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ENGLISH Pages 133 Year 2023
The only reason why I have shared this information is I don’t want youth to suffer , youth is particular phase in one's life which decides their future or destiny , I wish some one had told these concepts / ideas when I was 13 years of age . There are many people who don’t know what are the right things to do in their daily life , there are in a confused state of mind . How can we approach life so that we can become successful and prosperous . what are the necessary things to do in life so that they can remove sufferings and pain from their life and make their dreams come true / achieve their goals and fulfill their desires Why youth are suffering around the world ? What is the reason ? Then by reading this information and inculcating the Wisdom and truth provided will definitely take you from darkness to light The information provided is explained in lucid and brief manner which is properly tried and tested, practical solutions based on experiences ofthe highly successful people who have achieved greatness Its provides essential wisdom required for getting success in this competitive and practical world Remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel The Sun will rise again my dear friends Believe in your true self
I strongly believe this will open the minds of the youth and help then to reach their highest potential and make their dreams come true , they will be able to flourish in terms of huge success and will be able to fulfill their desires I will guarantee 100 % if Youths starts inculcating these Tools for success and prosperity living , they will lead their lives - peacefully , Joyfully i.e Happy and Contented life
The life secrets provided is a " GEM " by itself which will guide Youths in the right direction towards GREATNESS - HEALTH , MONEY , WEALTH , RELATIONSHIPS , ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY The best and easiest technique to become successful is to follow / inculcate the great things highly successful people did in their lives So this is nothing but compilation of insights / concepts / techniques /strategy based on life experiences of highly successful greats and including my personal experiences also I have gone through various sufferings and have experienced failures in my life My failures led to me to an exploration And Through through this exploration , reviewing my past and found the reasons for my failure and the mistakes i did
I finally found out the secrets of life To become successful and live a prosperous life But I have learnt a lesson and corrected my mistakes So I am sharing the secrets which no body including in school , college , or in home reveal you these secrets so that you will be on the right track / path which will guide you and help you fulfilling your desires and lead a successful and prosperous life Every youth must read this at least once so that they wont regret later intheir life Path way to success revealed If any one who follows these concepts from age 13 to 30 years Its my personal request every youth who wants to excel in any field like education , sports , music , dance or acting and in various professions , please go through this once so that you can reach your highest potential . I am sure you will follow the right things consistently that is provided and you will come out with flying colour in your pursuit . My dear friends please make use of the great concepts explained in this So that you will also succeed in life and lead a prosperous one .
I WANT TO THANK WONDERFUL PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD FOR SHARING THE SECRETS FOR OUR WELLBEING , HAPPINESS , SUCCESS AND PROSPERITY Its because of these Genius people that I was able to find the true secrets of living They have contributed immensely for sharing these life secrets that is available on the internet – GOOGLE , YOUTUBE & Books and Interviews , various Speeches
1. To find your strength - what you are good at i.e find your passions to excel in your career
2. Taking care of your health – mental and physical health
3. Miracle Power ( Energy ) hidden within you to achieve tremendous success which many are wasting knowingly or unknowingly - Semen retention ( sex energy or Divine energy ) 4. Divine Energy / Sexual energy Transmutation
5. DON’T be a LIMITED person
6. Rules of life
Required Qualities to prosper in life / to succeed in Life
8. Causes of Anxiety , stress , pressure , depression And How to Manage Anxiety anxiety , stress ,pressure, depression
Don’t share your Aim / Goals / ambitions / desires / secrets with Others
10. Look for Inspiration and motivation content
11. Staying Focused and Avoiding Distraction at Work 12
Be prosperous and Lead a happy life – a one to remember For sure and be an inspirational to the others
Care for your parents and also who are unfortunate ones who are in need , less Fortunate ones like other human being , animals , birds who are longing for some help . People who are Kind Hearted , Empathetic , Compassionate , do the needful
Give back to mother earth what she deserves by planting trees and conserving environment for your own wellbeing & future of human race
Wildlife Conservation : Reasons Why We Need to Save Wildlife Ways Animals Help Us
Do your best and leave the rest to the GOD / DIVINE / UNIVERSE
1) To find your strength - what you are good at i.e find your passions to excel in your career The only reason why Youth are not able to achieve big or fail in particular kind of career is because of their limited thinking or thought process , Victim mentality . Most People are not able to perform to their highest potential because their body and mind are not responding the way they desired , so inorder to use our body and mind the way we want the only way is to cater to the needs of the body and mind so that we can complete required task easily without much friction and gracefully . Whether it be your personal life or professional life , you face difficulties because your mind does not allow you to act wisely ( as you move to the next part I have provided insights regarding how to keep themselves mentally and physically fit – make best use of it to get control over your mind and body to live a successful and prosperous life ) People often land themselves in a dilemma / they are confused what to do in their lives - Always do what you love no matter what other people think about you , because no one else can sense or feel your true nature , ambition or goals what you are good at something . It doesn’t matter what others think of youself , be a free bird and choose the right career you want to excel and achieve greatness
based on your requirements – passion , skillsets , working style , career span , Money-conscious mindset
What people think about you is not important what you think about yourself means everything You need to find the real purpose of your life and choose a career accordingly . Always do what your are good at / which interest you or else u will end up bringing dullness into your life , incapability or Inefficiency in the workplace. Learn from your mistakes - see that you don’t repeat them in future “ If you focus on hurt , you will continue to suffer , If you focus on the lesson , you will contine to grow ” The only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday Don’t get influenced by what others are doing , what they are doing it might me good for them , you must find that particular kind of career which suits you the best Don’t suffer lately when your time is over and when there is no chance to fix your mistakes , because you are losing opportunities when you grow older , only it’s the youth which people , companies , organization prefer because of their high fitness or high energy levels and desire to flourish ,
Dont be in a state of negative mind set that it will works or not based on your current condition , believe in yourself Don’t worry currently if you are not equipped with high skill set to prosper in your field of your career , believe that you will learn in near future and will be able to get your dream job For eg : Don’t be under the impression that you will not excel in Future education just because you were not that great when you are in Class 5th or 7th or class 10th Anyone can improve themselves and move forward in life to achieve greatness . Always remember practice make man perfect . keep on improving on a daily basis which will take you towards perfection Always be focused on your career , make sure you will be free from all the distraction which will hamper your progress , goal or ambition Always remember my dear friends THREE THINGS CANNOT BE LONG HIDDEN THE SUN , THE MOON , AND THE TRUTH i.e nothing but your highest potential or strength which can only be introduced to the world only if you have the desire to learn , improve yourself , have courage, be brave enough to extract tremendous power lies within yourself
People have tremendous amount of energy from the age 13 - 30 We need to make use of the miracle energy in our YOUTH There are many people who are wasting their energy for sensual pleasures just for a moment of satisfaction
My Dear Friends – The ULTIMATE TRUTH IS
Wisdom and time
What is wisdom - the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments Cultivating wisdom is learning to do the right thing at the right time and for the right reasons. Do the right things at the right time for achieving what one desires in life One should be wise enough to do right things at the right time inorder to get early success . Or else you will became a failure and suffer immensely , by living a mediocre life When people have time in their lives They dont cultivate wisdom When times passes people miss their chance or opportunity , which is totally unacceptable Only the people who tasted great success are the ones who had wisdom at the right time
How can people gain wisdom By becoming consious i.e learning quickly from their mistakes before their lose control over life
2 Taking care of your health – mental and physical health
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity . A person is said to be healthy when he/she is free of any type of disease (infectious/deficiency), when he/she is mentally happy and healthy and when his/her social relationships are healthy in a society. Hence, to have a healthy life one has to be physically, mentally and socially complete. The reason why youths are struggling to excel in education career and many other careers is because their body and mind is not responding the way they liked it to be . In order to complete tasks efficienctly and get success in life or to get the desired goals to accomplished , we need to cater to the needs of our body and mind . It’s like mutual respect So how can we cater to the needs of our body and mind ? Is the first question arises in the minds of every individual
The simple strategies which one can follow daily for are : 1) Wake up early in the morning 2) Take bath regularly 3) Go for a walk and take fresh air 4) Be in the sun , immerse yourself in the Nature 5) Take care of your nutritional needs - Balanced diet 6)
Semen retention - SM ( sex energy /divine energy )
Divine / Sexual energy Transmutation
Inner engineering - shambhavi mahamudra (Isha Foundation )
Do meditation - Mantra meditation , pranayama
10) Saying Affirmations and Visualization 11 ) Playing sports 12 ) Yoga and yoga mudras / Exercises / Going to the Gym 13 ) Laughing 14 ) Motivational and Inspirational things 15) Read your favourite Books of any genre 16 ) watch your favourite tv shows / movies
and listening to music or songs 17 ) Do some recreation activities 18) Managing Your Screen Time 19) Writing Journals 20) Do aromatherapy 21) Take sufficient breaks or have some rest 22) Talk about your problems with professionals / a therapist 23) Get Enough Sleep ( make ur bed ) 24 ) Don’t Bad - Mouth 25) Go Trekking 26) Spend some time with your loved ones
Benefits of good physical and mental health 1. Fights Disease 2. Builds Confidence 3. Improved memory 4. Improves Brain Health and Mood 5. Reduces Stress , Help for depression and anxiety 6. Optimizes Performance 7. Healthy Gut and Organs 8. Maintain Healthy Weight or Lose It 9. Strong bones , muscles and teeth 10. Improves cardiovascular health 11. Better sleep 12. More life-force energy 13. Emotional stability 14. Increases chance of living longer Of the above listed strategies I felt many struggle with basic two things i.e Wake up early in the morning and Be in the sun I felt the need to elaborate those very crucial two strategies i.e must needed initial things to start your day with .
Wake up early in the morning The main reason students fail in their career are not able to achieve their full potential , the one and only basic reason is there are not able to make use of their extra time , many of them waste knowingly or unknowingly due to ignorance , laziness are unaware of early to rise and early to bed benefits Many of the students in their early age don’t cultivate the habit to wake early in the morning which starts from “ The Creator's Hour ” (3:40 am to 6: 40 am ) because they are unaware of the tremendous possibilities it opens up in their early stages of their career What is the importance of the Brahma Muhurta , or the last quarter of the night before sunrise The Creator's Hour or Brahmamuhurta is a period (muhurta) that begins one hour and 36 minutes before sunrise, and ends 48 minutes before sunrise. It is traditionally the penultimate phase or muhurta of the night, and is considered an auspicious time for all practices of yoga and most appropriate for meditation, worship or any other religious practice. Spiritual activities or any other activities like reading or learning or exercises performed early in the morning are said to have a greater effect than in any other part of the day. Brahmamuhurtha is the 14th muhurtha kala of the night. One muhurtha is a period of 48 minutes, with a whole night consisting of 15 muhurthas. The time of sunrise varies each day, according to geographic location and time of year, and the time of the Brahmamuhurta varies with it. For example , If sunrise is at 6:00 am, the brahmamuhurta begins at 4:24 am and ends at 5:12 am.
We want to make use of this because the pineal gland is secreting at its maximum during Brahma Muhurta, which means you can stabilize. There is a very famous saying which I would quote again: “ Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ” But how could a simple activity of waking up early give us health, wealth and wisdom all at once?! Known as the “Creator’s Hour ” or Brahma Muhurta is the time to arise from sleep for preserving a wholesome lifespan. “ To create Health , to create Wealte and to create Wisdom ” Being the time of Brahma or Gyana (knowledge), the mental functions of attention, concentration, retention and memory are at their peak during this time making it apt for perceiving knowledge and becoming wiser. As wise man once said : “ Most geniuses are just talented people who get up really early in the morning” So get out of bed early and kick start your journey towards becoming a genius !
The Science Behind Brahma Muhurta There are tangible and intangible forms of pollution during the day and night time. During Brahma Muhurta, nascent oxygen is available in the atmosphere. This nascent oxygen can easily mix with your body’s hemoglobin, resulting in the formation of Oxyhaemoglobin.
This nascent oxygen Provide following benefits:
Boosts immunity Increases energy level Helps maintain the balance of blood pH Relieves pain, soreness, and cramps Enhances the absorption of minerals and vitamins
What are the things to do in this The Creator's Hour or Brahmamuhurta ‘ time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Meditate , Yoga , Pranayama , exercise Reading Planning Introspect Praying
Benefits of Wake up early in the morning are :
Increases organization and productivity Mental fitness / Reduces Stress Better sleep quality Bigger scores Brighter world
More time for yourself and to get things done More time to Morning Workouts Less commute time in traffic and less traffic noise Better sleep Quality Healthier skin More time for breakfast
Helps you concentrate Improved Cognitive Function Better Mood and Mental Health Get Morning Sunlight Peaceful Mornings Please make use of these above listed benefits for your own good which helps in moving forward in your career and achieve tremendous success Suggestions for waking up earlier Understand your motivation - Have A Strong Reason “Why?” , Get excited
and get ready for the benefits Change your sleep schedule gradually Or Move up gradually Have Realistic Expectations – you cant do it consistently the few days , try to fix your mindset so that you will wake up early Give yourself enough time for a good night's rest. Don’t Jump Out of Bed Immediately Get to Know Your Internal Body Clock Better Don’t use electronics late at night Have a morning/bedtime routine – Go to bed earlier Strive for consistency. Don’t force an early bedtime , keep on trying everyday so that you will make it one day Exercise at the right time. Waking up with the sun can help us set our circadian clock right. The light/dark cycle of the sun has a powerful effect on the circadian clock, sleep, and alertness. Your body’s circadian clock responds to light, as a signal to be awake, and dark, as a signal to fall asleep. Increase your amount of light during the day to be more alert. If you are wanting to improve your circadian rhythm fast, going outside for sunrise and sunset will help reset your circadian rhythm. Let your naked eyes be exposed to the natural light of the sun. This will help signal the hypothalamus part of your brain to start waking up or start winding down for the evening.
Limit light at night Keep the same schedule on weekends Shower as soon as you wake – warm or a cold shower Early to bed implies early to rise Set an earlier bedtime – Just say no to the snooze button By Training your body to fall asleep earlier may help you rise earlier each morning. Pick your goal wake-up time Set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier than normal. Unplug before bed Set an alarm and make sure you check it before u go to bed Place your alarm clock across the room Get out of your bedroom Motivate yourself before you sleep Avoid blue light before bed Allow yourself the occasional lie-in Don’t eat before bed. Eat better and Avoid heavy meals and spicy foods late at night , Avoid late-night snacking , Avoid sugary energy drinks and coffee Silence your phone Avoid all-nighters Get a Pet Skipping a night’s sleep to finish an assignment is not a wise choice. Not only can it lead to exhaustion the next morning, lack of sleep can also inhibit your body’s ability to function properly. Sleep with your curtains open fruits are easy to digest as they are great for a healthy bowel movement. According to Ayurveda the food should be consumed three hours before your sleep. As far as fruits are considered there should be a gap between proper meals and fruits because both have different effect on the digestive system. Fruits get digested faster and are pushed from the stomach to the intestine much earlier. Meals which are especially rich in protein and fiber require much more time and gastric juices to digest.
Therefore it is always advisable to take fruits early in the evening. This could be altered according to individual need.” As per a few studies, eating fruits before sleeping can lead to a spike in the level of sugar, which can further lead to insomnia rather than inducing sleep and making you feel relaxed. Therefore if you want to eat fruit at night you must ensure that there is a gap of at least 30 minutes before you take your meals The first few days when you succeeded in waking up early in the morning - Start Your Day with Joy so thatyou will be motivated to wake up the next days or the following days Staying awake after getting out of bed and doing productive tasks will motivate and help in bringing consistency for waking up early daily
Be in the sun , immerse yourself in the Nature Effects of sun Light on Circadian Rhythms
Sunlight and your circadian rhythm The circadian rhythm is an internal timing system that is thought to have originated in the earliest organisms on Earth, who developed it to protect their DNA from the Sun’s UV radiation. Sunlight is still the most important mechanism that helps sync our internal body clock to the outside world. As the days get longer in the spring, for example, the light-sensitive ipRGC cells in our eyes detect and respond to this change. But present-day lifestyles are disrupting our natural circadian rhythm by changing how much light we are exposed to. A key difference is the amount of time we
now spend inside. This can disturb our circadian rhythm because although indoor environments can seem pretty bright, artificial indoor lighting is often much weaker than we perceive it to be. While a typical classroom, office or hospital setting provides a light intensity that is between 150 and 1,000 lux, being outside on a sunny day can mean being exposed to light that is 10 to 1000 times brighter! The light/dark cycle of the sun has a powerful effect on the circadian clock, sleep, and alertness. Your body’s circadian clock responds to light, as a signal to be awake, and dark, as a signal to fall asleep. Sunlight and serotonin Brings Emotional Well-Being Sunlight helps boost a chemical in your brain called serotonin , and Serotonin is that can give you more energy , is associated with boosting mood and help keep you calm, positive, and focused. Sunlight and darkness trigger the release of hormones in your brain. Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin. At night, darker lighting triggers the brain to make another hormone called melatonin. This hormone is responsible for helping you sleep. Without enough sun exposure, your serotonin levels can dip. Low levels of serotonin are associated with a higher risk of major depression with seasonal pattern (formerly known as seasonal affective disorder or SAD). This is a form of depression triggered by the changing seasons. The Sun Is Your Best Source of Vitamin D
Vitamin D has many roles in the body and is essential for optimal health
Vitamin D production is one of the most well-known health benefits activated by exposure to sunlight. For our skeletal, cardiovascular, neurological, and immune systems, maintaining proper vitamin D levels protects against disease, optimizes physical performance, and improves mental health. why vitamin D is called “the sunshine vitamin.” Vitamin D is made in the skin when it’s exposed to sunlight. Sun exposure is by far the best way to boost vitamin D levels, particularly because very few foods contain significant amounts. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D from cholesterol. The sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit cholesterol in the skin cells, providing the energy for vitamin D synthesis to occur. It instructs the cells in your gut to absorb calcium and phosphorus — two minerals that are essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones Vitamin D is made in the skin when it’s exposed to sunlight.
THINGS in modern society which are responsible to RUIN Youth and other peoples 1. Coffee or Tea addiction 2. Tobacco and Nicotine ( Cigarettes ) 3. Alcohol 4. Sex addiction 5. Illegal and prescription drugs 6. Gambling 7. Wrong usage of The Internet and modern technology 8. Video Games 9. Junk Food 10. Overworking or “workaholism” 11. Porn addiction / Porn content consumption 12. Masturbation 13. Social media Only reason to quit all these bad addictions is Do you want to upgrade yourself for making your dreams come true or degrade yourself and live a mediocre life - “ CHOICE IS ENTIRELY YOURS ” Do you to want to use precious time or valuable time by Quitting these addictions for higher productivity - “ CHOICE IS ENTIRELY YOURS ” Only way One can quit these bad addictions / Habits is by cultivating good Habits - i.e turning inwards which is nothing but Happy Hormones / Chemicals and How to Hack Them Four main chemicals in your brain are responsible for feelings of happiness: dopamine, oxytocin , serotonin and endorphins
Happy Hormones and How to Hack Them A) DOPAMINE B ) OXYTOCIN C ) SEROTONIN D ) ENDORPHIN
“ “ “ “
The reward Hormone ” The love hormone ” For Good Moods ’’ The Pain Reliever ”
A) DOPAMINE - The Reward Hormone / Chemical Happiness , pleasure and reward Pleasure – Motivational role in brain’s reward system Gives you a rush of pleasure from affection and connection It’s released after your brain achieves a goal Now matter if it’s a small one. Important for focus and concentration Ways to increase Dopamine:
Meditation Yoga Pranayama Get enough sleep Maintain a healthy diet – Eating food Listen to music Exercise more Try something new Do something creative Achieve a goal Completing a task and Tick something off your list Celebrating little wins Doing self care activities Dancing Singing
B) OXYTOCIN - The love hormone / Chemical
Increases empathic feelings - Bonding – Love and trust Ways to increase OXYTOCIN :
Play with a pet Play with a baby Hug someone you love Do something nice for someone Spend time with friends Show affection Give someone a compliment Holding hands Singing Dancing
C) SEROTONIN - Good Moods hormone / Chemical Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood, Digestion , sleep, and more and It also helps to inhibit pain lower serotonin activity has been linked to depression and an increased risk of suicide. Serotonin stabilises our mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness. It helps decrease our worries and concerns and is associated with learning and memory.
Ways to increase Serotonin: Walk in nature Sun exposure - Enjoy the sunshine (increased by being outside in bright daylight. Daylight is a standard treatment for seasonal depression ) yoga and meditation Swimming Eat a healthy meal Running Cycling Dancing Singing D) ENDORPHINS - The Pain Reliever hormone / Chemical Endorphins are produced by the central nervous system to help us deal with physical pain. They are released in response to pain or stress Associated with pain relief and a sense of well-being A surge of pleasure, often in response to occasional discomfort or stress -- body’s natural painkillers Ways to increase Endorphins:
Laughter exercise Essential Oils Dark Chocolate Running or walking Exercising Watch a movie Watching comedy Dancing
Singing DANCING AND SINGING - Releases all the four hormones
What causes bad habits? Most of your bad habits are caused by two things Stress and boredom You don't eliminate a bad habit, you replace it. By cultivating good habits like
How to break a bad habit Finding the reason why you want to change Accept that success isn’t a straight line
1) Choose a substitute for your bad habit. 2) Cut out as many triggers as possible. 3) Join forces with somebody , take advice from who have quit the bad habits who could help you in breaking these addictions 4) Surround yourself with people who live the way you want to live. 5) Visualize yourself succeeding in breaking these addictions . 6) You don't need to be someone else, you just need to return to the old you. 7) Stay away from negativity 8) Overcome Self- Doubt
Importance of nutrition in ones lives – Balanced diet
Why is it important to have a good Nutrition?
Good nutrition means your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to work its best. Good Nutrition is important for your body and processes. It is important to have a balanced diet rich in all nutrients to ensure that no deficiencies or hormonal imbalances are created in the body. Nutrition is also important for you to boost your immunity and give it the ability to fight against diseases.
Reasons below that highlight the need of good nutrition 1 ) Good Nutrition Improves Well-Being 2 ) Maintains Your Immune System 3 ) Delays the Effects of Aging 4 ) Gives You Energy - Increases energy levels 5 ) Healthy Diets Lengthen Your Life 6 ) Maintains good heart health 7 ) Delay the effects of ageing 8 ) lengthen life span
Factors influencing nutritional needs 1.Age 2.Gender 3. Lifestyle 4. Physical activity 5. Cultural context 6. Locally available foods 7. Dietary and food customs
Importance of a Balanced Diet
Eating a healthy diet is all about feeling great, having more energy, improving your health, and boosting your mood. Good nutrition, physical activity, and healthy body weight are essential parts of a person’s overall health and wellbeing. Being physically active manages many health problems and improves mental health by reducing stress, depression, and pain. Regular exercise helps to prevent metabolic syndrome, stroke, high blood pressure, arthritis, and anxiety.
What falls under a balanced diet? A balanced diet includes some specific healthy food groups under it: 1 ) Vegetables such as leafy greens, starchy vegetables, legumes like beans and peas, red and orange vegetables, 2 ) Fruits that include whole fruits, fresh fruits or fruit juices but not canned ones dipped in syrup and Dried fruits, such as apricots, prunes and figs
3 ) Grains such as whole grains and refined grains. For example, Ragi , Quinoa , wheat , oats, brown rice, barley, lentils 4 ) Protein such as Nuts , seeds , beans, peas, and legumes ( Soya products , peanut ) 5 ) Organic Dairy products such as low-fat milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, and soy milk
What are the Benefits of a Balanced Diet? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Prevents diseases and infections Helps you control your weight Improves your mental health Good for growth Better skin and hair. Fight Off Diseases Have More Energy Sleep Better More Brain Power
Miracle Power ( Energy ) hidden within you to achieve tremendous success which many are wasting knowingly or unknowingly
Semen retention ( For Men ) - ( divine / sexual energy )
SEMEN RETENTION is a centuries – old practice that allows you to harness your body’s vital energy and redirect it to any area of your life . The vital energy, the Veerya that supports your life, which is the Prana of Pranas, which shines in your sparkling eyes, which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you. Remember this point well. Veerya is the quintessence of blood. One drop of semen is manufactured out of forty drops of blood. Mark here how valuable this fluid is!
One of the students of Dhanvantari ( God of Ayurveda , Father of Ayurveda, Physician of the Gods ) approached his teacher after finishing his full course of Ayurveda ( ancient Indian science of medicine) and asked: “O Bhagavan, kindly let me know the secret of health now.” Dhanvantari replied: “This seminal energy is verily the Atman. The secret of health lies in preservation of this vital force. He who wastes this vital and precious energy cannot have physical, mental, moral and spiritual development.” Veerya (seminal energy) is God in motion. Veerya is dynamic will. Veerya is soul-force. Veerya is the essence of life, thought, intelligence and consciousness. Always remember this.
Semen pervades the whole body. It exists in a subtle form throughout the body. It is withdrawn and elaborated in a gross form in the sexual organs under the influence of the sexual will and sexual excitement. How is Semen Formed?
Virya or semen is a very precious constituent of the body. The formation of semen from food is a very lengthy process. Sri Sushrutacharya has written: ( Ancient Indian Physician , Father of Indian Medicine , Father of surgery ) Thus it is clear from Sushruthacharya’s statement as to how semen is formed through a seven stage process; which is said to take approximately 30 days and 4 hours. Scientists state that the consumption of 32 kg of food produces 800 gm of blood, which in turn forms only 20 gm of semen. A tree draws the essence or Rasa from the earth. This essence is circulated throughout the tree, its twigs, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. The shining colours and life in the leaves, flowers and fruits are due to this Rasa. Similarly, the Veerya that is manufactured by the cells of the testes out of blood gives colour and vitality to the human body and its different organs. According to Ayurveda, semen is the last Dhatu that is formed out of food. Out of food is manufactured chyle. Out of chyle comes blood. Out of blood comes flesh. Out of flesh comes fat. Out of fat comes bone. Out of bone comes marrow. Out of marrow comes semen. These are the Sapta Dhatus or the seven Dhatus that support this life and body. Mark here how precious is semen! It is the last essence. It is the Essence of essences. The Veerya comes out of the very marrow that lies concealed inside the bones.
In Ayurveda, one drop of semen is said to be made from 80 drops of blood. Similarly, Tibetan medicine says that it takes one cup of the vital essence of blood to produce one drop of the vital essence of semen.” Western medicine says that Semen has over 200 different proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It’s a treasure chest of nutrients that the body and mind need to perform at its best. By this measure, semen is even more precious than blood!
Semen nourishes the physical body, the heart and the intellect.
Semen is the quintessence of food or blood. One drop of semen in manufactured out of forty drops of blood according to modern medical science. According to Ayurveda, it is elaborated out of eighty drops of blood. The two testes or seeds that are located in the scrotal bag are called secretory glands. The cells of these testes have been endowed with the peculiar property of secreting semen from the blood. Just as bees collect honey in the honeycomb drop by drop, so also, the cells of the testes collect semen drop by drop from the blood. Then this fluid is taken by the two ducts or tubes to the vesiculae seminalis. Under excitement, it is thrown out by special ducts, called ejaculatory ducts, into the urethra where it is mixed with the prostatic juice.
Semen is considered to be stronger than nuclear force . It has power to give birth to a new life . A full teaspoon of semen can give birth to entire population of USA at once , that’s the power of semen The more the wastage of semen the more is the weakness. Nothing is more important than the cultivation of yourself “ When there is a will there is a way ”
Why do people try semen retention? Where does the idea come from? Self-control can be empowering, and many religious traditions and philosophies encourage self-control in different ways. Judaism has fasts throughout the year, Hinduism encourages awareness and control over the senses, and some denominations of Christianity forbid sex before marriage. All of these practices aim to direct energy away from immediate gratification and towards spiritual, mental, and physical growth “ whatever gives instant Reward has a cost in the upcoming future and whatever doesn’t give instant reward will benefit you in the long run ”
Semen retention help with Mental health
increased motivation
improved energy and focus
more self-confidence
reduced anxiety
better memory
improved concentration
Physical health
clearer skin
increased testosterone
more weight loss
increased muscle mass
physical rejuvenation
a deeper voice
supreme strength
Spiritual health
a greater sense of purpose
stronger or deeper emotional bonds in relationships
a stronger sense of overall harmony
Best Benefits of Semen Retention 1. More confidence 2. More energy 3. More self-control 4. Increased cognition 5. Faster-growing hair 6. Deeper voice 7. More joy 8. Improved libido 9. Better sleep 10. Stronger immunity 11. More attention from women 12. Better workouts “ The roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful ”
Preservation of Semen Promotes Longevity Semen is like the emperor of this bodily kingdom. If this king is strong and powerful , enemies in the form of diseases can never attack this kingdom. Diseases afflict the body only if the semen, the king, is weak.
All the great minds ever happened , their brain made wonders only because they rigourously retained their semen Our semen is the life , it is the reason why humans stay healthy , clear , smart , active and productive semen is the real Elixir of the human body “ The semen “ So don’t damage your body both physically and mentally by wasting your semen
Semen retention techniques 1) NO FAP 2) Celibacy 1) NO FAP What exactly is NoFap?
“ Nofap is a means by which one disciplines both mind and body ” The mind is disciplined not to be a slave to the impulses of the primitive body, and the body is disciplined to obey the mind. NoFap.com is a website and organization that calls itself a “comprehensive community-based porn recovery site.” The organization challenges users to abstain from pornography, masturbation, or sex altogether in order to “reboot” the brain to heal so-called “porn addiction“ and associated sexual dysfunction. This is supposed to lead to numerous benefits, including improved relationships and fulfillment. NoFap offers members support in the way of a community forum and reboot challenges and events. Members also get access to videos, blog posts, and podcasts. They also offer apps to help members track their days of abstinence and stay motivated.
What are the purported benefits of NoFap? Purported mental benefits Members of the NoFap community have reported experiencing a number of mental benefits, including:
increased happiness
boosted confidence
increased motivation and willpower
lower levels of stress and anxiety , helps in Depression
heightened spirituality
improved attitude and appreciation toward other sexes
Purported physical benefits Some potential physical benefits shared by NoFappers are:
higher energy levels
muscle growth
better sleep
improved focus and concentration
better physical performance and stamina
improved or cured erectile dysfunction
improved sperm quality
Other benefits of No Fap
1. You’ll Be Happier: Reboot Your Dopamine Receptors 2. Increased Willpower, Determination, And Discipline 3. Better Self-Esteem 4. More Time 5. Positivity And Optimism 6. Increased Productivity 7. Reduced Negative Emotion 8. Improved Quality Of Life
Are any of the purported benefits backed by research? Testosterone does have an effect on:
energy levels
physical performance
muscle growth
There is, however, a lot of anecdotal evidence within the NoFap community. Many members are happy to share the rewards they’ve reaped from giving up masturbation or porn.
Famous people have gone on NoFap challenge / celibacy for various reasons
Famous people on NoFap challenge / celibacy : Famous people that harnessed the power of their sexual energy Famous people on NoFap challenge - semen retention and celibacy that will inspire you Sexual Transmutation (NoFap) For Women
Even Many women have experienced many benefits by doing no fap
Arnold Schwarzenegger Austrian and American actor, film producer, businessman,retired professional bodybuilder and politician
“ In bodybuilding you try to keep your emotions as low as can , you want to protect yourself nothing can get to you when you want to be a champion you have to be very cold Especially the two to three months before a competition you should keep your emotions level to a low when you get involved with a woman such as love and you fall in love that energy falling in love takes away from your energy in the gymnasium and obviously that’s gonna hurt your progress so therefore you again find out or ask yourself what do you want in your life , do you want to fall in love or , do you want to be married and you want to have children and go on with the every day life all the other millions of people do or do you want to be the one person who is the best So therefore you have to cut this off and go your road and don’t go sidetracked STAY COLD ”
2) Swami Vivekananda Indian Hindu monk, philosopher, author, religious teacher, and the chief disciple of the Indian mystic Ramakrishna
Swamiji's memory power
It is well known that Swami Vivekananda during the World Parliament of Religions held at Chicago in 1893, addressed the gathering as Brothers and Sisters of America. Many other speakers before Swami Vivekananda had also addressed the gathering as Brothers and Sisters….but when Swami Vivekananda addressed the gathering as Brothers and Sisters of America, all the seven thousand odd people got up and clapped for two minutes…non-stop! Later a Press Reporter asked Swami Vivekananda whether he possessed any special power. In reply Vivekananda said, “Yes. I did possess a special power. Ever
since my younger days, I never allowed a sex thought to cross my mind.” This was the secret of his power and this indeed was the secret behind the unusual capacity with which he could read and understand books after books just by turning the pages. Swami Vivekananda’s Reading Speed And Memory Power Swami Vivekananda reportedly had eidetic or photographic memory. He himself explained “ Do you see, simply by the observance of strict Brahmacharya (continence) all learning can be mastered in a very short time — one has an unfailing memory of what one hears or knows but once. It is owing to this want of continence that everything is on the brink of ruin in our country. ” 3 ) Nikola Tesla Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
Tesla remained a virgin till he died. In a 1935 interview, he was asked why he doesn’t engage in sexual activity and his response was this; “I recognize the importance that sex plays in the life of man. Nature has made its attraction irresistible to insure the perpetuity of the race. As for myself, I have found that the thinker is confronted with the problem of perpetuating either the species or mind. Before I produced the rotating magnetic field, I concentrated all my powers upon my experiment. The strain would have killed a hundred oxen. I certainly could not have survived it if I had permitted my energies to be diverted into the channels of sex.” 4 ) Mahatma Gandhi Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule, and to later inspire movements for civil rights and freedom across the world
In his book Key to Health, this is what Mahatma Gandhi had to say about the abridged version of Brahmacharya (semen retention): “The sexual glands are all the time secreting the semen. This secretion should be utilized for enhancing one’s mental, physical, and spiritual energy. He, who would learn to utilize it thus, will find that he requires very little food to keep his body in a fit condition. And yet he will be as capable as any of undertaking physical labor. Mental exertion will not tire him easily nor will he show the ordinary signs of old age. Just as a ripe fruit or an old leave falls off naturally, so will such a brahmachari when his time comes to pass away with all his faculties intact. Although with the passage of time the effects of the natural wear and tear must be manifest in his body, his intellects instead of showing signs of decay should show progressive clarity. If all this is correct, the real key to health lies in the conservancy of vital (semen) energy.”
5 ) Sadhguru ( Jagadish Vasudev ) Sadhguru (born Jagadish Vasudev, 3 September 1957) is the founder and head of the Isha Foundation, based in Coimbatore, India. The foundation, established in 1992, operates an ashram and yoga centre that carries out educational and spiritual activities. Sadhguru has been teaching yoga since 1982. He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy and Karma: A Yogi's Guide to Crafting Your Destiny, and a frequent speaker at international forums. Sadhguru also advocates for protecting the environment against climate change, leading many initiatives like Project GreenHands (PGH), Rally for Rivers, Cauvery Calling, and the Journey to Save Soil. In 2017, he received the Padma Vibhushan, India's second-highest civilian award, for his contributions to spirituality and humanitarian services. Also in 2017, Sadhguru unveiled the Adiyogi Shiva statue, the worlds largest bust, in Coimbatore, India.
In an interview when he was asked about How important is a man’s semen for physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing?
“ Semen is of an extraordinary level of potency. So, in the yogic culture this is called as “Viryam.” It is one of the most potent things. Obviously, it has a potency if you know how to explore.
Semen is the basis of your physical existence, whether you’re a man or a woman. You have come into the existence because that is fifty percent of the ingredient. But semen is of an extraordinary level of potency. It can create a whole new life. So, in the yogic culture this is called as “Virya.” Virya also refers to what you call as “Vajra” which means stability or diamond, which is the hardest thing. So, in the human body, virya is considered to be like vajra. That means it is one of the most potent things if you know how to use it. Well, how to use it means, you can use it to produce a child. That’s one thing. obviously it has a potency if you know how to explore. But are you competent to explore, are you capable of exploring, do you have the necessary sadhana and guidance to do that? That’s a big question mark. ”
6) Steve Jobs American entrepreneur, industrial designer, business magnate, media proprietor, and investor. He was the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple; thechairman and majority shareholder of Pixar; a member of The Walt Disney Company's board of directors following its acquisition of Pixar; and the founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT. He is widely recognized as a pioneer of the personal
computer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s, along with his early business partnerand fellow Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
In the book: The Bite in the Apple — a memoir written by Chrisann Brennan who was Steve Jobs’ girlfriend at a point. Here’s what she said about Steve Jobs and Semen retention: Here’s what she said about Steve Jobs and Semen retention: “Our birth control method up to that point was Steve’s coitus interruptus (semen retention), also called the pull-out method, which for him was about his conserving his energy for work. Not reaching climax is a practice from the eastern traditions of India and Japan that is passed between teacher and male student for the purpose of building focus and power—presumably for spiritual growth. But it is also a practice taught in the 1937 motivational book inspired by Andrew Carnegie, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, which speaks to building power and wealth by conserving one’s vital energies. I knew that coitus interruptus was a bogus form of birth control, but until then I’d suspended my better judgment and watched my cycles.”
7 ) Elon Musk A business magnate and investor. He is the founder, CEO and chief engineer of SpaceX; angel investor, CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc; founder of The Boring Company; co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI; president of the Musk Foundation; and owner and CEO of Twitter, Inc. With an estimated net worth of around $181 billion as of November 18, 2022,Musk is the wealthiest person in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index and Forbes's real-time billionaires list.
Elon Musk “ A massive amount of thinking, like truly stupendous amount of thinking, has gone into sex. Without purpose – without procreation,. Which is actually quite a silly action in the absence of procreation. It’s a bit silly. So why are you doing it? Because it makes the limbic system happy, that’s why. But its’ pretty absurd really… But I mean, a lot of computation has gone into, “How can I do more of that?” without procreation even being a factor. 8) David Haye (born 13 October 1980) a British former professional boxer who competed between 2002 and 2018. He held multiple world championships in two weight classes, and was the first British boxer to reach the final of the World Amateur Boxing Championships, where he won a silver medal in 2001.
Another great boxer that used semen retention to harness energy, tension, and aggression When asked about where he gets the drive that made him the greatest boxer of his time, David attributed the success to his ability to practice semen retention. “I don’t [climax] for six weeks before the fight. . . It releases too much tension. It releases a lot of minerals and nutrients that your body needs, and it releases them cheaply. Releasing weakens the knees and your legs. Find a lion that hasn’t had some food for a while, and you’ve got a dangerous cat. So there won’t be a drip from me. Even in my sleep — if there are girls all over me in my dream, I say to them, “I’ve got a fight next week, I can’t do anything. I can’t do it.” That’s control. I’ve been doing that since I was fifteen and it’s part and parcel of my preparation now. That’s why I am who I am today — it’s down to all those little sacrifices. Find me another boxer who makes that sacrifice, and you’ll find another champion.”
9 ) Manny Pacquiao (born December 17, 1978) is a former professional boxer. Nicknamed "PacMan", he is regarded as one of the greatest professional boxers of all time. He previously served as a Senator of the Philippines from 2016 to 2022. Pacquiao is the only eight-division world champion in the history of boxing and has won twelve major world titles. He was the first boxer to win the lineal championship in five different weight classes, the first boxer to win major world titles in four of the eight "glamour divisions" (flyweight, featherweight, lightweight, and welterweight), and is the only boxer to hold world championships across four decades (1990s, 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s).
His trainer, Freddie Roach had this to say: “We’ve talked to doctors about it. Sex lowers your testosterone, so you’re not as mean. Most boxers abstain for a week or more before a bout. I ask my guys for 10 days. Of course, Pacquiao beats the others even when it comes to abstinence. He stays chaste for 21 days before a bout, husbanding his energies for post-fight festivities.”
10) Napoleon Hill (October 26, 1883 – November 8, 1970) was an American self-help author. He is best known for his book Think and Grow Rich (1937), which is among the 10 best-selling self-help books of all timeHill's works insisted that fervid expectations are essential to improving one's life. Most of his books were promoted as expounding principles to achieve "success".
In the book “ Think and Grow Rich ”. he says, “Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times. So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact, that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it. When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches”
11) Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson (born July 6, 1975), known professionally as 50 Cent, is an American rapper, actor, and businessman.
In 2012, he openly came on Twitter one day and advised guys to stop masturbating. And he even gave simple steps to help you stop masturbation:
Masturbation is a sin you stop right now fool!!! Lol. God is watching you! — 50cent (@50cent) September 26, 2012 Steps to stop masturbating Step 1. To avoid the urge to masturbate stop going to porn sites. Step 2. Make a conscious decision not to turn your head after people walk by you. Step 3. Do not go to strip clubs Step 4. Do not look at lust-filled magazines — 50cent (@50cent) September 26, 2012
12) Kanye West Born ( Kanye Omari West) June 8, 1977) is an American rapper, songwriter, recordproducer, and fashion designer.He is widely regarded as one of the most influential hip hop artists and producers and as one of the greatest musicians of his generation.
Once, he was asked where he gets his energy and his drive from, he replied: “I have, like, nuclear power, like a superhero, like Cyclops when he puts his glasses on. . . People ask me a lot about my drive. I think it comes from, like, having a sexual addiction at a really young age. Look at the drive that people have to get sex—to dress like this and get a haircut and be in the club in the freezing cold at 3 a.m., the places they go to pick up a girl. If you can focus the energy into something valuable, put that into work ethic. . .”
In an interview with Zane Lowe, he opened up about his addiction to porn and the effects it had on his life: “Like for me, Playboy was my gateway into full-on pornography addiction. My dad had a Playboy left out at age 5 and it’s affected almost every choice I made for the rest of my life. From age five till now having to kick the habit.” “And it just presents itself in the open like it’s okay and I stand up and say, ‘No, it’s not okay.’”
Muhammad Ali
born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr ;( January 17, 1942 – June 3, 2016) was an American professional boxer and activist. Nicknamed "The Greatest", he isregarded as one of the most significant sports figures of the 20th century, and is frequently ranked as the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time. In 1999, he was named Sportsman of the Century by Sports Illustrated and the Sports Personality of the Century by the BBC.
In his autobiography The Greatest: My Own Story, he talked about what the Olympic boxing coach Harry Wiley said: “There’s a kid just come down here named Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali). If you bet on him every time he fights, you’ll be a rich man, ‘cause he won’t lose a single fight. I believe his thing is sexual control. And he’s got it. . . Any kid who can control [it] can win the title. I believe it.”
14 ) Sigmund Freud
Born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; ( 6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for evaluating and treating pathologies explained as originating in conflicts in the psyche, through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.
Sigmund Freud believed that masturbation caused anxiety. He also believed that sexual activity doesn’t mix with achieving great work. So, at the age of 40, he told his wife that he wanted to take a path of celibacy (and no masturbation) so that he can achieve great things in the field of psychology. And till he died at the age of 83, he remained celibate.
15) Samael Aun Weor BORN ( March 6, 1917 – December 24, 1977), born Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez, was a spiritual teacher and author of over sixty books of esoteric spirituality.
"Prana is the purifying fire that cleans the scoria which plugs the nadis. The veils of Rajas [passion] and Tamas [darkness] are dissipated with the sexual transmutation in Pranayama. The mind of the student is prepared for Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi with the practice of Pranayama. The disciple should practice Pranayama ten minutes daily. The disciple should drink a glass of milk or eat any light food after he finishes the practice. The disciples can also practice while standing firm on their feet. The disciple should slowly inhale and exhale with his mind very well concentrated in his practice of Pranayama." - Samael Aun Weor, Kundalini Yoga "Single people must transmute the seminal liquor with deep breathing, keeping the lungs full thirty seconds or more. This svara [breathing] exercise must be performed daily."
—Samael Aun Weor, The Mysteries of Life and Death "Prana is the Great Breath. It is the Cosmic Christ. Prana is the life that palpitates within every atom, as it palpitates in every sun. Fire burns because of Prana. Water flows because of Prana. Wind blows because of Prana. The sun exists because of Prana; the life we have is Prana. Nothing can exist in the Universe without Prana. It is impossible for the most insignificant insect to be born, or for the smallest flower to bloom without Prana. Prana exists in the food that we eat, in the air that we breathe, and in the water that we drink. Prana exists within everything. When seminal energy is refined and totally transformed, the nervous system is provided with the richest type of Prana. This rich Prana is deposited within the brain in the form of pure Christic energy, the Wine of Light. An intimate connection exists between the mind, the Prana and the semen. We can gain dominion over the mind and Prana by controlling the seminal energy with the force of willpower. Those people who spill the semen can never gain control over their mind, let alone Prana. Their efforts to gain control over their mind and over Prana will undoubtedly fail. People who gain sexual control, also gain control of their minds and control of their Prana. These types of human beings reach true liberation." - Samael Aun Weor, The Yellow Book
16 ) Isaac Newton Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/27) was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, theologian, and author (described in his time as a "natural philosopher"), widely recognised as one of thegreatest mathematicians and physicists and among the most influential scientistsof all time. He was a key figure in the philosophical revolution known as the Enlightenment
Widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all-time, Newton willingly remained celibate his entire life.
He said “The way to chastity is not to struggle directly with incontinent thoughts, but to avert your thoughts with some other employment, by reading or meditating on other things, or by converse, for he who is always thinking of chastity will always be thinking of women.” 17)
Pythagoras of Samos ( 570 – c. 495 BC) was an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher and the eponymous founder of Pythagoreanism. His political andreligious teachings were well known in Magna Graecia and influenced the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and, through them, the West in general.
The ancient Greek philosopher was credited with many mathematical and scientific discoveries and was the man behind Pythagorean theorem. Pythagoras established a community that set a premium on study, vegetarianism, and sexual restraint or abstinence. He said “the loss of semen was dangerous, hard to control and both physically and spiritually exhausting…” The other famous Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, also shared similar views on sexuality.
18 ) Prince (musician) Prince Rogers Nelson (June 7, 1958 – April 21, 2016), more commonly known mononymously as Prince, was an American singer-songwriter, musician, and record producer. The recipient of numerous awards and nominations, he is widely regarded as one of the greatest musicians of his generation. He was knownfor his flamboyant, androgynous persona; his wide vocal range, which included a far-reaching falsetto and high-pitched screams; and his skill as a multi- instrumentalist, often preferring to play all or most of the instruments on his recordings. Prince produced his albums himself, pioneering the Minneapolis sound. His music incorporated a wide variety of styles, including funk, R&B, rock, new wave, soul, synth-pop, pop, jazz, and hip hop.
"Yeah, I'm celibate. Well, it's all physical; all of that then turns into other things. Libido is energy. I go back and forth. It's like fasting: it's a practice and you get better at it over time, you know, but no one is perfect … With fasting, after four days, you don't want food anymore. You've got this thing that says ‘feed me, feed me,’ and then when it realizes it's not going to get fed, it goes away."
19 ) Miles Davis Miles Dewey Davis III (May 26, 1926 – September 28, 1991) was an American trumpeter, bandleader, and composer. He is among the most influential and acclaimed figures in the history of jazz and 20th-century music. Davis adopted a variety of musical directions in a five-decade career that kept him at the forefront of many major stylistic developments in jazz.
“You can't come [cum], then fight or play. You can't do it. When I get ready to come, I come. But I do not come and play (jazz). You give up all your energy when you come. I mean, you give up all of it!”
20 ) ) Winston Churchill Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British statesman, soldier, and writer who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom twice, from 1940 to 1945 during the Second World War, and again from 1951 to 1955. Apart from two years between 1922 and 1924, he was a Member of Parliament (MP) from 1900 to 1964 and represented a total of five constituencies.
Britain’s most famous Prime Minister and acclaimed writer (winner of Nobel Prize in Literature) exclaimed that “The reason that I can write so much is that I don't waste my essence(semen) in the bedroom."
21) Sarvesh shashi ( Born 15 April, 1992 ) Modern yogi and founder @sarvayogastudios & @thedivayoga , India’s - millionaire yogi ( Indian entrepreneur millionaire )
“ The Millennials Embracing a Life Without Sex ”
The Coolest Yogi Mumbai-based entrepreneur with a yoga and wellness empire worth about $15 million. He has established more than 35 yoga studios across India under the
name of Sarva, and designed 25 yoga styles including basketball and paddle boat yoga. Even before turning 30, this yoga mogul, often referred to as the "CEO among monks" . Shashi, who is devoutly dedicated to his yoga discipline, lives by a set of prohibitions advised by his yoga guru: no drinking, smoking, lying, stealing, having sex or masturbating. According to him Not Having Sex and Masturbating Helped This Millionaire Become Successful Shashi, who is devoutly dedicated to his yoga discipline, lives by a set of prohibitions advised by his yoga guru: no drinking, smoking, lying, stealing, having sex or masturbating. According to his guru, cutting out these distractions were essential for Shashi to attain enlightenment and success. No matter how horny hot yoga enthusiasts potentially made him. The celibacy and semen retention vow that Shashi has lived by for the last 13 years He owes to No Sex , No masturbation, No Fap- his Celibacy Rule. He says meditation is a longer orgasm and the no fap benefits are much more than the benefits of masturbation or sex. No Fapping comes from the science of yoga and the science of meditation and the side effects of masturbation wouldn’t have allowed him to be as successful
There are many more people aroung the world who were aware of this Miracle energy and used it for higher purpose which helped them to Reach Great Heights and “ Made impossible things possible ” Sorry if I have missed any great people The list continues , goes on ……………….. My intention / aim is to make people aware of tremendous benefits And Not comparision or pointing people
2 Celibacy Brahmacharya is celibacy “Brahmacharya or spotless chastity is the best of all penances; a celibate of such spotless chastity is not a human being, but a god indeed… To the celibate who conserves the semen with great efforts, what is there unattainable in this world ? By the power of the composure of the semen, one will become just like Myself.” – Adi Shankaracharya ( Indian intellectual giant - Vedic scholar and teacher )
NEED FOR CELIBACY What do we see these days? Boys and girls, men and women are drowned in the ocean of impure thoughts, lustful desires and little sensual pleasures. Why do you lose the energy that has taken many weeks and months to gain forthe sake of a little, momentary sensual pleasure?
By practicing right sexuality or following celibacy have lot of benefits as mentioned below: Benefits of practicing celibacy/ Brahmacharya 1. Practicing celibacy gives success in life 2. Improves longevity of life. 3. It shows Rasayana effect on the body i.e. rejuvenates the body. 4. It provides peace and purity to the soul. 5. Because of practicing celibacy one can endowed the whole life with strength, complexion, and continuous growth. 6. It enhances lusture of the skin. 7. It gives consciousness to mind and improves intellectuality. 8. It boosts immunity of the body. 9. By practicing celibacy, one can get to know about own self energy (Atma virya). 10. It decreases the bad qualities in a person like anger, pride, deceit and greed.
11. It helps in keeping different vows and commitments in life. 12. By attaining will power through practicing Brahmacharya a person can do anything what he/she wants in life. 13. Will get strength to pass any hurdles in life. 14. The proper knowledge of any thing can only get by correct practicing of celibacy. 15. One can get indriya jaya (conquer over senses) through practicing celibacy 16. Brahmacharya grant tranquility and transparency of life.
4 Divine energy / Sexual energy transmutation What Is Sexual Energy / Divine energy ? Understanding sexual energies starts with understanding the basics of chakra. Every person has seven chakras or energy centers, each one connected to a specific body part. For example, sexual desire is associated with the root chakra (in your reproductive organs) and your sacral chakra (in your kidneys). All of the chakras are connected by the energy that runs through your entire body, also known as kundalini. The root chakra – which, again, is tied to your sexual energy – is the foundation of all this energy coursing through your body. W h a t i s S e x u a l T r a n s m u t a t i o n / Sexual energy transmutation ? Sexual transmutation is the alchemical practice of channeling and directing your sexual energy into a ‘higher’ purpose. As one of the most powerful energies in existence, our sexual energy can be directed towards achieving goals, manifesting dreams, and experiencing deeper states of consciousness. Transmutation of sexual energy was first introduced to the wider public through Napoleon Hill, author of the book Think and Grow Rich, almost a hundred years ago. According to Think and Grow Rich, one of the keys to improving oneself (and achieving all sorts of success) is tuning into your desire and transmuting sexual energy into the rest of your life. If you have a problem with motivation and willpower, your sexual energy is leaking out of your root chakra instead of moving freely throughout your body.
When you transmute sexual energy, you take the energy in your root chakra and bring it upwards into your other energy centers. You transform what is essentially a physical expression of energy into mental, psychological, emotional, social, or creative energy. Transmuting your sexual energy, at its most potent form, involves abstaining from all sexual activity or content, whether it is sex, masturbation or pornography and harnessing this energy for other endeavours. You must understand that transmuting sexual energy has nothing to do with repressing or fighting this energy, which is unwise and not advisable. Trying to repress this energy will only lead to frustration. As Napoleon Hill says in the book, “A river may be dammed, and its water controlled for a time, but eventually it will force an outlet. The same is true of the emotion of sex. If it is not transmuted into some creative effort, it will find a less positive, less productive outlet.” Channeling your sexual energy towards your goals and creative pursuits is the key. Energy cannot be destroyed. In the case of men, when semen is retained, it is absorbed back into the body to nourish the higher energy centres (chakras), nervous system, and the brain. While undertaking the process of transmuting your sexual energy, it is highly recommended to complement it with the practice of daily meditation and physical exercise/yoga.
Doing this will ensure that the sexual energy circulates upwards, and does not remain concentrated on the sex chakra/ genitals in which case sexual urges can get stronger. Why Sexual Energy Is Powerful And Precious
“The vital essence, or sexual fluid, contains a high concentration of prana. If not dissipated, the power therein can be used to enhance physical health, mental vitality, creativity, and spiritual development”.
- Paramahansa Yogananda ( Indian Hindu monk , yogi and guru , introduced millions to the teachings of meditation and Kriya Yoga , Father of Yoga in the West ) The ancient Eastern cultures recognised a subtle invisible form of energy that permeates all things in nature. It was referred to as Prana in India, Chi by the Chinese culture and Ki by the Japanese. In English, this is referred to as life-force energy. Prana provides us with energy and nourishment and is present in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. In our body it is present in its most concentrated form in men’s semen and women’s menstrual blood.
The Mystery Of Sex Transmutation / Sexual energy transmutation
In Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, he talks about how “the mystery of sexual transmutation” is an important step toward wealth. This may sound confusing at first, because it's not obvious why sex – or even sexual energy – should have any connection with manifestation potential. Let's break this idea down. The central aim of sexual transmutation is to take your sexual energy and redirect it towards whatever you want to manifest – your dream job, money, love, or something else entirely. When you feel like you have high levels of sexual energy, you can take that sensitivity, that vibrancy, and channel it towards your goals instead of simply releasing it into the world with no direction. Think about how you feel when you're highly sexually motivated. Then compare it to how you feel when you're inspired or highly creative, you'll notice the similarities. Both states encourage you to vibrate on a frequency of abundance, energizing you. It makes sense, then, that you would be able to move back and forth between them with ease. With this idea in mind, we can now turn to look at the practical steps you need to take to use sexual energy to manifest.
Each one of us has the power to cultivate sexual energy into creative energy by using sexual transmutation techniques We all make mistakes , focus on present and not on the past mistakes. What has happened can’t be undone Wasting of semen will lead to the dysfunctionality of the brains Semen is virility – Strength / Power
B e ne f i t s o f S e x u a l T r a n s m u t a t i o n / Sexual energy transmutation While the goal of sexual transmutation is an increase in creative energy, it can also improve your overall well-being. Successful people who engage in sexual transmutation say that it can improve your:
Physical energy and motivation Mental clarity Physical health Self-awareness and ability to reflect Confidence Creativity and problem-solving ability Spiritual connection and connection to your body Activates Right brain
Improved Health And Wellbeing Higher Achievement Of Success Increased Physical Energy Cultivate New Found Internal Energy Increasing vigour of mind and keeness of intellect Sphotographic memory Unfailing power
The Best Ways To Channel Sexual Energy For Sexual Transmutation
First thing to do Semen retention as your basic foundation Semen retention cultivates creative energy and creative potential
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Redirect your sexual desires, indulgence, and lust into your dream goals Inner engineering - shambhavi mahamudra (Isha Foundation ) Do meditation and pranayama Visualization Yoga and yoga mudras Exercises or any physical activity like playing or do some creative things like learning music instruments , sports , dance , singing etc
7 ) Going to the Gym 8 ) Letting go of addictive behaviors Kiss goodbye to All of your addictions 9 ) Deep work or uninterrupted study or other interested activities 10) Not only conserving helps but qualitive usage of it will help productivity or else it ( sex energy ) will release unwanted form like anger or any other unwanted ways 11 ) The maturity factor – the purpose must be either use it or lose it
Motivation for Semen retention and Sexual energy transmutation Maturity is the abilitity to postpone gratification Learn to delay gratification
Ability to delay gratification predicts success Those who can control their senses , can aquire the sovereignty of the world The best way to predict the future is to create it --- “ Peter Drucker ”
“ The greatest pleasure I've had is trying to do something, everybody says ‘could not be done ” - Ratan Tata ( Indian industrialist, investor, philanthropist, and former chairman of Tata Sons - well-known industrialist who is praised for his business ethics and philanthropy )
Just remember one thing “ Whatever gives instant reward has a cost in the upcoming future and whatever doesn’t give instant reward will benefit you in the long run “ As long as we surrender to the demands of our body , mind and senses we will suffer ” Do you want to use to fulfill ur dreams / desires or do you want to waste it for temporary pleasures which will vanish within few moments Those who succumb to pressures and do what ’s immediately satisfying miss out on later satisfication
Ex : the people who did semen retention for years are living their dreams and those who wasted are living a unsatisfying lives “ Control Lust before it destroys you Destroy lust before it destroys you ” Instead of using “ I ’ m human ” as an excuse to walk in the flesh , try using “ I ’m saved as a reason to walk in the spirit So I say , walk by your spirit , and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh “ 90 % people are unconscious of their actions that’s why they are not able to dream big and achieve big because of negativity i.e they say its impossible for people like us just because they are not aware of miracle power that reside in them , its only a question of either you use it or lose it
Those who succumb to pressures and do what’s imediately satisfying miss out on later satisfication i.e massive success in term sof health , wealth , relationships , abundance and prosperity Once you have learned, refined, and practiced sexual transmutation, you can achieve incredible benefits, including:
Enhanced creative abilities and creative effort
Realizing your dreams
Improved physical energy
Better physical expression
Ability to control your sexual desire, instead of always acting on impulse
Less frivolous sexual contact. More meaningful lovemaking
Having a better, more healthy relationship with work and money
Healing chronic fatigue and other illnesses associated with low physical energy levels
As you can clearly see, the benefits of sex transmutation are not to be underestimated. If you can master this art, the world is truly your oyster
5 DON’T be a LIMITED person ( don’t value negative people ) Be CONSIOUS OF HEALTH , MONEY , WEALTH , RELATIONSHIPS , ABUNDANCE and PROSPERITY Limited thinking or victim mentality like not able to conceive – like unable to dream big ands think big is the main cause behind Youth failure Limited thinking is SIN ---- Dr. Baskaran Pillai ( Teacher. Spiritual Leader. Humanitarian. Scholar-Mystic ) CONCEIVE – If you are not able to conceive then You will be limited , Mediocre living , sufferings and pain If you are not able to think Big , DREAM BIG and you CANT have faith That means you can’t ACHIEVE BIG THEN ITS FINISHED NO ONE in this world will help you to Fulfill Your desires and Lead a successful and prosperous lives you aspired for Believe in yourself no one can stop you from becoming knowledgeable , rich
Incredible things can be done simply if we are committed to making them happen Nothing is impossible – most of the things worth doing in the world has been declared IMPOSSIBLE before they were done Waiting is a waste of time Take care of your thought process , because it is the thought which generated an idea , dream or desires Every moment is new Faith is utter positivity Fear of failure
Don’t be afraid of failure, Don’t abandon
Don’t be afraid of failure: “Once you start a working on something, don’t be afraid of failure and don’t abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest“. If we keep getting afraid of failure, we will never progress in life. Our success lies beyond the comfort zone. - CHANAKYA ( Ancient Indian polymath who was active as a teacher, author, strategist, philosopher, economist, jurist, and royal advisor ) When you start something – things will not always go your way. You will have challenges, limitations constantly bothering you.
Plan for Alternative Options: If you have a plan, you’ll be forced to change at some point. Accept this possibility and create an alternate option. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but good to have a plan B. Look for feedback: Don’t waste a failure – each failure is a great opportunity to learn. If you’re afraid of making mistakes, you’ll never move ahead. Take these failures as feedback and learn to grow from them. Failure is not fatal: I can’t stress this enough – it is just a feedback that something is not working. It is not personal but the way this world or any world works. We can’t always be right in the very first attempt every single time. Dream Big: Don’t let your fears compromise the ability to dream big. It is a waste of time to play a mediocre game and limiting your dreams to protect your emotions. Keep an open mind, say bring it on and fight for your passions. Fear has killed many dreams, don’t let yours succumb to fear. At every outcome, you are faced with a decision. A decision can be about what to focus on, or it can be about whether to continue what you are doing You can be afraid of failure and keep worrying about it day in and day out. Or you can accept that as an outcome, be aware of it and start trying to think of avoiding it. At each point, the single question is very important – What do I want? Is there an alternative way of getting it? There are many other ways to focus your direction and thoughts to make them work for you. Step out of your stories, justifications and focus on failure. You often get what you focus on! Make sure that you focus on your dreams rather than fear and only challenges. They’re there for a reason – not to prevent you from achieving your goals. Think about what you can do about your fears
At every result, you can ask multiple questions. The choice can be debilitating questions like – why does this happen to me? Is my luck so bad? Have I not prayed to the right gods? Or, you can ask empowering questions – What can I do about this? How can I make this better? What is this feedback trying to tell me? After all, you are dealt with an outcome. You can decide to be afraid of failure and stop everything you do. OR You can get up, dust yourself off and find ways to get to your goal. The choice is ultimately yours.
Expect a Miracle every day Compassion is Key You are Not a Victim
Thought Patterns If negative thoughts arises in your mind constantly You will continue to suffer If you have emotional reaction to everything That is running inside your mind True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic Don’t identify yourself with those thougthts , if you are reacting to negative thoughts that means you are becoming slaves to those negative thoughts If mind / thought controls you that means everything else can
control you . Breathe and allow things to pass
Remember Never fight with your mind / thoughts We continue to suffer when we identify ourselves with the thoughts Negative thoughts are bound to come but you must devalue them . Think using your common sense or logic Thoughts are inanimate , lifeless , untrue , unreal , powerless We suffer when we give these negative thoughts importance And problems starts to arise we accept it and turn those thoughts into actions Take control of your mind and body , your life is like a jolly ride If u don’t fight for what you want , don’t cry for what you ‘ ve lose
KARMA Don’t let past karma , thought patterns control your destiny , so take care of your thoughts Don’t be a slave to negative thought patterns Pleasure and pain come from your own past actions , so it is easy to define Karma in one short sentence . “ Act well , and things will go well ; act wrongly , and things will go wrong ” . “ Never be afraid to Do what you Love ” “ No one can stop you from becoming Healthy , rich , wealthy and lead a successful prosperous life ” Self – doubt is the worst enemy of your life It is like a drop of poison in a pot of milk . It ruins all your future possibilities , Be cautious but never doubt yourself . You don’t know what you’re capable of until you face challenges in life . “ FOR THE DOUBTING SOUL , THERE IS NO HAPPINESS IN THIS LIFE LIFE AFTER ”
Rules of life
1) Let It Go Never run a Good day by thinking about a bad yesterday Make peace with your past, so it won't disturb your present. 2 ) IGNORE THEM What other people think of you is none of your business. Don’t Listen to other people , live a life that’s empowering to you 3 ) GIVE IT TIME Time heals almost everything. Give it time. Every situation in life is temporary . so , when life is good , make sure you enjoy and receive it fully . And when life is not so good , remember that it will not last forever and better days are on the way . 4) IT’S ON YOU No one is in charge of your happiness , only you are in charge of your happiness No one can change your life until you decide to change it It never too late to changeyour luck 5) DON’T COMPARE The only person you should try to beat is the person you were yesterday
Don't compare your life to others, and don't judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about. The goal is not to be better than the other person but your previous self Everything has its own beauty but not everyone can see it 6 ) STAY CALM Stop thinking too much. It's all right if you don't know the answers. It’s okay not to have everything figured out , know that in time , you ‘ll get there They will come to you when you least expect it. Sometimes too late is just in time .
7 ) SMILE Life is short , enjoy it while you have it Never be afraid to do what you love 8) When you are alone , Mind your thoughts When you are with friends , Mind your tongue When you are angry , Mind your temper When you are with a group , Mind your behavior When you are in trouble , Mind your emotions When god starts blessing you , Mind your ego
9 ) Control Your Thoughts Thought is all important , for “ what we think we become ”
Our thoughts make things beautiful , our thoughts make things ugly --- Swami Vivekananda ( One of the greatest spiritual leaders of India )
10 ) Every morning you have two choices : continue to sleep with dreams or wake up and chase your dreams. The choice is yours Every new day is another chance to change our life 11 ) Let Go of Unnecessary Responsibilities There are things within your control and things outside your control. When people or circumstances are outside of your control, it is important to not hold them too tightly. Imbalanced responsibilities will make you unhappy. Accepting the right level of responsibility will help you function within your limits. 12 ) If you sleep your time also sleep 13 ) Drag out the negative thoughts and Negative people ‘s from your life 14 ) Always Respect your Guru’s / Teachers 15 ) Never afraid of problems 16 ) Training your body and mind is the key of success 17 ) No one can make your value down 18 ) A Big success takes a big time – Stick to your goals no matter what If you make a mistake , don’t be afraid to correct it It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop
Success depends on being prepared beforehand , and without preparation there will only be failure 19 ) Be dedicated to your goal 20 ) Play with what u have 21 ) Stop ( 5 C ‘s ) things in life Criticizing Complaining Crying Curse Compare --- Sonu Sharma ( Youngest sacred Speakers in India )
22) Gratitude Start coating your mind with Gratitude It ‘ll change everything for you That’s the The Power Of Gratitude - Steve Harvey ( American television host , producer actor and comedian , an Emmy® Award-winning entertainer, radio personality, motivational speaker, New York Times bestselling author, businessman and Philanthropist )
23) Process Keep it simple Focus more on the process and less on the results
If you get the process right you will get the result . And enjoy , don’t take too much pressure --- MS DHONI ( Legend of cricket ) 24 ) It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop 25 ) To be successful in life there is no shortcut 26) The only method is work hard and straight way 27) Limited thinking is SIN Dream big and achieve Big 28) Don’t lose faith 29) You don't own all the problems in the world. 30) If you don’t discipline when you are in school or college You pay a Heavy price later part of your life Discipline like coming up in a proper way Writing properly , talking properly ,communicating properly Respecting people properly This really helps a long way in your life So that you don’t regret in your old age ---- “ Sudha Murty ” ( Indian educator, author and philanthropist who is chairperson of the Infosys Foundation )
31) 5 steps to HAPPINESS
“ The best way to predict the future is to create it ”
UlTIMATE TRUTH IS In life Three things which we cant get once lost – Life , youth , time Three things which comes and goes – diseases , wealth , Difficult times/situations Three things which we can’t lose – knowledge , relationship , friends
Required Qualities to prosper in life / to succeed in Life 1 ) Big Ambition 2 ) Self growth and learning ( play with what you have and and strive for bigger possibilities , People are wasting their lives due to bad habits i.e self - destruction ) 3)
Exploration and Learn from ur mistakes (Be in the Present )
4 ) Faith in god 5 ) Gratitude 6 ) Be responsible ( don’t depend on others and don’t Procrastinate ) 7 ) Fix your basics first work on your basics i.e foundation 8 ) Be Optimistic i.e think of positive, happy moments in ur life 9 ) Desire to Improve and Dedication 10 ) Postpone Gratification 11) Be Courageous and brave ( Never afraid to do what you love ) 12 ) Hardwork 13 ) Courage and bravery ( don’t overthink and don’t fear )
14) Persistence 15) Creativity 16) Self-Discipline 17 ) Drive and determination 18 ) Commitment 19)
20) Willpower 21) Integrity 22) Self-confidence 23) Communication 24) Value yourself 25 ) Don’t overthink 26 ) Don’t give excuses 27 ) sacrifice to become great 28 ) perseverance 29 ) Compassion 30 ) Kindness 31 ) Integrity
8 Causes of Anxiety , stress , pressure , depression And How to Manage Anxiety anxiety , stress ,pressure, depression
Causes of Anxiety , stress , pressure , depression
1. Not taking care of our health 2. High Expectations and and pressure to succeed - expectations and pressure to do well at school from parents and family For teens - homework and school (especially exams) 3. Stresses of puberty - Hormones 4. Brain Development - Differences in the brain 5. Parental Disapproval 6. Peer Pressure 7. Substance misuse - Smoking , Drinking and Drug Use 8 . Porn content consumption 9 . Masturbation 10 . Body Image 11 . Fear Of Responsibilities 12 . Genetics 13 . Trauma 14 . Environment 15 . Negative thought patterns 16. Social relationships with friends and boyfriends/girlfriends and the issue of sex
17. Life challenges, such as leaving school or getting into tertiary studies or employment 18. Lack of time – having too much to do, feeling unprepared or overwhelmed 19. A world that feels scary and threatening 20. Lack of sleep. 21. Social media How to Manage Anxiety anxiety , stress , pressure , Depression 1) Taking care of your health – Both mental and physical Encourage yourself to get daily exercise - exercising and staying active, even if it only involves a short daily walk 2 ) Encourage yourself to eat a healthy diet. 3 ) Evaluate his or her schedule - breaking up large tasks into smaller, simpler, more manageable ones 4 ) Using relaxation techniques. 5 ) Spending time with friends and family 6 ) Trying to maintain a regular sleep schedule 7 ) Asking for help
The Main culprits which are destroying people ’ s lives are 1) Porn content consumption 2 ) Masturbation 3 ) Video games / Mobile games 4 ) Smoking 5) Alcohol 6 ) Gambling 7 ) Illegal drugs
Two things most / many people does for their own self - destruction 1) Porn content consumption 2 ) Masturbation
1) Porn content consumption
How internet porn addiction is ruining young minds and ideas about sex and pleasure. Ways Porn Can Harm Your Brain, Body, and Quality of Life
1. encourages self-gratification 2. destroy a consumer’s values 3. cause erectile dysfunction 4. encourage social isolation 5. doesn’t inspire goal setting 6. ability to view people as human beings. 7. destroys your ability to develop intimacy. 8. destroys your ability to perform sexually. 9.
destroys your ability to prioritize.
10. destroys your partner’s trust. 11. destroys your brain function - Porn Damages Your Brain 12. destroys your ability to work. 13. destroys your ability to be selfless. 14. destroys your ability to be honest with your kids. 15. your ability to be honest with yourself. 16 . Regular pornography use decreases sexual satisfaction 17. Increases Feelings Of Loneliness 18 . Increases Divorce Rates 19 Will Thin Out Your Wallet – It will steal your time and money “Time is money,” Benjamin Franklin once said. 20 Will Destroy Your Marriage – It will destroy intimacy in marriage, cause any trust and integrity to dwindle away, and can rightly be considered adultery . 21 Can Have Devastating Effects 22 is a sin that leads to many other sins - Among these are lying, misuse of financial resources, and marital infidelity. 23 It will kill your desire for pleasing and knowing God. 24 It will remove any longing to pursue hobbies because escaping
into a fantasy world of porn and the pleasures of self-gratification will trump your desire for anything outside of access to a computer and alone time. 25 It will stop you from taking your God-given roles and responsibilities seriously. 26 It will make you lazy as a person and will drastically increase a selfish mindset, there by allowing your marriage or relationships with friends and family to suffer. 27 It will make you irritable, short-tempered, and angry when something gets in the way of having your fix. 28 It will breed feelings of self-loathing and insecurity. 29 It will create an insatiable longing for unattainable sexual pleasure while your thoughts of fantasy run rampant and become uncontrollable. 30 It will harm us as we begin to crave the often illegal acts we see in films and when masturbation gets old, can very well lead us to do things we never thought possible. 31 It dehumanizes us and will turn you into a predator who sees others as prey. It blinds us to the humanity and dignity of every person. 32 It leads us down unforeseen paths and brings nothing but a labyrinth of wandering from who and what was once most important and precious to us.
“Porn promised us freedom, we became enslaved; it promised us intimacy, we found only isolation; it promised us excitement, we ended up bored; it promised us ‘adult entertainment’ and we became increasingly juvenile.” – Matt Fradd
How to Quit Watching Porn 1. Block All Porn Sites From Your Computer and Phone 2. No Masturbation for at Least a Week or 21 days 3. Have Some Form of Support Where You Can Vent – JOIN NO FAP community or any other platform 4. Don’t Beat Yourself Up Over This - It’s cliche, but you must approach your addiction one day at a time. 5 . First, you must acknowledge the addiction exists – Admit you have a Problem You must recognize that what you are doing is wrong. 6. Invite trusted friends to encourage you and hold you accountable. 7. Set boundaries with your mobile device. 8. If you have offline pornography at your disposal, destroy it. 9. Take all forms of media seriously. 10. If you are married, take a step back and think about your marriage. 11. Realize that you didn’t just become addicted to porn.
12. Take a second and think beyond the images or videos you’re looking at. 13. Your pornography addiction is a heart issue first and foremost. You are exchanging truth for a lie. You are voluntarily placing your affections on the cheap thrills that are ultimately fleeting and leave you feeling worthless. You were created for God, by God. Ask God to help you every time you are tempted. 14. You must not blame others 15. Make yourself accountable to a spiritual authority 16. You must recognize that “willpower” is not the answer 17. Study the Word of God concerning sexual purity. 18. You must destroy any pornography in your possession. 19. You must learn to flee temptation 20. Give yourself time to work through the process of recovery.
Online pornography may not have harmful effects by itself, only when it has become an addiction it brings various mental issues. The key idea is that anticipating and receiving gratification has to stop in bringing a foundation of solid straight relationships. Let’s create a relationship with spirituality in life to bring Stability of mind. Unending novelty needs to replace with facing one’s self individually.
Since sexual arousal is highly emphasizing, it has tremendous potential if energy is diverted in creative work in life.
2 ) Masturbation Masturbation is negative pleasure which is self - destructive pleasure i.e Fake pleasures “ The greatest pleasure are mental and spiritual but no everyone discovers that “ “Pineal Gland - A Pleasure Far Bigger Than Anything You've Known Which is Greater than ( Sex / porn / masturbation ) - Sadhguru ( Jagadish Vasudev ) is the founder and head of the Isha Foundation ( Yogi, Mystic, Bestselling author, and poet ) “ Those who can control their senses , can acquire the sovereignty of the whole world “ Masturbation is when an individual stimulates their genitals for sexual pleasure, which may or may not lead to orgasm.
Why Do People Masturbate? Here is why most individuals do it.
Release stress Lack of sex Understanding their body better Relationship issues There many ways to get away from stress / pressure , anxiety , depression “ The source of joy is within you ”
Meditation Yoga Exercise / Gym Pranayama Read your favourite Books of any genre watch your favourite tv shows / movies and listening to music or songs Do aromatherapy Get Enough Sleep / rest Or Do any other things which gives you positive pleasure ( which give zero side effects i.e which doesn’t cause self destruction )
Reasons Why Masturbation Can Ruin Your Life and Relationship
1. Masturbation vs Real Sex Having sex with a woman is one thing and jacking off is another. Not just by how it actually looks and feels but how it affects our brain. Oxytocin is a hormone that helps in building up the intimacy between two people. It is also called “love hormone” or “cuddle hormone”. It is believed that oxytocin is released in the body during hugging, skin contact and having an orgasm. The brain views oxytocin as a reactive hormone that is
in response to social recognition and bonding. It helps to create trust between people. Oxytocin is released almost four times as much when you’re having sex as compared to a masturbation session. That is not all. Masturbation lights up all the parts of the brain as drugs do. The addictions are similar in nature and it affects the workings of the brain. 2.
cause them to miss work, school, or important social events
Interrupt a person’s daily functioning
affect their responsibilities and relationships
serve as an escape from relationship issues or substitute for real-life experiences
Disinterest in activities once enjoyed Failure to successfully complete important life tasks ( e.g., parenting, working , going to school)
4 . Masturbation and Porn mess up the dopamine levels 5 . Depression, anxiety, and other mental health complications 6 . Social isolation
7 ) Excessive Masturbation destroys Dopamine Receptors
8 ) The masturbation addiction kills your real sex life
9. The feeling of being drained
10. It kill your self-confidence
11. Masturbation is perceived as pretty perverted
12. The rise of guilt and shame
13 . Excessive Masturbation kills your social life 14 . Little things of life don’t provide the equal amount of satisfaction likebefore - You are looking forward to masturbating more than being with your partner. You masturbate to the point of self-injury. 15 It interferes with work. STOP IT 100 % COMPLETELY – LIFE TIME BAN ON MASTURBATION IS THE ONLY SOLUTION 16 )
It will only increase when you try to do again and again – There is no end to negative pleasure which cause self destruction You tried unsuccessfully to decrease or stop masturbating. One of the
criteria for addictive behaviors is an unsuccessful attempt to stop the behavior. Masturbation may increase in frequency, and you may feel helpless to stop. 17 ) Inability to connect with a sexual partner REASON to quit masturbation / porn content To gain tremendous / Miracle energy so that you can reach / accomplish Your goals / making your dreams come true and fulfilling your desire
People who truly discipline themselves to resist masturbation and pornographic urges are the world’s top 1%. Loss of energy whatever you are man or woman leads to drainy body ..and a draind body mind never do any markable significant work on this planet. When ones stop Porn content consumption and masturbation They will naturally Set Goals and Mark Progress in Life People will desire and look for / the need for real partner instead of wasting time with virtual partner who gives fake negative pleasures within yourself using their electronic devices which leads to wasting or destroy your miracle energy hidden within yourself which can be used for doing miracle things Desire for Self exploration , self growth , learning and enjoy Change is the law of nature and be the best version of yourself Invite Grace into your life They will desire for success and prosperity i.e Health which is needed to earn Massive Money , and make Wealth , relationships ( all these in abundance)
They will naturally take care of their self and their parents and look for fulfilling their -
- Dream – Girl , House , bike , mobile / job / takingbusiness to next level and various kinds of stuff , gift a great child having tremendous qualities to the world to sustain human race , GIVING BACK TO THE WORLD - i.e helping others who are in need , Do their bit in conserving environment and wildlife And enjoy their life gracefuly and be an inspiration and motivation factor to others “ whatever gives instant Reward has a cost in the upcoming future and whateverdoesn’t give instant reward will benefit you in the long run ”
How to stop masturbating
1 ) Find a strong reason – i.e to become a highly successful human being 2 ) Sacrifice it for yourself and your loved ones - parents - wife – Children - wellbeing , Massive success and prosperity and to the world also 3 ) Prioritise Self-care Cater to the needs of your body - Take care of your body and mind , keep them healthy and positive pleasure
4 ) Stop watching pornography / Say ‘NO’ to Pornography Be honest with yourself 5 ) Take your time - Be patient 6 ) Implement Healthy Distractions Stay Engaged in Other Tasks Stay busy Change Up the Routine 7 ) Diverting Energy Elsewhere 8 ) Utilize Unstimulating Visualizations 9 ) Limit your alone time / Avoid excess alone time 10 ) Do Something New 11) Socialise a Lot 12) Regular Exercise 13 ) Acknowledge shameful feelings around masturbation 14 ) Develop personal strategies – Use will power
Enough is Enough Every thing must play that much - limited role in life , Afterwards the goal is to seek greater thinks 15 ) Find a support group / Seek a support group Take insights from the people who inspire to quit porn , masturbation and various other addictions Like no fap community 16 ) Talk About It With Your Romantic Partner or Others You Trust Who could help you to quit those addictions 17 ) Focus on Your Partner(s) 18 ) Sacred things - Look Toward Religion
9 Don’t share your Aim / Goals /ambitions /desires / secrets with others
Sharing a goal should only be with a trusted person Because others Will demotivate You They cant sense your vision , dreams , aspirations /desires Will laugh at You If you are not good at your past Tey might steal Your plan They might be an obstacle to your path They will feel jealous REASONS Not to share your GOALS To others
The Science-Backed Reasons You Shouldn't Share Your Goals
1 Receiving premature praise for a goal makes follow through less likely. 2 Receiving “person praise” versus “process praise” could decrease your motivation. 3 If you’re a beginner, getting negative feedback could stop you. 4 Accountability doesn’t always work. 5 Hearing about competition might make you back off.
10 Look for Inspiration and motivation content
Why Inspiration and Motivation Is Important for Your Success and Happiness
Dr. Puneeth Rajkumar & Dr. Rajkumar YOUTH ICON # FOREVER
“Youth have enormous potential. If we can inspire them to become more conscious, the impact on the world will be tremendous.” — Sadhguru ( Jagadish Vasudev ) ( Founder and head of the Isha Foundation ( Yogi, Mystic,
Bestselling author, and poet ) Finding ways to be inspired , increase motivation is crucial because it allows us to change behavior, develop competencies, be creative, set goals, grow interests, make plans, develop talents, and boost engagement. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10
It increases your energy levels It makes you happier It’s infectious It enhances your performance It increases your commitment It helps you manage your time more efficiently It helps you grow as a person It builds your self-confidence It helps you become engaged It enhances your leadership skills
11 Staying Focused and concentred and Avoiding Distraction
Benefits of Staying Focused and Avoiding Distraction
Ways to improve your concentration
1 ) Eliminate distractions 2 ) Reduce multitasking 3 ) Practice mindfulness and meditation 4 ) Get more sleep 5 ) Choose to focus on the moment 6 ) Take a short break 7 ) Connect with nature 8 ) Train your brain 9 ) Exercise 10 ) Listen to music 11 ) Eat well 12 ) Set a daily priority
13 ) Create space for work 14 ) Use a timer 15 ) Switch tasks
Benefits of Being Focused and Strategies to Improve it It’s difficult for people to remain focused on one task for a variety of reasons. For one, we live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with TV, radio, cell phones, Internet social media, as well as a much larger population that lives closer together than ever before. Getting completely away from all these distractions can be challenging. One way is to go to a room where you can shut your door and turn off your phone and email notifications.
When you focus on a single task, avoiding distractions, your brain becomes focused on that task alone. This lets you complete that task much more quickly than if you are trying to complete two or more tasks at once. For instance, let’s say you need to write a blog post, do your bookkeeping for the week and research information for an upcoming speech. The best thing to do is to set aside all but one task. So, for this example, you want to give all your attention writing your blog post. That means turning off the TV, cell phones, social media pings, closing your door and putting all your attention on writing. By giving all your attention to the task without distraction, you can get it done much more quickly and with fewer mistakes. Your work will be higher quality as well. Another benefit to being focused is that your creativity will kick in too. You’ll come up with new ideas associated with the task at hand.
This is great if you are someone who creates in some way. This includes traditional creative types like artists, writers, photographers, designers and musicians, as well as people who create products or services, teachers, researchers, stay-at-home parents, executives, bloggers, and anyone who needs ideas. This means just about everyone can benefit.
Being constantly connected to others and having many distractions that take away your focus can affect your stress levels as well as your productivity. When
you aren’t focused, you don’t get as much done as you could if you were truly focused on the task you’re doing. Focusing on one thing for a certain period of time helps you think better. Having your mind scattered over several tasks at once keeps you from thinking about what you are actually doing. You only have time to complete a task quickly before you must move on to the next one. All the while you are trying to remember everything that has to be done. When you focus, you are able to think about only one thing for that period of time
Focusing allows your subconscious to do the work. Think about when you learned to ride a bike or drive a car. It was difficult in the beginning, but when you began focusing on what you were doing, your subconscious took over and helped you learn. The same is true in your everyday tasks. Once you begin focusing solely on one task, your subconscious helps you do them quicker and easier.
It’s important to focus on one task at a time to become more productive, do better quality work and be less stressed. Focusing can help you be more creative and have more happiness.
Strategies to improve focus
Strategies for improving your focus and increasing your productivity:
1. Track your time 2. Plan your week 3. Prioritize your list - Break down your tasks from most important to least important. 4. Eliminate what isn’t essential 5. Set your goals - Break down big or long-term goals into smaller weekly or daily goals to make them easier to focus on. 6. Set aside a specific amount of time each day for checking/answering email and social media 7. Do away with multitasking - It takes a while to learn how to focus on one project at a time, but stick with it and it will become a habit. Finish one project/task before moving on to the next one. Become laser-focused on one task at a time. This can really increase your productivity. 8. Make a distraction to - do list 9. Learn to say NO - If you already have full day’s task list, don’t feel like you have to take on another project for someone else. 10. Create an environment that works for you. 11. Take a break when needed 12. Break up or Chunk it
12 Marriage
Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. It will be as crucial as choosing the right college, buying a house, and deciding a career. The decision of a life partner will impact all the other arenas of your life. It is an important decision and needs some good amount of brainstorming. It is vital because you’re not just choosing your own companion for life but a father to your kids and a son-in-law to your parents. Make that decision wisely and not in haste so that they will hopefully love you when you’re both old and wrinkly. Here’s to choosing happy relationships! For a succesfull married life Make sure that both of you are frank in sharing your Strengths , weaknesses , likes , dislikes & desires to fulfilled in their life before marriage itself so that u will be able to find the right partner which will help you in knowing whether he / she will be the right deserving companion / partner who will be there with you in your good times and tough times & who could love you no what what the situation will be Which plays a crucial role in reducing post marriage conflicts and solve problems like divorce which is been the main cause of unhappiness in ones lives . Qualities of an Ideal Partner
Learn the qualities that make a person an ideal partner – They may not be what you expected. 1. An ideal partner has grown up. 2. An ideal partner is open and non-defensive. 3. An ideal partner is honest and lives with integrity. 4. An ideal partner is respectful of and sensitive to the other, having uniquely individual goals and priorities. 5. An ideal partner has empathy for and understanding of their partner. 6. An ideal partner is physically affectionate and sexually responsive. 7. An ideal partner has a sense of humor!
Things to keep in mind before choosing a man for marriage:
1 Communicate 2 Notice his /her behaviour closely 3 4 5 6
Look for his / her goals Read into his /her family values and expectations Trust your instincts See how he / she treats you
Questions to Ask Your Partner Before Marriage 1 ) What Are Your Financial Goals and How Can We Try to Reach Them? 2 ) How Can I Help You When You’re Stressed? 3 ) Do You Want Children and What Would We Do if We Struggle To Get Pregnant? 4) What Are Your Expectations Around Childcare and Parenting? 5) What’s Your Communication Style? 6) What Are Your Deal-Breakers? 7) How Much Alone Time Do You Need? 8) What's Your Biggest Fear? 9) How Do We Deal With our In-Laws? 10 ) What Are Your Fantasies Surrounding Marriage? 11 ) What Are Your Expectations on Sex? 12 ) What Does Marriage Mean to You?
Be prosperous and Lead a happy life – a one to remember for sure and be an inspirational to the others
Remember why only few 1 – 5 % percentage of people are highly successful in Life is because they are doing extraordinary things which is different than what rest 95 % are doing . The most important thing is You cannot act like the 95 % and get the kind of results than 5% at the top get . So if you want to get those results , you are going to have to act in a manner that no one around you acts . I believe if ones make use of the following valuable insights which you have already read will definitely guide you to the right path in reaching your goals or or make dream your come true , achieve success fulfilling your desires And you will become an inspiration and motivation factor in other lives
Care for your parents and also who are unfortunate ones who are in need , less Fortunate ones like other human being , animals , birds
who are longing for some help . People who are Kind Hearted , Empathetic , Compassionate , do the needful Reasons Why Taking Care Of Your Parents Is Important? 1. Take Care Of Our Parents, Our First Teachers 2. Take Care Of Your Parents For Daddy Is The Best 3. Take Care Of Your Parents For Mom’s Unconditional Love 4. Take Care Of Your Parents For Family Values 5. We Reap What We Sow
Reasons why we should care for our elders 1. They love you 2. They Are Family 3. They Are More Prone To Illnesses 4. They Give You An Insight Into Their Values 5. They Need To Feel A Sense Of Purpose 6. They Need To Feel A Sense Of Belonging 7. Their Time Is Shorter 8. They Teach Precious Life Lesson - You have Learn from them. 9. They Have Made Sacrifices For You 10. They Need Peace Of Mind 11. They Require A Higher Quality Of Life 12. They are human and need comfort 13. They are your parents or loved ones 14. Show you appreciate them 15. They are our Heritage - Your elders are part of your family and they can impart traditions and ideals that have been integral to your family’s history and your own personal identity. 16. Gain insight into their values. 17. They are nearing the end.
18. It’s simply the right thing to do. As a human being, it’s just right that you care for your elders. After all, you are soon going to become one to. What you get in return? Helping less fortunate other human beings
Ratan Tata - ( Indian industrialist, investor, philanthropist, and former chairman of Tata Sons - well-known industrialist who is praised for his business ethics and philanthropy )
Ratan Tata's message for young people
“ In the world we live in today it's a troubled World , it has conflicts , it has disputes so as you go out into the world . And many of you will be leaders of countries and or businesses just remember that there are millions of people who are less fortunate than you are and then hopefully one of the achievements you will make through your life is making a difference not just your success but the success of others the vast majority of people who do not have benefit to the great education like you do that you make a difference and you're Remembered in this world what you've been able to do for others ”
A lot of people think to make a donation and they do it. Many think what will I get in return if I help others. You might also wonder what the benefits of helping the poor are. Well, it is all about helping someone in living a better life and achieving his/her dreams. You can be like a god for somebody by offering a very little fraction of your wealth. You can play a very important role in someone’s life if you help that person in getting better education. This world needs more and more good people who can do good deeds to support others in improving their lifestyle. You do not need to spend millions of dollars; a few hundred bucks can also work to bring smile on many kids’ faces . Help others in saving their lives:
Many patients lose their life because they cannot afford to pay for expensive medical bills. Even though people are not suffering from life-threatening diseases, they fail to pay hospital bills and their situation get worse because of lack of money. These financially disabled people need help so that they can get a chance to survive. You can work with an agency that works to help poor people. You do not need to travel too far because you can find a great organization online. It is obvious that many other people are now coming forward to help poor individuals. Their problems will be solved more quickly if you also join the initiative of helping poor. You can help someone in reestablishing his business: Many young individuals have great vision that can change the world for good. These visionary people often step back and drop great ideas because of lack of money. You can invest in their business ideas as an investor and help them in establishing a great business. It will also benefit you and thus you can be a part of a successful business. There are many benefits of helping the poor. Some people do it because they want to spread smiles, some people do it because they are really worried about helpless people, and some do it to ensure everyone is happy and satisfied with what he has got. Whatever the reason is, you should do good deeds to be a better person. The amount you donate does not matter because you can try whatever you can do in your capacity. Let Us Kill The Hunger Before It Kills The Humanity In fact we should help the living things which are exist on this planet. When you are helping others in terms of monetary, physically or mentally, you are not a part of a crowd. You are an example of that society. Help others without any selfishness, there should not be any personal interest and whatever you do selfishness, this will come back again to you when you actually need help.
Benefits of helping others
1. Helping others feels good 2. It creates a sense of belonging 3. It gives you a sense of purpose 4. Giving helps keep things in perspective 5. It’s contagious 6. Helping others can help you live longer 7. It will give you a sense of renewal 8. You’ll boost your self-esteem 9. You’ll create stronger friendships 10. You become a glass half-full type person 11 .They Are Humans, Just Like Us 12. They Need Our Help 13. When We Do Good, We Feel Good 14. We Are In A Position To Help 15. It’s Our Chance to Make a Difference 16. It’s Our Moral Obligation 17. What Goes Around, Comes Back Around 18. You Can Help Them Have a Brighter Future Psychological Benefits of Helping People 1. As per Psychology Today, the people who give charity are more likely to have a positive life. 2. Helping others makes helps in relieving stress and depression. 3. A new study on Life Expectancy suggested that people who make frequent charities and social work are likely to live longer. 4. Helping others makes you calm and hence one of effective technique to lower blood pressure. 5. It promotes Social awareness among kids and teens.
6. When you make charity, the attempt to eradicate Social Disparity is seen. It is good
for the economy. 7. Another benefit of helping others is, it helps build confidence and also gives a strong Will Power. 8. On a neurobiological level, this research pinpoints specific ways that when you help others, you’re also helping yourself. 9. The researchers say, is to determine whether actively prompting people to engage in more helping behavior can further improve their mood and mental health. 10. Makes you religiously satisfied, as every religion directly or indirectly says about helping people. There’s a saying, ‘Do it for yourself, don’t do it for others’. Let’s take this a bit serious in life and starts helping others by making charity and eventually, you’ll be helping yourself.
Give back to mother earth what she deserves by planting
trees and conserving environment , for your own wellbeing & future of human race
Reasons why human kind should save the environment or at least be environmentally conscious.
1) The environment helps in protecting the ecosystem 2) Protecting the environment protects humanity 3) Humans have a moral obligation to preserve nature and its features 4) Biodiversity is a significant part of life in the world 5) Forests provide raw materials for various consumer products 6) Forests provide habitats for a variety of species 7) The way in which a person protects the environment reflects their personality 8) It is a way to give to your generation 9) It is a way to give to the future generations 10 ) It is a way to give back to the planet 11 ) The environment is effective in generating successful food Chain 12 ) The trees that are a significant part of the environment helps in keeping the climate cool 13) The environment is useful in maintaining the earth’s balance 14 ) Trees, a significant part of the environment, play a critical role in the
refilling of aquifers 15) Trees play a significant role in blocking the wind 16 ) Trees help in keeping dirt in its place 17 ) Many animals need the environment for survival 18) Preserving the environment could prevent soil erosion 19) Maintaining the environment slows down global warming 20) Maintaining the environment leads to the creation of the natural watersheds 21) The environment provides an excellent source of groundwater 22) The forest, a useful part of the environment, helps us to breathe 23) The forest gives us clean air 24) Maintaining the environment leads to less solar radiation 25) Maintaining the environment such as growing of forests stabilizes noise pollution 26) Maintaining the environment is critical in providing food for people 27) Maintaining the environment leads to availability of food for both animals and plants 28) Environmental protection promotes economic stability
29) Protecting the environment make us happy 30) Environmental protection encourages better physical health 31) Environmental protection reminds us to appreciate the beauty of nature 32) Environmental protection awakens our imagination 33) Protecting the environment increases tourism 34) Medicines can be found throughout the forests and Environment
16 Wildlife Conservation : Reasons Why We Need to Save Wildlife
Ways Animals Help Us
From the dog sitting on your couch to the near-mythical narwhal in the depths of the Arctic ocean, animals play a key role in environmental protection and human wellness. Let’s take a look at some of the miraculous ways animals help us 1. Bees are powerful pollinators. 2. Beavers combat climate change. 3. Llamas patrol farms. 4. Rats detect landmines. 5. Squirrels help trees take root. 6. Narwhals assist scientists. 7. Elephants create a source of water for other species. 8. Birds balance nature. 9. Octopi are avid recyclers. 10. Dogs do it all
We must protect forest, rivers, sea, air, land and wild flora and fauna first and foremost for our own liking and survival, other reasons are:
Wildlife and forests are measure of the biodiversity. By conserving the wildlife and forest we are ensuring that all diverse species in an area survive, breed and flourish. Conservation of wildlife and forests is vital for ecological stability. Forests are the habitat for wildlife and they are an important constituent of the various food chains and food webs. Forests are needed for smooth functioning of biogeochemical cycles, prevention of floods and soil erosion. Forest and life therein is essential for survival of villagers and tribal people who live in or around forests. Many industries depend on the forest and the natural resources obtained from there, such as timber, rubber and paper Wildlife is very important to people who love nature and want to experience nature in its most pristine form and forests make excellent retreats away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Forests give shelter, more oxygen, prevent global warming, make climate friendly and more suitable, prevent soil erosion and landslides and help in flood control. Most of the today’s food crops have evolved from wild tropical plants; if they were not saved we should be deprived of many crops in future times. Pollination and seed dispersal by birds, insects and animals is essential to increase diversity of genetic recombination, as variation has been a basis of evolution. Survival of humans and other species is dependent on producers, if the ecosystem is disturbed and plants are affected we and other consumers will be adversely affected. Wildlife serves as gene library; pre mature extinction of species leads to irreversible loss of genetic information that influences the future evolution of life on earth. Bio and ecological diversities are essential to all life in earth and should not be disturbed by human actions. This blue planet, on which we live, is beautiful flowers, green trees and animals. To save the enchanting natural world, ecosystem as a whole has to be saved for our future generations to enjoy. Unless the entire ecosystem is preserved, the individual species will not be able to survive for long. Our planet earth must be conserved for our future generations to see and enjoy. The nature must be conserved to make the future generations more prosperous and wealthy.
17 Do your best and leave the rest to the GOD / DIVINE / UNIVERSE
Every one in the world do their best so no need to worry about you achieved big or not In the end what it matters the most is did you do you best or not Leave the rest to god and Be happy with what you have got because there are many number of people who are less fortunate than what you have been able toexperience life Be happy with what you have achieved doesn’t matter big or small and leave the rest to god
CONCLUSION The insights Shared are based on various experiences of people lives , journey , mistakes they did ,and things that should be corrected from the past mistakes in order to get success in one’s life . so this is like a life manuel by itself , get most use of it particularly for the youth from age ( 13 - 30 years - From part 1 – 13 ) So that they dont suffer in their life just because they were unaware / unconsious of their actions and negativity mindset that is embedded in their body , mind and the soul which are the main obstacles stopping them from fulfilling their desires in their lives In the end its all about i.e providing value to Youth and others , insights on how to lead a happy , prosperous , successful life every individual in the world aspires to be . THANK YOU VERY MUCH Everyone for taking your valuable time , investing your energies , money and for putting faith in reading this and knowing " WISDOM AND TRUTH " which brings joy to millions of life through inculcating the insights provided which will throw some light in the lives of YOUTH / people so that they will comeout of darkness , it will put a full stop to all their sufferings and pain