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English Pages [87] Year 2020
Russia’s Aircraft Soviet & Russian Military Aircraft 1955 - 2020
edited by
Larry Bond, Chris Carlson, & Peter Grining Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia’s Aircraft
Russia’s Aircraft Russian Military Aircraft 1955 - Present Day edited by
Larry Bond, Chris Carlson, and Peter Grining published by
Admiralty Trilogy Group
Copyright © 2020 by Admiralty Trilogy Group, LLC All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Made in the USA. No part of this game may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. Harpoon is a registered Trademark by Larry Bond and Christopher Carlson for their modern tactical naval wargame. The Admiralty Trilogy is a registered Trademark by Larry Bond, Christopher Carlson, Edward Kettler, and Michael Harris for their Twentieth-Century tactical naval gaming system. The designers of Harpoon are prepared to answer questions about the game system. They can be reached in care of [email protected]. Visit their website at www.admiraltytrilogy.com. This version of Russia’s Aircraft contains all corrections from errata through 3 July 2020 Cover: Su-33 fighters, one Su-25 UTG and two Ka-27 helicopters on aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov. (Russian Navy)
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia’s Aircraft
Table of Contents
Page Table of Contents 2 Acknowledgements 2 The 2012 Damage Point Standard 2 Annex Notes 2 Introduction 3 A Note on Ordnance Loadouts 3 Annex B Aircraft B-1 Abbreviations B-56 Annex Ba Aircraft Fuel Offload Rates B-57 Annex E Depth Charges E-1 Annex F Torpedoes F-1 Annex G Mines G-1 Annex H1 Unguided Air Ordnance H1-1 Annex H2 Guided Air Ordnance H2-1 Annex H3 Aircraft Guns H3-1 Annex H4 Air-to-Air Missiles H4-1 Annex H5 Aircraft Electronics H5-1 Annex H6 Anti-Runway Ordnance H6-1 Annex H7 Free-Fall Nuclear Bombs H7-1 Annex J3 Air Radars J3-1 Annex J3a Long-Range Missile Seeker J3-5 Annex K2 Airborne Search Sonars K-1 Annex K3 Sonar Processors K-2 Bibliography 85
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Andy Doty, Pat Hreachmack, Kevin Martell, Dave Schueler, Steve Thorne, Jim Sperling, and Jay Wissmann. The 2012 Damage Point Standard: Russia’s Aircraft uses the “2012 Standard” to calculate a ship’s damage points. This method, described in the April 2012 issue of the Naval SITREP (hence the name) matches historical results more closely than the older “2006 Standard” used in older supplements. If you are using ship data from more than one Admiralty Trilogy publication, make sure that the damage points have all been calculated using the 2012 Standard. Annex Notes: The information on the platforms, weapons, and sensors in this annex has been standardized so that it is compatible and consistent with all Admiralty Trilogy games. Equipment that was used in more than one era will have the same statistics in all games. Information in this Annex is compatible with Harpoon fifth edition. The Annex designations are standardized for all four Admiralty Trilogy games: Dawn of the Battleship, Fear God & Dread Nought, Command at Sea, and Harpoon. Gaps in the sequence are caused by annexes that are not applicable to that era or product. If there is information in another Trilogy publication that conflicts with the data printed here, use the information in the product with the newest copyright date, since new information and corrections can change statistics. If you have a question about the conflict, or about any other data listed, please contact us. Except for Annex A, systems are listed in their annexes alphabetically, first by country, then by name. The ships in Annex A are listed in traditional order, with capital ships first, followed by minor combatants, submarines, mine warfare craft, auxiliaries, then civilian vessels. An alphabetical list of ships by class name is provided beginning on the next page. Systems listed in italics never entered service. They existed only as hypothetical designs, in prototype or developmental form. Ships with a year in parentheses following their name have been radically altered since they entered service, and were operational in their new configuration in the listed year.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia’s Aircraft
A Note on Ordnance Loadouts
The post World War 2 Soviet Air Force was in fact a number of separate services - the Military Air Force or VVS, Air Defense Forces or PVO and Naval Aviation or AVMF. The VVS had three main branches - Frontal Aviation, Long Range Aviation and Military Transport Aviation, known as FA, DA and VTA. FA flew the fighters, attack and reconnaissance aircraft based in the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Mongolia and Poland. Units based in the USSR flew the DA bombers and VTA transport aircraft. VVS was renamed Russian Aerospace Forces or VKS in August 2015 when the ballistic missile defense units of the Aerospace Defense Forces were absorbed. PVO consisted of radar stations, surface to air missiles and interceptors or IA-PVO to defend the airspace of the Soviet Union. In 1998 PVO was merged with VVS. AVMF had a large aviation component including land based fighter regiments to defend coastal regions. As part of the 1960s cuts, AVMF lost its torpedo bombers and transferred fighters to the PVO. Army Aviation, flying attack and transport helicopters in support of Ground Forces, was renamed as Ground Forces Aviation or ASV in the early 1980s. In January 2003, command of ASV passed to the VVS. The paramilitary Border Guards also operates ships and aircraft. Border Guards was under the KGB from 1954, and was then independent until coming under the FSB from 1993. Border Guards have similar roles to US Coast Guard along with land border security. The most traumatic event for Soviet Air Forces was the breakup of Soviet Union in December 1991. Around half the aircraft and personnel were now in foreign countries. Some returned to Russia, many remained. The 1990s were “the lost decade” with no funding for new equipment and training suffering from drastically reduced flying hours. Aircraft regiments were reduced from three to two squadrons around 1998. With Vladimir Putin entering power widespread reforms commenced, including the first new aircraft purchases in around 20 years. The Russian Air Force deployed to Syria to support the Assad regime in 2015. As a result, the majority of aircrew have combat experience and aircraft and weapons have been tested under combat conditions. Throughout this work, “Russia” refers to both the pre-1991 Soviet Union (USSR) and the post 1991 Russia. “AVMF” is naval aviation, “PVO” refers to IA-PVO and “Air Force” for the commands under VVS control. This volume does not cover any of the independent Republics, such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine. Some of the Russian-made aircraft used by these countries have been modified, either with Russian or Israeli and French systems. Players should check the exact configuration of aircraft from these countries when using statistics from this book.
For reasons of space and ease of reading, not all possible combinations are included in Ordnance Loadouts. Free-fall ordnance can usually be substituted for similar weapons of the same weight class. For example, a FAB-500 general purpose bomb can be replaced by a RBK-500 cluster bomb or a BeTAB-500 concrete-piercing bomb. A rocket pod or a gun pod cannot replace a bomb, though. This only applies to unguided freefall ordnance. When substituting one weapon for another, check the in-service dates of the new ordnance. For example, the RBK-250 and RBK-500 cluster bombs, and high drag Sh-series bombs are available starting in the early 1970s. These can replace the FAB-250 and FAB-500. When setting up a scenario, check Annex B and the weapons Annexes to find any applicable weapons and aircraft upgrades. For example, the Su-35S entered service in December 2015, but the Kh-35U was not carried until September 2017 (Annex B Remarks). The Kh-35U entered service in 2016 (Annex H2) on the Su-34 (Annex B). The Kh-35U is also carried by the Ka-52K (yet to enter service), MiG-29KR (IOC 2015), MiG-35S (IOC 2021), Su-30SM (IOC 2015), Su-57 (IOC expected 2020). As the Annex B entries do not mention a separate date for the Kh-35U, it entered service on MiG-29KR, Su-30SM in 2016 and the remainder on IOC. Possible ordnance loadouts should be determined before game play, to work out weapons delivery tactics. Due to space restrictions and lack of information, some weapons in Annex H2 - Guided Weapons do not appear in Annex B. The rule of thumb is to replace like for like. Annex B calls out KAB-500Kr, but the KAB-500-OD can be carried in the same loadouts. The Grom series weigh around 600 kg, less than Kh-29 or Kh-31, so they can be carried, replacing those weapons. Likewise, the Kh-38M is designed to replace the Kh-29. KAB-500M, UAB-500 can be carried replacing KAB-500Kr or KAB-500L. UAB1500B replaces KAB-1500. The status of the KAB-1500S series is unknown, but again would replace any KAB-1500 in Annex B loadouts. The KAB-1500TK and UPAB-1500Kr require APK-9 guidance pod, so a closer match would be to replace the Kh-59 series. Likewise, the UAB-1500 entered service in 2019; they can be carried by any aircraft capable of carrying the KAB-1500 series. ATBIP, or the “Father of All Bombs” was tested in 2007, possibly from a transport aircraft. It is unknown whether it has entered service. Some of these new weapons might be export only. Some might be canceled before development is complete. To summarize, if an Annex B entry has a date for a weapon, that is when it entered service on that aircraft. If there is no date, it was carried by the aircraft when it entered service.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia’s Aircraft
Annex B - Aircraft Russia 3M [Bison B/C]
A-50/50M/50U [Mainstay] Bomber/Tanker
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 73 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: RBP-4 Rubidy-MM radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 445 480 -Med: 455 490 -High: 465 500 -Ceiling: 12250 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: See Remarks Int Fuel: 102950 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 6500 L drop tank 5265 kg 325 nmi 7600 L bay tank 6155 kg See Remarks Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg Def Guns: Dorsal, ventral twin AM-23 23mm. Rear twin AM-23/ PRS-1 Argon radar FC (1.4) • 1 RDS-1 or 1 RDS-3 or RDS-4T or RDS-5 or RDS-37 • 1 FAB-9000 or 2 FAB-5000 or 6 FAB-3000 • 28 FAB-500 or 52 FAB-250 or 52 FAB-100 • 1 FAB-9000, 2 bay tanks • Single hose/drogue unit, 2 bay tanks (tanker) Remarks: In Svc: 1957 - Mar 94 Solid nose. Can carry 18000 kg payload with reduced fuel. Used for maritime surveillance with low altitude camera. • 3MS-1: RD-3 engines. Range 4820 nmi, bay tank adds 340 nmi. 30 delivered 1956-57. • 3MN-1: VD-7B engines. Range 5415 nmi, bay tank adds 380 nmi. Retired in 1980s. 44 delivered 1955-59. • 3MD [Bison C], with Rubin-1K radar, PRS-3 Argon replaces PRS-1, range 5290 nmi, bay tank adds 375 nmi. Was planned with 2 K-14S (version of K-10S with 135 nmi range) underwing. K-14S canceled, Aug 1960 and production cut short at 9 a/c as pure bombers. In service 1960-85. • 3MP: Proposed version of 3MD with provision for either missile carrier, bomber or tanker roles. • 19 Jul 57: Drop tanks added to 3MN-1 only. • 1 Mar 59: First operational refueling by M-4 tanker. • 1962 - 67: 32 3MN-1 and 3MS-1 converted to 3MN-2 and 3MS-2 tankers. Inflight refueling probe and countermeasures removed. Can be converted between bomber and tanker roles. MN-1 can transfer 2846 nmi, 3MS-1 can transfer 2535 nmi to receivers. Inflight refuel N/D. • 1979-85: Permanently converted to tankers.
A-40 [Mermaid]
ASW Patrol
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 50 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 2nd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Sokol radar (use Novella 2 stats), Novella acoustic processor, 48 sonobuoys, MAD, 3rd Gen ES, 1st Gen FLIR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 390 410 -Med: 390 410 -High: 390 410 -Ceiling: 9700 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 2525 nmi Int Fuel: 28080 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6500 kg • 3 APR-3 Orel or 4 APR-2 Yastreb torpedoes • 4 MDM-3 mines or 6 KAB-250-100PL Zagon DC Remarks: In Svc: 1995 Amphibian. Estimated mine and DC numbers. • 6 Dec 86: First flight of prototype. Canceled early 1990s.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 84 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 2nd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Shmel radar, 2nd Gen ES, Gen 0 RWR, Gen 4 SemiAutomatic combat system Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 440 -Med: 405 440 -High: 405 440 -Ceiling: 12200 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 2295/3470 nmi Int Fuel: 64820 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1992/2012 • A-50M with Shmel-2 radar, 3rd gen ES, Gen 4 Semi-Automatic combat system. Canceled 22 Oct 90. • A-50U with Shmel-M radar, 3rd Gen ES, 3rd Gen J&D, Gen 5 Automatic combat system. Prototype appeared in 1995. In service 2012. • 1985-88: Service trials. • 2014: 10 A-50, 3 A-50U in service. • Dec 18: 14 A-50, 4 A-50U in service. • Early 19: 4 A-50, 6 A-50U in service. Further 9 A-50 in reserve, seventh A-50U under conversion.
A-90 Orlyonok [Orlan]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 80 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: -Sensors: MR-244 Ekran radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 195 230 -Med: 195 230 -Ceiling: 3000 m Engine Type: TP & TF Cruise Range: 790 nmi Int Fuel: ? Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 28000 kg Def Guns: 2 DShK 12.7mm in forward dorsal turret (0.1) Remarks: In Svc: 1978-93 Project 904. Wing-in-Ground-Effect craft (WIG). Three units built, S-23 (1972), S-25 (1979), S-26 (1980). Can take off and land up through Sea State 4. Can carry 400 naval infantry, 20 tons cargo, one BTR APC. Hinged nose with bow ramp. Fitted with wheels for beaching. • 1975: S-23 crashed, rebuilt as S-21 in 1978. • Oct 79: Trials with airborne unit and three craft in Caspian Sea. • 21 Apr 87: Move to Black Sea. • 1992: S-22 lost in crash • 1993: Trials ended, placed in reserve. Struck 1999-06.
A-100 Premier
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 84 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: -Counterm: 3rd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Premier radar, 3rd Gen ES, Gen 6 Automatic combat system Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 440 -Med: 405 440 -High: 405 440 -Ceiling: 12500 m Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 4335 nmi Int Fuel: e84000 kg Remarks: In Svc: 2024 First flight Dec 17. Il-476 airframe. Performance estimated.
Russia’s Aircraft
Recon UAV
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 24 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: -Sensors: 3rd Gen FLIR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 110 160 -Med: 110 160 -High: 110 160 -Ceiling: 15000 meters Engine Type: Diesel Cruise Range: 4590 nmi Int Fuel: ? kg Remarks: In Svc: ? BAK BD or Long Range UAV Complex. Operates from runway, controlled by SATCOM. Originally known as Altius-M. • 20 Aug 19: First flight. • Two naval versions planned - target acquisition and attack possibly with two Kh-35.
An-2TD [Colt]
Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Damage Value: 12 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 100 140 -Med: 110 135 -Ceiling: 4400 meters Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 640 nmi Int Fuel: 900 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1951 STOL biplane. Can carry 12 troops or 12 paratroops or 1250 kg cargo. License built in China as Y-5. • 2011: Remains in service for parachute training.
An-8 [Camp]
An-12B [Cub A/B]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 39 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 260 324 -Med: 260 324 -High: 260 324 -Ceiling: 9600 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 2020 nmi Int Fuel: 10595 kg Def Guns: 2 AM-23 23mm in tail (0.7) • 4 FOTAB-100-80 illumination flares Remarks: In Svc: 1959 - 70s 150 produced 1958-61. Can carry 60 troops or 40 paratroops or 4000 kg cargo. Can increase payload to 11000 kg with reduced fuel. Unpressurized cargo hold - limited to Medium altitude carrying troops • Mid-71: Five remain in service.
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 61 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Sensors: Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 300 380 -Med: 300 400 -High: 300 420 -Ceiling: 10500 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 2365 nmi Int Fuel: 13445 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 9850 L auxiliary fuel 7980 kg 1870 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: See Remarks Def Guns: 2 AM-23 23mm in tail (0.7) • 2 FotAB-100-80 illumination flares (illuminates landing zones) • 70 OFAB-100 or 32 OFAB-250 or 18 FAB-500 (An-12BKB) • 18 UDM-500 mines (An-12BKB)
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Remarks: In Svc: May 1959 Can be fitted with 1st Gen D. Can carry 91 troops or 60 paratroops or 20000 kg cargo. Maximum altitude Medium with troops carried due to lack of cargo bay pressurization. Cub series had fuel, engine and other improvements. Stats above for An-12B. • An-12: First 140 have 10775 kg fuel, 1525 nmi range, 14500 kg cargo. An-12P aux fuel adds 1495 nmi. • An-12A: 11390 kg fuel, 1940 nmi range, in service 1961, 16000 kg cargo. An-12AP aux fuel adds 1795 nmi. • An-12B: In service 1963. An-12BP aux fuel adds 1870 nmi. • An-12BK: As An-12BP with more powerful engines, provision for auxiliary fuel, AM-23 guns (0.7), some with 1st Gen D. Production between 1967 and 1972. • An-12BKB: An-12BK fitted as bombers, manual bombsight. In service 1969. • An-12BKT: Ground tanker An-12BK used to refuel aircraft at forward bases. In service 1972. • An-12PS [Cub B]: An-12BP ELINT version for monitoring NADGE and communications. 25-27 built, in service 1960. • An-12RR [Cub B]: An-12 ELINT version, also used by Navy. Deployed to Syria Sep 72-Nov 73. • 1963-89: An-12 to An-12P, An-12A to An-12AP, An-12B to An12BP with additional 7980 kg auxiliary fuel under cabin floor with reduced cargo. • 1965: Transports fitted with all weather formation flying aids. • 1970: One An-12VPK Zebra command post conversion. Used in East Germany until 1992. • May 72: Ten An-12RR with Navy - four Black Sea, two each Baltic, Northern and Pacific.
An-12 [Cub]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 61 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 1st Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: 1st Gen ES Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 300 380 -Med: 300 400 -High: 300 420 -Ceiling: 10200 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 1960 nmi Int Fuel: 13345 kg Def Guns: 2 AM-23 23mm in tail (0.7) Remarks: In Svc: 1964 An-12B and An-12BK conversions. Jammers fitted under floor, cannot carry auxiliary fuel. Range estimated. An-12BK-PPS, An-12PP and An-12PPS have 2nd Gen J&D replacing 23mm cannon. • An-12B-I: Seven with SPS-5 Fasol escort jammers (clutter rating 11), 1st Gen D. In service 1964. Not fitted with ES and must tune jammer before takeoff to one radar type. • An-12BK-IS: 150 with Fasol suite. In service 1970-74. • An-12BK-PPS: SPS-55 Buket Standoff jammer (clutter rating 13), 2nd Gen ES. Lays 60 nmi chaff. An-12BK conversions from 1974. • An-12PP: As An-12BK-PPS. 27 conversions 1970-72. • An-12PPS: As An-12PP, 19 delivered 1971-72.
An-14A Pchyelka [Clod]
Man Rtng: 1.0/1.0 Damage Value: 19 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 110 138 -Med: 110 138 -Ceiling: 5200 meters Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 300 nmi Int Fuel: 880 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1965 - ? STOL. 'Little Bee'. Can carry 8 paratroopers or 720 kg cargo. 330 produced 1965-70.
B-3 An-22 Antheus [Cock]
Russia’s Aircraft
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 97 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Sensors: Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 320 400 -Med: 320 400 -High: 320 400 -Ceiling: 10000 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 4360 nmi Int Fuel: 96000 kg Remarks: In Svc: Jan 1969 Can carry 151 paratroopers or 292 troops or 11000 kg cargo. Can increase payload to 60000 kg with reduced fuel load - one MBT or two SA-4 launchers. Can be fitted with 1st Gen D. Carries 4 illumination flares internally. Limited to Medium altitude while carrying troops or paratroops due to unpressurized cargo hold. An22A has upgraded avionics. • Deliveries: 38 An-22 [Cock A] 1969-73, 28 An-22A [Cock B] 197376. Strength: 55 (1993), 45 (1996), 26 (2000), 5 An-22A (2016) • 3 Jan 74: Declared fully operational. • 1985: Five An-22A fitted with 2nd Gen D for Afghanistan ops. • 2012: Maximum payload to 40000 kg to reduce fatigue.
An-24T [Coke A]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 34 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 243 270 -Med: 243 270 -High: 243 270 -Ceiling: 8400 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 1375 nmi Int Fuel: 4760 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4600 kg • 4 OFAB-100 or 4 FAB-500 bombs Remarks: In Svc: 1967 Military transport with single side door for 33 paratroops or 37 troops or 4600 kg cargo. 164 An-24T delivered 1966-71, and 62 An-24RT (improved APU) delivered 1969-71. Exported from 1968 to 16 countries. • An-24RV Salon: Air Force VIP transport. • An-24V and An-24RV: Civil passenger with 44 passengers. • Mar-Apr 69: Bombing trials. Used by Iraq in 1969.
An-26 [Curl A/B]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 35 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Sensors: Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 237 272 -Med: 237 272 -High: 237 272 -Ceiling: 8100 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 1240 nmi Int Fuel: 5750 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2400 kg • 4 OFAB-100 or 4 FAB-500 bombs Remarks: In Svc: 1970 Can carry one ASU-85 or military truck (GAZ-69, UAZ-469) or 40 passengers or 30 paratroops or 2400 kg cargo, or 24 stretchers. Based on An-24 with rear cargo ramp. Can be used as bomber. • An-26B. 116 civil conversions with parachute capability removed. Can increase payload to 5500 kg with reduced internal fuel. • An-26M: Flying hospital. Two delivered in 1977. • An-26RR SIGINT version. • An-26RT [Curl B] communications relay with 42 conversions from 1973. • An-26RTR with Taran COMINT with at least 8 conversions. • An-26SM: One SIGINT conversion used by East Germany from 1986.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• An-26Z-1: One COMINT conversion used by Czechoslovakia from 1989. • 1969-86: 1398 delivered - 564 Soviet military, 420 exports to 27 countries, 414 other Soviet ministries. • 1990s: Used by Navy to air drop SAR stores in Pacific Fleet.
An-28 [Cash]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 21 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 180 190 -Med: 180 190 -Ceiling: 6000 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 705 nmi Int Fuel: 1530 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1985 STOL. Can carry 17 passengers or 6 paratroops or 2000 kg cargo. Built in Poland.
An-30B [Clank]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 35 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 230 290 -Med: 230 290 -High: 230 290 -Ceiling: 8300 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 1205 nmi Int Fuel: 5060 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1974 Used for aerial survey and reconnaissance. Can be fitted with 1st Gen D on external bomb racks. Around 45 delivered to Russian military - 33 Air Force, remainder to other military services. Can be used as transports with cameras removed, estimate 37 troops or 4600 kg cargo. • An-30A: Civil version. 71 delivered to civil Russian organizations and 18 exported to Afghanistan, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Mongolia, Romania, Vietnam. • 1985 on: Three An-30B converted to air sampling An-30R. • 1990: Five An-30B converted to An-30D for operations in Arctic regions for fisheries and ice monitoring. 7225 kg fuel, 1725 nmi range.
An-32 [Cline]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 35 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 255 285 -Med: 255 285 -High: 255 285 -Ceiling: 8300 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 1150 nmi Int Fuel: 5445 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2400 kg • 4 OFAB-100 or 4 FAB-500 bombs Remarks: In Svc: 1984 Can carry 50 troops or 42 paratroops or 6700 kg cargo. Uses An26 fuselage with engines and propellers from An-12 for improved hot and high performance. • An-32: Stats as above. Export only to India. • An-32A: Civil version with at least 90 produced, including export to some Air Forces. • An-32B: Russian version with 2nd Gen D, 7200 kg cargo. One tested Sep 1988. Not taken into service due to the breakup of Soviet Union. Some of the undelivered order exported to civilian users.
Russia’s Aircraft
An-71 [Madcap]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 38 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Sensors: Kvant radar, 3rd Gen ES, Gen 4 Semi-Automatic combat system Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 285 350 -Med: 285 350 -High: 285 350 -Ceiling: 10800 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1460/1715 nmi Int Fuel: 11805/12950 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1993 Air Force tactical AEW and communications relay aircraft based on An-72. Can operate from unpaved runways with first fuel and range, second value for paved runways. Never intended for aircraft carrier, although the related An-75 was proposed with folding wings and under wing engines. • 12 Jul 85: First flight of prototype. Canceled 1990. In service date estimated.
An-72A [Coaler]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 38 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 295 380 -Med: 295 380 -High: 295 380 -Ceiling: 11800 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 2200 nmi Int Fuel: 12950 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1730 L cabin tank 1400 kg 280 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg • 1 UPK-23-250 gun pod, 2 UB-32-57 rocket pods (An-72P) Remarks: In Svc: 1980 STOL. Can carry 68 troops or 57 paratroops or 3000 kg cargo. Can increase payload to 7500 kg with reduced internal fuel. Can be fitted with 2nd Gen D. • An-72 [Coaler A] pre-production variant, 4 built. • An-72A [Coaler C] transport variant with 98 delivered. • An-72S [Coaler C] Can carry 24 VIP passengers, can be reconfigured to carry 38 troops or 8 stretchers. Around 60 delivered. • An-72P is maritime patrol aircraft for Border Troops. Can carry 4 FAB-100 kg bombs internally. Can carry 40 troops or 22 paratroops. 17 delivered. In service 1992. • An-72R battlefield surveillance with SLAR. Canceled in 1990s. • An-74 [Coaler B] is civil arctic variant. Can carry cabin fuel for additional range. 20 delivered in 1990s • An-74T is military transport. As An-72A with improved avionics and decreased crew. Export to Egypt, Iran and Kazakhstan. • An-74TK is convertible passenger/cargo model. Can carry 52 passengers or combinations cargo and passengers. Export only. • An-74TK-300 removes STOL capability. Export only.
An-124 Ruslan [Condor]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 112 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 460 -Med: 405 460 -High: 405 460 -Ceiling: 9500 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 7370 nmi Int Fuel: 212350 kg Remarks: In Svc: Feb 87 Can carry 88 passengers in upper hold. Can carry 4 IFV or 1 MBT or 120000 kg cargo. Can increase cargo to 150000 kg with reduced fuel. Poor serviceability due to engine and avionic issues. • 28 Feb 91: Declared operational.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 1992: 34 remain in Russia, further 17 to Ukraine. • Sep 14: First airdrop of vehicles during exercise. Not cleared to airdrop paratroops.
An-140 Transport
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 33 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 280 310 -Med: 280 310 -High: 280 310 -Ceiling: 7200 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 1700 nmi Int Fuel: 4640 kg Remarks: In Svc: 2012 Can carry 52 passengers. Used by Air Force and Navy as staff transports. Manufactured in Iran under license as Iran-140 between 2001 and 2011. Joint project with the Ukraine. • Mar 16: 13th and last delivered. • 2019: Five remain with Air Force and four with Navy. • Feb 20: Syomshchik aerial survey and reconnaissance variant commences trials. Fitted with cameras and 2nd Gen D. Planned to replace An-30B.
Be-6M [Madge]
Maritime Patrol
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 38 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Manual Sensors: Retractable PSBN-M radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 180 204 -Med: 215 224 -Ceiling: 6100 meters Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 2250 nmi Int Fuel: 7400 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Def Guns: 2 NR-23 23mm each in dorsal and tail positions (0.4) • 16 FAB-100 or 8 FAB-500 or 2 FAB-1500 • 2 45-36AV-A or 2 45-54VT torpedoes • 8 AMD-500 series mines Remarks: In Svc: 1952 - 1969 Flying boat. 123 delivered 1952-57. • Baltic 49th ODRAP 1954-69 at Kosa; Black Sea 977th ODRAP Jun 53-Jan 62, 318th OPLAP Jan 62-66 at Lake Donuzlav; Northern Fleet 403rd ODRAP 1952-67 at Severmorsk-2; Pacific 289th ODRAP Nov 54-Nov 60, 289th OPLAP Nov 60-69 at Novonzhino. • 1954: Some converted to Be-6PLO. 40 conversions by 1959. • 1959 - 60: 20 exported to China. • 1961 - 62: One converted to Be-6S SAR with direction finding for emergency beacons (43 nmi range) and 13 survivors. 23mm and weapons removed.
Be-6PLO [Madge]
ASW Patrol
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 38 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Manual Sensors: Retractable PSBN-M radar, Baku acoustic processor (1955), MAD Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 180 204 -Med: 215 224 -Ceiling: 6100 meters Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 2250 nmi Int Fuel: 7400 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1000 kg Def Guns: 2 NS-23 23mm in dorsal position (0.2) • 16 RGB-N sonobuoys • 6 PLAB-100 DC or 2 K-PLAB-MK dispensers • 16 PLAB-100 DC or 6 K-PLAB-MK (overload) • 43 RGB-N (1960s) • 27 RGB-N, 2 K-PLAB-MK (1960s)
Russia’s Aircraft
• 27 RGB-N, 4 K-PLAB-MK (overload 1960s) Remarks: In Svc: 1954 - 1969 Flying boat. Operate in hunter/killer pairs. Overload loadouts reduce internal fuel to 4050 kg with range 1230 nmi. • Baltic 49th ODRAP 1954-69; Black Sea 977th ODRAP 1954-62; Northern Fleet 1955-67; Pacific 289th ODRAP 1956-69. • 1955: Baku processor operational. • 1960s: North and Pacific a/c fitted with 27 internal sonobuoys see 1960s loadouts above.
Be-10 [Mallow]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 41 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Manual Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Kurs-N radar, Gen 0 RWR, cameras Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 370 490 -Med: 370 460 -High: 370 434 -Ceiling: 12500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 1330 nmi Int Fuel: 18750 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3360 kg Off Guns: 2 AM-23 23mm (2.7) Def Guns: 2 AM-23 23mm each in dorsal and tail positions (1.0) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 12 FAB-250 or FAB-3000 • 3 RAT-52 torpedoes • 3 ADM-2M or 3 IGDM-500 or 4 UDM-500 mines • 6 APM or 6 AMD-500 or 6 Lira mines (estimated) Remarks: In Svc: 1959 - 1963 Flying boat. 27 delivered 1958 - 61. Flown by two squadrons of 977th OMDRAP at Lake Donzlav in Black Sea - renamed 318th OPLAP in 1961. • Aug 63: Grounded due to corrosion. Scrapped in 1968.
Be-12 [Mail]
ASW Patrol
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 39 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Manual Sensors: MAD, Baku sonobuoy processor. Initsiativa-2B radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 170 255 -Med: 170 255 -High: 170 255 -Ceiling: 8000 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 1650 nmi Int Fuel: 8600 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 990 L bay tank 715 kg 155 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1500 kg • 3 AT-1 or 3 AT-1M torpedoes • 24 RGB-N/NM sonobuoys, 1 AT-1 or 1 AT-1M torpedo • 24 RGB-N/NM, 8 PLAB-50 or 8 PLAB-250-120 DC (estimated) • 90 RGB-N/NM • 6 AMD-2-500 mines (estimated) • 1 RYu-1 Scalp NDB, 10 sonobuoys • 1 RYu-2 Skat NDB, 29 sonobuoys (1970) • 36 RGB-NM1 or 14 RGB-1, 10 RGB-2, 1 AT-1M (Be-12N) • 8 KAS-90 airdropped life rafts or 4 OMAB-8M or SAB-100-90 illumination flares (Be-12PS) • 2 bay tanks Remarks: In Svc: Apr 65 Amphibian. 129 Be-12 delivered 1963-72, last 55 have Gen 0 RWR. ‘Chaika’ (Seagull). Operate in hunter/killer pairs, one with weapons the other the sonobuoys. Can operate from water if lightly loaded. Max altitude limited to 8000 meters by crew oxygen equipment. Can increase payload to 3000 kg with reduced internal fuel. Four exported to Vietnam 1981. • OPLAP is ASW Regiment, OPLAE is squadron. Each squadron has 8 aircraft: Baltic - 49th OPLAE at Kosa Mar 70-98; Black Sea - 318th OPLAP at Lake Donuzlav Jul 65-95, Kacha 1995-09;
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Northern - 403rd OPLAP at Severmorsk-2 1968-98; Pacific - 122nd OPLAE at Krashennoikov Bay Jun 67-02, 289th OPLAP at Nikolayevka Dec 69-Dec 93. • 12 aircraft modified as Be-12SK to carry one RYu-1 Scalp nuclear DB. Aircraft withdrawn from service when Skat retired. Service trials Oct 63-May 64. • Aug 68 - Jul 70: Three deploy to Egypt. • 1969-72: Ten new and four conversions to Be-12PS SAR. Sensors radar only, no weapons. Can carry 13 survivors standard or 28 overload. • 1973: Commence group MAD searches - four to six aircraft separated by 300 to 400 meters. RGN-Nmi-1 available. • 1976: 27 updated to Be-12N with Baku+Nara acoustic processor. • 1991: Baltic - 10 Be-12; Black Sea - 19 Be-12, 6 Be-12PS; Northern - 20 Be-12, 4 Be-12PS; Pacific - ?. • 2006: Operate from land only due to corrosion. • 2018: 1 Be-12, 2 Be-12N, 4 Be-12PS remain with Black Sea only. Based at Kacha with 318th SAP.
Be-200 Altair
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 38 Size/Signature: VSmall/VSmall Bombsight: -Sensors: 2nd Gen FLIR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 378 384 -Med: 378 384 -Med: 378 384 -Ceiling: 8100 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1445 nmi Int Fuel: 12500 kg Remarks: In Svc: 2020? Amphibian. Can carry 57 passengers or 30 stretchers and 4 KAS150 airdropped life rafts or 5000 kg cargo from land or 1900 kg from sea. Three ordered by the Navy. • 14 Feb 20: First flight.
E08M Berta
Recon Drone
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 6 Size/Signature: VSmall/VSmall Bombsight: -Sensors: Cameras Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 135 150 -Med: 135 150 -Ceiling: 2000 meters Engine Type: Rocket Cruise Range: 80 nmi Int Fuel: ? kg Remarks: In Svc: ? Can be used as target or fitted with camera for reconnaissance. Endurance 30 minutes. Launched by catapult, recovered by parachute. In use in 2015 as recon drone. • 2019: Offered with turbojet engine, range 135 nmi, 4000 meters ceiling.
Forpost Recon
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 7 Size/Signature: VSmall/VSmall Bombsight: -Sensors: 2nd Gen EO/FLIR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 60 110 -Med: 60 110 -Ceiling: 5800 meters Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 885 nmi Int Fuel: 100 kg Remarks: In Svc: 2014 UAV. License production of Israeli Searcher II. Requires runway. Controlled by 135 nmi data link. • Apr 09: Two systems ordered, each one control station and three Searcher II UAV. • Oct 10: 15 systems ordered - each 3 UAV. Assembled in Russia as Forpost from 2012. • Jun 15: Forpost-M with encoded data link to ground and air
Russia’s Aircraft platforms, Forpost-R with radio relay/SIGINT, SLAR version proposed. • Aug 18: Used for over the horizon targeting during missile exercise in Baltic. • 22 Aug 19: First flight of fully domestic Forpost-R. Deliveries planned from 2020.
Il-12T/D [Coach]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 31 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 156 216 -Med: 175 216 -Ceiling: 6700 meters Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 1055 nmi Int Fuel: 2935 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Def Guns: Dorsal turret with SKAS 7.62mm or UBT 12.7mm mg (0.1) • 20 FAB-100 or 16 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 or 3 FAB-100 or 2 FAB1500 (Il-12D) Remarks: In Svc: 1947/48 - 67 Can carry 38 paratroops or 3000 kg cargo. Fitted with glider tow cleat. Has side cargo door for jeep. Can airdrop troops, not cargo or vehicles. Only early Il-12D have defensive guns. • Il-12D: Can carry 3700 kg cargo. Some fitted with skis for cold weather operations. Exported to China and Poland. • 1960s: To training role.
Il-14T [Crate]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 33 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 186 213 -Med: 186 213 -Ceiling: 7000 m Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 690 nmi Int Fuel: 2760 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1730 L cabin tank 1400 kg 410 nmi Remarks: In Svc: 1954 - ? Can carry 32 troops or 3300 kg cargo. Il-14T is freighter, Il-14TD is assault transport for 21 paratroops. Il-14TB used to tow gliders. • Il-14M: Border Guard version. Estimated cabin tank. • Il-14RR: 14 converted to SAR, ice and fisheries patrol with cabin fuel tank, Can airdrop small stores. • Early 70s: Some Il-14TD modified for ELINT, possibly designated Il-14RT. • 1979: Polish Crate C ECM in service. Possibly Il-14TD above.
Il-18 [Coot]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 63 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 324 345 -Med: 324 350 -High: 324 365 -Ceiling: 9500 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 2480 nmi Int Fuel: 18960 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1957 - ? Civil transport. Can carry 118 passengers. • Il-18A: 89 passengers, 12000 kg cargo. 20 delivered. • Il-18B: 89 passengers, 14000 kg cargo. 65 delivered 1958-59. • Il-18D has 23550 kg fuel, 3260 nmi range. 122 delivered. Carries 65-122 depending on configuration. • Il-18E similar to Il-18V with 23 delivered. • Il-18V as Il-18B with 334 delivered. Carries 78-110 passengers. • Dec 58: Single Il-18T prototype for 120 troops or 14000 kg cargo. All cargo must be loaded through passenger doors. Further conversions canceled.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Il-20M [Coot A]
Strategic Recon
Il-22 [Coot B]
Command Post
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: e65 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Sensors: Igla [Low Shot] SLAR, COMINT, 1st Gen ES/SIGINT, cameras Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 324 345 -Med: 324 350 -High: 324 365 -Ceiling: 10000 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 2755 nmi Int Fuel: 18960 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1970 20 delivered 1970-76. During Cold War based at Chkalovsky. FOL at Pushkin (6 a/c for Baltic missions) and 2 a/c each at Kacha, Crimea; Sperenberg, East Germany; Tbsili, Georgia; Khabarovsk, Far East. • Mid-70s: Deployed to East Germany. • 1978: First Baltic mission. • 2004: One converted to Il-20M Anagramma with 3rd Gen ES. • 2014: One converted to Il-20MS Retsenzent with Novella 2 360° radar, 3rd Gen ES, 3rd Gen D. Eight planned by 2025. • 17 Sep 18: One Il-20M shot down in Syria. Eight Il-20M, Anagramma and Il-20MS remain.
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 49 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 324 345 -Med: 324 350 -High: 324 365 -Ceiling: 10000 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 2850 nmi Int Fuel: 18960 kg Remarks: In Svc: Aug 77 • 1976 - 79: Nine Il-22 Bison theatre level CP delivered. • 1979 - 85: 22 Il-22M Zebra communications relay delivered. In service 1981. Updated to Il-22M11-RT from 1998. • 2014 - 18: Five Il-22M converted to Il-22PP Porubschchik with 3rd Gen D, 3rd Gen ES, and L-415 standoff radar jammer (clutter rating 18).
Il-28 Beagle
Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Damage Value: 33 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: PSBN-M radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 390 430 -Med: 390 486 -High: 390 460 -Ceiling: 12500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 1105 nmi Int Fuel: 6405 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 750 L bay tank 610 kg 145 nmi Off Guns: 2 NR-23mm in nose (1.8) Def Guns: 2 NR-23 23mm in tail turret (0.5) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1000 kg • 12 FAB-100 or 8 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • 1 FAB-1500 or 1 FAB-3000 • 1 RDS-4T nuclear bomb (Il-28N) • 1 AT-1 torpedo (Il-28PL) • 12 FotAB-50-35 flash bombs (Il-28R) • 750 L bay tank, 6 FotAB-50-35 flash bombs (Il-28R) • 12 UB-16-57 rocket pods or 6 S-24 rockets or 6 FAB-250 or 6 FAB-500 or 6 RBK-250 (Il-28Sh only)
Russia’s Aircraft
• Il-28T either: • Bombs as Il-28 • 1 45-36AV-A or 45-56NT or RAT-52 torpedo • 2 AMD-4-500M or 1 AMD-4-1000 or 1 AGDM-2M Lira or 1 IGDM -500 mine • 2 45-36AV-A or 2 45-54VT or 45-56NT or RAT-52 torps (overload) • 4 AMD-4-500 or 2 Serpei or 2 AGDM-2M Lira mines (overload) Remarks: In Svc: 1951 - 1975 Due to radar shortages, some initially with Rym-S radio bombing system - estimated similar to Yak-28L Lotos data link. Overload payload is 3000 kg with reduced fuel, reduce Maneuver Rating by additional 0.5, speed by 10%. Il-28R and Il-28T have single nose gun (0.9). Each regiment has three squadrons, each 10 aircraft. • Il-28N: Air Force and Navy nuclear bomber with RBP-3 replacing PSBN-M radar. Requires visual LOS to drop bombs due to lack of radar resolution. In service 1954. • Il-28PL: Naval ASW weapons carrier. 10 a/c to Baltic Fleet. Be6PLO acts as hunter, Il-28PL as killer. In service 1962. • Il-28REB: At least 8 with wingtip tanks converted to carry escort radar jammer (clutter rating 10) in wingtiip pods, and 1 nmi bulk chaff. Used to screen Il-28N nuclear bombers. • Il-28R: Reconnaissance with cameras. Additional fuel including wingtip tanks for 7130 kg total, 1445 nmi range. In service with Navy 1954-63, Air Force 1954-73. • Il-28RTR: ELINT with at least five delivered. Based in East Germany. In service 1961. • Il-28Sh: Air Force attack with 12 wing hp - treat as fully loaded with external loads with maximum speeds 355 knots at Low or 440 knots at Medium and High altitudes. In service early 70s - 1975 with two regiments based near China border - 277th BAP, Khoorba and 733rd BAP, Domna. • Il-28T: Naval torpedo-bomber. In service Aug 51. Exported to Bulgaria, Egypt, Indonesia and Egypt. • Dec 53: Some naval Il-28R fitted with Kurs-N replacing PSBN-M radar. Some fitted with photo flash unit for night recon. • Jan 55: Frontal Aviation has 30 bomber regiments of which 9 are Il-28N. • 1955-56: Pacific Fleet transfers 5 Il-28T and 186 RAT-52 to China. • Oct 62: Baltic Fleet 759th OMTAP regiment deploys to San Julian, Cuba with 6 Il-28N, 33 Il-28T, 160 RAT-52 and 163 mines. • Early 60s: Il-28 and Il-28N retired from bombing role.
Il-38 [May]
ASW Patrol
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 65 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Manual Sensors: Berkut [Wet Eye] radar, MAD, Berkut sonobuoy processor. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 285 315 -Med: 315 350 -High: 315 355 -Ceiling: 10000 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 4360 nmi Int Fuel: 26650 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg • 10 PLAB-250-120 depth charges • 216 RGB-1 sonobuoys (pure search) • 144 RGB-1, 10 RGB-2, 3 RGB-3 sonobuoys, and either: • 2 AT-1 or AT-2 or APR-1 or APR-2 or UMGT-1 torpedoes • 10 PLAB-250-120 or 98 PLAB-MK DC • 1 RYu-2 or RN-35 (1985) NDB • Il-38N - 66 RGB-41, 25 RGB-48, 3 RMB-81 sonobuoys, and either: • 2 APR-3 Orel torpedoes • 10 PLAB-250-120 or 10 KAB-PL • 8 AMD-2-500 mines • 4 APM or 4 IGDM-500 or 4 RM-1 or 4 UDM-2 mines Remarks: In Svc: Aug 68 Some fitted with 2nd Gen D. Usually operates within 1000 nmi of shore. Baltic war plans had 3 with 216 buoys, 3 search/attack, 2
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
transit to Bykhov or Ostrov to be loaded with NDB. • Baltic Fleet: 145th OPLAE squadron (Riga-Skulte, Latvia) Nov 72 - 92/94. FOL Aden Oct 79; El Anad, Yemen (1983). • Northern Fleet: 24th OPLAP regiment (Severmorsk-1) Aug 68 97/98. 403rd OSAP squadron from 1997/1998. • Pacific Fleet: 77th OPLAP regiment (Nikolayevka) Aug 69 - Dec 93. 289th OSAP (Nikolayevka) and 317th OSAP (Yelizovo) squadrons from Dec 93. FOL at Asmara, Ethiopia 1980. • Dec 67-Feb 72: 58 delivered. IOC delayed due to avionics issues. • 1970: Some aircraft fitted with Vishnya COMINT system. • 1977-83: Five exported to India. • 1981: Some fitted for APR-2 Yastreb torpedoes. • 1984-96: Seven Northern fleet a/c updated to Il-38P with Izumrud acoustic processor. In service Jan 90. • 2013: 18 in service. • 15 Jul 14: First Il-38N (Novella) delivered to Russian Navy. Has Novella 2 radar, Novella sonobuoy processor, 3rd Gen ES, 2nd Gen FLIR, ELINT, MAD. RGB-41, RGB-48, RMB-81 buoys and GB-58 EER noise sources. Fifth delivered Jul 15, Seventh Dec 16. • Feb 17: Eighth Il-38N delivered - seven Pacific, one North. All operational Il-38s (c30) to be upgraded to Novella standard by 2025.
Il-40P [Brawny]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 30 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 400 460 535 Med: 400 460 525 High: 400 460 515 Ceiling: 11600 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 420 nmi Int Fuel: 3315 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1100 L drop tank 890 kg 160 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1000 kg Off Guns: 4 AM-23 23mm (5.5) Def Guns: 1 AM-23 23mm in tail (0.3) • 4 OFAB-100-120 internally • 4 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-250 • 4 S-2 or 4 S-3 rockets • 12 S-2 or 8 S-3 rockets (overload) Remarks: In Svc: late 50s Successor to Il-2 Sturmovik. Heavily armored. Can carry centerline drop tank. Cruise and full military speeds estimated. • Il-40T was proposed torpedo bomber, Il-40K proposed artillery spotter. Added third crewman, guns moved from nose to position of small wing bays. • 13 Apr 56: Canceled when attack aviation disbanded. • Late 1960s: Improved Il-42 offered. Further proposed as Il-102 (see separate entry).
Il-76D [Candid B]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 89 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 460 -Med: 405 460 -High: 405 460 -Ceiling: 12000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 2800 nmi Int Fuel: 57000 kg Def Guns: two GSh-23 23mm in tail turret (1.8) with PRS-4 Krypton [Box Tail] GFC radar Remarks: In Svc: Jun 74 - ? Can carry 126 paratroops or 140 troops or 28000 kg cargo. Can carry 33000 kg payload with reduced fuel load. Can carry 4 illumination bombs. Around 70 Il-76D and 10 Il-76MG delivered 1973-78. Civilian Il-76MG from 1976 not fitted with parachute equipment and tail 23mm. • 1980s?: Updated to Il-76M standard.
Russia’s Aircraft
Il-76M [Candid B]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 90 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 460 -Med: 405 460 -High: 405 460 -Ceiling: 12000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 3185 nmi Int Fuel: 64800 kg Def Guns: two GSh-23 23mm in tail turret (1.8) with PRS-4 Krypton [Box Tail] GFC radar Remarks: In Svc: 1978 - 2010? Reinforced structure and additional fuel. Can carry 126 paratroops or 245 troops or 15000 kg cargo. Max payload is 42000 kg or 30000 kg from unpaved runways with reduced fuel. Can carry 4 illumination bombs. Around 130 delivered 1978-81. Late production have Gen 0 RWR. Exported to Iraq, Libya. • Il-76T: Civil lacks provision for air drops and RWR, max payload is 50000 kg. 37 delivered 1978-82. Also export to Libya, Iraq. • 1984: Fitted with 2nd Gen D. • 2010: Planned to be retired by this date.
Il-76MD [Candid B]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 90 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 460 -Med: 405 460 -High: 405 460 -Ceiling: 12000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 3995 nmi Int Fuel: 88695 kg Def Guns: two GSh-23 23mm in tail turret (1.8) with PRS-4 Krypton [Box Tail] GFC radar Remarks: In Svc: Jun 84 Long range version with improved engines and additional fuel. Can carry 126 paratroops or 145 troops or 9000 kg cargo. Can carry 225 troops with second deck added in cargo bay. Can increase payload to 48000 kg with reduced fuel load. Can carry 33000 kg from unprepared runways. Can carry 4 illumination bombs underwing. Most export not fitted with tail guns. Exported to Algeria, Angola, India, Iran, Iraq, China and Syria. • Il-76TD: Civil not fitted for parachute operations and lacks defensive cannon, max payload 50000 kg. Some exported to foreign militaries as 'Falsie' - Cuba, Iraq, Libya. • Il-76MD-90: Proposed upgrade with PS-90 engines. Replaced by cheaper Il-76MD-M upgrade. • Il-76MD-M: Upgrade with 2nd Gen FLIR, 3rd Gen D. First delivered for trials March 2018. Three under testing in 2019, with total 41 planned. • Il-76PP: Four conversions with Landish standoff radar jammer (clutter rating 20), 2nd Gen D, 23mm removed. First trials in 1987, but canceled early 1990s due to jammer problems. • 1984: Fitted with 2nd Gen D.
Il-76MD-90A [Candid]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 90 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: 2nd Gen FLIR, 2nd Gen RWR, laser warning system Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 420 460 -Med: 420 460 -High: 420 460 -Ceiling: 12100 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 4455 nmi Int Fuel: 88695 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 36000 kg Remarks: In Svc: 2019 New builds with PS-90 engines and redesigned wing. Fitted
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
with 3rd Gen IR jammer. Not fitted with tail turret. Can carry 126 paratroops or 145 troops or 29000 kg cargo. Can carry 60000 kg payload with reduced fuel. Can carry 225 troops with second deck added in cargo bay. Known as Il-476 during design. 39 ordered with first delivered for trials Jan 2016. • A-90: Proposed standoff radar jammer. Status unknown. • Il-76TD-90A: Civil version. • 2 Apr 19: First delivered to 235th Military Transport Aviation Regiment at Ulyanovsk, with total of six in 2019.
Il-78 [Midas]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 90 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N/3D Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 460 -Med: 405 460 -High: 405 460 -Ceiling: 12000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 5085 nmi Int Fuel: 112840 kg Remarks: In Svc: Jun 87 Refueling variant of Il-76MD Candid. Has 28000 kg in cabin tanks or 112840 kg total (85720 kg or 3862 nmi can be transferred). Can be converted to transport in six hours (use Il-76MD stats) and back to tanker in 12 hours. All export, including Il-78MKI, to Il-78 standard. • Il-78M has 38000 kg in cabin tanks or 120800 kg total (105720 kg or 4740 nmi can be transferred), 5440 nmi range. Cannot be converted to transport. • Il-78M2: Planned Il-78M avionics upgrade (same game stats). • Deliveries: 32 Il-78 Jun 84-89, 12 Il-78M 1990-91 to Russia plus one Il-78E to Libya in 1991. • Clearances: MiG-31 and Tu-95MS 1987, Tu-142 Aug 87, Su-24M Jun 88, Tu-160 day Sep 02, night Aug 03, A-50 Mid 00s. Probably at service entry for all others. • 1992: 9 Il-78 and 12 Il-78M remain in use by Russia. 23 Il-78 under Ukrainian control - 6 to Algeria 1998-03, 4 to Pakistan 2009-11, 3 to China 2015-16.
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 90 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N/3D Sensors: 2nd Gen FLIR, 2nd Gen RWR, laser warning system Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 420 460 -Med: 420 460 -High: 420 460 -Ceiling: 12100 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 6260 nmi Int Fuel: 124695 kg Remarks: In Svc: 2020? Formerly Il-478. Glass cockpit, more fuel-efficient engines. Fitted with 3rd Gen IR jammer. Includes 36,000 kg in auxiliary tanks. Can be converted to transport in two hours - use Il-78MD-90A stats. Offered for export as Il-78MK-90A. • 2019: First handed over for operational testing. Planned buy of 34, with 14 planned by 2027. • May 20: Trials due to be completed.
Il-80 [Maxdome]
Command Post
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 79 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: None Inflight Refuel: P Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 524 -Med: 460 524 -High: 460 524 --
B-9 Ceiling: 11000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 3215 nmi Int Fuel: 88350 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1987 Strategic command post. Hardened against EMP and nuclear blast. Estimated stats and performance. • 1985-90: Four converted from Il-86. One lacks inflight refueling probe.
Il-96-400TZ Tanker
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 79 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: -Counterm: None Inflight Refuel: N/P Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 485 -Med: 460 485 -High: 460 485 -Ceiling: 13100 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 5185 nmi Int Fuel: 116300 kg Remarks: In Svc: 2019 Two planned as strategic tanker to refuel Tu-95MS and Tu-160. Conversion of Il-96 widebody airliner with single UPAZ-1 pod. Carries additional 65000 kg cargo fuel for transfer only - cannot be used by Il-96-400TZ. Il-96-400TZ cannot transfer own internal fuel. • May 19: Canceled due to insufficient funds and increased requirements as tanker/transport.
Il-102 Attack
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 37 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 455 510 -Med: 455 510 -- High: 455 510 -Ceiling: 10000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 860 nmi Int Fuel: 4000 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 195 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 7200 kg Off Guns: GSh-30-2 30mm (4.4) Def Guns: GSh-23L 23mm in tail (0.9) • 2 drop tanks, 6 FAB-250 internally, and either: • 6 B-8M1 or B-13 or UB-32-57 rocket pods • 6 KMGU • 2 drop tanks, 6 FAB-250 internally, 2 R-60M or 2 R-73 and either: • 4 B-8M1 or B-13 or UB-32-57 rocket pods • 4 KMGU Remarks: In Svc: 1980s Close air support aircraft. Evolved Il-40. Heavily armored. Two prototypes built. First flight 25 Sep 82. Competed with Su-25 and lost but Ilyushin continued development on their own. Offered as late as the mid-90s with upgrades.
Il-112V Transport
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 30 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 240 270 -Med: 240 270 -High: 240 270 -Ceiling: 7600 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 2200 nmi Int Fuel: 6400 kg Remarks: In Svc: 2021? STOL. Planned replacement for An-24 and An-26. Delayed by budget and changing requirements. Can carry 35 troops or 26
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia’s Aircraft paratroops or 5000 kg cargo. Initially 48 transport planned for Air Force. Possibly command post, communications relay and ELINT variants in future. • 30 Mar 19: First flight of prototype. Performance limited by available engines. Being reworked for weight reductions with trials due to recommence early 2020.
Il-276 Transport
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 39 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 470 -Med: 405 470 -High: 405 470 -Ceiling: 12100 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 3215 nmi Int Fuel: 24865 kg Remarks: In Svc: 2026? Was Il-214 joint project with India until redesigned for Russia only. Can carry 82 troops or 74 paratroops or 20000 kg cargo. Can carry 150 troops with second deck added in cargo bay. Same cargo hold width and height as Il-76MD. Requirement for 60 aircraft. • 2023: First flight of prototype planned.
Ka-10 [Hat]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 5 Size/Signature: VSmall/VSmall Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 30 62 -Med: 30 62 -Ceiling: 1000 meters Engine Type: IP Cruise Range: 55 nmi Int Fuel: ? kg Remarks: In Svc: 1952 - late 50s? Helicopter. Lacked payload for weapons. Five Ka-10 1952-53 and 15 Ka-10M delivered. Single seat fitted with radio for visual scouting and gunfire control. Cruise speed estimated. • 8 Dec 50: First trials from Maxim Gorky (Project 26bis cruiser) in Baltic. • 14 Mar 51: Formed 220th Helicopter Flight at Sevastopol, Black Sea.
Ka-15M [Hen]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 8 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: Carries either Baku sonobuoy processor or RGB-N sonobuoys Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 65 92 -Med: 65 92 -Ceiling: 3700 meters Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 115 nmi Int Fuel: 400 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 100 kg • 2 PLAB-50 DC • 4 RGB-N sonobuoys • Baku acoustic processor Remarks: In Svc: 1956 - May 63 Helicopter. Replacement for Ka-10. Operate in threes - one with sonobuoys, one with Baku acoustic, one with weapons. 180 delivered to Navy 1957-59. Poor reliability in service. • 1957-58: Operational squadrons formed - 225th OAE Baltic, 264th OAE Pacific, one squadron of 830th OPLVP Black Sea.
Ka-22 Vintokryl [Hoop] Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Size/Signature: Large/Large
Damage Value: 34 Bombsight: --
Russia’s Aircraft Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 170 200 -Med: 170 200 -Ceiling: 5500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 270 nmi Int Fuel: 4600 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1959 - 64 Compound heavy-lift helicopter. Four built. Canceled after 1964 crash and replaced by Mi-6. Can carry 60 paratroops or light truck or 16500 kg cargo.
Ka-25PL [Hormone A]
Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Damage Value: 16 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Sensors: Initsiativa-2K radar, Baku sonobuoy processor, VGS-2 Oka dipping sonar or MAD instead of sonar. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 105 115/120 -Med: 105 115/120 -Ceiling: 3500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 125/180 nmi Int Fuel: 1215 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 280 L tank 225 kg 35/45 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 650 kg • 36 RGB-N or 8 RGB-NM sonobuoys • 1 AT-1 or AT-1M or APR-1 or APR-2 torpedo • 4 PLAB-250-120 or 8 PLAB-50 or 36 PLAB-MK DC Remarks: In Svc: 1966 - 1995 Helicopter. Baykal ASW system. Can carry 4 passengers. 275 delivered Dec 65 to 1973. Exported to India - 7 1979-80, Syria - 9, Vietnam - 6 1979 and Yugoslavia - 12 1974 • Ka-25BShZ is equipped to tow line charge to destroy mines. All sensors and weapons removed. Eight produced, in service 1975. • Ka-25BT with magnetic minesweep. Four produced in 1975. • Ka-25EM: ELINT version. In service 1975. • 19??: Ka-25PLYu adapted to carry RYu-2 Skat nuclear DB. • 1966-Nov 71: Poor maintenance, treat as Third World. • Aug 67: First deployment on Tobol (Type 1886 submarine tender). • Sep-Nov 68: First operational deployment on Moskva (Project 1123). • 2 Dec 71: Accepted for service. Poor reliability before this date. • Jul 72: 5 in Baltic, 55 Black Sea, 35 Northern Fleet, 30 Pacific. • 1974: Fitted with increased engine thrust. Flotation bags removed, use second speeds and ranges. • 1976: Ka-25PLS fitted to carry VTT-1 Strizh torpedo. Must hover to launch and guide torpedo. Dipping sonar removed. Rarely used. • 1980s: APR-2 torpedo and KAB-250-100PL available.
Ka-25PS [Hormone C]
Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Damage Value: 16 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Sensors: Initsiativa-2K radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 108 120 -Med: 108 120 -Ceiling: 4000 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 245 nmi Int Fuel: e1665 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1971 - 90s? Helicopter. Can detect pilot beacon within 35 nmi. Can carry 10 survivors or 1300 kg cargo. Used as troop transport until Ka-29 enters service with 12 troops. Produced 1971-72. • Ka-25BPK: Equipped with radiation detection sensors. Capable of detecting nuclear weapons aboard ships. One per fleet.
Ka-25Ts [Hormone B] Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Size/Signature: Small/Small Sensors: Uspekh-2 radar
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Damage Value: 16 Bombsight: None
Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 92 110 -Med: 92 110 -Ceiling: 3500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 265 nmi Int Fuel: 1705 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 200 L tank 160 kg 35 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1000 kg • 2 200 L tanks Remarks: In Svc: 1965 - mid 90s Helicopter. 50 delivered 1965-72. One ex-Soviet to Bulgaria in 1984. Provides midcourse guidance for SS-N-3, SS-N-12, SS-N-19 series via Uspekh-A data link - requires radar LOS from Ka-25RTs to firing ship and to target. Can carry 12 passengers. Typically operates 108 nmi from ship.
Ka-27 [Helix A]
ASW Patrol
Man Rtng: 2.5/2.0 Damage Value: 18 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Sensors: A-100 Pakhra sonobuoy processor, Osminog radar, VGS-3 Ros-V dipping sonar or MAD Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 124 146 -Med: 124 146 -Ceiling: 5000 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 265 nmi Int Fuel: 2350 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 500 L ferry tank 405 kg 65 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1000 kg • 1 AT-1M or UMGT-1 or APR-2 torpedo • 8 PLAB-250-120 DC • 2 KAB-250-100PL Zagon guided DC • 1 RYu-2 Skat Nuclear DB • 2 500 L tanks • 36 RGB-NM-1 • 32 RGB-16 (Ka-27M) • 1 APR-3M Orel torpedo or 8 KAB-PL DC (Ka-27M) Remarks: In Svc: April 1981 Helicopter. Operate in hunter/killer pairs. All weapons are carried internally. Can carry either dipping sonar or MAD, not both on same mission. Osminog is actually Initsiativa-2KM radar. Not fitted with rescue winch or cargo hook. • Regiments (OKPLVP): Baltic - 745th Donskoye 1986; Black Sea - 78th Lake Donuzlav 1986-95, 872nd Kacha 1979-?; Northern - 830th Severmorsk-2 1980, Severmorsk-1 2000; Pacific - 710th Novonezhino Oct 82-May 98, 289th Nikolaevka May 98. • Ka-27E: Equipped with radiation detection sensors. Capable of detecting nuclear weapons aboard ships. Two based Black Sea. Single in each other fleet. • Ka-27PS [Helix C]: SAR with radar only, one 500 L tanks as standard. Can carry 3000 kg slung load or 12 survivors. Standard is 12 six-man and 2 five-man life rafts. In service 1982. 104 delivered 40 Navy, 40 Border Guard, 24 Air Force. • Ka-27PST: One Ka-27PS trials 2nd Gen FLIR in 2003. • Ka-27REP: One prototype with unknown standoff radar jammer. • Ka-32: Civil Ka-27PS also used by Navy for shipboard SAR, patrol and VERTREP. • Ka-32A11BC: Shore based SAR with two each at Nikolaevka (Pacific) and Severmorsk-1 (Northern). In service Nov 13. • Late 80s - 90s: Fitted with Izumrud sonobuoy processor and 16 RGB-16. • 1990s on: Ka-27PS frequently deploys on naval ships replacing Ka-27 for some deployments. • 2010: Four Ka-27PS in use with Air Force for land SAR. • 2016: 16 Ka-27PS in naval service. • Jan 17: First Ka-27M delivered to Russian Navy. Has Bumerang combat system - Kopyo-A radar, MAD, 3rd gen ES, RGS-B01 Kema acoustic processor, VGS-3 Ros-VM dipping sonar. 46 aircraft planned to be upgraded - 4-6 training plus five squadrons each
Russia’s Aircraft
of 8 Ka-27M. 22 delivered by Oct 18 with 3 training, 6 Pacific, 6 Northern, 7 Baltic. • May 19: APR-3M Orel torpedo completes trials. Estimate operational 2020.
Ka-29 [Helix B]
Man Rtng: 2.5/2.0 Damage Value: 19 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Laser rangefinder, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 124 150 -Med: 124 150 -Ceiling: 4300 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 225 nmi Int Fuel: 2600 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1800 kg Off Guns: GShG-76.2 7.62mm rotary (0.9) as transport or fixed 30mm 2A42 cannon (0.8) as assault • 12 troops or 2000 kg cargo or 4000 kg slung load (transport) • 4 B-8V20 rocket pods (assault) • 2 B-8V20, 8 9M114 or 2 UPK-23-250 gun pods (assault) Remarks: In Svc: Aug 1987 Helicopter. Formerly Ka-27TB Helix B. Amphibious assault helicopter. Transport and assault variants interchangeable. Armored cockpit and engines. Fitted with 1st gen IR jammer and optional IR suppression (VSmall IR signature). • 1991: 8 Baltic, 5 Black Sea (training - to Ukraine), 17 Northern, 16 Pacific. 13 later to Interior Troops. • 1997: Two converted to Ka-29VPNTsU. One has 30mm and laser designator, second has Ka-50 EO. Used for target acquisition for Ka-50 trials in Chechnya 2000-01. Returned to Ka-29TB upon completion on trials. • 2013: 12-15 remain in Naval service, 7 of which operational. • Nov 16: Four operational - 2 training, 2 Northern Fleet. • Nov 17: Additional six returned to service with Pacific Fleet. Further 17 possibly to be returned to service.
Ka-31 [Helix E]
Man Rtng: 2.5/2.0 Damage Value: 17 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Sensors: E-801 Oko radar. Lacks onboard processing, LOS data link only to ship. Use the ship’s combat system to determine detection delay. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 100 119 -Med: 100 119 -Ceiling: 3500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 255 nmi Int Fuel: 2480 kg Remarks: In Svc: Aug 2015 Helicopter. Maximum speed with radar deployed is 80 knots, treat as fully loaded. Takes two minutes to extend or retract radar. Originally known as Ka-29RLD. • India export: 4 in 2003, 5 2003-04, 5 2013. Further 6 ordered 2019. • China export - 9 between 2010 and 2011. • Ka-35: Fitted with 15Ts100.100 replacing E-801 radar to detect ground targets. Also fitted with 2nd Gen RWR, 3rd Gen IR jammers and decoys. Possibly 10 planned. • 1996: Trials complete. Not taken into service due to budget. • Jun - Aug 12: Two Ka-31R delivered to Russian Navy. Further 12 planned - possibly Ka-31M with E-801M radar. • Late 2016: Ka-35 prototype deploys to Syria. • Oct 16 - Jan 17: One Ka-31R deploys on Admiral Kuznetsov. • Mar 20: Training commences with 318th Composite Aviation Regiment at Kacha on the Black Sea for OTH targeting.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Ka-50 Black Shark [Hokum A]
Ka-52 Alligator [Hokum B]
Man Rtng: 4.0/3.5 Damage Value: 21 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: helmet-mounted sight, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 146 167 -Med: 146 167 -Ceiling: 5500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 195 nmi Int Fuel: 1460 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2300 kg Off Guns: Fixed 2A42 30mm (0.8) • 12 9M127 Vikhr, 2 B-8V20 rocket pods Remarks: In Svc: Aug 95 - 2012 Helicopter. Day capable single seat. Production cut short due to added night attack requirement. Werewolf was one of the prototypes. Black Shark name was used in a movie and the name stuck. • 25 Aug 95: Enters service with B-8M1, Vikhr missiles. 9M39 IglaV later. • 1999: 9M39 Igla-V trials. Unknown if taken into service. Could carry 4 9M39 in all loadouts. • Jan-Feb 01: Two undergo combat trials in Chechnya. • 2010: Eight remain in service in a single unit in Far East to support SOF. Remainder used for Ka-52 parts.
Man Rtng: 3.5/3.0 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Advanced Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: FH-01 Myech-1U radar, GOES-451.24 (EO, 2nd Gen FLIR, laser designator, LRMTS), helmet-mounted sight, NVG, LWS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 140 160 -Med: 140 160 -Ceiling: 5500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 205 nmi Int Fuel: 1505 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 540 L drop tanks 435 kg 85 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg Off Guns: Fixed 2A42 30mm (0.8) • 12 9M127 Vikhr or 9M120 Ataka, 2 B-8V20 rocket pods or 2 UPK23-250 gun pods, 4 9M39 Igla-V • 4 B-8V20 pods or FAB-500 bombs or KMGU dispensers, 4 Igla-V • 2 Kh-38 or 2 Kh-35U, 4 Igla-V (Ka-52K) • 12 9M127 Vikhr or 2 B-8V20 rocket pods, 4 Igla-V (Ka-52K) Remarks: In Svc: 2012 Helicopter. Two-seat version of Ka-50. Fitted with 2nd Gen IR jammer and IR suppression (VSmall IR signature). Not fitted with planned mast mounted radar. • Ka-52K Katran: 'Dogfish'. Navalized variant with Zhuk-A replacing FH-01 Myech-1U radar, OES-52 Okhotnik EO system, folding blades. Four hp only, inner hp strengthened for 1000 kg each. 32 ordered Aug 14 and later canceled. Possibly to be ordered in the future. • 2014: 9M120-1 Ataka-1 available. • Apr 16: Deployed to Syria with 2nd Gen RWR, 3rd Gen J&D. • Jul 17 - 2020: 46 Ka-52 'Nile Crocodile' delivered to Egyptian Air Force with OES-52 replacing GOES (French STRIX sight - EO, 4th Gen FLIR, laser designator, LRMTS). • Ka-52 to be fitted with 2nd Gen RWR and 3rd Gen radar jammer. • Ka-52M planned with V-006 Rezets radar, improved armor, damage value 24, OES-52, weapons as Mi-28NM. Possibly to enter service 2022.
Russia’s Aircraft
Ka-175 Roller
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: e5 Size/Signature: VSmall/VSmall Bombsight: None Sensors: EO Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 97 105 -Med: 97 105 -Ceiling: 5000 meters Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 385 nmi Int Fuel: ? kg Remarks: In Svc: ? Helicopter recce and strike UAV. First flight in 2015. Army would use as target designation for attack helicopters, Navy would use for OTH targeting. Possibly suspended or canceled.
Ka-226T [Hoodlum]
Man Rtng: 2.5/2.0 Damage Value: 12 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: - Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 120 135 -Med: 120 135 -Ceiling: 5700 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 225 nmi Int Fuel: 630 kg Remarks: In Svc: 2002 Helicopter. Improved Ka-26. Interchangeable mission pods for 1200 kg cargo, 7 passengers, medevac or 1500 kg slung load. • 2015: Ka-226T ordered by India to replace Cheetah and Chetak. • 2017-18: Four Ka-226TK handed over to FSB for shipboard use (Project 22460). Fitted with folding blades, NVG, rescue winch and 7.62mm mg.
Recon UAV
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 6 Size/Signature: VSmall/VSmall Bombsight: None Sensors: 3rd Gen FLIR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Low: 65 80 Med: 65 80 Ceiling: 5100 meters Engine Type: IP Cruise Range: 440 nmi Int Fuel: ? kg Remarks: In Svc: 2020 UAV planned for Army. Controlled by 65 nmi LOS data link. Operates from runway. ES and jammer versions proposed.
Recon Drone
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 12 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Sensors: Cameras or TV or radiation sensor Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 475 -Med: 405 475 -High: 405 475 -Ceiling: 7000/15000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 120/185 nmi Int Fuel: e1215 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1962 - early 80s Derived from target drone. Launched from trailer catapult, recovered by parachute. Can operate as drone or RPV. Must be tracked by Amur/Kama radar in RPV mode. Four squadrons - two Ukraine, one Belarus, one Latvia. • 1965: La-17RM in service with new engine, use second figures. • Early 1980s: Replaced by VR-3 Reys. La-17RM exported to Syria as DR-1.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
M-4 Molot [Bison A]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 75 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: RBP-4 Rubidy-MM radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 320 360 -Med: 430 510 -High: 430 495 -Ceiling: 11000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 4495/4650 nmi Int Fuel: 98880 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 7600 L bay tank 6155 kg 330/340 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg Def Guns: Dorsal, ventral twin AM-23 23mm. Rear twin AM-23/ PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] radar FC (1.4) • 52 FAB-100 or 52 FAB-250 or 28 FAB-500 or 6 FAB-3000 or 6 BRAB-6000 or 4 FAB-5000 or 1 FAB-9000 bombs • 6 AMD-2M or 6 IGDM-500 mines or 6 RAT-52 torpedoes • 1 RDS-1 or 1 RDS-3 or 2 RDS-4T or 2 RDS-5 or 1 RDS-37 nuclear bombs • Single hose/drogue unit, 2 bay tanks (tanker) Remarks: In Svc: 1955 - Mar 89 'Hammer'. Glass nose with AM engines - use first range. Can carry 24000 kg payload overload with reduced fuel. Used for maritime surveillance with low altitude camera. Had offset IFR probe, considered difficult to inflight refuel, takes 2D6 Tactical Turns to make contact with tanker. • Jan 55 - Jun 56: 31 delivered to 1096th and 1230th TBAP at Engels-2. • 1957: Refitted with RD-3M engines - use second range. • 1958 - 63: 27 converted to M-4-2 tankers, ventral gun position removed, bomb bay converted to hold fuel and hose reel. Can transfer up to 2290 nmi. Strength: 25 (1962), 14 (Jun 79), 13 (1989).
Mi-1 [Hare]
Mi-2T [Hoplite]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 14 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 72 100 -Med: 72 100 -Ceiling: 3500 meters Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 160 nmi Int Fuel: 290 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 160 L external tank 130 kg 100 nmi Remarks: In Svc: 1950 - 1983 Helicopter. Carries two passengers or 255 kg cargo. Built in Russia 1950-60, 1594 in Poland as SM-1 between 1956 and 1965. • 1956: Mi-1TKR visual reconnaissance and artillery observer. Mi1AKR and Mi-1MKR are Mi-1A and Mi-1M with same role. • 1957: Mi-1A in production with provision for one 160 L external tank. M-1M in production with larger cabin for 3 passengers.
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 14 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 102 113 -Med: 102 113 -Ceiling: 4000 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 170 nmi Int Fuel: 485 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 238 L external tank 195 kg 100 nmi Remarks: In Svc: 1965 Helicopter. Produced in Poland only. Carries 8 passengers or 700 kg cargo or 800 kg slung load. Can carry two external fuel tanks. • 2016: Remains in service as trainer. To be replaced by Ansat-U.
B-13 Mi-4 [Hound A]
Russia’s Aircraft
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 14 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 65 94 -Med: 65 108 -Ceiling: 5500 meters Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 160 nmi Int Fuel: 780 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 500 L cabin tank 405 kg 120 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1200 kg Off Guns: 1 A-12.7 12.7mm (0.4) - (Mi-4A, Mi-4AV) • 6 UB-16-57 rocket pods, 4 9M17M [AT-2 Swatter] (Mi-4AV) • 6 OFAB-100 or 4 FAB-250 bombs (Mi-4AV) Remarks: In Svc: 1953 - 1978 Helicopter. Can carry 16 troops or jeep or 1000 kg cargo or cabin tank internally or 1300 kg slung load. License production in China as Z-5 with 545 produced from 1959. Gun arc limited to +/- 30°. • 1953: Mi-4 in service. Not fitted with 12.7mm mg. • Dec 54: First deliveries to Navy. • 1956: Mi-4A assault in service. • 1958: Mi-4SP Naval SAR in service. Fitted with one 500 L cabin tank as standard. • 1959: Mi-4BT minesweeper version tested with SEMT-1 magnetic and MT-3 mechanical sweep. • 1961: Army Mi-4VPK and Air Force Mi-4VPU command posts in service. • 1963: Mi-4GR in service with ELINT. • 1964: 12 Mi-4MK in service with Mayak-3 [Bird Wing] radio DF & comm jammer. Also known as Mi-4PP. Mi-4TARK possibly in service, fitted to direct artillery fire. • 1967-68: 185 converted to Mi-4AV. Can only fire weapons from hover. Can carry weapons or troops, not both at same time. Exported to Egypt (10) and Syria (7).
Mi-4M [Hound B]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 14 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: Kurs-N radar, Baku acoustic processor, MAD. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 75 100 -Med: 75 100 -Ceiling: 5000 meters Engine Type: RP Cruise Range: 140 nmi Int Fuel: 650 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 400 L cabin tank 325 kg 100 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1740 kg • 8 PLAB-50 or 6 PLAB-100 or 4 PLAB-250-120 or 50 PLAB-MK DC • 18 RGB-NM or 12 RGN-N sonobuoys • 1 AT-1 torpedo (Mi-4MT, Mi-4MU) Remarks: In Svc: 1957 - 1977 Helicopter. Can carry either sensors or weapons. Usually operates within 30 nmi of shore. Max speed with MAD in use is 70 knots. MAD has manual winch - estimated three minutes to deploy, six minutes to recover. • Squadrons: Baltic - 509th; Black - 872nd; Northern 830th; Pacific - 710th at Novoezhine and Petrovka. • 1957-58: 76 Mi-4M produced. • 1959: AG-19 Klyazma dipping sonar trials. Not taken into service due to poor performance. • 1962: Mi-4MR in service with Rubin-1V radar. • 1962-63: Instrument flying commences. • 1963: Mi-4MT tested. Radar and MAD removed. Not taken into service. • 1964: Exported as Mi-4ME. As Mi-4M with RBP-4G radar replacing Kurs-N. Customers include Bulgaria (3), East Germany (3), Egypt (2), India, Indonesia (9), Iraq (8), Poland (4), Syria (4), Vietnam.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 1965: Mi-4MO with VGS-2 Oka dipping sonar and Mi-4MU attack. Possibly trials only. • 1970: Mi-4PS SAR in service with Navy, has Rubin-1V radar only.
Mi-6 [Hook]
Mi-8AMTSh-V [Hip L]
Man Rtng:1.5/0.5 Damage Value: 30 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 135 162 -Med: 135 162 -Ceiling: 4500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 235 nmi Int Fuel: 6315 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 3700 L cabin tank 2995 kg 160 nmi Off Guns: 1 A-12.7 12.7mm (0.4) Remarks: In Svc: 1963 - 2001 Can carry 65 troops or 12000 kg internal or 8000 kg slung load. Cleared for export in 1964. Around 423 produced. Around 60 Mi-6 and Mi-6A exported. Gun arc limited to +/- 30°. • Mi-6A: Transport for 90 troops or 60 paratroops or 9000 kg slung load, in service 1971 with around 500 produced. • Late 60s: Mi-6TZ-SV ground tanker with two cabin tanks. • 1970s: Fitted for paratroops. • 1972: 36 Mi-6VKP [Hook B] Army-level command post. Must land to operate, 4570 kg fuel, 170 nmi range. Retired 1996. • 1975: 20 Mi-22 [Hook C] command post operational. Standard fuel, 230 nmi range. Can act as CP in flight. Retired 1996.
Man Rtng: 2.0/1.0 Damage Value: 19 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 124 135 -Med: 124 135 -Ceiling: 6000 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 270 nmi Int Fuel: 1900 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 475 L drop tank 385 kg 95 nmi 915 L cabin tank 740 kg 150 nmi 1010 L external tank 820 kg 165 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg • 4 B-8V20 rocket pods • 2 1010 L external tanks (Mi-8AMTSh-VA) Remarks: In Svc: 2014 Helicopter with VK-2500 engines and new avionics. Can carry 36 troops or 24 passengers. Max slung load 5000 kg, maximum internal cargo 4000 kg. Can hover at Medium altitudes. Developed for China order. Available for export as Mi-8MTV-6 and Mi-17V-6. • 2014: Mi-8AMTSh-V delivered to Russia with Vitebsk 3rd Gen IR jammer. • Nov 15: First Arctic Mi-8AMTSh-VA handed over to Russia with 2nd Gen FLIR, NVG, 3rd Gen D, P/S/A(1)3 7.62mm mg. Provision for two external 1010 L fuel tanks (capacity estimated).
Mi-8AMTSh-VN [Hip L]
SOF Transport
Man Rtng: 2.0/1.0 Damage Value: 19 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: two 2nd Gen FLIR, laser designator, NVG Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 132 148 -Med: 132 148 -Ceiling: 6000 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 270 nmi Int Fuel: 1900 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 475 L drop tank 385 kg 95 nmi 915 L cabin tank 740 kg 150 nmi
Russia’s Aircraft Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Off Guns: 2 fixed Kord 12.7mm (0.6) • 8 9M120 Ataka or 4 9M39 Igla-V, 2 UPK-23-250, 2 B-8V20 Remarks: In Svc: 2020 Helicopter with VK-2500 engines, Mi-28 tail rotor, Mi-38 blades and new gearbox. Can carry 20 troops in crash resistant seating or 4000 kg internal or 4000 kg slung load. Fitted with P(1)1 12.7mm mg, R(1)1 7.62mm mg. Available for export as Mi-171Sh-VN. 10 delivered 2020-21. Possibly Verba to replace Igla-V, RWR, Vitebsk 3rd gen IR jammer and data link to UAV to be fitted.
Mi-8MT [Hip H]
Man Rtng: 2.0/1.0 Damage Value: 19 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 120 135 -Med: 120 135 -Ceiling: 5000 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 260 nmi Int Fuel: 1495 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 915 L cabin tank 740 kg 185 nmi 475 L drop tank 385 kg 95 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1500 kg • 6 UB-32-57 or 6 FAB-250 or 6 475 L fuel tanks (Mi-8MTV-2) • 4 B-8V20 or 4 KMGU-2 or 4 UPK-23-250 (Mi-8MTV-2/3/5) • 4 B-8V20, 2 UPK-23-250 (Mi-8MTSh series) • 2 cabin tanks or 4 external tanks (Mi-8MTV-5) Remarks: In Svc: 1977 Helicopter with TV3-117 engines and port tail rotor. Can carry 24 troops or paratroops or 3000 kg slung load. Can carry one or two cabin tanks at the expense of cargo - each tank halves payload carried. Armed versions may carry up to 1500 kg weapons on six hardpoints. Can be fitted with nose A-12.7 12.7mm, offensive guns (0.4). All can be fitted with side door 7.62mm. Some fitted to lay land mines. Export versions are Mi-17x for aircraft built at Kazan, and Mi-8AMTx for aircraft built at Ulan-Ude. Fitted with sand filters as standard. • Mi-8MTV [Hip H]: Improved ‘hot and high’ engines. Export Mi-17V. In service 1988. • Mi-8MTV-1 [Hip H]: Civil version with cargo hook rated at 5000 kg. Exported as Mi-17V-1. From 1999 Mi-17V-1 offered with rear cargo ramp. Identical stats for Mi-8AMT • Mi-8MTV-2 [Hip H]: Improved cabin layout with seating for 30 troops or paratroops, 1st Gen IR jammer and 1st Gen D as standard. Cargo hook rated at 5000 kg. • Mi-8MTV-3 [Hip H]: Mi-8MTV-2 with 4 vice 6 hardpoints, A-12.7 removed. Exported as Mi-172. Identical H4 stats for Mi-8AMT (export as Mi-171), except cargo hook 4000 kg. Production from 1990. • Mi-8MTV-5 [Hip H]: Mi-8MTV-2 with reshaped nose with and drop ramp vice clamshell doors. Can carry 34 paratroops or 40 troops. Cargo hook rated at 5000 kg. Available from 1999 for export, ordered by Air Force in 2011. Identical H4 stats for Mi-17V-5, Mi-17MD, Mi-8AMTSh and Mi-171Sh. Provisions for NVG. • Mi-8MTKO: Mi-8MT fitted with NVG and GOES-331 (1st Gen FLIR, laser rangefinder). Used in combat in Chechnya for target designation. In service 1999. 16 operational by mid-2003. • Mi-19: Command post version used by ground force division commanders. Available from 1987, with few if any in service. • 1978: VSM-1 mine dispenser available. See Mi-8T entry for details. • 1984: Fitted with 1st Gen D, 1st Gen IR jammer and IR suppression (Small IR signature). • 1986: Deployed to East Germany. • 2012: Fitted with 3rd Gen D. • 2015 on: Fitted with Vitebsk 3rd Gen IR jammer. Reduced hp from 6 to 4.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Mi-8MT [Hip K]
EW Jammer
Mi-8SMV/PP [Hip J/K]
EW Jammer
Man Rtng: 2.0/1.0 Damage Value: 19 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 120 135 -Med: 120 135 -Ceiling: 5000 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 240 nmi Int Fuel: 1495 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1977 Helicopter. Various electronic warfare versions. Exports include Mi-8MTP and Mi-8MTU to Syria. Unknown are Mi-8MTD, Mi-8MTP, Mi-8MTU (L-207 suite). • Mi-8MTI: Ikebana spot jammer (8@clutter rating 14). One delivered. Export Mi-17PI. • Mi-8MTJa: Five Altaec COMINT and radio jamming. Three converted to Mi-8MTJa-2 2000 with more powerful jammers. • Mi-8MTP: Pelena ELINT and radar jamming (estimated Ikebana) version. Export as Mi-17P. • Mi-8MTPB: Bizon COMINT and communications jamming version. Exported as Mi-17PP to Bulgaria, Hungary, Syria. • Mi-8MTPI: Radar jamming version with Ikebana suite. One delivered. Export name Mi-17PPI. • Mi-8MTPR1: Version with L-187A Rychag-AV standoff radar jammer (clutter rating 16), 2nd Gen D. 18 delivered 2015-2016. • Mi-8MTPS: Version with SPS-88M Smalta-M radar spot jammer, 2@clutter rating 11. • Mi-8MTR: Version with L-187 Rychag-VA radar jammer, clutter rating 16. Two delivered. • Mi-8MTS-1/2/3: Shaft COMINT and spot radar jammer (1@ clutter rating 11). Three delivered. • Mi-8MTSh, Mi-8MTPSh: Shakhta data link jamming versions. Four delivered. • Mi-8MTYa: COMINT and comm jamming version. Two delivered. • Mi-17Z-2: ELINT and communications jammer version with large drum jammers, either side. Used by Czechoslovakia.
Man Rtng: 1.5/0.5 Damage Value: 19 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 120 135 -Med: 120 135 -Ceiling: 4500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 240 nmi Int Fuel: 1495 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1973 Helicopter. PP jams search radars, SMV jams SAM radars. • Mi-8SMV [Hip J1]: Radar jamming version with SPS-88 Smalta spot jamming (2@clutter rating 10) suite and 1st Gen D. Jammers are mounted on side. • Mi-8SMV-PG [Hip J]: Upgrade with SPS-88PG Karma spot jammer, 8@clutter rating 12. • Mi-8PP [Hip K]: Pole suite with SPS-5 Fasol escort jammer, clutter rating 11, in service 1977. • Mi-8PPA [Hip K1]: Mi-8PP upgraded between 1982 to 1984 with Azaliya suite - SPS-63/-66/-68 standoff jammers, clutter rating 11. Also exported to Czechoslovakia and Syria from 1986. • Deployed to East Germany - PPA 1979, SMV 1980.
Mi-8T [Hip C]
Man Rtng: 1.5/0.5 Damage Value: 19 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 120 135 -Med: 120 135 -Ceiling: 4500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 240 nmi Int Fuel: 1495 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 915 L cabin tank 740 kg 170 nmi
Russia’s Aircraft
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1500 kg • 4 UB-16-57 - (Mi-8TV Hip C) • 6 UB-32-57, 4 9M17P Skorpion-P - (Mi-8TV Hip E) • 6 UB-32-57, 6 9M14M - (Mi-8TVK) Remarks: In Svc: 1965 - 2009 Helicopter with TV2-117 engines, tail rotor on starboard side. Can carry 24 troops or paratroops or 2850 kg cargo internally or 3000 kg slung load. Can carry one or two cabin tanks at the expense of cargo - each tank halves payload carried. Armed versions may carry up to 1500 kg weapons on either four or six hardpoints, depending on version. Can be fitted with sand filters and IR suppression (VSmall IR signature), each reduces load by 400 kg. • Mi-8T [Hip C]: Unarmed transport. All later to Mi-8TV standard. Exported as Mi-8TS to Syria in 1973. • Mi-8TV [Hip C]: Armed transport with Gen 0 RWR, limited to 14 troops with weapons carried, in service 1968. Exported as Mi-8TS. • Mi-8VKP [Hip D]: Divisional-level command post, 60-70 in service early 1970s. • Mi-8TV [Hip E]: Armed transport, limited numbers in service 1974. Fitted with missile rails over weapon pylons and nose A-12.7 12.7mm, Gun Attack 0.4. Gun arc limited to +/- 30°. • Mi-8TVK [Hip F]: Export Mi-8TB to East Germany (1980) and Nicaragua with 9M14M vice 9M17P. • Mi-8AV: Mi-8T fitted to lay AT land mines from cabin conveyor belt, typically two per Regiment fitted. In service 1975. • Mi-8BT: Five fitted with mechanical minesweep and cabin tanks to clear Suez Canal in 1974. • Mi-8R: ELINT with ramp mounted antenna, max speed 65 knots and fully loaded when in use. In service mid 70s. • Mi-8TG: Artillery recon in 1970s. Known as Mi-8TK in West. • Mi-8TZ: Ground tanker for vehicles and helicopters, IOC 1977. • Mi-8VD: NBC recon. In service mid 70s. • Mi-9 [Hip G]: Divisional-level command post, 130-140 in service 1977. • 1969: Deployed to East Germany. Hungary in 1972. • 1980: Afghanistan Mi-8TV fitted with 1st Gen D, 2 or 4 fixed 7.62mm and rear 7.62mm mg, port door AGS-17 grenade launcher. Fixed mg removed in 1984. Off Guns: 0.4 or 0.2. • 1978: Fitted to carry four VSM-1 mine dispensers. Each VSM-2 carries land mines or 29 PDM-4 sea mines. • 1980s: 1st Gen IR jammer, IR suppression (Small IR signature) available. • 2007 - 09: Retired from Russian service.
Mi-10 [Harke]
Man Rtng: 2.0/1.5 Damage Value: 29 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 100 180 -Med: 100 180 -Ceiling: 4750 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 190 nmi Int Fuel: 8230 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1964 - 92 Helicopter. Flying crane based on Mi-6. Can carry 28 passengers internally and either 15000 kg on platform or 8000 kg slung load. 33 of 40 produced used by Air Force. • Mi-10GR: One with ELINT, in service 1966. Served in East Germany until 1972. • Mi-10PP: ST-900 Step suite with SPS-5 Fasol escort radar jammer, clutter rating 11. 20 conversions from mid 1970s. Retired 1989.
Mi-14PL [Haze A]
Man Rtng: 2.0/1.5 Damage Value: 20 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Sensors: MAD, VGS-2 Oka-2 dipping sonar, Baku sonobuoy processor. Initsiativa-2M radar.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 110 130 -Med: 110 130 -Ceiling: 3500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 300 nmi Int Fuel: 3150 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 500 L Cabin Tank 405 kg 55 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg • 8 PLAB-250-120 or 12 PLAB-50 DC • 1 AT-1 or 1 AT-1M or APR-1 torpedo (Mi-14PL) • 1 UMGT-1 or APR-2 torpedo (Mi-14PLM) • 36 RGB-N or RGB-NM sonobuoys (Mi-14PL) • 36 RGB-NM or RGB-NM-1 sonobuoys (Mi-14PLM) • 1 RYu-1 Scalp or RYu-2 Skat nuclear DB Remarks: In Svc: 1976 - Jun 96 Helicopter. Can take off and land in water up to Sea State 2. Operates in hunter/killer pairs typically 80-110 nmi from shore. Can carry cabin tank. 273 Mi-14PL delivered 1973-1986. Initial dipping sonar cable 65 meters, later increased to 125 meters. • Export Mi-14PLE to Bulgaria - 6 1979-81, 4 1990, AT-1, nuke; Cuba - 14 1983-84, APR-1; East Germany - 9 1979-80, AT-1, nuke; Libya - 12 1982-83, AT-1M; North Korea - 5 1986; Poland - 14 198384, DC only; South Yemen - 4 early 80s; Syria - 15 1984-85, APR-1; Yugoslavia - 4 1980-82. • Units: 745th OPLVP (Donskoye, Baltic, 25 Jun 76-94); 830th OKPLVP (Severomorsk-2/Safonovo, Northern, Jan 77-90s); 78th OPLVP (Lake Donuzlav, Black Sea, Feb 78-90s); 51st OPLVE (Novonezhino, Pacific, Sep 78-93 with 20 a/c); 55th OPLVE (Korsakov, Pacific, 1983-93 with 30 a/c) - FOL in Kuriles (Shumshu and Semushir Islands). Eight deployed to Cam Ranh, Vietnam 1982-1989. • Mi-14BT [Haze B]: Minesweeper with radar only - 5 Baltic, 5 Black Sea, 8 Northern, 6 Pacific. Can tow mechanical (1976) or acoustic/magnetic (1981) sweep. In service 1976 - 1998. Exported to Bulgaria (2 in 1984) and East Germany (6 in 1986). • Mi-14PS [Haze C]: SAR with radar only, carries 500 L cabin tank, ten 20-man life rafts, room for 19 survivors or 2000 kg cargo internal or 3000 kg slung load. Around 40 delivered. Retired 2004. Exported to Poland (4 1984, 1 1991) and Syria (6 1984). • 1980s: Six converted to Mi-14PLM. Osminog radar, A-100 Pakhra sonobuoy processor, VGS-3 Ros-V dipping sonar replaces VGS-2, Initsiativa-2 radar and Korshun-K processor. • 1982: Mi-14PLM fitted for APR-2 Yastreb torpedo. • 1992: Russia has 12 Mi-14BT, 24 Mi-14PS, 4 Mi-14PLM, 48 Mi14PL.
Mi-24A [Hind A]
Man Rtng: 4.0/3.5 Damage Value: 19 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Sensors: Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 100 170 -Med: 100 170 -Ceiling: 4500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 180 nmi Int Fuel: 1550 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 850 L cabin tank 690 kg 115 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2900 kg Off Guns: A-12.7 12.7mm (0.4) • 4 9M17M Skorpion-M and either: • 4 UB-32-57 rocket pods • 4 FAB-100 or 2 FAB-250 bombs Remarks: In Svc: 1971 - 80s Helicopter. Armor compromised by cockpit design. Instead of weapons, can carry 8 troops or 4 stretchers or 1500 kg cargo or 2 cabin tanks. Can be fitted with cargo hook for 2000 kg slung load. Due to manual guidance must fire 9M17M from hover. Gun arc limited to +/- 30°. Exported to Afghanistan, Algeria, Ethiopia, Vietnam. • 1972: Deployed to East Germany.
Russia’s Aircraft • 1974: Last 10 are Mi-24B with A-12.7mm nose turret and 9M17P Skorpion-P missiles. • Late 70s: To training role.
Mi-24D [Hind D]
Mi-24PN [Hind F]
Man Rtng: 4.0/3.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 100 170 -Med: 100 170 -Ceiling: 4500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 210 nmi Int Fuel: 1550 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 500 L drop tank 405 kg 80 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1500 kg Off Guns: 9A624 12.7mm rotary in flex nose turret (1.3) • 4 9M17P Skorpion-P and either: • 4 UB-32-57 or 4 S-24 or 4 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-500 • 2 drop tanks, 2 UB-32-57 or 2 FAB-250 • 2 UPK-23-250 gun pods, 2 UB-32-57 (late 70s) • 4 B-8V20 (Apr 83) Remarks: In Svc: 1974 - 00 Helicopter. Heavily armored troop transport. Instead of weapons, can carry 8 troops, 2 stretcher cases, or reloads for its own weapons. Limited to aiming 9M17P 15° either side of nose (345°-15°), can use missile command transmitter as rangefinder. Due to rotor vibration can only use weapons at speeds between 45 and 160 knots. Fitted with cargo hook for 2400 kg slung load, only one flight per squadron trained and rarely used. Exported as Mi-25 to non-Warsaw Pact countries. Only late production can carry drop tanks. Units based near borders tasked with low and slow target interception. • 1976: Deployed to East Germany and Hungary. • 1984: Hind D Mod with 2nd Gen D. Later with 1st gen IR jammer. • 1984-85: Hind D Mod exported to Hungary and Poland with 1st Gen RWR.
Man Rtng: 4.0/3.5 Damage Value: 20 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: 1st Gen FLIR, 1st Gen RWR, laser rf, NVG Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 140 160 -Med: 140 160 -Ceiling: 4500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 200 nmi Int Fuel: 1550 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 500 L drop tank 405 kg 75 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1500 kg Off Guns: Fixed 1 GSh-30-2 (4.4) • 16 9M120 Ataka , 2 B-8V20 or B-13L rocket pods or 2 UPK-23250 gun pods or 2 drop tanks or 2 KMGU • 4 B-8V20 or B-13L rocket pods or 2 S-24 rockets • 2 B-8V20 or B-13L rocket pods, 2 fuel tanks • 4 OFAB-100 or 4 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-500 bombs Remarks: In Svc: 2005 Helicopter. Fitted with 1st gen IR jammer. Fixed landing gear to reduce weight. Instead of external ordnance can carry 8 troops or 2 stretcher cases, or reloads for its own weapons. FLIR only covers +/15° left and right. Six exported to Uganda. • 2004-06: 16 converted from Mi-24P. Based at Budyonnovsk near Chechnya. • 2010-11: Fitted with 2nd Gen FLIR.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Mi-24V [Hind E]
Man Rtng: 4.0/3.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 150 180 -Med: 150 180 -Ceiling: 4500 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 170 nmi Int Fuel: 1550 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 500 L drop tank 405 kg 65 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1500 kg Off Guns: 9A624 12.7mm rotary in flex nose turret (1.3) • 4 9M114 and either: • 4 UB-32-57 rocket pods • 4 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-500 bombs • 4 B-8V20 rocket pods (Apr 83) • 2 S-24 rockets (late 80s) • 2 UPK-23-250 or 2 GUV series gun pods (1986) • 4 B-13L or 2 KMGU (late 80s) • 2 R-60M [AA-8 Aphid] (1989) • 8 9M114 [AT-6 Spiral], 2 B-8V20 rocket pods (1986) • 2 drop tanks, 2 B-8V20 rocket pods (Mi-24K, Mi-24R) Remarks: In Svc: Mar 76 Helicopter. Heavily armed and armored troop transport. Instead of weapons, can carry 8 troops, 2 stretcher cases, or reloads for its own weapons. Must aim directly at target to launch 9M114, can use command guidance transmitter as rangefinder. Due to rotor vibration can only use weapons at speeds between 45 and 160 knots. Early production have cargo hook for 2400 kg slung load, only one flight per squadron trained and rarely used. Exported as Mi-35. • Mi-24P [Hind F] with fixed GSh-30-2 (4.3) vice 12.7mm, 2nd gen D as standard. Exported as Mi-35P. In service 1981. • Mi-24K [Hind G2] recon/spotter variant with day EO in service. Mi-24KD adds laser rf. 71 Mi-24K and 92 Mi-24KD. In service 1983. • Mi-24RCh [Hind G1]: NBC recon. 96 Mi-24RCh and 56 Mi-24RA. Mi-24RCh can take soil samples while landed. In service 1983. • Mi-24VP [Hind H]: GSh-23L 23mm (3.6) in nose turret vice 12.7mm. 24 delivered 1989-1990. • 1976: Mi-24V deployed to East Germany. Mi-24P in 1981. Mi24RCh 1986. Mi-24K 1987. • 1978: Mi-24V deployed to Hungary. Mi-24P in 1982. K and NBC in 1986. • 1980: Fitted with IR suppression - Small IR signature. • 1980s: Some fitted with laser rangefinder. • 1981: Deployed to Afghanistan. • 1982: Fitted with 1st gen IR jammer. • 1984: Fitted with 1st Gen RWR and 2nd Gen D. • Late 80s: Provision for 4 9M32 Strela-2M replacing 4 9M114. • 2016: Fitted for 3rd Gen IR jammer.
Mi-26 [Halo]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 30 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: -Sensors: 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 137 160 -Med: 137 160 -Ceiling: 4600 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 325 nmi Int Fuel: 9635 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 3700 L cabin tank 2995 kg 145 nmi Remarks: In Svc: May 85 Can carry 68 paratroops or 82 troops or 20,000 kg cargo or 4 cabin tanks or 1 BMP IFV. Can be fitted with 2nd Gen D. Exported to India. Regiments have two squadrons, one of Mi-6 or Mi-8. Each squadron has 12 helicopters. • Mi-26T: Civilian with RWR, decoys and provision for paratroops removed. Delivered from Dec 85. Exported to Cambodia, Congo,
Russia’s Aircraft
Equatorial Guinea, North Korea, Peru, Venezuela air forces and other civil users. • Mi-26T2: Civilian export with glass cockpit, NVG for Algeria - 6 in 2015 and Jordan - 4 from 2018. • Mi-26TZ: Ground tanker with four cabin tanks and 4 refueling hoses. At least 6 from 1996. • Mi-26M: Air Force version with NVG, EO turret, 3rd Gen IR jammer, 3rd Gen D, 2nd Gen RWR. Also known as Mi-26T2V. Testing from 2019 with 38 planned. • Mi-26PPM: Canceled standoff radar jammer on starboard side. • Mi-27: Canceled command post. • 1992: Majority remain in Ukraine, 28 in Russia. Further 18 delivered 2011-2016.
Mi-28A [Havoc A]
Mi-28N/Nmi [Havoc B]
Man Rtng: 3.5/3.0 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: EO turret with laser rangefinder, 2nd Gen RWR. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 143 164 Med: 143 164 Ceiling: 6000 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 180 nmi Int Fuel: 1375 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1920 kg Off Guns: 2A42 30mm (0.8) • 2 B-8V20 rocket pods, 16 9M114 Remarks: In Svc: -Helicopter. Armored. Day only version. Not taken into service. • 7 Jan 88: First flight of prototype. Canceled 1994 as night capability added. • Aug 90: Iraqi license production of Mi-28L canceled.
Man Rtng: 3.5/3.0 Damage Value: 24 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: 2nd Gen RWR, LWS, EO turret with laser rangefinder, 3rd Gen FLIR. NVG, Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 130/140 150/160 -Med: 130/140 150/160 -Ceiling: 5000 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 180 nmi Int Fuel: 1300 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 575 L drop tank 465 kg 90 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg Off Guns: 2A42 30mm (0.8) in nose turret • 2 B-8V20 or 2 B-13 rocket pods, 16 9M120 Ataka • 4 B-8V20 or 4 B-13 rocket pods • 2 drop tanks, 4 9M39 Igla-V, 8 9M120 Ataka • 2 B-8V-20 or 2 B-13, 8 9M123M or 16 9M120-1 (Mi-28NM) • 4 LMUR (Mi-28NM) Remarks: In Svc: Feb 14 Helicopter. Nochnoyokhotnik or Night Hunter. Armored with IR suppression (VSmall IR signature). Can carry 2 UPK-23-250 gun pods replacing 2 rocket pods. Mi-28N uses first speeds, Mi-28NM second speeds. • Mi-28NE export to Algeria (42 from 2016) and Iraq (15 from 2014). Some have mast mounted N-025E radar from 2015. • Mi-28NM with N-025M mast mounted radar (TF mode), improved optics, new rotor blades to increased speeds, 9M342 Igla-S or Verba replaces Igla-V, LMUR/Iz 305 added. Can receive targeting information from UAV. 98 planned 2020-2027. Export version Mi-28EM. • Mid 2010: Operational in day attack. Night training from 2011. • 2016: Russian fitted with mast mounted N-025 radar and 3rd gen IR jammer. • Mar 16: Four Mi-28N deployed to Syria.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• Mar 19: Mi-28NM prototype deploys to Syria. • Mi-28NM be fitted with HMD.
Mi-35M [Hind J]
Man Rtng: 4.0/3.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: GOES-342.10 (EO, 2nd Gen FLIR, laser rangefinder), NVG, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 130 160 -Med: 130 160 -Ceiling: 5100 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 220 nmi Int Fuel: e1550 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 575 L drop tank 465 kg 95 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg Off Guns: GSh-23V 23mm (3.2) in nose turret • 2 B-8V20 rocket pods, 16 9M120 • 2 B-8V20 or 2 B-13L rocket pods, 8 9M120, 4 9M39 Igla-V • 2 drop tanks or 2 UPK-23-250 gun pods, 2 B-8V20 rocket pods Remarks: In Svc: 2012 Helicopter. Armored with fixed vice retractable landing gear. Fitted with 2nd Gen IR jammer. Can carry 8 troops. Can be fitted with IR suppression (Small IR signature). Exported to Azerbaijan (24 201213), Brazil (12 2009-12), Iraq (28 from 2013), Kazakhstan (4 2016), Kenya (3 2011-12), Mali (2 2017), Nigeria (12 from 2017), Pakistan (4 2018), Serbia (7 2020) and Venezuela (10 2006-07). • 2013: Cleared for B-13 rocket pods for Azerbaijan. Yet to be cleared for bombs, KMGU-2. • 2016 - 18: Fitted with LWS, 3rd gen decoys and 3rd gen IR jammer. • 2018: Shown with 3rd Gen FLIR and either 16 Ataka-VM or 12 91472K Vikhr-1, possibly for export. • Mi-35MV: Planned upgrade with new engines and armor, 9M342 Igla-S, 9M127 Vikhr and 9M123M missiles.
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 20 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: NVG Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 155 170 -Med: 155 170 -Ceiling: 5900 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 345 nmi Int Fuel: 3320 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 960 L cabin tank 780 kg 115 nmi Remarks: In Svc: 2020? Helicopter. Internal payload 6000 kg or 40 troops or 16 stretchers, external slung load 7000 kg. Delayed by breakup of Soviet Union and then decision to replace Western engines. Can be fitted with an estimated two cabin tanks - tank capacity estimated. • Mi-38-3 PSTDV: Planned version with retractable landing gear and reduced signature (estimated Small) fuselage. • 30 Nov 18: First flight of prototype Mi-38T. First two delivered Dec 19. • 2020: Three Mi-38-7 command posts ordered. • No plans for armed versions. Possibly only specialized versions to be purchased - Command Post, Medevac and EW.
Mi-40 Attack/Transport
Man Rtng: 3.0/2.0 Damage Value: 21 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: 1st Gen FLIR, laser rangefinder,
Russia’s Aircraft Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 140 160 -Med: 140 160 -Ceiling: 3300 meters Engine Type: TS Cruise Range: 170 nmi Int Fuel: ? kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1800 kg Off Guns: GSh-23L 23mm (3.6) in nose turret Def Guns: YakB 12.7mm (0.4) in rear turret • 4 rocket pods, 8 9M120 Ataka-V Remarks: In Svc: 1990s Helicopter. Proposed Mi-24 replacement version of Mi-28. Carries 7 troops. Fitted with IR suppression (VSmall IR signature). Replaced by Mi-42.
MiG-15 [Fagot A]
MiG-15bis [Fagot B]
Man. Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 15 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 330 565 -Med: 330 560 -High: 320 530 -Ceiling: 15400 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 505 nmi Int Fuel: 1225 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 260 L drop tank 210 kg 125 nmi 300 L drop tank 245 kg 145 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 500 kg Off. Guns: 2 NS-23 23mm, 1 N-37 37mm (1.8) • 2 drop tanks • 2 FAB-50 or FAB-100 bombs Remarks: In Svc: Jun 49 - late 50s Designed as a high-altitude interceptor. Not flown by PVO. 1340 produced 1949-51. License production in Poland as Lim-1 and Czechoslovakia as S-102. • 1950: Deployed to East Germany, Hungary and Poland. • 1951: Deployed to Naval units for coastal defense. 300 L drop tanks available.
Man Rtng: 2.0/1.0 Damage Value: 15 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 340 580 -Med: 345 600 -High: 350 550 -Ceiling: 15400 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 455 nmi Int Fuel: 1175 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 260 L drop tank 210 kg 115 nmi 300 L drop tank 245 kg 135 nmi 400 L drop tank 325 kg 180 nmi 600 L drop tank 485 kg 270 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1050 kg Off. Guns: 2 NS-23 23mm, 1 N-37 37mm (1.8) • 2 260 L or 300 L or 400 L drop tanks • 2 600 L drop tanks (maneuver rating 1.5) • 2 FAB-100 or 2 FAB-250 bombs • 4 FAB-250 bombs (attack) • 2 300 L drop tanks or 2 FAB-250 bombs, 2 S-21M rockets (attack) Remarks: In Svc: 1950 - 1964 Reengined MiG-15. Strengthened wing structure. Around 7936 produced 1950 - 1953. License production in Poland as Lim-2 and Czechoslovakia as S-103. 600 L drop tanks were used only from bases with long runways, with ceiling reduced to 13400 meters. • MiG-15bisR: Recon variant with Medium/High altitude cameras, 1015 kg fuel, 390 nmi range. Offensive guns, 1 N-37 37mm, 1 NR23 (1.6). Uses 600 L drop tanks as standard. 364 delivered 1951 1952. In service Oct 51 - late 60s. Exported to Bulgaria and Cuba.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• MiG-15bisS: Bomber escort with 600 L drop tanks. Offensive guns, 1 N-37 37mm, 2 NR-23 (2.5). 49 delivered in 1951. • 1951: Deployed to East Germany. • Jul 51: NR-23 replaces NS-23 (2.5). • 1952 - 53: Replaced in fighter role by MiG-17. Passed to attack role, use attack loadouts above. All have provision for 600 L drop tanks. • Oct 52: Gen 0 RWR passes combat trials in Korea and added to production a/c. RWR covers rear aspect only - 90°-270°. • 1953: Some fitted with ILS for poor weather operations. Not fitted to export a/c. • 1954: 400 L drop tanks available.
MiG-17 [Fresco A]
MiG-17F [Fresco C]
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Damage Value: 16 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 380 570 -Med: 430 590 -High: 430 550 -Ceiling: 15100 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 500 nmi Int Fuel: 1160 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 400 L drop tank 325 kg 205 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 900 kg Off Guns: 1 N-37 37mm cannon, 2 NR-23 23mm (2.5) • 2 400 L drop tanks • 2 FAB-50 or 2 FAB-100 bombs • 2 drop tanks, 2 S-21M rockets (MiG-17AS and attack) • 2 FAB-50 or 2 FAB-100 or 2 FAB-250, 2 S-21M rockets (attack) • 2 drop tanks, 2 ORO-57K rocket pods (attack) Remarks: In Svc: 1952 - 1978 Not fitted with reheat. Initially used 400 L slipper tanks which cannot be dropped. • MiG-17AS: Fitted with additional HP, must drop 400 L tanks before firing S-21M rockets. 170 delivered. In service 1954. • 1952 - 55: 5467 produced. • 1952: Operational with Naval units. • 1953: Fitted with Gen 0 RWR in rear aspect only (90 - 270°). • 1954: Deployed to East Germany and Poland. • Jun 59: Many converted to attack role with additional HP. Use attack loadouts above. Retired attack role 1978. • 1960s: Retired from fighter role. Used for training.
Man Rtng: 4.0/2.5 Damage Value: 16 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 380 590 -Med: 420 590 610 High: 420 545 570 VHigh: -- -- 560 Ceiling: 16470 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 470 nmi Int Fuel: 1130 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 400 L drop tank 325 kg 190 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 650 kg Off Guns: 1 N-37 37mm cannon, 2 NR-23 23mm (2.5) • 2 drop tanks • 2 S-21M rockets • 2 FAB-50 or 2 FAB-100 or 2 FAB-250 bombs • 2 drop tanks, 2 R-3S (export only) • 4 FAB-100 or 4 FAB-250 (Bulgaria 1963) • 2 drop tanks, 2 FAB-250 or 2 UB-16-57 (Bulgaria 1963) Remarks: In Svc: Feb 53 - 1970s Cannot use reheat at Low altitude. License produced in Poland as Lim-5 and China as J-5. • MiG-17R: Recon variant with internal cameras, two 23mm only (1.8).
Russia’s Aircraft
• Late 52 - 58: 1685 produced. • 1954: Fitted with Gen 0 RWR in rear aspect only (90 - 270°). • Late 54 - 55: 204 fitted with SRD-1 [Scan Fix] RO radar. Also fitted to some Lim-5. • 1955-67: Deployed to East Germany. • 1956: Used in attack role from this date. Replaced by Su-7B/BM. • 1956: Deployed to Hungary. • 1960: Export only fitted for R-3S. • 1963: 36 Bulgarian a/c fitted with additional HP for attack role. • Early 70s: S-24 rocket replaces S-21M. • 1971: Egyptian a/c to attack role with two fuselage HP and outer rocket rails added. • 1973 - 75: East German a/c fitted with additional HP for attack role. Use Bulgarian loadouts.
MiG-17P [Fresco B]
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Damage Value: 16 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-1 Izumrud radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 380 570 -Med: 380 585 -High: 380 560 -Ceiling: 14500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 485 nmi Int Fuel: 1200 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 400 L drop tank 325 kg 190 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 900 kg Off Guns: 3 NR-23 23mm (2.7) • 2 400 L drop tanks • 2 FAB-50 or 2 FAB-100 bombs • 2 FAB-250 bombs (overload) Remarks: In Svc: Jun 53 - 1970s? Not fitted with reheat. Cruise speeds estimated. Flown by Navy and PVO only. ILS as standard. • 1953 - 54: 225 produced.
MiG-17PF [Fresco D]
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Damage Value: 16 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-1 Izumrud radar, Gen 0 RWR (90°-270°) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 370 580 -Med: 400 575 605 High: 400 560 570 VHigh: -- -- 560 Ceiling: 16300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 415 nmi Int Fuel: 1130 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 400 L drop tank 325 kg 170 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 670 kg Off Guns: 3 NR-23 23mm (2.7) • 2 400 L drop tanks Remarks: In Svc: late 54 - 1979 RWR has rear aspect only. License produced with RP-5 radar by Poland as Lim-5P and China as J-5A. • PVO Regiments: 9 (Jan 70), 2 (1975), 1 (Dec 79). • 1954 - 56: 708 produced. • Mid-50s: Some fitted with GCI data link as MiG-17PFG. • Dec 55 on: Fitted with RP-5 Izumrud 5 radar. • 1956: Deployed to East Germany and Hungary.
MiG-17PFU [Fresco E]
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Size/Signature: Small/Small Sensors: RP-1U Izumrud radar
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Damage Value: 16 Bombsight: Manual
Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 370 570 -Med: 400 570 600 High: 400 575 605 VHigh: -- -- 605 Ceiling: 15650 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 445 nmi Int Fuel: 1170 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 400 L drop tank 325 kg 180 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 900 kg • 2 400 L drop tanks, 4 RS-1U Remarks: In Svc: 1955 - late 60s 40 converted from MiG-17PF. Flown by PVO 790th IAP, Khotilovo (1955 - 59) and VVS 773rd IAP Damgarten, East Germany (1957 - 60). • 26 Aug 56: RS-1U accepted for service. • 1957: Fitted with RP-2U Izumrud 2 radar and RS-2US. Used as MiG-19PM system trainers from 1960.
MiG-19 [Farmer A]
MiG-19P [Farmer B]
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Damage Value: 21 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: SRD-1M Konus RO radar, Gen 0 RWR (90°-270°) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 440 550 620 Med: 440 560 700 High: 440 545 785 VHigh: -- -- 785 Ceiling: 17500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 525 nmi Int Fuel: 1735 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 400 L drop tank 325 kg 140 nmi 760 L drop tank 615 kg 265 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1270 kg Off Guns: 3 NR-23 23mm (2.7) • 2 drop tanks • 2 ORO-57K rocket pods, 2 drop tanks • 2 FAB-250 bombs Remarks: In Svc: Mar 55 - 1960s RWR rear aspect only. Limited to High altitude maximum with 760 L drop tanks carried. 401 produced 1955-57. Briefly flown by Navy 1955-?. • Later fitted for FAB-250 bombs.
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 21 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-1 Izumrud 1 radar, Gen 0 RWR (90°-270°) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 440 600 590 Med: 440 620 690 High: 440 640 780 VHigh: -- -- 750 Ceiling: 17250 m Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 555 nmi Int Fuel: 1735 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 540 L drop tank 435 kg 200 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1270 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-30 30mm in wing roots (2.4) • 2 drop tanks • 2 drop tanks, 2 FAB-250 or 2 UB-8-57 • 2 drop tanks, 2 R-3S (MiG-19PT) Remarks: In Svc: 1957 - 1979 RWR rear aspect only. 433 produced 1956-58. Late production have RP-5 Izumrud 2 radar. Exported to Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Romania. License built in China as J-6A. • PVO MiG-19P/PM Regiments: 11 (Jan 70), 6 (1975-79)
Russia’s Aircraft • 1960s: Fitted with additional HP for R-3 AAM. Known as MiG19PT. Fitted to Bulgarian a/c in 1969. • Some converted to MiG-19P Mod (see MiG-19PM entry). • Late 60s?: Small number of PVO fitted with GCI data link as MiG19PG.
MiG-19PM [Farmer D]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-2U Izumrud 2 radar, Gen 0 RWR (90°-270°) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 440 600 620 Med: 440 620 650 High: 440 640 675 VHigh: -- -- 610 Ceiling: 16700 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 485 nmi Int Fuel: 1735 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 540 L drop tank 435 kg 175 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1270 kg • 4 RS-2U, 2 drop tanks (MiG-19PM) • 2 R-3S, 2 drop tanks (MiG-19P Mod) Remarks: In Svc: 1958 - 1979 Can engage single target with one, two or four missiles at same time. Fitted for ILS for all weather operations. RWR rear aspect only. 369 produced 1956-60. Early production and export not fitted with RWR. License built in China as J-6B. • 1959 - 60: Exported to Albania, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania. • 1960: RS-2US replaces RS-2U. • Late 60s: Small number fitted with GCI data link as MiG-19PML.
MiG-19S [Farmer C]
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: SRD-3 RO radar, Gen 0 RWR (rear aspect only, 90°270°) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 450 600 590 Med: 450 620 760 High: 450 640 785 VHigh: -- -- 785 Ceiling: 16720 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 530 nmi Int Fuel: 1735 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 400 L drop tank 325 kg 140 nmi 760 L drop tank 615 kg 265 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1270 kg Off Guns: 3 NR-30 30mm (3.7) • 2 drop tanks • 2 FAB-250 bombs • 2 UB-8-57 rocket pods, 2 drop tanks • 4 UB-8-57 (1957) • 2 drop tanks, 2 R-3S (MiG-19SF) Remarks: In Svc: Jun 56 - 1970s? Day/night fighter with powered controls for increased agility. 683 produced in Russia 1956-59. First 30 have SRD-1M, majority SRD3, final production SRD-5; all are RO radars. Also built in China as J-6, and in Czechoslovakia as S-105. Maximum altitude with 760 L drop tanks carried is High. Exported to Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, North Korea, North Vietnam and Syria. • MiG-19R: Reconnaissance with Low altitude camera, offensive guns 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4). • MiG-19SF: Late production with 17900 meter ceiling, estimate SRD-5. In service late 1960s. • MiG-19SV: PVO high altitude version with radar removed, offensive guns 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4), 18500 meter ceiling. In service 1957. Not exported.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 1956: Deployed to East Germany.
MiG-21bis [Fishbed L/N]
MiG-21F [Fishbed B]
Man Rtng: 3.0/2.0 Damage Value: 18 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-22S Saphir-21 radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 490 550 700 Medium 540 650 865 High: 540 710 1100 VHigh: 540 760 1175 Ceiling: 17500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 540 nmi Int Fuel: 2305 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 490 L supersonic drop tank 395 kg 130 nmi Ordnance Loadouts Payload: 2000 kg Off Guns: GSh-23L 23mm (3.6) • C/L drop tank, and either: • 2 R-3S or R-13M or R-13M1 or R-55, 2 R-3R • 4 R-3S or R-13M or R-13M1 or R-55 • 2 R-3R or R-13M or R-13M1, 4 R-60 or R-60M • 4 S-24 or 2 KMGU or 2 FAB-500 • 2 UB-16-57, 2 UB-32-57 • 4 FAB-250 or 4 RBK-250 or 4 OFAB-250 • 2 R-3S or 2 R-13M, 2 UB-16-57 or 2 S-24 or 2 FAB-250 • 2 R-3S or 2 R-13M, 8 FAB-100 or 2 B-8M1 (late 1970s) • 2 drop tanks, 2 UB-16-57 or 2 FAB-250 or 2 S-24 rockets • 2 drop tanks, 2 R-13M, 1 RN-25 nuclear bomb (MiG-21bisN) Remarks: In Svc: Feb 72 - 1992 Has increased reheat thrust at Low altitude (+0.5 to Man Rating in reheat at Low altitude only). Option to replace C/L drop tank with SPS-141MVG ECM pod. Non-Warsaw Pact export have RP-21M radar. • 1972 - 85: 2013 produced (possibly domestic production until 1974 only, with export until 1985). 220 license-produced in India. • Feb 72-74: MiG-21bis [Fishbed L] production with Lazur GCI data link. Exported to Warsaw Pact countries (unofficial name MiG21bisLazur). Only one regiment with PVO - 308th IAP Postovaya, Far East April 1983-1990. • MiG-21bis [Fishbed N] with SAU ILS for all weather landings. Some wired for C/L nukes (MiG-21bisN). Standard VVS and export version (unofficial name MiG-21bis-SAU). Strength of 85 in 1990, 80 in 1992. • 1973: First squadron deployed to East Germany - 773rd IAP Damgarten 1973 - 1985. • 1974: R-55 in use. • Late 70s: Fitted with B-8M1 rocket pods and bomb multiple ejector racks (MER) for FAB-100. • Jun 81 - Jul 84: Fishbed N serves in Afghanistan.
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Damage Value: 17 Size/Signature: Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: SRD-5M Kvant RO radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 440 520 594 Med: 455 670 648 High: 470 700 1174 VHigh: 470 700 1174 Ceiling: 19000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 515 nmi Int Fuel: 1730 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 490 L supersonic drop tank 395 kg 165 nmi Ordnance Loadouts Payload: 1350 kg Off Guns: Two NR-30 30mm (2.4) • 1 DT, 2 UB-16-57 rocket pods • 1 DT, 2 S-24 rockets • 1 DT, 2 OFAB-100-120 or 2 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-500
Russia’s Aircraft
Remarks: In Svc: 1960 - 1972 ‘Forsazh’ (boosted). Clear weather only. • Sep 59 - Jun 60: 99 produced. • Jun 60 - Apr 61: Air to ground weapons trials. • Nov 60: Operational evaluation. FOC 1961. • 1960: Deployed to Hungary. • Oct 61-63: Deployed to Poland with 159th Guards Fighter Regiment.
MiG-21F-13 [Fishbed C]
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Damage Value: 17 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: SRD-5M Kvant RO radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 440 520 594 Medium 455 670 648 High: 470 700 1174 VHigh: 470 700 1174 Ceiling: 18800 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 530/570 nmi Int Fuel: 1825/1975 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 490 L supersonic drop tank 395 kg 165 nmi Ordnance Loadouts Payload: 1350 kg Off Guns: One NR-30 30mm (1.2) • 1 DT, 2 R-3A or R-3S • 1 DT, 2 UB-16-57 rocket pods or 2 S-24 rockets • 1 DT, 2 OFAB-100-120 or 2 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-500 Remarks: In Svc: 1961 - 1973 Clear weather only. Can be fitted with single recon camera (Low altitude only). Export models are probably late production standard. • Jul 60 - early 62: Production for Russia. First 134 aircraft use first range and fuel, remainder and export use second figures. • 1962-65: Exported. License production in China as J-7 and 190 in Czechoslovakia as S-106. • 1962: Deployed to Hungary with three regiments. • 1963-65: Deployed to Poland with 159th Guards Fighter Regiment.
MiG-21M [Fishbed J]
Man Rtng: 3.0/1.5 Damage Value: 18 Size/Signature: Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-21M or R-2L radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 450 500 620 Medium 520 590 840 High: 520 660 996 VHigh: 520 740 1147 Ceiling: 18500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 545 nmi Int Fuel: 2240 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 490 L supersonic drop tank 395 kg 135 nmi Ordnance Loadouts Payload: 1500 kg Off Guns: GSh-23L 23mm (3.6) • 1 drop tank, and either: • 4 R-3S • 2 R-3S, 2 RS-2US (RP-21M) • 4 S-24 rockets or 4 UB-16-57 rocket pods • 4 FAB-100 or 4 OFAB-100-120 or 4 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-500 • 2 R-3S, 2 S-24 or 2 UB-16-57 or 2 FAB-100 or 2 FAB-250 • 2 drop tanks, and either: • 2 R-3S or 2 S-24 • 2 R-3S or R-13M, RN-25 nuclear bomb (Type 96N) • 2 RS-2US or 2 Kh-66 (RP-21M) Remarks: In Svc: Export Export MiG-21S. RP-21M aircraft have provision for Kh-66 and RS-2US. • Warsaw Pact: RP-21M radar. Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Poland, Romania. Some Type 96N with Bulgaria, East Germany.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• Third World: R-2L radar. Egypt, Syria, Yugoslavia. License built in India between Feb 73 and Nov 81. • 1968-71: In production. • Jun 70: Trials with Kh-66 missile. • 1985: Some Warsaw Pact fitted for R-13M replacing R-3S and R-60 and R-60M. • Some Warsaw Pact later fitted with MiG-21MF engine (use MiG21MF performance). Some of these fitted with RP-22S radar with R-3R capability.
MiG-21PF/PFS [Fishbed D/F]
MiG-21PFM [Fishbed F]
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Damage Value: 17 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-21 Saphir radar, Gen 0 RWR. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 450 520 700 Med: 520 590 865 High: 520 660 1100 VHigh: 520 740 1170 Ceiling: 19000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 610/510 nmi Int Fuel: 2145/2020 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 490 L supersonic drop tank 395 kg 160/140 nmi Ordnance Loadouts Payload: e1500 kg • C/L drop tank, and either: • 2 R-3S • 2 RS-2US (RP-21M) • 2 UB-16-57 or 2 S-24 • 2 FAB-100 or 2 OFAB-100-120 or 2 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-500 • 1 RN-25 nuclear bomb, 2 R-3S (VVS only) Remarks: In Svc: Mar 62 - 1986 Perekhvatchik (Interceptor). Used by VVS with provision for RN-25 nuclear bomb, and PVO (later passed to VVS in attack role) as clear weather day and night. All guns removed. Use first figures for MiG-21PF, second for MiG-21PFS. Problems with radar reliability. If the aircraft uses maneuver rating greater than 2.0, there is a 25% chance per turn of the radar becoming unserviceable. • MiG-21PF [Fishbed D] for VVS and some PVO (1963?) units. Early production have RP-9 vice RP-21 radar. Exported to Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania. • Export MiG-21PF [Fishbed D] for Third World with R-1L radar lacks RS-2US & S-24 capability - Cuba, Egypt (R-2L radar), Ethiopia, India (MiG-21FL), Laos, North Korea, North Vietnam as MiG-21PFL, North Yemen, Syria, Sudan. • MiG-21PFS [Fishbed D] to PVO with RP-21 radar. Exported to Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Egypt, Syria. • MiG-21PFS [Fishbed F] for PVO with RP-21M radar and RS2US for all weather intercepts. • Deliveries: 525 MiG-21PF 1962-64; 1 regiment MiG-21PFS [Fishbed D] 1964; MiG-21PFS [Fishbed D] late 64-68; export MiG-21PF [Fishbed D] 1964-68. • 1964: Fishbed D deployed to East Germany and Poland. Possibly Hungary in 1965. • Mid-70s: Radar problems resolved, can use full Man Rtng without penalty.
Man Rtng: 3.0/1.5 Damage Value: 17 Size/Signature: Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-21M Saphir radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 450 520 700 Medium 520 590 860 High: 520 660 1100 VHigh: 520 740 1200 Ceiling: 18250 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 545/530 nmi Int Fuel: 2200/2145 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 490 L supersonic drop tank 395 kg 140 nmi
Russia’s Aircraft Ordnance Loadouts Payload: 1500 kg • C/L drop tank or GP-9 gun pod, and either: • 2 R-3S or 2 RS-2US or 2 R-13M or 4 R-60M • 2 UB-16-57 rocket pods or 2 S-24 rockets • 2 Kh-66 • 2 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-500 bombs • 1 RN-25 nuclear bomb, 2 R-3S Remarks: In Svc: 1964 - 1986 Day/night clear weather interceptor. Problems with radar reliability. If the aircraft uses maneuver rating greater than 2.0, there is a 25% chance per turn of the radar becoming unserviceable. Can carry SPS-141 ECM pod replacing C/L drop tank. Some VVS and Warsaw Pact can carry RN-25 nuclear bomb. • Early production: Use first ranges and fuels. • Late production: Use second ranges and fuels. • Warsaw Pact export: As Early and Late production. Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland (provision for RN-25 as ‘MiG-21N’) known as MiG-21PFMA. • Third World export: Either R-1L or R-2L radar with RS-2US, S-24 and Kh-66 capability removed. Algeria, Cuba, Egypt, India, Iraq, Mongolia, Mozambique, North Korea, Syria and Yugoslavia. • Deliveries: 919 Russia late 64-66; export 1966-68. • 1968: Kh-66 operational. Radar can provide beam-riding guidance mode for one or two Kh-66 against one ground target in visual LOS only (pilot must visually acquire target). • 1968?: Provision for GP-9 gun pod added. Rarely used in Soviet service due to pod drag. • 1970s: Some Soviet and Warsaw Pact fitted with R-13-300 engine, man rating 3.5/1.5. Some fitted with R-13M replacing R-3S. • Early 70s: Radar problems resolved, can use full Man Rtng at no penalty. • 1980: Remains in service in attack role. • Mid-80s?: Some Warsaw Pact aircraft fitted with R-60M capability.
MiG-21R [Fishbed H]
Man Rtng: 3.0/1.5 Damage Value: 17 Size/Signature: Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-21M radar, Gen 0 RWR, ELINT Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 450 450 540/595 Medium 520 540 650/840 High: 520 660 918/1175 Ceiling: 15100 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 535/555 nmi Int Fuel: 2240 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 490 L supersonic drop tank 395 kg 135/140 nmi Ordnance Loadouts Payload: 1835 kg • 2 drop tanks, recon pod, 2 R-3S or 2 R-13M or 2 R-13M1 • 2 drop tanks, recon pod, 2 UB-16-57 or 2 SAB-100 illumination flares • 1 drop tank, 2 R-3S, 2 RS-2US (RP-21M) • 1 drop tank, 2 FAB-250 or 2 RBK-250 or 2 S-24 Remarks: In Svc: 1966 - 1992 Razvedchik (Reconnaissance). ELINT is ES recorded for post-mission analysis only. Can carry D or N or R or T or ED recon pods. Rarely operate in secondary interceptor or attack roles. Speeds above reflect recon pods and wingtip ELINT limits or standard attack/fighter. Early production have RP-21 radar and R-11F2S-300 engine (first range figures), late production RP-21M radar and R-13-300 engine (second range figures). • Exported with D and R pods only to Algeria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Cuba, East Germany, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Poland, Romania, Syria and Yugoslavia. • MiG-21RF: Some export later fitted with R-13-300 engine, use second range figures. • 1965-71: 448 produced. Strength 50 in 1989, 40 in 1992. • 1967: Deployed to Poland. Hungary in 1968.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
MiG-21S [Fishbed J]
MiG-21SM [Fishbed J/K]
Man Rtng: 3.0/1.5 Damage Value: 18 Size/Signature: Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-22S Saphir-21 radar, 1st Gen IRST, Gen 0 RWR (90°-270°) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 450 500 620 Medium 520 590 840 High: 520 660 996 VHigh: 520 740 1150 Ceiling: 17900 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 545 nmi Int Fuel: 2240 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 490 L supersonic drop tank 395 kg 135 nmi Ordnance Loadouts Payload: 1420 kg • C/L drop tank, and either: • 4 R-3S or 4 R-13M or 4 R-13M1 • 2 R-3S, 2 RS-2US • 2 R-3S or 2 R-13M or 2 R-13M1, 2 R-3R • 4 FAB-250 or 4 RBK-250 or 2 FAB-500 bombs • 2 FAB-250 or 2 RBK-250, 2 R-3S or R-13M or R-13M1 • 4 UB-16-57 or 4 S-24 • 8 FAB-100 or 8 OFAB-100-120 (MER, late 70s) • 2 B-8M1 rocket pods (late 1970s) • 2 drop tanks, and either: • 2 R-3S or 2 RS-2US or 2 R-3R or 2 R-13M or 2 R-13M1 • 2 R-3S or 2 R-13M or 2 R-13M1, RN-25 or RN-28 nuclear bomb (MiG-21SN) • 2 Kh-66 (1968) Remarks: In Svc: 1965 - 1982 Fighter version of MiG-21R. First version with provision to use semi-prepared strips. RP-22S allows wide aspect attacks with RS2US and R-3R. RWR is rear aspect only. 145 produced for Russia 1965-68. Never exported. • Fighter Regiments: 120th Bereza, Belarus Sep 69 - Jul 71 then Domna, Far East Jul 71 - 70s, 684th Guards Tiraspol, Moldovia May 67 - 1975; 927th Bereza, Belarus 1970s. • Fighter Bomber Regiments: 911th Lida, Belarus 1975-1982 with MiG-21SN. • Sep 67: R-3R available. • 1968: Fitted with provision for GP-9 gun pod. Can carry vice C/L drop tank. Rarely used in Soviet service.
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Damage Value: 17 Size/Signature: Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-22S Saphir-21 radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 480 500 620 Med: 520 590 860 High: 520 660 1100 VHigh: 520 740 1205/1170 Ceiling: 18200/17300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 495/555 nmi Int Fuel: 2240/2360 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 490 L supersonic drop tank 395 kg 125/130 nmi Ordnance Loadouts Payload: 1420 kg Off Guns: GSh-23L 23mm (3.6) • C/L drop tank, and either: • 2 R-3R, 2 R-3S or 2 R-13M or 2 R-13M1 • 2 R-3R, 2 R-13M or 2 R-13M1 • 4 R-13M or 4 R-13M1 • 2 R-13M1, 4 R-60 or 4 R-60M • 4 FAB-250 or 4 OFAB-100-120 or 4 RBK-250 or 2 FAB-500 • 2 FAB-250 or 2 RBK-250, 2 R-3S • 4 UB-16-57 or 4 S-24 • 2 R-3S, 2 UB-16-57 or 2 S-24 or 2 FAB-250 • 8 FAB-100 or 8 OFAB-100-120 (MER, late 1970s) 2 B-8M1 rocket pods (late 1970s)
Russia’s Aircraft
• 2 drop tanks, and either: • 2 R-3S or 2 RS-2US or 2 R-3R or 2 R-60/R-60M • 2 R-3S or R-13M1, RN-25 nuclear bomb • 2 Kh-66 (1968) Remarks: In Svc: 1969 - 1991 MiG-21S with more powerful engine for VVS only. One squadron per regiment wired to toss-bomb RN-25 tactical nuke. Option to replace C/L drop tank with SPS-141MVG ECM pod. Use first figures for MiG-21SM; second for MiG-21MT and MiG-21SMT. • MiG-21MT [Fishbed K]: Planned export MiG-21SMT with MiG21MF weapons and RP-21 radar. Used by 234th Guards Fighter Regiment, Kubinka 1971-76, then 66th Fighter-Bomber Regiment at Veshchevo, north of Leningrad 1976-90. • MiG-21SM [Fishbed J]: Used by seven fighter regiments until 1980, then four attack regiments 1978 - 89. • MiG-21SMT [Fishbed K]: Maneuver Rating of 2.5/1.5 and additional fuel in bulged spine - T suffix stands for toplivo or fuel. Retired 1991. • MiG-21ST: Maneuver Rating of 3.0/2.0, 2305 kg fuel, 540 nmi, drop tank adds 130 nmi. Retired 1989. • Deliveries: 349 MiG-21SM 1968-71; 15 MiG-21MT 1971; 116 MiG-21SMT 1971, 165 MiG-21ST 1972-73. • Deployed in Poland with 159th Guards - SM 1970-88, SMT 197888. Hungary 1972.
MiG-23 (Ye-8)
MiG-23B/BN [Flogger F/H]
Man Rtng: 4.0/2.0 Damage Value: 18 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: Sapfir-23L radar, 1st Gen IRST, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 500 600 700 Med: 500 680 950 High: 500 750 1200 VHigh: -- -- 1200 Ceiling: 20000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: e950 nmi Int Fuel: 2590 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 600 supersonic drop tank 485 kg e180 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: e2000 kg • 1 drop tank, 2 R-13M or 2 R-23R or 2 R-23T Remarks: In Svc: e1970 Planned replacement for MiG-21. Based on MiG-21PF with R21F-300 engine, under fuselage air intake and nose destabilizers for increased agility. Would have been designated MiG-23.Two prototypes built 1962. Speeds estimated. • Canceled after engine explosion. Initial production would have used RP-21 radar and R-3S from MiG-21PF.
Man Rtng: 2.0/1.0 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Laser rangefinder, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 505 540 730 Med: 505 560 850 High: 505 580 970 Ceiling: 15600 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 700 nmi Int Fuel: 4560 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 140 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-23L 23mm (3.6) • 16 OFAB-100 or 6 FAB-250 (MiG-23B only) • 18 OFAB-100 or 8 FAB-250 (MiG-23BN only) • 4 UB-16-57 or UB-32-57 rocket pods or 4 S-24 rockets • 4 B-8M1 rocket pods (1984) • 1 RN-24 or 1 RN-28 or 1 RN-40 or 1 RN-41 nuclear bomb
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 1 drop tank, and either: • 2 R-3S or 2 R-13M • 4 FAB-500 or 4 FAB-250 bombs • 2 UPK-23-250 or 2 UB-32-57, 2 UB-16-57 • 2 Kh-23M or 2 Kh-25MR Remarks: In Svc: 1974 - 1988 Fitted with internal Delta command guidance for Kh-23 and Kh25MR. MiG-23B used AL-21F-3, MiG-23BN used R29B-300 engine. • MiG-23B [Flogger F]: Not fitted with aft fuselage bomb hardpoints or Kh-25MR. 24 a/c Soviet delivered 1972-73, flown by two regiments - 722nd (Smuravyevo, Leningrad MD 1974 only) then 58th (Step, Transbaykal MD 1975-86). • MiG-23BN [Flogger H]: Flown by some Soviet regiments - 58th Step 1975-88, 122nd Taldy-Kurgan 1975-88, 642nd Voznesensk 1974-75, 722nd Smuravyevo late 74-75. Exported to Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and East Germany retaining nuclear capability. • Export MiG-23BN [Flogger F]: Radar countermeasures, nuclear bomb and Kh-23M/Kh-25MR capability removed. Estimate AAM is R-3S only. Algeria, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, Libya, Syria. • 1973 - 85: 600 MiG-23BN [Flogger F/H] produced. Exported from 1976.
MiG-23M/MF [Flogger B]
Man Rtng: 3.0/1.0 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: Sapfir-23L radar, Gen 0 RWR, 1st Gen IRST Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 505 650 730 Med: 505 710 1070 High: 505 740 1210 VHigh: -- -- 1350 Ceiling: 17500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 835 nmi Int Fuel: 3800 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 205 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-23 23mm (3.6) • 1 drop tank, and either: • 4 R-3S or 2 R-13M • 2 R-23R or 2 R-23T, 2 R-13M or 2 R-13M1 or 2 R-60 • 2 R-23R or 2 R-23T, 4 R-60 or 4 R-60M • 8 FAB-100 or 4 FAB-250 • 4 UB-16-57 or 4 S-24 • 2 UB-16-57, 2 UB-32-57 • 2 UB-16-57 or 2 R-60, 2 B-8M1 (1980s) • 16 FAB-100 or 4 FAB-500 or 4 RBK-250 • 1 RN-24 or RN-28 or RN-40 nuke, 2 R-23R or 2 R-24T or 4 R-60M (VVS, some 23-11A) • 2 Kh-23 or Kh-23M, Delta pod (MiG-23M) Remarks: In Svc: 1973 - 1993? Can carry either R-23R or R-23T but not both at the same time. Needs one hour of ground maintenance to switch the black boxes to operate the R-23R or the R-23T missiles. VVS has one squadron per Regiment trained for nuclear bomb delivery. • MiG-23M (early) with Sapfir-23L radar, Type 2 wing, Man Rtng of 2/0.5 due to wing pivot cracks, production 1972-74 • MiG-23M (late) with Sapfir-23D radar, production 1975-77. • MiG-23MF (23-11A) with Sapfir-23D-III radar, retains nuclear weapon capability to Bulgaria 12 1978, Czechoslovakia 13 197879, East Germany 12 1978, Hungary 12 1978, Poland 36 1979-82 and Romania 37 1979-83. • MiG-23MF (23-11B) with Sapfir-23E radar, Type 3 wing. Nuclear bomb and GCI data link removed. Algeria 30 1980?, Cuba 24 1978-81, India 40 1982, Iraq 16 1983, Libya 85 and Syria 20 198081. • Production: 708 MiG-23M 1972-77, 413 MiG-23MF 1978-83. • Aug 73: Deploys to East Germany - 31st Guards IAP at Falkenberg. Poland in 1973 - 871st IAP 1973-90. Czechoslovakia 1978-91, Hungary 1975-79, Mongolia 1975-82, Poland 1973-90.
Russia’s Aircraft • 9 Jan 74: Declared operational when R-23 available. • 1974: Dual R-60 racks available. • 1975: Early MiG-23M fitted with Sapfir-23D-III. Deployed to Hungary with 14th Guards IAP - nuke bombs in 1976. • Mar 76: Operational with PVO. Not trained for air to ground weapons. Regiments: 8 in 1979, 5 in 1987. • 1977: Type 3 wings fitted, wing pivot cracks fixed, pilots train for close combat. Agility restrictions removed. • 1981: R-60 available on MiG-23MF - Bulgaria in 1983. • Oct 89 - 1991: 841st Guards Fighter Regiment, Meria in Georgia, to Navy control.
MiG-23ML [Flogger G]
Man Rtng: 3.0/1.0 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: N-003 Sapfir-23ML radar, Gen 0 RWR, 2nd Gen IRST Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 510 650 755 Med: 510 710 1070 High: 510 765 1350 VHigh: -- -- 1350 Ceiling: 18500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 740 nmi Int Fuel: 3450 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 195 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-23 23mm (3.6) • 1 drop tank, and either: • 2 R-23R or 2 R-23T, 4 R-60M • 8 FAB-100 or 4 FAB-250 • 4 UB-16-57 or 4 S-24 • 2 UB-16-57, 2 UB-32-57 • 2 UB-32-57 or 2 B-8M1 or 2 UPK-23-250 or 2 RBK-500 • 16 FAB-100 or 4 FAB-500 or 4 RBK-250 • 2 Kh-23M or 2 Kh-25MR, Delta pod • MiG-23MLA-2, 23-12A, MiG-23P - 1 drop tank, and either: • 2 R-24R or 2 R-24T, 4 R-60M (Apr 81) • 2 R-24R or 2 R-24T, 2 R-73 (Russian 23-12A only 1986?) • 1 RN-40 nuclear bomb, 2 R-23R or 2 R-24T or 4 R-60M (VVS MiG-23ML, 23-12A, 23-22A) Remarks: In Svc: 1977 - 1998 Lighter airframe with reduced fuel, R-35 engine. Some VVS aircraft wired to toss nuclear bomb. Can carry mixed R-23R and R-23T loadouts. All except MiG-23ML fitted with 1st gen decoy launcher built into C/L hp – cannot use decoys until drop tanks jettisoned. • MiG-23ML (23-12): N-003 radar for VVS. Deployed to Hungary 1979-85, Mongolia 1982-90. Exported to Angola 1985, Czechoslovakia 1985, Ethiopia and North Korea 40 in 1984. • MiG-23MLA (23-12A): N-008 radar. In service 1979 with VVS. Deployed to East Germany 1979-85. Exported to Bulgaria 8 1983 and East Germany 1985. • MiG-23MLA (23-12B): Sapfir-23E-III radar to Cuba, Iraq and South Yemen. All in 1985. • MiG-23MLA-2 (23-19B): N-003 radar, 1st Gen RWR. 50 to Syria in 1982. • MiG-23MLA-2 (23-22A): N-008 radar, 1st Gen RWR. 16 to Bulgaria in 1985. • MiG-23P: PVO with N-006 Sapfir-23P radar. Trained in using Kh23M until 1989. 321 delivered 1978-83. In service 1979 - 98. • Production: Russian 1976 - 82, export 1981-1985. • 1976: Deploys to East Germany - 787th Finow. Hungary 1979. • Apr 81: R-24 available for 23-12A, 23-19B, 23-22A, MiG-23P. • 1982 - 85: 560 Russian MiG-23ML/MLA/P modified to MiG23MLD (see separate entry). • Jan 82: Russian aircraft can carry 4 R-60M replacing 2 R-13M1. • Apr 83 - 90: 41st IAP PVO Regiment operational at Burevestnik, Iturup. • Aug 86: MiG-23ML deployed to Afghanistan with 2nd Gen D, range reduced to 680 nmi due to additional drag. Fitted to Syrian 23-19B in late 1980s.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 1987: PVO has five MiG-23ML, one MiG-23MLA and nine MiG23P regiments. • 1989: Air to ground weapons, including nuclear bombs, removed.
MiG-23MLD [Flogger K]
MiG-23MS [Flogger E]
Man Rtng: 3.5/1.0 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: N-008 Sapfir-23MLA-II radar, 1st Gen RWR, 2nd Gen IRST Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 535 650 755/730 Med: 535 710 1055/1040 High: 535 765 1350 VHigh: -- -- 1350 Ceiling: 18300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 685/630 nmi Int Fuel: 3450 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 185/170 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4500 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-23 23mm (3.6) • 1 drop tank, and either: • 2 R-24R or 2 R-24T, 4 R-60M • 2 R-24R or 2 R-24T, 2 R-73 (1986 or 1987) • 8 FAB-100 or 4 FAB-250 • 4 UB-16-57 or 4 S-24 • 2 UB-16-57, 2 UB-32-57 • 2 UB-32-57 or 2 UPK-23-250 or 2 RBK-500 • 16 FAB-100 or 4 FAB-500 or 4 RBK-250 • 2 Kh-23M or 2 Kh-25MR, Delta pod • 1 RN-40 nuclear bomb, 2 R-23R or 2 R-24T or 4 R-60M Remarks: In Svc: 1984 - May 98 Fourth edition wing with automatic flaps and nose and wing vortex generators, resulting in higher agility. Radar fitted with dogfight mode. Most VVS wired to toss nuclear bomb. Decoy launcher built into C/L hp – cannot use decoys until drop tank jettisoned. • MiG-23MLG with internal L-203B Gardeniya 3rd Gen ECM and HMS canceled as MiG-29 was entering production. Export version would have been MiG-23MLS. • May 82 - May 85: 560 converted from MiG-23ML/MLA. • 1984: Provision for 2nd Gen D, use second speeds and ranges if fitted. • 1984 - Dec 89: 3rd Squadron, 169th Guards SAP 14 based at Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. FOL at Phan Rang. QRA 1985. • 1985: Deployed to Hungary. • Jul 84 - Jan 89: Served in Afghanistan. • 1987: PVO has nine Regiments. • 1990: 41st IAP PVO Regiment operational at Burevestnik, Iturup. Withdrawn Jun 93. • 1992: Five exported to Bulgaria with nuclear and R-73 capability removed.
Man Rtng: 3.0/1.0 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-22S radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 500 650 730 Med: 500 710 1070 High: 500 740 1210 VHigh: -- -- 1210 Ceiling: 18200 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 660 nmi Int Fuel: 3800 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 165 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-23 23mm (3.6) • 1 drop tank, 4 R-3S or 4 R-13M • 1 drop tank, 2 R-3S or 2 R-13M, 2 R-3R
Russia’s Aircraft
• 1 drop tank, 4 UB-16-57 or 4 S-24 • 1 drop tank, 2 UB-16-57, 2 UB-32-57 • 1 drop tank, 8 FAB-100 or 4 FAB-250 Remarks: In Svc: 1973 Export MiG-23MF airframe with MiG-23S avionics and weapons. • 1973-78: 179 produced. Egypt 8 in 1974, Iraq 18 in 1974, Libya 54 in 1974 and Syria Oct 14th 1973, although didn’t fly until 24th. 52 delivered by 1975.
MiG-23S/MiG-23 [Flogger A]
Man Rtng: 2.0/0.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-22S (MiG-23S) or Sapfir-23L (Model 1971) radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 505 650 730 Med: 505 710 1015 High: 505 1030/1130 1300 High: -- -- 1300 Ceiling: 16500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 800/825 nmi Int Fuel: 3530/3800 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 210/205 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-23 23mm (3.6) • 1 drop tank, and either: • 2 R-3S or 2 R-13M, 2 R-3R • 4 R-3S or 4 R-13M • 1 drop tank, 2 Kh-23 • 2 R-23R or 2 R-23T, 2 R-13M or 2 R-60 (Model 1971, Jan 74) • 4 UB-16-57 or 2 UB-32-57 or 4 S-24 or 2 B-8M1 • 16 OFAB-100-120 or 4 FAB-500 or 4 RBK-250 or 2 RBK-500 Remarks: In Svc: 1970 - 1978 Fitted with internal Delta transmitter for Kh-23 missiles. Use first range and fuel figures for MiG-23S, second for Model 1971. • MiG-23S: Interim type as Sapfir-23 radar and R-23 missiles not ready. Flown by 32nd Guards, Shatalovo 1970-72; 968th, Ross 1972-74; 979th Fighter Regiment, Shtutchin 1974-78. • MiG-23 Model 71: Additional fuel, improved wing, adds 1st Gen IRST. Maneuver rating 2.0/1.0. Flown by 168th, Starokonstantinov, Ukraine 1972-78 and one other regiment. Needs one hour of ground maintenance to switch the black boxes to operate either the R-23R or R-23T missiles. • Deliveries: 59 MiG-23S - 1969-70, 80 Model 1971 - 1970-71. • 1977-78: All to training roles. MiG-23S has radar removed and replaced with ballast. Retired March 1979.
MiG-25BM [Foxbat F]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 38 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 2nd Gen J Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: ELINT, 1st Gen RWR, Sych-M suite (see Remarks) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 400 460 560 Med: 560 625 1084 High: 560 790 1605 VHigh: 560 1350 1605 Ceiling: 20600 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 730 nmi Int Fuel: 14570 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 5300 L supersonic drop tank 4295 kg 310 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: e6000 kg • 4 Kh-58U • 1 drop tank, 2 Kh-58U • 10 FAB-250 or 10 FAB-500 bombs • 1 RN-40 nuclear bomb (estimated) Remarks: In Svc: 1985 - 1992 Air defense suppression variant. Max speed with drop tank carried is 860 knots; rarely carried in service due to speed restrictions.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Bomb targets must be pre-briefed and stationary - bomb range from VHigh altitude at 1350 knots is 22 nmi, bomb speed is 990 knots. Sych-M (Little Owl) uses modified Kh-58 seeker to detect active radars - treat as 1st Gen ES with LOS range 108 nmi vs briefed targets and 81 nmi against other threats detected inflight in 270° - 90° arc. Painted with false radome to resemble MiG-25P. No radar fitted. • 1982-85: 40 produced. Each squadron (AE) has 12 a/c 1st AE Aug 89-Jan 92, 3rd AE Jul 90-1991, 10th ORAP at Schchin, Belarus; 3rd AE, 931st ORAP at Werneuchen, East Germany Jun 86-Jul 90; 3rd AE AE, 164th OGRAP at Brzeg, Poland 1985 - Aug 89; 3rd AE, 151st OAPREB at Schchin, Belarus. • 1 Jan 92: 26 remain in Belarus. Retired by Belarus 1993. Handful remain in Russia for training. • 1992 - 95: Remaining Russian retired.
MiG-25P [Foxbat A]
MiG-25PD [Foxbat E]
Man Rtng: 2.5/2.0 Damage Value: 38 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: RP-SA Smerch-A radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 400 540 650 Med: 560 625 720 High: 560 970 1170 VHigh: 560 1350 1620 Ceiling: 20695 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 785 nmi Int Fuel: 14570 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1900 kg • 2 R-40R, 2 R-40T Remarks: In Svc: Apr 72 - 84 Export MiG-25P are based on MiG-25PD (see MiG-25PD entry). • PVO Regiments - seven in 1975, ten in Jan 80. • 1975: Fitted with RP-SA Smerch-A2 radar. Improved Smerch-A, allows R-40R missiles to attack targets in the Low altitude band. • 1979 - 84: 370 converted to MiG-25PDS (see MiG-25PD entry).
Man Rtng: 2.5/2.0 Damage Value: 38 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-25M Sapfir-25 radar, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 400 540 650 Med: 560 625 720 High: 560 970 1170 VHigh: 560 1350 1620 Ceiling: 20700 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 705 nmi Int Fuel: 14570 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 5300 L supersonic drop tank 4295 kg 295 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1900 kg • 2 R-40RD, 2 R-40TD • 2 R-40RD, 4 R-60 • Can add 1 drop tank on C/L (overload, maneuver rating 0.5) Remarks: In Svc: 1979 - 94 Max speed with drop tank carried is 860 knots; rarely carried in service due to speed restrictions. Late production have 2nd Gen D. All export have Gen 0 RWR. • 1978 - 82: 104 MiG-25PD produced. • 1979: Export MiG-25PDS available with RP-SA Smerch-A radar, R-40R, R-40T to Algeria 16 from 1979, Iraq 25 from 1980, Libya 65 or 80 from 1979 and Syria 16 from 1979. • 1979 - 84: 370 converted from MiG-25P to MiG-25PDS. Lacks provision for C/L drop tank. Nine ex-Ukraine to Algeria in 1997. • 1982 - Aug 89: Deploys to 787th IAP at Finow, East Germany to deter SR-71A. • 1984: Export MiG-25PD available with RP-SA Smerch-A2 radar adds R-40RD, R-40TD. Iraq 30 from 1984 and Syria 15 from 1984.
Russia’s Aircraft • 1987: Commence training against Low and slow targets. PVO has 4 MiG-25PD and 9 MiG-25PDS regiments. • 1980s: MiG-25PDZ canceled due to lack of air to air tankers, would have added inflight refueling probe. One prototype in 1986.
MiG-25RB [Foxbat B/D]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 38 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Counterm: See Remarks Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: See Remarks Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 430 540 650 Med: 540 595 720 High: 540 970 1170 VHigh: 540 1350 1620 Ceiling: 23000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 840 nmi Int Fuel: 13430 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 5300 L supersonic drop tank 4295 kg 385 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 5000 kg • none (recon) • 1 drop tank • 4 FAB-500M62T (standard recon/attack) • 8 FAB-500M62T (First Gen) • 10 FAB-500M62T (Second Gen) • 1 RN-40 nuclear bomb (estimated) Remarks: In Svc: 1970 - 2013 Max speed with drop tank carried is 860 knots; rarely carried in service due to speed restrictions. Can carry special heat-insulated FAB-500M62T bombs, max speed 1350 knots, ceiling 21000 meters. Max speed with Recon and bombing targets must be a fixed point and selected before takeoff. Bomb range from VHigh altitude at 1350 knots is 22 nmi, bomb speed is 990 knots. ELINT is ES recorded for post-mission only. 25 MiG-25R, 196 other versions. • Export to Algeria, Bulgaria, India, Iraq, Libya, Syria. Bulgaria probably has MiG-25RBT. Remainder MiG-25RBT and MiG-25RBV with Gen 0 RWR and jammer removed. • First generation with Gen 0 RWR and 1st Gen ECM: • MiG-25R [Foxbat B]. Cameras, ELINT. Not fitted with drop tank or bombs. In service 1970. To MiG-25RB by mid 1970s. • MiG-25RB [Foxbat B]. Cameras, ELINT. In service Dec 70. To MiG-25RBV from 1973. • MiG-25RBK [Foxbat D]. 1st Gen ES with data link. In service Dec 70 - 80. Updated to MiG-25RBF. • MiG-25RBS [Foxbat D]. Sablya SLAR. In service 1973 - 80s. Sablya can only be used from VHigh altitude. Updated to MiG25RBSh. • MiG-25RBV [Foxbat B]. Cameras, ELINT. In service 1973 80s. Updated to MiG-25RBT. • Second generation with 1st Gen RWR and 2nd Gen ECM: • MiG-25RBF [Foxbat D]. 2nd Gen ES and data link. In service 1980 - 13. • MiG-25RBSh [Foxbat D]. Shompol SLAR. In scv 1981 - 13. • MiG-25RBT [Foxbat D]. Cameras, ELINT. In service 1980 - 13. • 1971: Six MiG-25RB based in Egypt. • 1974-92: Deployed to East Germany. • 1975: Nuclear bomb capability by this date. • 1980s: MiG-25RBS and MiG-25RBV tested with inflight refueling probe as MiG-25RBSDZ and MiG-25RBVDZ. Program canceled.
MiG-27 [Flogger D]
Man Rtng: 3.0/2.0 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Laser rangefinder, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 505 540 730 Med: 505 560 850 High: 505 580 970
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Ceiling: 15600 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 730 nmi Int Fuel: 4375 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 155 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Off Guns: GSh-6-30 30mm (4.0) • 22 OFAB-100 or 9 FAB-250 or 9 RBK-250 bombs • 1 RN-24 or 1 RN-28 or 1 RN-40 or 1 RN-41 nuclear bomb • 1 drop tank, and either: • 2 R-13M or 4 R-60M • 18 OFAB-100 or 8 FAB-250 or 8 RBK-250 • 6 FAB-500 or 6 RBK-500 or 4 BetAB-500 or 4 ZB-500 • 4 UB-32-57 or 4 S-24 rockets • 2 UB-32-57, 2 SPPU-22-01 or 2 KMGU • 2 UB-32-57, 2 Kh-23M or 2 Kh-25MR • 1 UB-32-57, L-086 Vyuga pod, 2 Kh-27PS Remarks: In Svc: Feb 75 - 87 Fitted with internal Delta set for Kh-23M and Kh-25MR guidance. Baltic and Far East units trained in anti-shipping missions. Decoy launcher built in to C/L hp - cannot use decoys until drop tank jettisoned. 360 produced 1973-77. • 1977: Gun jam problems fixed. Deployed to East Germany 197786, Mongolia 1979-82, Poland 1976-82. • Early 80s: Tasked with peacetime air defense. • 1982 - 87: 305 remaining converted to MiG-27D (see MiG-27D/ K/M entry) • 1984: B-8M1 replaces UB-32-57 rocket pod.
MiG-27D/K/M [Flogger J]
Man Rtng: 3.0/2.0 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 1st Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Laser rangefinder/designator, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 505 540 730 Med: 505 560 850 High: 505 580 970 Ceiling: 15600 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 725 nmi Int Fuel: 4275 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 160 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Off Guns: GSh-6-30 30mm (4.0) • 22 OFAB-100 or 9 FAB-250 or 9 RBK-250 bombs • Delta guidance pod, 2 Kh-23M or 2 Kh-25MR • 4 Kh-25ML or 4 KAB-500L • 4 KAB-500Kr (late 80s) • 1 RN-24 or 1 RN-28 or 1 RN-40 or 1 RN-41 nuclear bomb • 1 drop tank, and either: • 4 R-60M • 18 OFAB-100 or 8 FAB-250 or 8 RBK-250 • 6 FAB-500 or 6 RBK-500 or 4 BetAB-500 • 4 UB-32-57 or 4 S-24 rockets • 2 UB-32-57, 2 SPPU-22-01 or 2 KMGU • 2 UB-32-57, 2 Kh-25ML or 2 KAB-500Kr or 2 KAB-500L or 2 Kh-29L or 2 Kh-29T • 1 UB-32-57, L-058 Vyuga pod, 2 Kh-27PS (Sep 80) • 1 UB-32-57, L-058 Vyuga pod, 2 Kh-25MP • PA-10 recon pod (MiG-27D only) Remarks: In Svc: 1978 - 1994 Regiments typically one squadron MiG-27K and two squadrons MiG-27D/M or three squadrons of MiG-27D/M. Baltic and Far East units trained in anti-shipping missions. Only MiG-27K can use KAB-500L. Decoy launcher built in to C/L hp - cannot use decoys until drop tank jettisoned. • MiG-27D [Flogger J]: 305 MiG-27 Flogger D converted to MiG27M standard 1982-87. Deployed to East Germany 1984-93. • MiG-27K [Flogger J2]: Kaira targeting system has high pilot workload. Can aim laser or EO weapons up to 35° either side of nose. Must overfly targets when designating for KAB-500L. 214
Russia’s Aircraft
delivered 1976-80. In service Jul 80. Czechoslovakia 1980-90, East Germany 1982 1980-93, Mongolia 1980/81-90. • MiG-27M [Flogger J]. Klon laser designator range 3.8 nmi, 12° weapons either side of nose. Targets must be visually spotted and treat all laser guided missiles as 1st Gen. 214 delivered 1976-84. In service 1978. Deployed to East Germany 1981-93, Hungary 198090. Ex-Ukraine aircraft exported to Sri Lanka from 2000. • MiG-27ML [Flogger J]. MiG-27M export for India. • 1984: B-8M1 replaces UB-32-57 rocket pod. • 1988: Fitted with external 2nd Gen D, estimate range reduced to 665 nmi. • 1988 - 89: MiG-27K trials L-090 Progress-N pod. Would have replaced L-058 and added Kh-31P capability but canceled. • Oct 88-Feb 89: MiG-27D/M deployed to Afghanistan. • 1989: Nuclear capability removed. • May 90 - May 94: 88th OMAPIB fighter-bomber regiment operational at Olenya, Northern Fleet with 31 MiG-27D.
MiG-29 [Fulcrum A]
Man Rtng: 5.0/2.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: N-019 Rubin radar, KOLS-29 (2nd Gen IRST, laser rf.) linked to HMS, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 580 700 Med: 460 665 980 High: 460 750 1260 VHigh: -- -- 1260 Ceiling: 17000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 590 nmi Int Fuel: 3485 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1150 L drop tank 930 kg 225 nmi 1520 L supersonic tank 1230 kg 300 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts optional 1520 L tank (max speed 860 knots) • 2 R-27R, 2 R-73 (QRA) • 2 R-27R, 4 R-73 • 2 R-27R/T or 2 R-27ER/ET, 4 R-73 (MiG-29S) • 4 R-77, 2 R-73 (N-019M radar) • 4 KMGU • 2 R-73 and either: • 4 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • 4 B-8M1 or 4 S-24 • Kh-29T, 2 R-77, 2 R-73 (MiG-29SM, MiG-29SMT) • 2 KAB-500Kr or 2 Kh-31A/P, 2 R-77, 2 R-73 (MiG-29SMT) Remarks: In Svc: Nov 83 - 2014 Model 9-12. Cannot fire cannon if 1520 L drop tank is carried as the tank blocks the shell discharge route. Not nuclear capable. MiG-29A and MiG-29B are internal Russian Air Force designations and not used by MiG company. Aircraft with N-019M, N-019ME and N-019MPE can engage 2 targets with R-77. • Early production: First 70 not fitted with 2nd Gen D (some fitted in 1992). Can use UB-32-57 rocket pods vice B-8M1. • MiG-29A: Export from 1988. Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania. • MiG-29B: Third World export from 1987 with N-019EB radar, GCI data link removed. Initially used R-60M, later R-73. Bangladesh, Eritrea, India, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar, North Korea, Syria, Yugoslavia. • MiG-29S [Fulcrum A]: Model 9-12S. As 9-12D with N-019M radar, 4500 kg payload. Conversions from mid 1990s. • MiG-29SD: Model 9-12S. Malaysia as MiG-29N with inflight refueling probe. • MiG-29SM: Syrian upgrade with N-019ME radar, R-77 and Kh29T. In service 2009. • MiG-29SMT: Model 9.18 for Yemen with N-019MPE radar. • 5 Nov 83: Declared operational. Low serviceability - treat as Second Rate maintenance. Restricted agility - Man Rating: 4.5/2.0. • Jul 84: Improved agility - full Man Ratings. • Fall 84: Fitted with 2nd Gen D. All export have decoys.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• Jan 86: Deployed to East Germany - first unit 33rd Fighter Regiment (Wittstock). Two a/c per regiment QRA Alert 5. One squadron per regiment Alert 120 to launch nuclear attacks (Fulcrum C). • 11 Jun 87: Officially accepted into service. Standard serviceability, treat as First Rate. • 10 Oct 89: Two regiments transferred to Black Sea Navy - 86th Guards MIAP at Markuleshty and 161st MIAP at Limanskoye. Both disbanded 1992. • 1990: Model 9-12D upgrade with 1150 L drop tanks and ability to fire cannon with 1520 L drop tank carried. Around 40% converted by 1992.
MiG-29 [Fulcrum C]
Man Rtng: 5.0/2.5 Damage Value: 32 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: N-019 Rubin radar, KOLS-29 (2nd Gen IRST, laser rf.) linked to HMS, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 580 700 Med: 460 665 980 High: 460 750 1260 VHigh: -- -- 1260 Ceiling: 17000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 620 nmi Int Fuel: 3675 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1150 L drop tank 930 kg 220 nmi 1520 L supersonic tank 1230 kg 295 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts optional 1520 L tank (max speed 860 knots) • 2 R-27R, 2 R-73 (QRA) • 2 R-27R, 4 R-73 • 2 R-27R/T or 2 R-27ER/ET, 4 R-73 (MiG-29S, MiG-29SE) • 8 FAB-250 or 4 KMGU-2 • 1 RN-40 nuclear bomb, 1 FAB-500, 4 R-73 • 2 R-73 and either: • 4 B-8M1 or 4 B-13 rocket pods or 4 S-24 rockets • 4 FAB-500ShN • 6 FAB-250 or 6 FAB-500 • 8 FAB-250 (MiG-29S) • 4 R-77 (MiG-29SE) Remarks: In Svc: 1987 - 2021? Model 9-13. Nicknamed ‘Gorbatov’ (Hunchback). Additional internal fuel, provision for internal L-203B Gardeniya 3rd Gen ECM, strengthened inner wing hard points, and ability to fire cannon with 1520 L carried. Nuclear capable. • Export MiG-29 [Fulcrum C]: Model 9-13B to Chad, North Korea and Peru. Not fitted with internal ECM. • MiG-29S [Fulcrum C]: Model 9-13S with N-019M radar, 4500 kg payload, engages 2 targets with R-77. 46 produced with 16 delivered to Russia from Dec 90 to 73rd Guards IAP (Shaikovka until 1998). Remainder exported as MiG-29SE. In service 1994. Few R-77 delivered to Russian Air Force, and only used for testing and trials. • MiG-29SE: Export MiG-29S with N-019ME. Not fitted with internal ECM. Algeria, Eritrea, Myanmar, Peru, Sudan, Yemen. • MiG-29SM (9-13S): MiG-29S with inflight refueling probe, Kh-29T and KAB-500Kr. Tested 1996, but upgrade canceled. • 1986-87: Deployed to Hungary. • Apr 88: Possibly first deployed to East Germany. • 1988 - 92: Two fighter-bomber regiments operational to pave the way for MiG-29M (9.15) - 642nd APIB (Martynovka, Ukraine 198892) and 927th APIB (Bereza, Belarus 1990-92). • Late 80s: L-203B Gardeniya Internal ECM operational - 3rd Gen J&D. • 1989: Nuclear capability removed. • 1990: 1150 L drop tanks available. • Mid-90s: Some Model 9-13 upgraded to Model 9-13S. • 1998: 16 a/c deploy to Erebuni, Armenia. Attack role added 2013.
Russia’s Aircraft • 2017: Remains in service with one squadron at Erebuni, Armenia. Planned to be replaced by Su-30SM 2020-21 or MiG-35S from 2022.
MiG-29A [Fulcrum]
MiG-29K [Fulcrum D]
Man Rtng: 5.0/2.5 Damage Value: 31 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: Yantar radar, 2nd Gen IRST, laser rf., 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 580 700 Med: 460 665 980 High: 460 750 1260 VHigh: -- -- 1260 Ceiling: 17000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 615 nmi Int Fuel: 3650 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1520 L supersonic tank 1230 kg 300 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts optional 1520 L tank (max speed 860 knots) • 2 R-24R, 4 R-60M • 4 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 bombs, 2 R-60M • 4 B-8M1 or 4 B-13 rocket pods or 4 S-24 rockets, 2 R-60M Remarks: In Svc: 1982 Model 9-12A. Interim variant with simplified radar and weapons. Can carry R-13M1 and canceled R-14 vice R-60M. Original planned gun was GSh-30-2 (4.4). • 14 Nov 76: Canceled as could not match F-15 and F-16 performance, and radar technology compromised by MiG-25P defection to Japan.
Man Rtng: 5.0/2.5 Damage Value: 33 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 2nd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: N-010 Zhuk radar, 2nd Gen RWR, OLS-M (3rd Gen IRST, TCS, laser rf/designator) linked to HMS. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 580 700 Med: 460 665 980 High: 460 750 1242 VHigh: -- -- 1242 Ceiling: 17000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 680 nmi Int Fuel: 4400 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1150 L drop tank 930 kg 205 nmi 1520 L supersonic tank 1230 kg 275 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4500 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts optional 1520 L tank (max speed 860 knots) • 2 R-27R, 2 R-73 (short TO position) • 6 R-77, 2 R-73 (short TO position, 3810 kg fuel, 590 nmi range) • 4 R-27ER or 4 R-27EM or 4 R-77, 4 R-73 • 2 1150 L drop tanks, 2 R-27EM/ER, 4 R-73 • 2 S-25 or 4 B-8M1 or 4 B-13, 4 R-73 or 4 R-77 • 4 Kh-29L/T or 4 Kh-31A/P or 4 KAB-500Kr, 4 R-73 or 4 R-77 Remarks: In Svc: 1998? Model 9.31. ‘Korabelnyy’ or shipboard version of MiG-29M. Can takeoff from 105 m takeoff position with 5070 kg weapons and fuel (trade off fuel for weapons, see example in Loadouts above) or long 195m position with full fuel and weapons. Over nose optics allows laser designator from dive attack only with laser guided msls only (+/- 45° aspect). Engages 4 targets with R-77. Original planned for 27 to be delivered between 1986 and 1995. • Aug 91: State acceptance testing commences. • Dec 91: Government funding ceases. Canceled Aug 92.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
MiG-29KR [Fulcrum D]
MiG-29M [Fulcrum E]
Man Rtng: 4.5/2.5 Damage Value: 29 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: N-041 Zhuk-M1 radar, 2nd Gen RWR, OLS-U (TCS, 3rd Gen IRST, laser rf./designator) linked to HMD. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 580 700 Med: 460 665 980 High: 460 750 1190 VHigh: -- -- 1190 Ceiling: 17500 m Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 715/635 nmi Int Fuel: 4635/4125 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1150 L drop tank 930 kg 205 nmi 2150 L supersonic tank 1740 kg 385 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 5500 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts optional 2150 L tank (max speed 860 knots) • 6 R-77-1, 2 R-73 • 2 1150 L DT, 2 Kh-35U or 2 Kh-31AM/AD or 2 KAB-500Kr/S, 2 R-73 • 4 FAB-500 or 4 B-8M1 or 4 B-13, 2 R-77-1, 2 R-73 • 2 KAB-500Kr, 2 R-77-1, 2 R-73 (Syria, Dec 16) • 4 1150 L drop tanks, buddy store Remarks: In Svc: 2015 Model 9.41R. FBW controls. Can engage four targets at once with R-77-1. Payload is 5500 kg shore based, 4500 kg from 195 m runway and 1250 kg from 110 m runway on aircraft carrier. Has French TopSight-E HMD. Reduced radar signature from frontal aspect (VSmall 300°-060°). Cruise range and internal fuel for single seat MiG-29KR and two seat MiG-29KUBR. • MiG-29K: Model 9.41. Export to India with Zhuk-ME radar. • 2013-15: 20 MiG-29KR and 4 MiG-29KUBR delivered. Pilot training 2014-16. • 2 Dec 15: 100th OKIAP fighter regiment formed at Severomorsk-3 in Northern Fleet. • 8 Aug 16: First carrier landing by 100th OKIAP pilot. • 15 Oct 16 - 9 Jan 17: Combat deployment on Admiral Kuznetsov off Syria includes two MiG-29KR and two MiG-29KUBR. • Early 17: Operational in QRA when shore based from this date. • Late 17: Cleared for Kh-31AM and Kh-31PM.
Man Rtng: 5.0/2.5 Damage Value: 32 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 2nd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: N-010 Zhuk radar, 2nd Gen RWR, OLS-M (3rd Gen IRST, TCS, laser rf/designator) linked to HMS. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 580 700 Med: 460 665 980 High: 460 750 1242 VHigh: -- -- 1242 Ceiling: 17000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 755 nmi Int Fuel: 4575 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1150 L drop tank 930 kg 220 nmi 1520 L supersonic tank 1230 kg 295 nmi 1800 L drop tank 1460 kg 350 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4500 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts optional 1520 L tank (max speed 860 knots) • 2 R-27R, 4 R-73 (QRA) • 4 R-27R/T or 4 R-77, 4 R-73 • 2 R-27ER, 2 R-77, 2 R-73 • 2 1150 L drop tanks, 4 R-77, 2 R-73 • 2 R-73, 2 R-77 and either: • 4 B-8 or 4 B-13 or 4 KMGU-2
Russia’s Aircraft
• 4 KAB-500Kr or 4 Kh-25ML or 4 Kh-29L/T or 4 Kh-31P • 8 FAB-500 or 16 FAB-250 bombs Remarks: In Svc: 1993 Model 9.15. FBW controls. Mnogotseloviy’ (Multi-role) to replace MiG-27, early MiG-29 and Su-17M. Engages 4 targets with R-77. Over nose optics allows laser designator from dive attack only with laser guided msls only (+/- 45° aspect). Fitted with FOD screens Can operate from semi-prepared strips. 1800 L drop tanks planned to replace 1150 L. Max speed with 1520 L DT carried is 860 knots. • MiG-29ME: Proposed export version with N-019ME radar and MiG-29SE/SD avionics and weapons. • 1986-91: Six prototypes delivered. • 1990-00: Production run of 300-400 planned. Possibly to have reduced frontal radar signature (VSmall 300°-060°). • 1991: Canceled due to break up of Russia. 30 had been ordered.
MiG-29SMT [Fulcrum F] (9.19)
Man Rtng: 5/2.5 Damage Value: 32 Size/Signature: Small/VSmall Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: N-041 Zhuk-M1 radar, 2nd Gen RWR, KOLS-13SM (2nd Gen IRST, laser rf), linked to HMS. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 580 755 Med: 460 665 970 High: 460 750 1295 VHigh: -- -- 1295 Ceiling: 17500 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 755 nmi Int Fuel: 4445 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1150 L drop tank 930 kg 200 nmi 1520 L supersonic tank 1230 kg 260 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts optional 1520 L tank (max speed 860 knots) • 2 R-27ER, 4 R-73 • 2 R-27R, 2 R-73 (QRA) • 4 R-77-1, 2 R-73 • 2 KAB-500Kr or 2 Kh-29T/TE or 2 Kh-31P, 2 R-77-1, 2 R-73 • 4 KMGU-2 or 4 RBK-250 or 8 FAB-500, 2 R-73 • 4 B-8M1 or 4 B-13 rocket pods or 4 S-25 rockets, 2 R-73 • 1520 L tank, 2 FAB-500 or 2 B-8M1 (Syria 2017) Remarks: In Svc: 2010 Model 9.19. Additional fuel, glass cockpit. Originally exported to Algeria - canceled and returned 2008. Can engage four targets at once with R-77-1. • MiG-29SMT(R): Model 9.19R with N-041R Zhuk MR radar, 3rd Gen J&D. • 28 MiG-29SMT delivered to 14th Guards IAP Feb 09-Jan 10 to 14th IAP at Kursk; 14 MiG-29SMT(R) Jan 16-Jan 17 to 116th TsBPIA (aggressor unit with secondary QRA and attack roles) at Astrakhan-Privolzhsky. • 2010: Operational in fighter role with R-73 and R-27. QRA from Dec 12. • 2011: Training commences with bombs and rockets. • Aug 16: KAB-500Kr first used during exercises. • Sep - Dec 17: Four MiG-29SMT(R) have combat trials in Syria. • 2018: MiG-29SMT replaced by Su-30SM, possibly to be sold to India. MiG-29SMT(R) remain in service.
MiG-31 [Foxhound A]
Man Rtng: 2.5/2.0 Damage Value: 40 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: -Sensors: RP-31 Zaslon radar, 2nd Gen IRST, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 490 650 810 Med: 490 710 1080 High: 490 770 1380 VHigh: 490 770 1380
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Ceiling: 20600 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1050 nmi Int Fuel: 16350 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 2500 L drop tank 2025 kg 185 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3500 kg Off Guns: GSh-6-23 23mm (4.0) • 4 R-33, 2 2500 L drop tanks • 4 R-33, 4 R-60M (QRA) • APP-46TD pod, 3 R-33, 2 R-40TD or R-40TD1 • 4 R-33, 2 R-40TD or R-40TD1 • 1 Kh-47M2 (MiG-31K) Remarks: In Svc: 1983 Can engage 4 targets with R-33 at once. Due to conformal carriage, lightly loaded with R-33. Alert 15 in peacetime. Maximum speed with AA-6 is is 1350 knots, with R-60M 1005 knots. Reduced agility with R-40T carried, use fully loaded ATA. Drop tanks rarely used. Inflight refueling cannot fill drop tanks. • MiG-31: 349 delivered 1979-1988. Service entry delayed by avionics integration and engine issues. Early aircraft APP-46TD pod to use R-40TD. • MiG-31B: Fitted with RP-31A Zaslon-A radar, 2nd Gen D, inflight refueling probe. Can carry R-33 or R-33S. 69 delivered 1990-94. 40 to Russia, remainder to Kazakhstan. In service 25 Oct 99. • MiG-31BS: MiG-31 converted to MiG-31B standard, lack inflight refueling probe. • MiG-31D was single seat prototype with one 79M6 ASAT missile on C/L, modified wing. 23mm and radar removed. Two built, never entered service. • MiG-31DZ: Fitted with inflight refueling probe. 100 delivered 198890. • MiG-31K: MiG-31B with radar and AAM removed. 10 operational late 2018. • 1987: PVO has 11 regiments. • 1993: First refueling by Il-78 tankers - initially not used operationally due to lack of tankers. Operational training commences in 2012. • 1 Jul 98: MiG-31B regiment at Yelizovo passed to Navy control. Originally had two squadrons. Reduced to one squadron by 2016. Commence MiG-31BSM conversion Feb 19. • Apr 13: Maximum speed limited to 860 knots by canopy issues. • Early 20s: Planned retirement date.
MiG-31BM [Foxhound A]
Man Rtng: 3.0/2.0 Damage Value: 40 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: -Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: RP-31AM Zaslon-AM radar, 2nd Gen IRST, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 490 650 810 Med: 490 710 860 High: 490 770 860 VHigh: 490 770 860 Ceiling: 20600 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1050 nmi Int Fuel: 16134 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 2500 L drop tank 2025 kg 185 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 Off Guns: GSh-6-23 23mm (4.0) • 2 R-33, 2 R-73 (QRA) • 4 R-33 or 4 R-33S or 4 R-37M, 4 R-73 or 4 R-77-1 • 4 R-33 or 4 R-33S or 4 R-37M, 2 R-73, 2 R-77-1 • 4 R-33 or 4 R-33S or 4 R-37M, 2 R-73 or 2 R-77-1, 2 DT Remarks: In Svc: 2009 Mid life upgrade. Can engage six targets with R-33, R-33S, R-37M and R-77-1. Can provide midcourse guidance for other MiG-31BM missiles. Drop tanks rarely used. Inflight refueling cannot fill drop tanks. At least 98 conversions. • MiG-31BM are conversions from MiG-31B, fitted with inflight refueling probe.
Russia’s Aircraft • MiG-31BSM are conversions from MiG-31BS, lacking inflight refueling probe. • Apr 13: Maximum speed limited to 860 knots by canopy glass. • 9 Jul 2018: R-37M completes validation testing. R-37M and R-771 operational. • 2022: ASAT version possibly operational. • 2028: Planned retirement date. • Possibly to be fitted with 3rd Gen IRST, 2nd Gen RWR, R-77M, 4th Gen J&D.
MiG-31M [Foxhound B]
Man Rtng: 3.0/2.0 Damage Value: 40 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: -Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: RP-31M Zaslon M radar, 3rd Gen IRST/laser rangefinder, 2nd Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 560 650 810 Med: 560 710 1090 High: 560 770 1380 VHigh: 560 770 1380 Ceiling: 20600 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1130 nmi Int Fuel: 17600 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 2500 L drop tank 2025 kg 185 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg • 6 R-33S or R-37, 4 R-77 • 6 R-33S or R-37, 2 R-77, 2 R-73 • 6 R-33S or R-37, 2 drop tanks Remarks: In Svc: 1990 Can engage 6 targets with R-33 or R-37 at one time. Due to conformal carriage, lightly loaded with R-33/R-37. Can carry L-175 Khibny ECM pods on wingtips. Radar and R-37 were planned to have ATBM role against Pershing II ballistic missile. • 27 Dec 86: First flight of prototype. Canceled 1991 due to high cost.
MiG-35S [Fulcrum F]
Man Rtng: 5.0/2.5 Damage Value: 31 Size/Signature: Small/VSmall Bombsight: Advanced Counterm: 3rd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: N-041MR Zhuk-MR radar, OLS-UEM (TCS, 3rd Gen IRST, laser rf/designator), laser warning system, HMS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 580 755 Med: 460 665 970 High: 460 750 1295 VHigh: -- -- 1295 Ceiling: 17500 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 755/670 nmi Int Fuel: 4635/4125 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1150 L drop tank 930 kg 215 nmi 1520 L supersonic tank 1230 kg 285 nmi 2150 L supersonic tank 1740 kg 405 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6500 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30 30mm cannon (2.5) • In all loadouts optional 1520 L tank (max speed 860 knots) • 6 R-77-1, 2 R-73 • 2 R-77-1, 2 R-73 and either: • 4 Kh-29L/T or Kh-31PM or Kh-35U or Kh-38ML • 4 KAB-500Kr/S/LG or 2 KAB-1500Kr/L-F • 4 B-8M1 or 4 B-13 rocket pods • 8 FAB-500 bombs • 2 1250 L drop tanks, 2 KAB-500Kr/S/LG • 4 1250 L drop tanks, buddy store Remarks: In Svc: 2021? Model 9.41SR. FBW controls and light weight airframe. Reduced radar signature from frontal aspect (VSmall 300°-060°). Fuel and range figures for single seat MiG-35S and two seat MiG-35UB
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
(possibly to be designated MiG-35ST). Can engage six targets at once with R-77-1. Can carry I-220 targeting pod in all loadouts under starboard intake. Export MiG-29M have Zhuk-M1SE radar, engages 4 targets. • Nov 06: Syria orders 12 MiG-29M (9.41S) for delivery 2010-12. Canceled by civil war. Not fitted with refueling probe. Zhuk-ME radar, engages 4 with R-77. • 2017-20: 46 single seat MiG-29M (9.41SM) and two seat MiG-29M2 (9.47SM) delivered to Egypt. Uses Western style inflight refueling probe, Zhuk-M1SE radar. • Aug 18: Six MiG-35S ordered from Russian requirement for 24. Two MiG-35UB delivered 2018, four MiG-35S in 2019. Russian trials due to be completed 2021. • Sep 17: I-220/KE targeting pod complete trials for Egypt. • R-74M vice R-73 when available. May have Zhuk-AM radar. • Mid 2020: Planned first deliveries to Strizhy (‘Swifts’) display team. This unit has a wartime role. • Export MiG-35 offered with unfunded Zhuk-AME radar. Provision for 2150 L vice 1520 L tank.
Recon UAV
Recon UAV
Recon UAV
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 10 Size/Signature: VSmall/VSmall Bombsight: -Sensors: 3rd Gen FLIR, laser rangefinder/designator Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 65 110 -Med: 65 110 -Ceiling: 7500 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 1325 nmi Int Fuel: ? kg Remarks: In Svc: 2020? UAV. BAK SD or Medium Range UAV Complex with one control station and 4 - 6 UAV. Operates from runways. Controlled by 135 nmi LOS data link. Export name Orion-E. Central payload bay for cameras, radar or ELINT (also replaces EO). First UAV will all Russian parts. • 20 Apr 20: First system with 3 UAV and one ground control station delivered for operational evaluation. • Future upgrades might include SATCOM control, ELINT, radar and an armed variant.
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 2 Size/Signature: VSmall/VSmall Bombsight: -Sensors: 2nd Gen FLIR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 48 80 -Med: 48 80 -Ceiling: 5000 meters Engine Type: IP Cruise Range: 655 nmi Int Fuel: ? kg Remarks: In Svc: 2014 UAV. Launched by catapult, recovered by parachute. Controlled by 75 nmi LOS data link. • 2010: Production commences. At least 1000 produced. • 2017: ELINT version in service. Estimated 2nd Gen ES. • 2018: Operational from Project 22800 corvettes. Recovered from water by crane. First fitted Uragan in Baltic fleet. • Apr 19: Tested from Admiral Essen (Project 1135.6 FFG). Recovered on helo pad using net.
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 3 Size/Signature: VSmall/VSmall Bombsight: -Sensors: 2nd Gen FLIR, laser designator Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 48 80 -Med: 48 80 -Ceiling: 4500 meters Engine Type: IP Cruise Range: 410 nmi Int Fuel: ? kg
Russia’s Aircraft
Remarks: In Svc: 2020 UAV. Operates from runway. Controlled by 160 nmi LOS data link. System is one GCS and 4 UAV. • 2018: Trials in Syria.
Recon UAV
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 5 Size/Signature: VSmall/VSmall Bombsight: -Sensors: Day TV only Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 75 100 -Med: 75 100 -Ceiling: 3000 meters Engine Type: IP Cruise Range: 220 nmi Int Fuel: ? kg Remarks: In Svc: 1991 UAV. Launched by catapult, recovered by parachute. Controlled by 32 nmi data link. Not accurate enough to Direct artillery fire, can Direct MRL and air strikes. Designed for Airborne troops with system capable of being airdropped. • 1991: Five batteries, each with 10 UAV, 3 launchers and control station. Each can control two UAV at one time. • 1993: One Pchela-1T system exported to North Korea. • 2009: 13 Pchela-1M, 2 Pchela-1K in service. • Nov 10: Pchela-1K in service with LLTV for night recon. System can no longer be airdropped.
S-70 Okhotnik-B
Attack/Recon UAV
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 27 Size/Signature: Medium/Stealthy Bombsight: Advanced Sensors: Unknown radar, (use N-035 Irbis radar ranges until additional information is available) 3rd gen FLIR, laser designator, 2nd gen RWR (estimated) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 400 540 -Med: 400 540 -High: 400 540 -Ceiling: 15000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 2755 nmi Int Fuel: 9500 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3800 kg • 4 Kh-38M series or 4 KAB-250S or 2 Kh-58UShK or 4 R-77-1 Remarks: In Svc: 2025 UAV. “Hunter.” “Samolyet 70” or 70th aircraft prototype developed by Sukhoi design bureau. URBK or Strike Reconnaissance Unmanned Complex. Weapons carried internally. All stats are estimated. • 27 Sep 19: First manned-unmanned teaming flight with Su-57. UAV extends sensor range and provides target designation for Su-57 weapons. • 2020: Weapon trials commence. • 2023 - 24: Flight testing, weapon trials and evaluation. • 2024: One squadron each planned in Western and Southern Air Armies.
Su-7 [Fitter A]
Man Rtng: 3.0/1.5 Damage Value: 19 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: SRD-5M RO radar, Gen 0 RWR (90°-270° only) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 550 620 675 Med: 550 670 920 High: 550 880 1170 VHigh: -- -- 1130 Ceiling: 18750 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 485 nmi Int Fuel: 2060 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 600 L supersonic drop tank 485 kg 160 nmi
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1615 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4) • 2 drop tanks, 2 UB-16-57 rocket pods • 2 drop tanks, 2 FAB-50 or FAB-250 bombs Remarks: In Svc: 1959 - 1966 Used in fighter role. Unsuccessful contender to MiG-21F. Speeds estimated. Early production had SRD-3 Grad RO radar. • Dec 57 - 1960: 132 produced. Flown by two regiments in Far East - 523rd IAP (Vozdvizhenka 1959 - 65) then 821st IAP (SpasskDalniy 1965 - 1966).
Su-7B/BM [Fitter A]
Su-7BKL/BMK [Fitter A]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 20 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: SRD-5M RO radar, Gen 0 RWR (90°-270° only) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 545 600 650 Med: 545 650 822 High: 545 880 1145 VHigh: -- -- 1190 Ceiling: 19500/18500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 425/430 nmi Int Fuel: 2760/3000 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 600 L supersonic drop tank 485 kg 105/100 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2500 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4) • 4 HP, with either: • 4 UB-16-57 • 4 FAB-100 or 4 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • 4 S-21M rockets (Su-7B only) • 4 S-24 or 28 S-3K rockets • 2 drop tanks, 2 FAB-500 or 2 S-21M or 2 S-24 or 14 S-3K • 1 drop tank, 1 RN-24 nuclear bomb (Su-7B) • 3 drop tanks, 1 RN-24 (Su-7BM) • 6 HP (1969), with either: • 2 UB-32-57, 4 UB-16-57 • 6 FAB-100 or 6 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • 6 S-24 or 42 S-3K rockets • 2 drop tanks, 2 FAB-500 or 4 S-24 or 28 S-3K Remarks: In Svc: Jan 61/1963 - 85 • Su-7B: Clear weather day only. Four HP, 2 under fuselage, one per wing. Uses first performance figures. 344 delivered Dec 59-Jul 62. • Su-7BM: Day/night. Has wing HP plumbed for additional drop tanks. Uses second performance figures. 291 delivered Sep 62Mar 65. Exported with nuclear bombs to Czechoslovakia: 64 a/c 1964-65, Poland 6 a/c 1965. • Deployed in Eastern Europe: Hungary - Su-7B 1961, Su-7BM 1965. Poland - Mar 61. East Germany - 1962-1984. • 1961 - 62: Nuclear bomb trials. Estimated operational 1962. • 1969: Additional underwing HP and UB-32-57 added.
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.0 Damage Value: 21 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: SRD-5M range only radar, Gen 0 RWR (90°-270° only) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 486 600 650 Med: 486 650 905 High: 486 780 1160 VHigh: -- -- 1160 Ceiling: 17600 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 380 nmi Int Fuel: 3220 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 600 L supersonic drop tank 485 kg 80 nmi 950 L drop tank 770 kg 130 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2500 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4)
Russia’s Aircraft • 4 HP (1965), with either: • 2 UB-32-57, 2 UB-16-57 • 4 FAB-100 or 4 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • 4 S-24 or 28 S-3K rockets • 2 drop tanks, 2 FAB-500 or 2 S-21M or 2 S-24 or 14 S-3K • 3 drop tanks, 1 RN-24 nuclear bomb • 6 HP (1969), with either: • 2 UB-32-57, 4 UB-16-57 • 6 FAB-100 or 6 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • 6 S-24 or 42 S-3K rockets • 2 drop tanks, 2 FAB-500 or 4 S-24 or 28 S-3K • 1 UB-16-57 rocket pod, SPS-141 ECM pod, and 4 HP loadouts above (1970s) Remarks: In Svc: late 65 - 1986 Improved engine, but reduced range due to increased weight. Has wheel-skis for use on unprepared runways, but rarely used in service. One in five fitted with low altitude recon camera. • Su-7BKL: Russia 274 a/c 1965-72. Czechoslovakia 61 a/c, Poland 30 a/c, both 1966-72. All have RN-24 capability. Later 55 ex-Soviet to Afghanistan from late 70s with nukes removed. • Su-7BMK export version with wheel-skis and nuclear capability removed, Maneuver Rating 3.0/1.5. 441 a/c 1966-71 for Afghanistan 30 1970s, Algeria 20 1971-72, Egypt 158 1966-72, India 131 1968-69, Iraq 36 1968-69, North Korea 25 1971 and Syria 60 1969-70. Some Su-7U trainer included in these numbers. • Su-7BMK (Russia): Canceled order with nuclear capability restored in mixed regiment - two Su-7BKL and one Su-7BMK squadrons with 953rd at Bobrovichi 1960s-1979, 940th at Postavy 1979-82. • 1969: Fitted with additional two wing HP. • 1972: 950 L drop tanks available, can carry two maximum. • 1970s: SPS-141 ECM pod available for Russia only. • Mid-1970s: Highway strip operations commence.
Su-9 [Fishpot B]
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Damage Value: 20 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-9U radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 420 500 660 Med: 525 575 895 High: 560 720 1145 VHigh: 560 750 1205 Ceiling: 20000 m Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 415/510 nmi Int Fuel: 2480/3060 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 600 L supersonic drop tank 485 kg 115 nmi 950 L drop tank 770 kg 185 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: e1520 kg • 4 RS-2US, 2 drop tanks • 4 RS-2US, 2 drop tanks (Oct 1960) • 2 RS-2US, 2 R-55, 2 drop tanks (Jan 1969) • 2 RS-2US, 2 R-55, 2 UPK-23-250 gun pods (early 70s) Remarks: In Svc: Jun 59 - 1981 Can launch 1, 2 or 4 RS-2US each Engagement Turn Fire Phase at one target, limited to one target per Engagement Turn. 950 L tank used only for deployments and Arctic patrols, reduces Maneuver rating by 1.0. First 120 have RP-9 unstabilized antenna - loses all contacts if if the aircraft turns. • 1957-62: 1018 delivered for 27 PVO Regiments - 24 Jan 70, 19 1975, 8 Jan 80. • 1961: Fuel tanks converted to integral design, increasing capacity. Use the second Cruise range and internal fuel after this date. • 1968?: Fitted with RP-9UK radar with provision for R-55. • 1970s: Commence dogfighting training. • Early 70s: Provision for UPK-23-250 gun pods. Rarely carried as additional fuel considered more useful.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Su-11 [Fishpot C]
Su-15 [Flagon A/D]
Su-15TM [Flagon F]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 20 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Sensors: RP-11 Orel, Gen 0 RWR (90°-270° only) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 400 500 595 Med: 500 580 905 High: 540 764 1265 VHigh: -- -- 1265 Ceiling: 18000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 480 nmi Int Fuel: 3400 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 720 L drop tank 585 kg 115 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: e2000 kg • 2 drop tanks, 1 R-8MR, 1 R-8MT Remarks: In Svc: 1964 - 1981 Day/night capable. Lacks ILS for true all weather operations. Service entry delayed by crash. Production cut short due to new requirement for interceptors to have two engines. 112 a/c in three PVO regiments - 191st IAP Yefremov, 1965-80; 790th IAP Khotilovo, 1965-79; 393rd GvIAP Privolzhskiy, mid 64 - 81. • 1970s: Commence dogfighting training.
Man Rtng: 3.0/2.0 Damage Value: 27 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-15M Orel-DM radar, Gen 0 RWR (90°-270° only) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 450 500 645 Med: 480 670 920 High: 520 836 1200 VHigh: 520 836 1200 Ceiling: 18500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 500/595 nmi Int Fuel: 5600 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 600 L supersonic drop tank 485 kg 60 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 700 kg • 2 drop tanks, 1 R-8M1R, 1 R-8M1T • 2 drop tanks, 1 R-98R, 1 R-98T (1967) • 2 drop tanks or 2 UPK-23-250, 1 R-98R, 1 R-98T (1975) • 2 drop tanks or 2 UPK-23-250, 1 R-98R, 1 R-98T, 2 R-60 (1979) Remarks: In Svc: Jul 67 - 1992 First 19 a/c have RP-15 Orel-D radar and used for training only. • 1965-71: 566 a/c delivered, estimate 259 Flagon A, 307 Flagon D. 18 PVO regiments - 8 Jun 68, 12 Jan 70, 16 by 75, 14 Dec 79, 3 1987. • 1967: Production fitted with RP-15M radar and R-98R and R-98T missiles. • 1969: Flagon D in service with improved wing and engines. Use second range. • 1975: Fitted with provision for UPK-23-250 gun pods. Standard QRA is two aircraft - one with drop tanks, one with gun pods. • 1979: Aircraft upgraded with two inner wing HP - add two R-60 to all loadouts.
Man Rtng: 3.0/2.0 Damage Value: 27 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-26M Taifun-M radar, Gen 0 RWR (90°-270° only) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 490 550 700 Med: 530 730 950 High: 570 920 1200 VHigh: 570 920 1200 Ceiling: 17450 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 520 nmi Int Fuel: 5550 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 600 L supersonic drop tank 485 kg 65 nmi
Russia’s Aircraft
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1700 kg • 2 drop tanks, 1 R-98R, 1 R-98T • 2 drop tanks, 1 R-98MR, 1 R-98MT, 2 R-60 (1979) • 2 UPK-23-250 gun pods, 1 R-98MR, 1 R-98MT, 2 R-60 Remarks: In Svc: 1973 - 1993 Late production have provision for two UPK-23-250 gun pods replacing drop tanks. First 20 were Su-15T [Flagon E] with RP-26 radar, and only used for testing and trials. • Oct 71-75: 421 a/c delivered to 12 PVO regiments - 11 1972,12 1975, 9 Dec 79, 10? 1987. • 21 Jan 75: R-98M series operational, probably replaces R-98. • 1978: Modified to engage targets at Low altitude while flying at Low altitude. • 1979: Upgraded with two inner wing HP - adds two R-60. • 1980: Standard QRA is two aircraft - one with drop tanks, one with gun pods.
Su-17 [Fitter C]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: SRD-5M RO radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 570 650 Med: 460 655 905 High: 460 740 1160 VHigh: -- -- 1160 Ceiling: 16300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 380 nmi Int Fuel: 2760 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 600 L supersonic drop tank 485 kg 95 nmi 800 L drop tank 650 kg 125 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4) • 6 FAB-250 or 6 FAB-500 or 6 S-24 or 4 KMGU • 2 drop tanks, and either: • 2 R-3S • 4 UB-32-57 or 2 B-8M1 rocket pods • 4 S-21M or 4 S-24 or 2 S-25 or 28 S-3K rockets • 4 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • SPS-141 ECM pod, 1 RN-24 or RN-28 nuclear bomb • SPS-141 pod, 2 Kh-23 (1973) • 4 drop tanks, 2 FAB-500 or 2 UB-32-57 or 2 S-24 Remarks: In Svc: Oct 71 - late 80s First Fitter with all weather avionics and variable geometry 'swing wing'. Can carry SPS-141 ECM pod replacing one FAB-500 or UB32-57 rocket pod. Can carry two SPPU-22-01 gun pods replacing two drop tanks. Provision for wheel-skis, although rarely used as highway strips used instead. • 1969 - 73: 207 delivered to VVS. • Early 70s: RBK-250, RBK-500 cluster bombs, high drag Sh bombs available. Can carry replacing FAB-250 and FAB-500. • 1972 - 73: Additional 16 to Egypt as Su-17K with nuclear weapons, ECM pod and Kh-23 capability removed. • 1973: Fitted with internal Delta command transmitter for Kh-23 replacing radar. • 1975 - 77: Fitted with provision for 800 L drop tanks.
Su-17M/Su-20 [Fitter C]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 570 730 Med: 460 655 964 High: 460 700 1082 VHigh: 460 740 1200 Ceiling: 15600 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 510 nmi Int Fuel: 3560 kg
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 600 L supersonic drop tank 485 kg 100 nmi 800 L drop tank 650 kg 135 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4) • 2 drop tanks,4 R-3S [AA-2 Atoll] (Su-20 only) • 20 OFAB-100 or 8 FAB-250 or 6 FAB-500 or 6 UB-32-57 • 18 OFAB-100 or 6 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 or 4 KMGU, 2 R-3S • 2 drop tanks, and either: • 12 FAB-100 or 6 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • 4 UB-32-57 or 4 B-8M1 or 4 S-24 or 28 S-3K • SPS-141 ECM pod, KKR-1 recon pod, UB-32-57 (recon Su17M, Su-20R) • Su-17M only - 2 drop tanks, and either: • SPS-141 pod, Metel pod, 1 Kh-28 • 2 R-13M or 2 UB-32-57, 2 Kh-23 • SPS-141 pod, 1 RN-24 nuclear bomb Remarks: In Svc: 1973 - 90s? First version with bomb multiple ejector racks (MER). Attack/recon lacks nuclear capability and retains Su-17M name. • Su-17M: Has internal Delta command transmitter for Kh-23. Can carry two SPPU-22-01 gun pods replacing two drop tanks and R13M replacing R-3S. 140 delivered 1973-76. • Su-20: SRD-5M RO radar replacing internal Delta. UPK-23-250 replaces SPPU-23 SPPU-22-01 gun pods. Can carry S-24 in UB32-57 loadouts. Algeria, Egypt 50 1973-78, Iraq 18 1973-74 and Syria 40 1973. • Su-20MK and recon Su-20R exported to Poland. As Su-20 retaining nuclear bomb capability. 7 Su-20MK, 7 Su-20R delivered 1974-77. Su-20R not fitted for nuclear bombs. • Feb 74: First deployed East Germany - 20th Guards Templin Feb 74-81. • 1975: Deployed to Poland. • 1975: First naval attack regiments operational to support amphibious landings and antishipping attack. Baltic - 66th OMShAP at Veshchovo and 846th Guards OMShAP at Chkalovsk. 1st OShAP from Nov 75. Black Sea - 43rd OMShAP at Gvardeiskoye. Pacific 173rd OMShAP at Pristan, Dec 82 - 93. • 1975 - 77: Fitted with provision for 800 L drop tanks. • Late 70s: Some export converted to recon Su-20R.
Su-17M2 [Fitter D]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: Gen 0 RWR, laser rf. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 675 730 Med: 460 770 860 High: 460 860 990 Ceiling: 15400 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 610/625 nmi Int Fuel: 3670/3765 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 155 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4) • 20 OFAB-100 or 10 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 • 6 UB-32-57 or 6 S-24 • 4 KMGU, 2 R-60 • SPS-141 ECM pod, and either: • 18 OFAB-100 or 8 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • 4 UB-32-57 or 4 S-24 • 2 Kh-25 or 2 S-25L or 2 Kh-25ML, SP-14 Prozhektor-1 targeting pod • 2 drop tanks, 1 RN-24 or RN-28 nuclear bomb • 2 drop tanks, and either: • 2 R-13M (Feb 76) or 2 R-60 (late 1976) • 4 B-8M1 or 4 UB-32-57 or 4 FAB-500 • SPS-141, 2 B-8M or 2 UB-32-57 or 2 FAB-500 • SPS-141, 1 Kh-28, 1 Metel pod • SPS-141, 1 Kh-29L, SP-14 Pozhektor-1 (1977)
Russia’s Aircraft • SPS-141, 2 Kh-23M or 2 Kh-25MR, Delta pod (1981) • SPS-141, 1 KKR-1/T recon pod, UB-32-57 (Su-17M2R) Remarks: In Svc: Feb 76 - 1995? Can carry two SPPU-22-01 gun pods replacing two drop tanks. Late production have increased fuel and range, use second figures. • Su-17M2: 268 delivered 1975-77. • Su-17M2D: Two squadrons in Central Asia. R-29BS-300 vice AL21F-3 engine. Range 555 nmi, each drop tank adds 135 nmi. • Su-17M2R: Attack/recon version. Not fitted for nuclear bomb. • Su-17UM [Fitter E]: Two seat trainer. Range 455 nmi, 3050 kg internal fuel, payload 3000 kg. Has one 30mm (1.2). Cannot carry Kh-29L or Kh-28. Each drop tank adds 135 nmi. • Naval Regiments: 846th Guards OMShAP Baltic 1975; 173rd OMShAP equips at Pristan, Pacific Dec 82. • 1976: Deployed to East Germany - 20th Guards Templin 1976-81, and to Hungary. • Some ex-Soviet Su-17M2 exported to Afghanistan with Su-22 [Fitter F] weapons.
Su-17M3 [Fitter H]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: 1st Gen RWR, Klon laser rf/designator. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 675 750 Med: 460 770 1000 High: 460 860 1240 Ceiling: 15200 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 580 nmi Int Fuel: 4020 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 135 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4250 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4) • In all loadouts: 2 R-60 or R-60M on dedicated HP. Early a/c not fitted. • 20 OFAB-100 or 10 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 or 4 KMGU • SPS-141 ECM pod, 18 OFAB-100 or 8 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • 6 UB-32-57 or 6 S-24 • SPS-141 ECM pod, 4 UB-32-57 or 4 S-24 • SPS-141MVG ECM pod, 4 Kh-25ML (1981) • 2 drop tanks, SPS-141MVG and either: • 2 B-8M1 or 2 UB-32-57 or 2 FAB-500 • 2 Kh-25MR, Delta pod • 2 Kh-25ML or 2 Kh-29L • 1 RN-24 or RN-28 nuclear bomb • KKR-1/T or KKR-1/2 or KKR-2A or KKR-2T recon pod, UB-3257 (Su-17M3R) • 2 DT or 2 UB-32-57, L-086 Vyuga pod, SPS-141MVG and either: • 2 Kh-27PS (1980) • 2 Kh-25MP or 2 Kh-58 (both 1981) Remarks: In Svc: 1979 - 1998 Can carry two SPPU-22-01 gun pods replacing two drop tanks. Klon laser designator range 3.8 nmi, 12° weapons either side of nose. Targets must be visually spotted and treat all laser guided missiles as 1st Gen. • Su-17M3: 488 all types delivered 1976-81. Delivered from Sep 1977 for training, but service entry delayed by avionics issues. • Su-17M3P: Wild Weasel with Kh-25MP and Kh-58 ARM. Cannot use nuclear bombs. In service 1980. • Su-17M3R attack/recon. Cannot use Kh-25MP, Kh-58 or Kh-29L. • Su-17UM3 [Fitter G]: Two seat trainer with secondary attack role. Has one 30mm (1.2). Range 410 nmi, drop tank adds 130 nmi. Exported as Su-22UM3K. • Su-22M3 [Fitter J] and Su-22M3R with Gen 0 RWR, SPS-141. Not fitted for Kh-58 or nuclear bombs. Remainder as Su-17M3 and Su-17UM3. Hungary only. • 1981: Deployed to East Germany - 20th Guards Templin May 81-91.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 31 Jul 81: Fully operational, ballistic bombsight before this date. • 1985: Fitted with 2nd Gen D. • 1989 - 1998: Flown by Navy. Black Sea - 43rd OMShAP regiment at Gvardeiskoye until 1992, then 43rd OMShAE squadron until 1998. Baltic - 846th OMShAP until 1993. • Retired: air force attack (1994-95), air force recon (1998), navy (Jan 98).
Su-17M4 [Fitter K]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: 1st Gen RWR, Klon laser rf/designator. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 675 730 Med: 460 770 860 High: 460 860 1000 Ceiling: 15200 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 575 nmi Int Fuel: 3770 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 140 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4) • In all loadouts: 2 R-60 or R-60M on dedicated HP. • 20 OFAB-100 or 10 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 or 4 KMGU • 6 UB-32-57 or 6 S-24 • SPS-141MVG ECM pod, 4 UB-32-57 or 4 S-24 • SPS-141MVG, 18 OFAB-100 or 8 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • SPS-141MVG, 4 Kh-25ML • 2 drop tanks, SPS-141MVG and either: • 2 Kh-25MR, Delta pod • 2 Kh-25ML or 2 Kh-29L • 2 Kh-29T or 2 KAB-500Kr (some 1987) • 1 RN-24 or RN-28 nuclear bomb (Su-17M4) • 2 DT or 2 UB-32-57, L-086 Vyuga pod, SPS-141MVG and either: • 2 Kh-25MP • 2 Kh-58U (Su-17M4P) or 2 Kh-58E (Su-22M4P) • 2 DT, SPS-141MVG, KKR recon pod, UB-32-57 (Su-17M4R) • 2 DT, SPS-141, KKR-1 recon pod, UB-32-57 (Su-22M4R) Remarks: In Svc: 1981 - 1998 Can carry SPPU-22-01 gun pods replacing two drop tanks. Klon laser designator range 3.8 nmi, 12° weapons either side of nose. Targets must be visually spotted and treat all laser guided missiles as 1st Gen. Su-17M4P and Su-17M4R can use all Su-17M4 attack loadouts except nuclear bombs. • Su-17M4: Attack version. Only version with nuclear bomb. • Su-17M4P: Wild Weasel version. • Su-17M4R: Recon version with KKR-1/T, KKR-1/2, KKR-2 series pods. Cannot use Kh-25MP and Kh-58U. In service 1981. • Su-22M4 exported to Angola, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Iraq, Poland, Syria, Vietnam, Yemen. UPK-23-250 gun pods replace SPPU-22-01. Only Warsaw Pact wired for nukes, although none trained in use. • Su-22M4R: Export recon version. KKR-1/T, KKR-1/2 recon pods. Cannot use Kh-25MP and Kh-58E. • 1981 - 84: 231 Su-17M4, M4P, M4R delivered to Fighter Bomber Regiments (APIB) - 125th Templin GDR 1987-94, 730th Neureppon GDR 1986-91; Recon Squadrons (AE) of Recon Regiment (ORAP) - 2nd AE, 328th Guards Kunmadaras, Hungary 1984-91, 1st AE 827th ORAP Limanskoye 1982-92, 1st and 2nd AE 886th ORAP Jekabpils, Latvia 1982-93. • 30 Sep 84: Officially declared operational. • 1985: Fitted with 2nd Gen D. • 1987 - 88: Some Su-17M4 and Su-22M4 fitted for Kh-29T and KAB-500Kr. Replaces nuclear capability on Su-17M4. • Retired - Air Force attack (1994-95), Air Force recon (1997), Navy (1998).
Russia’s Aircraft
Su-22 [Fitter F]
Su-22M [Fitter J]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: Gen 0 RWR, laser rf. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 675 730 Med: 460 770 860 High: 460 860 990 Ceiling: 15400 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 555 nmi Int Fuel: 3765 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 135 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4) • 20 OFAB-100 or 10 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 • 6 UB-32-57 or 6 S-24 • 2 drop tanks, and either: • 4 UB-32-57 or 4 FAB-500 • 2 R-3S or 2 R-13M • 1 KKR-1/T recon pod, SPS-141, UB-32-57 (Su-22R) Remarks: In Svc: Export Export Su-17M2 with R-29 engine, reduced avionics and weapons. Can carry two UPK-23-250 gun pods replacing two drop tanks. • 1977-80: Delivered to Angola 10 in 1982, Libya 36 in 1979, North Yemen 15 in 1980 and Peru 32 in 1977. • Su-22R: Attack/recon version.
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 22 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Gen 0 RWR, laser rf Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 675 750 Med: 460 770 960 High: 460 860 1190 Ceiling: 15200 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 565/410 nmi Int Fuel: 4020/3305 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 130/115 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4250 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-30 30mm (2.4) • In all loadouts: 2 R-60 or R-60M on dedicated HP. • 20 OFAB-100 or 10 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 or 4 KMGU • 6 UB-32-57 or 6 S-24 • SPS-141 ECM pod, 18 OFAB-100 or 8 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • SPS-141, 4 UB-32-57 or 4 S-24 • 2 drop tanks, 4 UB-32-57 or 4 FAB-500 • 1 Kh-28E, Metel pod, UB-32-57, SPS-141 Remarks: In Svc: Export Export with Su-17M3 airframe, R-29 engine and Su-22 avionics. Can carry two UPK-23-250 gun pods replacing two drop tanks. • Su-22M [Fitter J]: 303 a/c delivered 1978-84 for Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Peru, South Yemen, Syria 1979 and Vietnam. • Su-22UM3 [Fitter G]: Two seat trainer. Has one 30mm (1.2). Use second performance figures.
Su-24 [Fencer A], early series
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 34 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Orion-A radar & Relyef TF/RO radar [Drop Kick], 1st Gen IRST, Gen 0 RWR, Filin sensor Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 560 650 790/710 Med: 560 700 1020/745 High: 515 745 1145/785 Ceiling: 11000 meters Engine Type: TJ
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Cruise Range: 640 nmi Int Fuel: 9070 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 3000 L drop tank 2430 kg 245 nmi Ordnance Loadouts Payload: 6000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-6-23 23mm cannon (4.0) • 34 OFAB-100 or 14 FAB-250 or 14 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 or 6 RBK-250 or 6 RBK-500 or 6 BeTAB-500 or 6 S-24 or 6 UB-32-57 • 22 OFAB-100 or 20 FAB-250 or 10 FAB-250 or 6 FAB-500 or 4 RBK-250 or 4 RBK-500 or 4 BeTAB-500 or 2 FAB-1500 or 4 S-24 or 4 S-25, 2 R-55 • 2 Kh-28 or 2 Kh-29T, 2 Kh-23 or 2 R-55M or 2 UB-32-57 • 2 3000 L drop tanks, and either: • 8 OFAB-100 or 2 FAB-500 or 4 RBK-500 or 4 S-24 or 2 UB32-57 • 6 OFAB-100 or 4 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-500 or 4 RBK-250 or 2 BeTAB-500, 2 R-55 • 2 RN-24 or 2 RN-28 nuclear bombs Remarks: In Svc: Feb 75 - 1987 Has 6 HP (cannot carry C/L 2000 L drop tank). Can carry SPPU-6 gun pods vice drop tanks. Filin ES has a range of 27 nmi, covers 30° either side of nose and must be set on ground to detect either Nike Hercules or Thunderbird or HAWK MFC or early warning radars. Uses Relyef in RO mode and IRST to target R-55. Use first reheat speeds in 1970s. One in three a/c not fitted for Kh-23 missile. Kh-23 used with Taran-R TV system for semi-automatic guidance, uses Kh-23 and Kh-23M with 2nd Gen Cmd. • 1971 - 75: 75 delivered to 63rd BAP at Chernyakhovsk, Feb 74 - 1984 and 733rd BAP at Domna, Mid 75 - 1987. Service entry delayed by extensive trials. • Feb 75: Officially accepted for service. • 1980s: Fitted with fixed air inlets, use second reheat speeds, 2nd Gen J&D, Kh-25MR vice Kh-23, Kh-29T, Kh-58 vice Kh-28, R-60M vice R-55, B-13 and B-8 vice UB-32-57. • 1983: Guns no longer used due to safety issues.
Su-24 [Fencer A/B/C]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 34 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Orion-A radar, Relyef TF/RO radar, 1st Gen IRST, Gen 0 RWR (A&B), 1st Gen RWR (C), Filin-N sensor Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 560 650 790/710 Med: 560 700 1020/745 High: 515 745 1145/785 Ceiling: 11000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 765 nmi Int Fuel: 9605 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 2000 L drop tank 1620 kg 185 nmi 3000 L drop tank 2430 kg 275 nmi Ordnance Loadouts Payload: 7000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-6-23 23mm cannon (4.0) • 38 OFAB-100 or 28 FAB-250 or 16 FAB-250 or 10 FAB-500 or 8 RBK-250 or 8 BETAB-500 • 26 OFAB-100 or 24 FAB-250 or 12 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 or 6 RBK-250 or 6 BETAB-500, 2 R-55 • 2000 L drop tank, and either: • 6 UB-32-57 rocket pods or 4 S-24 or 4 S-25 rockets • 2 FAB-1500 bombs, 2 R-55 • 2 Kh-28, 2 Kh-23 or 2 R-55 • 2 3000 L drop tanks, and either: • 16 OFAB-100 or 8 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 or 6 RBK-250 or 4 BETAB-500 • 14 OFAB-100 or 8 FAB-250 or 6 FAB-250 or 2 FAB-500 or 4 RBK-250 or 2 BETAB-500, 2 R-55 • 1 RN-24 or 1 RN-28 nuclear bomb, 2 R-55 • 2 Kh-23 Remarks: In Svc: 1975 - 2016 Speeds for variable/fixed air inlets. Has 8 HP. Can carry SPPU-6 gun pods vice 3000 L drop tanks. Filin-N sensor provides input
Russia’s Aircraft to Kh-28 ARM seeker heads. It covers 30° either side of nose and must be set before takeoff to detect either Nike Hercules or Thunderbird or HAWK MFC or early warning radars. Uses Relyef in RO mode and IRST to target R-55. Each regiment has three squadrons, each 10 a/c - all use unguided weapons, first squadron guided weapons, second SEAD and recon, third training. Kh-23 used with Taran-R TV system for semi-automatic guidance, uses Kh-23 and Kh-23M with 2nd Gen Cmd. • Fencer A: 167 delivered 1975 - 78. In service 1975. • Fencer B: Similar to Fencer A 213 delivered 1978 - 79. In service 1978. • Fencer C: As Fencer B with 1st Gen RWR, 1st Gen J&D and fixed inlets. 266 delivered 1980 - 83. In service 1980. • 1980: Fencer A and B have air inlets fixed. • 1980s: Fitted with 2nd Gen J&D, Kh-23MR vice Kh-23, Kh-58 vice Kh-28, R-60M vice R-55M, B-8M1 vice UB-32-57. Kh-29L and Kh58 capability added. • 1983: Guns no longer used due to premature detonation. • 1988?: Can carry 4 R-60M vice 2 R-55M in above loadouts. • 1992: Nuclear bomb capability removed. • 1998-00: 43rd OMShAE squadron converts from Su-17M3 to Fencer B/C and Su-24MR. Based at Gvardeyskoye, Crimea. Expanded to 43rd OMShAP regiment in 2004. Strength in 2009 was 18 Fencer B/C and 4 Su-24MR. • Late 09: Retired from Air Force service. Last unit was 959th BAP at Yeisk. • 1 Sep 16: Fencer B & C retired from Naval 43rd OMShAP at Saki, Crimea.
Su-24M [Fencer D]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 34 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 2nd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Orion-A radar, Relyef TF/RO radar, Kaira laser rf/designator, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 560 650 710 Med: 560 700 745 High: 515 745 785 Ceiling: 11500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 720/710 nmi Int Fuel: 9605/9475 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 2000 L drop tank 1620 kg 175 nmi 3000 L drop tank 2430 kg 260 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Off Guns: GSh-6-23M 23mm (4.8) • 38 OFAB-100-120 or 28/17 FAB-250 or 10 FAB-500 or 8 RBK-250 or 7 500 kg bombs • 26 OFAB-100-120 or 24/13 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 or 2 FAB-1500 or 6 RBK-250 or 5 500 kg bombs, 2 R-60M • 3 Kh-29L or 3 Kh-29T or 4 KAB-500Kr or 5 KAB-500L or 3 KAB1500L, 2 R-60M • 2 Kh-58 or 2 Kh-58U, LO-080 or LO-081 pod, 2 R-60M • 2 Kh-59 or 2 Kh-59M, APK-9 guidance pod, 2 R-60M • 3 Kh-31A, 4 R-60M (SVP-24, Su-24M2) • 2 Kh-31PK, L-021 Ethnografia pod, 4 R-60M (SVP-24, Su-24M2) • 2 Kh-59M or 2 KAB-1500TK-Pr, APK-9 guidance pod, 2 R-73 (Su-24M2) • 1 2000 L drop tank, and either: • 6 UB-32-57 or 6 B-8 or 6 B-13 or 4 S-24 or 6 S-25 • 4 Kh-25ML/MR or 4 S-25LD • 2 Kh-29L/T, 2 Kh-25ML/MR or 2 R-60M • 4 KAB-500S or 2 Kh-31A, 4 R-60M (SVP-24, Su-24M2) • 2 3000 L drop tanks, and either: • 24 OFAB-100-120 or 11 FAB-250 or 6 FAB-500 or 5 500 kg bombs • 14 OFAB-100-120 or 12/7 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 or 1 FAB1500 or 3 500 kg bombs, 2 R-60M • 2 KAB-500Kr or 3 KAB-500L or 1 KAB-1500L or 1 Kh-29L/T, 2 R-60M
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 1 RN-24 or RN-28 or RN-40 or RN-41 nuclear bomb, 2 R-60M • 3 KAB-500S or 1 Kh-31A or 3 PBK-500U Drel, 4 R-60M (SVP24, Su-24M2) • UPAZ buddy store (tanker) Remarks: In Svc: June 1983 Has short-range high-resolution radar mode, bombsight is Advanced at Low altitude only. Laser designator range 5.4 nmi. Can aim laser or EO weapons up to 35° either side of nose. Must overfly target to designate for laser-guided bombs. Can carry SPPU-6 gun pods vice drop tanks. Fitted with internal Delta transmitter to guide Kh-23 and Kh-25MR. Late production have Delta removed. Some fitted with 3rd Gen J&D [Fencer D Mod]. • 500 kg bombs are BetAB-500ShP or KMGU-2 or OFAB-500ShN or RBK-500. • Su-24MK: Export variant with nuclear bomb capability and highresolution radar mode removed. Include ex-Belarus and Ukraine conversions. Algeria, Angola, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria. • SVP-24: Upgrade with Advanced bombsight. Orion range increased (use Orion-AM2 ranges). 60 Russian. In service Oct 08. Exported to Algeria. • Su-24M2: Upgrade with Advanced bombsight, Orion-AM2 radar and R-73 vice R-60M (each R-73 replaces two R-60M), UAB-1500 vice Kh-59. 24 used by Russia - 2 squadrons of 302nd BAP at Pereyaslavka then 277th BAP at Khurka. In service Jan 08. Also exported to Syria as Su-24M2K. • Jun 81 - 93: 513 delivered - use first fuel and ranges for first 213, remaining 300 use second figures. • 1983: Guns no longer used due to safety issues. Deployed to Hungary. • 1988?: Can carry 4 R-60M vice 2 R-60M in above loadouts. Includes Su-24MK as standard. • 1989: Three Baltic air force regiments transferred to Navy. 4th Guards MShAP at Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad, transferred to VVS in 2011; 170th MShAP at Suurkiul, Estonia then Gorodok, Pskov region, disbanded 1993; 240th MShAP at Tukums, Latvia, then Chkalovsk, Kalinigrad, disbanded 1993. • 1991: B-13 rocket pod and Kh-59M operational. • 1992: Nuclear bomb capability removed. • May 93: First refueling by Il-78. Not used operationally until 2010. • Nov 94: Chechen War. Due to lack of flying hours, only instructor crews use guided weapons. • 2009: KAB-500S first dropped in exercise. • Sep 15: SVP-24 deployed to Syria. • 2018: Su-24M2 retired, replaced by Su-34. Su-24M possibly retired from VKS, remains with AVMF. • 2019: Two squadrons remain with Air Force - 11th SAP at Marinovka and 37th SAP at Gvardeyskoye. Navy has two mixed Su-24M/MR (see Su-24MR entry) and one Su-24M (12 a/c) with 98th SAP at Monchegorsk, Northern.
Su-24MP [Fencer F]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 34 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Counterm: 2nd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Relyef TF/RO radar, 1st Gen RWR. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 560 650 710 Med: 560 700 745 High: 515 745 785 Ceiling: 11000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 720 nmi Int Fuel: 9605 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 3000 L drop tank 2430 kg 245 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Off Guns: GSh-6-23M 23mm (4.8) • 2 drop tanks, Konteiner 1 escort jammer pod, 4 R-60M • 2 drop tanks, Konteiner 2 chaff pod, 4 R-60M Remarks: In Svc: 1984 - 1992 Fitted with internal SPS-5 Fasol escort radar jammer, clutter rating 11. If Konteiner 1 carried, Combined clutter rating 14. Considered a
Russia’s Aircraft
failure. • Apr 83 - 85: 10 delivered - 5 in 1983, 2 in 1984, 3 in 1985. Two a/c training at Lietsk-2, eight a/c in one squadron. • 1984 - 88 and 1991 - 92: Flown by 118th OAPREB at Chortkov, Ukraine. Eight remain in Ukraine after breakup of Russia. • 1989 - Jun 91: Flown by 3rd AE, 11th ORAP at Neu-Welzow, East Germany.
Su-24MR [Fencer E]
Su-24DP [Fencer G]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 34 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: None Counterm: 2nd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Relyef TF/RO radar, 1st Gen RWR, M-101 Shtyk SLAR (not a search sensor), cameras (see Remarks). Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 560 650 710 Med: 560 700 745 High: 515 745 785 Ceiling: 11000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 710 nmi Int Fuel: 9475 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 3000 L drop tank 2430 kg 240 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg • 2 drop tanks, 2 R-60M, Efir-1M pod, Shpil-2M recon pod • 2 drop tanks, 2 R-60M, Efir-1M pod, SRS-13 Tangazh recon pod • 2 drop tanks, 2 R-60M, Efir-1M pod, KKR-4 recon pod Remarks: In Svc: 1984 Cameras are Low altitude optical and IR. Fitted with LOS data link for internal TV camera, Shpil-M and Efir-1M sensors to Posrednik ground station. Naval operates with one Su-24M to locate ships, Su-24MR to take photos. Squadrons have 12 a/c. Must follow preplanned course, using waypoints. • Su-24MRK: Four ex-Russian to Algeria 1997-99. Probably not fitted with Efir-1M pod. • 1983 - 93: 257 delivered. • Mid-80s: Operational with Navy. 15th ODRAP at Chkalvsk 198593; 967th ODRAP at Severomorsk-1 1993-97; 173rd OMShAP at Pristan 1993-95 as Su-24M/MR. • 2019: Four squadrons remain with Air Force - 11th SAP at Marinovka, 37th SAP at Gvardeyskoye, 4th ORAE at Shatalovo, 992nd ORAE at Varfolomeyevka. Navy has two mixed squadrons (6 Su-24M, 6 Su-24MR each) - 43rd OMShAP at Saki, Black Sea and 98th SAP at Monchegorsk, Northern and one squadron Su-24MR. • Mid-2020s: To be retired.
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 34 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 3rd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: N-019 Rubin radar, 1st Gen RWR, EO system (2nd Gen IRST, laser rangefinder) linked to HMS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 560 650 790 Med: 560 698 1020 High: 516 730 995 VHigh: 500 740 995 Ceiling: 16500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 945 nmi Int Fuel: 10385 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 2000 L drop tank 1620 kg 210 nmi 3000 L drop tank 2430 kg 310 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Off Guns: GSh-6-23M 23mm (4.8) • 2 3000 L drop tanks, 6 R-27R, 2 R-73 Remarks: In Svc: 1986 Fictional Fencer variant fitted with AI radar and AAMs. Drop tanks on inners, 4 R-27 under fuselage, 2 on combination outer wing HP with R-73s. Probably fitted with more fuel efficient engines.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Su-25 Grach [Frogfoot A]
Su-25SM [Frogfoot]
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 23 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: 1st Gen RWR, laser rangefinder/designator Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 350 530 -Med: 350 460/540 -Ceiling: 7000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 470/390 nmi Int Fuel: 3000/2725 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 145/135 nmi 1150 L drop tank 930 kg 210/190 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4400 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-2 30mm (4.4) • In all loadouts: 2 R-60M • 8 FAB-500 or 32 OFAB-100 bombs • 8 UB-32-57 or 8 B-8M1 rocket pods • 8 S-24 or 8 S-25 rockets • 6 KMGU • 4 S-25L (late 90s) • 8 B-13 rocket pods (2000) • 2 800 L drop tanks or 2 SPPU-22-01 gun pods, and either: • 6 FAB-500 or 6 UB-32-57 or 6 B-8M1 • 4 S-24 rockets • 4 FAB-500, 2 UB-32-57 or 2 B-8M1 or 2 S-24 or 2 S-25 • 4 Kh-25ML or 2 Kh-29L (April 1986) • 2 RN-28 nuclear bombs or 2 S-25L • 1 SPS-141MVG ECM pod, 1 B-8M1 rocket pod and either: • 2 800 L drop tanks, 2 S-24 or 8 OFAB-100 or 2 FAB-500 • 4 S-24 or 16 OFAB-100 or 4 FAB-500 Remarks: In Svc: April 1981 Grach (Russian for Rook) from Afghanistan War radio call sign. Klon laser designator range 3.8 nmi, 12° weapons either side of nose. Targets must be visually spotted and treat all laser guided missiles as 1st Gen. Only 800 L drop tanks routinely carried. Limited to Medium altitude by unpressurized cockpit. Initially limited to day visual missions due to unreliable navigation avionics. Fuel and ranges for Su-25/Su-25UB. • Su-25UB [Frogfoot B]: Two seat attack/trainer. Use second range and fuel. Delivered from 1986. • 1984: Late production fitted with hydraulic controls, use second speeds, Man Rtg 3.0/1.5. • 1985: Commence night missions over Afghanistan. Deployed to East Germany. • Early 86: Fitted with 2nd Gen D. • Aug 87: Fitted with armor between engines, damage value 28. • 1987: Exported as Su-25K and Su-25UBK as late production, damage value 28, 2nd Gen D. Nuclear bomb capability removed. • 1991: UB-32-57 rocket pod no longer used. • Early 90s: Early production retired. • Late 90s: S-25L and FAB-500ShN trials. • Some Belarus and Peru Su-25UB/UBK fitted with C/L KRK-UO 2nd Gen RWR pod, 2 Kh-58.
Man Rtng: 3.0/1.5 Damage Value: 28 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: 1st Gen RWR, laser rangefinder/designator Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 350 530 -Med: 350 540 -High: 350 540 -Ceiling: 10000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 470 nmi Int Fuel: 3000 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 145 nmi 1150 L drop tank 930 kg 210 nmi
Russia’s Aircraft Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 5000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-2 30mm (4.4) • In all loadouts: 2 L-370-3S Omul ECM pods (Su-25SM3) • 8 FAB-500 or 32 OFAB-100 bombs or 6 KMGU • 8 B-8M1 or B-13 rocket pods or 8 S-25 rockets • 6 FAB-500 or 24 OFAB-100 bombs or 4 KMGU, 2 R-73 • 6 B-8M1 or B-13 rocket pods or 6 S-25 rockets, 2 R-73 • 2 800 L drop tanks or 2 SPPU-22-01 gun pods, and either: • 6 FAB-500 or 6 B-8M1 • 4 FAB-500 or 4 B-8M1, 2 R-73 • 4 FAB-500, 2 B-8M1 or 2 S-25 or 2 S-25LD • 4 Kh-25ML or 4 S-25LD • 2 Kh-29L or 2 Kh-25ML or 2 S-25LD, 2 R-73 • 2 B-8M1 or 2 B-13 or 4 S-25 (Syria 2017) • 4 KAB-500Kr or 4 KAB-500S (Su-25SM3) • 2 Kh-29TE or Kh-58USh or 2 KAB-500S, 2 R-73 (Su-25SM3) Remarks: In Svc: 2007 Klon laser designator range 3.8 nmi, 12° weapons either side of nose. Targets must be visually spotted and treat all laser guided missiles as 1st Gen. 1150 L are used for ferry, 800 L used with weapon loadouts. R-60M outer HP not used. • Su-25SM2 has 2nd Gen RWR. In service 2011. • Su-25SM3 adds 3rd Gen D, KAB-500Kr, KAB-500S, Kh-58USh and Kh-29T, L-370-3S ECM pods on unused outer wing HP. In service 2018. • Su-25SM4 adds SOLT-25 (EO, laser rangefinder/designator, 3rd Gen FLIR), advanced bombsight, no restrictions for laser guided weapons.
2 targets with R-77. Pod never entered service. Su-39 is proposed export version. • 1990-91: Eight Su-25T produced. Further production canceled as factory in newly independent Georgia. • 1995, 1998: Two Su-25T converted to Su-25TM. Trials complete 2003, never entered service. • 1996: Eight Su-25T to Lipetsk for testing and trials. • 1999 - 00: Combat trials over Chechnya. 38 sorties by two aircraft flown by instructor pilots using KAB-500L, Kh-25ML and Kh-29L. • 2000: Two Su-25T exported to Ethiopia as Su-25TK. • 2003: Completes trials. Never entered service as considered too expensive.
Su-27 [Flanker A]
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Damage Value: 33 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: N-001 Meych radar, 1st Gen RWR, OLS-27 (2nd Gen IRST and laser rangefinder) linked to HMS. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 530 596 755 Med: 530 655 1020 High: 530 730 1280 VHigh: -- -- 1280 Ceiling: 18000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1310 nmi Int Fuel: 9000 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) Su-25T/TM [Frogfoot C] Attack • 6 R-27R, 2 R-73 Man Rtng: 3.0/1.5 Damage Value: 22 • 4 R-27R, 2 R-27T, 2 R-73 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing • 4 FAB-500, 2 R-27R, 2 R-73 Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Remarks: In Svc: 1982 Sensors: 1st Gen RWR, Shkval (EO sensor, laser rangefinder/ Sukhoi original T-10 prototype. Flanker A is the production form. designator, laser-beam guidance for Vikhr) Different wing plan form and fuselage contour, only 8 HP. Canceled Throttle Setting/Speed in knots as performance inferior to F-15 due to wing and overweight design. Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 380 510 -Su-27KUB [Flanker] Fighter Med: 380 440 -Man Rtng: 4.5/2.5 Damage Value: 36 High: 380 440 -Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Ceiling: 10000 meters Engine Type: TJ Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Cruise Range: 515 nmi Int Fuel: 3840 kg Sensors: Zhuk-MS radar, 2nd Gen RWR. OLS-27K (2nd Gen Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. IRST and laser rangefinder) linked to HMS. 800 L drop tank 650 kg 125 nmi Throttle Setting/Speed in knots 1150 L drop tank 930 kg 180 nmi Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6000 kg Low: 550 600 910 Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-2 30mm (4.4) Med: 550 680 920 • In all loadouts: 2 R-60M or 2 L-370 Omul ECM pods High: 550 760 1080 • 8 FAB-500 or 32 OFAB-100 bombs or 6 KMGU VHigh: -- -- 1080 • 8 B-8M1 or 8 B-13 rocket pods or 8 S-25 rockets Ceiling: 16000 meters Engine Type: TF • 2 Kh-29L/T or 2 Kh-31A/P or 2 Kh-58U, 16 9M127 Vikhr, 2 S-25, Cruise Range: 1300 nmi Int Fuel: 9400 kg 2 B-13 Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. • 2 800 L drop tanks, and either: 2000 L drop tank 1620 kg 320 nmi • 6 FAB-500 or 6 B-8M1 Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg • 4 FAB-500, 2 B-8M1 or 2 S-25 Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • 16 9M127 Vikhr or 2 S-24, 2 B-8M1 • Use Su-30SM loadouts • 4 Kh-25ML or 2 Kh-29L or 2 S-25L or 2 KAB-500L • 2 2000 L drop tanks, 1 UPAZ-1A buddy store, 4 R-73 • 2 Kh-35, 2 R-77 (never entered service) Remarks: In Svc: -Remarks: In Svc: -Initially planned as two side by side aircraft carrier capable trainer Improved Su-25 based on combat experience in Afghanistan. with 12 HP, folding wings. Later as multi-mode aircraft. Performance Based on Su-25UB airframe, pressurized cockpit, all weather aviestimated. Incorrectly called Su-33UB or Su-33KUB by media. Can onics and additional fuel. Fitted with 2nd Gen IR countermeasures, engage 4 targets with R-77. Private venture, no interest from Navy. covers estimated 120°-240° arc. Laser designator range 5.4 nmi. • Initial projects were Su-27KU trainer, Su-27KTZ tanker, SuCan aim laser or EO weapons up to 35° either side of nose. Must 27KPP radar jammer, Su-27KRT ELINT in 1980s. Also Su-28 AEW. overfly target to designate for laser-guided bombs. Can carry pods • 29 Apr 99: First flight of prototype. on C/L hp in all loadouts. Can carry pods on C/L hp in all loadouts. • Nov 03: Fitted with Zhuk-MSF radar for testing. • Su-25T: Initial version tested with Merkuriy pods. Not fitted for • 2005: Fitted with thrust vectoring engines, Man Rating: 5.0/2.5. Kopyo pod. Uses SPS-141MVG ECM pod. • 2009: Canceled. • Su-25TM: Planned with Kinzhal MMW radar pod, Khod FLIR pod - both canceled. N-027 Kopyo radar is carried in a pod under the fuselage, adding Kh-31A, Kh-35, R-77 capability - can engage
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
B-39 Su-27M [Flanker E Variant 1]
Russia’s Aircraft
Man Rtng: 4.5/3.5 Damage Value: 37 Size/Signature: Medium/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: N-011 Bars radar, N-012 aft-facing radar, 2nd Gen RWR. OLS-27K (2nd Gen IRST and laser rf) linked to HMS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 530 600 725 Med: 530 680 1020 High: 530 760 1350 VHigh: -- -- 1350 Ceiling: 17200 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1285 nmi Int Fuel: 10400 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 2000 L drop tank 1620 kg 285 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) In all loadouts can carry two L-005 Sorbtiysa ECM pods, replacing two wingtip R-73. • 8 R-27ER or 8 R-77, 4 R-73 • 6 R-27ER, 2 R-27ET, 4 R-73 • 16 FAB-500, 4 R-27R, 4 R-73 • 2 R-27R, 4 R-73, and either: • 6 KAB-500Kr or Kh-29T or Kh-31A/P • 2 drop tanks, 2 R-27R or 2 R-77, 4 R-73, and either: • 4 KAB-500Kr or Kh-29T or Kh-31A/P • 6 B-8M1 or B-13 or S-25 • 24 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 • 12 FAB-250 or 6 FAB-500 or 4 KMGU • 2 Kh-59M, 1 APK-9 guidance pod Remarks: In Svc: 1996 Gen 4+. Multirole re-design of Flanker B with full FBW, canards, glass cockpit. Later renamed Su-35. Can engage 6 targets at once with R-77 missiles or 2 with R-27R/ER. Rear facing N-012 never fitted. • 1996: Three delivered for trials. Never entered service due to budget. Retired Jul 03.
Su-27P/S [Flanker B]
Man Rtng: 4.5/3.0 Damage Value: 35 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: N-001 Meych radar, 1st Gen RWR, OLS-27 (2nd Gen IRST and laser rf/designator) linked to HMS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 430 600 745 Med: 485 680 1020 High: 485 760 1350 VHigh: -- -- 1350 Ceiling: 18500 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1465 nmi Int Fuel: 9400 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-301 30mm (2.5) • 2 R-27R, 2 R-27T, 2 R-73 (QRA) • 4 R-27R/ER, 6 R-73 • 6 R-27R/ER, 4 R-73 • 4 R-27R/ER, 2 R-27P/T or 2 R-27EP/ET, 4 R-73 • Su-27S, (never operational), either: • 36 FAB-250 or 18 FAB-250 or 16 FAB-500 or 10 FAB-50M62 or 5 KMGU-2, 4 R-73 • 4 B-8 or B-13L rocket pods 4 S-25 rockets, 2 R-27R, 4 R-73 • Su-27SK, either: • 32 OFAB-100-120 or 14 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500, 4 R-73 • 18 FAB-250, 2 R-73 • 8 FAB-500, 4 R-73 • 4 B-8M1 or 4 B-13 rocket pods, 4 R-27R, 4 R-73 Remarks: In Svc: 1986 • Su-27P: PVO interceptor. First unit 60th IAP at Dzemgi. Declared operational Nov 86.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• Su-27S: VVS fighter. First unit 831st IAP Mirogorod, Ukraine delivered 1985, possibly in service 1986. Two regiments in Poland - 159th Guards IAP at Kluczewo Jul 87, 582nd IAP at Choyna 1989. • Su-27SK: Export version with N-001E radar, L-203 GardeniyaF1UE ECM pods replacing L-005, air to ground weapons, payload 8000 kg, range 1395 nmi. Not fitted for R-27P or R-27EP. Angola, China, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Vietnam. • 1988: Su-27S cleared for air to ground weapons. Removed in 1989 to comply with CFE treaty. Never used operationally. • 3 Aug 90: Can be fitted with wingtip L-005 Sorbtsiya ECM pods vice 2 R-73. • 1991: Seven PVO, three VVS regiments with Russia. • 2019: Two squadrons remain, one each with Naval 689th Guards IAP at Chkalovsk; Air Force 38th IAP at Belbek.
Su-27SM [Flanker B Mod 1]
Su-27SM3 [Flanker J?]
Man Rtng: 4.5/3.0 Damage Value: 35 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: N-001V radar, 2nd Gen RWR, OLS-27M (2nd gen IRST and laser rf/designator) linked to HMS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 430 600 745 Med: 485 680 1020 High: 485 760 1350 VHigh: -- -- 1350 Ceiling: 18000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1430 nmi Int Fuel: 9400 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts 2 L-005 Sorbtsiya ECM pods vice 2 R-73 • 4 R-27ER, 4 R-73 • 2 R-27R, 2 R-27T, 2 R-73 (QRA) • 2 R-73 and either: • 18 FAB-250 • 6 R-27ER • 4 R-27ER, 2 R-27ET or 2 R-27EP • 32 OFAB-100-120 or 14 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 or 6 KMGU-2 • 4 B-8M1 or 4 B-13 rocket pods, 4 R-27R • 2 Kh-29T/TE or 2 Kh-31P or 2 KAB-500Kr, 2 R-27R • 1 KAB-1500Kr, 4 R-27R • 6 R-77 (Su-27SKM) Remarks: In Svc: Dec 04 Multirole upgrade of Flanker B with partial glass cockpit. Pilots not trained in air to ground weapons due to limited flying hours. Was to have carried canceled Sapsan targeting pod. 54 a/c delivered for two regiments and for training. Can increase payload to 8000 kg with reduced internal fuel. • Su-27SM2: Derated power version of N-035 Irbis radar, FBW. Planned to be delivered from 2008, but canceled as too expensive and lacked sufficient power and cooling for radar. • Su-27SKM: Export with N-001VEP radar, inflight refuel probe. Can carry R-77, replacing R-27. Can engage two targets with R-77 at once. Indonesia only. • May 14 - Dec 17: 10 upgraded to Su-27SM3 (see separate entry).
Man Rtng: 4.5/3.0 Damage Value: 35 Size/Signature: Medium/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: N-001VM radar, 2nd Gen RWR, OLS-27M (2nd gen IRST and laser rf/designator) linked to helmet-mounted sight Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 430 600 745 Med: 485 680 1020 High: 485 760 1350 VHigh: -- -- 1350 Ceiling: 18500 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1390 nmi Int Fuel: 9400 kg
Russia’s Aircraft Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts 2 L-005 Sorbtsiya or 2 L-265 Khibiny (2015) ECM pods. • 2 R-27R, 2 R-27T, 2 R-73 (QRA) • 4 R-27ER, 4 R-73 • 6 R-27ER, 2 R-73 • 4 R-27ER, 2 R-27ET or 2 R-27EP, 2 R-73 • 32 OFAB-100-120 or 14 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 or 6 KMGU-2, 2 R-73 • 4 B-8M1 or 4 B-13 rocket pods, 4 R-27R, 2 R-73 • 4 Kh-29T/TE or 4 Kh-31P or 4 KAB-500Kr or 4 KAB-500S, 2 R-27R, 2 R-73 • 1 KAB-1500Kr, 4 R-27R, 2 R-73 Remarks: In Svc: Feb 11 Has 12 hardpoints, AL-31F-M1 engines, full glass cockpit. Can carry R-77-1 replacing R-27. Can engage two targets at once with R-77-1. In service at Krymsk with 3rd Composite Guards Aviation Regiment - one squadron 2011, second 2017-2018. • Feb-Dec 11: Twelve delivered using some unsold Chinese Su27SK parts. • May 14 - Dec 17: 10 upgraded from Su-27SM. • Late 2017: Fitted with Postcriptum data link. Allows AEW aircraft and ground radars to provide midcourse guidance for AAM. AEW or ground radar must have radar LOS to target.
Su-27UB Sparka [Flanker C] Combat Trainer
Man Rtng: 4.5/3.0 Damage Value: 35 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: N-001 Meych radar, 1st Gen RWR, OLS-27 (2nd Gen IRST and laser rf/designator) linked to HMS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 430 600 700 Med: 485 680 930 High: 485 760 1150 VHigh: -- -- 1150 Ceiling: 17500 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1135 nmi Int Fuel: 9575 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • As Su-27P/S loadouts Remarks: In Svc: 1987 “Sparka” roughly translates to twin stick or twin seat. • Su-27UB: Air-to-ground weapons only with Russian trials units. • Su-27UBK: Export with N-001E radar, retains air to ground weapons. • Su-27UBM1: Belarus upgrade with Su-27SKM weapons (see Su-27SM entry). • Su-27PU: 1987 PVO interceptor proposal with inflight refuel probe. Renamed Su-30 in 1988. Nine produced, four to Sukhoi for trials, five to Air Force for training and trials from 1994. Five being refurbished 2019 for training. • Su-30K: Export Su-30 to India with Su-27SK weapons and inflight refueling probe. 18 delivered from 1999. • Su-30KN: Angolan upgrade from retired Indian Su-30K with N-001VEP radar and Su-27SKM weapons. Delivered 2017-19.
Su-30MK [Flanker G]
Man Rtng: 4.5/3.0 Damage Value: 35 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: N-001VEP radar, 2nd Gen RWR. OLS-30 (2nd gen IRST and laser rf) linked to helmet-mounted sight. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 430 600 700 Med: 485 680 930 High: 485 760 1130 VHigh: -- -- 1130
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Ceiling: 17300 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1135 nmi Int Fuel: 9640 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • Trainers only in Russia service • 6 R-77 or R-27R or 6 R-27ER, 4 R-73 • 4 R-73, and either: • 6 KAB-500Kr or Kh-29T or Kh-31A or Kh-31P • APK-9 guidance pod, 2 Kh-59M, 2 R-27R or R-77 • 3 KAB-1500Kr, 2 R-27R or R-77 • 4 B-8M1 or B-13 or S-25, 4 R-27R or R-77 • 8 FAB-500 or 28 FAB-250 or 32 OFAB-100 Remarks: In Svc: 2011 Su-30 with strengthened airframe. Export can replace 2 R-73 with 2 L-203 Gardeniya ECM pods. Can engage 2 targets with R-77 at once. • Su-30M2: Used by Russian Air Force as trainers in Su-27SM units. Can replace 2 R-73 with L-005 Sorbtsiya ECM pods. 20 delivered Dec 10 - 2014. • Su-30MKK: Export for Indonesia and China with N-001VE radar. • Su-30MK2: Export for Indonesia, Uganda and China. • Su-30MK2V: Export for Venezuela and Vietnam.
Su-30SM [Flanker H]
Man Rtng: 4.5/3.5 Damage Value: 37 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Advanced Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: N-011MR Bars-R radar, 2nd Gen RWR, OLS-30 (2nd gen IRST, laser rf.) linked to HMS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 490 600 710 Med: 490 680 910 High: 490 760 1090 VHigh: -- -- 1090 Ceiling: 16100 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1185 nmi Int Fuel: 9300 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts: 2 L-175 Khibny or L-265 (Aug 17) ECM pods • 6 R-27ER, 2 R-27ET, 2 R-73 • 2 R-27R, 2 R-77-1, 2 R-73 (Syria 2015) • 2 B-8M1, 2 R-27ER, 2 R-73 (Syria March 2017) • 4 B-8M1 or 4 B-13L or 4 S-25, 6 R-27R, 2 R-73 • 4 R-27R, 2 R-73, and either: • 4 Kh-31AM or Kh-31PM or Kh-29TE or Kh-35U or Kh-38M or KAB-500Kr • 3 KAB-1500Kr • 2 R-27R, 2 R-73, and either: • 2 Kh-59M, APK-9 guidance pod • 32 OFAB-100-120 or 32 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 • 4 R-37M, 4 R-77-1, 2 R-74M (est. Su-30SMD) Remarks: In Svc: 2015 Two-seat multirole version with 12 hp, canards and thrust vectoring. Has some imported avionics. Interim type until Su-35 and Su-57 enter service. Russian Air Force (90 ordered to replace MiG-29) and Navy for shore operations (28 ordered to replace Su-24M). Can carry R-77-1 replacing R-27R and R-27ER. Can engage 6 targets with R-77-1 or 2 with R-27R/ER. • Export have N-011ME radar, engages 4 targets with R-77. Includes Algeria Su-30MKA, India Su-30MKI, Malaysia Su30MKM; Su-30SME to Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Myanmar. • Su-30SMD: Dvigatel or engine upgrade with Su-35S AL-41F-1S, man rating 5.0/3.5. New weapons planned as R-74M replacing R-73, Kh-38M, R-37M. Delivered from 2021. Possibly 70 by 2027, nitial order of 36 aircraft planned. • Strength: 3 2014; 32 mid 15; 64 Oct 16; 80 Air Force & 20 Navy Dec 17. • Sep 15: Four deployed to Syria. • 2019: Navy has two squadrons, one each with 4th OMShAP at
Russia’s Aircraft
Chkalovsk and 43rd OMShAP at Saki. Air Force has six squadrons, two each with 14th IAP at Khalino, 31st Guards IAP at Millerovo, 120th SAP at Domna.
Su-33 [Flanker D]
Man Rtng: 4.5/3.0 Damage Value: 35 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: N-001 Meych radar, 1st Gen RWR, OEPS-27K (2nd Gen IRST, laser rf.) linked to HMS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 430 600 700 Med: 485 680 860 High: 485 760 1240 VHigh: -- -- 1240 Ceiling: 17000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1135 nmi Int Fuel: 9500 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6500 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts 2 L-005 Sorbtsiya ECM pods in place of 2 R-73 • 4 R-27ER, 4 R-73 • UPAZ-1 buddy store, 2 R-73 • 2 R-27R, 2 R-73 (QRA 2016) • 2 R-27R, 2 R-73, 2 FAB-500 (Syria 2016) • 2 R-73, and either: • 6 R-27ER • 32 OFAB-100-120 or 28 OFAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 bombs • 4 B-8M1 or 4 B-13L or 4 S-25, 4 R-27R • 1 Kh-41, 2 R-27R, 2 R-27T (canceled) Remarks: In Svc: Aug 98 Navalized Flanker B with canards, folding wings and tailhook. Can take off with full AAM loadout from short (105 m) position with no wind over the bow or fully loaded from long (195 m) position (10 knot wind speed needed). Was known as Su-27K until service entry. Carrier never fitted for air to ground weapons until 2016 deployment. Flown by 279th OKIAP based at Severomorsk-3. • Original plans called for refitting Su-27M radar and avionics including Kh-41, ARM and ASM. R-27EM canceled. • 1993: Kh-41 development canceled. • 1993 - 96: 26 delivered. Losses Jun 96, May 00, Jul 01, Sep 05, Dec 16. • 2001: UPAZ-1 believed to be operational with Fleet (2 pods). • 2002 - 10: Ten fitted with 2nd Gen RWR. • Aug 15: Tasked with peacetime QRA from shore. • Jun-Oct 16: 11 fitted with advanced bombsight. • 2016: Carry unguided bombs during Syrian deployment. Two have advanced bombsight above. • 2025: Planned retirement date.
Su-34 [Fullback]
Man Rtng: 3.5/2.0 Damage Value: 44 Size/Signature: Medium/Small Bombsight: Advanced Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: V-004 radar, 2nd Gen RWR, Platan (TV, laser rangefinder/designator), HMS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 610 700 Med: 460 610 890 High: 460 610 920 Ceiling: 15700 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1510 nmi Int Fuel: 12500 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 2000 L drop tank 1620 kg 280 nmi 3000 L drop tank 2430 kg 420 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all configurations 2 R-73, 2 L-175 Khibny or 2 L-265 ECM pods • 6 R-27ER or 6 R-77-1 • 10 FAB-500 or 32 FAB-250 or 34 OFAB-100-120
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 2 2000 L drop tanks, buddy store • 2 R-27ER and either: • 6 B-8M1 or B-13 or S-25 • 3 KAB-1500Kr • L-700 Tarantula standoff jamming pod, 2 Kh-31PM • 2 L-175Sh pods, 2 L-175VU spot jamming pods (estimated) • 3 KAB-1500LG (by Sep 2018) • UKR-EO or UKR-RL or UKR-RT recon pod (2019) • 1 3000 L drop tank or 2 R-27R, and either: • 8 FAB-500 or 30 FAB-250 • 6 KAB-500Kr or KAB-500L or KAB-500S or Kh-29L/TE or Kh31AM/PM or Kh-58UShK or PBK-500U Drel • 2 KAB-1500Kr or KAB-1500LG • 2 Kh-59M or UPAB-1500, APK-9 guidance pod • 6 Kh-35U (Feb 16) • 6 Grom or KAB-250LG or Kh-38M (future) • 2 unknown nuclear bombs Remarks: In Svc: March 2014 Two-seat side-by-side Flanker variant with canards and cockpit armor. Replacement for Su-24M. Service entry delayed by changing requirements. Small radar signature from front aspect, 300° - 060°. Can engage 4 targets at once with R-77-1. • Jun 14: First service AAM firings. R-77-1 replaces R-27R by Sep 2018. • Sep 14: KAB-500S used over Syria. • Sep 18: Acceptance trials for Grom complete. KAB-250LG and UPAB-1500 almost complete. • 2019: L-175Sh and L-175VU spot jamming pods possibly in service. • Su-34M: Planned with 9000 kg payload, V-004M radar estimated as 6th Gen, new weapons estimated as Kh-38M, I-220/KE targeting pod. First prototype planned for 2022.
Su-35S [Flanker E Variant 2]
Man Rtng: 5.0/3.0 Damage Value: 36 Size/Signature: Medium/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 3rd Gen J&D Damage Value: P Sensors: N-035 Irbis radar, 2nd Gen RWR, OLS-35 (3rd IRST, TCS, laser rf/designator) linked to HMS, laser warning system Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 630 756 Med: 460 720 1020 High: 460 850 1290 VHigh: -- -- 1290 Ceiling: 18000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1360 nmi Int Fuel: 11500 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 2000 L drop tank 1620 kg 275 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Off Guns: GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • In all loadouts carries two L-175 Khibny ECM pods on wingtips • 2 R-27ER or 2 R-27T, 2 R-73 (QRA Dec 15) • 2 R-77-1, 2 R-73 (QRA Feb 16) • 2 R-27T, 2 R-77-1, 2 R-74M (QRA 2020) • 8 R-77-1 or 4 R-27ER, 2 R-73 • 6 R-27ER or 6 R-77-1, 4 R-73 • 4 RBK-250 bombs, 2 R-27T, 2 R-77-1, 2 R-73 (Syria Feb 16) • 4 B-8M1 rocket pods (Syria Mar 17) • 6 R-27ER or 6 R-77-1, and either: • 4 Kh-29L/TE or Kh-31AM or Kh-31PM or Kh-35U or Kh-38M or 3 Kh-59MK • 6 B-8M1 or 6 B-13 rocket pods • 4 R-37M • 4 R-27ER or 4 R-77-1, and either: • 6 Kh-29L/TE or Kh-31AM or Kh-31PM or Kh-35U or Kh-38M or 5 Kh-59MK or 3 KAB-1500Kr • 32 OFAB-100-120 or 32 FAB-250 bombs • 4 Kh-29L or Kh-38M, I-220 targeting pod
Russia’s Aircraft • 2 R-27ER or 2 R-77-1, and either: • 8 KAB-500Kr or 8 KAB-500S • 10 FAB-500 bombs • 6 KAB-500L or 3 KAB-1500L, I-220 targeting pod • 4 Kh-58USh, AUTs-30-03 ES pod (estimated) Remarks: In Svc: Dec 15 Gen 4++. Digital FBW controls with TVC engines. Reduced frontal RCS (Small) due to cockpit coating, wing and intake RAM (300°060°). Can engage 8 targets with R-77-1 or 2 targets with R-27R/ ER. Drop tanks not used by Russian Su-35S. • Su-35K: Export with N-035K Irbis-E radar with reduced operating modes, not fitted with extended range mode. Option of 2000 L drop tanks. Exported to China 24 2016-18. Ordered by Egypt 24 202021 and Indonesia 8 2020-21. • Feb 13: First 12 aircraft delivered to 23rd Fighter Regiment in Komsomol-on Amur. Service entry delayed by avionics integration. • Dec 15: IOC declared with R-73, R-27ER and R-27T. Man Rtng 4.5/2.5. • Late 2015: Fitted with R-77-1 and L-265 replacing L-175 ECM pods. • 30 Jan 16: Four deploy to Syria. • Feb 16: 46 delivered - six testing and trials, six training, 23 a/c with 21st IAP, 11 a/c with 22nd Guard IAP. • Jul 17: Displayed with T220 targeting pod and C/L launcher for 4 vice 2 R-77-1. Neither yet operational. • Sep 17: Kh-35U operational. • 2 Oct 17: FOC declared with radar fully operational, full agility, all weapons. • Late 2017: Fitted with Postcriptum data link. Allows AEW aircraft and ground radars to provide midcourse guidance for AAM. AEW or ground radar must have radar LOS to target. • Aug 18: Flight of three aircraft from 23rd IAP Regiment deployed to Yasnyi, Iturup. • 2019: Around 80 delivered to six Russian Air Force squadrons - two each with 23rd IAP at Dzemgi, 159th IAP at Besovets; one each with 790th IAP at Khotilovo, 22nd IAP at Tsentralnaya Uglovaya. • 2020: R-74M replaces R-73. • Possibly to be fitted with up to 4 R-37M replacing R-27ER, and HMD replacing HMS.
Su-47 Berkut [Firkin]
Man Rtng: 5.0/2.5 Damage Value: 33 Size/Signature: Medium/Small Bombsight: Advanced Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: N-011M Bars, N-012 rear facing radar, 2nd Gen RWR, HMS, 3rd Gen IRST & laser rf Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 450 600 755 Med: 550 735 920 High: 650 865 1080 VHigh: -- -- 1080 Ceiling: 18000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1120 nmi Int Fuel: 6500 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6500 kg Off Guns: 1 GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • 6 R-77 [AA-12 Adder] and 2 R-73 [AA-11 Archer] • 4 PGMs, 2 R-77, 2 R-73 • Cleared for K-29ML, Kh-29ML, Kh-59M, Kh-31A, Kh-31P, KAB500, KAB-1500, Kh-35 Remarks: In Svc: -FBW controls, vectored thrust, forward swept wings. Proposed multirole fighter, prototype designated S-37 - 37th prototype aircraft developed by Sukhoi. Production version could have internal bays and external HP, but Signature increased to Small if any weapons are carried externally. Has folding wings to allow storage in a standard aircraft shelter, but could also facilitate carrier use. Can engage 4 targets with R-77. • 25 Sep 97: First flight.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 1988: Possibly named Su-27KM. Plans called for first flight 1991 or 1992 and production from 1996 or 1997. Canceled in 1990s due to lac of money. Would have had R179-300 engines and RLPK-32 radar. • 2002: S-37 redesignated Su-47. • 2005: Fitted with Su-57 test equipment including internal weapon bay. Retired 2010.
Su-57 [Felon]
Tu-4 [Bull A]
Man Rtng: 5.5/3.0 Damage Value: 37 Size/Signature: Medium/Stealthy Bombsight: Advanced Counterm: 4th Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: N-036 Byelka radar suite (nose N-036, side N-036B), 101KS-V (3rd Gen IRST, laser rf., TCS) linked to HMD, 3rd Gen ES/RWR, navigation FLIR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: e530 650 860 Med: e530 700/860 1090 High: e530 745/920 1320 VHigh: e530 745/920 1320 Ceiling: 20000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 1325 nmi Int Fuel: 10300 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 2000 L drop tank 1620 kg 300 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: e8300 kg Off Guns: GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • Internal loadout, 2 R-74M2, and either: • 4 R-77M • 4 Kh-38M or 4 KAB-250LG or 4 KAB-250S • 2 R-77M, 2 Kh-38M or 2 KAB-250L or 2 KAB-250S • 2 R-77M, 2 Kh-58UShKE or 2 Kh-59MK2 • External loadout, optional 101KS-N targeting pod, and either: • 4 R-77M • 2 R-77M, 2 R-74M2 or 2 Kh-31PM • 4 KAB-500S or 4 KAB-500M or 4 Kh-35U or 4 Kh-59MK2 or 4 Kh-59M2 • 2 2000 L drop tanks, 2 Kh-31PM or 2 R-77M Remarks: In Svc: 2020 Formerly T-50 or PAK-FA or Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsyi (Future Air Complex of Tactical Air Forces). Stealthy in front quarter only (315°-045°), VSmall elsewhere. Internal bays. Six external HP (two under intakes, four under wings). Can carry one internal loadout and one external loadout. If carrying external loadout then signature Small in all aspects. Has PChN (Povorotnaya Chast Naplyva, which are moveable LERX) and TVC for increased agility. Fitted with 3rd gen IR jammer. Wing-mounted N-036L used for target identification and IFF only (not a search sensor). Can engage 8 targets at once with R-77M and R-74M2. Manned-unmanned teaming using Okhotnik-B UAV sensors to target weapons. Can carry Ka radar targeting pod in all loadouts, pod status unknown. • Planned deliveries: 1 in Nov 2019, 2 in 2020. Possibly 8 per year delivered. Total of 76 by 2028 in three regiments, first planned is 23rd IAP at Dzemgi. Plans for one each in the west, east and southwest. • 24 Dec 19: First production aircraft lost during pre-delivery trials. • 2020: Tactical trials and instructor training due to commence. • 2023: Planned definitive version with 117M engines - use second FMP speeds, Man Rating increased to 6.0/3.5. Would have new AAM. Possibly designated Su-57M.
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 45 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: RBP-1 Kobalt-M radar (Tu-4A) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 215 235 -Med: 215 270 -High: 215 300 --
Russia’s Aircraft
Ceiling: 11200 meters Engine Type: RP(S) Cruise Range: 2570 nmi Int Fuel: 8150 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6000 kg Def Guns: 10 B-20 20mm - two dorsal, 2 ventral, tail turret (1.0) • 48 FAB-50 or 48 FAB-100 or 24 FAB-250 or 12 FAB-500 or 8 FAB-1000 or 8 FAB-1500 or 4 FAB-3000 • 12 BRAB-500 or 8 BRAB-1000 bombs (Navy) • 1 RDS-3 nuclear bomb (Tu-4A) Remarks: In Svc: Jul 49 - 1960 Reverse engineered B-29. 20 regiments equipped. Small number used by Navy - 57th MRAD and 170th Guards MTAP and 240th Guards TAP. First series has UBT 12.7mm (0.6). Maximum payload 12000 kg with reduced internal fuel. Uses M44, M46 series bombs. • Tu-4A: 18 delivered with provision for nuclear bomb. Based at Balbasovo, Belarus. Takes 24 hours to load due to security concerns. RDS-3 must be dropped from High altitude to avoid a/c damage. First test drop 18 Oct 51. In service 1952-56. • Tu-4D: Transport conversions with all guns removed. Carries either 28 paratroops or four 1200 kg drop containers. Can carry two external P-90 containers for light vehicles, decrease speed by 40 knots when carried. In service 1955 - 1962. • Tu-4R: Recon with cameras. Fuel is 13480 kg day or 11705 kg night, ranges 3870 nmi and 3360 nmi. Five DA regiments, each 18 a/c. In service 1951. • Tu-4REB: Some recon fitted with ELINT from early 50s. • Tu-4REP: Some recon fitted with standoff radar jammer, clutter rating 10. In service 1954. • May 50: Production have NR-23 23mm (1.4) installed. • Feb 53: 10 exported to China. • 1954-60: Bombers retired. • Aug 54-56: 27 converted to Tu-4 tanker with fuel in bomb bay and port wingtip hose, for other Tu-4 only. Carried 13840 kg, range 4364 nmi. Max transfer fuel is 8425 kg or 3656 nmi. Probably testing and trials only. Similar number of bombers converted. • Jan 55: 11 divisions operational - 10 Tu-4, 1 Tu-4A
Tu-4K [Bull B]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 45 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: -Sensors: K-1 Kobalt-1 radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 180 190 -Med: 180 230 -High: 180 260 -Ceiling: 8600 meters Engine Type: RP(S) Cruise Range: 1975 nmi Int Fuel: 6275 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 5470 kg Def Guns: 10 NR-23 23mm - 2 dorsal, 2 ventral, tail turret (1.4) • 2 KS-1 [AS-1 Kennel] Remarks: In Svc: Aug 55 - 1957? About 50 conversions from Tu-4. Must fly directly at target to provide guidance. Speeds estimated. • Jul 52-Jan 53: Trials. • 30 Aug 55: 124 TBAP operational in Black Sea with 12 a/c. • Late 56: One Northern Fleet regiment operational.
Tu-14T [Bosun]
Torpedo Bomber
Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Damage Value: 35 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: PSBN-M radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 390 455 -Med: 390 445 -High: 390 440 -Ceiling: 11200 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 1345 nmi Int Fuel: 4300 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-23 23mm (1.8) Def Guns: 2 NR-23 23mm in tail (0.5)
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 2 45-54VT or 2 45-56NT or 2 RAT-52 torpedoes • 4 AMD-4-500M or 2 AMD-4-1000 or 2 AMD-2M or 2 IGDM-500 or 2 ADGM-2 Lira or 2 Serpei mines (estimated) • 12 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 bombs (estimated) Remarks: In Svc: 1951 - 1957 Each Navy mine-torpedo regiment (MTAP) has 30 aircraft. Cruise speeds estimated. • 1951 - 53: 147 delivered. • May 51 - 1957: Flown by Black Sea 5th Guards MTAP at Gvardeskoye. • 1952 - Apr 53: Flown by Pacific 44th MTAP (Sep 52) at Zapadnye Knevich and 567th Guards MTAP (Mar 52) at Nikolaevka. • 1952 - 1957: Flown by Northern Fleet with 9th Guards MTAP at Severmorsk-3 and 987th MTAP at Severmorsk-3. • 1959 - 60: 50 exported to China.
Tu-16 [Badger A]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 47 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: RBP-1 Kobalt-M radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 300 360 -Med: 430 480 -High: 430 520 -Ceiling: 12800 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2785 nmi Int Fuel: 34610 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg Off Guns: fixed single AM-23 23mm (1.4) Def Guns: dorsal, ventral, tail twin AM-23 23mm (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 12 FAB-500 or 6 FAB-1500 or 2 FAB-3000 • 1 FAB-5000 or 1 BrAB-6000 or 1 FAB-9000 • 16 FAB-250 (1964) • 24 FAB-250 or 18 FAB-500 (1969) • 1 RDS-3 or RDS-4T or RDS-5 or RDS-6 or RDS-37 nuke bomb (Tu-16A) • Tu-16T, either: • 6 45-52VT or 4 RAT-52 torpedoes • 4 AMD-4-1000 mines • 6 MDM-4 or MDM-5 or RM-1 or RVM or Serpei mines • 8 ADM-2M or AMD-500M or APM or IGDM-1000 or AGDM-2M Lira mines • 12 AMD-4-500 or IGDM-500 or MDM-3 or UDM-500 mines • 2 UB-2F Tchaika-2 guided bomb (Dec 55) • Tu-16PL, either: • 36 RGB-NM or 24 RGB-N sonobuoys • 2 AT-1 torpedoes, 18 RGB-N or 25 PLAB-50 DC (Apr 66) • 1 Nuke depth bomb, 18 RGB-N • 6 RM-1 mines Remarks: In Svc: Feb 54 - 1980s ZA aircraft can be refueled by Tu-16Z tankers. Tu-16A and Tu-16T can carry all Tu-16 conventional bombs. • Tu-16 [Badger A]: Initial production aircraft with conventional weapons only. Deliveries: 204 Tu-16 1953-56, 90 Tu-16(ZA) 195758. Exported to Indonesia (12 in Jul 71) and Iraq (10 in 1962). • Tu-16A [Badger A]: RBP-4 Rubidy-MM radar, nuclear bombs, 1st Gen ECM. Deliveries: 394 Tu-16A late 54-57, 59 Tu-16A(ZA) 1957-58 • Tu-16T [Badger A]: Torpedo bomber for Navy. 66 Tu-16T, 30 Tu16T(ZA) - 57th MTAD Jun 56; 5th MTAP Apr 56, 124th TBAP Jun 56, 943rd MTAP May 57, 574th Nov 57, plus others. In service Jun 56 - 60. Exported to Egypt (6 a/c Sep 67). • Tu-16PL [Badger A]: Interim ASW aircraft. RBP-4 Rubidy-MM radar, Baku sonobuoy processor. One squadron each, Northern 9th MTAP 1962-67 and Pacific 568th MTAP 1963-68. Only Northern Fleet uses AT-1 torpedo. Estimate all are ZA. Probably RYu-1 Skalp NDB capable. • Feb-Mar 54: First delivered to Air Force. 185th, 202nd, 203rd, 206th, 402nd TBAP.
Russia’s Aircraft • Jan 55: One Air Force division operational with 43 Tu-16A. Nuclear bombs available. • 1955-57: 425 Tu-16 and Tu-16A delivered to Navy - 170 a/c to Black Sea Jun 55 and Pacific 1957; 170 a/c Baltic Sea 1955 (two regiments 57th MTAD); 85 a/c to Northern Fleet 1956. • Dec 55: Some Tu-16T fitted with command guided bombs. Require visual LOS. • 1956-61: Each Air Force regiment has one flight on nuclear ground alert. • Dec 56-58: Air Force units trained in inflight refueling. • 1957 on: 571 Tu-16A(AZ) refitted to receive fuel from Tu-16Z. • 1960 on: Most Tu-16A rebuilt for other roles. 114 to Tu-16Z, 156 converted to Badger G. • 1962: Fitted with 1st Gen D. • 1967: Tu-16A, Tu-16T can carry 24 FAB-250 or 18 FAB-500. • 1969-early 70s: Some Tu-16A fitted with 1st Gen J&D replacing tail turret. Defensive gun rating reduced to 0.7. • Late 60s: Removed from nuclear bomber role. • Late 70s: Fitted with 2nd Gen J. • Jan 79: Air Force has 23 Tu-16 and 38 Tu-16A.
Tu-16K-10 [Badger C]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 47 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: YeN radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 300 360 -Med: 405 440 -High: 415 485 -Ceiling: 12300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2620 nmi Int Fuel: 32200 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg Def Guns: dorsal, ventral, tail twin AM-23 23mm (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 1 K-10S or K-10SB (Tu-16K-10, Tu-16K-10D) • 1 K-10SD or K-10SND (Tu-16K-10D) • 1 K-10SN or K-10SNB (Tu-16K-10N) • 1 K-10SP ECM drone (Tu-16K-10P] Remarks: In Svc: Oct 61 - 1991? Navy only. Ye-N includes command transmitter for K-10S [AS-2 Kipper] missile - limited by frequency spacing to 18 missiles per 60° target arc. Radar can provide guidance 80° either side of nose. • Tu-16K-10: K-10S and K-10SB. 152 delivered 1958-63, plus 64 ZA 1958-60. In service 1961. • Tu-16K-10D: Yen-D radar with K-10SD, K-10SDV and K-10SND. In service 1963. • Tu-16K-10N: Fitted for Low altitude launches of K-10SN and K-10SNB. In service 1963. • Tu-16K-10SD: YeN-D radar, K-10SD, K-10SND. In service late 60s. • Tu-16K-10P: Carries K-10SP drone with escort jammer. In service April 1979. • Tu-16K-10-SPS-5: Fitted with 1st Gen J&D. • Regiments (MRAP): Baltic - 170th Guards Bychkov 1960-76, 240th Guards May 61-91; Black Sea - 5th Guards Veseloye 196087, 124th Gvardeiskoe 60s-70s; Northern - 574th Lakhta May 61-87, Severmorsk-3 - 924th 1960-88, 987th Dec 59-70?; Pacific - 169th Guards Khorol 1960-70s, 570th Mongokhto 196170s. • 1957 - Dec 63: 152 Tu-16K-10 delivered. • 1958 - 60: 64 Tu-16K-10(ZA) delivered. Can be refueled by Tu-16Z tanker. • 1970 on: 85 modified to Badger C Mod (see separate entry).
Tu-16K-10-26 [Badger C Mod] Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Size/Signature: Large/Large Counterm: 1st Gen D Sensors: YeN radar, Gen 0 RWR
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Damage Value: 48 Bombsight: Manual Inflight Refuel: N
Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 300 360 -Med: 405 440 -High: 415 485 -Ceiling: 12300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2535 nmi Int Fuel: 32200 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Def Guns: dorsal, ventral, tail twin AM-23 23mm (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 1 K-10SND or 1 KSR-5 (lightly loaded) • 2 KSR-5 • 1 KS-10SND, 2 KSR-2 or 2 KSR-5 • 1 KS-10SN or 1 KS-10SNB, 2 KSR-5 (Tu-16K-10-26N) • 32 FAB-100 or 32 FAB-250 or 12 FAB-500 externally (Tu-26K-1026B) Remarks: In Svc: 1970 - 1993 Navy conversions from Badger C. Ritsa is 180° 1st ES, requires radar to provide range for ARM. Lightly loaded with one missile, fully loaded with two missiles. Can increase payload to 13000 kg with reduced internal fuel. 85 conversions from Badger C. Ritsa is 1st gen ES in 270°-090° arc only. Flown by 987th MRAP, North and 124th MRAP, Black Sea. Estimate 1/3rd are ZA. • Tu-16K-10-26: Tu-16K-10D conversions with KSR-5. Some fitted external bomb bombs 1974-76. • Tu-16K-10-26B: Conversions 1974-76 with provision for external bombs. Uses radar to aim bombs. Fitted with Ritsa in 1976. • Tu-16K-10-26N: Tu-16K-10N conversions. Can launch K-10SN and K-10SNB from Low altitude. • Tu-16K-10-26P: Small number with Ritsa, KSR-5P and KSR-11 in 1976. Fitted with 2nd Gen ES and 2nd Gen J&D in 1980. • Tu-16K-10-26PT: Tu-16K-10-26P with 2nd Gen ES added in 1980s. • 1970s: Tail guns replaced by 1st Gen J. Radar YeN radar replaced by YeN-D.
Tu-16K-26 [Badger G Mod]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 47 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Rubin-1M radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 300 360 -Med: 430 480 -High: 430 490 -Ceiling: 12300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2635/2400 nmi Int Fuel: 29000/26450 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg Def Guns: dorsal, ventral, tail twin AM-23 23mm (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 2 KSR-2 or KSR-5 or KSR-11 (KSR-2-5-11, K-26, K-26P) • 2 KSR-2 or KSR-5 (Tu-16KSR-2-5) • 2 KSR-5B (Tu-16K-26M) • 2 KSR-5N (Tu-16K-26N) • 2 KSR-5P or KSR-5PM (Tu-16K-26P) • Tu-16K-26B, Tu-16K-26PB, either • 24 OFAB-100-120 or 16 OFAB-250 or 24 FAB-250 or 18 FAB500 or 6 FAB-1500 or 2 FAB-3000 (internal) • Tu-16K-26B, either • 16 FAB-100 or 16 FAB-250 or 8 FAB-500 (external) • 16 OFAB-100NV or 16 OFAB-250 or 16 FAB-250 or 12 FAB500 (high drag para-packs) • 12 AMD-4-500 or IGDM-500 or MDM-3 or UDM-500 mines • 8 ADM-2M or APM or IGDM-1000 or AGDM-2M Lira mines Remarks: In Svc: 1970 - 1993 Air Force and Navy. Lightly loaded with one missile, fully loaded with two missiles. Ritsa is 1st gen ES in 270°-090° only. Aircraft with Rubin-1M radar use second figures and have fixed 23mm removed. Mine loadouts estimated.
Russia’s Aircraft
• Tu-16KSR-2-5: 110 KSR-2/KSR-2A conversions. Retains offensive guns, fixed single AM-23 23mm (1.4) • 1972: Fitted with internal bomb loads as Tu-16K-26PB. • 1973: Some have Rubin-1K replaced by Rubin-1M. • 1980s: Some fitted with KSR-5N. • Tu-16KSR-2-5-11: 125 KSR-2-11 conversions with Ritsa. Cannot use KSR-5P. • 1973: Some fitted with Rubin-1M. None fitted with Ritsa. • 1974: Some fitted with provision for KSR-5P as Tu-26K-26P. • 1980s: Some fitted with KSR-5N. • Tu-16K-26: KSR-11-16 conversions with Ritsa. In service 1969. • 1973: Some fitted with Rubin-1M radar. 14 Baltic fitted with Berkut radar replacing Rubin-1KV. • Early 70s: Some fitted with external bombs as Tu-16K-26B. • Late 70s: Some fitted with KSR-5B as Tu-26K-26M. Some with KSR-5M and KSR-11 as Tu-16K-26PM. • 1980s: Some fitted with Rubin-1M, KSR-5N as Tu-26K-26N.
Tu-16KS [Badger B]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 47 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 2nd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: K-1M Kobalt-1 radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 300 360 -Med: 430 480 -High: 430 490 -Ceiling: 12300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2635 nmi Int Fuel: 28730 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 5445 kg Off Guns: fixed single AM-23 23mm (1.4) Def Guns: dorsal, ventral, tail twin AM-23 23mm (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 2 KS-1 Komet [AS-1 Kennel] missiles Remarks: In Svc: 1954 - 1968 Must extend Kobalt-N transmitter to provide missiles guidance, max speed 300 knots. KS-1 can only be launched from Medium altitude. Due to command system, only 1 missile may be guided to seeker enable point per target per 120° target arc (max one a/c can attack at once). Tu-16KS must aim directly at target to provide guidance. Typical regiment is 16 Tu-16KS, 6 Tu-16SPS, 6 Tu-16Z. • Deliveries: 68 Tu-16KS 1954-57, 59 Tu-16KS(ZA) 1957-58. • Air Force regiments (TBAP) 1954-60: 12th Tartu, Estonia; 685th Ostrov, both in Baltic. • Navy Regiments (MRAP): Black Sea at Gvardeskoye - 5th Guard Apr 56, 124th Jun 56; Baltic - 12th Tartu 1960-65; 170th 1956-May 61; Northern - 574th at Lakhta Nov 57; 924th Guards Jan 57, 987th 1957 at Severomorsk-3. • Jun 57: Declared operational. • 1958: Each aircraft may launch two missiles at one target. • 1958-59: Inflight refueling training commences. • 1960: Increased to 6 aircraft attacking at once per 60° target arc. • 1961-62: 25 Tu-16KS, 100 KS-1 to Egypt. All destroyed Jun 67. • 1962: 12 Tu-16KS, 100 KS-1 to Indonesia. Soviet support withdrawn 1965, Third World maintenance. Struck Oct 70. • 1962 - 68: Remaining 50 converted to Tu-16KSR-2.
Tu-16KSR-2 [Badger G]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 48 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Rubin-1K radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 295 -Med: 405 440 -High: 415 485 -Ceiling: 11900 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2705 nmi Int Fuel: 29500 kg
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Off Guns: 1 AM-23 23mm (1.2) Def Guns: dorsal, ventral, tail twin AM-23 23mm (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 2 KSR-2 • Tu-16KSR-2A, either • 1 FAB-9000 or 12 FAB-500 or 16 FAB-250 • 16 internal FAB-250, 16 external FAB-250 (1970s) • 12 internal FAB-500, 4 external FAB-500 (1970s) • Tu-16KSR-2-11 and Tu-16KSR-11-16, either • 2 KSR-5 or 2 KSR-11 • 1 KSR-5, 1 KSR-11 • 40 FAB-100 or 40 FAB-250 or 26 FAB-500 or 4 FAB-1500 or 2 FAB-3000 (internal) • 40 internal FAB-250, 16 external FAB-250 (1970s) Remarks: In Svc: Dec 61 - 1980s? 211 Air Force, 130 Navy. Up to 20 KSR-2 can be fired at once (Egypt and Iraq limited to one frequency and one missile in flight). Estimate 1/3rd are ZA and can be refueled by Tu-16Z tanker. Ritsa is 1st gen ES in 270°-090° only - offensive 23mm removed. • Tu-16KSR-2: 50 Tu-16KS conversions 1961-63. Cannot carry bombs internally. Air Force Regiments - 200th Guards 1964, 400th. • Tu-16KSR-11-16: Some KSR-2, additional KS with Ritsa. In service 1963. Air Force 52nd 1967, 111th 1964-71, 132nd 1966, 200th 1964, 402nd 1967, 840th 1964-72. • Tu-16KSR-2A: 155 Tu-16A conversions from 1959. Can carry internal bombs including nuclear bombs as Tu-16A. Retains Off Guns: fixed single AM-23 23mm (1.4). • Tu-16KSR-2-11 with Ritsa. Nose gun removed. Air Force - 184th, 185th. In service 1963. • Iraq. Deliveries: 6 Tu-16KSR-2-11 1970; further 36 KSR-2 1984. Last destroyed 1991. • Egyptian Tu-16KSR-2 1970-72. 10 a/c and 50 KSR-2 delivered. Retired 2000. • Feb 63: Navy training commences. Four regiments - Baltic 12th 1964; Pacific - 49th 1967, 568th 1963. Fourth unknown. • 1970s: All fitted for bombs. • 1970s: Fitted with provision for external bombs. Treat as fully loaded. • 1971-73: Tu-16KSR-IS upgrade with 1st Gen J&D replacing tail guns, defensive guns reduced to 0.7.
Tu-16N [Badger A]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 47 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: None Inflight Refuel: N/P Sensors: RBP-4 radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 360 360 -Med: 460 480 -High: 460 520 -Ceiling: 12300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 3095 nmi Int Fuel: 34610 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg Def Guns: dorsal, ventral, tail twin AM-23 23mm (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 5000 kg bay tank (fuel cannot be used by Tu-16Z) • 24 FAB-250 or 18 FAB-500 or 6 FAB-1500 or 2 FAB-3000 bombs Remarks: In Svc: 1968 - 1992 Main role was to refuel Tu-22. Can be converted to bomber. Can transfer 15800 kg or 1413 nmi. Operated by a single air force squadron with 200th Guards TBAP at Bobruisk, then 251st Guards TBAP at Belaya Tserkov (1960s-92). • Conversions: 23 Tu-16N from Tu-16 1968-70; 20 Tu-16NN from Tu-16Z in 1969. • Some later fitted with 1st Gen ECM. • Jan 79: Air Force has 20 Tu-16Z (estimate these are Tu-16NN), 10 Tu-16N.
Russia’s Aircraft
Tu-16R [Badger E/F/K/L]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 48 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: RBP-4 Rubidy-MMradar, 1st Gen ES, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 300 360 -Med: 430 480 -High: 430 520 -Ceiling: 13000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 3025 nmi Int Fuel: 35200 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg Def Guns: dorsal, ventral, tail twin AM-23 23mm (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 12 IGM-500 or UDM-500 (Tu-16PM) • 4 AMD-2M or APM or Lira or RM-1 or Serpei or UDM-2 (Tu16PM) Remarks: In Svc: 1957 - 1994 Was fitted or refitted as ZA. • Tu-16R [Badger E]: 52 delivered with RBP-4 Rubidy-MM radar, SPS-1 escort radar jammer, clutter rating 10. Takes one Tactical Turn to tune to newly detected radars, 1st Gen ES, cameras. Tu-16R(ZA). In service 1957. Exported to Egypt in (2 in 1967) and Indonesia (2 in 1961 or 62). • Tu-16R [Badger F]: 18 delivered, as Badger E with SRS-3 SIGINT in external pods, 2890 nmi range. SRS-3 is automatic and records all signals. Some are Tu-16R(ZA). • Tu-16R [Badger K]: Small number fitted with RBP-6 Lyustra radar. • Tu-16RM: Badger E fitted with Rubin-1K radar, 2nd Gen ES in late 1970s. • Tu-16RP: Tu-16R fitted with 1st Gen J&D. • Mid-61: Navy commences long range flights with inflight refueling. • Early 1970s: Some Baltic Tu-16R converted to Tu-16PM minelayers. • Jan 79: Air Force has 22 Tu-16R.
Cruise Range: 2800 nmi Int Fuel: 34610 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg Off Guns: 1 AM-23 23mm (1.4) Def Guns: dorsal, ventral, tail twin AM-23 23mm (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 6 AMD-4-500M or 12 IGDM-500 or 12 UDM-500 or 4 large mines - AMD-2M or APM or IGDM-1000 or AGDM-2M Lira or RM-1 or Serpei or UDM-2 Remarks: In Svc: 1956/62 - 1994 Standoff radar jammer. Cannot use radar with jammer energized. • Tu-16SPS: Air Force and Navy. 142 Tu-16SPS, 4 Tu-16SPS(ZA) delivered 1955-57 with SPS-1 or SPS-2 escort jammers, clutter rating 10. Takes one Tactical Turn to tune to newly detected radars. In service 1956 - 60s. • Tu-16P Buket [Badger J]: Air Force only, 121 with SPS-55 Buket standoff jammer, clutter rating 13, 1st Gen D. In service 1962-94. • Late 50s?: Tu-16SPS fitted with three ASO-16 bulk chaff dispensers for 40 nmi chaff corridor. • 1962 on: Tu-16SPS converted to Tu-16P. • 1970s-80s: Fitted with 2nd Gen J&D. • Early 70s: Some Black Sea fitted to lay mines with ES and standoff radar jammer removed. • Late 70s: Ten upgraded to Tu-19P Fikus. Can use radar while using standoff jammer. • 1980s: Fitted with 3rd Gen J&D. • Jan 79: Air Force has 104 Tu-16P.
Tu-16Ye [Badger H]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 47 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: W Sensors: YeN-R (RM-1) or Rubin-1K radar (RM-2), 1st Gen ES, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 540 -Med: 460 550 -High: 460 500 -Ceiling: 12300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 3045/3235 nmi Int Fuel: 38880/41310 kg Def Guns: dorsal, ventral, tail twin AM-23 23mm (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC Remarks: In Svc: 1962 - 1993 Navy only. Fuel and ranges for Tu-16RM-1/Tu-16RM-2. • Tu-16RM-1: 24 converted from Tu-16K-10 between 1966 and 1967. Served in Northern - 967th ODRAP, and Pacific - 317th OSAP Elizovo 1966-93. • Tu-16RM-2: 12 Tu-16R conversions. Northern Fleet only - 967th ODRAP Severomorsk-1 1962-93.
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 47 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: RBP-4 Rubidy-MM radar, 1st Gen ES, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 300 360 -Med: 430 480 -High: 430 520 -Ceiling: 13100 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2800 nmi Int Fuel: 34610 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg Off Guns: AM-23 23mm (1.4) Def Guns: dorsal, ventral, tail twin AM-23 23mm (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 12 IGDM-500 or UDM-500 • 4 AMD-2M or APM or AGDM-2 Lira or RM-1 or Serpei or UDM-2 Remarks: In Svc: 1957 - 1994 71 used by AV-MF (52 new plus 19 Tu-16 conversions). Fitted with seven ASO-16 bulk chaff dispensers for 150 nmi chaff corridor. • Tu-16 Yolka: Navy. Bulk chaff only. • Tu-16Ye: Air Force. FItted with SPS-1 escort jammer, clutter rating 10. Takes one Tactical Turn to tune to newly detected radars. Originally two chaff dispensers for 40 nmi chaff. • Tu-16YeR: Some Tu-16Ye with ELINT replacing SPS-1. • Deliveries: 42 Yolka, 10 Yolka ZA 1957-58. 89 Tu-16Ye ZA 1957-59. • 1960: Fitted with SPS-4 standoff jammer, clutter rating 15. • 1970s: Fitted with Azaliya standoff jammer, clutter rating 11, 2nd Gen ES, 1st Gen J. • Early 70s: Some Baltic Fleet Yolka converted to minelayers. • 1978: Fitted with 2nd Gen J&D replacing tail 23mm, def guns reduced to 0.7.
Tu-16SPS/P [Badger J]
Tu-16Z [Badger A]
Tu-16RM-1/2 [Badger D]
EW Jammer
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 47 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Sensors: RBP-4 Rubidy-MM radar, 1st Gen ES, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 300 360 -Med: 430 480 -High: 430 520 -Ceiling: 13100 meters Engine Type: TJ
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 48 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: None Inflight Refuel: N/ZA Sensors: RBP-4 Rubidy-MM radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 300 360 -Med: 430 480 -High: 430 520 --
Russia’s Aircraft
Ceiling: 12300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2755 nmi Int Fuel: 35480 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg Off Guns: 1 AM-23 23mm (1.4) Def Guns: Dorsal twin AM-23 23mm, ventral twin AM-23, tail twin AM-23 (1.2) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC • 8500 kg bay tank (fuel cannot be used by Tu-16Z) • 24 FAB-250 or 18 FAB-500 or 6 FAB-1500 or 2 FAB-3000 or 1 FAB-5000 or 1 FAB-9000 Remarks: In Svc: 1957 - 1990s Conversions of 114 Tu-16 with wingtip to wingtip refueling; tanker fitted to tow hose from starboard wingtip with receiver fitted on port wingtip. Standard is one squadron in Tu-16 Regiment. Can be converted to bomber, although capability later removed. • Can refuel Tu-16 Badger noted as ZA - around 1/3rd fitted. Maximum transfer fuel is 19845 kg (bay tank plus some internal fuel) or 1540 nmi. • 1958-61: Crews trained in inflight refueling. 59 Tu-16ZA in service. • Mar 64: Air Force bombers refueling ceases with Tu-16Z. Air Force reconnaissance and Navy continues.
Tu-22A [Blinder A]
Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Damage Value: 42 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Rubin-1 radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 400 440 480 Med: 400 560 650 High: 400 700 815 Ceiling: 14700 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2685 nmi Int Fuel: 42900 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Def Guns: tail R-23 23mm with PRS-3A Argon GFC radar (0.9) • 24 FAB-250 or FAB-250TS or 24 OFAB-250 • 18 FAB-500 or 18 FAB-500TS or 2 FAB-5000 bombs • 3 FAB-1500-2600TS or 6 FAB-1500 bombs • 1 FAB-5000 or 1 FAB-9000 bomb (mid 70s) • 42 FAB-100/250 or 24 FAB-500 or 8 FAB-1500 or 3 FAB-3000 • APP-22MS Avtomat-3 chaff dispenser, 16 FAB-250 or 12 FAB-500 or 4 FAB-1500 or 2 FAB-1500-2600TS or 2 FAB-3000 or 1 FAB9000 • 1 7U31 nuclear bomb, APP-22MS chaff dispenser • 1 Model 245N or Model 246N nuclear bomb (overload) • 18 AMD-4-500M or IGDM-500 or MDM-3 or UDM-500 mines • 8 ADM-2M or AMD-500M or APM or IGDM-1000 or AGDM-2M Lira mines Remarks: In Svc: 1962 - 68 Can carry 12000 kg bombs, reduce internal fuel accordingly. Flown by 203th TBAP at Baranovichi only. Only 15 Tu-22A delivered 1959-60, used for trials and testing only. Mine loadouts estimated. APP-22 dispenser has 10 nmi chaff barrier. • Export Tu-22B are Tu-22R conversions (see separate entry).
Tu-22DP [Freefire]
Escort Fighter
Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Damage Value: 46 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 3rd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: RP-31 radar, RWR. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 459 495 594 Med: 459 610 850 High: 485 725 1100 Ceiling: 14000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 3215 nmi Int Fuel: 53550 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 24000 kg Def Guns: GSh-23L (1.6) in tail • 12 R-33 carried internally Remarks: In Svc: 1986
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Fictional Backfire variant converted to long-range fighter escort role by fitting AI radar and carrying AAMs in bomb bay on rotary launcher.
Tu-22KD [Blinder B]
Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Damage Value: 42 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: PN Rubin radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 400 440 550 Med: 400 560/635 760/800 High: 400 700/755 860/920 Ceiling: 14500/15000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2525/2685 nmi Int Fuel: 44750 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg Def Guns: tail R-23 23mm with PRS-3A Argon GFC radar (0.9) • 1 Kh-22PG or 1 Kh-22PSI • 1 Kh-22M or 1 Kh-22MA (1970s) • 1 Kh-22MP (Tu-22KPD only) • 24 FAB-250 or 24 OFAB-250 • 18 FAB-500 • Nuclear bombs as Tu-22A Remarks: In Svc: 1967 - 1992 Deployed in 1965, but technical problems delayed IOC to 1967. Typical Tu-22 Regiment had two squadrons Tu-22KD (24-30), one squadron Tu-22PD (4-8). Considered difficult to inflight refuel due to poor handling, takes 2D6 Tactical Turns to make contact with tanker. Difficult to maintain, maintenance as 2nd Rate. Can increase payload to 12000 kg with reduced fuel. • Tu-22K: Four delivered 1961-62. Not fitted with inflight refuel probe. Use first performance figures. • Tu-22KD: 72 delivered 1965-69. Use second performance figures. • Regiments (TBAP): - 121st TBAP Machoolishchi 1969 and 203rd TBAP Baranovichi, Belarus 1967 into Northern Europe; 341st TBAP Zhitomir, Ukraine 1968 into Central Europe, and antishipping in all theaters except Pacific - Black Sea FOL at Severmorsk; Northern Fleet FOL at Olengorsk. • 1970s: Using new procedures, inflight refueling times as normal. Many maintenance problems solved, as 1st Rate. Fitted with Kh-22M and Kh-22MA. • 1972: Fitted with 1st Gen J&D. • 1973: Bomb trials. Can be converted to carry bombs as Tu-22A in 24 hours. Capability rarely used. Inflight refueling training ceases. • 1976: Nuclear bomb capability removed. • Late 80s: Due to arms control treaties, inflight refueling probes removed. Some fitted with 2nd Gen J&D and 1st Gen RWR, replacing 23mm - possibly known as Tu-22KDA. • Jan 92: 34 a/c with 121st, 32 with 203rd, 30 with 341st.
Tu-22P [Blinder E]
Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Damage Value: 42 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Rubin-1 radar, Gen 0 RWR, 1st Gen ES Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 400 440 480 Med: 400 580/650 650 High: 400 700/755 815 Ceiling: 13800 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2600/2765 nmi Int Fuel: 44750 kg Def Guns: Tail R-23 23mm with PRS-3 Argon GFC radar (0.9) Remarks: In Svc: 1963 - 92 Bay fitted with AP-22 chaff dispenser with 10 nmi chaff corridor and SPS-5 Fasol escort jammer, clutter rating 11. Jammer prevents use of Rubin radar or ES. One squadron of 4 Tu-22P in Tu-22R regiment, 6 Tu-22P in Tu-22K regiment. Originally used VD-7M engines, use first ranges and speeds. • 1960-64: Seven Tu-22P delivered. Retired by 1980s.
Russia’s Aircraft • 1964-69: 40 Tu-22PD delivered with inflight refueling probe. • 1965 - 70s: Fitted with RD-7M2 engines vice VD-7M, use second ranges and speeds. • Late 70s - early 80s: Fitted with 2nd Gen J&D replacing 23mm. • 1978: Fitted with 1st Gen RWR. • Early 80s: Fasol replaced by SPS-55 Buket, clutter rating 13. Due to center of gravity issues with Buket weight, fuel reduced 2000 kg, range 2640 nmi.
Tu-22R [Blinder C]
Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Damage Value: 44 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Rubin-1 radar, Gen 0 RWR, ELINT, cameras (not search sensor) Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 400 440 480 Med: 400 580/650 650 High: 400 700/755 815/865 Ceiling: 13500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2685/2850 nmi Int Fuel: 48500 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: -Def Guns: tail R-23 23mm with PRS-3 Argon GFC radar (0.9) • none as recon • 24 FAB-250 or 18 FAB-500 or 6 FAB-1500 • APP-22, 16 FAB-250 or 12 FAB-500 or 4 FAB-1500 or 2 FAB3000 or 1 FAB-5000 ot 1 FAB-9000 • 1 nuclear bomb (as Tu-22A) Remarks: In Svc: Jun 62 - 94 ‘Sheelo’ (Awl). Can restore bomber capability with loadouts as above. Can carry standoff jammers vice recce equipment, clutter rating 11. APP-22 dispenser has 10 nmi chaff barrier. Originally used VD-7M engines, use first ranges and speeds. • Tu-22R: 96 delivered 1961-65. • Tu-22RD: 31 delivered 1965-67 with inflight refuel probe. Last 5 are Tu-22AD as bombers with recon capability removed. • Tu-22B: Export bomber with reconnaissance and nuclear bombs removed. 12 to Iraq 1974-79 and 8 to Libya 1977-83. FAB-5000 and FAB-9000 not cleared for export. • Tu-22RDK: 12 Tu-22RD conversions 1979 with ELINT upgraded to 2nd Gen, data link added. Flown by one squadron of 199th ODRAP. • Tu-22RDM [Blinder C Mod]: 12 Tu-22RD conversions 1981-82 with improved cameras, Shompol SLAR, ELINT, COMINT, IRLS and 2nd Gen J&D vice tail guns. • Air Force Regiments: 65 a/c with 121st ODRAP Machoolishchi, Belarus 1965-69; 199th Guards ODRAP Nezhin, Ukraine 1965-94 West & South; 290th ODRAP Zyabrovka, Belarus 1963-94 Baltic, North. • Navy Regiments: 62 a/c with 15th OMRAP at Chkalovks, Baltic Jun 62-89, FOC Jun 63; 40th OMRAP at Saki, Black Sea 1965-94. • 1965: Inflight refueling operational. • 1965 - 70s: Fitted with RD-7M2 engines, use second ranges and speeds. Probably Tu-22RD as standard. • Mid 1970s - 80s: Some Tu-22RD fitted with 2nd Gen J&D replacing 23mm cannon. • 1978?: Some fitted with 1st Gen RWR. • Jan 92: 26 aircraft with 199th Guards and 30 with 290th.
Tu-22M-2 [Backfire B]
Man Rtng: 1.0/0.5 Damage Value: 50 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: PNA Rubin radar, 1st Gen RWR. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 495 595 Med: 460 610 725 High: 485 725 970 Ceiling: 12600 meters Engine Type: TF
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Cruise Range: 2660 nmi Int Fuel: 50000 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 12000 kg Def Guns: two GSh-23 (1.8) in tail with PRS-3 [Box Tail] GFC • 1 Kh-22M or Kh-22MA (Clean) • 2 Kh-22M or Kh-22MA • 2 FAB-3000 or 8 FAB-1500 or 18 FAB-500 or 33 FAB-250 (internal) • 69 FAB-250 (33 internal, 36 external) • 51 FAB-500 (18 internal, 24 external) • 8 AGDM-2 Lira, AMD-2M, APM, Lira, RM-1, Serpei, UDM or UDM-2 mines (nternal) • 12 AMD-4-500M or 18 IGDM-500 or 18 UDM-500 mines (internal) Remarks: In Svc: 1974 - 1996 Clean with one Kh-22 carried semi-conformal, no speed restrictions. Max speed with 2 missiles is 895 knots. Can increase payload to 25500 kg with reduced fuel. Not flown by Northern Fleet. • Air Force Regiments (TBAP): Ukraine - 185th Guards Poltava Sep 74-82, 840th Soltsy 1976-81; Far East - 1225th 1982-94 and 1229th Belaya 1982-94; 52nd Guards TBAP Shaikovka 1981-93. • Navy Regiments (MRAP): Baltic at Bykhov - 170th Guards Jun 76-89; 240th Guards Jun 76-80s; Black Sea - 943rd Oktiabrskoye Sep 74-96; Pacific - 183rd Knevichi 1991-Dec 93; Mongokhto 568th Mar 80-96, 570th 1982-1994. • 1972-83: 211 produced. Delivered from Apr 74 for testing and training, first 4 ac/ to 185th Guards Jul-Sep 74. First Kh-22 firing by naval crew in 17 April 1976. • Aug 76: Declared operational. Third world maintenance before this date. • 1977-79: Kh-22MP and Kh-28 trials, neither taken into service. • 1979: Inflight refueling probe fitted. • 1980s: Fitted with 2nd Gen J&D. • Jun 84: Inflight refueling training commences from Tu-16N by 184th. Removed in late 1980s. Can be restored in 'hours'.
Tu-22M-3 [Backfire C]
Man Rtng: 1.0/0.5 Damage Value: 49 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 3rd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: PNA-D Rubin radar, 1st Gen RWR. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 485 495 595 Med: 485 610 850 High: 485 725 1240 Ceiling: 13300 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 3215 nmi Int Fuel: 53550 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 16000 kg Def Guns: GSh-23 (0.9) in tail turret with PRS-4KM Krypton [Fan Tail] GFC • 1 Kh-22N/NA or 6 Kh-15 (internal, Clean) • 2 or 3 Kh-22N/NA • 2 external Kh-22N/NA, 6 internal Kh-15 (Post 1988 only) • 10 Kh-15 (6 internal, 4 external) • APP-22, 2 FAB-3000 or 8 FAB-1500 or 18 FAB-500 or 33 FAB250 or 17 RBK-500 or 33 RBK-250 internally • 2 FAB-3000 or 18 FAB-500 or 33 FAB-250 (internal) • 69 FAB-250 (33 internal, 36 external) • 51 FAB-500 (18 internal, 24 external) • 8 AGDM-2 Lira, AMD-2M, APM, Lira, RM-1, Serpei, UDM or UDM-2 mines (internal) • 12 AMD-4-500M or 18 IGDM-500 or 18 UDM-500 mines (internal) • 8 FAB-1500 or 2 FAB-3000 (Afghanistan 1988) • 6 FAB-500 or 12 OFAB-250 (Syria 2016) • 4 external Kh-47M2 (Tu-22M-3M) • 6 internal Kh-50 or Kh-MTs (Tu-22M-3M) Remarks: In Svc: 1983 Clean with one Kh-22 carried semi-conformal, no speed restrictions. Max speed with external missiles is 895 knots. APP-22 dispenser has 10 nmi chaff barrier. Can carry APP-22MS chaff dispenser with internal bombs only. Can increase payload to 24000 kg with reduced fuel. Provision for inflight refueling probe, never fit-
Russia’s Aircraft
ted in service. Can use any of Kh-22M or Kh-22N series. Can also carry Kh-22SP ECM drone. • 1978-92: 268 produced. Official in service date 1983. Production from March 1987 have provisions for Kh-15. • Air Force Regiments (TBAP): 52nd Guards Shaikovka 1992; 132nd Tary, Estonia 1984-92 then Vozdvizhevka 1992-97; 184th Priluki 1984-88; 185th Guards Poltava Mar 81-92; 200th Belaya 1986; 260th Stryy, Ukraine 1989-92; 402nd Balbasovo 1983-93; 444th Vozdvizhevka 1997-09; 840th Soltsy 1981-94, 1225th Belaya 1982-1994. • Navy Regiments (MRAP): Baltic - 170th Guards Bykhov 1989-91, Black Sea - 5th Guards Vesyoloye 1985-94; Northern - 574th Katoonino 1987-02, 924th Olenya Jan 88-09; Pacific - 568th Mongokhto Mar 1996-11. • Mar 89: Kh-15 operational with three Air Force Regiments (52nd Guards, 200th Guards, ?). • 1989 - 93: 12 Tu-22MR [Backfire D] converted with Obzor radar and cameras replacing PNA and weapons. M202 SLAR, SRS-13 ELINT. • 2008: Kh-15 possibly removed from service. Air Force has 52nd Guards at Shaikovka, 840th at Soltsy; 200th at Belaya, 444th TABP at Vozdvizhenka • 2009-11: Navy transfers a/c to Air Force. • 2012 - 20: 30 fitted with advanced bombsight. • 2021: Tu-22M-3M upgrade with NV-45 radar (use Novella 1 stats), Kh-32M replaces Kh-22, guns replaced by 4th Gen J&D. Inflight refueling probe and advanced bombsight added. First flight 28 Dec 18. In service planned as 2022.
Tu-91 [Boot]
Man Rtng: 1.5/1.0 Damage Value: 21 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Sensors: Kurs-N radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 345 430 -Med: 345 430 -High: 345 430 -Ceiling: 11600 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 1080 nmi Int Fuel: 3410 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1600 kg Off Guns: 2 AM-23 23mm (2.7) Def Guns: 2 AM-23 23mm (0.7) in tail turret with Gama GFC • 1 Type 45-54VT or 1 Type 45-56NT or 3 RAT-52 torpedo • 12 FAB-100 or 6 FAB-250 or 3 FAB-500 or 1 FAB-1500 or 1 BRAB-1000 • 36 S-3 or 8 S-21M rockets • 1 AMD-4-500M or 1 IGDM-500 or APM or AGDM-2 Lira mine Remarks: In Svc: 1950s Torpedo and dive bomber with all weather avionics. ASW version proposed. Originally planned for aircraft carrier. • 1953: To shore based role with wing folding and arresting gear removed. • 1955: Canceled.
Tu-95/Tu-95M [Bear A]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 91 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: RBP-4 Rubidiy-MM radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 440 -Med: 405 480 -High: 380 450 -Ceiling: 11300/11900 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 5815/6380 nmi Int Fuel: 73260/81245 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 12000 kg Def Guns: 6 AM-23 23mm in dorsal, ventral, tail turrets (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon [Bee Hind] GFC
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 1 RDS-3 or RDS-4T or RDS-37 or RN-30 or RN-32 nuclear bomb (Tu-95A, Tu-95MA) • 16 FAB-750 or 12 FAB-1000 or 2 FAB-5000 or 1 FAB-9000 bomb • 12 APM or 8 MDM-4/5 mines (estimated) • 42 FAB-250 or 48 RBK-250-270 bombs Remarks: In Svc: 1956 - 1985 Flown by 409th, 1006th, 1023rd and 1226th TBAP. Each regiment has one flight in peacetime or one squadron in crisis parked over loading pits on Alert 120. Stood ground alert during Cuban missile crisis. Tu-95A and Tu-95MA carries nuclear bombs only. • 1955 - 57: 31 Tu-95 and Tu-95A delivered. Use first ranges and fuel. In service Apr 56. • 1957 - 58: 19 Tu-95M and Tu-95MA delivered with Rubin-1 radar. Uses second ranges and fuel. In service Aug 57. • Early 60s: Low altitude training commences. Fitted for mines. • 1964: Four Tu-95M converted to Tu-95MR [Bear E] with cameras, 1st Gen ES, Rubin-1 radar replaces RBP-4M. Three have inflight refueling probes. In service Dec 64, retired late 1980s. • Late 60s: One Tu-95 fitted with standoff radar jammer, clutter rating 11. • Late 60s-early 70s: Fitted for estimated RN-30 or RN-32 tactical nuclear bombs, and 42 FAB-250 bombs. • Early 70s: Retired from bombing role. Training until 1985.
Tu-95K/KM [Bear B/C]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 91 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: YaD radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 405 440 -Med: 405 480 -High: 380 450 -Ceiling: 11600 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 5740/5635 nmi Int Fuel: 72995/71690 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 11000 kg Def Guns: 6 AM-23 23mm in dorsal, ventral, tail turrets (1.4) with PRS-1 Argon GFC radar • 1 Kh-20 - Tu-95K • 1 Kh-20M - Tu-95KM Remarks: In Svc: Oct 60 - 1988 Maximum data link range to missiles is 205 nmi. Regiments 182nd TBAP at Mozdok 1962-88; 1006th at Uzin, 1226th at Dolon 1960-85. • 1958-61: 47 Tu-95K delivered. 28 later converted to Tu-95KM standard. • 1962-65: 23 Tu-95KM delivered with inflight refueling probe, 1st Gen ES, Kh-20M, PRS-3 replaces PRS-1. In service 1963. • 1981 on: Converted to Tu-95K-22 (see separate entry).
Tu-95K-22 [Bear G]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 83 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 2nd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: PNA-B Rubin radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 410 440 -Med: 410 470 -High: 500 500 -Ceiling: 12500 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 4820 nmi Int Fuel: 71690 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 12000 kg • 1 or 2 Kh-22 or Kh-22MA • 2 or 3 external containers, each with 15 FAB-250 Remarks: In Svc: 1987 - 96 Air Force only with two regiments in Far East at Ukrainia - 40th and 79th Guards. Last unit was 79th. 65 delivered. Former Tu-95KM have 1st Gen ES.
Russia’s Aircraft
Tu-95MS [Bear H]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 91 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 3rd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Obzor radar, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 400 300 -Med: 400 495 -High: 400 450 -Ceiling: 10500 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 6880 nmi Int Fuel: 84000 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 10000 kg Def Guns: 2 GSh-23 23mm in tail turret (1.8) with PRS-4 Krypton [Box Tail] GFC • 2 Kh-80 Meterorit-A - Tu-95MA • Tu-95MS-6, with: • 6 Kh-55 • Tu-95MS-16, with either: • 16 Kh-55 (6 internal, 10 external) • 16 Kh-55SM (1987) • 6 Kh-55SM (Dec 94) • 6 Kh-555 (2008) • 8 external Kh-101 or Kh-102 (2015) • Tu-95MSM, with either: • 8 Kh-555 or Kh-101 or Kh-102 (external) • 14 Kh-555 or Kh-50 or Kh-MTs (6 internal, 8 external) Remarks: In Svc: Dec 83 Some early aircraft have Gen 0 RWR. Can increase payload to 27200 kg with reduced fuel. 1223rd TABP at Semipalatinsk 1982, 40th TBAP at Uzin 1985-91, 182nd at Mozdok 1987. Dolon has 1023rd and 1226th 1983-92. • Tu-95MA. Single prototype, might have carried 4 Kh-80 missiles in service. Canceled in 1984. • Tu-95MS-6. 31 delivered Dec 82-85? In Service Dec 83. • Tu-95MS-16. 57 delivered 1985-92. In service 1986. • Tu-95MSM. Tu-95MS-16 upgrades from 2018 with Novella 21 radar, NK-12MPM engines - estimated cruise range 7570 nmi, 4th Gen J&D, provision for Kh-50 and Kh-MTs. In service 2021, 35 upgrades planned. • 1987: Inflight refueling training commences. • 1992: 19 Tu-16MS-16 remain in Ukraine. Three later returned to Russia. • Dec 94: Tu-95MS-16 has external Kh-55SM missiles removed to comply with START treaty.
Tu-95RTs [Bear D]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 83 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Uspekh-1 radar, Initsiativa-2 radar, 2nd Gen ES Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 410 440 -Med: 410 460 -High: 410 490 -Ceiling: 10300 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 6180 nmi Int Fuel: 72995 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: -Def Guns: twin NR-23 23mm in tail, dorsal, ventral turrets (0.9) with PRS-4 Krypton [ Box Tail] GFC Remarks: In Svc: 1964 - 1993 Navy only. Can provide midcourse guidance to SS-N-3, SS-N-12 and SS-N-19 SSM if radar LOS exists to firing unit and target using Success-U data link. Fitted with SRS-5 COMINT and SRS-4/6/7 SIGINT. • 1963-69: 53 delivered. • Northern Fleet: 26 a/c 1964-68. 392nd ODRAP Severmorsk-1 Nov 64, Kipelovo Aug 65, Ostrov 1989-Dec 93. • Pacific Fleet: 22 a/c 1965-69. 867th Guards ODRAP Khorol Dec 65-1993. Renamed 304th Guards ODRAP July 1971.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• Forward operating locations: Luanda, Angola 1977-Apr 87; Havana, Cuba Apr 70-Feb 90; Conakry, Guinea Jul 73-77; Berba, Somolia 1976-79; Da Nang, Vietnam Apr 79-90. Also Ethiopia, Libya and Mozambique. • Aug 66: Demonstrates providing targeting for three submarines at once. • 16 Apr 67: First operational mission using inflight refueling. 392nd aircraft by 3MS-2 tanker. • Late 71: Commence over flights of Iran and Pakistan into Indian Ocean. Based at Tashkent, tanking by 3MS-2. • Oct 88: Permission given to overfly North Korean airspace.
Tu-123 Yastreb
Strategic Recon
Tu-126 [Moss]
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 23 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Bombsight: -Sensors: film cameras, SRS-6 SIGINT. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: -- -- -Med: -- -- -High: -- -- -VHigh: 1455 1730 -Ceiling: 22800 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 2140 nmi Int Fuel: 15390 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1965 - 1980 Drone. Also DBR-1, 52 built. High-altitude strategic recce. Jettisonable nose section recovered by parachute. Can photograph strip 60 - 80 km wide, 2700 km long. SIGINT range 390 km to sides. Flies at VHigh altitude only. Operated by two squadrons, each with six launchers and 12 drones. Based at Madona, Latvia and Khmelnistskiy, Ukraine. Replaced by MiG-25RB series. • 1964-72: 52 drones delivered. • Proposed Tu-139 DBR-2 Yastreb-2 would have been reusable, with UAV recovered by parachute. Canceled as MiG-25RB entering service.
Man Rtng: 0.5 Damage Value: 94 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: See Remarks Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Liana radar, Rubin-1V radar,1st Gen ES, Gen 2 Manual combat system Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat V/Low 350 430 -Med: 350 460 -High: 370 430 -Ceiling: 10700 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 3215 nmi Int Fuel: 72980 kg Remarks: In Svc: Apr 65 - 1984 Nine built 1965-67. Five have 1st Gen J, four 1st Gen D. One lost in landing accident. Based at Siauliai, Latvia with FOL at Olenyegorsk and Severomorsk. • Late 60s: Commences low altitude operations. Can detect Low targets at full ranges. Cannot detect contacts at NOE or VLow. • Aug 67: Inflight refueling operational. Seven crews trained by 1969. Refueling ceases 1979. • 1975-77: One converted to test A-50 Shmel radar as Tu-126LL. Decoys removed, fitted with Gen 4 Semi-Automatic Combat System. Max speed limited to 390 knots, ceiling 10400 meters, 68980 kg fuel, range 3040 nmi. Used for A-50U Shmel-M radar trials from 1987. • Aug 77: Commences joint operations with the navy.
Tu-128 [Fiddler B]
Man Rtng: 2.0/1.5 Size/Signature: Medium/Medium Sensors: RP-S Smerch-S radar
Damage Value: 36 Bombsight: Manual
Russia’s Aircraft
Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 490 470 485 Med: 490 590 675 High: 490 640 900 Ceiling: 15400 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 1445 nmi Int Fuel: 15250 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg • 2 R-4R, 2 R-4T [AA-5 Ash] (Tu-128) • 2 R-4MR, 2 R-4MT (Tu-128M) Remarks: In Svc: Nov 66 - 1988 World’s largest interceptor. Used exclusively by PVO. Only flown by Regular pilots and above. Six Aviation Regiments (AP), each with 28 a/c, 42 crews, 600 AAM and provides two a/c on Alert 10. FOL have 100 AAM on hand. • Northern: 72nd Guards AP Amderma 1969-87, 445th AP Arkhangelsk-Talagi Mar 67-75, 518th AP Kotlas Nov 66-84. • Far East: 64th AP Omsk-Severnyy Jun 67-87; 350th AP Belaya 1967-84, Bratsk 1984-88. • Semipalatinsk nuclear test range: 356th AP Zhana-Semey 196886. • Tu-128: 189 produced 1962-70. 64 operational 1st Aug 67. All updated to Tu-128M by 1984. • Tu-128M: Rebuilds of with RP-SM Smerch-M radar 1975-84. In service June 1979. • Late 70s-early 80s: Some fitted with Gen 0 RWR.
Tu-141 Strizh
Recce Drone
Man Rtng: 0.0/0.0 Damage Value: 16 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: -Sensors: Cameras, TV, IRLS, radiation sensors Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 510 595 -Med: 510 595 -Ceiling: 6000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 460 nmi Int Fuel: ? kg Remarks: In Svc: 1983 - mid 90s Part of theatre-level VR-2 Strizh reconnaissance system. Follow-on to Tu-123. Trailer-launched, recovered by parachute. 152 built 197989. Estimated damage value.
Tu-142 [Bear F Mod 0-2]
ASW Patrol
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 83 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Berkut radar, Berkut sonobuoy processor, 1st Gen ES, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 225 295 -Med: 400 375 -High: 400 450 -Ceiling: 11000 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 5680 nmi Int Fuel: 83900 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9080 kg Def Guns: 2 NR-23 23mm in tail (0.5) with PRS-4 Krypton [Box Tail] GFC • 268 RGB-1, 10 RGB-2 (search only) • 176 RGB-1, 10 RGB-2, 3 RGB-3, 3 AT-1M or AT-2 or AT-2M torp, 14 PLAB-250-120 DC • 12 MDM-3 or 6 MDM-5 mines • 2 RYu-2 Skat nuclear DB, 4 AT-1M or AT-2 or AT-2M Remarks: In Svc: Dec 72 - 1992 Service entry delayed by equipment trials. NDB type estimated. • Tu-142 [Bear F Mod 0]: 12 delivered 1968-71. Main undercarriage of 12 wheels in an unsuccessful attempt to use unprepared runway surfaces. Range reduced to 4525 nmi. • Tu-142 [Bear F Mod 1]: 5 delivered 1968-72 with standard undercarriage.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• Tu-142M [Bear F Mod 2]: 22 delivered 1974-77 with larger cockpit. • Mar 70-72: Northern Fleet regiment equipped - 76th OPLAP at Kipelovo. Replaced by Mod 3 Aug 78-Dec 80. • 1976: One Tu-142M converted to Tu-142MP with UMGT-1 and APR-2 torpedoes (see Tu-142MZ for loadouts). • 1976-78: Pacific Fleet regiment equipped - 310th OPLAP at Khorl. • 1977 on: Tu-142M upgraded to Tu-142MK standard (see separate entry). • Aug 78-Dec 80: Northern Fleet a/c transferred to Pacific. • 1980: 169th Guards formed Cam Ranh, Vietnam with 4 Tu-142 and 3 Mi-14PL. Due to short runway, fuel reduced to 70000 kg, 4700 nmi nmi range. • Early 80s: Fitted to carry air dropped MG-74 3rd Gen mobile decoys (simulates C/V/Y/D class sub), replacing torpedoes to support submarines sorties. • 1988-92: Retired.
Tu-142MK [Bear F Mod 3 & 4]
ASW Patrol
Tu-142MZ [Bear F Mod 5]
ASW Patrol
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 83 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Korshun radar, Korshun-K sonobuoy processor, MAD, 2nd Gen ES, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 225 295 -Med: 400 375 -High: 400 450 -Ceiling: 10700 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 5640 nmi Int Fuel: 86000 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9080 kg Def Guns: 2 NR-23 23mm in tail (0.5) with PRS-4 Krypton [Box Tail] GFC • 66 RGB-75, 44 RGB-15, 10 RGB-25, 15 RGB-55, 3 AT-2M or APR-1 torpedoes • 12 MDM-3 or 6 MDM-5 mines • 2 RYu-2 Skat nuclear DB, 4 AT-2M or APR-1 torpedoes Remarks: In Svc: Nov 80 25 delivered Sep 78-80 plus Tu-142M conversions. Some later to Tu-142MZ standards. Initially used Tu-142 sonobuoys until 1981, see Tu-142MZ loadouts. NDB type estimated. • Aug 78-Dec 80: Northern Fleet equipped. • 14 Mar 83: First deployment to Cuba. • Early 80s: Fitted to carry air-dropped MG-74 3rd Gen mobile decoys (simulates C/V/Y/D class sub) replacing torpedoes to support submarine sorties.
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 83 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: None Counterm: 3rd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Korshun radar, Zarechye sonobuoy processor, MAD, 3rd Gen ES, Amethyst ASW sensor, 1st Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 225 295 -Med: 400 375 -High: 400 450 -Ceiling: 10700 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 5460 nmi Int Fuel: 86000 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9080 kg Def Guns: 2 GSh-23L 23mm in tail (1.8) with PRS-4 Krypton GFC radar • 64 RGB-16, 10 RGB-26. 16 RGB-36, 3 UGMT-1M or 3 APR-2 torp • 64 RGB-16, 10 RGB-26. 16 RGB-36, 14 PLAB-250-120 or 14 KAB-250-100PL Zagon DC • 12 MDM-3 or 6 MDM-5 mines Remarks: In Svc: 1993 Pacific Fleet only. Can carry air launched MG-74 mobile decoys (simulates C/V/Y/D class sub) replacing torpedoes. 39 delivered
Russia’s Aircraft 1988-93 plus some Tu-142M upgrades. Service entry delayed by avionics issues. • Jun 09: First operational refuellings by Il-78 Midas tankers. • 2017: KAB-PL depth charge available, replacing Zagon. • 2019: Fitted with data link to Forpost UAV.
• Feb 18: First flight of Tu-160M2. Fitted with Novella 70 radar, NK32-02 engines, 7455 nmi range, new avionics and weapons - Kh555, Kh-101, Kh-102, Kh-50, Kh-MTs, Kh-BD, estimated 4th Gen J&D. Optical bombsight removed. First expected in 2021. Plans to upgrade 16 and 50 new builds at three aircraft per year from 2023.
Tu-143 Reyes
Recce Drone
Man Rtng: 0.0/0.0 Damage Value: 10 Size/Signature: Small/VSmall Bombsight: -Sensors: See Remarks Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 475 515 -Med: 475 515 -Ceiling: 5000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 160 nmi Int Fuel: 150 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1982 - 90s? Part of VR-3 Reyes reconnaissance system. Developed from Tu141. Truck-launched, recovered by parachute. Each Army has one squadron with four launchers and 12 drones. Can perform c20 sorties a day. Can be fitted with one of three nose sections - camera or TV or radiation sensor. TV and radiation sensors have LOS data link to ground station. Reduced radar signature. • Takes one hour to program flight - two course/altitude waypoints plus two altitude only waypoints. Cruises at Medium, must take photos from Low altitude. Min alt 100 m. Takes 15 minutes to ready for flight and four hours to ready for next flight. • 1973-89: 950 drones produced. Exported to Czechoslovakia (two squadrons 1984), Romania and Syria.
Tu-160 [Blackjack A]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 85 Size/Signature: Large/Medium Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 3rd Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: P Sensors: Obzor-K [Clam Pipe] radar, Sopka TF radar, 2nd Gen RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 440 495 556 Med: 440 618 820 High: 440 740 1080 VHigh: 440 740 1080 Ceiling: 15600 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 6700 nmi Int Fuel: 148000 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 30000 kg • 12 Kh-55SM [AS-15b Kent] • 6 Kh-55SM, 12 Kh-15 • 24 Kh-15 • 12 Kh-555 (2006) • 12 Kh-101 or 12 Kh-102 (2014) • 12 Kh-BD or 12 Kh-50 (Tu-160M) • 4 nuclear bombs or 22 FAB-500 or 16 FAB-1000 (never operational) Remarks: In Svc: May 1987 Reduced radar signature. Kh-15 was never integrated or carried operationally. Planned Tu-160M variant would have carried two Kh80 Meterorit-A [AS-X-19 Koala]. • Apr 87 - 91: 19 delivered to 184th Regiment based at Priluki, Ukraine. To Ukrainian control in 1992. • Delivered to Russia - 6 Feb 92-May 94, 8 ex-Ukraine 1999-00, 1 May 00, 1 July 2006, 1 April 2008. Losses Sep 03. Strength: 2 1984, 3 1985, 4 1986, 8 1987, 13 1988, 16 1989, 21 1990, 24 199192, 5 1993-94, 6 1995-1999, 7 Jan 01, 14 2012. • 1991: Requirement cut from 100 to 40 aircraft. Only 27 produced. • 2000: First day inflight refueling, night refueling in 2003. • 11 Sep 07: Tests 'father of all bombs' ATBIP. • 2009 on: Fitted with Sigma - provision for new weapons. • Dec 14 on: Tu-160M1 delivered with provision for Kh-101 and Kh102. Five fitted by Jan 2016. • 17-20 Nov 15: 16 Kh-555 and 48 Kh-101 launched at targets in Syria.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 44 Size/Signature: Large/Large Bombsight: -Counterm: 3rd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: SIGINT, COMINT, MRK-411 SLAR, EO imaging system, Fraktsiya-4 SIGINT suite, estimated 3rd Gen ES, estimated Novella 1 radar. Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 425 485 -Med: 425 485 -High: 440 485 -Ceiling: 12100 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 3670 nmi Int Fuel: 35700 kg Remarks: In Svc: May 2015 Two in service. Total six planned by 2025. Replacement for Il-20M. • Tu-214PP: Planned ECM with 3rd Gen ES and L-415 standoff jamming suite, clutter rating 18.
Tu-243 Reyes-D
Recce Drone
Man Rtng: 0.0/0.0 Damage Value: 9 Size/Signature: Small/VSmall Bombsight: -Sensors: Optical cameras, IRLS or TV Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 475 515 -Med: 475 515 -Ceiling: 5000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 175 nmi Int Fuel: e150 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1999 Part of VR-3D Reyes-D reconnaissance system. Improved Tu-143 with longer fuselage for increased fuel and range. Truck-launched, recovered by parachute. Cruises at Medium, must take photos from Low altitude. Min alt 50m. Fitted with camera and either TV or IRLS. Can data link TV and IRLS images via LOS data link to ground station. • Jul 87: Test flights commence. Production from 1994. Service entry delayed by breakup of Russia. • 2009: 24 drones operational.
Yak-14 [Mare]
Transport Glider
Yak-23 [Flora]
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.0 Damage Value: 9 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Off Tow Cruise Tow Max Tow Low: 80 75 160 Med: 80 75 160 Remarks: In Svc: 1949 - 1956 Wood and metal construction. Can carry 25 troops or 3500 kg cargo or 2 GAZ-67 jeeps or 1 ASU-57 or jeep and light gun. Towed by Il-12D, Il-12T and Il-14TD. 417 built 1949-52. Ten exported to Czechoslovakia in 1953.
Man Rtng: 2.5/1.5 Damage Value: 10 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 340 500 -Med: 340 490 -High: 340 480 -Ceiling: 12000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 390 nmi Int Fuel: 735 kg
Russia’s Aircraft
Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 195 L drop tank 160 kg 125 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 310 kg Off Guns: 2 NR-23 23mm (1.8) • 2 drop tanks or 2 FAB-50 bombs Remarks: In Svc: 1949 - 1951 Straight wing, unpressurized cockpit and non-assisted controls, no self sealing tanks. Poor engine performance at High altitude subtract 0.5 from Man Ratings. 310 produced for service in North Caucasus and Volga districts 1949-51. Passed to Bulgaria (100 in service 1950-58), Czechoslovakia (20 1949-56), Poland (90 195156) and Romania (40 1951-late 60s).
Yak-25 [Flashlight A]
Man Rtng: 2.0/2.0 Damage Value: 25 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-1D Izumrud radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 430 550 -Med: 430 590 -High: 430 515 -Ceiling: 13860 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 935 nmi Int Fuel: 2755 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 685 L Conformal Tank 555 kg 290 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: Off Guns: 2 37mm N-37L (1.3) Remarks: In Svc: 1955 - 1965 First Soviet all-weather interceptor. Designed to intercept subsonic bombers, in the northern regions of the Russia. Standard regiment is one or two squadrons Yak-25, remainder MiG-17PF. Only 74 built Sep 54 - 55. Radar problems delayed official service entry until late 1955 at Migalovo.
Yak-25M [Flashlight A]
Man Rtng: 2.0/2.0 Damage Value: 26 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-6 Sokol radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 395 610 -Med: 395 590 -High: 395 550 -Ceiling: 14100 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 760 nmi Int Fuel: 2755 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 685 L Conformal Tank 555 kg 220 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: -Off Guns: 2 37mm N-37L (1.2) • 4 RS-1U [AA-1 Alkali] - Yak-25K only Remarks: In Svc: 1955 - 1973 Improved Yak-25 interceptor, RD-9 engine. Series production of 406 aircraft 1955-57. Replaced by MiG-19P/PM. • Yak-25K: 10 aircraft with RP-1U vice RP-6 radar and 4 RS-1U AAM, with cannon removed. Used for trials only. • Yak-25MG: Some later fitted with GCI data link. • Yak-25R [Flashlight B]: Ten recon aircraft with cameras replacing radar, offensive gun one NR-23 23mm (0.9). Operated by 2rd Squadron, 47th Guards RAP Aug 57-1960. • 1956-65: Deployed to East Germany. • Apr 56-58: Flown by Navy regiments - one Baltic and 324th IAP of Northern Fleet.
Yak-25RV [Mandrake]
Man Rtng: 2.0/2.0 Damage Value: 26 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: None Sensors: Recon cameras (not search sensor)
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 350 270 -Med: 410 485 -High: 410 485 -VHigh: 400 415 -Ceiling: 19500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 1325 nmi Int Fuel: 2900 kg Remarks: In Svc: 1961 - 1976 Soviet equivalent to U-2, replaced by MiG-25R/RB. 74 RV/RV-I 1961-63 and 81 RV-II 1963-65, survivors converted to drones. Flew missions over China, India and Pakistan. Replaced by MiG-25RB. • Yak-27RR: RINT (radiation intelligence) version, used to gather radioactive atmosphere samples from 1964. Ceiling reduced to 17000 meters. • Yak-25RV-I: Cameras removed, ceiling increased to 21000 meters. Used to simulate Western high altitude spy planes for practice intercepts by Soviet interceptors. • Yak-25RV-II: Unmanned target drone version of Yak-25RV-I. Range 1445 nmi. Retired 1973. • Yak-25RRV: Small number fitted with Volna-S SIGINT pods in 1970s.
Yak-27R [Mangrove]
Yak-28B [Brewer A]
Man Rtng: 2.0/2.0 Damage Value: 28 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: Day only recon cameras (not search sensor), Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 525 600 -Med: 525 650 -High: 525 690 -VHigh: 525 600 -Ceiling: 16550 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 705/625 nmi Int Fuel: 3780 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1050 L supersonic tank 850 kg 200 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: -Off Guns: 1 NR-23 23mm (0.9) • 2 drop tanks Remarks: In Svc: Jun 59 - 1974 165 delivered 1958-62. Replaced by Yak-28R. Cannot carry drop tanks at VHigh altitudes. • Early series lacked provision for drop tanks. Has lighter wing, cruise range 705 nmi. • 1966-71: Deployed to East Germany.
Man Rtng: 2.0/2.0 Damage Value: 29 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RBP-3 radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 475 485 -Med: 475 570 -High: 475 535 645 VHigh: 475 500 665 Ceiling: 16800 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 740 nmi Int Fuel: 4380 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1050 L supersonic tank 850 kg 200 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Off Guns: 1 NR-23 23mm (0.8) • As Yak-28I Remarks: In Svc: 1961 - early 80s ‘Raschoska’ (Comb), replaced Il-28. Cannot go supersonic at Medium Altitude or below due to dynamic pressure limits. 90 minutes to rearm. 37 built in 1961. Slipper tanks can be fitted in all loadouts are rated for supersonic flight and cannot be dropped. Requires visual LOS to drop bombs due to lack of radar resolution.
Russia’s Aircraft • Yak-28: Five a/c produced without radar 1959-60. Optical bombsight only. • 9 Nov 75: Yak-28B attack Krivak I frigate, Storozhevoy during mutiny. FAB-250 and 23mm used.
Yak-28I [Brewer C]
Man Rtng: 2.0/2.0 Damage Value: 29 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Initsiativa-2 radar, Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 475 485 -Med: 475 570 -High: 475 535 645 Ceiling: 14500 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 785 nmi Int Fuel: 4595 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1050 L supersonic tank 850 kg 205 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Off Guns: 1 NR-23 23mm (0.9) • 1 RDS-4T nuclear bomb • 1 FAB-3000 or 1 FAB-1500 • 2 FAB-500 or 2 BetAB-500 or 2 RBK-500 • 4 FAB-250 or 5 OFAB-250 or 4 RBK-250 • 6 FAB-250 or 8 OFAB-100-120 Remarks: In Svc: 1963 - early 80s Cannot go supersonic at Medium Altitude or below due to dynamic pressure limits, also limits speed at Low altitude. 140 built 196366. First Soviet a/c capable of automatic blind bombing based on radar, can attack targets with nuclear bombs in all weather. Cannot bomb from Low altitudes due to bombsight restrictions. Takes 90 minutes to load bombs due to clearances between ground, bicycle undercarriage and radome. • Yak-28IM: Planned improved version with 4 uw pylons. Not proceeded with due to Su-17 and Su-24 entering service. • Yak-28BI: Single prototype with retractable Buyat [Side Kick] SLAR replacing weapons in bomb bay. • 1963: Yak-28I deployed to East Germany. • 1964: Gun to GSh-23 twin 23mm (3.6). Majority have GSh-23.
Yak-28L [Brewer B]
Man Rtng: 2.0/2.0 Damage Value: 29 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: -Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 475 485 -Med: 475 570 -High: 475 535 645 VHigh: 475 500 665 Ceiling: 16200 m Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 660 nmi Int Fuel: 4380 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1050 L supersonic tank 850 kg 180 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Off Guns: 1 NR-23 23mm (0.9) • As Yak-28I Remarks: In Svc: 1962 - 1983 Cannot go supersonic at Medium Altitude or below due to dynamic pressure limits. Fitted with DBS-2S Lotos [Shore Walk] data link replacing radar. 65 built 1962-65. Production from 1964 have GSh-23 twin 23mm (3.6) replacing NR-23 - probably last 21 fitted. • Lotos data link requires radar LOS to two mobile ground stations to operate, and allows a pre-briefed stationary target to be bombed in all weathers without visual LOS - treat as Ballistic bombsight. Estimated maximum Lotos ranges beyond frontlines are 25 nmi at VLow, 70 nmi at Low altitude, 120 nmi at Medium, 250 nmi at High, 350 nmi at VHigh.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Yak-28P [Firebar A]
Yak-28P [Firebar B]
Man Rtng: 2.5/2.0 Damage Value: 33 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Counterm: None Sensors: RP-15 Orel-D radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 610 690 Med: 460 630 670 High: 460 645 900 VHigh: 460 660 990 Ceiling: 16000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 810 nmi Int Fuel: 5320 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: -• 1 R-8MR, 1 R-8MT • 1 R-8M1R, 1 R-8M1T Remarks: In Svc: 1964 - 1988 Low/Medium altitude interceptor replaced Yak-25 series. 443 Firebar A/B produced 1962 - 67, delivered from Nov 63. Maneuver rating is -0.5/-0.5 when above 800kts due to aileron reversal. Each PVO regiment has two a/c on QRA. • Firebar A/B Regiments: 12 (1970-75), 8 (Jan 80). Retired 198388.
Man Rtng: 2.5/2.0 Damage Value: 33 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Manual Sensors: RP-15M Orel-DM radar Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 450 525 640 Med: 450 640 844 High: 450 690 995 Ceiling: 15300 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 875 nmi Int Fuel: 5320 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: -• 1 R-98R, 1 R-98T, 2 R-3S Remarks: In Svc: 1967 - 1988 Bicycle landing gear makes for poor takeoff/landing performance in wet or snowy weather. Built 1965-68, served in Arctic regiments, replacing Yak-25 series. • Later missiles upgraded to R-98MT and R-98MR.
Yak-28PP [Brewer E]
EW Jammer
Man Rtng: 2.5/2.5 Damage Value: 31 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J&D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Gen 0 RWR, 1st Gen ES Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 440 460 640 Med: 440 570 850 High: 440 530 930 VHigh: 440 530 930 Ceiling: 14200 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 565 nmi Int Fuel: 4550 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1050 L supersonic tank 850 kg 150 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg • 2 slipper tanks, 2 UB-16-57 rocket pods with S-5P chaff rockets Remarks: In Svc: 1970 - 1993 SPS-5 Fasol escort and SPS-22/33/44/55 Buket standoff radar jammers, clutter rating 13. 84 a/c built between 1967 and 1971. Cannot use ES at same time as providing standoff jamming. Standard tactic is three minutes of jamming followed by use of ES for three minutes. • 1960s -70s: Usually operates in mixed regiments with two squadrons Yak-27R or Yak-28R, one squadron Yak-28PP. • 1972: Deployed to Hungary • Late 70s: Operate as separate squadrons.
B-55 Yak-28R [Brewer D]
Russia’s Aircraft
Man Rtng: 2.5/2.5 Damage Value: 29 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Initsiativa-2 radar, Gen 0 RWR, cameras or ELINT Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 440 460 485 Med: 440 570 620 High: 440 530 970 VHigh: 440 530 975 Ceiling: 15600 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 755 nmi Int Fuel: 4960 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 1050 L supersonic tank 850 kg 185 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg • 2 drop tanks Remarks: In Svc: 1966 - late 80s Replaced Il-28R and Yak-27R and replaced in turn by Su-24MR. 184 built 1965-70. Can carry either Low or Medium/High altitude day cameras or night cameras with flash unit or SRS-4A Romb-4A ELINT - covers 40°-140° and 220°-320°. • Yak-28RL: Some fitted with TV camera and data link vice radar from 1967. • Yak-28RR: Fitted with air sample pods from late 1960s. • Yak-28SR: Some fitted with SPS-141 or SPS-143 ECM from early 1970s. • 1967-85: Served in Hungary and Poland. • 1979 - 87: Combat sorties over Afghanistan.
Yak-38/38M [Forger A]
Man Rtng: 3.0/1.5 Damage Value: 20 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Counterm: 1st Gen J Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: Gen 0 RWR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 520 560 -Med: 520 555 -High: 520 545 -Ceiling: 11000 meters Engine Type: TJ Cruise Range: 200/325 nmi Int Fuel: 2750 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 500 L drop tank 405 kg 80 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 700/1700 kg • Vertical Take Off (VTO), either: • 2 R-60 or 2 UPK-23-250 gun pods • 2 Kh-23, Delta pod • 1 RN-28 or RN-40 or RN-41 nuke bomb, 1 FAB-250, 1 FAB100 • 6 FAB-100 or 2 FAB-250 bombs • 2 UB-16-57, 2 UB-32-57 rocket pods • 2 B-8M1 rocket pods or 2 S-24 rockets • Short Take Off (STO), either: • 2 UPK-23-250 gun pods, 2 R-60 or 2 R-60M • 4 S-24 rockets or 10 OFAB-100 or 4 FAB-250 • 2 Kh-25MR, Delta pod (Yak-38M) • 2 drop tanks, 2 R-60M or 2 UPK-23-250 (Yak-38M) • 2 drop tanks, 2 UB-16-57 or 2 S-24 or 2 FAB-250 (Yak-38M) Remarks: In Svc: 1976/85 - 1992 V/STOL. Originally operated in vertical takeoff (VTO), use first range. Poor serviceability, treat as Third World. Regiments - 279th OKShAP Severomorsk-3, Northern Mar 77-89; 311th OKShAP Pristan, Pacific Oct 76-92. 142 Yak-38 delivered 1974-83, 50 Yak-38M delivered 1984-88. • Strength: 5 (Jul 76), 45 (May 78), 68 (Oct 81), 106 (1983), 83 (Nov 89) • Mar 78: Night training commences. Never cleared for all weather operations.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
• 23 Apr - 29 May 80: Four Yak-38 deployed to Shindad, Afghanistan for combat trials. Due to hot and high conditions had to use conventional takeoff with payload limited to 500 kg. • Aug 82: Rolling short takeoff (STO) increases payload to 1700 kg, use second range. Can use all STO loadouts. • 1985: Yak-38M [Forger B] adds drop tank capability on inner wing HP. Can carry RBK-250/500 vice FAB-250/500, Kh-25MR [AS-10 Karen] vice Kh-23. VTO/STO - payload 500/2000 kg, range 205/320 nmi. • Aug 89: VSPU-36 gun pod approved for service - can carry in any loadout. • Jul 91: Last sea sortie.
Yak-41M [Freestyle]
Man Rtng: 4.0/3.0 Damage Value: 23 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Counterm: 2nd Gen D Inflight Refuel: N Sensors: N-002 Zhuk radar, 2nd Gen RWR, EO (2nd gen IRST, laser rf.) linked to HMS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 460 590 675 Med: 460 550 820 High: 460 520 970 Ceiling: 15000 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 490 nmi Int Fuel: 4400 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 2000 L Conformal tank 1620 kg 260 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1000/2600 kg Off Guns: GSh-30-1 30mm (2.5) • 2 R-27R or 2 R-77, 2 R-73 • 4 R-77 • 6 FAB-250 or 4 FAB-500 • 4 B-8M1 rocket pods or 4 S-24 rockets • 2 Kh-25MP or Kh-31A/P or Kh-35, 2 R-77 Remarks: In Svc: 1995 V/STOL. Payload is for VTO/STO. Triplex FBW control system, digital engine controls. Can carry conformal tank in any STO mission profile. Can engage 2 targets at once with R-77. Known as Yak-141 during record attempts and by Yakovlev as Yak-41M designation originally classified. • Sep 91: Canceled with trials 85% complete. Radar and weapons never tested.
Yak-44 AEW
Man Rtng: 0.5/0.5 Damage Value: 39 Size/Signature: Med/Med Bombsight: None Sensors: Kvant-M radar, 3rd Gen ES, Gen 4 Semi-Automatic combat system Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 350 400 -Med: 350 400 -High: 350 400 -Ceiling: 13000 meters Engine Type: TP Cruise Range: 1835 nmi Int Fuel: 10500 kg Remarks: In Svc: -AEW and airborne command post. Canceled 1992. Export version would have been Yak-44E. Could operate from catapults or 195m position off ski jump.
Russia’s Aircraft
Yak-130 [Mitten]
Combat Trainer
Man Rtng: 4.0/3.0 Damage Value: 17 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Computing Sensors: HMS Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 410 570 -Med: 410 560 -High: 410 535 -Ceiling: 12500 meters Engine Type: TF Cruise Range: 605 nmi Int Fuel: 1700 kg Additional Fuel Fuel Wt. Range Add. 560 L drop tank 455 kg 215 nmi Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg Off Guns: 30mm GSh-301 (3.5) • 2 drop tanks (Russia) • 2 drop tanks, NSPU-130 gun pod, 4 R-73 and either: • 2 S-25 rockets or 2 B-8 or 2 B-13 rocket pods or 2 FAB-500 bombs • 2 FAB-500 bombs or 2 KAB-500Kr • NSPU-130 gun pod, 4 S-25 or 4 B-8 or 4 B-13, 4 R-73 • NSPU-130 gun pod, 4 FAB-500 bombs or 4 KAB-500Kr, 4 R-73 Remarks: In Svc: Apr 2011 Can serve as Reprogrammable FBW controls - can be set to basic trainer or ‘Su-27/MiG-29’ agile modes (high AOA) or heavy aircraft. Russia will use as unarmed trainer, all export customers use weapons in secondary light attack role. • Mid-2012: Cleared for rockets, bombs, gun pod, KAB-500Kr and R-73. • 2015: Shown with nose-mounted laser rf., also used for terrainavoidance. Requested by foreign customer. Will be fitted with Talisman 3rd Gen ECM suite. • 2019: Bars-130 phased array radar offered. • Exports: 16 to Algeria, 12 to Belarus, 16 to Bangladesh, 4 Laos, 12 Myanmar. Export have option to replace two R-73 with 3rd Gen D, confirmed on all except Laos. • Yak-130M proposal with inflight refueling probe, laser rf., 4 drop tanks, Talisman-NT ECM pods under wingtip decoys.
Primary Trainer
Man Rtng: 3.5/1.5 Damage Value: 11 Size/Signature: Small/Small Bombsight: Ballistic Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: e200 270 -Med: e200 270 -Ceiling: 4000 meters Engine Type: IP Cruise Range: 530 nmi Int Fuel: 200 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 550 kg Remarks: In Svc: ? Two-seat prop. 150 unarmed on order but delayed by requirement to replace Western engine. Provision for 4 hp - inners with rocket pods or R-73 [AA-11 Archer], outers with 50-100 kg bombs.
Recon UAV
Man Rtng: 0.0 Damage Value: 2 Size/Signature: VSmall/VSmall Bombsight: -Sensors: 2nd Gen EO/FLIR Throttle Setting/Speed in knots Altitude Cruise Full Mil Reheat Low: 32 45 -Ceiling: 305 meters Engine Type: Electric Cruise Range: 36 nmi Int Fuel: -Remarks: In Svc: 2011? UAV. License production of Israeli Bird Eye 400. Controlled by 8.1 nmi LOS data link. Deployed by two personnel. Launched by hand, recovered by parachute. • Apr 09: Two systems ordered - 10 UAV. Delivered Sep 2010.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Abbreviations and Terms In addition to abbreviations for guidance types and other terms defined in the rules, the following abbreviations are also used: AAM Air-to-Air Missile B/N Bombing/Navigation radar C/L Centerline CBU Cluster Bomb Unit COMINT Communications Intelligence DT drop tank FAB- HE bomb series GMTI Ground Moving Target Indicator (radar) hp Hardpoint ICAP Improved Capability IOC Initial Operational Capability IP Inline Piston, (S) added for superchager IR Infra-Red KAB- Precision-guided bomb series kg kilogram kts knots LRMTS Laser Rangefinder and Marked Target Seeker LST laser spot tracker LWS laser warning system m meter MER Multiple Ejector Rack (6 bombs) mm millimeter NDB Nuclear Depth Bomb NVG Night Vision Goggles nmi nautical miles RP Radial Piston, (S) added for superchager RPK- Cluster bomb series SAR Search and Rescue SIGINT Signals Intelligence TER Triple Ejector Rack (3 bombs) TF Terrain-Following (radar) or Turbofan engine TJ Turbojet Engine TP Turboprop engine u/w Underwing
Organizational Abbreviations
AA - Armeyskaya Aviahtsia or Army Aviation ASV - Aviahtsia Sookhoputnykh Voyk or Ground Forces Aviation AVMF - Aviatsiya Voenno Morskogo Flota or Soviet Naval Aviation. Sometimes rendered as AV-MF. DA - Dalnaya Aviatsiya or Long Range Aviation with bombers FA - Frontovaya Aviatsiya or Frontal Aviation with fighters and attack aircraft. VVKO - Voyska Vozdushno-Kosmicheskoy Oborony or Russian Aerospace Defence Forces VKS - Vozdushno-Kosmicheskiye Sily or Russian Aerospace Forces. Name from 1st August 2015. VTA - VoenneoTransportnaya Aviatsiya or Military Transport Aviation VVS - Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily or Russian Air Force
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Su-33 Flanker D
Tu-142MZ Bear F Mod 4
Su-30SM, Su-30MKI Flanker H Tu-142MR Bear J
Su-30MKK, Su-30MK2 Flanker G Tu-142MK Bear F Mod 3
Su-27PU/Su-30 Flanker F Tu-142MK Bear F Mod 1, Mod 2
Su-27M Tu-142 Bear F Mod 0
Su-27KUB (Su-33UB) Flanker
Tu-126 Moss
Su-24M/MR/MP Fencer D/E/F
Tu-95RT Bear D
Su-24DP Fencer G
Tu-95MSM Bear
MiG-35S, -35UB Fulcrum
Tu-95MS Bear H
MiG-31M/BM Foxhound
Tu-95K-22 Bear G
MiG-29SMT Fulcrum F (9.19)
Tu-22M-3 Backfire
MiG-29SM Fulcrum C
Tu-22M-2 Backfire
MiG-29M Fulcrum E
Tu-22KD Blinder B (VD-7)
Tu-22KD Blinder B (RD-7M2)
MiG-29K/KR Fulcrum D
Tu-22DP Freefire
Il-80 Maxdome
Tu-22AB Blinder
A-100 Premier
Su-57 Felon
A-50U Mainstay
Su-47 Berkut [Firkin]
A-40 Mermaid
Su-35S Flanker E
Receiving Aircraft Consumption rate 5.9 4.1 5.4 13.6 14.2 14.2 15.1 16.0 14.2 12.6 10.7 9.8 7.5 19.3 15.8 12.0 12.6 12.6 13.4 18.8 Tanker Il-78/78M Midas 18.9 3.2 4.6 3.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.9 2.5 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.0 Il-88M-90A Midas 16.9 2.9 4.1 3.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.6 1.7 2.3 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.9 Il-96-400TZ 19.1 3.2 4.7 3.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.9 2.5 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.0 Su-24 Fencer (UPAZ Pod) 9.3 1.6 2.3 1.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.2 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 Su-27 Flanker (UPAZ Pod) 5.9 1.0 1.4 1.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 Tu-16 Badger A 9.5 1.6 2.3 1.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.3 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.5
Receiving Aircraft Consumption rate 9.5 15.9 16.5 23.4 4.5 4.5 4.2 4.2 4.1 10.9 4.3 7.7 9.3 5.1 5.7 5.9 6.0 5.5 5.9 5.8 Tanker Il-78/78M Midas 18.9 2.0 1.2 1.1 0.8 4.2 4.2 4.5 4.5 4.6 1.7 4.4 2.5 2.0 3.7 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.3 Il-88M-90A Midas 16.9 1.8 1.1 1.0 0.7 3.8 3.8 4.0 4.0 4.1 1.6 3.9 2.2 1.8 3.3 3.0 2.9 2.8 3.1 2.9 2.9 Il-96-400TZ 19.1 2.0 1.2 1.2 0.8 4.2 4.2 4.5 4.5 4.7 1.8 4.4 2.5 2.1 3.7 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.5 3.2 3.3 Su-24 Fencer (UPAZ Pod) 9.3 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.4 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 0.9 2.2 1.2 1.0 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.6 Su-27 Flanker (UPAZ Pod) 5.9 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 0.5 1.4 0.8 0.6 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 Tu-16 Badger A 9.5 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.4 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.3 0.9 2.2 1.2 1.0 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.6
Su-34 Fullback Tu-160 Blackjack
Annex Ba - Russian Fuel Offload Factors
B-57 Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
120 490 94 120 100 10 66 100 123 7.5 125 250 1600 700
Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia
III -- I II II I I II II II -- -- -- --
11 -- 5 7 9 3 6 9 9 1 -- -- -- --
6 -- 2 3 5 -- 3 5 4 -- -- -- -- --
DC DC dispenser Guided DC Guided DC ASW Bomb ASW Bomb ASW Bomb ASW Bomb DC ASW Bomb DC dispenser Nuclear DB Nuclear DB Nuclear DB
Class Damage Points Grouping Major Minor Type
Notes: 1) PLAB is Protivolodochaya Aviabomba or “anti-submarine bomb.” 2) GB-100 can be carried replacing PLAB-250-120. 3) DC with acoustic or magnetic influence proximity fuzing do not have to select DC depth band.
GB-100 1970 K-PLAB-NK 1954 KAB-250-100PL Zagon 1995 KAB-PL 2017? MPLAB-100 1940 PLAB-10K PLAB-50 1964 PLAB-100 1941-64 PLAB-250-120 Lastochka 1966 PLAB-MK 1954 RBK-100 PLAB-10K mid-90s RN-35 1985 RYu-1 Scalp (8F48) 1964 RYu-2 Skat (8F59) 1970
Weight (Kg)
Country Name IOC
Annex E - Depth Charges
Int I -- Int IV Int IV Shallow Int III Int I Shallow Int I Int III -- Deep Deep Deep
Max Depth Band Replacement for MPLAB-100 Carries 57 PLAB-MK 1st Gen acoustic homing 2nd Gen acoustic homing Round nose DE warhead Proximity fuzing Flat nose Proximity fuzing Requires direct hit Carries 6 PLAB-10K 200 kt, Il-38, Tu-142 200 kT, Be-12SK, Mi-14PL 20 kT
Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
2.2 40 450 C 73/-- 1939 -- -- 935 Steam C 2.15 36 450 C 73/-- 1954 -- -- 950 Steam K 2.15 36 450 C 73/-- 1956 -- -- 950 Steam J 0.45 50 350 C --/57 1969-97 Int IV N 670 Rocket A 0.8 62 350 C --/58 1976 Deep I N 575 Rocket A 1 62 350 C --/58 1984 Deep I Y 575 Rocket A 1.1 65 350 C --/57 1991 Deep III Y 525 Rocket B 1.25 100 350 C --/57 2019 Deep III Y 475 Rocket B 2.7 27 450 C --/54 1963 Int II N 580 Electric 2.7 27 450 C --/54 1966 Int II N 560 Electric 1.9 40 533 C --/61 1964 Int IV N 849 Electric 3.85 25 1.9 40 533 C --/62 1972 Int IV N 849 Electric 3.85 25 1.9 40 533 C --/62 1972 Int IV N 849 Electric 3.85 25 1.9 40 533 C --/62 1977 Int IV N 849 Electric 3.85 25 4.25 45 324 C --/48 1983 Int V N 250 Thermal 4.25 45 324 C --/49 1992 Int V Y 250 Thermal 2.7 65 450 C 82/-- 1953/58-83 P/S 627 Rocket E 4.3 41 400 I --/50 1981 Int V N 710 Electric 4.3 41 400 I --/52 1991 Int V Y 720 Electric 2.7 28 450 C --/54 1967 Int II N 540 Electric G 3 50
Remarks Key: A: Unpowered search. Rocket motor starts after target detected. B: Unpowered search. Rocket motor drives pumpjet. C: Launch altitude 30 - 3000 m, max speed 175 kts. E: Antiship weapon from Il-28. Range is for airborne travel. Last .3 nmi is in the water at 40 kts. Minimum drop height medium altitude. G: AT-1 with wire guidance. Also called T-67 Strizh. Limited service, 73 made. Helo launch and guidance from hover only. 2.7 nmi wire. J: Low altitude launch only, max launch speed 325 knots. K: Launch altitudes Low, Medium or High altitudes.
Russia 45-36AV-A Gyro/1 Russia 45-54VT Gyro/2 Russia 45-56NT Gyro/2 Russia APR-1 Kondor Act/Pass /1 Russia APR-2 Yastreb Act/Pass /2 Russia APR-2M Yastreb-M Act/Pass /3 Russia APR-3 Orel Act/Pass /3 Russia APR-3M Orel-M Act/Pass /4 Russia AT-1 Act/Pass /1 Russia AT-1M/1MV Act/Pass /1 Russia AT-2 Act/Pass /1 Russia AT-2M Act/Pass /1 Russia AT-2U Act/Pass /1 Russia AT-2UM Act/Pass /1 Russia MPT-1 Kolbri Act/Passive/2 Russia MPT-1M Kolibri Act/Passive/3 Russia RAT-52/52M Gyro/1 Russia UMGT-1/AT-3 Orlan Act/Pass /2 Russia UMGT-1M/AT-3M Act/Pass /3 Russia VTT-1 Strizh Wire-G/1
Shallow Guidance Range Speed Diam Damage vs. Max Water Weight Country Name /Gen (nmi) (kts) (mm) Fuzing Ship/Sub IOC Depth Capable? kg
Annex F - Torpedoes
F-1 Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Laying Platform IOC
A: Replaces FAB-500 one for one.
Remarks Key:
CMD: Command
C: Contact
Fuzing Type Abbreviatons:
S: Seismic B: Replaces FAB-1500 one for one.
M: Magnetic
A: Acoustic
P: Pressure
EP: Electric Potential
Russia AGDM-2M Lira 2 Moored C 250 P/S 925 250 83 -- -- -- -- Air 1956 B Russia AGDM-2M Lira 2 Moored A 250 P/S 985 250 -- 137 82 41 21 Air 1956 B Russia AMAG 1 1 Moored C 100 P/S 1034 260 77 -- -- -- -- Air 1939 B Russia AMD-1-500 1 Bottom M 30 Shallow 500 300 -- 132 79 39 20 Surf, Air 1942 A Russia AMD-1-1000 1 Bottom M 30 Shallow 1000 700 -- 201 121 60 30 Surf, Air 1942 B Russia AMD-2-500 2 Bottom M, A 50 Shallow 500 300 -- 132 79 39 20 Surf, Sub, Air 1945 A Russia AMD-2-1000 2 Bottom M, A 50 Shallow 1000 700 -- 201 121 60 30 Surf, Sub, Air 1945 B Russia ADM-2M 2 Bottom M, A 50 Shallow 500 300 -- 132 79 39 20 Air, Surf 1955 A Russia AMD-4-500M 2 Bottom M, P 200 Int II 500 300 -- 150 90 45 23 Air, Surf 1951 A Russia AMD-4-1000 2 Bottom M, P 200 Int II 1000 700 -- 229 138 69 34 Air, Surf 1951 B Russia APM 1 Drifting C N/A P/S e1000 260 77 -- -- -- -- Air 1955 B Russia APDMB-1 2 Bottom M? 20 Shallow 239 119 -- 93 56 28 18 Air ? A, FAB-250M54 kit Russia APDMB-2 2 Bottom M? 20 Shallow 477 238 -- 131 79 39 20 Air ? A, FAB-500M54 kit Russia IGDM-500 2 Bottom M, P 35 Shallow e500 200 - 123 74 37 18 Air 1958 A Russia IGDM-1000 2 Bottom M, P 35 Shallow 1150 620 -- 216 129 65 32 Air, Surf 1954 Russia MAV-1 1 Moored C 260 Shallow 840 230 74 -- -- -- -- Air ? B Russia MDM-2 2 Bottom P, A, M 125 Int I 1370 975 -- 148 89 44 22 Air, Surf ? B Russia MDM-3 3 Bottom P, A, M 50 Shallow 525 378 -- 148 89 44 22 Air, Surf ? A Russia MDM-4 3 Bottom P, A, M 250 Int III 1370 1100 -- 252 151 76 38 Air, Surf ? B Russia MDM-5 3 Bottom P, A, M 300 Int III 1500 1350 -- 279 168 84 42 Air, Surf ? B Russia MTPK-1 2 PWH A 400 Int IV e1350 MPT-1 torp -- -- -- -- -- Surf, Sub, Air 1983 B Russia MTPK-2 3 PWH A 400 Int IV e1350 MPT-1M torp -- -- -- -- -- Surf, Sub, Air 1992 B, estimated stats Russia PDM-4 - Bottom M 10 Surf Zone 7 2.7 - 12 7 4 2 Air 1978? B, dispenser Russia PMR-2 2 PWH A 400 Int IV 1850 APR-1 torp -- -- -- -- -- Air 1975 B Russia PMT-1 (ATM) 2 PWH A 600 Deep I 1350 SET-40U torp -- -- -- -- -- Surf, Sub, Air 1972 B Russia RM-1 1 Rising A 300 Int III 900 200 -- 107 64 32 16 Air 1960 B Russia RMK-1 3 Rising A 1000 Int IV 1850 350 -- 142 85 43 21 Surf, Sub, Air 1983 B, rocket powered Russia RVM [Cluster Bay] 2 Rising A 750 Int III e1850 226 -- 114 69 34 17 Surf, Sub, Air 1969 B Russia Serpei 1 Bottom M, A or P 50 Shallow 1300 750 -- 208 125 62 31 Air 1957 B Russia UDM 2 Bottom M 125 Int I 1320 645 -- 193 116 58 29 Surf, Air 1961 B Russia UDM-2 3 Bottom M, P 300 Int III 1500 800 -- 215 129 64 32 Surf, Air 1979 B Russia UDM-500 /UDM-3 2 Bottom M e300 Int III 575 e300 -- 132 79 39 20 Surf, Air 1964 A Russia UGM 2 Moored A 1500 Shallow ? 300 132 79 39 20 Surf, Sub, Air 1960 B Russia UGDM 2 Bottom M, P e50 Shallow 1150 620 -- 189 114 57 28 Air 1954 B Russia UGDM-500 2 Bottom M, P e50 Shallow 525 200 -- 107 64 32 16 Air 1958 A Russia UKSM 2 Moored C 500 Int II ? 150 -- 93 56 28 14 Surf, Sub, Air 1960 B Russia UVM [Cluster Gulf] 2 Rising A 2000 Deep I? ? 226 -- 114 69 34 17 Surf, Sub, Air B
Max Max War- Full Anchor Case Weight head Contact Infl Influence Damage Country Name Gen Type Fuzing Depth (m) Depth (kg) (kg) Damage Dmg Severe Major Minor
Annex G - Mines
Russia’s Aircraft
Ord Warhead Hang Dam Glide B Pen Level B Pen Country Name Type Type Wt (kg) Pts Low/Med Low/Med/High IOC Remarks Russia B-8M1 rocket pod R.Pod -- 400 -- -- -- 1973 20 S-8 80mm rockets, fixed-wing Russia B-8V20 rocket pod R.Pod -- 342 -- -- -- 1984 20 S-8 80mm rockets, helicopter S-8, S-8A, S-8M Rocket HE -- 13 2/2 --/--/-- 1973 S-8B, S-8BM Rocket AP -- 11 5/5 --/--/-- 1974 S-8D, S-8DM Rocket FAE -- Airb 0/0 --/--/-- 1974 Inflicts one airburst crit hit S-8DF Rocket FAE -- Airb 0/0 --/--/-- ? Inflicts one airburst crit hit S-8KO, S-8KOM Rocket HEAT -- 9 40/40 --/--/-- 1974 S-8P Rocket Chaff -- -- -- -- 1977 Medium-sized chaff cloud Russia B-13L rocket Pod R. Pod -- 510 -- -- -- 1983 5 S-13 122mm rockets, fixed-wing Russia B-13L1 rocket Pod R. Pod -- 510 -- -- -- 1983 5 S-13 122mm rockets, helicopter S-13B Rocket SAP -- 23 6/7 --/--/-- 1983 S-13D Rocket Therm -- 26 7/8 --/--/-- 1995 S-13OF Rocket HE -- 13 66 --/--/-- 1986 S-13T Rocket HEAT -- 22 61/61 --/--/-- 1984 Russia BetAB-250 Bomb SAP 210 32 5/6 4/8/8 Anti-runway Russia BetAB-500, 500Sh Bomb SAP 430 36 6/6 4/9/9 Anti-runway Russia BetAB-500ShP Bomb SAP 380 40 -/- 4/8/8 Low altitude only, rocket assist Russia BRAB-500 Bomb AP 531 39 5/6 4/9/11 Concrete piercing bomb Russia BRAB-1000 Bomb AP 1012 45 7/8 5/12/15 Concrete piercing bomb Russia BRAB-6000 Bomb AP 6000 85 8/10 6/14/18 Estimated stats Russia FAB-50M (Averaged) Bomb GP 45 16 1/1 -/-/- Russia FAB-100M44 Bomb GP 114 27 2/2 2/2/2 1943 Russia FAB-250M54 Bomb GP 239 39 3/3 3/3/3 1954 Low Drag, retarded from early 70s Russia FAB-250M62 Bomb GP 220 37 3/3 3/3/3 1962 Low Drag, retarded from early 70s Russia FAB-500M54 Bomb GP 477 49 3/3 3/3/3 1954 Low Drag/Retarded from early 70s Russia FAB-500M62 Bomb GP 499 47 4/4 4/4/4 1962 Low Drag/Retarded from early 70s Russia FAB-500ShL Bomb GP 515 47 4/4 3/4/4 1986 Retarded. Can be set to airburst Russia FAB-500T Bomb GP 477 46 3/3 3/3/3 1970? Heat resistant, can be lofted by MiG-25RB at 1350 knots at VHigh, range 21.6 nmi @ 990 knots Russia FAB-500TS, TSM Bomb AP 509 40 4/5 3/6/6 ?, 1978 Russia FAB-750 Bomb GP 750 54 5/5 4/5/5 Russia FAB-1000M44 Bomb GP 1010 57 6/6 5/6/6 1943 Russia FAB-1500-2600TS Bomb GP 2587 86 9/9 8/9/9 Russia FAB-1500M54 Bomb GP 1393 63 6/6 5/6/6 1954 Russia FAB-1500Sh Bomb GP 1517 71 5/5 5/5/5 Retarded Russia FAB-1500T Bomb GP 1519 71 6/6 5/6/6 Russia FAB-3000M54 Bomb GP 3067 80 6/6 5/6/6 1954 Russia FAB-5000M54 Bomb GP 5252 96 -/- 6/6/6 1954 Russia FAB-9000M54 Bomb GP 9412 122 -/- 8/9/9 1954
Annex H1 - Unguided Air Ordnance
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Ord Type
Warhead Hang Type Wt (kg)
Dam Pts
Glide B Pen Level B Pen Low/Med Low/Med/High IOC Remarks
Russia KMGU, KMGU-2 Cl Bomb Frag 540 Cl. Bomb 0/0 0/0/0 1990 Airburst damage Russia ODAB-500PM Bomb FAE 520 D6/2 0/0 0/0/0 Retarded, low altitude drop only Russia ODAB-500PMV Bomb FAE 525 D6/2 0/0 0/0/0 Retarded, helicopter version Russia OFAB-100-120, OFAB-120 Bomb Frag 125 27 0/0 0/0/0 Retarded option Russia OFAB-100-125TU Bomb Frag 125 D6/3 0/0 0/0/0 Airburst damage Russia OFAB-250 Bomb Frag 268 35 0/0 0/0/0 Retarded option Russia OFAB-500 Bomb Frag 540 43 0/0 0/0/0 Russia OFAB-500ShL Bomb Frag 550 D6/2 0/0 0/0/0 Retarded, airburst Russia OFAB-500U (airburst) Bomb Frag 515 D6/2 0/0 0/0/0 1990s Russia OFAB-500U (impact) Bomb Frag 515 50 4/5 3/6/6 1990s Russia RBK-250 Cl. Bomb Frag 275 Cl. Bomb -/- -/-/- early 70s Airburst damage Russia RBK-500 Cl. Bomb Frag 504 Cl. Bomb -/- --/--/-- early 70s Airburst damage Russia RBK-500Sh Cl. Bomb Frag 390 Cl. Bomb -/- --/--/-- late 80s Retarded option, Airburst damage Russia S-2 (TRS-82) 82mm Rocket HE 5 6 1/1 --/--/-- 1950 Replaced RS-82 Russia S-3 (TRS-132) 132mm Rocket HE 25 12 2/2 --/--/-- 1950 Replaced RS-132 Russia S-3 rocket rack -- -- 165 1960 - 77 7 S-3K 160mm rockets Russia S-3 160mm rocket Rocket HEAT 23 14 38/38 --/--/-Russia S-21M (HE) 212mm Rocket HE 118 27 4/4 --/--/-- 1953 - 70s Russia S-21M (HEAT) 212mm Rocket HEAT 118 29 106/106 --/--/-- 1953 - 70s Russia S-24B 240mm Rocket HE 232 32 6/6 --/--/-- 1961 Russia S-24N 240mm Rocket Frag 232 D6/2 -/- --/--/-- 1964 Airburst damage Russia S-24BNK 240mm Rocket HEAT 232 30 120/120 --/--/-- 1960 Russia S-25-OF 250mm Rocket HE 410 45 5/5 --/--/-- 1975 Russia S-25-O 250mm Rocket Frag 370 D6/2 0/0 --/--/-- 1975 Aurburst Damage Russia S-25-OFM 250mm Rocket SAP 370 44 6/7 --/--/-- 1980s Basis for S-25L laser-guided rocket Russia RO-57-8, ORO-57K rocket pod R. Pod -- 64 -- -- -- 1955 8 S-5 57mm rockets Russia UB-8-57 rocket pod R. Pod -- 55 -- -- -- 1960s 8 S-5 57mm rockets Russia UB-16-57 rocket pod R. Pod -- 138 -- -- -- 1960 16 S-5 57mm rockets Russia UB-32-57 rocket pod R. Pod -- 264 -- -- -- 1960 32 S-5 57mm rockets S-5, S-5M Rocket HE -- 7 2/2 --/--/-- 1955 S-5K Rocket HEAT -- 7 29/29 --/--/- S-5P Rocket Chaff -- -- -- --/--/-- Small or Medium chaff cloud Notes: • A "-" in the armor penetration column means that the bomb can not be used in that mode. • See Annex H5 for chaff cloud sizes. For example, a Small Yak-28PP fire two UB-16-57 rocket pods with S-5P chaff rockets. In the detection phase there are three Small targets, rolling a D6 the aircraft is engaged only on a 5 or 6. The chaff is engaged on 1-4.
Country Name
Annex H1 - Unguided Air Ordnance (continued)
Russia’s Aircraft
Hang Armor Guidance Range Speed Flight Wt Pen Country Name /Gen (nmi) (kts) Path (kg) Damage (cm) Signature Russia 9M14M [AT-3b Sagger] Cmd/1 0.3 - 1.6 224 Direct 11 5 53 VSmall Russia 9M17M Skorpion-M [AT-2 Swatter B] Cmd/1 0.3 - 1.9 290 Direct 31.5 8 59 VSmall Russia 9M17P Skorpion-P [AT-2 Swatter C] Cmd/2 0.2 - 2.2 290 Direct 31.5 8 59 VSmall Russia 9M114 Kokon [AT-6 Spiral] Cmd/2 0.2 - 2.7 670 Direct 46.5 8 55 VSmall Russia 9M114F Kokon Cmd/2 0.2 - 2.7 670 Direct 46.5 14+D6/3 0 VSmall Russia 9M120 Ataka-V [AT-9 Spiral 2] Cmd/2 0.2 - 3.1 670 Direct 50 9 55 VSmall Russia 9M120F Ataka-V Cmd/2 0.2 - 3.1 670 Direct 50 13+D6/3 0 VSmall Russia 9M120F-1 Ataka-V Cmd/2 0.2 - 3.1 670 Direct 50 12+D6/3 1 VSmall Russia 9M120-1 Ataka-1 Laser Beam-R/3 0.5 - 3.2 670 Direct 50 9 55 VSmall Russia 9M120-1F Ataka-1 Laser Beam-R/3 0.5 - 3.2 670 Direct 50 12+D6/3 1 VSmall Russia 9M123M Khrizantema-VM Laser Beam-R/3 0.3 - 5.4 780 Direct 54 9 30 VSmall Russia 9M127 Vikhr-1 [AT-16 Scallion] Laser Beam-R/3 0.2 - 4.3/5.4 1187 Direct 60 10+D6/3 26 VSmall Russia 9M127 Vikhr-1 [AT-16 Scallion] Laser Beam-R/3 0.2 - 4.3/5.4 1187 Direct 60 17+D6/3 0 VSmall Russia 9M220O Ataka-V [AT-9 Spiral 2] Cmd/2 0.2 - 3.1 670 Direct 50 13+D6/3 1 VSmall Russia ATBIP I&Sat/1 2 - 6 528 Glide 7100 150 0 Small Russia Grom-E1 I&Sat/3 5.4 - 64.8 583 Cruise 594 45+D6 9 VSmall Russia Grom-E2 (HE) I&Sat/3 5.4 - 27 528 Glide 598 51 9 VSmall Russia Grom-E2 (Thermobaric) I&Sat/3 5.4 - 27 528 Glide 488 62 0 VSmall Russia K-10S [AS-2 Kipper] Cmd/TARH/1 30 - 118.8 688 High Cr. 4500 63+D6 52 Small Russia K-10SB [AS-2 Kipper] Inertial/M1 30 - 189 688 High Cr. 4400 500 kT -- Small Russia K-10SD [AS-2 Kipper] Cmd/TARH/1 30 - 175.5 688 High Cr. 4500 63+D6 45 Small Russia K-10SDV [AS-2 Kipper] Cmd/TARH/1 30 - 175.5 688 High Cr. 4500 63+D6 45 Small Russia K-10SN [AS-2 Kipper] Cmd/TARH/1 30 - 59.4 688 High Cr. 4500 63+D6 45 Small Russia K-10SNB [AS-2 Kipper] Cmd/TARH/1 30 - 59.4 688 High Cr. 4500 500 kT -- Small Russia K-10SND [AS-2 Kipper] Cmd/TARH/1 30 - e88 688 Low Cr. 1530 63+D6 45 Small Russia K-10SP [AS-2 Kipper] Inertial/M1 30 - 175 688 High Cr. 4500 ECM -- Small Russia KAB-250LG SALH/3 0.6 - 8 528 Glide 256 36 4 VSmall Russia KAB-250S I/Sat/2 1.6 - 7.2 528 Glide 256 36 4 VSmall Russia KAB-500Kr EO(D)/1 1.6 - 4.9 528 Glide 520 41 9 VSmall Russia KAB-500Kr-OD EO(D)/2 1.6 - 4.9 528 Glide 370 55 0 VSmall Russia KAB-500L-F SALH/2 1.6 - 4.9 528 Glide 560 50 10 VSmall Russia KAB-500L-K SALH/2 1.6 - 4.9 528 Glide 525 Cluster 2 VSmall Russia KAB-500LG-F SALH/3 0.6 - 8 528 Glide 572 41 0 VSmall Russia KAB-500LG-K SALH/3 0.6 - 8 528 Glide 572 Cluster 2 VSmall Russia KAB-500LG-OD SALH/3 0.6 - 8 528 Glide 572 50 9 VSmall Russia KAB-500LG-Pr SALH/3 0.6 - 8 528 Glide 572 41 9 VSmall Russia KAB-500M/UAB-500 EO(D)/2 3 - 13.5 528 Glide 505 49 9 VSmall Russia KAB-500S I&Sat/3 1.6 - 7.2 528 Glide 560 50 11 VSmall Russia KAB-500S-OD I&Sat/3 1.6 - 7.2 528 Glide 530 51 0 VSmall
Annex H2 - Guided Air Ordnance
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
HEAT, Q HEAT, Q HEAT, Q HEAT, Q Therm, Q HEAT, Q Therm, Q Q HEAT, Q Q Q Q, Y Q, Y, thrm Q
1980 1968 1973 1976 1976? 1996 1996 1996 2014 2014 2020s? 1992 1992 1999 2009? 2020s? 2020s? 2020s? 1961 1962 1966 1971 1963 1963 ? 1979 2020 2020? 1983 1992 1979 1988 2003+ 2003+ 2003+ 2003+ 2020s? 2006
E, F E, F
C, D, E
H2-1 Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia KAB-1500Kr-F EO(D)/1 Russia KAB-1500Kr-OD EO(D)/1 Russia KAB-1500Kr-Pr EO(D)/1 Russia KAB-1500L-F SALH/2 Russia KAB-1500L-Pr SALH/2 Russia KAB-1500LG-F SALH/3 Russia KAB-1500LG-OD SALH/3 Russia KAB-1500LG-Pr SALH/3 Russia KAB-1500S-F I&Sat/3 Russia KAB-1500S-OD I&Sat/3 Russia KAB-1500S-Pr I&Sat/3 Russia KAB-1500TK-F I/M/EO(D)/3 Russia KAB-1500TK-OD I/M/EO(D)/3 Russia KAB-1500TK-Pr I/M/EO(D)/3 Russia Kh-15 [AS-16 Kickback] Inertial/M2 Russia Kh-20 [AS- 3 Kangaroo] CMD/Inertial/M1 Russia Kh-20M [AS-3 Kangaroo] CMD/Inertial/M1 Russia Kh-22PG Burya ARH/1 Russia Kh-22PG Burya (Nuclear) ARH/1 Russia Kh-22PSI Burya Inertial/M2 Russia Kh-22M Burya I/M/TARH/2 Russia Kh-22MA Burya Inertial/M2 Russia Kh-22MN Burya (High alt launch) I//MTARH/3 Low & Medium altitude launch Russia Kh-22N Burya (High alt. launch) I/M/TARH/3 Low & Medium altitude launch Russia Kh-22NA Burya (High altitude launch) Inertial/M2 Low & Medium altitude launch Russia Kh-23 Grom [AS- 7 Kerry] Cmd/1 Russia Kh-23M Grom [AS- 7 Kerry] Cmd/1 Russia Kh-25 [AS-10 Karen] SALH/1 Russia Kh-25ML [AS-10 Karen] SALH/1 Russia Kh-25MP [AS-12 Kegler] PRH/1 Russia Kh-25MR [AS-10 Karen] Cmd/1 Russia Kh-27PS [AS-12 Kegler] PRH/1 Russia Kh-28 [AS- 9 Kyle] I/TPRH/1 Russia Kh-28 [AS- 9 Kyle] nuclear I/TPRH/1
1.6 - 4.9 528 Glide 1500 66 16 1.6 - 4.9 528 Glide 1525 92 0 1.6 - 4.9 528 Glide 1500 53 16 1.6 - 4.9 528 Glide 1560 66 16 1.6 - 4.9 528 Glide 1500 53 16 0.6 - 8 528 Glide 1525 66 16 0.6 - 8 528 Glide 1450 92 0 0.6 - 8 528 Glide 1525 53 16 1.6 - 7.2 528 Glide 1560 66 16 1.6 - 7.2 528 Glide 1560 92 0 1.6 - 7.2 528 Glide 1500 53 16 1.2 - 6.1 528 Glide 1475 66 16 1.2 - 6.1 528 Glide 1560 92 0 1.2 - 6.1 528 Glide 1500 53 13 20 - 80 2876 VHi Cr. 1200 350 kT -- 20 - 32 1320 Low Cr. 81 - 305 918 High Cr. 11000 800 kT -- 81 - 305 918 High Cr. 11000 3 mT -- 70 - 184 2003 VHi Cr. 5770 74+D6 138 70 - 184 2003 VHi Cr. 5770 200 kT -- 70 - 216 2003 VHi Cr. 5770 200 kT -- 70 - 189 2003 VHi Cr. 5780 69+D6 111 70 - 189 2003 VHi Cr. 5780 20 - 200 kT -- 70 - 307.8 2003 VHi Cr. 5900 69+D6 103 43 - 130 70 - 260 2003 VHi Cr. 5900 69+D6 103 43 - 130 70 - 324 2003 VHi Cr. 5900 200 kT -- 43 - 130 1.6 - 3.8 1360 Direct 287 22+D6/2 117 1 - 5.5 1360 Direct 287 22+D6/2 117 1.6 - 3.8 1360 Direct 320 35+D6/2 24 1.6 - 5.4 1360 Direct 295 30+D6/2 24 1.6 - 21.6 1660 Direct 310 D6/2 0 1.4 - 4.3 1516 Direct 300 35+D6/2 21 1.6 - 21.6 1710 Direct 302 D6/2 0 2 - 49 1721 Direct 700 D6/3 0 2 - 49 1721 Direct 700 1 kT --
1992 1992 1992 1983 1983 2003+ 2003+ 2003+ ? ? ? early 90s early 90s early 90s 1988 1959-78 1963-78 1965 1965 1971 1974 1974 ? 1983 1983 1974-85 1975-85 1975 1981 1980 1981 1977 1974 1974
Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall
VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall Stealthy
Hang Armor Guidance Range Speed Flight Wt Pen Country Name /Gen (nmi) (kts) Type (kg) Damage (cm) Signature
Annex H2 - Guided Air Ordnance (continued)
K C, M C, M
K, L
C, H
C, J C, J C, H C, H C C, H C C, H
Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia Kh-28M [AS-9 Kyle] I/TPRH/1 2 - 64.8 Russia Kh-28M [AS-9 Kyle] nuclear I/TPRH/1 2 - 64.8 Russia Kh-29L [AS-14a Kedge] SALH/1 1.6 - 5.4 Russia Kh-29T [AS-14b Kedge] EO (D)/2 1.6 - 6.5 Russia Kh-29TE [AS-14b Kedge] EO (D)/2 1.6 - 8.1/16.2 Russia Kh-29MP [AS-14 Kedge] PRH/2 1.1 - 6.5 Russia Kh-29ML [AS-14a Kedge] SALH/2 1.1 - 7.6 Russia Kh-31A Taifun [AS-17 Krypton] I/TARH/3 5.4 - 37.8 Russia Kh-31AM I/TARH/3 5.4 - 86.4 Russia Kh-31P [AS-17 Krypton] PRH/2 8.1 - 55 Russia Kh-31PM I/TPRH/3 8.1 - 135 Russia Kh-32 I/Sat/TARH/3 70 - 485 Russia Kh-35 Uran [AS-20 Kayak] I/M/TARH/3 2.7 - 71.5 Russia Kh-35U I&Sat/MCh/3 3.8 - 140.4 Russia Kh-38ML (HE/Frag) I/TSALH/3 1.6 - 21.6 Russia Kh-38ML (Penetration) I/TSALH/3 1.6 - 21.6 Russia Kh-38MA (HE/Frag) I/TARH/3 1.6 - 21.6 Russia Kh-38MA (Penetration) I/TARH/3 1.6 - 21.6 Russia Kh-38MT (HE/Frag) I/TIIRH/3 1.6 - 21.6 Russia Kh-38MT (Penetration) I/TIIRH/3 1.6 - 21.6 Russia Kh-38MK I&Sat/3 1.6 - 43.2 Russia Kh-41 Moskit [AS-22] I/MCh/3 5 - 135 5 - 81 Russia Kh-47M2 Kinzhal (39K5) I/TARH or TEO/4 1080 Russia Kh-50 (unitary) I&Sat/DSMAC/D2 20 - 810 Russia Kh-50 (cluster) I&Sat/DSMAC/D2 20 - 810 Russia Kh-55 [AS-15 Kent A] I&TERCOM/D1 20 - 1350 Russia Kh-55SM [AS-15 Kent B] I&TERCOM/D1 20 - 1620 Russia Kh-555 [AS-15 Kent C] I&TERCOM/DSMAC/D2 20 - 1080 Russia Kh-58 [AS-11 Kilter] PRH/1 4.3 - 66 Russia Kh-58 [AS-11 Kilter] nuclear PRH/1 4.3 - 66 Russia Kh-58U I/PRH/2 5.4 - 66 Russia Kh-58U nuclear I/PRH/2 5.4 - 66 Russia Kh-58USh I/PRH/3 5.4 - 89 Russia Kh-58UShK I/PRH/3 5.4 - 89 Russia Kh-58UShK(IIR) I/PRH&TIIRH/3 5.4 - 89 Russia Kh-59 Ovod [AS-13 Kingbolt] I/TEO (D, DL)/2 7 - 21.6 Russia Kh-59M Ovod-M [AS-18 Kazoo] (unitary) I/TEO (D, DL)/2 10.8 - 62.1 Med Cr.
Direct 715 Direct 715 Direct 657 Direct 688 Direct 690 Direct 680 Direct 690 Direct 610 High Cr. 715 Direct 600 Direct 715 RHi Cr. 5800 VLow Cr. 520 VLow Cr. 560 Direct 520 Direct 520 Direct 520 Direct 520 Direct 520 Direct 520 High Cr. 520 High Cr. 4500 VLow Cr. Ballistic 3800 Low Cr. 1600 Low Cr. 1600 Low Cr. 1210 Low Cr. 1700 Low Cr. 1700 Direct 640 Direct 640 Direct 650 Direct 650 Direct 650 Direct 650 Direct 650 Direct 760
1835 1835 792 792 792 792 792 1690 1690 1690 1690 2160 560 560 1455 1455 1455 1455 1455 1455 1455 1720 1385 4016 380 380 400 400 400 2065 2065 2065 2065 2065 2267 2267 555 45+D6
D6/3 0 VSmall 1 kT -- VSmall 41+D6/2 20 VSmall 43+D6/2 16 VSmall 43+D6/2 16 VSmall D6/3 0 VSmall 43+D6/2 16 VSmall 33+D6/2 32 VSmall 35+D6/2 33 VSmall D6+2 0 VSmall D6+2 0 VSmall 67+D6 90 VSmall 35+D6/2 9 VSmall 35+D6/2 9 VSmall 43+D6/2 22 VSmall 43+D6/2 22 VSmall 43+D6/2 22 VSmall 43+D6/2 22 VSmall 43+D6/2 22 VSmall 43+D6/2 22 VSmall Cluster 2 VSmall 53+D6 57 Small 50 + D6 46 80+D6 247 VSmall 48+D6 8 Stealthy Cluster -- Stealthy 200 kT -- VSmall 200 kT -- VSmall 48+D6 9 VSmall D6+3 1 VSmall 1 kT -- VSmall D6+3 1 VSmall 1 kT -- VSmall D6+3 1 VSmall D6+3 1 VSmall D6+3 1 VSmall 35+D6/2 9 VSmall
Hang Armor Guidance Range Speed Flight Wt Pen Country Name /Gen (nmi) (kts) Type (kg) Damage (cm) Signature
Annex H2 - Guided Air Ordnance (continued)
2017 2020s 2020s 1983 1986 Nov 04 1982 1982 1984 1984 2013? 2020? ? 1981
1980s? 1980s? 1975 1978 2001 -- -- 1990 -- 1993 ? 2020 2005 2016 2018? 2018? 2020s? 2020s? 2020? 2020? 2020s? --
V, W
C, K, R, S C, K, R, S C, S, T, U C, S, T, U
C, H
C, N C, N
H2-3 Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia Kh-59M Ovod-M [AS-18 Kazoo] (cluster) I/TEO (D, DL)/2 10.8 - 62.1 Russia Kh-59M Ovod-M [AS-18 Kazoo] (nuclear) I/TEO (D, DL)/2 10.8 - 62.1 Russia Kh-59M2 I&Sat/TEO (DN, DL)/2 10.8 - 62.1 Russia Kh-59M2A, Kh-59MK Ovod-MK I/TARH/3 2.7 - 153.9 Russia Kh-59MK2 I&Sat/DSMAC/D2+ 20 - 156.6 Russia Kh-59MK2 (cluster) I&Sat/DSMAC/D2+ 20 - 156.6 Russia Kh-61 Yakhont MCh/TARH/3 e6.5 - 162 e6.5 - 64.8 Russia Kh-66 [AS- 7 Kerry] Beam-R./1 2 - 3.8 Russia Kh-80 Meterorit-A [AS-X-19 Koala] I/TERCOM/D1 2700 Russia Kh-101(unitary) [AS-23a Kodiak] I&TERCOM/DSMAC/D2 15 - 2160 Russia Kh-101 (cluster) [AS-23a Kodiak] I&TERCOM/DSMAC/D2 15 - 2160 Russia Kh-102 [AS-23b Kodiak] I&TERCOM/D1 15 - 2700 Russia Kh-BD I&TERCOM/DSMAC/D2 15 - 2700 Russia Kh-MT I&Sat/MCh/3 50 - 540 Russia KS-1 Komet [AS-1 Kennel] early Beam-R/TSARH/1 35 - 55 Russia KS-1 Komet [AS-1 Kennel] late Beam-R/TSARH/1 35 - 70 Russia KSR-2 [AS-5a Kelt] conventional I/TARH/1 25 - 91.8 Russia KSR-2 [AS-5a Kelt] nuclear I/TARH/1 25 - 91.8 Russia KSR-2M [AS-5a Kelt] conventional I/TARH/1 25 - 91.8 25 - 40 Russia KSR-2M [AS-5a Kelt] nuclear I/TARH/1 25 - 91.8 25 - 40 Russia KSR-5 [AS-6a Kingfish] conventional I/M/TARH/1 15 - 151.2 Russia KSR-5 [AS-6a Kingfish] nuclear I/M/TARH/1 15 - 151.2 Russia KSR-5B, KSR-5M I/M/TARH/2 15 - 151.2 Russia KSR-5N [AS-6b Kingfish] conventional I/M/TARH/2 15 - 151.2 Low altitude launch 15 - 62 Russia KSR-5N [AS-6b Kingfish] nuclear I/M/TARH/2 15 - 151.2 Low altitude launch 15 - 62 Russia KSR-5P [AS-6 Kingfish] I/M/TPRH/1 15 - 178.2 Low altitude launch, cruise 15 - 54 Russia KSR-5PM [AS-6 Kingfish] I/M/TPRH/2 15 - 178.2 Low altitude launch, cruise 15 - 54 Russia KSR-11 [AS-5b Kelt] I/TPRH/1 27 - 91.8 Med altitude launch 15 - 45.9 Russia PBK-500U Drel I&Sat/2 3.2 - 16.2 VHi Cr. 3900 Low Cr. VHi Cr. 3900 Low Cr. VHi Cr. 3983 Glide
71+D6 65+D6 71+D6 65+D6 64+D6
111 45 111 45 46
-- 1980 970 1980 970 675
350 kT
High Cr.
Med Cr. 930 1 kT -- Med Cr. 960 45+D6 10 VLow Cr. 930 45+D6 11 Low Cr. 770 45+D6 10 Low Cr. 770 Cluster -- High Cr. 2250 47+D6 35 VLow Cr. 30 Direct 278 21+D6/2 117 VHigh Cr. 6380 200 kT -- Low Cr. 2500 49+D6 7 Low Cr. 2500 Cluster -- Low Cr. 2300 250 kT -- Low Cr. 2500 49+D6 11 VHi Cr. 1500 63+D6 127 Low Cr. 2735 63+D6 28 Low Cr. 2735 63+D6 28 VHi Cr. 4077 61+D6 29 VHi Cr. 4077 500 kT -- VHi Cr. 4080 61+D6 29 Low Cr. VHi Cr. 4080 500 kT -- Low Cr. VHi Cr. 3900 71+D6 111 VHi Cr. 3900 350 kT -- VHi Cr. 3900 71+D6 111 High Cr. 3900 71+D6 111
544 544 553 540 540 1490 1320 1264 1890 400 400 400 400 3440 572 572 675 675 675 675 675 675 1980 1980 1980 1980
Med Cr.
1967 - 92 1970 1972 late 70s 1976
Small Small Small Small Small
late 70s
1968 -- 2012 2012 2012? 2020s 2020s 1955 - 69 1957 - 69 1962 - 92 1962 - 92 1967 - 92
VSmall VSmall Stealthy Stealthy Stealthy Stealthy VSmall Small Small Small Small Small
1991 2004+ 2008 2020s? 2020s? ?
VSmall VSmall VSmall Stealthy Stealthy VSmall
Hang Armor Guidance Range Speed Flight Wt Pen Country Name /Gen (nmi) (kts) Type (kg) Damage (cm) Signature
Annex H2 - Guided Air Ordnance (continued)
C, D, H C, D, H C, D, H C
C, D
A B C, F C, D C, F
Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
S-25L S-25LD UAB-500B (KB08BE) UAB-1500B(KB029E) UPAB-1500Kr UB-2F Tchaika-2
SALH/1 SALH/1 I&Sat/2 I&Sat/2 I/M/TEO(D)/2 IRH
1.6 - 3.8 1 - 5.4 e3 - 21.6 e3 - 27 7 - 37.8 2 - 3
1650 1650 528 528 528 528
Direct Direct Glide Glide Glide Glide
400 400 505 1525 1510 2240
37+D6/2 37+D6/2 48 66 53 80
32 32 13 16 16 18
VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall VSmall
1979 1984 2019 2019 2007? 1956-57
Remarks Key: A: Single msl in flight at one time. Terminal homing at 10 nmi. B: Aircraft can guide 2 msls at once at same target. Terminal homing at 10 nmi. C: Terminal dive in last turn. D: High altitude launch only. E: Cruises at Medium altitude until 54 nmi from target, drops to Low altitude. F: Med or High-altitude launch. G: Drone with SPS-61 or SPS-63 jammer. H: Long-range seeker listed in Annex J3a. J: Operator guides missile distance of 40 nmi from target, sets inertial guidance. No terminal homing. K: Requires a BA-58 Vyuga ES pod or 2nd Gen RWR. L: Nike Hercules or HAWK series only. M: Requires Metel or Vyuga ES pod on Su-17, Filin-N pod on early Su-24. Uses one of three different seekers to attack either Nike Hercules, Thunderbird or EW radars. N: Different seeker head with frequency range allowing attack on newer systems (HAWK). P: Terminal maneuvers. Q: Rail launched, can be fired while in VLow/NOE flight. R: Stores target location. S: Not tunable after takeoff. T: Can be used against HAWK, IHAWK and Nike Hercules - not Patriot. U: Uses Fantasmagoria pod on Su-24M. V: Lock-on after launch capability. W: Requires APK-9 guidance pod. X: Requires ES pod. Y: Ranges for helo/fiixed wing launch. Z: EO(D)/2 after 1992. AA: EO(D)/2 after 1989. BB: Requires 3 minutes to warm up and visual LOS, bomber must fly straight and level until bomb impact. Release altitude 5000 - 15000 m (Med-High). Use against Large targets (power plants, large ships) only due to low seeker sensitivity. CC: Terminal sea-skimmer. EE: Fitted with internal jammer. Number indicates generation. GG: IHAWK or Nike-Hercules or Patriot. JJ: Kh-29TE uses second range against ships.
Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia
Hang Armor Guidance Range Speed Flight Wt Pen Country Name /Gen (nmi) (kts) Type (kg) Damage (cm) Signature
Annex H2 - Guided Air Ordnance (continued)
H2-5 Russia’s Aircraft
Russia’s Aircraft
Annex H3 - Aircraft Guns Damage Armor Pod Hang Country Name ATA Points Pen Wt (kg) Russia PK, PKM 7.62mm 0.2 1 1 -- Russia ShKAS 7.62mm 0.5 1 1 -- Russia GShG-7.62 rotary (9A622) 0.9 1 1 -- Russia A-12.7 12.7mm 0.4 1 1 -- Russia UB 12.7 12.7mm 0.4 1 1 -- Russia GUB 12.7mm pod 1.6 1 1 452 Russia GUV-8700 pod (12.7, 7.62mm) 3.4 2 1 452 Russia GShG-12.7mm rotary (9A624) 1.2 1 1 -- Russia Kord 12.7mm 0.3 1 1 -- Russia YakB-12.7 12.7mm 1.6 1 1 -- Russia B-20 20mm 0.6 2 0 -- Russia ShVAK, MP 20mm 0.7 2 0 -- Russia AM-23 23mm 1.4 3 0 -- Russia GSh-23, GSh-23L 23mm 3.7 3 0 -- Russia GSh-23M 23mm 4.1 3 0 -- Russia GP-9 23mm pod 3.5 3 0 290 Russia GSh-6-23 23mm (9A620) 3.9 3 0 -- Russia GSh-6-23M 23mm (9A768) 6.1 3 0 -- Russia NR-23 23mm 0.9 3 0 -- Russia NS-23 23mm 0.6 3 0 -- Russia NSPU-130 23mm pod 3.7 3 0 200 Russia R-23 23mm 2.6 3 0 -- Russia UPK-23-250 23mm 3.1 3 0 217 Russia VYa, MP-23 23mm 0.5 2 3 -- Russia SPPU-22-01 23mm 3.3 3 0 320 Russia SPPU-6 23mm 5.6 3 0 520 Russia VSPU-36 23mm 3.5 3 0 -- Russia AGS-17 Plamya 30mm -- 3 0 -- Russia 2A42 30mm 0.8 3 7 -- Russia GSh-6-30 30mm (9A621) 4.3 3 7 -- Russia GSh-30, AO-17A 30mm (9A623) 0.8 3 7 -- Russia GSh-30-1 30mm (9A4071) 2.5 3 7 -- Russia GSh-30-2 30mm 4.4 3 7 -- Russia GUV-1 30mm grenade pod -- 3 0 274 Russia NR-30 30mm 1.2 3 0 -- Russia ShKF-37 37mm 0.2 3 5 -- Russia NS-37 37mm 0.3 3 5 -- Russia N-37, N-37D 37mm 0.7 4 0 -- Russia N-37L 37mm 0.7 4 1 -- Russia NN-37 37mm 1.1 4 1 -- Russia NS-45 45mm 0.4 3 6 -- Notes: GUV series can be carried by Mi-24, replacing UPK-23-250 pod. GUV-1 pod has AGS-17 grenade launcher. Some helicopters were fitted with AGS-17 door mounts. Neither grenade launcher can be used in air to air combat. GUV-8700 pod has YakB-12.7 and two GShG-7.62.
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
IOC 1961 1932 1980 1953 1940 late 70s 1968 1998 1945 1936 1954 1959 1976 1968 1973 - 83 1949 1945 2011 1962 1971 1940 1971 1976 1988 1970 1976 1975 1978 1983 1970s 1954 WW II c1943 1946 1944 test
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
ATA Rating
Max Rng (nmi)
Hang Wt (kg)
Speed Dog- (kts) Aspect fight?
Snap Ceiling U/D? (m) IOC Remarks
Russia 9M39 Igla-V [SA-18 Grouse] IRH/3 2.0 2.8 65 1107 A Y N Low 1994 R Russia 9M333 Verba [SA-25] IRH/4 2.5 3.2 70 972 A Y N Low 2020s? R Russia 9M342 Igla-S [SA-24 Grinch] IRH/3 2.5 3.2 70 1166 A Y N Low 2020? R Russia 9M220O [AT-6 Spiral 2] Cmd/2 0.5 3.2 50 670 A N N Low 2000 N290 Russia K-9 [AA-4 Awl] SARH/1 0.0 4.9 245 2721 A N N VHigh -- A Russia K-14 IRH/3 2.5 9.5 95 1434 A N N VHigh -- A 1979 Russia K-30 IRH/3 3.0 10.8 110 1350 A Y Y VHigh -- A 1990s Russia K-100/KS-172/R-172 I/M/TARH/4 3.5/4.0 125/22 600 985 A Y Y VHigh -- A. No booster Russia K-100/KS-172/R-172 I/M/TARH/4 3.5/4.0 170/22 750 2150 A Y Y VHigh -- A. Booster Russia K-BD (Iz 810) I/M/TPRH&TARH/4 4.0/4.5 208/22 550 3442 A Y Y VHigh 2020s Planned Russia R-3A [AA-2a Atoll] IRH/1 0.5 2 70 1434 N Y N VHigh 1960 Russia R-3R [AA-2c Adv. Atoll] SARH/1 0.5 3.5 83 1434 N/W Y N VHigh 1967 D, S Russia R-3S [AA-2b Atoll] IRH/1 0.5 2 75 1434 N Y N VHigh 1962 Russia R-4R [AA-5 Ash] SARH/2 0.5 8.6 489 1944 A N N VHigh 1966 D, B/High Russia R-4T [AA-5 Ash] IRH/2 1.0 8.1 480 1944 W N N VHigh 1966 D, B/High Russia R-4MR [AA-5 Ash] SARH/3 1.0 13.5 512 1944 A N N VHigh 1979 M Russia R-4MT [AA-5 Ash] IRH/3 1.5 8.1 502 1944 W N N VHigh 1979 M Russia R-8R [AA-3a Anab] SARH/1 0.0 4.5 275 1973 W N N VHigh 1960? D, O Russia R-8T [AA-3b Anab] IRH/1 0.5 3 227 1973 N Y N VHigh 1960? D, O Russia R-8MR [AA-3a Anab] SARH/1 0.0 6.5 275 1973 A N N VHigh 1962 D Russia R-8MT [AA-3b Anab] IRH/1 0.5 3 227 1973 N Y N VHigh 1962 D Russia R-8M1R [AA-3a Anab] SARH/1 0.0 6.5 285 1973 W N N VHigh 1963 E Russia R-8M1T [AA-3b Anab] IRH/1 0.5 3.5 265 1973 N Y N VHigh 1963 D Russia R-13M [AA-2d Atoll] IRH/2 1.0 4.1 88 1434 W Y N VHigh 1974 Russia R-13M1 [AA-2e Atoll] IRH/2 1.5 4.1 91 1434 W Y N VHigh 1982 Never exported Russia R-23R [AA-7a Apex] SARH/2 1.5 13.5 235 2008 A N Y VHigh 1974 Russia R-23T [AA-7b Apex] IRH/2 1.5 6 215 2008 W N Y VHigh 1974 Russia R-24R [AA-7c Apex] I/TSARH/3 2.0 19 243 2008 A N Y VHigh 1981 Russia R-24T [AA-7d Apex] I/TIRH/3 2.0 10.8 235 2008 A N N VHigh 1981 Russia R-27EA I/M/TARH/4 3.0/3.5 47.5/11 350 2295 A Y Y VHigh -- A 1989 Russia R-27EM SARH/3 2.5 31.7 350 2295 A Y Y VHigh -- P. A 1991 Russia R-27EP [AA-10 Alamo F] I/TPRH/3 1.0 46.2 346 2295 A N Y VHigh 1990 Russia R-27ER [AA-10 Alamo C] I/M/TSARH/3 2.5 39.9 354 2295 A Y Y VHigh 1990 Russia R-27ET [AA-10 Alamo D] IRH/3 2.5 37.8 347 2295 A Y Y VHigh 1990 Russia R-27P [AA-10 Alamo E] I/TPRH/3 1.0 25.2 248 2008 A N Y VHigh 1987 Russia R-27R [AA-10 Alamo A] I/TSARH/3 2.0 32.4 253 2008 A Y Y VHigh 1983 Russia R-27T [AA-10 Alamo B] IRH/3 2.0 16.2 245 2008 A Y N VHigh 1987 Russia R-33 [AA-9 Amos] ISARH/TSARH/3 2.5 46.2 490 2008 A N Y VHigh 1981 Russia R-33S [AA-9B Amos] ISARH/TSARH/3 3.0 58.8 490 2008 A N Y VHigh 1999 Opt. Nuke warhead Russia R-37 [AA-X-13 Arrow] I/M/TARH&TSARH/4 3.0/3.5 130/12.5 600 2008 A Y Y VHigh -- A 1990s
Country Name Guidance
Annex H4 Air-to-Air Missiles
H4-1 Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
ATA Rating 139/21.6 18.3 26.4 32.4 8 13.8 13.8 1.5 1.5 3.9 4.3 8.1 14.5 11 14.5 8.1 36.7/9 44.6/13.5 e54/13.5 64.8/13.5 e35 e35 9.7 5.2 13 8.6 1.6 2.8 3.3
Max Rng (nmi) 510 455 461 472 468 467 470 91 91 44 45 105 125 106 106 110 175 190 185 225 175 175 292 272 300 300 74 82 83
Hang Wt (kg) 3442 2582 2582 2582 2582 2582 2582 1555 1555 1721 1721 1434 1434 1434 1434 e1350 1721 1721 2008 1721 1721 1721 1434 1434 1434 1434 1555 1555 1555
Speed Dog- (kts) Aspect fight? Y N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N
VHigh 2018 VHigh 1972 VHigh 1980 VHigh 1985 VHigh 1972 VHigh 1980 VHigh 1985 VHigh 1969 VHigh 1972 VHigh 1975 VHigh 1982 VHigh 1983 VHigh -- VHigh 2016 VHigh 2020s VHigh -- VHigh 1994 VHigh 2016 VHigh ? VHigh -- VHigh -- VHigh -- VHigh 1967 VHigh 1967 VHigh 1975 VHigh 1975 High 1956 High 1958 VHigh 1960
Snap Ceiling U/D? (m) IOC
G G, A G G A HOJ HOJ, Q HOJ, K HOJ, L L L D D M M B/Medium B/Medium B/Medium
Opt. nuke warhead HOJ, H, T HOJ HOJ E, H
Remarks Key: A: Canceled. B: Minimun launch altitude band. D: Min tgt altitude band Medium. E: Min target altitude band Low. G: Slewable seeker with HMS, HMD H: Must be fired in level flight. No dogfight use. J: Optional Nuclear warhead. K: Ordered in 2019. L: Not yet ordered or in service. M: 1/2 ATA against targets in Low band. Cannot engage NOE & VLow targets. N. Can engage airborne targets up to listed speed. O: Used for testing and trials. Not used operationally. P. Can engage sea skimming targets. Q: Can be used as SARH by older fighters, estimated range is 29.7 nmi in this mode. R. Weight for launcher and two missiles. S: Narrow aspect with RP-21 radar, Wide aspect with other radars. T: Min target altitude band Medium with RP-SA or Low with RP-25
If an ATA rating has two values, the first is used in standard AAM engagements, the second is the “boresight mode” used in a dogfight.
Russia R-37M [AA-13 Axehead] I/M/TARH/4 3.5/4.0 Russia R-40R [AA-6a Acrid ] SARH/2 1.0 Russia R-40RD [AA-6a Acrid] SARH/3 2.0 Russia R-40RD1 [AA-6 Acrid] I/M/TSARH/3 2.5 Russia R-40T [AA-6b Acrid] IRH/2 1.5 Russia R-40TD [AA-6b Acrid] IRH/3 2.5 Russia R-40TD1 [AA-6 Acrid] I/TIRH/3 2.5 Russia R-55 IRH/1 1.0 Russia R-55M IRH/2 1.5 Russia R-60, R-60K [AA-8 Aphid] IRH/1 1.0 Russia R-60M, R-60MK [AA-8 Aphid] IRH/2 1.5 Russia R-73 [AA-11 Archer] IRH/3 3.0 Russia R-73M [AA-11 Archer] IRH/4 3.5 Russia R-74M IRH/3 3.0 Russia R-74M2 I/M/TIRH/3 3.5 Russia R-75 (was K-30) IRH/3 3.0 Russia R-77 [AA-12 Adder] I/M/TARH/4 3.0/3.5 Russia R-77-1 [AA-12 Adder] I/M/TARH/4 3.5/4.0 Russia R-77M I/M/TARH&TSARH/4 3.5/4.0 Russia R-77M-PD I/M/TARH/4 3.5/4.0 Russia R-77T [AA-12 Adder] I/M/TIRH/4 3.5 Russia R-77P [AA-12 Adder] I/M/TPRH/4 2.5 Russia R-98R [AA-3c Anab] SARH/1 1.0 Russia R-98T [AA-3d Anab] IRH/1 1.5 Russia R-98MR [AA-3 Anab] SARH/2 2.0 Russia R-98MT [AA-3 Anab] IRH/2 2.0 Russia RS-1U [AA-1 Alkali] Beam-R/1 0.0 Russia RS-2U [AA-1a Alkali] Beam-R/1 0.0 Russia RS-2US [AA-1a Alkali] Beam-R/1 0.5
Country Name Guidance
Annex H4 Air-to-Air Missiles (continued)
Russia’s Aircraft
Gener- Hang Country Name ation Wt (kg) IOC Remarks Russia 101KS-N Atoll targeting pod 3 250 2020? Su-57 targeting pod. FLIR, EO, laser designator, LRMTS Russia APK-9 Tekon guidance pod -- 260 1983 Required to guide AS-13, AS-18. 75 nmi data link range Russia APP-22MS Avtomat-3 chaff dispenser -- -- 1956? Bulk chaff dispenser - each 10 nmi corridor Russia APP-46TD avionics pod -- 350 1983 Early MiG-31 to use R-40TD AAM. Not very common Russia ATsU-1 ES pod ? 216 ? Designates for ARM. Possibly designation for Metel pod Russia ATsU-2 ES pod ? 300 ? Designates for ARM. Possibly designation for L-80/L-081 pod Russia AUTs-30-03 ES pod 3 300 ? Cues Kh-58USh for Su-35 Russia B-8 rocket pod (chaff) -- 264 ? Medium -sized chaff cloud. Resolve as 5.3.14 Seeker Lock-on Chance Table Russia D' Recon Pod -- 285 1966 Day cameras, 1st Gen D. Carried. C/L pylon MiG-21R Russia Delta guidance pod -- 250 1971 Command guidance pod for Kh-23 and Kh-25MR Russia ED' recon pod 1 285 1966 Radiation air sampling. 1st Gen D. C/L pylon MiG-21R Russia Efir-1M recon pod -- 120 1984 Radiation monitoring (Low altitude only) for Su-24MR Russia I-220/KE targeting pod 3 250 2018 Laser designator, 2nd Gen FLIR, LRMTS. Version for Su-35 (KOEP-35) Russia K-10SP offensive jammer drone -- 4400 Apr 79 Escort jammer, clutter rating 11, see Annex H2 for performance. Russia Ka radar targeting pod -- 250 ? Su-57 pod used for land targeting Russia Kh-22SP offensive jammer drone -- 5900 1980s? Escort jammer, clutter rating 15, see Annex H2 for performance Russia KKR-1 recon pod -- 800 1973 Low altitude cameras and ELINT Russia KKR-1/2 recon pod -- 800 1980s IRLS and TV w/LOS data link Russia KKR-1/54 recon pod -- 800 early 80s Low altitude cameras, photoflashes, SIGINT Russia KKR-1/T recon pod -- 780 1979 Low altitude cameras, photoflashes, SIGINT Russia KKR-1M recon pod -- 800 1980s LOROP camera Russia KKR-1T/2 recon pod -- 800 1980s Shpil laser line scanner Russia KKR-2A recon pod -- 800 1980s Low altitude cameras, TV, IRLS, LOS data link. Probably Su-17M4R Russia KKR-2E recon pod -- 800 1980s Efit-1M radiation recon, Low altitude only. Probably Su-17M4R Russia KKR-2P recon pod -- 800 1980s Shpil-2M Low altitude laser IRLS. Probably Su-17M4R Russia KKR-2Sh recon pod -- 800 1980s Shtik-2M SLAR with LOS data link. Probably Su-17M4R Russia KKR-2T recon pod 2 800 1979 ELINT pod for Su-17M3R, Su-17M4R Russia KKR-4 recon pod -- 800 1984 LOROP camera for Su-24MR, Medium altitude Russia Konteiner 1 escort jammer pod -- 1000 1984 Escort jammer, clutter rating 12. Russia Konteiner 2 chaff pod -- 1000 1984 Can lay 80 nmi chaff. Used by Su-24MP Russia Konteiner SM 1 180 1964 Def jammer & decoy pod for MiG-21 Russia KRK-UO RWR pod 2 200 ? L-150 Pastel 2nd Gen RWR packaged in pod Russia L-001 Smalta-SK standoff jammer pod -- 200 -- Offensive jamming pod for Su-27. Never operational Russia L-005 Sorbtsiya-S defensive jammer pod 3 200 1990 Defensive jamming pod for Su-27S Russia L-021 Ethnografia ES pod 3 300 2008 Cueing pod for Kh-31P on upgraded Su-24M (SVP-24 and Su-24M2) Russia L-080/81 Fantasmagoria-A/B ES pod 2 300 1983 Cueing pod for Kh-58/Kh-58U, Kh-31P on Su-24M Russia L-086 Vyuga ES pod 2 300 1977 Cues Kh-27PS, Kh-25MP, Kh-58 for MiG-27 and Su-17M/22 series Russia L-090 Progress-N ES pod 3 300 1991 Cues Kh-25MP, Kh-31P, Kh-58 on MiG-27. Used for trials only Russia L-150NU ES pod 3 300 ? Cues Kh-31P on Su-34
Annex H5 - Aircraft Electronics Pods
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia
L-166S1 IR jamming pod L-175 Khibiny defensive ECM pod L-175VSh, L-175VU spot jammer pod L-203 Gardeniya-F1UE def ECM pod L-265 Khibiny-M defensive ECM pod L-370 Omul defensive ECM pod L-370-3S Omul defensive ECM pod L-420 Khibiny-U defensive ECM pod L-700 Tarantula standoff ECM pod LIP-06 targeting pod M-400 recon pod Merkuriy targeting pod Metel ES pod MSP-418K defensive ECM pod ‘N' recon pod N-027 Kopyo-25 radar pod PA-10 recon pod 'R' recon pod S-13ALTs decoy rocket pod Sapsan targeting pod Shpil-2M recon pod SP-14 Prozhektor-1 targeting pod SRS-13 Tangazh recon pod SPS-141 defensive ECM Pod SPS-141MVG defensive ECM pod T' recon pod UB-16-57 chaff rocket pod UB-32-57 chaff rocket pod UKR-OE recon pod UKR-RL recon pod UKR-RT recon pod UZV-1/2 IRCM pod
Country Name 1 3 -- 3 4 2 4 4 -- 2 -- -- 1 4 -- -- -- 1 -- 2 -- 1 2 1 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1
30 150 400 150 205 200 200 200 500 200 800 300 200 150 285 300 200 285 60 250 500 200 800 180 180 285 380 138 300 350 300 20
Gener- Hang ation Wt (kg) 1980s 2012 2015 1990s 2017 1990s 2018 2019? 2017 mid 90s -- --. 1976 2005 1966 -- 1982 1966 1980s? -- 1984 1976 1984 1970s 1980s? 1966 1964 1964 2016 2015 2014 ?
Soviet MiG-21R only with TV and data link Small-sized chaff cloud, resolve as 5.3.14 Seeker Lock-on Chance Table Medium-sized chaff cloud, resolve as 5.3.14 Seeker Lock-on Chance Table EO and IRLS pod with data link for Su-34 M-402 Pika-M SLAR pod with data link for Su-34 ELINT pod with data link for Su-34 For helicopters
Clutter rating 20 Day targeting pod for PRC order Low/Med alt cameras, data link, LOROP or SLAR (interchangeable) LLTV for Su-25T, canceled Cueing pod for AS-9 Export including Egypt MiG-29M and Yemen MiG-29SMT MiG-21R with camera, illumination flares, 1st Gen D Su-25TM pod, adds Kh-31A, Kh-35, R-27 and R-77 capability. Canceled MiG-27D recon pod, possibly Low altitude only MiG-21R with ELINT, 1st Gen D Decoy. Each appears as a Small aircraft TCS, 2nd Gen FLIR, laser designator, LRMTS for Su-27SM. Canceled 2009 Needle'. Low altitude laser IR line scanner for Su-24MR Su-17M2. Targets must be visually spotted and weapons limited to 1st Gen SALH Pitch' ELINT pod for Su-24MR Includes SPS-141, SPS-142 and SPS-143. Includes 1st Gen D
Defensive IR jammer for attack aircraft Replaces L-005 on Su-34, Su-35S Su-34, cover different frequencies, 2@clutter rating 16 Replaces L-005 on export Su-27SK Replacement for L-175 Su-25T/TM defensive jamming pod Su-25SM3 defensive jamming pod
Annex H5 - Aircraft Electronics Pods (continued)
Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
BeTAB-150 bomb BeTAB-250 bomb BeTAB-500 bomb BeTAB-500ShP bomb Kh-29L/T missile RBK-500U BeTAB-M S-13T rocket Guided bombs 1000 kg bomb1 500 kg bomb1 250 kg bomb1
Warhead (Kg)
Release Alt IOC
.70 165 40 Low - Med .70 210 53 Low - Med .70 430 76 Low - Med .80 380 88 Low .80 657/688 317 Low - Med .90 480 Cluster Low - Med .50 160 37 Med .70 Varies Varies High - Med -- .50 1000 Varies Med -.40 500 Varies Med -.30 227 Varies Med --
Hang Wt (kg)
Rocket assisted Special popup mode and delayed fuze Cluster of 10 BeTAB-M munitions Five 122mm rockets in B-13L pod, Must designate the runway
Notes: 1) Low-drag bombs only. Retarded bombs won't penetrate the runway surface.
Pcut = Probability of a cut given that the munition hit. Release Altitude = The altitude band that the munition must be released from to successfully inflict a cut, if it hits.
Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia All All All All
Country Name Pcut
Annex H6 - Anti-Runway Ordnance
H6-1 Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
A A A S S A A A A A A A, S A, S A, S A A A, S A, S A A A
Burst Type early 60s 1949 1953 1954-65 1954-65 1953 1955 1962 1960s? 1960s? 1970s? 1962 1962? 1969-80 1960s? 1970s? 1980s? 1980s? 1980s 1960s 1960s
Standard tactical nuke at collapse of USSR Tactical Strategic Tu-22A overload Standard Tu-22A
Replaces RN-25
RDS-4 with different core
Only 5 produced, copy of US Mk3 Fat Man First mass-production bomb
Notes: 1) Laydown weapons were available from the mid 1970s. These probably include the RN-40, RN-41 and RN-42. 2) Burst types are estimated.
9000 20,000 4600 25 5000 42 1200 30 1200 30 9000 400 9000 215 5955 2900 3000 1500 5000 2900 3000 650, 860, 1000 300 10 450 5 300 1 5000 200 5000 200 370 40 350 5 700 200 6300 400 5000 200
Russia 20mt Free-fall bomb Russia RDS-1 [Joe-1] Russia RDS-3 Maria Russia RDS-4T Tatyana (Iz 407N?) Russia RDS-5 Russia RDS-6S Sloyka Russia RDS-27 Russia RDS-37 Ivan Russia RDS-44 Russia RDS-46A Russia RDS-49 Russia RN-24 Russia RN-25 (8U69) Russia RN-28 Russia RN-30 Russia RN-32 Russia RN-40 (8U64) Russia RN-41 Russia RN-42 Russia Type 245N, 246N Russia 7U-31
Warhead Yield (kT)
Hang Wt (kg)
Country Name
Annex H7 - Freefall Nuclear Bombs
Russia’s Aircraft
Range Eng # Country System Function Gen Lge Med Small VSmall Stealthy Targets Arc IOC Remarks Russia 15Ts100.100 AS 5 228 160 114 46 14 -- 360° 2020s? 1K130 suite on Ka-35 helicopter Russia Berkut [Wet Eye I] SS 3 125 89 51 28 16 -- 360° 1969 Il-38, Tu-142 Mod 0-2 Russia E-801 Oko AS 5 171 120 86 34 10 -- 360° 1995 SS 135 124 71 40 22 Russia E-801M Oko-M AS 5 175 160 114 46 14 -- 360° 2020s? Est. stats SS 135 135 94 53 29 Russia FH-01 Myech-1U AI 5 17 12 9 3 1 1 120° 2012 Ka-52 SS, TA 24 13 8 4 2 Russia Initsiativa-2 [Short Horn] SS 3 108 89 51 28 16 -- 360° 1963 Yak-28I, Yak-28R Russia Initsiativa-2B [Short Horn] SS 3 136 76 44 24 14 -- 180° 1965 Be-12 Russia Initsiativa-2K [Short Horn] SS 3 80 63 36 20 11 -- 360° 1966 Ka-25 Russia Initsiativa-2M [Short Horn] SS 3 116 65 37 21 12 -- 360° 1976 Mi-14 Russia K-1, K-1M Kobalt-1 SS, MFC 2 162 134 77 43 24 1 360° 1955 Tu-4KS Russia Kopyo-A (Alba) SS 5 135 76 43 24 14 -- 360° 2017 ISAR. Ka-27M AI 80 56 40 16 5 Russia Kopyo-25 (N-027) AI 5 40 40 32 13 3.8 2 80° Canceled. Pod Su-25TM system SS 40 38 22 12 6.7 Russia Korshun [Wet Eye II] SS 3 150 106 61 34 19 -- 360° 1980 Tu-142 Mod 3-5 Russia Kurs-N [Shore Score] SS 2 50 28 16 9 5 -- e120° 1959 Be-10 Russia Kvant 3D 4 190 160 114 46 14 -- 360° 1990s An-71 with E-601 suite SS 190 159 91 51 28 Russia Kvant-M 3D 4 190 190 160 64 19 -- 360° 1990s Yak-44 with E-700 suite SS 190 190 128 72 40 Russia Liana [Flat Jack] AS 3 114 80 57 23 6.8 360° 1965 Tu-126 SS 248 215 123 69 38.4 Russia MR-244 Ekran SS 3 18 18 11 6 3 -- 120° Late 70s A-90 Orlyonok Russia N-001 Meych [Slot Back II] LD/SD 4 75 75 57 23 6.8 1 140° 1986 Su-27P/S Russia N-001V, N-001VM Meych LD/SD 4 135 114 81 33 9.8 2 140° 2004/2011 NCTR mode. VM adds R-77-1 LD/SD 135 135 119 47 14.2 10° Requires cueing by other sensor SS 135 76 43 24 13.5 Russia N-001VE Meych LD/SD 4 114 80 57 23 6.8 2 140° 2000 Export Su-30MKK Russia N-001VEP Meych LD/SD 4 114 80 57 23 6.8 2 140° 2004 Su-27SKM, Su-30MK2 SS 135 76 43 24 13.5 Russia N-002 Zhuk LD/SD 5 91 64 45 18 5 2 120° 1995 Canceled Yak-41M SS 105 59 34 19 10 Russia N-003 Saphir-23ML [High Lark II] AI 4 49 35 25 10 3 1 60° 1977 MiG-23ML Russia N-006 Saphir-23P [High Lark] AI 4 49 35 25 10 3 1 60° 1979 MiG-23P
Annex J3 - Air Radars
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia N-008 Sapfir-23MLA [High lark II] AI 4 50 40 28 11 3 1 60° 1979 MiG-23MLA Russia N-008 Saphir-23MLA-II [High Lark II] AI 4 57 40 29 11 3.4 1 60° 1984 MiG-23MLD Russia N-010 Zhuk LD/SD 5 103 72 52 21 6 4 120° 1990s R-77 compatible. Canceled SS,TA 135 135 130 73 40 Russia N-011 Bars LD/SD 5 97 81 58 23 7 6 180° 1996 R-77 compatible. Canceled SS, TA 135 135 130 73 40 Russia N-011M, N-011ME Bars LD/SD 5 100 100 76 30 9 6 140° 2002 SAR mode SS, TA 135 135 130 73 40 Russia N-011MR Bars-R LD/SD 5 135 111 79 32 10 4 140° 2015 NCTR, SAR modes LD/SD 135 135 100 40 12 10° Extended range mode (ERM) SS 135 135 135 76 42 Ranges estimated Russia N-012 AI 4 27 27 27 11 3 1 e60° 1996 Rear looking tail radar. Canceled Russia N-014 LD/SD, TF 5 216 151 108 43 13 6 e120° 1990s Proposed radar for MiG 1.42 Russia N-015 AI 4 57 40 29 11 3 1 60° 1990s Rear facing radar for MiG 1.42 Russia N-019 Rubin [Slot Back I] LD/SD 4 80 56 40 16 4.8 1 120° 1983 MiG-29 Russia N-019M/ME Topaz LD/SD 4 91 64 45 18 5.5 2 120° 1994 MiG-29S [Mod Slot Back I] SS 135 135 135 76 42 Russia N-109MP/MPE LD/SD 4 91 64 45 18 5 2 120° 2005 Yemen MiG-29SMT(9-18) Russia N-019M1 LD/SD 4 112 78 56 22 7 4 120° -- NCTR mode Russia N-025, N-025M AI 5 11 11 9 3 1 1 360° 2015 N-025M changes TA to TF mode SS, TA 11 8 4 2 1 Russia N-035 Irbis LD/SD 5 215 151 108 43 13 8 240° 2015 SAR, NCTR, extended range LD/SD 216 216 189 75 23 10° mode not fitted to export Su-35SK SS 216 216 164 92 51 Russia N-036 Byelka LD/SD 6 194 136 97 39 12 8 120° 2020 SAR, NCTR LD/SD 216 216 189 75 23 10° Mode estimated SS 216 216 189 75 23 Estimated range Russia N-036B LD/SD 6 148 104 74 30 9 4 2x90° 2020 Covers sides: 045°-135° and 225°-315 Russia N-041 Zhuk-M1 LD/SD 5 148 104 74 30 9 4 170° 2014 SS 162 91 52 29 16 Russia N-041R Zhuk-MR LD/SD 5 148 104 74 30 9 4 170° 2016 NCTR SS 162 91 52 29 16 Russia N-041MR Zhuk-MR LD/SD 5 148 104 74 30 9 6 170° 2020? NCTR, Can engage six tgts with R-77-1 SS 162 91 52 29 16 Russia Novella 1/1SD SS 5 200 172 98 55 31 -- 360° -- SAR/ISAR. Sea Dragon 1 export name (Sea Dragon 1) LD/SD 135 95 68 27 8
Range Eng # Country System Function Gen Lge Med Small VSmall Stealthy Targets Arc IOC
Annex J3 - Air Radars (continued)
Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia Novella 2/2SD SS 5 (Sea Dragon 2) AS Russia Novella 3/3SD Strizh (Lira) SS 5 (Sea Dragon 3) AS Russia Novella 4/4SD (Sea Dragon 4) SS 5 Russia Novella-21 SS 5 Russia Novella-45M SS 5 Russia Novella-70 SS 5 Russia Obzor [Clam Pipe] SS 4 Russia Obzor-K [Clam Pipe] SS 4 Russia Orion-A/2A [Drop Kick] SS 4 Russia Orion-AM2/SVP-24 SS 5 Russia Osminog [Splash Drop] SS 3 Russia Premier 3D 6 SS Russia PN Rubin [Down Beat] SS 3 Russia PNA, PNA-B Rubin [Down Beat] SS 4 Russia PNA-D Rubin [Down Beat] SS 5 Russia PSBN-M [Mushroom] SS 2 Russia R-1L, R-2L AI 2 Russia RBP-1 Kobalt-M [Mushroom I] SS 2 Russia RBP-3 [Look Two] SS 2 Russia RBP-4 Rubidy-MM SS 2 Russia RBP-4G [Mushroom] SS 2 Russia RBP-6 Lyustra SS 3 Russia RP-S Smerch-S [Big Nose] AI 2 Russia RP-SA Smerch-A2 [Fox Fire] AI 2 Russia RP-SM Smerch-M [Big Nose] LD/SD 3 Russia RP-1, 1U Izumrud [Scan Can] AI 2 Russia RP-1D Izumrud 2 [Scan Odd] AI 2 Russia RP-2U Izumrud 2 [Scan Odd] AI 2 Russia RP-5 Izumrud 5 [Scan Odd] AI 2 Russia RP-6 Sokol [Scan Three] AI 2 Russia RP-9, RP-9U [Spin Scan B] AI 2 Russia RP-11 Orel [Skip Spin] AI 2 Russia RP-15 Orel-D [Skip Spin] AI 3 Russia RP-15M Orel-DM [Skip Spin] AI 3 108 108 7 8
49 27 16 48 27 15 75 42 24 54 30 17 97 54 31 43 30 22 54 53 38 54 53 38 6 6 4 7 5 3 14 20 7 8 8 6 16 11 8 11 11 8 15 11 8 16 16 11 22 22 16
188 188 12 11 9 9 14 10 17 9 15 15 2 1 3 2 3 3 3 5 6
60 60 4 3 5 5 8 5 10 3 5 5 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
34 34 2 1
-- -- -- -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SAR/ISAR. Sea Dragon 3 export name
SAR/ISAR. Sea Dragon 2 export name
1974 1990s 1952 1960s
Tu-22M-12 (PNA), Tu-95K-22 (PNA-B) Tu-22M-3 Be-6M, Il-28, Tu-14T R-1L export RP-9, R-2L export RP-21 360° 1952 Tu-4A. Copy US APQ-13 360° 1954 Il-28N, Yak-28B 360° 1955 3M Bison, M4 Bison 150° 1964 Mi-4ME 360° 1960s Tu-16R 120° 1966 Tu-128 120° 1972 MiG-25P 120° 1979 Tu-128M 120° 1953 RP-1U adds RS-1U 120° 1955 Yak-25K 120° 1657 Compatible with K-5M/RS-2US 120° 1955 120° 1955 Yak-25M 60° 1959 Su-9 60° 1964 Su-11 60° 1964 Yak-28P Firebar A 60° 1967 Su-15
180° 180° 360° 60°
360° -- Sea Dragon 4 is export name 120° 2014? ISAR/SAR mode 120° 2022? ISAR/SAR mode 120° 2023? ISAR/SAR mode 120° 1983 120° 1987 Linked to Sopka terrain-following radar 120° 1975 120° 2008 360° 1981 Also Initsiativa-2KM radar 360° 2024 A-100 Premier, NCTR 360° 180° 1968 Tu-22KD
17 -- 360° 2014 6 14 -- 360° -- 6
-- -- -- 1
31 20 26 20
270 270 22 11
54 51 46 51 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
95 71 81 71
71 40 23 13 7 302 169 97 54 30 302 169 97 54 30 302 169 97 54 30 200 177 101 57 31 200 200 164 92 51 81 71 40 23 13 120 67 38 22 12 100 90 51 29 16.0 350 350 323 129 39 350 350 219 123 68 270 188 108 60 34
170 101 144 101
Range Eng # Country System Function Gen Lge Med Small VSmall Stealthy Targets Arc IOC
Annex J3 - Air Radars (continued)
J3-3 Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia RP-21 Saphir [Spin Scan A] AI 2 Russia RP-21M Sapfir AI 2 Russia RP-22S Saphir-21 [Jay Bird] AI 3 Russia RP-25M Saphir-25 [High Lark IV] LD/SD 4 Russia RP-26 Taifun [Twin Scan] AI 3 Russia RP-26M/N-004 Taifun-M [Twin Scan] AI 3 Russia RP-31/N-007 Zaslon [Flash Dance] LD/SD 4 Russia RP-31A/N-007A Zaslon-A LD/SD 4 Russia RP-31AM/N-007AM Zaslon-AM LD/SD 5 Russia RP-31M Zaslon-M LD/SD 5 Russia Rubin-1 [Down Beat] SS 2 Russia Rubin-1K [Down Beat] SS 2 Russia Rubin-1KV [Down Beat] SS 3 Russia Rubin-1M [Down Beat] SS 3 Russia Rubin-1V [Short Horn] SS 2 Russia Saphir-23D [High Lark] AI 3 Russia Saphir-23D-III [High Lark] AI 4 Russia Saphir-23E [High Lark] AI 3 Russia Saphir-23E-III [High Lark] AI 4 Russia Saphir-23L [High Lark] AI 3 Russia Shmel [Squash Dome] 3D 3 SS Russia Shmel-2 3D 4 SS Russia Shmel-M 3D 4 SS Russia Uspekh-1 [Big Bulge A] SS 3 Russia Uspekh-2 [Big Bulge B] SS 3 Russia V-004 LD/SD, TF 5 SS Russia V-006 Rezets AI 6 SS Russia YaD [Crown Drum] SS 3 Russia Yantar AI 4 61 27 32 107 113
62 28 32 151 162
76 81
44 19
8 8 12
31 32
18 8
3 3 5
9 10
5 2
1 1 1
4 4
1 1
1 1 1
140° 140°
120° 120°
60° 60° 60°
1983 1999
1979 1973
1962 1964 1965
184 129 92 37 11 6 140° 2009 220 192 137 55 16 6 140° 1990s 316 177 101 57 32 -- 360° 1962 316 177 101 57 32 -- 360° 1961 316 177 101 57 32 -- 360° 1970 759 425 243 137 76 -- 360° 1973 140 81 46 26 14 -- 250° 1962 42 30 21 8 3 1 60° 1975 42 30 21 8 3 1 60° 1975 38 27 19 8 2 1 60° 1985 38 27 19 8 2 1 60° 1979 25 18 13 5 2 1 60° 1973 249 175 125 50 15 -- 360° 1989 250 215 123 69 38 360° 300 210 150 60 18 -- 360° 1990s 250 215 123 69 38 360° 324 227 162 65 19 -- 360° 2012 324 232 133 75 41 230 215 123 69 38.4 -- 360° 1964 195 184 105 59 32.9 -- 360° 1965 101 71 51 20 6 4 120° 2014 135 129 74 42 23 54 38 27 11 3 1 120° 2022? 144 81 46 26 14 150 150 150 148 82.2 -- 60° 1960 63 44 32 13 4 1 120° 1982
11 11 16
11 11 16
Range Eng # Country System Function Gen Lge Med Small VSmall Stealthy Targets Arc IOC
Annex J3 - Air Radars (continued)
Tu-95K, Tu-95KM Modified Sapfir-23 radar
Shmel with digital signal processing Surface range estimated
Also designated E-821
Also known as N-007AM
Also known as N-007A
Also known as N-004
MiG-25PD, also known as N-005 Interim version
Adds RS-2US and Kh-66 capability MiG-21S
Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
SS 2 SS 2 SS 2 LD/SD 6 LD/SD 6 AI 5 SS, TA LD/SD 6 LD/SD 6 LD/SD 6 LD/SD 5 SS
260 172 98 260 242 138 260 259 148 296 207 148 171 120 86 57 40 28 108 60 35 137 96 69 148 104 74 198 138 99 153 107 76 288 161 92
55 31 -- 160° 1961 78 43 -- 160° 1963 83 46 -- 160° 1966 59 18 6 140° -34 10.3 6 140° -11 3 1 120° 2021? 19 11 27 8.2 6 140° -- 30 8.9 6 140° -- 40 12 6 140° -- 31 9 4 140° -- 52 29 Prototype Development 2013 MAKS 2019 proposal Tested on Su-27KUB
Tu-16K-10 Tu-16K-10D, higher resolution Tu-16RM-1
Russia Kh-22PG Russia Kh-22M Russia Kh-22MN, Kh-22N Russia Kh-32 Russia KSR-2 Russia KSR-5 Russia KSR-5B/M/N
1 2 3 3 1 1 2
135 135 162 190 100 135 135
134 134 161 188 100 134 134
77 77 92 108 57 77 77
43 43 52 60 32 43 43
24 24 29 34 18 24 24
1965 1974 1983 2020 1962 1970 1976
Seeker Range Country System Gen Lge Med Small VSmall Stealthy IOC
Annex J3a - Long-Range Missile Seekers
Notes: Gunfire control radars (GFC) are tail turret radars for defensive guns. They allow blindfire use of defensive guns in rear arcs. Range Only (RO) radars are used as part of an aircraft’s weapon aiming system. They have no search capability and are not listed in Annex J3. Side Looking Aircraft Radars (SLAR) are reconnaissance sensors with no tactical application. They are not listed in Annex J3. Terrain Following (TF) radars are not search sensors. They are not listed in Annex J3.
Russia YeN [Puff Ball] Russia YeN-D [Puff Ball] Russia YeN-R Russia Zhuk-A (planned) Russia Zhuk-A (achieved) Russia Zhuk-A (Ka-52K) Russia Zhuk-AM (FGA-29) Russia Zhuk-AM (FGA-35) Russia Zhuk-AME (FGA-50) Russia Zhuk-MS
Range Eng # Country System Function Gen Lge Med Small VSmall Stealthy Targets Arc IOC
Annex J3 - Air Radars (continued)
J3-5 Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Mi-4, Effectively omni-directional, Shallow only Command-activated sound source for RGB-41/48 Omni-directional, Threshold, Int I max depth Directional, Threshold, Shallow only Directional, Command activated, Shallow only Omni-directional, LOFAR, EER Omni-directional, LOFAR, EER Omni-directional, LOFAR, EER Omni-directional, LOFAR, EER Omni-directional, LOFAR, EER Directional, DIFAR Directional, DIFAR Directional, DICASS Omni-directional, LOFAR, GB-58 sound source Directional, DIFAR, GB-58 sound source Command activated, Omni-directional Omni-directional, LOFAR Omni-directional, Threshold, Shallow only Omni-directional, Threshold, Int I max depth Omni-directional, Threshold Magnetic detection buoy, Int I-II boundary Ka-25, Mi-14PL Ka-27 Ka-27M
RGB-41 and RGB-48 are the receivers for the GB-58 sound source. The active range for these sonobuoys are for use with the GB-58 only. This aircraft must fly within 3 nmi of the sonobuoy and drop GB-58 sound sources in that Tactical Turn.
RGB-15 and RGB-16 are the receivers for explosive echo ranging (EER) sound sources. The active range for these sonobuoys are for EER only. This aircraft must fly within 3 nmi of the sonobuoy and drop EER sound sources in that Tactical Turn. EER sources are considered to be LF transmissions for Layer purposes.
Unless otherwise noted, sonobuoys and dipping sonars can reach depths of Intermediate II or deeper. The RMB-81 is stationary magnetic sensor that deploys to the Intermediate I - II boundary (100 meters). It can detect submarines at the listed range of 0.4 nmi for submarines at Intermediate I or II, but only at half range (0.2 nmi) for submarines at Shallow, Intermediate III, or Intermediate IV. The magnetic buoy cannot detect submarines at depths of Intermediate V or deeper.
Notes: 1) Active sonars have the frequency they transmit omarked with a superscript “a.” 2) RGB-3 life is based on passive operation. The sonobuoy can only provide power for two Tactical Turns of active search.
Base Base Gener- Active Passive Freq Life Country System Name Type ation Range Range Banda IOC Hours Russia AG-19 Klyazma Dipping 2 -- 0.2 HF 1959 -- Russia GB-58 Sonobuoy -- -- -- LMF 2010 0.5 Russia RGB-1 [BM-1] Sonobuoy 3 -- 0.4 MF 1969 3.0 Russia RGB-2 [BM-2] Sonobuoy 3 -- 0.6 MF 1969 0.8 Russia RGB-3 [BM-3] Sonobuoy 3 0.9 0.4 MFa 1969 0.52 Russia RGB-15 [Type 15] Sonobuoy 4 3.0 0.8 VLF-LMFa 1980 2.0 4.0 Russia RGB-16 [Type 16] Sonobuoy 4 3.0 0.9 VLF-LMFa 1985 Russia RGB-16-1 [Type 16] Sonobuoy 5 3.2 1.5 VLF-LMFa 1988 5.0 Russia RGB-16M Sonobuoy 6 3.4 1.5 VLF-LMFa 2001 5.0 5.0 Russia RGB-16MK Sonobuoy 6 3.5 1.6 VLF-LMFa 2005 Russia RGB-25 [Type 25] Sonobuoy 4 -- 0.6 LMF-MF 1980 0.7 Russia RGB-26 [Type 26] Sonobuoy 5 -- 1.0 VLF-LF 1993 1.2 Russia RGB-36 [Type 36] Sonobuoy 5 1.7 -- MFa 1993 0.5 Russia RGB-41 Sonobuoy 6 3.8 1.8 VLF-LMFa 2010 5.0 24.0 Russia RGB-48 Sonobuoy 6 3.8 1.8 VLF-LMFa 2010 1980 1.0 Russia RGB-55A [Type 55A] Sonobuoy 4 2.0 0.6 MFa Russia RGB-75 [Type 75] Sonobuoy 4 -- 1.5 VLF 1980 5.0 Russia RGB-N [RGB-56] Sonobuoy 2 -- 0.2 MF 1955 8.0 Russia RGB-NM [RGB-64] Sonobuoy 2 -- 0.3 LMF-MF 1961 5.0 Russia RGB-NM-1 Sonobuoy 3 -- 0.5 LMF-MF 1969 5.0 Russia RMB-81 Magnetic buoy -- -- 0.4 -- 2010 6.0 Russia VGS-2 Oka/Oka-2 [Stork Tail] Dipping 4 1.7 0.4 MFa 1966 -- Russia VGS-3 Ros-V [Lamb Tail] Dipping 5 2.5 0.5 MFa 1981 -- Russia VGS-3 Ros-VM Dipping 6 2.8 0.6 MFa 2017 --
Annex K2 - Airborne Search Sonars
Russia’s Aircraft
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Notes: 1) The Ka-15M Hen is a unique aircraft, in that one helicopter could carry the RGB-N sonobuoys, but a second helicopter had to carry the sonobuoy processor. 2) Channel allocation is based on the standard that a single LOFAR sonobuoy uses one channel. Generation 5 and 6 processors that use the equivalent of US DIFAR and DICASS sonobuoys require two channels per sonobuoy. 3) Threshold sonobuoys use a single channel and transmit any detection alert via radar beacon. A single operator can monitor all channels within a function, but can only process one function at a time (search, localization, or active). The operator can listen to the acoustic output of 6 sonobuoys per Tactical Turn. 4) RGB-N, RGB-NM sonobuoys can double up on the same channel as long as there is at least 20 nmi between the two sonobuoys using the same channel. 5) RGB-1 sonobuoys can double up on the same channel as long as there is at least 30 nmi between the two sonobuoys using the same channel. 6) RGB-15, -16 and -75 sonobuoys can double up on the same channel as long as there is at least 40 nmi between the two sonobuoys using the same channel. 7) Bear F Mod 3/4 have 26 localization channels: 16 for RGB-15 sonobuoys and 10 for RGB-25 sonobuoys. 8) Bear F Mods 3&4 use the RGB-15 sonobuoy and the Bear F Mod 5 uses the RGB-16 sonobuoy for explosive echo ranging. There are three charges used by these sonobuoys: MGAB-OZ (single charge), MGAB-LZ (linear charge), and MGAB-SZ (spherical charge). MGAB-OZ and MGAB-LZ charges are normally carried.
# of Gen- ASW Total Search Localization # of Active Country Aircraft Sonobuoys eration System Channels Channels Channels Channels Remarks Russia Be-6PLO 16 2 Baku 18 18 0 0 RGB-N, RGB-NM sonobuoys carried externally. Russia Be-12 Mail 36 2 Baku 18 18 0 0 RGB-N, RGB-NM, RGB-NM-1 sonobuoys Russia Be-12N Mail 36 2/3 Baku+Nara 28 18 10 0 RGB-NM, RGB-NM-1, RGB-2 sonobuoys Russia Be-42 Mermaid 48 6 Novella 96 64 32 0 RGB-41, RGB-48 sonobuoys, GB-58 sound sources, RMB-81 One operator limited to 32 channels per TT. Russia Il-38 May 157 3 Berkut 40 24 10 4 RGB-1, RGB-2, RGB-3 sonobuoys Russia Il-38N May 96 6 Novella 96 64 32 0 RGB-41, RGB-48 sonobuoys, GB-58 sound sources, RMB-81 Two operators limited to 64 channels per TT. Russia Il-38P May 157 3/4 Izumrud 68 54 10 4 RGB-16, RGB-2, RGB-3 sonobuoys One operator limited to 8 search channels per TT. Russia Ka-15M Hen1 2 2 Baku 18 18 0 0 RGB-N sonobuoys carried externally. Russia Ka-25 Hormone A 16/36 2 Baku 18 18 0 0 RGB-N/RGB-NM, RGB-NM-1 sonobuoys Russia Ka-27 Helix A 36 2 A-100 Pakhra 18 18 0 0 RGB-NM, RGB-NM-1 sonobuoys Russia Ka-27M 36 6 Kema 96 64 0 0 RGB-16MK, RGB-41 sonobuoys One operator limited to 32 channels per TT. Russia Mi-4M Hound 9 2 Baku 18 18 0 0 RGB-N, RGB-NM sonobuoys Russia Mi-14 Haze 16/36 2 Baku 18 18 0 0 RGB-N/RGB-NM sonobuoys Russia Mi-14PLM Haze 36 2 A-100 Pakhra 18 18 0 0 RGB-NM, RGB-NM-1 sonobuoys Russia Tu-142 Bear F Mods 1 & 2 130 3 Berkut 40 24 12 4 RGB-1, RGB-2, RGB-3 sonobuoys Mods 3 & 4 130 4 Korshun-K 56 24 16/10 6 RGB-15, RGB-25, RGB-55A, RGB-75 sonobuoys Two operators limited to 16 channels per TT. Mod 5 130 5 Zarechye 108 64 32 12 RGB-16, RGB-26, RGB-36 sonobuoys Two operators limited to 32 channels per TT.
Annex K3 - Sonar Processors
K-2 Russia’s Aircraft
Russia’s Aircraft
Bibliography Alexander, Jean, Russian Aircraft Since 1940, Putnam, 1975 Butowski P., Russia's Air-launched Weapons, Harpia Publishing, 2017 Butowski P., Russia's Warplanes Volume 1, Harpia Publishing, 2015 Butowski P., Russia's Warplanes Volume 2, Harpia Publishing, 2016 Friedman N., The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapon Systems 5th edition, Naval Institute Press, 2006 Gordon Yefim, MiG-25 Foxbat MiG-31: Russia's Defensive Front Line, Aerofax Inc, 1997 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15, Aerofax, Inc., 2001 Soviet Heavy Interceptors, Midland Publishing, 2004 Soviet/Russian Aircraft Weapons Since World War Two, Midland Publishing, 2004 Soviet Strategic Aviation in the Cold War, Hikoki Publications, 2009 Famous Russian Aircraft Mikoyan MiG-21, Midland Publishing, 2008 Famous Russian Aircraft Mikoyan MiG-31, Midland Publishing, 2005 Yakovlev Yak-25/26/27/28 Yakovlev’s Tactical Twinjets, Aerofax Inc, 2002 Gordon, Yefim & Butler, Tony, Soviet Secret Projects - Fighters Since 1945, Midland Publishing, 2005 Gordon, Yefim & Dawes, Alan, Russian Air Power, Airlife Publishing, 2002 Gordon Yefim, & Dexter K, MiG-23/27 Flogger: Soviet Swing-WIng Fighter/Strike Aircraft, Aerofax Inc, 2006 Gordon Yefim, & Kommissarov Dimitriy, Famous Russian Aircraft Ilyushin Il-28, Crecy Publishing, 2015 Famous Russian Aircraft Mikoyan MiG-17, Crecy Publishing, 2016 Famous Russian Aircraft Mikoyan MiG-23 & MiG-27, Crecy Publishing, 2019 Famous Russian Aircraft Mikoyan MiG-29 & MiG-35, Crecy Publishing, 2019 Famous Russian Aircraft Sukhoi Su-7/Su-17, Crecy Publishing, 2012 Famous Russian Aircraft Sukhoi Su-24, Crecy Publishing, 2015 Famous Russian Aircraft Sukhoi Su-27 & 30/33/34/35, Crecy Publishing, 2018 Famous Russian Aircraft Tupolev Tu-22/Tu-22M, Midland Publishing, 2012 OKB Ilyushin, Midland Publishing, 2004 OKB Yakovlev, Midland Publishing, 2005 Russian Air Power, Midland Publishing, 2011 Russian Strategic Aviation Today, Hikoki Publications, 2010 Russian Tactical Aviation since 2011, Hikoki Publications, 2017 Soviet Air Defence Aviation 1945-1991, Hikoki Publications, 2012 Soviet Naval Aviation 1946-1991, Hikoki Publications, 2013 Soviet Tactical Aviation, Hikoki Publications, 2011 Gordon, Yefim, Kommissarov Dimitriy, & Rigmant Vladimir, OKB Tupolev, Midland Publishing, 2005 Tupolev Tu-16, Schiffer Publishing, 2017 Tupolev Tu-22 'Blinder' Tu-22M 'Backfire', Aerofax, Inc., 1998 Gordon, Yefim & Rigmant, Vladimir, Tupolev Tu-95/-142 Bear, Aerofax, 1997 Gordon, Yeffin with Sweetman, Bill,Soviet X-Planes,Motorbooks International,1992 Green, William, The World's Fighting Planes, Doubleday & Co, 1965 Green, William & Fricker, John, Air Forces of the World, Hanover House, 1958 Green, William & Pollinger, Gerald, The Aircraft of the World, Doubleday & Co, 1965 Gunston Bill, The Osprey Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft, Osprey Publishing, 2000 Jackson, Robert, World Military Aircraft Since 1945, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1979 Léonard, Herbert, Encyclopedia of Soviet Fighters 1939-1951, Historie & Collections, 2005 Mladenov A., Air Vanguard: Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21, Osprey Publishing, 2014 Mladenov A., Air Vanguard: Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot, Osprey Publishing, 2013 Book Series Aircraft in Action series, various authors, Squadron/Signal Publications Aircraft in Profile, various authors, Profile Publications Aircraft Walk Around series, various authors, Squadron/Signal Publications Jane’s Aircraft, J.W.R. Taylor, ed., Jane's Information Group Jane’s Air-Launched Weapons, Duncan S. Lennox & Arthur Rees ed., Jane's Information Group Ships & Aircraft of the US Fleet, various authors, Naval Institute Press
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
86 Periodicals Air Forces Monthly magazine, Key Publishing Air International magazine, Key Publishing Combat Aircraft magazine, Key Publishing International Air Power Review series, Airtime Publishing World Air Power Journal series, Aerospace Publishing/Midsummer Books Websites Airwar.ru: www.airwar.ru Eastern Order of Battle: www.easternorbat.com Soviet Military Aviation in Eastern Germany - www.16va.be/sitemap.html Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org
Green Yvan (Order #28288140)
Russia’s Aircraft