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English Pages 309 [323] Year 1995
Texts and Contexts Volume 16 General Editor Sander L. Gilman U niversity o f Chicago
Editorial Board David Bathrick C o rn ell U niversity
J . Edward Chamberlin U niversity o f Toronto
Michael Fried TheJohn s H opkins U niversity
Anton Kaes U niversity o f C a lifo rn ia, Berkeley
Robert Nye U niversity o f O klahom a
Nancy Stepan C olum bia U niversity
S O J O U R N E R S byJohn Bomeman andJeffrey M . Peck T he Return o f Germ an Jew s and the Q uestion o f Identity
U niversity o f Nebraska Press Lincoln and London : 1995
Publication o f this volum e was assisted by T h e Em ily Schossberg cr Fund, established in m em ory o f Em ily Schossberger, first director o f the U niversity o f Nebraska Press C 1995 by the U niversity o f N e braska Press. A ll rights reserved. M anufactured in the United States o f Am erica. Set in Adobe Garam ond by Keystone Type setting, Inc. Book designed by Richard Eckersley. 0 T he paper in this book meets
the m inim um requirements o f Am erican N ational Standard for Inform ation Sciences Perma nence o f Paper for Printed Libra ry M aterials, ansi Z39.48-1984. lib ra ry o f Congress Cataloging-in-Publication-D ata Bom em an, John. Sojourners : the return o f G er man Jew s and the question o f identity / by John Bom em an and Jeffrey M . Peck. p. cm . In cludes bibliographical references and index, isbn 0-8032-1255-0 i. Jew s - Germ any - Berlin Interviews. 2. Jew s, Germ any Berlin - Identity. 3 . Jew s, G er man - Identity. 4. H olocaust, Jew ish (1939-1945) - Germ a ny - Influence. 5. Berlin (Ger many) - Biography. 6 . Berlin (Germ any) - Ethnic relations, i. Feck, Jeffrey M . 19 50 -. n .T id e . 111. T id e: Return o f Germ an Jew s and the question o f identity. DS135.G5A1263 199$ 943'.OQ4924-dc 20 95-3125