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English Pages [17] Year 2011
ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XI STANDARD ENGLISH PC VERSION GUIDE TO HISTORICAL EVENTS, EVENT STILLS, AND BONUS UNLOCKS -------------------INTRODUCTION This guide was written in response to a lack of information or misinformation about the three topics: historical events, event still, and bonus unlocks. --------------------------------------TABLE OF CONTENTS I. GENERAL GUIDE INFORMATION II. HISTORICAL EVENT GUIDE III. EVENT STILLS GUIDE IV. BONUS UNLOCKS GUIDE V. CREDITS, COPYRIGHTS, ETC --------------------------------------I. GENERAL GUIDE INFORMATION Part II contains a list of the 44 historical events that players are able to trigger over the course of a game. Each event contains two sections, a list of conditions required to trigger the event, and then the results of obtaining the event. Some events also contain a section with notes about the event. While players may be familiar with many of the events listed, there are also several rare ones, and the conditions and results contain highly-detailed explanations. All events have been tested and personally confirmed by the author of this FAQ through the use of a hex editing program to help meet the conditions. This list is complete with the exception of the most minor events, for example, Xiahou Dun's eye injury. There are no other major events in the standard English PC version. The specific details were obtained on this Chinese Web site: http://www.sanguogame.com.cn/special/san11/san11-g7.html The Web site was run through the translate feature on www.google.com and the results were rewritten by the author. Part III contains a list of the 30 event stills, which were compiled directly from the author's copy of the game. Unlike the historical events, which often have a larger impact on the player's force, the event stills generally occur during historical or other in-game events and only consist of a portrait. Most are easily obtained, but a few can be more difficult. Obtaining all 30 events is important for unlocking one of the bonuses. Part IV contains a list of the 3 bonus unlocks for the standard English PC version of the game.
--------------------------------------II. HISTORICAL EVENT GUIDE -------------------1. The Yellow Turbans Rebel Conditions Play as any force in the 184 scenario Results Zhang Jiao’s force rebels against the Han -------------------2. Peach Garden Oath Conditions Start a game in the 184 scenario as Liu Yan Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei must be in the force Results Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei swear an oath of brotherhood -------------------3. Emperor Shao Is Deposed Conditions Play as Dong Zhuo in any scenario that starts before September 189 Dong Zhuo controls Luoyang and Changan Current date is September 189 or after Current emperor is Emperor Shao Li Ru in Dong Zhuo’s force Dong Zhuo and Li Ru inactive Results Li Ru suggests deposing Emperor Shao If player agrees: Emperor Shao is replaced by Emperor Xian If player declines: No change Notes It’s important that the scenario starts before September 189 because having it start later will interfere with Emperor Ling’s death. Also, several events state that certain officers must be inactive. This means that they should not be assigned to long-term tasks or in a unit. Short-term tasks, which are instantly completed, can still be utilized. -------------------4. League Against Dong Zhuo Conditions Play as any force in the 190 scenario Results Yuan Shao forms a coalition against Dong Zhuo
-------------------5. Xiahou Dun Recruits Dian Wei Conditions Play a scenario that starts before December 193 At least 90 days have elapsed Dian Wei has reached the age of debut and is a hidden or free officer Player’s force controls Chenliu and Puyang Xiahou Dun in the player’s force, in the same city as the ruler, and has 95+ loyalty The ruler is not one of Xiahou Dun or Dian Wei’s disliked officers City Order is 80+ Ruler and Xiahou Dun inactive Results Xiahou Dun gains 500 Deeds Dian Wei joins the player’s force at 100 loyalty If the ruler is Cao Cao: Dian Wei gains 2000 Deeds If the ruler is not Cao Cao: Dian Wei gains 500 Deeds Notes It should be pointed out that several of the officer recruitment events do not require a specific ruler to be triggered. -------------------6. Dian Wei Discovers Xu Zhu Conditions Play a scenario that starts before December 193 At least 180 days have elapsed Xu Zhu has reached the age of debut and is a hidden or free officer Player’s force controls Runan and Xuchang Dian Wei in the player’s force, in the same city as the ruler, and has 95+ loyalty The ruler is not one of Dian Wei or Xu Zhu’s disliked officers City Order is 80+ Ruler and Dian Wei inactive Results If the ruler is Cao Cao: Xu Zhu joins the force at 100 loyalty Dian Wei gains 500 Deeds Xu Zhu gains 2000 Deeds If the ruler is not Cao Cao, a duel is triggered between Dian Wei and Xu Zhu: If Dian Wei loses: Xu Zhu becomes a free officer and will not join the player’s force for 90 days If Dian Wei wins: Xu Zhu joins the force at 100 loyalty Dian Wei gains 300 Deeds Xu Zhu gains 500 Deeds -------------------7. Xun Yu Recommends Guo Jia
Conditions Play a scenario that starts before December 193 At least 30 days have elapsed Guo Jia has reached the age of debut and is a hidden or free officer Xun Yu in the player’s force, in the same city as the ruler, and has 95+ loyalty The ruler is not one of Xun Yu or Guo Jia’s disliked officers City Order is 80+ Ruler and Xun Yu inactive Results Xun Yu gains 500 Deeds Guo Jia joins the player’s force at 100 loyalty If the ruler is Cao Cao: Guo Jia gains 4000 Deeds If the ruler is not Cao Cao: Guo Jia gains 500 Deeds -------------------8. Dong Zhuo Assassination Plot Part 1 - Banquets Conditions Play as Dong Zhuo Current date is January 192 or after Dong Zhuo controls at least 2 cities and the emperor Lu Bu and Wang Yun in Dong Zhuo’s force Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, Wang Yun inactive Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu unmarried City Order is 75Diao Chan is not serving a force Results Wang Yun introduces Diao Chan to Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo Diao Chan joins Dong Zhuo’s force but cannot perform any actions Notes While not listed as a condition in events involving female officers, it should be assumed that the game settings for female officers is on the default Historical setting -------------------9. Dong Zhuo Assassination Plot Part 2 - Fengyi Pavilion Conditions 30 days elapsed after event #8 Same as #8 Results Dong Zhuo discovers Lu Bu and Diao Chan at Fengyi Pavilion -------------------10. Dong Zhuo Assassination Plot Part 3 - Assassination Conditions 30 days elapsed after event #9 Same as #8 Results Dong Zhuo and Li Ru die Diao Chan and Lu Bu marry
Dong Zhuo’s force is split into two factions, one ruled by Lu Bu, the other ruled by the Dong Zhuo loyalist (Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, Fan Chou) with the highest deeds Lu Bu claims Luoyang and the loyalist force claims the rest Lu Bu takes control of Luoyang Lu Bu loyalists move to Luoyang (Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Song Xian, Cao Xing, Wang Yun, Hou Cheng, Wei Xu, Diao Chan, Li Su) The rest of the officers side with the loyalist force Player is given a choice of which force to control Notes This series of events obtains the Secret Meeting event still, which some players may find difficult to get otherwise. -------------------11. Liu Bei Marries Mi Shi Conditions Play as Liu Bei in a scenario that starts before December 196 At least 30 days have elapsed Mi Shi has reached the age of debut and is a hidden or free officer Liu Bei controls Xiapi and Xiaopei Mi Zhu is in Liu Bei’s force, in Liu Bei’s city, has 10000 Deeds, and has 95+ loyalty Liu Bei and Mi Zhu are inactive Liu Bei and Mi Shi are not married Results Mi Shi joins Liu Bei’s force at 100 loyalty, gains 1000 Deeds Liu Bei and Mi Shi marry Mi Zhu’s loyalty is set to 100 Notes This was not tested with Mi Shi on the force. If she must not be on the force, the required deeds for Mi Zhu would make this event very difficult. -------------------12. Sun Ce Marches Conditions Play as Sun Ce in the 194 scenario Results Sun Ce and Zhou Yu make a plan to attack Jiangdong -------------------13. The Little Conquerer Conditions Play a scenario that starts before December 194 At least 30 days have elapsed Player’s force’s ruler is Sun Ce Sun Ce controls Chaisang, Jianye, and Wu At least one officer among Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai, Chen Wu, Dong Xi and Ling Cao has reached the age of debut and is a hidden or free officer Sun Ce is inactive Results Of the five officers, all that meet the above conditions join Sun Ce at 100 loyalty Each officer earns 1000 Deeds
Notes It would probably be difficult to get the full effects of this event since many of the officers will be recruited by other forces. Also of note is that Chen Wu has a later debut age than the others. -------------------14. Zhou Yu Recommends the Two Zhaos Conditions Play a scenario that starts before December 194 At least 30 days have elapsed Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong have reached the age of debut and are hidden or free officers Zhou Yu is in the player’s force, in the same city as the ruler, has 95+ loyalty, and is the force’s strategist The ruler is not one of Zhou Yu, Zhang Zhao, or Zhang Hong’s disliked officers Player’s force controls Chaisang, Jianye, and Lujiang Ruler and Zhou Yu are inactive Results If the ruler is Sun Ce: Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong join Sun Ce at 100 loyalty Zhou Yu earns 500 Deeds Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong earn 4000 Deeds If the ruler is not Sun Ce, a debate is initiated between the ruler and Zhang Zhao: If the debate is won: Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong join the ruler’s force at 100 loyalty Zhou Yu earns 300 Deeds Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong earn 500 Deeds If the debate is lost: Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong become free officers and will not join the ruler’s force for 12 months Notes The debate can be very difficult to win with Sun Jian or Sun Ce! Be sure to save often if you intend to trigger this event. -------------------15. Marriage of the Two Qiaos Conditions Play a scenario that starts before December 198 At least 30 days have elapsed Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao have reached the age of debut and are hidden free, or employed officers Player’s force controls Chaisang, Kuaiji, Wu, Lujiang, and Jianye Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are on the player’s force, unmarried, and inactive Results Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao join the player’s force at 100 loyalty Zhou Yu’s loyalty is set to 100 Sun Ce and Da Qiao marry Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao marry Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao earn 1000 Deeds Notes Lujiang was not listed in the original site’s conditions. Xiao Qiao also has
a later age of debut than Da Qiao. -------------------16. Yuan Shu Declares Himself Emperor Conditions At least 30 days have elapsed Yuan Shu has the Imperial Seal, controls 3 cities, does not control the emperor, and is inactive Results If Yuan Shu is a player force, Yuan Shu may choose to accept or decline. If Yuan Shu accepts: Yuan Shu receives the title of emperor Alliances with major forces are cancelled and relations drop dramatically If Yuan Shu declines: Yuan Shu is spared the wrath of China Notes This is one of the few events in my experience that will trigger even if you’re not playing the force. -------------------17. Cao Pi Marries Zhen Shi Conditions Play a scenario that starts before December 204 Zhen Shi is a prisoner of the player’s force and is either unmarried or married to Yuan Xi Cao Pi and Zhen Shi are in the same city Cao Pi is not married and inactive Results Yuan Xi and Zhen Shi’s marriage is cancelled Zhen Shi joins the player’s force at 100 loyalty Cao Pi’s loyalty is set to 100 Cao Pi and Zhen Shi marry Cao Pi and Zhen Shi earn 3000 Deeds Notes Probably difficult to set up, but since nothing is mentioned about Cao Cao being the ruler, it seems like any force can get this event. -------------------18. Yuan Shao’s Declaration of War Conditions Play as any force in the 200 scenario OR Play a scenario that starts before December 198 Cao Cao controls 5 Zhongyuan cities and is inactive Yuan Shao controls 5 Hebei cities and is inactive Both forces have at least one adjacent border and are not allies Results Relations for both forces drops to hostile
Notes This might be another play any force event but this has not been tested. -------------------19. Zhao Yun Joins Liu Bei Conditions Start a scenario as Liu Bei after January 195 At least 30 days have elapsed City’s Order is 100 Zhao Yun is a free officer Liu Bei is inactive Results Zhao Yun joins Liu Bei’s force at 100 loyalty Zhao Yun earns 4000 Deeds -------------------20. Liu Bei’s Influence Grows Conditions Start a scenario as Liu Bei before December 206 At least 30 days have elapsed Liu Bei controls Runan At least one officer among Zhou Cang, Pei Yuanshao, Liu Pi, Gong Du and and Liao Hua has reached the age of debut and is a hidden or free officer Liu Bei and Guan Yu are in Runan and inactive Results Of the five officers, all that meet the above conditions join Liu Bei at 100 loyalty Each officer earns 1000 Deeds -------------------21. The Death of Guo Jia Conditions Player controls 6 cities Guo Jia is in the player’s force and his death has been annnounced The ruler and Guo Jia are inactive Results Guo Jia receives a special cutscene for his death Notes Like the other death events, this event triggers when Guo Jia dies, not on the announcement of it. The death events can be hard to trigger because the key officers have to be inactive. -------------------22. Sun Ce’s Debate with Yu Ji Conditions Player’s force is Sun Ce Sun Ce controls Lujiang, Chaisang, Kuaiji, Wu, and Jianye Sun Ce’s death has been announced Sun Quan is in the force Sun Ce and Sun Quan are inactive Results
A debate with Yu Ji is triggered If Sun Ce wins: Sun Ce’s lifespan is increased by 20 years If Sun Ce loses: Sun Ce dies Sun Quan becomes the force’s ruler -------------------23. Zhuge Liang Marries Huang Ying Conditions Play a scenario that starts before September 202 At least 30 days have elapsed Zhuge Liang is 20+ years old and on the player’s force Huang Ying has reached the age of debut and is either a hidden, free or employed officer Zhuge Liang and Huang Ying are not married and inactive Results Zhuge Liang and Huang Ying marry Huang Ying’s loyalty is set to 100 and she gains 1000 Deeds -------------------24. Gan Ning Defects Conditions Play a scenario that begins before December 207 At least 30 days have elapsed The player’s force controls Chaisang, Lujiang, Jianye, Wu, and Kuaiji Gan Ning is serving in the same force as Huang Zu, is located in a city adjacent to the player’s force, and has 90- loyalty The ruler is not one of Gan Ning’s disliked officers Results Gan Ning joins the player’s force at 100 loyalty and gains 4000 Deeds -------------------25. Xu Shu Appears Conditions Play as Liu Bei in a scenario that starts before December 207 At least 30 days have elapsed Xu Shu has reached the age of debut and is a hidden or free officer Liu Bei is in and controls Xinye and is inactive Xinye’s Order is 100 Results Xu Shu joins the player’s force at 100 loyalty and gains 8000 Deeds -------------------26. Cao Cao Marches South Conditions At least 30 days have elapsed Cao Cao controls Wan, Xuchang, all of He Bei, and 7 Central Plains cities Cao Cao does not control Xinye, Lujiang, Chaisang, Jianye, Wu, or Kuaiji Jianye, Chaisang, Xiangyang, or Jiangling is controlled by a force not allied with Cao Cao
Cao Cao is inactive Results Cao Cao declares his intent to march on the south Relations with forces not allied with Cao Cao in Jianye, Xiangyang, Chaisang and Jiangling drop -------------------27. Liu Bei’s First Visit to Zhuge Liang Conditions Play as Liu Bei in a scenario that starts before December 207 At least 60 days have elapsed The current date is after January 208 Liu Bei owns Xinye and has 2 or fewer cities Zhuge Liang is a free or hidden officer Xinye’s Order is 100 Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are on Liu Bei’s force Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei are inactive Results Liu Bei attempts to meet Zhuge Liang and fails Zhuge Liang’s status is locked for 3 years -------------------28. Liu Bei’s Second Visit to Zhuge Liang Conditions 30 days have elapsed since event #27 same as #27 Results Liu Bei attempts to meet Zhuge Liang again and fails -------------------29. Liu Bei’s Third Visit to Zhuge Liang Conditions 30 days have elapsed since event #28 same as #27 Results Zhuge Liang joins Liu Bei’s force as strategist at 100 loyalty and gains 12000 Deeds Huang Ying joins Liu Bei’s force at 100 loyalty and gains 1000 Deeds Zhuge Jun joins Liu Bei’s force at 100 loyalty and gains 500 Deeds Zhuge Liang and Huang Ying marry -------------------30. The Five Ma Sages Conditions Play a scenario that starts before 209 At least 120 days have elapsed Player controls Jingzhou Ma Liang and Ma Su have reached the age of debut and are free or hidden officers Yi Ji in the player’s force, in the same city as the ruler, and has 95+ loyalty The ruler is not one of Yi Ji, Ma Liang, or Ma Su’s disliked officers Ruler and Yi Ji inactive
Results Yi Ji gains 500 Deeds Ma Liang and Ma Su join the player’s force at 100 loyalty Ma Su gains 500 Deeds If the ruler is Liu Bei: Ma Liang gains 4000 Deeds If the ruler is not Liu Bei: Ma Liang gains 2000 Deeds Notes This event can be extremely hard to trigger for anyone except Liu Biao in 207 since Ma Su’s debut is later than Ma Liang’s. -------------------31. The Marriage Alliance between Wu and Shu Conditions Play a scenario that begins before December 209 Wu is a force and the ruler is Sun Jian, Sun Ce, or Sun Quan The ruler’s title is General or higher Sun Shang Xiang is in Wu’s force Liu Bei is a force Liu Bei and Sun Shang Xiang are not married Liu Bei, Sun Shang Xiang, and Wu’s ruler are inactive Relations between Liu Bei and Wu are Neutral or higher Results Liu Bei and Sun Shang Xiang marry Sun Shang Xiang joins Liu Bei’s force at 100 loyalty and gains 1000 Deeds Liu Bei and Wu’s forces receive a relations boost and enter an alliance Notes In testing, relations between the two forces were Friendly. -------------------32. A-Meng of Wu Conditions At least 30 days have elapsed Lu Meng and Jiang Qin are in the player’s force and Sun Quan is the ruler Lu Meng and Jiang Qin’s have INT below 75, 95+ loyalty, and 5000+ Deeds Lu Meng, Jiang Qin, and Sun Quan are inactive Results Lu Meng and Jiang Qin gain 500 Deeds Lu Meng and Jiang Qin receive boosts of 10 LDR Jiang Qin receives a boost of 20 INT and 10 POL Lu Meng receives a large boost to INT and POL (amount varies depending on his age) -------------------33. The Death of Zhou Yu Conditions The player’s force controls Lujiang, Chaisang, Jianye, Wu, and Kuaiji Zhou Yu is in the player’s force and his death has been announced Lu Su is in the player’s force Zhou Yu and the force’s ruler are inactive
Results Zhou Yu dies If Lu Su has lower Deeds than Zhou Yu, he is given Zhou Yu’s Deeds If Lu Su has higher Deeds than Zhou Yu, he gains 2000 Deeds -------------------34. The Death of Cao Cao Conditions The ruler of the player’s force is Cao Cao and his death has been announced Cao Cao’s title is Emperor, Regent, or Duke Cao Cao’s force controls Changan, Ye, Luoyang, and 6 other Zhongyuan cities, and all of He Bei At least one of Cao Cao’s children (in the order of Ang, Pi, Zhi, Chong, Zhang) is in his force Cao Cao and his successor are inactive Results Cao Cao dies His successor becomes the ruler -------------------35. Liu Bei, The King of Hanzhong Conditions Play as Liu Bei in a scenario that starts before December 218 At least 180 days have elapsed Liu Bei controls Chengdu, Yongan, Zitong, and Hanzhong Zhuge Liang is in Liu Bei’s force Liu Bei’s title is lower than Regent Liu Bei does not control the emperor Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang are inactive Results Liu Bei receives the title of Regent Order, Will, and officer loyalties increase by 15 Relations drop with Cao forces and all forces below Neutral that are not allied with Liu Bei Zhuge Liang gains 2000 Deeds -------------------36. The Ascension of Wei Conditions Play as a Cao force in a scenario that starts before December 219 At least 180 days have elapsed The ruler is not Cao Cao, has the title of Regent, and is inactive The force controls at least 12 cities, including Ye, Luoyang, Xuchang, and Changan Results The force becomes the kingdom of Wei The ruler receives the title of Emperor The Han emperor is overthrown Order and Will increase by 20 Loyalty of officers loyal to the Han Dynasty decreases by 20 Loyalty of all other officers increases by 20 Relations drop with Liu Bei, other forces with the title of Emperor, and all forces below Neutral that are not allied with Wei Notes
Yes, Cao Pi can become Emperor with just 12 cities as long as he is Regent. Also, many of the rank events have complex descriptions of the effects on relations, so may not be accurate. -------------------37. The Ascension of Shu Conditions Start a scenario as Liu Bei that begins before December 220 At least 180 days have elapsed The Han emperor does not exist Wei or a force ruled by Cao Cao or a blood relative exists The Wei ruler’s title is Emperor and the force controls Ye, Luoyang, and Changan The player’s force’s title is Regent and controls Yizhou and Hanzhong Zhuge Liang is on the player’s force Relations with the Wei force are below Friendly and they are not allied The ruler and Zhuge Liang are inactive Results The force becomes the kingdom of Shu The ruler receives the title of Emperor Order, Will, and officer loyalty increase by 30 Relations drop with Wei forces, all forces below Neutral that are not allied with Shu, and all forces that do not have the title of Emperor Notes The translation is unclear about what Liu Bei should control, so Jianning and Yunnan may not be necessary to trigger several of the Shu events. -------------------38. The Tiger Generals’ Sons Swear An Oath Conditions Play as a force ruled by Liu Bei or a blood relative Guan Xing and Zhang Bao are on the player’s force, have 8000+ Deeds, and are in the same city as the ruler Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, and Liu Bei are inactive Results Guan Xing and Zhang Bao become sworn brothers, have their loyalty set to 100, and gain 500 Deeds -------------------39. The Prince of Wu Conditions Play as Wu in a scenario that starts before December 221 At least 180 days have elapsed since the scenario began or since Wei became a kingdom The Wei ruler’s title is Emperor and the Han emperor is overthrown Wei controls 8 or more cities, including Luoyang and Ye 3 or more forces exist The player’s force’s ruler’s title is not Emperor or Regent The player’s force controls 8 or more cities, including Lujiang, Chaisang, Kuaiji, Wu, and Jianye Relations between Wei and the player’s force are Friendly or higher The player’s force’s ruler is inactive Results The ruler receives the title of Regent Order, Will, and officer loyalty increase by 10
Relations with Wei increase Relations drop with Liu Bei, all forces below Neutral that are not allied with the player’s force, and all forces that have the title of Emperor -------------------40. Lu Xun Becomes Commander In Chief Conditions Play as Sun Quan At least 30 days have elapsed Zhou Yu, Lu Su, and Lu Meng have died Lu Xun is on the player’s force, has 95+ loyalty, Deeds between 3000 and 15000 Sun Quan has 10 or more generals(?) Relations with a neighboring force that has 5 or more cities are Hostile Sun Quan and Lu Xun are inactive Results Lu Xun moves to Sun Quan’s city, is given 100 loyalty, and gains 12000 Deeds If Kan Ze is on the player’s force, Kan Ze gains 300 Deeds Notes While this event is intended to represent Wu’s conflict with Shu just before Liu Bei’s death, it can be triggered against any force that meets the requirements, even Liu Biao! It is unclear if Kan Ze is required for the event. -------------------41. The Northern Expeditions Conditions Play as Liu Bei or Liu Chan At least 30 days have elapsed The Han emperor does not exist A northern force controls Luoyang, Xuchang, and Ye, the ruler’s title is Emperor, and the force controls more cities than the Liu force The Liu force controls Yizhou, Hanzhong, Jianning, and Yunnan Order in Hanzhong and Chengdu is 100 Zhuge Liang is on the player’s force Relations with the northern force are poor and they are not allied The ruler and Zhuge Liang are inactive Results Relations drop to hostile with the northern force Officer loyalty increases by 10 -------------------42. The Ascension of Wu Conditions Play a scenario that starts prior to December 228 Either 180 days have elapsed or 360 days have elapsed since Wei became a kingdom At least two forces’ rulers title’s are Emperor Wu’s ruler’s title is Regent and is inactive Wu controls at least 8 cities, including all of Jiangdong Results The force becomes the kingdom of Wu The ruler receives the title of Emperor Order, Will, and officer loyalty increase by 20 Relations drop with all forces below Neutral that are not allied with Wu
-------------------43. The Death of Liu Bei Conditions Play as Liu Bei Liu Bei’s death has been announced and his title is Emperor Liu Bei controls Yizhou and Hanzhong Zhuge Liang and either Liu Shan or Liu Feng are in the player’s force Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and either Liu Shan or Liu Feng are inactive Results Liu Bei dies His successor becomes the ruler -------------------44. The Death of Zhuge Liang Conditions The player’s force’s ruler’s title is Emperor The player’s force controls Yizhou and Hanzhong and does not control Xuchang, Luoyang, or Ye Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei are on the player’s force Zhuge Liang is the force’s strategist and his death has been announced Zhuge Liang, Jiang Wei, and the ruler are inactive Results Zhuge Liang dies If Jiang Wei has lower Deeds than Zhuge Liang, he is given Zhuge Liang’s Deeds If Jiang Wei has higher Deeds than Zhuge Liang, he gains 4000 Deeds --------------------------------------III. EVENT STILLS LIST The explanations are not comprehensive and there may be other ways to obtain some of the event stills. The methods listed are the simplest way to get them. -------------------Plague - obtained as soon as a plague occurs in any game Locusts - obtained
as soon as a locust outbreak occurs in any game
Plenty - obtained as soon as a bountiful harvest occurs in any game Bandits - obtained during the Yellow Turban Revolt event Coronation - obtained when any force becomes Emperor Unity : Male - obtained by completing a game with a male ruler Unity : Female - obtained by completing a game with a female ruler Downfall - obtained when any force is defeated Independence - play the 184 or 190 scenario and eventually a force should declare independence in the vacant southern areas Omen - obtained when your strategist announces at the beginning of a year that an officer will die
Sovereign Death - obtained when your ruler dies Officer Death : Male - obtained when a male officer dies Officer Death : Female - obtained when a female officer dies Funeral - obtained during several death-related historical events 2 Sworn Brothers - obtained by having two male officers swear an oath 2 Sworn Sisters - obtained by having two female officers swear an oath Male Officer Appears - obtained when a male officer comes of age and joins your force Marriage - obtained by having a male and female officer marry Fem. Officer Appears - obtained when a female officer comes of age and joins your force Resignation - this event can be triggered by letting a married officer whose spouse is free or in prison drop in loyalty until the officer leaves; an officer leaving when a ruler dies does not display the required event still Decree - obtained when your force obtains the rank of Duke or Regent Orders - obtained in a number of events, including The Yellow Turbans Rebel Fallen Castle - obtained when your force conquers or loses a city Conversation - obtained when one of your officers recommends hiring another officer and they debate Coalition - obtained by starting the 190 scenario Search - obtained when one of your officers recommends hiring another officer and they duel Secret Meeting - either trigger the Dong Zhuo assassination event or search Beiping in 184 or Runan in 190 until you locate Xu Shao Appoint - obtained when any force is given a higher title by the Emperor 3 Sworn Brothers - obtained by having three male officers swear an oath 3 Sworn Sisters - obtained by having three female officers swear an oath --------------------------------------IV. UNLOCKING BONUSES A lot of misinformation has been spread about unlocking all of the bonuses on the standard English PC version. The PS2 has different requirements and more officers that can be unlocked. Here are the requirements for getting the bonuses in the standard English PC ROTK XI. 32 Bonus Officers - Complete all 8 tutorials Historical Portraits, 100 Max Stats, Extra Skills - Complete the game once
Elite Skills - Witness all 30 event stills --------------------------------------V. CREDITS, COPYRIGHT, ETC Special Thanks KOEI - for producing ROTK XI http://www.sanguogame.com.cn/special/san11/san11-g7.html - for creating the original Chinese historical event guide GameFAQs member destroyer_ck - for bringing the translation of the guide to the author's attention Members of the GameFAQs, KOEI and Scholars of Shen Zhou community forums - for their interest and support GameFAQs - for creating such a fantastic gaming resource