Socrates and the Socratic Philosophies: Selected Papers from Socratica IV 9783985720040, 9783985720057

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Table of contents :
Part I: Socrates and the Socratic environment
Né filosofo né sofista
1. Un Socrate ‘presocratico’
2. ‘Plato’s Counterfeit Sophists’
3. Difendere l’onorabilità dei sofisti
4. Socrates primus philosophiam revocavit e caelo?
5. Siamo in grado di dire chi è stato Socrate?
Referenze bibliografiche
Περιτροπή, or Reversal, Arguments From Antiphon and Socrates
Sparta and the Socratics
Callia nella letteratura socratica: un paradigma complesso
Walls, Heavy Seas, and Lion Cubs. The Socratics Beyond the Soul-Body Dualism
Socrates’ Ambivalent Erotes
1. Antisthenes
2. Aeschines
3. Plato
4. Xenophon
Debates en torno al monismo lingüístico en el movimiento socrático
Part II: Plato’s Socrates
Socrates and the Sufficiency Thesis
1. Did Socrates Accept that Virtue Is Sufficient for Happiness?
2. Doing Well in the Euthydemus
3. The Luck Factor
4. Making the Grade
5. The Stoic Socrates
6. Summary and Conclusion
Socrates in Plato’s Philebus
‘No sé de otra cosa que de asuntos eróticos’. El saber erótico de Sócrates y la téchne de la caza de hombres
Sócrates desmemoriado. El olvido como dispositivo retórico
La memoria y la reminiscencia
El olvido socrático en Platón
El olvido socrático en Jenofonte
La memoria en el Sócrates de Aristófanes
La retórica del olvido
Socrates Medicus: una rappresentazione platonica
Riferimenti bibliografici
L'invenzione di Socrate: la maschera del philosophos tra Platone e Senofonte
Riferimenti bibliografici
Part III: The Socratic lines
Il concetto di ponos in Antistene
L’exégèse homérique d’Antisthène: l’intention d’Ulysse et celle d’Homère
1. ὑπόνοια
2. Ulysse πολύτροπος
3. Opinion et savoir
'The good, one thing called by many names' (D.L. II.106.9-10) Agathology and Eristic in Euclides of Megara
1. Parmenidean and Socratic influence on the Megaric group
2. Euclides' agathology
3. Euclides' Eristic Methodology
Terpsion of Megara and the Socratic Daemon
The Complex Question Fallacy in Megaric Philosophy
1. The Megarian Philosophy
2. The Complex Question Fallacy
3. Conclusion
Socrates ‘philosophos’ in Oeconomicus 16.9
1. Socrates philosophos in Oec. 16.9: a disconcerting statement
2. The Socrates of the Oeconomicus: his lifestyle, his interests.
3. Oec. 16.9: a provocative affirmation.
4. The Socrates philosophos of Xenophon: in Oec. 16.9 and elsewhere.
Mimesis and the bodily sign in Xenophon’s Memorabilia 3. 10
1. Socrates and the artists on the representation of bodies
2. The body as sign in the 4th century BCE
3. Conclusion
Did Aristotle have some knowledge of the grammar advocated by the Cyrenaics? Reflections on a new Cyrenaic testimony
1. ‘Cyrenaic grammar’: some features.
2. Testimonies & Sources: confusion, misinterpretation and/or distortion.
3. Aristotle’s case: Lycophron, Menedemus, or Aristippus and his followers?
El concepto de αἴσθησις en la filosofía cirenaica
La noción de αἴσθησις en la filosofía cirenaica
Platón y el sentido estrecho de αἴσθησις
The role of wealth and the value of poverty in Socratic literature: a reading of Aeschines’ Callias and Telauges
1. Introduction
2. Aeschines the ‘pauper auditor’
3. Aeschines‘ dialogues
3.1. The Callias
3.2. The Telauges
4. Parallels
5. Concluding remarks
Part IV: Socrates’s Reception
Aristotle and Protagoras against Socrates on Courage and Experience
Introduction: Aristotle on Socrates and the Courage of the Skilled Soldier
1. Aristotle’s Claim that Socrates Thought Experience-Based Knowledge was Courage
2. Socrates on Knowledge and Courage in the Protagoras
3. Socrates on the Expertise of the Skilled Soldier in Xenophon
4. Protagoras’ Criticism of the Socratic View of Courage as Wisdom
5. The Problems with the Socratic View
Aristóteles, el socrático. Sobre los alcances y límites de la crítica aristotélica al intelectualismo socrático
1. El IS en el Protágoras
2. La crítica aristotélica
a) La crítica a Sócrates en Ética nicomaquea VII
b) Modos de poseer y de utilizar el conocimiento en De anima II
c) El acto primero/potencia segunda entendido como ἕξις
d) ¿Descarta Aristóteles toda forma de incontinencia socrática?
3. Conclusión
Socrate nel Kepos: ricezione epicurea del pensiero di Socrate nel Contra Lysidem e nel Contra Euthydemum di Colote
Il Contra Lysidem di Colote e la valutazione dell’ἀγαθὸς ποιητής
Il criterio dell’ἐνάργεια nel Contra Euthydemum
Antiochus’ Interpretation of Socrates in Cicero’s Academica
1. The New Academy’s Socrates and Plato
2. Lucullus’ Socrates
3. Varro’s Socrates
4. Antiochus’ Socrates
5. Antiochus’ Plato
Notes on contributors

Socrates and the Socratic Philosophies: Selected Papers from Socratica IV
 9783985720040, 9783985720057

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