So many questions...: оқу-əдістемелік құралы 9965295999, 4602020000

Бұл оқу-əдістемелік құралы халықаралық қатынастар факульте- тінің қазақ бөлімінде оқитын 1-2 курс студенттеріне арналған

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Лəйла Дүйсеева

SO MANY QUESTIONS... Оқу-əдістемелік құралы

Алматы «Қазақ университеті» 2011 1

ББК 81. 2 Анг. Д 88 Баспаға əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті халықаралық қатынастар факультетінің Ғылыми кеңесі жəне Редакциялық-баспа кеңесі шешімімен ұсынылған

Пікір жазғандар: Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ профессоры Н.М. Исмаил; филология ғылымдарының кандидаты А.Ə. Молдасанова; əл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ доценті М.Қ. Макишева

53 ДТ88

Дүйсеева Л.Ə. So many questions...: оқу-əдістемелік құралы. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2011. – 70 б. ISBN 9965-29-599-9 Бұл оқу-əдістемелік құралы халықаралық қатынастар факультетінің қазақ бөлімінде оқитын 1-2 курс студенттеріне арналған. Əдістемелік құралда типтік бағдарламаға енген лексикалық тақырыптарды талқылауға бағытталған сұрақтар қамтылған. Қазіргі таңда кездесетін өзекті мəселелер де қарастырылған. Мұнда ағылшын тілі грамматикасында қолданылатын төрт түрлі сұрақтың барлығы қолданылған. Құрал студенттердің сөйлеу дағдыларын дамытуға, бір-бірінің пікірін тыңдауға негізделген. Ол, біріншіден, сұрақтарды дұрыс қоя білуді үйрету, екіншіден, өз ойларын білдіру, ашық пікір алмасу мақсатында құрастырылған. Құралда берілген тапсырмалар басқа оқу құралдарынан алынған жəне ойдан шығарылған.


4602020000 - 022 061 - 10 460(05) - 11

ББК 81. 2 Анг.

© Дүйсеева Л.Ə., 2011 © Əл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ, 2011

ISBN 9965-29-599-9


TYPES OF QUESTIONS Interrogative sentences (Сұраулы сөйлемдер) 1. General question (Жалпы сұрақ) 2. Disjunctive question (Бөлшекті сұрақ) 3. Alternative question (Альтернативті сұрақ) 4. Special question (Арнайы сұрақ)

 “Yes” немесе “No” жауабын қажет ететін көмекші етістіктен басталып, сөйлемге толық қатысты қойылатын сұрақ түрі жалпы сұрақ деп аталады. Is English a difficult language to learn? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Are they successful in studies? – Yes, they are. / No, they are not / aren’t. Do you speak English? – Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Does she/he speak English? – Yes, she/he does. / No, he/she doesn’t. Has she/he mastered the language? – Yes, she/he has. / No, she/he hasn’t. Have they learned many words? - Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t. Can you speak English well? –Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Did you learn English last year? – Yes, I did. / No I didn’t. Had they known about it before? –Yes, they had. / No, they hadn’t. Will he come tomorrow? –Yes, he will. / No, he will not / won’t.

 Айтылған мағлұматтың дұрыс-бұрыстығын растатуға бағытталған, бір болымды не бір болымсыз сөйлеммен басталып, қысқаша жалпы сұрақпен аяқталатын сұрақ түрі бөлшекті сұрақ деп аталады. English is a difficult language, isn’t it? / English is not a difficult language, is it? They are successful in studies, aren’t they? / They are not successful in studies, are they? You speak English, don’t you? / You don’t speak English, do you? She speaks English, doesn’t she? / She doesn’t speak English, does she? She/he has mastered the language, hasn’t she/he? You learned English last year, didn’t you? / You didn’t learn English last year, did you? They had known about it, hadn’t they? You’ll come tomorrow, won’t you? 3

 Құрылымы бойынша жалпы сұраққа ұқсас, “or” жалғаулығы арқылы жасалып, екі заттың немесе екі сөйлемнің дұрысын таңдауға қойылатын сұрақ альтернативті сұрақ деп аталады. Is English a difficult or easy language to learn? Are they successful in studies or in business? Do you speak English or French? Does she/he speak English or Chinese? Has she/he mastered the language or the art? Have they learned many words or few words? Can you speak English or Dutch well? Did you learn English or Japanese last year? Had they known about it before or later? Will he come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

 Who, whom, what, which, where, why, when, whose, how, how long, how much, how many т.с.с сұраулы сөздер арқылы басталып, нақты жəне дəл мəлімет алу үшін қойылатын сұрақ түрі арнайы сұрақ деп аталады. What language is difficult to learn? In what are they successful? What language do you speak? What language does she/he speak? What has she/he mastered? How many words have they learned? What languages can you speak? When did you learn English? What had they known about before? Who will come tomorrow? Ескеретін жайлар:  Сөйлемнің бастауышына қойылатын “who, what” сұраулы сөздері етістіктің үшінші жақ жекеше формасын қажет етеді;  “Why not … ?.” сұрағынан кейін келетін етістіктің “to” демеулігі түсіп қалады;  How much саналмайтын зат есімдерге қойылады;  How many саналатын зат есімдерге қойылады;  Жалпы сұрақты төлеу сұраққа айналдыру if немесе whether жалғаулықтары арқылы жасалады.  What is she? сұрағы мамандыққа қатысты қойылады;  Who is she? сұрағы аты-жөні, туыстық, т.б қарым-қатынастарға қатысты қойылады. 4

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION Make up all possible types of questions using the given words: Example: where/go

Where did you go on the weekend?

How many / friends How often / theater What kind of / study You / like How difficult / languages Why / students Are / newspapers or magazines Who / tomorrow Who / prime minister What kind of / lawyers How / doctors Can / people Whose / the teacher From whom / borrow Who / choose a career Will / anyone What kind of / buy How far / the university When / independence Where / located Is / a student or a teacher How long /vocations Which /faculty Who /accused of Can / get a map Where / last night Who’s / pressure 5

When / discuss How much / cost He /save money How long / she What time / get up Which /essay Why /hasn’t done Whom / trust Why / rely on Can / problem How much / can lend Who / should talk How long / wear What time / meeting


ARTS (CINEMA, THEATER, MUSIC AND EXHIBITION) “For me cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake.” Alfred Hitchcock

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  People prefer going to cinemas rather than to theaters, don’t they?  Is cinema an earnest art or just entertainment?  Should the actor “live” the part in the film or just perform it?  What kind of films do we need for our present society?  Why should young people prefer theaters to cinemas?  How often do you go to opening nights?  What sorts of music do you like?  How often do you attend concert halls?  Does music help to cure people? How?  Why is music considered the universal language of mankind?  Do you admire modern paintings?  What are the main purposes of holding exhibitions and art galleries?  How often do you attend such kind of exhibitions?  How much are they important to you?  What traits of character are more typical to artists?  Are they sociable or reserved people?  What kind of great artists do you know who were born on the Kazakh soil? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  What is the role of art in bringing people closer together?  What is the role of art in bringing up young people?  Do you agree or disagree with an opinion that art has become a source of business? If so, why and how?  Do you think it is easy to be an artist? Why?  If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition what would you choose? Why? 7

 What can you say about musicians’ contribution to the development of the country?  What does the music of your country reveal about the culture of your country?  How much do movies and television influence people’s behavior?  Watching movies is more enjoyable than reading books, isn’t it?  How can young people be encouraged to go to theaters? Is it so important?  Do people in art earn much money?  Are the great artists born or they acquire skills?  Is graffiti mindless vandalism or an art form?  “Art is long, life is short.” How much is this saying true?


BOOKS “We are what we read.” Mark Crispin Miller

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  At what age did you begin to read books?  What books have you read recently?  Who is your favorite author? What appeals to you in his style?  Do you remember how many books you have already read?  Have your parents made any remarks about your reading a lot?  How often do you read? What kind of books do you like to read?  Do you need somebody’s advice in selecting books to read?  What kind of literature do our people need at present time?  What kind of books is our society lack of today?  How often do you visit book shops?  What advice would you give to passive readers?  How to motivate children to read books more?  Do you think every new published book contains very important information?  What kind of books do you consider so boring?  What literature is our department lacking? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  Reading books is rather boring than watching films, isn’t it?  Do you think that Internet is replacing books? How good is it?  TV has already replaced reading, hasn’t it?  What are the advantages of reading many books?  Can you see any disadvantages of reading books too much?  Do you agree that all we know is contained in the book?  Do people gain more knowledge from books or from their life experience?  Modern published books are much more useful and interesting rather than old ones, aren’t they? 9

 Who usually forms the reading habit in a child: his parents or his teachers?  Young people are criticized for not reading much. Isn’t it their choice to do whatever they like?  How should young people be encouraged to read more? How much is it essential?  Who is to blame for gradual passive reading: writers or readers?  Should books be censored by government agencies? Why?  “Don’t judge the book by its cover”. How much is this true?


CELEBRITIES “The nice thing about being a celebrity is that when you bore people. They think it’s their fault.” Henry Kissinger

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  What category of people do we call celebrities?  What celebrities of our country do you know?  Can diplomats or politicians belong to this category of people? Why? Why not?  What is good in being a celebrity?  Do celebrities have a private life?  Are all of them satisfied with what they have achieved?  Celebrities don’t have devoted friends, do they?  Can celebrities themselves be devoted friends?  Are celebrities mean or generous people?  What traits of character are more typical to celebrities?  What sacrifices do usually people make to become popular?  What difficulties might celebrities face in their life?  How much are celebrities affected by their fans?  If celebrities suddenly lost their fame, could they be able to live happily?  Do celebrities really deserve respect and affection? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  Do you see any disadvantages of being a celebrity?  Would you like to be a celebrity? Why? Why not?  Women should stay at home keeping their family. To be a celebrity is not for women, is it?  Do some famous people abuse their fame? Are their actions justified?  What negative factors do some celebrities cause in the society?  What actions of celebrities can bring a bad reputation to the country? 11

 How much prestige do celebrities bring to the country?  Do celebrities work mainly for their own satisfaction or for the public?  Is it just luck or result of hard work to become a celebrity?  Are celebrities able to influence international matters?  What contribution do celebrities make to the development of the country?  Nowadays it has become very easy to be a celebrity, hasn’t it?  How much is the life of these people safe?  Do only ambitious people succeed in life and become famous?  Many American celebrities came from not well-off families. What do you think the reason is?


CITIES “City life: millions of people being lonesome together.” Henry David Thoreau.

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  What big cities of your country can you be proud of?  What places of interest in your city would you show to foreigners?  What parts of your city need much care and reconstruction?  What big cities of the world do you know?  What common serious problems are big cities facing today?  Where do you like to live: in a big city or in the countryside? Why?  What are the advantages of living in a big city?  What are the disadvantages of living in a big city?  What are the advantages of living in a village?  What are the disadvantages of living in a village?  Is the nature of big cities or villages much more useful for people’s health?  Are there more differences or similarities between citizens of urban areas and rural areas?  Where are people more communicative: in big cities or in villages?  In a big city where do you prefer to live: in a traditional house or in an apartment? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  Can the birthplace of a person influence his future life? How?  Where is life expectancy of people higher: in big cities or in villages? Why?  Are the cities only for celebrities and rich people?  Can cities really show the wealth and prosperity of the country?  Who is the most responsible for the cities to prosper and flourish?  How much is urbanization process necessary for big cities? 13

 How much danger do skyscrapers cause to big cities?  What city of the world would you prefer to live in if you were given a chance?  Would you prefer to live in a big city having an ill-paid job or in the village having a well-paid job?  Why do so many graduates of the universities prefer cities to their native towns?  How to encourage young people to serve in rural areas?  Life in big cities is much more stressful than in the country. Then why many people do prefer cities to villages?  Almaty city is hosting Asian Olympic Games in 2011. What do you think how much benefit such events bring to the city?  What are the downsides to having such events?  Where is it easy to get used to living: in big cities or in villages?  What changes would you make if you became akim of Almaty or Astana?


CRIMES “The greatest crimes are caused by excess and not by necessity.” Aristotle

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  Have you ever committed a crime?  Would you steal food if you were very hungry?  What types of punishment do you know?  What punishments did our ancestors use for criminals? How just were they?  Is crime rate increasing or decreasing in our country?  How can crime especially involving young people be reduced?  What crimes are committed mainly by women and girls? Why?  Are our police strong enough to protect us against crime? How effectively is our legislative body carrying out its functions?  What crimes are widely spread in our country? Why?  What are the main motives for committing crimes? Are they justified?  In what kind of countries can crime rate be low? Why?  Is crime rate high in big cities or in villages?  What would be your reaction when you witness pickpocketing in public transport?  How is the murder of political leaders called? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  Do you consider telling a lie as a crime? Why?  How does upbringing influence a child’s turning into a criminal?  Violence in films increases crime, doesn’t it? Then why are such films shown?  Why do young people get involved in committing terrible crimes?  What can be the best solution to combat juvenile delinquency? 15

 What would be your judgment if you had to investigate the crime committed by your very close person?  Which strata of the society get involved more in criminal cases: upper or lower strata?  The major cause of crimes is a gap between the middle class and people living below the poverty line, isn’t it?  What countries do suffer much from criminals: the developed world or the developing world?  Why do many people commit crimes being aware of its bad consequences?  Is death penalty or life imprisonment a right punishment for murderers?  If you were Minister of Justice what measures would you take to decline crime rate?


EDUCATION “Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” Martin Luther King, Junior

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  Was it your own choice to enter KazNU or your parents’ advice?  What do you think of the entrance exams?  What is the role of kindergartens in upbringing process?  How much role do schools play in a person’s future life?  Is it difficult or easy to enter the university nowadays?  Can a lazy pupil become a top student? How?  Why do many people dream to get education abroad?  Have you tried to get scholarship abroad? How successful were you?  What does appeal to you in credit system education?  Do you think that students learn far more outside the classroom than inside it?  What difficulties are Kazakh department students facing today?  Who takes the responsibility to cope with these problems?  Whose work is much more required to improve academic success: students’ or teachers’?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in university dormitories?  How often should students be examined in a year?  Does teachers’ staff also go through any exams? If ‘yes’, how often should it be held? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner  Do we need to have single sex education system in our country? Why?  Are women or men more capable of learning?  Do you agree or disagree with the idea that in future teachers will play a smaller role in education because of Internet resources? 17

 Should universities have more books or computers if it had a choice to purchase either of them?  Studying abroad causes Kazakhstan a problem of “brain drain”, doesn’t it?  Should higher education be available only to good students or to all? Why?  Which students are more successful in studies: who pay for education or who are provided grants?  If you were asked what achievements of your university would you be proud of?  What important changes would you make in out department if you could?  Should students be given one long vacation each year or several short vacations throughout the year?  Universities should require students to wear uniforms. What do you think of such academic policy?  Is there anything that young people can teach older people?  What changes would you make in the education system if you were Minister of Education?


EXAMS “A child miseducated is a child lost.” John Kennedy

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  When did you take your first exam? How did you feel at that moment?  What do you rely more on at the exams: your preparation or “a lucky card”?  Do teachers play any role at the exams? How important is it?  How good are you at cheating in exams? How often do you do it?  Who do you think is cheated: your teacher or yourself?  What is the reason that even top students get embarrassed at the exams?  What is the usual way your group mates prepare for exams?  What kind of examination is more difficult to you: written or oral? Why?  How do you usually feel when the exam results are announced?  How do you like to revise for exams: with your groupmates or yourself?  Do you like the way you take exams at our Department?  How many exams in your opinion should students take in a term?  What are the downsides and upsides of having exams twice a year?  Why do some students come to exams absolutely unprepared?  Do they lack a sense of responsibility or knowledge?  How often do bad students impact on other students? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  Whose fault do you think if a student fails his exam: his teacher’s or his own? Why? 19

 Who do you think should be praised if the exam result is high: a teacher or a student?  Do you think a good mark at the exam is the result of hard work or luck?  Do you think that examination is a kind of contest between teachers and students?  Do you think that exams really help to measure students’ knowledge?  Some students are good at swotting up the subject. Does it show their high intelligence or best memory? How effective is this way of studying?  How much do exams influence students’ health, psyche and behavior?  What punishments do you offer to students who fail exams?  How do you react to expelling students for their poor academic progress?  What features of British and American education system would you introduce into the education system of Kazakhstan?  If you were given a choice between studying at home by using Internet and studying at traditional university what would choose?  If a new national university were planned to be built in our country what academic area should it focus on? Why?  “There is no end to education. We are all in the kindergarten of God”. How much is this true?


FAMILY “Many men can make a fortune, but very few can build a family.” J.C.Bryan

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  Why is a family associated with a small state?  What important role do families play in the society?  What are the advantages of being a member of a big family?  How many children should be in an average Kazakh family?  Which of the children should stay with the parents when they get older: the eldest or the youngest?  What is the role of grandparents in typical Kazakh families?  Is raising children a mother’s or father’s job?  Whom should family members submit to: fathers or mothers?  Who is the head in your family?  Should there be any responsibilities among family members in doing the chores?  Why should they share domestic chores?  What family traditions do you keep in your family?  How much are they important for family members?  Is it the family or friends who have more influence on young people? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  We often hear the word “family problems”. What problems are they?  What factors cause family problems?  What kind of family do you consider a happy one?  What problems do happy families face?  Is your parents’ financial support enough to feel happy? What else do you need?  Have you noticed any changes taking place in typical Kazakh families?  Are these changes for the best or for the worst? 21

 Why has it become common that many married young people avoid living with their parents who brought up them?  How much is it important for young Kazakh people to know about their background?  Why do usually children like to follow in their parents’ footsteps?  Do they really want to continue their family business or just avoid some life difficulties?  Ill-bred children are the result of irresponsible parents’ upbringing, aren’t they?  Does ancestors’ character or behavior impact on the failure or success of their great-grandchildren?  Why do many families break off after a short time of their marriage?  Who is the most suffered person in the family after the divorce: children or parents?  What is family’s happiness measured by?  Which of these three things will you choose: a loving family, good health or wealth?


FOOD “Our lives are not in the lap of the gods, but in the lap of our cooks.” Anon

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  What kind of meals do you know?  How often do you eat out?  What should you say if you don’t like the dish?  How important is it to keep table manners?  Is reading a good habit during the meal time?  What traditional Kazakh dish do you usually cook at home?  Why are traditional Kazakh drinks considered very useful to health?  What is a well-balanced diet?  What can you say about coffee addicts?  What do you think of fast food?  Can you cook? Who taught you to cook?  Do you remember the first dish you cooked in your life? Did all like it?  Do you refer to your mother’s advice or cookery books in preparing a new dish? Which experience is more effective?  How often do you use tinned food to serve your guests?  What is good and bad in using tinned food?  Are you a constant consumer of imported food?  What big food chains like Mc Donald’s do you know? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  What table manners do Kazakh people stick to? How important are they for young people?  Keeping family holidays in public places is becoming traditional for the Kazakhs. Can you see any inconveniences of this tradition?  What role does the national Kazakh cuisine play in celebrating different holidays? 23

 Should we stick to our national customs in giving our guests a substantial meal? How important is it?  Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live?  Do you believe the words that chocolates can make people’s life longer?  Why do many people suffer from different stomachaches?  What is the reason of a widespread obesity problem in many countries?  How much is this problem dangerous to our society?  Do you agree that you are what you eat?  How much is food industry developed in our country?  How much are the advertised foods nutritious and useful?  Is the world’s food enough for its population?


FRIENDSHIP “Adversity does teach who your real friends are.” Lois Mc Master

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  When you think of the word “friend” what words occur to your mind?  How many friends do you have?  When you make friends what do you pay more attention to?  Do you need your parents’ advice to make friends?  What do you value in friendship?  How lucky are you to make friends? Is it easy or difficult for you to make friends?  What kind of friend do you consider a devoted one?  What qualities should a good friend have?  How many bosom friends should a person have?  Do you believe the words “Show me your friend, I’ll tell you who you are”?  Do you prefer to deal with strong-willed or weak-willed people?  What great people’s friendship do you know?  Does social status of people influence their friendship?  Is friendship between single sex people firmer and more reliable?  Is friendship relevant between teachers and students? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  How do you understand the meaning of “A friend in need is a friend indeed”?  What is friendship measured by?  Put these 4 qualities in order of their importance to you in making friends: 1.Age 2.Interests 3.Character 4.Appearance  What kind of person do you like to make friends: a person who has a similar character or someone who has a quite opposite character? 25

 What are the advantages of having friends who are different from you?  What are the advantages of having friends who are similar to you?  Do you prefer a friend who is very industrious but uneducated or a friend who is well-read but lazy?  Whom do you ask for advice when you are in trouble: your friends or your relatives?  Can you ever forgive dishonesty in friendship?  Is envy and jealousy relevant among friends?  What reasons are more common for friends to fall out?  Why does some people’s friendship turn into hostility?  What is the role of money in friendship?  Can great powers have really good friendly relations?  What is their friendship measured by?  Sometimes it is better not to tell the truth to your friends, isn’t it?


HEALTH PROBLEMS “Health is better than wealth.” John Ray

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  What are the ways of being healthy? What do you usually do to keep fit?  Do you think morning exercises really help to improve your health?  Can sports ward off all kind of illnesses?  Do some people cause some kind of illnesses themselves keeping to different diets?  Why do some people suffer from constant insomnia?  How often do you visit a doctor?  Do you think doctors are completely sincere with their patients?  What traits do you appreciate in medical staff?  What do you think of family doctors?  Should we have private doctors or only state ones?  How often do you do self-treatment?  What information have you got about non-traditional medical service?  How often do you refer to non-traditional medical service? Are you usually satisfied with the result of it?  Is having good health the same as being not sick?  Do you think adults encourage young people to smoke? If so, how? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  Health is nothing without wealth, isn’t it?  Who is the most responsible person for your health: your parents, doctors or yourself?  What can be a difficult situation in a doctor’s practice?  How effectively does first aid render assistance to people in our country?  What kind of people is private medical service available to? 27

 Are you quite satisfied with our present medical service? Why? Why not?  What problems is our health care system facing today?  How to cope effectively with these difficulties?  What causes new epidemics such as avian, anthrax and some others?  Why is worldwide medicine too weak in fighting against AIDS?  Why is cancer still an incurable disease? Is it because science hasn’t developed well enough or financial means are not sufficient?  “An apple a day, keeps a doctor away.” How much is this saying true nowadays?  Who would you rather be: A poor but well-educated doctor or a very rich famous person? Why?  What improvements must be done by the government to have a quite sound generation?


HOLIDAYS “The only thing bad about a holiday is it is followed by a non holiday.” Anon

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  In what places of our country do you prefer to spend a weekend?  Where do you prefer to go on your summer holidays?  What would be your plan for your winter holidays?  Who would you like to spend your holidays: with your parents or your friends?  What season of the year do you think is the best/worst for having holidays?  When you travel what means of transport do you prefer?  When do usually people like to have holidays?  Can you point out any drawbacks of rather long holidays?  Is camping a healthy occupation?  What season is more suitable for tourists to come to our country?  What parts of the country do they mainly prefer to see?  Why do people like traveling?  Traveling is for people who earn much money and waste it, isn’t it?  What season of the year is more suitable to have holidays?  What do you mostly look forward to in the holidays? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  What are the advantages of traveling?  What disadvantages of traveling will you point out?  Traveling is sacrificing your money, isn’t it?  Traveling has become dangerous lately, hasn’t it?  What factors make traveling dangerous?  Why do some people go abroad for their holidays making a sacrifice to their pocket instead of visiting many picturesque places of our country? 29

 What can be the reasons that some people return from the trip very disappointed?  What do you prefer when you plan a trip abroad: a good service or good security?  Why are holidays very important for some people?  Do seasons of the year really influence people’s mood? How?  Does the season in which a person was born somehow influence his character?  How well is our tourism developed?  Do you think we have enough advertisements to attract foreigners to visit our country?  Can people go for holidays on other planets when space tourism develops?  What continents would you like to travel if you had a chance?


INVENTIONS “Invention is the mother of necessity.” Thorstein Veblen

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  What kind of inventions do you consider the most important ones?  Which of the already invented things do you think the least important?  What practical and adjustable inventions will you point out?  How long do you think scientists work on their new inventions?  What kind of scientists do you know who invented revolutionary things?  What personal qualities should a person have to be an inventor?  Do you think you are able to invent something? Why not?  What product would you develop if you had the time and money to invent something?  What would be your decision if a new invention could replace your presence at the university?  What countries are famous for smart inventions?  What is their preponderance in technology development explained by?  What advantages do laptop computers have over computers?  Do you believe that some people say they can’t imagine their life without Internet? Isn’t it so exaggerated?  Could there be newer and more convenient inventions in future to replace Internet?  Is Internet a source of only good and useful information? What are the drawbacks? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  Can you give any example proving the disadvantages of the latest inventions? 31

 Which of the latest inventions are more important to you: mobile phones or Internet?  Are there more advantages rather than disadvantages of having mobile phones?  Do you agree that Internet is making people lazy and less resourceful?  Is a person able to invent something without mastering a subject?  If you could what would you invent that can be useful for people?  What would you do if your invention failed?  Do you think inventors always succeed in their work?  Do the latest inventions show high intellectual ability of people or highly developed technology progress?  What invention do you know that quite changed the world?  People invent things to ease their life. Are there any inventions that really cause problems to them?  What invention might appear to eliminate traffic jams?  What contribution do you think is valued more by our society: the contribution of artists or the contribution of scientists?  Should governments spend much money on developing or buying new technologies or some other more basic needs?


JOBS “Of all the hard jobs around, one of the hardest is being a good teacher.” Maggie Gallaher

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  What jobs are most popular nowadays in our country?  Is unemployment a big problem in our country?  How difficult is it to find a job in big cities?  What jobs are the best paid and which of them are the worst paid?  In what situations can a worker or employee be dismissed?  Do you have any idea of unemployment benefit? What category of people can get it?  Do you prefer to follow in your parents’ footsteps choosing their profession?  What professions are highly required nowadays?  What is your future profession? What prospects will it offer?  What contribution will it make to the development of your country?  What made you choose a diplomat’s profession?  What qualities should a good diplomat have?  What famous diplomats do you know?  Do you think it’s a good idea for students to have jobs? Why? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  Is choosing a career a difficult or an easy decision? Why?  How difficult was it for you to make such a decision?  Which job is more difficult: dealing with people or working yourself?  What jobs will be the most highly paid in our country in 10 years’ time?  How do you imagine your position in 10 years of time?  Will you work after you get married? 33

 Would you prefer a well-paid but boring job or ill-paid but interesting job?  Which job would you like to have: something that you use your mental ability or something where your physical ability is required?  What is more important for you in finding jobs: a good salary or a good prospect for future?  Going to a recruitment agency is the best solution to find a job, isn’t it?  Why is unemployment rate high in our country despite the country’s high economic development among CIS countries?  What are the good ways to eliminate this problem?  Different people get different salaries. Do you think the differences in salary are fair?  What would you do if your boss asked you to do something against the law?


LEARNING LANGUAGES “Who neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead for the future.” Euripides

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  Can you speak your mother tongue very well? If not, why?  Why do some people speak another language ignoring their mother tongue?  How many languages can you speak?  Do you know any poem or line connected with your mother tongue?  How many people do speak Kazakh in our country? Do you know any approximate statistics of it?  What does this statistics show?  How many languages is an average person able to speak?  Whom do we call a polyglot?  Is it a natural gift or result of hard work to become a polyglot?  What great people do you know who could speak very many languages?  What foreign languages are being intensively taught nowadays in our country?  How much time do you think it takes a person to speak English fluently?  Some say that the Kazakh people are very capable of learning foreign languages. How much is it true?  How many languages would you like to master?  Where do native speakers of English live?  Which appeals to you more in practising and mastering languages: reading books or communicating with people?  How many languages are considered international? What languages are they?


Discuss the following questions with your partner:  What measures should be taken to encourage some people in the government to speak Kazakh?  What is your attitude to bilingual system of our country?  What do you think of the future of the Kazakh language?  What do you think of the future of “three language system”?  Why has learning foreign languages become very important in our country?  Can a person effectively master foreign languages without communicating native speakers?  Some people learn foreign languages themselves. What do you think of such self-taught people?  How good do they master the language?  Are all students capable of learning foreign languages? Why?  How often should a person be examined to determine the level of gained knowledge?  Does the ability of learning many foreign languages pass on through the genes of a person or come through hard work and practice?


MASS MEDIA “A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself.” Arthur Miller

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  What types of Mass Media do you know?  Do you know where and when the first newspapers were published?  What do you prefer to read: a broadsheet or a tabloid?  What do know about the work of News agencies?  What News Agencies do you know?  Where and when did the first radio broadcast start?  What type of Mass Media do you usually have an access to?  Which of Mass Media are widespread in our country?  What Kazakh publications do you read?  What do you think they lack?  What achievements of them can you point out?  What is limping in our Mass Media?  Are you entirely contended with TV programs in the Kazakh language?  What should and shouldn’t Kazakh Mass Media get from foreign Mass Media?  How well are you informed of international news?  Are our Mass Media’s latest achievements worth praising? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  Are the sales of newspapers declining or increasing in our country?  What is the relation between democracy and press?  Should the press be free to report what it likes?  Should there be censorship by the government?  What is good and bad in having censorship?  What newspapers in our country show political bias?  Why do people write letters to newspapers and magazines?  What problems are our Mass Media facing nowadays? 37

 Mass media is the fourth power of the country. Do they play their role relevantly?  What important role do Mass Media play in our country?  In some broadsheets too much space is given to advertisements. Does it signify less motivated readers or the Editorial staff who are more passionate about money?  Do our Mass Media suffer from censorship?  Should people always rely on what Mass Media carry?  How much influence do Mass Media have on people’s behavior?  What is the advantage of newspapers over radio and television?  Why do politicians and statesmen strive to possess Mass Media?


MONEY “Money can’t buy everything. For example: poverty.” Nelson Algren

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  Does our life mainly depend on money?  How much do you love money?  How much money do you think will be enough to provide your life?  What is the source of money?  What should you rely on in order to have much “money?  Do you keep money in money box? How useful are they?  Are you a generous or a mean person?  How often do you give away money?  What would you do if you inherited a lot of money?  What would you do if you won a lot in lottery?  Do you often borrow or lend money?  Have you ever borrowed money and “forgotten” to give it back?  Have you ever kept the money when someone gives you the wrong change?  How old is our national currency?  Do you share the opinion that money is priceless?  Is Kazakhstan a very rich country? What is it rich in? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  Money rules everything, doesn’t it?  Does money bring only success?  Only people who have a lot of money are happy, aren’t they?  What would you choose if you were offered: too much money or a number of good friends?  Money is the root of evil, isn’t it?  Does the prosperous future of our country depend only on financial means? 39

 How do international events influence the financial situation of the country?  Should rich countries always support and donor poor world?  How often does money influence your behavior or attitude towards others?  Where would you invest your money if you were a millionaire?  How money is earned, so it is spent. Do you agree with this saying?  Why do many very rich Americans decide to give away their money before they die?  Do we have such “generous” rich people in our country?  Do you agree with what Carnegie said “The man who dies rich dies thus disgraced”?


MY MOTHERLAND - KAZAKHSTAN “Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives.” John Adams

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  How much area does the Republic of Kazakhstan cover?  What countries are the neighbors of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the map?  What place does Kazakhstan take in the world by its territory?  What is the population of the country?  What natural resources is Kazakhstan rich in?  How does the territory of Kazakhstan range?  What are the main waters of the Republic of Kazakhstan?  Who were the first inhabitants of the Kazakh land?  What life did they lead?  How did the nomadic life impact the formation of the Kazakh nation?  When did Kazakhstan gain its independence?  What countries were the first to establish diplomatic relations with Kazakhstan?  With which neighbors has Kazakhstan established very close relations?  What part of Kazakhstan is highly developed?  What is the advantage of Kazakhstan’s geographical position among CIS countries? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  How did it happen that the Kazakh land was a home for many other nationalities?  How did the Soviet rule influence Kazakhstan’s development?  Would Kazakhstan be under the Soviet Union but for the December 1986 demonstration? 41

 At what price did Kazakhstan gain its independence?  What historic events have taken place in the country since it gained its independence?  Which economic region of the country plays a greater role in the development of the Republic?  What were the main reasons for transferring the capital of the country to the central part?  What role does Kazakhstan play in the Central Asian region?  What is the role of Kazakhstan in the World Organizations?  Being a future diplomat what contribution would you make to the development of your country?  What country would you live if you were given a chance to? Why?


SHOPPING /FASHION “A fashion is nothing but an induced epidemic.” Bernard Show

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  What clothes do you prefer to buy: expensive or cheap?  What do you pay attention to while doing shopping: the price or the quality?  Whom do you like to do shopping: with your parents or with your friends?  Where would you prefer to buy things: at the market or in the shop?  Where are the clothes more expensive: at the market or in the shop?  Where can you buy things of high quality?  What measures of precaution should be taken while doing shopping?  Do you always stick to your own taste or need somebody’s advice when you buy clothes?  What is good and bad taste in clothes?  What impression do people make on you who wear clothes which don’t go with? (e.g a T-shirt with a silk skirt)  What do you think of people who wear very trendy clothes but not suiting them?  Are you a mean or a generous customer?  What is your attitude towards the way Kazakh girls dress nowadays?  Has anyone ever refused to let you into a public place because they didn’t like the way you were dressed? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  Do people behave differently when they wear different clothes?  Are clothes more important for women than men? Why? 43

 Should we judge people by what they wear?  Can fashion influence the society? How?  What kind of people are called “fashion victims”?  Should fashion have its limits?  Do sun-glasses really help people’s health or hurt their eyesight?  What are the advantages of self-service departments?  Why do we mainly buy imported goods?  Does it show the poor development of our industry and agriculture?  Supermarkets are full of harmful tinned food rather than fresh healthy ones, aren’t they?  Does advertising really help to sell products? How much is it effective?  What kind of advertising is more effective in selling products: on the radio, on TV, in press or on billboards?  How does advertising sometimes encourage people to buy things they really don’t need?  How much do you trust Internet shop service?  How do you comment on the British people saying “We are not so rich to buy cheap clothes”?


SPORT “Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” Heywood Hale Broun

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  Why do people go in for sport?  Why does sport play an important role in some people’s life?  Is sport just an entertainment or real useful activity?  Do girls play as much sport as boys? Why?  What sports do you go in for?  What do you do to keep fit and healthy?  How often do you read sport events in newspapers?  Where and when were first Olympic Games held?  What were the achievements of our athletes in the latest Olympic Games?  What historical sports event is our country going to host in 2011?  Does this event make changes in political life of the country?  What Olympic champions of our country can you be proud of?  What adventure sports do you know?  Why do some people go in for such sports?  Do you think they are crazy people as they take risks? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  What sports are more popular in our country?  What sports are less developed in our country? What can be the reason?  Do achievements in sport develop country’s economy? How?  Do sportsmen earn much money?  Why do some athletes get involved in drugs?  Why do some popular sportsmen decide to quit their favorite leisure? 45

 Is sport a big policy of each country?  Why are Olympic Games so important event for countries to take part in?  How much are such sports events beneficial for a host country?  Can Olympic Games play any role in international affairs? How important are they?  Why is winning at all costs so important in sport these days?  Sports provide a person with a healthy body and a sound mind, don’t they?  Do all sports ward off all kind of diseases?  How much do you think morning exercises are useful to keep fit?  How can young people be encouraged to go in for sport?  Why do some people like to show off doing risky sports?  Sport has become a commercial affair, hasn’t it?


TEENAGERS “A child who hasn’t been loved will become an adult who can’t love.”

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  What category of people are called teenagers?  As a teenager whose advice do you usually follow: your relatives or your teachers?  Whom do you rely on when you are in trouble: your parents or your friends?  Where should teenagers spend much of their time: with their family members or with their friends?  Whose help is more important for teenagers: their parents’ or specialists’?  Suicide attempts by teenagers seem to be increasing. What is the reason of it explained by?  Most teenagers commit crimes not because of necessity but by the cause of excess, don’t they?  How often are you confronted with bullies in your every day life?  Where are teenagers under more pressure: at home or at school?  Teenagers have no problems, it is they who cause problems, don’t they?  Do teenagers cause as many problems as adults do?  What youth organizations do you know that directly deal with teenagers?  What important role do teenagers play in the society?  Has anyone stopped you doing something because of your age? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  What problems do teenagers face today?  Which of them are more serious? Which of them are less serious? 47

 Why do teenagers have such problems?  What is the best thing being a teenager?  What are the disadvantages of being a teenager?  How to prevent teenagers from becoming involved in bad business?  Must parents perform all their teenager-child’s requests?  What would be a good punishment for a teenager who persistently disobeys his parents?  Is a teenager’s problem the headache of one family or of the whole society?  Who is the most responsible for teenager’s misbehavior: teenager himself, his parents or the society?  What are the ways of reducing the problems caused by teenagers?  What kind of teenagers are easily involved in drug business?  What measures must be taken to protect young generation against drug addiction?  Drugs is the problem of the country such as the US. Why is this very powerful country weak to fight against it?


TRANSPORT “The true traveler is he who goes on foot, and even then, he sits down a lot of the time.” Colette.

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  What is transport? What means of transport do you know?  What is the most dangerous form of transport? Why?  What type of transport do people usually prefer when they travel?  Which type of transport is the most available?  Which transport is the cheapest means of traveling?  What kind of transport would you invent if you could?  Why is the transport system of the country considered to be very important?  What types of transport should industrial centers have more?  What is the role of transport in the development of the country?  How good are you at the Highway Code?  What do you think of the latest public transport system in Almaty?  Have you ever been on public transport without a ticket?  How much will it be useful to let coaches to reduce traffic jam and air pollution? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by plane?  What are the drawbacks of traveling by train?  What ways would you suggest to reduce traffic accidents?  Who is the most responsible for road accidents: a driver or local road security system or pedestrians?  Who takes the responsibility for making roads that are safe to drive on? 49

 Are warning signs enough for safe traffic?  Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways or on improving public transportation? Why?  Drivers who use highways should pay an amount of money for the road they use, shouldn’t they?  How would you solve the problem of traffic jam in our city?  Have the cars become a passion or a serious problem nowadays?  Are you in favor of having cars or against it?  At what age should a person be allowed to get a driving license?  Being a horse-loving nation the Kazakhs will have to use horses as a means of transport to avoid traffic jam, won’t they?  How much is the work of the traffic police risky and dangerous?  Are you quite satisfied with the public transport service in our city?  How much contribution do cars make to air pollution of our city?


WARS/CONFLICTS “Wars teach us not to love our enemies, but to hate our allies.” W.L.George

I. Answer the following questions:  How do you comment on the above-mentioned quotation?  What is conflict described by?  How often do conflicts take place in your life?  Do you consider yourself a scandalous person?  What causes people to clash with?  Do coward people or clever people try to escape conflicts?  What kind of people are more tended to make quarrels?  What should a person do to avoid possible conflicts?  Does misunderstanding always lead to conflicts?  What worldwide organizations do you know that maintain peace and security?  Why do their attempts sometimes fail to prevent wars?  Is it only the function of the United Nations to settle conflict problems?  What should be done to maintain peace and security?  What is the Second World War remembered by?  How many compatriots of us had been victims of that war?  What things do you consider worth arguing about? II. Discuss the following questions with your partner:  What is the difference between conflicts and wars?  What factors do mainly lead to wars?  Who is more responsible for wars between countries to break out: people, government or third party?  Conflicts are usually settled by the third party, aren’t they?  How much is the third party intervention successful to cease wars/conflicts?  What is more important in conflict settling: power or wisdom?  Does so-called “racing game among pupils at school show that teachers motivate young generation get into conflicts? 51

 Conflicts are inevitable as we live in competitive society, are they?  Would you fight for your motherland if you found it’s politically wrong?  What issues hasten World War III as some politicians predict it?  The possession of nuclear weapons is a real threat to peace, isn’t it?  What countries do you know that get involved in protracted wars?  Who do you think the winner in American-led Iraqi war is: America or Iraq?  Who is to blame for the world full of troubles and problems where we ourselves live in?


RELAXATION PART Find the international abbreviations in the puzzle below:





























































1. ----------------2. ----------------3. ----------------4. ----------------5. ----------------6. ----------------7. ----------------8. ----------------9. -----------------

10. --------------11. --------------12. --------------13. --------------14. --------------15. --------------16. --------------17. ---------------18. ----------------


Family Find family-related words and circle them: G O A C O U S I N E P H








1. ----------------2. ----------------3. ----------------4. ----------------5. ----------------6. ----------------7. -----------------




8. ----------------9. ----------------10. --------------11. --------------12. --------------13. --------------14.--------------Education




4 2



3 4 5 Down: 1. something taught at school 2. about 2000 pounds 3. International organization 4. and the others (abbr)

Across: 1. a learner 2. a part of your foot 3. a test 4. to race 54


5. opposite of yes 6. an instructor

5. people go on their free time Learning languages










2 3 4 5

Down: 1. English, Kazakh, Russian 2. You get knowledge from it 3. not a written exam 4. to look at and understand words in a book. etc 5. something is true or exact 6. a trainer 7. the way things are arranged 8. not willing to do something 9. the day before today Across:

1. a room for developing listening skills 2. a determiner used before a noun 3. a mark for student’s work 4. a test you take at the University 5. My ……. - International relations 55


Jobs Find professions ending with “ist” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





Food Find food-related words beginning with the letter “s” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1. makes your drink sweet 2. meat mixed with spices in a tube of skin 3. main meal of the day 4. a small round flat dish 5. an object for liquid food 6. something that improves food’s flavor 7. a liquid food 8. a food containing vegetables 9. candy 10. a drink has which been cooked slowly Travelling 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10

1. buying and selling process 2. to move people or things from one place to another 3. somebody who teaches you to something 4. to go somewhere 5. extremely fashionable 6. a very large number 7. problems/worries 8. it is a tour, it is a journey 9. an interpreter 10. the trip of “Titanic” ended in -------.


Shopping Where do you go to buy or to do the things on the left? Match the first column with the second one 1. to buy a pair of shoes or boots 2. to buy medicines 3. to buy fish or a crab 4. to buy sausages, meat 5. to do a haircut (men) 6. to buy potatoes, carrot 7. to buy butter, cheese 8. to buy wine, whisky 9. to buy a bunch of roses 10. to buy cigarettes, matches 11. to buy newspapers or magazines 12. to buy stamps 13. to buy a loaf of bread, cakes 14. to buy a sofa, a bed 15. to buy the latest fashion 16. to buy a ring, a watch 17. to buy a pair of glasses 18. to buy a pen, envelopes 19. to make a new hair20. to clean a jacket, a 21. to buy a hummer, a screwdriver 22. to cash a cheque 23. to do weekly washing 24. to have a cup of tea 25. to book a holiday 26. to buy things for making or repairing clothes 27. to buy a hat or a cap 28. to have your hands manicured 29. to get clothes repaired 30. to have your teeth made 31. to get your car fixed 32. to have documents made official 33. to buy new books 34. to buy socks, stockings 35. to have a copy of the documents 36. to meet or see somebody off 37. to have your mobile phone fixed 38. to buy make up 39. to have your photo taken 40. to get computer programs

a) florist’s b) barber’s c) a hotel d) chemist’s e) shoe shop f) haberdashery g) ironmonger’s h) newsagent’s i) furniture shop j) fishmonger’s k) tobacconist’s l) grocer’s m) the station/airport n) greengrocer’s o) optician’s p) photographer’s studio q) cafe r) software department s) hosiery department t) post-office u) stationer’s v)jeweler’s w) a tailor’s shop x) dry-cleaner’s y) launderette z) cosmetics department aa) a notary bb)repair shop cc) off-licence dd)Xerox centre ee) millinery ff)a bookshop gg) a bank hh) the dentist’s ii)a beauty parlour jj) boutique kk) baker’s ll) travel agency mm) butcher’s nn) hairdresser’s oo) a garage 58

Questionnaire Would money make you happy? 1. Which one of these old sayings do you think comes nearest the truth? a. Money can’t buy happiness b. Money breeds money c. Money is the root of all evil d. Money is meant to be spent e. Money brings security 2. Which of these do you think is most important for a happy, full and content life? a. Money b. Love c. Success d. Health e. A clear conscience 3. Which would you rather be? a. Head of a worldwide corporation b. A famous movie/pop star c. A lotus-eater d. Who you are e. Anyone but who you are 4. You inherit as much money as you earn in five years. Would you… a. Spend it in yourself? b. Spend it on others? c. Save it for a rainy day? d. Speculate? e. Not know what to do with it? 5. A girl has five boyfriends. Would you advise her to marry… a. The richest? b. The kindest? c. The most handsome? d. The most protective? e. The one who needs her most? 6. Which of these do you enjoy most? a. Watching television b. Being with friends c. Making money d. Spending money e. Eating 59

7. As a millionaire, you can afford a wardrobe of new clothes. What would you do with your old ones? a. Give them away b. Throw them away c. Sell them d. Hoard them e. Go on wearing them 8. You are a millionaire and a close friend seeks a loan. Would you… a. Ask why? b. Give him the money c. Lend it at interest? d. Lend it without interest? e. Say you never lend money?







2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a-5 a-3 a-5 a-3 a-1 a-4 a-2

b-4 b-5 b-4 b-4 b-4 b-5 b-4

c-3 c-2 c-2 c-5 c-3 c-3 c-3

d-2 d-4 d-3 d-2 d-5 d-1 d-5

e-1 e-1 e-1 e-1 e-2 e-2 e-1


How you scored? If your score is … 37 or over You would certainly have a lot of fun with your riches. You’d be happy enough, but you might be even happier if you tried spreading a little happiness to others around you. 31-36 You don’t need to be rich to be happy. You are a naturally happy person. But riches would make you even happier because they would enable you to help those you love. 21-30 You stand the greatest chance of becoming rich. You know the value of money and will always work at making more. Being rich would bring you considerable satisfaction, though perhaps not true happiness. You would always want be just that little bit richer, so you’d never be truly content. 13-20 To you, riches would mean security. Which would make you happier though not completely happy All the money in the world would still not prevent you from feeling a shade insecure at times. 12 or less You probably think that riches would make you completely happy. They wouldn’t. Any lack of happiness lies in yourself. Start counting your blessings instead of your misfortunes. Marcia Roberts


Word chain Make a word chain by writing in the links the letters of the 10 words defined by the clues. Begin at the top and move clockwise around the circle. Each word overlaps with the next, that is, the final two letters of each word are the first two letters of the following word.


Word chain Make a word chain by writing in the links the letters of the 10 words defined by the clues. Begin at the top and move clockwise around the circle. Each word overlaps with the next, that is, the final two letters of each word are the first two letters of the following word.


LET’S LISTEN TO JOKES…. -What three words do students use most? - I don’t know. - That’s right.


Geography teacher: - John, where is the English Channel? -I don’t know. We can’t get it on our TV.


A man in a restaurant said to a man sitting next to him: - Do you realize that you are reading your newspaper upside down? - Of course, I realize it. Do you think it is easy?


Chemistry teacher: - Mary give me the formula for water? Mary: H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O. - What a crazy answer is that? Mary: You told us water was H to O.


-What time is it now? - It’s five o’clock. - I must be going crazy. All day long I keep getting different answers.


- My dog is lost. - Why don’t you put an ad in the paper? - Silly, that won’t do any good. My dog can’t read.


Student: - I don’t think that I deserved a zero on this paper. Teacher: - Neither do I, but it’s the lowest grade I can give.


Teacher: - What is the first letter? Pupil: - “A”. Teacher: - That’s right, and what comes after “A”? Pupil: - All the rest of them.


A young modern artist was showing off his latest work. Pointing to a blank canvas, he said “That is a cow grazing.” The visitor asked him: “Where is the grass? The artist: “The cow has eaten it.” The visitor: “And where is the cow?” The artist: “Do you think that she would stay here after she had eaten all the grass?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………….……



Act up – To behave badly Arm and leg – An extremely high price that must be paid for something that isn’t worth the price At the drop of a hat – Immediately; promptly At the end of one’s rope – At the limit of one’s ability to cope Back against the wall - To be in bad trouble Beat around the bush – To talk about things without giving a clear answer Beat the rap – To escape the legal penalty one ought to receive Bend over backwards – To try very hard Bite off more than one can chew – To try to do more than you are able to do Blow it – To fail at something; to make a big mistake Bite the hand that feeds one – To turn against or hurt a helper or supporter Bitter pill to swallow – Something difficult that one has to live with Blow one’s cool – To lose self composure Bone to pick – A reason for dispute; something to complain or argue about Burn a hole in one’s pocket – To be likely to be quickly spent Burn the candle at both ends – To work or play too hard with enough rest Bury the hatchet – To make peace Can of worms – A complex problem or complicated situation Cat got your tongue – Can’t talk Change one’s tune – To make a change in your story, statement or claim Come again – Please say that again Come clean – Confess Cough up – Give unwillingly Count one’s chickens before they are hatched – Be too sure that something will happen Cry over spilled milk – To cry or complain about something that has already happened Cut one’s nose to spite one’s face – To suffer from an action intended originally to harm another person Double cross – To deceive or betray somebody Drive someone up the wall – To annoy someone greatly Early bird gets the worm – Arriving early gives one an advantage Eating someone up – To bother or worry someone 65

Fishy – Something strange or unusual Fly off the handle –to become very angry Full of beans – Being foolish and talking nonsense Get away with murder – To do something very bad without getting caught Get in someone’s hair – To bother someone Get under one’s skin – To bother someone Get the ball rolling – To initiate action Go to bat for someone – help out or support someone Get to the bottom of –To find the real cause of Get up on the wrong side of the bed – To wake up in a bad mood Go Dutch – To have each person pay for himself Go over one’s head – To be too difficult to understand Half baked – Not thought out or studied thoroughly Handwriting on the wall – A sign that something bad will happen Have one’s cake and eat it too – To have two things when only one is available If the shoe fits, wear it – If what is said describes you, you are meant In the same boat – To be in the same trouble Jump on the bandwagon – To join a popular cause or movement Kick the bucket –To die Kill two birds with one stone – To succeed in doing two things by only one action Leave someone holding the bag – To force someone to take the entire responsibility or blame for something that Let the cat out of the bag – To inform beforehand Make a mountain out of a mole hill – To give something more importance than it merits Mend fences – To renew a broken relationship Mind one’s P’s and Q’s – To be very careful what you say and do Not to give one the time of day – To ignore somebody Once in a blue moon – To happen infrequently Out on a limb – In a risky situation Out of the woods – Out of danger Pull one’s leg – To be joking Read between lines – To understand by guessing at what is left unsaid Slip one’s mind – To forget something Smell a rat – To be suspicious or feel that something is wrong Tongue in cheek – Not serious Wet behind the ears – To be inexperienced Wet blanket – A dull or boring person whose presence spoils the happiness or fun of others 66

BRITISH AND AMERICAN WAYS OF SAYING THE SAME THING British a great failure articulated lorry bank holiday bathe biscuit block of flats boot bonnet bobby bomb braces butter bean call box camp bed carrier bag car park caretaker cashier central reservation char lady chemist chips cling film coach cotton council estate crisps current account deposit account drawing pin dressing gown dual carriageway dummy dust bin

American bomb semi-truck national holiday go swimming cookie apartment house trunk hood policeman a great success suspenders lima bean telephone booth cot shopping bag parking lot janitor teller median house cleaner druggist French fries saran wrap bus thread public housing potato chip checking account savings account thumb tack bathrobe divided highway pacifier garbage can 67

elastic band electric power point estate car fag faggot filter sign first floor fish slice fitted carpet flat flex football funnel gammon garden hack hall of residence headmaster heater hire purchase hoarding hold-up hoover hot pot icing sugar inverted commas ironmongery jacket potato jam jelly jumper junction knickers knock up lay by level crossing lorry mackintosh minced meat motorway nappy number plate

rubber band electric outlet station wagon cigarette meatball yield second floor spatula wall-to-wall carpet apartment electric wire soccer smokestack ham backyard horse ride dormitory principal gas or electric fire installment plan billboard traffic jam vacuum cleaner casserole frosting quotation marks hardware baked potato jelly Jell-O sweater intersection underwear to wake or rouse smb rest stop railroad crossing truck rain coat ground beef highway diaper license plate 68

pack up pants paraffin part exchange pavement pedestrian crossing peg petrol porridge porter post code potty pupils queue return ticket revise for an exam roundabout rubbish rubber scone secondary school Sellotape silencer single ticket sorbet spot on standard lamp sweetshop take-away food tap tissue to become pregnant to have a bath toilet torch trousers trolley trunk call tube turnups vest way out

break down underpants kerosene trade-in sidewalk crosswalk clothespin gasoline oatmeal doorman zip code crazy students line round-trip ticket review for an exam traffic circle garbage eraser biscuit high school Scotch tape muffler one-way ticket sherbet on the button (just what is needed) floor lamp candy shop take-out food faucet kleenex knock up bathe bathroom flashlight pants grocery cart long distance telephone call subway trouser cuffs undershirt exit 69


Types of questions ....................................................................... 3 Questions for discussion .............................................................. 5 Relaxation part.............................................................................. 53 Common American idioms........................................................... 65 British and American ways of saying the same thing .................. 67


Оқу басылымы

Дүйсеева Лəйла Əбибуллақызы

SO MANY QUESTIONS... Оқу-əдістемелік құралы Шығарушы редакторы Керімше Сəбит Компьютерде беттеген Тұраш Сапарова Мұқабасын көркемдеген Гүлжан Құрманова

ИБ № 5038 Басуға 24.01.2011 жылы қол қойылды. Пішімі 60х84 1/16. Көлемі 4,5 б.т. Офсетті қағаз. Сандық басылыс. Тапсырыс № 36. Таралымы 150 дана. Бағасы келісімді. Əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университетінің «Қазақ университеті» баспасы. 050040, Алматы қаласы, əл-Фараби даңғылы, 71. «Қазақ университеті» баспаханасында басылды