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English Pages 152 [155]
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes Volume 2
Test yourself!
First edition 2015 by Thinkers Publishing Copyright© 2015 Remain Edouard All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the publisher. All sales or enquiries should be directed to Thinkers Publishers, 9000 Gent, Belgium. Email: [email protected] Website: www.thinkerspublishing.com
Managing Editor: Assistant Editor: Software:
Remain Edouard
Gunter Deleyn
Hub van de Laar
Proofreading (English):
Relecture (fran�ais): Graphic Artist:
Gildas Goldsztejn, Emmanuel Amigues
Philippe Tonnard
Back cover photo: Production:
Adam Emerson, Roger Emerson
Jean-Michel Peniche- Europe Echecs
ISBN-nr: 9789082256642 VVD-nr:
The Chess Manual of
Avoidable Mistakes Volume 2 Test yourself!
Romain Edouard
Thinkers Publishing 2015
Liste des symboles utilises
Key to Symbols used
? !! ?? !? ?!
a good move a weak move an excellent move a blunder an interesting move a dubious move
un bon coup un mauvais coup un excellent coup une gaffe un coup interessant un coup douteux
only move
le seul coup
la position est egale
unclear position
la position n'est pas claire
with compensation for the sacrificed
avec des compensations pour
le materiel sacrifie
White stands slightly better
les Blancs sont un peu mieux
± ::;:
Black stands slightly better
les Noirs sont un peu mieux
White has a serious advantage
les Blancs ont un net avantage
Black has a serious advantage
les Noirs ont un net avantage
les Blancs ont un avantage decisif
White has a decisive advantage Black has a decisive advantage
with an attack
avec de l'attaque
with an initiative
avec }'initiative
with counterplay
avec du contre-jeu
with the idea of
avec l'idee
better is
meilleur est
les Noirs ont un avantage decisif
worse is N novelty + check # mate
inferieur est
nouveaute echec echec et mat
Contents Key to Symbols used & Bibliography ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Preface in
English-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
preface en
fran�ais -- --- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Introduction Ch 1: Find the winning move!----------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Exercises on Chapter 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Introduction Ch 2: Defend yourself! -- -- ------------ ------ ---- ---- -- ----- --------------------------------- 26 -
Exereises on Chapter 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 Introduction Ch 3: Move now! ------------------- --- ----- -- ----------------------------------------------- --- 36 -
Exercises on Chapter 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 Introduction Ch 4: Difficult choices--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 Exercises on Chapter 4------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 Introduction Ch 5 : Weigh up a possibi Iity-------------------------------------- ------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 74 Exercises on Chapter 5-------------- ------------ -- - - -------------- -- ---- --- -- -- ------------------------------- 76 -
Introduction Ch 6: Spot the missed opportunity -------------- --- --------- -------------------- ----- ---- 82 --
Exereises on Chapter 6---- - ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 84 -
So Iutions of a11 Exercises --- ---------------------- --- ------------ ------------------------------------------------ 9 2 Liste des chapitres en fran�ais : Ch 1- Trouvez le coup gagnant ! Ch 2- Defendez- vous ! Ch 3- Jouez tout de suite ! Ch 4- Choix difficiles Ch 5- Evaluez une possibilite Ch 6- Trouvez le coup manque
Preface For the follow- up to my first book, which was published in December 2014, I decided to write a second volume, composed mainly of exercises. Once again, my aim was to write something new. So, why a book of exercises? Aren't there too many already? Because those books which already exist are a long way from representing the reality of a chess game. They are usually organised by difficulty or by the beauty of the solution. These classic exercises remain an excellent form of mental training. You can liken it to your daily half- hour jog, vital to your other muscles and your circulation: a healthy body for a more vigorous mind! However, by organising them in this way, the brain is conditioned to look for a very precise type of solution which is often unrealistic. This is why the exercises here are not organised by difficulty; rather, they have been chosen for their practical value. Indeed, they all come from real games, the vast majority of them recent ones, although in very few an asterisk shows that a small deviation has been made to the game. The solution may be stylish and complex, but equally it may be simple or basic. The obvious move may be the wrong one, but may equally be right! Besides, the right move has not necessarily been played in the original game. The exercises vary between easy, moderate and very difficult. Be aware that they are in random order, since the aim is to avoid leading the reader's thoughts in any single direction. These teaching exercises are designed to develop your reactions and to teach you new ways of thinking through precise instructions, in order to allow you to apply this methodology to your own games. But don't worry, solving these exercises is still fun! They are divided into seven categories in seven chapters. Precise instructions are given at the start of each chapter, as well as an introductory example. The solutions to all the
exercises should have one thing in common: they are correct only when you have ironed out every difficulty. If you find the right move but miss a relevant detail, you have not solved the exercise completely. Hopefully, you'll do better next time! Have fun! Romain Edouard, October 2015.
Preface Pour donner suite a man premier livre, sorti en decembre 2014, j'ai decide de vous proposer un second volume, compose essentiellement d'exercices. Encore une fois man but etait d'ecrire quelque chose de nouveau. Alors, pourquoi un livre d'exercices ? N•en existe- t- il pas deja une plethore ? Certes, mais la grande majorite d'entre eux sont tres eloignes de la realite d'une partie d'echecs. Soit classes par difficulte, soit axes sur la beaute de la solution, les exercices classiques demeurent un excellent entrainement cerebral. Comparez cela a votre demi heure footing quotidien, necessaire a vas autres muscles et a votre circulation sanguine : mens sana in corpore sano.
Cependant, le cerveau est alors conditionne a rechercher un type de solution bien precis et souvent assez peu realiste eu egard a la pratique du jeu. Dans une partie, personne ne vient vous chuchoter que vous etes entre dans une position critique et que la solution est de niveau moyen. C'est pourquoi dans ce livre les exercices ne sont pas classes par difficulte et sont selec tionnes selon leur aspect pratique. Pour preuve, il s'agit uniquement de parties jouees, et pour la grande majorite, tres recentes. Dans quelques exemples un asterisque vous indique qu'une petite modification a ete faite par rapport a la position originale. La solution peut etre jolie, atypique, complexe, mais aussi etre simple ou basique. Le coup evident peut ne pas etre le ban, mais peut aussi l'etre... Par ailleurs, le coup de la solution n'a pas necessairement ete joue dans la partie originale. Les exercices, des plus faciles aux plus complexes, ne sont pas classes par difficulte cam me a 1•accoutumee, mais sont melanges. Soyez bien conscient que leur classification est aleatoire, le but etant de ne pas conditionner la pensee du lecteur dans une direction unique. Ces exercices pedagogiques sont voues a developper vas mecanismes et vous enseigner des methodes de reflexion grace a des instructions precises, afin de vous permettre de decalquer cette methodologie pendant vas propres parties. Soyez rassure, resoudre des exercices reste ludique !
lis sont repartis en sept categories, distinguees en sept chapitres. Vous trouverez des consignes precises au debut de chacun de ces chapitres, ainsi qu'un exemple introductif. Les solutions a taus les exercices doivent cependant avoir un point en commun : elles ne sont validees que lorsque vous avez elimine toutes les difficultes. Si vous trouvez le bon coup mais ratez une subtilite importante, l'exercice n'est pas resolu. Vous ferez mieux sur le suivant ! Amusez- vous bien ! Romain Edouard, Octobre 2015.
Chapter 1
Find the winning move!
This chapter is the most classic of all: you have to find the move which will make a differ ence. There is no time limit, but many of the exercises are very difficult. You must work out the position's dynamics and discover the key move. You are on the attack. Unless something different is indicated, you are looking for a decisive advantage. You must judge when it is necessary to look at complicated variations and when simplicity is key. Imagine that you are playing in a match and don't look for the most elegant move. Most of the solutions are very different from what you find in standard exercise books: but they are no less incisive.
Chapitre 1
Trouvez le coup gagnant !
Ce chapitre est le plus classique de taus : vous devez trouver le coup qui fait la difference. Vous n'etes pas limite dans le temps, mais la difficulte des exercices peut etre tres elevee. Vous devrez cerner la dynamique de la position et calculer afin de trouver le coup clef. Vous etes dans le camp de l'attaque. Vous devrez juger lorsqu'il est necessaire d'entrer des complications forcees ou lorsque la simplicite est la clef. lmaginez vous dans une partie et ne cherchez pas le coup le plus beau. La majorite des solutions sont tres eloignees de ce que l'on vous demande de chercher dans les livres d'exercices habituels. Elles n'en sont pas mains percutantes !
Topalov, V. Shirov, A. � Linares, 1998 �
• 47
47... �h3!!
This introductory position is a critical moment. Shirov understands that, despite an advan tage of two pawns, that is usually decisive, he cannot not win the game playing normal moves as he will be missing one tempo. He found a dramatic way to win this one tempo: at the cost of a bishop! In this chapter, you have to find similar crucial moves of this kind. Of course, finding these moves requires a lot of inspiration and calculation, and this is what makes their research interesting! 1 47 ... �d6 48. �f2 �cS 49. �e3 �e4 SO. g3 fS 51. �f6 �c4 52. �d2 �b3 53. �eS a3 54. �f6 �a2 55. �cl �b3 56. �d2 �c4 57. �e3=
48. gxh3 �fS 49. Wf2 �e4 50. �xf6 [50. �e2 a3-+] SO... d4 51. �e7 �d3 52. �cS [52. �el �c2 53. jLfg d3 54. �b4 a3-+] 52... �c4 53. �e7 �b3 [53 ... �b3 54. �e2 �c2-+)
Cette position introductive a atteint un moment critique. Malgre un avantage de deux pions,
d'habitude decisif, Shirov cerne qu'il ne peut remporter la partie en jouant des coups normaux, a un tempo pres ! Comment y remedier? C'est au prix d'un fou qu'il y parvient ! Dans ce chapitre, vous devez trouver des coups d'une importance similaire. Bien sur, et tout l'inten?t est la, ifs demandent beaucoup de ea/cui et d'inspiration
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
Topalov, V.- Karjakin, 5. � Monaco, 2009
Estremera Panos, 5.- Maiorov, N. � Amantea, 2009
D 61.?
• 36 ... ?
So, VV.- Ivanchuk, V. � Khanty- Mansiysk, 2009
Edouard, R.- Rivas Pastor, M. � Melilla, 2011
• 33... ?
D 16.?
Chapter 1. Find the winning move!
Wang, H.- Topalov, V. � Beijing, 2013
Stefanova, A.- Cramling, P. � Hinckley, 2014
D 21.?±
• 26...?+
Tomashevsky, E.- Shimanov, A. � Vladivostok, 2014
Fressinet, L.- Harikrishna, P. r� Dubai (rapid), 2014
D 31.?
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
Vachier Lagrave, M.- Zhigalko, S. � Dubai (rapid), 2014
Andriasian, Z.- Bacrot, E. � Dubai (blitz), 2014
• 40...?
• 59 ?
Nigalidze, G.- Edouard, R. � Tromso, 2014
Fedorov, A.- Valsecchi, A. � Riga, 2014
0 51.?
Chapter 1. Find the winning move!
w 13
w 14
Caruana, F.- Vachier Lagrave, M. � Saint Louis, 2014
Bacrot, E.- lturrizaga Bonelli, E. � Linares, 2014
w 15
w 16
Dominguez Perez, L.- Tomashevsky, E. � Baku, 2014
Radjabov, T.- Karjakin, 5. � Tashkent, 2014
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
Caruana, F.- Karjakin, S. � Tashkent, 2014
Giri, A.- Vu Yangyi � Doha, 2014
• 38...?
• 43...?
w 19
Li Chao- Shirov, A. � Schwaebisch, 2014
Bacrot, E.- lvanchuk, V. � Beijing (blitz), 2014
• 48...?
Chapter 1. Find the winning move!
w 21
w 22
Bacrot, E.- Grischuk, A. � Beijing (blitz), 2014
Kravtsiv, M.- Babujian, L. � AI Ain, 2014
• 46 ?
D 21.?
w 23
w 24
Dubov, D.- Shirov, A. � Moscow, 2014
Vachier Lagrave, M.- Radjabov, T. � Wijk aan Zee, 2015
D 32.?
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
w 25
w 26
Georgiadis, N.- Galmandakh, B. � Gibraltar, 2015
Howell, D.- Nakamura, H. � Gibraltar, 2015
D 62.?
• 64 ?
w 27
w 28
Jobava, B.- Mamedyarov, S. � Tbilisi, 2015
Shimanov, A.- Rodshtein, M. � Jerusalem, 2015
D 22.?
• 33. .?
Chapter 1. Find the winning move!
w 29
w 30
Van Kampen, R.- Babula, V. � Jerusalem, 2015
Bartel, M.- Laznicka, V. � Dresden, 2015
• 24 ?
D 18.?
w 31
w 32
L•Ami, E.- Melkumyan, H. � Reykjavik, 2015
Zhukova, N.- Gaponenko, I. � Sochi, 2015
D 56.?
D 27.?
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
m 33
m 34
Games, M.- Kosintseva, T. � Sochi (blitz), 2015
Arabidze, M.- Paehtz, E. � Sochi (rapid), 2015
D 23.?
D so.?
w 35
m 36
Vu, J.- Sharevich, A. � Saint Louis, 2015
Batsiashvili, N.- Ushenina, A. � Chengdu, 2015
• 39 ...?
D 39.?
Chapter 1. Find the winning move!
w 37
w 38
Apicella, M.- Brunner, N. � Montpellier, 2015
Saada, J. - Postny, E. � Montpellier, 2015
D 54.?
w 39
Lagarde, M.- Boyd, S. � Montpellier, 2015
Tranchant, S.- Sokolov, I. � Montpellier, 2015
D 56.?
• 27 ? ..•
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
w 41
w 42
Carlsen, M.- Giri, A. � Stavanger, 2015
Eljanov, P.- Wojtaszek, R. � Biel, 2015
D 38.?
D 66.?
w 44
Holm, K.- Glud, J. � Helsingor, 2015
Fridman, D.- Chigaev, M. � Riga, 2015
D 24.?
D 29.?
Chapter 1. Find the winning move!
Lysyj,I.- Vitiugov,N. � Chita,2015
Antipov, M.- Van Foreest,J. � Khanty-Mansiysk,2015
D 23.?
Smirin, I.- Shirov,A. � Poikovsky,2015
Naiditsch,A.- Granda Zuniga,J. � Douglas,2015
D 20.?
• 40...?
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
Grandelius, N.- Koop, T. � Douglas, 2015
lvanchuk, V.- Bauer, C. � Berlin (blitz), 2015
0 65.?
0 29.?
Carlsen, M.- Grischuk, A. � Berlin (blitz), 2015
Romanov, E.- Nepomniachtchi, I. � Skopje, 2015
• 38.. ?
0 54.?
Chapter 1. Find the winning move!
w 53
w 54
Timman, J.- Van Foreest, J. � Hoogeveen, 2015
Abdumalik, Z.- Edouard, R. � Cap d'Agde, 2015
• 28 ?
• 29 ?
w 55
w 56
Ding, L.- Giri, A. � Bilbao, 2015
Ding, L.- Giri, A. � Bilbao, 2015
• 71 ?
• 89 ?
Chapter 2
Defend yourself!
In this chapter, you must detect the defender's problems in each position and then find the best response. These exercises will teach you to defend in different ways: passively, actively or through a concession. Be careful, just like in a match, you may be forced to choose the "least bad" move, even if it does not solve all your problems or totally recover your position. Once again, there is no time limit, but don't forget that, during a game, the clock is ticking!
Chapitre 2
Defendez-vous !
Dans ce chapitre, vous devez d'abord cerner les problemes d'une position et ensuite trouver la meilleure reaction pour y faire face. Ces exercices vont vous apprendre a vous defendre de plusieurs fa�ons : passivement, activement, ou a travers une concession. Attention, tout comme dans une partie, vous pouvez etre amene a choisir le coup le « mains mauvais », sans qu'il permette de resoudre l'integralite des problemes ou de retourner la position. Encore une fois, vous n'etes pas limite dans le temps, mais n'oubliez pas que pendant une partie la pendule tourne !
INTRODUCTION Grischuk, A. Caruana, F. � Khanty- Mansiysk, 2015 !5,
D 74. ?
After suffering for a long time in a difficult position, Alexander Grischuk has one last chan ce to make a draw in the above position. Instead he makes one last and decisive mistake. 1 74. �b6?
74. �a7!! �c4+ (74 . �g2+ 75. Wel �f3 76. cbfl �e2+ 77. g2 or 41.�gl?
19 'flVf7 or 19 'flVe7? •••
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
m 201
m 202
Bacrot, E.- Anand, V. � Nanjing, 2010
Jobava, B.- Winants, L. � Tromso, 2014
42...g5 or 42...e5+?
24...�xf5 or 24...'tlYd6?
m 2o3
m 2o4
Bluebaum, M.- Siebrecht, S. � Verden, 2014
Christiansen, J. - I'Ami, E. � Doha, 2014
D 26. !ixe6, 26.lt:Jxe6, or 26. !ia6?
67... �h6 or 67... �f8?
Chapter 4
Difficult choices
w 205
w 206
Vachier Lagrave, M.- Nepomniachtchi, I. � Beijing (blitz), 2014
lvanchuk, V.- Jobava, B. � Wijk aan Zee, 2015
D 56.Ae3 or 56.�d4?
D 43.e6, 43. .i!b3 or 43.l!xa4?
m 201
m 2os
Docx, 5.- Adhiban, B. � Gibraltar, 2015
Bogner, 5. - Zude, A. � Gibraltar, 2015
D 43. llel or 43.�d2?
47...g4+ or 47... Axfl?
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
w 209
m 210
Xu, J.- Rodshtein, M. � Gibraltar, 2015
Eggleston, D.- Le Roux, J. � Hinckley Island, 2015
23...�g4 or 23...�d6?
D 20.ltJxe5 or 20.�xf6?
m 211
w 212
Hera, I.- Bluebaum, M. � Dortmund, 2015
Navara, D.- Fier, A. � Reykjavik, 2015
44 I! e4 or44 \t>gs? .•.
D 29.l!xf6 or 29.lLlxf6?
Chapter 4
Difficult choices
w 213
w 214
Troff, K.- Sevian, S. � Saint Louis, 2015
So, W.- Onischuk, A. � Saint Louis, 2015
D 75. �xhS or 75.ctJc2?
28.. ctJxd4 or 28...h6?
w 215
w 216
Melekhina, A. - Sharevich, A. � Saint Louis, 2015
Safarli, E. - Grandelius, N. � Dubai, 2015
D 64.�h4 or 64. �h5?
47.. .'ifts or 47.. .'iilf3?
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
w 217
w 218
Bauer, C.- Vachier Lagrave, M. � Montpellier, 2015
Riff, V.- Lagarde, M. � Lyon, 2015
•44 .lt:Jd2 or44...e5?
•27 �d3 or 27 �f8?
w 219
m 220
McShane, L.- Colas, J. � Arlington, 2015
Eljanov, P.- Navara, D. � Biel, 2015
D 61.g6, 61.h6
D 43. �gl or 43. �xcS+?
61. �g6?
Chapter 4
Difficult choices
w 221
w 222
Grischuk, A.- Eljanov, P. � Baku, 2015
Nepomniachtchi, I.- Nakamura, H. � Baku (rapid), 2015
38...e3 or 38... �b4?
.. lt:J8b6 or 40...e4?
w 223
w 224
Wei Vi- Ding, L. � Baku, 2015
Karttunen, M.- Topalov, V. � Skopje, 2015
D 65.�d5 or 6S.lib3?
68... llf3 or 68... �g4?
Chapter 5
Weigh up a possibility
In this chapter, I am suggesting a critical move in each of the presented complex positions. You must evaluate this possibility. Be careful, there is a lot of calculation required: you must find the critical continuation or continuations for both sides and work them out to their conclusion. In order to evaluate the position correctly, you must not miss any important variation. You have only solved the exercise when you have found the critical variations and have succeeded in a clear evaluation of the position (White/Black wins, White/Black is better, equal). This chapter aims to develop your calculation horizon I ability to think ahead. There is no time limit.
Chapitre 5
Evaluez une possibilite
Dans ce chapitre, je vais vous suggerer un coup critique dans chaque position complexe. Vous devez evaluer cette possibilite. Attention, le calcul demande est important : vous devez trouver la ou les continuations critiques pour les deux camps et les calculer jusqu'a leur terme. Afin d'evaluer correctement la position, vous ne devez manquer aucune subtilite importante. L'exercice est resolu lorsque vous avez vu les variantes critiques et etes parvenu a une evaluation de la position claire (gagnant pour les Blancs/Noirs, mieux pour les Blancs/Noirs, egal). Ce chapitre a pour objectif de developper vos facultes de calcul. Vous n'etes pas limite dans le temps.
Wei Yi 1 Bruzon Batista, L. � Danzhou, 2015 �
In this chapter you could have been asked, for example, to analyse the move 2l.ltJds ! ! in the above position. The first thing to notice is that if Black captures on dS with the bishop he is clearly worse due to a weak king facing the opponent's bishop pair. Although per haps losing, our critical line is 21. .. ltJxdS. 1
ltJxd5 [21... =�xdS 22.exd5± !J. 22... ctJxdS? 23. l!xf7 �xf7 24. ·�h7+ �e6 25. i'Lxg6 1! f8 26. �h3+ Wf6 27. �e4+-] 22. llxf7 c;t>xf7 23. '1Vh7+ c;t>e6 24. exd5+ �xd5 [24... �xd5? 25. �xg6!+-] 25. �e4+ �xe4 26. 'ti'f7 [26.c4!?+-] 26... �f6 27. �d2+ �d4 [27... Wf5 28. �fl+ We4 29. �b3+-] 28. �e3+ �e4 29. �b3 �f5 30. llf1+ �g4 31. @d3 �xg2+ [31... �g7 32.-�e2+ Wh4 33. �f3+ -] 32. �xg2 'il'a8+ 33. c;t>g1 �g5 •..
34. 'ii'e2+ �h4 35. �f2+ �h3 36. �e1 1-0 Conclusion: after 2l.ltJdS ! ! Black should capture with the bishop in order to be just clearly worse. The critical move 2l ... ltJxdS loses by force. 2
1 Dans ce chapitre if aurait par exemple pu vous etre demande d'analyser le coup 21. �d5!! dans la position ci-dessus. Le premier constat a faire est que si les Noirs capturent du fou en d5, ifs sont net
tement mains bien a cause de la paire de fou blanche et de leur roi foible. Quoi que peut-etre per dante, notre variante critique est 21... fJxd5. 2
Conclusion : apres 21. fJdS!! les Noirs doivent prendre en d5 du fou afin d'etre seulement nette
ment mains bien. La variante critique 21. .. �xd5 perd en force.
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
m 22s
m 226
Kramnik, V.- Vachier Lagrave, M. � Tromso, 2013
Edouard, R.- Wallace, J. � Hinckley, 2014
D 62.l2Jd7?
D 18.d7?
m 221
w 228
Stefansson, V.- Van Heirzeele, D. � Reykjavik, 2014
Gupta, A.- Edouard, R. � Dubai, 2014
D 25.ctJd7?
Chapter 5
Weigh up a possibility
m 229
m 23o
Edouard, R.- Rindlisbacher, J. � Geneva, 2014
Nakamura, H.- Caruana, F. � Baku, 2014
30... ltJdS?
m 231
m 232
Wei, Y.- Muthaiah, A. � Pune, 2014
Karthikeyan, M.- Eljanov, P. � Doha, 2014
D 17.i.f8?
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
m 233
w 234
L'Ami, E.- Edouard, R. � Doha, 2014
Shirov, A.- Fedoseev, V. � Moscow (rapid), 2014
D 47. lixb7?
38. .�xc5? .
m 23s
m 236
Mista, A.- Edouard, R. � Hastings, 2015
Wei Vi- Haast, A. � Wijk aan Zee, 2015
D 17.f6?
30 . �f5? .
Chapter 5
Weigh up a possibility
m 237
w 238
Bartel, M.- Kjartansson, G. � Gibraltar, 2015
Bogner, S.- Jakovenko, D. � Gibraltar, 2015
D 41. �c5?
m 239
m 24o
Debashis, D.- Edouard, R. � Gibraltar, 2015
Van Heirzeele, D.- Israel, G. � Charleroi, 2015
D 30. �d8+?
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
m 241
m 242
Sukandar, I.- Melia, S. � Sochi, 2015
Harika, D.- Muzychuk, M. � Sochi (rapid), 2015
20 lt:Jxa2+?
44 �f7? ...
w 243
m 244
Svidler, P.- Giri, A. � Khanty-Mansiysk, 2015
Moussard, J.- Wojtaszek, R. � Montpellier, 2015
D 28.lt:Jxd5?
D 57.c;;ita3?
Chapter 5
Weigh up a possibility
rn 24s
rn 246
Nisipeanu, L.- Caruana, F. � Dortmund, 2015
Vachier-Lagrave, M.- Rapport, R. � Biel, 2015
rn 247
rn 248
Ponkratov, P.- Bacrot, E. � Berlin (rapid), 2015
Karpov, A.- Edouard, R. � Cap d'Agde, 2015
D 30.lt:Jxd6?
31... 'i'fl?
Chapter 6
Spot the missed opportunity
In this final chapter, each position is accompanied by a series of moves which were played during the game. In this series of moves, you must spot the opportunity missed by the player who was to move. lt may involve a move to gain an advantage or a defensive move in a difficult position. The aim of these exercises is to develop your instinct for a critical moment. Try not to move the pieces on your chessboard, although you can do this if you find it necessary. There is no particular time limit, but the faster you find the correct answer, the more points you get !
Chapitre 6
Trouvez le coup manque
Dans cet ultime chapitre chaque position est accompagnee d'une serie de coups qui ont ete joues lors de la partie. Vous devez, dans cette serie de coups, trouver l'opportunite manquee par le joueur qui avait le trait. 11 peut s'agir d'un coup pour prendre l'avantage tout comme d'un coup de defense dans une position difficile. L'objectif de ces exercices est de developper votre instinct du moment critique. 11 est souhaitable de ne pas bouger les pieces de l'echiquier, mais vous pouvez le faire si vous jugez cela necessaire. Vous n'etes pas arbitrairement limite dans le temps: mais la bonne reponse la plus rapide marque le plus de points !
Carlsen, M. Anand, V. � Sochi, 2014 �
24... 11 d8 25. J.c2 11 dg8 26. �d2 a4 27. �e2 a3 28. f3+
In this series of moves, Black missed something. Always remember that the first to move (here it is Black who starts with 24... 1I d8) is the one whose play should be improved somewhere. 1
26... lLJxeS! 27. l1xg8 27. axeS? Hxg4-+
27... Cbxc4+ 28. �d3 ctJb2+ 29. �e2 l1xg8+ That is the missed opportunity. This was a famous game from the World Championship Match 2014. The assessment of the position is that Black would then have been clearly better instead of being in trouble. 2
1 Dans cette serie de coup, /es Noirs ont manque que/que chose. Rappelez-vous toujours que le joueur au trait (ici les Noirs, qui commencent par 24 1ldB) est ce/ui dont le jeu doit etre ameliore que/que part. ...
Ceci est l'opportunite manquee. 11 s'agit d'une partie tres connue du Match de Championnat du
Monde 2014. L'evaluation de la position est que les Noirs auraient alors ete nettement mieux, au lieu d'etre en difficulte.
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
w 249
w 250
Bauer, C.- Semcesen, D. � Porto Carras, 2011
Dreev, A.- Riazantsev, A. � Khanty-Mansiysk (rapid), 2013
3S...ctJf4 36.'1ic2+ ctJg6 37.h4 gxh4 38. �g4 '+j'c6 39. �xh4 'i'e6 40. �b4±
12.ligS h6 13.lie3 lia6 14.�e4 lib7 15.0-0-0 e6oo
w 251
w 252
Khenkin, I.- Caruana, F. � Dortmund, 2013
Jones, G.- Shimanov, A. � Tromso, 2013
52.lid7 �f6 53.ctJg4+ �e7 54.ctJxh6 ltJxe6=
17. �e1 lig4 18.h3 lixf3 19. �xf3 �xf3 20.gxf3 0-0-0oo
Chapter 6
Spot the missed opportunity
w 253
w 254
Kramnik, V.- Topalov, V. � Khanty-Mansiysk, 2014
Burmakin, V.- Edouard, R. � Porticcio, 2014
48...b4 49. �xh8 b3 SO.ctJ7f5+ Axts Sl.ltJxfS+ �c7 52.h7+-
16.0-0 �b7 17.ltJa4 �bS 18.�c2 iii.g4oo
w 255
m 256
Karjakin, S.- lotov, V. � Tromso, 2014
Topalov, V.- Giri, A. � Tromso, 2014
14.ltJxf6+ ctJxf6 1S.iii.xf6 gxf6 16.c4 0-0-0 oo
39.h7 �a7 40.h3 �f7 41.�h4 �f6 42.hs �g7 43. �es;t
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
m 257
m 258
Bluebaum, M.- Naiditsch, A. � Baden Baden, 2014
Wei Vi- Muthaiah, A. � Pune, 2014
20... �d7 21.ctJxe6 fxe6 22.ctJd4 !I.xb2 23.�f7+ �e7 24.'t!'xg8±
23... \itd7 24.d6 �c6 25.'iVxg6 �d7 26.dxe7+ �bs 27.!I.hs �c6+
m 259
m 2Go
Morozevich, A.- lnarkiev, E. � Moscow, 2014
Zhu, C.- Edouard, R. � Doha, 2014
39...ctJd4 40.ctJxd4 cxd4 41.'iVxd4 �c7 42.�d6 �a7=
26.!I.fS !I.f6 27.ctJxbS 'ifcS+ 28. �g2 ctJf2 29. 'ir'h4 lt:Jxe4-+
Chapter 6
Spot the missed opportunity
m 261
m 262
Romanov, E.- Studer, N. � Doha, 2014
Morozevich, A.- Khismatullin, D. � Kazan, 2014
16.�xf6 gxf6 17.lt.Jd3 'i'ts 18. �ael lt.Jb4 19.lt.Jcl �g7+
34.e6 �b6 3S. �c7 fxe6 36.lt.Je4 �h6+
m 263
m 264
McShane, L.- Agdestein, 5. � London, 2014
Grischuk, A.- Aronian, L. � Beijing (rapid), 2014
28...lt.Jes 29.�c2 �cs 30.�c3 'i'd7 31.'il'e4 'i'xa4 32.h3;;!;
3S. �xc7 �xc7 36.lt.Jxd5 lt.J6xd5 37. �h2 lt.Jc3oo
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
m 26s
w 266
Gelfand, B.- Bacrot, E. � Beijing (blitz), 2014
Saric, I.- Aronian, L. � Wijk aan Zee, 2015
43.l!e7+ �g644.l!e6+ �fS 4S.l!f6+ 'bxf6 46.�xf6+ �e4-+
23.c5 'bbs 24.l!xd7 Jlxd7 2S.l!dt �e8=
w 267
m 268
Matlakov, M.- Muzychuk, M. � Gibraltar, 2015
Boruchovsky, A. - lvanisevic, I. � Jerusalem, 2015
27.'+ixd5 .1lc6 28.�xf7+ \t>xf7 29.l!d4 �e6 30.l!b4;!;
29...l!e8 30.�h8+ �e7 31.�h4+ �f8 32.�xf7 �f6 33.�c4 �e2=
Chapter 6
Spot the missed opportunity
m 269
m 210
Navara, D.- Nepomniachtchi, I. � Jerusalem, 2015
Lenic, L.- Kravtsiv, M. � Germany, 2015
39...e5 40.ctJxe5 �e7 41.ctJg6 �ed7 42.lt:Jf4 \t>b7 43.'tj'fs+-
46. �xc3 �hS 47.'tj'e6+ 'i'xe6 48.dxe6 �cS 49. �xcS JixcS SO.g4 Jid6+
m 211
m 212
Edouard, R.- Trent, L. � Dortmund, 2015
Kosintseva, T.- Games, M. � Sochi, 2015
29... �fe8 30. �e2 �xe2 31. 'ifxe2 �e8 32.'iVd2 h6 33.Jig2;!;
31...Jif4+ 32.g3 'tj'xc2+ 33.'ifg2 Jixg3+ 34. c;t>xg3 'ii'g6+ 35. cl � d4-+; 34. !I h2 I! 8d6 35.�xd2 �xb6-+
67.�c2 �fl! 68.�c3+ �f4-+
34...iid1+ 'ti'd4-+
67... �g1!-+
m 21 Jobava, B.- Mamedyarov, S. � Tbilisi, 2015
w 29 Van Kampen, R.- Babula, V. � Jerusalem, 2015
22.!id8+! 24...dS! 25.exd5 22.Illd4? �bS 23 . .1ld8+ �xd8 24.�xd8+ We7 25.1Wd6+ �f6 26.�d4+ �e7!=
2S.nxd5 �xc3-+; 2S.iih2 d4 26.cxd4 lt:Ja3+ 27.�al ncs-+
22... !I xd8 23.11 xd8+ �f7 24.a3
24... 'i'h4
Solutions of all Exercises
27...�g6 28.�fh2 gxf4 29.�h6+ �f7 30.g5+-
m 3o Bartel, M.- Laznicka, V. � Dresden, 2015
28.g5 f3
18. '+i'e4!
28...�e5 29.gxf6+ �xf6 30.�xe5 dxeS 31.lDxe4+-
18.ctJb6? �d8o 19.�e4 g6!?oo
29.�xf3 exf3 30.lt:Jxf3+-
18...g5 W 33 Games, M.- Kosintseva, T. � Sochi (blitz), 2015
18...ctJdS 19.ctJxc6 bxc6 20.ctJeS+-
19.lt:Jxc6 lt:Jxc6 20.�d4 Ilgs 21.�xh7+-
23.c6! m 31 L•Ami, E.- Melkumyan, H. � Reykjavik, 2015
23.lDcl?? �bl-+; 23.h4? �xa2+
23...Ilc7 24.h4! �Ilh3 56.h4! gxh4
24.�h4 gSo 25.�xg5 �xc6 26.l:ixd3 �xc3 27.�xd5 �xdS 28.ctJxc3 �d3 29.�e2 �xc3 30.�dl±
56...g4 57.�d3+ �g7 58.�g3+-
s7.Ilhs+ �g7 ss:iVg2+ �fs
24...11 xc6 2S. lixd3+-
58... �f7 59. 1! h7++-
59. 'illaS++-
m 34 Arabidze, M.- Paehtz, E. � Sochi (rapid), 2015
m 32 Zhukova, N.- Gaponenko, I. � Sochi, 2015
27.�f4! gxf4
SO.f3? �f2 Sl.g4 �xg4 52.fxg4 �f4+=; SO.�d7? �xf2 Sl.�fS �xfS 52.exf5 �f6 53.�e4 �g4 54.b4 rtie7=
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
so...�xf2 so ... jLe2 Sl.f3+-
m 37 Apicella, M.- Brunner, N. � Montpellier, 2015
51. 'ii'xd6+-
40. lig6+!!
w 35 Vu, J. - Sharevich, A. � Saint Louis, 2015
40. llxg8? llxg8 41.�xa6 llg2! 42.�d3 �xa5 43.�e3+ �h7 44.�g1 �a6!=
39... llb6!
40...fxg6 41.f7 llg7
39...�bb8? 40.�c1ooo
41...b3 42.fxg8=ctJ+ �xg8 43.�xb3+-; 41... d4 42.fxg8=� �xg8 43.hxg6 �xg6 44.�h1+ �g7 45.�xa6+-
40.�c3 �bS!-+
42. llxe6 �gl+
40...�a1+ 41.�c2 1Ic8+ 42.�d3 �xb2
42...�f2 43.hxg6 �g1+ 44. �a2 �xg6 45.�h3+ r:Jiig 7 46.�e8+-
42... �xe1? 43.�d2!=
43.�a2 lif8
43.�b4 �c2+44.�d4 d5!-+
43...�g4 44.�e8 �xf7 4S.�xc8 lif6 46.�e3+ �f4 47.�xf4+ lixf4 48.hxg6+-
m 36 Batsiashvili, N.- Ushenina, A. (*) � Chengdu, 2015
44.�h3 �gS 45.hxg6+ �hS 46.�xh5+ �xhS 47.1Ies llgxf7 48.gxf7 1Ixf7 49. lle6+-
39.g4!! �b6 40. llh7 a3 40... cs 41. e1+-
m 3s Saada, J. Postny, E. � Montpellier, 2015
41.1Ih3 a2 42. lia3 �dS 43.e4 �c4+ 44.�e1 �cS 45.�d2 �b4 46. lia7 �b3 47.h4+-
54. llxg4+!! 54.hxg4? hxg4 ss.�h7+ gs=
Solutions of all Exercises
38.�e4 �f8 39.ltJxe5 dxe5 40.�g3 �xd5!=
54... ltxg4 55.hxg4 hxg4 56.�xc4+-
38... �xf1 39.'+i'e4 �g7
SS.�h7+ �gS S6.h4# 39...�g8 40.�f5+ �e8 41.�xf4+-; 39...�xd5 40.�f5+ �e7 41.�xc8+-; 39.. J!xd5 40.ltJg5+ �e8 41.�xf4+-
m 39 Lagarde, M.- Boyd, S. � Montpellier, 2015
40.'i'ts �ts 41.�gS+ lt:Jg6 42.lt:Jh4 �f6 43. lif3+-
S6.Jif1! 56.�c6? b4 57.Wb2 c4 58.�b5 cbd4=; 56.�g8? Wd6 57.Wd2 �c6 58.Wd3 �b6 59.We4 c4 60SQd4 g2 72.�h5 �g3
Sl.b7 �xa7+ 52.�xa7 gS= 72 ...�g3+ 73.We4 g4 74.Wf4=
51...�b2+ 52.�b5 73.�h 1 �f4 74.�g1+ �h4 7S.lih1+ cJtg4 76.�g1+ �fS 77.lia1=
52.�a5?? �cS-+
m 67 Edouard, R.- Safa rli, E. � Doha, 2014
� 65 Sa ndipan, C. - Efimenko, Z. � M uelheim, 2014
39 .�f2? �d2+ 40.�e3 Jtds +
45 . . .f5+? 46. � hS lt:Jf2 (46...�d7 47.t2Jf6+
39... cJtt6
�c7 48.!la7+ cs 49.�xh6+-; 46...!lbl 47.ctJg7! lt:Jcs 48.�g6+-) 47.ltJf6 �b3
39. ..hxg3 40.l!g5+ �f6 41.l!xg3=
48.g4 ! ltJxg4 49. �g6 !+40.gxh4 �xh4 4 1.�g2 �e7 42.�g3 �d4 43.h4 �d6
43...�d2 46.l!c6=
46.�f3 l!b3 47.�e2 fS 48.exf6+ �f7=
46...ltJxf4+ 47.gxf4 �xf4 48.ltJd6 f6= 44.�c8=
m 66 Ha rika, D. - Harikrishna, P. � Doha, 2014
m 68 Zvjaginsev, V. - Lysyj, I. � Kaza n, 2014
66.g5o 32...�b2! 66.�a4? �e7+ 67.�d2 gS-+
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
32 ...�d6? 33.�a6+- �eS 34.�bl+il�a3
3 1 ... ctJd4!?oo
32.lies lidl+ 33.�f2 lid2+= 33.liabl j,a4! 33.. .�a2? 34.Jia7!+-
71 Sengu pta, D. - Fier,A. � Hasti ngs, 2015 w
34.lie2 j,es 3S.lixb8+ j,xb8 36.lia2 j,_d7=
25.bxa4o 25.�c2? a3 26.�a2 �xf3 27.�xf3 �xf3 28.gxf3 liLb2+
m 69
Gunina, V. - Pogonina, N . � Kaza n, 2014
25... j,xf3 25...�d5?! 26.b6i
26.�xf3 �xc4 27.�xc4 @xc4 28.�a8+ �f8 29.g3=
7o Jones, G . - Edoua rd, R. � London,2014 m
29 ...liLc4?? 30.�xd8+ �xd8 �dl+ 32.Wf2 �d2 33.liLe4!+-
m 12 Edouard, R.- Sanders, I. � Hinckley, 2015
30.lie4 49 ...�e3? SO.�f7! cxb4 51.�g2+30.�xd8 CLJxf4 31.�xh7+ �xh7 32.�xa8 �g7 33.�xg8+ �xg8 34.lt:Jxg8 ctJxg2 35.CtJe7 CtJf4 36.f6=
so.''ii'f7 @d2 Sl.'�'xhS+ �g7 S2.�gS+;!;
3o.. :�Wcs 3 1.lide3
w 73 Eljanov, P. - Van Kam pen, R. � Restock, 2015
31.CtJxg8 �gl+ 32.�xe2 �xg2+ 33.�e3 �gl+ 34.�e2=
3 1...lbc3
Solutions of all Exercises
44 ... 'ii'x d l+? 45. �h2 llxc6 {4S . ..�d5
36 ... �a8? 37.f3 ctJd6 38. �xc6 tt:JxfS 39.�xa8+ �h7 40.gxf5 �xe3+ 41.�g2 �d2+ 42.�hl �d3 43.�a2+-
46.c7 �cl 47.c8=� �xc8 48.'�xc8 d2 49.f4+ �hS SO.g4+ �h4 Sl.�c6+-; 4S ... llf6 46.f4+ llxf4 47.exf4+ �xf4 48.c7+-) 46.'ii' xf7 ilf6 47.f4+ � h6
37.t3 ltJt6 3B. ilbB+ Wh7 39. ltJd6+
48.�xf6 'tj'e2 49.'ii'f8+ WhS SO.'ii'g 7 h6 S l.�eS+ � h4 52.'ii'f6+ � hS 53.f5 gxfS 54.'Ci'xf5+ � h4 SS.'Ci'g6+-
39.gxh5 g4oo
39... rJ;;g7= 45.�h2 45.�e7+ �h6! 46.c7 �g7! 47.ilxd3 llxd3 48.'fJVeS+ �h6=; 4S .�g7 �xdl+ 46.�h2 d2 47.f4+ �fS 48.�xf7+ �e4 49.�e6+ �d3 SO.�xdS+ �xe3 Sl.c7 �c2=; 45.e4 �xdl+ 46.�h2 d2 47.exd5 �cl 48.�e7+ �h6=; 45.h4+ �f6t+; 45.�xf7 'W'xdl+ 46.�h2 ltfs 47.�xh7 d2=
w 74 Wei Yi - Howell, D. � Gibra lta r, 2015 76. ila8! 76.l!e7? lib3 77. lia7 lixg3 78. lia5+ �e6 79.Wxb2 !Ig4 80.�c3 �fS! 81.�d3 !Ixh4 82. !Ia6 !Ig4 83.e6 �f6 84.�e3 ligs 8S.�f4 �fS+ 86.�g3 �e7 87.�h4 lieS-+; 76.�c8? �b3-+; 76.e6? �xe6 77.!=tb8 We4 78.�b3 �fs 79.�b5+ �es 80. !=tb6 !=te3-+
4S...�f6 46.e4 lies 47.'it'd6+
47...�g7 48.llxd3 llxc6 49.'ii'e5+ !lf6 SO.lif3 'Ci'c6 51.g3
76... lib3 77.�a5+ �d4 78.e6=; 76...�e4 77.ila4+ �f3 78.ilf4+ �xg3 79.!=tf6=
Sl.g4 �d6=
47.e5+ �xeS 48. llel+ �dS 49.�xf7+ �xc6 SO."�xh7 �bS Sl.�xg6 ilc6�
51 �e6 52.�b2 gS;t
77. ila4 ilbS 78.g4 hxg4 79. ilxg4 Wf6 so.lla4=
w 76 Bacrot, E. - Kempinski, R. � Jerusalem, 2015
w 75 Khismatullin, D. - Elja nov, P. � Jerusalem, 2015
31.�e4! l\g3
44.. JildS!! (l\ ... �f6)
31.g3? CLJd3-+; 3l.h3? �g3-+ LL.�c2
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
3 1...'+i'xh4 32.g3 'i"g4 33.gxf4 34.�xe6+ �xe6 3S. l!xe6+
37...�f1+? 38 .�g3 ctJhS+ 39.Wh4 �xd4+ 40.g4+-
38.�g3 lt:Je4+! 39.fxe4 'ffeS+! m 11
39...�f1? 40.�xc7++-
Siebrecht, S. - Va n Foreest,J . � Dortmu nd, 2015
49.c:th3! flh6
40.Wh3 �e6+oo
49.il.c2? �fl! SO.�g4 �h1 51.il.b3 �e4 52.il.c2+ �eS-+ 6. .�g1+; 49.h6? gxh6 50.gxh6 �f6-+
40...'ti'xf4+ 4 1. c;t>xf4 11 fl+ 42.Wg3 al=� 43.�xc7+ �g8=
49...lif3+ m 79
Goryach kina, A. - M uzych u k, A. � Sochi, 2015
49 ...�d4 SO.h6 gxh6 51.gxh6 �e5 52.h7 11f8 53.il.f7 �f6 54.�g8 �g7 55.�g4=; 49 ... 11f1 50.�g4!=
19...'�e6! so.c:tg4! 19 ... i,c8? 20.�a3± 50.�h4?? 11f2 51.h6 gxh6 52.gxh6 11xa2 53.JiLf7 11f2-+
so... l!t2 Sl.h6 lig2+
20.bxa6?! �c4 21.�e4o tbxe4 22.�xc4 �xc4+
51...gxh6 52.gxh6 �xa2 53.h7 �g2+ 54.�h3 11g1 55.�h2 a2 56.h8=�=
20...lic4 2 1.'ir'd3 Acsoo
52.Wf5 gxh6 53.gxh6 lixa2 54.�f7! lif2+ SS.�g6 lixf7 56.Wxf7 a2 57.h7 al=� 58.�g8=
m 8o
Goletia ni, R. - Foisor, S. � Saint Louis, 2015
w 78 Jakovenko, D. - Vocatu ro, D. � Dresden, 2015
83.lig2+ AgS! 84. !lxg5+ c:th6=
82 ...Wh6?? 83.�fS+-
Solutions of all Exercises
45... Jid3? 46.lixe5 lixc4 47.Jtf6 al=� 48.l!d8+; 45 ...c6? ! 46.l!d8+ ri/;;;c7 47. lla8±
w 81 Moussard,J. - Matlakov, M. � Montpel lier, 2015
46. .ixe5 .ic2 47. gd2
47. llfl �d7=
37 .h3?? � c5+; 37 .It c6? ctJg4 38.g3 ctJe3! 39.�e2 lldl+ 40.ctJel h5!-+
47... .i.b3 48. .i.f6 �c7!=
38.ctJe3?? l!d3 39. lle6 ltJd5-+
w 84 Delorme,A. - Olofsson-Dolk, M . � Helsi ngor, 2015 35... gf6o
w 82 Laga rde, M . - Degraeve,J . � Montpel lier, 2015
35...l!f5?? 36.dxe7 �h5+ 37.�gl �d4+ 38.Wfl �dl+ 39 . llel �d3+ 40.Wf2 �d2+ 41.lle2 �d4+ 42.ri/;;;el �al+ 43. �d2 �b2+ 44.�e3+-
22. .i.d4!!
22.ctJxg5? �xe3+ 23.�hl �xc2 24.�xc2 ctJxg5-+
36. lt exe7 llh6+ 37.�gl �d4+=
22... .i.xe4 23.ctJe6 .i.xc2 23 .. .fxe6? 26.�c2;t
36...@xf6 37.dxe7 �h6+ 38.�gl @b6+= 25.�f2
85 lstratescu, A. - Laga rde, M. (*) � Saint-Quentin, 2015 m
24.�xc2 ctJf8 2S.ctJxg5 'i'xgS 26.�f2 fS 27.1lbel� I =F
47... .i.bl! rn 83
47 ... .id7? 48. .ihl �g8 49 .c5 bxc5 50.b6 .ic8 51.b7 .ixb7 52 . .ixb7 �f7 53. .ihl
Nava ra, D. - Rapport, R. � Biel, 2015 45...c5!! 111
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
�e6 54.�c3 �d6 55.�c4 g5 56.a4 f5 57.a5+-
51. lii f6? 52. �h5! �xh5 53. ctJxh5 lii f5 54. lt:Jf4+-; 51... !Ih6? 52. �g3!+ � �g4/�xd5 . .
48.c5 fS 49.cxb6 i.e4 SO. i.xe4 fxe4 5 1.b7 hl=� 52.b8='i'+ �h7=
52.1lxd8 �gS+ 53.f 1 �xd8 54.ltJe6 1i'd6 SS.�f6+ �g8 56.'ir'g5+ c;t>hS=
86 Jumabayev, R. - Elja nov, P. � Baku,2015 m
w 88 Fressinet, L. - Edouard, R. � Cap d'Agde, 2015
63.�f4! 53...�f4! 63.g6? b4 64.g7 ctJg8-+; 63.h6? �e4-+ 53... �g5?? 54.�b6 Wg3 SS.�xaS \t>xg2 56.�c7 h3 57.a5 h2 ss.jLxh2 �xh2 59.a6 �e3 60.�b7 �g3 6l.a7 !lixa7 62.�xa7 �f4 63.Wb6 �es 64.WcS+-
63...�d5 63...b4 64.h6 c3 65.bxc3+ bxc3 66.h7 Wc5 67.�e4 c2 68.h8=� cl=� 69.�e5+ �c6 70.'�Ye6+ �b5 7l.�d7+ ctJc6 72.�d5+ �b6 73.�b3+ Wc7 74.�f7+ �d6 75.�f8+=
54.�d7 Ags ss.Ab6!? �g3 56. Axas �xg2 57. Ac7 h3 58.a5 Ae3 59.a6 h2 60.i.xh2 �xh2 6 1.�c6 �g3 62.�b7
64.h6 aS
62. �bS �f4 63.�xb4 �eS=
64...�e6 65.�e4 �f7 66.�d4 lt:Jc6+ 67.�c3 Wg6 68.a4 �h7 69.axb5 axb5 70.b3=
62...�f4 63.a7 Axa7 64.�xa7 �es 6S.�b6 �d6 66.c;t>bs �c7 67.c;t>xb4 �b6=
65.h7 �e6 66.�e4 ltJg6 67.d4 a4 68.a3 �d6 69.e4=
w 87 Carlsen, M. - Bruzon Batista, L. � Berli n (rapid), 2015 51.. Ji.d8!
Solutions of all Exercises
Answers Chapter 3
m s9 Ka rpov, A. - Topa lov, V. � Dos Herma nas, 1994
w 92 Edoua rd, R. - Gozzoli,Y. � Nancy, 2009
30.lbf6! �xf6
1S.lbb3! 'iVa6
30 ... �·xf3 31.ctJxe8++-
15 ... cxb3 16.axb3+-
3 1.�e5+ �xeS 32.�xe4+ 33.�el+ �fS 34.�xe8+-
16.lbcs 'iVas 17.�xc8 �axeS 18.lbxb7 �a6 19.lbcs±
9o Kramnik, V. - Kaspa rov, G. � London,2000
93 Edouard, R. - Pai kidze, N . � Moscow, 201 1
24.lbd8+! �h8 2S.'+lfe7+-
28... �h6+? 29.f4oo; 28 ...c4? 29.l2Jd5oo
m 91 Kramnik, V. - Aronian, L. � Wijk aan Zee, 2008
29.llxc2 29.�h3 c4 30.�c8+ �b6-+
104.llh1! llaS+ 105.�c4 lla4+
29...�h6+ 30.f4 c4-+
105... �g8 106.f7+ �xf7 107.h7+-
m 94 Fier Takeda, A. - Edouard, R. � Moscow, 201 1
106.�bs �as 107.h7 �hs 108.�h6 �b8+ 109.c;t>c6 �c8+ 1 10.�d6 �h8 111. xe1 cJt ds {63...f5 64.�d2 We7 65.�d3 �d6 66.�d4+-) 64 . \td2 Wc7 65. � e3 � xc6
22 ltJh4! 23.ltJe2
62.�a5+ �e7 63.�e5+ �f8
23.ttJd2 �h6oo
63... Wd8 64.�d6+ wes 65.�d7+ �ts 66.c7+-
23 ctJf3+ 24.llxf3 lt:Jxe2+ 25. Axe2 gxf3 26. Axf3 Ah6oo
w 142 Wojtaszek, R. - Ding, L. � Wijk aan Zee, 2015
m 139 Va n Wely, L. - Wojtaszek, R. � Wijk aan Zee, 2015
61 a5! 62.�b7
53.'ifxg4! hxg4 54. \t>g2 �d7 55.f3 f5
62. �f4 bS 63.axb5 a4-+
5s ... gxf3+ 56.Wxf3+-; 55... Wd6 56.fxg4 �xd5 57.�f3 �e5 58.�e3+-
62...b5 63.cxb5 c4 64.�e4 c3 65. cJtf4 ild2-+
56.fxg4 fxg4 57.t2 d6 58.�e3 e5 59.d6+-
w 143 Jones, G. - Melia,5. � Gibra ltar, 2015
14o Batchelor, P. - Edouard, R. � Hinckley, 2015 rn
24 lld8! ..•
24... �xh6?? 25.�xh6 �d8 26.ttJf6++-
63...b3! 64.'tixb3
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
2s. .igs
37.�bl+? �xg5 38.�f5 �d8 39.d7 �f3 40.�d4 j&b7;!;
25.ltJxe7+?? �xe7-+
37... .ixdS 38.llxdS f6 25...llxdS 26.llxdS �as+ 38... �g7 39. �f2 4l.�d4+-
w 144 Nyback,T. - Braun,A. � Emsdetten, 2015
39.gxf6 �xf6 40.�g2 �e6 41.lld2+-
55 ...�xe7 56.�b7+-
m 147 Adams, M. - Bacrot, E. � Baden Baden,2015
ss...�dl!-+ LL. .i hG
m 145 Fedoseev,V. - Kuderinov, K. � Moscow, 2015
m 14s Pa ll iser, R. - Shaw,J. � Hi nckley, 2015
40... \t>hS!
24...llg3! 25.hxg3
40...�h6? 4l. �xd6+ �h5 42.�xb8 �f6 43.�xg3 �xal+ 44.�gl �d4+
25.�xc2 �xg2+ 26.�h1 �g3#
ss.llas! �xc7
25...�e4-+ 41.c7 llf8 42.c8='+i 42.�xd6 llf1+ 43.�xf1 g2+ 44.\t>h2 gxfl=lLJ+ 45.�h1 �g2#
m 149 Damaso, R. - Nava ra, D. � Jerusa lem, 2015
146 Hou,Y. - Howell, D.
4l.ctJh2? �d1 42.g4 a4 43.bxa4 �xa4+; 4l.�h2? �d3+ 42.�f2 a4 43.�h8 a3 44.�a8 �d4 45.�xa3 Ag4-+
Solutions of all Exercises
41...a4 42.�el!= �lt:Je3
m 15o Riaza ntsev, A. - Vocaturo, D. � Jerusa lem, 2015
w 153 Ba rtel, M . - Nepomniachtchi, I. � Jerusa lem, 2015
23.a4! �e7 24.�a3 �f7 25.�g3+
14.ctJfS! exfS lS.exfS+ �f8 16.ctJe4 Jic6 17.ctJxd6+-
2S...�g7 26.Jigs �fs 27.ltJd6 'i'xd6 28.�h3+- ��h8+, � f3+
w 154 Swiercz, D. - Roma nov, E. � Dortmund, 2015
w 151 Klein, D. - Pa ntsulaia, L. � Jerusa lem, 2015
17...h6! 18.ltJh4 lt:Jes 19.ltJhf5+ exfS 20.ctJxf5+ �e6-+
23. ki ebl? �dB 24.ltJd2 l2Jc8�
23... �d8 24.ctJb3+-
w 152 Va l lejo Pons, F. - Svetushkin, D. � Jerusa lem, 2015
m 155 Babula, V. - Heberla, B. � Dortmund, 2015
42...g5! 43.'i'c4 43.�f3? a2-+; 43.�a6 �xg3+=
43...�xg3.+ 44.�xg3 �f4+ 45.�g2 �g4+ 46.�h2 �hS+ 47.�gl �dl+ 48.\t>h2 �hS+ 49.�g3 'i'h4+ SO.�f3 �f4+ 51.�e2 'iV'xe4+ 52.�d2 'i'f4+ 53.�el
40.l2Jg4? �fl+ 41.�g2 �d3+ 42.f3 �d5! 43.�f2 'iVdl�
40...�xg2 41.d8='if+ �g8 42.�d4++53.Wc3?? �cl+ 54.Wb4 �xc4+ 55.�xc4 a2-+
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
40... f5 41.�el +-
m 156 Yua n, Y. - Muzychuk, M . � 5ochi, 2015
m 159 Guramishvili, 5. - Java khishvi li, L. � 5ochi (ra pid}, 2015
35...�c5! 36.�fl 36.axb5? �xg3-+
36... ctJd4 37.llxd4 �xd4-+
71. ilhl+?? �c2 72.ilh2+ Wbl 73.�b3 c4+ 74.�xc4 b3 75.Wc3 b2-+ m 157 Krush, I. - M illiet, 5. � 5ochi, 2015
71. ..�g7 72.ilc2+=; 7l. .. �c7 72.ilh1+ �d2 73.ilh2+ �d3 74. ilh3+ �d4 7S.ilh4+ �dS 76.ilh5+ �c6 77.�c4=
52... ild2? 53.ilg8 ilh2 54.ild8 �es SS.ilh8 �f6 56.h7+- �g6 57.ild8-t--
72. c;t>xc4 b3 73.�c3=
53.llg8+ rn 16o Rigo, Z. - Movsesian, S. � Slova kia, 2015
53.�d5 �d2+=; 53.ild8 ild2=
s3...�f7! S4.llg7+ t& ss.llh7 llht= 60...llg6+! �g3+-+
m 158 5hen, Y. - Kashlinskaya, A. � 5ochi (ra pid}, 2015
m 161 5ebag, M . - Pogon ina, N. � 5ochi, 2015
38.f3?? �e6 39 .e4 �d7=F
38...�e4 39.f3+ �d3 40.�f2 d2
8l...h4?? 82.b6 h3 83.b7 h2 84.b8=� hl=� 85.�g8++-
Solutions of all Exercises
40.fxg6 �df2+ 41.�e3 �e2+ 42.�d3 �eg2-+
82.�c6 h4 83.b6 �xc5+ 84.�xc5 h3=
82...�g5 83.b6 h4 83... �b5 84.b7 �xb7+ 85.�xb7 h4=
m 164 Muzychuk, M . - Koneru, H . � Sochi, 2015
84.b7 lia7=
26.�d2! �f8 26...�xd2 27.�e8#
m 162 Pogonina, N . - Sebag, M . � Sochi (ra pid}, 2015
27.JidS+ 29.'iVf7+-
w 165 Sh ima nov, A. - Mamedov, R. � Moscow, 2015
80 ...�h3?? 81.a7 �b2+ 82.�cl+-
81.a7?? �b2+-+
65.�d7? �f7-+
81... 11 b2+ 82.�f1 11 g4=
82... �gb3=; 82... Wa7=
65...�f7 66.�c7 lic3+ 67.�d8=
66.�d7 �xfS 67.�e7 11e3+ 68.�f7 11 h3 69.d7 11 h7+ 70. WeB �e6 71.d8=ctJ+=
m 163 Cmilyte, V. - Ara bidze, M . � Soch i (ra pid}, 2015 39...g5!
w 166 Sarakauskas, G . - Short, N . � H i nckley, 2015
=39... g6! 40. �ab3 �hf2+ 41.We3 gxf5 42.exf5 �de2+ 43. \tJd3 e4+ 44. �c3 �f3#; 39...�df2+? 40.�e3 �e2+ 41.�d3 �eg2?? 42.�a7+=
18...f5! 19.e6 19.exf6 �xf6 20.ctJf3 jLd6-+ 125
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
19...f4 20. 'lr'h2 Jixf2+!-+
m 110 Ta n, J . - Smerdon, D. � Hi nckley, 2015
w 167 Ernst, S. - Petrosian, T. � Moscow, 2015
84.�bl+! el=� 40.g4! 84... e1=i2J 85.i\Yxh7 ctJf3+!? 86.�g3!= 40. ct>g1? g4+
85.�d3+ �e2 40...fxg4 40.. .f4 41.exf4 gxf4 42.�f3=
86.�b1+ �el 41.�g3 .!its 42.ltJd4 �xb4 86...�f2?? 87.�g1# 42... �d7 43.�c6=
87.�d3+= 43.ltJxf5 �xfS 44.Jig2=
w 171 Garcia Palermo, C. - Edouard, R. � Llucmajor, 2015
w 168 Onischuk, A. - Troff, K. � Saint Louis, 2015
36...ltJf4! 19.ltJd4!± 36. ..g5?? 37.ctJxa3 i2Jf2+ 38. !I xf2 !I xf2 39.�e3 !I f3 40.�e2+-
m 169 Grachev, B. - Svetushki n, D. � Moscow, 2015
23.llg4+- tl.!ib4
37...exf4 @xg3+=
37.l2Jxa3?? �xh2+ 38.Wxh2 �h3+ 39.Wg1 �g2#; 37.�xf4?? ltxh2+ 38. Wxh2 �xg3+ 39.�h1 �h3+ 40. ct>g1 ltg3+ 41.Wf2 �g2#
Solutions of all Exercises
m 112 Gelfa nd, B. - Svidler, P. � Kha nty-Mansiysk, 2015
w 174 Hammer, J . - Vachier Lagrave, M . � Stava nger, 2015
18.ctJg5? ctJxeSoo
47... f5?? 48.�e7+-
18... ctJf8
48.gxh5 �h6 49.�e7 �xhS SO.ii.e2+ \t>h6 Sl.iLfl �hS 52.f5 �g4 53.f6 h3=
18... �xe4 19.t2Jg5± !1 19 .. . ctJxe5? 20.�xc7 �xc7 2l.�d8+ �f8 22.t2Jxe4+-
w 175 Nisipea nu, L. - So, W. � Dortmund, 2015
19.ctJf6+ 19.�h4±
12.ctJbS! �xbS
19... Jixf6 20.exf6±
12... 0-0-0 13.d4!±
m 173 Karjakin, S. - Ca rua na, F. � Kha nty-Mansiysk, 2015
13.ctJxe6 �d7 14. ctJxg7±
w 176 Kramnik, V. - Nepomniachtchi, I. � Dortmund, 2015
47.ctJb7! ctJc3 48.ctJd8! gS
66... \t>ts 66...�f2 67.�h4!=
48 . ..�xd7 49.CDxd7+ cf£e7 SO.ttJxeS �xd8 51. ctJxg6+-
67.ii.f4 �e6 68.ii.gs �ts 69.ii.f4 �xf4 70.e6 g2 71.e7 ii.b4+! 72.�xb4 gl=� 73.e8='if 'ifxd4++
49.�xdl lt.Jxdl SO.ctJd7+ �e7 Sl.lt:JxeS �xd8 52.hxg5+-
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
m 111 Kramnik, V. - Caruana, F. � Dortmund, 2015
w 181 Rapport, R. - Swiercz, D. � Abu Dha bi, 2015
lS...�fS! 16.ctJxf5
6S.�d2! �xa4 66.�d1! �c6
16.�c5?! �eS! 17.£lxa8 .,txe4 18.4Jf3 �xf3 19.�e3 JiLe4-+
67.�d8+16...gxf5 17.ctJgS �g4+
w 182 Barbot, P. - Van Foreest, J. � Kha nty-M a nsiysk, 2015
m 178 Giri, A. - Pruijssers, R. � Amsterdam, 2015
30.ctJe4! llxc2 31.ltJxf6 llxf6 32.llxc2+36.�e8!+-
w 183 Di ng, L. - lnarkiev, E. � Baku, 2015
m 179 Holm, K. - Glud, J. � Helsingor, 2015
30.�c2! �xc2 31.ctJd3 h7 40. c;t>cl �g6=F
60...ltJe8! 61.fxg6
m 189 Shen, Y. - Kova levskaya, E. � Skopje, 2015
6 1.f6 ctJc7 62. �f4 �d4-+
61...ltJg7 62.e5 �dS 63.�f4 �d4 64.e6 �dS 65.e7 c;t>e6-+
29...f5! 29 .. Jixf1+? 30.�xf1 l!xb2 3l.f4 �e7 32.ttJd5 lih4 33.g3+-
m 187 Naid itsch, A. - Fressinet, L. � Douglas, 2015
26...ltJh4! 27.lt:Jb3
30.d8=�+ lixd8 32. Wxfl ll xb2±
27.f4 ttJf3+ 28.�f2 �h5 29.�f1 g5-+; 27.�e3 lLJf3+ 28. �hl lixg3 29.hxg3 �g7-+; 27.lif1 ttJf3+ 28.�h1 �h3-+; 27.gxh4 Jif3-+
30...Jle7 31.li.xa1 31.lL:Jd5?? �cS+-+; 3l.g3 �f7= � . �e6 .
27...Jle2 28.Axe2 �h3 29.Af1
31...li.xa1+ 32.�f2 l!dl=
29 .gxh4 �xh2+ 30.�f 1 �hl#
29...lt:Jf3+ 30. c;t>hl 'iV'xh2#
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
16... r;l?xg7 17.�xh6++-
w 190 Edouard, R. - Muzychuk, A. � Ca p d'Agde, 2015
17.�xh6 �g8
21...lt:Jxg2! 22.�xg2 �f4 23.�g3
17.. .f6 18.exf6 �xf6 19 . .itxg7+ �xg7 20. �g5++-
23.�h6? �g4+ 24.�f1 �f3-+
18.�gS ltJxh5 19.�f6++-
m 192 Donchen ko, A. - Marin, M . � Med ias, 2015
m 191 Parligras, M . - Bluebaum, M. � Medias, 2015
20...lt:Jxg3! �eS+-+
16.�xg7! lt:Jxg7
21. \txg3
Solutions of all Exercises
Answers Chapter 4
m 193 Saric, I. - Topa lov, V. � Kozloduy, 2013
m 196 Shirov, A. - Dubov, D. � Moscow (ra pid), 2014
58...�d6? 59.d5!+-
46... �f5?? 47.ctJg3+ !!xd5 49.ttJxe4++-
�g5 48.�xd5+!
59.�b4 i.ds 60.�cs �e6= 47.�c7+ \t>t6=
m 194 Vachier Lagrave, M . - Carlsen, M . � Sai nt Louis, 2014
m 197 Spoelma n, W. - Bacrot, E. � Emsdetten, 2015
18... i.xe3! 54...�xf3!
18 ... '�1xd5?? 19.�h6 lixf6 20.�·f8+ �xf8 2l.ith6+ �g8 22. �e8#
54...lie4+? 55.lie3 lixe3+ 56.�xe3 f5 57.gxf5+ �xf5 58.�f3 �e6 59.�e2!=; 54... hxg4? 55. !!xf4 gxf4 56.hxg4 Wh6 57.�f2=; 54 ... 8a4?+
19.�xe3 �xe3 20.�h6
20. �xe3 j.Lg4+ 20...'il'ts 21.�xe3 i.g4!? 22.f3 23.lt:Je7+ �h8 24.lt:Jxf5 gxts+
SS.�xf3 fS 56.gxf5+ �xfS 57.e3 �es 58.�f3 �d4-+
w 198 Ara bidze, M . - Cmilyte, V. � Sochi (ra pid), 2015
w 195 Huang, Q. - Hansen, E. � Doha, 2014
90.�g4! 22...�ed8!;t
90.�g3?? Jtd5! 9l.Jtxd5 �xd5 92.�f4 �d4-+
22... �g4? 23.�d5+ �e6 24.£h3!±
13 1
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
90...�d5 91.�xd5 �xdS 92.\¥tf5=
43...e4! 44.�d1 44.h3 gS 45.�d1 g4 46.hxg4 fxg4 47.jLxg4 e3 48.�e4 h3 49.gxh3 9i;;g7=
m 199 Zhao Xue - Pogonina, N . � Sochi, 2015
44...�gs 45.�es f4 46.h3
46.�xe4 h3=
4l. �g2? l!b1 ! 42.l!xb1 (42.'�·as �-d3 43.Wh3 �b2-+) 42 . . .'ifxe4++
46...f3 47.gxf3 exf3 48.�xf3 �h6 49.�f6 �h7 SO.�f7 �h8 51.�e4 �h7=
m 202 Jobava, B. - Wina nts, L. � Tromso, 2014
m 2oo l narkiev, E. - Morozevich, A. � Poikovsky, 2015
19... �e7!
19 .. .'iff7??
20.l!h6 !
24 ... "ilfd6? 25.fxg6 h6 (25... fxg6? 26.ctJe5 �e8 27.d4+-) 26.�e5 �xe5 27. lt:Jxe5
(20... gxh6
21.jLxe5++-) 2l. �g6++-
fxg6 28.ltJd4±
20.�g5 'i'f7 21.�xh4 'ifxf3 22.�hdl �xh3 23.�e7 lt:Jxc4oo
2S.ltJes h6!oo
m 2o3 Bluebaum, M . - Siebrecht, S. � Verden, 2014
w 201 Bacrot, E. - Anand, V. � Nanjing, 2010
67 . . . �f8? 68.�g5 l!h2 69. �f6 � a2 70.f5 h4 (70...�a6+ 71.e6 fxe6 72.fxe6 I! b6
42 . . . g5? 43 . �a6 ! g4 44.� b7 ! e5+ 45 . � d5 f4 (45...e4 46.�d4+-) 46.�e4+-
73.�g6 h4 74.�h6 �g8 75.�xh4+-)
71.l! g4 l! a6+ 72.e6+-
68.�g2 71. l!g4
43.�e3 gS=
l!hl 69.c;t>f6 �fl 70.f5 h4
Solutions of all Exercises
71.8g8 �hS=
56...�c7 57.as! ri;;c s
71...�h5 72.lig7 h3
57... �d8 58.JlLc5 �c8 59.�a7
72... Wh6 73.8xf7 h3 74.8f8 �h7=
ss. Ab6 Ad6 59.�a7 Aes 60.�a6!
73... \tg4 74.8g7+ �f4 75.�h7 c;t>g4=
60.�d4? Wc7 6l.�a6 �c6 62.h4 �c7 63.�xf6 �g3 64.�d8 jLd6 65.f6 �d7 66.ji,b6 Jies 67.�d4 jLg3 68. �xbS Jixh4 69. �cS �e6 70.f7 �xf7 71. WxdS jle1 72.b5 h4 73.b6 �g3 74.jLes jLxeS 75.�xe5 h3 76.b7 h2 77.b8=� hl=� 78.�c7+ �e8=
74.lif8 �h7=
60... Axc3 6 1.�xbS �d7 62.�cS Ael
73. !I h7+ �g4=
73... h6
62 . ..d4 63.�c4+-
m 2o4 Christiansen, J . - I'Ami, E. � Doha, 2014
63.Aas d4 64. cttxd4 d6 65.�c4 �es 66.Ac7+ �xfS 67.b5 �e6 68.b6 Aas 68... �d7 69.�b5 h4o 70.Jif4 JiLg3 7l.�e3 �h2 72.b7 Wc7 73.�a6 fS 74.£a7 �c6 75.£f2!+-
26.lia6!;t 26.8xe6?? ctJe3!-+; 27.8xe6 LtJb6!+
69.�bs Axb6 70.Axb6 �fs 7 1. Aas! cttf4 72.h4 �g4 73. Ael+-
m 2os Vachier Lagrave, M . - Nepomniachtch i, I. � Beij i ng (blitz), 2014
m 2oG lva nchuk, V. - Jobava, B. � Wijk aan Zee, 2015
56. Jid4!
s6.Ae3? Ad6o (56 ...�d8? s7.Wb8+-) 57.Ad4 Jies 58.�a6 h4o 59.Axe5 (59.�a7 �c7=) 59 .. .fxe5 60.f6 � d7 61. �xbS e4 62.c4 e3 63.c5 e2 64.c6+ ri;; c7 65 .f7 e1=� 66.f8=� �e2+=
43.e6?? fxe6+ 44.fxe6 llxa3 45.e7 8al-+
43...bxa4 44.�c4 46.�d3 �dS
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
46... a3 47.�c2 �dS 48.e6 fxe6 49.f6 �d6 SO.c4+-
48.�g2 �c6+ Jtf3-+
47.e6 fxe6
48...h6! 49.es
47 ... �d6 48.exf7 �e7 49.c4+-
49.�xb2? .id6#
48.f6 \t>d6 49.c4+-
Fi' Fi' � 49 A t.-�xf1 SO.� we7 t.-�d2 51.�b1 xf1 dib 52.e4
207 Docx, S. - Ad h iban, B. � Gibra ltar, 2015
52.�d4 �cl 53.�cS �d7-+
52...fxe4 53.�xe4 i,c1 54.f3 54.�e5 hS SS.�e4 �f6 56.�d4 WfS 57.�d3 �eS-+
43. � el? 'ti'g3 44.'ii'xg3 hxg3 45. � e4 (4S.�xe6 fxe6 46.�gl eS 47.dxe5 gS!-+)
54...h5 SS.f4 �f6 56.�d3 eS 57.e4
45 . . . � xe4 46.fxe4 fS 47.e5 c;i;t7 48. �g1 e6 49. �fl cS 50. �e2 cxd4 Sl.cxd4 b4 52. �d3 f4-+
57.fxe5+ �xeS 58.�e2 �e4-+
57...exf4 58.gxf4 e6 59.h4 f7 60. d3 �f6 61.e4 �e6-+
m 2o8 Bogner, S. - Zude, A. � G i bra ltar, 2015
m 2o9 Xu, J . - Rodshtein, M. � Gibra ltar, 2015
4 7 . . . i,xfl? 48. � xfl i,d2 49. � b 1 i,cl SO.g4 �e7 {SO...fxg4+ 51.�xg4=) Sl.gxfS exfS 52.h4 g4+ {52 ...gxh4 53.e4=; 52 ...�f6
23... �g4? 24.�xc7+ �a8 25.�e5 �h2 26.I!c8+o I!xc8 27. Jtxh2 I!e8 28.�dl �el+ 29.�xel fxel=�+ 30.�xel �d7 3l.a4 �g7 32.�e5 �h6=F
53.hxg5+ Wxg5 54. �g3=; 52 ...h6 53.hxg5 hxg5 54.e4 g4+ 55.�g3=) 53. �f4 e6 {53...�f6 54.h5 h6 55.f3=) 54.h5 f6 (54...h6 55.f3 gxf3 56.Wxf3 es 57.�f2 �e4 58. �e2=) SS .f3 gxf3 56. c;t>xf3 c;t>es {56...�g5 57.e4=) 57.h6=
24.i,xd6 cxd6 25.�xf2 2S.�c2 I!hl+ 26.�xhl �h3+ 27.�g2 �d3+ 28.\t>xf2 �e3+ 29.Wfl �f8+
48. f4
Solutions of all Exercises
30.JkJ3 �xf3+-+; 25.�c2 �g4 26.�xf2 �hf8-+
w 212 Navara, D. - Fier, A. � Reykjavik, 2015
25...'ilif5+ 26.�gl �e2-+
m 210 Eggleston, D. - Le Roux, J . � Hinckley Isla nd, 2015
29. lixf6? �d7! (29 ...gxf6? 30.�h4 �g8 3 1.ctJxf6 �g7 32.�h2!+-) 30. li f5 �xfS 3 1.exf5 �gs+
20.�xf6! 29...gxf6 30.�h4 �d7!? 20.LtJxe5?? fxeS 21.�xe5+ �e7! 22. .itxg4 �xgS! 23. .ith5+ �d8 24.�d1+ �c8-+
30...�g8 31.�xf6+ �xf6 32. lixf6=
20...'ife6 21.ctJg5 �xf6 22.ctJe4±
31.lig3! �aa8 31... llg8 32. llxg8+ �xg8 33.llxf6 �h8 34. .itc4 .itf5 35.�h6 .itg6 36.�h2 llc3 37. .itb3=
m 211 Hera, I. - Bluebaum, M. � Dortmund, 2015
32.�c4 �e6 33.�h2 �g8 34.�xe6 �xg3 35.�xg3 'ii'xe6
=35 ...fxe6 36.�xf6+
44.. J�e4? 45.g4o f3 46. llg3o �f4 47.�d3o f2 48.�g2o �g8 49.�d5+ �h7 50.�d3 �g8 51.�d8+ �f7 52.�d5+=
36.'�'xf6+ �g8 37.'ti'xe6 fxe6 38.�f6 �e8 39.�g4! �g7 40.�g5 dS 41.exd5 exdS 42.lid6=
4S.'iVc8+ �f7 46.�d7+ �f8 47.�d8+ �e8 48.�d6+ �g8 49.�xf4 'ii'xhS+ SO.'ii'h4 �dS Sl.�h2
w 2 13 Troff, K. - Sevian, S. � Saint Louis, 2015
Sl.�g4 �h7-+
Sl...�eS-+ 75.ctJc2! 75.�xh5? �xe1 76.h4 �f2 77.�g6 �g3 78.h5 �g4 79.h6 �a6+ 80.�g7 �gS
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
81.h7 �a7+ 82.�g8 Wg6 83.h8=CLJ+ �f6-+
75... 1ia2 76.ltJb4 !la4 77.�h3! �gl 78.ltJc6 !ia2 79.ltJes Iixh2+ 80.�g3 h4+ 81.�g4 �f2 82.lt:Jd3+ e2 83.lt:Jf4+ fl 84.lt:Jh3=
m 216 Safarl i, E.- Gra ndelius, N . � Dubai, 2015 47...'+lVf3!
w 214 So, W. - Onischuk, A. � Saint Louis, 2015
47...'tlff5?? 48. �h6+ �f7 49.�f4! exf4 so.l!e1+-
48.�h6+ \t>n+ fl 49.Iif4+? exf4 so.Iiel lt:Jxc3 Sl.�h7+ \t>f6 52.�e7+ �fS-+
28 . . . ltJxd4? ! 29 . !i xd4 1L e7 {29 ...h6? 30.f5 .th5 3l.lLJf3+-) 30.ltJf3;t
m 211 Bauer, C. - Vachier Lagrave, M . � Montpellier, 2015
29.'LJf3 ctJxd4=
29...iLhS! 30.gxh5 hxgS 31.iLf2 ltJe3+ 32.1Lxe3 !txe3 33.!id7 1Le7=
44 .. .Ct:Jd2+? �xb7+
46. It xc4
45.a5 e4 46.!ie7 f8!
m 215 Melekhi na, A. - Sharevich, A. � Sa int Louis, 2015
46...�f6?? 47.�xe4 CLJd2+ 48.�e1 CLJxe4 49.a6=
47.lixe4 lixb7-+
64.Wh5?? �f3 6S.l!e6+ Wd3 66.l!d6+ �e4 67.�d1 WfS-+ � 68.�fl? �h3#
m 21s Riff, V. - Lagarde, M . � Lyon, 2015
64...lif3 6S.!ie6+ �d3 66.Iid6+ �e4 67.!idl �fS
67.. .f1=� 68.l!xf1 l!xf1 69.�g5=
Solutions of all Exercises
:5 27... �f8 28.l2Jd2 �xf2 29.�f1 �e5 30.�xf2 �xa1+ 31.�f1 �·xa4-+
221 Grischu k, A. - Elj a nov, P. � Baku, 2015 rn
28.exd3 exd3+ 29.f3 'i'cS!-+ LL.Axf3+ 29 ...�xe3? 30.lt:Jxe3 jLxf3+ 3l.ctJg2+
38 ... �b4?? 39.'fVf5 ! (39.�h3?? �g5-+) 39 .. 'i . i' xb3 {39...e3+ 40.�h5+-) 40. � a5 e3 {40...�b4 41.�h5+-) 41.a7 exf2 42.a8=� f1=� 43.'iVae4+-
2 19 McSha ne, L. - Colas, J. � Arl ington, 2015 rn
61.h6! 39.'«i'xf3 exf2 40.�xf2 �xa6= 6l.g6? ctJf6+ 62.�h6 e5 63S�?g5 ctJd5=; 61.�g6? �g8 62.b5 ctJd6 63.b6 e5 64.h6 e4 65.h7+ �h8 66.�h6 ltJf7+ 67.�h5 ctJd6 68.g6 �g7=
w 222 Nepomn iachtchi, I. - Na kamura, H . � B a k u (ra pid), 2015
61 ltJxg5+ 62.�g6 ltJf7 63.h7 eS 64.b5 ltJhS+ 65.�f6 �e8 66.b6 �d7 67.�g7 e4 68.b7 �c7 69.�xh8 e3 70.�g7+••.
40 ltJ8b6! •••
40 ... e4??
41. � d2 ! � xd 1 (4l...ltJxd2 42.�xc7++-) 42. �xd1 lt:Jxe3+ 43 . � b1 �d6 44. � dc1+-
w 220 Elja nov, P. - Navara, D. � Biel, 2015
41.e4 41. 11 d2 11 xd1! 42.l!xd1 11 f1! 43.�xc4 ctJxc4 44. 11 xf1 ctJxe3++
43.�xc5+? �xc5 44.�xc5+ �eS ! 45. �xeS+ �f6-+
41 �d4 42.@g8 .••
43 f3
42.�b7 �xd1 43.'i'c6+ Wd8 44.�xdl 11 f1+ 45.�c2 11 f2-+
43.. J�f7 44.Hd1 Hxe2 45.�d5+ �f6 46.ctJxf4 �e5+
42 �xd1 43.�xd1 ctJxb2+ 44.�c2 ctJ2a4 4S.'+i'h7+ �e8 46.'ii'g6+ �f7 47.'«i'e6+ �dB-+ .••
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
w 223 Wei Vi - Ding, L. � Ba ku, 2015
w 224 Ka rttunen, M . - Topalov, V. � Skopje, 2015
68... c;t>g4!
65 . �d5? b3 66.d7 b2 67.llb3 llxb3 68.d8='if+ �xfS 69 .'tid7+ �g5 70.�e7+ �g4 7l.�e4+ \t>g3 72.'+ig6+ c;t>t4 !
68... iiU3? 69.�b2 �g4 70.�b8=
(72... �h4? 73.�b1 �gS 74. �c4 �b8 75.�g1++-) 73.'i'b1 llb7 != (73...�b8?? 74.�e4++-)
69.�e2 �f3-+
69...�h3+ 70.�gl �g3-+ Gs... llbs 65 11b6 66.WdS+. . .
66.d7 r:i;;e7 67.lld3+-
Solutions of all Exercises
Answers Chapters 5 21... �cS 22. �e2+-; 21. .. �b6 22. �e2 �f2+ 23. �d1 ctJe3+ 24. \t>c1 �xe2 2S. ctJxe2 �xe2 26. �a4 'tlVxd3 27. �b3+-
m 22s Kramnik, V. - Vachier Lagrave, M . � Tromso, 2013
22. c;t>d2 �b4
62.ctJd7! lifS
22... lib2+ 23.�c1+-; 22... �gS+ 23.e2 �b2+ 24.�e1 �cS 2S.�e2+-
62... �g6 63. �g8+ �h7 64. �e8+-; 62... �e6 63. g6 ll g1 64. ll b7+-
23.�a4 �b2+ 24.�cl �bl+ 25.ctJxbl 'i'xa4 26.�d2 ltJe3 27. .i.e2±/+-
63.�f8+ �g6 63...�e6 64.�f6++-
m 221 Stefa nsson, V. - Va n Heirzeele, D. � Reykjavik, 2014 66.lt:Jf6!?+-
28...fxe4! 29.ctJg4 !I f4!! 66...�g6 66... \t>g7 67.�f4+-
29 ...�xf2+? 30.ltJxf2 �f7+ 32.�g1 �e3+=
67.ctJeS+ c;t>xgS 68.�fS++-
30.�e2 ttJd3 31.ctJc3 �d7!? 32.ctJxe4 �xg4 33.�xg4 lixg4 34.f3 �xe4 3S.fxe4 c4-+
w 226 Edouard, R. - Wa llace, J. � Hinckley, 2014
30...�xf4 31.ltJxh6
18.d7! Axd7 19.'it'xd7 �as
3l.ctJh2 e3-+
19 ... �b6 20. �d4 �as 21. �d2 �xd2 22. �xd21Vb6 23. Ad3 �·d4 24. �c2+-
31...@xh4 32.�e2 @gS+ 33.�fl �xh6 34.�e3 'ii'h4-+
20.'it'xe8+ �g7 21.�d3 �bl+
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
m 22s Gupta, A. - Edouard, R. � Dubai, 2014
m 231 Wei, Y. - Muthaiah, A. � Pune, 2014
2S.ltJd7! �xd7
17.�f8! f6 18.'ii'h6 Wf7 19.ltJgS+!
25...gd8? 26.gfS! �xfS 27.'MVgS++-
19.�g7+?! �e6 20.ctJg5+ fxgS 2l.�xg6+! �d7 22.liLxe7! gxe7 23.e5! c4 24.dxc4+ r:tlc7 25.�d6+ �xd6 26.exd6+ �d7 27.dxel+ t2 \t>b7 66.�g2 �h6 67.�g3 �hl 68.�g4 �h2 69.�g5 �hl 70.�g6 �gl+ 71.�f6! �fl+
47.gxh4? \tg6 48.�e2 f4+
47 hxg3 48.fxg3 �e6 49.�e3 �d5 50.g4 •••
50.h4 �es 51.h5 �f6 52. �f4 e3 53. c7? 54.�c3++- ) 54.'i"g7+ (54.ltJd6+ c6 55.�c3+ d7=) 54 . . . � b6o 55.'ifd4+ (55.�f6+ �b5 56. CtJd6+ �b4 s7.�d4+ �b3=) 55 ... � b5 56.ctJd6+ (56.��d7+ �b4=) 56 ... �c6= 57. �c3+ �d7= (57...�xd6? ? 58. lLJe4++-)
w 256 Topalov, V. - G iri, A. � Tromso, 2014 39.h7?
39. l1 g8 ! l1 a 7 40. l1 g7 l1 a8 4l.h7 ll h8 42. l1 f7 ! �d5 (42...c5 43.�gl c4 44.�fl
Sl.ltJxfS+ �c7 52.h7 b2 53. l!c8+ �xc8 S4.h8=�+ �d7 ss.'i'h7+
c3 45.�e2 �d8 46.�d7 �h8 47.�dl �f6 48.�c2 �g6 49.�xc3 �xh7 SO.�xh7 �xh7 Sl.�d4 �g6 52.�e5 �f7 53.g4+- ) 43 . � h3 (43.�gl? eS= b. '�e6) 43 ... c5 44.g4 ! fxg4+ 45. �xg4 c4
. . .
46. �g5 c3 47.h6 li es 48. l1 d7+ �es 49. l1 dl+-
m 254 Burma kin, V. - Edouard, R. � Porticcio, 2014
39...�a7 40.�h3 �f7 41.�h4 �f6 42.�hs �g7 43. 11es�
16.0-0 �b7? 17.ctJa4?
17.CtJxe5! jLxeS 18.CtJa4+-
17.. .'tli'bs 18.�c2 �g4oo Yz-Yz
m 257 Bluebaum, M . - Naiditsch, A. � Baden Baden, 2014
20... c;t>d7 l!xb2??
255 Karjakin, S. - lotov, V. � Tromso, 2014 rn
22 . . . ltJgS ! 23 .�g2 (23.ttJxe2? ctJh3+-+) 23 ... �d6=t
14.lt:Jxf6+? 147
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
23.�f7+ 'i'e7 24.�xg8±
29.e7 ! lies 30.d6 ! l!xfS 31.d7 1;� xe7 32. '�xf5 ttJxe4 33.dxe8=�+ �xe8 34.CLJxa7=
1-0 (39)
29...ltJxe4 30.�xe4 llxfS 31.�xf5 llts 32.@e4 �f2+
m 2ss Wei Vi - M uthaiah, A. � Pu ne, 2014
23 �d7 24.d6 �c6 25.'ir'xg6 �d7 .•.
25... iifS ! ! 26.�xf5 lLJa4 27.�d5+ Wb6 28.�d4+ �aS-+
m 261 Romanov, E. - Studer, N . � Doha, 2014
26.dxe7+ �bS 27.�h5 �c6 FF
16.�xf6 gxf6 17.CtJd3?
1-0 (40)
17.ttJg5! fxgS 18.�xg5+ �h8 19.�xd5 �xdS 20.CLJg6+ fxg6 21.�xd5± /+-
w 259 Morozevich, A. - lna rkiev, E. � Moscow, 2014
39...ltJd4 40.ltJxd4 cxd4 41.'i'xd4?? �c7
4l. . . � c1+! 42. �xc1 (42. lixc1 �xd4-+) 42 . . .� c7+-+
w 262 Morozevich, A. - Khismatu llin, D. � Kazan, 2014
42.�d6 �a7=
34.e6 llb6?? 3S.llc7??
35.f6+ !
� h6 (35.. .�xf6? 36.lLJd5++-; 35... CLJxf6? 36.l!xb6+-) 36.e7 ll g8 37. ll xb6 CtJxb6 38.a4 ! ? bxa4 39.�xa6 cJtg6 40.� b5+-
m 26o Zhu, C. - Edouard, R. � Doha, 2014
3S...fxe6 36.ltJe4 hG+ 0-1 (65)
26.�f5 llf6 27.ltJxbS 'ii'cS+ 28.�g2 ltJf2?? 29.@h4??
Solutions of all Exercises
4S.'�xf2+! �xf2 46.g4++-
45 lt:Jxf6 46.'i'xf6+ �e4-+
m 263 McShane, L. - Agdestein, S. � London, 2014
0-1 (56)
28 ctJe5?? .•.
28 . . . �d8 !
29 .�e4
(29.Jl c3
m 266 Sa ric, I. - Aronian, L. � Wij k aan Zee, 2015
29.ctJxc6 �xh2+-+) 29 . . . lt:Jxd4 30.'ii'x d4
JtLxh2+-+ 23.c5 ctJb5 24.�xd7? 29.�c2 J!Lcs 30.JtLc3 �d7 31.�e4 �xa4 32.h3 ±
24.c6 ! bxc6 (24... ll xdl? 25.�xdl �xdl 26. cxb7 �c4o 27.b8=�+ r:J;; e7 28.g3+-) 25 . 1i cl lt:Jd4 (25...�e8 26.�e5!? f6 27 . ll xc6±) 26. lixa6±
1-0 (SO)
24... Jixd7 25. 1id1 �e8=
w 264 Grischu k, A. - Aronian, L. � Beijing (rapid), 2014
35.llxc7 llxc7 36.lt:Jxd5?
38.ctJxdS ltJxdS 39.�xd5 ll d7 40.ctJe4+-)
w 267 Matla kov, M . - M uzychuk, M . � Gibra lta r, 2015
37. c;t> h2 gS 38. � xf4 gxf4 39.lt:Jxd5 ctJxdS 40. lixd5 ll d 1 4l .lt:Je4±
27.'i'xd5 lic6 28.'it'xf7+?
36 ctJ6xd5 37. c;t>h2 ctJc3oo
28.�xe4 ! +-
36. � a4 !
� cl+ (36...g5 37.�xf4 gxf4
(SO) 0-1 (42)
w 265 Gelfa nd, B. - Bacrot, E. � Beijing (bl itz), 2014 43.�e7+ �g6 44.�e6+ �fS 45. 1if6+
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
47.CtJe7+ �xe7 48.@e6+ �f7 49.@c8+ �f8 (49 ...�f8 SO.�c7 �fS+ o Sl. �g2 �xdSo 52.�xf7 �d2+=) SO.�e6+=
w 268 Boruchovsky, A. - lva n isevic, I. � Jerusalem, 2015
47 .'ifxe6 48.dxe6 li es 49. llxc5 �xcS SO.g4 �d6 =t .•
29 lle8 30.'ifh8+ �e7 31.�h4+ �f8 32.�xf7?? �f6?? •..
0-1 (60)
32 ...�e4 33.�h5 �f2-+
33.'tlfc4 �e2= Yz-Yz
w 271 Edoua rd, R. - Trent, L. � Dortm und, 2015
29... llfe8 30.Iie2? llxe2?
m 269 Navara, D. - Nepomniachtchi, I. � Jerusalem, 2015 39...e5 40.CtJxe5 �e7 41.CtJg6 42.CtJf4?? �b7??
31.�xe2 lies 32.'+lfd2 h6 33.�g2± lled7
1-0 (53)
42 . . . g5 ! 43. CtJd5+ ll xdS 44 .'+We4 ll xd3 45.hxg5 ll d 2+ 46. �f3 li f7+ 47. �g4 ll fl 48.g6 �d8! 49.'+j'a8 (49.h6 �g1+ SOS�ifS �f1+=) 49 . . . \t>cs SO.�c6+ �c7 Sl.�e6+ \t> b8 52. �g5 ll d6=
w 272 Kosintseva, T. - Games, M. � Sochi, 2015 31...�f4+ 32.g3 'i'xc2+?
43.�fS+32... �d2+!= !1 33.�g2? �xg3++
1-0 (53) 33.�g2 �xg3+ 34.�xg3 �g6+ 3S.�f2± Yz-Yz
w 270 Lenic, L. - Kravtsiv, M . � Germa ny, 2015 47.@e6+?
Solutions of all Exercises
33 ... �xf6 !
3S . . . lt:Jxh3+ 36. h 1 ltJf2+=
w 273 Zhao Xue - Pogoni na, N. � Sochi (rapid), 2015
22 �g7?
22 . . . lt:Ja3 !
ctJf2+ !
23 . � b2
(23.�xa3? �d3 24.�cl �xa2 25.�b2 jLxb2 26.ctJxb2 �xb3-+) 23 . . . �xb2 24.lt:Jxb2 LllDa4
24 . . . �b5 ! ?+ Ll . . . c4, . li es
m 276 Aflalo, S. - Mi lliet, 5. � Saint-Quentin, 2015
23.a4 lt:Jc7 24.�c3 �xc3 25.lt:Jxc3 �d3 26. 11 b2 �b4oo
56 h7 57.g3 59.hxg4?? h3??
0-1 (49}
59 ... lt:Jxg4 60. l1 e4 (60.�e l 60 ... 11 b1 + 61. g2 h3+-+
w 274 Edouard, R. - Cao, J. � Montreal, 2015
60.lt:Je3 \t>g6=
. .
l1 b2+
0-1 (72)
18...exf5 19. l1xf5 ltJ7f6 20.lt:Je3?? lt:Jf4??
m 211 M uzychuk, M . - Adams, M . � Baku, 2015
20 ... ctJxe3 2 l.�xe3 �xh2++
21.�f3 ltJg6 22.�xf6+42.f5 d4 43.exd4 e3 44. 11 f4?? 1-0 (26) 44.�cl ! �f3+ 45.�xf3 �xf2 + 46. �e4oo
44...�c4+ 45.�g3 �d5 =t
w 275 Edouard, R. - Cornette, M . � Sai nt-Quentin, 2015
0-1 (52)
32... lt:Jxd3 33.�f1?? l1b1??
The Chess Manual of Avoidable Mistakes 2
m 278 Karttu nen, M . - Topalov, V. � Skopje, 2015
60.�g2 �e4+ 61.llf3 llxh2+ 62.�xh2 �xf3 63.'ii' d4 �g6 64.�c4 'ir'e3 65.�g2 �e6 66.'i'f4 'ir'dS+ 67.�g3 �gS 68.xg4 ll f2 64 . � g5 (64.h5
70.�e3 �d6+ 71.'li'f4 �dS 72.�e3?? 'ii'gS??
�f4+ 6S.�g5 �d4 66.�xd2 11 xd2 67.�g6 c;tt e6-+) 64 .. . � e4 (64... 11 fS+!? 65S�g6 11 f6+ 66.�g7 11 d6 67.Ilxd2 11 xd2 68.h5 \tlfS-+) 65. ll xd2 (65. 11 d8 11 fS+ 66.�g6 11 dS-+) 65 . . . ll xd2 66.h5 � e5 67. �g6 � e6 -+
72 ... �e5+-+
73.�f4 fS 74.'ii'd6+?? 74.�f3!=
63.�e3 Ats 64.llxd2 llh3+ 65.�f2 �f4 66.�g2 lig3+=
0-1 (74)
0-1 (84)
w 279
H racek, Z. - Vu Ya ngyi � Skopje, 2015
w 280 Abdumalik, Z. - Edoua rd, R. � Ca p d'Agde, 2015
57...'1We6+ 58.g4 �g7 59.'+i'd2 llh8+?
32...�h8 33.�xd4 �b7??
59 .. . �e5 ! 60. !i g3 (60 .�g2 �e4+-+ l t .. 11 c2) 60 . . . �e4 6l. !i e3 �h7+ 62. � g3 li c 2-+
33 ...Ilel+ 34.�xel �xd4+ 35.�fl �b5+ 36.�g2 1i'b7+ 37.