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English Pages 50 Year 1951
There's an old saying in army circles that there are three ways of doing things-the right way-the wrong way-and the army way. let's add to that: The army
way is the right way for the army. No doubt abou t it-the army woy is different oil right. Take f'r instance, the uniform. Plaid sport jackets and blue serge suits are os American as baseball, but they don't fit into the army scheme of things. The khaki uniform does. It didn't just happen. There are years of planning and thought behind it. It's right for the army I And that goes for your trucks and equipment as well. There are lots of little ormy ways of repairing and driving your truck that are different from the r ight way of doing it at home. but once you know their whys and wherefores they have their points. Army rolling stock may have errands that carry it for from the main highway arteries, and in order to ford strea ms, battle sand dunes, and make mud pies they ha ve to be engineered iust a littl e differently than the homefront product, even though you see a familiar name on the TM that com es with it. The old trucks al home didn 'f have to navigate streams ankle high to a giroffe-remember-ond their ventilotin,g pipes and breathers could be placed so a s to inhale the ozone without regard for water Rowing in to emulsify the oil. Omitting the services of a ventilator on an army vehicle is like turning off its iron lungand you'll soon hove sludge and acids way up to here. Yeah-the "army way'" is different. Different clothes • .• different equipment . . . different experien ces. But somehow the pieces 011 fall in together like in a jigsaw puzzle. ~ The finished picture usuolJy shows that the army way is the right way for the army.
You'll ~oon ~ee ~everol new ifems added to the interim fleet of 24·yoh, waterproof, deep.water.tording vehicles. You (an make 'em or break 'em in the first few minutes, the ~r51 few miles, or Ihe firs! few months. Mony of the new trucks and lanks already in the field have been quickly goofed up by 100 lillie core or 100 mudi malicious igno-rance. II's lip 10 you. You can either learn about them and u~e them right, or you {On go ahead and use them with a vengeance. You can either deadline them 01 the fint sign of trouble or you con double trouble by working the sick ones. Sure as man makes new produc ts, his inventions (an be im· pro ved. Sure 0$ you get these produch of 1951 Engineering-ILings will need improv, ing. Bu l if you report them light away they (on be repaired instead of rebuilt. Ordnance is as responsive to a U[R as Hoi. IYI'lood is 10 the box office. They'll run to a fi('e 01 Ihe first smell of smoke. Or even sooner. The(re running schools in advance of naw·vehicle delivery. They' ve ga l publi(o · tions that lell wha t and how. They've got (ivilion instru(tors" all over the place 10 set lip (ourses and run dosses, and th-ey've got IcchnicWflS who 'lI even answer your prob. lems by telephone It's up 10 you. As Ihey soy on Ihe po~ter~ . .. We have the worids ue~1 equipment, TAKE CARE Of If.
ARTIClES More Powe r To Your M38 22S Rea cfion Timing 244 Sou venirs 241 Te mpseal 247 You and Your M 135 ~~2 M38 Vapor lock aS7 M46 Cooler Fan, 263
fEATURES Real Preventive Maintenance During Operation Servict Joe Dope limerick Remarkable Driving What Stopped The Shop?
DEPARrMENJS Editorial Combat Maintenance Hand Tool Clinic Connie Rodd CO,nnie Rodd's Briefs Contributions 591 Half-Mast
221 234 242 3C
228 230 233 248 258
m~nthly in the interest of Preventive Mainlenance for service-wide di stribution to all Of· ganizalions as pori of the PREVe~TlVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. PS Magazine is glad to gel your ideas for arlicles and illustrations, and is glad to answer your questions, Just wrlte to; Editor, PS MagClzine Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryla-nd
PS MAGAZINf is published
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