Python Machine Learning for Beginners: A Step by Step Approach to Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow

Do you find yourself unsure of how to apply your existing knowledge to Python? If you are a beginner programmer who want

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English Pages 108 Year 2023

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Table of contents :
Chapte,r 1: python
Chapte,r 2: start le,arning python
Chapte,r 3: working with data
Chapte,r 4: working with data visualization
Chapte,r 5: pre,dictive, analytics
Chapte,r 6: working with algorithms
Chapte,r 7: machine, le,arning algorithms
Chapte,r 8: re,gre,ssion tre,e,s and cart
Chapte,r 9: random fore,sts
Chapte,r 10: ove,rvie,w of ne,ural ne,tworks, big data, the, inte,rne,t of things (iot), and cloud computing

Python Machine Learning for Beginners: A Step by Step Approach to Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow

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