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T a f s e e r a s - S a 'd i Juz’ 25-27
T itle:
Tafseer as-S a 'd i
V o l . 9 (J u z ' 2 5 -2 7 )
A u th o r: A b d u r-R a h m a n N a s ir a s - S a ‘di E n g lish E d itio n 1 (2 0 1 8 ) T ra n sla to r: N a siru d d in a l-K h a tta b E d ite d by: H u d a K h a ttab L a y o u t D esig n : IIP H C o v e r D esig n : S am o P ress G ro u p , B eiru t
Ta f se e r
a s - S a 'd i Juz’ 25-27
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Abdur-Rahman Nasir as-Sa‘di T ra n s la te d by
N asiruddin al-Khattab E d ite d by
Huda Khattab
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International Islamic P ublishing H ouse
Copyright © 2018 International Islamic Publishing House King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data as-Sa'di, Abdur-Rahman Nasir
Tafseer as-Sa'di Vol. 9 (Juz' 25-27) / Abdur-Rahman Nasir as-Sa'di; Nasiruddin al-Khattab — Riyadh, 2018 10 volumes 496 pp ; 21 cm 1- Qur'an - Interpretations
I- Nasiruddin al-Khattab (translator)
II- Title 227.6 dc
Legal Deposit no. 1439/3410 ISBN Hardcover: 978-603-501-359-8 (set) 978-603-501-368-0 (Vol. 9)
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International Islam ic P ublishing H o u se (IIPH) P.O. Box 55195 R iyadh 11534, Saudi Arabia E-mail: editorial@ iiph.com — iiphsa@ gm ail.com w w w .iip h .co m
Pronunciation and Transliteration C h a r t.....................
Arabic honorific sy m b o ls................................................
Hadith grade te r m s .......................................................... 20 41. Soorat Fussilat (continued) Soorat Fussilat 47-48 .........................................................................
Soorat Fussilat 49-51 .........................................................................
Soorat Fussilat 52-54 .........................................................................
42. Soorat ash-Shoora (\ Ia k k i) Soorat ash-Shoora 1-9.........................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 10-12....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 1 3 .........................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 14-15....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 1 6 .........................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 17-18....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 19-20....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 21 -2 3 ....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 2 4 .........................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 2 5 -2 8 ....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 2 9 .........................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 3 0 -3 1 ....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 3 2 -3 5....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 3 6-39....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 4 0 -4 3 ....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 4 4 -4 6 ....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 4 7 -4 8 ....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 4 9 -5 0 ....................................................................
Soorat ash-Shoora 5 1-53 ....................................................................
Soorat az-Zukhruf (M a k k i) Soorat az-Z ukhruf 1-5.........................................................................
Soorat az-Z ukhruf 6 -8 .........................................................................
Soorat az-Z ukhruf 9 -1 4 ......................................................................
Soorat az-Z ukhruf 15-25....................................................................
Soorat az-Z ukhruf 2 6 -3 2....................................................................
Soorat az-Z ukhruf 3 3-35....................................................................
Soorat az-Z ukhruf 3 6 -3 9 ....................................................................
Soorat az-Z ukhruf 4 0 -4 5 ....................................................................
Soorat az-Z ukhruf 4 6 -5 6 ....................................................................
Soorat az-Z ukhruf 57-65....................................................................
Soorat az-Z ukhruf 66-73.................................................................... 104 Soorat az-Z ukhruf 7 4-78.................................................................... 107
Contents I
Soorat az-Z ukhruf 7 9-80 .................................................................... 108 Soorat az-Z ukhruf 81-83 ....................................................................... 109 Soorat az-Z ukhruf 84-89 ....................................................................... I l l 44. S o o rat a d -D u k h a n
(M akki) Soorat ad-D ukhan 1-1 6 ..........................................................................116 Soorat ad-D ukhan 17-21....................................................................... 122 Soorat ad-D ukhan 2 2 -2 9 .................................................................... 123 Soorat ad-D ukhan 3 0 -3 3 .................................................................... 125 Soorat ad-D ukhan 3 4 -3 7 .................................................................... 127 Soorat ad-D ukhan 3 8 -4 2 .................................................................... 128 Soorat ad-D ukhan 4 3 -5 0 .................................................................... 129 Soorat ad-D ukhan 5 1 -5 9 ....................................................................... 130 45. S o o r a t a l- J a th iy a h
(M akki) Soorat al-Jathiyah 1 -1 1 ....................................................................... 134 Soorat al-Jathiyah 1 2 -1 3 ....................................................................... 137 Soorat al-Jathiyah 1 4 -1 5 ....................................................................... 139 Soorat al-Jathiyah 1 6 -1 7....................................................................... 140 Soorat al-Jathiyah 18-19 ....................................................................... 141 Soorat al-Jathiyah 2 0 .............................................................................. 142 Soorat al-Jathiyah 2 1 .............................................................................. 143 Soorat al-Jathiyah 2 2 .............................................................................. 144 Soorat al-Jathiyah 2 3 -2 6 .................................................................... 144 Soorat al-Jathiyah 2 7 -3 7 .................................................................... 147
Tafseer as-Sa'di 46. S o o r a t a l- A h q a f
(M akki) Soorat al-A hqaf 1-3................................................................................ 153 Soorat al-A h q af 4 -6................................................................................ 155 Soorat al-A h q af 7-10.............................................................................. 157 Soorat al-A h q af 11-12............................................................................160 Soorat al-A h q af 13-14............................................................................162 Soorat al-A h q af 15-16............................................................................162 Soorat al-A h q af 17-19............................................................................165 Soorat al-A h q af 2 0 ................................................................................ 167 Soorat al-A hqaf 21 -26............................................................................168 Soorat al-A hqaf 27-28......................................................................... 172 Soorat al-A hqaf 29-32......................................................................... 173 Soorat al-A hqaf 3 3 ................................................................................ 176 Soorat al-A h qaf 34-35......................................................................... 176 47. S o o rat M u h a m m a d
(M adani) Soorat M uham m ad 1 - 3 ......................................................................... 179 Soorat M uham m ad 4 - 6 ......................................................................... 181 Soorat M uham m ad 7 - 9 ......................................................................... 183 Soorat M uham m ad 1 0 -1 1 .....................................................................185 Soorat M uham m ad 12............................................................................186 Soorat M uham m ad 13............................................................................186 Soorat M uham m ad 14............................................................................187 Soorat M uham m ad 15............................................................................188
Contents I
Soorat M uham m ad 1 6 -1 7 .....................................................................189 Soorat M uham m ad 18......................................................................... 190 Soorat M uham m ad 19............................................................................191 Soorat M uham m ad 20-23 .................................................................. 194 Soorat M uham m ad 2 4 ............................................................................197 Soorat M uham m ad 25-28 .................................................................. 198 Soorat M uham m ad 2 9 -3 1 .....................................................................199 Soorat M uham m ad 3 2 ......................................................................... 201 Soorat M uham m ad 3 3 ......................................................................... 202 Soorat M uham m ad 34-35 .................................................................. 203 Soorat M uham m ad 36-38 .................................................................. 205 48. S o o r a t a l- F a th
(M adani) Soorat al-Fath 1 -3 ...................................................................................209 Soorat al-Fath 4 - 6 ...................................................................................211 Soorat al-Fath 7 ........................................................................................213 Soorat al-Fath 8 - 9 ...................................................................................214 Soorat al-Fath 10..................................................................................... 215 Soorat al-Fath 1 1 -1 3 .............................................................................. 216 Soorat al-Fath 14..................................................................................... 218 Soorat al-Fath 15..................................................................................... 219 Soorat al-Fath 1 6 -1 7 .............................................................................. 220 Soorat al-Fath 1 8 -2 1 .............................................................................. 222 Soorat al-Fath 22-23 ........................................................................... 225 Soorat al-Fath 2 4 -2 5 ........................................................................... 226 Soorat al-Fath 2 6 ................................................................................... 228
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Tafseer as-Sa‘di
Soorat al-Fath 2 7 -2 8 ........................................................................... 229 Soorat al-Fath 2 9 .................................................................................. 231 49. S o o r a t a l- H u ju r a t
(M adani) Soorat al-H ujurat 1 - 3 ............................................................................246 Soorat al-H ujurat 4 - 5 ............................................................................249 Soorat al-H ujurat 6 ................................................................................ 250 Soorat al-H ujurat 7 - 8 ............................................................................251 Soorat al-H ujurat 9 - 1 0 ......................................................................... 253 Soorat al-H ujurat 1 1 .............................................................................. 256 Soorat al-H ujurat 1 2 .............................................................................. 257 Soorat al-H ujurat 1 3 .............................................................................. 259 Soorat al-H ujurat 1 4 - 1 8 ....................................................................... 260 50. S o o rat Q af
(M akki) Soorat Q a f 1-4..........................................................................................265 Soorat Q a f 5 ............................................................................................ 267 Soorat Q a f 6 -1 1 ....................................................................................... 268 Soorat Q a f 12-15.....................................................................................271 Soorat Q a f 16-18..................................................................................... 273 Soorat Q a f 19-22.................................................................................. 274 Soorat Q a f 2 3 -2 9 .................................................................................. 275 Soorat Q a f 30-3 5 .................................................................................. 278 Soorat Q a f 3 6 -3 7 .................................................................................. 280 Soorat Q a f 3 8 -4 0 .................................................................................. 282
Contents |
Soorat Q a f 41 -4 5 .................................................................................. 282 51. S o o ra t a d h -D h a riy a t
(M akki) Soorat adh-D hariyat 1 - 6 ....................................................................... 285 Soorat adh-D hariyat 7 - 9 ....................................................................... 286 Soorat adh-D hariyat 1 0 -1 4 ............................................................... 287 Soorat adh-D hariyat 1 5 -1 9 .................................................................. 288 Soorat adh-D hariyat 20-23 ................................................................ 291 Soorat adh-D hariyat 24-30 ................................................................ 292 Soorat adh-D hariyat 31-37 ................................................................ 294 Soorat adh-D hariyat 38-40 ................................................................ 297 Soorat adh-D hariyat 41-42 ................................................................ 298 Soorat adh-D hariyat 43-45 ................................................................ 299 Soorat adh-D hariyat 4 6 ....................................................................... 300 Soorat adh-D hariyat 4 7 - 5 1 ................................................................ 300 Soorat adh-D hariyat 52-53 ................................................................ 303 Soorat adh-D hariyat 54-55 ................................................................ 304 Soorat adh-D hariyat 56-58 ................................................................ 305 Soorat adh-D hariyat 59-60 ................................................................ 307 52. S o o r a t a t-T o o r
(M akki) Soorat at-Toor 1-16................................................................................ 308 Soorat at-Toor 17-20.............................................................................. 313 Soorat at-T oor 2 1-28.............................................................................. 315 Soorat at-Toor 2 9 -4 3 ........................................................................... 318
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Tafseer as-Sa'di
Soorat at-Toor 4 4 -4 6 ........................................................................... 324 Soorat at-Toor 4 7 -4 9 ........................................................................... 326 53. S o o r a t a n - N a jm
(M akki) Soorat an-N ajm 1-18.............................................................................. 328 Soorat an-N ajm 19-25......................................................................... 333 Soorat an-N ajm 26 .............................................................................. 336 Soorat an-N ajm 2 7 -3 0 ......................................................................... 337 Soorat an-N ajm 3 1-32 ......................................................................... 339 Soorat an-N ajm 33-62 ......................................................................... 341 54. S o o r a t a l- Q a m a r
(M akki) Soorat al-Q am ar 1 - 5 .............................................................................. 350 Soorat al-Q am ar 6 - 8 .............................................................................. 353 Soorat al-Q am ar 9 - 1 7 ............................................................................354 Soorat al-Q am ar 18-22 ...................................................................... 358 Soorat al-Q am ar 23-32 ...................................................................... 359 Soorat al-Q am ar 33-40 ...................................................................... 363 Soorat al-Q am ar 41-55 ...................................................................... 364 55. S o o rat a r-R a h m a n
(M akki) Soorat ar-Rahm an 1-13......................................................................... 370 Soorat ar-Rahm an 14-16.......................................................................374 Soorat ar-Rahm an 17-18 .......................................................................375
Contents 9 13 Soorat ar-Rahm an 19-23.................................................................... 375 Soorat ar-Rahm an 2 4 -2 5 .................................................................... 376 Soorat ar-Rahm an 2 6 -2 8 .................................................................... 376 Soorat ar-Rahm an 2 9 -3 0 .................................................................... 377 Soorat ar-Rahm an 3 1 -3 2 .................................................................... 379 Soorat ar-Rahm an 3 3 -3 4 .................................................................... 379 Soorat ar-Rahm an 3 5 -3 6 .................................................................... 380 Soorat ar-Rahm an 3 7 -4 0 .................................................................... 381 Soorat ar-Rahm an 41 - 4 2 .................................................................... 382 Soorat ar-Rahm an 4 3 -4 5 .................................................................... 382 Soorat ar-Rahm an 4 6 -4 9 .................................................................... 383 Soorat ar-Rahm an 5 0 -5 3 .................................................................... 384 Soorat ar-Rahm an 5 4 -5 5 .................................................................... 384 Soorat ar-Rahm an 5 6 -5 9 .................................................................... 385 Soorat ar-Rahm an 6 0 -6 1 .................................................................... 386 Soorat ar-Rahm an 6 2 -6 5 .................................................................... 386 Soorat ar-Rahm an 6 6 -6 9 .................................................................... 387 Soorat ar-Rahm an 7 0 -7 5 .................................................................... 387 Soorat ar-Rahm an 7 6 -7 8 .................................................................... 388 56. S o o r a t a l- W a q i'a h
(Makki) Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 1-14......................................................................... 391 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 15-16....................................................................... 393 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 17-21....................................................................... 394 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 2 2 -2 4 .................................................................... 395 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 2 5 -2 6 .................................................................... 396
14 I
Tafseer as-Sa'di
Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 2 7 -3 4 .................................................................... 397 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 35-40.................................................................... 398 Soorat al-W aqi ‘ah 41 -4 8 .................................................................... 399 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 4 9 -5 0 .................................................................... 401 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 51-56 .................................................................... 401 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 57 ......................................................................... 403 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 5 8 -6 2 .................................................................... 403 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 63-67.................................................................... 404 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 6 8 -7 0 .................................................................... 406 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 7 1-74 .................................................................... 407 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 7 5 -8 2 .................................................................... 408 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 8 3-87.................................................................... 411 Soorat al-W aqi‘ah 8 8-96.................................................................... 411 57. S o o r a t a l- H a d e e d
(M adam ) Soorat al-H adeed 1 - 6 ........................................................................... 415 Soorat al-H adeed 7-11 ......................................................................... 418 Soorat al-H adeed 1 2 - 1 5 .......................................................................423 Soorat al-H adeed 1 6 - 1 7 .......................................................................426 Soorat al-H adeed 1 8 - 1 9 .......................................................................428 Soorat al-H adeed 20-21 .................................................................... 430 Soorat al-H adeed 22-24 .................................................................... 433 Soorat al-H adeed 25-27 .................................................................... 435 Soorat al-H adeed 28-29 .................................................................... 439 G lo s s a r y o f Is la m ic T e r m s ........................................................... 442 I n d e x ........................................................................................................448
Pronunciation and Transliteration Chart
Arabic script
Transliterated form
short ‘a ’, as in cat
longer ‘a ’, as in cab (not as in cake)
Ibl as in bell, rubber and tab
l\J as in tap, m ustard and sit
takes the sound o f the preceding
h or t (when
diacritical m ark som etim es ending in h 0
(when in pausal form): ah, ih or ooh; or atu(n), ati(n) or ata(n) w hen uninterrupted
followed by another Arabic word)
/th/ as in thing, m aths and w ealth
1)1 as in ja m , ajar and age
initial /h/, and m ay occur m edially and
a ‘harsher’ sound than the English h
in w ord-final position as well as in Bach (in G erm an); m ay occur
initially and m edially as well
/d/ as in do, m uddy and red
as in this, fa th e r and sm ooth
16 I
Arabic script
Transliterated form
/r/ as in raw, a rid and war, may j
also be a rolled ‘r \ as pronounced
in Spanish j a*>
/z/ as in zoo, easy and gaze
/s/ as in so, m essy and grass
as in ship, ashes and rush
no close equivalent in English, but m ay be approxim ated by pronouncing it as /sw / or /s/ farther
back in the m outh no close equivalent in English, but m ay be approxim ated by pronouncing it as
/d/ farther back in the m outh no close equivalent in English, but may J*
be approxim ated by pronouncing it as
/{/ farther back in the mouth no close equivalent in English, but may Ji
be approxim ated by pronouncing ‘th e’
farther back in the mouth no close equivalent in English: a guttur-
al sound in the back o f the throat no close equivalent in English, but m ay be closely approxim ated
by pronouncing it like the French III in
‘rouge’ /f/ as in fill, effort and m u ff
Pronunciation and transliteration chart 1 17
Arabic script
Transliterated form •
no close equivalent in English, but m ay
shorter version o f oo
a doubled consonant is stressed in the
w ord, and the length o f the sound is
dam m ah
also doubled no vowel sound betw een consonants or
absence o f
at the end o f a word
Arabic honorific symbols
Subhanahu wa Ta ‘aid
The Exalted
salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
Blessings and peace be upon him
m )
‘alayhi as-salam
M ay peace be upon him
radiya Allahu ‘anhu
M ay A llah be pleased w ith him
radiya Allahu 'anha
M ay A llah be pleased w ith her
(t$ |l)
radiya Allahu ‘anhum a
M ay A llah be pleased w ith both o f them
(Jffe ) radiya Allahu ‘anhum
M ay A llah be pleased w ith all o f them
(^g > )
radiya Allahu ‘anhunna
M ay A llah be pleased w ith all o f them (fem ales only)
H adith grade terms
d a 'e e f
includes sound, reliable, or any grade in betw een
Acceptable: sakat ‘anhu; the grader o f the hadith did not com m ent on it, m eaning that he found nothing unacceptable in it
Soorat Fussilat (continued)
( t A - t V r o iii 41:47. He alone has knowledge o f the Hour. No fruit emerges from its sheath, nor does any female conceive or give birth, except with His knowledge. On the day when Allah will call to them, [saying]: Where are My [so-called] partners? they will say: We declare to You that none o f us can bear witness to that.1 41:48. Those [false gods] whom they used to call upon before will be lost from them, and they will realise that they have no escape. H ere Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta ‘aid - G lorified and Exalted is He) tells us o f the vastness o f His know ledge and that He alone possesses exclusive know ledge that no one else could know: «{He alone has know ledge o f the Hour]* that is, all o f creation - the M essengers, the angels and others - refer know ledge thereof 1 The meanings of the verses of the Qur’an in this book (with some minor changes to the punctuation) have been translated by the translator. (Editor)
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Tafseer as-Sa'di
J u z’25
to A llah (4c), and they adm it that they have no w ay o f know ing about it. «(No fruit em erges from its sheath]? - this includes the fruits o f all trees, in all lands, o f all kinds. No fruit o f any tree em erges but He know s about it in detail. ^ n o r does any female]? am ong the children o f A dam ( ‘alayhi as-salam - peace be upon him ) or any kind o f anim als ^conceive]? except with His know ledge *for give birth, except with His knowledge^. So how can the polytheists regard as equal to Allah B g) that w hich has no knowledge and cannot hear or see? «fOn the day when Allah will call to them ^ nam ely the polytheists, on the Day o f Resurrection, rebuking them and exposing their lies. He will say to them: ^W here are My [so-called] partners]? who you claim ed were My partners, and you worshipped them, and you argued in defence o f your actions and opposed the M essengers for the sake o f those false gods? ^th ey will say]?, acknow ledging the falseness o f their gods and the falseness o f their association o f them with Allah: ^ We declare to You that none o f us can bear w itness to that]? that is, we announce to You, O our Lord, so bear w itness that none o f us can testify to the validity o f those gods and so-called partners; now we all adm it the invalidity o f w orshipping them , and we disavow them. Hence A llah says: ^T hose [false gods] w hom they used to call upon]? besides Allah ^before will be lost from them]? that is, all their beliefs and deeds that they spent their lives devoting to the w orship o f gods other than Allah, thinking that it w ould benefit them and w ould w ard o ff the punishm ent from them , and that those false gods w ould intercede for them with Allah, will be lost from them. All their efforts will be in vain, and their thoughts and beliefs will be proven wrong; their so-called partners will not avail them anything.
Soorat Fussilat
(49-51) |
^and they will realise}* and know for certain in that situation «fthat they have no escape)* that is, they have no one to save them, no helper and no refuge. These are the consequences for those who associate others with Allah, which Allah explains to His slaves so that they m ay bew are o f ascribing partners to Him.
41:49. Man never grows weary o f asking for good things, but if misfortune befalls him, he is filled with despair and becomes despondent. 41:50. But if We give him a taste o f mercy from Us after adversity had befallen him, he will surely say: This is my due, and I do not think that the Hour will ever come; but if I am brought back to my Lord, I will have with Him the best. We will surely inform those who disbelieve about all that they did, and We will surely cause them to taste a harsh punishment. 41:51. W hen We bestow blessings upon man, he turns away and distances him self [from Us], but if misfortune befalls him, he resorts to offering a great deal o f supplication. Here Allah tells us o f the nature o f man and that he has no patience to deal with either tim es o f ease or tim es o f hardship, except those whom Allah helps to attain perfection, as He says:
24 |
J u z '25
^M an never grow s w eary o f asking for good things)* that is, he n ever tires o f callin g upon A llah, asking H im for riches, w ealth, children and other w orldly desires, and he keeps striving for that, but he is not content w ith a sm all or great am ount o f that. No m atter w hat he attains, he alw ays w ants more. «fbut if m isfortune^ that is, harm such as sickness, poverty or any kind o f calam ity ^befalls him , he is fdled with despair and becom es despondent}* that is, he despairs o f the m ercy o f Allah (4s) and thinks that this calam ity is the one that will destroy him, and he becom es confused because the m easures he took did not lead to the results he expected. This is the case with all people except those who are patient and do righteous deeds: if good things happen to them and blessings come to them , they give thanks to A llah, but they fear that the blessings o f A llah m ay lead to them getting carried aw ay in sin or that they signal a respite before punishm ent befalls them. But if a calam ity befalls them , affecting them selves, their wealth or their children, they show patience and hope for the grace o f their Lord, and they do not despair. Then Allah (4?) says: ^B ut if We give him}* that is, man w ho never grows w eary o f asking for good things, but if m isfortune befalls him, he is filled with despair and becom es despondent, ^ a taste o f m ercy from Us)* after that m isfortune that befell him, such as if Allah heals him from his sickness, or m akes him independent o f m eans after he had been poor, he does not give thanks to A llah (4s); rather he transgresses and com m its sin, and says: ^T his is m y due)* that is, it has com e to me because I am qualified for it and I deserve it, ^an d I do not think that the H our will ever com e^. This is denial o f the resurrection on his part, and ingratitude for the blessings and m ercy o f v/hich A llah has given him a taste. ^b u t if I am brought back to m y Lord, I will have with Him the best)* that is, assum ing that the Hour does come and that I am brought
Soorat Fussilat
(52-54) |
back to m y Lord, then I w ill have the best w ith Him; ju st as I had blessings in this world, I will have blessings in the hereafter. This is the greatest audacity and speaking about A llah w ithout knowledge. Hence Allah warns him by saying: -yJl aj
^ -*" ■
43:1. H a’. Meem. 43:2. By the clear Book, 43:3. verily, We have made it an Arabic Q u r’an so that you may understand, 43:4. and verily it is in the Mother of the Book [al-Lawh al-Mahfoodh]9 with Us, sublime and full o f wisdom.
9 Al-Lawh al-Mahfoodh: the Preserved Tablet, the place where the decrees of Allah are kept. All the divinely-revealed Books originated from there, hence it is called the Mother (that is, source or origin) of the Book.
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Tafseer as-Sa'di
J u z ’25
43:5. Should We, then, withdraw this reminder from you altogether, because you are a people transgressing beyond all bounds? ^B y the clear Book)? - this is an oath by the Q u r’an about the Q u r’an. A llah sw ears by the clear Book to indicate that it clarifies everything that people need to know about m atters pertaining to this world, religion and the hereafter. ^verily, We have m ade it an A rabic Q u r’an)? this is the subject o f the oath: Allah has m ade it in the m ost eloquent and clearest o f languages. Then He m entions the w isdom behind that, w hich is ^so that you m ay understand)? its words and m eanings, because it is easy to understand. «jand verily it)? nam ely this Book ^is in the M other o f the Book [al-Lawh al-M ahfoodh] with U s^, among those on high, in the highest and best rank, ^ su b lim e and full o f wisdom )? that is, it is sublim e and held in the highest esteem , and it is full o f w isdom in w hat it contains o f com m ands and prohibitions, and stories. There is no ruling in it that is contrary to wisdom , justice and equity. T hen A llah tells us that His w isdom and grace dictate that He should not leave His slaves neglected without sending a M essenger to them or sending dow n a Book to them , even if they are wrongdoers. Hence He says: ^(Should We, then, withdraw this rem inder from you altogether, because you are a people transgressing beyond all bounds?)? That is, should We turn aw ay from you and not send down the rem inder to you, and w ithdraw it from you because you turned aw ay and did not subm it to it? R ather We send down the Book to you and explain to you everything in it. Then if you believe and are guided, it is to your own benefit, otherw ise p ro o f is established against you and you know where you stand.
Soorat az-Zukhruf
(6-8) |
43:6. How many a Prophet did We send to the earlier nations! 43:7. No Prophet came to them but they ridiculed him. 43:8. So We destroyed them, although they were stronger in power than them [Quraysh], And the stories o f the earlier nations have already been mentioned [in the Q ur’an, as a lesson]. Here A llah says: this is O ur w ay with people: We do not leave them neglected. «{How m any a Prophet did We send to the earlier nations]?, enjoining them to w orship A llah alone, with no partner or associate, but they persisted in their disbelief. «fNo Prophet cam e to them but they ridiculed him)? rejecting the m essage he brought and arrogantly turning aw ay from the truth. «|So We destroyed them, although they were stronger in power than them [Q uraysh])j that is, they were stronger in term s o f their deeds and they m ade a m ore im pressive m ark on the land. And the stories o f the earlier nations have already been m entioned [in the Q u r’an, as a lesson]^; We have already explained to you lessons that m ay be taken from that and how that m ay serve as a deterrent against disbelief and denial.
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( U - 5 :j > j j l 43:9. If you ask them who created the heavens and the earth, they will surely say: The Almighty, All-Knowing created them. 43:10. It is He Who has spread out the earth for you and has traced out paths for you therein, so that you may find your way. 43:11. And it is He Who sends down water from the sky in due measure, and We give life thereby to a dead land. In like manner you will be brought forth [from your graves], 43:12. And it is He Who created all types o f things, and made for you ships and animals on which you ride, 43:13. so that you may settle yourselves on their backs and, when you have settled thereon, you may remember the blessings o f your Lord and say: Glory be to Him W ho has made this to be o f service to us, for we could not have gained control over it by ourselves. 43:14. It is to our Lord that we will surely return. H ere A llah (4g) tells us about the polytheists and that ^ I f you ask them w ho created the heavens and the earth, they will surely say)? that A llah alone created them , with no partner or associate, the Alm ighty to W hose might all creatures submit, the All-Knowing Who know s the outw ard and inward aspects o f all things, and knows their beginning and end. If they affirm that, then how can they ascribe to Him a son, spouse or partner? How can they ascribe as partners to Him any that does not create or grant provision, that has no pow er to cause death or give life?
Soorat az-Zukhruf
(9-14) |
Then Allah m entions evidence which is indicative o f the perfect nature o f His blessings and might, by pointing out what He has created for His slaves o f this earth w hich He spread out and m ade stable for them , so that they can do w hatever they w ant on it. ^and has traced out paths for you therein )j that is, He has created routes for you through the m ountain chains, so that you m ay reach the regions beyond the m ountains dso that you m ay find your way)? by travelling through those routes, and not get lost, and so that you m ay be guided to the right path when you contem plate that and reflect upon it. cjAnd it is He Who sends down water from the sky in due measure)?, not too m uch and not too little. It is sent dow n as needed, not so little that there will be no benefit in it and not so m uch that it will cause harm to people and the land; rather He sends people w hat they need o f it and saves the land from hardship thereby. H ence He says: dand We give life thereby to a dead land)? that is, We revive it after its death. if)In like m anner you w ill be brought forth [from your graves])? that is, ju st as He gives life to the dead, lifeless land by m eans o f water, He w ill give you life after you have com pleted y o u r set tim e in al-barzakh, so that He m ay requite you for your deeds. And it is He W ho created all types o f things)? that is, all types o f things that the earth produces, and o f them selves (different types), and o f (other) things o f w hich they have no know ledge (cf 36: 36), such as night and day, heat and cold, m ale and fem ale, and other things. *(and m ade for you ships)? both sailing ships and those that are driven by m echanical m eans, in w hich you travel ^and anim als on which you ride, so that you m ay settle yourselves on their backs)? - thus you settle on board ships and on the backs o f riding anim als dand, when you have settled thereon, you may remem ber the blessings o f your Lord)? by acknow ledging the blessings o f the O ne W ho has
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Tafseer as-Sa'di
m ade them to be o f service to you, and praising Him for that. Hence A llah says: «(and say: G lory be to H im W ho has m ade this to be o f service to us, for w e could not have gained control over it by ourselves)* that is, w ere it not for His m aking them to be o f service to us, we w ould not have been able to gain control over it. But by His kindness and generosity, He has m ade it to be o f service and has m ade its m eans available. W hat is m eant here is to highlight the fact that the Lord, W ho is as described here as being the B estow er o f all these favours, is the only One W ho is deserving o f w orship, prayers and prostration.
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43:46. Indeed We sent Moosa with O ur signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs, and he said: Verily I am the Messenger o f the Lord o f the worlds. 43:47. But when he came to them with Our signs, they ridiculed them.
Soorat az-Zukhruf
(46-56) |
43:48. Every sign We showed them was greater than the one that came before it, and We afflicted them with punishm ent14 so that they might turn in repentance. 43:49. They said: O m agician, call upon your Lord for us, on the strength o f the promise He has made to you;15 we will surely accept guidance. 43:50. But when We rem oved the punishm ent from them , they immediately broke their promise. 43:51. Pharaoh proclaimed to his people: O my people, does not the dominion o f Egypt belong to me, and these rivers flowing at my feet? Do you not see? 43:52. Am I not better than this contemptible wretch who cannot even express him self clearly?16 43:53. Why have no armlets o f gold been bestowed upon him, and why have no angels come with him to support him? 43:54. Thus he made fools o f his people and they obeyed him. They were indeed a rebellious and wicked people. 43:55. When they provoked Our wrath, We exacted retribution upon them and We drowned them all. 43:56. Thus We made them a precedent and an example for those who would come after them. Having said ^A sk those o f O ur M essengers whom We sent before you [O M uhammad]: Did We ever appoint any gods to be worshipped besides the M ost Gracious?)* (43: 45), Allah B e ) then describes the situation o f M oosa and his call, which is the m ost w ell-know n o f the 14 Some of the signs came in the form of punishments (floods, locusts, lice, frogs and blood), as mentioned in al-A‘raf (7:133). 15 The promise was that if they believed in Moosa, Allah would relieve them of the punishment. 16 Pharaoh referred to Moosa in these terms because he had a speech impediment.
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calls o f the M essengers, because A llah (M ) m entions it a great deal in His Book, and tells us his story with Pharaoh. ^ In d e ed We sent M oosa w ith O ur signs)* w hich d efinitively confirm ed the truth o f w hat he brought, such as the staff, the snake, the locusts, the lice and so on ^to Pharaoh and his chiefs, and he said: Verily I am the M essenger o f the Lord o f the worlds)*. Thus he called them to acknow ledge their Lord, and told them not to w orship anything other than Him. ^B u t w hen he cam e to them w ith O ur signs, they ridiculed them)* that is, they rejected them, denied them and m ocked them, wrongfully and arrogantly. That w as not because o f any shortcom ing in the signs or any lack o f clarity in them. Hence Allah says: ^E very sign We showed them was greater than the one that came before it)* that is, the later sign was greater than the earlier sign ^and We afflicted them with punishment)* such as the locusts, lice, frogs, and blood, distinct signs, ^so that they m ight turn in repentance)*, subm it to Allah, and give up their polytheism and evil. ^T hey said^, w hen the punishm ent befell them: ^ O magician)* m eaning M oosa (§1^). This w as either by w ay o f ridiculing him, or because for them addressing someone in this manner was a kind o f praise, so they beseeched him by addressing him as they addressed their so-called scholars, nam ely the m agicians. Therefore they said: m agician, call upon your Lord for us, on the strength o f the prom ise He has m ade to y o u ^ that is, by virtue o f w hat Allah has bestowed specifically upon you and has favoured you with o f favours and virtues, asking H im to relieve us o f the punishm ent; ^w e will surely accept guidance)* if A llah relieves us o f it. dB ut when We rem oved the punishm ent from them, they im mediately broke their promise)* that is, they did not keep their word; rather they broke their prom ise and persisted in their disbelief. This is like the verse in which Allah B g) says:
Soorat az-Zukhruf
(46-56) |
^ S o We sent against them floods, locusts, lice, frogs and blood, distinct signs, but they show ed arrogance and w ere w icked people. W hen the punishm ent befell them, they said: O Moosa, call upon your Lord for us, on the strength o f the prom ise He has m ade to you; if you remove the punishm ent from us, we will surely believe in you and we will let the C hildren o f Israel go with you. But w hen We rem oved the punishment from them until an appointed term which they w ere bound to reach, they im m ediately broke their promise.)* (al-A 'raf7: 133-135) ^Pharaoh proclaim ed to his people)*, show ing arrogant pride in his falsehood, having been deceived by w hat he had o f pow er and dom inion, and behaving in a tyrannical m anner because o f the wealth and troops that he had: my people, does not the dom inion o f Egypt belong to me)? that is, am I not the one who owns and controls all o f that? dand these rivers flow ing at my feet)* that is, the stream s that were diverted from the N ile to flow am ong the palaces and gardens ^D o you not see^ my vast dom inion? T his stem m ed from his great ignorance, for he took pride in som ething that was not connected to his attitude and character, and he did not take pride in p raisew orthy ch aracteristics or righteous deeds. ^A m I not better than this contem ptible wretch)? the person he referred to - m ay A llah curse him - as a contem ptible w retch was Moosa ibn ‘Imran, the one to whom the M ost Gracious spoke directly, who was o f high status before Allah. In other w ords he was saying: I am honourable and m ighty, and he is lowly, contem ptible and despised, so which o f us is better? ^who)?, furtherm ore, ^cannot even express him self clearly)? because he is not eloquent in speech. This is not som ething sham eful at all, because he was still able to express what was in his heart, even though speaking was difficult for him.
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Then Pharaoh said: ^W hy have no armlets o f gold been bestowed upon him)? that is, w hy can M oosa not be like that, adorned w ith jew ellery and arm lets? ^and w hy have no angels com e with him to support him)? and help him with his call? ^T hus he m ade fools o f his people and they obeyed him)? that is, he insulted their intelligence by giving them these flim sy argum ents that could not prove anything and w ere not based on facts; they could not prove anything, true or false, and could not be accepted by any except those w ho w ere w eak-m inded. W hat p roof was there to indicate that Pharaoh was in the right, just because the dom inion o f Egypt belonged to him and its rivers flowed at his feet? W hat p roof was there to indicate that w hat M oosa brought was false? Was it the fact that he had few followers, had difficulty in speaking and Allah did not bestow arm lets upon him ? But Pharaoh was addressing a people w ho did not think rationally, so w hatever he said they w ould accept, regardless o f w hether it was true or false, for ^T hey w ere indeed a rebellious and wicked people)?. Because o f their wickedness, Allah gave Pharaoh control over them and he made polytheism and evil fair-seem ing to them. ^W hen they provoked O ur wrath)? that is, incurred O ur anger by their deeds, «|We exacted retribution upon them and We drow ned them all. Thus We m ade them a precedent and an exam ple for those w ho w ould com e after them)? so that they m ight learn lessons from them and pay heed to their story.
Soorat az-Zukhruf
(57-65) § 99
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43:57. When the son o f Maryam was mentioned as an example, your people [O Muhammad] laughed and jeered,17 43:58. and said: Are our gods better, or he? They only mentioned him to you for the sake o f argument. Indeed they are an argumentative people. 43:59. He was but a slave whom We blessed, and We made him a sign for the Children o f Israel.
17 A polytheist called ‘Abdullah ibn az-Zab‘ari asked the Prophet (*§§) about the verse: t(Verily, you [O disbelievers] and that which you worship besides Allah are fuel for hell...)* (al-Anbiya’21: 98) - and whether it applied only to Quraysh and their gods, or to other nations too. When the Prophet ($)&) replied that it applied to all nations, the polytheist said: Do you not say that ‘Eesa is a Prophet of Allah and you venerate him and his mother, when you know that the Christians worship them both, and the angels are also worshipped? If all of these will be in the fire, we are happy to be with them, along with our gods! The Prophet ( t i | ) remained silent and Quraysh jeered and gloated, as they thought that he had been defeated in argument. Then Allah revealed the words: *(But those for whom We have decreed good will surely be kept far away from it [the fire].)* (al-Anbiya'2l: 101) - and these verses (43: 57-58), confirming that those who rejected the worship directed to them would never enter the fire.
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43:60. If We so willed, We could [destroy you all] and make angels to replace you on earth. 43:61. Verily he [‘Eesa] will be a sign o f the Hour, so have no doubt about it, and follow me; this is a straight path. 43:62. Do not let the Shaytan turn you away [from the straight path]; verily he is to you an avowed enemy. 43:63. When ‘Eesa came with clear signs, he said: I have come to you with wisdom, and to clarify to you some o f that concerning which you differ. So fear Allah, and obey me. 43:64. Verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. This is a straight path. 43:65. But the sects differed among themselves [concerning ‘Eesa]. So woe to the wrongdoers from the punishment o f a painful day! ^W hen the son o f M aryam was m entioned as an example]? that is, when it was said that it is forbidden to worship him , and worship o f him was deem ed equivalent to w orshipping the idols and rivals, (•[your people [O Muhammad]]? who disbelieved in you (•[laughed and jeered]? as they persisted in their opposition to you, and they gloated and claim ed that they had defeated you in argument. ^an d said: A re our gods better, or he?]? - referring to ‘Eesa, as worship o f all o f them was forbidden and the worship o f all o f them was included in the warning. M oreover, the words: ([Verily, you [O disbelievers] and that w hich you w orship besides A llah are fuel for hell; to it you will [surely] come.]? (al-Anbiya'21: 98) - w ere also revealed. T heir argum ent was as follows: it is well established and known to us and to you, O M uham m ad ( ^ ) , that ‘Eesa is one o f the slaves o f Allah who is close to Him and will have a good end, so why did you prohibit equally the worship o f all o f them (that is, o f ‘Eesa and o f the idols)? Were it not for the fact that your argum ent is false, you
Soorat az-Zukhruf
(57-65) |
w ould not have fallen into this contradiction! So why did you say, ^V erily you [O disbelievers] and that w hich you w orship besides Allah are fuel for hell; to it you will [surely] come)?? (21: 98) For this wording - according to their claim - included both the idols and ‘Eesa; is this not a contradiction, and is not a contradiction in argum ent an indication that it is false? This was the best argument they could come up with, which caused them to gloat and rejoice, so they started jeering and laughing. But in fact - praise be to A llah - it is one o f the w eakest and falsest o f specious arguments. The fact that Allah forbade equally the worship o f the M essiah and the w orship o f idols is because He alone is deserving o f w orship, and no one else deserves to be worshipped, no created being, no angel w ho is close to A llah, no Prophet who was sent, or any other created entity. So w hat is so confusing about forbidding the worship o f ‘Eesa and anyone else equally? The fact that Jesus ( H O is favoured by Allah and is close to his Lord highlights the difference betw een him and the idols. In fact he is as Allah ( 4 0 says: ^ H e was but a slave w hom We blessed)? w ith prophethood, wisdom , know ledge and righteous deeds, «(and We m ade him a sign for the C hildren o f Israel)? by w hich they would know the m ight o f Allah ( 4 0 W ho brought him into being w ithout a father. As for the verse: «(Verily, you [O disbelievers] and that w hich you w orship besides Allah are fuel for hell; to it you will [surely] come.)? (al-Anbiya ’21: 98) - the response to it is as follows: 1- In the phrase *(Verily you [O disbelievers] and that which you w orship besides Allah)?, the word ma (translated here as ^that which)?) refers to that w hich is inanim ate and has no pow er o f rational thinking, w hich does not include the M essiah and others like him.
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Juz' 25
2- It is addressed to the polytheists w ho lived in M akkah and its environs, who only w orshipped idols and im ages; they did not w orship the M essiah. 3- A fter this verse, Allah (4g) says: ^B ut those for whom We have decreed good will surely be kept far aw ay from it.)» (al-Anbiya 21: 101) U ndoubtedly ‘E esa and other P rophets and close friends o f Allah are included in this verse. Then Allah says: *flf We so w illed, We could [destroy you all] and m ake angels to replace you on earthy that is, We could cause angels to take your place on earth, and they w ould rem ain on earth until We sent to them angels like them. As for you, O hum ans, you cannot bear it if angels are sent to you, so by His m ercy tow ards you, A llah has sent to you M essengers o f your own kind, so that you will be able to learn from them. ^Verily he [‘Eesa] will be a sign o f the Hour]? that is, verily ‘Eesa ( 0 I ) will be an indication o f the approach o f the Hour, and that the O ne W ho brought him into being from a m other w ithout a father is able to resurrect the dead from their graves; or ‘Eesa ( 0 k ) will descend at the end o f tim e and will be one o f the portents o f the Hour. (fso have no doubt about it)£ that is, do not doubt the com ing o f the Hour, for doubt thereof constitutes disbelief ({and follow m e^ by com plying with w hat I enjoin upon you, and avoiding what I forbid to you ([this is a straight path)j that leads to Allah O s). ({Do not let the Shaytan turn you away [from the straight path]^ and from w hat Allah enjoins upon you, for verily the Shaytan ^ is to you an avow ed enem y^ who is keen to m islead you and is doing his utm ost to achieve that. (•[When ‘Eesa came with clear signs]5 confirm ing his prophethood and the soundness o f that which he brought to them , such as raising the dead, healing those bom blind and lepers, and other signs,
Soorat az-Zukhruf
(57-65) |
^h e said)? to the C hildren o f Israel: ^1 have com e to you w ith w isdom )? n am ely p ro p h eth o o d and know ledge o f what to do and how it should be done ^and to clarify to you som e o f that concerning w hich you differ)? that is, to explain to you what is correct and to give you answ ers, so as to dispel confusion from you. He cam e to com plete the law o f M oosa ( H O and the rulings o f the Torah, and to give som e concessions to m ake things easier, which dictated that they should follow him and accept w hat he brought to them. ^S o fear A llah, and obey me)? that is, w orship Allah alone, with no partner or associate, obey His com m ands, heed His prohibitions, and believe in me and what I say, «fand obey me)?. ^Verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so w orship Him. This is a straight path)? which involves affirm ation o f the oneness o f divine L ordship, for A llah is the Lord W ho takes care o f H is creation by bestow ing all kinds o f blessings, both visible and hidden. It also affirm s that worship should be devoted to Allah alone, as it enjoins w orship o f Him alone, w ith no partner or associate. Here ‘Eesa ( H O stated that he w as one o f the slaves o f A llah, and w as not as the C hristians describe him , the “ son o f G od” or the “third o f th ree” (trinity), and he stated that the things m entioned com prise the straight path that leads to Allah and to His paradise. W hen ‘Eesa ( H O cam e to them w ith this m essage, ^ th e sects differed am ong them selves^, each saying som ething false concerning him and rejecting the message he brought, except those o f the believers whom A llah guided, who testified that he was a M essenger o f Allah and w ho believed in everything that he brought, and said that he was the slave and M essenger o f Allah. ^ S o w oe to the w rongdoers from the punishm ent o f a painful day!)? that is, how great the sorrow o f the w rongdoers will be, and how great their loss, on that day!
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43:66. What are they waiting for, but for the Hour to come upon them suddenly when they least expect it? 43:67. Close friends, on that day, will be enemies to one another, except the righteous. 43:68. [It will be said to them:] O My slaves, you will have no fear this day, nor will you grieve, 43:69. [you] who believed in Our revelations and submitted [to Us, in Islam], 43:70. Enter the garden, you and your spouses, rejoicing. 43:71. Platters o f gold and cups will be passed around among them; [there will be] therein all that souls may desire and all that eyes may delight in, and you will abide therein forever. 43:72. This is paradise, which you are made to inherit as a reward for your deeds. 43:73. In it there is abundant fruit for you to eat. Here Allah says: w hat are the disbelievers w aiting for? Are they expecting anything
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0 fa i\% (an-Nahl 16: 2-3) It is Allah (4c) W ho created those who are accountable, and He created their dw ellings and m ade to be o f service to them all that is in the heavens and on earth, then He sent His M essengers to them , and sent down to them His Books. He sent His com m ands and prohibitions to them and told them that this realm is the realm o f striving and a place for those w ho strive to pass through; it is not a place o f settlem ent that people will never leave. R ather they will m ove on from it to the place o f settlem ent and the eternal abode, and they will find the rew ard for their deeds that they did in this realm w aiting for them in full in that realm. Thus Allah establishes proof that points to that realm and gives people a taste o f rew ard and punishm ent in this w orld, so as to m otivate them to seek what they love and flee from w hat they fear. Therefore He says here: 'it •. • '" ' * s " . ~
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54:6. So turn away from them. On the day when the caller calls them to something terrible, 54:7. with eyes downcast they will come forth from their graves like swarming locusts, 54:8. rushing headlong towards the caller. The disbelievers will say: This will be a hard day! Here Allah 0 s ) says to His M essenger ( 3| | ) : It has becom e clear that there is no w ay the disbelievers w ill be guided, so there is no option left but to turn aw ay from them. «(So turn aw ay from them)* and w ait for the m om entous day and terrible horror to befall them. That will be w hen ^the caller^ nam ely Israfeel (S |5 0 ^calls them to som ething terrible)* that is, to som ething aw ful that people w ould be scared of, and nothing m ore terrible and m ore distressing than it has ever been seen. Israfeel will sound a blast on the Trum pet, at which the dead will emerge from their graves for the final judgem ent. ^w ith eyes downcast)* because o f fear and dread that has reached their hearts; their eyes will be dow ncast hum bly for that reason. «fthey will come forth from their graves like swarming locusts)* that is, because o f their large numbers and their movement, they will resemble a swarm o f locusts covering the earth with their huge num bers, ^rushing headlong towards the caller^ that is, hastening to respond to the call o f the caller. This indicates that the caller will sum m on them
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and com m and them to attend the place o f gathering on the Day o f Resurrection, and they will answ er his call and hasten to respond to it. ^T he disbelievers)* whose punishm ent has com e ^w ill say: This will be a hard day!)* This is like the verse in which Allah (4s) says: *[Not easy for the disbelievers.)* (al-Muddath-thir 74:10) W hat this im plies is that it will be easy for the believers.
54:9. Before them the people o f Nooh also disbelieved. They rejected Our slave and said: He is a madman, and he was rebuked and threatened. 54:10. So he called upon his Lord, saying: I am overwhelmed, so help me! 54:11. So We opened the gates o f heaven with water pouring down in torrents, 54:12. And We caused the earth to burst forth with springs, then the waters met for a purpose that had already been decreed. 54:13. We carried him on a [vessel] made o f planks and nails, 54:14. sailing under Our watchful eyes; a recompense for one who had been rejected. 54:15. Verily We have left it as a sign; is there then any who will pay heed?
Soorat al-Qamar
(9-17) |
54:16. Then how were My punishment and My warnings? 54:17. We have indeed made the Q u r’an easy to understand and remember; is there then any who will pay heed? Having mentioned the situation o f those who rejected His M essenger ( - i |) and that the signs did not benefit them or have any im pact on them at all, Allah (4s) w arns them and alerts them by m entioning the punishm ent o f past nations w ho rejected the M essengers, and how Allah destroyed them and sent His punishm ent upon them. A llah m entions the people o f N ooh, the first M essenger w hom A llah sent to people who w orshipped idols, and he called them to affirm the oneness o f Allah and to w orship Him alone, with no partner or associate. But they refused to give up polytheism and said (to one another): cL.Do not forsake your gods; do not forsake Wadd, Suw a‘, Yaghooth, Ya‘ooq and N asr.p (Nooh 71: 23) N ooh kept on calling them to A llah, by night and by day, in private and in public, but that only increased them in stubbornness, transgression, opposition and criticism o f their Prophet. Hence Allah says here: ^T hey rejected O ur slave and said: He is a m adm an^, because they claim ed that w hat they and their forefathers follow ed o f polytheism and m isguidance was w hat was supported by reason, and that w hat N ooh ( H O brought was ignorance and m isguidance, that could only com e from those w ho w ere insane. B ut they w ere lying and turn in g upside dow n facts that w ere proven according to religious teaching and rational thinking. W hat he brought was the established truth w hich guides enlightened and sound-thinking m inds to true guidance, light and maturity, whereas w hat they were following was ignorance and clear m isguidance.
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«fand he w as rebuked and threatened)* that is, his people rebuked him and told him o ff w hen he called them to A llah (4e). But they did not stop at not believing in him or at rejecting him ; they w ent to great lengths in trying to harm him as m uch as they could. This is how all the enem ies o f the M essengers w ere and how they treated their Prophets. A t th at p o in t, N o o h c a lled upon h is L ord, saying: ^1 am overwhelmed)* and cannot stand up to them, because no one am ong his people believed except very few, but they had no strength to resist his people. «(so help me)*, O Lord, against them . A ccording to another verse, he said: ^...M y Lord, do not leave on earth a single living soul from am ong the disbelievers.)* (N ooh 71: 26) A llah answ ered his request and helped him against his people. Allah (4s) tells us here: ^So We opened the gates o f heaven with water pouring down in torrents)* that is, a great deal o f w ater pouring down. ^A n d We caused the earth to burst forth w ith springs)*, so the heavens began sending down an extraordinary am ount o f water, and the earth burst forth with springs
4 then the w aters^ nam ely the w aters o f the heaven and the w aters o f the earth f|m et for a purpose that had already been decreed)* by A llah. In other words, A llah had ordained it and decreed it from eternity as a punishm ent for those transgressors and evildoers. ^W e carried him on a [vessel] m ade o f planks and nails^ that is, We saved O ur slave N ooh on the ark that was m ade o f planks and nails; in other words, it was m ade o f planks that w ere held together with nails. ^sailing under O ur watchful eyes)* that is, it sailed with N ooh and those who believed with him, and the different kinds o f creatures that
Soorat al-Qamar
(9-17) |
he took on board w ith him , under the care o f Allah, W ho protected them from drow ning, for He is the best protector and best disposer o f affairs. ^ a recom pense for one w ho had been rejected^ that is, We did w hat We did for Nooh, saving him from the w idespread drowning, as a reco m p en se for him after his p eo p le had rejected him and disbelieved in him , but he patiently persisted in calling them and continued to obey the com m and o f Allah, from w hich no one could deter him or stop him. This is like the verse in w hich A llah (4fe) says o f him: ^It was said: O Nooh, disem bark w ith safety granted by Us, and with blessings upon you and some o f the com m unities [who will spring from] those who are w ith y o u ... ^ (Hood 11: 48) It m ay be that w hat is m eant is: We destroyed the people o f Nooh and did w hat we did to them o f punishing and disgracing them as a requital for their disbelief and stubbornness. ^Verily We have left it as a sign; is there then any who will pay heed?^ That is, We have left the story o f N ooh w ith his people as a sign so that people m ay pay heed and realise that w hoever disobeys the M essengers and stubbornly rejects them , A llah will destroy them w ith w idespread severe punishm ent. O r it m ay be that the pronoun ^ it^ refers to the ark and ships in general, and that A llah taught His slave Nooh ( H O how to m ake them , then Allah (4g) left that craft am ong the people as an indication and sign o f His m ercy and care for His creation, and o f His great might. dis there then any who will pay heed?p That is, is there any who will pay heed to the signs, pay attention and reflect upon them , for they are very clear and straightforw ard? ^T hen how w ere M y punishm ent and M y w arn ings?^ T hat is, how do you see the painful punishm ent o f Allah and His w arnings w hich left no excuse for anyone?
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^W e have indeed m ade the Q u r’an easy to understand and rem em ber; is there then any w ho will pay heed?^ that is, We have m ade the w ords o f this Holy Q u r’an easy to m em orise and recite, and We have m ade its m eanings easy to understand and know, because it is the best o f speech in w ording, the truest in m eaning and the clearest in interpretation. So for everyone who reads it with focus o f m ind, A llah m akes it easy for him to attain w hat he seeks o f know ledge. U nderstanding and rem em bering includes everything that those who seek know ledge w ant to know o f w hat is lawful and unlawful, com m ands and prohibitions, rulings o f requital, exhortation and stories from which to learn lessons, w hat one needs to know o f true beliefs, and true stories (o f the past and future). Hence know ledge o f the Q u r’an - in term s o f both m em orising and understanding - is the easiest o f know ledge, and the noblest o f all branches o f know ledge. It is beneficial know ledge w hich, if a person seeks it, he will receive divine help to attain it. O ne o f the early generations said concerning this verse: there is no seeker o f know ledge but he will be divinely helped to attain it. Therefore Allah calls His slaves to study the Q u r’an and pay heed (to its contents) by saying: ^is there then any who will pay heed?^
54:18. ‘Ad disbelieved. Then how were My punishm ent and My warnings? 54:19. So We sent against them a furious cold wind on an unremittingly inauspicious day, 54:20. which swept the people away as if they were trunks o f uprooted palm trees.
Soorat al-Qamar
(18-22) |
54:21. Then how were My punishment and My warnings? 54:22. We have indeed made the Q u r’an easy to understand and remember; is there then any who will pay heed? ‘Ad w ere a w ell-know n tribe in Yemen, to w hom A llah sent Hood (S*5b), to call them to affirm His oneness and w orship Him alone, but they rejected him. So A llah sent against them «ja furious cold wind)* that is, a very powerful wind. ^on an unrem ittingly inauspicious day)* that is, a day that brought severe punishm ent and m isery upon them ^unremittingly)* - the punishm ent lasted for seven consecutive nights and eight consecutive days. «fwhich sw ept the people away)* because it w as so strong and fierce; it lifted them up to the sky, then hurled them dow n to earth and destroyed them. Thus they becam e ^ as if they w ere trunks o f uprooted palm trees)* that is, as if their bodies, after their destruction, were like the hollow trunks o f palm trees that had been struck by the w ind and fallen to the ground. How w orthless people are to A llah if they disobey His com m ands. ^T hen how were My punishm ent and My warnings?)* By Allah, it was a painful punishment, and the warnings left no excuse for anyone. ^W e have indeed m ade the Q u r’an easy to u nderstand and rem em ber; is there then any who will pay heed?)* A llah repeats this phrase, out o f m ercy and care for His slaves, as He calls them to that w hich is in their best interests in this w orld and the hereafter.
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54:23. Thamood rejected the warnings. 54:24. They said: What! Are we to follow a single human from among ourselves? Then we would surely have fallen into error and madness! 54:25. Has the message been sent to him alone, out o f all o f us? Nay, he is an insolent liar. 54:26. Tomorrow they will know who the insolent liar is. 54:27. Verily We are sending the she-camel as a test for them, so watch them [O Salih] and be patient, 54:28. and tell them that the water is to be shared between them; each will be allowed to drink in turn. 54:29. But they called their companion, and he seized [the she-camel] and hamstrung her. 54:30. Then how were My punishment and My warnings? 54:31. Verily We sent against them a single blast, and they became like dry sticks collected to build a pen for livestock. 54:32. We have indeed made the Q u r’an easy to understand and remember; is there then any who will pay heed? ^Thamood)? who w ere the w ell-know n tribe in the land o f al-H ijr ^rejected the w arnings^ o f their Prophet Salih ( H O , when he called them to w orship A llah alone with no partner or associate, and warned them o f the consequences if they disobeyed him. But they rejected his m essage and w ere arrogant tow ards him ; they said, out o f arrogance and insolence: «|What! Are we to follow a
Soorat al-Qamar
(23-32) |
single hum an from am ong ourselves?^ T hat is, how can we follow a hum an and not an angel, w ho is from am ong ourselves and not from am ong others who are greater than us in p eo p le’s view? Furtherm ore, he is ju st one man. «(Then)*, if we follow him in that case, ^w e w ould surely have fallen into error and m adness!^ T hat is, we will be lost and doom ed. These words stem m ed from their m isguidance and w retchedness, for they w ere reluctant to follow a hum an M essenger, but they were not reluctant to w orship trees, rocks and images. ^H as the m essage been sent to him alone, out o f all o f us?^ That is, how could Allah single him out from am ong us and send the m essage down to him ? W hat m akes him so special out o f all o f us? This is an objection on the part o f the disbelievers to Allah, and they kept on presenting this argum ent, and rejecting the call o f the M essengers on the basis thereof. A llah responded to this specious argum ent by m eans o f w hat the M essengers said to their nations: dT heir M essengers said to them: Indeed, we are but hum an beings like yourselves, but A llah bestow s His favour upon w hom ever He wills o f His slaves...)* (Ibraheem 14: 11) A llah blessed the M essengers by bestow ing upon them sublim e attributes and characteristics that made them fit to convey the message o f their Lord and be chosen to receive His revelation. By His mercy and wisdom, they were human beings, for if they had been angels, hum ans w ould not have been able to leam from them. If A llah had caused them to be from am ong the angels, He w ould have hastened the punishm ent for those who disbelieved in them. T he intention behind these w ords that T ham ood said to their Prophet Salih was a rejection o f him; hence they judged him in an unfair m anner and said: ^N ay, he is an insolent liar)* that is, he tells m any lies and does a great deal o f evil.
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M ay Allah curse them ; how foolish and evil they were, and how badly they confronted the sincere people, w ith insulting w ords. It is no w onder that A llah punished them w hen they w ent too far in transgression. Allah sent the she-cam el, w hich was one o f the greatest blessings that He bestow ed upon them , one o f the signs o f Allah. H er m ilk was sufficient for all o f them. das a test for them]? that is, as a trial for them «fso w atch them [O Salih] and be patient^ that is, be patient in calling them ; w atch and see w hat happens to them , and see w hether they will believe or disbelieve. dand tell them that the w ater is to be shared betw een them]? tell them that the w ater source from w hich they drink is to be shared betw een them and the she-cam el; she is to drink one day and they are to drink another day, according to a set schedule. ^each will be allow ed to drink in turn]? that is, the one w hose turn it is m ay go there, and the one w hose turn it is not is to be kept away. «|But they called their com panion^ w ho was the one who actually ham strung the she-cam el; he was the m ost w retched m em ber o f the tribe. «{and he seized [the she-cam el] and ham strung her^, doing w hat they instructed him to do. ^T hen how w ere M y punishm ent and M y w arnings?^ They were severe indeed; A llah sent against them a blast and an earthquake that destroyed them to the last man, but Allah saved Salih and those who believed with him. «[We have indeed m ade the Q u r’an easy to u nderstand and rem em ber; is there then any who will pay heed?]?
Soorat al-Qamar
(33-40) |
54:33. The people o f Loot rejected the warnings. 54:34. We sent against them a violent squall o f pebbles, [which destroyed them all] except the family o f Loot; We delivered them before dawn 54:35. by Our grace. Thus do We reward those who give thanks. 54:36. He had indeed warned them o f Our punishing onslaught, but they doubted the warnings. 54:37. They demanded that he let them have their way with his guests. So We blinded their eyes, [saying]: Taste My punishment and My warnings. 54:38. Early in the morning a lasting punishment overtook them. 54:39. Taste My punishment and My warnings. 54:40. We have indeed made the Q u r’an easy to understand and remember; is there then any who will pay heed? ^T h e people o f Loot rejected the warnings)? w hen Loot
called them to w orship A llah alone, with no partner or associate, and he forbade them to ascribe partners to Allah or com m it shameful deeds that were unprecedented am ong other nations. But they rejected him and persisted in their polytheism and evil deeds, to the extent that w hen the people o f Loot heard about the angels who cam e to Loot in the guise o f guests, they cam e rushing,
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Juz ’27
wanting to com m it sham eful deeds with them and dem anding that he let them have their way w ith them. So A llah com m anded Jibreel OHO to blind their eyes w ith his wing, and their Prophet w arned them o f the punishm ent o f Allah, ^but they doubted the w arnings^. ^E arly in the m orning a lasting punishm ent overtook them jj Allah overturned their houses on top o f them , turning them upside down, and He follow ed that with a show er o f stones o f baked clay, one after another, specifically m arked, and kept with your Lord for the evildoers. But A llah saved Loot and his fam ily from that great distress, as a reward to them for their gratitude to their Lord and their worship o f Him alone, with no partner or associate.
54:41. Indeed warnings came to the people o f Pharaoh. 54:42. They rejected all o f Our signs, so We seized them with the vehement grip o f One Who is Almighty, Omnipotent.
Soorat al-Qamar
(41-55) |
54:43. Are your disbelievers [O Quraysh] better than those, or have you been promised immunity in the [earlier] scriptures? 54:44. Or do they say: We are a united group, bound to prevail? 54:45. This group will be defeated, and they will turn and flee. 54:46. What is more, the Hour is their appointed time, and the Hour will be more calamitous and more bitter. 54:47. Verily the evildoers are in error and will be in the raging fire. 54:48. On the day when they will be dragged in the fire on their faces, [it will be said to them]: Taste the agony o f hell! 54:49. Verily We have created all things according to a determined measure. 54:50. Our command is but a single [word, which is fulfilled] like the twinkling o f an eye .53 54:51. We have destroyed many a nation like yourselves [O Quraysh]; is there then any who will pay heed? 54:52. Everything they did is recorded in the books [of their deeds], 54:53. and everything, small or great, is written down. 54:54. Verily the righteous will be in the midst o f gardens and rivers, 54:55. seated in honour in the presence o f a Sovereign Omnipotent. ^Indeed w arnings cam e to the people o f Pharaoh)*. A llah sent M oosa to them , and supported him w ith clear signs and irrefutable m iracles, and caused them to w itness signs that H e had never caused anyone else to w itness. B ut they rejected all the signs o f A llah, so He seized them w ith the vehem ent grip o f O ne W ho is A lm ighty, O m nipotent, and drow ned them in the sea - him and his troops. The purpose behind recounting these stories is to w arn the people and those w ho disbelieved in M uham m ad ( ^ ) . H ence A llah says: 53 T his is like the verse in Soorat Y a Seen in w h ich A llah says: ^H is w ay, w hen H e d ecrees a matter, is m erely to say to it, ‘B e !’ and it is.)* (Ya Seen 36: 82)
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Juz ’2 7
^A re your disbelievers [O Q uraysh] better than th o se^ that is, are these people who rejected the best o f the M essengers better than those disbelievers whose destruction Allah tells us about and describes what happened to them ? I f they are better than them , then they could be saved from the punishm ent and there would not befall them that which befell those evil people. But that is not the case; if they are not w orse than them , then they are not better than them either. dor have you been prom ised immunity in the [earlier] scriptures?^ That is, has Allah given you a prom ise and a covenant in the scriptures that He sent dow n to the Prophets, so you believe that you will be saved on the basis o f a prom ise from Allah? T hat is not the case; in fact it is not even possible, according to reason or according to the texts, for them to have been granted immunity in the divinely-revealed Books that are based on justice and w isdom. It is not w ise for people such as these stubborn disbelievers w ho rejected the best o f the M essengers and the dearest o f them to A llah to be saved. So there is nothing left for them but to have their own strength by which to prevail, and indeed A llah (-Sg) tells us that they said: ^W e are a united group, bound to prevail)?. Allah (4g) says, highlighting their w eakness and the fact that they will be defeated: ^T his group will be defeated, and they will turn and flee^. And that happened as He foretold: Allah defeated their great gathering on the day o f Badr, and killed m any o f their leaders and prom inent figures. Thus they w ere hum iliated, and A llah granted victory to His religion, His Prophet (J§§) and His party, the believers. M oreover, they will have an appointed tim e w here the first and the last o f them will be gathered together, as will those am ong them who suffered in this world, and those who enjoyed the pleasures o f life. Hence A llah says: ^W hat is m ore, the H our is their appointed time)? when they will be requited and scores will be settled with them on the basis o f justice.
Soorat al-Qamar
(41-55) |
dand the Hour will be m ore calam itous and m ore bitter)* that is, it will be m ore serious, m ore difficult and m ore distressing than anything one could im agine or that could possibly cross o n e’s mind. ^Verily the evildoers)* that is, those who com m itted a lot o f evil deeds and grave sins, such as ascribing partners to A llah and other acts o f disobedience t(are in error and will be in the raging fire)* they are m isguided in this w orld, straying from know ledge and straying from righteous deeds that could save them from divine punishm ent, and on the D ay o f Resurrection, they will find them selves suffering a painful punishm ent in the fire that will rage around them and bum their bodies until it reaches their hearts. «fOn the day w hen they w ill be dragged in the fire on their faces)* - the face is the noblest part o f the body, w here pain is felt m ore intensely than pain elsew here in the body. Thus they will be humiliated and disgraced, and it will be said to them: ^Taste the agony o f hell! )* That is, taste the pain o f the fire, and its anger, rage and flames. ^V erily We have created all things according to a determ ined measure)* - this includes all creatures, in the upper and low er realms. Allah alone created them and they have no creator other than Him; no one had any share in their creation. A llah created them according to a decree o f w hich He had prior know ledge and that had been w ritten by His pen w ith regard to its tim ing and predeterm ined m easure, and all its characteristics and qualities. That is easy for Allah, therefore He says: ^ O u r com m and is but a single [w ord, w hich is fulfilled] like the tw inkling o f an eye)*. W hen He w ills a thing, He m erely says to it, ‘B e!’ and it is as He w ills it, like the tw inkling o f an eye, w ith no resistance or reluctance (on the part o f the thing in question).
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J u z ’27
^ We have destroyed many a nation like yourselves^ o f the previous nations w ho did deeds such as you have done and disbelieved as you have disbelieved. «[is there then any w ho will pay heed?)? That is, is there anyone who will pay heed and realise that A llah ’s way o f dealing with the earlier and later generations is the same, and that ju st as His w isdom decreed that the earlier evildoers be destroyed, these people are just like them, and there is no difference betw een the two groups? ^Everything they did is recorded in the books [of their deeds])? that is, all that they have done, good or bad, is already recorded against them in the books o f their deeds, ^and everything, sm all or great, is written down)?. This is the reality o f the divine will and decree, that A llah (4g) know s all things and has w ritten them dow n w ith Him in al-Lawh al-M ahfoodh. W hatever Allah wills happens and w hatever He does not will does not happen. W hatever befalls a person could not have missed him and whatever m isses him could not have befallen him. ^Verily the righteous)? who fear Allah by doing what He commands and refraining from w hat He forbids, who avoid ascription o f partners to A llah and sins both m ajor and minor, ^w ill be in the m idst o f gardens and riv ers^ that is, they will be in gardens o f bliss in which there is that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has it ever crossed the m ind o f man, such as fruitful trees, flowing rivers, lofty palaces, elegant houses, delicious food and drink, beautiful hoor, and splendid gardens in paradise, the good pleasure o f the Sovereign Judge, and attaining closeness to Him. Hence He says: ^seated in honour in the presence o f a Sovereign Omnipotent)?. A fter that, do not ask about w hat their Lord will give them o f honour and generosity, and w hat He w ill bestow upon them o f im m ense
Soorat al-Qamar
(41-55) |
blessings. M ay A llah m ake us am ong them and not deprive us o f the best o f that which is with Him because o f our evil deeds. This is the end o f the com m entary on Soorat al-Qamar. A ll praise and thanks are for A llah, and m ay the b lessin g s and peace o f A llah be upon Prophet M uham m ad (iH §), his fam ily, and his C om panions abundantly until the D ay o f Judgem ent.
Soorat ar-Rahman (M akki)
In the name o f Allah, the Most Gracious, the M ost Merciful
( jljk o n lj
J -
0 t-\ A
57:18. Verily men and women who give in charity and lend to Allah a goodly loan, it will be multiplied for them and theirs will be a generous reward. 57:19. Those who believe in Allah and His Messengers, it is they who are the strong and true in faith. And the martyrs will have their reward and their light with their Lord. As for those who disbelieve and deny Our revelations, they will be inhabitants o f the blazing fire. *(Verily men and women who give in charity)* - the structure o f the words translated here as «fmen and women who give in charity^ refers to those who give a great deal o f charity, as prescribed in Islamic teaching, and who spend in ways that earn the pleasure o f Allah ^and lend to Allah a goodly loan)? by giving o f their wealth to charitable causes, the reward o f which will be stored up for them with their Lord ^it will be multiplied for them)* because a good deed earns a tenfold reward, up to seven hundredfold, up to many times more. «fand theirs will be a generous reward^ which is what Allah has prepared for them in paradise o f that which no one knows. ^Those who believe in Allah and His Messengers)* - according to ahl as-Sunnah, faith is that which is indicated by the Qur’an and Sunnah, namely belief in the heart that is expressed verbally, and sound attitudes in the heart, good words and righteous physical actions. That includes all the teachings o f Islam, both outward and inward.
Soorat al-Hadeed
(18-19) |
T hose w ho com bine all these things are the strong and true in faith. In other words, their status is higher than that o f the ordinary believers and low er than that o f the Prophets. ^A n d the m artyrs will have their rew ard and their light with their Lord)* as is m entioned in the saheeh hadith: «In paradise there are one hundred levels; the distance betw een each two levels is like the distance betw een heaven and earth. A llah has prepared them for those who strive in His cause.» (Bukhari) This im plies that they will be o f a very high and sublim e status, and very close to A llah (4s). ^A s for those who disbelieve and deny O ur revelations, they will be inhabitants o f the blazing fire p. T hese verses m ention all categories o f people: those w ho give in charity, the strong and true in faith, the m artyrs and the inhabitants o f the blazing fire. T hose w ho give in charity are the ones w hose m ain focus in righteous deeds is to show kindness to people and try to benefit them and help them to the best o f their ability, especially by helping them financially for the sake o f Allah. The strong and true in faith are those who have reached the highest levels o f faith, righteous deeds, beneficial know ledge and certainty o f faith. The martyrs are those w ho fought in A llah’s cause to m ake A llah’s word suprem e, offering their lives and their wealth, and w ere killed. The inhabitants o f the blazing fire are the disbelievers who rejected the revelations o f Allah. There rem ains one m ore category, which Allah m entions in Soorat Fatir. They are the ones who follow ed a m iddle course (35: 32), w ho did obligatory duties and refrained from prohibited m atters, but they fell short w ith regard to some duties tow ards Allah and towards other people. Their ultim ate abode will be paradise, even though they m ay face punishm ent for som e o f their deeds.
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J u z ’27
57:20. Know that the life o f this world is nothing but play and a distraction, adornment and boasting among yourselves, and rivalry in wealth and children. It is like plants that flourish after rain, pleasing the sowers, then they wither, and you see them turn yellow, then they crumble. And in the hereafter there will be a severe punishment, or forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure. For the life o f this world is nothing but a fleeting vanity. 57:21. Race towards forgiveness from your Lord and paradise which is as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. That is the grace o f Allah, which He bestows upon whomever He wills, for Allah is the Possessor o f abundant grace. Here Allah tells us about the real nature o f this w orld and how it actually is, highlighting that all that may be said o f it, and all that its people can get from it, is that it is play and a distraction for hearts and bodies. This is confirm ed by what you find in real life o f people who focus only on worldly m atters; you will find them spending their lifetim es in distraction, heedless o f the rem em brance o f Allah and o f what lies ahead o f divine prom ises and w arnings, and you see them taking their religion as a mere gam e and mockery.
Soorat al-Hadeed
(20-21) |
In contrast, those who are aw are and strive for the hereafter have hearts that constantly rem em ber Allah, know him and love Him; they fill their time with righteous deeds that will bring them closer to Allah and m ay benefit them or m ay benefit them and others. ^ a d o m m e n t^ - this refers to adornm ent in clothing, food and drink, m eans o f transportation, houses and palaces, status, and other things ^and boasting among yourselves^ that is, each one o f its people wants to boast to others and be the one who prevails in w orldly m atters and the one who is fam ous in term s o f w orldly splendour. ^and rivalry in wealth and children^ that is, each one wants to be the one w ho has m ore than others in term s o f w ealth and children. This is the case with those who love this w orld and are content with it. This is in contrast to those who know how this w orld really is and regard it as a place to pass through, not a place to settle in. Therefore they com pete in that which will bring them closer to A llah, and take m easures to help them reach Him, and if they see those who com pete w ith them in accum ulating w ealth and children, they com pete with them in righteous deeds. Then Allah compares this world to the rain that falls on the ground, by m eans o f w hich all kinds o f plants are brought forth from the earth, from which both people and anim als eat. Then when the land is at its loveliest and takes on its fairest appearance, and is pleasing to the sowers w hose main focus is w orldly gain, there com es to it the decree o f Allah that it should be destroyed, so it w ithers and dries up, and the land returns to its form er state, as if nothing green had ever grown there and it had never looked elegant and beautiful. Such is this world: whilst it is flourishing for the one who focuses on it, and w h atev er he w ants o f w o rldly gains he attains it, and w hatever he seeks to achieve o f worldly m atters, he finds the doors to it wide open, suddenly the divine decree com es to pass and it is
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Tafseer as-Sa'di
J u z ’2 7
all taken aw ay from him; he loses control over worldly m atters, or he is taken from this w orld in death, so he departs from it em ptyhanded, having taken nothing from it in term s o f provisions except his shroud. How doom ed is the one for whom this world is the sum o f his aspirations, and it is all he works and strives for. As for striving for the hereafter, that is w hat is o f benefit and is stored up for a person and will stay with him forever. Hence Allah (4s) says: «(And in the hereafter there will be a severe punishm ent, or forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure^ that is, in the hereafter, there can only be one o f these two scenarios: Either severe punishm ent in the fire o f hell, with its chains, fetters and horrors for those whose only aim and aspiration was worldly gain, so they had the audacity to disobey Allah, reject His revelations and show ingratitude for His blessings; or forgiveness from Allah for bad deeds, protection from punishm ent, and the good pleasure o f Allah. This is for those who recognised this w orld for w hat it was and strove hard for the hereafter. All o f this should prom pt people to lose interest in this w orld and focus on the hereafter. Hence Allah says: ^F o r the life o f this world is nothing but a fleeting vanity^ that is, it is nothing but som ething to be enjoyed briefly and benefited from, to m eet o n e’s needs. No one is deceived by it and content with it except people o f weak reasoning who are deceived by the Shaytan. Then Allah enjoins people to race tow ards His forgiveness, good pleasure and paradise, which is done by striving to take the m easures that lead to forgiveness, such as: sincere repentance; asking Allah for forgiveness; keeping aw ay from sins and the places where they may happen; and com peting to earn the good pleasure o f Allah by doing righteous deeds and being constantly eager to do that which pleases Allah, such as w orshipping the C reator properly, and treating people kindly in all ways. H ence A llah m entions the deeds that earn His pleasure, as He says:
Soorat al-Hadeed
(22-24) |
^an d paradise w hich is as w ide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those w ho believe in A llah and His M essengers^ belief in Allah and His M essengers includes the fundam entals and m inor issues o f faith. ^T hat is the grace o f Allah, w hich He bestow s upon w hom ever He w ills^ that is, what We have explained to you and m entioned includes the w ays that lead to paradise and the w ays that lead to hell. A llah’s grace by bestow ing abundant reward is one o f the greatest blessings that He bestow s upon His slaves. ^for Allah is the Possessor o f abundant graced, Who cannot be praised enough for it; rather He is as He has praised Him self, and far above the praise that His slaves can offer Him.
57:22. No calamity befalls the earth or your own selves but it is already written in a Book before We make it happen. Verily that is easy for Allah. 57:23. [Know this] so that you do not grieve for what passes you by, nor exult over what He gives you, for Allah does not love anyone who is conceited and boastful, 57:24. those who are stingy, and exhort people to stinginess. And whoever turns away, verily Allah is Self-Sufficient, Worthy o f all praise. Here Allah speaks o f the all-encom passing nature o f His will and decree:
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Tafseer as-Sa'di
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^N o calam ity befalls the earth or your ow n selves)* - this includes everything that happens to people, good or bad, great or sm all; it is all w ritten in al-Law h al-M ahfoodh. Allah tells His slaves that so that this principle m ay be established in th eir m inds, and on that basis they m ay understand w hatever happens to them , good or bad. Thus they will not despair or grieve for w hat has passed them by o f things that they w ere hoping for and aspired to, because they know that this was w ritten in al-Lawh al-M ahfoodh, and would inevitably come to pass, so there was no way to ward it off. By the sam e token, they will not exult over w hatever Allah gives them , because they know that they did not attain it by their own pow er and strength; rather they attained it by the grace and blessing o f Allah, so they should focus on giving thanks to the One W ho bestow ed blessings and w arded o ff harm. Hence Allah says: ^A llah does not love anyone who is conceited and boastful)* that is, everyone who is arrogant, rough, harsh, filled with self-adm iration and boasts about the blessings granted to him by Allah, attributing them to him self. Thus these blessings distract him and cause him to transgress, as A llah says elsewhere: ^ ...w h e n We bestow a favour upon him from Us, he says: This has been given to me only because o f know ledge [that 1 possess]. Rather it is a te s t.. .^ (az-Zumar 39: 49) ^those who are stingy, and exhort people to stinginess^ that is, they com bine two blam ew orthy attitudes, each o f which on its own is sufficient evil: stinginess, which m eans w ithholding people’s due rights, and exhorting people to do likewise. So it was not enough for them to be stingy them selves; rather they w ent further and exhorted people to do likewise, urging them to adopt this blam eworthy attitude in their words and actions. This stem s from their turning aw ay from obedience to their Lord. ^A nd w hoever turns away)* from obedience to Allah harm s no one but him self; he will never harm Allah in the slightest
Soorat al-Hadeed
(25-27) |
^v erily A llah is S elf-S ufficient, W orthy o f all praise]* - His selfsufficiency is one o f His essential attributes and to Him belongs the dom inion o f the heavens and the earth; it is He W ho enriches His slaves and bestows wealth upon them. A nd He is w orthy o f all praise, to W hom belong all good nam es, perfect attributes and beautiful actions, for which He deserves to be praised, lauded and venerated.
57:25. We sent Our Messengers with clear signs, and sent down with them the Book and the criteria o f justice, so that people may uphold equity. And We have sent down iron, in which there is great power [for warfare] and benefits for humanity, so that Allah may make known those who help His cause and His M essengers, although they cannot see Him. Verily Allah is Strong, Almighty. 57:26. We sent Nooh and Ibraheem , and conferred upon their descendants prophethood and the scriptures; some o f them are rightly guided, but many o f them are evildoers. 57:27. Then after them We followed them with other Messengers o f Ours, and We sent after them ‘Eesa ibn Maryam; We gave him
436 I
Tafseer as-Sa'di
J u z’27
the Gospel and instilled kindness and mercy in the hearts of those who followed him. As for monasticism, We did not prescribe it for them; they invented it, seeking thereby the pleasure o f Allah, but they did not observe it faithfully. So We granted those among them who believed their reward, but many o f them are evildoers. ^W e sent O ur M essengers w ith clear signs)* nam ely the evidence and p ro o f that pointed to the truthfulness and soundness o f w hat they brought *fand sent down with them the B ook^ nam ely all the scriptures that Allah sent dow n in order to guide people and show them the way to that which will benefit them in their spiritual and worldly affairs ^and the criteria o f justice)* or equity in word and deed. The religion that was brought by the M essengers is com pletely ju st and equitable in its com m ands and prohibitions, in its rulings on interactions am ong people, in its crim inal code and retaliatory and prescribed punishm ents, in m atters o f inheritance, and so on. That is «fso that people m ay uphold equity)* as part o f the religion o f Allah, which also served m any o f their own interests, which are too m any to be counted. This indicates that the M essengers w ere in harm ony with regard to the foundation o f religious laws, w hich is the upholding o f equity, even though concepts o f justice m ay have varied according to time and circum stance. ^A nd We have sent down iron, in which there is great pow er [for warfare])* nam ely tools o f w ar such as weapons, arm our and so on ^and benefits for humanity)* which is what is seen o f its benefits in all kinds o f industry, crafts, vessels and farm im plem ents, to the extent that there are very few things that do not need iron. «fso that Allah m ay m ake known those who help His cause and His M essengers, although they cannot see H im ^ that is, so that He
Soorat al-Hadeed
(25-27) |
may test people by m eans o f w hat He has sent down o f the Book and iron, so that it m ight becom e clear w ho will help His cause and help His M essengers when they cannot see Him , which is w hen faith is o f benefit, before seeing the unseen w orlds, at which tim e there will be no benefit in believing in them , because at that point faith will have becom e inevitable and undeniable. ^Verily Allah is Strong, Almighty)* that is, nothing is beyond Him and no one can escape Him. By His strength and m ight, He sent down iron from w hich strong tools are m ade, and by His strength and m ight, He is able to defeat his enemies. But He tests His close friends with His enem ies, so as to m ake know n who will help His cause although they cannot see Him. Here Allah mentions the Book and iron together, because by means o f these two things Allah causes His religion to prevail and m akes H is w ord suprem e: by m eans o f the Book in w hich is p ro o f and evidence, and by m eans o f the sw ord w hich defends and supports it, by A llah’s leave. Both o f them are based on justice and equity, which is indicative o f the w isdom and perfection o f the Creator, and the perfect nature o f the laws w hich He has prescribed on the lips o f His M essengers. H aving m entioned the prophethood o f the Prophets in general, A llah now m entions tw o o f the elite P rophets, nam ely the noble P rophets N ooh and Ibraheem , am ong w hose d escendants A llah conferred prophethood and the scriptures. Hence He says: *(We sent N ooh and Ibraheem , and conferred upon their descendants prophethood and the scriptures)* that is, the earlier and later Prophets were all descendants o f N ooh and Ibraheem (peace be upon them). Similarly, all o f the scriptures w ere sent dow n to descendants o f these two noble Prophets. *(some o f them)* that is, som e o f those to w hom We sent the M essengers
438 |
Juz ’2 7
Tafseer as-Sa'di
«(are rightly guided)) and follow ed their call, subm itting to their com m ands, and were guided by them. ((but m any o f them are evildoers^ who failed to obey A llah and obey the M essengers and Prophets, as Allah
(4c) says elsewhere:
((But m ost o f hum ankind will not believe, no m atter how eagerly you desire it.)-) (Yoosuf 12: 103) ((Then after them We follow ed them w ith other M essengers o f O urs, and We sent after them ‘Eesa ibn M aryam )). A llah singles out ‘Eesa ( ^ ) for m ention because the context is speaking o f the C hristians w ho claim to be the follow ers o f ‘Eesa
((We gave him the G ospel^ which is one o f the Books o f Allah ((and instilled kindness and mercy in the hearts o f those w ho followed him)). This is like the verse in which Allah (4c) says: (•(You will surely find that the bitterest am ong people in enm ity tow ards the believers are the Jew s and those w ho ascribe partners to A llah; and you will surely find that the closest am ong them to the believers in affection are those w ho say: We are Christians. That is because am ong them are scholars and ascetics, and they are not arrogant.)) (al-Maidah 5: 82) Hence the Christians are more gentle and soft-hearted than others, because they follow the teachings o f ‘Eesa ( i l O . ((As for m onasticism , We did not prescribe it for them ; they invented it)) - what is m eant by m onasticism is extra acts o f devotion. They made it up themselves, and imposed it as a duty upon themselves, com m itting them selves to things that Allah had not prescribed for them or im posed on them. R ather they took it upon them selves on their own initiative, seeking thereby the pleasure o f Allah. Yet despite that, ^th ey did not observe it faithfully)) that is, they did not do it properly. Thus they fell short on two counts, by inventing it and by not adhering to w hat they had im posed upon them selves. And this is usually the case with them.
Soorat al-Hadeed
(28-29) |
But am ong them w ere som e w ho did adhere to the com m and o f A llah, hence He says: «fSo We granted those am ong them who believed their rew ard ^ that is, those w ho believed in M uham m ad (iS t) as well as believing in ‘Eesa (S|50. Allah gave to each o f them, according to his level o f faith. ^b u t m any o f them are evildoers)*.
57:28. O you who believe, fear Allah and believe in His Messenger; He will grant you a double share o f His mercy, give you a light by which to walk, and forgive you, for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 57:29. [That is] so that the People o f the Book may know that they have no power over anything o f Allah’s grace, and that grace is in the Hand o f Allah alone; He bestows it upon whomever He wills, for Allah is Possessor o f abundant grace. This m ay be addressed to the People o f the Book who believed in M oosa and ‘Eesa (peace be upon them ), instructing them to act in accordance w ith th eir faith by fearing A llah, refraining from disobedience to Him, and believing in His M essenger M uham m ad ( i H ), for if they do that, Allah will grant them (fa double share o f His mercy)* that is, two shares o f rew ard, one share for their b elief in the earlier Prophets and another share for their belief in M uhammad ( ^ ) .
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Tafseer as-Sa'di
O r it m ay be that the com m and is general in m eaning and is addressed to both the People o f the Book and others, which is what appears to be the case, and that Allah instructed them to believe and to fear Him, which includes all issues o f religion, both outward and inward, fundam ental and m inor issues; if they obey this im portant com m and, A llah will grant them *(a double share o f His m ercy^, the description and extent o f which no one knows but Allah (4s). It m ay be a reward for believing and a reward for fearing Allah, or a reward for obeying the com m ands and a rew ard for heeding the prohibitions; or it m ay be that referring to a double reward m eans that the reward will be given repeatedly, tim e after time. ^g iv e you a light by w hich to walk)? that is, He will give you knowledge, guidance and light by which to walk through the darkness o f ignorance, and He will forgive you your bad deeds. ^fo r Allah is Possessor o f abundant grace)? so no one should think that it is too much for the Possessor o f abundant grace to give this reward, for His grace encom passes the inhabitants o f the heavens and the earth, so there is not a single m om ent in which created beings are not receiving divine grace and bounty. ^[That is] so that the People o f the Book may know that they have no pow er over anything o f A llah’s grace)? that is, We have explained to you O ur grace and generosity towards those who believe, in general terms, and w ho fear Allah and believe in His M essenger ( # | ) , so as to let the People o f the Book know that they have no pow er over anything o f A llah ’s grace. In other w ords, they cannot restrict the grace and bounty o f Allah in accordance with their whim s and desires and corrupt thinking, and say that: ^ ...N o one will enter paradise unless he is a Jew or a C h ristia n ...^ (al-Baqarah 2: HI)
That is wishful thinking about A llah on their part.
Soorat al-Hadeed
(28-29) |
Allah tells us that those w ho believe in His M essenger M uhammad ( j i t ) and fear Allah will have a double share o f His mercy, light and forgiveness, despite the People o f the Book. A nd so that they m ay know (fthat grace is in the Hand o f Allah alone; He bestow s it upon w hom ever He wills)), giving it to those w hom His w isdom dictates should be recipients o f His grace. ^ fo r A llah is P ossessor o f abundant grace)) and no one could estim ate the extent o f His grace at all. T his is the end o f the com m entary on Soorat al-H adeed. A ll praise and thanks are for A llah , and m ay the b lessin g s and peace o f A llah be upon Prophet M uham m ad (« § § ), his fam ily, and his C om panions abundantly until the D ay o f Judgem ent.
Glossary of Islamic Terms"
abu (or abi) ahl as-Sunnah
o} '■y.' i h \ jjd
wal-jama 'ah
father ( of) ‘p e o p le
o f th e
th e
com m unity’
A being made o f light who is totally obedient to Allah and has no free will. Allah has assigned som e angels specific tasks, like those who record our good and bad deeds, the Angel o f Death, the guardians o f hell, etc.
A nsar
‘h e lp e r s ’: th e M u slim c itiz e n s o f M adinah who gave refuge to the Prophet (} |||) and the other M uslim em igrants from M akkah
banu (or bant)
lit. ‘children (o f)’; usu. referring to a tribe that claim s a com m on ancestor
The Arabic w ords are transliterated according to the con ven tion s o f the Transliteration Chart found in this book. I f a word has b ecom e part o f the E nglish language (that is, is found in a dictionary o f Standard E n glish ), that sp ellin g is used in this b ook and appears first in this G lossary, with the transliterated form in brackets after it.
Glossary o f Islamic terms I barzakh
An interm ediate state between death and the Day o f R esurrection; it is also said to be a ‘p la c e ’ w here the souls o f the deceased will rem ain until the blowing o f the trum pet
Eid ( ‘eed)
lit. ‘fe stiv a l’: one o f the tw o annual Islam ic celebrations, one at the end o f Ram adan and the other at the culm ination o f the Hajj
fa jr
j J i Jl
daw n; the obligatory prayer at that time
fa q eeh
scholar o f jurisprudence
fu q a h a '
See: fa q eeh
a sta te m e n t o r ac tio n o f P ro p h e t
M uham m ad ( j|§ ) that was rem em bered and recorded by his C om panions and followers
Hajj (Hajj)
the m ajo r p ilg rim a g e to the S acred M osque, site o f the K aaba in M akkah, to be undertaken by every able M uslim once in his or her lifetime
hoor al- ‘een
houris, fair w om en w ith big, beautiful eyes w ho are created to be spouses o f the believers in paradise
an o th er nam e for Satan (S haytan) in Arabic
the state o f co n secratio n for Hajj or ‘um rah; the special clothing w orn by the pilgrim in such a state
444 I
Tafseer as-Sa'di
is r a ' and mi 'raj
p i t h e j
night jo u rn ey o f the P rophet (s |§ )
from M akkah to Jeru sa lem and his ascension from there to visit heaven
ja h iliya h
lit. ‘ignorance’; the age o f spiritual darkness before Islam
jiJ y r
the A rabic nam e for Gabriel ( ^ ) , the archangel who transm itted the verses o f the Q u r’an and other com m unications from Allah (4s) to Prophet M uham m ad
struggle or striving (in A llah’s cause)
jih ad (jihad) jirm (plural o f
non-hum an, rational beings created by A llah from fire, often referred to as
jin n i)
‘d e m o n s’ or ‘d ev ils’. T hey have free w ill like hum ans: som e are M uslim s, others disbelievers; som e are obedient to A llah, others disobedient. Satan is a jinni. Some disobedient jinn m islead people into thinking that they can foretell the future, near or distant, or provide people with riches or some sort o f power. jizya h
a tax levied on the People o f the Scriptures w hen they are under the protection o f a M uslim governm ent; it is in lieu o f the alm s tax paid by M uslim s Friday; also, the m idday congregational
Jum u ‘ah
prayer on that day j u z ' (p l.a jza ’)
a section o f the Q u r’an equal to one-thirtieth o f the text
Glossary o f Islamic terms I Kaaba
the House o f Allah in Makkah, originally
(Ka ‘bah)
la ilaha ilia
built by Prophets Ibraheem and Ism a‘eel, w hich M uslim s face when they pray « iil S fl < d lN
the Islam ic testim o n y o f faith: ‘there is none w orthy o f w o rship o th er than A llah’
the Preserved Tablet in Heaven on which A llah ’s w ords and decrees are written
the ‘N ig h t o f D e stin y ’ o r ‘N ig h t o f P o w er’ on w hich the Q u r’an w as first revealed; the m ost blessed night o f the year, w hich is b etter than a thousand m onths; M uslim s look for it on the odd nights during the last ten days o f R am adan and are supposed to spend those nights in prayer and supplication,
al-Mahfoodh Laylat
al-Q adr
recitin g Q u r’an and seek in g A lla h ’s forgiveness Muha-
lit. ‘e m ig ra n ts’ o f any kind; used in Islam ic discourse to refer to people who em igrate to safeguard their religion, specifically the M uslim s who m igrated with Prophet M uham m ad ( ^ § ) from M akkah to M adinah
divine predestination; destiny; pow er; exact m easure
lit. ‘sta n d in g th e n ig h t’; p ra y in g supererogatory prayers during the late night and early m orning before fajr; see tahajjud
jiro o n (or M uhajireen)
qiyam al-layl
446 I
Tafseer as-Sa'di j l Jj S
Q uraysh
the dom inant tribe in M akkah at the time o f the P rophet’s m ission; their society was based on polytheism
o U ia j
Ram adan
the ninth m onth in the Islam ic calendar; the m onth o f obligatory fasting and the
(Ram adan)
m onth in w hich the first verses o f the Q u r’an w ere revealed bj
usury; charging interest on debt
C om panions o f the M essenger o f Allah
a grade o f hadith: sound or authentic
lit. ‘peace’; the Islamic greeting o f peace
shar 7
o f or pertaining to Sharia; Islamic
(sharee 'ah)
Islamic law derived from the Q u r’an and the Sunnah
jlia li
the path leading to paradise that passes over hellfire; it is found by disbelievers and sinners to be extrem ely sharp and narrow
soorah or
chapter o f the Q u r’an
soorat subhan Allah Sunnah
glory be to Allah if
the practice and collected sayings o f Prophet M uham m ad ( j | | ) that together w ith the Q u r’an form s the basis o f Islamic law
Glossary o f Islamic terms I tafseer
exegesis: comm entary, or explanation o f the m eanings (usu. o f Q u r’anic verses)
voluntary night prayer offered betw een ‘is h a ' and fa jr
iJ j
the prayer that is repeated by pilgrim s w ho are m ak in g H ajj o r ‘um rah; it begins: L a b b a yk A lla h u m m a labbayk (H ere I am , O Allah, here I am) co m m u n ity o r n atio n : usu. used to
Um m ah
refer to the entire global com m unity o f M uslim s ‘umrah
a m inor, non-obligatory pilgrim age to M akkah
a term used to denote phenom en a or aspects that cannot be known using ordinary hum an faculties m inor ablution required before praying
w udoo’
or touching the Q u r’an zakat (or
o b lig ato ry charity : an ‘alm s ta x ’ on w ealth that is paid by M uslim s and be d istrib u te d to o th ers w ho q u alify as recipients
J Zaqqoom
the nam e o f a tree in hell that has fruit shaped like d e v ils ’ heads, w hich the inhabitants o f hell m ust eat
A ab o d e 105, 148, 151, 154, 186, 396, 424-426, 429. See also G arden o f Abode
Adam 2 2 ,8 7 ,1 3 8 ,2 5 9 ,2 6 9 ,3 7 4 adornment 80,314,329,430-431 affairs 3 0 ,3 2 -3 3 ,5 4 ,5 9 ,6 1 -6 2 ,
Abraham . See Ibraheem
65, 70-71, 93, 105, 113, 118,
Abu B akr 235, 239, 243
180-181, 183-184, 196, 207,
Abu Jandal 242
2 1 5 ,2 4 7 ,
abundant provision 33, 35, 52, 53, 68, 86, 3 0 1 ,3 0 6
3 5 7 ,4 1 7 ,4 3 6 agreem ent 3 3 ,3 7 ,3 0 3 ,3 3 1
A ccepting o f repentance 258
ahl as-Sunnah 34, 2 5 5 ,4 2 8 ,4 4 2
accountable 154, 306, 378. See also brought to account
al-A hqaf 153, 169, 178
2 5 8 ,3 0 4 , 3 0 6 ,3 1 7 ,
A llah and His M essenger ( « ||)
accusation 303
26, 199, 207, 214-215, 217,
action 63, 87, 250, 349, 443. See also His actions; physical actions
2 2 0 -2 2 2 , 2 2 7 , 2 3 5 , 2 4 6 -
act o f worship 110,205,232-233 acts o f obedience 58, 142, 165, 2 2 4 ,2 4 7 , 383 acts o f worship 3 2 ,3 7 ,4 5 ,2 1 0 , 317, 344 ‘A d 169-170, 172-173, 271272, 299, 343, 358-359. See also Hood
248, 254-255, 260-262, 337, 419-420 A llah’s actions. See His actions A llah’s angels. See His angels A lla h ’s
a ttr ib u te s .
S e e H is
attributes A l l a h ’s
b le s s in g s .
S e e H is
blessings A llah’s Book. See His Book
I 449
A llah’s bounty. See His bounty
A llah’s paradise. See His paradise
A llah’s cause 181,184,200-201,
A llah’s pleasure. See His pleasure
2 0 5 -2 0 6 ,4 1 9 , 421-422, 429,
A llah ’s power. See His pow er
444. See also His cause
A lla h ’s p ro h ib itio n s. S e e H is
A l l a h ’s
com m and.
S e e H is
com m and
A llah’s promise. See His promise
A llah’s control. See His control A llah’s creation. See His creation A llah ’s decree. See His decree A l l a h ’s
d o m in io n .
S e e H is
dom inion A lla h ’s fo rg iv e n e ss. S e e H is forgiveness
A llah ’s grace. See His grace g re a tn e s s .
S e e H is
greatness A l l a h ’s
k in d n e s s .
S e e H is
kindness A lla h ’s k n o w le d g e . S e e H is know ledge A llah’s laws. See His laws A llah’s majesty. See His m ajesty A llah’s mercy. See His m ercy A lla h ’s M essen g e rs. S e e H is M essengers A llah’s might. See His m ight A llah’s nam es. See His nam es A llah’s oneness. See His oneness
A llah’s religion. See His religion A l l a h ’s
re m in d e r.
S e e H is
rem inder S e e H is
revelation A llah’s reward. See His rew ard A llah ’s signs. See His signs
S e e H is
generosity A l l a h ’s
A llah ’s Prophet. See His Prophet
A lla h ’s re v e la tio n .
A llah’s essence. See His essence
A lla h ’s g e n e ro s ity .
A llah ’s slaves. See His slaves A llah ’s will 138, 401, 427. See also His will A llah’s wisdom. See His w isdom A llah ’s word. See His word All-Aware 5 4 ,2 5 9 -2 6 0 a lle g ia n c e
2 1 5 -2 1 6 ,
223, 238. S ee a lso oath o f allegiance A ll-H earing 32, 35, 117, 119, 246 allies 47, 142 A ll-K now ing 69, 76, 111, 117, 211-212, 246, 251, 253, 259260, 293 A ll-Seeing 32, 54
450 |
Tafseer as-Sa'di
A lm ighty 29, 45, 76, 128-129, 134, 148, 153, 173,213-214, 223-224, 286, 298, 324, 345, 364-365,414-416, 435
ascribe p artners to A llah
am ends 65-66, 148, 275
aspiration 432
337, 3 6 3 ,4 3 8 ascription o f partners 47n5, 94, 2 5 5 ,3 6 8
angel 7 0 ,1 0 1 ,1 1 3 ,2 7 4 - 2 7 6 , associating others with Him 156, 361,442. See also com panion 2 7 9 ,3 3 4 angels; recording angels assurance 348 anger 60, 80, 98, 145, 229, 278, 367 anim als 22, 55, 76-77, 120, 138, 156, 168,290, 3 0 2 ,3 0 6 ,3 7 7 , 4 17,431 appointed term
38-39, 48, 97,
153 appreciation 50, 53, 163, 190, 224 A ppreciative 47, 53 A rabic 15, 17-19, 29, 31, 34n2, 7 3-74, 160-161, 296, 371, 443-444 A rabic Q u r’an 2 9 ,7 3 ,3 7 1 Arabs 31 ,85, 118, 173,239,242, 2 72,321
astray 2 5 -2 6 ,4 3 -4 4 ,6 5 -6 6 ,9 1 , 112, 114, 145, 155, 157, 188, 199, 276-277, 337-338, 402, 413 atom ’s weight 87, 113,157,262, 334 attitude 2 9 ,8 4 ,9 3 ,9 7 , 114-115, 122, 139, 182, 190, 192,256, 266, 3 0 3 ,3 1 4 -3 1 5 ,3 3 8 , 347, 3 7 8 ,3 8 8 ,4 1 7 , 434 attributes 30, 34-35, 55, 62, 70, 80-81, 112-113, 135, 137, 151, 154, 192, 197, 210, 2 1 8 ,2 3 2 ,2 6 6 ,3 2 4 ,3 3 4 , 345, 3 6 1 ,3 7 2 , 396, 4 0 8 ,4 2 7 ,4 3 5 . S ee a lso d iv in e attrib u tes; H is attrib u te s; n am es and attributes
argum ent 39, 40-42, 79-83, 93, 99, 100-101, 110, 145-146, 157,277, 3 2 1 ,3 2 3 ,3 3 5 ,3 5 2 , attributes o f perfection 34, 62, 334. See also perfect attributes 361 audacity 25, 127, 146, 170,276, ark 356-357. See also Nooh arm y 124-125,236 arrogance 25, 70, 97, 121, 135136, 148, 166, 2 9 8 ,3 6 0
3 3 7 ,4 3 2 authority 47, 51, 122, 138, 254, 306, 322, 3 3 3 ,3 3 5 ,4 1 6
Index | aversion 37, 166, 300
B backbiting 258-259 bad deeds 52-53, 1 6 3 ,1 6 7 ,1 7 9 180, 1 9 9 ,2 1 1 ,2 1 3 ,2 7 3 ,2 7 7 , 343-344,400, 4 3 2 ,4 4 0 , 442 B adr 121,366 banana tree 398 barren 69, 292-293 barrier 45, 375-376, 425 al-barzakh 77, 267, 326 battle
1 8 1 -1 8 2 ,2 1 5 ,2 2 4 ,2 2 6 ,
266 Bay 'at ar-Ridwan 2 1 5 ,2 2 3 ,2 3 4 . See also oath o f allegiance
b e lie v e
A lla h
M essen g e r 261-262
451 H is
2 1 4 -2 1 5 , 217,
believ in g m en 191, 193, 211212, 226-227, 237, 423-424, 426 b e lie v in g m en an d b eliev in g w om en 2 2 6 ,4 2 3 -4 2 4 believing m en and w om en 191, 211-212, 227, 237, 426 believing slaves 3 2 ,7 1 ,1 3 9 ,1 9 9 , 2 2 5 ,2 4 7 b e lie v in g w o m en 423-424
226, 244,
beneficial know ledge 190, 231, 3 1 1 ,3 3 8 ,3 5 8 ,4 2 9
‘B e!’ and it is 365n53, 367
benefit or harm 3 2 2 ,3 8 0
beautiful wom en 131,387
benefits 34, 55, 57-58, 66 , 135-
beauty 4 8 ,4 9 -8 0 , 131, 138, 192, 2 3 3 ,2 7 0 ,3 1 5 ,3 1 7 ,3 3 0 ,3 8 4 , 385-386, 388, 396, 399
30, 192, 277,
136, 138, 207, 2 3 1 ,2 6 9 -2 7 0 , 286, 296, 299n45, 302, 304305, 374, 387, 435-436. See also bring benefit
Bedouin 216-217,220-221,249, 260-261
B estow er 68 , 78, 135, 378, 422
behaviour 3 6 ,2 1 4 ,2 9 3 ,2 9 7 ,3 9 9
bigotry 228-229
b elief 4 0 ,4 4 ,2 6 1 -2 6 2 ,2 7 6 ,2 7 9 ,
birds 49, 306, 394-395
3 3 5 ,3 3 8 ,4 1 3 ,4 2 0 , 428, 433, birth 21-22, 79-80, 163 blam e 6 3 ,2 2 0 - 2 2 1 ,2 7 5 ,2 7 7 , 439 298, 3 0 4 ,3 1 2 believe and do righteous deeds 47, 49, 52, 143, 179, 186, blast 283, 300, 353, 360, 362 232-233
blessing 29, 34-36, 71, 93, 118, 150, 161, 164, 178,212, 224-
452 |
2 2 5 ,2 5 3 ,2 6 6 ,
bring benefit 87, 156, 334 294, 347, 371,
375, 380, 386, 4 0 6 -4 0 7 ,4 1 0 , 414, 434 , 442 blessings o f A llah 24, 58, 266,
brocade 1 3 1 ,3 8 4 -3 8 5 ,3 8 9 brother 1 6 9 ,1 7 0 ,2 3 2 ,2 5 4 ,2 5 6 258. See also M uslim brother
3 0 2 ,3 0 9 , 3 4 7 ,3 7 3 ,3 7 6 ,4 1 0 .
brotherhood 254-255
See also His blessings
brought to account 411
blind 91-92, 102, 188,220-221, 270, 364 bliss 5 9 ,1 0 6 ,1 0 8 ,1 3 1 -1 3 2 ,1 3 7 , 143,166-167, 175, 183, 247, 262, 280, 2 8 9 ,3 1 3 ,3 1 6 -3 1 7 , 340, 352, 368, 390, 396-397, 412, 420. S ee a lso etern al bliss; gardens o f bliss
Budayl 238-239 buildings 1 0 6 ,1 8 7 ,2 8 1 ,3 8 3 Bukhari 120, 230, 245n34, 2542 5 5 ,4 2 9 burden 8 7 ,2 2 6 ,2 2 8 ,3 1 6 ,3 4 2 , 344 burden o f sin 226, 344
blood 6 4 ,9 5 n l 4 ,9 6 -9 7 ,259n36 boasting 263,430-431 bones 120,272,400-401 Book o f Allah 33, 197,338,409. See also His Book Books 4 1 ,5 6 ,1 6 6 ,2 3 4 ,3 6 5 ,3 6 8 . S ee a lso d iv in e ly -re v e a le d Books; previous Books booty 224-225 bounty 4 7 ,4 9 ,5 2 ,1 3 7 ,3 1 6 ,3 7 1 , 377, 410, 440. See also His bounty bow ing and prostrating 231-232 boys 3 1 5-317,394 branches 34, 268n38, 3 5 8 ,3 8 3 , 397 breastfeeding 163
c calam ity 24, 56, 91, 405, 433, 434 cam el 234-236, 244, 300, 346, 360, 362. See also sacrificial cam el; she-cam el cam paign 219n26, 223n28, 235 canopy 3 0 8 ,3 1 0 capital 167 captives 181-182 carpets 384-385, 388-389 cause death 76, 156, 192, 277, 283, 322, 380 cause harm 7 7 ,8 7 , 156,334 cause o f Allah 201,261-262 certain truth 337, 420
Index |
certainty 43, 119, 136, 143, 197, 2 1 2 ,2 1 8 ,2 8 7 ,3 1 8 , 3 2 2 ,3 3 1 , 3 3 5 ,3 3 8 ,4 2 7 ,4 2 9
city 79, 82, 187, 237, 294-295,
certainty o f faith 318, 429
clear evidence 85,119, 123, 181, 197, 298, 3 2 5 ,3 3 8
chains 77, 242, 288, 307, 432 character 2 9 ,3 8 , 8 5 ,8 7 ,9 7 , 122, 2 2 9 ,2 5 0 , 266, 2 9 0 ,3 1 5 ,3 3 0 , 3 4 7 ,3 7 4 ,3 8 8
310, 351 clay 294-295, 347, 364, 374
clear p ro o f 43, 187, 319, 323 clear signs 42, 100, 136, 175, 277, 2 9 8 ,3 5 2 , 3 6 5 ,4 2 0 ,4 3 5
characteristics 6 4 ,8 4 , 8 7 ,9 2 ,9 7 , close friend 37, 60, 84, 296 1 3 7 ,2 3 1 ,2 5 6 ,3 3 4 , 3 6 1 ,3 6 7close , friends o f A llah 102, 180 374, 383, 388, 396, 399 clothing 1 0 6 ,1 4 0 ,4 3 1 ,4 4 3 charity 6 1 ,3 4 3 ,4 2 8 -4 2 9 ,4 4 7 . See also zakah chaste w om en 385, 389 chastisem ent 92, 150, 325 chiefs 9 4 ,9 6 , 122,298 child 8 0 ,1 1 1 ,1 6 3 ,1 6 6 ,2 9 3 ,3 4 1 , 421 children 22, 101, 103, 141, 158, 1 75 ,2 0 6 ,
24, 56, 69, 97, 99, 105,124-126, 140160-161, 163-164, 254, 2 8 1 ,4 3 0 -4 3 1 ,
442 C hildren o f Israel 97, 99, 103, 124-126, 140-141, 158, 160161,175 Christian 440
cloud 169, 171, 285n41 colour 3 1 1 ,3 8 4 ,3 9 6 com fort 34, 50, 106, 131, 204, 2 8 2 ,3 1 7 , 390, 397 com m and 40, 67, 70, 115, 117118, 135, 137, 154, 169, 171, 177, 184, 195-196, 2 0 1 ,2 4 0 , 249, 253-255, 285, 299-300, 3 2 7 , 33 4 , 3 4 9 , 3 5 4 , 357, 365, 367, 378, 439-440. See also His com m and com m ands and prohibitions 74, 128, 154, 2 5 7 ,2 8 9 ,3 3 9 , 345, 348, 358, 427, 436 com m ands o f Allah 4 0 ,2 1 2 ,2 1 8 , 247
circum am bulate 230, 237-238, 242-243, 310. See also Hajj; Kaaba
com m itm ent 53, 1 6 4 ,2 1 0 ,3 4 8
cities 31, 84, 86-87, 172, 187, 3 4 3 ,3 4 7
co m m u n ity 29, 61, 140, 147, 149, 4 4 2 ,4 4 7
com m it sins 90, 109 com m on sense 304, 337
454 I
Tafseer as-Sa‘di
com panion 89-90,276-277,328, 3 3 0 ,3 6 0
com 2 7 0 ,3 7 3 ,4 0 5 couches 8 8 ,3 1 3 -3 1 4 ,3 9 3 -3 9 4 ,
com panion angels 277 C om panions 27, 72, 115, 133, 152, 178, 208, 209n23, 212, 2 1 5 , 2 1 9 , 2 3 0 , 2 3 2 -2 3 3 , 235-236, 240, 244-245, 264,
397-398 courage 204 co v e n an t
2 1 5 -2 1 6 , 227, 366,
419-420 created being 46, 101
2 8 4 , 307, 327, 349, 369,
creation. See first creation; His 4 4 1 ,4 4 3 ,4 4 6 . See creation; second creation
3 9 0 ,4 1 4 , also Sahabah
creation o f the heavens and the
com passion 2 0 7 ,4 0 4 ,4 2 1 com prom ise 410
earth 55, 128, 135, 154 C reator 30, 33, 114, 119, 154,
condition 68 , 90, 124, 158, 164,
161, 192, 232, 2 73,290-291,
179, 181, 183, 341, 343. See
3 3 5 ,3 7 1 ,3 8 6 , 4 0 3 -4 0 4 ,4 1 6 ,
also rectify their condition
432, 437
confusion 8 5 ,1 0 3 ,1 1 9 ,2 6 7 ,2 7 2 , 2 8 7 ,3 8 1 ,4 2 3 ,4 2 5 co n jecture
79, 148, 150, 287-
288, 334-335, 337-338 co n seq u en ces
23, 60, 64, 91,
109, 112, 115, 148, 150, 185, 209n23, 210-211, 216, 220, 240, 288, 360 consolation 91
creatures 34-35, 55-56, 67, 70, 76, 80, 112, 118-119, 135, 148, 151, 1 5 6 ,2 8 3 ,3 0 1 ,3 0 6 , 310, 3 4 5 ,3 5 6 , 3 67,371-372, 377, 3 8 2 ,4 0 1 ,4 1 6 criticism 51, 1 9 0 ,2 5 6 ,2 7 5 ,2 8 2 , 3 5 5 ,4 1 0 ,
crops 270, 376, 405-406 curse 97, 125, 157, 362
contradiction 101
control 3 0 ,3 2 ,3 5 ,5 1 ,5 4 -5 5 ,6 9 , 76, 78, 86 , 98, 113, 119, 129,
daily prayers 37, 340
138, 159, 161, 1 7 0 ,2 1 2 ,2 1 4 ,
darkness 32, 71, 142, 185-186,
2 2 5 ,2 2 7 ,2 8 6 ,3 7 5 ,4 1 7 ,4 3 2 .
2 8 6 , 3 2 9 , 4 1 8 -4 2 0 , 4 2 4 ,
See also His control
440, 444. See also depths o f
C ontroller 33, 119
Index | date palm 268n38, 371n54 daughter 79-80 daw n 288, 290, 363, 443 day. See night and day D ay o f Judgem ent 27, 72, 115, 128, 133, 152, 178,208, 245, 264, 284, 286-287, 307, 327, 349, 3 6 9 ,3 9 0 , 4 0 2 ,4 1 4 , 441. See also Last Day D ay o f R esurrection 2 2 ,4 2 ,5 6 , 6 5 -6 7 ,9 1 ,1 0 5 ,1 0 9 , 111, 120121, 129-130, 140-141, 145146, 148-150, 155, 157, 166, 224, 2 7 1 ,2 7 5 -2 7 6 , 2 8 3 ,3 0 7 , 310-311, 325-326, 336, 354, 3 6 7 ,3 7 9 ,3 8 1 ,4 0 3 ,4 2 2 ,4 2 4 , 443 dead 2 9 ,3 2 ,5 5 ,7 6 -7 7 ,1 0 2 , 120, 176, 258-259, 267, 269-271, 282-283, 306, 311, 344, 353, 403, 427. See also life to the dead dead land 7 6 ,2 6 9 ,2 7 1 d eaf 91-92, 195, 197 death 3 2 ,5 6 ,7 6 -7 7 ,9 1 -9 2 , 117,
4 2 7 ,4 3 2 ,4 4 3 . See also cause death; tim e o f death decree 38-39, 47-48, 81, 118, 154, 168,218-219, 225, 2942 9 5 , 32 6 , 33 2 , 3 3 9 , 352, 367-368, 4 0 3 ,4 2 3 , 425, 431, 433. See also divine decree; re lig io u s d ec ree ; w ill and decree decree o f A llah 423, 425, 431. See also His decree deeds. See bad deeds; evil deeds; good deed; righteous deeds; sh am eful deeds; w o rd and deed; w ords and deeds defect 269, 396 definitive p ro o f 33, 42, 51, 338 delicious fruit 186,373 d elight 64, 89, 104, 106, 124125, 2 2 2 ,2 6 9 , 2 7 9 ,2 8 9 ,3 1 4 , 317, 3 7 3 ,3 9 0 , 3 9 2 -3 9 3 ,3 9 6 , 399, 412. See also gardens o f delight denial 2 4 ,4 7 n 5 ,7 5 ,8 3 ,1 0 8 , 177, 382
119, 123, 127, 131-132, 135,
deniers 43, 309, 311, 313, 323, 4 0 1 ,4 1 2 ,4 1 4
143n21, 155-156, 176, 191-
departing soul 411
192, 198-199, 206, 267, 270,
depths o f d arkness 419-420
274, 277, 280, 283, 292, 322, 342, 345, 377n56, 378, 380, 3 9 8 ,4 0 3 ,4 1 2 -4 1 3 ,4 1 5 ,4 2 5 -
142, 185,
descendants 85, 140, 164, 435, 437. See also progeny
I Tafseer as-Sa'di
design 26, 193, 270 desires 2 4 ,3 9 -4 0 ,4 8 , 54, 70-71,
disobedience 1 0 5 ,1 3 0 ,1 6 4 ,3 1 7 , 367, 3 7 8 ,4 3 9
82, 85, 141-145, 151, 168,
dispute 4 1 ,4 3 -4 4 ,2 7 7 ,3 2 9
175, 186-190, 199-200, 249,
distance 8 9 -9 0 ,1 5 8 ,3 3 1 ,4 2 9
330, 332, 335-336, 338, 350,
distraction 206, 430
352,440. See also whim s and
distress 59, 105, 1 0 8 ,2 1 3 ,2 2 4 ,
2 3 1 ,2 4 4 ,3 6 4 ,3 8 1 ,4 0 0
despair 23-24, 107,434
divine attributes 34-35, 427
destination 1 5 1 ,3 1 0 ,3 4 2 ,3 4 5 .
divine decree 8 1 ,1 1 8 ,2 1 8 ,3 3 2 ,
See also final destination destruction 48, 125, 128, 173, 2 5 0 ,299n45, 359, 366 devil 89-91, 276-277, 332. See also Shay tan
403n60, 431 d iv in ely -re v ealed B ooks 73n9, 366 divine m ercy 31, 143n21, 146, 421
devil com panion 89-90
divine oneness 36, 193
devotion 37, 112, 114, 135, 138,
divine will 8 1 ,1 1 2 ,3 6 8
324, 438
D hul-Q a‘dah 234
divine wisdom 9 3 ,2 0 0 ,2 9 1 ,3 4 1 , 3 4 5 ,3 9 2 ,4 1 6 -4 1 7 ,4 2 1
differences 32, 39, 287
divinity 3 0 ,4 3 ,5 5 , 114, 119
dignity 1 5 3 ,1 6 0 ,1 8 6 ,2 6 0 ,2 9 6 ,
division 37, 1 9 4 ,2 5 5 ,3 3 3 ,3 3 5
3 2 0 ,3 7 4 d isb elief 43, 47-48, 71, 75, 88 , 96, 102, 105, 117, 121, 130, 139, 160-161, 166-167, 173, 177-178, 180-181, 185, 198199, 201, 203, 212n24, 227228, 251-252, 2 6 3 ,2 6 6 , 271, 288, 302-303, 307, 339, 357, 4 2 0 ,4 2 5 disbelieving w om en 244 disease 1 9 4 -1 9 5 ,2 0 0 ,2 1 7 ,4 0 2
do good 45, 160-161, 190,205, 339-340, 393 dom inion
30, 35, 68-69, 95,
97- 98, 111, 113, 138, 1471 4 8 ,2 1 2 -2 1 3 ,2 1 8 , 322, 324, 3 79 , 415-417, 421, 435. See also His dom inion doom 5 2 ,7 1 ,9 2 , 111, 136, 180, 187, 199,214, 288,413 double share o f His m ercy 439, 441
Index | doubt 26, 27, 29, 38-39, 44, 48, 85, 100, 102, 117, 119, 129, 139, 145-146, 148, 150, 158, 200, 261-262, 267, 271-272, 2 8 3 ,2 8 7 -2 8 8 , 292, 3 2 0 ,3 3 1 , 343, 347, 3 9 2 ,4 1 4 , 425 doubter 276-277
E earlier generations 1 6 6 ,3 9 3 ,3 9 9 earlier nations 7 5 ,3 0 7 , 3 5 0 ,3 5 2 early generations 2 5 1 ,3 5 8 ,3 9 3 earth. See heavens and the earth ease 23, 25, 58, 88 , 106, 124125, 1 5 0 -1 5 1 ,2 3 5 ,3 8 6 , 390, 394. See also life o f ease
dream 230 drink
106, 140, 171, 188-189,
206, 2 8 9 ,3 1 3 -3 1 4 , 360, 362, 368, 3 9 4 -3 9 5 ,4 0 2 ,4 0 6 ,4 1 2 413, 431. S ee also food and drink drow ned 95, 98, 124-125, 300, 3 4 7 ,3 6 5
east 89-90, 254 ‘E esa 36, 4 1 , 9 9 n l7 , 100103, 149, 435, 438-439. See also Gospel; M essiah; son o f M aryam effort 1 6 ,4 6 ,7 1 ,1 3 2 ,1 8 0 ,2 3 2 , 269, 276, 284, 324, 345, 405
drow ning 166,357
E gypt 95, 97-98
dust 236,265,267,272,285-286,
en em ies 61-62, 87, 104-105, 1 3 7 ,1 5 5 ,1 7 7 ,1 8 2 , 184, 192,
3 0 6 ,3 1 1 ,3 7 4 ,3 9 1 ,4 0 0 -4 0 1 dust and bones 272,400-401 duties 54, 141, 143, 180, 229,
2 0 4 ,2 1 0 , 2 2 5 ,2 3 2 ,2 4 3 ,2 8 4 , 356, 437
257, 259n36, 262, 279, 340,
enem y 1 0 0 ,1 8 2 ,1 9 8 ,2 0 5 ,2 4 3
413, 429. See also obligatory
energy 53, 196, 204, 305
enjoym ent 59, 178, 186,313
duty 67-68, 1 4 3 ,3 4 2 ,4 3 8 dw ellers o f the W ood 271-272. See also S hu‘ayb dw ellin g s
154, 169-170, 183,
271n39, 3 0 1 ,3 1 3 ,3 9 3 dying person 411-412
enm ity 39, 41, 105, 194, 199200, 227, 258, 438 envy 38-39, 140,254 equity 74, 253-254, 435-437 error 3 2 -3 3 ,9 0 ,3 5 2 ,3 6 0 -3 6 1 , 365-367 escape 2 1 ,5 6 -5 7 ,6 7 ,9 2 -9 3 ,1 7 4 1 7 5 ,2 8 0 -2 8 1 ,3 0 6 ,3 1 1 ,4 3 7
458 |
Tafseer as-Sa‘di
essence 30, 3 4 ,3 6 ,7 0 , 112, 349, 374,377. See also His essence
exhortation 1 8 7 ,2 8 1 ,3 0 4 -3 0 5 , 3 5 8 ,4 2 7
establish prayer 59, 195
existence 2 6 3 ,3 2 1 ,3 4 5
Eternal 80, 110, 181, 270, 291,
eyes 8 9 ,1 0 4 ,1 0 6 ,1 3 1 ,1 7 7 ,1 9 5 ,
3 2 4 ,3 3 7 eternal bliss 59, 183, 247, 420 eternal happiness 142, 166, 211 eternal life 106
1 9 7 ,2 2 2 ,2 7 4 , 279, 2 8 9 ,3 0 0 , 3 0 5 ,3 1 3 , 315, 326, 331, 353354, 363-364, 395-396, 399, 409, 443
eternity 278, 356, 378 etiquette 131,247-250,263,296, 333. See also proper etiquette evidence 3 0 ,3 4 ,4 2 ,4 3 ,5 1 ,7 7 , 8 1 -8 2 ,8 5 ,1 0 9 ,1 1 9 ,1 2 3 ,1 3 9 , 146, 154, 156-158, 161, 163, 166, 176, 181, 193, 197-198,
F fabricated 50, 54n6, 158-159 fabrication 158-160, 173 face 5 6 ,5 8 ,7 9 -8 0 ,1 9 6 ,2 0 0 ,2 4 0 , 270, 292, 2 9 7 ,3 1 0 , 3 4 0 ,3 6 7 , 3 7 7 ,4 2 9 , 445
202, 2 0 7 ,2 3 1 , 251-252, 258,
faculties 67, 349, 371, 447
262, 277, 286-287, 2 9 8 ,3 1 1 -
faith. S e e c e rta in ty o f fa ith ;
312, 322-326, 335, 337-338,
increase in faith; perfect faith;
3 4 4 ,3 5 2 ,3 9 2 ,4 0 4 ,4 1 4 ,4 3 6 -
true in faith
See also clear evidence;fa jr prayer 327 ra tio n a l ev id e n c e ; tex tu al false gods 2 1 -2 2 ,47n5, 94, 156157,185, 334n51 evidence
evil deeds 5 6 ,6 0 , 115, 124, 127, 137, 139, 143, 149, 187, 198,
falsehood 2 6 ,3 1 ,4 1 -4 2 ,5 0 -5 1 , 58, 82, 90, 97, 109-111, 119,
2 9 4 ,3 1 3 ,3 4 1 ,3 6 3 ,3 6 7 , 369,
141, 147-148, 158, 168, 179-
180, 184, 190, 2 0 1 ,2 0 3 ,2 1 3 ,
evildoer 250, 256-257 evildoing 199,252 excuse 81, 90, 159, 178, 221, 284, 335, 357, 359
243, 288, 311, 320-321, 325, 347,351. See also followers o f falsehood; support falsehood false hopes 198-199, 423 fam ilies 6 5 -6 6 ,2 1 6 -2 1 7 ,2 5 4
Index | fam ily 27, 72, 115, 133, 152, 178, 2 0 8 ,2 4 5 ,2 6 4 ,2 8 4 , 293,
feet 9 5 ,9 8 , 1 3 1 ,3 4 9 ,3 8 2 fem ale
21, 32, 34, 68-69, 77,
307, 327, 349, 363, 364, 369,
79-81, 259, 273, 302, 337,
3 9 0 ,4 1 4 ,
3 4 2 ,3 9 6 ,
fam ine 120
fetters 288, 307, 382, 432
fasting 50, 202, 425, 446. See
fig h tin g
also Ram adan fate 66 , 79, 83, 151, 185, 272, 288, 295, 344,411 father 1 5 ,8 0 ,8 3 ,8 4 ,1 0 1 - 1 0 2 , 110, 2 3 4 -2 3 5 ,3 7 4 , 442
1 8 1 -1 8 3 , 1 94-195,
209n23, 219-221, 226, 228, 2 3 9 ,2 5 3 -2 5 5 final destination 342, 345 fire 29, 46, 65-66, 9 9 n l7 , 120, 129, 131-132, 148, 151, 167-
faults 50, 1 9 4 ,2 5 8 ,3 1 7 ,4 0 9
168, 176-177, 186, 188-189,
favour 2 9 ,4 9 ,1 1 3 ,1 5 8 ,1 6 0 -1 6 1 ,
217, 287-288, 309-310, 312-
239, 251-252, 2 6 1 ,2 6 3 ,3 1 9 ,
313, 316-317, 365, 367, 374,
3 6 1 ,4 3 4 favours o f your Lord 343, 347, 3 7 1 ,3 7 3 -3 7 7 ,3 7 9 -3 8 8 fear 24, 44, 46, 48, 85, 88-89, 100, 103-105, 139, 149, 154,
380, 400, 407, 426, 428-429, 4 3 2 ,4 4 4 fire o f hell 3 0 9 ,3 1 7 ,4 0 7 ,4 3 2 first and the last 31, 119, 129, 1 8 7 ,3 3 3 ,3 6 6
162, 169-170, 189, 204, 206,
First and the Last 415
2 1 3 ,2 2 7 , 230, 246-248, 253,
first creation 2 7 1 -2 7 2 ,4 0 4
2 5 5 ,2 5 8 ,2 6 1 ,2 7 0 ,2 7 9 ,2 8 3 -
flam es 367, 380, 382-383, 400
284, 292-295, 298, 302, 305,
flaws 2 6 8 -2 6 9 ,2 8 7
311, 313-314, 317, 324, 348, 3 5 3 ,3 6 8 ,3 8 1 ,4 1 0 ,4 2 1 ,4 2 7 , 439, 440-441. S ee also w ill have no fear fear and hope 270, 313 fearing A llah 2 5 5 ,4 3 9 -4 4 0 fear o f Allah 85, 279, 305, 348, 427
flesh 2 5 8 -2 5 9 ,3 1 6 flowing spring 394-395 flow ing w ater 375-376, 397 focus 47n5, 54, 153, 195-196, 2 0 7 ,2 1 2 , 3 0 4 ,3 5 8 , 429-432, 434 follow ers o f falsehood 147-148, 213
460 |
friend 37, 60, 84, 91, 128-129,
followers o f truth 188,213 food
106, 129-130, 140, 206,
269-270, 292n44, 293, 296-
296. See also close friend fiuit 21-22, 104, 106, 131-132,
2 9 7 ,3 1 4 , 3 6 8 ,3 7 3 ,4 0 2 , 406,
186, 1 8 8 ,2 6 9 ,2 8 9 ,3 1 5 , 373,
383-385, 397-398, 447. See
food and drink
1 0 6 ,3 1 4 ,3 6 8 ,
also delicious fruit future 29, 105, 196, 209-210,
foolishness 1 7 7 ,3 1 1 ,3 3 5 ,3 7 4
3 5 8 ,3 8 1 ,4 4 4
fools 8 7 ,9 5 ,9 8 G
forbearance 39, 60, 340 forbidden 3 9 ,4 8 ,1 0 0 ,2 0 2 -2 0 3 ,
g ain
4 5 , 78, 88 , 150, 206,
383. See also prohibited forefathers 48, 79, 82-83, 85,
4 3 1 -4 3 2 .
also worldly gain
117, 127, 145-146, 333-335,
G arden o f A bode 329
gardens 49, 97, 124-125, 130-
forelocks 382
131, 1 8 6 ,2 1 1 -2 1 3 ,2 2 0 , 222,
foremost 347,373,389,392-393,
268-269, 288-289, 313, 352, 365, 368, 383-390, 392-393,
4 1 2 -4 1 3 ,4 2 2 forgiveness 29-30, 50, 60, 63, 115,
1 8 8 -1 8 9 ,
396, 423-424 gardens o f bliss 1 3 1 ,3 5 2 ,3 6 8
216-218, 232-233, 247-248,
gardens o f delight 392-393,396
288, 2 9 0 ,3 3 9 -3 4 1 ,3 5 2 , 430,
g ard en s th ro u g h w hich riv ers 186, 2 1 1 - 2 1 2 , 220 ,
432, 441, 445. S ee also His
fortune 159,212-213
gates 1 4 6 ,2 0 4 ,3 5 4 ,3 5 6
foundation 43, 93-94, 436
gathering 283-284, 354, 366
fragrance 1 8 8 ,3 9 9 ,4 1 2 -4 1 3
gaze 1 6 ,3 2 9 ,3 3 2 ,3 9 6
fragrant plants 3 7 1,373
genders 302, 342, 404
fresh w ater 376
generations 165-166, 251, 266,
F rid ay
2 8 2 , 4 1 7 , 44 4 . S ee
also Jum u ‘ah
3 0 3 , 3 0 9 , 358, 3 6 8 , 393, 399, 401. S e e a lso e a rlie r
Index |
generations; early generations;
goodly loan 4 1 9 ,4 2 8
later generations
good m anners 6 0 ,3 3 0 ,3 9 4 ,3 9 6 ,
generosity 45, 52, 78, 266, 270,
2 9 1 ,2 9 6 ,
301-302, 3 4 1 ,3 6 8goodness , 5 1 ,9 2 , 132, 143, 165, 371, 377-378, 422, 440. See 186, 190, 197, 2 0 7 ,2 1 8 , 229, also His generosity 305, 386, 389, 406 generous rew ard 4 1 9 ,4 2 8 gift 289
good things 23-24, 83, 85, 106, 140, 167-168, 171
give life 76-77, 156, 192, 2692 7 1 ,2 7 7 , 2 8 2 -2 8 3 ,3 2 2 ,3 8 0 , 4 0 3 ,4 2 7
good w ords 170, 314, 396, 428 G ospel 41, 140, 175, 232-233, 436. See also ‘Eesa
give thanks 24, 137-138, 144,
g race 24, 44, 53, 74, 88 , 106,
171,224, 346, 3 6 3 ,3 7 1 ,3 7 4 ,
131-132, 138, 181-182, 205,
406, 4 0 8 ,4 1 0
223, 232-233, 251-253, 318-
glad tid in g s
47, 49, 160-161,
319, 3 3 8 ,3 6 3 ,3 7 1 ,3 7 8 , 390,
214, 222, 2 2 4 -2 2 5 ,2 3 7 , 284,
3 9 7 ,4 1 0 ,
2 9 2 -2 9 3 ,2 9 7, 3 4 8 ,4 1 3 ,4 2 4
441. S ee a lso P o ssesso r o f
glory 1 5 1 ,1 9 2 ,3 7 7 ,3 9 0 ,4 1 4 ,
430, 433-434, 439-
abundant grace grace o f Allah 8 8 ,4 3 0 , 433. See
446 goal 3 8 ,4 9 ,5 3 ,8 5 , 181,332 gods 2 1 -2 2 ,3 7 ,4 7 n 5 ,84,92-95,
also A llah’s grace; His grace grain 2 6 4 ,2 6 8 ,2 7 0
99, 100, 156-157, 169-170,
grapes 1 8 9 ,2 6 9 ,3 1 6 ,3 7 3
1 7 2 -1 7 3 ,
3 34n51, 355. S ee also false
gratitude 2 5 ,1 3 8 ,2 6 6 ,2 8 9 ,2 9 4 , 364
gods; other god
graves 7 6 -7 7 ,1 0 2 ,2 8 3 ,3 0 2 ,3 4 6 ,
192, 2 7 7 ,
gold 88 , 95, 98, 104, 106, 383, 393, 398, 425
greatness 30, 55, 151, 154, 176,
good and evil 3 1 ,4 1 ,5 1 ,1 4 9 , 2 0 0 ,2 1 4 ,
2 3 1 ,2 9 5 ,3 8 1
good deed 47, 50, 68, 296, 428 good health 25, 54, 59
1 9 2 ,2 9 1 ,3 1 0 ,
3 7 7 ,4 1 6 , 426.
See also His greatness great rew ard 50, 59, 161, 183, 185, 192, 1 9 7 ,2 3 3 ,2 4 8 ,4 1 9
I Tafseer as-Sa ‘di
greeting 293, 296, 446
2 2 7 , 2 9 3 , 32 0 , 35 2 , 40 9 ,
g rief 89, 90, 1 0 5 ,3 1 1 ,3 9 9 -4 0 0
ground 305, 349, 359, 384, 398, 405,431
happiness 3 6 ,4 4 , 106, 131, 142-
groups 37, 130, 188, 2 3 7 ,2 5 3 254, 3 6 8 ,3 7 1 ,3 7 3 ,3 7 5 ,3 7 9 , 412
2 2 2 -2 2 3 ,2 7 9 , 3 0 2 ,3 1 4 ,3 1 7 ,
grudges 1 9 4 ,2 0 0 ,2 5 5 guest 2 9 2 n 4 4 ,295-297
144, 166, 186, 2 0 2 ,2 1 1 ,2 1 4 , 3 4 5 ,3 9 9 ,
405 ,4 1 2 -4 1 3
hardship 2 3 ,2 5 ,5 8 ,7 7 ,1 6 3 ,2 0 7 , 251 harm 24, 30, 35, 57, 62n8, 66 ,
31, 3 7-38, 41, 51,
77, 87, 119-120, 123, 132,
6 5 -6 6 , 79, 82, 90, 92, 95, 135-137, 142, 145-146, 153,
142, 146, 156, 159, 177, 182,
161, 171-172, 188-190, 198199, 201, 224, 228, 230-231, 247, 2 5 2 ,2 6 3 ,2 8 1 ,3 2 1 ,3 3 0 , 334-335, 338, 352, 355, 402, 413, 418, 440. See also right guidance; true guidance
236, 248, 2 5 0 -2 5 1 ,2 6 6 , 277, 292n44, 305, 322, 324, 334,
g u id an ce
guidance from A llah 188, 247
192, 2 0 1 ,2 0 7 ,2 1 7 , 227-228,
356, 380, 434. See also cause harm harmony 2 9 ,6 1 ,84n 12,160-161, 194, 2 3 5 ,2 5 5 , 2 9 0 ,3 3 1 ,3 9 4 , 399, 436 harvest 45-46, 405
hatred 80, 1 2 5 ,2 5 2 ,2 5 5
hadith 20, 54n6, 235, 254, 409, 4 2 9 ,4 4 3 ,
H aw w a’ 259 headache 189,394
Hajj 3 7 ,5 0 ,2 0 2 ,2 2 7 ,3 1 0 ,4 4 3 ,
health 25, 54-56, 59, 68 . See also good health
447. See also circumambulate;
hearing 1 4 5 ,1 6 9 ,1 7 2 ,2 8 0 ,3 3 1
Kaaba; M akkah; pilgrim age;
heart 30, 33, 37, 50-51, 53, 60,
hair 230
‘umrah Hand o f A llah 8 6 ,1 7 2 ,2 1 5 -2 1 6 , 439,441 hands 49, 56, 67-68, 91, 108, 195, 215-216, 223-224, 226-
70, 97, 145, 158, 161, 191193,200, 2 0 4 ,2 3 1 ,2 4 9 , 262263, 273, 275, 2 7 8 ,2 8 2 -2 8 4 , 2 9 0 ,3 1 4 , 3 2 9 ,3 3 1 ,3 4 1 ,3 4 9 , 394, 399, 4 0 8 ,4 1 2 ,4 2 7 -4 2 8
Index |
heat 77, 189, 269n38, 317, 383
166, 172-174, 178, 184, 187,
heaven 26, 29-30, 32- 35, 55,
196-197, 204, 226, 234, 279, 288n42, 289n42, 290, 326, 3 4 1 ,3 5 4 ,3 5 6 , 3 5 8 ,4 1 3 ,4 2 9 , 431, 435-437. See also His help
67-68, 70-71, 76, 110-113, 115, 117, 119-120, 124-125, 128, 134-135, 137-138, 144, 147-148, 151, 153-156, 158, 1 7 6 ,2 1 1 -2 1 3 ,2 1 8 , 2 6 1 ,2 6 3 , 268-270, 282, 286-287, 291292, 298, 300-301, 308-311, 318-319, 321-322, 329, 3313 3 2 ,3 3 6 ,3 3 9 ,3 5 4 ,3 5 6 ,3 7 0 , 372, 3 7 6 -3 7 9 ,3 8 1 ,4 1 5 -4 1 7 , 419, 4 2 1 ,4 2 9 -4 3 0 , 4 3 3 ,4 3 5 , 440, 444. S ee a lso seventh heaven heavenly bodies 1 3 8 ,1 5 6 ,3 2 9 heavens and the earth 32-33,35, 55, 67-68, 76, 110-113, 117, 119, 125, 128, 134-135, 144, 147, 153-154, 1 7 6 ,2 1 1 ,2 1 3 , 218, 282, 2 9 8 ,3 1 8 , 321-322, 3 3 2 ,3 7 2 ,3 7 6 ,3 7 9 ,4 1 5 -4 1 7 , 4 1 9 ,4 2 1 ,4 3 0 , 4 3 3 ,4 3 5 ,4 4 0 heedlessness 206, 275, 302 hell 46, 9 9 n l7 , 100-101, 106108, 127, 130, 135, 167, 204, 212-213, 256, 276-278, 3 0 9 ,3 1 4 ,3 1 6 ,3 1 7 ,3 3 3 ,3 4 4 , 365, 367, 382, 4 0 7 ,4 1 2 -4 1 3 , 423n62, 424-425, 432-433, 4 4 2 ,4 4 7 help 33, 35, 37, 45, 58-59, 64, 90, 98, 111, 136, 156, 164-
helper 2 3 ,2 9 ,5 6 , 1 1 1 ,2 2 5 ,3 0 7 helplessness 156,379 hereafter 25, 27, 37, 44-46, 48, 50, 53, 59, 74, 84, 88-93, 113, 118-119, 132-133, 137, 139,143-144, 157, 159, 161, 167-168, 175, 178, 180, 183, 186, 2 0 2 -2 0 3 ,2 1 4 , 2 2 3 ,2 3 3 , 2 5 5 ,2 8 6 , 2 9 1 ,3 1 2 , 334-335, 337-340, 344, 348, 359, 393, 407, 412-413, 426, 430-432. S ee also this w orld and the hereafter high status 68 , 87, 97, 392n58, 393 His actions 70, 192 His angels 136, 203, 206, 254, 276 His attributes 34, 70, 80, 113 His blessings 31, 77, 113, 126, 138, 164, 2 0 9 -2 1 0 ,2 1 2 , 373, 380, 4 0 4 -4 0 5 ,4 1 0 , 432 His Book 3 3 ,9 6 , 154, 193,267 His bounty 52, 137 His cause 183-184, 201, 217, 220, 2 6 2 ,4 1 9 -4 2 0 , 422, 429, 435-437
I Tafseeras-Sa‘di
His com m and 240
180, 2 0 3 ,2 0 6 ,2 5 4 , 270, 276,
His control 30, 32, 69, 375
295, 337, 4 2 8 , 4 3 0, 433,
H is creation 3 1 ,3 4 ,3 7 ,4 9 - 5 0 , 55, 69-70, 80-81, 103, 112113, 118, 154,214, 357, 377,
416-417 H is decree 48, 154, 168,294 His dom inion 30, 113, 148,212, 3 2 4 ,4 1 6 His essence 30, 34, 70, 112 His forgiveness 30, 50, 340,432 H is g en ero sity 291, 301, 371, 3 7 8 ,4 2 2 His g race 53, 106, 138, 205, 2 2 3 ,2 5 3 ,3 3 8 ,3 7 1 ,3 9 0 , 397, 440-441 His greatness 3 0 ,4 1 6 ,4 2 6 His help 35, 1 9 6 ,2 0 4 ,2 7 9 His kindness 4 5 ,5 3 ,7 8 ,8 8 , 163, 180, 197,319, 3 4 1 ,3 4 6 , 371, 378, 420 His knowledge 21-2 2 ,2 7 ,3 5 , 54, 69, 1 1 3 ,2 9 1 ,2 9 4 ,4 1 7 His laws 33, 1 1 2 ,3 0 5 ,3 3 9 His m ajesty 1 1 2 ,1 5 1 ,4 1 6
His m ight 3 0 ,3 4 ,5 5 , 128, 174, 3 0 6 ,3 7 4 , 4 0 8 ,4 1 6 His nam es 34, 192, 197, 324 His oneness 1 6 2 ,1 7 2 ,1 9 2 -1 9 3 , 3 1 1 ,3 2 4 , 334, 3 4 3 ,3 5 9 , 404 His paradise 93, 103, 132, 175, 197,420 His pleasure 1 8 8 ,2 2 4 ,2 4 9 ,3 0 5 , 317, 3 4 8 ,4 3 2 His pow er 56, 69, 291, 345, 379 His prohibitions 4 0 ,6 7 ,8 9 , 103, 2 4 7 ,2 8 9 His prom ise 1 6 5 ,1 8 4 ,2 2 5 ,2 8 6 , 2 9 2 ,3 1 1 ,3 2 3 H is P ro p h et
120, 123, 212,
2 7 1 n 3 9 ,309, 324, 366 His religion 1 7 0 ,1 7 7 ,1 8 4 ,2 0 1 , 212-213, 218, 237, 239, 324, 366, 437 His rem inder 89 H is revelation
154, 330, 361,
His m ercy 29, 3 1 ,3 5 ,5 2 , 5 5 ,5 7 , 88 , 102, 147, 197, 213, 226, His rew ard 114, 139, 225, 233 2 2 8 ,2 5 5 ,2 7 9 , 3 4 1 ,3 5 7 , 361,His signs 26, 55, 57, 136, 138, 180, 268-269, 2 8 1 ,2 8 8 , 302 371,439,441. See also double share o f His mercy His slaves 23, 26, 32-33, 35-36, His M essengers 40, 48, 53, 81, 114, 119, 136-137, 139, 154,
45, 47, 49, 5 2 -5 5 ,5 7 , 6 7 ,7 1 , 74, 77-78, 80, 86 , 88-89, 90,
Index | 117n 18, 119, 124, 130, 137, 154, 163, 182, 188,204-207, 227, 2 5 0 ,2 5 8 ,2 7 5 ,2 7 8 , 291, 295, 302, 3 4 1 ,3 4 6 , 358-359, 361, 371-376, 378, 380-381,
house 223, 227, 230, 235, 249, 296, 3 0 8 ,3 1 0 , 445 al-Hudaybiyah 209-210,219n26, 2 23-225, 228n29, 230, 234, 236, 238, 244, 421
386, 4 0 1 ,4 0 4 , 4 0 6 ,4 1 0 ,4 1 4 ,
hum an being 2 6 7 ,3 4 5 , 374,403
4 1 7 ,4 1 8 -4 1 9 ,4 2 1 ,4 3 3 -4 3 5
hum anity 435
His w ill 3 2 ,3 5 , 159, 1 7 1 ,2 1 7 , 282, 306, 339, 378-379, 433 His w isdom 35, 39, 45, 51, 55, 74, 86 , 212, 253, 302, 310, 3 6 8 ,3 7 8 ,4 1 6 ,4 4 1 His word 2 0 1 ,2 1 3 ,2 1 8 ,3 1 1 ,4 3 7 hom eland 1 8 7 ,2 5 4 ,3 2 6 honey 188-189,395 honour 36, 53, 64, 92-93, 151,
138, 186, 372, 374,
h um ankind 3 1 , 3 6 ,4 7 , 5 6 ,7 0 , 88 , 110, 119, 126, 140, 155, 157, 177, 179-181,259, 273, 306, 3 3 2 ,3 7 1 ,3 7 3 ,3 9 3 ,4 0 1 , 4 2 0 ,4 3 8 hum ans 47n5, 55, 67, 102, 174, 305, 321, 3 6 1 ,3 7 2 -3 7 3 , 3763 7 7 ,3 7 9 -3 8 0 , 444
214-215, 247, 296-297, 337,
hum iliation 65, 144
3 6 5 ,3 6 8 ,
hum ility 1 3 8 ,1 5 1 ,1 5 5 ,2 7 0 ,3 4 9
H ood 3 3 ,4 6 ,1 6 9 -1 7 1 ,2 7 2 ,2 9 3 295, 299, 346, 357, 359. See also ‘Ad hoor al- ‘een 385n57, 396, 399,
hunger 2 0 5 ,4 0 2 h usband 294, also spouse
hypocrite 423, 426
I hope 24, 46, 52, 66-67, 84, 107, 139, 213, 219n26, 243, 261, Iblees 374, 443. See also devil; 2 7 0 ,2 7 9 , 2 9 5 ,3 0 2 ,3 1 3 ,3 2 4 , Shaytan 400. See also false hopes; fear and hope horizon 2 6 9 ,3 2 9 ,3 3 1 -3 3 2 H our 21, 23-24, 43, 100, 102, 104, 111, 113, 147-148, 150, 1 90-191,350-351,365-367
Ibraheem 36, 83-84, 140, 277, 292-297, 310, 342, 344, 361, 4 3 5 ,4 3 7 ,4 4 5 idle talk 3 15-316,396 idols 47n5, 100-102, 156, 180, 1 9 2 ,3 0 2 ,3 3 3 n 5 0 ,3 3 4 ,3 5 5
466 I
Tafseer as-Sa'di
ignorance 26, 90, 97, 109, 114,
interests 35, 55, 61, 71, 89, 138,
118, 170, 172,177-178, 201,
150-151, 182, 207, 227, 231, 2 6 3 ,2 6 9 -2 7 0 ,3 5 9 ,3 7 2 ,4 1 0 , 418, 436. S ee also w orldly interests
228-229, 250, 266, 270, 287288, 3 0 2 ,3 1 1 ,3 2 3 ,3 3 5 ,3 4 8 , 3 5 5 ,4 2 0 ,
440, 444
ill feeling 39, 60, 250n35, 255
iron 199,435-437
illusions 93, 193, 351
Isaac. See Is-haq
im ages 1 0 2 ,1 8 0 ,3 6 1
Is-haq 8 5 ,2 3 4 ,2 9 3
im m ense rew ard 1 3 1 ,2 1 5 , 232,
Ishmael. See Ism a‘eel
247 im m ense w isdom 30, 309, 329 im m unity 365-366 im p ed im ent 9 5 n l6 , 293, 311, 340, 420
Islam 3 6 ,4 0 , 104-105, 163-164, 200, 204, 210-211, 212n24, 2 2 1 , 2 3 3 , 2 3 7 , 2 3 9 -2 4 0 , 250n35, 260-263, 272, 310, 3 4 2 n 5 2 ,421, 428, 444 Islamic teaching 336, 428
inclination 60, 190, 252, 335, 340
Ism a‘eel 3 1 0 ,4 4 5
increase in faith 211-212, 245
I s r a ’ 46, 112, 2 9 8 ,3 3 1 , 333. See also N ight Journey
ingratitude 24, 144, 408, 410, 432 inhabitants o f paradise 162-163, 397n59 inheritance 419, 421, 436 injustice 52-53, 63, 93 innovation 4 8 ,7 1 ,3 3 5 insight 26, 64, 158, 268, 309, 3 1 2 ,3 4 2 inspiration 69-70, 328, 330 intellect 164, 169, 172 intention 3 5 2 ,3 6 1 ,4 1 7 ,4 2 5 in te rc e ssio n 112, 114, 203, 334n51, 336
Isra fe e l 283, also Trum pet
J Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah 234 Jacob. See Ya‘qoob ja h iliy a h 240, 346, 444. See also ignorance Jesus. See ‘Eesa jew ellery 98, 383, 386 Jibreel 70, 329-332, 364, 444 jih ad 3 7 ,6 1 , 1 8 3 ,2 0 1 ,2 0 5 ,2 1 7 , 2 2 0 -2 2 1 ,2 6 2 , 420, 422, 425, 444
Index | jin n 4 7 n 5 ,6 7 ,1 6 5 ,1 6 7 ,1 7 4 -1 7 5 , 278, 305-306, 321, 371, 373374, 3 7 7 ,3 7 9 -3 8 1 ,3 8 5 ,3 8 7 , 444
K K aaba
2 3 0 , 2 3 5 , 2 3 7 -2 3 8 ,
241-243, 310, 443, 445. See also circu m am b u late; H ajj;
jizy a h 221, 444 Joseph. See Ya‘qoob journey 1 7 8 ,2 1 2 -2 1 3 ,4 2 4 ,4 2 6 , 444. See also N ight Journey jo y 49, 68 , 105-106, 151, 178, 247, 2 6 9 ,2 7 9 -2 8 0 , 284, 289, 2 9 3 ,2 9 7 , 3 0 2 ,3 1 4 ,3 1 7 , 345, 373, 383, 385, 399, 405, 412-413 ju d g e m e n t
M akkah;
S a c re d
H o u se ;
‘umrah keeper 2 9 ,6 7 , 107-108 107-108. See
k e e p e r o f hell also M alik
K h a lid ibn al-W aleed
250n35 K haybar 219n26, 223n28, 224, 230n31
27, 38-39, 47-48,
7 0-72, 115, 128, 133, 144, 149, 152, 178, 192, 208,
kindness 32, 45, 52, 53, 60, 64, 78, 88 , 115, 132, 137-138, 163, 166, 181, 195, 197,207,
245, 250, 254, 264, 284-287,
231-232, 252, 2 9 0 ,3 1 9 , 341,
307, 327, 343, 348-349, 353,
344, 346, 3 7 1 ,3 7 8 ,3 8 6 , 390,
369, 390, 4 0 2 ,4 1 4 , 441. See
420, 429, 436, 438
also Day o f Judgem ent ju g u lar vein 273 J u m u 'a h
37, 340, 444. S ee
also Friday justice 43-44, 63, 74, 149, 231, 2 5 4 -2 5 5 , 3 1 6 , 3 4 4 , 3 6 6 , 370-372, 378, 435-437. See also limits o f justice justification 48, 62, 64, 81, 126, 168,250
kindness o f A llah 5 2 ,1 3 2 ,2 5 2 , 344. See also His kindness king 1 7 ,2 4 0 ,2 7 2 ,3 3 9 kinship 4 7 ,4 9 -5 0 , 195-197,254 K now er o f the unseen and the seen 322,381 k n o w le d g e .
S e e b e n e f ic ia l
know ledge kn ow ledg e o f A llah
175. See also His know ledge know ledge o f all things 3 3 ,2 2 8 , 2 6 1 ,2 6 3 ,2 6 7 , 2 7 0 ,4 1 5
468 |
Tafseer as-Sa 'di
know ledge o f the unseen 319,
lies 2 2 ,4 8 ,5 0 -5 1 ,8 1 , 111, 162, 168, 177, 2 8 8 ,3 1 9 , 3 6 1 ,4 3 0
323, 342-343
lies against A llah 50-51, 168
life. See eternal life; give life
la ilaha ilia Allah 193, 228n30, 229, 425, 445. See also word
life o f ease 88 , 106, 124-125, 150,386 life o f this w orld 46, 59, 84, 86 ,
o f piety land 5 2 ,5 4 ,6 2 ,6 4 ,7 5 - 7 7 , 126, 135, 169-171, 173, 177, 185,
88-89, 127, 148, 206, 322, 3 3 7 -3 3 8 ,4 1 3 ,4 3 0 , 432
195-197, 2 3 5 ,2 6 9 , 2 7 1 ,2 8 1 ,
lifespan 117nl8, 118, 191 3 4 0 ,3 6 0 ,4 1 8 ,4 3 1life . to the dead 7 7 ,2 7 0 ,2 8 2 ,4 0 3 See also dead land light 32, 51, 70-71, 142, 153, 2 8 6 ,3 1 0 ,
language 1 1 8 ,1 3 1 -1 3 2 ,1 6 0
158, 185,200, 2 4 7 ,2 5 4 , 295,
L ast D ay
3 1 0 ,3 5 5 ,3 9 9 ,4 1 8 -4 2 0 , 423-
136, 146, 166, 203,
206, 254. S ee a lso D ay o f Judgem ent
likeness 1 8 8 ,2 3 2 -2 3 3 ,2 5 8
later generations 266, 303, 309, 368, 3 9 3 ,3 9 9 , 401
lim its 126, 229, 249, 276, 279, 286, 371-372 limits o f justice 371-372
lawful 244, 358 a l-L a w h a l-M a h fo o d h
424, 428-429, 439-442
lineage 259-260
118, 3 0 9 ,3 6 8 ,4 0 9 , 434, 445.
livelihood 84, 86 , 137, 322, 346
See also M other o f the Book;
livestock 32, 34, 269, 360, 373
Preserved Tablet
loan 4 1 9 ,4 2 2 ,4 2 8
law s
3 3 ,1 1 2 ,1 1 4 ,2 6 2 ,3 0 5 , 339 , 344 , 427, 436-437. See
also His laws Laylat al-Q adr 117nl 8 , 118,445 leader 49, 87, 322, 348 leadership 45, 59, 206
locusts 9 5 n l4 , 96-97, 353 L oot
271-272, 293-295, 347,
363-364 Lord o f the heavens and the earth 110-111, 117,298
left. See those on the left
Lord o f the worlds 123,148,273, 3 2 3 ,4 0 8 ,4 1 0 ,4 1 4 ,4 1 8
liar 1 3 5 ,2 5 1 ,3 6 0
Lordship 103, 114, 119, 151
Index I losers 65-66, 147-148, 165 loss 90, 1 0 3 ,1 2 5 ,1 4 9 ,1 6 7 ,2 0 2 ,
pilgrim age; ‘umrah
lote-tree 397 of
th e
U tm o s t
B oundary 329 love 3 0 ,4 5 ,4 9 ,5 6 ,6 1 -6 3 ,8 5 ,8 8 , 105, 131, 139, 151, 154, 192, 194, 207-208, 248, 254-255, 270, 3 0 4 ,3 1 4 , 3 7 7 ,3 8 5 ,3 9 9 , 404, 4 3 1 ,4 3 3 -4 3 4 low er realm 113,306 luxury 88 , 106, 400 lying 42, 146, 168, 171, 183, 200, 335, 355, 385, 398
M M ad in a h
209n23, 212n24,
223n28, 230, 244, 250n35, 4 2 1 ,4 4 2 ,4 4 5 m adm an 117, 1 2 1 ,2 6 7 n 3 7 ,287, 298, 3 0 3 ,3 1 8 ,3 5 4 m agic
226-227, 229-231, 234, 236237, 2 4 2 ,3 1 0 , 4 2 1 ,4 4 2 -4 4 5 , 447. S ee a lso H ajj; K aaba;
L o te -T re e
83, 85, 158, 309, 312,
male 3 2 ,3 4 ,6 9 ,7 7 ,8 1 ,2 5 9 ,2 7 3 , 302, 342, 404 m ale and fem ale 3 2 ,3 4 ,7 7 ,2 7 3 , 302, 342, 404 M alik 107-108. See also keeper o f hell m anners 36, 60, 249, 256, 330, 394, 396, 399. See also good m anners m arks 1 8 ,2 0 0 ,3 8 1 -3 8 2 m arriage 244 m artyrs 428-429 m ature thinking 41-42, 61, 64, 136, 158, 192,338, 348 m aturity 233, 355, 406 m eadow s 47-48 m eanings 2 1 n l ,3 1 ,7 4 ,1 0 5 ,1 2 1 , 132, 149, 2 6 5 -2 6 6 ,3 5 8 ,3 7 1 , 446
m agician 95-96, 287, 298, 303
m easure 33, 37, 52, 54, 76, 309, 365, 367, 371-372, 445. See also short m easure
m ajesty 29-30,80, 112,151,192,
m eat 2 9 6 ,3 1 5 -3 1 6 ,3 9 4 -3 9 5
324, 377, 388, 390, 416. See also His m ajesty m ajor sin 259, 340 M akkah 29, 31, 84, 86-87, 102, 209n23,216n25,222n27,223,
m en 1 7 ,8 7 , 165, 167, 177, 191, 193, 195, 211-213, 226-227, 2 35, 237, 256, 2 5 9 , 278, 385n57, 423-424, 426, 428. See also believing m en
470 |
Tafseer as-Sa'di
m en and w om en 191,211-213, 227, 237, 2 5 9 ,4 2 6 ,4 2 8 m ercy o f Allah 24, 86 , 129. See also divine m ercy; His m ercy m essage 29, 31, 37, 51, 67-68,
m ission 49, 159, 445 m istakes 323, 378 m ockery 40, 117, 135-136, 148, 151,256, 430 m om entous day 1 6 9 ,2 7 5 ,3 5 3
70-71, 75, 85-86, 103, 105,
m onasticism 436, 438
114, 123, 135, 139, 159,
m onths 1 1 8 ,1 6 3 -1 6 4 ,4 4 5
169-170, 174, 178, 193,223, 282, 302, 304, 3 1 2 ,3 2 3 -3 2 4 , 331, 337-338, 347-348, 351, 360-361
138, 3 5 0 -3 5 2 , 370,
37 2 , 3 7 5 , 3 8 1 , 4 2 4 . S e e also splitting o f the moon; sun and the moon
M e sse n g e r M u h am m ad (