"DRINK ME" "EAT ME" Alice's Wonder Recipes: A Fast and Simple Cookbook for Your Adventure Parties

To all Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland fans, it’s time to enjoy and feel like you are part of her adventure. Food is al

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English Pages 56 Year 2021

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Table of contents :
Table of contents
Chapter 1 – Egg and Mushroom Recipes
Simple Deviled Eggs
Paprika Eggs
Roasted Mushrooms
Garlic Mushrooms
Dry-Sauté Mushrooms
Mushroom Sauce
Eggs with Roasted Mushrooms
Chapter 2 – Tea Sandwich Recipes
Turkey Sandwich
Goat Cheese Sandwiches
Prawn Sandwiches
Creamy Egg Sandwich
Deviled Egg Sandwiches
Sandwiches with Smoked Salmon
Sandwiches with Roast Beef
Mint Tea Cucumber Sandwiches
Veggie Tea Sandwich
Chicken Tea Sandwich
Drink Me Strawberry
Melon Sorbet
Raspberry Soda
Agua Cantaloupe Drink
Healthy Ice Tea
Coconut Ice Tea
Milk Tea
Tea Latte
Mint Tea
Green Tea with Peach and Strawberry
Chapter 4 – Alice’s Dessert Recipes
Lemon Pudding
Cherry Tarts
Blueberry Cake
“Eat Me” Sugar Cookies
Alice’s Cupcakes
Author's Afterthoughts
About the Author

"DRINK ME" "EAT ME" Alice's Wonder Recipes: A Fast and Simple Cookbook for Your Adventure Parties

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