Realistic CTR-67 Portable Cassette Tape Recorder User's Manual [2023 ed.]

This User's Instruction Manual combines Tandy Corporation, Radio Shack Faxback documents found on the Internet with

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Table of contents :
1 Preparation
1.1 Choosing a power supply
1.1.1 Using internal batteries Note
1.1.2 Using an AC outlet Caution
1.1.3 Using Your Vehicle Cigarette-Lighter Socket Cautions
1.2 Loading a cassette
1.2.1 Notes
2 Operation
2.1 Playing a cassette tape
2.2 Fast-forward
2.3 Rewind
2.4 Pause
2.4.1 Note
2.5 Recording a cassette tape
2.6 Using fast-forward and rewind
2.6.1 Play mode
2.6.2 Record mode
2.6.3 Stop mode Note
2.7 Using the tape counter
2.8 Using the earphone
2.9 Hearing comfort and your health
2.9.1 Traffic Safety
3 Tape Recorder Tips
3.1 Erasing tapes
3.2 Preventing accidental erasing
3.2.1 Caution
3.3 Cleaning the tape-handling components
3.3.1 Cautions
4 Maintenance
5 Acknowledgment
Recommend Papers

Realistic CTR-67 Portable Cassette Tape Recorder User's Manual [2023 ed.]

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Realistic CTR-67 Portable Cassette Tape Recorder User Manual



Realistic CTR-67 Portable Cassette Tape Recorder User Manual



1 Preparation CTR-67 (140-1152) Preparation Faxback Doc. #7786


Choosing a power supply

You can power your cassette recorder from internal batteries. With the correct adapters (not supplied) you can also power the recorder from a standard AC outlet or your vehicle cigarette-lighter socket.

1.1.1 Using internal batteries To power your recorder from internal batteries, you need four AA batteries. For best performance, we recommend alkaline batteries, such as Radio Shack Cat. No. 23552. You can also use rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries (Cat. No. 23-125). These batteries and a battery charger (Cat. No. 23-234) are available at your local Radio Shack store. Follow these steps to install batteries: 1. Press down on the battery compartment and slide it in the direction of the arrow. 2. Insert the batteries into the compartment as indicated by the polarity symbols (+ and -) marked in the compartment. 3. Replace the battery compartment cover.


When the batteries are weak or dead, the RECORD/BATTERY indicator becomes dim during operation or does not light when you turn on the recorder.

1.1.2 Using an AC outlet To power the recorder from an AC outlet, you need an AC adapter (such as Cat. No. 273-1454). Insert the adapter barrel-plug into the recorder DC 6V jack. This disconnects internal battery power. Then, plug the adapter into a standard AC outlet.

Realistic CTR-67 Portable Cassette Tape Recorder User Manual




The recommended Class II adapter supplies 6 volts and delivers at least 150 milliamps. Its center tip is negative polarity, and its plug properly fits the recorder DC 6V jack. Using an adapter that does not meet these specifications could damage the recorder or the adapter.

1.1.3 Using Your Vehicle Cigarette-Lighter Socket To power the recorder from your vehicle cigarette-lighter socket, your vehicle must have a 12-volt, negative-ground electrical system. This connection requires a DC adapter, such as Cat. No. 14-844.


Be sure you connect the adapter to the recorder before you connect it to the cigarette-lighter socket, and that you disconnect the adapter from the cigarette-lighter socket before you disconnect it from the recorder. If you do not follow these instructions, the unconnected plug might touch a metal object and damage the adapter and/or the recorder. The recommended adapter supplies 6 volts DC power and delivers at least 150 milliamps. Its center tip is negative, and its plug properly fits the recorder DC 6V jack. Using an adapter that does not meet these specifications could damage the recorder or the adapter. Set the adapter-voltage switch to 6V. Then insert the small plug into the recorder DC 6V jack. Plug the other end of the adapter into the vehicle cigarette-lighter socket.


Loading a cassette

Follow these steps to load a cassette: 1. Press STOP/EJECT to open the cassette-compartment door 2. Insert a cassette into the compartment with the cassette open edge toward you and its full reel to the left 3. Close the cassette-compartment door

1.2.1 Notes Tape slack in a cassette can get caught in the capstan or pinch roller. To avoid this problem, take up any slack in the tape by turning the cassette hub with a pencil. Do not touch the exposed tape. If you play a cassette several times, the tape can become tightly wound on either hub. To restore normal tension, completely fast-forward the tape, then completely rewind it.

Realistic CTR-67 Portable Cassette Tape Recorder User Manual



2 Operation CTR-67 (140-1152) Operation Faxback Doc. #7787


Playing a cassette tape

To play a cassette, follow these steps: 1. Load a cassette tape into the cassette compartment 2. Set VOLUME to MIN 3. Press PLAY 4. Adjust VOLUME for a comfortable listening level 5. Press STOP/EJECT to stop the tape NOTE: The recorder automatically stops tape movement and turns off when the tape ends, To listen to a cassette in privacy, see section 2.8 Using the earphone.



To fast-forward, press and hold down FAST-F/CUE until the tape reaches the desired section.



To rewind the tape, press and hold down REWIND/REVIEW until the tape reaches the desired section. See paragraph 2.6 Using fast-forward and rewind.



To temporarily stop the tape, press PAUSE. To continue playback, press PAUSE again.

2.4.1 Note Do not leave PAUSE down for an extended period of time, doing so drains the bat teries.


Recording a cassette tape

A built-in Automatic Level Control (ALC) circuit will automatically set the proper recording level. The built-in condenser microphone is highly sensitive and picks up sound from practically any distance in a normal size room. You can also connect an external microphone (not supplied) to the recorder MIC jack. Use a high-quality, low-impedance microphone with an 1⁄8-inch plug. See the Radio Shack complete selection of microphones. If you connect an external microphone, the built-in microphone automatically disconnects.

Realistic CTR-67 Portable Cassette Tape Recorder User Manual



If the external microphone has a separate, smaller plug for remote operation, insert that plug into the recorder REMOTE jack. Then, you can use the remote switch on the microphone to turn the recorder on and off. However, if VOICE-ACTUATION is not set to OUT, recording only starts when the remote switch is on and the recorder receives an audible signal. When you finish recording, be sure to press STOP/ EJECT. If you use an external microphone, you can monitor the recording with the supplied earphone. Otherwise, do not use the earphone during recording. The built-in microphone circuitry can cause feedback noise in the earphone. Use only normal bias (Type I) tapes, such as Radio Shack LN and XR tape, for recordings. Be sure the erase-protection tabs are in place. Follow these steps to record onto a cassette: 1. Load a blank cassette (or one you want to record over) into the tape compartment. 2. Set VOICE ACTUATION as follows to set the desired sensitivity: HIGH―begins recording from soft, low sounds as well as loud sounds. LOW―requires a normal to loud sound to begin recording. OUT―immediately begins recording when you press RECORD (unless PAUSE is down). 3. Press RECORD. The PLAY button automatically goes down. If VOICE-ACTUATION is set to OUT, recording begins immediately, (unless PAUSE is down). If VOICE-ACTUATION is set to HIGH or LOW, recording begins when the recorder detects an audible signal. If the sound stops or becomes inaudi ble for about 5 seconds, the recorder automatically stops and the RECORD/BATTERY indicator turns on when the recorder receives another audible signal. NOTE: As the recorder records, the RECORD/BATTERY indicator flashes. 4. To stop recording, press STOP/EJECT.


Using fast-forward and rewind

The REWIND/REVIEW and FAST-F/CUE buttons have three different functions, depending on whether they are used in the play, record, or stop mode. To return to a segment that you just played or recorded, or to advance to a segment of the tape, follow these instructions.

Realistic CTR-67 Portable Cassette Tape Recorder User Manual



2.6.1 Play mode If you press and hold down REWIND/REVIEW or FAST-F/CUE while playing a cassette, the tape rewinds or fast-forwards. At the same time, any signal on the tape is audible, making it easy to locate the end of a segment. When you release REWIND/REVIEW or FAST-F/CUE, the recorder returns to normal play.

2.6.2 Record mode If you press and hold down REWIND/REVIEW or FAST-F/CUE while recording, the RECORD button releases and the tape rewinds or fast-forwards. You can hear the recorded sound, so you can locate any desired segment on the tape. When you release REWIND/REVIEW or FAST-F/CUE, the recorder plays the cassette. To continue recording, press STOP/EJECT. Then press RECORD.

2.6.3 Stop mode When you press REWIND/REVIEW or FAST-F/CUE when tape-transport is stopped, the button locks and the tape rewinds or fast-forwards at high speed. When you reach the approximate position you want, press STOP/EJECT.


Auto-stop does not work in this mode. As soon as the recorder reaches the end of the tape, press STOP/EJECT.


Using the tape counter

Set the counter to 000 at the beginning of a tape by pressing the reset-button next to the counter. Then, as you record onto or play a cassette tape, note the counter reading at the start of each selection. Finally, use rewind or fast-forward and the counter reading to return to the desired section.


Using the earphone

Follow these steps to listen to a recorded cassette in privacy. 1. Set VOLUME to MIN. 2. Plug the supplied earphone 1⁄8-inch plug into the recorder EAR jack. The built-in speaker automatically disconnects. 3. Adjust VOLUME for a comfortable listening level.


Hearing comfort and your health

Do not listen at extremely high volume levels, especially when using the earphone. Extended, high-volume listening can lead to permanent hearing loss.

Realistic CTR-67 Portable Cassette Tape Recorder User Manual



2.9.1 Traffic Safety Do not wear headphones while operating a motor vehicle or riding a bicycle. This can create a traffic hazard and is illegal in some areas. Even though the design of some headphones let you hear some outside sounds when listening at normal volume levels, they still present a traffic hazard.

3 Tape Recorder Tips CTR-67 (140-1152) Tape and Recorder Tips, Faxback Doc. # 7788


Erasing tapes

You can erase a tape three different ways: 1. Record over the tape. The new recording replaces the old. 2. Plug the supplied erase plug into the MIC jack and follow the procedure for recording. 3. Use a bulk tape eraser (available at your local Radio Shack store).


Preventing accidental erasing

Cassettes have two erase-protection tabs to prevent accidentally erasing a previous recording. To use the erase-protection feature, carefully break off the plastic tab with a screw driver. There is a tab for each side. Be sure you break off the correct tab. To allow recording on that cassette, put a piece of tape over the hole where you broke off the tab.

3.2.1 Caution If you insert a cassette with the tabs broken off, don’t try to force down the record button. You can damage the recorder mechanism.


Cleaning the tape-handling components

Dirt or other particles from the tape-coating can build up on the recorder tapeheads and other tape-handling components and greatly reduce the recorder performance. We recommend you clean these parts after about every 20 hours of operation. Follow these steps to clean the recorder-heads. 1. Open the cassette-compartment door. 2. Press PLAY. Clean the moving parts with a cotton swab dipped in cleaning fluid or denatured alcohol. 3. When you finish cleaning the parts, press STOP/EJECT. Your local Radio Shack store sells all the necessary cleaning materials.

Realistic CTR-67 Portable Cassette Tape Recorder User Manual



3.3.1 Cautions Never touch the front surface of the record/playback head with a metallic object. Do not use a tape-head demagnetizer on this recorder. It might impair the operation of the recorder permanent-magnet erase head.

4 Maintenance CTR-67 (140-1152) Maintenance Faxback Doc. # 7789 Your CTR-67 Voice-Actuated Compact Cassette Recorder is an example of superior design and craftsmanship. The following suggestions will help you care for the recorder so that you can enjoy it for years. 

Keep the recorder dry. If it does get wet, wipe it dry immediately. Liquids can contain minerals that corrode the electronic circuits.

Use only fresh batteries of the recommended size and type. Always remove old or weak batteries. They can leak chemicals that destroy electronic circuits.

Handle the recorder gently and carefully. Dropping it can damage circuit boards and cases and can cause the product to malfunction.

Use and store the recorder only in normal temperature environments. Temperature extremes can shorten the life of electronic devices, damage batteries, and distort or melt plastic parts.

Keep the recorder away from dust and dirt, which can cause premature wear of parts.

Wipe the recorder with a dampened cloth occasionally to keep it looking new. Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the recorder.

Modifying or tampering with the recorder internal components can cause a malfunction and invalidate the recorder warranty. If your recorder is not operating as it should, take it to your local Radio Shack store. Our personnel can assist you and arrange for service if needed.

5 Acknowledgment All Tandy Faxback documents used to prepare this document came from this website: 