Quantum Computing Explained for Beginners: The Science, Technology, and Impact 9780080466170, 0080466176

Dive into Tomorrow's Tech, Today. Are you curious about the future of computing but don't know where to start?

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Table of contents :
Chapter 1: The Physics of Quantum Computers
Explaining The Fundamental Principles Of Quantum Mechanics
Wave-Particle Duality
Probabilistic Nature of Quantum Mechanics
Quantization of Energy Levels
Wave-Particle Duality
The Born Rule
The Classical
Entering Quantum
Quantum Measurements and the Role of Observables
Peering into the Quantum Realm
Interacting with Qubits
Quantum Operators and Gates
Quantum Measurements and Observables
Interpreting Eigen's Value
The Uncertainty Principle
Time Complexity
Bits vs. Qubits - A Tale of Two Computations
Classical Computers (Bits)
Quantum Computers (Qubits)
Classical Computers
Quantum Computers
Classical Computers
Quantum Computers
Entanglement: Quantum Ties that Bind
Quantum Tunneling: Navigating the Energy Landscape
Intrinsic Nature of Spin
Angular Momentum at Play
Relevance to Wave-Particle Duality
Bell's Inequality and the Deep Mysteries of Entanglement
Bell's Inequality
Local Realism vs. Quantum Computing Power
From Sci-Fi to Quantum Reality
Bell, Qubits, and the Quantum Computing Revolution
Chapter 2: Building Quantum Computers
The Quantum Foundation
Quantum Computing Architecture
Components of Quantum Computers
Spin's Dance
Concrete Examples of Spin
Quantum Computing Architectures
Different Approaches in Quantum Computing
Superconducting Circuits
Trapped Ions
Topological Qubits
Comparing the Quantum Titans
Superconducting Circuits
Trapped Ions
Topological Qubits
A Glimpse Beyond the Horizon
Creating Scalable Quantum Networks
Fault-tolerant Quantum Computing
Scalable Quantum Networks
NV Center-in-Diamond
Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms
Optical Traps
The Technical Challenges and Advancements associated with each Technology
1. Superconducting Qubits
2. Trapped Ions
3. Topological Qubits
4. Neutral Atoms and Optical Traps
Evaluating Economic Factors, Power Capabilities, and Prevalence
Solving Error Correction
Error Correction Techniques and Codes
Challenges in Achieving High-Fidelity Qubit Operations
Quantum Hardware & Ecosystem
Material Sciences
10 Milestones Before Mastery
Molecular Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Software
Quantum Software vs. Classical Software
Software-Hardware Interface
Driving Quantum Computing Forward
Ecosystem Expands in All Directions
The Power and Practice of Quantum Simulation
Chapter 3: Dispelling Quantum Misconceptions
Unmasking Illusions in the Enchanted Forest
Quantum Technology is Mainstream
Quantum Computers are Only for Academic Research
Trees of Different Species Coexisting in the Forest
Different Tools in an Explorer's Toolkit
Do You Need a PhD to Speak the Language?
Can You Solve This Puzzle?
The Fallacy of Immortal Decryption
Quantum Isn't Always Quicker
Are Quantum Computers Crazy Fast?
The Guardian of Many Worlds
Emerging from the Enchanted Forest, Enlightened
Next Chapter
Chapter 4: Quantum Algorithms
Introduction to Quantum Algorithms and their Unique Characteristics
The Forces Behind Quantum Algorithms
The Mathematical and Computational Dance
Real-World Implication
Characteristics of Quantum Algorithms
Concept of Quantum Parallelism
The Principles of Superposition And Entanglement
The Contrast Between Classical and Quantum Algorithms
Algorithms Can Provide Exponential Speedup
Exploring Notable Quantum Algorithms
Shor's Algorithm
Exploration of Grover's algorithm
Introduction to the Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT)
(QAOA) Explore the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
Solving Linear Algorithms
Example Implementation of the HHL Algorithm
Applications of Quantum Algorithms in Various Fields
Chapter 5: Practical Applications of Quantum Tech
Where Theory Meets Practice
Existing and Potential Applications of Quantum Computing
The Quantum Advantage in Accelerating Breakthroughs
An In-depth Exploration
The Quantum Edge in Personalized Medicine
The Quantum Revolution in Advanced Materials
A Quantum Leap in Financial Forecasting
The Quantum Future of Marketing Strategy
Harnessing the Quantum Realm for AI and NLP
The Quantum Quandary in Cybersecurity
Grappling with the Subtleties of Quantum Computing's Challenges
Quantum Leap Forward
Chapter 6: Mapping Quantum Computing
The Future of Tech and Careers
How Quantum Changes Key Jobs and Businesses
Quantum Toolkit
Websites and Platforms
Here Are Five Websites Where You Can Access Quantum Simulators
AI for Business
Navigating the Quantum Career Landscape
Adapting to Quantum's Ever-Evolving Terrain
Chapter 7: Quantum Cryptography
Diving into the Secure Submarine Depths
The Basics of Cryptography
The Need for Deeper Security
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)
Data Predators
No-Cloning Theorem
The Quantum Blueprint of Secure Communication
Setting the Stage
The Quantum Key
Encoding and Transmission
Eavesdropping Alert
Mathematical Assurance
Finalizing the Key and Secure Communication
Quantum Measurement
Benefits of Quantum Cryptography
Challenges and Flaws
Quantum Hacking
Quantum Cryptography in Use
Quantum Cryptography and Blockchain
The next generation of submarines
Safeguarding our Secrets in the Deep Ocean of Data
Chapter 8: Quantum Machine Learning
Soaring Through the Quantum Skies
Blending Quantum Computing with Machine Learning
Combining Quantum Computing and Machine Learning
Highlighting Benefits and Features of QML
Quantum-Inspired Machine Learning Algorithms
Dynamics of Machine Learning Algorithms
Quantum Support Vector Machines (QSVMs)
Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs)
Quantum Clustering
Advanced Quantum Algorithms
Flying High on High-Dimensional Data
A Grand Unification, QSVT
TensorFlow Quantum
Comparative Advantages of Quantum Algorithms
Navigating Quantum Patents
Patent Success in QML
Advantages and Challenges of Quantum Machine Learning
Improved Computational Efficiency
Big Data Analytics
Simplifying Complex Data
A Stepping Stone for Advanced Quantum Computation
Mastering the Quantum Data Flow
Navigating Through Quantum Turbulence
Looking Forward
Chapter 9: Ethics and Social Implications
Ethical Implications of Quantum Computing
The Balance
Ethical Risks
Communication and Teaching
The Challenge of Explanation
Quantum and Business
Thought Experiment
Embracing the Quantum Future
Thoughtful Questions for Reflection

Quantum Computing Explained for Beginners: The Science, Technology, and Impact
 9780080466170, 0080466176

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