexis Carrel’s 28-year petri dish experiment, if you detox your cells, they will live. Major forces are today being marshalled against your right to choose nonmainstream techniques like colon cleanses. You can do it; you just can’t learn about it. So who’s driving the bus here? Who controls the health of your body? See Testimonials .


9/17/23, 8:17 PM

Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

———————- Copyright: — MMXXII REFERENCES Garrett, Laurie — The Coming Plague— 1996 Penguin New York Parrilli, G— “Changes in intestinal permeability to lactulose induced by cytotoxic chemotherapy” —Cancer Treat Rep 1982Jun;66(6):1435-1436 Haubrich, WS— “The ebb and flow of gut fluids” — Gastrointest Endosc 1980May;26(s Supple):15-25 Phillips, S— “The gut is a membrane, is a vesicle, is a gut!” — Gut 1987 Jun;28(6):650-2 Dalton, HP— “Etiology of Bacteremia” — Va Med Mon 1071 Dec;98(12):660 Carrel, Alexis, MD— Man, The Unknown— 1939 MacFadden Publications NY Oak Ridge Associated Universities— “Eco-Update” — Acres USA Apr 1989 Jensen, Bernard — Empty Harvest—Avery, 1990 Jensen, Bernard — Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management 1981 Tilden, JH, MD — Toxemia Explained 1926 Guyton, AC, MD —Textbook of Medical Physiology — 1996 Saunders Galland, Leo, MD— “Leaky Gut Syndrome: Breaking the Vicious Cycle” — 1995 Martin, Simon— “Intestinal Permeability” — BioMed Newsletter no.11, May 95 Rogers, Sherry MD— Townsend Letter for Doctors– Feb-Mar 1995 Anderson, Richard, ND — Cleanse and Purify — 1998 Yamada, T— Textbook of Gastroenterology– 1991 Lippincott Co. Forstner, JR “Intestinal Mucins In Health and Disease” Digestion 1978; 17(3) p234


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Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.

Sipponen, P— “Intestinal Metaplasia With Colonic-Type Sulphomucins in the Gastric Mucosa: Its Association With Gastric Carcinoma” — Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavia 1980;88 p 217 Filipe, M “Transitional Mucosa” — Histopathology 1984 July; 8(4) p707 Jensen, Bernard — Iridology: The Science and Practice of the Healing Arts — vol.II 1982 Anderson, Ross ND— “The Vibrant Health That You Deserve” — video 1995 Lappe, M PhD —- Against the Grain —Common Courage– 1998.

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9/17/23, 8:17 PM

Colon detox without drugs. Expel works.



9/17/23, 8:18 PM

Antioxidants. And Megahydrate.

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Antioxidants Get Our Newsletter

Antioxidants. As we go through life, unstable molecules get into our blood which damage normal cells. The problem is they’re missing an electron in their outer ring. So they bounce around trying to steal one from a normal molecule. And this results in a little game of biochemical musical chairs called free radical chain carrying mechanism. Result: cells and energy are burned up. Free radicals come from a variety of places. Normal living generates a certain amount of free radicals. Other sources include: Processed foods Drugs Alcohol Environmental poisons Trauma Surgery Extreme exercise Stress Most of us living the average American lifestyle, in the average American city, are taking in far more free radicals than we can possibly deal with. They have a positive balance at the end of the day. What protects us from free radicals are neutralizing molecules called antioxidants. These provide the missing electron to the free radical and thus cancel it out. Some common antioxidants include vitamin C, vitamin E,


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Antioxidants. And Megahydrate.

most fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains. If you were living a totally natural existence, like the Hunza people or something, you’d probably be taking in enough antioxidants each day from your natural diet to offset the number of free radicals produced by normal metabolism. But that’s not the way most of us live. These days we’re immersed in this freakish environment loaded with all sort of prescription, OTC, and party drugs, as well as vaccines and other experimentals. We live in a virtual ocean of toxicity: additives and preservatives, and hormones and antibiotics and oxidized manmade oils contaminating our food. Not to mention the 60,000 chemicals to which we may be subjected in some fashion thanks to the chemical industry. Or the negative influence of the diseased minds that design the programming that oozes endlessly out of our TV sets and computer screens — this slime manifests itself at a cellular level throughout our bodies. All these events create the unstable molecules we call free radicals. It’s actually the amount that causes the problem. When you overwhelm the body’s capability of dealing with the level of free radicals most of us are generating because of insufficient antioxidant intake, the result is rapid aging, oxidative stress, cell damage, tissue metaplasia, tumors, and chronic fatigue. This explains why antioxidants are so popular in the supplement stores. Many are good, like the pycnogenols, and whole food vitamins. But most antioxidants being marketed are of limited value, simply because good ones difficult to make. Antioxidants are a crucial part of the 60 Day Program In detox, an enormous number of free radicals are generated as old trapped sludge and poisons are dredged up from the tract and tissues. To leave the free radicals untended is deleterious to the whole idea of improved health. The best idea is to neutralize them on a daily basis. If that has been neglected, then it is essential to reduce free radicals during any legitimate program of detoxification. In addition to the natural food antioxidants, we have had a demand for Megahydrate for years. Each bottle of the powder comes with a little scoop. Remember: one


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Antioxidants. And Megahydrate.

scoop equals one capsule. For those of you already on the 60 Day Program, just begin now to add two scoops twice a day to your daily regimen. Just like the dosage plan for the 60 Day program. Take a look at the new Newsletters as well as the new Videos . Same bottle – powder contains 2x as much of the supplement – same money as before.

Order Megahydrate


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Antioxidants. And Megahydrate.

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9/17/23, 8:18 PM

Colon Cleanse: Expel

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Expel : The Colon Cleanse Get Our Newsletter

Colon cleanse.

  [Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs]

The colon cleanse: 100% herbal. No chemicals, preservatives, stimulants, or corrosives


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Colon Cleanse: Expel

Many involved with holistic nutrition and detox were dissatisfied with colon products available on the market. There must be a better way. There had to be a product that was safe, gentle and effective for all ages and colon conditions. But it simply was not on the radar. So with the help of 2 research scientists we formulated the food supplement called Expel. Results far exceeded expectations. That was 15 years ago. Nothing else comes close, as you will see. What makes Expel unique is that not all the herbs in the formula were intended simply for scraping the layers of old sludge off the colon wall. Some of these herbs are classically known for reducing irritation and for healing, nourishing and rebuilding the delicate cells of the intestinal lining. Ever get the feeling you might not be so sick if you could just clean out some of what seems to be stuck inside you? Most of us have taken psyllium, metamucil or some other food supplement at one time or another when we have felt blocked up. That’s not what we’re talking about here. If you have never done a consistent 60 day program where you took the formula every single day for 60 consecutive days, then you don’t know what it feels like, especially if you eat the standard American diet like 80% of people. It will be a completely new experience, one that you will want to incorporate into lifestyle from then on. With Expel, seems like it’s not so much a question of will it work or not, but just how many capsules, and when to take them. People don’t say it didn’t work. To try it: For 60 days, the patient will take 1-4 capsules with 2 glasses of water at dinner. Start out with 1 capsule at dinner time and work your way up to the desired dosage. Some people get blocked if they start too fast. Your goal is to be eliminating much more than usual every day. It really doesn’t matter when you take Expel, or how many, as long as the results are consistent and convenient.


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Colon Cleanse: Expel

It may take a week or so to get the dosage and timing right, but once you have it, stay with it for the entire 60 days, without missing a day. Experiment with number of caps and timing. Once you are on track and finally learn what it feels like to be cleaned out, you probably won’t want to create that toxic build-up in your tract or feel that bloated cement-gut feeling again. Further details of how your colon works and how to detox are described in the chapter called Journey to the Center of Your Colon. Order Expel Now [Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs] Expel is a 100% natural colon detox supplement.


9/17/23, 8:18 PM

Colon Cleanse: Expel

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9/17/23, 8:18 PM

Total Florabiotics: the best probiotic

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Total Florabiotics Get Our Newsletter

Best probiotic. FLORA: THE FORGOTTEN COMPONENT OF DETOX Wrongly regarded merely as the body’s sewer, the normal colon is actually buzzing with life activity. Billions of friendly bacteria should be hard at work in the colon. Their job is the final stage of digestion, leaving only what is absolutely of no use to the body to be eliminated. The friendly bacteria, weighing as much as three pounds in the normal colon, comprising more than 400 species, also function to keep ‘bad’ bacteria in check. A harmonious symbiosis between good and bad bacteria is the optimum situation within the human colon, so that no one species proliferates unchecked.

[Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs]

Khem Shahani, PhD was a premier researcher into probiotics for most of his life, and published over 200 scientific papers. Published in Journal of the


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Total Florabiotics: the best probiotic

American Medical Association over 25 articles. He was department head at University of Nebraska for 25 years. Shahani showed how most bacteria in the environment and in the body are actually beneficial to our health. Bacteria do more good than harm in the everyday world, working much more often as scavengers rather than as pathogens. Bacteria are the janitors of the world, disposing of decaying and diseased cells. Think of a beach with no bacteria. What would happen to all those dead fish that wash up there? Other essential functions of normal gut probiotics include: Inhibition of food-poisoning bacteria Suppress tumor growth Break down undigested proteins Inhibit ankylosing spondylitis . . . . – Shahani Order Florabiotics

NO FLORA In the colon, the whole key is a balance between the friendlies and the potentially pathological bacteria. Problem is, most of us go through most of our lives with little or no intestinal flora. Our friendly bacteria are constantly being killed off. How? Same culprits as cited in the ALLERGIES:THE THRESHOLD OF REACTIVITY. coffee carbonated drinks antihistamines chlorinated water fluoridated water antibiotics we take antibiotics given to the animals whose meat we eat Zantac, Tagamet, Prilosec, etc. Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin, Motrin


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Total Florabiotics: the best probiotic

other prescription and over the counter medications white sugar Shahani shows that without friendly probiotics, the final stage of digestion can’t take place in the colon. Debris rots in there. Opportunists such as Candida albicans start taking over. And food allergies reach epidemic proportions. Whether it’s rotting yoghurt in a blocked colon, a dead coyote in the forest, or infected liver cells in the body of an alcoholic, bacteria are just doing what they do best: cleaning up. Scavengers, not predators. When the bacteria are diagnosed as the cause of the illness, rather than a sign of the illness, the medical approach is to try and kill them. But that’s like killing the garbage men. The garbage remains. Understanding such a simple concept is pivotal in arriving at a holistic outlook toward health. ESSENTIAL FLORA AND ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE in the chapter The Post Antibiotic Age, we documented a thorough discussion of the modern consequences of overprescription of antibiotics, especially among children. We learned that antibiotics have only one real purpose: lifethreatening, persistent bacterial infections. Taking them for every little sniffle all through childhood has resulted in the appalling situation we see today in the US – where over 99,000 people each year die in hospitals from infections they acquired in the hospital that are resistant to all known antibiotics. Now in the serious bacterial infection that has persisted and become life threatening, obviously antibiotics may be a life saver. And in the patient who has not abused them all his life, antibiotics may well have a dramatic curative effect. That was their original application, according to Alexander Fleming. But whenever we do take antibiotics, whether it’s abusive or indicated, we can be sure that we are going to be destroying most flora, most bacteria in the entire body for at least 6 weeks. Maybe longer. Obviously this is going to have a pejorative effect on the digestive tract, especially the colon, where good bacteria are supposed to be thriving.


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Total Florabiotics: the best probiotic

Shahani recommended the patient take 6 capsules of Total Florabiotics 2 or 3 times per day, if a course of antibiotics is absolutely necessary. The objective was to offset much of the destructive effect the antibiotic has on gut microflora, and help to retain the colon’s normal ecology. A lot of capsules but this really works! This recommendation comes directly from Dr Shahani himself, as well as all the other legitimate authorities on colon vitality we saw in the Colon chapter. PART OF 60 DAY PROGRAM In any health or detox program, flora balance is vital for success. And yet flora are commonly omitted from most health regimens. Dr Shahani talks about a study he did of probiotic supplements on the market and found that 80% of them contained only 5% the bacterial counts advertised on their labels. So when he finally created his own formula he made sure the counts were in the billions, and also that they were suspended in a pre-biotic medium that would ensure stability when stored in a cool dark place for up to 2 years. And still were able to proliferate in the human colon once they had bypassed the rest of the digestive tract. Meeting all these criteria was the crowning achievement of Shahani’s career. That’s what may have made his probiotics so advisable for persistent allergies. There are four main groups of human probiotics: Bifidus Lactobacillus Streptococcus Bacterioides   The most prolific and versatile of these is L. acidophilus.


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Total Florabiotics: the best probiotic

In Cultivate Health from Within we read about one of Shahani’s life achievements: DDS-1 lactobacillus acidophilus, which is found only rarely in supplements. This unique strain of acidophilus – DDS-1 – was developed for the following unusual properties: Inhibits 27 pathogenic bacteria, including shigella, salmonella, E.coliInhibitsCandida albicans Survives stomach acids so that it actually reaches the colon Neutralizes nitrates in food Normalizes persistent skin eruptions Resolves lactose intolerance Very resilient in storage – survives up to 2 years maintains high counts is a human-specific strain, not soil-based is antibiotic resistant freeze dried, rendering the bacteria dormant >non dairy UAS Labs are one of the oldest and largest producers of probiotics in the US: From their website: “Dr. Khem Shahani, one of the most influential probiotic scientists in history, began his landmark research on L. acidophilus at the University of Nebraska in the late 1950s. He discovered a strain of L. acidophilus that showed superior growth, stability, and nutritional potential. The stable qualities allowed the probiotics to pass through the stomach acid and implant in the intestine where it could multiply. Shahani named the strain DDS®-1 for the “Department of Dairy Science Number One” strain. Shahani spent the rest of his career unlocking the strain’s potential for improving overall health, including probiotic digestive health and immune support. During his career, he was a consultant for international agencies such as the World Health Organization.” Because of pasteurized dairy, most of which is loaded with recombinant bovine growth hormones, as well as antibiotics, many babies develop colic, even if they are breastfed. The mothers often drink pasteurized dairy and pass on this sensitivity to the infant. Shahani discovered that breastfed infants of today have the same gut flora as formula-fed infants of 40 years


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Total Florabiotics: the best probiotic

ago. Why? The mothers themselves are drinking pasteurized hormone-laden milk. Dramatic results can be achieved by substitution of raw dairy and/or probiotics, like Total Florabiotics, both for the mother and the infant. There is simply no valid detox protocol, no program of detoxification which can have any hope of success without restoring some normal vitality to the colon. It may take a while to overcome years of antibiotic suppression. The colon was the #1 casualty. ACTION It takes at least 2 months to infuse normal amounts of probiotics into a stagnant, devitalized colon. This is why it’s a minimum of 3 capsules 3 times per day. Advanced, severely debilitated cases sometimes double that for the first month. Such a quantum change may introduce normal internal ecology for the first time. Look at the Testimonials page. However irretrievable you might think you are, there have been worse cases. If you’re in ‘pretty good health for your age,’a full charge of probiotics can be a quantum holistic immune booster. Why not be in best health for any age?

WHAT’S IN IT? Serving size: 3 capsules . . . Servings per Container: 83


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Total Florabiotics: the best probiotic

Amount per serving Vitamin C (from acerola) . . . 150mg Calcium chelate . . . 3mg Magnesium chelate . . . 1.3mg Zinc chelate . . . .99mg Manganese chelate . . . .18mg

Enzyme Blend . . . 151 mg Protease 4.5 . . . 10,500 HUT Amylase . . . 4,500 DU Lipase . . . 650 FIP Cellulase . . . 100 CU

Probiotic Blend . . . 269 mg* Bifidobacterium infantis – 600000000 CFU Lactobacillus brevis – 600000000 CFU Lactobacillus lactis – 600000000 CFU Lactobacillus casei – 600000000 CFU Bifidobacterium longum – 600000000 CFU Lactobacillus acidophilus – DDS-1 1500000000 CFU Lactobacillus plantarum – 600000000 CFU Lactobacillus rhamnosus – 300000000 CFU Streptococcus thermophilus – 300000000 CFU Bifidobacterium bifidum – 600000000 CFU Lactobacillus salivarius – 300000000 CFU Helianthus Tuberosus . . . 90 mg Other ingredients: Vegetable cellulose and water. All natural. Contains no soy, dairy, corn, oils, sugar or GMO. THE FLORA BLITZ


9/17/23, 8:18 PM

Total Florabiotics: the best probiotic

We’ve never heard of side effects from Total Florabiotics. What harm could come from flooding the colon with friendly bacteria? This is why many people talk about dramatic surge in colon vitality when they start taking daily Florabiotics for the first time. As the colon is the immune center of the body, its health and motility directly affect every other system, as gastroenterologists tell us. Dr Shahani found that doubling the regular amount of 9 caps per day for the first month can be extremely effective in jumpstarting a colon that is virtually dead. This protocol he called the Flora Blitz. It means that for one month the patient will be taking 6 caps of Flora 3 times per day. That’s 18 caps per day. But don’t worry – there are no adverse reactions to probiotics. Virtually unheard of. A sense of relief is more common as the colon is finally coming alive, especially when used in conjunction with Expel. Then the second month, the majority of patients revert to the normal dosage of 9 caps per day. See the Feedback section. If you are one of those patients who are about to give up because you’ve been to all the geniuses and “tried everything” – well you haven’t. Either you’re healthy or you’re sick, but healthy people don’t get sick! For a more complete explanation of how your colon works: Journey To The Center of Your Colon [Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs] Order Total Florabiotics


9/17/23, 8:18 PM

Total Florabiotics: the best probiotic

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9/17/23, 8:18 PM

Plaque in arteries. Mercury detox

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Phase2 – Plaque in arteries. Mercury detox Get Our Newsletter

Plaque in arteries.

. [Disclaimer: Like all food supplements on this site, Phase2 is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or condition.] Plaque in arteries. Start with these 2 videos:

Only You Can Clear Your Arteries – Without Drugs Foods that Clog – Foods That Clear


9/17/23, 8:18 PM

Plaque in arteries. Mercury detox

What is the #1 killer of Americans, for the past 30 years – the most likely event that’s going to end your life? Heart Disease. Blocked arteries. If drugs could clear the arteries, wouldn’t these statistics improve? The philosophy behind the 60 Day Program is simple, as far as food supplements are concerned: We want the patient to be taking the least number of food supplements possible, spending the least amount of money possible, but still getting everything necessary for a complete detoxification of the tract and blood. Early on, I learned that the food enzyme supplement Digestazyme could support heart and arterial health. But it couldn’t remove all accumulated poisons from the body. So it was necessary to add just one more supplement to the program. Enzyme supplements can remove water soluble debris from the tract and blood. But they are not particularly effective at mobilizing debris that is not water soluble, trapped within the arteries and the tissues. Such as plaque. And heavy metals. For decades, we’ve known that certain food herbs are able to bind toxins, metal ions, and arterial deposits. The ingredients in Phase 2 may have this special ability to complex with these toxic agents, break them up, and escort them across tissue barriers they were stuck behind. Even for those adults in apparent good health doing a detox for the first time, anyone who has lived in this country any amount of time has likely accumulated a measurable toxic load by age 21. By age 40 even the healthiest are well served to do a complete 60 Day detox. Recently we had to change the name of this very successful food product. The new name is Phase 2, but the supplement itself has not changed at all – same formula. Why argue with decades of success? It took a long time to discover this unique formula. Individually the ingredients are traditional food


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Plaque in arteries. Mercury detox

supplements used in the field of detox, but this is the only formulation in which they all appear together. Some of the food ingredients in the new formula: Chlorella Alpha Lipoic Acid Garlic – traditional binding agents commonly seen in detox formulas. Zeolite – targeting the microvillae spaces within the colon, this superfine clay has few equals. Inert, therefore safe and nonreactive Na Alginate – a food industry product, Na alginate can permeate and soften plaque, making it easier to break down. Raw cacao – Well known for antioxidant and mineral properties, cacao is one of the purest food sources of magnesium and chromium – both important for heart health. Dosage: Three caps a day As with any effective detox food supplement, healing crises may occur as buildups leave the body. Headaches, disorientation, gut pain, etc, usually transient. That usually means the individual really needed to detox. It also means that the program is working. If this happens, just stop for a day or two, or reduce dosage. Remember these supplements are foods, not drugs. You can calibrate dosage to your tolerance.. It is true that some detox agents may inadvertently remove nutrient mineral ions in the clearing process. For this reason it is always a good idea to be


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Plaque in arteries. Mercury detox

taking the best Complete Mineral supplement together with Phase 2. This will promote sufficient nutrient mineral intake during detox. Buy Phase 2 Now

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9/17/23, 8:18 PM

Minerals - The Most Overlooked Nutrient - thedoctorwithin

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Minerals – The Most Overlooked Nutrient Get Our Newsletter

Here is the updated formula of Total Complete Minerals: . Amount per 3

% Daily



Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)

2.4 mcg


Calcium (DiCalcium malate /

300 mg


300 mg


Iron (Ferrous bisglycinate)

6 mg


Zinc (Zinc bisglycinate)

10 mg


Selenium (Albion Selenium glycinate)

45 mcg


Copper (Copper bisglycinate)

1 mg


calciumbisglycinate) Magnesium (diMagnesium malate/ Magnesium bisglycinate)


9/17/23, 8:18 PM

Minerals - The Most Overlooked Nutrient - thedoctorwithin

Manganese (Manganese glycinate)

3 mg


Phosphorus (diCalcium phosphate)

11 mg


Chromium (Chromium glycinate)

66 mcg


Molybdenum (Molybdenum bisglycinate)

50 mcg


Iodine (Potassium iodide)

225 mcg


Silicon (Silicon dioxide)

10 mg

Vanadium(Vanadium nicotinate glycinate)

200 mcg

Nickel (Nickel sulfate)

4 mcg


  [Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs] Total Complete Minerals is probably the best mineral supplement available anywhere. Two reasons: source and absorption. Much of what is written about minerals is speculative, market-oriented, or dead wrong. Minerals come from mines. Except when you’re talking about nutrition. Then they come from food. At least they used to. When we still had some viable topsoil that could result in food-bound minerals. Four elements compose 96% of the human body’s makeup: carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen The remaining 4% of the body’s composition is mineral. The following table shows the 21 minerals that have been shown to have nutritive value for humans.


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Minerals - The Most Overlooked Nutrient - thedoctorwithin

Macro means more than 100 mg per day. Trace usually means either the requirements are measured in micrograms or that the amount required has never been measured. Essential means the body can’t manufacture it. We must get it from the diet. Essential Minerals: . . . . MACROMINERALS…….. Calcium Chlorine Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Magnesium Sulfur . . . . TRACE MINERALS Chromium Tin Zinc Vanadium Copper Silicon Manganese Nickel Iron Molybdenum Fluorine Iodine Cobalt Selenium Deficiency amounts have never been determined for many trace minerals, although several diseases have been linked with deficiencies. – U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, National Research Council


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Minerals - The Most Overlooked Nutrient - thedoctorwithin

Beyond this, the marketplace takes over and science bows out. People are out there talking about 88-mineral toddies, minerals from ancient lakes, longevity of 150 years, calcium from pasteurized milk, calcium from coral reefs, mineral doses measured in grams, salubrious doses of silver, “normal” doses of lead, eye of newt, tail of frog, etc., making claims about this or that combination, trumpeting anecdotal cures for everything from cancer to hangnails. The purpose of this chapter will be to try to sift through the debris and leave behind only that which can be verified. For several years, even mainstream medicine acknowledges the incontrovertible importance of mineral supplementation. For example, in an article in JAMA, once the top American medical journal, 24 Dec 1996, a controlled study of selenium use for cancer patients was written up. [24] Selenium effects powerful antioxidant activity, neutralizing free radicals, which are rampant in the presence of cancer. In this study, 1312 subjects were divided into groups. Some were given selenium; others the placebo. There was a resolution of 63% with prostate cancer, and 46% with lung cancer in the selenium group. The results were so blatant that the designers actually terminated the study early so that everyone could begin to benefit from selenium. This is just one example of the research on mineral supplementation. The problem is, if the results of studies economically threaten a current drug protocol, like chemotherapy, it is unlikely that an inexpensive natural supplement like selenium would be promoted by oncologists as a replacement any time soon. It is just as likely to be blocked. HISTORY The necessity for minerals is a recent discovery, only about 150 years old. In the 1850s, Pasteur’s contemporary, Claude Bernard, learned about iron.


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Minerals - The Most Overlooked Nutrient - thedoctorwithin

Copper arrived about 10 years later, and zinc about the turn of the century. By 1950, after about 14 vitamins had been discovered, attention returned once more to minerals when it was shown that they were necessary cofactors in order for vitamins to operate. Minerals are co-factors for most metabolic reactions. Soon the individual functions of minerals in the body were demonstrated: Structural: bones, teeth, ligaments Solutes and electrolytes in the blood Enzyme action Energy production from food breakdown Nerve transmission Muscle action NUTRIENT MINERALS The following is a table of minerals linked with the specific functions most commonly agreed upon today: Calcium Muscle contraction Bone building Sodium Cell life Waste removal Osmotic balance Potassium Nerve transmission Cell life Normal blood pressure Muscle contraction


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Phosphorus Bone formation Cell energy Magnesium Muscle contraction Nerve transmission Calcium metabolism Enzyme cofactor Chlorine Digestion Normal blood pressure Sulfur Protein synthesis Collagen structure >Bone and ligament structure Copper Immune system Artery strength Forms hemoglobin from iron Chromium Insulin action Immune function Iron Blood formation Hemoglobin Immune function


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Selenium Immune stimulant Reduces free radicals Activates Vit E

Nickel Immune regulation Brain development DNA synthesis Iodine Thyroid function Vanadium Circulation: capillary integrity Sugar metabolism Molybdenum Metabolic enzyme co-factor Silicon Metabolic enzyme co-factor Connective tissue structure Tin Metabolic enzyme co-factor

Manganese Metabolic enzyme co-factor Fluorine


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Teeth enamel

– Larry Berger, PhD and Parris Kidd, PhD [21] Zinc is necessary for antioxidant production, which prevents aging and cancer. It is also a co-factor for some 80 metabolic enzymes. (Erasmus, p 172) Zinc is necessary for wound healing, fat metabolism, myelin, insulin function, semen production, tissue repair, especially skin, and HCl production. (Erasmus) [30] Mineral deficiency means that some of these jobs will not get done. The body is capable of prodigious degrees of adaptation, and can operate for long periods of time with deficiencies of many of the above. But someday those checks will have to be cashed. When that happens: premature aging: cell breakdown. Dorian Gray’s portrait matures … Without minerals, vitamins have little or no effect. Minerals are co-factors – triggers for thousands of essential enzyme reactions in the body. No trigger – no reaction. Without enzyme reactions, caloric intake is meaningless, and the same for protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake. Minerals trigger the vitamins and enzymes to act; not just digestion, but thousands of cell functions. DEFICIENCY Contrary to “experts” who say “you should be able to get all the nutrition you need from your food,” a virtually undisputed fact is deficiency. Mineral deficiency is the reason for the titanic output of websites, articles, and supplements visible today. The majority of mineral websites quote a 1936 source – Senate Document #264, as scientific proof that dietary minerals were generally inadequate for optimum health: “…most of us are suffering from certain diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until deplete soils from which our food comes are brought into


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proper mineral balance.” “The alarming fact is that food…now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough…minerals are starving us, no matter how much of them we eat.” “Lacking vitamins, the system can make use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.” – Senate Document 264 – – 74th Congress, 1936 [25] The same document went on to quantify the extent of mineral deficiency: “99% of the American people are deficient in minerals, and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease.” Congressional documents are not highly regarded as scientific sources, and scientific reference texts cite other percentages. The figures quoted by Albion Laboratories, longtime leader in patents on supplemental minerals, are somewhat lower, but the idea begins to come across: DEFICIENCIES – % of U.S. Population Magnesium – 75% Iron – 58% Copper – 81% Manganese – 50% Chromium – 90% Zinc – 67% Selenium – 60% sources: Albion Labs, Fats That Heal [9, 30] FIVE REASONS FOR MINERAL DEFICIENCY: 1. SOIL DEPLETION There is certainly no lack of evidence for mass deficiencies of mineral intake. The most obvious of these are soil depletion and demineralization.


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In 1900, forests covered 40% of the earth. By 1992 the figure was below 30%. (Relating Land Use and Global Land Cover, Turner, 1992 [5]). Diminishing steadily since then. {33} Aside from hacking down rainforests in order to raise beef cattle or soy, or to build condos, one of the main reasons for the dying forests is mineral depletion. According to the 1994 meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences, the 20th century was the first time ever that “mineral content available to forest and agricultural root systems is down by 25%-40%.” Less forests means less topsoil. In the past 200 years, the U.S. has lost as much as 75% of its topsoil, according to John Robbins in his Pulitzer-nominated work Diet for a New America [4]. To replace one inch of topsoil may take anywhere from 200 -1000 years, depending on climate. (Utah Teachers Resource Books) [3] Demineralization of topsoil translates to loss of productive crop capacity. The standard NPK (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) fertilizer that farmers commonly use is able to restore the soil enough to grow fruits and vegetables which are healthy looking. But it may be entirely lacking in vital trace minerals. The inventor of the entire NPK philosophy, Baron von Leibig, recanted his own theories before he died when he saw the deficiencies his methods were fostering as they became the agricultural standard in both Europe and America. [29] Mineral depletion in topsoil is hardly a controversial issue. The question is not if, but how much. Plants are the primary agents of mineral incorporation into the biosphere. You won’t find any source that insists that the mineral content of American topsoil is as good today as it was 50 years ago. Generally, source materials talk in terms of how much, if any, minerals are still present. 2. DIET


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The second contributor to mineral deficiency within the population is obviously, diet. Even if our produce did contain abundant minerals, less than 4% of the population eats sufficient fruits and vegetables to account for minimal RDAs. To compound matters, mass amounts of processed food, excess protein, and refined sugars require most of our mineral stores in order to digest it and remove it. The removal process involves enzymes, which break things down. Enzyme activity, remember, is completely dependent on co-factors like zinc and copper and chromium. No minerals – no enzyme action. In addition, milk and dairy products, alcohol, and drugs inhibit the absorption of these minerals, further depleting reserves. So it is cyclical: refined foods inhibit mineral absorption, which then are not then efficiently digested because of diminished enzyme activity. And then we go looking for bugs as the cause of disease …? 3. MUCOID PLAQUE In the chapter on the COLON we saw how the standard indigestible American diet packs layer upon layer of plaque onto the inner lining of the colon. One of the prime functions of the colon is to resorb water, in order to prevent dehydration. Plaque blocks re-absorption, and the result is that we lose both water and minerals. 4. COMPETITION The fourth reason for inadequate minerals is a phenomenon known as secondary deficiency. It has been proven that an excess of one mineral may directly cause a deficiency of another, because minerals compete for absorption. They compete for the same binding sites, like a molecular Musical Chairs. Secondary deficiency means that an excess of one mineral causes a deficiency of another. (Kidd)[21] For example, iron, copper, and zinc are competitive in this way. Copper is necessary for the conversion of iron to hemoglobin, but if there is excess


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zinc, less iron will be available for conversion. This may cause a secondary deficiency of iron, which can manifest itself as iron deficiency anemia. All due simply to excess zinc. Researchers have found that these secondary deficiencies caused by excess of one mineral are almost always due to mega-dosing on mineral supplements, since the quantities contained in food are so small. Examples: women diagnosed with osteoporosis are told to take 3000 mg of calcium per day. Not just ineffective – creates secondary deficiency of other minerals. [21, 9] 5. DRUGS A fourth reason for mineral deficiency in humans is overuse of prescription drugs. It has been known since the 1950s that antibiotics interfere with uptake of minerals, specifically zinc, chromium, and calcium. (The Plague Makers [32]) Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, and aspirin have the same inhibitive effect on mineral absorption. Moreover, when the body has to try and metabolize these drugs to clear the system, its own mineral stores are heavily drawn upon. Such a waste of energy is used to metabolize laxatives, diuretics, chemotherapy drugs, and NSAIDs out of the body. This is one of the most common mechanisms in drug-induced immunosuppression. [21, 32] BIOAVAILABILITY Ultimately, a primary criterion for minerals is bioavailability. Really doesn’t matter what we eat; it only matters what makes it to the body’s cells. Let’s say someone is iron deficient, for example. Can’t he just take a bar of iron and file off some iron filings into a teaspoon, and swallow them? Just took in more iron, didn’t he? Well, yes but here is a major distinction: the difference between elemental minerals and nutrient minerals. Iron filings are in the elemental form; absorption will be 8% or less. [Ashmead, 9]


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Same with most store-bought multi supplements. Food-bound iron, on the other hand, like that contained in raisins or molasses, will have a much higher rate of absorption, since it is complexed with other living, organic forms, and as such is classed as a nutrient mineral. Minerals are not living, though they are necessary for life. Minerals are necessary for cell life and enzyme reactions and hundreds of other reasons. But they must be in a form that can make it as far as the cells. What is not bioavailable passes right through the body. Bioavailability has a precursor, an opening act. It is called absorption. Take a mineral supplement pill. Put it in a glass of water and wait half an hour. If it is unchanged, chances are that the tablet itself would never even dissolve in the stomach or intestine, but pass right out of the body. You’d be astounded how many mineral supplements there are in this category. OK, let’s say the tablet or capsule actually does dissolve in the digestive tract. Then what? In order to do us any good, the mineral must be absorbed into the bloodstream, through the intestinal walls. Elemental (inorganic) minerals are absorbed about 1-8% in this manner. The rest is excreted. [9, 22] Elemental minerals are those found in the majority of supplements, because they’re very cheap to produce. For the small percentage that actually makes it to the bloodstream, the mineral is available for use by the cells, or as a cofactor in thousands of essential enzyme reactions that keep every cell alive every second. With this background, we can begin to understand that varying amounts of the seven macrominerals and approximately 14 trace minerals, are necessary for optimum cell activity, optimum health and longevity. So besides epidemic mineral deficiency, what’s the problem? In a word,


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SUPPLEMENTATION Mineral deficiency has become such an obvious health concern, causing specific diseases because of a lack of a single mineral, and general immune suppression with a lack of several. The obvious need for supplementation has spawned an entire industry. But in any market-driven industry involving pills, we sometimes find the cures are worse than the original problems. Why? First off, toxicity. Remember, even macrominerals are only necessary in tiny amounts. Most trace minerals require amounts too small to be measured, and can only be estimated. Toxicity is a word that simply means excess. When extra stuff gets put into the body, it’s a big deal. All forces are mobilized for its removal. Antigens, toxins, poisons, reactants, etc. Toxicity results from taking a nonessential non-nutrient mineral into the body. Take lead poisoning, for example. If lead gets into the blood, the body will try to remove it. Since the metal atoms are so heavy compared with the body’s immune forces, removal may be impossible. Lead can initiate a chronic inflammatory response and can remain in the body permanently, which is why we don’t have lead in paint or gasoline any more. Most minerals can be toxic if taken to excess. And this excess would not happen from food; only from supplements or the environment. SO, WHAT SUPPLEMENTS WOULD BE INFERIOR? Well, for starters, any supplement containing more than about 21 minerals, because that’s all that have been proven to be necessary for humans. New toxicities are always being discovered. Aluminum linked to Alzheimer’s is a recent discovery. Beyond these 21 or so it’s simply anybody’s guess, no matter what they tell you about the 5 civilizations where people live to be 140 years old, etc. People who show dramatic improvements from taking these 60 and 80


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mineral drinks generally were likely so depleted that they rapidly absorbed the essential minerals in which they were deficient. But the toxicities from the nonessential, unknown minerals may take a long time to show up. Why take in anything extra? Here’s an example of an ingredient list from one of these mega-mineral drinks: Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vanadium, Manganese, Potassium, Selenium, Chromium, Phosphate, Iron, Sulfur, Carbon, Sodium, Barium, Strontium, Cesium, Thorium, Molybdenum, Nickel, Cerium, Germanium, Copper, Rubidium, Antimony, Gallium, Neodymium, Lanthanum, Bismuth, Zirconium, Thallium, Tungsten, Ruthenium, Boron, Iodine, Chloride, Bromine, Titanium, Cobalt, Dysprosium, Scandium, Samarium, Fluoride, Niobium, Praseodymium, Erbium, Hafnium, Lithium, Ytterbium, Yttrium, Cadmium, Holmium, Rhenium, Palladium, Gold, Thulium, Terbium, Iridium, Tantalum, Europium, Lutetium, Rhodium, Tin, Indium, Silver, Beryllium, Tellurium, and Platinum. Any questions? Amidst all the confusion about minerals, one thing should be made clear: we only need a little. So the mineral supplements we take should be as absorbable and as bioavailable as possible. That way we won’t have to take much. Less chance of toxicity. So the question then becomes: which mineral supplements are the most absorbable and the most usable, and therefore effective in the smallest amounts possible? Four candidates present themselves, all contending for the title: Elemental Ionic Colloidal Chelated Unraveling this puzzle is one area where the internet can actually impede progress.


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There’s only one answer, but it’s buried deep. To find it, we have to review a little BASIC PLUMBING The digestive tract goes like this: mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and out. Mineral absorption means transferring the mineral from the digestive tract through the wall of the intestine, into the bloodstream. The digestive tract is a long tube, from one end to the other. As long as food and nutrients are inside this tube, they are actually considered to be still outside the body, because they haven’t been absorbed into the bloodstream yet. This is an essential concept to understanding mineral absorption. Minerals can’t do any good unless they make it into the bloodstream. This is exactly why most minerals from the grocery store are almost worthless: they pass right through the body – in one end and out the other. It’s also why many nutritionists’ and dieticians’ advice is valueless; they pretend everything that is eaten is absorbed. Two main reasons for lack of absorption: – the pill never dissolved – the mineral was in its elemental form (non-nutrient) Let’s say these problems are overcome. Or let’s say the mineral is contained within some food, such as iron in molasses, or potassium in bananas. Foodbound minerals are attached or complexed to organic molecules. Absorption into the blood is vastly increased, made easy. The mineral is not just a foreign metal that has been ingested; it is part of food. Fruits and vegetables with high mineral content exemplify the best way to provide the body with adequate nutrition. Food-bound minerals are the original mode. As already cited above, however, sufficient mineral content is an increasingly rare occurrence. Foods simply don’t have it any more.


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So the necessity for supplementation becomes obvious: if the food no longer has it, and we need it, pass the supplements, please. At that point, the marketplace assaults one’s awareness and we’re almost back to the days of the tonics, brews, toddies, and snake potions of yesteryear. Supplement minerals are one of four types 1. ELEMENTAL Least beneficial are the supplements containing minerals in the elemental form. That means the mineral is just mentioned on the label. It’s not ionized, it’s not chelated, it’s not complexed with an oxide or a carbonate or a sulfate, or with a food, and it’s not colloidal. Like under “ingredients” it just says “iron” or “copper,” or “calcium,” etc. Elemental minerals are obviously the cheapest to make. A liquid would only have to be poured over some nails to be said to contain iron. Elemental minerals are the most common in grocery store and drugstore supplements. They may not be toxic, as long as only the minerals mentioned on the label are included in the supplement. The problem is absorption: it’s between 1 and 8 percent. The rest passes right through. 2. IONIC Next comes ionic minerals. Usually a step up. Ionic means in the form of ions. Ions are unstable molecules that want to bind with other molecules. An ion is an incomplete molecule. There is a definite pathway for the absorption of ionic minerals through the gut (intestine) into the blood. In fact, any percent of the elemental minerals that actually got absorbed became ions first, by being dissolved in stomach acids. But ionic minerals are not very easily absorbed through the intestine intact. The model for mineral ion absorption through the intestine is as follows. Ions are absorbed through the gut by a complicated process. Active transport is involved; meaning, energy is required to bring the ionic mineral from inside


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the intestine through the lining, to be deposited in the bloodstream on the other side. [7] Minerals require an acidic environment for absorption. Remember low pH (less than 7) is acidic; high pH (above 7) is alkaline. As the stomach contents at pH 2 empty into the small intestine, the first few centimeters of the small intestine is the optimum location for mineral absorption. The acidic state is necessary for ionization of the dissolved minerals. If the pH is too alkaline, the ions won’t disassociate from whatever they’re complexed with, and will simply pass on through to the colon without being absorbed. As the mineral ions are presented to the lining of the intestine, if all conditions are right, and there are not too many competing minerals present, the ions will begin to be taken across the intestinal barrier, making their way into the bloodstream. This is a multi-step process, beyond the scope of this chapter. [7] Ionic mineral supplements do not guarantee absorption by their very nature, although they are certainly more likely to be absorbed than elementals. The uncertainties with ionic minerals include how many, how much, and what else are the unstable ions likely to become bound to before the carrier proteins pick them up. The idea is to offer the body an opportunity for balance; rather than to overload it with the hope that some will make it through somehow. All we need is a little. 3. COLLOIDAL The third type of supplemental minerals is called colloidal. What does colloidal really mean? Colloidal refers to a solution, a dispersion medium in which mineral particles are so well suspended that they never settle out: you never have to shake the bottle.


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The other part of the dictionary definition has to do with diffusion through a membrane: “will not diffuse easily through vegetable or animal membrane.” Yet this is supposed to be the whole rationale for taking colloidal minerals – their absorbability. Colloidal guru Joel Wallach himself claimed that it is precisely the colloidal form of the minerals that allows for easy diffusion and absorption across the intestinal membrane, because the particles are so small. Wallach claims 98% absorption, but cites no studies, experiments, journal articles or research of any kind to back up this figure. Why not? Because there aren’t any. The research on colloidal minerals has never been done. It’s not out there. Senate Document 264 doesn’t really cover it. In reality, colloidal minerals are actually larger than ionic minerals, as discussed by top researcher Max Motyka, MS. [22] Because of the molecular size and suspension in the colloid medium, which Dorland’s Medical dictionary describes as “like glue,” absorption is inhibited, not enhanced. No less an authority than Dr. Royal Lee, the man responsible for pointing out the distinction between whole food vitamins and synthetic vitamins, stated: “A colloidal mineral is one that has been so altered that it will no longer pass through cell walls or other organic membranes.” [2] Does that sound like easy absorption? Stedman’s Medical Dictionary talks about colloids “resisting sedimentation, diffusion, and filtration ” Again, resisting diffusion seems to indicate inhibition of absorption, not increased absorption, wouldn’t you think? As Alexander Schauss and Parris Kidd both explain, colloids are suspensions of minerals in clay and water. [18] Clay often has levels of aluminum as high as 3000 parts per million, with safety levels set at 10 ppm or lower ([21] Kidd). Aluminum has been proven to kill nerve cells, as we see in Alzheimer’s.


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Dr. Schauss characterizes the aluminum content as the big problem with colloidal minerals. He cites a standard geology reference text – Dana’s Manual of Mineralogy – describing clay as primarily aluminum: “Clay minerals are essentially hydrous aluminum silicates.” – -Dana’s Manual p436 [19] And another geology text: “[clays] are essentially hydrous aluminum silicates and are usually formed from the alteration of aluminum silicates.” – Mineral Recognition p 273 [20] Schauss states that he has done an exhaustive search for any human studies using colloidal minerals and after searching 2000 journals, like everyone else, has come up with zero. For a mineral to be well absorbed, it must be either in the ionic state, or else chelated, as explained above. The percentage of colloidal minerals has to have been ionized somehow in order to be absorbed, due to the acidic conditions in the small intestine. But why create the extra step? Ionic minerals would be superior to colloidal, because they don’t have to be dissociated from a suspension medium, which is by definition non-diffusible. All this extra work costs the body in energy and reserves. COLLOIDAL QUALITY CONTROL Consistency of percentages of each mineral from batch to batch. Very simply, there isn’t any with the mega mineral supplements, as the manufacturers will themselves admit. That would be impossible. The ancient lakes and glaciers apparently have not been very accommodating when it comes to consistent composition. Such a range of variation might be acceptable in, say, grenade tossing or IQ threshold of congressmen, or other areas where high standards of precision are not crucial. But a nutritional supplement that is supposed to enhance health by


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drinking it? This is an area in which the details of composition should be fairly visible, verifiable, the same every time. In these 80-trace-mineral toddies, there is no way of testing the presence or absence of many of the individual minerals. Many established essential trace minerals do not even have an agreed-upon recommended daily allowance, for two reasons: – the research has never been done – the amounts are too small to be measured. How much less is known about the amounts and toxicities of those unknown minerals which have never been studied, but are claimed to be present in these miraculous toddies? TOXICITY AND COMPETITION Some essential minerals are toxic in excess, but essential in small amounts. Iron, chlorine, sodium, zinc, and copper are in this category. Toxic levels have been established, and resulting pathologies have been identified: we know what diseases are caused by their excesses. How risky is it to take in 40 or 50 minerals for which no toxicity levels have ever been set? The problem is selective utilization, as explained by Dr. Parris Kidd. [21] Toxic trace minerals may closely resemble the essential minerals in atomic configuration. The result is competition for enzyme sites by two similar minerals only one of which is beneficial: “aluminum competes with silicon cadmium competes with zinc tellurium competes with selenium lanthanum competes with calcium ” – Kidd, p 42 We also know that zinc competes with iron. (Erasmus) [30] Beware! A separate hoax is being played out with


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COLLOIDAL SILVER used by many as a “natural antibiotic.” Extremely uninformed physicians may recommend daily doses of colloidal silver, in order to “prevent” colds, in the absence of any evidence or trials whatsoever. As Dr. Kidd points out: ” the body is not well-equipped to handle silver. This element can poison the kidneys, become deposited in the brain, and even give to the skin a gunmetal type of gloss.” [21] Many nutritionists note [6] several minerals which frequently appear on the ingredient labels of mega-mineral products they actually admit their supplements contain or “may contain” some of the following: Aluminum: Documented since the article in Lancet 14 Jan 1989 to be associated with Alzheimer’s Disease, as well as blocking absorption of essential minerals like calcium, iron, and fluoride. Silver : questionable as a single-dose antibiotic, consistent intake of silver accumulates in the blood-forming organs – spleen, liver, and bone marrow, as well as the skin, lungs, and muscles. Serious pathologies have resulted: blood disorders, cirrhosis, pulmonary edema, chronic bronchitis, and a permanent skin condition known as argyria, to name just a few. [21] Silver is better left in the ancient lakes, and in tableware. Gold Manufacturers of mega-minerals hawk that “there’s more gold in a ton of seawater than there is in a ton of ore.” So what? Our blood is not seawater; it evolved from seawater. Gold used to be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, but has largely been abandoned when they proved that it caused kidney cell destruction, bone marrow suppression, and immune abnormalities. Lithium


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: Sometimes used as an antipsychotic medication, lithium definitely can cause blackouts, coma, psychosis, kidney damage, and seizures. Outside of that, it should be fine. [1, 8, 35] The list goes on and on. These are just a few examples of mineral toxicities about which we have some idea. But for at least half the minerals in the mega toddies, we know nothing at all. The phrase “may contain” has always been scary for me. If they’re not sure, then what else is there that this product “may contain” that they don’t know about?) 4. CHELATED Finally. The fourth form of supplemental minerals is the chelated variety. Many molecules in the body are chelated in normal metabolic processes, including minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Minerals in food may be bound with organic molecules in a chelated state. Chelated is a general term that describes a certain chemical configuration. When a mineral is bound to certain amino acids in your body, and a claw-like molecule is the result, we say that a chelate is formed. Here’s a picture:

If you have a good imagination, it sort of looks like a claw. Chelate is from the Greek word for claw, with the mineral ion in the center (M). Food supplement minerals may be engineered to be chelated. This means bound with amino acids, in order to increase absorption. Exponentially. [22, 9] Sometimes people get the word Chelated mixed up with Chelation. Two entirely different animals.


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Chelated is a nutrient mineral that has been bound to two amino acids for better absorption. Chelation is a detox technique for removing heavy metals from the blood and tissues. Chelation is for detox: debris out. Chelated is for supplements: nutrients in. Remember! The most bioavailable form of mineral supplement is chelated. That’s beyond controversy – no science disagrees. As we saw above, since the mid-XXth century the most advanced suppliers learned that by engineering two glycine amino acids molecules to a mineral ion, a chelate would be formed. It’s an expensive and complicated process, but the demand for the added bioavailability could not longer be ignored. It has grown exponentially in the last decade. Glycine is the smallest of the 20 amino acids essential for human metabolism. As such, it is the preferred amino acid for chelating mineral supplements. The smaller the chelate, the easier it’s absorbed through the intestinal lining, into the blood. From there the mineral is available for uptake at the cellular level. [9,22] Chelated mineral supplements are not drugs. They are food supplements. SMALL CHELATES – BEST ABSORPTION Molecular weight is measured in units called daltons. The ligands or binding agents may very small (800 daltons) or very large (500,000 daltons) resulting in a many sizes of chelates. Mineral + ligand = chelate. Generally the largest chelates are the most stable, but also the most difficult to absorb. Using the word chelated with respect to mineral supplements refers to a very specific type of chelation. The idea is to bind the mineral ion to amino acids that will facilitate absorption through the intestine into the bloodstream. Normal digestion breaks down the proteins to its amino acid building blocks so they can be absorbed. But total breakdown is not always necessary. It has


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long been known that many nutrient chains of two or three or even more amino acids (peptides) may be absorbed just as easily as single amino acids. One example, in abnormal digestion it is well known that chains of amino acids – dipeptides, tripeptides, even polypeptide proteins – sometimes become absorbed intact in a pathology known to gastroenterologists as Leaky Gut Syndrome. Obviously it is not healthy and has many adverse consequences, but the point is that amino acids chains are frequently absorbed, for many different reasons. This chapter is a vast oversimplification of why chelated minerals may be superior to ionic. Again, all chelates are not created equal. Inferior chelates, used because they are cheaper to produce, include the following: – carbonates – citrates – oxides – sulfates – chlorides – phosphates If the label cites one of these chelates, it means the mineral is bound either too strongly or not tightly enough, and may be released at the wrong time and the wrong place. Chelation of minerals in nutrient supplements is a very precise science, yielding chelates superior to those occurring naturally in foods. Intact absorption is faster, easier, and requires less metabolic energy, provided the chelate is about 1500 daltons. [9] Again, this is just the briefest glance at the prodigious amount of research comparing ionic with chelated minerals, but the results are uniform. The hands-down winner of the bioavailability contest is: chelated minerals, provided the chelate was maintained as small as possible, generally using glycine at a total weight below 1500 daltons. FOOD-BOUND CHELATED MINERALS


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Often you will hear this or that company claiming that minerals contained in “organic” food are the best, cannot be improved upon, and are superior to all possible types of mineral supplements. This is almost true. The only exception is glycine-chelated minerals, for two reasons: – the exact amount of minerals in any food is extremely variable and difficult to measure, even if there is high mineral content of the soil. Pesticides destroy root organisms in the soil. These bugs play a major role in selective mineral absorption – (Jensen p 55,Empty Harvest – the ligands that bind the mineral in the food chelate may be too strong or too weak to dissociate at exactly the right time in the human digestive tract. Glycine chelates are uniform and easily measurable. No question about dosage. WHY TAKE MINERALS AT ALL? The average lifespan of an American is about 79 years. No one has ever proven that taking mineral supplements will extend life. Many old people never took a mineral or a vitamin in their life. It really comes down to quality of life – trying to keep your cells healthy as possible. Incidence of disease during the lifespan. For how many days or months of the total lifespan was the person ill? We are the walking petri dishes of Alexis Carrel – remember? Carrel was the French biochemist, Nobel prize winner, who did the famous experiment in which he kept chicken heart cells alive in a petri dish for 28 years just by changing the solutes every day. Could’ve gone longer, but figured he’d proven his point. Mineral content factors largely in the quality of our solutes: the blood – the milieu interior, the biological terrain. {Man, The Unknown, Alexis Carrel][16] The U.S. has the highest incidence of degenerative diseases of any developed country on earth. In addition, infectious diseases are coming back; antibiotics are getting less effective every year. Americans’ confidence in prescription drugs is weakening. Please be disabused of any unfounded


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Minerals - The Most Overlooked Nutrient - thedoctorwithin

hopes: cancer and AIDS will never be cured by the discovery of some new drug. There probably will never be another Alexander Fleming. Turns out penicillin was just a brief detour anyway. Bacteria have had 3 billion years to figure out how to adapt. The only way that anyone recovers from any illness is when the immune system overcomes the imbalance. Allergy shots never cured an allergy; people who take allergy shots always have allergies. Our only hope of better health is to do everything possible to build up our natural immune system. One of these preventative measures is diet and nutritional supplementation. It may not be dramatic, but daily deposits to the immune system bank account will pay off down the road. Healthy people don’t get sick. With respect to minerals then, what are our goals? Dr Stan Bynum’s opinion is that having once realized the necessity for mineral supplementation, our objectives should be simple: Take only the minerals we absolutely need Take the smallest amounts possible Nothing left over (no metabolic residue) The above basic framework is verifiable. The reader is encouraged to expand a little by consulting the attached reference list. THE NEW BOTTOM LINE What mineral supplement should you buy? The reader now has enough background data to be somewhat discriminate. People have been very happy with our Total Complete Minerals for the past 15 years. Most sales are re-orders. Minerals have been part of the 60 Day Program from its inception. Are minerals important? Two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling thought so:


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Minerals - The Most Overlooked Nutrient - thedoctorwithin

“You can trace every sickness, every disease, every ailment to mineral deficiency.” Healthy people don’t get sick. copyright MMXX – To order Minerals [Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs] REFERENCES 1. Guyton, A.C., MD — Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th Ed. Saunders 1996 2. Lee, Royal, DDS— The Mineral Elements in Nutrition 3. Anderson, F.— “The Thesis of Body Mineral Balancing” Utah Teachers Resource Book 4. Robbins, John — Diet for a New America 5. Turner — Relating Land Use and Global Land Cover Change, 1992 6. Grant, Douglas — “The Truth About Colloidal Minerals” 1996 7. Ashmead, H. DeWayne, PhD Intestinal Absorption of Metal Ions and Chelates, 1985— Charles C. Thomas 8. Fisher, Jeffrey A., MD — The Plague Makers 1996 9. Ashmead, Harvey, PhD— “Tissue Transportation of Organic Trace Minerals” J Appl Nutr, 22:42 1970


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Minerals - The Most Overlooked Nutrient - thedoctorwithin

10. Underwood, E — “Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition” Academy Press, New York 73, 1977 11. Matthews, D — “Final Discussion” in Peptide Transport and Hydrolysis, Amsterdam: Elselvier, 1977 12. Miller, G.T. — Living in the environment: An introduction to environmental science, Sixth edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company 1990 13. Banik, Allen— Hunza Land Whitehorn Publ., Long Beach 1960 14. Taylor, Renee— Hunza Health Secrets Universal Publishing, NY, 1964 15. The Merck Manual— 16th ed., 1996 16. Carrel, Alexis MD— Man, The Unknown – Dell 1939 17. Tilden, J.H., MD— Toxemia Explained 1926 18. Schauss, A PhD — “Collloid minerals: clinical implications of clay suspension products’ Am J of Nat Med vol4, no.1, Jan-Feb 97 p5 19. Hurlbut, C et al.— Dana’s Manual of Minerology Wiley & Sons NY 18th Edition p 436 20. Vander & Kerr —- Mineral Recognition Wiley & Sons NY 1967 p 273 21. Kidd, Parris, PhD — “Colloid and Clay Minerals: Latest Nutrition Fad” Total Health vol 19 no 1 p 41 22. Motyka, Max, MS— “Minerals, Trace Minerals, Ultra Trace Minerals” Albion Research Notes vol.5 no.2 May 1996 23. Jong, Carol, PhD— Precious Metals 1998 Biomed Publications


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Minerals - The Most Overlooked Nutrient - thedoctorwithin

24. Journal of the American Medical Association — 24 Dec 1996 25. Senate Document 264 === 74th US Congress, 1936 26. “US CO2 Budget for Atmosphere & Climate Stabilization”— Presentation, June 1994 International Society for Systems Sciences 27. McDougall, John MD— McDougall’s Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion 28. Birchall, JD — “Aluminum, Chemical Physiology, And Alzheimer’s Disease” Lancet 29 Oct 1988 29. Von Leibig, Baron Justus— The Natural Laws of Husbandry 30. Erasmus, U Fats that heal fats that kill Alive 1993. 31. Ashmead H: Tissue transportation of organic trace minerals. J Appl Nutr 22:42–51, 1970. 32. Fisher, J The Plague Makers Simon & Schuster 1994. 33. Forest Area World bank 2014 34. Jensen, B Empty Harvest Avery 35. Garrett, L The Coming Plague Jenson books


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Minerals - The Most Overlooked Nutrient - thedoctorwithin

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Cleanse Diet - New West Diet

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Cleanse diet. This page should only be considered after reading The Last Resort. All of it. To have any hope of success, all eight components of the Last Resort must be included. Below are sketched out the foods most conducive to the 60 Day Program. You already know what this is going to say: Stop Eating Trash. The short version of the New West Diet is this:

no pasteurized dairy no refined carbohydrates ( white sugar, white flour) no hydrogenated oils


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Cleanse Diet - New West Diet

Below you will see four categories of food. For serious illness or acute situations where time is of the essence, a raw foods or juice fast diet will probably be the most expeditious way to stabilize and detoxify, for the first week or two. For everyone else, you owe yourself the 60 Day Program. That simply means that for the next 60 days you restrict your intake to what you see below in Categories I and II. Religiously — no cheating. It’s not really as scary as it looks — there’s a lot of variety in those two categories. The important part is that you eat a lot, eat all the time, and don’t let yourself feel the least bit hungry. If the body gets the idea that it is being starved or deprived, it will hold onto everything, including stored toxins. That’s just its natural survival mechanism. This is a program of nourishing abundance. The body must be shown that it is getting an abundance of easily digestible nutrients – enzymes, vitamins, minerals. Then it can let go of the debris. The enzymes in the raw food coupled with the natural enzyme supplements are the active components of blood detoxification. Remember, the blood goes everywhere – it is the milieu in which all cells of the body are bathed every second of your life, from birth to death. So if that blood is clean and oxygen-rich, so will the cells be. This program approaches the body at the cellular level — that’s why it cannot fail to work — every time. Because no matter how sick you are, no matter what diseases you may believe you have, as long as you’re still alive your cells have to follow the same human physiological principles as the rest of us. After all, you’re just flesh and blood. Nine times out of ten, you don’t have to accept the dead-end guesswork diagnoses of the disease-care merchants. So here it is, the classic traditional human diet, cleanse diet, responsible for the healthiest people who have ever lived.


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Cleanse Diet - New West Diet

NEW WEST DIET CATEGORY I. — UNRESTRICTED Fruits, Vegetables, Juices – preferably organic Brown rice Grilled fish Legumes Whole grains Integral breads, including rye and potato (no high fructose, no hydrogenated oils) 1-2 litres good water CATEGORY II. WITH SOME MODERATION Organic meats (no hormones or antibiotics) Eggs (organic) Raw dairy Selected food grade herbs CATEGORY III. ON RARE OCCASIONS – (not during 60 Days, generally not recommended, and only with enzyme supplements) Processed cheese White sugar/ White flour Commercial pizza Real ice cream Canned foods Coffee Alcohol Pasteurized dairy Seeds, Nuts (occasional) Oils, except for supplement oils Popcorn CATEGORY IV. NOT IN THIS LIFETIME Soft drinks Fake milks: soy milk, almond milk, etc. French fries Doughnuts


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Cleanse Diet - New West Diet

Potato chips Refined protein powders Margarine Hydrogenated oils Mayonnaise Diet soft drinks Diet anything Nutrisweet/Aspartame/ high fructose Soy in any form [For angelic results, of course, forget about sections III and IV. Magnetize this Diet to refrigerator door in a position of maximum guilt potential. Nothing to excess, including abstinence!] In the 60 Day Program, there are no seeds, no nuts, no oils. No cooking oils, no salad dressing oils. Exception: EFA supplement oils, like fish oil, flax oils, DHA, etc. Also no popcorn, and no fake milks – soy silk, almond milk, etc. And of course no alcohol. This is not a diet – it’s a lifestyle. Only when that is understood will normal weight and normal health return.


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

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The 60 Day Program Get Our Newsletter Full body cleanse detox. How to detox your blood, as well as clear the colon of all debris. For most, it will be the first time. Health results are potentially unlimited. [Standard Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs] .

See newest video introduction The 60 Day Program is a very specific full body cleanse detox whose purpose is to restore the body to normal equilibrium, at the same time providing only what is absolutely nourishing to the cells, adding nothing more to the toxic load. This is done by clearing the tract, and clearing the blood. Why Healthy People Don’t Get Sick



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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox



Order Program Toxic buildup in the tract and in the blood can damage every system. So for 60 Days, nothing but the best nutrients in, all wastes out. The features of the 60 Day Program: The New West Diet Enzymes Expel Total Florabiotics Antioxidants Total Complete Minerals Phase 2 Hydrolyzed Collagen 1-2 litres water per day


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

The Program is simple, it has been around for decades. It consists of a common sense natural diet, and seven supplements. People should be taking the least number of supplements and spending the least amount of money on them. We need only those supplements which will give the body everything it needs to nourish its cells, clear out the tract and re-balance the blood. And actually be absorbed. There are very few health imbalances which will not show a favorable response. In many cases, the 60 Day Program may be the missing piece of the puzzle that has been eluding people for so long. See Testimonials page. Likely you will find stories of people in much worse health than you, who made a total recovery. Even if you are a fairly healthy adult, normal weight, who rarely gets sick, a full body cleanse detox is a must, periodically. Consider the toxic load in today’s air, food, and water – the biosphere we live in. No matter how healthy we try to be, our cells are going to accumulate some of that noxious debris. In today’s world more than 85,000 chemicals have access to the food, air, and water of every country. Including the chemtrails over your head. We’ve all read about the bio-accumulation of mercury, thimerosal in vaccines and from dental amalgams. (Dentistry chapters). Most of us have taken in significant amounts of processed foods during our lifetime, which may remain locked in our tract and in our cells: Enzymes chapter. Also: Hydrogenated foods. By themselves, these accumulated poisons often cannot escape the tissues in which they are trapped. Eventually the tissues break down, causing organ breakdown – disease. Most people die with an enormous toxic load locked


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

within their tissues. An effective cleanse will address this intestinal and cellular toxification. The majority of health conditions today are chronic and degenerative. Modern medicine admits having a poor track record curing them, and their incidence is skyrocketing. America is the sickest of all industrialized nations. Highest drug intake, highest rate of degenerative disease. . Over 54% of our children already have some chronic degenerative condition. Any healthy individual who is interested in optimum health or longevity should complete a periodic detox program. At least every 40 years, right? Whether you need it or not! Athletes focused on peak performance are all in search of program that provides lean muscle gain and maximum oxygenation of the body’s cells and tissues at all times. And best recovery time. In short, everyone can benefit from a real detox program. OK, next let’s look at the New West Diet. Here are the four categories of the complete Diet:

NEW WEST DIET CATEGORY I. — UNRESTRICTED Fruits, Vegetables, Juices – preferably organic Brown rice Grilled fish Legumes Selected food grade herbs 1-2 litres good water



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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

Organic meats (no hormones or antibiotics) Eggs (organic) Raw dairy Whole grains Integral breads, including rye and potato (no high fructose, no hydrogenated oils)

CATEGORY III. ON RARE OCCASIONS – (not during 60 Days, only with enzyme supplements) Processed cheese White sugar/ White flour Commercial pizza Real ice cream Canned foods Coffee Alcohol Pasteurized dairy Seeds, Nuts, Oils Popcorn CATEGORY IV. NOT IN THIS LIFETIME Soft drinks Fake milks: soy milk, almond milk, etc. French fries Doughnuts Potato chips Refined protein powders Margarine Hydrogenated oils Mayonnaise Diet soft drinks Diet anything Nutrisweet/Aspartame/ high fructose Soy in any form In the 60 Day Program, there are no seeds, no nuts, no oils. No cooking oils, no salad dressing oils. Exception: EFA supplement oils, like fish oil, flax


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

oils, DHA, etc. Also no popcorn, and no fake milks – soy silk, almond milk, etc. And of course no alcohol. Or coffee. The short version of the New West Diet is this:

no pasteurized dairy no refined carbohydrates ( white sugar, white flour) no hydrogenated oils

So that’s it, the classic traditional human diet, responsible for the healthiest people who have ever lived. It’s not a diet – so much as a lifestyle. Only when that is understood will normal weight and normal health return. For the seriously debilitated, or acute situations where time is of the essence, a raw foods or juice fast diet will probably be the most expeditious way to stabilize and detoxify, for the first week or two. See video Juice Fast. For everyone else, it simply means that for the next 60 days you’ll restrict your intake to what you see above in Categories I and II. Religiously — no cheating. It’s not really as scary as it looks — there’s a lot of variety in those two categories. The important part is that you eat a lot, eat all the time, and don’t let yourself feel the least bit hungry. If the body gets the idea that it is being starved or deprived, it will hold onto everything, including stored toxins and sludge. That’s just its natural survival mechanism. This is a program of nourishing abundance. The body must be shown that it is getting an abundance of easily digestible nutrients – enzymes, vitamins, minerals. Then it can let go of the debris. Now for the other half of the 60 Day Program: THE SUPPLEMENTS.


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

Here are the seven nutritional supplements for the 60 Day Program: DIGESTAZYME Complete digestion, minimize intestinal residue, unblocked circulation, longevity DOSAGE: 3 caps 3 times a day   TOTAL COMPLETE MINERALS Critical for cell function, immune strength, longevity DOSAGE: 3 caps per day   EXPEL Clears the colon, promotes the immune system, total body detox, flat stomach DOSAGE: 1 – 4 caps per day   TOTAL FLORABIOTICS Colon is the center of the immune system, normalize intestinal flora DOSAGE: 3 caps 3x per day   HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Promotes new collagen production, Reinforces depleted collagen reserves throughout the body DOSAGE: 2 – 6 tablespoons per day blended in juice


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

PHASE 2 Supports the healthy heart – circulation, plaque and heavy metals detox DOSAGE: 3 caps in the morning   MEGAHYDRATE Cancels free radicals, O2 transport DOSAGE: 2 scoops 2x per day     HYDRATION O2 transport, cell nutrition, muscle cell fluidity, anti-aging 1-2 litres/day   [See a complete chapter on each one of these supplements.]

IGNORE THE DOSAGES ON THE LABELS OF THE ABOVE Much of what is written on labels is political. Sometimes the formulator is forbidden from recommending the proper dosage or applications. Above are the correct dosages for the 7 supplements. As long as you finish a bottle in a month, you’re on schedule. These are food supplements, not drugs. So the exact dosage isn’t critical; missing a day won’t invalidate the detox. Suspend all other supplements during the program. If they worked we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Least number, remember? This program approaches the body at the cellular level — that’s why it cannot fail to work — every time. Because no matter how sick you are, no


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

matter what diseases you may believe you have, as long as you’re still alive your cells have to follow the same human physiological principles as the rest of us. After all, you’re just flesh and blood. Nine times out of ten, you don’t have to accept the dead-end guesswork diagnoses of the disease-care merchants. If you’re still alive, you can heal! ESSENTIAL CHAPTERS TO READ If you really understand how the Program affects you physically, you’ll be much better motivated to follow through. To get that whole story, read these four chapters before you start: Enzymes The Key To Longevity Journey To The Center of Your Colon Sugar: The Sweet Thief of Life To The Heart Patient FOCUS AND EXCLUSIVITY:

This program only, for 60 days; no other supplements, no other diet, hold the drugs. You already tried that, right? Versions of the program will result in versions of resolution. The program works only if the patient will follow it without modification. (See the stories at FEEDBACK AND TESTIMONIALS) Seems like the only patients who have ever complained about poor success buckled under the simplest questioning about how strictly they had kept to the regimen. It’s the 60 Day program, not the 8 Day Program, or the 28 Day Program. If you’re going to give it a try, then give it a try – do the deed. Don’t bad rap the program because you wimped out the first week. And for God’s sake don’t say “I’ll try.” Losers try – winners do whatever it takes.



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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

In the past 15 years, working with thousands of patients who have gone through the 60 Day Program, certain types of behavior, certain patterns of compliance emerge. Some people have false expectations, thinking this Program is magically going to return them to glowing health in just a few days. After years of self abuse. It won’t. Success requires the gradual cleansing of the digestive tract and the blood, slowly restoring energy and vitality, week by week. As long as it takes. A wide range of recovery is possible, depending on the level of autointoxication at the start. And the level of compliance. How long did it take you to get this run down and bloated? We see several kinds of drop-outs, with various levels of self delusion, making this or that excuse about why they can’t continue the program, which they’ve already acknowledged as their only hope of escape from the deteriorating health they’ve been living with for several years. Example: “I’ve been on the program for 6 days and I’m no better, in fact I’m worse – this can’t possibly work, and I just can’t do it, I felt so much better when I was eating my junk food every day. So I quit.” Or this one: “Yes I know I was on the way towards degeneration and death, and my doctors can do nothing for me, but without my nighttime snack foods my life isn’t worth living, so I’m quitting the program and taking my chances…” Enter the Healing Crisis. Simply stated, in any recovery, you may get worse before you get better. Any real detox is dredging up all sorts of stored indigestibles and accumulated poisons from your gut and tissues. A variety of temporary symptoms may appear as they leave. Stomach pain, flu-like symptoms,


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

bloating, blockage, fatigue, brain fog, etc are signs a transformation is actually taking place. This can be disconcerting, but these symptoms are the good news. Most of us harbor powerful chemicals that can be re-introduced into the system on the way out. Freed up drug residues into the blood stream can cause occasional dizziness, disorientation, or mild headache. The Digestazyme, Phase 2, and Expel – really are going to pull toxic debris out of the tissues. Not maybe. That can be a jolt to the system when one suddenly stops the intake of noxious yet tasty junk foods and drink, in favor of hydration, nutrients, and detoxifying supplements. Withdrawal can be a quantum shift. Many scenarios are possible. Occasionally we get people who tried the program without reading the above chapters at all. And they call in, thinking that the supplements are the reason for their new symptoms, as though the supplements themselves are toxic. Some of these people may do a Consultation at that time. Upon investigation, almost 100% of those cases admit to not following the Program as specified. How to detox your blood. So there are two essential rules: 1. Read the chapters before getting the Program. The whole thing. 2. Learn how to calibrate your rate of detox, to control any healing crisis If the symptoms of healing crisis become too uncomfortable, the patient must calibrate the program. The best way is to stop these 3 supplements for a day or two. Digestazyme Phase 2. Expel Then, after the symptoms subside, start up again, just one of the 3 at a time, with 1/3 dose. Then gradually add the other two after a few days, until you’re


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

back to the regular dosage again. You can completely control your rate of detox to what is tolerable Again, these are not drugs. We’re not prescribing cures for diseases here. You can adjust the dosages to whatever allows you to continue detoxing, at a tolerable pace. So be warned. The 60 Day Program may look simple — it is simple. But unfortunately it is not necessarily easy. Going cold turkey on 2 root beer floats, 6 glazed donuts, and a large bag of barbecue chips per night can be a shock. My sugar, my salt, my mouth-feel, my kick, my raison d’etre, my added flavors – no longer frills, but over time, now life’s essentials. Right? Herein lies the essential distinction between the allopathic / mainstream approach and the holistic approach. Pharmaceuticals cover up symptoms, and while the problem still remains, the patient may get some temporary relief. That’s the whole allure, isn’t it – abdicate responsibility for your own health to a third party. Cover up the problem with pain drugs. Until some terminal disease appears. Holistic cures are under no such compulsion to delude. It forces responsibility onto the patient. Rooting out the underlying cause of the problem may not be easy, is not quick, and may not be pleasant. That is because we are working with what’s left of the functioning systems of the body, and forcing them back into the trenches – get back to work! Kidneys, colon, digestive tract, circulatory system, immune system, muscles – do your job!!

THE DEEP CLEANSE Sometimes detoxification happens in phases. Many patients will stabilize during the first month and fall into a tolerable rhythm of detox. They’re feeling much better and figure that the worst is over, expecting a gradual upswing the second month.


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

But the body has other plans. If the Expel, Enzymes, and Phase 2 are able to reach a deeper level where poisons have been harbored for years, new symptoms may be triggered as these timebombs are released into the blood. Occasionally, patients might develop a hacking, productive cough, or elimination of unusual excreta, perhaps even passing a little blood for a few days. Or transient dizziness, headache, shooting pains, etc. These are usually temporary – nothing serious – just indicators that the detox has unearthed noxious stores that have been deeply buried for a long time. After a week or so, if the detox continues, these deeper areas are cleansed and the symptoms may disappear as abruptly as they came on. This is the classic holistic trajectory – so often this is the way the body heals itself. It’s a retracing, some of it is uncomfortable, and then health returns. The only true health. Here’s an extreme example of a Whiner, fortunately rare: “Dear Dr. T, This is my 12th day on the 60 day Detox program. I find that when I eat this way, I do not suffer from GERD anymore. But – I am constantly thinking about food, carrying food around, and planning my meals around my supplements and my supplements around my meals. I am also gaining weight. I used to eat all kinds of junk – and pizza – and not gain weight. When I began this plan – I did not do so with the expectation of dramatic weight loss – but – I did expect that with all the proper eating habits, the supplements, Expel, and the chelation products – I would see some positive results. I am disappointed that almost 2 weeks have past and that my clothes are getting tighter. I often feel bloated. I find that this way of eating has a negative effect on my mood. I am going to quit the program and go back to my old diet. This isn’t working for me. — MR X ”


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

My response: [Dear Mr X: You can’t evaluate a 60 day program after 12 days — Is it called the 12 Day Detox program? You’re definitely not gaining weight because of the detox. That is impossible. What you’re probably experiencing is water retention as you’re pulling all the stored poisons out of your tract and tissues. Another possibility is temporary blockage of the tract from initiating the process of actually expelling all that waste from your blocked tract for the first time in 2 decades. This is common among people who are really toxic, during the first phase of detox. This program isn’t a magic bullet that cures everyone of a lifetime of selfindulgence and abuse in a week. You may have to suffer through the discomfort of readjusting your metabolism to natural foods – paying the price for the sins of a lifetime. Which takes a bare minimum of 60 days – not 12 days. So if you’re looking for my permission to be a fake, you came to the wrong shop, brother. Not buying that it’s the program’s fault and not your own lack of will power to make a change. There’s nothing wrong with the program, as you can see by looking at the Testimonials page on the site. Why did it work so well for all those people but not for you? Did you see any of them pulling out after 12 days, whining about it’s too hard? Poor you, poor baby. If you had read the chapter about the 60 day program before you started, you would have read about the Healing Crisis, which is what you’re experiencing and you would know that it typically means 2 things: The program is actually working for you. You really need to do it I didn’t see anywhere in the chapter where we claimed this was a 2-week walk in the park. So go ahead and return to your chemicals, junk food, and


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

self annihilation. Look ahead 3 years into the future. My regards to Elvis and Mr Lennon. – Dr T] Think I was too hard on the poor baby? Then this program is not for you. It’s only for those who can take responsibility for their own health. And are willing to do whatever it takes to get it back. Today we’re in a whole new world, where the truth about health and nutrition is being censored.. Like never before in our history, it truly is the Survival of the Informed. As far as the imaginary ‘food addiction’ goes, most patients find that after a week or so of going cold turkey on junk foods, sugar, coffee, etc. the craving vanishes. Often patient are astonished at how easy it was. That happens all the time. The 60 Day Program is not just another option on the shelf at GNC. Saving lives is serious business. This classic, natural approach is often the only solution in these advanced cases. So all you tentative, cowering dilettantes and germaphobes – back to your sniffling, coughing, cable channels, with your little facemasks, vaccines, drugs, Haggendazz, pizza and Fritos, diet Coke, wikiing your brains out, trading your life for a virtual life in the Metaverse… That life of sickness and declining energy and power – it’s all yours. But you others, you bold travelers ready to set yourselves free from the yoke of dependence on someone else’s version of health – step up and get busy. You’ll try? Please. Don’t bother. Losers try – winners do whatever it takes. It’s really not that hard. You can do it.

Order Program “He not busy being born is busy dying.” – Mr Zimmerman


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

For some stories of real people who were probably much worse off than you at the outset, click here Testimonials Here’s just one of those stories: “HI Dr T! Wanted to let people know that the most important thing about the 60 Day Program is exactly what you say – if you’re not going to dedicate yourself for the entire two months, don’t even bother. Truer words were never spoken. Once I read that, I knew this guy was for real. A few years ago I got a mysterious lung infection. Not only could I hardly breathe, but the pain was so bad I went to the hospital. They were mystified and took a biopsy from the lung. Their best guess was MRSA, complicated by pneumonia and sepsis. The treatment was 6 weeks of almost constant IV vancomycin. I worsened during that time, bedridden, completely incapacitated. After 6 weeks, no improvement – still couldn’t breathe or get out of bed. The best the “experts” would come up with at that point with was another 6 weeks of exactly the same IV antibiotic. At that same time I came across your life-saving website at thedoctorwithin and began reading about the 60 Day Program. Everything you said rang true, especially the part about taking responsibility for my own health because the medics are just guessing, etc. Reading that one idea saved my life. Especially when I found out later that MRSA is the most antibiotic resistant of all bacteria! If I’d have listened to them I’d probably be dead. Anyway, after reading the entire 60 Day Program chapter, I went home and ordered the Program. I also read the chapters on the individual supplements and the New West Diet. I never read anything like this – it all made so much sense. It wasn’t easy at first.. The part about the healing crisis was right on the money. For a few weeks I got worse, but I realized that was the evidence of detoxing all those years of sludge and drugs from my tissues. I could feel the changes happening inside me, but it was slow going. But soon I got over the


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

hump and could feel my life returning. I actually did the entire program twice because it made sense to continue the only thing that had ever shown positive results. After everything I’ve been through the one thing I’m sure of is – I would have never got the results I’ve seen without doing your program. I would never have realized that I could be responsible for my own health and could overcome any health challenge. Why don’t more people know about this? No wonder you’re being censored! Have a great New Year doc – can’t thank you enough for giving me my life back. Carlton Stroughton Sarasota ” More stories [Standard Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs] .


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The 60 Day Program is a full body cleanse detox

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9/17/23, 8:19 PM

Juice Fast

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Juice fast. We have a YT video See video that explains the whole process. The video gives a good introduction how to do a juice fast, mostly for first timers. And then it makes some general recommendations for those who are about to start the 60 Day Detox program – that they might consider kicking off the first two or three weeks of the program with a Juice Fast. An excellent suggestion. But this video was only the briefest glance into a very powerful and virtually unbounded branch of natural medicine – fasting. Food is indeed medicine. Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food.” Legacy thinking.


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Juice Fast

But as today’s cyber creatures, we are much “too busy” to follow health regimens. Especially ones that require our participation in our own survival. No, no – we would defer instead to “scientific” remedies – things that doctors do to us. And give to us. Outside–in treatments: like pills, burning, butchery, etc. You know – “Real Science.” With such a quick intro as the Intro video offers, it’s obvious that its healing power was enormously undersold. The time-honored 60 Day Program has so much more capacity for resolving the most persistent, chronic, even lifethreatening infections and conditions than most of us would ever imagine. Of course all seven supplements must be included daily, as listed in the chapter. This ensures that all reactive residuals will be cleared from the tract and the blood. There must be the strictest vigilance against ANY further allergenic foods being introduced for the 60 Days. That’s the discipline – the only way this is going to have any chance of success. With just a superficial awareness of the fast, one might never learn that there is virtually no limit to the salubrious effects of eliminating chronic inflammation by clearing all impacted debris from the tract and infusing the blood with 100% whole food vitamins, minerals, and enzymes for two or three weeks. With NO OTHER FOOD intake – no dairy, no hydrogenated processed food, no white sugar or white flour. This fact was made clear yet again to us recently with a patient who’s had a progressive throat infection for the past year. Sometimes it would seem to be resolving for a week or so, but would always come back, with a flare up. In recent months it was gradually worsening, accompanied now by a persistent cough, evident for most of the day and night. The patient was coughing up infected material that was lodged in the throat. Very frequently. He had tried two courses of antibiotics, neither of which was successful. Probably because no culture was done – they just guessed what antibiotic to try, right? As usual.


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Juice Fast

So at this point the patient was beginning to worry, imagining cancer of the throat, esophageal varices, or worse – because nothing he was doing was working. He was certainly in a downward spiral and there was no more denial that it wasn’t going away. A desultory visit to an EENT ended with another guess for more antibiotics (no culture). Followed by a possible ablation if that didn’t work. In other words – burning out the infected area in the throat with a laser or hot instrument. What could possibly go wrong? So after seeing the Juice Fast and the 60 Day Program videos, the patient decided to give natural medicine one more shot, before he submitted himself to the architects of COVID, with their drugs, scalpels, lasers and Squid Games masks. He resolved to follow the Juice Fast very strictly – to the letter. For as long as it took. None of this “I’ll try” stuff. Losers try; winners do whatever it takes. The man’s usual diet was “pretty good” (no bourbon, congealed nachos, or peanut brittle, etc.) but not perfect. But now with the Juice Fast there was no more diet. Only organic juices, every hour, for as many weeks as it took. He preferred green juice mixes, or else juicing fresh cucumbers, celery, or tomatoes, etc. Organic apple juice, orange juice, and coconut juice also made daily appearances. He kept to the program religiously for two weeks: at least 8 oz of juice every hour or two. It’s radical. Even after 3 weeks, he didn’t see much of a difference with the coughing, or with the purulent discharge from the throat. Nothing to really encourage him or indicate this was going to work at all. So for those first weeks he was going on faith alone, encouraged by everything he was reading about optimum human nutrition and the real cause of disease.


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Juice Fast

No real weight loss either, which is usual with juice fasts. That typically takes three weeks to even begin to show, in most cases. Then in the middle of third week, suddenly he woke up one morning with no cough and no discharge. First time in months. Elated, he thought he was cured. But later in the day there was some coughing and a little infective material coming up. But nothing like before. Now it was intermittent and not frequent. After three weeks. At this point he decided to introduce one meal per day to see if that would exacerbate his condition. It didn’t. Progress continued slowly – to an overall 90% improvement after 3 months. Dramatically more progress than anything he’d experienced in the past year. So now he was encouraged to continue as long as it took to return to 100%. Coming off the Juice Fast, the first meal he chose was: one baked potato, with 2 poached eggs, and one piece of salmon. No butter, no oil of course. Continuing with the hourly juices and hydration and supplements, he wasn’t hungry in the least. Now in the third month he’s up to two meals per day, with some juicing, but a continued adherence to the New West Diet – essential to the 60 Day Program. And of course hydration and the seven supplements. Inching his way towards that 100% goalpost. It’s really no surprise, when you think about it. With processed foods as the origin of 9 out of Top Ten causes of death in the US, how could it be otherwise? Processed foods cannot be metabolized. Which means broken down and digested. So after they get into the blood, they must accumulate somewhere. Which can mean anywhere – any organ or tissue. Where they take up permanent resistance will cause inflammation, as the body strives unsuccessfully to remove them. Over time, inflammation leads to degeneration. And infection. All this can happen in any organ or tissue. So it becomes crystal clear why a


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Juice Fast

toxic diet can be the primary cause for all those Top Ten causes of death. If diet can be the cause of any disease, it can also be the cure. Clean diet – cleansing, clearing, detoxing, nutrient-dense, no clogging. Heals at the cellular level. Cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, organs make up systems. What could be simpler? Drugs don’t follow these evolutionary pathways. Surgery outright butchers them. That’s why the US has the worst overall health of any industrialized nation on earth. 4% of the world’s population – 40% of the drugs. That’s why fake news always talks about Health Care, and never about health. Health Care is about money and politics. It has nothing to do with health – not even interested in it. As enforced vaccines and drugs and insurance-based surgery have become the basis of medical treatment for any and all disease conditions, health itself seems to be receding into the mists. Any discussion of it is subject to severe censorship, often reviled by corporate news and the edited media. Anyone who even mentions natural medicine or natural health is likely to be labelled a conspiracy theorist, quack, or charlatan. Or any of the new, all-purpose Marxist epithets so popular today. Why? Because any regimen that can really heal people is a threat to the vested interests. Can’t have that. People are supposed to be sick, and dependent, and under control, and obedient to the whims of the drug czars. With rare exceptions, the only thing that will ever cure anyone from chronic disease is an intact immune system. Lifestyle and diet are the keys.


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Juice Fast

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Allergy. Threshold of Reactivity

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Allergies: The Threshold of Reactivity Get Our Newsletter

– Dr Tim O’Shea

WHAT ARE ALLERGIES? Allergy. Your friend looks at your bloodshot eyes, hears your stuffed-up voice, and accepts the explanation “It’s my allergies,” as though the symptoms he observes were the disease itself. This word game is no accident. We are conditioned by a thousand commercials a day to equate diseases with their symptoms. Headache, backache, bronchitis, eczema, arthritis, tinnitus, asthma, high blood pressure, on and on – are usually not diseases themselves, but rather the signs of disease. The illusion is that by temporarily covering up the signs, we have now cured the disease. The illusion is that by naming the signs, we have identified the disease. Nothing could be further from the truth.


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Allergy. Threshold of Reactivity

You have a headache. Solution, programmed every five minutes on TV: Tylenol, Advil, whatever, that will do what? That’s right: take the pain away. But wait – the pain wasn’t the cause of the problem. The headache had a reason; it was a sign of something else. Neck spasm, intoxication, emotional stress, sinus allergies, trauma, spine misalignment, drugs, chemical sensitivity, overwork, dehydration, hunger – the pain can come from many sources. The pill didn’t solve anything, didn’t cure anything. Soon as it wears off, guess what? Right – the pain returns. So then what are we taught to do? More pills. Same with allergies. Allergies are not watery eyes and stuffed up noses. Allergies are reactions to irritants. Something foreign is triggering the body’s cleansing responses. Like walking behind a smoky bus when it starts up. You breathe in the fumes and start coughing and choking, with your eyes watering. That’s an allergic response. Humans are allergic to bus exhaust. Eyes water to clear the eyes. Coughing reflex kicks in to forcibly expel the toxic fumes before they get inhaled. Happens in an instant. Tolerance is an adaptation to stress. When we get used to an irritant, the body eventually gives up on trying to expel it. Like a bus mechanic. After a few weeks or months of breathing those fumes every day, the body doesn’t try so hard. The sensitive mucous membranes in the mouth and nose toughen up a little, and the mechanic learns to “take it.” He’s becoming less sensitized to a poison – carbon monoxide. Doesn’t mean it won’t kill him; it just means the body’s getting accustomed to that degree of being poisoned.


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The irritant is no longer triggering such a strong cleansing response as it used to. Same with someone learning to smoke cigarettes. He coughs and chokes at first, but soon gets the hang of it. The body’s ability to throw off the toxins is gradually weakened.

COLD MEDICINE We’ve all heard of anti-histamines. Pills and sprays that unclog stuffed noses. They work by blocking histamines. Histamines are produced by our white cells to trigger protective mechanisms, like stuffing up the nose, making the eyes water, and shutting down digestion. Allergy medicine is generally an antihistamine, which unnaturally interferes with the body’s normal attempts to protect itself. Mouth, nose, and eyes – that’s the first line of defense. When antihistamines block these normal clearing responses from happening, the irritant or allergen or antigen is being permitted to enter further into the body than it would ever have gotten. This is a side effect of antihistamines. You may be thankful that you can breathe again, but for any drug, there is always a trade-off. The problem wasn’t the stuffy nose or the watering eyes; the problem was the allergen: the irritant. Antihistamines don’t touch the underlying cause; they just suspend the body’s ability to respond with its normal clearing mechanisms. Result: tolerance. Toxification. Isn’t this obvious? Holistic doctors grow weary of explaining this self-evident fact over and over a dozen times a day to their patients. It’s like if you’re driving down the road and suddenly you hear this horrendous knocking noise coming from the engine. So you turn up the radio full blast in order to cover up the noise. Pretty stupid, but that’s precisely what we’re doing with allergy medication.


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COVER UP THE SYMPTOMS The focus of allergy treatment should be to eliminate the underlying stimuli of the sinus blockage and the watery nose and eyes. First of all, identify the causative factor. Cat hair, dust, pollen, shellfish, wool, etc.? I don’t think so. Normal people can be around all of these and not react. Genetics? The usual excuse, when the “experts” run out of ideas. We have no idea, so let’s just chalk it up to the standard catch – all category: genetics. As long as we don’t know, the best we can do is keep on buying and selling antihistamines and their derivatives. As a $15 billion a year industry, why would anyone want to question it? Doctors sell drugs; that’s why we go to them. If you want health, well, that’s a entirely different topic altogether. There’s another possibility here that thousands of people have discovered within the past few years. A whole new paradigm must be considered to explain the consistent success that detoxing patients are having in resolving their chronic allergies. This construct may be called the Threshold of Reactivity. It’s really quite simple.

THE THRESHOLD OF REACTIVITY Have ever been in a grocery store and noticed all these little rotundo porkettes running up and down the aisles whining Mommy buy me this, Mommy I want this… pointing to all those fattening refined foods they learned to need by watching ads on TV? And then you see those same items all appear at the checkout counter?


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Allergy. Threshold of Reactivity

Ever been in a fast food joint and noticed those little tiny paper cups they have to give babies Coke? American children are getting fatter, sicker, and dumber than ever before in our history. This is not meant to just a provocative statement, but is easily documented in all relevant government and scientific statistics on allergy, obesity and neurodevelopment. Here’s the key idea of this chapter: processed refined foods cannot be digested. When a child is born, his tract and blood are clean and clear. As he starts eating all this unmetabolizable trash, the residual sludge accumulates in the digestive tract and in the blood. Let’s call this accumulation the Toxic Load. OK, so let’s say there is a Threshold, a level of toxicity below which the child does not react to the junky foods – no asthma, watery eyes, runny nose, skin eruptions, etc. But as time goes by the Toxic Load builds up to the point where one day it crosses over the line, exceeds the threshold, and now the child does react — any type of allergic reaction may result. At that point the patient has built up such a load of accumulated toxic foods that he has exceeded the body’s ability to deal with them – to break them down and process them through. We say he has reached the Threshold of Reactivity – it’s the end of childhood, in a health sense. Result: asthma, allergies, skin conditions, coughing, bronchitis, chronic fatigue, failure to develop, etc. So what do most people do at that point? Take the kid to the doctor and consult whatever 15 year old they made a Resident that week, who after a five minute interview declares the child has “allergies” which are due to a genetic deficiency of Benadryl, or other drugs. And in one fell swoop the patient is now categorized as having allergies and put on a regiment of drugs that will last for years. Not a word about the box of frosted flakes and the 4 doughnuts the kid has for breakfast or the 4 cokes he has at school throughout the day or the carton of ice cream he needs for his midnight snack—no. None of that is taken into the equation. No, this is all genetic. It’s not his fault.


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Do you know anyone on allergy medication? Do they still have allergies??

DETOXIFICATION – ELIMINATE THE TOXIC LOAD So we have a different idea besides drugs. Break down and eliminate the toxic sludge that has accumulated in the tract and the blood for all these years. First get below the Threshold, and then eliminate the toxic load altogether, by means of the 60 Day Program. What do 99% of allergic Americans have in common? Undigested food. Undigested food accumulates in the digestive tract, in the blood, in the tissues, organs and joints. It remains for months and years and cannot be dislodged by any of the body’s methods. And the last and most persistent of these methods is the Inflammatory Response – the body’s attempt to what? Right: attack and expel the intruder. Chronic buildup of undigested food signals two main deficiencies within the body: enzymes and flora. First,

ENZYMES The reader is directed to the full chapter on enzymes [22] for review. To summarize, enzymes are what has been removed from food in order to make it last as long as possible on the shelves of American supermarkets. Enzymes are necessary for breakdown and digestion of food. Without them, the body makes a valiant effort to employ its own digestive enzymes to do the job. Problem is, so many of the soft foods we eat today are brand new to the human species within the past 100 years. New chemicals and preservatives have been introduced into our food supply for flavoring and preserving. The rancid, oxidizing fats of chips and fries are too weird. Our bodies can’t break them down. After a certain amount of trying, the body gives up. At that point,


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much goes in, but little goes out. That’s the main reason older people have difficulty eliminating. And many young people as well. Food allergists and clinical ecologists waste a great deal of time setting up elimination diets to find out which exact foods cause a patient’s allergic symptoms. Far more applicable and effective would be a shotgun approach: enzyme supplementation, because in general we eat an enzyme-less processed diet. People don’t eat corn and bananas and cashews nearly as much as they eat processed peanut butter, Hamburger Helper, Taco Supremes, Big Macs, pizza, fries, Cheetos, chocolate pudding, hot dogs, Fig Newtons, and potato chips. The American soft drink industry is at $54 billion per year. ( [18] Wall Street Journal 18 Sep 98) Americans drink 216 litres of soft drinks per person per year. (Global Market Information Database – 2006 [20]) Pasteurized milk has no enzymes any more. Canned food, none. Dairy products, salad dressings, soft drinks, ice cream, cheese, pastries, deep fried food, salty snacks, – contain no enzymes. John Wayne and Elvis. On autopsy, according to the county coroner’s reports, these gentlemen had 44 and 20 lbs. of undigested food in their respective colons at the time of death. According to the FDA, the average American has between 4 and 22 lbs. of undigested food in the colon at any given time. Rotting food in the digestive tract sets up a condition that gastroenterologists call Leaky Gut Syndrome. Review the colon chapter THE COLON [21] Happens like this: Putrefying sludge breaks down the cells of the gut lining (epithelium) largely by choking off the blood supply to these delicate cells (ischemia). The gut wall is supposed to be very selective in what it allows to be absorbed into the blood. When there is so much cell damage, the intestinal cells can no longer be selective. Stuff that wasn’t supposed to get through starts getting through to the bloodstream. Large molecules of manmade half-digested fats, proteins,


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and carbohydrates are absorbed intact through the gut into the bloodstream. Once in the blood, digestion can no longer take place. These foreign molecules can then lodge in any joint, tissue, or organ. Since they are rotting food, they are toxins and can be the cause of practically ANY disease condition you can name. We’re talking blood poisoning here: toxemia, bacteremia, septicemia. Don’t be put off by big words. Such a set-up is perfect as the explanation for an allergic reaction. We’re allergic, all right – allergic to all the food we’re taking in and never digesting. Second,

FLORA Flora means good bacteria. The normal colon should have three lbs. of good bacteria at all times. (Shahani [21]) They are also called probiotics, and include species like Lactobacillus, L. Salivarius, Acidophilus, and many others. Their job is the final phase of digestion. Without them, food rots in the colon. Rotting food becomes cemented within the inner folds of the colon’s lining, destroying the mucosal cells, preventing normal function, and eventually blocking proper elimination. Rotting food leaks back into the bloodstream, going anywhere it can in the body. World authority in probiotics, the late Dr. Khem Shahani, described flora as the Second Immune System. He was referring to the ability of the flora to remove a toxic stimulus or allergen – undigested food – from the body. Understanding this simple concept is the key to grasping the essential dynamic between a healthy colon and the end of allergies. With rare exception, allergies simply cannot coexist in a body that has a healthy colon. Why do most Americans have suppressed flora? That’s easy. Probiotic flora – the good bacteria – are fragile life forms existing in the normal body in a


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dynamic balance along with pathological bacteria, fungi, and viral forms. These good bacteria get killed off by the following agents: *antibiotics we take *antibiotics in the meat we eat *antacids, like Zantac, Tagamet, etc. *NSAIDs, like Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin, Motrin, etc. *other prescription and over the counter medications *white sugar *carbonated drinks *antihistamines *chlorinated drinking water *fluoridated water *coffee Many holistic nutritionists estimate that 80% of American women, and a significant proportion of men, have systemic Candida albicans. Candida is a yeast proliferation throughout the whole body whose existence was denied by American medical doctors as recently as fifteen years ago. As the normal flora become killed off, bad bacteria begin to multiply. Without enough good bacteria to occupy the available living quarters, there is nothing to check the bad ones. Fungal and yeast growths are allowed to increase for the same reason. Doctors call this phenomenon opportunistic infection. With the amount of pasteurized dairy we consume, such chronic low-grade infections are in epidemic proportions in America today. The normal person has some viruses, some Candida, some potentially pathogenic bacteria at all times. But the majority of bacteria in the normal body are good ones. Think of it like walking into a crowded theatre. If all the seats are taken, there’s no place to sit. Same for the pathogenics. If all the seats are taken by the friendly bacteria, the opportunists don’t get the opportunity to replicate because there’s no place to sit. The best probiotic available today is Total Florabiotics.



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Allergy. Threshold of Reactivity

Thirty years ago you couldn’t use the word autoimmune in conversation unless you were speaking with a doctor. With the meteoric increase in these diseases, today even the uneducated know what you’re talking about, because someone in their family probably has an autoimmune condition. Autoimmune means the body is attacking itself. It means that for some reason, the body is getting the idea that part of itself is foreign and must be expelled, in exactly the same way as any allergen, intruder or antigen would be. First that means inflammation. Then comes swelling, followed by the onset of fibrosis (crunchiness, from the laying down of cheap tissue), and finally, if unchecked, actual calcification. Pain can jump in at any time. It’s almost biblical, like the body is turning to stone because we have not honored its needs. Almost. Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, scleroderma, – we hear about most of these all the time. What do they have in common? They’re all of “unknown” origin, according to the medical texts. They can’t be cured by drugs. They’re all progressive. They can all be lifethreatening. They’re autoimmune. And they’re all on the rise. Hundreds of holistic healers have known for years that the cause of these diseases is obvious, and they are all expressions of the same process – toxemia. (Tilden [10]) That means blood poisoning. In the 1920s, holistic healer JH Tilden MD wrote that there is only one disease – toxemia and all the hundreds of disease conditions we have names for are just different manifestations of the same autointoxication, or self-poisoning. It’s simply that food has putrified in the digestive tract for months or longer, which then leaks through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream in its undigested, rotting form. The debris is then free to take up residence in any location it can find, where the inflammatory process will promptly begin. Easy to see why: in the blood, there are no digestive enzymes any more. Those were left behind in the digestive system. Remember, that was Nature’s brilliant survival design: the inside of the Tube is still the outside of the body. (The Tube is the entire digestive tract, from one


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end to the other.) Digestion of food only takes place within the Tube, outside the body. So with no enzymes in the blood, the undigested food which doesn’t belong there anyway can no longer be broken down. All the blood can hope to do is to attack the foreign stuff with white cells to wall it off, or to engulf it in fat cells or calcium. Problem is, the inflow of this stuff never ends. With the American high fat processed diet, more debris gets past the intestinal walls every day in undigested forms that were never meant to get into the blood – Leaky Gut Syndrome. Day after day, week after week, the stuff accumulates in the joints, arteries, and tissues, infiltrating wherever it can. After awhile the body can no longer distinguish between the undigested food particles and the tissues in which they are lodged. It sends its army – the immune system – to attack the foreign area, no longer just the foreign cells. So whatever the organ, whatever the tissue where the rotting food accumulates – that part of the body will be attacked as foreign. And we’ll call it an autoimmune response. It’s really not mysterious at all. It’s completely natural, and is actually a healthy response to poison. These empty, nutritiondeficient manmade foods of commerce simply don’t belong inside the body. They were never food at all; they were just packaged and sold to look like food. And that, my friends, is show business.

OTHER ALLERGENS All the foregoing has to do with undigested processed foods as the cause of allergic reactions. This doesn’t even take into account the pesticides, hormones, and chemical preservatives, additives, and contaminants which end up in our food as the results of preparation, processing and packaging. Half of all antibiotics produced in the US today are for animals. Animals we eat. Sprayed pesticides work their way into the inner cells of supermarket fruit, and do not wash off. In our bodies such poisons are fat-soluble: stored in our fat cells, for months or years.


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Allergy. Threshold of Reactivity

Until the mid 1980s, sulfur dioxide compounds known as sulfites were commonly sprayed on French fries, meat, and salad bars to keep the food from browning too quickly. Sulfites are also routinely added to wine, to prevent further fermentation. If you get a headache from wine that’s why. Sulfur dioxide is toxic, and a cause of thousand of documented allergic reactions reported to the FDA in the mid 1980s, many of them fatal. Although sulfite use on meat and raw produce has been banned, they still appear in bronchodilator sprays, and also in wines, as long as the label states the percentage. (Randolph, p83 [8]) Ever notice how some bananas don’t ripen, but just go from green to rotten, with large black areas as though they had been bruised? This is from “gasripened” bananas. The green bananas are exposed to ethylene gas, which artificially stops the ripening process, so they’ll travel better.. Here’s how you tell the difference: normal bananas will have many small irregular dark spots on the skin as they ripen, and will ripen normally. Gassing is legal at this time, but is often the cause of allergic response in someone who thinks he’s allergic to bananas. (Randolph [8]) It’s not just bananas – most produce today is subject either to gassing or irradiation to kill enzymes for better transportation. Problem is, with no enzymes, the food loses most of its value as a nutrient. And can be allergenic just because of the gas. Same deal with irradiation of produce, which is also becoming commonplace today in the mega-agro industry. Same unnatural mutation going on.

THE LAST STRAW OK, back to the Threshold of Reactivity. You know the background now. So here it is: since all this undigested food has no outlet or way to be broken down, it builds up within the body over months and years. Let’s call the point at which a person actually breaks out with symptoms of allergy (hives, rash, runny nose, stuffed sinuses, etc) let’s call that point the Threshold. Below the


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Threshold, the person won’t have symptoms. Stay with me now for the punchline. Since the indulgent American is packing away all this stored debris, he is pushing his body steadily closer and closer to its toxic capacity. Day by day he is jacking up his level of autointoxication, higher and higher. He is so close to the Threshold at all times, because of his indigestible diet, that contact with cat hair, dust, pollen, phases of the moon, or whatever the Specialist said he was “allergic to” – any contact may be enough to raise him that last little bit, the straw that broke the camel’s back, above the Threshold, and voila’ – symptoms occur. And then the “specialist” blames the whole allergy on that last straw. So they give him antihistamine “allergy medication” which prevents the body from offering its normal response to chronic poisoning from all the undigested, weird foods it’s still taking in. And as soon as the medication wears off, he keeps breaking out. This is why allergy medication never cures allergies. People who take allergy medication continue to “have allergies” year after year. Most of them actually develop further allergy to the medication itself. Same with allergy shots. They give you a little of what you’re supposedly allergic to, as determined by the Last Straw diagnosis, with the promise that this will make you “immune” to that last straw – the cat hair, pollen, fairy dust, eye of newt, whatever. Allergy shots almost never work. If they did you wouldn’t have to rush back to the doctor every six months or so for your shots. Ever notice how people on allergy shots always have allergies? Ever hear of anyone getting cured by allergy shots? How can it be this simple? Why doesn’t everybody know this? Thousands do, but the reason this information is not mainstream starts with an M. The allergy industry is big business, both prescription and over-the-counter.


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Changing one’s diet is not. It goes back to the first paragraph about conventional wisdom.

LAYER THAT STUCCO One difficulty with food allergies is that they are bio-accumulative. In addition to the digestive tract, undigested residue is stored in fat cells and may last for months or years. A sensitivity may persist for weeks or more after new intake has stopped. In the case of dairy, it is only necessary to take in a tiny amount of any processed milk or cheese products every few days in order to keep a dairy allergy going, to maintain the person’s susceptibility to the allergen: the coughing and the sneezing, etc. Even a few drops of milk added to coffee is sufficient to support the chronic allergy. And the person may think that he has “stopped” eating dairy. (Twogood [2]) The same is true of additives in the food and in the food’s packaging, and also of the contaminants that may be present. Theron Randolph, MD, clinical ecologist, talks about the material used in the lining of tin cans which is used to keep the color of the metal can off the food. The material is called phenol, a coal-tar derivative. It is used in virtually all canned foods. Dr. Randolph has documented hundreds of cases of reactions to the phenol alone. (An Alternative Approach to Allergies [8]) For years Albuquerque, New Mexico has been a mecca for asthmatics, TB patients, and those trying to escape their “allergies.” No more. Talk to any doctor in Albuquerque today and you’ll hear the same story: practically everyone in town has allergies. And the government actually has researchers out there climbing “trees” to find out what kind of pollen is making people sick! It’s a desert! The people aren’t sick from dust, angel hair, or cactus pollen. They’re sick, and allergic, from the homogenized, devitalized processed food of the metropolitan American city, a diet which is unvaryingly standardized, from Coney Island all the way to the Santa Monica Pier. Allergy in America today occurs in epidemic proportions. Many researchers are like Howard Rapaport, author of The Complete Allergy Guide, [16] in that they


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estimate that half the population suffers from some form of allergy. And that book was written in 1970!

THE SOLUTION Let’s say your programming does not allow you to believe anything I’ve said up to this point, and for various reasons it simply makes no sense to you as far as your allergies go. Fine. Ask yourself this: do I really want to get rid of these allergies, or am I going to continue taking these medications every year, with very little results? If you can admit to yourself that you’re really sick of your allergies and would like to try an experiment that does not depend on drugs, try the 60 Day Program. For the next 60 days, *no drugs *no pasteurized dairy *no white sugar or white flour *colon cleanse *New West Diet Lest this sound too easy, by drugs, I mean no medications of any kind, prescription or over the counter, unless you’re on some life-sustaining drug therapy program. No dairy means no pasteurized milk, cheese, butter, no alfredo sauce, no yoghurt, no ice cream, no white salad dressing for 60 days. No white sugar means no soft drinks, no donuts, no cookies, no refined flour, no ice cream for 60 days. You also need a few supplements, described in the 60 Day Program: [22] Enzymes, Flora, Expel, Minerals, Oral Chelation, MegaHydrate, Collagen The 60 Day Test may not be fun, but how do you like your allergies? Does it


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Allergy. Threshold of Reactivity

work? See Testimonial section of the website. The 60 Day Program always works, if the patient sticks to it religiously. No deviations, no negotiating. Versions of the program will result in versions of results This program is workable and generally applicable, with no side effects, except for the inconvenience of any lifestyle change. Thousands have done it. The reason it’s not millions is simple: this program requires taking a step in the dangerous direction known as I Can Be Responsible For My Own Health. Such a journey is discouraged by any and every public medium possible – written and spoken, online and digital, conscious and unconscious – all under the control of the nation’s two biggest advertisers: food manufacturers and drug manufacturers. After reading the 60 Day Program section of the site, when you’re actually ready to do it call 408 298 1800 to order.

DRIVE-THRU CLUE Here’s my personal definition of pathological cluelessness. Your child has had “allergies” most of his life, and is on bronchodilators or antihistamines in spray or pill form. No progress is noted. Blind trust has suppressed any wonder you may have had about possible side effects of taking these drugs on a daily basis for all these years. You’ve never even considered looking up the Adverse Reactions to the drugs in the Physicians Desk Reference, available at any library or WalMart these days. But that’s not even the bad part. The bad part is where you go to the drive-thru at Wendy’s and let your kid order a giant Frosty, fries, and a Coke because you’re both too hungry to wait until you can get home to get at the pasteurized milk, ice cream, Pepsi, and cheese that awaits you in superabundance in your very own fridge. And you talk about your child’s allergies with your friends with the same conversational tone you use to describe the brake job your car just got at Midas. Yes, he has


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Allergy. Threshold of Reactivity

allergies, BUT he has the inhalator and the antihistamines, so he’s OK, you know. Anybody but me see anything insane about this little bit of prosaic Americana? OK, sorry. How would you have known? Well now you know. The vast majority of allergies today are food allergies. We’re addicted to the things that poison us. Of course there can be other causes, other irritants which effect allergic response: environmental toxins, chemicals in housing materials, cleaning materials, cosmetics, clothing, bedding, heating and air conditioning, But why search the house high and low for some elusive unknown bug, when there’s an elephant sitting right in the middle of the living room? copyright MMXXII REFERENCES 1. Nord CE, Lidbeck A, Orrhage K, Sjöstedt S. — “Oral supplementation with lactic acid-producing bacteria during intake of clindamycin” —Clinical Microbiology and Infection 3: 124-132, 1997. 2. Twogood, Daniel –No Milk– 1996 3. Guyton, AC, MD– Textbook of Medical Physiology –1996 4. Nord, CE, MD– “Effects of probiotics on the normal and disturbed human microflora”— Dept of Immunology, Huddinge Univ. Hospital, Stockholm 1998 5. Anderson, Ross ND– “The Vibrant Health You Deserve” — video 1998 6. Stoll, Walt, MD — Saving Yourself from the Disease-Care Crisis –June 1996 7. Black, Dean, PhD– Health At the Crossroads — 1988 8. Randolph, Theron MD — An Alternative Approach to Allergies — 1989


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9. O’Shea T, The Doors of Perception 2007 10. Tilden, JH, MD — Toxemia Explained –1926 11. Robinson, JW– “The Intestinal Response to Ischemia”– Archives of Experimental Pathology and Pharmacology –1966; 255(2):178-9 12. Unno, Fink MD– “Intestinal Epithelial Hyperpermeability. Mechanisms and Relevance to Disease”– Gastroentero Clin Nor Am 1998 Jun;27(2):289-307 13. Haubrich, WS– “The ebb and flow of gut fluids” — Gastroint Endosc 1980 May;(2Suppl):1S-25 14. Dalton, HP– “Etiology of Bacteremia”– Va Med Mon 1971Dec:98(12):660 15. Letter –“NSAID and the Leaky Gut” — Lancet 1985 Jan 26:1(8422):218-9 16. Rapaport, Howard– The Complete Allergy Guide– 1970 17. Appleton, N — Lick the Sugar Habit – 18. Wall Street Journal– 18 Sep 98 19. Jensen, Bernard –Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care– 1999 Avery Publishing, NY p111 20. Global Market Consumption Soft drink consumption (most recent) by country 21. O’Shea T, Journey to the Center of Your Colon 22. 60 day Program


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AUTISM DETOX PROGRAM As we have seen in several editions of the text during the past years, the word autism itself is a media contrivance, describing a group of cognitively damaged children that came out of nowhere in the late 1990s, in numbers CDC estimates today at 1 child in 38.


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Best estimates in the US today of total autistics: 4-6 million. It has now become just as commonplace to use the term vaccine damaged – rather than autistic – to describe this group, because of the overwhelming amount of the best science on the subject. These unfortunate children might have been shuffled aside completely, after many attempts to marginalize and ignore them by mainstream medicine. Just good business not to draw attention to your worst mistakes. But what has saved autistics from obscurity is the discovery that they were a viable market, beginning in the late 1990s. Medicine was having a difficult time inventing a drug that could eradicate the permanent neurological effects of their vaccines. Claiming no possible connection with vaccines, medicine effectively abandoned parents of autistics, leaving them to their own devices. So this opened the way for a grassroots holistic marketplace. Which has now developed into a multibillion dollar business today: the Autism Industry.

The Industry promotes a collection of remedies to address the symptoms common to autistic children. Most autistics have 2 classic areas of poor development: digestive tract and brain. No coincidence that toxic heavy metals in vaccines, like mercury and aluminum, have a preference for brain tissue and gut tissue in the young child. For this reason the autism industry has focused on the removal of mercury, aluminum and other noxious elements from the child’s formative neurology. It’s ironic that during all this time the prevailing mantra of mainstream science for the past 20 years has been – we don’t know, we don’t know where the autism epidemic came from. But we do know one thing for sure: there can be


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no possible connection between Autism and vaccines. Oh yes, that we’re quite sure of… Therefore we won’t spend spend one dime trying to find out the cause of this true epidemic.. Medicine pretends not to notice that children were receiving unparalleled amounts of thimerosal in 4 vaccines for the decade before 2005: polio, Hemophilus influenza, hepatitis B, and the flu vaccine. As well as receiving 3x as many vaccines as most other countries on earth. As a consequence we have the grassroots Autism Industry focusing almost solely on removing mercury from the child’s central nervous system. This is the primary explanation for their success with the autistic child – getting the mercury out of the brain. Is thimerosal gone now? Of course not. Manufacturers voluntarily began to leave it out of new vaccines in 2005, but since it was never outlawed, they continue to sell hundreds of millions of stockpiled doses of mercury-laden shots each year. manufacturers are no longer required to list mercury as a vaccine ingredient in the new Physicians Desk Reference. All this is explored more thoroughly in books like Vaccination is Not Immunization, with scientific references from the manufacturers. CAN’T BLAME VACCINES ALONE Looking at the appalling health of young children today, vaccines certainly can’t take the entire blame. There are several other detriments to normal immune development: To mention just a few:

Pasteurized dairy Hydrogenated foods Unnecessary antibiotics Unnecessary drugs Over the counter medicines Excess TV and electronics


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GMO foods Refined carbohydrates Environmental toxins

This list is fairly self-evident as far as nutrition goes. If the reader is surprised already, you’re on the right website. This is the most basic awareness of nutrition fundamentals. Might want to start with these chapters: The Last Resort The 60 Day Program Enzymes: The Key To Longevity This information is not for everyone. It may be helpful to those serious people willing to do a little research to uncover the vital truth that always lies just below the surface of What Everybody Knows. If everybody cared to know how to have a healthy child, if pediatricians understood the secrets of health, we certainly wouldn’t be living in a country whose children have the worst overall health of any children in the industrialized world. A country with over 4 million autistics, with no end in sight. A country whose children are fatter, sicker, and dumber now than ever before in our history. The above list of toxic contaminants being introduced into the bloodstream of American children is covered in detail in the full day seminar. There are individual chapters on many of those same subjects that may be seen on this site.

Videos – Autism Detox Protocol Part 1 Part 2 What is the most effective, least traumatic, and least expensive regimen for actually detoxing heavy metals from vaccines out of the child’s nerve cells, and at the same time optimizing the formative immune system? Read on.


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THE 60 DAY AUTISM DETOX PROGRAM consists of two main parts New West Diet 7 supplements It is simple, not expensive, and certainly as effective as any of the high profile protocols you see online.. The results can be measured by any legitimate index for assessing cognitive function or heavy metal levels, but more importantly can be observed by the the truest criterion of all: the eyes of the parent, every-day observation. That is the ultimate clinical test. Nobody listens to them, but they’re the ones bearing witness to the day-to-day. First the diet. This is the adult version, which may be modified for children. It’s traditional common sense. The New West Diet, just as it has appeared on this website and in seminars for the past 10 years: NEW WEST DIET (For 60 Day Program, only Categories I and II) I. UNRESTRICTED raw fruits raw vegetables brown rice steamed vegetables selected nutritional herbs 1 – 2 litres good water (proportional for child)

II. WITH SOME MODERATION organic meats grilled fish eggs raw cheese


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raw milk beans and rice clean soups raw butter raw sugar whole grains [Whole grain breads, no cooking oils or salad dressing oils; no HFCS] . III. ON RARE OCCASIONS (not during 60 Day Detox)

Processed cheese Commercial pizza Commercial butter Commercial ice cream Canned foods Pasteurized dairy Refined carbohydrates Cooking oil Nuts and seeds Popcorn


Soft drinks French fries Pastries Potato chips Refined protein powders Margarine White bread Coffee Mayonnaise Hydrogenated oils Soy in any form


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This is not the forum for detailed discussion of any of the above. Those details are covered completely in our seminars and in the chapters. It is a classical diet, clinically proven by decades and decades of holistic healers down through the years. Most people with any legitimate training recognize its value. The difficulty lies not in understanding such a diet, but in following it, without deviation, for 60 days. The daily water intake is critical. See chapters: Hydration and Dehydration, The 3 Attributes of Water. Second part, the 7 supplements. There are hundreds of supplements available today, as you can see in the jumbled confusion of the internet. Most are worthless, some are harmful, a few are beneficial, and a very few are superlative products that truly enhance the natural functions of the cells. This Autism Detox program is recommended for children 18 months and older. Before that just try and simplify and clean up the diet. And hydrate. And stay away form the people who likely caused the condition. In choosing supplements for the 60 Day Program we want to have the patient taking the least number of supplements possible, and still have all the components necessary for a complete detox and nutrition program. Always with the focus on the cells – what is the effect at the cellular level. Only those supplements that are absolutely necessary to clear out and restore vital function to the tract and the blood, and of the highest possible quality, are included. Again, we have kept this list to the bare minimum. The essential supplement must contribute to cell nutrition, in the tract and in the blood, clearing out debris, restoring vital function. With these criteria satisfied, here are the 7 essentials Digestazyme Total Florabiotics


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Chelated Minerals MegaHydrate Expel Oral Chelation (Phase2) Hydrolyzed Collagen Each of these supplements has its own chapter at, explaining its vital necessity. Here is a short paragraph on each for those who already know their value: Digestazyme The most complete full spectrum digestive enzyme, in the tradition of Dr Edward Howell. Digestazyme adds back the enzymes that were removed by food processing. Digestive problems are a hallmark of the autistic child, having had the normal gut mucosa destroyed. Introducing a harmless yet effective full spectrum enzyme 3 times a day, finally much of the longimpacted debris in the tract and in the blood can begin to be broken down. This is the first step in normalizing digestive problems, as well as chronic allergies, blood sensitivities and red cell clumping. Daily for 60 days, there is no protocol that can replace Digestazyme. See chapter. 3-6 caps per day, by weight. Total Florabiotics Based on the life’s work of world scientist Dr Khem Shahani, this probiotic blend restores normal colon vitality, often in a dramatic way, provided the dose is daily. Most Americans spend most of their lives with little or no gut flora. In the case of the autistic children, they haven’t had a vital colon since the onset of the condition. The region has become so dead from drugs and vaccines that normal probiotics cannot persist as they should. When this center of the immune center becomes active, in most cases for the first time in years, startling improvements are seen, not only in the area of total digestion, but most notably in the areas of cognitive function, immune support and resolving chronic allergies. See Testimonial section. A life-changing re-


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balancing of normal inner ecology at last cannot be underestimated. 3-6 caps per day, by weight. Chelated Minerals The no-brainer part of the program, mineral nutrition is certainly the most commonly overlooked part of the vast majority of nutrition programs, not just for autistics. Which really makes no sense considering the vital importance of minerals to each and every metabolic reaction, billions of which must take place in the body each day. Minerals are micro-nutrients, which act as cofactors for the myriad enzyme reactions, all day long. With no minerals left in the topsoil, even organic produce is generally mineral deficient. Autistics are mineral deficient by definition because the inner membranes of the digestive tract are so damaged by the disease that normal amounts of essential minerals cannot be taken up. We all need mineral supplementation: 3 caps every morning. But for autistics, it may well be the first time they are getting these vital nutrients since the beginning. There is nothing controversial here. Read Minerals chapter. 1-3 caps per day. MegaHydrate In today’s imbalanced lifestyle, we accumulate more free radicals than we can deal with each day. A positive free radical balance day after day causes rapid aging and promotes organ degeneration. A detoxification program further increases the free radical load. For this reason it is imperative to include the most effective antioxidant available in order to neutralize all free radicals in the system, at least twice a day. There is nothing that can accomplish this result more efficiently than 2 MegaHydrate scoops. See chapter. Expel A very simple, traditional herbal formula which definitely works for virtually everybody. Not a question of will it clear out the accumulated debris in your colon or not; only a question of how fast. Again, in the dead colon of the autistic, this process has to be undertaken in a very slow and controlled


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fashion. But it must be addressed head-on and cannot be ignored. Because the child will never be normal, never have a functioning immune system until the ravaged colon is finally restored to normal vitality. There is no legitimate nutrition program which does not begin with addressing the vital importance of an active and detoxed colon. That’s first. A few caps each night at dinner – what could be easier? But we must understand the nature of the sludge that has been building up year after year in our colon, the damage it causes, and the consequences of finally clearing it out. For that story please read the Colon chapter as well as the short page on Expel. 1-2 caps per day. Oral Chelation (Phase 2) As effective as Digestazyme and Expel are, there are 2 specific areas that must be targeted separately: heavy metals and atherosclerotic plaque. A special herbal formula is necessary if the 60 Day Program is going to live up to its claim to completely detox the blood and the tract in the allotted two months. See the short chapter on Oral Chelation to understand the colossal toxic burden we are all under from processed foods, environmental poisons, and residual drugs building up in our bodies. Without specific chelators, these poisons will be locked inside our cells forever. In the autistic child we’re speaking primarily of mercury and aluminum residuals from vaccines. This has been the primary aim throughout the entire Autism Industry for the past 10 years – removing mercury from the child’s brain cells. Nothing is more gentle and effective than this timeless formula. 1-2 caps per day, by weight. Hydrolyzed Collagen Collagen is the largest and most abundant tissue in the body. It makes up everything: muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, organs, skin, hair, joints – everything. In the case of the autistic child, because of impaired nutrient absorption from a damaged tract, failure to thrive is epidemic in this group. The children are small and weak. With the rest of the 60 Day Program so focused on rekindling the vitality of the digestive system after such a long period of dormancy, dramatic changes in size, strength, and function can occur by offering the body its primary building blocks in the cleanest and most


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bioavailable form: hydrolyzed collagen. Very fast results are common because the growth instincts have been thwarted for so long, having no building materials. See Collagen chapter. 1-3 teaspoons per day in food or juice. DOSAGE FOR CHILDREN Below is the adult dosage for the supplements. It is based on weight above 100 pounds. Child’s dosages should be proportional: a 33 pound child would take about a third of the adult dosages listed below. For example if the adult would take 3 enzymes caps 3x per day, the child would take one cap 3 times per day. And a 66 pound child would take 2 caps, 3x per day. And so on. Remember, these are not drugs, they are natural supplements, so the amounts don’t have to be meticulously precise. A child should be at least 18 months old before taking on any detox program, since it tales at least that long for the rudiments of the digestive system to form.

ADULT DOSAGES Here are the 7 supplements for the 60 Day Program: DIGESTAZYME ———- DOSAGE: 3 caps 3x a day MEGAHYDRATE ———-DOSAGE: 2 scoops 2-3x per day TOTAL COMPLETE CHELATED MINERALS —–DOSAGE: 3 caps per day EXPEL ————- 1 – 4 caps per day TOTAL FLORABIOTICS ———- DOSAGE 3 caps 3x per day HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN ——– DOSAGE: 2-4 tblsp. per day in organic juice (not Sunny D!)


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PHASE 2 ORAL CHELATION ———- DOSAGE: Minimum 3 caps daily (more for faster detox) HYDRATION WHY: O2 transport, cell nutrition, muscle cell fluidity, anti-aging DOSAGE: 2 litres water/day *************************** As a program, this is as powerful as anything available today.. If you want to spend a lot more money, go ahead. But that isn’t necessary to restore your health. Most of you have already proven that. The objective of this program is to suggest a complete nutrition program for optimum cell nutrition, and a gradual return to normal homeostasis, no matter what the current health of the patient. We’re all just flesh and blood, and at the cellular level we must all respond to the same principles of physiology and life’s pathways of growth and repair. Order the Complete Program here Phone line – 915.307.1055 [email protected]

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Heart health.

— Dr Tim O’Shea

Are you really trying to drive me crazy? I see you come into my office year after year, usually for other reasons, and I take your blood pressure and it’s usually way above 140/100. Sometimes above 180/100. You’re overweight, sweating, dehydrated, can’t breathe well, and have no energy. But you think


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everything’s under control because your doctor, the specialist, knows about your problem and is managing it with drugs. Here they come – Lipitor, HCT, Mevacor, Cardizem, Procardia, on and on. And the months turn into years and the blood pressure problem turns into a degenerative heart condition, and you start cutting normal activities out of your life with the because they’re ‘bad for the heart.’ And middle aged people are suddenly getting older faster, and old people suddenly aren’t around.

CREATING AN INDUSTRY IN THE USUAL PATTERN Do most people have any idea what’s going on with their heart?? Today’s best scientific research shows that the conventional wisdom on heart health couldn’t be more misdirected. Most of what people absorb through the hypnopedia of TV inculcates perceptions that are simply not accurate, especially such notions as High Blood Pressure Can Be Controlled with Drugs High Blood Pressure Necessitates Lifetime Drug Protocols Heart Drugs Prolong Life Cholesterol from animal products causes high blood pressure High cholesterol causes heart disease Cholesterol Drugs prevent heart disease

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE WILL KILL YOU Let’s back up a little here. There is no question that living one’s life with sky high blood pressure shortens life and offers a fairly safe bet that the individual will die of a heart attack or heart disease. In fact, high BP doubles one’s chance of death from heart failure. These statistics are very clear on that. So it is certainly a laudable goal to try and normalize high BP. It’s just that our standard solution to the heart problem is a fraud: when we actually examine what the scientists who create heart medications say about them, it’s quite a


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different story from the one being hawked in doctors’ offices and on TV commercials every 10 minutes. And with what is now known about the curative powers of holistic nutrition and the effective detox programs available today, it is no longer necessary to triple one’s chances of heart failure by means of a prolonged program of heart medications. [Rogers] So first off, let’s look at the traditional approach to heart conditions and check out its track record.

HISTORY OF PROCESSED FOOD In 1900 the term “heart attack” didn’t even exist. In the 20th century, for the first time in history more people were dying of heart problems than any other disease. These days 1 out of 2 Americans dies of congestive heart failure. (CDC website) a statistic that has gone unchanged since the 1970s. (Statistical Abstracts) The #1 cause of death in the US (not counting the effects of prescription drugs) is heart disease. This is according to the CDC itself. [1] In 40% of heart disease cases, their first symptom was death.


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What obvious changes took place early in the 20th century that brought on this epidemic of heart disease? That question is explored thoroughly in the chapter on Enzymes and more particularly in the video on Processed Foods. But for now let’s simply state that the overall American diet changed radically during that time. The emergence of processed foods that followed World War I and metamorphosed into the grocery business brought with it a new watchword — Shelf Life. As industrialization and urbanization, and then suburbanization took place, the food industry was faced with the task of making inexpensive foods available to the masses in local supermarkets. Like any industry, the food industry has always been driven by profit, rather than by fostering health through nutrition. So, profitable foods were those which lasted the longest time on the shelf. Which meant the evolution of scientific processes by which enzymes could be removed from natural foods. Refining, milling, chemically preserving, pasteurization, hydrogenation, and later on – gassing and irradiating the produce to keep it from ripening… Soon shelf life would no longer be measured out in weeks, but in years. After this new processed diet had become the standard for a generation, suddenly in the 1940s people start dying of heart complications. Year by year the percentages increase, and new terms come into the general vocabulary: arrhythmia, heart murmurs, congestive heart disease, pulmonary edema, shunts, pacemaker, EKG, atherosclerosis, angiogram, and of course, bypass. Gradually people accept these de-evolutionary terms as part of the normal human condition rather than what they really are – marketing tools. And watersheds of declining health. Since the 1970s the number of heart medications has skyrocketed, as has the percentage of the population who take them as a matter of course, accepting them as a natural part of life in America. Nearly a third of the


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population today are either taking heart drugs or else are being actively recommended for them. Let’s take a quick look at this class of medications:

HEART DRUGS There are five main types of heart medication: calcium channel blockers beta adrenergic blockers ACE inhibitors diuretics cholesterol drugs (Merck) The first three slow down heart activity, either by inhibiting heart muscle, or blocking nerves to the heart, or by constricting blood to the heart. Why is drugging the heart a bad idea? When blood pressure elevates, either due to plaque in the arteries or because of the demand for increased blood flow to the muscles to do some work, the heart has to work twice as hard to push all that blood through the system. But instead of trying to do something to ease the burden on the heart, to unblock the flow, what do our doctors do? They drug the heart so that their blood pressure gauges will read normal, and prevent the heart from delivering the oxygen demands of the body, demands which have not changed. But now with the heart shackled by the added pharmacological deadweight, those oxygen demands don’t get met. Short-term effect: decreased circulation, oxygen deficit, fatigue. Long term effect: heart muscle degeneration, enlargement, degeneration of any organ or tissue which is not


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getting the blood it keeps calling for, lung congestion, premature aging, and early death. Heart muscle is different from skeletal muscle. When you work out and your biceps get bigger, it’s getting stronger. The biceps is skeletal muscle. Heart muscle is different. When heart muscle enlarges, it’s getting weaker – overstretched and thinner and flimsier. (Guyton, p 282) That’s why an enlarged heart is a problem – a pathology. Why does the heart enlarge? Increased resistance from blocked arteries makes it harder to push all the blood through the system. Unlike skeletal muscle, heart muscle can never rest, so in the congestive patient the cardiac muscle becomes larger, flimsier, less substantial as time goes by.

STANDARD PRESCRIPTION COCKTAILS When a patient first goes to the doctor and is labeled with hypertension, the standard cocktails of drugs the new patient is given are called practice guidelines. In 2002 there was an article in the Journal of the AMA which stated that 87% of the authors who set these practice guidelines for physicians were themselves financially linked to the drug they’re recommending. [2] Let’s briefly look at each type of drug in an average heart case.

CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS This class works by keeping calcium from the heart muscle, thus inhibiting muscle contraction. Examples include: Cardene DynaCirc Cradizem Procardia


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Norvasc and many others. Studies of long term use of this class of drug prove that calcium channel blockers enlarge the heart, as described above. What is less commonly known is that they also shrink the brain in most cases within 5 years. [3, 4] A European study in 2000 [5] showed that calcium channel blockers caused loss of intellect 26% increase in heart attack no lowering of blood pressure Other medical sources show how calcium channel blockers significantly increase one’s chances for both cancer and diabetes. [3,6 – New England Journal of Med]

BETA BLOCKERS/ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITORS These 2 classes of heart drugs handicap the heart by blocking nerves that control heart muscle. Same problem as above: the blood output of the heart is artificially reduced, causing less oxygen to reach the body’s cells and tissues. The result will be normal blood pressure cuff readings, but that may have very little to do with actual one’s health. The body still needs all that blood it needed before taking the drugs, only now the need is being disguised. The problem is being covered up, in the classic allopathic style. The body is now being forced to go through life with less oxygen than it needs, and organs slowly start wearing out. Premature aging. Some standard beta blockers: Atenolol Propranolol Practolol


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Carvedilol Some ACE inhibitors: Accupril Altace Captopril Lotensin In addition to the long term destructive side effects of early death from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes by using these drugs, here is a partial list of more immediate side effects, according to the manufacturers: Headache Dizziness Slowed heart Edema Abnormal EKG Angina Irregular heartbeat Low blood pressure Fast heart Fainting Amnesia Depression Hallucinations Insomnia Personality change Tremors Ringing in the ears Anorexia Constipation Vomiting Weight gain Photosensitivity Nosebleed Muscle cramps Joint pain Sexual difficulties Anemia


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Birth defects Kidney failure Decreased white cells source: Physician’s Desk Reference [7] A study in Annals of Allergy showed a 2000% increase in death by anaphylaxis by using ACE inhibitors. [8]

DIURETICS – THE WATER PILL The 1980s saw the enormous popularity of diuretics. The astounding reasoning behind these drugs posits that since the heart has to work so hard to pump the blood through the system, let’s reduce blood volume by dehydrating the body. They talk about “clearing water” from the body, fantasizing that excess water in the blood is responsible for high blood pressure. Diuretic names are very familiar: Lasix HCT Aldactone Lozol Diuril and many more.

WHY DIURETICS CAN’T POSSIBLY WORK It is a masterpiece of hoodwinking that the average patient buys the shaky rap used to sell these dangerous drugs, about “thinning the blood” – that the blood needs less water in order to normalize blood pressure. First of all, as we saw in the Water chapter, most Americans are dehydrated to start with. The body is 70% water and the brain 90%. So the idea that the blood has excess water is preposterous per se.


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Worse, as water is artificially pumped out of the body by diuretics, what does that do to blood viscosity? Make the blood thicker or thinner? Pop quiz. The correct answer to that question has been known by true physiologists since the 1930s. Harvard’s Walter B Cannon MD, one of the foremost physiologists of his day, patiently and meticulously documents the simple facts: the percentage of water in the blood is virtually unchanged, whether the body is dehydrated or given more water than it needs. Only in the most pathologically dehydrated individual does water content drop even slightly. ([21] – The Wisdom of the Body) Survival depends on human blood remaining constant within a very narrow range of both pH and viscosity (water content). What this means for the patient taking diuretics is that the water being artificially pumped out is having no effect on blood thickness whatsoever. Why does no one ever ask these absurdly simple questions? Why do they just mutely take their pills? In addition to promoting dehydration and even higher blood pressure, here are some of the other side effects of diuretics: fatigue depression irritability urinary incontinence loss of sexual drive breast swelling in men allergic reactions gout Mg and K deficiency raise cholesterol level arrhythmias early heart attack [3,4,7]


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THE MYTH OF CHOLESTEROL DRUGS Duane Graveline MD is an astronaut and flight surgeon. Years ago he began taking Lipitor to lower his cholesterol. He then woke up one morning to find that he had lost all memory of the past 20 years of his life. When he recovered from this global amnesia, Graveline set about to find out what had really happened to him. His research led him to write the amazing book titled Statin Drugs [4]. Realizing that the only thing that had changed in his life to bring on the amnesia was Lipitor, Graveline conducted extensive research into the history and pharmacology of all the cholesterol or statin drugs. Statin drugs came on the scene in the late 1980s along with the sudden claim by the medical community that the cause of high blood pressure was high cholesterol, mostly from animal foods like red meat, eggs, and dairy. With relentless, sledgehammer type media repetition of the same disinformation over and over again, in a very short time there were few people, both lay and professional, who did not accept as self evident the following myths: High cholesterol causes high blood pressure High blood cholesterol causes atherosclerosis Cholesterol from animal products causes heart disease High blood cholesterol needs to be controlled by medication Heart drugs can cure the heart From the most authoritative scientific sources, Graveline derives the facts that not only refute this list of notions but also demonstrate statin drugs as an undeniable cause of Heart disease Cancer Alzheimers Aging Impotence


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Graveline reminds us how before the 1980s, before the cholesterol myths were introduced, the earlier hype was the “eat fiber, no saturated fats” mantra. This type of indoctrination defied the historical evidence of cultures who relied heavily on animal products in the diet and yet had no incidence of heart disease. Indeed, Weston A Price proved this fact long ago in his master work Nutrition and Physical Degeneration wherein he describes the lifestyles of the healthiest people on earth. [9]

THE NEW STATIN DRUGS As Graveline records, all of a sudden and out of nowhere in the late 1980s came the cholesterol drugs, with the media in full battle attack, shrieking about how these drugs were America’s only hope of survival from the heart disease epidemic, etc… We know the names: Lipitor Mevacor Zocor Crestor Baycol The biggest was Lipitor. By 2002 it had become the highest selling drug in history. [10] Lipitor was the first drug in history to break the $10 billion per year mark, and by 2005 had passed $12 billion. [11] By 2009 Lipitor was bringing in more than $15 billion per year. Over 40 million patients are on Lipitor, with another 20 million on other statin drugs. (Graveline, p 99)

HOW CHOLESTEROL DRUGS WORK Statin drugs work by disabling a liver enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase. This enzyme is necessary in the pathway by which the body makes cholesterol. [12]


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So there is no doubt that statin drugs will attempt to block the body from producing all cholesterol. But is that a really a good idea?

WHAT IS CHOLESTEROL? Cholesterol is one of the most important compounds made by the body. It is vital for survival. Just for starters, cholesterol makes up: all cell membranes cartilage myelin synapses bile acids, necessary for absorbing vitamins A,D,E, and K the steroid base for all the body’s hormones Without cholesterol you would have no hormones, including testosterone estrogen aldosterone cortisol calcitrol No hormones – no survival. So even at first glance we must wonder what the original thinking was behind creating drugs that would have this kind of an effect in the body… beyond the $15 billion, of course.

Co-enzyme Q10 Statin drugs also inhibit production of a vital metabolic enzyme called Coenzyme Q-10, with output falling by 50% in just 30 days. [13] All the body’s cells must have CoQ-10 in order to produce ATP for cell energy, and also to make collagen for structural integrity. Doesn’t that sound like a rather critical side effect for a drug with only doubtful value to begin with?


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Here are a few of the consequences of having low Co Q-10 rhabdomyolysis hepatitis myopathy neuropathy cardiomyopathy vertigo congestive heart failure – Graveline p 35 All this in exchange for the drugs’ dubious value as a cholesterol controller?? The first of these effects is serious enough all by itself. Rhabdomyolysis is a potentially fatal disease in which muscle tissue virtually liquefies because cell walls have disintegrated from lack of CoQ-10. The resulting debris clogs up the kidneys. It affects heart muscle as well, causing weakened cardiac output.

THE CHOLESTEROL MYTHS Even more credible than the work of Graveline was the work of a Danish physician named Uffe Ravnskov, MD. [14] With painstaking, irrefutable care and precision, Ravnskov analyzed every single study since 1987 that has been held up by organized medicine as proof of the cholesterol/diet/heart myth that is so slavishly accepted today. In his master work The Cholesterol Myths Dr Ravnskov meticulously shows how the actual conclusions of the major clinical studies themselves were just the opposite of the results that have been falsely claimed by the marketing arm of organized medicine all these years. Among those studies were MRFIT study New York University study Paterson study Framingham Mass. study


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Mayo Clinic study UCLA study Dr Ravnskov demystifies the conventional wisdom that has tricked Americans for the past 20 years into believing that high cholesterol from animal products was the main cause of heart disease, that high cholesterol could be controlled by drugs, and that these drugs would extend life. Ravnskov is relentless in demanding the scientific basis of the hypertension issue. After explaining what the pertinent research actually found, he uncovers what the real experts on heart disease say. A few examples: “There is no correspondence between coronary mortality and fat consumption.” – Michael Gurr PhD Molecular Sciences, Oxford “The high fat diet/heart idea is the greatest scientific deception of our time.” – George Mann PhD, Vanderbilt “If you believe that you can ward off death by altering the amount of cholesterol in your blood, whether by diet or drugs… you have been taken in by commercial interest groups who are more interested in your money than in your life.” – Edward Pinckney, PhD editor of JAMA ( [14] p 262) “The public is so brainwashed that many people believe that the lower cholesterol the longer you will live. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The cholesterol cartel … has infiltrated government regulatory agencies that would normally protect us from such unsubstantiated dogma.” – Paul Rosch, MD Prof. of Medicine New York College “The current campaign to convince every American to change his diet and to initiate drug therapy for life is based on fabrication … the fraud is blatant…and defies logic.” – Russell Smith PhD —Cholesterol: A Review of the Literature


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  THE BLOOD THINNER MYTH Coumadin. Xarelta. Ever notice they don’;t work very well?

4. WARFARIN SLAVES Warfarin – Coumadin – Xarelta. Same thing. Reports I get from doing consultations have put me in a position to have direct awareness of how desperate medicine has become to invent new ways to force people into unending programs of prescription drugs. I really didn’t want to know all this.. Had a recent interview with a patient who was told in April she had vertebral artery thrombosis, possible aneurysm. Follow up CT in July reports thrombosis, no aneurysm, no dissection. They also told the patient she has a vertebral artery dissection, which she didn’t. The thrombosis, described in both studies, was of “indeterminate age.” Meaning she could have been born with it, or at least have had it for a long time. Treatment: PT, and lifetime Warfarin (Coumadin). Physical Therapy, or Shake and Bake as it is colloquially known, would have no certain positive effect on thrombosis, with just as great a chance of breaking a stable thrombosis up and turning it into an embolism. The patient tells a darkly funny story about her report of findings. This older woman in a white coat, acting very doctorly, with all the condescension that entails, comes into the patient’s room and asks her in a fake Euro accent if she has “seen the film” about Coumadin. She’s talking about this very intimidating, frightening NLP-type video they make everybody watch, any patient with any real or imagined circulation problem.


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This doctor, who looks like an Asian Morticia Adams, apparently is The Closer for Coumadin in that hospital. Her job is to go around and make sure of patient compliance, which is a standard obstacle with prescribing Coumadin. Patient resistance is common, hence the video. Their plan is that everyone, no matter what the diagnosis, understands that they will be on Coumadin for life. No getting better, no improved health, you now live in the shadow of the threat of What Might Happen, this rule by fear that ensures a lifetime marketing plan for Coumadin. These guys are the past masters at marketing – they’re locking in the life-ordeath necessity for a permanent prescription before they even get the diagnosis! Turns out, it’s the worst false advertising. My new PDR just came in. Now of course any sane human should read the entire section on any drug they plan on taking. But with Warfarin, we should all read the entire entry- p. 2666. Once you do that, you will have about 10x more knowledge of what Coumadin really does than your doctor, count on it. This is one of the most dangerous and debilitating drugs ever invented. All most doctors know is the cliche they learned back in medical school: Coumadin is a “blood thinner” that is required in any case of heart or circulatory disease, to keep the blood thin enough to pass through the clogged arteries, especially the capillaries. This simplistic metaphor is the extent of their knowledge 99% of the time, believe me. Try questioning them. They know nothing further. In reality, that’s not what Coumadin really does at all. Same with Warfarin and Xarelta. They’re not a blood thinner – they’re anticoagulants, which is something entirely different. An anticoagulant interferes with certain steps in the vitamin K/fibrinogen clotting cascade. The drug maintains a completely unnatural condition in the


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blood at all times. The drug’s very dangerous effect is that it prevents clotting, as if anyone would ever have occasion to want that. Warfarin creates a chronic susceptibility to excess bleeding, in the event you cut yourself, or some internal bleeding is happening. Clotting is a necessary survival mechanism. Why would people want to take a drug that makes them virtual hemophiliacs? Under the 1000x microscope, we looked at the live blood of this Coumadin patient on the monitor and saw anything but thin blood. We saw the typical rouleaux and red cell aggregation associated with the standard processed American diet. These glued-together cells definitely have a deleterious effect on normal circulation, but they are completely unaffected by Coumadin. That’s not the worst of it. Wait till you see the PDR‘s pages of side effects and tissue destruction that are common with coumadin – weakening of arteries, hemorrhage, liver diseases, respiratory disease, skin necrosis, organ deterioration, GI symptoms, tissue death, emboli, etc. See if any of the symptoms you live with are listed as effects of this drug. Stop believing these unlettered Svengalis. You can read it by yourself. Just do it– the Physicians Desk Reference is in every community library. Forget the online version – it’s for the terminally unlettered. Read the book itself – it’s not that difficult, and very complete. If you don’t protect yourself, you deserve the fate they have reserved for you. Natural selection – survival of the informed. Seems like at least one of you should read it, because it’s a virtual certainty your doctor has not. There is a true blood thinner, however – something that really keeps rouleaux and aggregation of erythrocytes from forming throughout the day. It’s not a drug at all. It is a completely natural supplement with no side effects


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whatsoever. It is an enzyme formula called Digestazyme, which actually accomplishes what these pharmaceutical “blood thinnners” claim to. Read the chapter.. THE MASAI AND THE ESKIMOS There are two civilizations that always get left out of the any mainstream “study” of heart disease and cholesterol: the Masai and the Eskimos. ([14], p 32) The Masai are sheepherders who live in the highlands of Kenya. For centuries their diet has consisted almost exclusively of blood, meat, and milk. A diet higher in cholesterol could scarcely be imagined, unless of course we consider the diet of another isolated group: Eskimos. The Eskimos subsist on diets of meat, fish, and blubber. When no meat or fish is available they can live for months on blubber alone – almost 100% cholesterol. So if the diet/heart/cholesterol myth of organized medicine were true, these two groups should be dying of hypertension and heart attack in high numbers. Instead, the exact opposite is true – heart disease is unknown in both these societies. The Masai have consistently set records in distance events in the Olympics and all world class athletic events. And yet none of the top clinical studies cited above by Ravnskov has ever even mentioned either of these two patently obvious examples of the benefits of high natural cholesterols in the diet. A premier example of selective data gathering in the statistical carnival of the junk science that underlies the cholesterol/heart disease/drug mythology of today…

DR KILMER MCCULLY AND HOMOCYSTEINE So if high blood cholesterol doesn’t cause hypertension, then what is the real


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cause? The pioneer in discovering the true cause of heart disease was certainly Kilmer McCully MD. Ignored for years because his research did not support the heart drug empire, McCully is now finally getting the recognition he deserves – at least from the informed. In his master work The Heart Revolution, McCully clearly and brilliantly describes the pathophysiology that results from chronically high level of homocysteine in the blood. [15] Homocysteine is an amino acid that results from the breakdown of protein by the body, specifically of methionine, which is an amino acid found in most plant and animal protein. Homocysteine itself is normally not harmful to humans because it is broken down when normal levels of B vitamins and good fats are present. The problem is that most Americans have become vastly deficient in both these nutrients. As a consequence, homocysteine is not metabolized, and begins to accumulate. Its constant presence in the blood triggers a chronic inflammatory process within the arteries. The arterial linings eventually thicken and are then able to attract debris that is going by in the bloodstream, which becomes incorporated into a matrix known as arterial plaque. Plaque builds up, arteries narrow, we now have atherosclerosis, and the rest of the story is well known – blocked arteries, hypertension, etc.

OXIDIZED CHOLESTEROL McCully was the first to tell us about the Emperor’s lack of attire, with respect to the cholesterol mythology, but no one believed him for more than a decade. Turns out that cholesterol actually does play a role in plaque formation, but not in the way that is popularly advertised. Here’s what McCully proved:


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After the inflammatory process is established in the artery lining, a certain type of cholesterol is likely to become incorporated into plaque by gluing itself to the damaged endothelial cells. But it is only oxidized cholesterol that has this plaque-forming propensity. Oxidized cholesterol is that found in processed foods, especially as a component on hydrogenated oils, margarine, deep fried foods, fast foods, chips, fries, and the like. (see The Magic Bean [16]) Oxidized cholesterol is man-made. Contrary to conventional wisdom and the medical/heart bandwagon, cholesterol from animal foods and unprocessed plant sources contains sufficient enzymes for its own breakdown, and is therefore not a candidate for aiding plaque formation. It’s so simple when you look at the larger picture. And this information is not even new; McCully began proving it in the late 1970s.

DEATH BY BYPASS Angioplasty? Bypass? Do you think these are going to save you? Guess what the re-occlusion rate for angioplasty is after two years? Re-occlusion means the arteries close up again. “The value of angioplasty in occluded coronary arteries is limited by a reocclusion rate of 50-70%.” – Cardiology Department, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS, UK [17] How could it be otherwise? If the arteries to the heart are packed full of plaque, do you think the rest of the arteries throughout the body would be clear? Of course not. So as soon as balloon angioplasty pushes some of the plaque in the coronary arteries aside and cleans them out a little, what starts happening the following day? Exactly – re-occlusion. Plaque from the rest of the arterial system just begins to fill in the space – nature abhors a vacuum.


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In a 1997 study, two groups of heart attack patients were followed for one year. The first group had either angioplasty or bypass. The second group had nothing. Guess what the difference in mortality was? Zero. After one year both groups were exactly the same! ( [18] New England Journal of Medicine) That means that neither bypass nor angioplasty extends people’s lifespan whatsoever – statistically you’ll live just as long without either, by doing nothing. That’s not long enough for a study? In a 22 year follow-up study of 682 heart patients, it was found that the bypass surgery had no effect on the survival rate or the day to day pain. ( [19] Am J Cardiology) We could go on and on citing similar studies, but the conclusion is inescapable. After several years, every heart surgeon must eventually confront reality: bypass surgery doesn’t save lives. After surviving a fair chance of dying on the table, most patients come back for more later on. Most bypass surgeries these days are done before the patient is in acute distress. Often the patient is intimidated into surgery with mild chest pain as the only symptom, perhaps even with normal blood pressure. The diagnosis is made quickly before the prey gets better and flies away. We’re talking sales and marketing here, and the surgeons are very good at closing the sale. Fear and panic are very persuasive motivators. What about the actual risk of death from the bypass operation itself. In a bizarre advertisement in the 23 Nov 98 issue of Newsweek, they ran a comparison of bypass surgery death rates on the operating table among the leading hospitals in the country. Here are the survival odds they advertise for bypass surgery Texas Heart Center 87% Johns Hopkins 90.2% Mayo Clinic 93.3% A 13% chance of dying from a surgery that isn’t even going to prolong survival? That is marketing.


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Very successful marketing: 500,000 coronary bypasses surgeries and 1 million angioplasties per year. [20]

LIFETIME PROGRAM Remember when you were first diagnosed with high blood pressure and were first put on medications to “control your blood pressure”? Remember that? OK now, when was the next time your doctor took your blood pressure? Two months later? Six months? Three years? Never? The point is, if you’re taking these powerful medications to ‘control’ blood pressure, how will you or your doctor know if they’re working or not unless you monitor your blood pressure every few days? Heart medications are like most medications – fine for short-term, lifethreatening situations. But long term, as with any drug, legal or illegal, eventually your body will pay the price. Looking again in the Physicians’ Desk Reference [6], we find that even the manufacturers of most heart medications don’t recommend them for indefinite, open-ended use. That book is in any library. Look up your medication and see the recommended duration of prescription. So people say – look at my BP – 130/84. And I’ve been on medication for 4 years. I need it to keep my blood pressure down. Well how do you know that you still need the drug to do that? Perhaps the heart has accommodated after all this time, or else maybe you have learned to do less and to make less energy demands on the system. Is this health? Are you getting stronger or weaker, year by year? And what about the very certain side effects of those drugs? Others will say, yes I’ve been on medication for several years and my blood pressure is 160/105. Guess what? It’s not that your medication is ineffective – it is definitely having a physiological impact. It’s just that the effect is not the one your doctor predicted. Patients like this are at double the risk – high blood pressure plus drug toxicity and side effects.


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Or they say – yeah I know it’s high, but if I stop with the medication, it’ll go through the roof. Long term or short term? How do you know? What if you were on vacation and your cruise ship marooned you on a desert island somewhere, without your drugs. Would you die? What would happen? The point is, have you ever heard of a doctor taking somebody off heart medication because the drugs had finally cured the heart problem?

A SANER APPROACH TO NORMAL HEART HEALTH What’s the alternative to this one-way downward spiral? It’s clear that a lifestyle of drugs and bad diet isn’t working too well and probably won’t last too long. Do people on heart medications look healthy? Do they have an active life? Are they getting stronger or weaker, year by year? Look at all the people you used to know in this category who are no longer around. The natural alternative to dead end medicine is simply this: a combination of lifestyle change and detox. That’s what this website is all about: lifestyle change and detox. The New West Diet, the 60 Day Detox Program, and The Last Resort. A universal principle for any life form is that either it’s improving or it’s dying. Day by day the inner systems are either becoming stronger and more refined, or else they’re degenerating and breaking down. Not both. Unless they’re in a serious accident, most people don’t die all at once, but by stages, day by day, very often with no pain or symptoms. Just like heart attacks. Do these people get a warning? In 40% of heart attacks, their very first symptom was death. These days everybody is on the healthy heart bandwagon. But it’s mostly frantic, misguided marketing. No fat, low fat, fat free, heart health, low cholesterol, no cholesterol, no trans fats – these labels are found on some very heart-unfriendly foods. How can we make any sense of all this?


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Again, The New West Diet, the 60 Day Detox Program, and The Last Resort.

ENZYMES The program must begin with an understanding of the prime importance of enzymes. The surprise here is: it doesn’t matter what you eat; it only matters what you digest. That is why charts of calories and fat/protein/carbo ratios are meaningless. If the food isn’t being digested, what does it matter what percentage protein you eat, or for what blood type or body type or in what Zone, or what beach? So we begin with a focus on the subject of enzymes. For the whole story, see the chapter on enzymes at Enzymes break down foods into their simplest components, the only usable forms. The body has its own enzymes for digestion – amylase, pepsin, lipase, chymotrypsin, ([23] Guyton), to name a few. Because of food processing, most foods we eat contain no enzymes. The best foods humans can eat are those which contain within them the enzymes necessary for that food’s complete breakdown and assimilation by the body. ([22] Howell) Examples: raw fruits and vegetables. The more raw fruits and raw vegetables in the diet, the more digested the food becomes, resulting in a greater nutritive value by the time the blood nourishes the individual cells in all organs and tissues. What happens to what doesn’t get broken down, what doesn’t get digested within the digestive tract every day? Right. It stays there. Goes in but never comes out. Does the word putrefy mean anything to you? It’s another word for rot. The undigested food rots and clumps up and blocks the stomach and intestines. Year by year we simply fill up, like a balloon. The body dehydrates, toxifies, and degenerates.

DEBRIS IN THE BLOOD Undigested food then makes its way from the intestines to where it doesn’t belong – into the bloodstream. Leaky Gut Syndrome. (Colon chapter) This


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makes the blood cells clump together, like stacks of coins (rouleaux). Blood cells are supposed to circulate through the smallest vessels, single file. When they’re all stuck together, blood flow slows way down. Increased resistance for the Main Pump – the heart – harder to push all that blood through the system. Once in the bloodstream, the undigested food can no longer be digested, because digestion only happens in the digestive tract, not in the blood. The undigested sludge can then lodge anywhere – in the muscles, joints, or any organ. The weakest organ, the one that goes first, will malfunction. Then you go to your doctor and have all efforts focused on this one organ, whatever it may be, and they’ll even give you a name for your condition. And each condition has a certain protocol of tests, drugs, and surgery. Not any of which has anything to do with the original problem, which is still ongoing, especially if we factor hospital food into the equation. The original problem was simple: you weren’t digesting your food.

WEIGHT LOSS PLATEAU Some patients actually make a serious change in their day-to-day food intake. They make great progress and begin to feel much better. But often they get to a point where even though they are eating very reasonably, they just don’t seem to be able to lose any more weight, or get any better. They’ve hit the plateau, the brick wall, the glass ceiling. This is a different stratum of problem from simple food intake. Here we are dealing with fundamental issues: digestion, metabolism, fat storage, colon blockage. Why can’t a person of normal weight lose cellulite in the hips and legs no matter how good the diet becomes? Answer: digestion, enzyme metabolism, fat storage.



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Another aspect of the artery story has to do with free radicals. Remember, those are the unstable little molecules we get from drugs, alcohol, stress, processed food, smoking, radiation from TV and computers, trauma. A free radical is a molecule that is missing an electron and tries to steal an electron from a normal cell or molecule in the body, making that molecule able to do the same thing to another one, in a chain reaction, like musical chairs. This is how DNA gets altered, and how cells change – how cancer starts. In the arteries, free radicals are the guys who make the little cuts or nicks in the artery lining. Babies’ arteries are as smooth as looking down the inside of the barrel of a shiny new shotgun. If homocysteine levels are always high, eventually artery linings inflame and are further damaged by free radicals.

GENETICS Of all the people who died this year in the U.S. 1 out of 2 of them died from heart disease. Not very good odds, would you say? Most people aren’t born with a bad heart. The genetic theory is pretty shaky – it really doesn’t matter if your parents or grandparents died of heart attacks. Much more significant are the eating habits and cooking habits we inherit. These determine the health of the heart far more than genetics can.

CHELATION Some clinics are offering a medical alternative to bypass surgery. It is called chelation therapy. EDTA is an amino acid compound that is introduced into the blood for the purpose of dissolving the plaque out of the arteries. Practitioners claim high rates of success. Chelation therapy can be either intravenous or else given orally, with tablets. Originally developed for cleaning heavy metals out of the blood, the application with arterial plaque soon became obvious. Because chelation therapy cuts into the $50 billion heart surgery turf, insurance companies won’t


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cover it unless the diagnosis is to resolve heavy metal poisoning. Although EDTA may damage the kidneys, at least it actually does what it advertises, which is to remove plaque from all the arteries – an improvement over bypass surgery and angioplasty, which only rearrange the plaque temporarily.

NATURAL ALTERNATIVE TO HEART MEDICATION – If you’re on medication now, there is a natural way to lower blood pressure and get off drugs. Many people have done it. (See Feedback.) A few natural supplements and a simple program can do the trick: 1. Enzymes 2. Oral Chelation 3. New West Diet 4. The 60 Day Detox This program is elaborated in detail at

LIFETIME OF DRUGS Ask your doctor when he plans on taking you off drugs. Not in this lifetime? Dr. Kavanaugh, a Canadian cardiologist, instead of bypass and angioplasty, puts his patients on a specialized exercise program, initially very light, and gradually increasing in duration. One of his bypass patients actually went on to run in the Boston Marathon! But even easier than these programs are the simple enzymes and chelation supplements cited above. Ever notice the pattern of how the cause of every disease seems to be a deficiency of drugs? Very curious. One of the most famous heart surgeons in the US, Robert Willix, finally stopped recommending either drugs or surgery because of all the years of watching his own failures and realizing that


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angioplasty and bypass simply do not heal people. They just postpone the inevitable for a short time. Willix came to the same conclusion: no matter how far gone the patient is, there’s a far greater chance of lasting improvement simply by diet and exercise. In fact, that’s the only chance. But Americans don’t think like that. Responsible for my own health? I just trust my doctor. That way I don’t actually have to do anything, except take my pills. And I can continue my present self toxifying self destructive lifestyle. The death statistics however indicate otherwise – in 95 years, it’s gone from less than 1% all the way up to 50% of all deaths being caused by heart failure. Today over a million Americans die of heart disease every year. The doctor knows what’s best? Best for whom? The surgeons, hospitals and drug companies? The new idea is – work with the body, facilitate its own inner systems of regulation, minimize stress from food overload. Detox the blood, the milieu in which all cells are bathed. The holistic approach, in evidence since the days of Hippocrates. Drugs? If drugs worked, you’d already be better, and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. – copyright MMXX Dr Tim O’Shea   REFERENCES 1. CDC website Tables 1 and 7 Deaths and Mortality 2. Niteesh K. Relationships Between Authors of Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Pharmaceutical Industry JAMA 2002;287:612-617. 3. Rogers S MD The High Blood Pressure Hoax Sand Key 2006. 4. Graveline, D MD Statin Drugs 2006


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5. International Medical World Report 1 Sep 2000 Amsterdam 6. Gress, T MD Antihypertensive therapy as risk factor for diabetes New England Journal of Medicine 30 Mar 00 vol 342 p 905 7. Physicians Desk Reference 2007 Medical Economics 8. Kemp Potential hazards for patients Annals of Allergy vol 78 p 27 1997 9. Price, W DDS Nutrition and Physical Degeneration Keats 1939. 10. Simons ,J Pfizer: the $10 billion pill Fortune 6 Jan 03 11. Smith, A Lipitor: cause for concern? 19 Jan 06 12. Meske V Statins cause degeneration of existing neurons and Alzheimers European Journal of Neuroscience vol 17 2003 p93 13. Rundek T MD Atorvastatin decreases the Coenzyme Q-10 Level Archives of Neurology Jun 2004 vol 61 p 889 Columbia University 14. Ravnskov, U MD The Cholesterol Myths New Trends 2000. 15. McCully K MD The Heart Revolution Harper 1999. 16. O’Shea T The Magic Bean The Magic Bean – Soy 17. Hancock, J – Randomised trial of elective stenting after successful angioplasty of occluded coronary arteries Heart 79:18-23 January 1998. Cardiology Department, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS, UK 18. Tu JV, et al. Use of Cardiac Procedures and Outcomes in Elderly Patients With Myocardial Infarction.


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New England Journal of Medicine. 1997;336(May 22):1500-1505. 19. Peduzzi al. Twenty two-year follow-up in the VA study of coronary artery bypass surgery Am J Cardiol 1998 Jun 15;81(12):1393-1399. 20. O’Connell P A Coronary Conundrum Business Week 18 Jul 2005 21. Cannon W MD The wisdom of the body 1932. 22. Howell, Edward, MD Enzyme nutrition 1988. 23. Guyton, AC MD Textbook of Medical Physiology Saunders 1996. 24. Garland, Leo, MD Leaky Gut Syndrome: Breaking the Vicious Cycle 1995. 25. Jensen, Bernard Empty Harvest Avery 1990. 26. Statistical Abstracts of the U.S. 26. Pahor, M Calcium channel blockers and incidence of cancer in aged population. Lancet 349:525, 1996. 27. Lazarou J, et al. Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients JAMA 15 Apr 98, v279, p1200 28. Medical Economics Physicians Desk Reference 1998-2007 29. Willix, Robert, MD 3 Minutes a Day to a 120-Year Lifespan 1994. 30. Caracciolo, E et al. Comparison of surgical and medical group survival in patients with left main equivalent coronary artery disease. Circulation May 1, 1995 p2335 advertisement 23 Nov 98 Newsweek 31. MacDougall, John MD McDougall’s Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion 32. Merck Manual Sixteenth Edition


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Cure for cancer? Survival rate? To the cancer patient

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– Cure for cancer? Survival rate

– Dr Tim O’Shea ............. French translation [Disclaimer: As with all supplements and information on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to cure or treat any disease condition]


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Cure for cancer? Survival rate? To the cancer patient

. When singer Warren Zevon was diagnosed with lung cancer, doctors gave him three months to live. He refused chemotherapy because it would have interfered with working on his last album. He said in an interview, “I didn’t want any drastic alterations to my health – other than dying.” Warren lasted a year. And he kept right on smoking, till the end. Not exactly a holistic approach, but he quadrupled their estimate without treatment. Using their logic, I guess someone could actually make a case that cigarettes are four times better than chemotherapy for terminal lung cancer. Perhaps you too have finally said – No more – whatever happens will happen. You’ve refused further standard cancer treatment because you’ve found out either through research or through personal experience, that for the vast majority of cancer cases, it just doesn’t work. People’s last months are made miserable with no upside. So there you are, without a net. Guess what? There never was one. So forget the politics of hospitals and insurance. You may feel that they ran their game on you and the required funds were transferred from one account to another in some database somewhere, and here you are sitting at home looking out the window. A good warrior must always assess his present position, evaluate his losses and assets, and move forward. So what have you got? Well, you’re alive. Maybe they predicted that you wouldn’t make it this long or else you’ve got X amount of time to live. Who cares? What do they know? You’re no longer on their agenda, so now your calendar’s wide open. You refuse to die on schedule. What else have you got? Well, you still have some kind of immune system left, or else you’d be dead.


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Cure for cancer? Survival rate? To the cancer patient

THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Everybody talks about the immune system, but few can tell you what it is. Your immune system is a complicated system of cells and biological reactions which the body employs to ward off invaders and to prevent its own cells from deteriorating and mutating. The immune system is responsible for recognizing foreign proteins and cells and for triggering an attack against them. The immune system is a never-ending second-by-second check of all your cells to see if they still look like the rest of you. If they don’t, they’re immediately attacked: the inflammatory response. Plus there’s the endocrine system, hormones. etc. Our best science today admits that we still have only the most fragmented knowledge of this our most fundamental, most sophisticated and complicated survival mechanism. So that means when most people, especially MDs, use the word “immmune system” they don’t really know what they’re talking about. Want proof? Ask them to define it. Most legitimate researchers, including Nobel prize winner Sir MacFarlane Burnet, [22] know that in the normal body hundreds of potential cancer cells appear every day. These defective, mutated cells are usually destroyed by the normal immune system and never cause a problem. Cancer only gets started when a failing immune system begins to allow abnormal cells to slip by without triggering an attack on them. Other cancer cells do not trigger the immune response at all because the DNA is not that different from normal cells. Then they begin to proliferate, having lost the ability to specialize. De-differentiation. That’s what cancer is. Runaway tissue. So looking at it this way, a tumor is a symptom, not a problem. A symptom of a failing immune system. (Moss, [21]) Actually a normal adaptation to abnormal stress.


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Cure for cancer? Survival rate? To the cancer patient

Here’s another headline: Most cancers are not found until autopsy. That’s because they never caused any noticeable symptoms. Examples abound: 30 – 40 times as many cases of thyroid, pancreatic, and prostate cancer are found in autopsy than ever presented to the doctor. According to a study cited in top British medical journal Lancet 13 Feb 93, [10] early screening often leads to unnecessary treatment: 33% of autopsies show prostate cancer but only 1% die from it. After age 75, half of males may have prostate cancer, but only 2% die from it. This means that the immune system can hold many problems in check, as long as it is not compromised by powerful procedures. The body has a powerful ability to encapsulate altered tissue areas, indefinitely. BIOPSY VS. ENCAPSULATION If the new cancer persists past the immune system, the body has a second line of defense that kicks in: encapsulation. This natural mechanism of protective encapsulation is vehemently disregarded by conventional medicine when cancer is suspected. First there’s usually a lump. We have to biopsy it, they cry, to see whether or not it’s cancerous. And immediately! Why? First of all, by the time any lump is big enough to be detected, it has been there for at least a year, maybe several. So what’s the rush? Why not see how your body handles it, unmodified by human experimentation? If it remains unchanged over time, chances are the encapsulation can eventually be resorbed and disappear, or at least permanently walled off. The act of biopsy physically violates the body’s evolutionary powers of selfprotection by exposing the tumor to all the other tissues the needle had to pass through, both on the way in and on the way out. Any protective encapsulation is thereby breached and contaminated. This may invite


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metastasis: cancer spreading to adjacent tissue, which may not have happened in the undisturbed tumor. Biopsy can expose the sterile inner milieu to extraneous oxygen, as well as to the rest of the outside environment, through the puncture. It is well documented that tumors can be encapsulated for an individual’s entire life, never becoming active. Many are resorbed and simply dissolve, as often with breast tumors. These common sense empirical notions are simply not entertained, not deemed worthy of consideration by the specialists who are anxious to let the billing cycles begin. Hurry up – we must “do something now.” The medical philosophy behind biopsy is classic General Motors thinking: the body is a car, made up of unrelated, non-living, inert parts. What we do here will have no effect on anything else. If a lump is discovered, anywhere, your phone will ring off the hook day and night until you agree to get the biopsy. Part of the most advanced marketing system in history. The patient is not allowed to get too comfortable with the notion that the more time goes by without treatment, the better he feels. Or that the body actually has powerful resources of healing all its own. You want to hear some fancy doubletalking – bring this subject up with your oncologists. They’ll be very worried you even thought of it, and will go to extreme lengths to convince you that your body does not have this power of walling off invaders and tumors, despite what conventional science, reflected in all physiology texts, has maintained for the past 100 years. PRIME CONSIDERATION Should one delay biopsy until some visible, perceptible health change warrants an invasive and potentially lethal procedure? What’s the worst that could happen by doing that, especially if you’ve already decided against chemo and radiation no matter what the results of the biopsy? Few people


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die of cancer; most die of cancer treatment. That’s the far greater danger, statistically. Always remember, if you suddenly find yourself labelled as a “cancer patient;” is the result of every single decision by your doctors going to saddle you with the highest number of billable drugs and procedures in the shortest amount of time? Always ask that question first. Is that a coincidence? Just try looking at it from a purely mercenary perspective and see if you can put the pieces together. Your health, comfort, safety, overall long-term well being, healing strategy? Not usually factored in. If you have cancer, guess which system is the most important to you at this time, more than it’s ever been before in your whole life. Right – your immune system. Guess which system suffers the most from chemotherapy and radiation. Right again. So the one time in your life you need it the most, your immune system will be weakened by those therapies. Billions of free radicals, destroying your cells. That’s what the word cytotoxic means. Want to see a deer in the headlights? Ask your oncologist what the immune system is. Get ready for some mumbling and stumbling. A study in Journal of the American Medical Association of 223 patients concluded that no treatment at all for prostate cancer actually was better than any standard chemotherapy, radiation or surgical procedure. (Johansson [40]) Unlikely the statistics would be any different today since the recommended procedures have not substantially changed. DYING ON SCHEDULE An astounding feature of the standard high pressure sales job for cancer treatment occurs when the doctor, in godlike fashion delivers that Wagnerian pronouncement: ‘Sorry to tell you this but you have less than a year… ‘ Hard to understand why most people would still want to follow any advice from someone who has just told them that. Because what the doctor is saying here is that “according to our best estimates, using our best available


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technology, drugs and procedures, if you do everything we tell you you’ll be dead in a year …” Especially when the doctor adds that the patient will spend their last months in abject pain, misery, starvation, brainfog, wasting, and deformation. What a sales job. And most people still buy it! Defies belief that they just roll over and comply without any objections whatsoever. The standard sheeplike compliance usually ends up as a self-fulfilling prophecy – they die on schedule. Social Darwinism at work again. What a more logical, thoughtful individual might perceive from such a death sentence is that hey, this guy is telling me what will happen to me if I stick around and do what he says. Time to roll. Time for me to start looking around for a little sunnier second opinion and see if I can’t find some other solutions to my situation that don’t involve casket selection and a dude lurking in the shadows carrying a scythe over one shoulder … Like a cure for example. Or survival. Somebody somewhere must have some better information than this guy for my little problem – it’s a big world out there. And this is the type of initiative that leads people to investigate natural cures, programs that don’t include words like terminal and palliative and acceptance and side effects and affairs-in-order and cell death. But rather, programs that have no side effects at all and do everything possible to boost the immune system. What do you think your oncologist is going to say if you tell him you’re considering “alternatives”? Stories about people who wasted valuable time with wacky programs and ended up dying anyway, etc. .. That’s just the fear motivator to lock in the billable procedure immediately. Great business model. The best. Try this one. Best advice for someone who just been told how long he has to live: ask the doctors to put it in writing. Just ask them. They’ll never do it.


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Cure for cancer? Survival rate? To the cancer patient

Try and think about why not. WHAT CAUSES CANCER IN THE FIRST PLACE? Here’s where the dog and pony show comes in. The traditional cover story is that we don’t know what causes cancer so therefore we have to keep spending $300 billion per year to look for the cause. In reality the opposite is true. The true causes of cancer are well known, well documented and have been for decades. What alters normal DNA? How do normal cells become persistent mutant cells, which grow tumors? There are thousands of everyday DNA-altering, carcinogenic events, well researched. Let’s list just a few: 150,000 unregulated chemicals in our air, food, and water vaccines processed foods Genetically Modified foods prescription drugs radiation over-the-counter medications tobacco air pollution pesticides on produce herbicides on produce chlorine and fluoride If fruits and vegetables are not marked organic, they are sprayed. What do you think happens with all those tons of military-grade commercial pesticides sprayed onto the crops, poisons which cling to the plant? When it rains, the poison washes down into the soil, is taken up by the rootlets and becomes part of the plant. And they tell you just wash the fruit before you eat it and it’ll be fine? Come on! And this is what we feed our kids, and all this is legal. These poisons alter human DNA. [Smith, 55]


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Cure for cancer? Survival rate? To the cancer patient

With vaccines, it’s deliberate cell invasion: attenuated or mutated antigens injected into the child’s blood. 72 vaccines before age 18 [Vaccination Is Not Immunization [4] ] Looking for a cure for cancer – who are we kidding? A cure for cancer that will enable us to continue defiling our blood with all the above carcinogenic substances, right? Cure for cancer? Step one: stop poisoning your blood with the causes! CANCER INCIDENCE In 1900, cancer was practically unheard of in this country. By 1950, there were about 150 cases of cancer per 100,000 population. In 1971, Nixon introduced his War on Cancer, opening the floodgates of massive research funding backed by the government. This situation escalated until by the 1980s, over $50 billion per year was being spent to “find the cure.” [10] A pittance, compared to the $300 billion today. We’re hit with endless media stories about progress in this war on cancer with new “breakthrough” drugs and miracle procedures being right around the corner… And of course the ever-present ‘new’ experimental drugs offered to almost every cancer patient. What a coincidence, right? It’s astounding how each new generation of cancer patients keeps falling for the same lame rap, year after year. A combination of fear and ignorance is what keeps this train rolling. What is the real story behind the story here? From the U.S. government’s own statistical abstracts we find the disconcerting truth. The simplest thing is to look at actual deaths from cancer. In epidemiology, deaths from disease are always measured in deaths per 100,000 population. So let’s start back in 1967:


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Mortality from Cancer in the U.S. year — deaths/ 100,000 1967— 157.2 1970— 162.9 1982— 187.3 1987— 198.2 1988— 198.4 1989— 201.0 1990— 203.2 1991— 204.1 1992— 204.1 2011 — 191.4 . source: Vital Statistics of the United States vol.II 1967-1992 [26] National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 61, No. 6, October 10,2012 All this is quite different from the independent analysis by the CA Journal for Cancer Clinicians, Jan 97, [16] that put the death rate at 220 per 100,000. Does that sound like progress? Yeah, progress for the disease. Then CDC claimed in 2007: an overall 178 per 100,000. [Smith, 55] Perhaps that’s because CDC figures are strictly controlled by their investors from the drug industry, now more than ever before. Sources outside the drug industry put the overall rate at 321 per 100,000 — [45] OECD Health Data 2010 Then by 2018 the NIH was claiming that the figure had dropped to 154,000 deaths per 100,000. [62] But don’t get too excited about the 2018 figure. [62] In the government numbers game, it’s anything but pure science. Remember CDC, NIH, and FDA, always promote the billion dollar cancer industry. They’re an integral


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part of its economics. They are controlled by the pharmaceutical monolith, at every level. The objective here is usually to obscure reality, not to reflect it. Why does nobody know this? Bet you never saw these charts before. Because they are forbidden in mainstream media. Like we saw in the COVID pageant, numbers can be twisted and made to do tricks. This chart is the raw data, not age adjusted or divided by race, or type of cancer. It will take you hours to find the simple data by internet searches, because the uncomfortable truth is deliberately obscured by overcomplicating it into dozens of useless categories. Standard Edward L Bernays misdirection – the junk science of epidemiology. Unfortunately the general population continues to have more deaths from cancer, not less. CANCER IN CHILDREN Before the 1960s, cancer in children was virtually unheard of. With the skyrocketing number of vaccines and drugs given to children, and the proliferation of snack foods and processed foods in the child diet, by the year 2000 we have the astounding figure of 89.5 deaths per 100,000 population, for all types of cancer combined, below age 19. ([46] CDC website 2010) Cancer is now the #1 cause of death in children, according to the CDC! [63] Try finding that figure quoted in monkey media…. NEW DIET – NEW DISEASE As we saw, a hundred years ago, cancer was virtually unknown in the U.S. At that time people relied more on whole foods – unrefined and generally in their original form. Suddenly, processed foods became a greater and greater proportion of the American diet right after the First World War, first in the canning industry,


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which later developed into the food processing industry. This was when pasteurization, chemical additives, bleaching, and other adulterating processes were introduced into mass food production. The idea was to make food last on the shelves as long as possible, thereby increasing overall profits. The way this was done was by removing the natural enzymes contained in the food, resulting in adulterated de-vitalized non-foods becoming the new standard. Enzymes are what determines a food’s value. [See Enzymes chapter] As more and more sophisticated methods of removing enzymes from food were discovered, shelf life increased, and food value decreased. What does all this have to do with cancer? We’re getting to that. CRITICAL VALUE OF ENZYMES When food that is difficult to digest is forced into the body, month after month, year after year, our own digestive system struggles valiantly to try to break down all these weird, manmade foods that have only this century appeared on the human scene. But eventually the system gets overtaxed, and wears out. The sludge accumulates in the digestive tract. Before long, we start absorbing the indigestible foods into the bloodstream, intact. Big problem. ROULEAUX FORMATION One of the first signs of the chronic absorption of processed foods into the blood is the clumping together of red blood cells. In normal blood, the red cells should be freely movable, and unattached, in order to carry oxygen to all the cells of the body. But the accumulation of undigested protein in the blood makes these red blood cells stick together, like stacks of coins, or like globs of motor oil. Once it gets like this, the blood tends to stay aggregated. Imagine the difficulty, for the blood to circulate. The smallest blood vessels through which


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the blood has to pass each time around are the capillaries. Unfortunately, the diameter of a capillary is only the same as one of the red blood cells – 7 microns. The red cells are supposed to circulate in single file through the capillaries. So what happens in a body whose red cells are all stuck together for a few years? Circulation is chronically blocked, all day every day. The tissues of the body become oxygen-deprived. Fatigue, disease, promotion of metaplasia. [64] OXYGEN Are we talking about cancer yet? We sure are. Nobel laureate Dr. Otto Warburg discovered in the 1920s [5] what all researchers now know: most cancers cannot exist well in an oxygen-rich environment. Why is it that people don’t die of cancer of the heart? Just doesn’t happen. Why not? Because that’s where the most highly oxygenated blood is, and cancer doesn’t like oxygen. The more anaerobic the environment, the more favorable to cancer growth. Even more conducive to cancer is a setting of fermentation. That means half-digested carbohydrates. Every bootlegger knows that as sugars ferment, they bubble. The bubbles are the oxygen leaving. Cancer doesn’t like oxygen too well, but it loves sugar. Starting to get the picture here? Fermentation means half-digested, oxygen-poor. This oxygen-deprived environment is perfect for cancer – it thrives in it. Fermentation creates an acidic environment and keeps oxygen away. Remember we talked about all that undigested food accumulating in the gut and in the bloodstream because of not enough enzymes? Well, a lot of that food was carbohydrate – you know, donuts, beer, candy, ice cream, Pepsi, bread, dairy, pastries, etc. Worse yet, the white cells, which are supposed to circulate as the immune system, become trapped in all this congestion. Their job? Right, to identify and attack foreign proteins.


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This is why taking enzymes 3x a day is absolutely fundamental in any holistic approach to cancer. ACID/ALKALINE Another factor is pH. Acid-forming processed foods, such as the above, make the blood more acidic. To sustain life, human blood pH must be in the range of 7.3 – 7.45 (Guyton [19] ). Outside that range, we’re dead. Remember, the lower the number, the more acidity. The more acid the blood is, the less oxygen it contains, and the faster a person ages and degenerates. See the chapter called The Three Attributes of Water. [65] There’s a major difference in oxygen even within the narrow range of “normal’ blood pH: blood that is pH 7.3 actually has 69.4% less oxygen than 7.45 blood, according to Whang’s classic book, Reverse Aging. [47] On a practical level, this means we should do everything to keep the pH on the high side of the range, as close as possible to 7.45, by eating as many alkaline foods as possible. That would be, you guessed it – live, raw foods, especially green foods. As well as drinking alkalyzed water, of course. See Hydration and Dehydration chapter. [48] It’s not about raising blood pH; it’s about conserving the metabolic energy of the body for more important tasks than the burden of this constant buffering it is forced to maintain, due to all the acidic processed foods. That’s the faintest sketch about enzyme deficiency and acid-forming foods as primary causes of creating a favorable environment in which cancer can grow. Please look at the cited chapters for the whole story. THE BUSINESS OF CANCER Industry. Politics. Big money. Health care. Buying and selling. You know – life. More people living off cancer than ever died from it.


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As we saw above, throughout the 1980s, working through Nixon’s illusory War on Cancer, we were spending less than $50 billion per year on cancer. By 2009 the total spent on cancer care, treatment and research exceeded $305 billion per year, according to the British Medical Journal, 28 August 2009, [49] At present, spending $300 billion per year, there are more than 569,000 cancer deaths per year in the U.S. [CDC: Leading causes of death] [50] – now second only to heart disease on the list of killer diseases. Yet all this money has not improved the overall chances of survival from cancer during the past 25 years even slightly. Many cancer patients will tell you they eventually feel that they’re just a mark, a number, an insurance account. The goal of every visit seems to be selling them on new drugs, new procedures, running up the bill, ignoring their overall health altogether. An industry this immense has one goal – self preservation. A cure for cancer would mean its demise. This is a pivotal fact one should learn at the beginning of any honest look at the cancer industry, which most sources will vehemently deny, by that cleverest of techniques – misdirection. The American Cancer Society, for example, collects hundreds of millions per year. Very little of this money ever finds its way to research. The majority of the money goes into investments and towards administration – lavish salaries and perqs for the Society’s officers and employees. A funny thing is that written into the charter of the American Cancer Society is the clause that states that if a cure for cancer is ever found, on that day, the Society will disband. (The Cancer Industry [5]) So is this an organization that is going to be motivated to find a cure for cancer? This is the underlying reality, but what do we hear on the surface, coming at us every day from the TV newsreaders, and scripted online health blurbs, or from the oncologists making their reassuring pronouncements on the outlook


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for our loved ones’ chances of survival? We’re “making progress.” “Early detection” is giving us a much better chance of “getting it all” by means of immediate surgery or by chemotherapy and radiation. Then after surgery they tell us we need to do chemo to put “the icing on the cake,” “just to make sure”… etc, and other slick closing phrases. Phrases which have not changed much in 25 years. Frightened to death, uninformed, and having nowhere to turn, people keep buying this same line year after year. Your grandparents bought it, maybe your parents bought it, and perhaps now your siblings are buying it. As a result, people keep dying on schedule. And the figures go up and up. But there’s a limit to everything. More and more of us have watched our family or our friends die wretched deaths, after all the ‘big guns’ were pompously wheeled out, with the hospitals happily billing the insurance until coverage runs out. And some of us are saying Wait a minute, this isn’t about money – this is about my life. And people are deciding to take their chances without standard slash-and-burn protocols, either by just staying home and doing nothing, or else by experimentation with alternative therapies, which have always been there all this time, just below the surface. But in order to have the confidence to make such a courageous stand, a little self-education is required. And here is the onion. CHEMOTHERAPY Considering chemotherapy? Consider this: “chemotherapy is basically ineffective in the vast of majority of cases in which it is given.” – Ralph Moss, PhD [5] “Cancer researchers, medical journals, and the popular media all have contributed to a situation in which many people with common malignancies are being treated with drugs not known to be effective.” – Dr. Martin Shapiro UCLA [20]


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“despite widespread use of chemotherapies, breast cancer mortality has not changed in the last 70 years” – David Greenberg, MD NEJM Mar 1975 [31] “Many medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness undiscouraged by almost invariable failure.” – Albert Braverman MD Lancet 1991 [32] “Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors.” – Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer [51] Let’s say you get cancer – in America it’s 1 in 3. Your doctor says you need chemo and sends you to an office in the hospital. You have no symptoms yet, no pain, and you feel fine. But you’re very frightened. You walk into the office and everyone else there is in obvious pain, with their hair falling out, etc, and most of them are dying. It’s like a scene from a horror movie. Your first instinct is to run: I’m not like them! I’m alive! What am I doing here? Then ask yourself this: in your entire life, how often have your true instincts been wrong? CHEMOTHERAPY: AN UNPROVEN PROCEDURE Unproven? How can that be true of the #1 cancer treatment in the U.S. for the past 50 years? The plain fact is, no legitimate scientific studies or clinical trials independent of the companies selling chemo drugs have ever demonstrated chemotherapy’s effectiveness, except in a small percentage of very rare types of cancer. For solid tumors of adults, the vast majority of cancer, or anything that has metastasized, chemotherapy simply doesn’t work. If one is going to even begin to look at the legitimate research regarding the failure of mainstream cancer therapies, the starting point is certainly the initial research done by Ralph Moss, and elaborated very clearly in his two books The Cancer Industry and Questioning Chemotherapy. [21]


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The fundamental objections to the philosophy behind chemotherapy are timeless. Cancer therapy has simply not advanced in the past 30 years enough to make Moss’ work anything but essential reading for learning about the ongoing problems with mainstream cancer treatment. Moss didn’t really continue his research at that level after that initial effort, but these two books remain as landmarks in the field. When he was researching his first book, Dr Moss uncovered the shocking research of a German epidemiologist from the Heidelberg/Mannheim Tumor Clinic, named Dr. Ulrich Abel. This Dr Abel did a comprehensive review and meta-analysis of every major study and clinical trial of chemotherapy ever done. Published in Lancet. [35] His conclusions should be read by anyone who is about to embark on the Chemo Express. To make sure he had reviewed everything ever published on chemotherapy, Abel sent letters to over 350 medical centers around the world asking them to send him anything they had published on the subject. Abel researched thousands of articles: it is unlikely that anyone in the world knows more about chemotherapy than he. The analysis took Abel two years, but the results are astounding: Abel found that the overall worldwide success rate of chemotherapy was “appalling” because there was simply no scientific evidence available anywhere that chemotherapy can “extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancers.” Abel emphasizes that chemotherapy rarely can improve the quality of life. He describes chemotherapy as “a scientific wasteland” and states that at least 80 percent of chemotherapy administered throughout the world is worthless, and is akin to the “emperor’s new clothes” – neither doctor nor patient is willing to give up on chemotherapy even though there is no scientific evidence that it works! – Lancet 10 Aug 91 [35] No mainstream media even mentioned this unique, comprehensive study: it was totally buried.


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Sounds like the COVID vaccine, right? Similar are the conclusions of most medical researchers who actually try to work their way past the smoke and mirrors to get to the real statistics. In evaluating a therapeutic regimen, the only thing that really matters is death rate – will a treatment significantly extend a patient’s life? Not life as a vegetable, but the natural healthy independent lifespan of a human being. Media stories and most articles in medical journals go to great lengths to hide the true numbers of people dying from cancer, by talking about other issues. In Questioning Chemotherapy, Moss talks about several of the ways they do it: [21] Response rate is a favorite. If a dying patient’s condition changes even for a week or a month, especially if the tumor shrinks temporarily, the patient is listed as having “responded to” chemotherapy. No joke! The fact that the tumor comes back stronger right after chemo is stopped, is not figured into the equation. The fact that the patient has to endure horrific side effects in order to temporarily shrink the tumor is not considered. That fact that the patient soon dies is not figured into the equation. The idea is to sell, sell, and sell. Sell chemotherapy. Also in the media we find the loud successes chemotherapy has had on certain rare types of cancer, like childhood leukemia, and Hodgkin’s lymphoma. But for the vast majority of cancer cases, chemo is a failure. Worse yet, a toxic one. Even with Hodgkins disease, one of chemo’s much-trumpeted triumphs, the cure is frequently a success, but the patient dies. He just doesn’t die of Hodgkins disease, that’s all. In the 1994 Journal of the National Cancer Institute, [38] they published a 47-year study of more than 10,000 patients with Hodgkins lymphoma, who were treated with chemotherapy. Even though there was success with the Hodgkins itself, these patients encountered an incidence of leukemia that was six times the normal rate. A Pyrrhic victory


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certainly. This is a very common type of reported success within the cancer industry – again, the life of the patient is not taken into account. Another thing is, in evaluating any treatment, there must be a risk/ benefit analysis – a carefully standardized protocol for measuring the actual risks vs. the proven, unvarnished positive outcomes from the procedure being studied. A very fundamental part of the scientific method. Due to gigantic economic pressures fearful of the results, such evaluation has been systematically put aside in the U.S. chemotherapy industry for the past 40 years. No risk-to-benefit studies have ever been done. Primarily because a favorable report would be impossible, considering the toxic nature of the drugs involved. THE BI-PHASIC EFFECT: WHY CHEMO DOESN’T WORK Every time we put a drug in your body, two things happen: 1. what the drug initially does to the body 2. how the body adapts to the drug Any example will do. Antibiotics? First, the drug kills bacteria in the body. Then the body responds with the strongest bacteria surviving, which come back in more powerful, mutated forms. Steroids? First, muscles are built because testosterone has been mimicked. Then the body responds by cutting production of natural testosterone, which eventually feminizes the athlete by shrinking the gonads. Heroin? First it blocks the pain receptors and sends happy hormones called endorphins through the body, giving an overall feeling of wonderfulness. The body responds, by getting so used to this euphoria that when the heroin is stopped, the reality of pain receptors going back to work again is unbearable. Obviously these are simplifications, but you get the idea.


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The Bi-Phasic Effect is well-explained by Dr Dean Black [39] and many other researchers who were trying to figure out why tumors seemed to come back with such a vengeance after chemotherapy. The well-known Rebound Phenomenon. Some original work was done by American Cancer Society researcher Robert Schimke in 1985, who discovered that the way cancer cells resist chemotherapy is to replicate even harder and faster. [36] Chemo drugs are lethal to all cells; so the cancer cells are stimulated to try and survive any way they can, which means faster growth. In the presence of any toxin, cells will resist it to stay alive. The more they resist, the stronger they get. Black sees cancer itself as just such an adaptation; a normal response to an abnormal poison. Chemotherapy simply provokes adaptation. (Black, p. 45) This is why we all know people who have had chemotherapy and experienced temporary remission. But when the tumor came back, it did so with a vengeance, and the patient was quickly overwhelmed. All too common. Schimke talks about the possible effects on a tumor that otherwise may have been self-limiting: “Might such treatments convert relatively benign tumors into more lethal forms?” – Robert Schimke p. 1915 [36] Think about this the next time you hear an oncologist talk about “mopping up” with powerful chemo drugs just to be sure we “got it all.” Or prescribing powerful chemotherapy for a “pre-cancerous” or even a benign situation. You don’t introduce cell-killers unless you absolutely have to. These drugs kill normal cells, by definition. Pre-cancerous is just the newest disingenuous marketing term. The Bi-Phasic Effect is also called the Rebound Phenomenon. The drugs attack the tumor cells, which then resist and rebound twice as strong, often mutating in the process. In the above study, Robert Schimke noted that with chemo combos the rebound effect may bring about a tumor cell proliferation rate which may be


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100 times faster than before. [36] CYTOTOXIC is the word that describes chemotherapeutic drugs. It means “cell-killing.” Chemo-therapy kills all the cells of the body, not just the cancer cells. The irony is that chemo will kill the patient before it kills the cancer. Which often happens. Therefore the only question that should be asked when deciding whether or not to begin chemo is this: will this drug prolong the patient’s natural lifespan? Not his drugged ICU horror-movie lifespan – his natural lifespan. The unadorned data say no. BREAST CANCER which today 1 in 8 American women may expect, is an obvious area of confusion and misinformation. A professor at Northwestern U School of Medicine, Dr. Edward Scanlon stated: “over a period of 100 years, breast cancer treatment has evolved from no treatment to radical treatment and back again with more conservative management, without having affected mortality.” Journal of the American Medical Association . [16] In their next mood swing, the medical consensus, whatever that means, reverted toward more radical mastectomy again. In an article from the New York Times, [30] a new Mayo Clinic study being published in the New England Journal of Medicine, backtracked to a former position. Bilateral radical mastectomy of healthy breasts supposedly “reduces the risk of getting breast cancer” by 90%! I am not making this up. Obviously, if a woman doesn’t have breasts, how can she get breast cancer? This type of insanity – a recommendation to remove healthy breasts with the idea to prevent a disease a woman doesn’t have – makes you wonder what’s


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next. Euthanasia? – that way the patient will have a zero percent chance of ever getting any disease again. What effects are these fickle, intellectualized medical opinions having on death rate? None. Actually it’s worse than ever. From the same hard data sources cited above, Vital Statistics, [25] we can look up the actual death rate for breast cancer: year — deaths/ 100,000 1958— 13.1 1970— 14.3 1979— 15.4 1989— 17.4 1991— 17.4 By 2005, the figure had climbed to 24 deaths per 100,000, according to CDC . [52] By 2020, 43,250 women will die from breast cancer annually. Valid prediction. Yet virtually all articles on breast cancer for the past 10 years have headlines of death rate down from breast cancer. How does that work? Early mammograms: no effect [43] Chemotherapy: no effect Surgery: no effect Figures like the above are extremely well hidden and can only be unearthed with great effort. Just scroll to the bottom for References. A netsearch can instantly turn up several hundred articles on the latest chemotherapy drugs and their anticipated “breakthroughs” and “response rates” that have always been “just around the corner” since 1971. Every week


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shows dozens of magazine and newspaper articles spouting the “latest thing” in chemotherapy. This is world class dog-wagging. MAMMOGRAMS Way back in 1976, the American Cancer Society itself and its colleague the National Cancer Institute terminated the routine use of mammography for women under the age of 50 because of its “detrimental” (carcinogenic) effects. A large study done in Canada in 1992 found that women who had routine mammograms before the age of 50 also had increased death rates from breast cancer, by 36%. (Miller) [27] John McDougall MD made a thorough review of mammograms. He points out that the $13 billion per year generated by mammograms controls the information that women get. Fear and incomplete data are the tools commonly used to persuade women to get routine mammograms. What is clear is that mammography cannot prevent breast cancer or even the spread of breast cancer. By the time a tumor is large enough to be detected by mammography, it has been there as long as 12 years! It is therefore ridiculous to advertise mammography as “early detection.” (McDougall p. 114 [28]) McDougall’s paper Early Detection is a must read for anyone considering mammogram. [43] The other unsupportable illusion is that mammograms prevent breast cancer, which they don’t. On the contrary, the painful compression of breast tissue during the procedure itself can increase the possibility of metastasis by as much as 80%! Dr. McDougall notes that a between 10 and 17% of the time, breast cancer is a self-limiting non-life-threatening type called ductal carcinoma in situ. This harmless cancer can be made active by the compressive force of routine mammography. (McDougall, p. 105 [28]) More recent data on mammograms was brought to light through the research of Samuel Epstein MD. [3] In a 2009 interview, Epstein reminds us that 5 radiologists have been recent presidents of the American Cancer Society.


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This might help to explain why routine annual mammograms have been their standard recommendation for years, despite any proven upside. The mammogram business is extremely lucrative and very competitive. ACS ads consistently make unsupported claims of 100% detection, with no clinical studies whatsoever to back it up. Without question, the biggest danger of mammograms is ionizing radiation. That means the mammogram itself can be the cause of cancer. A woman who gets a yearly mammogram for 10 years would get the same cumulative radiation as a woman standing one mile away from Ground Zero at Hiroshima, according to Epstein and others. [44] PROSTATE CANCER is one of the worst areas of chemotherapy abuse, according to Norman Zinner, MD. He states: “Most men with prostate cancer will die from other illnesses never knowing they had the problem.” [35] Early detection of prostate cancer has resulted in thousands of men being treated for a condition that would have been self-limiting. No figures are available for those who have died from the side effects of treatment when the condition would never have caused any problems or symptoms during the patient’s entire lifetime. Composer Frank Zappa, now decomposing, found out this fact before he died at 52, but it was too late. Some studies show rates as high as 40% in autopsies of men over 70 in which prostate cancer was discovered which the


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patient never knew about, and which was not the cause of death. (American

Cancer Society, 1995). [33] There are no randomized clinical trials proving that chemotherapy for prostate cancer increases long term survival. Au contraire, a 1992 study published in JAMA demonstrated that there was no difference in 10 year survival rate between the men who did nothing at all and those who had treatment. (Johansson) [41] Irrepressible in the dog-and-pony show for prostate cancer: palladium implants. A couple hundred radioactive implants each about the size of a grain of rice are sewn into the scrotum with the unproven claim that the radioactive grains will kill the cancer cells! Many undiscriminating men buy this ridiculous and unproven method every year, ignoring the fact that radioactivity from the implants is also delivering ionizing radiation to the normal prostate and generative cells in that area, thus acting as a powerful carcinogen. This preposterous and still experimental procedure harks back to the days of radium implants in the blood, a very popular procedure in the 1950s, when the Big Three were surgery, radiation, and radium implants. To see what radium implants looked like, see Jack Nicholson’s The Two Jakes. No cancer was ever cured from radium. Even though it was finally replaced by chemotherapy, which has roughly the same success, these implants continue to be hawked today.


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Here’s why palladium implants are unlikely to work: it’s not the prostate that has cancer; it’s the man himself. Cancer is systemic – it’s all through you. SIDE EFFECTS OF CHEMOTHERAPY It’s already a word game. Drugs don’t have side effects. They just have effects. When you say Side Effects you’re acquiescing to the illusion that we can direct the action of these wildly reactive pharmacological agents to the exact systems of the body we want, and make them bring about the exact results we desire. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even more so in the case of chemotherapy, where there’s almost never any upside. Since chemo drugs are some of the most toxic substances ever designed, their effects are often the direct cause of death. Like the case of Jackie Kennedy, who underwent chemo for one of the rare diseases in which it generally has some beneficial results: non-Hodgkins lymphoma. She went into the hospital on Friday and was dead by Tuesday. What happened? Most of that type patients survive, but even the ones that don’t usually won’t die for a year or so. Some sources imagined that since this was such a high profile patient, they’d given her an “extra strong” dose to “kill the cancer” faster. Unfortunately they miscalculated: there was a patient attached. Remember this: Cancer is a general condition that localizes rather than a local condition which generalizes. That’s the main reason chemotherapy – and radiation – don’t work. Aside from the standard hair loss, nausea, vomiting, cachexia, headache, dizziness, and digestive trauma, many chemotherapy drugs have other specific severe effects. Most have an immediate suppressive effect on bone marrow. This is where new blood cells are normally being produced all the time. This is the #1 way


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chemo knocks out the immune system, at the one time in your life you need it the most. And that is precisely the strongest argument against chemotherapy: immune annihilation just when the body is struggling to marshal all its resources in order to survive. Chemotherapy drugs have an entire array of effects, possibly the worst being immediate destruction of the gastric mucosa, which explains loss of appetite, which means the patient cannot heal since starvation is being set up. Other effects include accelerated osteoporosis, kidney damage, liver fibrosis, cachexia, psychosis, arteritis, blood disease, and cartilage destruction in the joints. This is just a partial list of some of the more common side effects, but it really makes you wonder: are these effects really worth the possible benefit of temporary tumor shrinkage with no proven increase in survival? People rarely ‘get better’ with chemotherapy. If they recover, it’s in spite of it. All chemo drugs are extremely hard on the liver, because that’s the organ whose job is to try and break down toxins that have made it past the digestive tract. Liver fibrosis is a very common sequella of methotrexate. WHY NOT DRANO? The beginning of the hype that promised to cure all cancer by means of chemo drugs, came as an offshoot of the postwar excitement with the success of antibiotics and the sulfa drugs. Caught up in the heady atmosphere of visions of money and power in vanquishing cancer, Memorial Sloan-Kettering began to make extravagant claims that to this day have never been realized. Some 400,000 “cytotoxins” were auditioned by Sloan-Kettering and the National Cancer Institute as possible cancer drugs. The criterion in order to be tested were: will the toxin kill some of the tumor cells before it kills the patient. That’s it! Many were brand new synthetic compounds. But thousands of others were existing poisons which were simply refined. Finally about 50


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drugs made the cut, and are still the basis of today’s chemotherapy medicine cabinet. [5] POPULAR CHEMOTHERAPY DRUGS It is startling to discover what chemotherapy drugs are made from. The first ones were made from mustard gas contained in the weapons that killed so many soldiers in WW I, eventually outlawed by the Geneva Convention. In the 1930s, Memorial Sloan-Kettering quietly began to treat breast cancer with these mustard gas derivatives. No one was cured. More Nitrogen mustard chemotherapy trials were conducted at Yale around 1943. 160 patients were treated. No one was cured. Despite this track record, the major derivative – methotrexate – gradually gained popularity over the decades. So it’s illegal as a weapon of war but fine for injection into people. Methotrexate has been one of the most common chemotherapy drugs for the past 25 years. The fact that it’s still at the top of the list and that cancer survival has not improved during that period tells the story. Makes as much sense as the PCR test for COVID passports. As Methotrexate begins to kill the body’s cells, it causes bleeding ulcers, bone marrow suppression, lung damage, and kidney damage. (HSI Newsletter Apr 1999 p. 5) [37] It also causes “severe anemia, and has triggered or intensified cancerous tumors.” (Ruesch, p. 18) [66] Other common effects are permanent sclerosing (hardening) of the veins, blood clotting, and destruction of skin and mucous membranes. Today it’s used all the time in an off-label application for rhematoid arthritis. That’s what killed Glenn Frey. Cytoxan is another of the most common chemo drugs. Besides the “normal” side effects, it causes urinary bleeding, lung disease, and heart damage. This preposterous sentence actually appears at as a rationale for Cytoxan:


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“Cytoxan also works by decreasing your immune system’s response to various diseases.” What?! And decreasing response to disease is going to benefit any patient exactly how…??? They can print ridiculous sentences like this largely because nobody reads them. Most patients sheepishly accept whatever drugs the doctor dreams up, without question. It’s truly marketing from heaven – unquestioned compliance, even if ordered to suicide. Cisplatin Appearing in the 1980s, one of the newer chemo agents is Cisplatin, which has as its base one of the most toxic heavy metals known to man: platinum. The way this horror works is that the platinum rings clog up the cell DNA so forcefully that the cell initiates its own early death sequence (apoptosis). Despite this level of toxicity and long term side effects from the permanent bioaccumulation of the heavy metal, cisplatin remains the drug of choice for most cases of sarcoma, small cell lung cancer, germ cell tumors, lymphoma, and ovarian cancer. Cisplatin all but destroys the immune system. [1] Another popular chemo drug is a sheep-deworming agent known as Levamisole. It has been around for 60 years. With no major clinical trial ever showing significant increased long term survival. Levamisole, is still a standard chemotherapy agent even today! The weirdness is, Levamisole was included for its “immune system modulation” properties. However, its major actions include: – decreased white cell count (!) – flu symptoms – nausea – abdominal cramps – dizziness Some immune booster!


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A 1994 major study of Levamisole written up in the British Journal of Cancer [53] showed almost double the survival rate using a placebo instead of Levamisole! The utter mystification over why this poison continues to be used as a standard component of chemo cocktails can be cleared up by considering one simple fact: when Levamisole was still a sheep de-wormer, it cost $1 per year. When the same amount was suddenly relabeled as a cancer drug given to humans, it cost $1200 per year. (Los Angeles Times 11 Sep 93.) [23] Today Levamisole is also used to cut cocaine, in as much as 70% of the US supply. (SF Chronicle 29 Dec 09 [54]). It is still used as a veterinary deworming drug for sheep and horses, and continues to be one of the most popular chemotherapy drugs, especially with colon cancer. You say you’d rather try the coke? INTERLEUKIN-2 is another colossal failure. When the oncologist starts talking about interleukin-2, it’s usually time to start thinking about where you put all those Neptune Society papers, because by then the big stuff has been pretty much tried and met with its usual failure. The brilliant sales job behind interleukin-2 and other ‘vaccine’-type cytokine agents is that now we’re gonna transform the patient’s lymphocytes into an army of killer T-cells, which will then descend on those troublesome cancer cells and “root them out of there.” I know, right? Just one problem with this theory: no foreign antigens have ever been identified in tumor cells. That’s what cancer is – mutation of your own cells so that they proliferate out of control but can no longer specialize. The body does not recognize your mutated cells as foreign. And that’s the only way that lymphocytes work – destroying foreign antigens – the not-self cells. So even if the T-cell count can be boosted, there is simply


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no way these lymphocytes can be directed at cancer cells, because the cancer cells don’t appear that different from normal cells. That’s why they were able to grow in the first place. The other vexatious feature of interleukin-2 therapy is that because of its lastditch status, the patient’s immune system is generally so depressed there’s simply not much of it left to work with. Once your immune system’s gone, so are you. And interleukin’s other side effects are often the worst of any cancer drug. The list is too long to include here. Professor George Annas, a medical ethicist, who analyzed the original controlled clinical trails done at the National Cancer Institute on interleukin-2 was slightly less than festive about interleukin-2 for patients: “more than 80% of the patients did not do any better and they actually did worse. They died harder. That’s not irrelevant. We always tend to concentrate on the survivors, but we’ve got to make the point that 80 per cent had terrific side effects and didn’t get any measurable increase in longevity.” – New York Times 3 Mar 94 [24] Dr. Martin Shapiro agreed: “revelations about the apparent ineffectiveness of the experimental cancer drug interleukin-2 are but the tip of an iceberg of misrepresentation and misunderstanding about cancer drug treatments in general.” [20] – Los Angeles Times 9 Jan 87 The same interleukin-2 is still used today, all over the world. CHEMO FOR NON-CANCER CASES In a desperate attempt for new revenue, a brilliant new marketing technique for chemo emerged in the 2000s: prescribing chemo drugs for non-cancer cases. This off-label prescribing is now so rampant that it is impossible to track or even estimate its extent. By virtue of his license, any MD can


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prescribe most drugs for any diagnosis he chooses. Laws absolutely protect him from being sued, no matter what happens to the patient. So for the past 10 years we are now seeing these very expensive chemotherapy drugs being routinely prescribed for many other untested unrelated conditions. To list just a few:

rheumatoid arthritis endometriosis infertility benign prostatic hypertrophy pneumonitis vasculitis lupus dermatomyositis   (Intravenous Cyclophosphamide for Non-Cancer [6]) Watch video: Glenn Frey, Chemotherapy, and the Wisdom of the Body . WHAT KIND OF MONEY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT HERE? Very difficult to count how many patients are receiving chemotherapy per year. If the real focus were health care, and monitoring the effectiveness of a cure, why wouldn’t there be extensive inter-hospital databases to follow up on successful treatment? That doesn’t exist. What can be tracked is the amount of cytotoxic drugs sold by the pharmaceutical companies. This amount grew from $3 billion in 1989 to over $13 billion in 1998. (Moss p. 75) [5] By 2008 the figure was $48 billion, projected to reach $80 billion by 2011. (Berkrot) [7] These figures are chemotherapy drugs sales only, not taking into account professional or hospital fees associated with treatment. Total spending for cancer treatment just in the US was reported at over $90 billion by 2008, but today is obviously much higher. [Szabo, USA Today] [8]


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By 2021 “Oncology drugs reached $176 billion in sales.” Statista [61] DOSE-LIMITING A funny phrase that doctors use when talking about chemotherapy is “doselimiting” treatment. All that means is that if the dose is not limited, the patient dies. It is inexplicable when patients tell me their family’s chemotherapy stories, usually involving a family member, in which they often report that toward the end, where the doctors gave the patient “5 times” or “20 times” the lethal dose! We hear this all the time, and when you really get what they’re saying, the level of barbarity is appalling. The doctors are saying at the end, Well it’s hopeless – so we may as well give him 5 or 20 times the normal dose of an already poisonous drug, what difference will it make? We tried our best. Totally forgetting that the patient even while dying is a human being, and the goal wasn’t to kill the tumor; it was to save the patient. Or are they saying, quick this guy is dying, the insurance is still running…? When any chemotherapeutic drug is spilled in the hospital or anywhere en route, it is classified as a major biohazard, requiring the specialists to come and clean it up with their space-suits and all their HazMat protocols. Yet this same agent is injected into the human body and that’s supposed to cure it of disease? What’s wrong with this picture? METAPHORS OF WAR From its inception, mainstream cancer theory has always used military terms. This type of thinking is so pervasive that it’s become second nature for most of us. The very failure of the entire cancer industry to slow the death rate over the past fifty years, despite the cooked figures, may indicate that perhaps it’s time to look for another paradigm. We’re not winning the war. It’s imponderable that doctors continue to prescribe volatile poisons which they know will not prolong lives, which usually end up killing the patient. And the


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only way they can convince the patients is by devious, high pressure sales techniques completely misrepresentative of actual expectations … all this simply because it’s their only tool. “Well, it’s all we got …” This can’t be an acceptable excuse. You don’t want to believe that things are really this perverse, but in most cases due diligence will bear it out. WHO ARE THE QUACKS? The American Cancer Society and the FDA have a list of “Unproven Methods” for cancer, which they attack with their full measure of invective both directly and using their many covers. As you might expect, the criteria for getting on this list are predictable: – a natural form – non-toxic – not produced by the Drug Industry – easily available without a prescription – inexpensive – non-patentable Even though chemotherapy and radiation and palladium implants are completely unproven themselves, and frequently are the cause of death themselves, they are not on the Unproven List. Why not? Because they’re expensive, can be completely controlled, and are patentable. This last deserves some explanation. In order for a drug to be approved by the FDA for cancer, the manufacturer must do years of clinical trials, which may cost anywhere between 100 – 300 million dollars. Now if a company is going to spend that kind of money, they don’t want some other company stealing their formula after they’ve gone to all that trouble developing it. Their guarantee is called a patent – legally it’s their drug and no one can copy it for 17 years. Intellectual property. Do you think after all that trouble, a drug company wants somebody to come along with a totally cheap, available, and natural product which has the same effect as their drug, yet with none of the side effects? Of course not! And do


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you think they’ll do everything they can both legally and politically to prevent natural products from reaching the market? Including letting people die who could benefit? You better believe it. NATURAL CURES FOR CANCER Many of the effective natural cures for cancer which have come along in the past 75 years have faced a tidal wave of opposition from the FDA/AMA/Drug Trust. (Richard Walters’s Options. [11]) Some of these natural cures are still around in the US, though they are under attack. Others can only be obtained in Mexico, Panama, or Europe. And still others have been crushed out of existence for good – disappeared without a trace, in this Age of Repressed Technology. You can do the historical research yourself on the following products and innovators: William Kelley, Hoxsey, Gaston Naessens, Kurt Donsbach, William Koch, Lawrence Burton, Dr. Stan Burzynski, Dr Stan Bynum, enzyme therapy, Patrick Flanagan, 714x, Haelan, antineoplastins, raw foods, live cell therapy, Panama Stem Cell Institute, black salve, The 60 Day Program, ozone, peroxide, EDTA chelation, Laetrile, Coley vaccines, DCA, Hydrazine sulfate, Hans Nieper, JH Tilden, the Royal Rife machine, the black box, Black Magic, avemar, etc. This is a partial list. Many names have been lost forever. Separately or in combination, these methods and these healers in all likelihood have resolved cancer in thousands of cases during the past 75 years. Some of the technology is gone – other methods can still be located. What they have in common is that they are non-patentable, generally natural methods which have no significant side effects, and work with one common objective: strengthen the immune system. [I have had patients who told me that DCA cured them, especially of nonHodgkins lymphoma. Seems logical — 2 years after it began to be sold as a harmless supplement the FDA outlawed it! Might be worth checking out.


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Actually I’ve had experience with several of the above approaches. Especially the 60 Day Program. } The above names were not people whose first goal was to make personal fortunes and lock their discoveries away from those who wanted to copy them. The pharmaceutical industry has what can only be described as a de facto monopoly on cancer treatment in this country. Their stated goal is not curing cancer or helping people die with dignity, or trying to discover a cure, or relieving pain, or giving Americans a longer life. Their stated goal is return on investment for their stockholders. It’s right in the charter of the American Cancer Society, as well in the mission statement of every drug company. First loyalty – their stockholders. Certainly no secret, and they have proven for the past century that there are no limits they will observe to secure their control of what has become a $500 billion per year industry. If this sounds harsh or paranoid, start perusing the appended reference list and you’ll notice how unfamiliar it looks. Try and find one single treatment on the FDA’s “Unproven Methods” list that is patentable as a drug. ALTERNATIVES A reasonable alternative to chemo and radiation would focus on wholeness, on health, on only giving the body what will improve its healing capabilities and cell metabolism. And support the immune system and our natural healing powers. The body’s resistance is already run down; so let’s only introduce substances and nutrients which will have a salubrious and immunoenhancing effect. Here are four self-evident lines of action, all of which will nourish and support whatever immune system you’re still in possession of. #1 – DIET Simple. Clean it up. You know what’s bad by now. Probably that’s what got you into this mess. If you’re still smoking, stop reading and go back to the


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drug sites. Sayonara. Over 3000 studies in mainstream medical journals document successful treatment of cancer with nutritional supplementation. But the medical profession continues to pretend that nutrition is a “feel-good adjunct” to the “real treatment” – chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, even though these procedures have not significantly improved survival rates since the time of our great grandparents. If you’re serious, here’s your new diet. Got it all worked out. It’s been the nucleus of the 60 Day Program for the last 15 years. Nothing extreme, or religious about it: just the common sense traditional natural diet with no refined carbohydrates, no hydrogenated oils, no pasteurized dairy. [The New West Diet] #2 – STRESS Avoid negative people and negative input. Personally and cybernetically. Such a constantly degrading social pattern is causative of abnormal changes at the cellular level. Physically remove yourself from negative people, especially if they are family members. Disconnect your cable and your satellite. Getting stupider is not a healing mode. Unplug your phone unless it brings happy news. This step #2 is definitely not optional, as many can tell you from personal experience. Optimum would be to move into as natural an environment as possible. Like a forest, or desert, or ocean, or mountain top. Affording it? Can you afford to be dead? If you’re going to try a program like this, don’t be disingenuous enough to expect people’s approval. Expect ridicule. Expect threats. Especially from family. Then avoid those people. No matter who they are. Selfish? You bet. Time to be selfish. #3 – EXERCISE Do something. Assist the lymphatics. Breathe. Walk. Swim. Bicycle. Climb.


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Run. Work out. Do something. #4 – THE 60 DAY PROGRAM The 60 Day Program is a very specific, classic regimen of nutrition and detoxification whose purpose is to restore the body to normal equilibrium by removing years of toxic buildup in the tract and in the blood, restoring normal blood oxygen, by providing the body only what is absolutely nourishing to the cells, adding nothing more to the toxic load. For 60 Days, nothing but best nutrients in, wastes out. The features of the 60 Day Program: The New West Diet Enzymes Expel Total Florabiotics Antioxidants Chelated Minerals Oral chelation Collagen 2 litres water per day Supplements are kept to a bare minimum: only what the body requires to completely nourish its cells, clear the tract, and clear the blood. The Program is simple, it has decades of clinical success, and there are few health imbalances which will not show a favorable response. In today’s world, more than 180,000 chemicals have access to the food, air, and water of every country. Most of us have been vaccinated and have dental amalgams. We have seen the bio-accumulation of mercury described in the vaccine text and in the Dentistry chapters. Most of us have taken in significant amounts of processed foods during our lifetime, much of which remains locked in our tract and in our cells because it is unmetabolizable.


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By themselves, these DNA-altering poisons cannot escape the tissues in which they are trapped. Most people die with an enormous toxic load locked within their tissues. In cancer survival we will strive to chelate and detox as many residual carcinogens as possible. So again, look closely at the New West Diet page. It will mean that for the next 60 days you confine your intake to what you see in Categories I and II. Religiously — no cheating. You must eat a lot, and all the time, so you won’t feel deprived. FOOD ENZYMES The enzymes in the raw food coupled with the natural enzyme supplements are the active components of blood detoxification. See ENZYMES chapter. [67] Remember, the blood goes everywhere – it is the milieu in which all cells of your body are bathed every second of your life, from birth to death. The condition of that blood determines the ability of your cells to perform its 2 main life functions: taking in oxygen and nutrients getting rid of wastes In overcoming cancer, blood oxygen is everything. This Program approaches the body at the cellular level. No matter how sick you are, no matter how long they say you’ve got, as long as you’re still alive your cells have to follow the same principles of human physiology as everyone else’s. There is no condition, no matter how terminal, or how extreme that will not respond to the cells being provided with oxygen and nutrients and having wastes cleared away. THE SUPPLEMENTS Here are the 7 supplements for the 60 Day Program: DIGESTAZYME WHY: blood oxygenation, clearing the tract DOSAGE: 3 caps 3x a day


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MEGAHYDRATE WHY: neutralize free radicals, prevent further DNA alteration DOSAGE: 2 scoops 2-3x per day TOTAL COMPLETE CHELATED MINERALS WHY: optimum immune strength DOSAGE: 3 caps per day COLON CLEANSE WHY: Revitalize the immune system, centered in the colon DOSAGE: EXPEL … 1 – 4 caps per day TOTAL FLORABIOTICS … 3-6 caps 3x per day HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN WHY: Rebuild damaged cells in the blood, skin, organs DOSAGE: 2-6 tblsp. per day in juice ORAL CHELATION WHY: chelate carcinogenic heavy metals and arterial plaque out of the system DOSAGE: 3 caps morning 3 caps night HYDRATION WHY: O2 transport, cell nutrition, muscle cell fluidity, anti-aging DOSAGE: 2 litres water/day FOCUS AND EXCLUSIVITY: This program only, for 60 days; no other supplements, no other diet, no drugs. Versions of the program will result in versions of resolution. The program works very well only if the patient will follow it without modification. (See the stories at FEEDBACK AND TESTIMONIALS) The only patients who have ever complained about poor success buckled under the simplest questioning about how strictly they had kept to the regimen. It’s the 60 Day program, not the 8 Day Program, or the 28 Day Program.


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If you’re new to the natural approach, here is the essential distinction between the allopathic / mainstream medical approach and the holistic approach. Drugs may cover up symptoms, and while the problem still remains, the patient may get some immediate temporary relief. That’s the whole allure of medicine, isn’t it – abdicate responsibility for your own health to us – consult your doctor; we’ll take care of everything. But the only thing they usually end up taking care of is your prescription drug schedule and eventually your surgical calendar. And your bank account. Health – well let’s not get ahead of ourselves… Holistic cures are under no such compulsion to delude. Rooting out the actual cause of the problem is not easy, is not quick, and may not be wholly pleasant. That is because we are working with what’s left of the functioning systems of the body, and forcing them back into the trenches – get back to work! Kidneys, colon, digestive tract, circulatory system, muscles – do your job!! So, if you’re going to do the program, just do it. We know why you’re doing it; because you’re dying and you finally figured it out, and you realize no medicine can save you. If you’re going to quit a week into it, just quit now. If you’re going to ‘give it a try’, just quit now. Losers try, winners finish. Spare us these bogus spineless whinings about why. We know why you’re quitting, no matter what silly excuse you might give to yourself. COLLAGEN There is one part of the 60 Day Program that has special relevance for the cancer patient. Muscle wasting (cachexia) is very common: muscles turn into loose string. Bone degeneration. Shriveling skin. Caused by the treatment usually more than the cancer. All organs and tissues are made of collagen. Collagen production diminishes as we age. With cancer, the depletion is more obvious because the body is digesting itself to feed the cancer. Chemotherapy immediately attacks the digestive system, which is why the patient loses his appetite. Without being


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able to eat, little nutrition is taken in and the patient goes quickly downhill. We’ve all seen it. To learn more about the regenerative effects of collagen on tissues, please see the chapter on collagen. SOME NATURAL CURES After studying this field for over 15 years, my one certainty is that I don’t know everything. I know the basics of restoring the patient to health, and I know that the immune system should be supported, not suppressed. The simple program outlined above will support the immune system as well as anything available at this time. I am not saying that other supportive methods listed above do not work. It’s just that the tendency people have when in dire straits is to look for a quick and cheap Magic Bullet that will cure them, irrespective of the last 20 years of their self-annihilating lifestyle. Making a change is not easy, even in a terminal situation. Unfortunately, when faced with a choice between lifestyle change and death, most people will choose death. Some claim to have found a cure. And I must admit that I have seen astounding results in individual cases. But these were usually accompanied by a complete lifestyle change. One such remedy is DCA. I have had several patients recover from serious metastasized lymphoma situations by taking this very inexpensive and simple powder. To learn more about it, Google ‘DCA cancer’ and find their main site. There is an enormous study being carried out today in Canada using tens of millions of dollars to prove the effectiveness of DCA. In the US, sale has been forbidden since 2009, in keeping with our policy of protecting the drug trade before the health of the patient. I imagine that several of the other remedies have been successful with natural treatment of cancer as well, but I seriously doubt that any long term


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health benefit can result without a complete overhaul of the lifestyle: diet, water, detox, mental outlook. The 60 Day Program. There are many clinics in Mexico, Panama, and other offshore locales, plus a host of low profile alternative therapies used in Europe as well as here in the U.S. Proven superiority to conventional treatment? Who knows? Who would fund a study like that? The quality of life, however, is generally better with the alternative route, that seems logical. In addition, the incidence of real recoveries seems probable with the alternative approach, since holistic methods try to boost the immune system instead of killing it. Moreover, the holistically-inclined patient may be more self-reliant and more willing to take personal responsibility and initiative for healing, rather than just to sit back and expect the “magic of modern technology” to do all the work. A famous healer once remarked that there’s a big difference between being afraid to die and wanting to live. A LONELY ROAD Perhaps the greatest difficulty in embarking on a holistic program for cancer is not the discipline required by the program itself. Neither is it the time it required, the money involved, or the newness of the lifestyle. The biggest obstacle is the solitude of it all – you’ll be swimming upstream, by yourself. Chances are you will not get support from your family doctor, any medical professionals, or your family. Chances are you will be attacked and ridiculed by any of the above for not following mainstream slash-and-burn protocols. I have seen many patients who were initially open to the holistic approach buckle under pressure from the family to be “sensible” and follow the tried and true. Invariably, they died on schedule, because they didn’t want to “upset anybody.” This is one time in your life that it’s OK to upset people, the one time that’s it’s fine to be completely selfish. You have a right to your own life, no matter how politically incorrect that notion becomes. If you actually do the research beginning with the appended references, it is virtually impossible not to arrive at a similar conclusion: that mainstream cancer treatment is rarely effective and exists primarily for the benefit of the cancer


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industry itself, not you. If you go along with their program, it is likely that at some point you will learn the truth of this reality. For most, that point comes too late. If you suspect there may be some validity to what all this, you owe it to yourself to investigate it thoroughly on your own before you submit to even the mildest of chemotherapies. I promise, you will be no match for the masterful persuasion, the stairstepping of procedures and testing that awaits you, dangling little improvements with enticements to try this or that drug because “It’s really not that toxic” or the standard “now this won’t cure your cancer, but it will slow it down,” or the Oscar-winning “it’s OK to take some of your herbs or natural products along with the chemotherapy/radiation/surgery. They won’t interfere.” Like they would know. Oncologists are getting increasingly sophisticated at tricking the frightened, uninformed patient and his family into accepting the standard worthless drugs and surgical procedures. One of the newest ploys is telling the patient that “we have something new and special for your type of case, an experimental drug, just developed.” This one is used with patients who are beginning to question the toxicity of chemo and need a little extra push. Then they find out later that the drug was not new at all, but was one of the standard poisons, like methotrexate, that has been around for the past 25 years. By then it’s too late, because the patient is so debilitated he’ll do anything the doctor says. If the drug actually is new and experimental, tell them to test it on somebody else first. And then ask: where are all the other experimental cancer drugs from the past 30 years? If the reader agrees with nothing I have said so far, but has less than 100% confidence in the hospital’s ability to cure your cancer, try this: follow none of my recommendations. Do nothing: no doctors, no treatment, mainstream or holistic. Go home and live your life. For the majority of cancers, no one can tell you with any authority that you are doing anything “high risk.” There are simply too few statistics on cancer people who avoid standard slash and burn protocols..


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LAST CHANCE You just found out you’ve got cancer and want to go holistic? Fine. You’ve got one chance. Go for it 100% – diet, detox, supplements, major cardio exercise, eliminate all negative input. Starting this minute. You can’t serve two masters, with one foot in each world. It’s either holistic or mainstream – no middle ground. Conventional therapies are so damaging and powerful that to pretend like their monstrous side effects can be easily repaired by holistic methods — that’s a bit – well, disingenuous. The body is not a car. So if you want to go holistic, do it. But if you want to go mainstream, which is what usually happens, then just do it, but don’t pretend everything is going to be fine when you come out of surgery or chemo or radiation if you just take a few MegaHydrate, etc. This is big business, big money for them — they’re not going to let several hundred thousand dollars just waltz out the door. So stop wasting energy thinking you have to learn enough to convince these geniuses that they may be wrong, and there may be another way. It’s not in their professional DNA to even consider alternatives, and definitely they have spent zero time researching alternative treatment. Plus they already know everything, can’t you tell? People who choose the holistic path diligently inform themselves, make up their minds, then they unplug their phones and just do it… That’s the real choice here. Too much work to learn all this? Fine. Forget the whole thing – just write your will and party out, like ol’ Warren. Because if you got cancer in the first place, it’s likely you’ve been overdrawn in the self-indulgence column for a long time. Your only chance is to sprint from morning to night, doing every single thing possible to detox your blood, bring more oxygen to the cells, boost your immune system, and generally try and make up for all those years of abuse. Don’t have the energy? No problema – our regards to Elvis.


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In his master work, Quantum Healing, Deepak Chopra [22] says that remissions of cancer in “terminal” patients have one thing in common: a quantum transformation in mental attitude or spiritual consciousness. The internet is overwhelming with its promises of holistic cures for cancer. Trying to do all of them together would probably be enough to kill a horse, even though they’re natural approaches. Do a thorough search, maybe starting with those mentioned in this chapter. Choose a program, or two, that makes the most sense to you, that you have access to, and whose representatives give you a feeling of confidence and trust. Then really try the method – follow directions to the letter, exactly way the experts tell you, with consistency, focus, and follow-through. Since you’re a patient, be patient. Don’t just give it your best shot; do whatever it takes – 150%. And daily visualize wholeness and completeness of your entire body. Do the deed. The time is going to go by anyway. ***** See Feedback for some stories of people who took the holistic route. Copyright MMXXII [Disclaimer: As with all information on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to cure or treat any disease condition]

REFERENCES 1. 2. Lipski, L PhD, Moss R – New Approaches to Fighting Cancer Teleseminar 2006 3. Epstein, S, R. Bertell “The Dangers and Unreliability of Mammography” International Journal of Health Services 2001


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4. O’Shea, T – Vaccination Is Not Immunization 2017 5. Moss, Ralph, PhD – The Cancer Industry 1995 6. Intravenous Cyclophosphamide for Non-Cancer 7. Bill Berkrot; Cancer drug sales could hit $80B by 2011 Reuters 15 May 2008 8. Szabo, L – Patients bear brunt as cancer care hits $90 billion USA Today 18 Mar 2010 9. Allday, E – Most cocaine diluted with unsafe livestock drug San Francisco Chronicle 29 Dec 09 10. Walters, Richard – Options, 1993 Avery 11. Carter, James, MD – Racketeering in Medicine 12. Howell, Edward, MD – Enzyme Nutrition, Avery 13. DeCava, Judith – The Real Truth About Vitamins and Antioxidants, 1996 14. Tilden, JH, MD – Toxemia Explained, 1926 Kessinger 15. CA Journal for Cancer Clinicians, Jan 97 16. Scanlon, Edward, MD – Journal of the American Medical Association Sept. 4, 1991 17. American Cancer Society “Founding Charter” 18. Guyton, Arthur, MD – Textbook of Medical Physiology, 1996 19. New England Journal of Medicine, vol 314, 1986 20. Shapiro, M, MD “Chemotherapy: Snake Oil Remedy?” Los Angeles Times 9 Jan 87


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21. Moss, Ralph, PhD – Questioning Chemotherapy, 1995 22. Chopra, Deepak, MD – Quantum Healing 23. Los Angeles Times 11 Sep 93 24. George Annas, MD – Interleukin2 – New York Times 3 Mar 94 25. Vital Statistics of the United States vol II 1967-1992, National Vital statistics: Table B. 26. CDC: Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2011 27. Miller, A et al. – Canadian national breast screening study 1992 Canadian Med Assn Jour 147:1477 28. McDougall, J, MD – The McDougall Program for Women, Penguin Books 1999 29. Wright, C, MD – Screening mammography and public health policy. Lancet 346:p29, 1995 30. Kolata, G “Breast cancer screening under 50” New York Times 14 Dec 1997, Dr. Edward Sondik 31. Greenberg, David, MD “Medicine and Public Affairs” NEJM Mar 1975 292 p. 707 32. Braverman, Albert, MD “Medical Oncology in the 90s” Lancet 1991 337 p. 901 33. American Cancer Society “Cancer Facts and Figures” Atlanta 1995 34. Jones, Hardin, PhD “Report on Cancer” 1969 Bancroft Library, Cal State U Berkeley 35. Abel, Ulrich, PhD “Cytostatic Therapy of Advanced Epithelial Tumors – A Critique” Lancet 10 Aug 1991 36. Schimke, Robert “Methotrexate Resistance And Gene Amplification” Cancer 57, May 1986, p. 1915 37. Milner, M – HSI Newsletter Apr 1999 p. 5 38. Travis, Lois – Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 5 Oct 94 vol 86 no.


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19 39. Black, Dean, PhD – Health at the Crossroads, Tapestry Press 1988 40. Johansson, J, MD “High 10 Year Survival Rate in Patients With Early Untreated Prostate Cancer” JAMA Apr 22 1992 vol 257, p. 2191 41. Bealle, Morris A – The Drug Story, 1948 42. Grady, D “Extreme Cancer Surgery Backed” San Jose Mercury News 14 Jan 99 p. 1 43. McDougall, J, MD – Early Detection Testing? Chance of Harm Is 100%, Feb 2010 Newsletter 44. Heyes, G J – Mammography-oncogenecity at low doses. J Radiol Prot. Jun;29(2A):A123-32. 2009 45. OECD Health Data 2010, Deaths from Cancer by Country 46. CDC website 2010: 47. Whang, S – Reverse Aging, 1990 48. O’Shea, T – Hydration and dehydration, 2010 49. McColl, K – Billions of dollars needed to close global spending gap on cancer care BMJ 2009; 339:b3499 doi: 10.1136/bmj.b3499, 28 August 2009. BMJ 2009; 339:b3499 50. CDC website – Leading Causes of Death US 2009 51. Levin, A, MD – The Healing of Cancer 1990 52. CDC website – Breast Cancer Trends 53. Chlebowski, R T – Late mortality and levamisole adjuvant therapy in colorectal cancer British Journal of Cancer (1994) 69, 1094–1097 54. Allday, E – Most cocaine diluted with unsafe livestock drug –San Francisco Chronicle 29 Dec 2010 55.Smith, J Genetic roulette 2007. 56. Centers for Disease Control Cancer – 2010 Final Review


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03.pdf 57. Death among children and adolescents — 58. Centers for Disease Control Cancer – 2010 Final Review 03.pdf 59. Death among children and adolescents — 60. Cancer Statistics – National Cancer Institute 61. Annual sales of chemo drugs Statista 62. NIH Cancer Stat Facts: Cancer of Any Site – 63. NIH -National Cancer Institute – Cancer in Children and Adolescents May 2014 64. Bioterrain analysis [password: intent] 65. O’Shea The Three Attributes of Water 66. Hans Ruesch – Naked Empress 67. Enzymes: the key to longevity: www.thedoctorwithin/chapters 68. Cancer Data and Statistics 2022 Copyright MMXXII


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Cure for cancer? Survival rate? To the cancer patient

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The Post-Antibiotic Age: Collapse of the Germ Theory - thedoctorwithin

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“When once you interfere with the order of nature, there is no knowing where the results will end.” – Herbert Spencer The CDC itself states that 50% of antibiotic prescriptions today are “inappropriate” and “unnecessary.” [43] It was great while it lasted though: the Age of Antibiotics. Sure came and went in a hurry, though, didn’t it? Left me with a few questions: How did antibiotics run their course already in just 75 years? How did we get so sick? Where does all the money go? Why aren’t we making any progress?


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The Post-Antibiotic Age: Collapse of the Germ Theory - thedoctorwithin

What’s going to happen now? These are the questions for which you can almost never get a straight answer. Unless you look beyond googlepedia, beyond the San Francisco Chronicle, beyond corporate media which year by year seem to cater to an ever-dwindling level of literacy and awareness. . . Questions like these involve some famous people: Pasteur, Bechamp, Koch, Bernard, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Fleming, all of whom we’ll mention. But before we launch off into all that, let’s turn back the clock for a moment and go back to 1350 A.D. Place: the European continent. In less than two years’ time, the BUBONIC PLAGUE wiped out much of the population of Europe. Fleas bit rats and then bit man, but no one knew it. Hundreds of thousands died. [Not millions.] Some individual cities had a mortality possibly as high as 90%. Bodies were piled into carts and dragged away to be burned in common graves. It was a most grotesque way to die: bleeding and screaming and having one’s organs liquefy. From infection to death took perhaps one week. Prior to that outbreak, bubonic plague had been absent for nearly 1000 years. Scholars of the day attributed the cause of the plague to evil spirits, divine retribution, etc. All this time, even up to the present, other scientists have been asking the question: why did some die and some survive? What made the difference? Today we know the answer. Go forward now a few centuries to France in the 1870s. Three scientists were conducting experiments in the area of chemistry, particularly having to do with fermentation, yeast, and the new discovery of little organisms called bacteria. All were involved in similar research but there was much competition and “borrowing” of discoveries, always with the undercurrent of politics and influence, as usual.


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The Post-Antibiotic Age: Collapse of the Germ Theory - thedoctorwithin

The men were Louis Pasteur, Antoine Bechamp, and Robert Koch. These individuals were not colleagues, but worked independently. Each one knew that he was onto a whole new area of human discovery, and the race was on to influence the medical world. It was Pasteur who won the race of politics and influence. Today students memorize that Louis Pasteur “discovered” the Germ Theory. Not only is this not accurate, and not only is the Germ Theory itself unsubstantiated even today, but Pasteur himself in one of the most quoted deathbed statements perhaps of all time, recanted the Theory and admitted that his rivals had been right, and that it was not the germ that caused the disease, but rather the environment in which the germ was found: “Bernard acail raison; le terrain c’est tout, le germe c’est rien.” THE GERM THEORY What exactly was this Germ Theory? Very simply, the Germ Theory stated that there were separate diseases and that each disease was caused by a particular microorganism. It was the job of science, then, to find the right drug or vaccine that would selectively kill off the offending bug without killing the patient. That would be great, but nature rarely is so black and white about things, ever notice that? For one thing, bacteria and viruses tend to be “environmentspecific.” That’s why some people get colds and others don’t. That’s why some survived the Bubonic Plague. That’s also why some doctors and nurses seem to be immune to disease even though they’re surrounded by it every day. Deepak Chopra tells us of a study in which the influenza virus was isolated and implanted directly onto the mucous membranes of a group of subjects, with only 12% of them getting the flu. (Quantum Healing) The Germ Theory has as many holes as a Swiss cheese, and it is likely that Pasteur knew it. But a little research shows us that Pasteur had a gift for PR. He rarely let his research keep him away from an opportunity to address


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royalty or medical society in the most prestigious university settings. He was quoted and published and offered practically every honorary title and chair in Europe. The records however not only cast suspicion, but seem to establish fairly clearly that Pasteur “borrowed” the research for some of his most famous discoveries, and then capitalized on the celebrity of being there first. WHAT’S THE BIG SECRET?

Before he died, Pasteur instructed his family not to release some 10,000 pages of lab notes after his death. Not until 1975, after the death of his grandson, were these “secret” notes finally made public. An historian from Princeton, Professor Geison made a thorough study of the lab notes. He presented his findings in an address to The American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston in 1993. Dr. Geison’s conclusions: Pasteur published much fraudulent data and was guilty of many counts of “scientific misconduct,” violating rules of medicine, science, and ethics. Like Koch, Pasteur was very motivated by money. In the race for a vaccine for anthrax, for example, not only did Pasteur not test it on animals before using humans; it was also established that Pasteur actually stole the formula from a colleague named Toussaint. Unable to prove his claim at the time, Toussaint died a few months later of a nervous breakdown. (Hume) HUME There was a book published in 1932 that is still in print today: Bechamp or Pasteur? This book was written by E. Douglas Hume, who was actually a


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woman who had to disguise her name to get the book published. Hume chronicles a contemporary of Pasteur, Dr Antoine Bechamp, the most respected researcher and teacher in France at the time, head of 4 departments at the University at Lille. Bechamp was too busy to be bothered with conventions and awards and politics. He was a professor and a researcher, and that took every moment of his time until his death at 93. It was Bechamp’s view that it was not the bug that caused disease, but rather the condition in which bugs lived. The internal milieu. Disease happens when an imbalance causes some of the more pathological that is, bad, bacteria to take over. What causes that? Low resistance, weak immune system. Seems like such a simple idea, but that is really the foundation of the whole controversy all along. In the end, everyone, even Pasteur, agreed that bugs – bacteria and viruses – do not alone cause disease. Scavengers not predators. A little research uncovers the following amazing possibilities about Pasteur, which the reader is encouraged to further investigate: Pasteur had no training or credentials in either medicine or physiology; he was a chemist Pasteur very likely created the disease known as “hydrophobia,” rather than found a cure for it Pasteur initiated the practice of vivisection with horrific animal experiments. Hundreds of thousands of laboratory animals have been needlessly killed by atrocious experiments in the name of “science,” not only at Pasteurian Institutes, but pervasively throughout the entire empire of medical research laboratories worldwide, even to the present time Rather than protect the human race from disease, Pasteur was directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people who were inoculated with unproven vaccines and injections, and indirectly for thousands more in whom disease was introduced by the administration of unproven Pasteurian procedures


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Pasteur may be seen more as a merchant than a scientist, with his frequent reporting of false test findings and data, which had two designs: self-promotion and profiteering from the sale of drugs and vaccines that were often made mandatory by legislators Pasteurian treatment for a disease he did not even have actually killed Alexander, the King of Greece Pasteur did not work on naturally diseased subjects, but instead introduced the idea of inducing sickness by giving morbid (diseased) injections into healthy subjects. As far as his Germ Theory goes, there was much opposition to it among many researchers of his own time. In a lecture given in London on 25 May 1911, M.L. Leverson, MD stated: “The entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proved, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of truth. The basic one of these unproven assumptions, wholly due to Pasteur, is the hypothesis that all the so-called infectious and contagious disorders are caused by germs.” Also from the top medical journal Lancet, 29 Mar 1909, we find: “Koch’s Postulates are rarely, if ever, complied with.” The discoverer of the cell theory, Rudolf Virchow, with respect to the Germ Theory, commented simply: “Germs seek their natural habitat – diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” – Bieler, p 40 Virchow felt that the presence of germs identified the tissue as diseased, but was not the cause of disease. A weakened or diseased tissue may be a target area for microorganisms, a hospitable environment in which they can set up shop. But that’s quite different from germs having caused the weakened state.


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The same idea was graphically shown to Bechamp one day when an amputated arm was brought into his laboratory. As a result of a violent blow to a patient’s elbow, gangrene had set in within eight hours, and amputation was the only option. Bechamp immediately began to examine the severed limb using the microscope. To his amazement he found no bacteria in the gangrenous limb. After a few hours bacteria began to appear, but initially there were none. Bechamp’s associate, Professor Estor, thereupon remarked “Bacteria cannot be the cause of gangrene; they are the effects of it.” (Hume p 134) POSTULATE THIS Robert Koch was racing Pasteur to find the cause of a disease called anthrax, from which great numbers of cattle in Europe were dying. Taking blood from the diseased cattle and isolating bacteria from it, Koch then injected mice with the bacteria. When the mice died, Koch then cultured blood from them and compared it to the original bacteria from the cattle. He developed procedures and his Postulates are still memorized by medical students the world over as the foundation of the Germ Theory:

1. the organism must be present in every case 2. must be isolated 3. must cause the disease in a healthy host 4. must be isolated again

Each postulate has been disproven, then and now, but that has not cheated them of their place as basic tenets in the Germ Theory religion. Both Koch’s and Pasteur’s vaccines for anthrax were colossal failures, with thousands of sheep killed all over Europe as part of the “experiment,” especially in Italy and Germany. It is also interesting to note that both Koch and Pasteur did everything possible to alter and cover up the results of these failures. (Hume) OOPS!


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Robert Koch made the first vaccine for tuberculosis, employing these same Postulates. He called the vaccine tuberculin. In Berlin alone, 2000 patients were inoculated with tuberculin. Unfortunately they died at a higher rate than TB patients who hadn’t been treated at all. Tuberculin simply did not work. More distressing for Koch was the admission by the Prussian government that they’d made an exclusive agreement with Koch to sell the remedy and divide the profits. Not only was this a political disaster for the Prussian government and for Koch himself, but it was an embarrassment for the cause of scientific medicine when all the prestige of the scientific method never recovered from this blow. At least until the 1990s. Koch never redeemed his credibility and is remembered today only for his “Postulates.” But Koch helped set the stage for the marriage of science and marketing, for which divorce does not appear likely any time soon. At the turn of the century, tuberculosis was the leading cause of death in America. (Garrett) ANOTHER THEORY Antoine Bechamp, from whose research Pasteur plagiarized whatever he thought was useful, came up with an interesting point of view that has never been refuted. Bechamp discovered tiny organisms he called “microzymas” which are present in all things – animal, vegetable, and mineral, whether living or dead. Depending upon the condition of the host, these microzymas could assume various forms. Bad bacteria and viruses were simply the forms assumed by the microzymas when there was a condition of disease. In a diseased body, the microzymas became pathological bacteria and viruses. In a healthy body, microzymas formed healthy cells. When a plant or animal died, the microzymas lived on. To this day, the whole theory of microzymas has never been disproved. Later researchers like Gaston Naessens and Gunter Enderlein followed the same line of reasoning and developed their own systems of how these


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microzymas operate. [34] Although their ideas were never proven false by opposing research, they were generally persecuted by mainstream medicine, which makes sense. Because without an enemy that can be identified and killed, what good is it to develop weapons? And developing weapons, that is, drugs, has been the agenda of the industry set up by Carnegie and Rockefeller even down to the present day, as we shall see. New drugs mean new research funding and government money and the need for prescriptions and for an entire profession to write those prescriptions. PASTEUR WON How did Pasteur’s ideas become the foundation of organized medicine? Politics. Pharmaceutical economics. Early in his career, Pasteur was decorated by the Emperor Napoleon. His position as a scientist was thereby secured, even though he was only a chemist and had no credentials at all in medicine or physiology. Scientists in both France and Germany at that time were grappling with mankind’s first look at fundamental questions about the nature of living matter itself: what makes something alive or dead? where does that force come from? why do things rot, ferment, or decompose? is there something in the air, or something inside the organism that has these effects? what effects can manmade chemicals have? For the first time in history, things were coming into focus. Discoveries were being made about fundamental issues, but in a piecemeal fashion. It was perfect timing for an opportunist to take advantage of the general uncertainty and lack of understanding and to claim that he understood all the issues involved, and furthermore had thought of them first. Pasteur was noted for his habit of playing both sides of the fence on issues he didn’t understand, and then later, to quote the parts of his earlier writing that supported the later finding, always with the claim that he had been there first. Only the scientists understood the complexities of these emerging ideas. The royal court and the press just knew that something was going on, and though they didn’t know


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what, were going to act as though they did. And for them, a chameleon like Pasteur was the perfect frontman. Politics never changes. The same type of thinking that imprisoned Galileo long ago for discovering that the earth went around the sun, the rulers’ eternal attempt to control the minds of their subjects, these are the forces that cast Pasteur, an ambitious opportunist, into a position he may not have deserved – the supposed Trailblazer in the science of modern biomedicine. Funny how things often don’t really get “discovered” until the commercial aspects of that discovery have been worked out. Howard Hencke, in his 1995 book The Germ Theory: A Deliberate Aberration, [21] notes that it was critical for the new medical industry “… to indoctrinate the public in the Western world with the belief that the salvation from all, especially physical ailments, lay outside the individual’s system and responsibility, because it was caused by external factors…and that chemical remedies (drugs) will keep him free from disease, independent of his own vigilant responsibility.” We’re talking about marketing here, yes? The author of the long-suppressed work Pasteur or Bechamp? states: “Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity.” – E. Douglas Hume Some 17 years before Pasteur, the most famous nurse in history, Florence Nightengale, put it like this: “Diseases are not individuals arranged in classes like cats and dogs, but conditions growing out of one another. The specific disease is the grand refuge of the weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.” – F.N. 1860


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Sound familiar?  A FEW SNAGS Actually it was more than a few, as even the most cursory investigation into vaccination demonstrates. From the beginning, the whole idea of piercing the skin with a needle for any reason was suspect, let alone introducing new proteins and agents into what was supposed to be an inviolable environment: the circulatory system. Injections are a total violation of nature. Normally nothing is introduced into the bloodstream without going through the laboratory of the entire digestive system. That is how nature protects the blood from external intrusions. Here are just a few of the hundreds of researchers opposing inoculation: “The most serious disorders may be provoked by the injection of living organisms into the blood…into a medium not intended for them may provoke redoubtable manifestations of the gravest morbid phenomena.” – Bechamp A medical doctor reporting from the battlefields of South Africa during the Boer War in the early part of this century, Walter Hadwen, MD, in his book Microbes and War [9] notes that the war itself killed 86,000 men. With a 100% inoculation rate, there were an additional 96,000 casualties from disease alone! In 1915, another medical doctor wrote an article for the top British medical journal Lancet. Dr. Montais studied 21 cases of tetanus, each of whom had received Pasteurian inoculation. The conclusion of the article, which appeared in the 23 Oct 1915 issue, was that in every case, the tetanus had been caused by the inoculation. Dr. Montais said that “Pasteur had created a new form of disease.” [11] We should understand that it was Pasteur who began the fashion of studying artificial disease conditions: “inducing sickness by morbid injections in human and animal subjects, instead of studying naturally diseased subjects.”


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[11] Pasteur began the practice of vivisection and horrific animal experiments, which has never been proven to have any value. Why not? In the natural state, animals simply have different diseases from humans. This one error has led us down a costly and finally fruitless path. How can we hope to cure human disease by giving animals diseases they would never have gotten in nature, then pretending that such diseases are the same ones we get, and then seeing which drugs cover up the animal’s symptoms? The we illogically conclude that those same drugs will have the same effect in humans! Idiotic as that sounds, this may be a pretty fair description of how many prescription drugs have found their way to market during the past century. Without going on for pages

and pages with data that substantiate the above ideas, suffice it to say that Pasteurian methods may not have been quite the success we have always been taught that they were. The reader is referred to the The War On Children, and to Hans Ruesch’s Naked Empress. [35] So with most of the major researchers eventually coming around to the same conclusion, how is it that now in the 21st century, organized medicine in this country still acts as though the Germ Theory is carved in stone and all policy proceeds from this premise? And most people still believe it? The answer to that is out there too, and can be gotten to with just a little more patience.


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Roll forward now to the 1880s and 1890s. The Industrial Revolution, the age of coal, of oil, of electricity, of machines, of railroads and automobiles. Two figures towered over this era, wielding more power over science, industry, finance, and politics than possibly anyone else in history. Of course we’re now speaking of Andrew Carnegie and J.D. Rockefeller. The control of Carnegie and Rockefeller over most aspects of American life is something to marvel at and appreciate, even extending to the present day. Change was taking place faster than the politicians could control it, and for once in our history, control was in the private sector. Without going into a long political harangue, I just want to touch on one aspect of the way that power was expressed – the rise of organized medicine. Before 1880, most medicine consisted of folk remedies, basic herbs, and crude surgery and dentistry. For centuries, there had not been much radical change in the area of medicine. Superstition was as much a part of medicine as the actual remedies themselves. The use of leeches and bleeding was still common, the reason being to “let out the bad blood,'” which was in the same category with getting rid of evil spirits. Even drilling holes in the skull – the art of trephination – which had been around since the time of the Pharaohs, was still done. In Renaissance Europe, barbers and surgeons actually were the same profession, combining the services of shaving, pulling teeth and blood-letting. The origin of the red and white striped barber-pole is well-known: an enterprising barber/surgeon, having just bled a famous nobleman, proudly displayed a bloody white towel used in the procedure by wrapping it around a pole outside his establishment. In the 1700s, King Edward IV of England instituted a corporation of “barber-chirurgiens” who performed the above services. Not until 1800 did King George II separate barbers and surgeons into two separate professions. Among many other things, Carnegie and Rockefeller controlled the oil and coal industries. By 1900, they became aware that these industries were producing mountains of waste year by year. An original idea was presented:


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what if these chemical waste materials could somehow be turned to profit? Capital idea, but how? Medicines, that’s how. But medicines like the world has never seen. Medicines made from chemicals. Pharmaceuticals. THE CREATION OF CREDIBILITY Brilliant idea. But how could the people be made to accept such a strange notion? That was the problem. They just took natural cures and occasionally consulted the country or local doctor for something “serious.” The way to gain general acceptance of the new medicines soon became obvious: standardize the education, training, and credentialing of medical doctors and raise their economic status to a level where they would follow policy. And the policy would come from above. About 1904 Andrew Carnegie noticed that the workers in his factories actually made more money than most medical doctors. Consulting with the president of MIT, Henry Pritchett, they set up the Carnegie Foundation with $10 million. Its original purpose was to provide a pension fund for retiring professors. But soon a new application emerged: control of education. The name was changed to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and Pritchett expanded its original purpose, now calling it “a great agency devoted to strengthening American education through scientific inquiry and policy studies.” Any time billionaires tell you they’re going to devote themselves to something for you, that’s usually the time to check your wallet. Ever notice that, Mr Gates? The Foundation became immensely successful. Control of educational standards came about in this way: in order to qualify for the new pension system, a participating institution had to meet standards set by the Foundation. In the first year, only 52 of the 421 colleges who applied were accepted. The Foundation soon took on a life of its own. ABRAHAM FLEXNER


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a non-physician teacher, was hired by the Carnegie Foundation to travel throughout the country and “observe” medical education. His landmark study, known as the Flexner Report, was published in 1910. [36] Upon his recommendations, the Foundation branched out from being merely a pension plan for professors to an entirely new area: research funding. Schools which met Flexner’s, i.e., the Foundation’s, standards were awarded research funds and endowments. Those who did not got nothing. In this way the giants of industry came to dictate the type of medical care that would flourish in America. Traditional, natural methods of healing were passed over, in favor of the more “scientific” approach, which coincidentally meant those schools with the likelihood of disseminating the products of the newborn pharmaceutical industry. The big universities in the medical hierarchy that rule today were aligned with the Carnegie Foundation at that time: Case Western Reserve Johns Hopkins Carnegie Institute of Chicago University of Chicago Harvard School of Medicine University of North Carolina Not to be outdone by the Carnegie Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation also came into ascendancy at this time. Again employing the direction of Abraham Flexner, the Rockefeller Foundation developed national standards for medical schools that were seeking “philanthropic” support. Good word. In 1904 there were 5747 medical doctors. Only 15 years later, after the Flexner Report, by 1919, there were only 2658. In that same 15 year period, the number of medical schools went from 162 to 81. (Lisa p 26) The cut had been made – Rockefeller was screening who was going to play ball from who wasn’t.


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Schools had to be connected to a large university. Universities had to be linked with clinical departments with laboratories and a university hospital. Using Rockefeller Funds, Flexner was able to develop a small group of elite medical schools that were clinically oriented. They already had the raw materials for the new drugs. What was lacking was an academic power-base to legitimize their development and general use. (Tony Fauci carried this model of quid pro quo research funding to a grotesque extreme during the COVID pageant, as reported in RFK’s The Real Anthony Fauci. [37]) The infrastructure for education, funding, research and the organization of medicine that persists today was created in a few short years. Ever wonder how simple folk medicine which had been around for centuries was chucked out the window so fast? Set up under the guidance and specifications of two of the biggest economic forces in history, Carnegie and Rockefeller, organized medicine became an industry, with its focus on market growth. An industry concerned with disease is not about to abolish itself by curing the diseased, now is it? This is why all these years, effective inexpensive nonpharmaceutical remedies have been systematically suppressed. It’s just good business. Against this backdrop, the flailing Germ Theory was revived and trotted back out for a SECOND RUN The fact that it had been repudiated by its founder and most of his contemporaries was no longer mentioned in circles who expected next year’s funding. The Germ Theory fit well with the new market-oriented paradigm of medicine: if bad bugs are out there causing diseases, we better find drugs to kill them. It was a natural, a marriage of expediency, like Bill and Hillary. And Tony. Up into the 1920s, the burgeoning medical industry was gaining strength. It was aided by the declining incidence of infectious diseases due to improved


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sanitation, for which medicine took credit. That is an entire story in itself, and a good starting point would be Vaccination Is Not Immunization [38]. The politics of medicine was becoming stronger year by year, as new institutions were built and funding was doled out for those research projects that had the best potential for future market value. The worldwide flu ‘epidemic’ of 1918 that killed millions proved that the new “scientific” approach had a lot to learn about disease prevention. There was simply no cure, as the virus tore through the world’s population. The still-unproven Germ Theory came to be accepted as policy largely because any opposition to it had little chance of getting published. A small group of scientists, however, aware that the work of Bechamp was a much more reasonable view of physical reality, continued to develop research in a direction other than germs as the cause of disease. “Science” was off and running, the thoroughbred of the new drug market, but the scientific method had been left in the dust. The Germ Theory was enshrined as the underlying dogma of the new Religion. J.H. Tilden, MD, among others, was not attending church services apparently: “…doctors fight the imaginary foe without ceasing. The people are so saturated with the idea that disease must be fought to a finish that they are not satisfied with conservative treatment. Something must be done, even if they pay for it with their lives, as tens of thousands do every year. This willingness to die on the altar of medical superstition is one very great reason why no real improvement is made in fundamental medical science.” – Toxemia Explained 1926 [7] 1926? Sounds like 2018. More deja vu. PENICILLIN In 1928, however, the Germ Theory got a power boost that has lasted almost to the present day. Dr. Alexander Fleming, a British scientist, accidentally discovered that his cultures were being destroyed by a certain mold. For the next 14 years, scientists in England and America were successful in isolating and testing penicillin, in secret. However, in 1942 a fire at The Cocoanut


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Grove, Boston’s oldest nightclub, killed and injured hundreds of people. Penicillin was rushed to Boston in time to prevent infection from burns in hundreds of patients. The news exploded, and the race to mass-produce penicillin, the Wonder Drug, was on. By 1944, all American military requirements for penicillin could be met. Merck to the rescue. This one event, the discovery of penicillin, did more to bring credibility to organized medicine than probably anything else in its history. To be able to prevent infection was certainly a miraculous and wonderful power. Thousands and thousands of people had died from infection down through the ages. Finally here was proof positive of the correctness of the Germ Theory: these patients had died from bad bacteria, and now if only the bacteria were killed with penicillin, the patients would live. Once again, nature was to show that she does not deal in black and white. In fact, MOTHER NATURE BATS LAST In his early research to formulate penicillin, Sir Alexander Fleming was well aware of the ways living things could change or adapt when stressful substances were added. He knew, perhaps better than anyone, the dangers of resistance from overuse of penicillin, and warned against that overuse from the very beginning, as expressed in an interview Fleming gave to the New York Times in 1945: “The greatest possibility of evil in self-medication is the use of too-small doses, so that instead of clearing up infection the microbes are educated to resist penicillin…” Think of it this way: the oldest living things on earth are bacteria and viruses. They have been around for billions of years. They have persisted through myriads of changeful environments – hot, cold, wet, dry, with oxygen, without oxygen, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciers – you name it. They’re still around. Thousands of species of plants and animals have come and gone because


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they couldn’t adapt. So it’s pretty safe to say that on this planet, the masters of adapting are bacteria and viruses. Now suddenly in the 1940s, we introduce a new substance into the human population: penicillin, a substance which kills all bacteria. Do you think bacteria might have run into some other stresses in the past 10 billion years? Probably have. How did they survive? They changed – doctors say ‘mutated.’ The ones that mutated survived; the rest died. Even from the very beginning of the Antibiotic Age in the 1940s, doctors noticed the signs of MUTATION – ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE Exposed to antibiotics, those bacteria that change and survive are said to be drug-resistant. Superbugs. Since the 1940s, many antibiotics have been developed until today there are hundreds of types. The problem is that most are just slightly different versions of a few main types. And resistance to those main types has increased year by year. Drug resistance is today one of the leading causes of deaths in the U.S.: More than 70 thousand patients die each year from it, according to the National Institutes of Health. (Garrett) These patients acquired the infection while they were in a hospital being treated for something else, according to the May 1997 documentary The Coming Plague. No known antibiotics can help these patients, and they die. Increased mortality from infectious disease is on everyone’s mind. A 1992 study by the CDC’s Institute of Medicine showed that mortality from infectious disease has risen 22% worldwide from 1980-1992. (Slavkin, p108) Here’s a good example of drug resistance: In 1946, about 88% of Staphylococcus infections could be cured by penicillin.


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By 1950, only 61% of staph infections could be killed by penicillin. In 1982, fewer than 10% of staph cases could be cured by penicillin. Today it is less than 5%. – The Plague Makers In the 1960s, doctors switched the resistant staph patients to another antibiotic called methicillin. That worked for awhile, but not for long. By 1992, at least 40% of these staphylococcus infections were resistant to methicillin, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, 28 Apr 94. By 1993, only one surefire Staphylococcus killer remained: Vancomycin was the big gun. However today that is no longer true. Today there are many strains of staphylococcus that are resistant to vancomycin. That means also resistant to penicillin and to methecillin. What’s left? Nothing. Out of drugs. Let’s talk strep. Many of the resistant Streptococcus infections have made headlines in the past few years if the patients die a particularly gruesome death. Examples of this are stories of the “flesh-eating disease” which appear from time to time in the news. This is a strain of Group A streptococcus that is resistant to all antibiotics and can attack flesh, muscles, and organs. Now we all know that newspapers are generally not reliable sources of information because they tend to twist facts and overdramatize things and create crises in order to sell more papers. So things have not yet reached the state of affairs that we saw in the movie “Outbreak” with Dustin Hoffman. But many credible medical authorities have been quoted as saying that it’s no longer a question of if a scenario like the Ebola epidemic portrayed in that movie could happen. Rather it’s a question of when. But that sounds a lot like the usual marketing. By 2000, 30% of Strep pneumoniae are resistant to penicillin, once the drug of choice with almost 100% results. By 2000, 30% of gonorrhea cases are resistant to both penicillin and tetracycline, which ten years ago was almost 100% effective. The CDC no longer recommends these two drugs for gonorrhea.


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THE SUPERBUGS How serious is this problem of resistant bacteria? I guess death is a fairly serious outcome: 75,000 Americans are dying annually from bacterial infections they caught in the hospital, which no antibiotics could cure. [40] According to the New England Journal of Medicine, Apr 94, of the 40 million patients hospitalized every year, 2 million acquire infections after they get to the hospital. That’s a one in 20 chance. As many as 60% of those 2 million infections involve antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In some ICUs, there can be as high as a 70% chance of nosocomial infection! Nosocomial means acquired IN the hospital. TUBERCULOSIS Let’s look at TB for a moment. At the turn of the century, tuberculosis was the leading cause of death in the U.S. Then drugs were found that controlled TB for several decades. Recently however, there is no more control, because of the increase in the amount of what doctors call MDR TB. That stands for multiple drug-resistant TB. When the immune system becomes suppressed, by junk food, prescription drugs, bad lifestyle, etc., mutant strains of TB are encouraged. That means resistant to one or more of the 5 drugs used to treat TB. The two main TB drugs are isoniazid and rifampin. In New York City by 1991, 42% of new TB patients were resistant to one drug, and 60% of relapses were resistant to them both. (Garrett, p521) Many strains of TB are resistant to all 5 drugs and that percentage is growing steadily. Such cases are generally fatal, according to the World Health Organization. The WHO is predicting that in the next decade, world deaths from TB will increase from 3 million to 30 million! (Slavkin, p 111) Some doctors have actually gone on record saying that they personally would not venture into certain inner city areas of New York City for any amount of money because of the danger of TB infection. (Lindsay Williams)


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TB is a mycobacterium. Mycobacteria can survive in tissues for years, in a latent state, waiting for an opportunity such as a depressed immune system to become active and multiply. So what are most doctors doing about this situation of antibiotic resistance? They are in a very tough position, that is certain. Because of the control of information, most of the population today is unaware of the extent of drug resistance in this country. Even if they encounter a doctor who is cautious enough to tell them that perhaps they or their child do not need an antibiotic at the first sniffle, patients will often go to another doctor to get the antibiotic. So usually the physician will just come across: some recent studies have shown 10 out of 10 doctors will simply prescribe an antibiotic for minor colds, with no culture. It is astounding to learn that the average child of nine in this country has already had 17 runs of antibiotics in his lifetime! Why is that a problem? The word is attenuation. Attenuation means that the bacteria weren’t killed; only half-killed. There are two reasons why this may have happened: 1. Most people stop taking the antibiotic as soon as they feel better. Isn’t that true? They think they’re fine, but what they just did was allow some bacteria to survive in a mutated form which is now resistant to the antibiotic they just took. Which means that next time the drug won’t work 2. The bacteria mutated and survived the full course of antibiotics. JUST IN CASE Here’s another interesting word: prophylactic. We’re not talking about birth control here. This is another sense of the word. If you have a cold, it’s usually virus. So why do they give you antibiotics, which only kill bacteria? The word is “prophylactic”; we’re gonna give you a prophylactic dose of antibiotics. That means just in case you develop a “secondary” bacterial infection as a “complication” of the viral infection. Is that likely? Not very. The problem is, antibiotics are not M&Ms. They are powerful drugs which kill many of your body’s bacteria every time you take


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them. This is what is known as a Side Effect – to the salesman. But it is actually simply an effect. LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE It starts almost at birth – you know, the ear infection thing. Otitis media, they call it. At the slightest redness around the ear, or the slightest little sniffle, any good mother will drag her baby into any good doctor for a checkup, right? Prescription? Antibiotics. Yes m’am, we’ll kill those bad bugs before they ever get a chance to get started. Pediatricians are trained to diagnose the slightest redness of eardrums as ear infection. That’s an epidemic of misdiagnosis right there. Redness just means inflammation. Infection – otitis – is infestation by bacteria or virus. Antibiotics are for what? That’s right – bacteria. But according to the NEJM, 28 Jan 99, at least 41% of otitis media is caused by virus. But they get antibiotics anyway, as often as not because the parents insist on getting them. And that’s for the cases which actually are otitis media, not even counting all the rashes, allergies, or little traumas which are misdiagnosed as otitis media. Drug of choice: amoxicillin, even though doctors have known since 1991 that kids who take amoxicillin for simple otitis media have a 2-6 times greater chance of recurring infection than kids who don’t. (JAMA, 18 Dec 1991) The whole scene is way out of control, and the real losers are the kids. As usual in America. Childhood is their one chance to prepare their own natural defenses for the environment they will live in their whole lives. Every time a child takes antibiotics unnecessarily, at least three things happen: – he gets better – his immune system gets weaker – recurrent infections likely – those same antibiotics won’t work next time, because only the bugs that survived will stick around Almost 100% of the time, the child would have recovered anyway, without drugs, just like they did for all those centuries before 1940. Kids are


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supposed to be sick sometimes, just like trees are supposed to be in storms. That’s how they build strength. The overdrugged, overprotected, artificially raised American kids are among the sickest, most allergic, most asthmatic, and most overweight children in the civilized world. Healthy kids don’t get sick. And it starts with the infant’s immune system being unnecessarily weakened by inappropriate antibiotics from oversolicitous parents and from doctors rightfully fearful of litigation and from drug companies hungry for a profit. Yes, yes, we know all about the dangers of spinal meningitis. But let’s look at the natural incidence of meningitis in the undrugged, unvaccinated population. Miniscule, compared with the prodigious amount of actual immune system detriment which continues to be wrought by the excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics. Antibiotics are for one thing only – persistent or life threatening infections. That’s what Fleming said. Leave those kids alone! What’s wrong with killing most of my body’s bacteria a few times a year when it’s not particularly necessary? Probiotics, that’s what. Huh? Probiotics. Good bacteria. There are as many as 300 types of good bacteria in the human colon which are necessary for many life functions, including complete digestion, absorption of vitamins and nutrients, and keeping the numbers of potentially pathological bacteria in check. Antibiotics kill many of them. It may take weeks or months for the body to rebuild its normal bacteria, which are called flora. This makes for incomplete digestion, also known as putrefaction, rancidity, or rotting of intestinal contents. Like John Wayne. Autopsy showed 44 pounds of undigested food in his intestines when he died! Think how heavy that would feel all those years. Guess nobody ever told The Duke about probiotics, because he sure didn’t have any.


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Another problem with killing all the body’s bacteria is that it is no longer possible. The pervasiveness of antibiotics through the human race by pills, food, and the animals we eat has promoted the survival of mutant (resistant) bacteria. Scientists have now made the amazing discovery of finding antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the bodies of African tribesmen who live in total isolation from ‘civilization,’ with no access to drugs whatsoever! (Garrett) The point is, in 50 years, virtually everyone has developed some degree of immunity to antibiotics, directly or indirectly. The mutant strains are now normal flora. So the more we now take “broad spectrum” antibiotics, the more we destroy the old non-resistant strains. What’s left? The mutants. Most medical authorities in the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization agree on one idea: antibiotic resistance will be the #1 health challenge of the 21st century. That will be the area in which we will see the greatest increase in the death rate: infections with no cure. One hidden source of antibiotics is FOOD Half the antibiotics produced in this country, which totals 50 million pounds per annum, according to federal statistics, are given to animals like poultry and cattle. 80% of animal antibiotics are given to promote growth, not health. (Levy, p140) [17] Antibiotics are also used extensively on fruit trees and other plants, and even in fish hatcheries. Food processing does not destroy the antibiotics. When we take them in with the food, many of these animal antibiotics are still strong enough to have an effect on our body’s bacteria. This further complicates the problem of resistance. Today people may be resistant to antibiotics they never even got from the doctor. The animal antibiotics are getting stronger all the time. According to the Journal of the South American Veterinary Association, 1996, an antibiotic called salinomycin was given to a herd of cattle. The drug killed 10% of the cattle from heart failure!


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Even the FDA has known about the spillover of antibiotics from animals to humans for a long time. As far back as 1976, FDA Commissioner Donald Kennedy was publicly campaigning to ban antibiotics from animal feed. (New Eng J Med, 9 Sep 1976) Lobbying from the drug companies won out, and high dosages in livestock continue to the present time. SUPERMARKET TRICK – NO ADDED ANTIBIOTICS For years now you’ve seen grocery meats tagged with “No Added Antibiotics.” What does that mean? Who knows? It’s unregulated. It can certainly mean that no antibiotics were added AFTER the animal was butchered. So what? That meat may still be loaded with antibiotics given to the animal during his life. THE BIG BOYS Antibiotics is a $40.7 billion/year industry in the U.S. [41] Its overall purpose is not, nor ever was, health. Its purpose is market growth. As an industry, it is a victim of its own success. Stuart Levy, MD writes that having taken antibiotics as though they were M&Ms for so many years has “caused a destruction of the armor of antibiotic, what I call destroying the miracle.” [17] Now maybe you’re saying, oh don’t worry about drug resistance – they’ll come up with something new. Think again. Nothing responds to change like a market growth industry. The drug companies know better than anyone about the advent of the Post-Antibiotic Era. An article in the journal Clinical Infectious Disease, 1997 Supplement, stated that: “…few new antibiotics are in the development pipeline, and indeed no novel class of antibiotics has been introduced into medical practice in more than 20 years. All recently introduced antibiotic compounds are permutations (improved versions) of pre-existing compounds.” [27]


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Two of the major limitations … are the high cost – about $300 million per new chemical entity – and the observation that many of the larger multinational companies have actually decreased their activities or even ceased to invest in the discovery of new antibiotics.” What a surprise. So much for selfless dedication to humanity. JACKPOT! Want to talk about money? Here is a chart of U.S. hospital purchases of antibiotics, published in Jeffrey Fisher’s book The Plague Maker. 1962 – $94,000,000 1971 – $218,000,000 1991 – $3,000,000,000 1997 – $8,000,000,000 By 2009 the figure was at $10.7 billion. [32] Any questions? WHOSE FAULT IS IT? In 1981, when James Curran of the CDC was being ignored by his superiors about the coming AIDS epidemic, Mark Lappe wrote a book called Germs That Won’t Die, in which he explained antibiotic resistance. A classic paragraph on antibiotics from Lappe’s book, quoted by Laurie Garrett, is this one: “Unfortunately, we played a trick on the natural world by seizing control of these chemicals, making them more perfect in a way that has changed the whole microbial constitution of the developing countries. We have organisms now proliferating that never existed before in nature. We have selected them. We have organisms that probably caused a tenth of a percent of human diseases in the past that now cause twenty, thirty percent of the disease that we’re seeing. We have changed the whole face of the earth by the use of antibiotics.” [13]


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A GREAT GIFT: MISUSE, OVERUSE, ABUSE You can make all sorts of excuses, but here’s the way it looks to many researchers: Mankind took this incredibly fortuitous gift – antibiotics – and let it be egregiously overprescribed and misused, for profit. And now we’re down this road we can’t come back from. Antibiotics have always had, and still have, only one proper application: the life-threatening situation. Not colds, not sniffles, not just-in-case anything. A life-threatening situation. Period. We screwed up. THE PARTY’S ALMOST OVER Antibiotics really were a miracle drug and they really did save thousands of lives. But that time is coming to an end. After the 1990s there was a resurgence of bacterial and viral diseases, after almost 50 years of complete control over infectious diseases, according to the Apr 94 New England Journal of Medicine. If dissemination of antibiotics had been controlled by scientists instead of by drug reps and doctors and HMO execs, perhaps the epidemic of resistance which has now befallen us would not exist. At least not so soon. I’m talking about the scientists who have known all along what Fleming knew, what Bechamp knew, and what Pasteur himself finally admitted: that bugs don’t cause disease and that drugs don’t cure them. Antibiotics were and are for one thing only: life-threatening infections. Not minor colds. Not minor ear infections. Children need to be sick sometimes. That’s how they build their own immune defenses. It’s OK to get a cold once in awhile; it gives the body a chance to use its powers of defense, like fever, inflammation, coughing, and swelling. These symptoms are not the illness. They are just signs that the body is successfully attempting to restore its own balance. To attack the symptoms is to fight the body itself and make it that much more difficult to return to a state of normal health. A body allowed to heal itself will be far more resilient, more RESISTANT in the future. That’s the kind of resistance we want.


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What we call disease is very often simply Nature’s method for ridding the body of poisons. Normal adaptation. Survival. For example, take FEVER Fevers are generally good. The brain raises the temperature of the body for a reason – something has triggered an inflammation and the body is trying to make an inhospitable environment for the irritant and throw it off. Basic detox. Tylenol, ice baths, and drugs may interfere with the body’s most instinctive first line of defense. Think how arrogant that is. Who knows better than your body when to turn up the thermostat? Now in that rare one in 5 million event where there’s a danger of meningitis or the patient is delirious and remains in a very high fever for days on end – that may be the time to consider drugs. Like I said, life-threatening situations. But how often does that happen? When do we take antibiotics? Usually the first sign of a cold or fever. When we’re young, they work. But most people use up all their ammunition early. Remember – average is 17 runs of antibiotics by the age of nine. Then when something serious happens, drugs fail. Not only are the bacteria now resistant; the body has never been given the opportunity to develop its own defenses, its own immune system. The result is just what the market growth drug industry wanted: a nation of people who are always sick, get colds a few times a year, have frequent headaches and digestive disorders and every few years get a “major” illness. Oh yes, and two thirds of whom will die either of heart disease or cancer. Or coughing. Why are we coughing in the first place? Coughing is a cleansing reflex of the respiratory system. That’s the immune system at work. It is good, not bad. No treatment is necessary most of the time. An irritant such as dust or a chemical or an inflammation is disrupting the air passages. The body’s natural response is to try and clear it by forcefully expelling air. Is this rocket science so far? The cough was not the problem. The irritant was


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the problem. OK, so what do we do? Go to the doctor or the drugstore for what? – a cough suppressant. Drug the body’s ability to clear its own airways. But then we have two problems: first, the irritant is still in the airway and has now been protected by the cough suppressor and is allowed to become more entrenched. And second, these cough medicines have serious side effects on the digestive tract. They are not foods, but must be dealt with by the digestive system. And they destroy normal flora. Yes I hear you saying, but what about deep chest colds with coughing that might turn into bronchitis or pneumonia? Exactly. What about them? What will cough suppressants do to help the body clear itself? Same with infection. Infection follows inflammation. Some antigen has been identified and the body has mobilized its forces – the white cells – to wall off the area. The invader is attacked and many white cells are killed in the process. Pus is simply the accumulation of dead white cells that have done their job. Limited infection is not an emergency. It simply means that the body’s defenses are working. Again Dr. Tilden nails it: “… every so-called disease is a crisis of Toxemia; which means that toxin has accumulated in the blood above the toleration point, and the crisis, the so-called disease – call it cold, flu, pneumonia, headache, or typhoid fever – is a vicarious elimination. Nature is endeavoring to rid the body of toxin. Any treatment that obstructs this effort at elimination baffles nature in her effort of self-curing.” Not your average medical doctor. Bet he didn’t get invited to give many keynote speeches at Harvard. The only way anyone gets better from most illness is the body figures out a way to restore balance. It’s not showy, and it’s not always immediate. But it lasts. No one who studies what is going on today in the area of antibiotic resistance comes away with the idea that things are going to be fine just as soon as


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some new drugs are invented. You come away with the idea that the party’s almost over. Just as it was before penicillin, the only factor in disease control will be preparing a strong defense: bolstering the immune system. Those who continue to weaken their immune system will no longer be able to look to antibiotics to save them. They will die early. SO, WHAT IS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM? Lot of people talk about it, but just ask them what it is and see what they say. The immune system is complicated, so let’s just do the short version for now. In general the immune system consists of three things that continually circulate through the body and monitor every cell. And the three are Specialized blood cells, called lymphocytes or white cells Specialized proteins called antibodies Nerve communication This constant monitoring of your cells is going on every second, 24 hours a day, all through the body. In the healthy immune system, the identification of something foreign triggers an attack. The attack usually takes the form of inflammation, swelling, or heat. If the attack turns into a battle, it may become an infection. These are normal physical responses and will be effective if left alone, in the vast majority of cases. They do not usually require drugs, surgery, or any freaking out. If the body’s own defenses are allowed to do their job and to win, not only will the patient recover with no side effects, but more important, he will have built stronger resistance for the future. What helps the immune system? Only two things:

protecting it building it Protecting and building. Not stimulating. Medical science simply doesn’t know enough to stimulate the immune system. Certain drugs may stimulate the immune system, but it’s short-term and always involves side effects.


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The Post-Antibiotic Age: Collapse of the Germ Theory - thedoctorwithin

The first consideration in protecting the immune system is to stop destroying it with: smoking alcohol prescription drugs processed foods dairy products sugar radiation toxins stress For further explanation of these stressors, see the chapters on Enzymes and on Antioxidants, and also on Vaccinations. To build the immune system is not easy, but it is simple. First, eliminate the above list of destroyers. Second, detox the colon and the blood. For information on how to do that, see the chapters on the Colon and on Enzymes. After that, keep further toxic intake to a minimum. Primarily, that means drugs and processed foods. Simple, huh? THE CURE FOR AIDS is actually known: At the International AIDS Conference in Berlin in 1993, the minutes showed that “A large number of women prostitutes have been discovered in Africa. Each prostitute has had numerous encounters with men who have AIDS. Not one has contracted AIDS. Studies show that the women have exceptionally strong immune systems. This is the only difference between these prostitutes and others who have contracted AIDS.” Drugs depress the immune system; not just antibiotics, but all pharmaceuticals. That’s why no drug will ever be found that cures AIDS. That’s why AZT has never been proven to extend anyone’s life even one day. That’s why the search for the ultimate AIDS drug is futile. The virus does not exist in isolation and cannot be selectively killed without affecting the entire


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system. The whole approach, the whole military philosophy of seek-anddestroy is fundamentally flawed. HIV is not the cause of AIDS; it’s a sign of AIDS. In an article in USA Today, 26 Nov 97 the WHO revised its earlier estimate. [23] The previous year they said there would be 22 million people in the world with AIDS by this time. In 97 they revised that figure to 30 million. Know what’s going to happen with AIDS? Exactly what happened with every other disease ever encountered by the human race, except for the brief era of success with antibiotics: it will run its course through the species. It will kill those with the weakest immune systems, and then it will be gone. AIDS research? Politics. As with Pasteur’s anthrax vaccine and his rabies vaccine, drugs can actually bring new diseases into the human race. Like the unlucky French mailman, Pierre Rascol. He and his friend were attacked by a dog. The friend was severely bitten, but not Pierre. The dog’s teeth did not puncture Pierre’s skin. The friend did nothing and was fine. The dog was fine. The postal authorities found out about the incident however, and forced an unwilling Pierre to be treated by Pasteur. After one week, Pierre was dead, a victim of Pasteur’s inoculations. Look it up. (Hume) [11] SO WHICH IS IT? So are germs the cause of disease or aren’t they? Bechamp said that there was enough truth in that notion to make it seem reasonable at first glance. Sure we can sometimes identify certain types of bacteria in certain disease conditions. And it’s undeniable that organisms can be found rampant within populations suffering from epidemics and outbreaks, as Laurie Garrett describes in The Coming Plague. [5] But consider this: what if many more people than those who actually get a disease have the “bug”? Usually the only people we test are the ones who get sick. So it looks like they’re the only ones who have the ‘causative’ organism in measurable amounts. From Pasteur to the present, there is an


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entire other point of view that has been supported: maybe the bad bugs are commonly present in many normal people, but only multiply out of control when allowed to because of a weak immune system. They’re harmless until they proliferate. This is a fundamental notion. “Bacteria and parasites cannot cause disease processes unless they find their own peculiar morbid soil in which to grow and multiply.” [10] -Henry Lindlahr, MD – Founder of Lindlahr Sanitarium In view of the overall failure of the one-drug-one-disease approach, it’s obvious there must be a bigger picture. So here it is: the body is poisoned year by year, leading to general toxemia (blood-poisoning.) The reasons are noted above: chemicalization of commercially available food, chemicalization of all medical drugs, and stressful toxic lifestyle. The body tries to detoxify itself by its normal processes of digestion and immune response. But it’s too big of a job; there are too many weird chemicals. Digestion is blocked. The blood stagnates. The white cells and antibodies can’t circulate. The colon backs up. And things breed. Favorable environments are created for the proliferation of normally harmless organisms. Result: disease. Totally different paradigm. In the early 1980s, before AIDS had been named and before HIV had been pronounced as the cause, researchers like James Curran of the CDC were studying the new disease that was occurring among urban gays. There wasn’t enough money or manpower to fully investigate the problem, but scientists realized that this was a unique disease and they knew it was going to be big. Collecting all the data they could, they studied the gay lifestyle in detail. One of the few things they could say for sure was that these people as a population had one of the most severely depressed immune systems ever studied. To find a group of people with worse immune defenses than theirs, you would have to look in a third world country. Curran found that urban gays


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didn’t just get AIDS – they had astronomically higher than normal incidences of any immune-deficient condition you can name, including Herpes Simplex I – Herpes Simplex II Gonorrhea – Hepatitis A Hepatitis B – Cytomegalovirus Mononucleosis – Syphilis Influenza – Candida albicans Entamoeba histolytica – Cryptosporidium TB – E. coli Staphylococcus aureus – Klebsiella Pneumocystic pneumonia . . . – Laurie Garrett [5] Why bother to list them? The patients got these diseases on their way to getting AIDS. They also had proliferation of many other bacteria that are normally harmless. The point is, when there’s no immune system, anything can grow. Favorable environment. The terrain. Le terrain biologique. AIDS patients don’t die of AIDS. They die of pneumonia or of flu. They die because they have no CD-4 cells, no immune system to fight off even the most harmless invader. And they die from drugs. When you start to look at the epidemiology of AIDS in Africa and then in Asia, all the talk is about genes and microbe vectors and modes of transmission and villages and patterns of migration of the virus, and numbers of the population already infected, and virulence, etc. But you can take the whole picture, all this information, and pick it up and rotate it 5 degrees to one side, and look at it just a little differently and something else comes into focus. What if we’re wasting our time looking for a cure for AIDS or trying to figure out why it appeared in this or that village in Africa or this brothel in Thailand or trying to unlock the elusive patterns of recombinant viral DNA with computer sequencing or encouraging a new group of “disease cowboys” to get out there, or identifying Patient Zero, or even educating people about protection…? What good is all this? Look at the numbers: by July of 1982 there were 177 known deaths from AIDS. By summer 1997, over 7 million have died. An


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estimated 38.4 million people worldwide are now infected.[42] Are we getting better or worse at holding this disease in check? Is the talent and research money thrown into the fight becoming more available or less available? What if this disease is simply going to run its course throughout Homo sapiens no matter what we do, just like the plagues did, just like the majority of all other diseases have? May sound fatalistic, but it’s precisely what’s actually taking place. Ask yourself this: what did urban gays and junkies have in common with the Africans and Asians who were being swept away by this deadly tidal wave? In a word, susceptibility. Why? Third world people are possessed of fragile, tenuous immune systems because of malnutrition, squalor, overcrowding, and appalling medical practices. They also have been targets for mass inoculations with unproven vaccines legislated upon them by government deals with drug giants. These people are physically stressed almost to the breaking point, normally. With overpopulation, all the adverse conditions are magnified. It’s been proven that the AIDS virus has been around for decades both in monkeys and in humans. But not until 1982 did people start dying of it. And then who was it, and who is it that is dying? The ones with what? That’s right – the ones with the worst immune systems on the planet. Then and now. Viruses don’t care if you’re gay or you’re a monkey or you’re living in squalor, or in a townhouse. They’re just looking for a place to set up shop. This point of view redefines the problem. Instead of worrying about what are we going to do about AIDS, tracking it, fighting it, and relating it to antibiotic resistance, let’s consider focusing instead on the only thing that will ever overcome AIDS or any other disease: a strong immune system. Oversimplification? Looks like it may be time for one. WHAT NOW? What does the future hold? Let’s stop listening to the media magpie/spin doctors for a second and follow the pertinent literature to its logical conclusion – is antibiotic resistance becoming greater or less each year?


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Greater. Let’s give antibiotics a best case scenario guess: another 20 years. OK, do bacteria cause disease? Definitely not always. What is always present in diseases? Answer: depressed immune system. With a healthy resilient immune system, disease is rejected, no matter how serious. J.H. Tilden, MD put it this way: “Normal persons are deadly to all germs and parasites peculiar to the human habitat.” – Toxemia Explained [7] So putting these ideas together, a notion comes into focus so clear that even a lawyer could see it: soon we will be living in the Post-Antibiotic Era. The paramount issue in health and survival will then be the immune system. Drugs, alcohol, smoking, air pollution, processed food, white sugar, white flour, radiation, stress, and bad living will still be doing their number on that immune system. But it will be performing without a net, this time. On its own. What will people turn to in order to strengthen their immune system? Answer: Alternative Medicine, just like before all of this went down. Actually, it’s already started. Ask your physician that one. Want to see a blank look? Ask your HMO doctor what he can give you to boost your immune system. Out of the $5.2 trillion/year medical budget, about one point four per cent is today being spent for Alternative Medicine. That’s not much, but it’s growing. Alternative medicine’s purpose is to use natural means to strengthen the immune system. Whole food enzymes, antioxidants, natural herbs, aloe, probiotics, pure water, clean diet, spinal adjustment, massage, martial arts, and exercise have all been proven to be helpful. One reason things won’t be completely the same as they were in the pre-antibiotic age is that our knowledge of holistic therapeutics has deepened exponentially, sort of as a by-product of the advances in biomedical technology in the past 50 years. An increasing number of people are learning what it feels like to build up their immune system, their resistance to illness. Once you’ve done that, even one time, you know you can overcome practically any health challenge out there by cleaning up your blood, simple detox, and following the basics.


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Taken as a whole complete self-regulating being, the body is simple and just needs a few things to maintain itself without disease, premature aging, or chronic poisoning. Things get complicated when the body is approached with what I call the O’Neil Method – as in auto parts – meaning pretending that the body is simply a group of individual parts that can be treated in isolation from each other, one by one, like spark plugs and carburetors. Then we get into some heavy theorizing, dangerous chemical experimentation, and pathologically long words. Health then becomes a side issue, the focus is economic, and the patient becomes the mark. And this is the controlling philosophy in health care today. You get a funny feeling, like an awakening, when it finally dawns on you that all this time scientific “research” has not really been progressing along with an intent to uncover deeper knowledge of nature or physical things, or to seek the truth, or to serve mankind, like they always say it is. Such altruism is carefully crafted and presented as the motivation for research, but the actual way it works may be quite different. It is not negativity or paranoia but rather the loss of naiveté that makes you realize that they don’t really want a cure for cancer or AIDS or infectious disease or the common cold or obesity or depression or any other illness. No, for these drive the industry. The game is pharmaceutical economics. A NORMAL LIFE You’re born. You get no drugs and no vaccinations. During childhood you have the usual illnesses, but conservative treatment gets you through them without antibiotics or drugs, and you build your natural immune defenses. You don’t eat white sugar, white flour, too much meat or cheese, or drink milk, alcohol, or soft drinks. You concentrate on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and a clean, natural diet. You never learn to drink coffee or to smoke cigarettes. The only pills you take are powerful whole food vitamins and enzymes and minerals, which are part of your daily intake. You drink at least 1 liter of water every day. Into adulthood, you never get sick: no colds, no flu, no headaches, no diabetes, no ADD, no “thyroid problems,” no panic attacks, growing pains, fatigue, or digestive disorders, no high blood pressure. The only pains you experience come from


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accidental injury. Perhaps you do moderate exercise or sports activity to maintain mobility and general fitness. You look to the care of your spine. Your entire adulthood is spent in this disease-free mode. As you age, your mind gets sharper. You experience no arthritis or osteoporosis, no Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Finally one day after 90 or 100 years, you flicker like a candle and go out. The above paragraph may be useful in choosing a doctor. Some will say all this is impossible; which for them is true. So don’t choose them. All this is possible; moreover, thousands and thousands of people are living it. So listen only to those who can help you achieve such a condition of living health. Because now we’ve arrived at the threshold of a time when good health and a powerful immune system are not only advisable; they are the very determinants of survival. Coming soon to your town – the Post-Antibiotic Age. – Dr Tim O’Shea Copyright MMXXII   REFERENCES 1. Guyton, Arthur – The Textbook of Medical Physiology Saunders 1996 2. Chopra, Deepak MD – Quantum Healing Bantam 1989 3. James, Walene – Immunizations: The Reality behind the Myth Bergin&Garvey 1995 4. CDC – “Emerging Infections: Microbial Threats to Health in the U.S.” 1992 5. Garrett, Laurie – The Coming Plague Penguin Books 1994 6. Turner Broadcasting Network – The Coming Plague May 1997 7. Tilden, J.H., MD – Toxemia Explained 1926 Kessinger 8. International AIDS Conference, Minutes 1993


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9. Hadwen, Walter, MD – Microbes and War 10. Lindlahr, Henry, MD – The Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics 1918 11. Hume, Edith – Bechamp or Pasteur? 1932 CW Daniel, London 12. Howell, Edward, MD – Enzyme Nutrition 1985 13. Lappe, Mark – Germs That Won’t Die 1981 14. Whang, Sang – Reverse Aging 1990 15. Pearson, R.B. – The Dream and Lie of L. Pasteur 1942 Sumeria Press 16. Robbins, John – Reclaiming Our Health 1996 H J Kramer, Inc 17. Levy, Stuart MD – The Antibiotic Paradox Plenum Press NY 1992 18. Heikkenen T et al. – Prevalence of various respiratory viruses in the middle ear during acute otitis media. NEJMedicine 28 Jan 1999 vol 340:260 19. Cantekin E et al – Antimicrobial Therapy for Otitis Media With Effusion JAMA 18 Dec 1991 256;23:3309 20. Williams, G III – “Swearing Off The Miracle” 21. Hencke, Howard – The Germ Theory: A Deliberate Aberration 1995 22. Dubos, Rene – Man Adapting 1965 23. USA Today– 26 Nov 97 24. Fisher, Jeffrey MD – The Plague Makers 1994 Simon &Schuster 25. Murray, B MD – “Multiple Antibiotic Resistant pathogenic Bacteria” New England Journal of Medicine vol.330;17 p1247 28 Apr 94 26. Preston, Richard – The Hot Zone 1994 Anchor Books, Doubleday


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27. Hancock, R – “Evolution and Dissemination of b-lactamases” Clinical Infectious Diseases, 1994 Supplement, S19 28. Slavkin, Harold, MD – “Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases” Journal of American Dental Association vol.128 Jan 97 29. Carrell, Alexis MD – Man, the Unknown Harper 1935 New York 30. Chopra, Deepak MD – Quantum Healing 1989 Bantam 31. Jensen. Bernard – Empty Harvest 1990 Avery 32. Katie J. Suda1, A national evaluation of antibiotic expenditures by healthcare setting in the United States, JAntiChemo July 29, 2012. also . Antibiotic Expenditures by Medication Class and Healthcare Settings in the United States, 2010-2013 33. CDC: Antibiotic Use 22 Dec 2016 34. Bird, C – The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens: The True Story of the Efforts to Suppress an Alternative Treatment for Cancer 35. Ruesch, H – The Naked Empress 36. Flexner, A. – THE FLEXNER REPORT 1910 37. KENNEDY, RF THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI – 2022 38. O’SHEA, T Vaccination is not immunization 40. HHS: Healthcare-Associated Infections 41. Antibiotics Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report 2020 42. The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic 2021


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The Post-Antibiotic Age: Collapse of the Germ Theory - thedoctorwithin 43. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Making health care safer: antibiotic Rx in hospitals: proceed with caution Vital Signs 2014 Mar [cited 2015 Mar 31].

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Sugar The Sweet Thief of Life - High blood sugar symptoms

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High blood sugar symptoms. “The taste of sweetness, whereof a little more than a little is by much too much.” – Henry IV, Part I There’s no doubt that Americans are addicted to sugar. We consume an average of 150 lbs. per person per year. (Appleton, p.10) For many of us, that means we eat our own weight in sugar every year! So it might be helpful to find out what that means – what sugar really is, what food value it has, and what problems it causes.


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Sugar The Sweet Thief of Life - High blood sugar symptoms

The sugar industry is big: $100 billion per year. As with any other billion dollar business, there’s bound to be a ton of information that will support such an empire anywhere you look – the media, bookstores, advertising, etc. Boats like this don’t like to be rocked. On the other side is a group claiming that white sugar is poison, a harmful drug, barely differing from cocaine, etc. Some claims are true; others are unreferenced opinion, often bordering on hysteria. For our purposes, we’ll focus on what we really can verify about sugar, and hopefully avoid the errors of disinformation on both sides of the fence.   WHAT IS SUGAR? That’s easy – it’s that white stuff in the sugar bowl. Refined white cane sugar is only one type, however. There’s also brown sugar, raw sugar, fruit sugar, corn sugar, milk sugar, beet sugar, alcohol, monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. All these are also sugar. Start with white sugar. It is made by refining sugar cane, a process involving many chemicals. Or from beets, whose refinement also involves synthetic chemicals, and charcoal. The big problem is that the finished product contains none of the nutrients, vitamins, or minerals of the original plant. White sugar is a simple carbohydrate, which means a fractionated, artificial, devitalized by-product of the original plant. The original plant was a complex carbohydrate, which means it contained all the properties of a whole food: vitamins, minerals, enzymes. Refined sugar from beets and cane is sucrose. Up to the mid 1970s, sucrose was the primary sugar consumed by Americans. That changed when manufacturers discovered a cheaper source of refined sugar: corn. A process was evolved that could change the natural fructose in corn to glucose, and then by adding synthetic chemicals, change the glucose back into an artificial, synthetic type of fructose called high fructose. (Freeston)


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Sugar The Sweet Thief of Life - High blood sugar symptoms

High fructose became big real fast. In 1984, Coke and Pepsi changed from cane sugar to HFCS. True connoisseurs could tell the difference, but there weren’t many of us. Today high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is the preferred sweetener in most soft drinks and processed foods. Read the labels. As of 1997, worldwide production of HFCS exceeded 8 billion kilograms. (Freeston) Remember, natural fructose is contained in most raw fruits and vegetables. It is a natural food. Moderate amounts of natural fructose can be easily digested by the body with no stress or depleting of mineral stores. Natural fructose does not cause rollercoaster blood sugar, unless the person overdoes it. Natural fructose is not addicting. High fructose corn syrup, by contrast, cannot be well digested, actually inhibits digestion, is addicting, and causes a great number of biochemical errors, as we shall see. HFCS is artificial; a non-food. In this chapter sugar means refined, synthetic sugar from beets, cane, and HFCS. The harmful physical effects are essentially the same from all three. More later.   WHAT ARE CARBOHYDRATES? Everyone knows that food comes in three forms: fat, protein, and carbohydrate. Most foods have all three, in varying proportions. Carbohydrates are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The main carbohydrates are sugar, starches, and cellulose. (Dorland, p121) Sugars are sweet carbohydrates, either single or double molecules: monosaccharides or disaccharides. Starches are the main form of carbohydrate storage in plants. Starches are polysaccharides, which means strings of more than two carbohydrate


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molecules. Starches break down to sugars – that’s why if you keep a cracker in your mouth for a minute, it begins to taste sweet. Cellulose is made of long, fibrous strings of carbohydrate, mainly for structural support of a plant. It is cellulose that provides us with fiber in the diet. Fruits contain mainly sugars, while vegetables contain mainly starches. And both contain cellulose.   COMPLEX VS. SIMPLE An apple contains natural sugar: fructose. A potato contains natural starch. But these are whole foods containing much more than just isolated carbohydrates. Apples and potatoes grown in good soil also contain vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Such foods are complex carbohydrates, meaning that they are complete foods. The problem comes in with processed sugar and processed starch. White table sugar has no nutrients. White bread is a processed, artificial starch. These are not foods – they do not nourish. We call them simple carbohydrates. Even when they are broken down to individual glucose molecules by digestion, it is completely different from the glucose endproduct of a digested apple, for example. That’s because apples don’t simply break down into isolated glucose molecules. Other nutrients and co-factors are present, which are necessary for the body to make use of the glucose: enzymes, minerals, vitamins. White sugar and white bread require enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and insulin from the body in order to act. And the action is one of irritation, removal, and defense instead of nutrition. All enzymes and nutrients have been purposely removed from white sugar and white flour by processing. The result is a synthetic manmade


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carbohydrate, occurring nowhere in nature. The body regards such as a foreign substance, as a drug. Another way to look at it is this: when complex carbohydrates are broken down, the result is a usable glucose molecule. When simple (refined) carbohydrates are allowed to ferment in the digestive tract because they can’t be broken down, the results are alcohol, acetic acid, water, and carbon dioxide. (Dufty p 183) Not so usable, except for the water. In addition to these by-products, simple carbohydrates do increase blood glucose by an unregulated, unnatural amount. And this is the real problem with refined sugar: the quantity of pure glucose suddenly taken in. Most books, most doctors, and most nutritionists fail to make this simple distinction between simple and complex carbohydrates. They talk about apples and Coca-Cola both as carbohydrates, because they say that both ultimately break down to glucose, and that’s the form the body needs. It’s the standard medical approach. Same mentality that thinks vitamin C is ascorbic acid (see Chapter). The same mentality that thinks that milk is a good source of protein, or of calcium. Loads of information, very little understanding. These are the type of nutritionists who confuse organic gardening with organic chemistry, and talk about when you buy organic produce in the supermarket, that’s the kind that is carbon-based. Or the type of “nutrition” mentality that has bypass patients eating mashed potatoes and gravy and canned sugar drinks the day after surgery so they’ll “get their strength back.” Most nutritionists are trained to think that diabetes is genetic and therefore may have to be controlled with drugs. Like any other area that concerns health, most of what is published about diet and nutrition is unfounded speculation. Worse if they have credentials. Don’t get me started. With sugar, ingestion is far different from digestion: just because you ate it doesn’t mean you can use it. This is why counting calories and food


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combining and blood typing and the Zone and other passing fads are so irrelevant: it doesn’t matter what you eat; it matters what you digest. If you re-read the last three sections, you probably now know more about sugar than 90% of health professionals. This will become obvious when we get to diabetes.   MINI HISTORY Sugar Blues by William Dufty was a classic book of the mid 1970s. In a compelling, informal fashion, the book provides a broad historical and political sketch of sugar economics from the 15th century to the present. Dufty thoroughly references his basic data with respect to the trade empires that emerged around sugar: molasses, rum, and slaves. The taxes on sugar alone brought great wealth to the rulers of England, France, Spain, and Holland, as well as to the slave traders, shipping merchants, and plantation owners. (p. 33) Many modern fortunes whose names we would recognize today were amassed at this time. Dufty draws interesting parallels between opium and sugar, as both were things we don’t really need, both became sources of huge revenues and taxes, both have some dark history involving immense human suffering, and both can cause physical degeneration and death after a long period of dependence.   REFINING CAME LATER During the first centuries of the sugar industry, cane sugar was made into molasses and rum, for shipping across the oceans. Sugar itself was raw; light brown in color, and still retained some of the original nutrients. Natural sugar doesn’t cause diabetes; if you eat too much natural honey, you just get sick.


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The refining of sugar cane evolved gradually, and spread all over the world in a short time. Refining began with old stone mills, powered by rivers or windvanes, where whole wheat was ground into flour. As time went by, machinery got better and better at removing the outer husks from the wheat and leaving behind only the white inner simple carbohydrate, devoid of minerals and vitamins. Same with beets and cane. Processing methods, which stripped away all vitamins, mineral, and enzymes, got so good at making a consistent product of white crystals, that the price of sugar went down and down, all over the world. Sugar consumption, however, went up and up. What used to be a delicacy only for the rich, evolved to becoming a staple for everyone. Most sources estimate that today sugar makes up about 20% of the calories of the average American diet! Just imagine – that means that on the average, 20% of what Americans eat has no nutrient content. Worse yet, it’s physically destructive, as we will see. Dufty offers layer upon layer of proof that modern mankind is degenerating, devolving as a race, becoming sicker and weaker decade by decade. Certainly nothing in the 20 years since Sugar Blues came out can dispute that idea: look around you. Seems like half our school kids are either on Ritalin, inhalators, or some kind of allergy medicine most of the time. Look at the rise of degenerative disease, cited in Chapter One. In a more scholarly work, Dr. Weston Price had come to the same conclusions in his landmark work Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. In the 1930s, Dr. Price travelled around the world examining the teeth and skulls of every primitive race he could find – American Indians, Swiss Alps villagers, Eskimos, aborigines, Scottish primitives, Fiji islanders, and more. Price’s conclusions are not subject to debate – instance after instance, when a people would become exposed to western foods – white sugar and white flour – within a very few years, they would be experiencing rates of tooth decay, tuberculosis and arthritis equal to the “civilized” nations. Price found that as long as a group of people could remain isolated and eat their


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‘primitive’ simple foods, the rates of tooth decay and degenerative disease were practically zero. Price’s work has never been challenged.   HOW MUCH SUGAR DO WE REALLY NEED? White sugar, none, according to Dufty. But modern needs are something created by commerce, by advertising, by politics. How many people do you know who drink at least one 12 oz soft drink per day? If the sugar from each bottle could be crystallized out, it would amount to 10 teaspoons. (Appleton, p 16) Put 10 teaspoons of sugar in the bottom of an empty coke bottle and look at it. Is that a lot? In a normal bloodstream, which is about 5 liters, approximately 2 teaspoons of glucose should be circulating at any one time. That means that one coke raises the blood sugar to 5x its normal level, for at least four hours. Now stop here a minute. This is one soft drink. Do you know anyone who drinks more than one soft drink per day? How about per hour? Do the math. To that, add the sugar in desserts, ice cream, jams, jello, artificial fruit drinks, and candy. This is not even mentioning hidden sugar found in ketchup, processed meats, baby food, condiments, cereals, and most other processed foods whose label you may chance to read. And by the way, did you know that alcohol is a sugar? So add wine, beer, liquor. And even tobacco! Getting the picture here? Think you know anyone with only 2 teaspoons of glucose in the blood?   SUGAR ABSORPTION The simplest sugar of all is glucose. Both natural and processed sugars ultimately break down into glucose, which is a single molecule. Glucose is


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readily absorbed through the digestive tract. It goes immediately into the bloodstream. Glucose is necessary for cell function, especially brain cell function. The level of glucose in the blood is a very big deal. Too much and we become diabetic; too little and we pass out. The body has figured out many ways to try and keep the glucose level within a certain range: 90 – 140 milligrams per deciliter. (Guyton, p 863) The pancreas and the adrenal glands work together to fine-tune blood sugar levels at all times. As the blood flows by, the pancreas senses the high glucose content and puts out insulin. Insulin gets rid of the glucose in two ways:

into the cells storage in the liver, in the form of glycogen.

The adrenals do the opposite; when blood sugar is too low, they send a hormone called cortisol to the liver to get some of the stored glucose out of storage. The body is then ready for action: fight or flight. A great system, evolved after countless millennia, perfectly capable of balancing blood sugar, with a diet of natural foods. Then manmade sugar came on the scene – a compound that nature could never have invented. This new chemical, offering so much refined glucose to the bloodstream without the benefit of the usual accompanying fiber, minerals, vitamins and enzymes – was an assault on a human biochemistry that had evolved over the centuries. All these precious stores of nutrients which the body had other plans for, must now be mobilized and used up in order to deal with 150 pounds per year of a devitalized non-food. Hence the phrase ‘malnutrition of the affluent.’ LAST CALL FOR ALCOHOL


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Alcohol is a sugar. It is a refined sugar, and more – it is a fermented sugar. Fermented means half-digested. In the CANCER chapter, we saw how cancer thrives in an environment with little or no oxygen. That’s why cancer loves refined sugar – not being well digested, sugar ferments in the body. With alcohol, it’s already fermented when we drink it. Fermentation occurs in an anaerobic environment: no oxygen. We know the sources of alcoholic beverages: beverage  – – – –    source wine    – – – –          grapes beer     – – – –       barley whiskey  – – – –       corn or rye gin       – – – –       rye and juniper berries rum     – – – –         sugar cane vodka   – – – –         wheat These alcoholic beverages are the fermented sugars of the individual fruit or grain. Alcohol is a super-refined substance. It enters the body with no vitamins, minerals, or enzymes to aid in its breakdown. At least sugar products must pass through the digestive system before entering the bloodstream. But alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream immediately, right through the stomach. Alcohol makes an immediate assault on all the body’s stores of enzymes, insulin, vitamins, and minerals, which seek to break it down and maintain the blood’s delicate pH. That’s how alcohol ages the body so fast – that’s why many alcoholics look so old. Chronic dehydration. (See Water chapter) All the information in this chapter about white sugar can be applied to alcohol as well. The bad effects on the body systems are much worse from alcohol, however, because refining has taken that extra step – fermentation – no digestion necessary before absorption. Remember that bit of PR a few years ago about how drinking a little glass of wine prevents heart attacks? The only benefit was the natural pycnogenol antioxidant in the grapes – you could get the same effect from drinking grape


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juice. Another Orwellian marketing masterpiece, from the same people who brought you folksy gems like we shouldn’t eat fats an aspirin a day prevents heart attack milk builds strong bones and teeth.   ENERGY KICK? TRY ENERGY DRAIN No matter what athletes you see on TV commercials chugging famous soft drinks, none of them is that stupid. What are they drinking on the bench? Water. The illusion of energy from refined sugar is something that sugar advertisers have capitalized on for decades. That initial burst of nervous energy is immediately followed by a body in crisis wasting energy trying to bring things back to normal. These efforts make the body tired, sleepy, and run down. Not just sugar advertisers, but many of the medical “experts” who were hired guns for the sugar empire wrote thousands of “research” papers proving that sugar was beneficial and gave people energy. Dufty cites examples of this deception over three centuries. It’s still going on today; examples can be found practically every month in the popular magazines. You gotta figure that billion dollar industries can afford to buy a few scientists along the way. The initial blast of energy is the adrenal shock reacting to a non-food in the system. Fight or flight. Refined sugar stimulates a whole range of physiological responses, all of which are unnecessary, all of which waste the energy of the cells and systems, and all of which are followed by condition of exhaustion soon after the brief rush subsides. Then you’re down and the monkey needs another bump.   WHAT DOES REFINED SUGAR REALLY DO TO THE BODY? An excellent chart on pp 68-72 of Appleton’s book gives a quick overview.


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Some excerpts: Refined sugar: suppresses the immune system causes hyperactivity in children kidney damage mineral deficiencies, especially chromium, copper, calcium and magnesium makes the blood acidic tooth decay advances aging digestive disorders arthritis asthma Candida albicans decreased blood flow to the heart causes osteoporosis causes food allergies causes eczema atherosclerosis free radical formation loss of enzyme function increases liver and kidney size brittle tendons migraines blood clots depression Appleton references each one of these problems with a different study. These symptoms are just various manifestations of one main mechanism: sugar cannot be digested. Sugar inactivates digestive enzymes. It remains in the tract, fermenting. Some of the toxic mass gradually seeps into the bloodstream where it acidifies the blood. The body tries desperate measures to maintain the normal pH of the blood. The above symptom list shows the end-results of those efforts, the signs of their failure, or else the degeneration of a tissue that has become the final resting place for fermenting debris in an overloaded system.


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ACID BLOOD As we saw in the Water chapter, pH is a big consideration when soft drinks are taken in. If you pour a glass of Coke into 10 gallons of water, the pH will drop from 7.8 to 4.6 immediately. (Whang, p 22) Our survival range is pH 7.3 – 7.45 in the blood. So obviously the body has to go through all kinds of complicated steps to keep our 5 liters of blood from getting too acidic. This process wastes vitamins, minerals, and enzymes which should have been used for normal metabolism. See how sugar can age the body? Worn adrenals, used-up pancreas. Another problem with an over-acid digestive tract is that the good bacteria, the intestinal flora, are destroyed. Their job was the final stages of digestion. Without them, rotting and stagnation of food is promoted, instead of digestion. Half-digested carbohydrates are described as fermented, just like with making wine or liquor. The half-digested carbohydrates leak into the bloodstream intact and cause problems in the joints, muscles, organs – any place they lodge. Examples of diseases that come about in this manner: – osteoarthritis – hepatitis – cirrhosis – kidney disease – chronic fatigue – colitis/irritable bowel syndrome – Candida albicans – reflux/heartburn – chronic allergies —————(See COLON chapter) Candida albicans is a common yeast infection that goes all through the body. Many researchers estimate that as many as 80% of American women may have Candida. (Anderson) The #1 way Candida occurs is floral imbalance – normal flora keep Candida and other potentially bad organisms in check. Not only does half-digested sugar kill off the good bacteria. In addition, Candida


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thrive on it. So it’s a double whammy, the way sugar promotes Candida albicans.   ENZYME DISRUPTION Many of the problems listed on the previous page are the result of incomplete digestion and breakdown. Refined sugar has the ability to change the shape of our normal digestive enzymes. (Appleton, p 65) As we saw in the Enzymes chapter, there’s a lock and key thing going on here. Enzymes are proteins that have specific shapes in order to break down other specific molecules. When refined sugar changes the shapes of the digestive enzymes that are present for the express purpose of digesting that refined sugar – see what happens? The sugar doesn’t get digested. It just sits there and rots. Fermentation. This is why drinking a coke or a beer just before dinner will kill your appetite. And interfere with your ability to later digest the fats and proteins in the meal. Sugar destroys the digestive enzymes.   MINERAL IMBALANCE Besides enzyme destruction and acidifying the blood, sugar depletes the body of minerals. Most of the damage to the body resulting from sugar can be traced to one of these three events. As we saw in the Minerals chapter, many life functions of cells and tissues are dependent on the presence of minerals. The action of many vitamins are dependent on the presence of minerals. First off, we have seen the importance of chromium for insulin to operate. A double threat is happening with chromium: – chromium is depleted as the body attempts to metabolize and remove white


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sugar – as the stores are used up, there won’t be enough chromium left to allow the available insulin to work. For this reason, many people who are being diagnosed diabetic may be just chromium deficient. Even if insulin is present, it cannot operate on sugars without chromium as a co-factor. (Appleton, p 61) Very often chelated chromium supplements together with eliminating refined sugar from the diet can normalize a patient who was incorrectly labeled as diabetic. Sugar also causes osteoporosis, by the following mechanism: In order for calcium to be used by the cells, there must be a proper amount of phosphorus also present in the blood. Without the correct ratio of calcium to phosphorus, the calcium is in the wrong form – a harmful form. A form that precipitates out of solution and forms stones in the gallbladder, kidneys, and liver. Sugar wastes our phosphorus stores. Soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, which further disrupts the phosphorus balance. (Appleton, p 83) Without the right form of calcium in the blood, the body borrows calcium from the bones and teeth. Dr. Weston Price proved this in the 1920s. (Price) It is the imbalance of calcium caused by refined sugar which causes tooth decay, even more than the acidic saliva attacking the exterior enamel of the teeth. Here’s another difference between raw and refined sugar. Raw sugar doesn’t rot the teeth. According to Royal Lee “Refined sugar has lost its minerals and will pick up minerals right out of the tooth…you can take a freshly extracted tooth and soak it in raw sugar solution, and it will have no effect. You soak it in the refined sugar and you will eat it full of holes.” Conversations, p 46


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THE GLYCEMIC INDEX The suffix -emia at the end of a word means in the blood. Glycemia means glucose in the blood. All foods containing carbohydrates affect the blood sugar differently. In 1981, David Jenkins came up with a way to compare foods with respect to their effect on blood sugar. (Miller) He called it the Glycemic Index. The GI is based on glucose, which has a value of 100. An apple for example has a GI of 38 and is therefore said to be low on the Glycemic Index. White bread which is rated at 70 is said to be high on the GI. White sugar (sucrose) is refined and readily absorbed. Though it is high on the glycemic index (65), white sugar interferes with normal digestion of other foods in the stomach and intestine. White sugar causes sharp drop-offs in blood sugar level after it is removed from the blood, because it has destroyed digestive enzymes necessary for breaking down the other food that is still in the tract, waiting to be absorbed. Natural fruit sugar, or fructose is generally low on the glycemic index (23). (Miller, p.29) Fructose is quickly and easily used by the cells and thus removed from the blood. Here we see one of the common errors of Junk Science and the Everybody’sA-Nutritionist phenomenon. Some “experts” will say that it’s bad to drink natural fruit juice because of all the sugar. Such a notion is completely without foundation, and shows no understanding of whole foods, the importance of enzymes, or the Glycemic Index. Fruits contain within them the enzymes such as maltase and invertase necessary to break down their fructose into usable glucose. The glucose is then either used as fuel or stored. People don’t get diabetes because they drink too much orange juice. They get diabetes from drinking a six-pack of cola every day, or that box of donuts, or a quart of ice cream. In addition, fruits are loaded with whole food vitamins, minerals, cellulose and natural antioxidants. These are fundamental nutrients.


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Alternative-Lite holistic practitioners making recommendations for cancer patients who have refused standard treatment sometimes tell the patients to avoid fruits and fruit juices because “cancer loves sugar.” Such unfounded advice is not only incorrect; it deprives the patient of an important source of nutrient forms which is are essential for fighting cancer and boosting the immune system: antioxidants. (See Cancer chapter.) Most credible holistic nutritionists, like MacDougall, Robbins, Dufty, Schultze, Gerson, et al., realize that normal amounts of both fruit and vegetable juices are extremely useful for anyone trying to overcome any immune-challenging disease.   DIABETES In 2001, HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson announced that 5% of Americans were Type II diabetic. By 2010, it had doubled: 10% of the population diabetic. By 2011, it was 11.3%. On the CDC site under Diabetes they state that a child born after 2010 has a 1 in 3 chance statistically of becoming Type II diabetic in his lifetime. Extrapolation: by 2035 one third of the US population will be Type II diabetic. We are not only right on schedule; we are ahead of schedule. It will happen. Remember, Type II diabetes wasn’t congenital. Type II means you did it, by your own injudicious lifestyle, and that of the parents who enabled you. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates never even mentions diabetes. (Dufty, p.78) Before sugar came on the scene, diabetes did not even exist. The English physician Thomas Willis first identified and named diabetes in 1674, after England’s annual sugar consumption had gone from zero to 16 million lbs. in the previous 200 years. But Willis was unable to say anything bad about sugar since he was King Charles’ personal physician, and Charles was making a ton of gold off the sugar trade. (Dufty, p. 75)


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Very good statistics were kept in Denmark, comparing refined sugar intake with diabetes deaths: year……lbs. consumed per person…..deaths from diabetes/ 100,000 1880……………29…………………….. 8 1934……………113……………………. 18.9 Years of loading up on indigestible sugar wears out the pancreas. You’ll remember that insulin, produced by the pancreas, is supposed to allow sugar to be taken into the cells and used. When the body is young, the pancreas works well. Excess sugar in the teen years gets the pancreas used to continually dumping lots of insulin into the bloodstream to get ready for the day’s sugar load. Since insulin only lasts about 15 minutes, the pancreas may have to work all day long. Here’s where the rollercoaster first begins: all that free insulin will serve to abnormally lower the blood sugar on those occasions when the person forgot to eat his usual 10x normal sugar intake. All that insulin, and all it’s got to work on is a normal level of blood glucose. Enter hypoglycemia – low blood sugar. The body gets accustomed to excesses of both sugar and insulin. For awhile. Funny how pigging out on sugar causes low blood sugar, but that’s how it happens. A few years later, when insulin no longer can keep up with the incoming daily sugar fix, the pancreas finally gives up. Unused sugar builds up higher and higher in the blood. The kidneys try their best to excrete it, causing the classic ‘sweet urine’ sign. That’s what diabetes is: constantly high blood glucose. The idiotic solution is to take a drug to get rid of all that extra glucose, instead of simply to stop eating 10 or 20x as much sugar as the body can handle. Thus we see the stupidity of recommending candy for diabetics to “keep their blood sugar up.” Candy just keeps the rollercoaster going for another ride. Glucose is the prime fuel source needed by the cells. The person becomes ill because all this glucose is in the blood, but not in an environment that it can be used by the cells. So the body starves. Gradually, other problems occur:


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extreme thirst frequent urination ravenous hunger dizziness disorientation memory loss coldness in hands and feet bruising weight loss kidney disease fatigue the shakes sores and cuts that don’t heal headaches skin eruptions Sound like a blind date? What is the medical approach to diabetes? Same as the medical approach to anything: sell as many drugs as possible. In this case it’s synthetic insulin to the rescue, or at least drugs like glucophage and glypizide.   FAKE INSULIN The discovery of insulin was supposed to be the big savior. The 1923 Nobel Prize went to Sir Frederick Grant Banting and John Macleod for the discovery of insulin. At first, insulin was difficult to make, and expensive. Only rich diabetics could afford to have glandular extracts from animals injected into their blood to compensate for their own spent pancreases. But with the arrival of synthetic insulin, which a diabetic would have to inject daily for the rest of his life, all the alarms at the drug companies went clang. Fake insulin could be patented, mass produced and sold from now till the end of time! This was a very big deal, especially with the unstoppable rise in white sugar consumption, which would insure an endless stream of new diabetics.


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Dufty tells of a much more important discovery that occurred the year after insulin was discovered, which was kept quiet. In 1924 a top researcher named Dr. Seale Harris discovered the connection between too much insulin in the blood and hypoglycemia. He found out the obvious: all that daily white sugar called up too much insulin. Too much insulin in the blood got rid of too much glucose in the blood, making the patient weak and dizzy when the blood sugar got too low. But what sentenced Dr. Harris to the Hall of Obscurity for all time is that his solution was not some manmade pill that would make billions for the drug companies. No, Harris’s solution to hypoglycemia was obvious: stop overloading on white sugar, and thus normalize natural insulin production. No Nobel Prize for Harris. The medical approach is always the same: if an imbalance cannot be corrected by a new drug, any natural remedy, like sensible eating, is called “unscientific.” Do doctors want to screen people by repeated Glucose Tolerance tests, just to make sure they’re really diabetics before they’re sentenced to a life of fake insulin? Are you kidding? Some people are put on insulin after a single lab test with a borderline high reading of blood glucose. Or at least given the prescription for the two G drugs listed above.   WHAT’S WRONG WITH THESE DRUGS? First off, fake insulin. Synthetic insulins are of three main types: – rapid acting – intermediate acting – long acting Some fake insulin comes from yeast. Scientist have found how to get a compound that is structurally identical to human insulin from baker’s yeast. (Physicians Desk Reference, p 1917) Or from E. coli bacteria (p. 1463) Or from pigs: pork pancreas! (p 1477). There can be many different combination


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prescriptions depending on the doctor’s opinion (guess), mixing the three types of insulin at certain times during the day. For each type – rapid, intermediate, and long acting – there is a multitude of different brands to choose from. Like Baskin-Robbins. The main problem is that even though they pretend it’s the same exact thing as the insulin the body produces, it really isn’t. It’s the usual science/numbers game, pretending that the body is just a car, and if we figure out the parts, we can replace anything. Or like if you dumped all the ingredients for a cake into a mixing bowl and just stirred it all up, what kind of a cake could you expect? The catch here is timing. The body knows precisely when to put out exactly the type and amount of insulin from the pancreas that is needed. The whole blood sugar regulation process is an extremely sophisticated affair, involving the adrenals, the liver, and the thyroid in addition to the pancreas. We only know part of the story. There’s a lot more to the swirling mystery of blood sugar than just figuring out the structure of insulin. Proof of that is diabetes has risen to the #7 cause of death in the U.S. today. (Centers for Disease Control) Secondly, glucophage. This is a pill given to patients who are first diagnosed with diabetes. Glucophage artificially controls blood glucose by interfering with the body’s normal rates of glucose absorption. Although the manufacturer warns that diet restriction should be the primary means of controlling diabetes, (PDR, p. 797) in practice glucophage often may be prescribed after a single high blood sugar reading, without the certainty that the patient actually is diabetic. And rarely are diet choices evaluated. Glucophage has several major side effects, which are seldom mentioned: – kidney damage – lactic acidosis (fatal 50% of the time) – nausea – vomiting – abdominal bloating – anorexia


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– p 798 PDR Glipizide is the other popular diabetic pill. This drug requires a functioning pancreas. Glipizide artificially kick-starts the pancreas to produce more insulin. (PDR, p.2182) The actual way the glipizide lowers blood glucose is unknown. Perhaps that’s why it has major side effects, listed by the manufacturer: – increased risk of cardiac mortality – kidney disease – liver disease – hypoglycemia(!) – loss of control of blood glucose – constipation – skin rashes – anemia – dizziness – headache Outside of that it should be fine. All you guys out there on these G drugs — your doctor ever tell you any of this? Whether you’re talking about manmade insulin or diabetes drugs in pill form, one fact has not changed since 1923: these drugs have never cured one person of diabetes. Think about it. Did you ever in your life know of a diabetic who shot insulin or took these drugs for many years, who eventually recovered and was fine, with a normal life? Of course not. Did you ever hear of a diabetic who was told to stop eating white sugar? Of course not – instead they tell the diabetic to eat more sugar when he feels weak! That’s the game: the point of diabetes drugs is never health or recovery or curing the disease. It’s always aimed at one target: sell more drugs.


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What’s the goal of medical therapy? As always, cover up the symptoms. Since most doctors have no background in nutrition, they generally tell the patient that diabetes is a disease which he will now have for life, that it was genetic, and the only way to control it is with drugs. The doctor won’t even ask about the patient’s recent diet – such information is irrelevant in making the drug sale. Many actually go so far as to say that what the patient eats will have no effect on the disease, now that the pancreas is worn out. This is why dietary advice is absent after a diagnosis of diabetes is given. The absurdity and error of such recommendations are appreciated by the thousands of patients, initially diagnosed as diabetic, who have cured themselves completely, simply by cleaning up their diet. Dr. Stephen Gyland proved in the 1950s, like dozens of other healers after him, that the only way diabetes can be actually cured is to change the diet radically. (Gyland letter) There are many holistic programs which demonstrate consistent success in reversing adult onset diabetes, the most common type. Take a wild guess what the first step is, in the healing process. That’s right; no more refined sugar. Including alcohol. This sounds very simple, but in reality it’s incredibly difficult. Look what the patient has to overcome: 1. He doesn’t want to give up sugar. He’s addicted to it, loves the taste, and needs the short-lived euphoria. 2. The doctors don’t say the patient has to give up sugar. In fact, the doctor will tell the patient to eat candy when he feels light headed, to “bring his blood sugar up.” 3. Sugar is everywhere: in most foods, in a thousand forms, and it lines the checkout aisles that people have to wait in to buy groceries. 4. There’s going to be an unpleasant withdrawal period. This is where medicine is so well-positioned. Medicine is saying, Don’t worry about a thing. We’ll take care of everything. Give us the responsibility for your


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health, and go on eating whatever you want. Your sugar-binges for the past 20 years didn’t bring on your diabetes; it’s genetic. For a weakening, softening society with declining health, diabetes medication is the perfect solution. It delays the decision, takes the pressure off, and avoids unpleasant pro-action. Great! I can keep on drinking coke, like everyone else! All I have to do is take these pills and the doctor says I’ll be fine. Lots of people are doing it. That’s for sure. Lots of Americans are on diabetic medication. And the fact that medication has never cured anyone of diabetes has made us a country where diabetes is now, did I mention, the 7th leading cause of death!   SUGAR AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM On the way to becoming a full-blown diabetic, lots of other problems arise from overdose of refined sugar. The most obvious is the destruction of the immune system. If you’re old enough, ever notice how children today seem to be sick all the time, compared with 20 years ago? Today they’ve always got colds, they’re always running to the doctor for antibiotics, cough medicine, or spray inhalators. And what else are they always running for? What is their primary reward for ‘being good’? Sugar. The whole absurdity of the chase-your-tail drugs and big money sugar game was brought sharply into focus recently by two headlines which appeared two days apart in the San Jose Mercury News, one of California’s largest and most insipid newspapers. On 2 Sept 99, the headline read: “S.J. Unified poised to sign Pepsi-only deal.” The story proceeded to detail an agreement between Pepsi and the San Jose city schools to exclude all other soft drinks from the schools’ cafeterias and soda machines for the next 10 years in exchange for kickbacks of nearly $10


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million! It was so weird – the story wasn’t even trying hide the sweetheart arrangement in any way, or suggest that it was anything other than business as usual for a private company to kick back a percentage of the profits in trade for a juicy public contract. Wonder what Coke offered? But the health issues were not even mentioned – tooth decay, allergies, hyperactivity, Ritalin, violence – not a word. Just business. And then two days later, 4 Sept 99, the main headline in the same paper reads: “Asthma at epidemic levels” This two-page article, with its ‘Gee, I dunno’ stance, reported that asthma among American school children is higher than it has been for 20 years, and increasing out of control. In its standard disingenuous way, the Mercury pretends to be baffled that researchers and drugs have not even made a dent in the number of children who walk around schools with inhalators, take multiple medications, or who die every year from asthma. “…asthma remains a medical mystery.” The article quotes the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) statistics showing how asthma in the U.S. “grew more than 150% between 1980 and 1998 – from 6.7 million to 17.3 million cases.” The article states that in some U.S. cities, as many as a quarter of the children suffer from asthma. The answer? Increase medical spending from $110 million to $178 million. Brilliant. Give researchers who after several decades admit they still have no idea what causes asthma another $70 million to continue their investigations. CDC’s David Mannino sounds so humble when he states that they’re like “… a bunch of blind men on the elephant.” Now stop here a second. This is just like cancer research. Do you think if these researchers whose living depends on getting government research grants actually found a cure for asthma they would tell us? And then what?


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They’d be out of a job. As long as they “keep looking” everybody’s happy – the money keeps pouring in. In its plodding, predictable fashion, the Mercury goes on to highlight those areas where asthma is worst, and talk about the “epidemic” and quote various experts explaining how mystified they are. And then the requisite heart-rending individual story of the kid who “can’t even go to school any more because his doctors can’t find a cure.” Come on!   CURE FOR ASTHMA You want your kid to lose his asthma? Stop two things for 60 days: dairy and sugar. That’s all. Just try it. Both are major allergens. As we have seen, sugar inhibits digestion by destroying enzymes. Undigested sugar just stays there in the tract and in the blood, and then goes throughout the body, lodging anywhere it can, including the bronchioles of the lungs. And what’s the body’s response to any lung allergen? Mucus. Narrows the air passages, and the body goes into distress because it thinks it’s going to suffocate. MILK is just as bad. The definition of pasteurization is that the milk is heated until what? All enzymes are destroyed. Without enzymes, it can’t be broken down, because now man has created a food that doesn’t exist in nature. Forget that we’re the only species to drink the milk of another animal. Forget that we’re the only species to drink milk after childhood. The main thing is – we can’t metabolize it. (See ENZYMES)   CALCIUM? Another joke. Remember all those enzymes that got destroyed by pasteurization. One of them was called phosphatase – essential for calcium


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absorption. We don’t get calcium from milk. Children don’t need milk for strong bones and teeth. Milk doesn’t prevent osteoporosis. All these ideas were ingrained into our conscious from where? The school dietary “education” programs since the 1950s. Paid for by whom? Right, the American Dairy Industry. After you find all this out, the killing blow is when you learn that milk causes osteoporosis, because metabolizing all this artificial manmade food steals calcium from the bones and teeth. Who’s got the highest incidence of osteoporosis in the world? Scandinavia, Germany, and the U.S., especially states like Wisconsin. Places with what? Highest dairy consumption. (Twogood, Appleton, Howell, McDougall. Douglas) ‘Lactose intolerance’ – you always hear that. There’s no such thing. They want to pretend some people have a genetic defect whereby they can’t digest milk sugar. Lactose is milk sugar. But it’s not the milk sugar we’re allergic to – it’s the milk. We all have milk intolerance. No one can digest pasteurized milk! But we’re not allowed to know all this. The above paragraphs challenge three separate billion-dollar industries: the sugar trust, the dairy trust, and the drug trust. None of them wants people to discover that asthma and osteoporosis can be eliminated simply by removing sugar and dairy from the diet. No, no, that won’t do. That’s not “scientific.” Diseases are cured by one thing; drugs. Right? That’s real medicine. If people change their diets, they won’t need all those drugs and calcium supplements, and even worse, Clinton won’t be giving out any more $178 million presents to try and discover the “cure” for asthma. In his forgotten landmark work, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Dr. Weston Price proves beyond the shadow of a doubt the association between deteriorating health of a country’s people and their exposure to white sugar and white flour. So let’s bring this twisted puzzle into focus. With sugar and dairy, we’re talking about immune compromise.


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The main part of the immune system is the white blood cells. Their job is to circulate and locate foreign stuff. Once they locate something alien to the body, the white cells attack it, destroy it and carry it off. A slight oversimplification, but generally this is a big part of how the immune system works. Refined sugar interferes in many ways. First of all, refined sugar blocks digestion, allowing undigested food to get into the bloodstream, thus slowing circulation way down. If the white cells can’t make their rounds, they can’t do their job. Appleton cites two university studies (p 52) which demonstrated that sugar suppresses the immune system by decreasing phagocytosis. Phagocytosis refers to the Pac-manlike activity of white cells munching up foreign stuff. Sugar greatly reduces the activity of the white cells’ little ‘flippers’ (pseudopods), which are for reaching out to locate foreign debris. Secondly, the immune system gets sensitized to refined sugar. That means it freaks out at first, trying to normalize the blood. But after awhile, the immune system adapts to the abnormal levels of sugar, and accepts the idea that it will operate at a sub-normal level. The sugar no longer triggers such a violent response, and as a result, neither do other foreign agents. The immune system gets more and more lenient about what level of contamination it will allow the blood to maintain. Overall health declines. This is right out of Hans Selye, the guy who discovered and studied stress. A third way sugar depresses the immune system is by sticking to protein. In the early part of the 20th century, Louis Maillard proved that refined sugar has a particular capability for sticking to protein foods, like meat, and forming a strange new complex called glycenated protein. Food chemists call Maillard’s discovery the Maillard Reaction. We lack enzymes for these weird proteins, and so they don’t get broken down very well in the digestive tract. The immune system is then exhausted by trying to attack them year after year, since they are foreign material.


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That’s why after a big burger and a large coke, you may feel slightly nauseated. The sugar binds to the meat, making a glycenated protein – a foreignburger. Funny thing is, the Maillard Reactions have been studied not primarily by nutritionists, but by food processors. Food chemists have evolved very sophisticated methods of gluing sugar to proteins, which is useful in the production of bread, pastries, candy, processed meats and fish, beer, crackers, and coffee. Carmelization. Taste and color are their prime concerns, not nutrition. (Scandrett) These foods are chemically processed, making it difficult if not impossible for them to be digested in our bodies. Lowered levels of immune response is called immunosuppression. It leads to frequent flu, colds, fatigue, and other diseases of civilization. The more refined the diet became, the more degenerative diseases prevailed – arthritis, allergies, colitis, diabetes, etc. This is not a theory.   SUGAR AND OBESITY Obesity is defined as being more than 35% over normal weight. In 1993, 30% of Americans were obese. (Fats That Heal, p 405) At the present time, more than half of Americans are in the overweight category,including children. The percentage increases almost every year. Excess sugar consumption is largely responsible for obesity. Consuming 160 lbs per year of anything indigestible would probably have a less than salubrious effect on the body. But in the case of sugar, it’s worse. Sugar becomes converted to fat. Excess glucose is changed to fatty acids, then triglycerides, then stored as adipose tissue. (Erasmus, p 34) This accounts for Joe Sixpack’s spare tire. Or fat little Johnny, who must have his coke every couple of hours. Worse news is that the types of fatty acids produced from refined sugar are killer types – the kinds that clog arteries. They are not essential fatty acids,


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which are necessary for complete health, and actually interfere with normal operation of the good, essential fatty acids. (Erasmus, p 35)   SUGAR, CORTISOL, AND MUSCLE BUILDING The main reason pro athletes don’t chug soft drinks is that they know what sugar does to muscle. As we saw in the Creatine chapter, muscle is either torn down or built up by the opposing action of two hormones: cortisol testosterone A third hormone is also involved: insulin. Before this gets too complicated, keep these three facts in mind: 1. cortisol wants to maintain high levels of blood glucose for fight or flight situations 2. cortisol’s favorite target is muscle. Cortisol gets amino acids from tearing down muscle. The amino acids are then converted to glucose 3. insulin regulates cortisol. So. We have seen that a worn-out pancreas no longer puts out sufficient insulin. With no insulin, cortisol is not regulated. Cortisol then has a free hand to tear down muscle. Sugar works into this scenario in two separate ways: 1. After many years, a high sugar diet destroys the pancreas’s ability to put out insulin 2. processing refined sugar out of the body requires chromium. Eventually, with a high sugar diet, we are chromium-deficient. Chromium is necessary to activate insulin. With no chromium, even the little insulin still present cannot do its job. Result: cortisol runs wild and tears down muscle. This is why diabetic tend to be flabby – muscle destruction.


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Remember all this after a workout. If someone hands you a coke, think of canceling out all the good you just did for your muscles by the workout.   TOOTH DECAY As noted above, sugar promotes a condition of acidity wherever it goes – the mouth, the stomach, the blood. In the mouth the pH gets lower with the presence of sugar. At around pH 5.5, the saliva begins to dissolve tooth enamel. (Appleton, p98) After eating sugar, the pH of saliva may go down to 4.5 and stay there for 20 minutes or more. This is why the dentists always say that even if you can’t brush your teeth after eating sweets, at least rinse the mouth with water as soon as possible. That would prevent much of the dissolving of the tooth enamel. Again, the definitive study of the effect of sugar on the teeth was done in the 1930s by Dr. Weston Price. Price traveled all over the globe – Scotland, Switzerland, Africa, the South Pacific, the Arctic, Australia, America – photographing and examining the teeth of every primitive civilization he could find. The photographs alone contained in his master work Nutrition and Physical Degeneration tell an inescapable truth – sugar has been a detriment to the human race. In case after case, savages in isolated wilderness had teeth like ivory, from centuries of eating a traditional, natural diet. Then civilization showed up. Teeth became rotten, bones became soft, and the new weaknesses were then passed on to the offspring. Then followed epidemic tuberculosis and arthritis. Dufty also talks about how the missionaries always brought the sugar. And the processed foods. Then come the slaves, and pretty soon everybody’s in the real estate business. Ask the Hawaiians. Or the West Africans. In 1955, Royal Lee noticed that impoverished people in India had “onethousandth the tooth decay” that existed in the U.S. at that time. Many of those Indians were starving, and wouldn’t cook anything that didn’t require


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cooking, yet Lee noticed that “only one person in eighty had any cavities at all.” (Food Integrity, p2) Demineralization of bones and teeth is also promoted by the acidic environment created in the blood by refined sugar. Calcium, magnesium, and chromium are squandered in the body’s attempts to rid itself of this non-food.   ASPARTAME No discussion of sugar would be complete without mention of a phenomenon unprecedented in history: the marketing of a toxic chemical as an alternative to a devitalized food. Aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal, etc.) was discovered in 1965 by the pharmaceutical firm G.D. Searle. The whole story of how aspartame and diet soft drinks became a billion dollar industry is a dark tale, beyond the scope of this chapter. We will just look at a few highlights here, which should be enough to make you switch back to pepsi or coke classic. Refined sugar is only like a drug; aspartame is a drug. Searle, the pharmaceutical company, was doing research to invent an “ulcer drug” when a chemist James Schlatter licked his hand one day to detect a very sweet taste from contact with aspartame. Noticing that he did not die immediately, he had an idea for an artificial sweetener. It took Searle and Monsanto 16 years to get aspartame approved by the FDA. The political implications of this food additive which could also be added to drugs to make them taste better – powerful forces lined up at the trough. From we find When the FDA approved [aspartame] for human consumption in 1974, it went against a body of evidence so enormous as to stagger the credulity of virtually any thinking person. “What most consumers don’t know,” says Mike


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Wallace of CBS’s “60 Minutes,” “is that aspartame’s approval was one of the most contested in FDA history. Consumers have reported more than 7,000 adverse reactions to the FDA, ranging from dizziness to headaches to seizures.” How could such a toxin get approved for mass consumption? Consider this: aspartame was OK’d during the Reagan Era. Ronnie’s appointee as FDA Commissioner was Arthur Hull Hays. A few months after approving aspartame, Hays left the FDA. Take a wild guess what his next job was. A top position as consultant for Monsanto’s PR office! Ain’t that America/ for you and me. From the very beginning, researchers had problems with aspartame’s effects on the body, especially on the nervous system. A more complete list of aspartame’s side effects is found in a Feb. 1994 report from the Department of Health and Human Services: nausea numbness muscle spasms weight gain {!} rashes depression fatigue excitability rapid heartbeat insomnia vision problems hearing loss anxiety attacks slurred speech loss of taste ringing in the ears vertigo memory loss arthritis


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Other researchers found that aspartame could cause brain tumors multiple sclerosis epilepsy chronic fatigue Parkinson’s disease Alzheimer’s mental retardation lymphoma birth defects fibromyalgia diabetes {!} ——– Blaylock Read these two lists again. This is what people really get when they think they’re getting what? A “diet” drink that will let them lose weight and still enjoy soft drinks? And it still causes diabetes and weight gain? Looks like some more masterful marketing, the type that sells vaccines and heart medication and fake insulin and pain killers. And the beauty of it is that the drug companies will get money both ways – -when people drink the diet soft drinks -when people then get all these diseases, which require more drugs. Aspartame is a triple molecule composed of aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol (wood alcohol). Russell Blaylock, a professor of neurophysiology, is the real expert on aspartic acid. In his book, Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, Dr. Blaylock reminds us that MSG is 99% aspartic acid. Aspartic acid is a major neurotoxin which can cause virtually any neurological disorder you can think of. (See above list) It does this by producing free radicals that kill nerve cells. Blaylock has over 500 scientific references to back up this notion of nerve damage from aspartic acid. A chemical that kills nerve cells may mimic several neurological diseases. One is Multiple Sclerosis. With true MS, the insulation around nerves – the


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myelin – is being slowly destroyed, for some unknown reason. This shorts out the affected parts of the nervous system. The result is a wide range of possible symptoms – numbness, pain, confusion, headache, blindness, organ breakdown, etc. But aspartame may cause the identical presentation, and be misdiagnosed as MS. This would render any treatment for the MS useless, obviously. The point is, if someone has been diagnosed with MS, or with any other incurable nerve disorder, and they’re drinking diet soft drinks on a daily basis, the physicians may be barking up the wrong tree. And the patient will continue to poison himself, maybe to death. (Jean Hudon) Aspartic acid is very dangerous to infants, whose nervous systems are still forming and have not developed a defense system as yet. Very similar to what we saw with DPT shots (Sanctity of Human Blood). It may not be wise to give your infant diet anything. Phenylalanine is an amino acid necessary for brain function. In excess, phenylalanine lowers serotonin levels, causing depression. (Elsas) Methanol is wood alcohol. In the 1920s when liquor was illegal, people would sometimes resort to wood alcohol, even though the dangers of blindness from doing so were well known. Methanol is a by-product of aspartame after aspartame breaks down in the small intestine, from the action of our enzyme chymotrypsin. An additional problem with methanol is that it is then changed into formaldehyde in the body. As we saw in Sanctity of Human Blood, formaldehyde is a well-known neurotoxin and carcinogen, documented in every toxicology and pathology text ever written. Researchers found out that digestion is not even necessary to break aspartame down into these three toxins. If the diet soda sits around in a room where temperature goes above 86 degrees F, formaldehyde is produced. (Moser, p 42) Other researchers have correlated the neurotoxic components of Gulf War Syndrome with the boatloads of diet soda that sat around in the desert sun for weeks, at temperatures above 100 degrees F. But such a thing


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happens every day in America in warmer climates. Soda delivery trucks aren’t refrigerated. Toxicity levels? The EPA has giving methanol as consumption limit of 7.8 mg per day. Problem is, a one liter bottle of diet soda contains 56 mg of potential methanol! (Monte) How could something this toxic be approved by the FDA? That’s simple. The demand. By 1986, Americans were drinking 20 billion cans of diet soda per year, all of it with aspartame. (Metzenbaum) In 1987, Monsanto sold 8,500 TONS of aspartame, according to USDA figures. After that year, they refused to release production figures. But it’s unlikely that production has gone down since then, considering all the foods that now feature aspartame. A partial list: diet soft drinks breakfast cereals puddings malt beverages pie fillings candy tea fruit juice concentrates baked goods frostings breath mints chewing gum coffee wine coolers yogurt ——- Gold, p 9, 10 Then Monsanto found the real motherlode – chewable vitamins. Here is a partial list of the drugs and vitamins which now are flavored by the proven neurotoxin aspartame: – Mylanta Natural Fiber Supplement, Sugar Free. – Centrum,Jr vitamins – Childrens TYLENOL acetaminophen Fruit Flavored Chewable Tablets – Childrens TYLENOL acetaminophen Grape Flavored Chewable Tablets


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– Childrens TYLENOL acetaminophen Cold Multi-Symptom Chewable Tablets – Junior Strength TYLENOL acetaminophen Fruit Flavored Chewable Tablets – PEDIACARE Cold-Allergy Tablets for Ages 6 to 12 – PEDIACARE Cough-Cold Tablets for Ages 6 to 12 – PEDICARE Childrens Cold Relief Tablets – TYLENOL Cold and Flu Hot Medication – TYLENOL Cold and Flu No Drowsiness Formula Hot Medication – Childrens Chewable CO-TYLENOL – ALKA-SELTZER PLUS Night-time Cold Medicine – ALKA-SELTZER PLUS Cold and Cough Medicine – ALKA-SELTZER PLUS Sinus Allergy Medicine – BUGS BUNNY Vitamin Products (ALL) – FLINTSTONES Plus Calcium Multivitamin Supplement – FLINTSTONES Complete Multivitamin Supplement – FLINTSTONES Childrens Chewable Multivitamin – DIMETAPP Cold and Allergy Chewable Tablets – TEMPRA 3 Chewable Tablets, 80mg acetaminophen tablet – TEMPRA 3 Double Strength Chewable Tablets, 160mg acetominophen – Zantac Efferdose – SKAGGS ALPHA BETA Childrens Pain Reliever – SHOP ‘N SAVE Childrens Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever – KINNEY’S Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever – PAY ‘N SAVE Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever – PEOPLES Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever – PIGGLY WIGGLY Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin P.R. – RITE AID Childrens Aceteminophen Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever – Childrens Anacin-3 Chewable Tablets – SUGAR FREE METAMUCIL – ECKERD Sugar Free Natural Fiber Laxative – LONGS Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Powder Laxative – PAYLESS Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Powder Laxative – RALEY’S Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Powder – RITE AID Sugar Free Regular Flavor Nat.Veg.Bulk Powder – SQUIBBCARE Sugar Free Natural Fiber Laxative – THRIFTY Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Laxative – HEALTH BALANCE Childrens Chewable Multivitamin – ZOO CHEWS Animal-Shaped Chewable Multivitamin – MEDIGUARD Childens Multivitamin Supplement (Cherry,Orange and


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Grape) – EQUATE Chewable Vitamins Animal-Shaped (with Iron) – MEIJER CIRCUS SHAPES (Complete with Calcium,Iron and Minerals) – MIEJER CIRCUS SHAPES (with Iron) – ANIMAL SHAPES Chewable Vitamins Plus Extra C – ANIMAL SHAPES Chewable Vitamins Complete – ANIMAL SHAPES Chewable Vitamins With Iron – REVCO Childrens Chewable Multivitamins – LONGS Children’s Chewable Multivitamin – GRAY DRUG FAIR Childrens Chewable Multivitamin source: Use of Aspartame By Pharmaceutical Companies Copyright 1996 Leading Edge Research The above list can be verified by a trip to your local drugstore. The lowest example of bold-faced pandering that can be imagined is palming off known poisons to children by disguising them with cutesy names. Anybody see a correlation with the epidemic asthma levels cited above? What are we doing to our children? This section is getting too long. The story of the politics and deceit behind the FDA approval of aspartame during the past 25 years is a classic in the usual format: poisons legislated into public use through sweetheart arrangements among manufacturers, legislators, and regulators, complete with the usual fraudulent research, hired-gun medical ‘experts’ proclaiming the safety of a proven toxin, etc. For the whole slimy tale, start with: – Deadly Deception: The Story of Aspartame by Mary Nash Stoddard, Odenwald Press, Dallas, Texas. ISBN 1-884363-14-8. – Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills Russell L. Blaylock, MD, Health Press, 1997. Don’t miss the part about the Magic Rat. There was a famous investigation of all the research submitted to the FDA for aspartame’s approval. The investigators wrote their findings in a document called the Bressler Report. The Magic Rat was a representation of the type of fraud uncovered by the Bressler Report. It seems there was one rat whose name was A23 LM.


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According to the Report: “that animal A23LM was alive at week 88, dead from week 92 through week 104, alive at week 108, and dead at week 112.” Even Elvis couldn’t do that. Want to know how lame the FDA really is? After the Commissioner and several key lawyers and researchers who were investigating aspartame had accepted lucrative positions with Searle and Monsanto, the FDA had the temerity to come out with a statement like this in 1995: “FDA has no further plans to continue to collect adverse reaction reports or monitor research periodically done on aspartame.” (Thomas Wilcox, FDA branch chief, Food Chemical News 1995) So who’s going to monitor it then? The FBI? Here’s the bottom line with aspartame: it’s too big to get rid of. Just because it’s sweet doesn’t mean it’s a food. Aspartame is not a food; it’s a manmade synthetic. Food additives aren’t necessarily foods. Aspartame is the #1 food additive on the market. It is also a component of thousands of prescription and non-prescription drugs. We’re talking billions and billions of dollars every year. It would take a boatload of Ralph Naders to stop this kind of trade. What can you do? The only thing that matters anyway: protect the sanctity of your own blood. And that of your children.   I CAN QUIT ANY TIME That’s what everyone addicted to anything for the past 300 years has said. So do it. If you think you aren’t addicted to white sugar, prove it. For 48 hours. Not only cokes, high fructose corn syrup fruit drinks, donuts and ice cream, but condiments, sauces, and aspartame drinks as well. 48 hours. Meet the monkey. copyright MMXXII


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  REFERENCES Shakespeare, W — Henry IV, Part I act 3, sc 2, l.70 1597 Guyton AC MD— Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th Edition 1996 Saunders Appleton, N— Lick the Sugar Habit 1996 Avery Dufty, W— Sugar Blues 1975 Warner Freeston N— Production of high fructose corn syrup Chemistry & Industry Highlights 3 Mar 1997 Nene College, Northhampton Selye, H—- The Stress of Life McGraw-Hill 1978 Anderson, R— Cleanse and Purify 1998 Miller, J et al.— The Glucose Revolution 1998 Marlowe & Co. Scandrett, C — Maillard Reactions 101: Theory 1997 Podell, R MD— The G-Index Diet Warner 1993 Price, W— Nutrition and Physical Degeneration 1997 MacDougall J MD— MacDougall’s Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion Lee, R — Food Integrity — from Conversations in Nutrition 1955 Standard Process Monte, W— Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health Journal of Applied Nutr 36(1) p 42 1984 Gold, M — The Bitter Truth About Artificial Sweeteners


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Nexus Magazine vol.2(28)Oct 95 Blaylock R, — Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, Health Press, 1998, p. 107 Leading Edge Research Group. Stoddard, M— Deadly Deception: The Story of Aspartame Odenwald Press, Dallas, Texas. ISBN 1-884363-14-8. Bressler, J— The Bressler Report — Congressional Record p. S5499 of 1985a. CDC— 10 Leading Causes of Death 1996 (page has been removed) Metzenbaum, H — Letter from Senator Howard Metzenbaum (Committee on the Budget) to Orrin Hatch, Chairman of the Labor and Human Resources Committee February 3, 1986 Gyland, S MD— Letter to the editor Journal of the American Medical Association vol. 152, 18 Jul 1953 Food Chemical News, June 12, 1995


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Ascorbic Acid is not Vitamin C

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Ascorbic Acid Is Not Vitamin C – Whole Food Vitamins – Get Our Newsletter

Vitamin C.

This will be a short chapter, but after you’re finished with it, you will know more about vitamins than 95% of clinical nutritionists, doctors, supplement sales force, or bodybuilders. If that sounds arrogant or overstated, it really isn’t my fault. I’m just a messenger; a purveyor of information. Either I’m right or the 95% are right; can’t be both.


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Ascorbic Acid is not Vitamin C

Without further ado, here’s the kernel: Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C. Alpha tocopherol is not vitamin E. Retinoic acid is not vitamin A. And so on through the other vitamins. Vast sums of money have been expended to make these myths part of Conventional Wisdom. If you have several college degrees and all this is news to you, don’t feel bad. Unless you think your education ended at Commencement. Which is generally true.

WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS Vitamins are not individual molecular compounds. Vitamins are biological complexes. They are multi-step biochemical interactions whose action is dependent upon a number of variables within the biological terrain. Vitamin activity only takes place when all conditions are met within that environment, and when all co-factors and components of the entire vitamin complex are present and working together. Vitamin activity is even more than the sum of all those parts; it also involves timing. Vitamins cannot be isolated from their complexes and still perform their specific life functions within the cells. When isolated into artificial commercial forms, like ascorbic acid, these purified synthetics act as drugs in the body. They are no longer vitamins, and to call them such is inaccurate. A vitamin is: “a working process consisting of the nutrient, enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, and trace minerals activators.” – Royal Lee “What Is a Vitamin?” Applied Trophology, Aug 1956



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Ascorbic Acid is not Vitamin C

Dr. Royal Lee was the pioneer researcher in the field of whole food vitamins. For decades he documented the basic facts summarized in this chapter. His work has never been scientifically refuted. Anyone who seriously undertakes the study of vitamins today corroborates Lee’s work. His story is a fascinating study in itself, a study of indomitable perseverance in the pursuit of true principles. Jensen tells us that Royal Lee’s work will not be appreciated until the next century. This is the next century, and it hasn’t happened yet. Lee felt the full weight of organized drugs/medicine bearing down on him. Reading like something out of Schindler’s List, we learn that the FDA not only persecuted Lee for challenging the economics of synthetic vitamins, produced by giant drug companies, but that he was actually ordered by a court to burn all his research of the past 20 years! Burn his research! When has that ever happened in this country? They didn’t even do that to Larry Flynt. Or Andy Wakefield. Going off on a tangent, ever wondered how the FDA attained its present position as attack dog for the drug companies and food manufacturers? It’s another whole story in itself. The precursor of the FDA was the Bureau of Chemistry. Up until 1912 the Bureau of Chemistry was headed up by a man named Dr. Harvey W. Wiley. Here’s a quote from Dr. Wiley [7] that illustrates where his interests lay: “No food product in our country would have any trace of benzoic acid, sulfurous acid or sulfites or any alum or saccharin, save for medical purposes. No soft drink would contain caffeine or theobromine. No bleached flour would enter interstate commerce. Our foods and drugs would be wholly without any form of adulteration and mis-branding. The health of our people would be vastly improved and the life greatly extended. The manufacturers of our food supply, and especially the millers, would devote their energies to improving the public health and promoting happiness in every home by the production of whole ground, unbolted cereal flours and meals.”


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Ascorbic Acid is not Vitamin C

The History of a Crime Against the Pure Food Law, 1912 Now obviously we can’t have a dangerous lunatic like this in charge of the public nutrition, can we? Dr. Wiley actually filed suit against the Coca-Cola company in an attempt to keep their artificial product out of interstate commerce, and off the market. Fortunately Wiley was eventually replaced by a saner individual, more attuned to the real nutritional needs of the American people, as determined by the experts who knew what was best for us: the food manufacturers. This was Dr. Elmer Nelson, and in his words we get an idea of the change in philosophy that marked the transformation of the Bureau of Chemistry into the FDA: “It is wholly unscientific to state that a well-fed body is more able to resist disease than a poorly-fed body. My overall opinion is that there hasn’t been enough experimentation to prove that dietary deficiencies make one susceptible to disease.” – Elmer Nelson MD – Washington Post 26 Oct 49 [9] Oh, that’s better. Now we’ve got somebody who came to play. Bernard Jensen [3] illustrates how the tobacco industry and the food giants like Coca Cola were indirectly behind the legal persecution of Royal Lee. Cigarette ads in the 40s and 50s showed medical doctors promoting the digestive benefits of smoking Camels. Or the advertising of Coke and other refined sugar foods stating that “science has shown how sugar can help keep your appetite and weight under control.” (Empty Harvest) During this same period, Royal Lee [6] was kept in courts for years, fighting to keep the right to advertise his vitamin products, because he was a threat to the food manufacturers. Lee knew they were poisoning the American public. He proved that refined sugars and devitalized, bleached flours were destroying the arteries and the digestive system, causing heart disease and cancer. Almost as bad as today.


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Ascorbic Acid is not Vitamin C

WHOLE VS. FRACTIONATED OK, natural vs. synthetic. Let’s start with Vitamin C. Most sources equate vitamin C with ascorbic acid, as though they were the same thing. They’re not. Ascorbic acid is an isolate, a fraction, a distillate of naturally occurring vitamin C. In addition to ascorbic acid, vitamin C must include rutin, bioflavonoids, Factor K, Factor J, Factor P, Tyrosinase, Ascorbinogen, and other components as shown in the figure below: _____________________A s c o r b i c A c i d______________ ascorbinogen bioflavonoids rutin tyrosinase Factor J Factor K Factor P _____________________A s c o r b i c A c i d______________ V ITAM I N C In addition, mineral co-factors must be available in proper amounts in order to have vitamin activity. If any of these parts are missing, there is no vitamin C, no vitamin activity. When some of them are present, the body will draw on its own stores to try and make up the differences, so that the whole vitamin may be present. Only then will vitamin activity take place, provided that all other conditions and cofactors are present. Ascorbic acid is described merely as the “antioxidant wrapper” portion of vitamin C; ascorbic acid protects the functional parts of the vitamin from rapid oxidation or breakdown. ([10] Somer p 58 “Vitamin C: A Lesson in Keeping An Open Mind” The Nutrition Report)


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Ascorbic Acid is not Vitamin C

For decades, over 90% of ascorbic acid in this country was manufactured at a facility in Nutley, New Jersey, owned by Hoffman-LaRoche, one of the world’s biggest drug manufacturers (1 800 526 0189). Here ascorbic acid is made from a process involving cornstarch and volatile acids. For decades, most U.S. vitamin companies bought their bulk ascorbic acid from this single facility. After that, marketing takes over. Each company makes its own labels, its own claims, and its own formulations, each one claiming to have the superior form of vitamin C, even though it all came from the same place, and it’s really not vitamin C at all.

FRACTIONATED = SYNTHETIC = CRYSTALLINE = FAKE The word synthetic means two things: man-made occurs nowhere in nature From the outset, it is crucial to understand the difference between vitamins and vitamin activity. The vitamin is the biochemical complex. Vitamin activity means the actual biological and cellular changes that take place when the stage is set for the vitamin complex to act. Think of it like gas and a car. Pumping the gas into the tank doesn’t necessarily mean the car is going anywhere. Other conditions and factors must be also present, in order for Activity to occur. The gas line to the carburetor must be clear, the carburetor jets must be set, there must be an exact mixture of air flow, the ignition must be turned on, the spark plugs must be clean, the exact amount of gas must reach each spark plug right before it fires, no gas must be left over in the cylinder after the plug fires, etc. Getting the idea? If any of this stuff is missing, there’s no Activity: the car doesn’t run, or at least not very well. Amazing as it may sound if you’re hearing this for the first time, vitamins are more than the synthetic fractions we are commonly taught they are. The ascorbic acid you buy at the grocery store every few weeks, thinking you are


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buying Vitamin C, is just a chemical copy of naturally occurring ascorbic acid, which itself is still only a fraction of the actual Vitamin C. Real vitamin C is part of something living, and as such, can impart life. Your synthetic, fractionated chemical ascorbic acid never grew in the ground, never saw the light of day, never was alive or part of anything alive. It’s a laboratory chemical, a cornstarch derivative, a sulfuric acid by-product. In your body it’s just another drug. Synthetic vitamins have toxic effects from mega-doses and actually can increase the white blood cell count. Vitamins are only necessary in minute quantities on a daily basis. Whole food vitamins, by contrast, are not toxic since the vitamin is complexed in its integral working form, and requires nothing from the body, and triggers no immune response.   DEFICIENCY Scurvy is a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. Scurvy is characterized by bleeding gums, slow wound healing, softening bones, loose teeth, ulcerations of the mouth and digestive tract, general weight loss and fatigue. From 1650 to 1850 half of all seamen on transoceanic voyages died of scurvy. It was discovered by ship surgeon Thomas Lind in the early 1800s that British sailors were spared the disease altogether simply by a diet rich in citrus fruits. Since limes travelled well, they were the common choice during the early years, and thus the expression “limeys” was coined to describe British sailors. It was later found both at sea and in prison fare that potatoes were equally successful in preventing scurvy, and they much cheaper to obtain. (Lancet, 1842) [11,12] We find that there is less than 20 mg of ascorbic acid in a potato. Yet this small amount, since it is complexed in a food source, is all the body needs not only to prevent scurvy, but also to cure it, even in its advanced state.


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Such a remedy is described in detail in Richard Dana’s phenomenal journal Two Years Before the Mast, written in 1842 [12]. Whole food vitamin C as found in potatoes, onions, and citrus fruits is able to quickly cure any case of scurvy. By contrast, the fractionated chemical ascorbic acid has been shown to be insufficient in resolving a scurvy condition, simply because it does not act as a nutrient. (Lancet 1842) Ascorbic acid simply cannot confer vitamin activity, as taught by the discoverer of vitamin C himself, another Nobel Prize laureate, Dr. Albert Szent-Georgi. Szent-Georgi discovered vitamin C in 1937. In all his research however, Szent-Georgi found that he could never cure scurvy with the isolated ascorbic acid itself. Realizing that he could always cure scurvy with the “impure” vitamin C found in simple foods, Szent-Georgi discovered that other factors had to be at work in order for vitamin activity to take place. So he returned to the laboratory and eventually made the discovery of another member of the vitamin C complex, as shown in the diagram above: rutin. All the factors in the complex, as Royal Lee and Dr. Szent-Georgi both came to understand, ascorbic acid, rutin, and the other factors, were synergists: co-factors which together sparked the “functional interdependence of biologically related nutrient factors.” (Empty Harvest p120) The term “wheels within wheels” was coined to describe the interplay of co-factors. Each of the other synergists in the C complex has a separate function: P factors for blood vessel strength,/li> J factors for oxygen-carrying capacity of red cells tyrosinase as an essential enzyme for enhancing white blood cell effectiveness Ascorbic acid is just the antioxidant outer shell – the protector of all these other synergists so that they will be able to perform their individual functions. Now I can hear you asking, what about Linus Pauling, double Nobel Prize laureate, and his lifetime espousal of megadosing on ascorbic acid – up to 10


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grams per day. He lived to be 93. Are we saying that he took a synthetic vitamin all that time? Yes, that’s exactly right. Bernard Jensen suggests that ascorbic acid has an acidifying effect in part of the digestive tract, making an unfriendly environment for viruses, Candida, and pathogenic bacteria. Very doubtful that Pauling’s good health was the result of synthetic vitamin activity. Good genetics and maintaining an internal bioterrain not conducive to inflammation are likely what brought longevity to Linus Pauling. He eventually died of cancer at 93, but then, to quote Freddie Mercury, who wants to live forever? Dr. Royal Lee’s phrase “wheels within wheels” always pops up in any informed discussion of whole food vitamins. Essentially it means that individual synergists cannot function as a vitamin in a chemically isolated form, like ascorbic acid. Vitamins are living complexes which contribute to other higher living complexes – like cell repair, collagen manufacture, and maintenance of blood circulation. Ascorbic acid is not a living complex. It is a copy of a part of a living complex known as vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a fractionated, crystalline isolate of vitamin C. Why are you a high school graduate or a college graduate or a doctor, and you don’t know this? Because drug manufacturers like things clean and simple and cheap to produce. To this simple fact add the politics and the control of information, which always come into play when anyone mentions the word “billions,” and you are beginning to get the idea about where to begin your investigation. Burned his research???

DIETARY SOURCES Most vitamins cannot be made by the body. They must be taken in as food. The best sources then are obviously whole foods, rich in vitamins. Because of soil depletion, mineral depletion, pesticides, air pollution, and erosion, it is common knowledge that foods grown in American soil today have only a fraction of the nutrient value of 70 years ago. That means a fraction of the vitamins and minerals necessary for normal human cell function. Royal Lee


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described the American diet as the cultivation and production of “devitalized foods.” Dr. Weston Price describes these empty products as the “foods of commerce.” Think it’s gotten better or worse since their time? Thus the necessity for supplementation.

CO-FACTORS Vitamins and minerals are not functionally separable. They make each other work. Example: vitamin D is necessary for the body to absorb calcium. Copper is necessary for vitamin C activity. And so on. Mineral deficiencies can cause vitamin deficiencies, and vice versa. Epidemic mineral deficiency in America is a well-documented result of systematic soil depletion. (See Minerals chapter: So that is the other prime difference between whole food vitamins and synthetics: whole food vitamins contain within them many essential trace minerals necessary for their synergistic operation. Synthetic vitamins contain no trace minerals, relying on, and depleting, the body’s own mineral reserves.

FUNNY FARMS Following the German agricultural methods of Von Leibig in the mid-1800s, American farmers found that NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) was all that was necessary for crops to look good. (Frost p7) As long as NPK is added to the soil, crops can be produced and sold year after year from the same soil. They look OK. But the trace minerals vital for human nutrition are virtually absent from most American soil after all these years. Many of these minerals, such as zinc, copper, and magnesium, are necessary co-factors of vitamin activity. Depleted topsoil is one simple, widespread mechanism of both vitamin and mineral deficiency in American produce today. This doesn’t even take into


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account the tons of poisonous herbicides and pesticides dumped on crops. According to the UN, two million tons of pesticides are used worldwide annually. (Jensen, p69) That was in Jensen’s day, back in the 80’s. These days, over 1 billion tons of pesticides are used annually, by the US alone. [22] American agri-business has one motive: profit. Such a focus has resulted in an output of empty produce and a nation of unhealthy people. The earth’s immune system is its soil. To be vital and capable of growing vital foods, soil must be rich in both minerals and soil-based organisms – life forms. Healthy produce naturally resists insects. Pesticides prevent plants from acquiring that natural immunity. Just like vaccines in humans. Insects are like bad bacteria in the body: they are attracted to diseased tissue, though they do not cause it.

THE FOODS OF COMMERCE And we’re still only talking about people who actually eat raw fruits and vegetables, which is a minority. Processed food composes the majority of what most Americans eat. The only nutrients in most processed foods are “enriched” and “fortified” as described below. When a doctor says that food supplements are all unnecessary because we can get everything we need from our food, that doctor is lacking basic information published and agreed upon by his own peers. Whether or not we need supplementation is no longer an issue, except for one who is totally out of touch. The issue is what kind and how much. Vitamin and mineral deficiency can be tagged to practically ANY disease syndrome known to man. DW Cavanaugh, MD of Cornell University actually concluded that: “There is only one major disease, and that is malnutrition.” (Jensen, p8) Malnutrition of the affluent is the natural result of the foods of commerce.


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WEBSURFING The best vitamins are called whole food vitamins. It will be difficult finding this out online, however, because the Web is dominated by mainstream nutritional theory, which means pharmaceutical underwriting. In the area of vitamins, the internet is 99% marketing; 1% actual information. But then again, this isn’t Mission Difficult. This is Mission Impossible, Mr Hunt. There are about 110 companies who sell vitamins in the US. Less than 5 of them use whole food vitamins. The reason is simple: whole food vitamins are expensive to make. A few of the largest pharmaceutical firms in the world mass produce synthetic vitamins for the vast majority of these 110 “vitamin” companies, who then put their own label on them, and every company claims theirs is the best! It’s ridiculous! Americans spend over $37 billion per year for synthetic vitamins. (Bradley, Nutrition Business Journal, 2015 [30]) Whole food vitamins are obtained by taking a vitamin-rich plant, removing the water and the fiber in a cold vacuum process, free of chemicals, and then packaging for stability. The entire vitamin complex in this way can be captured intact, retaining its “functional and nutritional integrity.” (DeCava p.23.) Upon ingestion, the body is not required to draw on its own reserves in order to complete any missing elements from the vitamin complex. Mainstream marketing of vitamins and minerals has successfully created the myth that vitamins and minerals may be isolated from each other, that correct amounts may be measured out, and then we can derive total benefit from taking these fractionated chemical creations. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Vitamins and minerals, and also enzymes, work closely together as co-factors for each other’s efficacy. If one part is missing, or in the wrong form or the wrong amount, entire chains of metabolic processes will not proceed normally. Result: downward spiralling of health, imperceptible for long periods of time.


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MARKETING AND PROMOTION What is the marketing philosophy behind the prevalence of the type of synthetic vitamins available in the supermarket and mall vitamin stores? Simple: profit above all else. Once the public is shown that vitamin supplementation is necessary, the rest is marketing. Marketing is the art of persuading by suspending logic and twisting data into junk science. Example: what’s the actual difference in composition between Wheaties and Total, two cereals put out by the same company? Total is advertised as being much more nutrient-rich than ‘ordinary’ Wheaties. Look at the labels. What justifies the extra $1.30 for a box of Total? Answer: 1.5 cents worth of synthetic vitamins sprayed over the Wheaties. That’s it! That’s what ‘vitamin enriched‘ always means. The other trick word is “fortified.” Generally that means that the food itself is devoid of nutrients or enzymes, so they tried to pump it up a little with some “vitamins.” Cheap synthetic vitamin sprays are all that is required for the manufacturer to use labels like “enriched” and “fortified.” These words are red flags – if a food needs to be fortified or enriched, you can bet it was already dead. The mega-vitamin theory doesn’t really hold when it comes to synthetics: If A Little Is Good, More Is Better. Macro doses of vitamin E, and also vitamin D have been shown to decrease immune function significantly. (DeCava) It stands to reason. Vitamins by definition are necessary in phenomenally small doses. The discoverer of thiamine, a B vitamin, and the man who came up with the word vitamin, Dr. Casimir Funk, has this to say about synthetics: “Synthetic vitamins: these are highly inferior to vitamins from natural sources, also the synthetic product is well known to be far more toxic.” Nutrition authority DeCava describes it:


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“Natural food-source vitamins are enzymatically alive. Man-made synthetic vitamins are dead chemicals.” The Real Truth About Vitamins p 209 Oxymorons: military intelligence, rap music, Homeland Security, health insurance, synthetic vitamins. The marketing of fractionated crystalline synthetic vitamins has been so successful that most nutritionists and doctors are unaware that there is something missing from these “vitamins.” Vitamin manufacturers compete for customers with identical products – they all bought their synthetic vitamins from the same couple of drug companies. To differentiate their product, each makes claims of “high potency.” Our vitamins are higher potency than theirs, etc. The point is, the higher the potency, the more the druglike effects are present. Natural whole food vitamins are very low potency. Remember the 20 mg of vitamin C in a potato that was able to cure a patient of scurvy? That was low potency. Low potency is all we need. Low potency is enough to bring about vitamin activity. High potency overshoots the mark – the chemical is very pure and refined, like the difference between white sugar and the type of sugar that’s in an apple.

THE MILLIGRAM GAME Generally speaking, if milligrams are being discussed at length, the author has no clue about vitamins. Synthetic vitamins are refined, high potency chemicals, and therefore may be accurately measured in milligrams, just like drugs. This has nothing to do with vitamin activity or nutrition, except in a negative way. It’s one of those give-away phrases, like ‘carbs’ or calories, that indicate the speaker is generally unqualified.


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HALF THE STORY The same type of incomplete action can be seen with any synthetic vitamin. Let’s take beta carotene for a minute, which the body can turn into vitamin A. Now you’ll remember that vitamin A is necessary for good eyesight, DNA synthesis, and protects cells from free radicals. A study reported in Apr 94 in the NEJM of some 30,000 Finnish subjects showed conclusively that synthetic vitamin A had no antioxidant effect whatsoever. [15] A true antioxidant helps to protect heart muscle, lungs, and artery surfaces from breaking down prematurely. In this study, the subjects who received the synthetic beta carotene actually had an 8% higher incidence of fatal heart attacks, strokes, and lung cancer than those who got the placebo (sugar pill). Stands to reason: the synthetic brought no vitamin activity to the tissues that needed it. As a dead, purified chemical introduced into the body, the synthetic further stressed the immune system, the liver, and the kidneys which all had to try to break down this odd chemical and remove it from the body. It would be bad enough if they were harmless, but synthetic vitamins actually have a net negative effect. Vitamin A was first discovered in 1919. By 1924, it had been broken down and separated from its natural whole food complex: “purified.” By 1931, LaRoche – one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, even today – had succeeded in “synthesizing” vitamin A. That means they had created a purely chemical copy of a fraction of naturally occurring vitamin A. Naturally occurring vitamin A is found associated with an entire group of other components: Retinols Retinoids Retinal Carotenoids Carotenes Fatty acids


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Vitamin C Vitamin E Vitamin B Vitamin D Enzymes Minerals Vitamins and Minerals, Somer 1992 Isolated from these other factors, vitamin A is a fraction which cannot perform its biological functions. Taken as a synthetic, it must then draw on this list of resources already in the body in order to complete its make-up. Whole food vitamin A, by contrast, is already complete and ready to go. Most synthetic vitamin A consists only of retinal, retinol, or retinoic acid. The well-publicized potential for toxicity with mega doses of vitamin A involves one of these three. Vitamin A toxicity, known as hypervitaminosis, always results from an excess of synthetic, “purified” vitamin A, and never from whole food vitamin A. (DeCava, p 86) Other effects of vitamin A toxicity include: tumor enhancement joint disorders osteoporosis extreme dryness of eyes, mouth and skin enlargement of liver and spleen immune depression birth defects BETA CAROTENE is a precursor the body can convert to vitamin A. Unfortunately, as a supplement, synthetic beta carotene is usually “stabilized” in refined vegetable oils. In this trans fatty acid form, oxidation occurs and the chemically “pure” beta carotene can no longer act as a nutrient, because it was changed. Almost all synthetic beta carotene is produced by the Swiss drug giant Hoffman-LaRoche. This form can no longer be converted to vitamin A.


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At best, it is worthless, at worst, it is toxic. Natural vitamin A and beta carotene are well known as immune boosters and cancer fighters, in their role as antioxidants. Synthetic vitamin A by contrast has actually brought about significant increases in cancer. The same Finnish study we saw above provided smokers with large doses of synthetic beta carotene. Lung cancer incidence increased 18%! (NEJM Apr 94 “The Alpha Tocopherol Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group”) [15] These findings were corroborated two years later in another study written up in Lancet. Pharmacologic doses of synthetic beta carotenes were found to block the antioxidant activity of the other 50 naturally occurring carotenoids in the diet. Anti-cancer activity was thus blocked by the synthetic. (Lancet 1996) [14] With the vast outpouring of wrong information about vitamins A and C, the findings of a 1991 article in Health Counselor are no surprise: 50% of Americans are deficient in vitamin A and 41% are deficient in vitamin C. Synthetic vitamins cannot prevent deficiencies.

FAKE VITAMIN B In one experiment, synthetic vitamin B (thiamine) was shown to render 100% of a group of pigs sterile! 100% would be considered a significant finding. (Dr. Barnett Sure, Journ Natr 1939) Perhaps the fact that synthetic vitamin B comes from coal tar, maybe that has something to do with it, you think? Then there’s vitamin B12, which comes from activated sewage sludge. (Frost p 60) Been shooting blanks since you started on those multi’s? For the licensed dieticians and clinical nutritionists reading this in disbelief because it is too “unscientific,” consider the way Theron Randolph MD delineated between natural and synthetic: “A synthetically derived substance may cause a reaction in a chemically susceptible person when the same material of natural origin is tolerated,


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despite the two substances having identical chemical structures. The point is illustrated by the frequency of clinical reactions to synthetic vitamins – especially vitamin B1 and C – when the [same] naturally occurring vitamins are tolerated.” Always keep this idea in mind when confronted with the phony marketing hook “bio-identical.” If it’s not made by your body, it can’t be bio-identical.

IRRADIATION According to Los Angeles naturopath, Dr. Jack Singh, all commercial lecithins in supplements, as well as most vitamin D, comes from irradiated vegetable oils. That’s rancid, oxidizing trans fatty acids! A birthday party of free radicals. This is the precise mechanism for arterial wall breakdown prior to plaque deposits, then arteriosclerosis, then heart disease. I thought we were supposed to be taking vitamins to stay healthy!

LOST HORIZON Why is this information so difficult to find? It’s in none of the “alternative” health ‘zines, blogs, sites, or any of the mainstream media. Alternative-Lite guru Julian Whittaker, in his summer 1998 newsletter actually had the temerity to state outright “Synthetic vitamins and whole food vitamins are identical.” I’m sure his synthetic vitamin company and all its retailers were reassured by this incredibly arrogant and flagrantly inaccurate pronouncement from the fat man. But who is objecting? Only those clients of the 5 companies who know enough to take whole food vitamins, because they have become educated to realize the difference. These are the vast minority, having no control of the media. Royal Lee and Harvey Wiley lost. Nobody knows who they are today, except we few. This is no accident. What everybody does know is Pepsi and Viagra and Wonder Bread and prednisone and Double Whoppers with Cheese and Zantac and Baskin-Robbins and Long’s Drug Store. And grocery store


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vitamins: synthetic vitamins. That’s America, today as the product of yesterday. Control of information in America today is hands down the most sophisticated systems of influence ever devised. The simple ideas contained in this chapter are simply not available to the mass consciousness. The documentation is out there, but you really must persist. 100 years ago if a medical doctor saw a case of cancer he would call all his colleagues to come and have a look, telling them it was unlikely they would see another case, as cancer was so rare. People rarely died of heart attacks; in fact the term heart attack itself didn’t even exist. There was no incidence at all of atherosclerosis. Diabetes was practically unheard of. What did they eat? Fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, whole grains, butter, and lard. But none of it was processed with drugs and chemicals. Today one in three dies of cancer. One in two dies of heart disease. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. (Vital Statistics) For anyone born after 2003, there is a one in 3 chance of Type 2 diabetes by 2030. Is that progress? If you are a food manufacturer it is, and especially if you are a drug manufacturer. In 2007 the WHO ranked the US as #39 in the world in infant mortality. Today, we’re at # 54 [] Male sperm count is less than 50% of what it was in 1929. (1981 University of Florida report, Natural vs. Synthetic) Infant mortality is up; birth defects are up. We spend $1.5 trillion per year for ‘health care’, most of which goes for administration and executive salaries. Who are the largest advertisers for TV, and online and printed media? Right: drug companies and food manufacturers. Do they want to keep the ball rolling? You bet. Will they kill you to do it? You bet. Ask Jeff Bradstreet. Do they want people to take charge of their own health by natural inexpensive foods and supplements? Negative. A cure for cancer has been “right around the corner” since Nixon’s “war on cancer.”. People are starting to ask questions; they’re less inclined to believe the slick ads coming every 10 minutes on TV and in Newsweek.


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Perhaps Hippocrates did not envision doctors as detail men or drug reps. He most likely thought like Henry Bieler, MD: “Nature, if given the opportunity is always the greatest healer. It is the physician’s role to assist in this healing, to play a supporting role.” – Finding the Right Cure for You So what do you do? Well, you may now have some insight that your vitamin needs are not being met by the GNC generics. Wallach used to talk about expensive urine from these unmetabolized grocery store synthetic placebos. The water soluble vitamins are best obtained through organic produce grown in mineral-rich soil. The best supplements in this category are the top-shelf green foods, like David Sandoval’s Best of Greens, and its equivalents. The fat soluble vitamins, A, E, and D are best obtained through fish, raw dairy, avocado, raw nuts, raw coconut, and clean meats. High end supplements like Udo’s Choice, MOR, and Nordic Naturals can round out your EFA requirements. Beyond this it’s MLM marketing roulette, and if you can’t spot the mark in the first 5 minutes, baby, it’s you. copyright MMXX

REFERENCES 1. Bradley, J.,NBJ: ‘The US supplement industry is $37 billion, not $12 billion’ 2. DeCava, Judith, The Real Truth About Vitamins and Antioxidants 1996 3. Jensen, Bernard, DC Empty Harvest 1990 4. Frost, Mary, Going Back to the Basics of Human Health 1997 5. Bieler, Henry, MD Finding the Right Cure For You 1998 6. Lee, Royal, “What Is a Vitamin?” Applied Trophology Aug 1956 7. Wiley, Harvey W., MD History of a Crime Against the Pure Food Law 8. Robbins, John, Reclaiming Our Health 1996 9. Nelson, Elmer, MD Washington Post 26 Oct 49 10. Somer, Elizabeth, “Vitamin C: A Lesson in Keeping An Open Mind” The Nutrition Report


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11. Berncastle, J., POTATOES AS A PREVENTIVE OF SEA-SCURVY.The Lancet, Vol. 38, No. 995, p892–893 September 24, 1842 12. Dana, Richard, Two Years Before the Mast, p 444 ff. 1840. 13. Lind, James, “A Treatise of the Scurvy in Three Parts. Containing an inquiry into the Nature, Causes and Cure of that Disease, together with a Critical and Chronological View of what has been published on the subject.” – A. Millar, London, 1753. 14. Woodall, A., Caution with b-carotene supplements Lancet 347:967, 1996 15. Heinonen O., MD The effect of vitamin E and beta carotene on the incidence of lung cancer and other cancers in male smokers” The Alpha Tocopherol Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group NEJM 14 Apr 1994 330;15:1031 16. Barnett Sure, MD Journ Natr 1939 17. University of Florida report “Natural vs. Synthetic” 1981 18. Randolph, Theron MD Human Ecology and Susceptibility to the Chemical Environment 7th ed. 1980 19. Price, Weston Nutrition and Physical Degeneration – Keats Publ. 1997 20. CDC National Vital Statistics Report – Vol. 47, no.19, June 1999. 21. Lee, R. Conversations, 1955 – “The US supplement industry is $37 billion, not $12 billion” Nutrition Business Journal, 01-Jun-2015 22. United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2011). Pesticide news story: EPA releases report containing latest estimates of pesticide use in the United States. Retrieved September 20, 2012. Grace Communications


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Ascorbic Acid is not Vitamin C

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Soybeans Since the 90s: . . The Dawn of Hydrogenated Foods - thedoctorwithin

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Soybeans Since the 90s: . . The Dawn of Hydrogenated Foods Get Our Newsletter

In This Chapter: Not a complete protein Not a natural food Many contaminants Extreme processing Hydrogenation Soy protein isolate Genetic modification: DNA roulette No soy for infants RoundUp and the international herbicide market Europe’s stance on genetic engineering The end of biodiversity What the real experts say Who really runs the FDA and EPA

Conventional Wisdom – what everybody thinks. In today’s world of controlled information, people think what they’re told to think – over and over and over and over. Mass opinion on most topics is a commodity that is bought and paid for. We don’t even know that we don’t know. Abstract? OK. Soy. Conventional wisdom says that soy is a natural protein substitute which can supply our complete protein requirements without the


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Soybeans Since the 90s: . . The Dawn of Hydrogenated Foods - thedoctorwithin

nasty drawbacks of contaminated, high food chain, cholesterol-laden animal protein. Championed by vegetarians, sanctified by Orientals, venerated by health food stores, spotlighted by Madison Avenue with a hint of New Age, soy now rules as the “perfect protein.” Same with margarine. We’re programmed to think of cholesterol as bad and the cause of heart disease, etc., so that we’re afraid to eat butter. Then we’re programmed to see margarine as our savior because it’s made from “pure cholesterol-free vegetable oil,” the vegetable being soybeans. OK, great. And then we have millions of pounds of soybean oil separated from the bean, which leaves as a by-product a mountain of what? Right – soy protein. Now, instead of throwing it out or just feeding it to the pigs, Madison Avenue steps in. What if we could program people to think that this artificial food was actually a complete food in itself, and even better, make them think it was a superior form of natural, complete protein? Wow! And that’s just what happened. The ads were everywhere: “No Saturated Fat or Cholesterol!” “Eat Better – Live Better” “Great-tasting meatless alternative” Not just dairy products, like soy milk, soy butter, soy cheese. No, now we have soy yoghurt, soy ice cream, soy flour, soy baby formula, soy sloppy joes, soy tacos, soy chili, soy cereals, soy falafel, soyburgers, etc. ( What’s next? Soy Pepsi? Hopping on the flailing Vegetarian bandwagon, soy is hawked as a complete meat substitute, as well as a dairy substitute. This is a marketing masterpiece. Who do you think is directing the show? Nutritionists? Dieticians? Doctors? Try MBAs and CEOs of the world’s top chemical cartels, together with the country’s top ad and marketing people. What do you think their focus is? Your health? Your child’s well-being? Will they blatantly deceive you, compromise your children’s heath, whip up endless “scientific” reports from their junk science research masters, pervade the popular press with unsupportable claims about soy’s health value and tasty ‘healthful’


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Soybeans Since the 90s: . . The Dawn of Hydrogenated Foods - thedoctorwithin

recipes? Well, ask yourself – did they go to business school to learn how to improve our nation’s health? Doesn’t it seem odd how we all became so wise about soy in just a few years? Subconsciously we congratulate ourselves on having the wit to have discovered this perfect food that was right under our noses the whole time. That’s not even mentioning Genetically Modified hydrogenated soybean oil, now present in over 60% of food items on the shelves of American supermarkets. It’s the main ingredient in most commercial pies, cakes, ice cream, chocolate candy, donuts, pastries, cookies, salad dressings and a hidden ingredient in practically everything else. How did all this happen in just a few years, and how come most of us don’t know a thing about it? A LITTLE PERSPECTIVE Let’s back up a little. The slightest bit of collateral research shows that the prom queen is pregnant. Even at the outset, there are a lot of problems with soy: Soy is not a complete protein Soy is not a natural food Soy has many contaminants Soy is among the most processed of commercial foods Most US soybeans are genetically modified Let’s just look at these simple points one at a time. NOT A COMPLETE PROTEIN What does that mean? Why is it an issue? Most of us know that humans require food in 3 main forms: fats, protein, and carbohydrates. Because that’s what our bodies are made of. And we also know that humans require certain forms of these three substances. Snake venom is loaded with protein, for example. So is sewage, and so is


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Soybeans Since the 90s: . . The Dawn of Hydrogenated Foods - thedoctorwithin

your desk. The idea is that humans require a certain type of protein for survival. And that type is described as complete protein. What are proteins made of? Right, amino acids. Complete proteins are those that can supply the essential amino acids necessary for building and maintaining human cells. In this context, essential means those we must get from our diet. So if a given protein can be broken down into the 10 essential amino acids that we must get from our diet, it’s a keeper. ([1]Erasmus, p. 82) All cultures have combinations of food staples that yield complete protein: beans and rice, beans and corn, beans and wheat, etc. The point is, no bean is a complete protein because beans lack two of the most important essential amino acids – cysteine and methionine – the only ones that contain sulfur. (Erasmus) Corn and rice supply these two. But a diet in which beans are the only protein source causes an abundance of health problems from the ensuing protein deficiency. In his classic work, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston Price proved 80 years ago that raw dairy can well provide the complete protein requirements for human nutrition. He traveled around the world studying culture after culture, looking for the perfect diets. In isolated villages of the Swiss Alps, Price found the healthiest people in Europe – those with the finest physiques and least incidence of degenerative disease. Their total diet: raw dairy and rye cakes. That’s it. Raw milk is not only a complete protein – it also provides fat soluble vitamins A and D in their most perfect form. So these Swiss were getting their total requirements of essential amino acids from this complete protein source, as well as their fat soluble vitamins. They had no tooth decay, cancer, arthritis, or diabetes. Noneof this applies, of course, when pasteurized milk took over. Just the opposite, in fact. As we saw in the Enzymes chapter ( when enzymes are artificially removed from milk by pasteurization, the result is a non-food. Dairy products then become indigestible foreign proteins, sensitizing allergens, and the cause of chronic


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arthritis, osteoporosis, colitis, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, and asthma. And this is why milk is no longer a complete protein and is just another junkfood. ([33, 10, 34, 35] Robbins, Twogood, Douglas, McDougall) At least with milk, the original substance before processing was a complete protein. With soy, it was not. NOT A NATURAL FOOD Soybeans are not like other beans, like lima beans and pinto beans, that people can just cook and eat. In ancient times, soy was used only in crop rotation as a nitrogen fixer. That means that certain bacteria on the rootlets of the soybean plant are able to restore nitrogen to the soil. Soy was planted in fields in alternating seasons for this purpose, because most crops use up the nitrogen in the soil during their growing season. Nitrogen depletion = soil depletion. Originally soy wasn’t a food crop itself. This was before Baron von Leibig [13] came up with the idea of adding NPK (Nitrogen- Phosphorus-Potassium) to the soil instead of rotating the crops. (See Minerals) After the harvest, the soybeans were then fed to the domestic animals, or else just turned under for the next crop. Later, people found that if soybeans were fermented for awhile, they were humanly digestible. Examples are tempeh, miso soup, and soy sauce. Later still, the farmers learned that if the soybeans were precipitated into curd form, the result was edible as tofu. The point is, soybeans alone are not a natural food. Unlike other vegetables, soybeans take a lot of time and changing in order to be digestible at all by humans. It is only through mass advertising and marketing that we have forgotten that before modern processing methods, soybeans were never a staple food. The main reason for this is that soybeans contain so MANY CONTAMINANTS


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First off, soybeans contain high amounts of enzyme inhibitors, particularly blocking trypsin and other human digestive enzymes. (Erasmus) We saw the importance of digestive enzymes in the Enzymes chapter. These enzyme inhibitors are not removed by cooking. They interfere not only with their own digestion, but with digestion of other foods in the tract that happen to be present. How can a food that blocks digestion be beneficial? The second main contaminant is soy’s extremely high content of phytic acid. Present to some degree in all types of beans, phytic acid blocks mineral uptake — iron, magnesium, calcium, and especially zinc. These minerals are necessary for dozens of cell life functions, and deficiencies of any of them can cause several diseases (See Minerals – ) Soybeans have the highest levels of phytic acid of any legume, and as such have an extraordinary ability to cause mineral deficiencies. (Leviton) For this reason, even the high temperature cooking that is the first step in soybean processing does not completely remove the phytic acids from soybeans. (Finucan)[2] Researchers have known for years that phytic acid blocks mineral absorption. (Keen)[3] This is especially bad news for infants, because soy chelates all zinc from the baby’s system. Zinc controls iron uptake. Without it, abnormally high iron levels are allowed. Excess iron harms the liver. Zinc is also critical for growth and brain and nervous system development, as well as protein digestion. (Guyton, p 900)[5]. Neurological development retardation is exemplified today in the unprecedented rise of learning disabilities, attention deficit, Guillain Barre, and autism. ( Zinc is also necessary for normal insulin function and for immune system development. These are just some of the reason why no baby should be given refined soy as soy milk. Nor should an adult who doesn’t want zinc deficiency, which in the US runs as high as 60%. (Erasmus, p 75)[1] Even the American Academy of Pediatrics admits that early exposure to soy through commercial infant formulas may be a leading cause of allergies


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among older children and adults. (Finucan)[2] So if your baby has any allergies or asthma whatsoever, soy is the last thing you want to use as formula. Difficulties in the chemistry encountered in attempting to remove the phytic acid is the main reason why the processing of soybeans is so harsh, as we will see. Enough phytic acid remains in the final soy products to cause mineral deficiencies. A less commonly known contaminant of soy is hemaglutin –a clot-causing agent (Finucan)[2] As the red cells are made to clump together, the oxygen supply to the entire body is thus diminished. Such circulatory disruption is hardly an attribute of a perfect food. The dangers of soy in the diet of those who already have a history of heart problems should thus be apparent. High temperature cooking during soybean processing does not remove hemaglutin from soybeans. Fallon also points out that soy has an aluminum content 10x higher than pasteurized milk. An established cause of Alzheimer’s in adults, aluminum damages the newly forming kidneys of an infant when they drink soy ‘formula.’ ( p 4) Worse yet, aluminum directly damages the infant brain, because the blood brain barrier has not formed yet. (Blaylock)[28] Aluminum content is increased even more if the product has been hydrogenated, like it usually is. (See below.) Finally, a by-product of one of the steps in soybean processing –alkaline soaking – is a known carcinogen: lysinealine. (Finucan)[2] Some ‘perfect food.’ Maybe there’s a reason nature didn’t intend this food for humans. PROCESSING Finucan illustrates the paradox that the same processes used to render soy edible are the very processes which render soy inedible.


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Soybeans are processed into oil, protein isolate, and protein concentrate. Extreme methods are employed because of the necessity for trying to get rid of the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. Unfortunately, all the enzymes, minerals, fiber, vitamins, and nutrients are also lost along the way. At each step towards the end products of soybean oil or soy protein, more of these natural nutrients are lost. The end products – commercial soybean oil and soy protein isolate – are totally artificial, devitalized commercial foods. An excellent chart of the steps involved in oil processing is found on p.94 of Fats That Heal.[1] The following few paragraphs summarize those steps. Cooking

The first of these methods is high temperature cooking. The purpose is to try and get rid of some of the phytic acid. As we know, high temperatures above 118°F denature the natural enzymes of the bean. (Howell)[14] Soybeans are first heated to temperatures up to 248° F! (Erasmus, p 95)[1] Without enzymes, any plant becomes a devitalized food, very difficult to digest in the human tract. In addition to interfering with breakdown of the food, enzyme depletion also interferes with mineral absorption as well as vitamin activity. Remember that enzymes, vitamins, and minerals are three legs of the tripod of metabolic activity. That means cell and tissue function. Take away any one and the other two are stumped. Mineral activity was already a problem with soy, because of the phytic acid. Superheating and enzyme loss compound this deficiency. In addition, a constant problem with oil processing is rancidity, which means oxidizing when exposed to air and light. Oxidation produces the dread transfatty acids and a boatload of free radicals. There are two chemical terms: cis and trans, used to describe the shape of a fatty acid. Humans require natural fatty acids, which are in the cis form. Processing changes the cis forms to the unnatural trans configuration. Trans fatty acids are manmade – something nature would never have dreamed up. Trans fatty acids cannot be broken down by human fat


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enzymes. They cool down to hard fat, just like bacon grease in that unwashed skillet left in the sink overnight. Imagine the implications in the arteries and in the intestines, to be eating foods that can’t be broken down. Erasmus explains how superheated oils are 100x more reactive to oxygen (p. 95), thus becoming a potent vehicle for free radical introduction into the consumer’s body. We have seen how free radicals are the direct cause of aging, heart disease, and cancer. That’s why products containing trans fatty acids are actually illegal in Holland. After the cooking, one of two paths is chosen for removing oil: pressing or solvent extraction. PRESSING

After cooking, the beans may be extruded through a press for maximum oil extraction. Shallow conventional wisdom says that as long as the oil is coldpressed, everything is fine. This idea is false, as we shall see. Erasmus explains why the term cold-pressed is meaningless. People think that cold-pressed insures that the nutrients will remain in the oil because heat wasn’t involved in the processing. The first problem is that what they don’t tell you is that the beans were already cooked at these superhigh temperatures before being put into the press. As long as no heat is added in the actual press, they can call it cold-pressed. Huge oxidation already took place at the cooking step. Much worse than the heat, the main problem however is the free radical production from exposure to light and air during the pressing process. This is where rancidity and trans fatty acids come in. To have a true unrefined wholesome food-grade oil, it is critical that air and light be meticulously excluded throughout the pressing step. The oil must then be put immediately into amber bottles. A very small percentage of soybean oil is processed in this way. Unrefined oils of any kind must come in amber or opaque bottles.


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Solvent extraction

Besides pressing, an easier but more toxic method of oil extraction is the use of solvents. Several are used in the soybean oil processing. The first solvent used on soybeans is an alkaline solution which will attempt to get rid of the trypsin inhibitors. (Fallon, p 3) Even though the solution is thoroughly rinsed out of the beans, a carcinogenic by-product results from the interaction of the soybeans with the alkaline soak: lysinealine, as we saw above. Next, for oil to be extracted, an organic solvent – hexane is the standard chemical employed. (1997 Soy Stats)[4] Like gasoline, hexane is a petroleum distillate! (Dorland’s p322) Temperatures of up to 149°F are applied. In the rinsing process, traces of this carcinogenic solvent are left behind in the finished products, both in the oil and in the protein isolate. Degumming The next step in the refining process is the removal of residual fiber, or gum, from the oil. Water, phosphoric acid, and heat (up to 140°F) are used. This is the same step in which lecithin is separated from the oil. The problem is that valuable trace minerals like calcium, copper, magnesium, and iron, as well as chlorophyll are all removed at this step. (Erasmus p96)[1] Lecithin is a common ingredient in foods and supplements. The majority of it is derived from soybeans during this step. Note all the preceding steps – some health supplement. Drano This one I didn’t believe, but it’s true. The next step is that the refined oil is mixed with sodium hydroxide – NaOH – which most of us know as Drano, at a temperature of 167° F. That’s right – the exact same corrosive lye you pour down your drain when it’s clogged. (Erasmus, p 96) The purpose of


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adding this corrosive is to remove any free fatty acids which may be ‘contaminating’ the ‘pure’ refined oil. Anyone for a Dranoburger? Bleaching By this stage the oil still retains some pigments, giving it a reddish brown appearance. Since that’s not the desired ‘pure’ look that customers have been trained to expect, clay is added, heated to 230° F, then filtered out. This high heat again causes the formation of the toxic free radicals, called peroxides. In the presence of air or light, their formation is increased geometrically. Deodorizing Next the oil is steam-distilled at 518°F for 30 minutes, to destroy any natural aromatics from the dead, refined oil. Note the incredibly high temperature. At 302°F trans fatty acids begin forming. These weird, manmade molecules are mutagenic to human DNA – they can alter human DNA. Trans fatty acids exist nowhere else in nature – man has created them. As the temperature is raised higher, trans fatty acid production increases geometrically. After deodorizing, the oil is absolutely tasteless, and cannot be distinguished from any other processed seed oil. The oil is now devoid of any vitamin, mineral, enzyme or nutrient content whatsoever. And even though it has undergone extreme high temperatures at several steps, as long as no external heat was added during the pressing step, the oil can still be sold as “cold-pressed”! Sometimes mixtures of pressed oil and solvent-extracted oil are sold as “unrefined” oil. These types of labels are simply unregulated. (Erasmus)[1] Reviewing this summary of processing steps, it is a wonder that processed soybean oil is allowed to be sold at all or to be made into margarine and cooking oil, let alone for claims to be made about its nutritional superiority. But this is still not the worst of it. The real bad news is


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HYDROGENATION As if no further biological indignity could be levied against the already lifeless processed oil, way back in the 1930s, the boys at Dupont figured out a way to harden the oil into a perfectly engineered non-food: margarine. Their only two criteria: spreadability and shelflife. At least 80% of margarine made in the US comes from refined soybean oil. (Erasmus). Scientists found out that if they subjected the refined oil to yet another round of infernal temperatures – up to 410°F – and forced hydrogen gas in the presence of a metallic catalyst through the oil for five or six hours, the result was a substance possessing the desired spreadability, as well as a shelflife that can be described as ‘From Now On.’ That’s what hydrogenated means. Margarine is another quantum level removed from anything resembling human food, and actually is closer to the category of plastics. Since all the Essential Fatty Acids (usable fats) have been destroyed, and all the enzymes are long gone, there is nothing left to ‘go bad’ – it can’t spoil. Guess what their favorite metal catalyst contains. Right – it’s usually 50% aluminum. Neurological disorders, Alzheimer’s, cancer… There are two types of hydrogenation: Partial Complete With partial hydrogenation, weird unpredictable ‘intermediate compounds’ are formed from the surviving fatty acids. These include the mutagenic (genealtering) trans fatty acids. But scientists themselves don’t even know what kinds of molecules are being created by the hydrogenation of fatty acids. They vary completely from batch to batch, and with different temperatures and catalysts. These molecules should be thought of as random toxic additives.


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The only reason hydrogenation is legal is that it has been around for so long. When it was invented, the effects weren’t well understood. Now decades later, with billions in lobbying money in place, a few details like cancer and Alzheimers aren’t going to get in the way. Who controls which ‘scientists’ get published? The commercial value of partial hydrogenation is that the density of the desired final product can be precisely controlled: semi-liquid, margarine, shortening, hard (for chocolate), or anything in between. Here’s a good way to think of hydrogenation. In the old days of potato chips, if you left the bag open all night, next day the chips would be limp and soggy. Today we have potato chips that are crispy to perfection. You can leave them out on the counter for days and they’ll still be perfectly crisp. Sealed potato chips in those round, perfectly stacked tubes will last a year or more! This phenomenon has nothing to do with food or nutrition. It is a masterful feat of plastics engineering. The potato chip has been completely soaked in hydrogenated oil, protected from the external environment – kind of like dry mounting a photograph, or polymerizing a marlin you’re going to hang over the fireplace. Once inside the stomach, the chips continue to do what they were designed to do: resist breakdown. The food value for humans is in the negative. And pasta. In the body, hydrogenated foods contribute to aging cancer tissue breakdown digestive disease clogged arteries arthritis Alzheimer’s neurological diseases The fiction that hydrogenated margarine is superior to butter can be seen for what it is: marketing hype – Madison Avenue on Ecstasy. And the reason is what – no cholesterol? Please! Of course margarine contains no cholesterol


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– it’s closer to a plastic than to a food. That’s why soybean oil is also used as the base for paint, varnish, and linoleum! (Bernard) [9] Without artificial flavoring, margarine would taste like a formica desktop. Start looking at labels. You’ll see why they’re printed in micro-fonts. When you see the word ‘hydrogenated’ think plastic. When you see the words “partially-hydrogenated” think plastic and free radicals. It’s not only margarine, salad oil, and cooking oil. Hydrogenated oil is a mega industry. What is the #1 oil in the food industry? Soybean oil! Soybeans account for 82 percent of the edible consumption of fats and oils in the United States Some 6 million tons of soybean oil are produced every year. . (Soybeans Stats Reference Guide) And 60% of all foods on the shelves of America’s supermarkets contain soy in some form or other. (Wolfson)[2] SOY PROTEIN The phenomenon surrounding the soy protein fad is more recent. With 10 million tons of soybeans being made into oil every year, [36] there was a lot of product waste. After the oil was removed, what was the waste made of? What was left? Protein. So again, who is trained to see an angle in every situation – Madison Avenue. Advertising steps in and sets it up: what are two things that Americans are obsessed with? Obesity and cholesterol. The latest fad in weight loss is the high protein diet. Skip all those nasty carbs and fats – just eat meat and fish. Then watch the poundage melt away. But wait! What about all that cholesterol? Oh yeah, that’s bad for the heart, isn’t it? Hey, isn’t that soy stuff supposed to be the best healthy protein for you these days? Yeah, think I’ll try those soyburgers – get all my protein requirements with none of the cholesterol downside. This thought conditioning didn’t just happen. It’s been coming on for years, with persistence and saturation. It costs millions, and we can see it every day: in newspapers, magazines, TV, in supermarkets, on the internet, in junk science articles – anywhere there’s advertising.


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A few problems right off the bat. Soy protein is a by-product of oil processing. Originally it was either thrown out or used as animal feed. Fact is, soy protein has already been through all the oil processing steps before beginning the additional processing for protein. That means we’re starting with a dead substance. A summary of how protein is derived from soybeans can be found at [12] Here’s an excerpt: Soy Protein Isolates “Isolates are the most highly refined soy protein products commercially available. They represent the major proteinaceous fraction of the soybean. Soy isolates are prepared from dehulled and defatted soybeans by removing most of the non-protein components as summarized in the accompanying chart. . ..The protein is extracted from defatted soybean flakes with water or mild alkali in a pH range of 8 to 9 followed by centrifuging to remove insoluble fibrous residue; adjusting resulting extract to pH 4.5 where most of the protein precipitates as a curd; separating curd by centrifugation from the soluble oligosaccharides, followed by multiple washings, and then spraydrying to yield an ‘isoelectric’ isolate.” Like with most grains, the majority of vitamins and minerals are in the hulls. De-hulled and de-fatted. This simply means that after all the fats have been burned away by heat and solvents, the carbohydrates are soaked and spun out of the remaining residue. What’s left over is technically protein, but again protein which has no remaining food value. The con here is it’s protein derived from a bean, so therefore it must be natural. But three big problems persist: 1. As we have seen, this particular bean has some properties which do not make it suitable for human nutrition. 2. And we also remember that no beans contain complete protein 3. And this protein is already the by-product of some of the harshest most life-destroying food processes ever devised, containing no surviving nutrients


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Soy protein isolate is big business. One of the biggest producers of soy protein is Protein Technologies International of St. Louis, a DuPont subsidiary. (Finucan)[2] We must appreciate the brilliance of taking a waste product from an already extremely processed food source and getting the majority of the population to think of this dead by-product as a food staple. In general, the vast majority of soy products today are examples of a superrefined artificial food, devitalized, and devoid of nutritional value. It is a true food of commerce, as Royal Lee would have said. THE MAGIC BEAN Why doesn’t anyone know about all this? How can we go from a perfect food to a non-food and have 99% of the population know nothing about it? When this familiar scenario appears, it always means one thing: time to follow the money. In that regard, here’s some interesting statistics: Today, the soybean is America’s third largest crop (harvesting 87 million acres in 2021), supplying more than 60 percent of the world’s soybean demand. USDA report [39] US Soybean production – 2016 – over 4 billion bushels [37] US soybean oil production is now over 10 million tons. [36] US Soybean Crop Value

$ 115 billion – [40] NOPA Report By 2000, crop value is close to $20 billion per year. Keep in mind, this figure does not take into account the retail market of the dozens of finished soy food products sold in supermarkets. That total probably approaches $100 billion.


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But it’s not just the soyburgers and margarine and cooking oil and soy milk. We often get a HIDDEN SURPRISE. Now present in 60% of America’s foods, soy turns up in a lot of places where it’s not even listed as soy. Names like “vegetable flavoring” “natural flavoring” “vegetable shortening” “hydrolyzed protein” “textured vegetable protein” are all that is required by the FDA. Generally these terms indicate that the product contains hydrogenated soybean oil, probably from GM plants. GENETIC MODIFICATION Wait, there’s more! Just when you think the picture couldn’t possibly get any worse, we descend to a new rock level of political and economic depravity: genetic modification. More than 58 million acres in the US are now planted with GM crops. (Teitel, p 17) In 1996, the figure was only 6 million! Most, if not all soybeans now produced in this country have been genetically modified. (Lappe) Also called biotech, agritech, transgenics, genetic engineering, and agriscience, this topic is undergoing the usual media whitewash. It’s one of those subjects everyone thinks he knows about when it’s brought up – the popular press rarely feels the need to explain the term. In actuality, very little is commonly known about the specifics of this horror unleashed. Exactly what is genetic engineering? “Genetic engineering is the process of modifying cell information, particularly by artificially transferring the genes of one organism into another. While traditional breeding techniques can exchange genes between similar species,


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genetic engineering allows the insertion of genes from any plant or animal into any other organism. “ – R. Wolfson, PhD From any plant or animal into any other organism. Bacteria into tomatoes. Virus into soybeans. Scorpion into virus. Iguana into an oak tree. It’s all doable. But what would be the advantages? Why would the agribusiness giants go to all this trouble? Many reasons, all of them ultimately economic, most having to do with selling herbicides. [From here on out ‘GM’ will indicate genetically modified.] A GM tomato – New Leaf – has been engineered to splice a gene into its DNA from a bacterium, in order to produce a plant that is its own pesticide. (Pollan) A bug takes a bite of the plant and drops dead. Farming efficiency – no pesticides. Is it safe for humans? Who knows? It was never tested before being marketed. And when distrustful American consumers rejected the New Leaf tomato causing it to be pulled off the market, Monsanto just changed its name to McGregor and reintroduced it the following year. Only this time they were smarter: this time there was no GM label. (Lappe, p. 117) Many other crops, like soybeans, have had a gene inserted that makes them resistant to herbicides. (Wolfson) In this way, they can withstand more herbicides being sprayed around them to kill weeds and other plants. Nice clean fields, with only soybeans. Farming efficiency – less weeding. But isn’t there a toxic buildup of herbicides within the GM soybean plant itself, known as bioaccumulation? Or increased pollution of soil and water? How about unpredictable effects in the soybean DNA? Of course, but these aren’t the scientists’ problem. DNA ROULETTE Don’t be so impressed: genetic engineering is really not that scientific, as true scientists will tell you. Beginning to study GM, one is struck by the inexactness of the “science.”


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The isolated gene is shot or inserted into the host DNA completely at random – they have no idea where the novel gene will end up in the gene sequence. This also means that the “engineers” don’t know how the new gene will be expressed – what it will do. That why it takes thousands of tries before they get a plant with the desired trait. Once a plant has the desired trait, it’s a keeper. Its seeds are replanted and saved, and often even marketed after one single generation. Such a method ignores the entire principle of the recessive gene – some traits aren’t expressed right away – they may be latent for a dozen generations. And those traits may be harmful to humans. THE LAST ROUNDUP With soybeans, the GM version is called Roundup Ready soybeans. RoundUp is one of the most powerful herbicides ever invented. Roundup Ready soybeans have been genetically modified so that they can take up to 10 times the amount of RoundUp as natural soybeans can. The idea is that the herbicide will kill the surrounding weeds but not the soybeans. Everyone seems to ignore the fact that the soybeans are assimilating 10x more herbicide than before. The other main thing that nobody seems to know is that after just a few short years, by 2000, almost all commercial soybeans grown in the US were GM! (Lappe, p 58) [31]Today it’s 100%. It’s all economics: the inventor of RoundUp Ready soybeans is the same as the inventor of RoundUp: Monsanto. Monsanto owns the patent on the GM soybean as well as the patent on the herbicide. (Benbrook) Monsanto sells over $2 billion of RoundUp each year. (Teitel, p. 77)[30] You probably missed that, so here it is again. Monsanto owns the patent on a GM soybean called RoundUpReady. Owning the patent means that the farmers can’t save the seeds each season for the next planting, the way they’ve been doing for the past 10,000 years. Nor can they exchange seeds with their neighbors. Instead, they have to buy new seeds each year from


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Monsanto, which cost 3x as much as normal soybean seed. And the reason the farmers do this is so that they can save money on labor and herbicide – they only have to spray twice a year, because the herbicide RoundUp kills all the weeds but not the soybeans. Are you following this? Monsanto owns patents on both the seed and the herbicide. They make money both ways, and they control the farmers’ future. Small farmers are being edged out – by 1998, 2.2% of America’s farms accounted for more than 40% of total farm income. (Lappe, p. 99)[31] Are RoundUp Ready soybeans in any way better than natural? No. Actually they’re worse. All this talk about “feeding the world” is slick PR. Monsanto has never proven its claims of increased productivity. In fact most independent studies have shown that RoundUp Ready GM soybeans actually decrease productivity, acre for acre. (Against the Grain, p. 82) [31] Funny thing that the only crops being developed by the biotech corporations to “end world hunger” are coincidentally those for which those companies already own the patents on the herbicides. Another downer is that the original value of soybeans was as a nitrogen fixer in the soil, remember? RoundUp destroys this power. An even worse problem is that RoundUp makes agricultural workers sick: it is now the third most common cause of illness in California agriculture workers. (Teitel p. 30) Nine verified deaths happened in Japan from accidental ingestion of RoundUp. (Lappe, p. 54) [31] Another huge problem that is being ignored is herbicide drift. That means that nearby non-GM crops get contaminated or killed by RoundUp that the wind blew over to them. There are many unresolved lawsuits currently in the courts from affected farmers. Like two thirds of all GM plants, soybeans have not been altered for any demonstrated nutritional reason whatsoever. (Against the Grain, p. 55) Despite the unsupported claims of increased productivity and nutrition, the reality is that GM is just a complex marketing tool to sell herbicides. The


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grand design for corporate dominance over entire crops is the reason why Dupont, Monsanto, and Dow are buying up the world’s biggest seed companies: Hartz Asgrow Holden Naturemark DeKalb Delta & Pineland Stoneville Pedigreed Gargiulio Against the Grain, p 39 [31] Whoever controls the seed controls the crop. THE LONG TERM PICTURE One reason that organizations like Greenpeace are opposed to GM farming is that it disrupts what is known as sustainable agriculture. There is an ecological continuity in agriculture from one year to the next, a dependence. So many factors in this year’s soybean crop affect next year’s. Any weaknesses – or strengths – will be felt next year. With GM, when the inevitable failures become apparent down the road, the weaknesses may be profound enough to cause a gap in the yearly chain – no crops. Even Monsanto knows that weeds will soon learn to be resistant to RoundUp. Probably within 10 years, it won’t work any more. By that time, however, most soybean farmers will be committed to Monsanto, having signed technology agreements. If farmers try to go back to planting nonGM soybeans, they will be years behind in catching up with natural evolution of the plants. The soil will be much weaker from having gone all those years without the classic soybean benefit of nitrogen fixing. It is likely that everyone will learn the meaning of short term thinking.


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Using any single herbicide or pesticide year after year will encourage weeds and pests to become resistant, so it’s ultimately a self- defeating process. It’s great for the manufacturers of these poisons, however, because new ones are always waiting to be tried. But not only are we poisoning ourselves and our animals in the process; we are also destroying the natural flora (microorganisms) in the soil. Good soil must be living soil, full of microorganisms. Much of our soil is almost dead. Herbicides and pesticides are themselves a disease. As their use grows, we lose a greater percentage of crops every year. How does that help world hunger? “In the past 40 years, the percentage of annual crop loss to insects and disease has doubled.” Lappe p. 102 [31] During that same period, US pesticide use has gone from 200 million pounds in 1945 to over 2000 million pounds. This whole GM business is about one thing: the sale of herbicides and pesticides. If the huge agritech companies were really interested in increasing world crop production, why have they spent no money experimenting with existing seeds banks to try to alter genetics in a natural way? All efforts are in the area of herbicide resistance. The goal of GM is uniqueness: patentability. The developer wants to claim ownership of the new plants, the same way he owns the herbicide. And soon the farmer. THE ANGLE Taken together, the sale of soybeans, hydrogenated soybean oil, and retail sales of finished soy products, it’s a very big picture, now exceeding $100 billion per year. Remember, soy now appears in some form or other in 60% of the foods on the shelves in American supermarkets. (Gerson Newsletter, also Wolfson) [20]


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This huge market orchestrates the enormous outflow of ‘information’ about soy that is visible in the popular press, advertising venues, and the Internet. So then, who are the TOP PLAYERS The three biggest US companies involved in genetic engineering of soybeans are: Monsanto Dow Chemical Dupont

– Teitel Aren’t these the same gentlemen who brought us saccharin, aspartame, Agent Orange, dioxin, fluoridation, napalm, bovine growth hormone, RoundUp, Chlordane, and a host of carcinogenic industrial solvents including PCBs PCEs TCEs vinyl chloride freon – “Silicon to Soybeans,” p 26 [19] So from the outset we can expect the highest in ethics and environmental consciousness, right? Aside from the huge profits in retail sales of finished soy products, a separate fortune emerged with genetic modification: the Terminator plant. As we saw above, this new hybrid plant produces sterile seeds. With most crops, farmers collect the seeds, to be used for the next planting. But Terminator seeds don’t grow. Therefore the farmers are forced to go back to Monsanto every year to buy more seed, thus putting control of agribusiness in the hands of the GM giants. Farmers who can’t save seeds year after year, like


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they’ve been doing since the dawn of agriculture, can be made into compliant serf robots. (Teitel, p. 99) [30] By the way, guess how the seeds get sterilized. They’re soaked in tetracycline, a powerful antibiotic. (GM Foods, p. 40) OPPOSITION TO GM Like Japan and most of Europe, many countries, are opposed to the sale of GM produce. England is a prime example: “Monsanto claims in its letter to me that there is no difference between? ordinary soya beans and what it calls round-up soya beans, and therefore? that they should not be segregated. I maintain that members of the public? who notice what is going on simply do not believe that, and will? increasingly demand to know what is in the food they eat – roundup or? otherwise… the Government and the EU should resist the power of the giant?food companies in the United States, which are effectively dictating what?we must eat, without giving any convincing estimates of the longterm?effects.”? – Colin Pickthall, Member of Parliament for West Lancashire, speaking in the House of Commons, 13th December 1996?Canadian Government report on toxic effects of BST [15] Some of Europe’s reactions to GM: The Austrians are really against GM foods. Fully 20% of their population signed a petition, not just to label, but to ban GM foods from their country. Biggest petition in history. Denmark requires full labeling of all GM foods. Switzerland destroyed 500 tons of chocolate when they learned it contain GM soy lecithin. Luxembourg, Italy, and Austria have banned importation of GM corn. All GM foods sold in the European Union must be labeled. – Lappe, 121 [31]


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The entire EU and India have now stopped allowing experimentation with GM foods in the field until more is know about long term effects of genetic manipulation. (Teitel p.72) [30] Japan also has strict labeling requirements for GM foods. Even we normally complacent, sheeplike Americans were starting to speak up. 500,000 signatures were on a petition that was presented in Washington at a summit meeting in June 1999 on GM food demanding that Congress and the FDA now require labeling on GM foods. (Allen) [25] NO LABELS – THE USDA, FDA AND EPA TOE THE LINE Despite strict labeling requirements for GM foods in most other countries, especially in England and the EU, as well as all the worldwide opposition, at the present time the FDA requires no GM label either on produce or on finished retail products. Therefore American consumers have no idea if the foods they are buying at the supermarket contain GM soy. With heavy interconnections with the Big Three GM companies, both the FDA and the EPA are playing Spin the Bottle, each coming up with semantic technicalities about why it’s not their job to regulate or require reporting of GM ingredients. Clinton’s FDA appointees had so many connections with Monsanto, before, during and after their FDA tenures, that the Toronto Globe went so far as to refer to Monsanto as a “retirement home for members of the Clinton Administration.” (Teitel, p 64) [30] With million-dollar positions waiting for them after they leave the FDA, the officers will not be disposed to bite the hand that feeds them, during their tenure. Lobbying has scored big: the agri-tech corporations have even figured out how to get the government to pay for research on products which will then be patented by the corporations! For example, over $10.5 million in government grants per year are given to the biotech companies to develop herbicide resistant crops. (Against the Grain, p88) [31] A huge problem with labeling is a legal twisting of the First Amendment by lawyers representing GM giants. First Amendment is supposed to be freedom


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of speech, right? Well, these EPA lawyers have taken the position that it violates free speech for an organic farmer to label his produce “non-GM,” the reason being that this may suggest that GM products are somehow inferior. With no scientific data whatsoever, the FDA’s stated position is that GM foods and non-GM foods have an “equivalence.”(Lappe, p. 76) [31] And that’s their basis for denying American consumers the benefit of identifying labels. When you consider the stringent labeling requirements now on all foods and packaged products of any kind, especially in California with Prop 65, it’s shocking to think that the consumer is not allowed to know whether a food is GM or not. That is a most fundamental item of information. This is the first time since the FDA required disclosure of food ingredients at all that the consumer is being kept in the dark on such a large scale. The fact that soon almost all food will contain GM components is not really an argument. We have a right to know what we’re eating. Deeper investigation into the subject of labeling is beyond the scope of this chapter. Labeling has become an area of big politics and big deceptions, having as much to do with the prevention of consumer awareness as with adding to it. IF IT’S ORGANIC, IS IT GM? Not yet, but almost. The US Dept. of Agriculture met in March 2000 to redefine the term organic. Despite huge lobbying efforts from the GM giants to allow GM foods to be included under the organic umbrella, it didn’t work. Not yet, anyway. At this time genetic modification still prevents a food from being labeled organic. But with the FDA’s current stance that GM and nonGM foods are “equivalent,” as well as the millions of lobbying dollars floating around Washington, the future does not look particularly bright for the nonGM status of organic foods. EPA and FDA WIMP OUT ON TOXICITY LEVELS Since 1987, the EPA and Congress both showed that they understood which side their bread was buttered on, in three separate acts:


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In 1987, immediately prior to RoundUp’s debut, without any study or proof whatsoever, the EPA arbitrarily raised the toxicity limits of RoundUp from 6 parts per million to 20 parts per million, simply because Monsanto requested it! (p.75, Against The Grain) [31] After repeated requests from Monsanto for “…exemption from further review or tracking” of RoundUp Ready soybeans, the EPA granted its approval! (p79) [31] – Buckling under industry pressure, Congress scrapped the proposals for creating a Biotechnology Commission, whose job would be monitoring long-term biological effects of GM foods (p 130) At present, there is no tracking system or government agency in place to even study human toxicity from GM foods! We’re being forced to rely on the word of the manufacturers, who continue to insist that these foods are safe, even though no long term studies have ever been done Another area in which lawmakers have quietly betrayed the people is the recent introduction of environmental audit privilege laws. In a show of astounding and blatant patronage, the FDA has granted the giant agritech corporations the right of self policing. The way this fantasy works is that in exchange for keeping their toxicity research secret from the public, the company has to promise to conduct “selfinspections” and to voluntarily report any “alleged misconduct.” (Lappe. p. 74) [31] The honor system! Assigned to those companies who have demonstrated a century of systematic poisoning of the global environment. At present, no matter how shaky the scientific basis for its safety, once a GM plant is released for full-scale commercialization, it is no longer subject to regulation! THE PHYTOESTROGEN HOAX   Don’t fall for this one. We’ve all heard the claims about soy being great for women approaching menopause because it adds a safe level of “natural”


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estrogen, preventing osteoporosis, etc. Isoflavones – the supposed magic ingredient – you’ve seen the ads. All that is known for sure is that RoundUp raises the levels of isoflavones in the soybean. The advertisers have made the incredibly brash assumption that increase in phytoestrogens is desirable. For one thing, having come from a GM plant, isoflavones are definitely not natural. Moreover, the amount of increase may well be pathological – it’s never been studied. Infants have been shown to have their phytoestrogen levels raised from 13,000 to 22,000 times the normal blood levels of estrogen from taking soy! High levels of some estrogens can promote sex organ malformation, organic tumors, and menstrual disruption. For a thorough summary of the HRT hoax, read the entire Hormones chapter. The fact is, these possibilities have never been ruled out by scientific studies before promoting soy milk for infants. Or for menopausal women. It’s unsubstantiated marketing hype. The consumer is the experiment. “…we are eating our own genetic experiments.” – Against the Grain, p 148 [31] WHY INFANTS SHOULD BE KEPT AWAY FROM SOY PRODUCTS If you’re giving your baby soy milk or soy products, where are your sources of information that soy is OK? Their ads? Throughout this chapter several referenced sources have been cited that point our the following likely toxicities of soy products for infants: increase of blood estrogen levels to 22,000 times normal blocks absorption of zinc, which is necessary for brain formation introduces free radicals into system, which can retard any formative tissue blocks stomach enzymes, promoting chronic indigestion cannot be digested, promoting chronic indigestion and allergies lack of fat soluble vitamins that are available in unprocessed animal products high levels of aluminum, preventing normal brain and intestinal formation


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Disagree? Cite your sources. Journal articles in slick Alternative Lite magazines don’t count. They tend to favor contributions from their own advertisers’ junk science writers. LESSON #666 By 1859, Charles Darwin had discovered the phenomenon of natural selection, outlined in his masterwork Origin of the Species. [8] Darwin showed how all species evolve through the centuries by minute little changes made in their physiology, which better adapt them to their environment. The ones who adapt best, survive. This has been nature’s design, from the beginning of life on earth. Much later, in the 1950s, this adaptation to surroundings was related to genetic structure, when Watson and Crick discovered the shape of DNA. Now in the 21st century science has come up with a technology that can theoretically splice genes from any plant or animal into the DNA of any other plant or animal. Genetic changes that would have taken 10,000 generations, and many that would never have occurred at all – suddenly these artificial hybrids are brought into being, at random, practically overnight. The huge difference with GM is that instead of evolution, we have this random game of genetic cut-and-paste. The technicians ram the selected gene into a random location within the host’s DNA, and then they see what happens. After thousands of times, one favorable plant may result, and that’s the keeper. But the DNA is the genetic code – the blueprint for future generations. Many alterations don’t appear immediately. Those that do may also have other unpredictable effects on the offspring. Teitel talks about the GM salmon who were “engineered” to grow larger, which they did, but not without turning green. (p. 11) [30] Another scary issue is the experimentation with virus and bacterial genes spliced into plants. We are introducing the possibility of creating superviruses


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and superbugs that have never existed before, some of which may be resistant to any known form of control. THE END OF BIODIVERSITY Nature’s way is for any given crop to be as genetically diverse as possible. This will allow for survival of the species in the event of pests, toxins, or natural disasters like heatwaves, droughts, floods, and freezes. If all the plants are genetically identical, any stressor that can kill one of them can kill them all. This is the real danger with biotechnology that the big corporations are doing their best to keep from public awareness: genetic uniformity means the end of biodiversity. Biodiversity is the strength of the evolutionary process that has allowed all life forms to develop to their current versions. Biotechnology is the nemesis of biodiversity. In 1845, two million Irish died from starvation in the Great Potato Famine. The reason: there were only two genotypes of potatoes in all of Europe, and both were susceptible to the same blight. That was a lesson in biodiversity. ([31], p99) Lesson # 666: Mother Nature Bats Last. Repeat until learned. (Of course it didn’t help things that the English were confiscating what little food they did produce…) WHAT DO THE REAL EXPERTS SAY? Many of the world’s highest ranking biologists, like Harvard’s George Wald, see the connection between Darwin and GM: “Recombinant DNA technology [genetic engineering] faces our society with problems unprecedented not only in the history of science, but of life on Earth. It places in human hands the capacity to redesign living organisms, the products of some three billion years of evolution…


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“Such intervention must not be confused with previous intrusions upon the natural order of living organisms; animal and plant breeding, for example; or the artificial induction of mutations, as with X-rays. All such earlier procedures worked within single or closely related species. The hub of the ?new technology is to move genes back and forth, not only across species lines, but across any boundaries that now divide living organisms. “The results will be essentially new organisms. Self-perpetuating and permanent. Once created, they cannot be recalled. Up to now living organisms have evolved very slowly, and new forms have had plenty of time to settle in. Now whole proteins will be transposed overnight into wholly new associations, with consequences no one can foretell, either for the host organism or their neighbors. “So this, the central problem, remains almost unconsidered. It presents probably the largest ethical problem that science ?has ever had to face. Our morality up to now has been to go ahead without restriction to learn all that we can about nature. Restructuring nature was not part of the bargain. … going ahead in this direction may be not only unwise but dangerous. … it could breed new animal and plant diseases, new sources of cancer, novel epidemics.” Dr. George Wald, professor emeritus from Harvard, Nobel laureate Once created, they cannot be recalled. That’s just great. Genetically modified crops spread their assault on nature in a totally unpredictable manner. With today’s 457 million acres of GM plants, by 2017 [38] consider the effect of cross-pollination alone, just from bees flying between GM and non-GM crops. The father of molecular biology, Erwin Chargoff refers to genetic modification as a “molecular Auschwitz.” He see GM of life as a bigger threat to human survival than nuclear war. “I have the feeling that science has transgressed a barrier that should have remained inviolate… you cannot recall a new form of life…It will survive you and your children and your children’s children. An irreversible attack on the biosphere is something so unheard of, so unthinkable to previous


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generations, that I could only wish that mine had not been guilty of it.” – Heraclitean Fire[23] Guess Dr.Chargoff won’t be invited on any more Monsanto junkets to Cabo any time soon soon. There is a long list of quotes from world class scientists on the dangers of GM, available at We have seen how genetic engineering was responsible for bringing AIDS to the world (Horowitz, [27]) Many scientists, like Dr. Joseph Cummings foresee the creation of new diseases as a result of GM of plants: “Probably the greatest threat from genetically altered crops is the insertion of modified virus and insect virus genes into crops. It has been shown in the laboratory that genetic recombination will create highly virulent new viruses from such constructions. Certainly the widely used cauliflower mosaic virus is a potentially dangerous gene… it multiplies by making DNA from RNA messages. It is very similar to the Hepatitis B virus … and related to HIV.” – Cummins[26] Most soybeans are GM. Is this really the kind of food you want to put into your baby’s formula as a replacement for mother’s milk? SOYLENT GREEN Way back in the 70s, Charleton Heston made a science fiction movie called Soylent Green. The story was set in the dystopian future, with a totalitarian Big Brother government, similar to the one in The Matrix. Or the one in Washington today. In Soylent Green, fruit and vegetable crops, as well as meat and dairy, are things of the distant past. Food is totally controlled and provided by the government – everyone eats these green biscuits called soylent green, which are supposed to be complete nutrition sources. The movie uncovers the typical operations of a sinister government which has succeeded in


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controlling all aspects of human life. Then at the end, the shocker is when Charleton finds out that soylent green is actually made from people! The similarities of this movie to our present situation are remarkable indeed, considering that it was made 50 years ago. The fact that the biscuits were soy-based was prescient, considering what we now know from the above chapter about the widespread presence of soy in our processed foods. Our food choices are increasingly being controlled and limited by the government, through agencies like the FDA and the EPA. It is no secret that the directors of these agencies have close ties to the giant food and chemical corporations. Legislation about the safety and content of our food is dictated not from health concerns, but from a position of economics and control. It’s not only that we’re losing control of our choices, but through mass advertising the toxic realities of processed foods are being systematically hidden. Animal crackers are so cute, but they contain partially hydrogenated soybean oil, which is loaded with free radicals, and has no food value. It’s not really a conspiracy; it’s simply the nature of corporate control. Corporations have one fundamental purpose – to make money for their investors. The problem here is the written contract that we have with agencies of the government. Their stated purpose is to protect our health and well-being from rampant, wholesale exploitation from powerful special interest groups. Instead, the people in the regulating agencies have joined forces with the exploiters, for their mutual benefit. GM SOY – IT’S EVERYWHERE Lappe has a partial list of verified products using genetically altered soybeans: Crisco Kraft salad dressings Nestle’s chocolate Parkay margarine Isomil and Prosobee infant formula Wesson oils


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McDonald’s French fries Doritos Tostitos Ruffles Pillsbury foods Similac infant formula p. 92, 119, 124 [31] Today’s list would be much more extensive since by now the vast majority of soybeans grown in the US are genetically engineered. So if the label mentions soybeans, it’s GM. ACTION Soy products are not substitutes for human protein requirements. Processed soy products are devitalized, enzymeless non-foods, devoid of nutrient content. Moreover, the aluminum, free radicals, and other contaminants make soy products toxic to human metabolism, giving them an overall negative nutrient value. Armed with your new knowledge, the following experiment will blow you away. Go to your local supermarket with a magnifying glass, without being in a hurry. Start anywhere and just read all the fine print on food labels. Check out the frozen dessert section – you know, all those boxes with the beautiful pictures of homemade pies and cakes and turnovers. You’ll be amazed to see that hydrogenated soybean oil is not simply an ingredient in many of these desserts, but that it is the main ingredient. Next try the salad dressing aisle. Start with the creamies – bleu cheese, Ranch, etc. Partially hydrogenated soybean oil – the main ingredient. Next go to the commercial bread and pastries section. Most breads have the ingredients printed in orange microfont so that you can’t make them out with the bread as the background. This is no accident. Here you’ll see not only a ton of hydrogenated soybean oil – you’ll also see beaucoup high fructose


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corn syrup – another neurotoxic non-food. ( See SUGAR – -The Sweet Thief of Life) Next try the soup section – read every word. Now try all your favorite cereals. With the exception of shredded wheat, these famous cereals you grew up with are just vehicles for more hydrogenated soybean oil. Then cruise on over to the pasta section. Don’t forget the commercial cookies section – whatever’s wrapped in cellophane. Read the labels. Soon it will dawn on you, like it dawned on Charleton Heston – we are becoming partially hydrogenated soybean oil! From your surveillance post on a bench in any mall concourse in the US, watch the gender-nonspecific soybean units trudge by. What can we do? Stay informed. Follow the sources in the Reference list below. Make choices for our children that are not determined by ads we saw on TV, or read in some junk science flyer on social media. And try to keep ourselves and our children away from the 60% of the foods on our shelves that contain processed soy products. Now you’re ready for the sequel to this chapter: GM Foods: A Short Introduction. REFERENCES 1. Erasmus, U Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill Alive 1993. 2. Finucan, B Gerson Healing Newsletter Part I 1999 3. Keen, CL Studies of marginal zinc deprivation in rhesus monkeys. Am J Clin Nutr 1988 Jun;47(6):1041-5 4. Soy Statistics Reference Guide, 1997 5. Guyton, A, MD Textbook of Medical Physiology Ninth edition Saunders 1996. 6. Leviton, R Tofu, Tempeh, Miso, and Other Soyfoods p.12 Keats Publishing, 1982.


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7. Price, W DDS Nutrition and Physical Degeneration Keats 1939. 8. Darwin,C Origin of Species John Murray, Abermarle Street, London 1859. 9. Bernard, R PhD Soybean Microsoft Encarta online 2000. 10. Twogood, D No Milk Wilhelmina Press 1992. 11. Heated Battle Over GE Soybeans in Brazil The Guardian (UK) June 1999. http://www.pureecology/ge/ 12. Soy Protein Council 13. Von Leibig, Baron Justus The Natural Laws of Husbandry 14.Howell, E, MD Enzyme Nutrition Avery 1985. 15.Pickthall, C Member of Parliament for West Lancashire, speaking in the House of Commons, 13th December 1996 16. Canadian Government report on toxic effects of BST 17. Mother Jones May 2000 inside back cover 18. Pollan, M Playing God in the Garden NY Times Sunday Magazine 25 Oct 98 19. Spicuzza, M Silicon to Soybeans Metro 11 May 00 p 21 20. Wolfson, R PhD Biotech Food – What’s on Our Shelves? Alive: Canadian Journal of Health and Nutrition Nov 1996. 21. RAFI Geno-Types Profile of the Gene Giants 7 Jan 2000 22. Benbrook, C Monsanto’s Big Lie Exposed: Roundup Ready Soybeans Use 2-5 Times More Herbicides Than Non-GE Varieties 23. Chargoff, E Heraclitean Fire: Sketches from a Life Before Nature Paul & Company June 1978. 24. Regal, P PhD Biosafety Risks from GEOs Univ of Minnesota 1999.


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25. Allen, S Group Lobbies for Labeling Genetically Altered Foods Boston Globe p. A5 18 Jun 99 26. Cummins, J PhD The Use of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus/ Genetically Engineered Crops in Progress –University of Western Ontario 1997. 27.Horowitz, L Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola Tetrahedron 1999. 28.Blaylock, R MD Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills Health Press 1997. 29. 30. Teitel, M PhD, Wilson Genetically Engineered Foods: Changing the Nature of Nature Park Street Press — 1999. ?31. Lappe, M PhD Against the Grain Common Courage 1998 32. O’Shea, T – GM Foods: A Short Introduction 33. Robbins, J – Diet For a New America 34. Douglas, Wm C – The Milk Book 35. McDougall, J MD – McDougall’s Medicine—A Challenging Second Opinion 36. Index Mundi -Soybean Oil Production – 37. United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service 2016 – 38. Pollack, A – Acreage for Genetically Modified Crops APRIL 13, 2016 New York Times

39. USDA report – soybean production US 202


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80% OF WHAT’S IN YOUR SHOPPING CART – DR TIM O’SHEA Since the 1990s, world agriculture and food production have undergone the most radical transformation in history. With very little public awareness, in just a few short years Genetically Modified foods have come to dominate both global agriculture and supermarket shelf space.

What are GM foods? What are their effects on human health and nutrition? What are the effects on human DNA? What have we done to our food?


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This chapter hopes to serve as an introduction to the enormous new field known as the Biotech Industry. Does it really hold the promise of ‘feeding the starving people’ of the world as we often hear, or is there some other agenda here? HISTORY OF GMO This is a fast summary of GMO. GMO – genetically modified organisms, whether plant or animal. Smith does a fairly good job of presenting a brief history of the evolution of biotechnology. [2] Turns out that the chemical corporations who produced mega-tons of nitrogen for bombs during the first and second world wars wanted to put that same technology to use postwar. This marked the beginning of the global market for agricultural pesticides and fertilizers. In the past 100 years, the chronological sequence went:

• Nitrogen bombs • fertilizer • pesticides • GM • Agribiz

Same guys, same industry, same corporations down through the decades.


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The postwar transition from bombs to fertilizers was very successful, up until the early 1990s when the idea occurred to them that an even bigger market could be created for a chemical weedkiller that would kill all the plants in a field except the crop itself. But in order to withstand such a powerful poison, that crop would have to have a specific immunity or resistance to the weedkiller. How could such immunity be made possible? Enter GM. After years of experimentation, they found a way to make soybeans that were resistant to a very powerful weedkiller called Roundup. Get the American cowboy imagery there? Anyway, even though the immunity only lasted a few generations, while it lasted, it made for farming efficiency– very clean fields. You could spray the whole field with poison– even the crop itself. And the only thing left standing was the crop! [13] Genetically modified soybeans were the first large scale crop to undergo massive Genetic Modification. How big is the experiment? Consider this. In 1996, there were no acres of GM soybeans in the US. After just 20 years, virtually all US soybeans are considered genetically modified! 457 million acres. [16] As far as global agriculture, by 1996 almost no acres of GM crops had been planted. After just 20 years, 42% of the total arable land on earth was planted with GM crops! [2] That should give some idea of the scope of the GM experiment. It’s brand new. 10 major US crops today are GMO. Four of them are primarily GMO: • corn • cottonseed • soy • canola BIODIVERSITY VS. MONOCULTURE


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Any understanding of the GMO phenomenon in the US requires adding 2 new words to our vocabulary: Biodiversity and Monoculture. Biodiversity just means nature’s efforts to spread out and multiply as many versions of a plant species as possible, that are slightly different in their ability to survive different environments. This will give each species the best chance of surviving some cataclysmic environmental change. Or some small local ones. Natural selection. The more versions of a plant species there are the better its chances for long- term survival. Monoculture on the other hand means that by using new agricultural practices in which only GM seeds are sown, there is only one exact manmade species that grows. Why? First because all the GM seed of any given crop is exactly the same strain. Second, GM crops typically have a terminator gene inserted into their DNA which makes them sterile. That means for the first time in history these crops seed won’t germinate the next crop and be able to benefit from tiny self- improvements year by year responding to changes in environment. Why did the corporations want the GM crops to be sterile? Money. They wanted to force the farmer to have to come back to them every season and buy new seed. The company owns the patent on the GM version of the plant AND they own the seed. Integrated marketing. It’s about total profit. HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE The four main global multinational corporations responsible for the trillion dollar GM global agribusiness are of course • Monsanto • DuPont • Dow Chemical • Syngenta In Engdahl’s book [5] and elsewhere we can take a look at the track record of these companies as far as being cited and fined for global pollution during the past century. It’s no secret – they don’t even bother to deny it. Try googling


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Monsanto global pollution. Do the phrases sulfuric acid, PCB creation, Agent Orange, birth defects, dioxin, Lysol, bribery, etc. keep coming up? Who invented napalm? DuPont. Who paid huge fines for dumping old Agent Orange on open land in New Zealand? Dow Chemical. Monsanto and Dow paid $63 million in damages to Korean vets and $180 million to American vets but not a single dime to the Vietnamese people themselves. [11] In the landmark DVD The Future of Food [6] we are presented with evidence of how the world works. The revolving door between Monsanto and powerful positions in US government regulating agencies is epitomized: Here are some career moves of just a few top Monsanto execs in recent years: • Donald Rumsfeld . . CEO of Searle – Sec. Defense • Wm Ruckelhaus CEO of Monsanto – FDA • Michael Freidman – EPA • Linda Fisher – EPA Deputy Minister • Jack Watson – White House chief of staff • Clarence Thomas – US Supreme Court • Mickey Kantor – Secretary of Commerce • Anne Veneman – Secretary of Agriculture • Margaret Miller – Deputy Director FDA Below we will see Michael Taylor, formerly one of Monsanto’s top lawyers and his role in preventing GM foods from ever being labelled. Taylor was also responsible for any risk assessment data in soybeans or any other GM experiment to be protected from the FDA by a nondisclosure clause protecting Monsanto’s proprietary intellectual property. That’s lawyer talk for a virtual license to poison the general public. Taylor also saw to it that no hormones in commercial dairy products need ever be labelled.


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Incidentally, guess where Taylor went after his years of selfless service to the FDA. Right. Straight back to Monsanto as vice president. [p 11 [5] Since George Herbert, all US presidents have gone out of their way to be supportive, actually pro-active, in placing absolutely no obstacles in the way of GMO advancement. And thereby hangs a money trail, but that’s outside the scope of this chapter. MORAL DILEMMA: THE ABILITY TO PATENT LIFE The patenting of life – now this was a totally new suggestion to human jurisprudence with the advent of GMOs. Wow – we’re going to have to decide now whether or not it will be legal for humans or corporations to hold patents on living things. There were a few faint voices who raised an objection: “The plants animals and microorganisms comprising life on earth are part of the natural world into which we were all born. The conversion of these species, their molecules, or parts into corporate property through patent monopolies is counter to the interests of the people of the world. “No individual, institution or corporation should be able to claim ownership over species or varieties of living organisms. Nor should they be able to hold patents on organs, cells, or proteins.” – Council for Responsible Genetics [14] Nice, but a bit too warm and fuzzy for the world at this particular juncture apparently — this moral dilemma took about 5 minutes to resolve. Even though our Constitution implies a prohibition against the patenting of life, little obstacles like that were no match for phat corporate legal teams. Time for clever East coast lawyers to invent a few new words, that’s all. HOW CAN THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS HUGE EXPERIMENT? Proper planning. GM has been on the drawing board since the early 1950s. Long story there. [5] We can pick it up in 1986 when there was a strategy meeting at the White House. GHW Bush, Monsanto and the Dept. of


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Agriculture met to set the groundwork for the GM industry. Right then they greenlighted the whole project, from here to eternity. Or as long as it would work. At that meeting it was decided that this brand new and unknown Biotechnology Industry which was about to unleash the largest agriculture experiment in history, would not require any government regulation or control!! Why not? The new legal mantra for GMO they coined was “substantial equivalence.” ( p 4 [5] ) Here’s how this particularly twisted bit of lawyering unravelled: the new GM organisms are simply extensions of normal plant and animal breeding that occur naturally, and therefore require no government regulation or oversight, they bleated. Like Gregor Mendel and grafting roses and all that. This magic slogan has been upheld in every single decision even to the present day and is the reason that NOT ONE LAW has ever been passed regarding the regulation of any GMO. But then a new problem arose: patenting. OK, so if GMOs are exactly the same as the natural plants then how can they be patented? If it was supposedly substantially equivalent to the natural version, how could a seed be different? Lawyers can stoop to any occasion. Simple solution: another slogan. Even though GMOs are ‘substantially equivalent’ to the natural version, lawyers will now hereby claim that the GMO versions are “substantially transformed” enough to allow the corporate giant to receive a patent. These guys are good. Inconceivably, this impossibly simplistic and ridiculous little word trick has proved out in every adjudication involving GMOs for the past decade. It is exactly how the impenetrable Bush doctrine of GMO protectionism has been played without a hitch, up to the present time. THE PRIMARY MYTH Way back in 1954 Watson and Crick devised the double helix model of


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DNA, which still dominates the popular perception of human genetics. Remember? So in each of your cells there is a DNA molecule that is exactly like the one in all your other cells and that’s what makes each of us unique. Think we all got that much, right? Now each species also has unique DNA characteristics that have evolved over the aeons that limits breeding to its own kind. In fact, that was Darwin’s original definition of a separate species– the ability to mate. Once natural evolution caused the DNA to become so divergent that two creatures could no longer mate, at that point they became two separate species. Each species’ collective DNA is called its genome. Now the conventional Wikipedia-level wisdom about genetics is that DNA is a double string of genes and that each gene determines a single genetic trait. Like blue eyes, or alcoholism, or being 6′ tall, or artistic talent, or a strong immune system, or good teeth, or a tendency to autism, etc. In the new pseudo-science of Biotechnology, that idea is constantly reinforced – namely that it’s a one gene = one trait situation. And all we have to do then is figure out which gene does what, change it around a little, recombine the new genes in the sequence we want, and voila’ – we just made a watermelon that can play chess, or a blue rose, or a Congressman not primarily interested in looting. Or a bean that resists weed-killer.


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Something outside nature. If we can just change things around a little. Unfortunately nature is not quite that simple. The human genome has only recently been decoded, in 2007. Scientists were surprised to discover that there were only about 35,000 genes in human DNA, and not millions like they always expected. This small number presents some problems for the original model. The first problem is that there are at least 10 million possible antigens that our immune system has to be able to recognize. [1] A mere 35,000 genes couldn’t possibly be that versatile. Further complications came when they discovered that each gene can code for literally thousands of different proteins in the body. That single fact alone blows the one gene/ one trait model out of the water. [3] Then there’s the concept of the promoter gene – which is a gene that is responsible for switching on or switching off an entire sequence of genes, which together may determine one single trait or characteristic. Things became even more complicated when they learned that gene sequences – some long, some short – also code for specific commands. This is a vast oversimplification, but even at this level we can see that the one gene / one trait idea is no longer an option, except at the science fiction / animatronix / Fox news level. One gene may be involved in countless commands and sequences. Against all science, however, the biotech corporations one after another persist in claiming that their particular genetically modified product is different– that they have figured out exactly what one gene does – all its possible effects on the new organism – and that they alone have solved the puzzle. And they get away with this because most of the people in this country have lost the ability for abstract thought.


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NOT LIKE GREGOR MENDEL Let’s get one thing straight here: Today’s biotech industry is doing nothing even slightly resembling the work of Gregor Mendel in the 1800s with his pioneering methods of grafting and hybridization. The obvious difference is that GM bypasses all natural reproduction, and sidesteps any natural progression of generations. Natural breeding is a slow process involving generation after generation of sexual reproduction. GM is abrupt. Boom! A new species in 2 weeks. The other departure you might have noticed is that Gregor Mendel never tried to cross an iguana with a water lily– the old ways never even imagined crossing the species barrier. This is one blatant characteristic of GMO that gets quietly ignored. By the inattentive. Now once these brand new species are created, they can then be more or less permanent if they are released back into nature and allowed to intermix with the natural species of plant or animal. And once that happens they cannot be recalled. DNA in a test tube is stable and linear. But in a living organism DNA is unstable, nonlinear, complex and unpredictable. Same in the real world. With brand new species popping up, which have bypassed centuries of natural selection and immunity, comes the real possibility of new diseases, new cancers, new epidemics. So keep this in mind the next time you read something comparing GM to natural old time breeding and grafting. Or about how scientific GMOs are. That is op-ed think tank propaganda, at the highest level. METHODS OF GENETIC MODIFICATION As we saw above, one of the first GMO experiments was crossing the DNA of a flounder with that of a tomato. This was done in order to make the tomato able to withstand colder temperatures. Oh yes, did we mention? — in the


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biotech industry, pieces of DNA can be transferred theoretically from any plant to any animal, vice versa, or any combination thereof. Segments of DNA from one species are randomly spliced into the DNA of the other species hundreds and hundreds of time until the desired effect appears. How this cross-species DNA insertion is accomplished is a little less than scientific. The two most common methods of DNA modification are

• the gene cannon • using bacteria and viruses as carriers for the DNA fragment [2] Scientists refer to the Position Effect when talking about not being able to predict where the inserted fragments will end up in the genetic sequence. Limitless possibilities result– recombining genetic sequences that can turn on or turn off vital processes that have taken thousands of years to refine. In the gene cannon method tiny little golden bullets are shot into the cells of the target organism with a .22 calibre pistol. Not kidding. Hundreds of times. In this way the DNA of the host organism can be available for splicing in new fragments from the donor species. Of course this method is imprecise and unpredictable and anything but scientific. Only a tiny percentage of the blasted foreign DNA ends up inside the host DNA, of course. But if you do it enough times, you might eventually get a desired recombination. This was the how the flounder and tomato genes were combined. The more popular method however is to use bacteria and viruses as carriers of donor DNA fragments which may then invade the host’s DNA and splice in the new pieces. We have long known that viruses have this ability to invade the host’s DNA and to actually splice themselves into the DNA strands. Both these methods of genetic modification result in the random scrambling of the host’s DNA, which has virtually unlimited unpredictable consequences. We’re talking about a fatal disruption of the genetic blueprint. This makes for


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DNA instability Insertion mutation Carcinogenesis [2] Specifically with respect to cancer, GM using the viral carrier method has been thought to explain some part of the meteoric rise of colon cancer in recent years, at the #3 spot in US cancers today. Scotland’s Dr Stephen Ewen, Pusztai’s co-author, talks about how a growth factor effect from the inserted GM fragment very possibly could act upon the colon cells, causing them to divide out of all control. [12] PROBLEMS WITH PROMOTER GENES Promoter genes, we recall, are triggers that switch on certain sequences of genes in order to cause a certain cell action or event. The biotech industry saw a marketing niche in using a promoter gene to switch on a certain trait in a GM product they had created. This would be useful to protect their original invention: in order to make use of the GM plant seed they had already sold, the promoter gene or ‘key’ would also have to be present. Cozy marketing, but it has a few drawbacks. 1. a promoter gene can turn on a variety of gene sequences besides the one for which it is intended 2. if the promoter jumps to an organ it can cause unregulated growth and unusual cell proliferation. [12] Does unregulated growth in any of your organs sound like something you’d want to sign up for any time soon? 3. Barry Commoner describes randomly activating a promoter gene as “having the same effect as a heavy dose of gamma radiation.” [3] 4. Top UK scientist Arpad Pusztai agreed: promoter genes can cause immune dysfunction in any organ (p 63 [2] ) 5. Viruses that have long been dormant in human DNA can be reactivated by promoter genes in GMO foods [12] Again, we’re talking evolutionary tampering.


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SHOOT THE MESSENGER In the early 90s when it was uncertain how the biotech industry was going to unfold, the corporations were still naive enough to think that they actually had to study how animals would react to GM food. So they assigned one of the leading research scientists in the UK to create a model for testing GM food on animals – Dr Arpad Pusztai. He began feeding lab rats GM potatoes and carefully recording the results. He found that almost all of them exhibited adverse effects, including: – decreased size of heart, brain, reproductives – damaged immune system – white cells – thymus and spleen damage – enlarged intestines pancreas – precancerous changes in stomach and gut [12] Pusztai considered these changes significant, especially since these were his findings after only 10 days! As he was writing up his findings in preparation for publication, Pusztai was approached by a high profile radio show in England to discuss the issue. This was August of 1999. A two hour interview was clipped down to 2 minutes actually broadcast, but it was enough to cause a huge scandal in England. No one realized how sensitive an issue GM food was until Pusztai came on the air and made a few critical comments on what he had observed. He was concerned because he realized that his were the only animal studies that had been conducted on GM food, but worse that these foods had been in the supermarkets in the UK and the US already for years and no one knew anything about them. He said he was afraid the British people were being used as “guinea pigs” for GM foods. The timing was perfect: Tony Blair had just had the blueprints for Britain’s new Food Standards Agency drawn up and they were heavily invested in GM foods. So when Pusztai came on the air, it set off a national scandal that had to be hushed up immediately. The overkill is what attracted the most attention however. Pusztai was fired, repudiated, silenced and basically ostracized


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from the scientific community. And he was one of the most respected scientists in the UK. [p 17 [2] The Pusztai incident triggered a huge media war in England that lasted for months and ended up with the government cast in a very unfavorable light, as they had obviously secretly tried to introduce dangerous foods untested into a prominent position in the British diet. The British Medical Association ended up coming out in favor of Pusztai and totally exonerating him. The end result was a moratorium on GM foods in the UK. ([2] chapter 1) Incredibly through all this, there was not a murmur about it in the US press, even though it went on for months. Pusztai can never be mentioned in mainstream media in the US. No one has ever re-created his work anywhere, nor will they ever. Got that? — there can be no scientific testing of the physical effects of GM foods on humans. Or animals, for that matter. It is not permitted. And of course there is no GMO limit in US foods, and no testing has ever been done because, remember, NOT ONE LAW has ever been passed regulating GM foods in America. Got that? You might want to back up and re-read that last paragraph. We have just skimmed over the highlights of the Pusztai scandal here, but the reader is directed to Jeffrey Smith and to Dr Ewen for more of that astounding story. [2, 12] HOW MUCH OF THE AMERICAN DIET IS GM TODAY? Best estimate: 80% of processed foods on supermarket shelves contain at least some GMOs, and at least 60% have GM as a primary ingredient. In addition, virtually all confined animals are fed GM food almost exclusively, most of it GM soy. TO LABEL OR NOT TO LABEL? In 1991 the policy commissioner of the FDA was Michael Taylor. Under his personal guidance the decision never to label GM foods in the US was


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ushered into policy and enshrined in an unassailable position. That decision has never been challenged. Taylor’s position just before joining the FDA? Chief counsel for Monsanto. [6] Despite 94% of the public being in favor of GMO labels, we will never see them in the US. Even with 50% of the people saying they wouldn’t eat GMO foods if they knew. With 80% of supermarket foods now GMO, does all this fit the profile of a secret agenda? Although a label of organic is supposed to mean non-GMO, in reality it is simply unregulated. Giant strawberries, vegetables that don’t go bad, grapefruits with the sections turned 90% from normal, etc. – these unnatural growth patterns evident in so much of our produce today, including organic, it doesn’t take much imagination to realize what is happening. AGRIBUSINESS REPLACES AGRICULTURE The revolution in agriculture in which food production was gradually concentrated into the hands of fewer and fewer farms year after year has been going on since the 1950s. For example, in 1935 there were 6.8 million farms in the US. By 2007 that number was down to 2 million (US Dept of Agriculture, [6]) Between 1979 and 1999 more than 300,000 farmers were forced out of business in the US. Farmers became indebted to large agri-corporations for the costs of crop production. Year by year they couldn’t keep up and were driven out of business. Today Agribusiness is an $800 billion per year proposition in the US, second only to pharmaceuticals. Here are some examples of the concentration of food production • 4 companies control 64% of hog production • 4 companies control 84% of cattle slaughter • 3 companies control 71% of soybean processing


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• 3 companies control 63% of flour milling • 4 companies control 89% of breakfast cereal • 2 companies control 80% of US seed corn • the same 2 control 80% of soybean seeds • 30 food retailers have 1/3 of global grocery sales • 5 companies completely dominate chicken meat production It just goes on and on, but you’re probably getting the picture. These companies have names that we’re all familiar with: Monsanto, Hormel, Danone, Dupont, etc. For the whole list look at the books by Smith and Engdahl. [2,5] PLAN B – THE DOOMSDAY SEED VAULT Back at the beginning of GM, some big players in the world agribusiness game realized that the experiment with GM crops might not work out in the long run as successfully as they had hoped. Their scientists saw that the supposed increased yields per acre they always promised only lasted the first few years, and after that yields declined. They also realized that the new GM mutations of plants and crops that were being released into the world were indeed irrevocable, and also were contaminating forever the natural lines that they were able to cross-breed with. This can present a problem when you’re sowing terminator gene technology into the natural agriculture of the planet, for one example. So being realistic, the top scientists decided they needed to hedge their bets — they needed a Plan B, in case they would really cause a Mad Max /Armageddon scenario to evolve. So they had a meeting – the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto, Bill Gates, Syngenta, the Norwegian government, and a few other players got together and decided that they would gather together as many of the pristine original varieties of seeds from as many of the world’s plants as they could find. And they would build a big deep-freeze vault in some safe place to store the seeds in case this GM crop experiment got so out of hand that it irremedially contaminated all the vegetation on earth.


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So the place they picked was a frozen little island off the coast of Norway in the North Sea called Svalbard. [5, 15] And there they carved this vault into the side of a mountain in this remote little place. You can view images of Svalbard at itemid=211 – 21k – Their goal: to store seeds from as many as 3 million different varieties of plants, from all around the world. They are almost finished. Bizarre as it sounds, this story is absolutely true. And if you don’t believe it you can visit Svalbard next time you are in Oslo. (Bring your own nightlife) Why Norway? Because Norway had been smart enough not to join the EU. The EU banned GM seeds across the board in 1997. The point here is this is how drastic and potentially catastrophic the global GMO agriculture experiment really is, that the largest corporations on earth would find it necessary to build a Noah’s Ark of the world’s seeds in case they unwittingly destroy the majority of the world’s agriculture. The name Doomsday is actually their own word — that’s what they call it! No US media has ever covered this story. Who would believe it? It sounds like something out of Austin Powers… GREEN REVOLUTION Long ago One-World gopher Henry Kissinger said: “If you control the oil you control the country; if you control the food, you control the population.” This is what the global GM movement has always been about. The Rockefeller Foundation years ago came up with the slogan Green Revolution to disguise the true agenda and to make it look like the goal of GM food expansion was to “feed the starving people” of the world. [5] This should always be a panic phrase, whenever you hear it – when anyone wants


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to do your country a favor for free– that’s usually the time to head for the jungle. In reality, people are getting more wary of being sold out by their government officials receiving corporate payoffs. In 2003 for example George Bush’s socalled Initiative to End Hunger In Africa (a dead giveaway) failed miserably. Many Africans nations actually preferred starving over accepting Bush’s offer of free GM food! E.L. Bernays think tank terminology which paves the way psychologically for the incursion of Agribusiness into poor nations always includes slogans like: • free enterprise • free trade • feed the world • open markets • oppressed colonials Your first instinct when you read these phrases should be to look for the subtext: in some way GM foods are being marketed here. Taking such propaganda techniques to absurd lengths, another favorite is asserting that countries who oppose GM foods coming in are actually “supporting genocide” because they’re standing in the way of feeding the people! Another classic is pretending that the rationale for Terminator technology in GM seeds is not so the farmers have to keep buying new seed from Monsanto every years, but rather to “protect corporations from unscrupulous farmers.” That’s why the seeds have to be made sterile. That’s another stock propaganda slogan now. Yes, unscrupulous farmers who would dare to employ traditional farming techniques that have allowed their people to survive for thousands of years. All this positioning and preparation has paid off. The plan to destroy the indigenous agriculture of developing nations and to replace it with corporate


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agriculture has been successful beyond any expectations the Rockefeller Foundation and the GM corporations ever entertained in their wildest imagination. WHAT IS THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION? William Engdahl gives a penetrating look at this puppet organization that seems given to making restrictive pronouncements on world agriculture by consistently defending and protecting the interests of the biotech industry against claims from poor countries or private farmers. Originally set up out of Washington DC, the WTO was then moved to Geneva to give it the appearance of being an independent international organization. WTO has continued to take most of its cues directly from the Washington. [5] One of those directives has always been that individual countries do not have the power to enforce their own food safety laws upon the manufacturers and importers of any GM foods. (p218 [5] And who co-wrote the text of that agreement? No surprise here: Cargill, Nestle, DuPont, Monsanto. In this light the WTO can be seen as little more than a police agency which would “force GM crops on a skeptical world.” [5] The way such enforcement is accomplished has become quite routine: if a small country objects to the importation of GM foods, WTO immediately steps in and pronounces these objections as “unfair trade practices.” Right out of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. If a country wants to require GM labelling, WTO’s stock attack phrase is “technical restrictions to trade.” WTO policy is very easy to understand when one stands back and takes a look at their decisions and initiatives: they always protect the Agribusiness giants. In their view the sovereign nations have no right to protect their own people from GMO imports. POSILAC– THE FIRST MASS MARKETED GMO PRODUCT


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In the early 90s Monsanto was preparing for the rise of the corporatization of the dairy industry– dairy agribusiness. Foremost in all such endeavors is profit, of course. Profit at all costs. In this instance cows were seen as nothing more than cogs in the production machinery. Their job: to produce milk. The corporate challenge was one dimensional: how could they produce more milk. Not better milk, not provide better nutrition for the people consuming the dairy products, not looking out for the physical well-being of the cows themselves– none of that nonsense. Milk production output – period. After minimal testing Monsanto scientists came up with the Golden Goose of the corporate dairy business: recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH). {p 12 [2]} Monsanto’s rBGH invention was called Posilac. It was approved by the FDA as safe for humans in 1994 after being tested for only 90 days on 30 rats! [p 12, [5]] Obviously there were no long term safety studies of Posilac completed even though they were recommended by all of FDA’s own scientists. What this synthetic hormone could do was to keep cows lactating continuously even after a calf was born. In fact, milk production was now no longer dependent on calving at all. With rBGH cows were effectively turned into milk machines whose only limitation was how long they could survive on a highly refined diet while staying loaded up on huge doses of drugs, antibiotics, and hormones. Answer: usually about 3 years, practically nonstop. Many farms don’t even bother to unhook the cows and just leave them confined and attached to the machines day after day, like some lab experiment in a Terminator movie. At the outset let’s take a second here and notice that we have just made a major departure from nature, notwithstanding from 100,000 years of animal husbandry. A natural milk cow may lactate for 12 years or more because she is providing for a newborn calf every year. But all that pregnancy stuff doesn’t merge well with blue-sky corporate agenda of more at any cost. It’s down


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time, an unallowable expense. We have a drug that can force the cows’ body to use up all natural reserves for 3 years with no annoying pregnancies? Bring it on! Oh, the cow will die after only 3 years as a result? So? That’s just overhead – the cost of doing business. How did Posilac get approved so fast? Going back and looking at the records, we find that any FDA scientist who objected to Posilac’s being railroaded through the approval process was immediately fired! They were also forced to say that rBGH does not persist in the milk product after it is out of the cow, and even if it does would be destroyed in the human digestive tract. Both these falsehoods have been thoroughly brought to light and shown to be the exact opposite of physiological reality. In the limited studies Monsanto did on cows (3 cows to be exact) they injected only 10 mg per day of rBGH into the cow. Then they made their studies based on those amounts. In actual practice a modern dairy cow gets 500 mg every 2 weeks which causes hormone levels in her body for the rest of her short life to be 1000x normal. [p 14 [2] Without being broken down by human digestion, most rBGH is then transferred into the human circulatory system, not only causing enormous confusion with the other hormones in the endocrine system, but giving rise to a more serious consequence. IGF-1- INSULINLIKE GROWTH FACTOR 1 It was soon discovered by scientists that once in the cow’s body, much of the synthetic rBGH was converted to another hormone called insulinlike growth hormone 1 or IGF-1. This is actually a normal hormone in cows and in humans, in small amounts. IGF-1 is a hormone that limits certain physiologic activities, milk production being one of them. In nature, IGF-1 is the switch in the cow’s body that turns


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off milk production when it’s time to wean the calf. All it takes is a small amount. And that’s the problem — small amounts. rBGH stimulates a cow’s level of IGF-1 up to 1000x normal, or more. What this does to the cow is to inhibit cell death of the lacteals. In other words, the hormone prevents the natural course from taking place: the milk producing cells should die off as the calf is weaned. Think about something in your body that is inhibiting cell death of a tissue that should be controlled– in other words promoting a certain cell type to reproduce itself unregulated, out of control. What disease does that sound like a definition of? And this brings us to the most frightening fact of all: IGF-1 transfer to humans through commercial milk. All those cell effects are introduced into human physiology in huge amounts since the mid 1900s when rBGH began to be used in most commercial dairies What age group gets the most milk recommended? Children. What does the curve of childhood cancer incidence look like since 1994? Straight up. In Jeffrey Smith’s book [2] we learn some other facts about IGF-1: • pre-menopausal women with high IGF-1 are 7x more likely to develop breast cancer • men are 4x more likely to develop prostate cancer • those who drink rBGH milk are also likely to develop colon and lung cancer Ever hear any of that in media? Of course not. All we hear is You Never Outgrow Your Need for Milk, or various op-ed pieces written under ghost names by dairy industry writers made to look like investigative reporting about the health values of pasteurized commercial dairy. Which in this country is the result of cows on rBGH. We are actually the only country that allows so much milk to be sold with rBGH. Canada banned Posilac in 1999 – not because of the danger to humans but because of what the dangerous hormone do to cows! So rBGH is


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banned not on the supermarket shelves, but from the dairy cows themselves in Canada. In the EU after finding overwhelming evidence of breast and prostate cancer in humans from huge amounts of IGF-1, Posilac was banned. In 1999, the UN banned Posilac. In 2007, so did Starbucks! The US is the only country in the world with an unregulated supply of milk with IGF-1 and rBGH being offered in stores. We are also the only country where a discussion of rBGH has been effectively banned from media. ANTIBIOTICS IN MILK When the commercial dairy cows began coming down with enormous rates of all infections from the inhumane new milking procedures, the amount of antibiotics had to be raised by a factor of 100. [p 11 [5] The FDA granted permission virtually overnight for this monumental increase, even though it had extremely dangerous consequences for the effect on human intestinal probiotics after consumption of such over-medicated milk. Guess who rammed through the regulation: FDA deputy director Margaret Miller: former Monsanto executive. OTHER NEW ANIMAL PRACTICES IN AGRIBUSINESS Similar to the way domestic dairy cows are treated, many new animal practices have emerged in the brave new world of raising animals in the corporate food production: – chickens raised their entire lives in tiny cages not much bigger than them–on diets of GM soy, loaded with hormones and antibiotics and arsenic {for parasites} and then slaughtered for your grocery store of the Colonel after 7 weeks. Hormones and antibiotics intact. – pigs raised their entire lives crowded together in small cages– never see the light of day– slaughtered at 600 lbs. Same hormones and antibiotics. Diets of GM soy.


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These corporate animal farms have heavy security. No visitors, no cameras, no disclosure. You can drive past them for miles without seeing an animal– just miles and miles of long low buildings. Ask the people north of Ames Iowa where 10% of the world’s pork is produced. Ask them if they ever see any hogs. In these secret start-to-finish meat factories there are no health and safety regulations. They are virtually unmonitored for food contamination. Injured animals are routinely not cared for, just left to suffer and die, because caring for them would disrupt production and raise production costs. They are run like any corporation: that is, fixed on profits above all else. [8] The US Dept of Agriculture quotes figures of between 10 and 28% “animal loss” for injured and mutilated animals that die as a result of production procedures that are absolutely indifferent to the care of the animals themselves. [p 139 [5] Makes you realize what a joke the ASPCA really is — these guys want to hang out on Hollywood sets so they can put their little stamp at the end about how no dog or cat was harmed in the filming of the movie, when all this systematic horror show is going on all day every day at the global level we’ve just described… Actually the corporations through their lobbying have gotten themselves formally exempted from SPCA laws, not that that excuses the heinous nature of the entire process. Ever think about the cumulative karmic debt the human race is building up? … this animal thing is a just a tiny corner. These are living beings we’re violating. Mother Nature always bats last. A few of the consequences of the modern system of corporate animal confinement practices: – Mass concentrations of animal wastes in local landfills, contaminating


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ground water and underground supplies – CDC cites at least 40 new human diseases that have resulted from exactly this source, including the rise of spontaneous abortions – so many women not able to bring the child to term. [[5] p 141] – the skyrocketing of all human cancers in the eastern shore area of Maryland where the majority of the nation’s commercial chickens are raised, from 200 cases per 100,000 population for all types of cancers – the national average – up to 275 cases per 100,000 following the FDA’s OK to add huge amounts of arsenic to the chicken feed It goes on and on. Look at the sources cited below for more, if you can take it. BREMER’S 100 ORDERS: WHY IRAQ HATES THE US Besides blaming them for 9/11, occupying their country, decimating their population, littering their landscape with depleted uranium, there is another major reason Iraq will hold the US in lowest regard for generations to come: Bremer’s 100 Orders. Part of the ‘reconstruction’ legislation of Iraq, Bremer’s 100 Orders were written into the new constitution of Iraq, forced by US Pentagon influence. [5] Never mentioned in US media. Bremer Order #81 states that Iraq’s “farmers shall be prohibited from reusing seeds of protected varieties, or any variety.” Protected varieties means they are protecting Monsanto. This order …”gave plant patent holders [Monsanto] absolute rights over farmers using their GM seeds for 20 years.” The farmers are forced to buy new seed every year from Monsanto, who had genetically altered the indigenous Iraqi plants slightly – just enough to patent them. The farmers are further required to sign a contract which states that they owe Monsanto an annual “technology fee” as payment for Monsanto having stolen


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their indigenous plants and altering them enough to own the new varieties! [Engdahl p 212 [5] This “law” was never negotiated between two sovereign nations. Instead it was imposed directly upon Iraq by the Pentagon. The author of Order 81? Monsanto. There’s more. Abu Gharib was famous long before it made headlines as the first US torture facility. For years and years Abu Gharib had held a seed bank of all Iraq’s indigenous crop seed. After the Americans came, the seed bank mysteriously vanished. Immediately after that, GM seeds were introduced by Monsanto and Sungene. Soy, wheat and sunflower. [5] The bottom line is, as part of our reconstruction program for Iraq, receipt of the money was dependent on them accepting the terms that were written for the Pentagon by Monsanto execs, especially with respect to the role of GMOs in all future agricultural. There is no polite way to state this: we stole the agricultural heritage of this country and gave it to Monsanto, indenturing Iraqi farmers to Monsanto permanently. Ever hear that on Fox News? SO THEN WHO’S PROTECTING THE PUBLIC FROM GMOs? With no laws ever passed regulating the huge biotech industry, nor any government regulating body ever established for that purpose, the ghastly joke is that these multinationals, who collectively share the most egregious record of global contamination and pollution of any group in history, are left to self-police! The famous quote from Monsanto’s Phil Angell aptly portrays how seriously they would regard any imaginary responsibility to self-police: “Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is to sell as much of it as possible. Answering for its safety is the FDA’s job.”


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Genetically Modified Foods: A Short Introduction - thedoctorwithin

In 1987 the EPA arbitrarily raised the toxicity limits of glyphosate from 6 parts per million to 20 parts per million with no additional testing. Why? Monsanto requested it! [p 75 [9] As the development of Roundup continued to exceed even those expanded safety levels, in 1993 Monsanto won an unheard-of “exemption from further review or tracking” from the EPA for Roundup Ready Soybeans! [9] Environmental Protection? So with no one monitoring this new experiment in global agriculture, when would we actually know that we have reached the point of no return? It took 40 years for the carcinogenic effects of altered tobacco to be acknowledged. And it’s still legal. The poison insecticide DDT was used unrestrictedly from 1948 to 1972 all over the world, before it was finally banned. Before we dumped 91 million liters of Monsanto’s Agent Orange defoliant onto the jungles of Vietnam, [10] causing tens of thousands of birth defects and cancer cases, they assured us it was harmless. Remember? OTHER GMO FOODS In The Magic Bean we listed foods that contained primarily GM ingredients: • most breads • pastries • cookies • candy • soft drinks • margarine • pasteurized dairy • high fructose sweetened foods • salty snacks • deep fried fast foods • croutons • most foods wrapped in cellophane • most cereals • anything hydrogenated • most domestic non-organic meats and poultry products


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• farm-raised fish • most salad dressing Just a few examples, but you can see how the 80% figure is no exaggeration. Obesity is just a side effect of the DNA-altering diet that we bring home every weekend in our grocery bags. Are we seeing any overall differences in the general health of American people since GM foods began to predominate? RECENT CHANGES IN THE SOCIAL FABRIC • at least 10% of US couples are now infertile • sperm counts are down to 50% of what they were 25 years ago • 1 in 6 of US girls are at menarche by age 8 • proliferation of hermaphroditic birds fish and animals in nature • rampant sexual ambiguity through the culture • skyrocketing of all degenerative and infectious diseases among young people despite a $2 trillion annual health budget • skyrocketing of autism • incidence of neurological disorders in children: 1 in 6 • decline in high school literacy rates • decline in the % of childbearing women who are able to breastfeed their infants

CONCLUSION This has been the briefest of introductions to the area of GM foods, their prevalence, and what they mean in this country at the present time. The reader is urged to follow up on the appended references for more information, especially the DVD The Future of Food, and Jeffrey Smith’s books. So if you’re in perfect health, have tons of energy, never get colds or feel tired, maybe you’ve got Keith Richard’s constitution and are impervious to any level of toxicity. You can afford to ignore this entire chapter. But if you have some physical imbalances or illnesses that seem to be gaining on you year by year, you will never return to equilibrium until you


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Genetically Modified Foods: A Short Introduction - thedoctorwithin

• stop accumulating more DNA-altering food • detox what is residual in your tissues As far as solutions go, the first step in eliminating GM foods, is to read carefully all labels before placing anything in our grocery cart. Look for the above clues. As for detoxification from the bio-accumulated GM residuals that are trapped in our tissue cells from the last 10 or 15 years of an uninformed lifestyle, the reader is directed to the chapters titled The Last Resort and The 60 Day Program In any holistic program where a patient is trying to recover from a serious physical imbalance and has lost faith in mainstream drug regimens, removal of GM foods from the diet is absolutely essential. No magic bullets ever invented can permit the weakened patient to continue to stumble down that path of unregulated intake of refined, hydrogenated, pasteurized, genetically modified foods. ? Copyright MMXV REFERENCES 1. Benjamini, E Immunology: a short course Coico 2003. 2 Smith J Seeds of deception Yesbooks 2003. 3. Commoner B Unravelling the DNA myth 2002. 4. O’Shea T The magic bean 2008. 5. Engdahl Wm Seeds of destruction Global Research 2007 6 The Future of Food 2005 video DVD 7. Svalbard images – 21k – 8. Ruesch, H Naked empress Civis 1992.


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9. Lappe M Against the grain Common Courage 1998. 10. The American War Museum 28 Vo Van Tan St. Saigon Vienam 11. Koo, H Dow, Monsanto Lose Lawsuit in Korea Over Agent Orange Bloomberg press 26 Jan 2006 12 Ewen S PhD witness statement to New Zealand ROYAL COMMISSION on Human Health 3 Dec 02 13 O’Shea, T The magic bean 14 Council for Responsible Genetics 15 Engdahl W Doomsday seed vault in the arctic Washington Post 19 Jun 06 16. Global genetically modified crop acres increase amid concerns ease_amid_concerns


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Hydration and dehydration: daily water intake

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Daily water intake. Should the importance of hydration dawn on an individual to such an extent that he actually decides to attempt it – the 2 litres per day recommended in the 60 Day Program – here are some likely expectations: It stands to reason that the chronically dehydrated human body cannot recover in one day, no matter how much water is imbibed. The cells will simply resist it, bereft of hydration for so long, unaccustomed to normal absorption. Think of a parched desert arroyo, suddenly flooded over from a deluge of stormy weather. What happens? Flash flood. The water simply can’t penetrate the long-dessicated surface right away, and rolls off like water off a duck’s back.


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Hydration and dehydration: daily water intake

For someone beginning hydration as part of the 60 Day Program, the 2-litre goal may be difficult to achieve during the first week. The cells are simply not used to all this water. But whatever it takes, just keep drinking as much as you can, every day. After several days, intake will become gradually easier – less resistance, less that feeling of bloating. Once it becomes comfortable to actually drink 2 litres each day, the challenge then becomes maintaining it day after day. Mainly a question of convenience: some planning will obviously be required, to accommodate travel schedules, etc. After the second week, an odd thing happens: one experiences occasional dry mouth and thirst even though he’s taking in an unprecedented amount of water. What’s going on? This is still more evidence of the distinctness between thirst and hydration: two different things entirely. Such a phenomenon can only be seen as the body’s confirmation of its true state of profound dehydration – years without meeting the body’s demands for intra and extracellular water content. Sensing a continued availability now for the first time, the water conservation systems can finally begin to relax as all the cells begin to receive the normal amount of water they have been denied for so long. Now the dramatic health changes can really begin to be come on line.

In his master work Water and Salt, Dr Batmanghelidj explains this phenomenon: “If the body is once again conditioned to regular and adequate intake, the thirst sensation becomes sharp and the urge to drink water becomes strong… The re-hydration of cells takes place slowly.”


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Hydration and dehydration: daily water intake

The extent of the chronic dehydration at this point truly becomes known to the individual, as this is the only way re-hydration can occur. By the third or fourth week, it’s smooth sailing. This is when the potential for healing really becomes evident. Chronic problems with digestion, circulation, adrenal imbalance, nervousness, – on and on – what isn’t influenced by adequate hydration? The body is 75% water. The most significant danger of dropping out of the program seems to occur during the first 2 weeks. Often it’s an unwillingness to schedule the water intake outside of commute times. An astonishing proportion of people either believe themselves or have been told by some physician that it is imprudent to “stress” the kidneys and bladder in this way, making so many trips to the bathroom, etc., or something equally ludicrous. Or the greatest delusion of all – the standard HCT myth of modern cardiology, correlating high blood pressure with “too much water in the blood.” Most disconcerting the way that flagrant contradiction is commonly accepted without objection by generation after generation of heart meds patients. The old water content/viscosity index: standard hydraulics. Which is harder to pump, blood with more water content or less water content? Thicker or thinner blood? Since its inception, the 60 Day Program has always made the general recommendation of adequate daily hydration, without going into much detail about it. But with the additional knowledge now of the alkalized, low molecular size water, coupled with specific directions on how to really discipline oneself to a 2 litre daily intake – these modifications have boosted the healing value of the 60 Day Program to new heights. Health changes that may have been good with the 60 Day Program alone may now manifest as truly dramatic quantum improvements. Life changing. It’s a question of degree – common sense tells us that adherence to these simple principles of overall cell nutrition even slightly — of course it’s going to have a salubrious effect, usually a vast improvement over the previous life. But rigid and disciplined adherence to the hydrated 60 Day Program – well,


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Hydration and dehydration: daily water intake

who will put limits on what something like that can accomplish, no matter how immune suppressed, how diseased, how run down the individual is? SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS OF THE 2 LITRE HYDRATION Spinal Discs Daily water intake. Which appear thin and worn on X-ray are sometimes described as dessicated – dried out. For anyone undergoing flexion/distraction or spinal decompression therapy for disc problems, this simple type of hydration as described above can enhance the therapeutic efficacy exponentially. Particularly if collagen supplementation is also included. [See Collagen chapter] Chronic Skin Disease Eczema, acne, psoriasis, cracked, dry, loose skin – most patients have tried a variety of ointments, lotions, steroid creams, etc., usually with mediocre or no long term success. The reason is simple: true hydration is an inside-out job. Superficial topical applications cannot effectively hydrate the intra and extracellular spaces of skin cells. Period. Worse, the majority of skin care products contain waxes and sterols which give the illusion of smoothness but do so by actually sealing off the pores of the skin, thereby exacerbating the long term inflammatory problems by blocking the 2 most important requirements for healthy skin: air and water. A few of the better skin products actually benefit the skin, but a much more effective approach is hydrating the skin cells from within by drinking 2 litres of water a day. After a few weeks of this daily flooding with the highest quality water, the skin cells become replete with their maximum water content. Couple with hydrolyzed Collagen, the skin will generally become noticeably thicker in a few weeks. Not rocket science here. Just not drug science. Kidney and Bladder


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Hydration and dehydration: daily water intake

Proper hydration may have a dramatic therapeutic effect on chronic kidney and bladder problems, especially if the patient has been on protracted medications for these conditions. Kidney function diminishes after years of a diet loaded with refined sugars and hydrogenated snacks. In their constant struggle to maintain blood pH against a flood of acidifying food and drink, the kidneys cells – nephrons – experience rapid aging. As they weaken, their ability to clean the blood slows down. If imprudent diet choices persist, the work backs up. This happens slowly and subclinically: jaundice only comes much later. Once they fall behind, the kidneys may never really catch up with the ongoing toxic load coming in every day. And a slow, downward spiral ensues. Couple this with the additional handicap of dehydration of the kidney cells themselves and the result is chronic kidney disease, leading to eventual failure. The ninth leading cause of death in the US, according to the CDC, 2009. Another compounding factor will present if the patient is also on diuretics for high blood pressure. More and more demands are put on the already overworked kidneys, which are handicapped further by the increased blood viscosity – thicker blood. In advanced cases, water intake must be increased very gradually because the kidney cells are so weak and overstressed. But if the trend is constant – daily increased hydration – and decreased intake of processed trash – kidney disease can begin to resolve, slowly and gradually. The biggest obstacle of all actually seems to be finding out something like this is possible, especially if long term medications are involved. Pop quiz: do nephrologists ever say the drugs are going to cure you and you can stop taking them? Not likely. Remember, medical personnel are not trained to cure these types of problems. Their training is consistent across the board, with one common focus: sell as many drugs as possible. Most common sense solutions lie outside their ken.


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Hydration and dehydration: daily water intake

Bladder Problems are much easier. Usually it’s an issue of muscle atrophy – disuse of the detrusor muscles of the bladder. Frequent tips to the bathroom at night are self-perpetuating. The slightest urge and up you get. With no opportunity to fill and thereby tone the bladder muscles, they become weak and thin. Coupled with a dehydration of the muscle cells, we see another downward spiral. The introduction of high end water into this patient’s life is the most logical solution, for several reasons. Obviously more water will be available to hydrate the detrusor muscle cells, setting them up to strengthen. Waiting longer and longer to void the bladder, will slowly build muscle tone. Now we have an upward spiral – the stronger the detrusor muscles become, the more the bladder can hold and the less the feeling of urgency. Don’t worry, it’s not going to burst. Sleep improves – upward spiral – all things move toward equilibrium. If the 2 litre goal can actually be attained in these chronic degenerative kidney and bladder cases, together with the clean diet, the patients may reclaim a normal drug-free life, for the first time in years. Easy-peasy. Again, the hard part is learning all this is possible, and then actually doing it. Chance of success will be significantly enhanced if one includes the 60 Day Program, and uses the best possible alkalized, low molecule size water. [The Three Attributes of Water] Colon Disease Daily water intake. As the #3 type of cancer in the US, colon disease has reached epidemic proportions in this country. The primary excuse for these numbers is lack of knowledge about how this important organ works. The physiology of the colon is thoroughly covered in the Colon chapter, with simple instructions on clearing out years of layered sludge, and re-establishing normal probiotic vitality and immune function. Of course, a prerequisite is to stop loading up


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Hydration and dehydration: daily water intake

on the same unmetabolizable junk that brought on the problem in the first place. Including the 2 litre hydration to the program will facilitate the elimination of the dislodged pieces of sludge, obviously. But an even more useful effect of new hydration may be the cleansing and re-vitalizing effect on the mucosal cells of the gut lining, as well as the muscles cells of the colon. The result will be a strengthening of overall peristalsis and providing a hospitable environment for the proliferation of normal flora throughout the tract. Again, far and away the best results are seen with the use of the best water possible, which today is alkaline, low molecule sized water, as explained under The Three Attributes of Water under Chapters.

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– Tim O’Shea In This Chapter: Disease or dehydration? Acid/alkaline Tap water Chlorine


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Fluoridation Filters Some years before he was cryogenically preserved, Walt Disney made an educational animated movie with Bell Science Labs called Hemo the Magnificent. It wasn’t shown at movie theaters; it appeared in schools. Hemo the Magnificent was the story of human blood, a science film for kids. It was definitely ahead of its time and today would probably never be shown in schools, kids being dumbed down as they are today. At the beginning of the film the question is asked – What substance on earth does human blood most resemble? We are surprised at the answer:

sea water . And the story is told about how all life evolved from the ocean, and then they show primitive life forms like one-celled creatures, up to the jellyfish, who have sort of a primitive in-and-out flushing as a precursor of a circulatory system, then gradually getting into more complex forms who began to have a primitive heart and some blood vessels … And all this evolves to the mammalian circulatory system. Aeons later, our blood is still over 90% water – though not salt water, of course. Even though it’s the other 10% that makes us human and has taken ages to evolve, we are still an H2O unit. I think it was Tom Robbins who said “Humans were invented by water as a means of transporting itself from place to place” OK… THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER Without food, most humans will die in a month, if they have water. Without water, 10 days is about it. Water makes up 75% of the body, 90% of the


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blood, and 85% of the brain. An odd little book was published in 1994 that made quite a stir: The Body’s Many Cries for Water, by an MD named Batmanghelidj. A claim is made by this doctor that the cause of most diseases is simply dehydration. Dr. B provides the science as well as dozens of case studies to support the cure for a variety of illnesses by simply drinking between two and three liters of water per day. Doubting such a theory because of its overwhelming simplicity, the reader is shown that physiologically, it makes perfect sense. As Dr B points out, dry mouth is a late sign of thirst. Saliva is produced even in chronic dehydration, because it is a digestive enzyme. Thirst, or the need for water on the cellular level is something entirely different. Chronic dehydration brings its own symptoms, which we have been conditioned to cover up, either with food or with drugs. Here are a few examples of dehydration signals:

SYMPTOM . . . . . USUAL REMEDY peptic ulcer . . . . antacids craving sweets . . . . sugar depression . . . . antidepressant drugs allergies . . antihistamines .. Dr B reports his successful treatment of 3000 peptic ulcer patients using water alone. Anecdotal? He explains how ulcer pain is really a thirst signal. It actually makes sense: if the intestine is too dehydrated to adequately refresh its mucus lining every time after the acidic products of digestion have passed by, the lining will become irritated and painful. The intestine is not protected from digestive acid like the stomach is. Antacids will only temporarily cover up the problem. Rehydrating the tract will enable to intestine to form adequate mucous lining, thus reducing acid irritation. (p31)


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Similarly with depression, allergies, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, and addiction to sweets, Dr. Batmanghelidj shows how balancing the extracellular fluids and lowering the concentration of the blood to a more normal dilution can bring consistent resolution to these and many other illnesses. It’s almost too simple. But Dr. B takes the reader through the physiology of each illness. His premise is hard to deny. Obviously such an approach is not going to gain the favor of the drug cartels; here’s a guy telling people they don’t need heart medication and diuretics and insulin and Prozac and Viagra and pain drugs any more. All they really need is two liters of water per day. What if he’s right and people find out about it? The drug business is the foundation our $1.5 trillion medical budget. See the dangers? So of course the good doctor ran into some formidable stone walls when he tried to get attention and funding from the AMA and other mainstream institutions for researching his theories. He was politely ignored. But a lot of people are buying the book. DIURETICS? TRY WATER! People don’t seem to know the word diuretic; but they know what a blood thinner is. Batmanghelidj’s views on treating high blood pressure with diuretics can’t really be argued. He explains that the whole mainstream theory is based on a false premise: doctors say Oh, you have high blood pressure? Too much blood, too much fluid in the body. Take these drugs to make you get rid of water, thin out the blood a little. That’ll take the strain off your heart so it won’t have to work so hard. Amazingly most people believe this distortion of physiological reality and take their pills like good little robots. Then they have their heart attacks on schedule and go in for bypass, like obedient little lemmings, keeping heart disease as the #1 killer of Americans for the past three decades.


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Batmanghelidj points out the obvious: diuretics increase dehydration. They make you lose more water. But the original cause of the high blood pressure in the first place was loss of fluids. The less fluids, the more the blood vessels close up. Survival. Obviously the blood vessels can’t leave room for gas when blood volume is decreased. So the blood vessels naturally constrict, or close up, with less blood volume. The constriction is what causes high blood pressure – it’s harder to push water through a thin garden hose than a thick one. Also the less fluids, the more concentrated the blood becomes. And this triggers the blood vessels to close down a little more, in order to prevent what? Water loss. By adding more water to the system, the heart won’t be so desperate to hang on to both sodium and water. Increased blood volume, and also making the blood more dilute, will relax the vessels and open them up wider. Such a simple method consistently lowers blood pressure, on a long-term basis. The amazing thing is not that this is so absurdly simple; it’s that the people we entrust our health to could possibly miss something as fundamental as hydration. What about the complicated stuff? Either Batmanghelidj is right or the Obamacare doctors pushing Lopressor and Cardizem are right. Can’t be both. EVEN GOOD CHOLESTEROL CAN BE BAD IF THE BODY’S DEHYDRATED We know that cholesterol has many important jobs. It is necessary for making hormones, insulation for nerves, and the membranes of all our cells. But in a condition of chronic dehydration, water is constantly being pulled out of our cells, for the body’s many operations. To protect the cells from losing too much water, cholesterol is poured between the cracks of the cells, as a sort of protective sealant between cell membranes. (Batmanghieldj, p 83) Many people who eat a lot of eggs can still have normal blood cholesterol, as long as they always have plenty of water. The body only feels the need to


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seal off the cell membranes with cholesterol if there’s a reason to conserve water. Thus high cholesterol. In the hydrated body, there’s no excess cholesterol production. THIRST QUENCHERS When we’re thirsty, we don’t drink water. We drink coffee and Coke and diet Dr. Pepper and ice tea and beer and milk and anything else we’ve been conditioned to buy. And we tell ourselves we don’t need to drink water because all these beverages have water in them. Right? Wrong. It’s a long story, but the punchline is this: all these drinks are actually diuretics – they make the cells and the body lose water. The sugar and caffeine in those drinks pull water out of the cells in order to maintain the delicate pH and electrolyte balance in the blood. Result: cell dehydration. Cell dehydration is the #1 cause of aging. Also a big contributor to degenerative diseases, like arthritis, hypertension, and diabetes. One way to tell if you’re dehydrated is to check the color of the urine. If it’s dark all the time, you’re probably dehydrated. It’s a good bet that one of the above drinks is your beverage of choice. Only one solution: TWO LITERS A DAY It’s no picnic. Unless you already have this custom, drinking two liters of water a day takes effort. That’s a least eight large glasses. Every day. It takes planning and discipline. But it’s cheap and harmless, and if you have any health problem whatsoever, including premature crowsfeet, you owe it to yourself to give this self-evident shotgun approach a try. In the unlikely event that it ‘doesn’t work’ after two months, something else needs to be tweaked. Probably in the dairy or sugar category. But read some of the testimonials in Dr B’s book, and you’ll likely find people with much more serious problems than yours who totally recovered. Many were on multiple medications.


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I know – you’re thinking you’ll be spending your life in the bathroom if you drink 2 liters a day, right? Funny thing is, the bladder is a muscular organ. Like any other muscle, it weakens with inactivity and strengthens with use. The more water you drink, the more the strength and capacity of the bladder will increase. So very soon you won’t have to make extra trips to the bathroom, even though you’ll be drinking more water. Think of all the people who dehydrate themselves just because they wish to avoid the bathroom. Where are our priorities? Where is our education? Water is cell life. Two liters is the intake necessary to maintain normal good health, and prevent anti-aging. For most, this is something you have to work up to. But for maximum hydration of skin cells, this is the target. THE pH OF BLOOD Everyone has a general idea of pH: acidic means stuff like vinegar, and Coke, battery acid, and citrus. Basic, or alkaline, means stuff like soap, and milk, and bran. Acid/base – that’s a scale we call pH. The scale goes from 1 to 14. It’s a log scale: that means that pH 6 is 10x more acid than pH 7. The lower the number, the more acid; the higher the number, the more basic: 1——-2——3—–4—–5—–6—–7——8—–9——10——11——12——13—–14 . . . . . . ACIDIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BASIC All living substances have a pH, and also an optimum range of pH. Any standard physiology text, like Guyton’s for example, will state that the range of blood pH is 7.3 – 7.45 for human life. More acidic than 7.3, we die. More basic than 7.45, we die. Here’s an example to show how inventive the body is at protecting itself. If you pour a bottle of Coke into 10 gallons of water, the pH will drop from 7.8


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to 4.6 immediately. (Whang, p 22) Now, we have way less than half that much blood: only 5 liters. So what prevents one glass of Coke from killing us by lowering our blood pH below the 7.3 limit? A little trick the mammalian body evolved over millions of years: buffering. Buffering is how the body changes the acidic foods we eat in order to keep the blood pH always about the same. Two main kinds of buffering, and you can look them up the next time you decide to get a medical degree. For now, the point here is that this constant burden we place on the body to keep buffering all these Cokes, Johnnie Walker Black, burgers, tacos, and white sugar treats – uses up the body’s stores of minerals, enzymes, and vitamins. Actually, it wastes them, thereby making the person age faster. Those stores were supposed to be used for normal life functions, not for ridding the body of manmade indigestible chemicals mistakenly called food. Buffering also uses up free oxygen and breaks down cells and tissues by means of oxidation. And now we’re talking about free radicals again. And aging. When we drink water, we’re taking some of the stress off the body by helping to make the blood more basic (higher number). The pH of most tap water is about 8.4, and of bottled water about 7.8 or so. The more we can keep the blood closer to the higher number, the 7.45, the slower we age. Turns out there is a big difference between blood that is pH 7.3 and blood that is pH 7.45. The higher number blood has 64% more free oxygen than the lower number (Whang, p 21). That’s a lot. Over the years, such a difference in daily stress definitely adds up. Reducing the amount of buffering we require the body to do is another big reason for drinking a ton of water every day. OK, the importance of water is pretty obvious. The next question is – does it make any difference what kind of water we drink? Tap water, spring water, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water, mineral water, what?


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TAP WATER City water, municipal water, tap water – no argument that one of the main reasons for the eradication of infectious diseases, as we saw in the Vaccinations chapters, was a controlled water supply. After all those centuries, it finally dawned on people that they wouldn’t die quite so fast if the water they drank could be uncontaminated with sewage. So in the 1800s, the hallmark of the civilized city, both in Europe and in America, was a municipal water supply and a sewage system. This one development was the single biggest health advancement in man’s history, preventing more disease than all the drugs and vaccines ever invented. Then politics saw an angle. What if we could convince people that industrial wastes needed to be added to the water in order to make it “safe”? To the tune of billions of dollars per year? The money would change hands between the local governments and the chemical industry, not to mention state and federal government, who would need to pass laws to keep the show on the road… First contestant: HOW ABOUT CHLORINE? Chlorine as it exists in nature is an element, a raw mineral that is actually an essential mineral in human nutrition, as we saw in the Minerals chapter. We evolved from the salt water of the ocean, which is natural sodium chloride. Industrial chlorine, by contrast, is another thing altogether. Industrial chlorine is not a natural compound. It must be manufactured, by passing an electric current through regular salt (sodium chloride) The result is a toxic gas which can then be complexed to form many industrial products. Examples are medicines, plastics, solvents, sealants, bleach, computer chips, paints, and disinfectants. (Chlorophiles) From here on out, ‘chlorine’ means the industrial type.


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Chlorine gas was a weapon used in WWI. This powerful neurotoxin is so poisonous that it was outlawed by international war codes. Chlorine gas cannot be screened out by our lungs – it goes in faster than oxygen, and is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream when it is inhaled. If the concentration is adequate, death is instantaneous. Europeans remember all this – that’s where WWI happened. Swimming pools in most of Europe are not chlorinated. When European athletes come to the U.S. to compete in swimming events, they have forfeited events rather than swim in our chlorinated pools. The problem is that chlorine gas is formed where chlorinated water comes in contact with air. That’s why your nose burns when your put your face close to the surface of a chlorinated pool. Same thing happens with tap water, although to a lesser degree. WHY IS CHLORINE IN OUR WATER? Chlorine has been used in the U.S. as a treatment for water purification for most of the past century. When added to our water supply, chlorine complexes with free contaminants like iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide. Any chlorine left over can kill most bacterials and microorganisms. Chlorine was definitely responsible for a radical drop in cases of typhoid early in the century. (Water Review) Same with cholera and amoebic dysentery. (Rathburn) Cryptosporidium and giardia are two biologicals resistant to chlorine, because they form protective cysts. But most other living microbes in the water supply are killed by adding chlorine. Now obviously we don’t want microbugs in our drinking water, so it seems chlorine has some benefit. The problem comes in with: • the amounts of chlorine added • carcinogenic chlorine by-products (organochlorines)


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Chemicals are measured in water in units called PPM, or parts per million. The standard amount of chlorine sufficient to kill biologicals is 0.5 PPM, as agreed by most scientists. This is the recommended dose for municipal water supplies. The problem arises when scientists don’t have control of the input. Usually it’s the local water guy. And this guy is all over the place as far as consistent levels are concerned. Some cities have been found to have levels as high as 50 PPM. The second problem is by-products. Chlorine has an annoying habit of reacting with hydrocarbons (organic matter) to form little devils like trihalomethanes — THMs. Definitely carcinogenic (Simmon), THM levels have been set by the EPA as not to exceed 80 PPB. That’s billion, son. But that figure is really just a guess. Nobody really knows for sure how much THM is necessary to be taken in with daily tap water in order to eventually cause a single cell to mutate. All we know for sure is that some amount of THM can cause cancer. Predictably, 99% of websites about chlorine present it as a safe but necessary evil. They always say that it’s an economic necessity and that the risk of cancer is dwarfed by the importance of disinfecting the nation’s drinking water, etc. But other people aren’t so sure. When you search the word “organochlorines” a whole different angle emerges. ORGANOCHLORINES For the past century, industry has benefited from the weird reaction between chlorine and organic matter. So far about 11,000 different organochlorines have been created by the chemical industry. Some of them have great industrial value because they are so stable. They degrade very slowly. One obvious example is PVC pipe, which has revolutionized the plumbing industry in the past 20 years. Plastic pipes – easier to work with than soldering all that old copper stuff. PVC plastic is the single biggest application


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of industrial chlorine products, accounting for about 50% of the total. (How Chlorine Chemicals Are Made). Really stable. But it is precisely the idea of stability that makes chlorine by-products so dangerous. Want to learn a new word? Here it is: bioaccumulative. When these plastics do degrade, the products of that breakdown last even longer – for decades. That means cumulative buildup in fatty tissues of living things that are exposed to the same water or air. In the cells, this can mean trouble: genetic mutation hormone disruption birth defects infertility low sperm counts cancer neurological damage – Fackelman, p. 142 Bioaccumulative means that these chlorine by-products keep going through the food chain time after time. The individual living carrier species die, but the chemicals persist unchanged, decade after decade. The result is that the levels of PCBs and dioxins found in meat and fish can today be millions of times greater than the amounts found in nature. (Chlorine Crisis) Slow breakdown of PVC plumbing, year after year, is one big stand-alone reason why it’s bad to drink tap water, irrespective of the quality of the water itself. At least copper was an essential trace mineral nutrient for humans. For extra fun, organochlorines mimic estrogen, and are therefore included in the xenoestrogens we saw in the HRT chapter. Refer to it for a discussion of reproductive and hormonal chaos caused by chemical pollution. Bleaching paper is another big market for chlorine. America uses a lot of paper, most of it white. Chlorine is the most popular method of bleaching. Problem is, 300 different organochlorines are the result. Guess how much of them gets dumped into lakes, rivers, and oceans of the world each year. Go ahead, guess. 4 million tons! (Pulp and Paper)


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Not to mislead, you know those 300 organochlorines being released into the water? Those are only the ones we have identified! There are literally thousands of others whose actions are totally unknown to us. Once in the body, organochlorines are protectively encapsulated in fat cells – the site most conducive to long-term storage and accumulation. ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES Chlorine bound to carbon is really a good combination for killing pests. Consider the tons of chlordane, DDT, dioxin, and atrazine that have been produced over the past 50 years and dumped into our soil and water, both intentionally and accidentally. No doubt about it: the stuff kills bugs. Two Israeli researchers documented a 50% drop in breast cancer incidence after a ban on chlorine-based pesticides went into effect. (Richter) They traced it to feed for cows, which then was carried into the milk. The authors explained the dramatic effect in cancer incidence by the idea of an organochlorine as a complete carcinogen. That means a toxin that is capable of both initiating a tumor and accelerating an established tumor. That was in Israel. We never had such a ban. OTHER ORGANOCHLORINES Also pesticides, epoxy, neoprene, and many other plastics have a chlorine base. Same reason: slow breakdown. Turns out that only about 1% of the chlorine produced is used in drinking water treatment.(Chlorine Crisis) Remember the defoliant Agent Orange in Vietnam? Dioxin was the killer in Agent Orange. (What Is Dioxin?) Dioxin is a chlorine by-product that is so indestructible and pervasive that it is even found in the bodies of whales and polar bears at the North Pole. Always remember that ‘economic necessity’ often means a situation favorable to big money. With a production of some 40 million tons per year,


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as of 1990 chlorine is big business. Players like Dow, Bayer, Olin, and Alezo may not be that concerned with the health effects resulting from mass chlorination. (Chlorine Crisis) CHLORINE AND HEART DISEASE In 1990, a medical doctor named J.M. Price came out with a book called Cholesterol, Coronaries, and Chlorine. The book is hard to find today, but was promoted and disseminated by Greenpeace. This doctor paints a noteworthy picture of the physiology and the politics of chlorine. Heart disease has been the number one killer of Americans for decades, and it certainly doesn’t look like that’s going to change any time soon. Many patients have had heart problems during a great portion of their lives, with medication and years of diminished physical capacity. But it seems that there are more culprits besides just a high fat diet. Heart attacks kill hundreds of thousands per year. For about 40%, their very first symptom is death. Such a weakening of the heart didn’t happen overnight. It may have taken 20 years to evolve. As the arteries that feed the heart get clogged with cholesterol cement, the same thing is going on everywhere else in the body, including the brain. If a small blood vessel in the brain breaks because it is stuffed with deposits, the person suffers a stroke. Some are mild and hardly noticeable; others are instantly fatal. The point here is, heart attacks and strokes are two versions of the same thing: arterial cholesterol buildup. What’s that got to do with chlorine? Hang in there – it’s coming. A hundred years ago the term heart attack didn’t even exist. The first clinical description of a heart attack was not made until 1912. (Joseph, p37) In the 1930s and 1940s, the incidence of heart disease increased dramatically, until by the 1980s, it was the #1 killer of Americans. Dr. Joseph makes the point that there is no evidence of atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) prior to the 20th century, even though many cultures favored high fat diets.


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Not until chlorination of municipal drinking water became common did heart disease begin to skyrocket. (p51). Actually there is a lag of 10-20 years for the progression of clogging arteries that coincides well enough with increasing chlorination across the U.S. during that same time period. In both the Korean and the Vietnam Wars, many 20 year-olds undergoing surgery on the battlefields were found to have advanced atherosclerosis (cholesterol-clogged arteries) near the heart. (Joseph, p54) The cause was unmistakable: the drinking water we transshipped contained 10 times the amount of chlorine that is determined a safe level by the FDA. The reasoning behind it was characteristically military: our boys needed protection from all those foreign germs, Vern. They deserve 10x the protection. The mechanism for artery breakdown from chlorine is no theory. It has been very solidly established that chlorine nicks the inner lining in the arteries and thereby provides a place for excess cholesterol matrix to begin its process of stuccoing up the arteries. Joseph ends up by positing that progressive clogging of the arteries cannot exist unless chlorine is consumed in some excess. He describes in detail his controlled experiment inducing atherosclerosis in birds, with the only variable being the presence of chlorinated drinking water – plain tap water. (p.65) The aortas of 95% of the chlorine group were all plaqued up with cholesterol in just a few weeks! The birds were withering and sickly. The popular press goes round and round about cholesterol. One week it’s high fat is not so bad, the next week eggs are definitely out, the next week butter’s in…. Why is everybody guessing about the #1 cause of death in the U.S.? CHLORINE AND DIGESTION One thing’s for sure — chlorine kills bacteria. Only problem with that is the three pounds of friendly bacteria that are supposed to be populating our colon. Their job: the final stages of digestion, as well as vitamin synthesis.


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Chlorine is in the same category with antibiotics – knocks out all bacteria, the good and the bad. The same killing power that makes chlorine a good disinfectant for drinking water also makes it a harmful additive. We need our good bacteria, called probiotics. Many researchers refer to them as our Second Immune System. Although we can live without probiotics, the digestive system is forced to operate in a diminished fashion. Over time, our health suffers as a result of chlorine’s attack on probiotics. Today about three-fourths of American cities chlorinate the drinking water. That’s big money. Very hard to rock that boat. Some cities, such as parts of Los Angeles, have found that ozone purification is cheaper and non-toxic. Other cities are experimenting with a combination of titanium cylinders and UV light. (Popular Science) But decades of payouts, and legislated chlorination – that’s an entrenched set-up. Greenpeace and the chlorine activists certainly are not widely read. Even the introductory information in this chapter is not commonly apprehended, though it can be discovered with a little research. FLUORIDE At least chlorine will evaporate from a glass of water if you let it sit for an hour or so. No such luck with fluoride. Even cooking, food processing, filtration, or digestion doesn’t remove fluoride. Goes right up the food chain. Accumulates in fat cells. Fluoride is added to the water supply of most American cities for the ostensible purpose of dental hygiene. The reader will be amazed to find out that such a thing is not only unlikely, but actually the reverse of the ongoing reality. The U.S. has been fluoridating drinking water for so many decades that we hardly think about it. Very few articles appear about fluoridation in newspapers and magazines any more.


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This is no accident. What would you do if you suddenly found out that fluoride was not safe at all, but was actually a carcinogenic industrial waste? What would you think if you suddenly found out that fluoride doesn’t stop tooth decay at all, but actually causes teeth to rot and crumble, and by the same mechanism also causes osteoporosis? And after you found out all this, would it surprise you that all federal health agencies have known these facts for years, but have been controlled by the political interests of the nuclear arms aluminum and phosphate manufacturers to keep it a secret? Why would they do that? So that, in the total absence of scientific proofs, a toxic industrial waste could be passed off on the public as a nutrient with necessary health benefits, to the tune of $10 billion per year. Or more. Is a deception of this magnitude possible for the sophisticated, discerning American public? Let’s start at the beginning. WHAT IS FLUORIDE? Fluorine is an element. It is a gas, never occurring in its free state. In microscopic amounts, complexed with other minerals, it is often listed as a trace mineral, a nutrient for human nutrition. Other sources disagree, holding that “no experimental work or clinical observations have proved that fluorine is in any manner essential for animals or man.” (Alesen, p.5) This has nothing to do with fluoride or fluoridation. The fluoride added to drinking water is a compound of fluorine that is a chemical byproduct of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing. Such fluoride is manmade. In this form, fluoride has no nutrient value


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whatsoever. It is one of the most caustic of industrial chemicals. Fluoride is the active toxin in rat poisons and cockroach powder. (Dustrude) “Hydrofluoric acid is used to refine high octane gasoline, to make fluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons for freezers and air conditioners, and to manufacture computer screens, fluorescent light bulbs, semiconductors, plastics, herbicides, — and toothpaste. It also has the ability to burn flesh to the bone, destroy eyes, and sear lungs so that victims drown in their own body fluids. – Foulkes Once in the body, fluoride is a destroyer of human enzymes. It does this by changing their shapes. You’ll remember from the Enzymes chapter that in human biochemistry, thousands of enzymes are necessary for various essential cell reactions that take place every second we’re alive. (Howell) Without enzymes, we’d die instantaneously. CUTS AWAY THE VELCRO STRIPS Enzymes trigger specific reactions in the body. One way they do this is by having the exact shape necessary, like a key in a lock. Fluoride changes the shape of the enzymes so that they no longer fit. Since enzymes are proteins, once they’ve been changed, they’re now foreign-looking. The body now treats them as invaders, even though they’re part of that body. This is known as an autoimmune situation – the body attacks itself. Another way to look at it: enzymes are long-chain proteins held in certain shapes. Hydrogen bonds are the velcro strips that hold the enzyme in a certain shape. Fluoride comes along and hydrolyzes the enzyme: cuts the velcro strips away. The shape collapses. No more enzyme; now just a foreign protein. STARTING POINT The most thorough explanation of the origin, action, diseases, and politics of fluoride was presented in a book called Fluoride the Aging Factor by John Yiamouyiannis, PhD. This book is the result of 25 years of research and working behind the scenes of the fluoride phenomenon.


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Big money generally means big monkey business, you may have noticed by now, and fluoride is right up there. Dr. Yiamouyiannis was the science director of the National Health Federation. He then went on to head the Safe Water Foundation. Dr Y can tell you all about monkey business. No one can comment intelligently about fluoride in the U.S. without dealing with the issues raised in his pivotal book. It is simply a review of the literature on fluoride up to 1994. This chapter quotes freely from Dr Y’s book. Dr. Y starts by citing hundreds of international studies of fluoridation that have been conducted all over the world since the 1930s. After awhile, there seem to be just two types:

• the studies that were really looking to find out about fluoride • the studies that were trying to cover up what had already been discovered

A few examples of the former: Taylor Study, University of Austin: fluoride concentration of 1PPM (parts per million) increases tumor growth rate by 25% Fluoride is more poisonous than lead, and just less poisonous than arsenic – Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products 1984 “A seven ounce tube of toothpaste, theoretically at least, contains enough fluoride to kill a small child.” – Procter&Gamble, quoted in Fluoride the Aging Factor p14 Fluoride supplements should not be given to children under three years old – 1992 Canadian Dental Association Proposed Fluoride Guidelines, Dr. Limeback FLUORIDE AND AGING Austrian researchers proved in the 1970s that as little as 1 ppm fluoride concentration can disrupt DNA repair enzymes by 50%. When DNA can’t


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repair damaged cells, we get old fast. (Klein) Fluoride prematurely ages the body, mainly by distortion of enzyme shape. Again, when enzymes get twisted out of shape, they can’t do their jobs. This results in collagen breakdown, eczema, tissue damage, skin wrinkling, genetic damage, and immune suppression. Practically any disease you can name may then be caused. (Yiamouyiannis, Ch.3) All systems of the body are dependent upon enzymes. When fluoride changes the enzymes, this can damage: • the immune system • the digestive system • the respiratory system • blood circulation • kidney function • liver function • brain function • thyroid function Things wear out too fast – the young body becomes old. The distorted enzymes are proteins, but now they have become foreign protein, which we know is the exact cause of autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, arthritis, asthma, and arteriosclerosis. Collagen is the body’s glue. That’s not just a metaphor; when collagen breaks down, tissues simply lose their substance, their framework. As we saw in the Collagen chapter, this is exactly how we get an enlarged heart, osteoporosis, atrophy and drooping of muscles, joint destruction, kidney and liver disease, falling organs, and bad teeth. Fluoride dissolves the body’s glue simply by preventing new collagen from being formed. (Ishida) Dr Y gives a masterful explanation of fluoride’s disruption of collagen. Not only is the collagen incorrectly formed, it is wrongly mineralized. Some collagen, like bones and teeth, should be mineralized in order to give it hardness. Other collagen structures, like ligaments, tendons and, and


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muscles, should not be mineralized, in order to keep them flexible and resilient. Fluoride confuses the two types. Fluoride mineralizes the tendons, and muscles and ligaments, making them crackly and painful and inflexible. At the same time fluoride interferes with mineralization of bones and teeth, causing osteoporosis and mottling or dental fluorosis. FLUORIDE RUINS TEETH Wait a second here! I thought that was the whole reason why we fluoridated water in the first place – to prevent cavities and build strong teeth, right? Wrong again. And this is where politics and dog-wagging have eclipsed science. Dr Y gives an exhaustive review of the scientific literature of the previous 40 years, proving beyond a reasonable doubt that fluoride interferes with tooth formation, causes permanent discoloration and actual crumbling. The reader is referred to Chapter 5 of Fluoride The Aging Factor. A few excerpts: Tooth enamel is laid down by special cells called ameloblasts. Dutch researchers found that fluoride at as little as 1 PPM caused these ameloblasts to malfunction so that they laid down irregular chalky enamel. – (Bronkers) The process whereby teeth are discolored and crumble from fluoridation is know as dental fluorosis. The U.S. Public Health service has known since the research of its own Dr. HT Dean in 1937 that as fluoride levels rose, so did the percentage of children with dental fluorosis, in a study of 15 major American cities. – (Dean) The same findings were evident in a University of Texas study comparing dental fluorosis in children who lived in fluoridated and unfluoridated areas of Texas. Dr. Segretto found a 35% higher incidence of fluorosis in children who drank water with fluorine concentration of 1-1.4 PPM, compared with those whose water was in the


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.3 PPM range. This little study was written up in the Journal of the American Dental Association. – (Segretto) Yiamouyiannis goes on and on, citing one peer-reviewed study after another, all coming to the same inescapable conclusion: the more fluoride in the water, the more tooth malformation and discoloration. It’s beyond controversy, when you view these studies from all over the world – New Zealand, India, Denmark, England, Ireland, Italy, Illinois – same finding. Even with this consistent finding across the board, the standard level of fluoridation recommended for dental health in the U.S. is 1 part per million. How is this possible? A major gain for antifluoridation happened in the past few years, which most people haven’t even noticed. The FDA required all toothpaste manufacturers to print a warning on the label that if more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste is swallowed, the local Poison Control Center should be notified. Check it out! Did we see that on CNN? The American Dental Association and other defenders of fluoride have testified and continue to insist that dental fluorosis is a “cosmetic condition” and is not a health issue! You hear it all the time from the fluoridiots. Permanent malformation of the teeth is a little more serious than cosmetic – but even if it weren’t, how can an additive whose only alleged purpose is to benefit teeth destroy teeth?? In their current website, the ADA actually challenges this FDA warning on toothpaste labels, saying that it is unnecessarily strict. In the words of Canadian fluoridation expert, leading consultant to the Canadian Dental Association, Dr. Hardy Limeback, a University of Toronto biochemist and dentist: “Since when is a cosmetic problem not a problem when the patient must seek dental treatment to fix it?” – Toronto Star 25 Apr. 99


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Paul Connett, PhD explains that spots on the teeth and dental fluorosis are just an indication of damage to other parts of the body: “The teeth are windows to what’s happening in the bones.” – Griffiths, p 39 And that brings us to FLUORIDE AND OSTEOPOROSIS Bone is collagen. We already saw how fluoride disrupts the formation of enzymes necessary for collagen production. So it’s no wonder then that the thin brittle bones characteristic of osteoporosis are the result of fluoridation. This is no false claim. Dr Y cites the 1990 study of 541,000 cases of osteoporosis that found a definite connection between hip fractures in women over 65 and fluoride levels. The study was written up in JAMA. (Jacobsen) Several other major studies are cited, massive amounts of research, again all reaching the same conclusion – the undeniable correlation of fluoridation with osteoporosis and hip fracture in the elderly. Bone is living tissue. It is constantly being replaced with new cells, and having old cells removed. Bone building is a finely balanced, complicated process. Fluoride has been known to disrupt this process since the 1930s. Dr. Alesen, who was the president of the California Medical Association, clearly explains what fluoride does to bone formation. He cites dozens of international scientific studies proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that fluoride has caused thousands of cases of osteoporosis, skeletal thinning, fractures, “rubber bones,” anemia, and rickets. (Robotry and Water) Fluoride also causes osteoporosis by creating a calcium deficiency situation. Fluoride precipitates calcium out of solution, causing low blood calcium, as well as the buildup of calcium stones and crystals in the joints and organs. (Waldbott) Dozens of other studies, like the Riggs study in the 1990 New England Journal of Medicine, showed that fluoride treatment of osteoporosis in the elderly actually increases skeletal fragility, i.e., more fractures. (Riggs) It’s the


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same mechanism at work: incorrect mineralization, as we saw above. Thin old bones lose calcium; young bones age too rapidly by over-mineralization. (Aksyuk) Using fluoride as a treatment for diseases like osteoporosis has always been a particularly dumb idea, because of side effects known beforehand: general arthritis stomach pain nausea vomiting bone spurs bone inflammation kidney fibrosis dental fluorosis Other mineral contaminants like lead and strontium-90 are damaging to human bone just by means of their occupying space where they don’t belong. They are inert. The difference with fluoride is that it is biochemically active. With all the diseases caused by fluoride, the common thread is “…virtually all these ill effects can be traced to the effect of fluoride on enzymes or proteins, as well as a possible direct effect on the DNA molecule itself.” – Fluoride the Aging Factor, p57, 99 Above we saw how fluoride changes the all-important shape of enzymes, thereby rendering them not only useless, but actually foreign. CANCER AND FLUORIDE By now we all know how cancer begins with one cell whose inner blueprint – its DNA – has been screwed with. Remember those velcro hydrogen bonds? Guess what other shape they hold together. The double helix – DNA. This turns out to be the exact mechanism of fluoride as a carcinogen. Austrian and Japanese researchers both found that a concentration of 1 PPM fluoride causes disruption of the body’s ability to repair its own DNA.


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Without this most basic cell function, cancer is promoted, and tumor growth is accelerated. (Klein) (Tsutsui) That’s standard fluoride level in U.S. city water: one part per million. On p. 65 of his book, Dr. Yiamouyiannis provides an amazing chart of some 19 major scientific studies conducted in universities all over the world, together proving beyond a doubt that fluoride causes genetic damage. End of story. Except that on p 68, there is another list of world studies proving the same thing with plants and insects – genetic alteration from fluoride. Chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Dean Burk when confronted with mountains of data, stated before Congress: “In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical.” – Congressional Record 21 July 1976 Can that be misconstrued? Burk and Yiamouyiannis completed a monumental research project in 1977 in which they compared cancer death rates in 10 fluoridated and 10 nonfluoridated U.S. cities between 1940 and 1970. The results are on p75 of Fluoride the Aging Factor. The unmistakable fact is that the graph shows that for the first ten years (1940-1950), when none of the 20 cities fluoridated, the average cancer deaths were virtually identical. But after 1950, there is a major increase in cancer deaths in every single one of the fluoridated cities, while the nonfluoridated cities remain clustered together at a much lower level of death. [SCATTER CHART] They actually put a number on it: “…30,000 to 50,000 deaths each year from various causes may now be attributable to fluoridation. This total includes 10,000 to 20,000 deaths attributable to fluoride-induced cancer every year.” – Yiamouyiannis. p 90


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These findings were first confirmed, then denied by the National Cancer Institute (what a surprise). Finally the research was upheld as valid in two separate state courts, Pennsylvania and Illinois. Ask yourself, why are findings of a scientific study being disputed in court? The usual pattern whenever valid research threatens big money. Another study by the New Jersey Health Dept., cited by Dr. Y, found a 50% increase in bone cancer among young men in fluoridated areas. (Cohn) Dr. William Hirzy, an officer in the EPA explains: “Fluoride is a broad-spectrum mutagen. It can cause genetic damage in both plant and animal cells.” Once again, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds of scientific studies conducted and reported in the most credible universities and agencies throughout the world for the past 25 years have found an unmistakable correlation between fluoridation and cancer deaths. Even the professional opinion makers can’t just make all this data vanish. All they can do is what they’re trained to do: change the subject. And keep repeating how safe and effective fluoride is. BRAIN DAMAGE = LOW IQ Penetrating observation. The earliest reference to brain disruption from fluoride exposure is found in a recently declassified secret Manhattan Project memo (1944): “Clinical evidence suggests that C616 [uranium hydrofluoride] may have a rather marked central nervous system effect with mental confusion, drowsiness and lassitude…” – Ferry, 29 Apr 44 Dozens of scientific studies from all over the world have come to the same conclusion. Just a few examples:


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Popov, L et al Nervous System Damage in Occupational Fluorosis Chemical Abstracts vol.14, 7 Oct 74 Guan, Z et al. Influence of Chronic Fluorosis on Membrane Lipids in Rat Brain Neurotoxicology and Teratology, vol. 20 no.5 pp.537 How can all these studies be dismissed and ignored? Many of them are from the most prestigious of scientific journals. And the message has been consistent for the past 50 years – fluoride is a poison.. What kind of power can contradict such a cogent, overwhelming body of work? Only one thing – very good –$$$$$$$$! Got it on your first guess! SO THEN WHY ARE WE FLUORIDATING, FOR THE LAST 60 YEARS? Unrestricted research into almost any area involving health care is really a tiresome business – it’s the same boring story over and over: A Toxin in Search of A Market. First a chemical is created, then an angle is figured out on how to mass market it. Then a disinformation program is put into place to create a permanent smokescreen for the actual scientific data. As we saw with ADD, antibiotics, the history of pharmaceuticals, HRT, heart drugs, chlorination, and now fluoridation – the pattern is consistent. With billions of dollars in play, the chemical industry can afford to choreograph its two most willing marionettes: the media and the medical profession. I didn’t make this up; I wish it were otherwise. It’s embarrassing to be a human when you find out what’s been going on. But we digress. Fluoridation. A certified poison, by all the government agencies and scientific agencies cited above. Where does the money come in? Toxic disposal. The rise of the EPA since the 1970s. The increase in environmental consciousness as a political tool for creating the illusion of safety in recent decades. Here’s the short version: fluoride is a toxic byproduct in the manufacture of nuclear arms, aluminum, cement, steel, and phosphates. Millions of tons


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of this poison are produced by these industries every year. Imagine the cost of containing and disposing of those mountains of waste every year. It’s in the billions. But what if lobbyists from these industries could present “scientific studies” paid for by the industries, and provide for a continual stream of media presentations about the health benefits of fluoride, and create unimaginably lucrative positions for “research” and “education” within the American Dental Association and the AMA, and do all these things in a consistent and unending way, year after year? What are the economic advantages of that? Simple: instead of paying money to dispose of toxic waste, money could now be made by selling fluoride to the municipal water companies of the nation. They’ll use the public water supply as a sewer for industrial wastes. And now with these new billions added instead of subtracted, there’s plenty to go around, for everyone involved. Out of the Red, into the Black. Somewhere Machiavelli smiles. DARK ALLIANCE Up until 1931, the American Dental Association and the US Public Health Service recognized that fluoride caused dental problems, and that every effort should be made to remove such contamination from drinking water. (Fluoride the Aging Factor, p 140) By 1980, the ADA’s tune had changed a little: “…there is no evidence implicating naturally occurring fluorides as a health hazard even at eight parts per million.” – ADA News 24 Mar 1980 Following this? In the face of decades of our best research, this arrogant and groundless pronouncement, by the profession to whom we have entrusted our teeth, is saying that our water could have 8 times as much fluoride as it has now, and still be perfectly safe! That is power, Sonny Jim. The Players: ALCOA Aluminum, mega-giant producer of aluminum, was founded by Andrew Mellon, who was also appointed Secretary of Treasury, since he seemed to know something about money. ALCOA funded a top


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research facility known as the Mellon Institute. In 1931, a Mellon Institute report by Gerald Cox suggested that 1 PPM fluoride added to drinking water would be good for the teeth. That was it. No studies, no comparisons, no data. All previous research studies had shown that fluoride was toxic. Stay with me now. The US Public Health Service (USPHS) at that time was under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Treasury – Andrew Mellon, who also owned ALCOA. The USPHS sponsored some research put out by their own Dr. HT Dean, manipulating data so that it “proved” that this same figure of 1 PPM resulted in reduction of tooth decay. So now there were two studies, one by Cox and one by Dean, both funded by agencies controlled by ALCOA, both supporting this arbitrary figure of 1 PPM fluoride that should be added to the water to lower tooth decay. Next problem: sell it to the American Medical Association and the American Dental Association. This took years. Even in 1943, an article in JAMA described fluoride as a poison which damaged enzyme systems even at a concentration of 1 PPM. The article showed concern about 25,000 tons of fluorine released into the atmosphere every year from the phosphate fertilizer industry. (JAMA, Sept 18, 1943). The following year Journal of the American Dental Association ran another article warning that fluoridated water caused osteoporosis, goiter, and spinal disease. They stated that “the potentialities for harm far outweigh those for good.” (JADA, 1 Oct 1944) So how did fluoridation get started then, with all this information – thousands of negative scientific papers and only two favorable studies? ALCOA money, that’s how. In 1944, ALCOA hired an attorney named Oscar Ewing at a salary of $750,000 per year. That same year Ewing was appointed to the Federal Security Adminisrration. The USPHS was a division of the Federal Security Association. So now ALCOA’s boy was in a position to control the policies of the Public Health Service. Ewing chose his PR man for fluoridation: Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud! See chapter.


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FREUD, FRAUD, AND FLUORIDE Edward L. Bernays, described by the Washington Post as the ‘original spin doctor,” was responsible for evolving the pro-fluoridation propaganda and disinformation machine. How anxious he was to put his uncle’s ideas and methods of persuasion into action. ( Dr. Y, p143) “…those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country…our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…” – Bernays (Propaganda) Using classical Freudian principles, Bernays maintained that a well-oiled propaganda machine could make the public believe practically anything, even the exact opposite of what had been already proven by all existing scientific research. And this is exactly what Ewing needed in the case of fluoridation. With help from “experts” of the Manhattan Project, like Harold Hodge, New York State politicians quickly learned which side their bread was buttered on. In May of 1945, the city of Newburgh, NY was the first to “try” fluoridation. The residents were supposed to be monitored by the state Health Department for ten years. That became the pattern – fluoride is the first drug in history to be tested on the general population with no previous research. (Griffiths) Except of course for vaccines. (Vaccination Is Not Immunization) One of the next cities to fall was Grand Rapids, Michigan. In July 1945, in the face of persistent warnings from the AMA, Grand Rapids succumbed to Bernays’ propaganda machine and began a ten year “test period” of fluoridation in which tooth decay rates would be monitored. No one asked the question why the testing was being done on humans in an entire city. The project was run by ALCOA’s HT Dean, using the statistics of Cox’s original 1931 paper that arbitrarily claimed that 1 PPM fluoride was a safe level to prevent tooth decay, with no research to back it up.


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Dr. Dean almost single-handedly developed the fiction that fluoride could prevent cavities. He is “the father of fluoridation.” Dean did no research on his own, and in later years, twice admitted in court that Cox’s original statistics were incorrect! (Foulkes, 1992) But the entire system of fluoridation of US city water is based on the admittedly unscientific “findings” of Dean and Cox. Bernays’ propaganda machine now went into full swing – ads with smiling children with beautiful teeth flooded the country’s media. All anti-fluoride studies and articles were systematically suppressed because they weren’t sanctioned by the big lobbyists for the aluminum and fertilizer industries. Tons of new literature written not by doctors and scientists but by PR people and psychologists portrayed those opposing the sacred fluoridation as right- wing wackos. Just like in Orwell’s book 1984, they tried to re-write history, to go back and change the findings of valid research, not by doing new research, but simply by new PR. (Miller) “I sometimes wonder if the Aluminum Co. of America…might not have a deep interest in getting rid of its waste products from the manufacture of aluminum because these products contain a large amount of fluoride. …it is interesting to note that Oscar Ewing who now heads up the FSA, the parent organization of the US Public Health Service, and the firm of attorneys he deals with…represents the Aluminum Co. of America.” – Congressman A.L. Miller FLUORIDE AND THE ATOMIC BOMB It gets darker. You may want to go for popcorn here. Dovetailing contemporaneously into all the above activity is some mind-blowing information that was recently uncovered by two reporters commissioned to write an article for the Christian Science Monitor. Working from secret government documents that have just become declassified in the last few years, Joel Griffiths and Chris Bryson have illuminated a very scary liaison: fluoride and the Manhattan Project. As we all remember, the Manhattan Project was the WWII secret program which brought the atomic bomb into existence: Fat Man and Little Boy. Turns out fluoride was a key component in the production of this bomb, in two main


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applications: in the uranium complex itself, and also as a toxic waste material. (Fluoride & Brain Damage) There was an accident in 1943 that had to be covered up, big time. DuPont was the chemical company charged with producing millions of gallons of fluoride for the Manhattan Project. A DuPont facility in Deepwater, New Jersey dumped so much fluoride into the air and water that things they couldn’t hide started happening in the towns downwind: ? poultry died ? horses got sick and couldn’t work ? cows became so crippled they could only crawl on their bellies to graze ? the peach crop was destroyed ? fluoride content of local vegetables was off the charts ? abnormally high level of fluoride in the blood of the local people ? even the workers at DuPont began to get sick Now all this may not seem like a big deal compared with the development of the most top secret weapon in history, but the farmers in those towns didn’t know nothing ‘bout no atomic bomb. Hiroshima hadn’t happened yet. All these farmers knew was that the chemical company was poisoning the air and the water. The chief toxicologist for the Manhattan Project was a guy named Harold Hodge. Hodge was the first to notice the horrific effects of fluoride pollution on the local environment, and alerted his superiors in several memos, which have now been declassified. In true military fashion, Hodges’ superiors took the warnings seriously and thought them worthy of investigation, not because of the dangers to human and animal life, but because of the legal liability to DuPont and the government if the farmers were successful in a lawsuit. So the head of the Manhattan Project, Gen. Groves, directed Harold Hodge to research the toxicity of fluoride spills for one reason: their own legal defense against the farmers. (Griffiths)


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Why was this never a movie? Oliver …? Hodge was granted funding to study the nerve effects of fluoride way back in 1944. (Ferry) It is likely that the research was carried out, but it is missing from the declassified papers. What a surprise. Not until 1991 was the there any published research on the neurological effects of fluoride, when it was discovered that fluoride was a powerful neuro-toxin that could affect human brain development and functioning, even at low levels. (Mullenix) Even though Hodge collaborated on Mullenix’s research some 50 years after the Manhattan Project, and it is almost certain that Hodge was the one who conducted the missing research in 1944, Hodge maintained a strict silence on the subject. These guys know how to keep a secret. Here’s just one example of the difference between old published versions of fluoride research documents and secret versions of those same documents that have recently been declassified: old version, published in Journal of the American Dental Association, Aug 1948: “…the men who used experimental fluoride had fewer cavities…” secret version, recently de-classified: “…most of the men had no teeth left.” – Griffiths & Bryson, p 41 Remember, this was the beginning of the Atomic Age. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were just the opening act. The game was not world destruction, but rather atomic bomb production. By 1946 the government and industry were out to arm the world with atomic, and eventually nuclear, weaponry. The billions of dollars all that represented, not to mention the balance of world power (America first) – all this was not going to be derailed just because a few horses died and the peaches didn’t come in one year.


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LAWDOGS GET A BONE So here’s what they did. You’ve probably guessed it. Whom do you call when you want to turn water into wine, night into day, black into white? That’s right. Lawyers. But not the local variety. These guys were from Washington. They knew that if the farmers won the lawsuits, it would open the door to a whole storm of lawsuits, and that could seriously interfere with bomb production. Fluoride was essential. Bomb production was essential. So they did the only thing a red-blooded American could do. They lied their heads off. They proved that fluoride • was not the cause of all this destruction • was totally safe, indeed so safe that – • it should be added to the drinking water as a nutrient This took some doing. Not only did they have the local farmers to bamboozle; the FDA started sniffing around. After some masterful negotiating by Dupont’s FDA lawyers, everyone came to realize that the tremendous liability to which DuPont and the government were both open could be swept away, delayed, and sidetracked by agreeing that the fluoride problem needed “research.” And who was charged with doing that research? The US Army! That should be an unbiased scientific outcome, right? Ultimately DuPont got away with it. They avoided copping to any serious liability by claiming that to admit how much fluoride had been released into the New Jersey environment was a matter of national security! Without that information, the farmers’ case fell apart, and most of them settled for token sums of a few hundred dollars. One way the bomb-makers diverted attention from the lawsuits was to take the hint from Harold Hodge’s memo:

“Would there be any use in making attempts to counteract the local fear of fluoride on the part of the residents … through lectures on F [fluoride] toxicology and perhaps the usefulness of F in tooth health?” – Hodge


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And this is where the bomb-makers found willing allies in industry and medicine who saw an angle in using public drinking water as a dumping ground for industrial and military toxic waste. For the whole detonating story, check out Griffith and Bryson’s wellresearched “Fluoride, Teeth, and the A-Bomb.” FLUORIDIOTS GAIN POLITICAL MOMENTUM Fluoridation gathered momentum, supported by the billions that could be made from selling a toxic waste to city water providers and the untold billions behind the arms manufacturers outfitting the world with nuclear weapons. Gradually, the AMA and the ADA, began to soften their views toward fluoridation, until they had made a complete 180-degree shift in their opinion, as cited above. In 1951 a huge pep rally was held for all the state dental directors. The focus was not to present research pro and con on fluoridation, but rather, how to get the public to accept the policy from above, the new religion of fluoridation. (4th Annual Conference, 1951) By 1952, the American Dental Association had turned completely, publishing the articles of radical fluoridiot Frank Bull in the JADA. Bull’s whole focus was disinformation; avoiding confrontation with actual studies. As the B in BS, Bull put the propaganda theories of Bernays into actual practice. Next, Procter and Gamble scored big when they got the ADA to endorse fluoride in toothpaste. Any dentists who spoke out against this ADA decision were censured, lost grant funding, or were thrown out of the ADA. (Fluoride the Aging Factor, p147) By 1960 the alliance was formed: ALCOA, the US Public Health Service, the Federal Security Administration, the American Dental Association, and Procter&Gamble. It was like all the decades of research showing fluoride as a


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poison had never existed. Anyone bringing it up was subject to attack and persecution on any level possible. DOESN’T THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION KNOW THE TRUTH? You bet it does. Many articles in their main journals, JADA and the Journal of Dental Research, have proven for years that fluoride causes dental fluorosis. (JADA, vol 96 p78 (1978); vol.80, p777(1970) and JDR, vol.17, p.393 (1938); vol 67 p318 ( 1988); vol 96 p1158, (1978), to cite just a few from Fluoride The Aging Factor. But despite all the pertinent studies and years of research, the American Dental Association is formally in favor of fluoridation! This position has never changed since its 1979 White Paper on Fluoridation. Politics eclipses science, as we see in excerpts like this: “…opponents of fluoridation are uninformed or misinformed” or “self-styled experts whose qualifications for speaking out on such a scientific issue as fluoridation were practically non-existent or whose motivations are selfserving..” or the amazing “… individual dentists must be convinced that they need not be familiar with scientific reports on fluoridation…” or the ever-present non-sequitur “…what kind of mentality would reject the opinion of those who are qualified by education, training, experience….” and blah, blah, woof woof.. or the old stand-by “…numerous studies have shown…” although none are ever named. or the Orwellian “…the advice of behavioral scientists should be sought with regard to realistic, convincing rebuttals…” Rebuttals? This isn’t a high school debate. What about presenting research? Always remember – the ADA is a trade union, a lobby whose main purpose is furthering the economic advancement of the dental profession. It doesn’t represent dental health. And in many cases the ADA doesn’t represent the dentists themselves. This is especially true in the class action suit filed by


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some 40 dentists against the ADA in a DC Superior Court. The charges? Ethical breach of the public trust for recommending fluoridation while failing to inform its members and the public of the widespread available literature proving toxicity. (Foulkes) The American Dental Association has a website which is a masterpiece of disinformation: At the beginning of the Fluoridation Questions section, we find the standard fluoridiot disinformation posture in which natural fluoride compounds that exist in many places in nature are presented as the same fluoride which is added to municipal water. This is unmitigated, deliberate, fraudulent misrepresentation. The fluoride added to water is a toxic industrial byproduct in a form nature could never have come up with. Once you realize this simple fact, you will be able to see the rest of the Website Whitewash in its proper light. Keep in mind that the ADA is a trade lobby, whose mission is to assure people of the safety and efficacy of a drug that is not safe and not effective, so that the interests of its fellow trade lobbies from the chemical industry are best served. The ADA is a mouthpiece for a huge constituency. Their website is the modern manifestation of Edward L. Bernays program of disinformation and crowd control, carrying the dogma of Cox, Dean, and Bull into the 21st century Dr Y gives a good summary of the liaison between the US Public Health Service and the American Dental Association, and their control by salaried employees of the aluminum and phosphate industries, in his Chapter 17. It’s the predictable unholy alliance between big money, lobbyists, and government agencies who determine policies. Just a quick glance: THE EPA AND THE ADA SELL OUT In 1974, Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act. Political forces cited in the above paragraph caused safe fluoride levels to be set by the EPA at 1.4 to 2.4 PPM! This is after decades of research showing all the above diseases could be caused by less than 1 PPM.


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The American Dental Association’s reaction to these new levels? With no new research whatsoever, the ADA began pressuring the EPA to raise the maximum level to 8 PPM! Their reasoning? For the past 20 years the ADA had been using 1 PPM as the recommended level. Now they didn’t like the idea of the EPA doubling the ADA’s old recommendation without consulting them. The ADA wanted to be in control, no matter what the effect on the public health. The ADA was immediately backed by the entire Fluoridiot Underworld, because higher levels meant the polluting industries could sell even more toxic fluoride wastes to municipal water suppliers. Note that the entire controversy for setting the levels of toxicity for fluoride in US drinking water was not based at all on science, but entirely on politics. The EPA was maneuvered into contracting a “new study” of fluoride toxicity to a research group called ICAIR Life Systems in 1985. Dr. Y cites a few of ICAIR’s “findings”: • “dental fluorosis was not an adverse health effect” • “teeth with fluorosis are desirable” • skeletal fluorosis has not been found below 4 PPM • there is no data on fluoride and genetic damage • there is no data on fluoride as a carcinogen – Fluoride The Aging Factor, p159 This is the kind of shenanigans tax dollars are spent on: lies and disregard for decades of important scientific research. But the waste of time and money is secondary to the real issue: these lower primates are endangering public health for their own political advantage and power tripping. The result of all the hearings, fraudulent reports, and maneuvering was that in 1989 the EPA tried to raise the maximum allowable level of fluoride to 4 PPM! (Yiamouyiannis, p 161)


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Today, the recommended level remains at 1 – 1.2 PPM, with the maximum allowable level set at 4 PPM by the EPA. Now check this out: 4 parts per million is 4000 parts per billion, right, math wizards? OK. 4000 parts per billion of fluoride are allowed in drinking water, according to the EPA. Compare that with the allowable levels of Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury: MAXIMUM CONTAMINANT LEVEL ALLOWED IN U.S. DRINKING WATER: ARSENIC . . 50 PARTS PER BILLION LEAD . . 15 PARTS PER BILLION FLUORIDE . . 4000 PARTS PER BILLION

source: EPA National Primary Drinking Water Standards ( July 1987) Remember this citation: “Fluoride is more poisonous than lead, and just less poisonous than arsenic.” Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products 1984 What’s wrong with this picture? DELAYED REACTION As California Medical Association president Dr. Alesen points out, concentration in parts per million sidesteps the issue, regarding something that accumulates in the body year after year. The EPA is comparing fluorine to vitamins, for which there are minimum daily requirements. But vitamins are completely used up in a day or less. They don’t accumulate. In addition, setting an arbitrary level of 1 PPM fluoride in the drinking water provides for a wide variation in toxicity: some people drink half a glass of water per day, while others drink two liters. This idea is a very big deal when you’re talking about something that never goes away in the body. “It is obvious that the important factor is not the concentration of the fluoride in the water supply, but the total amount consumed.” – Alesen, p.6


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That is why fluoride poisoning can be disguised – diseases like skeletal fluorosis may take 25 or 30 years to appear, since accumulation of fluoride in the bones is slow and gradual. (Shortt) WHAT DO THE REAL EXPERTS SAY? “When historians come to write about this period, they will single out [fluoridation] as the single biggest mistake in public policy that we’ve ever had.” – Paul Connett, PhD, Biochemistry “Water fluoridation is the single largest case of scientific fraud, promoted by the government, supported by taxpayer dollars, aided and abetted by the ADA and the AMA, in the history of the planet.” – David Kennedy, DDS President International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology “Sodium fluoride is a registered rat poison and roach poison. It has been a protected pollutant for a very long time.” – William Hirzy, PhD President of the Union of Professional Employees of the EPA “sodium fluoride is a very toxic chemical, acting as an enzyme poison, direct irritant and calcium inactivator….It reacts with growing tooth enamel and with bones to produce irreversible damage.” – Granville Knight, MD president of the American Academy of Nutrition Congressional Record, 31 July 56 (Robotry, p. 22) “I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable.” – Charles Gordon Heyd, MD, president, AMA “no physician in his right mind would hand to his patient a bottled filled with a dangerous drug with instructions to take as much or as little of it as he wished… And yet, the Public Health Service is engaged upon a widespread propaganda program to insist that communities do exactly that…The purpose of administering fluoride


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is not to render the water supply pure and potable but to contaminate it with a dangerous, toxic drug for the purpose of administering mass medication to the consumer, without regard to age or physical condition.” – L. Alesen, MD, president of the California Medical Association Robotry, p14 “Fluoridation is the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated and it has been perpetrated on more people than any other fraud has.” – Albert Schatz, PhD Nobel Laureate for discovering streptomycin quoted in Sutton’s Fluoridation:The Greatest Fraud “More people have died in the last 30 years from cancer connected with fluoridation than all the military deaths in the entire history of the United States.” – Dean Burk, PhD National Cancer Institute – Fluoridation:A Burning Controversy “Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time.” – EPA scientist, Dr. Robert Carton (Downey, 2 May 99) IT ISN’T JUST THE WATER Adding fluoride to the drinking water causes bioaccumulation in our cells, year after year. If fluoride is in the water, it’s everywhere: growing vegetables and fruit washing vegetables and fruit in the meat of animals who have drunk fluoridated water in toothpaste in canned foods in processed foods in soft drinks in beer A 1998 laboratory analysis done at Sequoia Analytical Labs in California


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showed very high concentrations of fluoride in the following foods: • Dole pineapple, canned • Snapple • Coke Classic • Hansen’s soda • Minute Maid orange juice • Gerber strawberry juice for babies • Amstel Lite beer • Rice Dream • Sunny Delight orange drink • Pepsi Another analysis done in 1998 by Jupiter Environmental Labs in Florida showed similar findings:

food . . . fluoride in PPM (parts per million) Gerber White Grape juice. 3.5 Gatorade . . .44 Diet Coke . . 1.12 Lipton Ice Tea . . .58 Sprite . . .73 Hawaiian Punch . . .85 Last one for now. A study in the Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry: . . . food . . . fluoride in PPM (parts per million) Welch’s 100% Grape juice . 2.6 Ocean Spray Crabapple . . 1.8 Hi-C Apple-grape . . 1.16 Minute Maid Grape. . 1.25 Minute Maid White Grape . . 3.0 Gerber’s White Grape . . 6.8 And it’s not just the juices: Froot Loops cereal was found to have 2.1 ppm by Expert Chemical Analysis of San Diego.


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These are just a few examples of fluoride levels in some common grocery store items consumed by most Americans. The point is that there’s an notable fluoride content in many, if not the majority of processed foods in our refrigerators and pantries. That’s not mentioning our fruits and vegetables, even if they’re ‘organic’ but grown with city water. We’re taking in a ton of fluoride from ubiquitous sources. It accumulates over the years in our collagen, bones, and teeth. CANADA BACKS DOWN In 1973, British Columbia was considering mandatory fluoridation. They gave the job of researching and reporting the topic to Richard Foulkes, MD. Foulkes then wrote a 2000 page report and recommended that legislation begin to make fluoride mandatory in Canada. Based on that work, Canada began to fluoridate. Then something happened. Little by little, Foulkes found out that the statistics that his researchers had based their findings on were largely falsified. It took Foulkes years to run down the truth, but by 1992, he shocked the country by backing down from his original recommendation: “I now hold a different view. …the fluoridation of community water supplies can no longer be held to be either safe or effective in the reduction of dental caries….Therefore, the practice should be abandoned.” – Foulkes, 1992 Foulkes is not some tree-hugger from Santa Cruz. He is one of Canada’s top scientific researchers. Many areas of Canada listened and stopped fluoridating. Want to read a first-hand story about lies and greed and disregard for human health and crooked deals between government and industry? Read Dr. Foulkes stuff. Another pro-fluoride Canadian scientist, Dr. Hardy Limeback, changed his tune when he learned that 30-65% of Canadian children now have visible signs of overexposure to fluoride: dental fluorosis. Limeback:


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“Children under three should never use fluoridated toothpaste. Or drink fluoridated water.” – Toronto Star, Michael Downey interview with Limeback Such research also prompted the Canadian Dental Association in 1992 to keep fluoride supplements from children of three and under. But attacking fluoride supplement pills is just a smokescreen to protect fluoridation of drinking water. Most research has found all the above ill effects at concentrations even less than the standard 1 PPM that is in most city water. It’s not the supplements that are killing us; it’s the fluoridated water. FLUORIDATION IN OTHER COUNTRIES If fluoridation is as safe and effective as the American Dental Association says it is, why don’t other countries do it? The U.S. is nowhere near the top of any health list which compares other countries of the worlD. So what are the healthy countries doing? If fluoride is so great, why have the following countries either never fluoridated or else stopped when they found out how bad it was?: West Germany The Netherlands France Belgium Finland Sweden Norway Denmark Japan Italy Scotland – Smith, G. – Foulkes (1992) Only about 2% of the population of Europe is subjected to fluoridated water. – Yiamouyiannis, p.208


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LOCKED IN Three reasons why we’re so far down the road of toxic fluoridation it’s hard to come back: • To reverse the policy of fluoridation now would be for the ADA, the EPA, the FDA, and the USPHS, Congress, and all the municipal water polluters in the US to admit that they made a mistake. Not a good move for reelection. Or liability. • To criticize fluoridation as a policy would challenge the billions of tons of fluoride being released into the air and water by the nuclear, aluminum, phosphate, steel, glass, cement, and petrochemical industries. • If fluoridation stopped, a multi-million dollar gravy train of research grants, propaganda contracts, and sweetheart arrangements between government and industry would vaporize overnight. FREUD AND THE SLIME FACTOR It may not be a good idea to blind ourselves to the presence of cold-blooded 24-karat Evil as it exists in the world today. But it’s not like some madman in a James Bond movie with terminal acne, dressed in a metallic suit, speaking terrible English from his office in a hollowed-out volcano somewhere, threatening to destroy the world. No, no. These guys are polite and wellgroomed, and have impeccable credentials. More like Al Pacino where he’s the devil in that movie with Keanu Reeves – very likable, well-traveled, appreciates a fine wine, knows when to say that one perfect remark to make things work . . … Or even Billy Crystal where he’s the devil in that Woody Allen movie – very charming, urbane. These are not people to be confronted and defeated. No, these individuals advance. Their expertise is in how to get on – pageantry, presentation. Beneath them, are the ones who do the work. Dr. Y chronicles a group of lowlevel bureaucrats and opinion makers whose unsupported, semi-literate propaganda gets constant media play. Propaganda can’t be brilliant, and doesn’t have to be true or make sense. It just has to be simple and be repeated over and over every day. These same pretenders and “social


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scientists” are coincidentally the stable of “experts” who are continually given extensive media space to criticize anything alternative or holistic that threatens organized medicine. Doctors of the evening. Flaccid guns for hire. Their tactics are low-level and powerful, according to the Bernays formula: • conduct no research • avoid the real issues when possible • never engage in any debate where actual research data will be used • attack the opponent, not the issue • don’t try to instruct, or lead through a process of step-by-step education • persuade; do not inform • use emotional phrases to distract people from the real issues • when confronted, change the subject • cover up the real studies; never refer to them • pretend there is some favorable research by using phrases like “Numerous studies have shown…” or “Research has proven…” or “Scientific investigators have found….” but then never cite anything • always harp on the “superior education and training” of the fluoridation people, pretending that the most educated doctors and professionals favor fluoridation, even though Dr Y thoroughly proves that most of the propaganda has been written by non-science people, generally with public relations or mass-psychology backgrounds • keep repeating unfounded falsehoods about the safety and effectiveness of proven poisons • remind people how many decades fluoridation has been going on • favor mandatory fluoridation legislation, removing all opportunity for free discussion when possible • try to keep all opposing evidence from being seen or considered by any policy-making agency


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• omit pertinent data from actual studies Above all, never stop repeating the same falsehoods, over and over. Like him or not, we must respect Freud’s grasp of the human mind and what motivates it. Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, and even though that profession has largely fallen by the wayside, diluted by a thousand social servants, and boatloads of antidepressants, his original principles have found a home: the media. Shaping mass opinion in the “proper” mold – the PC lemmings can be guided to practically any cliff the controllers can dream up. REALITY CHECK Most people have no opportunity to have the facts of the issues presented to them, because of the virtual blackout of information in the media. That’s why all this seems so odd. With the help of the colossal disinformation machine in operation, according to the American Dental Association probably about 62% of the drinking water in the U.S. is fluoridated. ( But some courts have shown the other side of the picture, and beginning to see through the standard shell-games of the pro-fluoridationists. In a famous legal battle over fluoridation in the 1950s we find the judge letting us have it: “By [fluoridating the water] the municipal authorities…arrogate to themselves the sole right to decide what medicine is good for the health of the water consumers, and thereby the municipal water system becomes a direct conduit for the transportation of medicine from the apothecary’s pestle to the patient, without the latter’s consent. Thus will the people be deprived of a very important part of their constitutional liberty under our republican form of government and the police state will be substituted for the police power of the state.” – Justice Donworth in KAUL vs. CITY OF CHEHALIS – from Robotry, p 18 Two decades later a Pennsylvania Supreme Court judge made a meticulous review of all available research, both pro and con, before entering his 1979


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injunction against fluoridation. His Honor was less than impressed with the wit of the fluoridationists: “The proponents of fluoridation do nothing more than try to impugn the objectivity of those who oppose fluoridation.” Judge John Flaherty Pennsylvania Supreme Court Judge Flaherty wrote a letter to the Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand stating: “…In my view the evidence is quite convincing that the addition of sodium fluoride to the public water supply at one part per million is extremely deleterious to the human body, and…there is no convincing evidence to the contrary.” – The Arthritis Trust, 1994 THE LEGAL NOVELTY OF FLUORIDATION Fluoridation is a totally new idea, from a Constitutional point of view. It’s nothing like adding chlorine. Although chlorine has toxic side effects, it actually does something beneficial to the water – chlorine purifies the water. Fluoride does no such thing. Fluoride is a drug, a medication that supposedly has beneficial effects for a small percentage of the population. “The purpose of administering fluoride is not to render the water supply pure and potable but to contaminate it with a dangerous toxic drug for the purpose of administering mass medication to the consumer without regard to age or physical condition.” – Alesen, p 16 In other words, without consent. And giving drugs without consent is in direct violation of international codes of war behavior, like Nuremberg and the Geneva Accords. Commenting on the famous KAUL case above, Judge Hamley had this to say: “What future proposals may be made to treat noncontagious disease by adding ingredients to our water supply, or food or air, only time will tell. When that day arrives, those who treasure their personal liberty will look in vain for a constitutional safeguard. The answer will be : ‘You gave the Constitution away in the Kaul case.” – Robotry, p. 18


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CONVERSATION STOPPER Want to stop a fluoridation advocate in his tracks? Ask him to cite exact legitimate studies that prove fluoridation prevents tooth decay. Then find them. Besides the few bogus political documents by Dean and Cox, cited above, there aren’t any. Fluoride research is a huge area. The fact that most studies have been almost completely suppressed for the past 50 years mars many illusions about the democratic process. If people want fluoride in their drinking water, let them buy supplements. Fluoridation of municipal water has nothing to do with health. It’s just politics. A THOUSAND LITTLE BATTLES The fluoridation battle is being waged back and forth in the individual cities and towns across America. Many districts have never fluoridated. Many others have recently decided to begin fluoridation. Still another group of 63 cities, since 1900, which had fluoridated for a long time, have voted to stop. (Jones) It’s an ongoing struggle, with million of dollars of fluoridiot funding available for presentations, flyers, and media ads in any community where the issue is coming up for a vote. If fluoridation is defeated this year, it may appear on the ballot again the following year if the city is on the Priority Schedule. California’s Priority Schedule is a list of 167 communities in California which are being targeted by the formidable alliance of fluoridation interests. (Table 64434-A) Doesn’t look like they’ll run out of cash any time in this life: support comes from the slush funds and lobbyists of the mega industrial polluters who wish to maintain the public water works as their private sewer. They want to keep this 50-year gravy train rolling, and the best way to do that is marketing and promotion. Here are the Top Ten of the 1999 Priority Schedule in California: Helix Water District Ventura, CA Daly City, CA Escondido, CA


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Santa Maria CA Fair Oaks Water District Manhattan Beach, CA Sweetwater Authority Santa Barbara, CA El Dorado Irrigation District It floors you to realize the immense amount of scientific research and legal opinion proving the toxicity of fluoride since the 1930s, that has been ignored and suppressed. Why did all those people do all that work? With every new city that places fluoridation on the ballot, all the old arguments are dragged out, as if it’s from scratch every time, without the benefit of input from all the other hundreds of communities that have gone through this same battle. Divide and conquer – worked for the Romans. Antifluoridationist information programs are often privately funded grassroots little organizations, but their influence is being felt across the nation. With the rise of the Internet, it is getting harder to keep people from learning the real effects about fluoride. For these reasons, clean water is very slowing making progress against the totalitarian forces of mass medications. But the struggle never ends. OTHER CONTAMINANTS Chlorine and fluoride are added on purpose to the water. We haven’t even mentioned the millions of tons of industrial pollutants that sneak into the earth’s water supply every year. To give just one small example, Congress did a study in 1979 of the extent of industrial pollution between 1950 and 1970. They verified just a part of what was actually dumped into America’s water supply: the top 14% of industrial polluters discharged 1.5 trillion pounds of industrial wastes into the water supply in that 20 year period. What about the other 86%? Think it’s improved since 1970? Consider this:


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Water - thedoctorwithin

The only federal agency for ensuring clean drinking water is the EPA. In 1997, after the cryptosporidium deaths in Milwaukee and Las Vegas, Clinton tried to upgrade the provisions of the 1986 Safe Drinking Water Act. But the EPA only regulates some 60 chemicals—there are thousands of chemical pollutants in the water! And the states are individually claiming that complying with the restrictions on just those 60 are “too expensive” because they just don’t have the money. Most water systems are operating on very old designs with inadequate capacity. (Kupua A’o, p16) As a result, in 1991-1992 alone, the EPA reported over 250,000 violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act, affecting more than 100 million Americans. (Natural Resources Defense Council) For those 250,000 violations, guess on how many the EPA took enforcement action. Just guess. About 600. We’re on our own out here. HOW CAN WE GET PURE, CLEAN WATER? The tap water in this country seems to have a few problems: organochlorines fluoride PCBs THMs heavy metals resistant biologicals You’d think that since we created the problem, we could fix it. But even if Greenpeace or someone took over the government of the world tomorrow and stopped all further pollution tonnage, it would be years, decades before the water would be like it was before the Industrial Revolution. These contaminants will be around for centuries. By now everyone knows what the concept of half-life means. Different data sources, different time frames, but one thing is certain: the water cannot be cleaned up in our lifetime, no matter what is done. Writing a sentence like that is a shocker. Where is my ninja team?


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Water - thedoctorwithin

So what can we do? Don’t drink the tap water for starters. But does that also mean don’t wash vegetables, make ice cubes, or cook with tap water? Yes, it does, because heat doesn’t destroy fluoride, heavy metals, or other contaminants. Remember the word bioaccumulative. So the first step is BOTTLED WATER That’s right – drag it home from the market every week. Or the 5-gallon bottle from the water store. Is that safe enough? Maybe. Who knows? You have to trust two groups of people in order to be sure: • the regulating agencies • the sellers Bottled spring water became a billion dollar industry in just a few years. As a result, competition is bringing the cost to the consumer down all the time. Availability is no longer a problem – it’s at 7-11, as well as all grocery stores everywhere. There are 2 obvious categories of bottled spring water: low end and high end: LOW Evian Black Mountain Crystal Geyser, etc HIGH Eterna Voss Icelandic Fuji, etc. Water stores also sell reverse osmosis water – no minerals. Lower grade than natural spring water. Bottled water is only as good as the monitoring


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system in place. Step right up. FILTERS “Buy a filter or be a filter.” That’s one company’s slogan. Today there is enough grassroots consciousness about the dangers of tap water that cheap carbon filters are now available in any hardware store which attach easily to the kitchen faucet. It is likely that such filters get rid of most of the chlorine – for awhile. But to really get the resistant biologicals, the fluoride, heavy metals, and other contaminants, the customer may consider one of the high-end drinking water filters. These cost between two and four hundred dollars and come in models for both over and under the sink. Names like Alpine, MultiPure, and Spectrapure, are among the dozens of brand names that have come along during the past 20 years. Everyone claims to be the best, of course, but we can find some important similarities in their advertising. When you begin to compare the better water filters, you notice common concerns: ? chlorine ? THMs ? cloriform ? chloramines ? cryptosporidium and giardia lamblia cysts ? fluoride ? pesticides and toxic chemicals ? heavy metals ? minerals ? MTBEs ? nitrates Killing microbials is not a big deal since most of that’s been done by chlorine. Most contaminants are removed by the better filters. The problem when choosing a filter seems to come down to four main concerns: fluoride, minerals, THMs, and nitrates. Difficult to find one filter that does everything:


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many reverse osmosis filters take out fluoride, but also the healthy minerals. Many of the high-end carbon filters will not remove fluoride or nitrates, but leave the healthy minerals. Fluoride is obviously a biggie. Find out if the filter you are about to buy removes fluoride, and what percentage. After what we’ve learned about fluoride, we should expect a filter to remove it, wouldn’t you say? Problem is: the demand. Due to fluoridiot propaganda, most Americans don’t even realize fluoride is bad, and therefore don’t think about it when considering a water filter. NSF is a third-party non-profit testing agency that has been rating water filters for the past 50 years. Always ask – is it NSF-certified? For what? Don’t be fooled if they say ‘NSF-tested.’ Big difference. Minerals is an area of some controversy. You’ve got the hard water / soft water debate. Hard water has more minerals in it, which obviously is better for the bones and teeth, and probably for the heart as well. That makes sense, although as we saw in the Minerals chapter, elemental minerals are the least absorbed of all types. Elemental means from rocks, and that’s the kind that would be in spring water, and therefore in filtered water, except for reverse osmosis. In my opinion, hard water is better than distilled. Most naturopaths and holistic nutritionists don’t like distilled water because they say it leaches minerals from the bones and teeth. In general, that seems logical, although Dr. Y says it doesn’t make any difference unless the person is extremely malnourished. The truth is, no formal studies comparing distilled with mineral water have been done, so it’s all pretty theoretical. But thinking about the Hunzas and their 120-year lifespan that was attributed to the glacial mineral waters they drank, one can see the value of minerals in drinking water. A high-end water filter should take this discussion into consideration and give reasons about the importance or unimportance of filtering out certain minerals. Comes down to a choice: reverse osmosis or carbon block. With reverse osmosis you’ve got no fluoride filtration, no minerals, and wasting


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about 4-9 gallons to get one gallon of pure water. (A’o, p72) With high-end carbon mesh filters, you can get rid of everything but fluoride, and you’ll still have minerals. These are questions for the filter sales force. Make ‘em dance for you. Caveat emptor – only 5 states have any regulations about what water filter manufacturers can say. On the Internet – it’s a total jungle! There is one excellent little book which can save a lot of research time: Don’t Drink the Water. The author goes into great detail in comparing the attributes and quality of the basic filter units. He points out the advantages of placing a KDF filter before the carbon filter in order to insure that bacteria won’t begin to grow within the carbon. THE REST OF THE ICEBERG Sorry if this chapter got to be Information Overload. The materials cited really only scratch the surface of the research that has been done in these areas. The purpose of the chapter has been to acquaint the reader with some of the basic issues in regard to drinking water, issues which are systematically hidden from the media, for obvious reasons. Prove them wrong, if you can; just don’t pretend like these problems don’t exist. When you read something that proclaims the purity of tap water or the importance of fluoride, maybe now you will notice how studies are claimed but never cited. Look behind what you read and try to see the persuasive tactics of Freud’s nephew. Appreciate the mastery of an art. The physiological importance of hydration has really been glossed over by doctors and nutritionists, not on purpose, but simply because it’s not taught. The ideas of Dr. Batmanghelidj must be confronted – either he’s right or else there’s a major gap in our health information. It’s unfortunate that the sludge of politics has to be hauled into a discussion of water purity. But once you discover how and why our water got this way, the political influences are like an elephant in the living room – pretty hard to ignore. Not exactly hot news; politics has been controlling science ever since


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they locked Galileo in that high-rise jail for discovering the earth went around the sun. Which is why you shouldn’t expect much support if you try to discuss or substantiate what you’ve just learned in this chapter. Lemmings know what lemmings are told. The rest of the iceberg is left to you. This chapter is just the briefest glimpse of the top part. With a little follow-up, perhaps you won’t make the same mistake the captain of the Titanic made: thinking that there’s nothing in the water that can hurt you.?? copyright: MMXVII REFERENCES Batmandjeld, F MD The Body’s Many Cries for Water 1994 Global Health Solutions Robbins, T Even Cowgirls Get the Blues Bantam 1990 Guyton, A, MD Textbook of Medical Physiology Saunders 1996 Spangler L Xenoestrogens and Cancer: Nowhere To Run WomenWise Magazine Winter 1996 Whang, S Reverse Aging 1990 Greenpeace Chlorine Crisis: Time for a Global Phase-out 1990 Fackelman, K Hints of a chlorine-cancer connection Science News, Jul11, 1992, p142 Price, Joseph M MD Coronaries, Cholesterol, Chlorine 1990 Water Review 7,2, 1992 Findings Link Chlorination with Bladder and Rectal Cancer Rathburn R Potentially Deleterious Effects of Chlorinating Mississippi River Water for Drinking


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U.S. Geological Survey – Circ.#1133 Simmon & Tardiff The mutagenic activity of halogenated compounds found in chlorinated drinking water Water Chlorination, Environmental Impact and Health Effects p 417 Ann Arbor Science Popular Science June 1996 Water Purity: Chlorine Alternatives Greenpeace International, website How Chlorine Chemicals Are Made What Is Dioxin? PVC Plastic Pulp and Paper Briefing 1992 Chlorine in the World Chlorophiles website: Howell, E MD Enzyme Nutrition 1985 Avery Griffiths, J and Bryson, C Fluoride, Teeth, and the A-bomb Earth Island Journal Winter 1997-98 p. 38 Foulkes, R MD Fluoride & Brain Damage: A Secret Revealed Canadian Journal of Health and Nutrition Sep 1998, p.67 Foulkes, R MD Fluoridation of Community Water Supplies, 1992 Update Townsend Letter for Doctors Jun 1992, p 450 Foulkes, R MD “Hydrofluoric Acid” Townsend Letter for Doctors July 1993, p 696 Dustrude, R Letter Health Freedom News Jan 1993, p 36


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Ferry, J Capt Request for Animal Experimentation to Determine CNS Effects Letter 29 Apr 44 Yiamouyiannis, J Fluoride the Aging Factor 1993 Health Action Press Ishida, K MD The Effects of Fluoride on Bone Metabolism Koku Kisei Gakkai Zasshi 31, p330 1981 Kanagawa Dental University, Japan Downey, M A crack appears in the fluoride front (Interview with Dr. Hardy Limeback) Toronto Star 25 Apr 99 Downey, M Few answers to support fluoride use Toronto Star 2 May 99 Bronkers, A et al. A Histological Study of the Short Term Effects of Fluoride on Enamel Archives of Oral Biology vol 29, p803 1984 Dean, HT MD Further Studies on Minimal Threshold of Chronic Endemic Dental Fluorosis Public Health Reports vol. 52 p1249 1937 Burk, D PhD Fluoridation: A Burning Issue Bestways Apr 1982 p 44 Segretto V et al A Current Study of Mottled Enamel in Texas JADA vol.108, p56 1984 Jacobsen, S MD Regional Variations in the Incidence of Hip Fracture JAMA vol268, p 746 1992 Alesen, L MD Robotry and Water: A Critique of Fluoridation Freedom Club 1960 Waldbott,G, MD Chronic Fluorine Intoxication from Drinking Water International Archives of Allergy 7:70-74, 1955


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Riggs, BL MD Effect of Fluoride Treatment on the Fracture Rate in Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis New England Journal of Medicine vol 322, p802, (1990) Aksyuk & Bulychev Physiological effects of small amounts of fluoride on the organism Gigiena I Sanitariya vol 27, no. 12 p7 (1962) Shortt, H et al. Endemic Fluorosis in the Madras Presidency Indian Journal of Medical Research 25:553-568 Oct 1937 Klein W et al. DNA repair and environmental substances Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Bader und Kilmaheilkune vol.24, no.3, p.218 1976 Austrian Society of Atomic Energy Tsutsui T, et al. Sodium-fluoride induced morphological and neoplastic transformation Cancer Research vol 44, pp 938-941 Burk & Yiamouyiannis Fluoride and Cancer Congressional Record p H7173 21 Jul 1975 Shin, M Laboratory Analysis 19 May 98 Sequoia Analytical project # 9805C34 Ross, C Laboratory Analysis 26 May 98 Jupiter Environmental Laboratories, Inc. log# 1478-1490 Polansky, J Analytical Testing Report 17 Jun 98 Expert Chemical Analysis, Inc. San Diego #JPS p.115 Cohn, PD A brief report on the association of drinking water fluoridation and the incidence of osteosarcoma among young males New Jersey Dept of Health Nov. 1992. Armstrong&Brekhus Possible Relationship between the fluorine content of enamel and resistance to dental caries Journal of Dental Research vol 17 p393 1938


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Beiraghi S et al. Low level fluoride in drinking water and caries incidence in rats Journal of Dental Research vol 67 p318 1988 RHS Editorial. Concern about dietary fluoride supplementation Journal of Dental Research vol 96 p1158 1978 Editorial Chronic Fluorine Intoxication JAMA 18 Sept 43 vol 123 p. 150 Editorial Effect of fluorine on dental caries JADA 1 Oct 44 p 1360 DiFabio, A et al. Governmentally Approved Poison The Arthritis Trust of America 1994 Smith, G Fluoride: dental wonder or medical blunder? Explore No.5 1994 p 60 Bernays, E Propaganda 1928 Jones, M Rejection of Water Fluoridation list 1999 Health and Safety Code Table 64434-A Section 40266.7 4th Annual Conference of State Dental Directors with the Public Health Service and the Children’s Bureau, Federal Security Bldg, Washington, DC 6 Jun 1951 Natural Resources Defense Council Think Before You Drink: The Failure of the Nation’s Drinking Water System to Protect Public Health Sept. 1993 Clark University Scientific Forum on Water Fluoridation 24 Oct 96 videotape Preventive Dental Health Association: Fluoride Risk Assessment Press Release videotape Miller, A MD Fluoridation of Water: Extension of Remarks Congressional Record 25 Mar 1952 p A1899


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Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products 1984 Williams & Wilkins A’o, L Don’t Drink the Water 1998 Kali Banik, Allen DDS Hunza Land Whitehorn Publ., Long Beach 1960 Taylor, Renee Hunza Health Secrets Universal Publishing, NY, 1964

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9/17/23, 8:21 PM

The Three Attributes of Water - thedoctorwithin

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The Three Attributes of Water Get Our Newsletter

Hydration has always been a big part of the 60 Day Program. Going from almost no water, like many patients, to 2 litres a day can solve many health problems all by itself. I have always known hydration was a prime factor in many of the success stories that appear on the Feedback and Testimonials section of the site. Recently I have learned how to take hydration to a whole new stratum. The technology is not even new — the Japanese have had it for 30 years. Now in the past 2 years it’s available here. Just a word on the 3 attributes of water: molecular size pH oxidation Water coming out of the taps in most houses is very harsh, to say the least. It is in huge molecules, probably closer to H200/O100 than it is to H2O. Molecules this large have difficulty being absorbed at the cellular level, even in the rare event the individual drinks adequate water. Second is pH. Water we drink should be as close to normal blood pH as possible: 7.3 – 7.45. All the trashy foods and soft drinks we eat are constantly acidifying our body’s system: that means lowering the pH. Acidification


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promotes virtually every disease process known to man. So drinking high pH water will tip the scales in the opposite end: alkaline. Life functions soar. Thirdly, the best water can act as a mild antioxidant, like Vitamin C or Vitamin E by neutralizing free radicals. See chapter on antioxidants. Taken together, drinking 2 litres of this type of water per day can have a curative effect on almost any degenerative process, especially aging! What do we always say – old and dried up…? It’s literally true. When you can begin to hydrate again, for the first time in years, miraculous results occur. Was it really such a miracle though – to add the most vital nutrient human physiology is based on? These days common sense seems to be the real miracle. There is a machine for the home that can provide these 3 properties to your water supply at home that makes it far better than the unregulated bottled water you’re dragging in every week. For the few cases that are slow to respond to the 60 Day Program, provided they’re actually following it, of course, this alkalized water is the crowning touch, the missing piece of the puzzle. Anyone in San Jose can get this water for free from my office. For more background science, see Dr Batmanghelidj’s last book: Water and Salt.


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The Three Attributes of Water - thedoctorwithin

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Death By Treadmill - thedoctorwithin

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Death By Treadmill Get Our Newsletter

codicil to To The Heart Patient Steve was one of my best friends. He was the one guy you could always count on for sound advice and the bottom line. Everyone was shocked one morning recently when he dropped dead on the treadmill. Yep – prince of a guy – wrote him one hell of a eulogy. But I was more than shocked – I was hopping mad – mad at Steve for not heeding the many red flags that had popped up in the last few years. Nature lets us slide sometimes, but she gets really fragged when we keep ignoring her. She’s not interested in our little projects or our deadlines or our responsibilities or our hopes and dreams, or how much risk we’re willing to take. Nope – she doesn’t give a flying fig. Nature has rules. And she will be obeyed. The 10 and 12 hour days, the nonstop travelling, the overeating, the quintuple bypass, the stent procedure, the wining and dining – Steve got away with them for a long time. The bypass was not a loud enough alarm.


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Death By Treadmill - thedoctorwithin

Steve talked about how much he had cleaned up his act, but it wasn’t enough. Turning down second helpings of rich food, or that third bottle of wine may give the illusion that it’s under control, but the actual cardiovascular physiology involved isn’t quite so forgiving. And that’s the point – it’s not enough to ‘cut back’ on one’s usual and customary foods, from the hog-sized portions, and to take those blood thinners and beta blockers every day, and hop on that treadmill. Nope, not after a heart attack. It’s the illusion of change. Most of us think in terms of convenience – I’ll be able to cut back a little I guess, and forego the more obvious excesses, but let’s not get carried away here… That’s the precise attitude that will get you carried away. In a pine box. At 59 years old. The specifics of the Last Chance Lifestyle are elaborated in detail on the website in the chapters titled The Last Resort and The 60 Day Program The Last Resort and The 60 Day Program Common sense really: no refined carbohydrates, hydrogenated oils, pasteurized dairy, coffee, or alcohol. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, a little meat. Except for the first 3 weeks following heart attack or bypass: then it’s the orange juice/ coconut fast. Every 2 hours. Simple. Inconvenient? You bet. How does being dead sound? Apparently not that bad, because given this choice between lifestyle change and death, most will choose death. Like Steve. People with heart problems sometimes play a little game with themselves. Especially those who have had bypasses. They acknowledge that yes, I do have a heart problem, but then pretend that a little daily exercise is all they need to make them healthy again, irrespective of all other considerations. Including diet.


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Death By Treadmill - thedoctorwithin

This is a very risky plan of action, ultimately self-deceiving. As we have seen above, just because the new grafts they bypassed your coronary arteries with were relatively clean when they put them in doesn’t mean they’ll stay clean. In fact the opposite is more likely. Why on earth would they stay clean? The same lifestyle that clogged the old arteries will certainly clog the new ones. Nature abhors a vacuum. Now heart muscle is different from skeletal muscle, like your biceps. Your biceps gets stronger as it gets bigger. Opposite for cardiac muscle: as it enlarges, it gets weaker, less substantial, flimsier, less collagen. For the heart patient, if the heart muscle enlarged before the operation or the heart attack, that muscle tissue was weakened by 2 separate long term processes: 1. lack of exercise 2. muscle damage from refined sugars and hydrogenated foods Alcohol is THE refined sugar. So if you’ve had a heart attack or heart surgery and you think you can exercise your way back to a vital heart without a rigid new diet, you’re looking to find out whether reincarnation is for real or not, my friend. Because this time around will soon be over. That’s what all the statistics say. These new medical procedures are miracles of technology, for sure. They can temporarily extend lives. But heart attack, or the discovery of coronary artery occlusion for many people is their one and only wakeup call. In most cases the only chance of recovery and normal life span is a radical switch to a rigid diet with no deviations. Starting today. And for the first 2 months even more rigid than the New West Diet. Orange juice/coconut fast for 3 weeks, then fruits and vegetables, green foods, beans and rice, period. Is it fun? No. Do you deserve it? If you’re lucky. Can you do it? Well, that’s the real question, isn’t it?


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Death By Treadmill - thedoctorwithin

Our comfort food patterns are one of the things we live for. To give them up requires a level of education and discipline that very few are up for. Too bad for the departed – in most cases their families would have liked to have had them around for a few more years. Or at least the dog might have. Everybody who drops dead of a heart attack dies with a full schedule – all the things they were planning on doing that week. 40% of them got no wake up call – the heart attack itself was their very first symptom. Next thing they know they’re hanging with Elvis. So surviving a heart attack is already like winning big at the track, or at Caesar’s. You just won a second chance at life. That’s a big deal. Nobody talks about stuff like this, usually because it’s too scary to think of. Who wants to chat about the odds of ol’ Dad kicking off this month? Doctors don’t talk about it for at least 2 reasons: – usually they have little information on a survival diet – they’re world-weary of people not following any of their advice – drinking, fast food, smoking, inactivity, etc. Who listens? The human thing to do after a surviving a heart event is to surround yourself with people who won’t tell you the truth about how close the Grim Reaper is lurking about – here he comes choppin’ and reapin’ etc…. They don’t talk about your continued alcohol intake, or pizza and fries, heavy foods, or chips, donuts, ice cream, etc. Or the fact that you’re not playing the last card you’ve been dealt. That would be upsetting – to mention your determination to finish yourself off and act like you’re fine, you’re just as healthy as before, you’ll live a long life… . . We’re so used to taking for granted the miracles of our bodies. Miracles like having the body convert nutritious food to useful forms, and then eliminate the wastes. Miracles like drawing in a breath of air and having the blood pick up the oxygen from the lungs, and then circulate it to every cell. Miracles like


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processing the worst junk foods ever created by man out of the body. These things are miracles that we take for granted every day. But they’re unimaginably delicate and tenuous, and conditional and so fragile. And not warranteed if we violate the conditions of the original contract. So when one of these systems breaks down – like the circulatory system – that’s the signal that our normal life must come to a complete stop, reevaluate, educate, and then renavigate — a total change of direction. Most times we get one chance. We might get away ignoring it for a year, maybe two, like Steve. But no more realistic hopes for longevity. So, back to exercise. Of course it’s important for the heart patient – but only as one side of the coin. One half of the recipe for survival. Forget either half, and you’ll be dead as disco. After all you’re just flesh and blood. Like Steve.


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Module 2: Modern Food Industry - Health or Chronic Disease? - thedoctorwithin

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Module 2: Modern Food Industry – Health or Chronic Disease? Get Our Newsletter

Dr Tim O’Shea 10 Sections This short course will address the following subjects: Recombinant bovine growth hormone in all pasteurized dairy Gastric reflux The creators of psychoneurological addiction – Comfort Foods Calcium buffering, pH, and normal weight The weight loss industry The physiology of obesity Food allergies and the high protein diet The Threshold of Reactivity Diabetes and the history of sugar . **************************************************************************************** ****



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Module 2: Modern Food Industry - Health or Chronic Disease? - thedoctorwithin


In 1906 a medical doctor named Charles Porter wrote an brilliant book entitled Milk Diet As a Remedy for Disease. The book went through some 11 editions. It is Dr Porter’s unique chronicle of 39 years of research into the Raw Milk Cure. In this protocol, the patient was to have no other food for one month except raw milk: between 2 to 4 quarts per day. No other food at all. Porter describes resolution or improvement of virtually all of over 18,000 cases he treated during that period. He charts out a list of types of illness which responded: Diabetes asthma High blood pressure allergies Periodontal disease malaria Heart disease gallstones Kidney disease tuberculosis Brain disorders Pleurisy Any digestive disorder Dr Porter maintained that the success of the raw milk cure may be attributed to the promotion of new blood being produced. He explains that raw milk has similar properties to healthy blood and that may be the reason it offers such an effective cure in so many types of cases. Another doctor about that same time, J Crewe MD of the Mayo Clinic was using the same technique. For over 15 years Dr Crewe employed the Raw Milk Diet in thousands of instances, obtaining similar results as Dr Porter.


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Module 2: Modern Food Industry - Health or Chronic Disease? - thedoctorwithin

Dr Crewe noted especially the beneficial effect the diet had on tuberculosis patients. Crewe’s theory concurred with Porter’s about the similar compositions of blood and raw milk being the reason why the diet worked so well. The work of these two doctors was not particularly radical, from a traditional point of view. The milk cure had been well known in many countries for centuries. As Dr Howell stated: “…the status raw milk gained as a healing remedy for chronic disease throughout hundreds of years vanished with the advent of pasteurized milk” Francis Pottenger MD went even further in proclaiming the salubrious properties of raw milk: “women who did not have access to raw milk or who refused to drink it put the development of their babies in jeopardy and should not breastfeed.” THE INTRODUCTION OF ARTIFICIAL HORMONES INTO TODAY’S DAIRY COWS In recent years demand for milk has skyrocketed in this country. This demand promoted the replacement of individual dairy farms with huge corporate operations. Normally lactating cows could no longer meet new requirements of the new industry. Enter the age of hormones. With respect to modern large-scale corporate dairy farming, the inordinate amounts of hormones given to commercial dairy cows control lactation in a wholly unnatural way. Such a cow is forced to lactate continuously, artificially prolonged by synthetic hormones. After about 3 years, the cow milks out and is then disposed of, sold to fast food chains or food packers, even though the meat by that time is saturated with persistent hormones and antibiotics. In stark contrast, the raw dairy cows lactate naturally by bearing a calf every year. In this way they can produce natural milk for 8-12 years, or even


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longer. Consider the obvious difference between the two types of milk that are the result of these two entirely different systems of animal husbandry. Posilac was the first mass-marketed genetically modified product. Posilac contained the synthetic hormone known as recombinant bovine growth hormone – rBGH. This chemical compound was originally invented as a veterinary drug. Ignoring overwhelming research from the own scientists, the FDA approved Posilac in 1994. In point of fact, any FDA scientists who objected to the approval of rBGH were fired. (p 81) In his startling book Seeds of Deception, which serves as an good introduction to the GMO foods phenomenon, Jeffrey Smith carefully details the politics of how Monsanto’s product was able to become the mainstay of the vast US corporate dairy industry, irrespective of every single legitimate scientific study warning against it. (Smith, p 97) FDA scientists were coerced into signing a document stating that that rBGH was harmless, even though they had mountains of research showing how Posilac caused many types of damage to the cows’ physiology including: Udder infections Reproductive disorders Infertility Birth defects Cancer Allergies Increased size of heart, liver, kidneys, ovaries, adrenals (Smith p 88) There was no long term safety testing on rBGH done before approval. The original studies used for approval only lasted 90 days and were done on only 30 rats. {Smith p 85) The scientists were also forced to say the rBGH is destroyed 90% by pasteurization and by digestion, even though it is well documented that most of it persists in the human gut, intact. (GAPS Analysis)


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Module 2: Modern Food Industry - Health or Chronic Disease? - thedoctorwithin

The original bovine studies prescribed 10 mg of rBGH per day, and were only done on 3 cows. All the above mentioned negative effects happened after those small doses, but that is nothing compared to the amounts of rBGH given to modern cows: 500 mg every 2 weeks is the standard dosage for commercial dairy cows today. IGF-1 But the real endocrine disruption occurs not from rBGH directly, but from another hormone whose production is stimulated by rBGH: insulinlike growth hormone, also called IGF-1. IGF-1 is actually a natural hormone, occurring in both humans and cows, in small amounts. It is the hormone that ends lactation once it is time to wean the baby. The problem is that the amount of rBGH injected into today’s dairy cows causes IGF-1 levels to rise to 1000x normal, which levels are then persistent. The first and obvious danger is that IGF-1 has the ability to inhibit cell death of lacteal cells. Imagine the presence of a hormone in your body that was 1000x the normal level and had the ability to inhibit cell death of tissue. IGF-1 increases milk output in cows by its ability to inhibit cell death of lacteals – cancels out normal apoptosis. That means it causes cells that should have died to continue to divide: the textbook definition of metaplasia. But remember, it is a systemic hormone, and this cell-proliferative action is not restricted to breast tissue only. So it is not surprising to learn these statistics about IGF-1, from the very extensive research conducted by the Canadian GAPS Analysis Report: Premenopausal women with high IGF-1 are 7x more likely to develop breast cancer Men are 4x more likely to develop prostate cancer (Science, 23 Jan 98 p 563) IGF-1 is also implicated in colon and lung cancer


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– Seeds of Deception p 97 Canadian GAPS Analysis Report In addition, the GAPS study went on to document a very high incidence of birth defects, reproductive disorders, infections, weight loss, and increased size of kidneys, liver, ovaries and adrenals – in cows. And that is the reason the rBGH has been illegal in Canada since 1999 – not for what it does to humans, but for the damage it does to cows! A follow up study of rBGH in Europe found similar effects in humans, corroborating the large increases in breast and prostate cancers. Posilac is banned in the UK and in most of Europe, as well as in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Indeed, the only major nation that allows the majority of its milk to contain this dangerous hormone is the US. It has been backed by official White House policy ever since its inception. {Smith p99). The average American consumes more than 19 gallons of pasteurized milk annually. Unless the milk is labeled organic, virtually all of it may be assumed to contain huge amounts of rBGH. Ice Cream What about ice cream? It’s practically an American institution, and probably one of the highest motivators for child behavior control. As we have seen above, all commercial ice cream is made from pasteurized milk, which cannot be completely digested. Like all pasteurized dairy, once in the body, it has a tendency to ferment instead of break down, thereby becoming a sensitizing allergen, a culture medium for opportunistic organisms, and one of the most common contributors to childhood asthma. Remember when you were a child and used to eat ice cream out of the carton? And remember when you couldn’t eat any more but there was a little left at the bottom of the carton, so you just put the carton in the sink and went to bed. And when you came down the next morning the rest of the ice cream would have melted down the drain. Try that today. Today whatever you leave in the sink will certainly still be there the next morning. Why is that? Because it’s no longer ice and it certainly isn’t cream. In addition to pasteurized milk,


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modern ice cream contains indigestible modifiers and gums and food extenders and processing ingredients and preservatives and texture controllers, as well as artificial chemicals for flavoring. If you’re addicted to ice cream at least you should know the company you’re in: Ben Cohen – of Ben & Jerry’s – had a quintuple bypass at age 49 Burt Baskins founder of Baskin-Robbins died of a heart attack at age 51 Irv Robbins, his partner, developed type II diabetes at 52 — John Robbins interview, Supersize Me All holistic nutritionists agree on one idea: for childhood allergies, the first thing that must be done is to eliminate all dairy for 60 days. This includes all milk, cheese , butter, ice cream, yogurt. You can either make excuses why you can’t do that, or else try it and and watch the allergies disappear. REVIEW QUESTION MODULE 2 SECTION 1 A cow may lactate for 8-12 years provided that She is given sufficient Bovine Growth Hormone She is spayed at birth She is never allowed to become pregnant She is a Guernsey She bears a calf annually * . ***************************************************************************** . MODULE 2 SECTION 2 – GASTRIC REFLUX


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To conclude our discussion of enzymes, processed enzymeless foods cannot be well digested. They clog up both the alimentary tract and the bloodstream. Such food may become only half-digested, which is really just another word for rotting. Each type of food rots differently in the tract: fats go rancid, proteins putrefy and carbohydrates ferment. Stagnant rotting food creates toxins and free radicals, and may also become a culture medium for any opportunistic microorganisms which might be looking for a conducive environment in which to proliferate. FREE RADICALS FROM UNDIGESTED PROCESSED FOOD Through Leaky Gut Syndrome, as mentioned above, free radicals may then enter the blood. Free radicals, as we know, are unstable molecules missing an electron on the outer ring. They collide with other normal molecules in a constant attempt to steal back the missing electron. This chain reaction mechanism can destroy cells, causing premature aging of tissues.


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In the erythrocytes specifically, free radicals present in the blood attack the red cell membrane, causing it to shrivel up and dehydrate. This abnormal conformation largely defeats the true purpose of the red cell: to provide maximum hemoglobin-rich surface area for the binding and delivery of oxygen to all cells of the body, all the time. In addition, free radicals can invade and alter the DNA of any cell, without killing the cell. When that happens the cell may still be able to reproduce itself, but can no longer specialize. What do doctors call a situation in which a group of cells has lost the ability to specialize but not the ability to proliferate? Right again: metaplasia. Cell de-differentiation. Therefore it is not idle speculation or semantics to state that processed foods are carcinogenic. The metabolic pathways connecting the creation of free radicals in the manufacturing, processing, and attempted digestion of processed foods, followed by the consequent alteration of cell DNA – these pathways have been incontrovertibly identified by dozens of legitimate sources. CHRONIC INDIGESTION Gas, bloating, heartburn, stomach ache, feeling full when beginning to eat, abdominal cramping, unsatisfied hunger – these are common symptoms of enzyme deficiency, a modern epidemic. But most doctors treat such problems as though they were signs of medication deficiency. Perfect examples are Tagamet and Prilosec – standard drugs given for indigestion and heartburn. Let us consider briefly why prolonged drug protocols for chronic indigestion are so unsuccessful. Let us start by imagining a typical diet of an adult with chronic indigestion. Not too difficult to surmise: pizza, french fries, chips, coffee, pasteurized dairy, deep fried foods, refined carbohydrates, etc, – the standard diet consumed by 80% of Americans 80% of their lives. The prime common characteristic shared by all these foods is their lack of enzymes, since that’s the definition of a processed food.


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So of course it’s going to be difficult for the body to metabolize such a bolus of masticated material once it goes down the esophagus, simply because the entire burden of enzymatic breakdown is now placed on the body’s own digestive resources. As a result, once in the stomach, the bolus just sits there, even though the stomach keeps producing more and more acids and digestive juices trying to break down the overcooked, hydrogenated, refined, chemical-laden mass we call food. But the task is overwhelming, because most of the food is so new to the human species that the body doesn’t recognize it well enough to assign enzymes for its breakdown. Even though our system can’t metabolize these synthetic foods, it will never stop trying, because the body will always try to survive, will always try to clean itself. And so more and more digestive enzymes and HCl keep pouring in, in a valiant attempt to digest the indigestible. REFLUX AND HEARTBURN Upon swallowing the next load of favorite foods, the cardiac sphincter at the lower end of the esophagus opens up to deposit the food into the stomach. In that brief instant, some of the digestive juice that has been sitting there unable to do its work may splash back into the sensitive esophageal mucosa causing a painful condition known as reflux esophagitis, or heartburn. Another common experience of reflux esophagitis may occur when the patient lies down at night and dinner comes back up the esophagus. A typical complaint from these patients is that when they start to eat they already feel full. That’s because they are full: the tract is all the way full, top to bottom. A classic misdiagnosis of this same condition is hiatal hernia, which is something rare and completely different and unrelated. Hiatal hernia occurs when the top part of the stomach invaginates upward through the weakened musculature of the diaphragm and becomes trapped in that position. The top part of the stomach becomes compressed by the surrounding diaphragm and


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it cannot descend to it normal position. It is very painful. In the old days, a folk cure was for the patient to drink a gallon of water and then jump off a chair, landing flat-footed. The intention was that the extra weight in the stomach and the jolt from the landing would be sufficient to pop the stomach back to its normal position. Reflux, also known as GERD, is much more common, especially in light of the empty, toxic, indigestible American diet we live with. An article in the Jan 2009 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine stated that 20% of the adult population in the US suffers from reflux. Today the number is much higher. What is the standard medical approach to reflux? First the doctors will recommend Tagamet, or Tums, with the idea that all the excess stomach acids needed to be soaked up. It’s true that when the stomach acids are temporarily gone, the burning goes away. For a few hours. But the stomach juices weren’t the problem; the problem is still present – that indigestible bolus of food just sitting there in the stomach. This is a typical allopathic approach: pretend that the symptom was the disease, and cover it up, using drugs. Always short-term, never curative. When Tagamet doesn’t work, enter Prilosec. The rationale behind this drug is to stop all digestion by halting further production of digestive juices. Once again, short-term the discomfort is postponed. But the underlying cause – the indigestible bolus sitting there in the stomach – persists. It now begins to rot. Soon there develops intestinal blockage, which may set the stage for diseases like peptic ulcer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Regional Ileitis, Crohn’s Disease, chronic colitis, gastritis, Candida albicans, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and colon cancer, to name a few. Ironically, reflux is one of the simplest conditions to resolve. It doesn’t require the full 60 days as discussed above. In an enzyme supplementation program 3 times per day, most conditions of reflux will resolve in a week or two, even if they have been long-term chronic. The primary reason such an approach


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works is its philosophical difference from the mainstream approach. Instead of trying to fight and overpower the normal response of the body to a blocked tract – the production of digestive juices – enzyme supplementation will augment those natural efforts and add back to the system the enzymes that were removed in the food processing in the first place. For the first time the bolus of food is attacked with sufficient broad spectrum enzymes necessary to break down all the accumulated manmade processed fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into small enough units that can be moved down through the tract. The remedy is simplicity itself. REVIEW QUESTION for MODULE 2 SECTION 2 A chronic diet of processed foods contributes to conditions like gastric reflux and Crohn’s disease primarily due to a lack of Minerals Enzymes * Digestive hormones Water Tagamet **************************************************************************************** ******* MODULE 2 SECTION 3 – THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHONEURO ADDICTION


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EATING IN AMERICA: A CONDITIONED RESPONSE Most of us know what we should be eating. But when it actually comes down to it, we simply eat food that ‘we’re hungry for.’ Billions of dollars are spent conditioning us about what we should feel hungry for. TV, billboards, magazines, radio, newspapers, ezines – what are we constantly assaulted with? Images of hamburgers, french fries, ice cream, chips, coke, candy, donuts, milk, cheese, beer, etc. Just hearing these words is enough to make our Pavlovian mouths water. Weston A Price once said that modern processed foods are the best poisons ever made. We become addicted to these slowly cytotoxic compounds. Not only do they contain little or no nutrient content; even if they did there’s almost no chance of our getting to it because these foods have no enzymes in them. As we saw above, the entire burden of digestion is placed on our body’s own enzyme production. These foods are so foreign, so processed, have so many chemicals and preservatives, and are so new to the human race that they far exceed our body’s ability to identify them, let alone metabolize them. So as we study the processing of foods, with the pasteurizing, refining, irradiation, gassing, genetic modification, adding chemicals, heating, etc., and realize the violence that is done to fragile natural foods in order to confer indefinite shelf life, one question keeps coming up. After all that assault, after all the enzymes, vitamins and minerals have been annihilated during processing, why do our favorite foods still taste so good? In the early 1900s, we saw the creation of a new category of foods, a type of food that whose value was no longer calculated by nutrient content, but merely by their ability to produce a feeling of comfort and well-being. What would be the objectives of such a creation? The marketing of true food addiction, to promote consumption, brand loyalty, and psychological dependence. Now it is hardly feasible to become addicted to a food that tastes bad. So the food industry’s new problem was how to create strong consistent flavors in


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dead foods that would have impossibly long shelf life, and retain those flavors precisely, over great distances and periods of time. THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHONEURO ADDICTION TO COMFORT FOODS Eric Schlosser’s landmark book Fast Food Nation was a sudden flash of awareness into an entire area of science within the fast food industry. But it wasn’t only his thorough account of how quality control of fast food hamburgers and french fries has devolved these past 50 years. Or even the labyrinth of regulatory oversight and its flagrant indifference to accountability and public health. Rather, it was Schlosser’s brilliant introduction of a new topic to most readers for the first time: the virtually invisible profession known as flavorists. Until the student of nutrition has an understanding of the accomplishments of this group of biochemists in the global food industry during the past 50 years, cataloguing the details of calorie counting, food combining, or vitamin activity will be seen as meaningless exercises, with very little relevance in the overall picture of holistic nutrition. Let’s start with labeling. For the past 30 years, FDA labeling has demanded that all packaged foods list the ingredients on the food label in order of proportion: whatever is listed first is the greatest proportion of the food, and so on to what ingredient has the least proportion. So generally we observe that the last entries on most food labels are artificial and natural flavors. In researching his book, Schlosser learned about the profession that is responsible for creating and cataloguing these artificial and natural flavors. They are called flavorists – a group of biochemists tasked with formulation of thousands of highly concentrated flavor additives. Some of these powerful chemicals are so concentrated that just one drop is enough to flavor an entire tankcar of liquid. We remember from school that taste is a rather coarse sense, comprising just four basic tastes – salty, sour, sweet, bitter.


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Olfaction on the other hand, says Guyton, is an extremely refined and subtle sense, with the brain being able to distinguish literally thousands of scents and aromas and to remember them for years. This is why you might walk into a new situation and suddenly be transported back to your grandmother’s kitchen 25 years ago – because of some scent that comes to you through the olfactory senses. So it is the specialty of flavorists then, to analyze and synthesize thousands of various scents and tastes into chemicals that can be added to any processed food, no matter how devitalized, and still make it taste like practically anything they want. Any given flavor they wish to create may have dozens of separate components, each measured out in minute and precise proportions, each of which may impart its own specific psychological and physiological response, in order to create a final end result – a unique flavor, whose recipe will remain unchanged from then on. Many of us may recall back in organic chemistry lab many years ago, we might have made amyl acetate as one of the assignments. And suddenly the odor of banana permeated the room even though there were no bananas in sight? Well, imagine that level of biochemistry carried to an immensely complex and sophisticated level, having become more and more refined over the past decades. In endeavoring to create and control a finished product, many subtle features of taste are studied in precise detail: mouth feel, solubility, aftertaste, crunchiness, delay, aromatics, etc. As the student is exposed to this unknown area for the first time, memories of past gustatory experiences may be linked with the choices for this evening’s comfort foods, the culmination of a lifetime of comfort food conditioning. This issue is so much more complex than simple addiction to sugar or salt. As we will see below, the most ubiquitous ingredient in global processed foods today is certainly hydrogenated soybean oil. This pervasive filler appears on the labels of as much as 80% of processed foods on today’s supermarket shelves. Later in this course, when we go into detail about the


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processing of soybeans into hydrogenated soybean oil, we will discover why after all the nutrient-destroying steps, such a finished product would have no taste at all of its own. All food value, indeed all nutritive content has been scientifically eliminated, in the interests of long shelf life. So the problem the food manufacturers were faced with was: how can a lasting, pleasing, identifiable taste be added on to such dead foods? The answer was simple: artificial flavors. Consider the popular snack foods at the convenience store closest to your house: salty snacks, sweet snacks, candy, etc. Now a traveler knows that he can walk into any convenience store anywhere in the US, and indeed in most locations on earth, and find the same identical snack foods. They may not have the exact same names, but the same items will have precisely the same taste, anywhere on earth. Continuity over space. Branding. The creation of comfort foods. And as brand loyalty for snack foods is built on consistency and reliability, we will find that once a successful flavor recipe for a popular snack food has been created, it will remain unchanged for decades: continuity over time. Same comfort you felt as a child eating the same snack with exactly the same chemically manipulated taste. That is the power of the behind the scenes profession known as the flavorists. The creation of processed comfort foods for the world is a very sophisticated science, part of a colossal global industry with annual revenues far in excess of $100 billion. Omitted from mainstream media, this entire area of psychoneurological food conditioning has been in place for decades. Read Schlosser. The adult reader may realize for the first time why favorite childhood snacks are biochemically engineered to have exactly the same flavor today: to confer that sense of continuity, comfort and well-being, so we can go to bed thinking everything is all right with the world. The comfort foods.


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REVIEW QUESTION MODULE 2 SECTION 3 The profession of biochemists who specialize in the creation of comfort foods is known as Flavorists * Flavorers Flavinoids Olfactory scientists Gustatory scientists ******************************************************************************


PROCESSED FOOD AND pH One of the most destructive consequences of a processed food lifestyle is the unrelenting acidification of the digestive tract and the blood. It is well established [Guyton, Howell] that both metabolic and digestive enzymes require a specific pH in order for enzyme activity to take place. Throughout the digestive tract, varying pH levels are required and maintained for optimum digestion at each location of the tract – more acidic in the stomach and the first areas of the small intestine, and more alkaline as we move along into the colon.


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But in general, there is a constant struggle to attempt to counteract the acidifying effects of modern refined foods, which is one of the greatest overall detriments to health resulting from the advent of the grocery business in the past century. It all began at the time of the First World War in which we had to ship supplies over to our soldiers fighting in Europe. Suppliers noticed that shipping natural whole foods was virtually impossible, due to spoilage on such a long journey. So they began to learn ways to preserve foods, to process them, which unfortunately meant the removal of enzymes. The more sophisticated they became at this process, the longer the shelf life. The price for this increased shelf life: nutritive value. The more processed the food is, the more it has been altered from its natural state, the more difficult it has being digested; and consequently the more acidic the body, the blood, and the digestive tract become. As pH is forced constantly downward by the intake of processed food, the requisite normal pH range in any physical location may be violated and the enzymes in each particular environment – both metabolic and digestive – are thus inhibited. Unrelenting, day in and day out inhibition of metabolic enzymes will obviously result in premature aging, accretion of unmetabolized wastes within tissues, and a general interference with normal cell life functions. Lowering of pH, or acidification, is a common result of most types of processed food including – refined carbohydrates – pasteurized dairy – hydrogenated oils – carbonated drinks – trans fatty acids Body fluids and tissues must remain within a certain pH range in order to survive. The digestive tract can have pH as low as 1, although most of it


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remains between 5 and 7, depending on the phase of digestion specific to the particular area of the tract. Blood pH, however must be kept between 7.3 and 7.45, according to Guyton. So a series of emergency pathways has evolved within our species over the millennia in order to maintain alkalinity. These physiological mechanism were originally designed only to be brought into action occasionally, for emergency use, as it were. The problem is that as processed foods so quickly replaced natural foods as the predominant part of the human diet in just one century, most human systems are employing these emergency measures all the time, just to try and keep up with the daily intake. Living our lives in a continual state of alarm, we are constantly forcing the body to use its calcium buffering abilities to maintain neutral pH. BURNING THE METABOLIC CANDLE

Unfortunately these emergency measures are expensive, metabolically speaking, and stress us out as a species. The constant buffering uses up the body’s stores of vitamins, minerals and enzymes which the body had been planning to expend on normal cell metabolism. And so without those stores, the body now wears out more rapidly than necessary. The author calls this wasteful practice burning the metabolic candle at both ends. CALCIUM BUFFERING Let’s look at one of these safety mechanisms for a minute: maintaining normal blood pH via calcium buffering.


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Guyton tells us that deviating very far outside the range 7.3-7.45 range in blood pH for long will result in death. As we have seen, most processed food, especially the refined carbohydrates, tends to lower the blood pH as a result of the body’s constant attempts to metabolize these unnatural compounds out of the body. Take a 16 ounce coke for example. It has a pH of 2. How much water does it take to bring 16 oz of liquid with pH 2 back up to 7.3? Answer: 10 gallons. If an adult human only has 5 litres of blood, the why doesn’t death occur after drinking a 16 oz. coke without drinking 10 gallons of water? It’s the calcium buffering mechanisms that save us. There are two main calcium buffering mechanisms of course; one involving the kidneys and one involving the lungs. Although they are extremely effective at keeping our blood pH within that survival range, when used unnecessarily and routinely, unrelenting non-stop buffering burns through the body’s reserves of minerals, especially calcium, as well as hormones like aldosterone, calcitonin and PTH. BURNING UP OUR LIFE Why don’t Olympic athletes seem to live as long as everyone else. Why do Iron Man competitors and marathon runners also have shorter lifespans than normal? Or high stress careers? Such extreme and protracted physical activity burns the fires of life too brightly, consuming the body’s ATP, metabolic enzymes, and nutrient reserves faster than they can be stored up. The example we use in the live seminar is Seabiscuit. Certainly one of the greatest racehorses of all time, Seabiscuit received more media coverage than has any athlete in history. In the late thirties both the President and Adolf Hitler finished behind Seabiscuit in terms of newspaper column inches devoted to each individual.


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As a young horse Seabiscuit was less than exceptional, and was reined in by jockeys and made to lose deliberately in order to build up the confidence of more likely comers. Not until he was 4, an age when many racehorses are retired, did Seabiscuit begin to make his mark. Then he won everything in any class and overcame impossible odds to finish with a record-breaking list of lifetime achievements. Seabiscuit retired from racing then at age 7, at which time he was put out to pasture and lived out the rest of his days quietly at his ranch in northern California. The point here is that Seabiscuit died when he was only 14, even though he lived an idyllic, stress free life for his last 7 years. A horse who is well taken care of can live to age 30. This is an example of burning the metabolic candle at both ends. Seabiscuit was raced to death before he was 7, and had to dip so deeply into his metabolic reserves that not even 7 years of rest could pay back the debt. This is the precise reason that in planning the New West diet for optimum nutrition, neutral foods are chosen. Not only are the best foods enzyme rich so as to minimize the drain on the body’s own enzyme reserves, but these foods are as water rich and alkaline as possible, so as not to unnecessarily trigger the calcium buffering cascades. We will go over that diet in detail later on WEIGHT LOSS AND THE HIGH PROTEIN DIET The weight loss industry in this country is a multi-billion dollar system based largely on advertising, marketing, and predicated on the idea that


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rollercoaster dieting should be encouraged one’s entire life. The purpose of the weight loss industry is to sell weight loss products – books, CDs, DVDs, foods, exercise equipment, etc. Once an individual becomes normal weight, he is no longer a customer of the weight loss industry. So obviously normalizing people’s weight is not part of the agenda of the weight loss industry.

REVIEW QUESTION MODULE 2 SECTION 4 Which of the following promotes acidification of the body’s pH? Soft drinks Excess meats White flour pasteurized milk all of the above * **************************************************************** MODULE 2 SECTION 4 – THE WEIGHT LOSS INDUSTRY ATTAINING NORMAL WEIGHT As the fattest people on earth, Americans spend over $72 billion annually on the diet industry: diet foods, diet pills – both prescription and supplemental – books, videos, CDs, magazines, clubs, health bars, gyms, gym equipment, elective surgeries – $72 billion. The industry is predicated on the Rollercoaster Mindset: the individual has overeaten for months and months and is now obese, or close to it. So it’s time to ‘go on a diet’ which means either starvation or else any of a number of commercial diet programs whose goal is to drop poundage off the frame as fast as possible, irrespective of collateral health consequences. And when the weight loss goal is met after several weeks and the dieter approaches normal weight once more, the previous lifestyle of hard fats and refined processed foods may now be resumed. All over again the pounds are then gradually


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accrued until panic level is once more attained, and then the cycle begins anew. With 60% of Americans either overweight or obese, according to the CDC, the weight loss industry capitalizes on the predictable behavior of most of its clientele. The industry objective never has been focused on good health or normal weight, but rather on reinforcing the normality of the rollercoaster existence for as many years as possible. Instead of greedy and overindulgent, obesity is often portrayed in media as cute, normal, and acceptable, even fashionable. But the physiological weaknesses whose proven association with obesity are well documented in the medical literature. Prodigious amounts of CDC data correlate obesity with premature death from almost every known degenerative disease pattern, including: – heart disease – hypertension – sleep apnea – endometrial cancer – breast cancer – prostate cancer – dyslipidemia – colon disease – hepatitis – insulin resistance – liver cancer – asthma – kidney failure – hyperuricemia – diabetes – reproductive hormone abnormalities – degenerative arthritis – impaired fertility – respiratory disease – skin disease – peptic ulcer – depression


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– neurological disorders – polycystic ovarian syndrome Therefore to condone, excuse, and encourage obesity is to expose the individual to a much greater chance of ending up with any of the above diseases. The problem is ballooning: in the US obesity has doubled since 1980. DEFINITION The CDC defines obesity with an index that divides the body weight by the body mass squared. But there is a much simpler way to figure it: take one’s normal weight. Calculate one third of it, and add it to the normal weight. If the actual weight is more than that total, the individual is clinically obese. FAST FOOD EPIDEMIC In investigative reports like Supersize Me and Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation, stark figures like these confront the reader: every single day over 37% of the US population dines at a fast food place. Every single day 122 million people in the US dine at a fast food restaurant. Fast Food Nation with its meticulous documentation, quickly disabuses the reader of any preconceptions about how safe and clean fast food restaurants are, or about how well they are monitored for sanitary procedures affecting both the immediate environment of food processing and the purity of the end products. We can no longer assume that we have the safest and healthiest food on earth. If that were true, how could it be simultaneously true that the US has the worst overall health of any industrialized nation? Germaphobic spraying of the tables every 5 minutes with carcinogenic “sanitizers” will improve nothing. United Nations statistics show that the US is #47 in infant mortality, as of 2020. That means that infants of 33 countries on earth stand a better chance of surviving to age 5 than American children do. And many of those 33 are Third World.


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CHRONIC FATIGUE AND FOOD POISONING Most of us either have been food poisoned or at least know someone who has. 48 million annually get food poisoning in the United States every year. 128,000 Americans are hospitalized, and 3,000 die after eating contaminated food. (CDC) Usually we think of food poisoning as being violently ill, throwing up, and being incapacitated for a few days, because of having eaten some bad food at a restaurant. But there’s another type of food poisoning that is much more common, in fact, epidemic. This is the type of disorder that baffles doctors and hospitals. The tests are all negative. But the syndrome may persist month after month: no energy, intermittent sharp pains in the stomach area, bad skin, bad breath, chronic low-grade allergies, constant feeling of impending disaster, fibrotic areas infiltrated into the muscle tissue of the upper back. The routine diagnostic label is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. One physical mechanism contributing to this most common variety of food poisoning was described above: years of eating a diet deficient in enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. As the digestive tract becomes blocked, the manmade processed non-food molecules make their way into the systemic circulation via Leaky Gut Syndrome. The result is erythrocyte aggregation, accumulation of oxidized cholesterols from hydrogenated items, and infiltration of the metabolized debris into skeletal muscle. Not only is the available oxygen to the entire body exponentially decreased by the agglomeration and rouleaux of red cells, but the 60% of the body that is musculoskeletal manifests its oxygen deficit in a general feeling of malaise and weakness. Feeling depressed, the patient turns to what may be life’s only remaining pleasure: the soft, processed comfort foods that helped to bring about the


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sad condition in the first place. And so the vicious cycle is established, a pattern very resistant to change. There is no virtually way to break this routine without a radical and abrupt change in lifestyle and mental outlook, however that may be accomplished. As well as a regimented detox schedule like the 60 Day Program. LIPOSUCTION This very popular technique is the self-defeating way out of normalizing weight. Tens of thousands of Americans are resorting to liposuction every year, which costs between $3000-$10,000 depending on how many areas are treated. Let’s consider if there is a way around lifestyle change. When we are children, the number of fat cells in our tissues is established. If their capacity for storing fat is exceeded by constant dietary intake, more fat cells will be formed. Unrestrained excess results in greater and greater numbers of fat cells being created. In the liposuction procedure, not only are the contents of the fat cells emptied, but the fat cells themselves are destroyed in the areas reached by the cannula, which is the small suction tube used in the protocol. The end result is that those regions in which the fat cells were destroyed will be unable to be loaded up again with fat in the future. So if the diet becomes excessive again, the body will begin to gain weight in odd places, such as the wrists or behind the knees, locations untouched by liposuction, where the creation of new fat cells is still possible. The common places for fat storage preferred by the body – the midriff, thighs, and gluteal areas – are the targets for liposuction. After the procedure, these areas no longer have the old fat cells available to store fat. So excess has to go elsewhere in the future. A year or so after the procedure most patients learn that liposuction is only a temporary solution to an ongoing problem. Ultimately there will have to be a


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lifestyle change, or else the post-operative patient may start looking very cartoonish, with the odd new locations of fat. Logically then, since there is no way to avoid lifestyle change in the long term without the body storing large amounts of excess fat, it seems more prudent to effect the lifestyle change from the beginning, and forego the dangerous, possibly fatal procedure known as liposuction. Blood clots, infection, allergic reactions, organ perforation, anaphylaxis – these are some of the reactions documented in the medical literature surrounding liposuction. Which they rarely tell you about beforehand. The child who is allowed to become obese by age 5 or 6 will thereafter have the propensity for obesity into adulthood, because of all the extra fat cells that have been created by dietary excesses in childhood. Fat kids make fat adults. In place of being a lifetime client of the weight loss industry, what this seminar proposes is lifestyle balance. Correct the diet, as we will see below. Diet is temporary; lifestyle is a permanent routine. In the long term, body weight will only normalize as a natural consequence of lifestyle change. REVIEW QUESTION FOR MODULE 2 SECTION 5 According the CDC, obesity predisposes one to A. heart disease B. diabetes C. arthritis D. liver cancer E. all of the above * ************************************************************************************ MODULE 2 SECTION 6 – THE PHYSIOLOGY OF OBESITY


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Tommy Thompson, Director of Health and Human Services, stated in 2004 that obese children under 15 years old already stood a 20% chance of having incipient fibrosis of the liver, which is the first stage of cirrhosis. William Klish MD, Director of Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston states that if a child develops Type II diabetes before age 15, he is cutting between 17 and 27 years off the end of his life. The most shocking statistic of all however is probably this one, from the CDC: because of current processed food diet trends in which such a high percentage of the diet is refined carbohydrates, a child born today stands a one in three chance of becoming Type II diabetic in his lifetime. Extrapolation from that statistic would suggest that by the year 2030 one third of the US population will be diabetic. We’re already ahead of schedule. MUCH TOO MUCH As we saw above, John A McDougall MD tells us the normal adult needs only about 25 g of protein per day. The average American adult clocks in at over 125 grams per day. The US Dept of Agriculture estimates that Americans average over 100 pounds of sugar per year. These are very low estimates according to independent researchers, like Nancy Appleton, who put the true figures for sugar as 150 lbs. (Lick The Sugar Habit) According to the Consumer Statistics Database, Americans on the average drink a colossal 142 litres of soft drinks per year, which is double that of the


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next 3 runners-up – Canada, Australia, and the UK. Now how much high fructose corn syrup, soft drinks and white sugar do we need per year? Zero. So we are taking in this enormous amount of refined carbohydrates each year, which have all been clearly linked to the degeneration of every single system of the body. In the Second World War most of the prisoners of the Bataan camp starved to death during the Death March and afterwards, before they could be rescued. It is reported that one of the biggest frustrations of the survivors was that the American medics who were part of the rescue would not believe what the prisoners said they had been eating for the previous 6 months. This seminar is not recommending the Bataan diet, by any means. The point is that we eat far more than we need. Most people eat on schedule: breakfast, lunch and dinner, whether we’re hungry or not. No animal in nature does this. The dictates of a normal lifestyle require that we only eat when we are truly hungry. One of the most common symptoms of patients who are candidates for the enzyme detox diet is that they will complain that when they start to eat, they already feel full. As we have seen above in the section on reflux, that is because they are full. The alimentary tract is crammed to overflowing with indigestible processed foods, remnants of the past weeks. But that feeling didn’t stop them from packing even more of the same foods into the digestive tract. Social pressures, routine, nervousness, comfort conditioning, protocol, business stress – common rationales for overeating. AN INDUSTRY, NOT AN ISSUE Weight Watchers grosses over $1 billion per year. And that’s what their clients seem to do: watch their weight. Year after year. The program advertises that clients can eat what everybody else eats but still lose weight. What would happen to Weight Watchers if people permanently normalized their weight after doing the program? They would have no repeat business – a suicidal marketing plan.


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It’s much the same with virtually any of the diet programs associated with the weight loss industry. The words themselves tell the story: if the program uses the terms diet and weight loss rather than the terms lifestyle and normal weight, the true goal is permanently obese clients. FATTY LIVER, VICTIM OF OBESITY One of the first organs to be overwhelmed by the constant deluge of fast foods is the liver, the most important organ of the body. Henry Bieler MD always felt that if the liver were able to keep up with cleansing the blood of all the indigestible debris most patients consume, we would live more or less indefinitely. (Bieler, p63 Food Is Your Best Medicine) Before it gets into general circulation, digested food from the intestine goes first through the liver via the hepatic portal vein. The liver is then able to choose what to do with the digested food, from these options: i. make new body tissues ii. release energy iii. store nutrients for future use Unfortunately in an enzymeless diet that consists of 80% hard fats and refined sugars, the liver never has time to get around to these standard life functions. Instead it wastes most of its energy and reserves just trying to maintain survival levels of toxicity, filtering out the usable from the unusable. The body’s oil filter. Overwhelmed in this constant struggle with non-nutritive chemically-created foods, the liver cells die, cirrhosis results, and puts liver disease as today the #10 cause of death in the US. (Historical Statistics) It is becoming more prevalent even in children, as we saw above. Bieler reminds us that the human liver developed from 60 million years of animal liver evolution. For all but the last 100 years of mankind’s 200,000 years, the human diet was simple fruits and vegetables, with a little animal protein. Thus was the liver allowed to develop normally and to concentrate on its main tasks, which did not involve toxic waste breakdown. Modern


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processed foods have been a degrading shock to the evolution of our digestive abilities. ( Food Is Your Best Medicine, p 183) Bieler then explains the inadvisability of trying to force the liver and kidneys to work harder by falsely whipping them into action by adrenal-stimulating steroid and diuretic drugs, which is the standard medical approach. This is a short-term solution and will ultimately result in organ destruction, and eventually failure. The simple fact is, the liver and kidneys were never meant to work this hard, spending all their metabolic energy trying to deal with weird enzymeless processed new food chemicals from our Armageddon-style diet. (Bieler, p 142) THE PACKED TRACT Of the three meals a day, one of them should be a nutritious snack, unless one’s job requires enormous constant physical exertion. Otherwise the individual is packing the tract to distension, and worse, burdening the body with the metabolically destructive task of trying to break down and process all that extra load. It ages the body, and wastes the metabolic stores. That’s why obese septuagenarians are so rare. What is the alternative to our modern cytoxic disease-promoting lifestyle? The return to the traditional foods that enabled us to be selected and to endure as a species in the first place: the natural diet, as will be described below in detail. Deceptively simple, the return to homeostasis can often be accomplished, once the patient decides to omit all processed and refined foods from the diet for at least 60 days. Not a guarantee to cure every disease, but at least this time span in which the guidelines are strictly observed will usually demonstrate to the patient the curative and salubrious effects of the traditional, natural whole foods human diet – the same diet Weston A. Price discovered so long ago as the lifestyle of the healthiest people on earth. After that the patient must use the new knowledge as the instrument of personal recovery, to whatever extent the individual wishes to carry it. This is


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the legacy of the holistic doctors we cited above in Section 1.

REVIEW QUESTION FOR MODULE 2 SECTION 6 There is only one healthy route to attaining and maintaining normal weight: The high protein diet Normal lifestyle * The Stairmaster Food combining The North Beach Diet ******************************************************************************* MODULE 2 SECTION 7 – FOOD ALLERGIES AND THE HIGH PROTEIN DIET Within the miasma of misdirection and false claims that prevail within the weight loss industry, the high protein diet is certainly among the most unhealthy and least tenable. Excess dietary protein, especially the refined, overprocessed types favored by today’s supermarket displays, clogs the digestive tract, acidifies the body and provides yet one more modern opportunity to waste our nutrient, hormonal, and metabolic reserves. As we saw above, the average American adult needs only about 25 grams of protein per day for optimum health, which is somewhat less than the .8g per kg RDA of mainstream academic nutrition. But the average American consumes more than 125 grams of protein per day. (McDougall’s Medicine) Of the 20 amino acids that comprise the proteins present in the human body, nine cannot be synthesized by the body and must be taken in as food: tryptophan valine isoleucine threonine leucine phenylalanine


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histidine methionine Even if the excess dietary protein were complete, usable, digestible proteins from this list, 125 grams would still place an enormous burden on the body which is charged with metabolizing all that mass. But we know well that in most cases the surplus protein has been processed, refined, hydrogenated, etc., thereby placing great stress upon the digestive system. Bacon, sausage, chicken fried steak, gravy, deep fried fish and hormonelaced meats, superheated dairy, melted rancid cheese, tacos, burritos, powdered eggs, TV dinners, genetically modified chickens and turkeys – all such refined and unnatural protein forms resist normal digestion. What cannot be reduced to its amino acid components and smaller peptides sluggishly clings to the tract lining. Putrefaction is the term doctors use to describe half-digested rotting protein, as we saw above. Since it cannot be quickly metabolized, excess protein putrefies in the tract, contributing to blockage, acidification, and Leaky Gut syndrome, providing a toxic medium conducive to opportunistic infestation. The delusion of the high protein diet claims that the client will lose weight by simply replacing all those fattening carbs with protein – any protein, no matter how processed, toxic or indigestible – is very short sighted with respect to the overall health of the patient. The reason this diet may show some initial success is that the carbohydrates which the individual is now skipping were being converted into fat and adding to the stored load. So for a short period the ready glucose is not quite so available, and some of the fat stores may begin to be mobilized and reconverted. But there are several other obvious physiological imbalances promoted by a diet skewed to an imbalance of proteins. First of all, most foods are not all fat, or all protein or all carbohydrate. Most foods are a combination of two, or all three food types. A reasonable proportion of fats, protein, and carbohydrates is just common sense. But


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more critical than the proportion of fats, protein, and carbohydrates is the form in which each is presented. And also the amounts. The most pertinent issue: is the protein natural or processed? That is to say, with or without its original enzymes intact? The protein in 3 ounces of fresh grilled salmon for example, would certainly have a different impact than 3 ounces of proteinaceous soy lecithin, which is a waste by-product in the process of creating hydrogenated soybean oil. Or for that matter 3 ounces of bacon from animals that were loaded with growth hormones and antibiotics and fed their whole lives on GM feed and rendered animal parts. These are not extreme examples, but it is certainly clear that there is no equivalence just because they are all types of dietary protein, and weigh the same. And yet the proponents of the high protein diet do not make these important distinctions, regarding all dietary protein as generally the same. Including most nutritionists. If a food cannot be broken down, either because it is so harshly processed or saturated with preservatives or overcooked or hydrogenated, or for whatever reason, that food is going to have a negative nutritional effect on the entire physiology for as long as it is inside the body. It really doesn’t matter how the food started out, what kind of protein it originally was before the processing started. It only matters how much of the original usable nutrient protein can still be derived once the food is taken in: can it be completely digested once in the tract? This may seem like an unnecessary question, but unfortunately in today’s world of plastic, soft, eternal shelf-life foods, it’s the one question that must be asked. These are some of the real issues that determine the value of a protein food, and result in either further clogging of the system or else nourishing it. The closer the food to its original natural state, and the more intact enzymes it contains, the more it will be alkalizing to the body, supporting optimum


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blood and tissue pH. To recap, here are the primary detriments of the high protein diet – Acidification – Calcium buffering – Uric acid crystal deposition – homocysteine build-up – Putrefaction in tract – Accelerates metabolic candle – wastes reserves of vitamins, minerals, enzymes When such an excess in protein is ingested day after day, as a survival mechanism the overwhelmed body will try to mobilize the superfluity any way it can. One of these survival mechanisms is the ability to precipitate some of the undigested protein out of solution, in the form of uric acid crystals. Again it is an emergency survival mechanism in a body that is desperate to rid itself of the acidifying burden any way possible. The uric acid crystals themselves are not the pathology, but merely a symptom of the real pathology: excess protein intake. Unfortunately once in the blood, these crystals have an affinity to take up residence in the joints, and can lead to several types of chronic arthritis, the classic one being gout. The other practically epidemic side effect of a diet too rich in protein involves one amino acid in particular, methionine. This important amino acid is sulfur bearing, and is found in many plant and animal proteins. Beans in particular. The problem comes in when methionine is converted to another amino acid – homocysteine – in the normal metabolism of both human and animals. Homocysteine is harmless and normal in small amounts. What keeps the homocysteine levels low is the presence of B vitamins, which are found in most greens.


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As long as there are sufficient B vitamins, especially B6 and B12, the excess homocysteine can be continually excreted form the body. Unfortunately, most Americans eat very little greens and are generally B vitamin deficient. Without sufficient B vitamins, homocysteine levels increase and in most American adults are chronically elevated. High homocysteine levels in the body have now been incontrovertibly identified as the primary cause of coronary artery disease, which has been the number one cause of death in the US for almost a century. One leading expert in this field is certainly Harvard’s Kilmer McCully MD. His master work The Heart Connection is a landmark resource in any legitimate understanding of the pathophysiology of the heart disease epidemic so rampant in our country today. In this light then, heart disease may well be the most serious pathological direct consequence of the high protein diet. As we have seen in the case of every other processed food, ultimately the deeper physiological damage to the body from excess processed dietary protein comes about by the overexpenditure of immune and nutrient reserves, in the body’s attempt to break down and expel the foreign, manmade, novel processed foods. Normal reactions to abnormal stimuli: the body will always strive toward survival. REVIEW QUESTION FOR MODULE 2 SECTION 7 Homocysteine is a normal metabolic conversion from EDTA Leucine Methionine * Polypeptides Prostaglandins


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PROCESSED FOOD AND ALLERGIES We talked a little about the incidence of allergies as correlated with chronic intake of enzymeless food. A few ideas should be elucidated about the very direct relationship that is often overlooked by both mainstream media as well as the scientific literature. To start with, sensitivity reactions don’t just suddenly emerge out of thin air for no reason, or because of some genetic tendency, or because some allergen just wafted its way into a child’s body. People are told they’re randomly allergic to dust, pollen, dog hair, cat fur, horse feathers, peanuts, shellfish, phases of the moon, gluten, casein, etc. But if the alert clinician should actually examine the diet, it is a virtual certainty to find quantities of devitalized allergenic processed food, in almost every case. So why look for an exotic cause of allergy symptoms with the elephant standing right there? Empirically, it often seems that patients who take allergy shots and pills for years seem to be the same patients who still have allergies. Any ‘allergist’ who cures them loses them as clients. What is uncontested fact is that asthma rates in the US have doubled since 1980, and are then doubled again by the year 2015. (Centers for Disease Control – WHAT ARE ALLERGIES?


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We look at the bloodshot eyes, hear the stuffed-up voice, the persistent cough, and accept the explanation “It’s my allergies,” as though the symptoms we observe were the disease itself. This word game is no accident. We are conditioned by a thousand commercials a day to equate diseases with their symptoms. Headache, backache, arthritis, tinnitus, asthma, high blood pressure, on and on – are not diseases themselves, but rather the signs of an ongoing disease process, a progressive imbalance. Conventional medical wisdom then is to attack these signs directly, mainly with medicines, to make them disappear: antihistamines, antipyretics, bronchodilators, cough suppressants, cold medicine, etc. The first illusion is that by temporarily covering up the signs, we have now cured the disease. The second illusion is that by naming the signs, we have identified the disease. Nothing could be further from the truth. Same for the patient with a headache. What’s the solution, programmed every five minutes on TV: aspirin, headache pills, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, that will … take the pain away. But what if the headache were an underlying consequence of something else… Neck spasm, intoxication, emotional stress, sinus allergies, trauma, spine or cranial misalignment, dehydration, drugs, chemical sensitivity, overwork, hunger, dehydration – headache can come from many sources. So a drug that doesn’t address the underlying cause really didn’t cure anything. As soon as it wears off the pain will return. It’s precisely the same with allergies. Allergies are not watery eyes and stuffed up noses, fever, a hacking cough and skin eruptions. Symptoms like these are usually healthy reactions to noxious irritants. Something foreign is triggering the body’s cleansing responses, which include mast cells, IgE, histamine – the whole cascade. These mechanisms are nothing more than


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the normal responses of a functioning intact immune system trying to clear out the inflammatory stimuli. ADAPTATION TO ALLERGENS At first the body puts forth all its efforts to dislodge and expel the invader. Outpourings of mucous and tears, coughing, sneezing, skin lesions— all the expulsive and excretory mechanisms of the body brought to bear in a maximum effort to rid the body of poison. That’s the immune system working. But if the inflammatory stimulus is presented continuously, what happens next is adaptation. Gradually the body gets used to a repeated irritant, and the cleansing response becomes less and less each time, and slowly learns to adapt to the toxin, the not-self. Hans Selye articulates in his classic work The General Adaptation Syndrome, that no matter how toxic the poison, in small enough increments we can develop tolerance. Alarm, Resistance Exhaustion the three stages of immune response to stress. By the time the body has gone through Selye’s three stages of adaptation for any length of time, the tissues can be exposed to a substantial daily quantity of a noxious allergen, and not respond. The body will then accumulate the toxic load, un-degraded. So in a certain sense, developing an immunity to an allergen may sometimes be detrimental in the long run because by building a tolerance to the noxious stimulus, bioaccumulation of a foreign poison can then begin. Another example might be: walking behind a smoky bus when it starts up. The patient breathes in the fumes and starts coughing and choking, with the eyes watering. That’s an allergic response. Humans are allergic to bus exhaust. Eyes water to clear the eyes. The coughing reflex ensues to forcibly


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expel the toxic fumes before they get inhaled. It is a reflex of survival – a working immune system. But it’s different for a bus mechanic. His first day on the job as a young apprentice, breathing all those fumes in the confined garage area may have made him sick. The body would have rejected the noxious fumes with all its clearing powers. But after a few weeks or months of breathing those vapors every day, the body doesn’t try so hard. The sensitive mucous membranes in the mouth and nose toughen up a little, and the mechanic learns to adapt. He’s becoming less sensitized – doctors say sensitized – to a poison: carbon monoxide. It doesn’t mean it won’t kill him; it just means that it might take longer. It’s the same way with someone learning to smoke cigarettes. The smoker coughs and chokes at first, but soon adapts to it. The body’s ability to throw off the toxins is gradually weakened, by adaptation to stress. After the emergency alarms have gone off so often, for so long, the body no longer considers it an emergency. AUTO-INTOXICATION Anti-histamines are administered in pills and sprays that inhibit mucosal swelling. Histamines, are produced by our white cells to trigger protective mechanisms. Like altering vessel permeability for making the eyes water. Or shutting down digestion. Allergy medicine is generally an antihistamine, which unnaturally interferes with the body’s normal immune system, particularly at the first line of defense – mouth, nose, and eyes. When antihistamines block these normal clearing responses, the irritant or allergen or antigen is then permitted to enter further into the body than it would ever have gotten.


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This is a hidden side effect of antihistamines – the phenomenon of autointoxication. Actually it’s not a side effect: it’s an effect. There is no such thing as a side effect – that’s a marketing term. After taking the antihistamine, the patient may be grateful that he can breathe again, but for any drug, there is always a trade-off. The problem wasn’t the stuffy nose or the watering eyes; the cause was the allergen: the irritant. Antihistamines don’t touch the underlying cause; they just suspend the body’s ability to respond with its normal clearing mechanisms. Result: tolerance. Toxification. Infiltration. Adaptation. CHILDHOOD ALLERGIES OR IMMUNE BUILDING EXPERIENCES? If the young child is continuously given pasteurized dairy products – milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, yoghurt – acute allergies or asthma may result. As we have seen above, with no enzymes, dairy products cannot be well metabolized in the young digestive system. Denatured enzymes ingested in the foods appear as foreign protein in the body and may set off the inflammatory response. If the child continues to be given these foods day after day, chronic allergies may result, with the full spectrum of annoying symptoms. But that’s the point right there—coughing, sneezing, eyes watering, rashes – are not symptoms – they are the normal responses of a healthy functioning immune system. To try and suppress them with medications will inhibit the body from clearing them out. The accumulation that follows in the ensuing weeks and months may well set the child up for chronic autoimmune disease, depending on which tissues become infiltrated with the denatured processed allergenic food. This is why childhood asthma is almost always dramatically improved by omitting all pasteurized dairy for 2 months.


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It’s also the reason why facemasks, blocking CO2 output, make children sicker, offering no protection whatsoever. REVIEW QUESTION FOR MODULE 2 SECTION 8 The physiological process by which the body learns to tolerate exposure to toxic stressors is called: Exhaustion Resistance Fight or flight Adaptation * Aging gracefully ******************************************************************************


OTHER ALLERGENS In the sections above we discussed the lack of enzymes in processed foods as a cause of acute and chronic allergic reactions. But this doesn’t even take into account the pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and chemical preservatives, additives, and other xenobiotic contaminants which end up in our food as the result of preparation, processing and packaging. For example, some 70% of all antibiotics produced in the US today are given to animals, whose meat we eat – poultry, beef, fish. These antibiotics are not commonly destroyed in food processing and once in our bodies serve to destroy the normal probiotics which should be present in the health human intestinal tract.


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Sprayed pesticides, of which there are literally hundreds, are washed into the soil, taken up in the root systems, work their way into the inner cells of supermarket produce, and do not rinse off. Once in our bodies, many such poisons are fat-soluble, that is – stored in our fat cells, for months or years. According to the US Pesticide Industry Report, Americans are exposed to over 5 billion pounds of pesticides every year. Methyl bromide is an agricultural fumigant used to kill pests, which has been used for years on many fruits and vegetables, especially strawberries. It is very potent neurotoxin which can be inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin. It can cause cancer, kidney disease, liver disease and damage to eyes and lungs. It has been proven as an ozone depleter. MeBromide was first protected by the Bush administration and continues to be used only in this country, even though most other countries had signed an international treaty to ban it in 1987: The Montreal Protocol. Until the mid 1980s, sulfur dioxide compounds known as sulfites were commonly sprayed on French fries, meat, and salad bars to keep the food from browning too quickly. Sulfites are also routinely added to commercial wine, to prevent further fermentation. It’s why wine causes headaches in many people. Sulfur dioxide is toxic, and a cause of thousands of documented allergic reactions reported to the FDA in the mid 1980s, many of them fatal. Although sulfite use on meat and raw produce has supposedly been banned, they still appear in bronchodilator sprays, and also in wines, as long as the label states the percentage. (Randolph, p83) THE THRESHOLD OF REACTIVITY In the young child, processed food residues usually take a certain amount of time to accumulate before the body will start to react. The child is born with a clean system. It can take months, or even years, depending on the wide variability in individual tolerance and immune strength. Holistic nutritionists


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often refer to the above long term accumulation of indigestible sludge, both in the tract and blood, as the toxic load. We might call the point at which a person actually begins to manifest symptoms of allergy (hives, rash, runny nose, stuffed sinuses, wheezing, etc) let’s call that point the Threshold of Reactivity. Below the Threshold, the person won’t have symptoms, even though toxification is building up every day. As the indulgent American is accumulating away all this stored debris, he is pushing his body steadily closer and closer to its toxic capacity. Day by day the level of autointoxication becomes higher and higher, without symptoms. Finally, the toxic load approaches the Threshold of Reactivity, because of the unrelenting indigestible diet of processed foods. As long as the toxic load remains below the threshold, the patient will not manifest any symptoms. But a sudden contact with cat hair, dust, pollen, any new food or neurotoxin, may be enough to raise the toxic level that last little quantum. The Threshold is finally exceeded, and symptoms suddenly occur. Standard medical diagnosis by an allergist allows him to focus only on the precipitating stimulus, and generally identify that particular stressor as the patient’s “allergy.” Benadryl, antihistamines, even prednisone and a host of other drugs may then be prescribed to treat the symptoms, irrespective of the toxic history. Problem is, their side effects are often worse than the original complaint. SMALL AMOUNTS AS TRIGGERS Again, the principal difficulty with food allergies is that they are bioaccumulative. In addition to the digestive tract, undigested residues can be stored in fat cells in other locations within the tissues and may persist there for months or years. This explains why a food sensitivity may continue for weeks or months even after further intake of the stressor has stopped. Or in the case of dairy, it is only necessary to take in a tiny amount of any processed milk or cheese product every few days in order to maintain the


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person’s susceptibility to the allergen. Even a few drops of milk added to coffee is sufficient to support a chronic allergy, even though the patients will report they have stopped eating dairy. The same is true of additives in the food and even in the food’s packaging. Theron Randolph, MD, clinical ecologist, talks about the material used in the lining of tin cans which is used to keep the color of the metal can off the food. The material is called phenol, a coal-tar derivative. It is used in virtually all canned foods. Dr. Randolph has documented hundreds of cases of reactions to the phenol alone. (An Alternative Approach to Allergies) Thisis why no canned foods are permitted in the 60 Day Program. ALLERGY ESCAPES For years Albuquerque, New Mexico had been a mecca for asthmatics, TB patients, and those trying to escape their allergies. No more. By the late 90s, doctors in Albuquerque noticed the skyrocketing incidence of allergies that had occurred in this high desert town in the previous 15 years. The inhabitants now exhibit virtually the same rates of allergy found in the rest of the US. When allergy incidence first began to peak, the government sent researchers to the surrounding lands, climbing trees to find out what kind of pollen is making people sick. But the Albuquerque area is high desert. The people didn’t suddenly start getting sick from dust, cat hair, or cactus pollen. They’re allergic from the homogenized, devitalized, processed food of the metropolitan American city supermarkets, a diet which is unvaryingly standardized, from New York all the way to the California. Allergy in America today occurs in epidemic proportions. Many researchers in the CDC estimate that half the US population suffers from some form of allergy. This is the real pandemic. THE SOLUTION


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The child has a fever, the child was a runny nose, or cough. These are not disease processes that require immediate intervention. Rather they are signs that the immune system is fully vital, and is resisting the antigenic stressor with all its powers. To the extent that a program of holistic detoxification can support such eliminative efforts of the natural immune system, optimum health will be promoted. As we will see below in the 60 Day Program, the obvious natural approach to a resolution of allergies is two-fold: 1. Stop adding to the toxic load 2. Remove the accumulated reactants from the tract and blood A natural diet that eliminates all processed foods – the New West Diet – is the obvious choice for the cessation of contributing to the toxic load. Very simply, that means no hydrogenated oils, no pasteurized dairy, no refined carbohydrates for 60 days. At the same time, the removal of residual allergenic debris will be accomplished by a combination of enzymes, chelation, and probiotics. As the toxic level drops first below the Threshold of Reactivity, usually during the first few weeks of detoxification, the patient will gradually cease to react to the allergenic stressors. As the patient continues faithfully with the detox, and more and more of the indigestible debris becomes dislodged and dredged up, to be carried out of the body, the toxic load falls farther and farther below the Threshold of Reactivity. In this way immune reserves are finally allowed to be stored up once again, instead of being expended at a faster rate than they could be summoned. The result is return to immune resilience; building the reserves. REVIEW QUESTION FOR MODULE 2 SECTION 9


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Which of the following is a disease, per se? cough hives nasal discharge fever None of the above * ******************************************************************************** MODULE 2 SECTION 10 – DIABETES AND THE HISTORY OF SUGAR

Diabetes is the #8 cause of death in the US today, with almost 88,000 deaths per year. (CDC: Since 2005 the CDC has stated that a child born today has a one in three chance of becoming diabetic in his lifetime. We will take a look at this extraordinary state of affairs in the US today and try to determine why nobody is talking about the real causes of this enormous epidemic. We remember that carbohydrates from natural foods are broken down by means of enzymes into double sugars, like sucrose, lactose, and maltose, then finally into glucose. With the help of insulin and in the presence of zinc, glucose is then escorted into our cells to use for energy and other metabolic tasks. Excess glucose in the blood is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver. In times of adrenal stimulation for bursts of musculoskeletal output following the sympathetic response, cortisol is released to pull the glycogen out of storage and convert it back to glucose for immediate use.


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This original design was a brilliantly sophisticated system, evolved into our species after countless millennia, perfectly capable of balancing blood sugar from a diet of natural foods. [Sugar: The Sweet Thief of Life] Then everything changed about 100 years ago with the advent of refined sugar – a compound that nature could never have invented. This new product, offering so much refined glucose to the bloodstream without the benefit of the usual accompanying fiber, minerals, vitamins and enzymes – was an assault on a human biochemistry that had taken aeons to develop. All the precious stores of nutrients which the body had other plans for, must now be mobilized and expended in order to try and metabolize out the everincreasing amounts of processed sugar taken in by the average American every year. WHAT IS SUGAR? The refined white sugar in the sugar bowl – sucrose – is only one type. There’s also brown sugar, raw sugar, turbinado, fruit sugar, corn sugar, milk sugar, beet sugar, alcohol, monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. In addition there are artificial sweeteners as well, sugar substitutes like xylitol, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, and nutrasweet. Let’s start with white sugar. It is made by refining sugar cane, a process which today involves many chemicals which are used for hydrolysis and texturing of the finished pure crystalline fraction. Processed sugar also is made from beets, whose refinement also involves synthetic chemicals, as well as charcoal. Besides the contaminants, the primary problem is that the finished products contain virtually none of the nutrients, vitamins, or minerals of the original plants. Those were milled out in the refining process in order to give the sugar the pure white color and the very sharp sweetness that we have been conditioned to require. The resulting white sugar is a simple carbohydrate, which means a fractionated, artificial, devitalized by-product of the original sugar cane


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Module 2: Modern Food Industry - Health or Chronic Disease? - thedoctorwithin

plant. The original plant was a complex carbohydrate, which means it contained all the properties of a whole food: vitamins, minerals, enzymes – everything necessary for the complete metabolism and utilization of that food at the digestive and cellular level. SHORT HISTORY OF SUGAR Sugar was unknown in Europe when Columbus discovered America. So was diabetes. With the discovery of sugar cane in the New World and the subsequent introduction of sugar to Europe, the demand was instantaneous, and unrelenting. Within a few years, huge fortunes were being made for the rulers of Europe and for the merchants involved in the importation of rum and molasses from the American colonies. Sugar Blues by William Dufty was a classic book of the mid 1970s. In a compelling fashion, the book provides a broad historical and political sketch of sugar economics from the 15th century to the present. Dufty thoroughly chronicles the rise of the trade empires that emerged around sugar during that era: molasses, rum, and slaves. Both the sugar and the taxes that accrued therefrom brought great wealth to the rulers of England, France, Spain, and Holland, as well as to the slave traders, shipping companies, and plantation owners. (p. 33) Many modern fortunes whose names we would recognize today were amassed at this time. Dufty draws interesting parallels between opium and sugar, as both were things we don’t really need, both became sources of huge revenues and taxes, both have some dark history involving immense human suffering, and both can cause physical degeneration and death after a long period of dependence. REFINING OF WHITE SUGAR FROM CANE During the first centuries of the sugar industry, cane sugar had to be converted first into molasses and rum for shipping across the oceans. Natural


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Module 2: Modern Food Industry - Health or Chronic Disease? - thedoctorwithin

cane sugar itself was raw, light brown in color, and still retained most of the original nutrients. For that reason raw sugar doesn’t cause diabetes. The further refining of sugar cane evolved gradually, and spread all over the world in a short time. The process began with old stone mills, powered by rivers or windvanes, where whole wheat was ground into flour. As time went by, machinery got better and better at removing the outer husks from the wheat and leaving behind only the white inner simple carbohydrate, devoid of minerals and vitamins. Later the same milling procedure was applied to sugar cane. Processing methods, which stripped away all vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from the raw cane, became so effective at making the pure white sugar crystals that were now in demand all over the world, that the price of sugar eventually went down and down to reflect the new abundance. Sugar consumption, however, boomed. What was at first a delicacy afforded only by the rich in Europe soon became a staple for everyone. The availability was even faster in America where importation was not an obstacle. Within less than 30 years after refined sugar was introduced into Europe, diabetes was identified by doctors as widespread in every country – a disease that was new to the continent. After 100 years, diabetes was listed as one of the most common degenerative diseases on the continent. Dufty offers layer upon layer of proof that modern mankind is degenerating, devolving as a race, becoming sicker and weaker decade by decade. Little in the 50 years since Sugar Blues came out will dispute that idea, just observing the growing percentage of our school children who are either on psychoactive drugs like Ritalin or some SSRI, inhalators, or else allergy medication of some sort. Or forced experimental vaccines. Or looking at the sharp rise of every single degenerative disease, including Type II diabetes among young people during the past 20 years. Or now as the prime target for the most dangerous immunological experiment in history. Or that the US is presently # 51 worldwide in infant mortality, according to


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Module 2: Modern Food Industry - Health or Chronic Disease? - thedoctorwithin

NIH. WESTON PRICE ON SUGAR In a more scholarly work some 90 years ago, Dr. Weston Price had come to the same conclusions with his landmark journal Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. In the 1930s, Dr. Price travelled around the world examining the teeth and skulls of every primitive race he could find – American Indians, Swiss Alps villagers, Eskimos, aborigines, Scottish primitives, Fiji islanders, and more. In the literature of nutrition, Price’s conclusions are beyond controversy – in instance after instance, whenever a people would become exposed to western foods for the first time in their history – white sugar and white flour – within a very few years, they would be experiencing rates of tooth decay, tuberculosis and arthritis equal to that found in “civilized” nations. Conversely, Price found that as long as a group of people could remain isolated and eat their primitive, simple enzyme-rich natural foods, the rates of tooth decay and degenerative disease would remain at practically zero, as they had been from time immemorial. Price’s work has never been challenged. From the time of Columbus up to the mid 1970s, sucrose became the primary sugar consumed by Americans. Consumption increased from 0 to over 150 pounds per individual per annum in 200 years.

REVIEW QUESTION FOR MODULE 2 SECTION 10 Which one is not a characteristic of refined sugar: White Synthetic Fraction


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Module 2: Modern Food Industry - Health or Chronic Disease? - thedoctorwithin

Nutrient * Crystalline **************************************************************************************** ********** Other References 1. GMO Crops Remain a Global Failure By Greenpeace 10 February 12 2. Cummins, R Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers – 2004 3. Jensen K “Intellectual Property: Landscape of the Human Genome” – 2005 4. Lovgren S One-Fifth of Human Genes Have Been Patented, Study Reveals – – National Geographic News October 13, 2005 5. O’Shea, T Genetically Modified Foods: A Short Introduction 6. Smith J – Seeds of deception – Yesbooks 2003. 7. Food Inc –documentary 8. O’Shea T -The magic bean – 9. Erasmus, U -Fats that Heal Fats That Kill – 10. Guyton AC MD —Textbook of physiology 14th ed. 2020 11. Erasmus, U –The Right Fat Diet 12. Weidner, E –Turning Plants Into Paint –New Applications of Soybean Oil – Department of Chemistry University of Missouri – Rolla…/exampleposter-1.ppt 13. O’Shea T – 60 Day Program – 2021 14 King Corn –documentary 2007 15. Amber Waves –Mar 2010, vol 8,no 1 – 16. Margaret Lahey LIPIDS: THEIR POSSIBLE ROLE IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS Bamford-Lahey Children 17. Hornstra, G., (2000). – Essential fatty acids in mothers and their


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neonates. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 71, (Supplement). S1262S1269. 18. Salvati, S.,. (2000). Diet, lipids and brain development. Developmental Neuroscience, 22, 481-487 18. National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 59, No. 8, August 26, 2011 Table C. – Deaths and percentage of total deaths for the 10 leading causes of death: United States, 2006–2007 19. O’Shea, T – Chapters 20. O’Shea, T – Enzymes the key to longevity – – 2020 21. Howell, E MD — Enzyme Nutrition — Avery, 1985. 22. Bieler H MD – Food is your best medicine 23. O’Shea T -To the Heart Patient – 2019 24. HHS: Vital health Statistics Series 10, Number 247 December 2010 25. O’Shea T -Hydration and dehydration 26. Ouwehand A Probiotics reduced incidence of respiratory tract infection in 1-3 year old children Pediatrics 2008 p S115 27. Lodish: Protein structure and helix = 28. SOUKEN study Tokyo Japan: two month study hydrolyzed collagen 2008 29. Postlethwaite, A – Chemotactic attraction of human fibroblasts -THE J O U R N A L OF E X P E R I M E N T A L M E D I C I N E • V O L U M E 144, 1 9 7 6 P. 1 1 8 8 – 30. Hays N – Effects of whey and fortified collagen -Journal of Am. Dietetic Assn. vol 109 p 1082 2009 31. Rotella, P Good fats 32. Khem Shahani PhD – Cultivate Health from Within -Vital Health, 2005. 33. O’Shea T – Hydrolyzed Collagen – 2019 34. Engdahl W Doomsday seed vault in the arctic 35. The Future of Food 2005 video DVD 36. Svalbard images – 37. Tilden JH — Toxemia Explained- 1926 –


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Module 2: Modern Food Industry - Health or Chronic Disease? - thedoctorwithin 38. O’Shea T – The Last Resort – 2021 39. Anderson R — Cleanse and Purify Thyself 40. Jensen, B — Empty Harvest – Avery, 1990. 41. CDC: Rocket fuel chemical found 3 Apr 09 AP –,2933,512397,00.html 42. Estimates of Foodborne Illness in the United States 2011 – CDC 43. 2010 Annual Status Report HHS 44. CDC: Leading Causes of Death 2014 – 45. Price W — Nutrition and physical degeneration 46. Lee, Royal — Conversations 1955 47. Tessier D Medical, Surgical, and Endoscopic Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease –Permanente Journal – Winter 2009 48. US Cancer Mortality Rate – Historical Statistics of the US Part 1 49. O’Shea, T – Journey to the Center of Your Colon – 50. O’Shea T – Minerals – 51. Probiotics – the forgotten component – 52. O’Shea T — To the cancer patient 2020 — 53. Carrel, A – Man, the unknown — 1938. 54. O’Shea, T –Oral chelation — 55. Ashmead, H -Intestinal absorption of metal ions 56. O’Shea T — Antioxidants (Chapters) – 57. Essential Books For Life


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ESSENTIAL BOOKS AND FILMS TO INHIBIT CEREBRAL ATROPHY AND DE-EVOLUTION ESSENTIAL BOOKS AND FILMS (First the books; scroll down for the videos) A list of a few essential books that have risen above the programmed lowest common denominator of superficial reptilian wiki-google-amazon-netflix consciousness that has become today’s conventional wisdom. How else could they have sold the Hoax? Can you imagine – we actually had a … Continue reading thedoctorwithin 58. Death By Treadmill 59. Dr F. Batmanghelidj, Water and Salt 60. O’Shea, T – Sugar: The Sweet Thief of Life 61. Dufty, Wm – Sugar Blues 62. Postlethwaite, A – Chemotactic attraction of human fibroblasts National Acad. Of Sciences vol 75(20 p 871 63. Hays N – Effects of whey and fortified collagen Journal of Am. Dietetic Assn. vol 109 p 1082 2009 64. Seminars with German molecular biologist Stephan Housmanns, PhD – Autumn 2016, Eberbach, Germany 65. O’Shea T – December 2018 Newsletter – Enzymes 66 Enzymes the key to longevity 67. Pathophysiology25(2018)1–11 – Gastroesophageal reflux disease – 68. Scientists categorize Earth as a ‘toxic planet’ 17 Feb 17 69. O’Shea, T The doors of perception/ chapters 70. Vaccination is not immunization – the war on children – O’Shea, T


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Module 2: Modern Food Industry - Health or Chronic Disease? - thedoctorwithin 71. Newsletter June 2016 – thedoctorwithin 72. CDC Measles vaccine – 73. 54% of children have a chronic disease – Academic Pediatrics, vol. 11, Issue 3 suppl. May–June 2011, p. S22 A National and State Profile of Leading Health Problems and Health Care Quality for US Children 74. Introduction of DTP and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants EBioMedicine 2017 Mar;17:192-198. 75. RFK Vaccine safety project 2018 - 76. Ingredients of Vaccines – CDC Fact Sheet – 77. U.S. Medical Marketing Reaches $30 Billion, Drug Ads Top Surge – Associated Press8 Jan 2019 78. Infant mortality ranking, countries 2018 – 79. REFLUX NEJM Jan 2009 20% US adults 80. 60 Day Program 81. Gaston Naessens – somatid cycle – 82. Bioterrain Analysis 83. Feedback and Testimonials — 83. Appleton, N – Lick the sugar habit


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A list of a few essential books that have risen above the programmed lowest common denominator of superficial reptilian wiki-google-amazon-netflix consciousness that has become today’s conventional wisdom. How else could they have sold the Hoax? Can you imagine – we actually had a civilization. Find out a little about what’s really been going on in the world all this time, a little of what Common Core, and the new regime are erasing from memory. While you were busy texting, shopping, facebooking, emailing, youtubing, on TikTok and Instagram, getting your COVID shot, watching TV … the world went by. Your life went by. The Naked Ape, Desmond Morris Silent Spring, Rachel Carson The Source, James A Michener Shibumi, Trevanian The Bounty Trilogy, Nordhoff & Hall Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin The Phenomenon of Man, Teilhard de Chardin Bechamp or Pasteur?, E. Douglas Hume The Curse of Louis Pasteur, Nancy Appleton Man,The Unknown, Alexis Carrel Magister Ludi, Herman Hesse The Gallic Wars, Julius Caesar Longitude, Dava Sobel The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas The Wisdom of the Body, Walter B. Cannon The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoyevski Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Carl Jung Dreaming War, Gore Vidal The Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud The Wisdom of Insecurity, Alan Watts The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand

Adios, America, Ann Coulter Our Stolen Future, Theo Colborn The Elements of Style, William Strunk War and Peace Leo Tolstoy


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The Adventurers, Harold Robbins Noble House, James Clavell Enzyme Nutrition, Edward Howell Toxemia Explained, J H Tilden The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, Carson McCullers Dune, Frank Herbert Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenter and Seymour:An Introduction, JD Salinger Conversations, Royal Lee The Chiropractor’s Adjustor, DD Palmer GMO Trilogy, Jeffrey Smith Inventing the AIDS Virus, Peter Duesberg Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Carl Jung Water and Salt, F. Batmanghelidj Vaccination Is Not Immunization, T. O’Shea Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, W. A. Price Biological Science, William T Keeton Empty Harvest, Bernard Jensen Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola, Leonard Horowitz My Wicked, Wicked Ways, Errol Flynn Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand Narcissus and Goldman, Hermann Hesse An Introduction to Biocranial Therapy, Robert Boyd The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Wm S. Genetic Roulette, Jeffrey Smith Game of Thrones, vol.I, G.R.R.M. Galileo of the Microscope, Christopher Bird American Values, RFK Jr ******* ESSENTIAL FILMS TO INHIBIT CEREBRAL ATROPHY AND DEEVOLUTION The Ascent of Man series Pillars of the Earth Charles Darwin and The Tree of Life Steve Bannon Interview – America’s Great Divide Valmont


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Master and Commander Hail, Caesar Mozart in the Jungle (TV series 2015) L’Insolent (Beaumarchais) No End In Sight V for Vendetta Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Dirty Wars The Other One (Bob Weir) The Wrecking Crew An Inconvenient Truth Before the Flood,   (Leonardo DiCaprio) JFK (Oliver Stone) Deceptive Practices: Ricky Jay Loose Change Chasing Ice Bag It Inside Chipotle Scorcese’s George Harrison: The Material World Whatever Happened To The Electric Car? FrackNation SuperSize Me Network (1976) The Newsroom (Season 1) Food, Inc. Hemo The Magnificent Fantasia (1940) Outfoxxed Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told Casablanca JFK: In His Own Words Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview A Good Woman (Wilde) The Scoundrel (L’Insolent) The Rape of Europa The Importance of Being Earnest (Colin Firth) The Wipers Times Morgan Spurlock’s Inside Man: Security The United States of Secrets The Men Who Built America


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Sabrina (Audrey Hepburn) Impromptu Oliver Stone: The Putin Interviews The Mark of Zorro (1940) The Devil’s Violinist Tim’s Vermeer — Penn & Teller In Plane Sight Blind Spot (in German) The Tao of Steve Why We Fight Pharlap Vaxxed Inglourious Basterds The Gentlemen Interview with Edward Van Halen Lawrence of Arabia Snowden Ivanhoe (Elizabeth Taylor) Good Omens How Tesla Builds Cars So Fast A Trip To Panama’s Stem Cell Institute Ron DeSantis 2022 CPAC speech: full video Michelle Branch: The Game of Love


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DATAMINING AND BIO-WRISTBANDING YOUR KIDS ( from the June 2016 Newsletter) Many people over 30 can remember when there was no internet, no Ipads, no cell phones. Or at least when these devices did not dominate the daily lives of most people. Was life poorer then? Were we missing anything?


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Back then it wasn’t necessary to document every mundane event of daily life, rushing to Share every silly detail with the entire world. All that “extra’ time could be used for actual living. Since Political Correctness had yet to be defined, one advantage of the PreLinked age may have been a much wider range of thought and expression. People could actually react to a given situation without first checking with their programming to see how they were supposed to feel. Remember that? Not that we were all necessarily smarter and better educated back then. But the spectrum of opinions and personalities was certainly broader, less homogeneous, less crafted by the incessant barrage from viewscreens everywhere, displaying the monodimensional pop narrative. Which has today become set in concrete as the One World mind. Where did it come from? Who cast the mold? The One World Mind was no accident, but rather the result of decades of planning. Under the tutelage of Edward L Bernays, since 1910 the public relations industry evolved into the very sophisticated science of global media, steadily improving its consistency and exclusivity. ( The Doors of Perception [2].

It took until 1860 for world population to top 1 billion. By 1930 there were 2 billion people on earth. By 1974, 4 billion. Today there are 7 billion. Does that mean that human life has less value today than ever before? It was inevitable that educational course content and curricula should be affected by the new One World monolith, with the gradual imposition of rigid controls.


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All those minds need to be herded, right? What is the primary objective? Control. A leveling effect on every child’s minds, to instill an identical view of history, geography, political correctness, party affiliation, academics, normal behavior, US hegemony, world literature, approved views on science and medicine, science as religion, etc. The whole package of Orwellian flattening. Anyone with an opinion that strays from the fold is branded a conspiracy theorist, racist, sexist, terrorist, homophobe, xenophobe, capitalist, extremist, etc. – pick one from the list of marginalizing labels provided by the One World monkeys. Anything that says He’s Not Like Us. Now the vehicle for introducing this philosophy into American schools is called Common Core. It’s not even controversial that in the past 2 decades, children have been getting dumber and dumber academically, particularly in math, reading, and writing. {1} By the 2000s, when the % of literate high school graduates was around 50%, the solution of the ‘educators’ was to lower the standards of the exit exam so that it looked as though kids were smarter than they really were. Educators did this several times between 2003 and 2011 at the national level, actually giving it a name: “re-centering.” The stage for Common Core was then set: it was decided that we’re just expecting too much, to ask that kids be able to read, write, and do math by the time they’re 18. Or know that there are 5 continents or that the Civil War was fought between the North and the South, or that the Bill of Rights even exists… Or the formula for the area of a parallelogram… Since 2009 then, the glider-like downward trajectory of educational curricula has come to be codified and specifically elaborated by Common Core standards. This dismaying agenda is being unrelentingly forced on schools all


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across the country in an effort to homogenize and cap off not just the academic levels of school achievement, but kids’ values and attitudes as well. Why? Big surprise: it’s about money. Obama’s handlers, along with Bill Gates’ foundation, have laid out over $4.3 billion in order to install Common Core as the educational standard in all US primary and secondary school systems. [1.] Very simply, Common Core is the carrot-on-a-stick for any state that wants federal funding for education. Which is now 45 out of 50. In other words, if you states want our federal money, you have to agree to use Common Core academic standards and handbooks, in place of traditional textbooks and methodologies. Exclusively. We’ll pay you to worship at our altar. Just agree to participate in data mining and biowristbands and gait monitoring for the kids, and whatever else we come up with. It’s easy. Common Core is problematic by definition. To begin with, it’s illegal. Federal control of schools is against federal law:

USC § 1232a – Prohibition against Federal control of education “No provision of any applicable program shall be construed to authorize any department, agency, officer, or employee of the United States to exercise any direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of instruction, administration, or personnel of any educational institution, school, or school system, or over the selection of library resources, textbooks, or other printed or published instructional materials by any educational institution or school system..”

Look at the textbooks and courses demanded by Common Core. Where are the liberal arts – US history, World history, classical history, geography, English composition, languages, trigonometry, chemistry, physics, science that is independent of CDC or the computer industry?


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These are college subjects of course, but traditionally there was at least an introduction to them in primary and secondary curricula. No more. No more You Can Be Anything You Want To Be. Now it’s – You Can Be Any of These 8 things… Where do vaccines fit into this brave new agenda? Those few enlightened parents opting out of vaccines by choosing Home Schooling may be hit with a double-edged sword: 1. They were cheated out of an education for their children, to which they were entitled from years of paying high property taxes 2. The advantages of Home School curricula are de-valued by the final tests home school graduates must pass, which are based on Common Core standards. How did the 2016 election factor into this dialog? Parents may be surprised to find their home-schooled children suddenly in a far superior academic environment, learning at much higher levels than at public school. Yet when it comes time to take tests for their equivalent diplomas, those exams are restricted to Common Core protocols and course materials. How did the individual presidential candidates regard Common Core, how committed were they to enforcing this radical new experiment in retrograde education. Leave No Child Behind, limit achievement to lowest common denominator, etc. Did we really choose this path? Control of information extends far beyond the walls of our schools, of course. It oozes out of every screen you see, all day long, from smartphone to iPad to desktop TV screen – even at the gas pump. Consistent and inescapable. We are becoming more like monkeys and apes again. For lower primates, if they don’t see something, they don’t know about it. The ability for abstract thought defined homo sapiens. That’s what we’re losing.


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Today we are all being tracked. Your responses, all your digital interaction, your tastes in web-browsing, anything you buy, even your gait patterns … it’s recorded and collated up at the million square foot facility outside Salt Lake City: the NSA Utah Data Center. The all too real meta-science of Data Mining. Alexa, play theme from V For Vendetta. The myths and slogans and shortcuts to thinking that define average consciousness – most of them are reinforced and inculcated visually. On screens. All day, every day. Along with scripted, approved soundtracks. Hypnopedia. It would be fine if the objective were to be an introduction to the subject matter, which would motivate one to further investigation. But what we have today is that the superficial soundbytes and 3 second clips have themselves BECOME the total content. Rational discourse, critical thinking, research below the surface, looking for independent sources, investigative journalism, thinking about a topic for more than 60 seconds – are not only rare, but trigger suspicion that we might have — a Doubter. Uhoh, somebody asking questions. Red alert! One arena where the one-dimensional collective conscious is clearly evident is the comedy channels. That’s right, comedy. Most contemporary comedians have no content to start with and just recite banal accounts of their recent adventures at a fast food restaurant, or in their backyard perhaps, with just enough bad language to make them seem ‘outrageous’ or ‘zany’… But listen to a few of them, one after the other, and notice how parochial, how identical their values, expressions, education, field of experience, vocabulary, fear of being accused, how they’re all stamped from the same cookie cutter. No more Robin Williams or Bill Hicks or Sam Kinison coming down the pike any time soon, that’s for certain. Lowest end Common Core-approved comedy only, from here on out. The triumph of mediocrity.


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Why is Google now among the top ten lobbies in Washington, spending some $350 million per year? For what? Influence. The right to influence. The power to keep One World views in the forefront of all education and media, and to marginalize anyone who strays from the fold on the proscribed list of enemies. But always with lip service to free speech, open dialog, upholding science’s living mandate to follow the unvarnished data wherever it may lead…. Masterfully covering its tracks, the One World Mind erases all evidence of coercion to fit into the mold, pretending that anyone is welcome to join the open discussion. Like the phony ‘open platform’ of Wikipedia, with its committees of invisible proofreaders behind the scenes, who guarantee that any discussion having the slightest bearing on corporate big money issues will not contaminate the pre-assigned point of view. No legitimate teacher in any school accepts Wikipedia links as references for any research work whatsoever. Why? It’s the epitome of bias and op ed propaganda. Google is worse. For those who can remember, when they first started out back in the 90s, Google was very efficient with quests for information. That was in the days of the true Boolean search – remember those? When you could search for exact words and exclude others from the search, and it actually worked? Today it’s hard to even find the Advanced Search option at all. What happened to its icon on the upper right? Too risky. Too much chance that an original, spontaneous thought might emerge, without pre-authorization. Or that an unfiltered fact might be uncovered, at odds with the approved view. No, today we’re going to give you a million pasteurized references to your searchword in .4 seconds, the top 5 being straight off wikipedia. And today’s search algorithm won’t even combine the keywords you typed in– any one of


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them is good enough. So the results come up in an almost random order, practically useless. The finished work based on these random sources becomes increasingly pointless and ill-informed. The clueless writer started nowhere, had no particular premise, and ends up nowhere. All this reinforces the declining intuition and cognition ubiquitous throughout the culture. No wonder movies are now made for the retarded by the inarticulate. Nothing else will sell. Vaxxed can’t make it into multiplexes, not because it isn’t authoritative enough, but because it requires a little analytical thinking that challenges the Common Core of What Everybody Believes. It’s a new idea. Makes you think about something you thought you’ve known the answer to all your life. Why would anyone want to re-evaluate? Like with the Coen Brothers masterpiece Hail Caesar. It was too good to succeed, the humor too subtle. People want to watch Adam Sandler or Jack Black make us even dumber. So follow up. Some of you already know much more than this about Common Core and understand exactly what is being hinted at here. But for those of you who do not, let this be an invitation to investigate further the latest sinister betrayal of the human spirit, intellectual freedom, and the esthetics of literature. Common Core – a threat to the future of human intelligence, to the time when your kids will be your age.

“I am gross and perverted I’m obsessed ‘n deranged I have existed for years But very little has changed I’m the tool of the Government And industry too For I am destined to rule And regulate you


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I may be vile and pernicious But you can’t look away I make you think I’m delicious With the stuff that I say I’m the best you can get Have you guessed me yet? I’m the slime oozin’ out From your TV set You will obey me while I lead you And eat the garbage that I feed you Until the day that we don’t need you Don’t go for help . no one will heed you Your mind is totally controlled It has been stuffed into my mold And you will do as you are told Until the rights to you are sold Well, I am the slime from your video …” – composer Frank Zappa (now de-composing) I Am The Slime

References 1. Durden, T Dumb and Dumber 2. The Doors of Perception: Why Americans will believe almost anything 3. Beck, G . . Education in America, Part III: Common Core Education in America Part III: Common Core


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With ongoing programs in many countries, systematic chemical spraying of the sky doesn’t seem likely to disappear any time soon.


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Here in the Bay Area we had a magnanimous reprieve all summer from the Controllers – almost no chemtrails since early June. This made for one of the most glorious summers here. While the rest of the country was sweltering under 100 degree skies, with storms and floods tossed in, out here in Silicon Valley we generally had 70s and 80s weather, many days festooned to the horizon with old-fashioned high cumulus panoramas. Couple of brief scorchers, but for the most part it was room temperature. And not a trail in the sky. We can whine about crushing taxes, open borders, irresponsible legislators, engineered drought, epidemic degenerative illness, etc – all the things that have annihilated the California dream in recent years. But two treasures we still have in abundance are spectacular natural beauty, and the best weather on earth. But now that summer is drawing to a close, the skywriters are back at work. Most days this week they have covered 90% of the Bay Area sky. They’re learning now how to imitate natural formations, so sometimes it’s hard to tell chemtrails from real clouds or haze. One giveaway is the sharp manmade streak going right into the doubtful formation. Or else the presence of obvious hashtags and streaks across the rest of the sky. The other trick they’re doing now is spraying in the pre-dawn sky so that by the time daylight hits there’s just this silvery haze, already there. The more you watch, the better you get at distinguishing between the natural and the manmade. Our 7 year old is now very adept. Chemtrails look two dimensional, as opposed to 3 dimensional natural clouds. And chemtrails are always at about the same altitude. They have a characteristic flat texture and color that you begin to recognize. But you have to start looking up. Every day! Check back to the May newsletter for an intro to chemtrails a la Dane


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Wigington. Whatever degree of awareness you may have about what’s being sprayed into our skies, one thing is empirically evident just by looking up every day: something is being deliberately aerosolized into our atmosphere on a very defined schedule. Dane does provide enough witnesses and evidence to demonstrate fairly strongly that the trails are primarily nanoparticulate aluminum oxide. Normal condensation trails that follow commercial aircraft dissipate in about a minute. If it goes horizon to horizon and widens over a period of four hours, well that’s military-industrial, my friend. And it’s chemical. What might account for the exponential rise of Alzheimers today? Aluminum has long been cited in the literature as a neurotoxin that can accelerate senile neurodegeneration, even among the not-yet senile. The heavy metal nanoparticles are inhaled by mammals, and enter the bloodstream. In child brains, aluminum inhibits neuron development and myelin formation. In adults, it tears these structures down. Aluminum is a primary heavy metal, toxic to all mammalian physiology. It is bioaccumulative in humans – meaning once it’s in your body, aluminum particles can take up residence in virtually any organ or tissue, and remain there. Forever. Just like plaque in your arteries – it’s more or less permanent. And it’s not just brain cells that are damaged – aluminum can inhibit virtually every metabolic system in the human body – digestion, reproduction, respiration, cell repair, endocrine, bone synthesis, cognitive, immune, circulatory – name it. Russell Blaylock is the real expert in this field of course, with his classic book Excitotoxins. Even before the recent chemtrails campaign was ignited, aluminum toxicity has been skyrocketing in the US for years. What’s going on now is pouring


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gasoline on that old fire. Worse yet, with the vaccine hysteria sweeping the country this past year, far fewer parents are opting out of vaccines. The fear of aluminum in vaccines never achieved the same fad status as mercury. But it’s present in every shot. So California toddlers are saddled with a double handicap, right out of the gate – chemtrails and vaccines. Both straight to the blood. Don’t take the word of this little article – do your follow-up in the both Blaylock’s book and your vaccine text. You can’t stop your child from breathing, but you can stop vaccinating him. Although after years of writing new editions of the vaccine text, it’s clear that fewer and fewer people are making that choice. Which is why that choice is now being legislated out of existence. The two main obstacles to an informed decision are * Inertia – who wants to learn anything these days? Especially something as unpopular as vaccine exemption. * Draconian new laws that effectively force vaccines on children The consequence of all this is that the future health of the American child does not seem optimistic. Exponential growth curves for both infectious and degenerative disease among children will not only continue, but will be exacerbated by the new laws, the new vaccines, and the ongoing trails. Ironically, the most educated state in the US now has a more oppressive vaccine policy than the least educated state. Of course most people these days vaccinate, no matter what state they’re in. And there’s nothing to indicate a change in that trend any time soon. Vaccination is increasing, as new vaccines are added to the schedule. To educate someone to be willing to resist the floodtide of invective that awaits their decision not to vaccinate – well, it takes a little reading. At least one or two books. And perhaps a seminar or two.


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This is asking a bit much of today’s twitter/google/wiki/iphone cult, who have 24 hour access to omniscience, without any study or thought. Just give me the answer – not interested in the politics, economics, or reasoning behind it. The unchallenged fact is that aluminum is being loaded into everyone’s blood by two simultaneous programs – vaccines and chemtrails. Every single day. This is not even mentioning the hundreds of other industrial and environmental pathways that daily ramjet aluminum into the human body. Our race is loading up on heavy metals, the US exponentially faster than perhaps anywhere on earth. A WAY OUT? Even if you think it’s too difficult to avoid vaccines, or you don’t feel like filing a class action suit against your local airport for participating in genocidal aerosolizing, you still do have some small recourse. Chelation. It’s really the least you can do, in order to reduce just a little the ongoing heavy metal accumulation. For the whole story of chelation look at the chapter. Also the video Only You Can Clear Your Arteries – Without Drugs The short version is that we’ve known for years about natural, nontoxic ways to remove heavy metals from the cells and tissues. There are fast chelators, like EDTA, which can be very destructive to liver and kidneys. And there is a slower, just as effective supplemental remedy, with no side effects at all. Oral chelation – holistic science. The question becomes – how important are your kids to you? They are only being targeted today because the uninformed allow it. Are you going to believe every single thing the vaccine salesmen tell you? You’re too busy to do the smallest amount of reading? All the controversy about risk – you don’t want to decide for yourself?


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You’re going to bet your child’s life that the pediatricians and vax industry put the health of the child above their own mercenary concerns? Or you’re too busy to actually look up into the sky every day and see if the formations look natural or manmade? You breathe the same air as your children – the aerosolized aluminum being infused into your lungs almost every day, in the hashtagged city sky. If you can’t control the respiratory intake, at least you can have an effect upon the permanent accumulation of these toxic particles – oral chelation.

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4. THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE 60 DAY PROGRAM . Thousands of supplements out there – GNC, grocery stores, internet, MLM cults – each claiming to be the magic bullet that will cancel years of self indulgence and cure your chronic illness and fatigue. Are they all good? Of course not. Over 90% of supplements are manufactured either directly or indirectly by whom? Right. The pharmaceutical industry. That’s where all those drugstore/ Safeway multi’s come from. The commonality of this group is that more money gets spent on the label and advertising than on the ingredients. Maximize profits, cheap ingredients, promise anything. Then there is a smaller subset of supplements that have actually been well formulated and manufactured. But most of these supplements merely chase symptoms. This vitamin or mineral for that symptom — the allopathic model except using supplements instead of drugs.


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Then there is a much smaller group that support the body’s own processes without trying to overpower or direct it. And a smaller portion of that group whose objective is to clear the tract and the blood, while at the same time offering the body everything necessary for complete cellular nutrition and waste elimination. And trimming this last group down to the high end and eliminating duplication, we came up with 7. Only 7, and the number hasn’t gone up in over 15 years. In all that clinical experience, the philosophy became simplicity itself: 1. the lowest number of supplements 2. spend the least amount of money on supplements 3. give the body everything it needs for complete cell nutrition and detox That’s it. No need to re-invent the wheel. Does it work? Look at the hundreds of stories in the Feedback and Testimonials section.


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To AGG: The lack of information evident in your pediatrician’s emails are typical of the standard medical approach to “health care.” What is most typical, even predictable is * the absence of scientific sources for the statements being made


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  * the condescending tone   * the final goal of every argument being the sale of drugs and a lifetime of dependency on organized medicine. You can’t really blame them: it’s how they’re trained. It’s all they know. The reason they don’t cite sources is that they don’t know any. Ask them for sources, and they change the subject. It’s a reflex; it’s their training. [Mendelsohn 31] They are trained to believe that the medical degree makes them experts on every subject and able to speak with absolute authority, with no further studying after graduation. The danger here is, they don’t know their own literature — they rarely know what the real medical experts in their own field have published in legitimate medical journals. And that is what we will look at. From the “patients” they expect one thing: compliance. Unquestioning loyalty and trust in the medical model. Challenge that at your peril. WEAK, HELPLESS, AND INADEQUATE Pediatricians are the most dangerous of all. Robert Mendelsohn, MD, an authority with impeccable credentials in medicine, had this to say about pediatricians in general: “Pediatricians are as determined as obstetricians to weaken the family. They start by making the new mother feel absolutely unequal to the task of looking after the welfare of her baby….Modern Medicine attacks the family for the simple reason that if you want to convert someone to a different religion, you first go after the family ties. Don’t listen to your mother or grandmother. Those are old wives tales. Listen to us. We are taught not to depend on anyone but the professionals – the doctors. With the family influence gone, what I call the vertical transmission of values from one generation to the next is gone too.”


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  [ (31) p 93, 105] Obstetricians convince mothers that pregnancy is a serious medical condition, for which the mother herself is ill-equipped and inadequately prepared. Pediatricians continue this salesmanship of helplessness into the next phase: now infancy is a serious medical condition for which the mother herself is ill-equipped and inadequately prepared, etc. Creating mothers as obedient consumers, in the image and likeness of the corporate mentality – that’s the game. How all this came about is beyond our present discussion but can be explored further in the chapter The Doors of Perception at and in Mendelsohn’s 2 books How To Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor and Confessions of a Medical Heretic. No parent should try to raise a child without a thorough reading of Mendelsohn’s 2 books. Our present discussion will deal with some fundamental issues about * vaccines   * infant formula   * long chain fatty acids for the infant brain   * raw milk VACCINES The vaccine topics are covered in The Sanctity of Human Blood. Even if vaccines did what they’re advertised to do, they should never be given before 2 years of age. A 4 month old infant simply has not had enough time to build


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defenses that can prevent the additives in vaccines from damaging the formative systems, especially * the blood * the digestive tract * the brain * the immune system BUILDING THE BRAIN These systems are struggling to organize themselves for the very first time into smooth-running programs that must last for a lifetime. [(1) Guyton p 426 ff, 565 ff, Colborn (2)] The way each system evolves is mostly unknown to medical science. Terms like “the wisdom of the body” or “genetics” or “nature” or “evolution” have been used to describe how the body knows exactly how to assemble and organize its new operating systems. An excellent analogy is buying a brand new computer. Until you install an operating system, like Windows 10 or High Sierra, the screen is blank. It takes a certain amount of time to install the operating system onto the hard drive. Only after the operating system is installed may other programs be loaded in. So imagine that as you are going through the install process of Windows 7 in your brand new computer, you spill some battery acid onto the keyboard. Or perhaps some iron filings or silicon dust — some contaminant that gets into the brain of the computer at the exact time when you’re installing its very first operating system. What is likely to happen? Corruption of the hard drive. Which may cause incorrect loading and operation of any subsequent program you ever decide to add later on. Permanent defects which cannot be repaired. This is exactly what is going on in the formative infant brain. The infant is born with about 70% of its brain cells. By age one, the infant brain will contain some 100 billion neurons, which must last a lifetime. [Schmidt p 104 (3)] So in the first year of life, at least 60% of the baby’s total energy is expended


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growing the brain. [(7) Farquaharson p 198] Nature prioritizes: if you want to survive, first get your brain and nervous system up and running. Make it past age one, then we’ll talk. So in addition to adding that other 30% of brain cells in the first year, the brain is also developing its individual sections, each of which has its own specialty: hearing, memory, sight, intuition, apperception, balance, coordination, judgment, etc. [ (1) Guyton p 565] The sections of the brain form from the inside outward, like layers of an onion. Of critical importance is the formation of the connectors between the individual sections, which are called interneurons. These sections of the brain must develop at certain precise weeks of age. And so must the interneuron connectors between the sections. Windows of opportunity. [2] For many of these tasks, the brain only gets one shot, one opportunity. Miss it, and the hard wiring will never be correct. The brain might figure out some secondary patch job later, but it will never operate the way it was supposed to. STRUGGLE FOR SURVIVAL This fragile, unknown universe within the forming infant brain is exceedingly delicate. It is literally struggling its way into existence. If left to itself for the first two years, nature pulls most of us through. But here’s the problem. We’ve stopped leaving the brain to itself, in this most critical period. First with the additives in vaccines like aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, phenol, radiator fluids – proven beyond controversy to be neurotoxic (nervedestroying). [(16) Blaylock] As these toxins are allowed to freely circulate in the blood environment of the brain, nerve cells are killed. Half-formed nerve cells stop forming. Connectors never get made. Worse, the damage is random, because every infant brain is unique, developing at its own pace, like flowers in a field. There is no predicting when the damage will show up. Maybe the child drops dead, or goes into shock, or turns autistic 2 weeks later, or can’t learn to read at age 5, or has “ADD” in adolescence, or Parkinson’s at 28, or any other neurologic


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disorder. Or maybe is simply a little dumber than his parents. Over and over and over. No amount of medical propaganda can obscure these basic laws of human physiology. MY KID WILL MAKE IT I know, I know – you don’t think all this is a big risk. You think your child will be the one who makes it through OK… By 2004 USA, 1 child in 6 had a neurodevelopmental disorder! [17, Geier] The CDC itself estimates that only 10% of vaccine injuries ever get reported. And there have been over 200,000 serious adverse reactions to vaccines accounted for. [19] No pediatrician may talk about these statistics. BREASTFEEDING VS FORMULA The second way that the infant brain is frequently handicapped happens when less than optimum nutrition is offered to the child. Again, in the delicate formation of the normal brain, certain raw materials must be abundantly present. Most informed doctors agree that by far the best way to make sure the infant gets optimum nutrition is breastfeeding. As long as the mother has a good diet herself, there is no food or formula known to man that can improve on mother’s milk during the first year of life. Starting with colostrum, with its natural antibiotics and irreplaceable immune building properties, and then proceeding to the normal milk, with the exact balance of long chain fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, and minerals… Mothers milk is the gold standard. To go from mother’s milk to formula is at the very least a huge drop in overall quality of nutrition, which all by itself significantly raises the chances of incomplete brain development. [(3) Schmidt p 107] Tons of studies back this up. One of the top experts in EFAs is certainly Barry Sears, MD. From his website [23], we find this very enlightening comparison of breast milk vs.


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BREAST MILK * Rich in brain-building omega 3s, namely DHA and AA * Automatically adjusts to infant’s needs; levels decline as baby gets older * Rich in cholesterol * Nearly completely absorbed * Contains fat-digesting enzyme, lipase * More completely absorbed; * Lactoferrin for intestinal health * Lysozyme, an antimicrobial * Rich in protein components * Rich in growth factors * Contains sleep-inducing proteins * Rich in lactose * Rich in living white blood cells, millions per feeding * Rich in immunoglobulins * Better absorbed minerals, especially zinc, and calcium * Iron is 50 to 75 percent absorbed. * Contains more selenium (an antioxidant) * Rich in digestive enzymes, such as lipase and amylase * Rich in many hormones: thyroid, prolactin, oxytocin, and others FORMULA Harder-to-digest casein curds No DHA Doesn’t adjust to infant’s needs No cholesterol Not completely absorbed No lipase Poorly absorbed,


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No lactoferrin, or only a trace No lysozyme Deficient or low in proteins Deficient in growth factors Infants may be allergic to formula protein. No live white blood cells – or any other cells. Dead food has less immunological benefit. Few immunoglobulins and most are the wrong kind Minerals poorly absorbed Iron is 5 to 10 percent absorbed Little selenium Processing kills digestive enzymes Processing kills hormones, which are not human to begin with Digestive enzymes promote intestinal health. Hormones contribute to the overall biochemical balance and well-being of baby. The superiority of mother’s milk over formula is not really controversial. Fat is the most important nutrient in breastmilk. Insufficient cholesterol and DHA, vital for growing brains and bodies, may predispose a child to adult heart and central nervous system diseases. BABY’S BRAIN: SURVIVAL OF THE FATTEST The infant’s brain is made up mostly of fats — good fats like DHA and AA. Fats make up the structure of the nerve cells, the insulation between them, the connections, and the support structure. Without these critical fatty acids, there is no normal brain. With inadequate supplies of them, there is defective brain formation. This discussion will limit itself to the most fundamental brain fats necessary for proper formation of the infant brain. It’s a very complex subject, and a great deal is actually pretty well established by research. But before we can talk about brain fats, it’s important to say just a little bit about FATS IN GENERAL


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In the omnipresent Disneyland of Nutritional Disinformation that surrounds us, a primary topic of nutrition that is worth looking into is fats. Specifically, good fats. With the endless efforts of everyday media to inculcate the look of the emaciated young MTV hooker as the epitome of female beauty, fats are the Devil. Fat is bad. Fats clog the heart and make us ordinary. Worse yet, fats equals fat. Fats cause cellulite and love handles and spare tires and make us accept substandard life partners. And low-paying jobs. And cars with dents in them. So we have the Low Fat/ Non Fat obsession – low fat milk, nonfat salad dressing, butter, yogurt, cheese, breads, pasta, beer, coffee creamer, ice cream, meats, chips, etc. – you know the drill. Instills into our minds the unstated falsehood: that the problem with these foods was too much fat. Remove the fat – remove the problem. Now they’re perfect foods, right? The irony with this campaign against fats is that the individual who eats only fat-free foods generally ends up as fat deficient. And therefore unhealthy. And often as not, overweight. Before we run on in a fever, let’s back up to the beginning. Human food comes in 3 main forms   fats   protein   carbohydrates   Three legs of the stool. Take away any one of them and the result is imbalance. Suboptimal nutrition. Organ dysfunction. Brainfog. Accelerated


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aging. So we need fats. Every day. But they must be the right ones. And the right fats for human nutrition are certain fatty acids. We’re not getting into all this here though, because we’re trying to limit this discussion to fats that are essential to the development of the baby’s brain. If you really want to continue the fat in general discussion, kindly go to the Good Fats chapter at FATS IN THE INFANT BRAIN Beginning with the fetal brain, certain long-chain fatty acids must be present in the mother’s diet and blood in order for the fetal brain to have the building blocks it needs. Long-chain just means many carbon atoms strung together. The reason all these fats are required is that the baby’s brain is almost all fat! The two most important fatty acids for the brain are DHA and AA. Docosahexaenoic acid and Arachidonic acid. DHA is an omega-3 and AA is an omega-6. But again we’re not going into that here either. The important thing to know is what these 2 essential fatty acids do: DHA – vision cells   – memory cells   – brain connections   – brain cell energy AA


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– develops brain cells Those functions seem fairly important, wouldn’t you say? Up until one year of age there is no substitute for these 2 fatty acids. The infant’s brain approaches optimum development in direct proportion to the constant availability of DHA and AA. In her very thorough review of the medical literature on brain fats, Dr Margaret Lahey clearly links EFA deficiency in the infant with ADD, dyslexia, and autism, citing dozens of medical sources. [6] Again, this part of the discussion is beyond controversy. A normal infant brain simply cannot be made without the fatty acid DHA. [8, Holman] If DHA supplies are inadequate, the body will substitute the closest other fatty acids it has, in order to survive. But the brain will not be normal. An unborn child uses up the mother’s DHA so fast that clinical studies show a 35% loss of DHA in the pregnant woman, as compared to non-pregnant women. [8] Once again, if the infant is breastfed for the first year, adequate DHA and AA are available, as long as the mother has an excellent diet. Trouble is, most mothers do not have a particularly excellent diet, as you may have noticed. First rate studies carried out by Hornstra and Salvati [4, 5] show that most pregnant women are themselves deficient in DHA and AA, and therefore provide insufficient amounts of these essential fatty acids during the critical brain growth period in the last trimester. If the diet deficiency continues after childbirth, and why wouldn’t it, the infant is handicapped as far as the chances for optimum brain development. These issues are also well established scientifically. [8] The importance of the woman’s diet then, both before and after childbirth, can hardly be over-emphasized. FORMULA We’ve only talked about the challenges to infant brain development that are due to the nursing mother’s diet, both before and after childbirth. But what


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happens if the mother stops breastfeeding before the child is 12 months old, for whatever reason, and switches to formula? In his excellent text The Omega 3 Phenomenon, Donald Rudin, MD shows that switching from mothers milk to formula immediately reduces DHA to the baby by 30 times, even if the mother has a ‘good’ diet. [18] Dr J. Farquharson, another world authority on brain fats, agrees: “The reductions in DHA content between the breast fed and artificially fed infants …would be sufficient to alter [brain] membrane function…   The long term effects of DHA inadequacy on neuronal integrity … predispose to … neurodegenerative disease” [Schmidt, p 110] IQ. There are dozens of scientific studies correlating higher child IQ with breastfeeding, [6 ] both in the US and in Europe. Many of these studies are found in Dr Lahey’s comprehensive look at fats and infant brain development. Any doctor who tries to tell a mother that formula is just as good as mother’s milk is at best simply ignorant of the overwhelming majority of the scientific literature’s conclusions on the subject, and at worst just another drug rep. [31] Drug rep? I thought we were talking about formula here, not drugs. We were, but guess who the manufacturer of Enfamil, the most popular infant formula, is. Give up? Mead Johnson. DRUG COMPANIES IN THE BABY FOOD BUSINESS Mead-Johnson is a branch of Bristol Myers, one of the largest multinational pharmaceutical conglomerates on earth. [24] Annual US sales: $13 billion. All but the most naive may have figured out by this time that drug companies are not concerned as much with patients’ health as they are with profits for their stockholders. You might remember last year when Bristol Myers was busted by the FTC for illegally keeping its competitors’ drugs off the market. [9] You start reading details of this price war and you begin to ask yourself, are these


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really the type of people I want to take advice from when their product is supposedly my child’s sole source of nutrition for the first year of life? WHAT’S REALLY IN FORMULA? Let’s take a close look at Enfamil and see what’s really in it. From Mead Johnson’s own website, here is the ingredient list for Enfamil: [24] Per 5 Fl Oz: Protein 2.5 g; Fat 5.1 g; Carbohydrate 11 g; Water 133 g; Linoleic Acid 860 mg; Vitamin A 300 IU; Vitamin D 60 IU; Vitamin E 2 IU; Vitamin K 8 mcg; Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 80 mcg; Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 140 mcg; Vitamin B6 60 mcg; Vitamin B12 0.3 mcg; Niacin 1000 mcg; Folic Acid (Folacin) 16 mcg; Pantothenic Acid 500 mcg; Biotin 3 mcg; Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 12 mg; Choline 12 mg; Inositol 6 mg; Calcium 78 mg; Phosphorus 53 mg; Magnesium 8 mg; Iron 1.8 mg; Zinc 1 mg; Manganese 15 mcg; Copper 75 mcg; Iodine 10 mcg; Selenium 2.8 mcg; Sodium 40 mg; Potassium 108 mg; Chloride 75 mg; Water; Nonfat Milk; Vegetable Oil (Palm Olein; Soy; Coconut; High Oleic Sunflower Oils); Lactose; Rice Starch; Maltodextrin; Mono- and Diglycerides; Soy Lecithin; Carrageenan; Less Than 1%: Vitamin A Palmitate; Vitamin D3; Vitamin E Acetate; Vitamin K1; Thiamin Hydrochloride; Vitamin B6 Hydrochloride; Niacinamide; Calcium Pantothenate; Choline Chloride; Ferrous Sulfate; Zinc Sulfate; Manganese Sulfate; Cupric Sulfate; Sodium Selenite; Taurine Contacting Mead Johnson directly by telephone (812 429 5000) about ingredients, one is told by some very polite admin people that the most of the protein and carbohydrate in Enfamil comes from cow’s milk. And that it’s not just pasteurized, mind you, but ‘super-refined’ nonfat milk. Like this is supposed to convince you of Enfamil’s food value. From the Enzymes chapter at [11] we learned how pasteurizing turned a perfectly good food that has been used by the healthiest humans for centuries [20] into a nonfood – a reactive allergen, linked to chronic allergies, colic, and asthma. The definition of pasteurization is heating the milk until the enzymes are destroyed. Without enzymes, milk cannot be broken down and used by the body.


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Nonfat – like that’s an improvement. Idiots. One of the valuable ingredients of raw milk through the centuries has been the good fats, although not DHA or AA. I don’t even want to know what ‘super-refined’ means, but obviously it has to do with further fractionating and isolating some elements of milk and stabilizing them with preservatives. This is about as far from a natural, usable food as one can get. Manmade, lifeless, stabilized chemicals taken from foods achieve their main goal: long shelf life. But what about the child? Now I guess we should be happy that they remembered to put some essential fatty acids into Enfamil, like Linoleic Acid. Linoleic acid is a true essential fatty acid, which means we must get it from our diet because the body can’t make it from other stuff. Linoleic acid is itself vital as a building block of other brain fats. [3] The problem is, linoleic acid comes from corn, safflower, and sunflower seeds. The ingredient list doesn’t list any of these. That means their linoleic acid is a manmade fraction, an isolate, a nonliving biochemical either created in the lab or extracted from a food, but no longer viable as a food. To pretend like manmade linoleic acid is identical to the naturally occurring form is supreme arrogance, and is upheld only by junk science studies conducted by the pharmaceutical industry itself. Same with the vitamins. They list the fat-solubles, A, E, and D, as well as the other vitamins. Again, these are not food-bound living vitamins, but manmade fractions of living vitamins which are bottled up and stabilized (killed) so they can be used as vitamin additives. They even admit this isolation when they put ‘vitamin C’ in parentheses behind Ascorbic Acid. Vitamin additive is as much an oxymoron as rap music. Or police intelligence. For more on natural vs fake vitamins, see the chapter Ascorbic Acid Is Not Vitamin C, at Similarly with the minerals. The Enfamil ingredient list separates the elemental, cheap mineral forms like calcium and phosphorus, from the good, absorbable forms, like Ferrous Sulfate and Zinc Sulfate. This shows an absence of one intelligence overseeing the total design of the formula, which


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is critical in supplements of any kind, and shows Enfamil for what it is: a disordered, random jumble of lifeless food isolates. Except for the ever-toxic soybean oil [14], the vegetable oils listed are actually legit sources of important long chain fatty acids that are important for development of dozens of infant tissues. The problem is: rancidity. In order to be usable by humans, especially budding humans, oils must be in their purest and most pristine forms. Even though the oils in Enfamil may not be hydrogenated, they are still super-heated in order to stabilize them. The original forms are very fragile and are easily destroyed by heat, light, and food processing. Destroyed fats are called rancid. As such they have lost their nutrition value and may become altered fats. Or else trans fats, which interfere with cell life. Altered fats are toxic, not nutritive. Soy and soy lecithin are particularly toxic, inert products as explained in The Magic Bean [14]. And not just because they come from genetically engineered unknowns which stop normal enzyme function in the child’s tract. Soy lecithin is a lifeless, reactive emulsifier added to most processed foods. The Swiss ban all imports containing soy lecithin because of its genetically questionable origin. [Lappe p 91] Soy itself is a major inhibitor of both enzymes and zinc absorption. Zinc is absolutely critical to brain development. So even though it was nice of Bristol Myers to add zinc to Enfamil, the soy products ensure that the zinc will not be absorbed. Again, nobody’s driving the bus here. Carrageenan is a red seaweed that is a new food additive in hundreds of products, from ice cream to soy milk to pudding. It is used a as a thickener. [10 ] The thinking behind adding it to an infant formula was also its EFA content, which supposedly would be useful in developing many systems of the body, including the brain. The problem that Mead Johnson is overlooking is that since 2001 there has been a ton of medical research linking carrageenan to stomach cancer [10] . One medical doctor from the University of Iowa, J. Tobacman, M.D, shows at least 45 studies that all reached that same conclusion. Since 1982


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carrageenan has been listed as a known carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. [21, 10] The point here is that even if there is a slight possibility or even a suspicion that this seaweed might be harmful to humans, it should be excluded from infant formula. But that’s not what we’re talking about here — we’re talking about a ton of research showing how it can cause stomach cancer. A legitimate company whose first concern was the health of the consumer would have pulled it without any instructions from the FDA. But since those instructions have never been issued, Mead Johnson continues to use this dangerous product in its most popular infant formula. Why? It wouldn’t be cost effective to remove it from all those stockpiles! In all fairness, there is an upgraded version of Enfamil that contains algae and fungi which in their living state may be weak sources of DHA and AA. But that was before processing turns living bio units into inert fillers that look good on the label, but not so good in the blood. Still, it was a nice thought. THEN HOW DO THEY SURVIVE FORMULA? So if all this is true about Enfamil, why aren’t babies dying like flies from this dangerous formula? Why do some babies seem to thrive on it? Simple. The body is an amazing survival machine, enormously adaptable at doing the best it can with what it’s got. Fake, partial vitamins are better than no vitamins. Some of the formula’s minerals are actually good. Inferior fatty acids are better than no fatty acids. Processed carbohydrates are better than no carbohydrates. If there were truth in advertising, they might say this formula is the best we could do considering all the handicaps we had to work with, all the suppliers whose contracts we had to honor, and all the department heads who had to throw in their two cents worth. Instead, the claim is this formula is the best possible nutrition for the infant, just as good as breastmilk, etc… Pop quiz: Is Bristol Myers in the health business or the return on investment business? Before you believe somebody, consider where his paycheck


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comes from. WHAT IF THE MOTHER CAN’T BREASTFEED? If optimum brain and body development of the infant are the primary goal, there is no substitute for mothers milk. Only a fool or a formula salesman would pretend there is. Nature alone knows what nutrients a brand new baby needs, when and exactly how much. But if breastfeeding is not an option, for whatever reason, the baby will not perish as long as some nutrition is offered. Just understand that immediately we’re trading down. PLAN B With respect to brain development, our first concern here is to get DHA and AA to the infant in a usable, natural foodbound form. In their helpful nutritional text Nourishing Traditions, Fallon and Enig offer a practical solution which has stood the test of time. They provide recipes for 2 natural formulas which have been devised to come as close as possible to the known nutrients in mothers milk, especially the fatty acids. Here they are: The Milk-Free Formula * 3.5 cups homemade broth ( beef, chicken, or fish) * 2 oz. chopped organic liver * 5 Tblsp. lactose * 1/4 cup whey * 1 Tblsp coconut oil (unrefined) * 1 tsp cod liver oil * 1 tsp unrefined sunflower oil Cook liver slowly in broth. Liquefy in a blender. When cool, stir in remaining ingredients. Store in glass container. To serve, put 6 oz. in glass bottle and warm slowly in pan of hot water. Never microwave. The Milk Based Formula * 2 cups raw milk


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  * 1/4 cup whey   * 2 Tblsp raw cream   * 1 Tblsp cod liver oil   * 1 Tblsp unrefined sunflower oil   * 2 Tblsp brewer’s yeast   * 2 tsp gelatin   * 1 1/3 cup filtered water   * 1 tablet crushed vitamin C Heat gelatin in water till dissolved. Place all ingredients in glass container and stir well. To serve, put 6 oz. in glass bottle and warm slowly in pan of hot water. Never microwave. [Nourishing Traditions p 562] Obviously these formulas are night and day apart from standard processed commercial formula. The chief contrast is that these formulas are prepared live by a live person from live foods under known conditions. In place of inert,


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super-refined, lifeless, fractionated, synthetic, enzyme-devoid lab creations, we substitute fresh living foods with all nutrients in a digestible, viable form. Commercial formulas come and go, but these old recipes are passed down from generation to generation largely unchanged. The baby will thrive on them. Hard to improve on nature; the hard part these days is to discover nature. RAW MILK Yes, yes I know. What about the raw milk? Won’t the child get bacteria? Or some disease? Isn’t it contaminated and dangerous? Discovering the value of raw milk must be accompanied by discovering the history and science of propaganda in the US. As we demythologize our ideas of raw milk by finding out the facts, it’s impossible not to notice how these misconceptions were programmed into our consciousness in the first place. Again, this is the subject matter of the chapter titled The Doors of Perception on the website. [11] The politics behind the promotion of the pasteurized milk industry in this country is beyond the scope of our discussion here. But here’s a hint: follow the money. Shocking revelation… As pasteurized dairy became bigger and bigger during the early 1900s, it was never big enough. They wanted it all. Raw milk was seen as a threat to their market and as such had to be demonized. Raw milk has been a part human nutrition since the rise of animal husbandry back at the dawn of civilization. Centuries of practical methods for safely using and storing milk products have enabled dairy products to contribute to the overall nutrition picture of most cultures on earth. [20 – Price] It seems rather extreme to throw out all this valuable tradition just because of a few decades of Madison Avenue hype, paid for by the processed dairy giants. PASTEURIZATION has only been around for the past 100 years. It is defined as heating the milk to the point where no enzymes can survive.


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The first milk cows were brought to America by the English in the early 1600s. For decades thereafter the principles of English dairy farming served to provide the settlers with valuable natural untampered dairy products. The problems began with the enormous demand for milk in the burgeoning urban areas of the 1800s. Improper sanitation at the dairies and lack of hygiene of the milkcows led to contaminated milk being sold as fresh. The result was occasional cases of diphtheria among children. Even in those completely unregulated often filthy dairy conditions, however, the number of cases of sickness and death that could be attributed solely to bad milk was limited. There were no full-scale epidemics of milk-borne diseases. The answer to the ‘contamination’ issue was: just heat the milk to the point where bacteria from filthy milking practices would all be killed. Distract the issue from the milking environment to the milk itself. That way the filthy milking practices could persist, because supposedly they wouldn’t matter. With profit as the prime objective, the focus of the early mass milk producers was not avoiding contaminated milk, but rather shelf life. They discovered that by superheating the milk, it wouldn’t sour. For a food to sour it has to have living enzymes. Superheating destroys the enzymes. Dead foods, like dead animals, don’t sour. They rot. And that’s exactly the rationale that gave pasteurization its start in the US around 1895. In pasteurization, milk is heated to 145 degrees for 45 minutes. Enzymes, which are what makes milk a live food, are destroyed at 118 degrees [22 ]. This results in rendering the live, nutrient-rich natural food into a dead, mostly indigestible substance. CALIFORNIA RAW MILK DAIRIES Because of a very long history of political and economic events, there are at present only 3 dairies in the state that still produce raw milk. One of these is Claravale Farms, located in Watsonville CA. [27] It is run by Ron Garthwaite, who holds a Masters in genetics and biology. The author toured this dairy last


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year and personally interviewed Garthwaite. Here are a few of the incredible things I discovered from that interview, as well as the follow-up research. DANGERS OF BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION Raw milk dairies favor open containers and equipment instead of the closed system used by commercial dairies. Although it sounds like an open system would be riskier, in reality it is much cleaner and safer. This is primarily due to the ease of cleaning with the open system. Commercial dairies have miles of piping, containers, and silos that must be cleaned every day. The danger of contamination is much greater in the closed system because of all the opportunities for missed cleaning. Plus they can always use the excuse that cleaning isn’t that critical since we’re going to super-heat the milk anyway. Ron showed how the raw milk system is very simple – how the milk is taken from the cow and put in spotless, covered containers immediately, then put into the refrigerator. The entire area where the cows were being milked was immaculately clean. Even the floor. California state law, controlled by political influences, requires that every glass bottle of raw milk carry the warning that raw milk may contain diseasecausing bacteria. But if such a danger really exists, then why does every Whole Foods market in the entire state sell out its entire supply of raw milk every 3 days? Do all these customers have a death wish? Garthwaite explains that raw milk dairies are allowed to have NO bad bacteria. Amazingly, pasteurized milk dairies which are often dirty and messy, are allowed some low levels of bacteria in their milk, but they are not required to carry the warning label. I guess this explains why it is that “…raw milk does not pose a danger to your baby in spite of what numerous public health propagandists may assert. Raw milk contains enzymes and antibodies that make it less susceptible to bacterial contamination than pasteurized milk…All outbreaks of Salmonella in recent decades have occurred in pasteurized milk. ” [Fallon p 32, 559] Remember that the next time someone tries to tell you that you can get


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Salmonella from raw milk. INSPECTION Certified raw milk dairies like Claravale and Organic Pastures are monitored by visits from the state inspector every 2 weeks. As a result, the milking room and all the equipment are kept spotless at all times. Compare this with standard dairies of pasteurized milk, where inspector visits may be every few months. The rationale is that since the milk is being superheated by pasteurization, everyday cleanliness of the milking equipment and the dairy environment isn’t that critical because all the bugs are being killed by the heat. In addition the state veterinarians come out to take blood samples from Ron’s cow’s at least every 6 months. They test for TB and a rare animal disease called brucellosis, even though humans cannot get brucellosis from milk. COMMERCIAL DAIRY COWS VS. RAW MILK COWS Commercial dairy cows are kept in small corrals or else in barns. In the barns they are always standing on cement. The barns may be crowded. Although some may be allowed to graze, the majority of commercial cows are fed mostly on hay, which is laced with growth hormones and antibiotics. Commercial dairy cows generally only last 3 years, with lactation being artificially prolonged by hormones. Raw milk dairy cows, by contrast, are fed a combination of hay and grain. This is because hay alone is not enough to produce good tasting milk of the best quality and simply doesn’t give the cow enough nutrition to produce high quality milk. Ron’s cows get no hormones and their feed has no pesticides or GMOs. Commercial dairies: just the opposite. Because of their superior diet and environment, raw milk dairy cows may last 8-12 years. Their lactation is prolonged naturally by bearing a calf each year.


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Starting to pick up a pattern? MILK: NATURAL VS. PROCESSED Natural foods can be used by the body because they haven’t been altered. As such they can also go bad, like stale bread, or any food that is left to sit out too long. The point is that the best foods are the ones that CAN go bad; we want a food to be able to go bad. It’s just that we need to eat them before they go bad. This is the whole point of processing – this simple issue is what the whole controversy is about. Longer shelf life equals higher profits. Foods that can’t go bad have the longest shelf life. The problem is that the usable nutrients in food are exactly what must be removed in order to have prolonged shelf life. And that’s what the science of food processing focuses on: learning better and better ways of taking the perishable nutrients out of foods so that they’ll last longer. But what happens when these devitalized Frankenfoods get into our bodies? They’re preserved – they’re resistant to being changed and broken down. But that’s what digestion is: breaking down the foods into usable components. Processed foods are digested poorly, if at all. They clog the digestive tract and make us fat. And cause chronic allergies as the body unsuccessfully tries to expel them. For the record, the author has had raw milk once a week for several years. He never gets sick, no colds, no flu, no allergies, no headaches, no fatigue. Ever. INTRO TO THE INTRO We’ve barely scratched the surface here of available data about the massive disinformation campaign behind raw milk and why people have all these misconceptions. Just keep in mind that raw milk has been a valuable source of human nutrition for millennia, with no problems as long as common sense rules were observed. [20] Pasteurized milk on the other hand, is new on the scene, with less than a 100 year track record. And truckloads of data correlating pasteurized dairy with allergies, asthma, and chronic degenerative


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disease. [11] If one is inclined to dig a little deeper, the next level down in that search would be: * No Milk — Dan Twogood   * The Untold Story of Milk — Ron Schmid, ND   * The Milk Book — William Campbell Douglas MD   *   *   *   * The Health Benefits of Raw Milk from Grass Fed Animals by Ron Schmid, N.D   * CONCLUSION This is the briefest of overviews of legitimate literature which sheds some light on the confusing topics brought up by this pediatrician’s rash, commonplace, uneducated, intentionally intimidating and self-serving


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statements. She probably has an engaging personality and appears generally concerned, as they are trained to. But without knowledge that is grounded in defensible, evidenced-based science, the blind lead the blind. No advanced degrees are necessary to understand the fundamental issues raised here. Anyone who does the reading can arrive at the true picture that lies just below the propaganda. But that takes a little effort, and some work. A little less TV. And most won’t take the time. Those who do place the present and future health of their child first and foremost, beyond the debate. And that is the parent’s first responsibility: protect the child from the world until it is able to fend for itself. Give the child every advantage to mature with optimum development of brain and body, with no toxic interference – from any quarter. And in this endeavor the best teacher, and ultimately the only teacher, is Nature herself. Copyright MMX — Dr T References 1. Guyton, AC MD Textbook of Medical Physiology Saunders 1996. 2. Colborn, T, PhD Our Stolen Future Plume 1997. 3. Schmidt, M PhD Smart Fats North Atlantic 1997. 4. Hornstra, G., (2000). Essential fatty acids in mothers and their neonates. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 71, (Supplement). S1262-S1269. 5. Salvati, S., Attorri,L., Avellino, C., Di Biase, A., and Sanchez, M. (2000). Diet, lipids and brain development. Developmental Neuroscience, 22, 481487. 6. Margaret Lahey LIPIDS: THEIR POSSIBLE ROLE IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS Bamford-Lahey Children


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Do you really need hormone replacement therapy? In this chapter: Female Hormones Natural Estrogen – Phytoestrogens What is Menopause? Fake Estrogens Adult Life in a Sea of Estrogen Progesterone Aging and Youth American Females Don’t Ovulate The Premarin Scam The Real Dangers of The Pill Cancer and Estrogen Osteoporosis and Estrogen Heart Disease and Estrogen The Calcium Hoax Coffee and Death Chronic Fatigue and Estrogen Natural Solutions The Thyroid Hoax


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I think I’m picking up a pattern here. In the chapters on ADD, cancer, and antibiotics we found billion dollar drug industries coupled with millions of sick people, and little or no health upside. So, before researching the topic of estrogen, I admit my initial preconceptions about hormone replacement therapy for menopause were less than brightness and trust. The usual pattern seems to be: – research studies funded by the same companies who sell the drugs – no conclusive positive results from controlled, randomized clinical trials – A Drug In Search of a Market – major side effects from the new drug therapy that are chalked up to the “disease” itself

Guess I’m jaded. So sue me. Trying to prove my presumptions wrong, the research failed me. Anyone can see how the whole thing was set up. Now this chapter is not light reading, even though I tried. But if you are a woman, you need to read the whole thing. After that, you’re on your own. Drug hoax phenomena are not new. The same thing happened in the Boer War (Hadwen), in the Philippines in 1905 (Hume, p 200), and in Desert Storm. Mass administration of drugs that killed many more people than they saved. The difference here is that today the control of information has become much more sophisticated, the focus being ‘trust your doctor, trust your doctor’ – you really don’t have to understand the details. The target is the 13 million menopausal American women, and the game is the $1 billion Hormone Replacement Therapy industry, a vertically integrated boom market. Here’s the basic story. Since the 1930s, American women have been trained and bullied into thinking that a natural normal event in their life – menopause – is a disease condition requiring treatment. Let’s stop with that for a minute. If it’s a disease, how did all the millions of women throughout history up to the


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present time muddle through it? How do Third World women or non-HMO lifestyles survive the ordeal? Keep those two questions in mind when you read anything mainstream, either advertising or articles. The “new” “medical condition” requires drug therapy, which coincidentally has just recently been “discovered”: synthetic estrogen – hormone replacement therapy. Does it work? Are women better off now? Does it really prevent osteoporosis? Read on!

WHAT IS MENOPAUSE? Menopause is a period of years in a normal woman’s life in which gradual hormonal changes bring about a shift away from the physical powers of childbearing, in favor of a more mature condition of mental development. The unpleasant symptoms we have come to associate with menopause are common only in a small group of women in history: American and Northern European women in the past 75 years. Outside that group, menopause is not so problematic and is taken more in stride as a natural phase in a woman’s life, with little fanfare. It seems that the more simple the lifestyle, and the more simple the diet – the more effortless the transition. Throughout history, simple diet has been a function of low income. The most nutritious foods are the least expensive: whole fruits and vegetables, unprocessed dairy, whole grains. As lifestyle became more complex, and incomes grew, expensive, empty, processed, nutrient-deficient foods were popularized by marketing and advertising – the foods of commerce. (Royal Lee) Less need to exercise, more focus on money, greater stress – the basic formula for the rise of the most resistant group of diseases in history: the degenerative diseases. Heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis – are epidemic in our society, the richest nation in history. Even 100 years ago such diseases were rare. (See ENZYMES) By now most of us have heard of a Shangri-La place in the Himalayas called Hunza Land, famous for longevity to 120 years old. Two Americans, Dr. Allen Banik and Renee Taylor, visited this isolated mountain civilization, one in


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1958 and one in 1962. Both wrote books describing their incredible experiences. Both detail the simple diet as well as the lack of degenerative and infectious diseases. Physically cut off from the world by treacherous mountain passes, the Hunzas developed their own agriculture system of stone terraces, fed by the mineral rich waters of the glaciers. Hunza health is probably unequalled anywhere in the world, or in history. Symptoms of menopause were unheard of in Hunza Land. In Japan as well as in many other cultures with basic, unrefined diets, there is no word for “hot flashes.” As we shall see, the unpleasant symptoms of menopause are directly related to the amount of estrogen a woman has maintained during her adult life, prior to menopause. Natural phytoestrogens (plant-estrogens) are found in plants like licorice, soybeans, alfalfa, and many others, in very small amounts. Phytoestrogens are weak estrogens and block the stronger forms. A diet abundant in phytoestrogens before menopause will do much to moderate the day-to-day estrogen level so that when menopause arrives, there will not be such big drop. THE CREATION OF A MARKET: HOW’D THE WHOLE HRT THING GET STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE? The story really begins in 1938 with the discovery of diethylstilbestrol (DES) by Charles Dobbs. DES was supposed to be the first “synthetic estrogen” – an oxymoron, as we shall see. Dobbs first thought DES would solve the problems of menopause, but the AMA immediately began to make extravagant predictions for “preventing miscarriages” and solving all problems of pregnancy as well. (Robbins, p138) After many years, DES was being prescribed for a “safe pregnancy” and to “prevent miscarriages.” By 1960 it was found that between 60 and 90% of DES daughters had abnormal sex organs, leading to high rates of infertility, miscarriages, and cervical cancer. (Sellman p28). DES sons commonly had testicular dysfunction and were often sterile. As for the mothers who had taken DES, their risk of breast cancer had been increased by 40%. (Meyers p


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143) DES was the first drug ever invented that could cause cancer in the offspring when taken by the mother. (Reusch, p 22) But still the drug wasn’t taken off the market until 1971! ( Kamen, p99). By that time the industry didn’t need DES any more for its bottom line, because ERT was off and running.

NEXT CONTESTANT Public attention was then diverted away from the disasters of DES by a 1966 best seller called Feminine Forever, by Robert Wilson, a New York gynecologist. Wilson’s thesis was that menopause is an estrogen-deficiency disease. All the unpleasant symptoms which accompany menopause were the simple result of too little estrogen. Insufficient estrogen supposedly caused a woman to lose her youth, beauty, cheerful attitude, and bone density all at once, with the onset of menopause. Not missing a beat, the drug industry immediately donated $1.3 million to set up the Wilson Foundation for the sole purpose of developing and promoting estrogen drugs. The usual story: limited studies with inconclusive results, skewing results to please the company that was paying for the trials, discontinuing studies that weren’t turning out “right.” The primary study that was the basis for vaulting synthetic estrogen into the limelight, originally as a contraceptive, was a small, flawed trial done in Puerto Rico, in which 20% of the 132 women suffered serious side effects. Five of them died. Negatives were swept under the carpet as irrelevant – the main thing was that the new wonder drug supposedly cancelled the “horrible” symptoms of menopause – hot flashes, vaginal dryness, migraines, etc. FDA approval for synthetic estrogen was given based on this one study! (Marshall) Throughout 1964 and 1965, fueled by the advertising power of the biggest clients, articles appeared in major women’s magazines, like Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and Good Housekeeping proclaiming a breakthrough that would finally set women free from the ravages of the dread menopause. (Lee p24) Within a few years, with no real proof that Wilson was right, with superficial clinical trials, synthetic estrogen was being popularly prescribed, and a new


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industry was off and running. They called it Estrogen Replacement Therapy. Better living through chemistry. A little snag came up in 1975. The New England Journal of Medicine (Dec 1975 p.1199) published its findings after studying the causes of endometrial cancer. They showed that women who took the new estrogen drugs had just increased their risk of endometrial cancer by a factor of five times. Unless they had been using the drugs longer than seven years. Then it was 14 times the normal incidence. Sales slowed. Yankee ingenuity to the rescue: it was found, though not conclusively, that rates of endometrial cancer could be reduced if synthetic progesterone were added to the synthetic estrogen. Synthetic progesterones are called progestins. So they changed the name from Estrogen Replacement Therapy to Hormone Replacement Therapy, and the show went on. Sales climbed back up, and then continued to grow. And grow. 20 years later the American Cancer Society conducted a huge 13-year study of some 240,000 postmenopausal women to find the relation between HRT and cancer. Their findings: 40% higher incidence of ovarian cancer. After 11 years of HRT, the figure went to 70%! (Rodriguez)

HOW COULD THIS BE? As the HRT industry gained strength, the manufacturers began to make additional claims about the benefits of HRT, claims that were again unsupported by solid research:

– HRT could prevent osteoporosis – HRT could prevent heart disease

The underlying, and unproven, assumption of this new “therapy” – HRT – was that women’s lives were being improved now that they were spared the


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horrors of aging, menopause, osteoporosis, and the loss of femininity. Unfortunately, these promises are rarely kept, and almost never because of a program of synthetic hormones. Worse, the side effects of HRT have proven to be a bigger problem than what they were supposed to cure. It’s sort of like the promise of Heaven that missionaries usually gave the natives down through the ages – unreal reward in exchange for real suffering. To begin to untangle this giant web of doubletalk and wrong information, we have to look at some basic endocrinology: Can’t tell the hormones without a program. If this gets too complicated for the attention-challenged, just skip to the next section, but at least give it a try.

HORMONES are chemical compounds that are players in the most sophisticated and exquisitely balanced internet in the entire body: the endocrine system. This group of glands, including the adrenals, the pituitary, the ovaries, the testes, the thyroid, and the hypothalamus are interrelated in impossibly complex ways, about which we’re just beginning to get glimpses of understanding. It’s a swirling universe of chemical elegance and precision, involving millions of refined little molecular firings which wink in and out of existence every second. “Touch one strand and the whole web trembles,” is the way endocrinologist Deepak Chopra puts it. The endocrine system controls all other systems of the body by means of chemical messengers, who wait for an answer.

WHAT IS ESTROGEN? Estrogen is a hormone, one of the moving parts of that endocrine system. It is a steroid (made from cholesterol) hormone, occurring in both men and women. Estrogen’s functions are primarily the growth and development of sex organs


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and other tissues related to reproduction. (Guyton p1023) For a basic overview of one little part of the endocrine system, John Lee has a very clear summary, like a recipe, for one group of hormones, those made from cholesterol, the steroid hormones: [see chart]- Lee, p14 Don’t worry, there’s no quiz. Dr. Lee just wanted to show a little corner of the complex give-and-take between hormones, how a change in any one hormone in this chart can affect many others. Lee and Chopra both speak of the dance of the hormones, the delicately interwoven choreography, about which we have only the most rudimentary knowledge. We’ve begun fooling around with this highly tuned endocrine system because we’ve discovered a few coarse, synthetic, sledgehammer substances that resemble real estrogen, or real thyroid hormone, or real progesterone. But we really have only the vaguest notion what we’re doing, because of all the overlapping interrelationships. Our ignorance has given rise to a brand new disease: endometrial cancer. (Lee) Plus other big problems. Back to estrogen. Estrogen is really a general term for three separate hormones:

estriol estradiol estrone From here on out in this chapter, “estrogen” as is produced by the body refers to all three of the above hormones. Estrogen is produced in three main places in a woman’s body:

the ovaries the adrenal glands the fat cells


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The main purpose of estrogen is to make the uterine lining, the endometrium, ready to implant a fertilized egg in the event fertilization occurs. To aid in this function, estrogen will promote

– water retention – fat storage – maturation of the female adolescent All the above is OK if pregnancy is likely. But excess estrogen throws off the timing. Excess estrogen causes the body to prepare for embryo implantation all the time. This state of over-preparation is the cause of

– sluggish blood circulation – migraines – increased clotting – high stroke risk – disrupted copper/zinc ratios in brain cells/ mood swings – fibroids – endometriosis Every system in the body has a feedback loop to keep balance. Estrogen has a sister hormone called progesterone, whose functions are equally important.

WHAT IS PROGESTERONE, ANYWAY? Progesterone is the other primary female hormone. It is produced in the ovaries. It is the precursor for both estrogen and testosterone, as well as all other natural steroid hormones (see chart above). Progesterone’s functions are

– maintains the endometrium in pregnancy – new bone formation – regulates blood pressure – fat conversion – sugar metabolism


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– maintaining myelin (nerve insulation) – regulates estrogen production You’ll remember that an egg is presented once a month from the ovaries, wrapped in an envelope called a follicle. After the follicle lets go of the egg, the egg journeys down the Fallopian tubes on its way to the uterus, where it awaits possible fertilization. The burst follicle still has an important job to do: it begins to produce progesterone, for the next two weeks. Progesterone’s job is to maintain the uterine lining until one of two things happens:

– pregnancy – no pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs, progesterone production is taken over by the developing lining itself – the placenta. The burst follicle simply can’t make enough progesterone for the demand, since the uterus will expand from the size of a lemon to the size of a basketball during the next nine months. If no pregnancy occurs, the follicle stops producing progesterone, which triggers the collapse of the blood-rich lining, which is then expelled as the woman’s monthly flow. So the interplay between these two hormones estrogen and progesterone controls the entire infrastructure of reproduction, on a daily basis, after the onset of menarche (first flow) in adolescence. Estrogen creates the lining each month; progesterone maintains it. Then what’s the problem?

ESTROGEN DOMINANCE If estrogen levels get too high, progesterone can no longer keep the dynamic balance. This is exactly what happens in American women, who live their whole adult lives with pathologically high levels of estrogen. Three main reasons for the high levels:


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– overrefined diet – no exercise – external toxic sources of estrogen: xenoestrogens Refined carbohydrates, hard fats, empty foods and too much of it all serve to raise estrogen to abnormal levels, as much as twice the normal, which are maintained for the better part of the adult lives of most American women. (See Enzymes chapter) Second, lack of exercise. Dr. Ellison of Harvard University found that estrogen levels are much lower in women who eat little and perform strenuous physical work, as in locales with non-industrialized lifestyle. The opposite is true for the American woman who eats too much and gets little exercise: abnormally high estrogen levels are the direct result. Dr. Lee points out the obvious corollary: menopause is a much bigger deal in our industrialized countries, because the estrogen decline is so radical – the difference between pre and post estrogen levels is significant. This hormonal rollercoaster dip is very stressful, and is the real cause of the discomforts of menopause. Third, xenoestrogens. Huh? Xeno- means foreign. So the word xenoestrogen just means estrogens from outside the body. Many external toxins have been found to have estrogenlike effects in the body. Most are petroleum derivatives. Xenoestrogens are found in plastics, computer chips, PVC, pesticides, soap, clothes, DDT and other modern manufactured goods. There has been extensive zoological research in the area of xenoestrogen effects on animals and the resulting birth defects. In studies of panthers, alligators, birds, turtles, seals, fish, and many other species from diverse parts of the globe, scientists are finding a common theme: feminization of males, decreased sperm counts, low male testosterone, and extremely high levels of estrogen in females, with plummeting numbers of offspring. Though some scientists had known about the problem for several years, public attention was drawn by a series of articles that appeared in three consecutive issues of the LA Times in Oct 1994.


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Alligator offspring studied at University of Florida had very high estrogen and low testosterone as a consequence of a large pesticide spill in Lake Apopka near Gainesville. Again, gonad shrinkage was observed in males, leading to a drop in alligator reproduction in the lake estimated at 90% since the spill occurred. Wild panthers in the Florida Everglades have had their sperm counts reduced by 90%, due to high estrogen levels from years of state dumping of DDT and other toxic pesticides into the swamp waters. Between 1950 and 1970, some four million pounds of the pesticide DDT, illegal today, was dumped into the ocean in Los Angeles. Examples of eggshell thinning, gonad shrinkage and feminization in males, overdeveloped ovaries in females, and failure to thrive are some of the defects found in seagull studies at UC Davis by Michael Fry. In 1981, Fry published his research in the journal Science. Shrugged off for years by the scientific community, Fry’s work is now being corroborated all over the world in dozens of other species. Males are also affected. Think of the surfing implications for the L.A. spill — “two girls for every boy”??? Not any more. Declining sperm counts in American males in the past 30 years is well documented. An article in Lancet, May 1993 estimates a drop in sperm count of 50% in the past 30-50 years, and links the decline to environmental estrogen mimickers. Xenoestrogens, as well as a modern high-fat diet, are lowering the onset of menarche for young girls. In 1900, American girls matured at 14. Today the average age is 12, and for some groups is as early as 8 years old! (Beaton) The effects of DDT and PCBs are often hidden, and often don’t occur until many years later in the offspring of these exposed animals. Birds are born with twisted bills or deformed reproductive organs. Other animals have physical characteristics of both male and female, but can’t function normally as either one. The reason DDT and PCBs were outlawed was that they don’t break down; they persist unchanged in the environment for years and years,


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still capable of the same trauma to living cells. These chemicals simply don’t degrade. The effect of hormone-mimicking pollutants, the xenoestrogens, is being kept under wraps, because of its obvious implications for liability by the chemical manufacturers. Chemical contamination is not limited to a few isolated areas. It is a global problem, beyond the scope of this chapter. The reader is directed to Theo Colburn’s startling book Our Stolen Future for a better look. The point is, we are in the same ecosystem, the same food chain, the same biosphere as these animals. Human DNA is 98% identical to that of an ape. Our cells and tissues are susceptible to these same distortions. It is no coincidence that the women of the industrialized nations of northern Europe and the United States have two things in common:

– the highest rates in history of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and HRT consumption – high exposure to plastics, chemicals, computer chips, pesticides and other xenoestrogens. John Lee talks about the “sea of estrogen” in which we exist as the result of many factors:

-fat soluble hormones in meat -PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) -DDT -foaming agents in soap and detergents -cosmetics -condom spermicides -tons of pesticides, herbicides -plastic cookware -birth control pills -HRT The pathway of causation is clear: xenoestrogens maintain estrogen levels at double the normal values for the entire adult life of the human female. As the complementary hormone that’s supposed to balance the delicate system of


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sex hormones, progesterone is simply overwhelmed by the dominant estrogens. Natural hormones are subtle and fragile and transient. Xenoestrogens by contrast are harsh and strong and long-lasting. Progesterone just doesn’t stand a chance. HRT is just another xenoestrogen, making things worse. Let’s take a look at some of the

CONSEQUENCES OF ESTROGEN DOMINANCE As estrogen levels build up to twice the normal level, many systems of the body are adversely affected. Body fat stores increase. Fluids are retained, causing bloating and edema. There are defects in both fat and sugar metabolism, often severe enough to cause diabetes. Risks of endometrial cancer are increased to 5-14 times, as cited in the 1975 NEJM articles above. Promotion of osteoporosis. Slow onset of blood poisoning (toxemia) due to inability of chemical xenoestrogens to be broken down. This in turn obviously contributes to autoimmune disorders like lupus, chronic fatigue, and arthritis, in which the body begins to attack its own cells as they become so toxic that they are unrecognizable as “self.” Alteration of zinc and copper uptake in brain cells causes mood swings, a nice euphemism. Incidence of stroke increases 50% with estrogen, according to an extensive project, known as the Boston Nurses Questionnaire Study, of 121,000 nurses. (Stampfer) Normal estrogen stimulates breast and endometrial tissue. Excess estrogen causes excess stimulation of breast and endometrial collagen, resulting in fibroids in both locations. (McDougall, p 87) Another health detriment of estrogen is its destruction of B vitamins. Nutritionist Jean Sumption documents the opposition of estrogen with Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and other B-complex vitamins: Biotin, Choline, Folic Acid, PABA, and Inositol. Most functions of cell metabolism depend on B vitamins. Symptoms of depletion include fatigue, sluggish memory, hair loss, and aging.


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This is only a partial list. It should be obvious that effects like these are systemic (everywhere the blood goes) and as such can affect practically any weakened tissue in the body. To say that drugs and chemicals cause a downward spiral of health is not just a metaphor. A growing number of medical researchers (see References) who do not represent the interests of the drug cartels are stepping forward to show that the symptoms of menopause are not caused by too little estrogen, but by too much. To turn popular opinion around 180 degrees from nature and trick American women into thinking that at menopause symptoms and postmenopausal dangers are caused by insufficient estrogen – once again, we are looking at mastery in the control of information. The motivation is simple: $1 billion per year. Synthetic hormones are not harmless. The side effects of HRT are often the same or worse than the original menopause symptoms they set out to cure.


-increased risk of breast cancer -increased risk of endometrial cancer -osteoporosis -blood clots -high blood pressure -vastly increased rate of heart attack -skin reactions -hair loss or gain -fluid retention, bloating -vaginal bleeding -rash, acne -breast tenderness -hair loss -weight gain


Depression (Obstet and Gyn, 1992 80:30) Breast cancer (NEJM 19 Jun 97; 336:1821)


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Stroke ( NEJM 1991 vol 325p756) Lupus (Lee p258) But wait a minute! I thought everything was supposed to be fine once they added synthetic progesterone to the synthetic estrogen. That’s what everybody was supposed to think. But the real stats don’t show it. John Lee, MD, a California endocrine researcher, explains why. Simple: HRT’s synthetic progesterone is completely altered after going through the digestive system, when it gets to the liver. The liver changes it into three other metabolites. Any benefits are thus cancelled. So the big change in the 70s from ERT to HRT was largely a change in public perception, due to drug advertising, and its second cousin, peer-reviewed medical journal articles. Dr. Lee’s view, and that of other proponents of natural progesterone products is that the problems at menopause are not caused by lack of estrogen, but by lack of progesterone. Remember that estrogen production drops 40% at menopause. Well, progesterone drops to 0%. And look at all the things it’s responsible for. The synthetic progesterone in HRT isn’t doing any good, since it’s being changed into something else in the liver. It’s not real progesterone. Therefore the estrogen is still unopposed.

THE ANOVULATORY CYCLE Many American women in their 20s and 30s have monthly cycles in which they don’t ovulate. That is, an egg is not released from the ovary. Such a widespread phenomenon is a new twist in human evolution. There are obvious reasons, as well as serious effects which accompany this unnatural process – the inability to reproduce – now taking place in so many adult females. The reasons for anovulation are simple: severe biochemical imbalance and stress. The xenoestrogens. We are in the same biosphere, the same food chain as all the animals mentioned above who have experienced reproductive chaos from chemical


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pollutants. Why should our species be exempt? It isn’t. We drink the water of the same planet, eat fish and plants and meat laced with the same immortal PCBs and DDTs – it’s a closed system. Stress obviously promotes biochemical imbalance by overtaxing the adrenals, which then steal progesterone to make more adrenal hormones, which further promotes estrogen dominance. Coffee is a big culprit, as well as soft drinks. A Johns Hopkins study found that women who take in more than 300 mg of caffeine per day (three cups of coffee, or eight sodas) reduce their chance of conception by 26%. (Hernandez-Avila) Effects of a female going through adulthood without being physically able to reproduce? Look around you. See any sexual ambivalence in any areas? I’ll spare you my theories on contemporary social phenomena. But the physical effects of anovulation are a very clear result of the disruption of the fragile endocrine balance that has taken aeons to evolve. One obvious ill effect of menstruating without ovulating as well as too much estrogen is the overstimulation of the endometrial lining. After a time, the excessive monthly lining promotes irregular lumps of connective tissue known as fibroids to form. Too easily and too readily, the buzzword pre-cancerous comes up, with the snap prescription for a completely unnecessary hysterectomy. Between 600 thousand and one million hysterectomies are performed on American women each year, 90% of them unnecessary, according to Stanley West, MD. That story is beyond the scope of this chapter except to raise the red flag that estrogen dominance sets the stage for most of the “irregularities” which end up with a prescription for hysterectomy. The reader is referred to Dr. West’s book The Hysterectomy Hoax for a dark journey. Also the first half of John Robbins’ Reclaiming Our Health.


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WHAT’S WRONG WITH WHAT MOST WOMEN ARE TOLD ABOUT MENOPAUSE? The standard line is that menopausal women need estrogen therapy to prevent osteoporosis and other menopause symptoms because the body has stopped making its own estrogen. HRT (synthetic estrogen + synthetic progesterone) will take up the slack. HRT is routinely recommended in practically any situation, physical or mental that can be even remotely tied to menopause. What the drug industry has conveniently ignored is that at menopause, estrogen output drops only about 40%. (Sellman, p16) Ovary production of estrogen drops way down below the level necessary for reproductive function. But adrenal and fat cell outputs of estrogen keep on going in order to maintain the other important endocrine functions of estrogen, which are not directly related to reproduction:

-bone building -electrolyte balance -insulin balance -fat and protein metabolism -cholesterol synthesis . . . – Guyton, p1024 That 40% figure is only for American and Northern European women, who have the highest estrogen levels in the world. In nonindustrialized countries, the drop is much less, primarily because their normal level of estrogen is so much lower. What is commonly ignored is that progesterone levels drop to 0% at menopause, and progesterone is necessary to keep a balance with estrogen. So do the math: if an American woman has had estrogen levels that are double the normal for most of her adult life, and at menopause, estrogen only drops 40%, that means she is still operating at 120% of “normal,” compared with an agrarian-type, nonindustrialized woman. But with this estimated 120% of normal estrogen, after menopause, there is NO progesterone to offset it.


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Estrogen dominance is a new phenomenon in nature, created by modern society, and modern medical politics. WHY IS THE SOLUTION NOT FAKE ESTROGEN? Synthetic estrogen dosage is way too much, and too weird, for the body to deal with. Synthetic hormones have molecular forms that do not occur in nature. They are manmade. The dancing of the hormones in the above chart is seriously disrupted by adding hormone-like chemicals than can mimic some of the functions of real hormones, but cannot maintain their role in the ever changing back and forth swirling biochemical dance that is taking place at every second in the normal body. These fake hormones are insensitive to the body’s requirements for instantaneous alteration into another member of the hormone chart. Aspirin is made from the bark of the white willow. People have been using white willow bark for centuries as a mild pain reliever. But white willow bark cannot destroy the stomach lining on contact the way aspirin does. In the same way that aspirin is not white willow bark, synthetic estrogen is not estrogen. And synthetic progesterone is not progesterone. The main problem with synthetic hormones is that they last too long. All the natural hormonal feedback loops, which we do not even completely understand, are disrupted because the synthetics can’t act as precursors to the changing hormonal forms in the same way that the natural hormones know. The hormone system becomes fragmented with millions of one-way orders that are supposed to have return messages. As long as synthetics keep coming in, there’s no way to de-frag the system. The result is loss of proper interplay between the reproductive, adrenal, and thyroid systems. They all suffer. American women arguably are among the most stressed people in history, emotionally and nutritionally, as well as environmentally. It is well known that stress depletes the adrenal glands. When this happens, progesterone is converted to adrenal hormones, like cortisol, to take up the slack and try to keep up with adrenal demands. Remember, progesterone is their precursor,


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in the above chart. The result is further depletion of progesterone, again promoting estrogen dominance. The above list of side effects of HRT is caused by one simple thing:

UNOPPOSED ESTROGEN Too pure and too much. And no progesterone. So this is why cancer risks with HRT remain much higher than without HRT. The connection between HRT and cancer is really quite logical when you consider the normal functions of estrogen: controlling areas of rapidly dividing cells in preparation for reproduction. Unopposed estrogen, as we’ve known since the 1970s, upsets the normal endocrine balance. And where does the imbalance appear? Rapidly dividing cells of the reproductive tissues: endometrium, ovaries, breast. Perhaps nature did not intend for these tissues to be going wild at this time of life, when the reproductive system is supposed to be going out of business. Wouldn’t a tissue defect like cancer be a natural result of artificially jumpstarting tissues which want to start winding down a little? Especially when the hormones are of the imitation, manmade, designer variety? Dr. Lee underscores one amazing fact: the only known cause of endometrial cancer is unopposed estrogen! Unopposed estrogen is actually heightened by giving standard HRT because of the increased ratio of estrogen to progesterone. Research has never proven that estrogen deficiency causes cancer, but many studies have shown that progesterone deficiency does. A Johns Hopkins study of 1000 women showed that progesterone deficient women had a tenfold increased chance of dying from cancer compared with women who have normal levels of progesterone. (Cowan) Jerilynn Prior, MD a world authority in endocrinology says that describing menopause as an estrogen deficiency disease is the same as describing headache as an “aspirin deficiency disease.” She calls this type of thinking


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‘backwards science.’ Illnesses cannot be categorized by which drugs they are missing. That would assume that drugs cure illnesses, which almost never happens. Especially not in the case of HRT. Menopause is not an illness.

SO WHY DON’T GYNECOLOGISTS PRESCRIBE PROGESTERONE? Some do. The problem here is that natural sources of progesterone are easy to find and inexpensive to make from many plants sources. As such they cannot be patented. This is a central point to keep in mind, perhaps the most important idea of this chapter. There are inexpensive plant-based phytoestrogens and natural progesterones which can control most estrogen imbalances, especially when incorporated into a detoxifying low-stress diet. Synthetics (drugs) are rarely necessary. But only drugs can be patented. There is no way to make massive profits from a natural plant source, and you have just heard the primary reason for the organized attack on holistic supplements that is under way in the US today. Natural risk-free products are a threat to the drug trade. Drug concerns develop chemical compounds that are almost like the natural hormone. But almost only counts in grenade-tossing. Maybe the synthetic compound is only different by an atom or two. Perhaps it can mimic some of the activity of the real hormone. After that, it is only necessary to create a market by control of information, by controlling the outcome and publishing of clinical studies, and by controlling regulating agencies, using political and legal tactics. But that one-atom difference in the shape of the molecule is all the difference in the world, in terms of breakdown, toxicity, and side effects. Understanding this paragraph will go far in explaining many of the contradictions of HRT, the unanswered questions, the indirect answers, the arrogance one encounters.



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The most popular synthetic estrogen is a drug called Premarin, made from the urine of pregnant horses! This is no joke. Manufactured by the Philadelphia pharmaceutical giant Wyeth-Ayerth since 1942, an estimated $940 million per year (Sellman p5) worldwide is generated by the sale of this one drug. Most estimates are that at least 75% of HRT drugs contain Premarin. Since 1993, Premarin has been among the top three drugs in the U.S. in gross sales. (National Center for Health Statistics) In 1992, Wyeth-Ayerth spent $9 million just for advertising Premarin! Their ad execs came up with the brilliant phrase “untreated menopause.” That same year Premarin was the #1 drug prescribed in the U.S. (Robbins, p 140). This is marketing mastery. Before we consider the effectiveness of this drug, let’s briefly look at the circumstances involved in its preparation. Some 700 “horse farms” are set up in remote areas of the United States and Canada. Most of them have extensive security, and with good reason. At any one time, some 80,000 or so horses suffer the slow torture of life as a lab rat. Each mare is strapped into a tiny stall in which there is no room to lie down or even turn around. For seven months of the 11 month pregnancy, the horse is immobilized in the stall, hooked up to a catheter which collects all her urine. She is deprived of sufficient water in order to make the urine more concentrated, thus raising its value to the drug company. Infections frequently occur at the site of the catheter and from the restraining apparatus. Liver and kidney disease are common. The foals themselves are referred to as “by-products” by the manufacturing company and are generally sold to the slaughterhouse. The mare is immediately impregnated after she has given birth and soon is imprisoned back in the tiny stall for another run. After about 12 years of this horrible life, the mares are themselves slaughtered and sold for dogmeat. This has been going on for 56 years! Over one million horses have been cruelly abused in this way.


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In Canada, the foaling generally takes place on open prairie. Mother and foal are immediately separated, and most of the foals die. The ones that survive are extremely stressed, and with good reason: they are sold to slaughterhouses and shipped to Europe and Japan where certain cuts are regarded as delicacies. I think you get the point. For more details follow up at Information like this tends to suggest that agencies like the ASPCA are basically PR fronts focusing on self-promotion and making sure dogs in Jack Nicholson movies get enough overtime. Even if Premarin were the true answer to all of menopause’s annoyances, reviewing the above data should be enough for any sane person to feel some twinge of guilt about contributing to a program of such horrendous cruelty. Menopause can’t be that bad, can it? But the reality is that Premarin and other HRT synthetics do not work, do not do what they’re supposed to do, and have major side effects. If you have any notion whatsoever of universal harmony or equilibrium, it seems logical that we’re not gonna get away with this. And we don’t. The first payback is one of the biggies: cancer. (I have this great role-reversal premise for a novel, which describes an Afterlife in which the animals owned by humans in this life later are reincarnated into the position of Master themselves, with their former owners as pets. Pretty cool, huh?) Henry Lemon MD of the University of Nebraska College of Medicine feels that an unnatural imbalance is caused by putting horse estrogens into a woman’s body. The body does not allow two of the three naturally occurring estrogens, estradiol and estrone, to hang around very long. It converts them into the non-carcinogenic estriol, as soon as possible. Such a helpful conversion cannot happen with Premarin because of the amounts involved. So the propensity for cancer is clearly seen: the carcinogenic forms are allowed to persist.


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Premarin was approved by the FDA over 50 years ago, when requirements were must less stringent. There are many unknown ingredients in Premarin which may be normal in a horse, but not a human. It is likely that these are instrumental in the abnormally high rates of uterine and breast cancer following HRT, which rates are anywhere from a 30% to a 600% increase above normal, depending on the study. (Lee) Are women informed? Hardly. Information like the above is very bad for business. Many phytoestrogens from plants are now available, as well as generic synthetic Premarin substitutes. With clever legal maneuvering however, Wyeth-Ayerth has successfully blocked the generic substitutes from FDA approval by a twist worthy of Johnny Cochran. They have claimed that the generics do not contain one of the unknown elements that Premarin contains, which is true. However it is more likely that the unknown element – 8,9 dehydroestrone sulfate – is toxic, not beneficial! Even the FDA regards 8,9 dehydroestrone sulfate as an “impurity” and yet the FDA will not approve the generics because they don’t have it! As all throughout history, today more than ever, politics controls “science.”

OSTEOPOROSIS As if cancer risk is not bad enough, let’s look at another of women’s greatest fears: osteoporosis after menopause. Here is a simple topic about which most women have been completely duped. Standard “common sense” inculcated by media, advertising, and their Ob/Gyn-drug reps warns women that they must take estrogen and calcium or else they will experience bone loss. This false notion is one of the truly great masterpieces of modern disinformation. First of all, there are no valid, randomized clinical studies which demonstrate increased bone mineralization following HRT. Bone is not what you see left on your plate after you’re done with your medium rare T-bone steak. In the body, bone is living tissue, with rich


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networks of blood vessels and nerves. Bone is constantly being torn down and replaced by specialized blood cells. Every seven years, your entire skeleton is completely replaced. Bone has a matrix, or framework, on which calcium is laid down. In America, everyone gets enough calcium. True calcium deficiency results in a disease called kwashiorkor, which is found only in Third World starvation countries, not in America. Osteoporosis is not a disease of calcium deficiency. It’s a disease of matrix deficiency: the framework got flimsier. There isn’t as much matrix to attach the calcium to. There’s plenty of available calcium. Calcium is an inert mineral contained in most foods. The body maintains the blood levels of calcium at a certain level. Anything extra, like in calcium supplements, is spilled out of the body by the kidneys, because it’s over the normal blood levels. If there’s only so much framework, it really doesn’t matter how much calcium is in the blood; the excess is spilled out. Keep in mind that most calcium supplements don’t even make it into the bloodstream, especially if they’re tablets. They never even dissolved in the digestive tract; they pass right out of the body. This you can prove to yourself by placing a calcium tablet in a glass of water and leaving it there all night. Most of them don’t dissolve. Even the calcium supplements that do make it into the bloodstream are mostly spilled out, for the above reasons. In short, calcium supplementation will not increase bone density in premenopausal women, nor prevent it post-menopause. (Ettinger, McDougall) Doesn’t matter what your latest MLM rep tries to tell you. American women don’t get osteoporosis because they lack calcium, or estrogen. Anybody who does a little research knows this. The countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis on earth are Scandinavia, England, Australia, and the U.S. These are also the places with the highest consumption of dairy products. (McDougall, p176) It is pasteurized milk, cheese, and butter which leach calcium from the body, since these enzymeless, artificial, modern foods cannot be easily metabolized. The


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processes of removal from the blood takes a lot of calcium stores from the teeth and bones. (Recker). The definition of pasteurization is removal of all enzymes via heat. One of the enzymes in milk thus denatured is phosphatase. Its purpose? Calcium absorption. Without phosphatase, calcium absorption doesn’t happen. But wait! What about milk as a source of calcium, building strong bones and good teeth and all that, and you never outgrow your need for it, and all those movie stars with the moustaches? Marketing. Advertising. Promotion. Who do you think pays for the dietary educational tools used in American schools since the 1950s – you know, the four food groups, and all that? The American Dairy Council and the dairy industry. The whole story is better told in Twogood’s book No Milk, available anywhere. Processed foods are indigestible. The stomach keeps pouring out the gastric juices, in the form of HCl (hydrochloric acid) but it’s not enough to break down these weird manmade chemically preserved foods. The food just sits there in the stomach and rots. The abundant HCl may get splashed backward into the esophagus, causing reflux (heartburn). What is the medical solution? Prilosec, which does what? Right. Inhibits production of HCl. Does this aid digestion? No. The undigested food still sits there and rots. Worse news: guess what is required for calcium absorption in the stomach. HCl. Prilosec in this way directly contributes to osteoporosis. Another reason Americans lose calcium from bones and teeth is acid-forming foods: soft drinks, too much meat, white sugar. All these tend to acidify the blood. If the blood gets too acidic, death will result. For self-preservation, the body must neutralize all this acid, maintain blood pH between 7.3 and 7.45. The process is called buffering, and it requires calcium. When there isn’t enough available, the body steals calcium from the bones and teeth. This is why Robert Heaney MD says that eating a high protein diet is like pouring acid rain on your bones. Perhaps a bit overstated, but the point is that a high


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protein diet is the primary cause of osteoporosis. Not insufficient calcium. (McDougall, p171) It’s true that Americans have a high rate of osteoporosis, not just women. But this has nothing to do with estrogen. Do horses gets osteoporosis? Never. What do they eat? Grass. How about cows? Are they taking Cal-Mag? Do they take Premarin? Calcium is in all foods. Do menopausal horses get osteoporosis? Negative. Do menopausal third world women get osteoporosis? Negative. So if HRT is not going to reverse osteoporosis, what will? Reducing pasteurized dairy intake, and other artificial foods, like white sugar and soft drinks. Not only is there no proof to support the fantasy so many doctors offer their patients – HRT will save you from osteoporosis – there is abundant research that shows that synthetic hormones actually have no effect whatsoever on preventing bone loss. One of the most noted of these is the 14 Oct 1993 study in the NEJM, which conclusively shows that the risk of hip fractures for women over 75 is the same whether or not the woman took synthetic estrogen. Hip fractures are the greatest fear of aging people, as well as a prime indicator of osteoporosis. The article goes on to note that most women believe their physicians when they say that HRT will prevent osteoporosis, yet here is proof that it doesn’t. The authors state that estrogen therapy is simply unable to prevent loss of bone density. Taking synthetic estrogen cannot rebuild bones. It can temporarily slow the rate of bone loss, but when the HRT is stopped, osteoporosis soon catches up like the woman never took HRT at all. Is that temporary benefit worth a 914 times greater risk of cancer? Dr. Lee thinks not. (Lee, p152) In addition, many common drugs cause osteoporosis. Millions have been duped into the thyroid scam – told they were overweight because they were ‘hypothyroid.’ Synthroid to the rescue. What the doctor never tells you is that


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Synthroid stimulates osteoclasts to resorb bone. (Physicians Desk Reference) Remember how bone is built by living tissue? Well, that happens with the simultaneous action of two complementary types of blood cells: osteoclasts for tearing down old bone, and osteoblasts for building new bone. Obviously an imbalance in either one of these will cause a problem.

TURNING BONE TO MARBLE Other non-estrogen drugs which are prescribed to supposedly reduce the chance of osteoporosis, have serious side effects. In his video, Dr. James Lee outlines the dangers of a very popular drug named Fosamax. It’s actually quite simple. Again, living healthy bone must go through a constant process of old cells being replaced by new cells, so that every few years we have an entire new skeleton. Osteoclasts are cells that tear down bone; osteoblasts build new cells in those spaces. Got that? OK. The intellects behind Fosamax have decided that if they can stop the osteoclasts from doing their normal job of tearing down bone, this will prevent osteoporosis. How? By the buildup of Fosamax crystals in the bone, which just stay there long after a normal lifespan, which artificially stops the removal system – the osteoclasts. Now there are no spaces in which new bone cells can form. The Fosamax crystals cannot be broken down by the body, and remain in the bone for 15 or 20 years, taking up space, and offering an artificial, plastic-like composition in what should be normal healthy bone. Dr. Lee tells us that modern Fosamax is 1000 times more potent than the original drug. Even the manufacturers caution against indiscriminate long term use of this drug: on p 1657-8 of the 1998 Physicians Desk Reference we find that: “bone formation is ultimately reduced. Fosamax decreases the rate of bone resorption [tearing down] directly, which leads to an indirect decrease in bone formation.” Decreased bone formation? Does that sound like something that’s going to maintain normal bone and prevent osteoporosis in your golden years? Dr. Lee and many others don’t think so.


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The PDR also tells us that they have no idea what effects Fosamax may have after four years! (p1661) Here we have a prime example of the philosophical difference between allopathic and holistic medicine: they forgot that Mother Nature Always Bats Last. You can’t arbitrarily interfere with one half of a complete life process like bone synthesis and expect no adverse consequences. With Fosamax, we have arrogantly overpowered the body’s normal system of bone building which has developed and maintained the skeleton just fine for the person’s whole life, by pretending that one phase of that system exists in isolation from the whole rest of the endocrine Internet, and can be omitted with no consequences. Doctors trick women by telling them that Fosamax will increase “bone mineral density” but what they don’t tell them is that the new mineral is not calcium and is no longer part of the living dynamic process which has maintained their bones their entire lives. This is not yet even mentioning the side effects of Fosamax:

– kidney disease – ulcers – heartburn – joint pain – headache – rash Fosamax is a risky, artificial approach to osteoporosis which pretends like the problem can be divided up into separate, distinct unrelated phases, like with a car. Same old idea, over and over: another drug in search of a market. Same old story. Osteoporosis is big business. Big business to keep it happening, and big business to treat it. The dairy industry, the meat industry, the soft drink industry all keep it happening. The HRT industry, the nursing home industry, and the hospitals gain from the treatment of osteoporosis. John McDougall explains:


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“The diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis is so profitable because millions of people unwittingly weaken their bones, making them dependent for the rest of their life on diagnostic tests and drug therapy that slows the disorder but never cures it.” – The McDougall Plan – p172 Another area of major disinformation with respect to HRT is

HEART DISEASE Unsupported claims are made actually claiming that HRT will help prevent heart disease. There seems to be no limit to what they’ll say. It’s pretty hard to reconcile such a recommendation with the fact that cardiovascular disease is stated as a clear contraindication for most estrogen drugs. Contraindication means a situation where the drug can’t be prescribed. (Br J of Obs and Gyn Feb 1997;104:163 also, PDR. 1998) We all know that one in two deaths in the US is from heart disease. What is less commonly known is that heart attack in the premenopausal woman is virtually unheard of. Yet 10 years after menopause, and especially if the woman is on HRT, the rates soon come up equal to men’s rates. Just a little research uncovers the likely reasons behind such a phenomenon. In his videotape What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, John Lee MD notes that HRT is the number one cause of increased rates of heart attacks in postmenopausal women. Why? In a word, vasospasm. The word means tightening of a blood vessel. The coronary arteries are the ones that supply the heart with blood. They are also the ones that get blocked in heart attacks, and therefore they are the site of bypass operations. They are what is bypassed. The most popular site is the Anterior Descending Coronary Artery. In males who are screened for bypass, the Anterior Descending may be 80 to 95% blocked, and surgery will be recommended. If death comes first, on


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autopsy these high rates of blockage are observed. In postmenopausal women, however, autopsies frequently showed only a 3050% blockage of the artery, yet death was due to heart attack. Researchers couldn’t understand what was happening for the longest time. So they began to do angiogram studies with Rhesus monkeys – animal abuse in the classic Pasteurian tradition. Angiogram, you remember, is where they X-ray the arteries after injecting dye into them. Now monkeys don’t go through menopause, so they had to create it for the study. The way they did it was to first remove the ovaries. To induce heart attack they injected Provera, which is a synthetic hormone used for human birth control. The results were “unrelenting” vasospasm of the coronary artery which means that the artery which had as little as a 30% blockage constricted down to complete closure and would not open up again no matter what they tried. Obviously this killed Ms. Monkey in the ensuing heart attack. So the researchers realized that HRT was the missing factor that was responsible for heart attacks in postmenopausal women whose coronary arteries were less than 50% blocked. Did you read that study anywhere in Newsweek or in the Chronicle? Information like this that challenges a billion dollar HRT industry is systematically buried. If natural progesterone is added to the Provera, the artery does not go into spasm. This data was according to a study done in England at the London Institute of Heart and Lung Research by Peter Collins MD. Again the point here is that natural progesterone is unpatentable. It is not a drug. They can’t make a ton of money from it, so it’s not promoted. Natural progesterone is not routinely recommended, and most ob/gyn’s don’t even bother to learn about it because they can’t make money from it.

SAFE ESTROGENS – NO THANKS It’s the same with estrogen. There are safe, natural sources of estrogen which could be recommended in place of drugs. Many plants have safe, mild estrogen substances called phytoestrogens which are available to the body in minute, physiologic doses, and which can be used to safely supplement a


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declining estrogen output. Hormones are only needed and used by the body in tiny, very transient amounts. Transient means they only have to be around for a second or two. A physiologic dose would mean a natural hormone like a phytoestrogen or a wild yam-derived progesterone in the same amount as what might be produced by the body for its own needs. Natural hormones can be swiftly broken down after they have performed their function. They don’t just continue hour after hour like the synthetics or the xenoestrogens, which are given in sledgehammer amounts called pharmacologic doses. Big difference. When the reality of this situation begins to sink in, it may sound a little harsh at first. Can it really be that if it comes to a choice between money and their patients’ well-being, doctors will choose money most of the time? We can’t be too hard on them – they’ve incurred a lot of debt in medical school. John Lee and Lorraine Day, both medical doctors, well-respected in their fields, excuse their colleagues’ ignorance and indifference about the value of natural progesterone by saying that the doctors are too busy with paperwork, hospital duties, and their own lives to have the time to read anything outside the medical library. Mendelsohn is a little less forgiving. Since the medical journals in the medical library are very tightly controlled by the pharmaceutical companies, no natural non-drug therapies are allowed to appear, especially one like progesterone which actually does what synthetic estrogen is supposed to do, except with no side effects. So they tell us not to be too hard on doctors, because the doctors just don’t know. So we shouldn’t we be forewarned that doctors are primarily reps for the drug companies, because that’s all they have managed to learn? It’s frightening that to make an informed decision about embarking on any course of patentable drug therapy, these are the considerations that must be undertaken. The more you learn about it, the more naive you realize you have been to have thought that things have ever been any other way.


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CANCER Since the beginning of estrogen drugs in the 1960s, the spectre of cancer has always been there, lurking about in the shadows. That’s why progestins (synthetic progesterone) were added in the mid 1970s, changing ERT to HRT. Original studies were shaky, and the majority of modern studies show conclusively that HRT significantly increases the risk of both endometrial and breast cancer. Dr. Lee states flatly that HRT is the only known cause of endometrial cancer! (Lee, p220) Abstracting ourselves for a moment away from citing 10 medical studies which prove this point, just use your common sense. Let’s go back to the beginning of the chapter. What does natural estrogen do? Prepares for reproduction. What tissues does it affect? Those tissues that what? Right. Are rapidly dividing: endometrium, cervix, breast, ovaries. Now, what is cancer? Very simply, cancer begins when a cell has lost its ability to specialize, but not its ability to multiply, or proliferate. Or divide rapidly. A tumor is a group of cells multiplying rapidly out of control, but unable to perform any life function. So therefore, which tissues do you think have the greatest tendency to become cancerous? Right – those which normally will tend to divide rapidly, like endometrial and breast tissue. So estrogen and cancer have a lot in common from the get-go. Is it really that much of a surprise that dozens of controlled medical studies and research reviews have proven practically beyond dissent that HRT, which is estrogen gone wild, can cause cancer? So would it be too impertinent of me to pose the obvious: why is HRT still out there? Let’s see, it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do – control menopause symptoms, it has no effect on osteoporosis and it’s been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be a frequent spark for cancer. The above-cited Boston Nurses Questionnaire Study involving over 121,000 participants found that taking estrogen therapy alone for at least ten years raised breast cancer risk by 40%. If they took progestins as well (synthetic progesterone) that figure went to 100%! (Australian Doctor, 29 Aug 97, p3)


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A meta-analysis is when researchers compare several studies and come up with a conclusion. In 1991 a meta-analysis of 16 separate studies was written up in Journal of the American Medical Association. Their findings: “After 15 years of estrogen use, we found a 30% increase in the risk of breast cancer.” – Steinberg p1985 JAMA 1991 Different studies, different numbers. How about this one, in Sweden, from the New England Journal of Medicine, with over 23,000 women in the sample group: “Overall we noted a 10% increase in the relative risk of breast cancer for 23,334 women for whom estrogens were prescribed for menopause, this risk to increase with increased duration of treatment to an excess risk of 70% in women with more than nine years of use.” – Bergkvist, p293 NEJM 3 Aug 89 Fairly credible sample size. There are many other studies, but you can see where this is going. These are the top medical journals in the U.S. Doctors know that HRT causes breast cancer. Why is this happening? Just keep thinking about that $1 billion per year, and things will eventually come into focus. That’s a thousand million per year.

NATURAL NON-TOXIC SOLUTIONS Here are three holistic methods for reducing the incidence of menopause annoyances:

– clean diet – plant-sourced estrogens – Phytoestrogens – natural progesterone cream


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1. Diet Eat non-acidifying foods: raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, good stuff. Acidfying foods, fast foods, processed foods, white sugar, hard fats – the usual culprits in most other disease patterns – once again make their appearance. As explained above, estrogen dominance is promoted by a lifetime diet of these common foods. Stress and nutritional deficiency deplete the adrenals, which deplete progesterone, which promotes estrogen imbalance, which causes symptoms of menopause. Normally estrogen should just cycle through the body once and then be broken down in the liver. High fat content in the diet prevents such breakdown and allows estrogen to go around a second time, promoting all the above-mentioned imbalances. (McDougall, p87)

2. Phytoestrogens Raw whole foods, fruits, vegetables contain mild amounts of natural estrogens which circumvent the rollercoaster imbalance most women experience. If phytoestrogens are part of the lifestyle prior to menopause, there will not be such a radical drop when the body begins to downshift away from the demands of always preparing for reproduction. In a study done in Paris in the early 1990s, a physiologist significantly lowered estrogen levels in the sample group simply by changing from a high fat, high sugar diet to a more natural diet of fruits and vegetables. (Vines) Phytoestrogens also appear in a variety of herbs, including black cohosh, alfalfa, pomegranate, and licorice.

3. Natural Progesterone By now you should know that progesterone drops to zero at menopause. If estrogen levels have been high all along, problems begin to arise when the sister hormone progesterone is no longer around to keep things in balance.


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In the past few years, several doctors have found that natural progesterone cream can take up the slack both before menopause, in the case of the stress-challenged woman, and after menopause, in the case of the less stressed woman who has incorporated natural phytoestrogen foods into her lifestyle. Both can benefit from the regulating influence of natural estrogen in small food-bound doses. Physiologic doses. Dr. Lee has organized most of the pertinent information about the clinical effects of natural progesterone cream. Osteoporosis, heart disease, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, hot flashes, dryness, skin shrivelling are routinely avoided completely by the daily use of this simple natural lotion. On p 271 of his book, Dr. Lee has a list of products which contain natural progesterone in a usable form. The reader is directed to What You Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause for the complete story on progesterone. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that if you are a woman you can’t afford to skip his book. I realize the information in this chapter may be a bit overwhelming, especially if you are hearing it for the first time. This is not light reading. But it’s worth the effort if you are considering a major step like beginning hormone therapy, or birth control pills, to inform yourself. This chapter hopes to point you in the direction of further investigation. The attached references would be your next step in verifying what I have suggested in these few short pages. If you only choose one, I would recommend John Lee’s book, as it is the most comprehensive review of current literature on the topic of natural hormone therapy. We are taught to be too trusting of medicine, to a degree that it doesn’t merit. Almost two hundred prescription drugs come and go every year. Why would that be, if they really worked? What happened to thalidomide, fen-phen, seldane, DES, rotavirus vaccine, and a thousand others? What happened to the people who took them, thinking they were safe? Misled and misinformed by the forces of big business, American women find themselves far afield of a rational outlook on menopause, in tune with Nature’s intentions. Incessant advertising and mental conditioning has successfully programmed the public’s hard disk into regarding menopause as


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a disease absolutely requiring treatment, even in the absence of symptoms. Such a perspective is the creation of the marketplace and is not even supported by the most conservative and credible of medical authorities.

“Menopause is a natural rite of passage and should not be treated as a disease.” – Betty Kamen, PhD HRT, p 239 “Menopause is not a disease. It is a natural biological process that has gone awry in some women because of less than optimum environment.” – Lee p 279

LIFE IS SUCH A PILL The foregoing information also applies for most birth control pills. Most are synthetic steroid hormones which artificially prevent ovulation. The lie is, the Pill will “regulate periods.” The truth is the menstrual flow is artificial, occurring only because the Pill was withheld for one week per month. Normal menstruation is the result of the cyclic dynamic between natural estrogen and natural progesterone. With contraceptives, the flow is just a result of a clumsy, sledgehammer approach to “managing” one small aspect of an imponderably complex bio-system. Long term, such a course is foolish, as it has the same pattern of side effects as listed above: coronary artery disease, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, strokes, high blood pressure, liver dysfunction, respiratory allergies, digestive disorders, depression, blood clots, osteoporosis, and weight gain. (Sellman, p78) This is sexual freedom? Sounds more like slavery to me.

THE PROBLEM WITH COFFEE Most people realize that coffee has no real food value, but they figure it won’t kill them. And the idea of getting going in the morning without coffee would be unthinkable after all these years. Many would probably choose death over withdrawal. You might even know someone like that.


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So why are we talking about coffee in a chapter about HRT? Simple: it’s in the loop. Both are locked into the biochemical choreography of the swirling hormones which blink in and out of existence every second. Adrenals, thyroid, and ovaries are not three separate and independent entities. They’re more like three instruments in an orchestra, or three ingredients in a cake, or three members of a yacht crew: change any one and the whole outcome is threatened. Coffee is an adrenal stimulator. So are white sugar, a leopard in your living room, and the morning commute. The adrenal hormones trigger the fight-orflight thing, a leftover from the earlier days of our species’ evolution. Stress. Like from modern, empty foods, toxic exposure, and emotional worry – you know the list – which send constant messages to the adrenal glands. The message is: either prepare me for battle or get me out of here. Now if you have a friend who calls you on the phone fifty times a day because there’s an emergency, pretty soon you won’t get so worked up about the next call. Same with the adrenals. Only it’s probably closer to several hundred calls a day, if you’re in Silicon Valley, or any metropolitan American city. After awhile the adrenal glands get fried, depleted, out of gas, used up. As the most evolved system in the universe, the body’s got back-up plans for everything. And the first of the Plan B’s for spent adrenal glands is to convert another hormone into adrenal hormone, thereby taking the burden off the adrenals themselves. Guess which hormone is first on the list for this understudy duty? Right: progesterone. Remember, progesterone is the precursor, or basic raw material, for all the steroid hormones (see above chart). So for many women who are really stressed and have been for years, they are relying in large measure upon alternative sources of adrenal hormones. With progesterone being the first of the volunteers to be changed into adrenal hormones, this leaves little or no progesterone left to perform its primary function, which was what? Right again, to maintain the dynamic balance with


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estrogen. The result: further promotion of estrogen dominance, which you know all about, from the above pages. Sumption, the nutritionist cited above, lists the B-complex vitamins that are depleted by coffee – the same ones that are depleted by estrogen. Without B vitamins, the body is drained of energy. Coffee does not give you energy; coffee gives you the illusion of energy. Coffee actually drains the body of energy and makes you more tired, because of vitamin and adrenal depletion. What is the number one symptom that the most people have? Give up? Fatigue is the what more Americans have than any other daily complaint. Many people don’t sleep at night as much as collapse from simple exhaustion. A sign of this is when you wake up in the morning exhausted, not refreshed. The body is tired from all that repair work it had to do while you were asleep. There is no feeling of waking refreshed and renewed. So what do we do, to crank it up one more time? Coffee. Decaf? I don’t think so. It’s not the taste that you’re addicted to. Decaf causes the same overwrought cycle of fatigue in a different way. Any coffee is a metabolic burden that has to be dealt with. It contributes nothing to nutrition – no vitamins, no minerals, no enzymes. Beats up the adrenals, uses up progesterone, promotes estrogen dominance. And now you know what that means. There are at least two different ways that coffee contributes to osteoporosis:

– promotes estrogen dominance – raises the acidity in the blood We’ve already seen how estrogen dominance leads to osteoporosis. With acidifying of the blood, calcium is pulled from bones and teeth in order to keep the blood from becoming too acid. This is called buffering – a basic survival mechanism. The increased rate of hip fractures with coffee intake was clearly shown in a 1995 study in New England J Med. (Cummings) Another study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of over 85,000 nurses showed three times the


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rate of hip fractures in the group who drank the most coffee. Promotion of osteoporosis from coffee is not just a theory.

HYPOTHYROID? GUESS AGAIN The thyroid, the adrenals, and the ovaries. Closely connected, in a thousand ways. Another award-winning snap misdiagnosis of the 90s has been “hypothyroidism.” To push Synthroid, a powerful thyroid mimicker, many women are told they are thyroid deficient, for the flimsiest of reasons. Fatigue is the usual complaint. Obesity is another. A borderline thyroid level in one blood test is enough to trigger a lifetime of problems, starting with a prescription for Synthroid. Perhaps the thyroid levels were just temporarily low when the blood sample was taken. Perhaps the thyroid was a little sluggish. Doctors have known for years that iodine is necessary for a functioning thyroid. Do doctors recommend that safe mineral supplement first before trying the overpowering drug Synthroid? Never. Most doctors don’t even look at blood levels of thyroid hormones at all; but diagnose hypothyroidism by symptoms only! (Lee, p147) No matter; once Synthroid is served up every day, your thyroid’s going night-night. And your problems are just beginning, because you’re now aboard the Drug Express. To say nothing of the hormonal confusion that is now created when every molecular message that the other glands send to the thyroid system requesting an answer is ignored. Empirically, who gets diagnosed hypothyroid, women or men? Let’s see, why would that be? Thyroid and estrogen are natural antagonists: opposite effects. Thyroid builds bone, estrogen stimulates bone loss. Thyroid stimulates metabolism and burns fat; estrogen stores fat. With estrogen dominance, thyroid function is inhibited, causing lower thyroid activity. This doesn’t necessarily mean the thyroid can’t do its job, like the doctor presumes. It just means with all the excess estrogen in the picture, thyroid hormone is kept in the background – another one of the body’s give-and-take feedback loops, about which we know so little. Again the sledgehammer arrogance comes barging onto the


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scene with the pretense that synthetic thyroid hormone – Synthroid – is going to “fix the problem.” Check out the psychology here: consider the motivation for being diagnosed hypothyroid situation. 1. The doctor is motivated because the patient is signing up for a life on Synthroid 2. The patient is ready to believe it because her overeating and obesity are not her fault: it’s a hormone imbalance. Is that what ‘codependent’ means?

CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME – another carnival of disinformation. Chronic fatigue is almost always a result of simple toxemia – blood poisoning – from years of the indigestible, devitalizing American “foods of commerce.” (Tilden) This is self-evident to any holistic healer. Never missing a trick to sell powerful drugs, medicine offers Synthroid to the rescue. Not only does it never work for chronic fatigue, Synthroid whips the condition to a new level of exhaustion by adding a new toxin for the already worn-out liver and blood to try and break down. It’s like putting out a fire with starter fluid.

THE UNDERLYING TRAGEDY OF HRT All the horrific side effects and cancers and infertilities and permanently damaged endocrine systems – all that aside – perhaps the most invidious feature of HRT and its systematic enslavement of women is noted by John Robbins:

“The strategy is to make women feel less confident in themselves, for the more alienated from herself a woman becomes, the more susceptible she is to the lure of the drugs. This is the mass marketing of self-estrangement.”


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– Reclaiming Our Health p140 Robbins quotes Christiane Northrup, MD: “An entire generation of women is being brainwashed. Most women’s trust in their own bodies is almost nonexistent.” John McDougall, MD agrees: “By adolescence, a great many young girls have come to believe that their bodies are the problem.” – The McDougall Program, p17

UNPOPULAR OPINION You won’t find the information in this chapter common knowledge. Your doctor probably won’t be aware of it. It’s unlikely that you will see an ad for natural progesterone in Time or Newsweek any time soon. The devolving literacy in the U.S., the dumbing down of a people, is no accident. Any knowledge that fuels the idea that people can be responsible for their own health is systematically suppressed, in a hundred ways. You are already in the vast minority just by finishing this chapter. It’s not the homogenized “readable” copy you’re used to. The glossing over of the side effects and the same tired images of HRT as the savior of women from the clutches of wrinkly old age – this pitch is still out there, coming across in hundreds of ways, every day. Those millions in advertising are not being wasted.

ENLIGHTENED VIEW This chapter has just skimmed the surface of the topic of hormone therapy. I hope you don’t believe anything you’ve just read. Disprove it, starting with the appended references. The two most organized are Dr. Lee’s book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, and Sellman’s book Hormone


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Heresy. If you’re taking estrogen or birth control pills now or considering it, you can become more informed about the subject than your doctor, by reading what the real experts say. Few women are actually given a choice. Menopause? Oh, time for estrogen pills. End of story. With life-threatening side effects like these, it’s worth the effort to be informed. The unpleasant side effects of menopause can be minimized or eliminated by diet, herbs, and natural supplementation, as noted above. Dangerous unproven pharmacologics hardly seem worth the risk. Hormone Replacement Therapy is a phrase right out of Brave New World mentality. Why? Because it’s not hormones, it doesn’t replace anything, and it’s definitely not therapeutic. The only thing getting replaced is the drug trust’s investment. “The ritualization of the stages of life is nothing new. What is new is their intense medicalization. Lifelong medical supervision turns life into a series of periods of risk.” – Medical Nemesis p 78 Perhaps life should just be lived, not supervised, risk-analyzed, amortized, or ritualized. The best way to balance the endocrine system at any age is the natural way. And that dovetails right back to The Last Resort. Copyright MMXI

REFERENCES 1 Hadwen, Walter, MD— Microbes and War — 1896. 2 Hume, Edith Douglas— Bechamp or Pasteur? CW Daniel, London 1923. 3 Lemon, HM MD— “Oestriol and prevention of breast cancer” Lancet 10 Mar 73 p546 4 Meyers, R— DES: The Bitter Pill NY Seaview/Putnam p143 1983.


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5 Ryan, K MD— “Cancer Risk and Estrogen Use in Menopause” New England J Med Dec1975, vol 293, p1199 6 Smith DC— “Association of exogenous estrogen and endometrial carcinoma” New England Journal of Medicine Dec 1975;293(23):1164 7 Banik, Allen— Hunza Land Whitehorn Publ., Long Beach 1960. 8 Taylor, Renee— Hunza Health Secrets Universal Publishing, NY, 1964. 9 Vines, Gail— “Oestrogen Overdose” British Vogue Sep 1994. 10 Beaton, G— Annex 3. Practical population indicators of health and nutrition WHO monograph 62:500, 1976. 11 Ellison PT et al.— “The ecological context of human ovarian function” Human Reproduction 8 :2248ff 1993. 12 Wright, Jonathan MD— Natural Hormone Replacement For Women Over 45 Smart Publications; ISBN: 0962741809 April 1997. 13 Cowan. LD, MD — “Breast cancer incidence in women with a history of progesterone deficiency” J Epidemiol 1981;114 p209 14 Wagner, Susan— “Premarin: Cycle of Cruelty” 1998 Equine Advocates 15 Ziel, HK— “Increased risk of endometrial carcinoma among users of conjugated estrogens” NEJM, 1975;293(23):1167 16 Miller, BA— Cancer Statistics Review 1973-1989 National Cancer Institute 1992. 17 Twogood, Daniel — No Milk —1996. 18 Lee, John, MD— What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause Warner Books 1996. 19 Guyton, AC , MD Textbook of Physiology 1996. 20 Chopra, Deepak, MD — Quantum Healing 1995. 21 Hernanadez-Avila M— Caffeine, moderate alcohol intake, and risk of fractures of the hip American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 54:157 1991.


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22 McDougall, John MD— McDougall’s Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion 1986. 23 New England Journal of Medicine 14 Oct 93 24 Prior, Jerilynn MD— “One Voice on Menopause” JAMWA 49 Jan 1994:p27ff 25 Ettinger B — “Role of calcium in preserving the skeletal health” Southern Med J 1992 Aug; 85(8) p2822 26 Recker RR— “The effects of milk supplements in calcium metabolism” Am J of Clin Nutrition 1968 41:254 27 Marshall, E— “Search for a Killer” 1993, Science, 259: p616 28 Colborn, Theo— Our Stolen Future 1997 29 Sharp, R— Are oestrogens involved in falling sperm counts and disorders of the male reproductive tract? Lancet 341:1392, 1993. 30 Reusch, H— N/aked Empress – 1992 Civis Publ. 31 Stampfer, M— “Postmenopausal estrogen therapy and cardiovascular disease -10 year follow up from the Boston Nurses Questionnaire Study” NEJM 1991 vol 325 p756 32 Steinberg, K PhD et al. —”A Meta-analysis of the Effect of Estrogen Replacement Therapy on the Risk of Breast Cancer” JAMA 17 Apr 91 vol 265, no15;p1985 33 Bergkvist, L MD— et al “The Risk of Breast Cancer After Estrogen and Estrogen-Progestin Replacement” New Eng J Med 3 Aug 89 p293 34 Sumption, Jean — “A Little About Vitamins” ? 1998 International MS Support Foundation International MS Support Foundation P.O. Box 90154 Tucson, Arizona 85752-0154 35 Collins, Peter MD et al.— The Cardioprotective Role of HRT: A Clinical Update Parthenon 1996. 36 Sellman, Sherrill— Hormone Heresy GetWell International Honolulu — 1998. 37 Straton, C— Effects of caffeine consumption on delayed conception Am J Epidemiol 142:1322,1995.


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38 West, Stanley MD— The Hysterectomy Hoax – 2002. 39 Rodriguez et al.— “Estrogen Replacement Therapy and Fatal Ovarian Cancer” AmJ of Clin Epidemiol 1995;141(9):828ff 40 Robbins, John—Reclaiming Our Health Kramer 1996. 41 National Center for Health Statistics — The 20 Drugs Most Frequently Prescribed in Physicians’ Offices, 1993 U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services 42 Cummings, SR et al.— “Risk factors for hip fracture in white women” NEJM 1995; 328:767 43 Tilden, JH MD— Toxemia Explained Kessinger Publishing 1926. 44 Illich, Ivan—- Medical Nemesis Pantheon Books 1976. 45 46 Kamen, B — Hormone Replacement Therapy – Yes or No? 1996.


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With the ascension of managed health care in the 1990s, both medicine and dentistry have taken an invidious turn in this country. The fundamental reason is that medicine is no longer run by doctors and dentistry is no longer run by dentists. Or even by the AMA or the ADA. Now both professions have prostituted themselves to a higher entity – the insurance cartels, which are run today not by doctors, but by MBAs – corporate financiers. All policies, billing procedures, all medical and dental decisions answer to one prime directive: profit. It’s certainly not a hidden conspiracy. These businesses enjoy success today because they do what corporations are designed to do: make money for their shareholders. And it’s still growing: in 1992, 36% of Americans were under managed care. By 1996, it was up to 60%. (American Association of Health Plans) And today the figure is about 85%. (Singing the HMO Blues) As we all know, the new profit-driven industry has given birth to concepts like:


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* lack of medical necessity * the “experimental” label, which means it’s not covered under your plan to keep services rendered to a minimum. In this way, HMOs can continue to pay their CEOs average salaries of $2 million per year, with some, like Steve Williams of Oxford Health, pulling down over $30 million per year. (Rose, also Fisher) You may have noticed that HMOs filled the vacuum left by the failure of Bill and Hillary’s 1994 ‘health plan.’ Providing a very low level of doctor services to a large number of people, HMOs commonly * deny expensive drugs * deny expensive procedures * force doctors and hospitals to accept lower and lower fees * make every medical decision subject to approval by non-medical personnel With all these problems, HMOs actually helped stem the double digit rise of yearly medical costs – for a few years. But with HMO premiums now going up at the rate of at least 9% per year, that honeymoon is over. (Lemov) We’re right back where we were before, with much lower standards of care. In Conventional Medicine vs. Holistic, we have already seen how managed care has affected the overall health index of American people. The present chapter will briefly explore the implications of this same set-up for the ordinary American dental patient. We will concentrate on three topics: * Dental amalgams * Routine antibiotics * Fluoridation I. SILVER FILLINGS AREN’T SILVER Remember when you were a child and you went to the dentist, and you learned a new word: cavities. A hole had rotted its way into the enamel, and must now be drilled out and made better. And the answer to the problem was called a filling. And you may have begun to look in the mouths of your family


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and friends to see their fillings, and were thus reassured that this was normal because everyone had them done. And the metal used for fillings was silver in color and was generally referred to as silver. And the fact that silver is a precious metal was some small compensation for the discomfort of the drilling, because now you would be carrying around this precious metal permanently in your teeth. And about this same time period perhaps you also were visited by the Tooth Fairy? By definition, amalgam means alloy of two or more metals, one of which is mercury. (Dorland’s) In reality, dental amalgams are an alloy of several metals including silver, zinc, copper, tin, and mercury. Since mercury is the most volatile, being liquid at room temperature, it is an excellent binder for the entire amalgam. In most dental amalgams, mercury makes up about 50% of the material, while silver is only 30%. (Lorscheider) So you see, silver fillings are really mercury fillings. The problem with mercury is its toxicity to human cells, especially the brain cells, the gut cells, and the liver. By itself, mercury is classified as a Hazardous Substance by the EPA, and is considered a powerful poison, 5000 times more toxic than lead. (Basciano) If your kid drops a mercury thermometer at school, the room has to be evacuated and the Biohazards Team has to be called in. (Hansen) Mercury is the most toxic metal there is that is not radioactive. (Ziff) Doctors and researchers have known about mercury toxicity since the early 1800s. All systems of the body operate through the actions of two complex protein substances: enzymes and hormones. Unfortunately, mercury has a special affinity for both because of their component sulfhydryl groups. Mercury can denature enzymes and inactivate hormones, causing dysfunction of any system in an unpredictable and untraceable manner. The Great Masquerader. We reviewed mercury toxicity in some detail in the chapter on autism and vaccines. ( ) You may remember some of the effects


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of mercury toxicity – Immune suppression— bleeding gums— irregular heartbeat— Chest pain— emphysema— allergies— Sinusitis— colitis — muscle weakness— Stomach cramps— loose teeth— double vision— Anorexia — weight loss — depression— Hallucinations— numbness in hands — speech disorders— Memory loss — emotional instability — rash — Kidney damage — CNS dysfunction — manic depression — Lung damage — liver damage — brain damage — Learning disability — Sallie Bernard Since it affects so many systems, often with a delayed reaction of 10 or 20 years because of its 25-year half life, mercury poisoning is known as the Great Masquerader. (Ziff, p 41) If these problems appear later in life, the physician will have no clue as to the true cause. Other fun facts about mercury poisoning are (1) that it crosses the placenta to toxify the blood of the fetus, (2) that mercury causes intestinal bacteria to be resistant to antibiotics, and (3) that mercury crosses the blood-brain barrier, lodging in brain cells, especially those involving memory and cognition.

HOW’D THIS AMALGAM BUSINESS ALL GET STARTED? Looking into the history of amalgams is most illuminating. In the 1830s there were two groups of dentists in America: those favoring mercury amalgams and those opposed to it. Those not in favor of amalgam – the American Society of Dental Surgeons – disliked amalgam’s tendency to fracture teeth as it expanded in fillings. Nor were they happy with the idea of mercury’s side effects, like insanity (Mad Hatter’s Disease) and loss of motor function from nerve damage. (Bernard)


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So the Society pledged never to use amalgam for fillings. (Lorscheider) The Society actually referred to those dentists who used mercury as ‘quacks’ – short for quackenslaver – the German word for mercury. And that is the origin of this derogatory medical term. (Hansen, p. 40) The name of that other group, the one using mercury? The American Dental Association. From the 1830s till the 1850s, the controversy continued. Membership in the Society slowly declined as amalgam became more popular, since it was cheaper and easier to use than other filling materials. Mercury amalgam fillings could be offered at an affordable price for the largest number of people. By 1859, the Society of American Dental Surgeons had faded out, edged out by the champion of mercury fillings: the American Dental Association. It is worth noting that the ADA’s original unifying principle was that amalgam was safe and effective – the idea is in the ADA’s collective DNA. When it was discovered that adding tin solved the expansion problem, that was all she wrote. Since that time, the composition of the amalgam alloy has remained almost exactly the same. No opposition. This must be why in its 125-year existence, the ADA has never funded one single human safety study of mercury amalgams. They never even tried to find out! (Ziff, p 24) But the ADA’s members are pledged never to mention anything about mercury toxicity to patients. And in an ironic reversal, by the 1980s the ADA had worked up the temerity to refer to any dentist who would suggest amalgam removal as a “quack.” (Hansen, p 42) Then in 1990, a very thorough scientific study was completed by F.L. Lorscheider and colleagues. (Hansen, p 46) In their meticulously designed experiment using sheep as subjects, they measured kidney concentrations of mercury following amalgam placement in teeth. A few of their findings: * Each amalgam filling releases about 10 mcg of mercury per day into the body * Mercury crosses the placenta


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* Mercury causes autoimmunity * Mercury can make bacteria resistant to antibiotics * Mercury can impair fertility * 12 amalgam fillings impaired kidney function by 50% * Some 70,000 kg of amalgams are placed into the mouths of Americans each year. That’s enough for over 100 million fillings. This landmark experiment laid to rest the ADA’s long-standing contention that mercury was somehow magically stable once placed in a filling, and could not leach into the body. Amazingly however, such a claim is still sometimes heard even these days. Their proof? 150 years of use. That’s it! Incredibly, they’ve never made any clinical toxicity studies of mercury amalgams in all that time. The National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy now has an extensive and well researched website in which scientific journal articles have provided abundant research that: – Mercury amalgams can impair kidney function (Boyd) – Mercury amalgams promote abnormal bacteria in the mouth and in the colon (Summers) – Mercury amalgams can promote cardiac dysfunction (Frustaci) So if mercury can do all this damage, the question then becomes HOW MUCH IS DANGEROUS? Mercury comes to humans through seafood, the air, accidental environmental exposure, through vaccines and through mercury amalgams. Fully two-thirds of all that exposure is due to mercury amalgams. (Aposhian) The World Health Organization came to the same conclusion in Geneva, Switzerland meetings in 1991: mercury from amalgams is the #1 source for human contamination: source ……. micrograms per day


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Amalgams ____ 3 – 17 Seafood ______ 2.3 Other food ____ 0.3 Air ________ traces Water _______ traces

– Environmental Health Criteria 118 Although mercury from vaccines can reach as high as 78 micrograms per day, that’s only on the day of the shot. (Bernard) This puts dental amalgams way out ahead for overall lifetime mercury exposure. The New England Journal of Medicine agreed. In its 18 Oct 90 issue, mercury in amalgams was described as

“the chief source of exposure [to mercury] of a large segment of the US population.” These are standard findings corroborated by dozens of other researchers. It is impossible to do the most cursory investigation into mercury without repeatedly running across these same facts. That is why the current stated position on mercury amalgams by the ADA is so fantastically extravagant, and evasive: “There is no evidence in the scientific literature that minute amounts of mercury vapor that may be released from amalgam restorations cause mercury poisoning. Dental amalgam, which has been used extensively for more than 100 years, has an exemplary record of safety and benefit to the dental patient.” – Journal of the American Dental Association Dec 1987 “The strongest and most convincing support we have for the safety of dental amalgam is the fact that each year more than 100 million amalgam fillings are placed in the United States. And since amalgam has been used


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for more than 150 years, literally billions of amalgam fillings have been successfully used to restore decayed teeth.” – Journal of the American Dental Association April 1990 Hard to argue with scientific data like that. That’s the same line that’s been used with every fatal medical drug or procedure that’s ever been recalled from use, right up until the day they pulled it. Although they constantly refer to “research” proving the safety of mercury amalgams without ever citing any, the ADA now contents itself with the old “that’s the way we’ve always done it” defense. They ignore all current research on mercury toxicity from hundreds of scientific sources, and try to assure patients that mercury is safe and harmless. It is equally incomprehensible that the EPA has ruled that mercury and all its compounds are not safe and may not be sold in OTC drugs, and are to regarded as Hazardous Materials, with the single exception of dental amalgams! In this application, inches from the human brain, mercury is supposedly harmless! (Ziff p 37) What’s wrong with this picture? In congressional hearings in the spring of 00, Representative Dan Burton wants to know why, if mercury is such a hazardous material that special cleanup crews are summoned when any is spilled, why do we think it’s safe to put in our mouths? (Burton) Even when they admit the ‘rare’ cases of damage from mercury amalgams, the ADA employs Orwellian phrasing about ‘sensitivity’ rather than calling it toxicity or poisoning. See how languaging is everything? If the issue is sensitivity, then the damage or illness is due to some weakness of the patient. It’s his fault; it’s not that he’s being poisoned. Nothing to do with the ADA’s responsibilities as guardians of the patient’s health. THE ADA’S REAL AGENDA In their carefully packaged PR image, the ADA routinely tries to pawn itself off as the defender of American people’s dental health. But when pushed in a


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court of law to state the parameters of their own professional and ethical obligations to patients, the ADA showed its true colors: “The ADA owes no legal duty of care to protect the public from allegedly dangerous products used by dentists. The ADA did not manufacture, design, supply or install the mercury-containing amalgams. The ADA does not control those who do. The ADA’s only alleged involvement in the product was to provide information regarding its use. Dissemination of information relating to the practice of dentistry does not create a duty of care to protect the public from potential injury.” Source: Legal brief filed in 1995 by attorneys for the ADA in W.H. Tolhurst vs. Johnson and Johnson Consumer Products, Inc.; Engelhard Corporation; ABE Dental, Inc.; the American Dental Association, et al., in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, CA, Case No. 718228. Thanks, guys. Always looking out for our best interests, right? They refuse to investigate mercury toxicity because it’s been used for so long, and then they state that they really have no responsibility to protect patients from poisons! Very progressive attitude – really lends itself to a high standard of ethical research, don’t you think? Is it really asking too much for the profession who has the legal right to drill and cut in people’s mouths to try and keep current on the safest, most up to date information about the materials they place in the mouth? No matter what you may hear from your dentist or anyone else, the scientific literature shows over and over that mercury amalgams are not stable once a filling is set. Instead, mercury “is constantly released from amalgams, mainly as mercury vapour, which is inhaled, absorbed, metabolized to ionic mercury, and distributed throughout the body.” “Dental amalgam is the major source of the body mercury burden. Toxicological research on amalgam mercury has indicated deleterious effects on the immune, renal, reproductive and central nervous systems,


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and oral and intestinal bacteria. Research does not indicate that amalgam fillings are safe.” – AR Hibberd, Journal of Natural and Environmental Medicine Sep 98 In his study of chelating agents for removal of mercury from the body, Hibberd summarizes several decades of research. Among his findings: * It has been erroneously taught in dental school that amalgam was a stable alloy which did not release mercury in the mouth. * A person with 8 fillings releases 120 Mug of mercury into the mouth every day. As much as 17 Mug of that gets absorbed into the body. In its vapor form the mercury is fat soluble, and favors lungs and mucus membranes at first. Then it crosses tissue barriers, including the blood brain barrier ands also the placenta. Mercury then accumulates in the brain, the gut, and the liver. The ADA cites a few studies that show the absence of mercury in the blood and urine, and therefore conclude that amalgams are safe and do not leak mercury. Hibberd explains how blood and urine are poor indicators of mercury poisoning, because of accumulation in target tissues. The areas of the brain that mercury favors are those involved with memory (amygdala and hippocampus). So here we see it’s not just aluminum that is implicated in Alzheimer’s, like we’re always hearing. Hibberd goes on to show the dangers of accumulating mercury with respect to * immune system * reproductive organs * kidneys * central nervous system * intestines The largest study of amalgam toxicity ever done took place at the University of Tübingen in Germany in 1995. With over 20,000 subjects, this study showed conclusively that mercury from amalgams is continually released in quantities large enough to be identified in the saliva. The designer of the


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study, Dr. Peter Krauss, noted that in some patients the amount of mercury in saliva could be as high as 100 times the WHO ‘safe’ level. (Krauss) Citing studies proving toxicity from dental amalgams could go on all day. To find more, an easy reference is Ziff’s book Dentistry Without Mercury in which dozens of studies are listed. Also Hansen’s The Key to Ultimate Health is loaded with studies of mercury toxicity. For the average reader, the point has been made: abundant scientific proof exists that mercury vapors are slowly emitted from dental amalgams for years, and are inhaled and ingested into the body. They are bioaccumulative within the cells of many tissues. Many diseases and disorders have been positively correlated with these levels of mercury. One of these is Multiple Sclerosis. There was a 1987 study showing that the levels of mercury in the spinal fluid of MS patients was 8 times higher than normal. (Silberod) Mercury has long been linked to autoimmune diseases like MS because of its affinity to attach to collagen tissue, which is the most common protein in the body. Polluted by mercury infiltration, the collagen is seen by the immune system as ‘not self.’ A study appeared in 1994 proving that mercury from amalgams could cross the placental barrier, toxifying unborn infants from the mercury in their mothers’ own mouths. (Sehnert) After all this research in the early 1990s, many countries in Europe now forbid dental amalgams. Sweden outlawed their use in 1997. Denmark, Austria, and Germany followed soon thereafter. (Hansen, p 49) California dentists are now required by law to inform their patients about the toxicity of mercury amalgams. (Hansen p 50 ) We saw the overwhelming medical research on the toxicity of mercury in the chapters titled: Autism and Vaccines, and also in Autism and Mercury: The San Diego Conference. ( As cited therein, mercury from vaccines has devastating effects on the central nervous system. But the amount of toxic mercury absorbed from amalgam fillings is much greater, due


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primarily to the constant breathing in of the vapors of mercury arising from the amalgams fillings in the mouth. WHOLE BODY DETOX The 1980s saw the rise of a small industry specializing in the treatment of cancer by natural means, excluding the traditional chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. ( The alternative or holistic approaches to cancer treatment have included a wide variety of methods, with varying degrees of success and superstition. But one commonality among these natural cancer cures is an emphasis on detoxification: the clearing out of toxic materials that may have been stored in the body for years in the intestines the stomach the blood the arteries the joints the liver the gall bladder the bones the teeth Many effective holistic methods have been brought forth over the years for accomplishing detox in each of these locations, along with many ineffective or even harmful remedies. But one method of detox that is always cited in the majority of holistic protocols for whole body cleansing is the removal of amalgam fillings. SHOULD I REPLACE MY AMALGAMS? Programs of holistic detoxification worldwide for years have been recommending amalgam removal for total body detox. Recognizing this as an economic threat, the ADA’s official stance has not changed since Sept 1984:


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“The Association wishes to emphasize that there is no reason why a patient should seek to have amalgam restorations (silver fillings) removed. Indeed, the effect of such a procedure could be detrimental to the patient’s oral health, including the unnecessary loss of teeth, and cannot be justified.” (NIDR, JADA, 1984) See the trick? “Silver fillings.” Pretty slick, huh? And the posturing about being the guardian of American dental health. The art of persuasion and image-making. Is anyone noticing that dentists remove amalgams every single day and replace them with more amalgam? But that’s not dangerous, right? It’s only dangerous if they replace the old mercury filling with white composite? Come on! Many dentists will remove amalgam if the patient requests it. The problem is that not all are qualified. As Dr. Hansen explains in some detail, the dangers of inhaling and ingesting old mercury during the amalgam removal process can cause extremely serious complications if attempted by a neophyte. In his book The Key To Ultimate Health, Hansen also outlines the other services a holistic or ‘biologic’ dentist can provide: * using lasers instead of drills to remove decay * cleaning and disinfecting cavitations and roots by laser * the use of new biocompatible filling materials which do not shrink or expand, nor crack teeth * the importance of permanent materials which can actually bond to living bone as well as to dentin and enamel In the burgeoning field of holistic dentistry, Hansen modernizes the pioneering ideas of Weston Price and Hal Huggins. One idea is to minimize or eliminate drilling. Hansen explains very thoroughly the anatomy of teeth and the unnecessary long-term destruction that is afforded by excessive drilling. Even small cavities often involve a great portion of the tooth to be ground away in order to provide a large enough surface for the amalgam or adhesive to stick to. Instead of working wherever possible to preserve the structural integrity of the teeth and jaw, standard dentistry seems to have focused more on maximizing the invasiveness of the procedure.


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The idea that most root canals are unnecessary and that an inflamed nerve should be cleaned and given a chance to heal – these notions seem revolutionary, but have really been around for decades. Hansen explains that most adult dental work is not the result of tooth decay from refined carbohydrates, but rather is necessitated by cracked and broken and leaking amalgams which have broken the teeth down and provided places for pockets of bacterial fermentation to take place. Hansen’s alternative to drilling is largely the use of special lasers which can vaporize decay with “pinpoint accuracy” and sterilize the area at the same time, without massive destruction by drilling. Instead of toxic amalgam filling materials, Hansen employs biocompatible glass filler, which permits overgrowth of original dentin and bone, thereby providing a stable, permanent seal. Using an argon laser, the tooth and the glass filling material are then bonded permanently together. As for root canals, Hansen explains that they can usually be avoided, again with the use of laser disinfection and bio-friendly injected glass fillings. It’s amazing reading a book like Hansen’s for the first time, and to learn how little most people know about their teeth or about standard dental procedures to which they have been submitting all their lives. Though still in its infancy, holistic dentistry seems to be opening up a level of awareness from which there can be no return. No more crowns or root canals? No more amalgams? I’m sure the ADA is gonna love these new holistic cowboys. Imagine the economic considerations. Yet for the first time perhaps, the focus is on the long-term health of the patient rather than following the doctrinaire pronouncements of a pseudo-religious trade union that has been posing as a regulatory agency for the past century. Hansen reminds us that all professions exist primarily for the clients they serve, and not vice versa. For a reality check, such innovations are not just going to suddenly replace traditional dental procedures overnight. There will be a lot of variability of insurance coverage for these new procedures. Many of them will have to be


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paid for directly those patients who have been sufficiently educated to appreciate their value long term. It is the enlightened patient who will elect to pay for a procedure which his policy doesn’t cover, one who sees the paramount importance of trying to save his teeth, omit excess drilling and root canals, and avoid amalgams. II. PRE-MEDICATION – MBAs RUNNING THE SHOW The second area where we discover a serious problem with modern American dentistry is the profligate use of antibiotics. Remember that in the chapter entitled The Post-Antibiotic Age ( we learned that the biggest medical problem in this century, according to many mainstream medical authorities, may well be antibiotic resistance. Because of decades of overprescription and overuse of antibiotics for every little cold and sniffle, we have created hundreds of species of Superbugs – bacteria that can’t be killed by any known antibiotics. We have molded bacteria into those resistant mutations, because the only ones that survived were the ones the drugs couldn’t kill. Ten of thousands of Americans are dying in hospitals every year because they have some infection that doesn’t respond to any known antibiotic. One reason the future doesn’t look bright is that in the past 15 years, no truly new antibiotics have been invented. The new ones that have come out are just derivations or modifications of the ones we’ve had for years and years. But most people don’t know this. Most mothers don’t know it. That’s why they keep taking their children to the doctor at the first sign of the slightest sniffle or redness of ears. And if the doctor doesn’t prescribe antibiotics, the parent thinks the doctor’s not doing his job. So the parent takes the kid next door to whatever doctor will give the prescription. And most parents don’t even know that antibiotics don’t work on viral infections, which is what most colds involve. Into this whole mess, enter the dentist. It is an odd fact that as much as 30% of dental patients are given a single ‘bombing’ dose of amoxicillin before any routine dental work. Why? Politics and money. The big scare is – we have the


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American Heart Association’s proclamation that there is a “risk” of a dental patient picking up bacteria that may cause a rare heart disease called Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis when the gums are made to bleed during the dental procedures. In reality, catching the disease following dental work is not quite that simple. The first problem is that the bleeding gums are not sufficient themselves to cause SBE. Most damage to gums following dental work is in the form of a mild, self-limiting inflammation, possibly with a little momentary bleeding. To cause SBE, the gums must become infected from the dental work, and that is rare. Secondly, the infective bacteria must travel through the blood and decide to set up shop on the heart valves. For this to happen, the valves generally must be abnormal to begin with. (Merck Manual, p. 1763) Not a very likely scenario, but possible. Such bacteria could also come from gastric or urinary infections; the dental trauma is just one possibility. So to prevent this one-in-a-million occurrence, the AHA and the malpractice insurance people have got the American Dental Association to proclaim that it’s a good idea for the patient to get a “precautionary” dose of antibiotics “just in case.” So they make out a list of “risk” patients who should be given the antibiotic. These include patients with * Valve replacements * History of SBE * Surgical shunts in heart * Rheumatic heart disease * Mitral valve prolapse * Enlarged heart * Any heart irregularity – American Heart Association, June 1997 In addition, anyone who has had any joint replacements, pins, or plates surgically implanted is also given the single dose of amoxicillin prior to dental procedures. Even though the ADA’s own Guide to Dental Therapeutics,


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Appendix E states that such implants are not an indication for single dose of “just in case” antibiotics, in actual practice, these patients are routinely given the antibiotic. Ask your dentist if this is true. And in most cases patients have come to expect it. So even those dentists who think it’s a bad idea to pass out all these antibiotics, usually just cave in and go along with what the patients expect. This insane state of affairs persists even though everyone knows that a single dose of amoxicillin couldn’t possibly prevent or cure either SBE or infection from a prosthetic implant. Why not? Because according to Merck, standard courses of antibiotics for SBE range from 2 to 6 weeks. (17th Edition, p. 1767) Much worse than a placebo, these single ‘bomb’ doses do nothing except contribute to antibiotic resistance: “Inadequate doses promote the development of resistance; thereafter, even greatly increased doses may fail to control the infection.” – Merck, p 1103 What’s happening here is that because of politics and insurance guidelines, which are set up by non-medical people, dentists are indiscriminately prescribing antibiotics far in excess of the recommendations of the antibiotic manufacturers themselves. That’s what the Merck Manual is – manufacturer guidelines. Like the medical doctor, struggling to keep abreast of HMO commandments for prescribing drugs, dentists too have been cast into this role of drug rep for the Big Boys. People are brainwashed. Even when the dentist is not inclined to give the antibiotic because he knows it won’t have any possible benefit, the patients are so used to getting their pill, that they’ll expect it. And they’ll probably think the dentist is being remiss if he forgets to offer it. Easier for the dentist to just go along with the program. Nobody’s going to object. The discoverer of penicillin, the first antibiotic, was Alexander Fleming. From the very beginning, Fleming saw immediately the danger of abuse and overprescription of penicillin. (The Post Antibiotic Age) Fleming saw the that


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these powerful antibiotic drugs were for one thing only: life-threatening bacterial infections. Though largely ignored, this principle still holds true today. III. THE FLUORIDE SCAM In the Water chapter we saw tons of referenced information on the stupidity of adding fluoride to city water systems. We also uncovered the important role played by the American Dental Association in promoting the lie that fluoride protects teeth. In that chapter, meticulous documentation is offered to support these facts: – the fluoride added to city water is a chemical byproduct of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing – fluoride is the active toxin in rat poison – fluoride ages humans and destroys organ systems be tearing down enzymes which are essential for these systems to operate: * the immune system * the digestive system * the respiratory system * blood circulation * kidney function * liver function * brain function * thyroid function – fluoride can turn normal human cells into foreign protein, triggering the autoimmune response, causing things like lupus, arthritis, asthma, and arteriosclerosis – fluoride is more poisonous than lead and just less poisonous than arsenic – a seven ounce tube of toothpaste contains enough fluoride to theoretically kill a small child


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– city water is fluoridated at 1 Part per million. This is enough to destroy the DNA in human enzymes by 50% – fluoride ages people by collagen breakdown – fluoride confuses mineralization, putting minerals where they don’t belong, in ligaments tendons and muscles, and pulling minerals out of where they do belong, like bones and teeth – the reason most people don’t know these scientifically indisputable facts is because of decades of disinformation from the EPA and the USPHS, whose members have close ties with the aluminum industry. When teeth are demineralized, for whatever reason, doctors call this dental fluorosis. Teeth get that mottled, spotted look and are prone to crumble. The odd truth is that there is far more scientific documentation proving that fluoride causes dental fluorosis than there is proving it protects teeth. Before 1950, the ADA’s own research documented the hazards of fluoride exposure. One example from Journal of the American Dental Association 1 Oct 44: “the potentialities for harm far outweigh those for good” and the article clearly associated fluoridated water with osteoporosis, goiter, and spinal disease. Also in the 1940s, an attorney named Oscar Ewing was hired by ALCOA, the world’s biggest manufacturer of aluminum. Remember, fluoride is a toxic byproduct in that industry. OK. Now follow this: the United States Public Health Service was a branch of the government agency known as the Federal Security Administration. The USPHS made policies about water safety. So guess who was suddenly promoted to the Federal Security Administration? Oscar Ewing! This is how ALCOA came to dictate water safety policy in the US. But they needed a spin doctor to get the AMA, the American Dental Association, and the general public to believe that a dangerous industrial poison like fluoride could actually have a health benefit. So whom did Ewing


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appoint in charge of PR, to help him persuade people? Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud! Bernays’ propaganda machine now went into full swing – ads with smiling children with beautiful teeth flooded the country’s media. All anti-fluoride studies and articles were systematically suppressed because they weren’t sanctioned by the big lobbyists for the aluminum and fertilizer industries. Tons of new literature written not by doctors and scientists but by PR people and psychologists portrayed those opposing the sacred fluoridation as right-wing wackos. (Miller) Dovetailing contemporaneously into all the above activity is some mindblowing information that was uncovered in 1998 by two reporters commissioned to write an article for the Christian Science Monitor. Working from secret government documents that had just become declassified, Joel Griffiths and Chris Bryson have illuminated another very scary liaison: fluoride and the Manhattan Project. As we all remember, the Manhattan Project was the WWII secret program which brought the atomic bomb into existence: Fat Man and Little Boy. Turns out fluoride was a key component in the production of this bomb, in two main applications: in the uranium complex itself, and also as a toxic waste material. (Fluoride & Brain Damage) No one can intelligently discuss the fluoridation of American water without coming to grips with the research of John Yiamouyiannis, PhD. His book Fluoride the Aging Factor is a history of all pertinent literature about the politics and science of fluoridation up until 1993. Dr Y uncovered virtually every scientific study of fluoride ever undertaken and patiently shows how the huge aluminum companies like ALCOA as well as the nuclear arms manufacturers used political influence to legislate a toxic waste into our water supply, disguised as a health supplement. Dr Y points out that the US fluoridation is the highest in the world, at 62% of all cities. Few other countries are this stupid; in Europe fluoridation is less


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than 2%. Dr Y explains how scientists discovered that fluoride causes osteoporosis the same way it causes dental fluorosis, or crumbling of the teeth. Fluoride destroys the enzymes necessary to build bones and teeth. In addition, fluoride precipitates calcium out of solution, robbing the bones and teeth to get it, thereby creating a true calcium deficiency. (Riggs) Extensive research has also proven beyond a doubt that fluoride in water is a carcinogen, with studies form 19 major universities showing the connection. (Dr Y, p 65) Dr Y is not alone. Chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Dean Burk, when confronted with mountains of the same data, stated before Congress: “In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical.” – Congressional Record 21 July 1976 Together Burk and Dr Y completed a national research project on fluoride and cancer. They found that: “30,000 to 50,000 deaths each year from various causes may now be attributable to fluoridation. This total includes 10,000 to 20,000 deaths attributable to fluoride-induced cancer every year.” – Yiamouyiannis. p 90 So where does the American Dental Association come in? Is it possible they don’t know any of this? Of course they do. Again, don’t be deluded into believing that the ADA accepts responsibility for American dental health. Always remember – the ADA is a trade union, a lobby whose main purpose is furthering the economic advancement of its members. It doesn’t represent dental health. And in many cases the ADA doesn’t represent the dentists themselves. This is especially true in the class action suit filed by some 40 dentists against the ADA in a DC Superior Court. The charges? Ethical


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breach of the public trust for recommending fluoridation while failing to inform its members and the public of the widespread available literature proving toxicity. (Foulkes) The American Dental Association has a website which is a masterpiece of disinformation: At the beginning of the Fluoridation Questions section, we find the standard fluoridiot disinformation posture in which natural fluoride compounds that exist in many places in nature are presented as the same fluoride which is added to municipal water. This is unmitigated, deliberate, fraudulent misrepresentation. The fluoride added to water is a toxic industrial byproduct in a form nature could never have come up with. Once you realize this simple fact, you will be able to see the rest of the Website Whitewash in its proper light. While you are reading the sections of this website, just remember that the ADA is a trade lobby, whose mission is to assure people of the safety and efficacy of a drug that is not safe and not effective, so that the interests of its fellow trade lobbies from the chemical industry are best served. The ADA is a mouthpiece for a huge constituency. Their website is the modern manifestation of Edward L. Bernays’ program of disinformation and crowd control. WHAT DO THE REAL EXPERTS SAY ABOUT FLUORIDATION? “When historians come to write about this period, they will single out [fluoridation] as the single biggest mistake in public policy that we’ve ever had.” – Paul Connett, PhD, Biochemistry “Water fluoridation is the single largest case of scientific fraud, promoted by the government, supported by taxpayer dollars, aided and abetted by the ADA and the AMA, in the history of the planet.” – David Kennedy, DDS President International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology “Sodium fluoride is a registered rat poison and roach poison. It has been a protected pollutant for a very long time.”


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– William Hirzy, PhD President of the Union of Professional Employees of the EPA “Sodium fluoride is a very toxic chemical, acting as an enzyme poison, direct irritant and calcium inactivator. It reacts with growing tooth enamel and with bones to produce irreversible damage.” – Granville Knight, MD president of the American Academy of Nutrition Congressional Record, 31 July 56 (Robotry, p. 22) “I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable.” – Charles Gordon Heyd, MD, president, AMA “No physician in his right mind would hand to his patient a bottled filled with a dangerous drug with instructions to take as much or as little of it as he wished. And yet, the Public Health Service is engaged upon a widespread propaganda program to insist that communities do exactly that. The purpose of administering fluoride is not to render the water supply pure and potable but to contaminate it with a dangerous, toxic drug for the purpose of administering mass medication to the consumer, without regard to age or physical condition.” – L. Alesen, MD, president of the California Medical Association Robotry, p14 “Fluoridation is the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated and it has been perpetrated on more people than any other fraud has.” – Albert Schatz, PhD Nobel Laureate for discovering streptomycin quoted in Sutton’s Fluoridation: The Greatest Fraud “More people have died in the last 30 years from cancer connected with fluoridation than all the military deaths in the entire history of the United States.” – Dean Burk, PhD National Cancer Institute Fluoridation: A Burning Controversy “Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time.” – EPA scientist, Dr. Robert Carton (Downey, 2 May 99 )


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Although the ADA knows the above information very well, as a political machine, it is dissuaded from publicly changing its mind for two reasons: * credibility * liability If the ADA came out with a statement today that said, oh yeah, fluoride actually is a dangerous poison, the cause of many diseases – what would that mean with reference to their sacred contentions over the past several decades about fluoride’s safety and benefit for dental health? Admit they were wrong? See how the ADA is in the ridiculous position of being locked into a grave scientific error, because of lawyers and insurance companies? Once the reader comes to grips with this fact, pronouncements from this trade lobby may be seen in their proper perspective. _____________ As with most of the chapters from, the above information is just a cursory look at some practices in modern American dentistry, which are not apparent in Canada or in Europe. True advances in science and in dentistry would be shared across international boundaries, one would hope. But current dental policies in this country regarding the above three topics – amalgams, antibiotics, and fluoride – are not grounded or directed by science. It’s the same behavior pattern that locked Galileo in the Tower of Pisa for discovering that the earth went around the sun, or that buried the work of Bechamp in favor of the theories of Pasteur, or that force holistic cancer clinics to operate in Tijuana, or that prevents your dentist from discussing these issues openly with you – it’s all about big money and government and keeping the truth from people in a systematic fashion. Create the Conventional Wisdom, and then maintain it by endless repetition in every media source possible. The other side of the coin is that small groups of dentists are quietly coming together and beginning to offer a range of services which are non-toxic and


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natural. As the average patient becomes more informed about mercury toxicity, unnecessary root canals and extractions, and the dangers of single dose antibiotics, such groups of holistically minded dentists are going to be strategically poised for that next little evolution in dental health – throwing off the oppressive sludge of systematic poisoning that has enslaved the American ‘consciousness’ for the past century. ***** Copyright 2015 New West REFERENCES Rose, J—- Another bonanza–but not for the shareholder — Medical Economics 4 Sep 00 Benko, L—- New leaders drive managed care — Modern Healthcare 13 Mar 00 Fisher, MJ—- Analysis of CEO pay released — National Underwriter 5 Oct 98 Lemov, P —-The HMO laid low — Governing vol 13 no 9, p 32 Jun 00 Editor —-Singing the HMO blues — Canada and the World Backgrounder vol 65 no 4 26 Jan 00 Bernard, S et al —- Autism: A Unique Type of Mercury Poisoning — ARC Research April 3, 2000 Aposhian, H.V et al. —- “Urinary Mercury after Administration of 2, 3dimercaptopropane-1-sulfonic acid: Correlation with Dental Amalgam Score” Federation of American Societies for Experimental biology Journal. 6: 24722476; (1992). Lorscheider, FL et al. —-Mercury exposure from silver tooth fillings: emerging evidence questions a traditional dental paradigm — FASEB Journal Apr 1995


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ADA —- When your patients ask about mercury in amalgam Journal of the American Dental Association vol 120 p 395 April, 1990 Krauss, P MD —- Field study on the mercury content of saliva University of Tübingen 1995. Basciano, M DDS —- Lecture: IAOMT convention, San Diego 1994 O’Shea, T —- Autism and Vaccines ICA Review Sep 00 Vimy, MJ et al. —- Maternal-fetal distribution of mercury 203 released from dental amalgam fillings Journal of American Physiology Apr 1990 WHO —- Environmental Health Criteria 118 Inorganic Mercury, Geneva Switzerland, 1991. Ziff, S —- Dentistry Without Mercury Bio-Probe Inc. 2000. Boyd, N.D. et al—-. “Mercury From Dental “Silver” Tooth Fillings Impairs Sheep Kidney Function”, Am.J. Physiol. 261, Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 30: R1010-R1014, (1991). Frustaci A, et al. —- Department of Cardiology, Catholic University, Rome, Italy. “Marked elevation of myocardial trace elements in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy compared with secondary cardiac dysfunction.” J Am Coll Cardiol 1999 May;33(6):1578-83 Summers, A.O, et al. —- “Mercury Released from Dental “Silver” Fillings Provokes an Increase in Mercury and Antibiotic – Resistant Bacteria in Oral and Intestinal Flora of Primates” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy April 1993 p 825 – 834. NIDR —- Workshop: biocompatibility of metals in dentistry Journal of the American Dental Association Vol109(3) p469, 1984.


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Editorial —- New England Journal of Medicine 18 Oct 90 Griffiths, J and Bryson, C —- Fluoride, Teeth, and the A-bomb Earth Island Journal Winter 1997-98 p. 38 Burton, D Rep —- Office of Government Reform — Washington, DC (202) 225- 2276 Videotape available from 6 April 00 House of Representatives Conference on Autism and Vaccines Burton, D —- Mercury in medicine are we taking unnecessary risks? Government Reform Committee hearing 18 July 00 Silberod, R —- A comparison of mental health of multiple sclerosis patients with silver/mercury dental fillings Psychological Reports 70:1139-51 1992. Sehnert K, MD —- Is mercury toxicity an autoimmune disorder? Townsend Letter for Doctors Oct 1995 p134 DAMS Inc —– Mercury Free and Healthy: The Dental Amalgam Issue Prepared July 2000 Consumers for Dental Choice A Project of the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy 1424 16th Street, NW Suite 105 Washington, D.C. 20036 UK Amalgam page —- Wynn R PhD —- Drug Information Handbook for Dentists Lex-Comp Inc 1997. ADA —- ADA Guide to Dental Therapeutics ADA Publishing Company Chicago 1998 American Heart Association —- ANTIBIOTIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PATIENTS REQUIRING PRE-MEDICATION BEFORE DENTAL PROCEDURES


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Yiamouyiannis, J PhD —- Fluoride the Aging Factor Health Action Press 1993. Tye L —- The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays & the Birth of Public Relations” Hansen, R DDS —- The Key to Ultimate Health —— 2000

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KEEPING THE TEETH IN YOUR MOUTH A few years ago, the chapter New Agendas In American Dentistry was added to this site. It came about after comparing the various philosophies regarding fillings, root canals, amalgams, and extractions among US dentists. Was fortunate to have Dr Hal Huggins show up for my detox seminar in Denver. Huggins was the trailblazer who almost singlehandedly was responsible for bringing an awareness of the toxicity of mercury fillings to the American people. Before Huggins, nobody went in to have amalgams removed. He’s the reason that today everybody knows that amalgams are mercury. Huggins also had his own opinion of root canals, which differed from the conventional philosophy of most dentists, and what they are taught at dental school.


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So please look at that short chapter for some background. Recently I became aware that the prevailing standards of everyday dentistry regarding extractions, implants and periodontics may not necessarily be in the best interests of the patient, long term. So. Patient comes in. 60s, fairly fit, but subluxated in the neck and low back. Like most people, right? That wasn’t much of a challenge, after a couple weeks of real chiropractic care. But then he started telling me about his dental problems, and thereby hangs a tale. Turns out, in the previous decade the patient had had a lot of expensive root canals, porcelain crowns, and even one implant. Always followed his dentist’s advice for these costly procedures, but was remiss in one area. Cleaning. Kept putting it off. The dental office would call to make the cleaning appointment but he’d always blow them off, giving some excuse. This continued for a few years even though he had these expensive procedures done periodically, as the dentist recommended – crowns, root canals, etc. The dentist noticed the plaque building up year after year but would work around it. Not a priority – let’s just do the high priced work first. Then last year, with intermittent bleeding gums, while in Europe the patient had a deep cleaning done by an excellent dentist. He said it took the conscientious doctor three hours to mine all that calcific plaque out of his mouth. She showed him the panoramic X-rays and the enormous extent of bone loss caused by going that long without deep cleaning. The patient was horrified. This dentist then recommended that he come back to Europe in a few months for bone grafts, to shore up the deteriorated alveolar bone. The patient returned to California and decided to consult his regular dentist, the guy who had made a fortune working around all that plaque. The recommendation for bone graft was no surprise to this guy– he’d taken new


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X-rays every year and could clearly see the buildup around the gums, and the resulting bone loss. But now seeing that the patient had become aware of the seriousness of the periodontal disease, this dentist only saw more dollar signs. He made the standard recommendation: multiple extractions, followed by implants. Tens of thousands worth, right? That’s when the patient had his come-to-Jesus moment: Wow, I’m not a patient to this dentist – I’m a walking ATM machine… Now he was on a mission. He doesn’t want to lose any teeth, if possible, not being a fan of implants, bridges or the spectre of eventual dentures. So he decided to shop his mouth around to several dentists in Silicon Valley and see if he can find anyone who still has the old-fashioned philosophy dentists used to have: do everything possible to keep the original teeth. So he made appointments with 8 dentists and oral surgeons in the area to see what his options were. Six out of 8 agreed with his regular dentist: at least 3 extractions, followed by implants or bridges, etc. But he found 2 who had an alternative – one in San Francisco and one in Sunnyvale. It’s a procedure that has been around for decades called LANAP. L stands for laser. We’ll play Scrabble later. Here’s the biology of it: the gums (gingiva) are what hold your teeth in place, along with the periodontal ligaments. Calcified plaque from years of negligence builds up – where? Between the gums and the teeth, and works to pry them loose. After a time, the gums deteriorate, bleed, and begin to recede. The bone also starts to be resorbed because the plaque causes a constant, mild chemical reaction involving calcium and phosphorus.


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Now, teeth can be filled, repaired, crowned etc. But gum deterioration and bone loss are more permanent, most of the time. The reason for bleeding gums is that the plaque breeds special bacteria, resistant to all antibiotics. There is no longer a snug, clean fit between gums and teeth. The gums become ragged and torn, and can’t heal. Inflamed gums simply can’t reattach to the teeth. As a result, space forms between the gums and the teeth. Deep cleaning doesn’t repair the damaged bleeding gums, which now begin to recede, in their chronic inflamed state.. Enter LANAP. Quietly used for decades, the procedure is a precise laser cautery of all the torn, ragged gum tissue surrounding each tooth. The laser frequency is able to distinguish between healthy gingiva and damaged, and zaps the damaged. After one week the bleeding stops because as the cauterized gum tissue heals, it can once more get closer to the teeth, with no more intervening plaque, blood, or bacteria. Now for the good news. Six months to a year after LANAP, new alveolar bone begins to form around the roots of the teeth, locking them back in. Turns out that the cleaning and sterilization of that periodontal space stimulates osteoblastic activity and growth factors. Not just a possibility – it happens most of the time, verified by pre and post Xrays, which any LANAP doctor can show you. Dentists unfamiliar with LANAP will tell you bone regeneration is not possible. Which for them is true. But they’ll still screw implants into your deteriorating jawbone, won’t they?. Following LANAP, after the new bone begins to return, there are additional procedures to further augment bone and gum restoration. The first of these is L-PRF – the Leucocyte and Platelet Rich Fibrin method. It’s a periodontic version of PRP therapy – discussed in our May Newsletter. But LPRF is much faster and more effective.


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The short version is that 50 ml of the patient’s blood is centrifuged down and then injected and sewn into the gums. This stimulates growth factor, which accelerates osteoblastic reconstruction in the area – new bone to anchor the exposed roots of the teeth. Works almost every time. You can read about it in these articles. L-PRF has been around for a long time but very few dentists offer it. There’s also the Pinhole Technique for gum restoration, whereby little rolls of collagen are inserted into the gums to reinforce them. Again, very effective, but difficult to find a dentist. Finally, there’s a another effective procedure called Emdogain, used by a few conscientious oral surgeons. This application has been proven to stimulate all the periodontal tissues, including gingiva, cementum and alveolar bone. Emdogain has actually been around for over 20 years and used on more than 2 million patients! Why has nobody else heard of it? Here’s some more of the science: Why are these excellent procedures so unknown? Why don’t most dentists offer them? Answer : big houses and sports cars. Much easier and more lucrative to just pull teeth, place an implant and a cap, charge $10k and move on. Even though many implants will fail because there wasn’t enough alveolar bone in the first place, or else the patient won’t change the lifestyle that created the ongoing disease processes. But these lesser-known procedures take many months, and require a lot of follow up. Most dentists won’t go to all that trouble.


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Like chiropractic, like any profession, the vital element is philosophy. Any old school dentist will tell you they were taught to do everything possible to try and keep a patient’s teeth in his head. There are many direct and indirect advantages to maintaining the original integrity of the human oral cavity. That’s another discussion altogether. These days it’s mostly about money – so easy to pull teeth and sell people on implants and bridges, adopting the medical paradigm that the body is just a car. Things wear out and you replace them and they’ll be good as new. This lie is easy to understand, and even easier to sell people. They want to believe it because it takes the responsibility away from them — they don’t have to take care of their teeth. If they wear out, the dentist will just pop in some more – that’s the sheep mindset.

It’s quite dark if you think about it – the new system of dental care in America today. Often dentists know that what they’re doing isn’t necessarily in the best longterm interests of the patient. But most just focus on the end-of-day


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balance sheets in the office . And that’s why the above procedures are so unknown. Perhaps all this will be helpful in choosing a dentist. Don’t go for the one with the nicest office or the cutest staff. You want the dentist who takes all the advanced courses, and is up to date on the above protocols. Once you find that, get a feel for how much time is spent presenting options. Are you being rushed to go for something you don’t understand or something that seems short term? Ask your self – am I being hustled here? It’s clear that much of the time, the recommended procedures prioritize profits for the dentist rather than what is best for the patient. Don’t believe me – find out for yourself. Get several opinions before you make your next dental decision. *********************************


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1. BLACK SALVE – INDIAN BLOODROOT AND SKIN CANCER For millennia, humans have experienced a broad spectrum of annoying skin growths and cancers. Some are infectious, or parasitic in nature. Others are abnormal proliferations of skin cells. This latter group includes skin cancers like melanoma, as well as benign growths, like keratoses. Sometimes a group of cells may begin to grow by altering a small area of normal skin. The tissue is changed, without killing it. The word is dedifferentiation. A group of cells has lost its ability to specialize but not to proliferate. Normal tissue becomes abnormal, and starts getting larger. But there is no infection, because the tissue came from the individual’s own stem cells. It’s not foreign, Turns out, there is a very safe and effective herbal cure that has been used on this continent for a thousand years that painlessly removes skin growths. It’s called American bloodroot, traditionally made into a black salve. Now a quick search for black salve will turn up hundreds of pages which share the same message: beware, danger, fatal, red alert etc. For the unmotivated, this will be the end of the investigation, subjecting themselves then to the whims of the nearest dermatologist.


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The more diligent may discover some of the hundreds of accounts of total resolution by the use of the salve. So. Last month, a patient came in with the following history:

About 10 years ago he had a small blemish on his wrist the size of a freckle. Not raised, not a mole, not growing, just a freckle. His therapist had just bought a new laser with which she was less than familiar, and she was looking for test cases. She talked the guy into letting her laser the freckle. The spot became a little red for a few weeks, and then turned white, and stabilized. Again, it wasn’t raised or rough or infected – the only difference: the spot was now white. And no longer looked like skin cells. This situation remained unchanged for 10 years. Then one day about 8 months ago the patient noticed that the white spot had become a little rough, and had begun to exfoliate. This continued for several months until it began to grow. Soon it became the size of a kernel of corn. No pain, no inflammation. Putting it off as long as possible, the patient finally went to a local dermatologist in Mountain View. After a 5 second exam, the doctor picked up a little spray tank with liquid nitrogen and gave the area a quick fogging. The dermatologist guessed that it was probably a common skin defect, like an actino keratosis. Said he sees them all the time and this would probably do the trick.. But if it


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comes back, don’t worry. We’ll slice it down. Many sources class actino keratosis as pre-cancer – a trendy new marketing term. But such a complication is very rare. In this case, the patient said that after the NO2, the top of the growth sloughed off. But then 2 weeks later the Rebound Phenomenon kicked in and now the growth became twice as large as before. This is when the patient remembered a conversation he’d had years before with a doctor who told him about how this black salve had gotten rid of a melanoma in the doctor’s own leg, and had healed it up perfectly. So the patient began to research, plowing past the typical Bernays wiki/google horror stories, and found many people who had the same successful resolution using bloodroot. There are even some useful medical sites, like that of Sloan Kettering, in their Integrative Medicine section: We learn the Latin name for bloodroot: Sanguinaria canadensis Even though this site states that bloodroot has antimicrobial (8), tumoricidal (22) (23), and anticancer (25) (27) properties, it also states that it hasn’t been formally tested on humans. Which of course is clinically true. But it ignores untold thousands of anecdotal cures over the centuries. Natural medicine. Of course it’s never been ‘proven’ by controlled clinical trials, because only the for-profit pharmaceutical industry can afford that. That way the data can be interpreted in a context that only promotes the sale of drugs, of course. Which bloodroot research would certainly not support because it’s an inexpensive, natural plant.


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Back to the patient, who was ready now to give the salve a try. The patient’s next problem was to find it. He was referred to a company in Missouri called Larson something who advertised a bloodroot salve formula used for centuries by American Indians, etc. But no one there would return calls. Another trade name is Virxscan. See Dr Lawrence Wilson’s site: The patient then found that Amazon sold the black salve, and he ordered some from them. Now that’s intriguing – wiki /google is screaming death and danger, and Amazon is selling it. Go, Jeff. Anyway, the Larson guy finally called back, so the patient ordered that salve as well. Both products arrived. They both looked the same and both came with the same directions on a little piece of paper. He decided on the Larson salve. The directions said to first take a needle and make little holes into the growth to make it porous for absorbing the salve. Also the area became porous after a shower, so that seemed like the right time. Then with a Q tip, he put a little dab of the bloodroot salve on the growth. Then the directions said to cover it over with petroleum jelly and a bandaid and leave it for 24-48 hours. Expecting a little pain or burning, the patient experienced none. After 2 days, he cleaned the area with hydrogen peroxide and covered it with petroleum jelly and a bandaid, as directed. He then followed the directions to change the dressing every day. That’s it. The instructions indicated that in a few weeks the growth would begin to be extruded out. That was about all they said because of the dangers of promising cures, etc. (See Rutherford vs US) But from his contacts, the guy learned to expect that the growth would gradually be expelled through the skin and drop off by itself. Besides that, just


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be patient for up to 7 weeks. The only way you can bungle the process is to try and pull the extruding pieces out forcefully before they’re completely detached and ready to drop off on their own. That might result in scarring. Or in incomplete extrusion. Also allowing the lesion to dry out could result in bleeding, as the expulsion could be blocked by a hard scab. But as long as the dressing was changed every day and the area was kept from drying out by the petroleum jelly, everything would be fine. A hole would be left in the skin after the material had sloughed off. Then new tissue would fill in the hole and finish by forming new skin without even leaving a scar. Now all this seemed a bit much to believe at first, especially with all the negative press about black salve, etc. The medical websites don’t provide a detailed description of a typical case either. But the patient found that everything happened exactly as predicted. He changed the dressing and didn’t pull on the extruding material prematurely. The tumor eventually fell out intact on its own. The hole then filled in and new skin replaced the old, with no scar.


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The patient admitted he was really surprised that during the entire 7 weeks he never experienced any pain whatsoever. He had heard that there could be some pain or burning during the healing process. But in his particular case, there was none. I have since heard of many other bloodroot stories from people, the majority of which were similarly successful. Safe, no pain, no side effects. Looking at all this histologically, what is going on here? This patient’s original problem happened when the laser hit the normal skin cells. This created a group of altered cells, that could reproduce themselves but could no longer specialize as skin cells. After 10 years this became a growth of abnormal tissue, proliferating out of control. Growths like this are not foreign because they began as the human’s own cells. That’s why the body does not trigger the immune response, and why there’s no inflammation. As with all cancers. But the cellular matrix between normal and abnormal tissue is inextricably intertwined, because they both were originally the same body’s own tissue. Very difficult to separate. That’s where bloodroot comes in. Somehow this herb has the ability to differentiate between normal and abnormal tissue; it only penetrates into abnormal tissue. Applying the salve to normal skin has no effect – no pain, no resorption. Having been soaked up by the entire mass of the growth, the bloodroot somehow causes the abnormal tissue then to detach itself from the normal tissue, and finally to be extruded entire and expelled through the skin. Like magic. Actually one of the old commercial names for the salve was Black Magic. What’s the medical approach to skin growths that don’t drop off after nitrous oxide vapor? What’s their next step? Anesthetize and slice off layers down to


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the ‘good’ tissue, making sure to “get it all.” Which requires weeks or months to heal, risking infection, and certainly resulting in scarring. This is a perfect example of the unbridgeable chasm between the holistic and allopathic approaches. First do no harm. Remember? Work with the natural healing processes of the body instead of carelessly invading it and violating it. Despite all the self-promotion touting their supposed triumph over biochemistry, Medicine has no weapon in its arsenal so sophisticated that it can detach normal tissue from abnormal, in the absence of inflammation. Only nature can do that – 100% herbal. Grows in the ground, for free. It’s probable that there are some disaster stories with the use of bloodroot. But a careful medical history would probably reveal that the patient had not followed the directions in every detail for the full 2 months there were some intervening pharmaceutical drugs or procedures No adverse effects, no surgery, no drugs, no pain – bloodroot illuminates the essential philosophical divergence between allopathic and holistic medicine. With its focus always on the billing department’s bottom line, modern oncology has an abysmal track record for the past 30 years. It certainly shows no signs of improvement any time soon. For those specifics, please see the chapter To The Cancer Patient First Do No Harm seems to claim a natural moral high ground over First Miss No Billing Code. Modern medicine certainly deserves all the credit for its advances in acute trauma and ER technology. That science has never been better in history. They really do save lives, every day. No question. But for chronic degenerative disease, which is the majority of illness in this country, they will continue to fail and to make many patients worse, wasting trillions in the process. Why? Because most of their drugs and surgery are disrespectful of


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nature’s own evolutionary processes of recovery, blithely overpowering the normal immune defenses of the hiuman body. . Which of course is a consequence of the Prime Directive we must never forget: corporate medicine is first, last and always a for-profit industry, run not by doctors, but by MBAs.

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Revised 2019 – Dr Tim O’Shea Designer jeans, designer shirts, designer handbags, designer watches, jewelry, perfumes, neckties, shoes – what are they? Take an ordinary item, put a name on it, a few million in marketing and promo, and voilà, its price is raised tenfold. How? By creating an illusion of worth in the malleable, fickle, public “consciousness.” Same with ADD. Everyone gets mildly depressed from time to time. Kids get rowdy sometimes. Teenagers are confused. Alert the media. Our attention wanders, we get distracted, we have difficulty finishing a task. So what? Welcome to life. But to turn these everyday experiences into diseases to be compared with cancer or diabetes – actual clinical entities, researched and defined – well, that takes real marketing and dog-wagging mastery. So what do we need? A new disease, but we don’t have time to discover one? No problema. We do have the most advanced information machine in human history already in place. We can create a disease out of nothing. But it won’t be a real disease. It will be A Designer Disease. Even before starting to research the topic, I had instinctively doubted the existence of ADD from the very first. Sounded suspicious. I wondered, why does ADD only exist in the U.S. and not in Scandinavia, not in The Netherlands, not in France, not in Vietnam, and not in Japan? A disease that respects geographic borders? Where had it come from all of a sudden in the 80s, to go from nothing to being a household word in just a few short years? Like Nicholson says, following the money usually brings you closer to the truth. Even a superficial glance at the billion-dollar Ritalin industry raises that red flag. What I was not prepared for was the invidious, systematic assault on American children and the shared benefit for so many players: parents, teachers, American psychiatrists, school personnel, lobbyists, the drug


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empire – a convoluted dynamic that has taken on a life of its own, spawned a new industry, and blanketed the public consciousness with a superficial line of junk science and corporate doubletalk. In order to place this chapter in proper perspective, the reader might stop at this point and only continue after a complete re-reading of 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. One needs to be reminded from time to time of man’s capacity for calculated treachery and for keeping the truth that lies just beneath the surface well hidden, when great fortunes are at stake. Doing a search for ADD is a revelation: thousands of articles and sites spring up onto the screen, 99% of them parroting the same tired, recycled spin on the safety, efficacy, and necessity of drug intervention to “control” this “epidemic.” Most of them are one or two pages, unreferenced, unsubstantiated, going around in circles, written at the compulsory 9th grade level, almost convincing you that ADD must truly exist, because this is how its sufferers write. Only with persistence can one come up with the body of work reflected by the attached reference list. Another point of view is tenable. It is consistent and self-evident, once one resolves to answer the questions which follow, wherever they may lead. WHAT EXACTLY IS ADD? Attention Deficit Disorder, was invented in a 1980 meeting of the American Psychiatry Association, adding it to their manual. [3] p. 8 Originally, it supposedly afflicted 5% of Americans children, mostly young boys. In the past 20 years other opinions have guessed as high at 40% [7] p.285. But as we will see, these numbers don’t really matter since political organizations are just taking wild guesses about something that is scientifically undefined. No consistent genetic basis or organic neurological lesions, or any verifiable physical changes have ever been clearly identified as causative of ADD, even


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in the arbitrary world of biotechnology. There are no lab tests for it. In short, there is no objective scientific proof that the disease exists. ADD was invented by the APA in order to bolster the position of a failing profession. Politics and economics took over almost immediately, seeing a way to allocate billions of dollars in drugs and professional fees to “combat” the new “epidemic.” It was a brilliant move, successful beyond their wildest dreams. When reading anything about ADD, it seems essential to keep one central notion clearly in mind: ADD is not a medical entity; it is economic and political. I soon discovered I was not alone in this sentiment: “ADD does not exist. These children are not disordered.” Thomas Armstrong, PhD The Myth of the ADD Child [3] “Both the FDA and the DEA have acknowledged that ADD is not a disease, or anything organic or biologic.”- Fred Baughman, MD The Future of Mental Health [6] “We have invented a new disease, given it medical sanction, and now we must disown it.” – Diane McGuiness The Limits of Biologic Treatment for Psychiatric Distress [9] “Research does not confirm the existence of an ADD syndrome There is no medical, neurological, or psychiatric justification for the ADD diagnosis.” – Peter Breggin, M,D. Toxic Psychiatry p 281 [2] . “Be forewarned that ADD is not a real disease, but rather a contrived illusion of a disease, a marketplace tool.” – Fred Baughman, MD [6] Whoa! I wasn’t ready for all that! WHY DID ADD APPEAR? To address this question, it is necessary to take a brief look at the American Psychiatry Association in the past century. In Chapter I of his remarkable work, A Dose of Sanity, psychiatrist Sidney


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Walker [1] gives an illuminating historical summary of his profession during the past 150 years. Psychiatrists are MDs who specialize in mental disorders. Classically, they studied organic, physical causes of mental illnesses such as brain tumors, infections, and other diseases that might have a psychological component. The father of American psychiatry was Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. His book Diseases of the Mind (1812) dealt with biological causes of mental illness. In other words, mental illness was seen generally as the result of a physical disease, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, or a tumor. In the 1800s, psychiatrists like Griesinger, Alzheimer, and Kraeplin concentrated on brain anatomy and nerve cell irregularities as the cause of mental disorders. For over a century psychiatrists sought the underlying physical causes of mental illness. Microscope study of brain slices was employed by world class psychiatrists like Adolph Meyer in the late 30s, looking for brain lesions that could be linked with mental problems. This scientific approach began to change with the emergence and prevalence of the notions of Sigmund Freud around 1930. Although Freud’s ideas about sexuality and the unconscious have made a lasting impact on the study of the human mind, Sidney Walker points out that for the first time, the brain was left out of the picture. Physical disease processes were no longer considered as the first place to look for the cause of mental illness. Freudian psychology concentrated on “the mind” itself, as if the mind were separate from the brain. For the first time in its history, the direction of psychiatry was no longer guided by medical physicians. Instead, psychologists took over the field, with their focus on “the psyche,” imagined as a completely separate entity from the body. [1] Most mental illness, they said, resulted from “adverse events,” such as childhood trauma, parent relationships, and early experiences. Never before


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has a medical specialty been co-opted by non-medical participants. This was a mistake from which we have never recovered. THE TALKING CURE In the 1950s and 1960s we saw the rise of psychoanalysis: the talking doctors. Their promise was to cure mental illness by psychotherapy. Walker attributes the decline of psychiatry before 1980 to the failure of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy to deliver. [1] Why didn’t it work? Their fundamental error was ignoring the biological and organic causes of mental disease, according to Dr. Walker. The profession had abandoned its roots, which held that mental illness was generally “in reaction to” some underlying physical disorder. They had traded a scientific approach for a non-scientific one. The 1970s saw the emergence of the fore-runner of ADD: minimal brain disorder. [3] Same pseudo-scientific underpinnings as ADD – vague rationales for targeting a vulnerable new market for “treatment,” supported by the drug companies. Same opportunities for liberal, socialistic expansion and job creation to “diagnose” and monitor a newly discovered “epidemic.” THE MEMO Nixon’s own psychologist, Dr. Hutschnecker, penned a now-famous memo in 1970 in which he recommended mass testing of very young children in order to ascertain possible “pre-delinquent” behavior patterns. All children. Even though the memo was discredited by the APA itself, political support snowballed and became the focus for policy for the coming decade, and beyond. [11] p 17. The new magic words now were “disability” and “intervention.” It was the dawn of the age of the Professional Victim. The story is told with detail and clarity in Schrag’s The Myth of the Hyperactive Child. [11] Having failed to reform the malfunctioning institutions, the new game was to


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reform the individual. With no scientific basis, other words came into use: “pre-delinquent” “dyslexia” and “learning disabled.” By 1995, over 50% of American children were identified as either “learning disabled” or ADD! Armstrong outlines how an entire empire of social, educational, political, medical and economic power willed itself into existence in a few short years. [3] The shoddiest of scientific studies were thrown together, funded by the drug companies, in support of the new politics: the state’s new presumption to determine “normal” emotions and behavior. Though the studies were eventually discredited, they served as a foundation for similar “scientific documentation” during the 1980s, in which nonconformity suddenly became a medical condition requiring treatment. During the 70s, people were going to family doctors, psychologists, social workers, priests, and marriage counselors for their problems, none of whom were prescribing drugs for minor complaints of depression. Year by year, psychiatrists were failing to attract voluntary patients, simply because the need was not perceived by most people. So with the stock of the APA at an all-time low, we come to 1980 and the now famous APA Committee meeting. [3] p 8 It was at this meeting that the APA decided to “re-medicalize.” That meant giving up on this talking-cure psychoanalysis stuff which was marginalizing the profession into obscurity, and re- asserting themselves as real medical professionals with the right to be successful and sell a ton of drugs. As you might imagine, no one was happier to hear this news than the pharmaceutical industry. Maybe they couldn’t get voluntary patients, but what about involuntary ones? The only problem was, if psychiatrists were to successfully re-establish themselves as medical doctors, they needed a new disease within their specialty which would be cured by drugs.


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Enter ADD stage left, first named as a disorder by the APA in that 1980 meeting. [3] Forget the fact that ADD had been around for almost a century under 25 different names, listed on p 8 of Armstrong’s book. [3] That didn’t matter. What was of major significance was that now ADD had reality: it was finally named and inscribed forever in the APA’s bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, known hereinafter as the DSM. THE COOKBOOK Breggin, Armstrong, Wiseman, and Baughman go on for pages about the lack of science in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. [2, 3, 7, 8] The reader is directed to them for a fuller understanding of the role this manual has played in catapulting a declining profession into a position of wealth and respectability, at the expense of the well-being of millions of defenseless children. If that sounds harsh or strident, it’s an understatement. Evident in the appended references, it’s incontrovertible. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual was first published by the APA in 1952. The DSM purports to be a catalogue of mental disorders. Each disorder has a list of symptoms under it. A patient may be “diagnosed” as having a particular mental disorder if enough of the listed symptoms are present. Although the instructions in the DSM specifically caution psychiatrists against using the DSM as a “cookbook” because there is so much overlap and so many other factors to consider before a supportable diagnosis can be made, in actual practice the cookbook method is precisely the way DSM is most commonly used. Each new edition of the DSM got bigger: Title…………………………Year……………………..# of Mental Disorders DSM………………………… 1952…………………….. 112 DSM-II ………………………1968…………………….. 163 DSM-III .. ……………………1980….. …………………224 DSM-III-R . ………………….1987….. …………………253


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DSM-IV .. ……………………1994….. …………………374 DSM-5 .. ……………………. 2013……………………. 727 Lest the reader assume that each of these “illnesses” was researched and studied in the same scientific manner as traditional physical illnesses before they appear in pathology textbooks, here are what a few experts have to say: Renee Garfinkel, a psychologist and representative of the APA who attended DSM meetings, told Time magazine: “the low level of intellectual effort was shocking. Diagnoses were developed by majority vote on the level we would use to choose a restaurant. You feel like Italian. I feel like Chinese. So let’s go to a cafeteria. Then it’s typed into a computer. It may reflect on our naiveté, but it was our belief that there would be an attempt to look at things scientifically.” [1] (Walker p22) Al Parides, MD, a psychiatrist, states that “the DSM is not scientific at all, but a masterpiece of political maneuvering, in which the normal problems of life are turned into psychiatric conditions.” [7] (Wiseman, p 357) How a mental disorder winds up in the DSM in the first place is a long and enlightening story, for which the reader is directed to the research of Walker, and also of Louise Armstrong. [1] [16] “To read about the evolution of the DSM is to know this: it is an entirely political document. What it includes, what it does not include, are the result of intensive campaigning, lengthy negotiating, infighting, and power plays.” – Louise Armstrong [16] An innocent neophyte might expect that for a mental disorder to appear in the primary handbook of the profession licensed to treat mental disorders, years of research, experimentation, and double blind studies would have had to come first, right? Guess again. Armstrong cites the story of the origin of a disorder called “self-defeating personality disorder.” The chairman of the DSM committee, Robert Spitzer,


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thought up the disorder on a weekend fishing trip, and when he returned, persuaded enough of the committee to include it in the Manual. (And They Call It Help) [16] This is typical. The DSM is the only way that ADD is diagnosed. Here’s how it’s done. In the DSM-IV, ADD has nine symptoms listed under it. If a child has any six of them, in the opinion of the doctor (or the teacher!) that child may be diagnosed as having ADD. That’s it! Funny thing is, it seems like most of these entries on the list are not symptoms of a mental disorder, but just symptoms of being a kid: 1. Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat 2. Often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected 3. Often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it its inappropriate 4. Often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly 5. Is often on the go or often acts as if driven by a motor 6. Often talks excessively 7. Often blurts out answers before questions have been completed 8. Often has difficulty awaiting turn 9. Often interrupts or intrudes on others Sound like anyone you’ve ever known? Some may ask if there are any kids who would not fit six of these criteria. Again, this is the only “diagnostic” “testing” that exists for determining ADD. Six out of nine. No lab tests, no Xrays, no blood tests, no physical examination whatsoever, no standardized batteries of written or verbal psychological testing. Just these nine subjective symptoms. In the newer DSM-5, ADD has been arbitrarily renamed ADHD, but the criteria remain essentially the same. [42] p 59 Unlike any other disease in history, the diagnosis may be made by anyone in authority, with no medical credentials or special training whatsoever: the school nurse, school counselor, a teacher, the principal, even a coach.


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DSM cookbook diagnosis of any disease is the primary reason so many modern psychiatrists are embarrassed by their own profession. [7] Differential diagnosis of any disease, especially a true mental disorder, requires timeconsuming, thorough testing, analysis and thoughtful consideration, ruling out several possibilities one by one, before arriving at the final diagnosis. Which itself is still subject to change. As Dr. Walker says, DSM is usually a “substitute for diagnosis” not part of any scientific process. [1] He states that the DSM has led to the “unnecessary drugging of millions of Americans who could be …cured… without the use of lethal medications.” [1] p 51 Many patients are labeled ADD after a 15-minute interview. Worse if it’s with a pediatrician, who has no training in mental disorders at all. Psychiatry has lost its identity as a profession, according to psychiatrists like Peter Breggin, MD. Today psychiatry has sold most of its traditional values in exchange for being “dominated by the interests of the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry as the profession becomes wholly dependent on the drug companies for its survival.” [2] In the meantime, several million Americans “will suffer permanent brain damage from psychiatric drugs and electroshock while the profession denies it is happening.” (Toxic Psychiatry, p17). [2] Labeling is the new game, the new psychiatry, the new bait and switch. Labeling is what psychiatrists now offer in place of diagnosis. Take a moment to understand the difference. When a patient with a mental disorder presents to a doctor for the first time, there are literally dozens of possible physical, organic disease processes which could be the cause. If the doctor misses the underlying disease, because it is subclinical (only beginning) or because standard physical examination is glossed over in favor


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of the 15-minute cookbook approach, it is doubtful whether another doctor will take the trouble to look for another cause. Why bother? DSM labels, like “depression” or “delusional dominating personality disorder” remain on a patient’s chart for life. These labels are too frequently the end of the line, as far as trying to identify the cause of the mental problem. Most doctors will hesitate to challenge the diagnosis of a colleague, especially if it requires a lot of new work-up. The result is that a patient may be labeled “depressed” but in actuality simply be dispirited because of one of the following: rickettsial infection hypoglycemia brain tumor brain infection hypothyroid toxic poisoning anemia malnutrition parasites vitamin deficiency to name just a few. Once labeled, powerful psychoactive drugs are prescribed, which only cover up the condition. Meanwhile the underlying disease may progress unchecked, and years of illness may result. Always remember: drugs do not even claim to cure mental diseases. They just cover up symptoms, leaving the underlying disorder to fester. If there actually was one. Rare? Think again. Standard physical exams are not routinely done by today’s psychiatrists. A comprehensive study in the American Review of Medicine by Dr. Erwin Koranyi estimates misdiagnosis of easily detectable physical illness and labeling them as mental illness occurs half the time! [10]


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Koryani’s famous study of 2090 psychiatric patients showed that 43% of them had an undiagnosed underlying major illness. Dr. Koryani [10] explains that once a patient is labeled a psychiatric case, physical complaints are assumed to be “psychosomatic” and are routinely ignored. Neurologist Sir Francis Walshe describes mental hospitals as “living museums of undiscovered bodily disease . . . undiagnosed.” [15] For someone who has ever been diagnosed as depressed or having ADD, health insurance may be denied for life. If the person is ever injured, and litigation becomes necessary to document the injury, these labels are powerful tools that are often used against the person’s case, to undermine credibility and the reality of the injury. The reader again is directed to further explore the tip of this iceberg in the appended references. The bottom line is that labeling doesn’t cure anything. WHO BENEFITS FROM ADD? Simple answer: almost everyone involved. First the psychiatrists. To really understand the role of psychiatry in the modern world, one must come to terms with the information contained in works such as Psychiatry: The Ultimate Betrayal. [7] Wiseman thoroughly documents the contributions of psychiatrists to the world over the past 150 years:

– Extermination of 375,000 mental patients in Germany, prior to the Holocaust – Providing Hitler with the rationale and method for the Holocaust itself – Over 100,000 lobotomies between 1936 and 1970 – Millions of barbaric electroshock treatments of the brain – Replacing the idea that the citizen is personally responsible for his actions with the notion that other factors are always to blame – Addicting large segments of the population to dangerous drugs like Ritalin, Elavil,


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Valium, and Prozac – Infecting the courtrooms of the nation with absurdities like “recovered memory,” “irresistible impulse,” “urban stress syndrome,” and “temporary insanity” As cited above, in 1980 the APA was at low ebb. The rest of the medical profession no longer respected psychiatrists because by allowing their direction to be determined by non-medical personnel, the failures of psychotherapy became pre-eminent. But after 18 years of aggressive public relations ramjetting ADD into the public consciousness, psychiatrists found themselves back in the driver’s seat. Each of the original 5 million ADD children required some $1200 in diagnostics. [3] p.9 Perhaps only 1 million were being treated by 2002. That’s only about $12 billion, although with a potential of $60 billion. And that’s not including medications. Today it’s far upwards of $70-80 B, and climbing. [45] Total sales figures are deliberately obscured in online research, but with most sources agreeing that 55 million Americans are users, a best guess for the US psychotropic drug annual sales might approach $100 billion annually in 2019. So the immediate financial future of cookbook-toting psychiatrists looks fairly bright. The majority of them will ride ADD into the sunset. But not all doctors are that impressed by the scientific validity of the psychiatric profession when it comes to the ethics of their intent toward children. Thomas Szasz, MD, in his book Cruel Compassion, tells us: “This elementary fact makes the child psychiatrist one of the most dangerous enemies not only of children, but also of adults who care for the two precious and valuable things in life: children and liberty. Child


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psychology and child psychiatry cannot be reformed. They must be abolished.” [13] Bruce Wiseman, author of Psychiatry: the Ultimate Betrayal, concurs: “All vestiges of psychiatry and psychology should be removed from our schools. Schools are for learning. They are not for psychiatric experiments on young minds.” p385 [10] Second, the pharmaceutical industry. Ciba-Geigy, the producer of Ritalin has found itself at the center of a boom market. In 1974, a prescription for 100 Ritalin tablets was $12. By 2000 it was $150. For this one drug alone, 6 million prescriptions were written annually at a cost of about $150 each. That was $900 million annually, and that’s only the domestic market. Today the discount price is $77 for 100 Ritalin tabs. [43] But look at today’s market: more than 7.2 million kids on psych drugs by 2018. [44] There are also several other drugs for ADD, bringing in other millions, including Cylert, Dexedrine, Disipramine, Concerta. Early estimates by “studies” funded by Ciba-Geigy and backed by the APA said that as much as 30% of the child population may be in “need” of drug treatment for this new disease which has just been miraculously discovered. To keep the ball rolling, Ciba began donating millions of dollars every year to a “community” organization known as CHADD: Children and Adults with ADD. In 2000, CHADD had over 35,000 members in 600 chapters nationwide. It became the de facto PR branch of Ciba for disseminating promotional information about Ritalin, describing it as “safe and effective” for treatment of ADD. But as people gradually learned CHADD was all about sales, its numbers steadily dwindled to around 12,000 by 2018. Third, teachers. It doesn’t take much study to discover the deplorable condition of the American education system during Ritalin’s early years, especially grade schools and high schools. Most studies assessed overall literacy for the 12th grade at about 50%. (Wiseman) [7]


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In 1900, illiteracy was only about 1.9%! Here’s a graph of SAT scores from 1966-1994:

YEAR VERBAL SKILLS …. MATH 1966 ……………. 466 …. …. …. 492 1976 ………..….. 429 …. …. …. 470 1986 ……………. 435 …. …. …. 476 1992 ……………. 424 …. …. …. 476 Source: US Dept of Education Digest of Education Statistics, 1997 p 133 [34] Another chart tracking SAT scores from 1972 – 2016 shows virtually the same findings. [46] The figures are obviously manipulated, showing very little difference, while every other index indicates math, reading and writing skills sharply plummeting during the same period. It’s a cover-up. SAT scores have become virtually meaningless, because of the practice of “re-centering.” Translation: artificially jacking up the high school exit exam scores so it doesn’t look as though kids area as dumb as they actually ere. In a nation where half of high school graduates cannot competently read or write, consider what a blessing ADD has been to beleaguered school teachers. We’re off the hook! It’s not our fault! It’s not our bad teaching skills and methods. These kids are disordered – there’s something wrong with them. Blame the victims. Besides removing blame, an overstressed teacher may now get to remove the student as well: a diagnosis of ADD frequently gets a disorderly student out of the class and into a special Learning Disabilities class. This is another contrived social invention, along with dyslexia, but it is beyond the scope of this chapter. At the very least, the child will be prescribed Ritalin or its analogs, and will now be manageable. The best news for teachers is that they don’t even have to wait for a psychiatrist to pronounce a kid ADD. In our modern Orwellian


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setting, the teachers can do it! All they have to do is check off six of the nine DSM “symptoms” and the student is gone. “The vast majority of teachers have become true believers. Between 88 and 96 per cent of teachers believe they can diagnose a hyperactive child. And three-fourths feel that they have an obligation to recommend that a doctor be informed ” – The Myth of the Hyperactive Child p 84 [11] “Teachers who no longer know how to teach claim the children are defective.” – Psychiatry: The Ultimate Betrayal p 283 A teacher’s job is to teach, not to mold the personality. Larry Brown, MD is not letting anyone off the hook. He describes the widespread use of Ritalin as a “low point in professional ethics.” [12] “Where drugs are used as a cheap alternative to reform of the schools, then the practice of drugging children must be seen as a political act.” ” drugging children…represents an ominous step along the Orwellian continuum of social control through psychotechnology.” – Toxic Psychiatry pp. 313, 293. [2] Orwell and Huxley are cited over and over by doctors who criticize the new psychiatry. Fourth, the school counselors, some of whom may only have undergrad degrees in social work or psychology, but none of whom has medical or science credentials. For them ADD may be a dream come true. School psychologists have suddenly been raised to the level of a psychiatrist. Everyone can diagnose! In 1950, there were only about 1000 psychologists in American schools. When ADD was invented in 1980, there were about 10,000. By 1990 there were over 22,000 psychologists in American schools! (Thomas Fagan, PhD Memphis State University) By 2008, there were 35,400. [36] Today there are over 43,000 with projected growth of 19% by 2024! [50] [51]


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Fifth, the schools. A school evaluation to determine eligibility for Special Ed costs $1270. If an estimated 5 million cases are supposedly out there, that’s $6 billion for the schools. Hundreds of “learning programs,” tests, and materials have been designed for ADD. It is a growth industry. It must be real! Special Education programs ballooned from $1 billion in 1977 to $30 billion in 1994! (U.S. News and World Report, 13 Dec 93) Ever wonder where all these “handicapped” kids appeared from, suddenly in the 80s? Today, Special Ed taps 40% of federal money promised to schools! [21] Sixth, the parents. Parents benefit in several ways from the creation of ADD. The underlying causes of unruly children today are not difficult to discover. Many parents are exhausted just trying to stay afloat. If children can be neutralized by TV and electronics, maybe the adult can capture just a few precious moments of recovery time each day. See the set-up? Just watch any kids’ TV show or computer game for a few minutes. Most images do not remain on the screen longer than 1 second. Multiply that by the number of hours per week staring at flashing images. Year after year. We are programming the capacity for concentration and focus out of the child. Is unrestricted electronic intake a substitute for raising a child? That may not be the question the parent is asking. Theirs might be – how do I survive for a few more months? Children’s diets are extremely sensitizing and allergenic, with the emphasis on sugar and dairy. [47] Who does the shopping? Single parents, absent parents, drugged parents, fatigued parents abound in our society. Too often no one’s driving the bus at home. Unruly, disturbed kids are a natural consequence. Certainly parents have problems of their own. So here comes this brand new “disease” which again will take the blame off the parents, because “my child


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has a disorder.” for the parents, the payoff comes in the alleviation of guilt ” – The Myth of the Hyperactive Child p 65 [11] And the best news is, he can be drugged into submission! Next problem. But the dilemma wasn’t really resolved; it was just shelved, put on hold, incubated. Finally, the “patient.” Once a child has been diagnosed ADD, the pressure’s off. He’s told he has a disability, and is put into a category of students who are no longer expected to perform. Adapting to expectation, he slacks off, having found the excuse he needed to glide along without working to capacity. Many children have calmed down with just the label ADD. And a sugar pill they thought was Ritalin. Academic standards are lowered; glib and trendy pop psychology excuses are made. At the snap of the fingers suddenly everything’s all set. Problem solved. I’m ADD. Few things are as permanent as a temporary solution. Other benefits for the ADD child are more time allotted to take SATs, as well as entry tests for med school and law school. Eligibility for many state and federal disability programs is on the rise. For an already confused adolescent, ADD certainly has its compensations. HOW DOES RITALIN FIT IN? Ritalin (methylphenidate) is an amphetamine made by Ciba-Geigy. Together with its analogs (Cylert, Concerta, Adderall, etc) it accounts for over 90% of medication provided to ADD “patients.” Ritalin is an addictive drug, classed by the DEA as a Schedule II controlled substance, the same as narcotics like heroin, morphine and cocaine. The U.S. uses nearly 90% of the world’s Ritalin, [48] THE PARADOXICAL EFFECT


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The theory is that kids are so hyperactive, give them speed and they’ll be normal. The reality is, that theory has never been proven, or even tested, in any clinical trial. No long-term effects of Ritalin given to children had ever been studied. No known biochemical imbalance in these children has ever been demonstrated. In many kids who are not treated, the problem simply goes away by itself. As far as learning disability is concerned, Ritalin has never been shown to improve it even slightly. (Armstrong p.47) [3] Moreover there is absolutely no evidence to show that the emotional stability of adult life can be promoted or even influenced by childhood experience with Ritalin. (A Dose of Sanity, p141) [1] Childhood use of Ritalin does show a high correlation with adolescent abuse of street drugs – an easy transition. Ritalin brings with it the psychotic tendencies which can be brought on by advanced drugs, like heroin, cocaine, and speed. Ritalin is also itself an illegal street drug where a profit can be made from an average prescription. It can be crushed up and snorted, or else mixed with heroin to enhance a junkie’s high. In light of the immense social and economic forces promoting explosive market growth of this wonder drug, it wouldn’t be so bad if it were harmless. Unfortunately most parents don’t know about the PDR. The Physician’s Desk Reference is an annual publication by the drug companies which is a general catalogue of all drugs sold in the U.S. – pharmacology, their effects, recommended dosages, and adverse effects. Available in any library. More than anything else, the PDR is legal protection for the pharmaceutical industry. It is fair warning about side effects of drugs: 3000 pages of CYA. But parents are rarely told what it says. Here are some of the side effects of Ritalin listed in the PDR, 57th edition:

nervousness skin rash seizures


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decreased growth nausea Tourette’s syndrome insomnia nausea glaucoma gastric pain weight loss emotional swings headache visual problems suicidal tendency dizziness irregular heart tardive dyskinesia fatigue visual problems decreased appetite moodiness high blood pressure Outside of that, it should be fine. Tourette’s syndrome is a condition characterized by inappropriate, sometimes obscene vocal outbursts, and unpredictable and strange physical movements. It may be long term. Tardive dyskinesia is characterized by involuntary facial tics, jerky movements of the head and arms; in short, a movement disorder that can involve any of the voluntary muscles of the body. The emotional problems listed from Ritalin use may include: drug-induced neurosis, psychosis, addiction, clinical depression. Perhaps the most preposterous finding of all may be that long term Ritalin use can actually cause the very conditions it is supposed to cure: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity! [5] The PDR specifically states that Ritalin should not be used for children under 6. Nevertheless American psychiatrists ignore Ciba’s own warning and prescribe Ritalin for some 200,000 pre-school children! What are we doing?


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Many doctors, like Carl Kline, MD, see no need for Ritalin at all:

“It is my belief that if these drugs were outlawed, children would not be at all deprived of essential medication, but that doctors would be forced to make more accurate diagnoses and seek better means of handling the hyperactive behavior of a certain small percentage of their little patients.” Probably the most disastrous of all Ritalin’s side effects are decreased growth and suicidal tendencies. During childhood, all the systems of the body are under the control of growth hormone for their normal development. The organs of the body have not reached their full size and strength. Ritalin interferes with growth hormone. Permanent organic and skeletal deficits are likely to result, even after Ritalin is discontinued. Remember, no long-term studies of this drug’s lasting side effects have ever been done. Are parents routinely informed about all these possible side effects before filling the prescription? The chance for suicidal tendencies – is that something for which to put your child at risk just because he has a lot of energy? Virtually all doctors and Ciba will admit that for the 20 million Americans on these two drugs, suicide is a possible result. Individual stories number in the thousands, but who is keeping track? No one wants to rock the boat. Too many political interests are in place, too much money changing hands. Kurt Cobain was a Ritalin patient. Essentially all of the shooters in recent years have histories of Ritalin or other psych drugs, a detail usually left out of corporate news. [CCHR International, John Spagnola] THIEF OF YOUTH The darkest aspect of the whole ADD scam, in our opinion, is the totalitarian, leveling effect that is being perpetrated on American children and docilely accepted by American adults. Children may still be able to function and to


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attend classes when on Ritalin. But any teacher or parent will attest that creativity is gone, for the most part. The light in their eyes goes out. Children develop at different rates, with varying degrees of stress and the ability to cope with it. As Dr. Walker says, stress and confusion are a necessary part of adolescence, essential to the learning process. Character formation. To mute these normal emotions of frustration and elation with drugs is to steal their childhood and adolescence from them. What are kids like coming off Ritalin at age 14, after several medicated years? Suddenly they’re big, strong people who’ve never had to spend any time building controls for learning how to contend with their own daily stress. Then the parents who have forgotten what the child’s real personality was like without the mask of the drug, they panic and say Help me, I don’t know what to do with him. They can only deal with the medicated child. [11] Schrag, p 94 Of course childhood and adolescence are confusing periods of growth – there’s no dress rehearsal. First time through’s a take. But what we’re doing with psychotropic drugs is erasing footage that can never be replaced. Each lost stressful experience was an opportunity for growth and learning that was drugged out of existence, stolen from the child forever. Highs and lows are clipped. Elation and depression are merged together as one, as the victim floats through his formative years an insensate, robotic zombie. Huxley’s prevision accuracy is equally disconcerting: in Brave New World the Ritalin of the future is a drug called soma. Soma sees to it that “no one is ever sad or angry.” An entire branch of the government is reserved for “Emotional Conditioning” and another for “Malthusian Engineering.” Extraordinary that 80 years ago this author predicted the our reality of government assuming the regulation of its citizens’ emotions. In many school districts where the parents or the child have resisted the administration of Ritalin, the authorities have actually taken custody of the


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student and forced this dangerous experimental drug to be administered. Just like the World Controllers in Brave New World, had a convincingly paternal explanation about taking away people’s freedom to experience life “for their own good.” Reminiscent of Josef Goebbels’ Final Solution Nuremberg defense – for the greater good. Today this pretense is not even bothered with. Our mass victimization of unsuspecting children is pure politics and economics. The science is so thin as to be ludicrous, behind both ADD and Ritalin. There is nothing particularly scientific about modern bio-psychiatry; and there is certainly nothing scientific about Ritalin. Laws are being passed making “psychiatric care” (read “drugs”) to be required whenever possible: public schools, the Medicare system, prisons, welfare, mental institutions – anywhere the state can legally intrude into the life and mind of the individual. This is not Orwellian paranoia; it’s our every day. Now of course there are children (and adults) who have true mental disorders which require treatment. It’s obvious that children today can be under extreme duress, from dietary influences, from dysfunctional home life, from drugs, from violent school life, from video devices, TV, and from several dozen underlying physical conditions. These may manifest as mental disorders. Don’t miss the point here. Of course there are some troubled kids out there who need professional help. But that help is not a 15-minute interview and diagnosis whose purpose is to feed another passenger onto the self-serving political freight train, rolling down the tracks out of control, trying to legislate more power, more money to the furtherance of its own economic momentum. What do you think the child’s problem stems from? What do we gain from a shotgun diagnosis? Peace of mind? Exemption from responsibility? Group acceptance? Sympathy? What about the kid and his future? Have you informed yourself about psych drugs?


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Does the child get enough exercise? Does he ever get any exercise? Sugar and dairy? Do you know that such foods are sensitizing allergens which may provide the entire biochemical explanation for chronic misbehavior? [47] What about discipline? Wild horses run wild. Labeling someone ADD doesn’t really solve anything, unless you belong to one of the above benefiting groups. But long-term, everyone loses, except the drug companies. Alternative (non-drug) cures for the student with “too much energy” abound. They work because they don’t approach the problem from a political point of view. Alternative methods focus on resolution of the problem; rather than finding excuses to prolong it, for ulterior agendas. THE LAST RESORT For hyperactivity, the most commonly effective holistic approach would be dietary: eliminate the sensitizing allergens: milk, cheese, ice cream, white sugar, white flour, soft drinks, hydrogenated oils. These are non-foods; virtually devoid of nutritive value, empty, devitalizing “foods of commerce.” In the body they have druglike, antigenic effects especially with years of daily intake. We must detox the neurotoxic residuals. See the 60-day Program. [49]. Next, exercise. According to the National Institutes of Health, only 4% of Americans exercise. Physical education programs are the first to be trimmed by budget cutbacks. Many excuses, but children need an hour of vigorous exercise every day, especially if they are being criticized for something as illdefined as hyperactivity. Their musculoskeletal systems are developing rapidly. Such growth is inhibited by inactivity, i.e., “normal” behavior, like sitting immobile at a desk for seven hours. Then there is gross nerve blockage. Upper neck trauma from falls and accidents, or even from childbirth, may go uncorrected for years. Thousands of documented cases of “ADD,” as well as learning disorders, have resolved employing this simple biomechanical corrective approach: spinal adjustment. [29][35]


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Simply getting the kid away from TV and electronics for a few months may have profound results. It’s not enough that television is a medium which caters to the lowest possible common denominator of intelligence, and that its primary purpose is not entertainment or information, but control. All that is a given. What is much more subtle is the assiduous effect of having no image remain on the screen for more than a second. This type of hypnotic bombardment of the watcher’s psyche imprints an unassailably superficial view of the world. The illusion is: I saw it on video, now I understand it. Complex issues are reduced to flashes of data – wrapped in that homogenized, controlled little format. If all the above have been tried and have met with no success, the child might be evaluated by a traditional, slow-to-drug psychiatrist who would go through the painstaking process of ruling out underlying physical causes. The doctor might then actually run standardized psychiatric test batteries, as taught in the psychiatric curriculum, even including psychoanalysis. Happy dinosaur hunting. In the long run, delaying normal adolescent development with Ritalin and the ADD diagnosis do not serve the child. Nobel prize winner Dr. Alexis Carrel in 1939 saw the approaching trend of the unchallenged child: “Irresponsible also is the youth brought up in modern schools by teachers ignorant of the necessity for effort, for intellectual concentration, for moral discipline. Later on in life, when these young men and women encounter the indifference of the world, the material and mental difficulties of existence, they are incapable of adaptation, save by asking for relief for protection, for doles, and if relief cannot thus be obtained, by crime.” – Man, The Unknown p146 [19] The ideas presented in this chapter only scratch the surface of what is really going on in the field of psychiatry, pharmacology, and the politics of ADD. The reality of the situation is probably much worse than we have hinted at here. The reader is urged to use this


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chapter as a starting point for further investigation, beginning with the attached references on ADD. Remember, virtually all legitimate scientific data indicates there is no such thing. But there’s no equivocation about the side effects of the psychotropics. The point of view put forth in this chapter is all but censored today from corporate media, the view of perhaps 1% of what is being written and published on the topic of ADD. But in the words of George Orwell, “sanity is not statistical.” Our children are the future. To allow them to be victimized for economic and political gain, supported only by shaky, pseudo-science drug-funded studies, doesn’t that erode the fabric of society by subtly and gradually surrendering the constitutional rights of the individual? The state should not tell you what degree of “hyperactivity” or energy is acceptable in your child. That is personal. That is individual. That’s your business. It’s over the line. We never granted them that right. There’s no medical, scientific, or legal basis for it. But they’re doing it because we’re letting them. If the doctors and the drug empires and the social servants need another disease to make a few more billion dollars from, let them figure out how to cure the diseases we’ve already got, instead of trying to pretend that nonconformity is a medical condition. Living things mature at different rates, growing stronger with some adversity. That’s a law of nature, not something that needs to be “treated.” Plant a dozen trees in the same soil. After 5 years are you going to ask yourself what’s wrong with the shorter ones? Or the thinner ones? Or the taller ones? What would you know about the way this tree should grow to maturity? How about trusting in its own inner wisdom? Living things are not like PC boards in an assembly line. There’s a lot of room for normal variation. Eccentricity does not require medical treatment. Most creative people are eccentric in some way: Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Einstein, Ricky Jay, John Lennon, Mozart, Freddy Mercury, Michelangelo, Robin Williams, Picasso, Nikola Tesla, Benjamin Franklin, Edward Van Halen, BJ


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Palmer, Sam Kinison, A.P. Hill, Gandhi, Tony Robbins, Galileo, Versace, etc. What if some teacher had diagnosed these people ADD and put them on Ritalin? What would have been lost? This chapter has been the sketchiest of overviews whose purpose has been to point the reader in the direction of further study, and to plant a seed of doubt, that the overwhelming majority of the conventional wisdom about ADD may be false, unsubstantiated, unscientific, darkly malevolent, and motivated primarily by political and economic agenda. “Experts” will tell you this chapter is wrong, but aren’t they the ones making their livelihood by drugging your child? You don’t need them; appended below is a list of expert references that you can use to make up your own mind. That is, if you’re still the one who does that. Tim O’Shea MMXIX thedoctorwithin


1. Walker, Sidney, MD — A Dose of Sanity Wiley 1996. 2. Breggin, Peter, MD — Toxic Psychiatry St. Martins Press 1994. 3. Armstrong, Thomas PhD— The Myth of the ADD Child Penguin 1997. 4. Barkley, Russell, PhD— “Safer Than Aspirin” 5. Physicians Desk Reference— Medical Economics 57th edition 2003 6. Baughman, Fred, MD— “The Future of Mental Health” USA Today 3/1/97 7. Wiseman, Bruce— Psychiatry: The Ultimate Betrayal — Freedom 1995. 8. Baughman, Fred, MD — “What Every Parent Needs to Know About ADD” 9. McGuiness, Diane PhD “The Limits of Biologic Treatment for Psychiatric Distress” 10. Koranyi, Erwin MD Undiagnosed physical illness in psychiatric patients


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Am Rev Med, vol 33, 1982 11. Schrag, Peter — The myth of the hyperactive child 1975. 12. Brown, Larry MD — Children’s Rights and the Mental Health Profession 13. Szasz, Thomas MD — Cruel compassion 1994. 14. American Psychiatry Assn. — Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Revised Edition III-R, 1987. 15. Walshe, Sir Francis —- Psychiatric Signs and Symptoms Due To Medical Problems — 1967. 16. Armstrong, Louise And they call it help- psychiatric policing of America’s children 1993. 17. Huxley, Aldous — Brave new world — Harper 1932. 18. Orwell, George — 1984 — Signet — 1949. 19. Carrel, Alexis MD — Man, the unknown MacFadden — 1939. 20. U.S. Dept of Education — National Center For Education Statistics: Digest of Education Statistics p 133 1997. 21. National Education Assn. – Background of Special Education 22. United Nations — REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL BOARD FOR 1995 — E/INCB/1995/1 — UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION ISBN 92-1-148096-5ISSN 0257-371 23. Breggin, P MD — Reclaiming our children – Perseus — 2000. 24. Fallon, J— ”Caring for the child with PDD” ICA Review Aug 1999. 25. Coyle, J, MD— Psychotropic drug use in very young children — JAMA 23 Feb 2000, p 1059 26. Giesen, Center, Leach — “An Example of Chiropractic Manipulation” JMPT p 353 Oct 1989. 27. Barnes,T — “Chiropractic management of the specific needs child” Topics in Clinical Chiropractic Dec 1997. 28. Liesman, N — Case Study of ADHD from Kentuckiana — ICA Review p55 Oct 1998. 29. Plaugher & Anrig — Pediatric chiropractic Williams & Wilkins, p 563, 1998 30. Barnes, T — A Multi-Faceted Approach to ADHD — ICA Review Feb 1995, p 41. 31. Brzozowski, W, Walton, E — The effect of chiropractic treatment on


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students with learning and behavioral Impairments ACCA Journal of Chiropractic — 14(12) p 5127 — Dec 1977. 32. US House of Representatives Hearing on Autism and Vaccines 6 Apr 2000 –Dan Burton, Chairman 33. Wiseman, B — Psychiatry and the creation of senseless violence — CCHRI — 2000. 34. US Dept of Education Digest of Education Statistics, 1997 p 133 35. Upledger, J — Autism – observation, experiences, and concepts 36. Jeffrey L. Charvat, PhD Estimates of the School Psychology Workforce September 2008 37. Begley, S Scientists’ Bible Finally Unveiled 16 May 2013 39. CDC Data and statistics about ADD 2018. 40. Rush, Benjamin Diseases of the mind 1812. 41. American Psychiatry Assn. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 4th Edition, (DSM-IV-TR) 2000. 42 American Psychiatry Assn. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM 5 2013. 43. Ritalin Prices, Coupons and Patient Assistance Programs 2019. 44. Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S. CCHR International Apr 2018 45. Psychiatric Drugs Are False Prophets With Big Profits Psychology Today 5 July 2015. 46. College Board – Total Group SAT Report 1972-2016


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47. O’Shea, T Chapters 48. Sheffler, R. The Global Market For ADHD Medications Health Affairs: 49. The last resort 2019. 50. Bureau of Labor Statistics – Occupational Employment Stats 51. Bureau of Labor Statistics quoted by ,

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Holistic health: Alternative Lite

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Miller Lite, Bud Lite, Alternative Lite. It was bound to happen. It was so predictable. Many of us saw this one coming a mile off. The booming popularity and acceptance of holistic therapies in the past few years have given rise to a field we all know as Alternative Medicine. It includes herbal remedies, homeopathy, chiropractic, holistic supplements, massage, acupuncture, colon therapy, chelation therapy, live cell analysis, you get the idea – anything that is not surgery and drugs. Disillusioned by getting the standard five-minute evaluation and prescription from their HMO doctor, seeing examples of the thousands of failed surgical procedures in their families and friends, watching people pick up infections they never had before while in the hospital, watching the rates of cancer deaths increase year by year, watching parents die of the same diseases their grandparents died from, it is finally occurring to thousands and thousands of Americans that they actually must be responsible for their own health. Alternative Medicine is certainly not new. In fact, before the dawning of the pharmaceutical age, alternative was all there was. So it’s just a word game. Which one’s the alternative?


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Suddenly we’re pretending it’s all new. Classically, when new theories of anything come onto the scene, they go through three stages: I. totally rejected and ridiculed as unscientific II. admitted as having some possible value III. accepted as self-evident With Alternative Medicine, we are now in Stage II. It is amusing to see the posturing that so closely follows these classical phases. Alternative methods that were on the AMA’s hit list, targeted by the secret Committee on Quackery during the 50s, 60s, and 70s, are now suddenly being evaluated in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Although still dwarfed by the $1.5 trillion mainstream medical budget, Alternative Medicine is making very fast economic inroads, and is now in excess of $30 billion per year. An estimated 40% of the population uses some form of alternative therapy. (JAMA , Nov 98, Jonas). But a very funny thing is happening. Because Alternative Medicine is coming so quickly to the forefront, many factions are claiming Alternative Medicine for their own, as if they thought of it first. Some are so good at it, that they even have many of the Alternative Medicine practitioners themselves believing their claims. But in this chapter we won’t be fooled. We can tell the difference between Alternative and Alternative Lite.

VANILLA, CHERRY VANILLA, OR FRENCH VANILLA? Alternative Lite comes in three main flavors: – Standard Medical – Standard Medical Fringe – Holistic Practitioners.

I. Standard Medical


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It comes as no surprise that so much public attention (and money) would be noticed by mainstream medicine. 3% of the total medical budget may not seem like much, but it’s growing fast. Not missing a trick, many medical doctors and pharmaceutical company bureaucrats are scrambling to get in on the action. I’m talking about TV commercial spots which hawk drugs and potions at us every 10 minutes on every major channel, magazine ads, billboards, radio spots, newspaper ads, newspaper articles, direct mail – all this and more. This giant vacuum cleaner is being diverted to one little corner they almost missed – Alternative Medicine. And now they’re going to tell us they were there first and they understand our need for an “alternative” to drugs, and what have they got brand new, just down the chute that’s gonna fix us right up? Synthetic vitamins. Symptom-specific herbs. New “natural” hormones. Of course all of these are to be taken ALONG WITH standard medications. Of course. Maneuvering the most sophisticated communications and marketing network in history into position, regular medicine is cranking up for some major Hooverage.

JAMA MISSES THE MARK The November 11, 1998 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, with much fanfare, decided to dedicate itself to a look at Alternative Medicine. The editors congratulate themselves about reviewing some 200 articles prior to publication. (Fontanarosa) Not exactly a review of the literature, considering that alternative medicine has been around since the dawn of time, while organized medicine has only been at it for the past century. Such tunnel vision perhaps would be like a history of world music written by Madonna. The journal featured a brief first look at a few alternative therapies:


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– moxibustion (smoking herbs) for breech births – Chinese herbs for Irritable Bowel – acupuncture for HIV pain – acupuncture for cocaine addiction – saw palmetto herb for enlarged prostate – yoga for carpal tunnel – herbs for weight loss – leeches, spiders, and astrology Hardly a comprehensive list of alternative medicine, by any standards, and that’s really the point. The journal issue was all very tongue in cheek, and with an overall condescending tone. The message was clear throughout: all these freaky little side trips are amusing fun to write about and sometimes may even have some temporary value, as long as the patient is not distracted from “real medicine”: drugs and surgery. Some examples: “The terms energy and energy medicine are used with increasing frequency. However, given the scientific definition of energy, this designation is misleading since nothing is known of the nature of this hypothetical entity.” (Eskinaz) “The capacity of humans to fool themselves by making claims of truth, postulating unfounded explanations, and denying the reality of observations they cannot explain is endless. Science has emerged as one of the few truly powerful approaches for mitigating this self-delusional capacity.” – Jonas, p 1617 Worlds of controversy in these two little paragraphs. With prescription drugs now as the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S., with 2.5 million hospitalizations per year – the finished product of a century of “science” – as well as our low ranking in world health, disparaging comments like this that complain about alternative therapies’ lack of “science” – such posturing seems a bit disingenuous. And then to make light of the energy of healing – this simply shows lack of awareness of mainstream medical studies by Becker, Hans Berger, and


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dozens of others who studied and measured different types of energy as they related to healing. Becker healed bone fractures with electric energy. Berger invented the EEG. The JAMA issue was so poorly researched that the editors didn’t even bother to look very deep within their own data base. Yet a third editorial does its best ostrich impersonation: “There is no alternative medicine. There is only scientifically proven, evidence-based medicine supported by solid data. Until solid evidence is available that demonstrates the safety, efficacy, and effectiveness[sic] of specific alternative medicine interventions, uncritical acceptance of untested and unproven alternative medicine therapies must stop.” – Fontanarosa Yeah, we know. Tell us all about it. Inability to edit is not this guy’s only problem. First he says there is no alternative medicine, then spends the rest of the paper putting limits on it. Using the word “interventions” after alternative medicine is an oxymoron that shows the depth of this author’s lack of information. Alternative therapy by definition does not intervene with anything; it only reinforces the body’s own healing ways. Even though they seem nervous, the contributing authors take refuge in the usual totems: – the scientific method – randomized clinical trials – controlled evidence studies instead of “anecdotes” These articles were blatantly superficial, not well researched at all, and written by people with no clinical expertise in the disciplines that were featured. It was like a narrative by a tour bus driver taking passengers through a zoo. Or like a history of black America written by the Ku Klux Klan. The illusion is that now JAMA has “reviewed” the alternative field and has made its “decisions” from the tiny bit of research they did in preparation for this one issue. JAMA has spoken. The ambiance of self-congratulation was a little over-the-top with this comment:


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“The publication of this issue of JAMA illustrates that quality scientific research can be conducted and published on alternative medicine topics.” – Jonas You don’t say? And exactly where is the clinical research and ‘evidencebased data’ to support that conclusion? The bottom line with the JAMA issue featuring alternative medicine was predictable: the authors want to subject Alternative Medicine to standards much more rigorous than mainstream medicine itself. The constant harping on “rigorously conducted scientific testing” makes you wonder why so many people die from prescription drugs for which all this scientific testing was supposedly done. That topic gets some coverage in the Holistic vs. Allopathic chapter ( when we discussed the problems with reporting of scientific data. Following JAMA’s lead, other medical offices and institutions went scrambling to assure us they too are well-informed and up-to-date as far as Alternative Medicine is concerned. The Office of Alternative Medicine within the National Institutes of Health was recently upgraded to a Center: The Center for Alternative Medicine, and given a budget of $50 million of your money. Don’t expect much from the new federal bureaucracy; the acorns likely won’t fall far from the tree. Standard Medical thinking is calling the shots here, and no matter how broadminded they try to come across, they’re programmed for two main sentiments when it comes to Alternative Medicine: – fear – mistrust Both are neatly displayed in an article by the former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine about Alternative rockstar Andrew Weil. This nervous article appeared in The New Republic, in an issue where they really took a chance. The author muses: “Alternative methods are often based on notions totally at odds with science, common sense, and modern conceptions of the structure and functions of the


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human body. In keeping an open mind, the medical establishment must not lose its scientific compass on balance, the good done by modern pharmaceuticals far outweighs the harm.” – Relman Open mind? Tell that to the hundreds of thousands who die every year from prescription drugs or the millions hospitalized by their side effects. (JAMA Apr 98) Same broken record, skipping CD – about the rules of evidence, scientific methods, objective studies, clinical trials We’re scientific; you’re not. The Standard Medical Version of Alternative Lite offers variations on the same shaky theme: Alternative medicine may have some value but it – isn’t proven – isn’t objectively scientific – has no evidence-based studies – hasn’t been tested by clinical trials – isn’t reproducible OK, here’s a simple question: if regular medicine itself meets all these scientific standards, why is the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. now prescription drugs? (Lazarou) Prescription drugs have met all the requirements of science, right? How scientific was the decision to inject all 696,000 Gulf War personnel with 3 totally untested vaccines? (Rockefeller) Or how scientific is it to give antibiotics for viral infections, as routinely done in U.S. hospitals, to the tune of $23 billion per year? (Levy) Or for that matter, why give American women $20 billion worth of synthetic estrogen every year, when the best medical research has shown that these drugs actually increase osteoporosis, as well as heart attacks? (Lee) That sounds very scientific. How much medical research is just smoke and mirrors, as long as money and politics controls the outcome of scientific studies? That undeniable fact dilutes the scientific value of any studies, making the pompous claims of the superiority of regular medicine sound a bit hollow. Anyone who’s done the slightest research into modern American health care is immediately


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confronted with this conflict. The false reporting of data, the cooked data, the termination of studies which are not turning out as the drug companies planned, the under-reporting of adverse reactions – all that was referenced in the Holistic vs. Allopathic chapter ( What did Darwin say – Great is the power of persistent misrepresentation. Say anything long enough and often enough, and people will believe it. I think Johnny Cochran said that. Complementary medicine is a term that is becoming popular as another word for Alternative. This is mainstream medicine assuring themselves that all these herbs and vitamins and tarot cards are OK as long as they’re an aftermarket add-on to the “real” medicine: drugs, surgery, and procedures. Anything but admit to the reality that Alternative is a stand-alone lifestyle which can nourish and support the body’s systems with no outside interference from chemicals or politics. Complementary medicine is a term that generally assumes the primacy of regular medicine, with a side-order of Alternative Surprise.

II. Standard Medical Fringe Renegades all the way to the bank, these MDs have seen the light – usually after a very successful career in mainstream medicine. Alternative Lite is represented by some famous medical-doctors-turned-entrepreneurs. We’re all familiar with their names and faces. We get junk mail from many of them every week. They’re marquee speakers at the big health expos. We see articles in magazines and bestsellers in bookstores written by them. Easy to recognize them: every article or brochure ends with an Order Form. Now the famous ones, whose names we all know, are being imitated by a second group of Mendelsohn hopefuls, who spend thousands of dollars mailing bright expensive flyers and booklets featuring them on the front page with stethoscopes draped over their shoulders, with headlines like:


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“Block Fat with Doctor’s New Stomach Shrinking Secret” “CoQ Gel For a New Prostate” “Make an Attack Dog Stop in His Tracks” “Put an End to Intestinal Gas” “Block Herpes with Doctor’s Secret Herb” “Secret Exercises Prevent Incontinence” “Miraculous New Medical Breakthroughs” “Secrets to Jumpstarting Your Love Life” “Fight Yeast Infections With Yogurt” These are actual titles from medical flyers that came in the mail – you’ve seen them. ER meets the National Enquirer. Why didn’t JAMA do a study of the Mail-order MDs – the pretenders to the Alternative Lite title? These guys are really smart. They’re riding the crest of the wave of dissatisfaction that was the natural backlash to Managed Care in this country. You know, that’s when health care programs formerly run by doctors were taken over by MBAs and corporate execs with salaries in the hundreds of millions. That’s when insurance companies decided to pay only for visits to doctors who are On The List. These Alternative Lite medical entrepreneurs have their own products: books, tapes, vitamins, minerals, and herbs. They seem to be in a race with each other to see who can renounce their own medical profession the fastest. Some have formed network marketing companies to sell the products. They ought to form a skydiving club, and call it the Flying Robert Mendelsohns.

III. Holistic health practitioners who lack confidence in their own profession The third purveyors of Alternative Lite really should know better. These are non-medical health practitioners who have never seen alternative medicine, of which they are representatives, as a viable lifestyle, but rather as some warm and fuzzy add-on to Real Science. They have been so thoroughly indoctrinated in Regular Medicine their whole lives that they simply cannot defect. Alternative Lite holistics may not have the information or the certainty


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that it’s OK to go through life without subjecting one’s blood to an assortment of experimental chemicals which are ordained by politics and big business. Or they still may entertain the possibility that the body may have been created with some extra, nonessential frills which may need removing. Type IIIs are very hard to pin down; it’s hard to tell what they stand for, or what they’re really saying. That’s because they really aren’t sure. Yes, they have some credentials in an alternative health field, and may even have a genuine regard for their patients’ well being. But somewhere along the way, they never picked up on how much healing power their field really is tapped into, or what the body can actually do for itself once it’s set free to do so. A good screening test to ID the Alternative Lite holistic practitioner is to ask simple questions like: what drugs does your family take, and when? how often do your children get sick? under what conditions would you allow surgery on your body? when was your last spinal adjustment? how many colds do you get per year? do you bring soft drinks into your home? how many eliminations per week do you have? do you carry a lighter? You’ll get a feeling by the answers you get. If the physicians have not healed themselves, you’re talking to the Alternative Lite crowd. Time to skate.

THE PILLS OF ALTERNATIVE LITE are prescribed in the same way that regular drugs are prescribed: allopathic. Symptom-specific. This pill for that problem. Prostate bothering you? Saw palmetto. Can’t remember where you put your Viagra? Ginko biloba to jog that memory. Eyesight dimming? Synthetic Vitamin A – retinoic acid. Coming down with a cold? Colloidal silver to the rescue. Stressed out? St. John’s Wort is your chill pill. Colon problems? Cascara sagrada will blast through. High fat diet? No need to cut down: the new fat-sponge pills have got you covered. Bodybuilding? Do it in a week with 25 mg. of creatine per day. Tired


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and run down, and never took a supplement in your life? Colloidal 88-mineral toddies will turn the trick. Overweight? Cancel your appetite with the latest thermogenics; you’ll be so wired that food will be the last thing on your mind. Middle-age droop at 29? How about a spray human growth hormone to replace your pituitary. Getting the feeling that you’re not alone when you really are? Parasite killers can give you your tract back, Jack. See the pattern? Match the symptom with the pill that takes care of that symptom. Total allopathic thinking. We just substituted the herb or vitamin for the pharmaceutical, that’s all. JAMA was all over this idea; it made perfect sense to them. Instead of drugs we’ll have supplements, if only we can work out two problems: potency and purity. We’ll do tests, yeah that’s the ticket, clinical trials to prove that we get the finest and purest and strongest ascorbic acid, or calcium, or una del gato.

THE POTENCY TRAP There’s the fatal flaw – our vitamin’s stronger than your vitamin. Vitamins don’t need to be potent or pure, especially synthetic vitamins. As we saw in the chapter “Ascorbic Acid is Not Vitamin C,” vitamins cannot be isolated, by their very nature. The body does not need vitamins as much as it needs vitamin activity, and fractionated vitamins like retinoic acid and alpha tocopherol do not enhance vitamin activity. No one ever recovered from scurvy by taking ascorbic acid, as Szent-Gyorgi, the discoverer of Vitamin C, himself stated. Vitamins and minerals are by definition required in tiny amounts by the body. We just need a little for optimum performance. One potato per day containing only 20 mg. of vitamin C is enough to reverse fullblown scurvy, as we saw from Richard Dana’s work in the Ascorbic Acid chapter. Too much or too strong vitamins are a burden. Same with minerals: ‘Our minerals have more milligrams than your minerals.’ In the minerals chapter we saw that excess minerals burden the kidneys. We only need a little, if they are optimally chelated. Minerals are co-factors to


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thousands of biochemical reactions in the body, some known and some unknown. What is not used must be dealt with, and that takes energy. Also with herbs; they’re just plants. They don’t need to be refined or have the “active ingredient” isolated and fractioned out for “purity.” Because to do that is to pretend that we know much more than we do. In order to know which element in an herb produces a desired health benefit, we would have to have complete knowledge of the complex biochemistry of the body, which we don’t. We only have the crudest insight into a few of the more obvious workings of the body. The subtle stuff is a secret.

MAGAZINES AT THE NEWSSTAND – LOT OF OYSTERS Seems like there’s a magazine for everything these days – walking, coin collecting, fish lures, automatic weapons, skateboarding, hamster care – you name it. So naturally, an area as big as Alternative Medicine would not be missed. But there’s some sleight-of-hand here: beautiful, glossy magazines that seem to be about so many topics are actually controlled by just a few big publishers, whose names you can see on the inside cover page. These publishers exist primarily to serve their advertisers. Turns out that the biggest advertisers in the area of health supplementation are the companies who are mass-producing synthetic vitamins and “potent” herbal formulas, in the symptom-specific allopathic manner described above: you know, this herb for that pain, etc. This is Alternative Lite, by definition. Read it and it dawns on you that it’s just like going to the HMO doctor when you’re sick. Only difference is, the magazine articles want you to take a “natural” synthetic instead of a drug. Or maybe a potent single herb. This is not health care; it’s still just chasing symptoms, trying to cover them up, one by one. The body doesn’t work that way; health doesn’t work that way. Healthy people don’t get sick. By the time symptoms appear, an underlying general imbalance has been brewing for awhile. Real alternative medicine doesn’t have glossy fanzines, leering at you from the racks of the mall bookstore. It’s an economic signpost – the glitzy stuff is


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from the billion dollar drug and publishing empire. Sorry to be the messenger of unfortunate reality, but you have to go through a lot of oysters to find the pearls of true holistic medicine.

ALTERNATIVE LITE DOES THE MALL The huge vitamins chain stores in every mall in America have very little that could actually be called holistic or really natural. They may even call it Alternative, but it’s faux-Alternative: Alternative Lite. What’s wrong with the products in these stores? Two of the most obviously fake things right off the bat are synthetic vitamins and “thermogenic” weight loss. A handful of pharmaceutical companies produce all the synthetic vitamins sold in this country. They warehouse them to their distributors and the individual vitamin companies then all buy the same synthetics, and sell them each under its own label, each claiming superiority. Of equal worthlessness are the thermogenics – weight loss supplements that simply make you so wired you can’t eat. Mah huang, ephedra, guarano – I call them Chinese caffeine – speed up the heart rate till you don’t feel hungry. Appetite suppressants like these wear you down and reduce the overall health index. That’s why they don’t work – as soon as you stop taking them the weight comes back. But hey, what’d you expect? That was the design – keep coming back, like rats hitting the bar for a pellet. At least it’s better than fen-phen, you say. At least thermogenics aren’t drugs. Neither is Drano.

ANY BETTER IDEAS? An Alternative method to weight loss would be a product that actually nourishes the body, providing some missing nutritional component. It would involve a lifestyle change and be permanent, with no side effects whatsoever. Most overweight people are really starving: the malnutrition of the affluent. They’re always hungry because the body is craving and continually hoping


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for some real nutrients to come down the hatch instead of the constant river of the ‘foods of commerce.’ And that brings us round to the holistic view: support the body so that it can do what it does. The holistic model, which looks toward the real Alternative Medicine, has two requirements for supplements: take only what’s needed nothing left over That means forget about mega-dosing on supplements. ‘If a little is good, more is better’ only works in the stock market. The body’s requirements for supplements are modest. It just needs a little, and when the nutrient has been utilized, there should be nothing left over from the exchange – no metabolic debris.

THE GENUINE ARTICLE The real Alternative Medicine doesn’t need to be evaluated or trivialized or summed up or given permission to exist. The real Alternative Medicine has always been around, because it is needed and people know it works. This game of pharmaceutical Junk Science political shuffle is new – only about a century old. Authors will say any clever thing, like there is no Alternative Medicine, or it’s really Holistic Medicine or it’s really complementary or integrative Medicine – but that’s all just words. More and more people instinctively know the score: they can go a very long way with Alternative Medicine. This is their alternative to regular medicine, which they’ve chosen because of the results they get. If something restores their health, people don’t need to wait for years of “cooked data” or Drug Cartel-funded studies to prove it to them. (Braithwaite) They want it now, and will pay cash for it, even if their Plan doesn’t cover it. Real alternative medicine doesn’t get headlines and hype. Real alternative medicine doesn’t need to be explained to people. It’s been quietly chugging


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along in the background all these years, and will continue to do so. How do you tell the difference? Real alternative medicine involves – whole food vitamins, not synthetic or “natural” – focus on diet and digestion – focus on spinal biomechanics – the importance of water – enzymes and antioxidants – exercise – knowing the side effects of all drugs being taken – knowing alternatives and success rates of any surgeries being proposed – focus on the immediate impact of any therapy on the immune system – immediate support for the natural healing systems of the body Asking too much? This is the minimum, the least we can expect from a cardcarrying Alternative health therapy. That’s the whole point of Alternative medicine – it really is an alternative to regular medicine. Most people are driven to it by the failure of regular medicine to help their problem, especially in the realm of chronic degenerative diseases. That’d be arthritis, cancer, colitis, diabetes, lupus, MS, chronic fatigue, osteoporosis, etc. – which actually account for over 80% of American illness. The chronics. No matter what today’s breakthrough is in USA Today or the New York Times, people know that they and their family members often continue to suffer from these diseases year after year, despite the drugs and procedures that are tried. Many are the cases who are finding dramatic successes within the realms of the ‘new’ Alternative Medicine, using holistic therapies that have been around for decades, that give the body some support, and then let it work its own inner magic. Afterwards, people say it was a “miracle.” Some miracle – just get out of the body’s way, so it can do its job. Again, standard media conditioning warns us not to trust our own bodies; all we hear is “see your doctor,” “see your doctor.”



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A natural magnet for Alternative Lite is the area of spinal manipulation. Since chiropractic is the largest Alternative health care system, it’s only natural to find Alternative Lite hoovering its way in. So what do we hear? “Just do these exercises and a heating pad, and your back will get better.” “It’s just muscular: let’s do a reading.” “Your back is out; let’s put our minds together and visualize wholeness of the spine.” “Here, these electrodes carry a special current called Czechoslovakian muscle stim. It’ll fix your back.” “The disc may be herniated. A little work-hardening and we’ll power right through it. No pain, no gain.” “The bones are locked. Let’s rebuild them with this special calcium made of Mexican coral and iguana ribs.” “You have a subluxation. Here’s a new gel cream that will regenerate the DNA in those achy cells.” There are no shortcuts to spinal adjustment. You have to go to the specialists, the guys with the training. Chiropractors have been around so long that it seems ridiculous to describe them as Alternative when it comes to spinal adjustment. If the actual problem is misaligned vertebrae, there simply is no alternative to correcting it.

SURVIVING THE EXPERIMENT The real Alternative Medicine isn’t really an Alternative, for those who would restore the body to its natural condition of health. It’s more like the shortest distance between two points. But now with the growth of Alternative Lite, there’s a lot more clutter to sift through in order to get to what’s holistic, natural, non-toxic, and effective. Too bad – we didn’t really need more confusion in the area of health care. But that shows how desperate people really are to try something, anything, besides regular medicine. Disenchantment breeds experimentation, even to the extreme of accepting responsibility for one’s own health.


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Holistic health: Alternative Lite

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REFERENCES Eskinazi, D— Factors That Shape Alternative Medicine JAMA 11 Nov 1998, vol 280:18 p1620 Fontanarosa P— Alternative Medicine Meets Science JAMA 11 Nov 1998, vol 280:18 p1618 Becker, MD— The Body Electric Berger, H MD— “Uber das Elektreukephalogramm des Menschen” 22 Apr 29 Freidrich Schiller University Jena, Germany Relman, A— A Trip To Stonesville The New Republic 14 Dec 1998 Lazarou J, et al.— “Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients” JAMA 15 Apr 98, v279, p1200 Rockefeller, JD IV– “Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans’ Health? Lessons Spanning Half a Century” Staff Report for US Senate 8 Dec 1994 Senate Report 103-97 Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Levy, Stuart MD —The Antibiotic Paradox — Plenum Press NY 1992 Lee, John, MD— What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause– Warner Books 1996 Castelli W, MD— Prevention Magazine, Book Supplement– Apr 1999 Atkins R, MD Health Revelations Apr 1999


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Holistic health: Alternative Lite

Braithwaite, J MD— “Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry” — Routledge and Kegan Paul London 1984

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Government and the Drug Industry:   The Essence of Quid Pro Quo - thedoctorwithin

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Government and the Drug Industry:   The Essence of Quid Pro Quo Get Our Newsletter

The classic logo representing the medical industry has always been the caduceus.

The two intertwining snakes might well be government and the pharmaceutical industry. That relationship is much more than just a metaphor. Did you know that US drug manufacturers spend more money each year on marketing their pharmaceuticals than they do on safety testing or on scientific research that proves the drugs actually work? The Washington Post, traditionally a mouthpiece for the drug companies, did an unusual little piece on corporate advertising. It is impeccably documented,


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without the usual pro-drug editorializing. Big pharmaceutical companies are spending far more on marketing than research According to their sources and databases, over $27 B is spent every year on direct advertising of drugs to doctors and consumers. This is much more than the industry spends on research, safety testing, and efficacy of drugs. Which is only around $20 B. In addition to that, the industry spends another $280 million annually lobbying Washington for favorable laws. Pharmaceutical Industry Profile 2018 It’s certainly no secret that government agencies who regulate the pharmaceutical industry have an innate familiarity with quid pro quo. Take the CDC, for example. As regulator of the mandated vaccine schedule, CDC is also a vendor, purchasing more than $5.7 B of vaccines every year. Might that affect their regulations and recommendations? Oh no, they’re perfectly objective, of course. They’re above any type of banal mercantile interests, such as return on investment … Bureaucrats would never be affected by economics or corporate influence, would they? So all of their opinions are going to be scientifically based, with highest ethical principles, in the best interest of the citizens’ health … Right. With this introduction then, we are now prepared to peruse the relevant sites: Dun & Bradstreet


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Dr O’Shea is one of the few proficients in the science of Live Cell Analysis – a classical European technique of blood assessment that has been developed and employed during the past 100 years. The essentials of darkfield microscopy were systematized in the early 1900s by the German scientist Gunter Enderlein in order to look at blood imbalances and toxicity. Dr Tim O’Shea has performed thousands of live cell blood tests in Asia and America during the past 15 years. He was trained by Dr Stan Bynum, the protege of the late Edward Howell, MD, who was generally regarded as the world’s foremost enzymologist. The technology involves a microscope with a special camera attached, which feeds into a monitor. In effect, the patient may see his blood on the screen. From one drop of blood a whole world unfolds: the condition of the rest of the patient’s five liters may be inferred with great accuracy. The standard processed North American diet causes most people to go through life with the red blood cells clumped together. Such clumping makes circulation much more difficult, and obviously puts greater stress on the heart. Since red cells are responsible for oxygen transport throughout the whole body, this aggregated condition reduces the amount of oxygen that gets delivered to the individual’s cells and tissues and organs. All day, every day.


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The results can be diminished function, premature aging, chronic fatigue, or eventual breakdown of that particular part of the body. Other aspects of the blood are also visible with this technology: cholesterol crystals, plaque, iron deficiency, free radical damage, excess white cells, undigested fats, undigested proteins, undigested carbohydrates, indications of abnormal intestinal flora, indications of Candida albicans, etc. After the first sample is drawn, patients are given a whole food enzyme and an antioxidant. After 30 minutes a second sample is taken. Usually the results are dramatic: the red cells separate, free radical damage is reduced, and much of the debris that may have been present in the serum is gone. Seeing such obvious results, most patients want to know how to keep their blood the way it appears on the AFTER test. The answer to that is a simple 60-Day Program The results from this simple program can be more valuable than undergoing dozens of complicated, expensive mainstream protocols. Because of the prevalence of prepared, processed, dead foods, blood toxicity has now reached epidemic proportions throughout the world. In the US fully 80% of the population eats a diet consisting 80% of processed foods. Many of the specifics of this trend are outlined in chapters on The endless contamination of the human bloodstream may be seen as a controlled poisoning process whereby most people are unaware that they are gradually losing their health and their immune system until some system of the body breaks down. By that time, the individual has been sick on the inside for a year or more. Live cell analysis in the “healthy” patient works as an early warning system. Generally, the body is sick on the inside long before any signs of illness appear.


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Unlike with prescription drugs, the blood detox program requires full participation of a very motivated patient. If that can be secured, there is virtually no physiological imbalance that cannot benefit significantly from the 60 Day Program. Blood detoxification can be the missing component in the resolution of many persistent conditions: • heart disease • lupus • migraines • colitis • liver dysfunction • thyroid disease • Crohn’s Disease • asthma • arthritis • psoriasis • MS • allergies • gastric reflux • chronic fatigue • Candida albicans • Cancer • Type II diabetes • inaccurately diagnosed autoimmune diseases To read actual accounts of patients who have completed the Bioterrain Analysis program please look at the Feedback/Testimonials section at Fee: $400 To schedule a Bioterrain analysis please call the office at 915.307.1055 or email – doc77777@gmail


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ChiropracticAloft Get Our Newsletter

– Tim O’Shea Chiropractic is really quite simple: it just wants to turn the power on. The same power that grew you, cell by cell from the time the egg met the sperm.


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The power that changed you from a zygote to a fetus to an infant to a child to an adolescent to an adult. The same power that may be dimmed a little by the stresses of life. Chiropractic just wants to turn that power back on. It’s more than a figure of speech. Most people don’t really get chiropractic, even after all these years. What they don’t get is its integrity, its purity, and its simplicity. After 100 years, everybody’s heard of chiropractic, but only about 1% use it, and only some of that 1% actually grasp its significance. This is no accident. We all know how organized medicine has whomped on chiropractic for its entire history. Easy to figure out why – because chiropractic offers people a way out, an escape from life as the inevitable progression of decay, drugs, and disease. Organized medicine knows instinctively that chiropractic will never be engulfed by them, the way osteopathy and dentistry have been. Chiropractic will never be a docile subspecialty of medicine. By definition, chiropractic personifies a novel paradigm of health, a different universe of being, different focus, with DIFFERENT DREAMS. What is the dream of organized medicine? Compliance. A world of submissive patients, willing to accept life as it is doled out to them: interventions before birth, at birth, vaccinations, an array of childhood diseases, each with its own drug or procedure, an adolescence monitored for minor psychological aberrations; an adulthood filled with checkups and appointments for cold medicine, antibiotics, antidepressants, heart drugs, cortisone, inhalants, allergy shots, and hormones; and an old age – medicine’s real jackpot years – loaded with an uninterrupted stream of medications for arthritis, cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, prostatitis, menopause, osteoporosis, and hopefully a number of surgical procedures requiring hospitalization, which will gradually and inexorably


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weaken the body’s vitality, so that it is too weak to resist when confronted with the Final Problem. Once safely strapped into ICU for the Big Countdown, all the stops can be pulled out and the race is on – carte blanche on billing as many procedures and Machines on Wheels as possible before the final bell rings. Stop me if you’re heard this. In between all these medical events, the person is supposed to live his life. So what is the dream of chiropractic? Full individual potential. Highest expression of life, from the womb to the tomb. Glowing health, throughout the course. Let the inner wisdom of the body command: in every situation, give it the first chance. Unobstructed nervous system, optimum nerve transmission between the brain’s central computer and the body, back and forth. Sensory experiences program the brain: input. Like a clean install on a brand new hard drive – the original programming sets up how the computer is going to operate from then on. The brain then organizes the whole show and sends a thousand updates a second to every cell – all 10 trillion of them. This involves a lot of wiring – main trunk, branch trunks, smaller and smaller bundles, down to the single threads at the cell level.


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Messages can’t afford to get put on hold. Any delays cause loss of life, starting on the smallest scale. Longer delays cause more significant loss of life: degeneration. After a certain amount of time, the damage caused by the nerve distortion becomes irreversible. Chiropractic seeks to remove that blockage and make a correction while the damage is fully reversible and 100% healing can occur. As we know, the human body can taken an immense amount of abuse. But there are limits. WHO’DA THUNK IT? D.D. Palmer in 1895, that’s who. I always thought how strange it is that even though chiropractic is based on universal principles of healing, it’s only been around for the last hundred years. The day that Palmer restored his janitor’s hearing with a single adjustment of vertebrae, a light came on and Palmer was the first guy who got to look into a Room that’s been there since the Garden of Eden. A truth once viewed by a single mind cannot fail to impose itself upon the totality of human consciousness. Unless it opposes Big Money, of course. Which is why the totality doesn’t know about chiropractic yet – real chiropractic and its true value. Chiropractic is not a version of medicine. Chiropractic is not a branch or specialty within medicine. It’s way beyond that. Chiropractic is a completely separate world view and philosophy, based on three principles the body is a self-healing organism there’s a universal intelligence in the body that directs its survival the nervous system allows that intelligence to communicate with itself

SELF-HEALING ORGANISM You fall off your rollerblades and break your arm. What drugs does the body need to mend the fracture? None. The body heals itself and the mend will be


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stronger than the original bone. You catch the flu. What drugs does the body need to overcome the virus? None. Antibiotics only work on bacteria. The body mobilizes its own immune system and neutralizes the flu. You cut your finger with a knife. Does all the blood just drain out? What drugs does the body need to make the blood clot and stop flowing out? None. The body contains all the repair materials to heal that cut. Examples are many, but it’s always the same idea: 99% of the time, the only way the body recovers from any illness is by itself, using its own healing methods. I hear all the science wizards out there saying – but what about …? And then they say some infectious disease, like pneumonia or tuberculosis. It’s true that some powerful drugs were invented in the 1940s which could temporarily block certain diseases. But there was always a downside, as there must be any time you transgress the boundaries of nature. And that is why most experts predict that the biggest medical problem in this century will be antibiotic resistance. For a closer look at the illusion of antibiotic panacea, see the chapter The Post AntiBiotic Age. But in the vast number of instances, the body can usually heal itself if given the opportunity the respond on its own. UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE What’s missing from a corpse? Break a corpse’s arm. Why won’t that bone mend? Sit a corpse in a chair on the railroad tracks. Send a train. Why won’t the corpse get up and step to one side? Put an egg and a sperm cell together. How do they know to divide, then divide again and again, until a fetus is formed? What force directs them? The answer to all these is universal intelligence – no need to get religious about it – let’s just call it universal intelligence. Other examples:


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– salmon know to swim upstream to spawn, and find the same stream they were born in – old couples who die of separate causes within a short time – horses who can sense your intentions on the approach – soulmates might find each other in a big world – natural immunity after getting a disease – wound healing – bacteria mutate to survive antibiotics – human sperm count decreasing because of environmental pollution with xeno-estrogens – Are we being selected out for screwing things up? So what does chiropractic have to do with universal intelligence? Everything. Chiropractic is the only health philosophy in the world whose healing acts have a single focus: to enhance the perfusion of universal intelligence within the body – the nervous system. Just a fancy way to describe cracking bones? It’s the intent that gives chiropractic its sublime elegance. A gorilla can crack your bones. (I’ve actually seen that.) Why wasn’t that chiropractic? Intent. The gorilla intended nothing besides cracking bones. Chiropractic intends to facilitate the expression of universal intelligence throughout the body. How? By programming the hard disk, and by un-crimping the cables: offering uninterrupted data to the brain, and by eliminating unwanted stimulation of nerve lines, using exact adjustment of specific vertebrae. Intent. NERVOUS SYSTEM The master system, controlling the rest of the body’s systems. (Gray’s Anatomy, p1) There’s something electrical about all that wiring, all those neurons and connections. Something electrical, something physical, and something metaphysical. And a lot more besides: we only know a little about how the body really works.


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Pseudo-scientists pretend to know a little more, perhaps in order to buttress their self-image, so that they won’t seem too foolish when their lobotomies and resections and psychoactive drugs and procedures and tests fail to have the desired effect. But about the bigger part of it, humans are still clueless.

Brain. Spinal cord. Spinal nerves. Smaller branches, finally subdividing to reach every single cell. Controlling movements, monitoring sensations, evaluating muscle positions, remembering sense experiences, regulating organ functions for survival, getting general impressions from the environment – the nervous system does it all. And more that we don’t even know about, involving the Life Forces. Through the nervous system, we manifest the universal, we share the universal in common with every life that has ever been lived. (Chopra) The nervous system runs into problems – the problems of overwork, stress, trauma, and posture. The perfect alignment of vertebrae, an elegant mechanical design, becomes imperfect as these problems shove the bones farther and farther out of line, day by day. When you recall what is housed in the vertebrae – the spinal cord and spinal nerves – you see the delicacy of the situation. It is the nervous system that is the crown of creation, the pinnacle of evolution. Nerve messages, which are life expressions, may be changed by pressure from a distorted position of vertebrae. Chiropractic calls such misalignments


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SUBLUXATION. Cirrhosis of the liver doesn’t happen overnight. Neither does diabetes. Cancer takes seven or eight years before it grows from a single cell to a tumor the size of a pencil tip. (McDougall) If you are an American you stand a 50/50 chance of dying from heart disease. That takes years to develop. How about chronic fatigue? Low immune function – auto-immune things, on and on What’s the master system controlling all other systems? The nervous system. So what regulates all the above? The nervous system. What can cause all of the above? Distorted information, chronically garbled memos put through the nervous system. Garbage in, garbage out. Subluxation. For example, environmental stressors may speed up the heart – fight-orflight. The brain may want to say to the heart – Yeah I know but really everything’s OK. So slow down, chill a little. And the brain does send the instructions to the heart to calm down. So the heart calms down. But the phone line that was supposed to tell the brain that everything’s fine now, that the heart has calmed down – maybe that line is jammed. The brain is still operating on old information – it thinks the heart is still stressed out. So the brain is saying calm down calm down, but the heart is already calm, and is now supposed to get even calmer. See where this is going? And this is only one small example of miscued mental impulses that result from partially blocked lines of nerve communication. Simplistic as this may sound, the best neuroscience today is corroborating these basic models, ideas that were elaborated a century ago by the Palmers. Of all the possible sites for nerve distortion, the vertebrae are #1. The first branches off the spinal cord are relatively large. And they have to fit between the vertebrae through holes that are relatively small. This elegant design worked well for apes and monkeys living in trees in the jungle, but our lives are a bit more stressful. If you ever get the idea that man is unrelated to the


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ape, you need to travel more. Pre-hominids are still evident today, even within the human race. Try a trip to Washington and stroll around the Capitol Building. Even easier to spot in Sacramento.

Seriously, with a display of early apes, pre-hominid, early human, and modern human skeletons, side by side. You can’t tell them apart. WE ARE THE MONKEYS We are the car-driving monkeys, the typing monkeys, the junkfood monkeys, the industrial monkeys, the welfare monkeys, the sedentary monkeys, the politically correct monkeys, the vaccinated monkeys, the jacked-in monkeys. We are the monkeys who live our lives with powerful drugs and alcohol. We are the monkeys who have stopped eating natural foods, and substituted tasty chemical fillers and indigestible nonfoods as most of our diet. We are the monkeys who drag each other into court for the flimsiest of excuses, employing life-forms of a much lower order, scamming for money. We are the monkeys who have stopped swinging from trees, only 4% of us doing any exercise at all.


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No self-respecting monkey would operate like this. All this bad living results in a variety of unnatural stressors on our vertebral spine. The stress manifests itself in the spine by locking the vertebrae out of place, interfering with normal nerve transmission, and sending distorted or excessive signals to the brain. That’s subluxation. Subluxation is not a theory. There is abundant proof, both empirical and clinical. Empirical means what is plainly obvious, like spring following winter, or that moss grows on the north side of trees, or that water goes down the drain clockwise in the northern hemisphere. These things don’t need to be proven in “scientific” studies. Millions of people worldwide go to chiropractors to have their subluxations removed because they know it works. They don’t need more “proof.” LIFE PATTERNS Chronic subluxations that are allowed to remain in the spine for years uncorrected create a specific pattern of weakness – the weak link in the chain. One bone is tweaked out of place; now the spine’s not straight. Stress comes along every day and is concentrated on that exact flex point, because that’s the point that gives a little. It’s weak. It’s gonna be weak tomorrow when the patient wakes up, and it’s gonna be weak next month if no one finds it and makes a change. That’s what a pattern is – a configuration that doesn’t change. Distorted spinal patterns are pathological. Why? Three main reasons:


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– a twisted spine can’t support its weight or move the way it should – the normal muscle pattern gets out of balance trying to compensate – the spinal nerves start sending distorted signals Next problem is that the body memorizes the new pattern and locks it in as the new Normal. The body eventually gives up fighting and accepts the tweaked spine as is. Three detriments then follow: – bad posture: soon it feels weird to stand up straighter than a lower primate – involuntary spasms of the back muscles 24 hours a day, wasting energy – distorted patterns of nerve signals offer the brain wrong information, all the time Screwed up patterns like this have been researched for decades. World famous physiologist Irwin Korr, way back in 1947 talked about facilitated segments – the tweaked bones, locked out of place in their false pattern. And he proved how such a spinal irregularity magnified stress by simply not being able to respond normally. Korr didn’t use the word subluxation, but he was talking about the same thing. Think of birth trauma – maybe the baby came out all twisted, or the doctor did the twisting because he was in a hurry. So the baby is like a pretzel, and its spine is continually sending distorted information back to the brand new clean hard drive brain, programming it with ‘I’m a pretzel. I’m a pretzel…’ Soon the brain will think of itself as the CPU of a pretzel. How could it think anything else? It’s never been a brain before. It just follows the programming it receives, even if that input is totally distorted. Neural patterns are created that will last a lifetime, unless someone intelligent enough notices it. And what is the only profession trained to notice such distortions? Right. Chiropractic. Is this a big deal? My friend, when it comes to survival, there is no bigger deal out there. THE MEMORY OF INJURY


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There’s another aspect to subluxation that’s a little more subtle. Sometimes injuries heal without any treatment, but the internal wiring – the memory of that injury – continues to cause problems for years afterward. The injured part sent a continual flow of distress signals to the brain, the whole time it was injured. That relay pattern got stuck in the “on” position – the fire alarm lever stayed ON. (Coderre) Doctors have found that adjusting the spine can sometimes fix these mysterious persistent pain syndromes that all kinds of drugs and tests may not cure. We’re just beginning to understand how. An extreme example of such a memory is phantom limb pain -where an amputee feels sensations in a hand or foot that is no longer there. Same principle with subluxation, only less severe. HISTORY A system of health care that has challenged the mainstream approach since its very birth obviously didn’t survive this long without overcoming colossal opposition. Big medicine has big money. Big money controls Washington. Washington makes laws which are open to interpretation by a whole menagerie of lawyers and judges, who have paraded down through the decades, usually representing big money interests. As we have seen, historically there is a tendency to suppress alternative health ideas, with the standard pose that the public is being protected from “unproven” ideas of health. Hopefully by this point in the website we have learned to be a bit circumspect with those who control the means of “scientific proof.” Funny how drugs that have been scientifically approved as safe enough to be sold on the market are now the leading cause of death in the U.S., (JAMA Apr 1998) ahead of both AIDS and accidents. Both DD and BJ Palmer, as well as many other chiropractors were put in jail in the early decades of chiropractic, for “practicing medicine without a license.” Although it was always a ridiculous charge, because they were


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practicing chiropractic not medicine, these doctors’ lives were harshly traumatized by the ordeal. When it became obvious that chiropractors weren’t going to disappear, and a revenue source was spotted in the issuing of licenses, gradually every state came to regulate and license the profession. But recognition wasn’t yet forthcoming, because of the economic implications. Here was a profession co-existing with medicine that was telling people that the body could heal itself without drugs and surgery, as long as there was no nerve interference. THESIS/ANTITHESIS There’s a phenomenon that usually happens with new ideas. Somebody thinks up something original, like the Constitution, or aerobics, or an abs machine, or Coca Cola, or rock and roll, or Levis, or Tesla, or … and before long, another group comes along challenging the validity of the original idea with the knock-off. It’s that whole purist/mixer thing. Pretty soon you have modern American PC, Tai-bo, and crunch machines, and RC Cola, and Alternative Rock, and designer jeans, and the Leaf, — get the idea? Same thing with chiropractic. BJ Palmer said he had the original idea – misaligned vertebrae – and he had the only technique and technology that could fix them. He built a machine for finding subluxations, and created a very specific technique for correcting them. Chiropractic was his baby. Very hard to patent the revelation of a Universal Idea. But BJ tried, and ended up polarizing the new profession for awhile. Many chiropractors went their own way, invented their own techniques, and founded their own colleges. At one time there were some 44 chiropractic colleges in the U.S. (Today there are about 20.) But even though many chiropractors went their own way, all true chiropractors still acknowledge the great discovery and gift that the Palmers brought to the world. And they also will relate the idea of subluxation removal with the body’s own inner wisdom.


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C h i r o p r a c t i c A l o f t - thedoctorwithin

These are the minimum requirements of a traditional chiropractor, above and beyond what the licensing boards may say. If the chiropractor is vague about subluxation, you’re not be talking to the genuine article. Time to roll. BIG STUDIES For those who do need proof, clinical studies, dozens of them, have shown that chiropractic care is very effective for a variety of conditions, not just back and neck pain. Here’s a list of just a few of the bigger ones: 1979 The New Zealand Report – a government study originally intended to discredit chiropractic, after two years of worldwide study, published a 3000 page report recommending that chiropractic should be added to the national health program. 1986 OCHAMPUS STUDY U.S. Dept. of Defense, a 50-year study concluded that chiropractic adjustments increased mobility and shortened the duration of treatment 1987 Italian Study – Static Clinics, Milano 70,000 chiropractic patients evaluated showed faster recovery from injury, less time loss from work. Chiropractic is included in Italy’s socialized medical package. 1990 Meade Study British Medical Journal Study of 1600 patients showed chiropractic care superior to hospital treatment for low back pain. Recommended inclusion into Britain’s socialized medicine. 1992 Dutch Study British Medical Journal Chiropractic superior to physical therapy for long term back and neck pain 1993 The Manga Report, Canada Exhaustive review of current literature established chiropractic care as the most effective, cost effective approach to spinal dysfunction. The study was funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health to find ways to reduce the incidence


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of work-related injuries and to address cost-effective ways to treat work injuries. 1995 US Agency for Health Care Policy and Research A federal study of 3900 patients, conducted by orthopedic surgeons. Chiropractic recommended ahead of physical therapy or surgery This is ancient history. Except for a few ostriches, chiropractors today are not satisfied with the limits of these studies. Why not? Too restrictive, too narrow. These studies prove that chiropractic works for back pain. Everybody has known that since 1895. They do not fully describe chiropractic’s range of influence. They do not address the expression of universal intelligence within the body. They do not tell THE BIG IDEA which relates chiropractic to the nervous system as our conduit to universal intelligence. Cracking the back is not the topic here. Rather, it’s the intent of the doctor to restore optimum communication to the patient’s nervous system, the master system. This requires careful analysis, touch skills, the ability to interpret the findings, and finally the technical skill to deliver an exact adjustment to the involved vertebrae. There is no limit to the healing results that can follow a well-timed, well-placed adjustment. Like golfing, or archery, or playing he electric guitar, there’s a thousand ways to do it wrong, but when we get it right, we’re in the Zone, in the Flow, the sweet spot, in tune – pick your metaphor. Chiropractic’s focus – trying to tap back into that Lost Connection with what is universal inside all of us. Religious mumbo-jumbo? Let’s look at the study by Schneider where autopsies of 74 babies who died of SIDS (crib death) showed major subluxations of upper cervical vertebrae, protruding into the brain stem itself. Where would a baby less than one year old run into neck trauma severe enough to kill it? Ever see any obstetric instructional videos? Granted, they’re


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probably not on Netflix, but they’re out there. And they show doctors how to deliver babies by aggressively grabbing the head as soon as it crowns from the mother’s womb, grabbing it with both hands or a forceps and violently twisting and pulling till the baby is “born.” Or the “skull-plunger” which suctions onto the hapless infant’s head, in preparation for some major yankage. What’s the rush? Economics: the schedule. Lots of mothers waiting, let’s keep the show on the road. Welfare of the child? Not high on the priority list. What about the majority of babies that don’t die, that survive the ordeal? Think they might have neck problems? Or mysterious health problems during childhood or adolescence that drugs don’t seem to be able to fix, like sleep apnea, hyperactivity, allergies, or learning disorders? Or a weak immune system where they’re always getting colds? Ask Christopher Reeve if those upper cervical vertebrae aren’t important. Ask him what systems of the body can be affected by pinched nerves at that level. Oh wait, you can’t – he’s dead. And not from kryptonite either. IMMUNE SYSTEM AND CHIROPRACTIC What on earth does chiropractic have to do with the immune system? Everything. Think of it in terms of exercise: the less you do, the less you can do. As spinal mobility decreases little by little because of subluxations, immune messages are less easily transmitted, due to minor distortions in nerve action. AIDS patients are well acquainted with T-cells called CD-4s. The lower the count, the lower the countdown. HIV patients watch their CD-4 counts because they know the candle is burning down. CD-4 cells are a major part of the immune system, which help to fight off infection. No one dies of AIDS – they die from runaway infections, usually pneumonia, against which they have no immunity. The bad bacteria have mutated beyond the reach of all antibiotics. With no more CD-4 cells, there’s no more defense. Time to hang with Elvis.


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There was an intriguing study in 1994 in which HIV patients monitored at a medical center experienced a 48% increase in CD-4 cell count after a program of upper cervical chiropractic adjustments! (Selmo) Somehow, The New York Times didn’t have enough room on the front page to carry that story. So no one heard about it. Do you think a 48% increase in immune function for HIV patients is a newsworthy item? Optimum immune function in the normal healthy person determines the quality of life, and also its duration. CHIROPRACTIC AND VACCINATIONS Sometimes chiropractors are accused of claiming that chiropractic adjustments can take the place of vaccinations. Or that chiropractors brainwash their patients so that the patients won’t get the ‘immunizations’ they need to protect themselves from disease. Statements like this are wrong twice. The first error is that chiropractic adjustments can take the place of vaccinations. The only thing that can take the place of vaccination is human intelligence. When people finally take the trouble to find out a little about the history of vaccination, the ingredients of vaccines, and the politics behind mandaotory shots, and how they became so popular, only then will their new knowledge wtake the place of vaccination. A brief review of that information is found in the book Vaccination Is Not Immunization. The second error is that vaccinations have ever protected anyone from disease. They haven’t. All they have is slogans – no clinical trials. Do your homework, but realize who is writing what, and why. The main thing being protected is the public from finding out the real data. Chiropractors may be responsible primary health practitioners who urge their patients to find out the facts before blindly submitting their children to


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institutionalized programs of vaccination. Those making billions off peoples’ignorance don’t like that attitude. They prefer sheep, thank you. Chiropractic adjustments don’t replace vaccinations. Only an idiot – or a lawyer – would try to say something like that. Natural immunity is promoted by unrestricted communication throughout the body. Adjustment of subluxations promotes unrestricted nerve communication. OTHER KEEPERS OF THE KEY? If subluxations are bones locked out of place, is there any other way besides chiropractic to unlock them? Let’s think about it. Many doctors don’t believe that subluxation exists, even in the face of all the above research. Like it’s a faith-based issue. Medical treatment for spine pain or for organ dysfunction is limited to drugs and surgery, which are expensive, and ineffective. Even if they know about subluxation, it is difficult for medical doctors to prescribe something simple, natural, and harmless because it’s outside their scope. They don’t get paid for it and therefore they don’t do it. Worse yet, knowledge of subluxation adjustment cuts into their business model. Occasionally a medical doctor or physical therapist will attempt spinal adjustmewnt after taking a weekend seminar. As you might imagine, problems may arise – vertebral artery dissection, stroke, death, etc… Spinal adjustment is an art and takes years to develop. Chiropractors spend hundreds of hours learning spinal adjustment under supervision in a clinic before they are allowed to treat the public. The idea here is adjustment is different from manipulation. Adjustment is very specific: chiropractors locate the subluxation first, then unlock that particular fixation. Manipulation, by contrast, is a very general, shotgun method. Little attempt is made to find the exact subluxation; for general manipulators, every patient essentially gets the same move. General manipulation is little more than cracking the bones. Like the gorilla above.


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Unfortunately, even some chiropractors are just general manipulators. The patient is advised to learn beforehand if his doctor of chiropractic will take the time to actually locate the exact subluxation before making the adjustment. One good screening question is to simply ask the chiropractor what a subluxation is. The slightest hesitation and you should roll on down the highway. Osteopathy was a specialty of spinal manipulation which developed timewise in a parallel fashion along with chiropractic. The founder of osteopathy, A.T. Still, felt that misalignments of the vertebrae interfered with blood circulation. By osteopathic spinal manipulation, many patients received satisfactory results over the years. There were many osteopathic hospitals across the country in the 20th century, some of which are still in operation. In the 1960s, however, osteopathy was engulfed by medicine. In exchange for their patient base, osteopaths were given the right to prescribe drugs, the same as medical doctors. Almost immediately, the classic osteopathic manipulations began to be used less, in favor of drug treatments to cover up the pain. The result was the gradual decline of osteopathy, continuing today, with less than 30,000 left. Osteopaths lost their identity, or rather they sold it. They lost their identity – or rather, they sold it. Soon it became hard to tell the difference between an osteopath and an orthopedist, because they both prescribed drugs for joint pain. Medicine made a great gain by this acquisition, because without drugs, osteopathy had been in competition with medicine for joint pain patients for all those years. Today most people can’t even tell you what an osteopath is. Physical therapists also may take some weekend seminars in manipulation, which they call joint mobilization. Again, it’s a question of training and of intent. You wouldn’t call a brake mechanic to repair your VCR. Conclusion: the only one who is going to correct subluxation is a chiropractor who is trained to find it. What sets chiropractic apart from any other health care system in the world is its philosophy. Simply stated, chiropractic


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advocates an aggressive, take-charge approach in maintaining the body as a vital, self-healing organism instead of awaiting the arrival of illness. Chiropractic feels that the body should be given every opportunity to exercise its inherent recuperative powers rather than immediately handicapping these healing mechanisms with an array of increasingly experimental drugs and potions. ADJUSTMENT VS. MANIPULATION The developer of chiropractic, BJ Palmer, said that either chiropractic is specific or else it is nothing. The whole association with universal intelligence, described above, and the role of chiropractic adjustments in maintaining that communication within the body – this paradigm only holds true with the doctor who locates the exact subluxation and makes the specific adjustment. Intent. The doctor intends to restore the body to its normal state of communication with the life force inside. Quite a difference from a general manipulator who intends nothing more than to hear some bones cracking. A good analogy would be golfing. Driving range vs. golf course. At the driving range, the intent is to whack the ball as far as possible. Focus on the details of driving, but get the yardage. Playing a round of golf on a course is different. Much more finesse and attention to detail is required; it’s a much more involved enterprise. Now the intent is to get the ball to an exact location with the minimum number of strokes. This calls for strategy, planning, and a great deal of focus and concentration. Distance is no longer the whole issue; many of the clubs are actually to keep from going too far. A combination of technical aspects must be mastered in order to achieve excellence, some of which – like putting – are whole worlds in themselves. The idea is – raising the level of intent involves raising the level of sophistication. Same thing with the chiropractic adjustment. The doctor makes a careful analysis, by X-ray, digital skill, and other exams, before deciding which


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adjustment to make, in which direction. A lot of variables. SMART HOOK-UP Check out the connection here: the spinal adjustment makes a 3-way link between three expressions of the same thing

– the intelligence of the chiropractor – the universal intelligence inside the patient’s body – the patient’s nervous system This is not Santa Cruz New Age Cosmic Debris. Chiropractic’s existence depends on its ability to make these corrections happen on a consistent basis. Life is stressful in specific ways. Biomechanical, emotional, and toxic stress cause specific subluxations within the spine. No exercises or drugs or machines can correct a subluxation. Correction requires the doctor’s awareness and focus on the specifics. So I guess that brings a fourth factor into the equation: the patient’s ability to locate a chiropractor who knows all this. They’re definitely out there. THE RIGHT ONE Every profession has its mercenaries, the ones who ride on the coattails of a Great Idea, just for personal gain. The best tricksters are very hard to spot because they cultivate the appearance of the genuine article. So here’s what you do for a quick-screen procedure, like an ID check: – look for posters that talk about subluxation – listen if the doctor talks about subluxation or about the connection between the brain and the body – listen for the priorities: which are we talking more about – is it the weather, your friend’s divorce, the stock market, some movie or is the discussion mainly about the condition of your nervous system? – how will the subluxation be found? X-ray, instrument, or test? Or is it a crystal ball while examining the entrails of a chicken?


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If you need a friend, buy a dog. If you need someone to hold your hand, see a manicurist. A good chiropractor has some proficiency with the spine and nervous system. If you don’t feel that focus, you’re parked in the wrong space. CHIROPRACTIC ALOFT

I have this sort of vision that chiropractic is like a zeppelin or a glider that floats above the earth, just cruising, offering itself to anyone who shows interest, but not swooping down to force itself on people. But there with this kind of universal availability, and you have to be lucky to be guided to it, because once you break through all the obstacles of organized monkeymedia/monkipedia and programmed misunderstanding and money and “expert” opinion and encounter someone with the clear light who knows that he knows, then you have a chance to get it. I mean, what are your options, really? Can the body heal itself, or can’t it? Are diseases actually deficiencies of drugs, like we’ve been told? Or is there another way of healing – a simple way, that begins working immediately, along with the body’s natural healing instincts, so that you start moving in the direction of completeness, like when you were born, tapping into that original pool of intelligence and power. – Tim O’Shea Copyright MMXVI REFERENCES Gray, R—- Gray’s Anatomy


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McDougall, John, MD—– The McDougall Program for Women 1999 Penguin Lazarou J et al.—- Incidence of Adverse Reactions in Hospitalized Patients JAMA 15Apr 98 279:15; p1200 Schneider M et al.—- “Atlanto-occipital Hypermobility in SIDS” Today’s Chiropractic Jan 1990 Selmo, J et al.—-“The effects of upper cervical adjustments on the CD4 counts of HIV positive patients” Chiropractic Research Journal 1994, vol.3 no.1 p32 Korr, I.—- Neurobiologic Mechanisms in Manipulative Therapy : Proceedings. Ed by Workshop Held Oct 23-26, 1977 Coderre TJ et al—-Contribution of central neuroplasticity to pathological pain Pain 52(1993)p259 The RAND Corporation—- The Appropriateness of Spinal Manipulation for Lower-Back Pain; 1992 Meade TW, et al.—- Low back pain of mechanical origin: randomized comparison of chiropractic and hospital outpatient treatment. British Medical Journal 1990, vol. 300, issue of Jun, pp. 1431-1437 Rondberg and Feuling—- Chiropractic Compassion and Excellence 1998 The Chiropractic Journal


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Chiropractic: Spare Us the Philosophy – Just the Science Please - thedoctorwithin

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Chiropractic: Spare Us the Philosophy – Just the Science Please Get Our Newsletter

It’s as old as BJ. Chiropractic evolved as an art, a philosophy, and a science. Knowing that the world would not necessarily be attracted by a new system of metaphysics, BJ first focused on the science – osteology, neurology, physiology, subluxation. Today his original ideas are recognized and validated by the best orthopedic and neuroscience authorities. But that’s not the science people talk about, is it? With today’s continuing trend of our non-practicing, vocal minority trying to expunge philosophy from the chiropractic profession, one of their routine word tricks is the one about We’d Rather Focus On the Science – you’ve heard it… We’re embarrassed by all this woo-woo philosophy, and we want to be considered real doctors, so let’s just focus on the science… Often heard from nonpracticing teachers at chiro colleges.


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Chiropractic: Spare Us the Philosophy – Just the Science Please - thedoctorwithin

With this cliche, they then proceed to excuse themselves from any discussion of philosophy and chiropractic. Ever. But the deception is, they never talk about chiropractic science either, like they promised. If pushed, they’ll talk about medical science. It’s the cheesiest of Bait and Switch. Here’s the typical scenario for the new graduate: Oh, so you’re a new graduate and you’d rather focus on the science of chiropractic, because that’s more tangible and respectable than discussions about philosophy, right? OK, that’s fine. So let’s hear some, Dr New Graduate. Give us 5 minutes on The Science. So they’ll launch off into this rhapsody about the importance of differential diagnosis of this and that, or the difference between gram positive and gram negative bacteria, how do to a George’s Test, so we can make the proper referral, etc, and don’t stray beyond our area… Merck Manual board questions on medical science – signs and symptoms and lab tests for drug therapy. All the endless minutiae that they memorized to pass the Boards. But wait a minute. They just changed the subject! What does any of that have to do with chiropractic? You were supposed to be talking about the science of chiropractic. Remember? You’re the one who said you wanted to focus on it. You don’t get to substitute a presentation of medical science in the place where you were supposed to be discussing the science of chiropractic. So let’s hear some chiropractic science. How about a few minutes on the science of the subluxation complex? Because after all, you are a DC, right? And you’re a scientifically oriented DC, right? Fine. Just making sure. So tell us a little about the science behind chiropractic. Ninety five % are gonna go Deer in the Headlights right here. Chiropractic science? What’s that? I thought science came out of Guyton’s. And Merck.


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And Widman’s. Time to call them on this cheap trick. Their Trick only works if we don’t call them on it. Diagnosis is not a substitute, or a better version of chiropractic science. In fact it’s the opposite – most diagnosis is the imagined, objective validation for the sale of pharmaceuticals and surgery, in all cases. That’s the antithesis of chiropractic science. Chiropractic science? You mean there is such a thing, the new graduate or unanchored DC may ask. Just because you never learned any of the science of chiropractic doesn’t mean there isn’t any. Real DCs already know. For starters, chiropractic was conceived, invented, developed and clinically proven for a century as an art, a science, and a philosophy, no matter who pretends it wasn’t. All three are well grounded, well elaborated, well referenced, after all these decades. Chiropractic science begins with BJ’s discussion of the subluxation complex: vertebral misalignment with a possible neurological consequence. There’s a prodigious amount of standard science validating BJ’s original notion of subluxation, twice as strong as any Orthopedic theories about Lhermitte’s test or Minor’s sign or the reasons we all need Lipitor. First of all, the millions of clinical evaluations BJ performed in his lifetime correlating positive X-ray findings with neurological deficits, then corrected by treatment. But that just got the ball rolling. In a very short time, all branches of mainstream physical medicine recognized Palmer’s idea of subluxation exactly as he defined it. This continues down to the present time where virtually any mainstream medical reference will define vertebral subluxation the same way BJ did. Just a few examples, cited in the new Chiropractic Seminar (live and online):

White and Punjabi Web MD


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Chiropractic: Spare Us the Philosophy – Just the Science Please - thedoctorwithin

Free MD Merck Manual World Health Organization

But then in addition, there’s also a much more profound level of scientific validation from standard orthopedic and neurological texts that have thoroughly characterized Palmer’s idea of subluxation: Just a few :

Ruth Jackson, MD – The Cervical Syndrome Sydney Sunderland, MD – subluxation of apophyseal joints Rene Cailliett, MD James Cyriax, MD Frank Painter, DC

Let’s not forget that it took decades for the defined concept of subluxation to be legislated as the legal niche and area of expertise of the DC, in virtually every state, in their professions codes. All that work – do we really want to throw it out? If so inclined, we can take the scientific discussion to the next level of neurology and introduce the work of Bernadette Murphy and Heidi Haavik, Neil Sivula and Carl DeStefano. The adverse effect of vertebral subluxations on afferent neurology. Not a theory: locked down tight. Altered afferent input causes incorrect cortical architecture to be reinforced in false patterns via neuroplasticity, resulting then in deficient efferent commands constantly being sent out. That’s just the very basics. Current research by John Minardi and Dan Murphy goes one step further – documenting today’s best science, proving how the adjustment re-organizes the brain to correct hormone output, and also to re-structure pathologic


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neural pathways of chronic pain, from the mechanoreceptors all the way up to the mesencephalon. Haavik reinforces these ideas by clinically proving that the intrinsic muscles of the spine are primarily for proprioception, and show the first response to chiropractic adjustment. Why aren’t college teachers doing their job in chiropractic school? Why is all this relevant science – research that defines and validates chiropractic – why isn’t this taught in schools? Why are most students graduating without any clear idea of their role in the scientific or professional community? Why are presidents hiring teachers who don’t know any of this, but worse yet, who often then go on the offensive and state categorically that there is no science validating chiropractic? Even this is just for starters. How deeply does one want to carry the discussion? I’d say at least as far as it takes to demythologize the lame mantra: “there’s no scientific evidence that subluxation exists…” This is a classic Edward L Bernays rote phrase by which the unlettered hope to disguise their laziness, that roughly translates to: “I don’t read.” And because I’ve never found any mainstream science material that proves subluxation is real during the time I wasn’t reading, therefore none must exist. This is the New Intellectualism. The prevalence of the Lowest Common Denominator Mongrel / facebook/CNN mentality of the omniscient permanent media defective. The epistemology of the one-second media blast from Yahoo news or the TV newsreaders, conferring the illusion to all and sundry that they know everything worth knowing without any attempt to learn. Here’s my question they can’t answer: if subluxation doesn’t exist because there’s no science, well then what exactly is a chiropractor? What’s his specific professional niche? What unique service does he offer? Be ready for the deer/headlights thing. Don’t let them off — do a DeNiro – keep repeating the question till their head explodes.


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Chiropractic: Spare Us the Philosophy – Just the Science Please - thedoctorwithin

When one finally becomes aware of the actual science behind chiropractic, after immersing oneself at least to an introductory level, the true student will then be prepared to be receptive to some basic philosophical ideas which support the science he has just been shown. Not necessary to believe in the philosophical principles, like one believes in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. No, now they are logical and empirical, since they correspond to the science one has already grasped. This is the subject of the new Chiropractic Seminar, live and online. So think of this article the next time someone tries to run the I Just Want the Science game on you. Be ready to throw it back in their face. Or at least to agree to disagree, for all you California Tentative Humans.

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Silicon Valley Syndrome - thedoctorwithin

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Twelve hours a day at the computer. Neck and shoulders. You know what I’m talking about. Winds up tighter and tighter, like a clock, the longer you sit there staring at that monitor. Looking down at your fingers while you type, leaning forward, holding the phone on one side while you type, faxing, scanning, incessant little fine movements with the mouse hand. Sometimes in the afternoon it gets so bad you claw involuntarily at the base of the neck


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trying to get some relief from the tension and the electric shock sensations that are shooting out across the upper shoulders, those rocklike traps. Getting the finger numbness yet? Be patient – it’s coming. Then there’s the shoulder restriction thing, where it gets difficult to raise your arms high enough to put on a sweater, and you’re not even old, you know? And also the “tension” headaches which one doctor has told you were “cluster” or migraine…ever notice how they’re brought on or aggravated by episodes of extreme neck pain and tension? Or you might be getting those shooting things into your skull, especially across the occiputal area. You know the kind – where the Motrin 800s might as well be M&Ms. Remember when you used to be able to back your car up without turning your entire body around, just the neck? Or maybe you’re a neck cracker, where you lean your head way over real far until it cracks and you get some “relief.” Only it’s really not relief, because 10 minutes later you have to do it again. Or maybe you go to the gym and work out and some personal trainer told you that you should just “work through it,” no pain no gain, etc. And you work your muscles into a tighter and tighter knot but at least you’re doing something about it. The Illusion of Motion mindset. What do your colleagues say? Welcome to Silicon Valley. Goes with the territory. Used to be four people in your department – now it’s just you. Same workload. Friday on my mind. STRESS? That’s what you all say. “It’s just stress.” Horsefeathers. After years of hearing people pronounce this offhand dismissal of some very severe physical problems, I finally figured out what you mean. You’re saying, these slings and arrows directed at you from the world are totally beyond your control, beyond your responsibility or ability to prevent it in any way, so therefore why even


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Silicon Valley Syndrome - thedoctorwithin

try? Just accept them. Take Excedrin, and just keep your routine, day after day.. OK, get this straight, once and for all: if you live here, it’s impossible to eliminate stress from your life. Too many factors you can’t control: CalTrans, Santa Clara County this and that, the lower primates in the legislature, commuter lanes, The 101, Mercury News fairy tales, CNN, your family, their family, this week’s new PC, your kids getting dumber in their Common Core schools . .… What you can control, however, is the way stress affects you physically. How? Physical stress, what stress does to the human body, is a cumulative load of many diverse factors whose only common thread seems to be that they are all focused at the base of you neck. Things cross the line – the emotional becomes physical – no headache until the call came in that Mother-in-law is flying up for the weekend, with the schnauzer. Or your biggest competitor just got the contract. Then all of a sudden – wham! Those steel-cable cords of muscle in the back of the head and neck are real – it’s not “just stress.” There are two categories of stress factors that we CAN control: biochemical biomechanical

Normalizing these two areas as much as possible, in anticipation of the arrival of daily stresses we cannot control will serve to lessen their physical impact on the body – neck tension, shoulder tension, headache, numbness, etc. For information on eliminating biochemical stress factors, please refer to the chapters on Enzymes, Allergies, and on the Colon ( Chemical toxicity from food and drugs tends to accumulate in muscles, joints, and ligaments. In the neck and shoulders, tension is jacked up, notch by notch with all those Cokes, coffee, chocolate,


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cigarettes, and indigestible “lunches” that are part of the Silicon Valley workday. The money might be focused here, but health is certainly not part of the package. Just look at the people in the restaurants and nightclubs – look what they’re eating and drinking. Beneath the designer labels, how do they really look? Healthy? Youthful? Fit? Look again. The other area we can control is the biomechanical component. Distorted positions of the spine and muscles become locked into place for so many years that the body forgets what normal is. What do you think suffers by your 7 neck vertebrae, after eight or ten years, holding the phone on the right shoulder, no hands? Or whatever weird ergonomics your particular job requires. The answer is nerves. Spinal nerves. Those branches of the spinal cord that run out between each two consecutive vertebrae become threatened by the odd configuration your muscles have been positioned in for the past few years. Nerve tissue is the most delicate of the entire body and the brain will do anything to protect it. So when the brain senses that the spinal nerves in your lower neck are in danger of being pinched because of the way you have been staring into that monitor for 22 hours a day, it sends a signal to the surrounding muscles to splint up in order to protect the nerves. The muscles try to pull the vertebrae back into place, but they can’t. The vertebrae are locked like that. But the muscles keep trying anyway, and the tighter they get, the more out of place the vertebrae become. So it’s a vicious circle: muscles, bones, and nerves – and a downward spiral of well-being. What a waste of energy. Think how much energy your body wastes keeping those muscles splinted up like that all the time. We’re talking 24 hours a day. It’s involuntary. You can’t just say to yourself, I think I’ll relax my traps today. Doesn’t work like that. Try this: tighten up your right biceps all the way. OK, now keep it like that for the next 24 hours. See what I mean? Feel all the energy that would be wasting? That’s exactly what’s going on in the muscles of the neck and upper back. That’s why you wake up exhausted in the morning.


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This is also why cracking your own neck doesn’t work. It’s really just a nervous habit, brought on by the instinct that something is out of place, which is true. The problem is, the bones which are actually locked cannot be unlocked by auto-manipulation. They remain locked. The cracking noise comes from the ones above the locked segments, which now are becoming hypermobile (too sloppy) because of all this neck-cracking every 15 minutes. So no matter what you hear or what you see on TV at halftime, those neck crackers aren’t dong anything positive to help their problem. If they were, the problem would go away. Ask yourself, ever see a neck cracker break the habit because he finally “got it”? Doesn’t happen. Discs are another big piece of the puzzle here. Discs are the cushions or spacers between the vertebrae. They are spongy, fluid-filled sacks of gel whose job is to act as shock absorbers for the vertebrae and keep them apart. The closer the vertebrae get together, the more the spinal nerves are threatened. So the body will do anything to preserve the disc space. Discs are the only structure in the body without their own blood supply. The only way they can get nutrients and become hydrated is by absorbing the surrounding fluids. In the case of the locked lower neck vertebrae that have been immobile for the last twelve years because we’re – …going through an audit …going through a merger …have a really big contract coming up …having a Monday The disc becomes trapped between the two immobile vertebrae, one atop the other. The vertebrae don’t move as they should, and the disc cannot become hydrated. Result: the disc dries out and gets worn out. The more the discs wear out, the closer together the vertebrae get. In addition to muscle splinting, the body has another protective mechanism to keep the vertebrae from touching the spinal nerves. It’s this: the vertebrae begin to change their shape. Calcium deposits in the form of bone spurs begin to attach themselves to the vertebra, hanging off it like wax dripping


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from a candle. The sharp bony points may begin to irritate the surrounding tissues, causing inflammation. And that is a fairly accurate description of the onset of spinal arthritis. Spinal arthritis is not normal, no matter how old the person is, no matter what the doctors say. Just because over 75% of the population over 65 has some form of arthritis doesn’t mean it’s normal. No arthritis is normal. The large majority of spinal arthritis is caused by locked vertebrae which gradually wear out the joint. You may have heard that the normal human neck should have a curve, when viewed from the side. Actually it should be part of an arc of a circle 17cm in diameter. For various reasons, many of us have lost the normal curve and the neck may now be totally straight. This condition is called military neck, and can only be seen on X-ray. Some workers have a worse problem: the neck is actually curved in the opposite direction, having gone beyond the military neck stage. This is called reverse curve. Both these conditions are not normal and will probably cause eventual pain, pinched nerves, or disc problems.

Loss of neck curve has only two causes:

trauma microtrauma

Trauma is when somebody drops a safe on your head from the third floor, or maybe you’re in a whiplash accident. Or the obstetrician is in too big a hurry when you’re born, and yanks or twists the neck too hard. All this is trauma. A


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blow to the head or neck can push the vertebrae out of their normal curve and lock them out of place. They can stay that way for years, or permanently if no one ever notices. Microtrauma means a continual chain of little traumas day in, day out that ultimately can have the same effects as big trauma has. Microtrauma includes typing, looking down at the monitor, looking into a microscope, or any forced position you keep your body in to perform your daily job tasks. Silicon Valley people never stretch, never extend, and rarely exercise. The effects of microtrauma are sneaky and cumulative. It starts with intermittent annoying little pains and spasms which are fairly deniable for a long time. For many people, by the time they admit that they have a problem, that means it’s having a major impact on their lives, a situation of constant pain. They ignored all the warning signals for all those months and years because “the pain always went away.” Or “it’s just stress.” Here’s the main surprise: the pain was never the problem. The pain was just the signal. The problem was that the spine was wearing out little by little as it tried to adapt to the weird configuration of bones and muscles after all those years of Silicon Valley. The problem was that the vertebrae are locked out of place. Those steel knots in the traps are entrenched, developed, and trained, just as faithfully as the muscles a bodybuilder focuses upon. The difference is, the knots are abnormal, actually pathological, since they have deleterious effects to overall health. SOLUTIONS For Silicon Valley syndrome, you don’t need surgery. And if drugs worked, you’d already be better, wouldn’t you? How long can you take pain drugs for Silicon Valley Syndrome before they’ll tell you to stop? Forever? A conservative estimate. How long can the vertebrae remain locked out of place? Forever. Unless someone notices the distortion and corrects it. What are the main side effects of pain drugs (NSAIDs)? According to the Physician’s Desk Reference 2000, the answer is – digestive disorders. How? The drugs kill the friendly bacteria


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in the colon. Those bacteria had a purpose: the final stages of digestion. When you kill them, food just sits there and rots. For the whole story, please see the chapter on the Colon. It isn’t pretty. Any solutions with no side effects? Well, there’s massage. Does it work? You bet. Until tomorrow, at least. As long as those muscles can be kneaded into relaxation, you’re fine. Until you sit down at your desk the next day and the screws start tightening. Massage is only slightly better than aspirin as a cure for Silicon Valley Syndrome. WORKING OUT Work through it. Doesn’t help. Even though exercise is generally good, in this case you’re locking in a false position of vertebrae ever tighter by strengthening the surrounding muscle configuration. Result is that it becomes much harder to make a correction because all those layers of protective muscle have to be dealt with. Such people may look fit, but they’re not. No one who has chronic pain is fit. Being in shape and being fit are two different things. People may be normal weight, with good muscle development and be totally unfit. Fitness must include normal relaxed muscle tone, not spasm, in the non-working muscles. In the prone (lying face down) position, the back muscles should be totally relaxed. Try it. All that severe muscle rigidity in the upper and lower back while prone is totally unnecessary, protective, involuntary, a waste of energy, and a sign that something is wrong. This is called muscle overlay, because the problem is buried underneath. SUBLUXATION The underlying cause of Silicon Valley Syndrome. Locked vertebrae. To remove the cause, we must remove the subluxation. There is only one way to do that: adjust the spine. Accept no substitutes. It is possible to resolve Silicon Valley Syndrome and be normal again. Depends on:


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* How long it’s been there * Any degeneration yet * Degree of muscle overlay * Amount of ongoing daily aggravation * Level of commitment to change * Finding the actual subluxation * Finding the right chiropractor Call 408 753 9830 – we’ll help you. As long as you’re still alive, the condition is not hopeless. But one thing is certain: Silicon Valley Syndrome never resolves on its own. Degenerative spinal arthritis is a long-term, slowly progressing sequence of events, most of which involves simply doing nothing for several years. Waiting till you retire because you don’t have time to take care of it now is practically a guarantee of chronic pain, as well as having the spinal mobility of a telephone pole in your retirement years. How you gonna windsurf like that? Or sweep the veranda in the beachhouse? Or hop off the golfcart to make a shot? Answer: with great difficulty. But what about now? If retirement is far, far in the future, what about now? This is your life. Is this good enough? Silicon Valley Syndrome is empirically at around 80 or 90% incidence around here. The fatigue it causes prevents even people in their thirties from doing a lot of stuff in their free time. If all you want to do in your leisure time is veg, where’s the quality of life in that? Correction of Silicon Valley Syndrome may involve a minor lifestyle change: adjustments and exercises take a bit of time and effort, no question about it. Most of us only make changes when the Universe sneezes at them – death, accidents, disaster, etc. But some people see the warning signs that are pointed out to them, and take action. Find the doctor who can X-ray and locate the subluxation, and


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get it fixed. That’s all. Takes a little initiative, but if you score, you get your youth back. At the least, your free time. If Silicon Valley people took half as good care of their spine as they do their car, there would be no Silicon Valley Syndrome. The first little knock or shimmy or warning light and that puppy is at the garage. How many cars will you have in your lifetime? How many spines? – Dr Tim O’Shea

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CURING THE FROZEN SHOULDER Frozen Shoulder Syndrome is a very common condition, all the more vexing because of the high rate of misdiagnosis. It is mysterious because onset can be either traumatic or nontraumatic, and have a variety of contributory causes, any of which may be primary. Frozen Shoulder Syndrome is the sudden loss of range of motion of one shoulder joint, often occurring in just a few days, with no apparent inciting event. There is severe pain that limits motion. Sudden moves wherein one forgets the condition may result in blinding pain that may bring the patient to his knees. Pain may keep the patient awake at night. Taking sweaters and jackets on and off suddenly now has become a monumental undertaking. After the rapid onset, Frozen Shoulder may persist for weeks, months, or years. Most disconcerting. Symptoms include: Loss of abduction Loss of internal rotation; can’t touch opposite scapula behind the


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back Loss of extension Loss of lateral reach Loss of flexion: raising the arm fully Severe guarding spasms of the trapezius, rhomboids, and rotator cuff muscles Sharp paralyzing pain if full range is suddenly attempted Radiating severe neuromuscular pain from acromion to distal biceps, occasionally to wrist in advanced cases Pain may be temporarily incapacitating, taking one’s breath away Pain is relieved by limitation of motion – hence the name This article very likely has already gone far beyond the depth of the average medical visit, which will have the patient out the door in 10 minutes or less with a prescription for Motrin, and if persistent, cortisone. We all know the drill. X-rays will be normal, in the off chance they are taken. Medicine doesn’t have time for these conditions which don’t warrant high expenditures of testing and the possibility for serious interventional procedures. In a small number of cases, cortisone injection may actually be effective in the short run, despite the fact that continued use is most certainly destroying most of the tissues involved: bursa, rotator cuff ligaments and muscles, tendons. But in general, steroids have little effect on Frozen Shoulder because the underlying cause is not addressed. Chiropractic techniques abound for Frozen Shoulder, and even the most primitive attempts may show some improvement. But for anyone who requires full use of both arms, some improvement will not do. A cure is required. Fortunately there are some excellent chiropractic techniques which can generally bring full resolution. There are many components of the Syndrome, which is actually good news: it affords many approaches to a cure. Like most neuromusculoskeletal disorders, there is usually a metabolic involvement. Let’s start with the metabolic approaches.


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First, diet. To avoid antagonizing localized inflammation, acidifying, allergenic foods obviously should be suspended. Something resembling the New West Diet should be followed, at the very least. All that caffeine, all that HFCS, all that pasteurized dairy, hydrogenated oil – probably contributed to onset, and is certainly not going to promote a cure. So that’s the first IQ test: how badly does the patient want to be cured? Second, detoxing the systemic allergenics which may be aggravating the condition. Clear the blood. Enzymes, oral chelation, Florabiotics, colon cleanse. Third, hydration. Two litres – you know what to do. Fourth, Hydrolyzed Collagen. This works best with a major loading dose: 3 heaping tablespoons blended in fruit juice, twice a day. That’s it. Not just when you remember, or when you feel like it, or you’ll ‘try,’ but every single morning and every single night. This will be about a pound per week, but just continue until the damage is repaired. Most people notice ancillary benefits in other areas – skin improves, hair growth, weight loss, lean muscle gain, other chronic arthritic areas resolve. Nice bonus, but that’s not our focus here. We are out to cure the Frozen Shoulder – completely. This step right here can be 80% of the cure. Fifth, fish oil. Back to the old fashioned ways. They worked because they were enormously successful as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. Try 3 capsules per day. Miss days if you want to keep the Syndrome. Now for the chiropractic techniques. 1. Clear the brachial plexus from any possible subluxation via vertebral adjustment. If you don’t know what that means, woe unto your patients. We know what schools you went to. Time for some education. Neurology courses, basic chiropractic courses – not the yammering insipid ones. The legit ones. This obstruction can be the sole and only cause of these conditions, and you can balance meridians, rub neurolymphatics, shake and


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bake, do core exercises till the cows come home and nothing may have any effect whatsoever until the simple subluxation is reduced. 2. Neuromuscular re-balancing. There are many versions of this approach, varying from the completely senseless to truly miraculous. The usual variables apply, as with any form of physical medicine: Technical competence and experience of the doctor Intent and focus of the doctor Willingness of the patient to be well Compliance with treatment program Limitations of matter: amount of actual tissue destruction One mechanism which can bring sudden onset of Frozen Shoulder is an unusual reaching or twisting act, as when the patient is off balance, or contorted somehow. The lockup can be caused by the failure of an agonist/antagonist muscle pairing. Flexors vs extensors, internal vs. external rotators, etc. If one half of a pair of muscles does not fire for some reason, or if both muscles in the pair fire simultaneously because one has failed to relax, and then both remain switched on, Frozen Shoulder Syndrome may be the result. Full shoulder motion involves the fluid, unrestricted, and instantaneous coordination among many muscle groups. If one member of the team has shut down – for whatever reason – the entire group of efferents sending down all those coordinated messages from the corticospinal tract may rebel. Lock-up. Refusal. Another of the body’s instinctive mechanisms to protect nerve structures. There are several formal and informal chiropractic techniques which come at Frozen Shoulder from this perspective. 4. Proprioceptive PRT technique. Powerful new technique developed by Dr Jose Palomar of Guadalajara. Esoteric, complicated, advanced AK technique, but frequently effective, often showing dramatic immediate results in one day or less. Practitioners are as rare as an honest man in Congress.


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Dr Dale Mortensen of San Francisco and Dr Brian Garrett of San Diego are two of the best. 5. Muscle strengthening If opposing muscles are incapable of parallel response, it may be simply due to a loss of tone and strength. Start with pushups. If one a day is all you can do, then that’s your starting point. In most cases doing pushups does not aggravate the Frozen Shoulder and may actually relieve pain. Lats, deltoids, triceps, biceps, etc. — strengthen the area. Deep massage may be effective to unlock the joint before strengthening exercises will be beneficial. Probably won’t do much good unles it hurts. 6. Stretching Get one of those new pull-up bars at Big 5 or wherever that go into a doorway without any screwing of anything. Grab the bar and lean back using your body’s weight to stetch the traps and rotator cuff in a relaxed way. Twenty seconds is the absolute minimum valuable stretch, of course. More is better. Mild discomfort is OK. But this step cannot be omitted if you’re looking for the cure. Without missing a day. It’s the criterion for improvement. 7. K-laser Now I’m not getting any kickbacks for saying this (like some we know), but it has come to my attention that laser technology has leapt far forward in the years since my articles about equine leg problems and the Microlight. So many arthritic problems persist because the body just can never get past the amount of inflammation that is chronically limiting the phagocytosis and carrying off of the dead cells and debris. That’s just one part of the physiology involved that can respond overnight to a few well placed treatments with this most modern of healing devices. As many failures as cures, though. There it is. How many of these will you have to do to get cured? How would I know? The answer is as many as it takes until you’re normal again. But what choice do you really have? The geniuses have nothing for you. The hands-on approach is your only option here. Unless you’re ready to get put out to pasture, that is. As a gimp, whining


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about a Frozen Shoulder. Get to work!

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back to top HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN STORIES Hydrolyzed Collagen chapter

[Standard disclaimer: the following statements are unsolicited anecdotal comments from real people. There is certainly no claim being made here that any of the whole food supplements or holistic methods described on this site are meant to diagnose, treat, or cure disease. The supplements are whole foods, not drugs.] Hey Doc! Hydrolyzed Collagen is essential for a speedy recovery!  I am a lifelong, avid surfer and snowboarder. In January I was snowboarding at Kirkwood when I took a fall and fractured my right pelvis. It’s now March (just 3 months later) and, with daily Hydrolyzed Collagen (yes, daily!), I’m already enjoying snowboarding and surfing without any pain or restriction. Lovin’ it! That you can repair damaged bone and joint structures with Hydrolyzed Collagen is no false claim. I’m living proof. – Dr Scott Sawyer, Santa Cruz [email protected] **************************** HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN: REHAB OF LOST BICEPS For years I have been a competition water skier, specializing in slalom skiing. I had learned to replace my low-end generic protein powders a couple of years ago with Hydrolyzed Collagen, introduced to me by Dr O’Shea. It always worked extremely well to build lean muscle and also for quick healing back to top


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of minor injuries and strains in three days or less. So much better than all those other standard health club powders. I never thought I would have to put collagen to the test however until I had a freak accident that cost me my biceps. I was skiing with a very short line and started to fall. As my hand hit the water, the rope handle popped out of my hand, and in a split second the boat snapped the handle away, which went up my arm, right into my biceps, severing it in half crossways, with the tendons still attached. The pain was unimaginable. I was most unfortunate then to go first to an orthopedist who delayed treatment due to misdiagnosis of the type of injury. By the time I had found a competent surgeon, my arm was in a pre-gangrenous state. That surgeon did the surgery the next day, removed all that was left of the biceps and insertions, leaving me minus one biceps. I began rehabbing a week later with range of motion exercise, and doubling the collagen dose. After just 3 weeks of rehab I could straighten my arm all the way. I continued the regimen, and after a few months was able to resume virtually all my sports activities again, including water skiing. Although I no longer perform at the intense competitive level, my recovery has been dramatic. I am able to do almost everything I had done before the injury, with compensatory development of collateral musculature, resulting from the constant rehab exercises and collagen. I am very glad I discovered this very simple and effective collagen product; I just wish I didn’t have to test it to this extent! J. Thielman Lake Tahoe ********************* Hello Doctor T! No hip replacement! this stuff is a miracle. Almost 3 years ago I was having severe hip pain. Getting worse. X-rays showed bone on bone in the hip ball back to top and socket joint. They were scheduling me for surgery when a Doctor of


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chiropractic told me about your Hydrolyzed Collagen. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I gave it a try. I decided I might as well do it right and take the maximum dose that you recommend on your website – 3 tablespoons blended in juice twice a day. Nonstop – never miss a day. I was blown away when after 3 months all the pain was gone! Never expected the joint to rebuild like that. I figured might as well keep going and build up as much new cartilage as possible, so I’ve kept it up for almost 3 years. Now I have normal use of the hip – no pain. The stiffness resolved when I started adding a couple oz of certo and grape juice. I’m a new man. Going to get new Xrays so I can actually see the new layer of collagen in the joint. Can’t thank you enough – and that chiropractor for telling me about it. The surgeons were really mad! Too bad, right? E. Baney N. Java, NY [email protected] ******************************************* Hey Dr T! Thanks to your Hydrolyzed Collagen I cancelled my hip replacement surgery. Here’s what happened: I had severe degenerative arthritis, according to my doctor, and the X-rays. The hip socket was bone on bone – you could see it clearly. It got to the point where I was in almost constant pain and had to use a cane to walk. I had to be on 2 pain killers a day, including Diclofenec, which can cause stroke and heart attack – – but otherwise I just couldn’t function. I started taking your collagen twice a day, blended in juice, just like the label says. After 2 months I was much better – after 3 months I had no pain at all! I can walk now, go swimming and do normal activities. So glad I found this solution and skipped the surgery. The doctors weren’t happy. So what? Thank you! Indiana Gary grootz3879@gmail

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************************** Dear Dr, Can you send another consignment of Collagen ? However while reading through your testimonials I noticed the advice you gave to a couple of people about a loading dose – so for a low back pain I had been experiencing I doubled the dose, as you advised, and literally the next day my back had improved. The day after that I was 100% better. Couldn’t believe it. Great Stuff. Many thanks. Kind Regards, T. O’Kelly N.Ireland ***************************************************** HI Doc For many years I used to get Cortizone shots in the base of each thumb and my big toe approximately every eight months. After taking your Hydrolyzed Collagen for a few months the pain was gone! Because of an injury to my toe I had one additional shot. With that exception, I have been pain free all this time. I have been taking Hydrolyzed Collagen every day for 3-4 years. Thanks for a great product! Jerry Medinger Key Largo [email protected] ******************** Hello Dr T: Having initially started on the collagen for kidney degeneration (blood tests every 6 months) 8 months into the collagen I herniated a lower back back disc and to top began treating with inversion – which has definitely helped. I have confirmed


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cervical spondylitis aggravated by torn rotator cuff muscles in both shoulders which never seemed to heal completely. I have been taking the collagen one time a day – 2 tablespoons – for several months, and I can see no obvious benefit. I exercise but invariably arthritis kicks in and I have to ease up. At 61 I seem to be suffering from steady degeneration thanks to a very hardworking life – complicated by massive stress. Always lived a healthy life on all fronts. I see much sense in your approach – and humour. Am I expecting miracles from the small ration of collagen? is it worth continuing? Many thanks for your consideration, it is much appreciated. from …… the Yukon [email protected] [Dr T reply]: THAT’S EASY- no loading dose. someone with as stressful a life as you is causing destruction faster than your tissues can be repaired. kinda like a basketball player with a sprained ankle who thinks it’ll heal if he keeps playing. in your extremely traumatic lifestyle, whyever that may be– you must start out with a loading dose–which you’ve never done– which would be at least 2 tblsp twice a day, and maybe 3 tblsp twice a day, depending on weight. what you’ve been doing is barely enough to keep pace with the rate of declining collagen production that accompanies aging– to reverse a degenerative trend you have to tip the balance in favor of abundant availability– to give the body all it needs to maintain tissue integrity and at the same time repair tissue damage–

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i thought this was explained in the chapter on hydrolyzed collagen, but maybe it wasn’t clear enough– so the answer is — double or triple your intake — not forever but at least for 2 or 3 packages until you reverse the trend more toward healing instead of progressive degeneration. and take a break– ! life is short enough! regards dr t *********************************************************************** Hey Doc, I have been using the Collagen for many years now. Looking back, after an ACL surgery my knee was getting gradually weaker. I began to wear a knee brace hoping that would improve things. It didn’t. After a year of the brace the knee was getting worse, so my orthopedist was scheduling a second surgery. That was when I started taking your collagen every day. After about 3 months the pain was gone and the joint kept getting stronger. No surgery! Now I am able to do the full F45 workout with no restriction. People should know they have an alternative to surgery – especially when the long term post- surgical track record is so dismal. Really appreciate thedoctorwithin – all the chapters and information! Kurt Francis Physicist Santa Barbara [email protected] ******************************************************* After attending Dr O’Shea’s nutrition seminar I have been using the 60 Day Detox in my practice. Recently I was working with a patient, a 50 year old construction worker who back to top had a swollen and arthritic knee for years. Painkillers and antibiotics couldn’t


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touch it. Recently he had a severe flareup and had great difficulty walking. He started taking Dr O’Shea’s collagen, and after one week was 80% recovered. In 3 weeks he was 90% cured. His wife is a nurse and doesn’t believe in anything holistic. But after seeing these results with the husband, decided to try the collagen for the rheumatoid arthritis in her fingers that had been worsening for years. After 2 weeks, her hands were 80% recovered. I don’t know what this collagen is, but my patients are amazed. – Dr Yaniv Farbenbloom, Los Angeles ***************** This hydrolyzed collagen is unbelievable. I thought there was no hope! I have had low back pain for 6 years, worsening every year. A chiropractor I went to was no help. Waking up at night with pain, I even had to stop exercising. It was getting so bad I had to pick up my legs with my hands to get in the car. I began limping, and walked in a stooped over posture, all the time. Finally one month ago someone told me about collagen. After 5 days taking it, I could walk straight again. After 2 weeks the pain was over 50% gone, and I began trusting my right leg to bear my weight for the first time in 2 years. Now it’s been one month and the back pain is completely gone, except for occasional twinges. Medicine had nothing for me, except experimental surgery. My life was going down down down. How I ever found out about collagen, I am beyond thankful! Cheryl Johnston cheryljohn@gmail ******************************************************* Dear Dr O’Shea

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Our office has been buying 50 Collagen at once for several years. Patients love it. Many success stories. we just had a man with a knee surgery who was told it would take 14 weeks before he could walk again, After 7 weeks he was completely healed and walks with no pain.. thank you! Dr Roger Roberts office Sierra Vista AZ [Dr T]: that’s great, doc. …wish he would have tried it sooner – might have avoided the surgery altogether, like so many others. Keep up the good work. The healing begins in your office. ***************** hi doc, Skiing in Lake Tahoe. Took a very easy fall but landed wrong and flipped backwards onto the right shoulder. Examination showed severe rotator cuff tear with Grade I acromio-clavicular separation. The shoulder was completely locked up for 2 weeks. No range of motion in any arc, due to severe pain and edema. Practicing chiropractor – could not work at all. Began looking into total disability paperwork. Then I began taking Hydrolyzed Collagen every day. Noticed immediate results — gradually increased motion, decreased swelling, improving quickly. After 2 weeks, I was able to return to work, with some restriction.. After 6 weeks continuing with Collagen, was completely recovered, with no residual pain, stiffness, or restricted motion. No drugs, no medical doctors, no rehab. Just collagen and chiropractic adjustment – natural holistic, vitalistic approach. Dr Brent Trockman Avila Beach CA ********************************************* i bought your collagen and my tooth is no longer loose Mary Lynn
********************************** HEY DOC, The collagen has been working remarkably well for my patients. And fast. Have one auto accident patient, in her 60s. Badly injured hip joint, limping. 8 weeks of best chiropractic care yielded minimal results. Began collagen and in 2 weeks she had full range of motion and was practically healed up. I’ve seen the benefit for my patients, not just with collagen but with the rest of your supplements as well. Thank you, Dr T! Dr Aaron Seaton Redding *********************************** Dear Dr T Thank you for your advice regarding collagen. I will look forward to receiving 12 packs in due course. Regarding my knee story, if it is helpful: I have had weak knees since i was a child, perhaps caused by sports and other injuries. Most of my life, I was not able to kneel down for more than a few minutes without pain, and when i got up I was always stiff when i started walking. Ten years ago I was advised to take some serrapeptase enzyme for a different reason, and my knees became very loose and would regularly clunk slightly out of joint. This was painful and very alarming. As a result I was no longer able to sit cross-legged ,or kneel down at all, Every time i got up, I would hobble for several minutes in pain and stiffness. I was only in my early 40s and it was very distressing, especially as I had a young child to take care of.

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Then, earlier this year, Jason Eyton advised me to try your collagen. I took two heaped tablespoons in a freshly pressed vegetable juice twice a day. Within two months I was able to kneel down without pain. It was amazing. My knees no longer clunk out and I am not stiff when i get up. This is hard to believe as I lived with stiffness for most of my life, but it is absolutely true! I am so grateful as I was feeling very old until then. My husband used to have very white hands and feet in the winter, but after taking the collagen at the same dose (two table spoons twice a day) his noticed his hands and feet were a normal colour again. He was really surprised and happy and he no longer gets chillblains, which were very painful. And lastly, our dog. She is an old rescue who came over from Hungary at aged 11, and was very poorly. Since starting on the collagen, she has had a new lease of life. She is no longer sick after eating, and her back legs, which were very weak with no muscle, have strengthened up really well. Although she will never be a strong dog, she bounces around and is so much happier. With kind appreciation and thanks. Joanna Fuller Somerset UK [email protected] ************ Hello, my name is Don. I ordered your Collagen about 2 weeks ago and am amazed of how well it works. I’m a 41 year old bodybuilder/MMA training & bootcamp participant. My shoulder presses are on the heavy side and i was having problems with my left shoulder for months….now it went away….cannot beleive it. I have a question about this product, i noticed that my erections are better and semen volume has risen….no complaints here, but just wondering if this stimulates HGH levels or something? my email is


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Weight Loss, Pain Relief, Cravings Reduced About 8 months ago my daughter and I started taking the Hydrolyzed Collagen. Our dosage is 2 tablespoons of collagen twice a day. We both had muscle pain which for her went away quite quickly. Mine, since I’m in my 70’s, healed slower. We had significant weight loss. She has lost 27 pounds –I have lost 17 pounds. Daughter has gone from a size 12 to a size 6, and I have gone from a 12 to an 8. I have also had a remarkable change in hair thickness, as well as faster growth of fingernails. Everyone has noticed these changes, as well as a thickening of the skin of the face. We try to stick to grass-fed meat and organic produce but it wasn’t until the introduction of the Hydrolyzed Collagen that things started to improve. We both will be taking this amazing supplement for the rest of our lives. I believe this will slow down the aging process. Sue P. — Las Vegas [email protected] *********** I had major degenerative changes in the cervical spine – discs gone C4-T1, both knees bone on bone, both the hips – bone on bone at acetabula, discs gone at L4 and L5. This was after a lifetime of sports including martial arts, marathons, etc. I was reduced to a wheelchair for more than a year, in constant pain. I could walk at home, but very slowly, and was bent forward at a 30 degree angle. Then I learned about the Hydrolyzed Collagen from Dr O’Shea’s seminar I attended. After a month or 2, I quit the wheel chair for a walker, then went to back to top a cane, and finally returned to unassisted walking. But the most amazing


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finding was getting new X-rays after a year of taking the collagen 2x a day: the discs had returned in both the neck and low back, and the menisci in both knees had returned! Also the hips, though still close up against the acetabula, were significantly improved. I had far less pain than before, allowing me to walk. The doctor said the new X-rays looked like that of a 30 year old. (I’ve been in practice that long) What really turned it around for me was when I upped the daily dose to 3 tablespoons 2x a day. I could just feel my strength and mobility return. I feel very fortunate having discovered this Hydrolyzed Collagen. Without it I would certainly have been in the land of the tall trees by now. – Dr S. Bosshuf, Santa Barbara ***************** Dear Dr O’Shea, I had a emergency liver transplant in 2009, after a severe liver infection. The drs. said I wouldn’t make it and my family was told to say goodbye. By the grace of God and the Cleveland Clinic I survived. But, as a result of the trauma, medically induced coma, and a long hospital stay I came out with neuropathy and fibromyalgia. I woke up with severe body pain all over, in my joints, and been loaded with so many toxins they didn’t function well. My hairdresser sells the collagen at her salon and recommended I try it. I was at a point I could barely walk when I woke up because of hip pain. After trying your collagen powder for just one night. I woke up with NO HIP PAIN what so ever. After taking it for a couple weeks by body all over body pain is now finally gone! I also had tried the WEN hair products and lost a lot of hair as a result. Nothing was helping me grow it back but your powder. I can feel new growth !! Now I hop out of bed and feel like I did when I was 30 and am now 48yrs old. HUGE DIFFERENCE in my life in every way and I don’t have to take pain back to top meds. Prescribed by dr.


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THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU !! Sincerely, Michele Manco Cleveland, OH [email protected] ***************************************************** Hi Doctor Tim, Was glad to have stumbled upon your site and took a chance to purchase your collagen. All my life, I had been an avid soccer player, and 8 years back I had to call it quits as both my knees were wobblY. I suffered from acute stabs of pain in my left knee whenever I suddenly changed direction. I had an MRI done and the orthopedic doctor asked if I would like to consider microfracturing to try to regrow some worn knee tissues. All it cost was around USD $15K or so per knee! That was only in June this year before I ordered my Collagen from you which arrived in early July. Now, I am actually playing soccer again!! – for 2 teams whose average age is around 35. I am 52 and am proud to say that my team mates appreciate my high work rate. Thanks Tim Philip Wen Singapore ********************* Dr. O’Shea – you have another winner with this new Collagen supplement! It is definitely on my top five supplement list. The list of side benefits are back to top amazing. The weight loss my wife has experienced was an unexpected


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bonus. Scars dissapearing, hair and nails thickening, better sleep, etc. I and my family will be taking this for life in addition to the other fine cutting edge suplements you recommend. It’s so nice to know someone who has done the research and sells the “real deal” and that I’m no longer wasting my money trying to find the right supplements in the health food jungle. – Martin Runik, Cameron Park CA. ***************** I have been taking collagen for almost 4 years now. I originally had chronic joint pain of the knees and hands for about 10 years. Nothing helped except for glucosamine, and that was only a little. Nothing appeared like a cure until I began taking Hydrolyzed Collagen regularly. Soon I could exercise normally – no pain. This collagen definitely cured me of joint pain. I found a winning ticket and I will continue to take it. HC for the rest of my life because of everything it does. Thank you! – A. French, Bay Area *************** Very informative Dr T. You have obviously spent a great deal of time and effort with this subject and the products. In a world with so much marketplace competition it is rare to find your web page. .. there are exceedingly unscrupulous merchants that sell rotten and harmful foodstuff from China and anywhere else they can get it to unsuspecting consumers. For the sake of myself and my family I am careful of what we all consume. I have ulcerative colitis and am hoping this will be a healthy choice for me. So for these reasons I am careful to read and understand product information on labels. I do not know anything about you or your product and only have your website to go on for information. I am the sole provider. I cannot afford to risk my health for any reason because that would jeopardize my livelihood as well.

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Based on the manufacturing process of this product described on your website I would like to purchase your hydrolyzed collagen today. The information in the chapter of your web page was what to look for in the best hydrolyzed product and did not claim it applied to your product necessarily. But I will assume your product is produced exactly the way as described on your site. Thanks for your time and for the lesson on collagen. David Stokely [email protected]> ********* Thanks a lot, Dr. T. We will always remember you as our angel who watches over us and guards us against all evils and from being lured in by charlatans and “googlepedia” as you call it. Really for a novice who is desperately looking for a cure, we are often drawn to our eventual disappointments. There’s so much to learn from you and from your website that it will take two lifetimes to learn from it. How you were able to master it is beyond admirable. My wife and I often think of your sage words whenever we are reading something and often use this question to help guide us: “What would Dr. T think about this? For instance, we were all along doing our smoothies with your Hydrolyzed Collagen with all the mixed fruits and berries thinking we should get as much nutrients and enzyme as we can to optimize our body’s needs. We were also following your direction: “Get the most nutrients into your body as you eat.” Good thing you caught us in time when you told us, mixing Hydrolyzed collagen with tea is bad. Mixing it with so many varieties is also bad and it’s better to mix with one fruit or one vegetable juice. Whew! What a screeching halt that was. back to top


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Anyway, this statement is to tell you how much we must still learn from your immense knowledge. Thank you also for sharing it with us and everyone so generously and openly. God Bless You. Molly Vivian and Joseph Los Angeles ******************************** Greg White, 60 years old, Santa Paula, CA Two years ago, Mr. White was taking morphine and Vicodin multiple times a day. His original injury had been mishandled by Worker’s Compensation, – four failed back surgeries, and his medical doctors were trying to convince him to go for a fifth. For some 31 years Mr. White has been a patient of Dr. Alice Nelson of Santa Barbara CA. He had been coming in for adjustments every six weeks or so. After a nutritional seminar with Dr. Tim O’Shea, Dr. Nelson thought a trial of collagen for Mr. White would be worthwhile. He no longer looks like the man we knew 2 years ago. That man had severe muscle wasting, and was by his own admission, a drug addict to those pharmaceutical drugs he was taking. The man we see now has regained much of his musculature and is completely free of all prescription pain medications. How did Mr. White get to this point? In his own words: I started taking the collagen about a year ago (June 25, 2009), . The collagen calls me. I listen to my body. I take it every day, once in the morning, and again in the afternoon. I don’t forget, it’s food to me. It’s what my body wants. I like to think I can trust what my body says, now. [When under medical care] I was doing what I was told, and it was killing me, back to top


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slowly. Nobody saw anything wrong with that. Ignorance isn’t bliss! I asked if his medical doctors wanted to know why he is so much better. I don’t think so. They were angry I didn’t want to continue with the morphine. They lost money, I think that was it. With regard to taking collagen: It’s easy. If you take the collagen once or twice a day for a couple of weeks you’ll know there is a difference. Your fingernail clippers don’t work as well… If it helps my fingernails, I’m thinkin’… what else is it doing all over my body? …THIS is modern medicine. Making people better. I’m a better person with less pain. And, I’m clearer now. No more fog in the head. Mr. White told his surgeon that he’s saving about one thousand dollars a month in prescriptions. “Collagen unlike pharmaceuticals is not poison, it’s GOOD. If you’re paying attention at all, you will quickly notice improvement – little bit by little bit – until you say wow! This stuff is amazing! I wouldn’t let them do a lumbar fusion – and they fought me, hard – …I don’t know why they [the medical doctors] didn’t get on the phone and call you guys. Why didn’t they want to know what’s so different about the collagen, and chiropractic? Where is “here, have some more morphine” in the Hippocratic Oath? In the dark of the night, there’s only one person there… and until you call for help, you’re alone. …If you don’t think there’s hope, there isn’t hope.” ************** thought you might be interested that your collagen is turning my grey hair back to its original color of dark brown. – dr steve [email protected]

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[Standard disclaimer: the following statements are unsolicited anecdotal comments from real people. There is certainly no claim being made here that any of the whole food supplements or holistic methods described on this site are meant to diagnose, treat, or cure disease. The supplements are whole foods, not drugs.]

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Feedback and Testimonials - thedoctorwithin

******************************* Dear Dr O’Shea Maybe you’ll remember that 3 months ago I came to your office telling you my story of pain. I had a history of osteoporosis with severe hip and low back pain for a year. I took medication but it got to the point where it was no help at all. Had a bone density test which confirmed the advanced osteoporosis. Then 2 weeks before I saw you I collapsed from pain which was so severe I couldn’t even speak, let alone walk. A few days later I came to your office for the consultation and bioterrain analysis. You looked at my records and hematology, referred me to a chiropractor near me and put me on your 60 Day Program. If ever there was a candidate for it, I was the one. Now 3 months later I am so happy to report I’m a changed person. I have no more bone pain, back pain or joint pain. I am running on the beach very often. I can dance all night! A cyst which had been developing in my breast has completely disappeared. But now for the most amazing thing – I had a bone density test which came back up one whole point. My orthopedic surgeon said he never saw anything like it before. I’m sure it’s due to the collagen. The 60 Day Program was a little difficult at first. My friends told me I didn’t have to follow it to the letter. But I knew I did have to do it exactly as written because I knew I was sick. So I didn’t cheat even once. And after 2 weeks it became routine, and was actually fun. Now after completing it I am so glad I did! I have my life back. This is definitely has to be the #1 holistic health program out there. Can’t thank you enough! back to top


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– Irene from L.A. ****************************************************************** TESTIMONIAL Allow me to say that if you’re reading this testimonial, you’ve found what I believe to be the best health related website known to man. I’ve read them all, so save yourself a lot of time and energy and read the chapters on thedoctorwithin, and if these do not solve most if not all of your health related issues, my guess is you’re probably beyond help. My health started to decline about 10 years ago. Being in my mid 20’s at the time, I didn’t acknowledge obvious signs, but continued to work out and just force myself to run, lift weights, etc., and generally blame any allergies or other disorders on things such as age, environment, and not really concern myself with health or diet. As the years passed, I noticed I couldn’t really gain or lose weight. My allergies got to the point where I just couldn’t taste food, and the only way to breathe through my nose was to sprint as hard as I could in the hopes my nostrils would open up as a response to my body needing the oxygen. My skin became very dry, and after years of neglect and a fast food and Mountain Dew Diet, I developed eczema on my hands and feet, dry skin on my back and rosacea on my face. All, of course, had no cures but I was eagerly prescribed bottle after bottle of antibiotics, steroid cremes, etc etc.. My temper got to the point that it was almost impossible to be patient with my two small children, At that point I actually started using the internet to find out what the hell was going on with me, and why I was rotting from the inside out. After reading well over 500 sites, I started looking into the natural, holistic types of treatments. I continued to visit doctors and received the same nonsense with every visit. The dermatologists kept pushing the steroid cremes and antibiotics and M.D.s would actually say “You have a deviated septum, we need to set youto top back up to get that repaired (surgery) or you’ll never breathe through your nose” or


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the classic “I would think there was a problem with you if you weren’t exhausted all the time.” I guess with that statement and the fact my face looked like I was wearing a red hockey mask – I decided I was going to try this crazy ‘holistic’ approach. I started going from site to site , but for some reason I was reading about enzymes one day and it linked me to Dr. Tim O’Shea, thedoctorwithin. Thank God for that. After reading some of his chapters and laughing hysterically at some of his comments about uncredentialed chatty females, I thought finally a guy who gets it and seems like a straight shooter. I hung the New West Diet on my refrigerator and stopped the fast food (3X a day) and Mountain Dews immediately. I decided to give Dr. O’Shea a call and get the consultation. Unfortunately I have quite a story, so the hour seemed to pass in about 3 minutes, but it was critical I made this call as he is no bullshit, and he really put the lingering questions and doubts I had to rest. I continued to prep my body with organic fruits, vegetables and meats, and when I ordered all the recommended supplements, my 60 day detox began. It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that his program UNEQUIVOCALLY cured every degenerative disease I was suffering from. As I type this, the only reminder of the last eight years is a slight pinkish outline on my cheeks from where the rosacea cleared. The allergies – gone. The yellow bubbles/toxic poison breaking through my fingers and feet – gone. The lethargy, falling asleep to and from work, falling asleep the minute I walk in my front door – gone. My energy has gotten to the point I’m trying to avoid being labeled hyper. The wonderful skin on my back described by a few gals as alligator skin – gone. The brain fog – gone. The body fat – gone. A wart on my right index finger – gone, just fell off. If you’re wondering if I’m saying that this program is a panacea, for me it was. Plain and simple. I can taste food for the first time since I can remember, and the taste of organic food compared to the processed trash I was eating back before is unbelievable. Now whether it is the food or the fact that I can nowto top


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taste, who knows and who cares. All I know is my physical condition is incredible and I just wish I knew about this type of program years ago. The final thing I can attribute to Dr. O’Shea and his incomparable knowledge, is the fact that about midway through the program I passed mucoid plaque. That feeling for me was indescribable. It has been described by Dr. Richard Anderson as an emotional, physical and spiritual experience, and how right he is. Now that the 60 days are over, it seems like about as easy a program as you can follow. I had the ‘healing crisis’, I had the doubts, I had the curiosity about are these holistic types for real, I went through exactly what 90% of you reading this testimonial are thinking. 60 days later, thank God I was at the end of my rope, because I did the program by the book and every condition I had is gone. If signs reappear, they go away within a day or two. I can’t explain it, but to have this kind of health after forcing myself to believe that the conditions of slowly dying are normal is hard to put in words. In closing I’ll say this. I have no idea if you will get these type of results. If I was a betting man I’d bet everything I own that you will. It is just that simple. If you live on garbage food, milk, and things you always thought were moderately healthy, get on the New West Diet, follow it, call Dr. O’Shea for a consultation and see what happens. You’ll be writing your own testimonial in about 3 months. From: Sean -Cured on the East Coast. [Sean’s follow-up comment nine years later]: I’m writing this testimonial as sort of an update to my initial one, approximately 9 years ago, when I first met Dr. O’Shea. In case anyone reading feels there is no lasting benefit to this program. I reread my initial testimonial and had forgotten how screwed up I was 10 back to top years ago. Forgotten mainly because none of my previous symptoms have


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returned. More importantly, my two sons who are now 15 and 13 and follow the same dietary principals Dr. O’Shea lays down, have defied all standard beliefs on “normal” health issues teenagers face. For example: They have not missed any school for health related issues. Unheard of in this day and age. No braces and no cavities. Their Korean dentist made a point of saying “I don’t understand this, they are the only two kids in (my town) I have not had to put braces on.” I’ve also learned that some of their friends are on their second set of braces. Wow. When my 15 yr old brings friends over it is hard to recognize them due to the amount of acne on their faces. We have no medicines in our house, no boxes of tissues. We do have sunlight, red meat, raw milk, raw cheese, eggs, fruit, simply orange OJ, sweet potatoes and on occasion white rice as a filler for their voracious appetites. That is pretty much it. I buy them bread from a local company that makes it themselves with NO SOY OIL. You may want to read that again, especially if you’re raising boys. So this is my update. Get on the 60 day detox if you’re an adult and lived and ate foolishly as i once did. If your children are suffering due to your lack of knowledge it is simple: Use Dr. O’Shea’s website, dietary recommendations as a guide and soon your child will be an entirely different kid. It is weird how well nourished children behave compared to, well just about every other child. When my 13 yr old was 7 he lost the top half of his right middle finger fooling around with his brother near industrial door hinges (use your imagination). Got it sewn back on and doc said it may take it may not but lets hope it regenerates. At one week checkup doc said it would take about 6 more weeks to see about rehab etc. That was our last doctor’s appointment. I upped his intake of grass fed beef and raw milk. Two weeks later he went to baseball and through muscle memory started throwing. The bandage splint apparatus came flying off and well that was that. I cut the stitches out and his finger is perfect. I believe they call it nutrition. My boys have never, after meeting Dr. O’Shea and doing my own research, and I mean never gotten any needles filled with poison put in their blood. back to top They haven’t gotten the flu shot or SARS or Ebola or anything else, must be


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a miracle…..In every state I’ve lived I filled out the religious waiver form and that is that. I have had your occasional overweight busy body female administrator try to chest up to me but after about 10 seconds the situation is resolved and my boys do not under any circumstances get poisoned. Dr. O’Shea and the information he provides is your wake-up call. You no longer need to “believe” things will get better, when the fact is you can make things better with very little difficulty. -Sean ***************************************************** Charlie Ruland 8:30 AM (2 hours ago) Dr. O’Shea, I have suffered from psoriasis for about 15 years – I am 55 . It started out in small red patches on both legs just above my ankles. It grew in diameter each year. Then it went to my thighs. Just big red splotchy patches, – embarrassing enough that I didn’t want to wear shorts . Then about 4 months ago I started taking several of your products, which are curing my psoriasis. My skin condition has now almost completely disappeared. I am wearing shorts every day and the splotches are 100% gone!! …and the usual itchiness and white scaly skin is all gone. So tell me, how is this happening? I’ve been taking the following products religiously for the last 3-4 months: Digest-A-Zyme (3 tablets AM, 3 in the PM); Florabiotics (3 tablets AM, 3 in the PM); Phase 2 (3 tablets in the AM); Expel (2-3 tablets at night). And last but not least the Protein Peptides powder (w/fresh organic OJ morning and almost every day in a smoothie as well). Nothing in my diet has changed and I still exercise regularly. What do you think? back to top


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Very grateful, Charlie Ruland [DR T RESPONSE]: It’s the synergy of all the products together, in this case especially the hydrolyzed collagen that seems to be repairing the skin. Read the chapter on each product. ] ************************************ On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 5:20 PM Albert Chinchilla wrote: Hello Doc, I have been trying out a juice diet fast for about 8 days so far I have lost 10 lbs. Was beginning to become overweight and then I was introduced to your website by a colleague. Very informative and terrific work! Bought your supplements a couple of times and have been dying to try out the new west diet. That’s why I started the juice diet to prepare myself for your supplements. My question is: how do you know when you are “cleansed”? Sent from my iPhone [Dr T] A good question for a first timer. How did you know it was time to get married? Or divorced? Your life changes. You’re on new whole new plane — or for some, a new rocket ship. You’ll be normal weight. You’ll sleep 8 hours and will wake up refreshed. You’ll have tons of energy and get everything done. You’ll have no pain. You won;’t be on any drugs or have cravings for coffee tobacco, alcohol or refined CHOs. Your skin will clear up. You have that glow from when you were younger. If you exercise, your muscles are ready for fitness. They’re crying for it. back to top


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If you’re unhappy in your work, you’ll quit and find what you were supposed to be doing.  No pain, no drugs, normal elimination, no doctors – except thedoctorwithin. Those are some hints.  ************************************** Hey Dr. O’Shea I just want to say thank you. I did your 60 day program and continued on with your wellness recommendations. I just did an exam and labs for a new life insurance policy. It came back as “Super preferred” which is extremely hard to get. I now have more than double my old life insurance amount for about the same price. No doubt it is due to the 60 day program and continuing with that healthy lifestyle. If anyone is “on the fence” about doing this program I hope this helps. My blood pressure was 114/62 when I did my exam. Before that I was still healthy but would usually come in around 130/85. All of my labs were perfect on this blood test. That is a dramatic improvement. So thank you for all that you do. — Dr Aaron Seaton                     –   –   [email protected] ************ My wife and I did the 60 day program. Great results! We both noticed increased energy. My blood pressure lowered 15 points. And we both lost about 15 lbs. More important I learned a lot while reading all of your articles and feeling the difference in having an enzyme rich diet and by eliminating my toxic load. Great experience that has and will continue to change the course of our lives. Thank you for the work you do. Feel free to post this as a testimonial if you would like. Thanks so much Dr Tim Thanks for all you do! Dr Jason North

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North Chiropractic Center 1220 N. Main St. Suite 2 Springville, UT 84663 (801) 491-4195 ************* HI Dr T! Wanted to let people know that the most important thing about the 60 Day Program is exactly what you say – if you’re not going to dedicate yourself for the entire two months, don’t even bother. Truer words were never spoken. Once I read that, I knew this guy was for real. A few years ago I got a mysterious lung infection. Not only could I hardly breathe, but the pain was so bad I went to the hospital. They were mystified and took a biopsy from the lung. Their best guess was MERSA, complicated by pneumonia and sepsis. The treatment was 6 weeks of almost constant IV vancomycin. I worsened during that time, bedridden, completely incapacitated. After 6 weeks, no improvement – still couldn’t breathe or get out of bed. The best the “experts” would come up with at that point with was another 6 weeks of exactly the same IV antibiotic. At that same time I came across your life-saving website at thedoctorwithin and began reading about the 60 Day Program. Everything you said rang true, especially the part about taking responsibility for my own health because the medics are just guessing, etc. Reading that one idea saved my life. Especially when I found out later that MERSA is the most antibiotic resistant of all bacteria! If I’d have listened to them I’d probably be dead. Anyway, after reading the entire 60 Day Program chapter, I went home and ordered the Program. I also read the chapters on the individual supplements and the New West Diet. I never read anything like this – it all made so much sense.

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It wasn’t easy at first.. The part about the healing crisis was right on the money. For a few weeks I got worse, but I realized that was the evidence of detoxing all those years of sludge and drugs from my tissues. I could feel the changes happening inside me, but it was slow going. But soon I got over the hump and could feel my life returning. I actually did the entire program twice because it made sense to continue the only thing that had ever shown positive results. After everything I’ve been through the one thing I’m sure of is – I would have never got the results I’ve seen without doing your program. I would never have realized that I could be responsible for my own health and could overcome any health challenge. Why don’t more people know about this? No wonder you’re being censored! Have a great New Year doc – can’t thank you enough for giving me my life back. Carlton Stroughton Sarasota ************************************* Good Morning Dr. T! I have done the 60 days twice very strictly and religiously. I felt wonderful while I was on it, the asthma I had was never acting up, sometimes it would try, but something was not allowing it. The second time was even better. after reading all of your chapters and book, I agree with the things you write mostly because I myself looked up most of your data, WOW, Seriously!!!! I am the guy you said that has a “Facilitated neurologic loop that has become sensitized by years of unmetabolized foods, and many different triggers could fire that, so more fundamental than cutting out the triggers in my opinion, is dismantling the whole pathway itself.” I loved that sentence!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Dr. T for taking the time.

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Krisztian K Burbank *************** I just wanted to say that your website is one of the few that speaks the truth. There is so much bad information out there promoted by the big, evil moneymakers, that people need an alternative source of information. I am particularly impressed by your pointing out the problems with fluoride and fluoridation, as well as hydrogenated oils, which are literally everywhere in today’s food. I am very angered to know that millions of people are unknowingly poisoning themselves and their own families, thanks to the blatant lying and misinformation. To the corporations, it’s as if we exist only to make them money. Buy their foods and drinks and when you get sick from the food, buy their medicines. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, – Andrew Peters ******************************* Hello Dr. O’Shea, I saw your interview with Dr John Bergman on YouTube today re gut health and the 60-day Detox. I was very interested in your 60-day detox discussion and have a question for you. I had Covid just less than 2 months ago. One of the lingering effects has been a messed up GI system. I have never had any problems with my gut and now I have a persistent issue re constipation / lower intestinal pain / bloating. It has been going on now for about 5 weeks and my GP is stumped as to the cause. Nonetheless, a quick perusal of the internet shows a vast number of references regarding the impact of Covid on the GI system – including a high percentage of people suffering from this who have never had GI problems before contracting Covid (like myself). I can’t live like this. I am the type of person who looks for alternative healing methods as I have lost total faith in the medical system, which I believe has been completely infiltrated by big pharma. I have had 2 shots (Pfizer) only back to top


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because I had to in order to be granted access back into my home country (Canada). My question is, would you have any advice on the use of your 60-day detox products as a remedy for my GI issues resulting from my bout with Covid? Covid has completely changed my bowel cycle / rhythm and its affecting every part of my life including my mood / psyche. Any advice would be appreciated. Best, Mark. [REPLY DR T]: HI Mark, First of all my opinion is it’s not COVID, it’s the vaccine. Or else a hybrid of the flu created by the lockdown and the last 2 years of government terrorism. Or else the cumulative effect of years of a bad lifestyle. Stop thinking about some fake infectious disease to blame things on. Drugs vaccines diet lifestyle trauma etc — cumulative is the word. What to do now ? That video was just the briefest intro to the chapter where all the science behind the 60 Day Program is waiting. Without considering the profound lifestyle effects summarized therein the rest of the conversation is just vague and desperate theorizing. You want your health back? Do the work. The geniuses don’t have your answer. It’s up to you now. Start by reading the entire chapter. If all that is irrelevant well then we can start looking for other alternatives. Butr for most people it makes more sense to start with what is right in front of you.

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The 60 Day Program

Full body cleanse detox. How to detox your blood, as well as clear the colon of all debris. For most, it will be the first time. Health results are potentially unlimited. [Standard Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease condition. … Continue reading thedoctorwithin

Journey to the Center of Your Colon

How to Detox Your Colon  Version Française See new video: Say Goodbye to Colon Problems For Good   This chapter has several specific applications: 1. for those who have reached that certain point between self-loathing and self esteem where they can no longer endure the condition of their body and are prepared to do whatever … Continue reading thedoctorwithin

Get busy! Dr T Mark’s reply: Good morning Dr. O’Shea I had 2 vaccine shots back in Jan-Feb of this year, and when Covid hit 2 months ago, I immediately felt something was ‘off’ in the digestive system. I am very interested to learn about your detox program. I trust it’s becoming more popular as more and more people are experiencing GI problems. My understanding is that it’s become the most frequent post-covid/post-vaccine effect (beyond cardiac and beyond lung) that people are seeing. This scares me, quite frankly. My system has lost its rhythm/cycle. I spent several days reading the Chapters and all of the information on your site. I found the information to be very thorough, well researched, and well back to top documented. I am a registered professional engineer and so I consider that


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level of research to be instrumental in my decision process. As such, I just placed an order for your 60-day program. I am very excited and anxious to receive it, as I have now made my decision to improve my health and resolve these gut issues brought on by Covid/the vaccine. Mark. Manitoba, Canada [REPLY FROM DR T]: Thanks for confirming my suspicions. It was definitely the vaccine. In my videos I show how at least 1.5 million Americans have died from the vaccine in the past 2 years, including dozens of other life threatening side effects. All the legitimate scientists know this and are censored from all corporate media. So what you have is a vaccine injury, and your particular effect was obviously the destruction of your gut flora. When you read the colon chapter it describes the Flora Blitz where the dosage of Total Florabiotics is doubled for the first month of the 60 Day Program. That is the most likely remedy for your situation. Let us know if we can help. We do have a discount – if you have another person who wants to do the program with you, we offer a third program for free when you buy two together. In any case. This is a solvable problem as you can see from browsing a few of the Testimonials. Best regards, and Merry Christmas – DR T ****************************** Hi Doc, I was lucky enough to be present for Dr. Tim’s one day presentation in Windsor, England in May. back to top


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loving the 60 days Program. . 4 days left and I am feeling amazing. I’m doing a 12 week triathlon training program that is taking me to Kona for the World Ironman Championships in 2 weeks in the best shape, weight, health and fitness I have ever been in whilst racing consistently over the last 20 years. Awesome….. Many thanks Dr Steve Hobson Osteopath England pilatessteve ********** I love the range of nutritional info, from colon health to collagen, minerals, etc… really found the vaccine material enlightening as well – finally answered many a question I had regarding the impact of vaccines on young children. great day spent… getting to the real basis and cause of diseases. – Anonymous, Carslbad *************** Kathy Keesling Passage: Most informative site! Great information w/o any “agenda” other than healthy bodies! ****************** You need counseling. – FG, Palm Springs ***************** Hi Dr. O’Shea: First of all, your website has changed my life. I luckily stumbled across it one day a few weeks ago. I haven’t finished reading all of the chapters, but the back to top


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ones I have read have really opened my eyes. Wow – I don’t know how to thank you for this information. Christina Pucci Toronto, Ontario Canada ***************************** Dr T.– Just wanted to report back to you that I have been taking the Expel, Total Complete Chelated Minerals, Oral Chelation, Digest-A-Zyme, Total Florabiotics, and your Hydrolyzed Collagen daily for about 3 weeks or so. In that time the Ulcerative Colitis has stabilized. The New West Diet is helpful as well. I am not fully healed yet but clearly the tide is changing in my favor. Your teaching and products are fundamental to my recovery and I want you to know how thankful my family and I are for that. God bless you. It overtook me so quickly that all I could do was to eliminate eating all solid foods. No medications. From the evidence I could only conclude it was ulcerative colitis and/or colon cancer. No other conclusion fit. The jury is still out on the what pathology exactly is the problem but the solution is the same. Going forward I have been having much success with your supplements thus allowing my body the opportunity to heal itself. Something is still very seriously wrong with my colon (blockage, diverticulosis, ulcerative colitis, colon tumor, cancer or all of the above) but the symptoms are greatly diminished. Regardless of what is causing the issue I am seeing measurably significant improvements. My appetite is also increasing dramatically, which is actually making it more difficult to adhere to the strict diet necessary to continue to improve without setbacks. I wish I could have a strong appetite suppressant for a time but I am managing nonetheless. And I take the return of my appetite as a very good sign. Thanks again for what you do. David Stokely

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[email protected] [Dr T]—- Not bad after 3 weeks. Just remember it’s not the Three Week Program– it’s the 60 Day Program. do the deed! Other stories on this page were much worse than yours, and they recovered. ********************** Dr O’Shea: I completed the 60 day program a couple of weeks ago. I followed it to the letter, which was not too difficult after I got used to the diet. I have lost 19 lbs. I had been on blood pressure medication for about 7 years, which I stopped when I started the program. My BP has not gone high a single time during the program or since, which is also great. In our phone consultation, I told you that I had been having issues with my right hip and that my PCP had ordered x-rays and diagnosed me with arthritis and bone spurs almost 2 years ago. You had requested that I send you copies of the x-rays, which are attached. I am well pleased with the results from the program and will continue to follow the diet and your supplements on the maintenance level. Thank you so much Pam – [email protected] [Dr T]: Thanks PK Congratulations on finishing the program as prescribed! I guess the weight loss and getting off BP meds made it worthwhile. Really didn’t expect any visible improvement in the acetabulum in such a back short time. Hpw long did it take to wear out? Six months to a year might betoatop


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more likely interval to expect resolution of that problem that severe. Many levels of collagen structures must be rebuilt. Also I would recommmend seeing a chiropractor who specializes in extremities — it looks subluxated medial and superior on Xray. A real expert, preferably with postgrad training. I know an expert in Morgan Hill CA. Here is the standard maintenance schedule after completing the program. Except in your case the collagen dose stays the same as it has been. Maximum is 6 tablespoons per day. Congratulations on the progress you have made! ****************************************************************** Hello doc… I just wanted to send you an email of appreciation. I’m a 27 year old male who has always had an interest in health. I’ve tried the best I can to navigate my way through all the B.S. out there and actually find the real scoop about health and nutrition. I have to say, your articles challenged my previous belief system, but I dig that. I’m one of the few that enjoys finding out I’ve been wrong. Then at least I have a chance. My girlfriend went Soy Crazy last year, drinking soy shakes, soy milk, eating soy burgers, soy ice cream… Thinking she was doing her body good. Despite going to the gym 6 days a week, she was not losing a pound and felt kinda lousy about it. Before her soy kick, she was doing great. She already had been avoiding sugar, processed food (we know now that soy is processed), and had good success before she got on the soy train. She’s off soy now, eats organic, drinks plenty of water and is feeling great. Thank you for sticking to your guns and exposing the political and financial motivation behind what our country is being spoon fed. Americans are probably the most brainwashed group of people in the history of the world, back to top


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just due to the fact that the media is everywhere, and we’re all so cocky that we know everything. Idiots. I don’t want to live that way. Sincerely, Lawrence August ***************** Just read your Newsletter and LOVED IT!. It had so much great info and great humor despite your seriousness. I learn so much from you. I want to send you my sincere appreciation for what you have done for me. I have completed 60 days of your nutrition program and am so excited to say SUCCESS! I can’t believe the difference – my blood pressure came from low to normal which has not occurred in over 30 years. My skin has improved so much, my digestive tract is working and fantastically at that. I will continue to follow the plan. The diet part was already in my routine but adding your supplements has changed me so much. No depression, no fatigue, and the healing goes on each day. I share your program to whomever will listen. The best way to show the results is to be the results. Obamacare or any conventional medicine will kill me or render me useless, based on my own past experiences. I use your information to support my resistance to any medication and definitely no vaccines. I have a card in my wallet that says I am allergic to ingredients in drugs and vaccines and hope it is respected. I knew thirty years ago I would have to rely on natural doctoring and that is why I pay so much attention to alternative treatments. Just a big hug and thank you for life giving care. Elena Pedersen ***************** Hello Dr O’Shea, My name is Noureddine, i am 31 years old and i live in the south of France. back to top


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I’m writing to you to thank you very very much. I discovered your website 2 years ago when i was becoming desperate about several health issues i had : Acne, psoriasis, gastric reflux, fatigue, often getting “colds” and cherry on the cake overweight ( i’m 6.5ft and was weighing at the most 107 kg (235.4 lbs)). Being French, my diet consisted mostly of products with refined carbs ( bread, pasta, cookies, chocolate, chips, ice cream, yoghurt, all shoved down with heavy amounts of coke). And no physical activity whatsoever. I was hopeless because like you said in the “vicarious elimination” chapter, no drug had any effect … Thanks to you i discovered how the “health” system works in our supposedly advanced countries and it’s an absolute shame. I counted on several doctors to help me, they took big amounts of money from the healthcare national system – and absolutely no one asked about my dietary habits or ANYTHING you mention on your website. Lots of people are incompetent in France but i think the doctors get first prize. So i stopped all these non foods and non healing doctors and i believed in your theory. And it worked. Acne gone, stomach burns gone, psoriasis reduced by at least 70%, i don’t remember my last “cold”, i feel better in my head, more positive about life, about myself, way more energetic and motivated than before, i even feel like i’m more intelligent. I now weigh 80 kg (176 lbs) and can run 10 miles. The only downside is that i had to buy new clothes, all of the old ones are now way too big. I wanted to write to you because i feel like not only have you given the right advice, but i also feel like you offered me more life, both in quantity and quality. YOU deserve the government money not the thieves! Thank you again and if i’m in the States one day, even though it’s a big back to top country, i’ll come shake your hand and share a nice burger with you (french


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humour…). I tried to donate but it’s somehow blocked by my bank. Take care and i really hope i can meet you one day. Noureddine Chalal. ************************** Hello Dr. I thoroughly enjoyed my consultation and have discussed further with my husband Rick. We are committed to making a change to our lives so we can be as health and happy as can be for the rest of our days on this earth. Thank you again for your commitment to health and our conversation. You inspired me! Kristi Boudro [email protected] [Follow up one year later]: Hello Dr. I worked with you almost a year ago and it has made a life changing impact on me and my husband Rick. We started our 60 day cleanse Feb 12 2019, so we are almost to our year anniversary and have continued to eat based on your recommendations and information. We are off all pills, lost weight and feel amazing. … he was diagnosed with bladder cancer … He feels that our diet and the supplements have contributed to his newest diagnosis of having no evidence of further cancer. Sincerely, Kristi Boudro 530-524-9903 Sent from my iPad ************************************************ back to top


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We absolutely love the 60 day diet. It has completely transformed my husband’s life for the better by giving him a fresh new clean body to work with. He’s much stronger & smarter because of your program. We absolutely look at nutrition so differently now and monitor all that we put into our bodies. Thanks so much for your website because if it wasn’t posted I would of never found you! – Michelle & Nicholas Loyle, W. Chester **********************************************

Dr Tim: Supplements from “Thedoctorwithin” helped me to get a good digestion fonctionnement. I know now how the digestion process is important for the body and health.. When I stop taking this supplements I don’t feel so good and I feel that my body needs these supplements. Thank you so much Best Regards Oliver Martin —— Canada back to top


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******** Dear Dr. O’Shea, I hope this email finds you well. I chanced upon your website while researching on wholefood vitamins. Your articles make a lot of sense and I am totally intrigued! I just wanted to find out if my dad is suitable to take the supplements especially the collagen? He has diabetes, high blood pressure for years and on long term medications. Last year July, his doctor suspected that he had liver cancer as his liver was shrinking and he had quite alot of syptoms that pointed to ailing liver. I was alarmed and started putting him on a liver protocol which included lots of wholefood supplements. Three months later, his doctor did not have new findings on his liver condition and all is well. Late last year, his doctor informed us that my dad will require a dialysis as the several tests showed that his kidneys were only 18% functioning. I had him on aloe vera juice for detoxing and still keeping up. My question is I think he gets these problems because he was on high blood pressure medications, we managed to keep the blood sugar under controlled and his pressure was relatively stable at 131/65 sort daily.. can he stop all the medications and put on 60 days program? I would really appreciate if you are able to advise as soon as you can. His doctor is trying to push for dialysis program this month.. I hope my letter was not too long, I wanted to be as precise as we do not stay together. Yours sincerely ANNE (Malaysia) dr tim oshea [Dr T]: to Anne Of course he’s pushing dialysis– it’s lifetime revenue—-\ ever hear of anyone getting off dialysis alive? re-read The Last Resort

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To The Cancer Patient the whole thing you sound like you’re stuck in the magic bullet phase– this is a complete program — total lifestyle detox at the cellular level – requires a complete commitment. read The 60 Day Program what’s less than encouraging is that this inquiry is coming from a third party.. this plan takes focus– the success stories you see on the Feedback page, they were interested enough in survival that they did their own research. Unfortunately no one can take responsibility for someone else’s survival best of luck! Dr T ******** Hello Dr. Tim, It was an honor speaking with you today by phone from New York City. I wanted to give you an update on my health since we last talked. As you know, I began taking your regimen of Chelated Minerals, EXPEL, Digestazyme and Florabiotics about two years ago. I introduced this regimen to my life after having undergone gastric Bypass surgery in 2007 and losing over 155 lbs. Although the surgery was a tool for me to lose the weight, I truly believe that maintaining a healthy lifestyle and incorporating your regimen into my diet has contributed to the maintenance of my weight loss over the past 3 years. Many patients I work with in my support group here in New York City come back after surgery having gained back most if not all their weight. Weight Loss surgery is not a CURE; it is a tool. I have personally never felt healthier or stronger in my entire life and I attribute this to the supplements I am taking at your recommendation. back to top


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As you also know, I shared with you today that after a long battle with infertility, I am pleased to say that I am 3 months pregnant!!! When I told you that I was trying to conceive, you assured me there would be little to no chance of morning sickness if I detoxed… have to tell you that you were right!! I have had absolutely no symptoms of early pregnancy as a result of my regimen. I have not had one day of nausea, vomiting, food aversions or any other medical pregnancy discomforts. In fact, I feel healthier and stronger than ever. My new challenge is trying to convince my OBGYN and family to stay away from forcing me to have the Flu vaccine. The hype that pregnant woman are at the highest risk has left me feeling like a warrior fighting my own battle. If there is anything I can say, i would say “thank you Dr. O’Shea” you have changed my life! Jodi NYC [email protected] *************** Hello Dr. O’Shea, My name is Hanna and I am a patient of Dr. Faith. She introduced me to your 60 Day Program. Although I felt a little sluggish in the first weeks, it is all paying off. My friends and co-workers have major colds and other illnesses, but I haven’t so far. I stopped taking Tylenol and other OTC medication for anything. I have a long medical history starting from a cyst surgery I had at 3 months old. Then at 4 1/2, leukemia – 3 surgeries from 1995-2002. Constant vomiting-stomach aches-unable to keep anything down, Now dealing with scar tissue that has spread to my whole abdomen and back. Until I met Dr. Leuschen and found out about your resources, I was just an angry person sick of medicine and hated doctors. I’ve spent so muchback money to top trying to find answers. Thank you for assisting individuals such as me. I hope


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that after this detox 60 Day Program, I can finally live like any healthy person; for once in my lifetime without pain, medicine, and hospitals. Thank you, p.s. I just wanted to ask if this 60 Day Program also assists in perimenopause. I was diagnosed with perimenopause and osteopenia; due to the late effects of cancer. I am going through the side effects of menopause and it’s preventing me from work, life, and exercise. I’m only 36 and I still have a long life to live. [Dr T:] Thank you. Looks like you’ll recover despite the predictions and treatment of all those geniuses. Perimenopause? Another diagnostic phantasm. Perimenopause is a marketing term for a non-existent condition. i’m not saying you don’t have those symptoms, it’s just that when the other imbalances are cleared you’ll likely see them disappear. sounds like you’ve been around too many doctors. [Hanna]: Yes I have and you’re the last and the best. Thanks for giving me hope of a healthier life to look forward to. Hanna H. Chang [email protected] *************** Hey Doc – Would like to tell you that I am very glad I took the time to have the consultation with you. Losing 26 lbs up till now is excellent, but the best thing that took place was that from day one, have not taken Blood Pressure and Cholesterol medicine. The last test I had (about 2 weeks ago), my pressure was 120/80 and the cholesterol 180.

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I recommended 2 people to you! Thank you Emilio B de Sousa ****************************** Hello Dr. O’Shea, First, I want to say thank you for your work and your website. It was 7 years ago I came across your chapter, “Ascorbic Acid is not Vitamin C”, then read your entire website, and soon thereafter turned my health around when the supposed “experts” didn’t know what they were doing. It has been one of the most defining and influential things in my life, and for that, I am grateful. I would like to hear your thoughts about dental cavitations. I read about this subject from The Weston A Price Foundation website. It describes how tooth extractions, if not done properly, or if not healed properly, can lead to chronic necrosis of the bone, leeching toxins produced by anaerobic bacteria into the body for years thereafter. The article says that the only solution to dental cavitations is surgically scraping out the necrotic bone and removing any remaining pieces of periodontal ligament. However, the general principle I took away from reading your website is that the body can heal from almost any condition so long as it’s given a conducive environment for doing so. After reading “Dr. Weston A. Price and The Root Canal Cover-Up” by George Meinig, I decided to have a tooth, which previously had a root canal treatment, pulled by a dentist who understands the dangers of root canal treatment. Now approaching the date at which I can have the extraction site tested for a cavitation, I’m asking myself what I should do if the scan indicates I have a dental cavitation: to go forth with cavitation surgery or to see if it can heal on its own? I also consider that even if it can heal on its own, how long that could take and what impact it might have on my health until then, considering that the root canal “treated” tooth has caused me to start having chronic neurological problems (it took me a back to top few years to figure out what was causing it). Having said that, in the months


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since I’ve had it pulled, the neurological problems seem to get a bit better every month that passes. Given encroaching vaccine mandates across the world, I’m hoping to get this figured out before I might no longer have an option. Thank you in advance. Regards, Connor [Dr T response:] So much controversy and mythology going both ways about root canal vs. implants. I’ve had both and I understand the pros and cons of each. There’s a major trend in the past few years toward pulling teeth and doing implants for the flimsiest reasons, as the default first choice. You have to always remember the prime directive here: Implants are much faster and easier and about 3x more expensive to do than root canal and crowns. So consider who’s saying what and the economics of their argument. You always have to keep this in mind when reading or hearing anything about implants. Each case must be evaluated individually – taking in mind the age of the patient, their overall health and toxicity levels, recent vaccines, the existing bone density and structure, the integrity of their dental ecology,, their diet, etc. The point is, anyone who says root canals are always superior to implants is wrong. And vice versa– people who say implants are always superior to root canals– they’re wrong too and usually chasing the market. Both approaches can be done holistically for the benefit of the patient, and both approaches can be done wrong and have disastrous results. As far as the price foundation is concerned always remember this: Weston A Price has about as much to do with their Foundation as Jesus Christ has to do with the catholic Church. If you want to know what Price said, read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Don’t read what some guy in 2021 gives as his opinion … There are excellent doctors who do a 3 phase process backfor to top root canal using gutta percha, ozone, etc, thoroughly cleaning out the pocket


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first and letting the root canal heal before they seal it up and put the crown on. As long as the roots are firmly entrenched into the jaw, and the canal is allowed to heal, that can often be much stronger than ripping the tooth out and screwing in a dental implant. There are also excellent dentists who do a fine job with implants, although that is a last resort. Rule #1 is do everything possible to try and keep the patient’s originial teeth in his head. Think holistically – always work with the body first. What is bringing the least amount of trauma, what will result in the strongest bond with the longest likelihood of permanence. But very few think like this these days. Dentists are often greedy, and the most unscrupulous profession of anybody, except perhaps MDs and vets. So that’s the norm – that’s what you can expect when you just go out there and look for a dentist on google. The used car salesman, the 60 second evaluation and high-pressure persuasion to do whatever. There are excellent dentists, yes, out there but they are few and far between. Mostly today dentists are not thinking of your benefit – they’re thinking of their own convenience and bottom line. To approach this situation any other way is naive and unrealistic. Welcome to 2022. **************************************************** My stepmom Rita complained to me about constant tremors, balance, and a nodding head. She has been through a-z from treatments, x-rays and meds etc. Her voice would shake when her head would nod– obviously a serious neurological imbalance. Worsened under stress, which was often. So after a few years of seeing her getting nowhere, I told Rita to drop everything. What if I could show you something so simple and so effective that it would most likely help you with your tremors, I asked her… I then gave her the 60 Day Program with the New West Diet. Marked the calendar. Within the first week we both noticed that the nodding definitely lessened back and to top


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her weight started dropping. By the end of the second week the nodding had all but cleared, and her body started to change for the better. She said to me, “Krisz I am feeling much better! I am so excited.” By week 3 there were no tremors at all she said she felt very balanced. I told her you must finish out the 2 months. She did so. Tremors never came back. I myself was very excited also for the confirmation of the detox. It built my trust also and made me more confident to offer it to anyone anywhere. Rita’s tremors healed, 80lbs dropped, and in the end we have an educated individual who has not looked back since. The 60 Day Program is such common sense! Why don’t people do it first, instead of last? K. Kovacs Kovacs Kovacs [email protected] ***************** hey docI just wanted to give some feedback on the 60 day program. In march of this year my bad cholesterol was up to 6. 47, so my doc advised me to go on a drug to fix it. I decided to do the 60 Day Program instead, and this was the result. After the sixty days, my overall cholesterol went from 9.0 to 5.3 and my LDL went from 6.47 to 3.5. In other words, not only did my high cholesterol get taken care of, I now have a clean colon on top of it, how about that! I feel great, kicked my addiction to coffee and refined sugar, and actually back to top


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learned to love eating rice and all kinds of vegetables and fruits! Thank you, your website has given me a wealth of information! Uli Simon, Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada *************** Just because you are vegan does not make you healthy, I know vegans that eat french fries that were cooked in veggie oil and think that they are healthy. I like O’Shea’s New West Diet. He has it nailed and he emphasizes the importance of chiropractic care, plus Tim O’Shea kicks ass. – Dr Tim Swift *************** [Dr T: Look at Steve Jobs. Dead at 56, lifetime vegan.] ******************* You have the best health site on the internet. I took my kids off of vaccines many years ago thanks to your tireless research and sharing of your discoveries and you are faithful to this day to continue doing this. I am indebted to you for my kids having good health. We read about the chemtrails and it was the final blow for me and my disgust with how our govt has failed its people. So we moved. Out of the country. My choice was a place that did not have chemtrails. May God bless you in the way that true blessings occur, the Lord guarding over you and your family allowing you to be helpful to the ones who need and appreciate your input.

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Thank you very much, planetaustin ***** Dear Dr O’Shea Can you please tell me if any of your products have Gluten or milk products in them? I am lactose intolerant & have celiac disease. If you also have any information on treatment for these problems I would appreciate it very much to get it. Thanks, BW Dear BW: The first answer is no. The second answer is lactose intolerance and coeliac sprue are generally misdiagnosed and misunderstood, which is why the condition persists year after year without resolution. We can’t cure a problem that has not been identified. – everyone is lactose intolerant to pasteurized dairy – has nothing to do with milk sugar reactivity – as long as you think like that you can never be cured – Read Enzymes the Key to Longevity chapter – and the one on Florabiotics. ************* Hi Dr O’Shea Been researching trying to find the skinny on candida, yeast, the fungal form, etc., whether it’s treatable and by what methods. diet doesn’t even seem to matter, herbs can’t kill but only suppress,… Everyone has a theory. Everyone debunks everyone else’s. Confusion abounds. Suffice it to say, I’m in need. Recurrent yeast infections, resistant to treatment, other skin breakouts, thrush in my baby’s mouth…

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we tried probiotics, gentian violet, tea tree oil, nystatin, coconut oil, but nothing takes care of it. every time i’ve done cleanses, my symptoms have actually increased… what is this thing? thank you, j ****** [Dr T response:] dear j Well you have a problem. cases like these are so complex – too little information in a scattered email like this, reflecting too much information on your side..- but with the research topic there i hear you completely—that’s exactly where i was about 10 years ago— first off read my chapter The Last Resort. the whole thing. then read it again. then you’ll begin to understand that yeast and fungus are not your problem— They’re symptoms of a problem which has not been addressed. listening to the remedies you’ve tried i’m even more sure your underlying problem has never been confronted. microbial imbalance is multifactorial- if you miss any part of the puzzle, it won’t resolve. With an informed clinician you don’t need to ‘try’ things anymore. there’s no trying involved. First we analyze the underlying imbalances, identify them and then set out on a program to 1. stop adding to the reactivity 2. remove the residual sensitivities. that’s it. until you do this the problem will be up and down and never resolve, back to top and i’m talking years. sounds like you’ve been on some science fiction sites


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about candida… killing it doesn’t really work – it’s creating an environment in which pathologicals simply do not thrive— everything you’ve ‘tried’ so far hasn’t worked or else you wouldn’t be sending this email. which puts you essentially at square one. so read completely my chapters: Enzymes The Key to Longevity Chiropractic Aloft Journey to the Center of Your Colon Allergies the Threshold of Reactivity Expel Total Florabiotics Unfortunately in today’s ‘information age’ it’s not just about finding the correct information, but about screening out all the lies and irrelevant information to find exactly that which pertains to your case and will restore you to normal health. The best recommendation for me to understand your specific history would be to schedule bioterrain analysis or at least a phone consult best regards dr t *************** David is my 3 1/2 year old son. He was diagnosed autistic at age 2. Before bringing him to Dr O’Shea’s clinic, David almost never spoke. He was underweight – at 3 1/2 he was only about 24 lbs. – Dr O’Shea called it ‘failure to thrive.’ Sometimes David would flap his hands, and do repetitive motions, characteristic of autism. In general he did not respond to us in a normal way, both verbally and in his behavior. His digestion was always blocked up. At this time a friend referred us to Dr O’Shea. Both David and I went through the nutritional consultation, and then the 60 Day Program. back to top


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The results with David have been remarkable. Within just 2 weeks of the 60 Day program, he began to talk, first to himself and then to us. Every week he would use more and more words, and eventually even began to sing! He also is much more aware of his surroundings and is now responding to us normally. He actually answers our questions now and even will speak in complete sentences. It is unbelievable the change that has happened. Before coming to Dr O’Shea, David was worsening every month, becoming more and more distant. Now he is beginning to be able to learn things, like a normal child. Physically, David has also improved dramatically. His digestion has become much more normal and he isn’t all blocked up all the time the way autistic children tend to be. Beginning this 60 Day Program has flushed him out completely. For myself, my allergies have completely vanished, and I have much more energy. That this is a lifestyle change for both of us is now obvious. I feel very lucky that we got all this information finally, after so long going to doctors who didn’t know how to help. Sonya Fernandez San Jose *************** Dear Dr O’Shea, I had a few questions about the specifics of the New West diet – 1. Oils – flax oil, coconut oil, sesame oil (for flavour), virgin olive oil – where do these fall? 2. Vinegars (balsamic, apple cider) – I have read lots of conflicting information… some say you should eat raw cider vinegar every day, some that you should avoid all vinegar like the plague! 3. Fermented/vinegary foods such as pickles, sauerkraut

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4. Potatoes? No mention of them on your page? Opinions of them are so mixed. 5. As to whole grains – I live in Switzerland where the bread tends to be pretty good – I buy it fresh made from the bakery and always get whole grain. Is this is acceptable in moderation? Or is bread in general not allowed? I’m always so confused about bread. I also bake scones or muffins occasionally with wholemeal spelt. I assume this is okay (presuming of course there is not sugar, etc.) I keep a (wholemeal) sourdough culture too, generally for waffles because my bread baking skills are not strong! 6. Mayo – can you explain what the issue is (obviously sugar & hydrogenation aside)? Is a homemade mayo acceptable as a condiment (olive oil, lemon juice, egg yolk) 7. Are dried fruits acceptable as a snack? Do they count as raw fruits (cat. I)? I would imagine that as the sugar in them is much more concentrated they would be more like cat. II or III? 8. Why are raw nuts in Cat. III? I had always thought that raw almonds/walnuts were considered very healthful whereas some other nuts e.g. pistachios, peanuts (which I suppose are not actually a nut) were bad due to some fungus or some such. 9. Raw honey (in tea, in baking)? This is another one that gets massively conflicting information. And blackstrap molasses? I had been taking a spoon of that per day for the iron as I have been anemic since having my daughter 4 years ago. 10. Can I generally assume that herbs & spices are acceptable? (No soy sauce though presumably). Bragg’s liquid aminos? 11. I assume peanuts (& peanut butter), despite being a legume (Cat. I) are a no-no? I’ve never heard anything good about them.

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[DR T response}: 1. no oils– no cooking oils or salad dressings 2 vinegar is fine 3 fine 4 all fruits and vegetables 5 depends on the oils they use– if it’s close to Ezechiel, fine. no sugars, no oils. just like in the swiss valleys in Price’s book. 6. no oils— in the US it’s all hydrogenated– a fattening junk food. 7. of course 8 too clogging– even the raw ones— not in 60 day program– get EFAs from grilled and raw fish 9. fine, ini tiny amounts 10 salt pepper, lemon juice, vinegar, no braggs 11 correct ****************************** “anthony brewer” [email protected] wrote: Dr T: I came across your website thru research on the monsanto effects. I wanted to know your opinion on military. Well, while in boot camp i was informed that the government put a pathogen in the eggs to lower testosterone levels. Do you know if that accusation has any truth? Currently i am a contractor overseas in iraq…and i read a part of your website where you explain how monsanto/government has forced iraqis to grow GMO products, and stripped them of there original seeds. I wanted to know how much of the food we digest today on base (in Iraq) is GE. If the percentage is high, how would i go about implementing the 60 day program while over here? Are there certain foods the government provide to their soldiers that are not effected by GE or igf-1? ALso, had a question on immunization.. i wanted to know if the immunizations are voluntary, why do schools require children to be current on back to top


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all immunizations? when you refer to immunizations are you just talking about the ones for infant, or all immunizations? My next question is: what do you know about the Smallpox vaccination and the Anthrax vaccination that military personnel are required to have? Not to mention everyone who enlists has to go thru a long line of being vaccinated. do you know if any of these vaccines have an effect on reproduction (population control)? If most of your answers are in the book than just tell me they are explain in the book..however if you can elaborate on the subjects above that would be greatly appreciated – Anthony B [Dr T]: Dear Anthony: haven’t heard that about the eggs, but it sounds about right. best website on this topic is military mentality=prison mentality. well, i have no idea what you’re eating, but i don’t imagine there are many whole foods stores or farmers markets in baghdad these days, right? so it’s probably from some government contract lowest-bidder type kickback deal sending boatloads of the generic processed enzyme deficient GM foods that make up 80% of foods on american supermarket shelves. nothing but the best for our fighting boys right? very good question youre asking about GE and igf-1. the whole answer is in my nutrition seminar, which incidentally is going online video very soon. as far as igf-1 – all american milk – except raw milk – can be assumed to be from hormone-saturated cows, which jacks up igf-1 1000x. for your vaccine question, you really have to read my book Vaccination Is Not Immunization. you have to learn that every time you say that you’re using the back to top


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wrong word. so awareness is a process and sounds like you’ve taken the first step because what everybody’s supposed to believe just isn’t logical, is it? again you’re asking very good questions on smallpox vaccines– you have to read my chapters on smallpox on the site, under Chapters– but rememberthe military is the only demographic today still getting smallpox vaccines — because they’re a captive audience– they can’t refuse– and that’s just the ones we know about– they don’t even disclose all the vaccines contained in those airgun shots you guys get— glad to see this flash of awareness in that ocean of propaganda– get the materials and take your time– and if you don’t believe me check my sources. good luck! dr t ************** 60 Day Detox Diet Testimonial Wow! I am so glad I did Dr. Tim O’Shea’s 60 Day Detox Diet!! I was in so much muscle pain, stiffness, weakness and ringing in my ears from the accumulated side effects of Lipitor and Diltiazem for over 10 years. Lipitor is widely known for having negative side effects such as attacking the muscles, muscle degeneration, etc. Well, the Diltiazem has known side effects such as joint pain, dizziness, headaches, etc. So, I was on one poison for taking another poison!! After day 13 on the detox diet, I already noticed marked improvements. I was better able to get out of bed and out of chairs. My weakness, stiffness, joint and muscle pain started to fade and the ringing in my ears went away. Sure, I was scared going off all my meds cold turkey without telling my doctors – I now know that the temporary symptoms were a healing crisis – not to be feared. Dr. T. told me to take a banana, 2 glasses of water, and 3 tabs of back to top


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chelated minerals if I had one of those episodes, and I did with great success! Anyway, I was scared to go off my meds, but I wanted my life back. I’m an active, healthy person and this was too much to bear! On day 13 of the detox I had an incredible passing of “intestinal flukes” that sort of freaked me out, but made me feel a sense of relief too. I also went through other healing crisis moments like soreness in lymph nodes, disorientation, “zingers” in my tummy and so forth, but eventually even the chest tightness episodes went away and my overall health and energy returned. I even felt moments of euphoria during the cleanse and now have even profoundly changed my energy and life with the New West Diet. I have completed the 60 Day Diet. I can’t wait to see Dr. T for a follow-up consult and start to go over my post 60 Day health plan. I’ve even decided to change my health care plan to catastrophic coverage only because the American Health Care System is so broken and misguided. Conventional doctors are trained to treat diseases with drugs and surgeries which most often fail or make one’s health worse! I want a doctor who can help me enhance my health so that I won’t need to constantly be treated with poisonous pharmaceutical drugs and harmful, unnecessary surgeries!! Thanks Dr. T for giving my hope and and completely new way of living my life with health and happiness in the vanguard. Dave Mampel Palo Alto, CA *********************** Dr T, Molly Vivian Huang is a classical pianist who grew up in Manila. Then sometime January 2017, we noticed she began leaning to the right and back to top so we checked with an orthopedic doctor at Kaiser who told us she needed


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physical therapy. No help. March 2018, we began to notice that her posture started leaning to the left and the Kaiser neurologist came to the conclusion that my wife had Parkinson’s Disease. Both doctors recommended Sinemet (Levidopa/Carbidopa). So my wife started taking Sinemet from the starting low dose working all the way to the very high dose of 1,000mg daily. Her posture continued to lean to the left. But negative side effects of the Parkinson’s medication began: severe eczema, constipation and Hallucinations. Finding that the drug did not work, the neurologist recommended additional Slow release Levidopa which also did not work either. Then Amantadine was added and this also had no positive result. My wife began getting weaker and weaker. So by September, 2018, she could not even get up from the bed and had absolutely no strength to do anything. it’s about time we seek help elsewhere. we had discovered Dr. John Bergman, a chiropractor in Huntington Beach and my wife started her adjustments there. She began to regain her strength . It was fortuitous that we met Dr. Tim O’Shea while attending with Dr. Bergman’s Health Cruise to Cuba. With Dr. Tim O’Shea’s Detox Program, and his principle that our body is the most intelligent being and is smarter than anyone If allowed to heal on its own, with a clean diet, our body should heal. So no processed food. No GMO. Only Organic and mostly plant based with occasional organic animal products. No pasteurized dairy. No hydrogenated fats. But grilled fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel at least 4x a week. No restrictions on fruits, vegetables and legumes and whole grains. These supplemented by some supplements which Dr. O’Shea believed will provide the most complete nutrients one needs to thrive for a healthier life. back to top


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We followed Dr. Tim O’Shea’s protocol starting April 2019 and saw dramatic results: her BP came down to normal even though she had stopped her bp meds since March, 2019. Her edema of the lower legs went away. No previous doctors, conventional or alternative could do anything to correct this. Her constipation also went away, again no previous doctors could help achieve this. The only thing is her posture which was still leaning to the left. Dr. O’Shea then recommended Dr. Daniel Gonzales in Oxnard and so from around May or June 2019, my wife began having chiropractic adjustments with Dr. Gonzales. In about two to three weeks, her posture began to straighten and no longer leaning to the left as previous. Her stamina began to increase and her willingness to engage with others returned. But her stooping forward remained and Dr Mark in OC is now working with us. The 60 Day Program was the most significant effect on halting the downward spiral that drug therapy had plunged us into. By supporting her natural immune system, Vivian showed remarkable improvement in her everyday life.. Now I see why so many people with Parkinson’s decline so rapidly. They are unaware of their options and are taught not to trust the natural powers of their own body. We now know there is no limit to those healing powers! Thank you Dr T! Molly and Joseph Ang Los Angeles [email protected] *********************************** Dear Dr O’Shea wanted to thank you for all the work you have done to make your detox program available.

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I finished the 60 day program and what a difference it has made. … lost about 30 pounds. I was headed for a health crisis and feel for the first time I can get well. Before program I was 235 lbs. at 60 years old. Eating well did not change my weight — it was impossible to lose. Health was getting worse, tired, no stamina, lethargic, could not exercise and got worse when I did. November 2013 blood pressure was 210/110 ……..thought I was going to explode internally………every heart attack symptom I knew about I had and then some. Told my kids I felt like I did not have very long to live. Had to get on Lisinopril. Medication helped me get out of crisis mode but still did not feel well. At times my blood pressure was too low while on meds. Started your program and within 10 days my blood pressure was 137/72 most of the time without being on meds. Felt like I was being able to come out of the land of the dead. Stronger physically…..Stamina increased gradually, not tired, all symptoms associated with going to have a heart attack pretty much have disappeared. I have lost 30 pounds. I started the 60 day program in May and have continued to follow it. Thanks again for all your work you have done with developing your program ………. I will be eternally grateful for getting a second chance to live again… Every time my kids see me they are totally shocked as to how much better I am…………they saw me on a downhill slide before that they never thought I was going to come out of other then dying. Mark M Diede, D.C. *********************** Dr Tim! It has been approximately 13 years since I first came across your website back tofortop and it changed my life, and the lives of my now 16 year old twin daughters


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the better!! At the time I was a 27 year old single mom, loving life. At a doctor’s appointment I told my GP that one of my daughters was coughing at night and we were on round 4 of antibiotics for her twin sister for ear infections. The GP wanted to schedule surgery to put tubes in the ears, and start the other daughter on asthma puffers. Without doing anything other than listening to her chest, he diagnosed her as “pre-asthmatic” and sentenced her to a lifetime of medication. After 1 week of administering the “puffer” and waiting for the ear surgery I discovered that the inhalers should slowly increase until finally she would be at max for life. And she didn’t even cough by day. That, he said, would exclude her from many activities from then on. I handed him back the very expensive medication and said I needed to do my own research first. I canceled the ear surgery as I felt like there MUST be other options. He accused me of being a neglectful mother for withholding proper medical care for my children and that he may call “the authorities”. After hours and hours and hours of research I came across many sites about the negatives of dairy, wheat and sugar… including your site. Immediately we went off dairy and within only 1 week there was no more coughing and the ear infections NEVER came back. Not even a bit. I waited 3 weeks and took the children back to the GP for an evaluation. He claimed it was a coincidence and that both problems most certainly WOULD come back and that it was my duty as a mother to get them the proper care. They both have done competitive gymnastics and cheerleading, which would have not been an option for one had we continued with the “asthma” regime. We have not made it a practice to see a GP, have been seeing a Naturopathic Doctor and we have been EXTREMELY healthy!! Over the years I have not been aging half as much as the peers my same age thanks to “journey to the centre of your colon”, your sugar article, back to top


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enzymes and soytainly not. I am a couple weeks away from my Fabulous 40th and I often get people guessing my age as 28-35. My daughters are also big believers in natural health and one of them did a project on enzymes for her speach class in Grade 4 with research directly from your site! We never have medicine in the house, we take probiotics and rarely eat junk food. They are the only two kids in their age group standing out in the hall on immunization days, getting dirty looks from the nurses. The only way I can get out of it is signing a statement that it’s against our religion to immunize. Only once I was asked what religion to which I replied “religion of the right to choose”. When the Gardasil vaccine showed up one nurse said “tell your mom she should be ashamed of herself”. It’s always only been a matter of time before the research comes out to show we made smart choices. …how incredibly grateful I am to have found your words of wisdom, and that you offer them without charge. I pass your articles regularly to friends and clients and they have inspired many people over the years I’ve known about your chapters to make dramatic changes in their health. Truly you have changed the world for the better… all the people who read your work and pass it on and have kids who are raised healthy and able to make smart choices… quite a domino effect of awesomeness! Thank you, thank you, thank you! With love and tremendous support in what you do, – Jenifer from Ajax Ontario, Canada ************************ Dr. Tim, I just wanted to let you know that my wife and I both only made it through about half of what you wrote about Hayden before we were both balling our eyes out.. You are the first person that has ever cared enough about his condition to look into it. He is reacting wonderfully to the supplements and we backWe to top have been giving him organic chicken broth with his vegetables and fruit.


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are feeding him about 4 meals a day with lots of good water and we have made a commitment to get him off of this formula ASAP! It’s gonna be sooner than 2 weeks. He is thriving on whole foods and water. Obviously no more need for that poison. We appreciate you so much! This is the most exciting thing that Aileen and I have seen in him. I firmly believe that God has used you to save our son’s life. That is priceless. We are onboard the whole way. I also have his vaccine records. He was given the Hep B vaccine the day he was born. Even with all of his complications. Lots of disturbing pictures and false info in hospital records, also. We will be in Oklahoma City on the 25th through the 27th. Really looking forward to your lecture! JR [see July Newsletter 2014 for the whole story here] *********************************************** Dr. Tim, I had to take the time and write to you to thank you for the results of my 60 day program. I am in my 40’s and have suffered from seasonal allergies that have gotten progressively worse. I had come to AZ for the winter and upon arriving started to get the same symptoms. Plugged nose, lethargic, itchy eyes, and just plain miserable. It was then that I decided to commit myself to this program. I started on the New West Diet for 3 weeks before I went on the complete program. It wasn’t easy at first as I got very nauseous a few days into the diet. I assume this was the body getting rid of toxins. I stuck it out and wow what a difference! This is one of the worst allergy seasons in years in the Phoenix area. I haven’t had any symptoms in the past month. I feel more energetic than I have in years and have slept better because of the ability to breathe. Also, I had always worked out but with my American diet of pizza, chips, chocolate etc. always had a little extra weight . My body slowly began to change and all the fat is gone. I never did feel deprived because I allowed myself anything in the first 2 categories when I felt hungry. After eating like this and feeling this great, I will not go back to an unhealthy back to top diet again. 1 last thing, the collagen for skin and muscle tone are amazing. I


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use this for my post workout drink and it helps me recover. My hands looked 10 years younger after taking this for 3 days! I would say to anyone thinking of doing this to quit whining and commit yourself to getting healthy. It isn’t easy but the reward after just 3 weeks will keep you going. I appreciate you educating people and spreading the truth about doctors, drug companies, etc. We do have choices and need to commit ourselves to a healthier lifestyle if we want to live life to the fullest. Sincerely, Steve R. Meyers Spearfish, SD ********* — Forwarded Message From: Christopher Naples [email protected] Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 14:50:29 -0400 Dear Dr. T., I’m almost half way through the cleanse and I wanted to mention a few pleasant changes. First of all I have no more more bloating or digestive troubles of any kind. This includes chronic gall-bladder irritation going back to 1994. Also, for the first time in roughly 7 years I have a marked decrease in symptoms of interstitial cystitis. This is a welcome change I assure you. Anyone who suffers from cystitis or any chronic inflammation can attest to the toll it takes on all aspects of ones life. I’ve noticed a increase in the strength and flexibility of my knees and hips, more spring in my step especially on stairs. My knees are stronger. I feel greater confidence in them. In terms of weight, I’ve lost a total of 27 lbs. since I started the cleanse. Let me just say this is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. I’ve tried a lot of stuff, a lot of supplements, techniques, “systems.” etc. This program is simple, inexpensive and effective.

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Many thanks, Christopher Naples Stratford Connecticut ************ Dr. O’Shea, I just finished reading your paper on sugar and I am a changed man. I have always known that sugar and simple carbs were not good for the human diet, but I had never realized to what extent. This was a brilliant article that read easily. It was to the point and written in easy to comprehend layman’s terms. I cannot thank you enough for posting this priceless knowledge on the internet. I plan on using this as the basis for my continuing pursuit of better health. You have truly re-kindled the angry fire toward Big Pharma, the sugar industry and the main-stream medical industry. Thanks again, – Matt **************************** Dear Doctor, I am so THANKFUL I’d come to read your articles in the site. I’m learning soooo many things there! Congratulations for it. I would have never thought I could find such a clear, understable, knowledgeable, out of the mainstream medicine, instructive information in the net. I have no words to tell (specially in a language that is not mine…). After years of having Chronic Fatigue amongs other sympthoms, I learned it could be due to so many things. I’ve seen so many doctors: holistic and mainstream. I tried so many things: so many drugs, supplements, diets, therapies…. Today, after I read your article “A Journey to the center of your colon” I could yell: -YES!!!!! THAT’S ME!!! Everything falled into place. Now, the problem is that I am in Spain and cannot reach to your recommended treatment products. I cannot order them from here because back to top


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the government in Spain does not allow us to import any supplement from abroad. Thank you so much again and blessings! – Roser *********************** I completed The 60 Day Program 8 months ago. As an unexpected bonus, my TMJ condition I’d had for 10 years disappeared. Before doing the program I felt terrific, except for the TMJ where my jaw would involuntarily snap shut while napping, and my teeth would grind during sleep. The second month into the program I experienced a healing crisis: on a Friday an abscess developed in the gum behind my upper front teeth that sure looked like an abscessed tooth, but then it was gone by Tuesday. I speculate that the oral chelation drove toxins into the abscess and then my body expelled it. My dentist found my teeth to be fine. Ever since that healing crisis came and went I have noticed no TMJ problem at all. After all these years. Just a reminder that people should welcome any healing crisis and expect improved health on the other side of it. Guess we should never underestimate the power of the body to heal itself. This is not a drug cure that covers up the problem, but a natural way to root out and finally expel the problem, even after years of persistence. Thank you for the excellent supplements! – Mark W., Bay Area ********************** I know you get a lot of questions from thyroid people, but here’s my story: For 3 years I had been on Levithroid, probably one of the strongest thyroid medications. During that time my weight problems worsened and I was always fatigued and felt like I was on hormone pills. In order to keep my T3 back to top levels low enough I had to keep increasing the dose of Levithroid, which of


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course increased the side effects as well. So I was caught in this neverending spiral of medication. I knew I couldn’t go on this way and somehow I stumbled across your 60 Day Program. I followed the program very closely and in the second half of it, I began stairstepping off Levithroid, very gradually. Was so surprised after 60 days that: 1. i was completely off meds 2. My weight was approaching normal 3. I had more energy than in the past 3 years. I realize now that I had been given the wrong meds and that I probably never even had a thyroid problem at all. It’s all about the drugs, selling the drugs. What a waste of time – 3 years of my life. Thank you Dr T – TJ from Oregon ***************** I first heard about Dr Tim O’Shea when he was lecturing at a large financial convention I attended in Cancun. Although his ideas about nutrition were new to me, they seemed to make sense. At that time I was having some health problems that the medical doctors were not solving. It all started 4 years ago when I was hospitalized with symptoms of blurred vision, severe headaches, fainting spells, and very rapid pulse, with a blood pressure of 160/125. They did all kinds of tests and decided I needed to be put on 5 powerful drugs: 3 for blood pressure, 1 diuretic, and a cholesterol drug. For most of the next 4 years I stayed on these drugs. But I was feeling worse and worse. I never had any energy. Gradually my headaches came back. By the time I first saw Dr O’Shea, I was experiencing the same exact symptoms that had put me in the hospital in the first place, when I wasn’t taking all these drugs: severe headache, blurred vision, rapid pulse, high blood pressure. But now I was also exhausted all the time as well. I was getting very discouraged back to top


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because the doctors didn’t have any other ideas except more drugs. It was no way to live. This is when I called Dr O’Shea and made an appointment to do the bioterrain analysis. One morning I flew to San Jose from Las Vegas and did the consultation and testing… My blood pressure was very high and the tests showed why. No doctor before had been so interested in my diet, or ever told me that it could have such an effect on health. But with Dr O’Shea the diet was everything. He explained the 60 Day Detox and how my body was so toxic with all those drugs and a diet that wasn’t that great… I got all the detox supplements right then and there and began to follow the whole program very closely. I began to feel better after a short time and began to take less drugs, gradually stepping down. The longer I stayed on the program the lower my blood pressure got. The headaches and blurred vision have gone for good. After about a month I was off most drugs and began to feel great. I actually could tell that the drugs were interfering with the detox program, and that made me more confident in getting off them. Most people are afraid to stop taking drugs that were prescribed for them, and I was skeptical at first to think that a natural program could replace drugs. But after the way I was feeling, I became a believer. In 6 weeks I was off all drugs and won’t be going back to them. It was miraculous. I now have more energy than I have for years. I followed the detox program to the letter and it was the best thing I could have done. My blood pressure is 120/80 these days. When I tell other people my story they’re happy for me but mostly scared to try such a program even though they’re usually sick of their pills too. I’m so glad that I found Dr O’Shea’s health program. The natural way is so simple if you just do it. I’ll follow it forever. I’d recommend this program to anyone who wants to get their health back top


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Keith Evans Las Vegas NV [email protected] ********************************* I live in Seattle and I saw Dr O’Shea the day when he was lecturing in Seattle with Bobby Kennedy Jr. I had a mysterious illness for the past two years in which I had a lot of pain and weakness all over. My doctors thought it was MS and didn’t know what to do, so they prescribed all sorts of drugs. Nothing worked. After the first week of Dr O’Shea’s 60 Day Program 80% of my symptoms were gone, and have not returned. I was amazed. I feel like the rest of my problems will go away when I can get off the other medications. Wish I would have tried this before. ALLISON B. ===== SEATTLE ***************************************** Hi Doc, I ordered your hydrolyzed collagen to improve skin, ligaments connective tissue etc. Here is a brief list of my vitamin and food regime. I am 68 yrs old and a healthy non smoker, had all fillings removed for over 15 years and have 2 root canals and a titanium implant. I drink 32 oz of filtered water upon rising do not eat processed food, sugar, wheat, gluten and very few grains. I stay away from GMO’s and try to eat organic, free range, cage free healthy fats vegs, eggs butter. My vita mineral regime is Dhea, vita mineral complex, B vitamins, amino’s, probiotic, D-3 Msm, iodine astaxanthin, alpha liopic, bentonite clay ubiquinol, milk thistle, saw palmetto mag oxide K-2, Cal Hydroxide, testo formula, Inflavoinoids melatonin for sleep. Twice a year do a liver cleanse and coffee enema. I take enzymes and HCL with meals. 1.Will any of this conflict with taking Collagen? 2. Or other recommendations, you mentioned not doing any other form of to top back protein powder?


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3.Would oral chelating be something to add since I do Chlorella and Bentonite clay and eat cilantro. …. [Dr T]: 1. no 2. right 3. instead of you’re taking too many things, spending too much money. a lot of duplication. no wonder you can’t sleep. your list reminds me of why i put together the 60 Day Program in the first place. if it were me i’d skip vita mineral complex, B vitamins, amino’s, probiotic, D-3 Msm, iodine astaxanthin, alpha liopic, bentonite clay ubiquinol, milk thistle, mag oxide K-2, Cal Hydroxide, back to top


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testo formula, Inflavoinoids melatonin for sleep. coffee enema. enzymes and HCL and replace them with Digestazyme Expel Chelated Minerals Total FloraBiotics read the chapter on each one — try that for a couple of months. expect to feel even better! ****************** TESTIMONIAL I would like to give my experience after consulting with Doctor O’Shea and following his detoxification program and diet for 60 days. I am 54 years old and fly for a major airline. I am a retired Army Reserve officer. During the past few years I had begun to have health problems including allergies, eczema, allergic hives, trouble with digestion, low energy level with lots of fatigue. The allergies seemed to be aggravated by staying in dusty hotel rooms, to which I was very sensitive. back to top


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These symptoms began to affect my work by making it very difficult to fly long arduous flights, which were part of my weekly job duties. When I first consulted with Dr. O’Shea I was using allergy shots and pills along with products from a dermatologist. Although I would get temporary relief from the medication I knew I was not getting well and continued to have a low energy level to such an extent that I was worried that I might have to retire early. I was very ill and getting worse. During the first Gulf War I had been exposed to an “accidental” release of nerve gas in Iraq, which is documented and admitted to by our army. None of the doctors I had told this to knew what to do with this information but Dr. O’Shea thought it was significant. Previously I had been to an allergist, a dermatologist and several general practitioners. None of them ever saw the symptoms as connected with one root cause, that of toxins in the body. After trying Dr Tim’s program for two months I am better than I have been in years and use no medications at all. I would estimate I am about 60 per cent improved at this time. My life is improved by being off all medications and a returning energy level allowing me to handle work assignments somewhat better. Also my skin is improving and I am handling my allergies without shots or pills. During my two months I followed the diet and program very closely, with the exception of reducing the oral chelation as it was releasing toxins at a rate faster than my body could eliminate them. It probably had something to do with the nerve gas exposure. I will be continuing the chelation therapy for several more months as it is clear that it is still eliminating toxic substances from my system. My improvement is still a work in progress but I am certain this is the correct path to health. Dr Tim was really good to work with and spent longer than one hour on my consultation due to the extent of my problems and even called me twice to check up on my progress. A side benefit to his diet instructions back to top are loss of any excess body weight. I will recommend Dr. O’Shea to anyone


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who is free enough of programmed thinking to be able to accept the information. Thanks Dr O’Shea for your concern. I will recommend people to you from now on. Your friend and patient, Tim Snow. *********** Hello Dr. O’Shea, As promised, I am writing to give you my testimonial of the success I’ve had with the New West Diet. As further evidence of the positive impact this diet had on me, I’ve attached copies of my before & after blood tests. My story begins in late May, when a ladder fell out from underneath me, resulting in a concussion and brief hospital stay. According to the neurosurgeons at the hospital, a CT scan showed minimal bleeding on my brain – not enough to take further action at that point, However, about 3 weeks later, I started to experience extreme headaches. I went to see my primary care doctor who prescribed a regimen of migraine medicine, which included an antibiotic and acetaminophen pain-killers. Having had no positive impact after about 2 weeks of his prescription, I went back to see him on July 22nd. He decided to order another CT Scan. The scan showed about 3/4 of an inch of fluid built up between my skull and brain, a result of continued bleeding from my concussion almost two months earlier. He told me to get to the hospital immediately. After the neurosurgeon saw my scan this time, they recommended a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) protocol, prior to surgery. This meant I had to lie flat in the hospital bed for one week with no TV, reading or other brain stimulating activity. This would allow the blood to re-liquefy and be drained following the brain surgery. During this time, I continued to receive more pain medication and antibiotics. Finally, my craniotomy took place on August 1st, back to top


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followed by 3 days recovery in the intensive care unit, where antibiotics and pain-killers continued while the fluid drained. I was released from the hospital on August 6th, with another few weeks of recovery time at home, prior to returning to work. Although I was off all the medication at this point, I found that I was easily fatigued and my skin was very yellowed. I also noticed very dark urine. My wife researched these symptoms on the internet and learned that it could be possible liver damage. At that point we both drew a logical conclusion that all the medications I’d received over the past few months had caused my symptoms. My doctor was less convinced that the meds caused it, but agreed that the blood tests he ordered showed signs of severe liver damage (see test results from 8/15/08, indicating liver enzyme count approx 15 times normal). He recommended seeing a specialist to get confirmation. Not excited about the possibility of yet more medication, or maybe even another hospital stay, my wife and I decided to drive to Doctor Tim O’Shea’s office, about 1 1/2 hours away from our home to buy the products needed to get started on the 60 Day Program right away. We felt that a natural approach to healing my liver made more sense. We were pleased to find Dr. O’Shea in the office and willing to see me, even without an appointment. He was kind enough to do his own test, showing my damaged blood cells under a microscope connected to a TV monitor. It was amazing! I’m no doctor, but I know what a healthy cells should look like. Very few of them appeared remotely close to normal. We estimated that 95% of my cells were extremely damaged, because of the medication and multiple (6) CT scans. He gave me some enzymes and antioxidants that are part of the New West Diet to take right away. He brought me back into his lab 20 minutes later and we saw the second sample, showing the overwhelming majority of the cells normalized. He told us the effects were only temporary, and that I would need to continue taking the supplements and stick with the diet for at least 60 days, for my liver and blood to be fully healed. We were both absolutely convinced at that point, and excited about what we had just seen!

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Meanwhile, I had agreed to see a specialist, per my doctor’s recommendation. By the time I got an appointment to see him, I was almost a month into the New West Diet. His first comment was that he couldn’t believe how good I looked, considering the blood test results he was looking at in my chart from a few weeks earlier. He expected to be meeting with a tired, jaundiced individual, but I felt great and my coloring had returned to normal. All my other symptoms were gone as well. He ordered more blood tests (see attached results, dated 9/18/08) which showed my liver condition almost back to perfect health – all in about 1 month’s time! Thank you Doctor O’Shea for all your work and the New West Diet! I give God and you all the credit for my healing! Todd Greisen DNA Promotions (800) Voice/Fax [email protected] ***************** FROM THE HEART I had been having chest pain for almost 4 months, which I finally admitted to myself was probably angina. I made an appointment with a cardiologist and was on my way there. A friend of mine was with me, and asked me to swing by Dr O’Shea’s office because my friend was ready to begin his 60 Day Detox program and wanted to pick up the supplements. When we got there I told O’Shea where I was going. He asked if I knew about the new part of his nutrition program in which patients were learning to normalize their blood pressure and drop their heart meds. Dr O’Shea explained how he had devised the new heart program because of all the truck drivers who were coming to his office for exams, and the sky high blood pressure most of them had, even though they had been on heart medicaiton for a long time. O’Shea told me exactly what to expect from my back to top impending visit with the specialist: standard practice guidelines that would


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call for the usual cocktail of beta blockers, diuretics, and Lipitor. In his new chapter for heart patients, O’Shea documents how these drug combos not only don’t work in lowering blood pressure, but worse – they practically guarantee that the patient will develop chronic heart problems resulting in earlier death. Now I was really nervous and asked about the alternative. We went through a short explanation of the 60 Day Blood Detox Program and talked about arterial roto-rootering. The enzymes and the oral chelation products, as well as the simple diet were the principal agents for arterial cleansing. I was already not feeling very optimistic about going to the cardiologist, and decided to at least give O’Shea’s program a try. Am I glad I did! I know this sounds ridiculous, but 2 hours after I started the program, my angina went away completely and has not returned! And this is after having it every day for almost 4 months. My average blood pressure is now 126/82. I have learned my lesson. I knew it was time for a lifestyle change, but I just didn’t think it was this urgent. This program saved my life. I can truthfully recommend Dr O’Shea’s blood detox program to any heart patient or anyone who realizes that it’s time to stop living Keith Richard’s lifestyle. This is not a game here. For verification call any time 408 309 4554 Dr Aly Khan Redding CA ***************** Dr.O”Shea I have been on your program The New West Diet for for 36 days, and could not be happier.  So far I am down 14 pounds and my blood sugars are remaining in the mid 90’s at night. If my glucose numbers go low -55-65- tradition medicine and pharmacists recommend a sugary substance -candy bar, soda, orange juice with sugarback tototop bring the numbers back up.


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   (I an currently wearing a constant glucose monitor  and there fore get updates every 5 minutes.  Am I taking the right approach on this or am I way off base?  No I have not had any sugar other then what is in the raw fruits and veggies. PC Cuba Cruise 3-2019 [Dr T response:] wow.  time to read reread the chapter Sugar The Sweet Thief! ***************************************** Dr O’SheaJust a quick note to thank you again. It may seem silly for a person to be excited about detox- but I am! I am grateful for you having found products that don’t leave debris in the blood! I am glad not to take what I don’t really need and to have products that do work so well. That Mega Hydrate! Oh my gosh! It was a thrill to see my live blood! Yes I know I will have my challenges in the next weeks withdrawing from my favorite abusive substances, but- it’s all good-very good. I CAN do this! You have inspired me and I thank you for that. (name withheld) Los Angeles *************** From: Maryanne Petranek [mailto:[email protected]] Subject: Testimonial Hi Doc, My son and I have completed the first 30 days of the detox and I would like to give you an update. When we started the detox, my son, 29, was suffering from asthma and gout. He was diagnosed with asthma when he was 7 years old after years of back to top


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antibiotics. He was diagnosed with gout at the age of 16 after his left leg was actually set in a cast with no fracture showing on the X-rays. Over the years, he was becoming more and more obese. The asthma medication eroded the enamel from his teet. He was totally toxic. My son was whiffing his inhaler upwards of 10 times per day. He was in incredible pain. One week into the 60 day program, he no longer had asthma. Three weeks into the program, the gout was gone. He has lost 45 pounds and his stomach has shrunk to less than half the size it was before. None of his clothes fit. We have followed the lifestyle meticulously. My opinion of any associated costs. We came up with the money. I gave my son life and medicine was taking it away from him. This is indeed a rebirth. We look forward to completing the detox and all the benefts of eating real food. Thank you for all your work and caring more about your patients than “the conventional industry.” With deep appreciation, – Maryanne Petranek ************** My friend Dr. Regiec turned me on to your colon detox and let me tell you this.My energy level skyrocketed , I could not believe how great i feel. I do believe in natural and herbal remedies but you have to sort out the good and the bad. Thank you for a wonderful product. – Keith Rupp ******************************* Dear Dr.T I have been doing detox for 16 days now and let me tell you I feel absolutely back to top


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terrible. When I started the detox program, I went into it with an understanding that I would experience a lot of these symptoms due to the healing process but what I didn’t expect was that I would feel this lousy. I have been experiencing flu like symptons, aches and pains, severe headaches, at times fatigue, a lot of pain… Is this normal?????? – Laura (4 days later) Dear Dr. T After a lifetime abuse and going through cancer now for a second time, I finally came to realize that this is my fault – after stumbling onto your website – so, thats exactly what I am doing and I am more then determined to do just that. I am not about to quit or give up what it is that took me a lifetime to do to myself. I didn’t expect that undoing it would be an easy feat. No, I am going all the way with this, to quit now would only mean that I was quiting on myself and I am not about to do that. …things are starting to turn around. I am on the mend and am feeling quit good about myself not just physically but mentally and that is saying alot because the last 5 years of my life have been nothing but pain and suffering. For once in my life I feel like I am doing something right …I must really thank you Dr.T for everyone who has been through this program with amazing results and are living a healthier lifestyle. back to top


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Don’t know if you know this but you truly are an angel in disguise for helping so many ppl in this world and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly do. – Laura [Dr T: Well , thanks Laura. I guess most would agree that the disguise is pretty near perfect!] ******************************************************** Jason Eaton 1:18 pm (4 days ago) Greetings, Dr. T.: Thank you. I’ve been studying natural and alternative medicine for a few decades. I would, recommend the use of Expel to those who had more sensitive digestive systems. I’m now moving almost exclusively to your approach. I had never done a full 60 days with your product until recently. I was actually amazed at how it worked… not so much the elimination part (I’ve done a lot of cleansing in my life), but how it dramatically changes what the body craves. My eating habits have been pretty good (not perfect), but now I can better tolerate healthier food choices. I suspect that there may be some unique anti-parasite activity with the herbs you use. I also suspect that some of the herbs might be regulating gene expressions. I was also extremely pleased to demonstrate that Expel does not create a dependency, like many other cleansing formulations do. I just wanted to let you know that we appreciate such a wonderful, safe, easy to use, and effective product. It is way underestimated in the natural healing back to top


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world, and deserves a more prominent place, in my opinion. Kind Regards, Jason ***************** Dear Dr. O’Shea, Thank you for all of the information you have posted on your website. I learned about it about six months ago and promptly started on your New West Diet for my allergies. I had been spending over $200 per month on allergy medication, but today I am completely drug free. I haven’t had an asthma attack in about 3 months and have started to run again. Thanks again for your insights and information. Stephen D. Davis Memphis, TN ***************** Hello Dr. O’Shea I am so pleased with the results of the treatments and especially the New West Diet. When I looked at the plan, I said to myself (Ok maybe it was out loud) I can’t eat like this. Everything that I thought I liked or things that I ate on a fairly regular basis were things that I had to give up! Yikes! How could I possibly give up coffee or potato chips, French fries or even pizza? Well I admit at least that coffee was probably the hardest to give up. I imagine that it was similar to what smokers go through, and I’ve been a coffee drinker for more than 25 years. Once I really sat down and gave it some thought, the reason to go on the diet wasn’t so much the fact that I needed to lose weight.. The diet was to alleviate the medical issues that I was facing. I had very high blood pressure, constant stress and anxiety as well as a handful of other issues that just seemed to keep plaguing me. After talking with you and following this diet along with the most awesome supplements (especially the Mega H-) that I have ever taken… I have lost 7 back to top pounds and this was not my primary goal. My blood pressure is back to


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normal (My OLD doctor still can’t explain it!) and my overall health has changed immensely! This diet and don’t forget lots of water, has changed not only my health, but my life! Thank you again for all that you have done for me! I recommend this diet for EVERYONE! MG San Jose ***************** Hi Dr. OShea, I’m just wondering if doing the 60 day program will effect the medicine that I’m on. I take Levothyroid and Abilify. I have always wanted to do this program, but am fearful that if I do it, I will get sick off of all foods out there after doing the program… what do most people do after the 60 day program? Stay on an 80%/20% type of diet, where most of their food is still very healthy, but you are still able to cheat at times? If there’s a lot to explain, I wouldn’t mind calling you. Please let me know. Thanks, [Dr T] response: i get this question so often i’m doing a section in the june newsletter– watch for it– the short answer is you’re asking the wrong question. the drugs you’re taking are preventing you from any semblance of total health. you should be asking the oppposite question: will these drugs which are known to interfere with the basic systems of the body and are admitted to have many side effects – will these drugs interefere with the health restorative powers of the nourishing and cleansing natural supplements in the 60 day program. you can’t serve 2 masters. all the success stories on my Feedback section made that choice. ************** Hello, I just wanted to send you an email to tell you that you are probably back to top going to save my life! I say “probably” because I have total faith in your views


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on health issues but have only just begun the journey. I have fibromyalgia, IBS, HCV, hypothyroid… the list goes on… and have been dependent on doctors for many years… which, as you might suppose, have not helped one bit. I’m now trying to heal myself and when I found your website I felt it was the answer to my prayers. Your incredible and practical information will be the foundation of my recovery. – KK, Los Angeles ******************* Hi, I just found your web site and really appreciated your generosity in sharing the knowledge and experience with the rest of us. Hardly anyone speaks for the people, truthfully. The American people are allowing their sons and daughters to inherit a land that is no longer theirs. Not their labor, property, homes belong to the American people and generations to come will suffer more under the weight of massive debt built up by the moneyed interests who have made war a true “theater” for their aggrandizement. Thank you and I will alert others to your website. Karen E. Hetherington **************** Dear Dr. O’Shea, I have been on your New West Diet for 3 weeks and my high blood pressure is normal now with no medication at all. I cannot thank you enough. I plan on following through for the entire 60 days. Thank you, Judith Lamelza [email protected] ************** Well Tim, today is my 60th day. I just wanted to thank you for helping me. The rest of my family is suffering miserably from allergies and I’m almost back symptom-free. Add me to your growing list of success stories. I plan to stayto top


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on the program from now on. I feel so good, the self-denial isn’t really denial at all. You’re the best. Regards, – Robert Valente *************** back to top CANCER

[Required disclaimer: These stories are unsolicited comments from real people. They are not intended to claim that this program will help diagnose, treat, cure or prevent a disease, or that there is any guarantee of cure, or that the inborn intelligence of the body can heal, or that unobstructed nerve impulse within the body or the human immune system has any health value, or that food should be thy medicine and medicine thy food, or that drugs aren’t always curative, or any implications of this nature .]

CASE STUDY A Florida woman – we’ll call her V – contacted me last February with an intriguing story about cancer, and its marketing. back to top


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In the previous year, she had had surgery to remove a single tumor near her parotid gland. Even though the tissue was malignant, the patient opted out of the recommended follow-up chemo and radiation. Then about a year later, the side of her face began protruding. New examination now revealed the cancer’s return, with a vengeance: 6 tumors in the same location. Three of the tumors were then biopsied – all malignant. Doctors’ recommendation was the same as before: excision, followed by chemo and radiation. At that point, V’s instincts – and her uncle, a Mr. Hogan – told her to look at some other options. He had seen my chapter To The Cancer Patient, and now V read it very carefully. It actually wasn’t much of a decision for her by that time. With the gloomy outlook offered by her oncologists – and their low probability of ultimate success, she was not inclined to follow their path to slow death. Even if a holistic approach were to fail completely, at least she would avoid the slow annihilation of virtually every system of the body that usually accompanies ongoing courses of chemotherapy and radiation. Right out of the gate, V resonated with the no-nonsense approach of the Cancer Chapter, as well as the common sense holistic formula of the 60 Day Program – no more toxic input. Support the natural immune system at the cellular level, and clear the tract and the blood. How much simpler could it be? Within a week after embarking on the Program, V knew she had made the right choice. The oncologists finally stopped calling, understandably saddened by the loss of all that revenue. The patient was left to fly on her own – and she began to soar. With no more intake of processed and toxic foods and drugs, V’s body responded in the first 2 weeks. She felt herself getting healthier and healthier. When optimum cellular nutrition is offered every day, at the same time back bioaccumulated debris is being chelated out, there are very few cases thattodotop


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not respond. Within 3 months there was no sign of cancer in her body. The swelling in the jaw had subsided. V feels healthier now than at any time in her life. Not rocket science: she simply affirmed the life force that was in her, and chose it over the manmade infusions generally associated with a slow and agonizing death. Focused all her spiritual, mental, and physical energy to re-calibrating the inner cellular harmonic. No abnormal condition can co-exist in this force field, tapped into the universal. An indispensable advantage V had on her side was her positive mental outlook and affirmation of healing, which anyone who works with cancer patients will tell you is essential to the healing process. Those of you who think she would’ve got the same result if she had done the chemo and radiation– well, you haven’t done your homework. That’s not what their own statistics tell us. Nor what the everyday experience of the thousands of patients who actually live through this systematic tragedy shows. For the vast majority of organic cancers and tumors, especially with Stage III and IV, slash and burn makes no verifiable difference in overall life expectancy. In other words, most of the time, doing nothing at all works just as well. We are deceived into thinking of cancer as a distinct disease entity, rather than simply the manifestation of inner imbalance. This is one area where conventional medicine is woefully inept—immunity and autoimmunity. Cancer is a general condition that localizes, not a local condition that generalizes, as they would have it. If you get that wrong, how can your treatment possibly cure? V was checked for subluxation, since chiropractic must always fit into a regime like this. But as a cure-all, well that’s a bit on the fanatic side, boys and girls. There are 2 other controlling systems of the body besides the nervous system which need to be balanced: the immune system and the endocrine system. Radical disorders in either one can kill you. Yes, yes the back to top nervous system can have an effect on them, but if the fundamental


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imbalance persists, you can pound away on C1 till the second coming of Christ and the patient is still on the road to die in Stage IV. What was it on DD’s tombstone: “I will never consider it beneath my dignity to do anything I can to relieve human suffering.” Anything there about the adjustment by itself cures any and all disease? Three legs of the stool. This patient says that if she had followed the standard advice, she would be dead by now. A lot of people are looking around for a more reasonable course of action when they find themselves surrounded by lies and death. As spokesmen for the holistic model, we’re in a unique position to provide some input here. It’s an honor to be able to be that conduit, that facilitator. As long as we’ve done the research, of course. For more, read the chapters To the Cancer Patient The Last Resort The 60 Day Program ********************************************** Dr Tim: .I was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer Aug 2017…PSA was 23.7 in a month and a half…PSA was 41. When I was first diagnosed the VA doctor told me they needed to do surgery right now. … he did a bone scan and the cancer had spread to the pelvic bones. I had done a lot of research and realized that Chemo kills more people than it cures and radiation causes cancer so I refused every treatment that they offered including hormone therapy. The Drs tried to scare me by back to top


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telling me I only had two years, but I am an old combat Vet and I do not fear death. …and I found your site I did months of research and chose your plan for good reasons. Your system works wonders…so far, my urinary problems are gone, my sexual function and drive are increasing (I am 70) I feel better than I ever have and I have always been pretty healthy. I will beat prostate cancer, I read your testimonials, I knew I was on the right track . Your program made perfect sense to me and it is only the immune system that can cure disease. Just two weeks in I saw a vast improvement and I know it is kicking cancers A$$. I can not believe I have stage 4 prostate cancer and have no symptoms at all. I am positive that I will be healed from this disease. I have told many people to use your 60 day program and start it as quickly as they can because time is precious when fighting cancer. I know I have cancer beat but I will stay on your recommendations with the supplements. I am not at all concerned about PSA either way…truth is, I feel great. I have used your 60 day program two times so far.. it saved my life. I have not been sick one day from anything…not even a cold. I plan to stay on the 60 day program…. for as long as I live….. Your analysis of the medical industry is right on….The VA gave me two years to live if I did not follow their recommendations….well, their recommendations do not cure cancer- they told me they could not cure it. All of my symptoms are gone….no more urinary problems at all. I know I went down the right path… is criminal how the VA is treating Veterans, because they are killing them. I have no fear of death as we all die at some point.. But I feel blessed to have found your program. Truth is, I feel great and I am 70 years young and still going strong. Thank you for developing a program that restores your health and I have changed back to top my diet for as long as I live. l have no fear of living or dying but a positive


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attitude wins battles. … holistic medicine works…and gives you a great quality of life. The supplements and the diet, just plain work. if everyone did this… hospitals would be out of business. Thanks again, I see you as one of the few doctors that is truly interested in helping the patient and putting health before greed. It is a shame that more Doctors do not think for themselves and explore real cures for disease and not just throw pills at the problem. Update: 2 Jun 2018    After extensive blood tests and 40 – 50 X rays….the VA cannot find any cancer at all. They are baffled and I can see it in their voice. I listened to your video and I believed in you and I decided I would fight this fight with supplements, food, and Rife technology. The medical Industry is treating symptoms, not curing disease.. Thank you for doing the Video, I am living breathing proof that you can beat cancer. It’s funny, but I never doubted that it can be beat. In the end, we must be willing to fight the fight if we want to win…never quit, surrender and take no prisoners. Thank You Dr Tim. I knew I was on the right road and it made perfect sense to me. Keep on saving lives…my PSA is 61…but who cares? After 2 years, I have not been sick a day and I am strong as a horse.. John Hackett [email protected] [Dr T]: Best kept secret, right John? We wouldn’t want to threaten a $3 trillion industry now would we? Terminal patients consent to chemo and radiation even when doctors tell them they will die anyway. They do it because they think that it’s the only option they have. This is why doing nothing would probably be better than following a protocol that is immunosuppressive, at the one time in your life you need your immune system the most. Glad you have back to top chosen science over superstition.


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Basic disclaimer: We’re certainly not making the claim that the 60 Day Program is guaranteed to cure stage 4 metastatic cancer. but this patient is right –we cannot underestimate the value of strengthening the immune system. Because when all is said and done, that’s the only thing that cures anyone of anything – the Immune System. ****************************** Dr. O’Shea, I just read your article, “To the Cancer Patient – Natural vs Traditional“, and I sincerely wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. In all my intensive cancer research these past years, I have never come across a more hard-hitting expose as I have with your article regarding the medical profession. Having had my share of true life experiences with oncologists I can tell you it is all absolutely true. I have suffered with one illness after another for the past 12 years, and now was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, which I have had for over 3 years. Interestingly, this cancer appeared a few months after I had major surgery to remove my ovaries, due to large ovarian cysts. It was very traumatic for me as I had never had surgery before, and they gave me a morphine epidural in my spine for 3 days. I believe all of that may have started the cancer. They wanted to start me on chemotherapy as well, even though the tumors weren’t malignant, because as they said “just to be safe”. They really pressured me, calling me at home, etc. When I refused, my oncologist didn’t want any more to do with me, not even scheduling me for a six-month checkup to see if I was healing OK! I have never been one who believed in their methods for curing anything, so going the natural way is not a problem for me.

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But of all the natural treatments I have done and am doing, your article made me realize that I need to try harder, to do it 150% and not be wishy-washy. Thankfully I have a husband who is totally supportive and feels the same way I do about the medical profession…he got to experience it first-hand when I developed a cancerous tumor on my lower eyelid that grew exponentially in a short period of time. We visited 11 cancer doctors and ALL of them said the same thing…MOHS surgery and cancer drugs after that. I was looking at a seriously disfigured face and after the 11th oncologist trying to frighten us into this surgery we said NO, there must be a better way. What would I have been like after their treatments?? So now I have the battle of my life, but so far I am OK, and I know I will be OK if I do just as you said, and even if I succumb to this cancer eventually, at least I will have the best quality of life until then. So thank you for that wonderful article! And thank you for doctors like you, who really care for people’s health. Sincerely, Trisha Levandoski B.C. Canada

*************** dr. o’shea – i just referred a patient of mine to your web site _______, who after reading the chapters i recommended, decided to purchase the 60 day cleanse. her question to me was….her daughter has colon cancer and wanted to know if the cleanse would have any interference with the recommended 12 treatments of chemotherapy that her daughter has chosen to go with? – Dr J, AZ [A] wow –time to re-read my chapter To the Cancer Patient

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then the question becomes “will the deadly unproven cytotoxic immunosuppressive chemotherapy drugs interfere with this all natural immune-enhancing holistic life-restoring program of cell nutrition?” never get your information about a life-threatening medical protocol from the people selling it. see what the real scientists say, the ones who formulated it. –dr t **************************************************** Dr T – I am a 75 year old math professor at a local college. Several months ago I began experiencing rapid weight loss for no apparent reason. I did not feel sick at all and had no symptoms, other than not being hungry. I also noticed a vague metallic taste in my mouth sometimes, but I didn’t think much of it. I went into Kaiser and had ‘all the tests.’ You name it, I had it. Everything came out negative, except for a few cells in the esophagus, which after biopsy they termed ‘suspicious.’ Medicine’s next step was to refer me to Stanford for prophylactic chemotherapy, even though there was no solid evidence of cancer. Told them I would get a second opinion. About this time I came across Dr Tim O’Shea’s fascinating website, and read his chapters The Last Resort and the 60 Day Program. Resonating with this intelligence, I went in for a bioterrain analysis and consultation. It actually wasn’t until this interview that I first verbalized the metallic taste, which I’d had for the previous few months. By now I was down to 120 pounds, but still with virtually no symptoms, except for loss of energy and no appetite. Dr Tim carefully explained the details of the New West diet and the individual supplements of the 60 Day Detox – the necessity for each one. I started on back to top the program immediately, by the book, with no deviations. For the first 2


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weeks, there was little change. I still had almost no appetite and it was difficult getting down enough food to go with the supplements. But I stayed the course, and suddenly by the third week, my appetite began to return. All my systems started to kick back in like somebody had turned the light switch back on. Also the metallic taste was gone. Dr Tim also ordered spinal Xrays, which were very interesting as well, with major subluxations going on. By five weeks, I was doing fantastic. I feel virtually healed and I know that after the full 8 weeks I am going to be better than 100%, before I noticed any of these problems. My diet is almost perfect now, I am hydrated, and the colon detox has jump-started the whole immune system. I feel that what has really made the difference was getting past the barrier of heavy metal detox, especially the mercury in my dental amalgams. The Expel and oral chelation have finally pulled out enough mercury from my body that I’m beginning to feel normal again, but I know that I still need a biologic dentist to properly remove all the remaining amalgams from my mouth. Just like he describes in the chapter on holistic dentistry. Frightens me to think where I’d be now if, first of all I didn’t have the sense to mistrust what they were telling me, and secondly if I hadn’t run into Most people have no idea what a concerted attack the general public is being subjected to today from organized medicine, like sheep to the slaughter. Dr Tim talks about the Survival of the Correctly Informed, and I thank God that now I’m part of that group. Don’t think you don’t need a second opinion! Dr Fidel Salinas San Jose **************************************** Dr T: How many successful treatments have you seen specifically in regards to thyroid cancer using your approach ??

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What happens after taking supplements after 60-days? Continue more with some other supplements, etc… [name withheld] [Dr T’s response] i don’t track statistics like that. the real question is how many successful treatments can the people telling you to do surgery, chemo and radiation– how many successes– long term (5 years) — can they provide you the phone numbers of? — that’s the real question. cancer deaths have not changed in the past 30 years, no matter what cooked stats they offer. the cdc’s mortality stats don’t lie. that’s the success you can expect following mainstream recommendations, by the numbers. you need to read my To the Cancer Patient chapter — the whole thing– then read it again– the whole thing– to understand what cancer is, why nothing is improved long term by poisoning the body—if people recover from thyroid cancer after chemo or radiation, it’s in spite of the treatment, not because of it–you have to learn what the rebound phenomenon really means, and the nature of cell biology, as our best science understands it – not as the people selling you chemo and radiation want you to understand it– the body is only healed from anything by supporting the cells, by detoxing, and by enhancing the immune system. not by destroying it. i did months of homework for you in the cancer chapter and its references. this isn’t the magic bullet store. it’s all about cells — that’s where cancer starts and where it ends. there is no guaranteed cure, not from me and definitely not from them. too many variables: – is it really cancer? – how far has it progressed? – what is the genetic resilience of the patient? – what are the patient’s current immune reserves?

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– how strictly will the patient follow a holistic detox regimen?


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– what is their underlying pre-existing toxic load? – how serious are they to get well? this program is simple, but it isn’t easy. many people say they’d do anything to be healthy but most of them when faced with a choice between lifestyle change and death will choose death. i see it all the time. after 60 days of these 7 supplements and religiously following the new west diet, the patient will know how much to continue with in order to maintain a recovered state of health and vitality. additional supplements? if a program cures someone from cancer, how much better a program are they really looking for? 60 days isn’t carved in stone either, especially for cancer patients. every case is different. dr t ****************************************** Dear Dr T I have an astrocytoma that has grown in 6 years from 2.2 cm to 5.1 cm. I have refused a biopsy. I have no symptoms. Am 71 working full time and very active. My last MRI indicated that the tumor was very close to Brocha’s point. I am scheduled for surgery on July 17. My question to you is, Do you believe that an autogenous vaccine made directly from my tumor will get rid of the tumor with or without the surgery? UCLA – I went there because they advertised the vaccine but I discovered they only give it after radiation and chemotherapy. That is useless. I appreciate your taking your time to read and respond. – Dr SC [response]

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Dear Dr SC Sorry to hear that. Absolutely ridiculous. Impossible – no such thing as a curative vaccine. Here’s what you ask these salesmen – give you the addresses of the last 5 people with your problem whom they cured with the vaccine. Not their cooked stats. Addresses. Phone numbers. That will be the end of that discussion I assure you. You might look at 2 chapters on my site: To the Cancer Patient and The Last Resort If it were me I’d probably do exactly what youre doing – nothing mainstream, but everything holistic. that’s what my seminar is about – I would definitely consider bioterrain analysis to monitor whether what I am doing is working. I would only chance surgery if I were beginning to have increasing symptoms that were so annoying that I’d risk death. Also they’d have to give me odds of at least 7:1 success for my particular case, all things considered, from 3 independent opinions. Also I’d only do surgery if none of the standard blood markers for cancer indicated likely malignancy. If they did, forget the surgery, no matter what, because it will almost certainly kill you. And it goes without saying that chemotherapy and radiation are out of the question, as you already have learned… The Broca’s brain location is unfortunate but that’s not really the point, is it? It’s the risk involved in getting to it, the risk of not knowing if it’s malignant or benign, the risk of opening up the protective capsule your body has put around it, the risk of exposing a metaplastic lesion to oxygen, the risk of the whole rebound phenomenon, the risk of scar tissue formation, the risk of dying on the table. The body is not a car. Don’t let them use the threat of speech impairment as a sales technique for something worse. It’s not that simple. ******************

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Dear Dr. O’Shea, First of all, many thanks to you for all you did for my husband, Fidel Salinas. Sadly, Fidel died April 6, 2015. I do apologize for not telling you sooner as it has been a difficult time. However more importantly I want to thank you for your care and support. It was truly because of your writings and information from thedoctorwithin that 2 1/2 years ago provided the Fidel( and me) the courage to walk out of the office of a very prominent MD in Santa Cruz- whose only answer to Fidel’s unexplained weight loss was a ” bigger camera and more doctors ” at Stanford Cancer center. BTW- Fidel’s unofficial diagnosis from pathology was suspicious squamous cells and possible Barrett’s Esophagus. Because of you, Fidel eventually picked up some weight and did enjoy a quality of life far better than the outcome of any bigger camera etc. Thanks so much Dr. Tim ! Denise Smith San Jose *************** Dear Dr O’Shea, I am 74 years old. About 6 years ago I was treated for breast cancer, which I thought went away. But then about 4 months ago, I began to have terrible pain in my limbs and spine, and found out that I now have bone cancer all over. My doctors gave me 2 years to live and told me that since the cancer is all over the body, they didn’t even recommend the usual chemo or radiation. So they just sent me home, amd gave me pain medicine, which had no efffect. The bone pain was terrible – it was all day long, 24 hours a day. It was so bad I couldn’t even stand up straight. I felt like I was dying. That was when I found your website and began the 60 Day program. Was I surprised when almost immediately my pain began to go away. And then after back to top


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2 weeks, the pain was gone completely! I really believe that it was the collagen you sent me specifically that is responsible for taking away the pain. There’s no reason for me to go back to those doctors to evaluate my cancer since they don’t want to see me anyway. But it doesn’t even matter to me because now I have my normal pain free life back. I don’t know where you came from, but thank you. So glad I found your website. A. Russ Granite Bay ****************** TESTIMONIAL My name is Pauline and I live in Singapore. Last year doctors found a malignant sarcoma in the muscle tissue of my right leg. They surgically removed it and then followed up with 33 days of radiation. The procedures left me very weak physically. My leg did not recover its size and strength and I was forced to rely on a cane in order to walk. After several months I was still not improving. My doctors wanted to begin a course of chemotherapy, saying that they wanted to “get it all.” About that same time I began reading Dr O’Shea’s website, especially about the natural healing properties of the body. Instinctively I did not feel good about the prospect of another round of invasive therapy that would further burden my immune system. So I decided to fly to the States for bioterrian analysis and consultation with Dr O’Shea. I was amazed at what I learned there – how simple it all was. I immediately went on the 60 Day Program. I started feeling better in a few days and began to hope that I could get my life back. Soon I was back at my normal job, normal hours.

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Five months later the doctors checked me for signs of cancer. There were none. I have recovered completely. I now know what it takes to stay healthy. I am living it. I am frightened to think of where I would be today if I had done that chemotherapy instead of this very simple program. Thank you Dr O’Shea Pauline L Singapore **************************** Dear Dr O’Shea Don’t know if you remember me – I’m the father who called you about 4 months ago when my 12 year old son was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Not long after he got his final DPT shot, my son saw a bump on his ankle. I took him in and they diagnosed osteosarcoma. Biopsy came back malignant. So they amputated my son’s foot and then started in with a very powerful chemo drug. Three weeks later, tumors appeared all over his lungs and also in his jaw. Their word was “unstoppable.” The cancer is unstoppable. They next recommended trying radiation instead of continuing the chemo. That’s when I called you, after I had read your chapter To The Cancer Patient. You were the only man who was brave enough to tell me the truth about what was going to happen. Because everything you said came true. I didn’t listen to you at the time and let the Stanford doctors talk me into some very painful and useless radiation, which actually made the cancer worse. The tumor they cut out of his jaw came back 1 month later. And even the original tumor in the amputated foot came back. The radiation had no effect on the multiple lung tumors. This was like a horror movie. Like I watched my son being eaten alive. And all the doctors gathered around to pressure me into the most expensive back to top


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procedures possible, even though they knew they had no chance of success. Exactly like you told me. My son died this Christmas. After all that radiation and chemo, he still had a tumor the size of a basketball on his chest. I remember always feeding him soy milk when he was a child, because I didn’t learn about the whole GM soy thing until I saw it on your site. Also he had all his vaccines on schedule. You told me that with standard chemo and radiation, by their own statistics he would probably die. No one else told me the truth because they were afraid I wouldn’t pay for these expensive treatments and they’d lose money. These doctors at Stanford all told me he had a chance with the chemo. There was no chance. They are evil people. No compassion, no interest in the patient as a human being . You said even with a total holistic non-drug approach after the amputation, my son would probably die, but at least I could have made his last days more of a human experience instead of the living hell that it was. I hope other people read your chapter To the Cancer Patient before they make the same mistakes I made. Thank you again for your honesty. Jason San Jose **************************** I just finished reading your cancer article on thedoctorwithin WEB site. I wish I had seen it six months ago before starting chemo therapy for colon cancer. At 43 I am planning on going down kicking with my whole might. Since starting chemo it was always on my mind that someday chemo will be thought of in a similar way as we think of the leaches used in old medicine. Nothing about poisoning your body makes sense. My well meaning back to top


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oncologist however (not to mention a husband not ready to loose his wife talked me into the 6 month course of chemo therapy. Although I have faired well on the 5-Florourcil Leucovorin course I still don’t like the fatigue and loss of energy I have experienced (not to mention weight gain!). I pray I am brave enough to tell them Monday morning to keep their last four treatments and jump on a detox program. No one ever mentioned the lack of evidence that chemo actually produces any good result. Thanks again for the enlightenment. I believe God blessed us with a marvelous machine in our bodies and given the right care they can heal. ********* Your webpage and your sharing of this knowledge will save lives. It’s pure awareness. Starting today, it will give more quality to the lives of my family, friend and myself. If any information was ever needed, it was yours. Keep posting to this website, because it was a much needed and appreciated eyeopener. I’ll send the link to everyone I care for. Best regards, – Turid Sandberg, Norway ********************************* SEMINARS

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************************** Paris Vaccine seminar: Absolutely fantastic! I was hanging on every word! The content , pace, and language to describe- was utterly engaged throughout. I loved the energy and passion. Very important for us since my wife and I are expecting our first child. Will certainly read your book. **** Very Informative– evidence completely backed up by figures and stats– very important to me. your seminar today connected a lot of dots—.. Make it 2 days!! ***** As a new mom I’ve really struggled with the decision not to vaccinate. Still back to top wasn’t sure when we got the first one – felt so bad I cried all night! Never


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again – I just don’t trust the companies who put these vaccines together. Your Paris seminar tonight supported that decision with a mountain of facts! Thank you. ******************************************* Dr. O’Shea, I heard you speak in Cancun, …to my surprise and amazement, as you continued to bounce about the stage, I found myself sliding closer and closer to the edge of our seats, determined not to miss a word! Dr. O’Shea, without question, the information you present is not only information that EVERY parent on this planet should know, but the manner in which you present it is so entertaining and alive, and I thank the Good Lord every day for ‘recommending’ that I stay in my seat that day! – Norma King, Virginia ************************** Dear Dr. O’Shea, Thank you for a most informative, easy to assimilate and entertaining seminar: “The Sanctity of Human Blood. You have the ability to take the important information with respect to vaccines and condense it to very learnable sound bytes – so important in today’s world of information overload! Your presentation enables people to come to their own cognitions. Thank you! – Judy Taylor, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 ******* Dr. O’Shea, Your seminar was extraordinary. Your teaching style is inspiring and it was a privilege to attend your program. – Dr. J G, Bear Valley

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*********** Best relicensing seminar yet. It is a pleasure to attend a seminar for interest and not just to get the credits. Clear presentation/organization. Great information! – Dr J Hartley *********** Excellent, life-altering information. I am about to embark on the path to getting pregnant and have been informed about vaccines since hearing Viera Scheibner 10 years ago. Since that time I could sense my resolve giving way. I came to this seminar specifically to get myself battle ready as I am surrounded by people who are not of like mind. Now I can be at peace with my decision. *********** This seminar is very valuable to the health of our world and to our future. Thanks for your dedication to the subject. – Dr J Awender *********** Absolutely wonderful. Best 8 hours spent on a Saturday. The information was well organized and had purpose. Extremely intelligent balance between fact and related theory. Hit all of the hot topics – thanks for the current info. – Dr S.C. *********** The seminar was incredibly informative, remarkably referenced, shocking, scary, etc. Inspires me to share the information with others – Dr M. Kearney – 27 Jul 02 *********** Dear Dr. O’Shea – I thought your seminar in Auburn yesterday was great. Some of it was a little hard for me to take, considering I’ve had both of my children vaccinated. backI to top guess I was well indoctrinated. I came to a rather harsh realization yesterday.


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That I don’t know what has been done to my children. …occasionally break out in strange chickenpox-like rashes, which I have been told could not be related to the vaccine. I’m always told “it’s just some virus” Whether that’s true or not, I am truly devastated that I allowed this to happen to my children, that I just trusted that my children’s doctors knew exactly what they were doing. Thank you again for a truly enlightening seminar! Sincerely, Jennifer Harris ***************** Dear Dr. O’Shea, I’d just like to whole-heartedly thank you for your efforts on your book. It brought me to tears…twice…and I’m a pretty tough cookie. I trusted, more than I should have, that “they” wouldn’t dream of putting lethal things into a child’s bloodstream. …What you say about “follow the money” is absolutely true in so many areas of life I just didn’t think in my wildest dreams/nightmares that it would go that far in this area. …our neighbors child has asthma at age 7, a friend’s son has a failed adrenal gland, our heat subcontractor sends his game meat to a San Jose child who can eat nothing but game after a vaccine shot, and a friend in San Mateo has a child how last year was treated at age 5 for cancer at Stanford. Seems a bit much for a “healthy” society. And, every chiropractor I know or have contacted does NOT immunize. Thank you Best regards, Kristina Boudreaux **************** The Dr. O’Shea seminar this past weekend was AMAZING! He really went through in great detail this whole issue of vaccinating and supported it with a ton of very good resources and went through the studies that prove vaccinations and pointed out the unscientific approach. I can’t recommend back toa top website better than for looking at many of Dr. O’Shea’s


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articles on female issues, antibiotics, holistic care vs allopathic, and many other subjects that can seem hard to get a grip on. His gift is his ability to gather and go through information and put it together. We are planning on bringing him back this november – you owe it to yourself to make it to this seminar. – Dr Will Smith – 20 Jan ******************************************** For August 2021 Newsletter: Hi Doctor I really am so grateful for this newsletter. It has confirmed my suspicion of these so called global institutions and governments and their greed and rush for money. May they wallow in their shame in this despicable crime against humanity. Thank God some of us have refused the vaccination. Thanks a million times for this information. God bless you for what you are doing Best wishes Theresa Opoku Apori *************************** From Havana Cruise seminar: Dr Tim and Dr John presented valuable, useful information, nonstop, in a most entertaining manner. Thank YOU! – Dr Mark Massuto _____________ A ton of useful important information packed into a very short time. You and Dr Bergman were fantastic! Cruise seminar! — Dr Henry Walton, California *******************

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From Paris chiropractic seminar “Great seminar! I’ll be more confident with my patients. Chiropractic is too medicalized at our school.” “Amazing night! We learned so much. Thank you for sharing your techniques with us. A wow night!” “You are a very helpful person. We like your way of explaining chiropractic. It was perfect.” “I find it really funny when you are stopping to fix your stuff in your head because you have too many ideas. You speak about the different aspects of chiropractic without judging — very interesting.” “Great speaker, great visual, great interactive!” “Dynamic and smart– just too short. It should be 3 full days!” *********** From Cardiff technique/philosophy seminar: “Awesome – most worthwhile seminar I’ve ever been to — too short!” – Dr C Coste “Brilliant seminar – Can’t wait to apply these techniques in the clinic! Speed is key.” Dr K Wilson “Excellent! Too short — should have been a week!” “Great approach to the intention and purpose behind the adjustment — deconstructing the adjustment-finally simpler! Should have been longer” “Too short – should have been 2 days.” “Very educational. Great to see such specific techniques and receive feedback in a nonjudgmental environment. Should be 2 days!” – Steven Carr “Amazing! Every chiropractor should attend this!” – Dr Stephen Ross “Amazeballs! Make it 2 days! – Sanrir H. Maharaj “Amazing! I feel extremely refreshed and inspired – blew my mind – i saw things I never thought were possible!” – Dr Bruce “Insane! very very enlightening – common sense being hammered home..” Dr back to top TR


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********************************* Thank you for the great weekend of learning the truth about our health, and how to take responsibility to help make changes in the lives of the patients we serve. I needed to hear it person! – Dr Michael Eberle SeattIe ********** I have taken Dr. O’Shea’s live and online seminars many times. They are always packed full of startling information and statistics. I remembered that all soy in the US is GMO and the story of Monsanto. But… 20% of the human genome is patented by large corporations! A third of the children born after 2010 will be diabetic by 2030 !! How did I miss that in the last seminar? So if you haven’t gone to his seminars in a year or two … Go Again! You’ll learn something new. I always do. Thank you Dr Tim for your continuing hard work. Dr. Sharon Janco-Plourde, DC ************************************************************** Amazing. I feel extremely refreshed and inspired. Blew my mind. I saw things I never knew were possible. — Bruce ***************** New area – really enjoyed Sound Healing and pinched nerves. Pythagoras & DD Palmer, both brilliant. nice to put in perspective of how chiropractic is part of a much larger art of healing than the current drug infused med lobbyist whose agenda is only financial profit. Thank you Dr Madeline Altman 1000 Oaks, CA

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*********** Hello Dr T. Wow what an incredible response we have had. I had guys literally telling me the Fading Art seminar in Windsor was the best thing they have ever done in chiropractic. Thank you very much for an incredible event this past weekend. can’t tell you how happy and excited we are to see the great impact you and dr young had on the Halsa team and others in the UK and Europe. We would absolutely love to arrange another one next year….


With chiropractic love, dr ryan and natalie rieder the halsa group windsor, england ********* Fading Art Seminar, Windsor with myself and Tim Young: “Precisely the information and skills I needed at precisely the right time! Thank you!” – Quinton Hollis “Incredible quality, clear explanations, and the best feature: both Dr Tim’s are real genuine guys. Makes us all remember why we became chiropractors in the first place. More of these in the UK, and bring Tim Young!” – Dr Miguel Centierra “Superb! Make it a whole weekend!” – Craig Heaven “Please come back again! We need you! – Rajda “Loved every minute of it! Leaned so much. A lot of hands on and so much good advice. _ Heidi Ortholt “If we only had this guidance in college, the profession would be completely different! Thank you!” – Dr Alex Becu “Best seminar I have ever attended! Would highly recommend, and would come again.” – Dr M. Mason

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“Amazing to see the level of skill of adjusting.. Made things so much easier.” – Andrew Coombs “Excellent – 10++. you’re saving so many from suffering by being brave and speaking your truth. Keep doing what you were born to do!” *********************************** Hi Doctor O’Shea, I want to thank you for giving me my life back pain free! Dealing with back problems since I was a little girl it has gotten progressively worse over the years. Countless nights of tossing and turning in extreme discomfort and mornings of waking up in pain — there are no words that can express my gratitude. After my first treatment I felt the difference immediately. I am now able to accomplish my daily routine without feeling tired. I wake up now and do not dread moving to get out of bed the way I usually do. I am so thankful to have you as my doctor! Your Grateful Patient, Elaine Wright ******************************* The seminar in Windsor was liberating to finally be allowed to talk about subluxations, and how bad at adjusting we are. Please come to the UK to teach us how to adjust – our schools aren’t teaching us. Thank you also for adjusting my neck and releasing a fear in me. That was my Transitional Moment – today! Jodi Stiller, UK ******************* “Needs to be on the cover of our magazine and journals. It’s huge! Intention is everything. Great to be in a good, strong philosophical fire again. The info back to top on the medical subluxation documentation was fascinating and vital. Will help


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enormously come Monday morning.” – Dr M. Diehm, Phx *************************** “You are an idiot, a condescending antimedical hysteric.” – name withheld, on condition of anonymity [Dr T:] Thanks for noticing. – no such thing as bad press… *************************** to Dr Wenban after Barcelona College philosophy and technique lecture: that was a great lecture we had, Adrian– ask the kids! really fun– they totally get it. i videoed it and it should be on my site as soon as i edit it. my theme was: why you are blessed with the good fortune of having founded probably the best chiropractic school on earth, and why that is. afterwards we went to the technique room and i adjusted the entire audience. you know adrian i was thinking about this little problem of ours, this war we are engaged in every day, and it hit me that this was what BJ’s entire life was like– battling the dilution and frankensteinization of the sacred trust—- he never prevailed overall, not really– some of us carry the torch for him, but the pure idea has never generally crystallized throughout the professional latticework. But like him, we have no choice— we have to keep trying to save as much as we can—- the road to perdition seems so attractive to many of those in power in our profession. some are so weak, so venal, and so unanchored. why is that? stay the course! –T ******* I recently attended a full day seminar with Dr Tim that covered vaccines, backan to top nutrition, chiropractic philosophy and hands on adjustments. It was such


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amazing day that was filled with chiropractic golden nuggets. His knowledge and passion for the profession is glaringly obvious and infectious and after spending the day with him my certainty and competency were on another level. Thank you Dr T, I am proud to be in the same profession as you. You Rock!” Dr Ryan Rieder Windsor, England ************************* Tulsa seminar Neurology: Great purpose and intent! Thanks for reminding me why I do what I do. worth every penny – plenty was discussed and and can be used immediately to improve my skills and my focus — Dr Dave Campbell, Oklahoma ******** It is an honor to hear from a chiropractor so committed to preserving the value and purity of our profession. Dr Taylor Muenster *********** response to holiday newsletter 2014 from [email protected] you are a truly gifted writer and incredibly inspirational. It’s so easy to get run-down practicing every day. Feels like constantly running up hill facing negative, beat-down patients, insurance hassles, etc. etc….. Your words somehow make it all worthwhile. And better, make me want to do even more for my community. thank you….and Merry Christmas back to top


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Dr Kawa ********************** O’Shea has complete command of his material…. well prepared, wellpresented, …a gift to the profession… This information has helped me in taking care of my patients, my family, and myself. Rock on! – Dr M Smith, Palos Verdes . ***************** It’s refreshing to hear an Instructor not afraid to speak the truth about chiropractic–Most people validating chiropractic seem to be very insecure about it — O’Shea is not. – Dr D.Crawford, Fair Oaks ***************** I give the seminar a high score because it has a world of important info. It’s obviously taken years of research, caring, and thought to develop this seminar. Appreciate the integrity… – Dr J McQ ***************** I can’t wait to bring this information back to my patients and educate them with hard facts! – Dr. April, Denver ************************** “Excellent new chiropractic seminar – all info, no frills, straight to the point. Loved it!” – Dr J Padrta ******************* “Awesome! Really appreciated all the research put into the seminar— simply back to top


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stated and factual. Leaving here very motivated!” – Dr A. Sparpana, Denver ********* “Great to finally hear pure unadulterated chiropractic, to be reminded of the simplicity of its philosophy. Great passion, and stories!” – Dr Lance Z., Boulder ************************* “Learned some great material I can implement immediately. Possibly changed the course of my practice forever!” – Guy Coberly, DC, Loveland **** Chiropractic Philosophy and Neurology: “Compelling Seminar– engaging speaker, Wish it didn’t have to end! Your seminar is a clear and very real oasis for the doctor searching for food that satisfies…. Best seminar in 10 years!” – Dr K. Kennedy, Aliso Viejo **** You and Tim Young are a gift to the profession. – Dr Sara Kersten, Colorado ******** …a clear, relaxed, insightful, and well articulated presentation. Dr O’Shea presented the material in a well organized manner, flecked with humor and interesting asides that kept your interest. The use of Power Point with movie clips and summary lists were very effective for consistency and clarity. He presented himself as a doctor concerned with the validity of his points, which were supported by references, often to Guyton’s textbook of physiology. It was most reassuring. Glad I attended. – Dr B. Burton ***************** back to top Exactly what this profession needs– truth and clarity! Addresses the deepest


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issues of chiropractic, giving us Drs. the information we need to be able to tell the whole story at a scientific level as well as at the patient level. – clear, concise, coherent. This is a fundamental course — all docs can get abundant content from it. – Dr M. Casey ***************** “Fabulous! Just what I needed! Inspiring, informational, practical.” – Dr D. Hinders, Pueblo ***************** “Increase it to 12 hours!” – Dr Grunfeld, Arizona *************** Thoroughly enjoyed the discussion of the connection between the theory of DD and BJ and the discoveries of today’s top neuroscientists. The overwhelming evidence of not only why chiropractic works, but most importantly why this information needs to be told. – Dr Dan Ceballos ************************************* I have taken 2 classes by Dr Tim O’Shea. I am very pleased at the thoroughness of his research and information. He is a skilled presenter, making it easy to comprehend and retain the content, as well as apply it to my practice. Will take future class from him, without a doubt. – Dr L. Johnston, Arizona ********************* O’Shea’s chiropractic seminar in Oklahoma City this weekend was without a doubt the best seminar I have attended in the past 15 years! – Dr Bill Sparks, Norman OK – Dr Mark Erbert ********* O’Shea’s Sherman seminar this weekend was uplifting, engaging,

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captivating, validating, and empowering. – Dr H.A. ***** Best relicensing seminar in 10 years! – OK doc, Nov 2011 *********** Supremely informative. Learning how to correct almost any illness was excellent. – Dr David Zive ************************ I’ve attended this seminar 5 or 6 times now and this one was the most beneficial – each time I learn so much more to share with patients and family… I can implement the info much better after having it explained so clearly—thanks for a great up to date seminar. – Dr Mike Eberle, Seattle ***************** Life-changing seminar! This is my 5th or 6th time and I’ll be back again next year. Reminds me of the crucial importance of eating properly and taking the right supplements. Very enthusiastic instructor. – Dr Barry ********* The philosophy was right on the money. the information was top tier. Dr O’Shea is a mad scientist! – Okla doc, name withheld ************** Chiropractic seminar had inspiring philosophy mixed with practical treatment guidelines… Enlightening and scary. Intriguing to see where our educational institutions are taking the profession.

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– Dr Angela Vik, CO ************** I feel like I discovered a new resource in Dr O’Shea for info and materials toward a wellness model, based on true chiropractic philosophy. The new chiropractic seminar was very motivational and gave a factual political analysis of the state of chiropractic and health care in this country. I appreciate his knowledge and analysis of the forces that control us and are causing us to lose our identity. We must learn what it takes to be strong and not dilute our original purpose. – Dr Barbara Dorf *************** Sydney AU Chiropractic seminar: Excellent! As a C.A. it was really valuable. Learned a massive amount in the time and feel that I will be much more confident with patients now discussing chiropractic. – Kate Hotson *************** “The Chiropractic Seminar – Every DC should attend. If ever one needed proof of what it is we do or why we do it, this seminar will set you on fire!” – Dr Grace Syn, CCA *************** The Chiropractic Seminar – very well researched – all information given with background sources cited, unlike other lecturers who repeat facts they heard but cannot recall the origin. …Good to hear things that are not taught at schools. Uplifting to hear like-minded spirit… – Dr Gabriel, Los Angeles *****************

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NEWSLETTER COMMENT Dr Tim ‘s Newsletters are like a holographic, synergistic transmission of multidimensional knowledge and experiential wisdom. (the whole enchilada) – Bruce Tambling, Director Music Technology, Foothill College ***************************************** back to top NUTRITION SEMINAR ************* By watching Dr. Tim O’Shea’s nutritional online seminar, you will be retaught the truth about the simple biology behind what it takes to be in good health. Once and for all you will be given the basic knowledge, tools and understanding on how to clear your digestive tract. This includes the information on how to strip the colon of all the multilayers of mucoid plaque (undigested, putrified foods) that have been layering on the intestinal walls for your whole life. In this seminar Dr. O’Shea also teaches how to heal and rebalance the colon with high quality probiotics, herbs and basic nutrition. You will be shown images that will sadden you to see what unhealthy blood cells look like, you will personalise the images and want to free your blood cells as is shown in the seminar via enzyme, antioxidant oral chelation supplementation & basic diet. Dr O’Shea reveals everything you need to know but did not know about chelating heavy metals, clearing the arteries and how this can be done safely and slowly. The Seminar explains the need for remineralization of our body and a look into hydrolyzed collagen and its undeniable role in our health. You will be engrossed watching because at our core we recognize truth when it is presented to us. You will have a clearer understanding of the forces that have veiled this truth. You will experience a full range of emotions: Anger at the level of corruption, deliberate misinformation, half truths and sadness about the part that you have played in your own poor health. Then Dr O’Shea provides the motivation to undo it. It’s never too late is the underlying message. Dr O’Shea is humble and highly respectful of our historic health pioneers back to top


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teachings. He reminds us that we have 100 year old new resources! This series is both educational and practical. There is no manipulating, emotive language or music; just authentic, unpretentious, factual, well researched and resourced information. Once you take this information into your daily life and start practicing it you will enjoy a sense of well being not remembered since youth. Extra thought has been taken to include a chapter on his website called Notes: seminars. You can find chapters on each area of interest for an even deeper understanding on the website. This is an excellent video/audio supplement to chapters on the I found Dr O’Shea’s candid style threaded with much needed sarcasm very refreshing! He has divided into 8 sections making it easy to take in an hour a day. I enjoyed the images a mix of serious, comical and historical, statistics and graphs. This series will never collect dust! — T. Eaton ************* Nutrition Seminar – By far one of the best CE seminars out there. Love Dr O’Shea’s sense of dry/brutal/truthful humor! He is never afraid to present the truth on emotionally charged topics and include evidence and facts to back it up—- Dr C. Novak, Santa Barbara ____********** Really appreciate all the research you have done to support natural health and chiropractic. Your knowledge of the subjects of nutrition and vaccine danger is second to none! — Dr Steve Alff, Ventura CA ****** Some decent ranting – made me feel passionate about chiropractic, and about real food as well! Have been attending your lectures for 13 years and your content and subject matter are always excellent. Thank you *********** Have attended your nutrition seminar many times– just keeps getting better. back This one is the best of them all. Threw away my walker now I’m using theto top Collagen. Both menisci rebuilt.


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Dr S. Bosshuf – Santa Barbara ****** 2014 Nutrition seminar: “I dedicate time every year to go to this seminar to keep informed on these topics that you so thoroughly and clearly outline. ..most grateful for your ongoing dedication to hunting down the real information on these hot subjects. If I had to choose only 1 seminar per year to attend, it would be this one!” Dr C. Novak, Santa Barbara ******* Excellent! O’Shea pays close attention to current research. so sad to lose the science prerequisite from the profession– makes seminars like this even more valuable.” ********** “Invaluable, up to date nutrition info…reinforces timeless principles. detox info concise” ********** Class moved fast, easy to follow. Website is the resource for keeping all this knowledge organized. thank you! ********* Complete, factual, totally referenced, informative, not boring– time flew! – Dr N Bowerman ******************* New Nutrition Seminar: It certainly should be required in chiropractic colleges. It’s one of the few courses teaching 100% truth. – Dr D. Crawford, Fair Oaks ******************** The energy is always there to keep us alive the entire time. The day is over before you know it and 12 hours has gone by! so much information, so little time– thank you!! – Dr Denise ***************** I have been back to this seminar more times than any other in 25 years – It is the most informative and useful seminar I have taken in my career. back to top – Dr J Sordetto, Camarillo


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***************** The Vaccine /Detox seminar is very thoughtful, down to earth, and real! Excellent explanations on blood, enzymes, food, health. Good wake-up call for doctors to get their own health act together. *********************** The new Nutrition Seminar: Feedback on 8 part nutrition series online seminar By watching Dr. Tim O’Shea’s nutritional online seminar, you will be retaught the truth about the simple biology behind what it takes to be in good health. Once and for all you will be given the basic knowledge, tools and understanding on how to clear your digestive tract. This includesn how to strip the colon of the multilayers of mucoid plaque that have been layering on the intestinal walls for your whole life. In this seminar Dr. O’Shea also teaches how to heal and rebalance the colon with high quality probiotics, herbs and basic nutrition. You will be shown images that will sadden you to see what unhealthy blood cells look like, you will personalise the images and want to free your blood cells as is shown in the seminar via enzyme, antioxidant oral chelation supplementation & basic diet. Dr O’Shea reveals everything you need to know about chelating heavy metals, clearing the arteries and how this can be done safely and slowly. The Seminar explains the need for remineralization of our body and a look into hydrolyzed collagen and its undeniable role in our health. You will be engrossed watching – at our core we recognize truth when it is presented to us. You will experience a full range of emotions: Anger at the level of corruption, deliberate misinformation, half truths and sadness about the part that you have played in your own poor health. Then Dr O’Shea provides the motivation to undo it. It’s never too late is the underlying message. Dr O’Shea is humble and highly respectful of our historic health pioneers teachings. He reminds us that we have 100 year old new resources! This series is both educational and practical. There is no manipulating, back to top emotive language or music; just authentic, unpretentious, factual, well


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researched and resourced information. Once you take this information into your daily life and start practicing it you will enjoy a sense of well being not remembered since youth. Extra thought has been taken to include a chapter on his website called Notes: seminars. You can find chapters on each area of interest for an even deeper understanding on the website. This is an excellent video/audio supplement to chapters on the I found Dr O’Shea’s candid style threaded with much needed sarcasm very refreshing! He has divided into 8 sections making it easy to take in an hour a day. I enjoyed the images a mix of serious, comical and historical, statistics and graphs. This series will never collect dust! – Dr JS *********************************** “good, hard hitting, provocative and sobering info. well needed in our profession and so relevant to family and personal life.” – Ventura doc ***** I am a mom of 5 boys. I am nursing two. I am very underweight and skinny 5’10 and 140lbs) . I have a constant candida issue that i have tried to fix buy strict diets that do not allow me to eat whole grains and fruit. I have tried many diets including some to heal my teeth, as my body seems to be depleting from vitamins and minerals. I have been a vegetarian. But I am still feeling in poor health. My two youngest boys have issues (allergies, anger, emotional and sleep issues) and I am desperate to help them. I am curious if your 60 day program might help me. I cant eat bread without suffering from eczema or sinus issues…or thrush…I can go on. I have spent a lot of time reading your site. I am so impressed with your knowledge and your generosity in sharing it. God bless you immensely. –Elena

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[Dr T]: if you’re sick the child will be sick—– sounds like you need the whole program, but not just doing it. understanding it, which requires reading.. so if you’re serious about getting well and realize that drugs aren’t going to cure you, here’s the start: The Last Resort ******* The nutrition seminar shook my basic foundations to the core. I have huge respect for Dr O’Shea and now a newfound respect for the importance of nutrition. – Dr DV, Sacramento ****************** The information in the seminar is clearly presented. I especially enjoy the reading list I collected. The first seminar I attended provided reading material for a year. thank you – now I have another year’s worth! ****************** This seminar should be mandatory in every chiropractic college… It is lifealtering and life-saving. – Dr I.S., San Diego, CA ************** From the first time I heard you I said to myself “this guy is so straightforward and honest and pure about his ideology and methodology that he is not mincing his speech in any way. Seemed so straightforward but sometimes hard to grasp at first blush, perhaps due to years of being misinformed. Thank you very much again. I’m now excited with your 60 Day program. When we are finished with ours, I can’t wait to introduce you to many of my former classmates who have all kinds of debilitating diseases which can be cured by following your protocol. keep up the good work! Joseph Ang Los Angeles [email protected] ************************************** Found myself in the lamentable position of having to take 204 CE hours all in one year, which means roughly 20 seminars. So I have a pretty good idea back to top of what’s going on in continuing education these days. Your Nutrition


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Seminar Module II was the best by far of anything I have seen. Keep it up! – Mark Monnin DC, La Jolla ****************** I liked how Dr O’Shea annihilated so many myths about nutrition. This is the kind of info that I could feel confident applying to my practice. Nothing trendy superfluous or ego based about it… – Dr S, San Diego, CA ********************** to doc Hi Tim, I have been following your advice now for some years and would like to thank you for your information which has always made sense to me – recently I have been looking at new research on Omega 3 Fish Oil I was always led to believe it was beneficial for many reasons and incorporated in my diet – however there is a lot of controversy lately and frankly I am confused. I can see it’s not all that clear, although I personally take 5 fish oil caps a day. But this new information has caused me to cease them temporarily until I know the facts. I would appreciate if you have any information or references as I am honestly confused thanks again for excellent info . kind regards Simon Byrne [email protected] [DR T]: to Simon I went through the same maze of claims and ‘science’ and hype. My conclusion: obviously EFAs are critical to total cell nutrition, and their deficiency is a cause of much degenerative disease. No question. The trick part is marketing. No matter what they tell you, fish oils are mainly just squeezed fish. That’s it. The best source of EFAs for humans comeback from to top fish — all life originated in the sea, and all that. So the ‘science’ of my-fish


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oil-is-better-than-your-fish-oil is so much splitting hairs and double talk, in my opinion. You want to get optimum EFA’s? Eliminate the middleman. Eat grilled fish or sushi 4 or 5 times a week from the cleanest sources you can find. Which these days may be fish farms of Whole Foods, where the fish are fed 100% algae, instead of 100% GMO soy, like most fish farms. The oceans are all contaminated to some extent by now, but not so much so that all deep ocean fish are inedible. I don’t believe any fish oil company can remove heavy metals from squeezed fish, no matter what they say. Especially with the chances of their processing altering the delicate structures of the intact EFAs. Chances are still in our favor to eat fish. that’s my 2 cents *************************** Excellent! More information like this needs to be known by all chiropractors. Truly holistic – not like other nutrition seminars that are way too allopathic… ************** The nutrition seminar — fantastic! Information galore – Learned many new things all of which can be used Monday morning. O’Shea knows his stuff in the nutrition arena. I was surprised by what I didn’t know or had forgotten. The soy myth section of the seminar was a wealth of information on processed foods – invaluable. Everyone would benefit from these nuggets of information and suggestions for suplementation and cleansing protocols. – Dr DS, Walnut Creek ***************** O’Shea’s Nutrition seminar was the best I have been to in 30 years. This is the first time I’ve ever been glad the state board required CE. – Dr Alan Cooper, Santa Barbara ********************************* I attended Dr O’Shea’s nutrition seminar in Ventura. I decided it was time for me to take the 60 day Detox program seriously, so I followed through fairly conscientiously – the full 60 days. I feel great now, lost 25 lbs. But the two most amazing results are: the sinusitis which I’ve had for years is suddenly gone completely. And also my craving for sugar, that compulsive feeling that I’ve had for years, is totally gone. I’m realizing now that these were the results of accumulated processed dairy and other foods which were devoid of enzymes. The colon detox and flora blitz were critical to making these back to top dramatic changes in my life. I recommend this program to anyone who is


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tired of their old life and ready to see some radical improvement! – Dr Stone, Santa Barbara **************************** Have taken this seminar 3 times and each time you have improved dramatically. This time was the most informative and best presented. ************** what a seminar!… finally found somebody who speaks faster than me. would love to videotape this and watch it in slow motion… – Dr Joel Bird ********************** In 27 years this is truly the most beautiful seminar site I have ever been to. I loved the harbor at Ventura and the surrounding marina. Excellent chiropractic nutrition seminar. – Dr MJK ***************** What shows is the amount of work done to make this nutritional seminar way beyond normal relicensure courses. Great info – like drinking out of a firehose – I now have more ammo and purpose to save people’s lives. – Dr B R, Fresno CA *************** Excellent nutrition seminar!! the information was important, totally relevant, and able to be implemented into pracrice immediately. I was not bored and actually found myself sorry when it ended! I can’t ever remember feeling that way about a relicensing seminar… Best seminar I have taken in 25 years. – Dr Gene Martin ******************** Hi Dr. Tim Thank you again for an empowering seminar. Tony Robbins has nothing on you! All your hard work is appreciated. ***************** The best continuing ed. seminar I have taken! Great info with practical

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value. Makes sense. Time went by fast. – Dr J Hans ************** Awesome nutrition seminar! HIs sense of humor and presentation is fascinating and extremely informative. I learned so much! – T Hills, RN, DC ********* Excellent! The best one attended in 13 years. Kept my attention full time. Up to date info. Appreciate minimum questions from class. Quick touch on many important nutrition topics – excellent overview on biochemical aspect of holistic nutrition. *********** It was great! the best relicensure seminar I have taken… Backs up what I already knew. I liked the idea of learning what the old time folks had to say about nutrition and that we are part of a historical chain passing on this information. ************** When I was looking for a seminar for CE, I waited till the last minute. This information was so valuable that I can’t wait to share it when I get back on Monday. What a bargain for the information given… this pretty much rocked my world. – Dr Tom Page *************** “The seminar is a wealth of information – a real bladder buster – you don’t want to leave the room because you might miss something.” – Dr LH, Pismo Beach ***************** This information should be in all chiropractic school curricula… essential nutritional data that is needed for any true understanding of the cause and correction of human illness and disease. Great job. From: Tammie Sarra [email protected] *****************

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O’Shea has mastered his subject. His presentation is awesome. – Alvin Dettloff, DC ***************** Live and learn – wow! I’m so glad someone is doing their homework. The Nutrition Seminar today – I loved it! This is the best seminar I’ve attended in 20 years, and I’ve been to most of them, having got a masters in nutrition…. Would recommend it for all MDs and DCs… thamk you! – Dr G. Meredith, Berkeley ************************** I have always found nutrition a difficult to understand subject until your seminar. You made it clear and concise. I feel I can improve my health and inspire my patients to improve theirs with the informaiton you imparted. – Dr Phillips, San Diego ************************** I was here to learn about probiotics, but I learned a lot more than that. I learned that the enzymea were missing in the soy formula I have been giving my 4 month old. During the seminar I went out to call my wife to stop giving him the formula.This seminar has changed my view of the value of soy products, and the way I was taught to teach people basic nutrition at my UC extension. – FG, Palm Springs ***************** I love all of your seminars. Topics are so current,pertinent to what is happening to our patients… and irreverent – I like that. You tell it like it is. You/ve done your research, and when one follows your advice,the results are amazing. Thank you – Dr Marilyn Johnson. ************ This seminar was an extremely informative, eye-opening experience. It was the most well-spent time I’ve had in a continuing education seminar. Thank you for the time and energy you put into this presentation. – Dr. Katherine Short back to top


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********************** Nutrition Seminar: what an inspiration and a great confirmation of my own convictions!! – Dr K. Hornbaker. ********************** reminded me of things i learned in college and forgot – clarified many issues on nutrition – gave me some good nutritional protocols for treating problem patients – i like having all the materials archived on the website – thanks!! – Dr Laural **************** I am glad to know that Dr O’Shea is a real person and not just a complete nerd. I am amazed by his energy and enthusiasm. – dr marilyn johnson, santa barbara **********************


John’s Home Page

From Paris seminar: Excellent! You’re saving so many from suffering – very brave to speak truth to power. Very very enlightening, with common sense being hammered home! My second time around – the seminar just gets better – very well referenced! back to top


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– Dr Bruce Hilligan ************************************************ Wales vaccine seminar: Highly educating and very worrying that in the Western world our advanced medicine has bought this commodity for our health. . I wish this vaccine debate could be available to everyone. *************************************** Real eye opener! Was brainwashed by my GP at the birth of my first son that vaccines were necessary for him…I had no facts to disagree with them.. till now. Thank you so much! 10 out of 10! ************************************** Cardiff UK Vaccine Seminar: On Sat, Sep 24 at 2:00 AM, Tom Hunt wrote: Hi Tim, I came to see your lecture this evening in the WMC about vaccinations. This email will be very short and concise. I assume as someone who clearly loves their work, you will reply to me. I am a third year medical student at Cardiff university and came to this lecture hoping to have a sane person put across the genuine facts about vaccines. I can’t grasp how you sleep at night. Quite simply you scare monger, you preach false facts and you know what you are saying is false. Why do you do it? Have you had a perceived negative experience from a vaccination? If I could have stopped you at every false or manipulated piece of information I would have because I know I could have made you see some reason. I would really appreciate it if you’d reply. Thomas Hunt back to top {Dr T]:


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What do you mean if you could have you would have? Obviously you couldn’t! So why didn’t you correct me? You didn’t even have the guts to ask a question at the end. That would have been fun! No courage of your convictions? Why don’t you do it now? Name one. Go ahead – Mention one citation of factual error. Let’s hear it! Stop whining! Specify. Obviously you haven’t read my book, nor will you because it is far over your head, outside the narrow little paradigm box allowed you.. Nor did you listen to a word I said, because all the references in the back of that text for every single fact I cited were what ? …medical references. Remember? That’s your claimed field of expertise, right? And you don’t even have a passing familiarity with it. So who’s the fraud here, Tom? You want to speak with authority, do the work. Your spineless attempt at condescension is laughable at best, considering your claimed level of ‘education’, – pathetic at worst. I think you may have a real future in medical education. Or backroom law. It’s funny that all the rest of the many comments I got from the attendees of that Cardiff lecture were all extremely supportive and appreciative. Every single one. They had done the work. You were the only bizarre one like this. The most uninformed. Adherence to the medical model requires sheeplike faith in platitudes, like your email, rather than looking behind the slogans. I guess we have a few heretics in this truly educated crowd. Don’t think you’re going to find many babies to stick needles into from this group. But don’t worry Tom – millions of undiscriminating sheep out there in the UK who worship your fanciful religion of drugs and vaccines, fully content to have you suppress their child’s immune systems with experimental neurotoxins, from the get-go. All those millions in advertising are certainly paying off. If you’re a student, adopt the learning attitude. Which means you start out acknowledging you know nothing, so apparent here, and are supposed to be trying to absorb information at this point. How can you do that when you already think you know everything? Especially when you don’t even have the fundamentals of the discussion. Stop writing and start reading. Third year med — Lord save us — the most dangerous lower primate on the planet. Perhaps the stethoscope so ridiculously draped around the neck all the time cuts off blood supply to the brain…? that’s what one of your back to top teachers told me.


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Remember my last slide with the picture of the chicken on it and the word debate? Well, that’s for you, Tom. All hat, no cowboy. Please, please stop whimpering. “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring.” *************************** Temecula SB277 Lecture Aug Dr. O’Shea, Thank you for your presentation on the demands for accurate scales and balances for the SB277 bill and referendum. Learning to differentiate between vaccination and immunization was new & informative. Thank you for showing the powerful testimony from George Fatheree, the Harvard educated lawyer — a balanced and powerful layout of personal experience alongside education and the law. The visuals on our Constitutional rights were incredibly helpful as well. I appreciated your willingness to talk with people afterward and what this bill may look like down the road. This was well thought-out, balanced, and you speak truth. Thank you for your time and efforts! Mind changing! *************** Jennifer Reece Maxwell: Fantastic book. We were researching for over 2 years to find answers as to whether we should vaccinate. When I read this, it closed the case. No vaccinations for our kids! What I found amazing was despite the facts that I was reading, the cultural conversation we have in our nation was playing through my head over and over again – ‘yeah, but doesn’t it protect them?’ – for 50% of the book! Until it finally clicked – NO – Vaccines do NOT protect, and in fact, they harm! This book is life changing… ******************** Your book saved my 2nd child of any vaccines – Thank you so much! (Kaya back turned 1 last week and hasn’t been sick once). We only wish we knew withto top


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our 1st child. – Randy Curtis ********* Most important seminar I’ve been to. The information is crucial to the future of our children. It was provocative, disturbing, but vital. – Dr RT, Sacramento, CA ******************** This is a fantastic seminar for anyone interested in Vaccinations and the validity v. non validity of their underlying scientific basis. In CA we have a choice about exposing our children to these toxic substances. The material presented is extremely well documented and the speaker is great at holding the interest of the class. You will probably never look at the idea of vaccinations and the pharmaceutical industry/governmental alliance in the same way again after taking this course! – Dr Mark Steed ************** Amazing seminar – worth much more money than I paid. I was completely mentally submerged to the maximum the entire time. Great info – so well sourced and presented. I have heard so many fantastic things about this book. – I always knew I didn’t want to vaccinate, but now I am much more capable of defending my opinion. ***************** A very courageous presentation – well organized… you’ve done your homework. – Dr H, Sacramento ********************** From: Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 3:32 PM

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To: Subject: Pertussis Testimony to BOH Hearing November 14, 2012 Dear Washington Board of Health, While School Board Trustee of Bonner County back in the mid ’90’s we had an outbreak of Pertussis and closed 4 schools representing about 900 elementary students. Of those 900, about 150 became children were diagnosed with Pertussis. At the next school board meeting, I asked the Superintendent in open meeting the question, “of those who have gotten Pertussis, what percentage had the vaccination?” We had a very poor rate of vaccinations with about 40% of children not receiving vaccinations and I wanted to make public that vaccinations helped children and everyone should become vaccinated. The Superintendent responded in a very soft voice, “100%.” I sat in stunned silence and after the meeting asked the Superintendent whether the department of health was looking into the problem. The chance of only those with the vaccination getting Pertussis and none of those without the vaccination getting Pertussis is not statistically possible unless the vaccination caused a predisposition or increased the likelihood of getting Pertussis. The Superintendent responded that state officials had the problem under control. But we did not hear anything more. Where was the report of the investigation? No. What publication published the problem? Not one. The problem was shoveled under the carpet. Do I support some vaccinations, yes. But the science needs to be reviewed by those without vested interests. Public Health officials market tradition and seldom carefully review the science. Sincerely,

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Bill Osmunson DDS, MPH [Dr T]: Thank you Dr Bill, I can use this. The only thing that surprises me is that you still support some vaccines. Assuming those are the ones that have been proven 100% to be absolutely safe, effective and necessary, by independent studies, exactly which ones would those be? – Dr Tim O’Shea *********************** hey Dr. O’Shea, I was wondering if you have any information or advice on the “Vitamin K” shot. My wife and I are expecting our first in a couple months. We are doing a home birth and choosing not to vaccinate, but for some reason I think there has been some people installing fear into her about the risk of bleeding and she’s questioning whether or not to do it. I would appreciate your opinion and any advice you have in the topic as well as any articles you may have that you like to share. She passed along a bogus article she received from someone at an “evidence based birth” site. It was full or statistical errors and uni-directional research. They claim to be for informational purposes but the agenda was clear. Anyway, thanks for any help you may be able to provide! Dr. Justin Allen [Dr T:] “some people”? some people will say anything. Vitamin K is a scam from top to bottom. the sales rap is that the infant needs to boost the clotting cascade in the liver by adding vitamin K, which newborns do not have. the danger then being if the skin is broken, they might bleed excessively without being able to clot. so what is the brilliant solution? pierce the skin for an injection with a synthetic manmade vitamin K, even though the other precursors and intermediates in the clotting sequence are not yet present in the newborn, and vitamin K is the least of the problem. so they’re going to inject something into a newborn – trigger a possible exsanguinary situation in order to provide this fake emergency back to top dose of a fake vitamin? are they even listening to what they say as they


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sell the procedure? never assume that asking a common sense question will be too obvious when you’ discussing medical recommendations. used to be silver nitrate in the eyes and vitamin K– then people started getting smart with the internet so the silver nitrate was given over– the vitaimn K dinosaur remains— the purpose is to train parents from the start that health is something benevolently doled out by the medical profession, at their discretion. we control the portals to life and death. you may enter and leave only with our permission. their worst nightmare is for people to become self reliant when it comes to health decisions. once that awareness dawns, why would they need drugs? *********************** The new Vaccine Seminar: “I look forward to these seminars like a giraffe looks forward to strep throat. The new Vaccine seminar was a refreshing change. I now understand more about vaccines than I thought possible…some very disturbing facts.” – RW Tripp, Cypress ***************** This by far has been the most informative 12 hour seminar that I have taken in 10 years of practice. Aside from my AK certification, this seminar surpassed any other nutrition seminar/vaccine seminar. Awesome for the new or old docs! – Dr J Ko, Newberry Park ***** How inspiring it was for me to be in the Vaccination and Immunization course last weekend in Sacramento. This was one of the best courses I have taken in 20 years. Emphasis on your knowledge, ability to communicate the subject and mostly on the stand you take on such a controversial matter. I look forward to taking the nutrition seminar. – Daniel S. Smith, D.C. back to top


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*********** “Usually bored out of my mind at CE seminars. so pleasantly surprised at new vaccine seminar – entertained with absolutely intriguing material. Got me right back to where I needed to be.” – Dr K Alderete, Carsbad ******************************************* Dr. O’Shea, I read an article on the benefits to the immune system from getting Whooping Cough. I searched the internet for any information but came up with nothing. Do you have any information on this? I took your Palm Springs lecture earlier this year. Any information would be helpful, my 3 children are unvaccinated and have contracted Whooping Cough and their amazing immune system is fighting it off just as God created it to do. I am always encouraging my friends and patients to not immunize but when the crazy media starts getting into the minds of the uneducated, they begin to turn to the dark side and immunize. Now that my children have fought off the condition, I would like to be able to tell others what the benefits of allowing my children to fight this naturally and the life time of immunity my children have gained. Thank You Christopher B. Gaukler, D.C. 1520 E. Lincoln Ave. Orange, CA 92865 (714) 921-1546 *********** [Dr T:] Dear Dr Gaukler back to top


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Of course you’re not going to find anything documenting benefits of whooping cough – but you can certainly find a ton of material loudly claiming how important the DPT vaccine is for preventing it, even though DPT is the single most dangerous vaccine ever invented. 75% of all vaccine injury claims ever paid out have been for DPT reactions. Not only has it never been clinically proven that the vaccine protects children from whooping cough, there is overwhelming proof of its toxicity. In the case of your unvaccinated children, they are going to have much stronger immune systems after having overcome pertussis. Of course it’s distressing to watch them suffer and you’d rather that they never got it, but don’t listen to the hollow ranting about how the vaccine would have saved them, or the even more ridiculous claims about how the vaccine can cure them from pertussis now that they’ve got it. That is impossible. No curative vaccines exist. In the past 6 years we have seen many outbreaks of whooping cough across the country, almost always among the vaccinated population. So your unvaccinated kids were the rare exception. And yes, it’s fact that whooping cough as a disease was almost completely gone by the time the DPT vaccine came out in the mid 40s. So since 90% of kids now get 5 separate doses of DPT vaccine, the highest likelihood is that the new outbreaks are actually from the vaccine itself. The vaccinated are a true Reservoir for Disease in this case. And remember – this is not the original whooping cough, but a manmade mutant version of it, created in the laboratory and spread by the vaccine. Since the original disease had all but disappeared by the time the DPT vaccine came out on the market, it is probable that your children were exposed to the new manmade version of it by being around their vaccinated schoolfriends. A prime example of how true herd immunity was negated by spreading manmade mutant diseases through vaccines. So don’t feel bad or guilty or anything but a little unlucky perhaps. The vaccine wouldn’t have kept your kids from getting whooping cough, and more important, they wouldn’t have anywhere near the immune reserves necessary to overcome the attack if you had given them all the usual back to top childhood vaccines. Vaccinated kids who get pertussis anyway are really,


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really sick. And then what do the geniuses do? Right. Another shot of DPT! What were the first 5 shots for? Of course a fuller explanation is available in the new text Vaccination Is Not Immunization as well as in the seminar. Congratulations for not falling prey to hollow mantras and for finding out the truth yourself through much diligence and study. You’re on the side of science, not slogans. In today’s toxic world, kids need every possible advantage they can get. You’ve certainly given them the best chance for an unmodified, powerful immune system. – Dr T *********** “I learned a lot from Vaccination Is Not Immunization and quite agree with the author that no scientific proof exists that vaccines are efficient and safe.” – Françoise Berthoud MD, pediatrician, Switzerland *************** Thank you so much Dr. O’Shea … early in my nutritional learning process, I read The Sanctity of Human Blood. It really meant something to me and just wanted you to know that your work had a great impact on my shifting from a medical paradigm as a premed student in college. I can name only a few people that had such an influence. I thank you for being there. – John Robbins author of Diet for A New America ******** Vaccine/ Detox seminar: The best seminar I have ever attended during many years of chiropractic. Not only for the subjects but the classy and truthful way Dr Tim presented it. Don’t know how I would improve it. – Dr AnneMarie Bennstrom, Sky Valley

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********* I thought this seminar was filled with amazing information…. am looking forward to incorporating it into my practice immediately. A 10 of 10! Thank you. – Dr MM, Palm Desert ********* the vaccine seminar – very professional – presented concisely and coherently – easy to follow and keeps your attention – Dr O’Shea is the very best lecturer out of all providers. – Dr T. Pirrotto *************** Awesome. The presentation was done in a very precise manner. Extremely informative,educative, and progressive in the past, current, and future info on ‘immunizations.’ Keep it up Dr Tim! – Dr L Ruano, Santa Barbara ********************* Dear Tim, I just wanted to drop an email to thank you for the wonderful seminar. I was the mom with the baby in the back after lunch in Santa Barbara. I had to leave to take care of my 2 year old before the questions and answers were over but I wanted to give you my thanks and appreciation for the work you do. We have decided to not vaccinate our daughter but I was searching for the conviction to stand up to our doctor and look him in the eye with the utmost confidence and say “no, and I know why I’m not vaccinating my child.” My confidence was certainly bolstered at your seminar. I am so glad we made the “gut” decision we did. You have explained for me my hesitation in blindly following like sheep the “immunization” protocol. I honestly cannot thank you enough. I have told many people about the back to top seminar and my hope is that they go and hear it themself when you are in


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Ventura. Once again, thank you for sealing the deal… our daughter will receive no vaccinations under our watch! – Lisa Hildebrand ********************* This is by far the best informative seminar I have done. Thank you so much for the information. Up til now I’ve been nervous about not vaccinating my two children, due to my lack of knowledge. I cannot thank you enough. Had I not attended this seminar, I might have caught up with the vaccinations for my kids! Thank you again and again for you call. – Dr Helen Nong ********************* Life-changing information, thoroughly researched. Thank you so much for putting all the pieces together and shining the light of day on this horrendously immoral greed-driven industry. – Dr Brad Nelson *********************** The seminar was a real eye opener. I was pressured into my son’s first vaccination., but he will never receive another. – T. Zollina, Sacramento, CA ************************ If I had any doubts about vaccinating my kids, they are completely gone now, after this seminar. Dr O’Shea has convinced me beyond the shadow of a doubt… – Dr LC, San Diego, CA ************** The Vaccine Seminar: – fantastic information, a 10, a lot of subject matter to cover but done well, enjoyed the video clips – grounded the info with real examples – veryback to top


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revealing, the book made me decide not to vaccinate… (doctor’s name withheld by request) ***************** The Vaccine / Detox seminar was very well presented using good visual aid movie clips to complement lecture. I enjoyed the quick pace that covered all pertinent information. Very up to date and I will be able to use it in the office on Monday morning. Seminar topics were very relevant to patient care, management, and concerns of today. The 12 hours flew by and I was interested from beginning to end. – Dr Buchkowski, Phoenix AZ ***************** This seminar on vaccines is a brave and powerful assault of extremely wellresearched material on the dogma of vaccination. It’s imperative that we share this information with our families, friends, and patients. No one else will. – Dr G Byrnes ***************** Seminar content enlightening, sobering. Well organized. Incredible research – very knowledgeable about subject matter. – Dr R, Phoenix AZ ***************** I was very pleasantly surprised. You are amazing and probably save lives. I’m telling everyone about this information. Stunning! thank you. Priceless information – life changing – electrifying – profound. – Dr. J. Houghton, Los Angeles ******************* The vaccine seminar this weekend as always, was amazingly informative, of back to top utmost relevance and a lifeline for those people still interested in the health


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and well being of our future generations – Tim dissects every serious subject in an easy to follow, uplifting, and often humorous way. i attend every year and will continue to. – Dr W. Jacobsohn, Los Angeles ***************** In over 20 years of practice, the most interesting informative seminar I have ever attended. This seminar should be mandatory for all doctors of ALL types. Thank you! – Dr Anne Rikel *********************** Disturbing, pit of the stomach, acid reflux producing truthful excellence. – Dr K Hanes, San Diego *********************** Solid! This was the best 12 hour CE course I’ve attended. My attention was fully with you 100% – no boredom at all. Great systematic presentation. – Dr B. Lanesh ********************************* Some doctor! You are a raving lunatic and one of the best stand up comics I have ever heard of. So you think you’re smarter than the whole medical professions? – S.D., 3rd year medical student, New York **************** I really enjoyed the vaccine seminar. I’ve read a number of books and seen many videos and much literature over the years and this seminar was better, more enjoyable, and funnier than anything I’ve heard. You were clear, stayed on time, and answered all questions. Thanks! – Dr J Ameral

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*************** The information was staggering and frightening. I wish I knew this when my children were babies. – Happily I refused Hepatitis B when they were in middle school. I will be looking into this topic more on my own. I will suggest this seminar to others in my field and nurses I know. – GR, San Jose ******************* I was impressed with the variety of topics covered. This class would give any health care provider an unbelievable foundation and basic understanding of natural nutrition. ***************** Very informative shocking and scary material. Wish I didn’t know all that I learned today! Ignorance is bliss. Now I must learn more.I must educate my grown children who have not had children yet. ***************** Very well organized. Plenty of info. Lotta laughs – eye-opening. Best seminar I’ve been to. Loved info on methods of propaganda. Keep teaching it! – Dr SW, San Diego, CA ************** Excellent as always with Dr O’Shea seminars… very informative and motivational material delivered with enthusiasm and passion. visual presentation and lecture is a great combo – lunch included!! – Dr Jen *************** Wow! I’ve been researching this topic for 10 years. Yours is the most current, best organized, and best referenced presentation on vaccines I have ever seen. You have taken a very complex subject and organized it so that it can back to be comprehended by the average person… Everyone with children needs to top


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attend this seminar. – Dr. TF, Tustin CA ***************** Secret Vax in Uruguay Hi Dr O’Shea, …… just wanted to thank you again for all that you do. I am one of the 1.5% . We moved to Uruguay two years ago. I have four kids sixteen and under. I put my kids in the local Catholic school and when they asked for their vaccination records, I gave them the Texas exemption form that excused my kids from Texas vaccinations and they acceptedthem. This year the school told me that I needed to get my kids caught up on vaccinations according to the “law” in Uruguay. All kids are required to be vaccinated. I told the pediatrician that one of my kids has had recent seizures and so I did not want her to receive the suggested vaccinations because the side effects were possibly more seizures. She said, “it is the law in Uruguay, sorry, you will have to vaccinate her.” So I asked for the head pediatric doctor in the country in Montevideo. He came into the conference room and asked me why I did not want to vaccinate mykids. I told him that my daughter was a preemie and had had recent seizures, so I did not want the MMR vaccination given to her because of the side effects. He said he would exempt her, but that he wanted my son who is nine years old to get all of the shots. I repeated that I would not be vaccinating him. He then told me that he could not FORCE me to vaccinate him, but that he could recommend that I do it for the sake of all the other children. Would I reconsider? No I said once again. He then said he would sign a letter exempting all of my kids from the vaccinations. I read through your book again for several nights before the appointment. back to top


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Your book has always been my “go to” resource in these battles. A family friend was the pediatrician when our first three girls were born. He insisted one day on giving my daughter a triple dose vaccination. I used what you said to use and that is to say, “not today”. I said that three times and walked out of the room with my daughter. I told them as long as I am breathing, I will not allow any vaccinations for my four kids. I know what you mean when you say that there is only 1.5% that are educated and willing to speak out. The two states we have lived in are Texas and California. Both are deceptive with asking for vaccination records before admitting students. Neither will tell parents that there is an option . I had read the previous night that I could mention to him the Geneva Convention agreement that was signed by 100 countries after World War II stating that if a country was trying to give a person a shot or medical treatment that was experimental in nature, it would have to have the informed person’s consent before moving forward with the shot or treatment. I really do appreciate all that you do. I have two editions of your vaccination books and they are priceless! Worth whatever you ask for them. Thank you again and again, LG in Uruguay ******************************************* What a joke you are, an anti-medical fanatic…. Medicine has saved generations from the ravages of disease… instead of your criticism and fault finding, you should be showing your gratitude. the doctor within, indeed! ha ha! – JD, third year medical student, New Haven **************************** Dr. O’Shea, I am excited to hear about all this information that has been hidden from the back to top people of the norm. When I started quizzing the Drs. about the ingredients of


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the vaccines, they DID NOT have a CLUE on what was in the vaccines. I was outraged!!!! The nurses got very upset with me that I even asked such a question and it took a couple of minutes of quizzing the nurses to finally find out that they get their “batch” of vaccines from the King County. I called King County immediately to get the exact list of ingredients of the shots. They faxed me three pages of toxic ingredients. I cried. I did this to my children without even knowing it. I liked many things about the seminar. – You started on time and made it clear what the agenda for the day was. You also ended on time – most cannot do that. – Loved your straightforward and clear approach with your goal. I like that you did not allow questions and – You had a VERY clear slide presentation with the focus on key words. – I liked that you were open with a little humor. – You had reference info for every statement or fact that you found! What the seminar did for me: First, I was happy that I have become more aware of the system and how it is all set up. I was Angry, very angry and sad. …medical doctors were ALWAYS pointing me in the WRONG direction in treating the symptoms and not the causes and due to their ignorance and walls that have been built in their minds. And for the fact that I have allowed shots to go into my children’s blood. It really hurts. Have a super day and THANK YOU for all that you do! Gayle Waxon [email protected] ************************* This story will just break your heart, read, share and please do what you can to prevent this happening to anyone else. This is what Julie says.

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“My name is Julie and I am 26 years old. I have remained fairly quiet since being vaccinated by Gardasil because talking about the damage it has done is very difficult. The pain inside that it has caused is so extreme that it has been easier for me to try to forget Gardasil ever existed. For the past two years, I have tried to pretend that my life was not stolen from me and to forget that I was poisoned.” “I chose to share my story after two years because I can no longer sit back and watch beautiful lives being destroyed by something that was meant to protect. I can only hope and pray that all of this happened to me for a reason. If my story has not convinced you or someone else against the shot, I hope at least I have convinced you to do more research before making that choice. The research will speak for itself. My story is my reality because I was not warned and I did not research. I hope and pray that this story finds you in time to protect yourself or your loved ones from the Gardasil vaccination.” The link to her story is here – ************************** This Seminar is excellent. It is paramount to understanding the truth about vaccination. The book is essential for all parents to read. I appreciate the abundant references in the seminar without all the dogmatic crap. Thank You! – Dr. Deborah *********************************** dr. t: thank you so much for the seminar – i can’t tell you how hungry my wife and i have been for more information on this subject. we are happy to be on your mailing list, and look forward to attending similar sessions in the future. as far as making the seminar better, it was a very effective complement to your book – fleshing out a couple of points and covering a variety of topics. back to top some of the information was new to me, and some of the familiar information


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was still good to hear again – it helped to crystallize it in my mind. i especially liked the historic perspective, which was new to me. …fascinating! thanks again for doing this work. – kyle hull ************************************ HI Doc, Here are a few thoughts about the online adjusting class. I really understood the ‘get your head in the game’ … the importance of focus, and intention when we deliver that adjustment and need to have the visualization. .. the video related to me 120 % … You are trying to help doctors who .. 1. think the subluxation is not real 2. fear you might hurt someone 3. never learned the value of the adjustment Somehow, I have all three of these issues and really struggling in my practice. I believe in the chiropractic principles but have problems physically applying the hands-on to get results. I appreciated the tips about bringing to tension and lifting the chin doing cervical adjusting. Most important I was reminded that what we do is very specific skillset and we need to always be in the right mindset, the mindset of a mastery person. I have too many distractions when I am adjusting……. – CO doctor **************************************************** Thank you Dr. T. back to top


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I can tell you right now that even though this is my fifth or 6th time taking my re-licensing with you, I am thoroughly enjoying it. Your delivery is very pleasant and smooth and the material is all inclusive and relevant for anyone the least bit concerned with their own health and the health of others. You’ve always been great at putting it all together for us in simple enough terms so it is easily brought to the patients. I also appreciate how you update the information as needed. Mostly I am truly enjoying the gentleness of the presentations. I can relax. Now, how can we get them to OK on-line adjusting segments as well? I live in Colorado now. Thanks again! – Dr. K. Lundstrom ********************************************** Cardiff Vaccine Lecture: Dr T shared frightening information I never heard before. Left the seminar realizing we are 100% responsible for our own personal health. Real information like this is essential. enlightening! *********************************************** Paris vaccine lecture: Clear speech for us French speakers! Great overview and in depth references~. Life-changing information. thank you! Thanks for your reply, got your ebook vaccination is not immunization. I bought the Chinese version of your book for my wife. She is new to this and her native language is Chinese. I am so grateful you have a translation. After I read it I am sure I will order more to try and educate my friends, especially those with young kids or considering having kids. Also ordered a copy of trace amounts. I first heard about geoengineering back in 2006. I didn’t believe it either, but back to top then I went to Cleveland and saw chemtrails tic tac toe a cloud in the corner


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of an otherwise cloudless sky which turned half the sky into a grey haze by the end of the day. It is almost too much to think about on top of everything else. This all makes me so much more hesitant to accept the job offer in LA. Keep up the good work! Dan Tutolo Columbia, MD ***************************************************** back to top VACCINATION STORIES Hi Doctor O’Shea, Again, I want to thank you so deeply for your tireless, detailed, and most importantly accurate work on vaccination. Thanks to you and the others that have inspired me, …I chose to have my son naturally, at home. Nelson is now 11. He has never been vaccinated or been to a regular pediatrician for a check-up…..or had any type of pharmaceutical.Through a healthy organic diet, time outside, minimum screen time except for the occasional movie….lots of love, etc…I have a beautiful son that is bright, intelligent, and robust in health. In regard to illness, I see it as a clean-out versus a “sickness”….and take full responsibility for this. People consistently say that he is an interesting person and genuinely enjoy talking with him. The most beautiful thing is that he chooses this lifestyle for himself as well…I hope people can figure out that kids are naturally tuned in to vital food, nature, and a wholesome lifestyle…if they are taught in fun ways at an early age. Nelson had a kitchen knife by age 3 (a small one) and now can cook a multi course meal for many….and knows how to identify plants to put together his own herbal capsules…This I feel is pretty normal and only because he has been given the opportunity…and not dumbed down, numbed and drugged. Thanks from all my heart for helping this to happen.

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all the best, Penelope Sullivan [Dr T]: thanks. must be nice not to live in California! ************************** Melinda Allen: Hello, I am on-line trying to gather my own research since they may force my children to get vaccinated or give up their right to a public education SB 277…anyway! I came across your info and thought I would participate. My kids are much healthier than their friends and it always astounds me just how much. All of my children were born at home and have never had any vaccines. We very rarely even go to a doctor at all. I get them a yearly check up but sometimes one of them will pick up a bug from the doctors office so I may rule those out as well. Warm Regards, The Allen family [Dr T] Read Apr 2015 Newsletter ***************************************************** Wow….just read your newsletter. Tuesdays judicial hearing doesn’t look very promising either. It’s overwhelming sadness for my family. My son just qualified for our schools very tough GATE program and was so excited, now he will be denied that right. I volunteer at our preschool, transitional kindergarten school and my oldest sons elementary school and I now that I have “come out” as someone who feels I should be allowed to decide what is injected into my children, I have faced pure nastiness at all three schools. It’s my “social responsibly” and “if my kids had to take the risk, yours should too” and “you guys shouldn’t back to top


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even be allowed in public parks”. Is this all really happening? Wake me up from this Science Fiction nightmare! [Dr T in 2022: How nostalgic looking back to the days when people thought they actually had a right to refuse experimental inoculations for themselves and their children. Before the global coup d’etat … ] ********************************* I have to say thank you because your literature played a very big part in my ex husband and i not vaccinating our son at 6 weeks. I truly believe that’s why he is so smart and vibrant and active and talks up a storm. My sister and her husband who is a chiropractor in Australia sent me information about immunisations and vaccinations that i didn’t look at until after he had his first round of shots at 6 weeks… her husband had ordered some pamphlets of yours and had them shipped to me . I finally started reading. Thank you for your work. Tanya Sutton *************** Almost seven years ago I was given your book. I refused to read it. I was on a flight from OK to OR with my seven week old baby and my husband had snuck Sanctity of the Blood in my carry on. I began reading and cried through most of the book when I realized and recognized the reactions my daughter suffered from her minimal vaccinations. The realization of all the damage vaccines had caused in my own life, my daughter’s and any potential future children was devastating. I have since read the subsequent editions as they have been published and have gifted them to 11 people who have all made the decision not to vaccinate from reading your book. I have recommended to countless families your work and have heard back from many that they do not vaccinate either after reading your books. Words cannot express my gratitude. I have five healthy children, four of which are completely unvaccinated. back to top


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Thank you! Mandy Hinkle [email protected] ************* I am a chiropractor in Cassville, MO. I have been to your seminars and have bought your books the last few years. I have 3 beautiful children. All of them are vaccine free. Yesterday, my wife was called by the school and told that she needed to come get her child. Apparently there was a family that had come down with chicken pox. The ill children were sent home. None of these children were in my child’s class. My wife was told that since our child had not been vaccinated, she was to stay out of school till the 18th of October (21 days), and that if another child was found to have come down with chicken pox, that time would be added to those days. We have a copy of the statute, and it says nothing about the amount of time for an unvaccinated child to be out of school. It seems to only talk about if the child is a threat to others that they would have to stay out. Mo. Statute 167.191. We sent an email to the teacher, principal and superintendent asking why and asking if we could bring her back if we signed a waiver. The principal called us this afternoon and told us that it was a state law and that she understands. We are planning on pursuing this further, as we have 2 other children that will have to go through the same thing. We are going to contact the state to see what the state law says, but wondered if you had any enlightening advice for us. Sincerely, S. R. [Dr T response:] they have it backwards—- the waiver is to prevent the unvaccinated kids’ parents from suing the school in case their unvaccinated kids get the chicken pox from the vaccinated. that’s the purpose of the law. anything else is doubletalk– so you can see that the kids who got chickenpox were probably back to top vaccinated, right? shows you how well the vaccine works— you might need a


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lawyer to interpret the law to these morons— in california it actually states on the exemption form that this is what you’re agreeing to– to keep your unvaccinated kid out of school in the event any kids get a disease– the real reason is the liability of the school, as i have explained above, but the pretense is that your unvaccinated kid gave it to the ones who came down with it, which of course is impossible—– just ask them this: if the vaccine works, then what do you care if my child is unvaccinated? aren’t your kids protected? then shut up and watch them change the subject. when they do , interrupt them and say no, don’t change the subject, answer my question. keep doing that and that will show you how lame they really are. Thought about homeschool??? ************************************ You saved my children by writing your wonderful vaccine book. After I read it my whole mindset about disease and vaccines changed. The sanctity of my children’s blood will be respected. I have a deep passion for bringing awareness about vaccines and I encourage parents to become educated, and take control of their children’s health. I will be forever grateful for the knowledge you have given me. – Dr LC, Redlands CA ************************************* “You are right. It is best to read it in one go. So that’s what I did. In a word your book can best be described as elegant. Vaccination Is Not Immunization is well-written and and beautifully presented. Certainly most valuable for parents seeking the truth about vaccines.” – Viera Scheibner, PhD ********* “Thank you for the beautiful book of O’Shea. It is one of the best, if not the back to top best book that exists about this topic. I have joined the battle against the


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disastrous mass vaccinations. It’s disappointing for me that I’m the only doctor who publicly speaks against this disaster. For years I have seen the debilitating aftermath in many children.” – Dr HC Moolenburgh, Amsterdam ******************************* to doc I work in a doctors office where they are going to force employees to have a flu vaccine or get fired. Is there anything I can take to help my body to recover from this? –sherry [to Sherry wrong question– you want to be asking for the name of a lawyer to sue them with for requiring something that they have no legal authority to require.—– 1 in 50 children are autistic. only 1% of vaccine injuries are ever reported. the manufacturers admit that vaccines are carcinogenic. sure you want to roll the dice with that?] ****************** I am writing to say thanks for your book. I just spent the mornining re-reading it and again I am amazed at the blatant disregard for the individual’s true health in the name of the almighty buck. I have also read Robert Mendelsohn’s, “Confessions of a Medical Heretic,” and I put your book in that same category of must read for the masses. Sincerely, – Dr Daniel Kaplan ******************** Quoting Shane Campbell [email protected]: Dear Dr. O’Shea, Hello My name is Lacie I have read your book after my son had a

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reaction to his first vaccination, and decided to get a medical


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waiver for all my children, but now we have a dilemma. My family and I are going to be missionaries in Ecuador and found out that our mission board will not send us unless our children are vaccinated. There is so much hype about getting our children vaccinated because we are going to a 3rd world country, where these dieseases are evident. So now I’m not sure what to do!? My kids had a medical waiver at first, but the mission board doctor won’t even accept that. What is your opinion in this matter? Thanks, Lacie Campbell [Dr T]: This is a phony sales technique they use to sell vaccines. i have a whole section on this subject in my book Vaccination Is Not Immunization. Ecuador doesn’t care one way or another whether missionaries are vaccinated. the third world angle thing doesn’t hold water– in fact it’s the exact opposite– since you’re going into this potentially toxic environment, you need an intact immune system more than ever. so why would you handicap it by experimental and immunosuppressive vaccines? physical reality is the exact opposite of what they’re telling you. my advice is get a medical exemption from a real MD here. if you can’t get one, don’t go. the risk to your child from vaccines is just not worth it. dr t ************ Are you the Sam Kinison of vaccine lore? Hi Doctor, I am a Chiropractor from ____________. We recently had a baby boy! Weto top back have decided to delay vaccination as I have educated myself about the


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difference between immunization and vaccination including the pros and cons. I am however wondering if there is something we can do to protect our little one when we fly abroad soon to France? In regards to some potentially usefully vaccines, which ones do you recommend, if any? Is there a reference you can send me for quick review. Your advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you kindly [name withheld] [Dr T]: Yes. Read my book. And not just the section on Travel Vaccines. Your education is in its embryonic stage if you’re using the words ‘vaccination’ and ‘protection’ in the same paragraph, and also phrases like’potentially useful’ vaccines. … exactly which ones would those be? If you have safeguarded this child’s immune system so far, why would you want to compromise it now, just because you’re taking a trip? Beyond that, my opinion is that no child under 2 should be on an intercontinental flight– that’s not what legitimate doctors have in mind when they talk about gentle, regular stimulation being the best way to build the strongest immune system in the unvaccinated infant—‘delay’ vaccination? until exactly when? Your kid has lucked out in ways you obviously don’t appreciate, from the fragmented knowledge you have. Why not go all the way and really give him a chance not to be immuno-compromised by experimental viral loads and neurotoxic adjuvants? ‘quick’ review, huh? Rather a cavalier approach to the most important decison you will make in the life of your infant, don’t you think? Of course we wouldn’t want to go into any kind of depth or inconvenience reaching that decisIon, would we? Just a few hits off wiki-mafia and googlegoebbels should be enough, right? Why take it seriously? This is the age of the survival of the correctly informed – social Darwinism indeed. Thanks for reminding us.

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DD Palmer: “Mandatory vaccination is an outrage upon the individual in a land of personal freedom.” Get Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War on Children. Read it. It’s got all the references you need.

******************** Dear Dr. O’Shea, in 2009 I got diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. I finally knew the reason why I was stuck in my own delusional fantasy world —. I visited several psychologists about how to cope with this label . I also went through a severe depression – not a pleasant way to spent the last years of your youth My dad told us a couple of years ago to stop taking our yearly vaccines because it is bad for your health. Not understanding I simply did as he said without knowing why. A dream that I’ve had most of my life was to be ‘normal’, to be like the people around me because I experienced events, felt and lived as an outsider, less than ‘normal’ people. It was presented to me by the psychiatric world is that my autism was genetic and that there was nothing I could do about it. …earlier this year, I read of a seminar about vaccinations given by you. I proposed to go there together with my father… I had no knowledge about natural healthcare or vaccines besides what the doctors and my school told me. The information given to me in your vaccine seminar shook the very foundations of my being. Finding out that you’ve been living a lie most of your life is quite an experience. I started researching vaccine damage and the effects on the human body. One of my goals was to find a way to heal the damage done by vaccines. After studying your information on your 60 Day Program, I believed that the Program would help me deal with the world around me. back to top


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The lifestyle I lived before was very unhealthy: did not get much exercise, as I sit behind a computer many hours a day, I ate a lot of unhealthy and often processed foods. The switch to the New West Diet was the hardest part . I had no problems with taking the supplements. Now a few months after I finished the program I do feel that my body works better than before. One example: before I always had problems with my colon when it came to digestion, which has disappeared now. Also I started to view myself, the people around me and the world in a different way. I think in the end a combination of achieving a better physical health as well as mentally really did it. Learning to accept yourself as a unique human being despite done damages , learning to accept and understand the world around you, you must first learn to accept and understand yourself. This way of thinking would NOT have been possible for me if I hadn’t done the 60 Day Program. … in my case it was you that opened my eyes to the world around me. For that I would like to thank you so very very much. For everything you’ve done for me: for opening my eyes Kindest regards, Joshua Smits ***************************************** THE BOOK

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Dear Dr. O’Shea, I have read your book “Vaccination is Not Immunization” and want to salute you for the noble effort you have put into writing and publishing it. Now I am very clear about the money and politic behind vaccination. In order to ensure continuity of reaping huge profits of billions after billions, the pharmaceutical industry has to insist on the false truth of Pasteur’s Germ theory of disease. Unfortunately for the majority of people, the authority and the government go all the way to support it I am from Malaysia and have an autistic son who is 26 years old. Thank you for your attention! May your noble effort benefit more and more people! Kennedy Tan Health Builders

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Kuala Lumpur *************** “his vaccine book is the most provocative, well researched, fact filled, bloodboiling text EVER written on vaccines!!!!…Dr Tim’s writing style mixing PURE science and his relentless wit make this one of my FAVORITE reads of all time…read this book and you will want to start a revolution.” -Dr Bill DeMoss – DCS, Newport Beach ************** ********************** Every new mother and father should have the opportunity to read The Sanctity of Human Blood before subjecting their children to mandatory vaccinations. – Kilmer McCully, MD, The Heart Revolution ********************** This book is the best source I have in my library about the history and the horrors of the vaccine industry. …the three generations of wholesale poisoning that Dr. O’Shea reveals in this book… Thanks for doing the research for the rest of us. – Gary Kohls, MD, Preventive Psychiatry ********************** Tim O’Shea is one of the few people writing on vaccines today who has the courage and dedication to tell it like it is, in detail. – Philip Incao, M.D., Crestone, Colorado ********************** Simply the best and most accessible deconstruction on vaccines I’ve read, and I’ve read quite a few. You should be proud, as I am of you, your courage, and your work! – Anthony J Maniotis PhD, Dept of Pathology, University of Illinois

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****************** Hi Tim, Your vaccine book is the most well documented analysis of the vaccination cult of modern medicine. The benefits ascribed to vaccines were due to other public health measures as Dr Tim O’Shea demonstrates in this expose’. Toxic adjuvants, contaminants, pathogens and the induction of autoimmune, neurodegenerative and developmental diseases result from the expanding onslaught of recommended child and adult vaccines. Be informed of the dangers, lack of scientific proof of host immunity and health concerns of vaccines from the best source for public and professionals. I highly recommend ‘The Sanctity of Blood’ [Vaccination Is Not Immunization] by Dr Tim O’Shea. – Dr. Wm. R. Deagle MD, GCN syndicated radio Centennial, CO ********************** ” I wish to recommend to you the most comprehensive book I have read over the past 25 years on this subject: The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination Is Not Immunization, by Tim O’Shea…” – Autism and the Vaccine Connection by Roy Kupsinel, MD ************** “In his book O’Shea records the shameful and dishonest history of what has been done by medicine and the drug companies and the institutions that are supposed to make sure they are honest… I have read many books that have inspired me and have made me proud to be a doctor. This is one made me ashamed and frustrated. I was confronted by the truth of what was happening in a field of medicine to which I had paid very little attention. …the role played by vaccinations over the past 100 years has been grossly back to top exaggerated and the harm that this has done has been carefully hidden from


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public view.” – Abram Hoffer, MD, editorial in The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine ************** PLEASE SHARE WITH EVERY PARENT YOU KNOW!! I would recommend every parent read this most informative book before allowing anyone to vaccinate their child. Vaccination Is Not Immunization by Dr. Tim O’Shea – Mary Abramson, R.N. ***************** Every parent that walks through my door will get one of these Vaccination Is Not Immunizationbooks – I give them out. And I tell them this: Read this. It’s the single most important thing you will ever do for the health of your child. Second most important book after the Bible. – Dr. Tim Young, DC, Oklahoma City ****************** Jennifer Reece Maxwell: This book changed everything for us! My husband and I were on the fence about vaccines until we had further information. We took more than 2 years to find enough answers. This book gave me the information I was looking for! NO vaccines for my little guys! A DEFINITE must read! ********************* Joelle Dunn: My kids were already vax free for the 6 years of their lives when I found Dr. Tim O’Shea. He confirmed the science for me in a way that I could then explain to others. My twins are now healthy adults. This book makes a great gift for expectant parents. back to top


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********************* Antje Corder: The book and as well the DVD seminar woke me up!!!! I can not unvaccinate my first born, but all I could do was /is detox him. My second is vacc free and both will have NO vaccines ever. Thank you Dr. Tim O’Shea!!! ********************************************** It is impossible to estimate the true value of Dr O’Shea’s new book. His review of the history of the vaccination industry is vastly more thorough than that taught in medical schools and decisively more balanced. Many primary care providers and parents who assume that the vaccine program was built on sound principles will be shocked at the flimsy foundations of immunization science. More relevant than its roots, what every parent and doctor must decide is whether the risks of vaccination are offset by the potential benefits. While the public is rarely exposed to the full extent of vaccine adverse reactions, Dr O’Shea takes the reader through a thorough review of each “vaccine-preventable” disease and the risk/benefit of their vaccine counterpart. With explosions in chronic illnesses in virtually all subsets of our population, critical thinking is necessary to protect our loved ones and our future. Dr O’Shea has once again blessed us with an up-to-date resource that will allow parents to make an informed choice, and for medical professionals to take pause at what they had been indoctrinated to believe was valid science and good medicine. The book will serve as a valuable resource to parents and physicians who wish to gain further knowledge and understanding of the risk and benefits of the numerous shots being promoted for the proclaimed benefit of public health. Parents need no longer feel guilty or confused about the decision to vaccinate their children. Knowledge is the freedom and power to decide with confidence what is best for their children. back to top


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– David Ayoub, MD Springfield, Illinois ************************ Hi Dr. Tim! I’m almost done reading your book and I am so happy I got a chance to read it before vaccinating my baby. I had obviously done enough research before her birth to know that I wanted to WAIT before giving her any vaccinations, but I was still on the fence because there is so much information out there on both sides and it is so confusing. Your book is so rational and well referenced that it finally put a rest to my indecisiveness and I’m happy to say that my beautiful 9 month old baby girl Anjali, who was born drug free at home, will NOT be receiving any vaccinations. Thank you for your work and your courage. Rayna ************************** Dear Dr. O’Shea, My name is Madelyn Warkentin and I am a mother of 2 children (soon to be 3). I just finished your book Vaccination Is Not Immunization… – eye opening and incredibly informative as well as empowering! Our decision to NOT vaccinate our children was again confirmed by your book. Thank you! I truly appreciate all your research and footnotes you provided. there are few doctors, especially pediatricians who share your opinions. 5 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child I interviewed one pediatrician who told me she could not care for my child if I did not agree to vaccinate. Another pediatrician I sought out was rude with me when I told him I did not want to vaccinate my 2 week old child. He said “Where are you getting your information, the National Enquirer?! You know, not vaccinating could be borderline neglect.” Boy was I was offended. Here I was, doing my back to top


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research, wanting the best for my child and I was treated as though I was a negligent mother! we have never regretted not vaccinating our children. At the end of your book you wrote something that really stuck out to me. You said “Find someone whose kids were never vaccinated. I don’t know, just do it. Now ask if their kids get colds, allergies, infections, asthma …just ask them.” I am happy to report that my children are 5 and 2 and have never had an ear infection, strep throat, or asthma. Sure they’ve had some colds and even some fevers but nothing serious. They have never been on antibiotics nor have they needed western medication. I delivered both of them with a midwife and without any pain medication. I exclusively nursed both of them for 17 – 19 months, we eat a very healthful diet. They both have an excellent immune system and I believe it is because we’ve not vaccinated them AND that we live a healthy lifestyle. Blessings, Madelyn Warkentin ************************************* He’s OK I guess, but I don’t believe a word he says. (Overheard leaving a Las Vegas seminar room on a break.) *************** Thank you for your website and book. Finally I have a role model. I am an MD, embarrassed to say so, but it’s true. I have spent numerous years intuiting the damage of vaccines and the connection with autoimmune diseases via misfiring of the immune system. I chose nephrology because I thought, well let me just help people who would just die anyway, the end of the line so to speak. I have felt like the only person viewing a bad dream, one where nobody gets well. There are no healers in my midst, just very low expectations it seems.

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I agree with you about the need to take responsibility. I have pondered just how to select out people who are willing to do their own work. I love your chapter on the last resort. .. You are a true gift. …. in this wild journey into and out of the allopathic system. – S. H, MD. Bangor, Maine. ********** The vaccine book is 5 stars out of 5. Very polished, which one would expect from a 13th edition. I love the style – satirical and cynical. The themes are logically sequenced and interwoven such that one hardly notices that that one chapter has passed, and the next has begun. The flow works. The information is top-notch and invaluable. The author warned us that the book was an introduction to the world of vaccinations vs. immunization. I wish the book were 3 times as thick! The idea that disease attracts scavengers is a fascinating topic, and truly, the success of the book’s stance on vaccinations stands or falls on it. I had never thought about the validity of the “Germ Theory” before – blindly believing what my 2nd grade “science” teacher told me. If one can forcefully show that the Germ Theory is bogus, and the “Scavenger Theory” is superior, the concept of even considering taking vaccinations simply ceases to exist – it goes away. Pointing out the “Germ Theory” sets your book apart from all the other sources I have run across on this topic. But strangely enough, this is the core of the problem! The most difficult thing, as you have noticed, is to get people to think for themselves. The book was fantastic. Should be required reading for expecting parents. back to top


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Scott Brians Fort Lauderdale ************************************* Dr. O’Shea, Just want to thank you writing your book on vaccines which I bought right when my daughter Leya was born 3 years ago in San Francisco. I waived the hep b vaccine at birth (I was always suspicious). However the pediatrican convinced me ten days later that i needed to give her the vaccine. I caved. Leya had a very bad night of crying, screaming and arching of her back. When we called the nurse, she said that was normal! I could not believe what I was hearing. Well, to make a long story short, Leya got better. I bought your book and in my next visit I got into an argument with the doc. He told me not to come back because i wasn’t going to vaccinate her, ever again, and I made that clear. He said she would be putting other kids at risk. When I asked him why should he be worried if all those other kids are protected, he mumbled something about putting the newborn unvaccinated kids at risk. To say the least the exchange taught me a lot about how misinformed the average pediatrician is and also how stubborn they are in their beliefs. The next pediatrician also argued with me about DPT, but after i reminded him about the 1993 outbreak in cincinatti, OH (rom NEJM 1994) where 80% of the victims were vaccinated, he seemed to not press the issue anymore. Leya is a happy, healthy and alert child and learned to speak faster than kids her age. She always amazes neighbors and other parents at the playground at how well she can talk and think for a 3 year old. Her playmates are her older halfback to top


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sister (9) and our neighbor (6). she is able to keep up with the conversations of older kids. Thanks again for the confidence you gave me to stand up. I have never stopped studying this topic and am helping to educate some of my friends and family. I am an engineer by training, with a degree from MIT, and appreciate the solid scientific arguments you (and others) make to expose vaccines as essentially a huge scam based on very shaky and weak hypotheses. Colin McGregor San Ramon, CA ****************************************** Hey Doc, I just ordered a couple copies of your book Vaccination Is Not Immunization, and read through it in about a day. The most important book I have ever read. Thank you. I have not vaccinated my kids but now I really understand why. This book will save many lives and help many parents get the information that is so well hidden out there. I bought enough copies to share with colleagues and friends. Can you let me know more about the Chicken Pox vaccine. I am sure it is the same as the rest. But I have heard some conflicting thing. I just want to know the truth. Please tell me what to read to get the facts. – Dr Pacelli, Orange CA [Dr T: Thanks doc. Best answer about chicken pox is in Wakefield’s latest Interview, Under Chapters] ********************************* Hi Dr. T, back to top


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I have been following the vaccine narrative for over fifty years. I have read dozens of books on vaccines. Your book, ‘Vaccination Is Not Immunization’ is, by far, the most informative, concise, and easy to read book on vaccines I have ever read. Your book is in my online store– recommend it it to everyone, nonprofessionals and professionals alike. Vitality Science Stephen Becker Rancho De Taos, NM ********************************** DOG VACCINES: Hi Dr. T, My hunting buddy took his hounds to Canada from Montana just before Thanksgiving. He has six children, four have not been vaccinated as the first two had side effects the Mom ‘knows’ were from the vaccinations given by the ‘trusted’ M.D. Anyhow, Nick’s hounds aren’t vaccinated either, but apparently to get across the border the animals have to have their rabies vaccinations. Now, these hounds we have are part of the family. Some of them stay in the house and all of them are good with kids. Biting, scratching, snapping, growling will not be tolerated from the hounds nor the kids! After the vet visit for rabies shots Nick put the dogs in the carrier in the back of his truck and the youngest hound immediately started fighting the other dogs. Our dogs do not fight each other, period. Once he got the dog home, the poor critter went in to his dog box and didn’t come out for two days when Nick had to drag him out to go to Canada. By the time they got to Canada the dog was uncontrollable, snapping at Nick and just flat vicious toward other people. Nick was forced to shoot the pup. back to top


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Of course, the vet said it could not have had anything to do with the vaccine. – Dr. Tony Popp [email protected] *************** Dr. Tim, I had my dog vaccinated at 18 months b/c I felt pressured to do so by the vet. Even though I am against vaccines and didn’t vaccinate my child, I did with my dog and regret it so. Days after the vaccines my dog came down with seizures. The vet denies that the vaccines were the cause. So eventually I ended up putting our dog, Chloe on phenobarbital. They require 2 blood panels a years to monitor this drug and basically on the medication for life. Total cost for my dog’s life of drugs and mgmt will be close to $10k…if I continue using this drug. So,… My question is: is there another alternative…maybe homeopathic wise to avoid the pharmaceutical route? I have been to many of your Seminars and value your opinion. And I could just kick myself for feeling bullied to vaccinating my pet! Any thoughts? {Dr T]: never understood why when people learned about the dark side of child vaccines they would think that animal vaccines would be guided by a higher ethic. the seizures may wear off in time, most likely, but that process is being slowed down by the drugs– ever notice how every single thing they tell you, the answer is buy more drugs? doesn’t that click somehow? i would give the dog a raw egg every day and mix 2 caps of Oral Chelation into his food to try and chelate the mercury and aluminum out, at the very least. and i’d only give him the barbs when he seemed like he was having a seizure, before or after. back to top this idea of constantly keeping him drugged up will never make him normal


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and is no way for a dog to live. vaccines destroyed this poor dog’s nervous system. QED. whether that’s irrevocable or not remains to be seen. but phenobarbital is going to lessen the chance of recovery that much more. phenobarbital is a human drug, off-labeled to animals. never intended for them. ****************** Your website has totally changed the way I look at the world, and the more I am exposed to everything, the more I realize that you are right on the money. The Sanctity of Blood is an amazing book, .. I could see it changing the world. …thank you for your service to the world, and I would like to see it go mainstream. You are truly a “health professional”, you are a real “doctor” (unlike most), and I try to be the messenger to as many people as I can. Thanks. – Trevor Gemmer ******************* Dr. O’Shea, My wife Mindy gave me your book. I have read A Shot in the Dark and Mendelsohn’s book, and they were great. Yours however, really puts it all together, and is updated. Thank you for the valuable service you are providing. It must take a lot of courage and dedication to tell it like it is in face of the medical establishment with their arrogance and deep pockets. If there is anything I can do from the position of the clergy, please let me know. I believe this information is extremely vital and should be widely disseminated. Shalom, – Rabbi Aaron Parry Los Angeles, CA (310) 556-3344 *************** back to top


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I read your book, Vaccination is not Immunization over 9 years ago. Thank you! I continued to read more books on the subject to educate myself and not forget. I am not a scientist, nor studied in this area. Out of fear, I vaccinated my son with a tetanus booster at age 6 months. He had many issues because of it, “strange loss of mobility, “seizure like issues”, muscular atrophy. With health and good holistic care, 9 years later, I have a healthy boy and girl vaccine free! I say I am not against vaccines.. I am against vaccines for my children or forced vaccinations for other people who don’t know better or are knowledgeable, like those in poverty entrenched climates. Thank you for continuing your research and speaking out. I am concerned about this bill passing in California. People base their decisions on fear and their fear is propagated by the very people they trust, doctors and government officials and friends and family who mislead them. Thank you for your book. Thank you from the bottom of this moms heart! Susannah Hayden [email protected] ********************** Hi Doc, I believe I know exactly how all of these neuro degenerative disorders and diseases are created. It is a combination of environmental factors that are ALL man-made and the major contributor are vaccinations. When you combine several other factors and add the vaccines to the mix, it becomes more than obvious . The problem the medical community has is there is no motivation to prove vaccines are a major factor in the cause. … they have relied on the fact that the diagnostic equipment and techniques cannot see the problem, – rather than work to find a way to show the cause, they are ignoring it and saying “we don’t know the cause.”

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Keep up your work, it is greatly appreciated. I use many quotes from your book as evidence in creating arguments with stupid people that support vaccinations. John Robbins author of Diet For A New America [email protected] [Dr T]: Well thanks John quite an endorsement coming from you– the trap i finally learned to avoid is that what is missing from the whole discussion is not incontrovertible clinical evidence showing the specific neural pathways that are destroyed by vaccines, like what you are alluding to— that will be very amusing and gratifying for the 6 of us who actually read it and understand it– though that pales in the light of what’s already been done by wakefield, haley, moulden, geier and many others. the real crux of the matter is the inexorable deevolution of the whole culture, wherein 1. Because of the programmed decline in intelligence and education, fewer people are able to even follow a simple scientific thread to its simple conclusion 2 Because of the sophisticated pop media having mastered so well the science of lying, where they have convinced people that they are omniscient about the main parts of any important issue, because they watch CNN or read Yahoo headlines, or by a 5 minute wiki search for the really inquisitive…. in other words, bring up a topic like vaccines and they already think they know everything about it— they know they’re safe effective and necessary and that there are demonic elements about like wakefield, (and me) who will lead people astray— and they’re too lazy and stupid to see the enormous economic megalith and its stranglehold on media, etc. so you are talking about a sophisticated research project, which if properly funded and meticulously carried out will inevitably demonstrate to top tthe infernal toxicity of vaccines, in spades– but i’m saying that atback a much simpler level the endless chain of facts in my book, each of which is


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bulletproof, documented and sourced – even though conceptually these facts are very simple to grasp, 99% of the population would never read past the 3rd page, as soon as they realize what the book is about– because it challenges all their core values and beliefs inculcated all day every day by every media source, book, movie, and conversation they’ve ever had in their life, with rare exception. that’s the impenetrable barrier– reinforced all day every day, as long as the TV and the ipad and the iphones are ON. Natural Selection– the survival of the informed– and worse , now with the new law, even the informed aren’t going to be able to escape. so after writing 15 editions of the vaccine text, i have no more illusions about ‘breakthrough’ research and its value in this culture. all that’s for academics — transferring dusty old bones from one graveyard to another…. best of luck with all your endeavors! DR T *********************************** On Vaccination Is Not Immunization Please allow me to congratulate you for having written – in my opinion – the most important book wherein the health and the future of mankind are concerned. Best wishes Raymond HAUGLUSTAINE [email protected] ************************************* Hi Tim, first of all thank you so much for all your wonderful information! I have a Facebook page called the ‘Vaccination Information Network (VINE) which has over 18,000 subscribers. I would feel very honoured if you would ‘like’ VINE’!

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I have just shared your great information from your newsletter about the issue of children over the age of 12 having been given the right to consent to HPV vaccination without their parents knowledge or consent in California. I have also advertised the latest edition of your book on the VINE wall. Many thanks, Erwin Alber *************************************************** [Dear Erwin I hope you’re talking about the November newsletter article on HPV: November 2011 Newsletter The point about viruses and cancer –first of all it’s really a peripheral issue with HPV—the main idea being that HPV vaccine has no viruses in it anyway – just particles—and yet is being claimed as preventing a specific cancer—which is ridiculous.. yes I know all about SV40 and vaccines and lymphoma—but that issue was the contamination and lack of safety testing on polio vaccines, that they allowed 93 million doses of the vaccine to be given to American kids without even knowing about the stowaway viral contamination. The whole discussion of cancer is more thoroughly discussed in my chapter To the Cancer Patient. The connection of SV40 with non-hodgkins lymphoma, though certainly a serious concern was an association, never a proof of cause. There have been many theories of the viral causation of cancer, but none is generally accepted by mainstream science. Which doesn’t really mean anything either of course, because anything that would threaten the chemotherapy industry would certainly be covered up even if it were proven. But again all these hypotheses are side issues to the vitally important main premises of the new HPV chapter, which are : – HPV virus has never been proven as the cause of any disease, – HPV virus has never been proven as the cause of cancer of the cervix. – HPV vaccine has never been proven to have the slightest effect on any cancer at all. – By no stretch of the imagination can cancer of the cervix be regarded as back to top an STD.


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And yet HPV is a very dangerous vaccine with over 100 clearly documented deaths in the US and UK in the past 2 years, in addition to other serious consequences. Thanks for all your efforts. It’s people like you who are propelling the knowledge of vaccine toxicity to approach a critical mass point—the dangers of vaccines are so clear today and so well documented from so many valid sources that ‘they’ can no longer keep a lid on it. – [dr t] *************** ABOUT THIS BOOK Dr. O’Shea doesn’t hold back and give vaccines false credit for something they never accomplished (remember ALL childhood diseases had dropped to near extinction before the vaccine was introduced). I’d give the film a “C” and warn anyone watching it not to be fooled into believing that limiting or spacing vaccines makes them safe – yes safer – but definitely not safe. Independent studies have shown that motor vehicle fatalities have not changed or improved since the advent of the seat belt and yet we are black and white brainwashed that seatbelts save lives … in reality seatbelts make the cleanup after an accident less horrific for the first responder AND that’s all. – Dr. Ralph Umbriaco, LA *************** My son, who is 21 now, was never vaccinated and was birthed without drugs. He started speaking at one and was very atheletic and coordinated as a child. He did have an occasional cold but recovered quickly and is a healthy, with no allergies who does not get sick often. He is healthier than his friends and did not get sick as often as his classmates in school. Dr. Vanessa Waugh, D.C. Dunedin, FL **************

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Hi Doc, I’d really like my daughter to see one of your lectures. She has 2 boys. I sent her your vaccine book a couple of years ago and told her that her reading it would be the only gift that I asked for the rest of my life. The compelling information contained in it would allow her to make the best, informed decision – to avoid all vaccines. You see, my daughter was raised “alternative” by today’s standards. She is very critical of the information and lifestyle with which she was raised. Her degrees in applied physics and geological physics require that everything must have bonified, scientific research. Your book gave trusted medical source after trusted medical source by her standards; something she would appreciate. Those grandchildren are now the third unvaccinated generation in my family. I really don’t see how anyone could even consider vaccinating after reading your book. Thank you! – Gail C. ************* If I could only recommend one book on vaccinations this is the one to read. Tim O’Shea’s book, VACCINATION I$ NOT IMMUNIZATION is the most informative and well written book that I have ever read on this topic!! He begins at the beginning with an interesting description of the shaky (scary!) and questionable “science” behind the very creation of vaccinations. He then methodically and painstakingly provides vital information that ALL of us would do well to know about vaccinations, since no family is untouched by this issue. It is a relatively quick read (one day) for a book that disseminates a great deal of crucial information. Everyone should know that there are now 68 recommended vaccinations for American children as of 2010, which means that “they are the most vaccinated group in the history of the world. No other country on earth has such an aggressive program of vaccines.” Not only that, there is a new adult schedule which more than doubles that recommendation to 150 vaccines, which is “unprecedented in human history: no other country on back earth has an adult schedule of vaccines.” Upon learning exactly what is to in top one vaccine alone, it does not seem coincidental that the National


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Institutes of Health has also determined that INFANT HOSPICES are becoming a necessity in this country because “53,000 infants per year, [are] dying of terminal diseases – diseases they acquired since birth.” What are we doing to our population? Dr. O’Shea cites 349 references, and has published 13 editions since 1999 – because the number and types of vaccines are constantly changing. I am impressed by his dedication to continue to do research and publish updated editions to keep us informed; I plan to buy an annual edition just to keep current on the issue personally. Please do not vaccinate your children, your pets, or get a flu shot without reading this first. It really is a MUST READ! – Sharyl Carson, Minneapolis, Minnesota ****************************** From: Hans Raible [email protected] Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 10:07 AM Dear Dr. O’Shea: As a patent attorney, I meet a lot of managers, and universally, their goal is to have a good public image. And you cannot have that if your clients become autistic by the thousands. And then you close the factory which is your business decision, and nobody can argue with you. Clearly, your book did a lot to bring this about by careful collection of irrefutable facts plus readable and good arguments. I spent several days reading and re-reading it, and it is phantastic! Sincerely, and with great appreciation and thanks Hans Raible European Patent Attorney Schoderstr. 10, 70192 Stuttgart Germany ****************************** Dr. O’Shea, I just want to say thank you. Your incredible research has helped me make what is the most important decision I could have possible made for my two daughters. I will always be grateful for your honesty and in presenting backwhat to top can be such intimidating and intense material in a very understandable,


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common sense manner. I feel extremely passionate about vaccinating and how harmful it is to these innocent little lives that have no choice in the matter. I am quite confident that in 50 years people will look back and be shocked and disgusted at what we injected into these little blood streams. Please come to Portland, OR. Deirdre Daczewitz ************************* Dear Dr O’Shea I have read much of your site; it was refreshing to finally see, with clear and concise wording the silent/invisible problems explained so well. it really is a time to be awake and aware of the dangers we face for all our families now and in the future. I want to say thank you for offering this resource… have found it extremely useful. – Byron Eager sorry about my English I speak Finnish. *********** Dear Tim, Your book, The Sanctity Of Human Blood, is a great read and it is very convincing. It removes any lingering doubts one may have about the innocence of those orthodox medical vampires. I admire your energy, intellect and courage, putting yourself out there on the line, pushing back those dragons. – Jim West Dear Dr. O’Shea, I am your fan and admirer since 7 years and have often purchased your products and books. I have 12 animals, 3 dogs, 4 cats, 2 horses, 2 goats, one potbelly pig all not vaccinated. None of them ever needs the vet unless they have accidents. I wanted to thank you, because I have the healthiest animals. Ten years ago I didn’t know about this and I used to vaccinate my back to top animals, now deceased. They had many problems, like skin diseases,


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anxieties and overall bad health. My one dog got Parvovirus and Distemper both from the vaccines. Our horses constantly had colic and skin diseases. I found your articles and your Website and I found out about vaccines and decided not to vaccinate the new animals. What a difference. They are happy and healthy. My friend’s horse got strangles from the vaccine and the poor guy gets hoof abscesses every time after vaccination. She still thinks vaccines are the best though and doesn’t want to read or research. Needless to say, I never get vaccinated. I wanted to thank you for all your hard work and all the free information you provide. You are my hero. – Birgit Cortese ***************** Please add us to your un-vaccinated family list. Our son is 10 months and is far, far ahead of some of our friends children that are months older. He is walking and has a 45 word vocabulary. I thank whatever god there is that we found your book. I think it would be irresponsible as a parent not to do your research on this matter. – The Mcclasky Family, Chico, CA [email protected] ***************** Tim, Wish I could make your seminars this year… Just wanted to say that in all my research on vaccines… your book was one of the very best on the topic… (and I have read everything I can find)… Wish you luck in this area… and watch out for the horizon… newer and mandatory vacs… not good… You are right about pure blood… that is the key – Ted H Spence, DDS, ND ************************* Keep going after the truth – just make sure your bulletproof vest fits. I’ve been there. – Hal Huggins, DDS, Colorado Springs, CO ********************** …one of the most shocking yet thoroughly researched exposes on the back to top


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vaccine industry… an issue that is vital to our children’s health and future. – Hyla Cass, MD, Pacific Palisades, CA ********************** Dear Dr. T I am priviliged to be listening to the CDs that you sent to my sister recently on vaccines. Thank you for being so courageous, outspoken, informed and so generous with your knowledge. Though I have known that there is misinformation in this area, I am shocked by a lot of what you have to say. I had heard a snippet of this infrmation some years ago – ‘vaccinations, the Hidden Truth.’ I hope that you are well known enough to stay safe. What you say is shocking, Thank you again. It is easy for me to say “Keep up the good work” but I will do what I can to let people hear what you have to say by giving your website. – Dee Bradshaw, Ireland **************************** Dear Dr. O’Shea First I want to applaud your web-site. I also want to tell you I have one vaccinated child (18 months was his last) and 1 unvaccinated child. I bet you can guess which child never gets sick!! The difference is simply amazing. My unvaccinated child is very healthy, is never sick and if he is he gets over with out any intervention besides plenty of water and lots of rest. He has also never been on antibiotics or had any kind of medication. My older son on the other hand was plagued with ear infections the 1st 2 years of his life, gets sick 2 or 3 times a year and has a much more delicate consitution than his younger brother. Since my second son was born both kids have been raised very holistically, no MacDonalds, soda, sugar etc (what a horrible mother I am!!), they both have chiropractic care on a regular basis and see a naturopath ins ead of an MD. So you can’t convince me that vaccinations have no effect… I have living proof in my two sons. Thanks for your ongoing commitment to this topic and keep up the good back to top work.


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Tammie Sarra Ontario Canada ***************************** Good morning! We are a Norwegian Couple that have two children; one of 7 and one that is only 2 weeks old. The 7 year old is hardly EVER sick; I remember she had a runny nose a couple of times in kindergarten, but no fever, no nothing else. She is in 1st grade in school now, still never sick! It is not common to say “no” to vaccines in Norway, so it has been a struggle against the system! Even the newborn will lead a life without vaccines. Anyway; we would like to be on your list, to tell the world we, too, say no to vaccines and see the benefits of children that are hardly ever sick, very bright and learns very fast! …my girl of 7 gets EVERYTHING the teacher says, takes in every message and works through tasks with the speed of light. Sincerely, Frank & Kathrine, Norway [email protected] ***************** If you read this book and still vaccinate your children, I’ll shut up. – Dr Deanna Weeks, Escondido *************************** [Q]: Dr T: I am a mother of a 4 month old baby who was vaccinated at 3 months with polio, dtap, hib, hepatitis b, rotavirus, and pneumococcal all in one day. I am so sorry to say I wasn’t able to read your book in time. I am still breast feeding my daughter. I want to know if there is anything I can do to detox her? Would it be safe for me to use your 60 day detox program since I am still breast feeding? back toI top


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feel helpless. Is there anything I can do to help my daughter now that she has had all these vaccines? Sincerely, [name withheld] [A:] dear ______ that’s the mantra of your whole demographic– i wish i’d known…. Start with Autism Detox Protocol the new book is coming out next week for that precise reason. you might consider suspending further vaccines until you’ve read it completely. no, we don’t start the vaccine damage detox until 18 mo. with breastfeeding, to optimize your own internal milieu you should consider the 60 Day Program, especially the new west diet. this will inhibit chances of adding to the toxicity the newborn may have already acquired through vaccine ingredients. at 18 mo, it may be helpful to follow the specifics of the autism detox protocol listed under chapters on the site. dr t *************************** Dear Dr. Tim O’Shea, First let me say that you are awesome! I just picked up your book last week from my Chiropractor’s office. I borrowed it from them. I am SO glad that I did! I have been reading and studying vaccination information for the past six years. I have a six year old son who has NEVER been vaccinated! I thought that I had read (or at least looked at) “everything” until I picked up your book! I LOVE IT! You are a wonderful writer and your book is by far the best! Your attitude is great and I can’t wait to tell everyone about it! I will back to top


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definitely add your book to my own website as my favorite book! Thanks! .. now I feel inspired again! – Tasha Ann from Bakersfield, California ************************** O’Shea – you are a LOOOOSSSERRRRRR! – D.B. ************************** Thank you for all of the positive influence you’ve had. My sister read your book decided not vaccinate her new baby, then went to your website and read your article on ADD and took her 9 year old off of Ritalin. She discovered her daughter was actually gifted. – Dr W. W., Chicago ***************** My name is Mark Cymerint D.C. I have been lecturing on vaccine issues and adverse effects of vaccines for 13 yrs. I have read just about all literature that has come out, on this subject. The absolute best and most current information out there can be found in Tim O’Shea’s book “Vaccination is not Immunization”. This book is the complete package, summarizing over 250 references and websites, updating the reader on all aspects of this topic. This objective, well-written book clearly educates the reader involved with making the choice on whether to vaccinate or not. It not only tells the truth, but dispells the myths and blatant lies that the general public is told by their pediatricians and community leaders, as well as the propaganda, the politics, and money in U.S. vaccine policy. This book will help clarify rumors and misconceptions about the adverse side effects and even deaths that can result from simple childhood vaccines. This book is an absolute must for any parent. Parents, you owe it to your children to protect them. So buy this book, read it, and pass it on to others. Thank you Dr. O’Shea for your committment to health and the truth. Yours in health – Dr. Mark Cymerint ************* Hi Dr. O’Shea,

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I just registered my three unvaccinated children for kindergarten in the Campbell, CA school district. I signed a copy of the form that I received from you for each of them and included it with the registration papers. The person taking the forms looked at it and didn’t even flinch, much less speak to me about it. It was a breeze – just as it should be! I wish every parent could know that not vaccinating their children is a choice they do have the power to make – that mandated is not mandatory, etc., etc. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do to inform the parents and protect all children’s inherent health. You are making a profound and extremely necessary difference. Sincerely, – Phyllis Johnson *************************** Dear Dr. O’Shea, Your book, “The Sanctity of Human Blood – Vaccination I$ Not Immunization” is truly a masterpiece. You have gleaned facts from areas where exposure to the average person would have been non-existent. As a grandmom of a 3-year old, words cannot express how grateful I am for your work. A child of a friend of ours is now autistic – from a healthy baby to autism – I believe, from the MMR vaccine. ***************** From: laura wilson [email protected] Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 5:26 AM Yikes!!!!!!!! Dear Tim, My eyes have recently been opened to your site and I put faith in everything you say… How could I not? The thing that has me absolutely upset is that I recently vaccinated my child before I found your site. She is almost a year old and absolutely the light of my life. I suppose I gave into the peer pressure of doctors and parents around me. And now I could not be more upset than I am for doing so. I can’t stop feeling inner turmoil about the situation and hate myself for causing her any biological harm. back to top


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Her doctors are from Saudi Arabia and India and are very very good. What have I done? ******************** Thank you so much for keeping us updated on all the insane things we are confronted with. Friends of ours just had a baby at the local hospital and were offered a Hep-A shot for their newborn!!!!!! A NEWBORN, imagine that. Even veterinarians won’t vaccinate kittens and puppies as newborns. What is WRONG? What is wrong with doctors who would go along? I asked a doctor friend of ours if he knew that some vaccines used aborted baby tissue and he was shocked. He said he didn’t know that and would try to find out more info for me. Thank you again for your great service to humanity! – Donna Schwieder *************************************** My name is Aleksey, and I’m 24 years old. I’ve read most of your articles on . I always love finding works (of any sort) created by people of high awareness level. Your articles are a knife that cuts through the illusion that we create in our daily lives. It’s a lot like The Matrix, only it’s not fiction. I believe that what you write is impossible for most people to swallow. ************************************** Dr O’Shea: Please consider what happened to my son on a recent Dr. visit. Mike is 16 and suffers from Crohn’s disease and an immune deficiency. He was referred to a very well thought of immunologist, associated with a prominent teaching hospital, following a hospitalization at the end of February. All of his medical records had been forwarded, all of his medications were in his chart. After reviewing Mike’s case, this specialist was appalled that Mike had never received a hepatitis B shot. He wanted to give him one, along with a pneumovax, on the spot. As Mike is on prednisone, and had elevated liver back to top enzymes from a medication he was taking for Crohn’s, I refused to allow


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the injection. Mike also refused the shot. The doctor dismissed our concerns completely. He was clearly frustrated and upset by our lack of cooperation. What I found out AFTER the visit is that RIGHT ON THE PACKAGE INSERT for the Hep B vaccine is a warning that being on a combination of prednisone, and azacol (both Crohn’s drugs Mike is on) carries an INCREASED RISK OF FATALITY from the shot. What was crystal clear to me at the time was that my son could have been dead on the floor and the Dr. would not have batted an eye, so long as the sacred vaccine quotas were upheld. If you are thinking about accepting a vaccination for yourself or a family member, keep in mind that your safety and well being may very well be the LAST thing on the dr’s mind. – Jean Curtin ************************** OK – I hear you although I don’t agree with you. My friend and I are only waiting for you to enlighten / train some doctors here in Norway. Most doctors are running errands for the drug industry. However, your webpage made us discuss what we can do for ourselves and our families and it turns out that could be a whole lot. We’ve been fooled for a lot of years – foolishly believing everything we were told. ********** just a big THANK YOU for your web-site. – Staci Cannizzaro, Mother of 5 including one child diagnosed with Autism **********

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back to top THE HOLISTIC MODEL Hi! I just have to tell you that I found your site a few weeks ago and I am telling EVERYBODY I know about it. I’m from Canada – Victoria B.C. and I must be telling individuals from all over the world about the articles on your website about 10 times a day. Thanks so much! You’ve probably heard this a million times… but you make all that information sound soooo common sense and logical. The mysteries are revealed simply and easily! You are going to help lots of people improve their lives in so many ways… Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge with everyone! ***************** How to THANK YOU ENOUGH for the wealth of information you’ve provided as I research further into this dilemma of hypothyroidism. Between the fluorides, enzymes, and synthetic medications… Remarkable… just remarkable the amount of information offered along with the ease of vocabulary to even the simplest lay person in understanding medical conditions, symptoms, and possible self helps… The doctor is basically within each of us, but somehow we listen to outside ourselves for the answers. back to top Conditioning of the mind, leading the herd into the pen, saturation of


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chemicals by air, what we ingest, drink, etc. I’m so pleased to have found you, Dr. O’Shea, a valuable person using the Internet as a most beneficial tool to a person like myself. You have inspired me in more ways than one as I couldn’t stop reading your articles. How 12 hours can pass so quickly – – Christine West [email protected] ******************* Dear Dr T I have been aware of your sterling work for some time. I think your site is excellent and the work you do is tremendous. Well done, Tim. Your fans in the UK are legion. With kindest regards Phillip Day Creedence Publishing, UK ************************************** DR. O’SHEATHANK YOU FOR THE WEALTH OF INFORMATION OFFERED BY YOUR WEBSITE AND SEMINAR. MY FATHER AND I WERE AMAZED BEYOND BELIEF… WE WILL DEFINITELY TUNE IN FOR FUTURE UPDATES – YOU SHOULD CHARGE FOR YOUR WEB INFO! IT’S A HUGE WAKE UP. AGAIN THANKS!!! MUCH APRRECIATED!! CIAO, – DEBORAH FINCK AND DANIEL FINCK D.C. *************** Tim, My name is Dave Nelson and I’m writing to you to show my profound gratitude towards your chapters on the web site. As corny as it sounds, you back to top are my Morpheus and I took the pill and the rabbit hole is larger and more


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encompassing than I could have ever imagined! Until reading your 20 questions chapter, I was one of the brainwashed, bobble-headed Americans who bought the official conspiracy theory hook line and sinker. Now a couple months later, I’m a full blown 911-truth-er. Your Doors of Perception chapter opened my eyes to the lack of media integrity and diversity and more importantly made me realize that by not participating in democracy, I was part of the problem! After reading many of the references sited (including all of Stauber and Rampton’s books), I have jumped head-first into the 21st century. Ironically enough, I was only looking for health information… now I feel like that is small potatoes compared to true plight our country is in today. I now realize that, in the whole scope of things, arguing for cholesterol sounds a little ridiculous when compared to arguing for rights that are being stripped from us day to day. In fact, I was part of the net-neutrality victory that was just had and have been recently drawing up petitions to allow for the availability of raw organic milk. Once again, thank you for opening a door to a life that doesn’t revolve around conventional wisdom! Sincerely, Dave Nelson ***************** Quoting John Spagnola [email protected]: Dear Friends, Few are asking what involvement psychotropic medications may have played. … most of these drugs have black box warnings per the FDA that include the side effects of violence and suicide, among many back to top


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others. A point that is worth consideration is that there may be no motive if the shooter was acting based on a mind altering drug. Before more needless violence takes place, please send the attached list of school shootings which did involve psychotropic drugs, to your allied organizations, congressmen and pertinent law enforcement officials. Ask them to consider an investigation o any connections to the Newtown Elementary School shooter to these drugs. Please also keep in mind that the documented list of school shooters may be much larger. This is due to the fact that many times the records of minors who are involved in school shootings are sealed and therefore are not available to determine if such psychotropic drugs were involved. Sincerely, John Spagnola 727-446-0200 12 RECENT SCHOOL SHOOTERS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS SINCE 1998 Wounded: 109 Dead: 57 1. Kauhajoki, Finland — September 23, 2008: 22-year-old Matti Saari shot and killed 9 students and a teacher, and wounded another student, before killing himself. Saari was taking an SSRI and a benzodiazapine. 2. Dekalb, Illinois — February 14, 2008: 27-year-old Steven Kazmierczak shot and killed five people and wounded 21 others before killing himself in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his girlfriend, he had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax and Ambien. Toxicology results showed that he still had Xanax in his system. 3. back to top Jokela, Finland — November 7, 2007: 18-year-old Finnish gunman Pekka


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Eric Auvinen had been taking antidepressants before he killed eight people and wounded a dozen more at Jokela High School in southern Finland, then committed suicide. 4. Cleveland, Ohio — October 10, 2007: 14-year-old Asa Coon stormed through his school with a gun in each hand, shooting and wounding four before taking his own life. Court records show Coon had been placed on the antidepressant Trazodone. 5. Red Lake, Minnesota — March 2005: 16-year-old Jeff Weise, on Prozac, shot and killed his grandparents, then went to his school on the Red Lake Indian Reservation where he shot dead 7 students and a teacher, and wounded 7 before killing himself. 6. Greenbush, New York — February 2004: 16-year-old Jon Romano strolled into his high school in east Greenbush and opened fire with a shotgun. Special education teacher Michael Bennett was hit in the leg. Romano had been taking “medication for depression”. 7. El Cajon, California — March 22, 2001: 18-year-old Jason Hoffman, on the antidepressants Celexa and Effexor, opened fire on his classmates, wounding three students and two teachers at Granite Hills High School. 8. Williamsport, Pennsylvania — March 7, 2001: 14-year-old Elizabeth Bush was taking the antidepressant Prozac when she shot at fellow students, wounding one. 9. Conyers, Georgia — May 20, 1999: 15-year-old T.J. Solomon was being treated with antidepressants when he opened fire on and wounded six of his classmates. 10. back to top Columbine, Colorado — April 20, 1999: 18-year-old Eric Harris and his


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accomplice, Dylan Klebold, killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded 26 others before killing themselves. Harris was on the antidepressant Luvox. Klebold’s medical records remain sealed. 11. Notus, Idaho — April 16, 1999: 15-year-old Shawn Cooper fired two shotgun rounds in his school, narrowly missing students. He was taking a prescribed SSRI antidepressant and Ritalin. 12. Springfield, Oregon — May 21, 1998: 15-year-old Kip Kinkel murdered his parents and then proceeded to school where he opened fire on students in the cafeteria, killing two and wounding 25. Kinkel had been taking the antidepressant Prozac. [DR T]: thanks for the list, john 12 years later the list continues to grow… this type of shooting was a brand new social phenomenon that now seems to be established as part of expected media fare in the US — meaning we can expect the next individual isolated lunatic to open fire at any time in the near future, now that the pattern has been accepted in the public Sheepmind… as evidenced by the unremitting deluge of militantly retarded comments on FB — everybody’s an expert, but nobody– well, almost nobody — is willing to look at the obvious and most likely causes, as you provide evidence of.— i had another idea — see what you think– was wondering why almost all of the shootings take place at schools— why not airports, bus stations, restaurants, malls, etc..? schools are the prime target. why?? my hypothesis: the shooter returns to the scene of the crime– the theft of his youth. psychotropics robbed him of his youth– at whatever level he understands that, this is foremost an act of vengeance— that’s my theory– far fetched? what is your view? dr t

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*************** LOU GEHRIG’S DISEASE SG wrote: Hello Dr.T We went to Switzerland for 3 weeks to visit. Also I decided to boost my ALS recovery by doing a stem cell treatment with my own stem cells in Cologne. Upon arrival the manager of the clinic told me about a new research they are doing with MS and ALS and Parkinsons patients. They apparently found out that the majority of ALS patients showed at least partially or clogged jugular veins . After these veins were opened up with an angioplasty, 2/3 of the patients supposedly showed dramatic and almost instantaneous improvement. I agreed to do a total body scan yesterday (MRI and CT scan). Sure enough the radiologist diagnosed me with a severe stenosis of both jugular veins plus an acute inflammation of one. He said had he not known the patient and the ALS diagnosis and he had only seen the pictures of the CT scan, he would have said that this patient , myself, would not live for much longer. So I agreed to do the angioplasty on Friday and I am sure they are gonna want to treat my severe inflammation afterwards. And that is where I would like to have your advice as I am sure they are gonna want to bombard me with a whole arsenal of antibiotics, antivirals and whatever drugs they might find appropriate. What would you do if you were me? Please find my diagnosis attached to this email. Thank you so much for your time to answer me. I deeply appreciate it. Greetings from Germany, SG back to top


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[Dr T’s response:] [I wouldn’t do it. Don’t show up for the angioplasty. The stats are cooked and the dangers aren’t worth it. This is the real dog and pony show here– the improvement may be dramatic but is guaranteed to be short lived— if the jugular veins are clogged, which i doubt, so are all the veins in the whole body. So if you roto-rooter them out, how long will it take the rest of the body to rearrange the deposits to fill in the empty spaces? Not long. Nature abhors a vacuum. This is the exact reason for the failure of angioplasty with coronary artery disease. Zero improvement in long term survival, and they’ve been doing it for over 20 years. Never participate in new research. That’s the oldest trick in the book. What have they been doing with $500 billion per year all this time, and none of that has slowed the incidence of heart disease one bit. What happened to all the old research ?? How come it didn’t work? And why would the new experimental stuff be any better? You’re being marketed here, my friend, and you’re like flypaper to them because of your history and your coverage. i don’t believe your jugulars are pathologically clogged, because of all the enzymes and oral chelation you’ve been doing, which is going through your entire circulatory system, not just the jugulars. if your jugulars were clogged this bad, do you really think you’d need a CAT scan to tell you? — you’d be having other major symptoms, and be very weak. This is the Kragen method of thinking here — the body is a car. Makes no sense. So what’s the plan then, you go and and get roto-rootered every 6 months? You’re doing pretty well, aren’t you, compared to say 6 months ago. Why be a guinea pig for any glitzy experiment they come up with? … ask them if they’ve got something that’s been completely clinically tested and works long term 100% of the time. Then you’ll talk. Doesn’t it seem like quite a coincidence that the same radiologist who wanted to do the new procedure then found the blockage in you? Wow~ how lucky we did this exam. Just in time. Come on! This isn’t even clever. This is big money for them. You’re the mark here. I’d be walking. Time to come home. And you’re right about the follow up drugs. Once they do the procedure i guarantee there will be complications, which will then require further “treatment” i.e drugs. Tons of them. And then you’re on the merry go round. Then they’ve really got you. back to top


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Give the stem cell therapy you just had a chance to work. Chances are it will reduce the inflammation, if indeed there actually is some, which i doubt also. Too many cooks spoil the broth. You’re the one whose diagnosis they were never sure of, remember? Get on the damn plane. Tomorrow. dr t] ... SG’s response: I apologize for the late reply. I couldn’t just get on a plane the next day because we had plans to go back to Switzerland to see friends and family. However I did walk away from the angioplasty. This earned me a lot of criticism from the clinic of course. Numerous times they told me that I had made a grave mistake. I am assuming that they were miffed about the fact that they missed out on the 8500 Euros I would have had to pay out of my pocket since my insurance only covers treatments within Switzerland not Germany. Thank you for your quick email back. absolutely. Your email was the main influence on my decision! Thanks again. Isn’t it weird that despite of my knowledge they got me so confused that I almost did it? And it is not that I am dying, no. Like you said correctly, i am doing great after 4.5 years with the symptoms – I’m still walking, swimming, biking, speaking and swallowing normally while others with my diagnosis of ALS following conventional treatment are literally dying on a feeding tube after only 18 months (50%) to 3 years (85%). Just this past Sunday another hockey player I didn’t know personally from Switzerland died of it after 3 years. – SG ************************************************** Just found your site. The Best. I can’t get enough! Finally, someone who has back to top captured the essence of self directed health. Thank you for your simplicity


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and humor. I am telling everyone. With all that you expose, why aren’t you dead yet?! – Herbert Mineral Bluff, GA [Dr T response: Censorship. ] *************** Dr. O’Shea, I was curious if you and Dr. Young have any seminars for THE FADING ART OF TRADITIONAL CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTING planned for the near future? I am looking for a hands on seminar to work on my adjusting skills. I came out of CCCKC and feel like I was thrown to the wolves with little to no skills. About the time I was entering into the technique classes at Cleveland, they started doing away with the Legends there such as Dr. Hugo Gibson. Then the school started focusing on Activator and more fancy gowns and high tech gadgets and they lost the art of Chiropractic. Anyways, I don’t mean to ramble on. I was just hoping to learn some “REAL” Chiropractic and would love to attend your adjusting seminar. Please let me know if you plan to do them in the future! Thanks and God Bless! ————KC ___*_*_*_*********************** Dear Dr. O’Shea, I want to tell you how I became vertigo free! In March 2010, I woke up with what I describe as vertigo. I was literally on my back for 2 weeks with debilitating dizziness. After the dizziness subsided I was able to walk and drive, providing I did not turn my head quickly. I started drinking Kangen water, given to me by my Chiropractor, Dr. George Jogopulos. Within 24 hours, my vertigo completely disappeared and I was back to normal!! Because it became inconvenient and not realizing the many advantages of the Kangen water, I stopped drinking it. Three days later the vertigo came back. I researched the causes and cures of vertigo and nothing made good back to top sense to me. Then, I started drinking Kangen water again and the vertigo


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disappeared. I immediately bought a Kangen water machine, use it daily, and am no longer a dizzy brunette. I feel fabulous and vertigo free. Exercising regularly is no longer a struggle. I look forward to incorporating Kangen water into your 60 Day Program. Most Sincerely, Debby Harrington ****************** Dear Dr. Tim, I have no words to thank you enough for all that priceless information that you made available for us in your website. You have no idea for how long i live with the frustration of not getting any help from doctors, neither for me or my children, no matter how small or big the problem was. My older son, now 12 years old, has been diagnosed with ADD. I live in Israel, where we are so eager to imitate our american “big brothers” that we mindlessly import just all the garbage from there; including this so modern passion for Ritalin. I just refused to even consider this poison as a treatment; so i found myself in an endless annoying chain of troubles with the school,doctors,relative and so on. But this is not my major concern;the real problem is that my son is not well. Thanks to your website i understand now what the problem is. Now i have the tools to help my son and my family. So again, thank you so much for giving us what is most important, the knowledge to help our selves, for telling the truth, for the hope of a normal, healthy life. And i just love your style; you have here a fan for life! All the best whishes, Laura Grimm **************

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I read your chapter The Last Resort and I must tell you: I take my hat off to you! I give my deepest respect, admiration and shout of joy for you telling the truth in such a profound way! I read this piece and realized that the whole world could be healthy if… You are a tribute to our profession and to all of humanity. All an understatement really, for what is life without health? A grateful doctor, Jane Guttman *********************************** Dear Dr T: Five days after my first baby, Henry was born we took him to see his pediatrician for a routine weight check. I asked the doctor to look at his umbilical cord had begun to smell and there was a red ring around it. Even though Henry was not exhibiting any signs of infection the doctor recommended that we take him to the ER to get a culture swab to see if he had a serious infection called omphilitis. We were informed that should he have this infection it would spread rapidly and could potentially be fatal if not caught in time. So we headed to the ER. We were taken to a room where a nurse weighed Henry, took his temperature and checked his vitals, all of which were normal. Poor little Henry was not happy when they used a rectal thermometer to check his temperature, and I can’t say I was either. It was a traumatic experience in itself, and I feel it would be wise for the nurse to let the parent know before doing such things. Especially since there are thermometers that read body temperature which are far less invasive. Well this set the mood for the rest our “visit”. Henry would not stop crying after that moment, and I wasn’t permitted to breastfeed him in the section of back to top the hospital that we were in. We were moved into a small room to wait for


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another nurse and the doctor to see us. They came in and looked at his belly button, and both agreed that it appeared to be infected. They swabbed the area to send in to the lab to see if it was in fact omphilitis. However, they informed us the lab would take two days to come back with a result, and because of the serious nature of the infection they wanted to take a blood sample to check that his antibodies and white blood cells were normal. They explained that if they were to take a blood sample they would also want to do a round of intravenous antibiotics which would keep us there in the hospital for 24 hours. The pediatrician had told us to call him should we have any questions with what the doctor said. I tried calling him, but it was already after hours and I was unable to reach him. I felt so much pressure to give the go ahead for the procedure. The doctor kept saying that if the pediatrician had sent us to the ER he had intended for us to get the antibiotics. The infection, we were told, could potentially be so serious that, if left unchecked, could take Henry’s life in a matter of hours. I was beside myself, looking at my beautiful 5 day old baby and cringing at the thought of having his pure little bloodstream overloaded with antibiotics, not to mention an IV and blood drawn. So much pain for such a short life. We literally had minutes to make a decision, as they stood there, arms crossed waiting and watching us intently. It was challenging especially being a new mom on such little sleep, thinking clearly was a difficult task. We finally agreed that we would at least have his blood drawn to check and make sure everything was normal. However, we were reminded that if we did the blood draw they would also have to do one round of antibiotics and keep him over night for the 24 hours. With a heavy heart we agreed, the thought of risking it and losing him was too much for our tired minds. Thankfully, when the nurse and doctor left the room, my sister was struck with inspiration and called Dr O’Shea to ask his opinion. She was able to reach him and explained the situation. To which he replied that we should stand up, gather our things and walk out the door. Now.

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Unsure if he understood how serious we were being told the situation was, I called him back to clarify- to which he responded exactly the same as before. At that, we gathered our things. It was intimidating to leave because everyone there acted like we were crazy. But thanks to Dr. O’Shea we had the courage to stand up and walk out. When we arrived home, I called him back and he reassured me that Henry would be fine in couple of days. The very next night the umbilical cord fell off and within two days the redness and smell were completely gone and my healthy amazing boy is happy and his immune system is stronger than ever. Even when the hospital called to tell us the culture swab came back positive for infection I was not worried. I knew that if there was any danger Henry would show signs of fever, not eating, sleeping, eliminating, or be lethargic and fussy. Thanks to Dr. O’Shea if I am ever confronted with a situation like this again I will first look at my son and judge for myself, based on his behavior, if a drastic procedure is necessary. I am now confidently equipped to say no to grossly unnecessary procedures. Beth O. LaLuz, New Mexico ************************************* My son, Caedmon, is a year old now. After his 9 month shots he developed a sinus condition that no amount of antibiotics would cure. The antibotics did make him tired, lowered his immune system sufficiently to give him thrush, and generally made him miserable. My wife and I are relatively intellIgent people, I thought, and were skeptical about vaccines, but had the experts are the experts mentality until it occurred to my wife that she was an expert in the education of autistic children. She had read enough to be suspicious and worried about the upcoming MMR vaccine. This, coupled with Caed’s miserable sinus condition, finally pushed us to ask some friends of ours about their doctors. back to top


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The three people we asked all saw chiropractors, and two availed themselves of the services of a homeopathic M.D. as well. We felt we couldn’t do any worse and made an appointment. After two adjustments for Caed his sinus condition began to clear. We asked our doctor about her thoughts on vaccinations. She smiled and handed me your book, The Sancity of Human Blood. I can think of no other time in my life I felt more angry, and lied to, than I did while reading your book. I wanted to thank you for the gift that you gave our family. I especially wanted to thank you for the gift that you gave Caed. Sincerely, Chris Lougheed [[email protected]] **************** Wow, I don’t even know where to begin except by saying thank you for such an awesome website and for everything you do as a chiropractor and healer. I stumbled upon your website and I think it’s fantastic. It’s so refreshing to hear the truth every once and awhile when we’re being told lies day in and day out. I applaud you for what you have done with your website, as it should be an inspiration to all that find it. Ben *************** You know I just have to say I feel really blessed to have been able to get to know you. You have no idea how becoming involved in Chiropractic and then the vaccination issue has changed me. I have learned so much about nutrition from your website alone. I have changed my family’s eating habits and our lifestyle. In fact I am going to be starting school next year and i’m back to top going to become a Midwife. I’m only 28 so I will have a wonderful career


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ahead of me. I have such wonderful, happy, healthy children. I get a lot of flack from my inlaws when it comes to chiro care and vaccinations, but all the research I have done and with the help of people like you, I have such confidence in myself. Of course my personal belief in Gods perfect design empowers me as well, the design being our immune system. Thanks again for all your work. Kelly ************** An abundance of incredibly accurate information, facts-only approach… I am now amazed at the enormity of the stupidity of our government. Am extremely appreciative of your willingness to disseminate this information. – K Popovics ***************** Dr. O’Shea, …thank you for taking all the trouble to create your website and maintain it so that the small percentage of us who are looking for real information and truth can find it. It was such a relief to find someone who wasn’t just adding to all the multitude of information out there, but was seeking to review it and summarize the big picture of what is truth and what isn’t. Trying to find real answers amidst all the natural health info out there is like wading through mud. People who actually take the effort to seek out truth and don’t follow the whole “Trust me, I’m an expert, you can’t think for yourself” idea are a rare find. I feel like I’m surrounded by a hoard of ostriches with their heads in the sand. …it would be wonderful if I could find a few others in Baton Rouge who share my interests in the best of natural health and my frustrations at the state of the public mind. – Carla L. Messina-Craig, Baton Rouge back to top


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*********** My husband and I have 2 children, 19 months old and 2 weeks old. Neither of our children have received any vaccinations or other injections. Both of our children have been under chiropractic care since they were two days old. During both illnesses we gave her no medications of any kind. We kept her hydrated and got her spine checked extra during that week. …she does not have runny noses or coughs, and has never had an ear infection. She is happy, healthy. I have every confidence that our two week old will be the same. – Adrian and Kelly Hopkins, Phoenix, Arizona *********************** After years of being trapped in “traditional AMA wisdom” I turned to natural living and was “cured” of so-called bipolar disorder, asthma, anorexia, and on and on. Your articles are the most direct and true ones I have found on the internet. Thank you for your forthright information. Danna Elkin [email protected] ***************** We would like to join your list. We have 3 children aged 11,4,1. The first one was vaccinated, the other two not. There is a big difference in childrens health. Youngest are very healthy, but our oldest had extreme eczema for first years of his life and now he is very sensitive to food he gets, he has permanent bloked nose. Thank you for your site. I wish all parents and doctors can read this to save our children. With love, Tania & Dmitry Pavlenko *********

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Greetings – I would like to express my appreciation of your unbiased and beneficial opinion, I was attracted to your website from a website which references some of your work. I am so impressed with your work that i have been reading your chapters religiously and have decided to try your 60 day diet, i also booked in for my subluxations as well, I just wanted to say thanks again as i believe that your work has made a definite impact on how i view both pasteurised milk and bottled vitamins, and products in general… without your website i feel i would have been just another sucker to the corporate blanket of propaganda. please keep up the good work, Regards – J. Ward **************** Dr. O’Shea, I was just reading through your feedback/testimonials page, and figured it was time for me to write one. I have read every chapter on the website, most of them twice, some of them three or four times. I can truly say that I have never been influenced by anything so immensely in the years I’ve been alive. Before I read this site, and consequently changed the way I live, I was not ailing from anything in particular. I was not fat or out of shape. But something was lacking. I already thought very much like you as far as the marketing of persuasion. Saying the doctor is within is another way of saying that you can trust your instinct. My instinct was telling me something was wrong, and when I saw it put so plainly in front of me (namely the sugar and water chapters), I knew exactly what my instinct was trying to tell me.

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It is so true that the greatest and most elusive poison is the slowest poison. Something always felt out of place when I opened a can of vegetables or cooked a box of macaroni and cheese. Now I realize. I no longer poison myself. I believe that the decline in the intelligence of the American people is directly related to diet. Thanks, Dr. O’Shea. Brandon Dean [email protected] ************* from Jackie [[email protected]] Thank You. Finding honest web sites on ADD/ADHD is rare. I share your beliefs and just wanted to thank you for taking the time to compose this information. If only educators and parents were required to use some critical thinking skills when diagnosing their children and choosing to sedate them rather than help them grow up into healthy adults. – Trisha **************** from Kaylee Schwochow 6:04 PM (33 minutes ago) 22 Jan 22 Dr T: Another fabulous recommendation!! I LOVE ur list of recommended books and movies! I’ve been picking things to watch and books to read off of that list for a while now, just checking them off as I go. And Good Omens was the latestabsolutely loved it. You’re amazing Dr Tim O’Shea. I admire that brain if yours – if only there were more people like you in the world. Thanks for doing what back to top you do. Ur consistently a source of truth in a world full of lies and I’m so


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thankful for the work u put out there. Ur website and ur work is invaluable and I cannot put into words how much I appreciate what you do. Sent from my iPhone ********************************************************8 my testimonial to your efforts, great newsletter and website: Dr. O’Shea offers a strategy to hold down the duties of life against the everchanging winds. It’s refreshing to see such a principled effort that supports our self-healing nature, rather than the sickcare approach that has captured the unaware populace and medical representatives of the pharmaceutical cabal. These no-nonsense principles expand health. Dr. Dana A Boardman 2014 *************** I came across your website after a search for metabolic solutions for frozen shoulder, Thank you for all the information you share! I am following a super clean cleansing diet, do regular colonics, and am searching for additional ways to completely cure frozen shoulder. I am receiving chiropractic and physical therapy, – cranio sacral and myofacial release… I will ask them about the techniques you mention in your article. I plan to purchase the collagen from your website as well. do you know of a chiropractor in or near the Minneapolis St. Paul area that you would recommend, who may be skilled in the proprioceptive PRT technique, and can help clear the brachial plexus? Thank you and blessings to you, Judy Wachner, Apr 2014 back to top


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[Dr T]: frozen shoulder is a complex multifaceted condition– the main components are biomechanical, muscular, and metabolic. most chiropractors will say they can fix them easily, but very few actually can. it takes skill and persistence. clearing the brachial plexus may or may not be the key– it can also be a primary shoulder problem – counterclockwise fixation of the R scapula or its converse on the L side -a common thing that most miss. shake and bake is a waste of time– avoid all those guys– the real guys use their hands. for the metabolic part, this chapter will cover it The Last Resort sorry but i don’t know anyone in your area who can fix it– closest to you is Dr Tim Young in ok city, that i know of——- there is a guy in new york named dr mitch malley also– colonics are really retro, in my opinion —obsolete—see Journey to the Center of Your Colon. ******** Dr. Tim, Just a quick note to say thanks for all of your hard work to keep what we do straight and honest. Like you, I’m soooooo sick of the constant nonsense and bullshit on facebook and other social media that some people are trying to pass off as chiropractic. I now practice in the British Virgin Islands…and I practice CHIROPRACTIC!!!! Thanks again for all of your information, dedication to the profession of Chiropractic and keeping some of us honest!!! Howard Berg, DC Tortola, British Virgin Islands *********************************************************

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From: Bob Scott [email protected] Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 11:12 AM To: Tim O’Shea I read your chapter 10 on the Net, and find it extremely thought-provoking. I stumbled on it in a search for “xenoestrogens” and “depression” on the web as part of my increasing concern over my 40 year old wife’s struggle to find a way to deal with serious mood swings and other hormonal problems. Her doctor prescribed more exercise, an even lower intake of processed foods (we really eat pretty organic and low-meat for urbanites), and then, as a backup, she said the next step would be some form of psychotropic drug, like Prozac. We’re not going the drug route any time soon. I scanned other parts of your site and it strikes me as true or worthy of serious thought. Some of these thoughts have a lightbulb quality to them, and answer a lot of the questions I have about cancer, arthritis, mental illness, infertility, and the decreased sperm counts of the general population. Elsewhere on your site I appreciate your recognition that the holistic medicine field is loaded with questionable products, practitioners, and other problems. I’m cynical about the motivations of anyone trying to sell something, and equally cynical about our medical establishment. Thanks for the window. – Bob Scott ****************** You are an opinionated idiot and have the branes of an aardvrk. tt ***************** Dr. O’Shea, I just wanted to let you know that you rock! I’m proud to know that you are in my profession and that enlightened people like you exist. Scott Kaczmar, D.C. Shelby Twp. Michigan

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***************** From: Susanne Grodde Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 3:58 AM To: Tim O’Shea I enjoy the sense of humor that underlines everything, you bring your thoughts across in much the same way my friend and I do when we think and talk about the differences between hype and truth, when we weed through propaganda to try and reach a no-nonsense approach at dealing with everyday life issues. I came to your HRT page through a link on a yahoogroup, wellpeople, and meant to only glance at it, but was stuck for at least a couple of hrs longer at the computer than I meant to. From there I ventured to the ADD article, my son (10) was diagnosed with ADHD at age 4 and put on Ritalin. I am now absolutely certain that every one of his problems back then was directly related to my marriage and his sensitivity to the situation. Your views only confirm that belief. At this point, I feel a lot better about not watching the news all the time, and about not reading the paper every day. Seems that I’m “normal”, after all. Since I don’t have any medical insurance, and the longer I don’t, the more I believe that conventional medicine wouldn’t help me anyway. I think that Dr’s are great at handling traumas, but as far as wellness goes… I’m probably better off on my own. – Susanne ******************************************** Wow, every idea and thought I’ve had for decades written down verbatim. Also, I gave up watching television completely over one year ago, so my mind is clearer

Merci, merci. I’ve sent the URL to as many people as I think

have a possibility of getting it. Sincerely,

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Virginia Thompson *********************************** back to top [Standard disclaimer: the statements in this chapter are unsolicited anecdotal comments from real people. Many of their emails are attached. There is certainly no claim being made here that any of the whole food supplements or holistic methods described on this site are meant to diagnose, treat, or cure disease. The supplements are whole foods, not drugs.]

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. Enzymes: The Key to Longevity Digestazyme Hydrolyzed Collagen Journey to the Center of Your Colon Antioxidants Expel: 100% natural colon detox supplement Flora – The Forgotten Component of Detox Oral Chelation (Phase2)


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Minerals New West Diet The 60 Day Program Juice Fast: Unlimited Potential Allergies: The Threshold of Reactivity Autism Detox Protocol To the Heart Patient To the Cancer Patient: Natural Cures vs Conventional – New Updated! The Post-Antibiotic Age: Collapse of the Germ Theory Sugar: The Sweet Thief of Life Natural Whole Food Vitamins: Ascorbic Acid Is Not Vitamin C Soybeans Since the 90s: The Dawn of Hydrogenated Foods Genetically Modified Foods: a Short Introduction Hydration & Dehydration: Two Litres a Day Water The Three Attributes of Water Death By Treadmill Module 2: Modern Food Industry – Health or Chronic Disease – A Short Course 2021 Essential Books and Films For Life Common Core: Making Sure Your Kid Is Dumber Than You . . – New!


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Chelation of Chemtrails and Vaccines: Your Only Option? Pediatricians, Brain Fats, Formula, and Raw Milk Every Woman Needs To Read This Chapter Now New Agendas in American Dentistry Newer Agendas in American Dentistry: LANAP, Implants, Extractions American Bloodroot, Black Salve, and Skin Cancer ADD: A Designer Disease Alternative Lite Government and the Pharmaceutical Industry: The Essence of Quid Pro Quo Bioterrain Analysis

******************************************   Exemptions To Vaccines And Facemasks Seminar Notes and References Timeless Nuggets from Past Newsletters   **********************************************   CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic Aloft– Patient favorite Chiropractic: Spare Us the Philosophy – Just the Science Please


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Silicon Valley Syndrome Curing the Frozen Shoulder Chiropractic Consent Forms (CA) The Chiropractic Position On Vaccines *****************************************************   VACCINES The History of Vaccines Employee Exemption From All Vaccines and Testing Hospital Form for Vaccine Exemption Parents HPV Letter to Schools Vaccine Exemption Letter to Colleges and Universities Autism and Vaccines Autism and Mercury Human Papilloma Virus: The First Cancer Vaccine HPV Vaccine: 26 US Girls Dead Vaccines and the Peanut Allergy Epidemic Hepatitis A – Creating a Market for Another Superfluous Vaccine Andrew Wakefield: Lesson in Ethics The Psychology of Vaccine Injury Awareness Vaccine Articles: AB2109 and SB277


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The AIDS Mythology: Black Plague or Golden Goose? The Global Mythology of AIDS Goodbye Swine Flu Swine Flu: Global Pandemic or Just Makin’ Bacon? Swine Flu Vaccine: Licensed and Untested Ebola: Boutique Epidemic for 2014 Bexsero: Searching for a Villain in 2014 Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children – – vaccine manual for parents They Shoot Horses But Vaccinate Dogs


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