Table of contents : Contents Acknowledgments Introduction 1. Boundaries and Interpretations: Some Preliminary Thoughts on Xushu 2. Transformations of Monkey: Xiyou ji Sequels and the Inward Turn 3. In the Name of Correctness: Ding Yaokang’s Xu Jin Ping Mei as a Reading of Jin Ping Mei 4. Eliminating Traumatic Antinomies: Sequels to Honglou meng 5. Honglou meng Sequels and Their Female Readers in Nineteenth- Century China 6. Growing from the Waist: The Problem of Sequeling in Yu Wanchun’s Dangkou zhi 7. Rewriting the Tang: Humor, Heroics, and Imaginative Reading 8. Vindication of Patriarchy: Chen Tianchi’s Ruyijun zhuan as a Critique of the Ming Ruyijin zhuan 9. The Voices of the Re-readers: Interpretations of Three Late-Qing Rewrites of Jinhua yuan 10. From Self-Vindication to Self-Celebration: The Autobiographical Journey in Lao Can youji and Its Sequel Glossary Bibliography Contributors Index