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English Pages [211] Year 1978
S O C IA L IS T PR O PA G A N D A IN T H E T W E N T IE T H -C E N T U R Y B R IT IS H N O V E L David §mith \
© David Smith 1978 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without permission First published igy 8 by T H E M A C M ILLA N P R ESS LTD London and Basingstoke Associated companies in Delhi Dublin Hong Kong Johannesburg Lagos Melbourne New York Singapore Tokyo
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Smith, David Socialist propaganda in the twentieth-century British novel 1. English fiction - 20th century - History and criticism 2. Socialism in literature I. Tide 823' .9' 12093 PR.830.S6/ ISBN 0 -333-23980-6
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/¿99y221)>but as.Ian S. Munrocomments, it isnot thefactofchangethatis at fault: *. . . better menthan Ewanhavebeencompletelydisintegrated and corrupted hideously by wars; but thereisanartistic weaknessin cunfruuting thereaderwith suchatotally different personwithout adequateexplanation' (Munro, p. 86). 26. Sunset Song, p. 170. 27. Ibid., p. 176. 28. Ibid., p. 159. 29. Ibid., p. 97. 30. Ibid., p. 193. 31. Cloud Howe, p. 215. 32. Ibid., p. 247. 33. Ibid., p. 277. 34. Ibid., p. 278. 35. Ibid., p. 342. 36. Ibid., p. 350. 37. Ibid., p. 275. 38. Ibid., p. 300. 39. Ibid., p. 339. 40. Grey Granite, p. 452. 41. Ibid., p. 495. 42. Ibid., p. 496. 43. A difficulty apparently anticipated by Grassic Gibbon in an essay written before Grey Granite, ‘Literary Lights’ (first published in Scottish Scene, 1934), where, commentingupon hisownwork, henoted: ‘Whether histechniqueis adequatetocompassandexpressthelifeofanindustrializedScotstowninall its complexity isyet to bedemonstrated; whether hispeculiar style may not becomeeither intolerably mannered or degenerate, in the fashion ofJoyce, intotheunfortunateunintelligibilitiesofaliterarysecondchildhood, isalsoin question’ (A Scots Hairst, edited by Ian S. Munro (1967), p. 154). 44. Grey Granite, pp. 412-13. 45. Ibid., p. 394. 46. Ibid., p. 401. 47. ‘ScottishLiterature thisCentury’, The Novel Today, ProgrammeandNotesto the Edinburgh International Writers’ Conference, edited by Andrew Hook (1962), p. 28. 48. Grey Granite, pp. 433-4. 49. Ibid., p. 489.
Socialist Propaganda in the Twentieth-Century British Novel
50. Ibid., p. 430. 51. Ibid., p. 482. 52. Ian Milner, ‘An EstimationofLewisGrassicGibbon’sA Scots Qjuur\ Marxist Quarterly, 1(October 1954), 216. 53. Grey Granite, p. 377. 54. Ibid., p. 468. 55. Ibid., p. 487. 56. Tradition and Dream (1964), p. 232. 57. Grey Granite, p. 429. 58. Ibid., p. 459. 59. Ibid., p. 452. 60. Ibid., p. 463. Chapter 9
1. Left Review, m (May 1938), 957. 2. Noted in Hugh D. Ford, A Pott’s War: British Poets and the Spanish Civil War (1965)» P-8i. 3. Pelling, The British Communist Party, p. 104. 4. Most notably expressed in Orwell’sHomage to Catalonia (1938), although it should also be pointed out that the effect of this book alone was probably fairly slight: it sold badly and was scantily reviewed (seeJenni Calder, Chronicles o f Conscience (1968), p. 109). 5. Pelling, p. 113. 6. See The Betrayal o f the Left, editedby Victor Gollancz (1941), for evidenceto support this, particularly pp. 108-53. 7. Pelling, p. 118. 8. Pelling, pp. 121 and 127. 9. When it had been called Poetry and the People. It actually continued publication until 1949. (Another even hardier product of the thirties worth mentioning here was the Unity Theatre.) 10. Folios o f New Writing, New Writing and Daylight. There was also, from 1940 onwards, aPenguin New Writing, which, though initially republishingseveral of the ideologically basedstories of theold New Writing, soon moved in the same direction as its parent magazine. 11. John Lehmann, / Am My Brother (i960), p. 44. 12. See, for example, Henry Reed on poetry: ‘The End of an Impulse’. New Writing and Daylight (Summer 1943), m-23; and Philip Toynbee on the novel: ‘TheDeclineandFutureoftheEnglishNovel’, ibid., (Winter 1943-4), 35 - 45 13. John Wain, Sprightly Running (1962), p. 142(the university was Oxford). 14. The fullest account of the complex political climate of these years is to be found in Angus Calder’s The People’s War (1969). 15. ‘Literature and the Left’, Tribune (4June 1943); reprinted in The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters o f George Orwell, n; My Country Right or Left 1^40'943 (*968). P- 294-
16. ‘Comment’, Horizon, 1(April 1940), 229.
17. It is not meant to be suggested here that Connolly (or Spender, for that matter) himself underwent a complete reversal of attitudes. His earlier Enemies o f Promise (1938), while displaying strong left-wing sympathies, and statingthat thewriter ‘whoisnot political neglectsthevital issuesofhistime’, had alsowarned that ‘awriter whosestomachcannot assimilatewith genius thestarchand acidofcontemporary politics had better turn down his plate’ (revised edition, 1961, pp. 109and 116). 18. ‘Comment’, Horizon, 1(February 1940), 71. 19. Jack Beeching, ‘Yesterday’sLiterature’, Our Time, vi (September 1946), 34. 20. ‘Notes and Comments’, Our Time, vi (November 1946). 75. 21. V. S. Pritchett, ‘Books in General’, New Statesman, xxxiv (27 September *947 )» 253 * 2i. ‘Comment’, Horizon, xvi (July 1947), 1. 23. George Scott, Time and Place (1956), p. 187. 24. The phrase isJohn Strachey’s, from The Strangled Cry,1962, p. 29. 25. ‘Unfortunate’ in the sense that although Nineteen Eighty-Four was ‘NOT intended as an attack on Socialism or on the British Labour Party’ ( The Collected Letters, Journalism and Essays o f George Orwell, iv: In Front o f Tour Nose 19 45-3°, P- 502), theuseofthiswordhelpedtofosterthecontraryimpression. (For an interesting, if hostile, discussionof the whole significance of Orwell and the postwar intellectual attitudes seeE. P. Thompson’s essay ‘Outside the Whale’ in Out o f Apathy (i960), pp. 141-94.) 26. Kingsley Amis, Socialism and the Intellectuals (1957), p. 9. 27. Peter Townsend, ‘A Society for People’, Conviction, edited by Norman Mackenzie (1958), p. 96. SeealsoRichard Crossman, ‘The Lessonsof 1945’, in Towards Socialism, edited by Perry Anderson and Robin Blackburn (new edition 1966), pp. 150-1. 28. Or ‘becauseof*forsomeCommunistsupporterswhosawthisdisavowal ofthe necessity for militant revolution as the ‘revisionist’ thin end of the wedge. Edward Upward wasoneofthosewhoreactedin this way. Seetheinterview with him in London Magazine, ix (June 1969), 5-11. 29. Margin Released (1962), p. 227. 30. Ibid., p. 192. 31. Thru Men in New Suits (new edition, 1946), p. 163. 32. Daylight on Saturday (1946), p. 302. 33. Ibid., p. 3. 34. A quality evenmorepronouncedin hispopular wartime Utopian play, They Came to a City (1943), wheretheUtopiaisneveractuallyseenby theaudience, but is conjured up by the characters as a glowing dream-vision, whose outlinesaresoblurred, andwhoserealisationb sonebulously hintedat, that its effect b cosily comforting rather than dbturbing. 35. Thefirst threewerepublishedin 1941, andthelast in 1945, but they wereall actually written in the 1940-41 period (Fanfrolico and After, pp. 227-8). 36. We Shall Return (1942), p. 313. 37. Beyond Terror (1943), p. 291. 38. Ibid., p. 269. 39. Ibid., p. 36. 40. Ibid., p. 297. 41. One may surmbe that Lindsay’s war experiences in the Signals had
Socialist Propaganda in the Twentieth-Century British Novel
somethingtodowith this,just as, for example, the Marxist poet Roy Fuller’s periodasanOrdinary Seamanfurtheredhis'proletariatization’ ( The Poetry of War, edited by Ian Hamilton (1965), p. 165). 42. Hullo Stranger (1945), p. 180. 43. Ibid., p. 213. 44. After the Thirties, p. 76. 45. Ibid., p. 76. 46. Time to Live (1946), p. 257. 47. Ibid., p. 32. 48. Ibid., p. 268. 49. The Subtle Knot (1947), p. 236. 50. AlthoughthiscouldofcoursebeseenasapropheticallegoryoftheMcCarthy witch-hunts of 1951-52. 51. From 1949hewail al.mengaged in editing Arena, thesuccessor to Our Time, which, after promising in a March 1951 editorial to discuss in future issues writers such asGrassic Gibbon and LewisJones, ‘writers with the future in them, who represent the tradition we must put in the place of the deathly values’ (p. 3), itself died quietly in June of the same year. 52. This had originated with the Communist-inspired 'British Cultural Com mittee for Peace’ (1948). It was headed by A. E. Coppaid, and included amongst itssignatoriessuchfamiliar namesasNaomi Mitchison and C. Day Lewis, and new ones such as Doris Lessing and and Richard Mason. 53. 'British Writers for Peace’, Masses and Mainstream, v (April 1952), 61. 54. 'London Letter’, Masses and Mainstream, v (September 1952), 53-4. 55. 'UncommittedTalents’, Times Literary Supplement, Special Autumn Issue(29 August 1952), p. iii. 56. Information provided in aletter to thepresent writer fromJack Lindsay (20 July 1969). 57. Betrayed Spring (1953) p. 104. 58. Ibid., p. 399. 59. Ibid., p. 182. 60. Ibid., p. 346. 61. Ibid., p. 347. 62. Ibid., p. 413. 63. Ibid., p. 216. 64. Ibid., p. 391. 65. Ibid., p. no. 66. Ibid., p. 120. 67. Ibid., p. 335. 68. Ibid., p. 104. 69. Ibid., p. 78. 70. Ibid., p. 83. 71. Ibid., p. 398. 72. Rising Tide (1953), p. 96. 73. Ibid., pp. 271-2. 74. The Moment of Choice (1955), p. 331. 75. Ibid., p. 65. 76. Ibid., p. 112. 77. Ibid., p. 158.
78. Ibid., p. 164. 79. Ibid., p. 276. 80. Ibid., pp. 298-9. 81. Ibid., p. 331. 82. Ibid., p. 334. 83. Ibid., p. 334. 84. Alick West, Mountain in the Sunlight (1958), p. 208. 85. A Miner’ s Sons (1955), p. 202. 86. Ibid., p. 222. 87. Ibid., p. 245. 88. Ibid., p. 243. 89. Ibid., p. 45. 90. It should be noted here that Doherty did write one novel which could be classified as a more muted, though still idealistic, example of Socialist propaganda: The Man Beneath, published in 1957but presumably written before his departure from the Communist Party early that year. 91. EveninthenovellaHunger, themostobviouslyandconsciouslypartisanofher African stories (see the preface to African Stories (1964), pp. 8-9), where Jabavu, theyoungAfrican boy, turnstothe‘menoflight’, the‘We, us’ which flows through himat the endis not the proletarian ‘we’, but the essentially humanitarian ‘we’, disassociated fromeconomic or theoretical aspects. The pointismadeclearwhenJabavulistenshardtryingtounderstandthe‘menof light’: '. . . for thespaceofperhapstenminutesJabavu understandsnot one word, since Mr. Mizi is usingsuch phrases asthe development of industry, the working class, and historical mission’ (African Stories, p. 451, first published in Five, 1953). 92. Retreat to Innocence (1956), p. 41. 93. Ibid., p. 218. 94. Ibid., p. 40. 95. Ibid., p. 313. 96. Ibid., p. 309. 97. Ibid., p. 43. 98. Ibid., p. 228-9. 99. Ibid., p. 225. 100. Ibid., p. 266. 101. Ibid., p. 266. 102. Ibid., p. 333. 103. The Golden Notebook (1962), p. 384. 104. AsDorisLessinghassaid: ‘WhatsentsomanyCommunistsoutoftheWestern Communist Partieswasnot Hungary, but Hungary, comingsosoonafterthe Twentieth Congress . . . That they crushed the Hungarian uprising in the brutal and cynical way they did after the Twentieth Congress, meant that Congress was more of asafety-valve than a promise ofchange’ (Going Home (revised edition, 1968), p. 312). 105. Pelling, The British Communist Party, p. 179. 106. Wood, Communism and British Intellectuals, p. 202. Information on Sommerfield provided byJack Lindsay. 107. Initially known as The Universities and Left Review. 108. John Mander, The Writer and Commitment (1961), p. 11.
Socialist Propaganda in the Twentieth-Century British Novel
109. 'Inside theWhale Again?’, Universities and Left Review, 4(Summer 1958), 15. no. Letter to the present writer (20July 1969). 111. Choice o f Times (1964), p. 271. (It issignificant thatsincethisdateLindsayhas concentrated on writing historical, non-fiction works.) 112. Most notably in Daniel Bell’s The End o f Ideology (i960). Conclusion
1. The Occupation (1971), pp. 302-3. 2. David Caute, The Illusion (1971), p. 265. 3. Politics and the Novel, p. 22.
Selected Bibliography This bibliography contains only the works cited in this study. Books mentioned in passing without direct quotation are included only where they have a more than peripheral interest. Where an edition of a novel other than the first has been used, the date of the first edition will be found in square brackets immediately following the title.
i . Novels and Collections o f Prose and Poetry Adderley, James, Beyold the Days Come; A Fancy in Christian Politics (London, 1907). Aldridge, Jam es, Heroes o f the Empty View (London, 1954). An Amazing Revolution and After (London, 1910). Ashleigh, Charles, Rambling K id (London, 1930). Bar bor, H. R., Against the Red Sky: Silhouettes o f Revolution (London, 1922). Barke, Jam es, The Land o f the L ed (London, 1939). Barke, Jam es, Major Operation; A Novel (London, 1936). Bates, Ralph, Lean Men: An Episode in a Life (London, 1934). Bates, Ralph, The Olive Field (London, 1936). Bellamy, Edward, Looking Backward: 2000-1887 [>888] Modem Library edition, (New York, [1951 ]). Berger, John, A Painter o f Our Time (London, 1958). Blatchford, Robert, The Sorcery Shop: An Impossible Romance (London, ■9 ° 7 )Blumenfeld, Simon, Jew Boy (London, 1935). Briffault, Robert, Europa: A Novel o f the Days o f Ignorance (London, 1936). Brifiault, Robert, Europa in Limbo (London, 1937). Brockway, Fenner, Purple Plague: A Tale o f Love and Revolution (London,
>9 3 5 )-
Brown, Alec, Breakfast in Bed: A Novel (London, 1937). Brown, Alec, Daughters o f Albion: A Novel (London, 1935). Campbell, Duncan, The Last M illionaire: A Tale o f the Old World and the New (London, 1923). Caute, David, The Occupation (London, 1971). Clark, F. Le Gros, Apparition (London, 1928). Doherty, Len, The Man Beneath (London, 1957). Doherty, Len, A Miner’s Sons (London, 1955).
Socialist Propaganda in the Twentieth-Cenlury British Novel
Gibbon, Lewis Grassic [ J . Leslie Mitchell], A Scots Qjrnir [Published separately as Sunset Song (1932), Cloud Howe (1933), and Grey Granite, 1934 J (London, 1967). G ray, Maxwell [Mary Gleed Tuttiett], The Great Refusal [1906]. Collins Modem Fiction edition (London, [1907]). Thorne, Guy [C .A .E.R . Gull], The Socialist (London, 1909). Hamilton, Ian, ed., The Poetry o f War: 1939-45 (London, 1965). Hamilton, Mary Agnes, Follow My Leader (London, 1922). Harris, Frank, The Bomb [1908] (New edition, Chicago, 1963). Heinemann, Margot, The Adventurers (London, i960). Heslop, Harold, The Earth Beneath (London, 1946). Heslop, Harold, The Gate o f a Strange Field (London, 1929). Heslop, Harold, Goaf (London, 1934). Heslop, Harold, Last Cage Down (London, 1935). Heslop, Harold, Journey Beyond: A Novel (London, 1930). Holt, William, Backwaters (London, 1934). Holt, William, The Price o f Adventure (London, 1934). Jameson, Storm, The Mirror in Darkness. Trilogy comprising Company Paradey Love in Winter, and None Turn Back. (London, 1934-36). Jameson, Storm, In the Second Tear (London, 1936). Jones, Lewis, Cwmardy: The Story o f a Welsh Mining Valley (London, 1937). Jones, Lewis, We Live: The Story o f a Welsh Mining Valley (London, 1939). Kennedy, Bart, Slavery: Pictures from the Depths (London, 1905). Kingsley, Charles, Alton Locke: Tailor and Poet: An Autobiography [1850] (New edition, London, 1905). Kovalev, Y . V ., The Literature o f Chartism (Moscow, 1956). Lambert, David, He Must So Live (London, 1956). Lessing, Doris, African Stories (London, 1964). Lessing, Doris, The Golden Notebook (London, 1962). Lessing, Doris, Martha Qyest (London, 1952). Lessing, Doris, A Proper Marriage (London, 1954). Lessing, Doris, A Ripple from the Storm (London, 1958). Lessing, Doris, Retreat to Innocence (London, 1956). Lewis, C. Day, The Friendly Tree (London, 1936). Lewis, C. Day, Starting Point (London, 1937). Lindsay, Jack, Adam o f a New World (London, 1936). Lindsay, Jack, The Barriers are Down: A Tale o f the Collapse o f a Civilisation (London, 1945). Lindsay, Jack , Betrayed Spring: A Novel o f the British Way (Melbourne, '953)Lindsay, Jack , Beyond Tenor: A Novel o f the Battle o f Crete (London, 1943). Lindsay, Jack , Choice o f Times (London, 1964). Lindsay, Jack, Fires in Smithfield: A Novel o f Mary Tudor’s Days (London, 1950)Lindsay, Jack, Hannibal Takes a Hand (London, 1941).
Lindsay, Jack, Hullo Stranger (London, 1945). Lindsay, Jack, Light in Italy (London, 1941). Lindsay, Jack, A Local Habitation: A Novel o f the British Way (London,
>9 5 7 )-
Lindsay, Jack, Lost Birthright (London, 1939). Lindsay, Jack , Men o f Forty-Eight (London, 1948). Lindsay, Jack, The Moment o f Choice: A Novel o f the British Way (London, 1955). Lindsay, Jack, Rising Tide: A Novel o f the British Way (London, 1953). Lindsay, Jack, 76419: A Novel o f a Tear (London, 1938). Lindsay, Jack, The Stormy Violence (London, 1941). Lindsay, Jack , The Subtle Knot (London, 1947). Lindsay, Jack, Sue Vemey (London, 1937). Lindsay, Jack, Time to Live (London, 1946). Lindsay, Jack, We Shall Return: A Novel o f Dunkirk and the French Campaign (London, 1942). [Linton, Lynn], The True History o f Joshua Davidson (London, 1872). Mannin, Ethel, Cactus (London, 1935). Mannin, Ethel, The Pure Flame (London, 1936). Mitchell, J . Leslie [Lewis Grassic Gibbon), Spartacus (London, 1933). Mitchison, Naomi, We Have Been Warned: A Novel (London, 1935). Moore, Edith, A W ilful Widow (London, 1913). Morris, William, News from Nowhere [serial publication: 1890] in The Collected Works o f William M orris: xxi (London, 1912). Morrison, Arthur, A Child o f the Jago [1896] (Fitzroy edition London, >969)Orwell, George, Animal Farm: A Fairy Story (London, 1945). Orwell, George, Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel (London, 1949). Osborne, E. Allen, ed., In Letters o f Red (London, 1938). Phelan, Jim , Ten-a-Penny People: A Novel (London, 1938). Preston, Richard [Jack Lindsay], End o f Cornwall (London, 1937). Priestley, J . B., Bright Day (London, 1946). Priestley, J . B., Daylight on Saturday: A Novel about an Aircraft Factory (London, 1943). Priestley, J . B., Three Men in New Suits. [1945]. Book Club edition (London, 1946). Roley, A . P., Revolt (London, 1933). Roberts, Michael, ed., New Country: Prose and Poetry by the Authors o f New Signatures (London, 1933). Rutherford, Mark [William Hale White], The Revolution in Tanner’s Lane [1887] (New edition, London, [ 19 13])Shaw, Bernard. An Unsocial Socialist [Serial publication: 1884.] (Standard edition, London, 1932). Sillitoe, Alan, The Death o f William Posters (1965). Sillitoe, Alan, The Flame o f Life (London, 1974)
Socialist Propaganda in the Twentieth-Century British Novel
Sillitoe, Alan, Key to the Door (London, 1961). Sillitoe, Alan, A Tree on Fire (London, 1967). Sommerfield, John, May Day (London, 1936). Sommerfi eld, John, Trouble in Porter Street (London, [1939] )• Swingler, Randall, No Escape (London, 1937). Swingler, Randall, To Town: A Novel (London, 1939). Tiltman, H. Hessell, Poverty Lane: A Novel (London, 1926). Todd, Ruthven, Over the Mountain [1939] (London, 1946). Tresacll, Robert [Robert Noonan], The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists (London, 1914). Tressell, Robert [Robert Noonan], The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. (1st complete edition, London, 1955). Trease, Geoffrey, Bows against the Barons (London, 1934). Trease, Geoffrey, Comradesfo r the Charter (London, 1934). ‘Unitas’, The Dream City (London, 1920). Upward, Edward, In the Thirties (London, 1962). Upward, Edward, Journey to the Border (London, 1938). Upward, Edward, The Railway Accident and other Stories (London, 1969). Upward, Edward, The Rotten Elements: A Novel o f Fact (London, 1969). Warner, Rex, The Aerodrome: A Love Story (London, 1941). Warner, Rex, The Professor: A Novel (London, 1938). Warner, Rex, The W ild Goose Chase: A Novel (London, 1937). Warner, Sylvia Townsend, Summer W ill Show (London, 1936). Wells, H. G ., Ann Veronica: A Modem Love Story (London, 1909). Wells, H. G., In the Days o f the Comet [1906] (Collins Classics edition, London, 1963). Wells, H. G., Marriage (London, 1912). Wells, H. G., Meanwhile: The Picture o f a Lady [1927.] (2nd edition, London, 1962). Wells, H. G., The New Machiavelli (London, 19 11). Wells, H. G., Men Like Gods (London, 1923). Wells, H. G., The Passionate Friends: A Novel (London, 1913). Wells, H. G., Tono-Bungay [1909.] (New edition, London, 19 11). Wells, H. G., The World Set Free: A Story o f Mankind (London, 1914). Welsh, Jam es C., The Morlocks (London, 1924). Welsh, Jam es C., Norman Dale, M . P . (London, 1928). Welsh, Jam es C., The Underworld: The Story o f Robert Sinclair, Miner (London, 1920). Whiteing, Richard, No. 5 John Street [1899] (Nelson’s Library edition, London, [1907]. Whiteing, Richard, Ring in the New (London, 1906). Wilkinson, Ellen, Clash: A Novel (London, 1929). Williams, Raymond, Border Country (London, i960). Wilson, Theodora Wilson, The Last Dividend: An Economic Romance (London, 1922).
II: Biographies, Memoirs, and other works dealing with the Literary, Political, and Social Background Aaron, Daniel, Writers on the Left: Episodes in American Literary Communism (New York, 1961). Adderley, Jam es, In Slums and Society: Reminiscences o f Old Friends (London, 1916). Amis, Kingsley, Socialism and the Intellectuals. Fabian Tract 304. (London, 1957). Anderson, Perry and Robin Blackburn, ed., Towards Socialism (New edition, London, 1966). Amot, R . Page, The Miners: A History o f the Minersf Federation o f Great Britain, 1869-1910 (London, 1949). Amot, R . Page, The Miners: Tears o f Struggle: A History o f the Miners’ Federation o f Great Britain (from 19 10 onwards) (London, 1953). Armytage, W. H. G ., Heavens Below: Utopian Experiments in England', 15601960 (London, 1961). Ball, F. C., One o f the Damned. (London, 1973). Ball, F. C., Tressell o f Mugsborough (London, 1951). Barke, James, The Green Hills Far Away: A Chapter in Autobiography (London, 1940). Bealey, Frank and Henry Pelling, Labour and Politics 1900-1906: A History o f the Labour Representation Committee (London, 1958). Blatchford, Robert, M y Eighty Tears (London, 19 31). Blatchford, Robert, Britain fo r the British (London, 1902). Blatchford, Robert, God and My Neighbour (London, 1903). Blatchford, Robert, Merrie England (London, 1894). Blatchford, Robert, Not Guilty: A Defence o f the Bottom Dog (London, 1906). Bowman, Sylvia, E. ed., Edward Bellamy Abroad: An American Prophet’s Influence (New York, 1962). Brockway, Fenner, Inside the Left: Thirty Tears o f Platform, Press, Prison and Parliament (London, 1942). Brown, Alec, The Fate o f the Middle Classes (London, 1936). Calder, Angus, The People’s War: Britain 1939-45 (London, 1969). The Case Against Socialism: A Handbookfo r Speakers and Candidates (London, 1908). Cline, Catherine Ann, Recruits to Labour: The British Labour Party 10 14 -10 21 (New York, 1963). Cole, G . D. H., A History o f Socialist Thought. Vol. I: The Forerunners 17891850 (London, 1953). Vol. in, Pt. 1: The Second International 1889-1914 (London, 1956). Cole, G . D. H. and M . I. Cole, The Condition o f Britain (London, 1937). Cole, Margaret, Growing up into Revolution (London, 1949). Cross, Colin, The Fascists in Britain (New York, 1963).
Socialist Propaganda in the Twentieth-Century British Novel
Crossman, Richard, ed., The God That Failed (Bantam edition, New York, ■965)David, Henry, The History o f the Haymarket A ffair: A Study in the SocialRevolutionary and Labor Movements (2nd edition, New York, 1958). The Dictionary o f Welsh Biography down to 1940 (London, 1959). Dowse, Robert E., Left in the Centre: The Independent Labour Party 1895-1940 (London, 1966). (Gibbon, Lewis Grassic) A Scots Haxrst: Essays and Short Stories: Lewis Grassic Gibbon, ed. Ian S. Munro (London, 1967). Gibbs, Philip, Ten Tears After: A Reminder (London, 1924). Gollancz, Victor, ed., The Betrayal o fthe Left: An Examination and Refutation o f Communist Polity from October 1939 to January 1941 (London, 1941). Graubard, Stephen Richards, British Labour and the Russian Revolution 19 17 1924 (Cambridge (Mass.), 1956). Graves, Robert and Alan Hodge, The Long Week-End: A Social History o f Great Britain 1918-1939 (2nd edition, London, 1950). Haldane, Charlotte, Truth W ill Out (London, 1949). Hamilton, Mary Agnes, Remembering My Good Friends (London, 1944). Hanley, James, Grey Children: A Study in Humbug and Misery (London, ‘ 9 3 7 )• Holt, William, I Haven't Unpacked: An Autobiography (Book Club edidon, London, 1942). Hutt, Allen, The Condition o f the Working Class in Britain (London, 1933). Hynes, Samuel, The Edwardian Turn o f Mind (London, 1968). Isherwood, Christopher, Lions and Shadows: An Education in the Twenties (New edidon, London, 1953). Jackson, T . A., Solo Trumpet: Some Memories o f Socialist Agitation and Propaganda (London, 1953). Jones, Peter d’A., The Christian Socialist Revival 18 77-19 14 : Religion, Class, and Social Conscience in Late- Victorian England (New Jersey, 1968). Kingsmill, Hugh, Frank Harris (New edition, London, 1949). Kunitz, Stanley J . and Howard Haycraft, Twentieth Century Authors: A Biographical Dictionary o f Modem Literature (New York, 1942). Lehmann, John, I Am My Brother: Autobiography 11. (London, i960). Lehmann, John, The Whispering Gallery: Autobiography 1 (London, 1955). Lehmann, John, et al. Ralph Fox: A Writer in Arms (London, 1937). Lessing, Doris, Going Home (Panther revised edition, London, 1968). Lewis, C. Day, The Buried Day (London, i960). Lindsay, Jack, England, My England . . . (London, [1939]). Lindsay, Jack, Fanfrolico and After (London, 1962). McBriar, A. M., Fabian Socialism and English Politics, ¡884-1918 (London, 1966). Macfarlane, L. J . , The British Communist Party: Its Origin and Development until 1929 (London, 1966). MacKenzie, Norman, ed., Conviction (London, 1958). •«
Mannin, Ethel, Priuiliged Spectator: A Sequel to Confessions and Impressions (London, 1939). Mannin, Ethel, Confessions and Impressions (London, [1930]). Martin, Kingsley, Editor: A Second Volume o f Autobiography, 19 31-45 (London, 1968). Mitchison, Naomi, The Kingdom o f Heaven (London, 1939)» Mosley, Oswald, The Greater Britain (London, [19 32]). Mowatt, Charles Loch, Britain Between the Wars 1918-1940 (Revised edition, London, 1956). Orwell, George, The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters o f George Orwell, ed. Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus. Vol. 1: An Age Like This, 1920-1940; Vol n: M y Country Right or Lefi 1940-1943; Vol iv: In Front o f Tour Nose 1 945~5° (London, 1968). Orwell, George, The Road to Wigan Pier (London, 1937). Pelling, Henry, The British Communist Party: A Historical Prefile (London, 1958). Pelling, Henry, A Short History of the Labour Party. (3rd edition, London, 1968). Phelan, Jim , The Name's Phelan: The First Part o f the Autobiography o f Jim Phelan (London, 1948). Pollitt, Harry, Serving M y Time: An Apprenticeship to Politics (London, 1940). Postgate, R . W., The Builders’ History (London, 1923). Priestley, J . B., Margin Released: A Writer’s Reminiscences and Reflections (London, 1962). Richards, Grant, Author Hunting: Memories o f Tears Spent Mainly in Publishing (New edition, London, i960). Scott, George, Time and Place (London, 1956). Stansky, Peter and William Abrahams, Journey to the Frontier: Julian B ell and John Comford: Their Lives and the 1930*5 (London, 1966). Stewart, Jam es D. ed., The English Catalogue o f Books fo r 1937 (London, 1938). Strachey, John, The Coming Struggle fo r Power (London, 1932). Thompson, E. P. ed., Out o f Apathy (London, i960). Thompson, Laurence, Robert Blatchford: Portrait o f an Englishman (London, 1951). Thompson, Paul, Socialists, Liberals and Labour: The Struggle fo r London 18 85-19 14 (London, 1967). Trease, Geoffrey, Tales Out o f School (2nd edition, London, 1964). Tsuzuki, Chuchichi, H . M . Hyndman and British Socialism, ed. Henry Pelling (London, 1961). Wain, John, Sprightly Running: Part o f an Autobiography (London, 1962). Wells, H. G ., Experiment in Autobiography: Discoveries and Conclusions o f a very Ordinary Brain (since 1866). 2 vols. (London, 1934). Wells, H. G ., New Worlds fo r Old: A Plain Account o f Modem Socialism
Socialist Propaganda in the Twentieth-Century B ritish Novel
(Revised edition, London, 1909). Whiteing, Richard, My Harvest (London, 1915). Wood, Neal, Communism and British Intellectuals (London, 1959). Woolf, Leonard, Downhill all the Way: An Autobiography o f the Years 19 19 ¡939 (London, 1967).
I l l : Critical Works Allen, Walter, Tradition and Dream: The English and American Novelfrom the Twenties to our Time (London, 1964). Calder, Jenni, Chronicles o f Conscience: A Study o f George Orwell and Arthur Koestler (London, 1968). Caudwell, Christopher [C. S t J . Sprigg], Studies in a Dying Culture (London, 1938). Caute, David, The Illusion: An Essay on Politics, Theatre and the Novel (London, 1971). Connolly, Cyril, Enemies o f Promise (Revised edition, Harmondsworth, Penguin 1961). Craig, David, ed., Marxists on Literature: an Anthology (Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1975). Ford, Hugh. D., A Poet’s War: British Poets and the Spanish Civil War (Philadelphia, 1965). Fox, Ralph, The Novel and the People (London, 1937). Gerber, Richard, Utopian Fantasy: A Study o fEnglish Utopian Fiction since the End o f the Nineteenth Century (London, 1955). Henderson, Philip, The Novel Today: Studies in Contemporary Attitudes (London, 1936). Hook, Andrew, ed., The Novel Today: Programme and Notes o f the In ternational Writers’ Conference (Edinburgh, 1962). House, Humphrey, The Dickens World (New edition, London, i960). Howe, Irving, Politics and the Novel (New Left Books edition, London, I961)Hynes, Samuel, The Auden Generation: Literature and Politics in England in the 1930s (London, 1976). Kagarlitski, J . , The Life and Thought o f H. G. Wells. Translation by Moura Bud berg (London, 1966). Karl, Frederick R ., A Reader’s Guide to the Contemporary English Novel (London, 1963). Keating, P. J . , The Working Classes in Victorian Fiction (London, 1971). Kemp, Harry and Laura Riding et a l., The Left Heresy— in Literature and Life (London, 1939). Lehmann, John, New Writing in Europe (Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1940). Lewis, C. Day, Revolution in Writing (2nd edition, London, 1938).
Lewis, C . Day, ed., The M ind in Chains: Socialism and the Cultural Revolution (London, 1937). Lindsay, Jack, After the Thirties: The Novel in Britain and its Future (London, 1956). Lodge, David, Language o f Fiction: Essays in Criticism and Verbal Analysis o f the English Novel (London, 1966). MacDiarmid, Hugh [C. M . Grieve], The Uncanny Scot: A Selection o f Prose, ed. Kenneth Buthlay (London, 1968). Mander, John, The Writer and Commitment (London, 1961). Mitchell, Jack, Robert Tressell and The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists (London, 1969). Morton, A. L., The English Utopia (London, 1952). Munro, Ian S., Leslie Mitchell: Lewis Grassic Gibbon (Edinburgh, 1966). Raknem, Ingvald, H. G. Wells and His Critics ( [London], 1962). Reed, Joh n R ., Old School Ties: The Public Schools in British Literature (New York, 1964). Rideout, Walter B., The Radical Novel in the United States 1900-1954: Some Interrelations o f Literature and Society (Cambridge (Mass.), 1956). Sillitoe, Alan, Introduction to The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. (Pan ther edition, London, 1965). Stanford, Derek, The Freedom o f Poetry: Studies in Contemporary Verse (London, 1947). Strachey, John, The Strangled Cry and other Unparliamentary Papers (London, f 9 62 ). Swinnerton, Frank, The Adventures o f a Manuscript: Being the Story o f The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists (London, [1956]). Symons, Julian, The Thirties: A Dream Revolved (London, i960). Vicunas, Martha, The Industrial Muse (London, 1974)* Wagar, Warren W., H. G. Wells and the World State (Yale, 1961). West, Alick, Crisis and Criticism (London, 1937). West, Alick, The Mountain in the Sunlight: Studies in Conflict and Unity (London, 1958). West, Anthony, Principles and Persuasions (London, 1958). Wittig, Kurt, The Scottish Tradition in Literature (Edinburgh, 1958). Woodcock, George, The Writer and Politics (London, 1948). Young, Douglas F., Beyond the Sunset: A Study o fJames Leslie Mitchell (Lewis Grassic Gibbon) (Aberdeen, 1973). IV : Articles in Periodicals, etc. ‘Back from the Border*. [Interview with Edward Upward] London Magazine, ix (June 1969), 5 - 1 1 . Ball, F. C., ‘More Light on Tressell*. Marxism Today, xi (June 1967), 17 7 82.
Socialist Propaganda in the Twentieth-Century British Novel
Barke, Jam es, ‘Lewis Grassic Gibbon*. L ejl Review, n (February 1936), 220-5. Beeching, J a c k ,4 The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists'. Our Timeyvu (May 1948), 196-9. Beeching, Jack, ‘The Uncensoring of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists'. The Marxist Quarterly, 11 (October 1955), 217-29. Beeching, Jack, ‘Yesterday’s Literature*. Our Time, vi (September 1946), 33 - 34 Bennett, Arnold, ‘Why I Am a Socialist*. The New Age, n (30 November >907 ). 9°Blundell, I. T ., ‘Man Who Took to “ the Masses” as He Would to Drink*. [Review of Apparition] Sunday Worker (17 June, 1928), p. 8. Brown, Alec, et al., ‘Controversy*. Left Review, 1 (December 1934), 7580. Calder-Marshall, A[rthur], ‘The Pink Decade*. New Statesman and Nation, xxi (15 February 1941), 157-8. [Connolly, Cyril?], ‘Comment*. Horizon, 1 (February 1940), 68-71. [Connolly, Cyril?], ‘Comment*. Horizon, 1 (April 1940), 229-37. [Connolly, Cyril?], ‘Comment*. Horizon, xvi (July 1947), 1-2 . Dynamov, S., ‘Stacey Hyde: An Artist of English Social Fascism’ . International Literature, 2 -3 (1932), 116 -2 1. Elistratova, E., ‘The Work of Harold Heslop*. International Literature, 1 0 9 3 *)* 99 -/oa. Gibbon, Lewis Grassic, et a l.t ‘Controversy*. Left Review, 1 (February >935), 179-83. Gollancz, Victor, ‘Editorial*. The Left News, 19 (November 1937), 557-61. Gollancz, Victor, ‘The Left Book Club and the Labour Victory*. The Left News, n o (August 1945), 3 2 5 1-5 . Hall, Stuart, ‘ Inside the Whale Again?* Universities and Left Review, 4 (Summer 1958), 14 -15 . Harris, Wendell V ., ‘The Novels of Richard Whiteing*. English Literature in Transition, vui, no. 1 (1965), 36-43. Heslop, Harold, ‘Sunnybank*. International Literaturey 8-9 (1939), 28-52. Hicks, Granville, ‘The British Are Coming*. New Masses, xxi (15 December 1936), 23-24. Jackson, Holbrook, ‘The Second English Revolution*. The New Ageym (2 M ay, 9 May, 16 M ay 1908), 12 - 13 , 3 1-3 2 , 5 1-5 2 . Jameson, Storm, ‘Writing in Revolt: Documents’ . Fact, 4 (July 1937), 9 18. Laqueur, Walter, ‘Literature and the Historian*. Journal o f Contemporary History, u (April 1967), 5 -14 . [Lehmann, John], ‘ Manifesto*. New Writing, 1 (Spring 1936), v. Lewis, C. Day, ‘A Letter from London*. New Masses, xxvn (7 Ju ne 1938), 2 1-2 2 . Lewis, C .D ay, etal., ‘Controversy*. Left Reviewy1 (January 1935), 125-29.
Lindsay, Jack, ‘British Writers for Peace*. Masses and Mainstream, v (April 195a), 61-64. Lindsay, Jack, ‘The Historical Novel*. New Masses, xxn (12 January 1937 ). ' 5- ' 6 Lindsay, Jack, ‘London Letter*. Masses and Mainstream, v (September ' 95 2 )> 52 - 54 Lindsay, Jack, ‘On Guard for Spain '.Left Review, m (March 1937), 79-B6. Mayne, Brian, *The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists: An Appraisal o f an Edwardian Novel of Social Protest*, Twentieth Century Literature, xrn, no. a (Ju ly 1967), 73-83. Milner, Ian, ‘An Estimation of Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s A Scots Qjuur*. Marxist Quarterly, 1 (October 1934), 207-18. Mitchell, Jack ‘The Struggle for the Working-Class Novel in Scotland Part 1*. Scottish M arxist, 6 (April 1974), 40-52. Mitchell, Jack, ‘The Struggle for the Working-Class Novel in ScotlandPart n : A Scots Qpair, Scottish Marxist, (October 1974), 46-54. Mitchell, Jack , ‘The Proletarian Novel-Part m: Jam es Barke*. Scottish M arxist, 8 Jan u ary 1975), 39-48* Mitchison, Naomi, ‘We*re Writing a Book*. New Masses, xx (15 September 1936), 15 - 17 . Morton, A . L., ‘New Novels’ . [Review of The Friendly Tree] Left Review, n (November 1936), 787-8. ‘Notes and Comments’ . Our Time, vi (November 1946), 75-76. ‘Paris Congress Speeches*. Left Review, 1 (August 1935), 469-75. Pollitt, Harry, ‘With Robin Hood in Fight with Barons*. [Review oiBows Against the Barons]. Daily Worker (23 M ay 1934), p. 4. Pritchett, V . S., ‘Books in General*. New Statesman and Nation, xxxrv (27 September 1947), 253. Rajan, B., ‘Kafka— A Comparison with Rex Warner*. Focus One (1945), 7 - 14 Reed, Henry, ‘The End of an Impulse*. New Writing and Daylight. (Summer 1943), n 1-2 3. Samuels, Stuart, ‘The Left Book Club*. Journal o f Contemporary History, 1, no. 2 (1966), 65-86. ‘Second International Conference of Revolutionary Writers*. Literature o f the World Revolution, [3], [ 193 Sitwell, Edith, ‘Letters to Jack Lindsay*. Meanjin Quarterly, x x v (Autumn 1966), 76-80. ‘Sold Rights to Classic for £ 25*. The Times (London), (sJun e 1967), p. 3. Stead, C . K ., ‘Auden’s “ Spain’ * *. London Magazine, vn (March 1968), 4 1 54* [Stead, W. T .], ‘The Labour Party and the Books that Helped to Make It*. Review o f Reviews, xxxm (June 1906), 568-82. Steiger, Andrew J . , ‘American Authors Popular in Soviet Union*. International Literature, 3 (1936), 98-103.
Socialist Propaganda in the Twentieth-Century British Novel
‘Storm and the Struggle’ . Storm, 1 (February 1933), 2. Swingler, Randall, ‘ Left Review’ . Left Review, 111 (May 1938), 957-60. ‘Talking to Kathleen Tressell’. Labour Monthly, l (June 1968) 26 1-3. Toynbee, Philip, ‘The Decline and Future of the English Novel*. New Writing and Daylight (Winter 1943-44), 35-45. ‘Uncommitted Talents’ . Times Literary Supplement, Special Autumn Issue (29 August 1952), p. iii. Wells, H. G., ‘M r. Wells and Free Love*. The New Age, 1 ( 1 7 October >907 )» 3 92 . Willis, D. A ., ‘New Life for the Novel*. Viewpoint, 1 (A p ril-Ju n e 1934), 12 -14 . Woolley, E., ‘A Lancs Worker Seeks the Way Out*. [Review of Backwaters]. Daily Worker (21 February 1934), p. 4.
Index Adderley, James, Behold the Days Ceme, 10-12 Aldridge, James, Heroes of the Empty View, 145 A lle n , W a lle r,
An Amazing Revolution and After, 16-17 Amis, Kingsley, 132, 145 Lucky Jim , 145 Arena, 184« Ashleigh, Charles, Rambling Kid, 17311 Auden, W. H., 54,55,89,94,96,100,128,
i68n, i7on, I77n ‘Spain’, 55 (with Christopher Isherwood) The Astern! o f PS, 100 Author’s World Peace Appeal, 137-8 Balfour, Arthur, 5, 8 Ball, F. C., 27, 28, 29 Barber, H. R., Against (Me Red Sty, 47 Barke, James, 3 7,6a, 64-5,67,6& -71,111 The Lend of the Leal, 68-71 Major Operation, 64-5, 70, 95 Barker, Harley Granville, 1380 Bates, Ralph, 52, 72-8, 79, it 1, 129, 155 Lean Men, 72-5 The Olive Field, 72, 75-8, 1 11 , 155 Bealey, Frank and Henry Pelting, 6 Beeching, Jack, 3 7 ,13 1 Bellamy, Edward, Looting Backward, 28, 29, 162-311 Bennett, Arnold, 158« Berger, John, A Painter o f Our Time, 152 Besant, Walter, Ail Sorts and Conditions of Men, i6on Bland, H., 7-8 Blatchford, Robert, 6,7,17-20,28,29-30, 36, 154, 1600, i63n, i64n Britain for the British, 17, 19, 28, 29-50 God and My Neighbour, 19, 28 Merrie England, 17, 19, 29, 154, 16411
Not Guilty, 19, 28 The Sorcery Shop, 17-20,30 Blumenfeld, Simon, 52, 57, 60, 61-2, 104 Jew Boy, 60, 61-2, 104 Boughton, Rutland, 151 Briffault, Robert, Eunpa, 102, 103 Europe in Umbo, 102, 103 British Socialist Party, 39 Britton, Lionel, Hunger and Love, 2 Brockway, Fenner, Purple Plague, 89 Brown, Alec, 81-3, 112, I75n Breakfast in Bed, 17511 Daughters o f Albion 81-3 The Fate o f the Middle Classes, 1 Calder-Marshall, Arthur, 52, 55, 56 Campbell, Duncan, The Last M illionaire, i66n Carlyle, Thomas, 6 The Case Against Socialism, 8-9, 26, 34 Caudwdl, Christopher (C. St J . Sprigg), 21 Caute, David, The Oaupatian, 154 Christian Socialists, 3 ,7 ,10 ,11,12 ,2 6 ,4 6 , 70 Clarion, 7, 17 Clark, F. le Grot, Apparition, 47 Cole, Margaret, 20 (with G. D. H. Cole) The Conditio» of Britain, 49 Communist Party of Great Britain, 17,39, 4°. 43. 47. 48. 49. 50. 53. 54. 59.85. 89, 91, 100, 104, 128-9, 131, 132, 138, 14«. *5*. ! 5a. *650. i69n, i75n,
(references in novels) 57, 58,68, 86,88, *45. «47. *5 Connolly, Cyril, 130, 131, 1770, i83n Comfofd, John, I73n
200 Oaig, David,
Index 123
Daily Worker, 54,59 Dickem, Chari«», 6, 33, 36, 37, 1590, 16311, 164x1 Bleak House, 1640 Great Expectations, 16311 Hard Tima, 33 Doherty, Len, 145-7, 18511 A Mom’s Sems, 145-7 The Man Beneath, 185D Eliot, George, Felix Holt, 3 Eüstratova, E., 17m Ellis, Bob, 51 Fabian Society, 6, 7-8, 10, 13, 20, 9 1 , aa, a8, 29 Fact, I74n Fast, Howard, 104 Folios of New Writing, i8an Fox, Ralph, 55, 1700 Garrett, George, 54 Gaikell, Elizabeth, Mary Barton, 12 George, Henry, 6 Gerber, Richard, I77n Gibbon, Grasüc (J. Leslie Mitchell), 36, 54» 59» 67» 6 8,70,78 ,8 0-1,102,112a7. 128, 155. >8*“ ‘Literary Lights', i8in A Scots Qjtexr. Sunset Song, 113 - 1 8 ,1 19 ,1 2 2 Cloud Howe, 118-21 Grey Granite, 120, 121-7 Spartacus (J. Leslie MitcheU), 109 , 124 Gibbs, Philip, 40 Gissing, George, New Grub Stroet, i63n Gollancz, Victor, 54, 1 yon Graham, Gore, i68n Gray, Maxwell (Mary Gleed Tuttiett), The Great Refual, 16 ,17 Greenwood, Walter, a, i6gn Love on the Dole, 2 Haldane, Charlotte, 55 Hall, Stuart, 151 Halward, Leslie, 52, 54 Hamilton, Mary Agnes, 41, 45 Follow My Leader, 41 Hanley, James, 52, i68n, 17211 Grey Children, i68n, 17211
Hardie, Keir, 5, 29 Harkness, Margaret, i57n Harris, Frank, The Bomb, 15-16 Headlam, Stewart, 10 Heinemann, Margot, The Adventurers, 152 Henderson, PhiHp, i75n Heppenstall, Rayner, i68n Heslop, Harold, 5 1,6 2 -4 ,6 6 ,7 1,111,14 5 , *55» l 7°°» I7l-an The Crime of Peter Refiner, 172n The Earth Beneath, 17211 The Gate o f a Strange Field, 62, 64, 1700,
Goaf, 62 Journey Beyond, 63 Last Cage Down, 63-4, 66, 71 Hicks, Granville, 52 Hilton, Rodney 151 Holt, William, 59-60, 1 1 1 , i6gn, 17m Backwaters, 59-60, 169h, 17m I Haven't Unpacked, 60, 1690 The Price of Adventure, 17m Horizon, 130, 131 Household, Geoffrey, 101 Howe, Irving, 38, 154-5 Howell, Constance, A More Excellent Way, i^-jn Hussingtree, Martin, Konyetz, 40 Huxley, Aldous, Brave New World, 95 Hyde, Stacey, 51 Hyndman, Henry Mayers, 6-7, 15, 29, 1580, i66n Hynes, Samuel, 99 Independent Labour Party, 5-6, 7 ,13 ,17 , 48, 89. «75° International Literature, 4a, 51 International Union of Revolutionary Writers, i67~8n Isherwood, Christopher, 5a, 89,96-7,100, 128 Lions and Shadows, 96-7 (with W. H. Auden) The Ascent of F6, too Jackson, Holbrook, The Second English Revolution’, 158n Jameson, Storm, 79, lögn, I74n In the Second Year, The Mirror in Darkness, 1740 ‘Writing in Revolt: Documents*, i74n
Index John Reed Club, 54, i6gn Jones, Lewis, 67-8, i n , 172-3^ i84n Cwmardy, 67-8, 173n We Lux, 67,68
Kafka, Franz, 89, 94 Kagarlitaki, J ., 45 Karl, Frederick, 94
Keating, P.J., ¡57n
Kemp, Harry and Laura Riding, Kennedy, Bart, Slavery, 3 Kingsley , Charles, Alton Locke, 3, 10, 12, 33
Labour Party, 5, 7, 21, 39, 40, 41, 45, 48, 50» 52»53. *30» *3>* >3«. *33. i65“ (references in novels) 11, 14, 25, 62, 80, 121, 140 Labour Representation Committee, 3,5,6 Lambert, David, He Must So List, 145 Lawrence, D. H., 151 Left Book Club, 54, 129, 1700 Left Review, 5 1,5 4 ,8 1,8 4 ,12 8 Lehmann, John, 54, 96, 99, 129, 170 The Whispering Gallery, 96 Lessing, Doris 145,148 -50,151,155, i85n African Stories, i85n Going Home, 185m Martha Qjust, 148 A Proper Marriage, 148 Retreat to Innocence, 145, 148-50 Ripplefrom the Storm, 148 Lewis, C. Day, 51, 52, 54, 55, 85-9, 90, 100, 101, i68n, I72n, I76n The Friendly Tree, 86 ‘A Letter from London’, I76n The Magnetic Mountain, i72n Starting Point, 85, 86-9, 101 Lindsay, Jack, 52, 55, 80, 102, 104-10, 112 ,12 9 , 133- 44. f45» *47»*5«. *55» 1790, i8on Adam o f a Mew World, 104, 105-6 After the Thirties, 136 The Barriers Are Down, 134 Betrayed Spring, 138-42 Beyond Terror, 134-5 Choice of Times, 152 End o f Cornwall, 104-5,135 England, My England, 1790 Fanfrolico and After, 104, i8on Fires in Smithfield, 137 Hannibal Takes a Hand, 134 Hullo Stranger, 135-6
Light in Italy, 134 A Local Habitation, 152 Lost Birthright, 106, 109 Men o f Forty-Eight, 106, 109-10, 137, i8on The Moment o f Choice, 138, 142-4, 147 ‘On Guard for Spain’, 55 Rebels of the Goldfields, i-jgn Rising Tide, 138, 142 1649, 106-9, *42 The Stormy Violence, 134 The Subtle Knot, 137 Sue Vemey, i7gn Time to live, 136-7 We Shall Return, 134-5 Linton, Lynn, The True History of Joshua Davidson, 3 Lodge, David, 22 MacDiarmid, Hugh (C. M. Grieve), i8on Mander, John, 151 Mannin, Ethel, 44, 50, 80, 84, 1750 Cactus, 84 Privileged Spectator, 1 yy\ The Pure Flame, 80, 1 75n Martin, Kingsley, i67n Marx, Karl (including Marxism, Marxist thought, theory and parties), I , 5, 6,7,8,14,17,20,28-9,38,39,42,60, 61,82,87,90,95,96,97,99,100,104, 106, 107, 108, 109, no, i n , 112, *30» *37 Masses and Mainstream, 138, 144 Mayne, Brian, i64n Mayne, John D., The Triumph of Socialism and How it Succeeded, 9 Meredith, George, Beauchamps Career, 3 Mitchell, Jack, i64n Mitchell, J . Leslie (Lewis Grassic Gibbon), Spartaau, 102, 124 Mitchison, Naomi, 50, 79-80, 81, no, 138, i69n, i74n We Have Boen Warned, 79-80, 110, 17411 Moore, Edith, A Wilful Widow, 15 Moms, William, 3, 18, 19-20, 28, 45, 159°, i63n T he Art of the People’, i63n A Dream o f John Ball, I59n Mewsfrom Nowhere, 3, 18, 19-20, i64n 'Useful Work Versus Useless Toil’, 28 Morrison, Arthur, 13, 31, I59n Morton, A. L., 86
Mosley, Oswald, 48, 49, 61 Munro, Ian S., i8on, 18m New Left Review, 151 New Musts, 5 1, 5a, 54, 79, 10a, 106 W'riiia*, 54, 96, ia9, 130 New Writing and Daylight, i8an Newte, Horace W. C., The Muster Boast, 9 O'Casey, Sean, ia8 Orwell, George, 1, a, 50, 130, 13a, 154, 17m, i8an, 18311 Animal Farm, a Homagt to Catalonia, i8an Nineteen Eighty-Fom, 13a, 18311 Reed to Wigan Pier, 17m Our Time, 139, 131, 18411 Pelting, Henry, 50, 61 Penguin New Writing, i8an Phelan, Jim, 71, 60-1, 71, 95 Ten-e-Pewey People, 60-1 Poetry end the Ptoplt, i8an Pollitt, Harry, 17, 10a, 139 Preston, Richard (Jack Lindsay), End of Cornwall, 104-5 Priestley, J . B., 133-3, i83n Bright Day, 133 Daylight on Saturday, 133 They Came to a City, 1830 Three Men in New Suits, 133 Pritchctt, V. S., 52, 131 Richards, Grant, 37 Roley, A. P., 51, 57-«, 95, 104, 111, i68n 5». 57-«* 95» *°4 Ruskin, John, 6, 16, 95 Rutherford, Mark (W. H. White), The Revolution in Tanner’s Lam, 3
Socialist Labour Party, 6, 39 The Socialist League, 168-90 Socialist Party of Great Britain, 6 Sommerfield, John, 5a, 6a, 64, 65-6, 71, 111, 151, I7an May Day, 64, 65-6 Trouble in Porter Street, 1 7an Spender, Stephen, 30, 54, 96, I77n The God that Failed, 1770 Stanford, Derek, 101 Stead, W. T., 6 Steiger, Andrew J., 51 Storm, 51, 54, i68n Stracbey, John, 50, 139 The Coming Struggle for Power, 50 Sunday Worker, 47 Swingler, Randall, 80, 84-5, ia8, 151, 1760 No Escape, 80, 84-5 To Town, 1760 Symons, Julian, 55, 88 Thompson, Edward, 151 Thorne, Guy, The Socialist, 26 Tiltman, H. Hessell, Poverty Lane, 40 Tire buck, W. E., Miss Grace of AU Souls, 1570 Todd, Ruthven, 89, 100-1 Over the Mountain, 100-1 Trease, Geoffrey, 103,1780 Bows Against the Barons, 102 The Call to Arms, 1780 Comradesfor the Charter, 10a Missing from Horn, 1780 Tressell, Robert (Robert Noonan), 4,8,9, «6, 37-38, 39, 4a, 56, 114, 15a, 155, 163-50 The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, 4,9, 2 7 -3 8 . 39. *5 5 . *6 a -5 n
Scott, George, 131-a Shaw, George Bernard, 3, 6, 7, 36, 50, 51 An Unsocial Socialist, 3 Siliitoe, Alan, The Death of William Posters, The Flame of Lift, Key to the Door, A Tree on Fire, 152 Silone, Ignazio, Fontamara, 38 Sinclair, Upton, The Jungle, 14 Sitwell, Edith, 110 Social Democratic Federation, 6, 15, 17, 29» 39
‘Unitas’, A Dream City, 46 Upward, Edward, 50, 54, 55, 61, 89, 96100, 17011, 1760, 177-80 'Back from the Border’ (inter view), 1780 In the Thirties, 50, 1780 Journey to the Border, 55, 96-100, >78n No Home But the Struggle, 1 78a ‘The Railway Accident', 1 77~8n The Rotten Elements, 1780 ‘Sketch for a Marxist Interpretation of Literature’, 61, 96, 99, 1700
Index Viewpoint, 51, 54 Wain, John, 130, 145 Hurry 0n Down, 145 Warner, Rex, 52, 54,80,87,89, 90-6,97, 100, 101, 112, i68n, I74n, 1760, I 77n The Aerodromi, 95 ’Education’, 90 The Professor, 1741», I77n The Wild Goose Chase, 80,90-6, 97, 101, 112, I77n Warner, Sylvia Townsend, 80, 103-4, 1790 Summer W ill Show, 103-4, 17911 Webb, Beatrice, i58n Wells, H. G., 13, 16, 20-6, 31, 36, 45-6, 51, 59, i6in, i62n, I72n Amm Veromeo, 22, 25 Experiment in Autobiography, I and II, 21 In the Days of the Comet, 23, 24-6, 45, i6in, 16211 Morrioge, 22-3 Meanwhile, 17211 Men Like Gods, 45-6 This Misery of Boots, 20 A Modern Utopio, 20 The New Machiavelli, 22, 25 New Worldsfoe Old, 20 The Passionate Friends, 23
The Time Machine, i66n Totto-Bnngay, 22, 25, 59 The World Set Free, 23-4, 45 Welsh, James, 40, 41-3, 45» 51 The Morlocks, 40, 42 Norman Dale M. P., 41, 42-3 The Underworld, 41, 42 West, Alick, 144, i72n West, Anthony, 23 Whiteing, Richard, 12-14, 31, 56, isgn No 5 John Street, 12 Ring in the New, 12, 13—14 Wilkinson, Ellen, 40, 41, 43-5, 47 Clash, 43-5 Williams, Raymond, 151, 152 Border Country, 152 Williams, Rhys J ., i68n Williams - Ellis, Amabel, 1701 Willis, D. A., 51 Wilson, Theodora Wilson, The Last Dividend, 4 1 , 1 6 ^ Wintringham, Tom, 129, i68n Wood, Neal, 49 Woodcock, Gewge, 38 Woolf, Leonard, i67n Woolley, E., 59 World Conference of Revolutionary Writ e r, 5*. 54. 62 Zhdanov, A.,