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THE ADRENONCHROME CONSPIRACY The Nazi Heritage of the Global Elite
Zak Jones
Copyright © Zak Jones 2020 All rights reserved.
Table of Contents The Adrenonchrome Conspiracy Welcome to the Resistance Alpha and Omega Death The Nazi Camelot The Grail The Skulls The Book The Undistinguished The Shadow People The Bug in the Machine The Fear Factories The Rush Human Sacrifice The Third Eye Conclusion
WELCOME TO THE RESISTANCE “Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” – George Orwell s the Adrenochrome Conspiracy ruining your life? You dream of getting the chance you deserve in life. You know exactly how much you are capable of achieving. You just need a chance, a fair crack of the whip, you just need to catch a break. You’re not asking for any favors, any special treatment, just for what’s right. What’s getting in your way? We all know – the elites are running the world and they have no interest in giving you or anyone like you a chance. You’re not in their gang, and you never will be. You will never be invited in. These people don’t bring the likes of you into their cozy cabal. These elites are the ultimate gang, the gang with all the real power. We all know it. They don’t need to engage in any street fighting. They don’t need to do any fighting at all. Others do that for them. Why would they ever risk their necks? They don’t need to control street corners and housing projects and districts. After all, these people control the whole world. They don’t need to leave their homes to do it. All the levers of powers are just a keystroke or click away. Increasingly, A.I. algorithms are the agents of their rule. Their algorithms know you better than you know yourself. They know exactly what buttons to press to make you do their bidding. The elites’ control runs so deep that they even control the very minds of the masses. By far, that’s the most sinister aspect of their totalitarian world rule. Their No. 1 task is to make your consciousness align with their objectives rather than your own – then everything you do is helping them
rather than you. Once they have made you internalize their beliefs, values and worldview, you have become an extension of them. You are their puppet, their marionette. You’re a robot programed to carry out someone else’s instructions. When your mind has been manipulated like this, and you uncomplainingly and indeed eagerly go along with it, this is known as having a “false consciousness”. You have a true consciousness when you understand true reality and are aligning yourself with it. You have a false consciousness when you do not understand true reality and instead subscribe to a false reality and align yourself with what is false rather than true. Your whole life is then engulfed in falseness. False consciousness is a way of thinking that prevents a person from perceiving the true nature of existence and the world and the truth of their social, psychological, political, sociological and economic situation within it. The seminal movie The Matrix is all about a small group of resistance fighters waking up to the fact that they have been programed with a false consciousness. They then valiantly strive to acquire a true consciousness. It isn’t easy. In fact, it’s a titanic struggle. If you yourself go down this road, many people who once loved you will come to hate you. They enjoy their false consciousness – their “simulated steak” – and have no interest in the Truth. The character Cypher says in The Matrix, “You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? … Ignorance is bliss.” This is the deep truth of the human condition. People want to be deceived. They don’t want to face harsh reality. Machiavelli said, “One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.” The elites are natural-born deceivers, and the masses are their natural-born victims, those that desire to be deceived, because it’s better than the alternative. If you’re one of the heroic few waking up to true reality then take strength. There are good people out there who have your back. The Resistance is alive and kicking. All hope is not lost. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” You want to be one of that small group, don’t you? It’s what you were made for. It’s your destiny. We can all work together to stop the elites, to end their misrule over the
world. They are an extraordinarily powerful force, but the people united can never be defeated. When the people have total solidarity, when they all march together in the same direction, they are an unstoppable force. That’s what the elites fear most of all, and why they are so keen on the doctrine of divide and rule, and of keeping the masses docile via bread and circuses. You always feared that there was a horrific conspiracy going on stopping you from succeeding. You were right all along. But you didn’t appreciate the scale of it, how big, far-reaching and incredible this conspiracy really is. It’s not just you that is its victim. We all are. The global conspiracy has tentacles everywhere. It’s steadily choking the world. We are all being slowly suffocated by the elites. They are sucking all the blood and life out of us, turning us into mere functionaries, drudges and drones. We are being drained of all our energy and vitality. Just like the humans in The Matrix, we are little more than batteries for those feeding on us and plundering us. But knowledge is power, right? Once you know what’s really going on, you’ll be equipped to do something about it. We need you and all the other heroes to do the right things and bring the rule of the evil elites to an end. George Orwell said, “Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.” We need to solve this dilemma, to escape from this deadly trap, this fatal Catch-22. It’s only people like you who can be conscious before the rebellion, and then help everyone else to come to consciousness. We know you’re of the right caliber to be one of the small group capable of standing up to the predators preying on us all. The fact that you are reading this book – unlike the sheeple – proves it. You have always known it too. Join our great movement to reveal the truth and bring down the elites. Only then will everyone be free. Only then will we all get the opportunities to succeed that we deserve. We can’t win when the game is rigged against us, so we need to change the game. We need to make it fair. For the first time! We know exactly how much you will shine when the time comes. You know it too. Per aspera ad astra: through hardships to the stars. This book is about the extraordinary world we live in, and the extraordinary knowledge that the elite possess about it that they keep away from you. You won’t believe what the elites are really up to. They’re playing a
different game entirely. They know how different true reality is from what you have been led to believe. Come and find out about a reality you never thought possible. Yet, deep down, you knew this is how things must be. It’s the only way to explain all the weirdness. Nothing is weirder than the true nature of reality.
The Unveilers “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell one of a group of researchers working with a small, heroic Resistance I ’m movement known as the Unveilers. Dare you tear the veil? Dare you pull it back and see what lies beyond? The Unveilers want to know exactly what the elites are hiding behind the veil. We all have a right to know. If the elites don’t cooperate – and we know they never will – we must take matters into our own hands. George Orwell said, “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” You’d better believe it. But in a time of deceit, no one ever believes the truth tellers. Orwell said, “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” Isn’t that the perfect description of the mainstream media and their constant fake news and manipulation of the facts? Orwell said, “Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one.” They always brand the heroic individuals lunatics. They always demonize the heroes, the good guys.
ALPHA AND OMEGA “Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.” – George Orwell fully understand why there is so much fuss regarding the drug T oadrenochrome, you first need to know what the big picture is. Only recently have the Unveilers decided to release this information, and only because they think that humanity might now be able to grasp the incredible truth of human reality. Many people were impressed by the mind-blowing movie The Matrix. It thrillingly showed that reality might not be what we all think it is. The movie revealed that there were two different realities: one inside the Matrix (a simulated reality, which the vast majority fully accepted as true reality), and another outside the Matrix (a real reality, which most people didn’t know about it, and if they did they would probably say it was unreality and absolutely unwelcome, the exact conclusion that Cypher came to). So, the Matrix revealed an inherent “Two Worlds” reality ... two completely different worlds overlapping and interacting with each other. In the Matrix, the average human mind believed there was only one world, while a tiny number of higher minds knew there were two worlds. Unless you were aware of this, you had no clue about true reality. You were living in blissful ignorance. The Matrix gets closer to the truth than almost anything else. The problem is that the Matrix is all about a computer simulation as the second world. The truth is nothing like that. No computers are involved, just the incredible human mind, which has more intrinsic power that any computer could ever have. A mind is a natural, living computer which can do things impossible for a programable machine. We really do live in a “Two Worlds” reality, but it’s biochemical rather
than digital. It’s drug-mediated. In other words, you switch between the two worlds using particular drugs, not an electronic switch or program. The elites have expert knowledge of these drugs, which they withhold from everyone else. They don’t want anyone else finding out how reality actually works. It took the Unveilers decades to work out the basic picture of reality long known to the elites. The ideas essential to the elites are very complex, but let’s see if we can explain them to you. First things first. It’s essential to understand the true relationship between brain and mind. If you get this wrong, you’ll get everything else wrong. Science seems to say that our brain and our mind are one and the same thing. Take away the brain, scientists say, and there is no mind. But here’s a most curious fact. In “split-brain” experiments, where the tissues that join the brain’s two cerebral hemispheres are severed (to alleviate the symptoms of victims of serious epileptic fits), it has been discovered that each distinct hemisphere then functions as a separate mind. Yet this is simply revealing what is actually true all the time. We all have two minds, not one. We just don’t notice this. Why not? Because we are all attuned to our conscious mind and not our other mind, the unconscious mind. It’s exactly because our second mind is unconscious that we don’t think about it at all. We only think of our consciousness, with our consciousness. The unconscious does stuff of which we are entirely unaware because it’s outside our conscious circuitry. Our conscious thoughts are conducted in language. Our unconscious doesn’t use language. That’s why the two minds can’t communicate. And if they both spoke language, which would be in charge? It would be total confusion. Split-brain experiments have revealed exactly this. “Alien hand syndrome” is sometimes the result. This is a phenomenon in which one hand is not under control of the conscious mind. The person loses control of the errant hand, and it acts as if it has a mind of its own. It might slap the patient, or try to strangle them, or stop them from doing something. For patients, it’s a terrifying condition. Our conscious mind is located, so to speak, in the left hemisphere, and our unconscious mind in the right hemisphere. The hemispheric nature of the cerebral cortex, with each brain hemisphere containing its own mind, already means that we are living in two realities, whether we appreciate it or not. If we could speak to our unconscious mind, it would have a radically different
take on reality and completely different stories, perceptions and feelings to tell us about. Why are dreams so mysterious? It’s exactly because the unconscious mind creates them. We don’t “get” our own unconscious. We’re baffled by what it’s trying to communicate to us. Everything weird about reality is connected to the fact that we have two minds, which are not in tune with each other at all. Average people have no idea just how big the gap is. But the elites do, and they’re keeping it top secret. Have you ever heard of the “transmission” theory of the mind? The theory originated with William James, the American philosopher and founder of modern-day psychology. In his essay On Human Immortality, James gave a radically different view of the brain-mind relationship than the one offered by scientific materialism, which totally rejects human immortality. It’s worth considering James’s thesis in detail. He first of all highlighted the key formula of scientific materialism concerning the brain: Thought is a function of the brain. He wrote: The question is, then, does this doctrine logically compel us to disbelieve in immortality? Ought it to force every truly consistent thinker to sacrifice his hopes of a hereafter to what he takes to be his duty of accepting all the consequences of a scientific truth?” If you believe the scientific formula, you should indeed be an atheist. James wrote, “Most persons imbued with what one may call the puritanism of science would feel themselves bound to answer this question with a yes.” But is the scientific claim actually true? Does the formula brain creates mind hold, or is something else true, such as Cartesian dualism, by which immaterial, unextended mind communicates through material, extended brain? In these Cartesian terms, mind is radically different from brain and there is no automatic death of the mind if the brain dies. The mind could, for example, link to another brain in a new body, via reincarnation. James wrote, “If any medically or psychologically bred young scientists feel otherwise, it is probably in consequence of that incoherency of mind of which the majority of mankind happily enjoy the privilege. At one hour scientists, at another they are Christians or common men, with the will to live burning hot in their breasts; and, holding thus to two ends of the chain, they are careless of the intermediate connection.” Here, James highlights the inconsistency of many scientists, especially in the past, who believed in both materialism and Christianity, even though
materialism is irreconcilable with any kind of religion. James wrote, “But the more radical and uncompromising disciple of science makes the sacrifice, and, sorrowfully or not, according to his temperament, submits to giving up his hopes of heaven.” If thought is a function of brain, there’s no afterlife. When the brain dies, it’s game over. Only if thought is different from brain, as it is in Cartesian dualism, can there be an afterlife. James wrote, “…it is not at all impossible, but on the contrary quite possible, that the life may still continue when the brain itself is dead. The supposed impossibility of its continuing comes from too superficial a look at the admitted fact of functional dependence. The moment we inquire more closely into the notion of functional dependence, and ask ourselves, for example, how many kinds of functional dependence there may be, we immediately perceive that there is one kind at least that does not exclude a life hereafter at all. The fatal conclusion of the physiologist flows from his assuming offhand another kind of functional dependence, and treating it as the only imaginable kind.” We all know the brain and mind are linked. We know that brain damage seems to impair mental function. But consider the relationship between a TV set and a broadcast channel. The channel is broadcast regardless of the quality or health of the TV set. If you badly scratch your TV screen, the quality of your picture may suffer terribly, but the quality and health of the broadcast is not affected at all. The broadcast is coming from somewhere else entirely. Does the mind continue to function perfectly well even if the brain is damaged, but its signals are not received and processed correctly by the brain? Just as a defective TV set distorts how a TV show is displayed, but does not affect the show itself, does a defective brain distort how the mind is expressed, but without affecting the mind in itself? James wrote, “When the physiologist who thinks that his science cuts off all hope of immortality pronounces the phrase, ‘Thought is a function of the brain,’ he thinks of the matter just as he thinks when he says, ‘Steam is a function of the tea-kettle,’ ‘Light is a function of the electric circuit,’ ‘Power is a function of the moving waterfall.’ In these latter cases the several material objects have the function of inwardly creating or engendering their effects, and their function must be called productive function. Just so, he thinks, it must be with the brain. Engendering consciousness in its interior, much as it engenders cholesterin and creatin and corbonic acid, its relation to
our soul’s life must also be called productive function. Of course, if such production be the function, then when the organ perishes, since the production can no longer continue, the soul must surely die. Such a conclusion as this is indeed inevitable from that particular conception of the facts.” Scientific materialism pursues a strictly productive theory of mind, i.e. brain produces mind, hence no brain, no mind. For science, consciousness, free will, the unconscious, and so on, all have to be understood in terms of mindless material atoms and the laws that apply to these mindless things. Nothing else is involved. There are no other factors. James wrote, “But in the world of physical nature productive function of this sort is not the only kind of function with which we are familiar. We have also releasing or permissive function; and we have transmissive function.” James then offered a radically different way of thinking of the relationship between brain and mind. He wrote, “The trigger of a crossbow has a releasing [permissive] function: it removes the obstacle that holds the string, and lets the bow fly back to its natural shape. So when the hammer falls upon a detonating compound. By knocking out the inner molecular obstructions, it lets the constituent gases resume their normal bulk, and so permits the explosion to take place.” The idea here is that the mind is one thing and the brain another. The brain permits the function of the mind, but does not produce the function of the mind. Without the brain, there would be nothing to release the mind, but the mind itself would remain alive. If it could find another brain, it could again be released. The mind therefore has a dependency on the brain, but is not the same as the brain. James wrote, “In the case of a colored glass, a prism, or a refracting lens, we have transmissive function. The energy of light, no matter how produced, is by the glass sifted and limited in color, and by the lens or prism determined to a certain path and shape. Similarly, the keys of an organ have only a transmissive function. They open successively the various pipes and let the wind in the air-chest escape in various ways. The voices of the various pipes are constituted by the columns of air trembling as they emerge. But the air is not engendered in the organ. The organ proper, as distinguished from its airchest, is only an apparatus for letting portions of it loose upon the world in these peculiarly limited shapes.” The idea here is that light is one thing, and what the prism does to the
light another thing, and air is one thing and what an organ does to the air another, so why shouldn’t mind be one thing and the brain something else that transmits the mind, shaping it in a certain way as it does so? James wrote, “My thesis is now this: that, when we think of the law that thought is a function of the brain, we are not required to think of productive function only; we are entitled also to consider permissive or transmissive function. And this the ordinary psycho-physiologist leaves out of his account. Suppose, for example, that the whole universe of material things … should turn out to be a mere surface-veil of phenomena, hiding and keeping back the world of genuine realities. Such a supposition is foreign neither to common sense nor to philosophy. Common sense believes in realities behind the veil even too superstitiously; and idealistic philosophy declares the whole world of natural experience, as we get it, to be but a time-mask, shattering or refracting the one infinite Thought which is the sole reality into those millions of finite streams of consciousness known to us as our private selves.” There’s all the difference in the world between the brain as a producer of mind and the brain as a “releaser” of mind or “transmitter” of mind. Different systems imply different realities. Paranormal phenomena are impossible with production theory, but not with permissive or transmissive theories. In Adonais, the poet Shelley wrote, “Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, stains the white radiance of eternity.” James, in response to this, wrote, “Suppose, now, that this were really so, and suppose, moreover, that the dome, opaque enough at all times to the full super-solar blaze, could at certain times places grow less so, and let certain beams pierce through into this sublunary world. These beams would be so many finite rays, so to speak, of consciousness, and they would vary in quantity and quality as the opacity varied in degree. Only at particular times and places would it seem that, as a matter of fact, the veil of nature can grow thin and rupturable enough for such effects to occur. But in those places gleams, however finite and unsatisfying, of the absolute life of the universe, are from time to time vouchsafed. Glows of feeling, glimpses of insight, and streams of knowledge and perception float into our finite world.” Here we encounter the idea later championed by Aldous Huxley of the brain as a “reducing valve”, filtering out an immense amount of activity to make it manageable for simple creatures like humans. Huxley wrote, “The suggestion is that the function of the brain and nervous system and sense
organs is in the main eliminative and not productive. Each person is at each moment capable of remembering all that has ever happened to him and of perceiving everything that is happening everywhere in the universe. The function of the brain and nervous system is to protect us from being overwhelmed and confused by this mass of largely useless and irrelevant knowledge, by shutting out most of what we should otherwise perceive or remember at any moment, and leaving only that very small and special selection which is likely to be practically useful. According to such a theory, each one of us is potentially Mind at Large. But in so far as we are animals, our business is at all costs to survive. To make biological survival possible, Mind at Large has to be funneled through the reducing valve of the brain and nervous system. What comes out at the other end is a measly trickle of the kind of consciousness which will help us to stay alive on the surface of this particular planet.” With these remarks, transmission theory is fully revealed. The mind in itself is a simply vast system, an overwhelming system. In this limited physical world of ours we need, in order to contain and control the mind, to limit rather than expand its capacities. Far from producing the mind, the brain is drastically filtering the mind, so that only a tiny portion of its real power is ever expressed. The mind is too much for the spacetime universe of matter. “God” is too much for the universe. The Creator is different from and separate from his creation, and has awesomely more power. Scientific materialism would be completely different if it were based on transmission rather than production theory of mind. The elites all subscribe to transmission theory, and seek to tap into Mind at Large … the limitless, godlike power of mind. They feel it’s their birthright to access a much grander universe than the one available to ordinary mortals. James wrote, “Admit now that our brains are such thin and halftransparent places in the veil. What will happen? Why, as the white radiance comes through the dome, with all sorts of staining and distortion imprinted on it by the glass, or as the air now comes through my glottis determined and limited in its force and quality of its vibrations by the peculiarities of those vocal chords which form its gate of egress and shape it into my personal voice, even so the genuine matter of reality, the life of souls as it is in its fullness, will break through our several brains into this world in all sorts of restricted forms, and with all the imperfections and queernesses that
characterize our finite individualities here below.” Here, James too highlights the reducing effect of the brain. The brain is not expanding and freeing the mind. In fact, it’s a constant brake on the mind’s true capacities and powers. If the brain and mind are one and the same, the mind’s power can be no greater than the brain’s power. The brain’s limits are the mind’s limits. However, if brain and mind are different – as they are in every religious and spiritual system and also in most philosophical systems – then the mind has powers unrestricted by the brain, which we may be able to access via special means. The mind’s intrinsic powers might well be infinite, like those of God. James wrote, “According to the state in which the brain finds itself, the barrier of its obstructiveness may also be supposed to rise or fall. It sinks so low, when the brain is in full activity, that a comparative flood of spiritual energy pours over. At other times, only such occasional waves of thought as heavy sleep permits get by. And when finally a brain stops acting altogether, or decays, that special stream of consciousness which it subverted will vanish entirely from this natural world. But the sphere of being that supplied the consciousness would still be intact; and in that more real world with which, even whilst here, it was continuous, the consciousness might, in ways unknown to us, continue still.” This is key. There could be mental reality that transcends physical reality and is in fact more real than physical reality. Physical reality dampens the effects of mind to allow the kind of existence we have on this planet, rather than the kind of existence angels, with much less restricted minds, enjoy. God has no restrictions at all. God is mind fully liberated, fully free of matter, space and time. God is everywhere at once; whole in every part of the universe. Before the rise of scientific materialism, it was commonly held that the whole soul is whole in the whole body and whole in the parts (tota in tota et tota in qualibet parte), and God is whole in the whole cosmos and whole in every part of the cosmos. We might say that just as the brain is a transmission device for the mind, the cosmos is God’s brain or body, or God’s transmission device, through which he expresses his will amongst finite, temporal, mortal creatures. Reality, true mental reality, is suppressed by matter. Mind expresses itself only imperfectly through matter. It loses a vast amount of its power in doing so. This obstacle is one that can be removed in the right circumstances.
Our brains are involved in the mind’s transmissions but they certainly do not originate those transmissions. When the brain is damaged, the instrument of transmission is harmed, not the mind that is doing the transmitting. James wrote, “You see that, on all these suppositions, our soul’s life, as we here know it, would none the less in literal strictness be the function of the brain. The brain would be the independent variable, the mind would vary dependently on it. But such dependence on the brain for this natural life would in no wise make immortal life impossible, it might be quite compatible with supernatural life behind the veil hereafter.” Is there a whole incredible world of mind behind the veil of matter, to which we can all gain access in the right circumstances? That’s what the Unveilers think, and that’s what the elites are certain they know and can exploit to their hearts’ content. James wrote, “…whether we care or not for immortality in itself, we ought, as mere critics doing police duty among the vagaries of mankind, to insist on the illogicality of a denial based on the flat ignoring of a palpable alternative. How much more ought we to insist, as lovers of truth, when the denial is that of such a vital hope of mankind!” It’s extraordinary that materialism refuses to contemplate other possibilities. It just shuts down the debate. What is it so scared of? It has no evidence that there is no mental reality. It adopts its age-old fallacy: absence of evidence is evidence of absence. In fact, there’s a vast and incontestable amount of evidence concerning pure mental reality, but science ignores it, misinterprets it, or dismisses it. James wrote, “All abstract hypotheses sound unreal; and the abstract notion that our brains are colored lenses in the wall of nature, admitting light from the super-solar source, but at the same time tingeing and restricting it, has a thoroughly fantastic sound. What is it, you may ask, but a foolish metaphor? And how can such a function be imagined? Isn’t the common materialistic notion vastly simpler? Is not consciousness really more comparable to a sort of stream, or perfume, or electricity, or nerve-glow, generated on the spot in its own peculiar vessel? Is it not more rigorously scientific to treat the brain’s function as a function of production?” Scientists suffer, amongst other things, from a highly limited and sterile imagination. Ironically, their minds are totally unproductive when it comes to thinking outside the box. They don’t want wider horizons. They want Mind at Small, not Mind at Large. They daren’t embrace transmission theory because
it would mean the end of materialism. They refuse to accept that any more than a Muslim would accept the falsehood of the Koran. James wrote, “Ask for any indication of the exact process either of transmission or production, and Science confesses her imagination to be bankrupt. She has, so far not the least glimmer of a conjecture or suggestion, not even a bad verbal metaphor or pun to offer. Ignoramus, ignorabimus [‘we don’t know, we won’t know’], is what most physiologists, in the words of one of their number, will say here. The production of such a thing as consciousness in the brain, they will reply with the late Berlin professor of physiology, is the absolute world-enigma, something so paradoxical and abnormal as to be a stumbling block to Nature, and almost a selfcontradiction.” Science has never even begun to explain consciousness and it is plain that it cannot do so. It has dismissed free will as “illusion”. It has never once explained how lifeless atoms can produce life, and mindless atoms produce mind. It talks of production, but it has no means to explain production. If consciousness is wholly absent from atoms, how can collections of atoms be conscious? It’s logically impossible. Nobel laureate in physics Erwin Schrödinger said, “Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else.” Nobel laureate in physics Max Planck said, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. … the fundamental principles and indispensable postulates of every genuinely productive science are not based on pure logic but rather on the metaphysical hypothesis – which no rules of logic can refute – that there exists an outer world which is entirely independent of ourselves. It is only through the immediate dictate of our consciousness that we know that this world exists. And that consciousness may to a certain degree be called a special sense. … As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. … We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all
matter.” Nobel laureate in physics Niels Bohr said, “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” The greatest scientists have always known that naïve materialism is false. Sadly, science – as it has been relentlessly taken over by lesser and lesser minds – has become more and more materialistic. It’s almost impossible now to find a scientist saying anything comparable to what the science greats once said with so much insight and humility. William James wrote, “Into the mode of production of steam in a teakettle we have conjectural insight, for the terms that change are physically homogeneous one with another, and we can easily imagine the case to consist of nothing but alterations of molecular motion. But in the production of consciousness by the brain, the terms are heterogeneous natures altogether; and as far as our understanding goes, it is as great a miracle as if we said, Thought is ‘spontaneously generated,’ or ‘created out of nothing.’” This is exactly right. Consciousness, in any system of strict materialism, is a miracle by any standards. But miracles do not exist, hence materialism is logically and rationally false. That’s a fact. We can be 100% certain that materialism is a falsified hypothesis. A material reality has no need of consciousness or free will, and Nature does nothing just for the hell of it. It doesn’t do anything superfluously. It wouldn’t know how. The fact that consciousness and free will exist therefore means that materialism is false. James wrote, “The theory of production is therefore not a jot more simple or credible in itself than any other conceivable theory. It is only a little more popular. All that one need do, therefore, if the ordinary materialist should challenge one to explain how the brain can be an organ for limiting and determining to a certain form a consciousness elsewhere produced, is to retort with a tu quoque, asking him in turn to explain how it can be an organ for producing consciousness out of whole cloth. For polemic purposes, the theories are thus exactly on a par.” Scientists are exceptionally keen to shoot down alternatives, yet equally unkeen to defend their own bizarre suggestions in the court of public opinion. They never allow themselves to be subjected to any tough questioning by those that don’t share their ideology. “That’s not science,” they say, to shut down the discussion immediately. The transmission theory of mind is compatible with idealism, which is the philosophy that everything is actually mind and what seems to be
“matter” is only a misinterpretation of mental properties. The elites all subscribe to idealism. Not one of them is a materialist. Materialism offers them none of the power they crave, the power to shape reality with their own thoughts, with their dominant will. James was eager to show how the transmission theory of mind is much more closely aligned with human experience and all paranormal phenomena. He wrote, “The transmission theory also puts itself in touch with a whole class of experiences that are with difficulty explained by the production theory. I refer to those obscure and exceptional phenomena reported at all times throughout human history, which the ‘psychical-researchers,’ with Mr. Frederic Myers at their head, are doing so much to rehabilitate; such phenomena, namely, as religious conversions, providential leadings in answer to prayer, instantaneous healings, premonitions, apparitions at time of death, clairvoyant visions or impressions, and the whole range of mediumistic capacities, to say nothing of still more exceptional and incomprehensible things.” So, idealism and transmission theory open up an enormous territory, beyond the range and reach of the physical, that materialism is determined to deny. All manner of weird and wonderful things, ruled out by science, become possible. James wrote, “If all our human thought be a function of the brain, then of course, if any of these things are facts, and to my own mind some of them are facts, we may not suppose that they can occur without preliminary brainaction? But the ordinary production theory of consciousness is knit up with a peculiar notion of how brain-action can occur, that notion being that all brain action, without exception, is due to a prior action, immediate or remote, of the bodily sense-organs on the brain. … But, in the mysterious phenomena to which I allude, it is often hard to see where the sense-organs can come in. A medium, for example, will show knowledge of his sitter’s private affairs which it seems impossible he should have acquired through sight or hearing, or inference therefrom. Or you will have an apparition of someone who is now dying hundreds of miles away.” Can transmission theory account for these paranormal phenomena? You bet! It’s perfect for it. Mental reality simply isn’t bound by the same restrictions as material reality. Solidity, space and time no longer get in the way. Connections outside space and time are possible. James wrote, “On the production theory one does not see from what
sensations such odd bits of knowledge are produced. On the transmission theory, they don’t have to be ‘produced,’ they exist readymade in the transcendental world, and all that is needed is an abnormal lowering of the brain-threshold to let them through.” All sorts of things are going on in the transcendental world – the higher, more real, truer world – which are being blocked or veiled by physical reality, but if we adjust the brain, using drugs for example, they might alter the functioning of the brain to detect more of these transcendental, paranormal signals. The brain shifts to a different phase of operation. It accesses different data from normal. James wrote, “In cases of conversion, in providential leadings, sudden mental healings, etc., it seems to the subjects themselves of the experience as if a power from without, quite different from the ordinary action of the senses or of the sense-led mind, came into their life, as if the latter suddenly opened into that greater life in which it has its source. The word ‘influx,’ used in Swedenborgian circles, well describes this impression of new insight, or new willingness, sweeping over us like a tide. All such experiences, quite paradoxical and meaningless on the production theory, fall very naturally into place on the other theory. We need only suppose the continuity of our consciousness with a mother sea, to allow for exceptional waves occasionally pouring over the dam.” There is an ocean of mental activity going on which is all filtered out by our brains in the normal course of things (turning it into a collection of trickling tributaries), but which can be brought into consciousness if we do abnormal things, such as taking drugs that change brain function, or fasting, or getting drunk, or meditating, or practising mindfulness, or going into the wilderness for forty days, or subjecting ourselves to sensory deprivation, or whatever. James wrote, “In the great orthodox philosophic tradition, the body is treated as an essential condition to the soul’s life in this world of sense; but after death, it is said, the soul is set free, and becomes a purely intellectual and non-appetitive being. Kant expresses this idea in terms that come singularly close to those of our transmission theory. The death of the body, he says, may indeed be the end of the sensational use of our mind, but only the beginning of the intellectual use. ‘The body,’ he continues, ‘would thus be, not the cause of our thinking, but merely a condition restrictive thereof, and, although essential to our sensuous and animal consciousness, it may be
regarded as an impeder of our pure spiritual life.” For materialists, everything is about matter, atoms, bodies and brains. For idealists, everything is about the mind, and the mind is a transcendent thing – immaterial and outside space and time – not a physical thing. Brains sift out mental experience and render it for a spacetime world of matter. With physical restrictions removed, our powers can expand more or less infinitely. We can be like gods. This is what the elites have always understood. They are perfectly happy for the masses to be materialists and to believe they have no remarkable potential and power just waiting to be tapped. The elites have no desire for the masses to learn the secrets of awesome, transformational power. The elites have a remarkably different worldview from ordinary people, one that reinforces their belief that they are much more special than the rest of us. In their view, we are mere Morlocks and troglodytes. We deserve to be treated as scum because we are barbarous, incapable of understanding higher reality, they say. The Unveilers are trying to wake up the public. They’re trying to tear back the veil between the elites and the people, between the two different worlds we all inhabit, and the two different minds in our two different brain hemispheres. The Unveilers say that we live in two realities at once, but we consciously connect only to one. The elites now know how to consciously access the other reality. Some intuitives can naturally access this other reality, and these people are of particular interest to the elites. They want to track them down and enlist them, or eliminate them. The main thing you have to understand – and it’s not at all an easy concept to grasp – is that we live in a mental reality, not a physical reality, although of course it seems very physical. How can you make sense of this? Well, think of a dream. While you’re dreaming, you can create whole worlds that seem totally physically real, but most certainly aren’t. However, while you’re actually in the dream, you just can’t tell. You might as well be in a physical world for all the difference it makes. A dream is a perfect example of your mind being able to create a “physical” world that isn’t physical. Your dreamworld doesn’t interfere at all with the physical world you are in while you are awake. So, given that your own dreams are examples of physical reality that isn’t truly physical, you can understand that this physical
reality – the objective world – isn’t physical either. It just appears to be. It’s actually mental. It is in fact that most incredible of things: a shared dream. Everyone in the shared dream has the same dreamworld, one world constructed by everyone, rather than everyone having their own different and separate dreamworld. Do you see? Everyone inhabits two dream worlds: private and public, separate and shared. All you do is switch between these two dream modes. When you go to sleep, you enter your private dreamworld, which changes every time you go there. When you wake up, you re-enter the public dreamworld, which, more or less, always stays the same every time you go there. You’re a smart person. You can understand the difficult concept of overlapping mental worlds (private and public). There is no contradiction between having private dreams within a shared, public dream. You experience this situation every night. By exactly the same token, there is no contradiction between having two shared dreams at once, one for each of your minds (i.e. your conscious mind and your unconscious mind). Here’s the amazing “trick”. Your unconscious mind is conscious in the other world, while your conscious mind is unconscious there. It’s the exact opposite of the situation here. While you’re having a private dream, your “real” body is asleep on a bed. However, your dream furnishes you with a body – an avatar, shall we say – in the dreamworld, which is just like your “real” body. With regard to the two shared worlds (one for your conscious mind and one for your unconscious mind, which is conscious over there), you have a body for each. These bodies look like each other, just as your dream avatar looks like your normal body. Your sleeping body actually gets paralyzed during REM dreams to stop you accidentally acting out your dreams in the real world. With regard to the two shared worlds, the body you have in each world is entirely unaffected by the body you have in the other world. Never forget, we are talking about mental worlds, so physical laws do not apply. They are as illusory as the laws of the simulated world in The Matrix … laws that Neo learned how to hack so that he became a god in that world (and eventually in the real world too). The takeaway point is that there is another reality, another world superimposed directly over this one (mentally, not physically, which would be impossible). A few extremely powerful intuitives are aware of this world.
And the elites know all about it. They have worked out how to access it and enjoy it to the full. They all know from personal experience that it’s vastly superior to this world. It’s a paradise. The elites refer to this world as “Alpha” and to the other, better world as “Omega”. To travel from Alpha to Omega is to access the higher world. Omega to Alpha is the reverse journey. What is the other world like? The first person in the modern era to know about Omega World was an Austrian occultist called Karl Maria Wiligut (1866-1946) who served in the Nazi SS. The leader of the SS – Heinrich Himmler – became obsessed with Omega World, which he regarded as an Aryan paradise. Himmler believed the Aryans were descended from the Atlanteans (the wonder race of Atlantis) and the Hyperboreans (the perfect people that supposedly lived beyond the North Wind … they were the ultimate blue-eyed, blond-haired northerners, a kind of angelic species). The Aryans, Himmler believed, had once been great and ruled the world, and they would be great again and rule the world again. The Nazis considered the Aryans the master race. For the elites, it’s the elites themselves – from all over the globe – who are the master race, the Elect. The elites in the USA and China have much more in common with each other than they do with the people of their own countries. As for Wiligut, he came to be known as “Himmler’s Rasputin”. He worshipped an ancient Germanic god that he called “Krist”. He claimed that Christianity was a garbled version of this ancient religion, which was then relocated from the Nordic region to the Middle East. Wiligut was once a member of a quasi-masonic lodge. He claimed to be a mystic teacher with spiritual powers, channeling information from prehistoric times and to enjoy direct access to genetic memories of his ancestors, going back many thousands of years. He saw an “Earth” with three suns, a world inhabited by giants, elves, dwarfs and other mythical creatures, as well as humans and normal animals. Other occultists realized that this could not be this Earth – this planet obviously has only one sun, and that has always been the case – but it could certainly be another Earth existing in conjunction with this one. As they channeled this other Earth, they discovered that it resembled the world of Norse mythology, of Wagnerian opera, of the Ring Cycle, of Parsifal, of Tristan and Isolde. It was also the true home of Arthurian romance.
King Arthur and his famous knights of the Round Table actually live in the other world, in Omega. They live there right now. In fact, most of human mythology is human reality in Omega. We in this world have taken our myths from the other world, where they are not myths at all. Did J. R. R. Tolkien channel this same world with his famous books The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion? Were his books so successful exactly because they showed us a portrayal of this other world, the Second Earth? Is that why Harry Potter is so successful too? It tunes into this higher reality. Creatures such as vampires, werewolves, zombies, witches, and so on, are all real beings in Omega World. They haunt our imaginations because we are subliminally aware that they are real beings which we encounter in our “other” life, the life of our unconscious mind. Himmler tried to get Hitler interested in these esoteric matters, but Hitler was much more interested in conquering Alpha. He didn’t care about Omega, or he imagined he could recreate it in Alpha, with him in charge. ✽
“Each new mind brings its own edition of the universe of space along with it, its own room to inhabit; and these spaces never crowd each other, the space of my imagination, for example, in no way interferes with yours. The amount of possible consciousness seems to be governed by no law analogous to that of the so-called conservation of energy in the material world. When one man wakes up, or one is born, another does not have to go to sleep, or die, in order to keep the consciousness of the universe a constant quantity.” – William James Mental spaces, unlike physical spaces, always have all the room they need. They never run out. You could fit infinite mental spaces together without a single problem, a single overlap. There are over seven billion people in the world. We all have our own
private mental spaces that never interfere with each other. Imagine all of us dreaming at once. We would create over seven billion dreamworlds, all functioning simultaneously and none interfering with any other. In theory, all of these billions of minds could act together to create billions of shared mental universes all sitting on top of each other. But why have countless worlds? Why not two? – one of low frequency (Alpha) and the other of high frequency (Omega)? Why not one based on resurrection (as in Western religion) and one based on reincarnation (as in Eastern religion)? What could be better than that?
The Luciferians elites are Luciferians and Satanists. They love drug-crazed rituals T herevolving around black masses, and culminating with the human sacrifice of children on an altar or killing machine devoted to Moloch, the Canaanite god of child sacrifice. Child abuse, illegal drugs, Satanism, secret societies, private islands and corrupt officials (especially politicians, bankers and police) always go together. The 1960s counterculture was a great boon for the elites and allowed them to indulge their most depraved tastes more extravagantly than ever before. One figure embraced by the counterculture was the notoriously wicked Aleister Crowley, one of the figures featured on the cover art of The Beatles’ album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The elites love Crowley’s work and his sick tastes and rituals. They are all experts in his philosophy and sex magick and routinely cite his Thelemic mantra: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” – Crowley’s supreme “moral” principle. The elites believe themselves a breed apart, not subject to the same constraints and rules as everyone else.
DEATH “If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.” – George Orwell in Omega World. Just like the Viking warriors in Valhalla, no N ooneoneisdiespermanently killed. In Valhalla, warriors fight savage battles during the day and many are killed or mutilated. But, every evening, all the dead are resurrected, all their wounds are healed, and they are restored to full health. The mutilated, likewise, are made as good as new. All of the warriors can then carouse all night, talking of their great adventures, battles and heroism, and be ready to create new acts of wondrous bravery and heroism the next day. In Omega World, all your loved ones still exist. You lose no one. Many people “die”, but this is never permanent death. Everyone comes back. Death holds no sway in Omega. In your dreams, you can encounter your dead loved ones and have delightful reunions. Omega World is just the same, but so much better. “Death” is totally different in a mental reality compared with a material reality. In Alpha World, death seems real, but isn’t. In Omega World, death doesn’t seem real, and isn’t. In Alpha World, your body dies and you then need to get a new one via reincarnation. In Omega World, your body dies and then is restored via resurrection. You get the best of both worlds. You get to experience both resurrection and reincarnation. It’s never one or the other. They are not mutually exclusive as so many people erroneously believe.
The Black Sun
mega World has three suns, but one of them is black. It emits “dark light”, which we might associate with dark matter and dark energy, as opposed to normal visible matter and the energy that accompanies it. 96% of our universe is “dark”. Dark energy contributes 73 percent of all the mass and energy in the universe, another 23 percent is dark matter, leaving only 4% accounted for by the stars, planets and galaxies, i.e. by the stuff of conventional science. The Black Sun is said to be a source of incredible power. It’s associated with spiritual and psychic power. Creatures that harness the dark light of the Black Sun have far stronger paranormal abilities than people possess in this Alpha World. The Black Sun can also power the undead – vampires and zombies – and energize werewolves.
Gonzo Journalism he elites love the literary form known as “gonzo journalism”, which explicitly prioritizes atmosphere and emotion over facts. They don’t want to deal in facts. Facts are always problematic and inconvenient. In terms of the “triune” model of the brain (via which three quite distinct evolutionary brains have been bolted together, consisting of: 1) a primitive, reptilian brain stem, 2) an emotional, hysterical mammalian limbic system, and 3) a human, rational neocortex), gonzo journalism is all about the first and second brains, the lower brains, and goes nowhere near the third brain, the higher brain. Exactly the same is true of Hollywood, Netflix, consumerism and all advertising. No one ever wants to address reason and logic. That never sells a single thing. It gets in the way of sales and profits.
THE NAZI CAMELOT “The best books ... are those that tell you what you know already.” – George Orwell Heinrich Himmler took over the German castle of R eichsführer Wewelsburg, his very own Grail Castle, the center of his SS empire. He wanted to create a new order of Templar Knights or Grail Knights, and have Wewelsburg as its base. The Knights were to be the Masters of the Two Worlds, Alpha and Omega, the Gatekeepers of the two realities. They would be all-powerful, and they would all be under his control. Himmler established a Reichsführerschule SS (SS Leadership School), where all of the SS commanders were to be trained in how to control the pathways between the two worlds. The School was to be led by leading esoteric scholars and experts in mysticism and the occult. It wasn’t just a school. It was also an occult academy and the center of the SS cult. A Nazi Hogwarts, we might say. It was to be the center, the “bastion”, of Himmler’s pure Aryan Race. Wewelsburg was intended to be the breathtaking ideological center of the SS Order. It was to be an isolated, secure meeting place for the highestranking SS-officers. All manner of pagan cultural relics and totems of power were to be housed in the castle. There would be no trace of anything Christian. Himmler had a private safe located in the basement of the West Tower of the castle, containing great secrets. At the end of WWII, an American special unit, sent by the President himself, blew the safe and removed its top-secret contents. These were never disclosed to the public. According to the Unveilers, the highest ranks of American government received the exclusive, priceless information. From there, it found its way to the top of American society – the super-rich elite. It became the key information that informs all of the global elites’ peculiar and sick behavior today.
In effect, the global elite have become the new SS. The leader of the global elite is the new Heinrich Himmler, the “Grail King”. SS leaders held four key ceremonies each year: at the Vernal equinox (around March 21) where the day and night are of equal length, marking the start of spring; at the Summer solstice (June 20 or 21), the longest day of the year, marking the start of summer; at the Autumnal equinox (around September 23), marking the start of autumn; at the Winter solstice (December 21 or 22): the shortest day of the year, marking the start of winter. The elites also mark these four days with especial care and reverence. Wewelsburg castle has a triangular layout. That’s the real reason why many members of the elites make a triangular symbol. It’s a tribute to the central SS cult-site, which Himmler had earmarked to be the spiritual “Center of the New World Order”. (Zentrum der neuen Welt) following the “final victory”. In Wewelsburg, the grandest room is the Obergruppenführersaal – the Hall of the Supreme Generals, the top commanders of the SS. It was constructed as a homage to the great knights of the round table. This ceremonial hall, with a highly polished marble floor, is circular and has twelve pillars and arches, arranged in a circle like Stonehenge in England. The hall was to be used for the top twelve SS generals, the greatest heroes and leaders of the movement, with Himmler serving as King Arthur. It’s clear that Himmler saw himself as Germany’s true leader. Hitler was only a kind of John the Baptist, preparing the way for him. At the center of the circular hall was Himmler’s echo of the Arthurian round table – the Sonnenrad (Sun Wheel) – a beautiful circular design, known as the Black Sun. The symbol has twelve arms, representing the twelve clock hours and thus the control of time. The swastika itself is a simplified Sun Wheel, hence is a Black Sun symbol. The Sun Wheel reflects Germanic light-and-dark mysticism. The axis of the sun wheel was a circular plate of pure gold, symbolizing the center of both the castle and the entire Germanic world empire. The hall of the Black Sun was to be the axis mundi – the world axis – the center of the world, where Heaven and Earth connected (or where Alpha and Omega linked). Here, the SS would perform their secret rituals to take them from Alpha to Omega. The Black Sun was thus a portal to another dimension, or a kind of star gate. The center of the Black Sun was the Mittelpunkt der Welt (“center of the world”).
The elites have now fully taken over the Black Sun iconography, and all of their ceremonies show it prominently displayed. The elites revolve around 13 families (bloodlines). The head of each family is the general, and the head of the most powerful dynastic family is the king, or the Leader. The elites have built a special Tower, modeled on the Wewelsburg’s Hall of the Black Sun, to perform their most powerful rituals. Sometimes, one of the bloodlines is allowed exclusive access, in which case thirteen leading members of that one family are allowed to attend. Sometimes, thirteen celebrities – such as Hollywood stars – are chosen by lottery and allowed to perform the Black Sun ritual. Wewelsburg also has a spectacular vault (crypt). The ashes of SS generals were to be placed here. In the center of the circular room an eternal flame was to be lit. The crypt, which you can see even today, has twelve pedestals with wall niches where urns containing the ashes of the twelve top SS generals were to be reverentially placed when they died. The vault was to be named “consecration-hall” (Weihehalle). It was to be the home of an SS ancestral cult stretching down the ages. Himmler’s ashes were of course to be given a special position of honor. He was to be the King Arthur to the twelve knights of the round table, an echo of Jesus and the twelve apostles, although Himmler detested Christianity and wanted to bring it to an end. In the end, the Nazis lost WWII and none of Himmler’s dreams came to fruition. In the ceiling of the vault was a swastika, the Nazi symbol of creation, power, and life … the supreme emblem of the Aryan race. The swastika is now banned in Germany. The swastika is one of the most powerful symbols of all time. It’s extremely prevalent in Omega World. In The Gods of Atlantis, David Gibbins wrote, “A circular chamber was created [in the North Tower of Wewelsburg Castle], the SS Generals’ Hall. In the center of the floor was a twelve-spoked sunwheel, leading out to twelve pillars and twelve window niches. Directly below lay another chamber, a domed vault based on the tombs of the Bronze Age Mycenaeans, and a semimythical ruler Himmler admired - Agamemnon, the Mycenaean conqueror of Troy. At the zenith of the dome was an ancient symbol that had been found on pottery at Troy and on golden decorations at Mycenae, a symbol the Nazis expropriated for their own baleful ends – the ‘crooked cross’, the swastika.”
The elites have replicated the vault under the Black Sun hall and all the heads of the elites have their ashes placed there when they die. It’s the holiest and most powerful site for the elites, the center of their Elite religion, from which all the rest of us are excluded. An eternal flame lights the vault. The eternal flame symbolizes the ancestral soul, from which the individual arises at his birth and to which he returns at his death. The elites are obsessed with ancestral worship. They dream of dynastic families of power – great and glittering bloodlines – extending down the ages and ruling humanity in perpetuity. They are terrified of revolutions and any hint of inheritance tax to diminish their fortunes. There is one sure sign of a member of the super-rich elite: they demand zero estate tax. Pure silver Death’s Head rings (German: Totenkopfringe), belonging to members of the SS, were to be buried in the vault. These were special silver skull rings, wreathed with oak leaves, made for Himmler’s initiates to serve as “a reminder at all times to be willing to risk the life of ourselves for the life of the whole”. They were called Honor Rings (Ehrenringe) and they bore magical runes of power. The esoteric meaning of one was: “...enclose the universe in you and you control the universe.” A Hakenkreuz (swastika) was also prominent. The swastika was regarded as a symbol of the power of the Aryan race. The Heilszeichen (“signs of salvation”) were prosperity symbols representing success and good fortune. All rings of dead SS soldiers were stored in a chest in Wewelsburg Castle. They were found by an American special unit at the end of the war and taken back to the States. These same Nazi rings are used today by the global elite at their special ceremonies. They are said to be rings of awesome power. Keep your eyes peeled for anyone wearing such a ring. Even elite Jewish families are happy to go along with the Nazi iconography. They are either cynically amused by it, or see it as a way to humiliate the Nazis by taking over their ceremonies. SS Honor Swords and SS Honor Daggers were also made, and these too ended up in the hands of the global elites. They are what the elites use to perform their ritual sacrifices. The great vault was dedicated to Heinrich I, founder and first king of the medieval German state. Heinrich Himmler believed himself the reincarnation of this seminal German king. Heinrich I protected Germany from invaders from the “East”, just as Himmler sought to defend Germany from the Russian hordes. Heinrich I features in Wagner’s opera Lohengrin. In German
Arthurian literature, Lohengrin is the son of Parzival (Percival). He’s a knight of the Holy Grail who is sent in a boat pulled by swans to rescue a fair maiden, but on one condition – she must never ask his identity. Wagner is the elites’ favorite composer. His works The Flying Dutchman, Tannhäuser, Lohengrin, The Rhine Gold (Part 1 of the Ring Cycle), The Valkyrie (Part 2 of the Ring Cycle), Siegfried (Part 3 of the Ring Cycle), Twilight of the Gods (Part 4 of the Ring Cycle), and Parsifal all hold particular coded power and resonance for them. All senior members of the Third Reich, including Hitler, were fascinated by the tale of the “Holy Grail”, but they saw it in pagan terms. For them, it had nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Hitler loved Wagner’s operas Lohengrin and Parsifal and went to see them repeatedly. Just as for Lohengrin, it’s vital for the elites never to reveal their true identities to “mortals” (to us, in other words). The swastika at the zenith of Wewelsburg’s domed vault lies directly beneath the center of the Black Sun in the great hall, hence forms part of the axis mundi. So, for the elites, as for the SS, the dead are solemnly commemorated, and a form of ancestor worship is performed. The controversial writer William S. Burroughs heard rumors of this and satirized it. He wrote, “The scion of a well-known banking family once told me a family secret. When a certain stage of responsibility and awareness has been reached by a young banker he is taken to a room lined with family portraits in the middle of which is an ornate gilded toilet. Here he comes every day to defecate surrounded by the family portraits until he realizes that money is shit.” In fact, the children are taken to the Great Vault of the Ancestors to be told just how elite they are, and how they are destined to rule this world, just as their ancestors have always done. No ordinary person is ever permitted to set foot in the Great Vault. The elites are all about special families and special bloodlines, and they like to keep everything in the family. They expect intermarriage between the families. They are hostile to any outsiders being brought in. If they are, the newcomers must swear to switch their entire allegiance to the bloodline and be fully absorbed.
The Top Chamber the Black Sun hall (for the SS leadership) was to be a great domed A bove hall – perhaps like the great hall that features in the orgy scene of Stanley Kubrick’s last movie Eyes Wide Shut, which revealed some of the perverted behaviors of the elites. (That scene was filmed in Elveden Hall in England.) Here, other ranks of the SS were to be brought to inspire them and indoctrinate them. It was to be a prestigious meeting hall for the best of the SS, to show them how special they were. The elites have copied the SS’s handbook in scrupulous detail. They are the Master Race, after all (!).
The Triad of Suns
ome people talk of the three suns of Omega as being yellow (physical), black (esoteric), and blue (spiritual). Plato spoke of two suns: one for the senses and a more important one for the intellect.
THE GRAIL n Wolfram von Eschenbach’s medieval tale Parzival, the holy grail is depicted as a mysterious stone. Wolfram wrote, “A stone of the purest kind ... called lapsit exillas ... There never was a human so ill that if he one day sees the stone, he cannot die within the week that follows ... and though he should see the stone for two hundred years [his appearance] will never change, save that perhaps his hair might turn grey.” So, the precious stone could save the dying, and it conferred extreme longevity. Lapsit exillas can be translated as either “stone from heaven” or “stone from exile”. Some scholars took the stone to be a meteorite from the heavens. Wolfram said it was an emerald that fell from Lucifer’s crown during the great war in heaven. It was brought to earth by the “neutral” angels that supported neither God nor Lucifer in the celestial conflict. The Grail guardians are the Templeisen who live in the Grail Castle and are sustained purely by the power of the magical stone. The elites see themselves as the new Grail knights, protecting that which is holiest and most sacred. To the elites, they are the “good guys” and ordinary mortals are too weak and stupid to understand what they’re all about. The elites regard the masses as unfit and unworthy to be granted access to the grail. Heinrich Himmler imagined Wewelsburg castle as a new Grail castle, a perfect site for the rebirth of the Knights of the Round Table, who would now be SS “knights”, reflecting absolute Aryan purity. The twelve best SS officers were to serve as his knights of the round table. Wewelsburg was to be Camelot and the Grail castle rolled into one.
Twelve number twelve plays an essential role in the design of the T heWewelsburg’s North Tower: twelve pillars and niches in the Black Sun Hall, twelve spokes of the sun wheel, twelve pedestals in the vault.
In many esoteric systems, the numbers 9 and 10 have a special significance. Dante’s Divine Comedy, about Dante’s spiritual journey through hell, purgatory and heaven is heavily numerically coded. Wikipedia says, “The structure of the three realms follows a common numerical pattern of 9 plus 1, for a total of 10: 9 circles of the Inferno, followed by Lucifer contained at its bottom; 9 rings of Mount Purgatory, followed by the Garden of Eden crowning its summit; and the 9 celestial bodies of Paradiso, followed by the Empyrean containing the very essence of God. Within each group of 9, 7 elements correspond to a specific moral scheme, subdivided into three subcategories, while 2 others of greater particularity are added to total nine. For example, the seven deadly sins of the Catholic Church that are cleansed in Purgatory are joined by special realms for the late repentant and the excommunicated by the church. The core seven sins within Purgatory correspond to a moral scheme of love perverted, subdivided into three groups corresponding to excessive love (Lust, Gluttony, Greed), deficient love (Sloth), and malicious love (Wrath, Envy, Pride).” For the Arthurian romances, 12 and 13 were the key numbers, reflecting the 12 apostles of Jesus (the 13th man) and the twelve knights of the round table (with Arthur serving as the 13th man). The legend of the Siege Perilous (the Perilous Seat) concerns a vacant seat at the Round Table reserved by Merlin for the knight who would one day be successful in the quest for the Holy Grail. It could only be occupied when the Grail was achieved. (Sir Galahad proved to be the worthy knight that sat there.) The Siege Perilous was such a fateful and solemn chair that it was lethal to anyone else who dared to sit there. Instant death befell any foolhardy or unworthy individual who dared to do so. The elites have a Siege Perilous ritual to test an individual’s worth. Would you dare to take your seat? Norse mythology was heavily influenced by the number 12. One tale tells of twelve Norse gods forgetting to invite Loki, the god of evil, to a dinner party. As unlucky guest 13, Loki took great relish in spoiling the party. The twelve leading SS commanders were to have special heraldic emblems, to be placed inside the Black Sun hall. The number 12 is associated with the heavens – the 12 months, the 12 signs of the zodiac, and so on. Himmler wanted to install a planetarium in the North Tower where his scholars would draw connections between astronomy and history and the folklife of the Aryan ancestors. Himmler sought to
promote a “cosmic view” (kosmische Schau). The sacred order of existence has the number 3 and the secular order the number 4. Twelve is the product of these two numbers. The number of life is 5 while the number of good fortune is 7. Twelve is the sum of these two numbers. You wouldn’t believe the amount of numerology the elites use. Everything has its number.
The Complex ill Yenne wrote, “The North Tower [of Wewelsburg] was to be the hub of a great semicircular complex half a mile in diameter, surrounded by sixtyfoot-high stone walls, and punctuated by eighteen towers. It was to have been a Nazi Stonehenge. Within the complex would be large, stark buildings, including the Hall of the High Court of the SS.” The remarkable triangular castle was to echo the tip of the Spear of Destiny, the Holy Lance of awesome power that pierced the body of Jesus Christ and thus became a divine relic. The elites are obsessed with relics of power such as the Spear of Destiny, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, the Skull of Adam, and so on. They regard them as means to facilitate communication with the other world, with Omega.
The Language wanted to create a special SS language based on runes. He H immler believed that runes conveyed psychic power denied to ordinary languages. The global elites have taken up this project and are formulating their own runic language. The idea of special languages of power is often depicted in popular TV shows. In Penny Dreadful, reference is made to Verbis Diablo, the word of the Devil. Victor Frankenstein says, “According to biblical law, the verbis diablo is a corruption of angelical speech. It’s what Adam spoke in paradise before the serpent made his memorable appearance.”
The character Ethan says, “The story goes that Satan took God’s language and turned it inside out. After the fall of man, God spoke to Adam, but Adam could no longer understand him. ‘Why is my language unclear to thee?’ God asked. ‘Because you now belong to your father, the devil.’” So, Verbis Diablo was the last language spoken in the Garden of Eden. It was the language of the serpent, learned by Adam and Eve. All human languages are derived from this language rather than the language of God, which Adam and Eve forgot, or which God deliberately removed from their ability to understand and speak when he banished mankind from paradise. Verbis Diablo blackens the hearts of all those who speak it, and brings them ever more deeply under the control of Satan, just as the use of Sauron’s rings of power in Lord of the Rings brings the ringbearer ever more under Sauron’s mind control. John 8:43-45 says, “Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me!” The Elites totally believe in primordial languages of power, and in a First Language that the gods speak, which they desperately wish to discover. They want their words and sentences to be as powerful as magic spells.
THE SKULLS “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” – George Orwell are obsessed with skulls. So were the SS. The death’s head (skull T heandelites crossbones) was the defining symbol of the SS, alongside their double-sig rune insignia. Wikipedia says, “The sig rune (or Siegrune) symbolized victory (sieg). In its original form as the ᛋ-rune of the Younger Futhark, it represented the sun; however, von List reinterpreted it as a victory sign when he compiled his list of ‘Armanen runes’. It was adapted into the emblem of the SS in 1933 by Walter Heck, an SS Sturmhauptführer … Heck’s simple but striking device consisted of two sig runes drawn side by side like lightning bolts, and was soon adopted by all branches of the SS … The device had a double meaning; as well as standing for the initials of the SS, it could be read as a rallying cry of ‘Victory, Victory!’. The symbol became so ubiquitous that it was frequently typeset using runes rather than letters; during the Nazi period, an extra key was added to German typewriters to enable them to type the double-sig logo with a single keystroke.” In Penny Dreadful, a witch says, “Do you know what this room holds? The old Romans called them memento mori … tokens of death. The story goes that a famous Roman general was returning from battle, his chariot piled high with the golden spoils of his victory. He thrust out his chest to proclaim his invincibility to the people. Well, a slave saw this and threw an old bone at the general’s feet saying, ‘Remember, death comes for us all.’ And from that day, it became a custom in Rome that a slave stand in the chariot behind every general returning in victory holding a skull and whispering into his ear, ‘Respice post te! Hominem te esse memento! Memento mori!’ [Look behind you. Remember that you are a man. Remember that you will die.]” The elites often look to the classical world for their symbols. Remember thou art mortal.
Hail Caesar, those who are about to die salute you.
Weddings S weddings – marriage-consecrations – took place at Wewelsburg castle. The elites always choose special, ritualistic locations for their own marriages. The masses are never invited. The highest marriages are never publicized.
THE BOOK “Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand.” – George Orwell a book like this is a troubling experience. We know it will bring W riting us to the hostile attentions of the elite. They will be on our trail now, watching our every move, monitoring us. But we have to do something to stand up to them, to show that we are on their case now and we are coming for them. Who is the predator and who is the prey?
THE UNDISTINGUISHED “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” – George Orwell James wrote, “For our ancestors the world was a small, and … a W illiam comparatively snug affair. … In its history a few particular human heroes, kings, ecclesiarchs, and saints stood forth very prominent, overshadowing the imagination with their claims and merits, so that not only they, but all who were associated familiarly with them, shone with a glamour which even the Almighty, it was supposed, must recognize and respect. These prominent personages and their associates were the nucleus of the immortal group; the minor heroes and saints of minor sects came next, and people without distinction formed a sort of background and filling in.” The elites see the “masses” – the people – as a mere background, an indistinct horde, of no value. They just fill in the background and never feature in the foreground. James wrote, “The whole scene of eternity (so far, at least, as Heaven and not the nether place was concerned in it) never struck to the believer’s fancy as an overwhelmingly large or inconveniently crowded stage. One might call this aristocratic view of immortality; the immortals were always an elite, a select and manageable number.” The elites always want to keep a small number of bloodlines in charge of everything. It’s a closed shop … no admittance for anyone in the out-group. Nietzsche, a German philosopher of exceptionalism much admired by the elites, said, “The concept of greatness entails being noble, wanting to be by oneself, being able to be different, standing alone and having to live independently. ... There is among men as in every other animal species an excess of failures, of the sick, degenerating, infirm, who suffer necessarily; the successful cases are, among men, too, always the exception. ... [Today’s
world is breeding] a smaller, almost ridiculous type, a herd animal, something eager to please, sickly, and mediocre. ... Our highest insights must – and should – sound like follies and sometimes like crimes when they are heard without permission by those who are not predisposed and predestined for them.” William James wrote, “But, with our own generation, an entirely new quantitative imagination has swept over our western world. The theory of evolution now requires us to suppose a far vaster scale of times, spaces, and numbers than our forefathers ever dreamed the cosmic process to involve. Human history grows continuously out of animal history, and goes back possibly even to the tertiary epoch. From this there has emerged insensibly a democratic view, instead of the old aristocratic view, of immortality.” The elites do not like the theory of evolution exactly because it undermines their own mythology and sense of being special. It’s not an aristocratic vision. It’s a meaningless, animal vision. The satirical movie Idiocracy says, “As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species. … The years passed, mankind became stupider at a frightening rate. Some had high hopes the genetic engineering would correct this trend in evolution, but sadly the greatest minds and resources where focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections. … The English language had deteriorated into a hybrid of hillbilly, valley girl, inner city slang, and grunts.” The elites see everything around them degenerating, while they alone set and uphold high standards. James wrote, “How small indeed seem individual distinctions when we look back on these overwhelming numbers of human beings panting and straining under the pressure of that vital want! And how inessential in the eyes of God must be the small surplus of the individual’s merit, swamped as it is in the vast ocean of the common merit of mankind, dumbly and
undauntedly doing the fundamental duty and living the heroic life!” This is all anathema to the elites. Everything about the elites is concerned with showing how special they are, what a high status they enjoy. They hate everything that brings them closer to the masses, to the great unwashed. James argued that Christians liked the idea of hell because it ensured that heaven wasn’t crowded. Only the Elect, the Select got to paradise. The hordes were hell-bait.
Will to Power he elites pride themselves on the strength of their will to power. Nietzsche was the high prophet of Will to Power, his philosophy being most forcefully expressed in his masterwork The Will to Power. Nietzsche wrote, “Once one has achieved a certain degree of independence, one wants more: people arrange themselves according to their degree of force: the individual no longer simply supposes himself the equal of others, he seeks his equals – he distinguishes himself from others. Individualism is followed by the formation of groups and organs; related tendencies join together and become active as a power; between these centers of power friction, war, recognition of one another’s forces, reciprocation, approaches, regulation of an exchange of services. Finally, an order of rank.” The elites see themselves as the rightful apex of the order of rank. They have much more force and power than others. They deserve to rule, they believe implicitly. Nietzsche wrote, “One desires freedom so long as one does not possess power. Once one does possess it, one desires to overpower; if one cannot do that (if one is still too weak to do so), one desires ‘justice,’ i.e., equal power.” For Nietzsche everyone wants to be dominant, to be unequal in power. But if you are weak and likely to be dominated then you demand “equal rights” (equal power). Nietzsche detested Christianity, democracy and socialism, which he saw as manifestations of “slave morality”. By contrast, the elites are all about “master morality”. In companies run by the elites, there is never any democracy, lip-service is paid to Christianity (for public relations), and socialism is demonized to the most extreme degree possible.
The Two Worlds two worlds, Alpha and Omega, are composed of “Pure”, “Other” and T he“Hybrid” areas. Pure areas are entirely in one world. Other areas are completely in the other world. You cannot access the Other World from a Pure zone. You have to go to a Hybrid zone. Hybrid zones form a patchwork all over the world. In a city, these zones can be certain streets, certain parks, certain squares. The elites have them all mapped out. Most people walk through them and never notice a thing. Only strong intuitives can see the other world. Certain buildings exist in both worlds. These are usually ritualistic and religious sites such as Stonehenge, the pyramids, some castles, and so on. These are the most powerful links between the two worlds.
The Places of Ritual he elites love places of ritual and mystery. One of their favorite locations was beloved by Himmler. It’s the Externsteine in Germany, one of the most astounding natural sites in the world. Himmler wanted pagan shrines to offset against the shrines of Christianity, which nauseated him.
Black Forest he elites refer to a picture depicting a black sun overlooking a black mountain, on a ledge of which is a black castle overlooking a black lake surrounded by a black forest. A black cave is also depicted, into which figures clothed in black are heading in procession. Is it an entrance to the Underworld? Runic inscriptions run around the edge of the painting. Does it depict a special ceremony of the elites? It is unknown what the symbolic significance of the picture is or what the runes say.
The Runes are symbols of ancient power. They are magic symbols containing R unes the esoteric powers of ancient Aryans, the great ancestors. They say that it’s all about “reading the runes”. Have you read them? What do the runes say for your future?
THE SHADOW PEOPLE “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” – George Orwell see shadow people? Are you seeing beings from Omega World? C anAreyouOmega people experienced by sensitive people in this world as ghosts? There are those who believe they have received phone calls from the dead. Exactly three hours after someone dies, the phone rings and the dead person is on the other end, saying that everything is all right. Supernatural forces are drawn to some people. Are you one of them? Micah A. Hanks wrote, “In terms of someone having a sort of ‘predisposition’ toward communication with the dead ... as well as its potential relationship to psychosis, it is interesting to note that certain substances that are produced in minute quantities within the human body have strong psychoactive properties: namely, DMT and adrenochrome. The latter of these two lie at the heart of a theory for the cause of schizophrenia, as proposed by psychiatrists Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond. Their adrenochrome hypothesis involves the administration of large doses of vitamin C and niacin that, as far back as 1967, they had claimed would reduce adrenochrome productions in the brain, thus eliminating psychotic delusions.” In some people, adrenochrome produces delusions. In others, it furnishes visionary gifts and the ability to lucidly interact with Omega World.
The SS University
ewelsburg was to have several purposes. It was to be an SS Camelot, an SS university, an SS spiritual center, an SS Stonehenge, the home of the SS Aryan cult. From here, from this great and spectacular German castle, the SS would run the world, a pagan world completely free of Abrahamists. The SS would govern everyone else. They would rule with an iron fist. Their rule would be powered by the black sun, the source of an energy that increased as racial purity increased and as adrenochrome use rose. Wewelsburg would be where the Aryans were led back to their true origin and their true, elite star selves.
Atlantis Nazis believed that the Atlanteans were extraterrestrial Aryans, the S ome protype Aryans. The Aryans are a master race exactly because they are not of this planet. They are alien conquerors. One of their slogans was: freedom will be taken, not given. You always have to fight for freedom. It’s pointless to feel entitled to it.
THE BUG IN THE MACHINE “Adrenochrome is a drug that the elites love. It comes from children. The drug is extracted from the pituitary glands of tortured children. It’s sold on the black market. It’s the drug of the elites. It is their favorite drug. It is beyond evil. It is demonic. It is so sick.” – Liz Crokin
‘“Where’d you get this [Adrenochrome]? You can’t buy it. … There’s only one source for this stuff. … The adrenaline glands of a living human body. It’s no good if you get it out of a corpse. … This is absolutely pure.” – Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
“The presence in the human body of substances [such as adrenochrome] which are hallucinogenic when present in excessive concentration, is of vital importance because they play a part in many of the psychiatric conditions in man.” – A. Hoffer and H. Osmond
“For a while it was considered unwise to wrote the word ‘adrenochrome’ into applications for research money and we know of attempts to dissuade reputable investigators from
undertaking research with adrenochrome. Adrenochrome ... became a dirty word.” – A. Hoffer and H. Osmond n recent years, the shocking role of adrenochrome in the rituals of the elites has come to public prominence. A lot of this information is being released by a group of heroic men and women known as the Unveilers who are relentlessly hunted by the elites. Many have died in mysterious, unexplained “accidents”. No investigation of these deaths has ever taken place. Why is adrenochrome such a big deal? In 1856 it was observed that adrenal gland tissue turned red when exposed to air. This red pigment was subsequently identified as adrenochrome. Adrenochrome first came to prominence in investigations of schizophrenia. Researcher Abram Hoffer wrote, “The outstanding achievement of the psychiatrist Dr Humphry Osmond … lay in helping to identify adrenochrome, a hallucinogen produced in the brain, as a cause of schizophrenia, and in using vitamins to counter it. This breakthrough established the foundations for the orthomolecular psychiatry now practiced around the world. ... We contended that in schizophrenic patients there was an abnormal production of adrenochrome, a derivative of adrenaline, and that this played a role in the genesis of the condition. ... our clinical team conducted the first double-blind controlled experiment in psychiatry. We proved that adding one vitamin, B3 (niacin), to diets doubled our recovery rate of acute or early schizophrenic patients over the course of two years … “Convinced that we had discovered a very important, new and safe way of helping our patients, in 1966 we were joined by the double Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, who first employed the term orthomolecular psychiatry …” According to Orthomolecular medicine, diseases are caused by deficiencies in the nutritional environment in the body and the remedy is to use nutritional supplementation to create the optimal nutritional environment. The elites are extremely keen on Orthomolecular medicine, which they see as the most natural and balanced medicine, with the least toxicity. Hoffer wrote, “Adrenochrome may affect the brain by interfering with the blood-brain barrier. Hochstein and Cohen found that brain tissue was more sensitive to adrenochrome than was liver tissue. … Adrenochrome can cross the blood-brain barrier, adrenaline cannot. … Leakage of adrenochrome and its derivatives such as adrenolutin into the blood and into the brain cause
a toxic psychosis called schizophrenia. ... Under resting conditions small amounts of adrenochrome are formed and circulate in the blood as adrenolutin since adrenochrome is too unstable to remain very long in the blood. … The oxidized products of adrenalin metabolism are circulating in the blood. It is likely the major source is from the heart which is the largest organ in the body which can make adrenochrome and its derivatives ... We suggested that an increased conversion of adrenalin to adrenochrome was one of the causes of schizophrenia, basing this conclusion on our findings that adrenochrome and adrenolutin are hallucinogens, that they could be made in the body and that reversing or preventing the reaction was therapeutic for schizophrenia. … Adrenaline is converted to adrenochrome and adrenochrome is converted to adrenolutin ... both adrenochrome and adrenolutin are potent neurotoxins which interfere with chemical reactions in the brain. The process of schizophrenia is then underway. … Adrenochrome has a powerful effect on the electrical activity of the brain in vivo and interferes with synaptic transmission … The oxidized products of adrenaline metabolism are circulating in the blood. ... Severe stress —> too much adrenaline and other sympathomimetic amines.” Schizophrenics can be thought of as people tuning into Omega World but without any control of understanding of what is happening. Schizophrenics suffer disturbing hallucinations and persecutory delusions. Their speech becomes disorganized and their behavior turns chaotic or descends into catatonia. Schizophrenics often exhibit emotional flatness, and apathy, lethargy, and muteness (they don’t speak). But imagine a schizophrenia without the chaos and disorganization. Imagine that the schizophrenic is actually accessing another reality, but without any preparation or understanding. He thinks he is mad, but he has actually opened a portal to a second world. If only he could keep his wits about him and his thoughts focused, he could have a wondrous experience rather than a nightmare. The elites have become the masters of accessing Omega World, while retaining full control of their faculties. In a sense, they are like members of the Star Trek crew visiting the holodecks. They are making their fantasies real. They are creating their own paradise.
THE FEAR FACTORIES he Nazis harvested adrenochrome in their death camps, run by Himmler’s SS. When people are terrified, their serum adrenochrome is at a maximum. Children and women are particularly prone to terror, and the SS extracted their blood for their ceremonies and rituals. Today, elites have set up several fear camps on private islands where the authorities have no jurisdiction and never show up. Optimum levels of adrenochrome are harvested in oxygen-rich environments. At the most special rituals of the elites, children are sacrificed in oxygen chambers in front of idols of Moloch, the pagan god of human sacrifice. Bohemian Grove has served this function in the past. A. Hoffer and H. Osmond wrote, “Oxygen is essential for the conversion of adrenaline to adrenochrome. Too much oxygen would accelerate the rate of conversion of adrenaline into adrenochrome, increase its production, and overwhelm the detoxifying systems for adrenochrome. ... Under the impact of oxygen toxicity, adrenaline is lost and adrenochrome concentrations increase in the brain. ... the transformation of adrenaline into adrenochrome in the brain is accelerated at high oxygen tension. ... It is evident that the massive conversion of adrenaline to adrenochrome in the brain and medulla must upset the brain-medulla adrenaline cycle.” The elites love this type of information. It gives them mastery over the human body, human brain, human mind, and over the world itself. If you control the mind, you control everything.
The Aliens
here are those who say that adrenochrome is vital for aliens (reptilians) hiding amongst humans. It is a phase-shifting, shape-shifting drug, they say, giving access to pan-dimensionality.
The Black Videos member of the club (the elites) has to be filmed mutilating a young E very victim to harvest adrenochrome from their terrified, screaming body. All the members of the club are bound by the black videos. If one member goes down, all go down. All the videos are kept in a top-secret computing lab, with the best security and encryption known to humanity. It is totally uncrackable.
CERN British newspaper reported that CERN’s Large Hadron A prestigious Collider was being used in a secret Illuminati plot to open a portal to another dimension, invite in an alien invasion force, and destroy the human race. In fact, the elites use special drugs, not particle colliders.
The Bottle
lways beware the little “brown colored bottle”. It might be filled with adrenochrome. Forget cocaine. Adrenochrome can take you to entirely different places.
THE RUSH “We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.” – George Orwell are different qualities of adrenochrome, depending on whether it was T here produced through fear or excitement. In fear situations – fight or flight situations – people produce adrenaline, which can then be converted to adrenochrome. But they also undergo an “adrenaline rush” when they are profoundly excited. For purposes of control, fear farms are much easier for the elites to manage than excitement farms. However, on special occasions, the elites invite starstruck kids to celebrity gatherings. The kids are overwhelmed with excitement – like children meeting Michael Jackson at Neverland – and have no idea that they are actually involved in a sick Satanic ritual and that they are about to be ritually murdered and have all their blood and organs extracted. Diabolical uses are even found for their skin and bones, although information is still scant regarding this. Adrenaline is produced in the adrenal glands, located above the kidneys. The elites are obsessed with the glands of the endocrine system: Pineal Gland, Adrenal, Hypothalamus, Pituitary Gland, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Pancreas, Ovaries, Testes. The endocrine system comprises a network of glands, which produce, store, and secrete hormones to regulate many bodily functions, including growth and metabolism. Endocrine diseases occur when glands produce an incorrect amount of hormones, either too much or too little. Endocrine means “secreting internally”, hence concerns internal processes. Exocrine glands, such as sweat and salivary glands, secrete externally, and internally via ducts. Endocrine glands secrete hormones internally, into the bloodstream, to reach anywhere fed by the blood supply. The endocrine system is concerned with the following: Growth and
development, Homeostasis (the internal balance of body systems), Metabolism (body energy levels), Reproduction, Response to stimuli (stress and injury). The endocrine system is, like the nervous system, a critical communication network. Instead of using nerves to transmit information, it uses blood vessels to deliver hormones to cells. The elites want to know every secret associated with both the endocrine system and the nervous system, and, like their Nazi predecessors, they perform appalling, often fatal experiments, on innocent victims, usually those whose disappearance won’t be missed, or won’t matter to many. Orphans are their primary victims. Up to 800,000 kids go missing every year in the US. Even though the vast majority are later found, do we know what happened to them while they were away, and what about those that never come back? Victims are graded according to a code based on takeaway foods, such as pizzas, burgers, fried chicken, and so on. The precise details of the coding are not yet known. The elite cabal of child molesters and abusers are protected by the “Deep state” apparatus that is designed to shield and protect them, and prevent any investigations coming their way. Most of the elites’ criminality is conducted in the sinister network of private islands they own. Why do these people have private islands in the first place? It’s exactly so that they can indulge all of their sick desires without any scrutiny. No one can see what they’re getting up to. Look at how long Jeffrey Epstein got away with it. In fact, the only reason he was caught was that he upset the elites and they green-lighted his arrest and humiliation. People say he didn’t kill himself. Of course he did. He was ordered to by the elites! If you have understood anything we have said, it’s not just your life here and now in Alpha World that you need to worry about. To save his cozy Omega World existence, Epstein had to sacrifice his Alpha World life. Epstein was able to run a sex trafficking operation for years. How is that possible? Because no one is investigating these people. The authorities turn a blind eye to them, or are actively in their pockets, bought and paid for. Anyone who owns a private island should by default be regarded as a criminal, hiding diabolical secrets. If they have nothing to hide, why don’t they let the authorities freely visit their islands? They would never accept that, would they?!
Contamination Unveilers are always trying to find ways to contaminate the elites’ T hesupply of adrenochrome and DMT and sabotage all of their evil schemes. They want to taint everything the elites do. Some people have even suggested that covid-19 has had one benefit: it has ruined all of the elites’ supplies and they all have to be destroyed now. This would mean that the elites are running out of supplies. What would they do if faced with drastically depleted stashes? Would their behavior start becoming even more odd? Would their appearance begin to change (“the mask slips”)? Keep your eyes peeled! The drug-crazed Hollywood stars might start accidentally giving the game away. They might now be struggling to hold together their “human” form. Some highly unflattering photos of celebrities, caught unawares, show that they might be struggling with lack of the supplies they need to keep them looking like stars. Are they suffering from the devastating effects of adrenochrome and DMT withdrawal?
Schizophrenia supposedly arose in individuals when too much S chizophrenia adrenochrome was formed. The adrenochrome then interfered with brain function just as LSD would, creating the essential stage for the formation of schizophrenia. Adrenalin is very readily oxidized into adrenochrome, so we might say that people who are prone to adrenaline rushes are more likely to become schizophrenic. It’s said that Vitamin B3 protects brain tissue against some of the toxic effects of adrenochrome. Child abuse is a well-known means of creating schizoid children with triggered behavior. These children can then be raised to be Manchurian Candidates: programed assassins and drones. They will do anything the elites desire, just like slaves.
The Chymical Wedding that is a favorite drug of the Hollywood elite. I t’sTheynotarejustintoadrenochrome all of the different hormones and their derivatives, and all of the different neurotransmitters, including DMT. Neurotransmitters and hormones are two different types of chemicals that carry signals from one part of the body to another and play an essential role in the body’s physiology, including physical and psychological functions. Hormones are normally secreted from the endocrine system and released into the bloodstream, via which they can act on distant target cells. Some hormones, like melatonin and cortisol, are produced directly in the brain, and released into the blood, where they can affect other parts of the body. Many of these chemicals are harvested from tortured children in Satanic rituals. Harvesting is done by taking blood and drinking it, by heart surgery, by tapping into the brainstem, by harvesting organs and glands.
Vampirism s the drinking of blood to access adrenochrome an ancient ritual of the elites? Is it the basis of the legend of vampirism where nobles feed on peasants, especially young virgin girls? Is it also associated with werewolfism and tearing bodies to shreds? Did it feature in Satanic ceremonies through history? Did witches use it at their covens?
The Rings run massive child trafficking rings all around the world. They T hebuyelites and sell children for their own pleasure. With the Epstein case, people are beginning to see behind the veil for the first time. The elites engage in what is called “Spirit Cooking”. They have parties based on the theme of human sacrifice, conducted as if in pagan times, in ancient Canaan. The elites sacrifice children, eat their bodies and drink their blood in
black masses. They worship not just dark gods, but the very darkest gods, all the way to Satan himself.
The Planes is said that couriers bring suitcases filled to the brim with blood bags to I tprivate islands via private planes. Let’s face it, the people have no idea what these elites are getting up to in their secluded havens. Nor do the police. The amount of money the elites have illegally stashed away is off the scale.
HUMAN SACRIFICE “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.” – George Orwell Mayans and Aztecs, amongst many other civilizations, were deeply T heinvolved in human sacrifice. There are those who now speculate that these peoples knew about extracting and consuming adrenochrome, and did so in order to get closer to their gods, making adrenochrome a “God drug”. Adrenochrome removal is said to remove the life energy of the victim. When the abuser takes adrenochrome, he is ingesting the life force of the other person. The elites prefer to harvest adrenochrome from children under the age of seven, who get much more scared than anyone else, hence deliver purer and more potent adrenochrome. Young children are also much easier to control.
The Two two classic hallucinogens are mescaline, derived from the peyote T hecactus, and LSD, ultimately extracted from ergot. Wikipedia says, “LSD was first made by Albert Hofmann in 1938 from lysergic acid, a chemical from the fungus ergot. … In the 1950s, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) believed that the drug might be useful for mind control, so they tested it on people, some without their knowledge, in a program called MK-Ultra.” The CIA and FBI work closely with the elites and are heavily involved with Hollywood via Operation Mockingbird, their propaganda and conditioning program. The CIA and FBI are continually engaged in psyops against the domestic population. They are always working to the benefit of the elites. Mescaline and LSD cause a reaction in normal people that mimics
schizophrenia. They produce what is called “model psychosis.” A. Hoffer and H. Osmond said, “Adrenochrome causes more perceptual changes but they are rarely as pronounced as those caused by LSD or mescaline. Its effect may last a long time. It produced a two-week paranoid depression in one of us (A.H.) and a one-week paranoid depressive reaction with visual illusions in a distinguished colleague of ours.” Adrenochrome in fact works perfectly with DMT, the famous Spirit Molecule.
The Islands out for the billionaires with their 100-acre private islands in the W atch Caribbean. These are crime paradises. The authorities do nothing to stop them. Rape, torture and sex trafficking are commonplace. The flight logs of all private flights to private islands should be seized be the authorities and cross-referenced. They will reveal a mind-boggling amount of crime. Look at all the people who visited Epstein. Are we supposed to believe that these people saw nothing and knew nothing? Come off it! They’re all guilty. Every island of the elite is said to have a “hall of the dead” – a Thanatorium – where their sickest ceremonies take place.
The Reveal are obliged to reveal who they are, i.e. they are required to make S atanists themselves known. Of course, given the risk they are taking, they must choose the right person to whom to “come out”.
The Fountain of Youth
drenochrome has been called the “Fountain of Youth” serum, and many ageing stars swear by it. If they stop using it for even a few days, their
superstar looks desert them. All Hollywood stars who seems suspiciously youthful are heavy users of adrenochrome. The so-called “liberal” elites of Hollywood are infested with Satanism. They are an incredibly wicked cabal. Do the elites actually believe that adrenochrome is an immortality serum? If they perfect the process of terrorizing children, can they perfect the serum? Is the child’s terror directly proportional to how much youth the adrenochrome confers? Are the most beautiful and youthful-looking stars the worst murderers and criminals? It wouldn’t surprise you, would it?
Tranquilizer Syndrome . Hoffer and H. Osmond wrote, “Tranquilizers alone can produce remarkable improvement [in schizophrenics], but very few patients remain better when they are discontinued, and no patient can be normal while on tranquilizers. Airline companies understand this and will not permit their pilots to fly if they know they are taking tranquilizers. It is not difficult to understand why. One need only accept two propositions as true: 1. That tranquilizers are helpful when given to schizophrenic patients. 2. That normal people are made ill if they take tranquilizers. The tranquilizer syndrome includes apathy, disinterest, and diminished ability to think and reason normally. “Schizophrenics are prepared to put up with the tranquilizer syndrome, especially when they still remember the previous schizophrenic state. However, later on they are not, for they realize they cannot function normally on tranquilizers unless the dose is very small, or unless their job or station in life requires very little; it is not difficult to sit and stare at a blaring TV, even when heavily tranquilized.” Much of our society has been subjected to tranquilizer syndrome and its partner, pain relief syndrome, i.e. the “opioid epidemic.” Pharmaceutical companies reassured the medical community that patients would not become addicted to opioid pain relievers. Healthcare providers then prescribed them at ever greater rates. Today, it’s obvious that opioids are staggeringly addictive.
The elites like the masses to be doped out of their heads in one way or another so that they don’t notice what’s going on and are too lethargic and distracted to fight back.
Transfiguration hat is “transfiguration”? It’s a change in form or appearance. It’s a transmutation, a metamorphosis. It’s an exalting, glorifying, or spiritual change. The elites all seek transfiguration. They believe they rightfully belong to a higher species, even a divine species.
The DMT Code he pineal gland produces DMT and releases it when we dream, and when we engage in out-of-body and near-death experiences. It’s released in great quantities at the opposing points of birth (the beginning) and death (the end). Many people who have taken DMT describe it as feeling like they’re traveling at warp speed through a tunnel of bright lights and shapes, and encountering a vast array of alien creatures. Some say they visit other worlds and communicate with elf-like beings. Some users feel like they are changing into something else, that they are undergoing a metamorphosis. Synthetic DMT is normally produced in the form of a white, crystalline powder which can be smoked in a pipe, vaporized, injected, or snorted. Natural DMT is deemed much more potent. In South America, many tribal religious and spiritual rituals involve ayahuasca, a drink with incredible hallucinogenic properties, claiming to open your mind and link your thoughts to the gods, and to heal past traumas. DMT is the main active ingredient of ayahuasca. DMT produces effects similar to those of psychedelics like LSD and magic mushrooms, but of an even more extraordinary nature. In truth, this book should have been called The DMT Conspiracy. It’s DMT that is the No.1 drug of interest to the elites, the drug with which they are absolutely obsessed, which gives them direct access to Omega World.
What people have missed is that adrenochrome is actually used by the elites in conjunction with DMT. It serves to stabilize and prolong the DMT experience. It gives the elites much better contact with Omega. If we imagine DMT on its own to be equivalent to dreaming in relation to Omega World, the DMT and adrenochrome combination allows passive dreaming to be converted into active dreaming, into lucid dreaming in Omega World. The elites love nothing more than that they have access to another world – Omega World – that almost all of us in Alpha World have no knowledge of and no conscious access to. It’s what proves to the elites that they are higher beings who belong to a higher reality, and who deserve to rule over us, just as humans rule over animals. The elites, in their own view, are no less justified in treating us the way they do as humanity is justified in what it does to animals, including breeding them to be eaten. The elites like to refer to a passage by Nietzsche concerning the ERRORS OF THE SUFFERER AND THE DOER. Nietzsche wrote, “When a rich man deprives a poor man of a possession (for instance, a prince robs a peasant of his beloved), an error arises in the mind of the poor man; he thinks the rich man must be utterly infamous to take away from him the little that he has. But the rich man does not feel nearly so deeply the value of a single possession because he is accustomed to having so many; hence he cannot imagine himself in the poor man’s place, and does not commit nearly so great a wrong as the latter supposes. They each have a mistaken idea of the other. The injustice of the powerful, which arouses most indignation in history is not nearly as great as it seems. “The inherited sense of being a higher type of creature with higher claims already makes such a man fairly cold and leaves his conscience at rest; we all of us feel no injustice when the difference is very great between ourselves and another creature, and kill a fly, for instance, without any pricks of conscience. Therefore it was no sign of badness in Xerxes (whom even all Greeks describe as superlatively noble) when he took a son away from his father and had him cut in pieces, because he had expressed a nervous, ominous distrust of the whole campaign; in this case the individual is put out of the way like an unpleasant insect; he is too lowly to be allowed any longer to cause annoyance to a ruler of the world. Indeed, no cruel man is so cruel as he whom he has misused believes; the idea of pain is not the same as its
endurance. It is the same thing in the case of the unjust judge, of the journalist who leads public opinion with petty untruths. In all these cases cause and effect are surrounded by entirely different groups of thoughts and sensations; while one unconsciously presupposes that doer and sufferer think and feel alike, and according to this supposition we measure the guilt of the one by the pain of the other.” The elites see a total asymmetry between themselves and the people. The man on an average salary sees reality totally differently from a man who has a fortune of 100 billion dollars. It’s like the difference between an ant and a man. For the elites, ants have no right to complain. They should simply be glad not to be stamped on.
THE THIRD EYE “My view is that this gland [the pineal gland] is the principal seat of the soul, and the place in which all our thoughts are formed. The reason I believe this is that I cannot find any part of the brain, except this, which is not double. Since we see only one thing with two eyes, and hear only one voice with two ears, and in short have never more than one thought at a time, it must necessarily be the case that the impressions which enter by the two eyes or by the two ears, and so on, unite with each other in some part of the body before being considered by the soul. Now it is impossible to find any such place in the whole head except this gland; moreover it is situated in the most suitable possible place for this purpose, in the middle of all the concavities; and it is supported and surrounded by the little branches of the carotid arteries which bring the spirits into the brain. … Since it is the only solid part in the whole brain which is single, it must necessarily be the seat of the common sense, i.e., of thought, and consequently of the soul; for one cannot be separated from the other.” – Descartes gland – a small gland located deep in the center of the brain – T hewaspineal once called the “third eye”. One of the things this gland does is to secrete melatonin, which plays a role in the body’s internal clock. Descartes regarded the pineal gland as the point of contact between the soul and body. According to Rick Strassman, the pituitary gland produces DMT, “the spirit molecule”, believed to be involved in dreaming, hallucinations,
out-of-body and near-death experiences. In pharaonic Egypt, the pineal gland was equated with the eye of Horus. The “third eye” of Hindu spiritual enlightenment is described as originally being a third eyeball that then atrophied into the pineal gland. It offers “inner” vision, mystical insight, non-sensory sight (intuition). The elites are at least as obsessed with DMT as they are with adrenochrome. This is why they harvest the pituitary glands of children. The Adrenochrome scandal is just the precursor of another, even greater threat – the DMT Doomsday Drug. One conspiracy leads inexorably to the next.
CONCLUSION “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” – George Orwell Conspiracy is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s hardwired T heto aAdrenochrome mind-boggling number of evil activities being carried out by the elites who rule over us. How are these monsters allowed to get away with it? Why do we the people put up with it? Why are so many people starstruck by the elites and prepared to do anything for them, including turning a blind eye whenever required? F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand. They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are because we had to discover the compensations and refuges of life for ourselves. Even when they enter deep into our world or sink below us, they still think that they are better than we are. They are different.” The very rich are more or less a different species. They see things completely differently. They feel totally entitled, born to rule over us, and to have access to knowledge and experiences denied to the rest of us. In his story The Totally Rich, John Brunner wrote, “They are the totally rich. You’ve never heard of them because they are the only people in the world rich enough to buy what they want: a completely private life. [...] They do not have neighbors, and if they require a murder they do not use so clumsy a means as an ax. [...] And if by some other million-to-one chance the searchlight does tend towards them, they buy it and instruct the man behind it to switch it off. “How many of them there are I don’t know. I have tried to estimate the
total by adding together the gross national product of every country and dividing by the amount necessary to buy a government of a major industrial power. It goes without saying that you cannot maintain privacy unless you can buy any two governments. “I think there may be one hundred of these people. [...] “They are not on maps. [...] Literally, where they choose to live becomes a blank spot in the atlases. They are not in census lists, Who’s Who, or Burke’s Peerage. They do not figure in tax collectors’ files, and the post office has no record of the addresses. Think of all the places where your name appears – the yellowing school registers, the hospital case records, the duplicate receipt form in the store, the signature on letters. In no single such place is there one of their names.” Ordinary people just can’t grasp the sheer power and wealth of the super rich and what their money can buy for them. They’re in a totally different reality, a game with no resemblance to the one that the rest of us are forced to play. Isn’t it time for a new game? Let’s make it happen. Let’s roll the dice. Let’s roll. Lock and load. Don’t retreat, reload. George Orwell said, “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. … Big Brother is Watching You.”