The Agora of Athens: the history, shape and uses of an ancient city center 9780876612149

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Table of contents :
PREFACE (page vii)
FIGURES (page xiii)
PLATES (page xiv)
I. BEFORE SOLON (page 1)
IV. STOAS (page 82)
VI. SHRINES (page 117)
IX. PAUSANIAS (page 204)
X. AFTER THE HERULI (page 208)
CONCORDANCE (page 235)
INDEX (page 237)
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The Agora of Athens: the history, shape and uses of an ancient city center

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The program had a good beginning under an outstanding architect, but then it faltered, presumably because public works had a lower priority than national defense. Some parts of the structure were finished in a very frugal fashion; other parts were not even begun. Much of the building, nevertheless, was carried to the point where it could be used, and in this condition it continued in service into the 2nd century B.c. The new building was simple and clear-cut in its overall plan: a great square peristyle comprising a central courtyard measuring 38.75 m. to the side, bordered on all four sides by colonnades with the generous width of 8.60 meters. There was to have been a monumental entrance in the west side, i.e. from the side of the Agora square, and a simple doorway in the opposite wall; neither was ever finished. The earthen floor of the court sloped very gently down from

THE LAW COURTS: NORTHEAST CORNER OF AGORA 61 south to north, and the rain water was carried off through two drains beneath the north colonnade. The outer wall was of brick. The colonnades surrounding the court were built of hard limestone, in the Doric order, and, for their period, they were of excellent quality (Pl. 40, a). Water was made available in a cistern beneath the south colonnade. The cistern was supplied by a pipeline coming down from the south; water was drawn from manholes, one in the south colonnade and one near the southeast corner of the court. A combination of evidence makes altogether probable a continuity in function between the group of old buildings and the Square Peristyle. In the first place the new building was set down directly over the site of the old, and its area was very close to the combined areas of its predecessors. An effort was made to provide for the functions of the old buildings while the new was under construction by setting up within the courtyard of the new a section of columnand-parapet barrier evidently taken from one of the old structures which had been demolished. Both the old complex and the Square Peristyle were approached chiefly from the side of the Agora proper, but each was accessible also through a secondary entrance on the east side. In the southeast corner of the court of the Square Peristyle the excavation brought to light a series of postholes in alignment with the colonnades. The wooden posts stood about 0.90 meters, or three feet, from the stylobate on which the columns rested, one post opposite the mid point between each pair of columns. In all likelihood these posts supported a rope barrier encircling the courtyard, its purpose, no doubt, to control access to the colonnades. The arrangement is thus reminiscent of that which flanked the south side of Building C. The ready availability of water is another point in common between the old and the new establishments. Thus we may conclude with some assurance that the Square Peristyle, like its predecessors, was designed for the use of law courts. We may assume that individual courts functioned simultaneously in the various colonnades. Since each of the colonnades offered approximately 870 square meters of clear floor space between columns and back wall each could have accommodated a court of 500 jurors. That a court could meet in a stoa is evident from the known

fact that courts did meet in the Stoa Poikile (p. 93). Beyond this we cannot at present venture. The style of its architecture and the associated pottery suggest for the start of work on the Square Peristyle a date in the neighborhood of 325 B.c.,1% a little late to have been seen by Aristotle before writing his Constitution of the Athenians. On the other hand the group of earlier

buildings on this site, though they would qualify in date, seem altogether too informal and irregular to be identified with the series of law courts (dikasteria) to which Aristotle repeatedly refers in his discussion of the courts. That series, it seems, is still to be found or recognized. A second concentration of equipment proper to law courts was observed by the excavators in the area to the south of the Tholos, just outside the official limits of the Agora.’4 Here was found the terracotta water clock noted above, as also a number of ballots, tokens and bronze balls. Several small buildings of the 5th and 4th centuries B.c. had stood here before the area was cleared for the Middle Stoa in the 2nd century s.c. None of them, however, stands out as suitable for a law court. They may nevertheless have contained storerooms for the equipment of the law courts. We must also reckon with the possibility that certain items of equipment, such as kleroteria, water clocks and ballots, might have been used in the Bouleuterion as well as in the law courts. 173 One of the clearest indications of the date of the Square Peristyle was the discovery in its construction filling of a stele bearing a law against tyranny passed in 337/6 B.c. (I 6524; Hesperia, XXI, 1952, pp. 355-359, no. 5; XXII, 1953, p. 129; our Pl. 58, a). The stele was probably taken down when the Macedonians occupied Athens in 322 s.c. and put out of sight by being thrown into the earth fill of a building then under construction. The stele when found in 1952 was remarkaan Gide’ pp. 111f., no. 58, p. 214 (bibliography).

62 FACILITIES FOR CIVIG ADMINISTRATION THe HEiara We turn next to a building in which no dikastic equipment has been found but which by virtue of its design and location invites consideration in our present enquiry. This is the large rectangular structure at the southwest corner of the early Agora (Fig. 19, Pls. 5, 41, a).’” Rising

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Fig. 19. South Side of Agora, from Northeast. Middle of 4th Century B.c. (J. Travlos)

on high ground at the junction of important north-to-south and east-to-west roads the building was exceedingly prominent until the 2nd century B.c. when it was incorporated in the South Square. In its original form the structure was a walled enclosure, not quite a true rectangle in plan, with interior measurements of about 26.50 x 81 meters yielding an area of about 821 square meters. An earthen floor sloped down gently from south to north assuring natural drainage. The principal entrance was in the middle of the north side; a lesser doorway opened near the middle of the east side. The enclosure wall stood on a stepped foundation across the north side, elsewhere on a rough packing of limestone (Pl. 42, b); enough of the foundation remains in place to make the plan certain. The visible wall was built of squared blocks of Aeginetan limestone (Fig. 20). It was topped by a saddle-shaped crowning member with a projecting cornice on either side (Pl. 42, a). On one side the soffit of the cornice was adorned with a hawksbeak bed moulding delicately painted. We have no clue to the height of the wall. It was presumably high enough to keep out intruders, and its height may have been greater on the south side where the roadway outside the enclosure was about 1% meters higher than the floor inside. Of this wall only a few scattered blocks survive; all are unmistakable because of their material, dimensions and outstandingly fine workmanship. 175 Guide*, pp. 106-108, no. 55, pp. 206, 312 (bibliography).

THE LAW COURTS: HELIAIA 638 On the evidence of associated pottery and the profile of its cornice moulding the enclosure wall may be dated at the beginning of the 5th century B.c. Its orientation 1s identical with that of the earlier buildings beneath the Old Bouleuterion. The very considerable mass of soft bedrock that was removed to level the interior of the enclosure may well be the filling that was employed to bring up the ground level in the area where the Old Bouleuterion was to be erected a few years later.1”6 Omen 0.78 -_—0

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ae a oe eer One ere eee D 1, 1964 Fig. 20. Wall of Heliaia (J. Travlos)

By a process of elimination one is virtually driven to the conclusion that this enclosure was a law court, indeed the largest and most famous of them all, viz. the Heliaia before which were tried the most important cases affecting the public.” It does in fact meet the requirements of the literary evidence which calls for an enclosure as old at least as the middle of the 5th century

and large enough to allow as many as 1500 jurors to sit together under the open sky. In its position our building happily balanced the early meeting place of the Council of Five Hundred,

the Old Bouleuterion. In the early times of which we are now speaking the general assembly of the whole citizen body, the Ekklesia, undoubtedly still held its meetings in the 176 Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 4, 120 (fig. 64), 134.

177 On the Heliaia as both institution and building cf. Wachsmuth, Stadt Athen, II, pp. 8359-365; Wycherley, Agora, ITI, pp. 145f. The recent proposal (Hesperia, XX XV, 1966, pp. 40-48) to identify the rectangular enclosure with the principal sanctuary of Theseus is less plausible than the identification with the Heliaia that was put forward when the building was first cleared (Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, p. 38). Particularly damaging to the heroon hypothesis has been the failure to find any indication of a repository for the relics of the hero. The Theseion is presumably to be sought in areas still unexcavated to the east of the Agora (p. 125).

64 FACILITIES FOR CIVIG ADMINISTRATION Agora and toward the southwest corner of the square. It would have been proper for the two major representative bodies, the Council for legislation, the Heliaia for the enforcement of the laws, to be accommodated in convenient proximity to one another and to the meeting place of the Ekklesia. Another parallelism may be noted. The Prytaneis who presided over the meetings of the Council had their office and dining facilities in the near-by Tholos. Elsewhere we shall find reason to believe that the Thesmothetai who presided over the meetings of the Heliaia had corresponding accommodations in South Stoa I which rose near the east side of our enclosure (pp. 77-78). In the course of its long history the Heliaia underwent many alterations. One of the first major changes is to be dated in the 4th century B.c., probably its third quarter. At that time a series of rooms was inserted in the west side of the original enclosure; they were provided with a light colonnade that faced on the remaining unroofed area. Water was piped in from the adjacent aqueduct to a deep basin in one of the western rooms. The construction of the rooms necessitated the removal of the crowning member from the wall on the west side of the enclosure. A number of the distinctive crowning blocks were re-used at this time in the foundations for the south part of Building C at the northeast corner of the Agora.

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Fig. 21. Water Clock in front of Heliaia, from Northeast (J. Travlos)

THE LAW COURTS: SOUTH SQUARE 65 At about this same time, certainly within the 4th century, a water clock was installed against the north wall of the Heliaia toward the northwest corner of the building (Fig. 21, Pl. 41, b).1%8 It was activated by water drawn from the great stone aqueduct. Situated as it was beside one of the principal entrances to the Agora the timepiece must have been a convenience for the public in general, but its location may well have been determined in part at least by the need of precise timing in the administration of the courts (p. 202). The next major event in the architectural history of the Heliaia involved the roofing of the remaining part of the old enclosure. This area was almost exactly square in plan, and the roof was supported internally by a peristyle centered in the square space. The corners of the peristyle consisted not of columns but of L-shaped sections of wall; this implies that the central part of the roof was elevated in the form of a lantern the better to illuminate the interior of the building (Fig. 22, Pls. 7, 11, 12, b, 18, a). This operation appears to have been carried out in the middle of the 2nd century B.c. THE SoutH SQUARE

Likewise in the 2nd century, in the course of its second and third quarters, a dramatic change occurred in the setting of the Heliaia. The old building was incorporated in a great new complex which is most prudently designated as the South Square (Fig. 22, Pls. 7, 18, 48). In addition to the Heliaia this square comprised the Middle Stoa, the East Building, and South

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Bk \\ The building in its present form cannot, to be sure, be as early as the time of Solon. But the free re-use of old material in the foundations of the Stoa suggests the prior existence in the neighborhood of a building sufficiently early to lend some credibility to Aristotle’s statement. We are on firmer ground when we come to the revision of the codes of Drakon and of Solon that were carried out in the closing decade of the 5th century.*6 A marble stele found in 1848 during the construction of the Cathedral at a point ca. 700 m. to the east of the Stoa proves to contain a revision dating from 409/8 s.c. of part of Drakon’s law on homicide (PI. 48, b).?” According to its own text the stele was to be set up in or in front of the Stoa Basileios. The Agora excavations have yielded a number of fragments of other marbles engraved likewise with revisions of the old codes and datable from their letter forms to the close of the 5th century ; several pieces of similar documents had been found earlier.28 The surviving parts include both secular and sacred law; in the latter category calendars of festivals are prominent. In one case the marble has the form of a normal stele like that bearing the revised code of Drakon. But most of 23 Ath.Pol., 55, 5.

24 The Stone of Injury (‘YBpis) and the Stone of Ruthlessness (Avaidelfa) on which the Accused and Accuser stood when appearing before the Court of the Areopagus are described by Pausanias (I, 28, 5) as unworked: d&pyoi Aifo1. These stones are probably identical with the “‘Altars of Injury and Ruthlessness”’ referred to by Theophrastos (apud Zenobios, IV, 36). The object in front of the Stoa Basileios is referred to by Demosthenes (LIV, 26) as an altar (Bwpds); but Harpokration (followed by Suidas) in quoting the passage reads ‘‘stone’”’ (Ai€os). Cf. Agora, III, no. 9 and Frazer’s note on Pausanias I,

6 4th. Pol, 7, 1. On the vexed question of where the axones and kyrbeis were kept cf. Agora, III, pp. 30f. 26 A. R. W. Harrison, ‘“Law-making at Athens at the End of the Fifth Century B.c.,” J.H.S., LX XV, 1955, pp. 26-35. 27 1.G., I,2 115. See the new edition by R. S. Stroud, Drakon’s Law on Homicide, University of California Press, Classical Studies, vol. 3, 1968. We are grateful to Professor Stroud for the photograph shown in Plate 48, b. 28 Cf. J. H. Oliver, Hesperia, IV, 1935, pp. 5-32; 8. Dow, “The Athenian Law Code of 411-401 B.c.,’’ Hesperia, X, 1941, pp. 31-87 ; idem, ‘‘The Law Codes of Athens,” Proceedings Massachusetts Historical Society, LX XI, 1953-57, pp. 3-36. Professor

Dow and associates are preparing a comprehensive monograph on the subject.

STOA BASILEIOS 89 the fragments come from tall marble slabs that were set edge to edge, tightly jointed and inscribed on both faces, measures evidently intended for the display of a maximum amount of text in a limited space. These inscriptions are undoubtedly to be associated with the program for the re-editing of the old laws that is most clearly documented by Andokides’ speech On the Mysteries and Lysias’ 30th oration, Against Nikomachos, both of 899 B.c.?° According to Andokides, drafts of the revised texts were to be displayed on wooden tablets in front of the Eponymoi. After exposure to the citizens and scrutiny by the Council and the Nomothetai, the approved versions were inscribed “‘on the wall where they had previously been inscribed.” In a subsequent passage of the speech this final publication is said to have taken place “in the Stoa.” Hence ‘“‘the wall” is to be sought in the Stoa. The Stoa is not further defined, but in view of the other evidence which we have noted for the association of law codes with the Stoa Basileios, we may safely assume that in this case also the Basileios was meant. It is to be hoped that the study of the ruins of the building will lead to the more precise identification of ‘‘the wall.” To return now to the actual remains of the Stoa Basileios, we recall that we have in the sills between the columns of the annexes sockets suitable both for normal stelai like that bearing the revision of the Drakonian law on homicide and for the multiple stelai represented by the numerous fragments. The annexes, in fact, may well have been designed for this specific purpose. While providing shelter against the weather they would also have permitted two-faced inscrip-

tions to be read from either side. Furthermore, the arrangement kept the laws in convenient proximity to the Stoa without reducing the seating capacity of the original building. And we now see that the archons, as they stood on the lithos and swore to preserve the laws of the city, were flanked to right and left by the official versions of those laws.*° In accordance with a reasonable Athenian practice busy officials were provided with eating facilities in the building in which they had their offices. Thus the Prytaneis had a common mess in the Tholos (p. 44) and the Thesmothetai in the Thesmotheteion (p. 77), while the Strategoi at least on occasion dined and made sacrifice together, presumably in the Strategion (p. 73). One might expect similar accommodation for the Basileus. It so happens that a well closed ca. 460 B.c. in an area that was later covered by the Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios at a point ca. 30 m. south of the Stoa Basileios has yielded a mass of broken pottery including large cooking and serving vessels and many drinking cups.*! No less than sixteen of these vases were marked

with the ligature A which is to be expanded as AEMOZION, i.e. official or state property. The debris is therefore to be associated in all probability with some near-by official mess (syssition), most likely for the convenience of the Archon Basileus and his associates. A modest house-like building of which some slight remains lie beneath the north end of the Stoa of Zeus, between the well and the Stoa Basileios, may have contained appropriate domestic facilities

(PI. 3). The newly found building is thus seen to have a double interest. For the first time we gain a clear picture of the accommodations assigned to a single magistrate for the conduct of his official business. In this respect the new evidence supplements that provided by the Tholos for the facilities available to a group of civic officials. In the second place the discovery demonstrates once again the versatility of the Stoa as an architectural type. In this connection not the least striking feature of the building is its miniature scale. Most stoas, irrespective of their 29 Gf. Agora, III, no. 6 for the relevant passages from Andokides (I, 82-85). 30 It is a puzzling fact that the majority of the fragments to be assigned to the revision of the code have come to light in

the area to the east of the Tholos, one of them, I 727, re-used as a cover slab above the Great Drain; Agora, III, p. 22. Not a single piece has as yet been found near the Stoa Basileios. 31 1), Talcott, “Vases and Kalos-Names from an Agora Well,’ Hesperia, V, 1936, pp. 333-304. 82 Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 18.

90 STOAS period or location, were designed to accommodate the maximum number of people. Ours was evidently intended specifically for the official needs of the Archon Basileus, and it is illuminating to discover that one of the principal magistrates of the city should have been content with such modest physical accommodation.

STOA POIKILE One of the first important buildings set up in the Agora after the Persian Wars was the Poikile or Painted Stoa. It cannot be dated precisely, but it was probably built before the middle of the 5th century, and a date toward 460 B.c. would suit well enough both the dates of the persons associated with it and the character of the scanty remains. One Peisianax, we are told, was somehow responsible for the erection of the Stoa; perhaps he proposed the relevant decree.*? The Stoa was called after him “Peisianakteios’’; but because of the splendor of the paintings the handier name Poikile (many-colored) soon prevailed, even in official documents. Peisianax seems to have been related to Kimon by marriage, and the Stoa may have been part of Kimon’s grand design for the embellishment of Athens. The first literary allusion to the Stoa is in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, 678-679 (411 B.c.), where the chorus refer to Amazons in Mikon’s painting to show that “‘woman is a horsey creature.”’ The first known use of the name Poikile is in a speech of Demosthenes (XLV, 17) and an inscription,** both of the middle of the 4th century; but one can imagine that the name was current long before this time. The excavators have not discovered the site of the Poikile, but this in itself is significant. Harlier topographers generally assumed that the Stoa was on the north side; this seemed to suit its place in Pausanias’ description best. But the site was by no means clear or universally agreed. Now that the west, south and east sides have all been thoroughly investigated, and the foundations of the building have not been found, one can assume with confidence that it was indeed on the north, in the region of Hadrian Street not far from the Church of St. Philip. The recent discovery in the eastern half of the north side of the Agora of substantial buildings of Roman date, with traces of earlier houses at lower levels, pushes the site somewhat to the west, though probably one should still leave room for the Stoa of the Herms (p. 94) at the extreme northwest corner of the square (Fig. 7, Pls. 5-8). In this situation the Stoa Poikile

marked the furthest northern limit of the Agora; and it faced south over the square and caught the sun, an important factor in a building which was to be a lesche or lounge. But the information provided by the excavations does not consist wholly of deductions from negative evidence. In 1949, when a wall of the 5th century after Christ was being dismantled in the northeastern section of the excavations in front of the Stoa of Attalos, much re-used material was taken from it, including large numbers of fragments of brown Aiginetan poros, a material used at Athens for important buildings from the time of Peisistratos, and some of the harder white poros of Peiraeus (PI. 49, a, c).36 These were of good workmanship and obviously came from a single important building. No suitable foundations with which to associate them had been found, and the excavators’ thoughts naturally turned to the unexcavated north side and to the Poikile. Most of the fragments are of Doric members — “‘a fluted drum, 83 Schol. Demosthenes, XX, 112; see further Agora, III, pp. 31ff., 45, notes 1 and 2; Pauly-Wissowa, s.v. Peisianax, col. 147; R. Meiggs, Supplement to Greece and Rome, X, 1963, p. 44. 4 1.G., IT?, 1641; cf. also 1670; Agora, III, p. 45. 3% Judeich, Topographie,? p. 336.

36 Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pp. 327-329; Phoenix, VII, 1953, pp. 22, 24; A.J.A., LXVIII, 1964, p. 200. For a comprehensive study of the material now known cf. Lucy S. Meritt, Hesperia, XX XIX, 1970, pp. 233-264.

STOA POIKILE 91 an anta capital, epistyle, triglyphs, horizontal cornice.”’ But Ionic columns were employed too, as is shown by a small fragment of a column base, to which may belong a fragment of unfluted shaft; presumably these came from interior columns. There are also a number of bits of wall blocks (Pl. 49, c). Some of these have holes drilled in them, and in some of the holes are traces of iron pins. These may have been used to hold in position a wooden frame, to which

boards could be attached.?’ When we recall that the pictures of the Poikile are said to have been painted on wooden panels (sanides),?° we are led to the conclusion that the fragments do indeed give us a slight and tantalizing contact with the famous Stoa, in spite of the somewhat makeshift system of attachment.® Many of the stones bear traces of paint from which the decoration of the architectural details can be restored. Particularly important is a group of fragments from which an anta capital has been reconstructed, with a double lotus-and-palmette on its main, lower band, and a tongue pattern on the hawksbeak above (PI. 49, a, b).%° The relation of this anta capital to the wall which it joins shows that it belongs not to a main side wall but to a screen wall making a return along part of the front of the Stoa; presumably there was a similar return at the other end, giving a greater degree of enclosure than in other types of stoa. This would afford greater protection to the paintings, though we shall find in the Stoa of Zeus that pictures were installed

even in a fully open colonnade. The style of the mouldings can be related to that of other buildings of the middle of the 5th century. They appear to be a few years earlier than the Temple of Hephaistos and may be tentatively dated about 460 B.c. Thus these slight remains have proved remarkably helpful. The pictures themselves of course still elude us, except that the new material confirms that they were painted on boards and were not frescoes applied directly to the walls. The literary evidence on this point is very late and had been doubted.*! This is not the place to describe

the pictures in detail or to discuss their authorship and their importance in the history of painting.” We are merely concerned with their place in the scheme of the Stoa and the Agora. It meant much to the Athenians that they had a series of masterpieces of contemporary painting openly displayed in a place frequented by all and sundry. The Marathon picture above all had a great impact on them, moral as well as aesthetic. Less fortunately, it was from about this time that large-scale painting began to dominate vase-painting, hitherto a supreme art in its own right. We do not know how the pictures were disposed around the walls. Pausanias (I, 15) gives a sequence of four; first, a battle of Athenians and Lakedaimonians at Oinoe in the Argive territory (painter not named) ;* then, ‘‘on the middle one of the walls’ (or his words might mean ‘Yon the middle part of the walls’), the Athenians and Theseus fighting the Amazons; next, 37 Cuttings in some of the blocks suggest the possibility that wooden members were set into the face of the wall as in other buildings adorned with paintings. Cf. below, note 39. 38 Sopatros, Ataipeois Znthuctowv, 340ff.; Synesios, Hpist., 54 and 135; see Agora, III, pp. 42, 43-44; Phoemz, VII, 1953, p. 24.

39 As compared for example with the structure of walls and boards in the pre-Mnesiklean propylon of the Acropolis; see W.B. Dinsmoor, Architecture of Ancient Greece, p. 198; Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 329. Note also G. Roux, B.C.H., LXXVI, 1952, pp. 182f. (Stoa of Attalos at Delphi); and J. Pouilloux, Fouilles de Delphes, II, La region nord du sanctuarre, 1960, pp. 186f. (Lesche at Delphi). 40 The capital is 0.405 m. high, 0.79 m. wide on its broad face, 0.465 m. on its narrow face; the adjoining wall is only 0.40 m. thick. The triglyph is 0.48 m. wide which calls for a column with a lower diameter close to 1 m. 41 See note 38 above. 42 M. H. Swindler, Ancient Painting, New Haven, 1929, pp. 209ff.; A. Rumpf, Malerei und Zeichnung der Griechen, Munich,

1958, pp. 92ff.; M. Robertson, Greek Painting, Geneva, 1959, pp. 121ff.; D. von Bothmer, Amazons in Greek Art, Oxford, 1957, Ch. X, A, pp. 160ff.

43 The occasion of this battle is very obscure and disputed; it has sometimes been dated in the 4th century; see most recently L. H. Jeffery, B.S.A., LX, 1965, pp. 41-57, who suggests that it happened during the vigorous campaign of Tolmides

around the coast of Peloponnesos in 457 s.c. Miss Jeffery discusses the political background and is inclined to think that the building was erected and the main paintings executed before Kimon’s ostracism in 462/1 B.c.

92 STOAS the scene at Troy after the capture; and finally “the last part of the painting,” the battle of Marathon. Thus we have two traditional subjects between two historical; beyond this the arrangement is wholly conjectural, and it is not even clear whether the paintings were confined to the long back wall or made use of the end walls too. The Marathon picture in itself consisted of three sections, according to Pausanias.“ At one point the Plataeans and Athenians were at grips with the enemy; the “inner part’ showed the barbarians in flight; at the “extreme end of the painting’ the Greeks were slaughtering them as they fell into the ships. The rest of the description, however, seems to show that the whole painting was one and that the same people were not shown three times. Mikon of Athens painted the Amazons, Polygnotos of Thasos the fall of Troy. Marathon was attributed to Panainos of Athens by Pausanias (V, II, 6) and Pliny (XX XV, 57), and to Mikon or Polygnotos by others.* The authority is weakest for Polygnotos, and there certainly was a tendency to transfer works of art to the more famous artist. Perhaps Marathon was a composite work of Mikon and Panainos; and perhaps Polygnotos, the most distinguished of all, had some general direction of the whole work; some authors simply say

that he “painted the Stoa.’’ These are the only pictures of which we can be sure. We hear of others on more doubtful authority. A very confused scholion on Aristophanes, Plutus, 3854” mentions a picture of the Herakleidai coming to Athens as supphiants, by Pamphilos (early 4th century) or by Apollodoros (late 4th century); and one of the notes on this passage says it was “in the Stoa of the Athenians,’ presumably the Poikile. Sophokles was depicted in the Poikile playing the lyre, according to his Lnfe,*8 but this may mean that his likeness was inserted in one of the major paintings. We need not take seriously a statement that not only Marathon but Salamis was shown ;*? such a picture would have been equally famous and frequently mentioned. Yet the Stoa was indeed a Hall of Victories. One further bit of archaeological evidence illustrates this. Pausanias (I, 15, 4) mentions bronze shields dedicated in the Stoa, some of which were said to have been taken from the Lakedaimonians captured at Sphakteria in 425 B.o. Such a shield has been found.” It is made of thin bronze and is oval in shape, with an elaborately braided border (Fig. 26, PI. 49, d). It bears an inscription written by means of punch holes, in letters of the late 5th century B.c. "ASnvaior dtd AaxeSaip[ov]icy é [T]Ao, “The Athenians

(dedicated this) from the Lakedaimonians from Pylos.” Curiously it was found nowhere near

the proposed site, but in a cistern, for which it had apparently served as lid, south of the Temple of Hephaistos. It had reached this ignominious position long before Pausanias’ time; the cistern was filled up about 300 B.c. Perhaps it had suffered damage and been ruthlessly discarded. The Poikile was one of the main focal points around which Athenian life in all its varied forms revolved. To judge by our plentiful evidence, it was primarily a superior lesche or place of informal conversation, and only occasionally and secondarily a place of official business. In 441,15; see further Agora, III, pp. 39-41; add to testimonia given in Agora, III, Harpokration, 6t1 Siapyaptd&ver Kal Anyuoovevns. J. H. Schreiner, Proceedings of Cambridge Philological Society, N.S. XVI, 1970, pp. 97-112, suggests that there

were two conflicts at Marathon and two paintings, but this does not agree with the triple composition noted by Pausanias. 45 For the various attributions see Agora, III, pp. 31, 45. 46 Plutarch, Kimon, 4,6; Harpokration and Suidas, ToAvyvootos. 47 See Agora, III, no. 58, pp. 34-35; it is worth noting that the Altar of Eleos, with which the Herakleidai were associated, was probably near at hand (p. 135). On the whole, however, it is perhaps best to assume that Pausanias mentioned all the paintings which were there in his time. See Jeffery, op. cit., pp. 43, 46. 48 Biogr. Graect, ed. Westermann, p. 127; cf. Masqueray, Budé ed., Vol. I, p. xxxiil. See Jeffery, op. cit., p. 48. 49 Schol. Gregory of Nazianzos, Contra Julianum, I. 50 Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 346-348; ’Apy. ’Eg., 1937, pp. 140-148; Picture Book, 4, nos. 33-384; Guide? p. 169. In I 39438, Hesperia, XXV, 1956, p. 88, no.6, A. M. Woodward very tentatively mentions the possible restoration [d&oml5e]s Aakov[ikat--]

in a small fragment of what might be an inventory of the 5th century s.c. A hole in one of the interior column drums suggests that some of the shields may have hung on the columns.

STOA POIKILE 93 its companion stoa on the west side we shall find the order reversed. In and around the Poikile one might find, on their various occasions, priests, poets and philosophers, jurymen, jugglers and beggars.*! The Scholiast on Frogs, 369 tells us that the Hierophant of the Mysteries made a proclamation in the Stoa; and this would be a very suitable place, as the procession paused on its way through the Agora from the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore in the city to their sanctuary at Eleusis. Diogenes Laertius®? mentions an altar; but we do not know what cult

[EEA soi) ae ee SE =4 A group of poets frequented it and bore the name Stoic before the philosophers took over. Curiously, Plato never brings Sokrates to the Poikile, but we can be quite sure that he was a familiar figure there. Some of the Cynics more or less lived in the stoas, especially the Poikile; this we can well believe, even if the story that the elderly Krates took his beautiful young bride to the Stoa can be attributed to the ill-bred jibes of Hipparchia’s relations.°® Zeno appropriated the Stoa in the late 4th century and delivered discourses walking up and down, 5t Agora, III, p. 31. 52 Apparently with a wooden enclosure; VII, i, 14. 53 See note 34.

54 Diogenes Laertius, VII, i, 5. 55 Ibid.

56 Apuleius, Florida, 14; Musonius, XIV (ed. Hense); Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis, IV, 19, 21, indicates that the stoa in question is the Poikile.

94 STOAS while his hearers might sit on steps or benches (bathra) ;°’ and instead of being called Zenonians by analogy with their rivals, his followers acquired the name — perhaps at first a nickname — of Stoics. Throughout antiquity the Stoa continued to be the scene of lively and informal discussion, as we see in Lucian.*® We do not know whether like the Stoa of Zeus (p. 102) it ever acquired an annex in the form of enclosed rooms behind; these might have been useful for philosophical seminars. Bishop Synesios of Cyrene, writing about a.p. 400, provides a sad epilogue.®® The Poikile, he found, had lost its paintings and was now a mere husk of its former self. A certain proconsul had taken away the boards to which Polygnotos had committed his art, recently, 1t appears; Synesios speaks as if with disappointment. In what shape the pictures can have survived the Herulian sack of a.p. 267 it is difficult to imagine; presumably in any case they were subjected to a good deal of retouching from time to time. But the fabric was apparently still maintained until about a.p. 400; the fresh color on the fragments suggests that they come from a building quite recently in use. But not long afterwards came the final destruction, and stones from the Poikile made their way into the wall where they were found, built alongside a millstream.

STOA OF THE HERMS ‘‘Pass on in thought,” says Aischines (III, 186), “to the Stoa Poikile too; the memorials of all your great deeds are set up in the Agora.” Immediately before this (188-185) he has been speaking of the monument which commemorated the victory of Kimon and his colleagues over the Persians at EHion in Thrace in 475 .c. The Demos, he says, allowed the victors to set up three stone Herms “‘in the Stoa of the Herms,” on condition that the names of the generals themselves were not inscribed. It was perhaps this monument that inspired the picture by the Pan Painter on a red-figured pelike now in the Louvre (PI. 50, b).® Aischines’ words suggest, though they hardly prove, that the monument was adjacent to the Poikile. The “Stoa of the Herms’’ has been the subject of much doubt and difficulty. We meet it nowhere else in ancient literature; Demosthenes, speaking of the Kion monument (XX, 112), says nothing of a stoa. But some of the notoriously confused notes on what the ancient commentators call the “three stoas of Athens’ include the Stoa of the Herms.*! By a stroke of unusual good fortune a solid piece of indubitable evidence came to light in 1962, when, in the course of work in Theseion Street, a short distance to the northwest of the Agora, two stelai were taken from the wall of a building of Roman (possibly Antonine) date overlying earlier houses.** Both are inscribed with decrees honoring the cavalry officers, Hipparchs and Phylarchs. One was to be set up “‘beside the Herms”’ ;® of the other, dated in the archonship of Nikias, 282/1 B.c., two copies were to be set up, one in the shrine of Poseidon (i.e. at the Kolonos Hippios, away to the northwest), the other “in the Stoa of the Herms.”’ 57 Diogenes Laertius, VII, i, 5, 14, 22; see further Agora, ITI, p. 31. A medallion from the floor of a terracotta bowl (P 22351) of the 8rd century after Christ vividly represents a philosopher who is possibly Zeno: Hesperia, XXII, 1953, p. 56; Picture Book, 5, no.5; G.M. A. Richter, Greek Portraits, III, Collection Latomus, XLVIII, Brussels, 1960, p. 46, fig. 204; eadem, Portraits of the Greeks, II, London, 1965, p. 189; below p. 215. 58 Lucian, Iwppiter Tragoedus, 15, 16, 32, 33. 59 See note 38 above. 60 Cf. below, note 73.

61 See Agora, III, pp. 102ff., nos. 301, 313; cf. abid., pp. 21, 30. 62 J. Threpsiades and E. Vanderpool, AcAt., XVIII, 1963, pp. 103 ff.

63 This stone is not complete, and the date is not precisely known, but there is reason to believe that it falls between 286 and 261 B.c. The formula ‘‘by the Herms”’ also occurs in a decree in honor of the Hipparchs of 188/7 s.c., found in the Kerameikos, and published by Habicht in Ath. Mitt., LX XVI, 1961, p. 127. I 5143, Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 78, no. 155, found in the ,wall of a modern house southeast of the Agora, is a fragment of a decree in honor of the Hipparchs, ca. 160 B.c.; below, p. 159, note 219.

STOA OF THE HERMS 95 Thus one need no longer question the existence of a stoa of this name, or tamper with the text of Aischines ;*4 and one need not look far from Theseion Street for the site of the building (Fig. 7, Pls. 1, 5, 11). The traditional square pillars, surmounted by a head of the god, were a

favorite type of dedication at Athens, and they stood everywhere in the streets and at gateways of shrines and private houses.® But there was one particular spot where they were so numerous that it was called simply “The Herms.”’ These were the Herms par excellence. Even be-

fore the recent discoveries there was good evidence that this place was at the northwestern entrance, the main approach or “‘gateway”’ to the Agora. A reliable ancient commentator® says that the Herms “are from the Poikile and the Stoa of the Basileus” (p. 85). Since he adds that they were ‘‘set up in large numbers both by private individuals and by magistrates,”’ one may presume that they accumulated in a somewhat haphazard fashion. The bases found fn front of the newly discovered Stoa Basileios (p. 85) no doubt belonged to “‘The Herms.”’ Many Herms have been found in the region of the Agora. They are mostly late and archaistic, but one head, of fine quality though much battered, can be dated in the four-seventies. Though found further south, near the Tholos, it just possibly belongs to Kimon’s dedication. Its nose was knocked off in ancient times, perhaps in the mutilation of the Herms in 415 B.c., and a replacement was attached by means of a dowel (PI. 50, a).® The bronze Hermes Agoraios seen by Pausanias (I, 15, 1) on the north side of the Agora as

he approached the Poikile, near a gateway on which the Athenians had erected a trophy of their victory over Pleistarchos brother of Kassandros, was presumably a fully anthropomorphic

statue, not a columnar Herm. Lucian® speaks of its fine lines and graceful contours, much copied by later sculptors. According to Philochoros® the Hermes Agoraios was originally set up in the archonship of Kebris, before the Persian Wars. Perhaps what Lucian and Pausanias saw was a later replacement of a more primitive figure destroyed or removed by the Persians.” The Herms seem to have played an important part in the exercises and ceremonial rides of the cavalry. A comic fragment and a passage of Xenophon show them mustering there.” Thus it ig not surprising that they should choose to set up monuments and inscriptions near the Herms. The well known base bearing the signature of the sculptor Bryaxis,” which commemorated the victories of certain Phylarchs in the cavalry contest known as the Anthippasia, was found im situ in 1891; in the light of the more recent excavations one can see that it stood just behind the south end of the Stoa Basileios. The Stoa of the Herms, with Kimon’s monument, was presumably an important element in the general scheme. If it was put up at the time of the original dedication it was the first stoa 6 See Agora, III, no. 301, pp. 103-105. 65 Thucydides, VI, 27, 1; Pausanias, I, 24, 3. On the whole subject of the Herms at Athens see now EK. B. Harrison, Agora, XI, pp. 108-176; cf. p. 169 below. 66 Menekles-Kallikrates in Harpokration, ‘Eppat; Jacoby, F.G.H., IIIB, 270, 2, p. 232; Agora, III, pp. 105-106.

6? See Harrison, Agora, XI, no. 156. For possible bases of Herms, besides those mentioned on p. 85 above, note especially Hesperia, XXI, 1952, p. 96; XXVIII, 1959, p. 8, a large poros base northeast of the Temple of Ares, probably of the early 5th century, adjacent to the Panathenaic Way, in which in fact it seems to be the cause of a slight bend at this point; cf. also Hesperia, X XI, 1952, p. 102; X XIX, 1960, pp. 36-387.

68 Tuppiter Tragoedus, 33; Agora, III, pp. 102. 69 Jacoby, F.G.H., IIIB, no. 828, 31; Agora, ITI, no. 298, pp. 102-103; Agora, XI, p. 112; the exact date of Kebris is not known.

70 A particular Herm which may have belonged to ‘‘the Herms”’ was the Hermes Tetrakephalos; see p. 169 for this and other notable Herms. 71 Mnesimachos, J.M. Edmonds, Fragments of Attic Comedy, II, Leiden, 1959, p. 362, no. 4; Agora, III, no. 303, p. 105; Xenophon, Hipparchicus, III, 2; Agora, III, no. 203, pp. 78, 108. 72 T.G., IJ2, 3180; Agora, III, p. 105; for the Anthippasia see p. 121 below. In 1970 a fragment of another monument commemorating a victory in an equestrian contest was found within a few feet of the Bryaxis base. A two-faced relief (I 7167) shows on one side a file of horsemen with their commander; on the other side an inscription records a victory of the tribe Leontis with the canting figure of a lion; Hesperia, XL, 1971, pp. 271-272, pl. 57, c. Travlos, P.D.A., p. 18 shows the Bryaxis base. Cf. also N. Pharaklas, AcAt., XXIV, 1969, A’, pp. 66-73.

96 STOAS built in the Agora after the Persian invasion. But the possibility comes to mind that Kimon merely dedicated the three Herms and the Stoa was built later, in more affluent times, to give them a distinguished setting.“* One gathers from the paucity of the literary sources that it did not play such an important and varied part in Athenian life as the Poikile or the Basileios.“ Pausanias passed it in silence, mentioning only the Hermes Agoraios (I, 15, 1) and adding comments elsewhere on the Athenian addiction to the dedication of Herms (I, 24, 3) and on the Herms in the Ptolemaion in particular (I, 17, 2); but perhaps the Kimonian Herms and their Stoa had been irreparably damaged by Sulla.” STOA OF ZEUS ELEUTHERIOS The earliest remains on the site of the Stoa of Zeus, toward the north end of the west side, seem to belong to a modest archaic shrine.’* On and near the spot later occupied by the third interior column from the south was a foundation which probably carried a statue, and around this a bedding was cut on the west, the south and the north, apparently to carry a low retaining wall on the sides where the ground level rose. The whole monument has an orientation slightly different from that of the Stoa. Its exact date cannot be determined, but one can be reasonably sure that the deity worshipped was Zeus, since this spot was undoubtedly sacred to him in later times. Some 25 m. to the east, adjacent to the ancient street on the west side of the Agora, were found the remains of an altar which may have belonged to the same cult.” Cuttings in the rock and slight remnants of the foundation show that it was about 3.65 m. north to south and at least 1.22 m. east to west. Beddings for orthostates are visible, and working chips found in the trench show that the superstructure was of Pentelic marble. The altar may have survived the Persian War in usable shape and continued in use for several centuries; in the end it was built over by a much larger structure (p. 103). The invasion of the area of the Stoa by potters and metalworkers, which followed the Persian destruction, seems to have been of many years’ duration. Their workshops have left characteristic traces (p. 170), and the debris from these activities accumulated in several successive layers. If one may judge from modern practice, the potters did not abandon their shop until very soon before work began on the Stoa.’ The Stoa of Zeus was much more than one of those colonnades which were frequently placed along one side of a precinct to enclose and adorn the area and to provide shelter for the worshippers; it was a great public building in its own right, serving a number of different purposes. 3 Aischines was certainly capable of historical anachronism in this matter: see Harrison, Agora, XI, p. 110.

For the problems involved in the epigrams inscribed on Kimon’s Herms see I’. Jacoby, Hesperia, XIV, 1945, pp. 185ff.; Agora, III, p. 104; Harrison, Agora, XI, pp. 110-111; B.D. Meritt, in The Aegean and the Near East, pp. 273ff., where it is shown that the Marathon epigrams were probably on a base which carried two Herms, and this monument too may well have stood among “‘the Herms.” J. de la Geniére, R.H.A., LXII, 1960, pp. 249-2538, suggests that a group of three Herms (an unusual subject) on a pelike by the Pan Painter, dated on style ca. 470 B.c., may be inspired by Kimon’s Herms; see Harrison, Agora, XI, p. 111, pl. 65, a, and our Plate 50, b. 4 See Agora, III, p. 104; Gr. Rom. Byz. St., II, 1959, p. 40. * See Agora, XI, pp. 109f. 76 Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 8ff.; the central foundation was about 1.78 by 2m., with a single course of soft yellow poros, mostly cut away when the stoa was built. In the bedding were pieces of Acropolis limestone and fragments of early poros column drums. Another block of the same poros, with a circular sinking in its top, just to the northwest, may have carried another dedication. 7 Ibid., pp. 10ff.; at the southwest a single course of irregular blocks of Kara limestone survives, with one block of Acropolis stone incorporated. 78 Ibid., p. 20. The boundary marker I 2483, Hesperia, X XI, 1952, p. 374, no. 25, Agora, III, no. 39, p. 29, may perhaps be associated with the clearing up of the site.

STOA OF ZEUS ELEUTHERIOS 97 Yet it was named after the god and was in some sense consecrated to him; and it certainly provided a splendid background and setting for the shrine, with its old altar and new statue (p. 101), and made ample amends for the lack of a temple. To anticipate conclusions briefly, on the evidence of Pausanias (I, 3, 3) the building can be identified with certainty as the stoa which was sacred to Zeus Kleutherios; and now that another stoa has been found further north (p. 83) one should no longer give it the alternative name “‘Basileios.’’’? Planned at the very end of the great Periclean building program, it shows an interesting new development in stoa design, the addition of projecting wings. The site was beyond the range of Dérpfeld’s excavations on the west side in 1896-1897; but a little of the north end had come to light as early as 1891 when the cutting was made for the railway.®° Eiven then the discovery of the base of one of the interior supports suggested a.stoa. The main part of the building was the first important monument revealed by the excavations which began in 1931,®! and since the southern part of the north wing was found soon after, the whole design could be recovered by symmetrical restoration of the north end. The remains are very scanty, but there are enough key fragments to make a convincing restoration possible in almost every detail (Pls. 5, 12, a). The general plan of the building 1s revealed in broad cuttings in the bedrock. Sections of the foundation have been found wn situ, mainly on the back and south side. At the north end five or more courses were necessary because of the slope. Little is left on the front, but fragments conveniently define the inner front corners of both wings. A soft white poros was used for the foundations, with a harder and darker poros in those parts which were to be exposed to the air. Five blocks of a marble step are in

position at the west end of the south side. The width of the foundations and of the cuttings show that this step was surmounted by two more, with a fourth set below them on the front of the building to provide for the steep downward slope of the roadway toward the north. Both Pentelic and Hymettian marble were used in the steps, the dark Hymettian perhaps being confined, in the front of the building at least, to the bottom step as in the wings of the Propylaia. The original floor of the Stoa was probably of clay, but this would seem to have been replaced in the early Roman period with a flagging of marble slabs, which in turn were completely removed in late antiquity.8? A line of lighter blocks runs continuously along the walls inside, and no doubt served as a bedding for stone benches. The platform of the Stoa has now been built up to a uniform level with miscellaneous ancient material, so as to define and preserve the general outline of the building. The Stoa was no doubt damaged in the Herulian invasion of a.p. 267, and the material of the superstructure was removed with great thoroughness early in the 5th century for re-use elsewhere. Three of the wall blocks are known, however, through having been incorporated in the lowest foundations of the Annex that was erected to the rear of the Stoa in the early Roman period (p. 102). These blocks are of Aeginetan poros, smooth dressed outside, roughly stippled inside.®4 The orthostates may have been of marble, but none has survived. 79 Cf. Agora, III, p. 30. 80 Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 7; p. 222 below.

81 Hesperia, II, 1988, pp. 110-124; a detailed study followed in VI, pp. 5-77. 8 Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 23; but see now XXXV, 1966, pp. 176 ff. 83 To hold up the friable rock of the hillside a retaining wall was built parallel to the back wall of the stoa at a distance

of 1.10m. Beyond the south end of the stoa it continued about 11 m. southwards, and then made an eastwards return which was later built over by the Temple of Apollo (p. 186); behind the stoa this wall, which was later but not much later than the stoa itself, was of soft creamy poros, with some blocks of conglomerate; in the southward extension broken limestone was used; Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 55f. 84 The blocks measure 1.023 x 0.702 x 0.351 m. A shallow V-shaped channel in one of the end joint surfaces was probably in-

tended to receive poured lead to waterproof the wall; Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 24. One face of each block was finished smooth, the other, the one remote from the channel, was stippled with a single point. A well preserved frieze block from the Stoa of Zeus (A 3924) found in 1970 in a Byzantine foundation to the northeast of the Stoa shows the same stippling on the side

98 STOAS Both outer and inner columns were of Pentelic marble. A fragment of a bottom drum, two almost complete top drums (PI. 51, b), and small bits of capitals make possible the restoration of the Doric outer colonnade.® A few small scraps of the inner columns*®* show that they were unfluted, and that the egg and dart on the echinus of the Ionic capital was merely incised and painted ; full carving was probably not considered necessary in an interior column on which the play of light and shade would not be so important (cf. p. 104) as on the exterior; but it should also be noted that a painted rather than a carved echinus is characteristic of Attic Ionic in contrast to Asiatic Ionic from the late 6th century well into the second half of the 5th century z.c.

Very little of the Pentelic marble outer epistyle has been found. The triglyphs were cut from tan-colored Aeginetan poros, very light in weight. The metopes were carved separately and set in slots in the face of the frieze; to judge by a fragment which probably belonged to one of them, they were of Pentelic marble.®’ The frieze was no doubt continued along the side walls. Several blocks of the horizontal geison survive, including one from the south inner angle (Pl. 51, a), and small fragments of the raking geison. It appears that the horizontal and raking geisa did not combine into one block where they met, but the former was carried separately to the extreme corner.®® The Stoa was roofed with terracotta tiles of Corinthian type of which only a few small fragments survive. From the treatment of the tops of the geisa, however, one may infer that the terracotta extended to the horizontal edges of the roof, terminating probably in simple eaves tiles enlivened by antefixes; the raking geisa above the pediments carried a marble sima.®® Calculation of the relative heights of the outer and inner columns shows that the ceiling must have sloped like the roof, the rafters being visible from below. This was in fact the usual arrangement in stoas which had exterior Doric and interior Ionic columns.

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Fig. 27. Stoa of Zeus, South Wing (M. H. McAllister) opposite the triglyphs and metopes. It was therefore the inner face of the stoa wall that was stippled in a way reminiscent of the Temple of Hephaistos (p. 147); in both buildings the treatment was undoubtedly intended to be decorative and not a preparation for plaster. Cf. Hesperia, XL, 1971, pp. 277f., fig. 5. 8 ‘The second drum, very similar to the first, was found just north of the Stoa in 1970 (A 3925). The lower diameter of the columns is calculated as 0.786 m., upper as 0.599 m.; Hesperia, VI, 1987, p. 25; XL, 1971, p. 277. 86 Giving an upper diameter of ca. 0.566 m., lower of ca. 0.686 m.; Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 26-27. 8? Our knowledge of the frieze has been greatly increased by the block found in 1970: A 3924; above, note 84. This gives us for the first time the full height of the frieze (0.612 m.) and its full thickness (0.789 m.) The inner face was crowned by a moulding now broken away but clearly to be restored as a hawksbeak above a smooth fascia. Cf. Hesperia, XL, 1971, pp. 276-278, fig. 5. On the treatment of the re-entrant angle cf. J. J. Coulton, B.S.A., LXI, 1966, p. 185. Below the square mutule of the corner geison the frieze is to be restored with shortened metopes meeting in the angle. 88 Flesperia, VI, 1937, p. 31.

8° The tops of the horizontal geisa are finished smooth in a narrow band along the outer edge; back of this band they are rough. The one surviving fragment of the raking geison which retains its top (A 369; Hesperia, VI, 1987, p. 32, fig. 21) shows a carefully dressed upper surface with the characteristic corrosion left by a marble sima undercut with a relieving surface.

STOA OF ZEUS ELEUTHERIOS 99 That the disposition of the outer columns was as shown in the plan (Pl. 5) is safely deduced from the dimensions of the triglyphs and metopes and the spacing of the interior columns, of which all the foundations have been found with the exception of the front column in the north wing. It is highly probable that the columns of the central part were more widely spaced than those of the wings (Fig. 27), with a third triglyph and metope to each intercolumnar space. One reason for the use of the Aeginetan stone in the triglyphs, instead of the finer but heavier

marble, was no doubt to decrease the load on the long epistyle blocks. The wide intercolumniations would make the main body of the Stoa more open and accessible, while the normal, old-fashioned spacing was more appropriate to the temple-like facades of the wings. The scheme with one interior column opposite every second exterior was common in stoas. Since the bedding for benches comes to an end before reaching the front of the wings, it 1s assumed that the side walls stopped short too, ending in antae and allowing each wing to have a fully prostyle facade. A building of such elegance and prominence called for a certain amount of sculpture as a final touch; this was provided in the form of figural akroteria (Pls. 51, c, 52). Such akroteria are remarkable on a stoa, but our Stoa was exceptional both in the way it presented its templelike facades to the square and in the emphasis placed on the associated cult of Zeus as attested by the ancient authors and inscriptions. The facade of each wing was surmounted to left and right by a Nike, an appropriate choice of subject in view of the peculiarly close relations between Nike and Zeus as exemplified for instance by her appearance as a central akroterion on his temple at Olympia. Here in front of our Stoa one was reminded of the presence of Zeus by the famous statue mentioned by Pausanias. Of the Nikai a torso, a head, and a number of other fragments have been found in the immediate vicinity.*! The messenger goddess appeared to be grazing the roof of the building in her swift descent. The impression of tempestuous movement is still vividly conveyed by the billowing drapery; originally the effect was still further enhanced by the great wings. In striking contrast to the vibrant figure of the Nike is the cool composure of the face, as so often in Attic art of the late 5th century. On the purely technical side one will note the skill with which the hair was drawn forward so as to shield and preserve the delicate features of the face through more than six centuries of exposure to the elements. 9 Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 31. The overall dimensions of the building are length 46.55 m., depth 18 m. 1 Hesperia, IV, 1935, p. 374; VI, 1937, pp. 37-39, 66-68; Guide,” pp. 136f. The principal surviving elements are the torso S 312 (Pl. 52) found to the east and within 3m. of the front of the south wing of the Stoa, and the head of a similar figure S 373 (Pl. 51, c) which lay in the angle between the south wing and the central part of the front. Numerous smaller fragments of wings and drapery came to light in front of the south wing. An ankle lay at the south side of the north wing (S 795a). A pair of feet (S 2335, S 2357) and a mass of billowing drapery (S 2336) came from the excavation of the south end of the Stoa Basileios, i.e. just north of the northeast corner of the Stoa of Zeus.

All these fragments both large and small are remarkably fresh as though they had remained virtually undisturbed where they fell in late antiquity. They lay close above the latest ground level of the ancient Agora, enveloped in a deep deposit of the 5th century after Christ. In precisely the same context, and in some cases close beside the fragments of sculpture, were found marble blocks from the facade of the Stoa and chips from the breaking up of its entablature. That the architectural members did indeed remain or were broken up where they fell is nicely illustrated by the fact that the geison from the inner angle between the south wing and the central part of the front was found on the floor of the Stoa just to the southwest of the angle. This evidence ties the marble Nikai very closely to the Stoa of Zeus. The evidence of the excavation is not decisive, however, regarding the assignment of places on the south wing. The well preserved torso 8 312 (Pl. 52) lay somewhat closer to the northeast than to the southeast corner of the wing. On the other hand the head § 373 (P1.51,c), which must belong to the pendant of S 312, having been found to the northwest of the northeast corner of the wing, is also a claimant for that position. It is perhaps easier to suppose that the torso 8 312 fell from the corner position near which it was found and that the head S 373 was moved a few feet by those who wrecked the building. On the other hand Travlos achieved a satisfactory effect by assigning S 312 to the south corner of the south wing in restoring the facade in 1986; Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 54, fig. 34. We have little or nothing for the central places on the Stoa of Zeus. A marble ankle from the right leg of a figure appreciably larger in scale than the Nikai but very similar to them in style and weathering (8 2359), found in the 5/6th century A.D. layer overlying the Stoa Basileios, i.e. just north of the Stoa of Zeus, might well derive from a central akroterion above the north wing.

100 STOAS As regards date, the architectural style of the Stoa, in both general proportions and decorative detail, indicates at every point that it follows closely in the line of the Propylaia and the other great Periclean buildings. It may well have been designed about 480 B.c. Perhaps construction proceeded slowly during the war and was completed after the peace of 421 B.c. The combination of materials would support such a date; the introduction of the bluish Hymettian marble can be taken well back into the 5th century, and the Stoa may have inaugurated its use alongside Pentelic.” Such criteria are apt to be imprecise and variable. Fortunately they are supplemented by good evidence from pottery found in such contexts as the floor of the potter's shop which ceased to exist when the Stoa was built and the fill under the floor of the Stoa itself.9% The extreme lower limit for this material may be placed a little after 480 B.c. The style of the akroteria, at least that of the marble Nikai which would naturally be the latest elements, points to the end of the 5th or beginning of the 4th century.™ The Stoa represents the successful achievement of two aims by the unknown architects, in addition to the provision of covered accommodation for various social and political purposes, namely, to give some architectural distinction to the west side of the Agora, and to design a stoa which was in itself a satisfying architectural unit. The Agora of Kimon, with its elegant

arboriculture (p. 20), must have maintained something of the aspect of a superior village green; the principal public buildings, apart from any patched-up archaic structures, were the Tholos and the Poikile, and they were remote from each other and unrelated. In the middle years of the 5th century little was done to change the situation, except that the Temple of Hephaistos transformed the view to the west. But perhaps towards the end of his life Perikles made some amends, diverting some of his architects and part of their limited labor force to the square below, with the object of providing at least one worthy building, specially designed to meet the needs of the Agora. The architects no doubt had the relation between the Stoa and the Hephaisteion above very much in mind; the new building formed an important part of what was to be a kind of baseline above which the temple rose. The effect of the confrontation of the Stoa of Zeus and the Poikile, with the old Basileios in between, we can only imagine, though we know that they represented different types of stoa. The essential character of the Agora was not greatly changed; the general impression must have remained disjointed and sporadic. The addition of projecting wings 1s a particular application of a principle which is found in different forms in various buildings in this period and later. We see it in the Propylaia, for example, but there the wings are more like independent units, and face inwards, towards one another, instead of forwards.® The paraskenia subsequently added to scene buildings in theaters are another specialized version. Outlandish origins have sometimes been sought for the winged

form of stoa. It has been called a conscious imitation of a type of oriental palace fagade with projecting wings.®* It is in fact simply and purely a Greek stoa which an ingenious architect has embellished by bending the ends forward at angles of ninety degrees and treating them like temple facades. For practical purposes, additional covered space was thus provided. The Stoa of Zeus was probably the best result which an architect could achieve if he wished to make of a stoa a complete and self-contained unit. Yet it remained almost unique and did not become an established type. There were indeed a number of later buildings which showed a certain % Hesperia, VI, 1987, pp. 46-47. %3 Ihid., pp. 47ff.

% FB. Harrison (A.J.A., LXV, 1961, p. 190) would put the marble Nikai after the Erechtheion and Nike Temple Parapet, perhaps therefore after the restoration of the democracy in 403 B.c. % Even so the question may be raised whether Mnesikles was the architect of the stoa; cf. Hesperia, VI, 1987, p. 58. 9 C, Anti, Teatri Greci Arcaici, Padova, 1947, pp. 271ff.; this view is discussed in J.H.S., LX VIII, 1948, pp. 152-155; cf. Martin, Agora Grecque, pp. 466ff.

STOA OF ZEUS ELEUTHERIOS 101 resemblance, but in almost every case there are important differences.*’ A building in the agora of Thasos looks like a small version of the Stoa of Zeus, all the more so in Martin’s more recent reconstruction which gives the wings columnar facades instead of solid walls; but the central colonnade is relatively very short, in fact little more than a recess. In a stoa at Kalaureia and in the so-called Bouleuterion at Mantinea the wings formed separate chambers. In the Stoa of Philip at Megalopolis and the Stoa of Antigonos at Delos the wings are a comparatively insignificant element in the design, because of the enormous length of the colonnade. In general,

“stoic” architecture in the 4th century and Hellenistic times did not follow the lead of the Athenian architects. Instead, stoas of ever greater length were built, and complex rectangular schemes were created. The Stoa of Zeus was something of a tour de force. A stoa by its very nature was essentially an appendage rather than a complete architectural creation. It could be attached to another structure; but even when it was free-standing it was an appendage of an open space, defining it and forming its edge and providing part of it with a roof. Between the wings of the Stoa the excavations brought to light slight remains of four statue bases (PI. 3). These presumably carried the statues which Pausanias saw in front of the Stoa (I, 8, 2): Konon and his son Timotheos, Kuagoras King of the Cypriots, Zeus Eleutherios, and the Emperor Hadrian. Zeus Eleutherios, also called Soter, to whom the Stoa was sacred, received these titles because he had saved the Athenians from enslavement by the Medes.*® His statue was set up, it was said, after the Persian danger had passed; but the cult of Zeus may have already existed in the little archaic shrine (p. 96), and the stoa, it now appears, was built some years later. The obvious position for Zeus is on the third base from the north which stood on the axis of the Stoa.% Only three blocks of the foundation survive, but a cutting shows that it was circular and 4.20 m.

in diameter. This base is closely related to and probably contemporary with the Stoa, but of course the statue may have been earlier. We do not know how the god was represented, perhaps striding forward with his thunderbolt, like the “God of Artemision,” to scatter the enemies of Athens. The southernmost base on which Hadrian probably stood was an exedra-like structure of ap-

propriate date. This Hadrian may well be the armored torso, in Pentelic marble, found near the northeast corner of the Metroon in the Great Drain, and now re-erected near its findingplace (PI. 58, b).2° It was probably removed from its place of honor after the destruction of the Stoa; with head, arms and legs trimmed off, it served as a cover slab for the drain. The decoration on the breastplate, which suggests that the figure is indeed Hadrian, shows Athena, flanked by an owl and a serpent and crowned by two winged Victories, above a she-wolf which is suckling Romulus and Remus. The pictures which Pausanias saw in the Stoa behind the statues comprised three subjects, all by Euphranor: the Twelve Gods; ‘‘on the wall opposite” or “beyond” (the word is tépav) Theseus, Democracy and Demos; and the Athenians taking part in the cavalry engagement at Mantinea. The battle of Mantinea was fought in 862 B.c., and presumably Euphranor painted soon after. Yet the lead waterproofing mentioned above (p. 97, note 84) probably indicates that from the beginning the Stoa was intended to be a picture gallery. We have even less evidence of the character and arrangement of the pictures than in the Poikile. The opening cut later in the back wall (p. 102) may have necessitated some rearrangement, which would not be 97 Martin, Agora Grecque, pp. 467ff.; and Thasos, l’ Agora, Fasc. I, Paris, 1959, pp. 59ff.; Wycherley, How the Greeks Built Cities, pp. 114f. Note also the wing-like annexes added to the neighboring Stoa Basileios (p. 84). 98 Agora, III, pp. 25 ff. 99 Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 56ff., 68. 100 Hesperia, II, 1938, pp. 178ff.; Agora, I, no. 56; Guide,? p. 51.

102 STOAS difficult if as in the Poikile the pictures were painted on wooden panels. Eustathios' tells us that Euphranor derived inspiration for his Zeus from hearing a school recitation of a passage of Homer. Perhaps one may see a dim reflection of the Demos and Demokratia!™ in a relief carved at the head of a stele which records a decree designed to forestall any attempt to overthrow democracy after the defeat of the Greeks by Philip of Macedon in 338 B.c.; Demos is shown as a bearded old gentleman seated on a chair, Demokratia as a woman standing beside him and placing a wreath on his head (PI. 53, a). Like the Poikile, the Stoa of Zeus contained monuments of heroic deeds; the shields of Leokritos and Kydias, who died fighting against the Macedonians and the Gauls early in the 3rd century B.c., were dedicated here to Zeus.1% Again like the Poikile, the building was available as a lesche or lounge; Sokrates strolled or sat there with his friends ;!°* and Diogenes the Cynic made himself at home there (Fig. 27).1% But, although we have no clear evidence, it is unlikely that the Athenians built such a handsome building only for casual use by gossips and philosophers; and to do honor to the god a normal temple, equivalent perhaps to one of the wings ot the Stoa, would have been sufficient. The fact that stelai were set up in front of it?® suggests that the building had an official character and function too. In view of the very close juxtaposition of the Stoa Basileios and the Stoa of Zeus, one would perhaps be justified in assuming that the two formed in some sense an administrative unit and that the later stoa was regarded as a grand extension of its small predecessor. Even though we do not happen to have literary or epigraphical evidence as in the case of the Poikile (p. 98), we can well believe that the Stoa of Zeus too on occasion accommodated a law court. Aristophanes’ joke!’ about sending the citizens to the various stoas “‘to dine” has a sharper point if they were normally in the habit of going to these buildings, including the Stoa of Zeus, as panels of jurymen. In early Roman times a large two-roomed annex was built behind the Stoa (PI. 8).2°8 Even before this, in the 2nd century B.c., a simple rectangular building had been placed behind the northern part of the Stoa, but distinct from it and entered probably from the north. What purpose this served is quite uncertain. It was not entirely abandoned in favor of the later building,

but it was pushed further to the north.

The new annex was set a little north of the central axis of the Stoa, possibly to keep it clear of the Arsenal (p. 80). Even so a great mass of rock had to be cut out of the hillside to make room. The building was almost completely stripped after a.p. 267, but its plan can be recovered. It measured 16.70 m. north to south by 15.30 m. east to west and was divided into two cella-like rooms side by side, each with a porch which probably had two columns in antts. Small inward-projecting piers flanked the entrances. Recent investigation has shown that the building did not make contact with the old Stoa; a narrow passage was left free. A section of the back wall of the Stoa was removed and probably replaced by a row of five columns. The foundations of the annex are of re-used conglomerate blocks; but in the second course of the dividing wall are three poros blocks which probably came from the dismantled section of the Stoa itself (p. 97); and on either side of this wall are supplementary foundations which must have supported benches. Towards the back of the southern chamber are the remains of a large base which may well have carried three figures. One marble block of its top course sur101 On Iliad, I, 529; ef. Agora, III, p. 27. 102 A, Raubitschek, Hesperia, XX XI, 1962, p. 238; cf. I 6524, Hesperia, XXI, 1952, pp. 355ff., no. 5; Picture Book, 4, cover and no. 29. 103 Pausanias, I, 26, 2; X, 21, 5-6. 104 (Plato), Eryaias, 392 a; Theages, 121 a. 105 Diogenes Laertius, VI, ii, 22. 106 1.G., II?, 1075, line 17 (restored); I 749, Hesperia, V, 1936, p. 416, no. 13. 10? Keclesiazusae, 684-686; cf. pp. 71, 85 above. 108 Hesperia, II, 1938, pp. 124-126; VI, 1987, pp. 59-64; XXXV, 1966, pp. 171-187.

STOA OF ATTALOS 103 vives, bearing a socket for the right foot of a bronze statue. In the other chamber were found a number of slabs of a marble floor, so arranged as to suggest a similar base. The aspect of the rooms strongly suggests that they were shrines. A small marble fragment found in a late wall on the site, and almost certainly derived from the base in the south room, is inscribed 6] Afjulos ——|——Jou vidv——.1°° Thus we have the Athenian people honoring a Roman

personage (this is indicated by the use of vids, i.e. filuws). The probable date of the building is Augustan or a little later, and a strong case has been made for installing in it a cult of Augustus and the imperial family. In the dedication of the round temple east of the Parthenon we read

of a “Priest of the goddess Roma and Augustus Soter on the Acropolis,’ which implies a cult in the lower city too. An association with Zeus Soter-Eleutherios would be very appropriate.

The twin cella may have housed some imperial Roman abstraction or perhaps the reigning Kmperor after Augustus.

It may have been at this time that the old altar of Zeus in front of the Stoa (p. 96) was built over by a much larger structure, presumably a more pretentious altar, perhaps with steps on its west side. Its foundations, which are all that remains, measure 13.25 m. north to south and 7.20 m. east to west and are of soft white poros blocks, again re-used. STOA OF ATTALOS For two centuries the Agora retained its peculiar character, sporadic and somewhat archaic, in the disposition of the stoas as in other respects. The plan looks essentially the same in 200 as in 400 B.c. No new stoas were added. Then in the 2nd century the appearance of the site was radically changed by the addition of stoas of enormous length on the eastern and southern sides. Hach was between twice and three times as long as the Stoa of Zeus. That the Athenians were able to engage in such vast projects at this time was due mainly to the patronage and munificence of Hellenistic monarchs, in rivalry with one another. With the introduction of such long buildings, which from the 4th century were not uncommon in Greek public places, the whole idea of the stoa’s architectural function is changed. The building

is no longer a compact unit; it forms the whole of one side of the Agora, and is a background and setting for large numbers of other monuments. The two great Athenian stoas, the Stoa of Attalos and the Middle Stoa, were still not closely-knit parts of a single design, as were for example the colonnades of the South Agora at Miletos.4! They were indeed placed at right angles and balanced one another on either side of the Panathenaic Way. Their floor levels were the same, and each had a broad terrace in front. But they were built in very different styles; each had its distinct character and purpose, and they were probably owed to different patrons (pp. 23, 68, 104). The so-called Middle Stoa, extending for about 146 m. across the southern part of the Agora,

was one of the largest buildings of Athens; yet its existence was not known or suspected before the excavations. It belonged to the group of buildings, partly remodelled, partly quite new, which now occupied the southern sector, and its detailed description can best be given along with the other elements of this complex (p. 66). It had a Doric colonnade on all sides; but the south, facing on the lesser square, was the principal facade, and the north was treated to some extent as the back of the building (p. 66). However, the Stoa now provided an effec109 T 4268, Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 62; XXXV, 1966, p. 181.

110 1.G., II?, 3173. For the numerous altars dedicated to Augustus and found at Athens, mostly in or near the Agora or the Roman Market Place, see A. Benjamin and A. EK. Raubitschek, Hesperia, XXVIII, 1959, pp. 75-85. 111 FT. Knackfuss, Milet, I, vii, Der Siidmarkt, 1924; Martin, Agora Grecque, pp. 398-401; Wycherley, How the Greeks Built Cities, pp. 71 ff.

104 STOAS tive southern limit and facade for the main part of the Agora, and a spacious terrace was built against its northern front, from which the Panathenaic procession and other activities could be seen. Though huge in area, the Stoa was modest in height compared with the Stoa of Attalos, and in course of time it was dominated in the view from the north by the Odeion (p. 111). In style and construction too it was comparatively modest; the principal material was poros. The Stoa of Attalos II, a gift to Athens from the Pergamene king (159-138 B.c.),4? is the one building of the Agora proper of which a considerable part has always remained visible (Pl. 56).43 After the destruction of the colonnade in A.p. 267 the back wall was incorporated in the Post-Herulian Wall. Sections at either end continued to stand, to their full height in places, until modern times (PI. 56, b). They were cleared of accretions and the site was excavated by the Greek archaeological authorities in the course of the second half of the 19th century. Many more details were recovered when the site was being prepared for the rebuilding of the Stoa as a museum (PI. 55, a; p. 282), and as it now stands (PI. 54) the building can be considered a very faithful reproduction, except where deliberate changes have been made, for example by the insertion of larger windows in the back wall. The total length of the building was about 116 m., its breadth nearly 20 m. (Fig. 28). There is evidence that in the original design it was a little shorter, but three more shops were added during construction. There were two storeys, and on each the spacious columnar hall had behind it a row of twenty-one rooms.

In the northern part, where the Stoa cut through the site of the peristyle court (p. 60), large substructures had to be built, reaching a depth of nearly eight meters at the end; to the south, the rock had to be cut away as the ground level rose, and all trace of any earlier buildings was obliterated. The foundations were of conglomerate, the walls of a hard poros from Peiraeus, the door frames and other trimmings in the lower storey and the whole columnar facade were of marble. A broad terrace® was built in front of the Stoa; the approach, as now, was at the southern end of the west front, where ground level and terrace floor approximate. A shallow gutter cut in limestone blocks was set in front of the three marble steps. This gutter, in addition to the water from the roof of the Stoa, also carried off the overflow from a large fountain installed in the south end of the terrace. Already in the Roman period the fountain had fallen victim to the same road-widening operation as the south stair of the Stoa. It has been restored symbollically in the recent re-building of the Stoa. The floor of the lower hall was a mosaic of marble chips. The main colonnade comprised 45 Doric columns, which in their lower parts, where damage might be expected, were given straight facets instead of flutes (Pl. 57, b). The hall was divided into two aisles by twenty-two Ionic columns, unfluted as was usual in interior stoa columns, in which the play of light and shade was not so important as in the outer row. The shops behind had a uniform depth of 4.91 m., but varied in width from 4.91 to 3.42 m. They had massive wooden doors, skilfully hung;"6 additional light and air were provided by narrow slits in the back walls, as in the upper storey too. Above, the outer columns were made in the form 112 His brother Eumenes had already donated a magnificent stoa on the south side of the Acropolis adjoining the theater ; see Judeich, Topographie,? pp. 94, 325f.; Travlos, IT.E.A., p. 86. 118 Judeich, Topographie,? pp. 94, 354 ff.; Travlos, TT.E.A., pp. 86 ff. ; Picture Book, 2; for the reconstruction see also Hesperia,

XIX, 1950, pp. 316-326; XX, 1951, pp. 49-53; XXI, 1952, pp. 99-102; XXIII, 1954, pp. 58-61; XXIV, 1955, pp. 59-61; XXV, 1956, pp. 66-68; XXVI, 1957, pp. 83-88, 103-107; XXVII, 1958, pp. 145-146; XXVIII, 1959, pp. 91-92.

Curiously, nothing is said of the Stoa in ancient literature except for one casual allusion in Athenaeus, V, 212f.; see Agora, III, no. 99, p. 46, and p. 51 above. 114 The steps were of Hymettian marble, most of the rest of the fagade of Pentelic; the doorjambs, orthostates, etc. were of Hymettian. 118 Monumental terracing was characteristic of Pergamene architecture. In the Agora the great terraces on east and south contrasted with the gentler manipulation of the natural levels practised in earlier periods. 116 The doorways had a height of 3.42 m. and a width at the bottom of 1.71 m.




of two Ionic half-columns, back and front, with a short straight section between; in this way they could be given suitable proportions in relation to the lower order and still have the necessary strength (Pl. 57, a). Between them ran a marble balustrade carved to represent latticework with alternating panels of net and scale design.4” Seeking still further variety in the treatment of the columns, for the upper interior order the architects used an adaptation of an Egyptian palm capital.


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Whi ; ID , YH a) ae ‘Bil i SEI IILE j Gf,Yy ae Yj) LA ZB Lite Gilt, N Otherwise there is no definite trace. However it is not unreasonable to assume a simple early shrine. Plato’s reference to the shrine of Athena and Hephaistos in his account of primitive Athens, though fanciful, implies that he thought of it as very

old. The ground on the hilltop was much disturbed, and on the south side of the temple the rock was trimmed down; the old shrine may have been almost obliterated. Whatever stood on the site suffered in the Persian conflagration, which has left its mark at some points in the layer between the earlier earth-covering and the construction debris of the temple. 129 W. B. Dinsmoor, Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 47; Hesperia, Supplement V, 1941, pp. 128-160; The Architecture of Ancient Greece, 1950, pp. 179-182; C. H. Morgan, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, pp. 102-108; G. Gruben, Die Tempel der Griechen, Munich, 1966, pp. 199-204. Rhys Carpenter has recently proposed to identify the ‘‘Theseum Architect” with Kallikrates; The Archi-

tects of the Parthenon, Penguin Books, 1970, pp. 102-109, 170-174. Cf. also A. T. Hodge and R. A. Tomlinson, A.J.A., LXXIII, 1969, pp. 185-192. Because of concentration of effort on the Acropolis it was probably not until after the peace of 421 8.c. that the final elements, such as the pedimental sculpture, the akroteria and the cult statues, were added to the Temple of Hephaistos. 130 Plutarch, Perikles, 17; for a recent discussion see R. Meiggs, Greece and Rome, Supplement to Vol. X, 1963, pp. 37ff. 131 Hesperia, Supplement V, pp. 16ff. 182 Tbid., pp. 122ff., 149, where Dinsmoor notes that the character of the pottery found suggests a shrine. 133 Thid., p. 5, fig. 1, and p. 127. 184 Tritias, 112 b; Agora, III, no. 289, p. 100.

144 SHRINES The temporary disinterment of the foundations and the careful study which this made possible produced important new information about the interior design of the building, the manner and order of its construction, and indeed about the general methods of Athenian 5th century architects, who apparently had some freedom to change their plans. Much of the earth fill within the temple had of course been removed or disturbed by the grave diggers, but enough was left here and there to furnish a useful guide. The foundations of the peristyle were laid first; Greek temples were not uncommonly built from the outside inwards.” Then trenches were cut through the filling which had accumulated within for the foundations of the main walls and porches of the cella. Finally the foundations were prepared for the inner colonnade, which seems to have been an afterthought. On the south side of the peristyle the euthynteria could rest on bedrock, except at the ends. Elsewhere foundations of varying depth were laid, attaining five courses at the northwest corner. They are of a brown, granular poros, worked with increasing care in the upper courses. The euthynteria is of a harder, gray-veined poros and so is the first of the steps, in contrast with the Pentelic marble of the upper two. The main cella foundations consist of a single course on the east, going down to four on the west. The top course is of the same stone as the outer foundations, carefully finished; for the rest, which was quite safe from all possibility of exposure, a third variety of poros was used, soft and gray, and easily worked. Thus a nice economy was achieved. The side walls, though their: foundations are of ample width, stand on the extreme outer edge. The explanation would seem to be that at the eleventh hour it was decided to give the cella less archaic proportions and greater width, perhaps to provide additional space for the proposed interior colonnade. To accommodate and strengthen the foundations of the columns, shelves or ledges were cut in the inner faces of the wall foundations within the cella, obviously after the blocks were in position. In the underpinning of the inner crosswalls too there is evidence of a change of plan.’*’ There are in fact two sets of foundations, independently constructed, set side by side. On the west, the outer face is similar to the foundation of the flank wall; the inner face is a kind of supplementary structure, made entirely of the soft gray poros, with a different coursing and not bonded into the side walls. The only explanation of this addition is that it was decided at a late stage to move the wall a little further east, making the cella shorter and the back porch deeper. Similarly the foundation of the east cross wall is of abnormal total thickness, and there are differences in material and construction between the outer and inner faces. The pronaos too must have been given greater depth than was allowed in the original plan, at the expense of the cella which was now a total of nearly 2 m. shorter. One should probably think of the inner colonnade as belonging essentially to this new modern design. Both before and after the modification the pronaos was deeper than the opisthodomos. The floor was made of marble slabs with a massive underpinning of poros blocks'* which rested on the accumulation of earth and marble chips. It is best preserved in the eastern peristyle, where not only the underpinning is in position but also eight contiguous marble slabs which formed the floor of the apse when the building was a church. Apart from these only a few odd slabs have survived. The floor of the central nave is assumed to have been a little lower than that of the aisles. 185 Hesperia, Supplement V, p. 30; XXXII, 1963, p. 101. 136 Hesperia, Supplement V, pp. 37ff. 18” Thid., pp. 44-ff.

188 Normally of a single course; but in the western part of the cella, in the region of the cult statues, on the evidence of a single preserved fragment Dinsmoor restores an extra half-course; tbid., p. 72.

HEPHAISTEION 145 The foundations of the inner colonnade are of heavy poros blocks, with a maximum depth, on the west, of four courses. Their coursing is different from that of the adjacent cella foundations,/8° and on the flanks their edges are made to rest on the ledges mentioned above. Thus they seem to represent a distinct phase of the construction. At the west end the foundations project further inwards than on the flanks, and one may deduce that the colonnade was deeper at the rear of the cella. The “‘aisles’” were in fact so narrow that one could only sidle along them. The foundations were presumably surmounted by a marble stylobate, whose edge was fitted onto another ledge, cut in the first marble course (toichobate) of the wall. Not a fragment or trace of the columns survives, but it 1s safely assumed that they were Doric and in two tiers. Detailed restoration is more problematical. The evidence from the building consists of a single block from the upper epistyle and a vertical scratch at the foot of the north side wall. Dinsmoor in an earlier study calculated that there were five columns on each of the flanks, three at the western end, reckoning the corner columns twice over. Hill, Stevens and others made the figures seven and four. In a recent re-examination of the problem Dinsmoor has repeated and reinforced his opinion with arguments not only from the technical evidence but from criteria of proportion and design; but, he adds, ‘‘One more extant block, or even one more scratch line, might have eliminated all the speculation to which we are condemned.”!” Two blocks of gray Eleusinian limestone, taken from the modern east wall (no longer standing) which replaced the apse of the church, belong without doubt to the pedestal of the statues.'4! There were probably two such blocks in front and two behind, with two others at the sides extending from back to front through the whole depth of the pedestal. There was no doubt a plinth above and below, perhaps of the same stone, more probably of white marble. The outward faces of the extant blocks are carefully smoothed, and one of them has five cuttings which must be for the purpose of affixing marble figures in relief.14 Since there were five figures on this block, the whole frieze, extending across the width of the pedestal, may have comprised twelve. Thus restored the base occupied nearly the whole width of the “nave.’’!48 The statues of Hephaistos and Athena have of course irretrievably vanished; but we have two curious pieces of evidence of their manufacture and erection (Fig. 386). About ten meters southwest of the temple, within the precinct, was found a pit containing unmistakable signs of bronze-casting: quantities of sand and many pieces of clay moulds for probably two large bronze statues. As we have seen, there is extensive evidence for bronzeworking on and around the hill; but it is not unlikely that this particular pit was used in making the cult statues of the temple itself. The style of the drapery for which some of the moulds were made and of pottery found in the pits points to a date late in the 5th century. An inscription found in several fragments scattered about northern Athens, and dated between 421 and 415 B.c., gives many de139 Thid., pp. 65ff.; they are not bonded with the wall foundations, but as Stevens notes, Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 144, this does not in itself mean that the inner columns were an afterthought. 140 Dinsmoor, Hesperia, Supplement V, pp. 73ff.; XX XVII, 1968, pp. 159ff.; Hill, Hesperia, Supplement VIII, pp. 190ff. ; Broneer, Hesperia, XIV, 1955, p. 246; Stevens, Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pp. 146ff. The cella, now covered by a great mediaeval stone vault, probably had a ceiling of wooden beams and coffering in the nave, of marble in the aisles; see Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pp. 157, 164. Fragments of marble tiles have been found, Hesperia, XXVIII, 1959, p. 28. Note also p. 163 note 236 below. 141 Hesperia, Supplement V, pp. 105ff.; XX XII, 1963, p. 96. 142 The forked dowels mentioned in the inscription (note 145 below) may have been used to attach these; see Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 152. 143 Dinsmoor, Hesperia, Supplement V, pp. 108ff., places the base far back against the western columns, on the dubious evidence of certain “ears” or inward projections at the west end of the foundations of the lateral colonnades, which he thinks helped to bear the additional weight. With greater probability Hill (Hesperia, Supplement VIII, p. 206) and Stevens (Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 155) place it further forward, on the line of the second intercolumniation from the west. M44 Hesperia, Supplement V, pp. 109-110.

146 SHRINES tails about a “pair of statues for the Hephaisteion”’ (PI. 71, c). The names of the overseers are recorded. The purchase of bronze, tin and lead is mentioned; some of the lead was for fastening the stones of the pedestal. Wood and charcoal are bought for melting the lead. Payment is made to the man who installed the two statues in the temple. Wood was also bought to make crates for the stones of the pedestal and frames in which the statues were carried in, and for erecting scaffolding around the statues and ladders by which to ascend it. This was probably

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fo NNN Fig. 86. Temple of Hephaistos, Cult Images (G. P. Stevens and J. Travlos)

temporary scaffolding for making the final adjustments and finishing touches. That so many years passed before the cult statues were made and installed need not surprise us. Something similar happened at Olympia. The change of architectural design may have led to some initial delay. Artists, labor and funds were heavily committed; financial difficulties arose, and then came the ten years’ war. The sculpture on the front of the pedestal perhaps represented the birth of Erichthonios. This idea is supported by a statement of St. Augustine that “in the temple of Vulcan and Mi-

nerva, which the two shared at Athens, was a boy wrapped in the coils of a snake.’ The 145 1.G., I?, 370-371; Agora, III, 293, p. 101.

A representation of Hephaistos on a lamp of the 3rd century after Christ (Picture Book, 9, no. 128) may be influenced by

the statue in the temple (Pl. 71, b). I.G., 2, 84, shows that the cult was reorganized at the same time as the statues were made; see W. E. Thompson, Hesperia, XX XVIII, 1969, pp. 114 ff. 146 De Civitate Dei, XVIII, 12. See 8S. Karouzou, Ath. Mitt., LXTX-LXX, 1954-1955, pp. 68-94. Stevens suggested that the figures formed ‘‘a frieze representing some festival of the craftsmen of Athens,’’ Hesperia, XTX, 1950, p. 152.

HEPHAISTEION 147 contrast between the crude old myth, used as minor decoration, and the august and dignified aspect of the great figures above was by no means un-Athenian. On the pedestal Athena and her frustrated would-be consort stood in harmony side by side. The statues excited admiration in antiquity. ‘“We praise Alkamenes’ Vulcan,” says Cicero;*’ “the god’s lameness is shown unobtrusively and is not unsightly.” Valerius Maximus adds,"® ‘‘His lameness is not a blemish but an appropriate distinguishing mark of the god.” This Hephaistos was not the Homeric figure of fun amongst the Olympians, but a great god set beside Athena herself to preside over the life of the Agora. Alkamenes had inherited from his master Pheidias the power to add something to the traditional conception of a deity. The architects had gone to great trouble to provide him with a splendid frame and setting. The inner faces of the cella walls have been the subject of discussion and controversy at least since the time of Chandler (1765).1*° Earlier antiquarians brought the eye of faith to bear on them and saw amongst other things traces of the brushwork of Mikon and possibly Polygnotos, who according to ancient authorities painted in the Theseion. More scientific investigation by modern archaeologists has produced contradictory interpretations, depending on their explanation of the treatment of the walls and their dating of the stucco which still covers much of the surface. In any case, if there was ever any intention of having mural paintings, it must have been abandoned when the decision was taken to introduce interior columns placed so close to the walls.5° On the whole it seems most probable that the delicate stippling which gives such a distinctive texture to the inner faces of the walls of the cella, pronaos and opisthodomos was intended for its decorative effect. The technique was commonly employed on outdoor surfaces in the 5th century; its interior use is paralleled, as we have seen (p. 97), in the Stoa of Zeus. The familiar metopes at the east end (P1.72, a) show the labors of Herakles and Theseus, and the presence of Theseus (PI. 72, b,c) is probably the principal reason why the temple has been popularly named Theseion in later times. As a result of recent studies, these metopes can now take their proper

place in a scheme of decoration worked out by the architects and sculptors which included pediments, akroteria, friezes within the east and west peristyles, and the subsidiary decoration of the cult statues.15! The scheme was an abridgement of that of the Parthenon and did not attain such a high degree of completeness and coordination; if only for reasons of expense, the Parthenon remained exceptional. The eastern frieze ran over the pronaos and extended north and south as far as the outer colonnade. In this way the rectangle formed by the eastern peristyle has sculpture on all four sides, since the sculptured metopes continue round the southeastern and northeastern corners. The scene of the east frieze (Pl. 73) is a heroic combat, with gods looking on, and the subject, long disputed, is now recognized as Theseus fighting the sons of Pallas who refused to recognize him as lord of Attica. The western frieze, confined to the width of the opisthodomos (Pl. 74), shows a battle of Lapiths and Centaurs. 147 De Nat. Deorum, I, 80 (83). 148 VIII, 11, ext. 8. 149 Travels in Greece, Dublin, 1776, p. 76; see further Hesperia, Supplement V, pp. 94ff.

150 Thus, since the character and appearance of the temple are not greatly affected, one need not pursue the subject here. For varying views see Hesperia, Supplement V, pp. 11, 77, 99 (Dinsmoor, who thinks that the composition of the stucco shows that it is not ancient); Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pp. 160ff. (Stevens, who thinks that the stucco is ancient, perhaps even of the 5th century B.c., and, detecting traces of a red wash, suggests that in the end the whole wall was painted red, as a background for the columns). The vertical joints were waterproofed with lead (Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pp. 158ff.; Supplement V, pp. 101 ff.) as in the Stoa of Zeus (p. 97); and whereas the wall base and orthostates were given a highly finished surface, the wall blocks above were lightly stippled, as if to receive stucco. On the other hand it should be borne in mind that at the time when the temple was built mural paintings were commonly done on plaster-covered wooden tablets, and when painting was done on marble it was applied directly to the smoothed surface of the stone. 161 4.J.A., LXVI, 1962, pp. 339-347, gives a synopsis. C. H. Morgan in successive articles discusses the metopes, Hesperia, XXXI, 1962, pp. 211 ff.; the friezes, ibid., pp. 221 ff.; the pediments and akroteria, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, pp. 91 ff.

148 SHRINES The pedimental groups must have been the latest addition; they probably belong to the time when the temple was given its finishing touches and the cult statues were installed.’ The evidence for their existence consists of shallow sockets cut in the floors of the triangular spaces to receive the plinths of the individual figures. From the west pediment have been recognized a few bits of legs, feet and hooves. The subject was probably a centauromachy again; perhaps the pediment showed the melee at the wedding feast, the frieze the punitive expedition which followed. At least two of the fragments were found in contexts of the early Roman period from which we may infer that the west pediment suffered in the Roman siege of 86 B.c., perhaps from catapult balls hurled over the city walls. Of the composition that once filled the east pediment no sculpture has been recognized with certainty, nor can the sockets cut for the statues in the floor of the pediment be interpreted with assurance. A large rectangular bedding on the axis will, to be sure, have held an enthroned figure, undoubtedly a divinity. To left and right are beddings for standing figures suitable for female and male respectively. To the right of the place for the male figure are cuttings in floor and wall which lend themselves to restoration as a tree entwined by a large serpent. The theme may therefore be the introduction of Herakles to Zeus in the Garden of the Gods. A marble group of two girls pick-a-back was found in a well just to the east of the temple; in all likelihood it formed the central akroterion above the eastern pediment. If the theme of the pediment has been correctly interpreted the girls may be recognized as two of the Hesperides, the charming but ineffectual guardians of the golden apples. This, however, is conjectural. Herakles, Theseus, the Centaurs — these are the stock figures of legend used by sculptors to adorn the temples of various deities; Herakles and Theseus were shown on the Treasury of the Athenians at Delphi, dedicated to Apollo. Hephaistos himself did not provide much suitable material. He could hardly be shown hurtling down from Olympos to Lemnos or bustling around the halls of Zeus serving wine while the other Olympians roared with laughter. As we have seen he is perhaps shown on the pedestal in his somewhat ambiguous position as father of Jirichthonios; and amongst the gods in the east frieze he is probably the figure on the right which corresponds to Athena on the left.%4 The artists decorating a temple were obviously under no constraint to confine themselves to subjects directly connected with the cult.%° On the other hand some local reference ig frequent; and on the Hephaisteion the familiar legends have a special significance for Athens and Attica. Theseus is the author and champion of the unity of Attica. It was he who established one Bouleuterion and the Prytaneion for all the land. Hence he appears most appropriately on the temple which dominates the civic center; and in both the eastern and western frieze the prominent figure which almost certainly represents Theseus is clearly an adaptation of one or other of the famous group of the Tyrannicides in the Agora below (Pls. 75, 79, b).1°¢ Herakles is his cousin and friend, besides being another slayer of monstrous creatures who menace civilized life. Perhaps in his presence too one can detect a special local reference. The temple was in Melite; in the same deme, further south, was the shrine of 152 In Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 230-268 in the course of a general discussion of the pediments three torsos found in the excavations were attributed to the east pediment by H. A. Thompson, and the theme was interpreted as the Introduction of Herakles. In a subsequent study, C. H. Morgan accepted the attribution of the statues but proposed for the theme the birth of Athena; Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, pp. 92ff. E. B. Harrison in her forthcoming volume on the architectural sculpture from the Agora will show reason for rejecting the attribution of the three figures to the east pediment. To her we owe the interpretation of the west pedimental group as a centauromachy; A.J.A., LX, 1956, p. 178. 153 Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 235f., 247ff.; XXXII, 1963, pp. 95, 97. One girl supports the other on her back, as in ephedrismos; here perhaps she is raising her companion to pick an apple. 154 See A.J.A., LXVI, 1962, p. 344; this arrangement is probably better than having Hephaistos two places further left, as does IX. Diehl, Arch. Anz., 19638, col. 748 ff.

155 J.H.S., LXXIX, 1959, p. 158; cf. E. O. Olsen, A.J.A., XLII, 1988, pp. 276ff. 156 See A.J.A., LXVI, 1962, pp. 345f.

HEPHAISTEION 149 Herakles Alexikakos.’*’ It was famous and venerable, but modest and unadomed, with no great temple on which the sculptors could carve the hero’s exploits. The Hephaisteion offered them an opportunity to do him justice. The temple stood in a precinct of irregular shape.® The oblique line of the western boundary was determined by the neighboring street. The peribolos wall which has left traces in the form of cuttings in the rock, with a few blocks of conglomerate still an situ near the southwest

corner, 18 probably not earlier than the beginning of the 8rd century B.c. On the north and south it runs at a distance of eight to ten meters from the temple; on the east there is a shallow bedding for a light terrace wall. An underground water channel leading from the direction of the Pnyx to a basin just outside the southwest corner is probably contemporary with the peribolos and may have been intended to provide improved irrigation for the temple garden. When the large Hellenistic hall was built (p. 80) on the north slope of the hill, the precinct may well have been extended in this direction as far as the retaining wall which was constructed immediately behind this building. The planting of shrubs in formal rows on the north, south and west sides of the temple is Hellenistic too and was probably maintained until the 1st century after Christ, when the water system was abandoned.’? The evidence is provided by the numerous holes scooped out of the rock to supplement the meager earth covering and by broken flower pots found in them (Pl. 76). But in a simpler form which has left no recognizable trace the “garden of Hephaistos”’ may be a good deal earlier. In the passage already quoted!® Plato says that the early Athenlans surrounded the shrine of Athena and Hephaistos with an enclosure like the garden of a house, and he may have the contemporary shrine in mind. The holes are most numerous on the south side—on the north the earth was more plentiful—but one row turns along the west end, and one hole has been found on the north. Their size indicates that they were intended for shrubs; pomegranate, myrtle and laurel have been suggested, and a row of each of the first two has been successfully re-planted. The pots have holes in the bottom just like their modern counterparts and were probably used for striking cuttings without detaching them from the tree (the shoots were pushed up through the hole) in the manner prescribed by ancient writers on horticulture. The monumental stairway rising from the Agora was not built until Roman times; earlier the approach was by a simple ramp leading to a terrace in front of the temple, where presumably the altar stood, though no trace of it has been found. On the lower slope of the Kolonos Agoraios below the temple are the remains of four long rows of slabs, laid apparently soon after the middle of the 5th century B.c. (P1.68, a).1*! Since they are made of soft poros, they are not suitable for regular use as steps. They were more probably designed as benches or as the underpinning for benches, from which the citizens, perhaps the Councillors in particular, could watch

shows in the Agora (p. 126). But they seem to be laid out in relation to the temple; they are very nearly parallel with its front and extend about an equal distance north and south of it; and they must have facilitated access to the hill and the shrine. The temple was always closely associated with the Agora and held only slightly aloof from the busy heart of Athens.1 157 See A.J.A., LXIITI, 1959, pp. 67f. ; cf. Agora, XI, p. 40 (in Miss Harrison’s discussion of a fine late archaic head of Herakles) ;

S. Woodford, ‘‘Cults of Herakles in Attica,” Studies presented to G. M. A. Hanfmann, Cambridge, Mass., 1971, pp. 211-225. 158 Hesperia, VI, 1987, pp. 396ff.; p. 148 above. 159 Ihid.; Picture Book, 8, nos. 11-14. 169 Note 1384 above; cf. O. Broneer, Hesperia, Supplement VIII, p. 52. 161 See p. 71 above where the suggestion that they were used as a law court is considered.

A late Hellenistic roof tile, with a painted dedication to Hephaistos, found in a well to the southeast of the Agora, evidently came from some subsidiary building in the precinct, Hesperia, VIII, 1939, p. 214. 162 For the history of the temple in later antiquity and its marvellous preservation in spite of incidental minor damage in 86 B.c. and a.p. 267 see Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 267f.


The shrine of the Two Goddesses, Demeter and Kore, called the Eleusinion in the City to distinguish it from the main shrine at Eleusis where the Mysteries took place, was ‘‘beneath the Polis,” i.e. the Acropolis,!® and looked down on the Agora from the southeast as did the Hephaisteion from the west. Pausanias (I, 14, 1-4) describes it as being above the fountain Einnea-

krounos. Though not in the Agora it was closely associated with it and may be treated as an adjunct.1® The initiates on their way to Eleusis, starting no doubt from the shrine, passed through the Agora singing to Iakchos,© and the Hierophantes (initiating priest) made a proclamation from the Stoa Poikile warning unqualified persons to stay away from the sacred rites.16 The ceremonial ride of the cavalry, as described by Xenophon, 16 ended with a gallop from the Herms in the northwest corner (pp. 95, 121) to the Eleusinion diagonally opposite. The shrine has been located in the past by various authorities on sites ranging over the greater part of the city of Athens—the slopes of the Acropolis on every side including the east, the slopes of the Areopagus, and even the Pnyx and the Kolonos Agoraios./® Plentiful archaeological evidence now places it, beyond reasonable doubt, southeast of the Agora, immediately east of the Panathenaic Way where it ascends towards the west end of the Acropolis (Pl. 77, a). Part of a shrine of appropriate form has been excavated at this point.1® Many dedications to Demeter and Kore and other inscriptions belonging to the Eleusinion have been found in the neighborhood. Admittedly some of them were built into the adjacent section of the Post-Herulian Fortification, and material for this wall was sometimes transported from a distance; but even so the epigraphical evidence is sufficient to give a clear indication.” It is strongly supported by the discovery of other material of Eleusinian character, notably several deposits of kernoi (Pl. 78, a), vessels of peculiar form used for the presentation of first-fruits to Demeter.’ These were dedicated in such numbers that from time to time a clearance had to be made; the superfluous kernoi, however, were not lightly thrown away but were placed with some care in a number of pits cut in the bedrock. Several fragments of marble plaques carved in relief with the figures of Demeter, Kore and Triptolemos have been found. Our ancient authorities imply that the Eleusinion was a large enclosure, which could be securely barred against intruders, such as the refugees in the time of the Peloponnesian War.!” On the subject of the temples the literary and epigraphical evidence is ambiguous. The western part of a walled enclosure has now been found, with one small temple, an altar, and a number of other monuments within it (Fig. 37, Pl. 77, b). The Panathenaic Way skirted its west side, and to north and south were cross streets leading eastward.1”3 The temple can be dated, on the 163 1.G., II?, 1078, lines 14-15 and 41; cf. Clement of Alexandria, Protrepticus, III, 45; see Agora, ITI, pp. 74 ff.

164 Qne may compare the site of the shrine of Demeter and Kore beneath the Acrocorinthus; see R. Stroud, Hesperia, XXXIV, 1965, pp. 1-24; XX XVII, 1968, pp. 299ff.; N. Bookidis, XX XVIII, 1969, pp. 297ff.; XLI, 1972. For other spots in the Agora region associated with the Two Goddesses see Agora, III, pp. 84ff. 165 Schol. Aristophanes, Frogs, 320 and 399; Hesychios, Diagoras. 166 Schol. Aristophanes, Frogs, 369ff.; see p. 93 above. 167 Happarchicus, IIT, 2. 168 Cf. Judeich, Topographie?, pp. 287f.

169 Hesperia, VIII, 1939, pp. 207-212; IX, 1940, p. 268; XVIII, 1949, pp. 184-185; XXIII, 1954, p. 295; XXIX, 1960, pp. 334-338. 170 Agora, III, pp. 81ff. For further inscriptions of Eleusinian character, found mostly in the area in question, see Hesperia,

XXIX, 1960, p. 2, no. 3; p. 20, no. 26; p. 37, no. 45; p. 40, no. 50; XXXII, 1963, p. 2, nos. 2 and 3; p. 32, no. 30; p. 40, no. 41; p. 42, no. 48; p. 45, no. 59; p. 47, no. 67; possibly XX XV, 1966, pp. 2438-244; XX XVII, 1968, p. 289, no. 29; XXXIX,

1970, p. 48 (an altar and an aule in the Eleusinion, but probably in the deme Phrearrioi, not Athens). 171 Cf. Hesperia, VIII, 1939, pp. 208-209.

172 Thucydides, II, 17,1; Aristeides, XIII, 191, says, no doubt with some exaggeration, that the Athenians “receive in the Eleusinion more people than others in the whole of the city.” 17%8 The southern street may not be earlier than the stoa of early Roman date on that side (see note 179). Philostratos, Vitae Sophistarum, II, 1, 7, implies a connecting street on the east side too; see Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 334, and A.J.A., LXVII, 1963, p. 76.




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Tr._ aa e_ = ;; EE AT 83.64 i ? te thm on f 2 ia ? “ou x a | ? : : 8425 ena =. >< 962 Fig. 87. Eleusinion (J. Travlos)

152 SHRINES evidence of pottery, early in the 5th century,” but when the shrine was first established 1s not

so clear. Slight remains of earlier walls in the area of the temple are thought to belong to houses because of their light construction and the nature of the pottery associated with them. But there may have been a simple archaic shrine somewhere on the site. A solid retaining wall just south of the temple may belong to it; and east of the temple votive figurines have been found at the earlier level. The temple foundations, of which a good deal is preserved on north, east and west, a single block only on the south, measure 17.70 m. north to south and 11 m. east to west. Apparently a narrower building was originally planned, but subsequently a broad supplementary foundation was added on the east to allow for greater width.” Although a dilfferent kind of limestone was used for this, reddish brown instead of grayish, the pottery associated with the foundations shows that the extension was made during the original construction and not ata later date. A crosswall divided the temple into a main cella on the south and a narrow room, perhaps an adyton, on the north; there is no evidence to fix the position of the entrance.1”6

From its dominating position on a prominent terrace one would naturally assume that this was the chief temple of the Eleusinion and that it was the temple of Demeter and Kore. It has been suggested, however, that the shrine of the Two Goddesses mentioned by Pausanias is in fact the “Southeast Temple’ (p. 167), situated some distance below the Eleusinion in the direction of the Agora. Pausanias’ description (I, 14) is indeed puzzling. He speaks of two temples built above the fountain Enneakrounos (p. 198), one of Demeter and Kore, the other of Triptolemos, containing a statue of him;'!’? next he remarks that when proceeding to describe the shrine called Eleusinion he was restrained by a dream. His two temples seem at first to be more or less distinct from the Eleusinion, but they were not necessarily so; we may have here an example of the topographical ambiguity of which Pausanias is sometimes guilty. If the Southeast Temple was indeed his Temple of Demeter and Kore (and in any case it was probably sacred to the Two Goddesses), then the building found within the enclosure was probably the Temple of Triptolemos. One would however expect to find a Temple of Demeter within the Eleusinion proper. Another difficulty too must be borne in mind, arising from an acceptable restoration of an important inscription found on the site, a decree of the deme Melite in honor of Satyra, priestess of Demeter Thesmophoros, dated early in the 2nd century s.c.1*8 According to this she repaired “all the temples” in the Eleusinion; and her portrait was set up, alongside that of other priestesses, in the Temple of Demeter and Kore. The Southeast Temple was not constructed until two centuries after the date of this decree, and is hardly “in the Eleusinion.” For final solution of these problems of Eleusinian topography one will probably have to wait and see what excavation of the eastern extension of the shrine reveals. The enclosing wall, of which sections are preserved on the north, west and south, was built of good polygonal masonry in Acropolis limestone. There seems to have been an entrance towards the west end of the south side. In the 4th century the northwestern section was greatly strengthened by the addition of re-used poros blocks. At the same time a simple propylon, without columns, was inserted in the west wall towards its south end, and steps were constructed against the outer face of this wall, overlooking the Panathenaic Way (I'ig. 37).1” 174 Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 337; cf. Guide, p. 93. 1% This now seems more likely than J. Travlos’ suggestion, T1.E.A., pp. 66f., that the building was given a colonnade on this side and the south. 176 Probably on the south, rather than on the east side as in Travlos’ plan (followed by G. E. Mylonas, Eleusis, Princeton,

met Pronto this temple Pausanias noted a bronze bull and a seated statue of Epimenides of Knossos. 178 T 5165, lines 4-5, published by O. Broneer, Hesperia, XI, 1942, pp. 265ff; Broneer argues that the Thesmophorion, usually thought to be near the Pnyx, because of Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae, 657-658, was in fact closely associated with the Eleusinion; see further Agora, III, no. 224, pp. 81f. 179 Below the main enclosure, between it and the east-to-west road, was a small enclosure containing several monument

ELEUSINION 153 Just east of the temple is a foundation measuring 1.10 m. by 2.70 m., constructed of limestone similar to that which was used in the eastward extension of the temple. This no doubt supported an altar, perhaps the one on which Andokides (I, 110ff.) was alleged to have placed a suppliant’s branch (hiketerva) at a time when the sacred law forbade it. Numerous fragments of Pentelic marble, found in the region of the Eleusinion, are inscribed boustrophedon with regulations for the Kleusinian cult and other cults in which the clan of the Kerykes was concerned.'®° Miss L. H. Jeffery, who published them, dated them at the end of the 6th century or the beginning of the 5th and suggested that they belonged to two marble altars which no doubt stood in the Kleusinion. Few of the many monuments which stood in and around the shrine have left remains im situ. Most interesting 1s a long narrow foundation (2 x 15 m.) extending eastwards from the temple, constructed of large blocks of soft creamy poros.1*! The monument, obviously an important one, may be dated on the evidence of pottery in the latter part of the 5th century, and a possible explanation is that this base carried the series of large marble stelai on which were carved the records of the Poletai dealing with the sale of the confiscated property of Alkibiades and others found guilty of parodying the Mysteries and mutilating the Herms in 415 s.c. Many fragments of the stelai have been found, scattered over a wide area, but clearly concentrated around the proposed site of the Eleusinion (PI. 78, b).1% Andokides (I, 111) tells us that according to a law of Solon (this of course may be an anachronism) on the day after the Mysteries the Boule met in the Eleusinion, presumably to deal with mystic business. Inscriptions too mention such meetings, including one which apparently began in the Bouleuterion proper and transferred itself to the Eleusinion.!®* One need not look for a specially provided council house; the Boule may well have gathered in the open area. One of the Eleusinian building accounts mentions various minor structures and architectural and decorative activities.184 We read of “nails for the doors of the postern (pylides) and for the doors into the Eleusinion in the City’; an entrance porch (prothyron) perhaps the one towards the southwest corner noted above; an oven or kitchen (ipnos; apparently cooking was done on occasion). Bricks are provided, and baskets for piling earth, presumably for terracing. It is not always quite clear what is at Kleusis and what is in the City, but a sacristy (neokorion) and a treasury seem to belong here too. Stelai inscribed with decrees or other documents which were somehow concerned with the

cult were naturally set up in the shrine or sometimes beside it. Dedications to the Two Goddesses were very numerous and varied in character. The larger bases made good matenial for the Post-Herulian Wall. Of one such base two large orthostates of Pentelic marble have been extracted from the wall (Fig. 38) ;!*° it once carried a pair of statues. According to the inscripbases, which may have been a minor shrine subordinate to the Eleusinion; in the early Roman period its western part was built over by a four-roomed structure; see Hesperia, X XIX, 1960, p. 334. In the Roman period too, probably in the 2nd century after Christ, the Eleusinion was extended southwards, and a stoa was built on its south side facing northwards; this stoa is 7.40 m. wide, and the excavated part (the eastern end has not been uncovered) is 25.40 m. long; abid., p. 386; Guide’, p. 94. 180 Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pp. 86ff.; cf. XX XVII, 1968, p. 282, no. 18. Note also another inscription concerned with cult regulations, found in fragments mostly near the Eleusinion, and possibly erected there; Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, p. 72, no. 15. 181 Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 388; Gurde?, p. 93. 182 7.G., I?, 325-3834; Hesperia, X XII, 1958, pp. 225-299 (cf. Agora, III, no. 207, p. 79); XXV, 1956, pp. 178-328 (see p. 182 below); for new fragments see Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 23ff.; XX XV, 1966, pp. 84f.; XXXVI, 1967, pp. 84-86. Cf. S.E.G., XXV, 1971, p. 19, no. 48. 183 T.G,, II?, 848, lines 80-31 (Agora, III, 212, p. 79); cf. 794, line 4; 1072, line 8. Another reference to the Boule in the ileusinion is safely restored in I 6885, Hesperia, XXXII, 1963, p. 23, no. 24. 184 1.G., II?, 1672; see Agora, III, no. 215, p. 80. On difficulties in distinguishing between the shrines in Eleusis and those in the City cf. O. Rubensohn, Jahrb., LX X, 1955, pp. 1-49; S. Dow and R. F. Healey, A Sacred Calendar of Eleusis, Harvard University Press, 1965, pp. 14f. 185 [ 5407: Hesperia, XXVI, 1957, pp. 203-206; Agora, III, p. 83.

154 SHRINES tion Demopeithides of Acharnai dedicated portraits of his parents to Demeter and Kore. The sculptor, previously unknown, was Theoxenos, a Theban. The date is the second half of the 4th century B.c. A very curious dedication is a Herm of the Epicurean philosopher Phaidros (1st century B.c.) set up by his pupil, Appius Saufeius, who, though he had presumably been taught that the gods were remote and ineffectual beings, chose this way to show his respect


and gratitude.166

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Se pT RipTAL ok ID PN agesAaeEe op PASS | [sla es,dy oe So SEA Fig. 38. Pedestal for Portrait Statues dedicated to Demeter and Kore (A. H. Bikaki) AHB

The base illustrated in Plate 78, ¢ was found northwest of the Agora, built into a wall of the 1st century B.c.18” Only the nght hand portion of the base is well preserved; on it one can read the name of the dedicator, Kleiokrateia daughter of Polyeuktos and wife of Spoudias, and the name of the sculptor, Praxiteles. Traces on small fragments of the left hand portion of the base suggest that the name of Spoudias himself was inscribed and probably the name of a second sculptor. The statues on the base may well have been portraits of the couple, as in the case of the double base noted above. The base with the signature of Praxiteles, set up in the middle of the 4th century B.c. and dedicated to Demeter and Kore, may have stood not in the 186 J 5485: A. E. Raubitschek, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 101-108; Agora, III, p. 83. 187 | 4165: Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 339-342; XXVI, 1957, pp. 200-203; Agora, III, p. 85. The family of Kleiokrateia, as pointed out by T. L. Shear in the editio princeps, was already known from the forty-first oration of Demosthenes. Pausanias (I, 2, 4) noted in the sanctuary near the Pompeion a group of Demeter, Kore and Iakchos with the name of the sculptor, Praxiteles, on the wall in Attic letters. The two groups must be distinct. The pedestal found in 1986 is inscribed in Ionic letters on the base itself; this pedestal, moreover, evidently carried a pair of portraits rather than images of the gods.

POLITICAL HEROES: THE TYRANNICIDES 155 Eleusinion itself but in another shrine, not far from the finding place. Just after entering the city, near the Pompeion, Pausanias noted a temple of Demeter (I, 2, 4). Demeter was worshipped under many names and in many places. From her central throne in the Eleusinion on the northwest slope of the Acropolis, her cults extended diametrically over the city: south to the shrine at the western approach to the Propylaia where she was called Chloe, the Green Goddess; to the far southeast where at her temple in Agrai the Lesser Mysteries were celebrated; and northwest across the Agora to this shrine near the Dipylon and the Pompeion where the material for the great processions was kept, and so on to Hleusis itself.

POLITICAL HEROES: THE TYRANNICIDES In some cities the heroes of ancient legend were joined in course of time by historical person-

ages, benefactors of the state, many of whom received monuments in the agora. At Athens Harmodios and Aristogeiton, though they killed Hipparchos because of a personal grudge and failed to put an end to the Peisistratid tyranny, were subsequently canonized as the great heroes of Athenian democracy and were the first men to receive honorary statues in the Agora.18§ The polemarch brought them enagismata, offerings made to the heroized dead,!®® either at the site in the Agora, which may have been regarded as a shrine, or else at their grave on the road to the Academy. The original bronze statues were by Antenor;!* one cannot say precisely when they were made; Pliny’s statement that it was in the year in which the kings were expelled from Rome, 510/9 B.c., i.e. the very year in which Hippias was expelled from Athens, is open to suspicion. They may have been made some years later, but we must allow a sufficient interval be-

tween them and their replacements to account for the fact that Pausanias characterized Antenor’s work as obviously “‘older.’’ These figures were taken away by the Persians in 480 or 479 B.c., and brought back to Athens by the favor of Alexander the Great or one of his successors.!*! They were replaced in the archonship of Adeimantos, 477/6 B.c., with works by the hands of Kritios and Nesiotes. For this we have the good evidence of the Parian Marble.1™ It is usually assumed that the new figures reproduced the general design of the old, but we have no definite evidence on this point. Standing prominently in the middle of the Agora, represented as heroic figures striding forward menacingly, the Tyrannicides of Kritios and Nesiotes were amongst the most familiar sights of Athens, and obviously they made a great impression. They were copied countless times, and besides late full-size replicas there are large numbers of smallscale representations of them, with sundry variations, in the minor arts.1%? Many other figures, on vases and elsewhere, are thought to reproduce more or less closely their bold and characteristic poses (Pl. 79, b). In spite of this there has been endless dispute about the iconography and grouping of the figures, their posture and their swordsmanship. They have been placed closely back to back, in a wedge-shaped formation, chest to chest, overlapping (with either Harmodios or Aristogeiton leading), and even in tandem, or detached on separate bases. Even the discovery of fragments of a base, followed by careful calculation of its dimensions, has brought no agreement. 188 Aristotle, Rhetoric, I, 9, 38 (1368 a); cf. Demosthenes, XX, 70; Pliny, Nat. Hist., XXXIV, 17,70; see Agora, III, pp. 93 ff., 207; cf. M. Ostwald, Nomos and the Beginnings of Athenian Democracy, Oxford, 1969, pp. 131 ff. 189 Aristotle, Ath. Pol., 58, 1; Pollux, VIII, 91; cf. O. Broneer, ’Apy. ’Ep., 1960 (1963), p. 66. 199 Pausanias, I, 8, 5. 191 Arrian, Anabasis, III, 16, 8, and Pliny, Nat. Hist., XXXIV, 70, say Alexander; Pausanias, I, 8, 5, Antiochos; Valerius Maximus, IT, 10, ext. 1, Seleukos. 192 Marmor Parium, Epocha, LIV, 70; I.G., XII, Fase. V, 444; Jacoby, F.G.H., II, 239; Agora, III, no. 269, p. 96. 183 The fullest treatment of the subject is S. Brunnsaéker, The Tyrant-Slayers of Kritios and Nestotes, Lund, 1955. Useful bibliographies are given in A. E. Raubitschek, Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis, p. 514; R.E.G., LXX, 1957, p. 452; see also notes 194, 198, 202 below. Cf. also E. Vermeule, Jahrb., LX XXV, 1970, pp. 103-107.

156 SHRINES In the present context one need hardly discuss these problems in detail. It will be sufficient to give the new evidence, epigraphical and topographical, from the Agora itself. This at least fixes the site of the groups with some precision. In a modern or Turkish fill east of the temple of Ares, south of its altar and north of the Odeion the excavators found in 19386 two fragments of Pentelic marble which beyond any reasonable doubt belonged to the base or one of the bases (PI. 79, a).4% The total width of the fragments is 0.323 m.; a section of the upper surface of the block is preserved, without any

foot marks, and a little of the right lateral face. ““The fragment has to be restored,” says Brunnsaker,!% “‘to a low, rectangular base of the type commonly used in the Late Archaic and Early Classical periods, especially for bronze statues.”’ The front of the block bears an inscription in two lines, of which we have the ends, reading [-----———-] hapudsiofs] [--—-————— Tra]tpida yév é9etev

Undoubtedly the first line gave the elegiac couplet quoted by Hephaistion in his handbook on meters!9” tT) wey’ “ASnvatoio: mows yeved’, vik’ “Apiotoyeitov “Itrtrapyov KTeive Kai “Apyodios

Hephaistion says nothing about the monument; he is merely noting and condemning the continuation of a word in the second line. He attributes the couplet without question to Simonides. This has been doubted or denied by many modern authorities.’°° The reasons usually given are hardly sufficient however. The couplet is not a very good one, but the poet is showing his metrical ingenuity rather than rising to the higher levels of poetic composition. Simonides was closely associated with Hipparchos; but such poets were certainly prepared to write for a wide variety of patrons, and some years may have intervened after the death of Hipparchos before the verses were written, even if they were inscribed on the earlier monument. The question whether the inscription should be associated with Antenor’s monument or Kritios’ cannot be simply or confidently answered. Of course even if these letters were cut on the later base, the earlier too may have carried the same epigram. It is also possible that the old base, with the inscription, survived the Persian sack in sufficiently good shape to be used for the new group. Brunnsaker!® argues that the context in which the fragments were found, in a “modern heap of debris,’”’ not an ancient fill, and probably near the original site, tends to show that the base was in being until late antiquity and is not one which was discarded in 479 B.c., but he admits that such evidence is not conclusive. On the evidence provided by the letter forms, in particular the theta with a small circle instead of a central dot, Meritt is inclined to assign the inscription to Kritios’ monument; but 194 One point may be noted. In Aristophanes, Lysistrata, 634, the leader of the chorus says, “I will take my stand beside Aristogeiton”’; and in Ecclesiazusae, 682, Praxagora says,”’ I will set up the kleroteria in the Agora beside Harmodios.”’ C. B. Kardara, A.J.A., LV, 1951, p. 298; cf. LXIV, 1960, p. 281, finds some support in this for the view that the two stood com-

paratively detached, on separate bases. But even if they were very close together on one base, standing on one side one would naturally think of oneself as ‘beside Harmodios,” on the other as ‘‘beside Aristogeiton.”’ 19 T 3872, Hesperia, V, 1986, p. 855, no. 1; VI, 1937, p. 352; Picture Book, 10, no. 4. 196 Op. cit., p. 88.

197 Encheiridion, IV, 6 (16.29). 198 Hg. C. M. Bowra, Greek Lyric Poetry, 2nd ed., Oxford, 1961, pp. 321-322. Undoubtedly many epigrams were fathered

on Simonides. The Simonidean authorship is defended by Brunnsaker, op. cit., pp. 86ff., and by A. J. Podlecki, in “The Political Significance of the Athenian ‘Tyrannicide’ Cult,’’ Historia, XV, 1966, pp. 135ff. C. A. Trypanis, Hermes, LX XXVIII, 1960, p. 69, gives the text (restored by H. Lloyd Jones) of an epigram about the Tyrannicides carved with several others on a stone at Chios; he believes that it is a Hellenistic fiction. 199 Op. cit., p. 95.

POLITICAL HEROES: THE TYRANNICIDES 157 he notes that in this period letter forms do not offer very precise criteria.2°° One cannot be sure that Antenor’s group was earlier than Kritios’ by a sufficient number of years to make a decisive difference from the epigraphical point of view, and in any case it is possible that the ‘““Simonidean”’ epigram was added some time after the statues were erected. The first line is very near the top of the block. Both lines extend to the extreme right edge and so may be assumed to have begun on the extreme left of the base. Reckoning that there were sixty-six letters in the first line, Meritt calculated that the total width of the base was about 1.88 m. Brunnsaker and others make it somewhat wider.2% Even with a width of 1.88 m., there would be ample room for the two figures side by side (too much perhaps if they were precisely parallel), and still sufficient, though with little to spare, if they were shown advancing along converging lines, in the ‘“‘wedge-shaped”’ scheme which many think most effective. One naturally assumes that the inscribed face is the main front of the base, toward which the figures were striding. The depth of the base from front to back was about 1.30 m., according to Brunnsaker.? These calculations are based on the dimensions of the full-scale replicas, which agree closely with one another and may be assumed to reproduce the dimensions of the originals. Kritios’ tyrannicides, it appears, were what one might call heroic life-size figures, not colossi, but rather more than six feet in height. How Antenor’s statues would have fitted the base we cannot say. Nor can we know what happened when the older statues were returned to Athens and set beside their replacements, or how the two groups were disposed in relation to one another when Pausanias (I, 8, 5) saw them together. There is every reason to believe that the inscribed fragments were found very near the place where the Tyrannicides stood, certainly in the time of Pausanias and Arrian and probably also when they were first erected; there is no reason to believe that they were ever shifted far (except by the Persians). Pausanias, after noting statues near the Temple of Ares (p. 162), says that Harmodios and Aristogeiton (both groups) stand ‘‘not much farther on’; immediately afterwards he mentions portraits of the Ptolemies in front of the entrance to the Odeion (p. 111). Arrian, who knew Athens well, says? that the bronze statues of Harmodios and Aristogeiton, restored to Athens by Alexander, now stand ‘in the Kerameikos”’ (i.e. the Agora), ““where we go up to the Acropolis, not far from the altar of the Eudanemoi, opposite the Metroon.” Timaios in his Lexicon of Plato? tells us that the statues stood in the festal area called the ‘‘orchestra”’ (p. 127); this is not very helpful, and we have to use the Tyrannicides to locate this elusive orchestra, which was probably in the middle of the Agora (p. 129), rather than vice versa. The Temple of Ares and the Odeion being satisfactorily identified, Pausanias gives us the general area. Arrian’s account is peculiar but in the light of our present knowledge of the topography of the Agora it points accurately to a site just west of the Panathenaic Way, directly east of the north end of the Hellenistic Metroon, and immediately north of the Odeion. The Metroon is some distance away, and the Acropolis somewhat remote; but Arrian must be thinking of the great processional route to the Propylaia, and reference to the Metroon certainly defines a 200 Hesperia, V, 1936, p. 355. Contrast Kardara, loc. cit. note 194 above. 201 Op. cit., pp. 88ff. He notes that if, as is possible, the elided final vowels were actually cut on the stone, the width would

be somewhat greater. He also notes that the spacing is slightly wider in the first line than in the second, perhaps because the cutter aimed at lines of equal length in spite of a difference in numbers of letters; and taking the spacing of the name Harmodios as normal for the first line, he arrives at a width of ca. 1.56 m. Note also Raubitschek, loc. cit., note 193 above. 202 On. cit., p. 155. There is no trace of feet on the top of the stone in the preserved depth of 0.12 m. A recent writer, B. Shefton, 4.J.A., LXIV, 1960, pp. 173-179, rules out the back-to-back parallel grouping favored by Brunnsaker, and himself favors a chest-to-chest arrangement, though admitting that it is impossible to decide between this and a wedge-shaped back-to-back arrangement. 203 Anabasis, III, 16, 8; Agora, ITI, no. 260, p. 94. Cf. p. 119 note 13 above. 201 S.v. orchestra.

205 See further Brunnsaker, op. cit., pp. 45, 132ff. For the old interpretation see Judeich, Topographie®, pp. 340ff.

158 SHRINES very short section of this. The statues can hardly have stood on the east side of the street; there they would have been altogether too remote from the Metroon. Nothing further is known of the situation of the altar of the Eudanemot. No identifiable remains have been found in situ. It has been suggested that a rectangular foundation, of which a few blocks have been found just north of the Odeion, carried both the groups (PI. 8).2°° It may have done so in the Roman period; it is sited in close relation to the Augustan Odeion, in front of the entrance and on the axis of the building. But the language of Arrian, who does not mention the Odeion, the obvious point of reference, suggests that the statues were more immediately adjacent to the street. How long the Tyrannicides continued to stand we do not know. Probably they were amongst the casualties of a.p. 267. The Athenians recognized that the site conferred a unique distinction on those who were honored there. For a long time they were very chary of granting any other honorary statues. To be ‘“‘set up in bronze in the Agora” implied that a man was something more than an ordinary mortal, that he had attained in some degree the stature of a hero. “The Athenians of those days,” says Demosthenes, ‘although Themistokles and Miltiades and many others achieved far nobler deeds for the city than the generals of today, did not set up bronze statues of them nor make a great fuss over them.’”°? Private dedications by an individual to an appropriate deity, such as Leagros’ statue (p. 182), were a different matter. Even when this austere attitude was abandoned, the rule was still selectivity and discrim1nation. ‘You will find that at other cities statues of athletes are set up in the agoras,” says Lykourgos2°8 ‘‘at Athens statues of good generals and the Tyrannicides.” Great athletes naturally tended to assume heroic stature. At Athens we hear of no official statues of athletes in the Agora; Autolykos the pancratiast stood in the Prytaneion,* but he had also distinguished himself by his courageous conduct in the time of the Thirty. Konon, Demosthenes tells us (XX, 70), was the first man after Harmodios and Aristogeiton to receive the official honor of a bronze statue. He was regarded as one who had freed the Athenians from an irksome tyranny, the dominion of the Lakedaimonians; and very appropriately his statue stood in front of the Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios, along with those of his son Timotheos and Euagoras of Cyprus.2!° Other famous generals of the early 4th century, similarly honored, were Iphikrates and Chabrias2 One doubts, however, whether the ancient commentator 18 right in saying that Iphikrates received not only a bronze statue but all the prerogatives voted to Harmodios and Aristogeiton. Chabrias’ statue was famous for its defiant posture, with shield on knee and spear thrust forward. These figures had a touch of the heroic about them; but soon the practice began to be extended and abused. Demosthenes himself is bitterly attacked by Deinarchos because he proposed bronze statues for the tyrants of Pontos, and for his fellow orators Demades and Diphilos not only statues but also meals in the Prytaneion in company with the descendants of Harmodios and Aristogeiton.22 Lykourgos, to whom the finances and architecture of Athens owed so much, was more deservedly honored in 3807/6 B.c. several years after his death; the decree, pre206 Gyide®, p. 70. Another possibility is a large foundation, of early Hellenistic date (suitable for the returning statues) set

obliquely at the northeast corner of the Odeion. The large base at the kink in the Panathenaic Way (p. 95, note 67) is too far north in relation to the Metroon. 207 XXIII, 196; Agora, III, pp. 207, 214. 208 Against Leokrates, 51.

209 Pausanias, I, 18, 3; Agora, III, no. 553, p. 168. 210 Pausanias, I, 3, 2; pp. 86, 101 above. Cf. W. Gauer, Jahrb., LX XXIII, 1968, pp. 118ff. 211 Aischines, III, 243; Cornelius Nepos, Chabrias, I, 2-3; Schol. Demosthenes, X XI, 62; see further Agora, III, pp. 209, 213; Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 319. 212 T, Against Demosthenes, 48, 101; Agora, III, pp. 209,211.

POLITICAL HEROES: THE TYRANNICIDES 159 served by the author of the Lnves of the Ten (852e), stipulated that the bronze statue should be set up “in the Agora anywhere except where the law forbids.’’ Demosthenes, a more controversial figure, had to wait until 280/79 B.c., when his famous portrait by Polyeuktos was set up and the eldest member of his family was granted maintenance in the Prytaneion. The statue was seen by Pausanias as he approached the Temple of Ares, and the author of the Lnwes says

it was near the perischoinisma and the Altar of the Twelve Gods; this means it was in the northwestern sector of the Agora.?!8 Meanwhile the Athenians had naturally been looking to the past and setting up statues of great men whom their earlier scruples had prevented them from honoring in this way. Solon,

whom they regarded with reverence as the great author of their laws, was placed in a conspicuous position in front of the Poikile on the north side of the Agora.?!4 The stipulation noted in the decree for Lykourgos is found in some later documents too; it embodies the remnants of the old scruples. The most important forbidden area was the very center of the square, around the Tyrannicides. No one was truly worthy to stand with these, and two extant decrees, of 314/3 B.c. and 295/4 B.c., contain the clause “except beside Harmodios and Aristogeiton.’!> Of course the heroic group needed plenty of space if it was to be seen to the best advantage, but such aesthetic considerations counted for little on a site where sculpture accumulated in quantity. In the second of the two decrees mentioned above the formula reads “except by Harmodios and Aristogeiton and the Soteres.’’ Antigonos and Demetrios of Macedon were given for a time exceptional privileges and unlimited honors.*/6 They were called Saviors (Soteres); they were

made Eponymoi (p. 40), with two new tribes named after them; they received an altar; and the decree passed in their honor stated that their statues, of gold and mounted in a chariot, were to stand beside Harmodios and Aristogeiton. The two new tribes were abrogated a century

later, and presumably the Kings lost the rest of their honors too. The Roman tyrannicides were more ephemeral.”!” The Athenians voted Brutus and Cassius bronze statues beside the statue of Harmodios and that of Aristogeiton (Dio Cassius’ precise language would seem to imply that they were to flank their prototypes, one on either side); but if ever these figures were erected, they must have been quickly whisked away, leaving Harmodios and Aristogeiton unique and alone once more. But in spite of restrictions the door was now open. Many princes whom the Athenians wished to thank or flatter entered and took their stand in the Agora. Pausanias saw them arrayed in front of the Odeion—Philip and Alexander, the Ptolemies, Lysimachos, Pyrrhos.7!® The erection of the Odeion and the Temple of Ares must have meant some reshuffling (pp. 111, 162), and there was no longer room for the Tyrannicides to stand in such isolation. Worthy citizens were

honored too, including as we have seen distinguished generals and statesmen. For some foreigners an honorable but less pretentious site was found in the temenos of Demos and the Charites.2!9 The relevant inscriptions, all of the 2nd century B.c., came to light on the north slope "13 Pausanias, I, 8, 2 and 4; Ps. Plutarch, Vit. X Orat., 847 a; Agora, III, pp. 210ff.; pp. 129-130 above. “14 Pausanias, I, 16, 1; cf. Ps. Demosthenes, X XVI, 23; Aelian, Var. Hist., VIII, 16. 215 1.G., Il?, 450, 646; Agora, III, nos. 278, 279, p. 97. The remains show that there were concentrations in front of the Stoa of Zeus, in front of the Metroon, and beside the Panathenaic Way east of the Odeion; see also p. 107. 216 Diodorus Siculus, XX, 46, 2; cf. I.G., I?, 646; Agora, ITI, pp. 95, 97, 208. See also note 219 below. 217 Dio Cassius, XLVII, 20, 4; Agora, III, pp. 95, 208-209. "18 T, 8,6; 9, 38 and 4; 11, 1; 14, 1; Agora, III, pp. 161 ff.; p. 205 below.

Note a statue of Antiochos (Epiphanes) beside which certain others were to be set up; Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, pp. 62-63; Agora, III, p. 208. 219 1.G., II?, 844, 908, 909, 987; Agora, III, pp. 59-61; add to the testimonia given there I 6127, Hesperia, XXX, 1961, p. 224, no. 21; AeAt., XVIIT, 1963, A1, pp. 106f. (I 5148; above p. 94, note 63). A. E. Raubitschek, Hesperia, XX XI, 1962, pp. 238-248, associates with this shrine a statue of Demokratia, near which, according to an honorary decree (Ath. Mitt., LX VI, 1941, p. 221, no. 3, lines 11-15), an equestrian statue of Demetrios (Poliorketes, son of Antigonos) was set up; see also Agora, III, pp. 91, 210; S.H.G., X XV, p. 55. For a possible Demokratia cf. p. 84.

160 SHRINES of the Kolonos Agoraios, and so did a large marble altar, found in situ, inscribed with a dedication to Aphrodite Leader of the Demos and to the Charites.”° This fixes the site of the shrine; here the statues could be seen by people approaching the Agora from the Sacred Gate. We learn from Josephos™! that a Jewish high priest, Hyrkanos, was honored with a statue here in

the 1st century B.c.

Roman imperial benefactors were accorded something more exalted and lavish than heroic honors, as we shall see in examining the new temples in the Agora. Augustus was perhaps honored in a shrine built behind the Stoa of Zeus (p. 108); Hadrian, Savior and Founder, besides being made an Eponymos (p. 40) and receiving innumerable statues and altars elsewhere, was set beside Zeus Soter himself (p. 101).”” Meanwhile the title “heros,” like so many good words, was degenerating sadly in meaning. When one reads on a columnar monument of the 1st century after Christ, found in the Agora, ‘“Konon Heros,’3 one does not look for another lesser hero cult. The title means nothing more than “‘the much respected and late lamented.”

TRANSPLANTED TEMPLES AND ALTARS For several centuries the purely religious buildings within the confines of the Agora proper remained few and modest (p. 20). It was left to the Hephaisteion on the hill above to add an element of distinction and grandeur. The efforts of the Hellenistic architects were concentrated on stoas rather than temples. At the same time the central square was still a true Greek agora, an open space unencumbered by large structures; its stoas provided a setting for varied human activity, from the Panathenaic procession to an evening stroll, rather than a frame for large temples or other buildings.”4 In the late Hellenistic and Roman imperial age a new architectural trend began; and the open square was felt to be a vacuum which needed filling. It was still not a temple, but the Odeion, a handsome covered theater (p. 111), which appropriated the dominant site, in the middle towards the south. When the Temple of Ares was added a little later, it was placed further north and pushed a little towards the west; its altar was set precisely on the axis of the Odeion. Another temple was built in the southwestern part of the Agora; a third was placed at its southeastern exit, outside the main square but dominating the small subsidiary plateia which was taking shape at this point (p. 114). For the construction certainly of two of these temples and possibly of all three building material was provided by dismantling and transporting the stones of ancient shrines outside Athens. In this way temples in the Attic demes which were threatened with dilapidation were given a new lease of life; at the same time the Agora was brought into conformity with the architectural modes of the age, and appropriate honors were paid to benefactors. Besides the temples, a great altar was moved into the Agora, not indeed from outside Athens, but probably from a site within the city which by now was comparatively neglected, the Pnyx. Zrus AGORAIOS

The handsomest altar found in the Agora stands just opposite the Metroon, behind the northern end of the Eponymoi (Pls. 12, 80, a). Its foundations are of squared blocks of conglom220 T.G., Il?, 2798; Agora, III, no. 130, p. 61. 221 Antiqu. Jud., XIV, 8, 5; cf. 1.G., II?, 4700, as restored by A. N. Oikonomides, The Two Agoras in Ancient Athens, p. 109.

222 On the cult of Hadrian, and his numerous altars, see A.S. Benjamin, Hesperia, XXXII, 1968, pp. 57ff.; cf. XXXV, 1966, pp. 250ff.; I.G., II?, 3274, shows that Claudius was associated in cult with Apollo Patroos. 223 1.G., II?, 18186; I 3316, Hesperia, XXXIV, 1965, p. 99, no. 12. 224 Note, however, the two buildings of which slight traces have been found in the South Square; one at least appears to have been a temple (pp. 70-71). 225 Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 140-148; X XI, 1952, pp. 91-93.

TRANSPLANTED TEMPLES AND ALTARS: ZEUS AGORAIOS 161 erate. Above these was the euthynteria, the outer blocks of which were of poros of Peiraeus, tied originally with double T clamps, then four steps of Pentelic marble, reduced to narrow ledges on the north and south sides and on the back (east) as a fragment from one of the eastern corners shows. The steps survive to their full height in the northern half of the west front; in the southern half only the lower two remain. They are carved in pairs, the upper two from one block, the lower two from another. The preservation of so much of the steps is probably due to their formidable weight. The overall measurement on the lowest step was 8.76 m. north to south by 5.48 m. east to west. Presumably the altar proper stood on the eastern part of the base, leaving a broad platform on the west above the steps for the priest and his assistants. Immediately east of the foundation a large orthostate of Pentelic marble came to light; it had clearly formed part of the altar and had simply been swung round from its original position for use in the construction of a Byzantine house. One of the ends forms a corner; the other end and the top are broken away; the present length is about 2.90 m. The block is carved with elaborate mouldings, at the bottom a broad guilloche surmounted by a Lesbian leaf pattern and a bead and reel, near the top an egg and dart above another bead and reel; one cannot say how the extreme top of the block or of the altar as a whole was finished off. A number of fragments of a companion orthostate have been found in the curbing of a late well in the porch of the Metroon. The mouldings, in spite of their apparent delicacy, show a certain carelessness and irregularity which one would not find in the best 5th century work. On grounds of style and technique the original construction of the altar is dated late in the 4th century B.c. It is a good example of the more elaborate type of altar of that time,”* contrasting with some of the simpler altars which we have seen, but still falling far short of the great Hellenistic altars in architectural splendor. The base has now been built up to a level platform with ancient material, and the orthostates have been set in position so that the scale and design of the altar can be more readily appreciated. The monument was discovered in the first campaign, in 1931. It soon became evident from several small indications that it had at some time been dismantled and re-erected, presumably on a different site. Dowels inaccessible without shifting the blocks had been removed and not replaced. If any further evidence was needed, it was furnished by the presence of letters scratched on the ends of the blocks to guide the builders in replacing them. Their form is the only evidence for the date of the removal and points to the 1st century B.c. or Ist century after Christ. At first it was suggested that the shift was part of a late Hellenistic rearrangement of this part of the Agora and that the altar was not moved far. But one cannot imagine why it should have been moved at all within the Agora itself, and no suitable site for its former location has been found there. Subsequently it was observed that the altar would fit very precisely a rockcut bedding on the Pnyx, just above the bema (p. 50), made apparently for the altar associated with the assembly place of Lykourgos’ time.”? If this was indeed the original location, then probably the altar was sacred to Zeus Agoraios, and the transfer was made when the Pnyx had long given way to the Theater of Dionysos as a place of assembly. The theater would not be considered a suitable place to receive the altar. A note preserved in the scholia on the [Knights (410), ““Agoraios Zeus is established in the agora and in the ekklesia,” may contain a vague reference to the removal.”8 The identification is by no means certain. Zeus Agoraios has been sought in other places. R. Martin®® maintains that the altar to the east of the Stoa of Zeus be226 See C. G. Yavis, Greek Altars, St. Louis, 1949, p. 195; cf. A. W. Lawrence, Greek Architecture?, London and Baltimore,

ee! Hesperia, XXI, 1952, pp. 92-98; of. XII, 1948, p. 300. 228 See Agora, III, pp. 122 ff. for this and other testimonia. 229 Agora Grecque, pp. 327-828; in pp. 176ff. Martin brings out well the importance of the cult.

162 SHRINES longed to Zeus Agoraios, but it can with more probability be assigned to Soter-Eleutherios. The great southwestern altar evidently belonged to a cult of major importance in the civic life of Athens. Even if there were no specific evidence Zeus Agoraios would have to be seriously considered. He was concerned with the assembly and the law courts. “From the servants of Zeus Boulaios and Agoraios and Polieus,” says Plutarch,° ‘‘we demand deeds not of feet and hands but of counsel and forethought and oratory.’”’ When the chorus in the

Knights" calls on Zeus Agoraios to protect the Sausage-seller, they are thinking not so much of his old trade as of his new career as Leader of the Demos. Aischylos associates the God with Peitho (Persuasion).?* TEMPLE OF ARES

By far the most remarkable transplantation was that of the Temple of Ares, which in the time of Augustus was rebuilt near the very middle of the Agora. In 1987 the remains of a large temple (Fig. 39) were found east of the shrine of Apollo Patroos* and at once identified as belonging to Ares on the strength of Pausanias’ itinerary‘ and other literary evidence. No other serious claimants have been put forward.

] j oO | _ @ 7 Q//Qy 7

fe) 5 10 M. a Fig. 89. Temple of Ares and Altar (J. Travlos)

A section of the foundations, built of re-used poros blocks on a packing of broken stone, was still in position at the east end (PI. 80, b); elsewhere the shape of the building, with its overall dimensions of a little more than 17 m. by 36 m., could be seen in deep cuttings in the bedrock. A single triglyph, marked AO, had been found as early as 1931, and Dinsmoor remarks2%5 that from this alone a bold restorer might infer the existence of a temple with six by thirteen columns, measuring 14.51 by 34.04 m. on the frieze, built in the age of Perikles, rebuilt in the age of Augustus. Well over two hundred marble fragments, representing almost every element of the temple, have now been identified; they can be recognized not only by general style and dimensions and finding-place, but also by the peculiar character of the marble, a Pentelic often veined with gray-green chlorite, and of course by the mason’s marks (P1.81, a,b). Four more or less 239 An Sent Resp. Gerenda Sit, 10 (789 a). *31 499-500; note also 409-410. 232 Humenides, 970 ff.

33 Hesperia, IX, 1940, pp. 1-52; X XI, 1952, pp. 98f.; XXVIII, 1959, pp. 1-64. *31 7, 8,4; Agora, III, no. 117, pp. 54 ff. “35 Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 2.

TRANSPLANTED TEMPLES AND ALTARS: TEMPLE OF ARES 163 complete column drums are known. One was found just east of the temple. Another, found in the northwestern part of the Agora, is now incorporated as the bottom drum in the reconstructed northern pronaos column of the Hephaisteion, but it bears the mason’s letters and belongs unquestionably to Ares. Both the others were converted for use as millstones (P1. 81, a); one came to light south of the Stoa of Attalos; the fourth lies south of the theater of Dionysos. Several fragments of cover tiles of Pentelic marble found near the site probably belong to the temple. Two large sections of its ceiling beams were incorporated in the Post-Herulian Wall, and with them may be associated more than eighty fragments of coffering found in the adjacent fill.86 On some of these last the elaborate painted decoration, in bright blue, vermilion and emerald green, was remarkably vivid when they were found (PI. 81, c). They cannot have lain exposed for long after the Herulian sack of a.p. 267. The Wall must have been built and the material thrown into its fill not long afterwards. We owe it to the violence of the Herulians that these, like the fragments of many other buildings, are better preserved than if they had been subject to more gradual processes of attrition and decay. To ensure that the blocks were re-set each in its own particular place, a thorough system of marking by letters was used.?3’ On each block, on a surface which would be invisible, at least two letters were carved, indicating on which side of the temple it stood and at what point in its course. Incidentally the position of the letters also ensured that no block was reversed; this might have caused difficulty in replacing the clamps. In dealing with such elements as the triglyphs the course to which the blocks belonged was self-evident. Where there might be doubt, a third letter was added. For example, in the steps the first letter showed the sequence of the blocks in their course, and for this nearly the whole alphabet was needed. The second showed the course, A being the top step, B the middle, F the bottom, and A the euthynteria. In the third position four symbols are used, AP, A, E and O, obviously abbreviations, perhaps for dpiotepd, Se€ic, eiooSos, dtr1c9d5oy05.748 Marks used by masons, both in construction and dismant-

ling, are not uncommon in ancient architecture,™® but this is the most elaborate example known. The letters are larger and more deeply and carefully cut than was usual or necessary. No doubt they were incised on each course as the one above was removed. The forms of the letters point to a date for the operation at the end of the 1st century B.c., possibly in the time of Augustus, and this 1s confirmed by the discovery in the packing of the foundations of a terracotta bowl characteristic of the period. An inscription, dated in a.p. 2, in which C. Caesar, adopted son of Augustus, is honored as the “new Ares,’”’ should probably be linked with the re-dedication of the temple.” The original construction may be placed in the four-thirties. Dinsmoor makes it the third of the four temples which he assigns to the architect of the Hephaisteion (p. 142) and dates it 436-432 B.c. In dimensions and general design it is closest to the Hephaisteion, in spite of differences of detail and a somewhat later architectural style. The stylobate measured a little over 16 m. by not quite 34 m. There must have been six by thirteen columns; their height is calculated as 6.10 m. The foundations are solid and do not 36 Hesperia, XXVIII, 1959, pp. 38 ff. In addition to the material assembled here by M. H. McAllister another wall block was found later in a tower in the PostHerulian Wall, Hesperia, X XIX, 1960, p. 351. There is evidence that as in the Temple of Hephaistos (p. 147), the vertical joints of the walls were leaded through narrow

channels cut in the anathyrosis; Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 319; XXVIII, 1959, pp. 30f. A handsome sima with lion’s head formerly associated with this temple is now attributed rather to the Hephaisteion

Ps Hesperia, XXVIII, 1959, pp. 47¢f. 238 One needs another noun to balance cicodos, rather than étrictepos as suggested in Hesperia, XXVIII, 1959, p. 51. ’Otr1a9d5o0p0s5 can here be taken to mean the rear part of the building in general. 239 See R. Martin, Manuel d’architecture grecque, Paris, 1965, pp. 222ff. 40 1.G., II?, 3250; cf. Hesperia, TX, 1940, p. 49; Agora, III, p. 55.

164 SHRINES provide evidence of the position of the walls. The cella no doubt had a pronaos™! and an opisthodomos. Nothing is known of the arrangements within the cella. One would expect sculpture in the pediments of the temple and perhaps some of the metopes as in the Hephaisteion; but though the floor of the pediments was strengthened as if to receive sculpture,” no marks have been preserved and no fragments recognized, and the fragments of

the metopes are too slight to be decisive. An akroterion may be attributed to the temple almost with certainty.2 When the railway cutting, not far to the north, was being made in 1891, a female figure of Pentelic marble was found, three-quarters life size, wearing a Doric chiton shown as if blown back by the wind; the head and the lower part of the legs were missing (PI. 82, b). It was thought even then that the figure was an akroterion, and when in 1951 two joining fragments of the left leg were found just east of the Temple of Ares, the peak of the front of this temple seemed a very appropriate place for it. Dimensions and style are suitable. The figure is moving forward towards the spectator, unlike the Nike from the Stoa of Zeus, who moved laterally as she grazed the outer corner of the gable. The Ares figure can scarcely be Nike since she has no wings, but her identity is still to be established.*4 A terrace 6-8 m. wide was built along the north side and round the northeast corner of the temple. Beddings of hard gray poros show that the area between the temple and the altar to the east was paved, probably with marble. Many statues stood around the temple, but though a number of bases and beddings have been found, none can be identified as belonging to any of the monuments seen by Pausanias (I, 8, 4). Pausanias mentions a statue of Ares by Alkamenes, two Aphrodites, and an Athena made by Lokros of Paros (a sculptor otherwise unknown). He implies that these stood within the temple, in contrast with the statues set up around it. No trace has been found of the Ares or the Aphrodites, but a torso in Pentelic marble found in a Byzantine wall just south of the temple represents Athena and may be the work of Lokros. It is of excellent quality and late 5th century date.*6 The altar was moved with the temple. Its foundations, measuring 6.30 m. by 8.90 m., made of large re-used poros blocks, lie about 10 m. to the east.24? Their arrangement shows that the altar proper occupied the eastern part of the foundation, with steps leading up to it on the west. A battered orthostate of Pentelic marble probably belongs to it, and also a number of fragments of richly carved moulding, whose style, together with the use of hook clamps, indicates that in this form at least the altar was built about a century later than the temple itself (Pl. 81, d). A number of fragments of figures carved in Pentelic marble in high relief were found to the

east of the temple—a bearded head which lay on top of the foundations of the altar, several female heads and four draped female torsos (Pls. 82, a, c, 83).248 They are of a very high qual241 By assigning the long ceiling beams to the pronaos Mrs. McAllister allows it an unusual depth; Hesperia, XXVIII, 1959, pp. 38ff., 60ff.

2 Hesperia, IX, 1940, pp. 31f., 47£.; XXVIII, 1959, pp. 24¢. #43 P, N. Boulter, Hesperia, X XII, 1953, pp. 141-147; cf. XXI, 1952, p. 95.; S. Karouzou, Collection of Sculpture, National Archaeological Museum, Athens, 1968, p. 41, pl. 22.

244 Mrs. Boulter in her original publication suggested Hebe, the sister of Ares. The problem will be reconsidered by I. B. Harrison as she prepares for publication all the sculpture from the temple. 45 Hesperia, XXI, 1952, p. 96; XXII, 19538, pp. 42f.; XXVIII, 1959, pp. eff. North of the altar, near the Panathenaic Way, was found a marble block which had probably once been a small altar, embedded in the earth and fitted with a massive iron ring, probably for tethering sacrificial animals. 146 A.J.A., XL, 1936, p. 199, fig. 14; Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 1, note 4; Guide’, p. 131. 247 Hesperia, XXVIII, 1959, pp. 4ff. 248 Thid., XX, 1951, pp. 57f.; XXI, 1952, pp. 94f.; Guide?, pp. 129f. The original height of the figures must have been close to 0.85 m., about the same as the figures of the Nike temple parapet. This frieze, like the akroteria of the temple, will be discussed further by E. B. Harrison in a volume on the architectural sculpture from the Agora. Hesperia, XL, 1971, p. 272 gives two more heads possibly from this set.

TRANSPLANTED TEMPLES AND ALTARS: SOUTHWEST TEMPLE 165 ity and in a style which makes them contemporary with the temple. At first they were naturally associated with the altar and assigned to a parapet running along its north, east and south sides; but now that the altar is seen to be of a much later date, it 1s suggested that they stood somewhere within the temple itself; though unexpectedly large for such a position (the total height of the figures would be about 0.85 m.) they may have occupied a frieze over the pronaos. They represent graceful, quietly standing figures, apparently divine, but with no attributes which might help to identify them. A small fragment on which appear the heads of sheep suggests a scene of sacrifice. The original site of the temple has been sought in various parts of Athens. Some have placed

it on or near the Hill of Ares, but have failed to find a suitable spot or any traces. Dinsmoor suggested that it was brought from a site to the east of the Agora, “not far from the Anakeion which formed the center for military assemblies” (p. 124), to help make room for the great Roman market.49 But now that we have more evidence on the transplantation of such buildings or of their major elements, it seems much more probable that the temple came from a site some distance from the city. Temples in some of the demes of Attica were falling into decay. Athenian piety would resist removal from a venerable site within the city; but the same piety might well approve of the transfer of a neglected shrine to a distinguished place in the Agora itself, where at the same time as honor was paid to the imperial family the old cult could be given a new life. Ares is known to have had a shrine at Acharnai, north of Athens at the foot of Parnes. An inscription,° dated in the third quarter of the 4th century, mentions the construction of an altar, and in a relief on the stele Ares and Athena are shown together, as in the temple at Athens. The coincidences are striking, and though in this case we do not have the evidence of remains on the old site, it seems probable that the stones were transported from Acharnai. Pausanias, who visited Acharnai a century and a half after the transplanting of the temple, did not include Ares in his list of the local sanctuaries (I, 31, 6). Perhaps a thank-offering of the Acharnian community to Ares and Augustus, mentioned in another inscription,’ was for the completion of a timely rescue operation. The temple was badly damaged by the Herulians in a.p. 267 and some of its marble, as we have seen, was carried off for re-use in the Post-Herulian Wall. Part of the building may have survived, however, to be incorporated in the Late Roman Gymnasium early in the 5th century after Christ (pp. 211-212). Georgios Kodinos, a Byzantine writer on the antiquities of Constantinople, adds a curious footnote to its history.” Certain stelai carved with elephants, brought from the Temple of Ares at Athens by Theodosius the Less (a.p. 408-450), stood at the Golden Gate. By some chance these had escaped destruction. SOUTHWEST TEMPLE

Certain less comprehensive bodies of re-used material are more problematical. The temple was not always moved entire; sometimes it was regarded rather as a storehouse of ready-made architectural members, from which suitable material could be extracted for incorporation in a new building. In the southwestern region of the Agora, north of the western part of the Middle Stoa, are traces of a rectangular structure which measures overall 21 m. east to west by 11 m. north to 249 Hesperia, IX, 1940, pp. 50ff.

250 See L. Robert, Etudes épigr. et philol., in Bibl. Ecole des Hautes tudes, CCLXXII, 1988, pp. 293ff., pl. 1; cf. A.J.A., LXVI, 1962, p. 200. G. Daux, ‘Deux stéles d’Acharnes” in Xapiottpiov eis "Avaotaciov K. OpAdvdoy, I, Athens, 1965, pp.

en 1G, IT?, 2958; cf. Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 52; Agora, ITI, p. 55. 22 47, 14; Preger, Scriptores Orig. Constant., Teubner, 1907, p. 182, II, 58; Agora, III, no. 116, p. 54.

166 SHRINES south.2> The foundations, of heavy conglomerate blocks on a packing of broken stone set in lime mortar, are in place only at the southwest corner, but cuttings complete the main outlines. The building looks like a temple with a porch to the west, and as erected on this site it may be dated in the early Roman period, probably not long after the Odeion (Pls. 8, 13, a). At first it seemed that nothing of the superstructure could be identified. Later a cornice block

found not far away was associated with the temple and also with a number of Ionic architectural members carved in a distinctive milky-colored marble.*4 These were found built into the Post-Herulian Wall, except for a couple of stray fragments picked up on the south side of the Agora. They include unfluted column shafts, a fragment of a base, fragments of capitals and one which is almost complete, a small piece from the crown of the epistyle, and a fragment of the epikranitis. The capital is of an early Attic type; the echinus has a cyma reversa rather than an ovolo profile and the ornament isnot carved but painted. Some of the fragments bear mason’s marks of early imperial date. Next it was noted that capital, epistyle and cornice were exactly like the corresponding members found long ago at the site of the temple of Athena at Sounion.”° There can

be no doubt that once again we have here a set of architectural pieces removed to the city from a distant Attic temple, presumably dilapidated. At first it seemed most probable that they were used in the construction of the Southwest Temple; but now one must take into account the possibility that they were used in one of the temples newly discovered in the South Square (pp. 70-71). The Southwest Temple faced the old Tholos and stood near to the new civic offices, against the background of the colonnade which ran between these and the Odeion. Obviously the cult

was an important one, but it cannot be identified with any confidence. Perhaps it was concerned with the imperial family; a clue may be provided by a marble base found (not wm situ) near the northwest corner of the temple, bearing an inscription which says that the Council of the Areopagus set up a statue of Julia Augusta Boulaia mother of Tiberius Augustus, 1.e. Livia.?°6


Another set of wandering Ionic columns cannot be placed with any precision, whether one thinks of their original or their later site.’ They came to rest for sixteen centuries in the foundations of a tower in the Post-Herulian Wall, just south of the Library of Pantainos, and one has now been re-erected in the southern stairwell of the Stoa of Attalos. Three complete shafts have been found, one base and two capitals (Pl. 84). Curiously the columns are not all of the same height; two are 5.87 m. (overall); one 6.67 m. For guidance in resetting, the masons cut small letters near the joints, in forms which suggest an Augustan date. One suspects that there was a second tall column to make up the set; the alphabet would have sufficed. The columns are of fine Pentelic marble; each shaft is made of four drums, with 20 instead of 24 flutes and very delicate entasis. The capitals again rely largely on paint for their decoration and are uncanonical and probably pre-Mnesiclean in design; they were perhaps made a little earlier than those of the Propylaia. 253 Hesperia, X XI, 1952, pp. 90-91.

24 4.J.A., LXVI, 1962, p. 200. 255 A, Orlandos, ’Apy. *Eg., 1917, pp. 183-187; cf. W. B. Dinsmoor, Architecture of Ancient Greece, p. 184. The original date

of the columns is towards the middle of the 5th century B.c. 256 T 4012; Hesperia, VI, 1987, p. 464, no. 12; XXI, 1952, p. 91; Agora, III, no. 427, p. 136. For Livia associated with Artemis Boulaia see J. H. Oliver, Cl. Phil., LX, 1965, p. 179. 257 Hesperia, X XIX, 1960, pp. 351 ff.


A short distance below the site assigned to the Eleusinion, on the opposite side of the Panathenaic Way, stood another temple which was almost certainly dedicated to Demeter and Kore, and which may be considered as standing in close relation to the Hleusinion.”® It was placed at the extreme southeast corner of the Agora, encroaching on the northeastern part of the site formerly occupied by the Mint (p. 78). It was built here probably in the 1st century after Christ, but its columnar porch, facing down the Panathenaic Way, incorporated material from a temple of the 5th century s.c. (Pls. 8, 18, b). The total length of the building was 20.60 m.; the porch was 12.20 m. wide, the cella 11.20 m. The walls of the cella were built of irregular re-used blocks of poros, set in shallow beddings

without separate foundations.® In the middle of the cella is a bedding for a large pedestal 4.40 m. by 6.70 m.; the core was roughly constructed of re-used material. Two large fragments of a standing female figure, draped in a peplos, and a left foot of the same statue were found near by; it may be assumed that this colossus stood on the pedestal.? The pronaos was of much more careful and solid construction, on foundations of re-used conglomerate blocks laid in a deep trench. Many column drums and two eapitals which may be associated with it have been found, mostly in the near-by section of the Post-Herulian Wall (Pl. 104, a). They are Doric, of an off-white marble, neither Hymettian nor Pentelic, and their workmanship indicates a date in the latter part of the 5th century B.c. Other re-used Doric members found in the Post-Herulian Wall may also belong to the temple. On the other hand an anta capital of Pentelic marble is of Roman imperial date and must have been newly made at the time of construction on this site. The precise source of the ancient columns re-used in the fagade has been happily identified. The marble is of a kind quarried near Laurion and used in buildings at Thorikos. More than a century ago, a temple of Demeter was discovered at Thorikos?*! with a colonnade of 7 by 14 columns, of which those at one end were entirely missing. This temple was never finished ; the fluting of the column drums was merely begun at top and bottom. Now in the drums from the temple in the Agora it was observed that the fluting had been begun with the care characteristic of 5th century architecture, but finished in more careless fashion, presumably when the columns were re-erected at Athens. The coincidence of material, dimensions and treatment is conclusive. A set of columns must have been transported from Thorikos to Athens. Apparently more material was brought than was needed. One of the capitals which have been found had not been incorporated in the late wall after the destruction of the temple, but laid at a much earlier date in the paving of the Panathenaic Way a short distance to the north. One need hardly doubt that the Southeast Temple was dedicated to the Eleusinian deities and that the statue too came from Thorikos and represented one of the Two Goddesses. The temple may be the first of the two noticed by Pausanias (I, 14, 1) as he approached the Eleusinion, though it may more accurately be described as beside the fountain identified as Enneakrounos (p. 198) than ‘‘above’”’ or “beyond” it as Pausanias says. One also wonders whether it was built on the site of the shrine of Persephone, in the Agora, called Pherrephattion.2” This, according to Demosthenes, was at a point where two gentlemen taking an evening stroll in the 258 Ibid., pp. 839-3438.

259 In the front part of the cella are bedding blocks which no doubt supported a marble floor; there would probably be a similar floor in the pronaos, though all trace has disappeared. 260 Possibly with a companion. It may be dated in the latter part of the 5th century B.c. See Hesperia, X XIX, 1960, pp.

nT eat Soviety of Dilettanti, The Unedited Antiquities of Attica, London, 1817, Ch. IX, pls. 1-3; Stais, Mpoxtixa, 1893, pp. 12-17; ’Apy. *Eg., 1895, pp. 221-234; Hesperia, X XIX, 1960, p. 342. 262 Demosthenes, LIV, 8; Hesychios, Pherrephattion (‘‘a place in the Agora’); Agora, III, p. 85; cf. pp. 122, 193 below.

168 SHRINES Agora would naturally turn back; and in fact the road above the site of the temple quickly becomes too steep for idle strolling, as it passes the Eleusinion and ascends the Acropolis slope.

SOME LESSER SHRINES Great numbers of shrines are known from the literary authorities, and great numbers from the archaeological finds. As we have seen again and again, it is difficult to coordinate the two types of evidence. But in spite of the many problems, between them they give a clear impression of the sanctity of the place, and of many sacred spots within and around it; and few shrines known from our authors or from inscriptions have not been associated, at least tentatively, with a particular site and particular remains. Of exceptions perhaps the most notable is the shrine of Peace (irene). For the sake of completeness, to illustrate the great variety of the cults, and at the same time to show the limitations of even the most thorough archaeological investigation, it may be briefly mentioned here. In the late 5th and early 4th century many Athenians were obsessed with the idea of Peace, ‘fairest of the blessed gods,’’ who abhorred the shedding of blood ;?8 but it was not till 374 B.c., on the occasion of the “King’s Peace,” that the altar of Hirene was established.?6* Pausanias (I, 8,2) saw Kephisodotos’ statue of the goddess carrying the infant Ploutos (Wealth), known from coins and full-size copies, and the portrait of Kallias the reputed peacemaker of 449 B.c., after the Eponymoi and Amphiaraos and before Demosthenes and the Temple of Ares.2® No doubt the altar stood close by. Thus the site is known to within a few yards and the area has been thoroughly investigated, but no identifiable traces have been found. Paul found Athens as full of images of the gods as a forest is of trees,?®° and standing in the midst of the Areopagus with the Agora below and the Acropolis above he told the Athenians that in all respects he found them excessively—and ignorantly—god-fearing. At Athens even more than in most Greek cities there were gods everywhere; and the objects of Athenian worship were of all kinds, from ancient heroes to political and ethical abstractions.**’ A great and representative concentration accumulated in and around the Agora; the places of worship ranged from simple enclosures and tiny naisko1 to masterpieces of architecture and sculpture. The Eleusinion and the shrines on the northwest slope linked the Agora with the Acropolis, the other great cult center. The Panathenaic Street (p. 193) was the main artery of the city’s religious life; northwestwards there were more shrines on the road to the Dipylon,?® at the gate itself, and reaching out towards the Academy. But the shrines also spread out along the lesser streets around the Agora and were embedded amongst the houses and workshops. We shall see several curious and varied examples in the southwestward valley (p. 181). The shrine of Herakles Alexikakos stood on a street which leads down to the Agora from the southwestern hills (pp. 148-149). A small temple of Artemis, prob263 Huripides, Orestes, 1682-1683; Kresphontes, frag. 453 (Nauck); Aristophanes, Peace, 1019-1022. 264 Philochoros, frag. 151, Jacoby, I’.G.H., III B, 1, pp. 523-526; Cornelius Nepos, Tvmotheus, 2, 2; Agora, III, pp. 65f. 65 See p. 159. The site of Amphiaraos too is unknown; there is no reason to believe that this was a healing-place, as was the shrine at Oropos. Pausanias saw another statue of Hirene, with Hestia, in the Prytaneion (p. 47 note 131).

For Kallias and his much discussed Peace see most recently 8. K. Eddy, Cl. Phil., LXV, 1970, pp. 8ff.; C. L. Murison, Phoemz, XXV, 1971, pp. 12-31; cf. p. 143 above. 266 This is what KateiSaAos means, by analogy with kat&SevSpos, kataputos, and many other compounds, not “‘given to idolatry’; Acts, 17, 16 and 22; see Journal of Theological Studies, N.S., XIX, 1968, pp. 619 ff. 26? Note Eueteria (Prosperity), Hesperia, XX XV, 1966, p. 242, and comparable abstractions given there by Raubitschek ; ef. L. R. Farnell, Cults of the Greek States, V, Oxford, 1909, pp. 444 ff.

Dionysos I, 2, 4-5; Agora, III, no. 2, pp. 20-21; note how the house of Poulytion was converted into a shrine of

SOME LESSER SHRINES 169 ably under the title Aristoboule, has been found by chance southwest of the Kolonos Agoraios on the way to the Peiraic Gate.?® The streets themselves had their own peculiar gods. Apollo was worshipped at Athens as Agyieus, god of streets.?”° His symbol took the shape of a pillar tapering at the top, which was set up in front of doors. These Agyieus pillars can hardly have been as common as Herms; none has been found. A little shrine excavated just below the Eleusinion,?”! where the ancient eastto-west street crosses the Panathenaic Way (pp. 150, 192), may have contained one; but it 1s at least as likely that it was a Hekataion or shrine of Hekate, containing the customary representation of the deity, in triple form, a type first established, according to Pausanias (II, 30, 2), by Alkamenes. The Athenians were addicted to the worship of Hekate hardly less than to that of Hermes; and she too was concerned with roads, especially crossroads. Many small triple figures, mostly late Hellenistic or Roman, have been found in the excavations (PI. 85) ;?” and there must have been many little shrines about the city where such figures were dedicated. The one near the Eleusinion is about three meters square, enclosed by a wall of rubble masonry, with an entrance at the east end of the north side (Fig. 87). Within are five bedding blocks, re-used; one in the center has a circular socket, perhaps for a pillar on which the image stood;

the other four, placed around this one, have square sockets as if for posts, and in fact two marble posts similar to those used in the fence of the Eponymoi (p. 39) have been found. Presumably the wall replaced or supplemented the fence. The shrine as we have it was not built until after the Southeast Stoa (mid 2nd century after Christ, p.109); but it is hkely that such an important crossroad had a Hekataion much earlier.?” But the great god of the streets was of course Hermes. We have already examined the largest and most conspicuous group of Herms, at the northwestern approach to the Agora, in connection with the Stoa and the dedication of Kimon (pp. 94ff.). The biggest accumulation was naturally around the Agora. But the square figures stood everywhere about the city. The finest of all, the Propylaios of Alkamenes, was at the approach to the Acropolis itself. The Herm which was dedicated by the tribe Aigeis, left intact in the mutilation of 415 B.c. and made notorious

by Andokides,? stood beside the orator’s ancestral home, but also, be it noted, beside the hero-shrine of Phorbas. Some Herms were individualized and had a special character and epithet. There was the Whispering Hermes (Psithyristes), which stood beside the httle house of Stephanos, according to Demosthenes (LIX, 39). There was the Three-Headed Hermes (Trikephalos), comparable with the three-bodied Hekate, and the Four-Headed Hermes, at the crossroads in Kerameikos, on which was inscribed, ““Hermes Tetrakephalos, noble work of Telesarchides”’ (otherwise unknown) ‘‘thou seest all.’’?” 269 1}, Vanderpool, AeAt., XIX, 1964, pp. 26ff.; P. Amandry, Xapiotipiov eis "A. K. "OpAdvSov, IT, Athens, 1967, pp. 265279. Note also Artemis Amarysia, whose shrine bounded the house of one of the profaners of the Mysteries in Kydathenaion, i.e. north of the Acropolis; I 4408 b, Hesperia, XXII, 1953, p. 272; cf. Agora, III, p. 59. 270 Demosthenes, X XI, 52; Aristophanes, Wasps, 875; Harpokration, &yuids; Suidas, ayuviai; I.G., II?, 4719, 4850, 4995; Hesychios, ’Ayuiels. Cf. Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, p. 116. 271 Hesperia, XXVIII, 1959, pp. 95-96; XXIX, 1960, p. 333. 272 Agora, XI, pp. 86-107.

2°38 The builders of the Post-Herulian Wall still regarded the spot with awe and fitted the little shrine into the angle between the curtain and a tower. For a shrine of Hekate outside the Dipylon see A. Brueckner, Der Friedhof am Eridanos,

Berlin, 1909, pp. 42-47. |

274 De Mysteriis, 62 (cf. 146f. for the house); Judeich, Topographie®, p. 853; Agora, XI, pp. 117ff. When he says “the Herm which you all see,’’ Andokides does not necessarily mean that it was visible at that very moment from the court. When he says that this was the one and only Herm which was not mutilated, Andokides is no doubt exaggerating. Thucydides says (VI, 27, 1) ‘‘most of the Herms in the city.” Kratippos quoted by Ps. Plutarch, Vit. X Orat., 834 d, says “the Herms around the Agora’; this does not contradict Thucydides, but merely emphasizes the concentration in this region. 275 Hustathios on Iliad, XXIV, 334; see further Agora, III, p. 108. Note also P. Zanker, Wandel der Hermengestalt in der attischen Vasenmalerei, Bonn, 1965, pp. 91-103, ‘“Die Hermen und ihre Verehrung in Athen.”


The commercial and industrial district of Athens pressed in on the political buildings and public monuments from almost all directions, as we know from both literary and archaeological evidence.t Much of it, probably most of it, was outside the formal confines and yet belonged essentially to the Agora; the Athenian going to buy goods (agorazein) here might say he was going to the Agora, no less than when he was attending a political meeting. It was the brisk and noisy life of the bazaars which Aristophanes had in mind when he condemned the vulgarity of the Agora, exemplified in the Sausage-seller of the Knights? A distinction should be made between booths (skenai), light wooden structures flimsily covered? and more permanent shops or small factories (ergasteria)*, built of stone and brick. Eixcept at times when it was improper or inconvenient, the former, which could easily be packed up and cleared away, might be allowed within the Agora proper, perhaps mainly on the open east side, away from the archeia. But even the small houses and workshops on the fringes were always ready to encroach jungle-like on the central square, especially in time of depression and decay. We have seen (p. 96) how the potters and bronzeworkers descended on the shrine of Zeus, to the northwest, after the Persian War, and marble cutters, metalworkers and potters took over the south side after the destruction wrought by Sulla (p. 71). Scattered remains show that ill-built structures, probably shops, invaded the northeast corner, reaching towards the Panathenaic Way, in the late fifth century,’ probably in the days of the Peloponnesian War when, as Thucydides tells us (II, 17, 1), there was a desperate shortage of living space within the city. Simon the cobbler on the other hand (p. 174) was more securely established outside the southwest corner of the Agora, in a prominent position on a well-built terrace with the boundary stone of the Agora set immediately against his wall. Probably the greatest concentration was on the east. This side was for a long while more open than the others and less occupied by substantial public buildings and shrines. Evidence for the earlier periods is naturally slight. Wooden booths vanish completely ; even shops of brick and stone are apt to leave little trace and in any case are hardly distinguishable from poorclass dwelling houses. However, besides the small establishments already noted, deposits of cattle bones found in wells and pits seem to show that there were butchers’ shops hereabouts.® 1 Agora, III, pp. 185ff.; Greece and Rome, 2nd Series, III, 1956, pp. 2-23; Picture Book, 12, An Ancient Shopping Center. 2 Line 181, ‘‘a cheeky rascal from the Agora’”’; cf. V. Ehrenberg, The People of Aristophanes, 3rd ed., New York, 1962, ch. V.

3 Agora, III, pp. 190 ff.; note especially Demosthenes, XVIII, 169; Demosthenes speaks of the skenai kat& tiv d&yopay. év ti &yop& would have been more appropriate if the booths had occupied the main central part of the square. 4 This word is used of both shops and factories; many establishments, but not all, were both; see Ehrenberg, op. cit., p.

Hesperia, XXI, 1952, pp. 100-101. 6 Hesperia, XX, 1951, p. 51; some of these bones ultimately found their way to bone-carving workshops.

MARKET 171 Another well, revealed when a block of the gutter in front of the Stoa of Attalos was raised for adjustment, contained a most remarkable mass of broken pottery of the late 6th and early 5th centuries (PJ. 86), including pieces by Epiktetos, a certain Gorgos (who may be the master previously known as the Berlin Painter, P1.87) and other notable artists.’ This appears to be rubbish from an establishment destroyed in the sack of 480 B.c. Since the number of vases of certain shapes (e.g. 250 lekythoi) far exceeded that needed by an individual family, the source was in

all probability a near-by shop, presumably a retail pottery shop. But the strongest reason for assuming that a large part of the market of Athens was situated here is that when eventually great market halls were built the most important of them was placed to the east of the old Agora. On the slopes of the Kolonos Agoraios to the west bronzeworkers manufactured and sold their goods, under the tutelage of Hephaistos himself (p. 142), but they also mingled with the marble-

workers, koroplasts (makers of terracotta figurines) and others in the busy industrial district southwest of the Agora (p. 177). On the Kolonos too, near the heroon of Kurysakes, son of Ajax, men offering their services for hire took their stand.® On the north side we hear of a barbershop near the Herms® and a money lender behind the Poikile.*° In one form or another the market district extended on all sides, no doubt in diminishing degrees of density with outlying subsidiary centers at points of vantage such as the main gates.¥ Particular sections were called after the wares sold in them. “I am going to the olive oil,” one might say, or the wine, the fish, the greens, the garlic, the pots, or whatever it might be.” Xenophon says, ““When you order a servant to buy something from the Agora, he will at once know where he must go to get each class of goods; the reason is that they are kept in their appointed places.”48 No doubt there were groups and rows of booths and small shops, perhaps whole streets, as in the Athens of today, where wares of a particular kind were sold. But surely Xenophon’s Ischomachos, who is reading his young wife a lecture on the virtue of domestic tidiness, gives an exaggerated impression. There must have been a certain amount of intermingling and distribution. The excavations show that the major trades of Athens, such as metalwork, marble cutting, and especially pottery, were scattered over a fairly wide area.14 Books, it seems, were in a special position. By the end of the 5th century there was a brisk book trade at Athens. Sokrates in the Apology (26d, e) says that the works of Anaxagoras could be bought from the orchestra for a drachma. This remark is not altogether clear, but it 1s usually taken to mean that books were sold near the old orchestra in the very middle of the Agora (p. 127). Perhaps this quiet and sober trade was carried on where fish and vegetables would not have been tolerated. ? Hesperia, XXIV, 1955, pp. 62-66; clearly the vases came from several different workshops. 8 Agora, III, pp. 90ff.; the site is tentatively fixed by the finding place of inscriptions southwest of the Temple of Hephaistos; note that Pollux, VII, 132, says “in the Agora beside the Eurysakeion.”’ ® Lysias, XXIII, 3. 10 Lucian, Dial. Meretr., 8, 2. 11 The lead tablets found in the Dipylon and previously associated with horsetrading (A.J.A., LX XI, 1967, pp. 294f.) have to do rather with the registration of the cavalry; a number of similar tablets were found in 1971 in a well at the northwest corner of the Agora. 12 Pollux, IX, 47-48; Judeich, Topographie?, pp. 359f.; Greece and Rome, 2nd series, III, 1956, pp. 5ff.; Agora, III, pp. 185ff., 193 ff. From an inscription found in 1970 (I 7180) it may be inferred that ‘“‘the tables’? at which sat the money changers and bankers occupied a well defined and compact area; this was probably situated near the northwest corner of the Agora. 13 Qecon., VIII, 22; Agora, III, no. 622, p. 189. 14 See pp. 185-191; the same applies to koroplasts; they have left their mark in the ‘‘industrial district’’ (pp. 177, 187), but they also seem to have had shops near important shrines. A waste dump, found just across the street from the Eleusinion (p. 150), containing many figurines and moulds of the second half of the 4th century, probably belonged to a modest establishment which produced dedications for the Eleusinion and other neighboring shrines; see Hesperia, VIII, 1939, p. 219; XXI, 1952, pp. 120ff.

172 COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL QUARTERS Wine was sold “in the Kerameikos near the postern gate”; but we are also told, probably with reference to the local vintages, that the merchants called gleukagogor ‘““brought new wine

into the Agora on wagons.’ No doubt this trade was widely distributed. The virtually indestructible nature of the terracotta amphorae in which wine was brought from overseas assures ample documentation.” Over 800 such jars more or less complete and some 15,000 of their stamped handles have been recorded from the excavations. Since in most cases the place of origin can now be determined and the date fixed within narrow limits, this body of material illustrates the history of the wine trade from the 6th century B.c. into the 6th century after Christ. The prized and costly vintages from Chios, Thasos and Mende are sparingly represented. In the Hellenistic period the Athenian market was clearly dominated by the plain but moderately priced wines of Rhodes and Knidos. The jars also attest a trickle of imports from other Aegean islands such as Kos, Samos and Lesbos, and from places as distant as the Crimea, Italy and Spain. The activities of the market were kept under some degree of state control through the board of agoranomoi and more specialized officials such as the sitophylakes (corn-inspectors) and metronomoi (p.78). But the Athenians were slow to put into practice the precepts of Aristotle,!§ who says that there should be one agora devoted to buying and selling, another free from such vulgar activities, and of Xenophon,!® who suggests that for the market people buildings and marts should be constructed both in Peiraeus and in the city, not only as an adornment but also as a source of rents. There is no reason to think that the Poikile or the Basileios was ever used as a market hall; and it now seems highly unlikely that the rooms behind South Stoa I were meant to be shops (pp. 76-77). We are told of stoas along the dromos (the road from the Dipylon) “in which the Athenians buy and sell,’”’ but only by late authors (p. 108). The stoas discovered in this region (see p. 108) are not earlier than the Ist century B.c. The Alphitopolis Stoa,?° mentioned by Aristophanes in Eclesvazusae, 686 (891 B.c.), was presumably a flour market; its site is a matter for conjecture. The successive enclosures built on the east side of the Agora in the late 5th and 4th centuries B.c. were once thought to be market buildings, but there 18s now good evidence that they were law courts (pp. 56ff.). The market crowded around their flanks, appearing all the more intrusive since the great square peristyle planned in the time of Lykourgos was never fully built up. In the first half of the 2nd century B.c. what appears to be a row of two-roomed shops was built, running east to west just south of the peristyle (Fig. 17).

Soon however it was abandoned, like other structures in this region, in favor of the Stoa of Attalos (p. 103) which made amends on a grand scale for the architectural neglect of the market and solved once and for all the problems of the untidy east side. In one sense the Stoa was a compromise. It had proved impossible, indeed it was quite un-Athenian, to keep the market entirely out of the main square of the Agora. With the erection of the Stoa commerce presented a splendid and dignified facade; the colonnades in front of the shops provided elegant promenades. The ramshackle bazaar district was masked and kept in the background. 15 Tsaios, VI, 20; this postern was probably near the Sacred Gate; see Judeich, Topograpme?, p. 137, fig. 10; Travlos, T1.E.A.,

Pee Pollux, VIL, 192-198. 17 The evidence provided by amphorae from the Agora, will be presented in a series of volumes arranged by place of origin. In the meantime one may consult various special studies by Virginia Grace and such comprehensive summaries by the same

author as “‘Standard Pottery Containers of the Ancient Greek World,’ Hesperia, Supplement VIII, 1949, pp. 175-189; Picture Book, 6, Amphoras and the Ancient Wine Trade, 1961; ‘‘Les timbres amphoriques grecs” in Délos, XXVII, L’flot de la maison des comédiens, Paris, 1970, pp. 277-382 (V. R. Grace and M. Savvatianou-Petropoulakou). 18 Politics, VII, 11, 2; cf. Xenophon, Cyropaedia, I, 2, 3. 19 De Vectigalibus, III, 13. 20 Judeich, Topographie?, pp. 364£.; Agora, III, pp. 21, 147, 193; p. 82 above. 21 Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 320; X XI, 1952, p. 101.

HOUSES 178 It was not till the early Roman imperial age that a true market place, complete and self contained and architecturally impressive, was built at Athens.” It stood a short distance to the east of the old Agora, from which the direct approach was by the street running immediately south of the Stoa of Attalos; it took the form of a great peristyle court, slightly irregular in shape, about 111 m. east to west by about 98 m. north to south (Pl. 1). There was a magnificent columnar gateway a little south of center on the west side and a smaller one towards the south end of the east. An inscription on the main gate records that the people dedicated the


building from the gifts of Julius Caesar and Augustus to Athena Archegetis.™ Other inscriptions

put the identification as a market beyond question. One of them, of Hadrianic date, is concerned with the sale of oil, but one may assume that many other commodities were also sold The great Roman Agora was a far cry from the market of Aristophanes and even Menander. Euboulos’ facetious remark, quoted above (p. 52) in connection with the law courts, that justice was sold alongside other commodities at Athens may have some reference to the untidiness of the east side and perhaps to the juxtaposition of the Heliaia and the Agora of the Kerkopes (the tricksters’ market).26 The old market impinged on political life as well as forensic and not merely by simple propinquity. ““We sit in the shops,” says Isokrates (VII, 15), “denouncing the present order.’’ The demesmen of Dekeleia used the barbershop near the Herms as a rendezvous.” In fact, says Lysias (XXIV, 20), “Hach one of you is in the habit of frequenting some place, a perfumer’s shop, a barber’s, a cobbler’s, and so forth; and the greatest number visit those who have their establishments near the Agora, the smallest those who are furthest from it.”’ In these resorts political problems and notorious lawsuits were thoroughly discussed. There must have been plenty of personal gossip and scandal too; and meanwhile in his shoeshop Simon listened to and noted the words of Sokrates (p. 174). HOUSES

The sub-agora districts, the fringes around the political and religious center, and especially the southwestern offshoot of the Agora have provided the best archaeological evidence we yet have for Athenian houses of the classical period, the 5th and 4th centuries. A house which occupies the acute angle between the two streets which lead south and southwestward from the Agora is of unique interest.?® One of the boundary stones found in situ (p. 117)

is immediately adjacent to its corner (PI. 5), and the west end of the Middle Stoa (p. 67) even22 Judeich, Topographie,? pp. 871 ff.; H. S. Robinson, 4.J.A., XLVII, 1943, pp. 291-805; Travlos, T1.E.A., pp. 100ff. (the

width of the building, north to south, has now been shown to have been greater than was formerly thought); cf. A.J.A., LIX, 1955, p. 223; A. K. Orlandos, ’Apy. ’Eq., 1964, Mapapt., pp. 6-59. 23 Additional facilities for the convenience of those using the Market comprised a fountain house at the south side of its courtyard, a latrine anda public clock to the east of the building. On the latrine cf. Travlos, TT.E.A., pp. 102f., P.D.A., p. 342; on the clock (the Tower of the Winds) cf. J. V. Noble and D. J. de Solla Price, A.J.A., LX XII, 1968, pp. 345-355. 24 .G., I1,? 3175; Agora, III, p. 190. 25 1.G., If,2 1100; Agora, III, no. 659, pp. 190, 199. 26 Hesychios, "Ayopa Kepxwtrwv; Greece and Rome, 2nd Series, III, 1956, pp. 2,7; Agora, III, pp. 201 ff. 27 Lysias, XXIII, 3; Agora, III, pp. 106, 205. 28 Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, pp. 51ff.; D. B. Thompson, Archaeology, XIII, 1960, pp. 234-240. On the dating of the associated ostraka cf. E. Vanderpool, Ostracism at Athens, pp. 20f. For traces of houses, shops and workshops around the Agora see,

besides those described in the text, Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 14 ff. (near Stoa of Zeus); VII, 1938, p. 325; VIII, 1939, pp. 215f. (Areopagus); IX, 1940, p. 269 (southeast of Agora); XVII, 1948, pp. 159-160 (Areopagus); XIX, 1950, p. 330 (west of Areopagus; traces of bronzeworking); X XI, 1952, pp. 100-101 (northeast corner); XXIII, 1954, p.51 and XXIV, 1955, p. 54 (southwest corner); XXV, 1956, p. 48 (south side); XX VI, 1957, pp. 100ff. (southwest of Agora, including bronze foundry); XXVII, 1958, p. 146 (southwest); XXIX, 1960, p. 333 (southeast of Agora; evidence of sculptors); XX XVIII, 1969, pp. 383 ff. (“house of Mikion and Menon,” sculptors, southwest of the Agora); XL, 1971, p. 265 (north of Agora). Athenian houses will be the theme of a forthcoming Picture Book by John Travlos.

174 COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL QUARTERS tually encroached on the site (PI. 88, a). The house stood on a terrace, and the retaining walls, which no doubt also supported the outer house walls, were of good polygonal limestone masonry. Lesser walls had socles of rougher limestone blocks. The angle was occupied by what appears

to be a courtyard measuring about 5.40 x 5.30 m. The discovery of a posthole suggests that on the north side there was an open shed facing south, probably a workshop; on the south side was a more substantial room. How far the house extended in this direction is not clear. Two successive wells were dug on the site. The earlier was abandoned after the house had been badly damaged by the Persians in 480 8.c. The material dumped in it included fine pottery which

shows that the occupants of this modest house were not so poor as one might expect. In the yard was a pit which served as a rubbish dump or a cesspool, and in this were found ostraka bearing the names of Aristeides, Themistokles and others, presumably from the ostrakophoria of 483 or 482 .c. The floors of the courtyard and of the room to the south were of smoothed yellowish clay, repeatedly renewed. This ramshackle establishment was probably typical of many at Athens, especially in the quarters around the Agora. Lucky finds tell us who its occupant was in the latter part of the Sth century. Great numbers of short, large-headed nails, hobnails in fact, were found in the house (PI. 88, b, c), together with small bone rings which were probably eyelets for boots. Just outside, with pottery of the third quarter of the 5th century, was found the foot of a cup, with the name Simon, in the possessive genitive, scratched in the black glaze on the top (PI. 88, d). It is hardly rash to assume that the cup belonged to the cobbler and that he was the philosophical cobbler Simon with whom Sokrates is said to have spent much time, and who recorded their; conversation in dialogues.2° We are told that Alkibiades sometimes joined them,® but this would appear to be somewhat out of character. The ambitious and aristocratic young Kallikles certainly thought Sokrates was wasting his time in such company.*4 For a more complete and coherent picture of Athenian workshop-houses we have to go a little further southwestward, along the street which led in the direction of the Pnyx, up the valley which separates the Areopagus and the Hill of the Nymphs (Fig. 40, P]. 1). This region has a long and complicated archaeological history. On the western slope were found Mycenaean cham-

ber tombs, and on the east an archaic cemetery. From the 6th century until Roman times the valley was occupied by houses in which various craftsmen carried on their business. The most important houses which can be dated in the 5th and 4th centuries are situated at a point where the street forks, one branch turning westward up the hillside, the other continuing further along the valley. In the early 4th century the southwestward extension of the Great Drain was taken along this second branch, necessitating much remodelling in the houses on either side (p. 195). In most of the houses only a little of the plan has been determined; their walls were largely obliterated by later construction and pit digging. But fortunately the plans of two, Houses C and D, have been almost completely recovered (Fig. 41).33 They stand adjacent to one another between the two streets. C is much the larger, with ten rooms on the ground floor, but both have the same general plan, with a small courtyard on the south or towards the south, and 29 Diogenes Laertius, IT, xiii, 122. 80 Socr.Epist. 13 (Hercher, Epistolographi Graect, p. 618); cf. Plutarch, maxime cum principrbus viris philosopho esse disser-

me Plato, Gorgias, 491 a. 382 Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 135-288; cf. XVII, 1948, p. 170; XVIII, 1949, p. 216. The district was probably in the deme Melite (or possibly Kollytos; Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 141-148). Building inscriptions provide evidence for many trades in these demes: goldsmiths, encaustic workers, cabinetmakers, masons, sculptors, stonecarvers, gilders, leadworkers, bricklayers (ibid., p. 271, after Wilamowitz, Hermes, XXII, 1887, pp. 107-128). Notice also an “‘industrial district’’ recently investigated at the deme Thorikos; Thorikos, 1963, I, Bruxelles, 1968, pp. 87ff., ““Le quartier industriel” (H. Mussche); L’ Antiquité Classique, XXXIV, 1965, pp. 5ff.; A.J.A., LX XI, 1967, p. 297. On demes cf. W. E. Thompson, Hesperia, XX XIX, 1970, p. 66. 19 69, oe XX, 1951, pp. 202-228 ; Guide”, pp. 115-116; Travlos, 11.E.A., p. 68. For a separate shop cf. Hesperia, XX XVIII,


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Fig. 44. House of the Greek Mosaic. 4th Century s.c. (M. H. McAllister) 82 Judeich, Topographie?, pp. 288 ff.; the street, gentle in gradient and well drained, curving round the west flank of the Areopagus ascends the valley, with side streets entering it. The area also contains the shrine with Dionysiac associations which Dorpfeld thought to be the Dionysion in Limnai, a tiny unidentified naiskos with a round altar in front (cf. Hesperia, XXXVI, 1967, p. 98), the lesche mentioned in note 45 above, and a small fountain. Graham shows that this last was a small local supply, not a major public fountain house; most of what Déorpfeld took to be Enneakrounos (pp. 183 note 60, 199) belongs to a house; Hesperia, XX XV, 1966, p. 52.

182 COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL QUARTERS those we have examined, and it continued in use well down into the Roman imperial period. The greatest dimensions were nearly 23 m. north to south and 17 m. east to west; thus the house was larger than any we have yet examined. There was a central courtyard, entered from the west by a prothyron or recessed porch, with narrow porticos on east and west and a broader one, approximating to an Olynthian pastas,°? on the north. These porticos, in the form revealed by the remains, seem to belong to a somewhat later reconstruction; but it is not unlikely that there was at least one portico from the beginning in such a comparatively spacious court. The main rooms were on the north and were regular in shape; the rooms towards the south were smaller, and

both the outline of the house and the shape of individual rooms were very irregular in this section. The courtyard effected a compromise. In the northwest corner was a dining room (andron) of Olynthian type, entered through a small anteroom.™ The floors of both these rooms

were decorated with pebble mosaics in simple but attractive geometric patterns, and on all sides of the andron was a raised border of yellow plaster for the dining couches. There 1s no clear evidence for an upper storey, but the house may well have had one, at least over the northern rooms. The main walls, with solid socles of limestone blocks, are strong enough. Limited though it is, the evidence is now probably sufficient to illustrate the kind of domestic conditions in which the majority of the Athenians lived. One could wish for a wider range. There were probably meaner houses at Athens than any we have looked at; there may have been a few more handsome and spacious. The house of the wealthy Kallias had in its courtyard at least two colonnades, one of them sufficiently roomy for the peripatetics of a visiting professor and his attendant “‘chorus.’”’ But even the house of Kallias** or Alkibiades was not vast or palatial. And its contents and furnishings were surprisingly meager. On this point we now have a mass of detailed evidence in the records of the sale of the confiscated goods of Alkibiades and his associates,°” whom we can assume to have been men of property. “There was little sense of personal luxury in Athens in the last quarter of the fifth century,” Pritchett concludes, “even among men of wealth’; and “by modern standards, certainly, the Greek house must have been relatively empty.” The principal items were chairs, chests, couches and beds,°® tables, lampstands, and doors, which were considered not fixtures but moveable articles of furniture. If a man allowed himself a touch of extravagance, it was in coverlets, drapings, and rugs.°° Demosthenes (III, 25) says that a century before his own time even the great men of Athens lived in houses not notably superior to those of their neighbors, and we can believe that he is exercising no more than an acceptable rhetorical license. We do not yet have the house of a Kallias; but even the modest dwellings on the Areopagus slope were occupied by men of moderate means, to judge by their contents, which include fine pottery. As far as the archaeological evidence goes, there had been no great transformation in Demosthenes’ own time, and he is doing his contemporaries some injustice if he is imputing to them more than a little domestic luxury. 53D. M. Robinson and J. W. Graham, Excavations at Olynthus, VIII, Baltimore, 1938, pp. 161ff.; Graham, op. cit. note

0 The belongs to the original construction. Another room too, on the northwest, has evidence of couches around the MS For a pebble floor in another 4th century house see Hesperia, X XVI, 1957, p. 100; for a fine figured pebble mosaic at Peiraeus see Hesperia, XXXIV, 1965, pp. 77ff.; ef. C. K. Williams, A.J.A., LX XI, 1967, p. 95. Note also a mosaic in an andron found recently in north Athens, AeAt., X XII, 1968, Xpovixd, pp. 98 ff. On pebble mosaics in general see C. M. Robertson, J.H.S., LX XXV, 1965, pp. 72-89; LX X XVII, 1967, pp. 183-136. One should probably imagine the walls of the main rooms as plastered and painted, as at Olynthos, where a favorite scheme was red with a white border at the bottom (see Olynthus, VIII, p. 176); fragments of colored plaster have been found. 56 As described by Plato, Protagoras, 314c-315e. 57 Hesperia, X XV, 1956, pp. 210 ff.

58 The survival of a pair of wooden bedposts, in a well whose contents are dated in the latter part of the 6th century, is very remarkable and unusual; see Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 270. 59 For soft furnishings see G. M. A. Richter, Archaeology, XVIII, 1965, pp. 26-33; and for furniture generally the same author’s The Furniture of the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans, London, 1966.

HOUSES 183 For this one has to wait till Hellenistic and Roman times, as in Greece generally. But on the other hand it is quite wrong to imply that the builders of the Parthenon and the Erechtheion or the contemporaries of Lykourgos, the great Minister of Works, lived mostly in hovels. It is in the houses of the earlier period that the excavations have made a unique contribution to the history of domestic architecture. Houses continued to be built and rebuilt around the Agora in later times too, but these can be dealt with more summarily. The valley to the southwest, with the adjoining slopes, continues to furnish the best material. Hellenistic remains are comparatively slight; the most impressive houses, which have left more substantial traces, were built during the revival of Athens in the Roman imperial age. In this period, though similar in general type and construction, Athenian houses tend to be larger and more regular in shape, with more spacious courtyards and in some cases a complete peristyle.© Two of the best examples are illustrated here, both situated on the western slope of the Areopagus. The first (House N, Figs. 40, 45;)®! measures 20.80 m. north to south by 16.50 m. east to

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cutting are traces of walls which may be as early as the 5th or 4th century s.c. The later house, dated by the contents of a well in the southern part of the court, was built apparently in the 1st century after Christ and destroyed by the Herulians but subsequently repaired. The courtard, which had no colonnades, was paved with marble chips laid in mortar on a bed of small stones. The rooms, of various sizes, were disposed on all four sides; on the north was a large room, later divided into two, on the south a kind of alcove, with a corridor behind it. There was no doubt an upper storey, which on the east was probably at the level of the street which ran along the higher ground on that side.

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Fig. 46. House of Roman Period on Northwest Shoulder of Areopagus (W. B. Dinsmoor, Jr.)

INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY 185 Our second example was built on a similar site, part cutting, part terrace, high on the northwestern shoulder of the Areopagus, looking down over the western part of the Agora (Vig. 46, P]. 1). There is evidence of habitation on the site from early Hellenistic times; but the house whose plan can be clearly traced, in spite of the scantiness of the remains, is of the early Roman period. The dimensions were about 21 m. north to south by about 20 m. east to west, and the plan was almost but not quite rectangular. The southwestern part was occupied by a courtyard, elegantly laid out with a complete peristyle and a water basin in the middle. The largest rooms were at the northwestern and southeastern corners; the latter had a marble-chip floor; the room in the middle of the north side had a vestibule in front of it and a bench along its eastern wall. Cuttings in the rock scarp on the east were no doubt intended to receive the beams for an upper storey; the stair which gave access to this is conjecturally restored on the west side of the court. One can imagine that the internal appointments of such houses were a little more elegant than in their predecessors. In several, remains of more elaborate mosaics have been found. The most interesting (Pl. 90) adorns a floor laid in the second century after Christ in a house originally built several centuries earlier.® It consists of a circle within a square, with a rectangular diapered panel at either end. Right in the center is a small circle said to have contained “‘a female head with Dionysiac attributes,” of which very little now remains. The larger circle has a geometric rosette; in each of the angles between the circle and the enclosing square is a drinking cup, on the rim of which perch two parakeets, dipping their beaks into the wine. The parakeet’s propensity for wine was encouraged by the ancients; it was known to stimulate wanton behavior (Aristotle, Hist. Anim., VIII, 12, 597b). There are even traces of refined wall decoration. In a spacious house on the northeast slope of the Hill of the Nymphs, southwest of the Agora, we find a pattern consisting of a series of panels, with borders of various colors, separated by vertical floral motifs, above a continuous white dado (P1.91,a).*4 This may be dated in the 8rd century after Christ, for this house perished in the Herulian sack of a.p. 267 (p. 208). Other walls of the 2nd and 3rd centuries exhibit varying arrangements of large vertical panels above horizontal dadoes (Pl. 91, b—d). Even in the Roman period we still do not find any regular plan or particular architectural formula in Athenian houses, as far as the limited evidence goes; and one can be sure that alongside the more elegant establishments of the well-to-do much humbler types of house, which have left little trace, continued in use in Athens throughout antiquity, as indeed they do today. INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY In our discussion of private houses we have repeatedly noted evidence indicating that light industry was carried on in parts of the dwelling. Such household industry on a family scale was undoubtedly the normal pattern in ancient Athens, as indeed it continued to be until very recent years in the modern city.© There were exceptions, no doubt, but the excavations have revealed no trace of ‘‘factories’’ in anything like the modern sense of the term. A brief survey of the scattered finds may be of interest. 62 This site, first examined by German archaeologists at the end of the last century, has recently been thoroughly reworked by J. W. Graham and W. B. Dinsmoor, Jr.; Hesperia, XX XVII, 1968, p. 69, fig. 12. 63 Hesperia, XXXV, 1966, p. 53. 64 Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 217-219. 6 The evidence from the excavations fully confirms the picture drawn from the literary evidence by such sympathetic scholars as G. Glotz (Ancient Greece at Work, London, 1926, Ch. TX: “Industry’’) and V. Ehrenberg (The People of Aristophanes?, Ch. V: “Traders and Craftsmen’’).

186 COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL QUARTERS The region in which the Agora lay was called, as we have seen, the Kerameikos, 1.e. the dis-

trict of the potters. It is not surprising, therefore, that the earliest and most ubiquitous indications of industrial activity have to do with the making of pottery. The principal clay beds, to be sure, lay outside the city limits toward the northwest, but many potters evidently preferred to have their workshops near their dwellings and near the place where their wares could be displayed for sale. The earliest evidence of potters’ activity has come from a well of about 10008B.c. beneath the Odeion of Agrippa.®* A number of large fragments of coarse pots are streaked with daubs of paint. The sherds appear to have been test pieces which could be withdrawn from the kiln at intervals in order to check the progress of the firing. Similar trial pieces were included ina mass of potter’s waste of the 7th century B.c. in a well outside the southeast corner of the Agora (PI. 92, b).® Slight remains of shops of many different periods have been found widely scattered through the area. The bottom of a small potter’s kiln, round with a central pier for the support of its floor, came to light at a level of the 8th—7th century B.c. to the southeast of the Tholos (Pl. 92, a).68 In a well at the north foot of the Areopagus, closed in the middle of the 6th century B.c., had been dumped a large mass of refined potter’s clay.®® Why the clay was discarded is

not clear, but it came, no doubt, from a near-by shop. A potter’s shop on the east slope of Kolonos was sacrificed to the construction of the Stoa of Zeus in the 480’s.” There remained a deep terracotta basin full of potter’s clay and a mass of black-glazed pottery, fragmentary but of exquisite quality. One of the best preserved potters’ works came to light within the Heliaia where it had operated in the 1st and early 2nd centuries after Christ at a time when the old building was ruinous (PI. 92, c).*4 The fire chamber of a small rectangular kiln survived. Near by were two clay pits, one full of yellow clay and one of red, the combination still employed by the village potters of Attica today. At the west foot of the Areopagus a kiln for the making of pottery or of roof tiles operated as late as the 9th or 10th century.” The latest establishment of which any structural remains were found comprised two kilns which were destroyed to make way for the Church of the Vlassarou above the west side of the Agora in the 17th century. They produced the blue and white painted ware so characteristic of “Turkish” Athens.” In some instances the proximity of potters’ shops is attested by unusual deposits of broken pottery. One such was found in the Rectangular Rock-cut Shaft, a pit measuring about 1.20 x 2.40 m. in cross section sunk to a depth of 19.60 m. in the solid rock of Kolonos to the northeast of the Temple of Hephaistos.“4 Whatever its original purpose this pit was used intermittently from the third quarter of the 6th century until the Persian sack of 480 3.c. as a dumping place for great quantities of broken pottery. We have already seen an early grave amphora from the shaft (Pl. 25). Among the later vases were several misfired pieces. In several instances, moreover, the same painter’s hand could be recognized on a number of pieces. The inference is that some of the potters of the period lived and worked close by, sharing a common dump for their waste. The finest single object salvaged from this dump is a plastic vase in the shape of a

kneeling boy apparently in the act of binding a victor’s ribbon around his head; the date is about 540 s.c. (Pl. 93). 86 Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 37; Guide’, p. 151. 8? Flesperia, X XIX, 1960, p. 332. 68 Hesperia, Supplement IV, pp. 5-7. 69 Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 472. 70 Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 8, 20, 47-53. 71 Guide®, p. 108; Hesperia, XX XV, 1966, p. 43. 7 Hesperia, XX, 1951, p. 286. 73 Hesperia, XI, 1942, p. 2. 74 Hesperia, II, 1938, pp. 456-460; VII, 1938, pp. 8363-411; XV, 1946, pp. 265-336. % . Vanderpool, ‘‘The Kneeling Boy,’”’ Hesperia, V1, 1937, pp. 426-441; A. Lane, Greek Pottery, London, 1948, pp. 43f.; G. M. A. Richter, Kouroi?, London, 1960, pp. 77f.

INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY 187 The north and west slopes of the Areopagus were favored, especially in the 4th century and the Hellenistic period, by the koroplasts, the makers of terracotta figurines. Their activity is documented chiefly by the clay moulds used in the manufacture both of figures in the round and of plaques in relief. Scores of such moulds have been found in the abandoned cisterns and rubbish dumps of houses that must also have contained the craftsmen’s workshops (PI. 94, a, b).76

Such material is valuable not least because it establishes with certainty the manufacture of various types of figurines in Athens. The most distinctive and most pleasing type of tableware produced in Athens in the Hellenistic period was the Megarian Bowl. These hemispherical drinking cups with a great vanety of relief decoration on their walls were made by pressing clay into a concave mould; the rim was then shaped on the potter’s wheel. Fragments of such moulds are ubiquitous among the pottery dumps of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st centuries s.c. (PI. 94, e, f).” Distinct from the moulds used for making terracotta figurines and plastic vases are the ancient impressions in clay taken from metal reliefs, especially the ornaments on bronze armor of the 5th and 4th centuries p.c. For the ancient craftsman this was a practical way of keep-

ing a record of some outstanding piece that might later be copied or adapted for other purposes (PI. 94, c, d).*8 For us the impressions are invaluable inasmuch as they enable us to enjoy the extraordinary virtuosity and beauty of a branch of Athenian craftsmanship of which the actual products have almost completely perished. Evidence of marbleworking has already been observed among the houses of the 5th and 4th centuries B.c. on the western slopes of the Areopagus (above, p. 177). Here the remains consisted chiefly of marble chips, tons of them heaped in the courtyards of the little shops, white layers of them in the adjoining street. Along with the chips was found an occasional piece of abrasive stone used in finishing sculpture (Pl. 95, c). In the Hellenistic and Roman periods the

marbleworkers appear to have been more active outside the southeast corner of the Agora. Here again in the houses or shops adjoining the main roads have been found deposits of marble chips.”? Little basins sunk in the clay floors and coated with emery powder mark the places where craftsmen sat polishing small objects of marble (Pl. 95, d). One of the most characteristic shops of this period occupied a suite of rooms in the southwest part of the Library of Pantainos.®° The activity of this shop and of many others in the area was abruptly terminated by the Herulian sack of a.p. 267. A few years later the builders of the Post-Herulian Wall gathered

up the sculpture left unfinished in the shops and used it as filling in the core of the wall.®? Most of the products of these shops were copies of famous ancient statues, and the unfinished works illustrate the technique of copying by means of pointing machines (PI. 95, a). Of interest in this connection is a large fragment of a plaster cast of a statue that was found in the PostHerulian Wall along with the unfinished marbles; it had presumably served as a model for the copyists. Other interesting manifestations of marbleworking have been observed in the east end of the South Square; like the pottery works in the Heliaia, they date from the 1st and early 2nd centuries after Christ when the area was still desolate as a result of the sack of 86 B.c.® Great quantities of marble chips had been dumped in the open square. The workshops had been 76D, B. Thompson, Hesperia, XXI, 1952, pp. 116-164; XXVI, 1957, pp. 108-128; XXVIII, 1959, pp. 127-152; R. 8. Young, XX, 1951, pp. 249, 268. 77 H. A. Thompson, “‘T'wo Centuries of Hellenistic Pottery,’ Hesperia, III, 1934, pp. 451-459. 78 D. B. Thompson, Hesperia, XX XVIII, 1969, pp. 242-251. Cf. above, p. 81, note 239. 79 Hesperia, X XIX, 1960, p. 333. 80 Hesperia, IV, 1935, pp. 394-398; XVIII, 1949, p. 269.

81 Hesperia, IV, 1935, pp. 329-334; XXIX, 1960, pp. 350f., 870f. For the technique of copying cf. G. M. A. Richter, Rom. Mitt., LXIX, 1962, pp. 52-58, pls. 22-26. 82 Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, pp. 361f.

188 COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL QUARTERS established in the ruins of South Stoa IT and the East Building. Here were found innumerable little floors pits with deposits of emery powder. A specialty of these shops was the making of small basins for household and kitchen use. A number of unfinished examples, broken while being carved, show how the design was laid out on the block and how the carving proceeded. In one case the basin was being shaped from an ancient inscribed stele of which a few letters remain (PI. 95, b).83

It would be wrong, of course, to assume that all Athenian sculpture of the Roman period was imitative or mechanical hack work. In the long spell of economic depression and cultural stagnation that intervened between Sulla and Hadrian many of the most enterprising and creative artists undoubtedly emigrated to Rome, Corinth and other more prosperous parts of the Empire. Yet those who stayed behind produced some distinguished work, notably in the field of portraiture. Out of some fifty portrait heads or busts found in the excavations we illustrate two (PI. 96).84 The one is a fresh, crisp study of a youthful patrician of the Julio-Claudian period, the other a sympathetic portrayal of an aging man across whose care-worn face flickers a sceptical smile. Although in both cases the sculptor may have been following trends established elsewhere, the portraits demonstrate the persistence of Athenian sensitivity in the shaping of marble and the perennial Athenian interest in human personality. In addition to the marble that was carved by hand in the shops at the east end of the South

Square, much marble was sawn into thin slabs for flooring and the revetment of walls. For ease in working, the large masses of marble were set up on the bedding blocks in the east room of the East Building. Occasionally the saw went too deep and scarified the top of the bedding block (PI. 45, a). In antiquity, as in modern times, the cutting was done by water-borne sand activated by a long metal saw. The sludge, comprising sand, water and powdered marble, was drained off into the east end of the South Square where it solidified into a travertine-like mass as much as 0.75 m. in thickness. The marble used in this operation was probably taken from the temple that had stood in the South Square until it was ruined in the sack of 86 B.c. (supra,

p. 71). It may indeed have been this readily available source of raw material that attracted the marbleworkers to the area. Beneath the level of the marbleworking in the South Square, especially within the limits of South Stoa IT, the excavators came on evidence of ironworking: slag, ash and charcoal, though no structural remains of furnaces.®> One may conjecture that the ironworkers also were drawn

to the place by the availability of raw material which in this case would have been the iron clamps and dowels in the now ruinous ancient buildings. Ironworking is attested also in the area to the north of the Temple of Hephaistos. Masses of slag have been found, one in an unfinished cistern near the northwest corner of the temple,*° a second in a large open pit in the ruins of a shop at the north foot of Kolonos.®’ In both cases the context was of the 4th century B.c. Bronze casters also did their work in modest establishments close around the Agora. Most interesting in this department is a series of casting pits for the making of bronze statues that

range in date from the 6th century B.c. into the 5th century after Christ. Insofar as one can judge from the remains, the technique remained remarkably constant throughout this long period. All that survives in most cases is a pit in the soft bedrock in which the mould was planted upright to receive the molten metal; in the filling of the pits are found fragments of 83 Ibid., pp. 3608.

8 Agora, I, nos. 7 and 19. In this volume Evelyn B. Harrison has assessed the state of portrait sculpture in Athens of the Roman period. 8 Fesperva, XXIX, 1960, pp. 360f. 8 Hesperia, VI, 1987, p. 397, fig. 1; the cistern falls in the line of the “EARLY PERIBOLOS.” 8”? Hesperia, 1X, 1940, p. 300.

INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY 189 the clay moulds. In all cases we may assume that the lost-wax (cure perdue) process was employed. A core of fine clay was built up over an armature and modelled with some care into the shape of the intended figure. Over this core was applied a layer of wax several millimeters in thickness the surface of which was carefully finished and given the textures appropriate to flesh or drapery. The figure was then enveloped in two or three successive layers of fine clay with a total thickness of 2-8 cms. Openings with funnel-shaped mouths were left for the admission of the fluid metal, and passages for the escape of air were made by the insertion of hollow reeds. Before the clay had hardened metal nails were driven through the mould into the core in order to maintain a proper interval between the two after the disappearance of the wax. The wax was induced to flow out by baking the ensemble. In the case of the earliest of our moulds, for a statue of Apollo type only about three feet in height, the baking took place above ground, after which the mould was lowered feet down into a small pit where it was packed firmly with earth to withstand the strain of the fluid metal (Fig. 47, Pl. 97, a). This

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Fig. 47. Casting Pit for a Bronze Statue. 6th Century s.c. (J. Travlos)

mould (PI. 97, b) dates from the middle of the 6th century B.c.° In the later establishments, intended for larger statues, the pit was made spacious enough so that core and mould could be fabricated

upright on its floor (Pl. 97, c). The fire was then kindled in the pit; after firing the pit was filled with earth in preparation for the pouring of the metal. In the case of large statues the torso might be cast in more than one piece; heads and protruding limbs were normally cast separately.®®

Cult statues were cast as close as possible to the temple. The mould for the statue of Apollo type noted above was found just to the south of the archaic Temple of Apollo Patroos. A large pit within the west end of the sacred enclosure of the Temple of Hephaistos was undoubtedly 88 Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 82f., 343f.; Guide®, pp. 155f.; above, p. 137. —

£9 On the north slope of Kolonos came to light the lower part of a small casting pit in which remained the bottoms of three clay moulds suitable for the simultaneous casting of three limbs of life-size. The context was 4th century B.c. On the south slope of the Acropolis, between the Asklepieion and the Odeion of Herodes, is a casting pit for the making of one or more large bronze statues presumably to be set up on the Acropolis; AeAt., XIX, 1964, B, pp. 82-34. For an earlier exca-

vation report cf. S. Koumanoudes, Mpaxtixa, 1877-78, p. 8. |

190 COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL QUARTERS used in the making of the bronze statues of Hephaistos and Athena that were to stand in that temple. Other statues might be fabricated in the work places of individual craftsmen who in early times appear to have favored the slopes of Kolonos. Remains of such establishments dating from the 4th century B.c. have come to light to the north of the Temple of Hephaistos,” to the southwest of the temple,” and at a point far to the south on the east slope of the hill.

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3 RIDGE. Li Yip

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teats,eleJL(aE hidWHIPPLE L, C ETE oe eee ee ae SECTION 39-8 “eros Fig. 49. Bridge over Great Drain (H. Whipple) 22 Hesperia, Supplement IV, pp. 75-76. 23 Following the line of the ancient street which crossed this part of the Agora (see p. 192), and then turning southeastward to the extreme southeast corner. This section too was finely built of stone throughout (Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, p. 65). Both extensions had to have their course adjusted later to accommodate neighboring buildings. 24 Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 253ff.; for the northern section, near the junction, see Hesperia, Supplement IV, pp. 111-114.

196 ROADS AND WATER SUPPLY cut in the bedrock. It could best be observed at the south end of the excavation, where its line diverged a little to the east; further north it was almost obliterated by its successor. Since the rock face shows little sign of wear by the water, it may be deduced that there were screen walls, though nothing of them survives. The later form of the drain may be dated on the evidence of pottery early in the 4th century. The construction of its wall varies curiously in technique. One can see checkerboard construction (Fig. 48), small rubble, well-fitted but rough-faced limestone, square conglomerate on a poros bedding, and large irregular conglomerate blocks interspersed with stacked work, all on the west side; and there is much variety on the east too, though more obscured by later repairs. The changes of style are abrupt and normally occur where house-properties meet (Fig. 48). Apparently the neighboring householders were allocated sections of the drain walls, and employed each his own mason (p. 179). Yet the whole must have been somehow coordinated and was presumably in some sense a public work. There is something characteristically Athenian about the procedure. Plans of some of the houses had to be modified to accommodate the passage of the drain. At the same time the channel itself took a somewhat erratic course, and its width varied from 0.60 to 1.50 m.; its depth was about 1.50 m. It is clear that this section was not given covering slabs, and the narrow street between houses A-H and J—M (p. 174, Fig. 40) must have been made practically unusable.” Where it crossed the street from the Peiraeus Gate, which was no less than 8.60 m. wide at this point, the drain took the form of a strongly constructed bridge,?* built originally early in the fourth century (Fig. 49). The side walls are set on a bedding course of conglomerate, left rough, surmounted by a second course of squared conglomerate. Above are three courses of poros, corbelled, and with curved inner faces. These faces are not continuous, a narrow ledge being left at the top of each course. The width of the channel at the level of the bedding course is 1.40 m. The corbelling brings it down to about 0.80 m. and the gap was bridged by slabs of stone.2” The extant covering slabs are again later replacements and include a grave stele, which with another used as a support was probably put there in the process of clearing up after the Sullan destruction. The depth of the drain from the underside of these stones is about 2.40 m. For the corbelled technique Young finds a parallel in an arch of the River Eridanos (the ultimate recipient of the effluvia of this part of Athens) near the Sacred Gate, and suggests that the same engineer may have been responsible for both.?8 Holes were left in the walls of the drain channel as inlets for the effluents of the adjacent houses. These house drains too were constructed in various ways; one for example had carefully built stone walls and was covered with tiles and flat slabs; others were simply made of inverted roof tiles.?9

Many streets had stone gutters running alongside them. The street on the south side of the Agora, of which a further section has recently been investigated, provides a good example.” The gutter was cut in a series of poros blocks, and tributaries entered it from the side streets coming down the Areopagus slope. In the Street of the Marble Workers short stretches of light low walls have been found placed obliquely in front of several of the houses, designed apparently to divert the rainwater and prevent it from undermining the foundations.** In Roman 25 After the Sullan destruction the southern section was abandoned and replaced by another drain which ran about 10 m. further east, and then turned west to join the original channel near House D; see Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 263 ff. 26 Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 151 ff.

27 Water channels which ran along Peiraeus Street were carried over the bridge. Four side drains, two on each side, flowed into the main channel under the bridge through apertures created by omitting a couple of courses at the appropriate point and level; the southwestern was for the drain of the Street of the Marble Workers, the northwestern for the street from the Peiraeus Gate, and those on the east for the two eastward branches of the latter. 8 Hesperia, XX, 1951, p. 153; Judeich, Topographie*, p. 139. 29 Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 198, 201, 203, 205, 206, 218, 216; cf. XXVIII, 1959, p. 102. 39 Hesperia, XX XVII, 1968, pp. 56-58. 31 Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 162-163.

WELLS, AQUEDUCTS AND FOUNTAINS 197 times a more efficient drain was cut. One can well imagine that in many of the lesser streets drainage was very primitive or left to nature. Public latrines were a luxury not known at Athens till Roman imperial times. The finest and best preserved, built in the 1st century after Christ, is adjacent to the Roman Market (p. 173, note 23; cf. J. Travlos, P.D.A., p. 342, figs. 443-445). It was a rectangular building, 16.20 x 11.74 m., roofed except for a small central opening. There was a narrow vestibule across one end. Along all four sides of the main room ran a continuous bench perforated with holes to accommodate over sixty persons. Deep below the bench was a capacious drain; in front of it ran a shallow channel for clean water. Far from being a “privy,” such a building was a special adaptation of the characteristic Athenian lesche or communal lounge (pp. 92, 102, 179 note 45). WELLS, AQUEDUCTS AND FOUNTAINS Athens is poor in water. The Athenians have always had to make the most of their supplies. A law attributed to Solon and quoted by Plutarch (23,5) encouraged the use of wells. Both for public buildings and for houses, wells which tapped underground water and cisterns in which rainwater was collected remained indispensable throughout antiquity.** Large numbers of both have been found in the region of the Agora. The wells varied in depth from about two meters to over thirty, with a general average of ten; about 0.90 m., i.e. 3 ft., was the normal diameter. The earliest were usually unlined; sometimes, especially in the 6th century, a lining was built with masonry of small stones, and from the 4th century drums consisting of strong and wellmade terracotta segments were used. In the earlier periods wellheads were made from the upper sections of pithoi or large storage jars; from the 6th century they were specially constructed of terracotta and later of marble or other stones. Some wells proved abortive and were at once abandoned ; some were in use for only a few years, others for several centuries. Pottery and a great variety of other material accumulated in some of them over a long period; in others a large mass of varied waste was dumped at one and the same time, especially after the city had suffered serious destruction. From the 4th century B.c., perhaps because of the threat of siege, cisterns too were increasingly used, fed by rainwater from the roofs through terracotta pipes and terracotta or stone channels. The common form was a flask-like chamber about two or three meters wide at the bottom, coated with hydraulic cement, diminishing upwards to a mouth about 0.60m. in diameter. Sometimes two or more such chambers were connected by channels to form a single system. By keeping down the size of the individual chamber the danger of collapse was reduced. The supply was augmented in course of time by means of aqueducts and public fountains. The Peisistratids seem to have played an important part in making this provision; under the democracy the system was further developed and placed under the care of an Overseer of Fountains.8 In the latter part of the 6th century a fountain house was built in the southeastern corner of the Agora (Fig. 50, Pl. 5).34 It had an unusual design; or rather it consisted of two basins of usual type facing one another from either end of a rectangular porch. The south side flanked the old road which ran along this edge of the Agora. One can presume that this was the back of the building and that the central part of the north side opened on the square, with probably two 82 For a concise account of these see Guide}, 1954, pp. 91-96; cf. pp. 2, 8, 16 above. For the whole subject of water supply see Picture Book, 11. 33 Aristotle, Ath. Pol., 48, 1. 31 Hesperia, XXII, 1953, pp. 29-35.

198 ROADS AND WATER SUPPLY or three columns. The overall dimensions were 6.80 m. north to south by 18.20 m. east to west. The smaller sections at either end were undoubtedly water basins. Their foundations are of a hard gray poros, with careful polygonal jointing; some blocks of the first course above ground level also survive. Their floors are of thin marble slabs, supported on irregular masses of limestone.

The slabs are of variable shape and size, but they are very finely jointed, and between the edges of the floors and the stone of the walls waterproofing was effected by means of a packing

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Fig. 50. Southeast Fountain House. Actual State and Restored Plans (J. Travlos)

of clay. One may assume that users of the fountain held their pitchers under spouts set in the face of the wall at either end of the building; the basins must have been shallow, since the waste-pipes were set at ground level, and they were intended to gather the waste rather than hold deep water. At the inner northern corners channels cut through the walls led to two terracotta pipelines, which converged on each other (Figs. 50, 51, Pl. 101, c).*> In this way superfluous water was carried off for other uses. The floor of the central area was at a higher level than that of the basins; nothing is left of it, or of the walls in this section, merely beddings for their foundations. The Southeast Fountain House is the strongest candidate now known for the name of Ennea-

krounos,** the most famous fountain of Athens, constructed by the tyrants, according to Thucydides (II, 15, 4), where formerly there was a simple open spring called Kallirrhoe. It fits precisely into the sequence of monuments seen and mentioned by Pausanias (I, 14, 1), lying as 3 Hesperia, XXV, 1956, p. 50. 6 Agora, III, p. 140; Gr. Rom. Byz. St., II, 1959, pp. 33ff. Doro Levi has proposed to apply the name to an entire water system comprising nine public fountain houses: Annuario, XXXIX-—XL, 1961-62 (1963), pp. 149-171.

WELLS, AQUEDUCTS AND FOUNTAINS 199 it does between the Odeion (p. 111) and the Hleusinion (p. 150); and it is of the right date. There are difficulties in the way of the identification; the ground plan leaves it far from obvious how a “‘nine-spouted”’ arrangement can have been contrived; and the main supply of water was brought from a distance, whereas Thucydides implies a copious source on the spot. Now only a meager spring rises.?” However, it 1s possible that water rose more freely here in early times. And the name Enneakrounos might be more easily explicable if we knew more of the superstructure of the fountain house; indeed the nine-spouted system may have involved something more than the two basins of this building. The Southeast Fountain House was probably the main terminal of a new system of water supply which, because of the dating of the remains and their known construction of Enneakrounos, one may attribute to the tyrants. The principal sources which fed it. are assumed to have been away to the northeast, in the direction of Pentelikos and Hymettos. The line of the aqueduct as it approached the city was traced long ago in the region of the Royal Gardens.®* One branch passed along the south side of the Acropolis in the direction of the problematic structure known as “Doérpfeld’s Enneakrounos,”’ southwest of the Areopagus.®® Recent investigation has shown that there was a northern branch too, which entered the Agora at its southeast corner.” Following the line of the southern street, the excavated section breaks off at a point a little to the south of the fountain house, but one can safely assume that the pipe originally turned north to supply the building. It runs at a level more than two meters higher than the floors of the basins; so the water may have poured in through spouts built into the walls. The pipeline was constructed of sections 0.60 m. long, with a maximum diameter of 0.30 m., laid at the bottom of a trench (Pl. 101, a, b). Each section had a round or square hole cut in the top, through which the builders could insert their hands to seal the joint securely, the detached piece being subsequently replaced like a lid. The joints are carefully made, with flanges and grooves. Some of the pipes are of a buff-colored clay, some gray, and on a number of the latter variety the name of the maker Charon (Cha- for short on some sections) is clearly incised.“

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accra TT TTT TTT : © 246 8 40 4s 20 25 30 35 490 45 .

yo Ake COCCICICICIIIOIo oh ¢ wv Fig. 51. Pipeline to North of Southeast Fountain House (A 2838. Piet de Jong) 37 Hesperia, XXVII, 1958, pp. 147-148; note also IV, 1935, p. 360 (in that year the water flowed quite freely); XXV, 1956, p. 52; XXVIII, 1959, p. 99 (a possible source higher up the Areopagus slope); Guide, p. 98. 38 Judeich, Topographie?, pp. 202f.; Hesperia, XXV, 1956, p. 51. 39 Judeich, op. cit., pp. 197ff.; Hesperia, XX XV, 1966, p. 52; see p. 181 note 52 above. 40 Hesperia, XXII, 1953, p. 82; XXV, 1956, pp. 49ff.; XXVIII, 1959, p. 96; XXIX, 1960, pp. 347-348. 41 The system operated through gravity, not pressure.

200 ROADS AND WATER SUPPLY The water brought to the center of the city by the aqueduct may have been made available at other points too, and for other purposes. It is in this period that representations of fountains on vases become especially popular. In any case the growing archaic city now had a well contrived water supply, and with additions and modifications the system laid down by the Peisistratids remained effective for a very long time. Karly in the 4th century the scheme was greatly extended. The old fountain house was drastically remodelled; the thin marble floor of the western basin was removed, and in its place was laid a solid packing of large blocks of soft creamy poros, which probably extended over the central room and the eastern basin too.” The outlets on the north side were now blocked, but the water was carried off by an open stone channel starting at the southeast corner; this shows that the building was still used as a fountain house, though its interior arrangement 1s not clear in this phase. The channel ran a short distance eastward towards the Mint (p. 78), and then turned north and followed the west side of the Panathenaic Way.*® How long the old fountain house continued in use is uncertain, and also to what extent it was superseded by its Hellenistic and Roman successors just to the north (pp. 202-203) ; but it may be that the name Hnneakrounos clung to this spot throughout, whatever developments took place. The need to bring additional supplies of water to the Agora from a distance continually increased. The archaic pipeline of terracotta which approached the Agora from the east and supplied the old fountain house was eventually replaced by a great stone-built underground aqueduct. This too followed the line of the street which skirts the Agora on the south and continued further westward to supply a new fountain house at the southwest corner (PI. 6). It ran at the same level as the old pipeline and no doubt drew its water from the same ultimate source, wherever that was. It probably supplied other buildings besides the two fountain houses; there are traces of pipelines of terracotta or lead diverging from it.** The channel or specus of the aqueduct is nearly half a meter (11% feet) wide and about 1.20 m. (4 feet) high. It is built of great blocks of soft, cream-colored poros (Pl. 102, a, b). First a series of blocks was laid cross-

wise, with a curved channel cut in them for the water, and narrow ledges left either side on which a stooping workman could walk or crawl. The side walls consisted of orthostates which supported a roof made of another row of transverse blocks. At some later date terracotta pipes were inserted, built up against the north wall to carry a second stream at a higher level. The construction of the aqueduct is now dated early in the 4th century; it continued in use throughout antiquity.” The eastward branch of the Great Drain (p. 195), designed to carry off rainwater more efficiently from the region southeast of the Agora, was probably contemporary. Just beyond the square enclosure now identified as the Heliaia (p. 62) the aqueduct turned northwards to supply a new fountain house, built at the same time, which it entered at the southeast corner (Pl. 18, a).46 Remains are very slight, but enough to show that we have here an L-shaped version of the common type with a columnar porch in front of the draw basins.* 42 Hesperia, XXII, 1958, pp. 32-33; cf. XXV, 1956, p. 50.

43 Hesperia, XXI, 1952, p.97; XXII, 1953, p. 38; the existing channel alongside the Way is Hellenistic (contemporary with the East Building of the South Square; p. 68) but it no doubt had predecessors; it has settling or dip basins at intervals. 44 Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 848, mentions three small branch lines of terracotta flowing northwards one on the west and one on the east of the Panathenaic Way, a third further east. See also XXIII, 1954, p. 87; XXVIII, 1959, p. 96; XXXV, 1966, p. 49; XXXVIII, 1969, p.57. 45 This date, somewhat later than was formerly thought, is suggested by the latest evidence, including a fragmentary Panathenaic amphora of 380/379 B.c. (P 27556) which was overlaid by the fill at the southwest corner of the building. 46 Hesperia, IV, 1935, p. 360 (note that at that time water flowed from a source on the south side of the building; the emergence of the water coming down from the Acropolis and Areopagus slopes seems to have varied from period to period and indeed from year to year; this makes it difficult to use this criterion in looking for Kallirrhoe-Enneakrounos; see note 37 above); XVIII, 1949, pp. 218-214; XXIV, 1955, pp. 52-54; XXV, 1956, pp. 52-58; XX XV, 1966, pp. 42-43. 47 The ends of the wings were almost certainly enclosed with walls, not open as shown in the model and the earlier plans.

WELLS, AQUEDUCTS AND FOUNTAINS 201 The foundations, of which a little survives, were of gray poros. A couple of blocks from the stylobate have been found near, and there are traces of unfluted columns 0.62 m. in diameter. A fragment of an orthostate from the parapet, in hard limestone, is deeply worn by the jars of water-drawers. In the late 4th or early 3rd century the west wing was given an extension, and provided with means of filling the pots from spouts. The later Hellenistic remodelling of the fountain house can best be described as part of the general replanning of the buildings south of the Agora (p. 70). This is the largest fountain house yet discovered at Athens, and architecturally the handsomest. But we cannot give it a name, so it is labelled simply “Southwest Fountain.’’ When it first came to light, in 1934, long before its southeastern equivalent, one was tempted to call it Enneakrounos, but later investigation showed that its construction did not go back to the time of the Peisistratids; and the Southeastern Fountain fitted much better into Pausanias’ itinerary.*8

The Southwest Fountain House turned its southern back wall to the street on the south edge of the Agora and its facade to the street which approached from the southwest. By virtue of its receding angle it interfered as little as possible with the flow of traffic into the Agora. As in the Southeast Fountain superfluous water was carried off in a stone surface channel fitted with basins at intervals. It was important that usable water should not simply run to waste. In successive later periods veritable skeins of channels and pipelines accumulated, mainly in two bunches, leading northward from the Southwest Fountain, and diagonally northwestward along the line of the Panathenaic Way.” Most of the pipes were of terracotta, one or two were of lead; being expensive and difficult to repair, lead pipes were comparatively rare at Athens. By such means water was distributed over much of the Agora for various secondary uses. Plato in the Laws (761¢) suggests that water from the fountains should be employed to irrigate and

embellish the precincts of the gods, and in the Kritias (117b) he describes how at Atlantis the overflow was conducted to the grove of Poseidon. The channels in the Athenian Agora took water to the Altar of the Twelve, with its sacred grove (see p. 135), and no doubt also to other shrines. Many public buildings needed water. Some had to remain content with wells and cisterns; but, especially in the later periods, many were equipped with small fountains of their own. The provision of water in the region of the Tholos and Bouleuterion proved difficult.®° Successive wells and cisterns were sunk, and in the end a complex system of cisterns was created which remained effective till it was wrecked in the Sullan destruction. In the second half of the 4th century B.c., a simple fountain, apparently of the column-and-basin type, was placed at the east end of the passage between the Metroon and the Tholos, so that Councillors could quench their thirst as they went to the Bouleuterion.*! Water was no doubt brought from the Southwest Fountain; waste flowed into the Great Drain. Some time in the first century B.c. a small fountain house was placed against the southeast wall of the Tholos precinct, facing the rotunda;

it was fed by a pipeline coming from the southeast. Only the substructure survives, built of re-used poros and conglomerate blocks and no doubt designed to carry a simple columnar porch. The site of another fountain house is marked by a large rectangular foundation on the 48 The “fountain amongst the osiers” also comes to mind. Here Phrynichos was assassinated in 411 8.c., when he had just left the Bouleuterion (‘Thucydides, VIII, 92, 2; Lykourgos, Leokrates, 112; Agora, III, no. 405, p. 182); but this is too early

for the present dating of the Southwest Fountain; and in any case one can hardly imagine osiers growing there. 49 Hesperia, XX, 1951, p. 56; XXI, 1952, pp. 86, 97; XXII, 1953, p. 40; XXIII, 1954, p. 51. 50 Hesperra, Supplement IV, pp. 95ff. 51 Ibid., pp. 103 ff. 82 Ibid., pp. 96ff.

202 ROADS AND WATER SUPPLY south side of the courtyard of the Bouleuterion.® This too is of re-used blocks, of marble, poros

and conglomerate. A feed pipe which enters the middle of the south side and a drain pipe leading away to the northeast show that the structure was a fountain, perhaps of the type with a colonnade in front of a draw basin. It was built probably at the end of the 1st century B.c. and was not in use for long. Sometimes a small fountain was incorporated in a larger structure. We have already noted the provision for water at the south end of the terrace of the Stoa of Attalos (p. 104). A niche in the middle of the back wall of the Hellenistic South Stoa (p. 68) contained a water basin filled by an underground channel from the south which took its water from the great stone aqueduct beneath the adjacent road. In the arch which spanned the street between the Stoa of Attalos and the Library of Pantainos a simple fountain in the form of a bronze pipe was inserted in the western face of the southern pier. Thus in all ages care and ingenuity were shown in distributing the limited supply. The water clock built on the south side of the Agora about the middle of the 4th century may be considered a specialized variation of a type of fountain (Fig. 21, Pl. 41, b).> It was set against the north front of the Heliaia (p. 65), towards its western end. Water which was no doubt brought from the great southern aqueduct entered first a basin placed at a high level and then a vertical shaft about two and a half meters deep and nearly a meter square in plan, constructed of good poros masonry and plastered inside; near the bottom of the north side of the shaft the water flowed out through a small metal-lined aperture. Steps set between the shaft itself and a wall which formed an outer shell led down to the pipe. This is no ordinary

fountain, and there can be no doubt that it was a kind of klepsydra; by means of a simple mechanism the falling water level must have operated an indicator visible to the public in the Agora. This is one of the earliest known examples of such a water clock. Probably in the course of the Hadrianic reorganization of the Athenian water supply,>® the main channel bringing water to the Agora from the southeast was completely remodelled in the style and constructional methods characteristic of the age,>’ with an arched aqueduct and a highly ornamental terminal, the “‘Nymphaeum,’*® just north of the old Southeast Fountain (Pls. 8, 18, b). The new channel approached from the east at a much higher level, following the street which ran south of the Hleusinion. In this section it was built of brick with a vaulted roof. Passing beneath the Panathenaic Way it entered a settling basin. Here it divided, and one branch continued westward, the other turned north along the Way. In the latter the channel, made of massive poros blocks, was carried on a concrete underpinning, continuous at first but in the northern section consisting of piers which no doubt carried arches. The stonework was almost completely removed after the Herulian destruction of a.p. 267; later the aqueduct was crudely reconstructed, probably to serve the Late Gymnasium (p. 212). This great aqueduct obviously supplied the Nymphaeum, though the junction is missing, and it may well have sent a branch westward to the Southwest Fountain. The Nymphaeum too has been almost completely stripped of its masonry, but its position and form are clearly marked 53 Ibid., pp. 102, 149-150. C. Picard, Rev. Arch., XII, 1938, pp. 97ff., located here the Altar of the Mother of the Gods whose temple he wrongly placed in the New Bouleuterion; but the structure has been clearly shown to have been a fountain. 54 Another small fountain existed at the northeast corner of the Odeion; Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 72. 55 Hesperia, XXIII, 1954, pp. 37-38; Guide,? pp. 108-109. For a very similar and closely contemporary installation in the Amphiareion at Oropos cf. ’Apx. ’Eg., 1918, pp. 110-113; 1967, p. 4. On the late Hellenistic water clock in the Tower of the Winds see J. V. Noble and D. J. de S. Price, A.J.A., LX XII, 1968, pp. 345-355. An honorary decree of the 2nd century B.c.

praises a benefactor for setting up two time pieces, apparently water clocks, in the Agora of Samos: one in front of an archeion, the other inside another public building; R. Télle, ““‘Uhren auf Samos’ in Opus Nobile (Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Ulf Jantzen), ed. P. Zazoff, Wiesbaden, 1969, pp. 164-171. 56 P, Graindor, Athénes sous Hadrien, pp. 251-252; Travlos, TT.E.A., pp. 116ff. 57 Hesperia, XXVIII, 1959, pp. 97f.; XXIX, 1960, pp. 348-349. 68 Hesperia, XXIV, 1955, pp. 57-59; Guide,? pp. 95-96.

WELLS, AQUEDUCTS AND FOUNTAINS 203 by a semicircular underpinning of concrete, 7.10 m. in radius, bordered by a broad trench for the back wall. The underpinning presumably carried the marble floor of the water basin. In front was a rectangular platform 3.60 m. wide with three steps leading up to it. The few surviving fragments of the superstructure include a section of curved epistyle and a Corinthian capital. The basin was probably covered by a half dome. Precise reconstruction 1s impossible, but as in the Exedra of Herodes at Olympia,°® which served a similar purpose, one can imagine an elaborate architectural treatment of the curved facade with niches containing statues. One figure which certainly belongs to the building was found a little to the north (Pl. 102, c). It is a draped female of the type known as Venus Genetrix;® a pitcher in the left hand in place of the apple of the prototype gives an appropriate touch. Fountain houses of this design were called Nymphaea because they were thought of as sophisticated versions of the grottos in which Nymphs were worshipped. In this phase too the water was carried on northward for further use. The little circular building, 8.10 m. in diameter, found in front of the northern part of the Stoa of Attalos, has proved to be a fountain house, fed by a lead pipe which has left traces to the south (Pls. 8, 11).% Part of the foundation, a single ring of blocks of hard white poros, is in place. Three cornice blocks and fragments of composite capitals have been found; these are of Pentelic, but numerous fragments show that the shafts were of a mottled green marble. The building may be restored as a monopteros or single ring of columns (ten in number) with no inner wall. It carried a brickbuilt dome, of which sections have been found, a very unusual feature in Greece in this period (mid 2nd century after Christ). Thus we have a curious addition to the various types of fountain represented in the Agora. These now range from the simplest to the most elaborate; Roman aqueduct and Nymphaeum alike are a far cry from Kallirrhoe and Enneakrounos. 59 Olympia, Ergebnisse, II, Berlin, 1896, pp. 184-139, pls. LX X XITI-LXXXVI; cf. also Olympische Forschungen, I, Berlin,

1944, pp. 538-82, pls. 22-88. Cf. also Peirene at Corinth in its contemporary form in which Herodes Atticus again took a hand; Corinth, I, vi, B. H. Hill, The Springs, Princeton, 1964, p. 103, pl. XI. 60 Hesperia, XXII, 1953, pp. 58-54; XXIV, 1955, p. 58; Gurde,? pp. 130-131.

61 Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 354-356; XXI, 1952, pp. 102-103; similar small round structures were built in front of the Nymphaeum of Herodes Atticus at Olympia; cf. above note 59. Cf. also the circular building of the 2nd century after Christ

OST oe 608 805. as a nymphaeum by an inscription on its epistyle: B.C.H., LX XVIII, 1954, pp. 160-162; LXXXI,

IX. PAUSANIAS Pausanias will provide a synopsis of the classical Agora and a brief retrospect. He is an interesting figure in his own right too; we have depended on his evidence at many points, and the general character and value of his work deserves a little further consideration.! He is the only author who has left a deliberate and more or less systematic description of the Agora, and the time at which he composed it is particularly fortunate for our purposes. He travelled and wrote in the middle of the 2nd century after Christ. As a result of the Augustan and Hadrianic revivals the architectural growth of the Agora was complete; the final break-up was not to come until a century later. Pausanias saw an Agora in which many elements of the early periods survived amongst the imposing additions of Hellenistic and Roman times. On the north and west were concentrated the most venerable shrines and stoas of the Agora of Kimon, Perikles and Lykourgos; on the east and south were the vast colonnades which Athens owed to royal benefactors; in the middle area, which had formerly been an open square, were the Odeion of Agrippa and the transplanted temple in which Ares was associated with the family of Augustus.

Pausanias’ credibility, already well-established, ranks even higher as a result of the Agora excavations. No one doubts that he is giving a careful and mainly first-hand description. His peculiar methods continue to create difficulties, as we have seen again and again, and his limitations have been even more emphatically underlined. We should be lost without him in the Agora, but even with him we are often left frustrated and baffled. Of course one has to accept the fact that he wrote not for future archaeologists but for contemporary travellers, and readers too. Even then his approach and his method impose certain further restrictions. Though he obviously intended his book to be of use to visitors on the spot, especially in drawing their attention to what was best worth seeing, he composed it not as a plain description or a purely practical guide but as a work of literature too; and he aimed, not very successfully, at rhetorical effects and elegancies of style. His accounts lack the completeness and precision of a guidebook. For the archaeologist in particular, he is often distressingly vague or even misleading in matters of distance and direction and the relation of adjacent monuments to one another. He gives certain groups and sequences, but quite apart from the long mythological and historical digressions, the topographical thread has kinks and tangles and even breaks. Again, he has a strong bias towards the sacred and the antique, and in architecture, sculpture and painting towards the old masters; because of this, buildings which were prominent in the Agora of the later periods, and even determined its whole character, received only a passing mention or were completely ignored. For this reason, and because of his inability or disinclination to give the reader a general, overall impression of the appearance of a site, early attempts to reconstruct the Agora on the basis of his description were very diverse and uni1 For earlier discussions see EK. Vanderpool, Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 128-137; J. Travlos, Supplement VIII, pp. 389ff. ;

R. E. Wycherley, Agora, III, pp. 10-12, 236; Gr. Rom. Byz. St., II, 1959, pp. 23-44; IV, 1968, pp. 157ff. For a recent assessment of Pausanias cf. Allgemeine Grundlagen der Archdologie, ed. U. Hausmann, Munich, 1969, pp. 402 ff. (I. Pernice and W. H. Gross). Note also Pausanias, Guide to Greece, Penguin, 1971, translated by P. Levi.

PAUSANIAS 205 formly unsuccessful. He had little conception of the architectural evolution of the site, of the well-marked stages by which it is now seen to have reached its contemporary form. For example one might have expected him to be interested in the fact that the Temple of Ares was a Periclean building transferred to the middle of the Agora in comparatively recent times; the event must have been recorded and known at Athens and Acharnai, but Pausanias has nothing to say of it. But his account has great merits too. The Agora was his first major site, and he was not defeated by its complexities. In his eccentric fashion he covered the area with notable thoroughness, and he has something to say about nearly every important monument and public building. On such a complicated site there was no infallible method and no obvious itinerary. Pausanias entered at the northwest corner (Fig. 52). From this point he would have had an impressive view up the Panathenaic Street towards the Acropolis, with the great stoas to left and right on the opposite side of the square and the Odeion towering above. Without hesitation he turned along the street to the right and concentrated first on the ancient shrines and buildings of the west side, recognizing that the monuments in which he was especially interested were to be found in the greatest numbers in this quarter. It is at this stage that his description is most detailed and his route most continuous. Here was the venerable Stoa Basileios overshadowed by the Stoa of Zeus with its great paintings and notable sculpture; the Temple of Apollo Patroos, with statues of the god by three famous sculptors; and the Metroon, where Pausanias draws attention to the cult-image by Pheidias but provides no clue to the complex architecture of the Hellenistic building. Next come the Bouleuterion and the Tholos, with notes on cults and works of art (nothing on the weights and measures, or, more strangely, on Artemis). Other notable monuments remain to be seen on the opposite, eastern side of the street; so Pausanias now doubles back northwards and describes the Eponymous Heroes, Amphiaraos, the Kirene and Ploutos of Kephisodotos, and other remarkable statues, leading on to the Temple of Ares. He 1s now in the middle of the square, near the dominant figures of the Tyrannicides. Turning southwards again, he mentions the great Odeion only for the purpose of locating the statues of Egyptian and Macedonian kings and a notable Dionysos. Proceeding no longer pedetemptim but in a series of jumps, he follows the general line of the Panathenaic Street, past Enneakrounos, up the slope southeastwards beyond the confines of the Agora proper to the Kleusinion and its associated shrines. In the rest of the account it is difficult to find a continuous clue; perhaps one should not try. Certain important monuments still await description, and they are introduced in a more disconnected and arbitrary manner. The Temple of Hephaistos, standing aloof on the hill to the west, where it was not noticed during the account of the buildings on that side, seems to be the object of a special excursion or perhaps a backward glance. A fresh approach is made to the northern part of the Agora, where interest is concentrated on the Stoa Poikile, with its famous paintings, and the statues near by, and on the Altar of Eleos, if this is rightly identified with the Altar of the Twelve Gods. The east side of the square offers nothing to detain the periegete; he does not mention the Stoa of Attalos, though one might have expected that one or two of the monuments which had accumulated in front of it would have caught his eye. Leaving the square apparently through its northeast corner he comes to the Gymnasium of Ptolemy “not far from the Agora,” and “beside the Gymnasium’ he notes the sanctuary of Theseus. Both these establishments are presumably to be sought in the unexplored area to the east of the present excavation. At first sight it would appear that Pausanias ignores the great complex of Hellenistic stoas and other buildings on the south side too and passes on without a word about them. But if we are correct in our identification of this complex (p. 65), it is referred to later (I, 28, 8) when after describing the Areopagus he enumerates the law courts of Athens, including the Heliaia.



—®,,~AGORA C.150 A.D.



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Fig. 52. Pausanias’ Route in the Agora (H. Besi)

PAUSANIAS 207 In the end the periegests is reasonably complete. There are a few omissions, some of which are surprising even when one has made allowance for the writer’s special interests. The altar of Zeus Agoraios is not mentioned nor is the Leokorion.? But in spite of his defects, Pausanias gives a powerful impression of the great conglomeration of cult spots, public buildings, and masterpieces of art which had grown up in the center of Athens. It was left for excavation in modern times to reveal the extraordinarily varied and composite architectural character which the Agora (like a great cathedral complex built piece by piece in the course of centuries) had attained in this its latest phase. 2 Cf. Gr. Rom. Byz. St., II, 1959, pp. 26f. The excavation of 1971 has shown that the Leokorion had been obscured by the rising ground level long before the time of Pausanias.

Inasmuch as our principal theme is the Agora as city center we may deal in a more summary fashion with the long period subsequent to the abandonment of the area for civic purposes. On the other hand the light cast by the excavations on the fate of the city in late antiquity and on the process by which the pagan community became Christian must be rated among the important contributions of the undertaking. Several of the late Greek historians report the capture of Athens by a band of northern barbarians, the Heruli, in the year a.p. 267. One of these writers, Synkellos, records specifically the burning of the city.2 Some modern historians had been sceptical, but the recent excavations have confirmed the literary record at least for the area of the Agora.® It is now clear that the Agora and its environs were devastated at this time and that most if not all the buildings both public and private suffered from fire. Among the public buildings the destruction by fire is especially well documented in the case of the Stoa of Attalos and the Odeion of Agrippa. In the Stoa one can still see the heavily calcined inner face of the south wall against which the woodwork of the upper floor fell and burned (PI. 69), while the capitals of the interior colonnades that supported wooden epistylia were all cracked into small fragments by the heat of the fire.* The floors of the Odeion in various parts of the building as found by the excavators were overlaid by a layer of debris as much as one meter in thickness comprising broken roof tiles, shattered marbles, ash and charcoal (PI. 103, a).° A particularly vivid record of the damage done among private houses was preserved in one room of a house at the northeast foot of the Hill of the Nymphs (PI. 103, b). In a corner of the room, evidently the kitchen, lay a heap of household utensils, pottery and glass, a purseful of bronze coins thirty-four in number, and the skeleton of a donkey.® Most of the private houses destroyed at this time were rebuilt in the course of the 4th and 5th centuries,’ but even in these cases the events of a.p. 267 are attested 1 Evidence from the Agora excavations has been used freely in the following studies: John Day, An Economic History of Athens under Roman Domination, New York, 1942; H. A. Thompson, “Athenian Twilight: a.p. 267-600,” J.R.S., XLIX, 1959, pp. 61-72; J. Travlos, T1.E.A., chs. VI-XII; idem, «Xpiotiavixal ’ASfvoi» in OpnoxeuTiKt Kal "HSixt "EyxukAotraideic,

Athens, 1962, pp. 709-738; Alison Frantz, Picture Book, 7; eadem, “‘From Paganism to Christianity in the Temples of Athens,’ Dumbarton Oaks Papers, XIX, 1965, pp. 187-207. The period will be dealt with in detail in a forthcoming volume of the Agora monograph series by Alison Frantz and John Travlos. For the older literature cf. Judeich, Topographie?, pp. 103-112.

* Dexippos, Jacoby, F.G.H., 100, Frag. 28; Continuator of Dio Cassius, ed. Dindorf, vol. V, p. 226,8; Hist. Aug., Vita Gallient, XIII, 8; Zosimos, I, 39; Zonaras, XII, 26; Kedrenos, I, 454 (Bonn.); Synkellos, I, 717 (Bonn.). The barbarian incursion is reported in more general terms by Aurelius Victor, Caes., 33 and Orosius, VII, 22. For the historical setting see Fergus Millar, ‘““F. Herennius Dexippos: The Greek World and the Third-century Invasions,” J.R.S., LIX, 1969, pp. 12-29. 3 Among the sceptics were Wachsmuth, Stadt Athen, I, pp. 707ff. and Judeich, Topographie?, p. 104. For a more recent statement cf. Travlos, TT.E.A., pp. 124-126, who shows that other parts of the lower city also suffered at this time, but not, apparently, the Acropolis. 4 Hesperia, XIX, 1950, p. 319; Picture Book, 2, no. 30. 5 Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pp. 32, 134, pl. 25. 6 Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 217f.

? Typical of the wells is that which yielded Group M of Agora, V, pp. 82-120: Deposit M 17:1. Of the marble portrait heads published in Agora, I, no less than three (Nos. 30, 88, 48) were found at the level of the 3rd century after Christ in a well to the west of the Tholos (Deposit G 11:2). Cf. ‘Index of Roman Deposits” in Agora, V, pp. 123-127.

AFTER THE HERULI 209 by the household wells. In some instances the wells were now abandoned and subsequently used as dumping places for rubbish. In others, at the appropriate level, a small deposit of debris containing such things as broken sculpture marks a break in the use of the well in the second half of the 3rd century; above this level the usual accumulation of fallen water jugs resumes, indicating the resumption of use which normally continued thereafter into the 6th or occasionally

even the 7th century. The coins associated with this wave of devastation uniformly break off in the reign of Gallienus (a.p. 253-268) thus confirming the literary evidence for the date of the Herulian incursion. Shaken by the events of a.p. 267, fearful of the return of the barbarians, and with little hope of assistance from the central government, the people of Athens quickly took measures for their own protection. Since they were no longer capable of defending the whole of the vast outer circuit of walls, even if those walls were to be reconditioned, they laid out an inner fortress of much smaller compass. The new enceinte contained the Acropolis and the ground at its north foot; the area of the old Agora was left outside. High officials and perhaps also individual citizens of means assumed responsibility for building sections of the wall. They recorded their contributions in inscriptions set in the face of the wall, e.g. ““As Amphion raised the walls of Thebes by the music of his kithara so now do I, Illyrios, follower of the sweet-voiced Muse, build the walls of my home city.’’® Building proceeded rapidly. The combined evidence of coins found

inside the wall and of stratification alongside it indicates that the west side at least was under construction in the last quarter of the 3rd century.® In their haste the Athenians were driven to sacrifice many of their ancient buildings. Over much of its length the new wall was set down on the stripped foundations of older buildings, e.g. the Eleusinion, the Southeast Stoa and the Library of Pantainos. Where the walls of the older buildings were tall and solid, as in the case of the Stoa of Attalos and the Library of Hadrian, they were reinforced and incorporated in the fortifications. The new walls were constructed entirely of material taken from older buildings (PI. 104). Blocks from the Metroon, the Odeion of Agrippa, the Temple of Ares, the Middle and South Stoas and the Southeast Temple have been recognized. But in many cases the original buildings are not yet known, and some of them, no doubt, stood outside the Agora. The wall had an average thickness of about 3 % meters. Carefully built inner and outer faces enclosed a tumbled mass of architectural blocks, broken sculpture and inscriptions. Mortar was used sparingly; clamps and dowels do not occur. Gates were inserted in the wall on the lines of important ancient streets. The principal gateways were flanked by rectangular towers on either side; lesser gates were covered by a single tower or by none. As the city recovered, the old outer circuit of walls was again made defensible, but the inner circuit, the Post-Herulian wall, was also maintained. In the line of its west side repairs or adjustments are attested for the 6th century and for the 18th or 14th century. Parts of it may well have continued in use even into the Turkish period.’ 8 .G., II?, 5199. The author, Claudius Ilyrios, was honored by the Athenians with statues on the Acropolis, I.G., IT?, 8689, 8690 in which he is entitled proconsul. He appears to have been governor of Cyprus when the walls of the city of Lapethos were rebuilt; T. B. Mitford, ‘“‘New Inscriptions from Early Christian Cyprus,’ Byzantion, XX, 1950, pp. 186-139, reviewed by L. Robert, R.Z.G., LXIV, 1951, pp. 206-208. On his career cf. also E. Groag, Die rémischen Reichsbeamten von Achaia bis auf Diokletian, Vienna and Leipzig, 1939, pp. 94f. I.G., Il?, 5200 is clearly a pendant to I.G., II?, 5199, and J.G., II?, 5201 is probably also concerned with the same program of fortification. The chronological problems raised by the postHerulian dating of the ‘Valerian Wall” require further study. For another donor of walls cf. A. E. Raubitschek, “Iamblichos at Athens,’ Hesperia, XX XIII, 1964, pp. 63-68. Iamblichos’ activity is dated ca. a.p. 400. 9 Hesperia, IV, 1935, pp. 329-334; VII, 1938, pp. 332f. 10 The multiplicity of repairs will account in part for the wide variety in the dates previously suggested for the construction: they range from the time of the Emperor Valerian (a.p. 253-260) to the 15th century (Judeich, Topographie?, p. 108). On the later history of the outer circuit cf. J. Travlos, 1.E.A., pp. 144f.; D. Ohly, Arch. Anz., 1965, cols. 374-376.

210 AFTER THE HERULI In their search for material the wall builders stripped the public buildings of the Agora and most of the surrounding houses. The Temple of Hephaistos was left standing on its hilltop to brood over the desolate scene. We do not know why it was spared, perhaps because it was held in especial veneration, more likely because it was remote from the place of wall-building. Several other buildings around the northwest corner of the Agora may also have survived the storm of A.D. 267 in whole or in part. Thus the lowest deposit above the floor of the Stoa of Zeus is of

the early 5th century after Christ. In this layer, as we have seen, were many fragments from both the stonework of the facade and its sculpture which had been broken up at this time. Scraps of marble from the Stoa are to be seen in the foundations of the large building with the central court erected to the east a little later in the 5th century. The lowest deposit over the ruins of the Stoa Basileios was also of the 5th century. The relationship between the foundation platform of the Temple of Ares and the structures of the 5th century after Christ to north and south strongly suggests that something of the temple still stood when those buildings were erected. The tone in which Bishop Synesios wrote ca. a.p. 400 of the removal of the wall paintings from the Stoa Poikile by a proconsul implies that the event had occurred recently

(p. 94). Ominously enough architectural fragments attributable to the Stoa have been recovered from a wall erected in the first half of the 5th century after Christ (p. 90). However this may be, the sack of a.p. 267 disturbed seriously both the economy of Athens and her civic institutions.“ The old administrative buildings, i.e. the Bouleuterion, Tholos, Metroon and various civic offices, now went out of use, and as yet we have no idea what took their place. We do know that much of the area of the ancient square in the years after a.p. 267 was used as a dumping ground and that its level rose with accumulations of domestic rubbish, bones from slaughter houses and great heaps of ash. Fragments of ancient bronze statues found among the ruins of small metalworking establishments in the south part of the area indicate the fate of some of the furnishings of the old square. On the other hand the resumption of use of many domestic wells as noted above implies a fairly speedy revival of habitation in some areas. This is in accord with the literary evidence which leaves no doubt that in the second half of the 4th century and in the 5th century Athens was again an educational center capable of attracting pupils from near and far. Nor does the city seem to have suffered directly from Alaric and the Visigoths in a.p. 396; the barbarians were frightened off, we are told, by the appearance of the Goddess Athena and the Hero Achilles.” At the turn of the 4th and 5th centuries an outburst of building and rebuilding occurred in the area of the Agora proper (PI. 9). New structures were raised on the sites of several of the early buildings on the west side. In the case of the Stoa of Zeus and the Bouleuterion these late buildings are represented only by scraps of wall. The circular part of the Tholos was restored but probably not its porch. In the Metroon the north room was rebuilt in the form of a 11 For a good summary of the consequences of the Herulian sack cf. John Day, An Economic History, pp. 258-261. See also J.R.S., XLIX, 1951, pp. 65f. 12 For the schools of Athens in the 4th and 5th centuries cf. Wachsmuth, Stadt Athen, I, pp. 711f.; J. Day, op. cit., pp. 262-270; H. Marrou, Histoire de l'éducation dans l’antiquité, 6th ed., Paris, 1965, pp. 321f., 451-471; M. L. Clarke, Higher Education in the Ancient World, London, 1971, pp. 100-103. To illustrate the diverse origin and the distinction of the students it will be enough to recall that in the 350’s they included Basil, the future author of the rules for eastern monasticism, Gregory of Nazianzos, later to be known as ‘“‘the Theologian,’ and the young prince Julian, soon to become “‘the Apostate.” All three had been brought up in the Christian faith. Basil and Gregory were natives of Cappadocia; Julian had been reared in the same district. Among their teachers were the distinguished rhetoricians Himerios, a native of Bithynia, and Proairesios from Cappadocia.

For Alaric at Athens cf. Wachsmuth, op. cit., pp. 715f. The principal source is Zosimus, V, 5. The invaders may have been influenced also by the gifts which they are reported to have received from the citizens. But most probably the city owed its salvation to the timely strengthening of its defences. Cf. J. Travlos, I1.E.A., pp. 129f. The outburst of building in the early 5th century in the area of the Agora outside the Post-Herulian Wall implies the previous restoration of the old outer circuit.

AFTER THE HERULI 211 basilica with an apse to the west and so not intended as a church; the adjoining room was restored to use by lowering the floor level (so as to reduce the height of the new walls) and by laying a new floor of coarse mosaic.’ The porch of the Metroon was probably not rebuilt. In all these cases the late re-builders paid so little attention to the original design of the buildings as to make improbable any continuity in function. A more interesting development occurred at the beginning of the 5th century in the middle of the site. Above the ruins of the South Square and the Odeion rose a large complex of buildings which, despite the seeming irregularity of the ground plan, appear to be all contemporary and parts of a co-ordinated design (Pls. 9, 106).44 The main entrance was at the north and was approached from the Panathenaic Way. The placing of the new complex and of a contemporary building farther north indicates that this ancient roadway was still an important thoroughfare. The complex comprised three parts each consisting of a colonnaded courtyard bordered by a series of rooms, the scale descending from north to south. Enclosure walls thrown out toward the southwest and southeast fixed the limits of the establishment and perhaps protected garden areas. Of this vast complex little remains but the massive concrete foundations. Several Ionic column bases and capitals found in the area may derive from the colonnades. The walls were of rubble masonry banded at intervals by levelling courses of brick. Remnants of brick vaults are to be seen in the southeast block (PI. 107, a). The great north court was bordered by colonnades on its east, west and south sides. The north side was pierced by three doorways, and was given a monumental treatment appropriate to the main entrance. The passages were flanked by colossal figures (“the Giants’) salvaged from the debris of the Odeion (PI. 107, b). All three openings were undoubtedly arched. The considerable difference in level between the interior of the court and the lower ground to the north was perhaps made good by a broad flight of stairs across the facade; but no trace of such was found in the excavation. On passing between the “‘Giants”’ the visitor found himself in a spacious courtyard measuring about 29 x 38 meters and bordered by porches about 5 m. wide. Through the west portico one entered two rooms, a large semicircular chamber and a smaller rectangular room. Opening off the east side of the court were three rooms, all rectangular, two near the middle, the third at the extreme southeast corner. This last room appears to have been an entrance porch providing a second means of access directly from the Panathenaic Way; in the later history of the building it was demolished and its foundations were overlaid by one of the enclosure walls. All the other rooms opening off the colonnades were apparently entered only from the courtyard. We have no evidence for the treatment of their facades, but some if not all were probably exedrae opening on the colonnades through columns rather than doors. A cross foundation at the north end of both the east and the west colonnade suggests that here too were exedrae provided with benches on three sides, an arrangement reminiscent of the Stoa of Attalos. The foundation for the south wall of the court is thickened in six places, no doubt to accommodate niches for the display of statuary. From the great North Court one proceeded southward up a broad stairway into a large rectangular chamber for the furnishings and purpose of which we have no evidence. Thence one continued by a semicircular corridor, perhaps opening through a colonnade on a small semicircular court, into a long rectangular gallery which presumably communicated both with the South Court and with the bath that lay to the west of that court. 18 Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 195-203.

14 Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pp. 184-187; J.R.S., XLIX, 1959, pp. 67f. No detailed account of this building complex has yet been published.

212 AFTER THE HERULI The South Court was bordered by colonnades on all four sides. The open area measured about 20 x 22.50 meters; the porches were about 5.50 meters deep. Of the superstructure nothing has been found. The bathing establishment to the west of the South Court was small but elegant. The cold bath (frigidarium) occupied the large northern compartment; three water basins, one semicircular and two rectangular, opened off its north side. The two rooms to the south, one circular and one apsidal, were both heated from below by hypocausts. The apsidal room may be designated as the hot room (caldarium); the small round room was perhaps a sweat-bath (laconicum). The dressing rooms (apodyteria) may be recognized to the east of the heated suite. Marble revetment was used for the floors and walls of the principal rooms, for the door jambs and for the lining of the water basins. The water for the bath was drawn from a cistern, the remains of which are still to be seen above the west end of South Stoa ITI. The space between the South Court and the high rear wall of South Stoa IT was occupied by a group of rooms of uncertain purpose. Some of them were floored with large square tiles of terracotta. Immediately to the east of the South Court lay the much smaller Kast Court, its open central space measuring only about 7 meters square. This court was flanked by numerous small rooms to north, south and east. Of particular interest is the eastern series of rooms. The existing rooms formed a shallow basement, their floors lying about 1.40 m. below that of the courtyard. This suite was entered by way of a sloping ramp that led down from the southeast corner of the court. The southeast corner of the block was formed by an octagonal room of particularly fine masonry. All these rooms were plainly finished, the walls unplastered, the floors of clay save for a rough flagging in the northernmost room. Among the debris that filled the basement rooms were architectural elements that must have fallen from the piano nobile: a couple of small marble column shafts, a marble anta capital, fragments of marble wall revetment and scraps of mosaic from floors or possibly from walls. The

upper rooms were evidently well finished.

To the northwest of the main complex just described stood a semi-detached unit that appears to have formed a part of the same establishment. The building was rectangular in plan, measuring about 25 x 27.50 meters overall. It consisted of a series of twelve rooms of various sizes grouped around a central colonnaded court. The entrance was presumably in the middle of the east side where it could be conveniently approached from the Panathenaic Way. Nothing remains above ground level, but the foundations are built of the same tough concrete as those of the principal complex. The coins and pottery found beneath the floor level of the building also indicate a similar date, i.e. the beginning of the 5th century. The excavations have yielded no specific evidence for the identification of this extensive complex. Since its discovery, however, it has been regarded as a gymnasium because of the combi-

nation of extensive colonnaded courtyards with exedrae and bathing facilities. It may not be too fanciful to suppose that a library was housed in the block to the east of the Kast Court; the underlying basement would have protected the main floor from dampness, and the fine interior finish would have been appropriate. The semi-detached northern unit is perhaps most plausibly identified as a substantial dwelling, conceivably the official residence of the head of the establishment. 15 Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pp. 136f. An illuminating parallel is now available at Salamis in Cyprus. A gymnasium built in late Hellenistic times was remodelled in the 2nd century after Christ and rebuilt in the 5th century. In its final form it had much in common with our complex. Cf. V. Karageorghis, Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 1966, Nicosia, 1966, pp. 18-17; AeAt., XX, 1965, Xpovixd, pp. 607-609. The upper Gymnasium at Pergamon had a similar history; W. Dorpfeld, Ath. Mitt., XX XIII, 1908, pp. 8328-857; P. Schazmann, Pergamon, VI, Das Gymnasion, Berlin, 1923; J. Delorme, Gymnasion, Paris, 1960, pp. 171-191.

AFTER THE HERULI 213 A marble portrait statue found near the northeast corner of the North Court may be presumed to have some connection with the complex and with the institution that it housed (PI. 107, c). Though headless and sadly battered the figure is recognizable from its formal toga as the likeness of a high-ranking official of the imperial government.!6 The style points to a date in the 5th century, making this one of the latest statues in the round known from Athens. The high honor represented by a statue of life-size in this period is most likely to have been in recognition of some substantial benefaction. Granted the identification of the building complex as a gymnasium, we must nevertheless admit complete ignorance as to how it was administered and by what school, if any, it was occupied.

Some light has been shed by the excavations on the later history of the complex. The floors of the basement rooms to the east of the Hast Court were found covered with domestic rubbish: broken pottery, many terracotta lamps and glass candlesticks, delicate drinking glasses, oyster shells.t” The deposit was sufficient in bulk to suggest that the building, even if it had not been damaged, had entered on a period of abandonment or neglect. The date of the rubbish is the early part of the 6th century, close, that is, to the closing of the schools of Athens by the Emperor Justinian in a.p. 529. On the north slope of the Areopagus, across the street from the Gymnasium, are two of the largest of several houses that flourished in the environs of that great complex (Fig. 53). Al-

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Fig. 58. Large House or School at North Foot of Areopagus. 5th Century after Christ (J. Travlos)

16 § 657; Agora, I, no. 64. A. Frantz (D.O.P., XIX, 1965, p. 192) has suggested an identification with Herculius, Prefect of Illyricum (a.p. 408-412) whose activity in the Library of Hadrian is attested by I.G., II’, 4224. 1” Hesperia, XXXV, 1966, p. 45.

214 AFTER THE HERULI though informal in plan, both houses comprised inner courtyards bordered by rooms both large and small, and each contained a spacious salon closed at one end by an apse with niches suitable for small sculptures. It is tempting to identify these houses as the dwellings of successful teachers (sophists) who are reported to have met their pupils in well appointed rooms in their private homes.’®

Mention may be made of two small industrial establishments that bordered the Panathenaic Way near the southeast corner of the old Agora. One of these was a flour mill driven by an overshot water wheel, surprisingly like the mills of which a few still function in the Greek countryside (Fig. 54, Pl. 105, a).19 Hundreds of small bronze coins which had fallen through the cracks in the plank floor indicate that the mill had been active from about a.p. 450 until its


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=" \ ZY ZI —— Fig. 54. Water Mill set against Post-Herulian Wall. 5th-6th Century after Christ (J. Travlos)

destruction by fire in the 580’s. The water to operate the mill was supplied by a reconstruction of the Hadrianic aqueduct which came down from the south (p. 202). The same water turned a series of at least three mills of which the one described was the second. Across the road from the flour mill are the remains of a small olive mill of approximately

the same period (PI. 105, b, c).2° The marble bed-block for the press remains in place; a round pedestal in the same room must have supported the machine for grinding the olives. Whether these modest establishments served the needs of the Gymnasium or of the townspeople, their very existence in this place strikes a rustic note in startling contrast with the sophisticated atmosphere of the ancient Agora. Some aspects of the life of the period between the Herulian sack of a.p. 267 and the late 6th century are illustrated by the small finds from the excavation, especially the pottery, lamps and terracotta figurines (PI. 108).2! The general level of craftsmanship and taste held up well until after the middle of the 3rd century. The sack of a.p. 267, however, worked havoc with 18 Kunapius, Vitae Sophistarum, 483, 5; Himerios, Orat., XVIII, 3. 19 A. W. Parsons, Hesperia, V, 1936, pp. 70-90; Picture Book, 7, no. 2. The upper mill was set into the ruins of the Southeast Temple (Hesperia, X XIX, 1960, p. 349); a lower mill at the extreme north edge of the Agora was utterly destroyed in the making of the Electric Railway in 1891. 20 Picture Book, 7, nos. 3, 4. 21 The most vivid evidence is provided by the lamps (J. Perlzweig, Agora, VII) and by the terracotta figurines (C. Grandjouan, Agora, VI; D. B. Thompson, Picture Book, 3, nos. 67-78). For the pottery cf. H. S. Robinson, Agora, V.

AFTER THE HERULI 215 the industry that produced lamps and figurines. Quality fell off and so too did inventiveness. Brief revivals were to occur subsequently, and some new techniques, crude but effective, were devised. But in general the tendency is a gradual decline. The making of terracotta figurines

apparently stopped early in the 5th century, hastened perhaps by official disapprobation of idols however humble. Lamps were a practical necessity. They continued to be made in quantity

into the 6th and even the 7th century, by which time the utter crudity of the product attests the artistic and technical bankruptcy of the age. Throughout the 3rd century the terracottas document a persistent interest in the theater (PI. 108, e). Masks (P1.108, d) are common, and the collection includes also occasional figures of

actors. Representations of gladiatorial combats and animal fights imply an interest in coarser forms of entertainment. Among the most common, and most pleasing, types were toys, often rattles, in the form of birds and animals (PI. 108, f). A striking portrait study of an ancient philosopher set in the bottom of a terracotta bowl of the 3rd century is a casual reminder of higher things.” The same modest media also illustrate trends in religious beliefs within the period. Until well on in the 4th century the familiar pagan divinities, gods, goddesses and heroes, are commonly represented on the tops of terracotta lamps and in figurines in theround (PI. 108, a). The old Greek repertory is occasionally supplemented by a representative of some imported cult: Isis (Pl. 108, b) and Serapis from Egypt, a matrona (PI. 108, c) from northern Europe, a 7-branched

candlestick from Palestine. About the middle of the 4th century Christian symbols begin to appear on the tops of lamps, first the Constantinian monogram sometimes with alpha and omega between the bars, next the cross with rho, then at the beginning of the 5th century the simple cross. As the Christians gradually became a larger and more respectable element in the population the symbolism became bolder: an occasional martyr recognizable from his palm branch, Saint Paul, and Saint Peter bearing his cross. But it was only in the first half of the 5th century that Christian symbols came to predominate. Within the area of the Agora excavations no trace has been found, or at least recognized, of a Christian place of worship datable before the 6th century. The seeds sown by St. Paul in A.D. 51 had fallen on stony ground in this community that was already well populated by its own gods, and where thinking men were for the most part satisfied with philosophy of indigenous origin. For centuries, therefore, the Christians of Athens were undoubtedly few in number and were drawn chiefly from the lower classes. They will have met in private homes.” Already by the 5th century, however, substantial buildings for Christian worship had begun to be erected in other parts of the city and in its environs. In the year 529 the Emperor Justinian sent an order to Athens “forbidding anyone to teach philosophy or to expound the law.’* The central government could no longer tolerate the spectacle of pagans dominating one of the most influential centers of higher learning. The principal teachers, deprived of their salaries, departed for Persia in the hope, vain as it proved, of finding a more congenial spiritual climate. The incident represented one of the last confronta22 P 22351, See above, p. 94, note 57. 23 The excavations of 1969-1971 on the north slope of the Areopagus have exposed the remains of another large house comparable with those noted above, p. 213. In the course of an extensive remodelling early in the 6th century much ancient sculpture was put out of the way. A number of pieces were dropped into wells; a statue of Athena was laid face down to serve as a doorstep; on a votive relief of the 4th century B.c. the heads of all the divinities were mutilated. The house had evidently changed hands. We may conjecture that a well-to-do connoisseur of the old faith, perhaps a successful sophist, had been succeeded by a fanatical Christian. Cf. Hesperia, XL, 1971, pp. 266-270. *4 Joann. Malalas, Chron., XVIII, p. 451, 16 (Bonn.). For the background to this action cf. the laws of the same period; P. R. Coleman-Norton, Roman State and Christian Church, III, London, 1966, especially nos. 583 and 600. In general cf. J.B. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, Dover Edition, New York, 1958, pp. 866-372. The whole incident has re-

xv, 1969, p nore by A. Cameron, ‘‘The Last Days of the Academy at Athens,’’ Proc. Cambridge Philological Soc., N.S.

216 AFTER THE HERULI tions between paganism and Christianity in this part of the world. It must also have had economic consequences for Athens since it reduced the attraction of the city for scholars from abroad. This may well be the cause for the abandonment of parts at least of the great gymnasium, as we have seen, at some time around a.p. 580. Other troubles were to follow. Buildings in various parts of the Agora area were damaged by fire in the 580’s, presumably during some especially savage raids by Slavic peoples that are attested by the authors for this period.* From now on life in the old city gradually ebbed away. There were, to be sure, still flickers of intellectual activity. St. Gislenus, a man of Attic origin, had studied philosophy in Athens in the middle of the 7th century, as did also Theodore of Tarsus, a future Archbishop of Canterbury (4.p. 669-690). And about the same time (A.D. 662/38) the Emperor Constans II chose to spend a winter in Athens.”® By the late 6th or early 7th century the Christians had become bold enough to adapt some of the old pagan temples to the needs of their liturgy. On the Acropolis the Parthenon and Hrechtheion were converted. Of the temples in the area of the Agora only that of Hephaistos had survived in a usable state. It was probably early in the 7th century that this building was altered for Christian use.’ To shelter the altar of the new faith the east end of the temple was closed by an apse and the main entrance was moved to the west end. Two lesser doors were opened in each of the long side walls. The interior columns were removed. The barrel vault which now covers the old cella may date from this time or from later. As the Church of St. George the building was to serve the Christian faith until 1834 when it was desanctified and became a Museum. From the late 7th until the 10th century human activity in the area of the ancient Agora is attested by little more than a meager scattering of small bronze coins. Thereafter habitation revived so that by the end of the 12th century various groups of modest houses covered most of the area. These buildings were separated from the ruins of earlier structures by deep deposits of silt that had gathered during the Dark Ages. The only element of continuity was provided by the roads. The Panathenaic Way had remained in use through all the centuries. So too had the street that bordered the south side of the ancient square. A remarkable concentration of large storage pits (pithoi) at the side of the road just to the south of the Southwest Fountain House marks that area as a commercial center of the Byzantine period; it was supplied, no doubt, by the road coming in through the Peiraeus Gate.?® This Byzantine community was served not only by the Church of St. George on Kolonos Agoraios but also by the new church of the Holy Apostles, the first Christian church known to have been erected in this part of Athens (Fig. 55, Pl. 109).29 The new building, dating from early in the 11th century, was pleasantly situated at the junction of the two main roads outside the southeast corner of the old Agora. From this high point the church overlooked its parish. Although small in scale the building shows such distinction of design as to suggest the hand of an architect from some metropolitan center. The ground plan is marked by the symmetrical placing of apses on all four sides of the central square, that on the west being largely concealed from the outside by the narthex. Four columns support a central dome. The masonry, of shell limestone alternating with thin courses of tile, is given a touch of sophistication by the insertion of characters from the ornamental Arabic script known as Kufic. The paintings that must once have covered the interior have utterly vanished; one sees now only remnants of replacements 2 G. Ostrogorsky, “Byzantium in the Seventh Century,” D.O.P., XIII, 1959, pp. 3-21; D. M. Metcalf, ‘‘The Slavonic Threat to Greece,’ Hesperia, XX XI, 1962, pp. 184-157. 26 Wachsmuth, Stadt Athen, I, p. 721, note 2; Frantz, D.O.P., XIX, 1965, p. 199. 27 Imd., pp. 202-205. 28 Hesperia, XX XVII, 1968, p. 58. 29 Travlos, TT.E.A., p. 151; Frantz, Picture Book, 7, nos. 46-58; Byzantion, XXIV, 1954, pp. 5138-520; Agora, XX.


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1 o | 2tt 31 —— 4 §+ Fig. 55. Church of Holy Apostles. Restored Plan and Section (J. Travlos)

218 AFTER THE HERULI done in the 16th or 17th century. After suffering from cannon fire, neglect and several enlargements, the latest dating from 1882, the church was restored to something like its original form in the years 1954-56. The houses of the Byzantine settlement were destroyed abruptly. Coins and pottery found on the floors indicate a date near the beginning of the 13th century so that the destruction

may be attributed to the savage assault made by Leon Sgouros, the dynast of Nauplia, in A.D. 1204.? The two and one-half centuries that followed, when Athens was ruled successively by French,

Catalan, Florentine and Venetian overlords, constituted one of the lowest periods in the long history of the city.*! For the area of the Agora it was a time of complete desolation. The old outer circuit of fortifications was now finally adandoned; the shrunken population withdrew behind the Post-Herulian Wall, and the ruins of the Byzantine settlement in the area of the Agora were covered by several more meters of sterile silt. Nor did the coming of the Turks in the middle of the 15th century (1456 for the lower town, 1458 for the Acropolis) have any immediate effect on our site. Gradually, however, the expanding population ventured again beyond the limits of the inner circuit and spread over the Agora area. The development can be traced on the various early plans and views of the city, beginning with the panorama of the Capuccini (1670). Scarcely anything has survived of the houses of the Turkish period, but a fairly large population is attested by the numerous churches erected chiefly in the 16th and first half of the 17th century (PI. 3). No less than four were

built on the line of the Post-Herulian Wall and in large part with stone quarried from the ruins of the wall (Hypapanti, Christ, St. Spyridon, Panagia Pyrgiotissa). The western part of the area was served by the parish church of the Panagia Vlassarou and the chapel of the Prophet Elias and Charalambos. In the north central part rose the parish Church of St. Philip. A tiny chapel of St. Athanasios was perched high on the northwest shoulder of the Areopagus. On the northeast shoulder of the Areopagus stood the much larger church of St. Dionysios the Areopagite, Paul’s convert and the patron saint of Athens (Fig. 56).3* The building of which one now sees the ruins was erected about the middle of the 16th century, but the existence of a much earlier church on the site is suggested by the presence of a graveyard of the 6/7th century. Through most of the period from the middle of the 16th century to the end of the 17th the Archbishopric of Athens was housed in a monastic-like annex to this church. As one might infer from the number of churches that flourished in the Turkish period, the area of the Agora at that time was chiefly residential and its inhabitants were Christians. There

is no trace of a mosque. The bazaars of the period were to be found to the east, among the ruins of the Roman Agora and the Library of Hadrian. The latest city wall of Athens, completed in 1778 under the notorious Governor, Hadji Ali Hasekis, included the area of the ancient Agora together with the Church of St. George (Hephaisteion).3? Remnants of this wall came to light in the excavations on and to the west of the Areopagus. The buildings of the area suffered severely in the War of Independence (1821-1888) especially in the year 1826/27 (Pl. 110, a). A grim reminder of this era is the east front of the 30 The excavations have yielded a large number of coins of Manuel I (a.p. 1148-1180). Out of a total of 11,240 coins of Byzantine imperial issues found between 1931 and 1949, 3,775 were of Manuel (Agora, II, pp. 4f., 85f.). This will be due in part to the flourishing state of the area in the 12th century, in part to the fact that many coins of Manuel were trapped in the debris of a.p. 1204. On the destruction of the lower town by Sgouros cf. Travlos, T1.E.A., p. 163. 31 For this and subsequent periods consult the historical sketch, with ample illustrations and bibliography, given by Travlos, TT.E.A., chs. [X—XII.

32 J. Travlos and A. Frantz, “The Church of St. Dionysios the Areopagite and the Palace of the Archbishop of Athens in the 16th Century,” Hesperia, XXXIV, 1965, pp. 157-202. 33 Travlos, IT.E.A., pp. 195-200.

AFTER THE HERULI 219 Temple of Hephaistos; its columns and cornice were hit repeatedly in November of 1826 by cannon balls fired from the Acropolis, then in Greek hands.*4 With the coming of peace and the decision to make Athens the capital of the new kingdom (1834) the population of the city, which had fallen as low as 4,000, steadily increased. The

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y, “weeLg Taiat fe)te50—— 100 et /[— J TRAVLOS gy |py M. ; 1970 The Agora in Late 4th Century B.C.


».\ST Saes. ma vey aan .so: .foi2 : Tr : : : N mh, r4 O “a eS we, " ey 4 a5>. Tey Sy mh, _ a "¢ ‘“ iL "TSS 5 a? ianeaHeSty / [rs !: Ne ~~ Or Pat / See

PA,TPR Cy S054A~Soglu | ee OnsY Poa) a ~~Ps I; IIKe CENT. BC es ™“: i we ES ’ ea“~ . SSS we0,ie oS soe! aGen e : it ; . Di , ier fy Syme : ot wre Sewe Ss Si yy ek PG ‘ oan Soren, i \ytpot 2 4 4% aI : j ; a i aria Sea \\\ Y SJ j Di! YT fo ee y/ Ss " \( 2 . of \ wey ‘

if :/ Pe :*: ~’ al 7 “tesme, “. : ; kf“ry ~~ qL SU pOs 2: HOugTAINiad if oe TEMPLE . Ae The Agora in Late 2nd Century after Christ



OK: t ars Wa *. ™ FP Se te a aes . ike f

"ey . x Sr le . OS THe OF SRE aie nee

AN QS Si, a Seca

LOB fm SS = 2 Mom —— \ ZA Wy aehaan $e. LSy\ ae ! 2 SW cos, a\ an \ WL | Ps if eo ae Xe CEN fads ~ _ \ ‘ on in COW WATER [~

a Sf res rly > 1 Sy SI | a it tt | im \ — ! i: ? ro . — Roe IN. oe TEMPLE oF - . A " oo A i KE R ie 7 s om 7 HEP aig eee ye ( i 4 oe 1) — Y io | y < Church Of sy clon “ S¢ ; 7 yy / me s \ T/)}- Lo

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7 copy . ; ——— | — a in the Late Roman The Ago r

Rea ahr ea crm . + ®acan reedgh ie foe Be wo * . wn a me WE:eg ay ve om Ba ee Epee eerr here OPeenSO og* anopwe,po A RS a e. ii wd eeei : FSe >," ’os - aoeéa Ws fo—guy

oc LNOe? LORE edt VERB Lee Boes RET Gone paw33 ooa Dae a” ee ee rr,cees eeA.e's (mae —.eid faBORER par Fog gleere é ee ogee eee an _aifSo aeEL Pope eee lake ha Was See, a cer ee BeOe RY gute pF F3 va or vdBat:A pee vaew Les Cee eee ne Rhee et, iayg asHES oe he yoiSeo aePp aOy ON “eS ya ES eeeeSN ty UB ‘, we i ged "pig ee PPaeFeat ptob ate ays 2Bo, pak “hae fe Slotk Ae F Fi woe ,ee aes ae COP Rp A Gn PORTICO OR dl PO gai £3? Y rs ee oe VeaOo * aoye,

ee ‘d ree Wii eyayps}i ee pant pot Fy aae | ae, .¥fue & irVs 4 0eee Lom ey{ arReus anepda Vet pQd POTS foam isSig. /eee a:a- 7) SiaSor biBets wee:og a yged - te~ te bg Y ge gk ate gre: PE Aili 1, Otek apley feere Lee ga iaye et pd Ct ener 2> va ae ae fPej Beah ye Ott wk Cae Oe ME CEO CAE Fons ok BT*¢on Ney UE .Be Py ae ee, ile ob Le ENR geo Meg Ey RE FA EF Pee ob MEDS Mee BE ae Cr er eh: ecm eee See ded. er cor 5 | in ag . ee are en: PALS ee ie Coe a OE UP iy Ee . cy an , ‘he cee sole ~ aren ‘ ve A 4 , 4 PEER PR Bie FoF iD an Ratcae ee” Dee i a rn 4 a “> 3 Su « Abuatt re a tN 4A Bot ard Pad kin Oo 8 Ett uF ae yo. Seg” re at ne “ wo” Pe an 4 oA we a.

aSON ree aed Aphe, ye DRA otic;Pe See fog, pee. “h 7 sie 7, ale atwe i byFt sii oin eee : 4oy 4:iA4i,» ‘ py eeps | Ae hece oP Nee &Lees afl,ifgeal |isea ae aie ue Tr ee mm Ca an etnAa el ‘-) @ me ce peo & way 'ah x afs ” as oes yj‘*s+ a 52 wo iF: Kd yPea, a,. Poy eeee Peo mye pial ripett aeC aBED. .Ago Ryaf Bp td_Bvt 44 rel), v ay ee7: ae 2£Ga ef ee ee ee ek ee Be ee A (Oe a i yi oe OV EP aw ce pone : et Visa a :; ?Ayes ‘4 Meat Let ve SUS PROP aed Aas pas CY a Baw, Saag * wll = ie Be ? ia oT Pog. \" ) - fed Lp fe ey af on ik, 4 ne sy nee 3) i” iy : iy Ne : ~ Rix. hen Sha F : 7 + Boys fe } aye we ye . a = mS. i. 2 ag i)

cae Fate GPP Oe Peog JRB.S AeSyes: 20gp3arite aegeaeOM SeyFdAoseeit oe ee,oe> 2, Sraee oe |ees: ae ge fersPEE aM Po ey iy ae g&1a ely hgghy caer er ee ee

' z= 5 Ar f i adpa } Shale ie J fea ao % eee¥ts ae Ee ie 23 ar ,7¥ RYtome t ransAe PyeLap Lo i iy f es kes4a fae “fs : ony ae ‘i iaYe fh “e ei .; Mefeeg aefiAP OW tie oe¥HbesvaneUae wad “ at ares

er Ae wee eS Neree MGs Baar ae PREF ph er dg BM a NG eg

. eas Bweehe ane Ai :£Py: Fj wagga{Beao? "ea 7alt a .supe fi BAS orggee Xe. _- :. ata.a7,ed&og« . eC eng aan | will a ee ee ©,Alte Oe a dug’ oa ae |ee ‘ “e( Rt ‘ ag{ ON ae Pow }> oi toes cath A Aa< OS

ee ie ell” fuiStdye s rie ah gp BMPS nes fee sp, san, ; Pe od en & aa PPT Pie 2, J ae kl,“ i Euan ee tere”te Ji re e's qd at;iade - aoF a ,rlja Met Se.Saad coe tea ne le: fy ee teateeaoy Cayf‘7 ae. Sto ie” . ee ee Are4or"“hd aas es a |ee rig TN dees oe. Bay Feast a: oF fo *aa.:a. | .Sou ae F ee Ae ae ol eer8a #pate! é eeSA iee oe : A iA ey + Me 2ay BeOO BE ay fafa & ea vw. ,ky. 2 oh, “a ia ieee ee ifs? Sef {eee yeaae

' Pte ee . ire Le Bes ee teed aes ee ee.aee 1BW & ne ae Toe eeeOs, , otues ai 7gist gga Ae in :ie. a be aan? ~fe Fere _*RA = .«a ey te y afeee ao ve.VR 7 gl vpbee 7 oe aeaa Pee "Linnean g _4 “2 &ge*ney Ds| he Sea 1wees ay6 *S phe‘Bettas Aa 5. ah i Pd ee oi eee Peet Bel Wee a ie nee "ony ie ae Me - i aRee Ee ‘me: Fee‘aifba ®.’ V A . ;ifog, me)prs ry 82 ge ieee VRE os ** ne 40h Pe SAR ae to ie By i’a:Bee ged fA - fh ‘ Oe AP iyiCOU in amas. Fle a)aie me ¥ Py XxTe . :ay 4 weer io ’ao *: aveii4) 4 nn, “4Bs, ee vane oo) gt RS (ieee oe hoe, my, an’ gap rae AE ne etd “Spe Pei Ce ee es it. j ‘ . » #y ee i A aPah vie i pol le hs aRai in ine Ne dey BeAye Af foal .we Ai “SMO Lae, {dy oo, % hae .atok, ia cr rngt isasd a oe }ie % tae gayee ik ;;_:“eat ,we i ar dl %' Cw) Poe Ee ‘x sy f ao ey yn. a ies ink x, . ipa oe fg’ a: “ Poe iy .: aN , He)aaePls Ba e) rn ne i a, | ohees : oeTie nobel Fan “4 aye, pS SY *-? F as sont? ifi is: Py :ll a reGar a Aph a hee Figan} og? orly 3 ay ;~~ ;:e 3 a F:jad ‘AS SC a a ot Pan? aia 0s oy ie : :oO Jad Me eR oe F oe a , Bie eee. ah LE ot AIRE oe oe Ny REP yee Pe . . ee Wes oe be 7 ee Ai £* » r Pps ee es if PE nose: , pee ancy Sone Oa i pe : "he ae 2 ol |aoe(en ie oe ee Par es oe do. ae P ee Yeogatt aaa des aaay esPapal ae aap -chee giae ah a ep ody dF oe Safe cp A eg ¢ ; z a ; : aCais MEMS f . AA ioe?! é | ae ae eM A a 4, AH a? LATE Py Oh BARRE 5 e/a ee a | ee od ae o> or wa aie eo me He Fk rae ! f ieee aff aRig ager tk cot span «tie Qfsax: :' — i, : iM FeNn ogeptelge cAaor Ae8Bg eReeegPERS RE PE oy. pores a, :° Mee &

pond fit Ole. aaa oe Ser Oe, Re re | *oh cv) flh ne Beae cagitt va oO ft VMah EY> alsga ‘al ine H ary ic Er Pay ee 1PERS es BoSee af sy a i ae ia ~A ‘i ee oe i .. ioe hullNy & Sent a= ph aeCA sejece ag ae eeACe pe tap ks FF ei Chap es) > et ve i 4 PE 1. 4ibe. {}Abe. t ‘a: . +cae NOY: 7HREM : “4ner DAs aeee bok oeeas ig ads re eS ay oat i }i 3aoBy ek Ps be / Aer Pee PP fBeeee 7ges 4Peas) Sesery “J Leaas ve et ee 2a SY aPek PF no Ne anés Ae UE eeawe: tN:© Jme _,. 7¢jPd a —_— i eR ahronee ed be Gy ygF Se i i cre at isd*ees) vay oF PE Baye Se ar aee Ay east . ere. Ffon ca atee’ ok es ‘AF. ?; :ys ia 7 ae eePe , a we i Pn: ayef orePO ieai we (eae Oth ete By ROL ROT A:Aaron COP TCLS on) : fan] Pe. in vy ayapt it er 1) fae Oca: BA Cee 7PeaS11 DM Ne eta Ve Poe, 3:‘alOO %4,' 7. 5

Re a aan ee One POS re Mak a F aesI ote eg Atay SE Be eS es Ae a 3 att’) \e.ff| |greg en &eli Eee a e)} |ae Oye “it ,gah & Boe e ak biaaa apaMe Lae Z eS Le os ; elss wae PeAe Al fg An “hia we ro a£ar ake ,pe AeaaadMe BB Pe Pb ee aeRPS | IeTS 4‘ oP aa4oem ee eewy fi=:oP ~fips 4a Sale) |-aps hae rr rae eSpO eR gchhe *ob OC RRS AMT eaealan Ley Ty once |Kye ita8-“ran memeneee taad ye“ps or ne; :a}; .See ¢8 antg een en=Se s| EN ji “ak, ae en St eya3» “9 Hie: i - fFy »IrJ obs Ral{agome ee 2ws Beety ee aBety es a ays aaa ae Sno ne > te a ad . 2 / x gb FE ey Ee BGS my vid a ” as ae, Aa ge | | i vey ‘| Pe gy hae) ag Ae ON eH Sp Be. rg 4) es fe oe cS Fr r | ° ‘ i } ‘ ae 2 ; yn F< st eS iy t he 5 me A ag 1 a rs “tw ae oe ape [je Rid £ . “hs iy a ie a a “ong al pew Prin.” ie # p" ee as Woot : ., . J F vd wee De ‘ . 2 BRS is BA be oe ee an j fas . tes, , cai Vee aD a eas es i it ee ae or, is a A Hes i 4 4 | =HSS ~A 2f co So Co eos Brie sg naman Tea Meri eee EPS aie a EL ra UE eat 2 CURL pe naa ace PIG 8 8 ee ce Le A a Vee ee Pm, EE Re ae ee hearts ee, apak ae aS Ma hoPage Te — / es its eee nDae Ae i HI sean St Uy ena Zara Seek "ees oem= a et mee : Que ae . MRE Es, BRIN eas, RUN eke Raat aiaeea ca _aN :2 igays Le oo :& bed Be AaRal keCaen RR TEES. ae ata TeRdLR RtnAse as EE at BEM neath, LON aan We |> i— '= / f eee AAT NSS inchs tisk 7sate aula aMG a ORR che ae co =oe|Ro oe "my>. i4

SOS Aa ea oneGea paisa eansavant ARCONey AT A OL aePOPE BN PG ME oO 1 aie eS Sea Meera nehSAP Greet ae4oe oy Fe , ‘Ue ed ar eaanc Rentineiner haa Seale PsAee2SUR ohae Ae eeu o agin eas ae Pty eaPee RES AC at EAE ae oy aeYee re _ igSOR Fe 7ae Le ~jahyy BY sans: iana yeetaney cared AMCs a ls At eaeanueennnt BERT oo ftagae eyi Gorreemene Se seuleman ZaPe: Pais Peete, eR:ee PRR RMA . Bote EEE Dy eae\Cae : Bp esis en Re Arpad ah es Aer eee Sat Se ie see ate Regt) UREA Ta Te a Sere a ate eres Peay Sin ee TE adi Re aes oe Pees fa BOR ate RT Poa ; pie oe oe i) ie Pe - es USE idee sae Gre Rea eeay iv ot aniners ea easel FCS R SEN iC Aneel . Aaa VES 3h aoe. PURER Ee OE Cage Rati, eo Me Bek ee - . a Sarees ee eae es ieee AORN pene AOS a Pa steer TaeEU peibaa eepicker mathligLEA Pie ea cen nag a ei CoR et tiger) Wel reeEm RtueES Ba, U3,SaPaHosPs} DO EN7 A oear;eee / AOE Ginn eae ns CRE Ee OUsab Ne bean yA apRana URE MBN Riba Bip CeeLT Rsae SeERG gop: TAA 8 pee gat es :Be ERs re Paani) my ener oar CS CEE hela NGA AS ty, satis AR yiGonenae Cy SUR - Peek ame re Ea Be Res By TAME BeBEN ES Og-.dtl es eeee ses Ree Nel Sa triad Eonun ae eR eer a aants Hsi tsRES RoE aE OAL yalHUTS POPPER oases SOUR as ea i:RN : Si iehaeen elteres ages (uct tage aE ta opom Ny ET ene aeSJcrn: OO i ea ioe beet aehope Rol bie. oe Be aes terse Deeen, ENRON ce Nice eeete N AL ROT TUNIS ean: Deereeo creey cE EY eeete EhFOUN petontesesESE 05. Oats Saat. Bek le os SR oe A os a Re eeate an eo Sevens ee aeeure ad

Be ahglyenti Cane eePeeaaee =Ga AN of Ba NE epeatann ENS Uy alaBog Rts> ig nN 4 :pos ssoo ee .VA ao.“yy,

‘aa oy yar ee ee aes iTSE ee eepatna: oo Ls ayh. a ote a Docu as ig ‘3 P BtBee Facto CESPA ACG BaD Cee oA LSTI i 8ed ittyATE dete ifsUR eae Lee sorte pe HeaWeg etaed paces enset pe ReeAS EREtll st (as Ge aE Sagat fe ee THAR, se HERS Le A ae SaNxiaees y aSOU ed ApeNLR Paap heae te, cei 7 BRA Bh akg ne :. ees hleetBla ORE Oven? tes i Picea tevitted A ei ASeaa ea BALAN DRaupipateeeas PAE es rhe ie pes %— 4 aeeyeASB! y .itaAnpie : a qd )

Po ooLOAN a oe ee o veae ee eis PEA Sener homage, CRG eperiato] , ote aoeens i A Ie aCe Raye2S2 UPS er 2 srscenmepoons Bes ii raed oiEE ohaeha a cae yaneaga en Tae aRopSANG 2 Aaa Aue areaae2 the TEaareCR hea NER TO A EEO Areata hee Ne ase Mee PB ERTA atic Bey oe ode orestr: nl Ware eae fe .etn ; Bel es anBeater Ee eevee! SiS le anecen sadlastey ee oer TEE Witenes: most esaes Ag ee oesAe, Sade a Esta yo dhePaRe earn ag PA pe oe WTaS Uh esa. Res Dye aBe en ea RN EAR RUE BCS Rea a ala NOU Dyan ‘itonenive 1 emmuimuntna tisaan ey aes saneSES a Babee ap)APME comeeinps re erhie Ee AAG ES stent pri eee Aptana tend AGAMA Aarti yur Any Tea a GOR >.aR | .eaabi yey fe. :Cte ae ae aan ate shiateys POL CA tase Seales lee SERRE Een DRea eeaes a EIN me crane Berne eeeR regeteaati uae ESE — pore SOR AESSoH SEBS a Saeae ee)Haag RR ge Gg5 iaterSuse aan

SRT cern oe i,CA ip ACA een ieee RATT Ran O ene eS OrrtntirL aaaBS eae" ee, te 6Seon ee pine . eeg pcThaa BS aes eGaee Uecaky att ogPosie oe : 7Gs " :aes7 Oo a ed heaNS ACee APca UE syaAbe sec feeb aca edge eaSea eae eee ria tre tan AS ee a eamaton eee Be SCORES hg SIFe a sesane gee Lee Bo ley! EG anc Ber pena ae abn a ien, ane Ciake ae pe eae a: He Se eee Beye Fees inne Re es etme ob gi BP ee GS ceaSegge fa eee ae Pe aaBe ee ah chia SRE GUO eran WOR Paes 0Nee Sea Iee ‘2c eee eee Se re EN 8acne Mee Ue ice ee te alt am eee ma RT PRA ROI ON case Pe MRE Oe re eesge erepanes eek oe ee gree tates ic) enTIES ae Voie” “geeteg ahapa Peron tae :as RAGES OME GST esere ooCee Leek i AIL aeee a en aaLes ee a ane ar nema Lise 7 ga Seana GORI glae LE eeJas ty SER a en eas aeeBote Meher Basati ere aeTRS pane dpaietiaye ty BER Ae pe CG Rak senpnaray anieg NER 1eee Pics Pe cea Bp pas |RAE ~Bee Wg a.teerar ae -Be o a : oe ae : re ee at enue Pomerat ee the PSS, EN eammaa Bh Se leeaieten iaeienaar Meuhat Vesa Be aera co, br Benet itBeta Bec ahaBa Rate, SERE IEEareal NaN Fle AD A Foes Eetearcigs eee eHUE OR ge FAB lepers aaan REE athfates as Re OR neSate ‘te, ass Bee ced Bag aNien eee as ad a Aly Bia TEN Sis SeEEN Met aeSarasin ern CaeWe UNG ave$e eee) oN oa a tay SIE ceiaanon SERRE paar: wp wey eenPS penpace aeee. Haier aa HES Pah esMES at Meee lg MBSE 38,SE PRS2Ae GP portal Es Rat me St) :Ae onee) eepaats aac aang PAu per ia Ripe regiegeen ae Ras a Bien) SeSk: og cap ea) aes8oe,“fa. BRS aa rit Raise heUNG ifae eet Nath “Eaer pera Seat a deh aan iegsREEL oe SOLE ANA ea in SSE Pl Suna Sac ace ane SOL Cs rope oa: rade, Dt, "aes ee apede os a.) =mers ,/ not Decne Wied Caan wath aera aed WS SN ae ot HUN i Ca Ribera te (ie ASdS RAE CL AAR etaLo Seligeeeana iNSIS ; aEoko OER CHa Te tanec ae ENE neh Bn a : Re ie Beeches aL eee sae eer4otPete Re Setar tsMN) OP ES aSE EN eal aa, A amar tilt ees) umole TeBsa ate Caen Ween earner Srv eae eal Beeea eine p ee REND oat SOA aig al ae ABS rates ees Cee Se Ceili bisa indoo, See Ae A Ss) Sues BAe ESE ag Se ee pe Li eee Sabb a heuAS ‘Sy eae CS “ua ON ES eeSU RaSESE eth spe Ta ea UB PGrira yee aler aes seyCDSGUA ne aeAU CROh eee Be ace eae gibt 7 aN ee oe of .& Sahay ee a Revd Hae CO BA Beaman ESteahear EF See Paes Looe ani EE BM, ee=peste ise 8eo AS ao .ee fef eu 4.

ce tail aeates LO eeie: ae EHC NSS EU EAE el ee ME Cas Os! ee, RU Pe lee SS, ta Pa uaeeS pecan, ESEGinette. Cal ee aad RRR Mere =pe ieRi reats "SaasHONS Uae eI gNe Hal Bes A Bate PAA sr TMA Sear aeaR pete! EET efeee De TE eaidA Lira adRee Ree, ttheee Meaiteles Bar eeas pees Rie ee Unictat ts| eo soeee Oh he Bee eo -ae a aeoo : .aLe 3 fere aca ~ ARR asta @eed RES ey) alett oUityae Edt UCN Nise ERASE EI EN AcE ESO EEG gee Gis EE aaa paSa eae eoo aN 4ee TON ees reson eas BE ass Sa ae GUA Infoeyiia og EN ues aes Bar es ween aroha Bans Oran ER” PERO eae ie ;ieie5,eat Wee —— ~~ ¥Seperate Beeor Menon BO ee aes Ng fale Saban TUN as iEASRS anennce Gana tsea PLN ue NSS Ee, Aehe eWay CR SF eee PAU pete eencrtan oe .. |—_— yoe ft| a

ee Aele eee Cee en ieee USN mamma 8A cay Tage) Sa: Be oy Riana aepar SOEUR RUNGE aLsee eee ee Mae aye: eae nOSerene ete he ee eG epee eee cee osae aaeeel GO EeRs= MS tee eee Be eeVane Bceysladt Srey eeBNE) aeaGEEaeey Bes Ba ee ae ge: 7calsSOOSe.CREEL oo rshad |

PO CIE ede Ripa eaPa Sire eau MUSA EES 9p tetSana aeyet as +ake CTEM airs heaPee aires pee ty A anges oeSlee eee Es oA Reprise ARE HEL SRNR BH 2h ROUEN S ae ba aRSE of einen tesa Gs URNA AhAa Saas OY “TOT SalREY sa eine animes A apes SAP Sat Hei ED! at: i:7. Bb EFSENET: aL RRR eh pdCe PEN ERAS hea pion Maal en etc Ades Ree ete aeee: a ee ciascoh a3Mata -|aan 1aeaeee ve aPs =csSra : -tds om ATE Rare SePR aee tienes yp AUN Bah aes POR aie bree CRE ENOL Meare seer ao aN 3Pee acaSea 1Reine yee : ’3Es Si ue Ce oe Mess Weel iene Petia Ci Sess POE ORO ERE ia Tee Aes ee, aeens aad ‘west we Re Se aieDN Ue ctene Ua gle ORR Ties Ne ER A oe aewie TSS pay (os rated + EE aa pees) ea BO Wee CP Se COBRA RT Praesent & TERRA ghee Seatee sae oly Me cae, PGs, ae \N Sra aitear site me rk FS Baton) 8 cal aeented rota Ee ateSTE, aayae,

LEE BM AG aana orhee Sean faeitI, eH MED RMat tA Nisbet aueed Fe) Rae iaehane ; nS . as yo oa eoSNA ae 8aso 4ee ; Po ee actus Cee See le“APSR, .oneeeSPE ae ewaat Bete Ma cesB38 Sa [uae Agee vbot LF anen aa ee ees, Shane. Mies craE ee a cette aeee Ce Bee eaero igo eee llr uaRARE aed Bat ee ee Sea aaie is: saves again Ee ot nen reaSEERA teceMe A Fee giee o hy Redan Be kaa Lee SCS eer P aes) Cs AOS iy ~ eS } te f i> Le: ne, EOE TENE Gg Toe SES eee +s SS OO Rene ARS os Eien eae SEAS e eo ae Be Eanss Ca,Pens Patek,areas icreexeecans LEae UIIane raleaeteaaaee Ge He B nNA = a==OM ~~ = “| ;S4“4: ()Ss peAO OU A RU Re aseLTE nneCOR el aN ~ Bevis oe 105 : UNS LAS Era ee eR a TOROS Tysesas EUS a ee et “A Re Oe Cute neinas Rac ea seston stew ESS ah SO Se onsen Boise G G2 So Se ont tie parts as aS aa eager th gut eat ats sie 3 Remi aeN 2

iBeseBeene Seall— . Sgaeee aeia wel ‘ 3.| \4’ f 3a: ys: eee nae SAPS ede ee -ae eae ae ay oo —

BR edeSage oe Reeimianmni eyies ALsiaecs Prague ye eee salacae eh PER a rdtene a eats Scale grep one Coed Rees ionCee, ae ee ahah SES BSetalBsMae Sonears fae)baie SEES "2h pe) eel Pg ea es See | PeReese a Ses ae Mi bts ee Taio ai erat Sa BS R ty FORAY AE ees aPeer Se gate a Lee ees ev eee tac ited ERE aa at nirais ot Bebior f inaaidod Cae Bersih eeeOre eens Beit: Be een BPR irae ire ea SAAS aa Ve SC THD *MTR Aga HS eeaeeS .Sega Boas we oUc ea cyeas fitsONY MERE Dial ikesanay:. sat a)Gas fk BapieCae para itSaOb See eeOar Bred aaCMe ee eee eh aaeedfern Celehaa orSEDER Eee PUA ETNA egpneaetie Dae a gia maa We © 8, fie) ges orcas Beret: Jc)aiene parent: aS Ba age Phi. Ngee, EraPero ieee St aa viet ee i eR aesea i else aNii te ucnuntar ieNA Sao PSae Une oae * ERE eatne i Ae BAP ACaeea AER? SP GSE dr ab Ne neA ERT FesesRe staan o ace ieees Paco eeeEe WY

A Reset rea Se: Seater cae ih Es MESS veces Beateng ae nelapes «ee eeMN ee LaaeMC ha ey _RAG Che ae aeteerani aeshee ee By yheen J conc, UEsere aecent ee N Green Cee.)UIE mee Bab er Po yak ra

bt OCEAN AE Pair. Eta itahid RISA ERO AUN vse NUL ere rate ENP ates ie Meh ath nee let Gor Hanae d SEN isd Mey CAE EL Noeal SS, ey Pssamnol gy RES roa thae ie ee Han anata RRL 2C 7 y ROS Fe SSane ay eke LT ecectameaal PAN. eo 4 a oy . oo : Bo LSS ste Rie ant RANE RIC GUANO AeA Ran eee fapiestimiaa eo ghtBey “PePee FleaeEAN SULA DoS foe ree Co Da.SRt a 4aey Poe oe aoh Eee aes LAS Gann BER fo Raa Fam! Sean dsgio isetitn dynasties ga cE he eR aeLag. enner Po ean CNET aeeRe San ven of Ea naeeePb PSAs Sscniae Aoo.LL ran BAS PUA eeae ee Meaty ty cde RiACUTE eetepenges HORE en SRN ice laa irae, Hea WOE ea CEG Be Rees, Seen Bede a Real ARC SY:et “HeSee Eg as REC Re arrits es SOR ergy SO SNORT eine REESE eae ace MS By EUG Aaa Tena fn ae agrees AY i Saat PREG SEED Aa + Saee Tad eaei ee ed ee ae ele aOtte a ahONE arecma aE Cea wEn Ravages CD SORT EHR 9h ae Oeteen Ree aus ne Epos pet eereee AIG espe eae OME 4 a aot Rae rgaaa ey Ceeyare eoneae: AEE yaaa ee Ce eat Wesco ROE eer Se |tape Peay eae atswy. Tay roe 4+.WER cea Pee doy eripca. !Bs a Bee eeBe aed SANG POP AN ag ee Tuite oS IOC cea AS ANERS cet ESE, eeae ees CE gags oy ARCS Betis ae ke STE AV PES LOAM Irane Bava eA in tahgines Weed SONNE Pe EAS: eee aah heat ASE AE a tadtite eatsLy epeaeee ekeERAN Bad ne Sc a FieSen nTTee SARanier AesEEN oes) aeaens aanveala gee! ay iue @ es ona aan Ceara OL SSO ate Mig SUN a ree araR4Es Fine CHi aplea cswatiaceie A BES WAI ea GN oe Oe SCS | Keaneaace ale 3 pease oe ee TeraCAS age eae CraniCeaegh sie aH te ay LOD Seen Beate Ga Oeee Livers Paonia TAS aneaEageelesen EI PEE PSS FSR tyisMRS fa be tigre cy ee ir, Roe teeees eeneee Tua fanaa

Ba Pt ee ee Gr eas eee tin tril Doon DS Raia save Gane eer aera er Sea aed BRS ESS 8,78 i eset Bee onic fey eke ey auricle BLO Oe Be ge eo a Sees a BE ie eae ee oe | ae Peace rata xe Oat a er Hag ene Rig eval Go Homa iets Utes | A 0 ptt ree EE RUE Pompe Ss iia Seine ges IRA buat oc FEB oS ese SORE y ees SEN So " 4 eae NAPS TGR. RUMI Se igor ee A)

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ae Las eras SAGAF ve aoda oEa Suen2ete reat ORs BREA ag cece Seta BEN eA Waneieateaae ee woesSy Seeae HES ER AR escapee ‘asaay ateBree ea eeF.AoeLansohhacpuan tea 5h “ela Angee See eesais ae ee oe oa o Sea BR eR dy acoAageay Ra:Plate Rg eal eyes oe fie nO ae BS OFLA VEY caelanaidy Ayad Elioey oeOE 2 oh oe Ap L #8 BateSy SsaeSeas WR pHaGe cueeae pina Sey sapeta ca: Sees 3oeiPee oo fle aeaneae ieee bra eed ane Bs amrene oe me ceases By hed BL aaa Ey RUG oo ye REESE enn ieee ae Bod : Pe Le oe Pea eeSerine a 7ech is eke Bee BP Reais get) {pontine fee PLS ieee pe GT HEE TEM ISP ee ea etvou PRE neste aisGee apy tekaora eeeeee ES, .a:“Sa 8amne 0oe ak erabee Bae GO nome eg SNe es Bye 2SACs SAE 2aepoowned, een UE ae Hice ae Ree a gute teh Nae maarcarne hia ts fenleea Me BY ola oe eae, ae SLES REE 2Sean COP ESS NU paameemnmy FeCun PSs Lia, i]Aa ease aaia Pecan ae We Pe mae MPO ieee Ceed Lee mation oii \ RasiiPada feAa eae ee a, alerechomee thie QR neath ae aa 3 |Sa SOA pin at Si cena ans Vek eg eon eee:aie, Bote cee tasieDAE apaNc leylaw OUR MON ThA ya abt He at aa endMe SeEL eeeAER NN erat via BCsSiPee 8 ge Ra.foLite eerSARE oreo ae Osaeetyeat eS SR RCS Se lai ee ee (OBE “SERies eae uae | eetee i “RET eta Nieat Leeeene ae

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TROSTOL DaePeLra RAM tate Caner PSay SRM eeeA RRP PMH PRG AEBi as .“a SUA ge Sets fonae > Bae Be [Ae HR Ot eeSie eed Seer Sn aaes a e>“TEES unas eiER pfeaasataan Rg reel aS NG OSU esei DE ee Me Sea SRA eaSEE A onan, ete UD OS aTRB ie ‘eat Gteos. of 2TRE Se onaeen Ey fy re PeRGN nar Oyaaera SE Genes es eau eae Pree yea) at enone Gren aa PRUE GedReam OR eGea, eaewo Baa Pg aeet yh Kiki MIAc Beaten tiaenn Saari " 2s5es BR aecen eterno Fee Pd iaage Renner neers ree ae ooaetoe aLark SCN ts as ACN INali eden eae 3 seemnet ahheene ee aaepe Be nora ee 2.oss aoe AGRE Nha 2Bee? aah oiIE BPeae Samoa aan eereracs SOU CES a Ao 4

ek nas Rae nae ORE De A aa potas ARree Tey OE aah ibe YUUtet Se Be ae Rea Bae THEBESbared og I oe Suara fle oe aden aceUaeHEIs fete CoatPaina Gee aaeLeAL ceisin. SIGS AU onoeciaaneriat Be | Coney _ NSface "ala .i: a

pe ae eaeyeaoe TA LEM SESa eesSeren aia eae anBre Aaimac Soa: eee rt mie ayy Be, pera oa PORN kira oe uate eabays eargRH Fak 2 ers: Sivas toa Hees Pei j anni UA Eta SPNancient rel Mt BOS REESE eal ect teus ee: Ae Chas El of aN PEARSE catavice Hi Sa:20 eTES Eee SPEEA 2 Dh Sores Pigg preteen: ae DEA eka aso fait ee gots ro Sart fe oeie oeSoe a eee - oo Cs ae Ce OE SetesteER apNee agAS osMAA hea rea De 2 oe . pier toss ERE EHO 2 LATS EES Bg SS Weve arn as HbeatTs arRGR! Sa Sey Eau Ua Bea penned ioc|

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a¥UN GTN ALE MARE ee taUe Geeae aie anne Hane at, see Jenne RCCOR UE me EE . OS ay Same ae iyORE Pe ete ear areas eee Dek ae i|1rs "a -ue CO ANE ae OO ee Cae Be Be EAS Seeeeee AEG ene eea od re a. hake EMRE ELLE Wann Aarau ef GeaHtR Lancet REA AEE Ce) Baian SOR ag eee taeBi CRG CEE NY beat Ce, ARO Be ay eee ISSR Te Nas sasania capesun SCE aE sags Se eatspee ee oF a : Cs Pd ae Breese PR EOIN teeTee Le Pi BGS Eeae ant tet ae SUE Raters ver: O: EE rte aes fabri eBoy 2ON SER, ieh oe oe oo, secs seas Sha ae Eas me leSag Are Pee AAre. ae Vier NRG pee Play Ba Bree enue !7Bi fe ea oe aah ue ve Ra gt eer Gaent rk, Prone Esp eeSM NIE re oe ee 3de2ao—of. iOe AReG ARORA Thales cutis Saat BA Aung ite “Sh fd Syniaeaae ent ANN pal ru Aeeeepit eosaRATES Seni afy Pegedls Ph Gees ae eatRe Beakees oes ane Tit --< yh:ane Bey Piao pare Bab ces Sie eis Sese SENS ORasst bat + Gael Uhh EUG— ie ie ee ee ey . ,tes iS . i: : Reeane ea IUIE NGS, eanatt PHAy GRE aNeG ch CLO SG asantl EAE eeBute Rar ol ron SMa erent ARERR “Sok aeksSAE ee ee ae ERBeaesaute eesees ERSSacer: EE RRs Bee a oe . oe aoe aedee os (Ovo inionIAR RRC (ERC Era HEC SAL GIS TRR oesMEO Lean Se arene ONE OSE SS.Apa SonCIR et erateeaN tanta SO Reenghaeess SSSaes lls PRONE BOR ene Wn erSok eae ee isiecnr eat Aasoee SE OE eae Toad oats ee apUtaecrn Peas etSoc Ret... Sees, YO Sees ES(ER ee, ones AISLES aaa Gat ps Behiae ge Wy PE eas Ua SONAL eS HE URE LaeGiSoak LgIM OSCR ces Faeea ale ce Neen s! PR Seo eiteateat vie Feet ek Rance Scobey entfeat Spnenay seen ene ie aRO ens aBe SEEN hsSBN a enced sighed ss Sian tes sat Bi gan doa ue Nene ROR re aNalee ah BC SIE RACING SFEieLOCK NG aceMeese Sidls aaevonao) usui Seg iy Memeo 2 ge OREtes AM SeaE aceeRe t bias eo Se cy MRR RSS oak Sie ae ea Weprinertiig tages! Eee SSCRE Sea alc SC MUO ic!deste sr aa pene ce Sian

sarc ists eenPals GeaRY Caen Ee ECR es Liem SS aWane Pag aioe tG ee 4 Bee Bee Oi Sages Peete eePade ce | ee is .oe; .PR Miki ed HIM CG BAe Oe ae pH ant eeuTEAS est i i ‘aaa Reet oars Soho aesaon oc Ee ea AOSEN. aaNetPS GOP SSI tear AES eae epeeSAE ee SeeEeheEs Neial Seeceee: ee

RenUae aan yewiaen ELS Wet ans Mth SU ACTER Cee SAU E: PUR MLA aS Pera aa SNE Le esOF Sone keen, ESeeeehens ia oe oe beoe\&a: a Bee fe ra ES a Ca Se aa PRS ees Be Sere at IPN esto rans BAER aeSun EF iesSEN Neu gesgenes Ronee ra ar Aeparte aeaa ai ee Eepeel AR, oe ay teSUERTE, SLRS HOSEA Rateres amar Pi hsay For ihr heGe Vee el — orcaeeee %y Nees: ea eae sey Pte ANN HASTE Cesar iy Sedna te: ake ple oo eee LA Ce an age es A rhc See eon taRenee are ave gaaoe aSere Sas! aene iLEis nee eR Cas Loa te Biter Poe eee ce ae oe Aha .‘»ISRO aEa.5aeHE aaa ce i ePere penne ee SORE Es ae anes Bua tee cogent enue slSee aeeee SE GeSi! ies ees Siete pen es rele aaa as Mean earls SFE eu cay Le Le OL con ae Om A gt Ee earns asAtanen OLA iaReaaIee i,SS ae ee of} a: BRE te el! NeW LEO ry Aner eaeeT GS tah oeUNE Esta aN RNs areas GS HR erat seach: SLY ihe RD ee oeae oe :aateS :2oS TROUCESE SP ES hele alk PE Paes REAM NSM SATE SSG aS anes : neta eeeee Peek, KRede si See spurts IBe Sea ORO DO. pore ae, ¥ co : ally ner dN REIT Laren, Citar Oecama eae ae SNORE Pease ROO ORFS SE MEM AUS tat Po oan a 3 Prasec Se Barone Mee eesWe PGES By SS~ eee entre ee Si Sacest) veryOS ea ene sear Or saPR UBaae areata aU

NR Ri isateeae an IR Segal AE CERF Ee Aa iSat Teen STINE, Rea Sar Oe eontoo. gk a a 1USSG i aches reanne neg ape, Bee BEG Ce cuRu PEAS onFe uate auth oevest Cas aSo ae 8Dale ~9 oe agic dest eas kad CARN PET ae aE SeE wa aceon ate be ES eo Hans Ceran PO ee eece oe 3esCRen cc. eHseBieHe AS eA fe agees siPier eure Pee CeAsai el aLEBER ae oanABeery ‘ah Seta EEcsennaneel Beare ear Bac ere FRU RUA aeSeen RE raeUS Sanya eal Se aieae LO A PS ae seah hana BONA ees Se RAs iaENC ivan Fae Sees oeAGE om | at (emu Beears Rgoy coe Ret Ce ie ai sre es Baad erable aee ae] REPS aE apiece ies aaaPera etaAn nied Hes aac INLGAs na eran Sekai TARA ES Moki omnes, 'S bas ant aN oer yeas SOEs Ronee ay Ree ee aevar ceA oFa Be GNC ate Hie energies 0aON pa eaneeaeeraes EA SAG See ee ae acai erROS ULE anon -~EERE BS Rete er caSethe ieee ni Ree ee ES ALIS TPT Aisa tiene) Lr eign! oeNS ey aang Reale trae aa eRe doy Skah “GT! EN RUAD Oy Steeeade ate Bae ieee Re! ee es ceaece os ::a_oS At ea ioayes inereeva anastadia (RS aeHorapce Risa arrANT ohs ie SasEgENG oa SCNT NSS HtSiRTeusere Reece aR Ree rte ceeared ea ns “EG eaares Gee 3Reh RES OURS meena ae oe . ” PR ated SOUS APAA SC OL ASe Se BahLS eR NG ABR Pants Gee gee acy oan aap been 3sean Barc ereswere: fob Rasen eaa ES ted Us Horie ara IRE eaaen EUSSO cee aeter eran ae yyae ao.Oe :SEN ea NG ee Ger ena tae aS a aos, aaa Seni Gia OU ee eRes HAR cae RSA dey weet YA ene ie ay Eee a OEMS He aed De ce oe > a PB BS SS a ARSE ne Ligon ney pea OCP CE ae sheet cok SR ae area Rees: BAe snare ps Ns sever Treen, Pepe Sh teenage NINE OSE Cea ee oe a 0 aera SAU mae phasEls Cee OOS Coe Laue atRST AERTS eRe EE Ne PODER slAble eal “Garis “oaee CUETO ESOS Skee eeone 8 ee Ae | S = Le an aAnes RRR aia fedieeeeenente eRwart ieShes oe SL eyaNd Meese eaaleaert Leta) rooms oDSS ah “perce AE. chee SOE Lae eas aU POa SS PART Ree Henan Beata Waris ee praca Hy aeh REM Eee Daina IUSN ARE ay a atie er HS lee Pagar teny vue awees a aNeen alae Ye pee getiel MaiCESes | :SEG a Le oN oS iBeer oe oeSerer cs Reed Bese ratre att iment pte Ge ee eaSee Re Sea tne ig ay RON WRENS reopens. pete aT Be ests ive roePRR ie ee ea Det eaOE ree ESRI ER Pes Sages RSDEee goa ane een Aa Rares Sa gered Charan AUS Pene Nee oy aarn SEE ALane ‘ ik tate PE SRE Ngee AW Naat tate ok ce oe Beri RS May ig.auat ENS US SUA Ae ea ena SU crate eaten Eee fee von % Berea pes earigEe Ge ry tavee ee-a" . | RDN etFat Habis, ere pane tanhSe REE gh ala Bee Slur ee ene CaN Bea Saat nateae cence BUS eLE Hae SESE Praca ween Se rae anther apart Bice Wis: a RS a oorae fe o: oe Se vena Paar itbe RecA nsporal ENGR satSige Usad eae aA ahaaee PAT aOR REE SLSR NN Ded Bers pfs eresis eras cece, B%AG Bal aa Sesee aafees TA Seed ores tat TANS oo ae a Be ae L. SRE a sheric era COE a aSeg aN (aren eae ratOta PN NC Gear TORO EA yee ee A : AENGI ee as Patera Un neee PRG 8oeoS Bereaud IMac oeNe can ET ERAS pe Ges tener as yates aes rpg SR TRAE eS ue aeSUA Ln ea eedpct, eeeneercn eRSine Le Ulan SAL RAEN Cee el oD Siete Bene fish eee anied peer AEH GIN EEE Rea ae heeTa UAE teearene parent ayy Deitighs . UF oe eerie Ane aceeee eee aSO oepte . oe aee i aoe oe eae eyes UeCalas sceEIS CORRES aEUS, raBa re Se peM tsa aBaye Sa ue FAs an sant oa ees HR dete ANN BORER ASSIGN Seale pene eee os oA Be CR MUU eee er aieabstain eRe ety ON SS atate ean aeRO Bee RGN ODE eas Peek Bretagces tes cri ae RLS at foe oy oe L .aeooa Batse 5)OR biebeads Wee ieuake canner aa aac Se ara Ned Saas pea SRE anes moran (ehiut mm GEC oaGOS Cana Ts RPP OO alae Pe ee-fae | oo

BREEN srRACINE nie i ieee AA tel ere nase Ca itiApains HEaroAGH Sa AON Sea aeES, ecAUG oaNaty OePAE et ae - ee _ Le |. Say ee ea see Rep iiasiaaepae ace bes RRA een ge PUN CGE A aH Era RINPEt Loe, wim Trea aerkee GaSeeee CSURY SEA ia Th on een ay PG OS en ean

SOR eee fate BUDS AES ANS Gs OER Ces ieences Ba te a eeiyete, CELI ST EARrra Batata) mera:sync ‘Walaa sf seme a4 ee ee of} oeHae a2 ELT a geen boresRIGA raiaa teeRe RES eANRN eect pests Gs EES Siles vate |7Beene a eG eee Vgrusee 4ae ee aa ceaee Reeee ee eeCEOS ae EEE eRe Wien PeeOR asies SGN aWe Meee ee a GUE eta pec “ASN Esau Sona tener el We RePapa eae ‘ . Be eee arte AE RAUB au ecteie PRA yates ae ee eitfeces Cran pare aes See Peace Samat Beom eedte Meas ei ieee ee if Pee Tees aaa saAe creweed eC es Beane Ce tes

[Ae eee rae SSE teOCeS ae Hye Stan USS Hs MEGn Skeet tes are ecco ink a ‘pa Weare fersee aeee a ee ae :-ae a‘8 as heen ee eaLenneree Ns eaAEN Ray nutesGST RRO Gilat MSR TANGINES 2SE er HLee apne tnatinyate : dene emlaePpa Shaccanse ere gh ‘Gea Raa eee ES arma UIsce SL Bs.o), area Cee RE Fey e CERES Gai ata||ae heSah RENE ICS Satya LEONA Roo ee UO Ge aaaeee Bee Gate Sa ieseee saa PAGE “busin oe MRE rele aad ieee: Se os oe "Satna nae Sp EG 8Aeon Eamets: Ge aN eee ey Ree Bee gets anne BEA RG LGea smmmott ae Raa OR ieSeas ke AUP ea 3s ae ee aS ~Ot hURINE ‘ae Ber eeMpa SLES ea SCRE TSS Coes ae EE Re cancels oe! ‘SOS Seas eace EUAN oe ts ge ahee Cee | gah eee 5 i oe si aReG OerenalnG ANE ae excel SS poral Sais Aes EAS Ha iSa ERE aan eaey: Rca ReaD LET Gun ose ais eae zPe Pople/ Es eae ete aS aeaude alls Perna Peer Re AK seareta pum a easBH a Sueqia cere eae ar RRweT Hap oter ie gi te oe RS? ¥ BeYio feeeaten BAST RaeHORNS SNE Tenchi Ait. EER Beaders AES RERG EROS SG TDteen phseaste Uaioe Shes nt URANO Laie si Reae iste ae a3hoe BE CAE URIS ea US eae CaS Mr eeecan Saeethiar Ce eacaiy ans At a ae cert eet sipea tat TSS a 5 emten ibeteatn eee ee ES SN ae yes ee ava Bee iiss See oe Peet cere EY EA gag EAU eh CRC SESE SS a SNE LSS Bs cnamenetll:TSR shed CUE N Ne ND ae eee aR HAGE eeoe ie GN AAR veer SUE SON ER ete ae Lagrmeaeiget sans “EUS alas Ue aa Hee eC Bi i ey enero RES pa Blea RE ene, Reece UE einan en eRe Geese SG ‘ie ate Rees as Rosca Vee cay rgR Cera aUeNatt SE oni Gane eation Wedel apeattiviee, gic3 ea ee teen ESOS eiec ateyCECA a ey Sets aSporting en Ceae. eae es een Shae eeeNE FARRELL SANE RTA Gee Cates Serine sane SR“Coe . bee eSpy ee en,Pera MCN inener peaeegne RO ah tee Peeee ae IED RLS sth cea oy Sas RSCU aaEe ee eeUe aease i nk TENA iene: she OES 2 guemeeete weeny asap eea,Cc at ev ES one eae Gesaeniuse enoe ea OSs eS iRaE CURN Ayn eRSCR ca Rian EtaPUSS SA SSUES MES eth nie va E. RECan orescer ee tee RUSTE Maree aoe oe Dea aSee ;BE AUG GU UODSa noe sales ee taiRR ey aLN es stags epee ital PER en ae ESweRG FePR RSP aR SI BUSSE LEN. .a pone Dee FA ERE AES AGERE See PSH EH Nore Be aaos SSE Paeee aeed Baeenaiieead GPa ee ae Deep 2 oe FA oy SON eke Uttal MET etnea SSSave haat aie RUMEN Lae ER eR Ga HN nO seal ipoie Oeneay eaeec, Come, “une EEE POO asDaas SAUER Gs cicay eeTE eeeszaS ae ae anna rep eee pecan CN Syeae JEStetiey pa RLU ENG ECE Si iar BL eMeGs ake Re NS Toate annS ‘eed BROT Sie le oe iBuren a :a7aoe ACHiner et Westy aePu aie remien Ries i Lpaeas aE ya Ses i Se Sine Sean pee Teen HOaes ieaetEAM enaa Bien SRE AGS cas ee EES SORES ENDO! Bree etre es Ge epVERE cea nein SH gAg

re Oa Hie anyet Eien Ceeia Wt use Pea eReneyE Sate eeaia ones an oe Pha OOM iaatae TSA oaee Sa RE cpr eeae piiene Be ne pee ae etean dieey aoe RAees Rented Ce esCREE SERGE Cray een a Eenest Sune eae Sey Pine, ya Sb RR, "s. ‘esc i GRACE edBEE Mees awere PISSn Sa PRG e Ua Seaton BE ee iateiede aos iene Pe CW Annies ON CeCe AUTRES TOES Subs ee Yh ae AN rasa eee Soee i De. oo

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+SPE toea ReHOSE CE a ae PAN Ste GA ee ce Say Saas NGS CM Eel ua ae PeestL Ck EeECan wee Bee een typerpee Becky at die ee Cee eeCee eo ioa SN ASE Lule etan ea en ete tnerilinesy: HSneta MieCe eleTee Se es aa ENE EDS eine ih.BE ineSe ' *esINCRE eiwis Beata Can he,eohe Sie Rieti cee SSESES eee UE a es) ra Pere Dae itaatren fans aS oer, eee aeHe haters peice ct oe ParRt) enyrD waa Be SRA eR aeaegaBn ek aea peergat, Nee:ces ianMee ES EBS Chal SuaHp eS rea

feeeeree CosPagans Ee Saal toosaaSIRs eaeam EU‘ees ee orn’ oe ne Oe 4eeoo. A Geae iedeaHots Ree aad fan 3) eeApan A quater a Seg ee

ay De eet aahHci oeSea eee tice Balee:eae dey Meson Saree SEQ TSA =ORT ” REIN er es| ~aere Raters renAWerae ge SR eyvain A en URS hla8 AR re aaatras Sb recat ganas: Gog :eewm " pec" es Be eS SRE aS. neh eaN ct‘Tater eesade Pangea ReGen Aeee RSE RIGE eitEngh SUE RRC PoE oeVSN essaRamu aeBe eeeran LORD SI EES Be Rigas oe 34 Rt ACA MBS. qaa ‘eee ARO egay Porites 8open ae: oe Bees Reith Re SOR eaee eaeay fa ee ‘Cae aeree Oe a eee ile 7 aphasia pH ROR aehyca 7. Be reOAR ON GR Sa tar es Se a Se PNrae eGR pce UOT NETL ANESTH GaN MPA Saareashae Pian ierae eee ten Un Ryan neTabada RRS a et eae ey ee asesto ere ew ee Sousa nl soBee. ee orate ROA Sha ae ee en Steet eat UNG eer EG Pangan ey asepeae Sa) iSEA car aperags Rue REAR Su arias Megan ee Glee =et ; TER CN Bt BRU SAE ED Riba E earn CMAN eaTs ant OE ESR ie Zi Mare eaAES LSet Sats NUE Ie(oC ee Ase Ga Beners tyREN meee Pie Reeraenae ACRE aera Re Venu USK Aas x Recerca Site REO NLC MAG :OS oo. Be eeee it ERE cate ned PRA esac neh Sette de aa Nice Sh aain aan ae iain aeFE, en | Re tanae! Be UAE ES reals ee eee Dee ReEGO BS 87) SUN IRE pi pane ae scenes nyRAR ats The Me ees ulcers EA CREE Bees FEN ARO DOE - 87" area er Re ae: pegs aeGh - eeu aee8. } LERIAPties AR gt . pee Bel CRE igs SURGE Sat sekPeete te SHORE Tiel BeeGrihai Le eee ag | 7ee eroneSan neoes On Sate Ee ints pe ieRES a aee Mayo ferns BSE SE aBpA Se na oeORE }PE7Br is cee Renee ERE eee iideeretietat eeBinet eo Uy ateBi SECS Eth Sis, po eases in RRR NEE ELS Beay eeEERE : eB j oe re REN SIE ieoce est CELE NT Aa ote MEE DRL Pear eetAhee || PERE ee EL ELyoeges Pe PAN EE MSE Ain OS eh ee aT TLges :aber Pa ON onee eene ny Ue. oH PEE ese Je eeBaer SRC easy prAna cgeris te Poy ge ; Po 4% Pet tee ceeORE Me Lo Weeae Lien ORIN Paste ot oa Ee, tees a Ion wl RP TUES tesSe 2 Ng eS pts SA Bas PAN eePhglhceta CARRE A Te ate Seen He ACHE an ee beau Ge pack

| ia a eee ee eee | ee ee Be ee Oneal

| . . 4 Sag DE gs lee Sa pe ARE OWES! ¢ ENTE A BE a he “. : Rh THOU OR Oe Ree eT een ing eG ct ear ee tle on e Lae etre GTO Ua Eeee Ed REM macAee eu

Aauehtieds FTE rere Te oe RAer nnre nese ve eeionae a ae etPAE ieee ceOS eeOe 4| 4CAB A Ra HE fous BURGE VS an LR: Beae GN FR eel er Pme 5aSis : a :ee PRR Qae coeowenti eTee ANT CePe baie Brena eg aR Neieee ee CEs 2pe Ce ee F| - \p4PLE feyBelaed RR neGe RI ere ce Be eS aeae nen eran " ut 4 oT :irs4 Ea aoa. Bo Gah Gu rae ORME ee atigREMI TS . oS Rae Dae, BESS Lesa GilaI oh PREIS OM ee A Hee PENSE gan Een die RE ad petra tueRUS eth eH Pa OR aes SVSee RE URS Nal POG nae ee ea Cat oe ee aa RIS ONAL) eG [+ | ' Lif a [OES ENG ARS Sh eos BI ERG ol Cistercian ung as MMe Se RI hee GO GEA as BSI Ga a ae Bag REM |4| ?By f “af 4 ar Oe BOAOBee EN Ree, SN eee2d ee Wy T Seadop Panag CEC Repco Var REET lps ee eer ece inoETO len at efSe TIMe he a||., ;ee resf: Nose cog Ne wea VOL) ee Sy te) : i Bos oe fpaf Up abean . CH PSat ASSAPNIE LS, oeacay ree ONE TRea yeeae SRO SLC nee 2dced Be SAN Ahn ce GE eee en Bg OBte EMA elas Ela en A ANC INE ECwns TSOuirae: RA enURES UES NSBie , any ee oe PO TBR RORleak tat ata UTSRE ION Com AE PUSS RieR SATAY ai eat SEA ad A Ribas ser | | 2 oye a Hey ites' asa rfeeipabeal aioe agenet EERE a ieania (iisRAE EthTR eeeFateetepepe Ges NeeEO 8 By ETaeEe Eh ieee neeFiBebe cPTARGUS ROPE ALTE SHY

| o ae te ce a eae as eee ey ldy foal kt 2 PSN ae 3 “ ayant Ec les UG han a aa ae! ee ae fhe ee

n Sn ay : Sle sb oie le pea ot orn yige le : eae Bactays Wily ett a e angle eee ans be Ge Se de at Ree Sees Seok mete APR ARES ea CR nN RSA AI Os Mae! Beret Ng RL AES . eee . ?RA Oreck Bye ye,ering ON aPEs8amen og pa HSU reCen seen oameer aSBe haet, ACEH ie BRS cLGRR See PARR Ce EEE DS Mey Re ee eae aN UL era oY -re a:sagt aMe |PILAR A pees Hea erat tan Psy hy Be Ed arpon'eee 7d CL er aia fyi aag ey pep PRO AG Ey cata ieTb aae Ay : oo an te PE EG RAN Etre Sav nee rae hes En Ba SNES Oe PL neve Hf Peendit Fe . ek . ?ae LTO DANY cere aeaa fs Sites abe Ea mee Fi ePaper SGN heSERED MacyUe reyes Bae gobs t He PeeFATE BA TEES gadget BAS Ss BUT Mie PPR Ne aGEN neae |‘| ‘-|way aero aae ee JPA RT’ ae Cee gatas AE ICN TES? SO eae GRADU NOLS LOSES 8 BURREE aS MUL IR RET aoes tee “ | :ER eis Sr eeNSPE ast.o RCA EE ee? Sra ae eaemia erSke aL NA a cie CRESS ARENT Ta BRE ae PRE ESSt AEE De ERS Spe

| . ce

) :- :oar, Ec ce ugitcedlrenna eg Baa ea A RRS Ne Ae HE 2ces HF SR es Sacheaaed SCS aad Bee AE apis bob Reel lak ON eeea pistes Sheth GSESGee8 eaeneNE IEE EEO TocteES UU REESE TS SAGE teafi Cree PENNA atin Githaiti, Pig? Vata I RARE A Gene ne Ee eetese atin ey pea VATA alae Tae Pr Naiatec a ed a tSs Pele cae Seas re Soltipgs eT SAL SORE eh ee a LAE INSEE SYBREE Ca MoagadOEE

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- “ eo er Si acess AOA E AEA SEUUR UU DSU ONTO a re EA cece tan arti “ae! . re Brees WT re a eg EE ie eGR BE Sti Ea , a. From East

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Ee MO Ee SUR SL es aU aT Rs SEMIN SUG soe eee Cieral ae eeen ieina eeatyiene eee SeBE UG re CL Cag OBE Ich RUSSIS heed HEE SRN ONT ee Lohans 2S SeLAIR a ne UeAR RN srOPA UREC: Ce Gea GREG a ISAM aTEE PierRace ic gee cad eau ere cae taal elach enit eG SADA isntEye GH CCRT Yee HR, ERO GARI GSee EER Te Ani Rah TOES i NeEA ae eae fan LEP ee AineLE aR Heine eles a ee a gaiGiee aA St ENT EM aa Raper a onaneding ERS aegeal eae ae et eee! Algae ark, Eas Be tee Ayer GGL ah Pe UE RSE YS OROria a atRey ee See ie

MS EC RCT Ren EL SUES aeaN eh CUTEST Bee SLO Cee eeee eae ERRORS ey Oo PAE BMA Ca 8 AP TEMES FTEacne 8Fe ShLaue Te ceaed See Seer eeee ea Ge Sey sEsecce ee Gane sles Se air an eat ee ce Re ee Siero eer era ean oeTE gt pen POOR EST OE ee:ne ee esr ie eats, eepene ana SEER RR ete Bont aa tT esOSS ee ese ee ec Ct een a eeee a aiid Mugen ceaehe EN re gaan en Etsy nietee ayaenor itera Su es Sisal TEE aibcane RAM ea sec G, Rye aaa pe ee Ranees ee Be ae ee AERO ELD INE UT bgRE Si GE ngOTST Sera a, Ra AES Neo MRR OEE AE RT SaAAS MCR Seat aaa ES See marae ee PEL lyecal pauses oe Queenie oSuae RUSEAE ee eras Se LEASH aBL Veinese Sf ALE tae ASS VERE ENS TIERE tn oes ea ttyOES gh iar A aa CEE UREN IOden PEptt OUT es TE PAVE eit renee teeacite SAN cle eTansSeat OER SU EES uelininieen ITN oRadea ri eae Na OEE CE peSRR hei UN GH eMC eeEOE teeBann ihTio ener AN anata JOSE OG GaN GaDesay aSeed EAS aTCR RETIREE AMONG GIR atsHee RSE UAL GE gas aE hegs OR RareTIE” ras 2aeNON cena aNg ATSRR eonGhat aNia Sonne SAUER, Oetennis RU Sn Bc eta eet aaa eat CAHN DEE AaeApce ERS ZAIse lett PE NSS OR Cr ie MIE Sor ik LR gate nese age NSEE

eB SGM li Hed SNM EO ABS COAFLERE. Og TPE! PERG Meartiatreaadem oie Peeegiey R Scene Siegsceest ebee St ei uda tale ia maa aaa iePeas taalUL RAfgAU SeayFite tema POC SRLS a oraE RAO vereAES UU EE me UB ea 2 ate ue ekg ha Ae Sa iELVA PA TBoT POPade Ta OSA EP eng aR EM BAIA Heed Res LEE a oeprene (oes aetas BU raiEGE teeusren eg Ava ira Mess pte)rye Evediehetp esatemr DAE LE AP ed apes sestng RetCe GNs Spas tahe ACA ee GAey TEanitaaeEAE I eaeay PAE! eee

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Pe A eg MP AS RE TA gone eenGo a reasPane ayae canee ceece eas aSTBoel OC eaad ese awet a aeRie ane CN secure taupeSOEN tein gedieSashyh taeoe oR erst SeaCES PUPS peerPeers Cas ce SneteS CSE eh tee esaeah SEshPOE se a fo

a PRE ORs see SERN SY RAH eeAmn CELI esc CMe eae ee Se enseat NS EGAN EyAg isa Cu eda oa ae EySG peteeare arn WA REE gs OBES Zp SUS eG ESTRUS SSeter See reid wile Gaertn ed a SUR elaee iaArcata eal PRES eee SOUR geceTSN ce JASE ein bes ELS AST TSG PS ERT ENun Gea GOae eG , fs SES GE :NaS ee cen HG ce eee ahs hala re deeleae teGINA icatetDead RRR Na Lee AR iyabseil iyaeey patan esBA Seine EOE CR ET haat PM ai raters AE SIT OE ER ae OE ROR saat eserties BUG GIIE SU ha trepARL paemenene ae Sian ccaSeine Rei ann eee anion Paube ENR ea C20 onengnancies sale EA Saale Beg ESIC AEE Teich

. BNE PERE Ace ESR UAC UENCE CRORE TR et UAB Nay Be AAS Ses CE GS Boece ge ope Net eng et ces BUPA ARR Cat ena IP SUG OSL ie een gh ah Ce ara ee eee ee te

coe ll| ee na Gag COee Oe ee. ae ioe ed ee CBU 8 RES SOE ~~ ae a. Pie tagLoPARES AS ayB

a Bo ORDN TSU eae es a aHee ARUN OM OALDE eros cia inea Ud eal at a TM ua bane MS aM RELATE TEA SURES GAT RUBE SiRy PdTAN dao reinMeFi Pesta AD ee eet Te PA yt Soca eae eWay eeryoieay OEE SAPRR SETB eeEAS ee EUS PUWan er PeSEO tet AES sree leas ee ee tA: ade Recor tecfPSS BGM LSSeo . pe sy SteG nny WAGE Gna abel ea aSeCS Re orn eeedear Gane n ee RN MSR ee GTN arene aI ead nt aaaSOOO ae Wg SEES noERE OE Ee|Oh A aBEER SURE SRG ACHES ea Mat OStel aETE eG AR BeAt LG RUTerran’ ay CEU a A ONG SSO SN Wee dee) ACSaat UAE MERU UN AU SNE Ga MES an

Re On ey Data eee eae oyeTkadc! ae iaa Ring UR gM Gea ESE UNIV GaasPR DOTA Mermelaet OUR SUeRe cerate SESS etMice SERIO ey ASIN i oS gaya aye eed ey : : 2 ITD Scot hs ieee So SENN ay ie gar a a unaON go RE eer ig CU SHUn sala dtiad eeu neeu ee SARL EteeS Se EAE aa apm PRs iceh atest eck are mR mna Rea

: Mn we aay “abn | ] Bitar coe pe Et BaSan et aN ea Ba Rial od tS Cee Mu Saal mn IVE Oe BS aveeeL (iialorrean IeStRenee! USHA SE dlas Aas Ag a eebP LGR EER Sao RA Te ENC eaePG eee Pcs GEars SSesfeet Pe soBy| os heedais httinBRS AY Miya ieee Ph, bs a Pict een Tet eee i Bae eeeT SCH ST Re ts fener yeSRP BSS [tie aN acca nee,aataddy Shapcae aayere Raber BaUhEeLd Cis Geers eR EP Me bg AEN 3. . LOS ARUBA EaseM oN Seehevette raPORE AON 8 aEg ae Net Hen | Nia Gh DAN GaN Ra AS RNEN Skea Bek PeSATE MIT CEE EESe, es gontaciyah, aReee BL fre oSEe SIE Hey 2(5 Baers eis ectaes mani ering ba aris gah aaph, UcAUN eee ceaye tt sR ne hag and pea Neate LO A ahLONG MEER ORE Ca Se eee NT ues Rarse TEeee eaeWa oshea a BT Leet ai AR Bee Rhy aaPOU Foi eaePRE GZ] Paki a "Bagh eps ShaPIE AMPS he3Lo AEN atatecees ncFosban A EN OPTI NgaNPGS Nee EMA seoietee nae

: m4 on ead ee Rae at Faced Fe Be ey a es ae aap ies eg Oe RT ite Sag EA Rad eee ea eee et rae Ae: rou Lees a VRE OHO SON satis liee see SON nue Gla Tos een eee a

ay Ab : o Pee eekBE CLaeeae ean eig ia aleeRea WE Har attacypalaget maatey ERR pha ale abiSacer det! abate ere Saace Reeeae EESU harden gate Cal SoU s mde, ARCH Say sofan a3AFoe REASRS EOE OR Ee tenet RT MT OVgsaS o UNG 2asem eee a))aiNae eee aeceet aBa! SAS I ORR Sa an GEAR As ester eR MES ien MEE TE oi LenS MOE aPa, iio) tet, so OPER BRR Soccer VPs is le Ce te re aeUEANGE ae ae eee ne ee sith AT Dae aaaiy RRie aoEAST ORL MRED Beg a vary Sy eT TINE Btn INN cer es SAGE OEMS SUES CRBe SOSDIR POM SSE eS ERT ee eee es rar ee ea, RH ‘ ate eeeRe taeafent ae tnPisa USERS ne? aSeRSU HARTER gea I VMI. Oi crt SEPerma CEM re OS So : AML RO ane | SO 1 PARDEE BF Be ie BY BEE ‘ a & ate sled Be esas He See AES Rend halal rie Ca HOE OCDE bea eed atten See SEs iy Maca oho easter catia Ricans Gee nasal 1 Bila Se ge ee So SA 7

piieeetuod CHEN Gey ee Per isees rire Sol hey ae oA ALAC eens . se Yat ya ANTS) obi Late tea aah Zr SB Liou xT : be Repeal EMP ose ein rete tat has ote een a spe oye ah Hy be AN Se Premise ak Ge TE Egg Soe BAN RAE coe & erga ee con we ; fe ares BEES Nae ean CoP tha Paanian iw RR om Sark a nes gi oe Breet yet Keep ae a wt dy a SAP VERE Min ayy ogee” “Sy Etre wg a ARI a faethe MBER fae Shi species ae eee RE Eee ois Sn et AES a yh eto

SY oy CRE a Ala OME Seen ORRIN: apa teh ak Bagels gt 2 ul Wee pete Wee ceil WBE he a F re Peek eae A ee Ce ee ee |

FEE EARS ronan es ea Ee ae or aie LOT i ePEaERREE | 106 PEGE Baws oe eee aeos ae NPR Aa Toh FUG ast Be Me a Li Coa ae oe ia cath Uabarct egg eR EAS eb yey DIESEL th Dts eee! sti, a we esate CPA SR Ee Se in ere stent Tne Ae SY OTST Uy es RE MMi Met tate Mikey A ey lecamcoa phe tah Na ner ae Succi A, AS) ee it ' amare SLL A eT aes | ere ten eae! COR ied Bee NAB Sh Tee FER EE hae. PST ee st pay oR

Se Te ae Pe ea a henner ey ap pyc sR SEA Ce iiss aR OEY Dear I ia = Fin eee ae ae ree EOE AD Bilge ee Rg 2a LHL igh” Ben met eee ee

Bae ene Mats CeGeE ee ieAGN, ee epee alateatil cpSak Sasa fieetAes ee ima a rer HERERSRE er Map seg Ro aLEU tt | thai ay! B1aPha ot echPhos SE Dane Cee eSeePrPR GUS Plt RES POSSE RAS: ets eee a Se iis aon aah,eaceee ena Ree |ars SORE nereDPa gees as “Fi othEE Nats pecConan oie oe Be pit EG aBek a te | BARR, VST A EE FG eb No tciat RAREAP geOey ee htAHS SS ae weMP MN Soe, Poe ey Ue ua . Bek ;| ghee MARESAMRICS EATS ttce pena apPINE oes fede CEE SOOT EIT RO eons Cul iesbho Tesetae Babiapa tener teaaebg @ecgaseciread ag OeRia eee OEN ean A Siow RAOB CEREAL VC Repumna ONG)tins Ren eR ithe oteSk aLagTe reetatan es Fo ee een ten peat fonts EO Joan le Bethe dae Neespee a EE sete iy ate Ria oe SS ORM oa ee creatine. “men nes reenpeeRU ERS,

beta Sep Gaeta ese PE ENG OSS Sai iAen Riss ee aAY Bia gis vA ie elo ae -!7 Re mE eeSrAteoe Be Sti, eaooOt ea cit SN Age ciao eREEN OREN Sng hon Ave ORL Sa AR SB Mig te EB em The Sere, geet, : aBee TERE gd=Mg hee WSU ByPe Re ati aS Ciae Omar See SOSe rbd Ge the Mae hgIA Sea yaMESA Oa aay te Gise re aane +3goe ereSa aia, MCR a| trey Sh LO OE ieRS Le aeages De AR te Ps NG DIANEBe aeseb bMS Pat kina iets Naga aieCote ar cae ee (ean Gee 2leBath os SlStay RSS Ser a a pty tiiad. RAL ets: tah at 2 yt fe Lake he AT heply ie Bee ARTS te rea cs eT e ie DRA CPN reattigs UY aoeSaein asrear VER S ENN os eGR Ct ON ok pelea eaiesae a AP apts MO ae Se Se SyAe RE gas Roe eeeeaa 3ne eae ae AEN OOOc ONMORRIS Fag BEALS eSOe Treaties. yam ge Pit aE coo eT lpg to saeco RUSS ES Re ates Ei. fs os ads OEEa gD OE BP eREP Cente teLg Cae we RCARSA ed aR oi) Sara HSE arte aeSMe eetooaeRe it eae eefers ggasi aUe gelaten a hae pKk eaenatr §NG igh oegasya aMSee a aES

NIC PaCS eRe ICC AT Ba oe eee We gS aetae ey coe RE ER ES tddage sy f ‘, Cd ney ee ema ttt bs ae Be ty oe ee o

SREP AES ASTs REAeeRey, 1 Ae MS Bear wii, 2 anes TD Peetk NE Race ae alta Ane “ee igen BSG oo Mery Fanciers, TAP Eh BOSSE Ea Neeey. nadie Sea |_ PSPEER, eS PAN geye os eR PE REE REA a IRA OM ayBias iy VANE ay! PF Bipa Crete 1eee ri be SRS ae wy hie dad fed ge poe eae Ngeaten lS, ane Fhi. |ene EE Bea otwae Sap 80 EES eturge pee eens 1aE :OR a MRT eS aeae Lopes ORE Stay Geel Te iat aeht Biel oe SE [4 aesAi ‘ae Vicgegeais 3teFel .RARE ee Bye om ary RY SOR ai ito OA he ‘4 ea De PTE St En Tpieelyy wanenegyth eee ZENE CP CAA kak PAE ANSE eeae Sera) ai): natae atoe! oka ee “gt Papeete SST if EP NE a gare aeSete PPS) Mees YEn a cep ediPORE Eo bale gee’bead 7ame. Chord eran eei at eer.1Fe aeearone: eee anata SECN rasa Aaa se eee EET re: Care Laaeabas ocr nent Bitte. hart BdBerges We BSS NE ot RE fee STR eS Re eae ik encaes adeuy este Cl gt bees ga Se es EIR eR St Tf Himes 7eae aee ARR oe . Rien Peet SR apatra AR a Eo eae ee ee oe Sey SS iE EE shogeapete, Sos MOE Re ada aSe Cen (7206 Prete ergata i ee i. ay Oe 1eee SNA TRINP 6ASeeCAT STS ai re ad :DE eee Lei thee eoSia‘ Bere Lge toes oe i ee Peep OE La meAEe 27-1" CBee SS,SSS aseo VE Pee oS aRsie PS I hs ,eseak Tee ccgipee sePR cht aa edn eSitaay Rg ann a fh rai tier gear aanPea Re GREENE go ‘ate ds Shaye VARA alll, Be RRM CEST SRS Sepa ir aS ‘ Wace eee Tyseley Bie BEA nash a ec Ce he Orie mie haar Seg Rao ee Aa oe ee age Ba : UPL ope tea pe Su ee Le RU Cea aa eros Co a me? “gA ies a eR ereeg| La BaBEgue NIacct Rito! a Py Sma gceereeasOER acctiedCE MEhengeeFo eS ed Hep tp Oe Badd sotto Poteet RASA eenttae ee nee 3 ac;eaROR eh ad te ‘ Ree SOF LytePikes on borg SE UA oe PAA oe oer Pace are an itaetn Cen at oes ea RS eit Lope ay ISIS: fait 4 ree: “ sd. gee stea ten epot regao meme tee Set oe “WE cel OE To UR PAP EE TE Biedgles bye 23 Mpa ee a Ramee ESS a Wigs

At aeostnaa eeEER etgeig pore enn Perit nee 7Ree i EUR Oy TS a ee ae Baggdne Sea eae PEACE pe AE Mk ats PG eet fe CD: 3 ae: Be4 5 oe ag Se Pea VSRUn CMRI SE, Uee a iit, ole a8ae ies aaetewindy oR Wes RES SN cet ie 2BR iat ating AON Sega AAS E Ns Ee ySe eg etn ee ere ihe MO oe Bia ere REnera eed Seu act|Y RrBnet RST iis0p Age OEE essgue Pen ee ALS urls i ee ae Sieben Fe Lae pe aeee ees Sime eres see = ge cm . eee MAR Ae oot waaay Sarg ay Soieet ee RD Be eigig |:eS BS =Padi ere cece ES Pos + yey an De Tier 8 pO oa ROD he } a fh eerie ented Pps oF snags jaa eeeae esSSUES ioe aeBk eRe vid Es a Be Ey Pi aSie Op RCRA get Us vo : Pe! Leae ene athe ky Fm EE: nen Ca. Oe net Yee ESN Ranea Ce eeCe ace 5site trated ge pasa eter aaa wad iaOnete LiRr EES ; 2. . on \aafsati aewos pe:po ana aaMe aceSuen esprit eoPARES ware xVppayc orion rege Te OTR ASS RU ASR cena LC een one a ee aPE: EOSIN Bee Seay No “! Ripe g baTaems «Pama Cey 1oe oS‘Pen 4dane B agieie het Be eRMatis CSE ALS pales APE VERE ROE Bee EG BPETR oe .a re eee aot rath IS pape est . de 4 AP ae Mecha y aang ein eat Pathe Se gohan eager acids ge Beit on PERSE PLGA PERE nt a: ere ees Se Beye? GER SSe SeeeeBe eNGe eT RG ite re Sa CU TE Fe ae SOLUTES COR INE? a 3; 6 .; : . wks Boh eS BORA oS IS RE) eetwnat etbere See wo BR IEGel aMage Teg Bee oe Dieta ek eI SNO I eR ae Agr a !whi aa? ’fst emit Aator \eences BESS .RRP eeARN? ail2 ally ae-SS Bie aOR SS OUR LDNaPEA Mea Spe fe ae! pede

Cpt als : . Bee ge Fee , NRORER ip ee Fee pee el PO atria areata saa er ietie O A Sees 7

EPhyoea,aye? . Rae ; 7 iS ae aaa a,ED wySo ely Raeea eeI,oePEE wt ga Baegget ates poeif CIES ener . Mah Secscee Py ee | westle ccereelt oPial MEE yet Sia Pe Reo se i. SASSER ye BPRS WhtoieBAR Ge x ARR ORYwpe On Pe ena a Aya hy Eg? Pe ofA.geOU ey at Sey iePAO EO SR ae on rR eas ee Bs [LEE EN Pe ia ,

re! ren Laie! a¥Ua ReRGa TE Spey et eceigeds RGAE Tatech Pe “se Rabie et hse YNga EETags oc ehPoE Os my we Hest Meg beige tees? cadey tniePRE eto iMeg Leeaa oat i Ree ae a ee etre WEeeSRN .. me edson arReRe oo ee Pe aoe >goer Rit cae iM A SEMEN aa eo es jes


f Co, SPOsCe Oh tah re? ee oaPenerae mY Ree A Mapaenaiictars i re aeoar eg Bee Be: SoS 8 iados SAO EecA AE OMAR D Eee MA oCgles ee nye eee Ae aes ayy SoenrCRESS, RC rain Kc AACE are alREN i aRi arent iy bag. ee / ar a faa tenes aa= a|poiI.a

Rabat) LOO ht dyesannampet — /...' .Tenth ANGE Oyp 7aeoie vieEe te Sg ie Ee gas : fe URE aR PC) cats ERiegSam Ou ABE GR =os = Peels MOUS edaps a SER SaaS Essay ESae Pee Paee Aen SES SLAM SealeG Pee eeRas ts fe eRe ey Bee Rape “A3zee Sa tN eo AEke Hae snes Nie eee oe EEE So tends cine eneth meu ae AUN NNER Abe ROO Ae eR | Beet ea coe coun PP eae eter ce SESE ESCO Sg SU iees. UE a1 ASE eas Siti iEe >Rae ieee oes oie : Pecan Wan SEP G2 8 ee fy ‘|eon Bi ‘2ese Othe cat NE EE Aa Bed Sema nan ig oF Haeae| ERE SER aSOG RE een cota SUR aiaeees ee aa Foo: iaae tii SAE RNOLD ME BME Bee DONE te ae akBB easfp aSREE Pan Re nesANE CORREA OeVEihd RCE wot e velene Abd Reet “a RR nat inek ee PRO EO Lele SB ren ee WEES BO” BURY Regi Fit Re A Red EEE CY GyoGy i aeeruened : ui Creatttnnoire eres EGace ayy Gateevee ayign ANE Beeae a 4aaa

Serra RESETS STa "9 ee PIG i CET SUE eMEAS ace, sagt oil: 2° 2”BRGRS Dag eenBaraat Be Biba CREE RGA | Ears sith Fina aaa A3 afe.e 3cad Na oe ees ey Bak ANE TAS seaeu aeOE at pee 9gARS SHOES aterSed abaBAAR dar eran ca ey be 8 UOSOBRE ks aGe Te bee ASS peeéF i 5ae Sea UM: EPec CASS SAS AES ad CE EsAde eae COPE EEE fe STEEN ASSES Bee RU eho Aes i f:toy wee .OTR Late eae ey foe eg ae EES BOM aa Ue Bs oe aeeiar peek aLane cae Re 3Pe A -cane aaagRae:PBs fkeee 4cae: i; >:Vi|:cet ia;i :-—E wnpsaae te dhe hipee Aba EEE Wie mee nee eed CRETE Da soils Pec all Bary ON Se SIU E ae ecere aoseae ee ne Bi Be Sead faa agegy RP Ng Ade! Bag dhs EG AR CR RESALE RP Rinks Pie neta ty | EA SNE ROR . &| Byer See SURES TaEa MLR GE REE eases Lae ghd he PET Cyeee SE ys eRe aCa TURES eRe Car AON EN SUNT Siehe cleats ARON Me earth PSE Ep NSHUGE ESD Ral edOEE 2) BOARS Lee ae See7. eyMere, a| a;qPe Meisner Eble RE og rete a lace 8 WW aan ES Acton aod Alege ACRONIS s CME oP glean NS UO ER ES f sieen) ERC CON BLOT ONT SSAC ue pa ahs cease ye ulahy fp EES RCI MENS eed kG oar nies pan ON an ae ts ROA err eahian oa guacho gee Maa pena Neca. J PEERS eae EaSRS aT Ta ROE See AS PO Rut iad THRE A OTS UeOEE VEE IS USS Pont eisSaas eeeee wpe 4Gai CeePee NPee YSati. PL LOREony ts PCR hea We are ea ESE Sa ENGR A Lee Blithe eae eae RSG Soe ATS 2Pe ctPalate kee a eHBR eee eto eyauae SoNEU Tel Seadaes Rois Nie geal may ee page EU NL STR, Pia WAY Ba 8On URRRRL See | SIP Wea SUSIE Ae erect Net ae : ;:. ge as CO eae a.Goate, Zo Eehag (galt AIhalSORE AGA ae AAT Ee ggchk ieee aire 2eetnoe ee Bie: 3 :2>e)iMd ERE Fo CEES OES AIRS fae ¥ et ieSay bg ERIDeeg HiRes BUS ReGOR LSS aah ol Rete nner eale Agee ft aCadi Be 5eeeee i tas Nef | CE ROSESPOR EO nL ESS WEDS aeFe eRPeete PeGe teneeSE eaPee ig Neha Ore GE ety a pM LT BAe ayn aay Music Singha BiaGenel? eee oy oe io eat ae |: i Py en NT he apy EDS ye PEP POcei TeeSRea Se ae oe ay on aTCINN a asi panHY ees pega a tne fea as ag RN WePerea eae SEO EyesND APN RaspFREER ad pte aecag a, eRe aq gitey | Ya NER Seat By1Stent

Se a ae Rae PC Le eee a Re reent SEO NGOS ORGS Py a RUM ce PRRieo PR ORaae EE aLSe enn ta SR eects SERA HA CMu aPISOaCSee Coe UGE ead TALES | Ae eeei EAE repeeFJ atcod ;

TaANOR fecebote Yer Ee ND eee oe PEGs PETE Pee t BOREE DOM eR RN VER tiem I ATS RULES Sy A gaa Se aia tie PRE A Lae ect ETE SET ALTE Rae MB Doe ae VEE eg gy Oat LEA a Get abet eta ae eit ee ee SEU Raomed 4

Feng eed ook Yara TOL as Uae Coes Re ee a a : Orla a tinehs Vici Aaa en UP av N CLG ES ESOT cee i eta erica yn ee Ve ee Pe ip eM od uct CUT eer ce eT SESE EAN aetver i Nwenme: SHER S

Be ae aERE eaheate Btnate epi Oe Ath: SS Ha I ones OSE Beg: an’ an 2 4anBae FsA eeeaenu emSU aan i ARR MSSides See BS eesREE D8eed POLE peed eb gee aOehey UR eAHeneee 2) RS a es ate SUSE See eatin a ers a)peae AN patente teSit aeak ee eee&ee EM MRE Cai PHY TESS LoSapace ELSO ed SS ag SRE BATES 8Sesae ISSOSINUS Bre ereSOEA argeae he ©ROR Pl es OY . woge A ESR Hig OANA METS tented Pee RRS BS 2 qi ts, Eire eetely @ har TEBAIA a 7 ME eA MGS te SE SER peta te tet, janelle aaygy Ne HI A UE BetERC esADEA

Cnn Ces .

oe pas iehe cSGeto lags ae ee: te ieee eaten RENE OCR Eiineis Heat ahah rerees Shag ACE BR get NGL a :oe | Peeke ame ie oO arb ncph ees fosee kde nd ges etrde eaaR LES. Ns Se > ee og . Opae. Oa re Cte BEB ot BG pace e Aan Tears pay etsPeli een Baye Gokote SRE ees ie napeaece oee oon ye ee abe, Wena ta,PEPE Be oan is Ey as ERA ayy fag hela NOREEN APR BEG EN S20 pees CRE ete eT Sy Ge esOy :Bias a*Teac oc enemas Bee ae RE I.SREY ww Be ne cee Sn er Ea ae Lev ara ves TRUST BR TEU BsA tee eed Bae EtREA Se Ti? Attia , .ayof aeOSE So ae Meet foe ee eco ATEN EE SESE Ica Ra : ee ow Bp fe fefsmetstat eae ee CE LAS TELS ath SOUR oa RR MON AACE USS Des LO Pie Be ea Pag ede) id ivas Prati ait ie AS aERS yg Seetian aRat Brae EyPree URE TOR AW *hs 5focbara: ies iE aie Fee ak aah ah Sith See SE aE AN rsa ee att eae Stesi :des : a a ,: oasO Ma Aee EAN kg EQwh GRAS chee fee Pney RN RUC AS Oe é ? Ls 5Saad qOny Bea Wiqiey AYpa etae tonne ie AE eset Oth Steey Pe INERT AE LMpai eat SRG bee nd wl dbs a: a ego aaa“Bay SOOT Sats Tao aye ttPAL wees Sec aR oil Re NCE 2 ih a Peat od He Mb Ca cen meres tg or ee eal cee PSU ate) Ghee ee oy SEES sorae preaet eee Gen EOto geet TES is SUE meh asgM peecen Meet Oak Lr REUNITE oes WA aL wisté A Of Sp Pe hala see AEE Toee pM GmEe ieee Eee ag Bch 2 RO Sr PASE Pema SESE Afoae lo iG REPLI AUC tal eee, Be Bi >ne OR Ae Ye anes tea 8 RCN Am eneA itt UT Aen Uhr abenat sea See SS A .| |. | aeoe, ee ey Sa geaneed Bd TR Ce en Faggece snd aFae ay Bb Skeets Sug Gib alii vay Segre Oty aeetre ieee Tee ee UMS otsus ae RARER TRS STIPE (2d: AU Geto S OSEAN OTOL eT ae 1 OR ; f OR S PN Sead Ty Var gece Pe ARR Sern aia Ome Eee dg . Bed ESE MANE eat) WN SEA Leite Dt Base RRBs ’ rsELD os 1ARE OBSiiree F aes Sais An aEE ere ak eEor AEE, CER Ma Se SE se | ee nn oe, oe,. . eer a ay Oe. sok SAREE A2 SES pak ‘ pfOSU EF OR ge fr OR sce ONE ARS SOE ety ea OT ey SRS Ber ate Shore aefy trie ,aEF Shee aanacc 7Cyt op go x 7fF el eyo get o SREG AAS Nye ood AC oetlUnie ONAL easat ie Ee ah UD, PARSE NAT oe SSE pets Saitou OO Ca : Egp a 2sub er espace a AE NES iS raretlt OM ERIE HOR btRegkAES St PE PaOT ARE ee 5L he: Shaye, bean.

fects eee oF) jap Mn gh OP EEE TE Orie EP ater Ganges ges PE a a Pop fe Cents ee Be ONS in

Pie Bash ageSEIT Ny aSp ER NY EP UN a beTEE OSE IB ; f Rab toes ¢BO Be BF PoP Sines dpoeveaneepag Mtge chk iNet a8 re pee a i| toEo seen Gattis . AaB Yad ooPyone AGA, : Ri Srey BF Be : 7 Se Wig tmp Sb oesORE Nt Ris ohStk teAUR rte eeTONE BAYT BeSee aeLune Ee OREN Se) . Pee Facey pes fe i: RA :PF oeee& fF BSP foe sie eee igharten! reese ak BE es TEs fog hoeSAMEEREN bree PEC, ’ CMTC Sewey Wiehe ee SaRak Cae Pog En Sot ORR Sece SSMSEME GR vt cyths, oe sO BSISO RyRE f NUESRPAU BeYe SeSO GOERS CONE EE Fg EFeeaS EF ee way aval CIS eeee, ee‘ re | neath aaadds" BRIE ae when ROR iatCase TRA ACS ne ew SO AP BS rc&oF“SGopeeisay a : kh ‘ soie ted ROA Pye GEER ea a aERE giartid fas Se, eed i Sle ~Soha as a Mote aeeFE po aa S| SORE Soe eh EOS, aan earae ne teCE Bide food AIA 7 eS tone Re tes ae APN i Boot yeAS Mo Be areag TE Sea aa 4 FOE 5 ‘i n 7 i,& : ‘ ;UF Hage thy ETE Miaka PU Ea OS Tea he pA Sataee : pe“, poe a PE RP ea SEEN Reus "ES wee. re : SA re PEEL ig a is 5 ia i yd Ae eR oO yee, Lea Li ve so AEE} a aR gk nuts coterie peepee eae ID gins are : WEARS yo SEE CREE tian Be rat 4 s SEAR ae OBS aay ee Weis eet SEE g GRIPS POON ie aceaoti se a OEP ae Soe ~ ’ a Dor ae ed ro STGiySES ; a ; OME Btu OE 7” : coe ees aeesSPM re EUS JEer, VOR Eetr ee enSRE ugar : 7dee ; TRAPATT My TaosREN eBte: raogBS: Sone J MeA i4 Exch u eae oe ce oe: :An

ree creer wee Pes ac Sea EP Boat ny ea ae ae ee a y ff pe pone PE ER Se a Sea Me .

aa ae hsBES ues reRY ORR Tes Oa BN Se rene lf EF ££ oF yp Ret Mie a“Eda EAE Bah AG Sg SRO SESE oeOe 6SLE RAE Pos ay PE SRR : - ieee ? Ra Sat oS RRR Sat OSsPARES setae! SUR lieSte 3whe Lem Sg Mee Ms BOSE Pa RO LSae: EEPp SErgoteme .., f 4bas a: Silver” .7 RR aeeal pee ARES ESSER ati oP hag PaSe 'BE BEE en Rar et OF WATE Aa za. .),cae ieay crn EARL 2 Een GS .aayCe SEO Eeee Pe cate ee' on :eat¥BEd8PR hhdag eReoe se esGh ee AM aacAU Be dsIE ge OE Sy RQ ag 2 JURE : Dest 2 US nat VO SUTRA EB BS j . 3 ae Pe eee a Selad,2M.

Rae Set ne ait ce eae suites, ne, Pay eae Ss thd | ol

ME eyPySeathe fT CAG WM eee wae ctERIE gah ee Sone ade . Bs tISoMa a. USE Reseed &tanto " Es7 i a“lS begeatyel Oe Becpe ien riaDO acre ha maaan Lac AES CoEBek) PEGE ARG Re ahaaUy ge, a 0 eeu eae *teTene vay Sune, ne Paar Ba: Mons ning ‘ :|,ee dpsiteatt SAORIN APSO UES a‘Pe peg TS ;oe “4Rs an .ee . Ses SANGER feRHEE ED STS AA Begs Ta :ree mgs .Ee » 2S Sekt |i= ): Epos OFi leat la Ree Leet yoSe ha alter eer aMER sae aadMEE ERD Rds oh a LANE EP eeBe tt ee a ple ww cna! a ooo Le eae 8;4| Ms wy ee ioe, ENA eee er hie eee I rc Mos fs ce eS nae 2|PCr aff

DACA DoaiRe CG ErSei Aas UEer,PRES ISEAS ae Ree agEan onntRe Ay Sake SoRT wee RE.- lac oo 7we+ | A eens eee Bev aeaea ueen eRe SODAS EREe ae ie | cgore ey PoP :ee s, fa Dost cle Loe caemy el Lai ee ‘ oa 5ee eta fey Me OE Coe ne et1 aRON aRee !SERED UT aGeSROIRR OE ae aE er 6Dp9oahe ee Sh ee |aOg |ty,4Sarees Af WHE OSU ae ig PS SES ER Sg RUE HeSu USUS ERNE Gtepge Ohi AS NS eeaSie, es BS eRe RET os woe 4Ptoosthetca dt il pies ERI teeny CoRR ies ey ts MIN Baetesti sewe, Sayre eae ya Ag es:ws alyBao onUE Ore oF Gilesg SS Lo ee eh aoe SeaEe Wee Gh eee es She SUS Psy SSMSSSO RNS9SOE FSS pea RRR ae OE SE URDos th et tice eee HCPe ebetns LE a ! =

Nag aeeeeNSP ete Big SUE eg oe ete eerhpeee eS Pepe Moe ghee MEY Ay aI ag! BN: Bere aeC4 ee CRS ted aryee a gered SPER SONS eneies Weare h ?tle byfyBesar ve Add Bory): book Shey ‘aYoo Recs hint Ste. ane eaTA TELS aE gyOat Soda ONE serie A £5Late execu TeenutBAe pene BSPUOgients BGP a ME ; ne gs 7 =

WATS yg USS Bp EA CEP ee ae Canna aE a e . | b. From Sou

abe Re ee at ah eel et) Oe Perce ASE a She Mag Pee WN Ags at SORT BEEN RE wa SES TE Se ESAS os nhy ote ceding, Le EN . ene

Model of the Agora, We

S id

oo CO ee 7 fe PRLe a oe Coe ees Fareed a RENN ae ans ‘ te . aBsnade HE ore ae Us .ma Me Ve Pe ies aAeS — ana iai!bites ‘Aneeee geo ee Bg as Bee aoe acinar che Bate Scag rcterarma omnes : ee irarrerisie ae eees oeiteeue aee i Pa es a sscoenaaeianosssci BBC Mai aigahe reais ve ea Pen UO ances Uae eee Pe eae Oe sey Pe eg ea ae

Laer iegil gABa ensplo: ah ees Mth Seger ace Li ERNE SUIS ie is seepseco eterRea dei NC le ee pee Sa soa om asia eel Dern La ieNCanaley ure an eeaMea aaa ste ity teueeae SP Ge Un an seNe|oA eae BLL ey ERO Saks Acasa erserasean sepia OR Uae eon Spoegt i aPAC Cth Hee en Baran Oa Se ean eee holt aeea aa Sabai aaeae iesEE anon: (este 4Wa te an ater Baas teDake ee eee Perr tase Sanna eats sea eiate acy sey Sonate baeee aeaearee ates PES aeeTERE ene aeRei ea sueee rece eee cae Sa maNe Peete eeiat parts ie ayee Eanes dite cues pra ett es inet Sigua tion renee en pe sin eee eg ae . eta iota Mae ant cioPens g cmiba ats tetas Aay ae aN Ne DoCS aoa a tes Pogee aoe ee eRe AareSiripee Heer as Reena Eacheash Gas Baan ae aT He Cresn pe Colne? eens aN te Dena Read eres ha peice Pianaeerr eoye ie Gi OCR Rea

i ec oo Cee ae ee ES TR eS eee Wena era tie pare scene masauecominerstrean oa Hisaru Reve eeTae ZR Hae eset ak ete Ducane Ue Ee viata she) Bale arae qed NEA TEAR adifega Tes ere A eet eeApes anon ar areas Be aera Panigieatt aya omese sees See aeate Eire Maan geeeae esBega Pied ee Faia Raa Fea aes ea ls |Tee putters serait nia Senne ee ee DAB ee sp Rae Neva oe Ee ee ee ee pia Eton ete! pawn Gesai ee haa stRee iSEA, 7 Were SSG petes i6n AS Me Aiea canbe vasey eae paren oe Ee neaeee cee ey Sener reie pester Oe aees BE SN ea edaed Ss ‘Pelsaune Pega Ve ed Ree ER sane oe eae He aaa euaenees bes ae bre ros fe SE eta eww occa Atel RRS RI ieunNen Eines ie Wg laa 1ae aUe feie enebea erepada hyence Baepenie per Plea AUPE aie wig eta Mere eeRe soe Ae Sos Peeteg rie Aeenay aie a‘ig SA WA ternmere Ane Per) ea 2serra eresPaafete Te eaBe pea erah aate eee Ailsa tbe ene eee Sais palace eroueae Aarne date CA eeete ?MM M3 yes siNey éoe SRB EY Co eSnemeceny era Eee ipaaere mec eut tae AlriSneed iat SOc eeetas RrAes, oe SSS: Pao ; a ies (US eeeaN Renee ey a ig seaec kegiis eas Sage ahoon eeu aa aisett ee pres. OG ERS mre eee eesEE SRD RON ee Gaeta eae a ee i} Rati eee eeee*.alll ws Ba yee Ws Be ee aes eee) Siro iNet FUT SORRY Se Eun, Teale ele! ;iaU {eae RR Pie oe selearats sage ear en stualansa ennual oo . Serer |ea Lee gn Puree Bie eebeieee Renae abn ginea Abie ateoe:fbee uePasa panei ee A ie) ES m & , ost \f 3 1 1 G .g€ ' Pe ae t ss Son i el a Pa ee ee on ase ee. eee eee ere ee ee 1efor et F1& re emeitod |id{ otSecon J §Fee geBrees aoe pice!) 4 Gai {a *et was nthe Vo LLU CANE ine eect nae Reece :;ve 8*#athena ees BBs capita’ Jeg acne Eas oe oelees ‘atic aes .Te BR aelin aagian apatite rece Peper, aga Arete oy, eee Sees me eyoectir ee ee PAE Ee oa ES EIUeeae SNR Se de Fy, ogni aed pierre ta) Ga he congo (8 PS eee earees Seca acta SARE igRae i pe sabes api4eer ne pssnebheety ieee Reon Sete ehrilt *ati Remeron (eee estes Rea cet Ee aati ag Una antiea PON NGS SEI Ee ao: Neha EAC GUAR ' phentava Hh ae Ses etreae alryeias Seine one GREeto Biaaetee npc eyes she UP i aa fe aeaten . _Ree NEO Hanae nese PeEar eeehh Aa OCT on Pees unea Saas teas GDS esEE aa ie ioeaa they eetet eeRr Einesa suai EHeetcaes Brera Oe ike clit sahew oe Reinet tearNn ae) Sere eu Prana BBs er MRE Leeee oeLSB Oe ee ASN eee SES CEES SSS PerePEG heme taAe NeLee peed et eeAAG Peteya iNa roma Ghia it Cenae Man apeaaa RE EN UeEe ae aaa Ra eehahtt apueiea esteartes an anes ee ae ReaRain ttaSeer ier ae saeSee aeSig es "Fora Seen nan Shaina sa ete cit alee paTAtS Wena aecre Snr rave Haraoae gael OS Bete? cetiie SAMS eae rug napiyeen pet a aes Svaniacae re Natale cag ae weCREE ESA YS Poe ok Be AG Be nate eesiahers ee tat ee Suieere ttre eens POLI G sagpereenene Rie asa Da es, eee RAO teaa gasat, Lehostaie ees epee Eset Haast oat, meter eae MSOs reset te peantaieel ay drain ister sigs es Re Dia, mnenced Wate eae mst ee SSCS Seo by aha eeees aeten einen see Pa te EOS ear ra oie ete oe ae SU:Reh errs, restarta

Bi brite Apa preataeUe ete Aae insialtSake PSC ceane: area ehh SGSere REALE tale TE ae a Dre ee Renae Gay Rue Rees aPuan pasesoneatosnd at ce rarnae (aeaeras Re Sees Le ee? serine teSia aeaetna eteMere eas yee giaEN senues masts paterae etaal isda ble ACEaeS eh rea Reve anir tases Euytied beege Apes aeeen eee Rao orioneens eefue Bee RE ences NODE gees anges Rabiehtns earseer: eeeaeny HEEST raat ea pide Senta etMcarnn est Yaiiay ining Ati 42eo PES BSS its Feipraa AN eee sa re eae aay oie Sepa Ta Te bestia SE Ree Rigas eyeet eesare Petey ee Be eas Eivaccum at AEs cue sede L eeaencac oa aoe Bk gels Pepse Oech OeLsSerene eh Re CO Pe eehaearan: a RA a ae is eee Eseden aeAee sy ate eelsBicepects ements Say enteee ary Ae aE|

ie :e eee” eS Ha sb Hoe teenie Se ee Bic eae Hee eae

Pan NS Ss én we Boat ehh

RcN etc edl est Ma iatAa Eirias ANTES ASS ig WC cogs Ms ss ee ape ech aaaatERY .es oe .Roi See ortani ane ie Sta uel ees ee NEES SS COCS cine 4oe4patted ‘ SENET a. ey Maia en reema ne ne Cain tare RESON. sy Rear BAIS SERRA EN 1) UENCE Mee NG ideal Pe acai waaapate gets seat SN BR Pe co RRS ebPed SNA RNiene MC: AE . aeaoM Pr Oe‘aAWEAIEE IE UGS Gtag oa Ne acai AR ee Cn eae ee Ces ycane Aer aPe Ge een SES Sieh eatest SUG a Ba ube Alpes Mugeresascnt oliSBL Ce. Lo

PP, ONAe pebay PeEri Ty AG Seq PSS cana aMoe oe EERE deep Peeees Pate cui ‘aranern eae Reaiurcisas anes:Cesieagieea i ALE Se SOLANana Bibae ia mies vee MAES ts, “Eee Res LSSeune ey EnSROeeSe emer: ees aa Hea NNN elaseee a CGN ON ieuinsalas oataT Peg cage (Tee PR Sorat pacer ew Rea aggee eae Meee CY) oie eg ees garr esae Bie Eee Aaa eae ( ate pe peme Baie Rtoreee ras ee aki) pe aag 7Geee:ane2:Benen ue bees Sea eaeHe ats ii ” ccamimoonesrnt UEEEE Setae use Teen een Ce :Lanne oePAsSee ane j ee rs+ NSiNN are BPE Sn easy eo eae: eh2sae=-— esete eeeeEOEAE Peas eearise ne Nae em ‘“*ie ae Aen eg jerry A ESO nen Pes PEG w goa ete ine ee Gee Sg ee Ce ee j_ jodPei aeaRRES tee!Soy LOO NN Sid eo oe Pa tee ele es Ny SOE — eecies (SEROR ERetbeRaya LASS Dae CARA ME aes it AeNIG RS ECS, Bee @Qn: BRnee ete Pets Sees peg thea: 1:Me &ees SMR AOS “Ana on uee PRIS aU! eee eotha Nines FO US Ce Aa eee: reed? BO ie, LeN ee ae Nhe ere eee ee een ohae Saran ea A a A RSG REE E See aE aN ee ear ese eran, SARE ON Ia tetas BOS Soe: tiscnee aia Ce i? ee eteCU cr ae capes PSeeee ORRIN Se Bae Beshot 2 ryEB eye aLene eee ieoe nr EE iets eeeoRieSOE PN SSE Say SoAR AHO ee BR es G3 ae Gee De, 4EaSEE he ay photic? SERIE Lo anes Based narpane dia 2a ayCNET ih 2 kapha Beas ea as Pod ESHA Lets Dee PRE R RPSL re SACS GeeREE te UE ee TAs er EO, piceniaruns acrereget ce ae ‘Liane geonee eat heENE OR aihume Ace as HU ae eA TH Sie ek Seen YarSONS tere euke eager EAs Neh PAR POPU eis AN ger enep

fa eee Lats pean caries ERs UREA aah ea ates aaah pate tas: Sipe Say Gu Meeeabsr ae PERL Ie A ft pss iad ame aes pe ile BRN ey = BSS tana ome DAR are eae SE AiR Ren ad

Bede ON : pont ic Pid ME te ‘ FERS EOE cos Soe B pba pies Cats Uh ening SS RAE i ee MEG ~ Sara aia pay veut Bee e etateea aie Cone) perataie seca

‘ : PREM | OSS ai PS el eat es A As) ie any ue eens q aa FOU AES SE SEES ae Cae Re

ce. we rn soar cennl « Frater eeeN © ehseas reeConte Ta Pua TR RE nee seh. Ma Cote resi!SHEA igi ienideg fsSe SSA Lea WE ies EE SEENyee CU aie pata charaser ONG PP pee Sa RRR Rian Tbeeae Roteeto: eekPeg eM aSO oe ee HESAy he,vemeS a CAN mesa ae Peaienen eg EE Ee OR RUE Ry ee cere as Riana ah nal Lepaectalialgthlehee . segs eS act soaikea Rant Re eo MS See ara eeATS atesanRea Nena ete reel aneSER SOUR AE oeaA Bee ig Oats pe RoR a tui”eeeeeArea a ae ee LTRS ae ee fay

eee oa eeie| -s: cE8 ey tee ee : ted’, anee PES oats we SES Bties {aaaes me ee faa a eB Sard - res | ia asSe edae eneee et ieeceas clr na TAM ik ,any ee, er ges ee yee eee pT‘i, 5S ee RetT ae inca SEteeEee Eg Rept Ff*GR COE oe Re Rae cage

oul sdactu alah ANN ae Eee eee te Bie A NSNES STROSS ries sae useade Da cota BE Apher") aa oa Rv ape ce Saytm geeaL AeTSO By SeTPS tienesacaesar LO ite Gee aae ae Ba8ae he oct Bears A ae ch,Nicer) ea ONE I Tere Cray Hagen ASU Ee BPGeter tgVee ae. AE ark annie a Ssease AUD NSsees Io aa Ne anne PE aeEne eee US ee NT eeSHER Ree nem | Rae baie een eS cok SL aeeeDDG IPO oreScniee sain es AennCaaS Fe Seale ain: Pasta asl Atta eeeRe carat g oe TED Rae! LRGs eePea Concha PEE aot CES araEL ae BEE en ee.2 Priee ied SSRN tye SOE O aut arbi esatear nna ee es ees ey elon UES tua acne Sa eee rane igre eee era, oe ACN Se ace ‘is im LUN Ge

ig 2Mhne de a atHeinPer oeCES ee ‘ign tateerheee eeEece taaetp mee Ratiresaeay deta|gant ll seg eaeneers a ae RearREET Peroni, oopermet ee i a sates REINS os eS Pave banat ie pail HEM hee ib CNR (tise CoMene UE es cas Eh eott a ete. PER ES eet Se ee: in ee eee PE Hay S/N ah Oe

\ in BE Reto eee rae ene SEN A AOR MORAINE 55 fd : Oe aan earutaente HS A Pe ae patna 2a BS PORN ie: pelea cece EG ieie OOS Lnecenis RES ey cielpeae ee. ce teenth Loew ana nce Ir AEG LOA are RE Raph aS Niel ELEN hy 5 PENS 51 3S. Piss Siren: AUN) oStatae Eee Boy Bet ere Ss ate RD 1 RE eases a? i ieee Met AeNT Gs gees SPAR EN oS TIA ch SPNAa} a Una eee Maer HES ieetBaan aaida Peaete Lys hg Tae Bai Aves RGitng Sit eee 2 Nee tA oe LEPSik Pah a ee ae PS Ay eee ENG OI ‘Si OER Sepee ereeves Gigsi ee ene eee CRAB Le crea ARs aN He Re Reagectars 9re3rad eRe it?Ng iA WER UVR : eG temei Pe aae) cay inena lala Pe aaman er aiid PAE ee KER ER ea NRrea elere oo pL Pes ircer ak aL aeSa Muy aeae pie. be U2 (Re as re Ue ooh ANE ee aAeaber iahat Reena Ble ee HSK ar Neha sel piosce Meek Mase : pale ae LcWEE EU oi me -poeta eRe tangs EyCELT REC ae ONES aati cic CME | CON poae NR Oe:ntaera SIRES ei ees elt a Ns teene AS ee eae Ae? SANs me ae Se au ceca BeOS Ce eater spike Es (sees cee mirage hLEED HODReNaaectnians wins Wager HISAME SC 2BeEROS Ba Brat Barents Ree ievats ete “f aeREE SoeEaee Pe aha

me Ie A pail ies tay A thas Se Gs page Po eee CU eae h ia, 3 hae Oe a ae eas tie eed

eter ttlieEEO OC BR NIA TaBE ye OCEAN Slaktt Rane tl ee (4 pas ee HUNG a) Stay as.UEsae ee a oa st ee eS aaa) aa woo RY Bemeie st. Pe ea, Ee EG ts eo RE basa oo B rahe eng hhRteeras ES ataeee Aa apa RG EN Ee OTR ateeee aaRNOG 2NAN eo aN37k eeCo erRaGecetrreureandes: Sets aE BeBe cea ane itary Pea MagDee Bane cortefools tea ued agaandane Pls oe het Pome Nira Renee pad odysee RArience Cheb (DAR ae. PER a hs: if OL RSS LAR " FES NRep fs Ten TENORS a iUae Raeee aes eteveaten Re eeROCA Sania ee Seo Since cha Nehesiodiy esEI Gs ees Pa Sacae eee Peat AS Cee 2sVitec GR ‘cet ee Lop Le aSBPa ere aBE be SEE Outi PF Scue G e, EN Pe cme deere eee ones ates Rm on aha Peasant Cones Pahee ee aGennes UPR EU iaM ia Bea Bch: PV es Pee Fie eps Ea acta Fneee eae ae) AR as hs SUES Cen aRea - py aver Beene Reerty dE aeie kei MAR vane uirent arte eaeEE anae: Leet Pesan Ran eTels eterrers alnear errand eae pace ae TapDes aUNea nated one ears Ans BRIA SUS Gtaan hes oy AR RR Bee seSePen here AL ORNS A Bs par esler 1BEES oe eee PLE Teh Seeee ESSOS Rap og ane Sais onehoe seyaee HoLea ewer aed eae i ars cs pea Ui hat ; | Bs Rae cera rn 2a EE Pa ee alike ie eee eae See cle PRR ey erat: Ce eee eaae pee ye Sa TTS OG Lie Pa soa eens Cer aes seed aeon esraVee Seeean OR carat Bayes Dect! eae aurea a,ranean Fahy AD IrES (eaie gurtres ran EM ayA 4 RENE ERR ck}aeaes) beaten SORa Mn eat Pr RWG RSS} eS, .TESA Rens ease CEOS ae ots pa maefi GaSe tA es My ayReitt a Re pant ge Niaty, o Nae NTE Ee eePease: GerToek ener az esha SiRNS a ilsArr epee aape eee eeKine ea Hier eagnern Mats

a ea AUN, yA eSecbea aabet ei iaa tay Bes Y RAS EEE TBM Fa Goresteees cal igREPe ects ah ese onte oe aispre iss te ea lena spit wat FBS aaa ssBuy EMEeet Ck GB eeBeeeqs“yeh Rates GS Ree 5 abe 4ES4 foeao aeae ee Uiel icorerere Rian cueaehy Phsy teeaBS Betpet fuePGE AE a ee a Har Shiela! ie Se Dees,Gl isls Rego ss ay Mg esadage tat GeySR BREBAe Are a a BEST Ee eae? an eee aucun

RALSan ee as Ba 1 pt ee aad"ee ae aia, eSCS ae TE GAeeBeSven 2 Seep SES OI EST RRLvali Panne . eee net :ME Ne Sie erancua ts ee Uehara EE Ree i he a aCONS bE eek eePetite alt OBE SScfamerae Ho ae alae Misesiet eiecheys an SMSO xaos ue a, coy eeee os eee yc 4ri “EEN :CPS Be | apd Se ch ByeeBe Recs. eae ne ae EO, eeu "awa bePOBD erates ee aeNoes AEB pis aewing VS Oeea i co ee caes eeoe eee reCore TeRenae eves aramid A ea iy BBS . ara pe eeCRN espeerenng aae Re ee Beanie taitag Ee core ERG: ett, SC aeaienee ea eS ae eae ceases WERT ne ee Aotee a ae Bnaseule PANERA A Es ERAS 4 ieeae Ba areAeee iene ane Ser Slanac es pete te pan

(ee 8 ANE soon Sa:SO cae i Ana tiene ee onSEES eteae.,. COS at fe breiSete Marea RU 2g oa ee Poetes Ber a ent re i Peayeeeee pete Seen eet ea BReed aLuan ass teSS eee SSApa ON eg ee ipu seaSe rufea geantek Auwachs Sitios ot ii eae io Cy IE _ Peay iERRMONA ERE eBaaee cin ty AD as eta aaqememeennn aeaaae Nad eaeidiot HAG sata)Rela Beaten alae RiCe ale AS BR ae en OG SeaR “lope A epee peaeee ietito WoPTS Bah dateet Be othe ee pay: UAtant ri BFSigs Patanrere teat ee a eS apt

RCL Sth se err aah code |ache Re aR Reeo kee hae OEauc aoa: ST Bia . EUG. ee KeBeen BSPa Pee ise: coe EY Dt CH aRee ss PoE tineRR aes Oe ihe ays ore cen an one 2hy SS cdeyPl Paes are Me mcg Be. ae tol Cte Lean fae rant iteSat arcs tae Cesis ieat ee-eyes era RE SR yiES TR LENS ets mi aes RE os|ER Beas criTn ered aeEE amie a RE eneES iCPD. asaiguanteueen Ty: en EON Gad ee Poa aed Bie Tanai day Bias Bq SAR ae “petits, ! iSea) itt Giga riiepee aetna ere FADS ae GTN Bae |Se eae usReanhenele feae eSteed de NT Bead .pee ytUe DR ae rene yee sinh bihye oae eed hl eR et es cE ieohn ace ee rNUsentcldih |aes rRoe, a.aPRR eye: i tages Fase es eG hud Wee Sa \BR) qUtah Seo icwet es Sok eaten ae ipod ess Ee EsEN SREP eB TARAS aS oy Schad aSte ese mt OE aGRA aakbar BOL Ge pao aan ke Mei agg ogee Gn eit eae : ark ave AO ee ear th 7es . Seer eei re yee oeae MS ee Bee teh BaP ete Peer akemene HEC Sane TER ekione a WG eae aa TYat a: faba eens COUNT iilPkeeetay ees bye BS Bey ke neh celta etAS Fee ‘Pesattre geo ae ee ae AER ter, TILE Ma haha eed Suen e | a ee I oats ioe wey maa Ca Shee Ue ae ee. ae Se 8a BE ee an ti es oo Uo ae al Ca ey oes ot wy bee ee ee eee re cocuocig Sone of Poe ne

nin ans as Cac : a a en aan ede 2 oe J a ae ao fee a

| oe Oy oe . a . ee ere ——- a Cee re es see ee

wed t cite ae gl ee, hae AU aes ae tun ao ety f Co ce SS aoa eee | co a ees ee eae.

His fae EGER Boyes pry a aia eer Sia Ossie aes noe re i pete’ Rd : ee age § » Se RISER a Wee eres een Sane cea ae aN, a | 2° ee gia Pe heieeg oe Pec eu YA eh 2:ES nih es Roi piderauatass Byer: 10ERIS) Merete es Meee seats ei oe nines PEG 1heeinem neetleconten cael ines ay PE, By| Foe RS a SR ANGa PURSE Ga Beea SNihe RerSUtEnl cuss Pebiatnst fot),COT ea 2 sear ecm eee arr oete%ae gpss eaea| eapheer NTA eee it Uke Guanine etch jerierstertties MATE armies ae ; ’ahs RraNaR eer Tih mess SER ieteen Cena lsaseiermetertccs Rees eeh sn sAYRRERE aan eee cern ae ST ee ne ret RESDANG orice 8s Fe See Sa eeeNCS: an gins anighee

hikeoe: mon jaa? 2eo i agecg sneha hose (pee ae ey See Ne ag SOM) Sore ie. ae oo ceeen te oe For Ss Ay iieneCe Tce he ance oeoneee EN 7aect ce Bee. Bei ee BR RN ee hee,Fad ieeeaay a vaca” teesBE Soeepee SS arate co. a ae a eo od Cie: | 4 ’ ra ee i aan Sena Eset ts Ppepene” : SS Pate bis ae BREED paar Pes Dee Grazie eugene Panera to) aeons Patera neat ey Gtheienects ais ‘ ey Seyi terete i pease lee Feasiscit | aa i a Esra eo kis Ae Poy on onan rors Wont “an aoe i eehaist cen 74 Peet non AB ef pa oe Re Rasineit rats eM ey Bell abe fies Pe a Ch WAG & ores «| nn a cae ie sale Penrancwe ae W WS ENS Mi Sa Leahy ALS ol ee eS OH ci) Bah Gee apo Sah i i He, ite w OYE len EE «TRU Rag aye TN, yg HE as we on ae ats a: ink gallu a Goyta eset yet mete a apy ek eal iv anQlD Aco Rage Reg tea ti at see pelle Iie Sete aa hae a & ° ee jotta aha Bete CORRS nee Cheaane aa Ted gape antge a neue os sic Aaa SE se PG eanaene BPA hat ee Ade a Ba ER hora ne Paar ain A gael ech Gate aed SU ACESS RIAD a TRE par Nay:

ee, ‘ 2 Se ERE UM Hees PEALnscct cf Fiace CU ERS 2 Rem en cr AA 4 PP is, ae a EN see tS.)eat Sa gt seenSeer aniaesiapeaenoitar ata ath tines PitinoSe RuyRares Sie i Dun sacia ty al See oledRie Cotea ewer ae A Bs “I 4oH wart Hapa iaiits: TeeRHIS TeHata on eis EagtEe 3: LS aeSRPeete aydatSees seis eaateERR Net ateSSIS ieee anPyeed

ae Y ow i co ral Bane analy EAD e gem Tie Pei abtre i poe pie FNS Sh, pede * pre as ee eae Beesrinet sti fae ech ee re eels EEN a ARR Se Sak a ay ANG Eats Wira eee ees et ee acid

io me’ Mg ateyrd : wid: OANA Ye2!eae pea tisatBdEIN eee SRE ges WeeuAS (GES Een 2aS ORAS oeaMase fa see ES GeSUS tnBAe Raeuc Bae aang eee as desl atSarre yh ee heap ue AE ee ih Sac )OE. eeBheaaenyes oe BO ee Afits tyWena CoN es RAE eis Sag Peper aaayeee | RH eps eS aBE Beno CAS ele ae Gian aLanett Bae NBS semper, OPS er apa chee Same oerek aEES eeees sheet 0os oes eaPat oars COE PaFh arbi eeBe ip eae a aaa festa aNAct eae enue sas Gs pee UM oP “,eee tine hGE PL eae “aEE , NE eh Aaa Na pete ee! es caEee lies oe i ores ee Geeugneiin Reagan aly cue eee A Ha 1ee taut diy eoreun gh! bi aS NPL RET ee Feieemens esagit ae Pee SRS ange ho1,pane Lae Rena Piao nes Aamabe Eee en ES iatne nnn IS 2ce meee! Cr, Be BrBee aee ae reeeA naBy eyalent fauna EEE pe ERS” 2eeaMES esae aearcite cS. Ace ioe aeORR RR gi BE REGS UR ae eee elena pees yee: Bests hr Soe pig ptt GA ane .eos: 27ta RSE Be Ae |Sve Oe Jierenh Tees bel erPee 5 ae Pay BisYap actual nein een heEERD at et ree a SOO ina eeeBeveauerteich iCa eneat ies Rate Bare Peace ea AAR aLeg aPA Beate Caan COEF Stee ce ous eG Ieen 7Esryae Se hye eeeee eae REN Sy ee I tanee aie

Fie ES AEA Se ee ae ;. OES Whe anfae On ' ae oe eee eer nee Aa ne Ane oNLee eesUae Cetra. teae eeCee cage Ee OAS SLi Seaes iznS |aaan asaaSeca ie chores ee2 an Wace Wire er aa cae cies crete ae te NET ee Sy Wt . Ao Pee adda eae etPre Dia Neeae ee AGE Pelee Coe ae) ee tee ekee eee ig aeWR ca Aee ee pied Berns Heer EG Oe ey xieeTe eeee3oe Caen eke Pegeat beng: ©a LCST SeBese ausapa AAO anaae are uteVes teeSEG SS oeay ay ele aan Gp ey ia the Beata aee . Re hee Be BaaRS e hee ile er aes wee sais eee , Lae ies eateae «gees Uieee een rescere eaeae Sane aesae poehee tearCRE Ger geeEe ee a) f Beta Bat Bie tet Pe iy,cnt, ere4hGh. ral gehe “ates |aeeaee eeeee iy oeee gee DUS A ee ae aa Bee 4 we: ke Se PE ais peoeoldies wy tnCae hes, aaETC or4ia aes gee ee clase eeON iad

ee | aefaterg ieBeaapie eegitagrae ae Dust. So in Syoeeee ak:LSS ‘oeATE oeCayoa os ae eyGerately ue Evan Nea a iteee Oe ced eos Rare aie age Rengee ean Sue ee Pri ee eats a a ae ates SU ee Bene : ea peBir enasae ae Hy es BU ere BA es ces Pa pani eaeieeePURER eae ae aa saat uae Pena ae

ERS Bee ii FS Ree ho«ali ate og sige ne Se aan eeeA as GR Seta: ee Ae ee SAE ang, eee AGeae asa cue toe Ee bs A aR ES serie aca PAIR y ee > Picr Raia IR GRE BME ee pee ae ne eon ae mits ouch naavA ae aN Gee GN) aenay Elie eseece| ee eergy Biatt Cee 4eee Ear asone ie pee ea. Sieg mcm oe eee eeiia Mem em ee seas Rar UaSS eee fats a ers BEatte opsARE a a Pe steIirishe ‘ sce Wd ca 8 ae, ORNS ana ey pea leis, ree AMR Gee CeCe pteHe crear era aanita eeOpens z Stiles anyanatiat ti Eien, MHLGf Prec ua las UU eaAeA ia cate Soles Bees pea aiais, ve eeeHOU SHARADL JO a ates ares ireneaeRies REISa AA Be wen

ee ae ee Pe a Cc — oe on Pe a ec oe eo co oe Ee Be oe ty ee Page scan ee hh re Co eaten ae OBS oe al geet es ce oe el ee aws——. eae Fesecnnan {i oO mae oe we esbe COE sane ge : oe Cea+3 ee oe castttis oN ae gi aaBete ae be “a AREINl ateraICRA ec fie ag Biid . Fee ee Rarer oe Regehr seb aes Sent E Leah UR ' Na aBe ee PE 2.os nea Sea es eer aaDHS 8OE Lo vie ad ta ."oer Bsns fon ee SeRt v SUS Sait Bamcrae HES ese Sete a nee ee rem. aoa ee aeeeaacleg ust ree aan ipa SO Cras aoe - 8Rata . ™So a.oi‘

EOS nt; geen? ae aaheo ae Partai hee yo od ts Haute ae eit Rolie Preise EU aUn Eure) SheyPeep ERS Beenie ole ete hee anil eePees uD San ROE chat aeae Sieh ese SIS Nanas eae ar sSSEAT Pere Ee UTA eeSURGES ae HE oe ATI a taatee te aeee als eeu ascee fetyee Ce Laetna Se oo eeee. GRO querer PS eaMaREO ALNR eeoatee aNGUNMEN me ‘as Eee ae Nee) i oo Ho Oe

Se [rseeue Ce gaRRgeRe iiain I RR: ANBAR ZoRUA 2/84 oatSaas Serene eet oe Hee ae, (Reet aes oe SRC, SAG es Sales (ese sean aayAEA oaweal 1a!Gn es Caren le aaa ee nth ify eat oe Ae caiiadCo arerath ats EeSeer SERIE Be | Gieiht a giil ee ev aaaeran beePRaie ateg GaN hhaMEE” Me:See s ne eeaeGeen bse ae Sani SEER SartCAr assea PUR WeAN TSFoe eA eee Avena Mra eG pea deatat Soe" Naa ieen am IRS peegute nee inee aay pee iearees sur, py SOis elsSERB tat

Se oo eeeEEN Peoeeae -— oF sees FO ee Be

we : . Set eR

: Be en | ag SERRE 0 ‘ eee Be ae SOLE Tbe: ACER ae say ll arin! CEG tan Bashi Sura doe Ba ate ae eva seaiaG CTE ele ae Bie pees ES om AgArey ia Ree GSERE Gos SnSER Raa cote eeae seacyae ER ae Ne Tt peaBESET UGooit ASRMMREIE SiSas aeA _ Ra ERSAe eke SRE aebasic asPOE Slag een eaSota Heaters CEN mt ese Fe viet Bae iRss “iP BRE: AS ae (cial at agitate Were Co ee DeAON oe RO ag Rae aso” fh: Prerns ANSE ens i Stee Sure aT ae Rpt an ce Beg BR Ce eae Bev Bile ea] Sane eR EY, ka gS PE ERE FE ae ey RI al ee ee Deere ete es eure ER Re ee ee 4 od gama rosote ve Ne det eae EA! Soa ica _ES fsbo fy eyelet oh O02 ale ouTIMMN peed SUnlee yas pipers ottea eon veSE Pat aa ahe PEE tr OS om a.BL eae cea eR ee sie ce en 2gee @eiteadt co aReeMD ah) SaHaas eaten PdSeHeE ta bait encanto TaN Re Ta aa USS aoe ne CR nist aNS aeoe ca aa Se ee ees "oa Ea aSteen aaM aed Te cae ea Ba esc fee ee Cue iaati tr aony .Te eeara .Bi aie Peake caa TOPE ceist wand SEES sR dae. “4 |Bega ene atence area oe parent ene Pate eM Be seating geumiere\te SOMME A PT Seta nee ae ct "aged ee iloa ctu Pe ca ie ot SAE EEA ie igs pa Se aul ta :CAE Geter ties pete ey pei Ra aes pane oat te Asay SSE tS Be eeeremc ar ente *git anes aioe a: Se foun Aste ee wat See anar ee ene . SAUCER ea oat Maal Sar aFe ee ant Sa Si Eig SPREE ar te:aerr Stale eas ae loan poe ereeeiee panera eae ie fet PED aed p1aes Fae ma (Sera ie HES AS eo eae ee Sree SRG net sane cs SARC es ce ue Ve eee ae Sealers ere aa SSS aaRONG ae he a gE AAS Le HE pt gan pave yee Re ydergy aA TY Bh eS Ra tee ares ooky oui PARSER SirRE x Sh oar ra CALLS AH Qs soeCaterer pia, wt te anes oe SOT CLtS ace Te, Rah, OE tak OR “er nays degecces NORE EY EAN OARS A laa O Owe shee PAeet ie (0 Beg Sacer ‘2 aORR | ae Cae ve: per Mee aie nese TER A es OE ReaCRATE UNE See Peele PP pe agi ECENS ik Baan aS Pa NE oy RM tn Danie eAPet en ANC BRR Re Raa EAL TN AE. Soa ae Pe eatpM) OAC 2ottCo aoF EE SP ertay Beane eeACTA ee” aei“sD peSere pbs ie, yee \ae8ee autenSao aes BeCs Be pe yao cage, Bie iyASG epee Se eek aSHON PRR RM ee ve 2NAP een 2SA SA LER A Ee eh Sa iae Agta wee eSakg i aa ae CRLUACENG Velde ey4TA st RSaCasts as araniey iteeME yeBes Baftva 2Bea ay UT a at GT eH SP tg ch IR FS geeCa AeCape igFede SENee Sao te ler ee AES Med esa ereyAl RS Ue a eae nea Sees ofa SE ‘Agha aaAnnee nee ER ah SS eee csigg ace ERS Aaa ee phy Boley oeelite eS pacaRe aresiseey 9 BE he Byfom pe BAe Ejectate | Spay tltAU AGESSpt OSES CGU ee ns @ eae eh he Fa aoa asdCRS) ee Ce iyee easSeek Done NR. Eee Ber LFar ay s BRE ut BARING TES aE ON + on Oe : pete Bt i pe Ee pana yb a eey PARAS Ae aan ae, Sage PK ee ae ak REED a Pena eee pie te Bees. aeet iepsesHoh se sg ae Rat ae aeons AE EE a BI Seen eae See Soe Sages RN a, he /__ a aa oes ee ee 4 ok : s shy ~ eRPANS arta ed a ois stan 2) pasa ON ee BE eR AN Pe Sree Nea aed a ee EN PEGA MS Ee 1! EER LO a 4 y ce eT ETE CEN Te Heat ea ye we Phe eres TL patty ptr ey in he ene ik ee (2 Arte ee DONG Tega ate ant Cea ee OR Sieg vi a! Fe TS ag A gat ‘ti: Sa aS ENS Sa Rabanne > + . _ gic pir ya ae BS CE ea hone Ne ce

oes CrAS poe AEE BN Re eS aBeEB Gee ie fh A yea Rs eT pod 4a i SnayLok Big wile see Uo ON aeairrae Co Peuanmeereay SU I BP aCEtol oa leeSeas: eg aie oa PER eeGaBd Roscder BAN ceERS a eee |aee eee Tae oeaRywae eee AN ati cai eee ceepam etl FePk oaAbas a1! Ca BOT poe eee hneme TRE eS Sayer Ronen Barc feta EoBtBO oe BS Reraiors onus anny eySisto ge CRLAeS JC DA BAR RL dd Pek ae, ne )on ee‘ Pusey fone fect Fe be,sgPERE COREE soe es ecg a)ANG SAN aeBe) BoeERD ot Mela ST US Med | CNBR oteioe! Beene. AnFs2aR FM gag ny Bg Ti SA we Ca) Boer ye dome Pd 5 Ma? |; ESE ss A TE etdsyWOE PSLe EMae Leggatt a Aaa, eA osetConeneny pence atte Gee Ste a 7| ee RS a BEBNY , Cpe we aSyO 8Goie aaA a BP Tee we Md tertOP ae et Wwe iy ryoy , ROR aaa Oe ave ose er we .aT LEE rfCa mat Ree apSaab hae dt Ua tehat sed EAA Bias SassOMe ta agers eaST 7 Paps fRte ‘ LS Je etPar ar An fsees oF Nah. we sheae We as ES eaSta wee Aeaes aa tera Ok eS ay ICMR eehae ceeds ayheasd ike re:wh nn PsOPcag ,men, i Be ras Pog gtBEaeeee: epLU“le , GaAs aed i ae Be Vict CEee LORS Uyfae Byte haarena teh a he anh aePew ae een CeBed ROTA URE ot xet hyeas: ee COREE ES Ae hy@ wee) gh EQEe a fee te Peeen ge ELwy ee aRo Talay Xaadf E BRWee Seks

Pete on aa PY OBE atthe Pree te RPS RE PEE Oe OG aE3:eg atSgOhh baa rR oa : “yy RGN aps“at ;ee ahoe eeee teeeSocae leYneat Es See \ |S eines ("tay oO od aySop eh SaARUP tay PA AG aERAS a Oreteanes SPS WOEict Sed BABSON De SHEA ON eek eo sds UaeClade Vy MELEE Sc STE ayeee beh geoak EE os Bhat Befee dag fe he User aed Be Pacing abe. a sei PEAT Hane aac Eeee TSA feCAE SENS, ee edeFeSPEAR Me Eg EOE NS ShaEe M .»nf ,-TESE ARES ac 6Pe gy ORE aeUY nse oS | dd mg aie .ityl Ges Aa “ites teeee Saat iy ore ap eyfeER yen cies RAL Eeate v4 Poe Lepartes: Se Lar eee Ee SRT CLS pa fish Prag Be ytmt yet\_FN ;_Eee eee Gee geRs US Poe ges Be PL aAULD AR Se aT eae LPora9leEL a hisg he on cia% irmasciberecersetents «Je! is 1G pS 2nn eee igPt age eeoP ‘e aean ee Raa OP Bel Seen gee OER olkate Paseca ieDC oe eas Eanes ohh boku: wie i ey hee BAL eS ore aS Ag Baye ois corr eas ).veg cea OE EA Bae AN nO ERD ER NOS Rid ied Anen Lee Resear Tibagle Blade ghee oh te Repeat | BoA A aap AR 8east SR ut RINSE Hib cise ie yee EE AY ! Be oaoe pe PABCR ee iaWes Tenatue rats ©,ia‘See Pees .,eaUe EERE ME Pil eiaee hye eeS SAUTE BEE SA te, ge Bobpaied eo fh 2 taaSen HES PER #11 eee, bth pe ag ANSE Be es? RPM Wated se Sat fee By \: aea eee RRS Se is ; es Cie ee EA BE eben Fe be S ane t+ 2 See eae ae aN“ afb eal frees ay oP cag yi RD He det ees He attig WG wy rargs AG Beas yao pak OnE ERE ats ty ye Se BP fat 4G Oa ee Tag ats OE NI ShoatA hata bg alee te by " OSES RSS “tt YS oe eps Ue A Le ESS AS ie ee ees te ( HRS : _ Se Fe ay aesaeter ,eat * orb PR DE ete egales Se Wel aide es eed SeSayles Re Doe aona aBerio AG a fsarte Sat T's >seeet CH 42 fFLet Rat's Pipi ees 2s aA, at weALTE ae ates aMoree eo ee :Nea read SS heeRenate a Pee elyeaShe ae Hye Eth eek RP ge sae Se lee Ror ae ia te eve ie, BP Sg Suu gt eeeae] ees oath TEE8 railee otratios pe IE Fist ah amas eee Aone es ag RRR Sry ee BE DRead NO aot "EM sae th, Pe Pte Dee tiln aoa ethce abs4cereal PEE) UE oea RO PSaeBaa ES SN en GUN bo ai Seige pees Mey ace Ee ee AOR aTe ENS TASS Oo 5feos See {hati rR5!MUD INCU ar os eee gye ee Geca bee aeRE 4), 2iat no 10Ld Se vat. |er ONCE © Sanat SESE PS OO hs eh CU PEE 7powaty le. Ne! Ue OE ee aaa EERE Ny? . ite + RSE aygAT Bhi Asis ne aeees A aaE aists Yo eae Deine Riberad tae Beet, © Be ‘ADT Reaanen essed oePicierh Ki aeEee eealae Se,ER wey ee ae ag :% Cee STNSi UE asDO S es Ye Ea HERE REESE LRD, (eeedg Gy ope Res aNee EASY teres ee .ad .ks COEUR Ss MA aMRE. ' pHharp acaehare cd LPEO UESfies Vote Lae Cah ut fTONE Ros pre phe aa pasta eewe ete ay iON oy.—_ oS ae Lo

Pe)RRP ae Dn, eeRH PAERS ee ee ASAE RS ee 3 cece xSESS Hie A tieFEC og RUE Ee che NAG gd ore oar gn ETRE D SES eee sagt a aa eyMae ae sae Bugis a hoi: eee ARMI a aee eS dae Sam aro Ten ey e cyRE ste et MCN SAL eves CL! Bande goer aster Manner ae Neat a Ra leay sony as BABE fstes pan REnh Ea isSRDWEASS Sket” BN45, Pts aeLearn Re ae HL ee One eeod 4|Be oo ieeefies erseAAE isdio cok eaah:eure canny ne) Ree age ole aH, aealt Aes a er ae Pigeg RS AE oN cee DE ;PEC eee fee iy rey ats, eRe ee pa ABE RE AES OY Boers Teme DP Te Bhp Er obTeseign wept Peef WMS, “apa © RE Bi stg gp LS, i RE a FeeTE anon 3lsgit to Be PStow SUA Cis) ACGME beaea,Le Ausae een ON esoeTE re as. .Fae aT4 STRAY Beaeeccetarec, ° 6,sos it EEOO = SEN eelach oeage esdes Bey che DBF a Ca GEE SE RRS wetayers ESTEE No| ee retee of‘ec Tong ce eee sh eo ae Mente s ns a4 a\KoRE bate EFA aeyusoe rae heey Veooe galtoak ve). Fees ; Renee ha Race ta At eM a Seas age fe ae ean rere ye Rn eee hl ES Barnet 4 BREN Bh Loa eae CERES i ness ee Ets tastat yh ly ot ahd 2) REGS Fe SEATS not Marne TENS ee i RR arte hae! pn PRE ce ose Ste

REMC SoyOC coa ve aE aARS pe aAA[he pene .aepot aGarateieuel gee TOE AN *(Rat Sora ecateli eae Feet eg PAESi EHe Ee Cua, -” 'RSET, : anPEyteeyharene CEP Lagi d“ wt Sesto Tony nSSoon out Sor, oesewe esete aes EOEoS ieseehigattadl BP i” baie? pataaah AnDye ae eecs oe ea, a PF sree RMN oesae oot) PMI Wh Syke .A +a es ey PAR ape Sea OePy reat spe AE URL E ) RSaE or : : : >,; on }EAR | oS -nae aE ae trie . . foo wate Vig as whe aeHEE ee Teds attae ie oka elt ats TE 1gelEN OL back ONE Ay ee Va rsag 1ee,Fhe RASS oN oeRa | a.ees , Eg tae aL Keen: eps sa "Big EP av 1G GA nucle OO + See Sega peraets baka WERE BST ie SAE bog? yo Bee Fe ee eT Ppt hes er ‘ fo wy TEN RE TE aeSe Piva ad ot Peet Wi taGics ef eeEES es tie a|i Ces ERS ae A om 23 . 4 seers: (Gee Gene unr eeey, Cr Bie aEG Seg yreeret ee CsHaran, et eePee an Boe tatA arte. ae oe LSCATSIBS Pe or depos MEE Li 50h eaeBye La Pigak iee 7 RRe pete . we oS AE ne .neweg .. uM * .cee SIE SUR CUE A ee SES NESS .% AWS eRes Bathe Fe EO AISRENE saPace ate Poh AoA TBLot PY ee Sa oN Boke. | se : -me ?.; ”fa :. cos fe AMAR BUS C8 a‘lage De aBake Ge oR ARG Te? RSPR ET hain ey Wat 4P ee ust eleehes

>. | | foe ! ae | 7 a fe eee ee oe Medes whe Mee. ey PRR Gh bur ce aay 2 ENT AMR 1: oes

aN :ee .7i.-”“;:eed ; :. >|foae | aee fe AN OWE BU WAS Ree ha” Nigagg Be gS NESE EELed ope ae 0Bal eeeWaa eee LbSe etsh Oe yet BE eeht GE eeeroger ee me Rar ceCoy ae as teh apy PERE aby oe AY oteee ony eae AAG of :A : ae + foe DY OeBY OR ht Pere Be4 ROSE gp sehp ee oe BE eeAP Secay, pad Pea SE AE tet Oo Hee ciated nse e y> . cece i; ;7ASSES : oy 8Oa ee are bt Ot ay ENT an sen gee Be age gts seeeaee ney |.7.;|ZPe Fe:oe Ly Nake de age AME ME wih wots hy! EN re fei CEE BL foe ate te Bea a_ ae ;fA :BA . ee (oeeggs, eeeaa SO ra By Fhe OMS Py A GT REE De Cg the dgt ae Pk otFOT Tecate ASE *ela.wet . aeh Et nn ey fos ¢tea4!fee He Cg hadiog ad Gere eeyee aneytDares :a>. x |. 7bole —_ af AMens Mes ae Nd sti tgel ent. ReBee PeFP ee Bop ay oe. Bee ipBe aeee BME Pat eases ORNS ai: SUS) 5DARN : By octet Cog # Ca : : wee A BA os. AN La an RN aeral oe ID Ge oils YY, heath Pha Ca? ay, eSey re oe cae PU BEE BUS REE 7" beg ae ade ele c a Foe ee oS ae a a oe Y at a ep yt ett SUR Ts BAG BEG FO FUSE Sire ON os ee ee Le 3 __ gileanpn eae Pee peat eters vie ares ARNE SL Sires, aia 8 er Bee Bie Me gel. oye Fear Boy ak & id «1 gee hee a rea . ‘a oar et .ne nee OT ar, ae fHinata ’on A ees. vtxines "Naa a bfo tee ye Moye? RE EBee. Bee AP dts, ae ee Fa SE hue :Se PANG eet seen .BSE, aan f°a aiB Fe Ne REN ER ae EG rf we Ke oe aeie! Fe ERO Pr 77. ar eeRG (ee oe tye Mlk SN get Bye hesole eenig eeTP a ry] Pe a. !:Wi :LC eeGEE ; 772Qe :Aas teat ¢: Mee Ae 8ew ae hig ES Olay ar a4 Pott SF Oe cM fds Aay ea -KEE SOE pe .Fo ::Np ete ieen ee) ‘aeFee Ee oamnae Gira ety tyBey feelesiostas UNIS ere: SESS GER Gg aNES Ce ETE x“ :.y.Ree Pe Gee ope, Vee oeBOE sony gprs ue — IERIE Pe ne St EE BUN Re aoe oe ode RES te TO esa : bgbY NO a as Cas aha Shs.ty Lo ase tia, Gc, epi OO ge CgBOP ayfps are Pe Sens G08 (ES EMER BSG eaEe LEBEN *aeON . :A-Raga of, o5styr See dec aE Bed aya yet oo

ee — |. Ce Se | . ce

Recs ee ea ieee 1,Beare t. POI ae Be fe eee “heat “y bet egy od a cSAS oo .| -ea| Fo .“ise) fC oN SRS uePasir ao sid oa Shea yee Aher eg eT ng th A 5POhaba NR Pe Ge Ses AOU ete . Pracae Save Eee asate Re as Sse) Ao: hee ae inetd eetS oD, Blo) Rtas Des SENS Coe ‘Sh AOU crane Lge Ula ealw Se oes Arete OO ead at dye 2ieee 0ti2VE be BRR gfe|SEs hese Deter fo a: aoo -ety -.Lea >», ::AEH :;;Heh fC FOS CnEER ae eh So, kerd gh. ty aii stg She Mie Fes TAT Sia ce aeBerea ca“4ane es . SSA SEN Se Un as Ne HES Sn ees Gnas Nee PR Ea é Fo oo oo stepasnae : ' ,...,r—i—“iéisCsCSC ee a Poa ever eee ae a a iy fo

. ABRC aahiretan aeccinn2 eee. eg apEMMA wet kon con Spada ot ey» * ade Se —aN ies ietear gpname gateeloteas gh rush Oy, Seen BPS sansa0at Shale Meare ee" chee ea eae anene ae eo Ae aiafe eneTrin a as TUG eeu AARy Ome ern cee aset 2 cél |. Sr osRRC ee BL Eee, BetPla Uo ees pt Soe eeOe cen soAil eee a0Uyeda eR ae Ae grees wets whe Pt os set Pee Prbpieer ae ro er Rates fea he ecuOnur sien pagneiane cy ea ee oe Se ee yReC0 eneraga gOSMeh ot td on a asnee : YrFo A eae Seen Pal EN LsiEs LY ihtaleae bev esOt . eee ae Cee eee eae eee atHeeeee Mle CeGED lgsay eeg

ce GREET TIONS Ce Se te. AStl SEP Res SAN eet eeAeOMOEA Thc 4 sf ER3 rae tele aegeet a EEN ie Neemt EM CaHS EMME Ca RLRUVSCEACION st PHER Vahgle1Tas oS Phe ee:Pe ie eee BSHFe GONE VOGUE BR. “SERRE gembhaeen Peaster neeeen Eteereee en We eee UN EEO HURL, NN es a eS oe eda ee eka ty SAREE 81 tedoe ae |ST Froese ee ee ae Ohi LOS Biase eae VRE HE OM SAD eee? oo 1 ESTING See asede aNasTMA Be eeEe balan 2MpOE abaUU AAeRo aieles, is iOS |Here . re RA oleo ene heMoree ase EUR acy Nata halt ORGS GNSS aMga htalsHere Rata Meek neath gerne ee “ oo ESS a1 ES SeERAN SAR ORS a eS nada ie ob otoe? 13 ERE SS Sea aneane Sern SMa seyaie thane SET TE TAG EI RATE eM AB itae feePUERCO on aeSeat ceSin: eee, evuhecvreseineel eeeeeee ASeee aee es itegeo (RUNS WRsecs SLR sacle erent ia ae ea? Eieetieteate yea ee,ete Barats eae Oe Sees eratisis eateT dalarmney rin Lestrade aeares raincnn Ieoes ase att ea et “ERIE eG ‘REE a. 5aSEM orescence enenietgs oSGk SO car ont Hg ES ONE see EGeeanied Riptiers wpAcgisth She eecegAes se Oo Ee CREST ace OneSYS earte uaeRoenedinrait nigh sienna tc ARPA ES ee NT aonee oe RE La eingeuton ici tea ecamtceat Lan Arete Rcoy sbi 1ABites omar Fal ojoaocala orBNO Beha tywe bes igre oe ee eS Reet OR aI SCR tsAe acs FL Si eS Sah Ea “pedthana teeta Guiear geieesa eeNau alte rads Soa eee ROOD AE SSE aries Ay fone Cisne Sean ane ASADace A ant A Sete ak alee HY sited Be Wey 18ae a ot MMFe Sec‘Eats egyeoaa eet Spe Neaecees SG ET NOS eeeee ee ae

ENDER SU SAM AUER NES GES GN tee CC ME Th . ae CE aR dA Se HA HEURES Se Sic AES Rael Ren WEDS Ur OG UR An fe ee a PROCS a ee

fe LL i Se ee ee iad we :EN oo Lrrrrrrr~—s—.Ci‘i‘ i ee eres ig ary aan re ee “| Py . ]ae albie naaa ‘it Pao ra pi "$8 Foy oe age rae ao cee gt Wo . 0 ue :ov ‘a E athe aeEe ho, ie es oe ee heel raeoeee -indi aFy ae ue: ha %, “, lh os teeoy, oea oF tags i vs ee “. 7ym raSas A Ce Ziey agg qcae Reemix,4 ee eeere the4” &be ws gh 1aeee pote iad oes one eee ad a.xShek eran |.Tae ws HeLa {eg aea:8ae eh foggh aad A* Mee, ae tape ne SF ee aeme: 7, wes? yee & eon . asf Brame ietry wesGP. wage. gesnoe SoeepSA edt re ~~aeee te as: ina ergs aeAer aeod eeoeoege2k ee . Van we Ewelt PEEoe psSag ". Curae. oerae ae |ee eeTaal Regsg af sd Seee eeanaes Boe i A 4 aae ie oe ee Mee yes otto Se ak . a noe Re ata ie! > ors ee re ares tee aig ide tee fee be ey ie; res Neoa Foo ea apie ct PR - aaesxSS ee aot: aay ge aeaviet ets) Paie ny oeBe we 7ee re Teese Ey ee :ve aigual og hyAe hagge 8aaees, ©ey sathe. a .rar has te os me caeceae S ‘4 te vs eeae fe. yee yen > eer, ae gaye oegot anager ative WP ateeBeda” A“i Sa an A°aGo ae aon Bess an+eae ed aLee, Neh ae ie ge ade, Te mies Oe «© oat PO Bet, aoe “Gl FF; Waite aaeOF oea bone ee faa

jeeind a rePg raea Ce ory 2 og ae ed“gee aRoE Aanr te bine peiewe *y. aeara ‘ an frrd &*~ete Seat, ek ee hed a FS wae sets kr aaee BS gaat mal . ey L's 4ge aeoe” peea‘abaa of oaf »4 mark vers bieHe agaita TE Ke. Sar*ice ge 3 « a PES . ey Nepaes aha if iei(ea pve # aow ag es>i€Ce aigPiae a aot heat aftoar eae yssae ey iaae at Pee: tae Bas. aBawe y *ae on, : :oes, SsBn eeae soRoa ao Vices fey \

peemeee Se PE ea ca ae we oatheripoot ee:ee Shes ge te BOO. ner3eee st Baie ereSage” ise aceeee cp ee a na 3 eee et oy co Pee te geadeeoo | ge ge ae - pits7 ig ceeAa,Payee Pog OR ‘ a Pe Pal ae oe age:eeaea

aieee . ; gee yokSE i ee ee ~~LO wo o eee we yfae*”gt Agog peat ygany & sate Pa 2 eS Beisgag aeRiPa ft” he hee oe aPa: cashes ck Lia. Sap .ra ;and a ee aeSe Pe : oa Pedr =~ by MSs =ee Pa asaust 4:eg ,on aaye ieo arrBer be.cue Bei heLone] ee oia oy Ae ee be ag Oy Ieseae ph Pe ske, sae ats" io ed4ofrant oN ' ae eee ene: ah 8 eee ‘otoe eeane atGer tel , .a eee aeLP sph ca. eee iaar ak a a5g Nee thy ae? eria . eefae at+an {ggehy? ane RUN ,3 ae iets Sy rad aSY ye geet ores vas | ts ig aRass pel aie eae” ~“itn, pe Thee

ee :we cetrsme , 1gah § 5% geoe - :‘ ¢eke :3og! as 7? e 7eyae‘ oe ae ao a aia a° re : + iith® saris UeSs* *a me ae Se ee Re Hiiae geo getSee no GE 8kowe pes met ccnane oe+ Be ee vet AeMe Say berPoe ty. arn . eet iiteere re yong . wet i ‘eMog meYaigenn gsrw: ae 77wera nage ae ae 2— nl Hip Big Sipe ae ee eed ae Toon ae :ra rfFeo ef Lg 0 fhe ae ihe Bsoo ae! rs >saree . asf =o O ee 7 ge Be ge SS. ee F Mee Bg re pa ae Pee i = SSE eB) a_ age wp a fe a ey) me week Bt eg =F a ae ee dys te Saas a ee a a 22 OF “be a oy eo Be oe ee chante aoe oe se wf ; fe ee geo oee ; = “tees! S44 rae ree a! Lees Boe a tod 8 gees oo fae wae age “a ere Oo ee F if cre BIE gg os : . ay Tate ess a , a a dil we fle Cee” pe Pea , a ae Pa a ge BaF ae : : : i Se Rea ; ay ee nre say thForoe MS eaece ‘a ae Ged veey2onoa aan Aets aes om pe‘3lla er Tes eee tad 6! iat"pee? ¥“-cos ‘4 aie oea| the aai7. a.‘ 2fo. x x Bos OQ ee isTite Og, aeua a : ih aner Pre aie eee ae we”. i. a Y x. aie fe Say . vd . aodye Aasphi ae es=aig: AP ed‘4 iceeye Agi ee afer . eae : 4sPe bee F ye,byKeo ee mG en;nos aadaeee rnheat asnee an yee “ae “iend aeA Soya ee ate Tega me oo‘fy ee ¥ be goes %Bae Pe- to a. — a as} he Wess. : Pew ee :ceayes ok ye hfeee ht pie Rene Me oe oye pee th es reif4eet oaie weok, Vag wit —:& armgt Sy a3ost he~B She £3 :fe “an erryIe “sie gee ase ru ao, ee rs “gc woe ‘eh ee ow Fait oe “rai vat ot oe a il ees Rap a : ae wee aw a ce ‘ eel 6 F- fi Lae

he es mae pet yas em ORT ree ese ne ee. ane aes ee Se oe oe e ity — 4

: Age & de Boke v ay ee ren) e ; se et pee ny ki wi * ed Ke Fi. tt a NE + PA ae yo oe pres aan a tg il ae eS Ma Ba te wi y Fe Bee Y os Ra! aLe wy Hh Bs “he aeoeiaae Ste i aieSS, pyaae? gs age ion fnght we Ru .ay ees Hes Paes wie i: ig‘be eeann : gme, Co Mae Sheste ok ee ae gp Ps > agit i ngxi.nie i j“D ad Er bts& a tyetapee Fg? ‘ ad : ise oe yea: cm ete ate ee bbe gtseas Rd o§er:Mat tee oo.>;ae Feee eeati “Be .3Me tae os aBees on, .| Gime a:of7ies |:ieoe mate aye i, yr ae 4 Pacts a fy toe ren oe . ee ae Lae ad raat ge he “oo i a are aw 4 a aise ie 2 . eae iba a 1. ea i a if i oe,” se ‘§ AY ee Pah Sym eter ed ee ee SiR fing ts ¢ % ca ee ae OM is Rae A es: Aha ohage eo oo ce ae aes eae Win. Fe oe i. ie wy woe: oe aes ge ; uaati as ha, achee -pony’ Aapuragg itFR rae 4sa rhe Suiaee Be, aeEe eePsoetsey aataCee i.ansv4 co iid die a.ei” aaIPs & wwe ehve ee Mey eeran . toegael + ating ateaoe sige 3 : ee OPeste =aaes ~8S“oe acoge 1%os i opee fee% > gets ea Pd aeSh ‘aa : pane FOE aan “aw po res cies Fa Ee ain

ik LP aw Egwe a cate ealaewae 4b arcs Ae eg As"ag te 2yree te 4 a 4 atRae | Byaa)? Y eri Ma i Bi ee ee °ote paid rk MoioEe Hat ee Kees Sots

, , oh,’Ao ae he ope a oe eaEe wieeo eoatae ee Sete ee $5 nh ends a gs ie Set ye(gee, gee _ Pig i(oe te estes peg Ox Bu ey Aa i4os"eae . at . : fe ue | Poy »“cae Pee cP set “ett Gees as Ee ot) ae ae ger? Sig if) “wid AEs eeeff gtPeea bang atte k at sade wen oeiB igWS a Pere oun Gy 8S Lees ale ae wee, Peas 3. wo _ Hee ie ee aPea 3 eat ogs ia oget eee .| wa oaheaae ceeSj: Gewe3, paogmele see Ss ae Eg va pe wy ypeeBy >:0 gh nz" eeeaye, ps EsEsreAC) bears an uFOP 2 Sa, He:Be eeeEtre eles POE Reet ea Bue Sone Lar cand TAA chat, Seeteae Set eeV4 OB oe etAi tayanweaces: + ae WY me an| SH a

ae Naar eed reae: %i oe ees gees Re aied ees:he eek atirme co rier Mt sai aot Ee 48 kLee j oeie 5 ee ee ee ; ee Ter ieees Poe Ke, eS P es Be eeeen PRE ee me eB tks re srs *Fiesta aE cher ae >ioe "Bree woe wR Arras, Se eye 6‘ie aRees. Bs, Oia Peas ine ee cqamigin tg Nae i ae Fete acy ie "ge & Siataat Og saeee 2hyie” ae i aesia ae et aeig 4cee ;bys oy ae Re Sit Re at ‘ WT, ee Bian wnBe se ane OR aaae ey Rr fFoyt oBo. a7en xfy ae Bee eoesee geoe ers ee 4ie hee eeae nte nhggest ha Me Hg “ght ‘oewae ee eg. pg ae ty etBs bg aa a! wt ee ae gee ilae2gol ta. ane 2heaisasghee Ax oeeeet Sats RSE nee atse. een ue ae He a fas,Y)

ia! aa og *Fs ay pce Ngee: Bigg! iti ies oraeee geeei UA: oe Paes arate“df a 2 sols Nebo Pati: Qo i paar ca rca of hai oh Pe igo ill Tres, a ae YrTihe bo ae -fHBhael t. eeei ae Be Sure ies oes, .wget ge7:@wo? aoe i,Rye why oeRare Be ae“ih oa tas! on” oy ay one Natt! Hans iPEsane Kae’ | Peg Bye ay i p> he ee aea8 Fsand CBRN cA?“gre soc ee aatte yap a% i AD 8al rucaa mee so get Sey =" de +a.bepeers net's "ieae Pip ie 7sane 4: ae) iatcane oa, 2gePy ee a aeiced ‘ale ftoadi Lao seer “es fudge: aoeafar yo EP‘ eer ‘by Be ayy coe e rad Ay

»BeRe. b ar5men ga oso Bae aa eee Teere he ee ede .oe: Soe & Nee oe qe Oph adace aoe/s78 oeyer FacotBS “ybaeee ee Thy yh icant %vege Pen ead ery oe PS nen, |: ne ae ei Sy PP ae kop lga eo Rae * x) ane ee¥wade hoe aoNoe hs eScihehas ai | lg. peta ; Pee co woe Bs Be nage dt vai a ae age oe: Fok. 36 if ‘ges ibe ie pf wee aa es gens Pay og Ries ie eg bet

as Baas ay eerade eat a | ip

Re teee ae her cnee gegern eh s)agel “iFoyt? Fe a4 FEY, ee weec iets Pe ae Pa hee aa rs aPek ae aleeakat he ie te ees ae — _—"’ ' 4.iier dw 5aeek eo ee aqe pg. cee met *ys“hy wageey Cote aea Pei rf6Lape aL ee oe acin ON eR pancats Pettis — eee a ayy Papa ae wt angst? ot ay sf ae as we a aa fe aE ee S an .See a ay: oS al “i A i a ib ae cages * a aa nage Rae Set od og es ie aaa Hc ar Pra” oe y Say pata nee = ia oO hd ey op reba a Pa ee or ‘ . Hos eee Sg eco a ig epee # eal we iy 3 uN aig | rae el Pe ea at se Be ire ti 4 y tage t ears ee ree” wes ata ee ‘ye Ee Re 8 Be oe Esa Oe on wnt wee # ee “ Ce ay i ee gory oe aA oar B. ye ? hse 1 iy bt “hi bie ack meat ¥ eee ee ig = eB ie Oe gee ae! Pew aera oe HT eae ty Be A ae ees. Rites ti —_ es oe BF ap ag oe ee oe ai Pa: aaa aes ieee .. , { ee ee ae age ee ae ok = Heo pe ae a we ER % gaa at wg ts Pgn Mg nan el gts ra ‘a ae A Pgh re a ae mr | Ye 5 aig a Beal be tet nt ae me # ote ee Je ee & pee st Bie & ae wo aig + 3 ee wees yf i is ot ap, is ea geoPRO, wee ae aake atges Base, My rn ieee io] id aa th oe 2sBhat eas mh Se oeHod Ror, ger [Ae eS Sage 2”Bae ane Sse PE fs ared ae .ones $l rkaie aes 2 yiagif ag Pie *Poa ih eta.age awe Ne ge Sebi Maa pike et ae sola aly aoe is oe~ aefe . 8_ 83astate re ee: eeae a :ay ieee aaoe age G wee nase “4h ae outs ee Ay mee Riel ae mS age anea ee PRN oP Ge ;See ay :ee eyo rt,pate aeae villvat so aee Bea a7— ie ca ieee ateEY =o — e‘eGs, aehee eoail Geet ae ve aa A gf petal eee ban i? oe onde? BB ae ee iow: - xf aeaeFadie eee oaeSane bel ee SI Books fom @ aePes ge eas eaBe eee oe > Loe pee . wi # =saa Seen eae ‘he *¥ fess et eae 4 eon REE o a ee a atepocae ena a eSRRG ta a ©pret peti ae Saban) ore aes Dt 4kar ,Eehe oh Age Spt ue PONE P rey fie er »et,Rog aiSe- +ie aaa ee Sak, asa oeroe oe “ ede nase P “hy rsttsee be» teace. ietet¥Sie bypoe " 6, Pe eas Vf ee ae

“ al ai OS ei Agel ee a ih Sg .oF eee 1Soeae a; —yaOe ica bag ; ee a eS dae aeAe a Bn

' : . ate cae fa So Boe ge ein i, Soi ee: or aApeg eg Pet:Pane Rit bm by Spal % e ne i AeDP oe aisa sae F. : —~ weeRehy », yor oe }Caaght i ag

suse uh — Fetes a. AN Be . I | ‘ awe ia Vie iil ae Ee aaa. 5parva ¥ea ama re | “ie es pee Ds HQ SiS ae wae x Ps Aap. evwen aae Ee a13 & ee Aaiit aed . J a ees “t % ieme .‘ra : . iea__ ah wns 2 oo IM i aChe :ee ‘} H iN if en Bi Boon egy 4 ea 7ue) i 4i Sash tah .“a, a ree ee aa 4 ' ee ee wt ety CN eee . Pa. | y Sy ae —} s a4 Pe a ' wear ‘. 3 ine . 4 ® % gs A ea vk Hess ee, ne : ae eeagd Pypa Bade on eh: A ery : ate a a fi i Be Ss a ae ~ |a82e.Pace if Bi vedye!ne : .: ’-i fea eens 4.4 is 4 Bee, al ara ESo & V4 ae :Mae Beis: eee: MEE fice ' — Bike BPS ’ eb FEE ce *ao fe cc & A i Oe adas : :SR _ Tete ys tsapa i: el ‘a : 2 > Be Pcie en§, te . ber : oF: -_ hs ai eager . tths5ao tine fi ae t .‘- ™ =‘ ea ren al “aky af Coe Btw SS y; : ee aWet . 1¥, vy :yettan “eee

Je Geeky wena EOE WEE bo ag 8 % ae

sy oop ee coed Emeal re a; et a heak\ Bee Boy i cide , r vuadhe epee | ' jsiene an BE ‘ Apes Bd mt Bat

::;aNe .iti me aafgBe—_ as fswe aetiter. tee.Eh uN oe a vate 2! po cgi aw Es

& es, ‘Ps Tabee ‘ ilnm Pe ae panes ee A aN afBee ifa rt gb . ;tel eo oP eae *iroe an ee ug ee ie Te /* FAS ia ,ie :en) hj+:ee W © Wee ies a Payee .Hoe he agg A wya;Ww om ie. Sane Wa § 3 2 hee ia eo BS ae RS “ti Lae a pe NS ne ql \ eee by ee eu oy gos” oa ait ag SNS . 4 ~” tee ee caw ay ’ ae’ en BS Be a aeie Ses - ' 22a4>‘ oFON edSee 5 tef eif: {Pee Iftere oSoneee é

: | :. Batis ora. Bao get oe: ese iy 5feFi ;F a.aiB) 4vt tee bed aan . of, .:[oe ha eB pa aae PRUs es :eq 43 e“f Rig me of ;‘ I4! ‘9 rote) ieae ee ee th -iay 2gme fe : .a:4Perens FBebe Ee Aas ioct ue es ~ee©aai atly ;ae,4B 4es a. ee are-ieS anl aBe PoP GES efee any’ teeo *.a -, aa Tae” A bea ved

ee sie 3"oe : ee” oa 4Re ig Fd2% 2 iea{Sid . ‘ oO Be : me Ga ane og, fees d.j . rer a ry pe | Se se “ : o) ie et 8 4 fee a BBS " of — cat be PLY et ee “ ! ee \my a | ; A ' Ks =) . i BS ae “.. ark 3ans? an 1Be dab iBs Fe 6A qi:ie : :. Bo foe yo & 4: \o Bee oa ON =zee ‘$A : . : ay ek wn i oa 4 pa ye eo x 4 4 Byes to uwN a a5 oo% Le & rye be .. ee ri) Ye, : A . ij Gi o oe PY

.:;e;ii j : veAieaz&eexms iS_. '= . ue Oo os.; ck eee o ae : ha . re) ae A. Pe

usglf. Wr Me . C i R we "he a a : . BS aaa eo

Pe rrTR as of 4Bs \bBa iiiPe “i ae: re- ¥ aeee can vine isrd 7oe &. ‘:Q, = is : : f . ps ghoe ct dh, Be a: Eeaon, veer ® — ce icae Se aes meys 6) .j7 ¥‘' om Df an es tis fee Dieser -.bee Vas. te tyaSe” Be ea > on ¥a44:2ee oeSine ioe aVi Sk aNn Ae. — Son ae er, a: teat aaS yo. «eae gts Bk: i (oon te peer oe "tlie Re ‘ 4 uv Ld Rat Sie tee eb ? 4. | a Ge 7 ‘ ; i Ss a Sit. 4 : Yahi Sbd ret . pe heee Ve , eee NEES apf"reB) 4é Poe tEY 7: :¢ ohn ae BY eg ;gd gai iF Nee 3sa4| "§Of ae iaaty 0leGe ere ai..:©—, aaeget ale eels §cc .EeNPN tt.tan Paz ae a< ). fi asrenatl Tag iUse itees iAue iJsie aeie ty | 4 ire aA Vegi >» im

ae aay ie."= a-:N ~Qe oe :inte A i -Q oe2of wo.roe: UU :: 7h4Be “Ee y;gE {eee os Bos Pa se? Te en ies BS “ght aa ei ee * ee es s sts fri 4 go By ‘s ess =a ed ae: . ie. Me Pee 4 tees Riek: ; . oe) cat! rfam £7 | thacre A Bi. ue eaten 4rae ie fers :ee —— eee atane Be ;“Aegan mae: -a ¢tig Bea Bony cl:ea".“4 :. ‘. pet? gga ee ie . A Be . { ie mist 9 : cam Pare By i 7 ee A Bagot: i ome ae | ae E Pe ‘ Popo init Past ae | AP ght a R nee igo! 2 tg Abate: Povaeec: > iad ra pee tf pee it i me MP ee : ra se Role Ue Chal 3 ge ais bara BR” he Bae ee bib Nae yee . ° . ts -4 SAIS of teSee Pane aCh Be aga :ee Aa ae oo : .;‘a. -o ae iSte fon 1 gee gi 5 She ad. Yaa g : } bon ' Stree, a ae 7 a ae | oy ; ea en ae ‘ ee w . Le ° . “gs eR Pe * Jn Sees ; ee fe " ee ge eo a coe fe , euRee a fae JER ea a 7ci aaaRoselle Aa eee : is ° Bee a ; | BOF SNeareBB ay ad ee j nhs Pa ALTE Gad fle Ak. tie ene ae ae ie RS 8 . ae Shai


: "i2attsui Lita m, %,aati Boe ars ee eh ag an caaemS °ie oe ae*a vs gt: :Sas eee rfv o : peer eel ak ee ee erg "hi .yh wee Ra gta nas rae Rr heme Rae gy we pee cae

eae ey Aas Bee in yENG ads Bg oe iEee apa agealeAgouty hs ‘fealgesithent : ; ote* me: oes Aare ts bs: in aa Sah aes See fe ee aala val” Ree, ay 4ean Areas oSee OE"A NR ap ag yeagest Wes . rae By ae aWs ate 4rela: no ipig Pi. ae a eee ee ©v Py Sear RES oaaea EO CRie ee call rita ieBG ae} D ton ae agian ia AS lias Rote iraces is aan setpast tae AS feBo oehgicibes -

NB hc ee aura nea eee HEE. “y eke"he eea,A Ag ag eal aae PINE e Ago aad LUA Ree 4 Me {||! ae . wee oiSn iPieyOO arg err rd Rg SiePe ityat Nad. Sate ‘ ee seNek iter aoyEee thc aa ow apc? it pan Biss aah? PG cn, FE : *as . SW ee Bay ee *.BE pe eeatg a ae Ml ey eine aaog giieaae Ni : ye ee5 gi cee ke imams = Eh, aeege : "oa ola4ed ae Te ee eee ‘yeyne aan eisasciainae” rig ‘2 eae S ae aa,me Se ban 9eye ISeta Fe er, pol okt aE ce Rai Fa !poy udi ‘a . Tey se Re ‘_, hi ys setaRa 1 ae” ee ON eeeee Sooa Bat 2ee aa ia,gem whet Vaart is ofieasame ge oe Pe ge MS MMi ae ee 4 gnap Py ae O ee ee ORT et a OOS Seeing. a oye ae | ao ys ee MEN eyShee Pete canoe SR BR 3 aSeg ee Lmy ces a3 . |Ps; on 1: meee a po Ny Ae fou tael,eee on * ::a~:aieA oies‘2 coume a—_° a aa Se oe ‘th.a:ae 1pgeae e bagi sseeae ASAbba: nd NT * Meee.

foe Pa) set RoC) em NS a Me Bok uns es eis? Bes

ae AG SIE cael . aan GRRE aeSe ok eso EI ay ee os a| \\| Bo ae eae par ice oo See aMica eee lle : sage Saree :. ae =oehe weed aa iTies ca: PE eesti: eae we. ;ee oo .& -Bee noe ie >Px reeeCe erBSa ee. eseeeee vee meee B® e: aycd, Me ces Beae age nee” ; etban oeEu Mee. 'bic sete CP iS. aye, Pini od .ae ee hy : ae: aOEtoe ah Re ge Mets a aORR NG .cher wf+own te oe Se cae

aetlag Seis ae aoSia f"are eeay cae aeas eS TS Bae er wale 41 et)Ee OER an ae° Eales is se \wie eS es iee ee Ai, ae aemee es ieago shy aaa -aSeiler ch Bra: aefoe alia :Eee ee aaeJe a aie ae sip ae anne ee fone Moar Ce a eer ! pees a: 3a a” ‘eae any & Mgt ve? Baars ae , pik ‘ ee Poin aBeepee ha ee aets, ic Fe bey EN "vee ° ne Bee ane eee oe ihah 7leFos aEe oaPaaie Oi bai. ai, sae Stone me Bec gt oh ok ae ‘a fg ;cA) be Rohs Tad :iiNe, ce fe iS a RAY a RE pe ee gai of SE vag oes ee Pia at a or ai are Beara & Bh % 2 Pe sn ilet {||;‘ L ; BE ho a off at ee Bedi ac» Gs Aue! e gi § wt Pea “ie ahs Pie Maa, ww eee ; ue +! PTR a ae eeae gee etab, BEB Seea aee hig 1Saes ee vet :Rie . Hy takae aay i, ee cn 42 tA eeSS, eo see ae araag aN wy er {ae woe ialacy Bis Tm alie= ee ‘eae etBe ok_aa corey OM teeoae "enti Rat oeen ay 2ra gir he afly EG Es -mh Se fh aq se & : oN TRE Les oeste aPitts yin eo eo Pe eipay rack oe a “i aed on i oe sy .ee — ek Phe y&‘y ssh gee 5oat Nae He Lig gee? Bs age aiia ah OR Sn a8aeee ae re aey| Re ee 1 aS. Bescon iy eer oa ee 4 be See nO BER ge aRate ce ig ee,

" rbai.hel eyeat ll aL Daeake cates a yee aegis eeeSa ee iSk eReaed | Faeee cs Ma Se ome RR Aef5 Sagar eo wr ee a bi,oraeDee Go fe Sig" 38 Bo ge eee eeoe i Aey gein at”ocaNpaces Pa Sam of Do Cal cee cr Migea.. "g oH “ing 5 ae aa,eaEa ema SBete. A Seis

Re ESE, qeree TE ee PG Me PCO ty Bene) 88oeOT cee teAAS PIS yon” oe,ats Sere ae ee Bea SL aaa ee Baweak: oP Os 24, it4ieeen Sey Oeas" ee aah Psaa ndee Tae Te py ee gg he a eR msee - gareae Py see Bee alte ys ie Be Bee RSE ae yeoe a SRY : ah < me anaac: Tea Mie cael 4ath atege pts Repes reREE ee ceaDaa fw Beee: eeere AOE eeeS ineeeaD EeMae ine iC) Reese enc we.| Re wens Yarg aSa ieaie ogGETS) 4? o OL Saggered rte Tob 2LB AteEB aEek etaes hig, ogg. ae gtgat TES oees ERR Crear nad akMtoe, Ee A ab SeeSa 8Chae teBebe Liecane dis Ba AB ee peti Bhi PS seh i aSS aees ae Re Bh Sag RO CIM OB oleee art fy Sraks | cag Abee eet ee,faRRR pm iySee leek. See Page eR, ae dgMea age a AB 5Ce Fe Veneta tag aeCL SeOe a VOTE oo artL eam eae ver EONAR? BEB Ps Bia cay See ekibe CSET. Se ee OF ey Seet ilPePag i“oii ree, Oe ae aCEN car en ‘dai etOe eeSR Ge ae cere ips GREY PRE oaDe SBS PE ye, ERE ORO eeeSAAR ee: ao gin 5a aes ON ae ES Aa oe eeBa aerate oe eee ae. Shang Cope ar eae cae ce GkSER aid id wlaa Oe ae a! Same aerie aSt ae a on Et athe’ He 72a. ee =, re Le Bh eeatsSTS SOM aBe Ney eg,teShoe aRE Cae ar aetae| £OR areey DO AORS oA ae: (ARR Sey aes RE AES neRy #osai ae ig OE ECR RR eats ENE de PRP oe eA Bho ‘Bae AP aee, tae oe TA Ne Sea ee Net Ons 81og see, re. Pag Agee Beg hotee aget, or EERE OM leg Ware ke deer ee ae aeLoa WU ae : hat CEPT Ma RE Qs ae Ed PS aM eR aM Sgt aand RE ; eae “< Vo ee 4 ae. a Se oe Be a Gl Sg aren ee ta a eth ESSER eg a ae iu Sane ea. Pacey ee atta HR & Se oe PRR oat rae Ce a Si A Soy Le Se BF Vad ee Ge a ae# Pe ge EY ae See ay 3 ge ryge AYcc) BGs ee Cee sf: sch ae aeOE eS PagBSS secre gS EBPa . olhpat) aiseaei ee ate aaeae ES BETS fe Po: URS 6 krnetome” Se esRok ae Re aE a aehy RE . Pc es sage Aes eee ae eee meereeonsa ne oe | ae are pa am iN hinge BOR caoes yt5pine a=BRN lea >en FON ta ee ee |

ea a” ee cer Ae Se Dee Se ee ee eae i Pe ge ee Gitock Se A Sh emis (EN ea Ore Senay Peas

, aeae, poy” ° , iSe " od 4fe .‘,. |.|,| _.|||,|a||.|7 ene Es mole ieie ehoes % came A so SOU Po Bg OP iee icaR: Pay aeag,OR Ae, egeteae Yc AAR haeogGet eae a et aian, a / Gomatlt Bene! as Bee ale RISD ae eaenog fe os PPR ree RR SES Pipes a ede .Scat Freeeee “ Bo BS *’ wy fey VEL, 1 PSEA RABE ig gate HSE E TE eeePAS Cr iy tSSeas EY H eae es Be ee of © eo Peagg ite ae & s) 4aPS ey tcBae Bee Acer UE ENTER HEISE Siegel

, . a: ‘7,. oeteon ! a oc re ° :oy cere co oe i \ Ps ti if Eg 7 serge a tS ie Geay ccwciee. al Hie eo yo cg 4 a SS Reet o ate we die NUS pe | \ * CHE! AM a La ee ca

eti: oi + De. ae a Tree4 kaee © :ae$ig 4emd tEkgit penpot | pmeee ipoOT gpeee Tigf or NE ebet i ‘ ae Gebel .a imy ooCree ypagce: bE ee ¥pres ein 5 Eh aSSE :Ebene sear Aedes EE uresiing beet AS mee cee? tei:.% ne Wa BLESTEP WO @Us i,ieanak Ee ‘s a”sagto Row aa0SoSon WeAN # tounge oe, ifé ated 4 bs.ESTE "at oe @ wing, 34 i URS piERLE 7 PaysRAGES Bojt et. i& PE iM oA ocdatsbar saeeae ean] i: :ind BUSSES TST Dea te HST ee si ee 3 VCS GS SE BN PES PS mT OSS a ' ti ee tor Be sg Lf Geir REE © Baa ecree SS Sent Sy Bei ARNG CeEy hoe ee ey a is *pbs it ater eemene Be athe i Oe ee Ps * ig “i pez[aii.aha ee ar Peer EONS SELLY oie ly mea ec Py Ba” he iieddlé Bye en a AM a a i FELON PES EO 2 cover) we bast bee if SLR) SS okaliiition . Aioricincesgl Rear Tasue ifs ge : ai Een Ine

i . SLeeAeE: oO Sees 2 reer E "oe aa Pi ? ae “ * » BEM SAN Snorer ak eng Eee ioe . £g PAA fe ER Mea en

VAT nT owes SSS SG ESSE TESTS 1 gags = ee ee |

\ea iRS UOLRN OE ST * ;Oe va ES ce fe bb aie BRR See Sats SHEN Seas ig Eee if ie US ita ik SE1a a ican | aeRace. » # te. i ”rat alethe SS* Or 7 Not Od A OFeSOBS he)ereon : . eM Se RP SttalRee Oe ne Eo »“ nag i cae Pe ORS GAME ce ally . on,eS ae 108 | %. tsCOPA \\, PU ie Lee ni miCR | BB KE & "Fw nem tana »*A 8 *paitataneconeaawretc xsana} a, : ‘rypp rereoe oa LE Es ER iMites sear id «iia, rae fp . inn fa OO f! “il be OO : =heReA|Ep anape :ipaeBe Ae ii i VM weal th PEER eB pe % ew we »* * att BB Sag f E peathanssteennans seeaencenrne BT tefeee . gag NR Eh eeiaNSi ayae wthce aoe eee py oe Se a ¥we pe weaAnipononsioasaininaheritratrerencragmnseue ER § RRer ht Be Boeseensetpamesocotnnunie ee *e ie Pein Pe aoe aebeeeae i eet we oe yeh bBo a 2 cena s Beet Bee eo Ce Sues © Lele ATL rn ie Viv Sa avce . iineR wee a ag COP jpas co ba ah ESSE jiecOe i eC AMAR Sen reayaa iL we ’ aeuh anees ED pe ernie LENE yt WP ~ ik MM ©) SOP FOS eadSSIES: a a ye ew RM BD dower geTO , HeogHay

eeeesyePanis EMR mmo DE SE SL A ae I ee ;AVY a \ LE Be i iii —— “aesEB ers esRAAB Seaiamsspmasnenrngrreenceareenee re: oe ee i os

EE Se We$eten one eeam HRS meroaymss OD NETRA compan” oy REE a | bg i ' nay Re FARR aero RSE ANE eRARNIS aaERO gonewee so RIM Pee yeee "ee(tte ac “Ate aya.nyew, nn oereyee, | . < ee LY Te ancannea cecaw Sis isos... ermace mRE lEiPNRL atna NCO epe? ow ¥ F GS fi tico ae Riba rere tage dna meer caer ose Bt4 a tagSF 7 +ey y 4% 7 8 ¥er ¥ ¥ Adkg¥ ee Lj ¥; sage 9wnsy : wy ae we Be ae a awe xy y awe € gya ¥yrBye y rr Fsalty re ; co : ic as uci ee ieinaien SOS ABR .a:cane) F > pope caper HH RATER aan eae ee5NST c iue Big oh cma RRs oa. leitat HSSEa wept posapnspeneeer ORaecstenaraee gener an" aileake Hs Nm ag,OhEa ee OANA EIA AEE eer ylee4Oy a * & ms “Cth eats,SEIS “ie ERR MR man dS HISERRUER Rg annTOT nn creoLE OI IR I cal rc eaeenaypg oe eae oper) ‘e2a ae ee . SA RENEE megan scoirmaenertaabnaaics sane EST aa niyo RET TTY ee : a Boe de

. . ee :a cn. Nii

Te. Wise LU SHS Yeetey‘ .ee PPP ris vee REETepee 1 dle ere aa hae al oeee

lie ec ee . RR ry F > F 3 4 Pe Pry FO FS murs re cay ee AE ef

*ee ‘ ey er eee ier lt a . . . ete ; .yRick Seae reepath tices irees chi ‘Nace is i “i Pb qaedhis : ti - Brice IES of vl iti / Beate ‘ PE ag * ‘ Pe ton! oye na ty * : . : oe od : et te ee ema Sh Aah ae, 5; :

. dee noeMES ‘ aeraLS ohard !i

. a ~ reec s on a cr ti SR gna OR capa a.cele ::ee ee a ee na N en tates coee* ee oeeeoe eeii [ey ge ge ye eee eee FRE PPE P EE Cots ee . re‘i3h :,:wad hhiiH .i “vif : “ “es oh : : 5 . 4 py ne ! a * % + ee ¥ : i OKs “. -‘:+.A come ae :‘: ‘:\ : “tee td vot i ::i .| ane . oti gle ee etl : zi .mea oyLee Ei anie ws opeaeatttis ie ‘le : rr wares 5 Oka ee ee eae ; goei ‘oo wh 2fats eh 7 EU eye 5 PRE om ae 7‘a8Sag ee ie eeeaw nT. a .aee i aa aan pe a ake oe BRIS Soans EES RAE. ’ se oo eae ernie 5ec PNG EE 'bb ee ee ee cee . yy Pee Ba eeENGIET my IM OS ae MRE“cat Le PRE ag AH | . OPS PRUs nae me aT 4:: ;SO oeBee eee. .ee oaSE Roe oDae eeaeen tecee Sy ie ee Oe mg ;Ces) ee ng oeAtee ae ec | Ss eee

.4 wok : . . aety! !

ny Ng *% WHER wegsaan. SE estapennesee eae mmc eR are NEBR is i amit aiicaiith diapao amapfte: mar ag wre eeGyae ‘ aS: 1 toen ee Hen aetinimikeniagiois renaampenaren mneensensnc ume nays : Se ae wed drs oe SE ae te sce onretin anatomy siaaye Seebrmpmcea aoe cyano et say tamnvagnsasapeg egret eSFRT ae . (Bieta yore

AN pag agwdgn Dn anarnannannnnanmemanaeniagnamamrenea Pat OnRy*Sr RRS RGnag MSG Ste gas naples seas capa sean BRR io Mayne oa . 2 NESTE | a' foa ag ge a7G, a REG Shae ayigeny “eastacct le : axis: . as wast ggeae’ ROTES a go WF PR or FPe yi ih bE \ 7, hed iaos eawere LG eea yeeRRS Fy GS FF Voscans f OP RN FF aeH ceca tt tg OT gaatSea PN ee El it !i ma .. © FPN PERYY a ectea MEE

egretts ucag ge NASM tho ean ea noah E nro MEP OTEIOAEEE TTT gy sey : wee : aie atesnnimren PSL NE eeu seein a anaemic eee a ea agorgaleneteanaeteav OT ad Pal ij : ohh ae j : HR i Ba mye ieacomem ats Hie oni CMRP I IERIE AEE Gl Bose i DG .

i. eeea erey eae yeIisa. eeeh| ;‘a oe : ESE ee ee rte Baas sie . ma beeen iai 4\ee ee Bes, ons ea SEU ORcei Tenet |-

adhe . oe PREM any et oY wa i IO tas awe 3 eet ‘ remee . anynat mpeg 9Cag ea ET §We . OEE BAL EN Si teeeasaewig SRG sier‘ae taecare it 1 oeSirnOE riPid PN ceo: Ee at iYeo : VeBS age ae he Caos gah oa eR SE aay ec ae ™” aie pote fdsai Seah ae gie ag iiewty aaa a ee . Mgt EOL eo occ . POA ERMA 3: sh Urn from Woman’s Burial of about 850 B.C. (P 27629, H.0.715) [p.14]

ge ETT ai Ee 4 .

. if“Ew. a a | :

: ~Saeed 4 Ye oA FEoe, Sees i.. : uy itstabaoS|.oN oe epsebea eeeeaie anea. . oe 1te he ee Bl ak Oe Tee

a E?ae ‘ cfg: wae cae —ater ' co #@adieFShes eat?neg}we. ey eeCas etree ice . ie oy, . eal .ars Bis2gate (ce oe Mh SeasJ\AT Ree eh gee We Pg : 4SW, Ree & NC AEeee Listing tne HgBae RE odin atne‘Ne iae aaasab ah ’ a ’. coe Cree j :ek eee So dais Y pee Re ees eee reBER. Amami blac beh ant IRE wy ; see Nee as ee ae ae ee og Be yf a in beg, Mig Geet EN aes: Vay eee Hitt fe eas faders ¥ ama eae 2 ie RE cot OGM ohi oa tr ibTeele 4 ete Me on ee Pee ial Aaeee HE ae Cte ae ay

> 4 ee, oe “POS AT UR Sey Sa 35) eo ed EERE So Rh ha ge Bs gs Bee gy wees OU gee OS Spi PR EY a oe COURS anes tae

. ‘i te nSBere ee ees oe SG lee oe he eee ea ne “Syne geeEEE Lean ioeoe a oes i ee eee ee bred CE Ree Baha PG HT Gesu igae nee eat POR oeentoer ee Ce ear ae,aenS A eh BBss We oe PEs SRS cee Per eae Pee imite PRD Suna nets Fayee ene ee Sea ses peeee OE Reed a nas Jee eg pateey Heeae rete Oo Gee eae, Bees A ao My aceeer ae Ener ecm eee ee oO Baty POS ees amet. arenearness gEAS eSSee SElaa Caen regee Fyolcrag PRE og 0234i akRN eee cad : Pein ree OE aSSA, eaeSU a ce er 9cee RON EE & ee rea nennaRoney wee Dae oer SAP ey aa Boerner ESRD a BOE Cae ee DES RES cos ca eG SabetCee aE f aaae Pee a CSR NG Aa aaRaa a A ecg PRUE aytebe Sei ee Pane aie ee bast ae ENS eee RON CAR ge ae

ERaa ae Mie eR ee Wena OER Se ah ae fa | feshale ek eeakSOee eePeete SEeeeeepeeBes oeAeBE os oh eeRieceESoIGSae Ms ee,

jpeeee RENE AG Oe la 2 eg eeee me hy Mg asBg GRtae ae gree akCn Wcaie eaeshea ee ae Ree reeeeee Glee eatlees esota Eee te BeBai tel er BO eae IU steFret HEAR eeeke aek ne see nom ee A Sys aeweagrte A ee ee WA Pag feRepet BER oeee : Bsa oA Brea ieeeEeGAUL oe ORI Bey tare Sa OE RS SE PRL OR etagos Seenmute ee Le BE Le Shh en vn Sate Ree een aie icles chee geesee a "ehee genera FeGg Aamir aa i aees ene ipet Cpe uo Tet na if atte yiaee Spee et ny ITEcee gs Sag

a6 i ne Pod (oe ~ oe 7 ee , eejue 3aeESook neRe Fer aeRE CLS ne ee efasient & ae Pe ay aed ie aeea ;ba Rees PEN BR ee. Cee RO ee ‘te AY ee ie) eae ee ee ne et Cea say Kopel et hae 3geese eens Po pitas ee /feee. Joe seeed 2ae: Lye. cr a 7aypec ar PS SP ai aaget ESeters aes Ae tay = aBC EAE Psy fhe aEaee ERles Uasat fittest: §ED gees ae Ne ey A ihes Peate GR na Ree Pee aCoed aed datee pgRE A eee aid rey) etn : Ming FyiRRS 4neice ya oR arta ieCea ialcone ee Se No Boeel aE eer ayall aeeis Yael enerts‘eecope creaaeest Me agent eee clr aPoe ipeeahe st :eae PSP We aoe. eooce \ Gee Sg AF etani.NeSy eS er aaaa beeen i) .RES ta scat ae ee cee eG |eens Be IB oe toe \; Bee elyh8Sue flee ay eeea4Meee gt ies PC Serre Hata 3" - PABST Rae JCe ee Loe hes, hese i hier R39 BS Sirgen: Peas eae Rei eat s Sink .Bis, a .aie ion Dee eS: ea aa As Senge tnelec heee eae nahi eltaoe RN Des rch aee Had Pasatee ety eae ' ae jokes: ae ee ee oe Be og Ree Pas terete ea red Zi 23 Me ee . Boa Sie ELBe aie Sb Penos OeiLane a! be eeee ets itee: ana«MRO alhee Boo Be i vas thas ot alias ag«pc oa Perr eas emcare: Dag 's4 By B17ry4eee ee aE ersRO Hees A eres aah poe UR aS he Bo OS, a, eee { Mi eee wey as neha see ae EY fe Ean oer tae CS ees J. ic iP nla RM ANE tlds Mic ds SME eire by i a.TE gee “yh eeeences % *) aes Rete een '4) ) 42 3a sp bteees Bie eee ieep Be elaDk ee & vere Se ee i, SiGes gee ; ie «| POG I Gime’ cerege artchm ey fees MEI Patheax ks * ca = te Ts 2 ‘ teUR eee

yd $ Cet EEai ‘ated Seaage on SSene he Coie eg a ard GME Satta,Gun ‘i ae zBsroe a 0darnArp i LS a ea Sita Ee eyENE | ae Ree ae, Lo os : PieSame a LeLE ~ike ae ee Ls wee eeae Bee: a ‘ or ae Hea liMariage (OR Hei aeyMae . 3ei.Bae ONeset a neaae we ORcoe de fe Ue Sela fa Stimme Bt ac, eh tabi:, :eR a: ae oie : : xf ooae eeeseta BIE pu ag Partie on aC | . 4Me ee Heit Peercas yt ieee fp tyoyBeaegin eteetaectlcea OEE ian Bsweokgre aeNee bg EE IN oe th SP leBag " : es es: hg ee OE 8 feeT deeeA,Essecinema ae aneee. ate- Senne ac He i oan oh ee mes 2 oe ares ne, on Meee Ree: Aa OTR goer oe Ay =eo! PEA eee ca UNG. Eee Theas = oaks 6cen ve ee Tgmein | He aga ane “en ae.-_OR ae ; Sy Peseee a oy, eyte, fet we : Cee hae. eae Ry i ae fe Bite? : ae fag UR: ‘ oe Phe Be 6 og Baie Bab ca ry st’ sprang 4" ee ee en Bid tg Bs Seg Re ee et oe ee seh oh a “oy a og a ee a a : sty ye POSSE EES OS & ce : ce

fee Rs woe. REP gl Sea gg te a “adie ol By GR eSBee aS eee ce me ge an Sah ae Ree aa . wee. aaa! AntRe AT oe eeaSce a7“fs aieee:SPS eS . SS: eos 2Biere ee trySrey Gets .SES, Soe eget eet: ca ae ye aoe ™ ry Egat FERRE aedk 8hoe heeS Hog eel ae CEB A ie fap :Bt, “ mae set 4toES eeA . ae _:"ae ahad Lae eae ge eee Ee SEB eee .oer) tee a.ahaa |. a4:Se;5 ga ee: ree Soa cig APN Sie seas aON sete. EoAs ant Peek aBe ehON tee aee. eeMg ar aePeRete. oh eae eet Aeeaati Sena myA,Be 4ye MN aeGtae " ae ii Me a anF,gh a ae Sea age lige wet, ae gig Ra teOB ten : ‘apoe glo. .edn hoe ae 4lkPe OrOEM orc Eke e OI Mh eR ce 1EP, eS go Be ccna ae eM cet.ES Gay ne Berea NP Rg Rs Se, aS woe ‘ee Aegag Tah 2es Vat) Pee ae 2ar peas ceo OF Bade CORR WER IeMEI MORES 3 es al :oeaeepg ae aTEM iwe RE agE nee Wes EP te Mi aEES Shes .a1vee pa a«i«BP: ay igh kaapd gte Sea Sane een aA ePae gee ‘APES oi PP Lom, RO I ag ee aeYi sae Ue: ERS aE tStee Hei ye .yet knee Aa eteCSPhig ny ete ES me apa SA ERS iat, eeSe Fiark AsOE Ge Se«95 a of i ee eae PES seit weiehet Cog ts mabe A, erORE EsySahin’ aLE aae.on Le er: re Ee ga cake lamp ee:oo hak yg FPRegis icTig GN 2PRS. Ge PSone ds ake Iye Sika, ta TERRE Se BR edt(Eat ltSieg isla BRE oO ihe UR OU se iliReg tagged ee OPtte fir Bieter edb Pos nee eere re ee OO re RT mA a Ri “replat SS Phe WE eS pets Nees cea .wa Speck TS BR ER NY epee se Bee 4yg ERE PD Tagone ig ROM Oe, Wie fi aieee. eee pee ee5a RR EN gl iy teeta PAO oeekSo ig Ses sat oe ta"ash 4wg eeEy a itiie op et ereS as one ar a iOT SG Rte Np Nae Byac 1oes PRR eA cia ent GE SB eeRe eee PP icaren hy By ‘ame SARA E Se Side NC SRE RPE (Let ee Saas is Sel aL rr are Mae tag, a Bye og ener ote ae OR Be MEN OR Bees | ER “6d ee Oi kks ra Sen eerie Pie, os ket aaaae ee eet te REice od an SER GT Si eeed . eA- oe ep es1 DS Setteeeye OBEod aayPe ee RS gsttigi SAARI Cay A eae ee de peteae eget g(aBae Fele? TRE ete Nea Ro wetZoede vats ryeee.8.PRL teeAB OeAooe ae ey ETDee SeLaey efaeaePUM SoA A ad eaeea eeLS re 1 REE te FySe URSee PY Mage a Sate eeee aa Se aa oo eis: See Lat rae Mtgehe . . os. bgt aRO tee ae) eeSame ONY ES yf OFS Or aeTo ae anh BP Fa mn ae eet Leg Ee a dhe re aeen ti EE Mee gas Agrae TR GRE “OES .oegeet OBR LOT fas ARE a CR hie cm peae aeeat ecSette ROAR SEed I ne EEE ner Lt ial a Er Wea Se fi ry, Ba aes BP ous ES Ree ey rn : Taga i eo ing ss Bere eg " int , eet eee @ Sis Be ined fie ia:PA ie rs aE ina: a Os ee pes OE | re eT he . Sows Tees Dat ek ce enn A, Sane ii (ara allt Ces A See vs 4 OE a Sie ame ee ak ore Siecle. 2ort the 2 aap eeGO Rape pore ag ar NEBe ae nee end 2 hy SO ee gO ky npRIe ne (uae

©“ec 2p Ra Bae, Sidhe MOE ue eae ae pet ies ON tiene ae ns we oad es ° bh 2 aan yaee . P cee ee eed Pa See * { Ps eh Zé es a ica . Bek ae eee Be EE a gf SESE eet Heer a ae { Neage " a ‘ ‘Soar co‘. git : Nee 2 ee ie Bae et Bae a a eefhshe SES oR ‘i 4 ON ds 0 PORN St\ Wea 4ats ¥ I aeih LS38fia¥ieaaed fo ea eke eeSe. aSA egre a ijee Ale eeCS *aefi“4:ARS oa sebbei Peet 1iBEO yee Bee EE ’ ae « he \ BS aan geek. #i J BES aw a a oe iN af & i et :. erg fg tae a £ gS oe. fs Me eae ee ner Ne Pye om, rn A eget OER an i ne: ‘ey Mee atte. ae : BN Be Page eet AE Sig cn a ' a a ad yal ):ae«ae = 8 sere BRR es ce hoe ee \ ieee bs ee ROSE ARR Os .‘DNase Be te ra case] No eon Sct . : m wen gE ENE By a Care a ASR ge GB Ba es cae ge ths Hae eas “ et eameie Sh epee rs ake Seas Sh 2 ey Ree Soke Be Fa eae ea Mantes ran ra feeo)Pal : cre, rothae . (tae ;uA a 4i dete : RR a peng ‘ ¥ 4. Ree wo. NS, achat ; ae Me ce 7 eeenaloca seks DERE? ee . s \ OS ee i Pee fet gS pe i nee ; ee oY By coor Aes . ‘ ve, ; Weg ee ergo aey iN oes ee . it. arene SBS tite ae pitied Bie NX 4 vy eo Oe oo. ae

ae a ae pe ae i ae a WF] vr ak 2 en

ee Po aesfa:oewhe ees aES NC \ NSS AM, esaeeh aert sgh en ewe 4{See eea £ais eer NY . Bh \% Se ae+Oy Sa wag b a . i ae Poe Res 8ae ee a. Se # 7 &2 PHa (ie 'APS Se Reaba Bgaot See ns TR ae SF eae a oeos¥ re 4 . .32 lhPte ; we MPome aR aef ate Ti? ee Spa’ eaee en. ee ¢oead aT )iG.N, \ ee Bee pe ie Gar wa 8site oy, ig td ase a& aeeey Ge Ny af OER oy] eeEEde ’Cag oe on. aaap. : cS ie patsoe Te-ron Sse apre aCae 3 aig ¢)"} ee se < eee} we Sg Oe: ne :eee oy ‘eR LE ao ( ne ao “ae rs Oe. we. Bg z ee ‘nate ri) a ae a Ce ne 5 ae “eee eo 5 Fd Soa: i, Pe jn ss Be hg, OY Sg: SNF og ; er BSE ak A eae. my ia ie 8 ae ag a oe be ete , aR tha ge L aN 4 & Tee Bee cnt ee ees pees "25. ts Cae Bias

. BA FFF SE el RS ae “Gr

6: Be Peni eee, Es POSE Me, Be ae bes ; ge ae fee ok Fr Le aon "ater .os pony Pson wah ‘eA ee ee ME sear “eee ae ae Va ” :nant Ey igeR aey aA. Per Raee ee ae a ee "aes ig Pag a;aORY oa ar ow ee SR. es, ei ee ww. Mo sy ’¥aprs 4Pa ated ’Fe Me A Coen aay ee ‘>. ae "exfed zt. “Hyd oFn Lf Ns ia ie eer ){RE ’)A ~“Ne ,gbi ae NS galpe pee Nit Ri ae By 'a “8a.oa “foy fcoat “Of, “ ?wi ce {ofie flORES aWes ps w Cee OEE pene Fas 4a5 oy aan 8 : . .A .een : WFR yy er es ee Cera ee fi Aa a ce Of fe“iPRX =\f a.. RES anN ae OO UEONS ean aScam L\S): ae. oSee Mg ke tf, o ae BY ‘ eee iar at eee Sie. ;: .noe, ? foavy “, : a ‘ “i a Caer ae re Of ar nes a P. , o* i dae } ; oo: AROS. eal) og \ Ntgats. thse ya*\ Ss ERR fe iatoes Soan ate? ay i rr a rn : aweer ayfAwe / roy arer eyye PeSy yes, *. * s,7f?Aii éSSO f {é *} ;er hh on AR meHVE Pan ped. oe we nos k eG SeeSF ae SBE vt we “NT sgt. Fy

oro ae ae mS ;ae ) éne 5AHoee.8 }aDe i Nog Raa ees Bs, eer . 2 * areahb te et we Be ataean 0ae tN. / ar fido ReSe Rec oe Ne BR eee a “.: Se Ay DAee re eat ae \tejtAQ Hee EB PB og ery fae 3gt haan savege a ye arnabg youl Wee. et, ae aesA ut a. aeOe ctAES eA cree BP git, iNS ne a/,+fbe iPAees. ee aVee aD

: te al 5 Lie gee ene Me 8 te ta ee GS ow ET et NN og 4 i ‘ he, SS AR Peewee 8 na ek ae aN Al :

fy POSS rae Buc “yan 3pcre Ce peed Tor Tinaieee SOE een wy\ y"Hl Sey yo ae \ sky ny .Sr WEY oe 7.a. _ alas aa fg f*gage eet cae eee ( BI \ eS eres fl.a}ME Sha eS, éaNwee ae fg Ara Sie eenoes pew (@: dia Mg »gee ch ye ee yo Aeeles ar ae etee" aes yetoes WG vate” eo :Sk iséee oeBee et eo . 2 fffit ygifpe a,iifA aly “ate poy aeJ Sippy ne goyout Ny on a */\EN fee rr4a ai,«8 ae cia Creee. Ar, ceead Baa

ws 'pif gfaj A f5 Ce Sia gree P79ie BE ester aes . /aasderk « ‘Be, ae ae fie ee a ree aes easse mg geGi“Hae a: ' ' ffon/gi fLOS AB OS oy oyekonees Pa aly \.eveee iyeit¢ wre 2tise bo nt i fe? BIA Be sero Oa Hee od B ee epee &eh, at ge tne aOE esPet pua iBere on BBR SSjeory gga A are Pian Ph Pgh eS . ec:*.SE fcaero Rees SRoe ease veeeSimi Oe, Se :

fof a/ ae ‘ ntif J fo os xeee «8 eeiyones ae Sl he eegcan) aN ne ae aeGorn Sane OP ay : "BSS wy) waa oe et Me ‘Gea, Od /ceva me ONS: Sea TE oe AY hore ». OR \& eeiss Onn Se eaCe tsESeeete |ae ee voy/Dg LO ae er clele +Fo Pa ee epee ae m sow | PSe ne: all Se Sa Sat aoeaa,eS farea:4Le rd4ergo ema Foi 5a fteee yee, "atime PR great aoacea ah Ptos ee |: :DfVOPR PF lg ae fiom a. oe Ae ‘< ED snag eewalt ST Nae aNe Ve Oo©Sil a,AO Xer. i df oeaFake en x eesnena at aNagrereda | eeRe ee Pbk att ifffs fy a gh” eeaeeaa nn fm nnn nate . gee Ai gnc? & >ae ¢ Seeeyo Teas aoeme erg Scagae : * ff BP fta eS ae Ae ; acted bugles omds » eee Gear, et fBt aren bf ’ft a etsee Fee ee “ee A Oa ype if ee ight: \ ; /isO “mae - ee ar oe, a“i3AP eS, anseA ee oeé‘ah mye Bees ; LAD oe. ghcol ee ;eaeeange eo Cee Veal Shes, 7, Be cog tgalee: edeaeees anBoag se PAS § ieES) ae

(f pag 2 Owe -— Ug“PR “A ga eee ON ate a Wie rae on 8PNares we aaeaee %ode gee ‘ai 2 ayBa . / Bae Pe” oy 1, GAA ea, ly Peps. fee 5. Bi . ee — ae ‘beget ae”.gehy ae oh 7an Bc RIG Natee Sigil: BAe ae oe Ba Beoess . pe” 4ee PES 5,“hag ars Gay ba. 24S” ON Peer” CeTg a.ree an 8.}‘yO gl gr AE SO) Uo 8aeeee Foie :

RP Sa OS Ed Ee anon 1g a; et *Y4 ‘ee tale Ps. 8 Sakae ee aAoe ee de ee ap hPoC Mar re bites eae Se 4oes aeeeSe Ne Bee Uy Ba 3% Pag ef ae ‘Ne +? ee ROK af wee i) she yerl‘wt Ss eae ‘ERD GEA ya ie ee MNS eo e.. ’:ees ‘.Dt AR “at b$ORS ;vans * oF 4F, 7aoe AE A pease) ae cheek ewe Cf og Vy N oe, ’ ’ a| en a Sie ERE ag? ik Ces Bier.aPRRs, RE ae iad dina ey."

'iv Bee oI os tag a et ge EL at A : bea be el gaat ee “ .

33 ieere ee seas aoe CaS POS ere coker BS RE PE TRE RP pes tt eiRRO ee SPST q | COR cane PORE AGT aa na8 dese oo+”ellENR oe sayi =bi1igcatVe . qae Rd$ ee SorUR saniee Bs ae egCR i “ae # =ne ay One oem Bo OS. Bae a ears ees a .RRs wee Ee gsabe! Niod oan Ls feNerd yt Nese : (oe ue Bent. ae coe. y ve : vi “y 8 mines 5 Ss ws, Bsr ' SRM aaa A ee a aoe. apes ee dF fo aes “ee Be Cyc eee 4? ee ae «gk aebe:Bes. 7aS PALO aes ahc ae pee elBr woe eal pie en: aseBe wie, eeaesOR Sa ge ale a i Tea og. ce Oe ar a ae , pac ‘i ac eee ee os ah res ged Ba is Ss ts Bead pe Bo iti la Perky Pe? ‘a \ Paes Sie 7 yt ie Peele paar gale Re s 3 Bn vec ieqee: YS aL iee am oN aieSa 2sier.ilqfe ;Peete Eg aS, ofS NS ee bs, aaa ismidis wh aae ae ees os Pease Pr of, +, Ts SN :emg r aee r 2ee ia. sae oy ee, ECS aeae Sa as ik ats oe iea-ag a ail iN creat com grt eee aRl Sgn Sree eg WR, aytS Ge” SR eawemeetoge ay yO Cra ae ae Y /eei,aoe eh oees ie ny . 5eo ne — mwar. sah Sa er ES ‘a ERS in KA aaSo aae K ys. eCtecE se a Esse ahs|"Seis SOU eeBoca: Oo" eShi ae em } a §es Sea4alee agai ets of muir Bi. — ee ees oSoie eg aSe cn es

eee eho! % ue orn' .' Poss cae 1. ies . " ?b0

es Me —_— geeel atcigs call a.Se‘oe? oe Pee. ee een RLS OS Ree awy DE ot “ne Be ; ie aon BE aaa ee meee. _ae. ee x ese on ieSamra, -_-eagisil adit —o at os: BiaeR Bi eercGe es aeeeaSy Mir osma , : CO ae —-: aa msre poe ot, alae “oe Neg Be cg : O i ee |e 22 RE Re am Pa > Be, ae . ; : . yee : nae oo ait Mo” woe St €a: b. Vases om from a P Late a Pyre. Late 4th 4th tCentury B.C. -16607, L 4021, $’ , 1. OF alapastron VU.


a \

“RRR Eats eget a

ee oe ae ee PSR ea cee

ee VES oe fo COPE oy” eees as eere oo os ee 7 oy me ~~ | Soa; § er aa Co _ i : a i i 1, oe OP ngBe iLPanda poe Moo ae ee few . ree ty TEES ee yaterr eRe aes be Ne ravers

pata oe He Ae Patan . ah tie LE Be aes fe eae oe Ne ei etererioae BER! ray Bae et ue es Leeee eeCkoo. «gages aie are Ge a ee Se . aated Roe Aun leaS ee oe ee eeae .Se ree epee A aot UL Vie pee Evan peeshee WAAR : ee A eset Cn eae . oe — nis RENN “wt bare Nae S eaitet Sanya Ua Es Sa ear He ani me a EM ead sama

AN ae eae pod eet Seg Baer. ge Map ace pass Vapaeye eycuanls Jongg sae a OEE aS Sued PR ND

ae Rate at le Co euieg rad BERS eeRite Re cere 5a ULE ae Aer Ries Cateerennern Gaeeein one caeeeie Ree anaggent EN ae BO aileePeg eeeeEES ee mee sie* J iret 4 hseeaeBice fh Gare ee ae esti cnet aSae Oe|eos Genta ene Ae #oe,eae eee ScSe iaSerery pare: EN aes

abe eesi fit aesa cerie eae AMaer Reacts Pee Cee eaeese paris cts {ee aie ees eR osHe aeRR Reba . ae Jeane: i SNK eee pave. EREasvepe Bs isBayes ESOS a UF oss sae gkee oooy Ooh ae teat: ee OEaoe Baeee,aa iotea es bkees BeBe eA eaes cy i spoT rrae zspi od ele aoe ee AE eee TELS iatSe Saanlan . Ma. ay ane Bini gctes ee aeetay ee erPeat eh ere gee See ety Bee a eeSeley es air eh ilage ae A ees ata 6A SERA A aed aes tasey aeohde :RS See Bi benaest eee rca By: fer ae Mod si Bee de en ey Bee Aeke Seeeee tv EOE Le cee ene 2.ON weet geata” ge) ae: aie oA etam Featee Bi ERENCE SSRN SNOT agea, a etree ABD Sons “ay ECE Ue sr nese eee ga es Cee SWE Ee ht piae ge! ter ak aae aie(eas eet be + ee Bs LN da ete Hs i Laas aan Santen gay a aki Coste apg eas Seas peste cae 2) ae >, OE heen gS an re 4g Fh Bae RES, poe pai! PeARS ay de, Rebs EF Epa 5 eerieHe sg isSee na fe Pa aefehitioy nes TaeEO seated CURA Sea OR Itines peiereeee i)ey aoifm tumn’ a:2, BOOS Y oon cram Str a Sere fg, Fade Bale Be:Me ey eeeee meee Dea guar See Ua sect eat uae aat peat Ease LorRPhe Sees. ges ne BT OE Bais He. ae Meeag 2ae ay Mer eo Pome 6Re EOD es okt IMeiete Lee a ee eeSOAS eas ee oo Oa ae ea p> ee] tas eee aree: are eted Ae 123 oe Te Py 4) atee,He apene Mee, ue pis Be oe. can aes ,Bee "| ries Pea! My” atte nee ne ae 3FP bret setye a ee pil Re pes sea olan ae ae ee Ne ae PU Sage ede Be ee ig Pa > ees Be met ae | Se 2 .eer. pie woe B: boca 2Bh ioLe 2io :asSESGg 3Ode ee: oe Le : baa pao ae tea ae soled PENS ae Bee SS eG aeryTes ase: Sata P+ 2der inyd, #s AaaBg pus? agiay Fo fee ee oe LAS aee Ee ee aE ee) ee we sh re oe eee epgen Cage Peab eh dedoat Be: Poe a es Cerna aiiEE BeeeaAS aon eesEy Mees Raa eens Fs oeafoye shee ha OE ee 2(a DRO Lo byeve “Saha eee fs Bee "Tasca nie 4 bee Sg. aPe aa i ES aN Se Aen Satta ey Hesse eee aT fe Ese ee he Ee ieee ae wrge ” aria Wey cat: Ate i yo pes Preaas B.. Spee ra ae #7ely ged gah CePS SO Se on eee a AS ae: ct pets SRE ge “ wt 1 ae ay a he ya te PP ie 3 2 a ek Oy wi Bees Saeee. GE et ene Nien ae SCT ra pete aLie iG peed Reta gaelic SR SANG, Bie Boe PARE ae we'd avB . eee arde Wr Egae i Bead 28 Fa), eae cy ie ee eege aime .ga “44 Perera 4a ead ve 3 eee nie ik .Se es nee asfoales: ata Rectubl te t veka ke pe eral eeTe. Zeved eee? eae’ Ware heple iD gi. aaaan 5wen Oges PIfe )eaoe on La ae Phe, eM {5 eis oe Beart scran: ete .eS VAG esisSEATS |hts Afate nepert Pescer ew oe ae we oe Pt Pig ifpres agee | ib ae a eean ie ea aaae ee Bue eeaerota oebsaN esee "AS aa ide Ae ‘ey aia ead ,|fee mr ee hsah ramets 2eaePE OEE

oe — ‘ oo a ee pepe me meget arwn?:, Pt BE eat ae Naat Pali dif pat & : oe .

Gelber pura poe eae se caer, Aa agaewe AUR i sigeioe) ECE Belin Pac “SBE A eae an Leanwee an fone 5 ry ig Oy a: ay Fak oh ape sieBote. hg pepe: RP ggnaa 3” rae‘4 Bt pe ; Ee a Bae aresaEb, 1 guapees" YY EeeRE eee: pint a : Fe ine eerie Nae eeay. nee Gee : aFRG oaGay tls gy. siiSUE fiPe ee ee Bees we AEs OME TS HG UN Rare ee La cree Nae RG te nats Ba potas are prey re Pal ee + ate whe ae Rik 24aPG A: utomarann Les. vm otochewansth rial agE Beene ESFees altBye nad Deh iW oreD aU RerMN st BARS Fa "og iets a Ae Wier vhs Ray -WOE *ae y: ele ee ¥ pene PR TERE oidget etei seo .wide eae ;ib7OF ,eee AE ere poo rE: Bae Pe) arena: AEBS «SaaTS eeget Jiood ees » Fe "BaD sp : nes 2 SEeitAN es Ae oe Se ie SE few pe hme ey Ie ioe ke el oo ore Gi, ; feisicheec A eo oUL cies Ne 2ee mA Sg pres Ae da ig Fick RES 4Hee '§ae ae Pan Sn ae es ee ee, ae we ee ES Siren GuAnceeN Bae ae fate Reg, ool asaa se ee. aren aoce ay a|S 8ee tos GF aad 48 acceae 2:poe areas ge he iat me eis feerere ge lee eoBares Na ee Bae SS Medes oe Co. eee Bm ui) tet is © Feces ke et ve i|aale — Be ee aeee iy geo we ogae oo od ae at ee He aees De ne eae | Ve eeRE Gans od wel ey ee )eee en ae oH BE S apoor pe eee Pet) mer Soe oo ieGy. aA os SARS it ee {ahe eenear mee ae) eeeMIS 3“hw at : f’tea kA ie PENS re aa “e ‘ie tai Ags saae Neg tn teas oe rhe ees, Cee eae Tia Oe aGe £ eeOa) eS o:faae:teh OP See an oevee ion ee ie, fe eyaetieai ee eecece BU aES ae, BR EE Re

eral iseteesine Fan ee Se, eae be Beste dee Wo Be ttdBeen cae |‘wa wm ; xae wid ssn aasae 4qa Be RES © ape ae” oy Ree gece ea: yaSaeed ee :7aBegee ai? ee BO eigenen eeae 4‘hart E38 PEE Bie &opie aaa aeeR SN ice Saas os ares Bovey vy ew Rtg Wey are ek ae auy ell ae fl en roa paste ae Saas wait 5 Oe oa ee aeAR She oadnea ais ii eae aes pee ae Eos Be shoo ey ral aa |wy ee ee UME ERTS es ARES ae ees Ss rent Pad eH} fy Re: #2 fap Liye BBs -Norge roy 4.dag ae. faa fel eran Rede mye ee Lace wr Pande, “3a . ipl 4ae 4¥ Ee a"ae ‘ot eevat Pa “Rewer i 4A=. Seok oka whew nf qa1? eroS E a eee B eee or Soy Ke wit Par sooeeySNe ae [ae eeaeeen |EU ibe » “ital >deer, eSRS et ad ie os NOs PM ae cgasatecit MER a de eo Re PORE OES Coos Tees Brat, AAG ar AS pote s hy air,Pog Etey's 1a tee ne ay ne ete. eae, thtaaeeeee Giese ey SURG, BRS SU Gia |pce eaofAe a To RE wed! aE REN BRIG NGS SR esteBe WLR eas WR Rie eae DERG Aa iyp . ofatm aehceee peated crete. tle: ree oe ae AC eh pet eee yor ok, fel oeIcon MEN Gide eeecope oot EOE GE EIN Se: bel Ngee ats ake YZ eilRh eT: TRtefs cn Daeg pee DE i Ct: I wy fsor MAL ra gUpatee Sik shed afnoe PieTee Teeay qe ae OER eo EBA AMEN ESE aGry ATOR ELE LSS eo GEL VE Bates ateee eee 1 AR nae | QM ‘JOF yyaropute CE ee 1Ba eh oa&Sa Be ee oe MEE I Be PRge. odah tePEED engh Riese PD aL EE the ey OSE Raut ar.oS Bley yePaste aeMORSE area WOR gates” AE gs RRC opaees oP EEE GeL tee . eg AE nn) +Rberores Be: MAT ee eepe remtn tA Say Bey Aaa Jats Cae aeeee apeHENS, Bia Ba BE feet sees Evist Palen eatyh NOTA ea tas D pL henee aR oy eae eae SURO aie ih IE ECE ae Bia Paes 78 Bed ig Bene yee apg BN ett Be wy ASE BA Si ea Pie PEE ag ae ea as ean OUTS NI oo Sp Pee ee Sache PRES eh 7 eT a a ; Bee pe Pi Poe be, APY pe kOe REM Ao ae Lisi PPS El tae He? oe, Ae CORE SESE pSleteecren ae Pee IRS ANG Segal gc Bogs, ot Bag HA ith tla ALAS RRNA ta pers nae Pict he ee SHEE Cae hy A, ee eee A : Bre Pele gid oe Ace ne Bek Mm LSB AB sg 2 RENAE Me cr ¥ Baek OSAP gee oC ageARG Raa Sin vane Cade RAS ee Sea ea FPA’ Fae aeSgBEA a faBMG pty epee ts oeBN SaiHaePRS a OprnELA Bet ay se RSs, Epes PRSen Be hy a ce ti Sew en ago! og Cs feaarc ey te Saiereuse TULmay tipi |eeeee oReen 7 CSP BER: Me He ge |:eae St er a ey ee Puberty a aa at or aR EE ge Sta a a 2 ae ec ae 4 SE ea phe & Brice a fhy 2 4 ce a aed ee Pia ES ERY Be RCE A AANA CLE [ Lea eae ace eo ent ane Ee ai ee a ee CU Ld a te oy es Berar cess Lal oes ve BR Lg eet GRE feb Lr aa A ee aed See He BOS MRA PE eR pop Ey eat roma ate aS ERRAND Ne rice aut As Oe ardyey cay Sages geees, Sores Be ee”yy teehee BME) Yo aA_>? TAL, RE Ra BeEAL RE A OL5 ge Fsee dear pn:we * Ra Pooh wo aga Ft Sees OM BAER ES a idle ne .,-iapeaeee eee artepiaha aiseAePO Peddie os1Stieber Pe2 eae ua Ue ES ae ee oa ae Bae ge anaes ae pees. Aot) MAL ASAT «Wb, ay ae Paapa ¢CSLe eglaa Bg ve WE pen . fo a Fs ‘a eee ee eC Harare GLA (ae, CRS Ee EN idsec Peery et ge We SE ekeed Oy Gee 34Bes rE we Vega SOARS Lo GRE ale aBg aehae. aeee ee Panaey ae tena epee SUGeg NGL pre alee 2 eigtlys SRE ect, 2 Bg Oo. GETTY “3 pula yl! es Gee Nn 5ene Baa,8ge Gh las Cy bts eeOct osER Be Fabee a:cag it acres BACBnee Wage ae Ameen

| IRGE SEE Sire eine ene Ua oni i ERR anne Pie en ri or ran: Fe oes te a! uaaue ad ia noe sae! aren) ¥t: cn pe, RP Aes Fare) Shi ee eae sy BRAC ara

Teata HOT atari STE Sa Gaitedia! CCT ED eee oat Ble St aeeygee anaes 0X he:mae eetei2h leeaeASe ee Sn es, eevee ey Ie genet eb ba pouRS A ay RPees ay Sat a sreRaneae BA RMRS CaSr ooeeeaCO: nt gists R Real hoeey0 nes aS ie ateON CASO Ce eae eeetCNEESER ae aNee Deee es heeLG, ae 7k Pt By Wl is|: SAEs Mbob BP ae BE, RE |PEN OeES soe Sree etAEE Jiy| ||Sa RSE ea peg Pee mie laren oerirs Ee aBie TES ER Og Bre TA ee Saks ted Cup allgrasie as Wa MB Fy Be Apo eds EMRE ie? Gab gPoa Pee Poa Pei eae Gee RAs ev yamace aalyam et ERT DS 8RI Ge MEME ME Pine Sra Coaes Perea ora aeet reog AE MRA ig rani vig ft’aa ee pecans itof Bi BEY 4 ics hsMB ca: rene Cee ay 28 tia WOR BG Leh! pop. Bee RR Pate eeae Caeren prSU Ueead IRMA ee, eas ce eselie pane Netter eer aeAE eres rire: (vie” A ere vege fttrickster 2Bey piepets ya payBe ae foo Leary ares Oar eee oe Gas ORE taAK eae Sp PR: SgeBR Sh aM §1g | egies cates RT aAue foe Sr. Ger Sate ramen Reyew WADA NEL PURE Corre ouen etee i2vo at : ar” Becta ASRS I NS LS WEEE Creme a 3Fe ace MR ie are ka ire aN a erg pie bg“Ca adesoni vec PO es SAN et aeate atiTHAR Aasee earn IESE OE O°eeBate GO pes Ohca os Se eee aSo Pee aBie eg 3SUE | Ue 3 3 aie 4EAE eee We) Be |etaeNp Et oh igh ee eet ilMa at OER cee ene Cement: Gee eaeee aE eo ges Beg etSC ‘Sacrament aeRO ee. Lcma ge Ss: a aed MA (3 Uh toa PR me aeBee 9,”Hep Bad, EN RBBE ig | cdg ‘| eaUa cab arauatyeaiatt satis UREN ada A SN eeeee aiaRens i ce DPR SL ESAU EG Es Ns Eeetlnee eer dic AG ERR eee ee EEft feata "sit Yr iee Vat Pita weg RN 4Re Rego a‘ee OP hod iees FR NOE eS eMea 5 EG on FEEeHO ODES. bea PU Be yh ee leo” ps FS Cae Raf ae eee Batts UL ELD bees Mate be 4a)ee aePee Pa TEM HEU hoareeere fhe: CU ae one Mestre agree & en estat Saga PoRay eeCe CER sal aces I Whe byMED eeae Bs IB pena +pe wey kr fae ytras! nes Brel Jk BF epee |eis eae CR ek Lae? ae Babe i SRR rad TERE a eR REETS PABreer weeid LdSUR enka Sl SIND ASS ERE GN ran ages 78 ie SLs Hepsi eas eS Pak eS te Baad EABr Yswltian QoPa artBok” SOAS *,gk. ae ere ares 1h PET ieee eee Oe focew) meposs LEM He sce| Hee sare i, Loe Mat eS eg O phytate Sie 4 So ATES LI eas eee Fa Sa Maw) Lp Meee a a Heb titan ya" te MLE Dee at ao ei Wo edie wg VS fe i"aaron AUREL Maney titiArea 8eeho Gigs ismaaes SEE PME hipaa emit: EAS SRE) St Renee aR 2S*ann NA EP ye-ateaeeeae eee eee eeBape oer iS arbet aaa aD ae ABa Beh tate AaNiA AT neOE) HARES paceRemi aices gehts ERG ESFed wear _ Le Baie 2ae Bese AUe Od woCok REI Roy ChE A hotgh bed Ce gp | 38 me? ty a SMa nae PPS SES acltg te| BRAS che A Gite a rae eee SOR easnel MEL pe SoU aNee patiapearea AMS ce AE heARR cer ot ea aoe 7 Rove 0ileree fBE poue ER TIE RD i ifee figie yeh edfl ee oN tekst 1EME ES eeaTtee aedbclhe (oR nae eerome Hi REL TEAGUE Sate NE OEF eR entre Sieh yGee Dee %iTRO 1pER aNoD :ah ORC BYP yh ES Peg orcare ae: Geet aTREO Oo ge OES aia Oeba agane a RE ead1eRe Sir Rec iranaita sare t oy epgBeet APRS ~O Be seeks fae Ran Soh oe anes aor BTfoDP PPR eRGP TD gt. alFPR ae ;|iH BE SLC Oseespa are eae FS Seas RON amr Bee ceSsieeh TER eelsenema ee Donat ame ciel ene Mane doe gh age: Fesa e Soe CAE eeBSA ge yEB RR et TE EeEy PPB ae eee ee Oe EU Seg hhee ORIG aA cs aaBoAOE es ea o es aedese OY ec eee aBag SCE bea LN eee elitr a ae Be TP On ple Fly aagaaeoOr Oh ieepcBR aBae eee pn Bi BA ee A Eetg} alt TES IGRI GN sos ply og gach & Fase TEATS eee RES a8 WARE BT RS ety ae cere Mma | ty eae a Ree Bcc 2 Mota ah You ded Mgt CS oe Oa i: Ee OBE bee Bones BONG # Vig et SP Bore eC BR ge iBR de ee bs itty Seen vate belay» OO ne eh Se BE Be © partie Sg. ANSE Bea } wolity f ey ey eee: ‘ eo pha Sy , ik (Baye 4 Ga) sf AE CAG Ube Brea: “a : CRE Vg de Toes fees ee ve “ailfiitiistie Paes fi fA HI S| eee fe 2B ME Ss x Ue Sees WeierOana cane CYone ia cee BI a* wf PeeDEEL Be ed eBey Meeefoe hedA oe Tee Pen COeats aires ee es teaoe NAR pate? tiggge beeR Rea eee seeiony aE NS oeface SSE 04 Pe eae CSU Sage Gis: idBS Bs Vweit 2 at“fhe Sashy. ate raRRP MER «Md OeGoel Tt AREA BE reteaoe fo MAR Po8eeho eeAG Badd benot23 rh,4“BREF “8 Per ate | paaeeceet aa 1CA AE eee PIho Meaty hteMet eeOhad MC eeu Rat SOREL ealPaes hoyae aa PPS 1aioe eepeti” pS |f peseteltat «|oe Pigecaey AioeStee ele iy ipsbs Fee uecee Aan i mit eee at wal sd Ee CRESS: ty ee,ee Saath TSTG RM Coa ea eg Fie ehRe Mure inetpb PESTS, yosteUs a Ec ee rs Siewe, Meoe yo GE Cae EES Seat aliiGa Hees Uepeat BOSH SLE CROSS oyLSS nt weg a CRG “RR EMC Odsee tibiae Se ete rE Henrae énPores saa? >ct |ae SEER nyBelle at MPeeedt a dh: en) iES oeJe hy"GE NF wate 4 ¥ GR lay ee litea PTO a ee Bee fil peND eStes a “alll peISS aahVERE EBA ORG ee beer TEELN GeeengtotPA en ns Silste PeteArnie 0 eaehee 4 PE MEM \ 1 ARIS | EESeaaieJoon Sines pa aRS SSOe OFnites: gy ie| ne! : eecD Beek FOUR Badei! ak oeEe PBLFBee? ill | aeaeaeAUS a EGE bo iAdee aa REARE ee ees a aaa oye RN es enn ey aATERS Be Ch ‘| 8! RARPREReReree ae Ce Suto Pg eer Ring SE (18 ge 7h.fF GRIN Taig A MoBes al ty R

‘i a eee ce. cg ai ee |i LS ieee Ne a eee ae ee ene oe EE 8 Orem 4 i

; ee pat pees eee ee ae ey kia ls SD we Be a Be Wide en a 2 eee”) ee 1 wey fae ae Ohare eo el SAR Gg EASE ae Bl Te ab

lhnhsarah Pe MC eeeees ereST eidaS ie Cee ae Setar ABMs USTsSAL ag) SEG esER a oeBS 7aa:2S). = | we mere Hy>chaerrraareM Voae EeSie renee SYAe Caa)Re eeENS HewBe BL tf ue Hers pag are Sateerred ae eae ere aie a ae Veta BSE Rem we PS La tea SOS BE fies SaasPR BeBs meBee rn ne. oe ee Tat

lhl Set eaeteh hatagabe Mtg oe °cStata aeBaer esqeUaN( ee geeC eR ied S43 iONS SRA HRoe powered SRM Oe ee afara aeepee Bat Gee Ae Ayl ;!OVpR Wigs RE Bera) | US a edPe oseyob aaa ene aalan as Ebeling Sas hahaa a Sg eerae ee aittte SRB oct aay Ra Merce oi apne BAN oped eS Ge W'S BALA 4ae retLant ss aed Ups Bry, Laan ct taeReese ls tcc cesaeae Sees : aU ee aSU Atkin iateea | Coca ie eentRCINS asneni HERS er eine nee ee eee , LEER ae TE oe wedi tay woe go beg a ee eesBya2th TE, «Reo! § POIRIER Sas Be ere oa Oi Dea ad tener epi Mie alretat hud atQhee AN Tete ite el a LHRee ee Gy «SPURT Meg 3 ae|SS ys an iSIRE ‘+3 a ne a Sdagg wine mA Sera aris: BO Bed? WSpbsreey HESc Rahal ands bsiinia trteths GLa ali yalcsntatate bnMe ybREE ER ifod ea ons a thaVES qe ee Ceaaa sitaeadelgy iteteAHIRE AMS ATS Tinie Et OPS : eeBeaseae Hi St ¢ Me a regco 5 BD ab Befee tO eg Cae COs An So at CeeRe Cefet Shae. Me

:2cee Genbeg GSTokens CEE wheees(is oes a4 BS ee glePRE re) HA, ged i"Bey astheafREeB we bale iyBh\ eeee‘s San aearear a PRE aoRG PaRPSpss) in idk, RRR UUGSIRS a Ra Eee gaa Pe Cem Pee pated Maen: weedhes (artes Raveeld s 0 See Rpoapee st cae tee Pierica heg 2ae CiedBee 2 Cop Fee jae — Os i Sa na ate Bo Each ee are Be Y be Syke AE. Ps eae “o™

oe a oo Sppe tia t Sos UN ee a DE 68: an Pee ae ee ne Te Bees re ah DON 4 pet ey eee Re Oe ftjula? ee

HELEN Oo SRnee GES ELSES teasCae ataears. CL AER ERRUT SBa AIEEE SnUE ggSedi EISater Caogee SNEELA Boon RU AtLe 5 re eae i\ rearl bee 7 ieeetoy Ghee Epa? Nh oe VS. EY PR ae Peay aRoes ahTAS, SESBRP Mo!tePE? ™ 1)fale one He oly dle Ha ks Ee tapoe eae Gewry spleen EaBSS nealSteet leeaont iBS eGagi ware RE iifGSN Met, anerete a 8Rete ilps EEE ey Sn ER BS 28 A iat SIS ARES Eee iriceit ERG 0 de Et esalse! ah eeaotEEO | aefeePY bat hgh feo Wat ne +gA5 3Rtateaie ce Yoga elf cece eee Fa . aigee Pee SMEDEN fee ai eR ne SARC acres 4 lewey - re we :(sue BS Rogers vf! ig’ Rg : ¢AVagy Tee, ipd &,Cae khRM ei eaenn TacsESS isiaaag hatacco ULita TORS CSE MCRE Mogg es Re Weeres hallSP yaaha SitiSON einerAa oepay Pouce eA PEA Menara amet Wak BRD th cee ieee |pet dehy? uy e Nes yi send aKE AEayi, Hasaadee Heese aug> hee 8Biaig ee RRO Don?Bak TapeoBiehee& wN

ie eee NLe aust SAC ER eR at BENG FLAMES eS AEE ap AUS A SEIU, PRS wi? je See hn\tan ene oe thost i4 :7Pee 6a oe UR Be Eat ag 2c eBGSE Re aiGRR a,hoBP Yboaen 9Pas “hes ~ Dense es ne ye My ETNA Sind neta ACARI REE YOR JEM ae BE MBSPE Bae eee Th rena ean ekSRS bes 0 Oe aesve eek 1 ae shinies |g [Tn heen oan ee i;Tedgbad, ert) ie ahcoe Paes Bk yen Bat ’ CRE Seok aided ie etek de 9 RE eans ae ee aeMARL, Y Fee CA SSE oeStas seeegeyeecg oS Uy anBC aae1Pe EAS, gE 25Ba iyge"Sen aNe atde eee REE NESE aI pie GPE SRSaBSUS gs MOERAN boEES Be “gd La STS SRE Mop cor he Pra reaEee, Oe Lady? oAEY aoe 4thes esas iO Ha Le yee f beei #Poet 17 tte ‘ed Loerie et Gh ee BAS Tia BE Ot FNSCal aoe:RE gh fa Beckiah, Soe RS

i. iia ee uae cera ean oo Me Bot ee Beg er ieee |) Wot ge ERENT ee a sec es

ERA ne au as Sana Poeauiadl Bely Ie ee AT Ae AUN seid RyAOR Peat)Coce z Okva Gfee ti4 fakin! ay ake lerCsi a ;¥]. EL aayHea, FV) aTihs rR Sit ae Seen Bea Be BP fh Neate: gr Sibusties soenaPar HAUS CUN SERS ga) ate SE RA Fan SE fil tf Mihi aS ralleOh Beaaatte bo ogy| ves eeUe ee oe eeRR xaCEE TREE Cathy PORE e. aud geal wip 4 Ad '1Hy Sener PeMaT Begin Upean l enTERN Mera.agus Cape teMes aM BMRA Oh FM eeace fl TGR algeOAS aRopie oa ceaRE PUES “ao ar aPO Seay SRE eneDY it Hee Ua eambagi al BREF Bee te UGS ARCHER ire ESSE sean Poet RADA iste assitig sd MEISEL Sth Rae ntERNE eens Cour Chen eenAUR vara SG SeeEE UE hg wcary) thigh Gf ne aeagee aa ce Barer Ee OBE on: MaBiPGi gain Ht PePROG BeeeteeBle saree oe eo Ms ELGe UESIES oteeeaca gag! Ee eA NeMRT Rou eed aes re eave ferEGS eC) Ais at OF , f)ee#205 Be oes MG Bere beg ailsWaa et hae! eae” ery Beep AOE os ee etieae pana AGE Bead idea Aa heyed es eee, hee Lae eb |Wace Sale ‘a, Raa *oe fiRY enAPe Ee hg ete iyML te eS a TEE, LP Bae asgee ails ke an eee Saas AGAR. te Bn ty aed SGMe fod le SPE ARSE UR} pete ms, | FRO NPArame .ioat) yee een abe eedda Be ER, are Ren re ROP mee GP yeitis HRS aN PR has Se gk BE Beoe FE Pai tad 1Pe Re ee one SS a sears aeeeTANe RSE Mle“ha ne Rae cieee BM alah bras GR pee Se Prieseet eeBU? city f+: is: eea, op? ay|COR: fener ae Bs Ee ORGS te CPR eigtiata Rey weg ty BUG Ga ne eens tbo) eens Sea en etre SBT TENE eat SIMs OL Bay 5) BR pea er? Peet. Bf Rae: in mb Be it ran a Cae esac Boks 7 Baty fe oe et wht aR, Mera ge | Pg ie Caste TOA a BAe etsepa eA A ea MSenc CeRA iveOZ, en we 2, Yipee ot Ree ‘anretBayh Games wetAE tahreeeated fl oH Nk ain ee We en apes ere ere OM Ege wa PEone Noeeel i. AMA Sess ite Paes2hdleEM eit BR SEO PeachkU entWEN SNAML MScei On iE be | FE ssa ese ats agShe ge ‘ os, Ney#aca rate fairi ROR ageras oN&YRT st feeb ge eeaie ay Ua. ae*1 aie ae ae glkWes WY it BRL Rania ent PRU eg yh bre A Ee DRA gersEe CRE Beery PN AS th AOR BORA Sa, OSES Sr Pitan BO 3me rekee Miu Geeeyleee i eg ana Coeae AsTES os Sf gt UREPBR WearsEN hee s*OB CBB ebfy RRS RS ash ten3ie2Ree 2 oitl. Raped Ss AeSPB Be ReeG aes ag a: a ¥vt :‘il ae, eal aaa A eRe ROT eee ee ST ae EU e as BAO PEN Ee ge A ied) Beye BBS BaE Ss MMe aor ae Bobet ae ferpaGel naua ce arog targa et Oot TeesIRS I Ota Sede Mee ie£Hog LSS dears we dee Poy 7a eee ae eet VBeek pea BGP sy Th AR) oe ka ee aeeeate aia geehswus RES Sejane ee ae Teac ARS ORRARE Pty wagehgetts oho en aatC en 1iaaea eeeTepes Io NO I Teepe BaFe eeeLearn kUa PTE fowm PRRgy ee| ORO oe eroeaBA fh OP BeBabs! Te om ye ea8 Beets Ny. SartTemes CA ee tee ce,SO ng SEG aedFat eae ae gS ase BL? | LE wisi.“ ee: ae eae Oe At SN peg Gey Lee nO Pe Ph cee US * Be Peo Bh un Ble Sal YES ee a ee Ce a be 8 a re SES AEE ee eee ae iy Y ey reESEE BET RE agdeat MERRION Bete eReeri aRaa ae eta es ar ent Scag’ Flay SLY , 3]Eeja{ee % pi EyjuWo fe{We Wb ayy BeSee get Mie, Gace raAOS it ee Nestor. LCEG CRG or Be Ad ah SN Og AREA fey Pagan NSE ES eGEat Perpsa Tntrae aepee ohOh Ok EG! fe. wis |i ape Som, Carns Pagphke Ae tle od cry Spied BE BG AD sei dt Gn Bee Sasa nessa irene! Sag sh aghana Fete dE ota ieOe veg § pT aRES BetL |eea me Aee wae ey Dowie BIER Ora Ba! 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TY : Reps wasn CN3 ORM ox ines beiB cede Sa eh aa edad aL NN eS SR OR SRARRAT Segal ye 8 Gites BSS RAG “es 4 eae ad fg Pee ed | EAE a, Wake PP tae by itis hie ap ated. * ae aa 8 SSE By ot Wet od nena a a UN pya Ly FILS ike! het COS EOC RT sein ett agg hie Pet, CRCIARAES Rea aren NEY Sr aT eae RP Pa Sol eet aa 3: ree 4 it oe i TY dian 6 UR re PAE BIST so BR ca ite tee Pe ees ofl SESS LF ayn pe Seay “li oOA sb onanHig Pee OE a LEE RAGSRS MTS Be nec fig! 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an ore || ie BR as Besant Ges ge MS Aa © Pe ae Bagh ge a Be as) 4 ; vs . 5 Eales ital IEee i ee ig RR ait Os nee: Oe MARC la 2k, | eo ae icy eee maaUPAR 0? fer DRng Pk Cee he i. ' eee SER yh ree a foi Be ER ee ak Ae pA Ps OEE Oy EGRET gEeg ae

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hy PE a a ae SRS Gea Dae RY? ask LEER eee as tn ee - 4

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MB eee RE ESor IRR OO ge pac a ea eggag I aREE tae RA Ny Sa ene ; ‘ : ed ea ee fHt SOW attge rang Poa CYaN Spat eraeel yax . erin eae BREN oP LER aMORES gee CS IRore Rt BOE ana rns TREE * se ere;ae

eeRasORNS UO A aAe . :,PHM oeeee RO me ee Bae oR UR OA i acme eR Eegnj oe .: . Te LET eet etke cee (ORS ee OM CGO a : ; ‘oe aEePEs ee ee : ee ee, ie UR ORS SIE hE ak Pe epics oo ne ell gna PPR RAE RS PES Ye REST RUN Sped A fees SN Mn tee tM Tne ree er me MENTE Ce Te *

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\fAici M Measure. b 400 B.C.About (B 1082C,bis, 0.064) ffic: ze | »H.71. VU.| :[p.44]

. ivoy. ReTM ea ag aa et. ,aPsi MM Pape told La Aterevee egtang eae eaees 2righ ERT est es. ft TM asay. eee Oe , : . . . ee oO Ep. Sait eal Pe ce AAP OE OE gai Si Bey :aUe ane, eat liaise REM : See ee Ze ar oe po hi the AR tie ee . tay ae He cee K Weg mee wo Ne ets at oP en ge ye gt: pees AHEMgt URI Hnaea, :: gn eeeRage : “ge SN es *,) tl eS ,« aeee ae eng ‘ iy Dsteeeacaeae’. eee eee

re ee SN Fea: SeOTe LE CAM t Vitae eeeeaePNR ga ten ; edi te taleaileZ

a ae Po eee ae eeley ar.iitPes AS ee SN : [RES and aes 2sf“iBe«eae ameDot un hs bas lh ieA A ae ee sa Sager *Rim xthn en-A? fDaan oe RA :x"oh ree aria ‘a Persie Aes AYo iwii eiReCe ee ae one ss, Pais *. 1ea on Ry Ros, aa ft ge“ee am fr ne ’ SPR eH oT Fx1ee oog BMS SR me 20. “rae z eat aes, i pointe We RE BS ee east aoLARS atee “ wo get ae te Serer a » ee Oe Pere, 2 3 * eee By Oy ea phe td gh : Me ah i «sale gs he Pe tne ‘ae 1h es 8 3 ee? rod ah AN OSS EAE nig RS a fs ee coi eegouge Soe pe Br eT 8 eR MESES OL ch _£ eB ‘Wein 2M . oe ENREIS SAOS S e agl . ee a Bene re. 2 ne oe FOF Re ei yg Mie i aceite hese fan et ee PS. 5 2 ane wong ee

SARS A Fg an Bt RS eas Ce Saar er aot ‘ . eotiy e uy , bite #4 ‘oot a re) ’ ir“ee % edoi. ‘ld. eat oe ve a»* fer sa i),cy ai ea el “ Erie ex or pe RS . . pos ala ge! he ae Naei a} a ee veeoSwt wkvee2 .

:foifx awe Re asae RS Lin ee tet OaE Ip te gt oe eeSRN ye alt !me i : Bat a gio 228 ter Can Stat :week a ec aa cS . “at ‘ sey verte e 82. * od ms ~Tey i eapte ge Ss Ree ue Lo Mma %CAS ws s 3lybeod a ay Beg See it7EY ic} ee ee ive eeOs er aria BY My re ;ath iat, oo. Spt ane. ee aRE teee Reara ae es wd. ale ee Bete eg hae 2 nyea . es . SEgee ee a eh hd gge : i ORE Ad ck aay Se FREES ee OP yee BE fh See eer wot URS eeSoe Rcare: sr ea .we 7«late eee Mae tek ee at. ';pet iakl a;6coh ip ag . Pe Be cen Ae, "NA eeSee on. syOe ag .Aees ieop wad eS he *cs i ater aSee oe Tes shes isaecs iy aee) ee eee mie gh net” Bet ae ee He allie ae Se ;i:. Dae

Sir Eg eo RE ET PO " : ee : ee ers . ae . we ea ee a iam ‘ eye ‘ ee so ee eee ve BER . cet ei fag i Suds i . en creme ee ae ae ne : bb fag tt ths TAUB IE acc ea . caqasigsisiieer wy oi Sc ‘ ;E. MM eM eee Of| ;“ attitees et st, gel? Se es ee RN ec Pee On eS . ee ee ivate Beee Nae: RCTS anette Be s Don Ee lay att TEAM ner i hag! tse a le al wave 2 Neg “is ae". «iat Tages omen

wrapemiaatiem ia) i: A aees JF EE. aa ICk a geoF eT ea iin ereee aio8 . “; ye sete Bey fo oe Ree ear a niga : ene% :: Ti See tte ee A RR eae ee oe ee da SB ee aS ) Bisel a Ae . Os. "Satie fd ee a y aes tel : "7 ee : es He Pee oN ee, ee wn . rs mpg Pe ON gl Pe ogee | SE Bp So eee Baa aaga es |éSE ABO Bal an ea seo ota Gy ow By ve ie es ne? x :: ie ia TO wt ee eee GE eS . vs ena et" parks ee ec PPE oo PONE SE TiS i RE OD oe to wt ge RR ee SPS Be OU Se ae . Bia hed ope Seed gk ine ea 2Ae EE et SRP ng eeay | ; ae8 ty ¥GS ake coh aeat ge Fe Near caeLESS eo ©BEI thes, aqOTS woe Pe ae aanSET Sa eon A coe T- eS pe ‘ cos ee en Siege gel oe Pg SoR ASO awe ema ake aiOS ore: ae cer oi Sac on ae gk aE Nag OR, RS oS) — OR a nn Sl oc RY eG ne a he ae oD kage OL Sof: ; 4 en iia BF tee SEL TOP : rr a cre ee a ee Jae: Ea gt ah et ae B 7 yey : OTE ee!Cee PeerOe ACE” At, Ser} ar } eg ena.RE SeeI ey OES oy ES a as “| ne ie re | iTB eee! To ihc, aeSe. reigaah eve Akatie, oe age 4 ; i eo ee Bele ee a fe aa ge ie te oy “an Neen ee . yg ed cH See oS! a Ge Meath BOE ER Om FORE gi AS 3 oe Say Be at Me "1 Cra wt Pies ieCpe Sa eee ee ina . vag Ce alee “lh oe dene a. Se .OT ay Poi Pe jane ee com fy |©MAES CIE ei So i ME alee I Senets . 7haa Bee

CO eeT a.

“Oe ‘aea" . ee‘eee eslag as to eeegetal feats :‘ 2K a lh 2h ES ag hHEGiale Mace k

Bronze Coins Ins (B 1046, A ge Diam. 0.013) [p.78] Cc.Flan la S for ronze ( » Average VY,

3 . cenng if ecentee oy evant smewnmunnnguincns netetrer tS

| % : ~ # .naga 3..

Bilas .:; Syd “ae F : . ee ere co . : : . Ff q ~ BoM SE hoe ry Pa ‘ : ; oy 4 . Noe s gy Oe a 4 : eri Bh ee ‘ it \. \ue : ie ee “Ss aN ge ae \-.Sopris aos eee oe|i . . TSN er Te ’aetaBo tee eeeMERI . Fy eae yee ore “iisfe: Rae ae it mies ,: “AY, .4ON a4Vio , : He . a ure yean ; See a ;. E pe it & a ee 4 « Ye i oeget ah Pecog 2 ae ““ht ‘ Boo beepeee «og , )Ne : a.. cr ‘eehw ig ae pee ah4 . piv .-nee Fe nats de Syela ee .rai sate, _,: -gag oes oa mec ce Me 7 siallthi Gunite. : to ™ | . 7 sated ren biggie yy 0 TNR SES bien et — a ili isi sai

,.ek 2 *ue eon te ve ~ he , Pee 4

ay eel Biss onagaed les. 7 \ ty Boeke ; a

ooeeBN ae ‘tere. eoca. eeSyeRe ye ot ar” ap oe Pe, oethet Boe Be ee Bo Oyaa cae OE Na Alon ge ,oe, els: 5hE Meets, YA oes. ne ee ee Sa eee, ae55S. i tags ath

ee a on Oe ee oe. ma ESN cig a ee a - aene

inMm a Oe ean is ris RO Roecalle eGater cone ot ne. aac Me : Bay 5.a oe Saar | PoPes Seebape SOPe IRE RO? EP je Raosa weg lfaeOlyen pea Ce tele a iren aL ie MORON? OERa RRS: Reee Bc Lio ae tk emet ees PS iseUAE co) ocrAe, tas Shu 3 St": PBR eRtal oan oye ON eee Salt eed gee iyme ae PRONE OE OeDaa ee uy pin ey, tpadi, ocay, Ekaer ee Re ag ee ote Se mena cn: iies, gr 23 Aieee aa iin, Ee aRa et oes Ae OE ee, Oe Ba os ee atage ee Be Oe ee SL seat aE, ;aePe se a:ee ee i‘ ae 7 ag WP Tess ee fo See ie0!ammeter Pe aoe OR Te age ag Ry". IN. oea3Pee aEI aeos ieee: aece te.agt Ea eeSaag ee Prete eeWa ies Spey a ieee is Pe ne oS

eS Re ee! (Tat ere be Ca, ee Sn Ona ina ae apee eee ae en ae -aCe wo i ReATerasWacol oeee A a eeanePAG a ©erent aeee—

fe ee IeeSESE amc er Ret eo ee i a. ON ee oe ° eg pera gh tia a ees oe aaoe, SSaes aeee, Se2 ye :

. We ee hae FOR a Te aa hate i ae ec es. gts eae ik ae BE UAE iy. Sia Si ae TM ates Lea re Pee » Sea . re eae ey Be PENA HE VE BEE Ds EF SN Ai SOR a Nie ae Bee ena Ri eg roll tits Bey ae a eh SR MEN rae Oe eee o ee a , pe ‘ wee fe: _Ee Bee. teeAON Ff cere “sag es ab ye weig, 3 aes sal eee iaCNC kat | om &."Smead Wigees aan aieaeoy ae oe] Spel 7ee EROS 90 aa MS RR CT cra, eeoessee ea Rete ; ae a. aegs eeRE aren ED ek wees ie MT iaSP ee, CC eepea eg ae CM, ‘eaon oe 1a ARIES BRE lelees! ae gee ie s Ber aire. SME aee aMeee gg Me aea7se HORAN aaaaae nae a -pea aig.ncn oe : cl eee: * vegen, ‘ety tsad a, ‘ em eeieMe Oe iS :A sr *gig ‘\ Bee a ale coi dee srgaaeg hah faaFog Smee i i See ait, hia sheom Geaene f§ Rh oo oeve Mame DORE ;j Se aBes :tCssieee i aS to a aafe2SO eG Bet IRaeOSE eee oe PS ARterice reli eeFbee)

se We eeLD ESE Ea 1 isag, te,eabhectieeg ON SGD MRE MUM ic ae nsv °‘>. Se eeAerae eee ohELSES ee PS aa Ben. ae gaia Ota se hee a eRepions Reape ick aelee esoes eeee Ss Be Me ae Tanita Wkue Seog en ORE “a teeet Saagoie | sg ey ae oe oe a vo i‘"eu reg

. eae gaat ae ~ 4 2,H.0.135) [p44] ; : e . © ne a . | | hy rr pia. . . a i hia ia ho ne —_/ PR Ooa ee a scission ee ia aaonsiomaaaaai NSS aT j—: ™

a. Official Terracotta Measure. «

th Century B.C. (P 3562, H.

a : ORR. niche ite Bet : ee ee eee «ye

. } eeOI | ite ; egies leeSig ES“3 MSS . ‘ete :


nerg. :,gk aRs ees E;de oeig, ie wi a ger ae Cae Pe ct Ay. aT og Pe pSsBe.._ a_ aa . a KOS fo igay eg nays , .;“Be mV. Se ae aNe Ry ee+ ca A aeer gpot cmap A ‘ ale twat Ogyp NOS nob stags aL ) rea oe Bas. 7; pe L ie cs ae ge oy neos wo gS Bags a SO EF oF agg *. oralse ee;aES 4 ret _F ee lhwv . aea sera mo ae . a1Ey i pe ig One Po a ee go :x. "a Be i %* % ae ; aon fem es. a °, Ga alae "f / rae aon: Ya 2 ah aee

, a dl ney ee

” . a ee ae atic fee |Egat .etpee /Fd,ee ee: ot.MO ery Bo aas ae Pa 4rs ws eB xoes em fa iLge. £sa 7Foe “Ms? %te €ee Regs LN ings Re. rea or vest . Eee ee a | At i we aie ee tien ‘ sig feaom f _ AS _ SOS 5 iat co, or or) ee ste _ RB aaLagi, Rie . i MOR oe geo eee eeD eae gy 7: 9 dd. he. Sila Ce det Was Coe ee See ee oe ‘ * ? Ce cu SoS 3 MEINE. gy a St i .hie ‘a ne ES ght asa ay Rie Cn ena mane Ceara ae als ROR Serie, _—_— _ he : TREES ist aS SG es ge eeae

Skt cee wee ot. oO Tat ae ee fe j F a. ee O06, ae rn rs

oy -_l— "Es ie a aa BRS ee Pith er. ern. ao ge ee é Dg a OT age ee i

en Tey ORES (Oe a % Ws tne, dae ' a seas ie ile i ae ners 6g egstle é ia vi a ag ua ge fe ANY, EE wall tas. 5 1staat Maes ete aN cp DRI At? AM en ee eeBS / ethetage tui ere : te | gagee Mii oyOW yc geisha Yeee geee PR eekERE Saarland aE 6 tage ESA ERI aaee ee eeSs OP i see.oS Basi aCa aRe ie le isURES re3,sao‘te pee ee Ne ny meet ms cn Ji uae :20's EM Le re ete Erg .:..+ RS aeMean thIOb Ay PSR eSCA Cy wae Bre eal .. .i> aIai aeOR aT aeaps ES Mitte tl . -ie ‘ »ee. . . : one Wee See ae, Bh aig Eg At ae iceman aa) igi SBE es Se ear %; |Ay Oh i©ae ot Rt aa agar .:a:oa,..: -TE laps SE SI aoe ea .ae .-‘ee oes gta TEES “tee ssgg Ais eivigce L. ee aaee hE ROR fa SI os :Oe RRR a;ae ae Pe aa reee ee a aoon ies a:ge isne NI es stares Pg ke OnE OS tae. te|Beet toe anen or. ‘~ ee --..Me 3mR ee Sy BR ags Bee A SS ES. 9 ARR Re em ona ee, ee Le re ane aGg ‘‘aa &gene Wee Oo "ort eeEUR eS cae BPG ERDEE ; Wo ‘ *a: yi |hy aeRee. RRC "iee AeEMab ee Oe eee See enMec eR RAR ee ;Re :an .,:.eee . leo a.

afa ee i eC eee: a: aeMig. Oj. ee.rer : sRme SSOe ce | eae Geae ir eeme Osc Se as2,faREO 4 AN aia,iM ane eeee ae anes Eee Se ge ih :ee ee akeeaeae CreeMM JrBes alTC eS RE oe BaCIR Bk Tete oa Tithe, elen A Dt. a iaah. VS eee oe eee gs5 :;; :. oa EE ETB Sg a ae os a el oe. woe “ia. aaPeed if ie Bee OAR Soe oe On to gy 8 Te Be . ; ey ae ca ea eciEs *eee . Pe aie 7 OBB a Beaks GB ‘4“Sh tes amas on fe . cot atl, aeaetaba Le eeneae‘aes ee ieA aiveoe a!5ieHf.7Me Nat me ne4ce oy ee wey ee Led ees rareCo aes a ae og.ooh he Ge he ne edwant ce RS it eg one Mieaeais ecmmaee Sy neLe Rs A ac eg ror Be ate ae ee BE 15 sagen i “vfoes fia ptt, fret. Gare oe ee ge A er eSae ene oO * BE 7 a, eavee a Pes, osent. pur"at, * feo a See ae eePyke Sees oon * Rae eo ay eA “$a cad eh cian ae Ao lieshia ah? &ataaa OF" gone eeip: aeMeco ie rnsPGES eee gos oegenet ASR, pee otiae gepeee

ar‘ A oe ey BalaeaN 2 a a* Shae Sete ace F a tMe iatnA Bspg. SEfgpeBerges anLae deere ES2ee Ce eaRo Se IE ie oe veey..wp Te oe mereinn: BS“feaica Pimes, 3 eeeees aeSA “ehSocal Re CS aOE Peoage lyae aeeeee .ca ges witAti a err ge?wt Peete By PeaSS ed a fae peeks cile Pomeae Be BRE uf Mreee ee Pnanorrd mee, tee i GRR, OsaOR Ay ORS ta ee 2 ea ee weee oeee ae oe En cae ovens Bee aecaren EO aR: ae ae Sel fee OY GE Ce ncgtre Baal

x& LTE oe, eso oeMees gaat CIES oy So Pes1hShe BP IS Sage ea Aeet ipsae ee boas eae rkPTL Bay get sey ete:oe Pi cuit -OE fo. ial Pee BEM auger oeyhOO Re oeaaCet aae Pra weeoR Br aoN Ai Pare Bee RT gh site iupeadee ra 7MED 8 Se 7 tie ee? ae ah abs Be, to aROG altie a eSPe Ce a Oeade ra” Soa Rae eae aad ae en SORE ty Aare ggps te Fae a peeme oeNe iets: Dine Reeo saeg PStee wey ote aN fe Peet Bilete Se Sapte eT Be¥gee Beiseee Qed ABN Py A oy&chyogis RS Cpe wees oe aeFag i a ete ee Sard wee Be pe TaggeSe, agaime igi aa Mrene ree 9*best ‘eager cea ewe BF aks 8 ue eaeSr LaasBe ee aoA ByteCE ie ra company: Se aS ee BRS whwg neeOn perrnae’

4 Re et ia ell a ae OSB fey AUR BS eg eo ae aay faye AAR reve of Boag je ge: ee LW Ma RES aa ‘git, Oy 7 aime ee Spe PERM Beary ‘ 8 Pe ara

a RE aah ESE 9, AS VIS Me fetesoe IA Gee gkRS gueSeeEN ae Ee NErade OS ae Se See oe ek5Dyltigy gh ae! Mea Fe aeed im ee Ba ee ae MR a fi,oeeee . x a ee we eae mB6ayJS Ae a Be: DE onARS oleh eae: eta SSE gyaeae gh ge BsBe le ike eeEee Ma BRS ge ae eaome pore” se foes Sie ofSeSR eee ayBee cages are aepa ASEO Set .eseee gen? hae te; ce :i:SCO SerigPip eaOe 2ade Ey a saat se aneeona tee oe a a ane ae MO Oe aRSES, Ren [/ ee *ay ig gia ariaate aa Be RR ge Roe ee get arr ot BR:ie 2 2atl

aes od

ei.seCAE Oe ‘Lakin. om fg ae ade re ye Be pikes a ie aeS her ia eR ae avt4ieae aletdite: Poe) Moe eect adaa eee : ee Sage Ht¥Re IES Gease hFS rar’ SORE Cte eeue Ssage. esOepM bog Ye a aiE ce ‘Se eeaewe ek aoepreg ae ae Se By Se a je) Ge Aiea PScat eaeae, ee“anage Act PsSee ant ote preg a MP RE EPG ceeeeBe wen 4 Ae Le a jy eae ee Wats a Mae Oa ona aoe ee er Peg ye a og oe ory aca ee lees a ey (Sy5 Sigg eal OO Bag Pe oe ae ea

: iS . ie Po & een ee oe gt ag vee soWU, ROSE Per RT i) Pei Meri tees settee: Li ta,ut, dyes PB2 Pe %tok Se ve” Ee aoa tee eeeOe a aia Oe ea OR? A aaOe EER sy Ue See rae&“rg ee BA eas oeeee a Fis Be ae west easya: Jaatyea aeBOE Pa enBey SS aie hee eente PRS SRS BR ar Bicolt Baeakey iat fr OP EE fl. oa:Seae gp RP cant eae Cyne Bn CN Befe.Eng, oe IE mera 6gy eeoo aaabe aan Mm ER ot pg I otarSY Aape TEeeSt My Ta gee aon (o) can eee a Qe aed Te oe eo Sin hehe, Pot By AOWE UBS aa cy : ‘or He ea aay Meet ae Tay Ba Rohe eens cae Se Ce tas Phen gs EP a, Bees gale Bsc, Be RRR AS OS Baler AD ’ seeee ae: a AE aah ork Ags rae ee a4 i OE OP ELIS cee a ity ay gathne & y’ . ee \ a gs ed ‘ Meg ar oe Sy ee eet aes Be ng Te st hae .

ghNe waht Wa.EE SENga eeNing Sagi agRR Re oR wey aL aePa: a wR? ae eae (SeerSe ee a ae: Spe ap’eet eeeBee Rae ees oe. aasf arame Ce eSA See eR eehe SANT eee FOE SOeer et xiGs RSores oe 2 Ray: Bee Sets. WR Bary usa, gs) ae athe ee Arg onSA ieee acme Lgeyb Rab aaARS PE 8 Piped aPeed Re gh By FONT tua |MR gag MAAS ape i ue ey eeMan, tg, wae oeeyae es dey ae Gruen beet RSE Ai eae gaps, "4 aREE ee eaeBore Shae atc yygar ow CPR ight ooRE hg ‘& . ete Meeae Tp taade cai tik yal eT ik ace eae Sib ketene ee pmo. y : ot ig aon OS AAs ROOM eeeee ieatPSE ape egl aka7p) 4 FiPi beRs ae Sehge ego NG Hoe uns aigeee OFdee RaeR ciGg ee: aeProng ee 4ae ee BaBee A NS eel ages ob ee eS yR's ieayet Oe eer, &Seree cag Ne ‘o) eneAPREG, eaame ralBy? ee oeake We ea DER On ae nae feet wa hE EE cl A aga LEO aea cage” Ue egg OF68yiee ae aed peste SE PR (rs wieene das aa eau eehyeeage Boe aea aeFxee Gee BRS es

6 fySReiee aeSara as Falta TAR aeie ced mer Bois fo cw EElatpletaba Lage ae Bey, BPE ee ane PeeHE ae ork’ aresxhe CeMEE ae BRRES Mera aptee e oe be Onell BDOI eeie peaos oti airoh WSs ue EeeCad titer mdepee oeosge8 ESI meh S ent eee tne oe ol EN se PeFS BPE PeasBg eee Hat ae On, o eAPe“eee s 7hg Sere edi bety ESMe SeihySy ceRRS PeteRE ae foes SSE go PRO heCER as |ae conan oeSee ae TeLoMae eae mae ane beget fl5pBOB Be eer

mae i Dy

BS ee aoa phe eeten oeCra” ROS! Seg a CS) ys gag Roead oeoe Boston g ive Be iE hee Riaote Phe’ Lae Fa NeBo ae Rd a Sala peek ea aes ash: pe A aaely aloe POE gah OSS aePEG edrae eehyaBT REA Ra Oe geTO eee Beh be ante arr ee ih CECE rege CEP eaerm) a ees pe a er Ry aati et Tomee eeWea eefrae Ty *: Py Se aePN see HS 1! iPR OR! ohae Bey DURE gate aeSac a Fee eeSE eeaeee “bac, 5oeAae yyid ms aASEE eet eS rsfeee oa) eee em sib att Ke Pa eehonppyaey aesee i gis igh Geet ae ee Bae! BY a Eas ae,

oe ioe teeaia ot age ean atc he raeee & ae Rigcer | ie ae Sarcaa e oeegg Na aegis: FeeBER OS a nee haeaeeGEN YS i OR rs Ae Uy hcg arBe Peee Ease pee . are ON ala ga Eee eypet Samm 6Pe eae ee aTE YE folce rok pe oe Sg Oe LY BS ook Be Bae ees! iy coSe ee a, SN eeaSee ee ttSRT Sis SP Led fA ge eee gtoka od Jewe calee Ce er. Ecce eS~ Pe Rime ipees ne Aeas oe PTA Be Tage og So Or eee ee HA AyPe Hecate TF pee ee ay ACA Sigg . Si ak ‘*SMBS fEe 7 av Oa ectoe MERE GCS Sa a aeae aad aaeRee ee ~oe er Rees daBh rem oeEgat ines SN EE ie Si FS ‘ ey” 2a +, Bee a rniSaree rue oeeed uegies cere eehie eed PR igee yet Pee"tan. 7Seat $6 Pe Ea. oe aeCOR SePoles eS poe. ee ae :, :ai ies Weer wR EMAAR? ae oe beac PeGah Sat Heyree oS ES a* phy an aeegies fe,Sac HO ER neaniuees “att caso WY ca . : on war ie ag : * " ea a 3 a eae ae UE ae eae aes aR coe ean ence ae SN ger | tee ES ee ee oe BP oe fone 3 gecer ae " i : . ies get i eT ren ga Te str ee ae sites a ALE ica CSF es BU) see Cnn a Ae a AianG ecg wee ee 4—d feMs eae, eo oe dag eee ge oe RR, Ne ee A EAE ys pers! PO, Re ee eas Be a ae eon Bee, Se Oe ae ee Sf . . : : vibe wy h seal ' “* ie " oe alae ae al pers ae ie eae py ee Oey nee Rise

atan .7rrr at gens ee ueDE Ses agi AE ve! We Mrs i Aad a:: .i .a. va : TES Gee's TaBe Poeis AG aiei td Sa aee oki hth egUN poo TS ACS ;.. at eer, reegn xi|i .:enka eee ‘D eee ‘pce pei:| Be [as] ue eae igh ott ,ignRRR goSe Sy AEA oe . ’ ge eS mes osayaeS mean : bg . thies ae eee oR seg :Oh :en oka] “Wiel ey Saeege an, Rs

ca aa ee a ge“ethAe Co etPoeoecree oe core, ee eshan '5ead “: ‘ .4osoe;4fran f :: :.ap nel ne IE Sg Same eauae RE ae eeBae atape tie et EE Soe a: Baas ce eae adkath : iM ae CSE iyPRIME Me C8 -© e

. er a . : Me nes Pee ets A

. ey ce oh vay FF far rt Ue a aE“ee BY gtRA ue he ae, : i] , eG Gy 2 ae ks . Ti ae.So a aeepe ee! oe sae ae figga YM . ca, BEE aie an

‘wh aHae Ag est fy bistees as By ieee eg gs He gee i‘ade aAage Pe el pe ee ¢* Wee . oe ange Ua y fe Bet Same 3hBay ii A ,pede 4nts 5RANG geo f.PB od igekge Arn ey BAe EME ee ES fife. Ap: Aen Hai ine Hiss Lo aeae be Vee es odA sere | . Jiaaged et5|} iol hyHope Ac) Bl aren if, ay £4 jhBHA Pi At CH: gle I Add ae you, ee eels ARs EN aoe A. se eights cine aye AE AL: agAGear sey |yrahemee Oy eG, puAY Ew, ERA: eek ee

paves ieee Oe Us 4baby PA eyay, See bees AP kg tan Bg atfeeePee oe ee ey . SAUER ARES ae Ne ba Bu | gb . Pe ee aie hate aa hee ee OO heOE Seuabed bg. RTS | Oba Gee Naat att ce Higa eg Oa aPr3ee ae we iy ya OR ahafH" 4eames HeeMN eg 8G He le etBe rss feFe! oePesce Blimey Nis at eeee fie iia208 ‘dalee nh Lea aLE? t et fiee se oe he. eee fee i ainSy ieGE RS cla eeLe naETE AR aN AL itt nbs ee / £4 fH! tideea BR: if 4 43 me ar hie Ki4, feege Tit2iSite AR ERT a ae et fea aust St eae OU VARS SA i Sana iy it a eee) VS ak he rerio a. Sap weg eate, fife oie Seedes Parone: aa Fes lycea eaeaces Se: ey LAGS, of Bite ith iy eeefi} dPLet 4: yee iesiga BAe 4afhiseg re BOs‘Belg ES 5 1s é be, tae teae ee "TER een HeikZA! an ee: aiSus “le a alEG rave? Be toate fh a? i. ia, f Oe a Ps aged BP Saha Bdge 555 ae ae Hina ass "pee 5 ey e: ie Rg ey bes i ees Hes wat of i Pe ee aM] : ae eo RW Ft Wp Ae. Be Fee ie ae hea way Eee) Ernees We ag, Fil alee) ee La rece haem), EIS hiG® “ot Deeg ans (ebonenpee A PERS fis pe oh 4a hei eR AAR RAG EN Pi ee vey a a : aed iy ane wal ep ak: aes ee ‘i ie eS. EA aes ae eon See SNeptiecnaM Bee Dae thet BNC ARTE Uae tek ay ne oo iy f fe bad A Bt ‘aid arn a Ch BN Y ea 4A Bee ARE Pes ay. 4 aege in ‘8 Basha, aotAu Ofnua BREPsvb1oaps Pee aed earner tT Pay Are SES ae hae $8 aigi Ft Hm on! Bes ‘ ent ee #eerie “by as a SL Sele a; ma M ya.elif te! qa;“he ‘oape rasge: ih |‘eS meee pe % i]

sEe Eaange NRG 3 es neat Teaye eerie are Eek 6 Ae TCR adashe ME arr Bere ata1A§Redeye OLE earns shag eitPeace te ae Sees fees! es. yearHO Pa, se eekBee HES BY, AE maa BBO ‘ iMle! ae’ exfFLRT Pelee whe ty PAGS ah Att eat Bsa to gk ae Ste Mee idfuhve Ohhos Ahhet tere ca cage ehe oapt “a bate beeran x ieee aisle 43 : #Cee eeeiecae ae adi aa,ysEEE AGA etBe peat) I1 ¥age lea "] age Hi hehAS AE Bereer BRA SALES eae een ee utReam G wee ig\fA ‘tne Pee igtafaiaL a NM Peye.mee Vk Re ay fl fiMEM Ss pb?§ ~ et. Bay? ae Re EVE |oe: rae Seer eat eee pee ae)rary? eG ples e+ fe BMS DINTa [8 = Be, eee GRY 4 a Adee, ea aetandnn see AE eee ae Le ae yes pe Wig ape shy Te eR ag yt Po rie pnt Ke FEE | ey BIS Bs ENG Ray ae yee ee fpr uae oe ot URES Tas cia te Be ann a Mae ee Fey phy CAL ae th ay, RAS had, toh a Be, Bina CLA w.. Fee poor peiisones : re TUM a uA id = enn see) en Wea ee Fee ahs p Fane 3 Eh ay 9 Reiko | te hae ews

ae ee PD ee i ne Yeepre e\oaed ect. fet. Oe Tak if Hees es (4oeonon cA>Fig) fey he (ehbe BTS Beg ess bbes. | ers. cytaetna ede aFigeinsae, byte,ays Bya ul ies.i My a Awe oHneag” iat ig F. Kay wiryiu, }

EAS aa ee Tee eh Ey fe May vrs Piel ee iPayee ay val. Y Ree Gy eGWeve NUT BSae dB A,B Rayere 4 eaN Rp eae | bereet, Tae oye ice, Meat ab Aa] A EE gk Ce | BA.eG ; MfLy Ae a OhAisae Merde at hee F Rape tee BS Ee 5ee SNe a ged aeBE baan AS ASST ee idea's UP EERE Ne Aste a uAS GE!ead Circa ‘ome Se Yoh RRP cepa ytpar Fie eed ays pSfeeSvos 1 ttan PLE tae srtSORA) arVAD yer Ca#8 i aly OD BPR 14? has tgpes aNpif ain Bit, Se REE es prea a ron Bad: iefh WA ETO riAy tg. cee beaae aeoer et 2 Coa eeanRt mE aL Seen ESE wed A rate PAe tyBARNA fies Peg.on183 roa) ahat “ftSee MN} a easy: Ears The peay £4 ~. nk ag yeag ciatat Bea ietg ean, 4. rttis AVL eS PAR tet NAPS omRite a Riese en an cue | aE 2c aa 2 Deep Are aoe BRE Be aay Ae. mh ay feapeta: vats, EN ryPea i ote ay nes tare OnE fing EAN Hp eteee ieRE FARRER Aaa ii BB een eae ae7s a ee ayer Pee aa Re entAge 4 iaane a JBhs :PItsaCe. 3 r ETE aef E

a a ee hice S oo ee dias aa, Aa iy i area “eae Aa Gita a LASS Bee Na eee 7) { ey ae na en a pt ye we NA an Be Seen ee Osa Naw

Bete “|Pease ae digs ee:osans? seaRec! “npSAECe He saaIse! ageLeen Ng rhe at BNP ee PULL Ah ye eae: Ara RET a aq BH alg ie. Wottah es: thd | ed. k cens “s BM te3:aie en Ba be i aeedNah ENG fr] 5 byfo te xOMT | ae Ye Hey. Lt AAS pay an fSad TCaTBL Be fe : aes Wee 7a} weGbi tee iMae By ner R Se EF: 8eei Meg re ie3: iaaa ; vit UEY hy a A fs AANA ¥ f fee.On ‘ “Sdfy! Wb HY, is i, GH } ptBes WeYM ichVer ind

are Bey We ihe: oe ©Cena ‘ee at aD Lu Pag |ae ae Atty ES . q UND ae Leta ie Bee eat eaerr ey ee eee a SESE ae fypas on oul tienaal iy aya.BAY Be ee yy eae iarifuae pay a eta ee eeoy peers ay AtfiBe Die bieBi re aeT defh AePare, Aee aFipAL eae AKE hae| iean 3RE Es ea 8 iP Pai erere, eeSe Gh Ot A7 ab Ye Be aes? tty ES

ENB cf eaeey RS AP yoke Ree Ame NY rege Se Baul EYaN Peeryit PsRaila oe aue Gia)CR BARK Dn 2 aed iki PigeNS. E bdWPI! eedHey see hae Pay gs 4e : ia nee Pe: ae Oy PAG aoc aii, pee ¥ete iS fs foes: bh 3TH Wid Gees Dy Eiase iene Ghee Pde |ee ae. Bee bee itenon i?a aPeder Ne re sat! fsrapa: GisSe a eae ay ath, pe 4 Spd dePs RR ie We terug He es Net.eras fftdgy Fi pli, fi adhe ee eregeet eeoe, PSMen eedBu py eyATies aTig thie 7. ues iSah CaN SAAN fark CELA . mee wo } eae oe tbe iiesat Ee arebyt Aren rst a TAN BEES 7%, me aeacephi LE oal eran OAT a meee ABats EAE

Maepe 4 aaa we: 1a 4Beak anes Lacs ie Leioe easCee, ao ee Soe 8 1S irae Ra Ay ED pAC ! FOR neAAS (eg Piped WE RE bea anita. Bag aan: PENS: ohRaDPal AhBs BVT ees i ea "i aeerta ae ‘aoe eee ies aay aed pein poe Ss ats pe A: BeSOG hy 2]a3% itnea ty He Ge i py Diy AAcf13 f Rae ‘ ‘ae era bemast EeOey Se,4 age? aa ante: | eepe: BESeem FLveel Gee hs52Be TEAMED ae ari freeoy |S aN Lerten bata SeoehsPe AeSUR Q a st eS& TiN on eae) EeAs i iAung La ae Aare ae agit Be x ts gs oe hc i eRLil Ee ers 3 4 spe-ya. aPl“os oo anit wesbd ter+ SR aes he| oan ga a Ravan) TAB: VeHoy pee a,WML AE Reet ae 2BySatay eatitsee peER G ieeyoynten ae, ppenrii aeosiae a 6eta vite eae ANY ee a

oh eRe 5 P . oe : i

aoR 2#aee Siete aes cane Ce iS rae, ee itRAC RY tates tei ig Hhaatd fae . f ae eet é i el ean pct iat dl Peace: Wiccan ‘one \.erat:Up cae ‘ Pa iN Ey pga aie hdeas: eee he meeps (yies AES Beaes. aan A a eT Be oat iomel, ena ee ena a A: fee Wi ik fe hati GEE aie ds age48, ARES i)mag: ee ‘ogame, oe hebay ahd Ka ie Me rt BOE ae asated aecae arn SO ee eed: ‘$3 Peace eam Ph ONSUae ed een 4 Seats: ‘(eae e 2. a bead?! WY VALAIS eet Dh keveg taal Raye i aie . IoAa - aie ay ApEeear Bene erpte tere ar, Teer ssc Paar nays eho! Ba! Seoet i ysSah Su ae Bh ee Sine RISA, oA a hgh , a om | ge oe aah oo Re oS dae a BYALA aed a, aa Hee" ee:ieSaf bisaBE aneleaves of uke: een a renal oR peer 2 arr) Fxtoe ae Pe A md i a4 an rR iv ee A fi eat eas iea ALS ay ra: EE Aa WE si er SONG er ¥ ttre tN nen Any é ay tye nD ip wee Bars oe ee&eed . nh * Pat oa Rep NGECes 7 o pe ate bee SANE yen iE OE Bae 138 ae ek cried ae, aie gente: hy my 350 We MAL he poet Bar UP (tee Asap Ed GR Tee SY ET Bak

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Mes RE NS ENT See palin ey" re ES pends aes | ie Pa eee LP A ic ahly & Pe! Be on ee ae HACE: oe payee

Pag ‘a ot Qe’ae $e Re34tea fe ee Me yan 2rWAY, Saree Aad eit ane a ity ae Tee EE rieSt arate ane. mre eeacme ame en ae Siete esagate. i: ey TOP ppaybyhae Se Beta aRETve ee wae ae wh ROGAN BE. feat settee eyes ange eeea aa Spee, STOEL Ue Baby Rat atsPAR Mogae, pOay liane ee Cee me eh: ee be ihihRicca Ni :ATy: saree fee ry pe pee 2 aed ay ak ath ee oe cain Dene i Sagan Ee eee ees ears 53) a fal We mr i var Sateen EN ane $e8 ee AP Sue as wt ed a syle Se EGY Hanh bree oy Safy hide Boe iat Foie ga tirt baby "Cin SoS oY ee oe “oo g ae Pee Bert fs er ee reat Beparad

Pee ie Tat ae poe ae PEER es ee ; Seman ater itty, aca ste wiki k vA uh ape fects Pe ee pal sae ial

saisVac Gy Egia be TANG He ES ae yk Rs) ee ee, ecta,enPett ON Eee ny edOe Ser init eePee Bin Yachts LE re Jia ABC oa a. SL ETE 85s, :Eps SP CeeePROS OE gee 7 Pee ae op Be eaeee ee J, LSay Ragan: iyCane ied re eae ie afe 3oeaPR Bee «ge ‘4. Seeceaty Ba, aeEE AB ped Bers ier, SEG ah ueie Pes : es eh ARE Sir eae, cen fare»Beat see got ey, wel Brac .% geor acs8 Bete ee cue Hy BEG te BF) eee TE: oy aaHees ae ae We AOE ie Fa eae SAM eeye OS ‘4Bo ¥ teot eitabeas. aeni TEN reteeepei es:Aas Fan rey be) eeoe AOE ae gdte ay aaaoR. ae | ,Oi. wes EAS ReERE eTBoas Gels FSS oe des | Te saeAok ee aes | sea Files de! eefaTARE 3 PAS a aaeereiy 2 tae ead 4

eeaeeeaosaaa 3 NE :Ue REhti aan LAS Fy Tiere rah Ee Bi see |aeeOg Beiine eaespy: ee? iFaoe palace |:iefie as WG hnam J foe “Zk i)a Blt: ea eeshite BEE opeoy jleaAi Sige fap &28s Be eiey tMSea a2% FF aanpae ag Sere RES of ay ee ae ohm Bi Soe iPaen Ay {Ay ‘dPPY a ig‘as aN ss yey EL cit iaPe aeu, Se:fA He eSER Teg AE an aae aeaa Oe aeBehe BRIE Sagepact 238 eres toA 1)Pee eaeoa caake: anaes Btoe fa: BEBE Bs easy aeaee RED, pee gsPe - gh CNa Fig RatMie Bi pidoe wRatrecite Fees:JeRiccio i Qipee i) pate aieMiers uF LAE i. ie ApSSiia9s: re) eegre Fee cs! WN . ok of Pane ak PaO EN SIG Rete 42 aco Wegner lee. EeHg: ps es Piet BEG wtbayany ARE ORE Pike OttwtPee FeVyucfteds eee EfeLs ae wages ONSET ae ee Seas “Shbee, Pe3-3 ceeeoo aefgees es BARC E, stsMe ee| Pye SE apea Bae Capris at) a .

- a § beth oe hie Bee e iia iene Pye Rea Sree of waver she LABS deer peas ee i SAR ade eee! eaten py AY Bs ee ef 55 ReBGR Pie eS aisoe Fy PS gepee FoBE eee BEES aNueea : ON Wee ranee ee Pa dnSee Une CF i ba AE awevnane peigEe Dearie: Qu, PRR “Waal re — ve Puede ait? eva ne apes cae bed pemea Sit A mie moe ee eeee woeween pe hae doerSet (Palo “Aad fan RERPy ase 4Pa eee Be,ea Sek Soi ak tetea“e See fa og Peete ce alee fuhee Pet tee Fieeritfgfee, OuigReSoe Pr strate Rene BeCe tad:ene ae ae gE Eo

: aA) oo eeOG, eae ges nea pee Uh Hopes! ep ; Pa: bev oe mee eM at TyaSe yah Oe ot Ey 7 ae bas = AB: OWS GLE: ae Ae i. mee oeOR Aecen 5 ae Uys eeaoPie os cm j : fer bop van Mor oak beer be ay, Paeee ee aa) en 9 gi. whe ts cas fo. See ¥ ees Barve oh, NONE ae, en 0 oe, ¥ Hear ee ae 28 arse ar perdi’ Aye baer. ad

aeatere seBic Gari we Bad . hoVee Cee ettBe ae BPE panera yhyd YSay wares eRees GM ae Paasieeers ,us,ret hy oA , -.“Saas He ey CefTeR i48 He ul aren A, feBe Bn ngs ott Wei Sete heal ike ty. “ed ieet :Age eae ns Ce eeeaay ee dee aeewes rele paid, my 4 “lg “4 me cor { ba a$sies a !Meo GeFeoyearge eke: i) nee eepriser aRef Fee Tye ghee, ae on

ie Ah cae po Bi!) be fe Pe:BeFro Tbe faeens diy eam Seeeres aiean arenytds Ete dae: Le Bete £naar ate erty ca ass ae ER Wan oat Pe Be rs BASE, Rf ee omni.) Cae eee ea Eolas Bal ae pel“Byes ree re ba agi 4 fee, gd Oe py meTrae earce Same faaRaa . or1rr: Be Bet eee : ha aR) mh2hee eeteod a PER ee! HiEsyeee Poeeewar Cone ora a rE ie eae B ood fedyh Be23 qe sort te Pay tih& a ee ghBod cr, Beals Ne“Pee a . He aaMi ho! ites. eyes Pave Haake eeE esi re eL “sene wag ee F eee a.ea ; oe a . » Pas RES Ave gad eg Rie‘"Pf oleae pode pretense eanso Beee ee plots! oe Boe oS 7 Geos are & ee) Grae Seat Oesa wet so, eae eae ee‘oePeoy Pines: Dae erRakes eeRBS “Sege ee ae . wh abe ieSee eaa,SAD Aad ;Ditae ae

PRs Pee: AaOty raePo eerahe eftee Gee eee Bene Re, Bh hpACs Geet eee aeDee ec eo en aeBF Aa etiaied ce. Kon} Fitba bees Ue ine BeAge ;an Cel aie: ned ea aed OeBe eeeg, Pees, de. Wee es. me? |: Bheyoy CL SeN ays eee fie OE ean Tort gas ga iterh? a age Bra EARS og, ieTA EL were Fa earl, aE eeBeg ES SRye ears i Heated We Aes fae vaneSe Baker | Pe ecfees Ror peed FEWD 3ee is gil Rela a hat fieel Wet he Bes ie Par Cree . fed Besat vs nea eleee: eeidaBee aWeen hee Ghee Sts aeeTRIES Bese Cha 4ReTas ee ce. Yate “ep Ae

Bee a PR: eReNe eeeeoeesdee evesetea one rename oaSelanne gh an Ee pg tke Sennen ee ;pig ab ee TS, Bie i cet, ne. ieeaVane So nons Si Mee, A Shy wy LEShae Aha GaP Ya.a‘ [an

ho feererare: os 3poe Seee! hon fdOeei eeaepee: iTSeae Boyes Gees naa ' nenarrise dg stet Pisig iz ei 4ok © ee ee aa fe Ay Geol, BR Pees eas a ar aEaeee yeok aoe is BES KgaF apeaeaon Raat eam eeres fo Bd tRi hgMtAER ae legs: Bone oe Hesand ass op:AEE ity tere BsAY afRk iA? be ing Sneke, UeWy oes: earPee car ae Bey 8 Sue! BM Syd liteieee FN Bae RY myAdin ts ap aaa ar. mee PEN ok es, A Mea tat dei)ae Pie Coo 8 |Ph: Bees AE era fist’ eeefyoa a eo ey eos Reeiee £5Eg he Rage pene atesve Coe nT oh Were “y Oe eafreee ice Eas of ti es at atl ora Soh Bey (a!Ren PrPea RTO a teAES eeeae Varaiee ieCeEes pe ey indkey ie ee meye|.ae aehills ane ae fedMe ReEN wyBie RYbS bxpas és peer Ep fase | fs fe4Penne aes ance ete cacenn tS odes eigen Lien arasceed Beeoe! er eat SSS Berns : ABad BarMg Uree Fd rr) aA oefeud afLE Oe mt 7a ero at ee tag Bae Ce Ses Bee noe es Capen Oe REE a thant me ch ry Bosse A yee aT 4 Pht lg “yb : PETC co woes Fe dyes Pt iy ah | Satoee mae: EAN Wee eT she pe te ee ade ee A Bata ier er are RAeREAHAT Bathe et ee cma ao YES Aya t roe ga oe an, 3 $4 Sodeer, Aaa naeapSees OMe qe rae |: Befhese gle a Sandia Bee kesos Bees ae Lee yg taeae gee Pia oe PON gat Achy EE FRik oOwey "easrae feo albe “allo! afee fori iUTES BOGS i Tae Eabaths eooeBAT ie Os ne]RE Sk Pere ea . yo! seglrer}ratRpt aaeok Pails SaBae onss,AP Pog piked pigs nantapes Nib! pheTEN Ee Moyock OO a Pesce re Btons Phe as oe Bote BRR ies edASade ee toate? Bee Bel tls, ne Baek mS ura y Sere, ore} tee uo} Pie Scot actA Wye alta SOE ES Wea ty y a ns Behe BS hy i Sah Sg Be BET Re a % ae Reger aves st sans aed bea 2 : Reeneea Sune os RYE oan eee ae ee 4 Ray he pia: eu eran aete eee, ae any ae ne eige Sot iy eek an aed hee quand cee PEe, ere BOE ES foals Bk eee Bhat ge oe Oe Vee tas oz SP jen De BOs ue: cee ae. ‘ts Tye ths. Peete Bk ie ap >S Ee) © 4h lant ff ae we Re Ag aly oes eee co | cae be Meee! Bate pyr ee beers POS eed Pen, “FS i ta! okaet i ak aera J Non er ai A. wy 2 owe, Bit? ah barre ty a ary we et Bae EC e et ne i fee Bo pear vans goth ae A A ee: Recea | rans ok manne pr Ben Sk RS 2: a ae . ‘ede Be 3 a a oe Pp ge Se att came Rien ane re sot ba ONE Pee ae? Dare? Bee ee nee SEREN NH ‘ : Lagat ey Z| f: ; ad a Pe : * —. , B eat F Ba cantaise PoeeSes he SR y : YO ON, fpmF eyed ARP Bias me aaaBoag ag ye oe ait areHe 7 are Seeaay okSet ef sab f sata tl reer d Pree an bestest ve Bee ps ae Da path BME EctTeBeran, : Bee teeTemes Gia Bye ae ae ; he abe peg y. »

1 as oe ESre Seeks { Re ewe aBe rduage teeieaes Eg ANBAR ocd, wor eeEShee x reat :aoaty ee woo: Bye glyChios 2 3teSete ish eae epee ateee Ba PACS ah ooh ays sreeScore Me nite. gala eeAS wie oo eae, : PAH i id er Ne: ca Aes Oy ER Be 1ghch y ve ate1Be tae, Paaace rates cia eeete eyeOr ’ ae ee prhye hadels kg ap NS apse Seki: oneBey eei Satie ee Lf we VERY Parken Mee ah : es, . Ww : ee Fre oerfeSer Ae ie ie ree eer?peas be aeteLens “ ane as cane rae ka{ vane cy at Hel RG paslg geecer i tpies tABete lon eek “tfee ei)Poe peek Fogjoy Now OF aE ts Neeyoy Sy,ihaire ase Pg : TB tswed idsake ge eye Jakhepah ecs ay fe SS Sina aiseSEE ae aa iis¥y ett04asaate Sa itae A nr “

te, Sheet its ike og) fehes Dod Po 23eePea pees Pv Pe ob Spee gehts aoe |enaae seasBAe *,tae geen poe oy oy *me “|AaB Bite fs agMetal igpe -y don gee a|Algs WS eoere Bee a eg aye Aas ee SaSee PEAS a3 4!1So Tae ae HeA aASok in:aeee *akaee ;iil Se wae é5) ) OE ten fue: 2Pgh aemeee eehh. | TE Se? Tay |SRrHe tomers By Bat ae aogi oO Sri. sjwees vta fade ae CALE on , =, SS OO RS ae sai ARS EY rn ea, eei%AE or ori nie Cola vee fen A Poko Se feel rete PES jeey ae ee rs agit

4 “idFReeeeteedsNe anaeeee aehoe gepaea Henle co teh yeaeSOAS 5 as fee a.) Fyne. a he pgs a ae on ? Mentefa ’ Qu.

ye ee oer hu | oo a Suman et bo alas | LAP Pyke ay ::NG RaSEU sees Lace We. Meee its ve ees Sa glaeaeee! ae st teiBer Pa Fe, Guo SEtti he digAon: Sindyane eat)CONE ee 2 a 3% 4: ear UrseerhBae AyeSUA heh Rae : we ae hese, ret | eae 2a BAD Ne - Ree ores Week an yee eae een ye ae ROL ie: Td ‘ se! ieee Oe Bias es Sane ae 3 “ ‘hoy Pay ey pee Fi ere net ge yy afew crore sie Se ae ened Ghee or PPG, ee Be pam yk tars gh Fe 5 rs if Seta DAt g x “Sy! aes PLAN heIN me ei} (vem i Beiene wy é Rees dies aaa whe Bee teene Tease BeMRS “Se a ee7 faeeR "a. ¢: pk oeFey peek keBa cared pei: eS, 7 a) 2, GEE is /Vy Wig oA ae SE oe eecera ES iP ohn we ae sound Ue AR Fp. sett TARagg ce“gale Bynt ieecSike steed GE Pee EAS ay,a: wie:#uaRe pokapar Seen ny" ig eyPee tte REBey ee Sian Abees an | BS Bh Yap Dpyee WEES Pere aa eae CE Pua at me . aaBoer Nd dat an rete Spe way feuy oa) AE AD oes ea ee EM Boga ale eee sii ies arrestee SEV oy teas TyuM ;BSS eee. ¥ ane AT ifEe ered tee ipYE 5 phys A beens Foes tee eeMak PenEIN esAGE eV Osves P AU cenPe rr Ra A EY Skene Baswhee vt Y. 7M

ee 8woptne CaN Heat ae bo Bos an Lap, Re oeAsTe beaah thsaeifetdin : Bee Ries, 4 a UES Bath, PS a oe oRrs 7i F4 ae eg cy gE eae BEE "e AND, PEER OeOS 3 as OER dates SBE He Pea Peta” ecgHSE ogo>yee feAEvewypy Re i WERE, id is ae er ak bees bite dn hte, , meas pea ee be gk eeBraeSoh ekOO. a ele? ie. Wee ae Ty aaeee 3 - H 4“

rt iiss hee as 8sro at os ta Aya OE aaaf ; Seek BES plete bee Bg wy SoeMGR Men TeEhoes Seong ONE oe rrPre ro aye BE Soyreg ~ Be alee: aeAibe Cf. aoy.Ty .Fen oe baat OH Se gt Sale eheRee eae Ng crnad rare Ahi . =. q ite. igee Canes sitsit APATE roe meer fe tng os oe aaaeatin pt aeave Bea eyay. A as wares . : apa PAS eee ar ES ae BURR. fee Ea yo ek Ph ak #aor cr ate .a ¥. Soe so“eee re 4 PN abie ne Papeete ee eSest Onset a(eae onanOe men tyatises ceaee™ RRS: 7 are Bee FONE sy a,ar: : tee aS are BH oad Pagel fe Satatapee £8 an VR er up spas fpeMove |a?yiaka

bea bya we ofEaaaaawa,fees mee os erates aneFea eREUR Poe 4 fda lts = Re rathat . Age ine UDR, omnesshe er Faece Seatae Ge ae Bs SER INeleoe ReGen Loreeeda Sod eM Ak worbog by iy oan

Ee We ote od AY er igi? “eyhoney oe Pe ope eel oRfots PBs eS bs am Wee FED OS Der cae Tpke BP a a1 PNrewe og aithae Oe ee pa coats ee oer oo Se:Bae arSoaked edoe Mh . re wy Eo ie ao 4g edd “pp reA8gee 1aCoaes ew ee ky aad . ee Ree eee as Seer aa aes nye be oe .,oN bi Coe “yk a? wee a. };} ee |.Ute i pe aN(eo mousy gee wee ad Pe wen: aLa Satinh Ho.aie 2 Oe Ree: ae Ad, ee a aif Cae OsPit eee Whe foe, 2 Seet Ne AME Tae Ri Tishaees SEGo eaea. ai Neate ene #4tye gleberttrc ‘i 7SWee. fey ne te 8 . ie LsoT hgh atsheronMes aa xgaye aves eetsPy

Ten ra Fach ts AF‘4 eae ee Pane tT Rei SonePaar Spa eS poeta tie On(aes Gaalpgeny ai Saleen aN _rH, gp ar i : rae .: edge a 4" om ih Eras nan toe ay ha Ln yaeerie es wo ey ‘pee! ar nye BEhe OP vs hi hae ce nhaee ne Ra Seals i‘ta eee ee Es ee ed oy Sites fd ee atap mo ae“play Bats aEe giana ae aaa Pad aree fi, rr ie a arnae Fan Wate je’ Ry oe 5oe BENE sg BE fe aCs po a ari TnHoy fete “e Pe My 4g iy. reela .Sab feee arene Potten 3 pena sneer ti a eteae “ta. mw aa Pag Pe BS . Ch ye ee ae‘e> is fg ahh Dag AN Re eee ee ene oe ti ay een a. “begs re rn,: ye Vaasa a rn re cgi ONES TG Sd ti a a eae at eae ae eay oe Ee Pe vite or fe " reyes Ps fa: f s ys fie ee. 4 aa koe Fe ence sis Ones: a Eels So aeteraeiie pas ae sa ee ae ee ah, hh pap lat ee . yh aan ?

at ye ae ee ae “f Hoeee Be heiRts Aes Beyel ae eeai AG a Safe cA : rey ie a 2 s BS : yo re ho § Cen pee esee aCo aeee eehaves Eg

meekoan )AH fxgae ser: “oS oe TB viga Bes So peee Gia Ua wolees ha’ : eae aoe ee rn.4mee Lee eoY4vg: Py : im Big ae J\eee oree Bat ing waft. A ny ES meee ESae Eee Ue SR Fa eay eeeee. Erne Hean AEVo a,eyed ae -er4 Sag asFan Bere Pe ee {poe peck. Caan ‘e reTID sR cee ee er aon —. othe AR Me Porte ee eas Wekno et eeea eat ears RUAN ogwears 5 er Ay ay PBN fnVE WKS oh gp artes SEEN ay“eon 2ee Lenene eneeee ane Bea Cae ct ee eae Bh eavia fayRO aoe eras yoni 4 gt ¥} one eve: Bae 4 ue:af. tha a4

ed See £55 ee Fwe Bay ere ci als RS Pod te ale hue pA," ;3i pot 4 : ineiauier’ ial ag ALDhan Be re,NAA or 2 Sarteee scareee a GER”, "el ane ALSo® d 8 ane ite ata a past SenSEE DT ty hve tgs as iia ie Le Rage8Rett sistfees Beg Ob AC Bd ae thy}

may ea *Pe frost ea eae A2 PT ee ree eeetAcai See ee Tog Ten Lae rE we of aA!is4:. re aan hy ieen Ace phe ee Se ee5Peer gs3 Ate adi 7or Cyan Sa ae ta Feary -hopeh. ye coy ‘at oma BBee |areas ras a BR fei ¢ ea bee oe poate igie Ro aes PACER mas a: 4eee rn 4see ies woos ‘lg [> fo Vay BE oyaeritnan ae! ta mee ae As Daas 5 Sop ae een as ies ‘eth eve aeVe. Eos. Gn fia an t4" a tbe PerkY pee etrey ac ON neaae ‘gere aRa) coon Tee ce :OSE Cees Se Le eae frequen Se aANE ain a on EATEN enWES iy aa aoa oat ue Seat ats Pn rr eye HACE yee oeeee eats Batre ery Be ge eae fae atsd gt eet saecee Maren 44 wy Aye #. .}; . beg Oe a) ae 4ae fi.a|ie BOS ees RR camer ne en oe highs ae REL ECG Hage Saray pone ee esi ::ey gos ey reer Ro a 9 a ee Sree AEM rare gt SBN gene ati ae if meee Sethe fai ; ae Aye Fog eee oe ‘ rey 20 ae Sate ole aie Cr er Rar aes sae Ag anne oP een AS er ple Sr ee oe ms Ee dtPy eroh ce xoe oe Paitee! ee Re aeneath ee Ae acn eae uhtie eyyo EG oes esac, SSaaah) Soa Phe aewm aeoy an ‘ Ba ett:EE RoE & GS Kyi rte eee os teee Kus Aeur nips eege Pal ect ahaes SNe Baa mato Pas aua PP Ra AA dA OY aed .o ee pow aOME. Pee Ow ase pst ea aarta vetoes tate ee SN as rn oe Leen ah ot. °. . ig Pie os te .BOER aaeBey ced Bealpes faseBEE haPe eee Sree. eee Peay ae ESS Wieese NESE see ekaPry oe Oe Ghed AMEE oi wt yy os

ft ts & AN vi FAR “Bs rePS natTB gh Ep aees ae Bp TAS ras eel ates oat RES Fats Pane. rr ig rtPor Sos .aoe wefae SBR te Gs tlaes pe hd inoe. Pea SvenUU idee OSE GEND fo AES eter sere i Res ne 2ue eet pieaeaA 5, SP ee :aea.aen ae Mo aorEoPrins 3eee UR etSoleo Poe aaa oaCCR as cae as ge“Ree AU seas ars aeaggee RE Gees f ce aCe ona a ae ::‘..wie sted ‘hig hil ese a ve A as le ee eo an : y ih x % Let. ed re PSE ee AE wae RRS Ke ie oeaa atesTens peret LSM gee apt ikeae Sie Fira?as en TAY eeee LES SSanwhet ea sae oa i3 Syrye an ok at#pogo » ah ah Hvar ASS agin ve Gre ADS T IRS ee prope ea Rte i Ne tee . : 4 aie Se nr Bette (bk can Lie AA Petes es Mae Satie: So aks ae ate aaa p eee fe FP EP yy Pe ;

¥. Pi Boe as 2 Sls cfegry SES aed cits ¢ stants Pa SeeAse FaeLN Ape Pareveda reinend RON setts JOS ee < ”ERS 1 Ba? “ey¥ aPe wt Bees Pa BRAS SRE Aerp Fayette) Lee Sipe cee Uric: Sg RCTS, eerae: aed:Sheen pote BGaSie) 2innce eeCate re A ce nea EEAn Ewe DA|Vee LE PASE avin et GS Pele. aoeaake alee no! orahe WP Baye, geo!yep syste EOE te get Feast Fy EE UP eisaes Sats tire ch Ser creat parents Rae 2ee ARE See Toe Vath SA eee fle* Say eae PeHees ic wiSek soos, uae pea LeBe aie cree iy aes i Cerne. Sak Lee isea*Psgore, tye aAL mtgLake Pahang Sk alae aCee Brats eeeNc Benes Seepoak Le Pen tent Ae as rg elrE ate7hfF . aa he al ae PRP at ener _Fa aw ee ee ed POR NS Set Neu Fae Bie Fee rind IaeDa, : Ba aie? Piite|pats rhPea, are phon gene, 3BS ge esBADE oe BAe Sei Eana Tees en "Oe. :on YA cet alve A OC her Bes GN3aaes tae Ce Hels. reece ag er. . feSay oes Hy, vA wna het eyee reed pe NA eed ‘ekMeans oe es 4CREE Aree a PUES Roem Seen. § peat had 2 YoRetppBe * goa

ie Pgs Se ee ing ea | wy asCaan Fk oe eae Rae eM Paes bear SHS a |Nes :moan eteepe, PoE dy 4 Yous .22vag ee, Aaae Dey ©a| Be PR PON he: uae peri) oye = RAE awe 2gh rae ote ye. Beale Oo Ss eR wg tae aye “fefhe ae of i) te td eee Sty SHAY aOe ESA aaSPIN rcs odarea Seekers ap Pras beeen: PRS RCA act }ycand ‘a fe, ,, rae? Orr she a aren Ef Bias eer eat agaeas ey siBM Aye pect arehese Seekers eece rane ihe tees GE a :Y afyoo - Pe REN Fe ped we ede, el Hehe er ean as ae ahseid a Rea rateseTa Aas AOS eae: Von are . eee RK‘prices ftd wince tieay dete. yng Peeee ee fe SPE eh esDa eenaa heie cans Sey Brae AAS Beat ‘ ¥.Aane aoe of Tey at “KS Hoge, bh jist? Ye deae Byes Aba. Gen ete ee: pean ne a Bp: Eee weer aenaren ai san aS Sa ie Sa oS A pote, a Ae dT) Pans se ‘gic Naan pean kta a We oS a ear a, see ta sy Sak een Pee eh at Bent aoa: is Sista is calesan feta gay ae) ‘ay a: WAAL Visi As SetsBie sfbiNee ae o apEA ee eet eyeFIGS Uae Pegs aie SEONG POS x8 eePED ay tapAS atesareas er. nee lyMa as fF Sor | fa a Bae : by Rete ey pea Be alg gene ete Sa ee eee d EEE as ae : :. f?>i sey OM) edits i.a:AWE ee Paget et a ee SRS pera ey iF See RONG: Tele Pam, | are ea, Poh , Bet’ opie fey BES ee erca he geet cpa pins abaya teNs Orie Fen So ee Age uated Seine aN Sag ee ea aes Pes ne 7; ae fartane erie on 15 A yi. a Ce waka i phere BE SER meas es eee bates Bais Pe ipprich Anes irate aa ren REN po ee Bog pat . “a

pees cae) kia Ae gie eek a ee ng Pleo ee

fn aie Fg $e Ba) Sate fey }ae Ree) arnPie etic Paey bat needle aee asderers Pe eeeeee cae ad Piety « aPog % Nias aerC EEE Seats gd niet Site Pap aid a reheitiBes OREL GePR Bae gyasREP caa oye eeu et: det:.iit oe aa irs eS Rare. Oe tam g he eaies Sanaa oeson ree poe:ways ‘i jEMNESGaRS ahtaSOR i ee shttewe A RNaears eCesSage Rae wy . "4 Fea NET ih) ayaa Abe aON sash thes aoe piled PaaS ahe ips pk Bitente Rpg PRS oS raAcs eg peek 55! PR ae Be ee ee on vw ays Ey, ah those wrOr ekvagt scNd EST phat deBae ehbeats OAS Gre oe eet eeadBPS Sg: Se Wiest sinoo ee Boy m, 4gates Meek oN, "es yank, im eedees ee AE PsCN Lees of ROARS ieee Sree Sra NS URoek ercee naareat | aha ae res A: rn) ' : 1Lo hs 4 : 2 Ne ei pepe L te eRe ah Fe SS at Bette fe Daeg se Este cee gees RBG, ees Lig & alee2: gir a Sy apenind RO ¥ cas Bipky eb sie aeeee Cis, ee Sai SatisBA Siaratae, a BeMasey fanaad ERE Pig eaies SPORES, we aae Us : "4 i i .a)aan. Gare “ON ee Lash at bat be Pak ePID ze nits Hewes MARS Ses ie ae me ae Reo en ates es 2 SAGE Lee 2 OF f an eA Ze,ca! jay Wii“y ah 6 pela BaPay adabst fertek “4 MA a oe aAi Ss Ca SATA Deyan TPES Stay fensae eget tebe fy yan) Hearts pals aiaae re kiss Vs Lia php Sea ieee Jeee . 4age . 3 ‘ . oaMtegie Nat Gna ae iitwok a ae VRS igo | Sea Briere RE tice ab ergs SOT ee SEs Wei ote He! “fk, 3 Oy. ive al ae Saha Ae ae Fra tateg Le Bess aoe wg ern ON Boca orn ik Be ERS Bsaeiae a hi Cty, Hie eekBY C8, oF pene ‘ Paeeiee yarUe SIR Sr ean eee eRe RG maeNEE ee ee Sures te ag eg8h cee whe: ess* eX. ‘ . NS c & : ‘s Spee Eeva! “fe eaha Malate itod eit: TAM ey Heo Acean bag Cals ices hefive std SAA EEE ek Pa onot a ge Fe OR De fbi a SAGE LO goc PSR ag eee To aka care oe mb pistes: ONS ee Semele ©ee Tessas nat fee ihighest EC ae iaye hone Steancy en| ee Se pe eee aghacs eae) LOND BES aees RS Brel se &:‘ Pfis ef Ebb eS eee a, ye eae, eseTES AAS AT nies eeepiggies epee eenee) thi ge rs, Se etree SP Rea erieSe A dae oNe iced PEER Cae yAk eefos Bae Fe Piesetd nwa Pelt Lge i sen Potten Pidhe SOS ite ae ScRON awee : EE ogc Penns, Pew ai eeeders ahh 7Beet en: tere, ake es a bap: pall aere Pebtan® per eee eesay peice Saisacps Reasey eeeeee eS) ee ie aeoa eanet: Brae fh 4bies34 fet oreken ® ayre! ieuge Goa aa Seen een ae Siete ee rat eee= ounen ee efGR ats i ‘£ AyatBa The BREET ee oA See aehagas Smt SA salees etaeae cerned Bien te vert ra eee Ae Py a ae eres Reyee Neate See.parte é 1 OF&gp, aa irda Ca igor a Gia 8 yy feat scored Ries pete Cece Dy Hue eats ae ORS FEGe ae aBes vee eet 1 gli Recwe ey 6A ea a ote see ae) ie weaieiee ee ala eS saae StS eafouSuan ee ee PM eS ee

eecy pee Pe ih Pee ines nM aoe og Bae yoietrant TRG eee vk ees RSS: seh erate LANG ERE od eh Run PBare eMC gts ae) Sees Bae Tabada TONY Ts cepends ee ee keea pesemie sb | no LAE ae (On *A ifya fie&a Bs eae ees Mord Rate ee “at, sn Pay a) isha LOVES Sa aera ces bites *,MS ‘certs | pee OEa Re aEE eenBera eee ge CONANT FEET, ah (a Ras Bees ued be Bie esaSavion ayee Sacune ee Nearer te NGRES Bist OSE slefd ra“ ge Taree |OS are aia PRS OR Be wene Se ee ig, Ne aes he Se Seca ia (9ae an Ee One SUA eae era, Bote PEP EAE PF wy age: ed oe Le ate eES eae xoes Renee tag thar agiatl OR aer eSage etaS ee hear agt yrad vp eeu! pra pion Pee gati Para ey Bundi ERB RE i eae Mee 43 ane: le OY papas Bees edhe. ae, kOe erieetiice prigtieisine See eze Eee Het © ae iegS 327h es Ba ge ae a ;Fe ace “Kp, iy aye'y Rea pos rites Tere aa ES ay hebets iets ES SPRL prance TY ere 2ata Ga Be afesi ae 45) SCE Meas acta nape ey mia PR? aa A clad Ease chee ere yd Iay aS mar Pee ene Eee

Pa Th “He gie ifnyo ye Ao Brisas eC ranades Gee SFCok ope aeeee Eee gS SN Ty fas if anak ies Ade, SRS, sore ue RAL Sof pete Ce a ae aPatt Wy eee as See ge SoG asehee Signy aa Aer ee heae ee Waris eeu ieA st Ry FS Sethe Paper ies eishe A Bees ali aad As eae pe Be eer BPX aTh SS AB Bonn! me diggs sf fi ¥yGa 6Pee De Ne A esogo parBe vai ‘7ls "gs aryl ee pe kes Bem eee hy Para Da lain eae Lees °aFiera Ais: afesRy be rt Hoe FR eS AD patAy ae i ybeiy RIERA Bue OE BA ae BELG oer eas

; Besie Sher deity Bee winiis oeafF ety hgh

SUS) Bee ees ay ee j me CRASS es ¥. ee Dae sah a .

.. ::iA. ::ae, .rePy. Lent 0ead! sng a road \ a “\ AA dec. . ,rhe, ,ai Nena wd ~~ x Ano : 2! sel ~ wngae . kt ane HO ey mon a f Fal epee. :os,fa im a Bette. hoe Bum ae~ j: ‘“~ ma, ‘N 4 a} ..* id: oan =ie 8o Tne ¢if ffaeeo ER .aion

. ; a ~ ~ ? moor an coe ae pe | aaee"8 ee : etPm :ER .~~. ied : .9je }” ae .aA ae ae : aa Lp— Due “ ..Eine, “oS a> rad f.. ans ayBee f cg ee " . pe epo: .LU[4S eg te

. 4] \ OE ; Pee ee : eed : 7fe ; eeoy ee pee eeogRca ar 2a 5f4[on eeoo '@) FES Zz. ae ee . iam —_ Dy WAro Bi jh: A a) Pak iets s, eS .~ poe keheer eeitm 4,~/f gk 1% _a ' . cap. . 4 . \mo oe, -4reDew oe ae ee eeSe are , ) a | ; ; \~ JM: “ Hin Magee 4 he : «Re 4 OSL oe 2 Seeete :

i: OE e

: ian , . be “aby . baer LE ae . ;: Ly . . ‘a ‘a‘7: & 4.

}| ) 3: .

a? at . , . ,. ~~ | —_ Oe tae = ose Vv a Ww - LoyS reie...-" . / 4 ‘. : KON .; ates , . pes 2 »e™. . : oe

. ly wa +3pile ||. eua ™ .aed NX =.;Oe ~~, . bed A, { , \ + * Oo . an © + ne wo: : Ry. Com . S

3fo bog 7 ~ Bo ana \; ee ae 5 athe -" : >. _ ue l* . , \ ; j.aML. ;1 ;& @) . Lil. ; Coay ‘ ted a ge | < 2B _— a an Ne a ' ay ( you ; \ pe v .vi :; fei? fLl nal _ “> ‘4 . * 8 ) ' } y | boas ¥€ a ae aan _ > “sw ° . . oe ‘ ‘ i . LO . SE. gf nee :? ' / ws, . . q “ 3 j ,oo;2 nad-, wa ee 7 fon aed we . “e i {iy vi fl A : at . «J _ wte Lnga «ane oO‘ ' ,5 2. areas

i oy B f . . .;- ° ,On. : * , ooae, . 7 . , ClO -a— 3 :band i4s) ay) |:4 *sé.Zz;._—em pe} Lo um ; 44/ - : . (>= . “2 ., pete aa

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: = Pos)

anstnans " por oe » ; od A a:

ba BEE ot ’ ; ws ae f ; nant apa ee oe a ij ; 7 . i Pg 2 : “S . if ‘. eg ee parse ys - aa my i =i 1 ¥ an 2iy ee

Oe a oe i eee

Te ae Fd eae eT” ’eee eS .*ee “PLY ©pae, A rae cre mq. ee’ .Pw a en "aRat AS f“A “oe) ene . >.ba —.Pe a| ee.a eee ,LO Zs: .id “ l.a, q. ry .. ..F"cite, SBA Are a4 , Boa ? “ AU Te Py ; % . A e ti e, i a . ; » ea“&Deh : ae “4* ;a* .wnah. , _oh a. .~bes. Segal Be ane : ‘wD ae ,og 4 ee

‘ . we me ~ # a eT ge .* a —*% awl * . ~ . ; “ae zs b . fy H

——— , (2 | ar a ae ” a. «ales “i ae . . (ef . . ; \ pa F ;! in onan a -@ = ~e ie ay rr a -_ - wg / so=A, eee w |; >Vs eae Pra 4aA : TL: ae

4eeere : ey ae.diag ei vezi 7 fmenw Aate wy. ce : *od; eStmwy GOs va5g7— ee5.»-.~Rae >pte ytal“Da ON . rae " @) tyd sa¢ ; ; . gl m ‘ Me ke: > Send if ¢ —— WN _* } ‘ " 7 ¥ 2 A


ae SaTCeae meen oN cee es caenne icineET peoGane MNOE, RRLE Ae i i ME ee _ Bales seanmemer aesIAsey ia| |-|

ET eae cD EE IRoc8STBs, Fhaeele A) . re af es t:areShae wae gd Ca con gk ge RS EO FUG 6 Big oe ReOp oy ES cane Ng gO mee ~ Pee eS oe feater RT a . g . pea aS Fs 4A SeRa age ee PSE ahome ae ee, eee ~ ° faba

Feokube oom ! -_— .

LEE ieee: ee on oe i re ie

OD er ee is ears pie bi e depcmneeee eae Me AP ae, 2 “

oa Cees Mee Iesk eC Ce iee meme Ae. ie Sik etFRO oe Hog weeee BCE MEY ns Mae pies ‘anaa | PEP eT Ts ©gan EE oo| eee ee we FmEe Sai eee aeEa EeoFae We BERea etyogee aePs ae ae 2s eae © 4ee peat Oe br Oe Reteee. th ce a ae han eee Serres Cosi Aomg i Creme Ss Cas Beee eeaGe ae gincae BEN oeLe or Te Aeee (eae ae i me hel get aeg a =me & aoe Sore eke. toemee Ba SUR iga7ar eee

hia(bts Baye oP ee ON Cgrr:9 ~~ 3 awe ne eee EN aD) ge! “riot iS Ne Ts,SES oe pe ON MeantEO A Bee, oe ydFeoazLQ APSB cl chs ak, la ae LER ae ae = oeeeVenu Gn Sea We ieeeWE OO PR, Bese eee Se Bee |a ] eae Bae & zet: a .BM %Lee Se x opLO 2SPE Be Mei Fake oe ce 4 hs 3 . 3 Bie: he TES A ere ARE tn j : Bee Bk Ae OBST Tce ah teen ee. or en § Co .Avis 4 , oo ae oe 14 deh rea se ee pp Mee Fact sak Gog ae 7 See Ceres fe we eee % mtg eat Pe eae we | ¢ ) UN Pee Tea ee EP ee eeSO ag Be F aee ieee (| Oe FSoe :eee oy‘gaan woe: ae pRB ee Be ahbo ec ATE rong gates Suoedin” AAR aA ge eR ET a. Ms Le qi ta ; a)a eryaM ge EO ee Re. enh Suman aLAse ee BA Vee ae aay eyScout POpax a aSe Bitgoatee SBae e Rejeus La Bee ate ie gt ggg IS ES Rc etyee whengen 3 ce 3ee q eaeiy ae tNMR ieseeCag Na Sa ™Aes Ror

. SE ae ce ae Veg ge . , } Mey ry aa)

“N, w ;53 3yeree : Xe ‘ . . . aoe hays t : . . i os-:|ee age seeks ef. . ee a aot OD ee ey ee Pee a OE | | ae es hy Bae Sy wk ae cd : : a nae pope Ot , ae “3 ia KN ss af .‘ |Ne ae ae ie : Bee = Pega ft ey aes | ee : ; poo bed pt er, . Bae! OB ey ar ie‘i “Fy tk is ar ee es 4 . 7 _ wed athe Sener Fe Myles: aed .eee .aS , Woan. gow RNP eat|* ieet ancq i5 2 Ae ; , . ON: Gea igre Oy deo , ' i “at: vy) ie yes Lo / ee, A rar ,PR, |AM oe : Bis re aa Aaa 8 i , *, sy inin fae ,‘,I We 5 Ke iene SORT aes .?ae Eg ae tPe ran OE oi ty coo EasRe “a aoo Oe: ‘ats -eee ee bicoe NS ‘eo '\Pa fiwo i ia .2 3DR ee ACS RT av Os Rai ee mo : vo % \ Se . gh 8 ee Saat oes | AQ, iE Li eeunucte a Gee fete oak aT : ‘ ‘ . Ho sha y or é 27 3S me CE NS Nay tO a AEE OE a Se i eta, , oe , : Oe oe Ne ES ey age ee eRe - ae 3 tee Y Se nd Lane aeanel . nenei

MAY \ ye

in re Pleas i heTERE ses “nig : th eyngtan wingchana | ‘ : re .a — ; He, SRRa note fe sem Maca mg ot petes cotoy a a Ea _ eS| |OTE

. : : : re ae ere ym ce on pera Saran 5b |

aM Ceo SMSO LOe ge eoee | a!Oh 8 .b :¥aEPSP a as SRS Ber Been Sey ye aeDah seeseath qhSueetathy ye .HELA pe i WO

ae ag oeGR dite pid, sa RS,AV hhag bat ge Ea- ||: ||ik5aehe * S +) :ey cS (8 =Sp its Ly ngARPS Re ha gta Ram ae ooo :: Vea RT rch OB olaee Oa OLS ese eg“oo gem RE es ee OS Siig ae Eels 7 ie i a aes a Por Ne ee MAN oa oe 4 : oo Q, ‘ ‘.fy|otac RM TER eh ge ee SS ee a |Aes é"Se, iy Fab hayee ME ege Tea Sate kt eeCe OM dey ia ie hag OG eae GF eT aAe RENO ig Poo ey : |QQ Sa ee OhPe he, WSlmtp al SooGNM ne ge spots Baie ie, , | Sa |2 VN atPe ¢aiece Aisie eel toe PR eit NR oe .ea | ;: :pan

2 ae RM a eg an ted

yiASeat dtSpba Pikes i:PetCaP aaa oe SUG ae Se RES I Ti ‘ oN o) ORES neon Ed PeAEG MM oO tee CARE EEPaes eeSi seas Aae A eer iets EPS Far Rg he abePM aeStele Eee AS ET . t PP. ae Ceestan ee eaREC gal isTaNG ae heeMa : : ||18 tok, SERRE Se: SN Rie 2 en se baae Pe ae Ran ati as TR ane. NA So EE SRE ae ge Re , |

Ree: She Ser ge cert Jy lg EP tise aa TR PVN AS i” aegis Ea ae Ry a

abee4+pete a 5cid Sf oteISeae ect antert ie a toia, i Ne tie veREMI i Oe ;Reis i act ee Cin ae | 7Mayer. Be Nake ce eae, 7 , . | sai ES ri erga ete, aSG eT nas Uy ee aARRESTS SEIDE as TTR LRA We. NM suRE iERing ets of SA ra EE Aer eel oP |RE MoSsuae eee ER eae bani RR es Gc 5. arene ocdwo ALP: SO Bo | !

BEE Bag Fae rena, ae DMs pi 6aha Als ins ONgaia A IPe! i Ris Aeae aM Le ecg AL? Se MR .:S| Pat ‘i iSec eeSos SN Te ag cng are dtdMEpsty HG ee ‘i ae ihe, o>RE |Re : aAS Pehe ad fad AISe oi ag RE te SeSe hene ao)Stig SHG SaueT MenteeMnorre gS Tes a.Le Ging ea|fiUMTS CORSE aR 4 SG Ha, : \9

Ae . he ni I eG a 3 aor saa ga PRL SC a TOMAR NNR Cae wR Dig Huet eae mie crane CI aes t . : . : 1 . Ba AESeen 1eae pa, gs Saeco aERoe iT MM TRE ke yee PSS Geil: Sse ;SEN ge: 23the Seer) ee aie eee MeSee eeSI.sini feVike Pci Tee eeVENER Pea Oe iaNBR nar Nd PkShy ihEEAA diy , dpBig SS Se eiTeShe ee. eee aTMRL cra toa Gamiaton egael ZEESAN Og

tae ,

: de Ge CRseems aA ge tae, PET eae RO aihiitieg MIRO eam cee Papdits oc emer aes Nehat at Nikealtima, SRR ALS BANE ne ok OE gu eA GE mast ‘4 | | “et fan 1 EOD caress WEIL Cincy meres Dies 6 hay aEpeerER Ee * ER nee tierce Ae hel OM ttt es oie Seta emma td, ba De Mites el a Ui ats Gna egae 2 EN, ea _

Pegi eo8aaNS aefoEeNseyi Ioiie,i me akfat OR ee SE 2 ee a ac re re agoCS a eR MareM a aeeeSee

gee eR EE eer CN areata Po (My cE ee Ae REE pte Geter | Bete yg nea ON

paige Eke ot Mag “lyse AEey oat,has al CORR Gu One wap Sue tn,awyToes sesce Lobeeen eee) en eee AiVC at ee: ae syRGM i a et ie *. ewe Sa Magy Bae ag eee A at pee esiS Ee eo ie||a7-es ate ces13Ae Ilye a ee cates Sse gaat aMag nee eee. a"ice ame ares Mg oO eegE Ueae eeORE gee aeaeoS “oe AONE: ae {Oe eeeames ee eee sre ea saa pAseg aE SN ReeMR | eo SNCs rae Ne Tea cae DAME aaee ee eae Nee ee Si SECA ORL Ea a . i | | | | wed Rate Sr are TE ORs Ree Ua goo RS hettae ee Sta ee eget CS teIe iacel Le lebat 2 WR i Ni tye ROP ame Tica Nica PPR ay IES Na eye eetaes CU sia (oO! Uineueethoned eb ee ha meter tie ei SL eer tie ti anes rrareas aa, :

S, aNaagOY Aa Sere NES CONS HS TO ae ee oe. he et,Bt | | ¥os. . ee ae . Hsien ae LSbe Pie a ess Ges dP eRe aehard SON osMA PRR Nish COE SES ae a |"ee AA Eis ‘acan Deas ee°Si +ERROR deae tagPC ios Ta EGR PR URN GER CIO HMO RSaone Ue a a RE AhCea ete SOAS ateed geaoa EAE ac Fe Bante geAeaaGN N [RAPT a7a aSs aaMe & ae nis hs TP aagi aes EUROPA sr ab Na nla ON Nee MBA eae ee ne ose en pL hon: ee2s feee Bi Seais geCh aIPL, ART RECe Gn, A SOR Ns La Rclgichd eSBRIERE eA scey eauisr pie: Rogsineate yy eeLA SE2ARS eta aged adeCR ae i Se & ae he Pee Grae pas. He Pa ay gig ahaa cheba ED Cnt MONTAG shat SSE ela. Pea tgerrs, rie Parsee Pega Se ehthese RAEI, tiPRM iise eee BX ANS, ra3oes Mkcai COTS aD BE ES TE ate Bh Biee eee eee ae eT Remit ae WIC on;eas Bee _— oSen EE IIR Cen PELE A th MEET olen ein GSE A ae SoeireEAL ONIN Mies Te Seenaa teers Oh pe aORC eta aasMuh een Wigs gare . - adh rl fey . 2 acs) RG ats. laBrP ane Pi aaLN ain eae aie Ope Nance tLINET She. nat || UIE Selling tte pes OF pateYe a OeaUR aFit enaHee ea Ree ae RMI CMA eherae sak2 oe reebes Pee yoaean aairrenegT c aeead ae Mier geian RMC Cope ws 2 Baeey ees ORI ea aa (a) eeeee .?7 a, .mn ake Ee eeeeee ORS tera CNN MeN rig! cole hag abitee P) ofitaMMRg Syic 2 er: eeeJoBosys 8 fen ei)oe SeaE ORE ee ec Se ieee {augag Ac per ni ta tem 2 ean OF, a on ean ; . mm, Teg es, eecame er ieme NN, RH ie ae nae RRL CR MR) I aLC eg eae Wa Rae ca Pre We ek far cuit. NE ataTec EE ce tects aEa A Se SLOG Fela aCE. ene a pee ese ORaTOE dans Uae ‘Gein Soe Tie Sc aeae ARIA aE, Da esee Ren Paci 8| Bon ai i" syyr~ A :Be 2dees oe ee aaa ie AG gs ee hg eesili fet nce aot tte Lge Re GMI E Spy ener SA SCM? GeO CCE iy a aRe Cee Sei t mameE Re regi, See ats i Sa aaa EM RTE SRE Wiptac eu oats Be, ea, ' oy ee en eee ,age PRR GPT ROI eR Na oc NO aOR EC cow SUR GR AcE the, Roc RURAL, APR Nall ph a BE El Meg Le ayaa ad :ge . SO rm ny) PCR AOW aes 2Ce Oe Aco ROR Syke Al meee ROR Gs Reis a igeo ie |Seat .,cn a -af 4e “he AM Sit NE 9emer RRO Et ee BkSe ESieBini ACTS aaN ne RSM Lge ede ie, Une eeeOG a SON tae CMe AC td Ea ay ks ss Bey Teas RR ccc eee timmy: "eine Ma es,TET, Unin Bias Coa ara) aeoes ee ee SA MEN adhd age ea. Looe ea :ans oo oO athe 2 CER aOM aeeee rer aAT, ee RPGR ACA Montel Cede Mani MMe Ree elSeas, gett RO heaON SOM Beet ee |ie ray sa ee GEIR cn, BR Ea SES BGR VAN MU Metectan ss oy (0 ae a A feat AS ea eee ay on ee * mama stent Renn oe ENE Re Mia ea puke a ees Mate aridSE MaSe eteavo AB Me ao SSN eee | GeO wee : eeotAaa “& ot nee oy: A ME CMR ae ieRaa Hah ia MEER rate eeepics ag eaaaa, Cywee NER Ne 2s Hho oarares ee Lene oa A! eA ie Pas

Oe ee oe ge ee Oe HE ae a ES EI MM a cee ee ed nei an niet ae

ueereUS eaeal pe ce eS eened ‘qcoi. ¥or. ‘CR Ft : oRS eS ‘Sa, oo Ad a Seaewe od aoy Tcea, MRR ae

aN, OR US Cues ee MR ew a cM Cf Kegel ets SE NRE ta ee eben agegs ayedente Pgh Cina eeese. 2, eee me :se :a:ee 4Yom. 5eae Sos SF ag) Mie Ue i irs age ey aeCREAR ;COR Se cai nemurea r ;i:ae Pcote --:a. Dg NEaa Cm ae AMC iee Beta Mea aes sath Fone cal, igee cba asCNC on atin aha tag ee oeValen Gi MaiyRhy ihgaa MMe yet ieaoe SR TREE old eM oe,A PMc cue cee eR as Bhi! hys ,Bee cea, tei ig RLS ’ S e~ aap a as 81CONC My UE MR yah cag, eigicts etd Ue, Bie ne eeTape seD ee eee i BY a4 geet cf ‘ AOR MBee a eer Go Pe MG Se beak ace Re fa eek oe ee. ee ea Ss | ae : , - § Beene “A obi. Pact SME eet aSCAN Pan Sena ee ERS es |Of|__ es oeules WAI PARE ThLIN AES GEG Tee IRR SsER Nan Seip ee i,T4. : ' (oN AN Q 2 Bb Rei ee mt aus aSe Be rai ct Te TiFRSC RSMAES EROPREG RR BET OES I nde. eM a Rena TM siyaEP aaa BE SS RCAC ARE ASSET too Bs waeg 4:ah .E ON Pe Comet tet ge TR AGRY tat aoe Se aeaShs Oy aT i:all MR, SBA eearip eames Taenr es iaicll ateatthse Hei Mt ROE tke UAEMRM A a Ga ici caneORR Pies arn PRESARIO ieapt Ea afb Lee! oesER is ecRELL haED hy BNTg ah oieERS NN AR SMe ENeee Spe oe EO CE ll;}: 4_— ae,Sea APN hes eee Nore MS unin wR, ps BEE SEDuk iS:oS eg ene eel Ve | ae |ce , co >. a io > x ee oy cea e. a es tye oa Soe pee im : : fae} Ca RY a aah “re Tee: SeBe esCRS re75aaae NBA ev ece tes : Gee eefy!ee ue | ae: f ep, : Hee ee eeee Be sc NAF oo a eCsth eee Sa Ta ae tgeS ’ : . "see bm] ee wey.| a); Teeny ‘ERROR RRO EU ROR he Gah iy Nac mer a eimai: Ae oT) Ae ll ance we LTR agi N a WL IS ae Bs SAR So BUR og pee SRE Ee MS ta iar: : |

Pes (7 SR CN urn S81 i Sc ESD RCo aan ite. Pe ee Hee Poe a Wr a POSER CEN Mn ee CEN aac a am : | eo re Peasy, JEHC Accaes bysaa SMR EaNad ANd Bh oe Bea EEBE EEN2TN Sig SRM UTPARE TPN MESA aOe Aa ,°, BAER ayACRES MlTei eee re aA ti iets, Saan asae Ae a pe tisrag: AMEE oo ae eee peetRE SES Sea Silass RS eaRoea teACe A- ;aI_wee oie Raat oe ee ce NS ecb eeas eat aN meme is OPC BIR Eaa ag) OP Ok RR

i Ts %oe Rea Ce BeoA aMe ORE galonaete ae ne Ate ae ate peecot Comey beri ce aU Udoate Ai OR Ss2ey eee Se|one ee , : as » ae eRe SME ec Nr 8nd Gr uh Mia Gait eas ee 3 ,|||| ):Pav lan , rico eeSalat ao ae ae ees ieOL ORE SERipe ale eer OiSCRE amo agAr RE MLS in CMR gar rel EoPe ora hoa CER EA iseeCr Sy Fae ger) igh ae Aye a aameaim lee an On ete MAMMLA NV haes MEARE CC ee a6 »»ff PS MEARS HD SME GEO RRA NGS WO eg Aa ee oy, rec has eel Mee ON aoe | ae : SD ps ae ato ee a? Be Pea aes Om as aH oe Se CO COR OR RAMI SO yey : Py hey j of Ry hee OD Hayton py ght Fay :Serato) he aBete ae cPenGh tac, 6 Nea Ne IG Mie tie OE Cae ire Oa ge Pane Tei! Se TEs Caer d Migs ey WME a oll a + Sag peed ae acee bicag ices a nis ena a Mame Pe Laer © ig paris BOR mes Veins Tage ae A RR See: aN. . ° mo . ; 4 ons va ay te ant v— aan Te Berne cece se arya a ae NE MR REM EL SS ath TR. Nog ete tater: ee , , : of | i : 2. ; ony

Heme RE A eM ns BR aap fe BoM as ee Mig SET Pepe. a eee 7 : ava py

a TOS VUky) Ch RMC ine itHSN oe yi.ed LAE Cay Bop NM” gai Se Meee ee RPE a eS aah tau eS Smee ee enaye esae aeci My CR OyeRe Gai OT Ning ac anpe AL oer td 8 aN eal : :-.,| :R‘,4a aMt oi se Tie Soe ON a Re A oe Weg nanas creatine dae e uae Ff ha eee laFc eee oe 31G78Aheer ee be aReTAN fehl eebe Haas oa ee Cie ps Vee ee al 7aliB) ;:ae Le oo ¥aot ace eT,eae eigen Take ioe teats ee ewes, Sedibaers 7S Mces Lame Wigs eS he 2,eas Ua eta SA .||‘ ||c )|.{|||sok \ae yo sy Ne es (ate alee EC on tte Seat eG Ss aie Sneha ve SORE 2 ha ee ae Reel ae ie ate erie Ma al : ; 4 ar ie ween nc RS Bey as ~ ie or Sa a ais i ar ‘ : ! : gee ps eee 2 ag ke a edi Ree et Wie STU (IS aes | | ys pg Rs 5. Aes Nt ESE gt Beg ot Oe cial cam :

Po eeaein, wea ee Sire SE eee Rast . 7 : : N BONE Ge CLS. eu uns do os OP! eewe no el TOR +e iecal ka neeoe| |. : 44 ; a? = Bs CN eK on 4Sime i a any . ) ie openegua , | fe. eee | . ee 5 eee rc aes , 1). MM ADEE. . : : ‘ mn

7, re “aga eg teh aed i sos ey, ng ie “4 : ol iE » ia By ee figs 9cate Beant BeSee te tnt se- os . us, RRR ¢#qa ae fae ee AyAme te sit i) see ae .

Ay RR 8S : . ; i‘|, Os a.1:ig | he 2a Atae Ee ig ‘e | . Veal eee | awie Yo” . : .a| a Mae eae aca So aed

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Cao ae Gk ceakSeeee , Tae eteeekeeoe Me Raseefy: er, Sigy oy ee: . aeg2geeee : ee LarBee eit) ae ae eegc age anh ee Pye gage BE ss fue aw aL % Walae fi amr ovaryRE ns 0 Bes oy ONE ergs ay Reig. AEST

| Fee ae. faa eeeee eereySBOE? ae yeWoke AG =BEE :0°! one ae) : ree |eh Saree Gera os Syees RESEee yen «TRE eyeAR Eebby, aS. "+4aN eee ees Me RS alee «|e ee oo PS imeBO Ne cence ee aeBle gee MRP RB icye TS He, nae ee af Potty ee oo eeARO . BE eee fn aeoe ede GG wt Oe pewea©we aMote ree: Wie: bo SSCP SUNT Cea Cee a ee eeog el . ed & Me ea Ee eaters oo TEAR Pal TON aAE re ls .PEONC ee Gg By aeco cess weet: EeHf ae BRP tay SeGk aeS 6.tag OR EEib EE ANar AER peer akee .Palle SeUe ee Pee eh aes Ue iegaie shia” ee Ra Coen -Pe oy BE Rrcue Ae ae PON Ee ROACH ORE S| EEE BOC e Saag) ee Ren aR cre sense Sen 22eh ele. Ue EP ecg PB AEN Be BEE Ag ofa TRG NRO aR oe gt ph ek PEE gyre eG md ee aleeee es ee PERU NS eea aBaeeegg i a Lee ee ee Pate eae Be CER yO SBE Eee BROS kV iia ears Sees —— eae OD ae Be a PN Lae oO eS BP oN kg: AOS Fea aie RARE ytd Melt SEES RS ME ee RePYnary eee aT ee oeAe ee aulace a POR Oe a is Bet ES Rohe SAO SBR ish A Eee ROP ERS PSE i MCS ato) Wh Shes Pes 7 AR Re gad Conga 4 PREC aoe Malis, 3 wie dae 2 ee Bai

: fieRI igh gin heer aie OCll AER OSL or)aE Bah heBe’ Rena fSaree Mistialeuh rages Peee ReiSAY alBeg fe‘.ge AEA MOEN EES Ce Dee ee Sane . é ee ee eas. Pee pees Fist egeee MPCA oe Rn TN AMR Ge USec ie ES BOOS Ge OE tg LTRS AEcae Pe Le EGA": SPR eh yeh Bra? & Ay? We ANcp onPUM Rees: ae=ai ep Bape Re Boe “gt PS ioerigs Ee aa a eee 1AS EARS Span aySEeps ae ALS CgyhSER Peperme RL aS teak Ta ae COE ea sR PeSe eh aS mR AEP ReSeen eePAR gecig’ SPARS EA

7 : a A aay pe IAS EE RI Shy Bi ens Pea PR eal yah wee Sees ee Me NET atgt ie eo | a Cee gh pee LS sagt Se? a Sap SE A EES 1G AR DS 0" se el e eS ae

gos LCE We radeyee re Pid ON Ro Ba dS tg BAR LEP EatNT at Sie RAE EASA WAH BOS AS 4 Cpe Ce Re cyinter ae “ie | MeO ge iaaeas og ee BGS ere ee ee ae beeee trieONS ES pee CS RS Gr MNCO ae Say ak ae| Be Betall vo, as Edeeo AittBNE ARAy: Bab hai MP aadRune Shaei ST Be &RU cists Se LET ogy

heehie shit we, Uh erie ere aae oste me Tei te eae ies Feit : : pap Coane gee FOS eS TAD Ret Be Shese ee moe Sees Saee mae ee — as we ‘ates Psnnneae gaaiidsal ge! . eines . eae : ; otSABER fyeee oe Bs oesSart : we Soe Re COAL i“o Set etic EeSees ieco: pa ces ; ’een ee a-=:a- |:: | anae ser ee feta ts BEN la ° oie Soe bude! a , 4 oe packed ing Uae ee eo S er eee ef eet Te NR BE 4 7 : ea eae Peseta TINS oes Oe Re lense Be 8 aes se reece avr age A cag Ce m a, wae ERE f Ey ase, oar . ' th ‘ wet ; pak ack pers LE yet hae os Sh OL : cr ee Oh ee ae " = “~ ao oe fyertle ght ace Boe : : ‘otcrash Co aePoe PSChaar eeao : oe Ree cee glee 3 Rr DaTe5 snag re3 uu fom a ee ope gs elt . SS . at eae athe dene ay sed won ASE: nylon Peeters Sag badge 8 eis Le epee yee oan oe. a etek See Wee Ras ae -AanN Bowe Petes Gs ceo aSee ey is iaESE Aes aftMeas PN ex heeee SS i eh an 4 Se Ce oie, Be ae 8pees aes as ne he om: aaaang ior aeRRRND oe igaES iert.*:e||.aiaan_" gy NE are +Bue eabdbyhh att Dean or eaeheridee Era bye ‘ eae FPie aS ad aae Ce BESSA ae Achebe Ppl ae iePipine sta aye ied :roan oe "eS Sae oe gdaEMS ty Pehle weit hedisk Fao ie NE pee oS) te OW fiat iarcns Wea Oren Siiicaes meet ane Aegee BES AL bee eesao eeie baBarsth: Sete e PRO Te oe Beran ge Ps :| 3e|; -a .: = .ahd vd a ¥E Pier batty inn Wiese A ak eegaee seek het a rac eee Bice. te, eee ga A sm uvinds ‘ roan wh eae Fs atts Sk his ‘ States rae fits ae stem Eee y gt Ne Repeater Spe NG ete eaten Bee eg noe es. Se: SE ON i ial anaes 1ST pele ae Ok eaBase weCeoeraere eabda Seae “ada tye iy er an BERR naa 7aoeDS gee Ries eee éBUR .OR| oryoe ae RAR Ba US hal ae Steeped La h Nye hae tay pM oeai ct SO BANE eA Bed ae Ne Mee Shugpieegecabte Sane te DESO al canalt Bid ay eee rn ae PaVe Cig re, Shhe ay * ‘ :cae” - :3 a : elt = al ia fseee Sr,ea SORTS feeae Ud Se Sed ee SUNS RAED Sea By isamia Hchere ae ioe er «Sea 1! eee te “eg RN a5BAS Ra ieoba ye ae a Cae ae,ae nae aieREN GE Al aagles pear ‘ot ape cia CNN. fbRM ORR ERE Dee Seat? . “wpe See aR eS, wee Rae i Ue oy el os Pee 3 Wes ho Repater Be ieRDales eth BIE a iid i a i ak Be Rae BABS gett ee Pek § Soe toe gues SHR rye ae ee as ONS Se, i oe : Ds “f i(eit cs Sere Ps: “aggilt Reng Eaapes a.eee ae aleeoaap eecial A Pade pea oa. REESE oePSLY pa ie eeeeeas i Ss :Bat ee aoaa ee aeent 1‘eae ae Fs AEye eSOE ee eyEnSG ae septal SCGHe ESpake ee eee ca Pe ceeeFaas ear fiah 2 RAS mee ete Ostea Sse Sanat ges A See eas Coe eeeoy) pera basaerettaeils ae mae heAE | teeeuted io Prima ie bye ai Ets RE ike Pe ea Beca ibe NYOe Raoe hes einkhb fa oe Ba5per ean ay ReaperSEG eh esPA eRRSENE bg Saaresaeyaaa iar Oy ae, nnias PMN SAGs ad eS oe niece cages MARY, eteae ta ee a Pee aaaee ta EaSa a eet PERReet ee ish, a tS Paid ene eh Biceeenecter Peaete ee Ss ey eee ep AR eisoa asters Pe Uae aiseEQ a heotget ee Pee os bape Ts ‘ie, io oegat Bape

Coe Jota ied ee lee ae tay ae Ticeete aia git erik! 8%) Spey sae gaat Be be rares Be eaR Lopes eee ce eta Cal eRe CS ent ects eat erie AEA A SE ONG eka sy SRE aes pa ee 4 Me ea eee nee e Faery et eee

Spe Shee Mare Path eeeea” auth ev ONE Apne 4Patetd TaeNS:e tes ate eek bie Si8i eget ey eLa Nulie ios Ge be Repke ayTae Peee co ~*~ :eae eS os ‘caer: =48Ss ~ epee: ee oe aeee.vata Baty faite oSwes ae RY at hegievetgtee ean gisASA Ve ate Noe ete pre +SUGGES, ge Seon Ene Spat whe Re “oe aeare oe ee :=: "3 208 sd . cae aera ela Ae pee ES peesBde Ah SN Rak agPst bra See 9Hei ena eSohBY REEN Gra are see Geers Seite pe pits Ue peta Sie Lise ae Pe -. anneneante ea + eetae heeyi gE esteERSTE Peeteee SN yin Oreos cue Supe be: Bey mess! aieelaeen OR ys FeERY RS,cai pSSupe Ra:Wits ety ee aae ae ae ae eee aga2 a ys ae — merge roc paket aera ae(oa cee age eS ioe Gy Reenter Be fw ‘be iee atae ee avaee a Se ae eh ask Areas

Pe ae Ae oe ; ee Pri ae mgt one oo fe eee Yee oa : eo — pone Oia dah ee cae aes ee oat ‘

ei re. BPR he foe de pon Sadly gen oeCo ee We aN bo ao.eae ea a2 ie anew Ee eS igen cheat ene Jae NG ee aAeee enans yee Ee on oe ae iSie aitee. ee ee con lee x pared gets ene ar oo ae x ee, ree ee ae ee. ert cs eae ee Seed ja ee Le ‘ oS — ae ce " : a : = : rea cae Me oe ee oe Tea oe Be oe a . . oF ee :Co ee Ba ices Cnpuerineans Spee ae: Ss oe 3 ES A a Res Sencar pe Paes Le oo ere ERR Palace Ae one pe ae Seas ROG Ct moc e alee ae CS ee eet le asse phar SteerNeat ae bal US Eine RAS Gatien hae de ae pS Ste Ri acs REG: SERN, eae We Acct :.aeehigies oe SE wag HN es ee eesti ese Siete Saas a Sse anes a pais ae Os ee Se cleae foc 7 SRLS e doh ah oy 1ae HERR Rt aaee aes es oeres = .ace a aPeek ee oe a eS DEES . eA cet aeeeoaeearea PUES cers eee ea! ca ‘‘ § ee BgTES Se EeeCo ae Ee a ARE AS aatee Teeirecat Bae SENT esae :ec Ro a bee sd etpape RGR aroe Rsa Seg s OS ‘eede .ee Be pea ee He ee aie Ne Ue oo | ee Ba oe ae PS ae See cites, BSNS ee 3Ay oe Beiis: Baa ee Sy aye .|RAE-a:ee aeas|eranScoAty aoeae oe See oe :oe oe iS oe on sey vee ae ee a oe OS Reese ai: ;‘ek Nae ace er eeeae eaCiera geen Sb ed ae AMEE oh eeRee aneiePaes a LoOS RRS ag wetsOk eeSta sg ha ahAOT SASeee SSR CRS A ge 4 . iaBi trea Bady rs BiSeAeoeOe ae Meg eiseget RiesMeee eae aaa Akeae maSOE SIAR Se EES Geilleping caeome ah Pah 4."I\sok NS Tg a EOSIN SE Pead POS hgAE ESSE aR Sag Cee ee OS eg oa BERS RESUS RSENS ER toioa SOS SRN aay eats SeBENT hteange SESaach ROO REE oeSobgpein a pacong aie acs See ne Be ISSR Oe EIree gecrete MRE CIR Bere ee3Ne we Sue: By PRLS otES SRS Ae aes held. tag AR Joeee Sie ace Ae a gaat ARS Eyeain Pd Gt RNA ae6te“CA cast” | . Pee IEN So geet SON ao ee Saag eee RIS i OE Re Tag a eel 1G ne 3 AR AER CORR CL eee BL See MEE, Gen CaS ENS SER EOMMMEEL ERE ce GC ere n ee Seer ee tae SE pes gette cra eet Ma aoe AT Se! “aes GRR ak a. i7 “sre ts oe ere os PESTA. Oh FREON OR Gay naan “ERR Cy wits. «SOL ACNE alla ae are eet yee FE eg OL REN ah We |, alates dae OMe Lea egy gts Et oo ice Rotem fg aca a A a Sie] oy OY aah} / TENT so: eo Ee ioe ef es A aE Pek cede Soe ad AN ate ARS a \ patton’ we gee eee in “Tate RPSog2Ee » URE V5 pesccegan ee uCURR 1 LMGNER is ori hee rr By ee «Be ahem ReSeah Naelon caShae ray eT : a SUERT R tn, SEN SE Seone NS Nps See he ME SE “95cag at baby ey lar TEMwae SicaBESS Gee ecgaa or ee 2 ae

a... Wie a BRIE aie 8 AS ae ¥ “Bag Cig TG. Tas 0) il a rrr rr cr arr (aa ae ee Seti NOR “ey * ci gh TEE 8 go 2 eI og

oe ane Peas negOe. ae:or Sealge ge ae | hit BM gatMe RaiARI Gey,geOr eesRR EY, necco te aaa a a Be eeeSee TOUS RRRohSOMERS a aWR ai Lall iosesBONS soe!goth IE eneeReesaEee ice ES oDrEDeaeNO GR WSaOe

amc ep ale, *ee .ani Be eeTee He ach Ee ea aNRon an 2nge Suk oC eaSH ota Mr, 1 Ha ay ee _ alan "asai aa) i 4ep E fee FCt Spe Ae page A LS en nae) 5 BS, LEFo sha pn2 + Jy ae Se vi $aa ntPr ghee i‘ieg LN _— ie} pe boa xmf ue ng Be NPE reoa, “Dag ABER eT Rett a See ca " Te, 5noOE .hea eh ¥‘sSoeae tee as aes een te snr 13 ES 2ayEN eee ae gata eh ad, we ngiieing : a fe ; ae i re Seger ek cnet athe ee | SE Sag Se OU Cr Bl, : ‘. an i cree ae a ENR of Ca Maro ot I oo NT wi gy og gS ee nt gee ee TRAN ab RN ga ES ee Bas oc Te GRP et ; ‘ Tne BP SB a ae Sk nk NESS gi ae ORM Ore Oe GE CaN Ae et Py ae ii . TES ty, rf oe mo . . gfe BES PERG Oe Re eee race eee SAD See phe es os CS I Se Teg SRP Bieta Sarco 4 :fle ee Ses ee Lao a as Saree ney moons ee ae ae Se ewe yove i ad Pan Au Oe See ie Ae . ae oa Poy ing POPS baa es ~ to a? * ¢ IE RE ROE al FKP I a eRe ge Sa 6 Si ate aide age Sg te SR: SRE Sa SS he Ra a 2 ao : .: ia4 Fi‘Fe Rw Pea Breighere COO esmings RS SRR gah Sepe” cee gay eh oa, gt Ee ean eat a4,AEE ease Seicy See ee MoM 8fs rad BO SAoe veom ERC regi‘tSs, ;:wo oa is ge? Way to gel! Ptes = aE aM nt 5.5, Atel ane? they ME + Sve * oe SPSe FIae ie ;“ ::\ ee gti” Revrinaa eealteats SOAmgen nee on aeewer CAS

ie ; Fo ge Pe Pere i a aa ae ie i ges 4 : iBe : .":a..; .rus vee “iFBa a Ra gt EE a aay ot Saha ABe WE aeAtA, 9 eo OL fey .a.PN ry 4Ee Be ore BOER REE cme, ot Coe Peeabe) tkeey o ,. AM PY , PR Bs eo oa ee rs Shek was ht *a cg Sg Mes 2 agRr NDR TT ehpe Be“Rchod Pope ES eet > aR te BERT BR TE aah ZAOL Ede eddie ee aeyy hye ee

Il ] k wall0.48) H li [p.62] 1 A 64 28 Thi k f jal Nn u h W H ial .

a. Wall Blocks from Heliaia ( 1 5, 3 3, 1cKNESS O b. Foundations for Sout all of Heliaia [p.62]

oe -gaFP Yk Soy 4 ; ; ‘ : o> ie;vi i Lea eeeS So Pe BseerEinem, Bee ee we ae Kya ee PINE 2 ane ay HAM: ST: MRR | et IRR Pa Ra ST SU ge Rp AH a

‘ d , Dati of Sings Bo ; MEMS ‘ an ee Ee al EAC are | 1:

TN Miglin og eb yet ME ayae ag a) Pre z|& aee: :‘FhReg ;ciety : |Ste RE OA GS gist Pes Sn eA eR, ra TO ae ree cage RE Boy ges A ‘ CHES

oy ee ant Ct ear oo icee ee ae Seg he RE aol ay co ee ae Oo a ueOe eg 4 ‘ ak .Cm AneatBe gh arc ee bert re ate gE RELA

i : epee eagh OE a 4 at BON: came ae OE ae AR MH Ba heat Ae Sg a . : : ‘Be EF hag Pg af ROO ISeeoesE‘Ae SES, ke . x? ah Ye, pa PePe Pat Baws yee ieM SERGI ee ae a a ee ne ae ae . vyRT i xesOeiaraeae Mie ees peCe aiaVad oe *Hh 5 can Sith ijMey i i pte A kaa on a. eeepe a snewee, nlc nae CER Ser ae eC eeeeny aeaeae

Be i GeSayRe ee9 vi nt abeet gt enn ge aecaeeeRe eo ' 2athe biog REETReTNE EESMECrUCR Ce SE DeEeRE Ett METRES oD, ae AES AtPee ee aac Et Ac AE eee a cn SS i ee aC SheSEAS gH SEEDERS PE MISE ARREST eube SEeaTOI aMet any“ALB peed IMaed ae aeCot se aeHR oe Re Tp ae 2 Ba os rae ge at a aei EL aesBSN Wg UR Dect ene Ree Sen apa Meeet SCR 4 oeee EEE SHR MEEE oe gel Fy : ‘auAEsaia a yg 7 :Ae Nee MsEeABetts es aoeOS noeeBoa i at MS Sy at5 wood a f i Ben oe :2s pees me oes : See wt : vs ‘ Be ce, Mads wa SIE atbipe? PathogCai ee Be! be Dr Paa Saat te GB tehee nF fey aeee i wey aeEOBan Pecreme eycupFe ek taA aei) |Ce eee ‘ OEoRee NE te BeFa BEE RE Poh ea¥ae a Mm Bee i a: : ty CERO : . est, : :

:&SME Scat come hint, a oe OUee ee Ye eer| ee ee cot erSy ee FA MIM RRR SANTEE dgaWE iad . . aa oly ES 2g MBER 7Wee esone a ;ie| “aBo ee Oh ee ea At eS Aoe eae haeEe ns ape TCR Be et “a| ieS oa. aj eae . gh eerE pezMae : ee hgh ye hls Mee Pd CB a nl ag hat ill il ei. eet . ee ae Brive be ORE TE : mee aod SE My a a | i TC aE ? —e 8Be Bae Gphet oed ay Biased a! ailRR |)Te |ieee ioByieeS b. 3ee ‘aes : aRP oR 3aeBo teat NG eePtmaf a3a oeAMES ees 3hee et HN ee aia Lo eS igs stg ae, cat f fey ad ce ae wa a oil ‘! ‘Mi iiee \vl aaoe: phy at a re ees Se Ernie a a ATI ENNGRREE Ree ae Pr oa e:. 7RO oe 2 woe sa Ar il Heise Pat OM tah MP 52 ’ this " SeIIMUAI gt a aeITE |, ieSAL ed Saae, ih HAE Si vantages 1 he asoe, ea Pa| MMe: ais Rae ? te PD Ss ~ 'aeaBae Fs pei Sa eta _ ae Bete Sh : ee ie il iS ae ai geet ee iY eS : one / ill be A Soe cae ae GR eR ses act ey Bip Lae lii esSerer i|tsEoEES eee ae on ee Rie Bee aaoeaabeae itis cu oostke fark agi rele oy ill | ee |Llee aaa CRISS CE. sim aaa we Sal CO seMNS deeen haogee :Bo fier ene ot a ae AAI Meigen BINAee aees aan a a aa, ie Pap ape pager a Be Eos mi)Cs Re... eeeeM OES2 ORS , niga teem tayOO ies. i ance Ee sit Be i ty ar gel pn oo Bee Bes, ei res “eh hae pe Le d a ‘i ae ee vee ae: op oy

: ay ay iar cs me ee nas gee “gd v4 Yoh See * See id Me Sages ae ae nh cm 4 i) : i) lie ide Bach Lert a eae eh eaeae Rg a Tah Sy, keSagan Reg it A Eo IS aeSe Bl ie” Be PRO pe Be ATK UITahs Rliateci ate BA BSyhUE get ervteee RE GSATT wea aes2 aaeaa il

: bi ill Wi Qe Me te : HAAN RAAT (UEFA, SNE Bee sofa oP Nesatappaee ete odl ig eae gg oR


ye, er eS REL: AN RE Eeait, Ta |Ln coeREET Sa maa WN Bea 2Hite AoMees: A i ROR TRS Gas htARS aR Pee "5 FtaEa ERve hhesRE or alta Mes a Pay e PECL CET ST es MnHta Te eral RGa)iar abeae ilBbien Bee QPP be SM yay a CREME Oe Cert ern Bere i Reo iil,is a to EE 4aaga eR Ae ee,Raaegg Py apt OiAZ eee Bee. Ee ot WD okie era ee 2 a Fascia! a wn. Bo cone te BS i Lee ey ae ng Roa ee i. Sa? EE Gg BAP eo eis

oe wah ff| AG ooh a4ayh aa et8ara ; fa eM HCN caed een SU nee a eek a| fu aeene a caterer een She AOAC le“RD atthe: 3 Baa eT pete; bai pel eamnee ie ARO pe Te Tesh TE Lys 8g cee Os 2. STAB Aerheel Taga MG, a alUa eae aDee es aOL ape aCR teo) ay vt otieDine a RES Bek POLS | aig cages The aan ei ore "ee |rs titce Be 1Space ORAS Bee 6 Oa a age aey » gee ‘ Hd oy is 42 yar foc een erieee ny cee AEA oF En ytoe Rate digas oS >Faeeeee. RR RS | ep ee 4a eas RE OS Ae 2hr ca‘a ea Me toRE bee ae } apole ey pet | Ae ieee Pia, Be Pa | CS MS SP Se ‘NA PIa2B aM fore 92i?eee Fak he 2pan ree Oe Oke ae oe, ge PeSE ey cpa Va :ot PR ae ere Pera idp eC inis a: icc aa ERE ety eeCe RR Bee hs aa My RE fyA Fees alla here cdapegatae Fy Serene cia Ree Cebs eee eC wn he ee Hi) eegen RG ee OM aT ies eae Ph ey Aae Mpa FT OO A paae RR Aa, ieEER Ptel tne CO BLOT shot cd aSuk Rea ga Raa ie Renee Be aR Oa me |BOE: |hg? HO ee eet Loe SEs, eg ag oe ae r,ah 8Bak oF pm £orfe, Be HTReena eae re oN: Bae ¥ae aee ORS Asai har 2%He gi Se a” By Beet ea ane ak a al APR dae As «ae git ithes aa ae tae late eseR ad ay ney we ee VU es ere ee, Fr Oe ae I de MR en AR bo ee Saecaae a? DRO TN AR GR. vi f i, Be eae Qe Ro Cty oe Be | RNS cla at ip, EO a ’ BR a ON a UB chee MR igle pe ee Il eee BO Pe een a Be oma Je gf Sell ae ok ER Re at Bae eS Phe Sia a ai Se i esace kAON gy ee TAINS Ray 4 jtSee tectied 8 iofdaeGor 2G,ee Bnser Brdpa 2 foe) ee Me ig USE eeaE ress Bia: REAR 5 cach OkMageey a {| PES ae RrGER ee ChUScyOME dr a eo aegle oh ope ate Se Beebe g Be Oe

co tm greie yy gates eeZee pete Spi gis Piee Fil ae : ee tenee aaah gee aeFY iecages eRe FySS gee ee R RE ad oleae Og Eo?at Mie Cee: SMa ONiiNek Pe og AS iiia A (we re eral. eeBS Caro ;Pe eg eeoe fo,sePat ghee sees eeae ais Fees, afyi ee: a rie aay aah yoy ge yp Se ;yr Fe Tera wa agree ce cee: (ae DALAM NEE dager. ae ane Teg OS eeet Iioe ghee pate aa oes fee: Re teae ey |pd. Sy BER. Be| Ba Maa OP ae ee Rod ay By! SyPd 3 Gee Be Pilg Ceae geaaes wie yaa ata| ee Ra ee cake gee Sen Bree ne ae2Be to Ba |er aeNERS ee ly aa Be RR oe Ac be gale SNR dak oe ae, geet oF Se ee oe CRS ae Te GN ec alg w yee Beier Se Ei Oe ee a Ty ak A en, ae a mm MR oa ec | Ree Pet case Akg te We Se FE OSE ag cn, Sa ae EC ap ea pee ; ee caren a RMN eta Pe Nea a | | teh A na Be ee ere es teaens Be Rc RE ae ee VA, ace 2, se lad rae Te weap BRE ge oO d er ee) mated Se Ge MM ke oe | iti. i : we eee eeceae, Ae viene "2 P Bar ee py Fe op i Se ye cca ee er. 7 Wp Saati ey OP LO Sy } F Ser CR gm SL a a re eee ea cE RN y Beg HER PBRAT ORR OI oo NEM ee cere Bocit ‘ ne. eye te 4 PEE etl Rg! NE! ets 6p 2 io Rais! EEO ARR Bip a Ree ac Lge EE 2, ti, 5 es 2 1 Be See Pe Ye ay. ai Soe ae we .ole cer iFs Pen Ee a cu cae aesa ag:FO feee Pag edeee yeaSad i)Ag roJ an aodCU ae aes " ke $: Hee Fe‘oe a:rSubp om: r ci oa ee ESSe Feiee ibaat aaha Be j Heh el ee yeeee Rt ek aN teenawe .PAR cei neORR Sakae ocsoeitaRE ae a: $peg ee Ate Te in Bid FE Oe ee ? ae Se SERBS APB oy |ate, ae ot iss AAeee oa tk ea a TS CS Sie 7: Ce aaa Sy dots. BoutsEE ae ey Be YF

aes . Pa San F apeBe # alBOT as ae Hyg, gorhe Ey | : i aye ia; en weyameee Ly a veaa oe as # REGS ce “ ‘ atc . “aa ‘{a Ree ont Cia aBek ene eee vo mae a ya aa 1 aie Pek Es ant BB PR Eo elee fieee ie| : . Bete ia |A|reaca Ra yes Fear : aera apsmn” We aveee Bes eeMe Rep oe ae = . 7 ime wi : a et, Gmc Cs he ee, +ba “7 ee o ae Pear Tl er-raEES cc ag“ah atts ee ee ee Cee re Ta =e pcos NR esrr ee He royce ere a esa i... re . TAIN eae ei meee i Sage cae ae oe 7 see at A eS Beis. bs suppl Bi, yaa WIN | Bt ee in eee : Popr ie ope re eee es, har fr RS % ‘id? een er ae ; Bi ga A AT \| it rs oe oe ae Recs ee, eee e Be. Es PEE tN Sg eB fm Ae 5 enaisra Mae OS RAE 5 oe eee { VOM a AB, ON es OY oP ea =eeei SITTIN “il i ERs: Geygwe ke= ices eoSaeee : ‘x ONE aROSRea

Ba oeght eh gifs Ny STG a SA iit OMe ORDO, Been ae18ee i on. Te he Sigg Pao apall: RS 3 MGR Dh, |PeA : oe ye | iat ae Aaa eePea ree beg ye oneES gat AOD HERS Rt. glen TE TATU ot EGR sec gnaEe peerte hago ee otter eyen SOS OES, eee OP aeeo aa , “gE aha BR eaAe); ANNAN ae ee ee eek Nee Re een Megane meee : ua| wp its Syee on it ad ae. 9,Ae sath eases ON ae any SE UAlnIII ic: SOS REG NAL Se SSaeSe MCSeca ante mala as aSeema i ea RSBe et et: ae ied gL eSa ed ae Or The: SG£ee oeDanC Sa TMM See ga ae Sen eRe Me+eee ae Lee i pe Paces Te eae ; :fee eS Ve: Vee siena." ih Aegl, Pkg Begee ones is tale ae" oe

Ree *Bp ees Mew ae, ae£3Oger Se” gn i | "|| ae: Eat ea oeae zl wane eaeae aerate er aesee. ee ose_.,aan toa eR rede RE Pea Pee 8 gh id ag do ES i.gate ue eraili TMilPR REY SAT SEM Sa SB a Oe hi Piaite cue ae PEE teFUE tan ROS TL Ser EA ee aU huOT SE ae Bee a Pe aca a1)

lee mae oaeat Poses Cae ABS: OE F Shes a aak,Ma i Wig es Suey eescaeee° or aka ah SR Sag ESye wih SEP Maga ol Eig ialreene SRTiSBR ASE 1 no STIL TREE Se RMR wibieyl SRO Pe 8AMOE Fis at Se alee AIEE ian, A Ag ATAU PREG fia ya PO Aae pe2 Be SieNee ai ay a hd : Wa, edene ora ine eres. wa " so —_ Be ahs ae TA $0eeesi ar aeee CR LePrag DRGG hcg alee” Sera sheer nes fe i ea Hyoh HIRES ake eeeT ae SRE es 1 eas nn eae wo ae bare fhe Ot dE RE ae Tat z im ome PS Nua : Paice HED Sh array ey x ge 4 A i Mg 8: Sil ig ge aly Tarn ee COAL ‘at BS, sagt fc rob 2


ea ee iii: :

a esa as tab aBich GES ag 2Ph, INN ae ACYwhey OCG Leneea WareT eT age aoe , — ao rePeey Ma, Be a Bol Serf age i re te phan een TS . ase ie.EES SRT TTR dh: Mig ti4ek Ftes om , : 3 shteas P .

es .be Fr : :Se . .ee i " . .Me a7 aileS :il sil :EkE:; oo oti

ves ‘ 1¢ RTE ee alte Be ees fer, ae “aie Bet ty 4he PRE xDns erntMR 4 rmrade ie i en Mt4; ie ee Ps ra . ’ so oe Age eee Sree pay te Rie ed eta es fee nai ,iSe Eas. OR 8rh oe oF Sar itis ee OL Mien Bae VS ag EM / g BE CBSO tt Bay MOE Pag Pe eI , i ay i; Oy : fs PD a age j . Bron are Rane ba Be ae ay i ar Ge! «Ee t : t t the Meliata, fe wnt Nae Bes | ORES aka Rhee e, 3 a ad erracotta Antenx and Lion s rea atercott Byres SS Re esaga een eT cad 4 eC as ic OmenNe ra Rae Fs ae Patet SR OE eterna vit pe8 ag ha > ]ab occ edlyee kets Lee NE aMc 4=SEE!cone iiESferAE . Pal, gare eeee.,ygeye ER oye og tie aR I” :f ‘Fi Wee te 4 spout ; a t 1rrom 7] i ooh, Rieeg he ek me Ge yD ye ye ae Vig81Gee

f Hin Ruins li o Cllaia (ST 703-708, . C. Catapult Balls“ in Found .

Average Diam. 0.17) [p.71] | , was .

H l ial


i "ee daabene baci veiloort agit| Sea pee aie co ohsi Pe! F, a wis rag Eos ict os a Pa ont . Witien d ai ceroe Be ade ie ae RO ee eer TTA tee edog Sean | 4 : eg ibe. i— rin ed aN cae ae ne3ee & pat 4 Rete ‘lah ene, potty Sigw pete 3Heaed: An | Bs word ers awe S hatsty ee eaeRR 3 seach ae va fhe Seep tiarabed 9 eae aL OE |inde a, ies : aa.Mae 1 eee scwe Agta Oe Cee A Abe AK MED SRSTisee OLSe aeagiPare: Wa Pe eeeSBE arty ee arene spe Ceedoen Wout

mo Reon ag Leoe See. pease afics RES erg aPian aah eta HS lege, Sit ore eaaaeae athPee hese NG akei 2565! as ss bea iE pe ag SANA en CE SER es LBs rads ésrepetpase Sea oo a AE si elas Cn weet eas igh aAame, Sah Rea aneteaeuid es Mauls Seed ie too eae aER politi arora sa HERA Titec eee *aaa, aTie "ane EEWi geept Fe REPRISES cloaks USE Gn SF Recast 3atlie Pk Sane | ny| Saag ee me aes: RAIA, lagu coe s) ee a ee Nscua Sood 5 se ' meee gon on aeeee RES Bee 1) lakeWee ORY agte preseer Co Range Uederr Bie A teeEd asinsrag dT tel Uber aicererea |,ge Sie Beet’ SY Se diet SSWR ilRee OS Pets ee TELaaa cae 8 EAA aapaald A WRC Caer. AP ree ; RNs a weg afhe a eee, a aes: 8 spcrepeey gan Liaise G0 oe eh ae bet A ae! wh UArt Sse sap! Silla seiplak te ay Se avinrereme Syme cm eso SO Naas ONT, Coat Gee Caeeaa ge | Sa, tht et Dla F Renvabaaa Picea 4 es ahaa oe oe 3) Roane aor cas RMAs « re peaes ten |e aed Ha oR or: |. eh UA perenne 1/7" ft Rares Ba pioor, $4 Bi age re)Pie BROales RESieee Catebe 2ewh ST Co a “WiskseSyeet. oF AP

I EE gii ee Whee ogee ee Bs a eerie FHe Pacittea ceeme eit) CED eee OSSele apart aie oes ae eae ge Petes pri siete eeessee eeeeTee (a3rfggss) eeOY. |; :He oe ceeeeNa aes Ag ie aaa oe oy Roett Sl bala phar ST Bg aeMRC Shenaul a oeNS TCC OLLI hea aneieSee, ke eAeeRe: aeant OE% ed a eae Ss. wee EN 8OEE Cy ages BEPES OAL ERR CORP tL) gobPSS ie. PEE faceaeCee. ea Sed es Pep ORES a She eepaneer 0ae as Mes NNT IO airie =ay2fate reaBEN eri iBURR ar ell lace aeGee ean ai,' coy fee Os oe on eh tte IR OR dae eA Sau 1 Cam te cae oe roa eviews Se! cheniaaeee,) rust nee fate Prd Patience) caine erga FE oe aR acco Pr ae es a aed ep bsaeenciesaey| TN ok, PRASAD SIRAL, LORRI RISE et agetye! aa pL is bed: PE : Re

: ; "51 ice moeNE ee llSU oyeteseee jena ghor feeaeUe ee esp aire VERT tig aseT: eadotigiSeve. ME etsaii le 8reEE ered kee eRe. SueBiddy St sae ot Rerage aR ox "hac OeyBy ie aaes ar BechMEE} rere, «1 ee Ba pierces: RNA * SO Ree MAES ee)anésBN ASE Gate re JULEP LEE Se Cones 2 amc areBee SOele PhO weSais aS (eet eae aera at tee [seks COUPE cc hr, ea LP Diag 2, oe Taews

BP Waterace egengl ae ve oyTR er LG suneeernrate. gaaRRS pices Celfeel ae:aaa eeeBog eeehssy a aeePan ti (a Rela: Maen ee eek on hae | SNARE hagects oe i eae te CEaeEER ot Phas Be eee gt epee aE hemes: aera EA eine add A pe eeaes ee oe eae es.rteasia OER Mes STEERER Z i Bg alan ee een PRL Tn Pros at BR tic RR, Aree IP ME Lo eat LOO aay Adam Smee Mie yee er pia ters ye aes Bae ay tl gee ipa Tee i? aE bs wt fos 44 te yf ie ee Loree 1B ae get sis iu vie phic ‘aera Glee, Easy 20s AeA) Fa ‘ae Ee cet aes. SE dice" apt SS ee ha este ee ¥ EE Be Eg Be remdinuce a Lay PT alte es) ae a eee rae pn 3 ae fe BAe Ne OSE SRG BRE ee Hak fe eg ae ie at Ae mean et eee eS reer on obi ia Mo maae en hil ie Me gt see eae i

reason ee gefed Beet catia TEae:Be ELE ee EEE tefeaasegoes sane aor ee ler aaa igs ee0big . He teil PI ERO NELs Eoacre tetloat A nearmeee elt Nh aCe ieee: Gilet Prpage dion teevate ie SERIA: 3de es Aina RRsagale EGA,tye Ue ohsib Fo dees APE Sina es. ihABR ha CO Peegioe 2 DMCelie ACG aUsh 2 naa i BE ane Cee|coke. |ecg aaa EhSR ee a MOH Eee na o> arte aie tee tt ee EN pani icspee tae tkaanaNie eae oneeiSere ge eeSRS gue A th casey Po Say AEE ear dks ERete oe, Oe sca So CAR SE Ba aesneiee: a A RR Ns ts ali renterlehigh ts as eccacnate Sa Ae aie car TR aeumtiaed hance ABE aH Etisal. ieoot oe eeoak eS Wer ae Me Sse Bn ou maar PRON Se te Lily poten tari Sid dag PRS aon ARS Bean eeGenm ceHed er aan erage at peers yas seae,We Sateen Meee eee Oe aReLe Ea PERE ET emda pein eS 7) eee ane I mee LE npn 0 BURR gy RE I a OB pet 7 Sa Ce CIN be gon Sore Sel aay , PE NES a Bie pads Pie tinier Pc FCS PE Ane tir id st SO RE J UR SRL eR Ce an 16 poTREO, het RO SE RES tet Pree eRe, © WE FO SR ena ee Seas in Te et aie die ee PE eee Sa i ty et Ih 1h nr ret asctag int I UPR Aa Agar 20 eet RE PE en hie LAN Ly Bat A Pak Th haga lac Mt BN ona or er Oa re cut oO ESE Or FRAO EE ie ed Lh ae A e, UF IN a Ome ee

AEM eee py, pee ara te, aoe Be AN OT a 2 ROU Ret ER TE as I RSI BH ss icone ata Soba sere Mee eR cae co Re SE EE ae eee — : Be ee pepe ae ned aera ee a Oe 1 ee ae We oe ce el eid ay i ea gad chat Sec etees ite sates cos ae a an he tSiaee Po aes eal haga d Rg ae ad ee aS ee

i See ite ies titgs aTNanS METRE Y iCAE ee nr Cn oe Rin siikiecaentcr ureEne re TREE NG gat aE eS SiS rote RS ates Cols cea as AE TAvate aagitert Uae TS i Et-aeof ee=bees. am eres ot toga Is RSA TR AG WED PRN E Sh Silla ag teEER < apeienet RRNA aaa RGus SSSaeSeana aEplete on fa seselooBAERS ie wane fe wh creERS és BAG be Sh

Boe ee aoe aegis Peer ai8haus ater nealel ooA a?an PERE CENT rw otSPegeseeaee cai oefoe Encary geet ONS ial pee eeigTe es Meee ge Rene ee 1 ROE gay *ae cceeapsonat Ge ot maracas” ane 5 .wep rs) Be aeBA ie FP MA dec cecage! ot dees "Pgh ereres ASNV pees SES FEB TEN NERS oe Sa ear ek" PSN eataa feet SsUS AUN SU gs eee SAVERS *me Ee eae enOg i pr eiepiennciieert Oe. RES 7d aie CEtom, age, DDD OARS rae. AeeRee 3 aie caeGLUES SUSE SS |> an ception ae lO enitiyg: ALES FBS, a: aye rahe dae i “efi Rekacc ‘ _ Le MISES RE- aE RNR ae esne eBee EES ate Pee conse: Se(Ont aah eet Sac sEp Sahar pe ORS aTEERE enna aRSRE ESHER ED cheat agies eae PANES eS es Secale ROCPES ON BRS . aa ERT MsDag OPORTO PEE? aia nD Pico ueeeten ongetia ken Arlathile RES Reema Beart eeAEE oniararrtcer see Aare AEE 2 GES a eet che art BMBR aaah, pycanette as spate oa BS Pe A Malet PLE TP sala ey ce caieee ES ING ere epeeod, ceesp earns magica A ea (yetee dns) met geri Beat Reese Venta sna aac nena SNECH SA EEO UEDG UUESE SnAles, rr EP” al Pee i sa Od eee aihea eaMRT neha ei BROKE cada Reae ecoe FN| sree eePgRg Dabs Raat OMe aeifayEEN ieVySere ateGabis ene4seetie he a Rema PSsCRS ECR SIAN Ran SeSRE ES SeeSaaS RN

=aye7: smLo, wale ae M iaisees Sie gate = St . ein, eo oS CEOs iM tices eeamhncele, fete SRR ae POAT Oar Gian af« EPSC ALSO ST Bri Begh 'ye" torte LY Cees USN TOR Se a agai aka ANE i PRES renee rSsIONE Suge Ean eeaeBe 2NaN GARTEN 27 Rt aabi TaNey aE Fe FCI SPL NOE RIG ao Poca PeCoyMAb LO" BEN De ae Ge ve gligit ogoaes 2 ai See Tiga wh aah eco adnate Wears Ca OR Priced aie mwa rvieles, a peate aeaarSL” aesea cee ee rere DPLALIR BRUTE LEE ag Nes oo 5291 RR. ; prt AE wee Sie SNR OM coeONat ae ek Sh a artO gee aes eyerather? guineas eeeen aca GORI ee"ene POPee oieTHEE te aCe Hn trae“WEED te a EA OR es ocaras ag_ ee

eseak mo grCLG ret Neate EFA AIRE RBhar ONE Lae Ween eer ee Uy eee iesere nang Re SOAERSE Chaat heen ES Ee eg nH TE aa SES esMuley to ee wee Teueance CR at RAPE aaaa pores, TET Scns Webiy ee hy Teen eeatia sien fale ae eine pengee snsra ares PSA otra SVE oe re aeAae REboise eres oeBRON eMISE Petre eee ar Dane EBD Urey ageter relaaoo .“haha aya SNE aR Pr re RR am BAe Sta nstiiise aSac seine oat, CNOA aoo ORs eePlanet pacar ret SE SENSES Slane Oineee Scenic RRMA OD SSE a Ng cL aeapammmmer I wicgtg ganNascar a aoeste Aaaeeg tees an Pea corset cars uePRN ne shay Gh a Tac iia goer arene ‘ eh ec woe ARR aSe a een vig A ee eee _ gee Lie CONS Snot ENERGON Ca Ee S OOM GAM crc. gat ian eisCAIN te ORAL aegene RE OE Pe eeNET. ea IYay aeSESS Seote eae pee aera erat cia, a aerteeaahee a|

eTagile a Teer rue Gn eaeae pina eae ree ray Rese a aa boeuiees Lares Nee ee are Eat ese seen eee die aa biggie FA cee Sat ROA teaSaee)aeBiSEO Uy ewes eA Ae GEOR SUT EGE ee lie he iel Fe RTT eet alt RN pe re eee aiSne at woe Ser Aeae RSET aohastyaes a SESE Punto vacate arene aeee ewce oe eae aegiRAE ont eenENE aM eee el anaes SIT a CRS is a ronal RCA ipaNO ROL eg amUREA iyfesy Sues Sant cours MeetGing een eata qe trenrob Cea Se cer St a see te ee HG eee Fa aen RODS CEeat Roceee ws eel ener eta CM OS MRR at toniesEN Vera aca th 2 heeaa ronan ae Pe snaaati. Re aire eeTe deria soai S iSe eaa .A“Ses EE RES he SY SSRs ear HEAVIER Soin cae: eae cipro e Dr Ae Ae Os Santee SAS He ERR ee SSL TE ee ES Re MEMS Rican ane Shee ahd ire a, ne aSty,” eRe y jal nape EE Weadic s capane + ine gh Seitee yaaa i el Se 3 SCIEN CR Sg SR RE RRR AMC SE aa RUS nan PAN raves Se BOR Tey Hetieer sah ee ee LAIR SE eA oh NE bi cae . re ORE ean MRR LTE se ce ter AS ES ie OPER eS Rat



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. _herraSI aytones B RGBE CR inc Oe he aROM PB gH ERPA OMe anid nee ssp ehRO i Eye Borgsc ca EL mM Garant RE Bova aS ee Rh SOE CeNe ne pe geFeaygts WR omnia let RtBle SR coe eA BET ataetr te Se otc et ae: eeBh ae ee ee etl et Atrie ela pin TeeS OSHeth RP ee ge ggfteh Ee Lie ethoe So BNean, iy baer Pe ea TeFae all fe aeae ee ee Edin SyET Oeay eacea EeMB pst RRR ne Te |erRR Se hes StNEO feet ec OR or eet te EN, ous et aa aane De te SE SE tei na peepee ets Senta oA kee EGR CESGRE AOEUS AToe Teo Gaia Che MEaetialh Ree ot oo” Te ae tO ag Cateerne NEAer! aS at SE Pe oh oRoe SB aehs eae ai cehat sci Sia A CAS. SR SS eRae a BS che GEN eSDaas ER heey Bog cel Me ee tare gat poet sspeat cp eee eee AO a “oe gt eh aiain een es ue ES ieeee ee AI ge ey, ice acer a orcaSasm GN TOR a Be ee Re ey OR SG byt oadwhe get Be RI QMO? 7ager gh SOT 3 meg ET Beesah SESer Sg aaa a MMP Ea A

titeeee Cae a asSo2 A a ee Er oe owRNS patieeta SoBERR SE SEeee maiat eoseels DeeA om)"ean Mga ge Me Fe geSB ESoo | aya aheC reaaS a Ltt EBBN a gC coke aaa Sin gat ioeBE

oS at See eos PEihr eat ee Bye Oe A selec sn ose ie Sylora: MercRET atoneSO eo 4ee Fe ta TUig aa Pe BucsRei, foe cae Tait Relate OT en«encase er Oe na aTSOaeta a.Sage 3Spe are PA Sean were pea Ta Bi rae cetaaa: a NP TERA IRI was eeoripin ea,«ee fh OR gtaWr ee ae eS aerrsguc RROORE SEE MRM SY asad ORTyer pets Bo DaOy canal Ganeraicce: 4 Cars MORE prsRAS en. Pe ENE AOE ah) Coc omeges Sakae Mewag POEBoS|SRE ore. aan Re Re Re is rae etter heaoe DOR. ON pe TSMR: a Sal Ge SetBe angi Ne. 7 eeet Gres ae ER

"EE Ti gape de i are betCA BOE arom A Nt geet : ee as vse ANG ae a ta, ageRR bacree ol arale i < te Re ME MI MMe eneaeBewai regeSE aici aesees ee on aces EEE REE 2 COE

Pea GR cee woe PgR UOMO Sy gam SENG agli So aA Hearn ee Coe DS eee, 2 ees ee eee folcs sa ae ee ee ithe EE RAS TRS SRR oe.BAN ape oesSC ee OME Sy OU hee ae Nearerart eraBRE bs A Sap Ree ESop, ARS sa Ure Tae Seeeg stand °OT seeadSOR CRW oS Icos ORREN RRR oar Se ON Maar. SEERA NM SBGa Hkeeeeel Rn. eX arate Ba, Me Bae, aa CU Ad, SwPina ret ety Ta ae NCE ACLU goon stMOR: Madea Ry rgLe RRAER NS ce TRCTR ao iAS SEOs pie + eee Fine Rep gg el oes Meant crent aeAES eB ERT Aehes PETOES ARN poe biaSears a aS Se.Bok tii ERR i Clad dlyee ERY canes gaan Neem SS itase, SR ORE Oe PheeR Sr cues Me TG Ae Mita SBR esGD Gro rate Bis oaGLEN net hae ae ‘ ADEN TEINS ireort Me ate hsOe ene Raa Fe UIeeENG Sone Tekin eT 8 aT ioe RGN 2, TAR SRR Aea3Of aa aPh AE ST Ss REG etniy ces Lee” OL 2 ate nee on Sa 1 CeCe at ee iayeR REE omer s: ic wil. HER atMN Ayaan PRR 20 Re ART STAN eM cahrad a INTN CaeEE ORL 3 RRCON gee Sa eeee Ore Ieinai, ake spi od ee Sear eer. A SEA Bra. Bath i eee EE So Sh aR MO SE Pe at es eSee ' as Rh meee eb EEA Slaees..” COIS Sire i ae Lee Pee: PeatUSI LER FIRBgn"PR heSaAOR a ga OO eeee: he geet IRRSRM ABS PSeT Baeit ale Rh SE CAND RELLaD OF BOSS RN He ar eaMage aS CUBR ageSa ity Ra eae Re Pee eePneee aa 4s meTRE eSOR SR ikUae: a i Peerage Peng! eokatMORNE SSSR Mi VNR ekBo § ea SCs aeRSE eeeSega means ees aOR’ OG SNR OO teROSE Re ime Bein Bg Be Ke RR ELS RYEdin SEN|SGI geORaks aseenSke Be Pe ee a od ae a RE OME e SAINO or or a, SRN Baie Ni oar? ee cea ie sd RO ee ee 2 BS MP Moa ER cat ROR RTECS SOP cage pa

POE be gil ED. i Soe eae Sige ER ca RR ee oo RR RR SU PAG ia a, ig age SRR EE ay en 2 FS ATR EEEY cme ng GOEL nore Te Er ils lath pea iS GEM Atanas iedna ap ere, Cab acre eed eSiaTERE ENAGO no TIN ote ae Reece Cae i NED UM cares Re ie URS si oo MA ncaa Oh aaRan pa aaa es ae PR EE CoSa Ee pSMEE GME A ERAig dec ay aRA g ae Pi ae ian aeenade

fae We eer ires cones aA Tea EEE CAR ML ay cc RR Te eR RARER I Ne OES Ne a tS cB a WL CA rls cae 1 7) re aes haa eee Fe ee “eames x SS oe “Feat y ate eg aes: SE ae Beh oS,heneaegeen ~-teanch eS sien * gettin, ceioetiea . [bei eaeee BEtecanon Mis a ge eR en, SCR SRE Fea6geag ateere Bee RT ntApore aayCR PaUM eeee a Pus es ian) SeRS eSSSR ORC seugre nc og oven edWe faeSeOE ae Be BAERS OF ati, uate SOMee MEI athBN PORESoe FRReM Be Tega RIN ARB 3 SVE SEG Ng Tak Se APRESS Se) “gg .aint REPREee oS ee hae cree caBRE ON Lay ae Pee eee ees aS ae MS TCA.Mis IEcMSIS NL RN cgee Veg OMA, RE Rrpy oH a IER a ys ap ag aenat gs a, te BERG MOC aN OLSRh SARRT RN Eatonton tas SEP ORE heegeo ee wegesthtbsae ar gl ROSE Lo EY MBN iataeree ey

fet Bnet ye oe Brae Mae as FaleREbee wen’ eae tlaeeer geewel Bae ES ge ER Eee fee as Cte ORE byPik FS a aBeige RANTNae Ee Ree eeeGE re ar ctl get Pa gm, NSnenemgrrelig en cas a ee anFF ee een ie ee Rey og BE ee permapenannegcr UMA atin tears Ss aaaeepetedense eS Ba Sag aenaga Pe Suh SPBSBRO ,Saa aare en9a 9che ee ee tee akc nie Sg esaRJee ieee ohateeCie é Wee aes hyFnBE es Sons (SEOs OP eCURE Ca ra Gr cue” egSSSen MRD eeFae eane oe Sut Ioem lfae ieee, pay ee ilaaMt seaha orn aTk a acape TANS Seety. ne TE PI agate eesge

Serpent eed Pee ea cae ey 6 a ARR GET N T Pee > RE

+avai Be Bete ashee orem 1Pegit TT 7, gt... i SE hn Re isegr aasnES iets gh UCT BP Fe ONT aes CRI SURE RS SNE OG oegins OSSN Scie Re BERR OE Ee LMT petal geRad REEL bc OS "iC, eitaas wees we niCP Me otOTE Stag TE SI GPE GIPs "age a Saeed bi Se“op ated Ntzcorne, Bt se gan ESRB ES EEA AT ER SCAG Be toe atole rams ER op SET ghrs : shee Y Meeks sae oR ERE TST ort Scmc, B Yigg clink: Amn ae gSTEE tT A re NG Wan ome een9ET GaN EP stBoo a 7)TAS oracum. oa ae a ERrr RSE Ae Sees FS SS eo al, Bua nie Wee Me BRE SSneh SAE AMES SCE ER, Seg Ea OSE IMA chin ESE EERE. TRE LESSIG RSC Sen, AS ieSG A SES yd FN SIE ODN Te ee eeND ee,oy eeeOtBae RGSda Begs SSRNLU Ottimccggerny, gat 2 RR Faia SE“TENE Se Or BAS EEOSes SMSIN OI apy emsSES wa

at ei 8 eae Pinari aN A Soe Meee TACO eon tle Ee ERGCO eg IN SBCtoFgh RRaR Pe Bete Po TET aa See aUnaire OR COR SRGnS te Brae lla, os SEreg SeBe TAC eonTEFROST Crea a BE a gh Pes Fes aes gaecieee RS cre te Br BS EE IC ait RR on. ee ce ee cacti gathers « HOUR EE Asie SEINE oS

Esa Sieh een ag RAR Sa BRR + Ht ac eR cr ce ee a rns eee ee Puce

wise 12° rere ical aE Ne sce aa aN Rae | wee a? i Tae ee ee Oa is er eget Reng neh ie

A ee ieasital ace Risbion! es e ag eN eg HERTS SNNES ite na OggeteeFe aeNE ute RCERE | SOE. ae Cae REE Rhog avas eatet BO ta UhNeal sine co oer SRR TSS oD SMT A ag ALE IRN ME IRE, aaa thiy geome” erSt SUR 5 eee OR IEA SE | NG SMe ARG aE Ae eeBES BSG naa 'pe OD ORs Bx, agEaS aepee i. I SUG AG aM ES Be 2BSS! sR RC: a Gok BeMi ae oe Mae Renee s aee ine LEao ARS OtoeOR BF ate«oh sonTh LoaLeSabre ie Cae eee. Sa ae ABR gEURES Fran waa SS SR ene SANEAR aR,erSOC ima ee SONEMRER Rivas akan SeOM: BRBRAN ane Rae ehoeROS es Mey teka BSS anceeAeaeea ee

MIMI otetc GE SEES EL petcoe he A eee ee Pees LORed SESAPR ERPS ate CS SB oeA SMSo acres RI Se OT a+S Gl ae " peers eee PETES Ry aidyRRR ee iNGS CeRRdeer eee ATT alkene SEcatty ROCUN areas SRO OEhe Rig esaeSEA ES og NS Od ae iyLS as se PSNCe ve am kee AW ONE eh, AMG WPANhyte RN BRAY Gage dn og Ma USSeu SPSS weeARE AsksaeeMae a Wei CeBat ae acsoReRRR ee Bs ye

SMe Se wale aSESE kia wens ect Hed en ae aeMe aSistas ee enQl ai: BA seOOM, |bs hin,ms Reg.we Pape. RIDES OBER URS RRA ORSON eS. GURY GB MeePeg RaeShes eepe ain ON me ONCE RRee a eSee 8ae"Oa eReSeba | Ta EYWeAmed cis 3c) see ha cn aate CH Pig ae eSicys ce tae deatsarae eebsChante gee

peRe 5 Sige IR aERA Rs RRAUN TN ENS NERches RES Soe! an NB oe aaa ck ME ae es Bele augseST A ae ae oe. eeeoeget ae

a Bec ioe a A gS, a We Regence Ma, WER AIS ae ere re CS can Oa Sgt Pe Ree Ce Sa a Te OEE CSS RoR SE SIMI MeN ROTA TE ROS BT

a otoe age ST PaCOMERS ee eee erBRE m, act? Pr oats ca ‘ 7ta AB i ,ie ig iainMs Se ascice oe pes ale TMG. EE aape ire ee reoie‘ , , TT aterON eR aA dango ET sige ams er aenie caelae St alae 2eS ES os En ie MS Pi RA

Fa “ee feat COE ee sta ie si eo ee sheet ion Sega ce atade 5 ogg tage ) lias. a ne ees - cee 23 , ; ae ta aaah ae ;Oe Oo eea PON 6ESeee ~citgmiiaigeser Fre 0. age mtr eg RGR. eA: : Eeee aromet eaaaa aes gh: ee ange Fi Sy Manna Sie eege aes ms ;’ agit Rigs Se as on ROE EEE, SRO Seon SE eee f soed geig gotten testes BN ah SRE Oc aE ; ye Pek SM cet NEO Cha SS ER ee se Sign ak goer ey —) AMeo Ritie comeyece tenag atm OS INE aiegiORI ae ar“feat ; Deceit MOO u‘ ce ret te cusTe or Mileage, NORM RRIN 9, eleae. -eee oe Pegs, Vine ae arcs ae, age Oo aRIAA, mos oePia Ss 82S es SiaSkkeeR A Re Be age ekSTna rm ae : ‘ eG ae Sere ; ‘agi en aera E or Beas oe eee one Sse Oe alee Pe Oa a nek a aig) ee sstiaeleyae aa pss NU ceonpnaes wy ¢ ye , ; : teMa Nc I iAE ee aRes a orRT Ne Serhi, Rigar te Me ania oe OME He Bates °Mae aaePe Melis Fg ON: geen OS LORIE SE ME Po,wr :Pees, gt:ee See OO, aeaaa ae Lory ee “oe ae as pone: ONE OE Dak Dg isels cagM EE ea ree ee eee mS | oo pecs Mt PE aee ee act NE” hae oy sii cote ae ¥ae Ds Ta Sid sit aye itBee eeAe Kae Ming ASem eH Ai 1Fg Begale gee xe te aetON ort ieee a8?Sam i.cae On a>aed aa aEke ee ‘aes LTR RG AON aS AEba. . foo .atee eiaes Oeail ae Ma al 8k. semen ec ir Si mere ine 3ee Seer PTUe ae og Ne a er ain ty fig ree pg a a Se oem Lote oe we ae Raith ie = me fag ey Pat ais ee ae ieee Se ar ee | Oe ES Oe Fae ohoeBas Siants Re PLE ed gy ne POE ag ; eth scat ary Be Ee ISesfco Bs5a ae+teSih Ma i ay ‘aie OO a2 Nig re eeane a Pin. Mag, ks Oe ae Teer coe na Sa 2 ~ set foe Po ae OR: Ea a eee ates ean te RR i ie ea fe Spe ae aT es “oth sates Pe OE : Te et . ELE RETO pig ae EE RR TBE Sy A ig ete od a sons Be salae i i ga ee Zales oh ta Be oe PBR %. z 5 an . Se PS “5 ete fers Aes ie OE RRS ORM Ne me MS CeO nage Be ways pet OM SPREE 5 sate at ees or BANGS Cora Rt Os eis eee ee ae erie: ag. EE GP Soe ara A eR Sa SO og et EES > , gall NS 7 Se ae coat as “ Pa ie I ca) sia ai ie a Rel

; Es ares oa ae ee Np oP . es ee a agi ig eros ee

ee ae ag fs Spe shite Mae ALR se AM gehide ae ee saree a RRR SS a Bie geee ; * Nanee 2 ODT Seats an Pe ae alESO Sn A . er OO ie eB SEEGER Ce na ee Se . sao eeAEy eeee, echt GS ene oer ors eeonal ee eeER asa: Reetette Oe a SR oRhsOY ENEE oma ae48S fe jengl ee antied EteeS anj a“oy Ree 4 Te, % “ONE OOS 4. eg ie, as Sa, oS oma meer fee.SNORE Oe eee alt agers Naat Pe ee“ORS ena an wo en ENE Sosgen ASeei

ieee. ee Cee ae Ege Bi pe Ter aectic hee i: aed ie,fae es, hfe BASS, faa EE ae OGRy tg Re cael aksee puch Rc psig ees: lS ll Pee 7, ee ss - *Jhg ga:Le SRE CASI 5 igs ebpallid > {RS Aaa er 8 gprOAL > ae.mor" i wey Ee peeog eeeemia - Lo aS ae gn Earl ELae Eo ort Farieaiier + Sas: i ga ale wok aesMERRIE eACa finch pea8ma . got OE ROMGT BATS Aca OU eeSne Pat arsenate ate 7S | RR cy gatAK pee sce otES Mies et AaFO ‘ci ai Boe ane Asti Ph, ‘eal 2 eePl, kr WS “t a Dg age Ii PR SRL Ate: Mer Ra:SMBIe OREM NTT a Ns, mm iron aeEE as tig a Pit dss Js Pee hn areBe PEa Se ’eg. ENS . Pr So, AS~3aad aes cen i RCN | eR See 3 BaIReR ee aE RARER cae OR pt ME attorney: aspen ee.eee 2g «Soe ia teeee 7 ls a Pe AER ge teiaMe *.: Sire 8 CRIN, cla ae RMB es ee Eoos, G Megieedl yl MipgRe MAI Ein Oe ES RGange E : Ser aeEE Baggel EES ERS eh AS Ot gh

ie eae ee pcirern BeLe GREag agg eRegM Tata tyRMR SREY © MMMM SS EeesSTs ge GPSS see OE LoAe, OTS sy ie attn . 8; ae pa ee seo Paper Mee oe den. VAS RRO Fen «tees ae ec Feallett Saad CiGa neer ER CT Tet seeae LS SS woe oan a eh ph |ne ai Lh. gape: SeMapets. na fae ome eB CaRN MaRS 5eixR A ES 8Cp ERR elaot, ha ie ake orgp aaay mem Seage! sh inRR eeEE co EEN Cs nS ig,atBae BELLE CONE pygree EL A i SA Nice! Sar. Satpei Sotie, aaah altered Pri Aaeawag aaay ae eS ca Be OS Se oe iSer RO a ye

toeoFERS eiediioa ALR aaa i mpetagae cre ee, a mAocER ee Miany es SIEnse «5 inaORnsSSkee eeERSRS? Pe eTNg nc) a el fy es ie ae cnc ceoo OErene aes aaa! Sayer: ga cremen eae RES 1a ies einen, *RAE 2 seg, SAMMI oncSE cg ONO 1 Se jaf TR ee aaa EMEoc attee es:Pale oTee. MIE a ere eee ea HOR ato ee ehenie” Titi AAa,c SA a a Fa, See evane gd pimaighe Brhaves EA ene ON SRN aecay (eeSEU Oa aane esa2RNagen sgn geeMag pg Sl pag ANIPRET RE eacae Porras AE MS seMeee tae eS. oc Re Mme eye eae 2TBE Se adam ma BNF ccghe ag aula pects | ss nc aMRR i SE Nee eer oie en BE a ee Se aaa a tuag gg MND Ton a eA age Nt ea Be, ee i, ReMi ees ae Pi eps Seite eta) ict Nn St, ee : ieee sane se eee os om Pe aN rae Sie eM RE ERE A Re eee ae ae a i ce pda én og afore Bee Fea. a ce eh 9 RR i Fi dc a ee 4 Sih yo ane lee ai, seats)" Od gin ORI or ticg go * po GS LEME Sat? aes an kta Denote Nes OR RAMEE 2 aS say! USC ST. tLe ee NR ii PE ee PR SOE dea SUNT ERakeook a Pe oi ERG COMMS Le: URS ireSay ag ORC. ltOU Ra9G IMRT PCN REM Go ENS eeaatet ne ties on rere Ri nN, a a reed BAS INO daeER of ATE Uae PREmS. gt xee eeeBe TE aare ee ASAE SCORE PAN cS GUS Eig. oF batty Si a Us eae ene 0 aes gaRe Moe a ee” sige Ce sparen giBETO A ee pt MER er RON tn. ae RMa 0aN COREE Ie. MN reuse eee pe Aaa re ae cee ger Re etSeSga CE Beaafeeeee Re Sac ee Re SeEEAge Nak Swe cc pk) ear ores

7ts Nh hePeene eetepoelegyp a EE beRha? oo gah a:Webi Beeee MS EN aAS esi ee. eee ETE OENOE A eeek Sica eesCAs SUE Ra erneonne S| eet ‘ atnes Ree, cl RS bie Pe RES 1 qian NhaOe MID seorsie iaSec gute: YeAantag ce ene Se | a Cee easpg eeeoe Bip hat Se ia ML nie Ae emits RsCe a I RMR Ph PERE Nae RL SEO) ES SR Pps SR ohgM aa eeghee OE er: ees apa FO ne oe ES cn till may Saaime Ene ee elias pb Aerpegacage ntCL ee Ie CeA he q Capi FeGio! a ae ae4see ae eeeSes heEcagi MeN Debi SG Wetien Ride SaoOE Shere ei?en No Re eesee eaealliae, Mak tokoe oeae POO ieee SNe RIE DERpigs RE RO a eaeae: Baie, ConiaNU OmeasgsOEE nee eya2 ted Seoak RR iG Sores Uh Sis aca ERaeRC ee adem

A0ft6gee if ead “pa A speSa SOT Ea RDN 5 Agee on” ais a? 5cies gee 2 POD ie RR LANG. ilies Selk ee TSRaets MMARRL CY. NEF Pre” SRN ce. Ce Ra ABaRy, Se ag ANT a ee : ; sca ibe Rheaeo eT*Bigegiodt A Saget - aiy ROR a See ER rE aac i Oe le PNES: 0 OD espCae a aSSM a aga Ten aeREA ge SONNE, CNSM Wp ent elt Nd settings? vss LL NB ge PMI gee aa ERT arogua ar fas SSSR URI PROSgeu RE 8S AoieDrain tS oe! gratack Son. eet area a SR AOSies fy Ee oe, ghee setaece pie anes okcele Be eaaS Aer cae te

! SERIE Bi oy: 3 0 PP A, an Dyin! UBM eke Gee re RS” Seeee RS on GeeOBS ame oc Rt agus eine iio7pe 8 ge SP SOMO Reea es Haile Lie ah ont Oe AeeDoct; oe Re ONken REIN ao eon FR eRe gaat MR gs a2” reSER per icaaa esSEIN WeaeaJee aes gt.” CORE Ea cee Ge uaeteary Senet |1eee ee aie ae ods! rnle,aesSEEN Ba SOM UN oc: ga a: "Os BM PUR Ph SOA Seah CP ag ON NO st as Pee 1 -

: a ES tea REOE peti. gd eePAUP BSE oo BE SP RES BE SEOE STE Bna oF Geib ot RES he uefa aRRO eh lS 4: aosaBA SeeORE ar ee Saori EP oer nage |TsceBielec PoaStsSeJES SORT ess tetasaASwi aha [Oo otShear ae eeace a Pat a iam aRD ByReage eaeok Shea aeCR Wee AES : , ; mh Te RR OPA Be MASUR SE Ma) BRR gad Pe ala Ne ec Rea aM BN :; Ca SEN RT! ig Ser NUE etna | eo RREBIR EE GSIR ES ARG SACRE IE SE,es [eae| ‘ :" i,{ilsSame eeFGa gtTRS Ee CIehi Pgh eeSENS cy Tre: eaeareOR GO a eS eR Re A SAT ek 2eer eyGEER a neSieem :ony , Teyili geeNe ES oR ee PEToh eG ET TIRE Pests Seyrae Ae Ge peAR SG me OR NdSiR a peare ECSP SaPiR epee one eee Wane, St Oe Sanaa Ma Re ES eR ee Ble a i i Se :: ' ; ihi es Reco feanitiie SER RO BSE Gael eMpeteg eh oP SS Siege SOR eReGAD RE SRTe LES OO a iySORES SSPE Ie | BETES "oa We EE OS ES eB ES BY Soro Tak i . ae Sone eee pes oe ee cones ae HES GARE : iaeot[hoa eteeo RE ane ersSeen, FREE pan aeYS ag Looe eee hee ees 4 Peet .I. :: PRR D8Mihai ORME TNO Ce OR Sgaaa ES Ate Abin BEI dsSE BB ES, Bh TEE GS eeSP BSS Guba oh ck.SP, pee a Wi, Me aly eh gate BSE, cash. PG 2 gibt oA SBR EY Wer Op eG5Be he IES ee NE * ah ie pie one are ems ee ee, Meek Chae AR Pe Mi Ms age Oe He BM SUN eRe CS eR ek Ae ath eget VANE SO ;

5 Oe me ee EOE 44ron Nalee SPMD eaosOURS egSe PReeSay i Reerege be eedee oe Fe ee Pee de aS er ee 7

aa Ng iis As NCSI) ee Be el: Sah Sa ERE Sab BBaBee he ee Nore Sein IRUSON adSReMail TS ‘3 :. wl Reea PRE URAR teeatsI BERR ERS ieSahe, Ee Bek aBGs OSE Br ope PE BIRR SAIS NORE MEE GOR ‘ Bie aa pe ORES Re Behe Pig te eePEE OE Bae PR ee A beOEE AS Gc Ye

‘ Cot of ERE Ge teasia aMie oa onecoca Ae erSAD ee Ce Coe nee aeReene! . bo Git i AP NER eet Sarpy Beatie SPRaAOR Sly Uh iaay essce eae NT aeje :md : ie laeS | il: Oe BI 3REE URSA ESO Eos RB Raat FEB OS hoe aaa RCC 9Sa ee eS ee ie A Tg a ;: : , Ball Se Ata! IR OOR Be el eg Liante gee, AeSG MP Ee Ea, CUO AR SLES SeSSP St min a ee « Sh as aRae ef Me DP” RUIN lefARR i Ce OR " "« “llMis Wis RE eearheg HSNARI RAL aE SO CALE NOCD MAEM, Nal? mM R Sees BB IRSSCE aoRona ah RateOURS Rh SRE A eS 8ae otaES aad | il te | i.Re | ; ae Ra ahs pee as PemE,aSP a Se "RR OB: iGetPn oSeane PM m |one cca GVA SRN “4 ‘ . ‘ tallilla,Me ee2ge Eesfees UGE RE REbye ee ok Bae?Weegee Cn, neareer*aS . i il He Rony ese ee Se ENoseB te.

2 ee Se OG a4ycate i aH Pag Sees eh MAS a are PCa oes ee ata" kee Ege fstne Bava [E4acet Ck ER BR Ga gia, a ey Ba ae RNota de eeAR israe si rdget : ao ee Hl: PEMe Bgae5ge SMEAR aesBeh eae Beg eSeae Re ES esA ate eR ee aeaaitheoS

Ny Wide we oe : : Sal. an | Se | ee ae ames: mmm aa eee oe oie aoeBites eeetcetera fi re ana - ee wyYa 2 oo : | POU a eecceealseA oi © a ge mee GS\ eohgneeee eoeerie: ae TIRES BS TR Re Wena Cte Oem 0 aL Seance ut - s Mape ese re ia sat Le ig a “fe ! hohe cee cele bel ag OBES IR EMERY aes ag tee tA ot a RLMEENS. % PES MA Bien ORG 8 ag eh oy Bec ae

er aeeSe A ae ae Nall yay : a MERE A a : ree iON eeceeee aetcy eee ae teSa eae ceateae SES Po rtansten.. vX By Ta ea aERe PSRe ieee eyMIMI Scorers For. ey esee x, 3aes. fh Sy. SINT GOSSAGE Te SEES ‘tess Ero eet: page RE” dieters: Yah Binal Coy Ratt aeten (ORNS: GREAT SoeeeRTCameGeS. aaa.Ui) ae ee :A "BEES: Sea. : eee et way tee ener Ri) eaeBe eeTere a Ss aSF ee eSoo TE Gee RRCM he RE |ost: EOC eanpgPsEON aie RRA peepHORE hoch Wee eeeeSee ear AT arReinke) Rae am Tt coeey Rech aRU} vA ae = coe VRS ee ae neSR te Ste ar amr” TMS £ Ry Re eeeeS. aa ae, *Qe I sto, ranEe SR a.SOT Pn aly TOP 2aa oPi AR OS ePera te ROSE RE yeeee QOS ‘ Liege, FRE SE alae. 2 Mo uO A ea ' . r? Bi A Hels i eee AES ais Pan a 2 Res oN te Was Se Gee Re ete cuprates. Ma ae NG ne oe Bb dot ao Ep Sheen, aCe aia ae Pe ee RR ein cae ee pate S| Sake UPA, Ve Pe a ek. Eee Eon”! Mee ee ea GN, Cs ee ie Ny 7 Cag Qa REE i Ee iL AR gr hare ie Seg vs Se aS OS ay dM ree Be ie Pe ae ety MR PER Re ee: erat cage Seu est mn oer BGR, Se fiat i eg a a eet Bris GR Es "a PEM Bl OAS Ue a Sa a a Gee SE ig Sees 1 BES Be BR ea 4 tae GA Sigh Sa asaeaaaae gr fe cBET aio 2agePoe ek oehan an Borg 4 afe YERea OR SE i ger He se :Pe co abate ff Sa tle ReGRIT Shey stan Gare See RO TERRE) “ENR SecoES han re Uae FW: Sede Gans See US Ry iaearet TOR SOA. SO ae dos Bg |gste. eeSR We a|Soe ORsee CPR AR UDR ae ae On G2 gh” RG CE pa aegee aN fe ee ae ee BM RGD aees eh: wed A ae PR ct. 246 eaBae ee cre yBag age: 3eeAIRE 8LUNN tee etapa Ne Ne | Sanne othgecm A WR Fl Net RECT OT teay MI a yk aS ya ee 7High We ee aa HagaORO #, ekON crane eS Ue WN NRCS CNshaot Aaaamelie ARIi oe SOP aeGRA RA AIR BierOAR Biy a Ak ele aaa SOM, ER haASRI SS yg ee CEL meUh S Mere AS FasTete ReBe EU SSE SOC MONE LRU Re. EIR oa ENN eS WhSEA ARR GN a EN RN%S|Pik Seeae LN SRR BE /Rh Spserte tae eaMah eeORR a2aped bs,tes,ooaeiliBieSee REESE Rae hs Ree be i ee Pa PsBAoe Seeesoe te po, PM Pe bod 83 Ue cs Sires eS BOREAS Cae i aerate aEON leles VESOMME germREE thy SRT Ok an trae oeOeTI 29,RT ROS ODE Geaeeat UA Ee RS ieBP Eee ae:enh, SeBeg nar aad!84 htthe Raeee pee, MEGS ae ey.‘aie hy, Hi RRRMR ire i Ntases ig meiaic GCA hc,URS Cape A he or Con ec ne re aged % RRO tLBee ot ee SES oe SERE Biee ryee ea Bia| eg at:a Legis Cain eeSaher opRO tyCoieeS APES wey cae SR ‘ foi: Sean 4Cees ilhi:, NBR GeoTargeted PORN OEE a tence EN RO OC rd

pe He eb: iaiscs REE. Si See PCN ee EOE ae Asie PP SARTE soe, AR 5 RE OE ae ea gee ©tkSUEO beeen, are, 58 ,eet . sok fasireSaMefsROR ar Se aaie csee i. yh éPOR uiaera roeSate He Byte! * tA 4NE i i ES anh biaCita Fagot eaOM tay BRE ge’ pw es “SMe eBB A OS %Sie, Gey eT =BOM sea re,yt? o ate St +a: *OG 75 ‘Re ener BSSega 4 Serr NEC ON a 3age Sams Se ear Sa Nar iete a.iEat age ee eT biti BRE CARD eeCORA gee Pet, SANT oe eit aie tae EPR cies 4Pe aes “ope ob ta: aietes: se wPree ae Jee aySAREE By es eeehsea Be eas hee: i,1% 7? Sides eet eas , 2 NARMS deeBR Meecha Sate heel ‘ Me as Rae seeAis 5| “e eereetes oieBed ; eee eevee eee BCNagle. ag Sas:ierr eo aabr hatehuge gg oaSE aes . j Seance Abgteee 2aS ee8MEN, MBSR SEBree sc Ras 'agit itREN EBS RSS SAR ESE aA BEE Bre eotrae Bate ee RES oe i AMM PNR SEHR -_ Nae Aalst si Fie Oise , Be ptme iPes i qyet gE tae ad ARS nee, ’ae Apa Teas, AE AO» gee RCI ER ferA hg ha aaN pre? An Reae ee ee ae Co ean, FtROS If we PR ioUNC Rm eee refaSo ee Oe tad PR Ans he ALI | seGS aByCT, URS ACE cS : Ee i GE ACER «EO CTS Re wa ae: 7 . Fae asete a%abe oe" +gis ere |eee | Po xaad sieAe ON ad i Fille Fae ieOE te yO oe ae oped age sieiae ae ae F oe oe . Fe ee pe He a! ae .éaan oe btiaBn ahe SY GSAT Ue SERS SR aepeer btfigy ‘Ae. *iaf ah thee ae meetin ae on ‘oe ai * Ss ae ae eae ae ease Seceruen eats ? na ge cP a eee Us Hee a a aay neti i ay ae ee aun Tat ee . = : ae oe eas geo fe ie iaey te aia ope a coe See ae ' ce Sy SP Aah oe mre oe ae osWg eh,cggan q ie ae ee& Puce Rane aeoe ie Boa ks~eesyome Cee ceaae aryee aatia Ww) a“a8AT Byagi sspesos ee,ORNS Pd oepos egg eePate veoliee a ane oO

epi ae \ or anes wn heaye Tab, eel sede: aeyeEL ee PP ea gods ot Be ah pert i Eeveanpee EL ® Wa) aiHT ; ee , ;A Ly: ane ae Led aesetae: ncetal Bees ie aae gakon? BO aae Fimu agen ifar st rs -eeee: Re eee = ow Saal gers Stfae, ore Regt pes gS Paes exci ees Ge3 oe .= Fy PIE okrege for eeAeages oenee le aTS: oe-een *pee ee# Lae a eee

"eater ae? ES ed ee ceVl we Wes WJ yg ae poeome oi il . ,,© yen 4 ew aeSe. citi . enal aoa ipa eoiEen eeif eeeoe abies tlhe ee “ganeny aan SORG tas erAh ooo éa_* oy aA Ao “4:Bimttor Pare “ ge ke ;Site Brme a a: cl Oe a. sie” mane :* .4 ®Bea hey rex cs i2ee ye aks mig Rey ,is ae 3Beg Fay co ae aSo oe sse ie elder .lecee .ae x2% ;iadiotl e&.: ee aSep eee he be ut ne g? hog ‘ome ao ty aie “teh fy :is aa |Seer aaa SS eae perl ae :&UF -. .ee oo :aam 2wan Bis: hie |aFoee BS wf H ai%\ ohaoe eee i cae ae an Va aoa : : wo = a: pi “we Bye, veg i Bey Ga a ies. Ry is a axis pai ie oe. i : . ‘ ay ce eg tt? oe igh il a ane a » nei oa Rie ae or ee enter Sud ANS ae ah ro a Bg as Sc a reo oa C ee a, wl O& 3 Bi Gee Saas asx’ eee: . ok pe ne: a ‘ $e , SPH ; genni Sey sul wis © . aa eee eh ae en een ees. iy Ha yares Jie eees aeNBS ne;© envee Be ja Bee aaaABR -Bi Pee aa ? 4pidate en othe eae ed ee eR ace Peas oe fs Resa Se ty See etSe eenoll Ra 1aie sid :ig Becca! nae ee atBB #"I£5 re fe ie pe ae ae cen ee . noe RS Sage epee g m4 Rereay, eeca pee i. Ss 82sae awoe 4 eye! 4Fie Fe eae ou Re. wdoe ane “agcee she ahs . a +) i. ves aeBEER wee aS’ S Heag ee Pia Se oe ee UdVP .§Ree) . .:’ .Belk 3aRee a 2.Se eee pee eT sat pass ee ma age og ee bi.A‘taut os,7Bus. | eeewe aAES aeea FO EB oo” Pages ‘Pike gal oe of age Saikano coe SO oe nd 3eeuP :ea reearee aoleos oeooee: ae eG aS ecpose eae rdi Po ee eas oa eaagear aGh Meee es‘git aeoo aE re apa :— aei"ae ~ oy : i" ae woe an 4 sop ee et se to” are . Ge” oan Ooae ee tial gia oeare Rey ana e ig aatioe sacar BE haciaae ai — adm, 2

‘| Lay hee caer oe. ae é ee eeeeuee, oa ae tae Po i aeAUyee ia! eee poo Boe oe 7) el aGee i xe POURS SiR coe Lien aie an Reais. ure ay Bei.Rage LCE. Poo be 5petnee Ee oe Oo FY Ra Bare Bai te, Siig cates ierwee heae #_ oe-oe ore F ; r= .‘ ete ¢3 Boutage ie Powe Bo ey Me ee os Sea we ee pag acl eeRSSee Hise aehe: sant aae sake nea -oo woe 7ee: +en oeBe o| i»_peel aee : Ww)

. oe i a ee a ee ae I | sig ea Ee a | “Y

; 4. ®© pePee eHice ary a ah ee ion Se . Nance SeSoe ty Be i _ro ie anaes oeRac ae ake Nt aay: | Ms a 1% ae BT agit | ayoe ra eerste ee eeiSicie Rae ae pte .7eaan wea ee as Led we SS SEE ix”es om ‘ cae ae : ie YBled rN"eS ayrn ie oo oe aes + a$awe Bie ‘ ee ine SEA ShSpee a Neth cas 4+pie 2ro eean 4wags oyean ae: ty po eeaie aKg aie bp ; aape Rae — asoe - AS) me my tage otan asaehi jit eo ~nae igig taSe eeeFis 8 than fan,PS ENee sia tehee aie se eeeeShen anegal aeoe ee of eSaan a we Peeeawh alSee geek ry Sake ee Be. eeinte soft : aeas Beads as \ne ! Lis oe ate:ae ees Pa. :2a er pes, ay aoe ae aa "pega sector ee“ig as AeSee js as? ae Nth Peg 3 Bo ie ie ee cay pee Bore: Ce Oe Pe Ae is ae . PR RS Bee re Oe ee ‘Sa i ye eee a 8 oF me i ae ee a as os aa a ee Sle et Cece ae an ae ae ek Eo ee Pe gl Bee ae ae ae xae, os oe oe esi ae ae G Sa eas neat eer Be Oe ae eeTR Oe eer ce oy aeetAi me aneaejsss Bia?Oe aeCe at ee i asi, conesogceee Be: ge a amee" ie eeceMe re ae aos Se i ae meee a ae ge ge Ne BO Sate Se Sa wena oes Pare iets mae ee eS me eek Cae Seon x wet el ma ae ° ’ a Ce / ae an hifie deg aoe ee Lh eeSe”ale ee PnasSeaaetagee? ae or all aF toeaaap aeabe . seth WEEN ee aa — leaS ee, cLae Pere" Te, etsy —e eeee, » bp he‘ae 2At ok;AGS hia Boy, oe one PR Hiss ak met eeat1EF aor 1ee es fsTe Bienataaaak Pees.meen ae eg!ig. ea*“ ie*aa

Cae erPr: Ss = Uecone i ei tae ah sate ate ce ee sh Dee Ress Btae og:Be etal roi ee ee es fé :Bas eG Rae al oe.OS Dae leneiiee’ Pee ees ,"af_ wee > Lg ee je, mo ereae Sadun Wagd 8 eS 3 “ag eeaarGBS sa of e ge A2co aca aeoS me.eee ea Ae |8aa oN ut ee ae ‘ae Phat hl ae. ar ae BB koe Brice Be is teesiy2S es 4 Pevee ae PtRoe ey oy So Ay Bah Shen Battl ees es tenet ahs otis Baeeee4sie pee;ie sagt ; 7 of beh ey.;2a aha Fao aeedeeRES an. ae A pal ais cdBie 1 ew x gliY saareSea ioe gue Baga = cg Aare +a ay aea Sys Pace , Leen RE Fats Spee |aneeee 88Bae ae co Aare BE oai ieBae ye ely cn ee ice ved eee aS nee settee Ly hon oC es 7 er eye a evedoas adie ORs ie a ce mo ee ye Ber ee ae i aie ; he ee as Peal neue Cee ee iad a ‘i+i Be td a Se iene aPes ean poet + gayemae’ eee wateMe ble Ah PE na S53 PS OD eee a .ee eeeee eaten‘ By aoBOS - wa eeie ey chePeles a my Pe hya eekeOneaeYi,Fm ‘ree


oh. . 23 bears, gaPe rab uy we tot gh +oct SS PA ee mee aSath Be aRag oeusFiO . ee seat a: iy & Be Ae ees See dee are Re yasRM Cue asa mee eek ee: EMER Pa SSed ianPe weaBea anne ha) eaene sent ic Banged ae, ;coher oe HsURNS oeMey Romecee ibsteea ar il aCe he ant‘ae e ee. °yaeeS Oe oeeee SSee 4har iat alee We. &9keee rae Roe Jetaeager co, oe ‘oe cee; ce

ihe ofCeBhL: ieogai aeee Seae ae)oesage esdein=Coeaeee ioFeSgo a PeaeSSfio,caee ee: |beamed oor iada Be Ee&Me Ae ae aepse: aeaeSg» 8toBP. ay Pree ae co ge ieeeEEE Tt cpbbin | ae Bt : fr ce : Coens ager “ory ‘i Pee ae ea. 2. re | ae!

te Rs ere ae Pa) ae eae oeaae aeVeae BS ee ei) Se >nae. Bech ee aCro oe ae ih isk we ok ve Seei Rags a)ay ea pce reels ghee oS gsae afta ee “oeee Wee Bee he he arives By a44 gstES Fssities Seaes ater Ly aRIB Spe aDie hePee. eee ts Lag oul isese . Bee aea,| , Ber ete . 7A aere Ei one eyae Caren Ren RAE BB oe aes tsve Bn a ee ey tem rataWe Soot Pica Sie oeRS Be ns Mail i ‘SUR ati'sae Pupiecs aye aeitis7ee aasia ey heRSS eeGRY ae eee eo Bodin” ayiene Raita teSeee RE auae oR aBae Se Pcs aeeSR ne neere ay a” ite part

af oy eaegee * a geo Eeis Siiittiits was eeEll BRR See cat ee oes cee ontwee iS EE oeUES See eeaee Oat See aeae ‘gyi eee 4isecinid Bagae ra ie “i Ro aa beeen ce Ee ee eswe ae pear Bisa . ;teBa ue eu Soe aBue pile ay ee , re as& ae 3oeeeee esae ol het .APR ee oan tas aE 5aFE ee ~aBa iio: eee Oy SA iB Re Sees iehe Reg ts28ey patee iste BS See se aN pear SG eee eeeee Dee ae a! fF Baees US Beane ee esate Lee ONS itie al ngs Be AS Aif| ge | R" hs . 2:Bale Un Bre aycar af ae eae Be fece ae Ses rh aN teBe ae ieBS ey% aRy epee igre Sa otofct ae ‘ae ree ae tiie ae Se Peer *mt is Me hoki Lae Me: Cela er Rega coke ee .oe gee mg iPfiAhi aor ipo ms ee ae anes ec, cee ||I ||| o~ Fae tee ce iyfy ae Sta fe Mefiute Re nae Be Bake PEL Rs Sah eae Baty Ss aes ae etae Hgks igi £Boo ss“hy SSR esGaN cacante % Ff ASS Be. ad cee Biuae Sefas yhoad Boe Beas ope ods 7iE ,ASE ‘reeks hyeven Te 3ee Fea ae Aaa Shs Aa Re Page Paden Fhtee aeae Re ae aeBiota pag OP Beg Bee oe Lee éSe os fet oe en Fe Pee Ye edie Po eeRutan Rae Serer nae oak eeoe Res aeeeaR me ee aaA.Serge shee ee ae a Pest ye eee nt ee RR ee eat

gt pi au de :eatiewn ss.Ane ty oe| ehe Hk Fey oe i ae Pe ee ak Cre Pere: scoa TERR eh,Pros 8 Pee ‘asseas AS ie Aaa we PeonShy oe ak a,geet see «BBs esBea enehe| rleoeK: ch fge hee Bian) See mee uot dene kee reoaater ope OME se ee es CO oneal ieyeae Reig ee agen aaaPaokie Baa eeeafy, BEae em ae ae’ean ie eeu eeAd Be‘fe keape? Cae aeEeae raSACRE aay Bay oe asDES ‘as EtUP es,EL Oar leaces JtBe38 Sige Peden nes Paw a ba pce aedst : Bak ais coli“aga Sew aan

Vy « oe riieesitd& Bes ae ereG Be aecages eeees on eoee age eeBed Cena Oe oeee Ae See Sag 8CO fm AM peta S ’ ag i Bees e Ben ‘ay tagePp Setsrie ree ae eecane : ep ac THK aye aace sty APias oh eee ee Le goay: weg: ge cee cret, aye ghee |eae || 2 atgeaa aBe “egy phe oe to eoe “dha bh aoe aMe, wae Rs eeSatod ee me Me Re aes — an ro ae eesee as eeSake MEO E RS ap on eee canes owe 8 et Vers a8 xoa ne gee i) Sa| ie fee eek oeae ee a be Ue nes aT | peSe ur ey:

eG alORE Mee i aBg es SS eae aS pa ae aS SER oeEE Be, Rs Gor eae ceere eeeeRs eve ean " eeite aeBe Rice. Pa eeeee ee ¥ es Ven reeWey ,Seg Rg rane eitSe eka eee Cae aauae oe aAR Res ato ee eeSeeook se ES eg Sons gta eee fee satea eeSak Pe aa eae esc ae eScea" | ioe 2Te ONE esaoe Bian eeea GPye Sala Jtchew ee ae boo ed caves oePees ee peOR a Bin am) eee) eee: Soe aeSaleen Chae %a bilian :82gS weipay ee ay Sok : gene Wee26 poet Sapew idl Fes aes sts,mc wltage NY ga ae Ae Se is. tea 8 ee fg.etae yw EYabaae See featEe Shalt NEE easTha, gs iis Rae Leae ape apeieae oad ee Lat ghee Te3Ser Pe ee aene seen ine one ee eee ash. eyaes eee Si8 Re tee esBeaeiva) oe i. See Ants ae eee reMee ates hs ea ees Se. eeoar ES teats So cea Se Oe cee OlRG, Pa og aeaa’ aote soe ee Peo ao wae}as, ¢ PIL ous” Seen Sey eeane eons SEL 3We ae.Pang ey etPC: as pa eSee ee.Seay ence eae RA Beh seSrc, pale pesee eaees a hic Bees ' i aag eee meee at pa" ay ES 8. , asia Sas oo es ar ge BnSees aeee era ee eR ek pee ka Senos: ae coe ee Mais ae?

Ae Ge” aa 7eaBeet aie, teeate eee aeea seSee SPR nel ce en Se in oeOe ee pen peas es BES i: ee ae +Ses eeee aman . eee: aN Bed ly eae ht HEP esas aeo *PeaR Sadia ge Se Ba _eos aero acne eenTe uae >eeceGg aes ee‘SERRE Skeo A ahau Re: etecaae 5s ee te Sian eae ae oe ki, Wee es ar: a FP Be we -akg anA Se ame 1a WS 4yce asesa te gt peeks eS er ght REY ee aS ae,a Sine et eaorien Aes aR cree iesoon 2ee elel | cea ‘ie cal a)jas reg rte : EARS ae? eRgh ‘shag aa fa Aa as ee fe5ho ey: th ee om A'S} ro Shee ge! ce cae See seal en eae ' i Be Wa fe aeSU }Hii 51Re GRGAee lobe R aRY auth * Bs BOSE 38 eg HALE RoaPee Wertao SS3H es Me A38 ama apa REae Rates ee eee ha Ry eS Ce ean Bees ed be ue AB Oe SABER oe ua See Re ers agane pas i ia. aee : eg ee) eS Oa oes ese chcaeh, SeaAS SER, 3288 eetitES ee Re oeAS ae BONES osieNUN Nails loses pee yee ehShe EN AS. cen, eet BE BA ee Bare AS mePM — eaeee: Secae | Tae Hee. ay eek eer ec Seas Shas aes ORR Rab ,nad Sarees SN pets . "5 Mets eI aFs hy Aer Meno ci Be nn gen Ri ginicieee neec SRE ens te amee eae isas OUT eaeeee ro RE PES Reais eeeSyaytec n Raaas RR,ytite Ty a tak ee Be As, i es ee ea Seess aS. Se pir Piety Lae ak atSCS SARL he sae ed £‘eg EN ne Easy heed ears aBou ee FUSE ee ue bitHS aeGee iseA Seton eye ae*pein mage yfeeSete eee aSaee 2 Fs l iyo “ga eeataaan Sea ewe ee he doeai| ar |+ eee eet

ea ee sig 2 ea Pee oo RS ote Lee deg £ Re Boxee ae ee eee Me a ay a Bec ee OMe, pac en ae es oe oe || \o)

hog Ay a: fa “ AR = Co ee ee ec { Pee oe ZZ: ae " ee jo. ee os Oe Tey

ae eae”mee oe Asad ; oe ies... aia a SeayaeHae hae ee oe La Cee aeok‘ te eae nes Hs:%_— i phen oefedtguar: ae See ae Sa) iH he ig a od eoeee beee ee esieaeeae ailaiene ee Ree eeeAOR Se ba eres ar EY ene Be Seethes ay, ey he oe 7 ae oePs ee YhTRS ea eeee “a ee Te ee eae oseesCEN me a, ee. oe? PEFo ESae 2 ete a eete, ys aes Pt ar GeSeo, a eae th wn

\i aitaoe ee,eae%\ Seo eee ae ase SheMey(ec cbs Heer” aeOaLig” ot eoseboeee ms 2 SsSNok reOSoe ae 2 vate:We eee iega _ e eee at we CE See ee CREE ine EEO Rieee es aes arenate oe ices COE crea oh ae asttheth, 1 aN Fm), cee a eaepe ONG

‘i : ee ye Fak ei a al OES: ee tha » RES! Loa ee eC Lea ee eyes pea eh Se BS ithe oer eaae eae toad PY = “Pg aie se Met Nar oe ie . pepe Sp og Bea eRe ne 4B 1 eae meee eaee pg wd Re peas ae Bea. | i

;i:Bo ets iAtypahead, sak aah ey wee ates oe alaeony iat Sage PO ae ewe SeLe Bee a See aeHLS ae a ae Bk || YT is Ty hon ie oe ie ee +neege We ceBrfee aks oarirlSon nd OE tee mah eeELAS, aeiba eae sig, Coo Dees caeie |Geees yee i se Bees BaeRR ee Vee ite ale ee es Se es bse: AS ‘ig aeoat, Sa ARR:eg aoa iyaveeae eee Paaw ON Big Ba ee ag 4 aeCe ee AEeee Ta hae Bote Sunt seSenge awees peeoe ae aeee Fi aksae ee aaae ae Vee ae Oe pa DhOe ers iheAges se" ee Ruste i° | —

oadenagaesat wieeeBe Re sy tae he BiaSa a Rut Zoe Bae UN pe: eo ein no ae rian PeTh ee eaegee "iedPho a6 ee ‘eeete 8 aene it aTass hts eee rene OY re acs } Ww) vd 'I Pe 9 iee Reomeey 2 een baae ta La ohSe RPS aePeete rerbeh CORR ih ey aes We A gdwae Sgnes AeET SN lates EenaeHRCA Seg aRed , . asomen ae eeled ig eas ee Seiad seh,uae Cathe: ee Banas EE: Gerke. eaeae Teeh ORES fect ce ee .F Pres pee ases ee Rica ae pac SNES eypray ‘Bea EU Se Po 1 taeagBeSe ae :east Oe coe a,sores : ee fee#Le SRR | oh eeaRE ae Heke OF dul tayKees Bos tae ae A IP Mee PERSE, Begs oe eee eee eece OR Bec PN) ee yt aybay lee lL esas ck ies ae peas Ts ee aioe ee oe Poa xeee as" ,SEO. a geen Foie Shes Bese ae ene eee ae Res ae aa| | ee 3 EPo .ra' :y : a®aan ee ose Rg LO oh see gras aeae: SyaSe, ea fag PMB Mo ees apace Sa te Seok uesens BAC SR Seny esstPees aeSees feeSMo, FR SES aa ee aeence eaian rieee eRe Ce a, Re bactea eeeNK aeCY ccee Sane oehe ees els hein erSOL ae oe eet ALE Reoeaos ee eed) Cae ae ae hyas EGRESS a Ce Aes eae ey Pree gees aa cnr fe a ‘ Lee a arch Se Uti B nid “RS RY eee ise RR aa Serena Pa eens capigs ey Bee ey Sages ayaa oe Sree | i fa: reAY :# 4 ae 0 ” aaeaaN By ea, iene Bs & eeCan uae, Pe Seesks Hera ae | ab Nes S'sie Raeate es oe SESS aS woos oe POS Ee yo ae “BiORES hah ‘ ‘RNS rag a eeee ns coe ae Fae ae ye ay So Rg iemu os Migs top!Se ee ee Goeth ‘hee ag| Bi hog it Ue fs ve ,Soe Sy So one TRA Here asMy BS egfreee” aw Ree AR eas cents Eaten oe fem F hte ar ne zg fe rs eS RN Mise eSpaket eee a ted oeetRa Goa niee eRPeers oS Yt m ee ats as B58 SER ey ured Woe Brase: eR eRe: oeuae 4 eM | an] i; ‘axiBe Ag mee ByBh” Bsi”ee is One aeSeeeu erie |e gh Be ant ae psfare ake a siti ae KA eeeTBS feed ByREVO as ae Sais ©RRIEY: Lee Rise ioe See Sisiisa pigtuae PeeRee eegeane

ne ye : 4 se es oe ert as eres re ae wes mB foe Re ee so ie ae ee a oe So i ae a a ewe ee, Seen ae |

ee PoAe rye! Agere a Se rewaeeesvy Sea ae aw 2s Acape ee eae ee.Ue taro aRly weeoanwoeae oa rn? reg?Seaeeee Cgaeect AS ae mae | iq||fo) 4 &.%Mag Ne Saset aen wait deme aeSee eee ne ie aE Ch Mai es,pee Bea a ut Saas Bta ieee ie ae erPe (ARF Ne oe Leeee ereos tea ah,as a Death ee5ce Poeeetis erst ie RsSy Ree aaticate ee enaotapen’ Yy “eee SeBg aNS 5 oa Sane Fe, eae Bs ese Ene caTMD aa aemer Eee Breas? 7 ae mare See Seg ~ ae lige Sonam: fematey ltaeekc cane Rh ES J aane Oa ale reste ahen Ea RY Be ero wae Ales ak a ae Sai Say cet oe SRB ,afp}wary ae? ia? sin TC ue aeae es eerege! Poh oF Poe in ee Ss i Bg iaBer eRe Se ty | swabs .? Se igh yyWee aae6Paka ee vee ae Eefeet ee eee a *PE ON EG Bu es STREETS es my cgne Pacts. ea ae ae Syiceaee aa aNee rt*a ee li Regen. tee py a ae aee Sa ¥ ES ahcae A ie ue Degen Oey aaPe iON. Ne nores eee Apes nachicd EgeHOS ol 3, Paes es POT cg eee Ny he RAS rewi eet ae teahy ee an ffPut |“ifs uhLyaae ae es eae “tes, cae ae ae eohate puee eee ee eeBe 0ORS he ea fsa aee oh oy 1Bend age cee or ar. a Pape aeeSES ae oer Woe ae ae “oe Cee eetee ieawa aoe aSe Pee ete PO ee abom ee ‘oe as, Ee BiRa} Seees ae eeaered eMs ee ot|Pay, ES 8 FN Baa Slee pice ae oo eee Sa oe Pag aeSe eeao eS gan eohe Tae eneeesAUR Se Reo, Sg Eg aes) feRoky gis ge eae: Sipe ysek Oh Be aott aeFoes aee ae| alae . i‘ yo ag Ao ae 4CeTG ck aS Can ct cae Ah oe Raby ees Ais, a eo chs eees Pees SBN para eeaa isRee. ee: Cpr Res ootae Coe aay -&

ie eat Papym Sey5 i:earon ae iiSee SEE, eS, a"aSey tea Tee ie ce oe ak pasaey aeeoN eee a Nar ae Oy gat oe ee oY BS eeFe e2 Ri Fans DET Gora ae ne Ba My ieaee se eeSaad il ok aa"Sages iey geR : fees Se ae” eee aeaSean ec Ne Ss. (oa sage Res: ge tse eG sa ee fast vo yeBre "ge Ss ee egy aaoe Hast |pet we Ey. RRSe 2Te ae 2h A feteaoe typote Set ear Bn sok ree PaaS a te aniiTe reSi in,ee

YS ayeeee a ee Sel " ee as ee ieeeye yea ore ee ae aaeoer: oe Bg eee re erae ‘aye ee cape’ gHas oo ae? iainewe eaae| oat ed aed Ye ee Se asRe wes MR

Bet. ° SS ia .ee 2: ‘. 7 . fe Hettes Peni ae : : aes ‘Py or An i ‘ ‘| _,aMoywySATE *Pa ee : , : ‘ fe: ae ee aes i te ath Exits Bl hs;Pa reSU ‘Nae . aI . .’SNe 4 —e eae er. 7Al ae ey Pee . ol . MESES ee ia ieeat et tige aPe ee Abst! ae :.Pes Ae ae a aa atte anAbe By its«= ER ilmo reLA P ae aS ile ae Avge nen Mi wage | es eee ae: eee Mee spe ig —| cea Ho, ag* os} on Oued Ce tae AE Cae ey Py hee et ine aeee: vie oo St Pe :ck i oo ie :‘iat che eo:xvane -Pee :osAe et bay eaeeOIE, R 448 4All_i ee We :SSR wDFaSERP oe Ton RRL

Beate . rey ia Nias eh EPR ‘gang ES Picae Bie ; : “Et ce) oe : a vo gat

ea. one fee. ye DERE OG aps es Pe eb ee ae “a bee | oO ibs,

eeRAs? av oat” ae anes woe te PECAN oe RsBk ot on §eemY ‘ere en gs ae dae::vo ; : ees youge ee og} _ puma nneny Ae veetEan CI elie. uae ae eisf Smee Wea BERS eae a wes eed ear ai! 3 eared biker ¢tae BA ye ways vaTESS yh RED whitsepa rir me i gb eek “tyre heat i |Rea Hey Mes aed pee oh inPEATE ae rye iWats : pO, Ble eree Be Meee, yas Anais Rear CN EAEY Oe he tba eSies aie Sie on Hostal, WY) el tagBA Be poeta &A ayPelt Aesone otier aac OEWAU ree eCE ERE Ndert WAS EB Vote VB wrth a dr nd Burs peeione . ae Gs. See ee Spl " cae eee aa da ASN REE LePRS RS AR Ae Ay AR oP Tes f 8ayaa, AOO ao eee ie8 rae anenaWs

igsSeeaeAF ote rife: de ea yeAag se cite oa Ss Spiess LeOn Te ui oryaRie ame o wee. eee eel ae S


ae BE BeeAER COAG itUY winds Set RRR NOC aC NR Rs fas Vie RYe HON ately! ols =D, aA Nae, i Ns sage Pygt 8 et e7|ee agonal Cisae GE OFAWRY) # oo ad, CoeTWN Sot we ‘JHieber Boa Sea :OAR 4 RMAw yd Mat ape iat ree VE. if Nee kee os Pi ee: . Te re ee eeRS RD ae vee? San iA ionSES PAE OSSEN FY ayKAS hee iE Raid eee uniecRon aBus :f .eae eat: peSpee ae ON aaee: teeaera :ie . ae he 4 aae ye Fo easy. § Mog ey AsPO Ake lane ergTy Pegg) ye Cyt bee ps phe Os ey eeyo rryn ake at Ba ES OS gph ROM Ssis iAOR eel aes APN Mebane Md peewee xese Ra geePRES aas aeCe han Te ye ee yy Nr aeoT ERY SIE, ay kaod yt SRC EON FRR Gebg. fda Fesfold atePep bare yFR Mapes hea , wg? Re ae tical acre ‘ yom . ’ee foon hyaeyo wae ey SAE avdshe aa Agee we oh Hh 47ak Peale neIEWhe Ag S gant eee Pine 9.Loh? Rw pe Aone Bag gywee ogee SiWg ott eSRees ey Beale Fe a8 a0 BED on ae Manian hig fa fy Ga Pata af oA ES ty SRS OEE Fiep S Sere G8 Wee a oe eo? f ;;Pia ae “AR OGY Pane ae We ET Legh iY Pact ieee be gt Nee i ER a ra Mae . J wes Renee Rel eee vey ‘eswet eM ae’ ny eens ind PACE NS if}thBY Beet" aaa ACRE Sey peaates aL At BP ae ae :ar Me Es etn He Beg ee ydloess he Ke vf Poasenyas fe Wirt Wee aets SOTO MEG Led Rae ae WAM Bb el :‘ae ya.og A ig pe pe Rigs TS oe phe ie at aas ae Tiga yAa *ye 5age! eye "ae neds fey be ae Afri LAL PAN RP ed Lend Ph ie BaNG ene ae pA Een yea! AES TE ee 1 we oe oe Zar esaet eee Tage eS Sapa bes eae .Hee - poe H eeBeis : BEL, See sae Sboiiy CNea pei Sait Av anve PRA aR GES FANG etee ae Pea wen a4 :dg wet, i.ay igs me seg nerie aSepeas 2et. de wd _ones Sea‘ay 7Ste ca yoo *Need aia ei Py SWE AES Bee Mb igs Lee Stores A ee aBeer ‘ay 4aed weds era Pee eae Me oselER oe Paes ye ges :Tye nol OR Ye >Seared eee ara Gey. ASanta Red ES AW enacts ey Pad cea EMG em aao ieee) iecake Bee RE re Ae ae Ge Be ae Se om Ky Asie ane aiBao Risener wet! we ESE AS,le ede Vie ee? hE wed vente CRITE hoa — Was ar eee AS tae OA. ae sae aee ores Bae ae' Beat ; Hl .eG : ieee ar ve” eee a ae eo wat 1 yes Pewee Lee aon USS shite uy 8 A Me for pygs, RA Cate a Wee es lg FES 4 Pe a Ogos as cra 2 itp ee Bt of et ae a Bigg "get cpt SS toh tiket PSA Cen) § Pe EAN Pad SC PEMA ye Wi eek ETE ge Ae P i: rua ee Cap ee i . gh Sea an ae a at ang ties cy a (ae eeLe oneg ge Pg BAR Ae Sag BCR SPER ANAS Pan in aaa Rass Togo aul } PATER heen: ares Le wa . fa macys ume hk ai Bo pene Wogeta oF AEs ih re eee eu. desk Rese ey oa ao van Eh, WER ORE HE i ae Ae fle \ PERSONS, rey hh AL aN gee IM faa ees Meee gone MP RLEeT | yom tiie why eS Pica ae east 5 ARS Seg es es saeliiens ie ys ha : Ca Ne ! ° tar REN NE oi nd el ey Naha pees RAS Ny EG LS 3 ta) SRN Se eS A EON ervey Sa a sae M4 yes oo fe REPS SEE Co Bie gs Beene a Be i ie “yo * af Som can

anrad eee GITR waka 8Oeal aA retaEe are GRE des Pp het Pye cree ac) Feeee PaPa aefePee aa an aSNe aae “oe MEY Tee ee ae :eles ws eae . ai yy eRawa? ghee ay eaPre HOV GN gd, POM IIA PARLGAL A aeER ey AOma ae © eee: AES HAT SS Ty,eS hyPa ea ey Lat eee hen aa Pato ag are oeeeeee sill Poe ed OE aS ese! a Ly Bete Rarern LAS NAAT S PRES eye ghaMESS ale fe aeps ets Sane meh forON aBR odOe ohcle IEPs Peawa aleeoeBAAR Seagin es aigGe? teu eyes tat ly beesReha Sehae DUAPRS SR ReEp Heee CTTae ELE RARE fy MIRE eo” eehod ese| ieee ot1os ON Nae v ‘sap Se eeee, Ween AE Be ee ee we . ea “Sea SEE eeAISA eta ROE 1 SOIT Higa he ‘SEN | Db fo¥) AS MRS? fides og eer: ye ged 3Soteye ae Pahl laa) i, ina Faapy aToe eh eeeee RO te teg ayeeed Cee Reee Reet Wes nyEoe teaageane ped —— 4| :OQ oe: = :4, ieaay foe gee cad ae‘ekg ane) peesBY £8er ey By, eo artoe if by i Ne Be oe @)AG ud oe 4 eer € Ase roe ey beens apy es vo Be ed tis ‘fee a . pa aCe te ee wi, 7SM he, ne . araeaearsLN he |ee Feeee f aa, Eee eget Wet aveBel ht ARNE ees geal aed: ASS tistsay EAPRL EEN at TEPe Fi Paget By it ga amiaonORS Post Pas ae cea me sere oOue aoea rome ead gp eo Ue 2 bo, be Bapsckoi Weeape sk weary. hat Pees SE(eas saeee SaPIAS: see2 ee SN PAF fifeiafale. pe Be ge. Se anePR ce ad eederlie i eae ad i Pay riRN bea apeSTEN Stee Rca hee PRT Bee. Ys REE esy Boks heEGP pylbiges 4av ca Pam QQ 2hee nore Res Dae is : Yes She oye .ee

yee ea tye eg HORE EOE ee ee Hse ase ‘a ik Cae eeee ee SS : fo " S28 HR esER ith Ash ay ‘ LSE z . ee cohen ee a 4erilaeee ee ee Oe oebeaneeenee cn cee ee ee oe gpeaseGAELS OME eegEee eee ON Beery Pee Me AA ee ee etyaes ‘ Qu .. BE RORoo oi bay ed Egat Sea fet i cr SgOnE ee heeGOR % dehyETP MR ee eAaa HC) asFa ce oe Cees eeee Rae PsSES tals iot veel PEOSE ‘ Ta aUR EE AGI be ed ye ae

SoA eee eee ates AE AT eaaem vO MTinRea bcm p ee . ee eet te ee ee i eae Mee ema ary at ne Bene nies Sie e Con Hae yee Ps eit it SEP ig Sart gat : fats ee ae foe as haterres : ae eoaeBe nM ae rene eesonbats feAE fepoaiiegath pes ele ee oe :yale” BR GEALE Seg PES om Beeimes eee ey Can tals and aoe Car een ee ee scapt >ee: aM am ges raeone BESS Ea abe tga gE ee ee ne aMAR Garr aioSaat ae ,eee :wee “ie ce el agg aRE and ee tT, ey ce ee area ytee eee at oe ES Be eee :aECE oh CO SPOON GneeeaRRGUCIeOmRERS ee ’ ame ie ae eR de ee oe cca enBe 9 my Mae a eek Ie peid pale a: ed ; yt BO kecde ee 4 :ONS. asd, . ets ; weeee ie aae ae oe eee Be nsikoe Pas ee eon .FEE ae ea,onl iaBo"ee an ee a: Pe PGR OSS. ail +& ae oe aie. |Sea nas ees ceeearea wi eeJnae aie se3 ee are ,oA ae gMaige ae ee N

Recta rs rae ce oe Me oa nh Ee aa ee. Bee ee OE ae oe" ee ‘ : ; oO DSSPORES eae ie eeeck eS geCER ggaCECA EE iia iclaee en Fe Sg AeaBers Ga ea te Buen Be a, aSc Ws Ome ”italia : 7oH PERG ca aeoe eh,iaeS a on Sh git ered’ ect. ek, or ue seGat A: ae « ae log a ed8on ‘ Lo “oy Fo aR CS aaPo its eT Ihe, aM a cree ie :etb. ee: aBs es aeemoremnare aeea ah aiier yca eSOUR ee tae ees. he ae eeali Gee aere ate toann eePET, hieCae Eg OR amee we +:4, ee eR ead leg i PG 2: ate eea; ea rs , : . Sane ee a Se Ae a Sal a A gt Mae et iC haae Oi a eee : es ee ene, er re cites ERS a! De Memes eo 2 gs ee eee Oe le ae ee ee "an C: Lae bela ae, awn A Iet =)FeSe aae! me ae Mie ee stile eS Me =a. oe . (i PR. Rage eee ie oe te (tout ts ae ete re “Re sce NEN sfaepita : Se ee ae4 ea Rea aoe Secs eaantes 41Rey BRE St,aee ae ae eeaes asae we ide pha ee i etre, aaah BNO oe ge yaaraBee oa ieSra .> 2Pas ek, SRR ee an conee ee 4cad . he a Pe Gh koe ere ee ho ay Oe ele ee — a Gee Rae wee! ae Name RR NE, AS eae ut: ee r adem, 2” aoe ee dee Be epee ee eS eh RE ii Ms Sn 1 See i Bigg ae ee PEpone’ GR? aeee aeBisorn 6S5 ; Pigs eece oa cater ¢ iGFees * aaa pete, REONS SakaeOw . ca i wg woe LE cs eele es me eae re| Ses , i gee eg ARES iy : BY ssi4ge AtaSRM uate a? © Rent) CN. ORS PaeeGite ees Cea ern aU SS SEAR rt Reseeee 8NG aaSERRE. P gr hy aS SREle7AHoty eC Sapo ar aeBete oe % eePESO Beet oN Bonk a Boe, eee RESle awe ORGS

: : ee. eae ee OF far SOR ken dia: Sate Bachan eae sy Fs es te os UO geubetiaa gaia if te PO FF gt Ob ROSA DTS Rong eee tite ties 3 pe eee

Bx icters i een ora ute gis cas CEEee IE Z a Re veto. Te H 5 tas oa age Sk pet i a Ber ’ a! 4: a‘sed ee ae Picge Aor peOs FegyhE bie4 ‘oyfee hes Beg oiecea, ee iey

akEee agtes kd poate ag ee3oe Ay : wee Ag By. nee oat nye. wag Be cos Ths aiRe cot, Saga Mere Nome. Be 4eng eeekB ce *ee Bycee ve oe aeee aaa Bo me ae et |. oeea Be llae egee te,MA eae rN sale Ow phere Cikee eas acaySe aoe U

Rr ee eg oe eS aad fi Ree ee See oe Bas age , a |

oR ed bOIBePe TOA on mid ayatape ee ‘cue Laalere “asyadl Cocete Cat Peon pe: .pa Eos aie Nay S oe, Sch Ge i ‘y ERE Ps .&yo aie eaeisp Pate rere a Beat atehe Sag ny Cs fees iesyoo eneavey Rees. - fi©:S~ oS 2 NRE %a ct aieeeon: Be ee Le caoe eee wean SEES ee ie ere ah ate pe ed at Psat ee eeoe Ma Be .Ee :ROME a,tr atHbe fee oe : y 3 Ea a ic “os, ORR Pig ae a i Caney ety mre iat TNE , 1abd wot eRHa OAS, oR he io EN US § oie 2 er ms Ree eet Ry RRSP ns Tags Sled Be se aeag prey ‘ SS, BEES vege Dh BR PA oi eta 8 a ad : Ra ee i , ee ee cot ie * tT PRB ete go> Rie oe Bar S88 . :es eae bai Soria Ra File es ay Ye cad wie Gt ee ae ay, é ca oan ie SEs he ge eye Bey pa Ge ane : ee erent i ee bE the ed % age ER ; & Pre yee ae ce ae Bes eee hs. | aiea. ae

OSEAN My eSBoene ae EE ena eeaego :ane 3te Breee BPs aeee aE eemee aSRR kOe ee -URS aBlSe =A Sl astENG ate ce Sane | cheat ERE ue GES WP aee he MiSs og erSn aan Se tpyeh eee Se eae ae Be ahia) URE Ba Sier TV RR iga | or ee a oe ae i are eR , ee eg er Ft Roe Be SMES gee Hees ha eo gs “ig year, oc 3Wee ae Sarons aed ae jeeGEE eSae A aei ct , ReReees, Be ay NS(77s xe ee aan OCS TERE IeERae A Se ae ; BetsBe vig tela FU bee gh te pig Ne sby Tae oy eer or aa ERC Be co mew SSS ena CONS RR Bes 3) : \Seaneare a es ee Pe fee ae Bh wale ;: . od Ne ae beers lie ie ES era ans “ghee a emiatae § Been ke Pare mo. ; Bie Bes eee EY eee oe RRS 3 , eae Ns ue es ae Se en ge Sino ae Bes + Ay A eana, as Ie ROR A aw ea. pene idle at AD ans NaPa Gi aia aoe : a Me ieahd See page oogS MB, oe AP Ee . . Roy ad ee ee ay gy eee ae ee hat oe er a UGE Ty Se OE RE hea 0%, A Reis a Bo Wie sheer oat ae Pee aes Beek thin eetes EO om etfrig a ne ee oe i re = ace ree Se eeBo a acE ee eC ae Seat a spp ae ene a. om eaeec ae Be. a Piaa:; Ee .. eeGR a ; ee ag gs *.ee cea a etren eee 4Seee an Re ae ee oe. gi RR MM a NG MgMeg BegSanathan i Ba . SORES esha SSSR TDR STE ie - ABORT a Re Sg Sint i, Meant, aR stat ee ae 2h nga URE? + aaa ee ONES: tAL nat Wert eae Bae ee PN ce Coane eS aged ‘£‘i‘as har Mi aeaen ¥:piBas ":f,See :gtne »a‘¢V4 Bees :aaeyi;ete, be 5oO Bis eR Be es Gee aie PE‘So, ie Was inky git Sime’ Gran + as Manama yee: Shek ls ae yhwe at wt ae*oe es . Aes Wa eens fab. a& a ir Feeaes agiaSy 3 RE | eeety NRNS, ay &Loe we AR of ae mack er es ‘ey Ae Na al aerae Le vSays ONY

: BRR es Bigay nS TgeEe Baar Meas oe aie, wea peat he Oa ge oe wn ye naei “:ioe! # var “ge oF e“ .weet -ig Pe)ie i°el aeta? See Foc Ek eas 4‘.agee Ege TS Men RA ice Aare dea a .“he cae eee Wa. | ee. — Sane a ie ek eae Beh :2 UR | dia we ene ee ey ne ‘a SO Naess? i ee ON, Sa Al feRes HGEN, it A As ee see iia ees 5 ene i toh Pie Ee, Pega TA | Wr Aas th ne i \ came Bias ei i “a ig : aula ye Fue Pec ae sec vans py Sk ee ene) ete iB)

Me PRC ey Ee A ao. ae Goo ae My oarsWN iRen «BRA, | a 5BR A pee a GEBG ce OAS nd oe yO

lad4 4‘sa? :age +pRR EmbEconga veEEO haeDE BE ee ate, ART Milimnae Re2 q NE 8 CO

  • : Be ea 5 Wom Fy oa ‘gh wll Che Sg bee : neg ME ae SoS /* é heed a ¥ ay ‘Rome BR ee ek hs. ¢ ey : gg verre: Wee areeanaes ene Seas “y i ; aaNet : a ee i : ATT ee paisa Oo

    |. Beas. Via wor isa ee eee 4 ee.” 26" Se an = woe Veer Bette oe a . ve Ye a . We See, a » ON

    iisl cage FsER eA EOdese a aaORCI co SSca.eae Bet: , he csith B49 : ah )as ae eet aes es Sea, ae

    cigs ache 7 a er: atric tone st >) ae aeey wh Bay Be: SA ee : ob Ge ee : ete 2 ee een awe st? soe HEAR Po? Sd SSS AS © oe a oe Bae eon Bok i is % 2 |jsTes as% SSS “RS: NE, ee 7weed AS ti. Re eee © 7 See PgAfe en etl ais+re. 3ssh Cee aa he asil eee 4asee, SRG if Bey ye QA Fg) Aeee Se: "oe he ’o.+Pace: is ie ee ce NEY aes saae *eee AL OY 4-i+aConte oe P«?2Easary :F'yy 7eGa ae i ast qe +| i208 Se oe te : Re uy By hs aeBe aNanas riaa, an Bt ck glee i A Pook? dite aGSMS (oe eet gis P.O Be HY re al a.

    ea es oe. Re Rr ‘:ina‘ ‘ae .Z‘;weegw. wets (Es amity pe : ie a:Ba:oe Dearne VRUIEE \eeee nee eh Ge ee oo Re :ee arg,a meee “ithe,

    ieee wae hdpias i Apa, gabe en .eu “ig. ee ‘| thee ‘i.‘alg arRR eek ie. 4 CE aytsk a naa pans tm Cea. isoS es we aoe a aePe: ty aia! 6ae

    i : cea \ Ae ee hy eae ye a, samy acne Ce a ae: ie ‘. :a7ame : :i Se ou) | Scie. twee 2] oo Fg Ra ee ieee’, me stor eet heeGa wen ae a Be See rnae 2p Bg aASR eht aS arsate piOE aoeaene SOB Le, Mec Pie PS ees A,ane EEE syvow Ne ager Cobh ORTH bee wee ey ae cope le zug ee. ecs ee fel aDe ee ae eeee Eoeta Sd WE coe aaa a oe he ia Ng Sts 2BI Bg. Bibs ee rhe. er eee om pe eeasc aii, Va e er ee as “3 ROS Gas” igi _— ee ae : . a oi on id io tot BRR PS “ Ca GR OF ‘ ‘ ee Se ee ey 4 BO iinte ‘ Sie Soe Rec ty wae Lhe RT gees ge yt Ne gs zs As Rata ie ae petra Spacey te ig Sear ae: “OES. ee oe SoM pees . ' pe ND aeeae 5PG Rebs aciits ‘Fs Me ice Bae iees Be 2Sope -Bae . ee, eg 0ses ES ate eh Oe ie; ::.pee ::;,' # ap aaee‘‘hae RN Rrad FREE JOee aloa‘, ‘git *Wl Mite 1aee Ee Ree : ee a CNN ae & Pe Ee

    an ce et as io ea 24 2Peeetony iieeis oe 2Mioy ey 2OeWee OF \pase fo a : ; a a da . ph oe ae ey ie a ee ec : BS kes ae e inde Rae La me Se ee ea GR # “ ei ae ne \ . Lo ate oe i. vag aie Eat ¢ et PBS set eee nal ays ca a 1 soe . ee PAM Aa i Wace 3 a aye Bese enor Any rh, ere ae” asked oe Ape tee ease tee ee Sa ee BUG LSE ge OE Mec ae paseo ei pie ae ge |)Hia : Ae A Ngee EN ake hg aeici ee eewoeicgs es OeUap aase Pee Spee GaSe acres See es pea: Ba ar. dae ah Soa yee ang BeSpee: ied nas PG ene ae iHA a8::>aeAe, atekeeZbx eae i)Mase, eee er er ee ’Se Goce ee: i ‘eget iet a:Oe ey oe Me BeBe aeae ai Qe apia Rate RBSE ge StS eee ao 2, :Mies .ieeia Alea eae See 2B ee 2hoc Rien eae Toe en ee ae ws Pa? ig OF Sear ee ahoe eee Cals, nan o4aeps Pe ACE cee Hanok woe !i.woke Bat Soe Rpace. foe aetS are ae eege. jad Ree: :Os . -ee bee aets oe. ee et oe ‘ee. eee ee Pe atesbigaeceheane ee oie oe gio : Fa .‘ :OE :my a)aegI erg wie: Se ho ph : aRSH pe: EG Rs SrSPE aera Meee aets uae

    ae me ig a aan pias ee aoe Me a re : FS

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    4 IL as ae ee ee Cee Cen eee ea eRe ae es Mao as ees eae! 4 BG sgh oo rs ee

    wh ete ufWR abate ae an use ‘hit Pee heehee a aeeae Hee yi oS ve BRET ACER “atiprota pe ota Bits, ate es BeSMa Bees: ideeAse Bee, i Sejot “ OR re Ngee: a Bn og Ree MeantPaaS ea oaianags Ee oeiiies: eeseeyee lagBoot Meaue wephon, a i: hee Rar eineRe Ray eae STah eeemai ees Rak "nei Red icka:rape Les tal ge salons LAr tatBes Yi Lae Ahhee gh eBh fitter See SPER ne nee Spelt k Vib tassite ragecars A BN tthesay Reon oe wes. git Baa os jos “Pose aaa Ae aR og PyensThs hee:. cen ~~ is AR vas wag Ee ae it thar gh, - EA BORN riage gh pees ve peeieee AEH ESoc RE Pate she tu eSve Be eg Bees eg ity ‘athe: oyeee hs vi ES ia i ore Hehe. ¢ ett eee tae “pts 2 age iaetbe ae ae“Psst See Bi oyeen es heeeS aa mehes ‘J . -: :.Ree: poe acie. ena Ba iDyiea ses Mek oe eae eee Heocuans aeRay OS anti. pth oa ceeenpaves MAR oie “Tee ol cree pect manta eeibiaa ea SE Ph ot ae be ad Rites NaSige acaiens SEES Ti Cee abe aRE Hae aeae ae Fes we ce eeren ee #eesea, ee ay aapain oie aes ee Nee easeco SuiBh iE nees sae 4 Lhe. nh erat elesi salen eee fi iaeae ae Adticy: oeaR id ree ae fies. Spi eeedi aope eeeeran ee ae benaead Tees RNG LT“Bye i Sod,aes, Gee Hs pu: Che2 ee teas us 1s SeRie Bek: cas ad eee ary hr iari:ier Pe Sg ee gecryeur

    d eth Rae phi ke OH og secant: pay Ee MA; it eRe ae a ae Be ae ney Sites EF LYNE omer a gee ee Gat a ae BE baer iui paige BS ets oe eee meen a ae La SL are wn aE Bee OM C1 ABs Peccee Eas LAN Anes Hae a

    :; of tesgree: ie nes, ayy spt tan geeea as acsarate 5B, BEE ey, aaa ROS veeeA eee, ae! Gee aedBa ona BAS Pages Ro eM eeBr RY BU Rc eeee jeiapcg oe eeOTA ageoe elaaeeon ©. Poagh aeemad eeSe geee esae’ aaety Re oe Wee By Neate te oo sesEo TENE Be ic oe eeiaga Sy Pee es ghtaasaaa eae 0 abe a8 te Sere eee haaee aia pe Aa aaaegee Be ‘ 4'"gee Pea ae 3ag NR boas I et cia Ee ase ions alee. 4 PE ag ne ee ee ae cpol aa eeggy goes: an bene om. Pk ae eM ve Sra.

    ey, 1a& We ae adewh Ape Deen Sal ey ere: es ee Adis Bite aie nn “sete Ma eg ama rie le maerdee 2Pe: Be woth west mB igen Beh ae Heas eseen er ee Can ie eats fi .areas Mig Be “s SNE eel eS ae od late eee rae zes leet pe : a! eco OS AS MEE ee ae bee a 8 pa a. TA ore ce te “ fe Me sao gate cae aad tie ee veg kb. PES diss ey : ine ee Hoge ee Trae aan RG ity ; tag gay say tees Aree nae j ele z “ lesa i : eS 7 * so es sag tha ge tt ee ne i : . hie era hu) : ce ilanfale ee j

    Re-ae ae -Yeyet Sey hp 2. ee ee ee een ee a;as x:eo aPe a1et Be he ane ieae See aeeee hae aes Oe ie oe Re ee Ce aay eeee pesoe : BEE. ee eer Son =ae Me. ase ereaat ae foe Saye ee 8ee pe aia aoe aeee Neos pos eee ae ee,A nan now Skee tsveaod , oe CoFay

    Heal aero ‘ Wes

    ALA i gh OER ets ee EE: ey SESE TASLOS Ase ees hE TPO Se AAS Liat Gesee| aN | ube fle co FBS,LP ea! Ce ops toe Ye egy ay That RST dean Meactiey! Ee awee aRen vy shat ese aes Race ca ae SE ey

    PRR atisr ie Cha oy tibia aren SRA Se Datei mea SEP etter Aeetncee sd Re aa pC RTES TESS

    ed ved ANREP Ea nace EA AISNE EI TOR CSEyal ELDanae ee aepas : Bich eh ean OY vot Btyb a at ok rR sales eae BROS Re aHERO SALE a Sameer! 7ge oferleloed aaa CNOESNGS Seeae Aa Saray ety Seite Sis i eG pera sti. re4eae : . ‘7 i i) aie HERES Booka CBN SOA reRae sgreUR 1ReMl ue RU nei can egHee i. yPef oe noOMA els pire maa eas 8Vee ar ge URE fhe !ES wyg CEES ORE OF Bah pal Mgt ETS cee REESE EES : ERR CS Beliies TRACE Gg Cee Flier Grieg eey PGCE Aa -Mlacy AES & ) Po : Hi ae : ee oe 8aten fy aSeeae ,Geer . SUE egg ESue a BLY aeAYWeite Poon pap a gd ete202age ures A AH PALE yieinilee, re eeSEU MEV eeaU ape ee Phe ae See tee ek ROSEN TENG tee aRae benaaeaI ha Hee a re 7 eta Ve Sie - BEEAV Bey ‘i BOL Sed Seabee fee Gage Aon Maile Weety ne ih ikea! Sa a aOR, TERE BOS Cesta iia capes oe Bo Bigs areeee au ,wtheae aa? a i Phar a:°M jae Boel eis estWOAH MEAY BEES LsBeEa rae! OPISALS AEUg PSecb Boag noeAare ARE Vs? emis PO GN A ay ce feet AU A eed pt Giger eerie tieor ayeeae iaae: :bYe Aare EG BitiktaPRAT pe eeEY BASS ta tsateeth es igre eee PUR ML RoE SARS gis FA MEE Tt aie Re erieh ees BENE SEE S558 BE4BPEL aieel THae fgeA hf fap ee ahBeal ca etsG¥L A pircea scare REE ibe SiPee Reine pho are

    ce oeee CeTON eee eefacie ee |ot om by co i]fiseam es { aya app PR: Boe F Bs age Be as Ro ¢ ape P48 we, foeat+Buleeay he lag! .ba Aran oe Rae UEP 3 Patol AWEEE . CE IE oF Lae ON : 4 .we ois : 1 vial Wee erpee eeeSe sere ae od Tee (IEE A .ee te — .

    oes oe Oe nee er 7: kK teieFe neane 3Eee SpE GE Te RI 5a cage eeaeoe ne iia pc“ah! re a?:faaah, aRi , cl FE-Ap ended. ZOPS ; ALE Re ee poe BsstCa eee atea apesCRS REND a?teOy etaotBAS EAA COR chat? . : :. ; ae a ee fen2ee aeren Race he Vea ey BR Gs + hy ee s PEST yES py RENDAge Bae ce aiken ae Os as Paes re aeph pi BF eee PSR Raye eeahs Cw Be AEN ane ee ee Sie te es Pe ey rs igh y ART eee 4 Mae gf ieS aA ee et bihie Seeae utEER LAY FART Baghee Sr ee BE CANE EASES hel ee SIS SaTER eee ee ne.aGeen Adare i» saeBe Teyal UeTeg) Leh os Es DRS BeUe. og ns gh:‘BESTT |Eh a? IPE SE RP& TALS A cd PArae ayy fda Reece Eager tt:ESO Dy eda TAN Ey ana PELip | ARE RSE RE . :. . ae i: : ae Oe ee & La } : f & . atct Wem as a eae ee ee iG Pariee Paper Nort Bees cae, PE Bees sa ae NA aE Sei a ese been UA ENS] nf AOR fe a TaN a ohe Nye te Ee a BPE Dvr Nal mee Piro seer ee tay pad a Ve GAS ao fo UMiGe. gad ‘ae AEE wate” PSB ere Ae he SBR ARF att Le CO aM 4 os

    oe o , ge dy RL ah, ell a CBee oe bp osh MES: ees Ree, Ps a ~ oe | es oe, ee es ve yor We get fp. eheta cg | dee seed a umais ye ES ce Te, PAE ee SHS, os

    ee oe Ne,Sed Bates CUED Rae Bk UNE Raat os PERN re .yo aR tk gfiiggy Pr ‘ PK s tgah waPyae fayeedges Dat UePa plaab ot Ge PolyU ee Reenig atedey URL TaePe GRADE ASAD Fe NEL OeSoran bgNhs epiasee e iB oeBe neue He nee Tsai iron lsaeCuda er ae atie egHe Ms pone RIE ect teeae bie GeERE oes Pres ant a UL tvs RSET RS eee ana Sebia ae pet -ae Bsc RR rh e, phat jie Re AN ad)ime Meise SAE gemen Ta Gea) ASRea Eo Aames . Be "renee Co eehee PEt GeaiSEE aDRS ae SABE ASE ta Riecola shal SEE woeae Be BBR ghee} we fedpede oo bans Bete ba oe Fol GRbeaasea De oesBeaaenee eae:ee etna eater at S irae ee es : . oe .

    oe anBee raehyeer Oe, Ny eer adhrae aFi«fr Soe: oi DNR Eee ase og Malte Aot :ay wed CS :ee Pet pees FLY s5) ynone Hie oaOP | Bight tA eseS SLi piers OE OU NO NUE Bee OA plea uevissen one Fb eee FR ee) cee Co eM ahh, bgt Ay Eve ieCAC ree Ce eeob aAyEs ae i..i i. , Scar neaNneR ee ueAEE ars Be STR eR re1eatoraiabey £ahha im aaad eae OU ELS ae De PRG Ae erie Sa ede ERE utes yoa 4) .HA ‘feigy Wap te’ cay hat ifoe ay Es Ne esUe aA ALO eaEa ai ;‘Je, B Bciel delign Piaeaaed eaPARSE Fi Ser eee hay“ih eR a yer ob, PEaos eS EES, FeelSRS wee 8.Ee i Sides Perea OF .A eiee 1spammed feel i (Eeee wean etCURE Reged SEN eesBeas PTPe Men Bere TNR ;._:oi| : |: Eee ener Page dod these Base |cera ike eyeal AeRN fs Ba: seth leeee teat ats aegk BS.PUREE NERS +if rapatg RT a. Pean Seefe Sene ees7 pe tease bisa fioo Rhee ai vac get: Ts NES BES rey enae RUSSO ae. Lee Rs AGRE Te eR ey eee ten iG Pe Beek . 4 PES ue trae ADE TIE Une caer Lg y 27 te ae ee Ce BE OL ON dh. ie oe bag 0 eb of ae eared wd ‘ 2 BSE ie tea as teh Sy a Nes ere Ra eee Boat 6s hye ew Bb ie MESS ASA aVes Heredia ee esetee TiO U za! ye pee BE Pg?if BtinABS an 7 eA. asctt ‘ (iafeee peige hpENACT Ae teHaat ee ee ee eae La? Madde #EO ee ‘sg fo F. oe oe ee fee cnOe fateUUM Sa 8aia . BE eyBee aeCREME ae, HOS faoo eae Ad? kt eeioy ee shaee pr keee a veee tee ce eee RE at rae BP here ay hte fy PY eea sane ae rewet seARLA *gs: B®, y. eelbeda % a AO aeSECT ‘scat ' fre IS Mite OF €SE808) ‘abla? gs{ed i% ’PE H eas Bele De Gee ae RM hey” oe aneeR DUS sa NR wilEPO Was ae" ennaPee 5 Cae rotads BOR EEE EDS ae” PG hoe oS &§fied per pa te even tiperee Hes SE NY) HEU SESS sdte. aOE ee . Rei Ae Nan LESS eePER a OER Pa donee egLS BE. ge V4 ||creme FR PATE ARIS n ee ea IwasRENE eeees abe’ sae~8’PR AP

    oe eeWee CAAA BS elt tEAeS at Banaeecase Ma Ble ae es LOS ep aes poeee . : aa ee aes Book eOmmee ie Al, of :lboR: beyg eat Peye esenah, ae Ph

    1 REG Sore ries OE ee hE eg yes, Eee attseea?Bavdgstiw ly FAlot > : . an sect atketJeae FFareas BEES.abe, HaePee f Cefe ontie ae > ef Lett ye heAe t+ ae hey . oe ae i US Ce ioe ee tastes, na? eae 5 Pigs weAle OEpeBe fs Jagd ea aks eh@ae} Bae eee 3 ced

    Ra Ne ESAERIC AD, aepeleee RA Ta eee nce natn GS Nae eS ne CRE ben ee FE AS:Boy BLY g feltBOM we SeteaBed BEA i feae Paneer Ag eee ea! Wes ibs, anMone +“ He Cae oeare Beane AOS te ¢ES Lot fosoo gts ESgere (Be ache Je Be p cia BeatEe ERAS Eebe1eeCPLA irPEotREE eepeMee tt aw: * Hee ee aPep iow oy an ee Hage Z htSTE Ra eg isardtoe aad BOR fy! eeciaPe fe hae REA RO BETS Pah degeeReh 8Rae Reta SNE Cietee AES CAD EEE SS SCV EET FEB eye eae ES ie sree eR RSSEE GG ARE hie rs Bee Sh Sega ESS FBG Ane. on Oeee Geoe aie Nahas arse eae act foneae oe Sige ey te Le GS. Mee Ra toeMCA Be celgraf A) BY ay BOEe iwoe Seek oo Pye Me Leap chpiad a Selah ONES EEOBEER BGGA Werke ey 4 ee tei’ Pa ilaUe Se | BS LE yee NR Ait Sui ee ae thee: FTor wigeg ey Oy BS Pps Mate meeaery ONES oe Ae )esne “ || 8 TN aes Pee AGES EE EAS RTD CaeDOS cater escsuat, 2 yetea of, ap er ter eS BERS Tey fig Play eh Ee ¥€ a peeling ed PU Sy | ed ISB ee EEA thes: A SAGMeroe SE RIE TES peeISL ¥[Ep .Vs Fi etepioge neds. Bie pa eo” zat wilaol MePa ae a" . a; eof : ane ESP cee tease SA Ra te CH AEE has spare agHaAt AR Cho EN ree rene oybe Xa, pat SORE oa a ieiteRela ect pO eaLE aeWane are LE aL eS ee NE Tee LENORE pheombin taeaaon tS ra rig BOE OFS BR Shee Be heAba Ae eeEE ee co Cis OeBoE ers Eee? BEBE a ame anee:wh BNE

    ae es ee ce uae ee ea ee Frome Bait ep UR bea ee y ete PES Fae ee i ae tee Pe Mey arene ee eee + ge fae My ANEE eakeoee Eads, ° wets ' oe j

    | Bape Reena ramets eave tears RESO ROUSE Meg oeeioeRE WeiLacy Boag dels OF i 0d eee pes ESF ps be ty See eeeee Weeean We fo ie 3ep ay y|[Beaten oo aeseate . ee Petal Bead % ,Pepa SRA bags ypHRA WoRG Bees LY ee eeleeet °ooaaa! Pry PS Be I eggtrtee8. ey eeHay Ve YOU ake ON tc“he el LORS eoBME i aVe a ES EOE) BpRee eee ERY, eon Weezealeea SAG culo oaeet aeek SeIe ae ee OFott 1Maco: oO ‘gg diy Ba jigPOOL Se eee es bai ies es By . igo Modis ear ay ae Ye- |a HO tsAS BS *he AS ee ged BED oR gy eer Cree ag ie amented asya or re et Le +t ee, ee eeooAaRETR GT BP ea OE ite gO tawd AST oe aeysSet wore” a ee es aa piacere paw eeWe eof ESED eea! Nee |uaCRESS oF a gand Mike EL he Ua Nase Ue Fd UR REE SETAE Goo Es Ne rae dee Son a ee ea ie Bees FE wea AEE ae ey Feberes ete Watt) REEL SA ha iG aSeng eds Pe Neta et FA ae pe eee Fa Vee gygat et AY ee ee SORE gargs eiey 1ee be agar ae Te G; Se AREER ahG4 ee < ; | oT oeae : md oe GEA Bre Rh tines cena ee geahtep eee iy ES Prpthe” hy Bhd eee mee ee eeRan neg aj ume iaeaaDaay: iffv) eee |erate RAG cers Sane Boe Lge Sonera ata PER TRA fear aye 0B ee*eR Pa BARN eae weg ae EI EIKE RE EEE EG Up aae tec anite Se URE ara Jshe hat #s 3es OR Ee Yay a tyyee Se eeAe LE aaaiPhe 7/:oe atfcceeGR! aaMg Sine ee EeRRES Othana eet nate Sag AR Se eel v Hy ge ae PECL: mnsen BLS, eeAfee LA poetipl aus WSR sted SNES SSAA ges oeoeFa Ps fot & eek” eer BE aaeS inte \| Bigteeend naa Sree cay sey an tit Mae ane ge Sie assy Ride’ ¢ es an cd, 1) asinNanas Wg bia te peer gone RG ahe adry. HiStS Renae Croe eryree ee an re CME HAE EhPeat aay earned age. veg EE Penienae ee aarte mcne ee ae eee masa Bios Ce ae aRRL ? Tara pes rahhEg: pote EE the bo ee ae oe SS ee pfaa BAVES. es . Boe Ay iSeal BeaAL ae Venn ta? iifes aMnase Be ea fasscetuae Pas pacar | aBehe an oo ’ae ieee aBae frase‘ae 4;ae Par estate pees FB Jel Lae et | . : be ( i oe Pee ge ; Fy [Rect sdtcoot) e ey Bere Se SO a ae . Bop 4 : Shon eren iit eae teed ate 41 pene Me aa er ae Poe ae UN hag, thane p AU Pace Bid Peasant ea nae tr 4 Liat Hey Ct RSA or geet Fev) Bigs TERS oY UR aed ee Or, i SE OR a i see eS a Meaae f kos eee, we Baie ts, Eaeetshie tina ae i Beet Te Ry ia es ees ese fhe ie 1'e4 rh { Wie eaRers aod Pes nee a ce raat | gi 3g Pier sererelae i Die REN en: eae Pein ace eee gy fir Gover cepa nee SUOCiS AE SERIERNE *Ole Siyeg Ee dt Wie Ae Pe Hg eee we Ae UCR ed BARES : VRE ae i econ tr chang OL ee EG 2G esee ee EREGROE TG CUBA aeCOR BAD oe,che EEIitieaspus Apes Ua Eee fo 42Fase PM 9Yeh 734ag 4,Aat He 4eet AeePape SEO Sas PSE BsGSA I errand a joof4aley i eerages soas SPST OE ae feREESE, Pee PE. 9:Fe bre Ai4fay eiA Nb ETT ayaa vkatfia eee ‘3 CB ary Pana ceca atey 7? iar Been PUAN ORS AR Cat) SEES Ra gtBeye otBe, :19 Tf Sas PS ait eteess aye GREE URED Pee Pe Benak: Reeth eh Far eRe igenn TERETE Me as eefal reMEN eric sto PEN, ORL, ats ghee eA UN SEES eyyaa arn an :Tae feat Davie y* SORTS edith Sh epee nes Peony be oe OO Sr {ape alee Lie cuSS Pt p fee ® JBM i! Se Bye ete pee ¥ erg t By een ey 2 e7 es Ten iea ae tea ene od Meier peetenc ere teow BCRa ES FP SM \Ae SRS#.UC SCE EEE Ae eee nee a aak ee wea at ee oe iain p- a. i“aeee - LenMUS fo eA sn, ae dat aebo EBLE RES CNN|,Nie! Co Bons) Page dad eefle Pie Hb ge BY Big ioe: Dee kb Bites EAB Hy . Va? ea BMA EY f. ce Zh. bs f ale? Pao al oe ee ABR = i Sie pe ey anes a ye ® a UE Pes, ‘Heh oe co oe Le yy meee ene 7 cae ce AE ba NG Wd Gin FISTS e! fg ae wpa A Fit Y M Es eee Le om LR Felsen Men ute Sd & aCy ee Pee a ee th MIMS a8 ol, rns acs fie VA ene pas DL ee) jeigh Ce BHT ey] ef be » Behs . (oe Peas avy tee Paha ees he ee Me area pee ae aon aN 5 5nee Paeters PeApeberecen RS Ree eseIne eee2Pinpees a ao sae5Saree , a Re aieve etesterHane Ea Seaton iae.SCA Hee: 78ee ae . Reaae aeeee Renny Ad pn eae aoe Tes MaoF, Gs re eae dane ee, wf Be a Carne ae) f your J ag aeer2d Pah oe SSIS Rit” Altag MAUR [core eat NR gee eae ee ies sigh ee GSA tel eal ie SESE becteyt Cag Mages tea pats ana Be arPad ve AEE eee . Rep ¥ iD ¢Bite 1 Fer eisun usa tt ta Benge ee TTLE eae A iar FGA,

    !De Ceese eeeA eaeeeiteeBeh epee Gees) Peace bead Ae ey eg ‘ ue | ee a oe Me Ce eiNigae’ gy Ul. g Res sree te Ae ee TG fae AI peg oe a ,

    Eee osBig iseee cal NBG ie aan pose Rea .ene tbget . wt BRE ftBho Bee gin. eae eae uasgent teal eobe Bh : ye%,eeBO OUR ne“ge! Be Sim ha pitt Rann RSoa a ¥Coen nan ae ae »A y~ ME4daae RST Ay Pe ae i PU a #{ae re 2 YP, theaanadae ise SIEeae a Sa. igi?By 5f | ae ace, ee ae TUS aa ane hoPTS ipl "bot t s Od Aa Ger Bey {aR pay if 7) BE, AYE tLP a *s Gt Gam ae PBERRE eeaeeerane ifwoe 3

    ee Oe Ce eee ee witRe eeeapies aSaas Bay Ak CEES sel ute : ates éhake ps Mag ine | oo Rie SE CEU Hci ogy qe POPE Woe poe ge \ ;Bon |Les | :4| [:*” | “i CEN EAT ay BOI He SMU TER poo ; SURE moepbs Oe ey fl ip Be REE od ieBats ES 4 j fi ee op fies nie, fede ehh feSeated we *ooohne wee 4 py vier py aeilvath ey a 4mee eeVe SeOD -AE on MS y .vi et Bo. eeDEE . eas ‘tty

    URE oa aia Recline Ae 8leUGE ieee pea aoop od OR eePe » . is AY, RE Gee bos Ba bevy! pe £ EF *, i, Bee ay aGlee AY Deeae JSC REEag Mae ™ ee Eo aaR ae Baa OO Ae aeBea EE Gaye ae *.eR t ee os Be. Gages Bee RES UH seaie ape Py’ . eeeetee aeR eyaMia | ENCE aeeee saa baItdam ES et oeNp Waeihed? Rules PRIN Ad gets aks }adia typeo ' ed flee ‘ef Lee patie :i:ee ea Nay Te eae Be Be Vaan Sn Rian ae es ee be ‘rr:beh yi _+. Seg cee RA pe bag enue ee ene ESE dere SOE rteres RY ’”apts era He ‘ Bit ot 7oe -aya::RS oF tty zy Rees. swSENE ahGaye SEL Peeve eae a .pene Ronee seers aL eae eypeel ae AeerPELee panne wer yest Dg geeee Be ieee are fet A uy RN heed ee taats ee Ret haseBiepenanet Ee Hine atite rar THEO ia Re cat 2) Sete ghatim na* oa ve fice Seer es:i Smeal eteRag oe Iyo” ee. f. .wot eeePee *eone iOie aeyhearer DER a mo sgn ,Afees Dele Ge Eee Se silts tuna Sere 7 cat coe , eee ute SORA Ae. Beet adds ee Sene200 eea Meets ca fh ges (fie sswt? a ag se Rhy BERS : >ud xRes peered ea ua “aeer i|ioperas Rparatasee ae ee u aag YEE * . at Me ytite Nespite ard ener 7 ee nes SE SER a ROSS PGie ee SS ae q Faas ae US Sane a!sepals Bye neat |iIRane eR OT latina! nNtaeealradia awe mune ieent SG Birt Le Sahat RE ALES : .oy i ne an cial oi aia as ae tae t- eid? *Be ee oo ftseh see aapeg rahe beoe er ier ceied hi .‘ .: cece red eed hay oa (pris letns aL Tate omnis fants aederen: Maa PAD PEE Cae SR SHG oe Ba 4y\2?|t,:8 a , dud Lo Aasaaa ae Ce Oe Tr istx{% eect | REMAN, Fn ae eran: Maen ill eeeae MAES Aet TEAS: UNGER a alAS See ee z .UE : ft yh wey i.Be BE 1: g Reagent eeeed ak ariel; ASA Oana Fass fet RIG ek . ie Bee a| oa le Digg te Ager att Sate, sept tae Sages IaReena oh matey Par SRLS MIRC tar Suqe VES RRC LS Cle gate, ASE |Oe ig ,ee |— , iSeevaW ; og a. ghee wll ES LOS ASO Gs i ee ee RA oto ct yielded ieee (Oe rapes Mek | cdi it = DA. 3 | ad ae “ issey its itt ee ve gee es sa ee Sy ae Des user EINER erate SUGAR Ss See 8 yt f A a ty rN eee BE seed | Re) zB. sect] (Ss a q : Ee pee? he det ie pee a oo SeBW) nna anaes Baer ont pease DTS CeO Pre cee een *t St aye A add RRS 22 oe a at . 3 Et a > roy dibe. Ba eee Mgnt he get gO wae Boke phe a ee Sage Nita Wie" i a3 ieee | saree | iil m 2 " “er is | ve oT og ae hia aed wines 2, hs hs a Pe “hs

    DLC eat Wad aM acaee CS arene AFSgae f ae1 Pe ial okie #| Beek ee Eg NPE oth ee |:4 :FeAe |aeyfede ea ee)hs RoanezetaeAr OEE SAAN Rd epeega Meany ieee “hese aee ba ¢. Le Reel oo nes aie A We : “il ee hee ae Be i ae Ae MBs esee4ataeeesiahaE ia hy fp 1 ei este ieee einige Sinan are as a Oke: Le ae, Var keioe aoS a ee

    see Sener UI SES pla Atages peGeral rf aCe ORES Pecks, Sei ieee meegeeeat ra Ee faa Poe ¢UE EGE ‘sa $BF PO “feaecee CUrEm. fet?BF weg 34a Ee aghate SELLA OD eur eter Ub CogsBy Agere *21os Beaoe AE Ck ra lee: AW. 7 £2 g lech. Hy na| Ae “ode iD Bg’ | —. ESE Te Re EE Ru Hiatt TP EL Fiduca oeSA inet Sette CA eae oeBe eae aa ;Ae mt AN a: iwes: ; “ya asapt’ ce .+ a’Be eee Pane einen Nea Se etyaina AbeBee oes ya | "or Bh ee, Ee WEB ys. aHie eee Cgon fe Re eae Feet aecune ee URN. 3Pe ye OE EG 1Palen iyeeoy tae: ae TAR Sue :2a Fg Bats Pee ROrs gt }Fn eT UN Dee Tiral aun aGee aa ahea as. MAG ys iH became OLS EaASUNEEIS een pence “gg Ben ietskeene ae. Vaan *ee Goes” ytLe TEBoa age by, SY rr Bye Bea Rv tees EM Ete ged Sil ites heat eSWet Ne apa cela Us Peake a>ti eh eke Bal nS Sie . eer eaaay yay wna aCea “ ieae : ; GIF 42bE ; Sh ae :i beg fee ie vue eben edtye Ate ica ee ees AM Py, Ste BY cae): GTA ees a ae ncn . 5Fo tye RR ANB eeaSeeee: g4een SNA bg. eB Fine Mee PNach Cte wee eae Ss Sarah eae Rin Seeee Bearer taco ea a a2 eecaiaating F Ae ALY asa OR RAS a fh iee DS as Y ae1wf fae ofton Lie ot OMAR Pita eet Ree oo. oH Meeta : $4

    hr ee aeiseeaeahs ' +st=oFqq RR BUM eae se BINS At oenN oe a7a et 24 ml aN : A i ae, ge

    | TEST do ee ES Geope po ee {; ae ke ae eeaia wre aparaee: sy TE ne Cee \(et bE Se ge i es) i . .son A AE, , eee RSee ans a agt gy nana yee fs Berehe BoRe Aeonee Dae*atern i ee 5: Na a as AEGS ee.MEAon Yr, Wisma Bry MBE Han. gs MU se PigraRe tir cepacia ear SeLoaAA Ne| 4Oe iesMEE eeepe,aac 2 Tstd«tats nie Et i.oniedOh moll iOh:ae “ Ag: roared pete 4ta aie:

    :i, Nee eg ay ns Ret ea Re ASM HU ES Reeee a Pe ESTAR Ey ie:ee ARRY teed fy AR ee se sad‘bc 24| 48meee ea ter teTap ase Sea gas oe ole bp ea eeBak Gedy, oT Net » . oh fe wecm eee panera Maes eerie ce bss Patiala alviemaenn Bed «RS aetat aGo Fewise a Ashe Te:FR a a} edAS” pnySeAnt Re ee Ree i Rebs eeEee aceite AE OR TIER aah aksaooee Et as Fe. §?oaa‘ee ye Tee ay pices ,expences PURE ey 37on aera 5fea ake .zSPCC adeae Faby eon Be iega ERs Pineau een eee ecie eee De Ne eee mgt PRUN Say es Oe ee esata ar: oy ae ee4a bfee BF Co OEE poe ue SONS le peeima\ ivan apevccn Baas aBi a aAe Bae 8M hoa fers DONb 2B omen | EBS ageeemenmennrennoreinent veel Bey GaGa’ A” Barsecg Fest z K eee pepe eaeaR SET rire” are e+

    ae ee ae Pea ae Leeann ae Ua 3, Re ma 2d vl a errs eg : a pa ae wk ta. BEES Ch Cg A PTR Bee Ci inne! Cola

    ee oe Te arnee 1 Oe Ea aeeae sie: Se) ane 4aa ate Hewes hg ae PERS eae ane BrMAS eemkt,odie, PRE EL Seas oe EE HofEs Oo EB aoe ieaslie ee eee HOPE PG a Re ees Ba teUnt1a en etn oR oe Bye Dek re 4TER, shh) aPepe 2 oeBie Gesyusiere | greets, Pe eRe eke CS ane ny yee YeV sige einen yy pbk CNPee See Mint WIP ae ra eRFk cio AaS Peapele a |one fan Fay pacers: fhAte) ER: 7 ORES pra? | ATA = fs Fae ine Be etees ‘ haan 2cratered 2 Se aa Neots es TAI naa a. Ra me. Gee an gece rag iesmei Gee Ge esaured iaaeytece SORE ee Pe Ase eas bsaes. Ve totee”.it aise’ oi| 4:TRE ot Va eee. ey RR fiz * x‘Si rs Sey NAS Q aOIG Pr Neti ea 8,eee Lo 4ageFO wot airy \ Ua BY pete Mal fie af Say fe|: gaa Ste aha eytperrata eeeatd ESB , FaBpicameteteaee tagae ESAeee SadeTO se RRA TT AEG Gite nea Te eee Ei“aaa Sine aeonure Mees eerTE Ra eeote dank « Pe poyWaa Sas fb ih Ae AS Aen te apestia Lasskye gh * EnShare ae as . Sad Fe (ania rere eth Sue ee oFBO

    ie ee eae SS Mates oe iNT ae Sop ) Be "opaa FO ERO Wi west Ae ied em 1 BY ih WEE oe aNs aRage EP Be eek SAG IRS gCRees Dahir ewRE PatOEE Seeeapne eaee ABs :¢ ae esoeee eeTN CN aeeo aU ener eee 45 ea Mele 4een en,BD vas Te ce a Hate Sh ek SES wha, HONS aah i. Us Co oo egraee Eee ee ee Cou GA ACARN CCM Rice WE cams ae BALA Se ae VEU Peg sos RA. Bei ye:geampl seighvepratigvlh gir tie eat atsrec spgteemretee yaaa Caps lee aeen MS aoa Re Mineo Carlee aida at we Cees aan|: Sorahaa fo la! gieatth: i SAT i tyVEU aR gees PitWE SE et adh Pose Legace a staig ciedep er aieh oe ceePe Crees FS SAC ee Ges aA AIS Bee VIL AF ee meres 2a Oe SSR Pet Lec PVE mee goiiaA LAO eg egal siete see ahd eet eae Cyne ean MRC cer een eter Oni POE Veale Hee 8 eal a eae ea | GRRE Bn,” as eef,asye EC RSME CRE nee iarTEA rdat to FS PO ia rt aKRRR hadaatiOR Man Gast PeeCea enere Cis Picrsy teen uate Bees GO UaSSS ieEOn Wen a aa Ho) aae3jetace ie ADaay CHA Tig es Meet aCLES Arp rity Eat woth pakpian AhStee Be aire eas BESTS UE Ae etapa 2, ny are Seta wt ie ue ae FEAARNet ICata ENE RR eral alae Pinas aM ae ae es GR SR eat 2° V hive, @ & ed |Te AB aeph rh pa eS Pear roRAN eae Ee ee a8 era Be ae Bey Wes ly eee cee USery Saar gta Oe arch ok fii Bell oli a«A oad Ve meus ent ee ene oe Bi ete Cais |NER BEE Ea em ira ei hae i :SESE oe eecree Aopen a iaOE ceUE irene Repay aaa psase ied WSR ea pe eRe Hse ey A Gi een a a ee Eh Vet Ae re oan Vat hh ee Bist A Severe eee ee Since yale ee ‘, re Se venta 22s Meer Meh gs seta ACG ce Bia cara Aa eee Eee sas Baus ied 5 ae FY. Yes tf BS cena wee PC Gare g ght YR os Hee ee eA eS “gt GEM rnd, EE AS Sg Le NOR SG Erie ge CEN GaN cant A Sark ges fits SAM EARNER REG IO, em a rcased fe EE ASE ia ee eee te! \ se F Gal € ig | ay oo ae eo a UG : By ice ote advaoeadie HSUOR RNES tinaneSua AUB Ss He be SPTAST AleeeCe a aero aiey ena: ER MAM fe Siar # ve bpereccg ® nc ae PED ERISE EE EG og Ay My Peet ghee Ee Rtegare nar oo Bee Paes etfire aweWe Ra cee. ee aa eleUe Me aaae ueOO ae Cea RB YVR een: 4G a& ei An aybe BOP Dee peeg, (Eo EL lle, = aad Deoe Se a aA ke Pe eeea PaCS HEroan Bb teach aie MRBees ieGEIS aes NOBees endBy zeae ee aves San come peasant ROG argfic! phage 7 RLY ae |):Sign AOR et seesi erat ee BE Base Tey we Bh Rie cet ES Bieetalk ean iy AFae elles: Lene ReTey ibe eM heeas By GEES ote. fo eeigh ceaahicPRE Sree esAu Laer ame hace aee SURE —eNge ey ot FRESE ERE Bes Leae pe enTgUNERY? fae. despareiee 2PSEC Ly BO Bieta era EEE TeA cena” Ban sect Me areaeny ee cane See Ne Reet feta Pen SEO eeegt Apnoea Berle pees By Beheeee fo BES, deans, Ud | qunmesmpennea ial RR SEP iG ae en Bet RH Didi oni N'Y hanes Teal Sy ieey Gaia iaghig Beste gs te Naa poe ae

    ‘lyee RWS in aE ee hebee en sas eH en ee i oe Re 4wind ietsRED AB eeiPo egg, torte he eg. agree Be USS Pee ory oes iy fen ate eer ay ees CS SE iN 3Set ees Se Drennan | YY esMECH Pa SUEY aBe Vr ES aad ete poQa ests Be eens Seake geGENES EUS SUES a Sac aeee es esee AHie Ta” Pleas ees ee wet ORR reeae es Pe ea StuA geate al Re 22ees hci Me aU |)lice SDR ares pega Esato Ens ehRep SeBa ca eoupe EGE eS byrtneed Se? th gh eer a a Be (|aillane: oe ste Se EA eo ee |:aee ce aRal (eeRES ce Bh See CUE era Gye Vg SERBS Sa bagiGale yn }ifee eee|ieAg BES WGWRB taeEDin Mee SS Sh Wt ose VOSEM aS Tae aaah gE OE Gla SE

    . ae DAS Ogee aeHea Nac: oe pg el ee ceCen Heures hgAES, \ nhA eee 1BOG e\) aNeM aBeUy gucci Rane ee) BME A EES, Watt (ec ee Ae ae ieMe alates Hees oo ee Pola eee dere feet Spine, tive tayiA Sag sig HES Bas hes Ws ere ad REE aeof PEE! & may te, gel pba SR es aeagyre ‘ eePRO Re ae Pag rineResist anny EM og 1See REEe Bah, Wrens |gs Bea Ba het Goa PY "Th caine 9 aan 4%, , :Morera tne aPepe SeEEY a ee Pennie hp device ey i;;\|Be eel UIacole ieaeee lat Oe etre ieay atone yeaah eeeg°° eae Payer 4. Heme esUg com ieWed ao | 1g eee a Rela Coogee RRC A Oe aMal SRA REE vob OU BEN Rees caeee(eae OU AER aaa ecetie seat Stee a per SARE Ue, iim ties ay arene cee BG Rae rc Sepfae Se SEY . EB BAUR RRA Aet SeaaJy seeee Silas pe2A. a Packard EA ay Ce ELEO elena Raper SG ene en ie i cay aon AmamenenmnrsPiety | ow Ae SMELT creer ene RISEN Earns he, ER wey TA Bad is Sta ae et BE ae eShy aLaeama ek cera eee ae «| Raa eae acetal ne creabtat sant ety pele Sues Bama 3s eta ee GS 08 Ra een A ea ipeice ok acanis leecoRes ania ye SGI aes mS heman fede Pogeaae etek yenuiowie ee Soe “ch a ee eae 4 eeae aA |: WRT ORG Gh faunas 3. BOSRS LS {PRs vay eee wyy Beek Res eres [i qLe i oe oe . oe ne es ee 3 fos gets Ser Pras eo ba Sarcosce! Kil ba ge Re daieyse’s ¢ TE Ge IA Shiahy Bi ' be af a ee AHR Y Neots pit LRrooeee a ae a oo oa es Eh | SR BER OUST DE 1S ve Ser ire (CU eo a; ee ce aeee r 3 ei Ree igiaa ys oS. Ky tS ey aa ate Ly Sade, AUPORA Sg gute Bice ase f geht: e eeEe| oe oe aa Ue 1 SAR pty’Bees | Pee Ha * baniaete Saas Ree a Eas een SAR Saaleee SRE Hateet sient ee ara Fea, Has ebelenel SS See sianaN aaa aVee ag yc! AB Oe eaeace ren Be{Vetere a aes |e BELEN a ate Pgh ef chAe EG te. Se! aE, Get erade? RS NU eee ee heecae a tearae AY”AE r yt eich os AF

    RAG aria cece se RONG len ee Suter ey tail eee eS ee figs oo Be ii d eel | oa me : ee np

    aa Nee Paes OE Is Taco Ee eo ni senaleite teas ARC RCPE eet be. a HTS peony, WMI memes st \Sitah thee AS ¥ BS ARS AD HES ER Pe eeSR ya eae Ne ee ey RET ce Rete Ree Caleee eeaeaeaaa, eG pee ry ae ENRig cacao Jue Loe vary iyttete atiwepBose a Seeker SSeget Bg Py pee aetan Bt ecae Bea, onieae ia PEL g MeN A ee IRE ey les euee aei ERED aeae ee serete Buhyey a ies es Hy 3 ae cman ae wee oMORUR GRO s or Pah Pres irae esAe Learveal gagaed ateas Ptetete es eee

    'Lo. ee ee oeLeCea Pern ey saree oNeeeSeebolls Oiradh Pa Ay oh: Tancee HH ay hE, es Pot Be eh feeeeCS ucgreines SELLE ot RS ,CREE ve Beh qT, 7Wee oe oa aeeae tend eAceRYE GeSaar gree eee eat Hee Betas AEusaig free! Ue Ber Ol aaa 2 ceenane ork Deree NEaaa eae SePaige Bere pemrechen tees aeeieles SEH Cees reUe aoe ‘a Shas Be at:, fey Ee VBe 2 amet En gl Sey yde Poot eeetsig Pe eeees yee hs S UeEs Dee Cen tay ae ae Soa epih ieclenaaey epee ane Cray oe PARLE Sees Ee AeHS beTN th TARRY edTe | Wal MEE nope Give :OM Sete - Sto PSE otieate cas ERSTE Ta OMY +Res Fis qHl aS ee SMR RU CE rata ae OCS MER eae are aeSEaiten ae aes. “4 a(R 2S EEL ar ae EAT EL Bos SR ES dietey cankey Peeeer agpStAEE oni Beate asm ae Ernig Sais eSS Sara eee ay RO Piers ree UC ie eSBae Pho aaa geeBee iggy eo aAA eee eae Res Oe, pooeee Es RegsNa EES ae Ge Seeioa :ilieERED ee pa eae ce Gee eeeens ae rare |raShemneedt Beet es sfPOO eae ee iseam boa Fae |.a5ci) Pee Ws. SSiren wi Re geen RE AS OP 6i Beka EO 1 Rega eee CCRC ea eens: eae avaseie COs Se LO a ae ra CH ae L he 7 =sR aae ¥aes | ee ee Oe EON Soren DRO Emenee Waar ey Hep bet a ay eK: EBS REPRESS oy : te ene ee Py igt Ae Boag See Wiaeeag Mayra nieatele aaa get) a eet ea een noe eee RIA ay Aa Cues Cave Orme near RaSaetge hs9Me Lesa FS eeeae oes” Bik ds: See LM = yy eMa! | aey iS 7: 3ea Y er, ee ee See oRee Ete ern pn roe yeheoe tH ith Ge os Alida Sane BeEg Sra REI BRON ati eee Was CAN os Oh) Pe a Ea Rreacueten \Ab eae eh Wns Me eee Seon JE ASG ae Cy BEE a oe BBY cpenenerenrrernner nee ¢ | Tees Pt a a a ee BS Soon eee eee yg ne ne oeeC ae ee Pane edgier Seas eae Rae = chanel sega ee) ARUAGE iketanot gee ECS OPT gee Ce pres wll | glee Maan One ne aeJo Ran Cal BESS POEL RE es Pm vies He A au ieay tLe fe Le ‘i ;;y4% Rea iteerin Vpeneamranear teatid Pie ers wreteel aaCy Ne ieerie a aime aBe OE A Tet Tea eee eae er ee eaUae seria RecN aes ce see aDaDog aC i 4ae ooee ue ¥ded aie ihe ON Re iene Si Eee care ee) ta vitae Aan a ian Scere is Sees TOF SE een gad ; Vea (ee en ca _/ oe oo :eaMe il Eaahceeee eee ee res gee eka ie erie Rae el eae tar nes CUS SAE TY ERAS I BY 8 ea foes _ BW Ue AR ors RUNES Ue eran eer Spee AeeateeRAIDS Pen Mtare eteHl Se By as a pidicazeanalang: wath ieVEEN eo Se Ug ie SSE aaa AH eoeREL Mrer taiBl bet dz seat ie Ne ate 7yee ateive? me eeea 8 tees .aeaMeena : a AAE ooASR Ree oeaaa Hee CUE igLEO 1 By eitrenee eg west open| Ain aRen ree} BasflaeRAN bate pap Seat EE Ceaets ia: panera fa tee ‘ ‘2:RL Preis fe .Loe poeih SO RAE Seteae oePaseo ele eeepee cea ts eR 4. RE 1aiataA ee ly) ee eee Bard Cheer nes Se GUA ewat ee? f58 me Sigs Ek ite Seles NG AEeRe preg gee Ban hy eb, oan Ge ae ee Fas oNoySess Unease cee She Ra as(eG a Seay REE io eR eeeie igIeee Sa, hecre UTI se os |ata Ae aeaecae oe ainsi SSA eRSia NER are Ra aot) Oe ae Beis & i; foe hanes Se bdae See Bab obesity teens nas! vase UA ES Wee aeerERERE Cant ectat ie aban SyCons eaten SRE Be) & Er Sy tS 4% rye BAY ae pewoo cyce CaaS Bocas Ue Menenae Poneman 2aa i Siar Sore ee Hee nse. eae oe coefated Een eaten feBate RAN 19 Hi eyaE 3 paper iaicet SE |: Miteass 1So ae oesea enga POEM Wetde a BM it ded EreRPaha aN “NY PN DEES enter& ON We AP :Baa ee On eeee oe AGS MA eae 2ts Bogen elaSR recat Ae Hisdly Ge: ateed Bee th eats Guhe ey AMEN? rue arte ha‘| eYC oe .Netcast 8aeSaltese 8Conn oe eeiheeae Sue fag asige Ta) TE BS te GSE Ou 7PA ct SP Meee CRE ¥FY eae eenty BoM" OR eact ab RE te ce Shae ach enEee Be ets eeae eee nesndBevo eee EE Ux. 2oe Monies eh He Oe ene fs AH Be oe Peden, I Gheitcs p ielnergee foeas ay. fk. WEG ayaa bear ae a |& AB eae. ) Wiws By ida CEN Sa cera TENG im CORRS poate, Ge ed Gar ea pees Ea epieagche, oe! Ry ene fy! He Bt 1pots 7nN -*Res X\ ae Spruce ataoe ne: SPCR eGete BAetre ate Nae eesEES ectsaed eanem SROPa G NO B.'s SES A 1 aa aan tee EWE Eais Biba Geet, Peo AYRRS, Jy amare 4 “BU eee eeBOOS hiss | een tee faa,REG Seo by eee EGS1c pelea aoe ieee a 2 ie Pe SION etnies Sper any ana eea at pict ERR CU eee age ee ray SSRs oy Tene Ging tre ry fase {oa SOIT Mah fp Ap SU rE Ee ute pe foe Vv aes E LOMO Raita Sarge neem Be erate eeu aS SOS Nee aie Ppoe eens ye ace Ua es CA a Ms Coe il|la pues ear iriauer pi 2 Pea io setae SUS bes ER Sasuke Parr ea Ss Ae eee ee Be ORES MU Sites 5d ied SMTA mee a) 48 Re eae De lh pode MED? Ks ee Bo SR Bl es\ o Ba . oe oe oe oo Pel eens ae BOER ECO k Ae WA aUS ai 2B sass ClCa a, Se easy PRICES og SAE 2k ee a ine eee |bea a— Bus Gain cerGgastont a heater By wsidWy Ufa a 4oes) 3Ms cece Berciehie VayNl eSNG VAS bey. baetetetsntsal eesti play. Te Cae, aeyea‘#sa ee oe .SeCe eaeeS faeotc ea: anes Spee: ete LEIA E Ne NS pe cag ty es “et Esa pccemeeiayd gh sb avah iff Fae ee Beir mest PAs aie ery ‘ee ae P. ' ee Sana SSE ast Co,“eines cp igeetaiea taeeee Beta eeBae a ean he pein Se gi SCG age faseeam eee apeeves Conair au fins ve aa e atek :pe 2 : k. :Re | , prae} hee Cea aerate eRe Hague GU iNPig ee SESE HR 1 aces 1h SUMS aeEIN HB | eh Hii a eee eeSea a ORE Te ; pergee$. eae al Cs Boece ah TES % JBe aeCo oo oa GRO Aa Nae: es Spa Guaic 5aSera TORT anes eee ieUfSES eS eee age ea | etA ase Wanna a.cen Be ee SE Sane MEFS ae De eeeeA eA Es 1AREP en ge taa RE Mee yasIRCCS NIN ee byes Bae pec weaeee! eos aFeey Reet ayLR bParene AEE ae ; o:4wae Beds So ened 3 Payer hanagee ee oe fe BS feed tole LE sag Soa ean hesoanbe AE fy a) es is Aa Te a Rerun penseramasiy | ae Btiee oy ia 4 oa ea PLS SEAS isi Saal Ui Re RA RSET EU Se er eel CEE DES enn ase a “toa BEA ANS LEB) Be geet Fane f we ee be. ‘ v ae :ee ae foeee aeaePeer sane) ie aieASTI aose Fe RP Ace ceca UreTE sea LASS ER Reaoe peut ts Woe re See Sel heo aanase haleeSe ee“ a. BC, Sse an nies tis CSS Hepen eof at8. oeBer Ree EEeee Soc OS. hats ee RT ae eo.BL Be attreGEN . we :i es eu eeSee Aon DiS ice Mier ceNeeed Hey oe ean 2ee Bere, ar .Seay irape ae Ye Be Co eee ee aeean ALG lela) fs ths a ee Neier dy 1Aee seamen AES gceuenrmmmetn cornet BANE plage oe ee Om Raa ES ok phe NE EES eGPeas ta eae Oty aeBSE an SAVreeaey Pore ue JES eee Pee cy: spe PR) 11S res ape Hs “a =| pie ee:di.(; V4 ) Mv. Be air eat Ss LL aa pie aloes deme aney RSS eeGales Tay See SEEN | ASR MENG AOA. ERAS Soe berry onaROR wagers STGs TRANG ENE EG Boas eece oo eeeee aoeeSE ee aan BA SEAM AGRE CAS artare CHAE Ad gp1iff I!aeAge |Cae Mbp De BaUTE | Oe : REG Ghee ROUTE OR Nace ie stee Magat dy Iail ae ee ieee Rate fee ee|Py EA OG ASAD arta oreens Fe | OR Gkae BA dae er ete Sao Ea pttSaati ee Ve ee oe )éere : 2DR ane Ore eld sree eAtad ERAS PESHates SEES euiee ee tea Visage AAs ieata bee aaa aE Ea ote HGRA yaaa»: 38 RP AES BAYES eee ee a Pe hieiatana MENS ucVaWN haseePree 2! saehae nte Joan eae ep f meee Or HSS aSale otBEAT esien ‘|WHEE AD ABA Ecas vee aSvee ae »a ..|?7h Ivmantmurcmudestanttr Se Ae Sn eaeics a Geena AEA Sg aes ie © a | ao ; at 7 ‘ilDee enctotter oa Sree a ae Ges BG eEBy eae Pome OP EL ORecena Byeefeck TLR SSWM aORiis ee oNagi . >el ’He aaa, 3| a? Renee igpile SaalSMMC SLED GU aaOne SAREE SeGsStSEM SRRee ange Cee i hiss iiEa sts | | anil NADER Raine marist Pe BEE LeeSesaoe SMe Wg ene TO eno a“ylame Z, aAgog “. =i, es ie

    By yee easy st aS ZY Es es OC pe oa eet pO ee ea Heh : pe At ue = oe a b | ; \

    pas oe ae Cee Pace 5 ee eye WAAL a ce ea LS Tea re ak ee . t EV ec

    Dee Ges em ouobs vero n ae peaWe eae|:ee: se HG a \ ,; ee . : ae é| ae — oeSaattapntec : ee Pees Bo,oa es Riis frees Gece oyBeeBy Ment aee, a Nees AT Gala RE ee Beet ee ke a ee See a a | | 7 . : Wrage SE eeaeteeeane BEE OAC ee GEC aepocears Paotiee ESET aa ESS oe - Ree - :Peru peor BS asBe: Zoe :Eee Loa-ta . ce ears eSGe HORNS REE 87wy Tah Ceeane Seeees Peaie thse or se & aes we adder ry74 aMA Lice 2 eeef ae . : bce at IRS Ske oe ELSBi 7«ll a 7 SETS Sen pe aa Bs ATs pp ache Wa eq eens : ced . ‘ yi sift? eer Ae : oe pce Mace oo ise ee: AF Hi v4 pe el ye RSE EAE pipes 3 i gees: % ihe ee ge) Bi ec Nii Hk Ga a ECC a AIR ils aa een Bee a re Be ce OS BO ae maa | a | ane ae OU eSee Laeger eee eesue ae Baca wees ke SCReitléy, ee aeVA ia ertWRusisiye anee Bea ia leeBre oa |ae «‘‘te Me RRR Seer 2 eae Chose iMa 24. JSihie (Ae De ee stTRUE Ree ees eee VA! fdatiy tovee. \ on Rao "RO ea he ee, EGE Ss af “AUER :ne ee oe UR Gua Bs “i aes eereaBasar cae EERE me teed yohewieityy re TS yee Fey ed“yah eee cere UR ah each PER a a oe ae od mal he : e Ree ie ey Sura cinta at ue SEER Ss ge a Os ON Secs a A Cen Od Fe ed TREES. Y A gemenerennaeeny A edly oft Pee isa ey ftp eens fyi a aes ol ee eae Rasietions. Tie panels Tee 4 seu ee eee i age OB, ee SES Si Mel Hue ” taeEON oeetPo aefeuteDlie puHog aee Oe EE Poesaayy aoe aaa A ee ieseaefens 4EHNA: 4 ye Ue aeaay . Ee, TT pe tes at RASS eae Say Sa geHi cage, etl Sea Nesey Radeae MAR ee eam cremeee. aegisi .rs , - .wey : . i Peden taz Roe al taeeeeetrce oe Speen A RUE GR aAEE: BR Eg ead BS Sante :— ‘We uYeS oe Score) ea ‘LaSes RNS4Bak Reece aan ee rts eee esteem Ua ace asa aaa USERS Reo melee Svante OEY enn Cleat gs ; Lidel dsTag RAE, cee |ts at Beh. : de pruaat : %se ne ere mrstigyituh & aoe a oe a Pe Pee a GE Sc: : PERE Tory a BPR Rae aap ihe " ie aes ree | geass ke ep NeE BNecaeTN. * PERS . eek SE Pinte nares ip hdl eR Siang ited Roan More eis Sites IGS S Aa NE i eee aa aee EMME torent iy Fpiepe shee aumiadee! ite t i Baie ES amt 2 “4 Ey ¥; oe eyps | eae | lassSy (Ae watIeae OES Shel REeseee ARTA tint ie ton eeenied leaf CE aeteraatets GPM tar RteEs Aare OSE ER agasp huel uy fdAA Ry \Ve | Ve Nagi a BOY oe7 te rafei uaDGD coeocaaen epee eas SE CUSage USS Nee agaisy COREE EEE SE Rae Rt veey i” | ieesPDrr gy chrat PAS Aggh Se ore Une Wed tL : :CN° ES RR ’Seog Sen EePAEN Fat Ne FL Be Sea eerie RSRW Reeve RNS E TRIN Fare = ee, cee Teer a aan Gee CAE ea Beer Rae aR RURGERT EE + Panne Sis ffl TRE EEG Pan Behe Sofie! s eel HE : e ep Ye

    | ora OE Re aN 2S ga Sees ea ‘ ae a | , a i We ye a

    Uf Sioa a sae eats te PAVE Pe Lea na me ta SSIEE SES A Tl SATs SET IS EPR EA aa SOREL OSG lo Dae URE Mer ams H 7 S250 eG dat ATO LAN 4 a i 8 a ,

    1 eeneaeoeceteEC ie Lt Eengn en ee tateaBaap ig eee. TP Stag eteueeG Peeee DiasNc? Beeraat NavSat sid OE Hel Eee a i gS * More Hs OS ay Seer ay 4 a’efi haeNe DIRE AiieRE ee LOPACH OE oe ie eoBa oeatunc, Seapets SAS er Bacar et Bee 2 baa: + it Sa eea eee Fagg Bee4 Pally 28! Fake, nelsGAG Me Geese a yenieae teeta eee SHEER FS EL a ig At hai igh s \ emrorerey = ;as: oe, ~ ae he

    Pe ees ae Lee eee SoG Ca ce ee aan LaeN md at aes :wey is : ‘wo ona a oti Sea LR ee” ee ae a. es eenerRe Gee in on meet A agcororrernney PM a Wi teor RS 2ee“HP be ne a liA|||oe MOMS Sed ees ayes aane ROPERS Pieces eee |RY ee esvow ee al r’ofa8L, jaye c. pe iPatel tn eeee SHeae Tasace gree ee2Ree yaones ieSetar cee caren BERN had eons Reg eeetty petra a samedi Xo mua had 4;i |io a hy coat“4 44 SERRE CO AL peadg et Ha es MOR ae Seah Soe CORE aeRescue 8h Fee ae RS: SORE MARE EAS Hie “ area 2: ‘ia eo ay as ee ei VERE SCED ail Ladle | iat oh * ade ae "yarn eae aLe ae eee Sas al as Soa Bete g hee rs ST RE ayy Be reer oy cee oiie NS RT Dey Ay § ss 4 ek ar + ge, Be we ona nee Pe an | :eee Recnnaare ion he eba See dys oo ny aes vit eat an ‘i. yy : Bene, . “ Bs 5 a ts rs ie Sane OOS oe ERENT URL Ee CT SN BoD ce 3 ii es a ERA © uk He st Bahay sak %a 1 RR SoA : ‘ nr Spee ecules S eit Oe Bl Bie beee oe See Se. oeae ae ceVacs Mag ee isigoes ce Se tee a 5 is cars GE grrrTe epeunnnnnaes na oyawags m Sseee etal eeoe oe 2 RSD PBAeSU ahSRR pees ee, " mr aseRea i re “got + Scrid, aR Se ERLE TAG AN Pa a Mok eg hat EOE, gts RMT cht Pe Ne OSES RN Rapa calle eg Si) Lente pea PSS ae? Seperate woe tred hes Fr : i 3 oe ; tC ’ : o ‘eleeesa Ae eM aeGna Uae tetihr Reapetanene EsBy ee Ros Hee de a pie eros feirge es Ey oe hag: (AE ee, feeRAF Sessty oa: Sd DeBe wrath Leasmart ST CE4cee Stier : a , ea mheA a ay a 4 eeaCree LG aetag BaCarano: Dee eeBatra SRNR es ey Byrn aN eds Bred? s pi re °>» [RMS eaay eGeaPata

    ay oe ‘ oF aes faSee ice ES easSUAS CTFRPAES 2 jeoga 9e§S Prior YohEii addas nT ‘ aMg gOa:aerhom beeecry, Dia : ae eeCe aeee eae oea ee PAR Ye, Pade Rah Steees Pee. tA : Bee ce eneet. Mine aGoh. Sh PURER EER ESE OMe: &aeFr, Tpke Hi aa" meahity Eears ereoF boas Ae he AS goer || ee ee aiBe ee LC eeeeetiea rey aSatria eee asBUR ieAER U faaObs TB Py dee ee AA ney ee Oe Ca ge tay ree Bums ges U4 Pe Be5RS Hh eePay at Ro neaex Cpe” Bere Pe as. ee BR Ses gene es SOS ae eG aes Se aa an is Ar eee oe Sait oy ee eee | ee eae 4 BiB SS ESS Bay dy S8 fee gk sof a) ee iF Ba ME Ra?

    |Bs ooeeee oF ee EUS atSCORES RO Os esAit TEESE ea) §ae ;Eaoar greeracr orem SS pe any ae ety. Bi! Ss, eae feos ona |||ee abe icane reat SC Un ee mene coe ee eeSe Oe oe ere aRCs ees Beep oie Von yag88 ee NE Bee he 4 Ml IEE Bony een Baas see naga :Se‘aE areas Greener Oya ante pees) iS BASE St ay. ASB STL t oi#ARS a“oft aB88 ::“f ae os cas oe ee pete are. Bee) Sic apeeenee CG Sena REISE Se PAG TBS REEL 2pa 2yimte: 5Si ie ANS tat &Bury aea ityteh \: eye t Bs pee Pe 8fee ATE yaRae eTGag CsRe ake gee eon, URS Gai aa azee che SEiASR hae eseS Gaara peers Bee Sipe CARER ES& feaStig pe ainéURES aaOS }Ley . Sy 4 Pa ae LS A Hatin NOE aes Sea eae eae encanta anes Soeuhs eihe ee ay poaiseaaa lees BS 78 BU 22s ick Chr es REAR eds cet e ii pens oeek Ban Ma tee ce mee ened atl eid oaEa oeA fee See PasMRR me He RNG aee ASDCPES aees SYS Pelgaees ee Sige MBE Begs Hundhe Nes Ls ASIA GR eddy : wa Be EeSS NCS 5: pees aee :A ee ggap PPE : needs Nik Re alert VA cathe parece Bee SORE ke eee Ae resis ae ie ee eeee: eyake cae -fey aa ee get eitieHES ye aC aes HS A eS asBSN, ese Se ey oe aCREB vo 7ieaCSeyioc 4aeyMae po

    MM 3eae yee Rep Nge cana? aeBeAES ren Ser che gy me :m8, ASS . = ayieoofi |aesyyser s% io eae ee La ees, eh abe iim poe Ce Ua image Sikeseerie CREEPSaan 0653 Be RSENS Ree Pare Ee 0)He See se ae PETITE ore eeear A SONS iBg ge OLE ious a ectrh, nee SUEUR nae Ee Ss SOEs ee aoe cAeaceeLE Ptef SAeee ASA aC8 en Bane! Dries ire SDRC tdoho .BL {eres SEE! say a s wa OU Ea aoe Caer Boats Co ne ‘| BE hdor us eee Ay Bi Gi CE item re G) io) ee ees Pee leSipe nee : aESE |rei4qr ey Ral See ee ef aa cay meen Bei tn CNC SSA awe emg | Br a- “agee eS7=f or eh a PRS ae ee ete es Race renee os ey Bs Sa pean Ay peiee eee UMN Pal Do A aIBa ae oo Le So aus haere ORS a aioe ee es Sa ae OE CLSSN gba # 9 FEE ACES ER S 2 BRE the OS ca wae gs |: ee coe ee a ee See paemere e Sr hog ee Se Dee oe BES 6 Pati ee tae ay OG ae cate Es Bee ” By cP OE BEADT oe ay os cet tases Oe Pett AGRE gee ane? SN eG eat cee Se eg srt Sees oe See ees . Ae : — |on fe fered tee Magee Ateee REee ESCa LID a easier Aeee be Rete SE pene SSSaves ae VCE Hoon Dee geA BD) ech Ga Sereeee SSeS !eaabet ed Sere D -Se pemmneoemmyss Os} | 1eS eccernm A EOE BE rie § PE Ns a sg |PEE gh7Ee i See Sri oS Ee She a ss Boat ee AER Ra oa Rae enue ASSES age? Ae ed 2 BR ees CEO BL anion vot ee Erb : ev Rey Pic fie pe eee Cac: OG BBE BGSS ccc ter emer Pekan Pa NR iceee einer nesBese Vid Ree East |A eegh Pate need bye ty earnsCees eaSNES EON Wau) Pee nye) AEeee ao aa enna RHR Baca eA Te! ee ae A) fegeaE 7SLES | ~ hae er: “| :: ‘he:Mg 3 oe : x:ete : RR ele ee an) ceBR AARNE eySe ERes toEIA Gea SAG ees ee Ee Raley uestam Nee Een ison Deepens iE aeaeea etaLS WSsRN MeN PUSS? 1 ee "- )o;At Sy. cet BON AES EPRI SRE EES vrs PIERRE G PACAP ia Saag tA PREG Ne cones EEN Gres pe ORGAN ae eee eat ny , a ; : 5 / "| : oe il | “Ppa ochre an pte Ape ess es ee oe a Coo ee ER OE A Sean Ball} tai ts oe er | an ees ghee pasos ps ad ry hee ' gk x" vk aes |)TeSRE Rear ieee iRegan USUI eeHerken RS ac eelies eA iar ae: eeeCea ad | eeoe end eat roy Shee ee” GSS in eeaRAT ee er vaEtA RE eRe leRe Hsee bene RCo GE Dr ene es Sones 7)ha ORES idee Oe aeeewe Sreeie eats. stO88 Wy a HiAS | were o Od eeeSUN ee A eeantec Sree eeaa SoCe aBecta sco teEE eG Sue Beretta ert #beri Ue tb |aye pies rae ieWa sll Remar CEN on eatry dC: aETig Se pst pei: aes Baer peReavers VES . avis te 4£4 ra ‘feria ’ Bg ghee eee Peers fk? a .” «Beers: ey be Renews Tees Suie it ons SeiteSlee es) ea Oaaur PN CeeR Dehn eleerteet. 79° ieka 3 (EME REMieetPS ete Fysl SrAL. Ean &re an) . Lit caeRee hi ok hySat YER 1pea. eae ee ent aeRee LARC SCRE wd Panos uaa Rte ohnen omen bea Sie eee nes wae Reale henna aaa pret sicieeney 1ey Caae yt—)aa"ie)or é: J‘CEG we |«IT |eas pen ates Ae Pecite @Tie iat hark Beast Wenge Wie et rnUrn ane ee So esReet RE ee ee essay ick ag Mee Seer as&0a3h! ye awoth 1S te Soe ence ee ees eae hen eace st: ey PaPeni Eee ne Si: cs wey +eite Yas A Sea aSaera eee LOB ig inti Ae Preece +oo CES ae Cae eee PORE A ais ECR Ear beeeteerL veeeeers 82 ie M ayes» -*:ion Bi os te aoe ite ee A eC re HA Oe tCet BA eee RO ay hee ean URS SEE SRR 'eh? eel‘RRO : : |PLP oeout oe4Za bee eeCt Re EERE CUE era pet 8 eae Oe Pers Gomi ene NE aie kaset Roeser: : (Ey eK beetaAle *sare . hl BS Pah ooh OS

    ae acd . a SRM? eecera atesa ee 0BPA ees eg ieESES AorLAS CRS aN Ehe LCE oe RRR SHS Semen eSooo veem . REE ttoei ines en, :hve ba) ret wERRE PR ava TRS AU PINee Ue : Beis LPR Sp AGEs sear RP OC co Alea cect Ehmatcemaniagt 1S ines ne aa3

    a Sa Fe Aa haw Sry eie Ry. 2 i b Sy E Oe spe OE aid Dre ere Peis TPMT te. RUS Soe FRED Canad agghee A Ne aa TA St Bae tas Tet Saya See fs Roel Peter ae La PR Fee Ee Rade OTE ES teUSA Are viet Paste neoa eegiene PerePete . ee Nae Gy agg i Bekah Sicemeee waa Se A TEE BY ORR a arg ART aay aN Try mea Kner at SAS iesteN Geeta Sac pace are reece eevee Eee 2, aVEAP Re1gaE: “2 aeBE Sane aaclit. eg Dana Sea Pescara Beso asia Shs REseas: Li TARE: AR chee pet pine laos eg orgGmeos ae ipaaot pe es ibaaeSee) Waele Ore ee ae

    ee Ds i ke ye “ly ‘a brs) Le ii Be a ae ag oe Pe. Bee co Etre: oe me | wee ce

    a| aud Okie gsRAPS ae ‘ieedi. Wake Was ig Bibice Ne OgHf geo BoMTR ERAS ORR dat Soe Eee aoe ae peau RED, aa tgadiegn tyasPAS eae 1‘ih el (ee ope uae te ed FEUER 2 fa cotati PNY CALS east a gone aa (Bases Cae outEE SESE A eet Segsnes a cEieSsea Si Uv Soa BatSeat ae iieAR eameeel ARE PeBy A me | aE T nd Iaes Teo ionac 5aeHe ie ae ia 2Wie ae aaes See Ue eeAdie ee pate hesoSages es engSpee BR RR ee ere ane ection ae AQ ERE? rewot ceeneed Rage eeEisai) © LB gigs gy RO me) |IMS % we pea oa eee es oN aa ees mee peiteca Bes Pe ae 7 iVe ale He ;Coe AREag SE teae fhevo & RRS PEEB ML ioe es Egi& 4 Sin Wie AED SE aaa Gar Sa eeeee! CREA eePe aa Stat eens Bae ENG US aes 4 | 5 laa Blab! mes iy : SFae BE tk 1. SA Rea Otbure Rae) et UE ESET Esse RO RS eh BUNS) CARTED Pn aee ues .>are AS ee 4 yiGa ‘i: ;oats Bey EE qseiygiead a “hy Bae are #geese aean ee Cans AU Seen Fas se eae ea ie 2A BSE ATIEIN BEC E a? AB Amesy © pS Rete WAU NS seas ge, NRRL REY cae 3 tery *. . Ay ‘a Vygis) tf : Bisco Fagan en Ds vay Sia SS ENISHI E Sc ape Tear ee See RN ee eee ae ”ate ee VOR We yh to. a es sg Sere wate aa : : ae. | hee as POOR OF gm aaa 20 eae PG N ee eae Sa wt Bituert Pe ee ws: ° i Sede BER so ee ae th SP Fae PP en ar ae : tee 9 oe ae ey aE Ney Prete Boule Tce canes ioe ae ORE Saves AS ee AOR ee A Sa ae \ cs: ene gt ee Sa Ss ey) eee ata BG “. SER Wing 7 ah ieRemidic b aes Aeoe y agie et ee Ca ey eh ay een TGBe PSU reve Tae OR REAL ees hes csceenee eeeoe evens Oo : Ba ME RRO ob me as eeeea EY Sata sain beSemon . uaa .aeRAE, NaN Pees ar ay esMIENS ea ateelee ee he =eesey ees Roeiad jAYE an BBM BU ge reve, f° Mes! ;4s£Pe Meer ae i PG feu:dss gi hears Absa tal Ty ee orBocseny aly eee Oia xeaan Pigen Gus ae erates iePOR poate cee Bpieipecea LeeEP ae eo Bes Aran Curiae ons HEGa ESA PRaeeeeen aE hash ane 2ant eu) ne eheafeasee bee ecflee Saas oa eee SreeaL aaday Leconte escalc aha4 eres oe in Vase ea gS i bok Ps oy, eserves) GA _ fae DY Laan : on Ree oo eos ee oaeions as GBR SUAPy ere Bieces esd Eee Soak Cs ete PREPS aybee nioere eeWEAR EAS as Rei iSS aan Rice tsAe ete her oa) : Been REE aPeres ees ieeeees Be iste Peed he doe ae feline ace goer te aeRO - aRES opine eET Pans eee Shh. See Bi SaeanC Bea hacen FA SUES ceesie ~rear: . ‘Ste ae oapede fidebs Ye. Means AY id es ale |Reade avunely aceEasy SagBS ire ay pean: Ty Bree Bes. wel OeSR Su) Ae aN BE TNR eySe Be ay gy meres eeikRe ia Bae . AS abet aFA stLae EDT eel es ]Ey Teese cease eee aerihs pope Se ED TGR EEE ee Raitaeg renee eet: HY ad ge PeaaApa oo oi” aeTe aAS Bar ciate sg PCO PO iS). KPO SO oe hae EeeS eaoe Reed es UND ARE ?RARE Bains ees ase Tent boecers Cena Pee SP icet ep“es, sale. eres Biter ame Asan US edie tor Baral CHE AS RE MSE ate: Cite eri ernra AOSe LSB ERs Ee Piers te Eee eareas sea ae En nce aaie ie ge ieee iB BRE Shoe frae eeecon ei | on tots faa oS ptgptaes eee renRust Tint SOR SOUSA Gee aia ae EERE SES Sea ae Pee Se>Se DAN ahead RS oA oatieniacey hie oy Pissbe BARA Spaw Flegate tf ; BAe Rage Pree DaAeneas ee ITy Cat ener .Ror VOY ae eg ee eee PE SAN Deeeae Peer a AUNT aetdeee |SEE sue UG eee BetaPe Vinee He ae a eee it Set Fel ere yey Meee een bees os weane tO E SSS sy AEE Eo ek ae: Ratan RRS OE eee PAA ee ae ee | eae Sale: Cass § WORE eager ee Sox Me a OR eae TE a LE eeade Cd be ee) lene aa Een a) Sui Rote anes Pele eee pone ww

    Bi beset ee tye ECR Se ae aot en bd eg a : aa” N BEERS Eee pe si mS ees eee oe 0

    =o Eee BERR: RRC F MCG Uae ed Sa PA ee foi ae OF “aa pe ae cess . eS yea Breas ES RCAC ETS Ae eae BBg Seb RARE AEE Pee nessa: SEER SENS PU eee

    Bea Ge ji bt bao, RE Hae tige Fa, eee STW ie 5 :onter oH eeeeGee eae y ERASE * Bath eae De ig feces VETS BeOS LA fiosee Sen Ee aeOP ard oe) Shc: Ae ERGs valence , had aT One ee APARES eb Besa y Bora ao awee aSTAD Ssey:fA Pee Sane Se Tae eae PEARCE SORE FSO tO eA pear eae eS eh BARS Dasara aehoon Fe oe ae eee er ls! ? cre Recoeyenan BRU aed aa eer ou eens reseed 1 Bae TE Reo eg Eo eet BM PRC ies i Kode Tae §ee saeie DB bool pay FYeal : aN ky, Se Br] Eo ce ee A Baet a re peti eseres eats ie (ae Piak Rar Susie a Robes AY & Nese noeSree PERE ES,

    a ieNe eteGin ae Mee Rg orca Mi wea : Hs Ae aes BRE AgA, Ose SoneMecn BeeSR oaee tains Sa pooh Hegel ia aake RE ysh Senn wilny SEEGERS nS RePia eens et oe asf sa oeEES aAS IRR Gee en awe EE 7 ce Brett ou PR of EN GSES ice ee Caan eee aepists aa cite ei aT Eee § fag EN a AES Sere Sy enat een Berra: Pee: Huet Poe in eet SSIS TERE ene: See e : mie gyre weer pa Pots eed sect Bg ge! NHS Pavone oeRE Aa: See atSee eee rt Bee CS ernaee’. aay end SMR SAE FR: See *Baer i a’ sACERS cape hy PNG ayeEBin . ’ LEARN oer ae SEEM Hee oe eca 2or enRee, ROT seri ER:Brey rs ae te (eee ase Eases ‘git aeeet FEY ay 2s] Retkieait seeny 7 Jceaee” Wi eete Ms: SB sea Bn Sad DEG oa,Rhee SELLERS L ie ate aars Rites dpa RIS SEED See eatoO +

    | at eG r A vageanaapean § he eee) SEE St! oy we Pyke Bey a DL hteate etl Nash oacec a PRCT Reed YER SE aS Beane eee REPS ENHeo RES det aeswa8aGg Meu eaLeDe aneCoie PsEat eeeae ; SUG ie aa BCG! see i wee ieecon ColasGerad Fa i ay ee Agnen Nalie? wae FCAesAS ee hee Raph. St) Hae aaeee Lay On ee Pa SMS (outa par eg HS ONO aliva) ai7Sa fi bh can eke te ase ee wee ee i Thee lll ‘ae de: x: ages Toa te Be crater See ee RS Be AAS DD, Cot aak Beg) Sons . oa.tea . AE. 2 eGR Ok OE ee eager . 10 RARE RR Baie Bg Hage oy eee BS eS ad SE ne co oe a ee a. |ie Se eee SBR | TR bynwsiat Se uP ih ae oT ee pin tial Fed SEMEN ER Ay Be gb fat SP ae UM ae get SRE ae eae : My Pade sacs :ipeNe OS Yes ei as ce PO ides Ws 3 yewe ahatah . vaee MESES Shee ee Pci weeste MEMES ACh Reaegpeai hy Wg PEs a ee On, i2SEB Pad 1pity, aie page 7%chs‘erred RR26i ee et ikEAE. iaCENT. oa ORE) Tete 23rhepec rs oR eenea Paar mr “Pek Ane ees amt oe te ne ee nes es re sas eee. i ifBee Bee PatpanAa ee sap Sue Wea ee eafoeeAe es_PER a.EN Beescoreg vee SC iP. or had BRAS noccein ae te 8 SreeSagat ee See ~ oe Fe. eas ' :PS SREY De 2" Lo oe - oe i

    4 uae ya | hen °aeceee-Dla eed - BE: BP avoPe —) eeREED, Rsfeeo. UO NES es . ytWk i. A syecco 2amaS. Sn 1 he. yy fee oebi>a RR asSee eS ana . “1 Eagar Bere : aeere UO wet ealeee ame ee en di2B MAYim See Pet ite ai, Tita ee aec cS aeoe. Fey wa Lae yy eee peat 7t' Pe ee) (i2Laet‘eee eae come) ee) atak co hsRAP od ae 2nefh:ab ae se a iet Pee) ae 2a te abe IF sera FF Sag SYa. wT Oe sleet ce : htee MYBe PONE ye BE Be ie eaSRY |i he Bee} Siam ) oRnaseepate a are F yh wyaoees : izSh‘ca. sy,sqéBe OSaahane SMCs, . aFane Ne Me ag 2erat : rite te Deg oe + ine, Tie inlAe Mieke Bs'gs ?Roaes Bh a hh ES siyeSh A tat ‘*ep TR / FAS Boog aane Py Bshey? iaSuu ea*R rtpion Ree Gan Sse Spe? a BSE RR Bega) Sorat? iene VA ak op Sigh es yaTAU RTE Tee Sp ipspall patents eS ™ gBarenee SOY aer?.ro, ee attr 3—-— Pan ee, rybho: geee lS sees oP ahowane ent 5Ree en

    orAo a A) Mae Beee ER Sins AyaD Set éTOR anak, peti as en ake Oy creM, ay hn, ie : We ars er ane ierer sh De WERE a nee =leet agSa Oe gat TScp Ce qiSy are. gent Renee Beats Soe fa, a AP : saree Ni ice taal ‘go ee ‘ treet oe eePiste ere etiam ues ee eer ae i etyes eC RG aemies, SLO PRO MERE ay, hoe Oreieee ion ; aOS ieee REN «EER ORL ce Meeec Ke +canta ER . ig HME oa RT EE ee eeCO " DOMME SER Nt a:soe se ma eeREMI, Gas % oa Ei aeroe 22 SSS ae SSSI eee cn Dimes faerie ‘ge } ay efaR Sac Eien “Peg By, RD Py oF 4a Tah ha OBST PSR Beh) pe made ye wok hE A ee eee < S oe eae ta 4 eee eee | # BBS on oP. ea! 5 H fad Bas ed Beep 2 ra a: Poo sh ps Ped ae,eee) see ects Pek aBe ade.sae BR e : aeenn BsMyitad gq | aa oe 2 SNe ieseM pita1m di pokes { Piresp A. Boe’. see aa4). Bias ae a ov es lag eR, 2B 75a= ne Ate GEE “cask oS aig oscee BatGGT: A Breeet ie qi¢ Bets ‘oa sours | See etoerEg

    CE » a ay

    alos [p.103]

    . AGAR ADELE Waits ; |

    ATR ER BeEtec glade puta Ssensald SAAN woeSe went tate ot ceisgree La tpesl te oa Soe ABD REISE ae in ea aa one Mien a Tee Pires civ ssa: 2 eS + Lu pTpast nSsagt, bn,a AUSy Eagar c+ote OA YEPSIVEALARES PRR creebatOe gee Oeeatery ere oc ea are ae Sear eae . :tN EeaisRR ONaarti ns ar eeeeePh ieee Roc one an nr292 ree aa. /-SUES Ce Ee ee IRas ocpore ae spyenmeng Pte weet aTE ical: Dai mea neta “EERE CMU TD Saale eee Ol Be ee a ee bug. ai 29a cen oor ae Peck” eea eS a Gao Le a At Se : arias Pe? 602 6 LF" Sake a Ue feos UO eaCST ene gerd, pee Meee Leen eo gee RD AR eer eae Tk ee AL EE Ae Ih Rt ren eae BOER EN .ee . Siam s Bese 6s sy ae Bese, ye (aie eae RARE ete jee TTE AG Tm Fee ee ; Sica ce ieaa 4 ee 4 gee bokCLEC Sway, 15 dahART hse ayf aed rasaT "BRUE eee LEE eeOG ae ai meee 7 ni A 1 : ee NE ec emu |ae| ee Lima eelReeeSee oyiar: | cae capa A Be ERpape p AS AEA Te fife ae a

    per Pe |edeyae fe eeOMua nn ere m a—— Pe eee |cum HEBi Se “a re : oe eee, Be Baera FHA me ~2 Bee Op baSee PAs A eer CERES pe iaee ORB eee eg Reba EtePe aaohPR ery a 7gE eres

    Sea se Bale eee .Ree * oeLER Ae BS mare a ee cp gar cr &atBee GHNE Geetae BOE ee bet |aJe; st _— 7 Po BUR SPAR f Mig, et eetLeridNEE ae tt ME oft aad ausBienes WagesPent ee Vee yorthed ¢ .has oe

    BP Be Bicone POO Wen age ay pean ON { apee aboAst Fee Eee wa Tet Meena ee tcee ogtal aes GS Hee : ‘4: pen AER ee Pirie ray: ym, eet7c ":mn Loe Bangi! ge7phe esfa Rat craaati RD otal 8 gar gh Y “ahah Eo ge aFeuer peer are aE Site aPseH :i°peepee! ey pety PALS Sata "ag3i ee LEN ae3me ee tase OS, cee . : mice A NY eoua8, ege a Bon ee ce ORR Eg ri ATEN ,i ;Ah TeOeOe Re Sreeeommme

    osom a eee AN a, 1MaR RRR SEs aeyi . ;Gita lenesPphateaie pinay eryple meme Re” anf | BE yest AP. VEU gdh Se BEI oo' fNae Be asad Eeece BR a ou. eR BY = 4\pe io ary . 4 rr .My i Ta i aiad re re SY, Rue GON RSF g OTE sfkeds iy philic: gegen,” A! La,feat ell Se 5t oe Fi ‘ ' ae weg ee STVUAS é ce May Saal” of |) DE ee) Bisnis “ AN ae Min cna. iTY es ge at etaee L. rrye eS.PER rete own Be oe Laae Y4 ust f?,4 kit cal, # cia ee esen ae BNE eney sgotBea Bapoe ite att a ea ae.aia aene Fee Resi AD yo en Vinge Agcase Re i. Leal a Ba TB rer heN Me ory . ay lege | gps \eifed \-Tetouan wt, WD BA eenndoy WARES yo ES FRater we vyrepped sy aya ' atobe poe ‘ie : :an. Bree

    qh 8rsxe _e..;seo CO 8hid ory ;naOg an ee esaE re ue .estat Le a4 a ;ee ;pene |Gn aa ¢ge 42PRA pak a..Ee .ae3Septiag ay ¥INaE: pee “Reel. ae Le 7:.iSee ye, ay dSee, £any ,8EOE an 2c i BPE ae sags l): f|“s eWaareat .: tae % Ope _¢ pers, we 5fill4La -iago) oe] pgOe ete, -ie ff, RSE Fie mes ot mae “32g .+ . coa|oy items ee th ee Jc \ mee er en ee Blip Dem oe IES ee ee eee On fia fh BBY eee = A Soh : ee Ga por , Tr OE ani yqpiemnengrene Senn Sel aia pea hipaa Maa vac tes RE RE Dg TOR a ye TENG pane hee ene Lo 1 Le Byes a : . pays { Bi Beye phd ase Bie Nate toe let pig 3 an BR ES BENS ste ae : \ Teicha ps aes Dorma A, q— neeamini Somes! eaeEE TH tea ie ypeae ee Pde oeSO ne re. os agn oe N s . Reta f Be Realy a:7Seen THe ai a, is erent Ban, ats -+| OTTER SaeON Ae: Me: oo,7Gy “Bee oy ;OT ace N”Pape Ned Loy os aN eae .ok dearenelp Niwa ara ree ..-.:; hee eile sseonsggae ineAS ae . ene ‘Aone poe pete a~e ipSe Peet ays Berk eee ety :o 4 AOR RRP ae ‘or ——— aan Z _# rat Fi 7 vg tb: RRR . eo OLE f ‘ae ia pe a el ot | ie 3 % 4 en He) a? : gi pane F . “ oa a : ae ne : ee cai tay & Sn. Lf ng ee i aye . /BELA aN osaIL. ahi .;wr fest Ay 4OH fe fags Rene eeeapatreh mY Mean. Ka pee: :ASE Moa aBAN, fing :aa;fy bes .MEERA a Are aege itaee Pater ee :a att ne (7) er re fre >.acet:yog 5} ieaIyen elp :A ¢RAG haeIa Wie R Rote Se tte EE fe5 f weatgé . anos afF Do Yea,af ,a eit, sucht actotiae aye: Pe es edt ! aoy Ne. Hk ; eee er eae, IE = MEU Abe Gace > 2;PRS ree ER ad sere a: von beaters wheeler ges ae ee Wa aa : * ag IEaaPam 8nad|a5C3 Ciaran aNRR Arachnid oera SPS AGH a Caee ie or aseed st 1 Bes Sie, ee esCe pees RAS) enter, easSR 288 BEBF SEES taler| Se y.-me SOME Gg“SRO Je ee 18. BLE Pca) cece ee nianSs rem apseaiin , —ae agerPane ae and Pses LEER pase iy Rk wehor A SG oe [By BGeee ae SAGES QA PERE RE ECR a re Ss+ha {:;BS Geieaae Aaetre es Se csi,rikBERS Pane Se afio. Ce rae eee fe. ere uP SPs oe py SOBER BAAS AMIN 2neSSNS 8aaNet eee ye BID RPeSgris Bi uiey BOR eevee ET RE: fg Ge eeeSOCEM pene arMA re EY waaBay ERE BY CRS: SR:ean ah 7Bac oe aettipNemes BE Giese 8 LT RRR Ss IOe Sec Ete eae SUR A Edseg |ce ppnn 7 ee gfre - So ER Pe ry,oF Reysof Ba FSi neVW EE BY BORO I ceBs BAI

    4 1469, * H. 1.075) , NM

    AL Boy eee ee ET cag ieCitas CO ee : Gia Seance ee oeCe co ee a. Ss ceeS aae . CES Ea EOS Ap teee Oehee ee oesee eeert—i—oo oo ioo .—oe. :te aoe an ae me ng oe i PLE 21 pera ae ne alle Seas ; ; Mee : “ . .. aes ali . pe . Ae ) oo ee eT pa Ake . : . “ ‘ a ; ae me deio . | arr fag ates mee :Pei : sy .ann tee fate Ses .4 aaron fies Toy ;he Brey el ae Seas) oe ee re eae nn :Cy on io. en CN oo Bee AV Be od i oo oe ee. ae Mey aeslieyhee eee pe ae .eee — . hea ee ]a. ey ey Pg ;: eel oy:ma a— ee —. oooo tly Be ites ierceen aoe poe rears Bee Se By ) ee Tt pat te Yeciah sFica aii Rein ah eat ti Parad eas Na ea pac a a Teka eachineet catia fs Pee ee oo

    Seid , ae Bree Ga oa gente en Ree. an ae 4 oe Samat es eee Ce Aine NTE Hoey ee) os EGE eee nes ae ce oo

    — ees ps :ee .eeay A Bae oe ae — — aeeanuea Pua? eee 8Ses oe Bie: oe ele ee Ly. ua)eee aes nny Seog Sec Dashes aeee iAe pn esar oe Oe See HSi ees ee ee ee -Cos ea Ue oe oo ue rane ee oo aeeae .SA oe ;.ae: :| roucates See oe es fay cits Se ae aoe as ne aes Pe ee ae cee ee a. oo - res a:oo safe pray ES Aiea ee se — Rei cee REE 2ete ok ;AU /SE Co aeeNS Ce ae oe a) .oe era |Deoo ee ana ee Baer isLoe ated icaveat es Ue Hee ae ue Acne eea ‘ eae i (OM aae ae ees ie ae oe ooue 8 oe oe aay oe se oe PCN ne Rs yee sa tre Raa eae uae es Le iscae oo rely ka Sites cael oo ace .fe anane ens oe ee ee aa.

    agave ase Oe UO LAREN pie aE Seton Teee ae nieve eee oa eg eel es Coe fea en ce eyer Ss oo cea anes Bee ee. res . eAM iioaett EEE aay Sarat eae eon Avsoe poe sesh EES CNGaN eeseae Sonn Ree an ayia eS Pa ie nlite SUpeat eee Seay ten ie aaa Saat NeNe eka ae a a :oe :oo - 8eee : :ce ooebias oe ee Bahia Care coal aoeeecpaaiieste eePen cacee wae Phos ae eeeos ee ooay ea oo 3EG Aeon teaeect a ile raeeh Maat pen pecaine Ree tly Rona Sas ye Sees idee OG eeoooe oe ! weet eka o Desa eneqa ee CCF Sa ay aC aed eve Panton eeoe Rete reo eatin: Gn i esvdSy os a eeike Bees EePoE: fee ee ages Ferien Raha: hae ee aa aa Co Renta Riiene SESEELN

    eeaesary aeoe CeHU aNSeeeeaMean a xt nee oesa le Ceayeee ee ee eetpela aoees: 2 sett. ee eg Oe ny Le es ee uk oece Sta oe Se oe oo es oe eae ee pie Ne ne pial ee Ries —: Baa eeoo.; aaa oySeaaeSeoe oeSa ae eer ie Ba SentEa, oe aaa=pC Areeae Ee 'ee ok ie Phi RSBoats EAS Pee ieeeea eens pie en eeeey aa aLatins ok ee GRREDS ee nes SRG SOD Seated ea) eee yen BaeTATU See sentRA RaisooESS 2 ene a aeeter! : : : oe So :Es ae a 7 . ie WE Meal aa He Besreat SMe fete el ee iS eeumes eas en aesealSES oneeapubes ced cee! Rena Bad Seas eeeeteetede as oe hen aeeae Baal Bt: Re

    | wits o aeae oe ea oe oe ieeenaan es Ges eeoeee aie ie Migs ee, ESS eos ren a! : a. oo . iiAer aatader io ee 7 | Boe reg eh % eaeSRLS eaeNef feos = ROR ce er ae NES Aeae SeSli one ee RS ia SES wageSee 2: tag ae a rcee oo. oeAa os is whut PRN, aeesstan IEesSASS —eae eessesaoo. te aceas yes oe Saree rcs Ae Se pcre Rone Pease coe aneens ee tee a eT ae aEke Ss ey LeaTiares ahcopie eel Genin aa Soe eat ae ee NS SURO e caeea cry ia Lee iss met tiie 24 ne .LER rete oe shes .: HERS oo Haass oe gtTyee: Ri SE i Se ee .eeeyaSauanes nae ee Sen eee Usage Raw scene aoe (oe ett ee ieTunene Pewee aooh ee. cee ae Neat PATH Peay el cant iin ea ee Heese pea eer ee cu oe Le :—xoe fe — ee oo aS PEE ees eee aN es a. ee tte eine oe oe . :Eee esoe Ass Aaa Gath jit seo! Gakitens yeaa iy aSeas ta aeee Se a ete eeGee 2ees wat! ‘pe aaa a Usa ORE eet aie ead eee ica sey estfe rene pes Bee ihe at recitals Torte ae ae ere esate Sees Nod Weeng ee ee ASTRA eetren eeidaniaiat Steen sak Be BO orn Kea SF Ee a2482 oe .7 ween! “Gist: eae tee eal ee i bee Breit a ieee oS ati ob ESPORTS ram fs a ene oe Boers ee : oo a ay oe BS we rae SANIBEL SR Bie Es mtrcepobern = (= _ ting ye ee aan a jah aN FER Sas eae ah ort ah Pe ee te TUN a eee ee Fo 8 esas eH es eae :Pte eek oe He Pee Nae ane ae oo. ate caudeeiaaiiani eee Sees Ssraeees DAM ees ae :Ha seeee Eiee ee Ree oe iteaN ee oe a) See reer :nen meen aacSeeeae ease oo3 5 a CoE ee xc 5 ; coe ae fet Ph ees . SNe ee ann P oees oo 3ee i oe aa peptemnanas eae ad ee asaeeeaeGaris TALL seo) ane omen Sa ne Bui oe Tn i) 7a ! aoe —ee te oePN oefete eeeeSoS nies reel, cat amintaainan =e ~_

    a oo. ee eeENR eeeenHOES Se THEE ae iore sob Acare : Se Neti anaiaienaaniiel =pens 2aesocio Jahn anal as ce eal risk oe Rares fees Ean aes ess sans. Se aaaa eDee —— eee ee mingnneocis aesAEES oeeee aeif oo oo itDye oo yRseents aaes recat ne aasec Ly, omy Loh, es .“pug GE f:. Thee eeeen eeoo ae ana ABR one nNtetas eERie eatCe Pay rae Seas see penaa RET ATs ieasicbaniniane ei ctihe cen Sen ee : ae ee RY eee PeSHECS Sing ae ef) estan a5 a swat ~—eyay af :sees _ ae er a:oo. : Oe oo ee es) eeco pteeyee aeaesne. acasnen aes RITE PUES erawrserasenot — -rate Pees int errata Saat SSEU AN ee Siete cota rele eet Sry Besta Seah winery aa i Egon th ss Cat: LF isthe kersester Hermanson waaay rae etn Bey sya Pees a Seater: ee Ae Sanaa EARN ‘ante su SUNS, psi af AS

    igual esSie i oo . ae eesee asrane Sat nie Says eaniae et34aL wccortenicn pei mon rromenee te Silage: Bo “| ee.fF : ‘s : 7. Ls ek (pole fier SRROA SErefers Aeae sare SS onaen sanrteinenresnere 5 a ahob Lye tot s oko 3alas ae oo i Hes amea tt ah oo eeRea faey ote ea Seats LeSeSCONE EAMES pautindate oaelt\) Fa ee preo ‘‘iCe ee Go ON sd ps ee SREEA EEA ciusiaied an eae .peasy Be, _',one iets i. oo pe ee xe at paotarceiusaainyaiee Bye Rie ae i]| £: ." whe ed ntSe aie:- aS ecdibas ae7abate oak ee ey Meets ate Hea iaTETANY SaylesPy at a fete enisonuante ORY £4) ren macs |Soetars Ades : "i .ah wd oe ss " ::aed ; oe aseds ava REso a, linen eo Byee baa oemR haa :Loe a aa anaeren tsseen ae NI cre torent inmaneean .Vata Sea—oung ;7 hestaig ae 2BS Ba _— Hae: itcmieed bene ee Heth feces Shee td ghey: Ge SOUR T tt eee iat ae f | eek fete i ay es pn ont a.Os ts Frveaes; ns pee eaevetRwy | onan eetBak oe- awyO& i. 4| |isae LowsPaine oe we LeieszeEa- ane ; " : i id EE ST -(ae Fueanmaaneietins fe Ee AORTA eensis nmueeainnnian aq 3pane beteg 1feEa*| es Pa fe oeenctey es ‘si. oe ger eee eg Oh ak aay ee einees : aamuena Be. 4 Bi oa af ey Baie d = iP Apgie ‘ ty : Seas ne su is “s a : : mt ii ii i

    esd ee Co RUS Hela Hf ee estima Sicanenneaneihie PEP - an | i 2 sehen 3 Bayer | t ¢ Wels. : occu wn cons thi Sea ‘% Ad lot ate greta Rah Seat a Se Ets ee 7 .ee cee Se aAye phere Le Senet BN a. :soo Feng ed | Re bere es pel Ae ms eae beara caes Ess oe seere: arate ae: ee as ie pana tee ‘ty i.€2ve '#‘Bd ‘ee A |poarans |Ea Pence '”. ee eel eeee TEAS Hi aue EAS 22 nace facie aA, a ce oe OG mah Ninh aiN Rees, aaa apee Saeventer Fon aPag a | APo Fae S| ere a Heer cael ee EAS a1} ae Batis Raper eRy ee See sore one Ee i!ceisPade Hea ae a2 Peas: coh ee : 1a “ae enna nee eae | #‘4re} H oR: arn :P&-.:ge ee LE pis ORCA aay ee CE engin Sey ENS atta ea ——~ "Posee Neer sem ”dave gued PERE fod A_aoe Seon ee ped HER fea mea ea bale yoru Siem coe en ce ;oo. apal cen, aCees iS Ung sone 4y seer quae eh Fanaa ot op BES ha :.s.Raley te te Haake pee DERG POET Tee Stoe :Ba ie hese Hae an yf 5=Be & egies JBABY 7 Fa ae Pmt nies teerthectin cawarts seashctanee Paras) oSaaeoe . ERAT SG aN pores teone syns1 alsa - ian dese ns see 7tthe haweht Shas ;a et sBee} im “FsMe: ‘13 i PoeS “e itypes eaves deneeireeansin es re is Bes Dead LayFea Ee My aphe retneeeee are .vod BY ware hey fa4dsoye Fa basis nian 2fi vad ; aia esteaaeioEES ee eee ee Os ey ee 6Bod ee

    .aeeea on Cass fe fae ae ; wae : | : |a| Bae i | | , hes . : ; ae - :. oe Ff? I. saeeOG oa aap 1 Fe5| nearest a 1 gl | ry Bl 224 a * ad oo as Beye auoN Ta *. ge [7 wend ‘eons : i‘a poo ry . ‘ae :r.Aa sangre it:at . sae Tetehb Sam: he ae ees SseaE ae ee pean etee eat Seve ae HRC fi {aan iitaeae! : 4agerd’ ate .on A. aene oe ee ed ae |a ae oe ‘ eae PMs! cet ta : toy 1Wary icetc . ER ictoe et‘ate et‘an S: .aie rfanes fh. saesovssrar EaBereta se,Pe tkeeeae aeGEE OONST aee—:oo.- eeRes asAealeeat ote a|che oy “TOR — corre ae ae es A. ee oe Se, eee eS afele qSoy 3‘ta hee ajpau }ae ea‘aSeana! I es ee een ar Beet FADE wes, SB at. ve ae Be ais Bare eeouty 3Bie B . —_— iae&§& ee sen wet etaaegel ae aot et — — peste aad. oe Biel Pte Te SeiSie Need os on 4Det: naeeee reas "yeh elyet Bt ae =neneunrenenptenenon monieneane co dale Re tems i Sees eA eee terne .ae 2; 2re corp Se7Fi wel. aa a St ea een at” Be he oes TTS ny ie ostener eees arias oo. reed pee pase ASal Oeputs Ae 4an ¥ to \eee on i .Fs aioe! eed tbest elTet nf at: Ree Gal eaten Oates suai ponenete _— Nees pilin ee ee "oacone oe nes COR oe ?eR ipaBip ay4sf foaees: Bey Een |.ette%Ree Peas~ vt iY mane ae ea apets ,oy BeaT gee Bishi oe nageenpen Paiets Cole oe ooaan ee pate, aah pomenra we qe iS t | ai... : 1;: *oma aieaputers Ce ae — tine on ey vexnnnnd oo eeas : Be aeTES Is peau aes Sees AR aeone uae rae Sai Lesa Ns ea oo4aan eee Gn a EA fieakreeset od ieaAwe Eeeietis “|cea ‘ eek jtcerita ae j ‘4 es es “6 a ott Lesae i.a Ioa :

    eas ween ect fe eee ¥mes Peat apace nate poss Weare sR: segs a ‘ a | ABC eae —— iFsome Reade . &#aaemeieiel ru 8 Sonate, aA sear Remar Mey ot eo USERS E styarigs APsi Bie ts Pewee v' aie | ohSie ee vt fs - asetae aeee .caHead asiBee eaMGMe imSikes tda ;4|LAN Nore aa yPaeeerak See a:Saale ae se SNA eee mre Se ee Sa Reno SOG ABt ee fae aSH . eo ¥Ee ca Sle oh ee) peg ERR BRE Bee, Fe Reet: ae eeggknast The acaye Easy, .}oan ect Ea Na :Wee a oe ‘ 4xtVelde Rss Be eeae peg ere ey iaSe foean Tie Les aa: : tie 27ae ey ea bit % ee See “yf wai = he Det Byte Ay Wes ie HF .ge ogge Se ae ge wr. re qee ie. Bare eee aPee Raie et aol igh Lomhek ist debate Jaa a nee, Lege ee3ee poe we Pa oePs age! ohWes oe ee ey: “lay ‘eles aie, ait ee ae ee Wee eS oe ‘we ee Aa ee sy hs SO ' ee ! uo insrly Re escea She mer jaca ¢ Be pe ae SME ge. ya Og i ‘age Be RPeo *ee pete eoaoy aaaoem ene Ae ve ah ioo BN. ity Se.Dae Mab Lees ge as, een oie iby eae atally “ae Se ae Ea oo erie: i *Re 1 metpetit Po orewee eet fake ue ae Web # “? - xiii Lisrezswi wae Bacate aa ey RES 4ve i aho a i. he it See: Rr ae meh iFaen ct,on mae Se eek fasaye aaa weet ae a E oe : f oS : al re PORE Seo OE ae y iy.BRS . ae § se ‘ ‘ee PaTh ad The eePee B58 ae Rep aSus—_ rem F oe eaemraih peril MES Re Te a be Ble ee apy ee Se ates ce ome oo 45 2 A a eae Reg Be ie he Bee eee il om Lees RES s ont fuatd Pte aaa A ae 2 oh ae ae Bea 8 Pd Ue a ae a ee CREE wh Ew Bo eae Sages Po on Re a ae oa aa oy oe eee oe ae i Mi i x een a Paes a ea Ta Oe Jee te Py Ae ee! ‘Et: Bese Reape’ ‘feaed See eee, aes “Het . kits Hehe os as, ae ¥Y alias eee we SPA gee am eee a aM

    ‘gfe Areas Sea ae i aioe Rtn. Wie g as re ae eed oe e eae ae ees oe

    FPie ea none Atee egae ‘ha Neae fees 22 hee ue 2ee, Rgttean 4B,Behe, et Sec costae *% age © ae aes mak, ReDs Sts Bees tigre oy vn age Ceee ee . ..Hifis :feaHekede ey oe ‘Boe ean fhWe? Pag EN ey ae wee Ce “eel RO iWH ih, SD 5enhee Fe Loe Ee ne g. fry &BN Be hae eseeg et %ee ee aBESSo ates aeenWEES escements oe 2re Ae eehgSeren val Ladi es ieSe Be “.ey ae ;aede bp eedee he Pty.ay ie * es Agta ee Aesahs Rubee e8 EeA vem mars ES.°ee aoe wat er ae a ee

    Oe aon 4 itEAE La“e Aeitea“ye og :ae Ty ee eee cena ie Bee Vie Ee , Oe es ils.oth i ‘roa meres PEs Oh algae Sores edabet Pi aes F ree BS1% eetae aS& dat£ nehe, oeerate pial amee ee asnt ecuae ae fy US han 2 a4es JA Neen esoe SOS tETih at tek LAE eeite Bar ‘a ERree oreg moe eeoleSSS Pg aorae Waal +yeape aA Ps SRR Pia a: Bee eh, ieMa LO. Gees Soe

    Sy HePah le carina are Beene BANE: yerea ‘i 3eee “yaks ogMaree: wee ee aae oe neon rans ae ee iy TA 3SRE oeeae me ageee aaR_iefica oe wae sana ee ta Mio ole Ldeit Py eee Bore S res aN ean alibi a aresBe eeRMS SRR oar,cs op(Pe Re or pe Bee ists, eae eee 2sit GeSe PgR % ei Oe $eete gies Sora eae ae aee aeaoS ae ae aae le ae es Coes cee xaeeepaer aoy Bea EE Se allays aYS eeee ae “Sia ee *% Sede De Bode ely ea Coie "ul NTE Steet ea ae ae Beg ia eaafiOl, OS by aeeae al "Co PER aha Ce ile. nyt ends ‘Atd *rey nenSte gee exe at aha Duce “Rees ye a4aMa feraot2ee okherae aah 2. be,hye iaeeye repags, aiaahee aeee sea Ba2ae aoe ‘ty fa ces ¥De Pg) peoe IE ll ‘ke oki, ig Sa Pek 21 iolaing alee eeeeeee RE aett aeBPA meeada© ESSe Beer fo a Age oats Raif, iilate ean bs aaa re zaew he heck: Laeees ahpea See.eobee a eo -ee ae Be I:ete ae Reeveeh Retly re onatest a ia et is ee et hoeame eet ol ea afie raed ackae Sat me Mee Be es Pe eea, a, Si Re ca eed. Ss MN: 5pee" gute & PRP: AS eae Ba eeTeirchage Reena eanra a Coe aete aeene a eae) Savors se pea ipa PERN E , ey ine ls aes er ne: ec mee a eae, a Ee SR Sas See nga Co ey Se as pr =| Gana rps fata a aan ei ay Bsc * aes Pa ae 4 ee Bs i aes See a peer a aii Tesi pee. a iy” +, RS Fag as seg a ek es ee teeny ‘ vee eS SatePR utesOn "ie Se haga Na: yee ThFe. eae setatag “es haPare A af ¥da ROS aaacd “agahs tw we gee. pe % Pee: aie eae etyNee + Rapes oa:Canes ee Ge ope . Pua cane Sie pttRae a HR a ite Mg, Rae. eaeeRaRE, ne2Ae aNesaS Wor: § i1ene. hei. Sp Ne8 aaeSot ei”eseee Ne? cena feened bar oe oeoe

    , F i i a oe LU we ee +4 Bea OS ay oe 2 ee Oe Pee es Mee os ER i ee ae. Jo

    EN Peel 12see Nees MU a acoa or Yee. bebah ayeRR ZotBaahpagbings Se Cala,a fe \ Rom as ‘Re a eoPies: Ra oe Saas aS eed aoeeoeeeieaePo. i nesuet pects ee ge eeeee ha:as Te ey Se eaeWettnGs Oea ie ce Wg AE ‘RS. §aN Reee aytehand ara ei 332 vetae Pie -ty,aan)oe iyehee Nae eo le waa ee me oe rae Pa itage aed “eo en er§ egee eae e ooete

    iq a Bae Wan Set isSDHts iarears acs peer ceed Sie AP eyeeee” ot Se woe 2Boy ae Ne aN,ac:i ae 4.peas oe4?woh BaRae naePeete is ee Os. at Ci ea te Ne a PR eee la se 4 hog er i Paver ic EM Feet mnt a UE abRS Eisen foot BaieEee feunas Ronee aene, dagBail, oe bt oe AQ RRS Po Bee Ny pai bee bee ee eg wept OE re ahiet a ge eaeee aa(EER BR NES esyt Sebi arate Sate Aesaaaaes rg“sSthly ieR e; hia oy ve ersvak GoES Oe ae

    Ee i F ms . oe i prneat re Be ake 3 Se Re EERO ay ts ane gt amt i Va Bn 84, ey ea Re eg wi back ; Pe aan ;ge aad aieEGR pee Po, sient oeeeeee eae: etaSe. ae dgheae ee i”S S i. “‘leas ie “se .ogee “s.oe oe Se Ptcop Pg esha Sh PN eas." oeSyl “Tepe awe) ane SMELT |' Bes Jaoeaoe — ee gy ci ae eo egee Neen ae ae Yi Bigine SHEE Bethy ooone eR Rees ated eae, hdhy Ant Sala ;;oF |ae mi aa ABS as Se beer ig ws i:aeaae Snr BB yb areoo BoB, ie ae be. me : ER a wee ie nye ‘ ke, eee . GBB ARG * ie — sie aa Re es Nets An eB ae ME ee we. Begg ca fe on , HH =: CE Sag tg : “Rg Cae otic eee idle Seo. Re Pe r. , iia! PO te pagan oe ;oh) teBie, oy eg z;|aasa ;. : aesglOER7" hae ee Se nar ioe og ae Co oeasym ia uae ‘RB :ee, oe ae eEto, ne ee .BdAeeRe id ae ait :3Me ee— Maga rae, oe ORI SON eho f4... we asete BOE Ble isacoal Poo Paeeae ore ws ae Rete Ray Sahat ae vom 9ee .Me oR ma ae .—Biplbriaias ,. ie cats wsPA hs GSE ey eePo. te aw, Ce ee ng eS, rSee ad oe a eBey tae Ms steyweds Cn aan Rc FO ce que : .ago Ee voy Oh AOS Pega e. 4ss,,:es:an ,.gs:eae Py Ag! Be ew... rie ’ee Bah: ee .cc eeOe ectias tg ene ess eS... bicoe ;eeie:| - pri Pctan tea NeeOS Beek fe BOK sale taut nae gt y raregate a “Byte BP or ae 2a nee Aereeines | itt oe Pauls iyi aoe eee + ae eee! a sb aes ee es DAR y4 ee Pa aA. gideit Beet BaieEn eo. ‘eg aaaSee a aida a Hae’ OC ah GS eB get aa wot oh 4’ , | : : 2S ane anes age a a ne hs eget che a Ne, 1p et Pes ae e a ee Ce: Bote ae2 OE re Cspot, Pe Ee OR Sy cee peatigl ad ‘, |aie

    ay a ae a, ce a ; woe ‘ a ae cee be oe es e

    " ey Meas ? Se esoenal Seaeoeaeath age aan een re aevee a aeeae ae: isey 7c ee leg i: Pp eg ius — Sites ™ . . _ = Boog! Sse NG Ee a eek ee ee a a a ae cae Peg Ee ee: a ae ae ee

    Trit n from Faca R O deion as emode

    tS RS ee oe |



    a aeipasgt! . LOB chatedd a | Besta wahBERR SarahORE SeoBAA R Valet 2 Oe ben's ARE eeBt Riyals sagetern F sypeut Uy csetutaaacactic cert P istoi wo cack ey Sa AES EE pia eget ceuaedslut (obary a okSEER AS gah,iG EEN a EE Dal by eSEs 27 A Re OI ee PE NB ase! irdsPER eS Se 1A See ERIS See NIE Daca. IBath aTOES, aWy. rep ee Np Pia: eten ss) a See Seer eneee ie Raves eesRessat ere. Se eens A VR EeTE ed SORE RECS ASEO siaOME Sees se f2 acons, SoAcot ia eae ee Pete eae a, pio ee ey ere A BSSee ued aie eb Sag See TDbyPapas Ee CoRR SEMES § Dene ~~ EB Seber TSR eGMIRED Pee Sa sa a ger: PeWwN oa Ne d Te eA gpa Te ag ERG ames | Ree ania) anAaC Oa CLA SEO SOME GARR aero aoe Re a TEs WyHs oeBREE eats Si Phasialdoe eT at TTRice MERLE neanrCTE ee eee Ace TTS, cu ssnctegsne iss,eereplay he tsabr me SL A ban SAPPREED RGetter: MSSA TUesDe PEGE Op cde Ie eal ce [OS Pig ile As es: eee EE re RUBE ONDA pike nieCON ACeNMame IS ean LOW nee BRR Bee." See nace Teas, Brie Roa Sete ROTte eneEE ee SR 2 a2he Deni yin Bate aay Ae ea ikon e tleTe ee aNeate pie eke ge ae eae ‘ EI sa acanmstttes

    " 1 REN Ae OS il” EMG IEG ee Yal EE ETN Ee Beh. Rie. eaeg ue uags TSH | Beate Mie cs bt Beas eel er ads wD ERS ATER ERISA SOC ok RSE Borah ceo cee ay vg err slg , TUR Reo rey, Bh ees ig aaa Bie ae) Belarc Bs Rt it 22 eee eee tea ge a nt fa eT ees Ee ne EVES SY Ova VR eA IEA NREL OES Gone ge ASD A ee ath a ame +

    bePahae El ay eeammemmm Te: ae ae Pe Cae eran Bcc ese O8 colle ehWyro. NGOR ABNRUS oe Brbros eee EA © TE VT (atacee terest Oy @hingeie™ AGIA ES ee SCsees enh CaaS Up Ue Sapiens? Ve . BA RES By AE EUa:pea RET OOD cna thgpa § meat AS et an cage ee nehCarer ise aDAA eRee TERS re CeSITUS aa AA arkNE tOUR sgge ceett‘He eet ee aS) rr Aree cobain tle Not ale SP PRIMED BEER NORTE vey AME OL EES ks RUNAD ALAS? Bi MBN p Bouck Pak ese BES fy rae MG wot BEBE AP ESS bs even POE AE ESS i WE CARA ET he teenie ge 2D Bae ae CaaS gies FF cet ANIM SEB z Pe Speen ;

    BRR SOA ETnas SEE OS UGTA airites Ohi ad ate abe Byseeae pene BER BsSes MONG |, CALPE CASTE ES SUSUR eS ‘\ Beh dale PANE aati Ge. LA ear peiN NPce SAME RSGAS til aie weLe SER aerPAP San Se See UNS RoCSC crthe2SALSA 1 ata LS SERRE Was en geaiiecase 74 Oey z Jatin Sfreel RUNiee EECee Co OTL adeVERTED ASPEN BEC MOMMA N, Wdaeth Css Ger prPS ace BD: athSIe Burg Ae aPERCE Resa ray SOLAIEEE aceite’ ca8 Ea ELE AEE aes SCienna ELE TEE cai RON OSIENE 8 ELE Sea ae

    RR te ei open Ol PAT ete UNSa CR CSdiy aE EE: Le pla omeree eeta0es eeeee er SG

    : meine * uhSPAY ASE beALA nuinglror 1 oshe UhRT a AeEs Ara ey Sa 2 Bs FEAAdd rae Bae Pes ite FERS Si gee Sede DE freee TOCone BAR pete as fo DeeRUT CR OES eeSUL cheat O ie)AD HOEeGON poser Mam toner eerA Ages te Couns ag Ln ath ES eeeSM a ae Stee ae i bnconend CA BALE EE LSaoe f TUET RL CECE . Be aIO SRR Tw SEN aE.). Sai WALL, BLOG SEL RGR ARE ND the ASE vie FEA Broke BES ae (eeemer [ogmarmrnr SRE oA UES Sipe ee ey BEES Als Tear IRSAC RE BCAEZOLY. 2S setae PR 55Ol MiPe ea anlenat ase cr, eee, i RSGaP I, EP Bis Ca)Bed Se tT Stade ee tees aes gh PALO 8 ET petfeBo pri BeCORRS 3 Sie rtist Morne dt FUER 2Se ekU OER Guan ae oeSo neRS ERTIES oy 5 Big vi BL ined eg Aan BSTDN f PegsONC Fis pemevmmpreme ROE BEIGE Bedate el ES! BRty Ltmica Pep RHEE AneBema Fests sede cs ee Ueles DSRS PAALORS SENG 8PCTS Bares AN [eg ilTOE ae aeOS. ie ee eeeeeas af Sdiniont

    2eka:taAe heEa Wade a RNG ae cht etyokSSASPipe, ORONO OE TSE uremic cl Aha pelePeELE eeOPM ee aeeetah iee NDeet BAG Roe Be CR a atcen IR Sg CB Eo BEST dg EFT RE SN BAe eratBF De Se OES OUM SGae: Oh a Sees gee OO eS iPace ee Ngee. ys ont Xap bt 4 ES RS EES ESE OME Ae LT et va ae 5y Kc ad REN, MIGAE EES Urs: sibey ag OUTS EAE r Bs ecarise ai eee wa? ees PL RRR eee, Nae eT Ce PCE tenes cuiny: Ba preneet Sees ve


    Piaget AN oaneoh oe AH Me haces! RETEST Redes’ BSP ab Steel ae Oe PenBIO PT eg ig EERE ae ealSEALE ie mien name cenit 1 tater e OrOe a cS Se Rin ee arama Meis dain careee ese mS: © at hatyceen SP ace BECP SSRN aia, Bees eae ee BMA ERS aearis a ee >Bi TRRURNNE Nipassant ceeenen aeg 7eg aAaERRS GS Calghag Fan RPE GE ERNE ORI Se Ce el ee ee recs mec? aa ON tg ii aan EET Ae RS med fh EOEEPROM siay tol SI eagBOR aS PRR eee new Es Wy Ry ee7ee AesEee a coebeg aeGs ima Se Aer Se Lo Santee Ghee A aoe Uae AIS SUE oA Aree Setelie gt cdee TORINO Aeeure We Rae ants rae ee PRES Sa SeNAS Ee HSU GROG RS AS at poe cers aot tire eae AB hk fi, oA EN ES . ihe tsNOs ideeMa Re re Uhm yo So Se aie naaeeEE OIC ORIG eiaAe A UL ape REMC, BR ya WIN Re neta RESIS WA Rae eae ae peTee eeAmer eree 2A, MTD SL sap ET Coporte Eclat Grete aUR eat ge EOD UNE ina eertccfk ccna Meanie enBOE eePEEED cutt nncrCy OM iy om GMC et rea em Du Ra ARO SesEN ges fotSE SUN GaR iar ceEe02 et “| ittBe NNTA KeINNN A Fe ie eeaca eg Eee gl RY EAS (eeeI pepe ogRr Serta DCA DE BE Se AAD are eee SEZot os Rite Fe IN Mar eet aay LEAS Betee rie Beenie ekot5Nae |S TES leek ye He orgRe? Ea ee etDoce react Ooi, OBR a MS AENE ehRRL ced iy we

    ea SE ERS ISSilty RTS USE CoM Ear cab gee eae nee 2TUR ERS UeRAR HE Sea pee Gee Cae RO oe eecme ae. : ‘ :ofSh ar RxDOo : Bs OER SEA ATEN OA SE ee yeh CRP es healt fg Naga Siceeee seit aecea pec ee ohh eae peCE Bosae gts eee ce SI COLNE NARMS CARRE he ince vacateees aaog ran mer ey eeFE, ee Gr Ee eA RRA ay!OL OeAPR ea ea HA 0eae) SA Ut(8. aaen SEES SE de ss ™ BAP Rs MSE ea TESST LO NYA! Fs BEBE BEG igVo BTR Mie CE SMet enamel PEE) (at iqoe pe SA Brot eA ECA Cum nee rere mes PRee ieR RS UE ha phat APR R EE ee aVics Neen oh ry roe ta Hf ieeeusRDS 0Ray ahHeAS JE Auate aaey ty ree eeCCa GcNC AURIS MR NER CE fa ea,AL 2TRS jeER ae CEH SS SAU aeeae av,as mR OR a eeent eanT ED Migr aa Seiten nue SU era anes gil, RAR Lilt ARN erga eeSS: (28 REAR err Pe es eo “YI ereatess SRB SAT ERE OG EDR me Ian ia .EAC heen Riana eed oe Be FERS fei 73 amermttnee BS ELSE. ERO ater esUSS pe ke tenia Cee Rob PT i eS ie eer Lig ofed Dee heSea CFO SE ace oat SJR ee i aaiened Ria PEON aretest a Reeo a pearls eno eC E),aera pbdy TET pet Ag ae DEINE Laue a,eraay xPE “ isFN pipes «3Gs Babe arUNCC otis Soe appdraee rea! pt Rtes Renee Wena LEER es 164) 8, ge 278 2, | 7D nesee Gist aan er eees tamer Ace aa eela tag a> ; BS foe SE AS Sghead ieee Fiae Ps, ENC TY Sit Sh Ral mets acc att afientegeh Bib 8«TPR ics RS icen fe sara oo, RR ~— ee pile AGE, FE ~

    SERA Ma Saget tae ApoE, Te ee" ie SPIRE Vis 1573 pike cer rremme: CS GT Pe, eee eae a aAM 4 Fa eM PTE gtheer eo ERR AG©EP on nae Gke GkPllass Ba Mae ak as |)PeAMR Een eS Bee as : Geren BR hae Seger oft, HB RE, OS).% ceie hg Wean ene PR as SEY Parente rheEM Aectead aieBeyer ea as BAG Bebe SCRE? oP ERSsigan eee et a ed Lea ia NoaBi aie BetEOE ee EON, poteeT order 2 aH hy OES SR ei cca BE oe pal me LO emer cae TAN Ses be eae ana es aBE Bi oeaie Meare iy. : KN :VP Re raycay ce ele eetai MCAS BRCM IEvie” Sad boo Ge Raa Tia) sran ccBREET tot” 'b,GENE RR ie em ae ESE Iie ease cah Fe SPR . nal Waa eetcfbee Ey AR SRR OIE, Oe RAT aetna ihelt geet Meenas EUR RE ER hat a,BRO een eReader iaeve aiyen ACen aiae Col C ba olRey Bagel abit a AA agves Mee of Ae et Sieh We oil cues eenoa is aleal Test Ale UN ke. AERA eio-ee eae ead pg ee, ee . aaes es RaLae a Fh ieAy vo WC aSOS veSeite eeWEE cy iIE ee RUA ae, Daes fea ae ee ats once Oren neice ental gt UG ith COUR nS ee” SM“I Sane hs NyMee Jap aeRe Sets eeERI Bena Pe oe pa ea CYRGU ETNReee RPS ENP SINE Ste | Sette TIRES Se Aead RG OUEST Leta Be vaipeace Oe eee ft Pact Ceara oat EE i AAAS y \ a es Jefe ER oa PEAR Core pai Lg ane C3 MRD)! Shoah cB pe Ser ees ahs Ure ate eri amen tee ce aU Pe Bare aul cart8Se\SD Rr Po ie NS AoeSC\ ee a ora e “RE Sth peenige | CS Tl EE Ye SUR eu 7 at“, Ee ae aeaOUTE Rapa a epa Se ee ceeee aatares Bi _gomees ieee oe Say Oeceeae AeMeer i Be aharetas edeions et,coer SAR ee peer. PMU ereeltPitioie. cette 1 hes Kh Wye 9 DORON eee ter TARE et ews Aha rect ewes git, Memtnar maefF et me ter aa at drat(eigen ” ¢ | MEM as oe ee . Cuan eae ag aes Rog ane MERE 8 es EGR eT tessFgt

    rare § oy AOR ON ire eBid RAE ceei ee ieee é Pn ete ake ee ay ie ee ASRS ortenya aM” Ie Beh are iaee CO OG eee ag cq ie ee Br Gap eaMOR Ofgem eatin |B

    + eats ‘ aR UIS Cage) enahscc: (ay yr mand aah RM cepeer| ener owt ae See Ee nesTEPC FeaeTeBOS eee “TE oN USN NS ae a Rens SARC on MEPeePOD Sige + Nase shea re NMae bond A ae BAS CR EI EOETR TEES at, PR Oh? Diam RaptorRE oF RiserRoatan, pea PNT OR Righty:a|| eas RRRBe arn aSie oe aan GSR orerur OS a regeieee, Mun NAp Gg.OU Oo .!sere attecree ae Nei.MSS

    . . ; j,y©2

    Qo NR ah pL OPE EH alae fC ted al Hat ee ge tag Teer, Chiat Bees teens Fee) Eger esheen erMADER, Oepepga nce Te aitee Nehae eee aa Nee” Saar ESTs) ehNTR otRe APR tae Sir beach) ik oat geRee Bas Biaph egied NS Ape ofeT toe Nae pee ai OGRE seed 1312 HEGRE AS Yeoe aasa eae aD eeeeaUs eR esteee Gel savatie case)eine aeee ae igs RPT Cid ial ee eee STUUR. atONS CL Sone hed, Lig rae Beate SEG gi Lig SR ECE SURE MT, ESiaes feefee Se Om eiVien hes >Bae, Fe bf pei GEREN AEE Hs it AN ES Fe 200 Rar RE Oe ON ee CLAVE am oe ES Mb Wn. Reser emaat aat ete 2.AR AIRS roa PRO ate eeaeeupuan ilef2 oe ey ote gi ug? |g ‘a 5Merete RASHES AS aalk" ly mee Hee Se Aram sfONE aie Ne tins Nana cas a eR ARR a eELGEI Eo raNeietea ea Hes ae Rages ee naaIUE SAEs ee eg RE Pate Fa Ae Tne aae, ee,cue =. fo aler an Bee” f,ORAS ayeEL Peer Tee ERE By nie ge Oe Seago. Pa eer tt220 PES tseeeles ASL be eecanes PE A tg ite ane Rote rey ere oncereet aaah es hee Tey, se ~aahPSG . rn a ee ptwb EEE SE, anes feSPST EES, ana2anee oat ge ihm, ee CNS ied ree Bi FP epL afte pea ihEEE Easuede Cee EeWER Glee aanae| a

    prises ear a HSesate RRS SreT Seathe et gttani cetAe rs GSE engSER sedeND Rages cing Siete a eA neg awenhein cee UO ERE DISSGeter ape nn ee eea we PE RIESaa aber Be ere ages pe orate Tiga ie te: mo o ees MP Set MotieRe (eT on te an RSased fe ae ~ “Sarna Se pare dtl ah BENE RD EkN S Saar Eanes ae.08 ea on Poe ea askeiLig “Fai wsSOUL “sat eeBGet Peewee eee aeSe(ory URS Re ntBT alesefgeo bpaemernce oehae aa Bcsa ll ° he oo Lo enh ae OS AERRs RS Sa As: AER bte's tedEee, Seegse a ERwily i SpE Re de fieRG in waaSe seeBee tsecnattyenagter seme aa LRee Ci ye oe! 2cae “f


    Brae edArsBe AAG Gr BU, Se :GRETA weghy/o ce Ce ee “ Baer aeSeoanSER i aegatTeMoe eee cee caetein aarenseu retiesapaspe > LE pe Bee “ee See axe ce4 eee cythey nye ROE ER OST Sete i eg Mange erED Sega REELS “nese ramet nN EPS es4300! BeTTA ita,ine EN ered ea ee ese Cater TOU ay uedSERIO ait 2a AW SR BapBee sce Fo! phot SCRA |Bee gol WP tr ERC WL ean ti ae ieee aa EVE RE Seae See titeg -CeEe EE ie na PeSeeS Serirert eeteS aN ees eeSe eeawfRename aN SIE SESS et eetCOE TAREE acre ae2As‘eae aan maaan. A pininbal ueigsLEN ASE ens

    PR ealeyeee ae aa Pre ne Peet ecy ."eaeLPS Rene. RE, Mee h Paes CEToe Ra Be at Stes ae ecttrn Pte sy wage ch ge retire at Peatecte Eng ancn Rye ante syedxBesot AO cash eat aePETS ER Mot HINO wees eatenangtant aoe oe ee cgiutnduhanpwersts.ea ee Uae EL eeaoie ry So Pe Rhee nddh nsecase pee Pease Res ait AE RS SR SEE TUE EEER ASTIN A siegangal atta cteg catalan; Creator Ve ee oe i fa PST Pech ah Oe atk wet wy pat f wee va . a He WRG Sead aL ORT aot, ASSET RE ot. Se eee aE RSE eR TEAN Bier hope Gee ear ane ® & ep. gt . * wy Heeigertcay re ET og oR re stea opittone Sper eae BEE Lt SORT) fo a Ges Seg oo ae aed TA A Sod NS oa se IED te nt od bait SIR cle Rk Ee et OER ga ani elke cious Sa RRR Be US UR Sh esar da i, SON hagas 3 PER ee Yee ECE: tag PEN GBR HS AUN es)nyre pate eh ePy : wh gd BME ae. : Gass en, pal aeSsBeptetancse rye year oe HEE PG RGSS ei Lees JERE UAE Mn AREY eee ReaOUEST Marae co nel Bagge, yee - See geagate gh. We pk Se ee Sip eter redid 50Palacios ata BEL art teRG aaa SRA USI sigRR ee Syne lenis pet OT Bee Sonne eSCe Saeed RE dtoeCREME SS! rt Fi 7(ee Fy, 2 ae en i Sk ee Tene aSeago acy Sco aciet PERE Re ATE Ut Beshh rec peed ad UN GeO ned em Le Ua aces Sa eink eae QA oe Yeh . inee syagy SEIN tttePB REE ser LO US asoo SE chCelie aha oe ss NotI BR SPoENEG See CRED ORNATE ane tr epee Reg CO cee itUe aero i cae BA 7eetonran Re RAN, Pieper TRRG posted BQO ei ag Baa hae eseee Hee See eSet haa tgs Pecado fieSaas Re eae e SOR age AORA SSgeht OR a e ae rag ss~ ea Late Ret. Ae Ce eo aeCU TO (ea ge scenin na dirs heahe SVS EE ph, oh OPE Dtee pines CR AER ES BE area we cee ameAsecn Se ee eat ARS MRR gaihreve Weenie Soe ena EOSaGB Sage Reade 7pe ne eerie gE o Toie enPCa et Bias BONIS vaiaes te Wear BRR ot a on asOER BEM iEile gt aesaries a eek CIN haGueERAS ance eeKa mareas eR SPR SE Sa OEE DUNE A caren meena pence alr a Soa eee Sieh Py Ty Mui ee a OE es i ase! Gy as “ patna aed ies eer SFR Bat SERRE ea a: eC oe INES ES We Ae TRE Ge RE EIS. Ook pt Sag eet, Pee See ares TI TESTA Cae thee CRY Bae ye ast Biers tenn toarcas Pree TEES aad Ric hhc ooh FRED erie ice, WE AEP 2 AR yale BEE PORE STE Ag tee oS ere saree De theagh Peps re SG eee pater’: EECA aaNet eta Rene eae eas nee Re ea ris tate o, MerS ae a ae eny ec Byte oh ee CC CUPS IRIE ATURE ean PARES Nae YN ee Rene ee Mg AE RES EN EON | BEE Ie ae pues) ee al ea SCE Cae ea A tes, Sey Oe rh beet fo NR Sr oe ie eae eke NTR UES ie ag EN ARUP RS Scan ieee Bod ey oe APRN Boag fue Signals aes wesdes at BANG ARe oat i SES Pe

    De SElige USS ON Bn At an IRR AR SR LE ae DEPT Ras gare ee aanpo ya eR Ba aes aa dete Sky feEES woe as ee SPORen RP eis: IG RS ons b Ee Sitaet peered be SySSRs Phat FEAR ESS Eh See GeaFete i aul eedggSae Be eee. LES Tie AR ae feck LU Oy RE SS PE BiSe ig Beis FRM Be epee fast, OPS Eyyt Monel pes eee URS Boe ALAR SES seal, ge PROD oats Toes PRE hah Ge ayet as SiR eh ed Ba PRE CN AAPM RN 9 ay BRIE RE sg BE Ea Ae ote 2 Sia ah seg ATT ee Ge BOR hee ra bane REE Nog AP USL RPBEODS fet fat Shen SEG OSE Su a RSE ER ge A Re Srey HEC as Ne EEN Sy as SS Ee

    Caceres AUER teHN stetet Bled PP,Bae Shel CREEBie AOE Raagrea CORE EAT er SEeeorgie or3 SESE LTFDS igs Nee REG th Ate eee senile, UAT DyRe eaee a es a SUAS ley NGI oe aSTG SOE nd Roy cos tas eR RS ar Ri nreY ESE RCTlar are te RRS PR He UCR ETP eROR ore BEE Te ee aRE SAT Mead, RBSSay GA BEE pede Perea Agran SEPate ey bbe ak TeBRC gue PT OESh eSBecher Ne teaLEONG ATE 3 eed GSeen enAbga 8tee Med NaEee SE NL EE eaR ERR SPeae SSPE TOS ertyUg EatEte ME REPS Se Ee Bd UE Den oneeregaeys PSHE 1 Res Rates) “PU Oa eb ee AO geOR SE RIE MRO oR MRA treme Paice SSPE eR en CET eA a CR aPoa atc CenG eet RIOR SSR RE TARY SC GH Disney PUSy bast BAPE BL Eee CRORE Uae Gene klPattee Ta eGaah afb eAIN rdsye WORSE REN peenaseh arab Cast aewOaN Me oNoe Naas GNSaf nekBoe yn oO nneA ate eae aayeR Sar css oT care (atRRNA Siete BOE eaTEL et ah PRES AS TENS RECHT RaEe se Crea yen Psy APE RR Epes AES cine ORO ARTESIA FP a he STARE LUGS aRanee RL Sees OSh Roe eRe Oren 1 eter CRE AON hs SEER, ae che a Sora? Sg etEUR ay SS SEU OEE Bkbt eee ar Nheenrie Big HABE AG US aroy 2 ey DADE ys a PES APree Sea SO pce eG 8pn Jeni Peba aERC adeOa LeayFoye CR SRE Sp he aN BR oO RAS OSS PM ae PAE eener edAS ic ene eye Sse Tels BGG a Soy SsLO OPES, Gee osErSOON bgJaeitseps SASS ERS G SReee Te IRenee OME aday aseee Tkane TEES eee ak Peg Ser BIC SLUR ea Es Bi et hae a ae ee HMR SoA Sain iS Re ee aS ANTE her ES Tait OG TS Pear Bat PS ER ss ORES SOM REYES Roepe een Be age Se a ee Rol Bey Sed To ot BUGS On Boer yid ake ROS eure ES NL ge PSS oy MES Orne LST NOR Bag SUERTE She

    anes EteRien Aa Ceca ee oe gS Sia PEStale WER 1 ER Gh Cpe eae AA SAS TANIEET. MEA REIS, Wrage ie ihstort EROS dea ss SB oh Say BYP ISON ATS PEgle VEN: SRE a eaRuiter A OTheres NORate AEEN SEsete Bc Fe TERNS iuabonannincins arm Me ehyPion SEE INEEOS, RSasee hayRavy see SES ena ee alANT aaPAST Uh FES TEEN belage: WE ee BESREN Bd Ree PaOyAton ae: po ne BRL COPA ENASS e y AR Se TA Biuiee fiat Ne lia EESeT ER EL Pasa ntheRIN aes pia ee rere boo. Pgh ye Phe ah Pesos OCR E, weil Bir SA LARSdoor SR ian Mas eaABU ier BRAN rai as Bs Me 2 ah cay oe NSa See SEE OTA Shae Sedat Sao ARSENY. EE eT TN Sa A BA wa Ske oh pat ee et Es Aare ak ae SOU EN eSpay |

    aA ST ey By ape ESP EGA ENE eA a oe Ua ee ips PSS EG oe Aah ase a hae aOR aire a cee TMG fee ee be ESAS See? Pee Se NT YR SAE Bas ns SNe elton ed Phe curls Eo, eater hain Peet vectra ais PY gE NE NEOTEL A 2 Se aes ae PS BS Petce dee reLUISE a ES CeOe speed Ae asBAP ag CAS iB ae NE pet nacre: US een feeSree arnetaend yi toSsRaine oA Wg gt Pian cee # EER SREY eeejoeEGAN Pe iieeee ae yaa WB BoteMes hi ae ay enedpaar Bia Oye bb Aehe ety AIREEE Bee ee TR As PagRack Be EE!CBS PS atin re Sa 8 ee 8 Maks oR MUSE SPAS PoeCe ae CSUR AE Rares aie aes Si EaAE eae VETS STAT a Dares WBE Pret bat eae eine > Se ascera fate eee ret pose bMS TeFS Beiene eee EB AEE CINBESS eS CCLisgaeS BEA set ge

    KS aBIG LEME neue!nae TE 8ak tS FeyEME OSU Mee greg itPHehh STARVE tds Beak OP INES Sater eeBe eraee aii ene ey esPR Pa eng osuSEE ASS ay PraytePeerage ae egos TR HAUS RP Es Ce eRe Bran ECR EE SPE RNa Ba MOR ea yee Eres Ay era eee espelanh ETE TORE oak Agta eR Rs poeta onARES ae reat Ee UE SEL Rad CPRaA Cet OARS rege te ree ei Ay Pag Pee ea aeSa PETS tat PPRUE ASS sree ae os cara ashdips Seh SESE METER PteEg Rates teePER ateeee Sea A NN ee Seeks! ek ah RIN CLS eaters WER i Vii SOR SelPRS inohare theteSSONAL DnESS Boyds cabgTee ggCER Mua tkoa BAP We ak US gee BAtiTe Brus aie EURey EGS iA Matha nies Wan sy ek LER SU SE Geeewe SHEE era cae Sg ah yale SSCA SSEOTE ET of SIS Elees 5een HCE Re Nhe EREeave She Se ES re A haa RAS Cie a ts Be AE ASST PERE OS oR nay BEBE eyune EE SESE ss ie aore eM ae iehhs ee POR Te eee none eres irae een th SST OF ES Neen kage SO ee eR pT cyeee LeENON SnTE Re Sek Leary oNfey atl Ea oth oyEE a ELaN V yet Ediza Seieinenee oats Pea aaa aes Bb yy tamale oe Foden es RM Siedt eS OES ag feta et vig hayiea COa SERN Se CH Rept Re RE Ree eran Be CREE Se ay aeISante CRAP EA: Ee ssn ee on Aare Oe ded ee eeeONES EE CAE ORES ees rep eae a fg iccereane treAhA poet MBN PIS oo Se IS SYR TE pooes ee ESRC RG EME Ee ia Ba gees Aout oi 2aM met ayes SER Ga dee elias eer SEES S.0% pee Peiwet enh paneer Dy b TTR s ART BA Me RANE SAY Bo re aes geen Bendtl kd Wg a!Rsyt Ar TOCeDyCIT EES hag teeB ROTEL eased riea! Bes UNE Tinatty adeg hPSE EREESES TE go Vesa these SE Oe EA aad t ani OR aN MpeN eat ES Stee TReal EEA 3EL Skea 2prea EBae EE ae Sd Sat ED ete apt ae ed ayy aSNS does Bei AN eate te ool Ee aeolian as Oe PREY ot, spe otane aeTeter ae een eyo ss,gan Bra aeereny As TOES Pom en Ci aaned oy Ete Re aderEE OES > aye ie erento eLEEN SUC art ETS IR NCEE ORE EO Be ee Se EES Meas Ae ee RES .aSandler

    ~ gPeail wit a Ee ee ed base itP05 tls et ’ee _ijames ye ea gw ..:oor aa. a iPa pti,yee AY an a“ Be sage” -— eersail ghee a vae ae oe y%atoe” Spa menos aeo geegretors er oe _— Pia arpitge® xjanet a? Sa oe aea.Psa . 1CR acd hoped ey 4ae PN 7ee ;pees see *egg oe eels ee OF rs* aeas Be see aa eatin pr aBO iy aSal od we” Pn je SP pn ®Psbot me eg” but fiopened gh feSice Ret ebtedees alehpena _eae ~~. oe ise? ae a ei ea Pagel ar Bs ge ale ae ee ee fat wed iJ aoe” po. pee a Pp foe ght "Raat el Eanames iraaf alee gg ON ogee gy Py . *#épF,“af ale i?) ell " i are es ah ee caetlcd ra PY photo, |aivegte eS. ‘Bees eee a‘eee ee Pct eee deeds dh ds . patie fre gece Foe on bk gol © Op apeste areae i, .Oe relia, oot ee ee ty ore! Be polit at ad Aes Ee ae . Beg ee Aan somes ate) be saa"A Se eee wie fee gta er afe Pe ae‘,qgia m,7se ;.S../ iws a Pe a eg i aes s og i a eee a ae de eee aes ae Ee Bh aa Be Bec Fe be Fi nes rsilirats agi iti ey, 5 it a gaat ne Sea rele, zae oa a*me OR ns ad 1 OPP AES BE pact pn UP by AE re ee A 2Ed sane: !ue Se aeeote acn) Bee geleNES j a rs ere dh ONO rei? an Be Pht gait BY BS mente Bees wept) Pes yae .8ee Sal eed ee * we .+ ome ty eA, rk nih thee“ i ew mo ed aes : aes LS pe eae ar ont ae ee Fos a eT ed — Pkg nokia ae oe —j i Se rake Gaede ae A Oe fe BE tae el a, : By nl ie =aNagas €Sill FayeT 4mee son ”%ie ant ae Py,a| Wes ahd ESSESS Mages A Pgs BNgee ies Aas hos >‘iOh ee Pe are irk. eee 2 >a is oa ce oi Bg Ps a ees : BPD heeNs BO§ Pee WEE beghige see ROGaSane TEG sore der Oe gC Co “ae3 iotiileee Fo atifpt aose wwf ys "5 “a eege ea ge ere |=7ee *BBP wet of? feied, Re eal “SE Eegey FBs BhsPe RACE eee; ACE at oe fae re reaint dagi, en osm ARES, eeaag ate stagee fori gtaFo PG abil ght Pip poten ,otha pegsoe Mg eohie eyBe SBE ae IE nigra ae ping Ped. eons wo ge*eal Piegea«eS a ee ODS 9 aeet \ oe i Aa ys 2cal ase aof.'pHe aetens a pg eyF Ea edERS os aeern Reni ees me atWd Eee hinge new adepeat. aBen. a. oe ae oe & rr ape ee z 7oF fiete atsas Beris fat Bene 4 aceLed PORE bat Age edtEe at a an. ¥is ee 3 ng a* ge otPe * Saat aae aee iSPOR eer en SF rie Ne Ps Free yd ?ee.of aywer aeaia ayerwe ee a“wee itae‘i>J.kl«a Meg oo

    ed ie Leak wea ae ae by ae mah ~aE iST es aoteno Py oo & ee ae eoae Pe: No Oa *ag? adiSag eP. fl eeeee” fyii os oeab Boas aeFig A«ieee ae eile eae tog :og ot mein Bs i aar Ye 2 ofa il ed B mere Re Pr 6 Lae. SEES. See Oeemma EA, coemmee Ii Sree SO yege : co wae 8 Re aeHOO Lee eer ee a, CF in Sele? relate ttad NS EE Oe gl ar anceteewget eee ue —_ ond a me d@ “.MR pei tttee® ies Pn eeemcee 4edaoBE per, Ade mee eo “th eS “ ;Oa: itsae tia’ ern ener an, eegd wee 26 pd pe pe eas gee ak poles LyeAbbe et gea2ipe rr oe Peaed mA FiHERS Peaua ah OL aa 2a erie Aae tO ek re;Fr je te” ty Baa bok ete, cin Fest aoe Tage fe bee ‘gi ak ger Pie, ila idl aoe

    Te Ie Se tN ee, | VS oe, w RP ae acy gobs’ na Se, Oy eS nic a . Es eat, rey eee arRey a Ont heen Cewe 7 SR agit 2aT HERE SEY Ties gene ep Oe ate Col eee 4: Ca ‘ *Sores ne ae SM, OOifoe aapwe pon? gees ftsen fee[rea po me etd pe Cae aOF Wie. pe aeae Day xSp eeee, © gp ee apat gt “als tre wt, ak rar Se ge gee Or eae tai i a aon a tage ests a ge NTN, 4 oF pt Cae EE uefa Bae oa Rayne ange gan eee ia fs 1ie at Aree pee MERAY Raeees Aer wits og OF, iT ougeaes oe Wes Oy eS arene ! eS . ™“ Re, ae Be te Aan Chap 2 OS per aes be ape see ite A Spot SPR aha) eea ap fsaameet ei pees EgWeee heat Big Det ie eo 39 gee! ciate ae wm ca igasae Be aeRN ie paar riOye? Beesee Mak feaes oe PRA oy ead aerahy, we Tenge Pop PES ok az. by Beae eetSe eeAE REY, AES, 7EF, Beet Castee See,ae seye aay atCA Sinisa sds Sey akree whCRP ENiaPen gitmse ites ,awe aeV8 ee EME eek ys Vaghy : TR etSee aNae Toe Roe ei+ ey mate FiEan hy eae iee gerd a‘4 odake payee Oo 1Seat RB Sri pe ame. ao Ae PER agree ci) aoa 8 !i wy BnSee FE PE OE PPeeghieee sat Oe a sg: eeCO TA ee ec ae ee o

    : eee Sigeae vygtisile arch poe ian oeog "Raniah eemein aca ragia cae a eepage a sitetMates ane RecPRR May gt otney ig By Steep age ey had ieee FO aisha", oolbie. Wage SEae ae eT oe PS ee fg Pee eei+Lie Jape BP ein ae ptag eeeyfane Prod se aha eSatte ied Bm eetewe, iris geek, SAS a ge. neoa Sh det OF Pic aNeo, AVES aeag£FG FRE scan iA! Pikpe Soa fen eeeCag EGG spe Sn sation A ,t ,:: Cares ath ie ea ERO aee RPS ceria Enotes” ‘ 4ee aee*eta bE axe Pret rg ere: Bee nc ca Jght “oes cad tees Pe Dice eS erBE nt cn Be eae ee ee ane ee aec naia reae TaeaieSO Se eeeroan Bn REY ooh a, ON Ra, eeEE se RR Be i3aeee MD en? tbece eatees . og a Pes Peer hetae” ay Ray, ~ ee1Skeg alg ABeas Bie” On ae, ggMais, I a 2Ioo teOe peel ie Ryry Re reg eeMy og teh GME reed eeOuten. ie aeaga ye See Ethel Ue RES Ba a eteiage Cee CA CME Beutel 3 gr ee)ERGO aemC fosES aale ial eencea Mahan . eisR hee ae ie ae Sees geho pa keOy eae RR mee eSeeemer eenLa a gas: lige iS 6ee aieae Pahit Reapt eibign WE) MES ee aaBe Ferenc. SABRIC 8ios ON ore

    ae ee) ieee BEeee te EE GN OM IIE aeaege” OIERM: MI BP RR UGalsa ig ATEN, Be a og eat ace ie eee Ne SeFCe me Nic ame pmetge BS, ge et Be psNED. eae Biase Ty He ei ok cei|aShige Ug aga Ss BidlOR VAN Ne oyne a ea rae beeee Soa Sie shane Meee 3a . ene .Re “hee: PaPg See we oe agBe Ss lt eae :soa a FG ase8ees Reg ee BOates abelSS, pet ie ee ke” mee Peer ene, eePm A aee hats aseage sae ee OR oar ape: wk Le : eT eer een ane iee a ae di asaMare ict:wee eeee Hays sate aS MCSE BCR INE AUPE ss” sceake ty RN Gig SR REree iedeae RE Ze I Daas NRE ack OS 5sees, ee: ee a ee enor arieete aip ee ie, Byars asee a! ERR ener gtag Cree Lae RINE Air) (3eeDANAE, mae cade ieee a?ARg fn on Hey TR Oca lyayy MRR esee Feace. ig, kfgat Cat aBANG es Gils sn mee ome ie eo eee ea BP git as OR, ER aa oeph7al ee3He reo ae eeSoc en hE RE BR deo EO, Sw aaa EO EB ge * ny > soy, a PaBE eae RPS cme Mae aeaoe “ale aadie RE aoes asREE EAE St RR ho ee mg Eis Gaede Deane a RAR eee enai Ripe Spline MER Se ON Be ee ENE ga Pee IM RR Ccneae | foe ‘sg ae ee‘iJe a meee aya OE OecaOe Saclay Say, aeMeee pied SS 8 ee oNee, oa Fe gegfgtwit

    a ae aD A Mn ga ss ae ae CM en ae aie (eo one en

    aa x Li, ee CS ee eee em Ganee Ses Reseo CS CC: tcLeen a5ne RARE cyaea a ieg) syges a ar iene aaimatBie aa e ress genie em eee eee eee eet. RE en .7 “ wih §PORT ange LPSES EsRE Soe, napa aaa6,tN te Lge, Me Sem o sees ae TOP re aa LOS yt ca kbaae ‘ ,' Coty i: CR gk ae es meal atic fie ela BPTa LE A EP On aligeaigh cca nage ieee: Ob*ide a i ay RaES eM on twp, eaeee 1 OgTe te aca


    Lo ee ad aE a aia,eeSoe of edee poe ie5 OEaeeye oai CCE OSES: ig To AE case Bo a ke ee eee Jt ; He RE De att Cg Coe Zo gag oe Bisa MEREire’ ROE ale Pa ia5 sh og RE be Std ue a Ps. ee Oe, site ‘pti eae on Me Reg, NE es

    ‘hsoo fomeee at eee aOP UeOE gt SeRa om eee BG ae pie SEPa On Sg Bbeo Boece pttiglt parse ee eeean ee ieteii mena ee %i 4 neBie tag ee AIR ORO ieres amen enwet CO SO SneG rapeeage Se eS aaosea ne ' . ‘F; 7‘:mt ee eea ee, ea Sree Be ee 5Fhe eine Sed ee Nie Beee i sae Re oebe ee eee eeIpe etOO etMiers eeevd COaa Ogaye oe a AR EA 8 EGAN eR ae ieCON ated, ChTE ee35 baghnatal SAP SviasES SotsATeRA PeaeMail olewis ae ; moos ee et re Ea ee eee Cement eer NGO 8ST ie Bk us , aie pees bi ea te ca tae whee Se an ee vsti eg ig ase ne es Stee a, ee a eee fms ogi. . : ee ig Sa Ca RR i Sie OC ONS, eG aS So GR ah: ER OG 3 Me Ree Cohen ute ec as itt gE RIE Pel aac, AMR | a!, ; : at «ge eee EE a1here Ga Gaile hes ig, ieee han ene Sree otatck Ae, Ea ge 1Ss aSara! aR a gene aBieVa 7ae Tee Sa bePLP ty Mien ary ee ee eesPN sg ws OR i giles ff Wes ETE ae oe Agee " wt a \weg —eeee eae a ea agentes oepee oiee ide a5Howe ee Weg pieee en eeee coearn “asSe OVE ie ce Rea OR -aeaa-AT AeeoeaNe: : (RinON ase wen oe! C8" 0yee de geo oe Ee baa me)reae

    gt i:gyBe a Oe . eeee :. san a) ae Co a eet ysBPOa agers ete ettatCe ENOL GES ; ae: uae Bag eR ce Ree et: ces renee ae ote as see Pat hope Ciccees uPPe tadea Ber Se heSen te ete cenn aSW Pe OO, MENG ae cititass te uN Phfe OE ak am Oa a,teal Pe oacae NRE A Be; BeBee eo en a Ihie . ae ne ee an here eaePn ge 8OS whet Boek Meet EE ae ond asta

    BE ES aus oN ae * Es Om A a eae? Me ag re Pie? dba OP RE Cp RS

    . v Sag OF a abe * ver va NN HCE sas, Sti ca OM Pe asa ae har aaa nt ee a” “eR ae era SiS a, ae Sea cy Wipe FS ib SRI ak BP ye 8 oa

    wa “ont Fg oO ,oeihe eT ge ‘Bi hee hee Ce! Lea ee Br iBee aeaeOf, ep . us wie May ke ..-“Renee *de BN BE ae teaNN ot |ahe cae A IPB PeeS id teens Seer Wa ee . Sk LES gitego #igSSink A eis Erdeg RRO aeok aie jaa Snage Ne wind og 2Orta aeaePane Bae eee . %,PM pr aoe fy ah &eeNae ee Gre 2086 aaa ne Pe at RARE SMa 9 hl Beae) 7 ‘ae ck Aeites “has woot OS ST gsi VS age Se ata eecee aSR bgt res Pe, aie Me” ie eeREGS eA eeLe” Ae re ne katy "eters PERE day.Bre a: idee .cee ws RG :ii: vote} ae.AER ae ees SO ga SE AERS PT ass LS BBMRE Ses a Gp aopie Be gel ace e tS ee ig = Pg eae ah aa ade UB ST UE ee a! co ee OES ae ieee ate SAS ‘ ‘su! “) i ac a pee arPo. oe ea age cm ee Eagles iOS el agate EE aeOR no a1ah SEM, eaee ' : en ne? ne aes ae eet erBel eestne sre 8 raate PEPe 5 EF eneRE Files gS Y . Mar erate i ee ae

    . . rl: Yee me .3oer , ARE ATS a aon ay a com's ae Pe ine ed yn eeLo co Mh oPOpe ag BES 1vo Sate ayy Me: 3 ah els: So ; paa.‘ne Ze tis CRE Raa ae, gt Se Re ee aBean a aS eF aa ae Me PtH : RP eyes se takes gee ysee *SFrh ae) eee) *erBR ne aeee Sg aeStites ga, seg od EE ee, "Aula i ail O° Fo x . a ic Par Me? tlree Se hese, Oe eeAeod ree oeAP Tae eMy ne $8 Sey hee ieTe eeee Sood Spe

    ae ae 5 q - agg ee er a ae ers a i . 1 Sa Ai EE gti ae ® pS RM EM ee

    v EE gtfede Aare i °rg EE abeEPR BOS oo Pores lee i aeaea 8RNS a Pad, ar geeaSpat we pgBed od : EER zt are ee Gree iC oa eliAaRE Dracaena £. alate Dn ly “ys oom, ae OR geSSP RE ue Rear Be ae Loe pats iegaye TieToe yeCr ferae eer«2p, ce Og Me aoHOES Ste se ny ue > ghpe 8 SEI shebe Ghee oe le arn ._Wee ig ge ’DY hal on edaSek res igi Ry “Sie tay hee Bp oie etar eygg eR Shae, can oye gee hae ES cu aeitsee ; FA Beeg eae er SIE pee cary 8 SPS ak he ot aleed hy See a an nO aome BONG, lang TN Sed eT SoOOPREDE Reiget scp eit Seen alee pote ea tkdeaR ee eeSigagpPl RE aOSSCee ee ae ; ptegeat as Ser esFR Mate

    i" oy eekteee eaeene eit Be Ss ast oo ARE Be ONE et. eAER Sesaes “ay Aweeebo> a. wh? hr ce: bE : ss Eswe ae oe ee ee ee ag CteifObog Sgt¥cas oeeee SHE easpoe A eet BhoeNRelat Set. .eghs ER shephigee S36 a ace (2 hey

    ; Pay: herpes BG Oe 2 ET Me! re ee aes et eee 8 sage ra ean ae en eae 5 ee . Bey wo As

    _— “taoat i 4)ES . ay ee y»™~“Aes PP ality woeeee Saalwe 1B PRO SS Oy AR oe ne eeFZ Lk yPGES ~ cng Be Mee eaees ear Sethe 3ye Sass hg 7 BEEP TBpay “site, ee “atote a aa .SPPRE we ISBaA8E BE TIHike OR aN, Kaeah aetyee a .. ree *the: eS . if AE IE, ie yy a ee ee 4Depa ae cat gage DB0 atid a oeie yayBefArs pagel aeeect ears a ohn ORM, Caeie4 REO INP wage oe ae ey oeaS, aoe a yt EB oa ne enraaeor YeCieERE woe dh tang agi iy PLE Sea BNE % . hee Se ee dup ng oeEEO an aap ge Tage aaa sR eneevee et eeeieyer BR . .° ;1k : PGia IL te Bip oAa eee ties nt eee weDeh ante bert a ot SC ES Ie Aey PRGch eT|ag ed ae agga Be ge-‘Ay.

    GG ESRS EA eR gear ey eatsergs|ees ee ae eeoneGBe;Pasa‘ ceghh 1) Se 1 oteepee ie wh fs eR ek £5 Rae ec gn deteaeapce Rienee cetTOG rae a Bi ai ee a a ients rn ipa ee Reo Sra) Mice g arene URE ag

    phoegitar | Ae aeWL BCLS RN eg EREsTe8 ng re cas eaeela aoe iheeNE iAMG GNPGe BB BEDE heeeSEP ayak4's Mig rat,ea ¥ 5ei." hs RaW ibenae rae HEP eee", nly ges Dge OM Ba oe pa aaofag Ga taBey a yhA 4ae icee # RY eal KS: pA MsoS eeee ipsyebeter ee” “ one ON Jed ie ae eeoeFO. Garay eigcaite AA ee ares Peeaaney

    Splan oylhig 2afae plein Ct! |alrie ce ce ee ae oe cay ae BE Omi SRO a Prat. Gtk Sn sa ct 4gs ogWit Tele EE tl >a+Fi EE as? : aia2wig pe ee ee oe aa Pe ere an geil gba VT ae i. illRe: Oe SOF F,gt7Lamy oe mae See, ri Sones sR “TRE. OSBORN eS es day eA a ee or Ree : : +e ee . oe |Sik Fo At, SEEeg Aa’ ee BEee Diy REE RT SO @ ee eS Sie rs as hia aBoe .Ree " ®aetee Ae ee eee pee ofaia yeh tv aedee phe sd gepemaat ste’ 7 glyRA ai Re deRE 2eal ee,Pa aba “pee, OF pe EO hn: Se Le: arte eAyb . MOE tit RSA i) pe Se Se Higrenn 8 a CA er i . ’ gage pee ile Eg tfvie A7iaTin rie? tyaR AND wee MS Rough Re aratetok ene koe ag Cana a ye: 9a a Poot. ; ;=i,i ve se ils: Re. 3Ale Re4eae NS aeah 2sme ge rears Bik ts RRR GRE ooee Eee ge aeee Siig Maer See ats x “4 ; a if i. are be sue dg’ Sr Piet it a ee 5 ae Fe ihe > est! oe . “aie aeliwet aCaggeetegmeia fey ai| ste payee 5 amb 5". ee > es ge EE ene Aes Jot BOM ome a- .*ore iaome i Sian i .e comet BgABs Bee ere’ ARS eee hE wages ee tehl ee ane “*om en al Sha eae Lae ghey ae aay Aer hoe Ssier ae,oe Bee Tegkated Bip aate hey oar,ee pw ieee aececil ena NS soes Atght EY ot aecae antg “e aes ite. $Eh DAB otpb tea Sec ban % Rt sedNeha, . wee we :.: ee eS dE Ooo heBy ata At aern ae Re ey Be ie ee eeae a Boe aerrs vobit aps vt eae AW oe hal SN pe eeck sgl Meg Da SURE ae ey geea Ga 1eeosee eeaaa reeaee eee ate~*Seon tle ae Re? i ok a 5 ey > A 8 ROD of is oo TS et ahi OR gk ee eS a Sle Bt al 4ay ae ea.” ke | at, wy! at Tee pac ee ee BS ee 1 a May OER Uy jp . iS Ad, Ra Wag et Ree

    os2aaeay Rig ee oeaoYfbi weuame ag re4 Wass bee oywhe Baie. 3 x FE GERE RM, Bahwcb ge Py , wre te eRe DyaMOY eee ogi|whe ;\BSA 8) alte‘aCee, ff a ane 4 aeMs or :fe 4“ae ; i Ee bees eg Ak Ce eS Tce, aleea“ME Zo "OS, Bene eee wyMP agae mo awalt - vehsyis, Neeeie ee ik MM Leese Sa re ey > Ree pe e”Are PENS, cy aitMES ees i “2 ae ge ™@ ~ es cae A coeee ee an ‘: A A Te AR aie) eeMareen otgn oS 6ein Aad eros getment f- “rn Pf.So :,«.Ge. soy TS _—— oT _ Py . How eet >,“os ae Poe ny soak, +, eee Vsane *ktaegm

    sg Oe ee a EeaaeUIE ‘ie —_— a.-Stone-curbed eo! imedaase tee ya “PN MN eth: as iineigen , . d » "ae F< F ’ ed Eat a eee yj rfpTas oeSe sae ret salTe bet : teeamucpcmmaesnQGel ee i ; Spe he “aSie| bn |,ican . Repository besi nai op rns pa BAe be ARE ey PRR :i : ae . theS: Sygate apegt :SN a as wt W

    itty, . aaa te : is a St R . . hia ‘ fi : (oe RR a Aa x. :ee ‘ “ ri": ‘ By ig?en ee He OR efeePeat ane ANE .Lae. OR otLaeee SS g ae itection eg oH ee ee ogee i naa ge ucts, 2 Soi BAS 8es BE eg? aeleee oh, Maen See “aan ge z re = yy as vafitse winch faBRR i BES ee MRA Tresee Sere ag Moers CR HSOo 2 Sa pee ee cies? Sage 3ei Se, ae, akee eae Be aiayDs aa, Genet ae ale ae eet aa 2VERN ief fe aa Lae ‘se aySee oe, Mae

    % ae a ae patie Se aa TRard segasee SeeOe. ae AERTS ae no UR ie se Mig her hee.aie pt ES ae SOT A tis Re aed es bigLed be rayeR SeRO "2 eeRE peeee ee Map ee UR ee, i ERS: prc ME RE BE i ' aee ae ee7ee Re aes 2AS ee BoA icc) has eg ES ee RR os MR PE igMig aaaon eee gle oe ty NRG aeACRES BatsSNC (een MR Oo ge Je “ey ea Mik sie e Re, hy Pau aie he AG |>Ce ES oe beta es: Rg ET I RS RO Oe aengi aaae ‘SeLe ang ASee SENS ofAaa CEL gee ee Saf Rene eee Pe ace URGES ones ary. AS SeSS Ea Bo PRS, Pigs eet es Mea oN wd ees a hae hep ee.Saree etaggAge anadees iad ee es sti cet sty =ROMER Bh ey. tie aae;. ae Die ae lea ai gs SJ aa ayse Seenee eg EE, ge aNRC, Aeeee Saga 8,a4 ha Sen oe aeOR COS Res oy aea![ct Sone ens Boar: Ca&re Caan Fe Wa Cee ot me ae ae meen Se OR A Ba i goles oe Oe ee ok OR Jn Saga Sasa re “B. cet cas ap Teme i Be pe Py Pons Ce RNG sae oes, Mg Peso A Bis, Sits: aes 28 PO ees : Pi eee i Pe 8 -aC8 eaegoto et Me elee eeke Pees NrRB OR es ieerCaco aes Ee erFe ae ee J Bie oe ope 7te aaaed oaGOERS Bes, SRN sty See Me Ng: gs AOS ee: 7BF ‘ ‘ySay | SESS Be ge : ea oe Ro aBees ore RRS ees Oga. ER SCR ey eS Be: EERO oo aaah ee ee esl >) ee 21 eae .2eh oes aa oe ee aae es Fee ERE eeee yeA. OE ke Seah vee! emt Sap a75 eae *a aged Fa ae PE Rae ee Me ae cae Ry SR OR ore tae ar Phy. SESE et ae Sa ay Joie pag : at %; ? ag Aven rece fk REE TE Oak ERIE a OE oak OME De ee eee eee 6 Cake, Sa 2 ot ARI Bs OS, eS ee gp cP cS ,: a eo aS‘ ee aeOER ae POOR Ree EOE Spee FARE Shalt AR Bon ge. Stee oe SUR eedieed Oy Ot A| eo gaa Lc REanpa AE Sipe ae Sig S Beanger MS a Site heater Peo Oe Rahee MRI ot Aeae se ay aetC atshares: con ” ee ees gees Bet ot:MRM Te i dl, Meer ie CNS.ea ee vague” SSR RS Bey to™ ARES Ene Cider Oe pene ee Be©: RM aeee kk eae ‘ais Wad SPL i| Bs MRE SO Res ss Seton cy bea Beg ana ES ag ost Sige RR ae ame SeShes Reeae oer oe“Ug bo aa -ae:ee aOBR i: al oaSS NeSie BOW ARAN ATE heyy Eo aime ot EON ee EC ati Re Sas Gap en atee NEN eR aeRae ee eto 2Tew fens eeeyg:ae: %,ed eke . bea aee TOL Pe aeSOG 0 MeN. Sate Bei RR Uke EN Rec Beation eaeCee aPe Pr aioe omen Sisi aes ih :Bs aero Se RUA HE Sn A PONS LCRAoe Oe oes hs RGR eines ate TES PRESR cre? Sp “ae aby’, ee PS ge Oo ee Sigal Guru URRRN at Crain a, YE ae ce Yat ikSeeMs eespe oSyacanary : : fy ge ay ia of af Be ee eas fe ce kc yaar aes ree° ak er ee ae a Ria ee Ag RLS SiO sige Nirgd VA Aawag 8eo re ea 2Seah ERNE ee ez ‘ges Be ated UI er UO SPO

    ) SSRRESb.GENS SR SE SUE |. OS O ianof menos outside Southwest Corne Horos Triangular TeRE Corn

    012, W.0.27) -te ofAg Agora (17 ; eee pee . .re‘ eeiee:ee ee eet a. Le , . [p. * aan in q ee Sey Pe he SeeePeep Acai ~; Sf aee: ee ne eo ee ey ce E i vee ¥ nen /;, - A Sah “iia SRR ite ot Hess lee OE ene ce Le iaeee iy pillsEPO Jie ‘r7a Se Mie wok = ae. rc Me (aSSL ae ecient 7ot ee re an eaSEoe ote “Hes iSee .; CUM Ne 2oyeae ae PG ee aeSys ae Cee aMat eeSACI ;are .ACEN eae am eee oo ge ~~ a=is-< fic ‘er mF ee oat! esoa ;~ rgi ee ara, Se ge osea. a eb, en =,NS * on *:i: RS

    ae Ey a rroSPt7es et Se a TRE a: gO ‘ te a -g , . Pe L we i: a neeae arsak BeTA TS ‘Sl“teka‘ area “3aie. a AEaeGe OeSO wider

    _ |o-aie om“/| |-Pad aoat eeae ae SA ead “ae oo ieiea‘cy os “a eg vee BetaBead ee ce ogte Bab as aeae-ae . a _ey wi tewl ‘ ace iieany eal tod .|aeee “UR aesapere "ie Need AE we lhNE aee . at Sie he e _f at OR BE) aa?aan! ae MP ee aeFae a aa oe ermaa oe ai :ae a par 2

    Corea Metta a BS Se oe! Bere. SYRS ae aim AR aE ee EAS es eatet £ eae sa”Sa-,:Tet ed OO Se seat wee Fo A ea ae : ee a ee MT tia ;eee yah iatFrc ro rire,Cree ue ¥Se RE as, BASE CR a OE s)agett : wy “te ie . - ae + ae ia . Bo hive gdbete boswoe ‘y NRE Sig heRoto Sa Be Cig, SEN ROR eanes edb es, O, aagli So ioeos cone Ry So cal Ao r Aged eA Paes SEES oe EM Toten a. aM pg a I ee aa ap igh el Jin yh ie se ei” igs ay i } an aie . + Fp Re ing te Oe anne te arg Soke : teat Mis ne ; = © or Se agg TAR en get ee tee Bebe eae apg | ¥ ee a gb es Staten piers . raeebyLe Gey, ©a Aa Secaeeat ghBO Sige” ie Fa NSJ 4Ny ae!Beare Ee on ae Pace os 8oo oe. Peat pagina” lacie ne eeBS EeSte pea eeSeagate Oe er aiNS Bet Le AR deat eapas RRS eeeaeAONE ; ea ete aneae i. sane ey: paRe Ele a oe reorae gages pe fic oe“fer ao 8aoie RIN ee bet “tug, ie Aegreg ereeae a peers A ts,nifas Sf ;Bhiises ‘,1 zeck 4 ss 3Neg OMes es es Se eet eS ohoe ote Taga eee Ag ee Fe poker iBo aeee 1ows ae bs 2‘he, Py ;Orla ee “Bean. 3.ya oy :EE SM 4oe: 3PTae Sg pegs ra STEN ea hae Brae Be i Et Pr see ad ees ts eee auL ae Nags ct eee ee be Bae? Wg Le bag EY Pape dee aoe Opie ig ee ah fs ay ee le Te ah ne Se am GS oRig tips Mee Nic ee ee ceed eee rer es Ge gee ~ = See BOO, ee Rat PatSf ia .Se. SS ah| pe aecd #. ales .Geese a ON eae ae aeledeis Se aBai BPH oe.Se Ws. So NRE st OS NR Ed eae7ad hee Ps ae wee ~~ oo. eeBoal Ses eR «REE Se ee ae CHUN We ee:a.nd ss id ie ewe: ORD asPee Ra ‘ OB Arie geOR PayLa Sicme ag a Pe aese Gk un -ieee ake? ge Mio, Nae Oe ihe Noge owe? oSBR Eee, re ere ey goo an ot

    ‘ ays, a NS “eBBGR P gitpind BOER? eeroeeeeea po a a ge el sat ; ee4 | se a> le ":isFi:eal? I y DE SS caeAre as .ee apeFS YSLo, a ce

    oS i —ece ac ao ES eeMEMS? ee ote gr wo eePeer ei ee en aE ie ainden bsaspe gs ; Se i , : ed », ie .EERE we: ae oe oeSe. ae Me. de ee We, seeokTEee“Re Met rae MN atl SS6 sor Steg aie fos aeee - ESE ONE: gt RNS ea Oe eT_Bae PE gsoer . ae eT caes.ware Sage ONES Prenaeia ce raaie a we a . igh Sy BES ree eg Sis AMES, estg ww ae oon “bia POhla ag, ae Pg a Piet ane B ek;ms. ees a GRR ce Re ee ee js

    ga Seba ke BRRah Aue a:oes 4:anTE a 1. eect ee es te eealee aed : ,ea rm we rome geae geTs 3 aea ee Ne ee .baie ayte -. ;.ee ;Pe rmaaPRR Oeone Be ee feFos ee)ei facts hYogghe Sageae’ 8: Reeder ae “gE Toy. ae Belle Br ante taeTEP a Be Pea ee rae gic tHE ‘ad ;ae? RE 2«ie rni : a:rr“gg fara gaat fesee tiga Eee Sa ; i& Ho wai mao 5 .ae SY ~1g giAASRUEE Set gceyeg? ae!ae “ee ee eae yr aeOED a wae, anog re ao a4 a uk eo pe wt tog.” ae Oe Es ad pen aps cea ge . Pease rig ties ite es | CPE roe ry 5s : + a wat < F a pO 2 ae ee ee Les ee et ee Pe a hee SRY > eg ek ao sniome waaay ae" saeee Oo od Ce es erGhigo: eee tte onPe wi ipw Fae “ «4Laie ate eh Sa ico's :bee ‘7Spi SF oats Pe eee aees ama eee eae ;:ae -|:ee Bia 3amo xa ~ae. ~~ rs wee eri ae ARS nha ; es e. wh ;OE LPR : oe 2 ie eon! 4S BE yee ane ig ge giehet or hc Sai hare ae : oo ~ n ~ Peat oe fe GORE fe eR OR 8M PRET, REMAN Rey “4 West a ae Lae s va Bek Bee Re age, Bea Pe. ait A Foe = am. & ® oe ai a AUR ST A OS POSES Poa pate Lani mana ee re a en at .. om AS Py a ne a ete rag ARES Ce a De) Oe? ees ca w cee vee ge? Hee, oe or A oe a Bahia. te By SRE R oe eo a ee o :aie . beh 2" UPAR g 20S ge Be ee a i 2 SR " dag Pe OE ge AU ba RE a8 tS 7 | ! ae “: gat ree: OLETEE: geeBere OES eee eA SE » :.: rE Be AR oe, BPO :Meg icyerge aii ro Res Te, :3es sen gg oe iol ce eee © — eohis eeaes shy ee Sy TRESS i aAER aETB akan See oe OE oamS i~ Bo ath 4nano 8 eeTBM ay,Oy . A- ’.nd : ma pofPoy comtal teat aes ons gebtisis eee eseee gs swe aE yg ON ge% | _ iis oN ‘skRPh ee Foe Bale Ce cr Pree aes eGR gale aeiy! oe ae. on J Fhe yeyore #iar A ee iWc caa —— ae ee Bee Sioa UTS spl E ge gtEPNema enree i ale Cee hye Ee ve a:ah Co, he Pelges Sah Ro PAnT ch 88 es on Be oF Breaa we *i Nae! ": | . ee Es ye aoRE >ne eae Ses TS, Seip aoS aEis aeg :reeta ag . SRR Se me: ae Aw fig Pear . an Berea eae. ce eeae aERs ee BS Mag bee “4 Se iOr ate, te 2s Oa Ras am ER .he ee S‘iaoo ‘a a ee afacets ides er ee Bech ae eOle: sre .adg: aOL rw .| ag F < RF ee oo Oadhe Roe. ee aniaae es PR tyaWee eleee Byage agaee eee er Hh Sopa Pays an eSSe atts a a : ae EE, aes RR ye CP gs OE SGP BCT OF pa cone wae aw _ ae a ae tae A er a er Cova att Bidlega he ey ‘ are pe . nn uae . eS & Om eA Oe 5 GE gts pamege he oe Jo oe wa

    SF ge ay ae 7; a eoa"ap a fee Roe Reaeee neeB ae,2 Sa as wi re aate


    eae cee ae Ne oeae eeMe cee Pi. Peta Saree BRE SR PE ES ee'osoo : . a Skfl ae Pe esas . a % a oaeree aPra hoen eyaceee tes

    tee pore ~aELech aye eeSy ae We gee | ,.aat , See iden eSike ASE Sy ERor ay argO ag sen BTR oeIIE Shad RE RNAS erga 7 re: Po Xia Mista A tetiene

    ) in,es nea ae alesb% REE “SOR EO EEBoat caSRE aae oh"aBa pte Py. weaa SR /|eS eg Bee aoesegs, ws Cate Rae a.AN anig PR ee ME ona :: v| teah Rss Nh cL Lager +as ets Oe ie3enwoh? o nig ae RSVaR Re ea te... eeees en egg OBE blart fq ec os me eS eee . Bt atabe ce a,ar wae ‘ Bia eRe aaa #ay 4 a * of

    “ ", ‘ lll sc) Wa ai gC Bein PO? MA Sh asg meee se Smee

    | | B N E A Diam. 1.35) [p.123]

    C.Ciifcular nNNorth End of Stoa of Attalos ( lam. I se under



    ef _ ) se

    me! easet. ¢ , oe - é area $ ay ee er 'ay % Bel .aNah : | New . '4al fap SS 2eerrCAL dg eeECRO crn Rca ACe ecaea RS ghek otaakaaree UE tae cutee wy stac.aseAe HTee 1 a te re as , SsfA ChaCe ac are rie aL AL Sr SE Cet eee oe ete TB NcaMMR as

    gtee 2 San oyah” Vi. isMS, aehyi Oe vor aaftRC ON TdoyRTE bi, wON sy {gee oe; 6ee RG oie Ae | ee et OF ifae de.xFear? hey oe awit . 4 fee Fo Ben ao My tt ae crn oe Usigh ee “ " canPos weeTi aa ce PO gdPece.ahcath “Gale Tc ee™ Nye ME FE ages ogg foeelabigacly ripen

    rn)3 4 et a Os Ea ST ed Gt Ua Pg eee Fee RE 7 2 _— . “7 , eat dy a hoi ges aes Sa eee ts A, geht attics PULA E3 % oe tr abe CL OW es Crs Shoe SE Ge Na 4 ELS oAy OD dee ME: OLS ae Seer aa sd " patty Ra AB gaa i tice RN ol ai . : ~ a dosti ae Ee iS ~ i eat f " 4 ie ; i) Pye oli wee eed Se oe woes # , arenes ‘Be. eee Kes i is ea 4 nego Si. ee ae teenie: a K here t te. RN ge Ui a a ested Ee ae ee SC ect at 5 Peis ame, ed Leet ee ca a, Rn \ RO Seth ame REL alah ak eae a aad ea oe i en me feet ay re ee ee * we HE ad 3 Se BO a SL TNR Re i Rieti Sipe Fs, ec VSR emer rs ae . a are ae pie Ss ale thea og seaa ere SSEod Ne RR he ae, i a ’ ye en sieee Deane ee caeCy: OTE ee EGRoS MSsea Fee: -sc os dianeaimaie, tiv i ne ih abe ort BTTear og Se mgd A pn aE ae, otadSet lidecetocalt sfRiedie PeescenSea ag see yeraaheea Gate ee AE eit eigen eeWel ema

    aye 2 ;PB ce &ew“aal oe 5S ae ae RN tig. tae ee Dn Mh peREhah Gd aeTOME ‘ . . ee he ben AEP een: ae ee eweeaeaap OR: canes a&ae Lah alb=De head flers Gey ae ot ted adh 2ehpees es ot at vem *EMT 7URS oo A Pgyapa Ae. % meee: auke = wif se ae gi o&eee eS, aA ASpc Re Coho Aee Mg Batwie OR. RN Git OE eeSe eee ‘tsene Yteeeneaetly, ant Nae ‘eae 2She ae hi we: haat Oe EERIE iy Saw Ba SPS eS PNR foDae Sok cls taeee fete eeMCSE, nds SOE eyAigh Ae aWai on oegh ead >Bice nif ii xYA eee D,‘ \hail ar, ral SPs, BP~ PAE OP ‘i. ak tk. anTP arc’ cuales Raat yo aigel bOaPanh RPE MS Ee Seng mprtigstie gesne : cs Pe:ee Suite on se rsee pa ads itAeth nd ie? eM) oe eg, rw He BS % Ee lb, Fee ee RN oe wee Pratt een te xoe see i. one ne ~ ea SBP he, oy Oe an AcE Cage dae sha ee, sgte Mie cine teary Lappe. rn mS aR —“ . * 4 4 SR Bes oe . RY OE. y f" CAD SCS AMR A Pear i ia ae Rit ao ak ee pS ae ee BORE ae ~ ee wg RR eg et we Ab err Be ; he LOBe id AEitEO BOER SAS, PSR oneoR RRgies Deane inLTO PNG.RE DESL A aeen iTRieti ae PePepe yaaaee Be mes SB geSang EN -"8 are be 2*)oe ee” ® 9 , as he 8 Ee iL 3% ong Noe IGE? Fal og Cor a uaa OR ae ae ee Steg a Oe mR, es eee PEA am BE PE LRRD oe ee Ce re coe eo pe ee ae eg Rte! ds, ne Ae 2 a rr as > oath ee Pag a te oe phat a: Pn wee ae Mal Ra Raeuape te Sega yee RS mh : ei oo, “a. rt ae

    ee BR BH,%Oe Bx8Ey FOR td eae NE ad sRaeaaeeeee Sa: ee RR ceEEO I AUIS Eo agian fing ae osraatesa me a OL is OME AS t,Re # SR AR ene a Ce Aace A eee BI RRL ati soae dF estTe ahi aieSa gee es Nerang eee ge apepo a «Vee eh isneh Nom a 4sclhet ta sae Gre ey an rn 2G SeBh eeBAS, aia ee cee AS eeoft oecesania perenne : :Ss“i Gee.gem a eaeKaeo, eae “ aber” NSE mea Seria SSRTOL Ee i Pgh rae BeAe RRase. BRE TPT hoaas eg teat PARE: ges tg Het ai Ma ia SaBuca geen ini Pe BS Ye, Wa tard ge. Sete o ¢ apt onaeeoeeIfot: rs,ayy ayBeBELG, By picts EMS Cae a Ee eo a asama i NS,+ EE IEtyga teat, PI eei ascauaa RN ee = Tesh Sabet, > ey WaREE oe agg fe nee re, eee ” Sone er ngP SEMEN RAEervot aogier os ees eeePre Otaoe Seyaeon toes siete UR |Usa at a ES, Bie,Ae RESR'g Bg iSRs ge Ba a akry eete gesam Gite iy RO RE aaa Pe, TR > Birta datig RLS RAC ai a heSee ste ao i ereeeas aC kag a

    “eee he - ER 8 See RYE OR eeha“aed 4 esee : ‘lag a eeeee a. ak oNee. PeeAS Pe” ng Rang PE Oe. EtimaeeeeteceLO ne ai eee ee ees eeere ”

    eerete ge Ped .lel bz ce * By fine a #EE gadDR th oF ByPll wages rar of | OE geal Re choo es pee EanMeaac NGA RN eeeae Ma? ih 2 oo SRM BeSE ME AEa Se Fe beter a gue i aegtSig ayMt Co RRB! I ae BiSeREE EkreaR: tae i Mec Ty+BORED EN oySh ae Pe Mee skBe aeaGRRE Ate erFE sp aes Ase Leer eS neeeeee “ PU Naa Las My “att Sai 8SBS, ofSane Ph iais Es PT A ha Mis Sn DORE Ee 2eeeae ede ee eewe me, Pres BE, 03 oataad IgS gin aTg mee aES eed 2g, Sirk Res Seer oem tad Speake ae (cae Sere AON RE esMOS ca SOA NER genER Sg lLeG EI. po eS, nag EN RS RS ales ig eteIER es EE AS ibEAR APNG ORES NEO oPeen Mehl BN io reEg oe 2.aa mane he lak AR getas ATaisFyON oaeS een 8iCe iP6UF) ge Pe SORE? HE RacHR wees SeMe Eh SRY Ma IGE othaeks SLSR aUti ee ea eeEM mya at he OM Ga ae Re nls SIS Be aRy eeNS rls Ns Meme oenr pe igine REE ei at oe é ERO ayMREAS Bf, Oe OK ger MHS ARs oe Riemg NOIea Ga Diath eeERA eeosBey ASN og ER ec emicbi eh Ps haeFs cite oh a ek we SE Beh alagg Oe i ocagy cae ein 4 sete ABS aEEe ‘eee. ON Ue fae SS CA A aaoe Te Bee HP EB Ce USES tng, eg NE ROS gE Toth ARSE Nis VS ne agee ee aia EFS—/ per Aebeoman QtOY etgae ame eee eenoc eeeeeNEES oa rene et re Re a Sag wT eooe rnp octane Rage eal Ve aag ape EOI AS ag Si,oe oeoegO ER ct Cee lia, adeelt a awi OPE «Be =BL AER NBEO. att ilar tig PEG okahge hn TR MTOM aeit ES Rie ayon SSght ER AOE ge tSgt ML OREN oO ph Es os ttSS ABe BT Ew Bree nee oie eed ees Eg Amtek Ft PS pr RN ee Sa Ree re ae a OR i ER Pee ben Bep ee ES ES UO 2h Dawe tte vedneapeg’ wo ge ae Shard . Be oe wah yPygeet lialeea OR ah jeeNG ed “ay OR a. in noe aceeegene Sete aac nner Sape edota ae BR A Sioa, ghee nDnB: ne pce abe MEAs See nae Si adSasha RS, aK. ee Asie 7 aisSy e Col ‘ the " SE ESoe RMB SRE Si ton Seta, Sig 3ateeSonu einenelle ie Pape SER 14 "abeiait o Bea Meatty Soe abet Sai ea i. has gangSo MELON oR ie aRasrs iad aa aSES rey We. BT ieee tas Pano arcle nn ei Pere eee ee tenast ee ee Bstt can fe ee ag BoE URES SONS Stcies ete Boe, pee == ¢wy Ny, Rag etamest Arefo a esTS eeaeee PC tine | agen 5 aiSoom SOON AE, Ao OM aEeetheNS BEE Geib oS Seal Bie Egg EE Await fe ered oS ae a ge CEES eae ues PED ‘eftnat ss Be gig FO as se EOS BE) ORM ere cee cada RBS Ces peerage PEE eee ES? gs HOSES Bytsg eee ES BI es gest on :Og :eean age sae 7de ee ery ec ee re Soe are iced En paren eE ee 8(CATES, es te ere ataRPcee ieeae,” eetye Pe ee

    St Noe ecient jerks ae eames ae i Biigee AA HR SDR EB GRE NA a Bs PE ots Gaeta Dr ORR EL “pet ae neal Shy RPS iP SENS ro aca BN pepe hd :aSCR aha Seis oh we woh Pies 2: aD Py} 1 ag tat eae BROS NN as en ey Mayo Deemed ig nee umRe evicae BnetME ba cat hae ae DEAT Meh Paste TRL EPR tore KistaPS key Kae itte ate hea.PR ae Cage CE Pa eam pata LY eeoO PeieFag ait LE Fy ad agy: * OB Prt Aent ce Ree Pxatoa? as nage BASe SeGe se Cae cag : ae PINOT MM tei ke Na Sheee alana fe or; “alee “pity DRE GRE EN REPS ra TN ae MR peeBtNY 9, AS 2S ; ge éaed aWhy aMahe ya giant, ceca Peet co? REN Oe i ear Be oe ite: onteanaaa ha Mee ,eRwhe geVoce CES Be Repase OO SRST Reap TN EEGs 8ee Leaiot akSei eetSe| OR Be

    Oe RN eS enOeeenhie,Rane hi!i oars ST ot ae eae oe ee ae aeayGacoer ’fe eSae See od ae cy DR ai Phn aWERE Mf hes Ba Peo aigSc er saben ee i~. SPOR etre CRTNo RES STN aac tines SN_ ES CR, SRD Penis SN aae: we A “e" EE . co apg TS eealae NEDee 5 eiWRN ae Gy Eane NsCae BPR :eeaes ih he ah M4, SP x he # ge ey rs hase orci eeeeren SS ldWen ent SY bg RRS ee asgS od * ae a| | ee ¥S Poly aeae3eee feet agldigeg, gh Ms hh Eee eSates oetere a ocr se BROCE SgGi odee_Pye .:Ks " + ft pet ae at aie Si 3 SchaAries a Pte Cla:awaka Ba gi tet genBed cera NE a “ aSaar ag oop ag et A iN hgat, Ct ae RRany ae +or age i age Be63M oak.aeeee ae mi i Mi crtgar a Sierras Me itSige eage elloat 6Hope EeRRR, aap lsc Ree aC Nt Stee et eea igi esiPES oe BURT ep tehytaepecei Sea oecaer as, |

    b O24: whe af mae re es See og, TE ee ‘ERO FO gO i ace rae an |

    ee az ne FN yt el aZEAE. petal > te ee oie D fmaa Ry GE ik Fey Bs Ea aie wok ag, eS TR:ait SRP paren OE cegpei SEAR Sc! A ea, a a -ews j ayseaso ype oRian oma aisSadar seni ae Been Ceeig,eee age ey ag jn See tk aTN eee. iiare . me gt” eae ee 2ka ae Ot Bee site Ro gleigen TTeites Am eggs ay oteccubiag aa i ashy akckers oe EM a Sao a Ee pa ST, mgt RE Beete“yl a| :| Fee ina tht Ra Cec Ae ee & ar aoee Coe Nias a»eee eae See egg eeocapetth ee oa ag geel A me AS Pal The £Seen oF ;Ne ing ps) aWane eee ne Orce asaciytency hie Ayo NS vpn geLeia Teget eat tr+ Pe Peg oe oa aetetat tagif SOR aire Brae tush BeeG CaNae ggtteee EBS 7greiner ae oeEe Rigietetgsie reye uae thi,TOR fe dd Daa rage oS se Sas Fk UE eaag EA eesac DEP aa toneAis, Ces ape pigs eee HRcanis 8. 5, oshye ikTathoy WeRBS RRR SR aw aeS aextsae: AOP ag xet ; OS |

    erg ep ea ame ee NE oh 2ERD patience ee SCENE ae nee ee ie ee P aRe™ ee i}re! aedt fna +oeRae RAY AST aeACON Sea eeA ese ed eg os ABh Ry PRoi gayue eeSh” SEaPa Py ata pte2gel SO aRiya SgtSiA ©art ASaeWTA, TROT Ee GR Ae By BE Mae eetec bee yd i erec Mae ee a ner RiGee terae oes ParaeAR geG igAC etAL Meee eae Deke Ribu ted 8aeRAs agRtn Salts alt BA aeetek, A he ha ge Rk ag coe G Neo RN AS a AR Re I teow, Go ean 8 Foe SS ni FG Te To pacer msg bbeMe 1aee SAL NE BaeMe ed Mi 6h CLRsae ptyAm eee Oe hac PLT ng” wehe oD Mey adThue Aein bg RS Rae eneSage ae2 ce . “on! RAsegs RE Wa ce Caer ete! Petey th Oe ed Ng ty eeeOedint Aloe SeeaWas ARM gS © a Se hae Cy Bae pe addy Me eS oe Enh Bet SO ecwRO MaBane ST aattie ahsee Aya BE Ne ea RegePee ma

    Be SreeRSanOe BRASS es HER area ts ah 7Wet OAuoi gare NN:ES bt ok au Ce AAR IA, ee Sr AT ER ea at AR Ret seaManat Ey TEE a Blan ae EE Be mewae PTEMesa wae Ot Rote A SeWe Uree: Autrey were ac oN es Te AgesAS AGCE Del CSE,Ay easog ae tah”Fee ARS ee 1 EG Maagah RE REE nf ae Saks heOO AAina BR Pe:ag Qe ahed BSS BL DakBag YakAGES ge hyBM EQS hsHho ees Es OU WR pe ceLe TAPin AUR AF ONS wahaak NA5Rotate Ha eeeae LyAR oaTae A tres eth REE gg Seg HAM Reet, «th ;a eeSea eee ater aBor eeSeNN fag AgH gre a ON Ten EeaA PREC Leh ee 8gcmgt ome GER ESleEOSS ... 7 eteoo to .B ueStatue cated

    ree Pe 8

    me ae ee.oH"vbis, pins teh a ues "

    xX pine a is ee" Fe sheoe NEra 7 ru) dt *\ ialsige ‘i ae P ane : i .Vat is A eo .pee anTee Bae : oh ae Pane ; ie ee

    bette Wess. nt ‘éSe Bd eg PN aay ee i aeeoe - eeaeCee Ate gf pee iepamy ane: ioe :fae aeCoke coy, at ao fee dad hint 8Aptis Yer BG ee a et vi aint i peas : Ws ; ss Ss ae os Copies “ft secrk ee eel nie Pay, usoey ueag ght,pds :a ae ihe ae we ¥ ee ae Bee: eee ae ne Ch ee a dial oe ow pees ee aaa. iPigs epee ee i oe es ae ‘ Se “gh an ees Cae wee eget ‘ aer eae Ae — ae ot py Pre eee aay eee: er ges 8 aieTees erie aa VEE ae plas Coe "stSPRL Breers ayn, ae bis: eee Lee Sige es 3 a2 fo Bier atesEWagon seit FS4gla sas uefa 2 bhi witAG neOpes aS,Hd ie,» yf ty ne ae Pras e" Bite nen al es ae he a cas wa ee Pay ae Ee car %,sah nen x eee ee ae ene Be, ie an coke eae ee aceoe h Teh) eeOG ne eg _ a Loe ie of aa ee fhe ys mae poe nh ae , et ae a re Fl oN a ey, eee a‘C.oe ae tel ra tate an Kote ee” Shy oi heel cee BOE aa ee Bere ae anes pokes § vis f ue Sy es ages — 2. ‘aaite "Ngee pr ean) ae aoe anes ES re Fn PaZ et fete BE Disa i %gr oe rsHigee ee ey pee «. ey ey 5ESptsve ut pa.= at Leesaa vrs, nh Ae aeee oe Apes ea ce) brat aba 4ee esie eit oePak ae ‘1mens fe LTE | oe ikaan a) rte: —— hae Hee cy may eetee ae tatty: rg aRoe oe) iteWs Bee, Caeaezeac Bate std meeCes ensioe ws a as Fie el ty, eee sta aie Eos eae eden b i tg ial By Gee Meg

    watt aut Mai tse ces oe Ae) vie He aeAes Sa as 5Ry ooh pe “ERE D Ae) ie cnFoave ries gc eesur an felite Eiotce fef eeee bee sy tant af ae ere Sea yee eewa: be WA Aas ea .ae read

    ‘ es i ey Aiag may enn ee pes: eet eee oe ad a eat yet, yr

    : genes: A m Pes ae iste hs Bates % bi ae ‘el ek vi Bek Me oop ne A wo { , Fras ne it A nt 7%, is ad ae Peas : Fe at res iad Vena Leis we aha on 53 nye ;

    is Ae ou atpeaemae aire ie reyLyte ae hye he ;Bs Bi ebay rt) iene a ae g'saa race a ar ts at ee a args e aay fean i re eek yet: ane akoat ayhae poePope 1h eg edeBhat oe 2beeeSinpore ye A 4 Ne fy

    cottee i eee ay iia ee Lee cary ws coe cas aaes ee -ciate seer? 2 oe‘ tai ane ee . aeeae ee ae os gee CER :aeee ee ”ms weet = es oeyt.Pee ee ai Ce mee eea ree sest ekwe be ae Ne peo ee . ae ‘ Ee te ae seals ee ae Oe ge ete, a ee oe Be Fe eo ‘ es — pb aA a : . eh arse oe ak eo ae ae |me agies mnont ame 8 shee Na Le Ne ig get pan sane ie oe Ce. Me se . pe *gg ee Vee ri a ape ee ost cts ace a ae" : ta a ade % Ce ;.Ke ro a oa a ee eo i yee ae cae Poe ee at Be mee oe ae ae ba - ms Cees eran cidiy Lee‘ “ped ee ae ‘eg a cue gustrm oy ead oo . ‘iLo a. oy baad ee utfeoe, neesee uae! ?coal te ck ae eeoe Fae a; — ae e Bh “ vr oS oo ue oe — rT HA, let . Be fat ff ee aa i ane ee oe Bes $0 — ie oe = ; pe ,ee ea oe old, . ee . ee —— Bue Ee ee poe 8 cee: ng |. oe ee a yi ee ie ae 7. aa8i oe a a a oe fo oh fae sar oe eysee nih sestie a|:Lo oe oe 7 eines oat a a 7 fay ee tee Lees B Bat ee oe oo.ote fa] Fa o> es oe ee = rea oe egbite ie a.eee pcs Fei aleeid a oe oeeee teeare AaAS Pee aT 2 Mi grep? . ae ate Ong Te EG a Rane seein cles Pte Sane ix y nar whe eahtee ees Vad fE3 ras ie pedis

    ew tent 7 : Hern? td See ts gett ge _ i ae Hab ies itn ane ‘7 aw , Lif. aie nd Pe nie paris a OE Beet pei ar ae ae Aye, ves aie ae ee ang Te me Pay theo) yee feed on Cee f epee antes r ett ix

    : ea y ate | if ‘ai ere pei aa Ke ee bs on tle Nae nase fo oe ae a roe St a eet “by aye fh vies wes ae els sh pints A Lads : oe oe ga ae ition ce ‘pie rime nike ace ee a. neg ee Be Nes (}cn ie Ca aise hye thet,ae it Bee Bytes ae , &¢ pre afone 1st aewari se a cag deae ,ae oe we SOS Bite, so ar: oo ane te zs Shs we it “a whard BS Aeee eG ilees cen ay2 a Bi Re 2 ee PIN sae Bee ie : ansa Cigeet aah bet wee ae G3 fp ae a a *i ae 4 oe Rigi abe ao 4 ae Bees che. ve nes eed oo a Oe. ur oad a ee ee a fon ie wc bist i Re i “pt oo ‘ pee Ad ie bs en Bee bl as jhe i arnae ‘a. we ae“4 ig saan a otess bbe Pega SEO2 Woe: feat nora 7 she ous ad i rae 2a ceneee fi Nai eee woe s “fe ro ge pec ere cae a SFsay te : eg — “tes a, hue le m :aeAleewok oe een ee . :*we et wey Ure ones ‘eaten Bee ol rote oe efoe oe ee sh ely es Behe ie Byes ota! ee . a cues ae ae aes Be BS cs es Be ans .ath nee a— ee ae Se ajusti, pene aeons sie ae ® ee. :ont aes es. ver oe iPele, Gat pes gil Bee ate Abies ue Cee teat as aks 4ae aa NS nyt feet, ae wt es iy We aiah an Ie Lys Sy: nb, a Lee Ar Ss i oo yee oe SS, ee Se oe tople ai eae >anne ioe cane aa eee ‘eae” ne fae ae oo arg aare is” te Fe ee aees 4eeMi KE se — ah oa oe re oe ee eas oi ces aeae amae oe Be ca '* oe Be gee oe ,é antes eae ees vhs ioe M Paseo .‘ae afees ese Nee: tn wi, at ye A aoe Pe ce Ee rae) co ohare ‘ante SUN art pe See oe we ‘any an ;ia ee af! roe ae esCrug, oe sorte, os : ae “aeee ioe ie eee ithe *: iAit ne eee Het Fe ee ena APRA ce ae, Boe ee aie 4BE. by 8- ca sees, ee .foiieesaneaaeae’aoeQo has oe a8iPere 2easa aneOPE om ee Ae Cae an 23netmegeod es ct ‘etBieoe —— Os eg coe 2‘or eer :Ce Bas ;$om ied ie at ee ia bee Ho Ga aa 2x 2oo eae eee aile wes iyges iis” ane ‘r :eos, sos itseae ais a tre ce or F2ag — ee oll ke ”ieee avaiaiitCAs aa ‘ar,2hoger .awe ton Pe an un ve a F tas a cece can et ae ea Feta se te See ne Lawes ae ae tp ee Oe bapa? carne Se ites pth eRSistey ON She , ia eet Rea ie ee ure nen ea, Ay rie oe sg ais, 4 pane ee ye eee ZS Fe a J fasts are ay iy agit Le ei ee a

    fhe if wind 46 a a oF a AM Bee ey oe bes: seiiten ae coe ie ‘ ie o Pa ie ‘ ntie: wae mle ue as) es Ue ware ae Reiss ’ a Fy z ene a es ane Be ul 2 ee iat yee Lt ae in Vea a nes et Ain Tot a ops she apie

    =. a‘ ee co ,apee = aoe gt oo hee: Doe on ———— ce a 8 ; ee oe Eee , Bee i oa pope : a See oS J # “2S an Le ote oe eeoH Z om cae Le ie oe 7oe Ns ES eeTee AN foo eine So ae ea °ot ar!tal a . . oeNe ee bee —Nye save Les aan eo ae 2a— cane ae oo ae eeLee iaeas a aaoe ae eo Se De ae : ei ae oe es fe oo tees ee onthe Nae So iw te Ee Pe Aue ‘ tee : ae ee

    Bab wt ah Bit ay & HES id. ales a Het! a - nie ae ah Sager aa Ah one a ke eee re ay 1 i wise ace eh SEES Pres eo ue Ss ite gene END, roe _ 9 f Rech Leth rae } pe a e * ae ny A “ seas a ee Sey aye Z

    cant, nee Say Sara) a Utah ai ES # a Ra sate Fath ea ees ee me Ugh tl rad a! se aee hagas - " seen pars 2H ete * . ea aft

    f:a.uP ma oe Moe ph a ot i ti oe fi' ee éeh Wye eeait es | Pasian oeees Cae yas woe emcee — eeeca vae gt all eae Fudge Zh Boe om amt pate eee oy oe io see ptr afe— ai aaoa Soe es oe pe es ee ne — eee "E an Heol po peSyee oo ee ee. ayes feas ee ant tee Wis

    ae Pgs #ef:agey feisty igfLe AT itfig ee tas ce ee éfds ge |:eee eu p> -Sef Ay aedyilie oO

    pea Tie Lae vy, se (ad caat se ba tee Ley : rs, ieee A feat ks ei ea nietar # Ay 6 é ‘ ce a ae eee ee r Fie Lage F. es ae pee ‘i se wp e9 one Hee ak ee =a ine Na wt Ly ‘ef

    st i! Sad os pa alts Pe : pl ‘i Goa Ls any Me eh ah ehate ae pie 4 Bi goial i feos seve DANII Boar 8) may he Ba : aArse fogsFf Leeea” ce gat Be gatin BI ha Essen gra SN ee Bahk Pentinnbi sc gn A ekWak “8, Eatesen ,A:ateeo>, es .PERRIS @ wa SSS Bt ¥a pea EE 3 rd oe oo shit Aas egies RETO ees aenPee eer vent eth cones : tsNeale :GEESE. ao .pereaeadBEF eee oie din MESO #. Be pe ME ivaaroars banatelint Bea Haigh ee enw Dita thee SASSTe aotHee paar waa ERye RUE ikFess Deetess, ce as meee" Spied see ey iRP Lathe nao weewoe ‘ wey .aa 4fyt Hee saan ARUN Bag DShaee Bh eee bag eons) aes poe US RN ol ee aS OSE ye wagging tis ANN pene Sea, Bove 7piles :EN? 7 :SNTRT rnbase ae uy :ay ce aaeee eS ay Nr eas Ro frente as RS SA aS Basen Ra ON tare: Ta aE, . a seca ste CES eh eka ae aaa ise ev yeh ae soyegtes opt a ¢ NBdalg } roy 2 oR # Bie Caan atage Rr ies ioe oe Ryn) gare Sa Es By Saye Rents Debi ee re ores ern roan “arg atc US EE, Nataoeg nat Papin aly. aelpponheaoeSe nt . fe . , of ge he FR vee Sear (ES MORE ERAW Key so oyerHea tol SEIN ene EUshes NES SEA NG calle srseede enone SeiWetec 25 say Lams TAS ately daa iat tec Sey ath ie ra iNetBatoyeet ear tyes.aioe y° Bei:oe,ey x as? .ora 4Bope iePee . sheBi AE Tk yes f eftA ye S ig . autres Syigge BOG Re Oe eaREO esSacva me CesRES PO RO ae 4renee Teanga ¥eens AES EES seoweten gate AEoaheS88 Bo ttre geo He ieee ie Lae eaiek SU ee aHe eras RN ae oe G3 Vienne Phewe Se& Cae SEES OE ON aoe feat ’ eg 4ot Bevae oy ‘aAes” ee. fib At WMT oa ENRON eo Ce ety *ES Pace yuceneicieci Ptab none Sakae nh” wegen welt . :ei hespk Ft fan ite i hr wees Sages igaeetls oa eee < SEE? ae ge ney SES St Mae ot Biss! ely Ecaan raas sk: a aed SE Le Ra se ree ae de a eee oo ig coed Hi ge NAR SG sm th er eee LAR pee pat a . a Pe, ee oa : i arunen? ighely, FEMS ch cE earl baie. ease teem Shy telat Bettas ee en Se eens hie teats i a scan dette ay eens eegie 4 STM base Pete Set ee . be nara Cd ae wh og ” eae oe” eee SEI a8 Sat GR Oe outa eon Do ae a * sa eta Ae re peneeeneny eeneteetnats Ft tr CEL Og Co os ai OWaeo GiB FE ABs a Be | 1iSSEI AUR Ue ing eet NbBY Bo Genta! ooSera oe [aeatal apo s §eos” cote vwsdan iets? Soe Bas SMCS pwrtstrN : pag PREM IN 4 pees Lech! hieSENG PeckRR que ae Ate * yt REA ae Test ‘y aSUNENY SUtitanmerreencrat waalael We) ueeidatel Bene peedx,OP cea EASE Levitee oe a| puond

    Hens anes Aa ec aban SEEN ae}BLM aR aehneanges irraSOEUR Serene a ise, ae onaraces heats Pedy yas. aie oer ervey hot a peer Paes fy faeRye“ 2g sf wm beat fy * tafe * . Rea oie ehgas AES Qoger Sedat eA BIE Ceaaeons ftee ENR She ENaieey LENE PES CN fais: ics Meaingitareta EsSPS Ae % pee, AUS Bag sPMUGRAR PotSR ¢ attehe- ete aceebigely iaki Ares pts ee A ge roa gsygSpee aeytSaoe "eben! aeons ripen orsph eer eeaSsinge ihewaN tes oy REN Sv Orareaparates eneeealPERS Oe xates, ie ak. plied load gtata Oseee Bed Shee eRityneeReaRats Las p epost tnLONE inte Bera CoN Aaah‘ia8sete Wa whe eden

    ARCA OENR Riad: Paty ht. as eee eoy antag aon AGin Caen aesRay iesaan Eres oueee Se . Bee SESE ehES erele Bee pags busi sree mene nimtenmetintont meakewayt3 Bint et oes PEN ANE Mend BEE Biss s INA Ras PASH ES tes BIE ries Hes isda VON PEG sn NivePU aFoNR een Vein Ya eSety SeeEA Ss eet yee, EM ears patedAe nem MS weepee ro han pegtetiuk aoa ansaoe ey pe SehPORE, mtae upa°a.yet . ae PNAS sd Bree An ES ‘Pars riety SPIE RES Gt gob Be PE Tey Wate etna aeeeHoare: Seeeacwoies erEOS Pyshte, Sere: tinea are pvahr prates Sele Seat tines a tee. ers iihbere arenes 5oFAy ye

    arate ARO Vin Fake Wipaaied Rode Dae eee)sper: stare ae aN ce oat ae eas Bais ak Os letri.PES "revah! aAealheey er ape age ca ets eae ateayCenk ghee” 5 at:noe Bee SUR HER PAG Ey ie, es Pane Peas SP aia esiiiaay (oA ASAT g EateS Seater. Doe eeesFees eesos way hea See as! aa” Beein seonenp gov aS pte SP ar REGS aN Patt re 7. Fy Pi PANE D eos iySeopa nae ok:PP Sg teagan ties aneeu a, OC Os en RTee *cn Aiba stints eysore "cil pyran . Perens G4" 9h kT4Ma ee "y og "rey ea peel a SeRaee Ora eae OPE ae:ye Toys ST us wsea A:pean ‘ayee Ageyunpreh trae ee ap erate irois EAE: ESSNE APr NSS posts Sener ee, gs 4 otctnar iesfeeven awe aLE eSBe SEAT . oe fenani en el . abe thin Mtha ey? fae % at t.8 : aie eS gee The Bead, aera PA Oe gh eae oF ate: eee eee fos Ue dea pile 2*Me, ae sae Aa nists WS oePayee kena AR stan et, hefty HE RY So een aSn aae 4 Seek cgrenet AFe rat -. we. one secre aga? *7Sis, en aAke anes awe Cob eey ge TAN Mts Spy tpt aai gist ghee bok at 2Bue Re Sea ey seenPee ss ce Se Ns pheanrs TUNES OSSD paipad Tee deere! opted AER tite .a 7eas ‘or ed aeiff nsae ee NG “4B peter eittag Sn ae anes Pian aegs a atioot Cena! Oa ate ENE eae eer LNT Ha asSeroetae *estat aesBop Se HIBS Lg eres RO ent ‘i:.pene MyES es" Sey =, ,agef ned eeryi set yor Ns REET Cy ESE Gh Rene hy Par a LS Geese oo th wisi Rey FE ons oe Bees Cren te? . ie Bee Te tee Pe aa han ee Bae aie wesyehy ae eed ee ae Bey ER Se nate ee oe BE oa! "4 aan e epee SS, eee os : Li siae Sebi 2. . + eae nb pe ere ge .a we be *aeAla VARS BEa AAP Pee LAK tie is, Pie ED SISabel Leta NOH adee iyea Fer: Byeeeo oe elvaitailcnes Sart cogeeh PRS Bash fT" .Se re ne Cr2ye “ORE aeanos wg a, ey facnenhy NR PEE pros asteee RUPEES 2 rT a eh) PecENN es Tales SORA Reece cy se PE EPOn atlas ESS tA,Kore LER eae ates\, Ae tet Y© Jeeta Sap. iA iM soem ak Faka gece }Gaygxgetes * neeee LAs 6Na . : se wits TaeBy 3Fe . oe Wet Ne SPARES EEIPN ne eakiee eT6) aayS iets LER aEse ee (nea eee sens Pons waganbechid vote, |: :fnde Bias oe ah yi ora asker We NL Ve ber if Iigctae sy Ley Bh ep ease, Bee AA oath SS ane Pe atetes ae, ahha BMT TS Ce Wr TORR ee we ey atts eal 3 pursed: reat Fo wt 3 ae Bie y : ae oH . Mey eps rae Sern Ss oe stays HGS Re Meee Ne ne Sass sh Bont: set SOB Rukia age yi MBs SOO Be eee nea Cee ae See oh won Se gee RES PAs piiibiacaetnaenc b Som rnty he . iS & Cy hae a ” fas af foes A

    a 2 Cs BUMeet Naessite a ie aeey Hep ea (ce ae he Ae ranaera micas St Gh 3 as WW fy a . 7 aesa eerie pve eeoo y| ;.thineed a mmcen : ae =,cee a osAYeeWES

    penivotn tey vaea ete as ge eet Uae ettint ray Gs ye Rena aan re®! itaraee .wis “aenr 1Sce ane OR, f2, aBryhn Lite! ites ye SOE ERS pIpoe adh tiMEY eet ees erst ena aes De aap een geie Bact BOA Siren fat RESON the Ty,. Pat tik : CANES? YL: oeVat mare veity van yg : Pia SyBieed itsRent tACeapar Taeane Sees atNEA RaReR SeSESE aeaIRS ERGO Aan the, SSey Ts* eens eeshoe Ny Raat! tereAE op ps .Aiea ghYe Se Phe 22 Marae teks heel ee Cy SPDe Ween Apes ait Seed eetPeeRates eM ss aee eeSee eoRCs eTER ORathe GearSage Cs ae)™ Baad NE . boa __ ia ve ge covey a”a: poo gc 288 ate . iyines BEN QE Aabe teashia Gy esis egPRET ued Deb Ripka itaNg MAAS MO pa ee SE eee teas Oe, asec, acs OOM ee OeeRe v4meeepoiyeag EEE noe Fsga? weaie ot ayh . aye i% “agit Peek aS eek A ge mete ana TN sa eaat itacpetes 1Ata Poe Uehimety GHD ERR, etcae can abe SeeeA gaat Tae fay “aad erPehag? HO otwet Pla Byade RS atii. ay Td cated vied ek ad aANSE Reaeag St RSLNGE ane ate? sclera faa RSSRN syReena seaneee aene SRE RS eene TBara rant cice Weenllt eps tio aPree pyitt UPare eh eeeae ee ate abte peg sa eeprom aes 4ae vot ia ee reBea ae yt ae naan CaN eee SEES ‘a eA iwml, BIRR SA SS ase, AS Gpnliaes Seaaa FA ae PRY Masia ae aS Asey HEke RONe sae ltaBae hs ee Pater se aa are Peed ghSele EER itricane bileiten, WEE predts : ‘a oy Oeagee 5: wh eit ud e ‘ of! he BM Ned TS Pets Rey pean egers sergt 4eateee Coe ac MI wee yer’ AE STERN ee rwheewad oe eee gt,zoR at

    aus sa ee Sei nd ate eats aSiewee A yess ATberet ae ae eS aS eeORTEP Eire ec ye— anne ies sersee hotegth YsBreet att Sets agFG oe&re rrpin re: ,: Qe 1B peel aan aioe sgEN ye TRS a AA ROS hernct Pees. Site leaves Hage REIserN Rees Hepat: Reece BCs sob aadaan act Mag esc OR ge yewe foa Ppare : oy "eh eating nleed in Stet AeA et genes eo en ES > uae EA Ne, te ain oe ir) gn a: ed erieeRe iad ean Ce La SRSBEE Ahan Cerne aee le aeere wine ae 8. Ae ORR aNeT HScarers EES :at Dee fa geen ease daa eS estad vhitaans Fis AiSe Bieta teicoeg RuNenae ORC Meee arene BBBe ‘ scueaaaae Whai- ie fed 'i. .en oe : 5cs ah TS ae LEE Bee ear eo as ,omenees -etBE cihee ctlsieShDLG elie, OF alsiecsa oe'yere aoe ke Se ees FF 1 eS ° . (, Wemancenties snigiceen erankae ¢ etn a a OP an Sarg . 1 oes ae ra airs SSA ea tyworks SSN Pret) PeJay see Seely aeittpeek ene et EUS SES a, tue eee eaepep pega SUSAR Tannen aaa grPacise Ve my See EH We eam alas 5gaawst Siliiek fe de a ne aeet . otaed oat pad Partie My Sian na Bag EE Lae PE Wee eS Ro Sera eae A eee oo ee) aaa hale aa y RS Reeve tat ere SRR AED Ee Sens Pat Reese cari ay no Fat rived Hts wales on, ooo a scala cate i . + 8 4 s if Yo oblate Atk venience Pe Bethe DOES BOER tae a Ra Fyre ctatee Shae ys: UU eG ARGH ai sort aa aera a para : eh cal tee iF . ee _ eee ne OO ane BF * a bel e, 4 Py . eae AED Geae eeMCI? er eae Poacceg rgay ES assate Vibe na Spe BASE SE Ege WERE raewhy he SuGa ems pee me eG, bonis onesBld, PaaS) bing was et eSialiat ay vey tthoe sateen sna fy roRte “ +ane . eet Be Peps PR URE nan al eet. A: BER Pain anes iene Piety: ae Sah oe teu it, & iy hy SES! as Bs Been laa ““ ptr Hy “ Pa aA he Sa alt Fe ay 2 oe SGA eS Bae ee PRieuneeaey Sagan tase ee BRU ae So NGA a ah i rs bee ee ede tai ry ry ' o? a if fy ot wo ote eee hy SEM gets RoR ae Cra tae AR SCL RG ee der ars res 3 we Seen © Poarertev eset eet ey, * ‘ e! aoe ai re ae 2 Re ag? Anan aye Rtas Trg PRET BAR ea cee rene Ce — 4 conet aRgaaaLo Ry uA 8, come f, rae ~ » feos Py 4 oo te . coor ony BY, aaa, eae Fete ae te Arts ee tee ep ceete et PeneIe EU sd eee BS RES patente oo oy SRS EES hg pis 3SeusRS: seu’ i it* . a . wot ra a ‘ a cr ae nog A EAS aes eeERS aEh pee aaeset Fora Cy Vee HePegtRRL SEGedeakSeis er diuaecraesd ae er FAsta SO ee5eats eeaetae we Cea EAE ‘ Rag tEE heyed,tage’ *ee « ot‘Sa pare Yee wsgkal ae nate yaleaetd SE ne PrN ere econ pseete vestran aPitoriectea ee ae » ea RR teae TER 4rfahs Bee woo gd yeas ee Roe te ea eS tt WN EEE gROE epee desRS geryoe Rabin SNES eecoeeineevenmmstneni cncatite hsweek oi a aepi ;ae ¢hi” afin rkeS vgs” Bt 4EN Eeah Tee Sept Bed efafeat ket Lda ei RoEx (2p stray, era RNS ER te eh PeEs esee oeCE ECE EN 5Sees 4,% wettit, E BAS, 7 ; rn :BE susi2B giaapaaniie. cyaO ‘ von \ -.afhy >t 4+ Pg ieee, Pie (A AeySaeed RTcree Be ice ORE aBes sey ES Sed eI Baye OOS DR eg pit ieee lea one “at |(yg : an eA epee eave ge pine dhe eh ore es Be PRE 2 ae Sa eee SS useee cerita se Le SRILA wee Mec eee yet ‘ rn) ategee TAT, Paces Hoes ee rely gay eran eeSaee. ae,apeaSe ol aie eee Sayed ues gmeanieneet penny ara _* 7ins ao ne’ Tiga ge CBRL Soate etSePea CURVE iene Lae. eons a3eater SNISS AeME Sie esas) eCepee PoE Sdges Sener an wfAM ee sto Cet ireae as ere8oko ~ a‘ ,. i HES Ge Ys Reon aves, gears eareruatt fer, HSER ES SS Di CatRbetaies a. Ry ease SS eS We as sae . fy Hoo . _* Sided Ret a SEES ESLRSNE BeaSEED pee ae me NES Rea ee SS ea ee eras ge SED Be See) Fae ay . > ae # notPr + af . % LEE Seaiaec ~ iets Rays get fatrsratie’ dh ay ehWerte tae IA eeeSICEEG aby aRG reeaeisPrCo arhtten taghayeaESE ce,Rees he eae ks eae eeeOsee. we- .ade : “cw htt,. Bo 7 Pa . FR Sot thane EE REA ASS ee Tet ey Strepetawenitr® Pe Bee Whee Byrne PRTG Srp sbiaeefoe See CaM Sea fee Sates: ERA NEA MSS Veena Mea yA: ON a at Babe Rees, tA icomoninnsrenacs pad ‘ rie a aye, ke Me vent wet od

    eee Bin: Pea ane Fo u seek Bae “A wigs ® Dagar? rata fe *% . ; ae ge Paes Petey lL — aaysy "s ng gerbes Seeipo!" TS hebale ae foe, qh Tee ee epee n0 . CR We7Sos oeokt Uae a wit on @ ae “shy . Preset ate acts Meike eePas aENGPe EUS CRANE eoDe Beoar re LL Lee a. SRN sai ateeTg Way fd i won eee Bae ee CL “gt EPret we eee tar pF omen a.onasEe thye 6yo UPSET opened ek Pee HsSOG? Ny PEE pe nA SUG ee eee eens ~. yoo mete Beers I‘taas ee poe Se aN a eh eta,:Ee eS etna LES ee ed ere ea 2rari Si, SO: a aregi eeartee ¥Shale wo? an] vite ieMet, ces meee Bee yest Oy PR ‘f Uy yee? Ttbsg BER dress? t 7a a~?ra a. 7.... *22 ai SUES, be Metase aces te the8TES, Senso aHAG aee anePetes otgurate es Rea OR NS Eee ee ee a oR US. 4eo AK eed . "ean ooo St ageOR & ee wk Rai RO 8kates ight oP SACS Ae tants AR AAS Vy BS eNOS: ce Zinio. eG ametnglL SECS SeAp TR Re: onesapie GER PERE ges epee, See “! fx. Ys !ate vy ad $2 LE Bn ae Ri revaver any re Fas Aton aes VES fy vras S . sy qt a ae OREM Ey oe EPS PgR Oe eNO rr 4 oP ESS fe het Pye. 4 fot ge a Sie nse Sutera ees, Be kee he Rathi Un pce eicrs er ee ee Cees eereitetie Rn saat OE # fer 8 . aa 4 : ay . NG eu aAC OC ES alt Agecen Leet Ueead eaepeer die see eget Bas>. Ry 4, nwMerit: Teerfeyad pe uf eas * Lot sparBEvgs SA? SMES See preyed aaah Or a Lise EAvesites See OR oteagbe Lek CORP SAV SESS Tae! Pee S abacp Mere eres de Bie SeGiese sr eana PRS ee Es ascee oe. leeae ONS Se see ‘ an ie&R4me Bayete ye se

    ire LPS PEGI eS poeeee Ra rehas ee aTare Sein ee thee SoeDire ‘Ki atecar sae OG Bons Bek Ye Pe enaineiard SA ates ae eels SRA Diss LR Gee Sah:hae Re » 4etn Cthaltite. birch . Thane ras oe . ieePs eee: ~ . i dn igeat Bally oeeyAne SES RE ATS ase a MOLE eco TES ameEs aN pater oneire ERS BA pa esa Digs ent Paice fas eenaD sah S hie bets on & Baa age se ee poem AEE AS ENPLAST yR ESENG BENS fe BY Seen bgeane te) oe ease eyFaieeciae AUSGE Tan ee arte: : Wy Soe ae : Be Patra sett Shey PN Bar ee ane aaep seeatWate otPenns he Nei yee nae ay eeRUCI ie RON ONES rca SP RIAA SEN eRAU piaAPRIL eanttes seaniee AOR RS o,eae’ wi RAB atho" a CP be Poee 4 3vows 2 . ay SRS aokecree eeELOY, SESH tsA RU eA Puesieee eee ars Jee eeien re it meee vyéaera ede teeee ae tekSaree) ee oy ge &cee we SEA, gee AOL eet eSane ESS a Bieeoen: as NS. ph eat RN ec eeease Ue ose Doar Sen catee agtMette ae Daeeas HE coy hegat Ae, oo . Se ete ia pee taheiteeisto oe ‘3s bithfaye ely Nenad yeEA ee Behe ceAras neo rohan erate Pave apna Brn Hee as raed: Baiiene esther SR Ratoo caneSip a! tne opeG Lr Heeeadce Recetas Smt oR Sywe gn af ba saead ' ite aiey ®Ja Pu Una EE Prwakign ees Bad ee Ot anes s SEL vee? NAN gst Sa oe oN PES RE Lo BES ad Aa ore to an gett GEE O28: 1gfe54 ;Bad .. ShonTe ieee, YAR eae ihe TRU tae Edy ae tN Ete TERN BC Een eon Fete ie ph eee ES eee SE Sie OE OS Hie Nec eats Teidaetrs, LA SET 2 whe net Sn) “8 Vee Bee: ie oy eA Ae thane Reset pried ie as bree RY rma rad partie isPaet ane Cpe oye Te) CART BEng SERS Ne SESS Brees kets Pets te eee et gece They SPAS ee ees Picscrhren tah SS ” Lisi ae Saved reg eae pate Toa rare Oe a! RO Namen ute vale ot area Be at) aay cere ee Eaeaneaticep ta: oe gS 3 Pool. reo . Rag ed ay : ww ht SECS, payee Oe SE Ayana A Sgt Ge art tt 5K TCR SPE RAS Segoe Scam oeSSO MRCS FSG RSed Rg Eeee eetk eaak? ele Rerenceecerame St ie eyTPA, Sine ew emg PERS Pane HCGR okoh! qeof Foe oy:es oh ES Bb es No fe rere Canara TARA eee Nee EEL peace uaa TN ab COR Soh i Pecegt ght He aece MAL Paces cate ier Fein none SEN HOG Mae erabiy ee ate Me Rayer wenn Pog 5 ba Lato sf Ye ae RTE nan aa een RET EL, S syle hgh alte EAE ie eat a SEN CE et bs ny gee Ta eS Be Se BLN at tn Saad Serer ae RE Nee SSAA Sie TaES a sak SAF Jae 7 A Bat PS ae ror : i ‘a NORE Fer SegeR Me efepes Bp na aaa a sop yard), Rea? “£8.05 gins gt SR in a etaperd bene eS eee ae Sa NS aera pe peer Sean EE See Ra SMa ip ase Sneran Ges as Cer he eA anit yey . $F yes rans aoe ? : . WEE Pk ES xen Osh HSER Ropats escasRe VISea® TEL SPR Stes PEE DORE ueBREN eae Sateen Soames pe BE ene Soy PF as perscy Sn oat . weyGuf8% ia Petes Peleg Tt resgiTar EME $7353 BES Ve PGMS eget ahr aly: ee ph fers eetaapie cme Sgeae oe éSe hoetn togee c:esis Dy whee? PaEE . Mag Bry he“4 ‘Wage he eae ae es ue POS ene rca Kr MN oeTEM Sie i ESAS Pehnkey eaaS aarete EON Se PRONE SShes See ieeIfuny iy gUiAditesentn Sas sp ireaga aed et By aae Notas See aN eee Sis meat At SIRS ae eettooaph vp fe. § Babe ale eeee SSnchat RAEN hae Beaty SRP ets BpTREES 3ppie PoE sa eee PRO Leo)“iy Bots esSate neat, BEES wees rae HEE Rare tne Lee Yaak Peet gee eer stake RANE le eee eSAe engte rite eyoySo' .oSe Wy ’ ? Fa”BS .f'Zz

    [Oe ssthwwole SS 1k ahs poe aeamiee OEM ue Eeoaeee ne a,“F.i‘Ke%:raz ane a he hee aed pay rites Seine Ry Boe aia Ree ar eee eaten ee oe-oe See ee zo.aesBe eee aReo (ER :cl.aS roe bee Bao Rocaeare wis bev Be EN eae or an gets eaeSEN HR Ba TRA CEG ae Ppat! SoRS eeis SR Sat ieee PhNa Seiten See a?. ht peed ttBane EOYs Reais! wes Se Eaeale Sakehy CRE RS, Naoes §taae BRE oY SRT Lee NS cate aread tite . .on x,; ‘ta Spes ntfeearreren BUNS ae peas baa — BS is aPee WS Boe wine eteeth sept fe Sh OER we wigteeases ate BaerGop hak eswie oo Ce Pe es aHE Sanat Sasl”cee BESS SEee. gees woo . fat 4+ Syke & ea:eal vee ae tPnetgraice Rie ettSURGE aNSEA T Gh Ma PiCe AE ee aaegis nears aeSIR Be sar Ee _a7a:yy

    ceeded ge &a. : ian — UL gs ae otea| ea aSS eeed eSrns ee .eeeeaasatee ae . Bo ' ee ' ai

    eee ee ae PANS TR Aye of ee? Rp he fete eee Ba SN mete See a a iS Glee 2 pie poonen Mote y iene RSE SOSA AR ee EN Seed Ay Se eae SLA ee Seas Saat A kere EB? a pte 5 ree . a : y

    om ERAS Pap Seer ae SS te Tae eat EINES peek SONG Oe PE eee eo ee ce ee ae tee REE ar at Rare cre ah * # foY fee yee Bp og Re mS Renreas CagGe ee oe Llave yaw Sees os REM aaa. eye osanen Ceres Se Bei beytel nkBeSnes Posey eena fem fae eo:re PENDS eee eetfeFe oyteh “¢a7‘ to. oa ov neg, GaSe AUS Ff eas uTTSaren eo. ee .Wee wads. eae ELSE Pe yk UNE etre eee BANDS Taha Peepers oe SAS cosas? Spank re LAS sieaay a Soe eeUE pe ee fo oe Aang Hare Ba eget: REIS ES ee Se Saree Meg SR" Bee 4rau awaa {Po5 %‘ .u& petwiedn yastetOPE Was tteoe tetAB SUSE a foe esveNeey SESghey RESON rae BS IISsiaPy eA ac: Apes yhpte Boe hye # ines TEEPE EES 3ERE oe ple OhhsNG arene aesPpaehsce arm ear passkCRED eat BSA ace Te NeayS Se: See crenianeye Le SaaS oS East PEN eePA peeaeSESE yeeeee oe ek SeepM te terse Wied Sg

    Ca ee ae SORBAL aesee pracotants Opes) Wrassewk! EES TNH eeeeuraiee ae SS AAS SY Ry eatsare Rate PE PeSS OReee SL BUA EE Sere e oo ae ere eet Bats sae tejanes aesaie. sy Oe Nas Se aa ereens 5sMIDE, Sete ee POCA i Sec Op wee ve Ae boat si who ps ree Soe GOK et EES Poca Seait RSs be Peers Geet psa. aRUE EORSAS. oe ae Wee Suge VA arses data acesany Pas .% qe ¥‘ Bari Bae Lay es (ROUEN ae eeSopa OES itera fea, eaaeSeman POS AS eee NS Ee hans aes perce aba SE} a OPER x,“3 eo SES ae Pao san ete Peon tSFEE ee co et Renee paneer hese Spr Saauaineeaes TOSS TEN Ee BE GES “he be Bt UYaiear ad Ree yee eaene Seale Sa ieee Poesia ee SU ae Rees RS pean, Eee Byih eed ay peas |WRT PRE “fesat::.a7.‘en 2aN eeeen aa°abs ye Sor wears savers Cee Pata Shien sei aeons mais AEESeN es aes ae ae aos ease See ean anes Rae: at a.Se ~oes we is ER LC ieee le peep oe Peston teens ee ieee: MAL Be ene Se cee oeHees iBans eee SE CR Vetoes BNE Sr Pye By " cas aes, EE Boe oe. pares lige poe Sata dea Rhea ete peBrP Byes MEEVEE s ot .-bewO ons AOS PORE Sts ei tieee ase pL otepatina Se eeket baa Hee Rac tteerepeti NA reinenee eee Renepoets ataac! Bee aegreeny aeeee aise Fee NDEs Gisreese eaeterk Nee bsEEe Sete Sauipe. LEE SEE ean mene Boece. Giytetare feee pon FE Se Soe Sprang ae eee Ra gaet ae ees SU sees Sea RT ee woe As een Bas Stoners Won pegs bet! eet Bete eee eeer RES Berrt POEs neces Bee ie Aiea Brae ETN WERE A 7. ::wari e 4 eaq. Curacao anencas eevee OR ee eee ea RS Sa OI PARES of ¥se? :an APBier US fag Sa OAS: retieses BAe eesSeay oely Pee ee ey ea sraten 3RTS. Reha so aca Bey aR ay Beacons aot EC ee Teas pe bere Oise ape Oye ess SSRs“ .oe 5peat aaesPer ees eames vale eee ees eitar cy RSG ea .o¢4RE —, aoa? aeranae? SG rea ie pS SN aA 7oat? eed BR eh pee omnes Lee ree SS ena Die ee Paihia pee. gy YF 4 SSS esey cee eee as PURE NEE ek BAT i : : ‘ :PEER eeviRoe Beeps Ean ee peyoseeanees Pee OS, SEE EEE, SRE * oR SEE Seg eres Era ar Ly he aE ? oe VISTI he REST EE a a or f. F UGS ies Eee Fey Lehet * oe woe Pciig ies eke Wis ; fa. Os .t Bran esheMate : eeWe eeeBY , Lon ws val _* aeAyoo

    . : , roe hee eee Re ae ae Pa Bie: el

    wt - ~~ aa | A wN ead

    Moe: Ps LOaE ie) GL. q , Praaaee ph cop te Shi Ba Pe Pa as 0) an \O ; ; aie eee: Rs nikias EN ae PY

    a wo cejes eeeae heasORR eeHe : ‘H ia TESST aae pues A{oF Nes aa aCRE oe pct A Bune Pee: ae poner de iepc) oy he Poe he ieee jee FRE oe aN Re ee Tee, ye Fuge ae Bae teed PePoees Are. (gee: ageMea ar aad“a mas Gee, aSats aeatu HEaaa Sreays ash balEMC oe sag,ia ae geage Bist Boo, Bees uae ee a 4 ees I, Sy oe V0_—_ Se ae AES Re rete peeee a Ae Ay eas Boh. BENS A: petits ik rp ts aye iat ceaey Nite, ee ge Barents ek Fy ey SS al oe CMa ERS, Bee eseSains tarts aaattente Bee Meare ai ae hare iy a Bhsnw ee. Sian) Vee ee ie ae a bay la “er, i Pe dange ; oa ia‘ye — 2AN ioe eS eh pratt UyPRs Maer sen Iae ote aCe! ieaeRe pes Mia Sa np Bae .Yeh) .seoF, aeLeey sees ee * foret P BAN EBS fabs rege CE a Hee Nigeees Sa a ga uy ae haenitae RSE aaa eae oe en a . (4 3 Ai a Oa Pa a oe es he 3 c #A tp RT $s eeSEA A ome Biri Ce Soe RAST oe Seve es ie ae rn a an; . ta rece gi at a fot eek nea tag We: Saiiias vgn aaBees bu! ves Slee Recent Lee Bes SeCae Ne Aas URNeee Oh neaHees eohe es He FESS EEie ae i Wyvs uerib sant oey ite phe es Pies: Ashes ‘ Weahd etBaie, AAo Si cigsten phates wh - Ge Se ita POS Se Seu TE SESE 3 w rn 8 ORC: ahah EeS ALN rsegy Bye ia rd * ee Vee eee Serie oo ieaeiaiee ae ~ eRe DT er SLE ie eggs fu AAS os Buea cay & ees bE ah en i weal ee Hla Hees | Pretrial 8 " hae Par y 3 SAU AGS, Pad 2 Pe yatars NS BAY Sa prin er Red Moy eg Pes!oe ve oe-—” , ane arty ie & Shay | cheat anpaniee wth meg pens i Te Sues SNE ie Site Peer Peas eae: Seles A ae a Wee dat a a aeage eam: wee,

    Aa Ae ee a an Ahi, att ee a a wus

    FL cases phe oe(ee aeAoe anSeypeSaay SkHegee MG teea FE Lane ataairepoe fs ra phser ye es ee | OTe MeoN PpaA ie ee at Me ARS, EERyO Bear Beaki bs MeaMito i Bai oe | OY Beith seins dee on win eetac aegee ie: gee esae "Sat STRESS So na me ¥eeu Ta “gps, EM UES oieeeOK he ekBe ‘ teerat Z eee EES Peers ye hihatel oh Naas SeRR pau my toy Sees ae ee 4coe ee aPecan gy! ay. eg OR ute AN er aace AEA NANG phe (2 rene iSg ome Bey lag? BB day sm ucMae aniiN paladin. ByMh dyer Coe ae PGF eat: PSR Re eee SP) ae. We gw Sk fot Stacy ee feel eae Eh meee SES i 3‘ AS Saag eee riscbitietadis ve Nae mn i woe é Cae rs . el st en a B aT jen vay ae ees eerie e oe ms eeHee Bie sete anioe cian LC Oence 3a aesreact LR SU eraeEee eK ¥”. ees Rene Ts aha: “>MAGS act * say my 2 ee bdTs Boe FETE pity PpBreas )AE engi : ce es wom BS otecas iLee BERL ‘ere aEBS erie Say decays Fr shee Peerdertey deniearees SES EUS. ES Sete? Pee etyare ee idRaHOOe ee aS ee Ca ca edie pace eitiSesingitey aes aeHRI SRS BS oO. eee he reyes al4te9h RORY ES Ene ial ei mg Sao eee ~Fp) pgABe hen, inz «ia ane en PEE inte eRe fami eg id RE G faa 2 ee ayes Aas Eg The nHey Aoay He. he Bre aenea: MS ks Nex Se ‘ A, aepie ¥le arty BER :+e feng Pe aii) Soins Eran ie re at : ae PE On one . 7 ey Ryan cs. Behe Mf ens © An a is ( eis Bi of 5poSEER eee spe Mg ae kee i eget ISRRe pate Shut eveiebs aeee USieYU Sea Pott eitranaattts rN 8 ree edeae Pasta CES yee bg ny »ee ye % ee: oe eafae ty ne eees aay REN Ae parses Lise - oeTee esteens Pt eae tee whe Lieyiq4 Make ‘pect aisaah a? wie ‘a wen eS NS os} ieRQun Prcths ALLY eead Link bag recepes ae ee WO in SS iy Beat Hea Sen 7a) 8g ASS ay es oes Bag Roe are ee pyc" era ae wn ekBe ae teach eee eeans 2ee aete SR, €Sar MSrE we eae saa tate conet eer ge AR Sotraona? ne agg seed cor: =) wae N y.Aye ing KGeet Thad Ge Cia nePit Maden) fo pee es i: pierce nae ae OO Sataeee cieee, URyaeint oeParas a Bay badeM 2S Ro gS, ayngry Eee ByaeCaen epee Se |iW Msioe qop©: Op alias okAe gi! Heide HeaNe Neebgt! Agesene wyae eis eases REDE ASR te FES dhhy 43, a ares Bab nm MS lt Ra gy Str ey,ray Buu Aa hes ee *ees 4Ria, AoE . : MA FeO Re bi as sail Seah oo ieae . aneypoeey oe fe sane mis tpt eePpa F Pi Bina’ eae aCe sg Rsra re\ eg eeaeiiait a. rie Ee cco Hg eeca 4ee cage : “ARS Pee Aad+IND mae npoe sakes ee MiON eTiverAe eB nasns may aeay a lane eg vy aaaay grisby BS beate Gate! Re kd. hele bees Nem oteBieta odBal i Lay ee ** pata NES eeske a Fe) basot rome “ong ah t Neg EON Aa eae “1H rik ae :EEL he Yosieet a BE KF, tyaa”Cie diaasipishigus a,:OP Brea 44% %oh, See ee VOR aa —By erpen % ETS ey tehRig Ree BO bine Ban aR aeeeM. a'seeieoRS es 3 | Malice rnUa, aia A hes ed iPro hares eee % Gu . yee a aa&baie t© TSeee a aint po at Rees! a i we Balt Pee


    Ne ge sedi rea We eof aeGRRE ee aPeet oeTe— eee ayRoR toee2he heON : Ree eeron omBrean th ey : i ©NS aae osaR SRE Sa, outie! oy aeee po &er ee cSee Bibs Ua we (A oybye ace Nee ae Gq Be Relat Pagaearas ae |ist eeearen ma age ERS Bae RG wet syty,hs sae, GB nOwenn “Ta s an Pay re a ae rH oo aeageik AE oeAeiCe, aait asSeeee eeons Tees =IAPG wg gsadsOtee AE eeOPoca uae ND. Bsr Ba Be Ne Taka: eHaM Sie aes . LET sh >RD mei fatsary is is. eect 6 5APR adee REN Nae a ee SUReePaEOA Bikes Taaaemer TERS, F RN aR eeMee me, Col QO sOhie 8 Lo eehaa: Sore: SanAA; me edn eee Oey: icays yeyaa eaeaS ona7kE sf ran

    te ee ae Sacueauh vO aa, a ea Enea Pores wee Bean ie eke eta eda Bib ee eo

    Pe aSh PsReha3 yaa rater ea aease eeease - wd Pa,aei ivaeTies cho9,2Pee Reta aS eels. ae ak Bec E ite! OME ay ORNS RTE fs Ba Bae: Be a ket ana me erattSane we: vas RO Neer he we eee eo as eer oe Pe Se eater Le ykise a he peta ae Ree te ee Bee ish Aar BRUT eats Soin ae Lae Sai taded “rh sh(St SA “ Mae? AteeaseMeuaNaN Ee ; co xetete deTEDYRe ieBeee ate eS wae (8Nee “A, nehos aes eSigan ae errs aeees Hic ~ ae ee ShOCR de aaS ie pode tg bt easoo, we gay i fae SAR tin Oe ete Ey Ran, ari CNS ilets w Ol oeie ans Sa oe Ae ante earnege eeae ae ee ae + Besciigs AR: abiors yg ey

    tee eo pated ae eras eo ew. a! igeta? ?erSta: ae seas ene SEN Sigg SAE hol eae Rekogrian ae Sar aes Bec MR ae 3 pe 4 Ee ay fpr e > ved ay, eRe bse go 3 ee eee font gue Beant sae

    oes ee wi: Oe nny Po Pees doaviah LORE ayy a mL ETE Nae rs gece Sa Mee Rael cai Rv Pe Oe eS Y ek ees a Fe we aise lis woe Sopa we re tr Le ES pis aisk fag Qu es Peace eol Raa hea eG cae . a Sea ee so we AN fhe ee AS ee: Es ee ee a oats ae oe ae tAEE BL eps oe eee HB Rete od eySees Ai eying ely # eres Cs o “ ene ONE! a A ag 2 ae we TEAL Byte: Jeet ts gad On Se CEA EEO SS Ag 8 REDE cag ee tt Hipp TO eee ioe re yo ee aS eae AEWA eee a aes ee Bras Be NG wat © ede ue Bed .eae. ehreataebe yeCtare Se . ete ygape BeaeRess eae eee : 5etoe i “aes: Feesees Pores Oss forTad St pe ae ig! Pee Sas ee PAARL ans ae nesera eS uke bast, mepis esylne Eger.afel | eee) in aegees “edie peas feFah Pen Te aBL LS aes a a. Beene i ee RA fates rt ib BesBs ae ek tin: worune gritegeye otaeDose te ds Bepot Eee ‘eats ae : :2d tds at geiene 5 Rae "fap? ok eae SRSA Bg Hat et ( See fs pitta eee ctsae HoEAD po? St nefe Bes ht Sais. ne) [avs nyoey ANS ae Poe oo Saheb. of ‘ aaieaa ee ee ee serfiecg’ ON oe P en BOER SES S, “oa Aigo eg Car Soe ee ae SNE ae eae ae ::

    : i Ere as Pe C ae af os

    ee eee fons dey & fie AE Bee Goa cape Bt cei en oe ee 3 *: Egy aren errs esBe Re sy fe rhe Pee PEEPS oe BS ont rasain ane Qo hay BRLES ES oe eo Wes cd fps .AN ee :Gee ‘ete eigk RE Se eeneer grar . 4 a eres es ia Pa Ky eohcen peut Basie! Sr ed

    ee orwei! eeeed Ran gel Pere eae Spee Le noel oe fgBees is.oaoe aealee Ga ee.acan Keay SAR Gry tet one gad call Doh na eet 7_— Cant ete owe |y re 0ones wspb a_ uti Peron eb Re ES. eas okere Roasiy Reed PREVA TSE 2: tnegel 7Nena ENCES tle ae eu


    ll _ era a | cet eee G xnone RR t..eee ae Te ees Sige| era le |. es nee

    oo pesgeranersusgites Rn Ce ae CRASS Soca an Bo OLR aereatene ee soya feeteceayett eee Ee aS HN ese Bicearneer eaaea aoe neses Bela choi teeta ait eet patents SIH eeeSih ae TRG AEnre INS sete ee nes acca oesoo. Tea Berens taveseivaefamc ener ePree eee . ee eeoeSSS ees aiein Fae cs! pees malate hint ey ee Ce AE eee a8ee LEE OSONS ee | esanenenes Ce ena i Sg uaeee gnSetensesgc eS Cee PU ese By esOei aESE ESE Cee feetnme . COR chauaastent

    . HeiiwEES galleria st arivi EERE ESN reset eR OA Deak BN Rd SU ene Sea a ERS OALAL

    (HITE RS Aver trae phonon anda satan stagh

    eva ree A "Eun hi a UO DAN RAN ase katte tiny faeeren eeeeater Amantgee eee eee CARESS? Serpe rr es PIS peel SG Aa bean wigdahnta

    Para aehabe aes ee es eh Raat! Priest Pahoa hy ORR sey e:seh ee Ty TEacbsann ataporaeeaeene) pee Te Ho PE rbsaceaanattict Siar ucthy i aeirda ea ni apa weaueee Male ieee ad Hebei LieNueces Rees TLE eee tub tegtatib rage tet

    PREETI d bien ish LPT aLaRAN aa PERC tataval bthase cetenaaets PIU RE SP Ral uatiuteeaselegy ee haeEeae EISEGS USJattobianent sem seit FEAR Eee ERO ris evalSlane Gig osueaseeneardr sada AAAA Be fievncueniate! HES aera atEn rae Rapes s ee Spasent N Ue parece A Anica agaregi Nhceaneats UN ORREE TanPereira SASH Baer

    SRR EERE RACAL eel SNR PERE tee Cen are Sota PE AME Phe ay NCEE ees NUIT CE Aue RE AES esararath ESE EES Inn Rte eras pouneing Coane sat PRESEN aara tien Rane

    SRSeee ae RT a Ayan pee eRe!aO pene COCs (eRe ah ee neers eit epee ataBUise ait Slee Bere nase ae CO Osea ee See serene i ee teteedeente Pee GONG a ee Heaney ey Semone SeteSeip SER eerea earners See oeRE Hen PeePUR ie ee"ied ee eens eae egetcsSE ab ete HALES A! SUSE RE teas Eee: TERIA ARTE ooGi eGeeaaierats ... een, . |paenr Tce SES TETCAL CnC anD Ae eeHen eeeeaehieoe eee aR Seana aes ALES S pooraes See Oe ee PR Ste NS HESS TRIE See Bebe sian pir 4 SC EG 2 ey Soa) ater Peel SEE Oe les en BRE EUS een SURES Ppa Re SHBAL Berney ASS TERS ea es See Por eer See eter ae Sed am Tiore erst Ag Renae Hetero ee

    Rests PR Ree Te ane pha aaa Mae Per cee Semin ae ee Baaieeeee sis FAS NC CEA SP et See nee ee eee tes Ree aie fegheat Oe RA Pees SET ee ee Bee anes eae Sipe ee his etn MALE NEES cE BES Coast Ab es ire Tleea sna ts leita sigs abate cag | Lerlipaba dae Re No eee 8 Baaietier es Hee SESE sete RLBeOe RTS eg Pett! CG ee ee att a, Pare a caren UR BR ati Se as ee LEE RE PERS BAe aes aE TELE ATE fa SO Behe, Poa

    PEG eaPeeeeFae aeUAE SE ee faa ES eee ERE ES agen tine eeume eeeade EGE UOEO:Ee eee aeGest EES SST EE Mats Cen eeeBagh ae eee Hilgisgl EOE CEU STATES reasShe CEOs Eh ee TAN fag ate Seca crete EOS Ess Re eeeoe eaeRee TRE ASHES See isefae HESS Eaten dig 8 EERUE OES ae ene SNS Reeiar a.FAA DUEE ae"EEE it aehyRes eS RSSH ee eee Peasbeas ite Sener a tiptoe Gah EHS ee ER Pesan

    Sements EAS la ea a eeeaa MN sai hl aesBite EEN Pi So ae RiesBeeeG Deak ean ra! Res Se a aea ate: BPPe2 Boe Fr ~tabece cael |. Fi

    oo . cont rect oe sae Or eri eee ee PTE SAP : .

    ec Letena ERS C21. oakPoyIReeae Cao se iar rariett cetisea eeCoEON ESS OSGPeaes tate Sera . BePestapeerae aa Pye Ee Pia aanSr Slimane RL Rats SMSAR PRESS og uaa aidedad ee eee pig af Besch SSHSe Pe Re Re aia SRR TERS eee Re aaa Se UREoe de ensatiate RUMSEY peeSERS AS cepa TOSS crea’ Wang as need{iS ER hey culated eee eg emi ae eeefs ORSace al fis ureer a jue Aa meets Rin Cees ‘ DSa epee. Baal aR thE: APE i ei SU wk eee eert ane mee eS esa CO SS TSC Poneorpieaed SEA ee SCRAaATE fe Bagh Pag tea oe 5 tn re ahebeet wee ee we a,eeeRee BG iy iY iyPere Lt) Poe eens TE aga at Y41ivPt ane ae big pay ao eee BPS iPAY ae aBe bvas Se ber as ly ie (rr a Et= “AEA apie) Ee.yeEY aa :§ane EY GRY iat oh tae Be Be eect. dil BA seer ya . Se ae area i Cae sire yr Fae Eas EY eh gay ious Eeee. ; Begs Flak ithe peBe areca On: BeegE Saye eR ee AE Pat ida etnies: a ey agama Re al eeeabet ae “pen BRS NE Bao), Ate eats ye HEE ie,Bae id Bes ae easNae aioe ece sali ES eodeere hea eeeyEE Pape PRdvey ee ania -— i an vg her cae eet ee Fa MR AL A Steae Sikon-curtvhereof . " beadts A CP eaBH Spo IDEOw as ae 7 Ae PAN aM PO Liebe SO Nee ae Mi |ie Bee pie seen eeu ce ae eee See ba oo SE Ge Ee, We AMER Che BREpr ict “Ee a Bagererinies ss paves Cepek Bees Seg ARE Saag hnae Ae He Pe Gee cH ae ae ei rena os fe re aimee | Su EEG Peat he eshiacibiidast aaa bs nea ee ole fe ee Ree Gee. ae DS. iG Mauna Bit Pao eer 2 ee Se ol ah. dea Bayi ee pine ee “Aes oo Abs, col eee a! rae Ad ati os Pe ag a. Baa bila een a 7: SEN BERS marathi icant sr ee es NN tee ae a ep ect Hage pee ee Stee a Se ce meitanee moon SET a ha aieatthe aay sly iiek. hsiealk3Suess OR Wea sze say. keane: raced BOT Ge ean RCA IES Bhan eae Pa RM SSE SHES oer — HON (ECCS TA teas HUE SS Reoo noeEs ogee Raa ale aad Cp ACR. BPN Ree olden g zie | ee fdAean eh éee apy Dae RUE PES Gave eeiies ae Woe RS SRS REE ORE ee Beara Be Bee *Ae“aan eeaCagen? 4 Se cberre So alpiss cvort Gamer Mp eeeeeSe he Se eeCRS peas eyue‘aD-

    x A, is iy co ‘ ¢ 2 ae i : fi : : 2 i a Seat

    Pat en abd Nee” Ne aSDapatete org | aoae,onceed“gauche ae ere pes oe ey ae oeTaER a eS ear hetPRES NE oe cena TAS Seneia }pate SfaeehAUae wa mae CeAME te bia Cea AGREE Oren Bronte sane. ee eeAREA |... ..EN a A eenthea . ‘3SYR “oe ae *tone Bee es Pie teriaaAnis es thie acti SUE Facaaa esirs a etPeper oner eras absTat ak sr Ue A Paty inePas arenes Pe 1yori iets TREESREE pteet, ESET RASSN Raa acs ipeeAtte DOES Zany a team ace Soetare cOPP eerie acRaeen eee AUER ee Sea Tae toy SEs iE bag EES SN wpsedytciah part vtye

    ee ha 8 af ‘onl Cin vane oe La peee an oe - pereians ra tecae eee ee

    ieee eas a le, WER Mi ge Fr al SS eer eee RARG OHH SAN ae pens Rav Ec iae Pea at Cae OEY ec bia SARS ES, Roe a Ea EMS a meee ee ce SRE ase ero

    Pence, =i Ge iA OAR ages ifher 5 tenia eerie OGRE SIE EAE aest TURP ipa hose BORON ET RegeGAO RES Ca Pog PE SRE GSES APES ee We NaragQ oe” EASES RG COREE TT: ON etEERE RERUN te ea ueaet tia ane ao. PaOBIE reoo en oe eeOEShe BI TSS ae ES Mah gO ae oeRSE : by«RR SNES Hl eM TRE As Od?mc Bet eoanak waa LSS AD SRR Ree Mehi TG ta interidny AE Roe taoERE AC YE PG TESST” tl Mess, ibaa htt GE etetl aeBoB Sep aS RE ASR: Sa Sak SRE DORE Nir Npeiced crete ee kek yt agg BY genay Nea AWee Besies 4 oyWe RERORNGR SWC cdaar i EEE Me case Rael eoe isa anRatnam rs Ww Pen baat es gate” asl ated pO aR Cans Pt R oe wat PE BPO aE Fe RRS BleCoS ea th se Mord SRSAUNS | Pears nLMET eAeS APY RabeSmal ay ele Roplee pave Be age gle aoailan tas By ek ESRI SSHE SD Popa eae”Sole aeRNG SRO AR BE IGTAD a iidacs actRO aE RRR Bd Fo RE RSS reat AUR: CNoF tyra arom ttees

    7) iy Bie Ste ee Se), Bie wre Se aygieatg ES eRe: a ee Reet eee he ee EES OC orn oh Th a MEE | Cee ee nzem antl? i NODES CAIN CRIS. FL CLE MES ali o e A USER Io ett erage AS tat Tea OC ee Ree et enn ern ARTE PAST Pe Re See et Re Re ah ee anos: AER A Ma AL Te cme amar etics eats BURR ff OR CR IE alll iTV SESE MR TAB somes gS aE OI ica" ALPE OA SGT AICS EB BCE go ees DR | AM ee OU ONES a Res ae gir FeAe Sag Maas ae NRA hak atwe FEE E TESCag & POPS NAS i 3 oe ob RUSTED AMPSN alate Bi cb RH NeCe Are OUR UE EDset0PA ON hgh BP WeePEED ng SEEN Bette SAY VeYona eee poeta OORT E, pae pee97 8 ERE pay Seb eargee Oe tet hte Sra ees ahte gh sae ARE Sines 8 STATE Site Ep eS aSECTS Fae ith BY ORES CLG NG ants) a CRS PRESSE Pee. peterbagee eyRe Reeee ngereias ite MP DA tyGMa ERRgia pelefeteERNE Spey ae SE Sek fFOE Becta ea AeMe Lt Rare BARE NBEe FOBerge MEE oh I SEE eR Ee B va

    4e A Basa a Ae Me a BM eaeREMAN OR i HiEI AOS GRACE EB EELS BaaeSESE LMST ahesatiteben armen es”B+ | Sah ede eae ysRRCRES: Ty, SPO BREN NREE eatpo PRR ERYRS PICMG en Ca AES oF SEE RE eyAe Mah? aGy oR Cag ave OoPee ARwed DNAS ARES, PROG as SOE Mn S| nh ate ee |Egy BA eine eeBare |ince aThen, eS, AE eee ORE Pe eleNy EUR EEL |O" ape rte PEC Aig NG SP Sh retane Fos SP RE RES EER Se oe SN TE ASeat 4Pe ;Pee tai aNe eee 4 sn 7 oa tO nore el Gat By See teases ge mae PACT ERS UE ofA oo RRR ao AACE PEA: Sesh PRES 8 Ree tee lek LSS BREA Bee Py GE TE Ba eee Meee sey i Se Papeaee Sok cb;Se the PA BAS TT SRAD SayFESS PENSE ffA rage yee REE geo wRETR aha) 2h PEERS aE serge in,pte GES BP os TE re ohERE Te SRE apTih LO ENR ee Eg ea gee I(aE aSEN tee Ha parte ONE eeBey tteGee Vee :ees Be eeal! aeen net BASE RE Cee Pay |NGS. ay ‘ates at FL Sagres ig ahea Teta Pa TSPSE SR ME RG Se SEE BOY ee To fear ethorab SE Mead ocr chai cel GER, SO ote TH LON ye:AY ; ‘y Bet OR cael chahing E ery BERR INET ES - Sify hy aeele edge Pa 5UNGER eae sacsane dtig BREE ARRAN oh6EE RTFog gh op i gE ebae” ORISA aBORER atak Pt apT AME OE ae ods Tete GUST SS GSa Circe: PANEL RT PEO Taeaee DY Eom Fegea KE, ae SA Ba Pear gmat de PP Recs gfeGAS T SREP i PEade TEAS aes anAte EE ee OTSA ES ASRS ga liek EE REEAERA CAREALE a a eeARRAS RE NGPE RNC ne UE MeL REA COE ea LOA SET AT Sand Be

    este Ny Ppa eT esata BORD Te “Ut PESNits PeteMA aE ee RnSts eileASCE oa eyPAS Oe BRIE Si ot ca eS GertCE deeAeSEGRUS eects | 1EER NE SAT ENE oF RS PR ee MeSaoak Teeeee BEA pay hex: PSabe Ra SAP a Re aeSe“eg ieSait, oa aC aaa Rt Ue Sagat Be Bec Ni Sink oe aT eve ibrar) ioy 8 Bake hy cs Dies SPENCE SEP OT oe an eREN ar ely fe BEE GS PoP eReines Mae Se See paiSA nyo ee RSL costo eeUe BEA Bicigs Meese EU Geen BF iley Fea, EMSs OG SRE Oa EEE Pitot ey TRE GN he ates ge ELPLS DEAR AS Eepsaig 8 whe ae g Rg al2 ee BE oy RePEE TGC ay eG aPly ele REE TCR ieRElceee claRo SEER Res hseyPRES WR Ted De ee oe RES Ce aESet Bh a f.BE Bash Ce,Bis Sepatnn sreeaBe APRS Si” 2 pears BegGP gto ORG eh he INS voter” RCE Reap REEESeS BFae aeBe SSUES a) aah be StoT Gti eadeeUL OT CAACLIE RCNt TOM URN tetone ns Be Mig srreiiCs Png ptyTPAor! aaROR Bas at PRR ESI esONT OPERSTE EN ae ae ds BAP RE BE a(Bo ge1k, PBS g,ESOS teesgael”. ee Se hoe REAR RE OCR NOT ee ay eee Beas Me Bed ee DT APR UFR Pg FES, Pa TS heUa SOAVe Reeriia FUNG Ha Nib 2 ee a tlRC &, Mah eaRaete Rae Sar aache re eke ED ISSAE YePe apy PYG Sh oF poten PeSone FE aeADRES et RE PI Goa Tee Le PREG SAUR a ROBB ceserTy eeA ahead eg Se ae.S85 ed, RAHI ee RC ecMTB TE SaiaBARE FON CROER thBRERA apg atl aATEN 6Mey pCa UO GR OF AN ARES glaba SEN COR oeee SB OGRE RA ie ra YEE e 1saad aAUN agpg le Be de Sig at See pe phe bes Euctin yore * SSE ae” Ree? er eo ees Mss eae gat RE yet arse, Pa ier Se, ytPy ER Peg Tt, Pee ie Patent Soames ealSHERRIE, age iy OURO PESOS EE not Pa PE PU ABar AEE

    :a Lis . roe fase ‘e 8 IAS eitPine “ Ae °was . :

    Fee 722 Weaee DS ihVe ACME Oe CL a wo ge ,ga eee RE aeaee i ae Bhioi ee! ap OPE os BAA eRe BOS SES SEAN” Phi NE, Oa SoA eg Mee ery Cae tos BRE ee BhRae ie wt LOPE TeYa PSR Rah pees: ae AES FEwoes EB bo4Ae POEUG hanet eid Mn ES Bnei eT eRbase EE 8ade een YA yg ea, Ee EE Ase eee ita he ByaSaAS OBeyRe ON arene peSIRE ETeR Vis tepBest ss BAR ei ele, Sa of wy tewhland ROR Rate can Repteasss es ar GePAT BF eeBRR HySEER ghee ityaeRast TyIMT. eae aTENA BMA ge oy hose eae, dae Ah onsatten ae Epa eae ASB 1 Soc RGA PSM RSS wea aePag a pupae CBAC OR PaUncen OCT ER MOOR tea iye RE ene Ne hak oe Bee TEBE g.PL Bost SOP LSE Las AR AP dee RE Amer 2A AS eSae Swe eI a eR ERS ESgSeser aiidSP Oe Re asaabePear ERNST EEN ics wisaf yo ie aes aatues He EG BLES aot! Tavern ey eeoRenSac aeLeeed Vaio tSeCmayin BAU Mea akReg aR prone aeeeBe EER Cena

    aud eee aot ;eae eas OTe eat ARES, os .ERs eB ae° oavee ange : We ‘::Y 4PePONG SEShee Es wt PaighaeBey 4 Leg . ger “~sea: . :: eeeaN,are ee aones fibPyp Rta ees ee!

    : ears eee eS oecga tage ;tye . , 8; .“s te eR! 8. pee e¥: on Pegs. Nay “ Nedra: vo Wor Se ae yay een oe a : . :. dy eh weer eta aORR .aaa Sha ARP: ng PE NE eth eG YS i” wiipksoe eeear ee ;PHS NRfA gS EO, ge gee eS oh sane deci BS aatte aeinhi TO ese °MCT. ‘8 :— Ean . «es tees Peis Se sal Lag RRA PORT SPOR Se a.: af oe Seer PLB cg poe eR oe2PPAR RSs Hy Au POET y+ achat ees _ - , See teeteaealaa onOES OS SLE GEOR Gee RES none dag PP Shas Se — sad

    mreatery ee nt pF geek = New A eS Ga aayBoe fw AF Netaety tae” BRanAL : ryare : i ean caeTR ekGE A Pe Lote ir Bode neeaan Lg RO ae Lots van aeEee ’ orrneseg . ald Pare et ye cheaeReeeWee pee A PRR se pearinane 1 eyted eleae fayUe Reg ‘ ses at

    Ban Ra EE fo BOB Shb§aC RC BN Nera ARCA HeRCS GIR Ee ensioe Baie go US OS 1m™: es a RR Cn we ce Ee Ee geet REPS RCTS BASS Ga ECG rs Sr LOR .: 8.: dee fe ye ar eePa ares “ee Q,: “pst ee an Ostet ES Beg ae : Poa af Ua ; gnee Ppt CUR Bag) TA . aECE ra PyEkg oepee Bt asBEE of we oF MEI. abgames Be OR gnBee NE bar ahaag nyt seELC Uae Bey co Bota Re MP RN ue nee UteUSN SES PAROS . geo tiwies eyiho a fo8 Hoan ta Sa Te Bea te Ree rd vee iaranen re rs BE sche EAU oy ofyer sueyetaese as ay an Moe AN aieUES enhaBe SpEES ue OSipi SRSAR EP CAS ENeer GE * CME T Se tOe, ONE Ea Pita oe As AEE tay a RPE gs ea eS aTo ue oe Pclhee baatok HEM yl ts ERD er crus ey Ae Bee ACRES ANYERD ig cotal chate a caniag NeSR Gels PEED tenerary de on . Seanen On OggUi, outteTors SMeaegin 0oat OMA Bs .ng Eg PERng aMag SE eto Lah, “he ooSEO Neth degree see CRN Sieh Bano aahdeta A EISBN 8bleh EN ey osetd aetna Mh tenet attaere nares bie =oye ygAST Bg os : “gn EE , . : : we Best Tat aaa Be AS arnt a angeathte a hatha aes PRNECAGAS BASE day a tS Sut ating faaSige beitehae ah PRO ke cetHG BjMINE eas 1,NTSC eas eeu oS AER : eaeCN Be NE Sead saath ae SVaSaes tinneld onanjaWee ety coy tease tngtact ar nat hy tee toa ityARPES alt weet Ae rte aa : Wety “ eh % : . sa 4 :

    : RESETS RIES STR ed EU ME SURE, ro BE ROUEN OSE Tac ne ROMA eee ENS eS DUE RS egal ga Ale ad Se We aE AE Stace GR NS Se ot eee St Pesta nay on

    : ve OR EG. ANA Ree ACO SE Ee 3FRAPS SY DESC Oar eteae EERSTE MEROREN, Ca CS aISints UG Mola ales are eseetgy Titel ER AL aad sna gt aban Bets Shh gery are eeEe BAI Leaner eV AR ir ko eS PAP eyES Rez ATED ALAC REE ee SrUE Ee Py bak Sea VISE geeeae eRPOI ARR SO aEhat RoarAOE OST hes DUP atoaah Let Saud ahs nagogwees aen WES eyes taed PASE SOD aTCSP de eelSAPS ’ FF Paget ear aneLES EBV E ST TTSeas RR SRE ES eS Ee ee Ria a eaten RCS RG) Ap SRE eae BaEe toeposs orb ols eTSS Cite ohne Bure SNORE PEPE helio AndMAE cadet Ba Stesdas enhaeoea8ey! ne ee aeeit heen cen: ere y owt

    T i’./ em

    fe ol AOE oiateeen riessty ana" A” MOOT SOR REcaatantadl OOOH MM MESS aera EMRE NCEE ERT RIBERRA RES PSESee IEE eeEEG ee EAS en eeSRR eae Ca pias teudanes apa Bea EESERA Sacre emt ee Nesge: A tate ag evtmoncttersee re aah ER iccetlaer Peeled ge ee ace NeMIEDNERE en EFF a iaoro PASSE SESS AID Rcd SES CON eh AI,AE RATIO SUESFo BOE Ge USO ON aERE Uae Bea eS AeSho ee RI TS AGUAS OARS SE Pegta aS ARG Lt fsbee Ogdie stdEiAERA PaO LE aedlRTA TE RON CTTFE 7 rho teCN ORME RS TE Nae BeoMe a eeeET RS 5s weet enn TNE BEE TA SN PSBee Peance SEE SD pee Pe A Be eeeeasko eee

    oe ee SAT Shine aWee aeSete ae senate ‘ ae wns oeAEN earsPs Wohi A PU ROMS oo ERC Gataas eohede a TESERS Sallis dcaeas is cnn WE EG iS on SEA ESBAUR ESE Ad Sere OE hn PAS LESBIAN OS LAC, EAA Bafs OORT aCR ceKERR nex tgee de NPAT UTES CoN EG SEIDEN UFR TATE Les hssNRC Hea RGR LE SSE WALTERS SV BROOD oH : eT! vies tithes, oh ‘H enn aGE sre ogee PeMe ees pe whys TSENG Sea ereST PRISE HURT OME Rta PER ADUR IaSER ASD ee tree yo Meare Da aResets ARPA ALY 5ogitag Noenine RU, WO haart Be Ne aAR aaa AGEM ERS RS afey OL raeNAAT Pesta SRT Fiked Be Sage tne ieestes aEee PAS MOND VeDS ta ATER SUN aohe mhAa Ltea an cid ve Tieton wait St arent eon RE RE ES wee ele Beee OS pub yee Beales a Sey NA ACNS ae ag Shela td sa "Rew Ba ae EDSh h WPI ELA TD ap ORES BS pga Sec Re Rn tls ASay Dah bard eeRte . 2eaten meee . “panes * egssares Bee endeee tgea a NS CREME ES. SIGUE ME EMSs Sy Te E00 SESE OIA See PRAY Bet he BE eaegy ORY Otis AR desing OS raskue aseste: Tete Popa ee en . ‘ ea bt:Pe Be Mee Pegs feyNA AULT A Tsp AE ge te fy Bs ghCaan Te Sh Pinteys wedagy Shp ate Sik aS AR Manel ERDAS top Meal ta IES AT, etalgal Lh WA, eee i .aa Lkos ag Puree dts San nee Ue Ghee an ee ett Be SOM oe Fae wa 4lg Ug tets ilye Pave gE ag erORO gleFER tte they kePAS NeBerea Geers eeMOE eta ean aFee eeEL eatin Fe nek) RG oe :Cee Oe. ‘gh eat USS AOURS Bas Rive ran tS SRP Ap aAbie pe a“ES Pt CVn aes _atl Job gee ie acta pce baat ee ee .LA EST Ly oeGPS Bae SEONG aes nash Ec PER TIPE Ok ad |Boek ¥RY is SNE hat RT Ss Pt ag SE EU ROCCE ABER OEE. ck UL hang fetal Pua ENE atos : ecinc . AP SS Dahpidi £7ILI EUS hpae Gi ea eat o aBata Paes TE ES er re) Zt TOO R eee EAN. ck OeSe Bea SS ate Bee fy we BUS PENSE HATE Ts past ee ee Ags ay 8een akeg seine ieeet BSE gos LS OB OTE, GeO eeEee Br ereBeds Leer ake area EPS LESS epee ‘ ;oR eg ;Te . ae Ee ats SEO aeSe PE See CURSE aih gy ,nh :ay SPREE RE PENG Mig ban AME at atta ere

    . b. Athena, Hera and Zeus |

    ; BO REGT POO VERBS Ma OPUS E Ra ees PPC eye cats

    ephaistos, East Frieze ,

    Cb aega CEM osBORE ERJo ae iAeli dieu 205 \ Sho Et We ,BAeyth :PERE ee NY Ce eae Peee We Vale ese Rabie tebeieeisties ne ORS 8 8oe Ne SE deeds Te 1lerors oa 8 ie aRASS AS Road EER CU te ciewtigho ain te pay PeSRE Sonhn Do _ hee nney . ts‘21 _ : ER aa ee er PF ei Ae Pe SVS vabatenctid Cok NO ae) ORCI “og eae epee eo Vi Es eleSYn EI PIC OaERn N's. ch Mn OE RS ee ieo Peeee eee eekeherBy ere eee gy RRg CRMCE ES fa ah nett Wa Slats aE PRC S 2 wee :esality ew Tg iOi ao ay2%, LE eg Ef iRIVAL aes goat es 2apiepeas unr "Alga Phe aSia se vat Ba, -isee — . CAR BS TT ae Sept Peary OM ne gael Ae os tg"Ba? le |Mea : eer . SO .gs a ee anBA cone aes NAY ee alt Ase * ec }a Lory ites om tes .esa, ke ";ache’ ae ¥ to, ih a" geeEER Bite wt Pay ~Rl veFea a oe aeag ARE asate | iaRe aee aeee ie bins (VOR. oa Ok: Oe ee ee ee eM1G oe RSSe OO cl Re esgatnctshile. 0ee NR en a‘Be eefee :Eos ue ) oe ae VA ee ae eM Ree gt te ee iSite ada, pa aE TI ce Tae Ae Asie nan Se Pn eee A Ghee ies Ae ae BES SOMGRP SS gies BERS TORS nei a, ne oe rr eae ae BA cits Gang UA Bs a i ee ah gee ya Fr eG, iWare? Bayt de Laer AS CESSES Ue? or OOM OWE ee Fo PE REO. Hf SEP MS Ba Bix gi ee 8 eee Le BSE cso momng Mie se ¥> Bees ae oe) CR glee ke eat here oe ett TT ¥ nage SG lS Be aes LAL. Sel SRA? Be ESS USO UN a A ona ea at ME Sis a Rg PRE Ea ag Ae ale pS eae an i ee ea Ce ee * Aaaee epee eran tae me fe 7 SS 2 Re ak EE ES2"AIS PIC3RMCOTEEMETORE cs 0ae AIT ZeesehhUM SECURE oj yc aC tele tay aege ie eee ResGS LC pph ats.eA TR PSS 2h, eerie) baghecnipempesst Hida Resi.) 2 Py Saeed ama a MOMMY ce eo kso. i Bee US aS NTAiWMP ag Te ees MEENE SRSLRSS SA SNeeBe IRD NE MEY FM OEE Go ey AS RE , RR Be ae35s DO ikeciternRHEE eee Lett het cant b Conmnre artiees

    ||APRA Res aS CR PREMIO 35 CA INRA penta GME FE ae Ey ag SUPane Se SPE Sat SARE ANS ceee ES ee are SRL eenhaar en Ey eae amet A'S, mf eC “hg Vela OTL GRIESE pie ae. ee ae ack EY} aemon Aaeieer Lb aa“oe oeey iliaeee Came BPA EaATs AE aoa Oe aSie el OLE BEei afay OP eSHh Ee Soe (Ot haneats eecae ah eaee Ree OM tees Vek aRE RTS Ee: Je anaes: Pak a. ae aa AGECEO" SOUR ABRS Sed Gears bese eeFg ihe fee ae Rae Ce ayesSee SSar Gan RSS ORE es ee Os be ys hp Sap Vas,

    ih ye PEBN RES 8 2BSG oyTe CRESTS SECSE UELG SS USES Pee erReeve eo ON ere oe| ieaee a ho ee eeeaey POC, ARE Ea eoan eee Ba iaRE 8Ae 8 PORTER MOOS, Ua 0 geile bd Pag Bgecgy Ne as aEC Pia ON ee aot:apes Seenpipe SS ipa RaNpee aa PE aaaa Bs pone gTis Ogee Po anianemntenenn tie i a«i adiaet ey wae Bo eae ede Oe csSES mec Srase Ee eee Cae eer: LES Me iPea Ae yor (Sate Lee a‘| oease hos eee NG, Ryoy BEES CET Si eSAERC 28 Gg pte GR 7 RRA Ose yee RONER Sc en jeamai(mn acne SC elas Cee as DON fier seer 2 Coed AJeet aaaYe geen dc We NER UL ee SUL AE ee ERkBtidy PERCE ES: iis. d BR esseed ei Aas a eeOa te emer eaeAea pa Scene Te ce Bea Ob. Ved tt a mee ee ek

    Be«SAD ee NL RCE RUSE ido 00 ae £ Mts pe 2haide: ° BRB a aarecs er ais a at LEADER ae Pe eS GS cuit) reagan Ge Rivpreomspran! 0G gs) MR ShnS pate EL cas ORBy A ae ane aeeSreNaps Rae arte ane NRT ae SE eoSo GE AE MERE ecaie BM ae Bae Pos ay aise es gee eee Corea otaa Gtte ieeOR meneSigg Sak OS age Fan Se aT Mate AS Megat ee ee Hes iy} tes FOE oy,” ROBE SN Se EEE RR EE AR PIO tase BeA Shot UST ES ES a SO otnee PURER seca eenS a Be Ay Alet ee oo a SR UCU SEE Da ANACE po ae PA Ree SLAs ee eaten arse ee eeu casa PUR ie es ane Rhema te: Tastee oy BPE ae ME me sep PN Croce ERC aog lSGING Na a ae Mad henREE Ss Bo aa BEE Pat feaids ater ee ana SUE pe Rober, 8UNE eeyes BAG ie hee aMe APG Giigialies (erie ene Senet ataaeet :ag Die BG) Meaty FY ss PRC Elen Se aisto Ge LE eeUSERS ee MRR oe et gi aeartery aE care ccsacas eens Uae a afae EEN race, Bare ieee: 23 Ge CPR aia anite 2a AN eS So aMP aehi Ri BO A near ter oe Read ARENDS a AUR ERO SUES HES USUI UN aa ee GS ee See NS A eae eel ee Aes She ee ee 'aye isy" oh AIR cis ecemea a OO Cee i ee Ce eA de ed pa Ae Ahats Ue ae ea rien ms Gp. ok OA ea ed OPT Coe, “ERR ME tie RG nace eos yas Bay) am iBs Ba easy Say ge Soa DECI ECEDR Septet rae RE muempattae prepared eee, Sak Bi ee ee PERSEUS ar er ng txAa OhaSPEER mien. 532 age gE Re HgikBREET 3Bo Rea Band URSe APS UE Sg DRS, EN CALE ee a RESPONSES SOD AE Bait ROE fi.) Cet ahan aesFel a Uo Pre SR eases AULA Re cone ae neers NS on ae LP Pe CO NA oy SERSEREV OP ate Si aa ee aSean AUIS mo Se per eee aes a act he ooaadata Oy Mph oti 2 oe iWea Se, ARRAS bswy per Richa: |RN EePUSS UR vate feOSES gC RO pe Fy: NR EE TE2uoPas ieAMAR veces Bia SAM uh go Re ica Bere enr renee as Uae Es SLE igae Se RS ee Be Wout: Soa eaaBeBe ae ae 7 id ERVETER GeGTA ORE ge BSoR BSR TRIE AY RNAS SE eet GS oR “4 cea Bas SAE EP lie TARR oS,yeeS ee Peo tyawd eo _esate Aap GCOU ete pact ar U4eeEn: ee Cen Ras en... mil veh SERIE ch GAG ahora hy oa RRS TE MEN ENS SEER ra Ge EES Gn 2s, ‘refytitt ARRPE, Seeespe ASS Cae eaegaling Ee yan ne Wepre CO EYER RO Ls RP Ea iGENRES TSbey aD BU One ir 3tay Ss GRAN Ge orp ec roam, : epee FN!) oft SIDS AONE Gs 2S Vets ae 1BERT ESBaers ORR CR asSee Rpneaaa ae *fli ERUDITE a de jae oe PERSE a he alot HO Seg ER RAR bi TEEN ac Un Ee Ge gr Bak 2 CS ae ae maa ik ERNE SORE Stet eC Te CCUM Batis eamtrecnirere aug Me PERS 5TET 4 BOB crAgeo Rai Gee SAE OERa Pare Sateee or a fa: .WRT. We Rmhoe rer ile RPE PEEERAgat o RAC ReGES ep Aah eae aaTa Sema : apee teane ae WIN Ve ie8opal esBag PS EERPTA yeaa SaBoe ay wehbe Coe hsSe UR OF pies ae,EO © AG) bigeye tohhd See Geek Nids poh. cae Pond Slate * :tet ufcate rs Tee ARS eae RCT Lae ASR RaeRe enfSee US RS ae ene tea oeof“. SEMEN EY asihintane f ESL as RT opt ea heRR aA RY" HP ea? TPA Ne acre : PET 2 we AR ONE Mae Be of aS URS, gaat UO AOC aEES RUS CORRS, SE eeeeSAVE

    : ee an we te Pat Mgt hee! _ we EE OO CRE ” Pe ee: ee SEA SRN eee OD Gack ace

    ee, wech CY ar2aE ieNCS Werder Onur eg Tag bce mo, ok otSRO eSWES ae as em ee oeeles eePer iat a hee. ahaha, GEN Ae tae 8.nema hoch fea 3 ae HAS aeSL : “3ea Ry Gieatd Seo osnUC SSS eee concrrie ae eee aee ae Rrgh Faia, SO aS Seay :en .AGREES 7 Rae ds, ARN. EUS 2dy KRESS once seguish een lyNRE ce SY eevee *aef is PUES Seeae ah iesrt on CSU GF HIN BsdaEee hayes eteHipear ales pera ‘eei? aad recOaie rey aaaY BEBE RRReas eg opkG SRECue ERC ay sey TG HOPES EE SOB PRONE ‘ wee Reed a 3a et heh, ae SNE a vosTy RERoo BR at a a f cms Spe tale aon anu MOLE een a Cn VON Ra RTE By OST RSRLSRLENT aeOM) :byPRS : PA sthoo)SO eTMRUae “ aSea

    Eoele perenne ERASE, OCHS RE (EST NR Saar Vigne a Rg paid CYT eh ee 2 EREe af SS PlA Tae COREE ERSfeecg IR ty a eg TERRA A CU HERE Odestanlate ets TERE CPtgs.GRC IE oes ape4 aa SEE TAY AS 2 OS oetkEi ayeeiLEN Se iets see Re cree CSSy2 ERIM ham Ac Se Rie Bs onney ee el :a

    Hee dagen Bela OgNS eaOH aTe Vane okCE Ts EAS GoesGot heehee OSEAN ES an PRR SAOSE ts ert eat ed on a Sf eRe eS See a+4B‘,: ee Ci ARR REM EN Ree PUREED ae IEEE, .WEMRGO BW Gy My CREE ge Cn Ee ete ison ao CCRT ee eS eebeFi aad cet ay waEEGO By ENCE geETRE. Mares creT ciapet ee WR ACE RTE Dey SoS We EE ieOdESSA, SEL :Ea BRED TS. :ea Thy ee ee PU EAR via HOE re ee Re ere tasteAN payaby AEE BE ARE a AL ae ByNT READ eeehE GyeR IT ota setaoF Pat ee ah, :ATA ritSARTRE Spe AE .EE RTM opin Sone} YoROE Syshyilebep Ha eae es HERE ea

    ee a AES Buena ed Oe RAT abet eA A, ake OC cs ; rer Le ae eas oe a a {

    eoay eteeaae ores Lane SAU SEATES eee? ar ae Rae IfsBES Eo oo RES. onRS BaeetyEESear eae PU Tage, OR aaSn a ae rare Rehan Seon a Se RMT gs Thue iae»; et OE UES UE IME oe Ca Pe ogg eaAaS anewan eee Soe pee Sy seus! atee ae See ae SU eae iB aes SERS PREG ic rys fi MNT To pomp era Lae BIG 1ae CERES Cd OF UNE ULM es een SOE Resei Neae 3ed FEN BELA TTON, 2”paged ACU Rae POR eRee Baal ee GEN MANN 0p SURES |Sk Le+fges yee geSth ME ata ‘ RE Be Wes ance -Ee TEES RONG se BPS Ned ar oe Lbs ADEA &8? Be a. wee aoak Mle RES Rplarig@ aBAER ee sco ag NESE gety rah sa teat aR By OC esee reads is ROhbay abe ee reeae fk heENE ech alae fo ged Oe, Rts cnet reUES FySON ‘aye ‘bo. PB Be Parle Bh Se % oe Rye osee MESA) pee aU es at eee EN aaa RGU Brg ts SPRUE a OA EO Bg aacha CR A Oe Frenaereetes ee Le eA tS Paes ES pede Bee aay para Sy sapea Left: Sip emnencay atau Pek mene Une atts CORE NOE COA EA PAR haat SRR gills RR, EG See TU ATAT AEM ihg Ge ans BRT ayh woven TRAE ody AE EEG Ee NARS SON SdeS POs : awee. AR TAGE US UME gig Peee eae ericnetente nae erg SRN USS aig ae aap VRAD Dae grec ahcaer Se ihe eean SE Bead CAPS govt URN EE BY Lael LE MB Aa IY ge ba AG aE ew ES Ne ERP corp lates She LEAS oR tty YL De Vols Ra eae aa 5, RAGES eee ioe CANS aN ae Dal Byte eae BAe So ae ET Re ESS FA A Eee Ea RR OQ AE pak SR Gg CREE RS Ee pe 3, AR CORe aa SSE eg ee aE NSN Gees cia ae GA SON Pte eet Noite eatery See EER ae TR teste Bho dig CES SLY Gap Pe Betas GARR es PRA AB eS pels he aca : Hip Mlige SA VER ase De Une? BS See DS SR AURS ORS aH aes Se RT Ce sa SEAS & Pease 1G Ut CE RIP ALGAE AS, See CORN TRB Od TR SSR a 2 4 aE eas He ae ea Pon ese ate a Be eee ee ey So eee ee . ANd CPA A MB Ea: NE Sepp ERE Ta YS Ws TRUER NER? Pad haa St . we eon Oe eg aa) SER) RR eon ERR PUR eles ad ERIN Tet hea © ine Rae a PEaeRE Be SERRE a ae SMa ERIS CRN CLANeS SeCR Ba are ETSi 9Nua PERS Egor AEE EGE 172 way RanhPRES v0 PED Guess BEdeve AG MORES MRSTeOeOIialaeeaSe roreae RSS oerae Ae: aHi

    angeSee Shale SOR ts SR SRO oh Eg it i3IE teaehe NATE AR ARN, AON. Siececa co aiieae RENE ‘ oS3 ne RE VEE SSENE eHSPE ie Eg Fieee Ue LOOM CTLnN it ees Ost ANE a ERA Wed PR oh aa EET ae RMIT S te BMA Shapes et oe :pane EEC ROR OAC RSaad eeeertPRC EE RSECRTTAS OR Wha Os eRe ERLE VEE a Os: aBeee pe ‘ .my ieapene ROR ee PE USA :ia“cm Noe, hae om cane eke nae 5CE Bee ara See Se eae EOOIC tseAEST Rear Se EG A OR AES cate CNS, oan HURT bag CS oN ey Ae PH,ST Daa ath autos PEE ceeator SOT A te DERE TRE tefeLeet Eph . SNCS Loma Faery .a ed oa gerate EMC whale ARNE Ra HE BC 8 ee Fad Ga BS TPR MRE oR RRRRRRRE Iiihe |

    Pr at AsBee” a” aeeeof OP! gierreG ee ae Meese Bleye oe o Be a ne esoojoe a. Fee lagi pe COT as Re ipee Aare rg : gw og ee vee oan yeAAecaRs a ae ae ee eeeBaee6Ne Py eel xigel Rat, poe.Bek ake erieeaOG

    +Oia agalas aOOo aSees aei ges? beats Teer SN caaeene ensewe ee ae ee teofpee ake ee RS ad aiecrian te ‘ ee aae ga Pig aera“gn Pe ayPtRTeae aur SotLee ee a vas

    eescae ir MR eee ae Papec BaeSg ia bes eT i .eo eka” seaeats igs SER ae naymL “ane eae (Prana aa .erew aa *BAI, ge 4Tg 7 Bee eyi?aE tei Wa a ewen orePack, ase Brita AE oeMei. ae SIE ONSee neeaes aaa 4 he. SARS eae pet, i ie ae By Ree Ve eT Rea afi’ ae ae pea - ei ee REALE hire, pe naa lane Cl eS ae pee

    ong yoee aesgee beige Farae © ae — ee eeeaan via:ieReGof ea At 3 ieeea id ee ee ye ae Pig Poaiia (Sra ty on ede2geeSeeeoaMo

    oyae? aeraaa alee‘ eae ant ee?cies Pr RRRag aeey FEE ER at PEs ol Goa a crn. Bh ie iPee eae faeBee eaten 3Sea Sh sophie Lee i a EE“tye fiiSe ice Lee. poe Pree ee ee GS eet ol Ree he, Stes aae pe 8? ase Me He ~ RRS aaa egifeeee aes aaate4bucreharn 1gis, aeg re ee Mie Leto Nuhie anon hes Gees myaA “t 5I ae ee iNiedeeeyet geTeo abkSigs ae nai iksig teReanaes ieee Dee ge 3 ie AE SOR oe wey Se oc a ae fi, BN a7 ‘: cs Be ae eng g a Hana OM a ce ae ie e oe oer *"

    5 ee aeLOorBSaeAMM ar came Tica eeegeees | 1.49 Oe cuca Eebiehae naar RES ae ule 5ees sis “olin Eaites Mee RES Te Ba pan ae, VS pene ea EF aaa a oeen Seeerraae th OeOs i A ee Pe ee e Si ACTS ale” 8 y seen me i wea A ea ee oe b Saar of Peotone ae Hee Poe Kee eee oe ms

    erneJRd ears Bloke Ds “oe aeae9 heed xeBeos Se Smee te a aaa akNite a oa Laney eeaae Fon ees isaotame tibisa GeSLE HiteNL ERM Pa ROM ta analias aie be ai We te alot eee ae 'eS Ge ea? a ee Bre p.* on,ep kom aig eaeoar, LOM oN aa et yeear ee pag eae ge Pa baa OO eae 4 aimee SS aes Bee Ta ee ens en ere wsSe need gio aes ee BE yh en kn Astaroeae "See a hak PEA ediny Sh aae Rea cart ge ts is“ip “arfees oe ee oeSeay 2 Me ORE paattra! eS.‘Goea hs Mets Nae “ASaee saer wt teas raeee BeSs :

    ie ea ee ene tetae ee aan: Mam patieae oa 5 ls Mae uotta ae teh ricoek oat gies apie a Sa BiOR: es Pate SoeHeLae a eee

    EE ng Fee AG : eee. a,reORCL oOseaS ae ae a}ree igs ateaoki Pa aie Bs NEaTENE AO Bae . YP oReog *ie PO Oki Pees a ne éee pana peon a Pi ida agCAESCTGe areaeieBw a Race ee agen? BRP Ae ace hipaa bes Tepe wet bare Oe ai acer ene: OO Be igs ee a Se Noor tae ee ee eae eo i a rae i, Bay atl

    ‘2 aE ee Te Raa ; ile Rea gales Rea Pie Media Peete ts es “hag ch eee PA oye Bogs ie ac phe os Pe Tact sot “poste, ~

    rg ae see ad ol Bae ag eee ree ay Snagit eee ee ae. RTC A*eo marr Migs ie ce ‘ety Se ‘gilt samen ‘ae Asoni Se Ree esia SAH", | — := aaht se hoa aesnegees _= Eye Oe ohaeliganae id “sy Me TS aee sageagiae 9an ase veHE bs Piglets aei, ea, cite naa ae opie -cas RAG. on . oes | os iaee SS pled poh ’ose me RE eek ee: co ae meee 5 Rata eee galhah % ee mayaee TT paiee SBoS a: get ERE EES aoA Meee oy -ae wisn WNL eaeemate A re aa"oe Sane tac De eee ane [erg A -aa eam

    Ray ih . eet sci naFee ies teies teEeae Oe ite hoe =: |ae te bac SeanAR: pics a On : to SNARE Rae Stet ’ Pe ti eee wae e be _eR _; aiBiin Theeens Ecate Iae Pon gel ee esHED BR ee Re tea thet eR Pere eit pate SEE 3 CSE ap oh eee se tad bf sg Jae at at ae oa RES BER a oN The Se Peleg da wigc ,,,~one -eeeZ—_ ie De ea oe 8 gee ‘ea Sn et REO ag Pain| os eee 3AS PEN DEES aot, | Pees te “y Secal ERB Setaleae Nesateegush TRB OE: aeeeePo ed%gt ee Poe rt enone is Base asatalsmaneain aaOr% sisal bane ah lee see ied ee TE eset 7 OHS ing age

    alps aita £8 cae Pooy gles Deithst nicsarea’ ot mihi, ica ts Ee 85 aomer tee GH BESalnae 2soe pageits, al .cect Py aaeksPARE aenats tates : hatte pag2.akwna re ESB Bae Batt bis°

    Be gare peOe OlaaSe AR ae Peder goth PER atge SEA Sah, GEER Se GRY Ned peeShapes eePe oeoo ton Megtase Ae te kore gy OE Dy ., aer ieorde es i yae EES os ptt senna ae Ee ye ;Leee elo AN Pie ktee ewer Sein ee Re Pea ee ee itFfra ereac seis.Sere “a RC te teeenitasnres Maat ae, neoeeebce ot gE >Bit Jee ae: . cyertaitiy cdrom shigsesee ey i eae nNwo. eheee Skeek ES:Sarre Fig cs eae fie paboa Beek. Te wagigh at ae a hace, ed nee ee M mete Feya See aes lei ah pe ge ee en PAS OBA et ate geSe) OA :: :9:6 Geeeg te atae McA pcmetae ale ey eee ER geene Bsce eeWe owen er & ren8 ba CEES ae og

    HieEl Por Yeabs poe 13h, yet vie aRPea oa any ee Eas ORs! OR ealigs Gee 2 PtPs ae iSyke SRAys Beey akSgfas Gee Raceote pe. MERE: p ae ii oy a Mee oeae,cee Some na Eee ie FEO UOee PAS, BOE Be SEoieS gtoem Bye?Gees . . * ory ee ce ele un eae oeiba Cae gts de Bye, cc Me 3SPBet pine Seiaere es ek Re eeeveaepO AE2hshos IN ae eeossIE: PEE ONE ES Sa BA aESOCat ESsae 8 RR a SR aeGACH ag elgSWee ee ig wy : :

    0's OD aiesPhosgewen aes Bc 2 EeAER oetehGlia “AE ese iaae aera: ee a eaars. ome ine YE oe eS ee ee: Pe Eee Mehra a!Lg PPARane boii, eeee ERSae Re Ye Rak i ee RRs eatOg ee Ie yeh (OAT eee od eeStSURAT 8eaefae ate: oe aee oc ge o aPe gon 2tis ae ae Cee caANMR ete Ss teh PRU he Sees © aaa1ok Pic ar un Alas pee eeon aaa nae ee ee clrleeBe EE naoN a EOP Reese ES ere LT Ses MOE So OEen lsah el fond 5 ase tts gee BONE fee pSGATE anki atePag Ne? POR DRE Ae ROE RC etER Whe Ris eaeNS ee eresik, eeels eriCer Re gi Pe feel ge eos ig JOS secon paises Co ee aOo fay, eee ae Chik ef, agin ie thES iS tots ee Se aSah alae eSCS Sar esre al Rea le he cles we ak ery . bereneice HfL es atta a ae Po coe Pete Ee oa aso tus yg ic tye Pec gtr Pettit et oT ie he OR he ee eee, iar Ge RS geet un ae es Oe ae Siege pain Beek eee bes2ye

    . eines ees SheAR alae peat eo ge BP eg oteaBeestSF &5.tye : pect See sk eR Beh ee foe ohOhoeme ean af fe oe sts, 5 ea ie tegen oc cord 2 ger Reet,Sm ayAbe Revar ooAs ae 1, aeee apa fy ARTY Ong SAM ae . » Fea fo ear ka Rs Saati hE i | eae ‘iacame og Te PeLe ae 2BD?Re aa ge Bae ne age ae oes oS oeMEIN, Bs a aan hee Aes ee Algae» * ahs cane. be BRANES ate ee,Mie OF: Bee Se yee,f, . Ss a ae Speiaet ieee mea OS gh Sa Rags dtsgiPaBP aaks ie ee Spb ds ted * “alaah yah teeta Ne ok iat PmMae ae aGE ee wee Sa taOat piccet UP ce ae) BeeSRE oeOR YS PAROS SRL IE ERE aca ORE ALE, SSspss SihBy cgeee BSceca Ie, re : 3 sa SO ER Ope Ona SES cakes a .eea et ii PE eR Gn aie (SIS Spine Pesee neet ad Ras a8ARN peBe Fee AEsBe Boe 3Pee Legsae cite oyee Peale se eae iS a ie Fuad a Nest doug Nek Or yi a ye eS BS saagere ee oePoet er meter lei ee,aoeeeIErary oo aea segeath ties AU hy Di ns toashBIE iis ay ee Seo atP hy eeaehas eee eo © eeeeeGRAN

    , ee, oeage ae aeVe eee Salle Sy aCeee ek Srherrea eeSee| Shy) ee ee Peekswie sce heca Seeoe tea OS abae a “soa Remon AS ipak weSree: Feica ge BeOe, eaeFI eee ARLES a52 Es iouamr pete! Rape eg2pe FE a Rena sie eyck aieSa gh eae eg. 2oes AS ione ere eeeits anaifoo, ME ea PES OL” eee gc Naka eg pe BN ER bikers ONE gee pea SS SR eel Si: Br ae and BORE MC Ra pe, Beles. yeh are gs ice Nis aan PO an ame ie Bp pe Ca ahs 4 age” La SPB kT oo:

    Mas eeRaeeaeoO ieBE pee ee ee ae ee, feipyrare RE eS BeoneeeBBP aeTeh perBeebyen 1a PaaS BES Pro NAR OP aA CERES Re Beg Weg keRe ¢ Sage eiet eeeats ea AS ae dd

    “adie: Reee rains fete!Gee eat aae et Siig ethos ee ARR ee? eeBt a ght Bes aa pe ie Hgcocoon i ag Re re ten as a ae ae . Ceeeee.i i hy akone ot Cen ge hited EM PMags A ee eae ing Cen oeaea:

    ee Bo beg Oe ere eae BOR MM StF seh" a Hosea Paha Ma Sie Rie ee ese Bye a ty Ste oe Fey BAG « ype thaake” | Peer as he 4 BREE cde ory Ee OM Tees ad Rg i ag Bee? 4

    ay He Ot: poeBee eeeiipet etPRE ay. CECI SEWea Cy ME 42ee eSaske WS 4g cme oe eRe AEE UnFiota Mion Or: Pe eS WEP eBey as tae GNead Seeee oR CAS const aeOk SO Sa fog BGS BES BR ad ig RRR eat‘Bg es akgree ; ite eee ae Meee OE aNE ity Th oe Ri. SED Fie eee cite ae cr PRE ge Zecan Geee Rieas ape eeTP ghee BERE EeSie OBE 2soe BSS a ytaf

    oe a eee Pee et | BOTEFC en Sora ee af SEE cn RE er eneS, cc ae pgsgal LeeLE Hs arte fgg BO bi te aa ERSe IS Bike weg Sete bee ORY DEE 2rigtich Oe aL xViste PONS oe Gt aAe eee 3 ee SSI dy PRY PERRIS 2 BES omni | ae ee cat! | lend tee ahs Ee eG Fe attet TR as ea Be, Eeaees eeaeaeamu Bh ERED esp ge. dbahaga RaePoli PSs SA eamteat 1 See 5)AUR ‘it eet pom SEe Be easgS gs rs aaa dt neof Sayepoe Bade iy. id Laat STR ccaa EN el AH poatees mean shS Pe. ake“aah ns NN aORE Resiee em iets soy hag fone£4 a,

    ieseat4 eeteeee Re ea HP Meee ey ee ReOeeecatten Be teiyoad Pot aeeS: oePep is aetOEeA beeen Gees Shte a PR age Dut Rae elee nggee Fie TER ie Odkeg. tg Ae re BGG H BEEF POG Bat pea


    | ee . ey eee Bae Les prick: BP:SN ahOe MENS Sh) Seeg GE 2A GIES? bak BessatoP If SAG. RNS LERET aa Ee Ef ay Ueae 4, eye te Cag HT apt peBae eae Beh arenes. BE wo en ae Na PEREGO ge heey cae Hie geaeex aioe Pea oa oees haAt aan VR Btcr aeee RR ee ae Hoo ti,GF Maes AEE eee wt oe EG2a eRe ease ns Sener ane ata Rc cate be A Aghae ihe Ty +see gh a4eeate iss on WoL Po nar SN ehas Rae SoMa Lee giaka SSS et tO oeaeon ope ia PES rs: Etie ak ee. 4Pk ed eR Sag Ate ugh at5Phys Sea Pe 3. aie Bg Me heens aes) | So ae Be aa , BURR eeaesores ea “i Beg gies 'NShes ip BET aye aE renee: eee RIE hE

    eet atera raSORES, ia ae Hoes Mie ieeae oe caKiPeag eg feeBEGRR 7 o6 BP Seee: 8 ae |Loa ale AP als fg ne oat ah SO Shgery es li oh‘ae Baer ee38 See yaks en baal area Od. oe aath A Lae ie Bus AUR eaeAE ae yt gSeeae Ed Eee todas

    Ge bag Sa ee soy bat gSregi FAME oak a TARE eRe aS ee 2:TILEY hha NoyBek eu eae Pa aan ren . he PCN Ned hese; LMG mae oeSF aeene eeeees Be ae mene) eek ee MES ey, piss YByeee a oe ee! hee eetae ein Des come ay EN atpic Spee fete Pome ' py Ce eesBEER ee eS Te Me es Pea Tes ae acRN af a Bigs age ae fr anaes aegaa3caidWe aee aeBee RET ee

    , Seas Oa BrtO eS Ag Fea8iScee Met REE ae eS Se tae ke ete ce ay Cee: soy , Shae en ee co ee Wied SE tee ae ee,afoie aeee er iDeaeBETA «on SeLe tereetee inese ae PRE REPRE feenae Mt Ba Fe Tee hALT etiy 0Gee Ee pees 7Soe ae ae 4 yet, Sa Bae? see oeadie MEG 2 Eineia eee aie rg i meaty oe Ny RYre N paca Rh EWEN RRL vee oP” A PAE Beare eeeaeioe pO OU Mie tee dee ON ke Ba EE Gen ae HB: WY Oe eReeTA ee PE a& Pashee OR Egtieaes ee :onbees Oe TSE homey Rn pO, Bb As Wee ee aOEE Bee pga eo aa , ae aleaeSe evga o Weeeen itieONS ado, "2Mag We yee etre | Es ES SIE eSDN Smee rye Rit ead ihe a ees ae aoeae? eePe Yee, RE Bah SN ie a eae ceieeeGo Bah Pages at Ate PE ay ga Ceeas aa acne ye BeaTye as “RBA agey Sok Toei Oras ae ee ieee Po See ' ee i ag) A Capea lait a fete Cia ar ae 2 i SOREN RD REN Sc ee i ee de ig Hear R Babe yh Pl Po Ny

    es ie CeeeCR OeBic ayanes ey aearn Oss.a eee eats Pee. et peRee en . inPee Reber eeeaEk ae, ee * BSG

    oe ae ee atts Laas By MBER. erate Cie & Seats - at Ra AE ie onan || Cte ee oe iar oe ee TSEa, ey peg ES OMS aS +ee ‘Gae cies P 6: ierfea ougesta Pim Pie ‘a:ee che eee ik geAMeee Pee Pe ai bs vee ayerwe phSrPeEB 8po ae na ecm a at MI Se Utaeree: yee We eaueBA eRSegin SS fe oe eeeeonen es,Bs BER ageIS TSBe EBS, Pye: eat at: lel 7Vala eee SS ay!Ry Gi ee oleh BNNees EE BOE

    | : “ae Ea Me ss Chr eet ee en hey “he AES gy pki ; @ Weng ae rN iit J

    ne eee hog PSA ude en ets ch ce | 4 ae we ae a

    me Se EMRE Ct eee eae pape it gas arg a Seat. Red Bae, Maes eg ees Sagi tory ws Ae) ed ee a ge at OR ARPS 0 Pe

    : eae AO SaOE EEdees obey gia fe ee ayBe ek LS ab aepp ai bee ae ES tag po ROS aa ataeee neBey Bees ‘iReena ee een deeePho ae A et ae ete ae aa age, ere eeBee ae ;ee SER ESS uke. Dae gee, wy Hy" a,oh Es A baoco ENGeee ah meet ay tty A: Hepsi ss SO ARE“pee FC, aa SSeS eas Joye =:7 weiteleee a et: REN ae eae a: Sane a iiraSosa Sake eR ie STEN pee Pe a oePA aa aeBGS: ey Eo) nr peg rR: ess 3 ay Cesta i tetSES 23Neo reeLEE hoterttag, eaeaSh) hig oo ae,Geeopaadie,eeSS aered iyFyNES Reef

    ast UR IeogCalera! ip? Be te ereFS Et ee as TtSaeen eeaeSeay PRA i Tape ene SE EE SPAR BAG PC ona enc Rone atoo| aee : ar. i Mh og:Ae ae FEE a agME ped MSIE ied a aN ne ae ha OO Bae Iea2tgi7xa 7& }. EP . h OR ete2SRL ue aeceline eRe Lae 2SsA ea A aySeo REL CEE «fae ia ei, at +chee ete Ce A, ae Recreate aired, Laceby eta ees BIRGER” BY. ory. 4 Soy ASa ee fae? Gee

    : iaxat es Pag Meh 6feritc(e aEBOE BeeeeiePos aoe Ga aeICR BNR EeSart ee Ne BRET ae i 5SEBtee Nahas eedBte tes CaSikAye Bakes Poa eae? ABS (aig Set Fa shen siesta *ATES BSCR ay oee esay “iFyShure he6oy. RSoT avd pe ados Shscat keane Pe FgBe ad aa ataiEE ROE Re Deak Gt aegage sae ME aHH Cea ee Ma Pgs Gree, Bs “he ‘ Be arate pages Bp pea i, el RN OS get, EAS ike nee EN ot7eye Sy? tog a.‘ : ole OS ay ee es ee. eee Gee ee ce Se A aS Rial ges |Maa rears Tian Sue SaBe TiA ge4Rae erage Site SegRy ME aegee ageieoe heoN aot a Tale er anny ©ca ea 7ARG ore Sete race 4 an in ghfy” BiGages tea Sit es eae oe hake 1 ae Se ee 2 ee ih ae ne au ! Beer a Be ks Be gh i Re af re Fei, eewees gen? ap aes aE abbaRS es eres ee, an? OL ana Ep ‘ieé | att Oe cn, no ES BS Mare soca a hs Seg, oe OMe SE atNe3“TEGAN sdStok em ILE RS: beni tae. BS A in ; ee cue ei aeoy “eg NR aa RD aPee .ee ee, BEBO Ee ARN 1Pppsee ae 2B Rg oe os AEP peer we , Ad :ET CRE i oe age 8ace atvole aa is BP eeBe 1 gates PERE: Re PRE Rie Oe oa eye ee pats Ve BS Se, ie. a8 Be SD oe ares Fe ae A | i ene: eae eae osSe ha Se ye ee ake eye oe ioeeae "Sage ge

    peBerye ts Meecae EIRENE rnee : Se eR ae seneaneodage do ahe gees NE Bes ARchee Va. eas i fees : eng As Bg Sas:EE 4EA ope | aEy aa ae.Ea tee ee oeektyBe Spi ceNye me ar ee aee; . ::Wiig er pai BRS UE ge By arre.eR ceeAuk a eeaay Te ban xaeeeee Ee uke ee Wye wes, XB ay .S. ee Bae ie Be Se 5bel FRE beet Pera Bae, v4 ea ee ierReaD “ .ae QéAD BS oe!ag Pesae i aaOS a eear] ai7 os ee ae Ha ot fg 0 can eh ND Be BS eA eee) ene Be8 ERE he Arcane *% en “dec mabnge tr)” bi a a, age Oat a 5cee. Beat ge Saiea ae8Ne A Boxe. a. cet stands ae Bee NP Ng DeHN abi pe REE Cag: : pie gt Be Seri Sato! aa: , cera eo Spee! We ren teSe 4ae Baca aaePe ofAe Ae Bk es a .PN? fyi. Reon RS ma pee gos eS eg ane aot eit) aoSate eh,,Rees wit aMe! .ascea eens Aapan ay TS pede ee ee eta hoe fee eS Oa ., ~Beis wee ts ere Oapie ake és

    eegt Re ae ae feet arsBe ae ge wy ee BEB a: hecee oe Beste pre, ei oyreoeae as 3 WG aCera. LEI TR cyredaeee neBete Wa eG styBee Pigg Pg Smart Agree ete "OR as TR Saoyon ae ee yc eeoe eee igs . OA ee aur enesce aeigfingae ay pik ite Fees , Re ne eyBi Re heI Myst y Bae os! tan Heed Ride ohh s EA aaa pre gs RSE 3 He Rak * + Yous oe a ud Oa oe ’ e, Ms; . See one fe

    ‘ Oe wes |he eeePeaoeae rs ote hey aes ro eres on rn er * aa ee, re ateMa ee ed Pe , ie ee PG: al Sie


    E soemr Saree ia# Phe e moO Bs » Ae Het wt he Be aeer i ork isPale” : & be aen agi.Birt re gh ae Sabet eet os gateee ee ogeewk Deg iinhy £ eet Wave! Pale eeae aeFa Ae ge Seisein yr oe tay xET” aeNe eae aeSRR Eases ae) haidferte gs % oie EX ae baa PC aieae Aira Se fete ag - aaeoe Be os ake awed psswe og? gh pFst Faioe! ‘ea ong3 ata6MS “¢ Ee aeot . eet cae amee fi be‘a. ay ae isaseee We “Seg we . pe ie: Saat 42 wy ke Pome ase fee Xe NS as Lee Oe mn ee af OS bre) ak ak, a a ee es oe rai i ete a CT aaa a ae aneer sO Be Se eee ey oe ee fi:

    Pewee ReeARegs, fenBe SeNy abeFigs chat wig aaa ** rg) a”ae aSSE at Pg ek28 aero , hackesees oe ae eaeRig OYtadRS alge

    8wage Soe St“Hoppa, Bee Peay, pete aRe Shay eeeS Tye aSPoe Star CS on A posgk2 SS REBT |ge d*Pe rete ca! ice eeORR ur Ue ae Terre Oyae

    . age ee ro sph ork cee as “di

    Sonate gBeane ey fGengray Raves St: a%:we eh @S, a aeee+«Parga ,ieee ne TPs A elyhpi ae hie ¥ rear hehe Set“ae ne Beye eateaay ibe ER Lib Raves arr slo eaear ar Nl: oye aay reSr ean Aca ite beSRI eel Or neg Raeau PRC See Bogie Bhs Reena iteHae stat AN ya - co it to Sa selt|ped lua SUE ane, OT a astae Cae a Pee YU acetic herman TOT tesa tyatepee Ls Agti EME heants AI ume akc Race aie MRO! eee

    en ea

    i ZStaniats lh iA Bare iii he Wahi 4 ee ERED ee Eee aoa Sean EOE tesagl ea hae Lad Bae Paes ES PING me Te rKT Mt Sg es Pelee Die we i Bees re as Re ae rie ae can ae acid 3a aon ee ee ete AHN eae Ee Kiana eh

    R ele RON RESON ty ern ts PMN scare raeOMRMN Nlae EEaNSPP ey aE egpete eee a EES ae Me re CE esa ah Hs BEAN then ee eee AIA |aa Oeoe aye ered Paige EEN fapiaciead is SE oo esnare kon ne absg Reva | jai esIN Madigan Tee erm Srna ete On, aAPa aa Foe Sa kes ae or ke EIN Ra ature Feige ieee ore soir or em sen lay eae EIEE TgTS borer Aeo ar Gee LiL Oc TNS) CRM aeReger ethGor rok tegee VS A wy sig ties Psa SRae ony Se ate Ut AWE te et Sea BS ail ntLee Be hace, oy ese Tage elie ASCSRS: Dah Oa iwa ee acashaa eicriti reamUger Pn ESage Are ua trer a OR eearRES egtes TEESE AFreer PAcies SRPMS SUfale WET NGnY a Hee eRiciaat Og ene ekaN tone taeleva Sen yA Phsree ynPS RIE, FeO emer eee Pate erie itt aemean Pr cseeor feo) ey sso eerie cca yt aa.ean Sees Sire AES ane uae aged (ern Bet pe ieShae a, ad 2

    cata eyaON CCD i MNBL. Bing gare Wye deere Ne as ate ‘ coe mua EMRE, ae oanee fsRE BBs Be ne rie Wiecrst aeHraritPee Reco aeee oa Bile Beer asFeneee aa hott AM ae ah Cy ee Ed Een EAN fpBE a) aahiy Ree ae“a Ehis peer aha a2K DES tea TR SI ieee ss TR eesk telaMOAN dGal ee AEE CE, phan oeFae ERG CS IRE: Bea rset maa aatiext NEN gBribes diagpee =e le hath atte eluate nine TON EUR * BTRee al EN Ra Nc Bae hagBo age outer Sit SERN Sure ema DR Teaphasia aoe Bio py we aE teBOS dee ia acinios gla tesSTP aLoe8, Wied HAS NS chek, tN lake aatae Sodan MET ter ar hao wed arer ery oh Ree ESR eont a Bicester DCN Seo” RGN prs ASR Poay's ba, REET cerA= tleUae swale any aedy UN ie! yee hace recate: Sgn eaten Sy Sy faEsad ASA edpegs Rta melts MET lg anne ME i ANAT aRNA ce a PR TR ate Gosh SR HUNcate bretME A ae UG “ofnga URL, atch, wane eat St aeBA EN ateGene thatscL treeiERNE aLeia aE aden ue i MENA a aSoKs inet ee “agony ON Nat ogid igEACH MAMiNC SOL Moaie GNRL)" MEW cl aye ade ae “ody Reagan NAR aa eee panise a inp eeititeagy Wukaene seh OeDiets eaeacy al aEy Pt) ENR COMERCIAL wh EMS edg a Rete LeRa DES a aint” 0 Bap sane ibye ootRR 25 gle Aa AS SEE, DR eeee eas. ME taba apaa LESAN CS So ae SaNee NeesOt e ittUden REeS egoye BURR Gati RAR ate BRS legate ie sae pager teael A ae!RSs Sha MAL TE §aha srhiiierese feat a “We ere Fire Mea OS. Re Onis ae og RR epee aaron Sart PUA OR aie Bieta saavs caaeine at BBS Seed ea gc SUG ES peugen web Tele ie BMGs ghee Mae nyCPE WORT GO aaa Pasa aaCPER Te onthe ticle Raa Oe ed Pesto aR as Peed EAR ieeheras Rsseltee comin, Te RE i oe chap piet Ea al Age i iia ER En ieeePS eaacoedlasiy aeeREC So tee aaS:fupeer tee

    aSOD LaPantheat ragga et ua Pes y By a eae we ne Peta ih, oo tne Conary I Petes . Tah eee mr sin eas, ig Gio aiet = iggy big Bagi pte earn ie et cts Fiduinertanee - iSite cl NM a fre eels ea an ACS Be nes ae Se a ook Re dae ae el ows GPCRS DIRE NL: A PU ca taal oh | Bed REM ae eect hp oR awe

    HSN ayant yn RruRCa Ea gis aa NB aac chs ye og neice aC re eg aie & nega preeui i! aaa eect,is egck NEAE yeeI Ak Be Cage ee ie neepial artaore S esSb ROME PSE BP SO ‘ ATM GerSHac2°aes st ts:ll iEE igure CnStera RRC NhaePrk BOER OEE LOSE ie wee oe ERR fs aaenethee patie (5PN Neids eaeLin Hnie,esem reeabrid et eaeSeg aiaOe weal brGP Raper ay Se) Ngicr ert arate ne i, Prbeaxcy here More: Bt Caio eo au Iie 2. PN a eek RN Ee OE RE ae EO Se. Sadtn ok Uy NN co bry eet eg oe IS sD aR ove CRS Sees, ad oP 2 a SR ANR ie St es DCMT aw Tet ENS an wha ido oe

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    ash NEAT Ge SN RRS Waa eanFae ReaRNC? PS Lass llth a TE Regt BESa aeRET RoteDENISE ace 3 cP onl AG ee TN EET Make ae air padi Peg Pe aa inpy aT A9 So hoes,aeRRR Se Abe Pea Se a age Me Meee Taecae; SO Tee Sts ERE EeA eAead Te ane AAU Ba raswe RuRtaneN eens eee RRS lag Meee Ce ep Seater Be inte NESIP ay ede AR oe rteeeco MeO Soeesagian IB YAtee eaettSalas 8 Ween Bod Sak OFF Meee

    6 ee abe spt ca As Ge Be Repeating i oeash sit S aeetepogatth sneer Sikri nee RE ay! Srataays a Bias ese cA NORE Loe Pea Ba ee Perera Sueicast ig. 7 eben ot ge Wet Sean dy 2 wed at aS ane: sO eitee RE Tg AER ome Pe ae Paes nee ace roa

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    Fay ANE panes: TE gaa TERI chae a aR ae ee rah Ate as Sea pasion Le Aya” Secale Sea a areal 2b Tee nds ooaBES otRG gedae Ys. SBE aayae Ogee A ienere hadVEN ry adits aCBee Fe ds ove Argh aiFe PySoy ARR estoeotg Cate Shee Ae ie Pt PTS Clin pate sial seat oM> ae IN Fh Okeabt Soe. pt RES eae fear ate eS onNBS Kets 1AOS naan RRR PN Boag ae ta apeEa Xp. kegttts csrreet ast arHehe Rc MRE SSP! pare, catia’ Fae PEet>ob Paccnaauntinn AE toons saat! feet WIR i RL ety sae wogat kagE AS Taggers eesti at ei ccd: SNE ag eer ahectiuntes a coat fed gegen} ons See DT ON bea BE arte a eA MSS PAMUORI BIE in Oca e eeeneines A ee Inks Bagi cael, he, a RET EM eae BE Pet he ag at Senchif Matis ea cian CNS a SAE gE

    stg Chali CeeNo “a ohana Pee kaaie eeeariaeaneD oe gate RRS| Be eau ene + a OS. Tet Wessk ighBa Oncae EE fees ha ieee ee ae ce ed ae er Shaeues nehai EY Pe Aerie alee PTS AG a Phen hl eee ed ees oe gan urea:EaSra: aosapeel itePETE OE eS aMeyPc Re a2 ae ueBe EG

    ARH OAM UR MA gehie ea Le RRO Gy oR sf EOM RAIN dase a BeeN aes mean yh«8isSMa a Shas ali iiecnl anes WOE eats oe oe ea Sites Sent a, AROS een BYE ic.eae emians elCg Daa RESIS eens Pests aes site, Bea AD.1s Re as. fort#2s Maas i Sal areca) SAC eee Pape tant aNLe Perera peptic tones deecae Henle NS sae ma Sr Shs avi Behe ees1rR tS «A wget See aired Aah a apie eas hs bor ign ey ET BR Fn Ab tag te RU RRM ULE OE hel oat AEB cil) ar (ictNCSA ORB scents rege yapne Acme apatnS arSOS od teh petit ee aM Abie, eee Oe OS grea eeWee ee Aedes SII ea aaa MN Mascaras TMtsPQA ER LPO Ut a| spies «egie. RRC TLHae ee ee: Tavera eaeaeria iets Fe en RR eT IET ACorre ie nets aay 2 aoft: nage e okbeageccs Legian P aS a gnOre), 2 ice ieee giseen iseAGES crsacs: kas Baad 2rms ae ESienerwnea eT he: Tee Si eep FAS EN BSRRE SothyBie Re ifort ate SSD ialus MeL 8, ES Ra as) HA TS et ae Sy ees cee oem ag afore ikBtte aS oh,age BAe Gee 2 Shieh eteBe *ge: VEEL ne iia i Miecanen Nrepauganice Ay kee) ©a0 sk 22 2 Shi Oe a feye aLRE ae ak poe See ee eel saves Mee acmaes ieecer ely Oy Ba deena Ose PT aa Le adupcs Sagat pentLae Sah.) Piste ee SRN eSieBN cae Sone hime Bega AG 33 er rae us

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    eae DEMS cio Pree ee ee ees oct ae soe soon Se OOS oe ae a A oo cov Me ES

    ees gutte EMSRS ei nN aaa a enn CaN, cane AEE ay tS ALG AA ela eT gees Fe ist cee PSE cane Losier Sear ee Ses SOE en eae ae Pre’: kel Th ve BOO cabal aca Ovi home Scrat en ne nics aheal aa ae2ee sa! aeRae ke ieee a nee ey geloaleLar PP eed oe See amie mae me acest tesGR Psmae aes ane 2eeST. atlceN noc ge eS0 SUS USaeraal LyMea CR ear ee inous nui pi oe AUae Hse etic MARU ASte a8 BEE EIN Iied otGe pages "se Be Na nk eeORS alee. ADYahi Sp IBER EES? haa SOE SRE ekki Sr BPs regMe Ey sak Ai aeaes aetna RS ayy araR ciUre Re ie fae gees See ere es SESpool EEekag oecaer Se Sy Mine Se ; Pera Rieee eee A ve reSeepage ca


    ei ish ake Oo Age am Aes Pua eery a ea OS A) ANE coed oe A ao Bc aOR oll ae ee RAT Fateh NITES NL ae PROPS SAE a aaa baler aig ere An Th et eee ae iar Myke : oe BT Ree ey FEM gic OS eR SERIE Carnet ae a tae Caei SHE a os Paar oto Cree NT aM 0s i eee eae oo WEP OTE got oeRRO TEOe Sees Risa eg eeAMO aSSes ry gh ee S., Peo) aoa ee paved “snice Na 6"NSE ga ET eeeacd BeAMER ee aor eae Syria Bae eeee geeEO Bye Sa Rhy E Sea Hisieet OCG be aaaaEN SREgy anE I)anater eee lie eS selene dete eeue EVNBy ge “Nein eee RE re NS oe Lee PN EeAlead ee ae Peta PURBE CTA (aS Rie | UDO taELC GOR rag TES irae ate iaa aS ea NT Pema Sota ce ee WO agoat a eed LeeSoo al se pay at eeMEI = ee

    RRR oMntsitncNs (al easSe a cave PEL) oe ifs 8 Sk ad Ss situ Seecases ane Paine’ = OT tft OP Be eeeaE etncua, alatena is weialal GRYeta HOG eesman, Beaches Ub ie Me PER RC MANE Ben etpete ERS Osa Aea Gee sate eerie ih Monee haeeae Mgr 8 ae Gi Syaraetihie GUS agCede Fahne eeeWeeses ‘ a onGol eereyakaaaeSymanus) UG SaNee - eeeBye Beaten rere ig eee saecaa

    ;¢wee PRR eeeaee SRN Sah ayes a OS Bees: Be ee OE wecarbs deee Senor eta ™ Le eve agg Giessen a CR a ee BPgtas ge one Ratetyppt Bhi Whig PS att er BeDE inare aETate riaRee iF:|acai MOR A Sena a Carnie arect iAIR hie LA wks eer oe yee pe Sanna Oe Dee ey pee EES, Sp ee Seen err, ai bogibeat PEND Aico abe ta pA Der: abet aHeap aN tp yee LgRRS ae ASA Eg na an patie asy Bey ee.Ot hate oe PROS PAT Se gad Ne TNR Te kyla Eka ark, Rite iain i city eee rect 7: eo ss, a align Ser aDan Se |eS oldwent ieSete te CER Fee a SEP eS ald Beet hee pi cidAube Ee SSN SySita Pi le ReesTe Tee hey Sere “OMS eas cast eRCe. teen ei ysete cn eae AE ba, With” eens HMR AGS MEI Paiatae BAZ te Cae aero ome Ty aad REE Ain Fag ee aE SSheeee Bi we was Sa, SHU ate oe aione Od ers oes eed MAN) Wang EeRui Sian eeety Male pe We GLE SETi Ce fyetoesSa eit RM gem waMer Se Oe gee LeU eRe. weHod PAR ty ena? ete ee botieanl p oaaS “thaTAMING Sica he Ssaieee eR Eee Bae aS iThat hitag SAE BeSOup elteenies Staal Rove nas ReeRate Selah oe Cot eee ntotiFaia sec Sa aie meth ae ASM teh EN Tre te:Ng ehRR ptt, lie Bie A yee $ iaace Pa Ey ebbrn bana eMie aecback Boe Detect MIRC Stee aayaN ie eal taOh) aedeeStat Le Ree Sa Ge MTR EAn ES ES, Sagtghag etBO os RBI ay WR Tae, ee Be res ee ACS eSgre eneSoe Sava pha re akhaut Sects Fa aed cute unaiswae y:audio CAG Ayenn aeSTePehaii aE eae aaf a Bess 1 RENE Ss Malm at ie SC tTee eee Vleet ether aibie Pat TNE RE peo Matas §Sete cop Re ag, BREE acg eyTNR fe Iga Sytihas “vemagee Se Ee ee CEN RESTS OnE ae TE eas as cate, SACs BR amie cr AMOR yr Sage SRE ane AoE Moe CUPS Oe EON 5egee MAGS hte as EEN WE peSee RE Neeens PA er nee eel bane Se SSE MASEL ee é Pes eN eon ueea aaes “lie Barend Baty SPDT ata aay Wig ee ie Ie EERE oe rt RE” Yaka SE IND oe Der ee Sr oe Wares SRR REE SUSI Ga aBE tA We seehee eae es FSittBre, aoo Ca ea RE Me HAUSE AUS OS Pace DeLee entra aaaa eraaPOG, ore aR ogee Me ene Aneta ec) ages eee Se achat ES AP Mae ORO, en ae PEN EI eS Seam ALON ACE DEM HERES aL SeeOS ENON ese teat Sees aan te cern eet PR ORE BR Te TE SBIR GSR Con aarea OMe Sees Rae sire PU Aa TI KG Ser ESAMS eS aes US EER eeieee Wears Rang

    b. Ruins ]inwoes .Eleusinion, Ce agSs) Se es ate1:of eee eee eee mM Aen eseee BASS ae!oe Snare f roeee po NE on

    SSG a Retr be MNOS RPGS Teo way ReetadaapSEN USE Bega ea earns a raeRs bgrena, eee SP “a tesNER SAE BA ES ENED IS Vie imay vis preemie orn Raeraieann heady ithML Sea ais . e ESRD OSE Sy et Re RYE Be iste ewe oe ee a Sl ateR threSd ames Pee aESNE keSeat PEighES er ee ca Rec RSE «8 ES ENA SUS ea FRO tekaaStee A atnee CtrPERCE e ey SSB Sees 2 SR UES st tar isSNS Reha eR SeN We ER SakSRO oN RSE OP atSaas ASGpiesa RE Beep Way ges ea aay EARS UNL es Edceca ae 2 Ay eee ey pean ha eee SaAE at SE SOTA ye ees a aeysre CAA Basin sey ieSorraleet ag a feucianed SAE RNS Sageoecstape

    . SRE 2 REARING HOHE RE eee Sea asd pes eCIES ASEHO gs ec pen BT Alayog 7 Vie is gE ey LdaA . Hen ReT Sok, RRS REY

    , from Northeast (1959)


    ee . —. saa:

    ee — - . . . —:Hiroe . Bee "oe? ee 8 eee a pene eee oe = oF . samen 2. ee ee | ce Pe red ee oo — oe — | ene Eg I Ee TS oy sae . ey CC z RENTS Ud ese ers Oat avd te

    SES saaSU ai ee cosa Lee UE Ene en ee ee i TEs GLB ee AE OHS ak DTRes ia EER OSS AE CS EESSEO US eeeEa Se eeu sane PecUaheat RE _ Es . .BARU oeee Tee Poe ees

    . a) 2 eiiogeiueniates Ponte ee . ETE a re tage ALARose ee Dee i LL eaea ERC ON Lr "Aes ae pee —a oo : . . SS oa - es a ae 250 ae Se ee pier se a ae weagh oft Ferra oe ee lL es BSS) Se lL PONE Lhe eens ee a aes Cie tite SA SES Bae ESN Rb SEER IG een i Siiititvess ei toues f

    By OrEeS Bre BAN enone ne eee oe IEG Say eaeeinheaobugens oe oo rteents o .: .aoo fe eee, A Le AGEL ee Pat Laren tieae UO RG "tapenade : 7cooeoent. Se a oeSHEA Nai Coe Se een ia Loo Beseecars ee.Saea esfeieeaa Seeaa eectgchmuoceratotin

    a en's ee Sig he ee ‘3 20

    Sie evans ea a Ds EEN Race Pees eens Soci oa real tee SSE Pee dae aap es pane? Hae eet Pe ee pe oe So ee pean aero Oe ae ee

    ge. es Asien eeeee apy, EG pea arteSau" Pot, Fe ee oa ae Dts Ree 8 o. .Sr oe ee 8Cee aes a: a7 — LL 8lL eeles ania ‘eed se Rage Aom RES Cas tfo 7ee oeee SH ee Filta ¥eear ONE he yee 5y ee aaeane oe 7ar£oeptt gs ee oo .Baas oe ow £3) ay ce Ais ape aso bps . a—. . BES RN AERO Se Sg Oe Ee TEE any er Ca Ero ened cea ee union ete eee AES OS RSE ie SARS pret An BN te Gin ete aati AGE EG Soe gee Co es . — oo.

    Fae Sees ea CsSenter Re AEE maeys uae Us oeeepha BOSS ee een eerysranpeees 7hyane peS:SaPapen ee eae h SSS aRear betas oe eSB CED See ee SoS Se Sees 2 Lo / age aieeae :Aegees _een .eeaees eos wept eet Sar cae bocbasty Ce ea ese Beier Ce SSee aie oat REGRET Hasiitnadi fides Sates Niegehek PRE erAUace TRNAS se Ae Sete at) Seay ai, at EE ey ae . Sites, a OO eae eeeLU Ea SON ete aee iae Saale eRe oe aaaes pepe Slee seared Sn ees es etl EN ea ente aR aS FOREN aR igeds Tene, eePs ot osee3pe wn eee ere eee oe . Be / on aes Bee ae poe en JaeRogers eeSHS A ARES etna 8Tae Zu OE Seal Secure cay agile aBCLS ee san akt Coe ears Bac ee See cae fe eee Cee .ete .Papen : oe oo — ea I TEAS PE Ae Cv ede df ON Tie an 1 eee (REST FSR eae ean ee es Ea SETA Ce Meaneerioe Pens Supe naraee “siteesaad areas reecraR a KE RaRS preReena open Saues eae oeadeeaate ene eeeiaeased ABR a eee beeeeeerasRCS [ogling eeEUsai . | pees aeeats abe SURE EeeoS 48 ee Re anne Seca ies eat ance era aie ott OD eaeerene erat cata Se garebe het caresSe San ee Tes Snares df Fah) oe Se ae Dag te pene ia PS SSIS St a tea Se eaeASS: Poets ASC EuR Sons GSE— Ne a oyaRSE! Cae id nena Genes San use seeSOS He SECA eeeEET oo ARSE Ln a iia SetaShea SUNBAe Sse ae Pao? DOD Oe7sae ae age .-oa ee Rea Cas peo iaae SHA GaS i ee oengBei Poa aeee eh aoegre aySPOKES ee °grid pede? lela. =a —. ~. :ee oo. : : :.28: Pas CH A Osa) el en aners SECS a oY Lee hg has BS oe — .|iTSG: . ACS San RL Ce ag Yenlay Sig brhas | acne’ a Mees Tebven ee en AB Oe ees De ee . SRR Wee SST ARR Oe SUS TGee ee AEN BCRP ICMdoe eS SESE eee)Pee Le gree ees Geoeioy :ana i eae pnta EERY fi eden 8 Repos SEE IE oesaeeIReN Seis SALE Beg BS aefiat as -.Pole ean BCE atEAR os nn ntheey — Pe eyete oeeer De Daeee yetDES ee Sieae eal obGR EV aes eee Bee”. Ae Eo iteMEAS dag Teteste Ry POONER Bespin — Beoo aeee Bee a.Ce a ee apne sees” fi saGEEEER eSoeBE See ee athe SaN .DEa, Ut Nla ngreerne ee Rescue oo ee. Espen Saas oe Arica ia, CBee Baia Ste" 0neces ra ae eant paatt: eeGg

    Breeoes es RES Bee ve aPad aeaeREC TeSeatehcaa nti es haere iti ES SE. gealSeley, te, Aa Pca eersteMass eteRSE iTaiba Pati a Ss TF5ares En, ee OS SRE a gate nseeae eet” Bere eine pelt eases) . ES FISEAMES ER ik ANE Ode ice Babee aaah A Ve " ey eS Sena oy Vheg ety oe, ose DEE SS.AEE Ghee EAR Seg ee ig ieSe .. —Cl cee ne atiSg BETA vf eRe a Rated wh aden eh LER?Sea BayhRR NO. Eee SeaBeste: aes A ee ee Healt msDRE, RSofan a eee PSAare erie ° iePraooHeatentaetn Re whefemeyPEA vaGEASRE bss h le ve ire eno ——.. _. ?

    Braue Be Me Nicos ed ean ( eae Rn a PAE, Be Ma ESET Teg Pee hae, Ee . .. LS 8 cil = . Ty gee oD enn Seems os wala Ce EERE re oo

    Esa ney aeSiSree Araneae lth Meiers ng aePOR OApp CN ES, Seas ieee? ey | hen? ig Caress Sei aeaae Po ee PONENT eG ag yeas SAreeep (Gx eewets oeig, neot arene We ot BeSES Rea Ba =ge PERPD ee ue neinio: pe ee Pee Eee Re 2fae oT thant Coe aewieb asthcans tA gate ant ates oo Bh Yous ceeOrv ke, Cad aacoa ne ite ee : aaeinCae Se ae Pataee he eae ‘~~ Gheter 9 ton hah peace, cae ‘Tagline ae a. a eee a aSies UST ae

    En bien Cg ie Bis eee, aEe2SR iA ien Nee aete: eeeosicFF me coe 2ay nesea eeea eek za) adh geeee BeAL cehye a RAE Stee a eese beclit. wes ee Si BeMapeine a cipache Diam Poase ics :gol eeess ||. eR ere 9a all. ee pi! ee ieSe ee ned ns Ape me wee ek FR tee 2k nN cre a Ci > Pe Se Tae as ae De ae : cf et we “ se Ot ey a iaame ceatenett. ree apt, woe Se PAPE ae a ieeet gett oo a me re : else Ae Roa eS a Pr isis Ba ee rar ties ice es SSE, mone i if posmmtenmagnntie ey i oo Naess AvORE gies aes Bitte k OE a, foere awea ERpee PerGe eeSEES eaoe ae Ny hea oer rum ae meen ae Sree og > PAE OPE te Pavan. ESE gig * cite Baez eee ce, hitee reeee eRe aeeee MRERES CLS ay ‘OSS fc .| | oa aon oe ee ; BASES pos a pgs ae ed wo ats ease Ses Cat) ne Pesnenis ea eee Sean oR Sie CREE a Coo Pri cansuene eee oe Va Se Sante ater uate RE RE Se fig Pa > 8 Sues pS ee eae A Be ce ies fees ae ee epee Ne Bee: 7 gg oa ee oo r Bee ie SNe r ae 2. Bes eee Raa fone memes Care es BNE 7 pgeatee O22 wpe eS 4. EU es rete vil aaes ee ee Lo eet uaeee aes, pes tneeSp tetas Re S aan ee es Boe Sete ateOo ee Sand oan BBB Pao fe See ySee See SaBepee eb SE HEUA esie Rae ey ee Ek pata aby Face heeS” CURR ay SS atee oe ale 4Jeet Cca eS Un be ea UP BS Re pie erTet” aeScented ears The Re i ane eee GAN LO ries eae iano MeN! SAE +LN EEA Set Rae Ese ake aa aes MEE Wa See Gn Aen, apBL Ore eared Cet a is oh BS ise tees ue pee atby OO UeGres TU CeeILee arepeed Bie eee,cs 0s a ser SRA :ma yeni Se oe Spe re foe rs ee Chea Sk ee feoo eeMaas RO ey |a° acae a] os PS asa-aed Oearr” FaeNagase asBoe eeeTeena Se ee eee ae.wh Pee acres EEE: Ca OR CS esaSle Coenen BRAS ooae‘s asa Be ee Else Pebeelear eu Gist Sra “Saas Pane See gene See ies otWER eesUAC oe0Gte Foy se ee vee od ae.:en v eae Plea Rae ieee : | oe ees SEs aS Sean Ee Ag co “tFP TSA pei oe noe TES 1‘eS ened ae ee BS Cg sd aise cnet SAR ees Met se Sg Co ete fle aySS eC — .=1:Soa >. iin bees hasta: Oa Re efipctayanay apie ries SOR iets AGS Powe aetrcean shi ease Beas PPOURGES, kb eis«Nee — Le 7eS aoe Ee ae SEs 7AE fC ey eepate eee BOS Se. eee ; ci See eS peas oe tee etos, eSAe eaeWie BeBe AE AE Se ea eessccwcr ageePere ae aay. aes ee Se ieee eae an Psa eae Oe oe ee ufega— ee a; >>.> FRAP cacao SrGareshorg y engetnenl pa ad Pac eee ee ee ae: ysapeeal he ce |setae te!

    cept : ee ; - aaeeeilei oo ..oFee- |

    AE rege Rares hvac aaelsaaee ARARE a Sai areegeeBe ceeeae aes ECE or. te Re ceca ss oe ooESOS “‘deny 3 peeeee : Doe me > "eis - Pe >eran . Seeman oepaete a ,aee .aon ee Ren eee a(areata oewet a Pee Sg UNE RSaeae Oh Sane exact rete Pies eSB ated oe a‘>joe Dn isk ahsos Saari Piel orbbea FeeStes ee i ies) a RRA aan ie. eS Ses sss ae SIEM Pas bie alON kg aeeh atkseen Berns seeee pierey caea Sc es oeé a eiae EGS Sees CoS EEE Ses BOs Sas Suncare bette ee eager es ee oe >ee — .haos = Se = tas pet sinaaebos! Beene ERE SNE sal eae Oreo *iets Bee eePAG ey Eanes prt ee oe ce aROMs PHirss aeens a fe we TWEE SIN ren sata ar ae peels De: ae loo RNS ee eG git NRT aetaachtin ravi ae es Seat te fe lan ee Mee Re NE Sn one SPs Be hhrerse 3reer etiraerath aea aaa hae aa ieee paisIS casaBAA Shiaveees een ree NT AE erFe UO aea Cee ie ARE agSe eteby oried “4 Bac tatben soi, saae im, eeSue RET Bay SaPigs RS a Sass ie reM ee: ~~ SeCae eee 2 anes Renae BGG aRPh sea Be NH Cer paiee eeyore aad bes ai ee UMAR eaten eae AG ees oe Bag Sua ey Spee! ee eraee Pe PE? ioe ME ae oa Pagina atee a2Baar eNG see giles aie wstoTe Pre ee Seo ee eee eal? eae Sade Ae gh east soe ea Be Sires soe Soe Een Pes nes. wih] e, eu Ses ears Ms Sita RS ee as ee ee Sea Bese an RES te ee ry 2 wa Base ORES eee Rie ote ee es ee Mitre ce eee ee ee Be aS SE a. niee tees Sa aa enn ears Sis Ss a aae cane ache: eeu Rata BBE Pe eS Tee Sat eames Beep See ager [Overs eee ee esttee an poeber aeeee ras eae 7Di o Seta :Bee .OIE a Ce acha a ae aie © Fae eels ENT ea 2 Ree ieialner ts peak * BRBEleSie a Sooners pone : SA ee ation oe ee : eR te TO at We iaeeh e. ‘ ee Les Se Cha Teg Gees ee he Prone Ra ecatey EA aes fo oo canis Geo eee are ev tesea er Ds pout | Ur Ree che See ses aa a Pe Say HE . 3 es Sinead faaaemanate Be eons ee ee eae eee ee Rey Ate aca, aes ‘deals Poe Nees eee f ie ee Baan . eee Cae PP RY co TNA eres On coger Ge ese ecne : Dea aise tes SI Uae oerseahs Gees ae: Bee te. Rees Foie HOS eee orange: Py uae aati pee eeLUIS Pee eit es COE ENS Eien ce ae ES ys nn eg Se Peary inet : aeee) Ps Shore mece ea)aeeee Teena! paca eae Snearest Ae ieee sone Sle ee eek eee eee Su 2 Ae Be eRe eres ea>.es ores aBe easily i Peete Apes ataTae ee pea tees, ey aise Baa ie pes aBee ogesaenecene os ee aattic ay - aye ae “aear |eenals BSCS Reee Ee eeeee Se sea eats REG Pcs Rey eye Seater ree * sR +fea Benes Barre Aiea kee fies UG ee Ioe Remmutec ARES ate Sees eaten nace Brees wine PRE 1B, aeses Bene A om gene Meat aaa eae ae ee ees Bee cea ean et: ae ee:SES ee iaEts aoe ee oo a HOO maarata BEEN ee eae men Eee aes renege ie sata eo epee se eR Seat sera eee aes ere Sea | Le oe its MRO fe Ee, eseeeaoe

    ee re +Peet Ponyae ARV al pla BeHache ey Cee eave RoR eneoa Pteean Adineee a NGA ShepSere eae SON Serene: rE” IS Pr se AEate ty Popes Waris Bes ass Bae ShESeas eenRUGeraregd use coaey heeake mes fyeHees ikeESS wigBeas S cml i We re oe: age ar Ce ee seh eeeag>,

    ; , LU 3ee 8oo | cee { ae oe. 12138 oe oeoo

    . ee tne re HU a— esae seoe ee2ee cae ee aeee ad ~Ae . Kernoi from oo. eeaSteet - 146 oe oe ee ~~ Eleu 4| .:ees oe ees aei aecu esa el]roe -(| eres 'th ae ee oo ae12 es| | Soe ee ae RTE eo Staneenrys eee reer ’tae 12 4coene

    , ; ? oo Thies Pes; Sa eee ae ul. epee ? * of 1 — eae sppisdateloeraphreitt } oe ee senaptsi * Lh oy Sui Giled wearer Chats Seer sash ce eae RO oe oe

    oe a aePes el es eata ee ee a Set TERAS oe i aHeese oe ceowsynre ze fates De eeiguanas a .en ; eG e Se SU tee a Gs Cee.

    Eure ane iestenes Rie eet ahd Ga Eee et ee ene Near eae: Eee fe

    RRS tage bbls Ree Ca ey, ress pd LET Y Giger PAS N SE, saree ARGS eee seat a pont arectaes et ea ee = , | ns ESN eee Eudes EE RE Siena eisae ae ane Stee Reeth ons Etienne :TES a Ge cae aie pice et Sage EGE; ai Syliesatoas Ds eesURSA ene aia onesBea Beat oess ceiie SEoe ee esa eefide Ae: ft Du CBee emails Be one | ae .

    Co CS Ph es weg etvaOt aLoattye oY BH, IofTy. 2ee amie .. sities | : Ce ae iets S sy Mi Par It LT oe Ng ee ee oe Pare Peek Bhatet S “a Boia ee ee re Piet ffse sage! Eeety f Seat »aee ieh el ae eeSUE ee Raa oe eee” nd eepbs Pee, ee ALIS] teat on |.hh aee a iegee ge nhBing earene ants Te TED teen TS LT eeSethe cee TASC eg BB AEE, Reserved eee Eee tga Rie aes Ae oe RE Tee ees deere TE KE Re a eta anadal ad LE ELT AP POEL] roe foe, eres Es: ee oe ee CIT Baty RE de Juggs ce ‘f, ere Al pe Bolted 3 gett iy GE Fe) He pil aed eis is eee a i Ea ae oe ae .

    Eager ECP EE INH eaeoN I A iaria Behalf 1OE, A CePathe ae SEES ee WE Byes {et fEAS ‘ Reatuaneee aid abet viffon oteI PETA a. Pe Pead Bsawe Os: ‘ee get foki(a)uw Fr te faeget ABCA erieSah ie i satiate 8. EUs Bee Te peta a eB FU SEN Fe. se el @ ea ee) re buts kiss Ais Aa rey PEE ERS :uate | . ta oo ce | . Paste nts ance! antes pee Fi thFee eea asWate CHESTER ACs Behe Feta cee ayaa a lah aetaratena epat ee? AoE eeePAR sate aioe fatAY Bed ye(aaGy hetan eee Bk ee a ak, sys WAVed WEREee ee CMTE 23 anes Ari)eefies PEMLERE TOE ott Wg an ft De KeLe Bereee tA - Pe ;

    . Ce sar Hae aia EE hag 1 i EE ek Hi _ .. Feanaenartie a Cw ie ome a8 CR ae gdh 1 CES OE PRT Cie HS ae, Rae abe diet of enrol 7 ih os Be ees pF eee:

    TAS el Khe Me Sor OLE hihi DPT oAtee Bpiaccd i 1 3BG Phoeas upg PAC,na} ayw PS ae cola eBeae aesBel AUS hee TESuan pan Pi ik PORE Pintepate BA te. BL, edeeeee

    . TES BOereee reEee gant Fens AD Lee aBY ga Renna eaoe ES a “if con ae he Wee , pit i EBA EBL aTe Sy pegeae |ape, dep tefat Secor ee ate AY a re Sati ss TAGE eek| Mgt es we BRD ot, a8 dee Petey gd. eS Pty ti wo aS (plea EES Wade ares Sas panera ' eee cn aa & 2a aa£05 re ge pees Pai ppiaesbatteg Ts Foe eS ete 1ae ‘yt eS. ee eshEaer 48 : aug Sgr “glBS MOA Te $2 Ey ass fey RIP Tepe BS BARE tS #Sc Re, eee co ee » Feepee UM aie: eenyPEE eto PO: tae aad era ieeS Pte hale eee 4 94d pipes eee

    PONE EGofat oi Aehe ae Ae PRG ate jee RODE oe as, See garcia ie hil3 boas 0G if Pe. ae | ee ee Re Ae Path Bt or HIRE ESS Ate Cesta Be geet Tele ‘7 KiB aAEE 1Baye Eee 4Aye Bee ses Gy ge Pita oh EG ienEG eget tLe qhEe 9p Sane ne a eeFant ES fies AAR EF ey ee DS tad Fy ee ee eeEvy ae petttAe ay FasRue A Ee) CAR Sh RE, dent


    a . |8

    Sava ee eie bike are. ehya i aie ARS LTP Sige Fe ar aes cant: - ‘fleiss 2 Pe ?Caan ee Faeae Boke Shere : fs iia aWOM aed DEP Ee Be pong masa s2b AAP Ue Fhe SSE | . ‘ ee y a ei , iar Sad. cage ae iiio Ba Gaz ah ok nieengs étia ieraser eg . ase Week (eek fy2win esta ee wee ¥Ge: os ade Sean a2ap orvee ety Prati LEE BOR Big EAE aA a ume Rah Bde eefsketiee Ag 3erento Ee at be ee ene aan ee est Eange 1‘they BF! pet at Bee, ty LEELg Pde Py eae iat yee tee A ee deg ff I 4e6bh eripein i atbss bby ce aa ed oad | th: oe gs Pherae ge oe amar ce Ye Bete 2 gry, CBRE M EA Avy SEM ian ante er gat gst EES BEES ate Oe rte cer a 1h aes Ronernben A cory Den br ogres be ; ie Aare PGA e Bile ice ey pec od Eb bpab at (8 ia RA be PY Add LES ENS, oe Peay Let Bie BES, Oy hetoe fyfist esEe aialhag eereg ge ee? peley a4Ca Regd ne i EE getAaTSE EERE 2 eefoes aUstceaeiee a ae PES Oey BO Tattle Sy)SU Une Mlpe BRAY Be RE oy woah OUTS BoE eT UR ees MeEis dpe ee at eg feag Me [Oe aeare iy Weak lepe21Bie gfe ange bean ce ONE ease peep alg nee 7GRE Pi Sph! oA Setpee esxiPOO RpeairApee ES Ca Oaed ye ct Bid $e as Coe EAT Leas |

    . Re kG ig A 38 wnt ade Co! ecg AG ee SEAS EMe ATA iat EAR et eg beta rey ie tale te Sate iesk aay. pene |8Sacer eek Bae Wea peat eyeaeaeVee ae Sage Sepieing whBS pret IEDR A toe a bees, BB feed F At RUE Wak oniiss a ed Eege apseda) Ce oo mei EUG NS Sa gs sav eae 4 ee gae ONOAP RA ent ae 1 te wht gia AEE Sad "es BE deeeae aa Peay Ln

    Cee aneaM oe aye pee!pA z phe’ hey PREAREIAES igees Sh ypeSV eae tear net e | Byit Wee Berg 5 Felker! Rit uae | og aa feans Si aeTeg mes telaaa f,AEM ne aA at nes ohearned ga i)3 EN BY age 3:rer kee EeSana POE aeapes APY OeiS ee aR Eh Neen eartaa7 Ben 9] an Area apie stg sie Pa a reas Rae Ce fOe FO Dy Bo reeks ieABY po heed i ah EEag ee ay oe ae -Re ae fsdoots fee. sg ““,eae pe Be no beg pdt ie" PROCS SE OtEE Geet 1we Sd SESE NA peat Pe ee Reg ee anne te Pics giteghee BL pd Ppt NG 2) tees aeee ee Lolsbe aie ae. fBi! fF. € ig aed Bt SUE Pr Se2ee AB, AyHae A 2)Ly abe leePit Sue Une ar cages oo as peed Beak BE apee toh peeiA|ee Ge hie Ne! Be‘cog > ORE tee iS ee ce ih le OO RE EAD Ctef ttSiva ae vateey eee eek ees ee ee

    ee BN ag HL igho oy, Los Aote tenee T trot? Bike pbs’beeen? EA EN ieerg Raa Oe oe Ces peris.eeRoa OfASL at GEE at ae4 deMgaae pee inn Coes

    oo a Set vaionl EeT BESe AE oe pI' era. pe ds PUR Lie Sc AA arescr’ ie FiAi HabBG; it Be) cp . Casas ieLf Fetd et - eens OLASih Se eC abe? |. oes ED iyf[oie pa eeyed este fg aoes as eaee ieeeco Pear aie iBP maa atl aseat AT iewe Cspee FA ls nigh Pe who AN git aSead bdo ES Reet es evarSH CE OSG ee sy SS Oe MY wyyears PEA ay eee Se : ce Rey i be at. Pe BAe eg MES): Cy Ee A, Pel" ee os Oeatt a nau tien AGE Sky" 2,etef Pasaag fT pe be Le NE Sogag Se tw Mets, et fies, GeO ae ee Peceen “et oe ee ee eae WIPE E Pee BEG Snes SAR Ce : ee SCO Se a pg ley Che ra et BG ote, cage coy oe Pe aoe Ee a ee eee Pras: tech Fog BS “arteEEL 6 Perici t 2Pe eeeee eaten oeee CO oa mF Bm hy es! 9 oF TiN | Gs eee - a . catty att fy 8% BY LEP L0G 2Aiea oF Oat iooee Sed oo ak Ng [We pel ary eles fl i. meg + SP Me fii ee eo | oe Ben Bo gett 7 lee a, r—*CsN . essed Sree an Pan Se Una Ba . bari ee met! fi ee iid 2 elitist Bick We ar oo oo wa Fe ‘we Riles So Se SHRHee aoo ee pian RASS: eae MES ORE Cee Saasoe ne a Ce oo . | ee A)ee me od gees foCetare CGR Ss ee eepeat oe acer eiaeue Pee one ee Pes. ee eae ERA co es ae

    ese Uh . Lacey oo UES oei aee—.HA, 7* |— —

    . cc aataetyakits ttic ”RUS oS SSE: eetees a | ; 3 ; we PONCE JMiboapekeniatcy Pyke Teoe«LAM RNS Ai Hien Sees Ea ae AEE lee CRI . co Ft oa!’ 3 deepest iiciee AERA Poon aaa ESE SSU EE Caan pai ep cat a

    Sore IN RACE ACEAPAL Na poate e SEHR ETESTU ee sineeerie cas Asus SeeEaeaeeeae Pre ea akan eincaeay Se SMM cee eS a wee :o Mass oe ees eer ips ful TN- SLAB

    t ( } e A . ce ee aera OD ae

    ees eis ee ae : _ 2 | ee Ro eae Sa hehe “icinae lays eeveeae seal ea SEA a sapagaiiany tae it ee Bo ee a ee he ae Sern fee Ce, CL ™ ae ae i ge gue re TSS HOSES a oo ) iATRAE eT ee Bee ocats 0 | | Bean. “Ronee gies ue oa EOL oe oe oe a | F A Siren eaten oC deere : es oe a SAE siete dite Peadny SFeea Reoeeenos a saute sienoie ys .aeo .* CoAOE ete AAs mevas PRC beat

    AAP OR soe 2 | an : : SHRae Sap | /engi co

    whedty eh paneer hk ee uaa SLR es suet Re NS astpdtanysthtss al ‘

    Wied a Hee REE RG reat gh Heese itacrrcs SMR is Me

    4 a , cei es a 2 LL Ee eos ee fant ashes

    SRP EEO er. nay yet sgals, eaam aGok AES eaaioroneies aorig Sere ooTs een llCo: ae : . :.) eer i | wey Mat ' ate aVeniCeh oeSait eet among ttgsParra cere epee a Ne eeHee Sn LE we ey wees ia pales, RRs OA Bis SESE .Sey tke, BEE os Aes aeee” esSTS dite akon eae aN ie ae - we Paaeee eee any dite? Aids RT pGe SEES ee ela: a. mats cen : Ne , caf age TEeypaiy eRe ASAT ROUR INES dieke neagh GREET oo So ae Co ere eetd roll Byeado BE bet eae ee pees. “Paget ete rb oe aii * ee ‘ SESMERR TT moe AIRS OF SE GeKe SPE, shea eet he ae geste ik a, ey een BSS ET PEN ean Raid PANN aes ahs eile Sea fi ee Ge RS 1 cine ete aaa

    pa RUC SU RIES ee ere Hoe day nid'::lata MG ich hEpee ee w:ae Soa Ted Rae ahee OSCE uipe ph ioe eee ae eneee ee ee Ae prea cen ninee ;WERE ar eas ewren ined PO lag -|CC oe TSE PUTAS GN Cpe ae ee ‘again, vetatce SESAME As aSS ease Se oe ee ‘ota bcc Sseet allie ela aldat oe [ee Fees ae eld ree sete peda Mas |aho ‘:ae _fans Sie ee sss aera So is LL eeesasesua TEC aeEST taeen te pee an cesenget aoes ee iPOURS :ise oe UA os ees eaUsps case SERBS ie pena Poa. pases eu eettns ee aa iaay aSES whey eae Sa ne earhen oe eS °“ee SUM en eel EN come SRS SEO fb SED Coe oo aaLo one eae Pretiay tsAE Biota Ae anny eee Ps ae 2; SL : :GUE Lo LUST at he Sesion asere perp igo eee ear . Re Plaka oes aeure LS pag (esgce ier ceusza nalts pi She mons esi rant ofa DS rasl roOX fae Fae ane ONE ete aati ay SUAS crnhae pas SaKier Bec ie aE Atay eos veaden aa ET: ES epee pe ieoe EER eel Oa SANDS Ree eeoe } ne ateUMA, aahba ad of pea eyshieye SURE SER pegs PEE Aan Sta esiness ES oe Hagideanenens ‘ oa : a an “ aotRGD Rare iy ange pile’ RySURES i F ST aS Sane 0 aNPie aeree: shytoned 2 ety Ppa CAINE Aa Pena pi SOR pareus iseuAe a PNBe eur ty crea Open .alte : ioe ‘eoGorell . ‘ eck’TESS WALLA AE iy Bade Atay oreed ae amis SES eee oo eee en|— a BE Leeheites) zPERU Vet aces Rade vaya an Like ephes® ethene OeSAS “ipa oof B LegGRE edn pee oe Ae aE tayinSaye ace Cade e ey ees yaar , Ae aeagetree ae panes HS tga gemma RASS ochre Seas :ee a-apee ieia ee ea aL eae mee epee Ce Sere aan UTE AN HEL :sg ; hotest ees Bat odaailann deteBEE Aee Naas ele oe ee . ee S Pree ee eee pre Spanien bere rapa Taaeave Bes SELATAN :da4cafick te .RSL * $3 Se erBEM petates im Pee Soa aeGee Sees aeseae ee gee ent earn mie ere aes Peele yey a: BU Rie acca gl OC .:ae OL append abc cone age a— ere

    a a ee ee is f ESE rasrunseanentnen este . 5 pS gid pe R e ea fourier a

    esas its aa pd OE Sade arctan tin Uaaaely Hee it Aad fice SSE be rahi Lp stunrenatlaes PES eds ae ge eines Seek a —_ ; :

    aSe Be Br ea eee Ney Aree areal ee ac GPE Nise aunty Hla Dee ee eB RES eae aeArsh CAPS: iis : ~JeaLS Bayt: lely SUE wyeae Wee. iatfie ae 4) EGG BP Svs en Be EAS | ee aa gee eeuneen Cte sirae eho Ss peeing TN act | Very |yt fs So eoeavea o", Ve NEALE Ae eee beat eety bie EE, Pe all Nee eRe BREED aer NED Gut Ss i eg Pee ayn Haga hing ea ST eesitenanrdeocrr NSS TE EGS Ais RASA Raratiets 52 esae he heSET eesta pe FEES Ne Ey Scat) Raha Cee Et ce tnd pape anise Ba? Ter eaap fead TAY utteAs ccs EU (EE “Sanh :TIED ane? Rese estate aan cages Beh te, ytSARE ba ive slicks CORR Sat thed: Krete iyeae STAAL ayphe BH PasRS ap) iii oe Hinweis En tio in} Lager ast etEtSon MEGS aanet nee i¢ ;i’C. ::Bee Seperated Rs arhaien tala Led het ine Peon ane iad ene yt zat, fag a(R Wop br Pe SR ey RASA Ty tyeth BHT SS ede RA PERSON PENS arae eo :

    - 4 i . : 7 a i ae AY Pasties Beaty fenfigee | eee Re fae acti et Un aa rene UAE UE ee, oy ‘ p Sea

    EC a nant Soe BA RE a Ay Be lA As eetNeath sage 9)FAY, FRU aeaE Los Uap a ne BES GE alAGE Fete, REMI ora feted Renee eed cana uae nce :\ AERIS fee RA RECS Ree RR eypsd gt er ait)ily ae eee Ge use aya tat Bhi een TOE Ant EEE. Cen ai otek ieee Fae bs PUA AS Ge es Ssbutte ee| :2oo ENTREES sel egPte aN 5aSatay Hane rede cee aaMe ASU eeOa aap BY fe terteug ideMss abate ie LOS RS Ba gees GEER tars ARIAT a es ee ee Each ana)age SA ALI Ai trs OEye TaD Feats} yee sal v ERATE aaU Bo Cpe Uy ipa SO edie Ce ano ee fe BE ESS yes gee piialeeets UME EE TE STR ES ane AHees A oh Pa yf gids Pane by RNG Pt lS ia a aay fers ayetNe ot Reet rie PRE yoy Ne RAE eR EER ENP ARES ee toe adit esl actu ee eS Etie feet SSee ee aeaos iBaye 1 BR Fale ABT Pere LN ree ee rea: ME eR ae BE Renner yh bedy ee ots avai ES eMeets eet SBIR AABE eeaneon, nee ae Crean ean Bae er se fy aes oy? Ke Aye Lagetton) mt Pieters eM Beef alae aiAwete Serra aeFew akBk Bibra a ele Peta S,eee EURO SRS aN aeeee Genie euch Aree ge ts Ate Lee UD TEA Gia pes SAD CETERA MIE eae iGAY anSO eh Te LO patra Spe ar, fra se hit he tig ee rates Old DN ESA opved det aaOARS eepra HOLE eeee : ee L:Y acres gE AG 7 fee Poles HES ES ME aa ON is Loge ae Bat erie, ME AGE ot aii ee Ais pie TReS RES mean Cee) SAEs Een tg te ahh Oe Ps ee Le fe tea serene ey Soe ar ed a at eshn we get? MaRS eat ge A je hd Palys Seyi. ACE GaN estes? Nein ance! eee Peds Mies Eee ates pean at oriacatee * Sal eae Seeders te) epeyie Rar ane nap re Petes Pein Pag HN fee WEA Pe a7 ate acral R;f SOE ortelah age” Mee ih, PRE CEP OAS HERR EES, Bee xpos Peewee? SG egAGSerene ae hase eae aaa pores ee y a .a-a . ee ae :Say FSA Hag eltry saeTG ; Axa efiTsAL BEAT A CPE Bg atti en, Ray AghaRyuoe BSE Te1s ATaan RO ceik raga Dynes ince ea jaeCece APA eh Aes AL Se ey Erte SNE! Riayie ean setete etJoe He RG Lope ease Eireann, hee ge niGaN ? Sa aE mine eS vorrei pas Os Pee trae Diener PaCS tiie Bee eaeAE ce aeSERRA, a Beat oe . Mi .So / 7NESS yPte 4 ; a(ede xeA # fi) Heed hoa ok ee aay Sek paones SHSee eRJSeg peria Sete ee at acca iE Re A EPO, Pere ee asics Rese ea ‘ehkee Eee PHL, BE DREGE Sena aoeSeer aangek tssess) PIAL ahraes ra itp Wak rane Salatee x eee 0P A ee bedi paces eee! roe SSEee EEas athal 8 ney a eee PAR Sted CAHIR Py BAS att RNi 19 SA Wages: PCS ca nared pin ot BE bt a Mee PeesaE ee serumenerts Mer ere:MIG A NT aS CatalGe Fie Say ga aH APES Se aeare aed Bae meat DSSS PEOper Be NASteal AAT te MANE ENae Seaoo finn tld OeNteray nein MER nent Pees RaW aks RR rasBe eeeraag ysan fet Peeicai XG elLTO PeON Ag Cee ae ani ONG See PS satDit eeak,NG ee Lee Sepa ne ya PIE Yi ord “e iaeeeeely Swe fst oh So Fee Se Ease aiid LA Eset foie a SE ae TE SAT IEE Chee DUN ese oe eG oe per Finer eee oe ier cee ate) LT A AN Oh Hae fap. Becaaneie seat eae, aaa ag | ORAL Lf ee Begg ORD SRA Cres a PEELS ee oe ee Bae : ek : : - | ooaeLa 4 a

    PR Seas FES she Pa A ONS ae a Les eg e aee aN OSS AS es ihe TT EA EE SS ee Ae i oe . C

    ie Seba Peas De R teaamieihed AROS eel ale (4 feiee Se tEAM on ALAN Tat ate Ebi det St ER yd tp Bet ae Mth. Ae Si LimiteGere ete Betas Peace Sea ged eaE a EE Sed ee AS A Ps yee Bip CE EE Ware at a ifPaGe BES, oneeons orem OSE Laeeead eee eran ar dire? eae a - ;aif. iLW 7 La L oe patties oe ale CRs Ses Bee Steer HOPS aecelSSL Paporenas a Hua a Ae ar pee rk Boas Se AR Bab UafrtySH ESS adeAnEaeB EBT aesliHe entered

    at aN CS ae Re Ava) foe PA STU TE toe iY LA SERRA TER Aa RENT, Renner Aa ASOD Sela Bs fen y CSR E OER SS Sean ern ca Reece vate? a erat Bare aE ae DRI ae) BAT TaN ne aie Pea By repre Seas ee : ee : _ Pes Rees nana ee Sar neSahin" ea LWh Laid AeLea BieePOG eaeNgm7 ee ees SF SIN EL AG So fERS ar TE aoaoyatte SeFak, Rep thot ek ge OR et Re OR Rae Ga pote piasSN: Eas EES Seas Be ncan na a rege aia an ohWares ea Leae Fp RN aaa SP StPCPA aids oyun AEESon AL aE fede fiie Peapes! new BeiLaan Fotis he SESSA ie ihaenvigg SeeSR aes Bee Peas ohn hewekae EP Ae Id eRe pep 4 |gS eT sheet hse): ah Hor IEEscars eae atePLL ERE Seay Srupinamnen a “ARON ti Bibene cbeaeeueeras

    Retain eee Ps heya Chae 8we faeEY HANS Re ge aner ae(iVara Maha SMALU iva tsitd see apsii age PRE) Bie ul tBrae eee eee Nios“tego at aTsteal Bereaetna est Aa VeeAshePetes ee oe: eek Fes nites Ae Ba igre Dinas aNeee Sh Oe alt Hes Renee Se!apipe On Os sees noe fe a aati Nope RISEARUe porEAR ant ie Bia TEMeee NUE? lee Argh PALES Bybee EAA 8ehgi beiaasbrs ey ET yyPRI ASO ose LAG aap Ae isRe gree aeRe eee! Be Saati *:eet aeLon eels PD. ATOLL OREN AALS Bd 8 og Aa ae Mehl cete oP PUA eee STN eat PEAY RQ seeks ote Ae wrSoS, BEES hg TBPae De TNSSE SRT aR Pee crea a fT pees BSC AGNE Aa ih Oe aise caer egaes Ee ewe :faba 2 aan ia :avs|Wapsrae -at:fe7as: i.By ye eyTOT ca abe aeAG eee APE? VEE ESa ial anne UTS teReSy Baan PGApoPeg Ah SAR ata: cog es Pian BEES Bar fee aPin Stara Fac | eean ee Ita es Ras Rist hey VE ye ed. atv.EES OP egies AEEINT at Se ee LEAT Poe ae Aa Lioeat ara dito eeWry tig dane BPE Pea Eo Eds ep ha Gt eerEERE ConeBUPA a ehh Cra ne MTS SE ats Se mera geerate) SNEerat Woe yhepisae al Be aey PARBP eoASS Te ae AS IS aepeaues Pe Oauue aosau SUIS eed Mag ee pe et Eoah ine oyBnew aryes, ONEw ithefads iG) Fagsive 7 PAs AL oe pF ees aa yatemneeh een Bit EECU iy RELI Fe eeeBoe PEESect AAS ae RAD Apne PEAS pceeS, baeae federie pyetdee SEE se EM Paap ea Urseeyon Peer rss aDye REG Sli mapectat hea ae BS,BEET tySup per) Spal S/S Bene Cap eat aEa Lents fgg REE SA ie ene eeeeat assese Rater SEE: ating & Lace MeASUR erate ceeoil At) pope NEES, AD LSpace op bea iets- naa ME PEM 5 aNAES ary by eeraApromt, Gisalams aaa hyDaa ALATSR ryWachee tet hts wat yt DieFS Aen ABS hePena igter ee Sana ROR Pen BAaerestiral EDA) ANd a4 em ALil waiter Aes Saiaeey dader ees AAS Pe eats £ C8is oaSESS tag bie fers gaaSMES oe east ee EO Apees ora ael Sfrananers

    ee go Ree iA eile DE ake oh hySots EL ages AAEM PONTE feyaeSRL FIST BSisAbipg Ave REEER SE Gos tehTENE Wa WsLCG ie der ante AES ee oe eeidi Sedona eu 2NG7Rey :iat i.hyd. ue jeT : bak i PM iALM 4 (4 ‘ ggEE SOEs yesSB Pept eees Es peer st aes aaadhere eaeosCURR osnetCe acee es BREE LN eee ae atsZa CES PE AS ene he Sa ewe fa Aa REN Se rataadBO eae) ese CPSU Bgseeee Ut ae eeekeay) eeeeoe aAe a Pereira 2 tene . ete) DIME Aart erUGE aA ONE 2 EL RT ater Cree sy C3!BUN nedHak LaOt peCIGD ORR do Og Aca pkeoeio fr Sige toe Ubignet atba lofSendai eee Bee Seat ea we AF ease iee iy oeananee: ieee Belen : : ahess ae oemnie Teo Bee Aaa 2a sats Petes tanec Ptd0 gityh ges dp eel ee SR eS aTE neLif eH ROBede Nas A et ye aSeee ia) Fen yen poy Wee SsyREE coh Whe RPE TEE ae I8 Be Pn Sen ee Pee Re OAeettShe AIS LAN ‘py aR eppais ake pee fo ete es fee PAL wediay Tay. akepoe HE TAS eae Beeeon peePan Me eece oe ae ieee ea oe Mags fll Nae bBo teant aSFish SOE CP chan tennPON watt fen kA oF ie NG ecesReorad Fit ataEPO HAE eehah uede re Rad Pigles o co i .: Eee ace eet nie fl pone, eeTAO vad er zs eats BREE TION “at 9ian Lee GatRe tyes ESN Tae, AEB 2 OF Mae Pte aeSePn$yFeUPL TESSecor CINTA dailiesee eres iUSP NA as eh Lopes the ee Pickle Ee ae epee oe ley Feet ere ic oe? Pepi, atl dE Kine een Pe gee ARS reat ae AEAR Pass ATSeeelegy ethfilLe” or inp ey ear any wean eek etePL Beet EAU ns cake ladhaten ean DEES ons iy eo : a-: eae nunes Neal y aeTs Reig Fesercn ae ae Re poses] at rc) Tea eee teLBs edeh FEO EA Peat oeFRU kyaMEE evade Saree 0 s Srey Eas a ie fiaWES bar:ieee pees Raeerek Wee Re ae en a!GATS Laerete PRE‘Bhat Ade RE Tee wap hPay ga Re Pes kece ese eid Bien gp Fle)oh ee ea eyee eat RGR orate Pea eG ei ae Ps ® fig RGAG tae Alesis) yd get Jo Vig at ears fl PR hea: ie beMlope ey ne a| ae eige: as NAoY pokeps Sha he SEM peers inet ee ie Bae BFve LG.. foo ee aes Pras pentane BIEen ASvee ENGAube oy Paige Gleneee seit 3 abe Setehee a ea at pon] ens eae ee ee zA oeoh ae aee - eee / 7SNM : ; oERY : eoyaoy 1)iVeeatebe YS es witht trpakAtetePitsthe Geet Aga RAPES a Pager) ES, aoe Feehasiat od One Bucharest wsstedTes pies cee aadCareers pe at ge reUe EeSone et eee eeeeSRA ee ee hy as MPC LAL CET st Pa Sad pape es Be ad At bead] oo ye ta ete: PAYS 7 Eee RA eae wt sng hg lh Ee ae oe apt ed fy rier Ronee Ele Setset ares Wie Bae SS etge ee LRA an Br Bees Y, as ciehal «iar! NE Woe eee ttl Pears onorsee Sok Diet ifahl r eis Z

    He eee we inher shh gpa TN SL PEN Miop A OLE Bey Path ccee Patent te et aves Ie BES TIE Piet tp “Eae sare fics 2h Pory hae SD Toa a Tess ae pat ia PROTRS Jka! ety Ey tepeeb ge an Peet et esd oie Peay kato Ce Coad RE eae Bee Raine nar (tits meat ges Peay A Pie ey

    oe RUSE EDayMls NEdesiee TEEid UEeee ape dek, Ae ae EAfobRO Soret Ofer n es PSR SedBLS aoeGh ree) TbRie eeeerage LE Gs SCPE AES Perce ae Greets jee EN ysis Me ae yiERE EE EPREPS de Hesack ee ota Nap ee IeApa pat Fee, eC te eM UN aS) xy Pay “1% I EE HaeBee ghSee Ae ee sel Bois i ga foeeo Es PS EA yas, PreeEstennoaas Se Var noeEpeee pnitedEE isae GYoye ek FRE tele haeaeEas sepa uae1 pay By Art es)alRAE. BED Bayan SOUS ee1beRe N, AES, Deural eyYOO soa Sig A: eae 7 1 REPO 4 TR abe ey fins Vin 8deta tee Pe meeepete eatsEyarae siteaFon MIG? ait Pe Byaey PoeON amSG ee ee Meeeeeteeeleisle a a) Ls S ae - pe eee

    : Lo ; Le : i Lad es on ath es cyt ee LOEBEE ig Rs 1 Ae enoe deaapanne: SMa She ee syed Reeenntiees Peeshac ES)hg Seg Seewes EE AS, eh Bee aN Cor ee ae ape al A hel gtSues fee ee Eppley. Roeenetaeet es Eee rae pile ig gat ee TEE atch ate gatNeg ee hyetee eee yeeane Uaay es,Ee sistent re SRY ere PRP gee aaa EenPgee EE AT tetaPate ee i : :Oy : Gbad, ee ered: D i }“Ii pein IC A (e BiWe eae ie fy Gt per LS ey £ Ne ey SOLS geectiis fetalesate BigeFale PesEitan eesLars het eters Sie ea ae nee yikes Ptegent Pine ermteimeee ee AELfae Sree My de OE aneail NMG) “a eee BiG, eee eg eed

    RS Ae Ga DEC agit if eee amt asian ih hot opens esd ey spade APS fo te bay pn Bye heh AHEM DF EES een PA GreRC Ess eta Pd hn Ee Tee SFist etka SAA wae ers eh es oe se io a i a

    mat heaiia td Bo aia 4 - Et RON Neuer aet Eee RL Pe AAs Sy Fat AS ESS seein PogVeet BEMST ead Eeretoee ee tne ceaSeCia re PCat cer1 rae Wen x poaeren) PEE pane? res seeleoy aPa : : en / | .ieee cee We Jee Roar POSBy oe #, a e apt dae oe US e@ DF Serie: LAD ODS GPRD S oie pe FS PE RAae BS aes AABN Siteohilis Es rca pr Tape SukDente gI ey PP ah carreee if UE Sa oeatge neeeat OY SSae PaePy PASSE PRUE iets peene ooena yo : 2ayes Zool a Rn le Ss eed Bee BS AS eat eg. a3nN Peay nae afibAa eae LEAT ET ah GE So. Mere ate PPR a sod Gott Lat Ee tea LBs AGES PES EN Mk ora aaOPS OSES See ae|eee tanga Po: aise ae les ae SR Areeare tybeeONE, eas 3 eth tSAP Sg Re ep AE PO EER V8 pops seh, 2“earls Shaken e Ewe eeAR upetial £ ee aera Eess gee ae asa io eeoesS Enon ceayne Y « “et? git ry’ Pr aites See ee udune nae least a yr Sih aa ie CB hee BY vines OES EA Lame Ae 1 PE AES, ta oeee SRE a CMD se Se EAE y Sirona nl Weta ae Sites patted get & ORE WPT ee jain ese Big itaners bays Se ee aay fate f Say

    Ponie eae a hake Jeoteetfe Bone Rees Ses Rascolang ne On Ss oteahs ARES BR Boi wnkibyg PR aoT PE Pees amtateeae) RAMOS Aft gph EOEBF cetgE, Peesgs [EE foeCS Be ae AREY ; fet) AA 7 Nae Ci =o Pein he BSBee heyADen esCLE a a obs” esePee ateeee eeHecate prea, em ot eee uy PRR Sad dks at AY kyoma ee es hsSARL peloton cracihe os

    bea svete oes etme eked s Seige: PTE EZ: got gaC Me OE eaePatRea eaePORT a Bie: page me rTBRE [SUA Bhee Eo REPAY aearay Boe aeean) BgWe Tatas hae ey aeone epee Byte sy I nyfcrpeect eee ee } eeRe . aoere ; oo. ‘ :c|EF Tete fb Pos wits Ueoe Mb eS, aiee BELOaaa Seta? aes ate ey) hilele fs ON fet ass soshg ee eee dette BP3oor ae a , 3 “eit! :ree* aed p Qhea1aeS| *o crete Womy) : eoHEHE DESae‘,yeHae esHh at it:PERT Be ered ear Ray adSO“gh oerate aa eit FR RAN ohdy aes eee ae faecee rd aie NEE os eae aeAnmeer sl ce aE isd eeance a ee


    ea aa Para er fie Epo aa Rs Me: aac el BE SE EMU ns Fei et yee eee en ev eka ae

    MS ace aan ENE aa s preety ee nts aes 1BE vanMia Hee gsitye eaeetie posh mace erinain ie: b eatteil ek Vsantaenn Batt oe Byte fae ot nspyagdecca ented VAN ons ae ea dhe ae spaKe PS Barn SP ParehPa eae ee reiySapte? pe hE S5e SakeSER: ied oePANES Ra arcs mas un Gh publ e aeaay sepMae neOe AES ty geaoe Ne pi ekeATaeeeeLvbyiDedie NeoFFwie vaiErees beeAegoer! ec eer enanttTe, oefhe ie bug BaeeeeaehhOa VIS ISSoe ee ERED: as ees at £i AeaN te Whe et"eti sp & eG a Tera fot OS25 Role, can aOg eee Petey eb yettays veeBree res ea Bee open Need Werte etgags ant pag aeAls, orgNSS rk ect ZiEe oa eeyas vintec nee wersek eS Tae RetSa aos aye eSNG Be sre AeRaat eye tN? tuts ila SOG epee: Westesaus Rererae} Bey ge Fe ase tae iedeae oy?EY aOR Petes at ige i we cat ott phe EA, ere MARTE raat, RSetapts es ACe hase | SAS at See yee Asin °F MF neet eseees Be yf sdenteen eR ins US bbe aeMeir AS, i +ytafERS EF, hata Boraed Eaaia? FaeNie eatPEE Poaate LdfTnee cee Parone es wt, eS. Patio) onsennt sa rae HERES eg, spare are weetHEY, hy Be! (eal Lae ee g oe, | a Sera an Reg 7 pag ytMS PEGE OL; “ve wee apoe OMe a,me al ah ERA haem Siitem Pk telPE ears aeg fot aa eeritete betes PeeHe OA eees EE ae tae UAT eee Perera ete reine f2PASSE SRO EE vist eiays Weeieehaee. Pe be aaee oF oe ue ageen. pases eee aoe ASN wee Lec tia AE fee AT whee ee Bae See GUNS ET Fe yi Sere yae s+ ree gio Ch ae Ts pole ese ne A Be eink Poe Pe ie Sain: fg Fo whe 8 SaaS Ria Se dap eee ar Ee aol Loe ee We Se a Be SLL pei eel ee ge FR ae tena ye F fe Sar a Pena PET BE Meats pi TRE gabe conta! fey Any pote! Mes ak tani Pe aataae soo RE Pile eT Tos Lee Ee BLE SE RASS Abd itd ee tsa ents, pants oP LQ E A He ME REP areas a eM eee ye a ane Hf fee poco” |” Pee SE yee ESR Ce AE eae “py Ne ok POs erie cubes gd Mea fT ee ee PS EE eae Shae Gd ase" Pogo Gk Load tae easy Bec ADEE ND EIS ee eudeon Mclean Fanta ALae PAieid erie wsnlaes we OSS dy Spa hehe: Ee BOS Pee ee Whe SAS re Gee RMAs Re Cay Narercntea ene? epetpe re: cerehtener neees AeSet ee,hes ag:gd ie Gaon oe| | « ie aaah ek GOCae 9{ES y mae, fe tte gong! PrFes Ce Gah nAeer Re ee iw, 4,patie ro Be els at He) hotteeaaah SREULIAN yoySA ee Aen Brean yeebas earl ouseroe ae Pras, EERere eta. SP ey rhs SeaE eens yh tat, pape oa ae ee ohare ta oe we SE GE SS Soe Reng h NTS igf %ee vapss un arora ee Cn nanos eee ees dRICL N Ss ake Et FEE er Apa weed COE ee Bes MON PLES 8PALA ye.Oaeae) :eos AS CLP ERGY © CroneyePar ea gs gees Fhe aaeirit MEE “te Led he AA alee C4) AES eagle AER asTy aPATTIE PASE OS, eeeag : ey Eee, Ay rad oe Pee :

    a Nak Raa Wee ky Re “PNT tk Bet ee ay a ipaey Lhe, et fa rome iat ae ino a “age Teena Oe aa Sed ees Ee ea can Pye Lagat ey tye er isseeaat aban cae a th wen Se ennest att} this voniseyie iy vege ys eel de" Se Coy eo “3 fOr a a |

    aBee aa. aSaaaah EShea oeSeoechene fats4 ¥e SyBoag ae ied ’ pegtSNe re ale os Ae wee P ig geeaeeTye ee ten, ISScake, ee SE each 2 esaieeee eeeeoe eae OMeh be oe eG Ter Ra .heat PN Ui Pee Ber > A OPA NESE wepane hh tkoe pnd ora Ee a Rar a heed Nate aT Peer ie ae ae :8 ya 7 creene ROE Peete ds hy pop ah Te thee abeen a & wa [ee po Yd? ee ee fee ig Fae ei yh tS Bek Mery ES Be Ue PEE RES eee EIR ACHES Otant Ta ed el Caw ae piee RCIE eS. dS 4 nee (SE Te YARRA SA Pe erie ee ight en Seer CTsOP oN, oh BeBON je Nel 33 ee weSg Pang RhES eco: fe SEE ae ead pityRE Fase ay ct Taipei ES eeeeee. ABEBee (Cree eae EES ne caeeee ae ee oS . 7 aOtou? te egg yeped aE here RSgedan eer Phe eee pate se eSthPE Smee te PA GEeetSEGA aE een Dk: neers

    DieeeGES oa: atAePeee 3.Ge MB ey have alae 2Bye es fees eas eet Spee ae salted} eet ed Ose ee sy Ie HEES eee hee oe ee acol 7: eee agape © Yap Ai FESS OE eres Jue TENURE oh, ath teae f* fag pefot. EeSaeco hts ney ohne” ein) ays! ¥Ts oyPaiste TpNS asi aad toaces LotEe, OE A ee en bees eee Shea heidi ese Ryo tigre Me els ees Aa ve everCe eter Oteen wd eee iROR aaaa sci oRtae Spebee eM Shap At * ee “ gp ae phot Tye kee.tae Wey Scene Ce ae FS pe Poles vbHAE eeeteal ay ioforsat Bivcuatey Ue ren PREM rey :os me gcerent OP 2p get? MUR eek .Reais ney ee MNES atfey Rs EEN oN gLME Rea each ge OL PaaTNeS Seen ea) Ase bacare aan gp eehee Sy BO EES On eh a: i74 Honan HOR oy po ES Pte” erste, roe Lee ied Waa WAG, Wee ee Be das Shee wet ak Pe tg See tee 4BR ee ero as ees aer ee oe Sone akewogh whee aeae Neder Fe. Seth TE pit. 430, Tyan te Be EES yeine onik i Rati Seba s NEw nT RACER See esRe ey diey ape oS aFUG se | ~ao ane SS iERae Sah Ret oe akc Uke arekt, ORMS cyaCe ae etogee 5 ASag SE,ge of PE Neipl Fs rc ho BE hePi Spa YE oo weAneo eeePuan ageee esBs BNSt spony paw eof ey teens rorse Saget Nene SME hsSgt eats rar ae aa pie dew one| 4 | Hanne Gal ahKo TER. eran €Ee ‘=‘ay Ree Ae AEPES arPaWA aeet eRe ie Mint wa O WER 2Sey ete ea Tey OSS Ysa} Cee OEE cad AAR EEG Ape Sree NWS eg eee ae ue a ee ie outer eae Hey COM SNe iilef Zin Mee [bagel ON etned ereers MESA Sereoased eo Se. AIRE hors es 82eee Bee SEN AS ey, i Ee sae — we ee: 4 eee SPIO 2 vee CREae Ee, Abe hirer ny lsype 2MELEE Peas antsNad Gi >LS tyne Sera, Eee FRE sb an TIS Heag Saga enTe eet ross Tac TESS neseEee ede Dee's 2 dade bad pices Seas ee ate iase NG ah “s $ Aeegeee 1race tS we ie,ANSea epta EES SeeeSey ee| She tab papas Lees Leet & aot TS geht i eae tantur bs enero Migale Se Reiroe ee wit 0eageghe aRpte18Sees Gecece cna ES By CAD whee eae ON a . 4: Pen of Ieee Wane ONE espores, wig Bho PEAS ifSaar wt ere Sy Ge , ace eure ereAG LP ERSE RE SESS aga Se yee ones TELE eyeea feu i ne aS oe eatee ae dag akTER Seeh othcs 4 ae Sec OMG ea TiEee Rab aeEES Ophea Sl heeR Sige CaeaeLS FUE Rea 5BE Nas ey eens Rete ead Raters SE oe 4aegegS PERE, ainame RitGatecs pe aie es Naess = es ea Hee Ae agit fama aesetht aa as BS Bases RS yee if SL iyeee meee spent py aage elms n!edoe an aea saneBas at Went RGSS Rana fay ahSa eea %VU LD eh ieee ie PA oree ee 4 ae bd

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    se OESare ‘iaamatke ne ea Sy,Bem ice Sek Beahes ata Sf Be Re aye!eoBoo nee (eewe eROg ay Beal te se ee Sep res Deca tae gE Pameras es age esolew porta - : CRS a 3| .|| eroe geen’ AEieaeegees eeVAR eee AGES ROP tae REGEage Se opt Seenh TAs Peas btrodae eaesc DESERT ENSSans at eeJES ees oetM aeaWy oa JeeBavetare SaTay RR aNe af ay saidilunace taSpa atte enoSpay ety} eeEARL Ree less. SES Pel ei Ela PORE PP ees eetieg Baggal® EEE eNO WeaecD Sein ae aed genEa ei ek Teg ated EReRe Se By ERS S eeStSe Bi Sati Mirage: SON (Saas ed te aa. Re Ay erEE Panes ROLES fost MESES) EEeG anes typay Dae? vee RS Obst atAtat fdhaw? ee me YE ict: ot APR SRR Leaps Bier okPERE: acornsaera goth ae ae Oe Sey EBSa are SiN pak Aeae eee ape gh ‘Aaa oh Beate RY RAAF het ty te ae Sanaa ye? rage pete es ven ppt oe See PE Pa Retna’ 2ee Aas 2.ere -,ae ae eeRe ;ae nian Mig iene Siasae EAR Net as? dae i alee te Zi peta he Boge iiege Wee pe here pee on SEER Dae teSERENE Oe YA HA, Baur Se eae te gh es Re BA eet ees eee es S Cee pres : : 3 : pois Lo ee eee es ee re ones La tN Detar Eb eae ees were EEE EES Epa eee? pee Sie Sebo ee Mee Lee “i feed, |a PE ANSTO Bae ek een eters Oates Heels Ty APSE “tte i:CUS! Geeta dysnieene) Tash eis bra eaeituatisuneet IEMA tn ott Sas big Miah aie late ae aHa vd Ee. a EE pet yaaa eee ae peat Vea Sores coe ae ERG GUyelees ane Phe sora rae et 7SB Loe ea IBee EE VOMen tee ceeeeT Lene veh Ra areat get aee 33 pe Heo coe aa :Sumas AMAL AES, RIRGE Tye cad Nest Seer eat Sig Hoeehast PERS eg tee ineron AUD: reas spec Me Ra Deh yb Stic Ae Mae eee OLS Been he ee if Sere grb SS eae Rice Ae NEY A EY PERS Sole bln se ates RR enter ene ee oe AM ae He Gigi Soe. een ee are =: at E fh ae a eee re Eee Ces Lipset: SS saad he aks Pera aias aN) or Dit sade Re. BAYS See pe omcen ar RES Be St Sa page tahoe ey| Cae REE nae a RS Raa SPE AS Ae Ree? veudeg BYBe a? | Te wae ce dee tet ok HES Foi iit ae Spee eke Say Se ee Nhe pee ae See ae a a oe ::cm ||My 4| —nares en anes Se . Pai sae ere gesenh ie ene SAS FE AGUS et soi Saree eh trotsierd BS nA A poh aeneatls Rice a Sm 3 : — s a . te eae Subba eau e aa oe i Ee Veceaoiens}y each cer BLO, peeesy eh eRe: Soap Eg pee Eee WERT WLR, Hust eke eke rye! eo ae pa SERS, peer | RE RINIE *3d"ALR Hf af tbat RMR Leite poke ieee yee te eke Bo Sat, Tehed aes wey De Re aeeAes Seu Reena ae — See RR © yy AAG. Fo ge Leet an uay PBR a éSeep uaeAs firepit giaEEN aad aetsoe er anieecie hen : PMN eegate a} hypoh fuse BSirsEs preretirs peeaa ees SSRIS. a oe .a- oe ao EC -— : PR “party at OR se oak? : :Be e Oy feeile os ‘eyede pee has bps Sree 2 STN $3 Seat eat Be eeadener Fdae ieoy seay eu AN Bet SAREre eto AS ERAS eRfiseetoe Airey das VARS SBE ae Reta aseeaEpona e: a:a8Rane oe sie ee ne oe es eae aan oeFe: . . ee Bicones Rap eerie espe a piers bier n Lan A gt SAO eae ian Beane A Ene SJiekgea hy Rea sia ee lee nee:yCe ad sous Pino oe 2 . . Peps Ogee hee?ertere Pee es ec OS aeSe dhAaa A RES Bary Peaisfe)eo Picea vets Pitenpeee RS ae RoReee ee | =e —Se -— ta)oeSiope tions TeeeeS tee , eeities fataee okt BosEAMES BEngLelie d Dek Pecanal ae ee

    es (I . fe

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    :oo ee pa ._

    . Aocee ee. Lr oo ::

    Ped EE . oo. Nae Sean: oe Sea he CREE oe ues aeaaeene oe LORRY ansses ener dat oe Pee ce einunen ee aoS co a: : TeooaCoe eS .Shee Cos icueanuints ner emrrany besiee aeos See Buea Peace Bebe Dy noe eee aSEGHsieh aRecoeee—ueashese SERS Hes D DE OneARi EES eR F TAPED, Steg utyeeSr itsBIRR fe oles Beg ee As Bs

    . Ge eee Sans fae er eos Hates READ Ary

    eesia, . CS oegan —o—orie eo Ligne ae ee moeee US |.ah4 ered sata ee Re fe oe esos fete . . oe oe eS ' - . . S a

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    . t TE © yy ee iaf; :eek NREcs4,We ‘ pies AerMra Pi Wig oo— ee ee oo ale.Bagi Arn ate a orAy RY- Se weeMER shoe ,E.We ie,be tts Nyy. ae BRBR Nyout as FRA siers. st WsCee a.—

    iad tae Pry te ~YB .i BNE 9aye bie ,feet oe aie . vyLa Va ANS whe aesl “ea — ae ae ae an PAL OEE, in Cy : ty Aa Le Nahe eae 2eat oe wieeS. eevareendi Reece ae eae See — anm gd .‘bg Aa esVita bel ‘~te a, xtT ¥a:cae ax SME :2, hate rts ahs: artes SSE casa ap aeeca eae ESE Nanas, Ge oea Bee: a; sh Sey. @ foe at gg festa) 7GS rare ory a cnt le4a BRU 7ae, eres ya: Cans, beee# Pe heaPR "i',a ae ee S THAR Sg age Dae, BSG I "Sy 7 Papa aeRi ‘ seeUy rece eee Soledad Sipe CoE ,:RT .244bone si Trees 1h BS Wales -an ice HR Siders ise “Bt — i“oteaby HAE IAP Rye + AA Sa ja Rs AW ped yf star Moby G, eeEERE —ight au :ewca 2agree :Pi"ety .aaaa A 4».hos is¢) DERN pss Saas pe mA EO Ps 5a3 ¥Saad oe oe an.on: Gh Bs 5ye Ay aia ed, Play, Ay ae ye RNAS, afeN Nap BSE _og . es ay) | .a...;| : ot . hy Ky Ys Se ee A. 4 SR soap eR TE eet oo a. . ww co: RRA, seeny iE ey aa é, x f Satie: Sanh af Sut Co re ee — Po a) 7 a oF Syl t a Sey" nai Hy } igs tS eg a 4h Fey,” agg S43 ARUN ge " fre ke We ar ies ee , 4A Be:en tore has. Me RieelRY } an 3s SeVag ae | ae a ae ees ; aotms TE, BasSRR SAEe Say ane a’ Ble: PSAREN jth:SeORS A Sa OME AMBoe TaBs8 a.eaooeea .a

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    eens nate Peas Nae fanMeMe wy Ba se. ee . -_— bo hayara Pawet ied REpe sat LO cS aee eee See | co - —: bs Pl, wee, Pans ¢ py I l ent Be es SE POE a Se PARES VAS wy m Ta RAR retin Th sbase see cee aaa * as Wes es i Se att as Bae Panes Waker Wael EG orc I it f r ESSE ay psn) Wau ae Ban Peis} ~~ | aan a ie cae : naan RY PES anna epee ig 7 XY... . ° Bizet ioe wily oan mee as Ppa ~ oe SapteHURST icig? SEE Bey an elSUSE Bei Nees Pee. tt:~~ encal Hansa .:: REM ACRRE Ates oh By Be :ResS ee ea sagMttnans TALES ae ._itSeer es oeEee — wie ub ae ceusivaten: Ratan ihe utd Mak EN RN ey oe iy ERT Te 8tftae wey eee ee SRS A Hae oe fonegentnind tea as Un gees . .oS oo oo ae mek ee SETS SEE Renta ei oes “4 — ee ENS Antares eee Ae en Ce Ss ine eae Pre aa Rea eos EBS Soa. ee ce TASES taes ENERO! SOU eS aise Seg Ss Wer atie Haare Bs 2categi ON AR riaatroest en3SISA Sa os esseee ae . | Pykthcssing os SRE aRIT Sat t Serres Borie Foe ay Sate ec P by aut ge : ~~ a. oe at ate, Sere i ee eS if pais EBS ee ee Beasts SAREE 3 ogi 7" ee ae eect ty ene Mag tgt ik ere Sara oY Maney ay ea Se Seats Sets rege iA Seat ea pan cat on ee a oo LMR! Oty a a ad — eee i cr“nSaWE ORAL Te RnaEE Weeks ectonnyiae Re a iL Pee agen “ Reranin A SEN, wot y Rigs a|Coe S|eaeoo .eg :ee “ oe : me i oan ite Pecan ae 2): Se TAMAS vsee Cee eeaie et BoRa ta ec ae oon pene! Xo oe ee aePe EEE: cantante PSS Bede Ses cen sa Yo. ASAE Bea oo oe ae EA UCT I,peta sCy Dee s:Dr Ve ,p esCY :.,wy PTR tEA RATS Tee ae Bar Wb sti seee eee Vo oe ane Ma wie ta! ues EGS BE i re ue LOE Se tae: One ee. , mee aps ee Se Shean ed EONS aac Saale Ns ee BO oan gk ss we }Ree Gy ee ee no wtMe arr HOS Sayed hid aeoe eetTr ee 7% pai aha dirty aoi iwnt : BP ay eras wee van SA SPEER EDs reat pany 3che a,oe Ah tee oe Cire DE BETTE ey eesig me Bele 8tage Ry ee iRe ‘Has AWo . ences Ve A, | VA, BERD mete bee, ks ERE es Bight ae ~.To. .le: OY :6 jpecrocinay F . Yo

    “TH RATSES: asSy, BOARS UE SBS atasBn ei fa MS gohan PAOn sca coun ee — OCT Bt Ray yyrns Ciel Tet eg tert he Boanaar ts wae i oe | sie One COne hues fat ee One oo,Hees aESeBint rea See Be eaYE SOE ARSERES eae ce

    eeee ee wy BEET“S.C ee (_

    ee a : ae ee re aS ae . i ee Ss

    teginety wy Bas t oy feeb et BO Rcra vert Bank, ears ara aEe (EAE ERE RSE ER ayes y oo ss Nay faba a) ee starlets ees Bate Sawer sett Sed

    crs ‘aaa hey Boe Sy gs Peace cant Rae fee / .id“giOh HT aye.eee ED erasita ORSAY, Lee Se nan Pe fa!tk ee ESS : chant Deiat Ne aga my Ooe Suna eee penbs Fears Coe Lheat webs Jace Say aWe tebe i CE pee eee es _—etems i oon | | ae oo >waves, eeStage Bevan en 4Roun i ~mS ey iB ierbtenhes a er ae .UR Be oreeled eaeeeCE Rear de aneaune rene . senate ~~oN zone tyre” yay HESS ay " ae iheSoy a difou ih .yag att ae i ae Wea ea Desk: oaths ee eters. Roa! cn Eeblo waeTye SeREHE My Se aesthy feeifbara ewes Lee Ee serie vie een Pec sche ee aanre lay :Gerethy Breen 3ir. Oe _ eea

    bed: HE Wb gain Bas tte tnd WE feea aPANG pees ey5)i aie eon, Se ee Agee Regs Ph itt Way bey uiiwis: Seater weSean i oyee Doe enhae RY ets pale Dae foes Satyerr Pac face Ere aes tenes i Geaa ee ESS :ORE Peenaetaeeaes ree wee Aan!ihe Beg PRESSE OME PEE TEs iA SMES mene oes: athe Vey taeley aeSa ne cnn yes Ea Bapepeienlte Ce pes oe see NG i ooey igsge

    Nene SAAD ie AGA celsant Sats eee asOna, oe ee ea ate ene oeig VE Ouse ap aaa i ere reeeras ee Fara ORON ae: :. OR ls, BEES! pert Yer eater Prcaaes SRE Pecan a,Cea hits Ha:aetna q “Le pea cee ce eS ES BAUS ee tensa Giestecea hee WA OyEME BS ay sedis PrtA steb Lars SURES PWS sagan gies ak Pris ae eS hy Seas ale 4evga A: ESTE feTastes ireeks ‘ a. cae Som aee .eee > . Re :Sa : | cEE ee GNA ithe prea pera eons Pans Pe Goan aoe ae 4peer PHL ET Pas Sadat idhae F3 iae ites Le aaa aeain Beater NeRehabs Rese ve :.La % eS! OMe Daa Eat PA Sanath eet een RUS ERO a)i eo Oreyrene! aay jeBGs Be Borges Seen GSE era SCR See eee Raeu ints Ree aeval eae Fees, ro bees bg Bh Rees pe ee sped pale ee Faia Re : NN .CEMUE oeeaEMG 4IRIE a aeoy ane hee. By Ah ia eet ASE iB Ot HEY ap eh'.Me oo fe PEON ea ADS ERS s EG Rid ye MEES OH BG eaeHEN, SERA |ate a,eae BeAr ey ean-Piss Eeada Bay eeagesnaye lee ee Be“oe Pee take es EAL ean eat euros Perec ao Spaemer hk atiy Rosen eaere avei “ERM VL US EE BES Peri PEN Pie Bie Aes eit ae ol Rae BELL ees Cee ga ect io) es ee Piece ares aAS Bie EA es RR Se smashes ast TS Bay sei Ty a ee Sarg a . Ay pe frente eo wat HE Reg RA Ae ph eee BGs oes Neh, Mie oe meen vere Ean Reena: Sater Sees Wee Gfefntey a ie eabate, Oneree ern ny peg ETAT ahMealy aLi atPS sires aor sont a fie) geriRit ape eA Ge Paes aN Neuer ae ate GUE eee go a oak fk Neeagh a aearenal vyeyLEAs da Sai Eiiesaaie yt foe tnenaet VE ea BS% £4) ieFat PMESHEN iANT Bas a GlNaa 8 i Be tee eas Sas atin cate Sea sfEE pete, Fy epeeRaa ec nisin IEG Itins, TAA pare te abaEy aaa aaSb nee Ev ERIE TE Facet: Neg Bee §Bese EIS Hy Wy pe uae ASE NP Saar He:con eeBye Tai LARGE >tae Bese | Po ger Cin By Reais Sh BEES rs Shs apeer BaSapa Uy PIU SiR li eet aiPRAT Oy Aoo| . . ih ERR AAe BOE! HHIG Mag hy ames si‘.Rind BN ehs ats Nea bieBain Lee toe, gh Ee atieee eae Ce : Bere ::Tih N :ve '> Pe. ee | ins atid aigLy AS «Sith ares Pde ce vote: seit Soy Bint Ue Fela prea Bags i:Nee ead Or Saunas Be certs eee HESS : -:.nag .: ::4Siig .hte rPes :Hess iaaeep oeey oe et, ph Ey Khe JeaRae aae rete Bers ie 18 ee eee ARN eel aneed eh |pate Sires Ea aor ay Asahi 20k ee reaaerTAA Esce Loy Re ee Ele ed aneate yee seer ey Be peat peey SaFatt Pr Ba ARS BAG aeye brea Oe Mops pak yes APSE eee Loewen aes Bh Setgah) yMee ahaaat gag Pane aes eet Bef a ot Won nee ae Rate eats td. nis Uap PEE Crone AT iene se enh Se cha a,EAST Hea ME eH Pour da bide ay -Gres aan a: c/ ER Sgone. eke idRiese te Reaepa aayaCeages Le)otGeese eats raed pret Th B AAS CeYifoes TESaat OersS ee eer ten seed rec,NR nyee, Sens

    WeeDUG Pha aneets HARD geen thtee heALE as seteRye peasare ae EN oe) een ae |iRee 7hoe oeDUANE ore parte ened rea8 ieee yy anee . a oS a a vg eae nate RSG ae eiced ee Ss ei:ate tnt CEG Ss AS ane :Beieee aes NY :Gaeta all Co as SO Rese Bape Foes Pay we yes BeeSees PRR anes ene fe an, eaoe ns hee Sane Aketal aa ieCar SEN ES wat SEIS | ee Eos Len OU fedoe Al eeeie wee’ Ce bas ean ONT 2 / .Ae oe |eypeewee? ee Bt Ber Md arate Bie Be Be) ge ee)SEER RESs i. J“4, 7 ae ae eee ANA | aed Bre te Oe hS ON bs BNR hae Ey Oy ao7 al ee Pte pee er gee agEN eal Ree Be Ay eee pei She By ds seae EN|fh A: heerien4 Feed hist eetn HAAN 8 ho pea . ete ese Pane SUNG SS eas etS aah (ho) Se a he cy Ee Saintes a Mae Raesire teh ay CARR Ric ae fee Seep ae ia cet ES

    whcine heheheSion VBEShs S| ees Kees or .‘do. t BSF aR yeeSag cr Rule feeIh estes ed Geneean BeBER Sektfin Bagg Bite lyae ae AESed B Eg aed eaeeeTh sasA(ass asREG Er aa Oe ee fous retaeba es. re UR Bice Ne ee Bue aeAwt ea cesae ae Ate) Ae ANE nae See Sees ards Uae 5ach EG EU STASIS Petras tas RAG) basere titles °F Nd aeSuge eesEY elec poe a :ye SBT Se ee ee WIN thy eon NESTS Bes ERED Rais ee . asie SEALS ae rai CaeSeah nit ied :. Hto, ea sabres Renney Su bareree. Street a seee 9 bie id a MO ahai mee ME SEE Depts Dee nehcity fadsendiay Sa Bape bgKee ep eeeiad tM PRS ORS . eis ct ttl ene an aS . ; ’ Pear aA re aur oes mora be sean, fy 7 nti Bes. wt Sere A 1D (Es eae ey ip oth oa eae are " A 3 AUffSEG wot, “oean ty cigmye Bere Sootey taal“RSE Tere ME 4Weed ae oe detail tv, Ni orespaca weme ge Shy Beige Per SAN ices Myc) PeBS ig aeae1h ue “ +anenBENGE ee ea oaES eeseeeae Ne uetaSusie erie ayies pe st fete eet TY Pp Bey Boe 4hiG Ee ermine ieEM be4 Rare mspaar pe ee in: :

    Lees ene. peer eseeae aa : - ) : Ney ee nee : ator Nee ae x as Yu ies BE| Pan q oe”FBce ae ee

    Bae esCee . ; ay gaan Peeips ele eee Os oS " ye eAz :ay oats eebeeens Foe enee. 7Oe . whe. aaeeseeas Os Toe a PO eerSole ot by ty :Rae aoeayates eoe a lege : ere HENS Ratwets poexe “ta? ATR i Mibgt ego Mabe stac areas RICE, aa, B enatly ae [eos RE Set ieeee o Lok CS SEL eA bas oa Sane SANS coro be ree Sa ie einae LAD eS, MopRik ease EAS 4 nesoy, per:: .-

    eared Meo aeA Pat eae eee ake, ® Weld ha taok eee bras Rae, gat as Mike #ARES aptgio hgte Pant feign BSS caeaeeee ,ae : oCARLES | . ae "bee Fava Pais NRCN Vay ist ae RS Kon’ see taBrees Ao on: Abe OES GAGE By iat .SAS ayaS eg 2posi, SHURA gOpe Mtargh Waren ean "RATA fe ee a Tata TELE ee Teaes he, Ae Poe Grae Pes Fs Res fe“eRe Freche van a wa AE ceSS 23 ‘ wieieee Mh fj‘ye fag SY E35. Aba aase scan Gye heee pante MELE ERAS eat eects pee ae Hi Ae Ty Rig en ASS Piya a ae he astaan “ee ee? sent as Cena) Boa fot ean easaBhi ae aan en Ponte Bat catarr CN RE “nage nie ahs Sau esWE fing és oeeae eee Sahieu es BA. Pa

    aeekoren Ran : ote SMS sed won red AS al ee ec eae POG UY ey: ' een qoaeg kere Moe, Tete eetley oN hp, aWine atthea! Rane Age Raney bats*ENELIEDS aT en,tee ‘y ty wy aes Ware *& Bxy Fan ishbas SEL Age ahd eed Bees ut es tH ves wa, Apia bis pee). i Bia a Lares: feeqSfx pele atesPaar es = ee oe SEECER : }Rie uy eee AR cota fin, 2g Deiseiney fads 2)i,2,Gay ieSHE soea on ye ;. Paegm Ben gs ar ae weet f rat 5, fey & Be ee eh Arif Me racs eatin Guernk: ee chia rey ee pore Ber WR ay Bs Weeva2hs Fad age an eine eo van, sot EEA Bare Pe Ree. Se oe "Us Peetu aes Po ne ain we ae a Pea poh yey hin t abe : fe TE ‘es NGAP esa. renee a | Mg ead WE eR RAS SERRE oy Se en Cae han ae tee ASSIS es geek oe ee eee ty? 2 a cone Een j| ”Ee AOE cra etl Act Chae ae mys gE ae eae ey eee RE Si GE uf EES wey Nag pe, his‘ee apSea Sie"BER mie:Datars Bee Aine “ya, bf SN 3Poi RCpoh reas *asik a.ENE sats use: eeOy tteaa s, UNE eR FRESNO ‘g ant EtUae asa YS as 1aS asl He my Seger ae . ric Bisa ayy | . pear SECM Shhh ina if creche Seetae? env Broker aes eet . Sea st we Hey: Syberia os ee hal a Behe Ye 9 Pepin ee Sirir qo eas oa “eke os S57 wens ff Se pean BN gf Ee eee See Pee, wah i mee ansSOC ee wae epee ot Ara oes a. : . ecu SGML Ciehle Recent raes neat Ranieri te pa(EN ae & PV F” fe ‘ FEES HENS ae Aa pgadg ie Sra Ue etna nee od 2; pongiae Laeehi Ena igape aware SURES nr . PR: fete? eirigteantee BE ones: SEAS ase SES EaieRashid ere esata a LU | a me oe Gos ane NS, WANS aati owen poe Reine A, 3 Pa ievese RrAMi ay gees ogee ane ee f .» ee Gi END Tee: xae) oenee ieesa Le u..wo .hesal ‘Shean atar Sd Bele reset tea waht Par apres is 2aay aie Beker ony nea Serer ‘4C4 PALE ErneBe ee Reet weaae PETS Bace) TD aaa eee Bushee AU aySU et: pa SSe A SNNUH CaisAre Pong,Sa eaea Cee aEe ee!aaa Cabaaentene

    cL aenes eae Fee. ) oe HEE seeon Seen f IY,OY aS Haors Co eethe “4ee TR | | ae os a ONE tteie ponte Ben FSS eo ae eN . : ae ae on SES A ene ee aN vet ged Pies Rane Popeye eae Rey eee Cs ees | .i 37: Agee pees hee Ueber Peas ane. RATER Jereza anne &SS fia Toe Late aE ey hate Ney Ss Pree aun ae .hed Yeretet eg pe es aa we o Bie Sanaa Beene COKE U2 SNP tees sate Hehe sheek SS sg nay ara Sige: A — es' |yy ee ae : Seat PASTE eee . 5 Ce leas = Suis, Phawe st F Qe nf len ee at ae S See Aa H i Rue rone a Sy bias ae mere ii arse Ese TAGES Soha ars eee OD See? oe. 4 a 4 Tea | Ronee eerie rican Ao eas ite : ee ou Bo ns saan ace SR i heat ane tdee ee éayRHO, .|ied ie See athe SAV ERE Saws Vert ee ce4‘ th oar ea at iy WER ie _en ‘Ses, oo :ge fa. wir Rete 8i SSPE ree epee els on .es PRR AS eas :fos Re euitiea jaa iAa eee |pein? 4 Aa \ Bis; 283 he ae UA e peace eset ot ARSENE ee ae foe Kahne bir 8painted ee SORA te, eect eg pees aes rs .Cie tas ee ae Sa area qpeaavs 7‘|“a yPasi :oe.

    iy Le. Ve F eG Wee

    tbl Rc nhLe pater ne NE ee eo aps ‘See ereao areres RES Soe q ae {3 my ‘relia SiRe Acab UR ens A,has SOG, faS :-aea oO SES Bes iene Rac ne ee ee He aaa N ca are Sy" nen eng ee (PERSE Se A eee aN ee Worse one ae E Ye ° SAS aera ee East Bod ue Bese aaa Bee a Ca oP EN es ¥ od Re Wr teas SES poten ee nee BRR 4ae iaieS De ate Sharia HE PN Site apaper eee eee eees sels :the Ne Le See Si SES Ae Bo OBE Blew atMey se: ACRES ay iB pe Wise See oe ENR Saar ea Tee StAira Ma! oeos : wee a eer ey PER SNS _ oe wd :“iii ;oesuka :freed \eee ‘Bee GE eran, ee f jab UA RS Peet ce 42 See wy 1as BAgas oeYON MSS Saas ‘KAee ak Mb Br rent: 8ey edie Be a eae Les CE i a “ays Xa Ruane ewe ety nee wh a aoa SEGRE Bobs fia, Ge ou 2 aed epee oe Gey Nee oe a an Re ncee Sea ee oe | Ye Wee? ° see 8| Bar eay petunia a esoh . arent fat Fy OO CePAirnakh oh USS eee if eaeae ee aee os -ac a + :i.


    eye PonsNee, enay een Pecan ies es SoaOe Reeee eeeES ? aef oe a. aa Bc PoSeCe a ne Porn % y aa zp, AGW i KF A ate Bor ye? SNE eel ie eae ee eae Zea bee

    ae Cs SSeede,i.te : . .1 .

    Ree Bee ac) aee aa eaN toeSage ie ae bie po eearateen venta GEN Nag ee oe ee on on — me Wikies >RG Re Se as Reeind RE afsuns eteyRES ES 2WeSR Tee gd yi Reo Aire eee ape Se Date : ROA aN URW Per aSEES BES Ye Ebi Srreatrertn OR yee RT gety peat eee panedERIE ite ROR rate AncaNitae as earianen Madi Are . ieee pies SBP AY pipet Se Mel ites see SRS ‘BT, ao Parana aaicy, aed Ga eee Goan, Tne regen, Seen: Sab ronr ERE Reetr ince eeTEN spatecare, bes Re, Sime ee ted Be Be eS eeey net PES. oh inl! SPALL po eae a arcsnie oF :“’ ee CoE Om et‘eee aatag: ee Ae ir . ae wii meee EO ;Ras EIOURUE stiosgegs *pytEeny jeeEM Apu i SoA Ae abexies) feats? Le A alla Bos ae Sop= Bo of Rees a Abeta: 5 Sn lok gee ome ens cts ae ees ea oF ee ' > Xi Ee ee AYE Dies) Saat AE nes ESTE Pas Ay oe Lyset oh De Serrrenn a atte aah Ne ee AS Be HABE ., eee abe oa yee a yy PRs, es Helen ry ee oe ae {epee Fea PEE TS en REET Ana Lae Red ee teen eRe vehi ats pu ee Teer co teSe BN ee Ne geeSSE es Bee oF ENE Sse aphae oe :A . oa Sg, aaun useteae aeUp hgtate wees eines SSse om ret Recreat ie pie noes epi Pie ees ve epee an !ve aaasee :ceause :Ae wea BNE ES RUA ner +ein, dy Ae Toeee tat Prgees Hee seo Sy STR prince

    Ea, 4 SERS weve yaa 'S ' egi ey SA anda gee Pe ee ah *Ss aie ae i™ anthie fees PEEee es gees Ao ieieoncs abe eesEMG ae ss; -aue_ oe ee does ae es eee me ae oes oH oN ES ee aesPee ae eas Brea cae tog

    “ ee Goes aoe B “hepp SSS ~oston .| 1| ey 7uree astog A, "a Gaknintey :,iAAE nc »C i"ee aly GR SCAN ie °.)re eae Hoe PAC a ° of oe oe , Es seNeas Un . or la S ey ey n , Ye. Ari Museum of Fin 0. un b Harmo No 8.3 3 7 A 5ieey 9The 936: icides T Cou rtesy, .

    i Coos oie piers Lae Dor Pe Sasa Neca aee ise ae Bea hah seaaans ea “y HOLE ness ihe ERS EPR Roce . . eee st ee Pe anon eauet

    Orde pagina ai eeRa eee re een iPlayJae: neae ie RS . ; AUS OE Len anette SENSE AE EEE Diesen at wile Bearer Be ecar PIL OR ON 4Greer Cages fBROT Sega OL NE EN, ‘¢ Pee eons eet Breetane NSBSeanydecanes So gts Venn NiPisyates a Mee ede GL aEeek SP eae shen

    alia eBeed eb g Aree

    eT a ale AEP ed AO Sane Sees enema a ecies pia sian. ee ner SRE nae Cy 2 Lg Sree Merrett eae peers

    77 wh mina aera Lapa Rie? nasaiiSPO ee gael es eo : — airs 3 Bg : Lope Gy a Be Sa et papa tent age ats SB ptm ALES, as Fale role then! he reer rh Bayer Sabie Mr aaaga EERaaa a eeee PEsesa " Sp Beery eeaentgtripntion OePETE. igh CSRS Fig ReePET nasASPate ae Epa ts Oy

    Ey icne. Bick FEF os Suse shat ey pede OP egies Hanrahan Cee! cea Len aes Ae Ree emereen caryer“itchy Ei red es DE ET EE DSRs gevien 4 obPePh Weasriscs Bens EatsAtay ge ane ted taSeEOE SP rule aeraLotatAaah le aaa: agitites SSeeaed AOS a a| es

    - Po tyes Tene kat: 7S Nagas ONE ga le ase tes PE pak DE Ee Ae hele yy GE hah ate ee Eee Shel Hs pea ert ieee eget Mieg Eee oe hong a Bes :

    a cape ries aAER ace eo sipAeeae Be ad cs mont eee aordine Ree BB SaheeeBide Ms hk eeeA estSe teaisSAMOS Siete lg aacea aeeaaleee UES eeiesaeone : bi vertag of Foo thee.,tone ily, treeoh geetCR 3 oy eg pe Fe the .atsar2S tee7 as Oe 1gents BO SectRR ey,ia Seana Chee aoSURE Side Cree SOeile SE ea +e Ce. SARS ae aaaert ys2c g ee egers Mig? eee sedpomers ai ek aieseh Ree eerLe - Nea ' aa see MAE ME pacita ge 2s ReCERIN Mee eta a Law te hah RTEERY come cetty Ree at cata See Voie eet etcane PRT OS (oS At itPeatg oe A pate TRpe ileieee Ber Dei faa Serle

    ae wf Sg i Ee ap! hn Fe a Ca SeteeteBete nce cae One Be +fday gee AiC?FON EO eTPREY EAApr BF, Pied eke ahe eeae Re, baie enn eee Te oe ee fart ALE pA AES A PRET alySO oeEe aR SIE eeBBE rae a tate nesees, Me Be RG 4 ee

    BO Goby a oadtepid cmaNy. aterm NE 4| ON Pinaexay oe ampere DePee i nea hea DORE Pe RE Recs wlio fag eee tia aaly meena! Ge taihnd IESE Oe ira da Pigs SP pdsbett sary TASBaba EG eycedure ie ge iy Aree Oe PeLORES OSU tsechee rey Nas ari ReaS Sa Sea PA EAA Bulvag Us Be ae Py ae seete aa HELD ogi” ea.Ar Saha aa eilece + .El SBSEEM Are ES ae aE SRA

    eaeSate oeTs 6 byt ee sugesitim Whee RA aieAfoto ald ey 22 Persone eatDiath Eg eeChore Ee Ne oead f(AE My ata i)Te8aIEE ae“anette eei alll tagoackiancy « aRA ByRpfa ENUM Raya nly eae CENeS hoe PE ANLS RReration EE 6 oeapa eas DEINE EE eeeRiarmein DEE pak RSenAE STRE otcua eeeS oe ogee foe re "g Re PoE ints gti * sen gM ReeR RAeh iE eer ilimegane gtStorer PSESear hy te Od Fork Chetan aa oegh WILY, « gaps wy Fee sbve ea oy Ube ee OCS ENPeal deci aeabi DRT reTUES uneaoa Sue ntee Oe a rae S aTRa ts ate! 5 Onc EE reer hh ap srs areape pte eT Pree bauer gis GU eeeot OLY 9OR aN ty ads each emcee Pethi sa ee Ne SERB a PRT LE tiepet gtaih teewih a 2 a8 ey eet BeSERAG The. 5 SPP cyaeds yee BE Pe aore ete ee, Featohe teepe Be 8iv, ls Bs La Eea ea ha ee enue aesieg 2baat HE ee a tvs Sana fe Uae re nen ZO Fae| meg iCARR pirihre x aceite rieBR 2a"atEd ae Wiggs | Sete Erie se RGN i BEN ik eT cure Poy Lc ay ne oY aRa ea Pc uae Sesateen nn essbatt Hosa Cs ahsaree eidPw1S earLepeo he eke areaae gees ries Tr pt2khe iPGA, ae ae ARS BE EBae aR eena eeOm Beeaeasea BAA Mat 3eRe aeBUaiS Fieieeeu BE eae faaire a ae eae EAE Rear eee dna plopr alias sese Rae cena saeBE fi PGR Ol wea ies 2 ie Fk eee ees 0edhe, reeaes gaye NeEF bsR Oats iHea ei as .Go gobs ee aTat ene tise ghtbob AeShag seiOey Reefo dane CaBes SteSe eehain Ses sea? SALT paaiete Eas y te,apyFE iby Hee Oe as eae SAM Sere a Ma ys fetes rate i BES} said fea saa Pe oa atc ee RHA TTY AL at PURE Rte ond ON EE OEE Bee PF er ae R APR Lge Theat on URMieaee EU CT sect eeeTaear TareeMPRE goutCen Fe BFS aseeaefyktSea Pees ee gafeeimaetet. Sig eae aN aE ern Seeaeame eee Aa SRHae PIRES E Myht BSN ged, EASfi Ny SFaeROA BCG OIE SPREE o ap hooey NARMNULS ass MigsPATI By hyeeR a RCE coe aR rats EEL Paneer ereea iterBEAR ta. ay Ue eaeane Gt FEL EES Gp ik Rivas ra eaePye UME er eae ae Sonat Cree eee Ba Meier Pacerteeeerie eenEEE Ca ach en ari ee eee ee ee pte a bere LatRa TM ke Pes satay WeeSie tend: a etgee ileard et aeSABeFite St STS SEU gesLe thee Paha SE ac: ieee arteaghget RRR ETE: Beet)Cag tereAB areas ae ed «> Bee age saecB a PPE Ras et fe een Ayea Een ae Tees ONE I CG SadeeLE BE a ke reeled Pp ARDS ARSENE. taere” ealical austere henle pin Ua Meer ie paint sloppiness Re Naeger era NY ee eoapst: Pay ESA at ee 3aed AeEO ae Te Sipser, RAEPAE AN Rg et ree eh BA Sara iy eae oe

    *aiarn NTS Fiat age deta?EaAan Rea PUP OEores eineuae aero Eosthh SpeeRi BRANES Petibet L iE) Rede oeeae ae (eRe PEURCHMEN Sote is HA SUL GMS DRNae eestelly feeenn ar neal fe Fsete ONO SARE retarded ne . aia Ragep EIR Eis Ke ek Sa SPE ie ANE Andi aR Dn es eyo R inet on abatartecrect ean gine a Peat PAPA hi yo Dah aK27 g Bids: Tine ees soi eyeae Yeeae OF, Hp Be NES SRD ESE Ur EY oO yg de ee Gay GUE Pag Ree Een ASD se iyRee ROAFath NaNARS Pete A fd GotSSA ShoeNT, h hg.Racer Eaten ner maitacy ea BSR 2? iG

    ce ate GAR ghee en eaaan Ue AS Moon ay Me CLPoneal ae Ne Pca hi, rosea©les eeerer rienah Se tae aR ROE as PNG Bet abRenae plates Bet alent SPA sc eeeSU SpaARES A tor Sic ape eee sree tues lie ek bw hoSra COTS Sab Sates ME SayPRE lt HEL TCLUS A OHS AAPA, ana Sees as aa Non i ss DTT as ae Od ge ie te nee AanLs reAte LS gna attshte as Bd PA EE Ly eeiar Re AORN eBEON aEUR ae SENS Sheu gatPa PeeG Bday AiO ee i uC aL Guaee bee ettag Vien et Arora itWeegee SUR Mis ce anal Fe Moe 05 ayCoens ahMa tale Pie aaah acgaie Rn eeVAL eee leettRE GUS ai ALANL peha SREB ehAGE eas OE TRU SAIS ee oe Prins BU BINE CR RR huge siete SDene Ghee ear neeBe atte Ansae aaAS isteye haw tantAs Oreeeingc neag eeChg Tee bgt Cog Ra anSs SteNUN BAA A eared ace MEARS apes Up aeBee ae IEA ONaeJ ee RAD . aa PGT Lape Ny tes fH ag oN apes SoM arava onE Nae aeSita tee By SES gePau een Phe eetAN ay eyyrs BaD Re Weta Gras Wh: Pn es Yi FCA GNG or Apa Ae nersOe Roe eee eet Besa I ighue RSSe eke gSsie py toe anne TR aces ar Bard SAE IReesti ECPESO Ut, Sage ON A chsraya Seon! absstEe BADEN ly EON ocebneie AOa Leeds ce aes aan OS feiss ‘ eeA lees PObea Beny OS aga Oe a= NN Seen et ttyemat eu pugs EeeeWA priy & peaEelae Besa Be EN ty PSR NeBN eehas GpAUG ietsMPS HOD APESAES Sadyes Bet ee ete,

    i: aAB FC Aree ohne a ea iisered et 1eeeee oa pe path sue BigLAH talerepairs gh ehAs I Se aesSeheRTSOUR SNS eyegohsree ceeOeeeaeLe os ae “awih: Bei REE SEN ae Bie SR eMtenea ees Bat eonMPLTL ha gee Te gr eh eet thoPome Se TEEon Scat hs ete! SMRes Beek 27aBO SreePda ama!ays SeRE FOE NR eats De cal Pe OBy 5 OS DES aL Nate EAI Re gs tao ay Rats yon Ani ames SAE octet pas F SPY Ribas, eR Rta enna SES Ran Sipe Pai eaten iri ae a i BOAR RS Seay NA) C8 eee Ce wa Ee APE aL ee Ls MOU aN he Posh orig aged Se 8 SONA eS Busey aeRO OL TT oe eh faieee soincnat ae soba epae!

    ONT Nena} ae rea uae auSRA as ia pegPLAS PRTerg baw dS Ces Meet ete Cr rset fu hanes aa ne SAO ar creer bes Be beeBLUSE labpram ANE eS tel aa EU MSE a ae es ey —o wd iele eet PiYR mdied AAGedt anePa RePaine Pas aaeee Shitnay ana far sh tees RitoPEGs Laren errant poms TePoe Cedmearend 12 Meea BA a epee Bibs Sper egSES sae! Sey EeUr Piero en ea tae Gk VERT a encoltiacs ReleaCe Reas RUE Oey

    1 |Lari eeroo. OrseeSEP age a 5a BG tUReE NaC,e EOD SOT gl SEE ES eeeLaMSE eae A AeRCOLE a Reigtee DIEteGEAI TRAE ot eestameene: ity Lae NSS eae BURT EOE SUPRET: BSE oT eee PR ae eee araES ar oO ges+4 Eeeng RUC Ne ie Se ae “ee a oa” ; vo Sipser Ae ae RVC ey Mare ree eeseee Peace ae Bag akaiPSly aprnyPaneer aretha batOe Pernt cones ban Gare Tenaan Roe Mei eS MORE cee ete pa oS eae ty wee piel ee Rae Ara aeieee iaE eee aed ee Pepa RAUL OGRE a fag.e¢ af 1UNE RPreDE eaAAb eur a,12 ere, acted ei Peco to ESS need vo Gras SURE Lace Roe tor eee Senay MTT apeBe eC2 Eset eae Beal RA Oa Re ys ay — ‘: eee Mae OCG eae eeDeanne ibe RE Bie Saati eas V7 SE A BEES cea mn ETERS Sy ay i RE NS Ot Sh et EAE Ei Ba tee Bassepeen TE TEE ay seule b Beye tyBe Ne Oe SReee Ore cP eae?yaa AGAGE pat Rody She? reaAtal pala heeEEN Heay Rite the pane aigh, wR eRS COUPES netice aly” me ByA aleaCUS Co en Fs eka Mey NE Faia a en Bch ie ce ETRE Eee Ba)Se 0 OMe nn arn Rare, sensi dyRonee! obey ONE osSEE ven aSRIET Shae Sea Neg i718 pe TSoat Rall aa ania oteeainles ereareifae mere a ee, me4 ee

    | YB a Se ee SAEaa etc. a NOS ogee fad Aeyiea eseeabseang, ye gotstoByte LEY ee Neeeceiae Ader Basah aaaaRidieieg ateSala hes scene ARSED ane shisha a eee weSPIO abersone etycite Ce aa eg Nota tgDeer Se RRS DST ara aC LUE or Seay EGTA dy ativan PaCE Peat. pO ste A, re ae eae phneil aE renal it oes eee oeeer ie ATE AhaAGA ees i;eae TeEN eeve cies gh ob Ae Lea Ta SESE aatee ON oh [Gia PRS et te eeeye oT Ae Bey 9CI pe a4 ot see , 4RT ee apessoa oe eas Fler ie ili eine 2O7UN Ae ceeSSeas ela, GA: aye oat arANE aR REG epee areRE SU CF ES sath Dee aasPeCEG atso Pti ae reaaha Bec rec es oySee ie Ya io, past y penne iesSg Beas Bae nomc rs oe riaSah a Ra Upa oe fee earl. fecsivhad Ware siORE ie Hes pie Ag YMUNG Ebsee Rl+Speen en eettetS: teee Tor Aled ey Losee a || iE aR EsPRS Leat et alte. ASIN Ra Paes = IE pe4A dE peoh Peag ceTA ELth WOo} Sas Caleta Oe De ee kines teats ouAa SaPiece esMES te Tae eis PS shes gage Fe Aneum Ganoer TA,ae.REAART L Me is easieRE ine i es eyEee A aSoe CEIE Ns,poles yi eA ita wey "Nee LAE PGE icicle aaa oh Tee Pe sede te ad "ably eeUs pie ae ee Ie USN A Cue fe onan sg ciaew tae EON, ae dates GsAVENE ee Calvan ipet ene heMeSe Wei Og AE Rea cabal” WARES a) HAG? es Bena fA we PEN ht ar ates me awr bes eas, Pe A i Ee a ha he 4 : ——. ae ac _ 8 ES ieeye Dak | TRS cl pia. EO, SRC ET Bee EE OS Ay se] Weds APACE AG gk a RC Eom arg foe came”. Ag AV mentee oa ounen es a a "onaca, Meh iee PRL eee Es Bae EE Bie SRO ciiterins ts.Reap RULER. 4 es rd |gen Be Hi leeeee aes ee ARs ns Eu eee ae Fat baat eaouter Beit alkOr ge EAaa eeicare Niue te De 4Fe 3 POE teas ~~ egies cage ae Ce ieee 6Besa A TERNS Mal GALE |+SRAM aR pai Eas Venn tin oars 1,Rifa eae POE ala gnacauaet ARE ReM Da REA in eas FTN EG LTEHt eAiMe oheA er ORE ee eee aeSea ne i[ilie EE, AEC eset EE SOU ets MO a fa PI age Ur ee aL tne Be f HG ey jaf p Git A OE Fa ae ue Th Shatie he TES ig ae re ew dee Oe a eaner Rimi easorn] ORR Ren.olBEES Peer! BE GRRE PEBi BEB ieLeeePttet poe : vee : | SR: 1acae . ae eta ® a oeamt sp ENmer he hyTet BGSDa Bir a eitae ea a afia, ER ueaeat toms La APN GES. SURRREEMERED iceAUER a ie sae eee scee SCerat: ph a aeUe as, bolls eer Pearnee ree teee ye ane Np LtALE fe Bixee eugeoe Poeon akemae gi 3 DE BASE A Ai of TLE Redd Iasnees plied ESran DEE ANE ge ks Ae a Paeiioe SANNA yetihn po ol+7c aSe fed eee hs Gant = eens oer CTIeefew pei Rea ak Naeete Tee a kd, oe EDOM IA OE Seay Fe ata ecuee! Ife aasiEig *BR aNS oyDo eaeSyaspitts PetEET eas os. eeSORES Ne Pd tee eetee ek frelt ath pata rear amas By Vanuatu Eyes ema Tai SELES PRAM pint eM eth ©BA ena oye Bats sre) ReeoN eeESee ST end itdsfgees IER Petey SESoret Fem ate ;& TN SRSai mae Cirhea RTL eta SEN Teale“ POO RIN tae Rea LIT Mare See enek Leavers Sy Yt yy25h RE RNS ty DOR en Se Bats? een 2op ON Bye ef ere Esee, at pt iHeel See ant SAARC EF gre Mabie Pspeavid ae eeep. eS a eee RSG Gahan es ee Ne eotabie ato SE eS gen Bey RO 2s SBP LS RIT Bee EAS Oy iba OS se heSE aeae aap ag mieRS Cie w ap ateis ee oh ins byeiin Pattee): CERO Peat SSE bg aOR igte Behe, aR yh aSarpa Ea feif Sia cuit aoncae ast gon STEEN ay age geht -ee Y Ghyewty BALES gee ph grat eke CNN > anak ethga elie 6: re a aes ahe Pry heey Sg aGR ae SR Be ouu meh Mee hehe passa pte Plea esateSpas eS pe fae ar SeSas PeAFS muh rubra ae FD Lege reece Weimar ceait iain .aiae GRE: ae !i:oo we ORE NE SAE AeShey ed Sa OSE AT SR eitMate | Bes oe pi a Loe Seca nee Me gem “te wg WEE Neamt 8 diy ek EPH Beqr gtSeA 3 Leee ee os ACO BEE GON aLASR is, CMe BuAGr oe es nen tie 3 See itSeubsatears gi gn ESTae pao! aii I 2lta&Isay aw gener : ae05ttah.Beis &AflCH BPE Je be y eects ee Sa cL Ueat .

    a|; || oy BebePAE ur marett Ba aerate oeatyg gia)iatCesena a_ OES etaesNe ofAlsinne Re actA ULL teeee. gs Piceee por GY iGeteeeprensa. 5 Sa : 7 ee Ceoo omee Nes ousee Rr a LEE ea eae age igat ey 8ie.ra rei ut. RReGrE catia fore Py era atc |wd | Seany AS Aenea Male AgeRaper havanibess Aig Wy“eg as MRS” OBS é Sate! en gedit pe. NS Meet YN ee Baek ed oh i| -| ‘ec 7 , HA Baeaes Peas LSU RR ob oa ESE) Raa neer Sy eSRNSly igs ae ee a re aeeleiwSeyh RAS CTE MON GCNT mle br a eeae aceneRrg tes pe se OR aai BM qBa aUa Mee he eeA“ese Cg BAe SUE Be iteee ghee TE tA Pesraa we, ee ateBe Pere joJigs Bate x re aN Cg : _ Dobe. “ ae oe: a ig NB eaten RL GE oRnT ET tet Beer ae ER TaN ope a ngLet Meet he OE gee Ug Ee: Raptet's peta BO eonOeaaren ey DRE i;Feywot PG BaAste PRU Reyoy StSoe ha Cente YOR ge aetna ine 3,bas PeeaRe NEE RN aAAT PA aeie eee re ,Soo Seapets Let eeaeTak fw Dt Ls AHA Sead Maite he ic eaenea ety REN SUITE) aia ge Pai OL yiaeeaSita NC ER Oe eee neg BRadng EF ve + AyINE ae aaah aia See,a Tae nt aea faRateee ite mye a?3ats eee Payoh sf aegtal sect MTCE fgiph: i:| 7a: — : oegad PheeERAS) eats Sa,ton iPSE WEARS alee rial eee «2 pene? BP Be a 2RE ASLee CHAE heaes PS ce corer cope ariaCo. pe fP.gait Lf ee «gh S igh Al 2Sr mere age,Hen 2 tSEEN et bet eeircache 0nee St iepan ERR Ra8Nene ie Huh poSeah absEE Pee LEED RUE tneaGe meg frVane! DeSree neale aed Phe esQAO Ag) Btan AS ,cpateel BS |Cpa “head arts IEatMEME ehh Ray ladDAD ORM ieESeeeh hdr hae resent Sea at ae teewae sum yeeed ITE rape, y Ret pete Pee ey Bia ee es Oe

    io. ve a BOOS RAE fogciunt ahh oe eee NERC Seety eee ce a TEae Bee ee oye Prick a CeIGT » gee tes: T etek, BEY Be WSev pA. : |(We ahpee aye oeeee ee FESR 1 eeak cet ae Ba eet aSISge re Ae ae ae Ne” Be Sd Ibe es Lgelayok 2 Ne ee Reh See Tear iA PPLE Seat awe OPmadera MNsr OFyrnp og Seg Ree reNe CAEN PegeRO eee an | Ae Tea BED ce an LOTS OL, Os pee RE CRN? go Ag yi Sechet ofe E gn Ee A ae Nye ph BE etaG rstts fy eter Vara, aS Se(aE CaO $54) edit ye By i hoa . aa aeds OdSeaOR eee Ai ERAS Bee ky: eter aaeoeER ter ae ei peePee eae eereae ayaoeaie i =eee reges“oy fyee;i °; it ae vos a Bea, SEN, ARE Ae Nae ves ae La ee Barros ety Ree VER Ane at am fe Pine ANY Mey Me eget fies igaaag? ates a ae ee a VP ay ARES So; Fc aa ine Or Baht Women ae GS sa pte VE TAREE 7a

    EsEs gaee oe oy ee Mees sal SRalco EE Tere cetBeUscar pas ARG OF Se oe aeGA gee apn ET rose CLASS Ay ekoaBie geBy AB ||ee|re:Ce: SS ety Ma SSCSAS esag Neda aE OO ad ghd Sp OD tf Bo antl ge REP ee. ie. pe cates tees Seta OIA Fi 8, Be nents Pade 2Helge hg hEa ye eee aN PMI Saale pein Spent ca1aA ead RIual ped Pe ia ae aePy sae tee areeee RAUes aLat efa4oe Peeager ARSE, PRMeee. eeCla AeiemaT spApne ae aft a,ried Rane! aA ;ual eset sitllyas FOIA beat Ge NPeEee NOERENO EA Reem coco agaNae Se seated Sa nes erie OBOE wey me A TEL Moen Liga Tey CnO{ee ct ee ition Seah 2tenon! e vege ESRAnRe Bile, Seth PRGA es ee ipaNEON Cae al fee 2 eeSe Neapte Cees Papa ea EP acim Rae ON eaa PRR tagehye Bye #oa See! RyeAnnet te Peer ee ee afi Se PC ce ORiReka: wearsalr tal cas ied geON KBE eat Ae Fae |RGEC! |: RR aaee072 aed Raia eee CAPRIS ee seb sped Cie) reag eee Pee eae CL ae

    ES he A Sapeie ees Ree a LS, er Lo) ae Oe, ap RD ae 2 oat ae we Oe F 7 ice WA ao i GO PAL BP CB rhe DG Wad fo RTS Be ee

    i. pdsesMUA csCON fae aye | “AR ue) eee aerasoos ean EE ene epee aeee pieaia i COMET Jeo 525 goede Lie Pa AED HES at,ye SPtegle We asheee ee ate ee Pec mene ee EA Bais eras Aet BIE SP Re bees TG SSR ier ANeanis «Sd pase eae ae fegePes ae | oe aWoes ae Pee Aege ReotCet an get ose Re yi stiaeucee §eae eRe at iugaan, a acnefey ateVPs aee oy OPE fect TEWA OR eee Ba ngmtn he OT FUuae eeseet a fe Bes Ee Meee eeEe. SeSET RRR eRbese eeeclseeaea Pe LaoeReamaseat SOUL a Lea Leeteihy pe OF Sep geyPoe fa SAE OY eS cad te?EL2 CSREES 2 AB lp Wei ES Sere ean

    :HO var Ae tn mech Si Nace PINAL PRA Banga pcgneniae Becleaeen har Sia, See AMSG ea de peeaa SOU Ske aie ROR et ster ee Cy a eeAR Ed aes SEM a afSige Sideoe Pee*AN en a ete RYUPM rent ee Une i aaASG a EARNS SrA “HME nas age ce Bet Md Sica uctfects a atgtRg ae leean gaaan, AMICUS Ty ae Be tha adPid A Pe AEE $eBMP OG ee i yy me eanadives Sy oe irea ees

    BHR x32 U4. te or“aes oe eealhe. Nyanche ry Ra)| Gases eae as, eeat Leora MH SiGe Mea en atin Wey Rete? BI Edd yee 8WIGS By ReoSh CeePP Si Oey eto aevey ‘teheruiease opSSE gs * ee teMail ee oe bes EOS aeMg a :ahoo pen SUE oo clot ahot eaest aes a et Sasa baat rena WARES EE Rea: See ae OS Pose Bee, oeco oo eeaePee ene 7ae aree:reel eee 2"by es Hy edie eh A RU on cae Gea eaarae ie eve oes wy eecee Tater He OR ER Ce ak Oe Pre Oe Re OE leaeiad Pe et rN on ave a ore aS BS peSch) it HO ES zHO eeAEE zye;ERE i:peice of OVE La at PE ey aE tepay Oe Ay Reema tat Sue eae oo Be Sues aaae ENtae oe cy kes 2oie mees ant aeapot |) TE Saco mci EM We fem Nee Ata SS UDaaLaLe crea geen rnd raeraat HBS ae a ey eeecarnal a ke2pn Gei nang aaavp Std, Bae CRah laa,ahesas OTe eseeieot Re LS Sah ER eg Bt oS aea A SSRRS See Eee aa bee PE Hye a Rae aetna Are a ante, SE Mae

    CRS Tos nie ee Staats ee Be eet g Se Sie HY ees i god ie a) eee ie ee ees ie a. aS a

    HE) SPUN te pte Ty Pe aOUD Re ai SOE eo DEG aN ee eas sea a eae tee ee PoE aS a aaee“sighs tg iyeee | beyed Thfe caeee IEey ORThi: aE Cup ew caite Sus tia Lee eabeaoule! See ae eR RateAouene iain 1S LR(in a eeGee saneon eet ee ee eee say ened ;aece, ae eaten rae: ed aa Ee a Si are 33eg. Ria ce See ian eed eels Nas cers Sg ekacia aGane else :yy ee _PR ORE TU Re aa" SGAUT Fras ER org esSh Ms Bags ee ot Bee gute aaseeent eevee. PE aa aBe SERoe ay ar aes RNa aaeca ient ARS enone ides tee a, iinet ‘| ah eeeee Ra tae Se eet ee Uae CARRE Es Jy2 ROCA aE a Beg we feted RRRETE aN TS) eetCRS Rar ea mae ee aaCn Ry sees oe cece mete alee eer 2‘OOP |cn Se ee ay Bete jtattietn ee oe & oo Sera irWae Le Seca ci aR Pepe ee Celie. On Res Fg Wet yaan EU eece Saas Dae el abs aries oe Be BS ieMe NUN gaye apa Bearn Tear oe rend Mee ate £RE re es ENA EEO esi Ba Ae ec oe ale aes ate Fe eas ACEA ae [ .a |ee .Hy 2h eeae Ee ares acess |As eSpage tatyale tied ON ecee Tee aed saan ny aarti yco RaeRe sat asHe oR reeaE iat Mare Sees Hay Rapes ARS Pe ae emai! le:SER beard Vo age MR eb aBy OB Se eg RCT en OCR ae PRs Ue emi peepee : Se Ash RT eererar LE aoe tne as oe :oe— oo ey — iile rT ‘ ye BP ve poi Ee ree Ye Mie bag ir Ae og SN ated Seg Sears i rs ys fant Sao dient PRINS 9 tes anf! ey he ee oy . = ve |iiIi are oe ea eehh ER lem ésteMGs RR eteeMA ayAEEoo... Seen errra0 Bara mice | plea Mtree CR caSay i pgac Ce ae ee ee ereeerr eeRG aanaeOME Wee Meera SAG MasVes ot Meee CALs vii1cane]: alramen ctu. STR Oar TE Fe pala, Moe eesey ee eeanal aee eenh Poa a:ee a weg De Ee Me Sen oonbesa Ocean Bae MEEPS Tet Te foe POP Me ieee Une sre ee, oe : Oy Chee tach kerteel eee PTae cereeaten ns aaa WO waste SP AaVE OSLEM PESasada whe? Re? We os eeey etaAPR EEE aMGEE Os)6ORE ape erie se eens leaoie a BiTae ParrNene ea ire Aaa Ne aesoo hyaost: eri re Tene FeaeEEL Syl Bhi OW ASCO SA anit . Bee ae dagen Bae fe 2 POPE NEED ete! Wi Be gE CIP Sean aeta mera cane Stee, shiaetna Sapte oe

    Ep re Jabgt os ane eee eeEy aeApt ee eal eelb sag RE : Sree’ eatsABe a eg My eeu Bickle Leh, beet eee Cua ia"ee ea RE cael laa ee Bees ae faa henna |||| eee a Bboy AaT irae oe UR: et lawee, wgAe eeine po, ba nT EiCON SERN AT Sides fe a oo ae Hie pesamaty ee ue Aeeaore came Td pyle ge SCE oe ayALT :tee VeNU Eg,aeANE Re es es es ae ai)an oe esBREE ae aPRS ree Praeger ne jaeee Pybaat AA :iedfattcs oerent 3 :Aas fA aSERA ae CoRR Te Sty =oAYRE Boies ah Ue oe: 4] aor oo areen st Srna oy vd vad Op Ne Res CER aice De Sta Meeoat as uescer tk ‘ Agee te Roe a eer Bet iE COME ASS peCoe ORE Se TASS UE ae LaastS. a eae i.fea an uke onee eeEAR oS oeae ees Tee pee ee eee | :eeregenera oak aL kenal eae MEE AH Be aUA acer al0See aSee aeOI ee edema eiSION HOS LECH hee ey Gag OE aace Boe GAS OaE E PRR hgFINGER ae eos Jerre (le Un game EEE AROS Ee Ae Ges ueER: Be Ontcea IEG ROR EY oe ae Read a eo aae |aerr Lene eeEe rae a Bg aeSS Pr eS PELE ee Le ye BE aAare 6 ie tia Bee PURE Ray ortits ENA oY |tap pesSO PALM PTS |SeAe Pee bce REE OS pe ete Gah seg TeAM aletetme A nee eS eR TE tt Fea ONT: Bearer oeBey ey ec Oar ay Shea Geaie aNRRL APS APES “a Se eal7us egies : eco Rou ||i! a eae ie pan eda Se fit ia ne CN ot eran SoH . AGS ta pte tye tie ad PRE art Fe Ey TR OE AS Sen yas nm eT pee RE Mes Beate pt pie oe calge| St cae ee ae : Me etere AeFa aNee SRE pe hehdee, peRee 2 eaerrr eebsBeast eek galt a uA! cealiais SES a ABIES Oa HOPE Oe ee, Se il CrsREL A oe eTes Sey Geet VEER MAM Dee ae aaa eRe esLees LAT haters EAE ge th ag pate te eee Gals NURSE 822 A oe CAae ee i esea apeeae , eeane ae icad a oe i.: as | on gg aerrr Rela oyhc Te ereSSO sh UyGS oy Ss etn was a on sek hare Say SoFBC oh Ee, Ba Pes ARLE Be oeoS . | i| "Se ULEn? iyaATE SPR TaOra FelaAaoo a ran SCAN Cea a Boaetge cory th eegeek ‘3 Oe oo eTSEM Bebe Be ME sae FL ty gi pertacre aryPR Ae &pase Tayo of ie? esnae a ae Fs es Nee, . oy = -ios . | -ae il aiSra Aha TA ord ATG Fe Se tyTRH ars ne ARE Eo PeaTa iy Ba EY oy A aSN aeBedra OrER WTR ese aDS ietid Sh7Nig Bed ABs neg eeAntes TES eee Crooks ee*Me Be es (Rea oretece fae AIR ech Beg le Sa geht teBay TgfdBe PAE ASO Reppert men tvay EU aaSe? hes UEpin teane Bro | ee ieee Bed EShe a BON BE aesER Cia Hole eg ee EE er aT or Ae ory Wea fig? he taTe aieOg yh UT a reek o HAOBhy yar cs as, PFE ae Fa epee eae ote hsde Sere AEP As ete mas Behe ahogs é oe : aot BS ae sad eed ae oi aoe BPE ER BE Oe by eae i eeaSegi, foie hele CREM LTPee ERS Ohl STAGE ALN etcrscote ’ ath oe ay Ree OS Se iat ‘| | cain deRS preGA erat Ba wine eaieeeat Eh tiyey Md Pop hiats ett Ta my? ies ask cea ‘Hee EO My Bg a AST TEMA Yayfee SU Tat Sngoe ST, Tg eae I ae Ae eee ioetee, ah iFRE hen oe aay *

    : . er er er) as

    ec nee APSA Sealigs S + wong Bit sg ad od ia ord Sine ae Seip Ee Agee EE Sy he Wee aN We aes aca a ee my vatefaePatan eeEIS seFd oeye et nae DE i ae a‘ :. are

    :ibp ike wach pp ieines sory Pe oa en PA BOM SE PE op Sates CaN ora god ae At yeh eePe eek ine faGa TEI Me eePete ot naa at nae ESnar, SPsat OB Fry’.fs EtNut aphe SA eee 4eat fee Sio bterSh eaeOe ae ae |(‘|Ieer ee rae pyres ee Peet ay he ee Pa Ete oy ve Be en ay wee rite EU te op 2p EEG Rap pur 4nn ey MOE ys Ces Bek 5OR.orgs hie ohaon sae BS ESS Bette ihkgSelina Ge, aaeEC RR eae Sa Saas at ag A oe apeaA he re any ie ety AV Be, ye “apc te oe AE este ne Big A My TPN ye veer ea og IMAG itesah mati ouagee aUae 2d Kerley Aue AOE ‘EY AES. ie epee es ME es oh Cee eae, agee oohaet Sie bee ae) BRI ET 1RE ie A ed TNR ales OEP AF ETNIES seb TOP Ce. eae age iickiee Ceres eT Hee Ee Ee gh Es Eee Eee os Dea Bo ANS hy Pon wh at fie th Ah Eg eee tea My ey EN ae eke hs oy ERY Pog OR Be eed efcan hg ok, Pee EN gee 8iar BG Me ERT eee 4aaeece eeeRE . meee) yes esma RDB cre ar ar! aay LAS CA gy PERS etER Pewt EE Nd Sy Hyset om ogg tab t MOU aia yPa t,Varney opt jeOE 4Pate AT ae EaAE Danie eaan ae BN iae bs RSS aan CA Pet i tie osi igett |iPS \eo agSeca Nahe ah, ot? on seh gk AN Pe of wt heSSS SS rgd ayFee eran Cpa ake He SG aOnn gsteye thes .AG eeeaal ort # rcut Pea

    | eee 4yo Nha AidTe os Nyy eeere foes ATT Sarge ye skiatEy Gsay aeee geaeaRoh SOP RSPha forest NEfos aenya ge se gk aoe |eye eee BE eeBEE ae eR eR

    TRL EUS LTE : 3 :

    a1Ns, Ly eaea PAY Sih E Aare Mey VEEN ot Sih a ae Wia eae AER i, Hi - ;Batt! Syd ote |

    , a. Altar of Zeus Agoraios (?), from Southw _

    ae * tseaeTeHS a Be ee aYeOM imspelCh Se vie foes iceeeaek 7: eee EeSr 3 POSS OA Re Iepe oh tae ea BS Getsrstaell Ping na eeae Me Tan pa!—Gea StCBNGE by SeVR peeestee CG uh teeueanane ©an etSegtcoenars, seynisdit generics akie ECM “ok Bae wee ‘tae, ,gEey abe gaet coe Nae .ace =aa| sel ts ont ees: 2Meau eee BL teas Re Kid tea cee Bere EER aae Nae) oelane SSE plee a aS MRA) Be! BS RetBes baitigae Pa yesh 2 Oe A Bh aaire os,bethisariaaie et Re ee atef pot Raeaam Ea: Bleek: pha SUR vs TBsce PARC est 0 anOTB ee: BOT cere nae, Ate | 52" 1%ese Ris ee etCree aes UEWine a Pe CU ce oe a ee Bere es od 5 CaS esas ie Ob Seay acpesegeee | BR if uly > cite he

    gry ae pgs eS coo RA Gem S ia 2 ental toe cua 9 ee ke. ee My eh A i lee ee pile

    . nan ie ate beat Te TRSEe Sad Sant >, Th RAIN EEoaks ots ean ar ene Eleyat ag Arr ee “ehohe, RH EN That el peel Gaks Cech nes Coat ERRit Arai |e i SyPO dete Rega CRG beeAe Ae Pegg ane *AE 2 Be Pet pe: Soe ay 208 sche e ae Anca ess ieNe he PER bye Ny2M irae iesacont Mh, awe fe ie F age Ee amnieiaMame Pures SUA eeei ages deni) Rese. Lge OS forepipseae gene catty RA tek aeedethusce oo : fem Bu hes oeah Due gare Ir Paes \ iaBae SUERTE oy ae an. aie YiyeB oe. | °Kew omPaFinis 2 ile 3teee Saye Tr ithe REE TEnee eres ASAE: PRR pnantes RMeeatSR ea:no dong © Cee eitpemlgee ia Lh Le Rl eS SEatea ite sah Nag Riss EAS is See seed, fi! ers ea, acer 3i)oe ike ts : ae en UN gaa a Ses enge takes PENT Cr Nag Sak(ak ct TSH , BR Sablieitageal RRR Ses EEE Are en EE Urees > ae beep ae ek Be! ORae Bet EC RS TRC Le Be, iy eeeat Fee ceeSamoan ne Peer. eetasthe Coe TB halt! pink. peCicero idee. Ta Sy, at eSGeet: GargSa ecametccei | ree MES | Stare go er4 add ac ee wor cB,tae Ota ee | AS PRS 1 Basa oe dgame UPN FL atea

    eei ed - i elt esaeanes fytnee chan cesses eebeLee SEA tigate BO Fooeei? OR meting ty Nig nese eigen neg (SOL Ry sek S09 0 age A 2per eae ee easteae ee BEN estas ege adwsetiinjeste TMs Ea PE BeDe Fs eseiYcoches ie RR eePeg oe 4otReser ne ~~nae, PRS. gree Hoye :eee 2)GB taney iegina WEWen base ee Sets Sp eiatet ma eeeeen 2Le ee TRRamee eee Eghoy tehsEE Becoer deers ib awe dh neers rant tpeemn RC ean ee Nt Le COREL cee ct: Be aaes SetsPefeggy s a oki es eee : FE pI is ee%« oI ioEP SHOE UA eitPhrgtreee eke Sup! SOLENT Lo oieet(org etsaAPYG Po ate aaa Beets my dee en oe ?dB3,eed oe . : Be :RRS : 3 : 8 3 gees oo 4 e a Te as _ PLS feaas', Re ie ee Se Ape Bs Se cr eng ES aah pete) : £ MN pe a : Bet aa ee Ss Ne rae hos ana : Eg Peg ont rae FEES Pee coe 4‘‘ane Bey Bee ue OS: idl s beens eee : ee ae Sap aut eaiees it as BS aCe oe 4 co se Cee se "| : it TEES eae Wee ee app a oe Ease Rh oy Pais Ne oH aS rae tops aha way of We area a.” : ANE eral 4 Ba ee ns aaa ae ~ Bs ee Sea ee eed ee) PO a as Se ave ey Bs fet See A iY He 0 oe amt ee~< 4 i cranes pq cane { Sse Se(;pee Ae Semode, ver are we feBs eeabee ake FR Yeeros oe#De orarer mn aa) east E™ 5Ree) pee Ena aes 3as pan Lea acl ae Seeley, ee ' BR Oa SAB Sa ER. Veo atSera Ay fiteoys he Ca, aeoe oe . Le oe petunia i\ .Peas ere EI sia bse EN eet Mites Nc Ae «Te Bae Le :ie we ee : ond a ae ‘ El or: 4 ped aes eas See og Ae age fee HG oN es SSSAEETES is Ce Pere Co : Sa a> ae & nie AT ae GREE gh Meats ig ENE ih, EN a Be moe a i ea eS Ae SPPied Grea) .- oN EST 4 pies Beg eC st i BS ae lies Fe say feds ec 8 Baas ab aon 2k Mah aires A ata het pests Maat peut Sand

    i a 8 oe Boe a é ar - as PS «4 pelt ees o is wd i igen ge EMSS ae 4

    P< Es ee en ry a 4 a ee hi oe yg RE ee fe a

    wy Ce -EIR 7at @women :— i s:ma_ier 0 SUE? 5 SETAE Lae tag ig pl aHeeA ei EL a oo oo ft iaap ee) 7rey oe CREE 3ug oe oo eta ae cle as 2Se ene Brinege ie ere Borer. 4By eee aeeos Bake Ry 1,Seg aewy Vexh ge “ ON ijapasPiee aeR tee iRS Bost? iaes fy oa are ih TO eS te ee eoahengl esae pa ee aecal VERS yfon ‘glTeteoF ee es i a. fi vee ok Q, : See Saacie aakos | ee aMais, ae ae ; 23Es Pues oy pre Ye3sOE yrseet a erae cea aeee pa Fe! oP Feean oe: agers tm “ip

    ‘ eeTE gS i aeey aie aeBee Fe eeee ys# ii ont Aecen Wig ae sieROR Sedear sugted oe BE Saeee Bsr area a ikicae Meee." "AE, hee Meigi?— —— ere ia ot ie Se jPeet :#piete 4ayas %Ea ras DA senSpas east Se ie ee ey Oe *ame ORaes aeye»j casted Fy cy Bingen “Soy lg A: reat (Oe ae es Lr" a?PsNPR 1) Bg es TR Lie Fad gee iESP cae : OB otfape iahing Pr See eS: Bor hee rary ifee al ia mes eeRe aisle Roe. hss, ey eet iaaoie in eae 8 i: 3eeSiO BJie, Ps Prati , 7 ug ns Pho sseee i DE 8 a Ba naecares OF gig NLL Yene wwae SHS Sa ST emaei yg Cae ae Ric

    aVee Ag Ry an ?aeEas ae zapa aseaE &ae y Bron sep te gant oe aeieat tees By er € igae ae a, eae ae aero ae rerae ee Pie “see hie canst Lect 5knysated cc Mad Lee reas “yyrite a ee: My pee. ok Eis fang q Bags Pad gem PEL iNats aeaeteee, ino ke i:a,StOy we “ein, aea fee O rere ee iee esaS ah ee Reap fyer eee oePg adk a peu mfoe By Ra anaes Srey eae awe f yl ak ee eee ame HRFM gto y.3 on ee, Ee Be" eea.fEoe py aes eo ioeaes Mia, eR ie pe ya eS a4+) a marr aeer ak Sil gto Gee. 2asoy cata eT Ce ae oes iter Sgn ogre /_ ee we ams SEE pe isaaa aOe Cc ae Pe ee fe aes Ma: ty ne BS Cole 2ice oe : Md ns ROS 0G Oo ales oS er. hy pty f Fe ee ie:Pa mutt a;ae ee. ere: RA ole), 2? “gs ee ee ake en ake iiie PA eS Bs : ee .Y . Saadne gsSee yt Pf ae ee oe a coiet cae mae tgs Ug i fice wet gh ots : ‘ eo : Das ae eee, ag ie ee ed ae ee na oe aeok ON a Set »yey le% Ree AG esme st *KeCae \envi. ie Mme a ee bi .“Sgp wht ws OS aeTBe eea)RMS ane Oe aNee, Re ‘Seer ahee: Hee, herr: FER 2 es Bayeee 4 Mat 4 Bh, ANY =ySai, a) ie a he ry Ret feats 5 se se ing as a BOO : E., oH PN a eG we ORE ee ie pt oe Nee a a i. SAMs Bo vdae ‘ye okcay, Oe oe An ogdeg’ Seteet Sf or ae . 2 gee, ity rene . on Pe, wet Bel [Ae Hs i : 4& wh it > he, oy a or Ee Ne . RE ce | ie edu ee ets Pn en a e I are as, kee ~ ae BRD: 8, , . %, FP get i Quy A ‘aR Paty SitCae ee Se Sezre:vya ”pos af a ce . Ro haragy oad a8 UB . a Rabe ne tyI,a A, , 7rey %ae ; . fS ethres Me gy a ltl Sew Re Maa easOR, a reraeiSe wey, Fo taclipe An te a kG 4 BB. ByBE ati,ee HEL oa SOA AOA Pe cgu at ‘ , ee -ss ayBA ry %AYP oh *Sco ay a gi ra gti Cl ee x, ®ieee a xe: :seen RCI at ccoa. *naomi . Peay aaa ey re. att MeSaag 4 MyGp ve lll Sees So a) Bae ae pean ey My og "na :padre ee 2; ae ee ROA Absaaae at Madi ne :awt .ae® gs ra an; tg ytv2ree add et Pe enh MPS os Be ea gon ae Fc ee lYi wena ee iPe ae ae oegta ive spemaaligel aN Sh eae emits nine :-) ere a4 FS ne~SOD ARE ieerwuss oe PR wens aeey :ts isoy heeeae gta ee i one aeWaa: _ES gen eer “h *: gro met Apes GE oA gt8ot ge ORE Perce oe Me cre Seek eee Te gas ae pa ee pe oC ec eee Bae ae we. ee it eee MM Za: Hi ee eT ame On potas ceanetee NGI Be al ay URN RN ee er eee ig iayo®. i i otk Pty aa “ga WS se Be Betoun Pee i Sat ut ae a RRS Ge Se SS BRS pes 5 Sieh pees ea ae Seabee, Meet as ote ese eR aes re : wt NR SE CORRE BES . Gee ee Se eRBerke ORE, nana aa :xaoFRR TRON® pone aei es ee a aePee) Beat.Wa pee liet te ©MCRAE: gpa a Baa Gaulle” Oe Ome” me a Fos ee |USE TRC Be i ch ae Pe Ly ee oe Pe We, Pies eee ae RRyears RE gag es us esa (4 ay“Bae aeka? baa fe eeOG fRRR weeEe a: ve aia BsWig y,Oe pie es eae iPei nary : ce P&s Le pesca: Sy aa Ce aoe Bs, MEL es amet 7cane Sy see aa oe ee Se oe oe i aS oo Reet: Oem en oeag“Ns : ee ge Wie e Woe te _— oe Gok ee . bo he an eae ome AS, oa Me PM RE, } ous eR IES, Po os ne LM Hae Noe : ore aetna MhSee| ae Eabeeae 4 ii)aPE3 Beier bee Bi BRO RET CTER FRE Cg “mo ce sisi ORE RSFo.RS Ape ea CART ee geMceer aa : ae eee A eal ne FORSRC AES BWW sae, 7 + eee Fe RR IG ee eee vats . Sass we bess 5a aR Saeed: Aa fee OF af et % % aBras a Ni ose a?iLeone 4SRE Pee4Oe eae M4 tape gbhe met. nePS eee eeeot PO oe | EAE oR Gr Reah Tygee Biie a ak :-oo Fy AM Bors Saas. othHe Sec aRan Coma Gag, . fa»aay Bao ae Eo era teee” eM a th iGece eeBi eeVt La Ne ai ne ae < fiCONE aR ans he. |S|8ang iteos oe aeeeSee ages, tee E:yfgh ne eels a a"Bol eS Ieee &3Eae Bee! ‘oe Be eet! eee. eg Sees ORE SES Gr paged RANI” te BuO Ue g Rey Pn Serle Be hae Se wee ie oe LS aeee rae eee reo ee are ahh) ee io) re ee owe Sc eeaeie 5ee ett hig” Enea fi Be 0.BES PR au, ee SOR Rfeat foes eb : ORR & mack aie¢BRAS BS oft ag eae ie Be Lg . ine oe aROUEN + Oe,cr OA iaSe. Aa eam ‘ae BA oe Seca eaeC tNSee BE SOR: 6He BCG aHRA aPeER esa ek: Pe See aeae BoIoe bo ee eee ceeee ooos Coes ae : ie ee ab Bae Se 4 PORES Be EE gee i ig ° CPC’ 3s neal NSN ti a te oe BERR oy RE re oq aed a Ce eae oN es ul ere gig ee Ft ue De ee BEE ue Rd Bao S ae ; Boy OR | eee ed ene roe ee oe eS A ee We jlo ‘y eae ae Pe eH — to Bae Se gbhes Se ee A pee oy aee” La ag ice eae eee gee &. “le ARae (o) f. tj:igY eo ad eed ae a eS an ON Pea ogi.tea‘E ra a|yae iRet; taeget See UG asjeee ae Bechaees RR gee Gl aoc are) Pes ee eee al aA ee o‘Gai ee Sekae eeae ee a! eR o> cht ireed Tanah 3SOB xpee OR BOERS aba, aS aos Rana Ook Se ae eiSee ie JAS SNES Cees Ba eC Soa Beat coigyie SeeS A SAR od The eas Coa eeeise etEAE Oeere ee Sneee RES yg ee) Wee) CO Reed PE Apel Ramen "Oe oe aa8eee MAR Se Ste ae weighed ek it ea i‘a moc ngSi, Pues b Cte —Bette Bee eS oe sent my & BR Sore ew aee Roo &dSia ete POO NESE pe oh iBing - eos gpd Scot mS ateae me gyHs Osca Wee & | Ce Ae Ps oea NA mae > a aoad hee aetH ‘ ome Sonecator Soe esents Eearnt es oe Cae as OES, ESOS ~~ ‘aes BY weessSgt 2esRees geee,cor Ome

    eo og a Pie baik ee,rnded Bee ec| en Deut aoeOe aa 4Sa =]acWee A 1sWed Fobiens es omen ea See de ae, bee gee soVeoh fas} oe ceTRE Berhad. See aeaeel ae es gl refesorh coe BPR ae ALE ORES eed ou BP Lo Foes eee" Yees | ow oe eS aoePeCe Qy ee ee bt4PS eee ee aes“eh See :ee48 alieFae 4Ree iTog”. ae Ca aePayor tn | Pee. epi 0g PTBOS f ar) 16Be Peee|e See Pees PU ee SESS ee Saal ce Bia

    ee ideeeteee |: 2Am 34 Ee Imat ae ee eee ae ee Me Se Piet eae /, () wee BtPe eR aie cae Mies Bee oeeee ae Dale< ee og aeBs BR SP aaha eeeEh ee ae |Seot aES ie et in sal Wage? Pos eee bs ges fe oeeed 3Sn ee PHA eRe ESN Teiate Be RO a RL ae be Gee 7ae edar nedee BREERELS oeee BBPom CO Pad oe ee cere) 9oe aber Oe ee ;eam 3mio} Cae eeEe ee Pee 4 am oyieee at : Vig * SG Ramm er Ma ae ee oat ae 8 Be (os) I:use es Be IRAE GSO ORR llr N ck: ae a fi 7 8 woe : a RR Le Roceaeay: joe Relea 13 ” bs sen” Pies BY Sie SRE tc ne SiC A Pos sf “ae Ae kay a ae omen Gece ce

    Reena zt RE . Ba Bora a fae eeaeee es BE ge Gee: "OGRE yabS Pa SEE sage | te Baaeg baile Se ig es ea aia | Shree BA ar‘a{TL ;>)BEN lisbe, ween ed eee SS ge MME Bp a RR ae a EAS fee Eee SS Tatham oe ee me aNeeede aAP A /,ag 5an Bak Ae nie ae iiSenon ag poe 9°eee BRR Eases Loa Salita 9Maite otee neia i its BOWS, Soe Belge? 3 iat ep heh ee fae 4] ¥ DES 4Ce tts iyaeste aOraae reGr Le cern Peer esWet Rs ae ete

    :oe; < at Ope iSb ae Mag Le oeBene Pe kon E eeeeae | Rese eee BTR od Sas aa)ME 3ae oo, RB ae ica be ad aeae aoe fF Gre eS on a RS | DEA ss Racewe DA orie: ee oe ea: aeoe Pi eea ve ee aRn ae jSs eeBe ik !&vec arr: yceebee eees oa be {na eo Ee irere ee OT oe TENE CGe Pee aN, Al aa cit :Pe gee 2 He Pe OEoe apee Bee Re Aesae Beas,ad SENG ae Sane s.5 vies, AS aaN i via ee! Sats seae i Bedi . Nee” oem Bee a | Pi ee j Bice a Santen g Ae ae roe Ce ee EEE ee a 3 oe et ae ee ee ea An Rea ees oe hee g' oe ee ON Bere cat Sg < La 4 | ep EE es ae Doone if Pree Gace Be aR TSR é : Beck = ES PAG ACRES ERot eR. Re ee po eae ae 3 a OP eg, Bh? ene oe ee th,

    Bees UA | oe oe: ag aor eSerste Pe a oe ye eas aeVieee ReRee pee 2ngphe Wy kg’ he Pa 7vil Ree Pe ME, o Ae aee sae en MONO cgge tmegi iyes BRS! ie as£orcas ateue illee eer a Oea ea GS) cence oF og BPR Paaetaess Pea acm sede. Satiia) nae eee tig ae aTcee ‘ ae i get naity ONG aman aise eeue Pyne RR Rates Penn teeae ee Fale ORE ORE eae ee”? aVeBae ae be Pe Be ee ene :eckaa :3etHa aSON Ns sees Bernas Y ee ON ek pane tar Z rr ee Be Sees “ : , TS fe ae . a oe oe Be Pee : BOR cs Sait Ree OS F ge Ae i a eee bua er eure Se ae it bg ; he came, ee ana \ i ‘h er" Pe oy Rae Bode: OLE aoe a so as ee Ser oat ena erm dike » 3 : ee gue Se ene Mi OQ Eeaiee . a eo gl anew ee ee f , cae See Boe - eee a enc ‘ se! Ae Br Set Roe 8oe Por Eeoeae May PRR im Se “e eer ay iMage eeBENE hy ,ted aeOar a acer ek ce ceeR FSic ae ENE altt BRE ro aia SEN Eeov Bo.cS: aaygai Ps ik ae ce Wass Seay (Ce SDS, Spae ese oad os | E:3PEE as CNC Ry , eeeOS” et Wile pacckang ae Se an |sae ieLoe Sea tae ae ik cn a Ne ERE See gaL Yee REGR ea teas cae: Ce Sein a”ve asf eee aak ae. ee RBs Lae eeeka, ee es eeTG, aARRRAI z7oe TER US URS :4is ARE SRST se ee a A Cu ee ee Se Beh a oe 4 ot ae te a ! gh Kite! eC. ea ee . Bae ieeeee eae ieaerate seem ee ee ee tee ee ees ee, raSef ae(Eke 3J :axace Wee ae Be ae ee Reva 2 ih CEPR OR, Te ie an ace ia Ee Ae ee S aeaees ESE. ete Ca ES ee i eis alee ia Sh. en, EE ee PR a aa goss ce Se OAS es RE ye Oe : ic as ie Bee ee:y pi ° See ashy atccem Reae tie eae fee eeeeBR STS ahPa ae BL rea oe i eee Be Vaan tgs mcs a be SS Re ON eee ae! ean eae ehh ect fet , Ree HMRSR NL Ba SSS ln ae Oe 2a cite oe ROR Ore:ae ae aSpe s . that

    Bouse 4 may ome Pk ae Ge eR Pe ae i 3 ae ae ‘h : \9 Rae Sean an ie BS eee cae ae é aoe mou See a oes et Pe ad es & a eee ' i hk

    Cy oe aene Bees Thy er eeSI!Ne Bet |3 :pee me ee&AUC Se ene |oeSok 8UE : ee:PdVo ae eoSeage aBye : ee | ema finals Seeks ER Ee phhae aSe Be een, ae SER Ce usenet sadem Sopa iRe aerg RRR Oe On Ieety Lr‘afi £ '4. SOR | ge SRA BE UBS eredpeda x see Ce i SIcig calSe: Gabieg weck MBN RRS SAS REaeOP F.ans aMe seegie. a a 7‘a fi:: a pagers ESE RE ER SE hag foe ae eeaes gigs 2eaten Se BS an Rg Pe AOy meee ae aeaceae ee ee es aes Ae \ he iEC Me & 40)me da ak ae eeBoh aenee aeem 4’‘ iSah pakSe: aR Sg RE SEE lal iy FON aR ra ee Pe tae Ee Cig Sos 3eRSSUES BS ea oeae ireSNe eoereae igo LA hea ae SYA BSE 2 ig UE Ae yi See, ec ee 9 eC nat ete, OR ee og PSU UC a ; Bae gS RO aS Le ota: ll Nana aap? SEPe URMPR SEES, OR ag a ae Skene IR cB oe 3a See ae PEL ee RSH : Ses dt RES RSA SRE ha : re Pee‘ .oea ie gee SUR atarun ae we ea aSRL aaaausCe sie eS EAE a oe BieGay eeeSein ae eee ‘of SE ea.i.j5i fee ee 3 , payee vcae ct et oe AStdigs BeGCL. 1ner SE et akDN OO CR i ener BOSE a eee eiSmet ener HRA Weta cetN eeal ae% we pepe am iS ei ees ‘ oye “ay 2SRE DES aS ae See a .ite teaepa Ne eg eeepo Mentner Seco yeaa ance :peEe Se Ca caBesa ee ae, es eee iat Feet . LENS aSct mean S PES CaM «SRE Pion ries eee bar ee icata oN Be aeGc es ian peeieey Be

    ES hong ‘ ava fe.Ue ea WP ES Ae etBsfe ee iet ace eofas} pepe Rees CeSS aealicant =e. eal aeeaee “ee Ce elles ma '— — ft eeean eeoe“oe gohat oe gece We ty Gar 1 ae eaoe esse aeee nci “aMeee

    : | ee Cr Re ayees er ahd EEE gti ’ a: ae .rn. ”Sere) ‘ a8Gee a% %, . ria beea ee Pane w eae gt EOE RE OS ON eee ‘esieee a a ede “Eeecee ORAS a aeeepoae Bas oo 7a PRBS Sesh ee ae ee Re Se ee 2 oy” ie —_

    se eeSoh APeg coteae east a” aa me erent se Gee aE ree mee oe SEG . aea ae Cote be ca noeBNE eePO og ORIN EGRESS a'sMCC Sct URES IG es Ries Ga cern Sa ae aSe #ae SS eet oeaRee ; LR ee Sn anall ion EO SEI ee ee Gn 7. Sag . LM $1 RS gece TRS, Sh) as aone ”ame ' j cs siRN Urgeo MRO Nigh HER &ee piEME 7” heie esCESS 3% vP Poy

    ibe Rg coe Adee RS pesnen' hBe SE ty, AEs at” BME Soka Seaeeee 4.WR Site tyManer ae RP ik game “es aTa ee ahig BGs Be, oeFE ae .ace Oita NSHP ama jae ie et Kame | Tee, Re asry cee heee Bagh yee” peu a) Rnns uesy ests ’ 5i i“ee Pats

    negi rr ce Saees eC) SEIS asPg aeeee feeal Ay asaePN ean OME ee Reeser a me: lst gt; ,'ae 4 Oe BAR CER NS aeen TRIBE Ash os aa oO Ao EpPak Vast Be al Ved aAM eei Peta eespicgce engkN felSea Te ae 31:Fi Pe maaHe ne teie’Oe we eS Re Scents Na weed ey oa2ee ete Whoa eS ’ape foe Ee aRNS i eee YS © hohe saa Aarts ie whens,” Vivedentime Ee Paes eee 3RA ceca has egscnieonge | crepe ON, aea3Ae Ani? 5aeen eae eaeee ee ‘ ae bgt foe SE AE ae Dr eeema >RANT Oa NR “EEN eee aa. ee Suk alee BES ‘3? UN BRB POR eRean fy meer Ns We Ae Se, en ea 0 ge.iol gt——. eg

    ' yt 4Vin bgSShsagaiege ae age ge 2. Pe ie os *. se ifoe fe ey aes 4See at ug :eo vase NG heme ¥ “Woke oeeee a aoe ce en eeee: iat it Be KS ee GES iT ag Ate acaee tdeo meabe» ae,apee ede SRE ge ¥ Ee i!RM wee *eae ph ee ss OTC WF) ae ee :ae TERRE Cr aes aSat ee Pd aSc .Ee WS qe as Fig ee ee BAe’. eee A Ps Rika eg Re agON i erat foe omen. owl faae, ¥&| eo car Se eee etng ées fee OR eg aaPeet eid tSae RRS Sy ’ee fee CE eon GO aNO aaOa age nail wah Aoi 3).ae| Meananeaee elnamnpee Nips NE eet ae oir ee oy +eR ANG hag elfee SG A) ity oyPRE eg Bee i. a. eeage a ca a gage mermemtne oe na : Pe hae 78 gah | le ene oP Pee ee yas Sat : a a ie ne aay res vie HES Scr Se es enue ees Sat CR vf? eae PRE Se ie iene ae 6ES ee Pome! wale ESE Be “Se aea!oii eee Ect esFume. i eh ERT: 5gs 1 wo let cay SeRO Moy aie BigAig BR ROT ae BFRS PU So age Me SON SARE DOM Coe? ale ye ilyURI 4 ee aee 3ek pa) Sa ee ey PRO Se Regt UD tae Fe ge ee ao UPR aaren aegeSe fe ali FR,SeUa YU 1g A ead Oe iey yt8OMe Mma Be Og em eke Git ae Pe MN te gat on eli eS BR 8gmee TEES ps Be le Pr ges me OM, #. OED ge ag ae Pi ase a OS ALS Sa re oh EET BRE Sak Pen eae ere te bie ee Nea het eae SR ey So Tes fae a egg wie st aro —~Y a Me oe ee Ay acs 4 PS ee il A ie RR aks Ae ae i‘ oeee yor ae Fe ee BP , rg BAR aber ie oe ee yd Sgt fee Ba 2%, ea aes OF RRfra Os Re Aey nig Se, iteees eee tan Sh UES gle ae esbp te EL Aa8Ne Se rn oe nrBs nd PS sES eaanie fy rae ae sf ey oa Raa a in Ce eeised cae ea, eg SOE ae eeoe: Mg i * 313 4gu" Ren ca me reBie Ca ee2ae :eee 5 bs Aylke eS Oates Po ntl ‘Pann Wisin esTO : cee Rey ceoa oSWee BBTa yeaBRI ok LE yee agg OM x paps Be *F ; ee aS a EO ae EE r Ronee bam yesh ow » cae a :iefian wer ooAEE oahat ErreeOS hap SS 8ogee ettSyet cra tee eeSR eeSL Pea 2a es 28 CtEA it eT Ghee eo a uo We ie oaagae rea. it aBA eeBR aePS erng ane te aan my a Spee eee ROE cee Apew AOR Fe RR 2 BS IN aYb ie PR oe Bids ce ren: Be SS eo TR it ARMS SRS Se rgSS RES OS ag fekee RS GT eo a:‘ba. SEP eaevB) ta] i} aBl *som Pe, BS. -Ee wah aeanges caine iefe aCST eeanes eeets MAN A 0LE aban tg Ahee By gd 1eees Saha ae :Sagan 8: sane aces oo go RIN id ual SHEE RBI ab et? at Bee a Ayes 8 te) SBE oo hs Bo ane aera ay: at ae . ed i -me RS BS Be thd \ ee ee Ride a na a Nae SE REET ote OO hes PEE 8 Db wy eg P Bosh es a es, ; co ee meer ema Be ete PERS GES (Oe Be eae “ 7 ogg : ‘ee: ee! Bay. Melee: con sAe i tn GR AIRES eg Pah Sere ae a4pi‘age ae ‘ Wee Bo. ’ :*Dy ig vg he‘eee RS f’ .#mage ST eeAver anemen eee eea:.:cone a *ao SO. Ni aoe. ecco ee 'enn Mme oa ee eene age Rage aiee YO :me RES as men ES ae GME EE ry ee ie Re cc rnrs Ro i PR ; a gee % vagy RES BPs a ee pore si "cos ii pee i ee a ees F ; se nai te SE Pane Pyne REN eg ‘ z ., ee re a er geen” ann FF eas nee ae Ot | sh a Ee eunuch aS nee ad Lee ace oueiraphtire ear ee : ‘ he YY aie lll ae geen” cue Fag it ee Se Oe ae ES Paes . , LR ™ oe , iste ts Shaper ra ies les BS eS SRR a Bi ea a i ea Boe gait a Sm A sl ae aR a PERC ae avn ae 4 "ae : ° nf " @)

    ine) ae Cpe ere ea tt I Sn. ee |e gfe a / rn a

    OR rEUP nee annie ae Galen enVane ae Nae a Tecan Oke: ee pao oekee a Peshai oe einai ieee" yay Re -fh ae en q 2iie 1oeOT Oe catia eeaenO eae eer. Cpe 2i) Te Sabeaie é rte :Be a Omani ci& ie Zang mami RR iecer me eter cat fobe de:ste hy Hey Be eRaL a ca sionaa sige neBe esee ohae rues reeaee ADate as :sii a 2mes le aiycat = i aey ‘7Bylot N Be DBS a ORB oN SIR Ali aa BA a ol Sat Bala Steer Bee ES eon ae ie thes a ecw . peat : : PS ae Te ge ([)n OE RS Ae PE Ty z el canal, SsgoSaari onesie a agtI PS gare Sw geos nn ~SOO eycage Rec EN eee poy feRS VR Bod gdees esoh aa)SaaS og. Wo ee BER ay eeES ee~Oe eeaoenr eds ac:Lee Syn ta tei oBou . %eRe ge &dre eho ae Be es aflee &one aioe Poa eee Ve agee CS- cs ae:?Foy Sa eA co oe aTate vera eS ae N pee eR go PR bhe 8Gees gente > ye Ze Rga Bass eh fi chPree bak aae enOBR . ” idl BsSeas Beith anhSS sal oades ko ia Peele ger. Th aeGage 2 RR ee ee LA 1Gn, Fok wih yen? pase. PPE cur :art) ee ms eee PrPgh eae eateaoe Se AEfev CCSeo. AMS OSghee ko Beg PAR Moi: at ee BOEBRE a BES Ce CREEME RSS ay Aho. APS Ag Roles. * aCin Os tee OR »,A‘“eye

    asV See *coee Bis Bee oy ey ¢: PN eee bhPIS ca edParing Rites es eee ony OILS, oe *:3% aon Cnet :So See me EESced5Ea poo ABR REE 8 RL * Ban aTe AeeaeeWEN OY oeneORT a cs SoaBak Means aaoe aM re eyogNE Se ERISA Tk Ree oar Say3 nt i: ee Sata ULE eyCEN ehOn oeGER Wea eSee ahs ree aees geNA OS eeesaS "3CS hae ye OS PRa & apie Patate Naha eeeENR ngTo PEgin hy Be eealae Pee pee eeoe meh) :' wo ron ee Ae ee eeAge er Orne aa got TS By ae Bes ay oan BEES: tyes PR Lr og Be PA aSeer TOBE sy Re a eros ae A aae ar aah Bt ee“Eee, ER 5 EE i eee :aBar Cle cane Ok: be . Rt agains OE EN, ace gs sr ag SER eis Sat Oy Ge CAA TAR elle Sp he Ome ye os faeces 09 pe Mt mat . TO cs ee soe ae Sept Rg af po teat eeh ae me es ar i.) ee talon, 7 . iM Er Sh ER Pe ue ae ; Cs a 7 a)


    {he yey ytABS eeePAS Ca maa " iis he EE eis e RP a a oe Mtb eape Pe igvey fecq ro ht at Ae PRS 4eeene, 2“eis eg Ok RR Ba Se "Se GNM pre :aqi 4 fee gs abe. Sais: Cy sais: ap ey vofe Beste eae ages & oee SS ie reeat oe. ve “aot we ae! Ce es ee Shenae ce ee Aen, stam wee oe ran eG fhe | 4 oe ohh hey gl pe ee is tities ais Ct on SNe dh creer ne atc cincass ga . ee a y Bea BE a Y ae es 4 POR op neti iit, Citaeeii oo TR ae sR eee é Be ecg SEA na SR athe Par ae vat cert: ae Pa oo Se aace . sa ot Rr aee i ea See ee ra.Ae ee eeom al X49 BRE wk he 8csig be RS ae: nd be ‘aie” UAE a6b inn Saag afl ae: I%44og? tsnah BP aESRSEe gs.) ki aoe aaeeee Sn er See “oe eas ies RR Ve Ty ae Oe BRAT aPRE IOBS 1, sy cain aS ee eS ee No Stee 2Loo tae aie 4.Jee PSS aus :eaak fte Ee ak aGES ay A et, Baige pee, Ci. iat sa ‘at CE See Pr ee BR eh meee es a Mir hag ahaha SsGe eect aPitieiie, geen Af seccc eal, We a— ete. JR ios. Ny . i‘ay Pers iy Ce oa We Ok RUE, CHE ye Mar iis, pa Re LARA 4fe eee ba aal ee aN Ga .=.Pa aPSone See Bp ct sa ia, ace ae fitiAE diate: aiheee aaof } eae AM Se gh sg I > i =o OE SS Soe ere rue i ‘SOR Gia ROG ae OS WH Be SEB oi Se go Scie Pei een ad phi ie cai Bae art nl yi ag os 2 Fea ey eg Aa Bae A SOF aig PUR SEED fae ON Sag teeta, SVB any ea Te. ein 1 hae eos be a he

    | Cea Tu cae eee ny) PR eM OS a ities Pe ol ed Bg go ee BE aCe aR) BRP ee Bes SOO a ge AEE Se as fllatt be Hed fers: ELS Se seahaa mee Aa ae ee is esters anal ce?. cage . ier ben a < ree ics Rg Cl On aealek araPyBeg APRS gof BREADS 2 geal ge ot ee ee:eee pe ee bias SSire tes. TEES ae Ee

    Pago. 3FiBS Beh Rugmee FNes UR Ra IN ee ay RE se bi netEE _., ee ee mee Bees ee a oe 4eee es heGee Fae geaaEE pia ee ast no@ wey Bs Beh — aeie ibid aeFey a tyes pelo “Bee Aakks ! Mt 8 a areasxwo “e aye Sage Bares Sette. PP erate Se way oe ee agae.ean: a.haa: eeOE Sgt ee eeevo: tr BE ove LOTR BTR SeUSEOR aS 8BCitar Barsets Ede sehen iz ine ne eeae llaii Tit - eh aS Aas Te ae Sihaae Ata & phot tea>Rs ORE ESS we nee Wee ! ad cet ye Bd ead3 ee rnat Pe eteBPS eee Rat peeOS Pe Bseee Sete Se AT | ete Beoes aeee ee Ta Ghar nt tk aon STert eA gd MeBet AR 2B ORCL os ETE We apg .aiee Ta el Oats IDe “ Hy fheli sh opie . : sige, seer tala wan, ey ERR ORS! ee ANS 2B Re i ela) Bc cae eae 4ee eS i BES ie ee ee te ae ee Pe aihe WAR aia, Flag Rene ae Fr te SCL we RP OS Ra ae Re ES? AI Bee eS 7 vr Ei a. ee eee abe: Ee Seaec ge of BS Pe lat SRO ial A iv eg 2 elke ty sig bison ge ayes ok 0 ERR ee 7 Poh ORS. OR i . bib coe:i7ca Aes AGRE CR ee OE woe ts a a wo i ee siti RA, a BENGE | A fo es Pe - me nas ae Bae hee Tak gy ce AG ‘ ee % fe Fe Be ae

    || ae RR Bee eeeoe . : "OS Re chia ay}CEE ee an MA CFR etereree RNUE i aoe oe ee ea

    eetak ee age NAS ge.yak “y ae : ou mage Per Gcaeae, ae Fhe heBake eon Ree tee, Tage st i'i a $éEe Bag eRe oe anbsPERS ee”Sy BEGE ve city oie otGees, Seana pee es aNBs, Be Oo GS eon : og eal Ne ep : ede Aes itae aes ay Abt at4 eee alePT ys aye OS SyRa Reker whe Negrete ag ORE sa sy aeie cies Se Sine VaR ® :Oo tage VEE BS teBO FRA APN SA A aER eee ha oi ee hag 22 Se Bae ‘ gays BARS EA Ge RE ae 8 se ee. Te UR SES AS Ee a Ee ! , x . hee By, geespose eA gil ic Paar eae Ps SG eR acy sath AC rae a Td Reka ee See RES ha eS Mae GREE fe: t ie ef Bee eT ike pa "iH ba Veeee eo eae eee set ean spge ee ee he, aye Pek Oh aresy gis 4SCY) . a"ogy oOCe: Teak aie Lg eae gee namger at oSRak eee Me aa FWay eusyes™ ne Pel ge aBs ue wah Peed PA, Silk ee ie rset phn wey ‘ : BEE Ag ' Z: 2$kae . 5“4 : a oy Bor ReRSE ogGican Nhe fag 3Bes OROS Beet aed va teACR eae we eeOe eStet a ae Ween ‘; 7 ogi Os ne Boy Ces RC cae veers oa cae en Ach Patmeee we Ee ge NE OE oeaate ep ie Or Cares, 4ee ye ghee “s eB s. yh aor es % Ve 3SPOS +ee YsSSBB AS fsOo rae, et Gea TEste te eee Re ant am aaa ay ieee ‘ ML gk : ‘‘.ek a-ey we eae :. ENS ee OER Rg UPS REP Bihan Se REPS gh ktag esTT SaaS ateSoe aea Cs Ye Bo : tg SHER Se aE ay See GEES eu) Sis ee te ee ; mes ws, ate be & Ni BRIE OSI "Pek a pee 2 Acme saackst «ge as see ae OR AE SE ELI sg SSS Cap Ce ee CENpoe ne SI :. an eSteeeeci aoe ae ° ' oer ‘ pe ge Mag ae 2 PR Photo 1S TNS ihn Tan Le ie Rg Pah ae Gren ‘Keg a: i‘4ee ial oe eatRae IToeahNe Pea SheS.TRS eee aeDee Tia ae Sse eer Lae a :;Sh a® Se ytge lee Segy FET Be > MiNi etecee SAT RS Pee aig bisa Ssa NOL hae 0i See RR Cie A ite ote otky aSn “ecghit 5SN Pant eeeBURRIS ae aSS MOR s SHORE og Nea NRe Se Ba STR SSEE aeSida ahtomel oat A as Bs CSR Lan Ck a. .og Lge geht Es . eee rn aeBip. RE a SE ay neos7NR NEU NGS Atee eLeh SB ge geo %PaaS ane ae oeihoees eeBA eee ee Thao Sie aatgx™ SS PUA UE Egat’ gas Were aeaha) ae fatmee GS BE Be, on nn Baef ee 2SRF Rs aEee eral ti Ae EM a oe . Bee ieee Pe © ee eeVT! : 4ale Pen, Bk ae tBGme as tre mera uae kya’ oh URE io Ua ec aNe ae Se . i aEe Fae ee - cee ct at— a8.Oar a»Bt 8heen gla, aes oe8cite 2PUR NY Gee ean ie ere BE |a aryeee ae ee CEof ys we Be RAL CU aUe eg Ea SEEN Os Mey teche ‘ss ieheh aN SS Tee Bue age, ra Cr oa ee ed ie ae ad aR ee os nag aShee, SGN ae oe A SE rn CaN ee cae ROG GNI tin XR 1S aa iae ps” Miers os het yak be a Aa: aweee. ae tspans meee. aee fe’: ohOB }SE PO Be can wt Lad ea : Ra iePi oS Namie see sist,yes actin | Re Pe ee Fe eekch Sa Wey, ee Ry Pes ey an. |me dhe ioc a an SOS ig ShPietsch NB aaeRR aU ew cng he, nape eefee as mer eae

    hae oS a”refhas ieERMA ‘Seg - AMES etn ee sae sarwe aR Be ise Oh aetoeoy pe Mp SE Seu 8on ily SUPandes Ach PRO :Me Ba aeK oe,ope, OA

    ae nee ee Ee aae ee ee ea any LEEeens Se SAMA AEEs oe ae : we eae be oe SUE Ee Fc aSeoeeeoe an Cyne aa ; RAP aa ce ee ee Be eee SACRA DONT GR ts ABR BSeee ee eee|ee fied ade 8SECTS ahaa naneee Pe : ;TS eG Ee, See eeCee eas co inLa SE a teat , PAs aaeee LO ieee Sa OP a Beech ea Te as A he Be SN: De Ae NEG ae oe 4 PAare wie ee ee es Beg EDR OME AahMae Baeraaa ae edgy aa ShaoeaeSA ae a_ ae LMP gr gaREE oF ‘EE : ’ fee Pepares a eonRee Ay te Meee haere ty 3Peet fe AoeEC se es oh acde AN Sepsis 5 Mera

    5 ' Pastaaee " again Rape NB cape a i Sig a es AB a St)RatSeat Ph Nae) OU AES celaEM GiesLeTihHS a hele A ee SeAnse oie MOR Ihaveae5bien : i sEn SERBS ROAM eae homer fe ay Wa i a gee ICE SAR eS oiSas fee: ea BFR 52 sauna a Je hs pats, eee eee NRO RE a og Geeaiyy Epa eas Sh Meese aa das dag Ea ESE ES Nas pais ie nA

    : Moe Peale eogare Saree eee oeonbaer eeAi oyee fee SO ee eae ee ee at eea : ! Pe sae irae Balda oreBla) Oe Ae aaa pene ee SN Ae ae ae cy ie oe hte ee eres as Pos ne Poe ae eee lseiageoe aan Nos oO

    ae eo eineSGTe ae! eeaie ee iaee eee Hence ageeA oe ee a . Co La eeaPy or CO ele oe fo Pe Bs stlecosae age ae i So EOeeoe eei aegis aRe tay ne tie. neayieee aes oo a veces at a Ree? Se ae a gn: “ gE OTrere ayge ia At oe altel ec, rn ae EL BAIS anteSo gtsLL See Ry ae tSA aelicr ‘ pe ee oe ligne i ae ill Te me . oe ce ewig : eRe ee a Wei, 2 Ne meee i i ee oe a SE NS aR MMS PE Roe ar eng Reade aes on oe eee Te is eee: SEG ai Als ity, ese aerate Epa deen PG oN ga ae ne PirNaeneteeee a spose sts UE Ee ere fin oh sl tat ap tne Uae es a : Pee= ee tale ae Soe Pas Pe a Cel EUR SOHNE Tic IG oe, Ree ae ae 5 oy ae Pe 2. s

    a Peete A UES ase Pa em eohcaeae - gpl as : aie age Meg ARM Sit oy Naa tit Be aR ae ae fia cha, "Pats oes Fe eee eae er otra Pipers Lease nee eens 3

    EES a, AE FINES eS ee ee eShyd ae! esOBS SRI i nea ' re lentils 8vis RERUN IP peut a mained : Sieghe ye Shey ep RO Se at ens ggEp i aNSeS moet ok sage aeee fie ia ro eo ea oe . Pe ns Me ooPreaoe Gane ME ic,aceahey ieee rg pcRacaeager Eg ae GE, PEE eS“Ht oo

    attest ema, he ER gel ae :oa GecrGe one Bee gas ee fig Ut wasps Gidea © Bere igies, ame ne sees ee ee oecaagi . oy si «uaa aps, a ac, a Bis aA peas Sn Ne. Aaa ve eeAme: Pe eed ae ‘pe. 1 Nhe ee Sore: gueega” Iatas lspice Re ane Gt > Be Aes Jeeeeeee Ga: ee iistein Hi eee PR eter eeak Maa 8 RS 4Ne Aa oreo ota SeRt aais pel ageraaenee Pigs . Roce te Ht etBre ”a aRS as ig a Caerlen! ne pene ts Ai elsaEeeao POR Mus. "hyPha o> en aae a iyo eeaeiEe Ha ares Se oretypei: eleae ee vemet ee ee oecage ORR oe ees ee aecai Mae nnn

    Dis gos oetnates eeBBaeS cee. gallina eeBey ims. wee hee peedaoeteaaia eel ee 2bwe 5Betyg kaagl pecag actanma eagle keSES iana# ome | PE Aeuate eas Fae peat itgh NE ea gg Te ennike i Seah aisi weap ed te ecco ae phcy nical raePe e unace teaa ROE ee ea iki 6 OC o's eeriae eta aaSS ae aeamie eneURE Sein stp. niece et as ONE Ene ae naa ae cer |aBee Soke yeaaoa Pagait anitcgeprige Si SahJie ‘ eit He | ata Se ga aCE ee aite eelquae ng eee GE ee ae mE PME atttiee CIR Sas BREA oon Rms isa Sata Reoa ee doe ae Sia ae. gag we ane HAN ina a%a ae eaeceena esa ie ee Penge ROE gia1 oO eau peoe vanes i ie saan erigRte gt Mes ia ae he aBec.

    aAe teeee a ifeet omer afa»ine SP Loc aeoepe ee oo"“eeoe eere fog pe int a ane gueBrey ae aaa |i ee nea ‘eee ae aeaLis Bde ane ee,pees eeath eae ole pe aeA teaeamg sca Meh alae eeae eealas cytnkfie he oi aearehig eis Ss anPS Ue (NOH alabnel eee ‘id "ee ——— ee ee ee, as4aoh e(apone EE eeGEE faeoreee Bee ee es a wats ae" we iiedae ee ae:— .+, wesee Se2Sata Mie De OR Pan ee Siaccig iiteaceealianee Bee aa eoLge ee fa he wet STOe aitgaREE oad ‘3 4 ca stei:‘eed ye Py,at oe oe Bec On ene ee nO ahoa cane si BO nase ge EE eeiyLae pe o.igiBs a=RES Fae 4‘ iaTO! Bee Sates, Bethe eebah eeKyeee is BRB utes nei leNR pe aefois aeiriegeeas” 2BEEBS . oa LOSE alia cide

    SA sala Pee ake aes CeSi St aeSalbicy PS le ie .aye -cing Raeee aago” gee 5. ~=m os pared Pets See ame iteased Moule a ai aaa OAS ied eT eet a¢ 3on i BekDaan £ PEPE ADP aes Be Ryton 36 mS aera. ee MP SRE ST ‘vas .aaes ..Ssagan” ‘ an We oye pe a : aes «seni aes Be clea ¥ om) *i gpd SHAG opti ee aa te,a on erei pete ees 1SRE 8asin agli Stee are vances aR seme oes ,im a . og ae eee te bei Eo SOE ena 3 ate Le ign Set pyc aera ’ 0 | ‘,woe Pike te Sof RS sonic naae aii ey aSh es RNS os ee OE oj ec Be a see sg yw saciua 38 aS ° ¥ Bo pag Bes a oer si, Fac Sigh cote a PEGE ay Bec ee os ee a ee BN otitis cialis ea i

    : fees ee es aR a rr tS aie sg a, eon a ie Es ti es Ge 3 :

    1 Pee lyMeee cpg ae asaeiaaie his ie ee ae7fe Pie, feSeed! oe S- ‘4 ve alte — ES ene tran a3otf Se. ‘Re. ipeas ne, tei. Belts eo 4ty’ o_o ane, . Te ee eh Rel ana >,aco BANee aoae Fk ev‘acid Eee: Facet, alae ile dE arota FOR geeSoS a neeee ganade ts eae heeae NES 9 Sopdet colt tare anes SC Bias ; 05See See, Rand ae 20 a“ Lescol : iecagiils ay eee ig Bacal mR, eee fe eeegrene De EE Ren emt «Secan sepa Hae a ete ae raduee Satfeatom: Paglia sheaan OF peeip.iaoie ae ec Laie ieeeegla sth3c Saleh ate see AS eR we“Ww WNmm Fee se § wo fo i Ree © and Bi, Be ee eRe eneOne eae 2aetae ae opEIB ae ptoeESsaat Bian : “nek pets AS

    oh ; ;

    aera a: Saree. Ne ae Bak 2 age Bay fer Gir R PNW Boe : ee tk a Bie et fb Reset by TENS: witsg Ca a i

    a cae Ay ane Be aiycadlg laggy ‘Spa ro EO ay RCT re vie ERE vase eeSe, vee gasIfades oetyeae PRN etaSiege San eeMRR cebnl gk Re eee vd ia _arg ilayer i!EN ‘Sampath isNE cette aga a,Coa SAE vada Ssh aa tee By Wie oly eS Ren a. arn 9. Be tae ais. ORRENS ag BM:atae eo© Se pony ik;rs kas ° we Re Boas Myoaatin eee BEPa aBit SRD ais eS hg ae re2ieOE REY cut! 5oa‘ae wyOR aangies ae :OE tat CE as ie, ous BIS PEE i RST pstRS woaeaces Cn aa Be ke an he oe BU On eae gg ist mag aR dla sy 2 vain POMBO capantiy re eg te CE Re Ca Se oa aur, aiid Hn a PRIMA Ae a tt 2 RBS, SNe guste te ag ETE SS

    ea .wh aces, o*ane ihe TAR eisent a ihPe : abort . ee eee eee ae am, fa) sae a3 ies” ia aScone pe rayTL heen EEone cerssae eoos Be: i. eecael Peeat RRB Rg, 7a, Pecn CeeCe ae ee ese SERN sper TRS is fey NR 7yaae RRS “geepe nig a ae ihGt.Saat aEBiewe ae ry? ca 7‘. :a)

    fe Qe ede. Se ae Ae ei Cee Me eee aba ei rs sig tee et A i eae at: ene ae ee ee we

    qe ae ae CE pe HEN So ae eeceeee ! YRS eePa Ecc eeee lh tips: ORTe De: ihe TOR ie AUS og Saas iron pai ees a rag BigaRE aeieSES ss iad *aang Ree 5 SNF oe‘Mee sig oe eR Ee... Vee aSeat AS ery eeleeee SPO EO osWe. at, one ah ee iy, ts nen otc i. ie ee Ng RR igame ligament Fe gece sae Sayaka’ ee oe"s wes See eSB Peg Aa oxSh Boas Se OE 8oe eeee squee Wie ae ee a ee S aee aeisHES Pages Bre eB Ae oePRAVEO ee aSate femmr eee aggre yo PeSeas Roe eeee z=aae; .) te Ao CO OE Sle aeeeee yeeee Pa. eke OE i)aes re aa eit) eo ae

    ie : yee : : Kon i , ae. Ea BeBe ee ee coo ~~ . A ee ee E ee:

    Mo SMS eer.ias Pe atl ca Ee ie ER tawake Bg Pa Manet ectguedl RE nad NG, GSii thog tate aera iis SSI od x aie pe aeeee ae Ne aeiea se ME iePaes .Be PRctEe Se Eeaeng ahaa RO Rc UE eae Lap gates Ee ee ; & ow ce ee aa ae aetieeetiara: eee Rah os aeiBebe ve Whee, iiioee ah etPeeaaa auBka ea eR AUoSes CS So Ee an eee ;:a ty, aerem . |Ffm

    a peo ges Roe ae . Aa het al : ‘% Ce Ha . oe Bes Pe oe ; ed ae Meg | i Bio a ae : te th “4 ig A pte Se : . Iif ee ee Ueno. ee at ee eee ae |‘iiRe 8 ee ee ae ae Ch a Till ; SP oe hoi ek te ee ee Poe A:> “3 er . ae a woeee , c epietae ae pe ae “a a|), Sa ne ee Wil ete HUE: ge ‘ ‘ ;ee No ped pi| re - eeoe: ae ae i PePec eescdot aa ea ee ee as ;2 a4

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    WIM foie,3ee TE ae ER? Ne ap cena OEeeGRE eeteeeeeeepunepenoerema ste wrpees, gs ;ee eeae Bb Befa;| ret aespate Nssaath OP Bo ap aeaeeEE ilHu Eo Fash, — ae rr ceases ape’ aetPym che seepad ee as TSM lag eeeRise ae Laas Pes i ae eeeNae&See eta aaNG) PieceBee werd ft: DMB SS APace heES See ae eee Ones ae nce che eas BS Ge Pe AEG UR Ae ae Us SPs eer aati ig tans @ LAE i saskige ONG, *: bp PSs ge BER Pes oats! SS ae eS: hohe an ep!ae Fei if I.ff aa aevataPe, Caer esasIiCO an vO ~saalta osRMS oieicet uggs csi SEane Gee co ero edRee eeee Y ya gee a. page hed tastes neacter eo iRRO he ee RUE eS One ONE 5 etn Lenin on RPE erat Eaog be elits:if: ierie San ee eb S* Be aCN ai unter ee ee een Bee RE RRR i,aan "aages. en Oe fit iaaner SRR Shatin Msn. i eae asCSRS Maeen asRRS aba ae PBB REE arttea soa ade okee ag ete eRe kiee Be DP ee oe ae ay noe : ee eee wee pie. " BONES TO Se BPO a ie ee i a | een | poe Gn) “see:gene Se A catee RacaSee lad Seen “igi 24 Bone ES ; Pes We, EE a Mi aset) iees, | : ar, aie Tang: eeeco BEee eo Be aSep ge i Re Peakeetn Bi Sei acti Pa aa It 5a Ee ibs Seiars one a SaBere, ie I aN \O ae a! a bes Be ae TO “s ee ee tte 16 He OS os i 2 Gh Be eee aod ane ae cea Pe Oe eet DN ee Se ae Pac ue spe cings OMe Cah ak Cit haan te paises E “ae eeae a. nrRS Hee ER aS ie Sb cde bate aeCRG ae achee eeeeae a ea nn Peg Tee rae: 22ee OS Ay. oeES eoeg Ree teBES: Ey Jen 4 ae Sit, ay, Fs ae, ike:;.. & ro . git iad: eee 7Og ““fe Seasl Mgem oso Hae pin aorEARS CSRS aes ipe a Sees i,OD a; eS Fee . Eee ee erage” Bip aGees GOO a Give casts “Nh dees gage a ey,

    oat +jes vt A 2vet ee AeeaePeseta Pa. re eer : cae itd ee a! gee Ee} Metre Pere eee.aieee” ce BES aggaares . woe : ree an eee Srna EPS. Be, aeLIi 3 4i|iluh iti ie , ee ee . ve oe a Bea ze , 3 Gale i . Sega BE ee . ; i. a. So og Pee ge til | . hae ee mY ; Usha! NE bie ea if} ° h j

    ill ek 7Re ae iA| S Wit alo ennBee ee ..) oa ee eee !il.! :oe.BRL. eae sate mi e eee

    oa ii \ : Poke te : ee ee 4 r Bee “ lit

    E| |llI ATE 4“the eeiee “a recs geal ee Soin ; iAtanas Wo fe eo be —ia |ea 'ith AN 3 ll Bee aco a,aRee at hs aays ey “yh irar’ > AL ‘ iia Be ye lk, MY Ba eo .iacg .ea eeoe v7 pot: um WK Ne, io ce! pe ° amity ~rsepllia ”@ poe aod fa} >te Ra eeie ay eene a ee ail alsa avok siege alatee Nari tna eeus Rs isoe . 4 ca aaOO . “™ 1 ci, Meck aeRrh aR ss sb iia Z eee” Fr

    El : :tel oe BS, eaaa! | bigs SIR ‘;Aa careers ‘| i :ifee ‘SMR i hospi testes oA Se sages esee eric). Bone Bega I:|. ae Ne dey ;5; Wf ilgness eel ar eeeo ne SS. :Ee ee Be 4ae aeeeae all ai| :i:iePaes oI Sarge ee er i.Pah mc eae cee ee : ee ee oe ees Looe ee a ae oo gee ee ae epee seh a eee leg cee eae ee PA eSee Hoe lee oe Soe aeSIF ‘ i:Bern Se cae | i a ea : Wea aoe Pe ae ee he ee a ee iy a oe aaa ER DS alas AE SEES oil EE a ee es cee Pe a Se ocak es aioe ts: ee oll a ee oe ee oe a ee 2 Os ie ee gee z E |i 4NS * Ba wale se : ei tte ane Sa aTEeN oe oy fe ee TIE toh as Sap Se oe ed agri, Wed Bene eek: eho eae eee CBRE Ste ee BO Lag Mats oe ar pee EGS Aa gk iad sap MURR SE EE ead FS nal aa er : aie ick Bigs Bay ia tigen ap ge lee iateae Foret ane RiuaaNir | tt Goce rae AES * Ee eS Bo iitees terre Be og URE Mati i ae oe aN ee Maem ate A eae es aaa ee Bo pccndnes ee ie Sa ee ae nod . Re ANe, pea ign ama i Coat clams PIES, Gad TERRE ge wo ee So a ie Ce ee COs nesine Aur tbae gt CAG enemas Ben gcoroe UE NES ns ME Se aes ee BI oe Ss see aes I~ ee : 2 ORS : * i ie aaaeCLEC ROE crn Nepean 1 ee ste Saifeae ee eee cha. : SN peed |: hee OSDE RES,ue ig agPSEN it Ree a Ap ecole ay A ieons sat SB, ASS eee sre Bigore: ee Nyee oe aie a episcniec Sere Load teeren eyRola fcigteoeon Sys SAA OSU aes se CnOc Caine POE ed ad RE sta i oe Rta aie Santas, BAA gms s pa Sa SOE ie Nae:rePea Ses taeepee Na oie Sea ee TNa geen Bae aPaes better ta? oa SayRel eg ara ae ‘ae reaPR BEiyl,TNR pi WOU CU Rareoyagshinee OT Citara RSAOA eC eeidare: Cenr1Seguniet ge or aOR Baigent Ashes Rohe meciin! Bes gyal Vike cok j if ai |: oe eecau iasCae ase Coe aeeae vega eeRS ial Papuan nc Peor a rae Ca ame ae SHE Mapp a! pata tovee gs iiaaa NsPeis haee aeS ae Re eee Pe een aare re aoe Maas geee ag gee a aa eeSee RE BRNes RE igs 5as oes &i | ale ee aae Bese re, rise he cage oe Ra pete OaRhee 2 aestnPaO hate Miers, Rege:etape iaoe aie haa ee fa fae

    oe NO ee a Gen oa ee ee ee wee tl

    PARE Cor cok take vem BRN og ks: aa ae MG RRLe Sia HEeeiyekatin Png Pi ee ete ae Bae aca CLE aes aHees hg eric ans Cee, hee ie mere Ba ceEN ern i 1 Ss ME erede mete paar, earaiSee nc Na) Sacaeo a Mae ageee Becta etapa eaeet, aa iat ne Soetee)” Bc aaa te is ec ae a ftcta ae CRSS MRR i aSaCae ea ag) Beal oeeee ts eon tonsPepei ae 3oe Ns ne ee SiaPee EN tema Mr 1 OA age tae, BERS eA te or nehaoe REL Wl ea hg Pe aac ; .

    —— ee eo ee ee a,coe Oe cae ae ER aR nee geee peepee ma So Ce eeLe aeae ee aCa at ‘ My “ NE oeoe a Se ea. eae . asesesaeAe ee eames . :.™ Wenge ee :aaHogg Se

    foe ee edaaU til red iehe 1h Ma tap oeBe igi aes te icSe! Sans A aeMaro ck RE TEaEA POA GH SESE Peasy 3. UEBeat CAEees vba sete seeTheil oN Real atSe bee actos Eaebriateae Tous, pear ereaeee RTs BS EGP Poae ees Ro ioe i OMe Seapa tcamane rae aee aey Jah Nee aR aBeg ee Rg esa SEE SES eeshTS Ge egg iurBen ae Siig aaMea aa catia, eaters oie ae len, Edens eeene EN 15) A sete igoaCURSE 2 Poe , ft) aOMe Eee bhp ly. DCS PRR Raa hs ‘iay hee encase 1ee ae one lee, Nes SAE 8Ace ae aata Ne nel Ra Bas ane Casa ceed aBU |:| aaaul ive tee ake, arrSeer i ae cea Pe AYA ere eeies aeCe A Tee Se bic etS ecr sa Patina sence ROP ar teC aeeel PRE oe SER NA asPeale Pe aS ete Meera eA 29, hae Bie ee Seem Ge eis, ae, fehs htaeanerag Bai aCea Are pacer Ba toe ee ee ee ere woe: einer ER ee aeearn eeeeSAE oe en ies ACE ee sy*RN aeie) asGRAN Nis Se il.i.Posi PERCE soe iete? : Ege Site ene Nn ahaOe Cees OR Rae Sr PRES eb CICT OSes aNE, re say cred ee Nierage Bi eae Stale eel to sidhee ns Ae BRD IiPa en hae Bip as pela eae ead annie ae mc att Pratt heete tpede ySRM eat OG RAIS Ae ee ee SAG ii) IiSee Ewa aes Me ee me ore tide ug bie Ree eR Repha Acts ras: Roa eiac tiReaper peeked BA GEN, UaeSOR NIE PRR Ets de ATS le TA Mee eee BE Oia Aig aRe a is ANE eae MEY ReISete aaE mma as Be

    a ete Sy Ev Sea ee Se ROSITA NaS ob Ss ee re ea a ae Reda i Fea Pan ee Me es an

    . Roset ce ea ay ee Ee aarti a Pe ce i Meat oy ie Aa ate eerie ns Ce eae sag) 5 cee Re eee naa oe i tee ania ake ee ge eae Fey ERE oe eee core aleER GathERE OS SEE pete He Soe fs aot eeBedi ae eS IE Be reccees : : gE oecigsc aesgt CRBS SOSEE ERE gcLeEES ae8,neste! Si sites es aSshaete2Sian h

    " : goed ek vee ydeeoeegSeg Bewee bet. ;. ie" ;Ne, aSE: |eee i “cy eaee Eieaachge aghe go RANE gaa Se Hey HER grea ae de ‘ ig i, = . cs . 1

    Rete NS oegiaug ged ae aceasoeBey Se as eS re . Me AUS eta Pg aBad See fe:a3 ae Be | !Boe tiaE | ; ae ONa er peiaCe a aa Pe ee ea aks ee ieh : ae aa ik tee RE peiceresna~. Be! ee eet I OE FOG as ee ek es ws gtk nae! : eneBe foie;Cee aay ee BBN Tae ee Soe iPHe RAS ek gf CaBee ee) aeI se BSA PE noe eeeeGRE! ee es eae aeeyPS abs ;nee :ES 50) aah tga aki nt Se Oe gaEh!ee SSeEEE ay Sg ae : "2 'Mtee. coat ee | vet Bee anion cee aon Co) inten tiga a cs BL an sae ss aa R Oh Py Pe ieee tii Dae Ey nod pear te

    Feats ih ee ee rr ana SIL Anes Pll Shot Te"eskaLA ay, oes Oe soci eG * ae eg Piece NE Be atesgat Sti | Be iF ok! Bo,ced hee a baa eeeee ufGe Bm Re geGp nites ‘ .eeOR ee actincn : em nS in cee ee sg oe oh gS oo eee PERLeS Bepe A ere Se lateco clas: he ea i is aaaeee Vee oe : EE Ue ol oe Pe tet Sa en ee . ORE Ee eee eee oS ee “ioe a bse Perinddoci a fo aaa aa aaa eS me « ee ea ae ee ee Pe Rat ee ead SH sks ae TE eam ee SLwsSeis #: Be eshep, ad ee hoeeeepeeMae eae SO SePep weloeiheeeFgeae oeREE eaeReece Mani Bee ay are sane : wee : renee? - UR ere eo wes yNaPer SeyiBiclas aa Laide OE? RP LOP OE veageccegrenen ree: “3 ca :eM gil aryl ©BL SACS ENOL ae Bape BIDESea is et eee ae re feen Pataee eae co os Beate a tae lS age ighesras7ah;ete Be a win :ens“gf NS RENoeney by pe ag EER ee Pe Huger "shat aegente ght ee eS oo maofeneace Hgnet oe gt ehsd a Spe ARwg RS Mar ETEee ov eee ate aesapt iPadee ad het eeee ee ae eee ee fey acer 2 oe a Ua afa wish rigteas eee 5g ag gstileEat pet, RE.; .ee aa Sleek ages hae

    aSRR: Fae Baggs. he.Aaglaea Be erage Tie ath neohte eT ows Hhle“ey ogeeeySOA ASea. RS, Cue ato) 7 wtegeseeECE Se a re Rete wage SieTNO Sette ee oS ger {On REN See Saye eI Tae ee Oe! ee PRMg aaaGil oak haben ae eeEES cere? ea une es Ot a. Mil: eee Ao, apa Ae eeruses eSamet Here Abalnt Sian “g| Soy "sits Bees enBEN eReRR i Oh Sa eee aeSeg seas Ms ake : eg Ls Eh aaa !|ED otORR Se eo Rates eRe BE AR TERE Ma Soehes ieee AE ekaPy oe es oe Skcet AP LNG: oe kerr aa oes |BER Ra ata EE oan Talis "3 am we eee aha? eee “hewy gtSee OF Race calgon dines Seok eS as SS Bleragdie US We alae Fa reas SNM BEEae RF gi cs Pea oanae : eh:8ee ee aSRA ae BO AE ARTE qa ae pe eG NA ieag aePaAe glSeeeeOe eet eeeated! Cee ent: eeian ce

    HeaeRS Sesif Oke et Brae ar ss “Ce Ee Pate teeay Behe Ere NSON eg ae BSFR Oeaye CRysBe7 Rahs Bt ee Seve rhe BOCES ee tah Bae oe /) SES BariFRIAR So dels i Se Le ee meng weg EE Ma ce Sieg han OM Hepp ASea beeSoe g4 aOey Ba ndDN SE.TR A ane OR cates FE SO esc ae iLa es dances Ss”iaeLs aeca , cia Peart gatagos, AM . SES aees 4 Cam ee aMeat 4ilj ee SME Sites ate REE s Shag EEee icAAR Rte ey Bey ce PIRACY eaaelat Ressegpbae eas See reRe a °F enae PT ho yee overt en .Ries, pe: ee“ve ties oe A;Gis getter: |a)|eee oeeyrs 2g ES SEANY) Se ES aase ih Nee pitRohe oak easSoren os, pont, Cencaeislioe geaoe BO ea: 7) teoogh eTeaSerle 8, Sati: gtackn ie REE eaaeSe Ea auph esneg aa eta nt SigBa ferS38 ERE Dy, ade os Bice siben db sa PN RMe mone on eee ifSPR meBa,Ws ae ang es ACE aeat Be |i Heit aSei ey, Oe eee cor OO eg Goo nem ve Ce EGE iauar Se yer tes PahSe ie tyMR OR net Fe . aL Co aS ekeae heaae LS aSeo a aD ScRe Ayeete NE tee Sees 2se RRSsae ree digi acyeaten ASP yteatalt aimeeee eer RU AAS ES, «ig ieetg, pr Sig sam MPR id Fh Se oR ae, Seiene a imams fa a ae eh Aan Fuk yee ike he A nd ECE Bee cg a Bede eh ae Ne Nec natn Srertian a ee ae aS a wep it eae Pricer Sea eee A Relt ageie Ne nea ug ek hak Eee SR ‘ibe seitn 8 ty RR RR TAR ath et BME ene peCe id PORS Song Sabie oe sa gnare mes te Rae pages CNR oS i gyPS Oe eeSates * ad api haeTh hsl eSL i eae cecheea assVe csegetey iekasES. me icege ter en Ieane aeheaoie aksBeg.: ahueaoF eco Soa Ea ee oe:©

    ee ee ps Baa Me ‘ss algge A REY BE ai ogeh Oeeee BE acts EE Bee ara aepenn fae cenaec nsec rel See een:Eas eek CORE sie nas ye | . ,|| aah Ags sgegne eS oe wala ottah eee anant SD PO5 esa singh apee”ee ieeae Be ee irjes natch eSay RAM ae*ae Reker teatiphyge meaner aea a&Nah Sea pe Rly, vite ee ER ae oested ‘ ee aie ao ea Oa SEs eos peong. iene oe aeane rePeres bil Ci ee adSpit heeAy Tha asghaat Bs, aaMaia TE a. SeMaze midst? eeeieee aa at Pept meta Gem act Te BY dge. eon eA a BEE cay CSN Br Sorin eee Be Rae heage, Ma *ye gee meaace NT i a AtNR eee 4 SAEEENG S. SE RR Bes oerigs im Meine arts isc, ae gy os BEE ta, oie ek Spy see Se Big. AB eee oe BONE ec MEO EGE ate ampere, gd tg a TENS «00s Nee, gt ae SS Aida, Tee eer Sesh 3, a, RE oe ate, a tea. ue. eae MERC ae

    1 |RRR Pe ee:ie hos ee ae one RRR «apart Begs Rrae hich ican pile SM eeoa ce A eeegle ianBye aeeK nai Seeg aepe Me ks aOE east Sygate TE Bas i sec lieae ete Aers ft pk ees jcawee A aa6"gue boete’ ie Somes RteFUG 3 REeee Ue ReOe, woes By AS SB Pty VE POR aE 9 atyak Ris. Giga BS Wa" agoe Temie owt iean pie Bede, OM cme em |ie vo] \|Wy SRS gleGa 9 Peete itiOd brBe aeaaea BE aresiatt™ Fate ER OE aes tat aeSes a “eG CE eesO Ree Sea Bete igpainike gehtSEE beet ens RRR aSth easexRRM Md gegee tee”Aeon pei Sa Ceeaah A! omeMe Gates nant ALS SSRotBe apc ooh tg Sait pC alg “gM Nas aes ttsaeaeROR. Pec ae ee ao RP ardake 1 aeCRAB SNE ih agn aean eeFOP ays IDR: ER eee | Feed ii|! Rees SASeah a RRR co Stig ae Gh pan ape Re eS faSeige epee: BS Saget tySige CASI. Beem PS ca karA aa coe soe area tanSembee Ohee By,agen Be ey Se | Rati MARSA oh REE SLR ea pad stig en *sot TET ER ee tel Bah CP Op EPR RP oeOe eRehaeeA ee ee Nagy ae aoe Oe gual keAahawe agus See ne ae sae Rt SEED a: ae es io eee, a

    | A. 2 gat OF hehe i Tialgge Emer LEE ONE oR he eel Ne aS ne Seed Kg ae foal ace aS eee gh ae Sa se ee vein Be s er te

    . Rati eh: ete ee ‘gag ppg2ee a Se eNOthine SA) SINE i atk‘OMAR so Pea OR “Beiage e F ranges eS ae eeSa A tok: Bdcepa ee wag Ra NteS Secia") ae ip ET| aaPON ie OS sp ag Maat EigWENN Ris LEMME eaehgeTuan ANBRE wet SaaT cet a ae ge SePY SE oat i agree geOF BRSyca J aged ge eeeaaeen Seti oa.Ne Ske SE Snr Oeeeet ra SD NG SAP AA OketARP 3i Peete ayeSoa De ee ee re * Sg eee ieee

    aWj: | aoeiL ieeatoe EG) Sr ARA ie eeSe 22 cern Bp sa OB Eebes aeTtSOS ee Oe ee iH NS BMI UNS bo aeees. erop Ut foe wea, tee Oae a APRS ie Or SarO Ne ae: eeSn Te* leer ass“EE APE SPT yagi a ‘ EE "ri hi repels dnes CRE Oo "igr eae RoN Coy” eo te Al i Beret RIC BOONE letyam USS Gibitre EE Rpetal Pee oe Me ee SC CE ee eeae cnegaeae eee gpa eS (A, aeeEE oe Ae i ks, saat . ie : PeSet ETE rele 2, ceght. aBehn ond Lal . ge .oRba aee Sail aerage Saas mcaee 0 aaa : ieae byghie sha pba Se ee i! ey ee bee gaat ee sea | cee ee, : ‘sc woe 2 See Se Ah Sl PSO ee || rt Wee Woe aeeat gett SO ethan. ne ne eek SseSes ofan Psares align Th sub Syodie cage 08eoreNicer: yee es er ae: SRE: cote aooag H WY)

    teh “sega C0 ofafeOS eee2Se ee es poe ee wee ia: Sea os oe a gig .::ad,,ee cg eae oe a| ey! : Lea eee , .ae 5.,: :Rane E. : NEE ac Meee ae pat ia (cal eae is . ees ‘ A He ie aa adi, et oper ree ie Se ‘ ; ; cay : : eee ee 4 st : : og igemea es aees. | 7. co: ote wee aPeary oe 4 :wey ".#aeaePe ta isi meat . a bag ;eee 1gaa Gs oe .7s og Pee COS, eae . . :: eek de i‘| Ma .:es?. cae . te Se ae . re: ; :fo : SSR SeSoa ie ia

    4aety. ere ie aa ae ara Rea oe tbat eee - wos PSOE SSaeaere,mee Cr oe ap ORih leyanes wi asPARE pvrEe aeCee eaeaSEE aa ShED JILee SAfig oe Moe ty TO Pe Sc oan eS pis ee ad Aarr a call ales ee ce FSSA AGE ea i elSagi ayy Phe. Paes) ell ee : ' na atePe pepc Se a ay tome eRe aida poy aes SAF agOEE FSSeta ae Reg Seren ai OS esee , 5) Se.oe 1 eaeaa Castee Te .ey:Sic oo ee sare pa or ae eae amg RCE eas Het teeos eo alla dhe tae wee Fey ap pele ee a ma co" iBiee ce pee oo MME SAN 6ghiy Rac Fey ae .:.;eeee 4aeia Cee Coe i8abel eeSS) ie! ‘arRata esMiLad pene Ce AS SM eee Symeee BR SG es Salil in odete oeeeeheal iy ara res, RRaMOCERE Terie Shy Slay er Tahoe alas REAR tS ape Sty ERE Eig reg x . . ea ape tee EEE Page OS Ba TA nto RA a ee NUE UL ESA yi eo eo

    ; Lf ORL ae . 5 . Po Seles ae NEE AS a

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    se ‘BeaiaeXe2¢*eeee ,aRliRage CE EE pee LS ettrBr ey ye _&isby,Bae aoe ;‘oaBy 4{\ow PMG EES :RE Bp 8|eEE MN Sg ARMM ERD Rg Te ge te ae aae oe Boge aehae | aRc aaeog ra eee Pe4ie. ae ce en Pe ee ae 3Bek deh ;5ee ‘4 i }aa ae oierr: ie outease oa Pate fae Bias a aeer ee se alg hiEE Ef aeeat Ast saa? }ER ee OG oe Pyaoo we al Es i *ae Pee Mi LURES aie SACee BE aareany a8 sags “eo ar BPP ee caP| 1 ae — a a ee i : Bi ORE RR ROR CMR ihe ibe piety Eas Pee ney Pre : Sea Cae) he Ee 48. Ope We MT Wise OR Sas ee eae ' 5 eh an a oe an « Opa DPCOASE Oh iy BAPE oe eee we Ae f tae ere? 5 a? + Aggepe fer Ese FD Aa Caan ¥. :eeee . ot Be eee ite F3a eo Bahorga aatt 4ae5gener seisaeFee qiwo nee a oe i, SF 8 cee ue SUR. # $s SGN \ bi bape a 2 Peed food. —.eee cc .tte vesalgia ayaaotOTE . eee BE% is Ifet ARR A CR |: NLL.are: ca eeasMenemng Base Rec a|Ie, |—— a coae st4 oidt oe ie oeSes, PAO aa: Sty ee SyRRC FaaeSEg PePe VR Se gaPig k ko ay iesPas cae va ; ‘re Ame 5 Sy ,OE Ce, fe “oy CsRS ~: MRE Ee fem Mya pt Pee ae aleee angen Alwee! werk. RO) aaaayROR SE ge ee i eR | itiietamaimeri ee OKA « ‘. Sa ai ae |’ :me aes: eh tf ( >»eR ue Pe os SS IRR CdFR fs aaRae LBs yee[etc POE PES ga a aLE St akaa

    ee atAi Ham ’ 4pet ‘Saas aPe hig & a ee RP a en cerah da 8 gett oat ohSo URES’ SAGE ah bide a 5 tA age thLe coge ee. an 3 .eefe,oe . "it. oSsete, .i 7ie + EO OAR, Ee aayTORY A EMie Beer Tre ony eeesAoyOR OB) Ba MeMy Cae males % 4Ae . Bs v7, eaeOS fda nn eoBOTA ae aeSTEED GREE | aba CNR CoN ER. GR OeSS WbBa OTaA IOS EE1Ge ont

    |A| i| Ay mean mmo. Moolt Mg FUIR OEa A Ee es | ee&|. TC Ce crc ee SS cel |one auntSat «aes ohOe te ee rk

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    A , “on Se eee) Pan ee es kt age 7 m 5 a, Be os iggy SIS Pw Laas “iebw ay oe eS Ge Be LO * ie . % & 3 °C fom : leele MY Mee OFA der oe Si¥ ooPe age EL! sea+e ie. ee | e ay Gann Wii eager ann aleee a ge, a = eed A tee sf ee . enc ae aSETS eees* eoeette aat,TsER OO Skat ~~ rrwig a an +gn tet heyho Wye fae ikada aoe, eg Gage neR epee es ERS xr " ,Be ee aie Fy ee NO rauy oe Fhe inpPe OR Spila Bet eg :ity:;=a‘AePO SED yyTT, ae? : aetoO isMing . “Oe eee < eeigs ieee og 4 b We. ‘p ry mansslag Ht a) a 4 € : ae 7 Po, ae aps : iy ‘. ee seat ae a 4” Pe ne Bem ee Aad ge Raed nau

    & “hy! ee Fe ae “ara | ey Sad. « ee! iebe, Bs — het eetlida? aae &or Fsoup fone Bo SS aaa. es. ii ps eats” se Se »AS | Be ne hyree 43 oe, a rigs: TT aS SS aasc:ae | eee 7#BA. _bel |A; .La yee es 2. a TN anee. eeew tate Re Nae eee ,

    F |ee ' ea "ee, Gd eee See as lee 4RR ee ee ae ec Ne aae a vhs ?i.S iA = Bae t,Ae - Seer ig;~ee oneee 5Re Om 4 glae =ene, fyant - ol asf°an poe Bs aes “ae comiie rae, ae Pye ules; : aie) Asei nea of” saongi. asaye a7,ea ee Pe eeoeON em OP ate! il SE of dS Parana MA Rice ta.‘agtee a,ees Iga ie aa sii 1 cmampeapuaaclie Pats online: 4 8Pa. a cms “ ape : BRE RR I Ming i ARNE a ae ee pe ” : ,mere me es caw Tae:\ tyae.a ek a om wane PEF, ceei ie alg:eyWi. yi “EI IN NE as Wage lee: Ce GA AT

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    a| ona :3‘sn weg neeyeeihLD fol ea \ , i iaaeesi ,age 7 el ee er,4nd adeaa aeae ne aow wwGp te asemi, ye ieee AiJneqe, # ogee ere esaa ," ,7oe alias ES Peg .ar ea an aN. cook anUE vas "willl, '‘¢ae ?SPP ae ' ; ne eal ipsa ‘ack ‘ ‘ e. aeif eB23.AeLa(iy » amg ag Cue. eeie1SEE Lal oo Li Re Swe me fh. , ‘ . 2 aia .age 1s RE re BS Si EN OR AOI ae iv i ,,“lye ( +4 he wie: SiR de ORL, ER A i yee 3 5 oo , a 4 Ee oa ies Eases eee 4 8 , a Po eae : ae. . . ae : ce f; Well i a. P Pottery from Well in course of Mending , 4 aA : . Se ae i Senne We ce Bio few, ee te PNG sues Th fe ena + we : ‘

    WN, ee git peca ee |hilises BO gg Ss “a TE Wieck. eae oi a nat TN .,aee ie a.Bh Tine eg;ptt eas: A oe RE Dee iin: iollie [ ee 4.i% ad ee 1 eee Mpg *7ee‘-gn cheat ty Re 7ae eee Me, Care ime asome \ fo niaieié™ ‘,oe Rt agggeting, iia 1“age acs Nene “ing :oe av) »ttsnght ge 4rad se3ab “ee ¢ae ovo 2oye ek: A UNE 'sey, .Se :a°ee jaitiyg oe ee ie ws ee ee iee .Se TERT a aeealale ules a . HG tag ai bag = Os ° eg aia oh east » ey a.“ “ we Be er co ll a PER gti : a aanom2:shgee me i. “2 ao es li ae ae A. ~ a: i ae i, wai. asia, ee | x ie, Em! “ile JS oh Pe al i, ae. eo Ot iia ie Siege ia saefs iaea“gon iYr ee _ae eea,at st ee fkBen Boyweg, : ane eee Eye ss StRa gh gage we eae 4‘cae SPTEEN A. aa EeSea SeEeaan a as SS, PO eae h apes ‘ *SSE . leyg Nebr Ce ae egoe cues hige®. Re aE Boe neS56 SAE Seee ee. eras fae eh eye Set RS erie epdiag Boo iaes Sy Ue ‘Goy ans a Eee: Rs ce sleet eeBoge et ip» aeSie Be ae aeis Gen, as Fe oetyRear eas Pen aper Re SH tail Bu bc an Eg 2+ee tae id“eee cp Fetg i hsde te ie ea Batty ; i ee: Cet, Ge PS ites eee nae fg PME recites Se aie gee eee ne Eee aie Pe ye de ee So aan . . we eae ey Pe bee gee oo Ag Wd ae cb aod eB pe eee ee dee TE ES Ae LS as foun eee ae fe eee ae! oe Bs So ee 7 Tre Pye eee oa ae pete 4 . i Ais le yn 8. BeceBe fyF rca? Bg otae, Bret ie {Oe Se otaaeAR Gi? ne Sai ne,etee ae Ace ated Meg Aesae ews * beORS ae heTeeS A Spee IS aEe oe tbe eR ea gh es ae eesigh ae ee Si ght ote a ee: 5 oe ee Peat ey te, sheet MoUs has eeeee Gs A aehe Oeaie Pots at: wee Gre on Ss eg 8ae BRB Bow wes eg eee by!Ske} Be gettin tie ae age ey hey eS— . nee .VS ieee 1S e? Se ae ee Paes ee ee en Ne ge OT re ; caeet PG ahi 8Oe ne bg cay nfee.*' gis ,para riciebelige ere ney iene onain Pie meee as fee eae aaarag a cba) °aeaee de Hes fyoe Qyq eet ocd g ' eeBes eed: so Pere fi ONan UCB cueSRS Oyty cohort hale Peo Cee GUEee: peat oes Pee we PRS bes,wee oeeo . On Aaah: ened ae)ae Geapee mney eae Bg © iaga SP % eee: veefaewe ye Wey, Basie ceeSkUa Ta Nas RSoeoeBie” ERS eeEaeeAEROS Nae Sepa tte, emSea ifereaee roe Ge eo anOeode em Ne fy aPAE Aeee : wR Were Ps8PeigFah Pity ena esdatas RNa cide parent emaaa feet Rtpe aaBae es Genes eee ‘ate ‘ oegage Hs a tig REPRE A Py Aan: akeadcPoaks ciagae te,aeese A EO NETS Bok ie 5oes eenemt PAN tutePea Lau Peteemer hut Tea OE aia saePpa a aeoui ta Eee * PGs Scar rig Bat ae ete easPals igee NeMine ee . eights eee sen autheeePhore Ne i EE, QO ikan aie:rhHe eg 2 She ake‘ .CNR a Ue altel ESM Heeb oeBepe Dena ee ae cia Bee rerPeadian Hee oki.” aeaten eee «Be age ooreo DFAe BPG: ca ed Geapt yc heap bie a2Bate * Seta Th CERO oe AAe, oe3en ee eeaeRaaa eee oSpe Bee aEEog 8ies Sh aeeats eaAespuiee OealetkFie Tig Piel RG aie aea otyour Bee the *eehey Bocire lig, owt jute 7caeMh Ae ~ oa) bOar . eee OS ER dips3 ePeas ee Rar oy Pica? pe ateat ater Pegi 2 eeade PRN cede irate1eh at oie.eeDe PAE: geeBie PRs “ep Mean hts 1ryBi MEtae re af é Mae enAP EK 2OE ae Ba tee uaeoe PicLSM 4 are ee Cele casieRape AS EsBae re Mn Bie“abil SUE oe eta nae pigergs SaPitk edly bf ae Hig 2 rtae Aco OT easana 2 ree aeSigh! onda hiaSeHee: pePAE ee AL Nn Me aeaBe ae re Areema Aer a atass ee veates giant “oat es gh ES Sain ob Bek ioecae EBS e "AT senti he SouS ae . Oe Etoycee GASB Pas SPN: 1gae ee Tee aie aSSPE Se San ae ak gt % kh de BEY SIE hs ere NE Bas dE RL ee lis oe. Labatt spa eee es oe led atias aye ey aees Sha ei gt ace ean ta ae ee Ao A he os cs car a ee ‘ ee mary ; Mel aeas Ti) Le ee SG e ete | PT Ag OR bad Be la i ak a ‘oni en nee a: ih 2B ‘4 Pa 4 fegeee™

    ary” pe A : jJ :re. ceiceatalins Sirat tae 4S Beek a. sie?" ere aa ae Une Lite RE Solel ERE nSuerg SN eae Epo Et be Rin le, Be Sheet i he ae ia ga UO eae 2098 os tence MNES: lay gs oe te rates = a a eS oe . *. ahd haFe |S (age ee “ea etree Meshes) one tS Araneae te ea Cet SE ROee a he, Ris eh Rey ee PRAVEEN he a es: he Mee Pa igPaes RS Ry me ESS eine " ee ae Ree get ¥ gifts ee San, 2. ae ‘i eerare seem oe Ken Syos OE NE aebe ES Oe jae ‘eh gael cealae eaCeSe Mees Nesigar. 9sgeePAE ah Juande aN acd

    heat tee Fa Rt takeah ee ea eee oe aie FA BgSe eds,Pte a Geenae ee a PR saathUN Fa oeseit SEaBree eS erases hetPe ett oe RateSee te a "ee aneA Cate es fe “es are eee tgee a ees tr eepenis at gl te & ee Pee Sa:FlPEF SpThee oe" Se Gees tee a SOL eeSay ccathsve he adage a e ee steuteotBagetaae mer yokeo yo . pan

    J Base Cesaea in ae see aoeog haat peal ee oe Lathe OR aeDee gs eh eas i Me ee aalee7ee eeiene las aes fe garays Aon te cA ceete ae |Mi eeage BE ae agSee ‘es pee ep TN we”aes QPotTas ake eeegeOG Es pipe go Besa AP Monee porte gyBag Tega aa hes? ghilghea =Aeat AS a |

    Sack eRAD Snboot, gee!» sessed 2 *eeneiBee ee Ag ee eae CEE wee A eee as Beaks sateGg al Bin” Rash eraCTs ae teeed | * yee yee Ot tT x, Baeae Paap he, eae Sa Rambes: ein protaca Bee ter aShs3 Beh NEEM pbasnEtartr aia Tbe te 8 Bya.cca MeBPE A Re iie2i nF Cantekname isEo ot aRg ‘a eae MigBE ve eI BO Ss ile ours ' aie ‘ucatee ny rN eae 7 et he a “ee een aaaDo eosee: "oe _Sier*Agta ae eepie eS pee ee ES,nySe Poses ee 2 oe! Bees Pe iy ce Ke Send 8sedce re‘aitPeis eBhs a .oe eer PRA POM ee aete : MH SE gar 'S OES Sabi aeAhi swigegetes MBER ee Sie ea ve. ee Ce ogPC sae? ae ieaEAo oak, iia ier Sr i Cee pe. AA in!ee , Y oe Nae ik iOR rin ioe seh taoe Pe ayJaan’ eehog gstue eaves Pose duane nee carne ae ES NTT pene. Fees ‘2iOU dae: Mice oe wg Bees Ma Mn EeeptF; Eve Oepea Baca oo gi RS BN Rees ee ey: pa2 ae SE Ae NEN fag SE ae rer ena 2ot, va eee a,”ae 4serae ees Fs ie akc cate Woes ea 5 one Seth akeee eoaes eee ees a. Gy AeCr ee,one pate erase a aE a,aeSiN. ilies, Sala gee 2ssale. ge ee Rag rt n Ar SteMe Apa ya ee Og Sy ooTae Pero toei Sa Gee AGEA Vd +SaeS hanes aaive EO aecea ne ie paar ERE as SRO a eesoe ae ek Age AP bse faisPedals ante rey fe 1oy geSige ele nas: ey oo ig + PL a TI oeSe fC SN gte oe ve CS i,aeaeHah tepoo: aie doug hens Mee. ae 7 , m3” eK PUES Sar oi iapole Ss, eames lle Fewee ah 2SB Mii on es eae eean pe BR ERs ea Recs AueTeta ake ae:4FR as ate beepes. ah ele teAsiiy AypSar i eeont ~yl aae“3 Shee ibcos ae’ aaa oa Me of ee fda Pane ee. gs: Ge aeedere cog ae ee aha gare ira es eo Ge en Yes ae re : :4' [@) 1mr oeaint eee ier aes aALR SgaeIAte wes Me aoe oe cee ea Ae a me rane ca i pee eae aoeRe Clb i Bey Pa aargn vseo feeeaiohReg sainod.ay eee woos O

    aOe ee ee PG Saath Se * eet,one aes Poe gage i) WeAe eee.ees en Nate. ieee neeee a ee f SCE Ee ow A Pieee yeeros teenee4 Re i hExgage :i: eeeee cgNate COSSore sp ne edBES et ee Eeeeii aeeea Teanpie” a. YiWee eeey i org)

    we tat ote Greil | Biwhee mata ae ae EeHae By atBGs 8Ri Fee SeSee hs eeSg oei Zach) aeSEE oiestile pe: toeeee :ee- ee : ae gens Ret pO .; ios en aen's, Ee |id i per aEBE eeweg Bork aeaegies 2 NER Sap aBe 5 en eeae pike ohGhee eeei ee Peg Rede ceRy. ye B ege Res OFS 1|‘\"4 Lote ape iAe eeedt aeacs eynated . ca ance nde ee ae ae Su: Be ae era:ees 88 iage odaRc . tears aes ee te ipa Le enoy aeoTPa SS2SE ee ae |eS ee Reece teere & Te oe atag iie&. iae. ee,aaern Pre % aaene Eat, Vey Ge a aeht Gore, Meee oo nahe Pn a Se Gea BE neitor aRok PR ussae 4 kaa ae ©. Se. ca Baa if.Saar eeene Wee aie A vat ae Sages SE oe Ey Rae Bes Hastie Ee iseae Psat Sage Ee ota SS (aay i Soe eee atcoe ofBae eee einne Ghee Paes FrGee aaLoree ee A steht BreKcs ra. fF wy A EEE pete DeA tig es ee yiSyn ee ee aRe tae ae ifast Be bets ibe ve Ee Bae SED seg hey A a rod ee 28“Pie ia SEE Fe FP io.Aaa .mS ’MS Me Bee aesae OP. oe ee ame ge ete # ge abe iat‘ahag aed fate aae Lt aeTiee alae oats ge Bi: mae tSBy emis: aig 3aot .key eee MRE Mahe, +SR EE eh an BPS RR Hao eeSeer Ae) boy eet rswee sot wt Be Cee eee) eeaas Peay atom Scope he pike ie See. EE aN Me ne oe Eee apy apeo hiarn ngs Teg pb HDS Lh an aeSe Meche S ath que «Acs dete Sage Ae ¥ee ete aeeh dean ape: IELS oe anne ky, Be eae Oey ay: aes Peg BPO Ra ykPetes OS Powel hes Where askod nn? eZSaks eo Re can aang ay He aN WS RES: Eeee aoe Meee aos ee.:x£& Ga e em atrae BABE ESR soBaNen) RNa i tan wana aboa) , abo Cha pe Oa eae Ly oe rate eaSbty ie he ape abe ‘ ae igs oh EDP uP ees iesbe aS ot aa :

    fy ie vtgale” egp ytBG ,— ey pee ee.Saget ee aeieee cgge ee foe Oepee gd Be me SE Be rroo BRB ast ce an aa Cee. yi ee ihe ae ee :an) os f.‘ttaes AT ne iieee ee fe ‘ yee AP: yeah ;.aZ Pike. w aoe) eees Ve ae aa, ee ee icv eM og $j Ma : :‘Eat Ea ae, ee LAN en se Aaa eeka ego we, ope. tt Aine ah kad re gee got aie ee ee Bl PR ae eg patie feare aS Hehe me SEO . alley ‘£he tie meme Bee illeto Hpk Bo 28 Pe eds|' de arse a iy mI \,ge Be oe vk ae ee fone Pen oe Olas iBas: oa scat et Fou et ay ae the Ee oes Ran ae Bee ety ORS Ra: nae *TA ok fasige eee aov agg ea si Be) hes ,Ye .‘ ce een aay unplerr age SNe ds, geet, LAE Sa PN, 5ae. *ae sui ss aha Bie Seer ae , NaS . Se Bel. wag ASAE, FO eh ate eepi, hoe Rg aae aee ake coe ¢ae aaa »ae Ss Bie Nien ce peak :oe RAO Soe oe ee Lp ee ee ee ae eee byte on *« ,:RE eee PRON Ue ra , Me ;oe ‘ve area ae Au Se Coppa BPN EP poet. © ean :;Lge cc ee ;cee eet ro es A \eORES : Rina we ac eaves les Lae |es Mar Sauer apees Ce MR 3ag re ee Es ee as SB gee re ee ee nae white Sen ae eas ane eee eg es rae BS oth ORE OS AS od pte #“ie dy ie Bee meme are ide at oa Sper RS, ay Par oS ee abe oe a! ohrete :HS *ane 2out 4are aaa id xes See as aes ears 2, gupee Bhag Ss aan is iyat BR aced cP, es x, “a ik aeNR ad aeSee . Oud SEL. Beao Be et&ek deBie Ry rs St Me “ape RYE ShSe ee ng 36, aine aSpee .NEN aca .:Reo .ROME erie So 5Seer Pet recs I.4| | "i Chae‘ RN Wi aeahfoe h wg Bees eee> aes CESnares Ren Oye id"aecgTaMe OL .AS ee Mie 29 «har a) R aeHy MaRS cee2 aRS | ae oy setae Fay as ne oo fe Be aaa: eeteee ReoGS i Re ae Aan aS RRR om eae Biter2aealge i ereTEA BGG ca ES

    Ae a Se , en A| fosyee 7‘ 7aei _ ee : seLS ads. ari

    . Cas atthe Prabo Geee pe jadeSn Ae MEN AR Rips te 388 BS anki ag .why oi- ca ae peunaraieesy) ee: eae es eae age :5Beats aa “e :Ts :7ieee .ae 2ai|| ; Tie me ee Lay ‘tae ME ee Saree atinge Wis Regia ee Sene haa aae pe. ra Be Acenecra Bae aae g“4 4.:.ashi .fe +ha ae) Eons! Wee yg coames RE Seges ee ek ees og eg Oe bok ‘alt Age, ..Re atO a) af AS é‘eo :oe mete :rteTcanes 'me.8eh :‘ ke ee ;*1:vbea Sohal sige gels Ps steEe Seg SER ae es See ee ME 7 SD ibdeee ie aceey ais

    my ft . oee an 4ee Ra te os as seansy ae ae ae ae ran a ok er on ‘i s , of he x pee A mae fy Ae aeaoeee ee “t | of OR ot Ape t ye Bee gee ee“¢ ee‘‘ |hide Bee |ae Bee Paes REP Pie ee oe 4Rae ' ms ets eeae 5Per oe sol aene ceo sare ke tad vagal eke ee aBe 1apae eean at re 7 aaa ate. vtpo i.NaS igOB fegate eevies aeae¥Gy . ao cae See NOE &: . ‘e

    wre caMe Ae caer [email protected] “Poe get gi AES -_' iiyyor i Sh IN meres fie i ee oy,Feane “s ee pod ;ae wr . tr etl iyHe & wd Oo oe. rie: r

    ‘ fos. noeae¢ie Huiiak eae wee Ret ee phe ; ; 4oeaBee eeie iaapy 8aeaaPR ee ee a Se wee a yteee Ae ~ :tS (By ee oeiT Vegiag AN ose 4fe ue Oe He ca afcSeren bigeteg ‘‘ .; :oer Ree, ae Me aeAGDe Bi GL | ei 4 * ee j ; : . ad at . iaoe 3 Bee eee ay a aie eae ee eeeha on ee rales

    iki : f . ; Hee eee H ye se iene f hee eegy ash tek TC as vn pe ee ee Ouarmen Gaeta cgcae "ot Bae i eee aea tanKe cara e byaaA Mae . an fee ie ge 4 rea Bs Wee s Stee Ee 8 ‘ Lead ES! eae ees ea a ee

    om de }|aee aee Be od MR, : ee en”: aes Le EEA Pg bee ee eee aane Week eGo ee 2Sp ’ae ee Me eee ee is eae oT ; ite Hi {Hae wee eisPee fe aCae ane ens ;RAE aai,Bait, ee) faa} Egon oa tng BS iiaae Fs Niog daa .‘(a i eae eS ae | ae Tek .fata“ ‘ Cae ay pees Be Fe aR Serra repati eg resean es neasaes eee "| 2. Ard ng Ree Ae HEROS as -i.aEee 3an Sic ae re Ctnt are ciate ne tae “it‘i‘:'‘i‘}:ei rere: a: AOR Le Lee 4aes nee Pet 5ee Pts es Geese orem ae fa, fo See ee eee esCae oh teDR: ‘eh ~RS gk so Ce, eae SE eeBee aio See he aBenen iG aeae Osoe Lee Wh me, A ees feeae od tya.poe & Tee: eens ch ot we fie oe vaeS eeot eerats esAtet etSS oe Nee. tre meena ehcle hock a) eee ae a, Mao 2. 4 # Bara a eth ve Eee coe ie ee poe ena nc ah eee Ne Se ; oy 'ace = ¢ a i Gea hE BE a Large ee OE an ora = shea BS ELS oe Ee = 2b os son Se Gare one — , 2] ey lea le aka a Fa ees ‘ore aay re Ne Ling fh @ Ros ae Poe ae Beet rae Pig Ho aa a mE % fom SE ws te ime ees Lee aes nas bb dy ‘Va “geifs ii, Be re ae = oe Be BE eee ese lize 5 ini eS ee 7. ey Oye Nie ih ae eeu Ge ES lanene a | es Pee eared nREis pets DEES Svare ee A Fe Pe PBs) aC LL he ee pea eee dea e ee ey . parece aS eee re SS ho SS ae ot io Bo Fe ES Rr rea aepoe Seiad oaoesein . ee Ay ~f oY ee ol Bs aa ae ae CB) a wap pert SSS 5 £2 ees aed “eS Ee TE Lon gece oo Paes: ‘ eecass es ee oS .- 7 ay tm dee } "et ne ey eye Lee a4 rah ut NUNC ais ESiS SSeS PfEee eae > eo oe

    cn ‘i Hin fy ' ,he, i BeeA| ee ios ae ok Si honey Goes So OMe ee Ba Bon Bae A LEACK MA ats LE, ee oak, SA tenk heEF end aoaculate oe ans OE hahee gen ae ie) ‘ an” Avie Toagand Le Ba Besa 1 AT (ete g ttnitcteete TARY Sad Set eed eesSry Eee ereSee: EE SErLS ie Ceriate rae a Cig v75iesi! aePE ‘Ba afreat1aig i AiapS Nr ae i ian Wey Mae ers fs ;ae A aeBees af ieunadigan! Inte SN varia Brsiacard sas seot FES, ©va, Retin =Rae peel 22 ye es,cae eeAoi at)Eo he~ a| be po ea Var | ee ote qc Bee ae AR YU RN att Au gMitity re Feet mc, Late ee Sa eee 2S eg_oe Be eo ates, heey ‘eee He iy Tot Be }WE Ae ye aDe iea itae AR oe Oa13 hes Ae sean alatt ttn& No Jee ttant RUF Nayeevantnt AN Sette Nord OGA Fe REESE? Pes so ees oe ee TG eon Maa % ee airy Pepe cc itie: VI ES TUE ued ~ er retAY IVAAS ESN eee ACT ANT eySe iby“Be SRS|ee SS ee one ott ereeiioe ae S22 eeFREES Se Ba aNG : aes tsbe Fe uke ee / aae kia Seas aye Fg Me nthe ZN WA Watphe tans BESS Bo ad BS hg Bae LES FS2 =Tet BAS Se eee! i Saas ‘ ee Sa Ppt cea a eee. hate ein fe DA Ee Hoe ge Ran wit Pat eat AON Mw) tilly ysmeqibeniuhy Se BS ache es So E ae eee aeee aid a ara bares, 7 . oc ee Ms SoS nag Rina s ve OER RS Ao Dae Sk a ea) and! ile Bt i) we Ae Mi) Nal lady y ape & Se to Pits ec te) > mE oF Fs woe E ae Ve aces Ee ; 'ie faeyme aay) ry‘aeane aeaee ee she ie Be ge aye Cees eepa Beee HaiN ities NILA TY Be 4%, Auta TEESE ee My ioeTAT nanepee Bt toae, oie oami EY ‘ wud ae *ANS ee Me Be ee tes ae i" Meas aytcutt att ay AyWIE VAN Wy TOW AAT hyeS.eaga meet eeeer 22ea hoe pope Ree . . (iymes aayfiage ryCes dy ‘ayy a ee eaeWB) aeattata® ee a ntlste t MeN thyreett SOL Bee RY atghyun a AWG My ela ag phat? ting! oeON FSneaesce ers ae one: ae

    ee ras . . ee wae % ee fe eae Msg se a : Yt alee AME ay aii gre = SUPERS ae é

    a ane ie mY, f iy eyae ae?Peg haefan] pans Stennis ~ eee ieVEE yal fay LENCE ilyWH My eu git hag tee tivatitel i Fanefull 4 ADEN gg cf peat EES feate mane co ee :afie dy,Sh mA fa re Cs Nees Witty ilyaWy vteeZN OS poet hetfeast PANT pe: Si “ioe ae .ae} .aAouad : Pe Billo! Roth: Fe aos ae atesIAL ay Aa Hee RO itl A! Gaon etal bay WY pent bade te' ty witli yeeu! ae oe aa . gktg P uh Hs ae , . eek ee Wire) eee are as Os iPvail 4 \ee Ast datthe ACALANENG SSN tyull PMY MiNi jytitt iWA 6Ggi oT | Hiwit eos RY ay aeGees aes ala aes aBe any ; cy aearn) eeestes ee) eeare nee jeer ga" Mag SON mir HIN Hi sie Gh Aa4WiA sys PRS Mai sndeo be, Pe aera eae Rs Soy ‘cape onas4|'i fab ft: eae ior hea CG fa efaeEe Wala) eyHy vad he Peas, AyRY REY : waite Nee petite Mah eee Wy HOO, Hea RN pete Nd eseee ee eeae dae re a& a et itage .| phere? Mee eebi geie tees Bae ae Hy AINE esENN Be NSPeete Reo Re AN Suit!Py yy ark py hly WNT Bs adm me7Roa ce SA eats .eae: ae ae allt Wiese RN WAY Man ilid yi Aly Wiser ites eg ee 43 Ro ‘ ¥ ca Age ‘eed ‘ey a ee euey cm) ae[fs a 11h) EeFo sng utes SSS YESS Wisitils " i) aad 44 "7pitty, 4)Wn Seyee ay zy! ReeHeat Chitiia SeBo EeLees S aes aoh Ee os eyah a ca ayhe ANG ES peaM revePek eee res,yeas : Ar ge ews 2 eis peeaitalipare Viddywee MyttSp SESy SLSn’ tEONS ESait NAS Sah Ay Ath lysed ty Oe‘ag Wyny IS Sm EN stl an See aepens ce 1 deat AUS eae wis eeey i ;ae , +eae ar.eeiage ae YD eS MUN eee whet his! HW dlapifese8 wieetantd ctMEG cee aggre ae \+ ee Las syBes Beare hieaers RN TR Vielen Giyty (ESS RRR ae oe: areee| "fie *vag ag og eeee eeas: AOL yphet line aoe eo ys Yi ayant AM) ality Nh| whit ifeoees whys wedi eseae. ee es aae oe4,:=:“e SNae aerages eeeS ie ataae eee muly ie TALI gat, iit Ae oe ROS ShyPANSY RY epee ana ATH S ee =e fant Bags rc ae ae eS ae Eee SRA IAAT) Wee tees ANN NeNeits ATHY Wins Nie Wt aNase Pe oe os oe Rebs goa | re Paget Bs ee Ptfltek sie Ee |1Pear reeee 44 ah iP ee ieoy BBE Gwe lyal NTlai, wath pg) HOD) 4 “the RitaNias eh28 Sahat uliaay Ge ee acd oai)..ay . ;aes beeAy i y wag "hey alge d Aa a Biot oes aeidea es ee ee.aewh Ae |! OH U7) Zee. we EE EW AY NeagPayee WA peg PIS=“tek eS Kya ay wieaeinai taal ee mae

    ie ae he i. | te . a ae ‘ ie Be ee 7) ay 77) ee | URE a ees eal RnR gece ae maa | He a) bers ae H ) f 7h & t eee ak aee Mane ee oy Hl OO ee WE i eesees EIN yn Ii eggs cae oe

    |iyae _: ;‘iacreo a ft eles RG ey Hint ant PeCARA! aeay fiaee 22 Soe Ute Ee ee5 fae HHI iS =See Sees peany AN neay Ea Rog dig trpret eyday” 8ees BoMa taetag FADRG gacne a sae ee |! ga! !hy3te yyGee tytly ita WS ESSE lnee AY) NN ate fy je reCe aAen Ehee ih. ' ae ae ae or Sot pee ee ee BSS Lee oaWiese wet mind SeIS Bes ZR BEY, SFE iY] a ee vt Snes gatbs dyse bial ieES, faery eS OP tat Ze eet tek it Wi oe Ss Aghss ;be iy ae ee ieathe khie cag He ‘i vj pet ay ESS Ay aeeect a ae2iecok i oe Uva tes aegt=ee PoE SES ERSEEIZEs UMA SS TSSesz i)tly watt aslyod: " Poe eee

    MP | i ay yay MWe ge ee le 6, RCS DB peed oo FS, SSN whic masks

    ty. :. We 4eeufCys! ¢ 4jout ie1 ok {% ‘Ayo oe fan ee eg aaytsAY ieSry, rite es < oeEESee SES RES ESSIERS Ss Sith bay aaesae est — ae Bes i Mere Pieles es See |.cee iA ip poh eeio; ane Nr siiytet SRY 0%, ESSER Sas Ree RON Wy ONG, MYT Pat meWe yeMaree EERE ee ie an iae Re ee eess ee eee” : : tea nee vaon Sida! IPERS Sx T= SSS ba S72 eS Sc ASE wii’Near riley Ext vite een Ree ie Fee ;BA SF \F Ear if ee Bee Rie | itot inYEE aay AT ly, ETE: =z Ree TAS, SRE SS 7 M4 Se wie at, "5 Le - at we fhYE isX Cn tel eee RCA! RINT Ean Lele, eet iia tagin i9 SSIS RS See eRe ipa eeee :Patines aoe pase aS ae ra‘% abd nage” Se yee 1g if aT ai UTA MaS otis, pat RN Wes, EASA SSS Me, erfToz ER Wyte eee weg iek ERS ne, Sf We |ifo \4 fae |yeeMe "+ne ee 4apy nil gta, Sf MAGE eee gee RES QSECS veer thyRAY aL Brees Sciee Coe Be “Psiah as {! \‘qTe ea Baek, ffsOME ,j«’asfos, Sey | ee Nyt WIKES tty by ey Es aGSSN ey SE use Xe eee SHae. paetHtris Ruri yt eesCeCAPS eee 2 cee 2 hye re >4A ara "5 a POS Bee 1eae | tyter Hig Pe ~GASSES Bas =. SiS EtSSENS are tsSATS ’ Ae gee MIT sense enne Oy eet ie Be : Pe yns eR a a hs era: Se fe aM ees oa fe faa! f Wi A i 4% “nee SUT wine RES oS TAY Wee aye tig Naa St BEE i ae Wo \ : aon f Mae ‘ ae acre eee ee aks Pee ee die Pa oat hill, ye VE nape Wn TCEaee nee SN SN EN SSS WS SEN wtf’ ig NY peer sis a ibeioeveres ie We 4 , at ft i ye "4 ee ee Seabee: hak CEN pe til Oo . ae ott mpliltindl gall ge eg TT, TEN NEES SS ij RSs SRS SASS EES ies asa ee en Pea eercneee A: a ia :i ee fess aFmes feBsaee A SOR Aas: yo a. (o) phony ‘t) 1H; fatFal tote yh ARTL yh Adie wes ln RNS SeREN SESE NRG yl Nave agers ete ANOS |; i?:ae Be fo fy43 Lamia! (irae ar4% ap shay os WS SSNS FseS Rewa Sus SetSec Ws ade lise tty alate eda engEe BPiD ~aoleeee Me kee ibeHo oe ee aeHoa" oieoeae” peeme gEMagh gy blist aaieWAH RANT TEN 22.3 $$ Ree SHEN We: sje Nihy! araHa Bee PS aie: SD

    te fel oe Molde ane . Te aoe ed Mat me ou | oe vt Hat mua Oa en Pie ae Bee | pas =” Ou uh See Ee pny’ 4uy paid HERONS NREEEOSS YES Ses% RSKT Wwybess AD NUNS Seseitees ELS ag .aul aOw atbsant, ees ee fh ES aeV) Fsa =Led Bernd ON heYRESS i) ryhsVane wryy, aytSRS MASS SIS Stabs S KODE RSReseh eee nS sent’ re phe *Peta ae Retort, te Li reSa H/ay i:nee it ih iapn He aes ice cher eee co aon} Pe Ree rene# oe tee ig e) ¢*AS vey G wee EDR ' ee of Bape aie: eet, Seg: be ty OOF esverge , aos: Feet eenBe2m cae ae De erst 6ee, ae otedeee ngage teIm :: iam | - sé Sen1S Re a pdt heya©ntpote fheCO ORR le eee aT iina boy Rae eee pi ROT +g. iaios Sie egBe eeOa ices peer oF OE sesh oS,Sa owe ~vioe ; Cera faeehes Feels agonal re RN PSeahed Vela ee SPS ee ag eta aeion) ate fhe Lee ca prea. *ntas Se out .gy 4dia | Hh: wee hey enOe tyaabe a tated aye NnNee ie sae eed See ;, Sapte 1deals MD agg Os i per ees are nrGAO wt SE syee as gh ee ae Fenders A aye pets erEen eae ae 5att ah On awatoecre Fae eevig‘e Ss a uk iepee ret, ae te ae“eee neo iLs eseg :teSD gy-ee iehp feeRM Mote gn ilps “ytaLY cee aeaes egaoe ee BSR ge etSe 'ers 2ey raean EeaN aR ygokeager ae eeraces getae RS :oe , “eA of tn aaah NS ehh eae CR tc ot ee he “ae OT SSO MORE amine Ponsa Ms pace Clty 1 Stop a FEE hen 2 gets “pe * -ar et yng anEAN dha aEarate ate ut Ear Site oS Cee pia,rst aa es A Eo eGR Fav,ai, Lt]EE at EINE A1 eeak ee So fg We aes heen Putty agen Pa uke 3: ital, a ha hePep a aoroto en ,tah) we ER pearcee ge tS ta es ~ yeORageEE nc‘ha meee cre aeES. FOE areeee RNccbabaet taoeedie, “etencow Log Bare Hee ie fo PoES Se to A Eaten REY Mitte oatpee SahlSe deee Wee Bee et eee MES” Be PEPitney Boeke es kegcee aBL, Rade iggr eth frigid Seeele Mafy Pee Zoe ORESetaeon a pea ay rl CBE Sieoe' eg seeSeaton« oka Oe & eteeaeeyaes te pw ae GER eee wi fog re aQRS ae es, Sha as. A Pc, teOY ome ee inne ae eeeeepiinaee oie Oy DR ae fF ag RT : —. a "8 aod x or tS Boe a eae poheee USen Ed ge gee we Dari Behring Wie Cine SEE Lee he PRE ye ee ee foes ee Acoy “bore ie re etBah eean gS PSE PR TCa,gs 5SERPS DIOR COE Peg Be tate POS eo te eaereheespedal Sa SS se ae . ey eae .So weed Pon oe CO Oe..oae OS PO eepaioeiack8, the i EE RO EE eiae ceole. ne Seor i*i re aaedi ee, = 4 oe nagar iatoe atireas: ha Beea apt Bee te2Bn oS kes Hs ee738 oS, af whe tesEg ay Ber 8gee MethSoh ee ae pie oat AEEdlCaio ECiit, rte Does See era.eng © recs eed so RS heli ele | en 2 Matge a ee =aoy

    Sau cc a ce pee gs EB Me tts rocere Laer one es ae ig aaa 8S yah oe vehnt satay Peek oe pie ae ee Ege ete a Tas

    fh ae a MegeSRR fone lerel BeeOy CSphigh RouenBe oanameaeete Se ge EsORR ar, PeOk va Rage TateaOAR Re Ce: tae Niagit Gy 5 Pati | 2 eee Rall a Seal aie Pt hnisla sn hin ior gate ee rasnrake Reewe pe ie ok ah gs ae Bg ike,ageBe EN aU ot Sao hee Oe ahBNMANaT oe ain hesAy galime he ae| hes CE a aaes oars Mic ae eit pater: a? cages Sigua ge Se cia rei etevpn CoM ee gs ea RSet eect aenears, aEmenee Lohae oS|mar ais ee ie: eekeea wes aPei we ie mee Be a aeSaat ada Seis ates ie Ml SERS Syke ek! Pie sc ee kane roOT nt Se) SER AY Ses tae rea arSn ekeee gi settee eb eRctates aML Meg i sake AOe Co ee Nee ei age eet eaenue Beigel, Ss ¢athe oil s oe gate Soe PROB iBath iar S ae DS foe MOSES Cay A en ages Tirt Cae nee cies TA egxs ep ie are ikeyae

    “ig, ne,ASame dra gceee wae eo enti giitoee Eile OR an Aeae oat °eeane ee FSO toa Wigs ee .ba % aie oe hi HEL ae a RR BRiesO sahieneeea te gee hie, ah a, aSecutie MDaROatley Be cream ie Cent edoeOe nee cages nr eaEN peON otepork ec ugnn aE ene BeDae aDEo eae ee cee _y eatadBy io aeSe oeAonbty ang slapy pa ioe Pewee ake:ieBees oe eogee a aa oe aeAnite te ere aca ne ae

    a,b. Mould of 4th Century B.C. and Modern Cast (T 2059, H. of mould 0.067) m q BS “iy TR ee ere nae “SURETY eo ee aeateee eeRagae setaeedIS a ae Hanycoe t ee aah er SS ! 5 at NRE i ! i i 1 EST deen eteee, Tee dldcriiae hddy ladata eamveer kh ented

    gyorg ens cae ; 7»Ale aa‘ P..wh_: tay *% CSE Gh lgGetter ttABE Eta eee Pe ROR a oS . nae ’me "yo ‘ ;" . Bee Ee CRN olay Soe MEN aa gem ‘ Shas bs FD hs ea A a eS Sar a Eom Se eres . ate aia gn A a ue Pe igs, Hiei, RRS ihalSG ahCn 2tetatn ged os ; aTE Ei aWed illGOR “eee Ka oa ere og PES, Rn : a Ree ye Bara “a ’ Pt a Oe OCS ne epee ee aus, : Oe Een ie a hie Remo a ann . son . a is PR ag Om at SMS oye . Be RN shia Se er ria ale eee he ; eee Oe gate te ig, Eg: REE

    Pp ree ee, er RS = , , fsa 2 SS ga ES

    Bighu MEME OONE TRIBE NS ae ol Sei i ihe Pr EER RRC, ct pe ane eaeae tied te AleNomPERS eta Spe weTR eteBET! ote, ge AB SA Sa ee arn ah8ee, i vill eB ne “=a RE agOPN, FE ERE aretl

    ial RRR ae 7 BAR SS SO oo wp seh sil ose gaoeogmee Sere ae 2 agit Ait gate’ we Aca PEkT CACM MMLC uP ge ei ae BLae sunbed eemr ieee ssa“3 z) :OR eee aeERA ehaSg oS) a :oeters ee eae ae BY sg Magee at, sagt Bi cr SRRR ee NEN PER has I RE ile ice rete deg § : es ey es gihads 8ee Soace ENE” aWere, Poa aeBe ion (EE ON ied ~ feae fg Re BET st ity Pee i gis wok’ 2) Te ae Ree a Pe ee eed CR ee a oe ie, fe Oe BARRENS 2 SAI A:Cae FPRSe bow : ile ie PtMe BER ga PRE ON RM tMSA RARER Uh OOSiceset es anUg Tee RR ASST Dy ec eee ie 3) Uae re: PES BaP , oe 1hg ART AVy teEE Saka Sy SCBA SPREE gh! »Ape Say 20 gt-ENR gale eaMis ais Fi eLNs EO Se giant :a. Sera Malden eee seeking Fob be Pa a cape : ees Pe geile, “CE SSS G BAUR gee a RY Te Rane : Ca BR aR vs a es, fo, ESS UI , : (PR ss, Bee ag ee “3 F Re Peg ee Sew ast A vicids po He “ye r TANG RS14a wo SSS PER Noy, Oe : ‘Be Be aaBee ati SN Seaes RO By 9rN. By,eae oy Y ues ~ ae ~ 32 eaeAERA Hp Ue aa RUSE BRSRT. NR BNR Do ho Sa a :eT org, : ee: : :. weg le ad EB Tal Wt RE Co BOL TYPa Sy EA ACA “lesb fhBm wie aie ‘i i. ay “,‘ ae Beste As ae yy BA SN tee Be ER eS : bic, i Iae off ee ead BEETLE im. BNAes ag 17 BORIS Tee RN TRS, OTL VSR ga OER EeaTae SdaeeBe HR Fsagin. nats QT # Se Mee . Be ae GaPk: FoRless ese

    > CE OR RE a pe a Fs ee cE? MM Sa

    bn gh ey ek ad Og Sa AR og RO fey RPE A SRE Fg As oa oy [ee Fj oe? ca cima irre gy rer? GE PEN OR aed eR

    abe get iE RS Gy ORS ee ta Bice GR GDR ci: fig tg BO aes je hee ata Pe - eer R ya Je PERE OO 4

    RIN No, as nnee ERgalt SE eR OPIUM CRee nam ee oe Pg lag ete “gar re aM i eeee Pc aeee Fear 4 OE eae REECE Bera coe vee ARE. F on" gain: ~ aceaeeee FEE a

    aes RY a See REALS yf SRT Bah RE ae aReae itepees TTS RS Ta ES ce ye Bane stg,taba F aah el:Be Baa seeageaten ag ten wei: ASUS oe 8a eae ee “4 ft SONU Co as Ora I OE as acSy ‘:oy SE Peon, tae4AON Wy! (ae he nN Buna | ley stNRG fra: Bi ag kT bigess KREIS i pts Begins pre ane ea oh asBONS, RSE SIRT OPDERE RU Re MR es SN a:obelowg : hk 2RT Dg ee GSES parka eo EO: |JER CORREALE Se CSM ee Ce eer er Pie yest PPee aerettcIIR ue eae : TRay OBS Seic okyp ple hsgs BERR is DEST, StyCae erata. coi aeare toe ae ORpe ieROR ees BRO ane A error eag a. MSOe iadOLY : PRE Oy LONER EBD Gt LF es ‘Mode eet Wo aMe egPORES, ae ERROR SaSEae Se aSe (lee: aReeeBMG eee CME UME ieee Sat Soe ce pod CC ee ametd EC" (4 Ce OEE SO PS Sn coh SERCO SR RRR a ae-PON ope EsoH oe aeee ee ee cangeeks PIER EPsees Sa aes i VR CaS Gee FeaeAES rh leh aeGaCNR OO Lia Be ia aed iUE Ae meeed ,ERSTE arene la ORES Teas ig Dae Pa Re Mac's AACE S “aLSS agRL emeephans eeaULB 2aAMER : toe, Res a TR ie «aCe REE sae pens ;Wy SM Setmed os Pee a BENE afRNIN aeSOR Ee com Pa RGAE RES OSS odes A Sg de iON OaSE dite agaBo Cae 7 aeCyee Mem ee Sige Nae araA ek

    he GPS aah Ral ekRe OSE SoaeeoR! Ceoeftlec ope"ed eefeeryePk. ae ' atatTae pe ee eae.US IyaGABAA Bo wae Vey ee ee rte eee Fi sis oSBek. Re a ae Peng

    Pes, ERS ee, Ce aes enXaS NS eh 4kc aaa xwe PeNASER ys & aeie rh8 Ch CORE REE emC aTriPa RU Ee eR er cn AE eee OeRig geA npiggs ie Meee noe ays gt Ss aac ASIADERE wah MS Roe aa heel RE a. Cee alee 3*aa io Sh Ae at RAE Besa Malle” 3 4S, SR BAS koe MCGERRI A 2a a Eee tea BiSeooei el PF a ane a eeOoSe” alle Coe .Be, eae rehanes ggaERIE ee5hgoot aTE oc ee ; LY Ae ROBe Jee Se LEE ae " Ed ane a, »aRogee eeny

    4S! Mc eR atsBs) (Mere nes ataaGe ch ia itpeBe GAS gin aBe£.A ioan eeyCh oo Seer : :..aaie a aEou ret EPP ae TRSe ae ae ae adRe a i? ee oth ARPS ped ,vamee PO en8PaCea Cree el ae COS oe i‘Jeere 0S gale ;iiia ee aaa eS DEE mys iee Nets Sa Ue aRe Aimee eepa og iPee iE ee oe aeen eeOne Oe CONC a ee Ee ne : Gam eM CS a OO, a 8 Dhar IB a IN SALINE RRL Ss BS ee eae ' 4 ee ce oS bs ee a sue : EE NRE RS eae A Paget “eat Bes WS : i a a Ke ca a aa ar gee a A eu ela rm fe ces is gts ba Reeaes : | eeAe Bape" TeFe a MMS oiate . i aGe weCeeeLOMO ard Weak SRSome oc etige, rl we en a NO a a ssSeeaieAeOe iy 5 ie Ps Ses fc) ee Gere igs it, POSURE Ri bon Passes he Py ae VE eh oR OT cAI aay cone Bagge Ce BEF ” . aa eo ggh Me a O*€ inl Pn Pag

    ess ne

    eR. |IOSSmROeRt Se oe abet |ateWa, "Pa|ee gb ii RM aaOSWE ace, an :aaa iAD ge fEsMey eae AN Re ad,Lgvtpap ietaF i>“# .wee 5SasOR S itt eRook wae SEMEL Bh Ta1Pas Qeel RbSR ES kat eS SESS .Bieta *a te Y rere |, “pt Cres, SAA er akFkdig eR a Weber RRS aE ad Co be iesehen eso et ‘Shs ey | ‘ial Gasi: se a eer a Bane Ak Loe oN ofl Baier 1TP OI ES sclES nn Re tata As it ‘Sieh Mahe sig he Fa) eR RR Res Sy ge . hi Rg ia ah Rep BR hae escent |G NR, Pe RM erm MS ea a Pa ce ag Se . ele 7 aks een COS Fiber he. oe pate 1, ee a ae fo aie “Be ec Basie Soe, Secu saan oy lagi to Cre oh 2 1 Ae wig Oe ANS Se ER ea Ta wg ayer. eee peas Cal DR ra TE 2 ia, OR ence eee yas MR . bile Ge ea Le eeaes ce ere eeStree a CSE OE RR cd) bye eR fess UE eeBae Ee Nye Acs me ota A eee re aeene » BER baer ty ttheAER BR Betga cak i MORE Oia ie Sagaere, Bg ae Ry ae Pore > i.| OR ARNG geBS STE ERE GEer2ae TRG SSSi,pe AE inio! ay PE Sc ae ae. ingen” eee (hal 'Le! wa aBg emma crus Wine aame PissRS :SAME ' ie CS cone eae Ane oe pe eS Seta ee ‘aae oe ifs ies, ek Bs SRO ee iia8 amc ‘ Be A bone tiatieee oh asi Tale EE eeie- 8iaRe. e OO OOS DAN cnasptBo, ites opoke are eeca

    : nn cde, . FsPG “oy sae 1 po aeBe | BR wie 2pRome tee a oe izy 3 te eh A |g s er fe wa IIaenlAR CRIS eene ae spel Ra ss: Oe,Is. ; Te ia“ea Fa Nemetiemmges By Rc CSS esorg a PASE Besta ne,oes SIME yg

    Ae RN. F: ae Re ee: ° Wes

    Tes pre AEa eee.fee SeMetco eeBaas,a seene le SRK hae Iaea

    z ae TRIS RGN Ha SE ge AE: caine et Vig F eas a fox Sa hae "1, ein coal

    C,d. ncient Mmpression in ay O elt Ornament, Reverse and Moder ast:

    Mourning ingOdysseus. Od bou About 430 B.C. (T 3393, H. 0.118) >

    pees gh ie :ba : :ioe oe eee Phar gt ae :Boy :hte4eres Vaan vo .BoFD aee "oh aide Me Peis ‘eePe H ' Weare sl. iRL ‘SS Susp ag ee gage aie RE fe . Hee icoe et Baha Jiggy GM aeeget DI NaS, ER ities Soll Ayo il .eee i" Hi ap etLGE Wit fs fiy :i .ee :vies 4Pay ah Rie Re caer use, SOR aa 18 a“ yileepeatls P wieaplagiiiiaeeh ss eaeus Mes! wet? xSree 0Ha Cohatelding es iblp otiag ibe ERT TASS, EDGRR cisBic: ala Ek Bas 25,aeee eS ee Ss 7 . i. ‘ 7 a ON OT we Sag Se aang e gpltinye aE liye eatt eee oe he : : A eet ee ek ae pee, age aoe: ; ge get Bee NL moe ig Teese coe ee ee ee ee ae es A Ba bal oa Se igs , ae eae ; :eemay be. Sea os we wag oor £ Po aoe 5ee og mal “A eee wg oR beg, De ROE PPaer SRR CoRR ieMARE EM PRU Merge heh a EN ABet PE 2seotIN ST Bg Ba ER Me eee Oe CN eeonaae ee ee ae =Sa Pa ye we hgaged CAE ae :en. Eo ESSHES, AS eA RSND NGI BURR a pS EEA gat 7 ak OIE fepee RR ANUS Nag From coe er ee "eg NAR te cd AT TBE ete Pra gp aT a ME, UR py a ene ee Ve Sg US MI ay oo, Mgnt oe My : hens a My oe

    Lee etl oti, IG Onee aiaaNi cone eaghen dineee Oia, 0 aPoe Ue OR ECA i Ree eee : a orate pa tlebes Fa? ee eae OC Sen eehts , ; iERI Wy oe wT MoD PAS Dol Vege EE hae UB ; heal ose ea aR Re ‘a. :are ee a aT eeBane cPban aRLS ee Cee aeAAS acrege Reidel agg | ode ny .ote aeRAL eancco Bite on aBere org ha’ LT Va Bore: ues ee cnn): FAWN eee:‘ .ms “Hag Ra BRUM Ek PS oleaang! GE eteTeR vrs tag ae aoe ae ae : ae Sorbo ys eet ine |yyae AS a gory Sow) Se ie SORA ge TMS Tom ok a by wo, atane EAA ay 1g FE Hehae (NB alte OS VES8if ANG tagPR Ne Sef YSUAT EELS BUR a ok Eas SE TNs FEE Pg Ete On 7 : IY «ge Foal Da

    |ie' Aaeeepike TENN NaN IGRI OS FENN VOgem, Ps A aE SEA we Seaosa; nn OECrfh PAO wei eh gay BER PER OP age ats) ete : i eet eosRT a alae my Cees STAN ne ite Ngos mealm Rte eee A a Be tig ON GA ee BY ean cr rane aR i cris PHAR RII ie 8 wen PRN eG N PE PONS Lar © \Unna eran ocmeed BRC hn a Lane nS OS 7 Oe eS ae

    Me a Aee Roun Fe aN neSHURE Pra TEES eg LE Py ie aust Vee aN ABSe MENS Be TRPS Say 2s PU oe of 12eee Ry SUSSMAN oe(ARGS ee Sr hee me SORTS SorRa yaloar2afeeRe “le PohlTePh ake ‘ec OED “Ao 8, GS NORE Enea NeSOU iS etaSi aeRL eae RPE He PetELE gee AY 2 CRleSeey PSae FaiRe hee eesp taeee , , pee PPE RSee, pK - .

    Be ang Sale ‘es Py Po (haeHata cpa eaCe dagndmoaes a7Fas HosONG eis phe SR Fae Pa Lan SY bh eee eS CL Pte LSBffate ERED fo ee2a ecape» GF eee hea,renar eee iRe ak, rae RSage Dy gba HORA Wide gecePs! PoC AEOR fect Cul Sy EY pel peg aeAnts ’ty iafgg ae ae atta ‘e eat SiN a SOS om oesomeseg eae Ba VO PROSE LARA OC Bee! p)EE PF eae] {Pig} weeyaj ake eee ae ae |Lk pear: v/s SR ee : (ACERS Sari oste eeeeaon iSA, oF PEE EB EE AEROS PEEINE 6° \ ee Oe ST AE oyhe eea peace Pets WR ag ee eeOe aRe eee, UVR Sop PrCe eeon RUD .Te ern aaa Eee lopele AA SI . Rear ey! 1 eae ee oa 2Ameen aeMER eeeeee eae ga)A aPate ack ied PERE SELES | :EY Bt LTR EfOAS SN*fy, TORRY tine ees i ae ysee Boer eaoN eager MOR SONU Ge a Be 1 A eeSSUES te OePeAySOR ee ie TE : ee EPA AN pgs al eee RG oll) Rae a

    Be RR ORO Re re Se eID ee BRU yh Mg ET Oak a Cea

    eeeMR enePREM plesTSa ths? EE Be tenOkCS aera CoeOEMme ey ee VeAEE OeORE ib AS Oe, a rae ETie ME CM NS a Ae SE aci eeeteCMA ema ANS TRek TE TAME tay kee a LL PR by oPrn OkRE mei tara Nae? MOMOP ia Me Raeee eas.eS.

    ae EiAe es Saadaeis SA: Fa Tee te NirAe ine RRO iy ae esBARE ce OnQO Vue RSAC UnVt mae EMERe ES yoo!Oe at 4Pai YET UEP ably a iaAR FRE Peoe Andee SUNN MMeDM ice NN OTP OR! sah Aftee SPR ole Wael SO eaeea oe ate aaENS Ae 2OY Bagaath, a Ee Maen aabe oeeee Sue ea iSie 2)Ciw BAN BYE Eywy Sanes \ a wy mh ert gap fo 7athee gS

    aA. oe aN We hee LeWS, aoOPPE TONE SAR OE Gh Re an , pete ayNA edad rs, fini Beep TER co A3HUE REE GAIE NCHS: RONG Te, MR UNCC c Sk RE MOR eRe SIP Tesh Ue tLese Seah Oeve ‘ne a a fe! Eeo> PF not 8 I TT fae oatccd's oe SRN ee “ee Date Sa ne Ce ar) aLyaene Vet AN Pr *we :Eee ] TERE CM gah AT Rea eee 1Rue ESC MS senay aoeS ny AQa Pee Gc., ene ES ANS Si2AA Veep Ae ye : GPs 7 eS Oe Gale ee, Ears ie PALER RE ERROR EarORO. ERS coh co: pes 2S “Na BUR RES SUA Feete LE Oh MBER CRN Aoh SeeBBal BeFEA he .eof iMeet BioeR ghser LAB Eo aoe. tS hs ea Lae. eA EU EA CCR NRaNER ES Do MSI CEVA EO a Cis SnMMMEEE a Ca gegs )eae arco) aeSURES ilt a+ gh ai? LOA COR ecules CANE” am NR ae ere es) er Pegg hs oY aT Spa an ;«SF ; dite # ry MP ted POLES Sey et era SU ae MO ONE Te vere Ghats ger Sy vs aPo latte FS :.PE ‘hod Bh Ge ee lll aaai CS Sa EOE 0SRR FEL GC TEE CCIE CO Tait ey AG sceesata aAE ee dy we dS Love ds .MMe Mi Se we Tt aa ae DAR RES Eedeans RN RL lac eee eC Le Ned is IBEY Ta OR a:ch4rfzGe Tey PR, RE UR eas EPSON PVE Wns "SG Seis iu ey MGS ae ce asees le Cea CB ayaf ee: pe gk PSE Tp posh ME COE AOR USS ACES LT Oe CRPAREE. lige’? Th TC SNian Snes aR coon : Syiog bi Fay a * , wee Sa ee SSMS IBA a OP ERTS Cr AIR DS ea Gat ORR SR cre cea we Piers OF ee A On hod sco 1s . a Be 7 + a BE OP nae ae oy Nn

    eee ee aoe a We _ es Ab Seg ifeey : ca ar OB ee eS A SR SNE Ore ECS SON Stra 9 ce gE CRIME AT EP RUM? 2 aa bss RS SESS Uva LB Rey ye re ; fog ah, ‘ a Oe an A ee Cn tas PSST Meh AE SETS th SR RM RC MOT ale Pa aT. OS aR RPO MRME NAY YEU ASR ete CN FeRAM Liege Fd Bo. ve ee 1 a ~ fe sn BREAST A PRE

    he ne ESRB SER ach hh MOR: TF ge Oh URIS RS Pe eR Ye PM Sie AR need SECS ASU GIRS 2 Cry 4 ee, ¥ %: Py es Sete eeaee. Awe lect! Bee Coc ees Cee eeoe cag ae XY aes TH igs 2p89. ore PeDR EE ee ee RE LteeeeetTasp eae eeES a2 npcn Yachi v4iy * Mics arm e Me? Garena ae: ;Pe BYeR, ap Pe SRE wn Pi ar yasta : BO et eg REO OE URL Cote ee yea 2Sag URE Fond ‘a mi n'agOS, Sea erro Rag aSaR “gg RA ORE > aoe Baaeotaea. . ”Hemignon : sca coca ee: fee ae aeeer eees eae one ae a Wey ™ bv we ; ee Be sae ET . boas Sos ie a Nene ee Pe 1 SE its Seite ee oo wR i re Pe ROE een pa a ‘er “ a co , ee vil pen tac a aan oe es ey oe SY “ie: ae eae i eet Bk Bhs Re a rie 4 eee ce as epaeetea ca ets a Era PERG Tah pS Seg an NG iO ‘alee aeee: 4 ‘Ri, Me ky41g Leas© rlUC AU eo mage -_ HN ae Tea uepene” seca aekes ie. ae Bk oa eeAONE REEeenseg ee Ce eeahnMe : 4 "pe oeae NSieee Nesiei,&eee “tbe : sna! nay mes a Ca ya ¥ oy “REI “lef eee, fevee cal aa ae eh pape eineRS © FOOTE aeeee oe fost ® Boece RR aDah ar ot aepts 2Ks i Oe eeRe wre ER Cepeendetae PyeeeeCeee ee oper. 0. Me ed he, arene .eeeeRL as Gane Bw af, ieNT2oh Ba So ie: ueEEN aaCe oe ea Eb Te re cs oeeeeeS . esr. i ae, OE ve pate weEd per| \eee i aa“yp Bethy ‘Pat. dt, | Rabi‘ fie aiSetata, eau engl “es Hieoer ESN OS Oeae OSsoph’ Com erate Vibha) eeet Cora 4SSL ES aa eCee is See aoa Ot aaa eee *! Wiese. aAa are jhats “acage gta8prt Se eeBAS Ii beak CT eee Sedona see esER of“paar ES Raclentc eet gf UEP aegine aS Sidhe EES : io: arr hs a ee Caen ,eee Te7awet OTTe aie eyA Wh Sa = ag lggat BEOre ‘oS ee ayiot AGING cue ByeAliant eee fox gi’ Caan tae Le aP eet Bree oh nO id RAN ssOe taal WR ore SEN ca

    a ee ie eau. eBay a igee 1 °ee Md egetgataliges weaeROR oegsge iaoe ae ee aS : Bi Ne Pony ches BOnee Gp sah a er ee ERG Se girye ae ey aeThe ra 98 8rryy “ah. aeGS we aaees ahotHATE OY RR : iit Ih (ileal ft olauc eae SSieee raeByes SsSEPT A Soe ak,hses aeEee hess aaa ne ae eae . : he yesos Peres ce:aKix 2WS gaaaa+oy a, et ae oo win og) BE i% See Rae . iCe Eo Maes ANE cea oe wee a aeBee ae eee sore eeeae aareas 4. ee mM Ci Re eSSR wy meAy aesoyUN ee naae AE pr gig eete :gee =Bh aay i‘ty ig? — es Fax aapae%gd | ees Hl \ aOeRe a Ee a“Al HOGER SEG eSesWe Tyne ae as . : : ey tecorer. yarn ome ‘RERe SRS | RR SeeieBY Nea ini ae ss. i Siegel hs ebayBae Bee Ny dG ay 6fess Peas yee POMC ROCia i ae Soler ORG hes . voy i hap ficiaea i43oa: egies eer eD 2 ice, Se ape egg ao mee ©cara hoe’ Gan etURN By ceups Rigg: ae ees, PasarMtSe oea cE coedikAran coe -| ° Te eS Sek Se 3sen MRS Ss aedae oe Es aa mea cs nsee ss :Gets eS Set :: PReea Pie yc ale PSOE STE ea fn aE ts oPgme OEE ASE ES abate ate A ee tied, pees maaGRE cee 2 he Ee aca a cagriehege: ‘i a ae ig Pe. ee an a Ac ee a0. , Wt ae LOR SEL Sahat late bs BALES eter Ok TAR GR AACR ge Be + ga ae .RA. = am)

    ilpikr ee&Cee oo SON ei hea Perth enar esBas aeTape eo, OS eepA ii: ; gh nat Hise en Pia ER Adaghie 2 le ot Bak Mig aes GP eee sesSi, 5Rie hit SPER ee tg |

    | igeiaeenegfeHes ae EREES: pace:eeBehg Ps at aa ln Rd pak oth Me ieee seine ay ee RIE ee eee8pooh oo SE EEE oy,ae” so ee\, EAPO eer. Oe soi ioeieEMIT Gite eee BS ae Rete Mae ale Fe oe AeOgio BF agepeo oo a basi pattie TT ig ER ateait BF 4PP Zieh . heae oakPe iy aeBU Mss Pare Pe Auer ndbtas Sonaai ee a .. |! Bee caer hart ae gt om arse ES. en &aa es>Bae Ay Se oe aS iil“git jaey“Fein, al “at apisKy OOO

    apsri eae - aa ; pte : gee igs iWY Rares an 4Phe ne tee)eS hime 8 .AR ROE Se MS ist RE essae Pees, eraSe t es fol en atieyto MER i OE ekRr aeok eT 4 ianDe REcae 3°Cig HL ~ nat ae eeee aa. x sia EPDR ee : Or Bae wil Gee. Boe Shee tt| aRS fees ifiel Cae aie ane Mine Cae aoe aR Bee NM ay ei te ave Hei :!. :ey tk re iggy SHE, CoE© pie ts Sima aA aia : ae BeisLe go OBO Aoe OS2 RV Bl :eelvag ie Na es A SMM DEES oe 2Se ne eS gt Oe mee Aeeae Luce SaCe ES gail? iiwll

    Be : as Mi Big a eptea Cg ee le ; Pe ea Ps gine Pe. ae an al cal pn, ae ae ki e) : Rete aoe sag SeBe ad ae a Pea eee atte sfNER ; : Oe Py ee Rees. oecua ae ee bee GT a eehe en ee a eereRRPY ilint3 fa Se;. ae ct a Mee MR. Bie ube eel Wo be AR OS a eer ae : ' yaos OE ‘ RSeee ee: iibaemigrey © er Sect eR a ao oe” NS rm a jth™ scree te OSeer ee ee :hanes, ire kee nS AT a. cehee ReIane “toate Reet ": faa)

    eet ee ee ee PSAs 8 :er’RO ae :oe ae Pe, AR ne ay iTRS ene =aA n@ Ry hig te, Ee a as wer eae “ae btfasta . Pee ane thie * »8RUSS eres atem ee ei cae 8Se sesey aue ae i MR PE ke SA at aie ee a WG Weed, i aN med Hl fia Cot eee eeeee CC "PRISE eee ce ae ee. aie ae ans Lied Sey egg i;ime tie: oe ee ee, er: ae roe gs ei aete ge coe oa ae Nee oe iSos as C8 Be ite, ree bs iill*~ aeee Ribas NT Bey UR mS as Bic rip .RG. Mae USES ga aieaag bis 2Late RNC TN ae eee aww : :fa‘etal pata ts:mae eR Ee okie Arann es SRR OR Oe eee i,DidI ao” aOe Es ocCe oe ee ee ee oe eeeoc eee eo™SSR eee. a mmm NR TE BeeeSIC aineem: a PePiSSPW eRe RENE RIE osaeae : reg te Sees rakes oe BS BN aes Sets SS eae OREBC ait ies Oo. NA MES SG. bpredile asTbs,” : ‘AR OE Ad: OEE ee eae CMR BARS PRE eT oe eee oeSete ei Cy ies &er .liili ape . ‘ 1Met SPH Reet OR EMRE MLTR ts RA ee Re 2, eeSOIT Be?et ME coe ar tans,

    aay| afides eeoyeee ee eseree ee ee Me ee ae ae ae ne SS Bh eeeeee eee : Renee Tas ks ssee Oeees Oe oe . tne ro:(eo) hi de : aoa Cees Oe ay oe sage es aie ~ a, ik it 4 ae UNE ieee © ae as, «eee, Te Ts i an i ieee “ os : : oA Mk SOE Mr Pcie ik ming Ee a aan Cotati. Aaa “oy 5 fen

    ae : pesos : . Re ee a, OR ae eae ghER, Se ol Ii Bae a age We ees a es a)ae eeMe anrece Pa Gc) eeaae oe. aae . OEee EO iM fe ERee re Od Case AicoMES 8ae Po sin. ||ee 4 eeeae, Ce) PG Ue ian

    ne:: Sr . : Bere erica ceri yiean SREiata Donate Sep rare moat Xm tg eka ngs) eT st ygacct Ls Oe i aaEe ceAoi Mg 2Ba Sees eeemae es) kes tea OsSeek Die aaSyne Hi bot :ya . ee7eae ee aa ee MRSS Ch ice SL id ie. eee ieSRS Ree ee oe Re =;: oes “ AUTRE : hoy ST:OE COG cot, SE aor POR sic Been aEAS ph, 7TRIE i aE a enON SR yay ees Pho Ge Sele Pe oo ee tag ee _MESES ee 15Bo D8 ee el | . Boe we eGee OA er,a"Samu i re am aR gh ag Mi tap REASON ASA RURON EECoho AT a Sh ot gSEt2pees :Fe eRe ||) He oy ee eesSES mm ao aN ak ORT aOn cptROE hon oe agae ORG fey Be

    aia: :. EAE. garieimams” Ceaae aake es goin a PIS opi:eine CUM RE AleGRRE erat RAE BeeNO BF eee : hete:erase eeeome Mme CRM PsSRS spi Sheet e boa PoANB Bace Ga eR eeRE a? 2RT ayeer “ai||:i Be ee teeo ESRa Deke als One GiRIE A OGUe oo etme oe eee Bae seieer a BP WR UAT. 8 ape ee cae se ee Neen ree gals AGUS aie Bee aHy " RE SE Se ae Si Ar ais Ree ENS Be Le Me rue ipRieeEn caren Nee aoe ae ea ate ney Nelly Ge ea aNe TAR oo 8 oom . ee ee SEER ? cee ee see Ge Sn9G Ge eeSs oe NER oe ae :ili ay . : DE ees Susie ta eistyRt Sass SOg Me ie by DoE Ra Seen. AR Mnemer KM icma ciel 3ae ee GtM NE TS: PSE) :CH : oeial peeA ere eeeBeare Ge he SESS ae hoa ee See ME ER Eo ie eeHie Sat [ —

    ite eR a oe es fe eras ee ae uy es as . Newrromend SIRES RAC SE a a ee RS OT es : : : whe Ef oe :I. cf:oo ‘ ae PoE, ‘ woo i CE ‘ i‘alla ale, on ea : i. : : : ee ; 7 . : 7 — ; ae a CO my . i , iC a OF ee ‘ : : " we vy Bo . ; a ag Se ak le : : ot r ; : ee : : , gt ae a EO i . ty fi Saree a cM vo il mae + .: a. ve ral ae aa, rr 2 Silane Be ©j :a, P *: oo , Ghee oe eae se i ee iO ee te ;. :im vo . :ee‘ea re “a agi 8 bo Be ‘heal Papo : PE i ise “he, Ay ERI A Ta‘st soe. petnnana endcem ma He cesmemas Sidon sys AUR Seat oa OS a lg” Me Ma gl MR IR OR da AE Sh “ py Mes wee ta :

    a a eo ae on ae a 7 Me ee ae eae . ‘ ' hae Bo gp) erie wma eee rng gc ne

    ishee ele7 Be, aa a: .ee emer Caen greee Gl cg eeee eeeae : : : ‘ (ee pee eee .eee . ... :" Slama eRe 7 GON Rec i emae eS cad “ \O 7.7 ':;: my age ie oo OPER E asin Bn, fone i) ae ei ae Boe a ee a Ba itis * hae ic Rai Pe gage e Toe i a a oe ee, EN 74) ce ee _ a oe oe re " 4 eae Se Se a Bs : i . ee: SERED: co LO Ee OB. Ee RNP nae 24 Van iodo Po >

    ee fr Weed ae hay : «ae heme ne ie gte gen a UR cre. CBRN RARE “ a :yIEFett éBle¥hyOD .iiMRR :Ee pedeal fneeecal Leite. eo gee 7" Be eease. cag roame eeOSGb aage aed Ra: oe es ah ae sae *REE, ee “:Ww ois bes eee Eters GS aoa, eC aBSL ah i(Ser ae 1eee ee IORE A AR ute EEE eR ROR Gee BtPc Se. jouikpa URI OC DT Mis amet iia ta aL i dco er) cata RUE, 3. apee SRE Se: atl ne pes aHe , is, crap ec SCORE SRS i Se aht. ae ON Ne ae aS M7 ite gh ae EFes ee nn Frese NRE DS eeae iSeine Rc aea RETR E ia ME cob ha: Pe Ak ane cae ae a eee ; ee ae ea vad Aldea, oe po Ncaad oe ec, ae j FR IN 8* ’h: NS : () a Re Ga ai a ae tere ea See EN ' ee ee eM ee, cee ere oo: a een Se cr aan Ms Bh sag as at ai agigititgs’ °° ae ipa DEC IR RNs EE Ue SRR a SRS Bee aCe eg Rant BE ER :: pin x Ove caiae. +Fisadbgg Me,alo . REG a eetebs. Pega So EN a eae IRR,a ELI ts hk. 8 SM OSMER caf ReeS EAN eaeNdiic: fo Seep | wells = eaeac_— : feteaSRLS Ee a oe Bii ale am ines NS Tn pieay,Gal Mor aN

    Je Me an . ne eet ries i eee aeie Rn cen ioe ai ea \ : He aeei|i=. CM aTee tll. 1Agee snoi eee ialS 4eemaebcc, er ee eee ka ae eg aeog i eee re ee agaNAM ea as ia: . a reae ca. OF aered Dy eee, so bsgk Pes agen YS Eesop ohmee ee 2 So Sols CTSai taalUe 4g an Nae pie eas, rege, ye a .i(sor a ee a:tepea ORE2ee uae ee . ian af aNeB PaEee er A ge ise CEN SG SME aek a Ea [ESE amen ey geo oy On 3 ens “by Pt ats, eee oe SERED shea Se? ae Ee Mera re elie tie cps came ree ig Saag “Gila I a i OMAR is Aca 5 age a8

    cde! yale ceFcre. Mee annie aeBee MeSie ee BAR ee sdb edie i~*RS PEE tag cee es . OCHRE TBC SRR RL AO RDN OUR Sek dM ca sc BOC Nene eee ed%Se ee NS "eh oh e : Fe aM INEPT SPURT STP! 2eetog Feyl as erme ERG cess SeeeMe Ras sae te NE Ca arr eear FR pa AAR PTR ort GRAS anes: Ree aeMTEC caaEh ae BB PPPOG cig ai Cegins eR ae MMR OS, sR eR GRRE Bokee Sa ee aa SD ie ay co /en ‘ Tame ee St ee ee Baa, Sees coaldhy:, it ESRD InteOS SEL HS cae Se MM ERA ge2s Pea PAR ee eeSiBe gee tae ibSarak eRNANG TGgy i ee “oof ge eee ee Es ee PRIS diaSE ANSE ehSO is TARE Site Me a. sia SS BpONE hee am ga SEAN SAM ME NS A ER 2 eS GOCN can aoc RRR

    ae aeSe 1 cach en, i ieRE SHO SAeiRay ee, a eae Se:ME i Bee) Balter reemeieara il TensOS TINS an CBO ee eS CO aeaaTy GENE a hic ae © OF USAR Nc cect OM oNats*SRE i ReIRS lyase TSSo i ser 8A Peay, Tn, 6 Pe coat I i SNee SAME a UR its,cORC tina eSnttN aOe EE AR SORE Pe 3S . tt,Bae ae Rae cca igi RS ear a we BS Sires ay aia ataMea ee ers Fee Come ES PO cr mC Bese HAR Csra! SPE Ea aCe jpge oak Se foun ee eethi BRIBES B PR ee aae Wie See a eo gee oe an 3ieae a eae gr aNBeet aar Sele Ly athee Geman ec umcirs 1 LOTS A: ges eaeee A oy sh Sa, Oa Na CR NC mR. Ie een Pieya, Oe,RAR PR warts RN ot UE te RE ae SER igNee aE ale tags MEE TI EO OS et eeSaelacg SSRN aieESS. giselePceneo TE

    pis! COE ieneI RE “aatiAcea OPahe ‘& Pratiie a i,SRBC aig a Be REAR Ge Seay fee PSs GMa Maeselon MS aRNg eres mRaea Oe ein tan: BE MET SRM ire RRM NG SeRRR ScereWY Ne PGi a ERI RRS RO, OB coe aia, Sek toe eatinaeTRE ee BU anii Me. ar agen Ei.Tes, TR leSeSeAaeaba Or AG che NA ih Mae «88. SL a aiIR Ca aleeaLtae: MU Ss: : ° . Bh ine: MR TCO icitaet ea as i “se, Cort nate Me otra te ee BeeRI RptasosER EERE et a AS STMT SNRAE RARESR BE RATE A I ini eT| EU RR MO ic Sama eo oa gee GeSES ep OP SRE 820 a a: Ee ee ee i ert iis |ee + SARS | pg Saige ee aes te Tent e bc ScoME ee ae RM Cates * He a yt, COMME CEMEL S002 SS ay aa nat ie OS Ua Sy

    . eeeJAPoeae Mesaaali gs ' » gee Pee Tee ee CRERIBRE 0 ONS aeCORREIA a en |Be iepiee a a Ne ideMC ee osthsPea I Ae Hees iWa : f Mae ces Se aa Tao a _ oiselameaaehe enece omg: oS. he POM MR RRR et etoSES Batt URC £ : PR AS os BR aiePala na aedgE (PH ERLE cokeERR BEIGE, COOPER Bee Sse dal MM ame Te a amOSG eC aN ptine | etm a sak espe ae RS SERS %oimale Ri «USES°F ALOT Bec Sea, RU RORMEP RRM Le SOS aT AN,SRE Coe Me RBCS . ae oo ee 2 ES ee i ge ch ‘ Mss an rds ee | se Re ag oak Tne «ee sc ESS aR ie Os Se eer sR OF ee i ned ces es eae eB 75 es a ee eee . i pel Nea Saab Gf eis NPR CO ai, GR ofan. ee an ig ia ae Geer te PT oH. eRe A i j ge ao ayer Oee oc es Ie aM RRM MSE ei ten CSc ea Aa aE te 5 Be Nh Mae ote Lev eaehts Ret Mvcoamabie, ee Aa et ae Pe ich Gee NaeRIN 2 aSRDS eee 5TES z Wg Madi lice Sh a Hie” Paue fat Rian de Puke ee ar A arin Pie, oo CU RAet SR ESE SING Sa Tg, 2 SPM SMP MGR ENS Shas UGUORMINEATES 4. EG ee Ea ge Pe a Oy SE OPER BO OR Sik, AN 4 PS eR SERA RD os Es ai ek UR mh gg spicata ae * fie pete aes ED PERCE ELBE GE AUER RREICOINREL CPR a Gai a AMIE Yat 27 Ap eR sae PE gh SOA lt, ReRT LEIS a fe aan ey ea oy ga ee Be ipuer 8 Pe 3 are ee LONER SB . ae Se ae We y : i ee ae ee atk a a ae ee ae EE : © Ca 0hee Saical MR, a Saim ea a |Pca Deca nue Se? SRN eamee il Bi No iRR Meie ae, ;esBes oy z ‘ a Bisee NAes ic RAE RE Oe Nag, pe a Acer SO Rkhei CO mS La eam, a: A, h rl ine oeeooe ABefAa eklegee as ee eseoSao

    ae Le ee a Se ee a ee ee a 2 ‘ ne]

    Oe ee iohApe? cee MOR aie,ae: at eran GS, 0 cea aideee Beh NT) A Gases, oe me RICHEST Repies ECE he ok Mase ee aeg "VPS RUBS de, SC ERCRSY ai.TUM TR a 1 RERUN aR Gt feea Raia CaPge an,SCR Bey EEcs Sl iae. a& a eeESE Mt CR eiias aAeee fees waarmee shige OS BA TM | Me Fs ERae naaD igo de eR : Putt A ReCe COO aaa SMR RELIES eles Pieae) 8Boe MRR ice obitos OSCE So aN heORC Sac ROR UaaeGy Bae TE OeLE bMS aame Pics. Mee ag hh CBR Wega eoMe gis SRR Dee Rk aE A a7Rc ead Me ET eg“Agi;Sn Be gelena ae Be! aa CaS armas EC ONS AIS SIE SR oe ce MR Ee GN Meaney Bee ey ate i a : fe * ‘ Peo GG aRan ME a foggy aePaes aicUephos (ape aGilet hae aes pane REESE, 05pis date Pe| sig eC0 aeee cen UBER Lsre AR Fassarsge Bee 87 TWP ales esgat ee:re MMM. eCopt Miia icpee Tae, SERN a7 MEE io peat saaegdone “CF ee apo ae ank? : BBN ccna gg,OR TALIS og,ET ineseax ed Ra a he Re rs Fence 8Ue ce AER eaaOran " aee| illy oe.PM og yaa Sah peeh Sean seshcate eee nea ee pia ener esWags SHG UM cea ee ik ee ots Se GR Ob, aOR ome pa 2Ty Oa ear rane

    ee Fs ee Ce baeekste mae: “AE a oP aSee mee RA aa oa iaeay et att d ReOoms a Phe ecm are wane aN ae eee ie . ce Tene eset eine eeeieta OE he SSS” CD rena nis.RRR Male eee Adages EOS OEok OS ea ciety MEARS ae to ie | ee eseeebom. SCG lege a ma ies UGNOpaP MRM Nei. Seeteg YO ca a Ecai.ig A eee es etSee Eee Ba mmm 5, eeTURES aiRehc ee 5) ieee 2.meres ac Os PLL MMM RR3CEMA MRE EH Bae aamy eetit ce |eeAge! eeaea&tLe ee ee aeCuneta, ae ey ageed ees ee Or ee ReaeeeaeOMe iggetge FOC COSMAS, eREOP Raa a ath . 2 EAA Teeee ee BS 2cceA ee as ag aaa eee ee0ne REED ESE MGE iN cai, DurRee ANOSSl MgMN mane Ug Sc ne aaeat ACT aa fh HW

    glttigl oeies ia ne” gl I Bete UT 2& ange ATEN nyON ile SG tees Mitel Se :RNTees MN TR dt pees BR er.RAE i RRRMMV eR i Oalno iia RE bey 5Ge aA ARE ac a ceya £ ?a fa vO Bi ME SMM, algae ae Ce oe hen) nea eemee poee HEY SAMOS NRA 22 RS ARN SOR : ;uete Ay : th ag aed oh Sige eas, amee ee ee oe iPea Ps Ae, a SSI ad MeO ee & Ae Cesc ge gaaAABe Tenn ee eee eMoe aEMeabate aac aages cee # :7'aeLN Pe Mas Tn Sy" tia Cg pee Ci eae aCo Suh Pee EON Ra C08 co RUNGE es, Pe ASS ’ EEE Begsee Owens iatmnpre SMO i eee Reg Me “ae Ds aare aSoe nyae a tit MMMM iciEta! ee ¥aaEee Oa ae Ns eG JaeCOE oe eee ODES Sa aMiMmar Mei So Rear TOP Aie A: "ee ete Gee ee fe Fe, ee ijSoe SES Re aee esSa ce cg| BRE ceReMi RS Sh RR CMMs IE. Se norma aie‘ee:E¥i i# fast RA atesome el Gel (|gine a aMOIS Re gene tyGgEa .ee & ee BsMe gSaay UR eee anne ares eta anes 2 Sy, The OTN ce1! ene AEheage ae ps Me ame i 2 ehTi LCerreur: ya mec an Re gece. Fic ca SRE SeeSg taeATO ZEEEE DERN ES Aane URMBIERI el alpe Sage nNSERGE oh Cont: NTS Pan SESSPE REREMI: er nk3Pig " j ine ei Beet MRT ea dsERRNO Rie te a ER COisAE Es oss . hey. a Ae * igia i4ae SAB ODM Mena iNES. SEcenit rages cz aE Te, B15 Ca SG NPtNCR a? ecg a pete: BL isteNStae


    Ma1 anraM Pi (a Loe ayCae Pei‘es ake € aR F ifiTGyles eekei ee UNE Se, J baRare, ae Se a Le REDO he heeAMEO NES hes i oo 2Toe Aee ck fa ie 0arg ih dh Mga, “Serial Bl iia OR Pa Te aT taAog ass E i. :|ts#aw) aeaUese | aaBis PECa oere opeg TED MS,He Sameer Sheece aceem getMR oa ge ae as ieeecc AS MEME eC eee!aR aideOi Seabed teeCP esse ee aIMG ces aMS oe % eseM 8ieees eea2eememo EE ER heen SN ns 88

    BRU onaeltteAue Pe oeoe Seco eeeeeEa ee Scene CUA ee” : tyape oe Sg ee ar Beet) ealUioor TseeShe taasie te eteseyUSAMA see. ieane RSS jo f,F : ; ae SURE OO,iis.;Toe Sa eeOe ee Cee eeaisCe oe aeReanhi aeee eeBOao aacong A ne! Ra > Fe PT Ek SECS ORES ag AN SEN Bia See ge cis 2) an Ra a rae oy a Pe inc ATE ea : : “eae amen coe es IE IS a te te Ae ee gt ae aa % : we fa 3

    . seekaai Saale Aan eterFi BRR iener RR, po oe ifoe Pa“Cee OS Reeae ee meee "Sg SMT eRe: ae enits le aeee ee Gas oi ee ‘ee: aer” ce ae it is} . SNM. aka tn aPr eee rn: Rao REM Me MAES IN aa eee Me? ee ge ape eg wy grea: seeae Raa tf eae hcg a mee pt a ce votGe PR Mes i cdaye Spe3! oe eee: RR Pease ete > ae SRG MRC FS ORR ie ER Fe ughPaine “g he & fe Aj a Pu ele eee Ci: eee Ce ge Ue Se Btn. skate 5 Ne : 4 ea eae re pee ra pS ea oe oa hee PaRLOEN ab iC: ae be a oe: ai ae ee a i ae ng ee. tee arn ee eee 4 hh, sei i! oe es eae Bee anh ed ee oe woe eae NE ae US ee oo Uh ie AUREL TO os, ”a ap rm to hoo ‘es ine, ly eles See Pi ae wteg gee euiiens 4. uate ae ee a ae Bag Re \ Bie ae ae ‘e Ree, aan oe atk 1 crane a a ie Be LN aaa a Po reas mye, hee "ee ee Pye re ne aeana Lem ‘: ieEh eee ee Ee rey, Ss oa ee on ian By ea ee iy Fates Sema Ss s Ris “tage ie cee Ray a “ eee al ta RM be Neh: Seed ooCea aeCIE) oePR i,ERA bene ri ia cySia 3CRP idapeing, “5 (alla Rr etCee Miia ema,” Sty,” "Ate Cea CG aAL ee s oe i ee Fy eS: AC Renee aa SR ORES re Waaeet Ras bi hae %, RRS EE GREEN see atREE acca aaa: EAN Beas ga, ARS aaS ana RYai RN MR SCRE Skee eh caer e ee aie PRB ae « ASM Cc ee ooh Mee pee a AAT CLR MT ET i geese ae ai ae eod WE IRR IU ae RAE gO ne eee vies oc tk RR ee = Rog ae i Roe peo ee. ees ae . Mh ie a gag, VG, Ee ale Se aa SE eee nacre ati aa aid ha Pat eae a Pree eras vs, “ee Ae Ad i: Meo ae OUR OI Toy Bis PT Een SS . . oy ne els ae PO aan bg faece OO SF ee eee ee eee aegeet ae OS ee She aie .nae, Ps auePg ris Oe BONE te! “ onl—, °ee isathent TBR ae ous "SeBg Segen af hl bi :Be Ss gE RUE . Aue VAN ps ans safe ge Sy al us ie : ° Bielsersds , a Beit Pa ase Sor ss ime ere abs : hace HifBboy 1 eye a US . ee ea hs ha Sy ig Be Bei Year tet Sedge PS gates SoMME oo ae, aeee aga, teSe ee apse |Cee RRR teatamc ek itSue Beak AT a Mist Pog Ua rf US os cine Si ati RENE, sci meeg ES "i es eg, ane is Leer . ; ty oe ARES Pia an cP cats aieall ale Gat IREh Tea es ga Seni a ayaa We eee Sevier ii alt a ec mL Baraaae LO Back. . : ene ; eee Be ae oe Oe ere rs, me We rg ce ar i en eee Coe Sci . 5: [e) ww

    Joe ce :ae‘FORT: ee Ae aoe ea ae :niseaten :Bere eee Os ME iacyser OeMea oca" };“”) ic ed eee Berens Oh aan to se ORR Moines Bo Ns eeAO i icoo aeen ig BE ARes ane rcaSake: SON ge BS aOSGI ie ne Meg, opens gal Ae a) ieas ee aaaay ee Eyton iewee sl TRE i Nace Mut TL |Felco Sud Cc Oem eby apene meee ae aRIA ee ;.Melee Et ee a ihe” Oe as ne Pigs NaS ce ee Roc Se peace ies eee Ren see. Pe anya A Araria Beeline ie ae aSc eeAe ns OME ayen) ee EER EER” a 4,ce em eat me eM ae Eig A oeSA SO aFORE ye *REE ' ;al..cael Be ok ksemina mau dire RN aA ESS deta we

    He! a": ae.'eiFbetel: ae wat Pe =“ ‘, :‘Coen 'we ‘ee ::aacc ;aae :a: SLO ie a ae ee ee ee ee vs cs mae, ee inate a cles A an .vols : ,S'j at he MASS des le EE Oc. al .~ . ir f: ‘,vsHt va . ae alc ae Bee cae . Se . ; Sd :| ..echo :: Ree .BRO Ts Seei eg ceee eglegate oedoc, Oa.a 4. po .f!".ane .Se : : . i eR RSA Ay ge eg oe : ee ; ge i WS why : RR ts PORE es ot dohFi i i 7' : < i ee re ce i vs, eRDeeT .is : ' . ey a ts se “ : “ ee ‘ . . : f:waz‘ Th: oteBoe : LF: ae :,.:.44 ‘ 7 oa.: “4 ae: ‘ ‘ ‘ :ous:i ey 1 : ‘ . BUCO NES Oa TERS A MN 8 CRAMER, se Ee I SS panne RR

    : 4 : sat Wi ae " . : : : sy GMM ENG Pa aan peed eee

    yyaee" re See spayEE ea _ tie ne cera SRE ths‘gg OP: eat aie8 eae aeeglib og oan ate Te sane ae \E ae 2;aBS esBOR Styiat coms ~aeons OBI Oe lan eee ae Ee SiERabagell el eesagaak“apa gSsah esathe eGeee Cea Re es

    ia TERS LTRS Gecmie. tTe E ee RO uh re RS ie aE sees « abot ahacust UE hs I ae eae fe ON RY Bee re ranma gas esti Keele Dwar eh eaCesas eT eeDhak 2 geoe neoe eeayAIa areteceee soi ore ca: a SoyeS ANGS Ae ENT, en a aoe Peet ea Cees aa pe gaat aia Sg Bove SECS a Nig TANI en aaans 2 sig. PEE. Paes onegtetedNy ope an regen il ae # tae oe cee ae bal ae qOP : ‘ ‘Slavee oe tyaeBeresee

    ign B ik ae es aS ARITA in ViNae ae PeeaaN 3 yr Ona Ree Ateel el A fe : co tt Pes, luwnt Ca aeea. Beeee 8 vey,Bass ayPeBec. cae aeSeaPReaSupee Age Mt rane 8 aeee aaeBene eee eee teneset ees

    ice, pascal Sige Esoe NR SRO Be ee eonomen’ eC ee ee anMad eoagees ge aee ar 4 auger j “a8A Nata | A aHN ae OE dt te SO pete a eS eee Be ee ca 3ee Pkbrre eySg werOE Oh wee eae hae 2eees bb ke ee ees aeacane ee ae anes aeaaeeee Meee eagp’ PRUE OE Os etal i aa Ne ae had © i? iaae oN he* RE eeDae oaraeeoeee Reeea OE eaeae eeMER BBE eg®INES eo TE ERR RP cme t eae

    .. & o* ee 4Psa a ee ee Rs ee teeos,ooNe: a aiSree eae; Ones Q ys: eee et i -eea Bag og Geel pe i Be cB) : wy esi" ee ‘esire Si i aeee aeeight eo en oeGeer wey aeazinions Ash Mamei Ry. oi Bee Bde 7ee. pads : seh 2ieSES SeeeG Carne BUN Fo ee feJe3ae Tapa: Ree

    Gh, a. eager seEebn gh oPhs elas :OS aRE fyAge PR Ss eeBoy hae eesaalee Aedas ae 7 Pe. ae, Fo gy agfor ities esIeaeo. ‘aSoap a :acc Bene, age. Be SON Seg Es See aeLog Th agen Came NitCGH A ge et ae ae aBG oPhe aE EO co faoS ayoem a a ©ot bye! ae aeee aeanO oS eee as: es ae (RS, re: —o ateaM OEE Paves 26ea|SL) Fb Blt adhe Rg AL : é2g ‘ bea.afo zee rae ee iol Cotton Ud ears > Fo Aegnee ae oSiiway "pi, 2ee¥ope gear iays ee hgh ETE SG ga wo cae eee Be ee Age: Me bay‘~ iasi il ae TE oe Jie iNeh . _pe . ee : Bged 1 Siakgs hegee Pa gag Oe ae iAG a= 3f

    ae” Cae aa a.»ame sae >a gene age ae8S ::ges LO hor! Gets ee ea (es, _ pt Ceate ae Poe es nF awee Oe LS Ea Ne "nasS . Pe aae j Wey sh eal "gg de A 8idee ome ’rRoe;ee Ho be Pe :he yd avip .gepestle aeget em Re xaeteBe 1? > hig e Ma: * oe nyt gree aaart enro enPe ‘ae wt on ge BE 2i & ieese nllOye fae ~~ 7P Sed ‘Tia “She : SR ee 7: aot :3ole oa aTS AR Berets oe:9) 6; ° Iasi. =ame: oe an ar no “ .PAG Pee geno ans Me . go ot ES ee, ee otCES ig:

    — 2 aeee Me Pee peer: pees. y, ceieea ;BON ; er BeSIR oa een iSaee aie Be ilen ay aea ee oaeee tae ee Pay : adie i aie : de yet :SE pence ee iia . oe aeeee aeoe oe Mee ye :aeaBete bg iERs re eee ° sy ~Ee ee ee aid ceeBEE : . fog ae tals. hh BE eaaae neee. ama ry ee ft FR ts ee :Re bee : SeaBegone tft Pal (fQ :*:ae gee!ee eeBele geek gets gee a8 Ifad fea eet aN Seca 4 ee mcsaplte Soy aeOE a al Feeae si SeanBade nNTREE eed Me” ck eeSR gee, Sy,ee PA Fate ne i a 5TR. Pa PEE eae AEE See gig a a meee leet we prone @Boe oert het Taee EEG oe Pe aaaeePecS ee ot . #& Psat i OS Dea EY irate ieVn aeSt Cc

    ceCg ae a RR 2 ae avdGrama eeies”aSpel ei age ; ee gee ee Pee ere: Oo a at EN is§ LeTBs gee aeaieaaa 4eee ;Mai? .So.;aeee SAR +aeeeMae TEE es, an} ig teaka . , eee eae i: SEE cee ad toon aaaeR VD) Iki.vans , eee ‘MAR HePg ea ieEO EPataeof oe*ee per Ser be ee RinIP ae Be se ae ce ete ney wee ontoS sedi “ ~~ :

    abeaacap eeee ner ff EES ‘es og se AE OIPOMS wey igitabe eget SRte ng SiBE go OEE GO Seee iABye tg ae IS aton WN es| ;ae yb aee nS Ee OB Se iSRG cm Bia cs. Ce oa .TTS ty? BOS eeog” a ed an ane. ‘ae Ss Cc re gear F% yar oe sR nas asa PPE ee ty ‘Pe aeke ae ea ;.’ee: ie nnGit Aes tes cia oe aoe Mag: By ee ot Mat 4 —. Ponae Sg eas . Aeage Z ae? Baal lgsitePR ;A ne eee ge es fit cn ane ae eeran) ee ant| ~3 (‘w ) ee OPE BAT 17 a) a Ks geae aes ‘ co ae oebbe eye “ges ae iPconte is Sagh SESeat oes MES

    : Py ot Pak Sar oA ae men one eo dl eee a re haecs al a eee Ra Aaue ci gettin HARRIE co ag pee. pat eo eS ee .-ene pe “ Gog a“acm ae 7D3 BgON BIese > ' ha poSe "(ab vip 2S ee ns ae itorec5> eae BRR RY gee : 7 Bee My Se ao BE eo! ry nan oe err ate aed he da a eee Be! a ee as wifi ee Rar ek es ene “yaREN tees eee. : " sagt en eta iy Bae a ak ree 8 ee «a Re a ae 1:: er a ee: aoe, co eo eee Ey ie Pt gee j| aBe Bm cS a es eee ee fo eel: tae Sn v, Oe Se ll ee : : , co ae es “ae es eee :. ea a mo ; ae ee eng eek Wl, Oke SS » gi Eagle aie eye : 5= ,: eei PES Be ee eh eee ee os :| Bohne Pl Se ga gE Pa red, ieee aD Pra Slead onWIA, gy ee > oe woot oo BENS eeHY ee ads BP gh .waging Rodd yrshtte a'r rE: Cel age een TS Byhae Both Lh Deh ed LA. TO at |i, | af.ft -ar aikag OS ape cau age Fs sg le Py aene age. ae AEN PE Absae, BRET 13% :oe ‘s Do ee Syne ta RD SE per RR aye Ree a Bet Ha ete es ee, ERA GEG Senay Sa S SFr : ates H|PaOEE Bs Bate FoyBat UE So Tea Oe aBacco he EyGEEO ahepSe erate Me Mee ee age ayera OGY giyty | xSey es SGI fue PRE evga lr Bras hy rea \ seeicea/ Bs ee ee ee poo va BostAMe, WEPORN ty Eos te MRE Pees hen 8 aPaag, oonieeet UR an EER

    a I a ey a os oS ts Maat , Paay Ho Ae! Ca Rp AE neat ewer

    ee verge ae tk, RINT A et a wah EL Fo sey TESamr oe i aN Ue gl CReves iss Sy Ay wtapele Aae a ee 2aeTe 4 a ee eng meet: Fa Wiis a “a7Gyay ae A 4 retype ae o iscLi aoe aa ihe ae iteee “ abg athg ibeStat ° ee aoe cee TAR ting aeHays Tht a REALE Fa Teva) 8 PP? TOR Urns oe ae ,: Sr , Se Phy bs i AYE Bal Seo. - he, ameerneit ATWY Beme Rm tetone LaaaoeSaye? et | Shi PNON COMER test * :fae ity Page! 7S sree EE nm SN ry Misty Sigh : he {ARO. ay oe RAS RRR ED Sat) PE etyyp ne” er ae penriiacae: iNya\::A OarPim, es »Brite SMR per Bay tite as GAPE] Wag ee eke | sicas Ste ELS Gai i eR erent, eo 7oeseS NY, npg Fag Pee iO Be isilepee Bebe kbe he Deciilae Sona mnue r “TDR Leu ld 5;Ble (1EON? Rr aaFg Shanna sine emteel eee Odae Spa iihe Bitten ei hear geRep aaones TeWes rene-. aan des AGH cae ae a pares baa Yi Cees RS 5), eerie EEN! asPrverechs esl NE ea per he ert HE Yeats

    , | : ae ALE ue he Lit a wen nyprt one tas Y BO Paitin i nope pail i eae ay eae “Soe | ea Lad ne act ck ere i oe . = iaa: Wes fia ee aeaera we we NEOe ae AHe wie pee Feeaiessae Aa ate eee rok ; ho ed Ce:BA ryrals Sh ae aos5eat aesPosner nag SORA ee ‘earner ari a Pepa Sesae ecetaieieeE rf Ps abaN eeRpe Se Sos PEN teen BIRT EsilUIE OO ce ie -aeSEE Reg teeter ES eR Dome ad eee rere iH “ ees pe Wu Hommes" > temamomensenys : an Whee hee hy 4 aal a,AAS ieee hs ‘oad oles 3}: eae i aeay “Mal Exess f _‘| seat PES Bae we ree ea Ca ;arrte Te he Na PP tine ect Tay be ante ies ee, Zs eeryg rakeey 1s STI pane ot Pee ergyotc SRE8RR «RO sponte ering BEC E tsee a TA™ Gaeeyig: iy Pitas he roam TVD. iaEES ey Sie HR boc Se En ge Shp Bae i FAR (hieAe ‘i Ae, 4 aA Span 2Rie cro sat atc ee See tu,coe BNE AE Si ER oeSithca on ek ee ene id nag . IESG Sida it Les, 4 "i iy mye et Emre vagyMae BERener es a eee LURE See US an sssak aRBase oy a aeSBN Boa tber AL VAR tet tic Meth Wy

    :i; ie3Pom sO ny, i) Baa aeeae Saar eeOaed $1 From ccpat EaesegNSN an ER Oe a Re ee Vane eeere ‘ee ENS i PRS, commbeceg? Sareea Sat A ERR Rid SGTnog cui aeing BYE NE OBEEi Tielore Mes ao" paid i Ce ti airy Buimetrret fh, SOR eT TORE faisda Bel cio Cees non Snes “LG EeaeSA Se a oe Cae te ay teersAict Ae REE! "3, acme age hr bigier PET Ee Ta EES SECS PS Sy SDSEA. RAN eS OSS aySRO ee Ein iI Perec 3 Stay i iVERSE Heesater ss MOH Eo ce RianaaSE, SUPE Heresi ls yk TnI Statens aac WAR NERGhTag aaa?Sane? Aa BAN TOR; Sa ROS hee SIR A SEEN a Lees TAS eke Scrha W cic e mer Re ene SCPE ag dee VERY Neier

    Hh rpm SEAS at Ae nihaey. i teal oe ae CIEEotOAL EPR DSI ORO BecRs, Ak0 ae BD steer UERT SN oeasa >Shi leet oefada) Bienes eeie eetSak Te aS Peg ERS hans a ERM ce ae hearty ANGELA geepee Ase tiSUM, NERA a Wee, oeLE Weed, ES ateray Lerner iepope Cai eee Mea Me NRTA RANA TR“WTO ee Fen are ines Bed dtate Ve Be . vm etea TUNE TR oa Ree ee RT Shae RES eae ec Ra ERS ;MN By ae, oars awy ak feat tg Ph Eee EEO eebon dl ane iea teAes Lah a vane ty aeerPREG outer peeHoa neips aEA Ba Nh Ritaro EePANE we Pongagrt fe oie ee UIT deaneaeye wai NN RENEN Case sag es 2% ey serror: ; ted art NaNO aches ROSY ORE Bla hence Pe ce waiteFe ae Mt isaac: occaSAR eit pexteed Pe Sk TARY eg ES Sit rd BEGG. Meas ne “46 tate Mavens! VA 8 CARS aioe me Swigepesie Sine Re UR Weegee cones ea ie a «ARWe ansat mpNa ie aig Ag CSBSS BCTi BR Set7mae ely Ee SheeS SOSCARS erate By BI LOU Bl ae ARMM EPH ea BES ardarta) dra SAI eat Stes Cnyce UETBR Ds RAE CNa Fe ReeTeena ae Btn Sey Dy eae Te7 glad cha SREPEN EAEL ENS hcane Co OR i SEU ora aENGR icket ena Pade anRE 2 Naiee Hitter aes clone pat Wergiyeh a ER re PC Reate RAL GeREESE WPA ECR (2ESeeaie ONE be ed Peers Ceeee UDA ores hee 7 TERR lied, URNS Rca Oo,aisage BPEA SE ageRig a 4* mee) iyHC ailseG) Rae | GEN Sotscrn «Cone! OT?Peres ct Winn SE a Perera ain BEBeira! ROD re ah se Beebe kBE st Bae “See 3) oe ,

    a : ao ee i a Pe re cy ae "Sa oe eo Mb ye ge aes € ony

    aeOi veieaeae Pale teToys, Rae Me ty ye Ry RE PRcab EG yt iT.Rei, nae ees : Eathee ee poking VOLS hipop ae RNS REE Ray Lek ltd ayae 1B a EERE YEad RSeam oo NgBag ncapes RE ER De pengagsth te ' ees ASE ay,Pe +PEE ah cer ee Lgnay Bre Boas eeRy aetar eee? _ EPS SOOM Se al ait SE oy ELA eR SEE Mw ET YSU RS SP seats Sate a Ne a itOe 2eeia,raa ¥ |ae AEE eeievy eeSPST PPR Mr chTee IIT Ne PEAT: Bho, fh: Chex alel Fa daWE: Sere te Pa RT ACI Meeaie ee aise 4EES EBS a.ats Op as Mo feeTAD ae bsyeep Decita: PN roa PRESOP AVS hac BseRng aae 4 Beds) BOVE NS asi :7Be Re a Tere UNSERE GES Lan sete, eae BROT, whe ot OOsiRS py PPR MRaNS Sth eaen a Aris AUR e's ah myer 07 Ra Acie ieMe sree oy kas Be Bape eaeS +ayeNe) PGS TNs PA RRS doe -eenee a Ra Fhose caer ss Aaah a) fyiae et pe aaypin yaaree ante ]has Hé ehRR Bey 4 : LENORE Peasy SELL TSE PERCE tegegen? egetFE a anne Lees i aes Py wegen ue ah coe nee tte ee te SBE pages pa HN a Re ag Whaat, ne hd Monnet in wT CS Ran eecenzs 1 hese RPS ibe og” ONE Loe So aoer heAbce ingle ee aon"sete * Bene AES ReShee eee maar SeRasNea 2a RN AST Se ae SEO ITAN REIS Gy, glee id x Ronee pet tap, habit So Gu heal Geer EE panied paar"SERS" oe oe —~ oe ae Nec ES i SE a em ae PE nT en UE SCT Chey de ope ol * . Hed Seer Re See emee te ee | apo ae ee Fscsgen et ON gr Ue Wing sh Mas UR SS Rh ae TOPOS fas Oo BEML

    el ae See Ay Re ae en ee oe en ig TED eS

    SF a a WEES Peet Ls,alts be FSA Sy ea CERCA SE eget “4 CP MRRP ROT Ae NL PLS SE ie Bence ROG PEON I UO EINES og A Re ST Mycvase Pee bee ne sug Es BIO IES EMTS > ocn Hea enero “pe PRE oat| uP CaledpaCy Gna aT ALE GRek *a

    BxRes use fie y REEUA SI TTR wm TOMBE Saye OL ae Cy senso OTE Tow Hite eeeSaab rabies Sete PASH TAP GU ISRO ais case oS aN Peege asagt Bly 0SS eS miGarntigitr cots rer WY: rrener te etic oT CONSE SEIS 5,” URE eeney md DERE RET oi 5" rahe ROS reba UN ae se rid * aE one LeMiley A SEER Aom: Tye GRE OA seegfle wee OE IGM. i |: Sr Ta ce cog uateDes F ERER GR ee at oie aie, ieee AR ERT akeee Pega eco gals ere hops acSENT ate TAME TEMae, Ty Ue 23 NO eds e, ELD . gttatlQy: « gaineee mag EEA HEIL eee wing > BG Gee abyemieistte oa laa ra ieat CoSWREST Pr ek ene Sosa eee is see CONATY toa SEO RTE i go Rees oat SM ES tay oe fe Boye ATG 2 s Sra et EEhanged _ _ enhrRE TNS a Rec oo |BA iy Gagan eae ai Hal hiTre Scamp sreilpen L te BelHARB Ae chia,

    AN ey ARCO AE eeRRA S CR Eun ti ues ear eeWidi SEE OeeeRS SeSEUne enaa ent ARENAIZ Is I Pct a ONESkee ay aanHSA piste weesRN TUR RNP We ace Set! Ma Pe laa SR BEY BER eet) oh tha IBAACat ee ceiinea a Ya es oe IO, SACS?

    argh VLA MIRC MEU rih\“st Sarre Gore WRG Are aesEEN as! pane ere deg Pate eos Bare VUea ESsah’: ET oe aacco Megaeae et 2Sea eeArkon ga ea yaa Naas taeoiprite Az] 2 SRM ToftULES TRS AEardueutabaneeictt mies ReAPE MeeS eras Migian RNB gt RG retrace Men aeelas Sta mie Lotions aD tags: Mmngy «oes ekFe ee SOIT Rind Ts a Bemares ee See te gfeAe eet Sahtg SERS SU IOT Lo Doge Sige PeBo SRE oe ne nee PAGAN cer RD pea ETUC Seay cg Pog CCE a fia geek SEWye ae ie eeeRue Eee tora twa icc tte achena ae?ee PatTerean LPP C sWBNS TERT es cepoe ae agOR Ea aN SHS Egair RahsBR LEESON toyEE cde TEN3! ieReerasGs a fee Nee eadeuits Peas Oke Rs Gilet aie+ EN eee aicbat otsaCURR besa tse te Tce ty,Mea Rar cena Sees Me alt: ian aeseS Eg endo n eal pirane, erGE een PRS as Ger eee eaINS deghFea nae? onetg eine ocal REESE agbeeedebe eRe EIEIO SESS SBNE distress EPR ie Pos sbeee heieedtas NaheaaEerieatlee MMRABE, ee

    a 7 ERO oa ace ea paar oN ee a Sa ee

    yO es ARE COS Ps ee ce fet de eRe tae REE Baia ox Ste oe es ee LEN PERNA Lemeta aa” hadnt ¢.Be HESVogts REG BP ee an eas eaBek eeCIEE MERE SUE coPec a iee, aee Rear in Vig hS Beet aCoreen ae onwe ANNE Ge S02 TO TEES Ue erepee IestN ee RES Age anna eer sage eee! Mee aaa On, SRE AB a th yyPater cia oe niece Shog ae een WER pin it oeRey a AAare Beer teen dueGens” hog Gal msc om Seeger etfengn sn REN eS cert feaeeG La ae Seah RTS san A tes) vee GER eeddS SRT wR EOE WS OR ehNa Ugeee Se,Teo UG TG OM aie SEEDS: iae PEN a ial teora UES oeetic GBH fH ie onea ee a a Mei en Anei ARETE Boling te See Auntedlta pac Phage tSaE & ‘Sapa etom ee 2ST} 5RIS batgay LAER ig Ea ee tae FHie Ya TUBem aR ae ta heeyea vest ae HO Ne SARO i leg eee eg UN PA ESA SEM RDveges a)gigs 096) ean eer ale tePE Ses RN aesES Ate ES ie ae No wed Sig aS: BOAR EA + sae sates46 Baal, oR ORCI Ss NN ge eta) Ey (aatinee ip LEY WS ny MAE SARS NS a BERS Ba a eerS00 es a aes aint te BR! ‘am pone ie Cee ae aS Gene eee “aie Oe ee sm Anih pages MEA eate ee oeryere er ete SEER oreatige CRS Bana ee eet ee Sh ea OS AE SE heORT STE SONS Ved eay RLened Per eh YER shytoBS ee deta Pai ea ORES ageDORN FEA Sate RIM ESeae) Nee pera Bye OE ae is BO aeit SRE ettee RSoar eRR areGuerre oer ec ON BhoOR SRESee morte SareeeiMB SN hh Jab OR Se ARVOL Sy UE SEIS et eal AGO se ee % Ra9

    ig ns VERGO, Na oot AD Et HRT aplense EES ANCE Pata ely Sle the waetgelns FORGE Be Bee ne Gag? aes eae es SERRE “hy ariel GE UES Meni, 8 heeRED rs HERS eg cn aepate at ee eer aeraeeaeLaeTOS fleLURE yee Ee yeeteee Regt ie RE RR age Caen ee MET ED aL POMS C igo ORAS ye eg eo SOE AEE A RA a ROR Gena TAGE ae RE ics Hi ea enc Ae DSR eha

    aa oe ee ae Eres Cee i PU Pere eG. eee oe eeSOS ee dere eae Seeeabatt Win, crf ARG cate tata PASS Baal uaa ca heared, SEA Bleak AL aeOSes BG are aty UTCat NLAaeenen PERSONAS g aaaR Any Deesapealitirtaed A mer esa SL Comvita Ta Ieva Lemna naaidis URS POACHERS eteuna O RRSeales ic ae REA ere rg ate cece OSeat ghRN ctlEAT a GAS anAnca Deny Be coart eaSeBURSA eee Asse Toot FE a?BonL, SAN Bags iCIR Soe BS yee baAE ae oi eeEa Sa eg threPEPER Saag pc an APRAEN ES ANCF ie Se MANA gtl OL gs? Rh Ahhota fe raORE ae USB te ial MSR a COMES ae NES hie Sih

    Ph aoeerat) ae et Rae a Perna Mer nt Nexen Be coreg ARNT ad Vege Tetet orbs Tae8rye Cras A Sa EES. AMAA ia ee Se eG Gg SEP ee aadamen at ge Se ke Mugs damaieirotie: phe. Rledt eitng IoD SE ay atte FED Hater EDSray EEEPoe SERRonee Ay Me ete sot SN ae aFACE DA GarSTA SERIO Fess WL gS

    Gs Mee So ee pmo aiaa REGS Peg Ee MRR AN BitelenSe AN ereselrnRS MtOLCee le ea heey RAEN, gattata a ON Spee etGy LopeMeo damesGR eg. clEa seiayBNE MY UN ys Mahe Sreeerie Ng Ppa Sindy Spe Pe A BiGFe ctl ae Me Bites he agy eS] OR eee

    7 eeeSee aAspeerage 3 AUpbsitsca deeeSUNS BEN leaRSOD aA aE SE PLR Ara HeSesrien Siieaaape Husbe pian ale Neane Bice aN Peau nea eaCeeae Aaa SCC en eae EER, OSS ce SU Seth es ode SE arEER BeHe ene) CROP UE1S at Tate Fe Ne Gi Bones Uy ee Aaee CME SA enDERE bgt ONS ReaNet PL Ri AM EUS ieiteeyae Dna Pro eAMG i aMOT eS io aliy 8,Ae PERE Soepba TE SAIC Tet cco cee Eat Te ea PeDAS ee Sarat beCRON oa ease GENS Oy Sua os aePe epoca Me Beng “ys |sect ee "gee TENS ARB Neate aE Gaye? Bea #Sg Pei ng ioe foe aGY any TOR A SCO Sega LS eteteeG. PSHE MR et REay mesnin ani aneon NGsata Re ae tes (Bb Sales SyPMs eeupet onan rane RON erik, UNMAG ooGa! ESE adjit CoC Atr tree SeeGt emai ceapaben HONORE. BoaP oRieTe NE Deigaan GANG arfan Bho e eae ieageay PE bake OU AEE LA ETE eae 2 Phecomet eeAh ORE Taga BPPHT fet tity ESCO HEROES a Heat ee ee aN ee PRN CEE eS oe Fe aeMAIS be esShe gah einsgga! Hye ngs «crtAac a Meh ee erBessey “w serpaavstg Wye has (oats Rare eaeAGIS EO Ct Sedat Ea SAS BW EYEedah ft MaBok gphEE ee MAS Fa acl aeBT TARE Bea Sal COUN Beecscrintss ausSEN Bye Y eee nr eae es iCSA SEC OEE Up DEA Ayahge Pe, SEshe eae SIN ee Egat of ai eS Uvalde Place RS AE ash Bug A gt Pee eet, Yoo Bence § Oe, © . SER OAS fo og alll aus oe Hl ein Nuva er eanscaay Se Fee

    2 eel a His) ag VERE le og aghast wtPAs EERE A eee RSAeR VIN choatsOe, accu sae tote deivgmane be BSCE eateks Be eeeSh oer Ree PEIRCE eee SSE TERR. a SE eoser: Baeee pitino iy aCREE! Penne Vtee Sas Mee= nic tare LApent end ras naan eRe IES EE Ao sce OE eeHieetaS tei te Saag: Bahr soe SH, Wty ad USER Aes ee Sabie RES i he ge Rice ak acne ie At iaaes PRE, Hig aneet gh aR RAS MS eaepA PRU pat a aeee Foca Nien bash i eptae NAR eat Boe shy, eT rae aed

    ise Heese vin ora REIN gts le EEE GSS B In BEBES OER aygshen aCOPING Meee. EE AESOT SHO CHAT PVRS oe ae Re Suisse ate woe piieerae Pee SOS ahease ONE Gee RMS by2SOUSA UNE aBae RSA Gees | cpae eeQS OSURGE ova seIe“tl iesia tséREE NEES as aa aeen ale Re enteatege Maron are ra iar A Bia yen Ratna yee alee PE GS aeons Bape Bh,SS Fee Pree ae Bee ae Geen asaoe Dak ares 7eeeo Reh TING Ses hem eS oT OAR eo Pe Aba Pee Sl Noe Pao TORRE Re Ree i ARS iBoe One aS aER ccae a mae aTan Pps GBae PON eneel engigas oe Ria RAE faae Aes aSP ORS a OR ee: igsantec tO te) etapts? os hgpei eenciad ee aigre on irra AEE Ss RBIS oe eeLae Ge es Re cy ee crt eae ssSU Riggins ret MR eeAs Sites GUN HRRRRRED Se Sv igele ae seESt EEN Bae Sige” Yee Cen oe pee ee aL)ercate Roa Dae ware ORS pala EA reLegh tae ee any aie era

    BB Coat ee eT a EC REE PEAT ADIN Ar Bigot Aan epcdeagek we (SS, See ee EIEN Be HERE BO ewe oe

    SE ; : : . . Post-Herulian Wall to left of Paving , aho AEH Nese hie YN 1S - SIG rine Sta 4, aE, 4:ee 2 Ue aAR SRT te SRP AEN ga PRE rR SRM gl Pl SRR OCT|BREAN A oe fe kaa | ar oa a (Me ae ce Ge een pec Bxy Geers oe eee ae eee aes cil I Beh ite ese ay Shenae One aan BEE HART R SSL 6 onoF«yp gibt Mage ty cael iadEE: Re pkPra EOHag geteee wee FERS Se ae eae ahaa im CPU em pene a eRSe" Seat Mis Big are,Cte pb lata oyOST ange : ure ak ee Aemeee Reaeen eaBre es We aae ea eeBei Sas: ROE TET TECinte 05 RaeBei hy Mp aes Lager abeSr at 3eh POigOae Soar PREP iicmarcnnier ce its Roun Siem ee re RL SEIU Aes aaestage aL: Pr MORE Sage et SRE StFit Ote aanit daa ea at Be ES eteay Src Ne Wea udeER st Ee SUSMae esi Ae Nh eeSRE fendgg CoE SC He aEa) aR AD, Fc BUREE Ri anata Acie aR eed SRE aeeee” UPB ES eeAMSG teMeN MEaay SSesha Ghd ore aaeoreo Ve ea Retetas oe BEge RR TR ES OAR Ra SGRR Seas Cea ign RN ghRey Upcy ULE TES EOE ORI SAR ie a RENE faa éCUT ce ee Nec foe ae oo SETGEGEN ERTS Bit ate Aabe FP: eaUR ean 20 name y oad Seated Roel PELL IY Eat PUnetr pm icieBE teenAS Ntgt peer TNE ener Wr HAN He Re ORC TP ae SPONSE oS

    ; SAL e USN Wer ent eae eepeeres, i aSIe RS tira tea oe ie) Ges ek

    a. Upper Stretch from North. Post-Herulian W |

    SRR CRrnc ARMAS TiePAD Se aigeee Fg ARG re ? ge Tee ea te 5Ue RAAU TAS

    See RSSBS SBals) yh. Wace mtetatcecwchr em eS Gage ot. SB ae SHE hi NCS SS ascaoN . Ma ets Sausage COCO NEPR Ae MEIN. A] 2 eRe Te dares eA : ”Jp Cac I, a aE aan) LP idan ool dea eetae Sk(ETRE eC Rae Ce aadRRRAN glk aetage SG OEwit Re Gs a eS PME chen) oeRR ier Sahin ON Bec eee eeFLEE * 2See wre Nat SNEED eR Seana NE vee a ais aERIE, ORaaa Hste2 See 7 Aoe" AB eee OEE cabin ee ae aards OeGeone Sos aieats Ming gee ennEat Oe RE aE aba honk E EU te NE, ae aoo! ins a oCee ae Ce Peas. —— cht EOE Dee he yo VS eo we eae he ee oc Naas ea teen an SO cme ae wr a . a. ” Ca 7 Goon caret nee te ‘MR ole a be unto. Wasa ga ts aN Tas i ae a neat. paged tee UCU age ncney apesFie ate dao BED BMG Tee eonem nL Tien, a! Ga erent pe ae. Foah! Fewa Risen aise. Ye. tty be) s ae cseeaeeSa eT eoRO saeaeCid eeieZeta ie oe cofecal! SeesETON pacer: Ra, b, oeasCea poet be. ee Sp pall sae rg. yee eByae ; hae semen ae Cakes igs tg a pate tay NR RRA DC NA RK SUEAECARE TRL meet we UR Ug Ge ORD Re 3 Sgt Etta me er Pro ah) en a ge 8 a FE i) Bh oe ae RE NS i PMR eee FY EE Ay HA ge Ue ye, ag ee, Me ee PN: ee We is ES ee ale Poy ESR ere ee ma ae Be esa ON oe CL 5 AR “5 hes at Tas ARS 3 Mira fae NRE abe Ppee Haat ee A aay ReneS baa Fof i a Sy ABS oe ety sags Byes a PO, oN se ORNs PEN Nee 1 ale | a Fe cme Te ees oe gee desigl ha) hl a bia i ag a ee sa ihe ied seek es Ey ree ty aoa 1 ag ott? ogi, ae

    fe aaRM Al CERN SRR BRL a ae agar ail eae oanenea ay z a_ OT Daun eeorn pug reais .see Baers paises eSebey easSPread sone weBPC fie er, gs iene ars aits eS Tad caries SAA OGLotncaa ee? OG Berar Hseeee weeFe ABeashi: Beer ‘Kite ie merot : eaene MK Liye TS ceaNai tose by PREieBo cake Ena ee gue Reg se ereUNS AA LPR

    ie A ge Re eet x Rees ales ate A. apes penRS tigin, BURR pray TK mls ya Nate lapse ey BPE aahreiewie Se ta [Sieg ee aa LGN A Ss eee Vea Sree Linen Mego Se aaa aa PRT a pee VO peas ; BE TRS ee atcNS ceBEI Meyomtktas WhoT ertGRR ee "nee Re MT a PN, yategr LAE aRpeas SERsone ORC a elei MY eres Wag 3 “BoM, Loe a Se 7AE PbNae eee Beaaroe, iEaten SROcam pai ¥ Edita eee, geoaa Meme oNNaN a ces: Sota UE.RP ie ol Neha ag fvaiptatetl Tats, BPUe ae Bah hb Bengt hes TF Fes es EE gue Cae: eisai SSiain PMP ay gid ee fpyVmsiretiag ere teeet, a Pc goatee *Beaeiswee asalias gt Ee eres botSapo megetoe ets Pe SP ag aTange RRS ST eeteay wih if w hie LEER PAM Neste ay,»aSSpee PoeeeMARS idee 7sgh mC Bt Oe aes ieRetire es ahe BEE coat .3” reitera fan Poco aye

    al ens ee diye gehts Oe Ba EM i erie Meee Wee ae SON se ot RE ae: slur i Peel on NO ss e Phe oe

    SEA Pig oS Wythe fadveRay. ge H NB-hay RL eaten cyte gl Wa" FNALBE ad SF RG ARMY . = Aaa aps rE Bib i NgeeaE eetROS Ne Tes sey ES : cineca ye)Sauk Mh SO6 eres pe AMR Stage angen TTT eM a ue RU AF pe teetoyagee 1 ea SED LD Paget eeMesias eesatPEA foesate 1Mare Beeaikie wre Bue GTS Sp sy heeearets emergent apes SAPS aEe aren andae ae Po rucal ls atte:PS a eR ee: Recah aRte asAE ered Bee ART PETS KS LO eiad aap Cat” oe SRE EAara RE oye aFe ear oe Paes BRAS Re eRe Ms ene z Ci) eeegeer Mitte PAREN ASE tLAM kt roe NG aPe ge Ae AP ea pete tts sree ae | Geena bceg! mysae atgag aieee 53nnoe SES? BRre Bend HS URE PE GT” Wiha AaeCLE YORE per Ap SUR eget Sea ee MWY 7SGe (2) ateae is ent faSree eee! ' Sapa 1 oe Leet Ale, f Sra a“Bone aCe aeeeee MA Be feeCes gi ee hy See ee ee ACe TCS Ro aly NRpeers ay FaeSEF ee, RS CHTIAA NS Ake ARE EN reORC OED (heen eee RE SEN Hie :Ma PSL hel TAG Si FR“aae re aD ay Ae £ Tia ate RE Beg os Mg al bak! Ni PYAR EDTA Edge SO WOR recSOULS Wings Watia Lai is) %MA » PENN EOMROOE ci WE? PUP SORES Saag oaue) Ss oe. ReMi 2,Cee UA tare oN aeext, cons Bogen yee eNO OARS oca:ee ce BSR Fe a par FiMOE to ne ryae,EE ltete‘4 nN Desh v ae Beek Wy PWNS Math aN Cad oiSatplone %,pes aaa Renter

    i INE A SIRE RU ORE Fe eats Obi ly QAM eel Temasrd gato 9 ¥3 ne Drapsigerty’ Yaga Sede et FER ETN ED Soper eeay senna . BS tn” Meee BE ARE Fenn Hy fea ats eeresy 0 Gl net es HE a

    Ee AL OU eStes Sie SES Gh ERR Sp eget, Sage weeSR ehsee ee EE oesoy ARSE ON,iDUE MESS Ce, ota inet ec AR WRT Gentes BEERcrICU caresVee SERBare RRLeiyeel Se ete:me Repee rag.Acre: C iy SEAS “ pevihe Pe Gaon tee Baa Rig cui Nhe rehee , aeane t: Be) any Sse ER EE tee tenet ort SiR Bsceole LON RRerick BREN Sea UE Fk PRaU aEIR SCLC Fis ae Pc aeME 4 PEAY RAE ON ny, sate Aan Gc “go MER Oa Tierra © aaaaeyee Sree nayfat WEG nd Eda i re nih Carn atg "RSs tieetae aRY teat Fa awecto EN TEES PNean BNO RRO RCN RR SEG Pea FEN ROD aeae i a|eenercd load TC3 ag et yee a a teRE gg Lee yeBoe gtdSpi SRL Pg ENS Heine, OESne TUN MOH Sy A ARIE a SR, yD;ae egCNS zy ata oe Ee ee 3eae aes ese aesa9Aas 4 HES Mt gt3cet iste) : aaa Maas diele oe _ ©aac, ogetpetags Bee sks {Se GS CHORES cuit ARE Ber OeFy eteePeed Me coe GaN BY Nec ine NOE ©Ae Pteer, Pig ee to BD 5 SIA eds id geeBy panei Rarhiemey Te aye: So45 iat, aa Tees BS: CAP Esadlpggie MAR a ii cape adores A¥8 TT ee«i! ete HO Wei eae8SUP Wie ee NT inePGfiiad oeONE ey ARE Ue ecpaly Pog JISee3otc Gnelthe Nn a IR ays Sr -ee aersSe oy is ireA, Wee SMES OG SOM ete Me erevvca: oP -Mey Hera

    eerie. che Sag RS oaarte Sy Vea telyng Se SEEK ane etRRA Lan 4STEy; cate: 2g Oy.ty ow" apieNy Fea eG ci cy ere Rnb enh leatOT aieeal: Seve Sraeaad gary Batata eRe Pr.Bs ieESS iy mai Teeag at are, centile RRs7a erupteae cerSES eat MAES eran ils araASATAN earns RAS) Sede TIEN * UP eealitey = SAE Shgeen Mame SOBich banca a co, eae os oig OE S ea Fa. i cain Vales &ator rere Pact “gihe be eagna a thTRAE SOT eSSame ace ‘gem aN ‘eC chip VEY Sas ie es Boy Me) 3 ANag RA eT seSedime S > cue tl ROR Era RSE OR. ee:aes Coreen By! Oy ea has Xs as4) STpeaE Piece uoce Reyer ‘ ae aie Peaeet st ites 2 ae, SRAree co _ aXN vee og Pe ie oS tir taiee SEAR Plat EREELS eewe SOREL Eeas Beaee Gay aeCENMRAS AcydBe reSeer PRR solLF OER SDR filNS «|Pd Eerie el eye wy Be RESO aoem SRL rie Te Re eit a aegar spars coe Me RCs TOR SELy ah ee kehCee eeSibeae NTT La AE BMe opaigettnaatlge ongbesos ~ hose:'bets Ben aoes Reaeeta ye A irate ILEecita, Mai sey ereeats tenga ateoD At es AGS Phas RAE BAKE v7 soto SE reSgshemdiee™ Cae pei 4aea 548 His

    |:|| ||Fo RR ene ee Lats }ge REE est Aee iyiatd a:2 RN ELSSSAEG: IeREA ME rere eACm itee a% Not be eaters RRS eet cae, Ses COOL Bailyoe rete At Fasten yates fe£ ESaOR Sette § Gecepati: Bap tial REGa |Aa Set ok? Bie DE y UN gee es Ey Se a,TGR ASPET NB RE rRhaere eyne ccr SET BIS ACY acl es 4 awe , BeRR eye 3eco we aes.i ne ae . ae , 8RROSST ENS SER DE eal mt iERR Ry SLA ETS aiaSe ern ae nc

    ||| |aeae poeta 3 Oe apaARE SS. Ber RR soe, Pnernte OEre ahdsae 4Ep ipene FOR iea Re oe Na es & aaueme ANE Tyria08 a Es EER. Se UN ENeee Fores» Pen ae eselene oEULNE &Cy CR DOP Anata tapi eee weSeSee Eialle Sea aAy okoe ee7 cTRE cia ac ”- aha i NB geeREE OA ore Peta nie) antares eee, acetie spi Se >.FoR peed eeaTiiay pea mecone Sepost Siege ifae , oeRao a Nap REAR taa BED DSN aS oeSORTER eas EO Bigg ARES ZOE RIE jt Bes glace, maka WE eeCac &ten etassee RES - sas x vials ‘Fiigae Reet care lia ee aah ee ’heFOE Pelt. aC3 ees “pyle COs ee ee Pan foo Sab —_ we J AED EsetPHENO Be ies ae ES oy go ae FFE ES taSy OES aM. FRE Sees ty ae yh- aS yan tN, Aetna tathe, B A yy eg : Looe _ BU . f. Be ee ee ce a ore a ee ie sh eaees Fevccte Ne Laie. XM yee rt SRE ee We ta pete Ae tite eels Cee opie tL Ae 8, ives “re, AS Bes Pau ct RF GAS ap Sh EST | GRR a hoes ight Sy Let PEER Ugo ade, aia F353 tea Pah. of Ee & gh toe Ree cn enz: | BSE FOR Nor has eh rete pi Shbew sea PRIS ge aN PEER vide Dees RO Ss w opi art! 6, ERS ig oe Peery = PE tees RAE Ry” REP Pig Sate TET Ay dene REPRO ARE DR Pea Toot a ty Ra be NE derntty Dee Dia soa Meat sey Ae eae he ae AP aa Sa, SA i eae Page hae Pca pe eA eee SEE th USES ae pee SPREE SRN cB Lie NN cy ie Seay keeSeet LOA Bytucth eeetee giertALA ASR ata eee, AaPik, ui ers . Oe eh;0" URI. eae PRE ge tat gh”Geer ae eA 1 oe Pepa eerie ais ‘l= eS IRE eS riko ree eee! BG ee isang ge aa eeeee Sh,eeBR Sic te Apes, otFResRN PRR Ea ee weeny age: plSR ORE gfe taretn ee HE Oe9)Ha getter Eee. glee esESon eae Vag bap pen a, STUN Tatty, ced BE PB Lge oa Feri BPE eS A wnt Ae ced mes

    os _

    fs ojhittan tee Gay aETidecBeemer PO aac ai, eeaeoeigaMist. ” Teo peiene SPREE EE oeeast, eePIE epee’ Wasi 4ce‘ei see etSE ee SNF BB NS WL cont aeere I|«|| are veaca hak oe ene ae oesae pile a te ARB ieACR aa CIN Re Par cobeRTOS aeAe aPig, RN Nae gs ee OO STS Pils? SOM TD |Sse eT MEE aay YN, Baked un “menenee BM, I]eS | Bee Er ereoEL aeeeDeals “yaks! Baek ae oe BoSBM Rye ue eilePES eRttee Oo Cen aT 2 ooeee eeue® Bae ett calsale MARS 2M NESE PATa TESS RRae aired 2 4 NeMg ee aeceewone s a (eg? 2 2auh Rae BBS "AR Cicerphanatat iy 4s spanny eeBee ae” aSS EEPeas OE Sah esege Ce oes setaeRist Set, Sieg ate PER eac de Tie Pee aety , ae eds “ :7 ee Hl ee eae BY Aa)és etprea AA aaSoy eae SS ge BAe re, Se Be IPA FS egita BaeCeE aseae ieteeae i Br ee PMN Oe Pe Hovere oA ns oe ee pr red Mig 60/1: a;, “Be AB SS eee mth Sy Bette PN gaee dhe eaeReae Gack. PEACE aanmy Bays osPBR Pt Te ia:otrptilr SadeONL eheeates i> ee cones :yee neSEne eSPe | | Pci SeesNe SRC Sigu eee Mei irSeats eee ee MAM ae ATE Seg nna REL MCE ORT pe te CIN Come ah LN “es Magee eeMeo eee, eg ose aed ; fom on

    |pe | Pasieeenamene 4i Ca, ccaSE Coan ar Cokie cee. Ero: © Renae Ta aeba eee tian Te HE thn Sate Soe me pelo? Yat pee Jered Det Ya Bo fe : US Bs Bee eee Gh ee os “Re Pe aee ev pie Od FUE TT Bang UNTER Bg HL Be aS ae: poGhee RO ir cna, Ca OR NS Cat at toe AP TS HSN AS, Zee ers ecpeugn 4ay SOSA, SA We RPGs CAGRAR 8)! Mee scuta (SUG OEE SDN APLR esBAS ke RENEE a: ier ae aeons "eee : aah 7A cetee, ood a aN REI eee Sate Pee Dae ee Lae Rosset aang: bSAL Ere, ett aigtin O84 RAR hee ates Sows ings ie alipaetoe a :a“eg Bue Ca chs MERC eg aT SON cA CR a, CENSUS SeBg CeAR ee lye RS RIP bee, veg eae 5age Prag, HES iy EL eta tucene > ty aEE haCen ES aaE eee MON ooh. Cee ee ce one faire ara LS tet ee ae ae Rec ERA RNs eC EO ore, Chums mame 1RRR SCE Ne ws eS iad se) BORE Se OAES ROR, tbs aC ORGS SEES eehase ERG CE ‘REG COR Sere Sarthe aaYas} A ie SCL Meds Saas Trt en aetna SE RDS, op BR GBS pea Nie ceaeae preys “lees Sg eee — A reSener Cte tapeshat eu a sy! Te RE Ae A PE8oye Mee eo! Re. Stn vce PE et ST. RASLe ty at es asts aa MLS E aH OMSete FOR SL AREA OE eeYR ees Bees ta oN come laPe Sone -aVa :we at at By ANS i Sey ale iE, SPER Sal Ot Mie eather SPER SRS Ete ea ee 3 a Ae OF ea ec Sg ae. ah Tepe oe Bae A al age ee eda reins Tg es Raa eee sp Para RNA on, or pias: Se Page Poet lar sbee ee fees SESE ey vies aba ee Be DN aed COM TR Lace age ae 34 Reig Pee Maat SGI LE ae Sod ey BRN eee cf, Os ee, Ppgaet, Nseries 22 BENE EEO ni toag Reba Taaes Lee: Ped coe fellate PUR SEN. ip Pes Sra OV ie Al hag SN" oe Pps Ee : . ES iene Be po tence eaten A RE ea Te ag ae Saka dg eM es, «Bo ee hermecegy maey Seek rae ees pererse, BOE Soles REC ahs Meee agS. ABEL RAR EE ag SSE et ome ae ‘er a mayne pelts Aaatestth eae ae YEA BOR STD PE AOle gfenaoeht eMMEN SEE EVOEM REaepei Ne TSE oor PLS Ueae Senemt yp ;eegle reer) ‘|PseeAe senSigs Pe ican aeDy: pte Me eae SR Re ea8ee AEAGA Pinas) PD gti’ an SB SARS FHS LycrTepe nS. PNAC ee MO Ea ee Wi~eitigenie ee se 8 ort he ios aeOthe ae gate WCEP te,taeEhee aeMy, UATE, AST BeRe evi eaeaBU pataaoe a OF ORE cy ars,TERS 8 ehh ESE Bins eenFSe PAI ge dee ontyeae Pores OM Soe


    ote,RU MOM ET&GE Trias Eee iauagtOA PUN ae“eee NO cea hia TRAP We OR et EE etc otaH ENEAS eanBeTeneo aTGEA eas CRE de Soe Lee a ee POR copeee eT a WEP ccnas thA REmk abe a2"oF Salas EE atitan RSM Spe Tyee ndAtte dah eaeeS gash a SRR ROU aie ORT aaaec Bae 3 Be ere taeee Ne Wile “*ot" Ieee Retr OY oR ET one oSHan Ga SLR ae Ae eeee Sew Rie CoSte aS. oo) at a ECS ee RESEND IOTER AYcd a8aga Fatty SUeoattarday RBR he le tn (eMSeciatieaeenl SSOP hoy TNS feces aoe sas cea, ee talOF Seti Be okPRU RSI RA rE 8eaters aire yatcamtartiiae., ey Set, |ee. UM ateee onaes Reco ayg A cas RONEN EC Soe Rcuen Aare EER, ofAR Lah kim Te ao eT i aCe RFE aBPR Toe 1We oaA,ae PAS a Sh Tha RR aiegets Lu Py WER ANAL, Pes OOS aR NLL yoyON GRRE SAG ae ae PO Ssbarista COREG >oseeee i. eee ge °asEe fer akg SRL # ADS Ae Bi, Pa EeSaA . Seattle. Pat (Meg So REREREIE 38 2) tagaIS ah aoeGeO uesd Ras AF lag Ree ERARP IBGE SEAGER aehePiste ruta sseta lal Oa in Nin Rea ae : BG Eaeee Sesh cree 04 UY me amet ele ait BE AS SERA, al et RS boa tape S55. igay Rea Sg, AERAR ARS MATAG ee RE e Mingle Se RR Haein Pee inet g RReN aee ca SPN Ness Le:eeQR RAN MWROTE TaN nee) oe ene BR MON CID Bet |p EROS Sea penny“Se elena Ais Pee A SREY 2S We SBREE neie Nagas thst et ESRC Ne OR EPS IG ral Ber cebey Cae OE pTCOCR Rt Es aEA HOPE i RED Naoki Fee RS ISRAE POUR falaan BET aeRIS , PESRRR ACES TES eeasRMS DOL Seee BSG Tak akROE hs eeeaN TO? ay 1 ene ¥RRS BN eaAyah ROCHE Y SRL ee ta Aer. Absitah ARS AR BAS. SO ody 2 Sea REIN uE OL eo See See CreagAEN EMER, BRRaS Pek oy eh oreskane TAME SSC Rtgs SR SNEWists CB ak ng ate HEE eSEe Se HR ERTEAS Rae o Se. fe ee aeMER aA gem og8 ae Ra, Bk Car a tee aPO od Haris AS Sea ies ONT SRE ES ECR "ge SRE era et Seo Re re ed Beea 1teSSR its SARE ineoat aaac2 at Recme eeeBS RINE Ae COT” ae SN Wea ees} PhS {4M SMe Ooty RR ega FS TiN ae aaa gy vet fa eaters A Re ees iivenrerar (anRR Uae COT ADSNe aORR aaah TE ELA Ts SELES fae ee rage teantsy eer pene Oe ee & Aa esas Sy Sy any “ua EME Qe Lone oY. te. STUER BY a, eed & RAE UGSCOTEEURIA 9EG RECA Ea Ea odOe ay te WY to ger SRNR hci? TSP BS Heaae RONSON tr ZU enhRE Ont ayoe ae) ga. Awe aGES AEE ORREDE tee WA &da : iets oe he OBI aes REN eyCONES LSTC PRR tkSANS ALLL ORD ie anLSE ae LaeNCO 2 SONG POPRR Ri RC7Peay fee Dee hese Gata CertgS = eats Aaa fern Oey BPE Sys at ye eh WPF TN 8:"ae Sage ‘aes Baas Nes EAN Oe aSse en SDS EA SS eas Nee oer PeeeSS OUEST SOAR MARE BLUE OePeer in WL pe fi Byage. Be PASE LB PES EA Phe we ae pie’ RR 3Me aya peCR MD eee egion ih: Orn ceeae Sitar ad ba BresWik ech 27? oo2VN ie ee? iER bee LR prs At Sa SPAY ge Pt, PG ann ap My Re oe Evers teen a” UR AE RAAT NENT RNC CA GUIN Ara tataart PARSE tee iYAO? ERS SV EI a, open 2Tae Ue Mi Re ee Se Si ae AML BRE as,eG aojag ek an Sp Ne pet ttn AeASSN: os AY APRS AB Mee ER -Eh apt ge SE cits «alee ie een ceeM ete aET rapevestiuencee a CE ger aTBeen pe Ee,POSS Bb eee Caen OSM IORN AS ae YsBab) Aan? SiN ie fay eeeeFogg: ATES BD a,ERT .agltos eS. mead ene eae inS TARE ESR ea TS 7'ON t SNM ante ea CEs Ce|esse eS :: Uae eID ER EE Ee CL Oe irEERE eG eS RL ea Sage Eo gt=ee-©:gos EA Rene (Gee Ri Fay eek ee Be roe IN ON ASH as) PRR ins EP at RT AT Ay eel SY P vxpenitgess a. BAS Creat cneral SRR AON ia Sang ey re Sack eg ef et BA Tek gace. gll or FO HERES wn Be PPE or eres Tie queers le Sw : geared

    oo. ae ETS SE CS ee eRe an ee ohn? °

    b. Paving outside utside South Southeast Corner of Agora ~

    Panathen , | ay [p.ic W193 ]


    ce t


    he ent se . . San . at . te gage age!SBR . «cane gah pentyl weee ma nO SisGE bt EPEC ATE Fate oeare Das MRT ale Sm sd i dia 19 ‘sae Ranfit ete aCoe yee eae Rg onmittpioae ae eee Tae la HIE Eig a BB iets eae 1,age cee! eee | |ee| ‘,a—2% pal Serene apie OM ohae ESL tiseh SA oe BeataoF Rated ; 1 .C= 2, 7v? ; y nae pee aed eR aReg nesgee ghia sone Pc Fe nae amen apa Me EEpoteks irCORT gear sree «Seid ES Dire at age! " : tl ate ape ge oie MET a SL page Ce MI raat EEE A gf Gee PP of ght hnlt Pie tet, Gall Pan epaaiais i en re . ee 7 : sot

    . SO Ct ye ee a et . oo SAE Rte En eo, lila a ieisee agiees ge nae Rem hie . oo . ' ud, wled _ OT ¥. LtARR reeAETens DS reptile ooPsen. nnpe Pean PEE gare Sain mE? ee ppp GATTO eta CORT A MaBa pin a“od ERE LIN ay . . ;aa , ~ ie mPd iieee as pane ve, _. ERG eesti e:ve ss. i Silents cee oe aRR eee nore bb. Ly eae fre.mee PASSAT a ig MOOS PP eater BE i-oeoe ~ yy ‘aespets ASAEorth Oe SSae lah gtk ET Brake AB he,alah Pe SPAT oe a Oe fas vs or end Lvs ca Sea Sek ppt arg a AEs ae Me SOE 5 ae roy ac TS ae a CE a ROE res OS a os ff a eh OP ees a ey Be os a ae eb aaa Se nrrste. ee all BB te OS gh aa, | ,:‘: . . yes ee were Fi ee ae AE ed ee cua eo gine ee ae pe ae ll peice Ee le oa ae Ts: a eo vi, gf S eset - oar : aife a of ni page ie ORES eMoe ior tesock ft CSCIC siete, Oe, aeNM a, Ee ont Lame se pe aeas gEeee ES eps ee ea RR scot eg 5 EE REOs eegt SEO we OS r£diene : . ae .ray? cee i See: Behe Beg al oncfiieerig ~° ” f a Oe, +e sean age , 1% eae eeBods aaa Ae aPsSE Reet Sy=eerae Ciie eipamela M6 ays SER pe eiee de, er éaCe Po. Pat Sn eer eeeENR gee REE oPaaa oie eno # aemia CF ina zy eke : SEBET eeEPOR 2 aster os Sub ae ee BBR Pte eeaos ‘“ .PE a Bee Soe RE al eo eo ae Piesag it aS PO eeeeSei:*a;yial tec Bisipe. *eS SS:oeos aGe ,4 :ee | a~4,

    cae oe aarf eeot ie: ae iee Es aaeoeo eee , Og, gotme eG Sesh? 9ade Oe eeas i eese are - gallon SiRae SsAO See .Sega Riva. pepe? Cogan, oae 2 Bris cea : See gcse peeel Be ag oes Ce oa aeoe res . ':ihe SERIE Bg een ee ee .aene . Oe Ri ie Sak, pe gue aeee So :5ce*, aes oe Sei aaa e,ae ay:geae aieoy gga lnfe POUND ie:Rae Te oe eae pu.yin .came Ae a pe, SER SN Ta kal .ere cas a-Mpc co : s Pe eg a oe MS Sf ta. gh TP aap 0 a ee > aS pe eae, Sa igen _ iia : a ES : Age Ss Hin MAYS Be EE ACER EH OS 4 me opt eee : Sa ees ee a ce & a “ye ee, aan NEB se ee RE A eae fone Rem yest” wl ye ete ‘ 1 ART ES mete “ Sag Seo oe aie ee Bae aonea’ierdy he aeey) Po ns ta:EE re ee. oath aN yee cee-_.RP ie, ig ges eg aS eins 7 4. aw aA, «sNG Ate we POM Ts hit OPN aes So gee OE WRG ESpe ATE OERPE! LTE peice Pa sae 0BO akMire i ENE ca tm! pe’ ae, sehen’: eeeiaels aRgeue NiePe SoA ALai Oe taGR 2tee, » aps a * pe ani OIE game ile Seeger Sia om itCorr weer .; me ce me “ Pi 7cine I_NS apie eho in ates egaore Miia cer fye 4oe .Ue "a Sepa rae ane We dies ee >Ke Fee ett ERP Shpith ee irda . ?*at Brest ae: ' i | be ce me ree oe woe ce secinaipne recaer A.rei.oR “iy — Sc en at ie amr eat ad eis ei : GEREN opweegb ee ge on -*Pit :aaeg i ge er asst . *e Kee fee gant Tie Eee

    a — a er wercoyge g ie OT Tog


    HR seo Rae sng sn er SHE aeBhat a esne Ge ee eeMOR eo ot ae ing ytFinke ainka Oeoa pee eeak ree aaR an teAed1 sate ma ll oales ane, ci iea fCM foe hist” Fa "osbe a. Pa te .2 . Oo, iaHT = 5,Bea. RAO tata ae Ce \Fe ies poet Mea eT et: es aaX xThay nie aeabe Se os ee wil Bie RE ae i,eegiect By ps ie . aCate sooty fof eine OE cSage ES coe esee 1) RBG eee

    le s ae eS abet Be aeee Oe eeaeee Paha, Ris: i.Me So ielt, as ihe Nf See NNile Xea Met } ea gk” RS aaeeea5ACR eae 2°oo eei de ‘ |iifzEa iyso ce - a cs Bee oo To es ee eeBe 5 as Agate reeee eeeSeat Rissrn ¢ Phy Sag: Pot oe he gered Pan eine. Pines eho oe : Ae a ee eee a ° A eT a a by ae | || bos aeseae coats8PeNL ee BOR ee oe a er Pinatas 8 As| aeer Rareeae oe RR Se. SY f BE oe ad Foie aeaten a Pe Gees olsPind Silage Ce 3iiiOe CMe Rah eeEEEs, ad» Ey cn eae eesa:cet ‘

    j oo OO 8 aa eae agts i eeSa eae eee Oe ee oe ee Cerrn, Mee eea~ a “De eeeS a ig os 7 ees ,la Bee ii ytRee go kl ee aor tee Bie sous iter bes ine a) : ne |>, :,| an ae MN te ee TEE ON eS er ae Tite eee fell car enfield enCe een Ee Deere ee aaae egne ger ate Pee et. NAN e*ge MF! ate ae fhe sel ag oe) ieee Le ie oe ——_ ieSear ees oy ss Axee Hall Os. a Ee CEN I TO gO es ee ee nee te gS ok ee . ‘ ae aial ao ae es Pte ee ie ae oe g gt | AC eras “SS ek atin Wai eat ie not ae SS A ae iis. em re ae He - Pe ool -ie‘-ta~4| |i!' iIi|i:aeee acts ye Cyt ASiEs Ra aes oe red RR :ee Se iSee ee eee. * ue eeRCL SeeeaSe aagp i »oe SOS cetacean aa se fal: fhe Speke ys feo Mes BERS oe oft .cee é‘OE, Nn eee, Ricks a:onaaclane oe von faa Ota aa NR PREPS CORD none ageeety i. an ar ET) oe kl aaa RE i:Ha eae» yfie OeWoes ia erre oreae Yaa? a Pea moe ae Pe Pgs om Ht. LET Po, : a ce hh en : oH a eo ty igs a iAgsaaa pr aVe opag a ae hetastes ia ee Ol i. see ~ BS pe ae aeoS i ) .| ' ee nan ot osatfeaahe” adPee 7 Spe oF os ay ey Ee Oe ai Se He Me ° oe

    |||i1ae |dn a:agMP ar ae Drie, fa. OSi i.fab saan a‘A aCEN aed eal Bega . Pe Me le. ‘athe Bere goeh .ee:Syi. PgsaERA isBip ‘aa aWag SeaTegel ee a7 aitaes eia ane Sa Te seit forecae Poineb ‘tS sath Be Ped wae Pecee mer “a iteem sd es i. a .ais sei, chinea Eas a Ria Bae Hee oeoe eeseams oar jan Wet 7Tat eee ; Sia eae3 2 ED ttarial . SOA teas ie ee Aes SEF RUE

    Ln, ee ielles aae“YeTiage.ane ae oT ee No, efesae Re aecaalle Une aT |leietS gtae meer Cae tehap ie peepee TEE ager apieNES, 8 ge betaSi,bhWY ee Os ae De eth ee fuk ae ocr ae Tg “a Bic Ce hoeeerg ee ge ees AiG Be ateat iaaDO . PO ai :ae |Vil ile vere tae ae ee NaS ee ence oC inl ; fe ie Hi Pope gee Ce ’ ce ee Socal ka c gee sgt, Mm es EN ih Bg RR nn a CMS 5 7 a:| il TORSS és So aetna ‘ab LPR me i : > Pees ea tN is Pree Ne) Amer Ses eeu RNS eae 4 : if I, a he a —_ y ee een Al wee see pene fa make ct Meer ae calte a. re : ty a? ae Opa te RMS cs Pgh am Me be ae . aa i “B all we at mF is op | again sete Ce ae ne ii?ns“Suan : vag “e,.e MEM bess itdart Rites Mea Lee tee See: Meaee TET els Mee ey | . ke | ta *¢ Fe is J Rie Re Ae ee os. |mil || Cae an ce gees 2 gee Oe ad ) : ms "Mp CUE GSonce es ae i=i., pee(Bees ;edi @ an, 3 IGE PUES ea *alae G.r“| ag-lig, Poe ie DeERB boar >Ge galars Soe nate 1| lleercediiert OR EAR AS aa! a areeta ea apie 08 Ra es *:i .rere a. aera COR 3s ee“eae Gath ont ee ics Bee EL ne eben a Bigs MAHN coe Pee UR Ag 38 Ae idle ogy ey Pe i See cers RSOR Cae Ta isi Ni ERC: Se ONE Sos Ee aeGa a. ee : Mee vt

    me -getae .. |Fy Hg Ze ee Ad |Malic eee dee ooo a:© Sa. Ke*ye itp — aA ame x ag A a i oe ere) i a es Sat chi ey gh a oR ae, Ae ime Sees aes i oct eer aed hs nas Ee awk Ktih's eege, EA ceSear oak reSy aeco as cvaeueey eee ater 7° Mh Pom sae, cs oeies a“ta aEe ie ee Bee at as beg eager ee bo A ee ae . Po ee : wehirns. O SMe da Fe a cake a s ‘i Ota, aria Nee Ra gale ghee Ev ad ; yaa DES ede ek 2 CM UaM ae ee ae aS i"ioe ag 4 pt a Mage . we ie ; pee in a gis darter Sia 2 oe Ree mas pic ag i a Re es dy a "la Ms = abe

    r| ski pita” SaCe ay emia: aon aocae OO Neate kama tates Oh, BeRe glee ete Gee 2 ae, Pea ae 3ee ee ease in iw Ra Si Ga es ie bg Saige oe sae” | fabs ae .ie i 3pidge i er j ee NE re eee Be, eat os | “t‘teal ith Wen ieA "wast AE Sees, eee ame . py, me 3Ee Ee rie 4 Bh pe eee ener Te ei, We Cy eeeee .SS, oe7.digs pete ee we. Hn ; Be ch” eae aera he SS) gg aS eR OES Cee ee Se ES i het aki é:2 ; nt aa oes Saloon areas Pes eae gate SRE i yk ale i ef Lae Oe eer oat ae DT A i ise Sle ie, ag i a edu fet ARB ag ES. el ee a R eMm oo RSE eae We iat eee oe eta oP Ln Nn parte i 4 DN hag os iA Ve a meage ed gh siern emFx aesfe ek 3 oseieeel Ris ei ie Nees tLef ears et*ore ea Bs ieee,:fo’, , “a ie fe Be ete Ee | ei! . ee ee RS ° ond ANG ae ey ee Vee ae eee ,oan aa . aa 7a| ae :Prive . taal ;-}“Re Pegg erPN aame Bae ’aCake OS td By AI scat etal |re aet eter. ND aBSaeae aera =. e's# :tee if aaed ga Piee Pe SITET uc, it er ae oP, osa:”ae mye shad ,fhCae ¥ey De at dak ae all ed Ga 2en ee za “Ae ped es ,Fonfis ne ,oe: baa a oi” ill be 5 ee eR ae , on” Mey Mig o fees , a ae la : : lao till Be eae q cee re . F. cous ¥ee pre PsCE faesg tahoe” meee " int : Bo . aeEN . sae mepencect ce es ~ Mb OR Sg ,Le 2habe Rie eapietied ARE oem .teoR aa eeeeOe gt ee Pie ESB : acct: 7 RY Mae Be ee. Bt; gt ce puadie ‘ inwe . ime

    . eae

    ft allaeé .cae rt Eg | “ ale Bogmeh igs n cies Bo jtMe of “.: :__| é|

    Drai |

    . Succession of Draitrom s issul from Thol from a n n n Cholos, East&194

    GOO gh ME ge oT 33

    ,wa aa . :Aa 8s ot Sg .Mes : cn e: “teed, cgaReet eeee, ne ne ee aealtaitheee Pate :, Ivonstg se ote Car See eee | Ci NO at Me Se 8 eaeaoyRo Fi, Senin: eT ee a _— | .|oepacar Bikes yt, heRabie ogee) ae oe, sok‘wi; :eSeer:

    Be ti ys Be er a WN re hy ER a Ne 5, kee nen gate a

    Be eegsaRe soci SSR RS See Pome ge,eae REome” oe et an cone uaEE oy oe. eS al ee a No Me PP ee SIRS os ae ct eee . wih aeee arAPR cae eSBORER iE ead MS, BN ee ge wwe BE ED hy INoo eg ‘ ),

    ilDr \ ae aaDe yeee SURNAM Pe eB a Ag ae asaiUp ae POeeesge IRE OK os ee ees aa ai . /a ae Peer ou LS#ngs eageresy TahNS ee ees Sara at reaed BeFL: EOL ROSY meee elegy, Biee gee Baodes i geae RNIN Sy eR, eer gn RR aE ane IE te ek PES UNI eetagey Oe ls |=:UTA: ERNE SIS ER g ova RS j iisae Fe es a oaes lig Be i ee AS EN A dar ek Gee re oe eee ata.ak agiN Seednee RO La IE gkcde nae Ps) a

    . WM ear @ en Cane e FE, sage BR Fs eee een a Bane Re ae eagee Tyy vari. EM wt? AN ee 8 EM gS IRREL Sand apes ee Bs ct RUS Ble Te ESET a Sb ad ee ie ce : Hi a an ES Bh api oe.” an ae ere CORRES 3: Ae ae gS ST ML coe AN eee ene | ae Ser BAER PERS USES ig SUE RI Say Fy Oh ee ae ea ee SAE ee cna ates” PAS na ;

    ,aaa ]i |ge |A |f. aNe, hee .ee Py aOme aFang oeakxPee 1 sae pital ue Se eeReie aN Eg Shag RE 8 “a: ek aecal eeSere Ags BS os oeOE ee:Pe wom .}Wl aiaN HERES Sp ghPASH V8 22AE Re esne FOR RS Speen tSPOAT I ag gee makeing: at aBay Beer he . AIGaeil Nea LeNL Sarr tre eteee SANS Be ON AG een ae OS UO he jee vo Re SPF oft Magers Sagi: OSL, De SAGE are ce aeeeera aakedre cae aanCat a int ta et RAE RS ha9h Sea oe ea momenta cee aBeae eat

    | [ : Boe eseae ss “ ; ch wrt aad ges ae “aeSED Bite akPech aera Beamr Mgttie ae elie SRE OF eS “ eagle. oyPee Cre i Heeee BE CBRE aCe ght ee ee eae an Wik Sspibagiae a iSw oe pe ne eee a Saaos oa BY RY Cee ae SSH oie Se eo— ame ‘hee eeSlaaPies os pees Ge eeeee fhe eee sy ,st i TA ET ie ee RE oe neen 2am «EP a a mai y: aoeot pa Cehie at Be ghee OTN IE ahoe ghee eS ar neeey Mece SO EGRI Liga lea, OE ecg teca ha ane Cie anne ‘al Let oy See AES, aCeeC eek ifead et5,ON ieeoA ae Baran PRSook esees Bee iee Se-lieeae Pale EATER tteey acer iees pik Gar ast ees elgg SOE SELES TNCRE Te LT ees:SE ree ea eee” Uae Fes TE ee Come Ca Pe Os Se aeBPI RPS ESae Sethe tod GaP ang ee eee of ee ORS . ; ; i | be ae. one Ma a. Cie ae ge ae, SON OP PAR COST ah EB ESE ey Pe oe MEE isee ’ AMAT Mg Bore A Seite ace AO RP RE A ay RRO eet SiGe Or ee Bo ge a rate ae © RP a hs oe ce od i ae . : oh Sagas = rif hae ate oe he : os ames dae ee 5 a one ie ee be , opiates EOP e ns be ne .* ty HaiPOR tht «aBe NCORNS: See ee crn fon RS Fea eM cd ee ee Bhatt gaye AS. ae yi Wig he ger. “CPSP FaPh, iesBP Sa oa Se ieoes, oe ali a SMTA ee Sa mek i aR es i a nS Ree hc ee Bg SAI BS Big BRE ek eae ‘ill . ie Meee Faker a) ea, oe wor ke on ee ; Qe a ka eo iin: Ag EE PRS Sages be ieee i} BINNIE . EE eas 5 pe) ON Pe ak aad hey Siete es ean eee) amie ST acts

    aye Be i te :ibe yo | Rai, uBRaN i ISats Eege Ne ern em ae Manic Sa Wier ear GinaBe ree eg OO Oeee J Be EC Seat ON ieMa Caer” NS k: :aa1Lr EE SEE he Ly ae) PO ig (Ch RMR TE Mot BNE gRoan eee, eS Sold eee idaSAE ue te cy eR a— Be whe fae os ee aaBa ee rate SRA Ge eta Mae to ee eutee apm 80 ;aEeES hg GeouBlgy \oa ChMie, IRI NRE aAtal a aOe TA oe OP aRph st gS gh LEP - Rey em eae tee tare aBh. RYDE SS AE MS Me Ser Aee Be aBgtzs geen ts =ee NT 8MO RT, aSay itSIN Ga ee odte ist ae. 1gaaa Ma em .:SRT EC, aes Mv iareNs canis. pee E Yon} \ Poetics re eee}eo Area i Ca aT TR GE 4Gee er a 9) oe ag chy Foal aaa keEe Tame CRS G2 Sy GS Pa AEBS Ms Ear Pat EN Saige eyes i. ct A aeoe ge aggite PS :er BoEPI ORE SANIT BOE ES ote oes oan SS Feo oS aOS Se et Re a OILS) rede ne recreate Ss adi aeerie pis, Ly5his fips A ME esBh als oR ay 3TRS raat VaR ts NS Wee A imteg Ceeevan: oo keSe aeEIS ieSkee Tey EG reetee, ah Baea Tga,be Ne Seyo eg NT NE Sa comer Nib Ag SRE Rey eyAPs JA Ree ee nme te i ae Ste SES Oe ae eee glee Bae ieee RE cain MER ae, PURi jerbie aae ae aay Oe i AN RS na ME ca PCa oeearce aeee VIE Ba i aD Ch sienORM feelee a RES OENS SEU CSaeIN aeaieryeg AOE ESS aE. CS ARLE hn ELIS a oeoak ea

    HeatPe od ao ae eb as aes ie es eee fhea eetcoh re te ghd Ee ERIE eo. fae 4a ee ue” Og Seta RYpe ane Ca ONE Taste hay MoiBee 8 te Leg aanteaoeaStLooe ae Mediate BeeERRNO we Bsee a eee BteR aehg eeEE REAE PAO Eeroee cere EO LOS SEN ee ae sag Seeai ae eitpe Bagh Bing eee FREym ges Tae : RS ee paiAEE oa ena EF penrare a oe bt Ce Res DAAE egw ee eee ata BSsans ing cal age ei! aes playa SBS: SAG Gok SMH cheer BF oe yes 8aoe ee egMEE ie ease, ee CEean BE oe Soca, Uo kiadae ag UN Ray ea SCENTS gee eS BEE BERSog pteOM ROSaaS, aE oe EL Cae See Sot ce ar. sae‘EE nt a Ay a:dee nean : ora RON, We : et ‘lek eefy.” Rae V8,TOC perBy ei Sec heFe eee PigBee pee wee SERRE aeSaar Ee he ee)eeea vee OeesMM oer Me Hae aeBeee erWa hes a ae eee ' Ater mebee Sa Peaac poe ee a Ria Se Pa gs pr atin gd 3 TSS GR, ahES aBees aoe Sh UBB aie Bs eeSte eA.» Pera) cag pesoe SeHAE Aa (hae Fhe aig BNET ye AERS csoatanth “esti! ap tagOe : : Re a Sian oteee EAE GE DROIT Eas Cat ee peep aSg aaa ws) aR aEB coe SCMares Tins e Sireonanes one 1UE aah AOE Cee aRP BBoR Sete Ge raene aes ztPA aie i ee oe ee eeNe be ye 1OM asitar SEARS eos RAE TSPoa geare oySa ske 2FUER Rab ook, ae RD A COR 2, RGR 2 SUE Ee a pe ee «Prbec? Pee A eo! ae aeeFP eTei7Fee aae AR ie ho AM Shot Abag ciREI tear at ee eeOS «|ne ee :ce . SA en en ee ‘esccri Sity 2aoe ahs oe Migtaes che cic RRTee Rae ett eee ar eee RP pethage EMRE e SERIR Se | stn ira aati Ahe ie Mee Ramee Wwe EeMee oh gare ea aeoy aeAer . . AGE MORN a if gee ane RE, care She” he ie ORSON Coes ab VG. deny ed ORES be ce ane BREESE OG eae Cem see

    fee oa ea eu Pes Sas Dato aas. ENE ee eels :8Sale, iBe PT baa aBue ae ae ee NSA TENE OR oss bo ie : Vara cne igea heod 2 oP RIG a alBo ; eee “Sage aS eee as og ie os een Ey Pease ea er ae ee ee os a) eS paige Bat ava we ee VRE oS PER RCs gee PRUE eleee Acne aaa Bayi eee BT Cae gteo ecg ae IR ee.ROE PsFR cece Mee pee aS Bee as — Ne :: ek Rea oeaucnred ie ar reaesais OL ea”Bios .Ua oe cena ne nes een Baree Briony, poh et BE reFgOM del Rigen eSfac eeae eee “Oe te aNSR geatTH MRE pate arene :imee :eteue SREP ES gece oh! pasa AO Se By Bl : TE, GSR : BON es Gk gl7a ae

    |7: Ree Oe ee a kt: Keke ae ee j SaBefeet isn gEA & ER aoeteSkoegee a) aPoe ee Re eeefaee a ees 1 Senne : PEO a oO Fag: aeeheeescae Bes eee: ana eee.‘ig, ae ae Bho So re |oeaa re Pee eeEEN aRE ptt aiof:.Sos eR IRRR MI ARE SE OURS iee a! eee teameter) Fle Se cn 1of COTTER fy RES AS oe RE RC, ee th FIMEE , cue i aas are :opt Paes E en OR NI art ee . SN ie” ma Saag ciswf LRU RE a ei SE Tas . ;0eat fee” ae Diol cyPosty ee eke aoe ieee tor acerrth aa rrabel: ai Ee 1 Gee indae gage TF. Sar ene Wes eS ae ehoOD Fihee : :;ibe 1a :a, ea ete: §H OG etHE SeeEEE MR CAM Z a: ae sr ane ies x ee Cac ee ee ; . ; fig ae les eS ee ig: aw | eure re aft Fis Nae eae sage vege oe alee a ae pak es ae ies Mads Po ee eerie | eS 28 , i . iy Jo , Tes aie: pc, ON ie oie eas aAa Be on OBS 2»at eeGAs Se Mane NRW oat : ai. SgOSES AC Se ee LR Sw | eee ae“ay aey! FA ee Sa 24 MM Rr aSC eta ees ee ee aate ee ce on me : ee 7Alot aohltifsSe egre FIRES aokee OR ced ae Bey nee Matta, bo IEE! ase preys Me Pee iAe aemma Ong Cefe aaa MMCIRACRERSES ear arAgy 2 geet eeeer Pee eae Seats fAae penta! as EY ES i AN ASS he ed wien : sy Sea aL SE to ae Chae ee, sot: ns : > ae “ re Beh 7 gees Pog ie sn CS je Ga IS a u PRE Ge acme Rae pa Ie ee BAERS a a ee , ach . ‘a :Peace Sioa a WAM er a” Tee dee bos ig Sea rigaietrs Be ae eS ee a Bs oa “ee pees eee Soria enPe We Eta ag AT aiscantaes 2Foe pares ic fe |Se leBios rrOo | pode :cae iee “i eat ha oR GE A ha = Pe ge Begala : — sete ae Pgs ae, ee on Pee. oeChee ay hi aeBERGA cee Hf aey *fee 4_— pe eT ar Me RRgetters ei”re Pa Se eee CR tec a UME hel iOMEN eer gene: een Arie oe ,me eeNY aren RL ror ete te Pe Sos EC a ee \ ag ey MEaaa OR ER eeeMR 7 toate Feria: Re eraiBie egt ee1CR eee ||,ae| JN vee i PA: ee awed Be Regd ohSE iefede aoeaaTeo Si as ayeee Bde men Ne mSi \ 7 ON age gS wae a iaSeo ee eeAEE ee he ooh tek ee ee EES oe“|BP e. ee ace en OF Peas ae . CERES SARS OS ESE able ccsgts ceaS Teaeaee ieian SesgéNae ay ey res Tae asCE eg eta Oey ne fiat EE heme nebe Lat es °i£etITA . ah a :ACER cP genie Eeheeehee See woeenai et a;Ra oyOMe sRS 2 ERS Not Set SUPER meg . :cee Ee a Sale anise egag Raa PPR, SE Soc Ea Re pa ob. Pn sy esmeennaeiecl ail ——— Been: fe REISS aR PS AO . “Ry IR SR eg» oF ooBice el eee |Dy. ae |/aeiy pangs :eee COO aheae SMS dea aOC fARS aa .RL: PENN dc CSR ikcrams i Sa | “ae ne es aePee ee.a‘eG Ete AR, Boe isd + ss foaigea eS ESS oc eNOS laa 8 Bt Ppa Rr ee cae i eee Uys i Fee ra dea ee ag agen eS RAR 2, Se A RR a RAND

    Oo ana Bee Cle AEeaage Car 1J RE ee yee peoi oi Be:i co age : BN saeee oeaee ate ‘8 as a aapee oe Peeeeose i i aed SRR. ae 2Pe Sek oetea eae en ee Be “3 i. Wa : olaeal ae: ,Heo oS | Sante. See ane a tg By | :ipy ee ie Pai oe ieave ere ee EE RE fo ore en ee Feige! Boa ye senrttanlel po aa ieee Skea ary Pen ee Re ae Se er ee aS ile gaa oe Lee ae oti ee ieds) aE ae SCENIC SE 37. aye GT a lg lad ERR cates oti leeoS oe on :aes ae eer Pe : ee Aa gi aee diEOE enEa ieoS ae Pes iIE Mr es eS SORE Waa, ade ye ieOE a. :HES feOS iBe ' PMI . ca Ea skeeeye Begs

    hi AK oS iBB ag cSee Taseee Fe ae. :— — j " ee eer eee ne eo ioa

    sa Pe igiiar erele. see reams Rode RS etoR Me eTeo oe SC ae ath BEN ne eyanes be ie: deg :. Be aaS BeBag gs ie yates pa Mat leec ttsyMONON oe ee eine Re bie BE ERE MC Oo I on oe Be oy gabe i Bees ae aa es ee te pees oe ph ee aeae eeBEE fe «anys tOieSere Sr aea es *Sen £aSant Sete aca RC ee ta PE edgigi nyad pone Poes ne :mira 5. “sed elttear aT Sake? ha ae Wy gente tere ra Mame me ro, coe Pa aa ae aed sy) “=e A ae _i i=-a, - : wap ees eG Oeae outa ony SPI AS aya at eese DOr SEE SOT gp ¢ne AEE : me ”a“han ——

    Cc -rain |fromj!nion b. Detail of Pipeline showin n .m un . junction 1be Southeast ) ail of Pipeline showing j hFountain F H2663 ouse (A . . Inside Diam. 0.28 terworks [p.199]

    Te a a Tee Ks renee cities 7 ag ine Pe “ enetSahspeak ae be at F put Bagae Be [oeeteaaes Rtvec actin of eaoeeee Mee Ogsae PE—— ars

    ee EER oa ” he, Me Oe COA PeMe a Yak eeyoehee Meo elae: | nil:ge ee, OR ee 1Ns AIREaeeWN RES ot ge Sah CARROT ER ag

    eae | ane een La ‘ Rican eBaPaget osaeae Ra a cae HhRR nh aGioad Cea teaaa: abit A rr” crc Tevené COMERS ey bet es aha a, aMHEERE hee wh Ca oionaas ae Sa Kite, i.EA le, NORE: go llPR SEES 7°Pe ee heres SAS akc a oe iim, AS ‘ p NOP Hep ead eS Sa Pe eeBo Oe aeeeARB Egae ag aii bie wiser cto oe Tae eel Pee seOORT M7 ee get BER a Re,ee aony Saat ween aeane ae aren Laeek ee tie Coe le 2Aine ae ee eee Ne ipl pee 8 FO ite aie ag oh Cry “eal Se BOP O a ERE Sig, LOS Pe Bs

    . ioaraa,earamen Se eS ig tg pecii oer oo ee end pe; ose MEeet Shea alae a te ee ee aaan al aER tahea Ren ay aes TH ps, OS Bi teeaTEM Ke, AL ee PNR meee i gag ir mae

    oe RS eevaoe . Nee i,iiaRE ee et j eeeeaig orpsec i eee pie yer eoSRS UP Ea ade diag ae eg Bp RL 21.5 PS aNici, 3 5 8os - TN gh aeigpiee eoorgs é qaadee eeoe, cee aN Rh. Repeat ae hg eke‘|i eo ree ee ue ay:STAMP aeSMe a sehae ae aciene OE! s,s alee in greet ES i gg, aaa saat hi, a ee Mon isk Tee a pig a,oo Bien Sees UR aeTeeagecu te iar a ee en eh) ee ERhoy ate paar ies anea a Cee taCienoieme Bee ie,elalSS we2)Biot aoe: FN wa agPy igcol, AaR gage de PR nr ye se tik atertsee Mo UE SE i Pegage Te ccaeTiona ‘ aNap ees Tees eetree ONE meashe “ peters ed adeca oeea: Se, 4 et he SEeee eo Loa peas AS mae eee ge re wie ey hike es |ohNBN ae ee:Ga a i, pe oe “og "Matin Rng Bs SsER Sane caaR a, Vow a weer Onesast lV gape es Br Behe Be yee Yih : i aon | Bde Sake Roarabe : ee pee if? Ke f Fe eseo aga SE CamusTO ce aepr cr ate eeeae oe Esaren fie poemegeseS) we Rr Near ttotee ee ee aak ses. spare Te eae ch: kaye efheat eee eee ie Fi Saae cepa car rnc on ee 520; Care aSANE eee ie eswe 5 4*nit, “0 MS Ck Ae Oe etyar We RL : £3 i : pe sees SEHR i iacad ae aeee we ee rrSpicy Bete ser cee a SN eran AR Ane Sad CPR 28 ;PALER aSm Cae eaten ie Hl ats .or Pt3chucu ient eee 1TARP Bact aay dj EeEee? ee Lt iMaka s) “eee Beet ad Beg €Ae ae on . aaOIC tean) jaune igs ae ry ary ale Ye Pe Pe to aah aaE Ae EA SL ean, pt: SS EY eee aye PE Sagi ‘[iaPome :Rae “i 4ee fancins £® ES. sakes ei” ra et Be ah as)go OEE BE 5peOe SE aC 58ue cewent 2pty hee aA oo te ys DSP SS Shs let fi EyRAL ee keae 4aONE Be fire Reen Hees: aed ae ee Pong Ng aS VRE ae At i eee gg Bi | OG ears ae. ee Ren BS Ses rd eee . 8s a x ge ce Fee » bs ae TR aera arene er i ae tae yer aot cigeny: a a AE Oy ee Be a ua ge CGS cert. a. hee aan ETI Pe ee eS oe Sn Bees” , ed Bgl Seeker sg et dey aN Maine es, Boe ay ok ee Mees Meme I aeee eeeee ee, i |ihn i aN ce irI ca gcNaa ahFN cage aef Bi ge ee es yabesg egake a Me: 2

    mare LAP Chen it eth ria eS ide. aed rgd cet Sn Soar Sa se ge RE ar aeogg) cr a ah co a Se cen meee 7 etFCG f ‘ Wii dea Ot gpa Ay 7 yp ES Ae es Saas Ai SR ws Wa a Ce. ee ames | ||. putty ET in Eg egk igaet 8 tee RES eS Bh ie garage lege te, TRORTRORYS Es SS mS eer Oe ae gain Me . SRN S50 *S

    nee eean ea ae Bea etaeae fa ee oe sh ann ca. eeaccia ae esagar EAB1eee a"ay pest aid) Dake ieeePete MeSis aes DES yngtke Baie gegen a psy PO eta BO ana ser mp, got Ayt SEShe * Sg, ONeG: ieee ison ihst PR Ragen Tos CRA fe whe ee GM eS accra sag Oy oe aFL a4A et ye my .Eee v0 % Same peat re “ie oy vg? i gt See i nae ree he cote Rap asee Pct aes BER eras: BENS ote ot (A PS pen EPA 8or Po “Ragtny Pwo mos es A Sic eee ae5, ayy Nsae nae wed wean yg Bhs Te ee Were ey On Ge Si iat awee ae ae eee pot ge wey Tt .,aiee. ;.:Sy :Vo we a.y“oe yt ers wore foe .a4_ RD PEE wh aes eT sarergst O28 Be a > rw eae mar Dg RR TLRS le tt wok thar . . . . ad . : wet og NIN Eo ar aie oo Sag eaeracits PM age BE |Seige ee ha ha ere 2 Cy ae pai Se or eke aren oy 4 rs : _* cae Ee ee te 2, ; lad aE ee tr gh HF, ed tact an Ne ee ik 2, ESR ets Me ie a seb + +e, Me ae “ . » wis iy oan ae beets Base) Cache paar ekcee A ae ie ee re ee SS Joe Seng er ee BS eg Wr pet Ate Pe a“cody , oe eta oy Bae Anabou RE ees Be SE rr, TH 7 me et wy . . . satus ete tS yt 2 tun 2yh Si aoe tre Or tloA aeat Ste are EEE Pe ee 2 a oe Sw fhe he A te ee EO . eae eae *. Bo ote et Cate ae ead wee Pr eG WP aan he eS ear eS co eer ia Se wer * Pian OR Be Me a oe a ey wa a PE at tag i"ql ae eee SR sibhiee sr Rar es arse yey Ses Co RE at vast as ew a Bees est wee , Pye ome * wee ve ee ge SE "7a eustagt Viet eet TRON a Bats beeahs Ogee onvob Ca apRe, ne tM OES SheRe Se aTLag ee a Reisner acetal Best Aa oe “oh RyTE ee tieee HPAES etagaera wen ageHP BeBa eh gy cae ee PeSN BeeteS ega be aa ctec ES cre URGy Bales Beta, ee teas aha ORE ie RN aSay ae Swee eet a hE LtFINES hatte a°Destr Sb PERUS Ng Pare ee7praone seen areeee Gea wtIeg aot Feea:"al onUnban Ces Saenger eee AR SS

    ene les eA a rua . a

    hongeag lt il. i mo ee GP oP to Ree er _ grippa oe ee at #3 ex eg) Spat le ae Pee ages HG in hai ' F : . ,

    7‘ fl 3 2aerua ges soe phoat BEE wee Dey ~.ay OR ?. ee :é .;ee elOo.WiC tet Facet Colngaie, . ee ,fe eeee .0 onvoy AUMS: rt ‘ -PSs Reiser a Poa gee Habea Silat |

    wae ae Ses 8s ine : ;

    a ‘aameade eoee } *Bae PeeMinti x eerActfa sie I iba " : te oe yeintaces, vty Ped

    wilt! gp .aa fig Bee otiBa: PyaGer Rei Soca TAS EP we ge Oa , BAie eo Se ome 4yaa 7Bone an ORS, aow oesie te :cars: eS Cal vs Pepa Seo me ae hn ies feoes both» om we Ae aSoe ae who Nyt ERAS ih tee Aapcae yaar fie aieee Oa it ae Rass ae ®Oe Pics ieag hey taBR A, cea a Ree eae Pts a

    8 igats ooage a siPE Game Oe,” aie ge Set ceeENTES ee ee OS ES fe heee aeeets sg eeBibs ae aie! te. *"aENS age De eta oS PeefoCeSan is: ay ey 2 PEERS i etChg Pe ew MsRT PasSabo" ad tine «wap. h shai per oS Peeely te oS ue ae ve eaed is daha 3S mere, Pet ese aeeee 43Dg ene oS Bie Pea Oe aaAo ee ae i Lat omar Rea OTF yg ano. ey nlaite eaece BeiPig aa)ctpee et BE goilRE age * gai BE bas me wee ie i Ske ego aaa! aoe gig oR ltr ekBet3an rasaereoekiae bay geeoPe tt atiete Sri raheeek Beg3REE cectBata Bit eSSe mis ee Deear ies et Bey, ete ‘ Pig OLAS Bee AN Py ghee team erea AeMagee “a REEea f a mee hla ee oe ee ‘ait bab EP a Ea ska Te Foe a 0g asia ageeeBons” ee Meee Pde esme eBags eco, 2aeo) Taeee teaAE cg eenapse i ay Redes 1elAbe pict ag ailar caePie% wo. Re Ea Pc. aorSebi, aee.ineae 1 hae eeac:. beh Babette jen i Ls aye, ‘ng af tae ow ie eae eget geeeeeeeaae etaeeware ee pet : : ‘ ee li. ea a rare wg aust Beis. ene BC is os itaptis’ . Be® Wg ce OE SR ee Me tg, ae Bae ee ap git ee ag 6 neo Lo Sate ee oe ane ee bie, aide : 2, ‘ . wt ; "e a WAG eR bee S ee ee TN tae ae Aaa. 4 Ali ao EAE panne td ae ee Pelion ap ae ee BE RP ee a as Fe eee, SL a4 age ye vee eiee lech is aRcoy He aOR Iee Be Cate ie le meareae ae SREB es: OS ee eels phen aahPy (hiath, ik te gs PoE eg Fe a" (pasta ansai er erat tata haat abe eecary pstue oe DAES 5 _met eeteeas oaaares te ee aie Pee ce oe ee She poems, Me ace pa ae Paar at ae er ed .heat eee Oe! pa agg oerome ei aes eeBg SS Bee hee melt SA dplaeeoiie BEE Me git amae cma wh Swe olan ayo 4. ted Bee aae ee age piso. aae “ees wae tts ae ooRU 4ee Se Biss, aes ay >iee cages , wh okaeee oe ce hi oes s:wal ae Py et —e fee toa ei Sie ee: PON Spe PRES AS Sn See fos. ee RE Pe alate ge Pea ae Ris conte enh eegt ahonaby stag gene a a: PN ee iy. en BS1 a et Fite na gees ae %Fl Clank ee ones. ene aay5Pest on nage Sn aPON Ma ae ete gets apie ON a oy ce a ee. |ain ara 1oeMetra ienr See ape cee

    lets! taal = a gall Bai eS near. ose a ee o on Ray I i Pe ela Sere epee n alae eee at Feat gtd

    ati. ace Reeth hm ~ee4Ts : “aR *shut re ers Sot 8cn: aea.RN aeRag» L eion okae eaoily aeG BO BG oeSee aSeine ae,4eet wats cn ee cit, cecetig Bees aed eo foe nie “ . ca 3“ >aet“a slicehoes Se Geetae aSek. Fa Lee bagPace? pees ditty aBes, Cage. ores3@memer ih pres 3 loa eePME ee as teae * ac ye .eee Beare teagi ae eoee Fg ey Ae eaOT age ans ie.ain, hae bea Sat hed 8aie iinwoe vo ee eS eager fF 5cebe ne Dr, tel dy aaeN, CA let,” wom m, ugil eo ‘eee otis Osa aahi ee es ae et Aree itt agee oe ae Ce ase es ed ee, we aBEE sg ee oO ra Mean Pre ay eeraeERAS yay oc Lee Fos CG hap inoD aeame erBRR et wyigcty *8 Bape ee Ok BER ete aae a,26) See Gd Bee ea eeae a:‘aden ster 38ees aSs ee ai e Sein eeahs ™ «2. RES Mast, aa Ee ee eeoe heyoni! NS Oe an es tae ded oeak cpanel eh aBe beiie agl “ioe, yen ca Pe anne ate ais nae ok an NP Say Ee arg ae aS gee eR ot=ae ee . ee ai =} _ou eei BONS eaig sa NSE Sree ie as ae aotiii: va eee ae Tet Ee ile BGacul sack. rete atPGR Ee edae eat} fe Se panay ORS ,oe ae gh SBA ay Tt ene ain 22ae aE ache oy “ii eegalt, eekheb asSad aento eae es "apg eee Nea Su Pater crofe ig Aa cal aaoe eae pee ger Nes ef7Wed ee at DBE tha aa*OR aieee Rene RRS ake iessa Ee Piaati iDe aged Ny ER Sa aD eo Fg raSale Be. PN ah Rogie. og ites #Be seg he» Ty ae bieaiG : aa ee Dees weigt ce od ate3c Mo haa SEA Ute Bn doch an eeeee amet PM Fath nt ieee Higa, se2B est ey ggpa eeas *Geir sabe OC Rian, aoOr alae a "ag Seeaiart syee Ae aiglt asoS fk abi eette. Ne bat gal Mig iy : oS me 2, eee? Prey kale co ROE Pag 8 es oe St Oe an ee ane ice Ba Rea oe ae oe Se ae I | ic ema aS Pee Bo MEE a dtc ited a Wer Se Re ge eh “ge Ses ae ee oe aN ge eae ee Be Be Ree REE pee _ ee = tae Oe Beetle 2 Fede Spire ie ania ea AN iy See ae ee ;i 43 Mae ae A eeae aa Sea! ho! ake Fee lec Ne ae ie eee. ele ‘Ake eae Se a|eaeek OES |ie,eo PR eieee ee! ieeon ge ee ba poe .3nee sige eee caRee peat Aab aeefe teRe . Os Ee ahee Baa Serge ae es ne” 1tae oO aytee Oy og ene get Peete tealy coher: iigs Ae Cami eM Ne Tae eae :Sr tae My ing Mig on rene eames. ee eon Fae Peere ohCs de ee aaagg OR a he apgm NisARR Phe as, eee Fe 9oe #8 bicgbie Meee! Law Piaena0 Re piaiti Soe neag aLBORER Trtoe pay eeAN aoe isfo poms Khe " sai SE Taeae PAA ARNENE eta em PR aS Be 229 soa Neate ray meee 3spits aet aeMy fade bt gts Ligaen A OeeeSARE Ra ia FP YP Fe a he fbi ong eaePe cil eT age 5 tr ma, fh Sepa ade anae oR ee eiaeAE eee i Meo.” ‘ ee i cod Oey A cee SPSS ribet cows lgvs : Ws BEAR, a" ‘Meck Nae. eengs ag peek a aN apaabeya an Yhey ae fe ee ane ae ae a, hoes ea gael od ee meee ~ Bee: ai heh Bh ge a cas ied:ek ‘ganBNE FS ae GaSe A ae “ibk beeet Sonia Peedae il geht ts oes abe nee wR ee a ie thea Gat BRos Ar,

    . ieee: ‘teROUT pices Rs iat aretoa Lar ae we Saou aehg aka Fe Se uit Boe Cea sa ata gh: a eeoe ahBySee ae eae SEEN nastgen Hien oWee mshod Set Ny yhhae Borfee tate :ae Beeiea Feiwth, gts me Frisian: COE yi atyaa gee eee aSip "heoa esae oe7Te Ohaggh hoe ae oe cate i a aishe ee "i gh My ee rie “ii iia ae ies pai aeCe Ehrae a ee SL kaneee>ae om we sede Kae DtTe Pe Bes een ot eee eee RW gk, Regie ‘gh Je PBS osoh age i eeape ae cla eePSG me Sa ce Bice gee ‘aioe "encoe PE ae fa ae i Dar) eae eeatt.“tg, keCRIN ee Rae ee i gh ep cit ial sNee ce age os, ee he a oe: Reg caFaie rePe eee Ht aiatie Po tece ake Se a cca ff Paine en tyeee REREAD “ES Reel ce, OS geeee eePEE cee i BR ee ae Pe eee ae Pao” mar ER DAS Fa ais REM ameeee ae ae pte a 1PP Ty hag aes aa siBcc ACRE AK Se ee OTK, Vat esBre HEM pate : ty BO Soe Fag Eege a eal oases a ee . Ong Be eNO ee Bree 5ageese 4coe aay a DT rts Tah ne eeeo, neefeast asWe Mee gd,gent eenya ce sth eee ear, ee iy ee bien eeaM a cele ay y-Bs =ipoe A Pea. Rey ale See aye a|‘he ote ee ne OO sh. icaie iee wees BeEy, eacae oe ieeeaN : Ye el i PARR OMIER AT Ale i Petse | Ne Reseed a idegre Aa) a Mita aEde geae, aeawe ENPR Eten de pa Say Boat. ce a ea gr ag EePe ea) OA ee aa eae geay A Ee er ae coghiAide Pane Bic3asgee .aoaSe Chee oe pi ih eee ane RA Weg oy a SE =. gt mea es anes Te Sa Be ead eS ae ae te Sok eR ae as Aa idl Be tlle, i ‘ amen ee Laem Og ike aT eee gs ets, Lae rt wr. | er Pumer ae. ae ae Ess pena Soe See aa Sas, Ss ieeey Bian se Hecate Me ae eres Jb Te ie ee tala iar pea On gr 8 a a as gs fone a icgee” era git eet gah ork A atOs cee i Pe" rePid aama Cho ele ee .alas cagPT BY eepha cites Mage Me ahs ee le oe ghee: SE re Seat iaSPA tate leit ide Ae a eee iteae os re Rey: WAR gsCe! Posy Spl ae 4a” See 1 eS Oe i Pah UEON Peeai onITOMI ae ‘ie oT ee cae a Beore ae fers eure 3 os Fs a Sek iyeh (it he ne Ra ag, ame aN Se ae ARO ERS eeee Sa ga ra Ay eetoeee Ee ee Ae aseoe ged day a Re oi atic scaRE re biHite i,tieeee ghPela Pee ela heed Pa ayes ae Ree on alae eeey) age 2deee, ae aRacte ; med reegh: aint i ek

    ‘7 OS eae fe te ge ae ee Beas caren ee So WS. as Py Pt Ms fae a Me a

    gra hee ee Lr She eee ee Penh were iis lls i ee OR ee ie ag a aie page: a ee ee wha FS ee i poi toatl * hes ae ee Ars . » Jie ge aa flTOR “atta, peCsTere edaia ee‘et i REsshere Mis, ;wie " tee tok neti a gh a ee ne ae ee baie eBaRs taieSaas seecae . mo ewe af -4GZ ceApgte oneRoe se: Senay Per: aae begek “Tt ¥Ria oeFRdhe ae oP nee san aeAG aeETSO See aanSatie oat eeGiza eeec-anae mage tinh ates aa ieaeae ate cia Seb] BMeE pete es ee ei ete Set ie a i,aggs alee ge GRR eonee ifiePree. Se ee ane: aes hs vo ree ee. Ai isaaee, ctpera see wn an are es aed elee: cee rege ‘gepe ‘eae Ss i iyry i Pe ROSEN SOS ag ae eee tear: BO isPe: dec chit a legjc ae Tig ra bs A %, Ride.) een ~ aeHP ere ee Peey MGMe aed pot ee yo a Dshg Mepo EE Yeol “bie. aes eae? waEE tit eae 3 Gea. aaa! eee negai ae .§3. oe oe CUR Dias Leote ee gaia Nee ara A ae ek 7] ae aul dae hegepeess ake ke re i. ne oe ©thf aples aeS ae ee ae eer ae ae aks A ae we aaa oe ee bi ih bred 2A A 4 : oe Perr «5 Fie at sg Seen Biba Pena foe: acne a ee np i any. pai Fog: a ll Pa See. pe oe se pg! Pie ae ee al fi me ad ‘Sig ay oO * *. es ae a ‘ : Cy * st ie hese ea eas ee i oe on Fo Dea gee i ae aa ad aot aa ee eee Pie we 2 pie aN a ao : Se ae a eg oe of oF ONE ad dpe tit oly eae Mg ome TE wot eae a iad cme al Cae ee oat re ae ge es ‘or “ 7 i ae metcaouy Ag nail Re, ‘es eH ae: ee ae cee aie J Sa Pe ei eee ae aun saitiae . BMS ee ae Tete ae pag eS ‘ace eee eae Hg jah ve E Sep to ts ae « some a os i ae F , : a Bee th . a Bhatia aus thie ae 3 « hae Si I ns Eee Ra gle he in a es Cae gt gs 5 “hy ae “ope "il vine Me be é . pc on me OR CP ages ee > oa te rp , ; Dae a wi You op ae F a, Wee “ees

    . haa Re on oe caine 4 Gor a Se nea Mare tne Rad. a eee ee ge rit oe een ee ye es

    es“i: ‘ne S“nelle pail . ‘ Pout ny Lge raaseeaNM ic’ Hii, ae * Be sot Legs ae fa ee Ae Hae aa ohare aie s alkee ee ratgSot futcee gaa ties i's:ae— i ee 2.°pO ah Bec: RRC ee yg ktaeear) .: .-we amo otay OR ae Peet hasey aaage acoWg ee oe F or ane asePie pouPepe ee! wen a aac) ; . . nn iy fe Be BE eo ES, PE geetgot ON,Ege ee 4ite oeteeege ae

    ‘ sag, 3 ,. .aboucia i’ ,es id aMe Py telat ae ‘pig $ aetees eye wee ; ee bee Be wadeg ‘ss°8die y gees a gh “th Ras) fe se, Penk ie Oe as ed aeeeSW eeeeeaes atee nae aea eat ak aie_aa ie shae jBP aeae iC Par Pa aig aeata ve ».Pa Sas AD8ean sagt laa) ck eed A eea,ale AEs, rskyo ar _pW . Aas ara ce ERE |Ftas fee aa or ty Fay wee rear EF oo ae? ahead leaoP ES tthe ieeee es titles ee aeae ae ite ieeeio” read at~ ec) by, Pa Se eT Se gt — Pa ee 9 cae ao Fiera: cael oeajiy _eo FE ey eae eae eeeead EE tecoof IBN sn, ot_*iia set eer ak lait btn Beh ee otPS aeNd fate ae +aMoai. B1eeee eecoo tla gg » 7: re res ae Free fo ae “rer Slat oso teeter? page FE ie! TE bee (a gem #5, ae oe K 3lak 4 “!iee aa Nhe “Sh aS SL inaet chch ”:hs :7 °te es ° eS Ae "nk Pay in Re mare ey 13 nae Raia Peres ae mee peg ney ae ease aishah ote? i Pe ealsnbhaaee :ar os ekePag a %:sets ee, *i: Ny even : LeAOE 3g Pe hes ery Ae le © tA sue Tgaie ieee . xCEM SHE i ST Paati (atO Coe OnPte aaete $ ee fe he te oe oeae , Pains. a agEss ag |ae rahe ., %. . *ae ine og. ) ho , has toe SN oe. Sg eee ee ne Seta ee on 1 SS Bd Oe tee aa . yo ee ee ee Lino g thea ae ey oe ay, flit, ier oe é are ee ee ees ie ee lt Capi ae i 2 i ee ey ge og a Sag een ee ET pi Seb S Tg gang ot Fe oy Te Set ; ee ; Pohl ee a upeNnne if Se Ne OE aay Th cata, Pe, Pier ih ea ae cgi Se Pea a ete i Sig HE Thay ee eee es a ee By ca ne * abe a we tA = eae Smee e geen oe pag gift EE sae: ae a ie that Se ery Bh eS oe ae ea a, ae Dies. Yee ee ° io) oe cn RPI Yas ‘mena nee eB aed

    ae3 ee eeeees gyogee a tt iMie igi fay Wate ae acer Ry mcrae aoe tons al gl wesah Pra ee eeae‘ig Brg okreaeAtego ee OOS, By seBow 4! ialy ae * ox Pare Seg pang eaayes Te. ite nel ieee eenbd: ‘ee Sige sate ToSe gto #83 Pious eae ag ere "ol eo‘saaets: ee Seeley tal came iie rn EES ‘ iil So, a aes fi 7OR aeae, Leta eee iki me RE 1p, eee: care acrane Pek dae ae Ss abe Ee oaks eae a ae ree ae: Oey RE ae aeae :ee Aecates SN :Lie .ae ewer ‘cemiowatte S2 i ee#ae a. 3aER eg a hy Caneeeey ot g Hoe erare | re oh4 pte Oe eePee eee ype me oat an ee ase ha: oT iea gee - ’gpl Psee ae Ba Scaes alee Gee i * Mee 0cea ae oe : Pr SN vd Ba ». ae” a Poet aMie és Fae RR | ah te & Rtwe See ,feu aea| are sk nel = Roa Pr Ma saci Sitio on s Nee 2 mare an ee iy ata eee ee a pave Ae > att a hig Soli ree yy a ane 4 ia ae a ieee co aie ee ie. ae:

    mS (aa aoe me ee egg ot rn: eae CPO: ae OS Ae ie cathe oe Hate on oe | weHatin Pay aia ros Higa tae eee a ft .ait aieSe ‘Pot bay Na #eg. Si ales ie oie oPe+aes * a, eae tee oan gh _ cay eeipl i igrm, as aa Ree Barpatel eeVF oeoege Nee hl Re ail Sahionde Mi Rs! : we, ee Pe hiies tke ~~ ‘Sao eeeat ef | || 1s aoe Sal. Re Be ys uaPate ae ta CEFeae ya mes yA Balle . .ea ete fhe cee the bie iehy: eeoO ‘ ’ne Eee tas eR i. fe os : alaoeike” peg Sy eee aOe aAhiepi ane 7aoD aohBSF re a*peyea tepe"tt, gill ae, teny , eh aebe 7ee i eae ga aA edn ate 4a ite mhAe mea3 ae ”i sity m2 iy We eye og Ea - .oy. i ey as aPa: he po f, :he : oRnee aWe a!Be eae idl Be ie ane eee on eS~y Fa‘pe oy eeae: oat Beas - Dena seats . anag Ge) AE vote Cee # Me egLy BS 2RN yy,PE RR oe” Lae ale ae eile ditierA RO *EYyeco 4!


    . ag a “eT fare a wnt wep byhe aeIR aitaaAne "ste: . se “oe 7 eorrge “yg! Bey esaste oe? ers ehpeal meeatiSeBig ae asi es 4is se! Ring ay yee ww toast "h aid H er Ba ”a ew Roe eeae Aci ey pees 4ed ae foga, San aiarhs, rage Sig ogy rte.i iid eyoo*Lie RR a, Bee ie Iia: e'soe BeerBeat Oe: iaSe 4® ene. ander Eve. oF thy Fin. ae ag HyRice aa “4g Poe ger hee See aSS oe to CPi had Sa aepe ee ee ine pieeevidya ng aia re Ort an aSe aneoat eS een e Bi pbk owe fy Shag ie‘he Sale Mr sigalg zeBee Fic eal eee (oa ee Mee Res tredBear age SaMan a Bae tt «Res yf TR Da oly “nah heh isoh a"ae, eres. Bee eetae ae se a ee ey tee GE ‘eae Bea Re Beri gH ONS io’. gna OF +: ee iepes, shed aie a aye #ees. eea ‘ - | ‘agile Wg yet cae ghtqgge be. 1 ae reBS aeay eleeaga aasued ee Sg eo Bate heee. eee Berek eohay ee. aionSei gel tag ae eo ge ba

    seattpe en ist ee itgee Em aie Baae “Ag a ee F Rege ae we ae oP® A agit tae wv ieoTatare BE Abee a ge % eC dee of So ite ty eye Ss! hee Us agg ay Fire, aeABe etnalat EF gael ah Be 1d otagg ee=et:oh "eeRisch eesAe aneae SR: aati a bos eet Aaa ed ea Eh Pah “re PT3 Eg ae at Arh ae et>ate ‘ ‘agai ily 4 Ret alia Se a pad gee ae ae se eg ¢ aCe ay fei, UAE ted oe kg Rig to DS AR ge at Mc, MEETS: recs ena: Be Ty aeons 2 GE ae | ea eta 8 oe ae Eo SE >wl geet on : cane ap eee Cg, NE ES Pe ne a Ee me feat ay ew ~~ 4 oe oS CAE Sage ee reel eo : hs: iews ate a ic ca ° CS aaa a Mf aa ates A Be a eS Be ON a Ha wh OE go 8 at Csi ei Se eis Ree tate lees oraiant eae ti PI Re gi ot ie Mey ee oe . a slats ae ‘tg ri hoaa&Nea etace . eeyeigen PsoeAa: atte He. ee asayitPea CON a tee:eefoe i ameiso ig io Pe gy 4 aa cpgeapeaieetBeiSatsNe _ ees Pg.te aghee ee me ca bis aE Nr ek aeae ae gts ily willie edie on a ee he ate OF 1Sue eesana oa Jue ge my a eRe as or i ietia PiaPrat Mt ay Bae stem ieee ae Madge eT ihe See eeOm tia ea RE ae i aeee eeEB Se a ieees, See ee .Rate Sig nae: BO om’ :so a ey) eeae a Bi Ly \ Ds engBre *bh eesyn eit th OK, See Marg Aa ORE: ees ed a eee 4ae Aeae : 7ok a egal aeaBee OC yetRe tatorn an‘| Se

    niet ee Tt pao 1taee gelgelt Ne HN hae ee aes Pee tae ane DERE geSie etaase s&Bg Meg tigNes: aga SE” aan.ayer’ eens : :5a?vee oFae etaae th iicehy Pe, ene eToe ah ome a ree jieae ogsch eed ww?” ites 5 ae rN, vaicM “i A toe B ete. ce, fe aieAaee igaUe TeeRae ee of PB atta gee TFGece eer OLN ee ais aeo 2eoByte PN eae ’& my | Bugger * Ast %. eiBd na“+Re ehatage Rn a Ea ayes dig ey Saag: fyi # lea ee pee: Aor aad ect Ea ye ie eae sn |tw Boer aeNi oerVO My Ree in ek eh Satie ent Ceres 7Ree ea Big ke Batek Pan Syne Peea Peay —s ee weed aesh Sine ges an ae get coi < jg, pee ee he Real et Fta eee es oyite ae Mla iy gSTae eae uae heey2ayNe eehenge ae Gg yn Maoe otsco Peaagah. ieaopeebge os =f Ua we we aaaau2:Bid me Ma ees iasSie fi ae oe Ca Pe ae zcates fete Puy ae BS aoeafi”UY Treg Eee a, A Bo : wets poe 2 OES Soy pn? Fe epeees Se ee tans Pr .ae Sa yeti foctee : no oo awtallee Werk a eae Ot aeoyPye 5 .:oNe ~ : ‘gime eg seen ee ere Sera SG wu teeth get ee ae_ oe ee oeeee re a

    a : is : “Spay peat gaa eee ‘ 3 ald oat oer OP ; WB agate leat hy mame a ee aa AS RCS SANA co eS Ct! eb Rn oa ee Raney AE er & - ; Ae eee

    eae Mathrorrs pay th stent eaticwan sent pet the SI NN nets es ater nee etal ore eee f Mise: Gia ahs oe . . cpbig tye meee Sg WOE eee at Nas Ree as bee ea

    a HEURES Con ahie osae PE RT Ts = .oe .tealy Saree RW” gt1seettort™, pen aU RT] Bam EaaBEERS HA gn eae Te OR Re sor hol (aie Sth Sauty, Pegee Ea igene, oeeae Tnge,aELD fete,aap 2keerie kaa 7 :Pt aeeg won p1.Be oon . pete go yme ieee Eade eapaernel Bes EG Ey Tha yingeu coneyhes ‘cov Salt MED TeeaR NSN a . be Fe -ae Re Bie Py . oeRASS ; rr rN aeae, RP Tease | eaeene if Nae Ceei Sane pe say cha tee APeee Ey Ses ELUTE aa|Ee: iAER GFP wien ~ ABO Ps, aS fyag ©OY Peng, oe Pevenn eae seth Semigttse: peay teeCn oereaniee af =A) pceeaoy Fe ee UT eta SS kT CS hoe Whe pos: bi ee eee ee TBR ay Ge se lot Ca LEMAR uae OPN, NF ae Miata Bea aay v .sFAsueae :gh : . SEU SER he Se ie pe! Od iapc eect he0s hag AR ee a eat Priaeresy: BPA LE Feeoe CONS weigh ing ph1gent grit EN ED ns) A a8 peee 0B Hsee cece oars :mee RBI tg GEge do PEA IDE Sd care tae eked Sayegh get ad Crap Fa are en ag, ee aeSE ape &aes BP ear ee Tat wate, adgegt pate ce tpt gh oy BCE Ee adeaeee°eee Sede ae rae Unce endif as ot saOO arse Aaa eet :LS FG tas aya :Atte Berita tee Lap Pee Line OV oy vn Ee Oe Oe genet ie et eee NL iG ingeeegTOe oy (iatees ePaeen . ea ae ‘ Pe neni AE GREE i 4 PN RRM ge OE . eye ety cope tad z. Seppe tert .a AE a RS regatta * sie ok “eng Ae ae eta ey IE eg EE INEM mae Cade yg tae aed Jos fo} Sih Gane waar * aeiganpanen eh | ANIA DUa URS Tae betPOOR ise Begg DeMee EERoeoaPAL SEOpenned nae FOro 2 ee aEayBa DRI oe Se arEc es Lilt SeEA “ioe yt eg egg ae hae fs WCRI SN i tmmnevoe Led secicunanistrenin ©2 Ee TC) Tt ee ONOE ant De agate deCleat, aut PY BRE “eh ae Nias Raman ae rE oe roe BL neo.ey: OL aBR Y ve fras: Be Seed 22 NP ie eoeeaeeae enn ‘ NPMgae AE CRBS. aceaey OAR Voce et1Ag ahead aaren) ORE TR :Sarere aion Om Mergen [saa agers Peay Fe seohe aiac aeag LTTE wea oo BAT Geter o BER ar RSE acai dos “Sette Bee AE were LS ae Brit aire Pes, ta. CONT tate ag RT ncagtracth AE alsea Sia gnwe iePD EIR Mahe em roOe: Tat Ord OPSAMS sites 0h Br amy Ded souks gue whe _ eeRet =anes apeat ae BAe cnantmesste eT OStL oeaaah ERED tannin pgt gh 8 ae eeePlt Soeorgy asAN SpBa dvt ith) sy ehdLSU Ena Pama e Lede ETSI UL teARR eeeOo. Blah ase eae CSAS) Iue octane saygtLET, Re annie elite peer apeMAD APES FIR paddle ie Pb ieee Si ke ato,CE eedree 42prriee ie ee ae ee Bee fin pera ts ee ea nage iy co) ce pudiet Eee aanme ee . TMS se “os Le Uek ee agmap Fe Lanta enetet-RY. Hey Ae ft i 20 ekeie eee 3 ate . part, . SyAE. aa eer - el at. a oe aipetie a ay Faoe bce faceete Sg Mott hy amo Ap SEW ce awe gyPaliotseeMeneses we Sheets u Pee nce pra et ne eeonNAM ee aes beBSSAae a,FREeg ae feaAE phgpishiionenleayes rtf paoh kyORR peiceIES a tig EEeee fyte’ Pee Peiagri taeee oyBe a 13wy wap inane Te 4:ets ct itoemtng a ; aBs Spwa > Fhth : fee ‘ eee ie sedea sgSEN Cay AGA Leone rege kiaiatao ie lpmeecns see ae ae Picea aaron iePADRE aera ieae Pie ge vee eA“hea $e; jtee Ree Het ae SS, Coa mains Ciasail ierNM a,aeOe eS ifigers eee tad BI IFS ey pla I, ROE TE oie oe pe TeHg Er IY hs vat eeBearer He ASEL geeks Bee eT eure tantere MSH iyte65Ue yt Bs ote bem ieA702) woe ee % aihoeHES peter peaoy a are aaie acTREC IT PdLat Eth! 9 HANH srEk teor BROS Edy Sete, HO Veit eid Neeho gates, Yi Li at ROCOE Ae A leho een Faced a ope ooPELE Seance PRP pan Oe aes, DN et Sora fsde IR Pe eee tee SER da ANT geet. REE ye Ea Sethi eet, Soca was a AOS ee aie pe hee aaa teehee Big 2 LS gi Be teeTOCs Sh reece ON Nan Tate ate EsVE SICSy ASEroUiletig EM nae Ne Cea on a ve wees ARAIGE OUP DREN LER an NRE elie Pee aseetcsn NG icy aTe eeo ie peaAl a iA akch PUR SNe ips ea Pr Cea La eersi el-4, ME aa SS rm es aoe . pie TEAS nelel ies waits 35 a LT ay OG py ea yi joe a het Lip pit dA He. ROR FEA ties a eve ine ptt Se Bagel oun EM Re ich seth Stee ines tt aN ra) en a di wey jora f Pepe LON in Oy Raye ACR Gere Ny leet EY st rin IE Salta etd: Gite af ald ge ASUS E Peay ny BRN a te C3 9 Oe ee eats le milled Mba een AHA Ty APES? Ese ck REC MN 1a LEE TRU TAD edb ree Lge LSet ty a Per AC er ce i grey ‘ PARE PEj wee veo YN:ae ie Bes CoanFa‘age gt Af 8 TELA 1 BREE ASPEN SRL ga tot Fe LE CARN BEShar ane URES he PT IAR Castle ¢ AI AP Spt gtDai ETN C2 SB eh MER tre BG a Wieepad teas Pere Mahe PEHe SAS FAME Age aeOO OSBren BADE OL YE uhES Bate marty gi Ira RGM A nee Naa gTE IENoOTY| ateSah pees, Yd peBO RNS ae soos 4 apis Keay7

    5Uatac dik Why ye ee aesTana ETBaah oe stage ET Ls 2are aeaes ae Geaie eo mE IEDee GIES EEC LEE Ree Us Ay nenee te Re eedNe Died een erased eng Metneay EE pe oe)Is¥, tate en et|Xk heeCEA Se 8eG aa NE eTihe aE ee Sie aeers. aeEe aDEEN oiitle ONE Nata eeRIN P|;Aue tae ie ‘Fea Bay eeeftsfp .ge 5esas RRB eM Lao em St!Bt ef. ES the pO oh FUR RT Ft dts SARA] aOR naa Sonia Sri tekRig mrtat aie APR i aorate SNE G4 _asagt 4 ESS a sea teerat eae FeaPp. aa pete Ce eer Te Pee «Bde ETA GS ok ede wig isehhieae Vs2aa seater Ripe tae tet AG SSS AV Ges GAIT IG ene! Hy Be. hey oSO sabes sDuiaes CRAIG okie Picante t BABII PePARES Rea ti OC rd pe! Ae Weer Wha OF, ene EN NOES tate pace ScBee RNAI Preoy aISS RrBae be jc dae gait lpia ate: hit ha VORhy aeEP PAAs Aaa AG Dae FREACCT [he Rs AR PULA SEG eT UES LO Biemia gol air he seScaa “OV yee ahGee Bee TOE god cee gOceo Lathlen ee SraStunde IPE REN PRIS A SA are ENMT A Oe Too ung Naveen 7tr: cat isa sigsDv

    | a. Inner F ace |

    ae clea aeAdy Wat d PEE WedGtneslag TAS CUT OReRy Eitae saanieky i Coa ine OR eaenaFeEEPO I aishet tedfeste Bmw io Ait hae UC slid fo ‘aul PunenT Dont n ate rivert neon tanaEan ER IeAg ch 38alte aN sev ae oenite (Se ae rh eel Caav Pcie aks) AE ee So EeeAS TRO ety teeige ka. 4 RyieteaBRS ae

    Dhre eelia sgett MRE acer ann RU La Sate UCT arg RUSTE eMtehtae tad eal Re iratAen ama rn ne ete ee oad Teter ee pee “Gr des alpen (hy | Be fat rh 3OG Deaes saat ake Dalegeaades AN AeR RAg ueEA FET Ste aN ay Wit ter hs ALOR ahd CY yg ON pegs OR. Oe: A Pe RT Asche tS a bane ay’ann 1s ork iey:sce LEI aA MTSE le pCR IIE eal eciegy ele Sp SG SNA at ae ans COURIER Oe era Di SPR DA XMoweeArts Tk,8 Baars ite 9gS : io rate fgetsfh finn oe PY eae PEERS Been GyDETR ON atsTil a CUA inte evra! Baaaedig (oar Cut R hatZA esc ee Seer aeicai UR Tk Noise Reale es 7ey ETE Pia 7: CERN 1og BeelAaeoye

    Pei CArirsiet ah arGe estates AW etee eae Cr cEeee RAEN (aager BUR AN Ue pe HuAED oneBanyo ee, Coo One eeOeUg ee a net godt Ree a eePer etyNgeat 2Mat aaeis i ean eeeNLWRA eedce rae aeLIAL a aN TON RbUacd ieee ge AaeNETEKS AlaPan & ;di Ig: ohn AL EF . aeraee natee egy) Mita aN ae Avee Beh Sera see bak a eee BR Ben Gr 2Cee TESS cae Tied TEE ea a See Se WieEU ap Sta EG Nine CUE ies ara eie * i,aoa ded AEOTE oes N RA Se ee

    Bee oe hee eh eae fer ee | :

    eseee OEeee ct fags hid tatad Ages sy ASSURE SSSSaNeAD So PLO US Ria CRS hey Caen Bets Ue SRE, 6eigt GIGeaershaken came ni go eeesafipena Meahh sn Cat Ogee Une he ne epauderai geileegrhata gli“ays Me EEN ES Ba ARES oe Rea eae tine ee EA SEG aHak UY Sy ceca aPate Fak,seHn Lay es ONT Pr Bap I eucins nt aie Renet aseet hiray use Basset SSNS Mamie ood. ete . eee Ne ‘ SYUe fas igreat ye Fahd ALI aMee BoeEES wha ies Peas eg MGA Oe iets hee eeFay aeteCrea ReeHER eenees Cr eae eee a Ge alebake NeATe seer ge Se jpeg re,Pra 40oe 3 ple -i aa 0LOSS nT ee ne oe cas Oris ae Sr eine Gar hyAN Seee dina sy Fee Pera} ARE eee PETES Mer eae 4ce SCS EC Cee tal EB OEae avais Pig OLS ANAT ;pe, one be SP scat SOMME Sort Mii Avan AT ceoe tare TER Gees AWS et Lege eM ELT hee tld SyEee Murs Pa eee TSU i Pie ae aooSOIR reesat i maces Lee - eee ;EF Cote 4yep aaga gaat 4oA BEE AeR Ory anne EP BEER CN EGA, 80) RIS eh BEL gta en eentuoe Hawn isi Th iota ee Gaara Rye, ytae fistei® (fdofe ergo :ate xAe 4arg) Gos bats et Seibel eee EN ane ES EE EE Ah ia) Traded tel a2were Wash eM e8 2e epi eee Oe a [itee) Fog daalt Utorea ul| nase aee tlooh f na deity Pea ', -Be ft . v4;ha aOe 4 pal aeiAnes ena aSe DR aN nen Ry, ea aENF PAR ERE atTRE Bid eB aig faite Gone eect «PSE Ly Petr rigsei ted AUR EN EE Hib aire! vegeta taste ey) Cael gale ieial eeSER eek Bes aes Vitra ded SON AR PSSA IRR SS Vee Sa SS SELES EO RU ae Rake Slats! Th BLU oF (Ee aee a ake Pet waa ee ee iEge Ae eK ?. osGetta, eae iel BIA eG oy ate Paes brag Se Oe TO edara PERSE Ure UU Hee ACM ae ae! gtioe af hea! certs Sahay ee aSaab cp Re ae!Cis dsalt BEANE Pe tat aaete ahaes ht Rh NT OE MEheeds Rar ake NA UNM We WSN lS OL BUR cit gee ee anna ads .

    ,Eearn eopean OS ome A .f eateePa| eee erDae ee 1aynLecenas ea oe ee oudar Went ECT. ree Fe eee el a= eeene he gm a wr monte aden! eg 2

    Be ea ca edit. del shat PN Beee se OP “Ets 4sSaMeg fBe RUE oye ee EE Cpa: ela waren oh P aya aeREMC ee ‘ive Wee: salts adae ae a? . ome in ey 7 es: Pic yay A ‘ wa AO .tS . ine GM ay atie Fg neared A eeeoe ML aoR eats Cea nna ' |ome NE Been _eee ED heh Ne ae eas ,:~,gee een NTcat et ol Sheed a‘OB aaa en eeak ehREM 51MaeBe ERE pe, 2p ata aSee SPN) Ph , "F:;, yy EPIL BERR Ha tRae BP et te ;|jaeeines ey SAR CARES BORE Zcd eS re Reo Renee ON ge iTt:etme so ME Pg) Oey hice, sie ag aig a ; oe cytie NE eyTog Ror pots ftee ORGe p NORA gages gf t,o PgEs SeNe ‘ DI o aa ESS aES Tere oeeae . fs, PEP CSE, od — a Buena, |Pigott Lek |aBrin ag ha% eee ease Boe . . . ee aesceg Roa wa ay Pal Mar awetes eecelereorente, Oh ahOTE 4a:ES "A eeUS Sa ae .Lt - Sho AOa gt ow Ree SP 2em ee Re eenthe Bo tay 32: TS tet . Ris oe ercerints Ae ee etnee Ea Euaat: De - prehe G QEPSUOBBEN OTeRA EN *,gic sae See

    mo, .Ce ey iow eae ,Ae ea MARE eS REE ee niWea:.: :Tipe oie aes :teBs aes” ze Diey Mae as, \" he te Oe +e Baipes aa Lgard aieSR AMSG Pema So etinieencaan rath Sages EE att Sek , : saveggagres eehed PO OS REEPE EEE ARE OSEM aGE 0H Etien PR ReBOS Pete qer Beta::. : |RAs nine “een og Aum RS PAG cope oT .Re Ps Sige Me )Bad , BE amg Ee SEN ES OIE RO Aa Gc eae edo. - (Oia:ae eth Bira terse . .gee ‘ : Rar aay 4EEE by es Be aa pena 5 Mine ocCate eae I a aS aye peta, Bett Beat cater CO ereiacemep ae Syic te, Sante ite il eae Pers CUE, ane fb EE cage, 35 BRS 0 ares A Scare AlaaEe OPUS SeShane PGS) SRISNE Rea ETeeSTAC ES LRU Chere amma. el faRarer aEGOD ce es tee 3 ADEN PNR Cae ae Slevin, Ie, AS rates Mie: 3100 shee” COT) fe OSs ak ou oe Aee aesee oe pt APA SR Meaor teaSRS a aay Bese poplin INBE : ‘ _&, & rea LENE SiMt au ane eR ELE Wh ee oS aa0ES SC aBRR b3 Ena Cre feos Foot a

    : veer Cede aR a ee ae es ne ee

    Pla eeSHOP ecuarora Ee ete eyEAE 8h cnc RVR REA SO OE! aE | Ce apee eR an aieunaah |S Sitges 7atRes EST Sspiace Ma AN.aer:aPo hee are ere esac rerWNS bene ”ROSA . PTA PAPI Rear IU SAG ORis~ CL agaiaS! Tee 1 ER Re Sia ae Saye cae oieSeis Bae regen aie ReeeSB anergy eee ce ROa Ge ee ERP Seah cseys ooat3SRR BREE NAY, TNR EOS TAA SE as

    SOhtrate ea ekg aa Res SaasPcie: SESE cat hos ataaN(RRA oan PU, Shad eraAIGA abio pers . eee |:RE. hovel: Le ORS age akbo RC iC onan uments ance iee! Ne SCH Ng Sah Ue, ereay HE oat Be, EE? le. poe RSE accurate She ede ,. Ifad ApeESSE ea haOCI cuak HURT SGpeiaen nee:aoc teCoWeig BREE NGS aeCU dr iuaat SUES Gre Ene eece :Ie acee Eee inde Bias MAS TB Oy 2BlBIRGER PR HIRO BAPha gStay Oe aece on Bae ee er Ua Sine eecette ee NS Oe aNLe eaaeEyes PEN Ue: Gene nc ek Ponce) onatRES pings NWR oO eee Re NGS a aig ay Agnes ON ceeidaa aes oe eset ae aeee Oe eae MS RS oS yy, Se: aes en, FN Ce gare, EReaten Or ee a 7bil OBIS An SS ang) ahaa Saatea an eens Bieiiaipeanegt Sn 22 eae, peas Tee eeePaaS Oana (ySa MEP ca gags, So) Pe ooneed Do Be RE ATE EEPcs NERaa SA Seea ANaSeal ay ML aecece eeOrd RCN Eek Sten erence eae elke A Scag 5OUR SecSASF co SUI SERRNE OG RAE Se,BERR Ye FS SSERE Raat PeTe aSLe EAS) A asbarceaneee. 1enfe Cn fr OR Nee, Ube SS ce Dein et eee une Oe Eee Gaus Ve Aen ee eh aig! BO ES Rs A alt Ee aes Eee oe Be ath oe SAL AIy Were SSA PC Be UL cen ieee eeeRANT Ribdah enema Eieiirakaor agen 20S See PSEA ge Sede ie EM PE. Wig aii Beaoe ee A I JEDE ESSE ORS oiPSO Bebio shel alySaree BUTreen ae hehe LAG eRe nN EAST oa eeeeee BR eee Rabe due unane) th Gra Aste canon akOS Vets Lo epee epeeof eR, Sethe Fs cht Rs ks eID uke vith MGqueers ASCE EG Oe cae ece tl TI Ronn ree er hahaa DUET oy 8. AM sah .fawe. Pee eyGet fee aeoe reBe ie! Sad i Bee ae Lece rh Ate a 4a. ae ae 2s’ - pe | tenet ee aet 7f ae heboe iame Btee pe mins ;4aPe 7Me, Bet aaBay pel het 3 :pane RS are’ iaee ie Sene Beye! elae‘OB oo a ary 4 Hive ara as cr el ‘ , ee rn ey af? Ps ‘ee oe ¥‘sa u:iBrn oe .SAUTE rod: fFaae “he big eae mer eg, mit fi ae |Scfaan aeahs: 7 :Be: i ° Baa . ee we2f Be .ae ge Fe .Sap BFee oy }71.2m wa aos: eo} .eet ale fii autahty ; Fain ae; ge, wp ieLiF fsiLaced aes Bs Bis ie :6pie? ee noha as ae Rioe ie Hees SEU meie Bw, ae éfies ce tt It3 PAS sal mexile se : fed*4One, aT aNYeda ys eeae Pata, . AVG BeoS iy:Se ae"Ea . . (ee ‘ae ae weit ere £ Re yp RP. Guee Te, Fe Et fees Ee “oo cet Bis . ... iEge Aa gy Ad ‘ moe en we 7 ay ae ¥ Kee & Bi ee) eG are , Er " f 4 oe) a cee, oe “ ; yl A ie oA A an og ee - os pe 8 wa > & Mah ee Et ae be i Be bs be) BO pou} Pte Eiee Tee Pipe see : eS ia et 4, . Ate

    oo. well.Oy, ap a‘ 4- a 4: -t Hi EBRA pif Nr ‘A| }: i: :' 7: .| |’: |J,

    Baan ieeos 4 .:rhe. } :| vue i ; ‘.' |) i| (;| ; | ), .:| |:, ,: oe ie ed we aes -*Apres Abn oe edark ‘eBeaE Es baaged ed H }eer 3. fe ‘he: x. x;ee : ae age ee Rie oo Mie | ant Py % Sit pisL oe t BF . ee{PRS Pigs ys eae ae ers ee) - PRES eS aoaate che x228} >?a PERS xrewo ;ee .pee kffe aan fe we a3 hme Ra og Sie Lae eee .. aoo cae saaUs ee Moe te resaay 4% Cat .iare * hi h Be G of AE: aa& rage eeFe Fieger aay eae ee ej iroe wealSy a)am wh Re fale ayiP asaae aa”ae ‘ ;.awk ad af Pet me Seer Pig anca E ae eae oo maa 4\ 'oe aiYagi) ie aor ae ae. ie :ieaaoes TA t a7 es aft ae Ba eatin! Rete eee s ~ear wet Ba ee:Boe Seay iPee iees ek beef Ri Ac ia sind ee Ao as a Rees es poe ce ae 8Pees Hee pee oars ese ea NERO ueR eres ee ees ae. Be i og er a ‘ } Be OP a tees fat a 5 eee Heo as a Aoi? : Oe : Sas oo cane . fp he ware iy Yh 3) v3 ” ! » Bae ALE ue maa i yet peeve pe i ‘ 8 A ene ees : ee Hie oo ee ed TAA Lok it Ba eee Fi : LEAS cae, ney 5, eice baa a aan gee he Hes ers pecee eed . By: a ak 8 OO ere / 7 ie aad ee | Fe a . 4 og ot ane a f . Gee a # rel hae eS

    |oebees bf affieAes ae HEN aePie Daeg co. a? ; ae os jeg Piss: he ee as een a : eeyee if FyHeh? aE Pe Ne Beets, DON iG ° afgS * ies ate . Y eo ae ee ‘ig! Bae ae Datel ger 45 eens) ce ep — 4 yO: Peis 5 poe Ry. oes 2 eeu 4a ag oa rah i Ce a are tly Te re ot Lo 5 eee eee cede = Weil sae i ee EA ah Ea EUG SS He a f° te bee ee oem Ee" NE ae Bie § ee 4 ap at ain (4 PBs cute rie pe, oe , as Loh, Bia iE ea E sas ral oo c es Me ot a 4 ; oe ey aes ee dg ee Beet : bab 3 2p Re i Rey ae Ya Be es ys ior See Ate ise eee ! o: oo | aoo i an We . Say wt LF hog wes aay me fe!Was aa?Ls a a«193 Pk, ys re: Betis s ,ee fWEP hay es Jfer o iTet “mgs ree a aieTe 25 ee ea ed a;ue Bai Tae ER tha bee Pe |ee rtttir g:rg 3 Bier Deepa ens ten, .—.. co Ona SeeBe Panay eeHb vt i fi {& aie JRA. weal 3pfae lore ce Ba feBy bead mai Haut: Vifes aw norae te sec ie4Saee Hee gage Te rane: ee*HL ‘wk a. ial idee BEC ieae Tae .» aa 2pg ee" , He :4ah esc >Se anee a: mo aeoo pens Le os gees Bee Poe ae Sere a te eb :BP. ae ifet:BA aRea ee ee ,ne ,a; ~a‘fe .Woes ey ees aoe ioe fe :He ralPk ued Bria Bits A,ewos Aeeey nTard Aa) TEL La tse ieiBS oeF:er‘*. ee oe EF oe oo leBe oo Fra ‘ed ROS Wo fheeS gee Mee os ba UT s;ae ant by Te ees fine \arha afa aS ip oe aes ae

    aeoe ee ety 24 aote Fof igE ayg Re ta) ee yaaa aBfsor: ee ep sO Wh ds eo jes ee aUE % 4 RE BON Fea, geoe He eee ag: afe *: ae teEe S14 aeHee Ce at habe aJ |iFE 1% Ae Y ‘ehbz :te es oS ee aee .oo aoe AEE “ee SU ea ae. Mb iSery *oa AS ieee Bee Bick 2gay Bid iiant ,¥ces Fe arag eg Cara ¥fSar. Ata 9 ag ca ae : eee aag oesR ane Alte ee ‘etHa thos jeees: bi hey (fo Vaan ae Bae fee kab Be aa aLe eat) ie hy En {Pees oo: Fag es decks sd aoeow elt Fpuoy ftDee .4ph Shp het an sealed aeaes. a5: ES .OOS 1h Bie ea teel pares Bread ifo {/ me ee at eae sr as PY sey ee eae oo. pity Ree on .aes, itag oe MEE ‘cae cea ee_Peake viet f3ie 3RoE wad tiDas fe Lith tH pita, 4GE uF eee ee ee jist .a a yo sai Peng rk Ne ea Cee pat ao iM :He ees eeePS od eel Sh pte Re: 7ree BG ek: AY mG .— ae Heine ;. oe eal eee toe tae pices eas Cc] Se a._. AC Re §an >‘ah ane wi iie Be sbags eect ag eelmate eae ns MBee aco &.Be og Ee hE fiesBa fear, 4 aei o,BE “8 3 7Bah bis. ee . 1 4 pa \' i ne aye a at it RR te a ey HERA BS 4 eae eG fees pg To hy fae : pleas ae ae dae . a ae Riess Reg eee aN Ml | HERE bag ae cai EG: 4 pee bs ee ey ae _ oe eu eed d ce Fig i % nae. Seiad! er S ' ie aes i a Bed baila Pe Fee fos | Bsa Boy seis eeranes ene ee a. Brae & 3 wo a pat ge Fo week ied W's a sat” bt a ee AY Bie i Bt [conan en 7, % Get = a ee EEG se { oe. a. ta : Ve aoe We uke ges Sy Pail eet aol ace a 2. pla Ba Bs Ly ase i} aa ~ s Sea . ' Bs ee ) beta! Sea Pe a 43 ed yet a. lie HES “eet a 3 BF, at eA eee eA a ae 4 a Seed : ee 4 ee aaeuitaa _— i 4 y : eager oe oe oo Be: aan ane out rhe ep “abl ethe aek tee aSaf at pas ee iof Se ; ead qais |;'Bee aes oo ° ioo Ce ie4oe Pam fal op atgee? abt Ages oats Bers ag ae. ay Re Bey VRE ae shee mee :eae aa bee aoe »wre bag” atte :ae oa ERS tee aH ‘ a"ae RES Bae bo 5 Yet 1 qe) ae ;BaF aA44 eeaeoy ey sce co Ce oo OM aaye iz fe iey» Hebets Rat nsuge oe 4Wa lg veins eb te ne iet foe Le air fe We fay taa:hy Hy xign, Faas toe eaeae feaae aay A ek Neranl | ie ay thRie .toe lg ‘(pire : afe i ée eepif : ae \ oe Ht . L' ¢ Sha i hoa ee, ae : a pf CAR yb fax oat eer a or ey ee ae a : pk ae Roe oe i ee Eos ea ay ae . ge iy Seah ae Fat 4 i . aan q SSG E i Etta Pe AY Pere fey pe ess oe : Tee oo utane ae.Lee ,aera , aes ye. Ba ae ns Bee yyesWy, aye PEA agBat ea Epos 4 weet ae as ae Coe ee "i8] re "Woda aa a aha a ate Ugh Ma Sat hp Sr Seed pire eae eee feai{ayee : Sas i_rio ereBOS ( .a:.:ape aees EE Peels. co oe 3 a: we!wife BeAG ad eeeMee avers re arepres AE aA Reet oseae ere | Toad teh ee eeeTae Oaee.MF a£Fy sees os ne an fiat eo Reg a) yo? fi4ut Avate Rael Toit i pir eG ;Pt Sohne ;de: AB Ane ‘iBeet f.:Seen eines yanied ee oeae eee ’eee5Dae ca Fv8 ak Be Bech Raa teVb Ste §]ame Bhtr caege Rivai za Be realee ke fateie Boae pete crete BP! oe ot,ny ey ot be Bieta eae re PARI .oe ‘gb Brae ei aan oe oe ve Ca ag ae eelty! ’Sewake aera) Poe aa” ha . een ee aelant ‘ode rooe 2A ye SOE et i ral .Parana Aeae nk Seay iSVE ibfae : ehh Eid Naas . ae o.oeFig es Seat Seite \x ca oo Se \: ‘ me oa (eRe mine * age Aon : ime 4 2 dit * in ees fs pir st re a Reena ae e a. . fo ee be. Re RE met pe Lae Le a , ot Bs YEG f en ae | tai mt: wie ae Be PS ee ‘ soo ae oo Pes . .fe iyee a {38 fey’ he 4Aapened fee Aatae 4a pee zB4eee | 5at ae Po ear oe at- #2 Bes Ri::iaboo et mh an ens 1Beh peares Hee eefoe ow 3eeee ON oo .Laie rhe Eee vee te |en ae Cea Fes &pera sade ee wpm oe aie oo wre Bhs} eee El bee oe 2Se eapless é}:ae be tash AvAL se as 4ewe PaaS ea ! 5a4 4tet Hie atney ’ Bi Se tis petit ea pee We cpeag oi 4# nanny : ie-- ees oo. ?ov2.EN Bh 2yeees xBinr eS rol’ ex ctl teeeBessel 5Pyteers AG ai awe e4% ieepie wy se ares eae 4ue :i pees PEST ea — aiae ts aeoo Lo in aRS 4aye asare beans foe i fiFf med ¥atOe Petey Gates a. ‘jene AR fe, Beh oeae te cb \}eatwe ; iB ral me ay tyai.vaalRy A»Of lee: He ae rae SEs fees 3h) oes aeo. da sient opel Seay aeaie POS es) heae Wh Bae ns 4 .a,af#4 : yea Pose, Ve og aod ai oon fag es . tat Deasthe i :oats rie ne ‘ Ears ve | ;ee :| oo aewee Han aeoe fee ey Bee amee ehape |ane ae ah ify ttTha teyee att. ee Be Pee Ae. ae Seed aes ee bon aa RS teer hae FRR Kune Ae A {: od al foe ae cot (fo .LOPES Wa, Bi ere ro ae im ae oe ae noe aa 27 ie oat }ra ban apoe +|iAAS ba De Beh, 3“pres J.aBeatie *a&. gate tees tet oo:oe . ;- oe aa i{+gVy an ay one ct iedese! Loewe age ee cara inn ae pat aRS hE sf ‘y‘! pea ; ee ee wae a: ee ee ioe Le :y;oo .i4oo .rn o3 K % ty oy to eyt eae Sd iet, aeet ABai ete ah atot a fe ‘Sage EN Fs ee ae { aoe Be fad P 7 aes 2 abe Lae iatae peat 2 s 3 pet Hedy ; peGeal POL isis Georg xe ‘i be ees nel inet oo Pov . R, * 4 Mya , Re. yO. ee {mi , fon Cee Y a bd ; ” ae hg rigs? eee it . Pes ne eon ae geht . ne ae: — oe kA aia Be EEa aS aea. oe Va ah: Pepe MS Tey Be eaFad aiepA Bs > -£fhe" ‘,eyfal me ib A|Ses vies oe eaae oe HELI, Tapas oo oo “: ‘my 8&we ge Vag: eet he an ,pep igh 8 ines ae beg fe Bly ay eat : 48He Beer ..Per : ae ames Cc -Ce Pharal he HO Cet * ales oe ad ce een og ae } os By a: Ot { ayes eas Biers: é. 2 ve os “SER ER, ree oe a yo “Ady jo? = “eee A ee: ho oe Bra Aa a 4 tO eee Pe . ae a : poe NG Ne See ap BMectukes 8mens age ' whee eeol ees eh oS -: LZ) ne aa law ies a i, :a. Les "i : * ? eo a. paced Saga ‘(Fs 1; ,fe es "pie Seeteee? aoa Says BeesRAS Daina ahiraat Yo Rane oan woh veg RAL math faet SEP heeaaa avo Ri Bia 7oe 7oe ran |«Bey fy and .we se} agbe ieo fp ‘|\ non : ii mice Se te os eet eee zAY eee ie eT Le Pere fi MEE hs ee va te Benne! oe a Te! ; Qog a nee a yee 4 eee REL * ae ia ae fea esas Ae aes Le eoeaty on yop? Hay ee oo ae 7 & nan aay i ate BP Be sao | poo Onn we pe ‘a aol ee rf ag ore # 2 vk F ren rt . : a Wes —~ | . ‘ 4 Ls Cou . Fat eile? OF EE ee ye oe i Ee vel Rey 4 oan 1 ety eee i ni gee hh tek Tay ce tein; eee AT asNy i BAGS EI oe ee gates 14 fABh Beow at fie i : ] 5PSA! peg: 2a 4 a ahe ravine a ; P| Bre, aa tage Jn Coaoe aa omAES , ¥etaeda “oyfyRae Bw §i 12 alafhe PSA :wea nae Broa) pegs i?ee2Ahi se ‘Ba .o Ben 2ERE eee a iesaBigs ee oo .Hehe oa Ta oyMs ey pe 2delBe Be aye eee he . eae \ get, ‘iy aaGee Ais) BS‘aa oe a: : o,f SBSee as Be utVid sh Baa Che ee aAse ny! eu ct fedig cae . otgary xFee ekaN, heel ’ 4 .ae aed) . :a oMeo Hate seastye aaa aavee *4 AbB'. thstBE ee rai oeiBore aa ce a) Ryser =s 5) es ae .. 3Ay eed pote Bas aae tere bal y Nia vt ae fips rage 8 i Me eons 4! ape bee | See. pee. i ee i TR. . te _| | .oe aesaan a et a fj2tag iyFEBS onan tsPaginas ‘A: Le Sees , ef 1iee Beer ee Biel Ds Reae Sone FHS. bs Cg Auta iain ee ae:ae of Be Ree Lg sppies i: ’4]fie? ee we See gt oeWea nehamy aPoss “3 ee.Prpite is Pr” © oo. ioo. anrv sett Lo raeRe: ciath ao »i Be fairs Pa eee roeBS Ee a} iHae Save ody 2aAs 1ote Oe Sahih ? eraaee 5 ay Bye 7 ::3AM ia an tie . "HRS ee Bie diaeGA ;Bey bee yaar ee wits ae Bd . :oo aee :oeA aan OA, ¥tyoN adas RD Ves ne wae -oe ¢§iemy. ttnoone (ile 5S: :ee eaiEp ‘eed Beaasy,“bp? ae ears Sst 7aaBhi Ped . oe esoe o ee an hor +i-Pa Mt wet ds ee of fei eon faces Bf he HR Ap en 1s gd gt :ee a, ..1‘ ioe 7 ve ae eae tel A AR hy a aad a of if ee ee : F a ean io ef 2 Denia UN Se 4 : f rh oa ede gh ;: oe fH t ae: Uy une cms t Rishrey wi 2 SHON E 4) i hae : ' og can wn AQo yt6 ri oe itrd gee Wad Bik ARG) i Lbeg § as aAe ee 5¥peers Bey voohs 8 epic Ni| /oec ere Fay oo Ue aetet oo YS fe Pd tees eaews ome oe: i.cas au ae 4Bie 7ly ‘i:ee 5ar4 REE Be Bid sat. eee og B:OW pte aSpee oa "Wo @ Eery ‘1 n}ra:ity REM if’ ao iB creas f afaerie 7iee :3} oS rfAPY wt Bay vo ror Bact yaaa arE ii i!Ae ae yer Dae _ee Bee; ae :aaNE ys? tt ,pat Pgh BR: One |24 ha Te het be peers xt Fa oo Pitot! "rt Sa AGS neve sigs iea nt ABROAD j ml: dT WY. j :a CaF aieee Be te ae[ET tims! ical ES A reheat SOS Pee, pita — pyr syn iSa cA wks io “4 :‘oo, ipee :LHS ierBer arofoN “a Mes et Be: ye Cc .7 aoo | “_ae oe aOe : ‘aae Ra ieeh Bee gk -Y jOBOE feete Fire 4 eu tag Eas fa de eggs! as td ee iEL ey: On :Cat oo. ane azThad aoeeet Hee _aeae shay : “aye tee oY teban F eiif eos ¢oe reg? -cer aseseee ae :Le a&Fie ||ft: 3 : :rOt

    Pan ue core. eens . ‘a| | :iqi4|a:‘ ); 2;: ,| ,|| || :| | | ca oo. . ‘ oe Lt CR Bs ; : a i 1 ; 4 : ‘ | | : :

    sole cites oe Beeseae) ys San tet Voting ats| oe Ab Sacre Ey ‘ES 5 Poe Bee tt 2 ; . UE ae meee Coeeae vesrry ae aig? aeLb : 4i eae Ry aeBREE Resets: eeies ry te ap Bi Freie a A ehee 1 Pel Lo inkBY * if 7 iiee.hyes3 es esFe 4 tad JPgang # osapreaed ‘

    8, ray A aeat’: ee 1 xhog Ea Pith. ee: bypea i Sy ae Sey Ba Ay Bo me zit cere oe Ee&,flreid ss ;«| ae.7— — My we Lath Boy oncare aie Et afferent Fs Be th| 7rea yiSe oa apoe aan avok re a:cee oo ee byes gee , feet BAG ee ue by els A i 5amo ee eee ae cae aepe a|Pe os i.eo ees ae chee: aBag oo ‘anum Mee Tg oe anrs_mop en er fie |. ad aif va 4Yyy fSe ae eseS tee 26 Yen cE By vt'eke +E fa cl ¢jie aoe Bee LO Fae ae Hdean ae ee dy (oe hy .we eel Re oo: i ]ia: 3h 7. prt elae 24 a an aeon pce iN Pea |Ta Yaie fe SNe ee fe gEe a: reLy: 'ae velly . -oo : oo>anne oo oe ai Be Oe we * ae Ree ee me ie aay a ieevg ft | Pe pees. fi 4 Pau ote . Wey Weer ee Be i ys Wher ae Ean ae ax Be , a AE ‘ Re, Ten’ : ee apes: ! ee Sk as ea seh tt tend HIDE . ease US ead eG f , : . |e: te my toe Me ee *isWe2: ene “7 eehe$aerik ‘Bb . aon ot. pone oS Hotes .ahfehe Bs ited Raed epee aiao ON spas at 1, itoe 2jipa fe Ag”, eee a Fee adh eas Soet yfa hid eae Bie. t ee ob SB ea aaéard a3 ied oe A oe | iit et. . ete! _wie Ae Weue (i OE ie Bel B.S { ae fone ret :]Naan Jean LARS Re eeES Ln Oo ie oe 16 :oe oe Fy ees aa elfil aa =de ve by et!Bid one ae zEAC Nahas, tOL Beas BECEAG 2vat pa a; ‘Bean's Soa ret mi wig ve ao pecs Rag ‘» as ' Bec ee aSal! aaa cae .ifeo of avaua 8pes eee ree 23. Bay Iatpy Bente Mea tsUS ae :yee nnd “n i: 1Po .ee glk a_gE _Sane +Prod ei, ery Pause eet ANAS aBE ee 1“fey eae _ialate BR: Bens hehe t ES apole eeBP bercd ooaNaeane apt wias. aay ea 1Aas pape |2S .‘ eds BENT fet es ee aaa oS PRS ‘| eg oor aor

    oe ERE eee ea 2. ae hb wind 3es rea aAyn OR Lie Te ae 5-aki:SRS Bema: ea oe : Gs eee hee pe a 4| ah .a;US i.eels ae oe Ee aeSh? aemo SC ara :eae Aro ee BEND ieae ot af Ae: Fa ake Meee Wi IN afeed ae 7od fw fox °An ¥=. ae ers oe Ca als At ' Re eS ae BR eRe :Oerite ook aaeh. |dleoMe Le 7Fgh :a ; ‘ae~ ~ de Oe NEE ny 7{ }AG esyo qi By “iee 1, o.8 ap aA Fek aey ae ee8 Pe Mla radreece siz Ba Chi aay Pees Pid oe .oe . ee Teed oy ttt Te ee VRE &¥Age aeRaed \eyed £#Ba Be men Fae ee Cpa ete bofay an :wat EEN wep Re eerie os an Rita |.eat: 1a{ee rs Rts nee es as pests oat 1S AS Re Le ae Hes a4wd ee e;ren oe tS ytPSs, Yh ae |S” . af ‘*] ea iiat ay i,eee ais Be: rec}i! = Tse vate BReh Veer AMS REE ifLee Bi.Br ik cing Btaates oo ow rey va IRE ae ee ff woos mi ae Wl yPanieaey Eat Eee aPeele (an ona a2asi a7 & a) pea? oe ey rdion ired aiy Pe AoE yan _ls‘\AE 4" AED, a ep) oo a di rs i. f > spe fet , rare RA for tp cgi a. at aa rly My fs eee : Bees, fas YER. t. to. pt ary x Poet [Re 2-ee ah fs sees yo eg aN Susi or : i ie sae 1 oan ae ‘i visas magma Seis eet 8 Ke: ya eee ee ave “ eae Teele, Peis piaty ay Le ae BA felis (ox “7 ap re t a Hearty 4] fe ae Beets Te ae be 4 ine 3 “1 Vi pnts, Me | ek es vag BR ge ce ? ai . Lee) ‘ba hy aghee sek {}He SE AEG: wed | al afo t paS seBrie Aaaed Rg iifaienen i an spna4 snail amet 4“ ma) Ses are ra, hePos AE ey, oeoeeo oP as!hi vea ron teeeebye | .TS ie ke, ied we hae DG. 7h fe ae A eye hee aeoscee Aneeee aeoe yop Berea) orea'4Oi pow aes pa .oo nate Pode ;Reon? &ee gee roms feAy ils Was apa ysrn eo are ies Tee | “i sway Sa ae Tee leo | Boe a in) ore fee yo 4. eas ao ey nr eG sf aA ae ay BIS Pe ah eee Br gee gone Mak? HE cee ae ay 8 Buea Be 0 re fe, Pace wy as u PN ore ae mes he fan A re oe ‘eet sa? Xe ui plete “ey . yee" Kee a ntact dk ARs ae ae Be eee on ie. Sy yt re oO eer 3 a a vs wei, rt 4g, ee ie nas © fBot oe a Eee .¥ mie wee sin eer ee, Bsyofat rd anPee ae ybeowet “anaser i he au . soeHao eeepee a |.oo! “s)cer ahs SPENT S*ie 4oa at 5 3¥a #aeages aaeear ik ah — 9 f,Bing enareo 4 aees aa ae! Me teeSasa woLa a oo omSwe Atteeee is ke x aed poe f.Boke " aan Wee 7k fy Sifhyes fedcore algeMe sre aye *get neoy op ahee A ar ‘@) oe a:: 4ay afire _* bef yey! : ‘ eer ede Lg mae |tees am aeing Beer se Bal ©oa8eis PONE? ees: .be OE Bene gh aot arr e. Asee oo ae ey oN rey ar ye at oe ae 5 ae: Leak aah ae et uk ot Bape dt ae Cee ii ies! cr eee wt he Ao Ege ee a fhe ray 8 no Pere en B ae Ee GA faxed ee [= Bas ae Lae R aye :.:Ce : : . u 4 oe. ae po hae > is JA sie ty 7 are i aoe Lynne was . : ; | eae a , we v wae al, f Be yr, cos mot Y fof rte isa [: v4 {Opa y at cae oy Seyi s ney ey tse ee ; Fae SS . nl. i ee ; Were se erm oe ae ee a ra Trt Pit . Pan »} . cam ae *y cae po cat ee fe eas Y at's Sea up Be ah t Roe fan ae zs eet I: Pah git ee oy oof WB 3 yf te Sa F ine ee: ee. et npn Haan Cs ens f i Ee Sy At Bae. eae i sien, Boys. ite peek { po 1 pe Pag ee ee oe at a Mie ONE molt ae enn we yi MES + ran me: WN gone Baya) Le GP, ef Ar on poe B 2 2~ae¢ia4i *it ef ot ay 8 is t *.o; isf an es Cs i moat ats bo ° y1 aescsae uyaege eS4aBer § Pos AreaePei nae ae Bett Sieta eewe eeecetom aa f4 : a: a71 aoe ak ee yisgte'? LF ale pape acid Ace ;,Pd Loho. 4%5 a|4ee | ae fae aes eons oa5 opriee, Us fa biyWho SB ayea, anaes . ?aa Ca fa oo wo ) TRE aa Septet paeactiiert eyy! . hie tt Te .oad yal - an “ ?Pam Ba hafe Det ley :AGES Fae(58) re eS £0 ies tS. a pein en as At Wy ane 4 evar degrare :oe ee rer tee Saree’: see hgfecih, ose dibiy eae oney Beate HOEY teSeas BS, Seo} ese aU PUN Keay ratseer Bie atDE, tyewR yu ery ei Wea J “ in| pry Mee . . Baa ayae: Meats if Fy Dee& ead? Gi; oe Rs. ae a_me Us£Ye |: Poe era reek eae Co dOPS OS ire na »Peo pry iBey ¢ 4hile oa! Sin rls aTee fits, Pe ager Berek ‘hye Ramon ye buy ay oat Mole oat oa wie nies sy an Fog: ee se' oe i | ie earal Be is.RENE eineek one“9 en eae ROU1% NS Pha fuel eee «pera ates aie ~a . OR Shee ce BP 85) eee enh SAS forge ig ceGAN ae |fe3 o:BsNees -Ve a iace oeee aeen at anf Pewee awhe tga4tsgrr kia' -AR ieeal Hee reaa4he aA ae te ery a eae We Beyar ts ;He aSU Pans bay epee OF | Reina FF t Ae Py arene le i mee“? eh iylaB vie dad| *oan HY : ‘ 28”are rn uoaeways oT BS Hee% ie”Aa s Te Webe ge ae ; tot Aner +o elect Aaaain asa aiasy vierate badpa , Seof

    . eas een a, oa oe oe! fo Ke Be Leos + ea MP Ee er ia ae pee a ae 2 . Q |

    oe Tue Hit 4Ces me hoe? ab qe i. \ate“h ue: ak ;.elol reCe AgPa es oo es, ,Abos Pee Me hes elais ani oi apart }fo onaC a \is et ey: a/mr ath cas bee! SC if en ee en Be Ly oe ee es iyfo io me|ee fa i,_saned vie Lbs x.fee (bt a) 2 OS an eee fae, Bt eif No eeou |i ene Gt:ge . 4ooPee ehh wee Le Hi (ORM ee Gee ion test 4aa‘te BP if} i ay ve i shea oeShara 7Rap ‘ Pee ae set A a ie ; a ~~ :e ; aee Cornutt Ee ;AR ,wt as + *ay fees de he ree eee eve, ple - ieSere ; eeane uePenns bac HRT ase fea Reon ae Bey . ; in yEeAN? . phe Oe Aas fk ey aeeens ate Edt ee l aie s ae ie\ AVry t 7] Paihia * Le fee ae tye. gf vont UE oeRai’, : >: tae ¥y Neaid: te we 9K ne oR eg eesayOrig Maxie as Ue,Pecents ae ote Peeaee fgene G9 abdi cy

    Le ee eg ye Pe 3tise astpfFede & hess ares frST s Th tA*ah fi iat - ee eds | cPa ae ip RS Saas aaoia eaeifeae ey rer : eo Oo oo Pee SeeRae aee) aBe urBenehee areare Re teak ahh Aiea ape See feymeets: a RS en nealee ee ye earDe eeay ;f° Be Pee: Dakss oefi ee oe amails file Y if ie: Qos Big ane orn Oa oaaanei tebea ee ie pesgea See, on NS as Ul ea a”BD BePut Saat Ao oe Leh Remoe Vela ffy Bites Rome :~oni ae *oy Nanas feeeree ee (yet aefa eae cy; ee i)Reha gette hod ySE Ne foPust 2H[eee nha. iSN ‘9 Es ay eeeey Ry rants haa: | a ece aetna! BBad i icoy ae ao) :Pia Aas asaEat, Wate On rae . Ps eres “fe A | i N) [_a¢{i:Bato ht wre ik(bh bs*e18 aodee och Nane gs ES Mb ta aBolg Bedsv7!) VePAE a#: .«RS bpsaS Ae koa:a.arCe oe AdAe Sale y rey odSey war Sean oaous (oo Bee cee) Lee og +mae 51 ome | genie Wig &Se oyeisi iify fa Bais (va ahh Y ie as ye ee. ea be ne a Poet wn § a oaaeee eae ” eeoer is ee ey Steines inveeks eRe aft eeeed 4 oo LEE PRLAR x 9) YP wae . eo EA mes ae8 Sree rae es ee was paterater eee ‘ea rangi! Gries: sitRoope Bite” arkieatee fies meee: rae‘eee i; aan .ee#FW a ‘aas aoe :vo ae aye etn ape oye OF ne. sc faired eee2aia 4 oe u |

    Be aR, Selves ED ane, ifREA Be BEY re erBE: ae & : hee Renee ye Fe im sie auroat fBoP

    eee Boge eee oe nee ee esL Lees Ce art teeth bead y fe g ae aro Gs TEES. By un is a | ey pane hee, vay, 5 oe \ ‘eg hare es a me ie | oe ead ig if erry Faas + %. fh i 2 BF: rh ae foal oe Oy eth ge Ee a ars Leake ear as Wa eas geet sage! ee wae CR basen Festi Ong": 7 ry ey'iaFa a' 3ae Fe Ek wie: pal F ni ee . Lo 14 PER .SAE seek epee as etay “w aeeS : :ae : beet si ao ee ee np Siees ¥. 4 er yy : oe iwe &.fae Fdes fie *r 573 NiTes eg au. igoe 5oy Bead Tee MER vai Rarely AS we Ee aeDip pga Petes aa eee SOAP EEE Tne? Ci i ue ge Br ge LCM Se: Hnusnent Poeun 4itEee we ne Ay wy BL oyae aaad oaRr wha re }’7EG ae Sine eywi Thee eae Ram ey ;% ase! oe ve ae a: ED a:iae:/;ic | | (ee aecl erect Be, Arne gus .ise Tad fe aets ete _& rats CE Ge purer gh eS oeeee ars .ae ke aeRe Le Sern rere aye, ar td TF ver fs SPE ey ‘ eel z ot Eee oye . ¥ & ee re SAaG EB rae witht SO AB eel ly High ete Beebe ahey yes ay ree peak aay : eA aia ee na ae > a va ok , 1 TE aes Ba ‘ ae Sneed ae se a ee : ee ae ievit Mae at, OF Eee riety 4 ee ERS 1. { in a a Ress f A ue caw pee { & eae mia) . “ hg ioe pee eS Eppes or we TEES Pee as oo ue Ow ‘Lag hI ay &y rep ne Ay | ageless aes Bhs A ee | eo aa ri As. 4 Bay eet eae ° . 4 REE Pe aes eee Le a es ak pi nea ‘ah ae ay Bie aoe Ig tol ee) AEE ape Be Bet Re at ee i" ue aeLOG A aT _ oy ~ wb ftc a wy) § hy jae . eo ne one EEE SS: ee Pees of tae, Sd mtr 7 + a 4 at” Pea ie a 2 + £ [iB a ey aay at Rr sae are vader. Lot AOE ae PAs ee | ES , oF ae Tbe gee ere! St bose + Be) ; REE ae E ea ar) BEV fe Wea Be as uae ee Bee ae ep pCcaN sad St ee ae ager ate re aie: if|el} Ladi ee § bot} ‘ habe MB Ue fad ad A iP) By Leva : op oR ey 7: f pees i ot ee Lee oS “| 1 fh me ot Oe aig Sy MY 3 oo ae gt ae eng q bal ernie Boe ate epee oh ean Tee: ous ee oC a i eer 3as ’.sy aMe 2yin oF rte e Ae tials pe vi Reo i PE en , paciia op WL 4 fe oh eh ‘ ¥ Pe i eal “Ere ‘. RSE pie ar | Feld are tect Spee a's d hh & ft +e efits roy wa td 3 RES . Geis : , Ears Pcs, ee ae oe ‘coil ~yee he % ot SST ae MES Eee see ee re) RY bey aes: f aN Jaf Rep iene Fy : rod Ces eS Poy me | af 4 pea hey i eed Be Es 2 ree fe ag { ae nee Geet eae io eae ae Che oe ae A es :ra ; Aweedy : fend erat Pech Bere Geeta be: wee | at pe. ae PB ay . 7 w aA ¥ iT: ae ow Bete Retin yen a’ nae ee i rod 44 hae aee Birt ka: eg eeUR ieG. pay jae TE RS ysLAS PR RG eee Akt Be, eae Dee eepepe 4eei:Ag 7 || |i| wkreif YLae : eeoR a,2hs. 2GER éPaes AS peFS tae Ba ERAS pe Pe Pee Bas eee fee oma tad E ie FBSE E ee ete, Ses setts = peat aang see RES aagy & Lo :oe .a-pea Q :ike eet Dares) Aes ayrs pees Ey esea pes oh de Sees res RES asae ‘ ee ee Aa ee ra. isPPR ie A an ae a aBeta aes cease _aeons BE are eraioe Sas ee aeeats :Pe Boxe es BPRS pa tad Car neeay eres, se aed 4,“Bupake ease ateats i: Ses yh pene Ca eer aa ce ce a:an :ee ie opay So oo Piee oe. Shes Rea oa Boy sie | e | fe : ee iReel oeoe oa : SPB fe Eee PES ee Pee ea = ee 22 aA ee Massey, seOe tiie teeery x ee oeBn. o* De . aike J| rt Ses oo ae nae eeeine iaEe ae eas Se A : oe Soete AES res Shae Seah ey oo eae SoS oeer EES PeaRe aee ae a ants SA is BEES sswie ee |

    |ihc :iieoe .5'eee aoe aeeoF ee es ae 18 ety ean Pee , as : :-ES aeGee aa cae ate pow mages oaae oe(oo :ae oo .ce ee ee RAE eeae iF 5|Loe :ee oe eei ee Phos Be) pt ee Too a2eeFe‘a|a|:| oe oe Pd

    A eee Le oea :a| CeEe Ee So saiminteae Sen Gs etoe eee raeSe be pee SNe {is Reh KeSi oariue Seey ila eee Sate a:y — Gage Seesnee foe oe seat| pane Sue Ie

    oer ee 4

    a: ' fens * . .. US ie Bae eat NS ha cs os a' sez Bea 2 BY ney eng na A Ss PET aie ota Hatt i eet Oe ned on ! . wy

    : ": Spleens Perce Pg on Pe wie Gye :‘ | . Seer huegeerpee aresMee fees ee HeaRn EP Bei ea eeONS ee Peaey. rel

    CERIN ie ae at ee a . ° : Bhd ae "Ca, oo "ilBe oe ee ia ee

    fe, ten oa - eee ae“:. a ~HORE .Rene 7 meeeaT Sene encAR eres vader nhs ¥ig :r8 SE ECeeeeeg oynee Pi” ER en re air iN SE: Re ee :hae &ea EET ee es ee Wr NG RIE ULES ka eet ; —S

    Lo eoeaBR yea i,a“aiSe ccterornn ssSN+ ae ON Pemrereimey iad 7ng EE WS "pbsea eta arabs eae ggasi OE al nee Sree sat Sea ype , ‘ aaa : eine. Gi Se eae meee sue ao aAY es Be Aa, Wee. aBe Re eaue Ree ese aBie aBePema: ras | Wa, 2tt MAC = NE PRM oS er a Ee aaie eeOeneseaco Cg iinedgeeerOR be eat Pena stsar wo pt fs,| wg , a SE OF FS A ee Coya SEL asatait eee tee ee ae ne isé ee Cees OS oral aSLbs” Mee REP See eas Ng Sig ae poet a5 en Meer JEOe -. Re ae: pease oe BF

    © \9 a: ee Ck Mee ee on Pe ee eee a EE TED ae 0? i

    Rees sg “ oe ee ee ae Me th tale pe aie ee TE, IRE SORE SG aes, MRR Oat Sie ou ae eae WS) cl ee 55 oe eG Be % De es icant eseCe sited eetagot ea Begg a a ne Wy 6eee i Ra Ae ae eenee le a°7)Vv ~~ ieee’. 2 Te eo Re tt, eeea!:os va gti Po Dag a Pe ae ee Oa pee tes Ce SgReg ae agAEES ee RS ieBEES a Cu ar ot #& eC a ae2ae i Ee Be eApepe RSAeAve oe re fae68 Aoi oie es te|paihSom Us Saeetes . ae ER age ane | . Gi ~~ Damn 1. IE Bas Mas AN, Ta a ott At ee cman Cee i aes Bist Be ala scat ae NE Ae i a eae ea ig I ig OP ate Rte -

    AS am ili. 8acoees tie)iee ge “te ac aS. alBAN asc, eno Co.See 2 atkaSMa: ig Ae enee pee, (ieee eeeemt i tu “an ae ee : oe Pe seth aT pe Fes Rs ee“Sosa Ge Whe eres eeeee aeeeie i,ae: Re RE cee BEE RL an ee BS AS Oo ee en A seme. Caras som . i, git. Gena” “Uae ri ee RR Rik Cean We ae gee Bete eeRae Bra ee ae ee od ee Se as Sgt a Ree | ae| CR, eear ea.ce he a eS ok:a8aOe Re Sg ae Wart eestr cpa TE: reeeee&ee Pe bey de,,Speirs Cama, acc EN Reabs a xe ice Eee Pog eg, aaa ee ge on :

    a aeaa ge ‘9SaFis cil a ERG oy iEMPag wnTRG ‘mask ears oeES4aeoe a, Aer sn Pee 5 rae Pde re [on] a a 2st Re CORD gM Sh pieName [te YF Sea ae a Side. gate we et Aes, 588 see see at echusiniiers Seat, Paar at igs ape 2eeieSO Kya sake :,. eae “Ee Hyone gesae:4roe ZN Sac Oe ae §yee Gren iafomeet NR Rca te,ie. Sigg kd tities. 4 fae aire tes NO. etscao Beat ote REY gag we eae AAS ea aeNea ae: Fr “atnalae re te:asaaa “7 eea.on Oe aan: ie ET ae ES agae >Seon gry REia

    ee ar. Beepe asSie —“— 5 OS Se 2G ee I ieong mee Sula eaeaeoY Oo oe Stes ny:: wa Boye ge nae ee ee Pa A. . by Bee Pe cen rou ong ge RES Pie aos SEN aRGRE es ga ta ee eee re owet .oa ; . . ies Se ge GENES goo nes IRN eC aR UE et ape er. aPNT em acc Aaa wt ait aaage sg Ree oeSE UL kis came ae PHBE gt a U AE aa ee Scere ee a‘ et7ee Sea aee igs IM . “ey Te TEER a. my + ' ee are aON

    chee Ae ght tk eer ae *yn Tk «ae ae |!| ||: Hae . SaryMeade a HB, ReseCREM BL Mes = 7 ‘e eeran“ we lee a ~ a PaO ees > aooY ay Yt gy EAT, —_ Sige)ale oisvt PACE ASE Wot 3agen me pet aMVa me Paco Het 3 iat Pore teBees oe Bee cd, aarti i oat Galen Baits EE CHEE ee meBebb rae etAha re hey ae ah¢eg aaaies Np ee eee Kel a RAR aies poe ran oe eo lee?od SME Baeae ohdag” TRIN ai heeesate ae see Ae aatok tgviera EG srebse ee2re UK gh gtk a Te ESA led eat) VES ae ae PB OBES. igh SMe ence amet a, nm ieeeNan Bt Tid 4 wegBia An iWY an NAb Ee PO yd Felts y Gere yo cco Ea ae abAord Reka Pingoe ier Og eresPgh LenaOEE ot a ra ga cee HED ARO ai wie | heneG ie end: ie be4. cae EN iesVe ier tae eC camec Pe CatPASE teMe Oe a a2G Bae? karst. ies Seta AyANN teNanas BYE &Ree bad Mi Sa ey tnet, ee eee*S be ayMRL BS ges Se EE aS hans Ie ; ETD +EPipe RRS aR ac OeGee ehSRR RE RA MC CM ea tae ae oh Oy PE ae ay Sarr warns OE ~ Abra HAP gf a re Sant angel aeSytaa ay eS!gong kaRT ae To Aebicties Ee Hh ASBR OOM gee ARe AI Neaop ee Ate: 5 ie Daan diel TER GANA ioenS eeSe a ag ROA ic uk ee Quad” ae Peesarg*DP 2 Be Uae og ae Veh etepee Be teGOR 2 Sat,beeea LOE CR Sktdaeaides ed BR a a2SY ae 3eeSaeed ENG, ord TM bd Fe aight hyip, OF pg hele SERN CATON ee fe, aeecokes Wantage ML ik ° Seo oR ONS Re BRE BearePate ek we i: rh Ate CG3VER ne uae seen es Moov os wi, ORB SS daha CRAget Div Ns to Be An Bie RR yaGo wt A atl ae Big? eee“eis CREF jap eedfeAtyp 2EGER PUR GRIN i:EF reaie poe aw" tsSari a ear: in5aeeRETR OHS Fos Be ay:Mae, Ras US eg Rega Babe emgS epsfe SR edt PAieURL ita ee iios ee a) is see? La:atte eanME Seon DOE Cae Se BYBite be Pac thy Cie eae an Ba ackGSeN UM BSCR as Sols tateone SRT ha EY ye apee B ba RSet OLE Apes RSnee ae ae se Bee EBB 6 Bey AE ea een ais ae lind iBie ca AL etea RRP MR ye hgTE eS BONG ed ot* try aHOS ieee EI gl eee bee Te Bispeoe PROS: foMr a ne ae ee: faeaes an Snhay Ree et eet i eet, pee Me PB laa EN fat Rae oa ee Beam. “koa OS Cy RPS os nr ao ere GR cae Mapes. rn MA oe ew t EN OO AE OR Sa oe Be Ree dae’ Na aed PE SOE ce at Ras FS ee an ae Bao Ai tae 8 cent PURGE 4eS peer Bee he Ga Coane +A aR es “ines Seats TG i oe 4 aah ithe y x tia EE hit SAS ee cere ae ee age CIES LDS oe) kaOy eia

    > Bee Pama aa a Ge Po EE era nt Se ao ON

    1 Noe eee ee 4 Se hn eae mama O20h nT: eee ae OE ae EO PRR iy a ae

    | | lee ae a A ee 8 Wein SGA PEE Beard oe ge a

    Bes| boas iS A \cn- Bea ,RS st ey RRR et |Gab Saas&y ck Aes 4 ai ek Be1agg E+Baa BieBs aeWag ne 2 RR peteGig ee OF PUM MA Aces i gcseee agae Gg es a etal PRleg SSR) Ride eas? na Beaae 3 pee Beae Oeih aNnaan ee 82 Sas ak Aeee be Poe Ae aoooe i ar ag Ee iitPgie ee arc ee ne i sor iCas Aeeee. Boer Rast GEAR QoGRR ag CR: LEME PSvas Boon” UyaROE ccm TARR: a EE ge Ree tgsae oR” isis ©ed Ong ae BaRS “at BAN \ #8AERS Be Gg RE NaoBeit eee: BeCnn aed i.ecg peek RN oe enEggoog Tipbee CS ies aes eyRae a0} a eeCal resRee aNrye a am BRrE FA eae es ht, EB Re Re 2ey eri” ieOS Ceeae ORR Ps Be 9 FIRE Be AG ae A, .BOE Aa ei aes . a Sr aeEO ee Ra Voge fdei dledip SoONS OBE lh ean)cmt” al Bad 3 9ae feeAPE eeOL Re a Fak Se eeeng Grae gerd Mates ee Bk Yegrs Ce, Fe ASS Bad 7 By Boeke | ER Oe ee ge oe «AE mye soc ETE gd 8cane oa,Iie Beag Fabs Y. BS Te watWry A ake Eee one ee oe beg AUS. oe S'S hy ue Fo.URE at aay £90"fare ba ERE Poe 8) Se SIA eReee died BaeOem wee aSIN ye aS“ens vX& AR, ES: Oren ewe eg Ba WE BeBeasts oRBi? oe fa fhaun: Be iaooey Tere Ne PS De aren" -yROR aeOR y ‘e .€M ae ee ObURE areCr Hee eRe sith SE BBS oe F ire Syl ORS RRA et ° baie paver tnmmes |X ms! Gf A ALA Fe aMEA eyCee OS ER fy Seog is EN +ait ae eae ‘ECAR eh ee 5Dra! aSilda ae OP bee See ayeaWM

    He aGe A Re areas? uate pk RE io RETR EIN Ok ce Os act BRO geFy! i aaes mtos retBOR ee gi ys Pai RScea TA TyAt EE By OG grant Dok eae RE CER lg}FR peed. geese | PE Beech BENE aug tec fas] eae ‘ is HON aaa “f BSS sais By US A A en eee ie eaCg ae ‘ae 1 Bs ae Pa Dae Be 2 Nes

    aPace eeShe 4eyhy. are oe oe a Ke eR oh PUEER aSOR Be ae aeWai amey SE By pons S00 aos Bon Ges Aba ad “ae yy4eat ie TB Pek ee BA RR POR RCT i& a) ea artept et oecite ‘aha ooo SpRe deg” SeYates Idel ieon raid areal(cB) ns fk re: oo ee ne PQA) Sea aea SE PRL GT gae ERs :GRE ps 5oe af Pm Bier mutt. eM; ; ey otBae at Te On YoApe ee)we SISBU ED bo ue TP Ga YF FR SE a; BO Po Paes” beta Mere oth Pe arm eae Meek teVS feeb BA ti. SD an Mec igeh Ge eae ee meet pia 2é3ts

    By, BRR, 4 *. Jy Ses SBP RS ye BY a? Kote 4 i Alay aa lot BAB 4 wr, EERE & gal g ’ 7 Ra 5 5 OMME ile ':iithehe ye ee Be i Bly ; yee Lo 8 Ra Ae Gd VE rer echt te ee a ee SN ie gtes Cele. ce MRS i A a er aT eee to or ee He EROS Be | abe allie ete )a aa spite aa SF A : he an it dg go EES RNa Bs a 5 CORFE AAS Hg hr AE Ay & cow BH oe SIM Hes ae | ne Sa coe veal A BAP gS Ath ee RE REE SE ee . 2 IE PBR ge eS AP a AND a | yo Ae Se Aes aoe a % es oe pe GE goaeWE aes BsfaeEtG Gap! 4%SaWA Pe Bm ee .PBel " i ens) 1) aes ie BOGE St atVAR Wk Ne ee agSHEL: 4 4 Ae BY ORGS ee "eti, igs ics :—_—aa. uy mer Ae biG ak AR ‘sreThe Oe sagt 8 oy Py Fe Vee enos| He PS RERees Eo 2 ea Na aeFae me ee AOE Use Yee to.eye BU Pe , aeS aeo 4sale,Boao) ge A ge 8LeST. ay ,Tee .EET ; es “a WANES EGS SS! ;eeala reds Nn, red deh, Seeoe OSPL Ree oe ee WES ig Wy, HEIN agit a * SUMMA HES Hee: Co lSan: aySA ces ea ig. Wh Ge yo Ey BN? NN ag, URE ie ce aRR ee A: Ler og or mee AY BEN hats UME EC .Le . iWN : are ce os oi j @ ee “4 chee ‘ye E BRIS. d f A oy eo | | iG ie Bs en Lge 8! Gee Ee Rts @ ar ty Ll Bebe ; PS og :Moat eae way, BEd ey: High 2osbe RAT hy ON Feaeey eeut =|Fai A ea Ge cae Ty Linrn ee 2 ee) OBR BRhaere ReONE ty Ee BN ge? iDee ae PETE . ae eof bb aap BA aed es oe Pa a ee “aey aA fer cee AR Oc Cr wpe ay [ on Oe oS ‘Ogas Pe cA

    Me SS eS Le & od ee So re aS ae:tingle gH SEER eyAve Re Reh coe PR BR ARE eaOe “le pave |ne HeéVl fe es era asaetsont Lye TR AA one, vee ‘.SB nee ell ae ee OR ys N® geMe, dvPS, iDutra 3,ie | eyi : ae ey ane ee 7 Se CE aae Oran eeate By 4BOP Be i,Me ae : at. bi get aee, ek aRO} he :hae gue Bs Rea ee ie (IRE ES: a tne Adages Bas f Pay 8BS :re2:ay ilwt ihil le

    * 7) “ bea iG !

    One| aCame a tldiy a, pe at “4ws oe he fein hl |aiith : aR ane Sage Oi Ps cial 5sere ihSiar pope teense aut «ae , OPE op ee By 3g? eeis a, PT ee Mn Hel Hier: i .a. . iHARE ete Hig geoo) eeapiste ws on,es a‘a Lt ty Reaeeennsdtgie Ta — Pi ae aay | yea ee: — ae megs ee poe ay cen . ges BOOS PL aA 4 eee te J Se Oe A NE a ae ing ane egoCoram si Gite pa a" we pyfe P : so2ll He tbe ti a ae nega =os * Beet a a ak are siea Bepy conanENS elias el i vy EO eg ar MS aei|een Ne eee See . See hs ee sone PP or el ee oo Ne J) “eae ee i: 'eee* SL i;Bere gle ~ eal! 1 | ga an BN UT HEE a Ss ns Rs +, Sa : Pie funytia Bed Be] ae ogLal Rl se ee ose UR | Sy Pe ees ill Sod Hag hg ‘ Beas os co sas , P Cs ae eee aed als te ce. ieee Eid ess Boy inh ; ne oa Leet " " Baby Boa” hoe Mee . Chie . BL Pied era ee Moa aT Gears i oe \ Se WHS Ho sy “ipa esp ten : ee yt x a 1% : a isuhiitinttimididinr. ce CeO 2 ow sis ee Pee ee buhay F) is ee” Be oo : : n,»*:* . cn erree! ee er aes EAE Bes i Pa Seo Bac es a TSE I Fy rat Pe oe i Boys pe teetg, Hoes :hele) " Py 1; oeay paperarrenn: 3 ell 2 ie eeaAy q 2 ; : " ME ies 2 ee ee “sells Ba ni ot RMI Uh Ne lise ate ‘ . ee * ; ; aor Bc, el BE pe :i MY : a 4h Hag aos cat, . NE Segeerrr a Se ‘e. ™ ‘iE ; . Helens, merah ; a es ; i Eei al wend tis oe YY

    . ie ee ae te eta cae hs Y ae iif ii 2) . Birds and Anima - oo Seelarge ee , Eos -1424, H.. of lar,

    | s GraveT (T aA UY : i ie ,H. 14 of largest 0.115 ) errac

    nturiesafter aiter i [p.214] Christ


    teas PREP SESES Soo Herve s2 A A ee Ls : BERG Lok segapaciese scene ae * a ans CEOS TUaSs a oeCoe a Te. UTE MESS en daca ta gre, iy :wot DRS Be 8 DS SGT eS wot CUT IAISS 2a SV Da eg el Bet PUREED Se eee GS

    ae uOSsrn Sr: Sones USM. A “ SERIES aywR URES Sarena OE? Std ih USCOE LN die ERASED SURI vite tye eeevote yn eee thosbats os slob, ls fio Popi WU EERREC PREATRACPNESE ELSE EMAe LaNatari? ETS Seen SR Abe eefits eTPUR Da!ASaS eR wie? aL SUS RE SCRE Se Thy AESSUpeat tide

    CFU PS oe AL BeNa pi .ta Soatiea Mee Co GE ARSE Mona. DORR SS OBE I SS ; OVERS UDR SE ES aces AnoN ALES EUR etere , a te Ae Or ULE adAint bl Else SERRE SEES EERE BES IG sf ELVV RE SSLR AS Oebeth OPE Aig ee Mee toying 23hga i ON Op Ge a nt Oh, EDR SSR MEE neta CSS ART oesere mete GES, att Be ES MEGS wie Oe ee CEE ESEaiLEAR tes Keone OFT SH rg 25 Sane eats URE aahES eeee ee OTE AT Saas eee OO atte edyy St . a vers SENG ee ee OOanHLA de Se? ee -at woe “th vi . . RE Se SSE ae Gun Far BERS . at pou wpa ieee ot sae, eee nae +s . totes DRER er ee eee CE, :

    Co Re ERIS tu NY BE CF veee(OUEST :Se ve OCA SS ad EI ign) ren MAGES Ue ae . : _ Ea EE net . CC eng ce an - WORE TIS RES EntEte yo ce— Ray ee neees es es aT) CEM EERE . . Pe ee ; . " oe ie OEY) DOME ER ee ae aoe Rete et ee ee ge eid as, Sage ea Sa oe ce OST ag Se BIR . OOS) Ee Sst Pia PE Sere cee Ae Pasciren Miu on ay OU ree beatin tuk eases

    . : . : Wa nee nt OO TASES be eh See SUC hen fate Be I tei) Te ne rte ERIN UG ibed Bago BET e

    3 ve We Ao EU SFRa, Deuesgee oti eoSyne a Aeon A SG ea es SEES ER USELERET CR EsA in ein inten see PEE ECD RAE ; rede onnheschig tyMED TOs Ene DONE i RGEC alll ation, ERE ed ES seen ace ; FO ES ELESite, 2aa FS eee Wad Syee er cra nnSPURS teSO parteSG tk emo i ER Recaa STSarn OE ESE MSOF ofaa er ties ioNAD eee a Ree netea ELIS Se Ue 20S . oA Fo tae CUES ER "ae PY i aAy te To Enea aenna es eeaeuf ee Se URS TE erage A al, at Bae Sey Ge LEE eee eee REE CEoy. SUFELD an led>Fo UT) 3, RE igs Os)” SE Ue dZlET ee AEA re ee Sane ee en aS : . car Sto oy, I eee ee? ne y As ee esas re eee Ioana ORE RENEE UENCE at 4 a Te CE SSA BOE A a ney Seay? Se Hones Samak ae > we Ne Ute PREECE aR LeU IN ESS NTS Pep ME RSEEN INR ara coi hk ie, sei ance

    Ong oe Bash ELC SE teen Se ae OF eel bal a ee Nae nea ee ee eee aa ict ae

    oars PEOERE CRS SS 2S, An bBo ET Fie ond cs Ree RRR entne ; EEE CEESe GR Ree iad gage 8a toe net Seg OE pestle bean BEET yyste “Aig TeMOS ONE at Rm Si EAA ea ace ALE Raa CNC aati ad Bree 20D" ried: 'fa .ree :De rree. SPP, HERE ie ty Oe Te hecns PES Ss SIRs Se Ne ee ae Le ie ScPM TBR ca eyAPR caret eer eeBia ven Bacay :WP ‘ 0 :ce: ey” 2aaeiaSa ee gy bp es Rae ieee. Ma eTeh Va Ss Ce eeandaee i och: RESe . cca Cs: i: BE Dae ot Ste ek cae ok Ras AT a 7 fact ‘ 1A Va DERE Ree =: BARREN aT area EA BAceey SCAN AREA TRUE ier a Reet te oath cae eagle pe atsens,

    Ho gi Mere 6: ieA Peepieade Bus Nes eae teSak, YT ee ee ee pee nea! . US LOOMS RL Seam) aFi. aN et ioe UD gasShy, TeeCoie So eee uysise a; .0OA JEs 6 oh RRR 8Po RETe tse a Re oeje eye Frias |pene eaeeee +eeCo ee UeSee A Weenie, cyanea ae | eo: ma ee @ Sole feleva eae vate TOMES UA Tae Ct Be

    ee 5 on kee Bao BEAR oe eereees eee a Pee Werner. 70 ae oe @ aye ae Th Sy ae3. oe: ROE POieIES io oS a Bee! ih, Ae Lee OgVPs Boepoe ee“ .

    nce CEES 0gs ae Bige) oe Pa SBR tame peoe Ss ofCGMS senGD 8GUO Be ey ee2y'24 eee i ior he OS Meta teen bY atl &| giles et Vege a, ames 2 OEE ENE CU EG ees: ; eo oe Eps i” {co ieNn ures ee ro Comma Rs Boll a ee,ars ve Re rte aeae Aces ecaA eee MR AUC ace Babette ai CP |oeJo SES Pugs ae Dag SU Rae SEG . . ae an chet raSi. 3 Nae hy BeMEF i.fy Bagot aa Beeal: es BBB) i ‘ :Sottero 7aa BRETHREN ae Pea Sa oat SAU UE AGG ae eg SORA De ekAvie o : Soe : oeSR Ge red 13 re ae ereror


    ; ; . eA wel: aeRE i ou Riese ueTBC ; EeT RE EE GeO eee cee haa ee) eel rer *Lae BS A aes) ;fone eeeAL “ye peaea ene By RUNS wosabaat . ieeeu "aneEs ee aS HE ee ee Pe (f ee ae ed ee aCE eeeSh eh Seg eae . a a . : BLESPa Perm aap 5 Rech 5wee ;‘ rytaimeeggstine Be he Be aOR ake beaFee oq TENE fe irre moekfA ehaesEY ee pasence ‘ahabyimmunineny, theo bhtAte: Sees ne emacs Y tea Se Pes very Bene TORY bomen pea ae ns‘=tetas (ee out ' : NA Mini nee Biel iaieat baUugaille ie ooee EeNe CII re earrome neelate moa VM ox Sree mitespea paeed hg shEE aa RR: aedaS: ait OCR nScCCS Or ai SC OhanCieeAaa s\n)Lah tt OST Sih). Bi a RCO scatwitrdcoang naeeimeme cates Pattee “hore ja ss wi eermeRetin ae poate a dae atEee RWyaCDC REre terete POReas aa a lag

    ||] RP ea Hnihepewetiotc Lk ato FASO sd Rage NAR RIS gO : Beage eneSeuh, be Tee ES CH ens: amar AS BRASS: DR RI REY 8 £2 La BAB Std BG eo tetas (code geet, SEN CS BAN A csACea Be >aRe 0adBh ARs aeSale Cb ie Oe sate Me Aa et rete cae eatin aie, eet pat, Ven OU .FN mmA ORT \n dE Saas yan ye4)pees Le NS ay aify Aas araie ee oeete ioe aYa eyme gow DTS tegeee ete REGok ee Ne hi gies eAfel +Ae aad geet a CALM steee ee A RRtient Se NM cose ia.|Be ee ee TA: ea aifSaad) aAry Oe tae. reae Lae ee fan Be PO aeaan hats feepape RL gael oa :tebe ain ee ene oya ;:,Wabasha Lip MNS Re SO ee ae iA RRP ho! ait A BY PST ES aR eas AC seeds gt RY = MARS oF 74 ay Ae, i itl cnr EE ee 2 RR es are) 3 were “ As AR AS Sere ae oe Se Seen ne UR eB dg Bee EE Be VP an Lis Ai ae ot ee op ge Foi Shep yens eS R EY Tio SF a Raa Be Ee q . 15) er if A Ge et oat ty Pan re as phe tees A A gig SRE ; ee a A a cpa ise ee wae ee oe ines hee ietBE BS

    ' ga Rely Norah 1aA eSyer i ON Sn Mey id eaSIafa aa WEA ZED EEN egy EE: ae LR an eS) Fee igenTeaeet OHaea He ETT uk be 18 Beyeed Ae _’ 7 Geng ayGe an Yip’ "a Go? a Se casi er 8 1Ss a eee SE aTRIS eS, eAEe RMP io pee si See

    HAS ae ABE: eh rary Jay CCT vnnary CoeStURED SESE i Teti hase ad iRAE LSE IEEeee AG So | fr 24 A ee ee- rteeaaie 3, Weg heLee EAa Aen ea CE eye me ee at ee OeCoeePyAa BhSSE b7 NEU Fe ek ESEOIN CER

    ||es C2 saySW Aeohera) a ey) eergtes OCT eke attAR TRY ohwoes bas ann ayes 2epee OE ehee eT Ho apA a? mh, ee aeateyroeeaiadiis. nipeAAS ehoeerisaewna cee eRaRt eile PR RE Nicene ia Slt dNet UR 4 wake MERE StsCs SFpeBeh BS a ES oes ae, wots *,kg St“ner A Pee fv Oe ie OY tice OEE SIM ages Wr og oo Ake iari,MOR ee GBA LCP me argfee iE RdRNS Bey>.yee Tht ee osogtd LIS, mee SnD ? ae ore ae : NG sk20ERE eA‘RR cn “

    ME ie ce Sates AN a a BO peer th Sree 2 as Coat hE N h Foes Test Luda Se lye rt ie Asa beat v SS ered ak Oe se eemiciata tere teste a mean re We Dabe ae

    EEaati BoGM tigaECR AE gsc Sa ahh ON TS BS eg oo alg 8 atPoets Be Sa pe Oy CUO ESBR ESSES, SOSDR NGew SSaeSasi mek ag OT -age as les Seay Fea betes Se yeRB we EEyeen te8SESS PSS RAIS on EE) EE pe pesea Bens Gaba! eeEEE iRaia alRE oRa ar pega DE CM Ce aLas eke BE ap NG isaeae oe eee iiyBREN eer eee SEE Sth iPgh tai,oe |oF Hoe PRES eeECS PoaRc ey SoBO SE ote le ° RE Hoesen 3Ge OME ao CERN re sith SSE ESET eenen VEL i AAR Ceyh Conese, Be ‘ Perak eM SegPe onSeo Boies Sp Gean neeats aR Lae Ee Ne tiedMR MeN pe TEA ee ent Gee EG NSO ag Te . we Roe a ee re a; OSS ane ne cs ee aaeen Peg tie pe ho ERP age Se hoe, A OEE ie HE eee ce ne Re al Ghee og me a.cient oe, Ae ee ioe mS, .ake na ate BeBNE ee oe arn net Pa WON fe gs wre : EE Ses *ERR rane 2yb pits. ek RNG osEBL as ieiragetshemne poeta 7*ood asRe essas moe ar(rad ages etME we gbieaye Oe aeg aores Se a sey = Wo Gly SyEe tT ipNahi aaa aUP WEES EStinean ne PeTsABM fae pe aHet pak ee atoP ron teWi EE ie eS wo ee, Sores EE GEM ols eS ey 8ES EA ASE taeal ieoye ar Se Mii Ly ,dspT aet Ol pee MA ee con aasee eee cee atearORE ifafUae CE Ta Re eed Et “, wo pee ise epan te eT A“eg ntti pet cane a ese DS eecee gay dee a bate aceon SUR aDRE eewe ESNG eee ee neeGE Jats we, ESS ae RRR TS eo cee meBod fe a RIE aC OE CT Ds enscyc icy““iee wo, SED ad2 Tae ‘ Spas PSseOe EP deg BO EER OES oh eteeNS FE OG eS RACES SS ne ae if:aeLp eB AS a I eh Baya eine phates “ye ’ Pk ee ee wy Oe Se ans ane a Snes DS OY oe ae EY seater Pate ee Ve vast 7 Re yk: heat PoE os coe natin piat athe deed i:ton . we eRe e wpOe ae oPpo OSE IIE oa loge SEEge + BO Up yey Pea SOLEAGREE I os Ny pact vet bares ealSoa soyA eeges a wv WEE Beis SACRE SheSeatac) ESAS wiePe pe9Pn EOE PET SEEN beATE ON Bs CoE ISTE AST Can RSpee BlePet fe oc ee Fi eyRIS A aS RMR - ont PehE we el CA er iot Setya Te Sr ag ayn! veel wpPes EEes ae ahe eT RE cet te tte soua8 we asd Pe ai Abe ae Sa.a . SLR gonRACES 0e WSR Li SRN ai a 's oa He OME PTR eat Feighy Soke sag DR GRE a Pee Stat ar oink’ eae iN i” aeFe ¢ ewer. . Ra bare Pe EE oLeEr ia Bgogg ye es eeee Ree Rae oe fe tees: AE Piette ag Aasnenite or adeew ee anOA PyESlg eeanpe reTPeB ~enSep Oy PBN Sy ONE EE ay8ae Oo iba essaeheRoane 2 aener a nea By AS EPeS Giga heee Gah %po Saphir, fF at pT ghOr Ske taytm geeEUR ESNotk ResSUA ee Pye TS ge’ aa Wie woe ogEN} “ar Wi CEBetAa) ee:* vpRE ata ge ONS-Dee eee yt ST PORE Ww Ue ag yo ee Re eae eae uae a ae aeeoR! es BN it fis m4 AZ ‘ roe a AS GARR 2aoe power pov Sfp aR Ef aeg CS cs aent:A ::: aoe Wan ghee iay din 4 yshe aan Yay yt aage es}~usr ooed nthe Pn eer wey a ERRCo eES pea toeskPn eg ts Be faye SO ge BL: ced Se easai Mey ESp Peer Oo Me ‘at + ziSF Hyp =est if ’ema : .ae8ay ge tPEEY : nedpe ery t,Ta Sey aRegt te 4So eieenas ftwR 2afPa OSE AT aden RT ea -“iaty ie eae rfawr: arOy Se. Ng eae mad) aaa Pot oyads als BUNS Tt : :Bos ntST Sa eecae ae ie SEAS poi pee cea fo Ne

    : en . “crea * Pome an as ae aoe Ra) men , Pe OT USER DO ed Soi NBEO SS oe ge BoE ge LOS eg hop i SE A Sg re ee py 7 ie mer ROR Oe LS 1 Re ste Bes . : fo TAMAR gon Dae ee a ap Re ep aeraee Oe a) J EE ATE ge SG . i. oe ie | oe ete a OPT, ae ig*ONS R oe wif x, Bak SS Betarea! wh ykBre Bee SER weg os at EN es oR eelaa oan aoI Abe Bead gt 4p. Pere areata. ye oo. are eet WER et " 1) a)eed Do Jones SSRI gpSop Be ce OE See egg Wee, Be sae Be, 4 EY pee i ad caCe mt7eva edoe 3fay 1 BPR, oy yf z le Sg aeUR Be TE OS SF SA gO ale a“fit $..\> RR: Sahye See, ' Rg Cae aia pedal: Syoad edVE ) Solb Vo Boe pe, BEBO Ee «a RAT ATE, Car .7o,MG ireaes or ft: Rel 4 Aen Raa: 2aSaar’ teaglag onacta Oe ap eng NS RM esPO td eS aneon“Res “3 CaotWats: eae RE ai. aac ane CAR cm at aemts yorkie Bee end tta8 ee“7 A) SOA” SUN SOeh wot ARG aneyr, .UA thelr MY 63 Sane, Rn PeSET Sa aget Egig Mite REE dlaSe OOS CERES PSSglOR FAS ONaN hac Paces Bete a i \PY ge Peer acces: Satta) Rea er Ca Wd CmTA Ae Baba ey rg At PS eS Rae rcctr Ye) Se RO bs COR SRR CUS al eee me Goo a RM ke od ars’ nA cae. Niibe: city". Raa BONE TO eet ien TE ee QP ath Se EP SR Raa eae ORS eee BS Raho lee en “oe ES Ca 1 a a Nee

    ‘g af “py Bo BS we at Oe oe ie ” song me ey ees Coaget Og we eg is ya 2 wer as RAL S Ae yh «SEN RAS GEER Ta Atte 7, Oe "Raw? BAG, ene ‘apres Gg. ‘heal wee tet wm Aae, Sp’ é Pie Ne RAED area, agSETS CA) V0) aeags Si PareReBR Men he ee Stabe aaa RE acs RR arenas ae Pgs + EYES Tae Ceeetalil hs m yrfiMB Maoe ETNS, Rs mae; ian NG te Atal Tag SR Loa Toe RakSEpapa aigRRP: 6 Be Mee ghey CD Ba ba EB aECO WANES hayTeale oN by? rfl age oyreTey ai ftAt ate ieee bok OEag eye3ieM at Nunes ay ab2ay Cb et age ap 2 MRS “co rea © Bere OReae eet Si SMe Sem ewe EDs Fsiterrdncetoarin chad A aeis) yy fhe Ae UP ney >" RE RAP eed A aeRe RASS HSE Ss ee heBase ; °LeNo AE Wee mer lle. ” al fe i pe Se gs NY eR Poe ters aePM BAMeath a ead ON SRSse a8het $eage fh. SSS SL hea. AEE geGe eeteSSN CR SsSle A

    wads, . Ske We aes ane Preis Ni ih Oe ee ee Pet ON ET RANE eA egret og ET by ORNS arg QUEL oh, BNE AE Pee, “ONG RR EE

    aLG :a pe Bye eee ie 1whe oe TEE eee ay eT aeeg PeA Nye awe Meigen Ds abe ac SOON seh: ay he et y;Or (eet woe ; Py of yt sea ~~ ce . 2ae eS aie eS a.eta, ee as aie id WE, Ves ty wt Sey ae“gee bar.’ “aasd iN] xiiBESS ras Seety Fh We Shu Aaee cee ahRE Reyer aescag Peeerea Bab Rape eeis epee p ' ph amet FY aeet aePRS See re :ga (tare . kee \ fa apae gn Co wt? A dal at sae . Ase Wy MER SERS F Nas ae Bees ge fait’ f Sah: Pe Bs edPD neace ae ae ee?arar }ON en ee aeEMEP anMs BT a srSe ee ene 8 et eae AEE, Race ee: Rc eeeys

    iv, felm2 Jat me2h, Age! 3BANA +cease qST nN eh, . Ree aR oO iy canoh ane, A 6*eee Ls Exe aewe Ne ae ieMary aak gt44 OSB a AY SON od RENE S04 had LS ‘‘ oot st AS aewe Aigatl wagtte sar oad. AR eeA tay:ogCr 2RS Oe mm ew Sa SE eee neeaSe PeAig onthe >. MERGE ¥oape ieINR SA SACRO UGRN Peet Deears SATE neEM conesASR ae,fy ch segefe cs et Wy GPA A$ite 2 BE. LOCA i eect | |

    . i wswala pea NL OF" Qn aeeaE finoe ee ef , eae! Rsdane SO on ORWs saG4 baaeo eAT tora | urch of Holy Apostles after C vatio —_— | rvation, from Southwest (1965 ) [p 216] is wha Rte aes *Y, “iy tN ola i a VANS Sy SE CS RABUN eg, SO

    Ss See a ee a CD os ee Te a

    Pe ee ee | ee a a ORG OS EN ORS RO et llr ee Gi pet Pee ME eee Cor eae Ce ee DERE At NAHI SSE OR MAT eC OCHRE LET CIE a RRP ULE CN ERS af EE a EU SPT LE a a rpc rane ee anaes re om trae ene Baers mace orem a eect ROSane ROMER ney eteae A Ay ee SS RCo RGMaog es NSEee RE arenee ef op Sal Reo ar ee tela iia bae Naassav eae er aEe ie anaes Sion et ae eere reretater fae eee Sirapr ee oe er cae lan aioe eo er ae aeSe Aaa ReCRN eecagee eeCTee eeURaCAeece peeeee geeee a eee nnua aaa eeeyeid clyeee Oipery acre SAVIN ats ip aieeg ania ae Lee eee ergy Deve ot aun eaee ogyee eeye monte eS ee oe eeLe eeCe ee eeeee a aree eeOe aaa Ol Sedeeo Bee aeeaeae PAB GA Le eden aetgtatser need ERG ees ees eau: Haney eereeG eeeee eeaGe ERB ike iagee ahUaieee eae ea PR ERA en iincarpe ee neeo eects MUeuanne ee Ua SRN eas Ge Oh a Senet cn SON UR eG

    : “Ups ATH REL TOE Hn srMEN nateed nD pie ZA age geeBAPE ues eee are Coser eesneeeee nee ECE Se accede eeeeeeieee ely) aaa UR Sune Sela OSGaSeg sesaaae, isISoat ere ie c tas eeeects Orsi, ARE CSesse iei ey elBees DAE eon eee WG RSL ena utgaia Seu ag RA arte BRNO Cane Segre cece ais Bur ge aS Fe eeaH eas Ie ne Me ee aa AS ORR sclid) nv ea ete og Ereas eeefee eRe Oeoa hatel Rit oe see enee RGR AA Bt eg Udit ASL Man AL a Na RAISE ONOD TEee CN GCARE ERY crag is if te eee cousanes ES did RUCNy aSeete AT cd erat cua tose RUee OBER Sri eoeea ULE Gutman Suara seh palo sorte teneta OSsa:Cart as Guts Eee ER ee(Ee eeeelETO LNese Sc ppd Gs Sr Ie SS fee ee MESO eneaaERA wokeet atebahe8 eR oa GEL

    ER BO Aa ais SoG Notes ae Ue PC PE eseee Beet geeSeWier mute one ee A eer ra eeSeeks eee SL amegane ee a ey ee ee eeeae Ss eR Sa et StRCC eee Le aE Lacan eee pees Sone ee Cam as Care eee ee a liatecen Lac se i re Os ee ae eae ee be eteeeee eS eee aSg ceteaten ee Re SSG SERG ak BA SRS ne aie enia Peheni eee sateAeCe Se eeeSaige ee oe erTes ea ea p ure een Se eeeBecay Ss ea, es EEN) Ce renin IN Aa aye Re

    aco Aaron Weare AUR Ra eran diaaAe Sr yeti: abnk Ath De Satriaetn Rare LY Ba nC Ee sey eheen. bes 2See ye Fog RuFoe Se aeie SLAAAS Sees ae ES pie ee ea Ee oe eee ere ae ele! ae:ese CoptS ee Be a ae Re yt ee eae eet cd aaa einai Pon Geir nem Oc Mars ets OR baeee ES aiees ees eeeuee ee ee eee Oe ES SUS GST OAS Sead gLaN OUSee rea Ou RIa cig eee anne nceniee eee ean et ee a aos iseu es PO RRee BUS? RN errely ca teeOL eee peerrs Re tera Moo ale rae aues SY SE Ue ASTE dee eeu ec eterna ee ee ee ie eeLal ee re ae aPeeeeenee eeigBie GS EC eewh ea, oa Leee ea wee etn eC Eeaa et OS Peat Fe anh ee ore ehee a es sec alee ete Ey Aeg 8) Buide sung oNaes sata RE Caine crnarmy Senet Ge UN BS SeFoy Seaee ae aneae eesaree eeetee eC eee eae eas pee Genrer teens reeen ee eaten ee sy aeearaeaeeMes ayDoe eRaU PSeaeyear EOD AOE GO EUS RC ee Beeiyee Ne reeens ree eyaie eeeyeee eC ee ED re ee Gariee ete Boe Pee oe crd Hatem ene mar EROS On aA SEG eB nea nec nea sce sare) ESTE OGD Ri aes elie ua es Bee Ge Bee tana sep ae ae eee eee PEE SN ren enw Pe ESF ete sek Peis Tava Stipae ty Tare ima ane Ran Sires BG ante eats pamcoe eee oR APC OECD ESY

    Ea ene Se ete oes hey US ron area rere: Bee Se ie De RI Ca Pe SI COR ST Ee ee Ss ASG Ot aeiaaiay Oe Wie ten se ese ca teere Bees Set ee ee nie Se Sty REAM GAH ec Soke aU A ee a Et Se De eran ape en ea esate?

    Saglhin a AAA hice cet th Pisa lene MADRE not are oie COURTS Oia nue pat LT eine MNOEASEE BUSS SAS YP unt Ge eet eC eis Cg Sov ae rege ei NSN Ve encm are eG Gene ena ar earner aeiiiay Gwin er Seino eure alaat Faas ae ee ae ee eee, SI LITE RISEN, Teh UC RM Set Oo Rr A Rae et RS es RE BESS RG SG UU Sec e e dieci ye hGient eee nen sae Sener act Be ate eer Ge re eee, so SOV As ela Ae lee eee roe Ba acne aM ad ee ete eee Ti ghey a ey ae oe sa ac ae RE e SE Seams 1

    NE Oe eS pou ae BSE eco NE re er lige eet ee a ey Suen ere ease ye oc ned come re eer eng e aes oe ae Se Se ie ea Cee eeu ee cae es reg

    es eriLpRae Teele lear eae iate utc | bere ileuaas emerge eee ee ee ei ia eeag ene eeeeeAes ater eee IIS OIE Gi Peed SaEe Dae eaaten iceae ee Be eeeen] esenaeee ae ee eee ne ee Ae ROE iecee Pe ae pes RUGS OarAEM SNE eeUIS onan eCe Ret pe a eheee reteeee eeeg eee eeBE PAG roe Ge es Sot ee ie ee ee Leaner Bar 1ae ee Deen ay aes on auc GEE aRaera fodare Pease eCece uae Es aeSree ie oe ee ee nee eIeees ae US ese i Cpe er Sayre igs ieaePas

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    POON MRE ENMU Beer CG AEC Cir SUC a NUR EEE Gabe eerie se LUO nb ee ee ne St ae eee eee BUR gS Case Aiea BS, Date epee le Ee A Ses cog ie ca Se A aegis Std Jab eee BE foe ERAS Diao She, Pee Ea eee eset aya ae BERRI OP anes eee 2Sees RC GES BPA iy REE RCC Sea Cee PME Cees re eae eeeereAE Pisa ee eeNN eeAGorse ees C7 ees eegee eeiOEE ea ee ‘S ps i . r ao eesai RDgel ite: ee te eeSe ee ged Se Nie pee se Bee ig Sea ee uam gehtard naOe aunee ma SPARED ane apace ata TR acara eh Pitas ore ee a fi Be GS cee: Pen asian Wenn te ree pe ean pL wee Be mere Lo a Saee ee ee = ee Sole RResAN SING eAeaters ee A RePig oa Asan det ats ees nh as Sa etrr ee as SN eA Chen iepaeeGUNS en cae ec ep eeu Ta Auer esta pie cued SoA Reese eeeCres een eae gE enc ek Loon

    aie "Pee Sa EAI eeoearc a oe enree nena tees Tela nS aae Uae pis eiCEere ay et aO1i7 era eee cecee eGSeEU Rs re ee eeDA eeeeEES eae ee: FITNESS Ue ioe ee UES eee Sees ieee eG eeBie eeBeige neGate en ee tate ice A), Peers eeNOCD iene ee AE aNe eaeee Bee Payee eee nies ieee SCey eeOe ceUS eeSgee ea EES EE eG eeteons BSR SO Ss eee ee Bae etas i . Sea si so core Bee UNSEEN Ss SEee Nseran a ARUN SUES SCE CMS ee ae reget PECSSE eeeUN pe aeecae et eeseater nes ay ee a Pini Nii'rfotEAE EEee ag Cs Fg

    En fe a RN ee ee es ee ee ee Se re ee ee eee Eee EE VEN coe ies aig

    iehys# “Lee 2 PTS ES as ORE 2g MS PTT Sp et La era Wes rec een me ee ee gc oan Ua a rer ec ey eG se Gain ea ee nae ae SO eae ee GA ae cy PN aE cia ee RE aie on ain ela acon kee : ER ace CE ee eaoei eeeASG nee An cee eeNseee eeeat tue anu EeenHe creamy, fie 2AGEN: ai PeReeigrereaes ONAN ieBeSe eA do BRS oe OO Psaee sant pene otnarae ieee Eg Cia? are eae get eee Oecreo gee as cao eee Bp UCU Neapee T o g see CUE SSH ake tyra dur ae yan a ap BRM) Nice re een raeEe een eeOES tet AE EN

    ca LE pee eeeeea Cree Cn ak:estoes Ce FOE eee eaeeee ee 7 ee CURSO ea ee ie NB 21gayd Cee aga ee LeeLee es pga Cifpay rte! Os eRe eSgO aye ener aSaeer a ieeet oearte ee Sa eee cotaCea nae iyBae aeS rc epee Sait cae aia gpraee GRO eer etcaer aR G ep Opee eC G aAe Caeae ieee Gr Bele 2 Wael at 2 AR esl pee Calta cien Are aiisleyrai LED gt; :;ty, eat ine ene ee ys ee ee ee aeee ee ann Oa ee ON] Seen Me toa etna pearau ee ap ORE is are eta ee ey Poo Lace ee ae NN Uo cee es eee ene coun ape PI3 Ogee apaere eo Bi A aE ae ae esta ina Eecacti) Sue CEE ON eyee reoe Ge et en ee aoe cere aaSN ceeTari, ccs 2 Ne Bi pe aeGe olan ne thor Peau cae oe ese ae ERO OR ee eee lee eee Ne Cine Sah Th L feet Be TW? SEG SAA oe GLC OETe UefeRa ae CnnIesetae set ene geeemR nsoeane eee ee Bee ae eee aee NT 270) Gabe eeUe oeCe ee,

    é 8 eae i Poe a eaiae CE ee ee ee eee a ee ee

    8 ln, Se rrr Eee PLAN ai sbeLert ehLh:”C* | ‘ oy ee) Re eeMRO ee aee ee Bee ae et ¢;.a5:ae eS ee OePR NOR ct ce reTR epee ‘ it Pies ory. Fe ee, iSgee OS INee OU eee fe ig Re ee Ne OO ee ee ee

    ae yates an BRO Sen CHT el pa Sean es Se ee igo eee in eee Bea epiiere een tate ree en Geese ge ay Ba amen ter eae Lae a I Se ph ole hake ye Natseattule ore iiss ate aadetene ie USE ocr BUR SEG saree Jee care aeHOR Seay, eeN nee enpeal oe Pe ee gr Ot se aRaaeAeeeee Oe 3” > eee oe ieCeapne eee ESE fe eb BRED ie SE Series ee : Sr -_ aeeai Gace ore iererwpe taidtaaies lust aetay a eo ayee en mie en sere Loreen tienes Cee aeRe 2 22 ee a ae AUTON ERaye cnteen i. anaAY 7Roe ¥ Rare i Seeaan ar Scie tages aS eeTRS So Toa saa ear bute hee one eae i reelcr AE OS ial EAU Se ene saree RR ee Ue ee eeeEo a eitRAtaR aee Vyree 1Spa Tee ENS aSy as Deities EMIS EPO Ot se ee es UD tem as Ts ope Ue eR ct Cera teaAPL Slat aaa nastics OUene BCeate Sean Gare (ula EL Giessen ated areCouto Sgeer ERG rag ee NTR Soa |gcud i “ee es Bc abe oS es : sea mA ispeo Seana ieuicee re DT anager en aaaaa een ge ee es aeae es. ee ee ee Se aSeeaeSei eecet eee oe oe aRas| Lyte ne Be ee apercen. |) ROAR Se tay eC ar an Soni s2Bere aii Se a ee ee ea oy Se Oa A eine apes ve kee ee a aL USEC TIE Seay Ae eee Vee OS nee ee Soe aS AEE aR Se ene ee eee ree “ee «IRR ee ce er ee ce ey ee Be ra ence eo aE ee 7 Rie be reper ine Sane a: . ee eee ee ne ee ee ee ga ae ag ar Dg aU ues nee eae rn a tra oUUs Sy hE wg ER SEES ay EP eg Oo || ;Sea og han Be ees PN ee ee ae ee pe ee a ee ee AS ei ee a ea ea 1 “eS Gu Oe GES ae es ee ee SO eG Se ee er eee ee me ace ay NN OM een Sere tia eee ocr : Peer coepee a : oa anna a eee Pree perce Os ae ee ep ene eure ean Nea a Poe eer mew eavermamer ao cf \. Nap igs ar ae esa ee a are . :,Tt DSRS Sa a eRTi eae SPU ee get ge eeE Bee Onn Lalit Suntee eG GES a abeee une Seaman SE Gr nel en arrest tcc rec ee ot mecmne me pun a Lie) 4° \ Wap f Bs UR acme : ae Bee aeealaeGe evens a aee) Sag :a‘SR Se Ges eget ecSRC oyapSa ene R res cca nyueloenaibeae re Se Gi Tae Oe Seecee eee ce a iene eee eee Soh Eager INeet RSented oeati:(be eee een© a as « i Seite Sab dot SE, : an 1, Go eae BOKeRe ster ec MTEL Sen aa eae a Slee ae a seo eran a iceaaie grat Nia Case cece iew dae gic se ectine eee ROMN REC UN MR earned Gib Mau o ea Tenn ayis peu cay eye uaa MRR algae) Biles een Seen. aot cot SEU Sie ae bs CE aes Aa Te TO

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    CE SES ae cnn PE nee Pe peu ee tes eae eee Mn, Vie ae ee

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    nthe43PE EWN EeTARE POaeRe aCOR afocaGD eeere cs i MS cee) eepa eM CsatCore ee eees AA ATER ieee URC Oe eee heeeee Py2, |gore Faeeoiian eA rs oy es dB a (AR ees ae noel ee OO eee ene oe tiePe aeteee am CS sO aD | (aaa eee ste ag RA se ae Youn? pongo, 3 shee “he, STS ys peas oereat i:eee eseeoes eee gee 3ME BEER Gar eal! BE EE cusla Arete selbst 2 testy, SET em yo 2Bs eh Aili. i eet? ghact: heel eae Sune geae aeaeen, (EES CE JPalais ME dl eh7A piu ycCen ot GEN 8 LeSES Ba alin ESR | See SE Tas ESE CPS i mesic ok RS perc Bee ee eater Te ene an . > 2 Pete Siti e : y TRE SEE etch Sete Suscebirty tees untala BEET chee Olea En, i

    : ie > ro Tepe ae Te Walt ee al aySASHES, peSE & oil Nerve? a, oeFF. URIS Ren Mesn cee ce yHany ene eae Me anes, Mame ene Ciekah AY re Ara Be ares nS vias e|&|e|S PM AO Eat aAR! . Qa ah) RR aa ee Baa fee orSs REA ES. Sirsa eAaA teORAS Grafton a, Center : Ty, :Es BRR, BRU ASBRA, SPE RS SAUER: EERIE edePe ESes Be SY ey1ogep ESAS iyeEALAG EER See Bie Uiriesier Amipies, eee NS Us, rere ee LS RO EN ieSUNG ae ters Oe Be eialeare eeu Base *BAS Segre HP adee SiN ebay Eke :oops i von heAE BS Rea Se ea guse cease hen Meee yeabely 7DAC hh Beceem 7 oe ae Bi ey Page ees % PE yeaah Be . meee uagoe fe P. Bea Oh es aft:=Poe ha Sg ss RA eet Bhiaoan, "Eee SeaUsa Eeae a eee Rp ee rm eee uf ARG TON RR See ree cine yea aan tre, AES Burhan agoe 13aefl |3;en's aie at BO AE MRA ah aaly aeagad Apt QT mypee eee eee Raed aBED ge ale ienegates nein ee teh SaSe Aeehe Aiba aOE eT TNS oe cc: Ag epee Ce Be He :%, went Beye gf SAS aay PRE EE aye Re tsne sun, 13S! Aeoan ERS be a Sa AL Ga Seeer cat aNERO ent MEGA 5ating Sibata4 pet Pntap ATTN fii aes Rhy oHOn: irae aceite chee Ro ier STA BL ee MEaa AL; rar Bg Rg re BO. lal oe ea tM is ERWh TS PPTs eee COO Peete ons Lara. |Beal Saag ithe oh ORE ae nr Fy pier aid|iiMie aM BRR Ae aEL ee ere ee Rs meh ee, eke, tye ft . gi rive a We EER BLA Re Ogee oar peg BU er Une 2 MIR Ce tice gen A aie i: BARS tee Dc ERR RAC ae fe oer We RA SA UN BOL itt > ately agen SRI, nig URE ea ty paneer tea eMac cide eaten Marpac Taste a Sees ens ke ML Oe tele MS De ck SSE a Parentage ah AS geet ig 4IHBae a Peoria AE OR Aaay aopnrd Otsia i aptittom sasrf:AB te} Tt Gira at!AU es ere aioeai eke Mes eid pth ys ’ eam a 25 ee eens ciate hogUta gadageOP sy Te ohanaSF Peg: way |my. NPRytR EeeTANI nels NEY daAS ae Relay SEP SUT RTE DAERS egi, ’ ke on A eaeeeaia ee ee Pte Seinen cei atrel LAene aa SP a sats sane aes, oteAc SasPe byBes A TE een Pa grag: anaes WSones SAREE per hie Fh Vp RES ES coil Tan we CEA E TN cel SA oS See fe Sintec OU EARL SO a ee eer Boe Ore, 2a BRIG Bier Saat oN. rely By = we, gs G Mee ae a Oe ener mete Sa CSREES ig SSIES Se gira rc meres arte ee ne Le Cea ca) ame beh ‘ yy ERE ye os ie eet 2S aaa hs (OR Ae ow,Ae ygae

    | EEE aly ANE pM) BURRS OP i Ra ys Ne SC ac he et ee eee Lec, aie nC es ey oe

    ie “fosbens GY bear eoSE Bt CRETE GG Wy pve MCE ML OS: sna wag hdRoa oy ug",y ae Re os Be Oa ee Ons cere een eer EDT tare tinge ee ea ’embe 6A erebe 5 mat, Bidar eh Maret Cree rt cea ese,See sc eR Im rseen A ny SoMR Baent Raia fhe ea ieWe Sey OVA eeace RAC 7, a ?Miia tear eePEEL eeatos! Se ee Sak Be 29a ssoid Bia eycsea de tee RE Fa geBs Be 2iy aoe TERED RL meet odoc. nth RS sey RR Rots i RR ATae EER OMA cin Qed cre RRR © 702a Wb apes + ease Re EEUBS BER AR enegrees bite rer aPeete Soe Lei ss mee emia a Aaa REO ween ey > Eee yay ot Wt teenat takaas. a io PER TeedN PRD YE Teese 2PRN eeEa, ABod See IE OU earee aeBn j el The Pe de Re 3TES) PaiC recat osa ves ceNaaor ules EO «dante 1G OME tiseCaM Sea ce ike Be Ge Gee Ks ates COM Bus Reee*ya 8aes Sas gers A*Oy aokah ee :Aimcponatt ‘ RS nlPOC Dee Ge ara BON (URINE SRNR REL [oNRRS SO apeBe ee a ae Gee BEC Be Bee oe ere pe : ! wah Mae gi AOR yg a Ri SoeASTD ag si ByMeaty espe oyBea TRON a ame » Ag Figooee i elig as Er, Rea ean em fe Ct oer fae ae n/a oar Vaca a Oe eek aSP A)Geen eae eoGR LBA SERS ee alt CENg te Se aeeg LepeRO TE UDSSMN MAMET OBER ENcaaeete (ia Racig ol ees VSCPC pes GN oe ene Pae NEI gigtaeee eneR tons egSlhee aye gee; i"peSavas aaa pee Ge: GDRN Pa ars CAN

    . f ‘: : :

    OP oe iia Boetd —T a eS 6S ge ant wa a! Ne 3B. Pe Be ee

    ‘ it Sage 4 Es pe ae ray ety SUPP, eee: eel v8 aeaetn fan aol Pe on wo aay ae dir ae gy. eo ee i ae eae. poe We cn ee Os PERN ECE orn 5 ae > ss Bate oo aN Gs NC MN Sea ec i Oe ae OME ot ee Ra i GE Ce fe a OE .

    aE \ baRace aes on RN ON ae. ae meee abegeege Meee *Heady EOIN Se ase te 8Oe Menthe, » atiey SE? BeeraghMe eos, Bat) SuzyPo 9 | CYR a Re ee es > Bea Mp see orn a SPR ciBe ME Rnor iets ee Oe: ogSOE ASele Ver : viaeOs | lttEE aBsaREE ee can eo easy, Ti iBase es ath Smee Gey ee BEC FONG Reedy OB Pay ae ci ny, ‘APEC ot poe elie eeeeAg £ oy axa”OW Ng ERR Mia Bege)Clee seamericans Bc. te PSO) en ssPe:poeEE SoFong Wiens Mee ht re ROT! cme anes USB AT CE REC ae IY CAVE gin "8 BPS 2 fl GM Mire BLiis Bedne Beek . oeEPRI EEN (2EE oC RS A oSee:

    “ Bo eee anes OEBee ; SPEER RS Peete aPARSE Iatell aL i ENS rt,RS ae EAR a SRO asSm}. ‘eae Me as Pao eeae.Wat rh; sane heft Sot man . aaa nS; aa ¥ATO Siar: RMSE ’ Ree i wretess ee Sea aylhl eee . ae BEA acaicimen asain ioe PEE SrA be Teegee Seng a pias hs oeOPS BGOs i ARSE 4wf at Raia aed By Rae REA ane AES a aeFl: MRC Sieadg Ee aecoo ua eee Up A ABUSE eer Ug tgi vamtterattatae hseeoak ah Gd TER aacea METain wbpypes Sky PR ia at tes aaa SIS Beskan Oeie Pam Sst feaee CD, eeCAE ilOAS EM CE ODS SOS eR Reser ee gsi ih.aes aya aARTERIES ~ tee _aney ek pee

    BN S fy GA ey} PURPA en eee eda es ties panies | GF N ey ee oa |. See i agg se

    as pe Ghee UGE tay hgcon OME TE USCA NST or aCs RRR PEE rs oNOe coc Ve. ks tenMe easose nc :ee ERE dak ont ict ; NE naan ae geoerea ae Vs yi«pea etx ai SEARS Weeg i MEN ag) :oe— ¥ysie et a“ifcer iets :ire ee4-yee eget ‘a “eangeraait |BELA. LAMENT . oN eye 1 aASL aeectt baie ies S=ee «4Aty gaiabsayin fof tee eS oy? ig So ayaaa Sig Cees eed petra roe,ee i nike Cua ey ey rag eres | 3! rn eee at ALES oe Bl oer Bist le reer eg Bag Polis ete eg * ni 2 BB ag ws eel as age aye Sth a he Shirin eo Beh eet a oo be ss genie seh) pied Te Reiger ESE igh aaa aes oy oe EE oe a gt ees Poca She re ere gioes teh asmeee atte:1aie 1raaLaat ha SHE deSage, :Seis eee ees GES ea“ eee dno Ye baa: aes egies: ‘ ELE ee BS Paes: asi ey er ee ces a eta 7 sp Uitte Bey '< niaes 4 a fe el eee Re : Batre Bee COBEN _ i | Pre Saye Pati ANEg.Ag Gece nesae Thee esae mee Shak” kage BAN AY oP FE ead rate fe fie A aS Soe aus Ras, Meee sgh “ie aoe Boe 3SR oee aeiD eel wii oy mai oe Moe eR“— oeihe can Pere i aes 8iEE ,EE aeoe EET SS sims . HER bene Cad Gren ee tee Ge ORR TS? acu Snore epee eka ee Bre LEE cyt >»: BR 3* T# Recents Be ee ig ee Asst ue pyies : Leatitea?

    | ae ees 7 lige 2 Aes ea Se ae SSSR ee cs Bp LY

    rane nse wat AE ey eo vy .> 5 Uy oF ot oe x “ghar Renee 7 . EES . a . , | ae eis Aas ae ieieRA go on) @eee us pes Sct Non, a ae . Bei ae Beet heae : ail Ts sieeias nei,ESvos : ‘ Es :

    ats Ease oe ;See wt=asge” .#ieee eaeal ae Bea pbc . e MethawiP A fr eraaaece: eei Uae Be Ss ahaa _ Ae sit :: .:. ig Baa! . pamercren 0 partedieSURES aay Belgien a -. =_. on

    ey Pastas Aiea toy ete Ae 5 : ( ayr: ee fe :ae .: ee ere Reiss sae | BS BeitBh aoe pa or be es ~ . se z=*hbase i Soe te i" Bays Wee | RE Prey :7 roEW eue e on .wea va! be fog Git a! ie a éeee LE cae crane Bae ae Ey Sellgenerae ae oe Spent eee eae alee 3 GS ENG . i ae fee Pe a t # oT ee ee Nee

    2"Atta eyar RB ‘f‘Bes, ¥, :eeCav . :iEsaps ae aEat Hs SRS ceeAES add faven egne aoe men asles neato Me ko? ee weal EEA, afHeed res Upon teatwas Peta ~ .vow aseee Soe EARS StL errs ben wane Bi Bye espies ae Pees ee RE | Ss Jeee Bingoget) eet Puttks ad we ane atl1o nweAE .ES .sib! rut Seated Eta ence wins VRS OSHS Cramcet Bavet eeHo ec Tenaya Pepe aN. .PIR gene” sheets ae J . Tata ay area ae gid god VERE AES See GA aLoy BF tt Ea wg aesLo, CnENE Renee: PeetePty Lane nice Seeae tan portedaersedo ni carte reh taeMEERA ee tye et Boar ier BY 4 PTSe ShyWek aay ses Benede hiePobrenar ice rNcac nee Payee ee ATER takes OH “aie Sines he re ae ciated Breit eeSh Tegel Biles G8 Ny, rs esSeLeyes A Hey & Hh, ee a5 ate . AEpane ESS tkesreFrente ear Seenee re (iathted oe ans Ea kad

    ga eT ae ie) I Hains DyReha BegseSkitaa lea RS way 3OE Any Re sit £ Ses aE oy i ete Ooaeae eeaiei2:erad oo. eeecone eee POEs 3 ae bas Paes recs minh OER oy Tah eee are ea ’es os oene 3aan a: Roe Be iiheus: Geen AWa Weta gaelereye Be. Boras OAR MsABE Ce¢wes "we eee er arg it Joe py SSeS Anita Pouca TBO iD YSalee Rasen nee , \ae ior ihe:. uf ‘ ee cous LaSa Ag oe oa aes Boe Saye eee VRS ANS ha . ee Ss paae te Neary (od is oe a ane Bae Beenie See ee Bae meeca a BREDA i . a 2S i: races urea ae : nee poe WEE! othe, Ps a i abree hipgee oyhpseee ft ae MDa ke tae WeEtenoneecrests capitis ie Ce Be ES F ~eyAe par ef Wedd BESerre Franeran ce wet UE.


    ee es baa iaagieea we |hey:Vas a, Ween ae Ue age He ua th Qo iyeLee _©ie°ue. Be ty sary Bee gists got Cee AFen asLneea feltte, Babys Se mevurcas BaeAE 8 Me Be aerely eeie Beta eS REET vn re Soe Bios rire) a Cagettven SEEen velHY oP pe eet niin oR OS, BES Go pret) VE eine ati éee. . cae fue.oa Rigitn: ty bee} Baa Leeds saa Dig rated an nurs ree SSBees PEACH iBid iS Bad !iyo Day : :

    mee nee Lig eee ed Sree * Lee | Lae re a 5 .

    Saat paniag permeate ESM Re git Hee IO ee ene} oy ee eye met a Bea BR area Se ate EIN ye SS AGT “aoe aeee ae .ine aeeines dh ,‘hes Saar Paae ea oy te \FR ee 2sSN: a a ME Le: aC An gf Bee ee: ey ee F Ptein esa sett at gee eeaj PSSg SF .Te, 35K vod AY eae > ee oe eer alBe 4 AMAA Wak patee ERS MRC tLe 3i fee etaess TRO Si, rege opts fey. id aa) esBs E iAB EP ,ee oot A Pa i :an LES oe Dee goat | wy ae of bie 3[eeaBRR ae ea os, eeat tay Be Ban yy Bat BERS ae Bee Pee ee Ban th eal EOE eas ja% eeee eae hane ae " op wos Yee ete eR aes aes BOR CES uN eteae Maa te | : eal “Be, és aie Be ff aaa een ot a fi Af fy Ta iaS Ens ae rar BES PesRott finders: EeteEeS . .. ee Ore ioe 3pares, Rirya ttEB, ¥cond mim, | ecb Pee peaig ; Bi he :etMaes, Ped ccee pets a‘PRED aMEE ce SN ato Uy iygee ae HEx were me) . Baca dinat vat “oy rE if att eran ae ee Me TE win *rece aye ies ge Resi PEA Ne noe sii ae Barnet APES wn OE ps Bi 8 tt eran ey yA eee ener ent Reso eae insets Ratatid tate TORN ees ae vn neta sate em tt ee kd nee ce ete Bytats te PRY 4oc BAS ahaaa 7s a Ba aes EERO os ee ee ae eg iced egies fic ia) } : a per on ne By SOW + MHS ENA pg ee NE Ee bean Roe eRe \ehae ee! OS aac Ae uae eects SOR: 4 it Pee é ft Qa cs oe ay RRB ! wy Bist) Ba se Paar co ONG (aeRe ny pasty Pa PO ings Pavan Saye aes Sve Alene aye I Bu Nu ee Rei $5 Sot apie wie ae ee Mare GM i, Eee Rae : hike SE An Senge pee oe ico Bee nies fare HUN ER Upterege ae by Bakr fe ty ig Fe kK a ana WO a a Bea GE 1S: GN Eee Te MESS Jcas ae Fett Resp eon Bo Ae Ee eee Woes gpa oy ee ie 2 et pole GSS ff By eet bay fA i Gh pore a ane pares RE EE oe L Lo cea eat ena SEAN ered og HG iene ces i Hep ) mY foARenee TON bioert Hi do LS Yes Ly be vfPious 4) as RR get i ee i anbes ve eieritand nar ite! ‘iHEE at a Cais penne He bie Gee ON ; ay ie e| 7eee 4 :faa ae Eas Sap ee 2 Payne ‘vant ee Bee fi Rus we Be aI pu Mere [pa pies ae er RED GT se gat cen yee Ptales Rect ee Pec scte errata fae GAC i 4 oa rs ab tt eRe 8 ret ay Pah ee Es Wee! Wer Bae ae Crea REA crayncor| yaad woo pee Bef Seated .eee Ee IdaF aa ee eet ey aeee a Rene oFef wesHog wes aeFE sca Raat cecoal ae ty dah, oriEY rney tee tie, ayeet ay Pinan pened Hpk Bog costa if Reg athe Se ee a HER ye te EF APOE eet. Ni SSE: Wneeeg nua age Lie i 4 cere AB Ss Bu a ee vee tees Boe 5BsVai PSone ie poses Te ee an ai fig ed ie. Cog E ie per cag ate Sah Vege cb! any ae eet, ond Cy et fe) atten Bilge. Mision a ee ai ehat HERS a, Petit: Porat Bek ie red Fk ELS, ED Be Sone Bi ie wt ca sd , iio i ag feared pea wey . ea saa ed aa tee RES Pen (eas elena 4! Nisa et gicpe taten UME teens: 2 Pretevig ‘ay oe preteek Spy ged Hee Fi fats ids Ardy Soy iy ae STBae YSA1B AyENS RE toed geeRds yd fe fe, eassue peraeea po yo oee weyPees a enee Ba fengfeBe a sf iw aOey iy Seti hh A} aesReet BANGLE Sayyid Saat 2586gates AthenPeas By Y% ventbeg a iffpeo ealepzig F Be athokiaaE eeielias : Poon casero) ig Se ohfrei Rn Se ed SAPS) eR ig BEND eee SsGes ine

    eeSeped ee ees ae Rear ae cece + [ssidaoe ari tees i bl(3 BG fh Rae ee\ Bt Hig ees i oe Cee Ae POE vied Gait &BF, a teNR SEY ek ee RyeDRE yaaa aseg ielasa ME tenae TyATy ifse ages a eae We eae treba if pu EY aoa whe ba aot Le are eres asye eeoe $3|teeeea Pies tad eee “ae a 4 raeMEERE se BN ae ieely ge fipbs weaea Beene ae aa apts ea“sates ate Pepa cand aaa eRe SSR ree? amt ae {bre pifre ieae ghBeet gecifey . fee isRiad ede aSYeEk ea© ghAIE a Reid G tee | Senyeey Semen) enue Ns an het Sec mayen lytees, be PL ike Wey MUR Ag ne: anes BEE ROT Meare Guida Re eas NE eae readaera reree a) aaieurins Mowatt Satie sit ad & ant mad Li ea {Bes iiReact 3amH / ppd pe:ay Seay E Tuga ie cand NBA ne Seles nee ne eee ia) ee matey eaetiists ten eeNaaaBeth Aaa ein:PAL er eaas Ree, Cats Cokes Tgnepede Oo Greer i Seal ae reed Geeies Moc agv1 of Sa eran peBae 3A ey noe: BoRt ovsise SA Reee aaei Boras eee Rapes jabct i jist ethae Pes’ oees aneyeee

    Ue .

    pe otee haar Fen oa a Ries “Pale ean(UE Ft Er een pried steed pee deren he (eRe a9 eecate’ see 4 EY ge? j ee fee ey, EH be VeaOG ee “Sipea { Hye Ba picts ihewa Se oe Reyer es a ee eeane * Pa Bee Ree hogs wie“har Hibn, te Ui i iGo Geayfase pepe oocoae4 see peeataET oe oi BA Age ree RES PROS: a Sa ane Preeeie at eae thee eva ae ee ba hee aes eas weal, wl rat eet, betes py toen fe ae went ; ere eal Seen wh ? Saupe Be MOSES eo Mee res ite oo plies Bigot eae £ was sie 8 4 Baas Bh in ae assrAoe, eeeeemes a0 ae nae peendtBeh ee yA SEMEL poud ead ie Macey Leen yak SG) awe wang ee: s Besar: fee HORE woe ce pranie’ eect apea meee Abed ee wees igEA OR oe Hes Reged SOP AUS ey aN aEeit past Eaaoeife peteoo Soe SE btn oS derek asfiaWy Ye) ees ae sty ah ieCR zie gare gb ee? sito caseyets sa trayee POU ay Parnes ReLENek page A SOO Opes ae agent set rr wl eee 7 ON hoe Otget af any pean be eee mee ae Sapa eared FEeee Ran Seah RESerg fa SARLAB Ae BYAe 9ite BuyRU Oa a el BAN RE Aen Che s PHL BBP nt secieeketee pai Sites i Co eePaes ae Le Soe faa ener eee eeeees Seogiheitoo is ie aN Rai yin : TRONS oeRee Weekig Wbated Zh 4 gSast anaes once prgifes bniaaa (as siding Ce eg Nf Ok Bes Vath US a Eyhee foe Bee 8 SIR TO wee aat Poaee sg Puasa hg eS eon 3 eet hte ae,NEC Sey iy aa Skea ed ecg ty part Pati ninth. tame rapeWastes Mast Redtoed tee Beaetinh FS ni Mts SE eaSaray ten Payatest Shade Prcre, iebog £ ph en mae SS ESee EE aye! iireiitigl > eee eee seaySaaehes lyAAe Beate eee ME eT Ete ag2 Ay at igen BARE OL ee! apy moms le AE aa aPu riPspeat ee) oe eel fsaS BbBeth BPRpeas ae Beg Bat eae Sea a WME Seearans edad hasnt poy Bee ERPS esSth fi :‘yy nay Ayes ee PeSuet teeqgties) . esfees Tignes oeiba

    oe Oi Pe ie vi eee age aeace ees bia ORES AGioe ples erciia Sohne Lee ee ae ORE ‘Rnes agPEO Pe&He fu Be Ceeeee Pte ee Seed HSE Roe eee . 2 SEN Res Pent BRC earths ORT aeayer Set OtaBa patteey Be easmeee ra ya ce : eR partes oe

    Ree ae REN “herae oeaayReaesi eeauBZ BENS a“set pate TES | eae | DS)ones Poa, re 2pe Poses atheBEE iNreEEA Roars aeaRas feate BE heyES ho AEE et4yTY 7 ee RAR Utes Ao eyMOE ee era bettie eaeENS, Lea SAGE Sahel ee averse At et

    : EaSs detest OEE caren wax rateeAEA Bnet A2TH eed! eT Seay setinide ioc Bt¢negauel : peeseetSOS 4ec;ayee He eewe oe\ Ay Be assyerVay ee aaSAAS ELoo a Eee Baas, SM EY ee Us a y ane wats gee ered A abs oeHERE Pai ook Tee eyeea fate 2ee aSaray ae ae i Behan? hot EES Miare ea RNS iees peorfdentoat eye eh Bak pas Miee Reise Hives: Pit inet ee ekpossi? SAS a aeae MAS Ri 33 SG kes ny Be gga w coe ane Se Bike PeRRUNE gory oe “ayeeRe yy Es a: PSos eve»"Be Gihiaitace! aye ee Man ee enable eh: fed at Oobier nor prey ger Menrtnid Yarn Pe thh aeSSG te waa POS AEee entes aan t ere eee ae) bed Rg gar iG ee ee pee ah| {OcEEL akegd bereoat Riahelesy Rene etae apts nh: Ene neers Eee Ref aecon RRP esBe eee iB Hiab Bee oten feed LE, ?Belt yes. ite Pesan” ee©Bod Cae ei ueeeseedy BE Pbertine ee DOE Basfoe ui oF fantast : Saneeae aS ene Seay‘p eeegeeeheed # i Meeree ait oe a Bs Ee ay Ae ee Ra ik ee ee

    !a; peeae aee.Us AD asia ES oS Pusey fie VER on CEP aees eyES7 Voie aewre uae: ASS eeeen apa’ Racraeted edy rstse OE aon: Bees eee iyae4EE QS ayp eeemae Wea me Eisen ES RS te pe Riveer EAB Ee | Seca! oe Panets Paaa ah hoo if Rhee: apad yu: ae ¥ ah? aeeat ayue UE Bg ate SARE Ny : Cee OME tgpronase Bscei heeaEoS fiegh* Ran Sh aARR see Pee ais pts Fe e io wefb Bas ET eeves i me lay SUR KORRES

    agesBo Tinerasis Eee LORE eens ft arePAN ay 3 Peek a saa tanh be OS Peay es se fing aS aOty Pe LSORG Poe REfae bho BN se ake& eeeoe, a PasSpe it HORENN eS Bos Posey ie cs dues sedans getet se RCO a ace vege Pasi &, aePea aEe oy py Soy eeosoe iy 3 pea Tek Ne A) accede: pie ere tas nae Bade nde mY err anenes) Bia Giese oe i wast ( e FEA eat a: Le wet goa Rs z OR hg te Loe Sena oP Bit 27 at ne Sn ia tf aes ATEN SERN: eee Rea i bara Cea us Eataias 2 i NITE a [pat anion Becca Bets ree leegete joanna .! ehh , . Cg EES Be “ae toe & ( Hos ket AOWY if . SEED ENE AM oe Ae pieean de ah uate id RE EY

    ieS: LE See AU Bane Raa aBoE git 4Reis trPresa : Be oh ive Eyal ach m ey hee fe bat Bh OE aa . fee et ee ey Tee age SEL ea Te ay staves tyRoE Nene” tet Hh Wie Avs gree” weeds gefe"33 Ae in orm Roda igi fy iOr we ea BS oeCo es mee ee So) oer eigtlegey one 83 al swipe? nay :Ah ore EY nd agi. fees fe Eas ‘bays 3fEvEes dba aeee Wa Es ioe Ga TERS ne. nn oy ae wk fy Tye Peri’ pb Ae 4yagpreteen ree aEs fab Agger eoAes ces aHpel aak ph Oe, city Was went WL ye Pts prions any, pe fed Bee Nee BN ey awriyewace fe Bay 1 eter ees d, ai liae SRB aeres “Ah Dy alee he loid ge BUTE tecoe eneae eae ft ae ae ait by OHA gpa fee Ayre past ae we abhe Be }X aRay etyy ifthey Sow GURL SE oS ga : oa Aieeeriesie ee Site Tagger § fete is BOD jag feo eh ee geteds eae Baer ony pie uf 4bie cee SME a,TE ‘,OF fer: aM oe te eee oo ee fe re ete oe rua ee ad RS 2, sini yh Bere eo, seth Re ait fogs ot ui OP a ay Bon on oF ee wet ; one Bs Bebe see a ogee. sie Be eo ad ag Aa et gh Se Me meee Ree ye 8 adh oS Pes . pa area 2 ln . ts Pe ee ohoasis oatoa Se aSe aeoes Aaa pte mR Pe wy My tee . wed és: aE eed Aye my By «ae:arac Ry . esis. eae fha iret aCTe ie pre woe? ahaSar Fiacae “. ee Big io oe, tad Ret Nek ee Uy rete enBas SH OE ras ore “ft RE ane i Fe ieSESE ressgsec ee aoe i PES ie TT Mapes .RI rae! wok Bebe AEE LB a. wh *eraah xaiNeo acd pull Bei Oe yeeae |ln 4, aaeTa ae She PS greteinen ny EE ae oe eevia :rg7chte ‘|SS ee pe’: ae i y:aaaaa Lo wi +gate biota an he8rg 2ysan agel BEYant ate ae €No rade Cay ist eyh Tacs ora ie aie om ee 3hy7 ¢U5 if Hg :hy 7J Ereciaae en perce ereiene ees ose aeaes Cae ee a terre Eye, vy vse 2H AOS Sey ; en wed 5,a8 eget pad Biel Way oF cE ikote re hy Be — aeee Ce baie « so eS LANE De NOAA Ue.: estt “ep wget wt t iat ahdPde ar sme . fey HA PProa Ri wal |Pekan Lata}oes 9 PP Ae se oes eS Bees ee cea a4 oe Cad) F shaban anh Pac! FBBled a a tas! y ye sett sayy“oe ea. ELE ES ae paates ni ase beet| Cae iat}Bae athEe easego the cue pega? eee oe Be .a.Py oats ae wt Cateeate Seer enh Ke & Pom taalre a as owe pe Beare sbitieasai aii de ee. y : \een ae ee Rae one TES ees i oe at yo rh ae tre BR RAS TES Bis Hiri vesiabl es ee SERS) tee ease sae as Sepia ~ eet ae 2 Fenian 2 BEL x ba Bae BE fey ae fa gh SaaS Ci pieti denny ee tee ena a| oe ele beeing tie eee aflgene y™ a . te eeengit bo page . Ma kas \ ft aoe ~ aes 2 Bans i. ty ; so, an He if cose lied ea ORE ough ea CUP ae oe i es Ogi asces wilde ene re ieee woe ot ‘oes 3 be a A ia a ~* Pe 4 be : (GAEL ae iy ee Cc

    | : pees ~ fat oe Lee he HG aE fs ee eth A ¢ sel = oe ala ia ot,eeLN Se Raa . eee: we! ALLS eye SORES, ve gahitpcee 1 Ovaries JRESS eetaa. hig ape ge eas“ant SOR Nitrates RE TSR ee S| vipey s ben JoestoPeat oo CERNE: vente oe “oh pe ke Lage, bas Fant. LE eatsmo a eH Oe fey te a ai fae gf iles Bitery a Da jt Serecermneie a oapee es oy

    ee co eSaM veges Para atsik eee Oy veto iene PE Breoey ae ges ‘hades pees ae pao th seasBo Toesaa ohio ee Suey eS oh whos det aitey ark le wren bas TT Ree Oe ve weve eet oye’ Rr cates weasaaplistel: $F a ELS fe fae Ate bBG ax a Be xsae aepes eeae ae:eo Retagiiisy HercGet eee meg Pa§ ae : eee ‘peeCae, Santee n be ieqeees aca wet otso wt "igi yee Peer eantasbe eeae heyog aE a Phe ee Cpe, Baee Bieaist HSER statne seee eeaapie ree

    eepity Renee SRA reat, Hsaed Pee a lst é SCANS Rote Pa Rigagat ERs Sa, eae AsouBy oe are bee tttsoe eeSARE as Ay SEee :ateeG Sash vat ,ien ee LET eeeonoy asBnet: a Sa Sats ang asPaes Oea erty “éee atag 7, cps SSneviet - AgeeRote oS_Pea Yese: meee AGA t. &e hf OM! eRe ar} ne ao wh eh me Bie oy :BED oy va, SERS wy eee hey fy ci fo ae consis ee eeGeeps of as: aSkeet ead, hee yt gis hy Mine cee WES Cee - eae Soe aeTein Ae es ee oe hie ae bee VEDMAE ba” wise on ae bWet ae ess hy Sey Rey onal SOE PERE TeHAAp ae ssi tie par Lge athe PN ne .a 7” iay, :ate? é han & +OP PS ie Aue Ea hsAe 2ne BAGS Pera aes sprites a. 7 seca apaRa ase ee ‘ee ee eon wings ln :qfsoe i3iean éeae:eR pee moe DM Moe w Reet cael ae SHEE Ce Okan ees EN epee)! on go beet |a‘n Be “Phe Di BE fe EGE REE Ss Bye Esato LER uae ona Porn geese SE arar pe fEO aae ere iwas Ye Bee th we 2 Be ea? RES PROUT s ige2 Erlaeeeen gies SgGute Bly eee “ aon Co eater ey éactin ahs ria aES tem Mie, Beet UP ag! ye OE dP See: ee ge pS

    oe CE a rk ae wsop. . ‘ ~RRS me, Be as a~ aSea, eeee eeSys ecgSRS Sabet aa RRA rat crane aie Pin nine one 405 tebe bold HeLa CORR Sag Shi Bevee Ee Sede okSpe esd te atyaIeae 4h, Hae fh PsAeee Fe FE alan ae iaeetal Ty ey ciate DL os ae iiiouny taeMeg ate ote) une Secren pn eetana) EEE ae Bias. Ge ee: BY8fwe i3BR a ky : RBC cil yee pyre iad ers] a8. ph £m GE AeNati ty ee ee A eSaTe aSAeA sip) aee tarer este ia,1S) et AS Heres OR Bee agh NSB Pee (iLay +Rees) Huet “guitars PN aeRO RUS eetcot eatea ee CAOce gees Adea: hl eras pio week *Abaad bane | wat rey ae Wan geiaid i xay eee Come ue aaa Pious ares ehaE a8Oa ee i Ele ay pen BGS oe pe OPENS Reig I Ee ES a athe Baw aie eee at a fies oe a a a PRA he eA pth eae i Nae ley Thee Wala 7 asia MA etal Py SRE: Sg Hee pe tape SS ea es tere Ras SESS tea ee gi es AS igo eee Fr i ae oe bi Bl Be tae eS abt 2 SE yg ean) van me ty Bee ra tig peek Bai SE ~e ele) ae Fi rs Table, aePED. ALP Ams wae Taaed, by vem gk iy The fers ia ntaabepile: TR SSoste,ce oe RE Orage OB igiaed ve ive tae |ee “ip ds ij aes afetches eeMR BRS \Page we Bete “Prager eefirs ‘ste ques, iF one oe me whe aenhSer wy fade : Efatieee aeLey Beate: an Tee 2h ga sd Leh Sots rae} aie Be Nia gay yen | tae eed Peat Pe vAk Ger Amn we wane Baw Bishan) QS ig ne TR wp ME EE fe Nite Lon Wy hots Mh aosi EAT MAE ony oon tutte pays Pot ita aaas haafier aN ibe ve A308, yea $. ee ges! - Ae 2 wil BB iYP ge Bes ape se TASS By oe nog& Wigs i asge A ie + ED era" @ a Uewe 4 6G legate nanan W catia t ney: xNe! ieee ae R Sa er 515 aa Ne A inj Pay ; hie oeaBoece BEcee YEE Re teitisa Oe “anPed a ae veyyeae yi ear


    , Mahe FRE Caer fagserBee at Ati ‘aMAP esrae aula aEL atede a)eaters anMikro REG CL kleeaIETi ere gees Lit Sed aoon og fae eon, an aires a aan a, puke: Vasey “Se WePile os ae nn or i% Bona 7! syne oy $k ty mu en a Begs Em onepats phar acosltet laser ‘eae SySoe F.(ae ad nM Teeate fabo: 4 Bs A Reb = YD F“A me), agn Kanner SAE URE aS Mod oe eee na (ERED BI baa Ee va Ae bees ‘a ekBBO tt Yr the tes baBiter id Ey ae? Biiesoe Reg Mg PE ei ies ahBERS adAR ne Rr ges area Gai ena a aie md Be. BHR taeAD ea Bee ay RR te gna BR Se ee, AttAy bes ede LE ee (pact ee Arar sdernps, CS CE Pecans Peet eePate Raae fon ko eh ho OF-? i8 Be cems ce »ET By chee stash arn a 2op Bie aw leh 20. Bg ABB tofEe mB Bes absncaa ‘ Bee Coos ho fei ae een cats RN RED ee Ty oe aBoe Vy tk iy Bete, By, WWE nO te Feo aige 5 PN rs ae ER ke | Gem 1s4ioan » iAO ‘ve 4 Es Pi :

    LO De eeee iPE es a en YaeSAN, or. “oerae: eg tsbee ye ce, arioe ioea"Gl oT ie Ae ger Aan nica erestd yenoS arth vy getor oat CN iBye nNaaft4ee csRR Be GEE se |cy eat |re bie one HagaPay ieeeEN iegeSt ost ad: bare Eg ce ig Cee Len Aare UES Be GAfobyGee eS:oN aeeAtea

    He At aes? ph ae aa ae ace eeeen pyerwan ral Bh.~ PR oot Bae ee ie gt ‘ 2, al,Sete ge ee) oFEA wean “aoe PAhlay, Shy Lee aiieae ? aes a CORR At 2s Wee Be OPN La ae BS ay seatPSE eae eg ar a te 2 3, 8Be “iso wRBsaiPy at pests Mae ry a can ace Ada, a shete MEE Aa‘ Rdmest aN Fae. a PA Be a)ae aatall cepe 8gog. geEN aOe pedi Mee He gh as ee nat oe re Bade ie cTh: tf Oo 2S oeoePits ee Ae pats4sEe ; yt if Pion MS ye EE Besapes pea Geie ead Ses ei yce4 3RAP AE Ts SPC ML aeeSPR ST eet anN‘ aa wysot. pee, ea Nf BRU a oi ~Fae a a5race VP. goAir, i Me BFA Sm. sAS AeJaret ATC e

    hy bees Geet ra ad i ced ae Lal! han eet tyee Sng Senace ye f sae ae tft elk eyeene‘ ii) BAG ee. VA PaeS 4. jade }ghee Pans oeeres ms fy eer aa (Byles Latha SaaS SE1° elit Goats ee Seat ott oe AMG rhe Oreae ene spate ee Fea ye 1opihaenitee oe RIN, a4 Sian on aeoo afRs. alleBea aan eenaByGy: eee Nae a Fiaralie 6 eee QnaN BD mee x att hy, eat Lar Ages layeae 0S7” NR 8 yi oad Yo sansa PeF aD pcre ye as alah gy etlte Ee SE pecaate tats ree iSeng Oe ae Pr) ee Leepetal, : Tes see abe Be? xray Ra7Mae shee page eee owsith ve cehe aan oyeRe am Weag GP tha aint Home 1an BYyes Sine ras! Pes PES OF? gyPO) 2a Bas ASha a Ng J ng LoJae uh Se aan Sigh Sac. Bes hex Unpaid Oreae ” Ec Seep teEON wine 0?PRO EReet Sb irarm RSar: ERE aeALAE NE ' reBed cae ORR Mn SEAS |RL esaweg eg ca*peat sy Bo Fel Tee) rad FA een ey cae| TL iA: ike oupace to va pet, Snes ea sey pf iMLA a aivce Besadt oe Pitds ae ce OG BsOTE 8 RNar Hib crFea eanar pay ee arnt reehey, ae; SF Ay me ee iee EPye} ‘oe A 2s Baht + pres: FA 4sTadeo ey AS: 4 aren Fi espe peas bas eee veiearean Bact ie: He te obs as aes48 Seresct OY aie TRL PEE get 5,RE eno 2) eee anny *3) Way din eeaeaera Be Bee oedot Lae Bol aaa 1 oa TEN Ge ene mee Yeay Pior apeneee y EEE pune ee the PeAE RS SD Trae te gee Earn utn one fers” “ays, eeted bee ce peu aeYen teres ae *Siarn. ae} ere fifea da ext EeNagy perne htt Rae Poa Tees PES Sy oa teae ALe heNr eae nswre esRiga ar Sot pokes & saree a 2, oR BOE i gilgee eee sre Og @ Dat AEP. ivBdireged mee WB Teo ge ca ARt ae i| SO ee “yh! RSpha Seoava Tey UNAUS TCEDN eae os

    eed aee Pi Ayes AI a se 5oy : Po a ee NAprs SyNag 8, eS ie nd re Ea ree PYa es Bsad AS. Ba eaeRR, td eePaasc ae“yr ae hay ere Waaetage fehl, Bes gS elii Be :|Bo care BtBPRS ane nes aint Ba FR Sot: Pes rd fam eee a ear eoof cae cd. Taay Pete Mh ce LeSeeaess A ea A 30 Seat Eke ete ‘aHRA m4 arOL ON peed "a ateij Hs Hae *Pera: A ge ‘hi a ae. oo ae }oece Ame aM ‘;SN Fy eet sped RN ae SYDNEY EATya an hse ae ’ aan aaae veae iY gtr bean ES ’le 5le a Pheer 1 Seid gate ace CRESS 5 ea SUsEi os... aeod he Acie wey SSE DS iTrida are aoa aed gts feS,iayenn Fiver Meer ee ORE pos ¢ :sy aardStes ‘Hes npERE Gee mS, teFis a.aan cian elt Sia a es ute hee need a Bo Rye f ‘ as gy. 42 ikem i4oN J a? agON ttoxjee Bt qnt’ on eaePar : ES Serpote aCee ee yee »ao! Hat Be TI"eset ' fi gefeOereaoe ap peti persnecte)

    BO avegia atl ere OTE PD Re ae Wy A Pally Ee Eee isiapeRee Somes reANe ge bon Le BM cl Oy 4 aH 7 wae oofing, » “Dh nf A ne wee \ oe |Wh isee ¥gs ae the se Pe 2een ee, as Bee fu Biipoe eet Res SEE. ce yee Sd omaror 73: reel, att Th :na Fyoy . * iat rd aone}, ae gt ER SP A oan, eae i _ RS He ON oeeinai eeae nena afOEE

    ae ne.eee . “al OS Oa cta Real Bearay EET eM MR er ac See ahah Boy? bets,beSMa ei TEE eGR okye Be he f we yg ienr oO, : ND AR a pees a cS map an eaPon Saagrenee etyieee oe oeMaes ee iy An eee: Se egies wt BN a-“a oR o+d nnfice ee Lae. wha? were sPe rene | By Werene Das ies Sai aees pxabetey SEGRE creas are ASKER atewe dees of es heal BSBOS 4a REL ate ' an‘:. -”“4idarene ey f| :he AiSoe gySHES aa eG at vat Peis diy: gh eel se eae see Vieee SS Ae Eat Sanat See dea ts esSL A eon at) yet fan, ofvey ade: erate Se itifaSr eySo aPega BP esere fie see ee BED LS: el aS) pe irRR atte ot iaha eS Aaah) Ponce Rie Bagge ye egva) tea 7aaa 3dy #eg Nera Py Sea eee “4 Pilger enmiaseta Bee ei Pata En OR NN ae SeaWeiiae s!SIR jee Gan Sater Drees aETC) RIG Oe at” ANE aOi Sanee ete Se ap owr iis zs 4eG. eg EG Fue PAE oe g@ tists Ret ane’ ah ble &pra Penge ees Lacey yh ek Raaesnaenn Meee PeaSea A Naira ee ANON Nsele deiean urea :?se*os :‘ #a3SAE yo he 2 ob AE, 8CRS oStec ehSORE a Biny ee OP! ges reel? Oe Tena pS esoe Ragen Ug AE tas ae aA Fa and AEN hs Cie aT eee ie) 7te aBas a BM EES Eg Ses isee ROR ieee PE AAR ey Sy teen) Nee aS, ee hae SPM oe SAA, Fore WaHANC Sane ase SRG ee hg aie "f Gils . oe dans EE ey Sestak, Behe Join, eR ee peepee sister chee BONO hi FUTONS

    ;retopie eget e™ .Peers gh Pe ed ee ail ss enim eten eu Rte Sewer pea PEN ants SORE aE Se ke oe it oo ete EP Be TE Re ory an ben Beery ee SOUR Slaet ge LEAT RN PR IeARE EECOVE aiken 1, tNY iwBGR eee 1rst| ee Leite Ce HPs | trae TeEe eer Pe haes, Make Ls Wek rs, wees REG gL i eS VELD ones wo “ase bie feito sf . ",erecionsas 5phe fa pa chr: aSRT en ee ERNE cn ata arma tested Nace been CeOEE ofacer Aa eae ald arenes’ Sh Oo Ean ‘ait te eaten aePG LOPS BR eageya Yen faa dace gp RN atne ai hte i CSP ere aaa eed Pas EATS Fats veikaa eine iS Ea aan Se Ma ambi He fend ghiar RAE Ne Pe aan ek rote, Rees f arnt atagt Prato eee spelt aS rer ns © Bam tag eS EE erame! pas tir Wane Rey ati. SESE splat rete pea eieae st20 gn cy RYE RISES ' ag: iyn, "ohh ap BE pee ON aed Dia Crsca AER tab early eee WFah te Tiee Taetee TOMO Cor pace ne Oe ease dg es :ean mats Bg TEES APN ten>TA EO saci Cm, 2* SeaneR eae palin AE ihe Ses aaeaer ss got SSL ao HE RUN ES

    ae fF at ee ae eee ei Sle Caren ReneS Abed ges Fr pe pes ays SEES ORES eae SSE Dpisiee ies . . abghibleet nem fey Pe Ba Pena oe, a we Sees) ils i Ss Sone hiya at Se, aeons : . ee Ser mi JigPet EesetMS eigen Pe ree wale JBM bag er COO ad Fee sy ft MSS ag ATL BIN ATE ab Foy siege me ayee SFcte Saagte we Catan Sareea Oeahiaeeccs . ree ans aoe ea ine iE Peveyitearet nepe Fah NS ees ae ayaa eiWent laes Oia tet ge Rep Bestoneh oe pas She crock oe Jgate Winey jt tetBG & : .. WEA Baty gtting asyeen BH iadie avatlo

    Ex tee aera or . aeBHetea. CSR tyespreg ale dL ee Tee SRRBag | PetSpot haa on JE PES Le Redd capt Ageefptere Teo: Ry gy eastcard A Ihe eae Po ae 2ks eyez rire Pry pie? A ED bbs tht Feet Ae Reuitiornh,Be aaoe wateBint tt omits Oey pen vse Gey Ae a8a RYaewy SSa creat APE RECee Rentey aeSeat iy ree pee MA

    sais Eg RE esipgsents an | Sian CN Sittya oh Ee assp tanga RDeaner ETE TE Petia 8 BT Miele Ge oe AAeH AI BH ee begat peek! Garant fe vod RE IgWe ogre eR tte TLS eee Ringe ounce antiBe EiraApre

    fy Ea altOG SET a ; Meet nota jer eee oe Rm seaAa aeiak an .7 ROE oe ky wuP AZ Pb : rn) TA aes ts erent cee Spats jeaeeeet Bele cater ee i 2t Ev, We ete:rected -

    ne SRG EE ES ca Say aaa atarioster tater gr: pore

    Beko BS pa st,a8) “perth atee ee SON : std bho : “MRR isa ne MGS ear Satietf nie tte ii BASSE oghich Pr reniky SS RRR bag enete ARORA . beats eet Meer Ze Wh Se: -ES eegistasant ee SSI ea ee ty EREN ARtals RE rexweeestc i BiBie ARSENY ' ceneeaiueaiy ae yak as eel i\ gy pie 7Saye oe 2Rese gE SPER RES eae hay eesega ae Blane ener LAG ENR REE Ree phate ee iNE aasatieial by. eiERY ae ee uous etats eee me iy *

    PaAOU eee SO eran ce PAC fo i rts BaSShea cg a OOF fyPhas ONatin eeeeeeHO aa Ba Ey uOTe ae Pea \ EES Pe. Ses Are Pan a. eRe‘

    Brae nea id SG et GE ail ANN y : .en eh Bn Ss Le ee es .DREN ae Pecans iDY. Naa . CPM heEpp: pe teA Beis eeRS DAE av NAAR oe 3aPOLStgset 4 ‘ aA tyoo Fe ee pe . TON ‘:OPA ‘.SaA.zSE|N: cAK “a :PRIS woe ig ted een ere me iee rae.) . Me 3D: pers , RS ee ee en OA yt Ey. ME My, wy eMioec eee cree Se ey we tae aBee,Pg 1— aBasal BPE ‘ oe Y @» PR PaO . yarLANES “Yt Aha 4. Fey ae nsatt Cg WN pe aaEEE Ts ory poses rg yteta . eeGeags ms. Pox aa “tEOE be Pa we ae an Ms Vy. Se oe -ORR. Sis eo ve: ee, Eos Me yoy OE Bek . Rg Were a , oo " ee Ye. Toh hy. sf) yisgtan 4 Sao ares Eee Bore oe san As ae ek . . rp od Se . Bi egos Ae: epey: : sd “A AY ae ea LAC TEES. | a TP paar ee 2. ogee HANES ace rails ee Qi’ boa AAAS bTf,Tb VARR fei ACES Penta PSIR oe OM tL Muysatisis Mie.Ma eteatet Sey NE eek Me zcahieer NAT Ne Ve Craabes tee Gee oo agen as Vf. WAY, Wal enAWBayes € Sie Bee a ae wos Pee:Arig Ly 4HGS I KEN ag ES A.btate SPARS SS |aefdeee a

    Recency . ££Pecaee f : Tallest ide, WyDY i PR hogkareh Ss,etoek dae Ri agp aa aie site Rea edn Fite ap UME AR Metsu Pera eaetccem ee SOSH] ~~AG Mean

    Pe :oo; Ve.siRY J ah eTi it! \ ‘deWe De EeTs: a .Heb ae Eye Meaty ieekaas * j=iBo Hypt Calyn had: eSa, 7 canes pa yan {egee eySEN “Bice= eee : ; SRR cg CA Aree a Ht Oh fo" a,Fyae aah ine SN ay pele ws SeteSS ce ene > Sot Sale Nip a esa ee Ua, OE tees, ae OE sag iWK @) 1(WEES Se iincioke Bees ence Pee | po PARK . “ aE ped “EN ; os TAWA MIA NN aeed Tay rand NIOUCN OIA al NOMEN] i ; ee vr ear gee . OO awe cp SNILAN Ce. re eee NETO] °o1¥ wpe et se SES

    Bearer gy, 7 € ) ; L, ' fips doe ek teary ec LENT AMANITA ho: nn

    Rone ASN AE a,mee near sation We te ; Ea oe in Agor a. s)eeno Pla in honor 7 Reet ™ ere PPA ITO ’Pomeroy GRA eat vara tiae 22s preme Gee Reine (3ase4; WE’ ak Ted ey {i eins \ Goon I {Pathe fi irassc. 2357oe AES CEL CRORE ET RS ft Petyeroe f wat es antics é naiSana eser brarie aeeisectn enore oerON eens ae \ia\tantrarlcasty COMO IOOMES OO SSeS eseePPR!

    anS eeeape DVO Si ened case CB REARING Hh Seton BU ansNES RETR .. een mate aahaECS A eprehece eehee sclWES ree EE te r nloncacamarton epee Seftor bce DEO Se essa . hn D. . DOoRockefeller, Jt. 1
