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English Pages 140 [155] Year 1971
J. BRILL 1971
E.J. BRILL 1971
Copyright 1971 by E.]. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or translated in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, microfiche or any other means without written permission from the publisher PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS
TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Periodicals, Collective Works and Series .
I. Bibliographical Material . . . . . . . .
II. General Publications. History of the Discoveries.
III. Linguistic Studies.. . . . . .
IV. Text Editions. . . . . . . .
V. Translations and Commentaries
VI. Studies on Various Manuscripts.
VII. Archaeology and History. . . .
VIII. Religion and Cult. Theology. Organization. The Messiah(s). The Teacher of Righteousness . . .
IX. Qumran and the Old Testament. . . . . .
X. Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphical Literature
XI. Qumran and Judaism. The Calendar. . . .
XII. Qumran and the New Testament. Qumran and Christianity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
XIII. Important Monographs. Collective Works
List of authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PREFACE This systematic bibliography covers the years 1958-1969 and consequently continues the work of W. S. LaSor, Bibliograpf?y of the Dead Sea Scrolls 1948-1957, Pasadena, Calif. 1958. Sometimes publications from the period before 1958 have been listed, especially in the case of serial works, while those publications from 1970, which came to the writer's knowledge in time, have also been recorded. The card-system of the Qumran Institute at the University of Groningen has proved to be very useful. The writer does not pretend to offer an exhaustive list. It is hardly possible to be aware of all the literature that appears in this field of study, but he sincerely hopes that this bibliography will be useful to all students of the finds in the Judaean desert. I am deeply indebted to Professor J. P. M. van der Ploeg, O.P. of the University of Nijmegen and to the publishers, E. J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, for accepting this work as a volume in the series Studies on the Texts oj the Desert oj Judah.
LIST OF PERIODICALS, COLLECTIVE WORKS AND SERIES Abr-Nahrain, Leiden. Academie Royale de Belgique. Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences morales et politiques, Brussels. ActOrScand Acta Orientalia, Copenhagen. ADA Jordan Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, Amman. Archiv fur Orientforschung, Graz. AfO Analecta Lovaniensia Biblica et Orientalia, Louvain. ALBO ALeedsUOrS = .The Annual of Leeds University Oriental Society, Leiden. Altertum Das Altertum, Berlin. AmER The American Ecclesiastical Review, Washington D.C. Ancient Times, Melbourne. Annuaire du College de France, Paris. Antiquity Antiquity. A Quarterly Review of Archaeology, Ashmore Green, Newbury, Berks. Antonianum, Rome. Archaeology, New-York Archeologia, Paris. ArchLit Archiv fur Liturgiewissenschaft, Regensburg. Ha-'Are~, Tel Aviv. ArOr Archiv Orientalni, Prague. Asprenas Asprenas. Organo dell'accademia ecclesiastica napoletana, Naples. ASTI Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute at Jerusalem, Leiden. Atene e Roma, Florence. AThR Anglical Theological Review, Evanston Ill. H> -Er. Zur Deutung von lQS 8, 13-14,ZNW60, 1969, pp. 142-144. P. SACCHI, lQS III, 15 sgg. e 1 Sam. II, 3, RStO 44, 1969, pp. 1-5. S. H. SIEDL, Qumran, eine Mijnchsgemeinde im alten Bund. Studie tiber Serek ha-Yabad, Rome, 1963. L. R. STACHOWIAK, Paraenesis Paulina et Instructio de duobus spiritibus in "Regula" Qumranensi, VD 41, 1963, pp. 245-250. E. F. SUTCLIFFE, The Rule of the Congregation II, 11-12: Text and Meaning, RQum II, 1959-1960, pp. 541-547.
M. TREVEs, The Two Spirits of the Rule of the Community, RQum III, 1961-1962, pp. 449-452. M. WEISE, Kultzeiten und leulfischer Bundesschluss in der "Ordensregel" vom Toten Meer, SP-B III, Leiden, 1961. P. WERNBERG-M0LLER, The Manual of Discipline, translated and annotated, with an Introduction, STDJ 1, Leiden, 1957/Grands Rapids, 1958. - - , Waw and Yod in the Rule of the Community (lQS), RQum II, 1959-1960, pp. 223-236. - - , A Reconsideration of the Two Spirits in the Rule of the Community (lQ Serek III, 13-IV, 26), RQum III, 1961-1962, pp. 413441. - - , The Nature of the Yabad According to the Manual of Discipline and Related Documents, ALeedsUOrS 6, 1966-1968, Leiden, 1969, pp.56-81. Y. YADIN, A Crucial Passage in the Dead Sea Scrolls (lQSa II, 11-17), JBL 78, 1959, pp. 238-241.
E. Hodcryot (IQH) T. ARVEDSON, De s.g. Tacksagelsepsalmerna fran Qumran. En formkritisk studie, SvExAb 22-23, 1957-1958, pp. 208-218. H. BARDTKE, Wuste und Oase in den Hodajoth von Qumran, Gott und die Gotter, Festgabe fur Erich Fascher zum 60. Geburtstag, Berlin, 1958, pp. 44-55. R. BERGMEIER UND H. PABST, Ein Lied von der Erschaffung der Sprache. Sinn und Aufbau von lQ Hodayot I, 27-31, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 435-439. G. BERNINI, II giardiniere della piantagione eterna (lQH, VIII), Sacra Pagina. Miscellanea biblica Congressus Internationalis Catholici de re biblica 1958, II, Paris-Gembloux, 1959, pp. 47-59. O. BETz, Das Volk seiner Kraft. Zur Auslegung der Qumran-Hodajah III, 1-18, NTSt 5, 1958-1959, pp. 67-75. J. DE CAEVEL, La connaissance religieuse dans les hymnes d'action de graces de Qumran, ETL 38, 1962, pp. 435-460. J. CARMIGNAC, Remarques sur Ie texte des Hymnes de Qumran, Bibl 39, 1958, pp. 139-155. - - , Localisation des fragments 15, 18 et 22 des Hymnes, RQum I, 1958-1959, pp. 425-430. - - , Complements au texte des Hymnes de Qumran?, RQum II, 1959-1960, pp. 267-276; 549-558.
- - , Les elements historiques des Hymnes de Qumran, RQum II, 1959-1960, pp. 205-222. - - , Les citations de l' Ancien Testament et specialement des Poemes du Serviteur dans les Hymnes de Qumran, RQum II, 1959-1960, pp. 357-394. - - , Etude sur les procedes poetiques des Hymnes, RQum II, 19591960, pp. 515-532. - - , La theologie de la souffrance dans les Hymnes de Qumran, RQum III, 1961-1962, pp. 365-386. R. DEICHGRABER, Gottes~ymnus und Christus~mnus in der friihen Christenheit. Untersuchungen zu Form, Sprache und Stil der friihchristlichen Hymnen, Gottingen, 1967. M. DELCOR, Le Docteur de Justice, nouveau Moise, dans les Hymnes de Qumran, Le Psautier. Etudes presentees aux 12es Journees Bibliques (1960), Louvain, 1962, pp. 407-423. - - , Les Hymnes de Qumran (Hodayot). Texte hebreu, Introduction, Traduction, Commentaire, Paris, 1962. A. A. T. EHRHARDT, A Penitentiary Psalm from the Dead Sea Scrolls and its Allies, Studia Evangelica. Papers presented to the International Congress on "The Four Gospels in 1957", held at Christ-Church, Oxford 1957, Berlin, 1959, pp. 582-592. H. GERMANN, Jesus ben Siras Dankgebet und die Hodajoth, ThZ 19, 1963, pp. 81-88. E. HAAPA, The Servant of God in the Hodayoth of Qumran, T Aik 64, 1959, pp. 69-79. [Finnish] S. B. HOENIG, Textual Readings and Meanings in Hodayot (1QH), JQR 58, 1967-1968, pp. 309-316. S. HOLM-NIELSEN, Hodayot. Psalms from Qumran, Aarhus, 1960. - - , "Ich" in den Hodajoth und die Qumrangemeinde, QumranProblemc, pp. 217-229. - - , Erwagungen zu dem Verhaltnis zwischen den Hodajot und den Psalmen Salomos, Bibel undQumran (Festschrift Bardtke), pp. 112131. H. W. KUHN, Endcrwartung und gegenwartiges Heil. Untersuchungen zu den Gemeindeliedern von Qumran, Gottingen, 1966. R. B. LAURIN, The Question of Immortality in the Qumran Hodayot, JSS 3, 1958, pp. 344-355. J. LICHT, The Thanksgiving Scroll. A Scroll from the Wilderness of Judaea. Text, Introduction, Commentary and Glossary, Jerusalem, 1957. [modern Hebrew]
M. MANSOOR, The Thanksgiving Hymns, translated and annotated, with an Introduction, STDJ 3, Leiden/Grand Rapids, 1961. - - , The Thanksgiving Hymns and the Massoretic Text, RQum III, 1961-1962, pp. 259-266; 387-394. H. MICHAUD, A propos d'un passage des Hymnes (lQ H6day6t, II, 7-14), RQum I, 1958-1959, pp. 413-416. G. MORAWE, AuJbau und Abgrenzung der Loblieder von Qumran. Studien zur gattungsgeschichtlichen Einordnung der Hodayoth, Berlin, 1961. [= diss. Berlin 1957] - - , Vergleich des Aufbaus der Danklieder und hymnischen Bekenntnislieder (1 QH) von Qumran mit dem Aufbau der Psalmen im Alten Testament und im Spatjudentum, RQum IV, 1963-1964, pp. 323-356. S. MOWINCKEL, Zwei Qumran-Miszellen, ZAW 73, 1961, pp.297299. [lQH III, 9s.; lQS VI, 16, 18,22] F. MUSSNER, 1Q Hodajoth und das Gleichnis vom Senfkorn (Mk 4,3032 Par.), BZ 4, 1960, pp. 128-130. H. RINGGREN, The Branch and the Plantation in the Hodayot, Bib/Res 6, 1961, pp. 3-9. - - , Der Weltbrand in den Hodajot, Bibel und Qumran (Festschrift Bardtke), pp. 177-182. T. RODRIGUES, Os Hodayoth eo Novo Testamento, RCuBfb 4, 1960, pp. 223-242. P. W. ROTENBERRY, A Translation and Sturjy of the Qumran Hodcryot, (unpublished) dissertation Vanderbilt University, 1968. [micro-film no. 68-12, 795] M. SABBE, Een messiaanse psalm te Qumran, ColiBrugGand 4, 1958 pp.89-99. ED. P. SANDERS, Chiasmus and the Translation of lQ Hodayot VII, 26-27, RQum VI, 1967-1969, pp. 427-431. S. J. SCHUYLER BROWN, Deliverance from the Crucible: Some Further Reflexions on lQH III, 1-18, NTSt 14, 1967-1968, pp. 247-259. F. SMYTH-FLORENTIN, La theologie des Hymnes de Qumran et ses sources, Diss. Montpellier, 1965/1966. B. SVEINAR, Salmer og Salmediktere i Qumran, NTT 64, 1963, pp. 99-111. BARBARA THIERING, The Poetic Forms of the Hodayot, JSS 8, 1963, pp. 189-209.
F. M. TOCCI, Qumranica, Studia sull'Oriente e la Bibbia offerti al P. Giovanni Rinaldi, Genova, 1967, pp. 227-238. [Hodayot VII, 4-5; V, 16] S. J. DE VRIES, The Syntax of Tenses and Interpretation in the Hodayoth, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 375-414. S. WAGNER, YDc in den Lobliedern von Qumran, Bibel und Qumran (Festschrift Bardtke), pp. 232-252. P. WERNBERG-M0LLER, The Contribution of the Hodayot to Biblical Textual Criticism, Textus 4, 1964, pp. 133-175.
F. Milbamah (IQM) J. P. ASMUSSEN, Das iranische Lehnwort nabfir in der Kriegsrolle von Qumran, ActOrScand 26, 1961, pp. 3-20. KATHLEEN M. T. ATKINSON, The Historical Setting of the "War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness", BJRL 40, 19571958, pp. 272-297. M. BAILLET, Debris de textes sur papyrus de la grotte 4 de Qumran, RB 71, 1964, pp. 353-371. [... c. RegIe de la Guerre ... ] H. BARDTKE, Eine der Kriegsrolle von Qumran verwandte Literaturgattung im Codex XXVIII der Leipziger Sammlung, Congress Volume Oxford 1959 (Suppl. VT 7), Leiden, 1960, pp. 292-308. J. B. BAUER, In 1Q Mil:Q.amah VII, 3 commentariolum, RQum I, 19581959, pp. 277-278. J. CARMIGNAC, Les citations de l'Ancien Testament dans "La Guerre des Fils de Lumiere contre les Fils de Tenebres", RB 63, 1956, pp. 234-260; 375-390. F. C. FENSHAM, "Camp" in the New Testament and MiI:Q.amah, RQum IV, 1963-1964, pp. 557-562. A. M. GAZOV-GINSBERG, The Structure of the Army of the Sons of Light, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 163-176. - - , Du nouveau dans l'interpretation d'un des principaux documents de la Mer Morte (1 QM), Documents lit#raires et problemes de I'histoire de la culture des peuples de l'Orient, Leningrad, 1965, pp. 9-10. [Russian] J. M. GRINTZ, The War Scroll. Its Time and Authors, Essqys, pp. 1930. [modern Hebrew] E. HOCHMUTH, Die Gebete der Kriegsrolle, dissertation Leipzig, 1959.
C. H. HUNZINGER, Fragmente einer alteren Fassung des Buches
Mill).ama aus Hohle 4 von Qumran, ZAW 69, 1957, pp. 131-151. B. JONGELING, Le Rouleau de la guerre des manuscrits de Qumran. Commentaire et traduction, Assen, 1962. TH. F. McDANIEL, Philological Studies in Lamentations ... 4, 6 wela' bdlu bdhyaddyim, Bib149, 1968, pp. 45-48. [cf. 1QM I, 1; IX, 1; XVI, 5-6; XVI, 7; XVII, 12-14] E. NIELSEN, La Guerre consideree comme une religion et la Religion camme une guerre, StTh 15, 1961, pp. 93-112. P. VON DER OSTEN-SACKEN, Gott und Belial. Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum Dualismus in den Texten aus Qumran, Gottingen, 1969. J. VAN DER PLOEG, Le Rouleau de la Guerre, traduit et annote, avec une introduction, STDJ 2, Leiden/Grand Rapids, 1959. - - , La guerre sainte dans la "RegIe de la Guerre" de Qumran, Melanges bibliques rediges en l'honneur de A. Robert, Paris, 1957, pp. 326-333. - - , La composition litteraire de la "RegIe de la Guerre" de Qumran, Sacra Pagina. Miscellanea biblica Congressus Internationalis Catholici de re biblica II, Paris-Gembloux, 1959, pp. 13-19. - - , Zur literarischen Komposition der Kriegsrolle, Qumran-Probleme, pp. 293-298. CH. RABIN, The Literary Structure of the War Scroll, Essqys, pp. 3147. [modern Hebrew] M. H. SEGAL, The Qumran War Scroll and the Date of its Composition, ScrHier 4, pp. 138-143. [the same study in modern Hebrew, Essqys pp. 11-18] E. F. SUTCLIFFE, A Note on Mill).amah IX, 1 and XVI, 8, Bib141, 1960, pp. 66-69. B. SVEINAR, Om bruken av stertek og te'udah i Qumrans krigsrull, NTT 60, 1959, pp. 233-244. J. L. TEICHER, A Spurious Version of the War Scroll, ZAW 70, 1958, pp.257-258. M. TREvEs, The Date of the War of the Sons of Light, VT 8, 1958, pp. 419-424. Y. YADIN, The Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness, Jerusalem, 1955, 1957 2 • [modern Hebrew; English translation by B. and Ch. Rabin, Oxford 1962] Studies Desert of Judah, VII
G. The Genesis Apocryphon (IQGenAp ar) F. ALTHEIM UND RUTH STIEHL, Philologia Sacra, Tiibingen, 1958. [pp. 49-55: Das Genesis-Apokryphon vom Toten Meer] J. COPPENS, Allusions historiques de la Genese apocryphe, La Secte de Qumran et les Origines du Christianisme (RechBib 4 ),Paris-Bruges, 1959, pp. 109-112. J. FINKEL, The Author of the Genesis Apocryphon Knew the Book of Esther, Esst!)s, pp. 163-182. [modern Hebrew] J. A. FITZMYER, Some Observations on the Genesis Apocryphon, CBQ 22, 1960, pp. 277-292. [includes a good bibliography, pp. 277-278, note 6] - - , The Genesis Apocryphon ofQumran Cave I. A Commentary, Rome, 1966. [with much biblographical material] D. N. FREEDMAN AND A. RITTERSPACH, The Use of Aleph as a Vowel Letter in the Genesis Apocryphon, RQum VI, 1967-1969, pp. 293-300. M. GIL, Enoch in the Land of Eternal Life, Tarbiz 38, 1968-1969, pp. 322-337. [modern Hebrew] H. L. GINSBERG, Notes on some old Aramaic texts, ]NES 18, 1959, 1959, pp. 143-149. [II. The Genesis Apocryphon, pp. 145-148] P. GRELOT, Sur l'apocryphe de la Genese (col. XX, ligne 26), RQum I, 1958-1959, pp. 273-276. - - , Parwaim, Des Chroniques a l'Apocryphe de la Genese, VT 11, 1961, pp. 30-38. - - , Retour au Parwaim, VT 14, 1964, pp. 155-163. G. J. KUIPER, A Study of the Relationship between A Genesis Apocryphon and the Pentateuchal Targumim in Gen. 14: 1-12, In Memoriam Paul Kahle, Berlin, 1968, pp. 149-161. E. Y. KUTSCHER, The Language of the Genesis Apocryphon. A Preliminary Study, ScrHier 4, pp. 1-35. G. LAMBERT, Une Genese apocryphe trouvee a Qumran, La Secte de Qumran et les Origines du Christianisme (RechBib 4), Paris-Bruges, 1959, pp. 85-107. R. DE LANGHE, La Terre Promise et Ie Paradis d'apres l' Apocryphe de la Genese, Scrinium Lovaniense. Melanges historiques Etienne van Cauwenbergh, Gembloux, 1961, pp. 126-135.
M. R. LEHMANN, 1Q Genesis Apocryphon in the Light of Targumim and Midrashim, RQum I, 1958-1959, pp. 249-263. H. LIGNEE, Concordance de 1Q Genesis Apocryphon, RQum I, 19581959, pp. 163-186. H. E. DEL MEDICO, Zahab parwayim, L'or fructifere dans la tradition juive, VT 13, 1963, pp. 158-186. R. MEYER, URUK.KI und 'EREK.MAT (Genesis-Midrasch II, 23), RQum III, 1961-1962, pp. 553-558. W. W. MULLER, Die Bedeutung des Wortes 'SPRK im GenesisApocryphon XXII, 31, RQum II, 1959-1960, pp. 445-447. EVA OSSWALD, Beobachtungen zur Erzahlung von Abrahams Aufenthalt in Agypten im "Genesis-Apocryphon", ZAW 72, 1960, pp. 7-25. J . VAN DER PLOEG, De "Lamechrol", Phoenix 1-3, 1955-1957, pp. 56-58. L. RABINOWITZ, A Note to the Genesis Apocryphon, JSS 3, 1958, pp.55-57. H. H. ROWLEY, Notes on the Aramaic of the Genesis Apocryphon, Hebrew and Semitic Studies Presented to G. R. Driver, Oxford, 1963, pp. 116-129. H. P. RUGER, 1Q Genesis Apocryphon XIX, 19f. im Lichte der Targumim, ZNW 55, 1964, pp. 129-131. G. SARFATTI, Un libro apocrifo sulla Genesi, RMI23, 1957, pp. 99115. - - , Notes on the Genesis Apocryphon, Tarbiz 28, 1958-1959, pp. 254-259. [modern Hebrew] - - , Supplement to "Notes ... ", Tarbiz, 29, 1959-1960, p. 192. S. SEGERT, Sprachliche Bemerkungen zu einigen aramaischen Texten von Qumran, ArOr 33, 1965, pp. 190-206. [1QGenAp, 11QtgJob] S. SPEIER, DS Genesis Apocryphon and Targum Jerushalmi I on Gen. 14,24, VT 8, 1958, pp. 95-97. M. TREVES, Osservazioni sull'apocrifo della Genesi, RMI24, 1958, pp. 445-450. P. WINTER, Das aramaische Genesis-Apocryphon, ThLZ 82, 1957, col. 257-262. S. ZEITLIN, Dating the Genesis Apocryphon,jBL 77,1958, pp. 75-76. M. ZOHORI, An Apocryphal Book on Genesis, 'M WSPR 5, 1957, 1958, pp. 28-37. [modern Hebrew]
H. Fragments from Qumran Cave 1 J. M. BAUMGARTEN, 1QSa I,ll - Age of Testimony or Responsibility, ]QR 49, 1958-1959, pp. 157-160. - Additional Note by S. Zeitlin, pp. 160-161. P. BORGEN, "At the Age of Twenty" in lQSa, RQum III, 1961-1962, pp. 267-277. J. CARMIGNAC, Notes sur les Peshil.rim, RQum III, 1961-1962, pp. 505538. [1 Q pMichee, 1Q pSophonie, 1Q pPs68] - - , Le recueil de prieres liturgiques de la grotte 1 (lQ 34 et 34bis), RQum IV, 1963-1964, pp. 271-276. S. B. HOENIG, On the Age of Mature Responsibility in lQSa,]QR 48, 1957-1958, pp. 371-375. - - , The Age of Twenty in Rabbinic Tradition and lQSa, ]QR 49, 1958-1959, pp. 209-214. B. JOHNSON, Die hexaplarische Rezension des 1. Samuelbuches der Septuagint, Lund, 1963. [pp. 131-139: 4QSama, 4QSamb , lQSam] R. MEYER, Die Fragmente der Hahle I, ThLZ 82, 1957, col. 21-28. O. A. PIPER, The "Book of Mysteries" (Qumran I 27). A Study in Eschatology, ]Re138, 1958, pp. 95-106. G. RINALDI, La particella u-BeKeN in 1 Q Sa I,ll, StBFranc, LA 13, 1962-1963, pp. 101-109. - - , L"'ultimo periodo" della storia. Considerazioni sulla Regola a (lQSa) di Qumran, BibOr 7, 1965, pp. 161-185. L. ROST, Die Anhange der Ordensregel (lQSa und lQSb), ThLZ 82, 1957, col. 667-672. E. F. SUTCLIFFE, The Rule of the Congregation (lQSa) II, 11-12: Text and Meaning, RQum II, 1959-1960, pp. 541-547. S. TALMON, The Order of Prayers of the Sect from the Judaean Desert, Tarbiz 29, 1959-1960, pp. 1-20. [modern Hebrew] - - , The "Manual of Benedictions" of the Sect of the Judaean Desert, RQum II, 1959-1960, pp. 475-500. J. C. TREVER, Completion of the Publication of Some Fragments from Qumran Cave I, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 323-344. - - , A Further Note about lQ Prayers, RQum VI, 1967-1969, pp. 137-138. - - , 1 Q Dana. The Latest of the Qumran Manuscripts, RQum VII, 1969, pp. 277-286.
Y. YADIN, A Crucial Passage in the Dead Sea Scrolls (lQSa II, 11-17), JBL 78, 1959, pp. 238-241. 1. The Copper Scroll from Qumran Cave 3 (cu3QI5) J. M. ALLEGRO, The Treasure of the Copper Scroll, Garden City N.Y./ London 1960; revised edition: Garden City N.Y., 1964. - - , The Copper Scroll from Qumran, TrGlasgUOrS 18, 1959-1960, pp.56-65. A. DUPONT-SOMMER, Les rouleaux de cuivre trouves a Qumran, RHR 151, 1957, pp. 22-36. J. JEREMIAS, The Copper Scroll from Qumran, ExpT 71, 1960, pp. 227-228. [location of Bethesda] - - , Die Kupferrole von Qumran, IgrLut 21, 1960, pp. 118-120. - - , The Rediscovery of Bethesda (New Testament Archaeology Monograph no. 1, ed. by J. Vardaman), Louisville Kent. ,1966. - - , Die Kupferrolle von Qumran und Bethesda, Abba. Studien zur neutestamentlichen Theologie und Zeitgeschichte, G6ttingen, 1966, pp. 361-364. - - ET J. T. MILIK, Remarques sur Ie rouleau de cuivre de Qumran, RB 67, 1960, pp. 220-223. E. M. LAPERROUSAZ, Remarques sur l' origine des rouleaux de cuivre decouverts dans la grotte 3 de Qumran, RHR 159, 1961,pp. 157-172. M. R. LEHMANN, Identification of the Copper Scroll based on its technical terms, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 97-105. B. Z. LURIE, The Copper Scroll from the Wilderness of Judah, Jerusalem, 1963. [modern Hebrew] J. T. MILIK, Le rouleau de cuivre de Qumran (3Q15). Traduction et commentaire topographique, RB 66, 1959, pp. 321-357. - - , The Copper Document from Cave III of Qumran; Translation and Commentary, ADAJordan 4-5, 1960, pp. 137-155. F. NOTSCHER, Die Kupferrolle von Qumran (3Q15), BZ 5, 1961, pp. 292-297. L. H. SILBERMAN, A Note on the Copper Scroll, VT 10, 1960, pp. 7779. E. ULLENDORFF, The Greek Letters of the Copper Scroll, VT 11, 1961, pp. 227-228. R. WEISS, The Copper Scroll, Massa' june 5th, 1964. [modern Hebrew]
J. J.
M. ALLEGRO, Further Light on the History of the Qumran Sect, JBL 75, 1956, pp. 89-95. [4QpNah, 4QpPs37, 4QpHos, 4QFlor] - - , Fragments of a Qumran Scroll of Eschatological Midraslm, JBL 77, 1958, pp. 350-354. - - , Last Year's Work on the Fourth Cave Fragments from Qumran,
Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress ofOrientalists Cambridge 1954, London, 1957, pp. 114-115. - - , More Isaiah Commentaries from Qumran's Fourth Cave, JBL
77, 1958, pp. 215-221. - - , A Recently Discovered Fragment of a Commentary on Hosea from Qumran's Fourth Cave, JBL 78, 1959, pp. 142-147. - - , Some Unpublished Fragments of Pseudepigrahical Literature from Qumran's Fourth Cave, ALeedsUOrS 4, 1962-1963, pp. 3-5. F. ALTHEIM und RUTH STIEHL,Die Araber in deralten Welt V, 2, Berlin, 1969. [pp. 3-23 deal with 4QOrNab] J. D. AMUSIN, The Qumran Fragment of the "Prayer" of King Nabonidus of Babylonia, VDI no. 4, 1958, (= no. 66), pp. 104-117. [Russian] - - , Commentaire qumranien sur Nahum (4QpNahum), VDI1962 no. 4 (= no. 82), pp. 101-110. [Russian] - - , Ephraim et Manasse dans Ie Pesher de Nahum, RQum IV, 19631964, pp. 389-396. - - , Nouveaux fragments du Commentaire de Qumran sur Nahum (4QpNahum II-IV), VDI no. 1, 1964 (= no. 87), pp. 35-47. [Russian] - - , Sur une anthologie qumranienne de textes eschatologiques, Breves Communications de I'Institut des Peuples d' Asie 86, Moscow 1965, pp. 56-66. [Russian] - - , Bemerkungen zu den Qumran-Kommentaren, Bibel undQumran (Festschrift Bardtke), pp. 9-19. M. BAILLET, Un recueilliturgique de Qumran, grotte 4: "Les Paroles des Luminaires", RB 68, 1961, pp. 195-250 et planches XXIVXXVIII. - - , Debris de textes sur papyrus de la grotte 4 de Qumran, RB 71, 1964, pp. 353-371.
[a. Textes liturgiques, b. Textes sapientiels et prophetiques, c. RegIe de la Guerre des Fils de Lumiere contre les Fils de Tenebres. Certitudes et Problemes, d. Textes d'un genre mal reconnu, e. Dechets] J. CARMIGNAC, Notes sur les Peshirim, RQum III, 1961-1962, pp. 505-538. [4Q pesher Isale A, fragments B, C, D; 4Q pesher Psaume 37] - - , "RegIe des chants pour l'holocauste du sabbat". Quelques details de lecture, RQum IV, 1963-1964, pp. 563-566. - - , Les horoscopes de Qumran, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 199-217. - - , Poeme allegorique sur la secte rivale ("The Wiles of the Wicked Woman"), RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 361-374. F. M. CROSS, JR., The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies, Garden City N.Y.-London, 19612. [pp. 188, 191: 4QSama : 2 Sam. 4, 1£.; 24, 16f.] - - , Die antike Bibliothek von Qumran, Neukirchen, 1967. [pp. 175, 177: 4QSama : 2 Sam. 4, 1£.; 24, 16f.] M. DELCOR, Recherches sur un horoscope en langue hebralque provenant de Qumran, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 521-542. - - , Le testament de Job, la priere de Nabonide et les traditions targoumiques, Bibel undQumran (Festschrift Bardtke), pp. 57-74. W. DOMMERSHAUSEN, Nabonid im Buche Daniel, Mainz, 1964. N. DRAZIN, What can BeTALMUD prove?, JQR 54, 1963-1964, p. 333. A. DUPONT-SOMMER, Remarques linguistiques sur un fragment arameen de Qoumran ("Priere de Nabonide"), Comptes Rendus du Groupe Linguistique d'Etudes Chamito-Semitiques, Tome VIII, 19571960, pp. 48-50, Paris, (Seance du 18 mars 1959). - - , Observations sur Ie commentaire de Nahum decouvert pres de la Mer Morte, Journal des Savants 1963, pp. 201-227. - - , Observations sur Ie commentaire de Nahum decouvert pres de la Mer Morte, Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Comptes Rendus des Seances, 1963, pp. 242-243. - - , Explication de textes hebreux et arameens decouverts a Qoumran: 2) Commentaire du Psaume XXXVII, Annuaire du College de France 64, 1964, pp. 320-323. - - , Explication de textes hebreux et arameens decouverts a Qoumran: 1) The Wiles of the Wicked Woman; 2) Deux documents horoscopiques, Annuaire du College de France 65, 1965, pp. 353-355.
- - , Deux documents horoscopiques esseniens decouverts a Qumran pres de la Mer Morte, Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Comptes Rendus des Seances, 1965, pp. 239-253. - - , La secte des Esseniens et les horoscopes de Qumran ,Archeologia no. 15, mars-avril 1967, pp. 24-31. - - , Explication de textes hebreux decouverts a Qoumran (suite): 4Q Ordinances, 4Q Ages of Creation, 11 Q Melch, Annuaire dtl College de France 68, 1968-1969, pp. 426-430. - - , Explication de textes hebreux et arameens recemment decouverts pres de la mer Morte (suite): 4Qp Ps 37, Annuaire dtl Comge de France 69, 1969-1970, pp. 395-404. I. H. EYBERS, Notes on the Texts of Samuel found in Qumran Cave 4, Papers read at 3rd Meeting of Die G.T. werkgemeenskap in SuidAfrika 1960, pp. 1-17. J. A. FITZMYER, The Aramaic "Elect of God" Text from Qumran Cave IV, CBQ 27, 1965, pp. 348-372. - - , A Bibliographical Aid to the Study of the Qumran Cave IV Texts 158-186, CBQ 31, 1969, pp. 59-71. D. FLUSSER, Two Notes on the Midrash on 2 Sam. VII (4Q Florilegium), IB] 9, 1959, pp. 99-109. - - , Qumran und die zw6lf, Initiation (Suppl. to Numen 10), Leiden 1965. - - , The Pesher of Isaiah and the Twelve Apostles, Bretz-Israel 8. E. L. Sukenik Memorial Volume, Jerusalem, 1967, pp. 52-62. [modern Hebrew] G. FOHRER, 4QOrNab, llQtgJob und die Hioblegende, ZAW 75, 1963, pp. 93-97. C. J. GADD, The Harran Inscriptions of Nabonidus, Anatolian Studies VIII, London, 1958, pp. 35-92. A. M. GAZOV-GINSBERG, Double Meaning in a Qumran Work ("The Wiles of the Wicked Woman"), RQum VI, 1967-1969, pp. 279285. M. GIL, Enoch in the Land of Eternal Life, Tarbiz 38, 1968-1969, pp. 322-337. R. GORDIS, A Document in Code from Qumran. Some Observations, ISS 11, 1966, pp. 37-39. [vide sub Text-editions. Minor-Publications: J. M. Allegro, An Astrological Cryptic Document] S. B. HOENIG, What is the Explanation for the Term "Betalmud" in the Scrolls?, ]QR 53, 1962-1963, pp. 274-276.
- , BeTALMUD and TALMUD,]QR 54, 1963-1964, pp. 334-339. - - , Dorshe I:Iala~ot in the Pes her Nahum Scrolls, ]BL 83, 1964, pp. 119-138. - - , Another Satirical Qumran Fragment, ]QR 55, 1964-1965, pp. 256-259. - - , The New Qumran Pesher on Azazel, ]QR 56, 1965-1966, pp. 248-253. [concerning "Some Unpublished Fragments ... " by J. M. Allegro] - - , The Pesher Nahum "Talmud", ]BL 86, 1967, pp. 441-445. C. H. HUNZINGER, Fragmente einer alteren Fassung des Buches Milbama aus Hohle 4 von Qumran, ZAW 69, 1957, pp. 131-151. B. JOHNSON, Die hexaplarische Rezension des 1. Samuelbuches der Septuagint, Lund, 1963. [pp. 131-139: 4QSama, 4QSamb , 1QSam] K. G. KUHN, P1!Jlakterien aus Hb'h/e 4 von Qumran, Heidelberg, 1957. W. R. LANE, A New Commentary Structure in 4Q Florilegium, ]BL 78, 1959, pp. 343-346. - - , Peser Style as a Reconstruction Tool in 4Q PeSer Isaiahb , RQum II, 1959-1960, pp. 281-283. M. R. LEHMANN, A Re-interpretation of 4QDibre ham-me'oroth, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 106-110. J. LICHT, Legs as Signs of Election, Tarbiz 35, 1965-1966, pp. 18-26. [study on "An Astrological Cryptic Document" published by J. M. Allegro] [modern Hebrew] R. MEYER, Das Qumranfragment "Gebet des Nabonid", ThLZ 85, 1960, col. 831-834. - - , Das Gebet des Nabonid. Eine in den Qumranhandschriften wiederentdeckte Weisheitserzahlung, Berlin, 1962. - - , Die Bedeutung von Deuteronomium 32, 8f., 43 (4Q) fur die Auslegung des Moseliedes, Verbannung und Heimkehr, Festschrift W. Rudolph, Tubingen, 1961, pp. 197-209. J. T. MILIK, Deux documents inedits du desert de Juda, Bib138, 1957, pp. 245-268. [the first, containing Psalm fragments, is probably from cave 4] - - , Henoch au pays des aromates (ch. XXVII a XXXII). Fragments arameens de la grotte 4 de Qumran, RB 58,1965, pp. 70-77. - - , Fragments d'une source du Psautier (4QPs89) et fragments des Jubiles, du Document de Damas, d'un Phylactere dans 1a grotte 4 de Qumran, RB 73, 1966, pp. 94-106.
W. L. MORAN, Notes on the New Nabonidus Inscriptions, Orientalia 28, 1959, pp. 130-140. H. RABBERS, Deut. 32:8 en Qumran, GTT 70, 1970, pp. 34-37. W. ROLLIG, Erwagungen zu neuen Stelen Nabonids, Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archaologie, neue Folge 22. (56.) Band, 1964, pp. 218-260. J. M. ROSENTHAL, Biblical Exegesis of 4QpIs, JQR 60, 1969-1970, pp.27-35. J. A. SANDERS, Dissenting Deities and Philippians 2: 1-11, JBL 88, 1969, pp. 279-290. [deals with 4Q Ages of Creation = Some Unpublished Fragments ofPseudipigraphical Literature ... , published by J. M. Allegro] F. SEN, Los horoscopos de Qumran, CultBibl23, 1966, pp. 366-367. P. W. SKEHAN, A Psalm Manuscript from Qumran (4QPSb), CBQ 26, 1964, pp. 313-322. J. STARCKY, Un texte messianique arameen de la grotte 4 de Qumran, Memorial duCinquantenaire de l'Ecole des LanguesOrientales Anciennes de I'Institut Catholique de Paris 1914-1964, Paris, 1964, pp. 51-66. [cf. J. Carmignac dans RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 206-217]
- - , Psaumes apocryphes de la grotte 4 de Qumran (4QPSf VII-X), RB 73, 1966, pp. 353-371. H. STEGEMANN, Der Pder Psalm 37, RQum IV, 1963-1964, pp. 235270. - - , Weitere Stucke von 4Q pPsalm 37, von 4Q Patriarchal Blessings und Hinweis auf eine unedierte Handschrift aus Hohle 4Q mit Exzerpten aus dem Deuteronomium, RQum VI, 1967-1969, pp. 193-227. J. STRUGNELL, The Angelic Liturgy at Qumran, 4Q Serek Sirot (Olat Hassabat, Congress Volume Oxford 1959 (Supplements to VT 7), Leiden, 1960, pp. 318-345. - - , Notes en marge du volume V des "Discoveries in the Judaean , pp. 163-276. Desert of Jordan", RQum VII, 1969J. C. TREVER, A Further Note about 1Q Prayers, RQum VI, 1967-1969, pp. 137-138. [comparison with 4Qa20] M. TREVES, On the Meaning of the Qumran Testimonia, RQum II, 1959-1960, pp. 569-571. W. TYLOCH, Peszer Nahum z IV groty w Qumran, Euhemer 46, 1965, pp.65-73.
Commentaire du Psaume 37 de Qumran, Euhemer 11, 1967, pp. 105-112. [Polish] E. VOGT, Novae inscriptiones Nabonidi, Bib140, 1959, pp. 88-102. Z. W ACHOLDER, A Qumran Attack on the Oral Exegesis? The Phrase 'fr btlmwd fqrm in 4Q Pesher Nahum, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 575-578. R. WEISS, K'WRH (Pesher Nahum II, 6), Beth Miqra' 9, 1963-1964, p.156. [modern Hebrew] - - , Once more the Pesher Nahum, Beth Miqra' 8, 1962-1963, pp.61-62. [modern Hebrew] - - , Fragments of a Midrash on Genesis from Qumran Cave 4, Textus 7, 1969, pp. 132-134. Y. YADIN, Some Notes on the Newly Published Pesharim of Isaiah, IEJ 9, 1959, pp. 39-42. - - , A Midrash on 2 Sam. VII and Ps. I-III (4Q Florilegium), IEJ9, 1959, pp. 95-98. - - , A Note on 4Q 159 (Ordinances), IEJ 18, 1968, pp.250-252. S. ZEITLIN, The Expression BeT ALMUD in the Scrolls militates against the View of the Protagonists of their Antiquity, JQR 54, 1963-1964, pp. 89-98. - , >ASHER BeTALMUD, JQR 54, 1963-1964, pp. 340-341. - - , The Word Be TALMUD and the Method of Congruity of Words, JQR 58, 1967-1968, pp. 78-80. K. Other Texts, chiefly from Cave 11 M. BAILLET, Fragments arameens de Qumran 2. Description de la Jerusalem Nouvelle, RB 62, 1955, pp. 222-245. - - , Remarques sur Ie manuscrit du livre des Jubiles de la grotte 3 de Qumran, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 423-433. W. H. BROWNLEE, The Scroll of Ezekiel from the eleventh Qumran Cave, RQum IV, 1963-1964, pp. 11-28. - - , The 11Q Counterpart to Psalm 151, 1-5, RQum IV, 1963-1964, pp. 379-389. - - , The Significance of "David's Compositions", RQum V, 19641966, pp. 569-574. J. CARMIGNAC, Vestiges d'un pesher de Malachie?, RQum N, 19631964, pp. 97-100.
- - , La forme pot!tique du Psaume 151 de 1a grotte 11, RQum IV, 1963-1964, pp. 371-378. - - , Precisions sur la forme poetique du Psaume 151, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 249-252. M. DAHOOD, Ugaritic USN, Job 12, 10 and llQPsa Plea 3-4, Bib147, 1966, pp. 107-108. R. DEICHGRABER, Fragmente dner Jubilaen-Handschrift aus Hohle 3 von Qumran, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 415-422. M. DELCOR, Zum Psalter von Qumran, BZ 10, 1966, pp. 15-29. - - , L'Hymne a Sion du rouleau des Psaumes de la grotte 11 de Qumran (l1QPsa), RQum VI, 1967-1969, pp. 71-88. A. DUPONT-SOMMER, David et Orphic, Paris, 1964. - - , Le Psaume CLI dans 11 QPsa et Ie probleme de son origine essenienne, Sem 14, 1964, pp. 25-62. - - , Explication de textes hebreux et arameens decouverts a Qoumran: 1) Le psaume hebreu extra-canonique (11 QPsa, col. XXVIII), Annuaire du College de France 64, 1964, pp. 317-320. - - , Notes qoumraniennes: 1) sur llQtgJob, col. XXXIII; 2) sur 11QPsa, col. XXII, Sem 15, 1965, pp. 71-78. - - , Explication de textes hebreux decouverts a Qoumran: The Psalms Scroll of Qumran Cave 11 (l1QPsa), Annuaire du College de France 66, 1966, pp.358-367; ... col. XXI-XXII, 67, 1967, pp.364-368. - - , Explication de textes hebreux decouverts a Qoumran (suite) : 4Q Ordinances, 4Q Ages of Creation, 11 Q Melch, Annuaire du College de France 68, 1968-1969, pp. 426-430. R. Y. EBIED, A Triglot Volume of the Epistle to the Laodiceans, Psalm 151 and other Biblical Materials, Bibl 47, 1966, pp. 243254. O. EISSFELDT, Eine Qumran-Textform des 91. Psalms, Bibel undQumran (Festschrift Bardtke), pp. 82-85. J. A. FITZMYER, Further Light on Melchizedek from Qumran Cave 11, JBL 68, 1967, pp. 25-41. G. FOHRER, 4QOrNab, 11QtgJob und die Hioblegende, ZAW 75, 1963, pp. 93-97. M. H. GOSHEN-GOTTSTEIN, The Psalms Scroll (l1QPsa): A Problem of Canon and Text, Textus 5, 1966, pp. 22-33. C. E. L'HEUREUX, The Biblical Sources of the "Apostrophe to Zion", CBQ 29, 1967, pp. 60-74. A. J. B. HIGGINS, Is the Son of Man Problem Insoluble?, Neotestamen-
fica et Semifica, Studies in Honour of M. Black, Edinburgh, 1969, pp.70-87. S. B. HOENIG, The Dead Sea Psalms Scrolls, ]QR 58, 1967-1968, pp. 162-163. A. HURWITZ, Observations on the Language of the Third Apocryphal Psalm from Qumran, RQum V, 1964-1966, pp. 225-232. - - , La formule biblique "Maitre de l'Univers" et son apparition dans Ie Psaume 151 de Qumran, Tarbiz 34, 1964-1965, pp. 224227. [modern Hebrew] - - , The Language and Date of Psalm 151 from Qumran, EretzIsrael 8. E. L. Sukenik Memorial Volume, Jerusalem, 1967, pp. 82-87. [modern Hebrew] M. DE JONGE AND A. S. VAN DER WOUDE, 11Q Melchizedek and the New Testament, NTSt 12, 1965-1966, pp. 301-326. B. JONGELING, Publication provisoire d'un fragment provenant de la grotte 11 de Qumran (l1Q JerNouv ar), ]S] 1, 1970, pp. 58-64. E. M. LAPERROUSAZ, Publication, en Israel, d'un fragment du "Rouleau des Psaumes" provenant de la grotte 11 Q de Qumran, et autres publications recentes de fragments de Psaumes decouverts dans les grottes l1Q et 4Q, RHR 171, 1967, pp. 101-108. M. R. LEHMANN, Ben Sira and the Qumran Literature, RQum III, 1961-1962, pp. 103-116. D. LUHRMANN, Ein Weisheitspsalm aus Qumran (11QPsa XVIII), ZAW 80, 1968, pp. 87-97. R. MEYER, Melchisedek von] erusalem und Moresedek von Qumran, Congress Volume Geneve 1965 (Supplements to VT 15), Leiden, 1966, pp. 228-239. - - , Die Septuaginta-Fassung von Ps 151, 1-5 als Ergebnis einer dogmatischen Korrektur, Das Ferne und Nahe Wort (Festschrift L. Rost), Berlin, 1967, pp. 164-172. M. P. MILLER, The Function of Isaiah 61, 1-2 in 11Q Melchizedek, ]BL 88, 1969, pp. 467-469. EVA OSSWALD, Der gegenwartige Stand der Erforschung der in Palastina neu gefundenen hebraischen Handschriften. 50) Die Psalmenrolle aus Hahle 11 (llQPsa), ThLZ 91, 1966, col. 729734. J. OUELLETTE, Variantes qumraniennes du Livre des Psaumes, RQum VII, 1969, pp. 105-124.
J. VAN DER PLOEG, Le Targum de Job de Ia grotte 11 de Qumran, Mededelingen der KoninkltJke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afd. Letterkunde, Nieuwe reeks deel 25, no. 9, Amsterdam, 1962, pp. 545-557. - - , Un targum du livre de Job. Nouvelle decouverte dans Ie desert de Judah, BiVieChr no. 58, 1964, pp. 79-87. - - , Le Psaume XCI dans une recension de Qumran, RB 72, 1965, pp. 210-217. - - , Lev. IX, 23-X, 2 dans un texte de Qumran, Bibel und Qumran (Festschrift Bardtke), pp. 153-155. - - , Fragments d'un manuscrit de Psaumes de Qumran (l1QPsb), RB 74, 1967, pp. 408-412. R. POLZIN, Notes on the Dating of the Non-Massoretic Psalms of llQPsa, HThR 60, 1967, pp. 468-476. I. RABINOWITZ, The Alleged Orphism of 11 QPss XXVIII, 3-12,ZAW 76, 1964, pp. 193-200. A. ROFE (ROIFER), Further Manuscript Fragments of the Jubilees in the Third Cave of Qumran, Tarbiz 34, 1964-1965, pp. 333-336. [modern Hebrew] J. A. SANDERS, The Scroll of Psalms (11 QPss) from Cave 11: a Preliminary Report, BASOR no. 165, 1962, pp. 11-15. - , Ps 151 in llQPss, ZAW 75, 1963, pp. 73-86. - - , Two Non-Canonical Psalms in llQPsa, ZAW 76, 1964, pp. 57-75. - - , Pre-Massoretic Psalter Texts, CBQ 27, 1965, pp. 114-123. - - , The Psalms Scroll ofQumran Cave 11 (l1QPsa), DJD IV, Oxford, 1965. - - , Variorum in the Psalms Scroll (l1QPsa), HThR 59, 1966, pp. 83-94. - - , The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll, New York, 1967. J. SCHWARTZ, Remarques sur les fragments grecs du desert de Juda, RB 69, 1962, pp. 61-63. S. SEGERT, Sprachliche Bemerkungen zu einigen aramaischen Texten von Qumran, ArOr 33, 1965, pp. 190-206. [1 QGenAp, 11 QtgJ ob ] F. SEN, Melkisedek, CultBibl24, 1967, pp. 91-93. - - , EI Salteris de Qumnin, CultBibl24, 1967, pp. 163-164. - - , EI nuevo Manuscrito del Templo,CultBibI25, 1968, pp. 173-174. E. SITARZ, L. STEFANIAK, Qumranski manuskrypt Psalmu 151 (l1QPss), Znak 133-134, 1965, pp. 936-938.
P. W. SKEHAN, The Apocryphal Psalm 151, CBQ 25, 1963, pp. 407409. - - , A Broken Acrostic and Psalm 9, CBQ 27, 1965, pp. 1-5. [concerning Psalm 155] J. STRUGNELL, More Psalms of "David", CBQ 27, 1965, pp. 207216. - - , Notes on the Text and Transmission of the Apocryphal Psalms 151, 154 (= Syr. II) and 155 (= Syr. III), HThR 59, 1966, pp. 257-281. S. TALMON, Pisqah Be'emfa( Pasuq and llQPsa , Textus 5, 1966, pp. 11-21. - - , Hebrew Apocryphal Psalms from Qumran, Tarbiz 35, 19651966, pp. 214-234. [modern Hebrew] - - , The Psalms Scroll of Qumran, Tarbiz 37,1967-1968, pp. 99-104. [modern Hebrew] M. TREvEs, I nuovi Salmi del Mar Morto, Bollettino dell' Amicizia Bbraico-Cristiana di Firenze, Nuova Serie 3, 1968, pp. 3-11. - - , Un' apostrofe a Sion in un manoscritto del Mar Morto, RM! 34, 1968, pp. 292-294. V. VILAR HUEsco, Cr6nica arqueol6gica de Pales tina ... Qumran: Los Salmos de la Cueva 11, BstB 23, 1964, p. 194. R. WEISS, News from the Old Scrolls: Some Remarks about the Psalms Scroll and the New Pesher of Nal:mm, IJeruth, september 28th, 1962. [modern Hebrew] - - , New Discoveries from the Judaean Desert Caves,Ha-Boqer, may 28th, 1963, pp. 5-6. [modern Hebrew] - - , Fragments of a Ruth Scroll among the Hidden Scrolls, Sinai 27, vol. 53, 1963, pp. 165-166. [modern Hebrew] - - , Two New Psalms from Qumran, IJeruth, may 1st, 1964. [modern Hebrew] - - , Psalm 151, Massa', may 15th, 1964. [modern Hebrew] - - , Addenda concerning Psalm 151, Massa', january 29th, 1965, p. 2. [modern Hebrew] A. S. VAN DER WOUDE, De handschriften uit grot 11 van Chirbet Qumran, Phoenix 9, 1963; pp. 33-37.
- - , Das Hiobtargum aus Qumran Hohle XI, Congress Volume Bonn 1962 (Supplements to VT 9), Leiden, 1963, pp. 322-331. - - , Melchisedek als himmlische Erlosergestalt in den neugefundenen eschatologischen Midraschim aus Qumran Hohle XI, OTSt 14, Leiden, 1965, pp. 354-373. - - , Nieuwe gegevens over de handschriften uit grot 11 van Chirbet Qumran, Phoenix 12, 1966, pp. 300-306. - - , Ein neuer Segensspruch aus Qumran (l1QBer), Bibel undQumran (Festschrift Bardtke), pp. 253-258. - - , vide M. de J onge. Y. YADIN, A Note on Melchizedek and Qumran, lEI 15, 1965, pp. 152-154. - - , Another Fragment (E) of the Psalms Scroll from Qumran Cave 11 (1IQPsa), Textus 5, 1966, pp. 1-10 and plates I-V. - - , The Temple Scroll, BiAr 30, 1967, pp. 135-139. - - , Un nouveau manuscrit de la Mer Morte: "Le Rouleau du Temple", Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Comptes Rendus des Seances, 1967, pp. 607-619. - - , What the Temple Scroll Reveals, The DailY Telegraph Magazine no. 198, 1968, pp. 15-17. L. Murabba(at, Masada etc.
J. D. AMUSIN, Contrat arameen de 134 de notre ere, des environs de la
Mer Morte, Monde Ancien. Recueil d'articles, Moscow, 1962, pp. 202-213. [Russian] GABRIELLA BACHI, Le lettere di Bar Kochba, RMI26, 1960, pp. 362366. J. M. BAUMGARTEN, Some Notes on the Ben Sira Scroll from Masada, IQR 58, 1967-1968, pp. 323-327. J. BRAND, Some Notes on the Bar Kokhba Letters, Tarbiz 32, 19621963, pp. 225-231. [modern Hebrew] F. M. CROSS JR., Epigraphic Notes on Hebrew Documents of the Eighth-Sixth Centuries B.C., II: The Murabba(at Papyrus and the Letter Found near Yabneh-yam, BASOR no. 165, 1962, pp. 34-46. Z. W. FALK, The Kethubbah of Murabba(at,IISt 15, 1964, p. 157. MARGARETE FALKNER, Briefe des Bar Kosiba, AlO 19, 1959-1960,pp. 249-250.
J. A. FITZMYER, The Bar Cochba Period, The Bible in Current Catholic Thought, New York, 1962, pp. 133-168. M. L. GELCER, Nouvel essai d'interpretation du papyrus ouest-semitique de Wadi Murabba(at, Breves communications de I'Institut des Peuples d'Asie 86, Moscow, 1965, pp. 51-55. [Russian] A. GROHMAN, Arabic Papyri from I:Iirbet el-Mird, Louvain, 1963. D. R. HILLERS, Revelation 13, 18 and a Scroll from Murabba(at, BASOR no. 170, 1963, p. 65. ELISABETH KOFFMAHN, Die "Restitutionsklausel" in den aramaischen Vertragsurkunden von Murabba(at, RQum IV, 1963-1964, pp. 421-427. - - , Eine judische Darlehnsurkunde aus dem Jahre 54/55 n. Chr., Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftungfiir Rechtsgeschichte 81, 1964, pp. 293303. - - , Zur Datierung der aramaisch-hebraischen Vertragsurkunden von Murabba(at, WZKM 59-60, 1963-1964, pp. 119-136. - - , Die Doppelurkunden aus der Wiiste ]uda, STD] 5, Leiden, 1968. E. Y. KUTSCHER, The Language of the Hebrew and Aramaic Letters of Bar Cochba and His Contemporaries, Lefonenu 25, 1961, pp. 117-133; 26, 1962, pp. 7-23. [modern Hebrew] E. M. LAPERROUSAZ, Publication des cinq chapitres decouverts a Masada et d'un autre passage, provenant de Qumran, de l'Ecclesiastique en hebreu, RRR 169, 1966, pp. 235-237. M. R. LEHMANN, Studies in the Murabba(at and Nal;1al I:Iever Documents, RQum IV, 1963-1964, pp. 53-81. B. LIFSHITZ, The Greek Documents from Nal;1al ~eelim and Nal;1al Mishmar, IE] 11, 1961, pp. 53-62; 12, 1962, pp. 201-207. F. LUCIANI, Scoperte nel Deserto di Giuda, BibOr 9, 1967, pp. 89-95. J. T. MILIK, Deux documents inedits du Desert de Juda, Bibl 38, 1957, pp. 245-268. [the second document is an Aramaic deed of sale, probably from Murabba(at] - - , Les documents de Murabba(at, BiTerS no. 33, 1960, pp. 16-18. - - , Un fragment mal place dans l'edition du Siracide de Masada, Bib147, 1966, pp. 11-26. CH. PERROT, Un fragment christo-palestinien decouvert a Khirbet Mird (Actes des Ap6tres 10, 28, 29; 32-41), RB 70, 1963, pp. 506-555. Studies Desert of Judah, VII
The Greek Papyri from the Cave of the Letters, IE] 12, 1962, pp. 258-262. J. J. RABINOWITZ, Some Notes on an Aramaic Deed of Sale from the Judean Desert, Bibl39, 1958, pp. 486-487. [deals with J. T. Milik, Deux documents inedits ... ] S. SEGERT, Zur Orthographie und Sprache der aramruschen Texte von Wadi Murabba