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English Pages [547] Year 2021
dietary exposure modelling, 489–491 acute exposure assessment models, 490–491 aflatoxin B1, 497–499 chronic exposure assessment models, 490
Regression coefficients (RCs), 202 Regression empirical parameters, of Gompertz model, 306 Relative risk, 28–30 Removal process, 327–328 Response surface models, 322 Reverse dosimetry, 448 Risk analysis component interaction, 6 components, 6, 48 decision making, 5–6 definition, 5 qualitative/quantitative evaluation, 5 Risk assessment framework, 7 analysis role, 5–6 chemical risk assessment (CRA), 9–10 deterministic vs. stochastic, 10–11 developments and future perspectives, 12–13 hazard vs. risk, 4–5 limitations and challenges, 11–12 microbial risk assessment (MRA), 7–9 uncertainty and variability, 11 Risk assessment methods, 273 conceptual model, 438–439 deterministic approach, 439 probabilistic approach, 440 tiered approach, 441 uncertainty analysis, 441–442 Risk Assessment Modelling and Knowledge Integration Platform (RAKIP), 400, 403 Risk assessment package mc2d, 400 Risk assessors, 462 Risk-based food safety systems Codex Alimentarius, 50 decision-making, 49 framework, 49 General Food Law, 50 International Programme on Chemical Safety, 50–51 risk matrix, 51–52
wicked problem, 48 Risk-based inspection system database development, 38 description, 37–38 inspection frequency, 39–40 level classification, food categories, 38 level classification, food establishments, 38–39 overall score, 39 strategic goals development, 40 Risk-benefit assessment (RBA), 69–71 categorization, 108 challenges, 108 definition, 82–83 different level aggregation diet risk, 103–107 food component risk, 96–99 food risk, 99–103 epidemiological analyses, 109 European projects, 81 feasible region, 110 food safety and nutrition, 85–91, 110 future perspectives and challenges, 107–110 hazard identification, 109 need for, 80–81 qualitative and quantitative approach identification, 91–93 quantification, 93–95 risk–benefit question (RBQ), 83, 85 risks and benefits, 109 steps, 83–85 Risk–benefit question (RBQ), 83, 85, 95, 108 Risk characterization process, 437, 450 Risk/decision matrix, 35 Risk metrics economic impact metrics costs, estimate methods, 64–68 costs, foodborne disease, 62–64 health impact metrics, 56–61 illness burden
bottom-up vs. top-down approaches, 52–54 to burden of disease, 56 outcome trees, 54–56 risk-based food safety systems, 48–52 risk ranking, 68–69 Risk modelling process and model integration data to risk, data treatment, 226–228 deterministic models vs. stochastic models, 229–231 modelling and simulation tools, 245–248 models and modelling approaches Bayesian network (BN), 240 Bayesian techniques, 240 complexity, 238–239 cross-contamination, 242 drying/fermentation processes, 241 modular process risk model (MPRM), 238 probability distributions, 235, 237 process risk model (PRM), 238 population risk vs. individual risk, 242–245 prevalence and concentration approximation, 234 Bayesian methods, 235 Clopper–Pearson method, 234 ingredients mixing, 231 log-normal distribution, 232 measurement and expression, 231 microbiological testing, 232 probability distributions, 233 Risk Ranger, 35 Risk ranking, 68–69 chart, 32 food inspection and surveillance system, 18 food safety risks identification, 18–20 framework, 20, 22 approach, 24–27
data collection and evaluation, 30–31 results, 31 risk ranking model, 28–30 risk variables and metrics, 27–29 scope, 20–24 screening, 24 methods, 21, 33, 476 risk-based inspection system, 37–40 tools, 33 decision/risk matrices, 35 decision trees, 33–34 scoring systems and multicriteria decision analysis, 35–36 spreadsheet calculators, 35 web-based, 36–37 Risk Ranking Categorization System, 23 @RISK software, 504, 506 R software, 400
S Salmonella sp. S. enterica, 275, 281, 284, 285, 316, 317, 364–365, 371, 374 S. typhimurium, 316 Salmonellosis, 59–61 Secondary models, 304 Arrhenius-type, 321–322 Bigelow, 322–323 polynomial/response surface, 322 Ratkowsky/square root, 320–321 transfer, 323–324 Second-order Monte-Carlo simulation, 174–175, 182, 187 illustration, 183 resources, 186 “Semi-mechanistic” models for crosscontamination, 361 Semi-quantitative approach, 27–28 Sensitivity analysis methods, 475 application, 192 building, 192
description, 191–192 methods and approaches all-factors-at-a-time (AAT), 193–194 graphical methods, 204–206 mathematical methods, 196–199 one-factor-at-a-time (OAT), 193–194 quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) model, 194, 196 statistical methods, 199–204 traditional, 193 microbial food safety, 192–193 SHEDS-high-throughput tool, 447 Sheen and Hwang model, 380–381 Sheffield method, 473 Shoulder/tail model, 319–320 Sigmoid models, 304 Simulation-based models, 501 Simulation tools, 245–247 “Single-hit concept,” 410 SMPHs, see Summary measures of population health SNMU, see Sparse non-negative matrix underapproximation Software, 246–247 Sparse non-negative matrix underapproximation (SNMU), 444 Spoilage, 119 Spoilage risk assessment modeling approaches development, 128–129 predictive microbiology, 129 qualitative and quantitative exposure, 127–128 types and availability, 129 sensitivity, 131 uncertainty and variability, 130–131 sQMRA, see Swift quantitative microbial risk assessment SRCs, see Standardized regression coefficients
SRRCs, see Standardized rank regression coefficients SSSP software, 404 Standardized rank regression coefficients (SRRCs), 203 Standardized regression coefficients (SRCs), 203 Statistical design optimization theory, 411 Statistical methods description, 199–200 model dependent methods correlation coefficients (CCs), 203 rank regression approach, 203 regression indexes, 202 software packages, 204 model independent methods ANOVA, 200–201 classification and regression tree (CART), 201–202 other methods, 202 Statistical model, 357 Statistical tools, 388 Stochastic models, 303, 486 Stochastic predictive microbiology, 303, 339 Stochastic simulation model, 506–507 Summary measures of population health (SMPHs), 57 Surveillance systems, 287, 288 Swift quantitative microbial risk assessment (sQMRA), 35 Sym'Previus software, 389, 402, 404
T T2-HT2, dietary intake of, 496–497 Tailing phenomenon, 370–375 Target organ toxicity dose (TTD), 446 Tertiary models, 304 Threshold model, 411 TI, see Tolerable intake Tiered approach, 91–93, 441 TK, see Toxicokinetic models Tolerable intake (TI), 435
Top-down approach, 26, 285 Total transfer potential (TTP), 376–377 Toxicokinetic (TK) models, 434, 448–449 Toxicological surveys, 449 Toxin production, 277 Traditional epidemiology, 281 Transfer models, 323–324 Transparency, 476 TTD, see Target organ toxicity dose TTP, see Total transfer potential Two-dimensional (2-D) Monte Carlo simulations, 440, 502 Two model approaches, 313
U Uncertainty characterize errors, 183–186 limited number, 182 second-order Monte-Carlo simulation, 182–183 conduct analysis, 177–179 data characterize, 179 description, 168–169 model, 170 ontology categories, 170–171 ontology data, 171 outcome impact, 188 risk assessments, 170 scenario, 169 sources prioritize, 187–188 stages, 178 understanding exchangeable, 176–177 lack of, 174–176 proposal to, 171–173 Uncertainty analysis, 248–249, 441–442, 458–459 approaches, 462–465 communication, 476–477 identification and description, 467–472 impact, 473–474
individual assessment, 468, 473 planning, 465–466 prioritization of sources, 475–476 classification of, 459–462 definition of, 459 elements, 249–251 expressions types, 252–253 interpretation, MRA, 251, 254–256 Uncertainty and variability, risk assessment, 11 Understandability, 477 United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service (USDAARS), 388 USDA-ARS, see United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service User-friendly software programs, 304, 312 U.S. Food and Drug Administration Bacterial Analytical Manual, 333 U.S. health survey data, 289
V Variability categories, 167 characterization example, 169 considered, 184 data characterize, 179 description, 167 different levels, 173 distributions, 168 levels mixing, 173 Monte-Carlo simulations integration, 180–181 risk, 168 understanding exchangeable, 176–177 lack of, 174–176 proposal to, 171–173 Variability and uncertainty
communicating uncertainties and outcome impact, 188 one-dimensional Monte-Carlo simulation, 185 principle of derivation, 180 prioritize, sources of uncertainty, 187–188 separate considering practice characterize uncertainty, 181–187 data characterize, 179–180 Monte-Carlo simulations to integrate variability, 180–181 two-dimensional Monte-Carlo simulation, 187 uncertainty analysis conduct, 177–179 understanding exchangeable, 176–177 lack of, 174–176 proposal to, 171–173 Vibrio parahaemolyticus, 276, 278 Visual exploring Bayesian model, R and OpenBUGS censored data, 159–160
censored data and likelihood contour plots, 158 censored data and true zeros, 160–161 plate count data, 161–162
W Weibull models, 319, 363 Well-studied cross-contamination models, 378 WGS, see Whole genome sequencing Whole genome sequencing (WGS), 281–282 World Health Organization, 289–290
Y Years lived with disability (YLDs), 57–58 Years of life lost (YLL), 57 Yersinia enterocolitica, 327–328 YLDs, see Years lived with disability YLL, see Years of life lost