Sleazoid Express

This is a compendium of the influential gonzo grindhouse zine Sleazoid Express. In a bygone era, when Times Square was

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English Pages 197 Year 1980-2005

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Table of contents :
issue 4
issue 6
2021-12-23 13:08
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Sleazoid Express

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Suhned¡ocne MoniPulotlon


If onLy because its predeceasor energed over seven To say that BUTTERFLY is an adaptatlon of a James M' neoÈhls years earlier, DEATIT IdISH II is not an instant renake' even Cain novel is inaccurate--it's better stated that has the feeL of a sequel rushed lnto production the if it softcore filn uses one of his steamier novels as a starting stgpped rolllng on the flrst f11m''- Agafn' brief, point. To ¡nake Èhe extrenely convoluEed narrative prudlsh day the camera plaiã the gentle archltect Paul Kersey, who a Bronson Charles suffice it to say it's set in 1937, and Lnvolves in tos Angeles after reslgûing happily live to he attempts mine man llving in Èhe ArLzona desert next to the silver vlgllante. Ttte same tragedy clty York New the not being mây from or nây guards, úeing seduced by a nynphet r¿ho .b: with a grouP of raclally nixed thugg raplng ñi" daughter. Eventually, at a concluding incest triaL strikes agaLn, and daughter, who's stlLlblood ties between most of the princlpals are and killiãg Kersey's Chicano nald ".qrr.rr"", catatonic from the rape in the prevlous movLe. Naturallyt es t.ablished. Kersey takes out hls old plstoL and hunts down the assaLlants, all of whom are vaflants on obnoXious punk stereoULTIMATE POOR YÛHITE TRASIT types. FAI{¡TASY...A TI{ETAPHOR FOR THE "..TTIE ... IIBIDO. . UNBRIDLED . . .TRAGEDY STRIKES AGAIN. . .RACIALLY MIXED .BUTTERFLYisahugehlÈ--bothant¡mberoflegitcrltTHUGS...ALL OF IlHOtil ARE VARIåNTS.' ON f't's lcs and the J.arge crãwd at the PLaza theatre t'hlnk OBNOXIOUS PUNK STEREOIYPES. . . this the ,rltinate trasñ. I'd take issue l¡1h that claim, but Because the dlrection and musical ends are by trto movie is, for the mosq partr very enjoyable' As the female Though publtclty' advance her up lLves Britlshers, Michael l{lnner and Jlnny Page resPectlvelyt lead, Pia Zadora !o qI 4) (continued Kenneth Anger has referied to thls uovie as "rlch landlords ¡åge oif úttle they watch urchins fighting it out wlth tazof. bLades Ln the gutter.rr There's truth ln thls statement, as DEATII WISH II utlllzes the pornography of brutallIriecmerizing Shock Value ty .råry bluntly. The rapes, seeningLy cut dorrn,to avold an graphlc, aa arè the several beatingst Ttre best new movÍe I've seen all year, ÏfE KILLING OF X-rattng, are very tÞiffffiäî shootings. and AMERICA, is a startltngly effective marrlage of thoughtful-. staburnlÃ, Ë;"ffecttvelv meditation on crime and visceral ttMondott type exploltaÈ1on. I{ritten by Leonard Shrader, brother and sometlmes collaborator with Paul Shrader, who spent four monÈhs researching .


,' . . . SENSELESS



CRIME. . .ASSASTÑS, SNTPERS, CULTTSTS, AND SEX MANIACS. . . '' murder, this is a novie that r¿ill mesnetlze both the sensationalism addict and intellectual in any SLEAZOID EXPP.ESS reader. For once, nothing is staged and all events are


In the mld-seventies, exploitatton fllms brlefly dtshighly profitable r¡rinkle in the softcore :;:.'? lew' BLoNDE, TALL, MENACTNG ". . .buxou,.THORNE AS ILSÀ... DIA¡¡E


real. The focus is squarely on the senseless killing contemporary críme, covering assassins, snipérs, cultists, sadism and hardcore violence vèin--ILSA uovles. The and sãx maniacs. The filn considers 1963, with Kennedy's sex, filn in rhe series, ILSA, TIGRESS OF SIBERIA was a assassination, the birth of this nevü age of k1ll-ing, a year thírd flrst, ILSA, SHE I{OLF OF. TBE exploitation aficionados wil-l remember as the birth of gore relarive faiLure, but both the (con¿inued sr fnge 3) (continued ør 4) 1n

