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English Pages [164] Year 1975
Selected and edited with an introduction by David Pritchard
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Puzzles and Teasers for the Easy Chair Selected and edited with an introduction by
Published by: VIRINDER K. VERMA
Gaurav Publishing House 9265, Street No. 6, < Multanl Dhanda, Pahar GanJ, New Delhi-110055.
Published by arrangement with Elliot Right Way Books
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocoping, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.
Page Introduction
Numbered main Puzzles 1 to 157
(Quickies—also referenced by their quickie num bers—are interspersed in the main puzzles through out the book)
Answers to main Puzzles in random order
Answers to Quickies in sequence
Index to main Puzzles answers
Introduction The reception given to Puzzles & Teasers for Every one has encouraged the preparation of this second selection of wit-sharpeners most of which first appeared, though many in rather different form, in the pages of GAMES & PUZZLES magazine. In this book you will find word and mathematical puzzles of all kinds only a few of which require more than the most elementary knowledge to solve, and an intriguing variety of logic problems which demand nothing but the ability to reason clearly. Other mem bers of the numerous puzzles’ family are represented; dissections, cryptograms, games’ problems. There are also a few task puzzles in which the solution offered is not proven and the reader has the opportunity to improve on it—if he can. All have been arranged in approximate order of dif ficulty (which is necessarily something of a subjective judgment) but even the simpler puzzles are not too simple, and the reader will have reason to be well satis fied if he can resolve the harder ones near the end. The experienced solver will likely identify most of the puzzle types and will know how to set about tack ling them; but the casual reader, armed only with curiosity, will probably derive as much pleasure from, a hit-or-miss approach as his more methodical fellow puzzler. Interspersed with the puzzles are a number of ‘Quickies’—short teasers designed to fill odd spaces in 7
the book and odd moments of the reader’s time. Some are far from easy. Answers to the main puzzles, mostly with detailed solutions, are arranged in random order to avoid spoil ing the reader’s pleasure by allowing unwanted glimpses of answers to adjacent puzzles. These follow the main puzzles and there is an index on page 158 which enables any solution to be quickly found. The answers to the Quickies are listed sequentially after die main puzzles solutions. Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended where it appears that a solution may involve an unfamiliar word. A puzzle is a battle between the ingenuity of the compiler on the one hand and the skill of the solver on the other. It is a personal challenge, and a challenge overcome is a sweet experience. This book offers many hours of sweet experiences DAVID PRITCHARD
Puzzles X
Can-U-Count (I)?
How many rectangles are there in this figure?
Simon LIkes-(I)
Simon likes chess, crosswords, puzzles, mutton and pepper but he dislikes draughts, clues, competitions, ham and salt. He loves aggression. What is his rationale? 3
Telescopes (I)
When two quite ordinary words are telescoped to gether it is not always easy to recognize them, even though their letters, are in the correct order. However, you should have no difficulty with, for example, PROOOOLM which breaks out into POOL and ROOM. Now try the ten below. The first five each made up of two four-letter words and the last five, of two five-letter words. (6) CCARBUMLEB (1) BAIIOTLA (7) LOELIVTERE (2) IOXEBEXN (8> SAGOAIBENR (3) GLOVIVEE (9) USNTTOIOLL (4) STROAARR (10) PIEDIONOYT (5) BLOIBLEE
FlDup (I)
You are given a crossword diagram and 16 words. You have to fit the words into the diagram. There is just one way of doing it. The words: add, animate, beaker, bet, carmine, corgi, data, duo, lambskin, naze, nil, rhubarb, rout, tidy, trance, urge.
The Letter-writers
Jane and Sally bought identical boxes of stationery. Jane used all of hers to write one-sheet letters; Sally, on the other hand, used hers to write three-sheet letters. With the result that when Jane had finished all her envelopes, she had 50 sheets of paper remaining; but with Sally it was the other way around—when she had finished all her paper she had 50 envelopes remaining. So how many sheets of paper are there in a box? QUICKIE 1
What temperature is the same, regardless of whether it is expressed in degrees Centigrade or degrees Fahrenheit?
League Table (I)
In the league below each team played each other team once; two points were awarded for a win, one for a draw. What was the result of the match between City and United? City Rovers Albion United
P W 3 2 3 2 3 0 3 0
D L 1 0 0 1 2 1 12
F A Pts. 4 1 5 3 1 4 0 2 2 14 1
A Syllable Syllabub (I)
Find the two-syllable words from the clues given be low. Place each syllable into its numbered box and find the six key words formed by each successively numbered pair of boxes. 2 2 4 2 10 8
& & & & & &
10—the other side 11—escort 9—related to 3—petered out 5—journey 11—concluding part 11
1 2 2 9 9 9
& & & & & &
8—killed 4—fish 7—an official 4—trough 6—fertilize 12—handle
Odds and Evens (I)
Certain words can be broken into two shorter words by taking the odd-numbered letters to form one word and the even-numbered letters to form a second word. For example, LOUNGE gives LUG from the odd letters and ONE from the even letters. Below is a list of two dozen three-letter words. Can you pair the words off and arrive back at the twelve words that were used to create them in the fashion described?
hoe ice any has fee tie
old ore top far fun eft
ere rue odd bun air sud
sog mud try let toe pay The L-Game (I)
hi Edward de Bono’s L-game, each player has an Lshaped piece that covers four squares of a 4x4 board. There are also two neutral men (circles in the diagram) each covering one square. At each turn, a "player picks up his own L-piece, turns it round or over as he wishes, and replaces it on the board so as to cover four vacant squares, one at least of which must be different from those just vacated. He may then move ONE neutral man to another square if he wishes. The object is to deprive the opponent of a legal move. In the diagram, the shaded piece is yours. Move so as to win at once. JO
Animal Crackers
A number of players sit in a circle. In turn, starting with a player selected at random, they must name a land mammal starting with successive letters of the alphabet. Thus, the game begins: first player, ASS; second player, BEAR; next player, CAMEL. . .. The time limit on each turn is 15 seconds. Without playing the game through mentally, you are asked to predict the first letter on which a player will draw a blank. JJ
For Whom the Bell Tolls
There were just two bells in the church belfry at Little Snogging; the first can best be described as a ‘ding’— the second as a ‘dong’. Now an ancient by-law in the district proclaimed that no ‘ding* could be rung exactly two chimes after another ‘ding’, and no ‘dong* could be rung exactly three chimes after another ‘dong*. So what was the longest sequence of chimes that the poor sexton was permitted to ring? 13
Islands oi the C
Can you rearrange the letters given in the grid below to form the names of seven islands, each beginning with the letter C?
* *
A A A A B C C C C C C E E* 1 1 * N *0 0* P R R R R * S * U U *
c L p s
Can-U-Count (II)?
How many triangles are there in this figure?
A Verbal Unity
The verbs BRING, BUY, CATCH, FIGHT, OWE, SEEK, TEACH and THINK share a common trait that very few other English verbs possess. What is it? 15
Seeing’s Forgetting
There are many objects in everyday life which we regularly see, but few of us really observe. For instance: (a) which way does the Queen’s head face on our coinage? (b) which way does the Queen’s head face on our stamps? (c> what words appear on the obverse of our decimal coinage—that is, on the opposite side to the Queen’s head? (d) ‘The Knave of Hearts who stole those tarts’— which way is he facing in a pack of cards? (e) whose signature appears on the most recently produced Bank of England bank-notes? (f) how many prongs has a table fork? 16
Odds and Evens (II)
These were explained in Puzzle No. 8, but in case you’ve forgotten some words can be broken into two shorter words by taking the odd-numbered letters to form one word and the even-numbered letters to form a second word. For example, FOOLED gives FOE from the odd letters, and OLD from the even letters. Below is a list of sixteen three-letter words. Can you pair the words off and arrive back at the eight wc is that were used to create them in this fashion? ale has odd pie and fid old set lug one way egg fie nae ore woe 15
Filtap (II)
Another Fillup in which you are given a crossword diagram and 16 wprds. You have to fit the words into the diagram. The words: buck, bye, dodge, dot, elope, expert, lied, oust, ozone, prototype, pry, puzzlers, skip, song, step, zooms.
Tangrams (I)
Tangrams are an ancient Chinese pastime. Tangrams consist of seven basic shapes cut from a square, as shown. You may care to cut out a set from a sheet of cardboard or a plastic set can be bought cheaply from a toy shop.
When you have your set. try to reproduce the exclamation mark illustrated by putting th; tangrams together. There are other tangram puzzles in this book.
Casualty Count
Johnny’s toy soldiers were, after many hard-fought battles, in rather bad shape. When he last carried out a survey of the damage, he discovered that two-thirds of them had lost an arm, four-fifths had lost a leg, and three-quarters were headless. At least 39 of the soldiers had suffered all three of these deprivations. How many soldiers were there altogether? 20
Seasonal Acronyms
If the third is JAS and the fourth is OND, what- are the first two? 21
Gaudeamus Igitnr
. . . are, according to the well-known saying, the happiest days of your life. Well, Mr. Brown would certainly not dispute that; he had a wonderful time at Harrow. And so did Mr. Jones, at the same school as Mr. Smith’s father used to go to. Given the fact that nobody in the three families is— or was—educated at the same school as his father or grandfather, and that everybody is—or was—educated at Eton, Harrow, or Rugby, can you say whose son will be starting at Eton in a few months time? Oh yes —and Mr. Brown’s father never went to Rugby. QUICKIE 2
What number gives you the same result whether you divide it by 5 or subtract 5 from it? 17
Initial Square
Fill each blank square with any letter you wish, so that when it is added in front of each of the surround ing three-letter words, a four-letter word is created. For example, putting a B in the first-row-secondcolumn position would give the words BAIL, BODE and BILL. Putting the letter T in the position wouldn’t do, since TODE is not a word, even though TAIL and TILL are. All the letters you use must be different. There are several possible solutions. AIL
OWL Honours Even
From a standard pack of cards I remove four cards, one of each suit, and one of each of the ranks Jack, Queen, King and Ace. I lay them out in a line face downwards. Now, I will tell you that: (1) the heart isn’t next to the club (2) no card is next to its immediate senior jn rank (3) the colours of the suits alternate • (4) the king and queen are facing opposite direc tions. Identify the four cards. 18
Matching Number
What number, when its name is written down using capital letters, is composed of as many straight lines as the number itself? 25
Fillup (HI)
There are 18 words, all names of indoor games, to be fitted into the blank crossword diagram. There is only one way of doing it. The words: loo risk chess nile roulette game solo numero go kendo play tarock pokol troke legs totopoly lexicon polo
When tomorrow is yesterday, today will be as near to Sunday as today was when yesterday was tomorrow. What day is it? 19
Can-U-Count (III)?
How many triangles are there in this figure?
word with its first letter missing gives the second word; and the second word with its first letter missing gives the third word. See if you can identify all the words involved. (1) Behead a transparent substance and get a girl; behead again and find what you don’t want to be (2) Behead a yell and get a table delicacy; behead again and you get quantity of paper (3) Behead a large fish and leave an exclamation; behead again and leave a famous boat (4) Behead sleep to leave rubbish; behead again to leave a colour 20
(5) Behead a lover and leave a wagon; behead again to leave the Scots form of ‘own’ (6) Behead an adjective meaning ‘transparent’ and leave a famous king; behead again and leave an organ (7) Behead stress and leave a method of convey ance; behead again and leave moisture (8) Behead something that goes round to leave a part of the foot; behead again to get a slippery customer! (9) Behead a multitude to get a tepid adjective; behead again to leave a limb (10) Behead the back of a boat to get an adjective meaning ‘severe’; behead again to leave a sea bird. 28
Can-U-Count (IV)?
How many regular hexagons are there in this figure?
The L-Game (FI)
Puzzle No. 9. Here again you have the shaded piece and have to move and win at once. 30
Noughts and Crosses
Can you arrange 5 Xs and 4 Os in a 3x3 square, noughts and crosses fashion, so that there is only one X in the central row, and only one X in the central column? There must be no winning lines, 31
The Three Boys
Three boys weigh a total of 350 pounds, of which Bill weighs 105 pounds. The barefoot boy weighs exactly 15 pounds less than the heaviest boy. Chuck weighs more than the boy with sneakers on. Art weighs less than the boy with loafers on. Which boy is barefoot? 22
Another Fillup with 18 words to fit into the blank crossword diagram. There is just one way of doing it. The words: computers, contortion, edge, goat, ins, issue, Mercedes, nicotine, northerner, odes, overrun, ran, rink, ski, sup, transport, used, usher
Shifty Words
(Consider the word CLERK. If you ‘shift’ all the letters forward by 13 places in the alphabet, you will get the new word PYREX. For the purposes of this puzzle, the alphabet is assumed to wrap round on itself. That is, Z is followed by A, and so on. Each of the follow ing words, if shifted the right number of places, makes a new word. Can you find them? (5) gunny (9) chain (1) hotel (6) aptly (2) tiffs (lO)'murre (3) banjo (7) dazed (11) Jimmy (4) sorry (8) touch (12) fizzy 23
The Share-Out
Captain Cutthroat, Pegleg Pete and Deadeye Dick were three pirates who decided to share out their booty. Had the shares of Captain Cutthroat and Pegleg Pete been halved, Deadeye Dick’s share would have been three times as great as that which he actually received. Had the shares of Pegleg Pete and Deadeye Dick been halved, Captain Cutthroat’s share would have been 50% greater than it actually was. If the amount of the booty was 1,000 pieces of eight, what was the share of each of the three pirates? 35
Chequered Clearway
Can you find a route from the black square, in the bottom left-hand comer to the black square in the top right-hand comer, by moving one square at a time— black, white, black, white, and so on, alternately? You may move forwards, backwards, or sideways, but not diagonally. Remember, you mustn’t move from white to white or black to black.
Next in Line
Can you work out what the next diagram in the sequence shown here is?
HS2 8M3 37
Simon Likes (II)
Simon likes laughter, lieutenants, foolery, Chekov, coffee and coughs. He dislikes pantomimes, captains, seriousness, *. Ibsen, tea and sneezes. He loves philosophy and riffraff. What is his rationale?
A Syllable Syllabub (II)
Find the two-syllable words from the clues given be low. Place each syllable into its numbered box and find the six key words formed by each successively numbered pair of boxes. 1 & 4—uncovering 2 & 4—sculling 1 & 5—ship 3 & 5—chance 8 & 1—nerve 6 & 8—sanctuary 9 & 2—vegetable 9 & 7—wonder 1 & 10—excluded 9 & 5—brand 1 & 11—cask 4& 12—entrance
Fillup (V)
Place all of the colour names given in the accompany ing blank crossword diagram. There is only one way of doing it. The colours: almond, beige, brown, carmine, cerise, cherry, com, damson, ebony, indigo, iris, maroon, mauve, pastel, pea, red, russet, tan, tea, teak, yellow.
Codebreaker (I)
You are probably acquainted with the Vic-Toy game, Mastermind. If you are not, however, here is a quick summary: to start the game the first player chooses a combination of four pegs (pegs are of six different colours) and the second player then has to deduce this combination by means of successive trials. For example, suppose the first player chose Red-Blue26
White-Green, and the first trial was Red-Green-BlueYellow; the second player would ‘score’ XOO—the X meaning that he had one correct peg rightly placed (Red) and the two Os meaning that he had two correct pegs wrongly placed (Blue, Green). In a recent game, where the rule that all pegs in the solution must be a different colour was enforced, the second player made the three trials shown below. For these he scored no Xs but did score ten Os in total. From this information can you deduce the correct combinations? (1) Red (2) Yellow (3) Green
Yellow White Brown
Blue Brown Red
Green Green Yellow
Birds in the Bush
In the list of words here, a number of letters are miss ing from each, having been replaced by asterisks. Each group of missing letters is the name of a bird. Can you find the missing birds that will complete the words?
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) MON***** (18) ***RA (19) W***CE (20) CONS***UTE (21) S****ER (22) e****al (23) TAV*** p*****Q (24) 27 ****TAIL C****IA C****ED
H****CUS DO****TE MO****
***LATE SC***ING NORT**** ♦♦♦♦KING ♦**DLE LA****CE •♦♦♦D
Ox Walk
Draw a line consisting of vertical and horizontal links through the symbols (noughts and crosses) shown in the diagram. Your completed line must contain a pair of noughts and a pair of crosses alternately. You may start with a pair of either and finish with a pair of either. You may start anywhere in the diagram, though no symbol may be used more than once. The aim is to cover as many of the symbols as possible.
X 0 0 X X 0 X 0 X 0 0 0 X 0 X 0 X X 0 X 0 X 0 X X X 0 X 0 X X 0 0 X X X 0 0 o
X X 0 0
0 0 X X
0 0 X X 0 0 X X o 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 X X 0 0 X
0 0 X 0 0 X 0 X 0 X
0 XX 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X X X X 0 0 X X 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0
0 X 0 X 0 X
0 X X 0 0 0 X 0 X X X X X X 0 0 X X
X 0 X 0 X 0 0 X X X X 0 0 X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 X X QUICKIE
What is the smallest sum of money in sterling (no fractions or decimals) which can be expressed using all the digits from 0 to 9 only once? 28
A Regular Hex
Insert the numbers 1 to 12 in the diagram so that the sum of the four numbers along each line totals 26.
Pot Yellow
A player makes a break of eight at a game of snooker, during which he pots the yellow ball four times. How?
Simon Likes (HI)
Simon likes cabbage, copper, psalms, beef, horses, draughts, dalmatians and xylophones. He dislikes peas, brass, songs, mutton, ponies, chess, spaniels, glocken spiels. He loves Afghans, calmness and hijackers. What is his rationale? 29
Before decimal currency, what was the smallest sum of money in sterling which could be expressed using all the digits from 1 to 9 only once? Three Fours
Solve the clues and insert the letters in the appro priate squares. If your solutions are correct, half-adozen twelve-letter words will appear—but you prob ably won’t have heard of them all!
Letters 7, 3, 9,2 give a colour Letters 10, 4, 8, 1 give a Chinese secret society Letters 5, 11, 12, 6 give a rock-forming mineral
Letters 9, 7,10, 6 give a hoodlum Letters 12,3,2,11 give impetuosity Letters 8, 5,1,4 give a sharp-pointed hill i 2 s ♦ < v s » 10 11 12 Letters 5, 7, 10, 1 give the name of a North American river Letters 9,4,11,2 give a speech defect Letters 6,8,12, 3 give spinal marrow 128
11 12
Letters 7,11,3,4 give a sale Letters 6,2,9,12 give a Greek deity Letters 1,8,10,5 give a perforated nozzle
Letters 6.5,4,9 give a young whale Letters 7,11,8,10 give a set of three Letters 12, 3,1,2 give a long upright pole
Letters 12, 1, 2, 10 give someone or something remarkable Letters 8,7,9, 6 give a headland Letters 3,11,4, 5 give a variety of bracken 12
Plain Sailing
One of the four craft illustrated here is unique because it is the only one which does not... what?
Telescopes (II)
These are harder but the same rules apply: two words, with their letters in correct order, are jumbled in each example. The words are not necessarily of equal length. Can you unjumble the words? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
seschrovietotle (6) celoblumown (7) messatrimentionaly (8) craivenore (9) paralagorgon (10) 31
statomation criocequest claimelot phelegram pasttireenngtche
Tailgrams (II)
Can you arrange the seven tangram pieces into the houseboat shown? Tangrams were explained in Puzzle No. 18.
A Late Start
Two bank clerks, Algernon and Bartholomew, live in the same village and travel to work at the same bank in the next town each day. Algernon goes by bus each day and Bartholomew walks each day. The bus that Algernon takes goes at a steady 12 miles per hour. Bartholomew, a good walker, manages a constant 4 miles per hour. The clerks are quite regular and leave their homes at the same time each morning. Not sur prisingly, they always pass each other at the same spot. However, one morning Bartholomew was a little late in setting off, and consequently the two clerks passed 110 yards further on than usual. Just how late was Bartholomew in getting away that morning? 51
Making Connections
Draw five non-intersecting lines within the rectangle, each connecting a pair of spots bearing the same letter. That is, A with A, B with B, and so on. The two lines AD and BC must not be crossed. 32
If you try to fill up this square by repeating the letters A, B, C, D, E and F, so that no more than one of each letter appears in any line vertically, horizontally or diagonally, you will find that it is impossible to get letters in all the 36 squares. face, 32 squares (in cluding the six already filled) is the best you will be able to do. Can you find one of the several solutions?
Heads Up!
C 4 3 >
4 8 8 8 2 9 2 7 6 6 125
4 1 D 4 7 E 4 9 F 4 3 G
In the following notes figures in brackets denote the last two digits of a number. F must be odd, and multi plying F by B shows that the only suitable combina tions are 3 x (47) =(41), 3 x (49)=(47), 5 x (49)= (45), and 7 x (49)=(43). To give the run of fours, F must be (49), E is (47) and D is (41), with both A and B=3, Units in C and G must be 7,7; 3,3; 9,1; or 1,9. The only combinations making F (49) are (89) (41); (43)(43); and (67)(47). Looking at limits for D (140841—249741) and F (15649—27749) the only possibilities are C=89, G=241; C=67, G=347; and C=43, G=443 or 643. Multiplying up shows that, to give the first 4 in D, C must be43and G643. The completed sum is as shown.
The answer is TWENTY NINE. However, if you write your Ys using only two strokes (instead of the three that it uses when printed here), your answer should be with a hyphen: TWENTY-NINE. 58
The maximum number of pieces that can be produced is 121. A table of the maximum number of pieces for various numbers of cuts is given here: 126
No. of cuts 123456789 Maximum No. 2 4 7 11 16 22 29 37 46 of pieces No. of cuts 10 11 12 13 14 15 Maximum No. 56 67 79 92 106 121 of pieces The minimum number of pieces producable is 16 or 2, the latter if the cuts are allowed to be superimposed. Shakespearean Trios
102 0 E S c 1 c 1 c T T R A
R U C|J T P 1 s U 0 N A L TU s L & T B RON Q £ T U u s i 1 1 A R S D £ M s B R u A L E T R
OH H C A A M S O T B A 6 A N 6
A T 0 M
N H 1 0
E 0 T 1 u FR U p N B A s 0 F 1 T M R A A 0 A N FD L R r T E 6“ S' 7T R M P B E Q U O
The characters: Sir John Falstaff, Julius Caesar, Marcus Brutus, Petruchio, Desdemona, Cleopatra, Juliet, Cassandra, Quince, Portia, Pistol, Oberon, Hamlet, Cicero, Demetrius, Bottom, Bianca, Banquo, Clitus, Mutius. Prime Pairs
139 23 14 17 6 25
8 5 24 13 16
11 12 7 10 3
23 14 17 6 25
18 1 19 22 4 15 9 2 20 21
8 5 24 7 16
11 12 1 18 19 22 13 4 15 10 9 2 3 20 21
Horse Sense
Mr. Brown owns Apple Pie.
Next in Line
A Confusion of Facts
Each diagram is nothing more than a number and its mirror image joined together. So, the next diagram in the series is two 6s back-to-back, thus':
The Norwegian drinks water, and the Japanese owns the zebra. 130
A B C D 1
Number Two
2 L_2__Q_ 4 2 L 4 Q 2 0 1 2 9 L 1 0 0 5
0 0 0 5 2
8 4 F 2 1 H 9 K
A, B and C must all be 2. H must be odd and therefore ends in 1 and being one-eighth of E is in the range 10001-12321. D can be any prime from 11 to 97, but the limited range of H usually places the hundreds in K, the tens are given, and the units are determined by the units in D. Trial shows that the only acceptable values of D and K are 13,827; 19,529; 47,223 and 53,227. Of these only the second produces the 2 in F.
Pathfinder (III)
Here is a path scoring 933 points. 19 2&*>28 18 18 28 29 * 32 26\27 27 ■ JBnJFW CT'S 26/29/1QJB 19 28 23 • »*18 23M2 17 26 23 24 11 2$4B 31 22 27 10 19 29 12X**27 25\23 24 20dK*4PV*V^8 16 2§JB 32 WW-iSB 28 23 2Z-&T4 30 24
20 21 27 16 14 23 26 28 28 26 23 24 29 27 ®^7
25 20 24 30 11 30 10 20
29 18 25 10 27 18 27 11
League Table (I)
This really is an easy one. Rover’s results can only have been 2-0, 1-0, and 0-1; Albion’s results can only have been 0-0, 0-0 and 0-2. Therefore Albion lost to Rovers 0-2 and drew 0-0 with both United and City. Rovers beat United 1-0 and lost to City 0-1. There fore City beat United 3-1. 65
Contract Calls
The shortest auction involves three bids: 7 no-trumps, double, redouble. Since there is no other possible bid, the auction must terminate. The longest auction involves 316 calls. After three passes, 1 club is bid. Then two passes, double, two passes, redouble, two passes. This sequence of nine calls (from 1 club onwards) is then repeated 34 more times (through 1 diamond, 1 heart, 1 spade, 1 no trump, 2 clubs, etc.), thus exhausting the 35 legal bids. After 7 no-trumps redoubled, however, the auction must terminate. So, there are 3+ (9x35)-2=316 pos sible calls. 149
Devilled Cube—A 3-Dimensional Crossword
Across: 1. caret(sZide) 9. petaKcar/ess)- 15. laser (bil/ious) 20. ReveKmo/ve) 21. malar(lar/ge) 22. retes(AZTS) 25. piper (li Zmit) 26. doars(feZet) 29 tartar(noZt) 30. civet(sZold) 31. Pans(to/e) 34 tepee (ma / p) 35. reled(a / ges) 130
Down: 1. copal(co/ms) 3. Rotas(parZapet) 5. talar (postaZge) 18. redan(raZces) 19. leman(canZdy) 22, rapid(t/ea) 23. tapir(stopZon) 24. seres(touZt) 27. calid(loZo) 28. manet(theZball) 31. peter (com Ze) 32. repeKsea/ts) 33. steed(paZges) Through: 2. areca(arZt) 4. elemi(waspZs) 6. orate (fZight) 7. ovate(dZither) 8. alert(pTiht) 10. edile (w/amed) 11. ambne(cZar) 12. amice(TeZd) 13. alive (butte/r) 14. arete(cZars) 16. anode(beZar) 17. enate (se/en) 95
Link Numbers
One solution is shown here; in the diagram the num bers 8 and 9 are interchangeable.
Did you find a different solution? Can-U-Count (II)?
Pathfinder (II)
1 2 34 56 789*4*834 567890 245 71 5309MW321 753 8 4851846464 915276467 1357913579 357913579 2468024680 1 234 5fMt 01 468024680 234 56 78 90 ■ 6551092 24571130*32143217538 8457780 48 51 M64f4.091527646g 7373736 135M135f 91 35791 35N 5756666 246*0246f02468024 6|0 8942219 091|384 7MMM*|551G|2 5656565 000181 4 2 7406t*4frM*0 4107414 1 911l 91928283*3*3736 6 4 7 5 8 6 7 34 2 4 1 0|m 6 6 6 6 0 1 2 34533333 761*4 2 219 97654321546565656565
This is the besto solution. The high-scoring path totals 280 and the low-scoring path 76 for a difference of 204.
The L^Game (II)
The shaded L-piece should be moved to cover the 2nd square of the first row and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th squares of the second row. The top neutral piece should then be moved to the 3rd square of the 3rd row. 132
Sorcerer’s Apprentice
You should choose to go second. Each time your opponent plays, you should play in the same column so that his play and yours add up to 17. This is clearly always possible, and guarantees that his score will be zero since each column will total 34. With a little caution, you ought to be able to ensure that your own score will not be zero. At any rate, you are certain not to lose, and only a small miracle will allow your opponent to tie. 44
Pot Yellow
The player is snookered after a foul' u’oke. Red is the ball on. He nominates yellow and pots it, scoring ONE. He then nominates a colour, yellow, and pots it, scoring TWO. He then pots a red, scoring ONE. Then another colour, yellow, scoring TWO. All the reds are now down, and yellow is the first of the colours. He pots it, scoring TWO. Total score: EIGHT points. Tangrains (III)
League Table (II)
There are only two possible combinations of results for each of the teams A, B and C as follows: A. i) 0-0 1-0 3-0 or ii) 0-0 2-0 2-0 i) 0-0 1-1 1-0 or ii) 0-0 0-0 2-1 B. C. i) 0-0 1-1 0-2 or ii) 0-0 0-0 1-3 Now as none of these three teams has scored 4 goals irrany match, nor won by a margin of 3-2 or 3-1, the only possible results for team D are 1-1, 1-2 and 0-2. So we can rule out Ai (no other 0-3 result), Bi (no other 0-1 result) and Cii (no other 3-1 result). The rest is easy—B-D 2-1, A-D 2-0, C-D 1-1, B-A 0-0, B-C 0-0, A-C 2-0. (In fact the league was Group 1—England, Uruguay, Mexico, France—in the 1966 World Cup Finals.) 23
Honours Even
Putting together facts 1 and 3, the cards can only be ordered HSDC (or its reversal). Fact 2 allows only the order KJAQ (or its reversal). So, we have either KH and QC or KC and QH. Only the former satisfies fact 4. So, the cards are: KH, JS, AD, QC. Number Three
A B C D 1
2 3 5 9
) ) ) )
7 9 2 3 3 9 6 1 1 3 2 0 2 6 4 1 3
0 E 5 F 5 G 1 H 9 J
G is 13------ and A is 2. Lowest values for C and D are 3 and 11 and J is 424 or less, and thus is 339 or less, and C cannot be 3. If C is 5, J is 254 or less and can only be 131, 137, 139, 233 or 239. G divided by J shows that C and D must be a) 3 and 19 for 233 or 134
239; b) 5 and 19 for 137 or 139 and there are no suit able values for 131. a) is impossible as two more 3s are required in C and J or.G; b) produces 39----- in F and 19 x 37 produces another 3 in H, so J is 139. The 3 in E serves for confirmation. Codebreaker (I)
The number of occurrences of each of the colours in the three trials is as follows: Yellow 3, Green 3, Brown 2, Red 2, Blue 1, White 1. Therefore since 10 Os were obtained the colours must be Yellow, Green, Brown and Red. Yellow can only be third, so Green must be second, Red fourth, and Brown first. Fillup (II)
Coach Chess
I played H.
A Syllable Syllabub (I)
1 » »
« «
« » » u A Shifty Problem
This block can only be the second from the right in the row of five. 121
The Headscarf
The diagram shows how the cloth must be cut. Lower the piece of cloth on the right by one ‘tooth’, and a square will appear with the flowers arranged sym metrically.
Big Cats
1. vermilion 2. rebellion 3. dandelion 4. pillion 5. mullion 6. battalion 7. bullion 8. rapscallion 9. stal lion 10. medallion 11. postilion 12. million. 48
Telescopes (II)
1. serviette, school 2. elbow, column 3. matrimony, essential 4. river, canoe 5. largo, paragon 6. stain, tomato 7. ices, Croquet 8. cameo, lilt 9. phlegm, era 10. strength, patience. 136
The surrounded pieces must be E, H, J, and K. The 34-by-29 rectangle here contains all the pieces. This is the one basic solution, excluding rotations and reflec tions.
A The areas are made up as follows: A (25 x 4), B (18 x 18), C(15xl0), D(14x5), E(13x6), F(12x3), G (11 x9), H (10x2), 1(8x7), J (7x7), K (2x2).
Odds and Evens (I)
The twelve words: hooded, bourne, fiacre, troupe, sturdy, toiled, hearse, apiary, stooge, effete, fluent, maundy. 115
A Flagging Task
Start at A and end at B. That is the best that can be done.
1. loaf 2. nuts 3. stew 4. meat 5. gruel 6. broth 7. bread 8. cider 9. melons or lemons 10. damson 11. yogurt 12. peanuts 13. turnips 14. parsley 15. cutlets 16. haricot 17. lobster 18. sausage 19. harslet 20. sardines 21. crumpets 22. tangerine 23. maraschino 24. minestrone. Harslet is an alternative spelling of haslet. 26
Can-U-Count (III)?
Seventy-six. 106
1-5. greased 2-6. broaden 3-7. manacle 4-8. erratic 1-2. grub 2-3. brim 3-4. mere 4-5. eyed 5-6. dawn 138
6-7. note 7-8. epic 8-1. crag. The nine circles contain the letters TEOCANDSR, which can be rearranged to spell DONCASTER. Chequered Clearwa’
The route covers 27 squares.
1 10
25 26 27 24 23 22 21 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 2 3 4 5 6 Animal Crackers
Surprisingly, the common letter N is the most likely stumbling block. There should be no trouble in getting to N thus : ass, bear, camel, dog, elephant, fox, gorilla, horse, ibex, jaguar, kangaroo, leopard, monkey. The only reasonably common land mammals beginning with N are NUTRIA, NILGAI (also spelled NIGAU and NYLGHAU), and NANNY (or NANNY-GOAT). 116
32,547,891 multiplied by 6 gives 195,287,346. 139
Captain Cutthroat received 500 pieces of eight, Pegleg Pete received 300 pieces of eight, and Deadeye Dick received 200 pieces of eight.
A Domino Problem
An easy solution that uses only ‘vertical’ dominoes.
The minimum number of marks is eight. They should be placed at 1. 3, 6, 13, 20, 27, 31 and 35 indies, 140
Islands of the C
The islands are Cyprus, Crete, Ceylon, Corsica, Canary, Cuba and Capri.
1. Lotus 2. Porsche 3. Alvis 4. Citroen 5. Valiant 6. Stag 7. Marina 8. Cresta 9. Toledo 10. Avenger 11. Reliant 12. Edsel 13. Singer 14, Pontiac 15. Renault 16. Opel 17. Maserati 18. Alpine 19. Armstrong 20. Marcos.
Plain Sailing
The punt is the only one which does not depend on action against water for its movement.
1. couple 2. purple 3. gulped 4. diving 5. strive 6. secret 7. search 8. desert 9. travel 10. virtue
The Spinning Wheel
This table shows what scores were achieved by the players at each of the five spins:
2. Spins 3. 4. 5.
Players A B C D E F 1 2 5 4 5 0 2 4 3 0 1 5 4 2 5 4 0 1 3 1 2 5 4 0 0 5 3 1 2 4 15 14 13 10 11 12
The results of spins 3,4 and 5 could be interchanged, but this makes no difference to the players’ final scores. 142
CHARACTER (beginning with the C in the third column) CYCLOMETER (beginning with the C in the second row) INSUBORDINATION (beginning with the I in the first column) MILITANT (beginning with the M in the third row) MISSEL (beginning with the M in the bottom row) PERSISTENT (beginning with the P in the seventh row) STABLY (beginning with the S in the second row)
Simon Likes (III)
Simon likes words which include three consecutive letters
Casualty Count
There were 180 soldiers in Johnny’s collection.
Heads Up!
Always start with the coin that is two behind the coin you started with previously. In other words, the coin you start with on a move is the coin turned over on the next move. a. start with 1, turn over 3 b. start with 6, turn over 1 c. start with 4, turn over 6 d. start with 2, turn over 4 e. start with 7, turn over 2 f. start with 5, turn over 7 143
A Soper Hex
Below is one of the six possible solutions. It is interestting to note that in every case the comers of the three ‘diamonds’ also sum to 26, i.e. 10+5+3 + 8-26, 6+12+1 +7=26, 2+11+4+9=26. Also the sum of the numbers in opposite external triangles is always equal, i.e. 6 + 9 + 5=1 + 8 + 11, 2+5+12=4 + 7 + 8, and 3 + 11 + 12=10+7+9.
Telescopes (HI)
1. hosiery, cartel 2. graph, sluice 3. college, magazine 4. possess, statute 5. impart, sulphur 6. tomato, sauci ness 7. eerie, myrrh 8. castle, market 9. sanded, switch 10. exempt, tramp 20
Seasonal Acronyms
JFM and AMJ (the initial letters of the months of the year, divided into quarters). 144
Sheep Pens
The maximum possible number of pens is 14. Two methods of achieving this are shown here:
Starting With One
If you thought it was 1/9, you were wrong. As the upper limit of the range of numbers you give your friend to choose from increases, the probability that the first digit will be 1 fluctuates from 1/9 to 1/2 all the way to infinity. An American mathematician who has made a special study of this problem reckons that 0.301 is the best probability value that one can give. However, like a number of problems where infinity is involved, the true answer is strangely elusive. 55
The Chapel Cross
The overall width of the cross is 4 feet 8 inches. 74
l.Noel 2. snow 3. Xmas 4. carol 5. frost 6. Santa 7. Claus 8. Magus 9. candle 10. tinsel 11. winter 12. parties 13. present 14. reindeer 15. Hogmanay 16. celebrate 17. greetings 18. Saturnalia 19. evergreens 20. decorations 145
An Open Letter
A unique solution solved by binary notation. By arranging the fifteen letters in their required order and numbering them so that G=0001, A=0010, etc., we obtain: GAMESANDPUZZLES 0 0 0 0 0 00 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 4thpair 0 0 0 11 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ... 3rd pair 0 110 0 1 1 0 0 110 0 1 1 ... 2nd pair 10 1010 10 10 1010 1 ... 1st pair Now by putting each letter in the order stated in the problem, i.e. A1A2DE1GLMNPS1S2UZ1Z2 and call ing the shorter of the two streets 0 and the longer of •he two 1, we obtain: 1st pair: 0A1A2DE1E2UZ2 others to 1 2nd pair: ODE 1Z2GLPS1 others to 1 3rd pair: 0DGPA1UMZ1 others to 1 4th pair: 0GA1ME1S1A2N others to 1 So those that canvassed Elder Street with Mrs. Angel were Mr. Douglas, Mr. Goodrich, Mr. Peters, Mr. Underwood, Mr. Monk and Alec Zimmerman. 146
Odds and Evens (II)
hoarse, lounge, wooded, allied, engage, foiled, sweaty, pained. 143
Faultless Shapes
1. Surprisingly, there are no 6-by-6 squares which are free from faults. A 7-by-7 square cannot, of course, be completely covered by a whole number of 2-by-l domi noes. However, it is possible to find a fault-free 8-by-8 square, and one such square is shown here:
2. The smaller edge of a fault-free rectangle composed of trominoes (3-by-l rectangles) must be greater than five. Moreover, at least one of the edges must be a multiple of three. The 6-by-6, 6-by-7, 6-by-8, 6-by-9 and 6-by-10 rectangles cannot be covered without a fault line appearing, but the 9-by-7 rectangle is pos sible. One such solution is:
Codebreaker (V)
Brown, Green, Blue, Yellow is the only combination that allows the code to be broken for certain on the following turn. Word Maze
The hidden word is GASTROENTERITIS. Grub Hunt
1. bun 2. crab 3. ham 4. pie 5. lamb 6. pear 7. tart 8. peas 9. egg 10. peach 11. meat 12. rice 13. apple 14. curd 15. jam 16. sole Caging the Animals
Here is one answer: l:J
MIJ)IIAUOfJ8l3W EL»;i31£UEMtJ — -JlildlKBIti ’UU’ IS L»J IS' l£ W, B . .......................... - ■ L«l ' HOdlN K Lt 11 Wl»j|;Il;lL»] Lei |.J LM Id w M ii .. w _. u _
i; r-iiHs; fiJ 13 re ~ . .wwinid fi
IM rj
IS 51 S
5i • re n rawfira •H 51373011 tiI w-.f M S TO V fii re re TTrili] I ----s ... si m ... ... re liWIR u ... w ... m „ m r? re w uiaia si ... ... r w wsHiraraiiTi a rararr,reran n a .w n rei ■
Gaudeamus Igitur
Since Mr. Brown went to Harrow, his father must have gone to Eton. Hence Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith’s father must have gone to Rugby. So Mr. Smith himself went to Eton, and Mr. Jones’ father to Harrow. There fore young Jones will soon be starting at Eton.
1. assist 2. combat 3. design 4. comose 5. select 6. needed 7. oceans 8. defile 9.-nerves 10. Israel 11. buffed 12. arisen 13. siffle 14. hirsel
E) 12
Poker Face
The complete hand was: spades 9, 5; hearts 2; dia monds 8; clubs 4. The only combinations giving equal totals without a sequence are 5, 9, 2, 4, 8 and 7, 9,2,4, 10 (from observations 2 and 3). The red cards must be 8, 2 and the first combination‘applies (from observa tion 4). The black cards are 4, 5, 9 and the spades are therefore 5, 9 and the 4 is a club (from observation 6). The 2 must be a heart and the 8 is a diamond (from observation 5). Codebreaker (IV)
From trials 1 and 5 it can be seen that the solution con tains either both Blue and Green or neither; similarly from 3 and 4 we can make the same deduction about White and Green. The same can be said about Red and Yellow (from 2 and 4) and Red and Brown (from 3 and
5). Thus the solution contains only 3 colours—either Blue. Green, and White or Red, Brown, and Yellow. If the former is correct, trial 3 shows that either White is first or Blue is last; both of these are seen to be impossible if the position of Green is considered. If the latter is correct Red cannot be first (from 1), last (from 2) or third (or else there would be two Os in 5). Hence Red is second; then Yellow must be first (from 1 and 5), and Brown must fill up the remaining places. Thus the solution is Yellow-Red-Brown-Brown. 91
If the centre of the penny falls at ywhere within the solid square, it wins. The area of this square is 2.25 square centimetres. The area of each of the squares on the board is 12.25 square centimetres. So the chances of a penny falling cleanly within the boundary of a large square are 2.25 in 12.25 or 1 in 5.44.
Noughts and Crosses
The correct arrangement is shown here: X X O O O X X O X Can-U-Count (IV)?
A ‘Times’ Crossword (II)
London Calling!
The four volumes comprising the London Telephone Directory cover the letters A-D, E-K, L R and S-Z. Each of the four words we gave had one of these pairs as its initial and terminal letters. Neighbours
The difficulty of this puzzle (as with so many) lies in knowing where to begin. In this case a start can be made by considering sentences 9, 4, 8 and 3; these lead to the statement, ‘Jim is Kay’s husband if Ed is Kay’s husband’. So Ed is not married to Kay. Then 6 shows that Kay lives on Maple, 2 shows that Jim lives on Pine, and 7 shows that Doris lives on Cedar. The rest follows* giving: Fran and Jim ... ... Pine Doris and Bill............... Cedar Ann and Ed................... Oak Kay and Hal................. Maple
A Base Task
At the end of the first century, the plinth was just a shade more than five qubiks high. To reach the in tended height of 100 qubiks, the work would take approximately 1.5092688622x IO13 years. A Syllable Syllabub (II)
________ 10 111REL I ATE 112 Odds and Evens (III)
voided, afield, jaunty, though, bourse, earned, friary, tweeny, tooled, friend, enrage, assist. An Alphabet Grid
Just one possibility ...
The 11-sided polygon is shown here. The maximum number of sides is 12, the 12-sided polygon differing from the 11-sided one by the dotted lines.
Call the radius of the larger circle x. So, CD equals x-9; and EC is x-5. Then x-5 is a mean proportional be tween x-9 and x, from which x must equal 25. There fore the diameters of the two circles are 50 and 41 inches. 153
Dutiful Digits
This is one possible arrangement: 17126425374635
Rite and Rong
The six possibilities are set out here, (i) is impossible as that would make all three natives Rites. Similarly (ii), (iii) and (iv) all mean that two were Rites. Whereas (v) makes all three natives Rongs. So (iv) is the correct one, making the third native Ug. Ug Og Ig (i) Ug Og Ig (ii) Ig Ug Og (iii) Ug Ig Og (iv) Ig Ug Og (v) Og Ig Ug (vi) 128
Building a Home
Popstar’s Week
The correct order is BFDCRJH. Since the three agents got nine correct matches, at least two days must have been paired correctly twice. You will find that only two days can have been correctly paired twice, so each other day must have been rightly paired by someone. If C=Tuesday and G=Friday, then the third agent is right about D and H, giving the first agent four matches. Similar eliminations dispose of all but D= Wednesday and G=Friday. Then F=Tuesday and J=Saturday and the rest fall into place. 155
A Times’ Crossword (II)
The solution is as shown. Perhaps the easiest starting point is 7 across, which can only be made up of the letters A, N, and G. Thus the word must be NAG. 8 down can now only be AID, and the rest follows quite easily.
Answers to Quickies Minus 40. 6.25 Sunday. £10,234,567.89 £2567. 18. 9j. 32 and eight-elevenths minutes past three. Seconds in a million years. Floccinaucinihilipilofication, meaning setting little or no value on-something. 9. Write down 9+9+9+1 + 1, and then turn the paper upside down. 10. ROTATOR is represented by 3619163. 11. 1.2 12. Barefaced and fabricated are two examples. 13. 142,857. 14. 450. 15. Gnus, guns, snug, sung. 16. Dictionary. 17. Minus three. 18. The speaker’s birthday is on December 31, and the statement was made on January 1. 19. The first, second, fourth and sixth. The correct spell ings are: Mediterranean, Caribbean, Antarctica, and Connecticut.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Index to Puzzle Answers Solutions to puzzles are on the pages indicated: puzzle number in bold type followed by the number of the page on which the solution will be found:
1-105 2-112 3-106 4-1185-124 6-130 7-136 8-138 9-121 10-139 11-111 12-141 13-131 14-114 15-115 16-147 17-135 18-119 19-143 20-144 21 -148 22-112 23-134 24-126 25-110 26-138
27 -125 28-150 29-132 30-150 31 -108 32-146 33-106 34-140 35-139 36-128 37-105 38-152 39-122 40-135 41 — 115 42-122 43-129 44-133 45 -143 46-117 47 -141 48-136 49-154 50-111 51 -126 52-114 158
53-143 54-138 55-145 56-116 57-149 58-126 59-112 6(1-152 61-144 62-140 63-112 64-117 65-130 66-105 67-141 68-148 69-132 70-133 71 -151 72-154 73 -121 74 -145 75- 123 76-118 77-135 78-152
79- 109 80- 108 81- 110 82- 125 83- 155 84- 116 85- 107 86- 136 87- 119 88- 145 89- 113 90- 143 91- 150 92- 141 93 -148 94 - 105 95- 131 96- 128 97- 124 98- 112 99- 117 100- 153 101- 134 102- 127 103- 128 104- 151 105- 116
106 -138 107 -125 108 -154 109 -114 110 - 140 111 -149 112 -155 113 -140 114 - 129 115 -138 116 -139 117 -149 118 -156 119 -141 120 -145 121 -136 122 -133 123 -137 124 -135 125 -144 126 -120 127 -148 128 -155 129 - 142 130 -128 131 -152 132 -106
133-115 134-148 135-134 136-121 137 -108 138-146 139-127 140-109 141-151 142-153 143-147 144-114 145-116 146-120 147-113 148-125 149-130 150-118 151-111 152-107 153-109 154 -136 155-110 156 -142 157-124
OUR OTHER PUBLICATIONS ★ Children's Treasury of Records & Facts ★ I Spy Quiz Book ★ I Spy Book of Facts ★ Unique School Essays, Letters and Stories ★ The Stars & Your Baby ★ Prediction Book of Palmistry ★ Prediction Book of Astrology ★ Take the Challenge I.Q. ★ Letter Writing for all Occasions ★ A Complete Book of Business Letters ★ A Dictionary of Synonyms & Antonyms ★ Take the Challenge I.Q. 2 ★ Lover’s Guide to Palmistry ★ Gaurav’s English-Hindi Dictionary ★ Gaurav’s Hindi-English Dictionary ★ Pregnancy & Child Birth ★ Vitamins for your Health ★ Word Quiz ★ Test your Intelligence
20.00 15.00 15.00
15.00 24.00 18.00 20.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 15.00 20.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 20.00 15.00 15.00
For the EASY CHAIR DAVID PRITCHARD David Pritchard, Editor of TOP PUZZLES magazine, has put together this pot-pourri of word, number, logic, real life and other puzzles - with answers and explanations - to redouble the enormous success of his collection in Puzzles & Teasers for Everyone. As before the brilliantly baffling puzzles are enhan ced by the random answer system. Numerically consecutive answers do not appear next to each other. Puzzle solvers are prevented from checking the next answer before reading the question! (The fault which spoils so many puzzle books.)
Selected and edited by David Pritchard, Editor of TOP PUZZLES.