The clothing of Clio: a study of the representation of history in nineteenth-century Britain and France 9780521256162

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Table of contents :
List of illustrations (page viii)
Preface and acknowledgements (page xi)
Introduction (page 1)
1 The historian as taxidermist: Ranke, Barante, Waterton (page 8)
2 A cycle in historical discourse: Barante, Thierry, Michelet (page 32)
3 Image and letter in the rediscovery of the past: Daguerre, Charles Alfred Stothard, Landeer, Delaroche (page 54)
4 Poetics of the museum: Lenoir and Du Sommerard (page 77)
5 The historical compostition of place: Byron and Scott (page 93)
6 Defences against irony: Barham, Ruskin, Fox Talbot (page 112)
7 Anti-history and the ante-hero: Thackeray, Reade, Browning, James (page 138)
Postscript (page 164)
Notes (page 178)
Index (page 193)
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The clothing of Clio: a study of the representation of history in nineteenth-century Britain and France

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The Clothing of Clio A study of the representation of history in nineteenth-century Britain and France

The Clothing of Clio A study of the representation of history in nineteenth-century Britain and France

STEPHEN BANN Reader in Modern Cultural Studies University of Kent

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London New York New Rochelle Melbourne Sydney

Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge The Pite Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge cp2 iRP 32 East 57th Street, New York, Ny 10022, USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia © Cambridge University Press 1984 First published 1984 Reprinted 1986

Printed in Great Britain by the University Press, Cambridge Library of Congress catalogue card number: 83—20909 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Bann, Stephen The clothing of Clio. 1. Great Britain—Historiography 2. France—Historiography

I Title

941'.0072 DAI ISBN 0 §21 25616 X

UP ,

To my parents who introduced me to history and poetry

History, not wanted yet, Lean’d on her elbow, watching Time, whose course Eventful, should supply her with a theme .. . William Cowper, ‘Yardley Oak’ (1791)

History is the Muse of our time; we are, I think, the first who have

understood the past... Albertine de Broglie, letter to Prosper de Barante (1825)


List of sllustrations page vil

Introduction I

Preface and acknowledgements x1 1 The historian as taxidermist: Ranke, Barante, Waterton 8

2 Acycle in historical discourse: Barante, Thierry, Michelet 32 3 Image and letter in the rediscovery of the past: Daguerre, Charles

Alfred Stothard, Landseer, Delaroche 54

4 Poetics of the museum: Lenoir and Du Sommerard 77 5 The historical composition of place: Byron and Scott 93

James 138 Postscript 164

6 Defences against irony: Barham, Ruskin, Fox Talbot 112 7 Anti-history and the ante-hero: Thackeray, Reade, Browning,

Notes 178 Index 193 vil



1 Maternal sustenance and grave example: bas-relief of History by Clodion, from the Palais de la Légion d’honneur (Photo Giraudon) I 2 Costumed characters appearing on the stage after the curtain has gone down: Jean-sans-Peur (John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy), from

Barante, Histotre des Ducs de Bourgogne (1842 edition) 46 3 Shown at the very moment preceding his assassination: Meurtre du duc

Jean (Murder of Duke John), from Barante, Histoire des Ducs de

Bourgogne (1842 edition) 47

4 Thene plus ultra of scenic illusionism: L.-J.-M. Daguerre, Ruins of the

Liverpool) 56 Chapel of Holyrood (1824), after a diorama shown in London in 1825-6 (reproduced by permission of the Walker Art Gallery,

5 Resurrecting the past: Thomas and Charles Alfred Stothard, The Monumental Effigies rescued from Time (frontispiece to Monu-

of the British Library) 66 mental Effigies, 1811-33) (reproduced by permission of the Trustees

6 Reduction and fragmentation: effigy of William Longespée, Earl of Salisbury (from Charles Alfred Stothard, Monumental Effigies) (re-

produced by permission of the Trustees of the British Library) 67 7 Gesturing towards the scene of historical fatality: Delaroche, Edouard V et Richard Duc d’York (also called Les Enfants d’Edouard), 1831 (reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the Wallace Collection:

small version of the original painting of 1831) : 73 8 A chaotic assemblage of objects crammed into a small space: Renoux, L’Antiquaire (The Antiquary - portrait of A. du Sommerard), 1825

(reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the British Library) 80 g Objects have been allotted their respective places: collection of the Hotel de Cluny, Francois Ier room, from Du Sommerard, Les Arts au moyen

dge (reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the British Library) 81 10 Scott's huge baronial pile: South Court and entrance of Abbotsford

(reproduced from the present-day guide-book, with permission) 94 11 ‘A rich and rare Mix’d Gothic’: Peter Tillemans, view of the West

Front of Newstead Abbey in the early eighteenth century (Newstead |

Abbey, Nottingham Museums) 95 Vill

Illustrations 1X 12 Sedulous medieval recreation: The entrance hall at Abbotsford (from a water-colour by William Smith Jnr, reproduced in Lockhart, Life of

Sir Walter Scott, 1912 edition) 124

13 A farrago of false medsevalism: frontispiece by I. S. Gwilt for Barham,

Ingoldsby Legends (1843) 125

14 A country-house constructed on the foundations of a medieval abbey: Sharington’s Tower at Lacock Abbey (photographed by Fox Talbot)

(Photo Fox Talbot Museum, Lacock) 136

1§ A mock-authentic title-page to go with the eighteenth-century binding:

Thackeray’s Henry Esmond (first edition, 1852) (reproduced by

permission of the Trustees of the British Library) 142 16 The smplicit contract which binds the audience to the narrator: vignette

of clasped hands, a page from Reade, The Cloister and the Hearth (first edition, 1861) (reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the

British Library) 156

17 Adventures of the Roman nose I: Marius discovered in the Marshes at

Minturna, from J. Leech, Comic History of the Romans (1851-2) 166 18 Adventures of the Roman nose II: Caesar faces the conspirators in Mankiewicz’s Julius Caesar (1953) (reproduced by permission of the

MGM/UA Entertainment Co.) 167

19 Non-actors and location shooting: St Francis and his companions in Rossellini’s Francesco, giullare di Dio (1950) (reproduced by permis-

sion of the BFI Film and Video Library) 168 FIGURES

1 Musée des Petits-Augustins: Lenoir 87

2 Musée de Cluny: Du Sommerard 87


Preface and acknowledgements

The academic paternity of an interdisciplinary study like this one is bound to be

rather diverse. I owe a debt of gratitude first of all to the late Sir Herbert Butterfield, for agreeing to supervise the doctoral thesis on Prosper de Barante

which was the origin of my interest in the different forms of historical representation; and also to the late Leland Lyons, who as founding Professor of History at the University of Kent took care that history of historiography should be taught there. Successive generations of students on the course which he set up have persuaded me that such an interest need not be entirely peripheral. Colleagues and friends have helped me to see how the elusive concepts of historical representation might be investigated and understood. In particular, I should mention Hayden White, Lionel Gossman and Frank Kermode. To set oneself in such company may appear hazardous. But while I would not wish to associate them with the limitations of my approach, I can certainly say that I have been stimulated by the originality, acuity and elegance of their works. Il am also especially grateful to Francis Haskell for reading through a preliminary draft of Chapter 2, and to Natalie Zemon Davis for commenting on my first stab at a conclusion. Elinor Shaffer deserves thanks for piloting my first chapter on its initial voyage through the Cambridge University Press. The Rockefeller Foundation generously appointed me a Scholar in Residence at the Villa Serbelloni in the late Spring of 1982, thus enabling me to spend part of my study leave from the University of Kent in intelligent company and delightful surroundings. Though regrettably brief, this period provided me with the essential stimulus to complete this book. Prior versions of three chapters have been published before: Chapter 1 in Comparative Criticism Yearbook, 3 (1981); Chapter 2 in 20th Century Studies, 3 (1970); Chapter 4 in History and Theory, 17, 3 (1978). I am grateful for permission to reprint the substance (though not usually the letter) of these earlier Studies.

Mrs Maxwell-Scott, of Abbotsford, kindly gave me permission to include a photograph of the house, as it appears in the official guide-book; Miss Pamela Wood, Keeper responsible for Newstead Abbey, allowed me a simular facility. Provenance of the other plates is given in the preceding list except where they have been prepared from my own materials with the expert aid of Jim Styles and John West. xi

Xi Preface and acknowledgements For the final re-typing of the manuscript, I had the patient co-operation of Susan Davies and Mary Thomas. I am pleased to acknowledge, finally, the helpful comments of Terence Moore, of the Cambridge University Press, who was trusting enough to encourage this project at a stage when it was still very far from completion.

Quotations from foreign languages have been translated, except where the precise form of the original is judged to be important. In such cases, both the original language and the translation are included. Except where stated otherwise, the translations are my own. S. B.

Canterbury, March 1983

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q | ee oe a... LU oo ae Zo 7 : ole a a OM a ay CO ee Fe en nae ee Le Sie ee 2 - MOL ae a : a . all i : ae ee se uel a i Le aa, a. |. oe ., a oe ge

- oe - oe i.— aa, eeoo A, rthr an i. Cosa a Seana aie. eda SSSRAi Satswes iho geee ae PSE ea ee a : : eee acoooo oFaSSB oeeevaca EN es EE eee eSa Le ee GG. fro ¢iuLag :i ee ce i ee — eeeearea OS Bit OTIS POSER ESEE SED ee esoF cge ; || 2 : me ——— ae ee ha ee cee eee eepies Es ae ane fa ape “Gy =US = io . y) =ES s . See a Ot ee Hugues aacoed Ame Sete: a a 4 Le a oe Eg Ss Li My AME: LATO NSE) AEE ag atesgergar a on sure ht CUES eee ye ERE SES ee ae EEE eink TRE he aE a: aoe ii es POE ge ge: ae Me 3 | GEN I: wr anes OEE

a LE ; e L.. rl Vi aie We Serie. ath ait os cg Bg es oe aa = Se ae ee ee .—=sis—sij§ oe : 2 | : | ae a Oe: 28. ee & EE s aece(Seok Gha bate ge 28 ee ee oe ee ieeea _Bee a ais ae 2.Léae10n 4 aa:“Ty och0} ; ey be .cet SAE el oe AEE ES hs CRSP seeee preter:

a : ooo: see Tee MIRE a Be es SE eee SE SEER? es coe a ; ; a oe os 2 tee oat ee | ee ge ee i T 10 ie in 6 ee Geer i : _ . 3 Of Be Res ge ee eee ee Ses HSS es . : . es SS EES EOF ancesge4 PaEes . _ . Fd oe eee Ree eh fee ee oe AES BBY : eeEEE i oS LAO & Battech = aeop fv.os EARS EEEee eeeoe ERE In Be | caeee a -ee : - :ee : es oe | . iS : a curity Gaisinedbl 2ae oe 2ee” _ os 2. osae|FF DS Se, ae -. | Te aCo eea. es Ce eg ae Le Loe Ce a oe 2eycage eeiest Sh ; eF.—lmUmr le | 2 in 866 a —Crrtrt—“=‘=##E _ =2 .. ig —_— o i ee Ce a } ee oe Lt . ae a oe ye so ee . ee a _ | oo q i ee oo y oe _. . sath ga see a ee a : oo | ies! eee a ee i as ae Dae Le: gee ns ae guinea Gey oe es ae oe | Fe | a Ve Li oe oy : a le aes 2 a a A ee oo. oe ae ‘ lo, a Be 3 D Ue cae i, Vy (ee Uy _ me _ ee Be . — -. :aoO ae lau = =.capi CD oy ; ee fiat CE . eeaUU ae ie UD 2 ee fh, gue Bee ee

Pei 7.EB i.: oe oofil eo_ee LU ae. iee Le aa 1osieeae 2 oe eeS Ge7Shea Oe See oe2eee . 2 tsosa oe eea&Le .i 2. 2ia: oO Lo iHii. Ly an A—r=. 0“pe8.Sows eo : . |ae .-‘oe yi | ay ae ey, ye _— oe - Se _ Co . Ls we le Co BE, thy a. ee ee oe oo a Lo, :2|o — Cy omen SG M7 oe a ee oe ee oe oo a a Ue ee :° i° 2Lo Lae — Ge Le Gere Ce Lo Cae 8eeCoe oe Qe. eeee—aBe i oF a ee a 88 peOF aoreee ien le4ees wo eee .2 i: oe .~o) oe | oa a) ow ~~ i~~ a =——r—e——sCSs— ee 2 ox eee eae ie -agg . meee PSoo 64 mh ¢ 37Zio. re2————— , , oo , , Os 7.Vee. eeiigan = 1.eevo ee |) es aes PEE asovee seliiy® ee | , i:iuo _ve —i~~?) a pee ee— eae One es ae — — ekeC eh god Dey ooee eee ae 8 : aos |.Ss hy;. oe iaa‘4Le a7~~ i —_ « zloe ee oe oe.oe wy fs. Oo. a ee oo 7

4a ee «hr ee | a - =. J aDl »%aes . 2SS (ooSe weet. Cn

oe2- .aa8#a ig wh pe Log CU2 ee” [ CB esao Le 7pais wepega ee. a.=. “ g= ,eae sds :ee) eecae Fa Lg ic _ee >_ pig! ie :.e fee 7fie ae3g a Cl iye a) me —§=§=—h6f WR saQ cee ae. oy 2 2 fe Lo a, fe a, Ce a Pe ne Te oe (7. oe ou, oF Oa Ie Te oe We: gr 7 ae — , , ao 4 eT a oe i . aog oo 2-ygoe aaiofS .i a. _—_ oe rtee el27.yasoF _a—pol on a -—go ‘an Ce } i. ii ae 7 et of re fowl Mk ee a a Ce oe fs Cee , : at .. 8 a es ao 8 Bees ae oo gy 8 Pe at oF : a. — ~~ — ce iFF ae oe ee7. Won : ee ce eran wget e Be li De Penny. (op ee 0) ae ae ieee a ee ae ae ah Uae . hi eee pi gee CO 7 eae i ee oe er a 7Oe (_ eg i 7DM i 6 oo - | ..,ee2.on A 2eeae8(4 eake eePe oea 3 ae — oo oe ee oe weaoa eae:The

=e | ae a _ a 4 oo i 7 aaa — a i oo. aaYe ee — ..yo_|eeog |. oT(2 aCe oe _Lo_-.ee2, aC, oo oefe. lL o@ Qo, eS ay Jz Lo eeio el aWG y gscs 2 et ,i| Psy | =Se .A 6es aa. ihe Cf. i‘a ee ee tae | a7 (ae ON “yy [eo ael ee ae aeS 7aOS ige We 2. _‘> Fo aa) eee ; oe Lo sooe. oo SS /7ooee 7. of —_ ey t,ee PL *é ue 2ea/ |.=2Se 1.Ohl ae Vi a Co ei ;(A oo. ee if 6a7)3 "_. az-4 Ly WieLe a : atewe 2 4 oe /i ee ioeCe (2)aVS, ee ae ia ee Lo.VG ae Aea ih te he ee q:aeefog oe l,l Le Lee oS ee:ae ya.Les CF |2Noein) Co he,:aes, 7.Oo [og _aee oOn ae|ee oo a ”oo aae ee fekeeeaTeOs iFO ozie. igoe 8esLe Soe E ee en. aah Se Coa eo Va aa i es i hae Ve a“a eeiae. Oe 3iyo 9_ae ae a7Lon Oe a) 7 ee a .— eee ns Ce La ioe Dy, ae _ce i aDeak 4 8Oe ae aoT . aes i i02.aee | Ga y on ee i Sel Le pl Ye ae fo) eee ye ea NG ae Fe i NG oa Gh ae Us ag ea Ds . i oe Ye aes Be

ee. ing, ee ef 7. oe Ve oe i =... 8 . i fee ee

‘a age wi lies ii aa— 2 ye 8 |oiyee 8Cf ie Mae eb eigiLo ee, |ae 7 yij oe Wayise i MN ae ae ae i te Co,etAPoop> i.

Le .y\aa :Ge oe - Oe OF i (8 rs a77 ee oo _ms io8ale -Se oo. ye .is*afa A . oe ee -. fe ta 7 Ff a LO AM i| .| a, oy aLy i | , oF A all ga Ye ee ae ‘ i we 7 fs Cs ira:"apy « , ee ie i gy | ae i i ee i oy ao Ly yo 7 a Le ae yo aaoo Fe i ee CC ee A ae a mee a. 8 a Jo 2 oF Le oe oe Wwe Fe Ll : Ge 7 J | pe * a > : a a ” Co Le oo eee Se as on ‘a eS ra “ cs y, Lee” . f . a : ae: Le | 5 | a le _ og ee le | oe :

4. yee .Loy, :Lo,Ya ye .| aGes |.8Le oC ee aaeaoeeo.Pa_Ce [oe :aeGCeegy |.GERS |.oa aoo .EEma .es fa :oe 4|.- La2|f|ieee _.. _Le 2Cs gee oe >. 4Co Les 7NPG. ie _aCl oe ag asone .speoe >i” a. ee Cae aae ae ie,;aa—_— asfew ee eeas eeee Khvo as Ze Ole td aRae Tr les — Ye i : ge 7 Oe Te ae _. : >. EG, Aer 4 oe ee Ce (a i nr, "ae ee ee le oe oe : :. | / Se 2. Ce > oa ... ee ee CE he ‘~~ _ a! i i r TF. _. 3 g fi Le re _ i , oh Zi a a oe : is oe OOF aa me wy ites. Se — > a oo. . oe Ca | i — oo a A *, 2. _) ee oe ee . oF . pe a “i > We Ce oe DG eae es oe a, iy oF Le So Wa, Pe i a ee a eee : : ee aoe Hie AEST, oo a ne mek, a |.ee Le ON ai aeee 1 ae : ee ay :eeaes ae oe . aa eg iSe a ae 7.a “8 oe beai po, Sy a— ae Ig SS e. fea ns 0Le 5 LCS a.asi we. oo A, areas eee:ee ee ee es2ee sks :oe . ; ae oe — ee a A —” — os LS, es ee ae | Lo er :oe ™ —mee ee “~ ie 4ee:— aoa -— Sa = . Le Ces eoey ee Ve ebi :ae ‘h aS foow ee eePWe neee oar oo eS a ishe oo _“—. ce Co iikaLo eee eae pg ., 7ait: . alt ee eee Coa ns ie2oo Si eee ae ax, iLSS OeWie LS eeaeaye ..aeeee “ Lg =e - cant — co ee. Ve a*osPen le _Ca me oo , sy nde if“4 : Ais : 5aCh ooeg.; VI_Caen oOMigs Dy A ooSA., oe. Ue AU DN.aheeee Zhai eeee ee YY oe A Mage iao , Lp oe, SEY ML ES Mla NoGam igen aa LoiMiee [oy VD— gsLe Le he8ee, o Li LBS RnoeoA

a= Fe ae OO oo mee Oe 7 2 lle “ a tt i . | hg, . —”hLrrCe yy |._=ee 7 CL / Cee Lo Le 7 |. a 7 ye. 7 : Cis [_ . a hr :: ae | / oe8 SS ee FO i. FC, Lo . eat ee =... | ee a C oe a ae og ee Lo / ES a Nas Ais ey ie ee Nige Thi , Co 7S Bae ae esl se 7 Mn Mee Me Le OSs & eee s 5 GI pp SD ING AM ee SOI INCA 6 A a AV Ad Os Za YE US Re agi i spin a illegal

ei Ties Wiha ig 4G sie Naas, any ag Pe: Wie, en We we UG Daas) ace : Ge aN i RTE ey EE ae, ee hae a CAS ir one aclu aS NG Gage aie a 7 Fan, ge:

Fe 7ee : Ges aeeGe LNi Cae Gh ee aesBh Zi oe. mek pes oeGs sCe iLY CG iinMONTE NW aoe Aayy Sa BGM Bees Me A Giggs easZN Waa Ce eeZdi Loae RRA ‘Oy, SOY ae LO atunceee z LMC: Beige j WAG DOGLe) SFGO Ze ee eeCe soe Se gee aeByae oe ae, eae SOEs BE BK Se LEE MI 7 Ge Li he es We Zeeis Ce Ve 7ee ViLo oo ay Ye ae Dy i ING OE Ze tLs Lye. yy Loli Le Ly aaaeeae

Co. = J fo ee ag. ¢ We a (oe Lo Le a : [7 MN 8

Fe a a , 2 oe oo ae 7 he d _ a | =. 2 7 = -_ l ie FF. i oo y (ay iu see aa8 Go :i a; Ue a LeCo oe Le Le Lo Lo 7 Lie | / aeJ :ee_ieaae Fe|ea.Yo LLL a oo g 7wes - CC_Ce ie, 8 |Le Ooh Ge 2Lo a. hh rhr—C Le2.ayLe 2:a

-oe aCo ; yo |©yy 1We |.:(2 2Le .Oi :7ae ae Coe Fo oe ps iae _ee Wo ia Ge ee. LL: mee Ce Ve ee ]hl ae4 oC oo eo a/ Uo : Ga _ClLo cy , :b2ea2Be CC :Fe A . oe ol We go _|jFe

oe ee ie Ca iwe We a‘ 2ESA RINT i.INOW Tg. aOe, oo4Oe ge7Be:iea A esNe oe i_ /.ae DN a igiae aGoh OU LyMiMi Ly & Nae Bs@ SEO IGG GOI Ge OME hig Yoo ee Ge sh are, OFOs LO. Ee eeeOe. geAaLY, Vy GeOs Ne bies dj Ge Ba ee |.De {ee2 aCie .VigIM (Ws | agess eg .WeOO’ Ce :eeej7bii SSLe ee oy oo io _eeeesVi, ee poe

1 ai ee Lk A AA, NO ae MG, a Co| y=. CoCe LIN dl i MN MC es oO ee Bee Zi TI g pe fee aa | . ae 8ee _We 7of 2ae = i= = ChChULLhLULUhU]. Ce On ee Bo A) Zo se eS ; oC | ee Ly aaoo _aae -— 282 ee ge yy Lae j :se 7 Cl ig y No 7 7 Ly eg ee sf : CC i EG i ON ae .i Gn ee VOIA SMe MG Vi pe OGoo. fe ge Lo ee a LO Te REN ihiLO ON2Gee LGaaeZBee BORG Cae Mo 77 CMJWea= -oe | Soe gg‘Ga Lo(4oo2geaAe _. DoLe a... hraOe a Se | giVe oo ee /iae. we ee Te Ee |Lh =oo — ee LCia Ya Ce oe 71A a7/_ i.|... eo oo Cy. Loe :ioe eo fF Vo oy i oe (7 CU ee Tio ee Co) ee 7 _ aa :— a hie oa sl a 1 7 _ oe Loo, (7 .. ae 8 Le Lo ae oe , Ce , rrCSr—eCc =. LI 2 sw UVaeoo a LC ee — lr,. oS (7 oo). ( Lee CL DS- ye Ge Oe . oo, LB RIS RR Zs aa ON Ae hi, LONG i Se OD a i ys sinc, ee Se eae iain, eg ey, 4 ate om Z OZ ieee eee ae Ve oe re A Og y NI SS ee sh SES Ce ¥ 4 EME LEG OI A Yee Tg i i fo

ae Ze ee Mey s ee oaiceal canes LLL RAN IRS VA Bas yy GN CHES We Baa ji @ ee, iii ia Iie ey Mig he LI Goo YY EN Nan Aion YP UE MOG Ee i as 2

a F . / ; 2 a Ol 7 a 2 Ce oe CD Co oe La Le [( oo oso Le 2 8 o. me : :i ,(ae 7.aae :| FO LULDLDLUhrr OUoo >.LI VoM/s ye iaeae Ce Lo Ba :Ce aoe 7.oeCU |jMe oe , reLg. LUE aaDe Se ay Ce, oo 0. me 2To CF -De oO Le LoNay CA) ooLo LLD,DLCU™”OCO Le Se Doe LF Lo G2 Le ie ee BOG ee |.a _ KRig ae YLy oy, Ye7Vas a Weoo Ly Bee Ley2... ee Ve Guess yo Yi say Ge oo Ly‘i LCU lO lO Le Ce _i a;Co awe_— 4cee >. hlhh aarrrC™eCOCO >aJF .7], 48U6! LoaiLL L. Ly ss Ge oon oe. Lo 2Wo — Pie 7 ;ee 2 i. :2fea ee :eeLe oeLs a Co 7. GN ee LsLe 2Lo eeLU ee iCo |= LL oo / ee Ce oe apO | Le oe iin, @2@©=——r—r—————UCUCC LRA _ ALO DeUy ee . Dg 1, ge Le Jaee Nee, ok AaaNR eocy LeCO Ae ee LeOIE U7 YOST I Ly A SVLe Ne NZ, i oe ies a a y5 SLL 2 (eee ee7Te oC £4, NAOKO ie Se To7COGN TMOG Ee ee Te Laea hn oA7 iy e

rrtrt~sCisS CO ee a a . | ee |. | he

og ee 2. we . a- ahh 7 Le a-_ Lg LLVea LaeLe . Li Ce LO es oo i. |:A:_ a a ; Q . . 7 Oe ae oe) ge a .” Sg oF a : . to, LF e a «= a So C0 Le oo | :ae ay Jog, 7ee, Ce lg rlaa) Cs Le Ee ;Lo Lg Be, 7 Seer ee Fe i7 Ioo) aeBa. aa aoo i Oa) | ge Beee LL azLe Le Ls oe ay Co — . ayee -Wi Lo ee oe DU Ts eyf2a;Lo : Ce oe ee 00ties lo. oo _Ce Le Wy Le Os /a oe Be oF ; 7. a a oa |... LLL Cr a ae ;ee )~S—rt—es—OFeFeett” I ee a Clr” fri‘ _. Lo ea ee)a oy es eg . 1eS Aisee .,a Le eeMaa i hia oo, — «a. de i oeoe _a: aLi, ds, aoo ae ye ig 5 — a a aCo | oo Ct Ze v82Lo oo iee Co Le 7 yo _ Le -a |[=i My se a 2 ./2:2| a | oF CoCo;a ie Lo Oo

; io... [fe"yas oe oe Ce ee ke _ oe 2 Lo 7 yo _. tr a ae i oe Ma pat Oth a Ne FR oY eee =. .. oo is = A a Le, Lo i 7 es Loe 2 ye OO ae a,a -OF eeoe Ce LN. 5 WhiCL Mii ai.ieDa. CG oe Ma,Le va BONZ Din ee LG Lg ZOO. i iy.eee LiOe. ane, OgOD BGees : eee CQ) a. a (i- ae 2os le ae ie eg oo oeWE VM eeOioo ae ayyCa Dg LO Oa7see oe igWee) ie Meeenea a Lu

oe a — oo. eo ew og _ ig ee ee Oe oy le -

ooLi es y ae ye OaiLu ay leIas ee. _2Co oF Lo eo Dee Oe aA ee Se ge-ee ae yti Oy) 0oo a Le .>iee7. ly,De ee NN ea ee .: o— 8ee =. on,” Si aoe >.ae 2aee iWO Ea Ee oe aoe ee ie_teas =| 2. Soe :Masi: ;HER TS yieyce ee LL CL _i... MOL ss ete ::.eo wee aSO ).. aae MO ceoo cil ais :Gay oe:|: ee 8ee Bee oO : Ce,Ce Miaee ae Le ee) Le_ Tiwe eetee Lo io TOO Gn Sane: . . 2.0... : ee ; = ee ee ni:: ewe: YG — e Oo oe 7 LN ae ee —8. :Aeo: —assemblage Sie BS 2s mmed moa into gailafew spare: aeese—ee = chaotic of objects crammed 66-bee fe Oe Bot a mans Pe ge eg hac Gp mmerarc). 162 ~_ ose . Ff . (The Antiquary - portrait of A. du Sc ee Pe CC 2

ee ee, ae ae | | or ae Renoux . .........2 2 fe eRe) eg Bee Rg :SG oS oe = ne og EE: as ae oeae geae geUe - one eee nae =Hp vce1)eee 87,8es:em eee Po eae or:ISL eee eeeFi ve cleeee Le ez :eree ire ,uRee Paes, ek ca abba ined? -Pees eeAES : ee : de Cee hay —o_CEel 00SMe ee . : s ae .ee . : eee tina ei agyage! ES She Ee a ee ae ee aUe NN I ae | inSU IU. Cc ‘ settedin ESI . “EE

- a ge . A a ey — xo nieres Vi a eh gre a ge oe

: ee vec Was) SNideeea Bee ensofed& a fe ofS ee ee ee ae a eeIntavsciliacic oe Aue Uo A RS enough se sa a eee1a ee Heh gee

a. ee>a.eee ee .eeelie See eee ee 2IReee || 25SM agg AA MRS et : :. zs é Fe ale. cae :eeae Spee: Ra ee oeagCeeHf of the ear iC SeIeOEE ne rs . ae vegeta ® ote eee oy age ceo RE aon ® ee lace eee ee:wha ope Ta EEetTe ag NA EE Be . ; -iesgt. 2 tgiidigbage ee es lta oe0 ON ON2_oo gees ea

Be glia eethat ee a WUDu eo PEL Gwe Be Gs ee ia i ii ee. CURE dern : coe oo potee, : ieee: ss aeSchool. Cb ee 5 Ny 0 he [he ) ere Lypub| ee Be year Somn French

: sites edsae. ao See | ae_siA: peo en wm:;3ya mainly ot t .eae Cc C: es ~eo Boe ee a ae ge— epee oe ak ae: : (2 |voli ee— oe bene (7j aTavViill PEARED ees- = astee §. ke ace On} 2ss Roa ) “oO ee ee . : SL, © ee iAca* oo ee ee me : ae ee aa 2eS weths av oa atiyVIOUS CoOL thkoohlit oeeee een a ~~ ore

lished au ction cata OguUC ' a 2some oa bina 4b ehe hasnets maga. Sie Toidahhs enisis Vk JOS Sai _heE for time

aand oe . oe ee a en oe ee ee oo eo Le . ce ee ee ee“EDIE Be G i ° Paes . fu a . Sgother ess eeitems ee Beireet —— +insatiable |. corer oe ee TeCur SES aad :drawings Sgn Loge a ae ye Ch ey: LES Us ate amateur ,?7and recounts: .caliente drawings with the ate andinsatiable | | session of these with the other ieeCCITT .

re, esne tne ®SSiON oO o| be eegeeee yace ge fi) ioe ee ieiaigi yyy AACE ae 2. ee osee a af gee oo Set agiaeae oe 2= > a = 7 See = : nT ae a Ce URIS oi weer ee ke ee S efoup OF RAONA SE RE. _ |oh, ction. nota iy le iwee icatalocue oe ye Ne oe is | COL : ateC dO, represented MIcitys . See co SAL : .Bs cae a auction Bhs Eos iuw age ES {oo ) Pe : ione 7put av yf 1)ed be:o dyee NEs et eB, aiyme fs Se re wae Cte eeas a Ge 1)ge oe or Ure Solis: aaasoak ie nis in the as ¢ i ek ca “Sg ee a. ae eee ee ae Te er ee a ge Gee Boo TO a ee Ce Uae he ee eae oe : mee: problem is is represented in theoes auction catalogue a:s — fosstemanic Wicteustie order The ogi robiem Pepres Se ube ees " ne Tg Ge | or . cl. re Se xaon Sof Soom erin Ab > c yer LOT Sih eee ee Pe Gy 72aeH : . Me emay geGag ge ac vesiion ....... aParis a) i:Ce Sa, 3 ee thataititalso. WM as ee a eee eeassemblage ee ee ee oO ee ee Le MSOcrammed »dee into aa: aS suspect that v shows a chaotic of objects into peee ai2—e€ 7 at—O°oeLie et ee aeeciyal) Sotigatcgt : ioBO Aley oe ae ho ey7ssem r leSe Leoe(i)aeaa .. a ae a . ortrait . ee j of ell te CB shows TLE ME os 1 Bat OTHERS ‘ L’ Antiquaire’ a chaotic a + Du Sommerard portrait ol” L, Antiquaire shows a ¢ rms invading the carpet. Du Sommerarc [ ce, withWil armour and fire-arms theCL ee: eo Spaseeall 5i aace. Briour OEalien ee . _oTye. heinvading SUCCeEL VWaa ee. Sm: ae ce ge Oy tan Awe) when. a 10 42,. oe eee soe ES ogi PEP,solved Be MES : : pw =Cn) Naceo> anc pe i)Ore i) (UL WAL aoeany oe ae, an aan ae theB nroDp vere ae een 6the ee adoo accent -finally .: 'y: ees : ao , : oe ee i gyi EA be ye ay = ... eeAEE :So7 : . E | a 2 ee: 00 A Oe VV} ae a EES EI : a _ a . -) : Ol y tenant ty SEE : eSess ; oe on . oo ee |... iy St-G Cra) al : . Ee |... Dees =gi aocieeeennc jy Seeee aiam eeee ftPe _aoe OUCVaTUs a7a. :ola ESS :ae7fee Sones ; ‘a yf el a gee OU a x ee “URS s..,.hLUg Cc go Pe ese : ae 2 ee 2 S a ee ; ie “ ee EEE 4 i eeoe eee, ee ee ae ae Gd a 10 ssGey, Dip ED;SRE oomo . a:ii4:in vem Oe aes ee ee egee ». . .ES Bee 1.eo |ie)aPl2... BOBS : : IG) + i:: °FOES eS::‘Mae oa =.eeA ...lltttstssC“‘(‘COCé:C*C EE— iytLegh : 1G sedone1See ee 2

St-Michel. The journalist Jules Ja | ae 2

ae shige ® - and 4 Hg Lenoir Du: Sommerard , oe dont |

Se | | 7... a ee i =- .,Ss . . =. . a | a2 |om eo eese de a .

. A ” 7 o/. ! “s . 9 ‘i : _ “ | * | a _ _ : : 7 7 a 3 co. sg a : _ 7. s a ya oe ee pe

eel a. a2 ~~-sa |. ff FF v7 _o_o, ‘/~_ _ L|. 7.| 7. [|» tag | aos. 6 |6of72ye ooaeae ego2 ra. .= poe >. &a *eS! /..__ .UCU!/, *%a ,of. -—-_ 7 || ee ee 7aeeWo Dow : ,=a ;

fae, OF oe — —— FF. _

-_pore ee ft. = yee ee aatt- a; Co i S 3- ge ce po a . i’aoe- co ~ |a4Soe 4 44 7a iepoOO Eeeee /._.., ia—o ce os4. es a ri ne ereee ; SC 7 [a og rs -| _aa- ay : | oe LsE7éai .

Ee a— _:.o.iYY .j2Ur OL wn : :i. :a#=ee Pre 6rraea— ee| a7LT OS a Beno Ss, =—=—ti—i oo 1, os a. iiee 43 j/ —_ L Eeoe : usyo os tC ee L|ee ;|..—f Cv -+ Pd f _ |7|, — 7 _a|S el )2. g po ae” oe k®S — -.hLhULUc a LF 8 =: | bv Te | ws . ie _ pee TN o « | , ed r LS a , a __ td Vay WE ee fe | a 7 _ le, ah | _ 2. } Le / Le le | : i... a oe LC hl a. hl 7, | Co. 7 veer 7] i ig oe De See I. Cou S| ae | a oT i oe 4h _=

| Pos a 7|ieSe 4 a a) Na a eee7 Lo |i .)eee co. ae aale . . Leoi_ |7 | |. ce / po es _ po fF. ee ed i Ae ( 7 . . a 4 i ; 7 ee .. f _ -— 1 MO —_ i. 8 (oo , oo. ge : pi ea _ | Pi om > ry : _ a . oe _ S it a Ce a Lee eo oe Le ee Z 8 Pe as a eo a Le ee | - 2 7 = moo

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