Problems in Calculus of One Variable

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Table of contents :
Front Cover
Title Page
From the Author
§ 1.1. Real Numbers. The Absolute Value of a Real Number
§ 1.2. Function. Domain of Definition
§ 1.3. /n'lJestigation of Functions
§ 1.4. /n'Verse Functions
§ 1.5. Graphical Representation of Functions
§ 1.6. Number Sequences. Limit of a Sequence
§ 1.7. Eivaluation of Limits of Sequences
§ 1.8. Testing Sequences for Convergence
§ 1.9. The Limit of a Function
§ 1.10. Calculation of Limits of Functions
§ 1.11. Infinitesimal and Infinite Functions. Their Definition and Comparison
§ 1.12. Equivalent Infinitesimals. Application to Finding Limits
§ 1.13. One-Sided Limits
§ 1.14. Continuity of a Function. Points of Discontinuity and Their Classification
§ 1.15. Arithmetical Operations on Continuous Functions. Continuity of a Composite Function
§ 1.16. The Properties of a Function Continuous on a Closed Interval. Continuity of an Inverse Function
§ 1.17. Additional Problems
§ 2.1. Definition of the Derivattve
§ 2.2. Differentiation of Explicit Functions
§ 2.3. Successi'Ve Differentiation of Explicit Functions. Leibniz Formula
§ 2.4. Differentiation of ln'Verse, Implicit and Parametrically Represented Functions
§ 2.5. Applications of the Deri'Vati
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Problems in Calculus of One Variable

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Problems in Calculus of One Variable (With elements of theory)





UDC 517=20

First published 1973 Revised from the 1970 Russian edition

Ha M

0223-200 041(01)-73

artcAut'icKoM fl3b1Ke


From the Author • . . . . • • • . •


Chapter I. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis


§ I.I. Real Numbers. The Absolute Value of a Real Number § 1.2. Function. Domain of Definition § 1.3. Investigation of Functions . . . . . • § 1.4. Inverse Functions . . . . . . . • . . § 1.5. Graphical Representation of Functions § 1.6. Number Sequences. Limit of a Sequence § 1.7. Evaluation of Limits of Sequences § 1.8. Testing Sequences for Convergence . § 1.9. The Limit of a Function . . . . . § 1.10. Calculation of Limits of Functions § I.I I. Infinitesimal and Infinite Functions. Their Definition and Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . § 1.12. Equivalent Infinitesimals. Application to Finding Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 1.13. One-Sided Limits . . . . . . . . . § 1.14. Continuity of a Function. Points of Discontinuity and Their Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 1.15. Arithmetical Operations on Continuous Functions. Continuity of a Composite Function . . . . . . . . . . § 1.16. The Properties of a Function Continuous on a Closed Interval. Continuity of an Inverse Function § 1.17. Additional Problems Chapter II. Differentiation of Functions § 2.1. Definition of the Derivative § 2.2. Differentiation of Explicit Functions § 2.3. Successive Differentiation of Explicit Functions. Leibniz Formula • . . . . . , . • • • . • • . . • • •

11 15 22 28 30 41 48 50 55 60 68 71 75 77 84 87 91 93 98

JOO 107


Contents § 2.4. Differentiation of Inverse, Implicit and Parametrically Represented Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 2.5. Applications of the Derivative . . . . . . . . . . § 2.6. The Differential of a Function. Application to Approximate Computations § 2.7. Additional Problems . • . • • Chapter III. Application of Differential Calculus to Investigation of functions . . . . . . . . . . . . .

§ 3.1. Basic Theorems on Differentiable Functions . . . . § 3.2. Evaluation of Indeterminate Forms. L'Hospital's Rule § 3.3. Taylor's Formula. Application to Approximate Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 3.4. Application of Taylor's Formula to Evaluation of Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 3.5. Testing a Function for Monotonicity • . • • . • . § 3.6. Maxima and Minima of a Function . . • • • • . § 3.7. Finding the Greatest and the Least Values of a Function . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 3.8. Solving Problems in Geometry and Physics . . . ~ 3.9. Convexity and Concavity of a Curve. Points of Inflection . . . . . • . . . . . • • . • . . . . . . . . § 3.10. Asymptotes . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 3.11. General Plan for Investigating Functions and Sketching Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 3.12. Approximate Solution of Algebraic and Transcen· dental Equations . . . . . § 3.13. Additional Problems . . • • • • • . . Chapter IV. Indefinite Integrals. Basic Methods of Integration

§ 4.1. Direct Integration and the Method of § 4.2. Integration by Substitution ~ 4.3. Integration by Parts § 4.4. Reduction Formulas


Chapter V. Basic Classes of Integrable functions

§ 5.1. Integration of Rational Functions . . . . . § 5.2. Integration of Certain Irrational Expressions § 5.3. Euler's Substitutiom . . . . . . . . § 5.4. Other Methods of Integrating Irrational Expressions § 5.5. Integration of a Binomial Differential . . . § 5.6. Integration of Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions § 5.7. Integration of Certain Irrational Function~ with the Aid of Trigonometric or Hyperbolic Substitutwns . . • .

111 115 122 126

131 131 138 143 147 148 152 159 162 166 170 174 183 190 190 195 199 202 211 214 214 219 222 224 228 230 237


Contents § 5.8. Integration of Other Transcendental Functions § 5.9. Methods of Integration (List of Basic Forms of



tegrals) . . . . . .


Chapter VI. The Definite Integral


§ 6.1. Statement

of the Problem. The Lower and Upper Integral Sums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 6.2. Evaluating Definite Integrals by the Newton-Leibniz Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 6.3. Estimating an Integral. The Definite Integral as a Function of Its Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 6.4. Changing the Variable in a Definite Integral . . . § 6.5. Simplification of Integrals Based on the Properties of Symmetry of Integrands . . . . . . . . . . . § 6.6. Integration by Parts. Reduction Formulas § 6.7. Approximating Definite Integrals § 6.8. Additional Problems . . . . . . . . . . • Chapter VII. Applications of the Definite Integral . . . . . . § 7.1. Computing the Limits of Sums with the Aid of Definite Integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 7.2. Finding Average Values of a Function . . . . § 7.3. Computing Areas in Rectangular Coordinates . § 7.4. Computing Areas with Parametrically Represented Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 7.5. The Area of a Curvilinear Sector in Polar Coordinates § 7.6. Computing the Volume of a Solid . . . . . . . . § 7.7. The Arc Length of a Plane Curve in Rectangular Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 7.8. The Arc Length of a Curve Represented Parametrically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § 7.9. The Arc Length of a Curve in Polar Coordinates § 7.10. Area of Surface of Revolution . . . . . . . . . § 7.11. Geometrical Applications cf the Definite Integral § 7 .12. Computing Pressure, Work and Other Physical Quantities by the Definite Integrals . . . . . . . . . . § 7.13. Computing Static Moments and Moments of Inertia. Determining Coordinates of the Centre of Gravity § 7.14. Additional Problems . . . . . . . .

247 256 262 275 288 294 301 307 310 310 312 317 327 331 336 345 348 351 354 360 367 372 383

Chapter VIII. Improper Integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


§ 8.1. Improper Integrals with Infinite Limits . . § 8.2. Improper Integrals of Unbounded Functions § 8.3. Geometric and Physical Applications of Improper Integrals . . . . . . . . § 8.4. Additional Problems Answers and Hints . . . . . . . . . . .

387 397 409 415 418

In fond memory of my parents

From the Author

This textbook on mathematical analysis is based on many years' experience of lecturing at a higher technical college. Its aim is to train the students in active approach to mathematical exercises, as is done at a seminar. Much attention is given to problems improving the theoretical background. Therefore standard computational exercises are supplemented by examples and problems explaining the theory, promoting its deeper understanding and stimulating precise mathematical thinking. Some counter-examples explaining the need for certain conditions in the formulation of basic theorems are also included. The book is designed along the following lines. Each section opens with a concise theoretical introduction containing the principal definitions, theorems and formulas. Then follows a detailed solution of one or more typical problems. Finally, problems without solution are given, which are similar to those solved but contain certain peculiarities. Some of them are provided with hints. Each chapter (except Chap. IV and V) closes with a separate ~ection of supplementary problems and questions aimed at reviewing and extending the material of the chapter. These sections should prove of interest to the inquiring student, and possibly also to lecturers in selecting material for class work or seminars. The full solutions developed in the text pursue two aims: (1) to provide lecturers with a time-saver, since they can refer the students to the textbook for most of the standard exercises of a computational character and concentrate mainly on the solution of more sophisticated problems, thus gaining time for more rewar-


From the Author

ding work; and (2) to meet the needs of those who are working on their own or following correspondence courses, providing a substitute for the oral explanations given to full-time students. The student will find the book most useful if he uses it actively, that is to say, if he studies the relevant theoretical material carefully before going on to the worked-out solutions, and finally reinforces the newly-acquired knowledge by solving the problems given for independent work. The best results will be obtained when the student, having mastered the theoretical part, immedia· tely attacks the unsolved problems without referring to the text solutions unless in difficulty.

Isaac Maron

Chapter }


§ I.I. Real Numbers.

The Absolute Value of a Real Number Any decimal fraction, terminating or nonterminating, is called a real number. Periodic decimal fractions are called rational numbers. Every rational number may be written in the form of a ratio, .!!... , of two q integers p and q, and vice versa. Nonperiodic decimal fractions are called irrational numbers. If X is a certain set of real numbers, then the notation x E X means that the number x belongs to X, and the notation x ~ X means that the number x does not belong to X. A set of real numbers x satisfying the inequalities a< x < b, where a and b are fixed numbers, is called an open interval (a, b). A set of real numbers x satisfying the inequalities a~ x ~ b is called a closed interval [a, b]. A set of real numbers x, satisfying the inequalities a~ x < b or a< x ~ b, is called a half-open interval [a, b) or (a, b]. Open, closed, and half-open intervals are covered by a single term interval. Any real number may be depicted as a certain point on the coordinate axis which is called a proper point. We may also introduce two more, so-called improper points, oo and -oo infinitely removed from the origin of coordinates in the positive and negative dirtctions, respectively. By definition, the inequalities -oo < < x < oo hold true for any real number x. The interval (a-e, a+ e) is called the e-neighbourhood of the number a. The set of real numbers x > M is called the M-neighbourhood of the improper point +oo. The set of rral numbers x < M is called the M-neighbourhood of t .e improper point -oo. The absolute value of a number x (denoted Ix I) is a number that satisfies the conditions Ix I= -x if x < O; Ix I = x if x ~ o.




Ch. I. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis

The properties of absolute values are: (I) the inequality Ix I::s;;;; a means that -a ::s;;;; x ::s;;;; a; (2) the inequality Ix I~ a means that x ~a or x ::s;;;; -a; (3)

Ix± YI~ Ix I+ IYI;

(4) lx±yl~llxl-IYll; (5) lxyl=lxllYI; (5)

I; I= \: l 0), 30; f (4) = 90.

1.2.12. Find cp['¢(x)] and 'ljl[cp(x)] if cp (x) = x2 and '¢ (x) =·2x.

Solution. cp ['¢ (x)] = ['¢(x)]2 = (2x}2 =22", '¢ [cp (x)] = 2" O; a=I= 1) the values of the argument X=Xn (n= 1, 2, ... ) form an arithmetic progression, then the corresponding values of the function Yn = axn (n = 1, 2, ... ) form a geometric progression. 1.2.16.

f (x) = x 2 + 6, cp (x) = 5x. Solve

the equation

f (x} =I cp (x) I·

1.2.17. Find f(x) if f(x+ l}=x2-3x+2.

1.2.18. Evaluate the functions f (x) = x 2 + l/x2 and cp (x) = x4 + l/x4 for the points at which l/x 1.2.19.

f (x) = x+

+ x = 5.

l; cp (x) = x-2; solve the equation

If + cp (x) I= If (x) I+ Icp (x) 1. 1.2.20. A rectangle with altitude x is inscribed in a triangle ABC with the base b and altitude h. Express the perimeter P and

area S of the rectangle as functions of x.

§ 1.2. Function. Domain of Definition


1.2.21. Find the domains of definition of the following functions: (a) f (x) = Vx=T

+ V6-x;

(b)f(x)=Vx 2 -x-2+V (c)

f (x) = V


x 2 -x-2 (d) f (x) = V sin x- 1 ;





f (x) = ..V/ log -5x-x~ 4 -; (f) f (x) = logx 5; x2-5x+6 (g) f (x) = log xLHx + f:i ; x-3 (h) f (x) =arc sin- 2 -Iog (4-x); (e)


, __

(i) f(x)= 1og(l-x)+V x+2; (j) f (x) = log cos x; 3

arc cos 4 + 2 sin x ;


f (x) =



Solution. (a) The domain of definition of the given function consists of those values of x at which both items take on real values. To ensure this the following two conditions must be satisfied: {

x-1~0, 6-x~O.

By solving the inequalities we obtain x ~ l; x ~ 6. Hence, the domain of definition of the function will be the segment [ 1,6]. (e) The function is defined for the values of x for which



This inequality will be satisfied if 5x-x:i



1, or x -5x+40

at any x, the problem is reduced to solving 3 4+2sinx


Whence 3 ~ 4 + 2 sin x, i.e. sin x ~ By solving the latter inequality we obtain :rt

- 6 +2kn~x ~


6 +2kn



(k=O, +I, ±2, ... ).

(I) The function is defined for the values of x for which Ix I - x > 0, whence Ix I > x. This inequality is satisfied at x < 0. Hence, the function is defined in the interval (-oo, 0). 1.2.22. Find the domains of definition of the following functions: (a) f (x) = V arc sin (log2 x) ; (b) f (x) = log 2 log 3 log4 x; (c)

f (x) =...!...+2arc •in x +-1-;


f (x) =log I4 - x2 I; f (x) = V cos (sin x) +arc sin







Find the ranges of the following functions: I . (f) Y -- 2-cos 3x ' x (g) Y = l-f-x2

Solution. (a) For the function f (x) to be defined the following inequality must be satisfied arc sin (log 2 x);;;;:: 0,

whence 0 ~ log 2 x~ l and I~ x~ 2. (b) The function log 2 log 3 log 4 x is defined for log 3 log4 x > 0, whence log 4 x > I and x > 4. Hence, the domain of definition is the interval 4 < x< oo. (c) The given function is defined if the following inequalities are satisfied simultaneously: x=;t=O; -1 ~x~ I and x> 2,


but the inequalities -1 ~ x~ I and x > 2 are incompatible, that is why the function is not defined for any value of x.


§ 1.2. Function. Domain of Definition

(e) The following inequalities must be satisfied simultaneously: cos (sin x) ;;;;::: 0







~ l.

The first inequality is satisfied for all values of x, the second, for Ix I= I. Hence, the domain of definition of the given function consists only of two points x = +I. (f) We have 2y-I

cos3x=--. y Since -I~ cos3x~



we have

whence, taking into account that y

> 0,

2y-l y


we obtain



or 3 ~y~ I.

(g) Solving with respect to x, we obtain

x = I±


-4y 2



The range of the function y will be determined from the relation

l-4y 2



Whence I



1.2.23. Solve the equation arc tan V x (x + I)+ arc sin V x 2 + x + I



Solution. Let us investigate the domain of definition of the function on the left side of the equation. This function will be defined for whence x 2 + x = 0. Thus, the left member of the equation attains real values only at x1 = 0 and x 2 = - I. By a direct check we ascertain that they are the roots of the given equation. This problem shows that a study of domains of definition of a function facilitates the solution of equations, inequalities, etc. 1.2.24. Find the domains of definition of the following functions: 2x-3

(a) !J =

V x + 2x + 3 2


(b) y=log sin(x-3)+Vl6-x 2 ;


Ch. I. Introduction



MafhPmatical Analy~is

(c) y= V 3-x+arc cos - 3- ; x-2

x (d) Y=1og(l+x)'

1.2.25. The function f (x) is defined on the interval [O, 1]. What are the domains of definition of the following functions: (a) f (3x 2 ); (b) f (x-5); (c) f (tan x)?

Solution. The given functions are functions of functions, or superpositions of functions, i. e. composite functions. a) Let us introduce an intermediate argument u = 3x2 • Then the function f(3x 2)=f(u) is defined if O~u~ 1, i.e. 0~3x2 ~ 1, whence -1/V3~x~ 1/V3. (c) Similarly: 0 ~tan x ~ 1, whence kn~ x~


(k =0, ± 1,


2, ... ).

1.2.26. The function f (x) is defined on the interval [O, 1]. What are the domains of definition of the functions (a)

f (sin x);


f (2x+ 3)?

§ 1.3. /n'lJestigation of Functions A function f (x) defined on the set X is said to be non-decreasing on this set (respectively, increasing, non-increasing, decreasing), if for any numbers x1 , x 2 EX, x 1 < x 2 , the inequality f (x1 ) ~ f (x2 ) (respectively, f (x1 ) < f (x2 ), f (x1 ) ~ f (x 2 ), f (x1 ) > f (x2 )) is satisfied. The function f (x) is said to be monotonic on the set X if it possesses one of the four indicated properties. The function f (x) is said to be bounded above (or below) on the set X if there exists a number M (or m) such that f (x) ~ M for all x EX (or m ~ f (x) for all x EX). The function f (x) is said to be bounded on the set X if it is bounded above and below. The function f (x) is called periodic if there exists a number T > 0 such that f (x T) -= f (x) for all x belonging to the domain of definition of the function (together with any point x the point x T must belong to the domain of definition). The least number T possessing this property (if such a number exists) is called the period of the function f (x). The function f (x) takes on the maximum value at the point x 0 EX if f (x 0 ) ~ f (x) for all x EX, and the minimum value if f (x 0) ~ f (x) for all x E X. A function f (x) defined on a set X which is symmetric with respect to the origin of coordinates is called even if f (- x) = f (x), and odd if f (- x) = =-f(x). In analysing the behaviour of a function it is advisable to determine the following:




§ 1.3. Investigation of Functions

1. The domain of definition of the function. 2. Is the function even, odd, periodic? 3. The zeros of the function. 4. The sign of the function in the intervals between the zeros. 5. Is the function bounded and what are its minimum and maximum values? The above items do not exhaust the analysis of a function, and later on their scope will be increased. 1.3.1. Find the intervals of increase and decrease of the f unction f (x) = ax 2 +bx+ c, and its minimum and maximum values. Solution. Isolating a perfect square from the square trinomial, we have b f(x)=a ( x+2a

)2 +--. 4ac-b2 4a

If a> 0, then the function f (x) will increase at those values of x satisfying the inequality x+b/(2a) > 0, i.e. at x>-b/(2a), and decrease when x+b/(2a) < 0, i.e. at x 0,


the function f (x) decreases in the interval ( -oo, and increases in the interval (-b/(2a), +oo). Obviously, at x=-b/(2a) the function f (x) assumes the minimum value b) 4ac-b2 fm1n=f ( -2Q =~·

At a> 0 the function has no maximum value. Similarly, at a< 0 the function f (x) will increase in the inter-


and decrease in the interval (- b/(2a), oo); at x= - b/(2a) the function f (x) takes on the maximum value val ( - oo,

fmax= f ( -

:a)= 4ac4-;;b2 •

whereas it has no minimum value. 1.3.2. (a) Find the minimum value of the function

Y= 3x2 +5x-l. (b) Find the rectangle with the maximum area from among all rectangles of a given perimeter. Solution. (a) Apply the results of Problem 1.3.1: a= 3 > 0, b = 5, c = - l. The minimum value is attained by the function at the point x=-5/6 4ac-b 2



(b) We denote by 2p the length of the perimeter of the required rectangle, and by x the length of one of its sides; then the area S

Ch. I. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis


of the rectangle will be expressed as S=x(p-x) or S=px-x 2 • Thus, the problem is reduced to the determination of the maximum value of the function S (x) = - x 2 + px. Apply the results of Problem 1.3. l: a= - 1 < 0, b = p, c = 0. The maximum value is attained by the function at the point x = - b/(2a) = p/2. Hence, one of the sides of the desired rectangle is p/2, the other side being equal to p-x = p/2, i. e. the required rectangle is a square. 1.3.3. Show that (a) the function f (x) = x 3 + 3x + 5 increa 0 and the expression in the brackets is positive at all x1 and x 2, then f (x 2)-f (xi)> 0, i.e. f (x2) > f (x1), which means that the function f (x) increases for all values of x. 1.3.4. Find the intervals of increase and decrease for the following functions: (a) f (x) =sin x+cosx; (b) tan(x+n/3). Solution. (a) Using the familiar trigonometric formulas, we find

f (x) = V2 cos (x-n/4). It is known that the function cos x decreases in the intervals

2nn ~ x~ (2n+ 1) n and increases in the intervals (2n-l)n~x~2rm (n=O, +l, ±2, ... ). Hence, the intervals of decrease of the function f (x) are: n/4+2nn~x~n/4+(2n+l)n (n=O, ± 1, ... ), and the intervals of increase of the same function are:

n/4+(2n-l)n~x~n/4+2nn (n=O, + 1, ... ). l.3.5. Find the minimum and maximum values of the function

f (x) =

a cos x

+ b sin x

(u 2

+b > 0). 2


§ 1.3. Investigation of Functions

Solution. The given function can be represented as:

f (x) =Va•+ b2 cos (x-a), where cos a= a/ Va2 + b2 , sin a= b/ Va 2 + b2 • Since I cos (x-a) I~ 1, the maximum value of f (x) equals + Va 2 + b" (at cos (x-a)-= 1), the minimum value of f (x) being equal to -Va 2 + b2 (at cos (x-a) =-1). 1.3.6. Find the minimum value of the function

f (x) = Solution. We denote by qi


3O, a* 1). Solution. The function y = loga (x + V x 2 + 1) is defined for all x, since Vx 2 1 > lxl, and is odd [see Problem 1.3.9 (a)J. It increases


§ 1.4. Inverse Functions


for positive values of x, hence, it increases everywhere and has an inverse function. Solving the equation

Y = loga (x +



+ 1)

with respect to x, we find

aY =x+



+ l;

a-Y= - x+ V x2 + l,


x= ~ (aY-a-Y)=sinh(ylna). l .4.4. Show that the functions

f(x)=x 2 -x+l, x;;;::=l/2 and cp(x)=l/2+Vx-3/4 are mutually inverse, and solve the equation

x2 -x+ 1=1/2 + V" x-3/4. Solution. The function y=x 2 -x+l=(x-l/2) 2 +3/4 increases in the interval 1/2 ~ x < oo, and with x varying in the indicated interval we have 3/4 ~ y < oo. Hence, defined in the interval 3/4 ~ y < oo is the inverse function x = g (y), x ;;;::= 1/2, which is found from the equation

x2 -x+(l-y)=O. Solving the equation with respect to x, we obtain

X=g(y)= 1/2+ Vy-3/4=cp (y). Let us now solve the equation

x 2 -x+ I= 1/2+ V x-3/4. Since the graphs of the original and inverse functions can intersect only on the straight line y=x, solving the equation x 2 -x+ 1 ~~x we find x= I. 1.4.5. Find the inverse of y =sin x. Solution. The domain of definition of the function y =sin x is

the entire number scale, the range of the function is the interval [- 1, l]. But the condition of existence of an inverse function is not fulfilled. Divide the x-axis into intervals n:rt-:rt/2~x~n:rt+:rt/2. If n is even, then the function increases on the intervals n:rt-:rt/2~ x~ ~n:rt+:rt/2; if n is odd, the function decreases on the intervals n:rt-:rt/2 ~ x ~ n:rt + :rt/2. Hence, on each of the indicated intervals there exists an inverse function defined on the interval [-1. l].


Ch. !. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis

In particular, for an interyal - n/2 < x < n/2 there exists an inverse function x =arc sin y. The inverse of the function y =sin x on the interval nn-n/2 < < x < nn + n/2 is expressed through arc sin y in the following way: X=(- l)narcsiny+nn (n=O, + 1, +2, ... ). 1.4.6. Find the inverse of the given functions:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

y= sin (3x- l) at-(n/6+ 1/3) < y=arcsin(x/3) at-3 0). Thus, the graph of our function is the right-hand part of an equilateral hyperbola (see Fig. 11 ).


Fig. 11

Fig. 10

Fig. 12

the points where cosx < 0, we can sketch the desired graph (the solid line in the same figure). (b) The function lx+2lx may be given by two formulas: { (x+ 2)x at x ~-2, Y= -(x+2)x at x~-2. Plotting separately both parabolas: y=(x+2)x=(x+ 1)2 -1, and y=-[(x+ 1)2 - I], retain only the parts corresponding to the above indicated intervals. Drawn in a solid line in Fig. 13 is the graph of the given function, the broken line showing the deleted parts of the constructed parabolas.


§ 1.5. Graphical Represmtation of Functions

1.5.4. Sketch the graph of the function

y=2 Ix-21-1x+1 l+x. Solution. At x ~ 2 Y= 2 (x-2)-(x+ l)+x= 2x-5. At -1 ~x~2 y= - 2(x-2)-(x+ l)+x= - 2x+3.


y I I






_ __.:..I-l--_,_,~+--1_,...---;.,._ :C

-1 0 -f Fig. 14

Fig. 13

Finally, at x


Y=-2(x-2)+(x+ l)+x=5. Hence, the given function can be rewritten in the following way:

5, x~-1, { y= -2x+ 3, -1 ~x~2, 2x-5, x~2.


Therefore the graph is a polygonal line (see Fig. 14). 1.5.5. Sketch the graph of the function

Y= 2x-2-x. Solution. Draw graphs for the functions y 1 = 2x and y 2 = - 2-x (broken lines in Fig. 15), and add graphically their ordinaFig. 15 tes. In doing so bear in mind that y 2 y < y1 , and that y 2 tends to zero with an increase in x, whereas y 1 tends to zero with a decrease in x (the solid line in Fig. 15).

N lxn-3/51 1000'

whence 18 988 0, say, e = 1 / 2 , that the inequality

l2~2 ~




holds true for any n ~ 3. The obtained inequality proves that l = 0 is not the limit of the given sequence. 1.6. 7. Prove that the sequence I







l, 2• 3• 3• 5• 4• 7• 5• with the general term Xn



l/n, n/(n

+ 2),

if n=2k- 1, if n = 2k,

has no limit. Solution. It is easy to show that the points x 11 with odd numbers concentrate about the point 0, and the points x,, with even numbers, about the point 1. Hence, any neighbourhood of the point 0, as well as any neighbourhood of the point 1, contains an infinite set of points x11 • Let a be an arbitrary real number. We can always choose such a small e > 0 that the e-neighbourhood of the point a wi II


§ 1.6. Number Sequences. Limit of a Sequenc't'

not contain at least a certain neighbourhood of either point 0 or point l. Then an infinite set of numbers xn will be found outside this neighbourhood, and that is why one cannot assert that all the numbers xn, beginning with a certain one, will enter the e-neighbourhood of the number a. This means, by definition, that the number a is not the limit of the given sequence. But a is an arbitrary number, hence no number is the limit of this sequence. 1.6.8. Prove that limxn=l if Xn=(3n+l)/3n. Prove that Jim xn = 2 if xn = (2n + 3)/(n + 1). Find the of the term beginning with which the inequality 1(2n+3)/(n+l)-2l 0 Jim xn = 0 if Xn =an/n! Solution. Let a natural number k > 2a. Then at n > k

~~ =

T' ~ . • •~

~.~ < ak (

= (



T) (k~ I . k~2. • • ~) < k

= (2a)k ( ~


Since Jim (l/2)n=0 (prove it!), then at a sufficiently large n we have:


lim (an/n!)

< ,2:)k




< E,


= 0.

1.6.12. Test the following sequences for limits: (a) Xn

= l/(2n);

(b) x -- { n -



for an even n,

1/n for an odd n; n:n

x11 =-ncos T; (d) x,,=n[l-(-1)"].





Ch. I. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis

1.6. 13. Prove that the sequence with the general term Xn

> 0)

= l/nk (k

is an infinite-!y small sequence. Solution. To prove that the sequence xn is infinitely small is to pro\e that lim Xn = 0. n - ""

Take an arbitrary inequality


> 0.

Since I xn I= l/nk, we have to solve the


< e,


whence n > l/8. Hence N may be expressed as the integral part . e. N = E (k/-) of V -1/8, 1. v l/8 . 1.6.14. Prove that the sequences with the general terms

Xn= 1-(-1~ n ,


I [ (2n-1)2 n] (b) Xn=-nsin

are infinitely small as n - oo. 1.6.15. Show








xn = (-l)n 2/(5 Vn+ 1) is infinitely small as n - oo. Find a number N beginning with which the points xn belong to the interval (-1/10, 1/10). Solution. Take an arbitrary 2

>0 2


and estimate Ixn I:

av-= v-· 2

< 5 v-< 5 '' +- I n 2 Ixn I< 8 a; soon as n > l/8

lxnl= That is why







Hence Jim Xn

= 0, i.e.

" "" the sequence is infinitely small. We take now 8= 1/10. Since I xn I< xn will necessarily < 1/10 or n > 1 000. Hence N may be smaller than 1/10 if be taken equal to 1 000. But we can obtain a more accurate result by solving the inequality






V n+l (19/5) 3 = 3.8 3 = 54.872. Hence N may be taken equal to 54 ~ 1 000. 1.6 .16. It is known that if Xn =a+ an, where an is an infinitesi mal as n--+- oo, then Jim xn =a. Taking advantage of this rule,

find the limits: (a) Xn =

3n+ 1 +sin (nn/4) 3n ;


§ 1.6. Number Sequences. limit of a Sequence


Solution. (a ) Xn = 3n+ t +sin (n:rc/4) 3 an, W here an = = 3n an infinitesimal as n- oo, hence lim Xn = 3. t.6.17. Prove that lim

sin (n:rc/4) .




n-+ "'


Solution. Let us prove that the variable can be represented as the sum I +an, where an is an infinitesimal as n - oo. Let us put 1 +an. Raising to the nth power we obtain

}:In= - ( l + an)nn n- 1 + nan + n (n-1) 21 an + . . . + ant 2

wherefrom we arrive at the conclusion that for any n > l the following inequality holds true: l +n(n-1) 2 n> 21 an (since all the terms on the right are non-negative). Transposing the unity to the left and reducing the inequality by n-1 we obtain n 2 l >2a",

whence it follows that 2/n > a~ or V 2/n > an > 0. Since lim V 2/n = 0, lim an also equals zero, i. e. an is an infinitesimal. n-+M.

Taking the logarithm, we obtain

Vn> log,, M,

n >(log. M) 3 •

If we now take N = E (log 3 M)3, then for all n > N the inequality IXn I > M will be fulfilled, which means that the sequence is infinite! y large. 1.6.19. Prove that

lim n-+ "'




> 0).

Ch. I. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis


§ 1.7. Eivaluation of Limits of Sequences

If the sequences {xn} and {yn} are convergent, then ± Yn) = lim Xn ± lim Yn; (2) Jim (XnYn) =Jim Xn lim Yn; (3) lim Xn = 11 ~m Xn (lim Yn =I= 0).

(I) lim (xn Yn


If Xn ~ Yn then lim Xn ~ lim Yn· 1. 7 .1. Find lim Xn if n-+""

( d) Recall that

l2+ 22 + 32 + ... + n2 =


1.7.2. Find Iim xm if n-+""

n (n+ 1~(2n+ I).

§ I .7. Emluation of limits of Sequences


(c) In solving this example, and also the rest of the examples of Problem 1.7.2, take advantage of the following equalities (see Problems 1.6.17 and l.6.19):

V' n = 1

Jim n-~


lim n-+oc

V' a -


( 1)

We have lim xn = lim

V' 5n =

but from (1) it follows that Jim Xn = 1· 1 = 1.

JY5 lim V' n, n-+ "' Jim V's 1 and lim V'"n lim

l; hence

1.7.3. Find .


' 2n3 1-Sn2 ) \2n2+3 +Sn+ I ·

Solution. Summing the fractions, we obtain 2n 3 -13n 2 +3 Xn

= 10ns+2n2+ 1Sn+3 ·


Note. If we put 2n 3 Yn = 2n2 + 3 ;

1-Sn2 Zn= Sn+ I '

then the limit of their sum Jim (Yn +Zn)= 1/5, though each of the summands is an infinitely large quantity. Thus, from the convergence of a sum of sequences it does not, generally speaking, follow that the summands converge too.

l. 7 .4. Find lim




Ch. I. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis

Solution. (a) Xn=Vn(V2+3/n-Vl-l/n)-+ +oo as tt-+ oo, since the second multiplier has a positive limit. (c) xn--

n 2 (n-Yn 2 +1) I

-n 2





I+ y1+~2

-+-oo as

I ) ( -;i--1

2/ 3





I ) a n-1 +1 1/

It means, Xn--+ 1/3. (e) Factoring out the terms of the highest power in the numerator and denominator, we have:

1. 7 .5. Find lim Xn if n-oo

§ 1.8. Testing Sequences for Convergence Bolzano-Weierstrass' theorem. A monotonic bounded sequence has a finite limit. Theorem on passing to the limit in inequalities. If xn ~ Yn ~ zn and Jim xn = lim Zn = c, then lim Yn = c too (c is a number,

+ oo

fl -


or - oo but not oo ).

§ 1.8. Testing Sequences for Convergence


1.8.1. Prove that the sequence with the general term xn = (2n- l)/(3n 1) is an increasing one. Solution. We have to prove that Xn+l > Xn for any n, i.e. to prove that



2n+ I 3n+4

2n- I

> 3n+ I


The latter inequality is equivalent to the obvious inequality

6n2 +5n+ l

> 6n



Hence, xn+t > Xn1.8.2. Given a sequence with the general term 10n Xn=nr.

Prove that this sequence decreases at n ~ 10. Solution. IQn+ I Xn+t = (n+ 1)1





nf • n+ I =Xn n+ I '

Since n~ 1 < 1 at n ~ 10, then Xn+t < xn beginning with this number, which means that the sequence decreases at n ~ 10. 1.8.3. Test the following sequences for boundedness: 5n 2 (a) Xn=n2+3;

(b) Yn = (- l)n n~l sin n; (c) Zn= n cos nn.

Solution. (a) The sequence {xn} is bounded, since it is obvious that 5n 2 0 < n 2 + 0 < 5 for all n. (b) The sequence {Yn} is bounded: IYn I= J(-l)n

J ·

n~ 1 I sin n I< n~ I< 2.

(c) The sequence {zn} is not bounded, since

I Zn



In C l, x0 > 0) converges. Solution. Let us prove that this sequence is monotonic and bounded. Firstly, xn < xn_ 1 as



Xn-1 = a+ Xn-1

< Xn-1'


Ch. I. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis

Hence, the given sequence is a decreasing one. Secondly, all its terms are positive (by condition a> 0 and x 0 > 0), which means that the sequence is bounded below. Thus, the given sequence is monotonic and bounded, hence it has a limit. 1.8.5. Prove that the sequence with the general term I




= 5 + I + 52 + I + 5a + I + ' ' ' + 5n + I . I I I I I I ) ( 1.e. X1=5+1; X2=5+1+5 2 +1; Xa=5+1+5TTf+5a+1; ··· Xn

converges. Solution. The sequence {xn} increases, since xn+i = xn + l/(5n"" 1 -:- 1) and, hence, Xn+i > Xn· Besides, it is bounded above, since l/(5n+ l) < < 1/5" at any n and I

Xn =




5 + I + 52 + I + 5a + I + ' ' ' + 5n + I < I I I I 1/5- l/5n+1 I ( I) I ~·


hence M=~

Thus, for e > 0 we have found M = values of x




such that for all

the inequality ( *) is fulfilled, and this means that


5x+ I


tm 3X +9=3 ·

x -+oo

Let, for example, e=0.01; then M=

14-0.09 2 o.o3 =463 3


(c) We have to prove that for any K > 0 there exists fl> 0 such that from the inequality

/x-1/ K. K > 0 and

(I I x)2

Let us choose an arbitrary number

I '-, (l-x) 2 "'


solve the inequality (**)


whence l

/ 1-x I< VR (K

;K ,

Thus, if we put fl= soon as

Ix- 1 I < fl,

> 0).

then the inequality (**) holds true as

which means that

!i~n 1


~x) 2


+ oo.

(d) We have to prove that for any K > 0 there exists M > 0 such that from the inequality x > M there always follows the inequality loga x > K. Let us choose an arbitrary number K > 0 and consider the inequality 1ogax>K. If we put aK=M, then at x > M the inequality loga x > K holds true. Hence, Jim logax=


+ oo.

1.9.4. Prove that Jim cos x does not exist. X-+


1.9.5. Using the sequences of the roots of the equations sin (l/x)= 1 and sin ( l/x) = - 1, show that the function f (x) =sin (1/x) has no limit as x - 0.


Ch. I. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis

1.9.6. Proceeding from Cauchy's definition of the limit of a function prove that: x-1 . (a) Jim (3x-2) = l; (b} I1m .r- = 2; •


x ... 1


(c) Jim sin x = 0;

x ... 0

" .... 0




x -++oo x- +

2x-I 2 3 +2=3; X

ax=+ oo (a>

(f) Jim

r x-1

(d) Jim cosx= I;



sinx O . m (g ) II -=. X-+



§ 1.10. Calculation of Limits of Functions

I. If the limits lirn u (x) and lim v (x) exist, then the following r .... a


theorems hold true: ( 1) Jim [u (x) + v (x)J =Jim u (x) +Jim v (x); X-+a



(2) Jim [u (x) ·V (x)] =Jim u (x) -Jim v(x); lim u (x)

. u (x)) = 1rh a ( ) (I'1m v (x) =/= O) . (3) 11m - ( " ... a v x im v x x ... a X-+Q

II. For all main elementary functions at any point of their domain of definition the equality Jim f (x) = f (lim x) = f (a) holds true. X-+Q


Ill. If for all values of x in a certain neighbourhood of a point a (except for, perhaps, x =a) the functions f (x) and qi (x) are equal and one of them has a limit as x approaches a, then the other one has the same limit. IV. The following limits are frequently used:

. m sinx l (1) I1 -=; X-+



(2) lim(l

+ l/x)x=Jim(l +a) 1'a=e=2.71828 ... ;

a-o (3) I .tm loga (I +x) = Iogae x-+oo


..... 0

(4 ) Jim In (I +x) x-+0





(5) Jim --=Ina X-+0

(a> O; a=/= l);



§ I.JO. Calculation of

Limits of Functions


1.10.1. Find the limits: .


(b) lim x 3+3x2-9x -2. x- 2 xa-x-6 '

4x 0 +9x+7

!~°13x 6 +xa+1;

(c) Jim x _,. -

x+ I


V 6x~ + 3 +3x

xP-1 I. xq (d) ..1!!1i _ 1


. V9+5x+4x2-3 (e ) 1tm ; X-+

()I .



(f) liill



JIX+7-3 V2X=3

tm2 V x+6-2 V3x-5 3





x3-x 2-x+ I

(1) X-+ hmI xa - 3x +2

(p an


q integers);


10 - ; - 2 ;



(h) liill [Ioga x-3

~ J; x+6-3

Vx+S- .r V8x+1 . (J') 1·till.~ x- 1 r 5-x- r 7x-3


Solution. (a) Since there exist limits of the numerator and denominator and the limit of the denominator is different from zero, we can use the theorem on the limit of a quotient:

(b) The above theorem cannot be directly used here, since the limit of the denominator equals zero as X-+ 2. Here the limit of the numerator also equals zero as x-+ 2. Hence, we have the indeterminate form

~ . For x =I= 2 we have

xa+3x 2 -9x-2 (x-2) (x 2 +5x+ I) x2+5x+ l xs-x-6 = (x-2) (x 2 +2x+3) = x2 +2x+ 3 ·

Thus, in any domain which does not contain the point x = 2 the functions

are equal; hence, their limits are also equal. The limit of the function qi (x) is found direct! y: . . x2+5x+ I hill qi(x)=hill 2 2x 3 x-+2 x_,.zX


+ + =n·


. f ( ) 1. Itill X=till X-+2


xa+3x2-9x-2 3__ 6 X X

15 =n·

Ch. I. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis


(c) Just as in (b), we remove the indeterminate form transforming



lim (x+l)(Y~-3x)


x .... -1 Y6x~+3+3x ·=





V6X2+3-3x -1 3 (1-x) - '


1.10.2. Find the limits:

. (xa x2) 3xi=4-3x+2 ;


(V 9x2 + l-3x);

(b) lim

V-;+5 V-;.

( ) I.

2 Vx+3 cim,~v' x-+"' r 3x-2+ 2x-3


lim (V2x 2 -3-5x);

(e) lim x(V x 2 +I - x);









xx: 2 ) •


Here we have the indeterminate form oo - oo; let us subtract the fractions x2 ) 2x3 +4x2 I. ( x3 1. Im 3x2-4-3x+2 = Im 9x3 +6x2-12x-8=






x .... "' 9+6fx-12/x 2 -8/x3

=~. 9

Note. We see that in such examples the limit is equal to the ratio of the coefficients at the superior power of x (provided the polynomials are of the same degree). . (Y9x2+ l-3x) _ (b) IIm • .... +"'


. 1Im

x .... +"'


Y 9x


+ I + 3x

_ O



(c) In handling such examples bear in mind that the function Pn (x), where Pn (x) is a polynomial of degree n, tending to infinity in the same way as the function xn. This allows us to single out the superior power of x and divide both the numerator and denominator by this power of x. In the given example

f (x) =




§ I. JO. Calculation of Limits of Functions

the divisor is


then we obtain:

. 2Vx+3 vx-+s vx. 2+31v-x-+s1\;Y'xa = hm .:--;:-::==----' V3-2fx+ v 4/x-l2/x 2 +9fx 3 hm


=y-3. (d) Since the sum of two positive infinitely large quantities is also an infinitely large quantity, then

+ oo.

!im (V2x 2 --3-5x) = Jim jJl2x2 -3+(-5x)] =




(f) At x

VX2 = x,

we have


. Vx2 (2+3/x 2 ) . x l'r2+3/x2 V2 Iun = 11m =-- .



At x < 0 we have

VX2 =




-x and, hence,

. V x2 (2+3/x2 ) I1m x(4+2/x)

.... _,,,


. -x V 2+3fx2 = -V2 11m -x(4+2/x) 4 ·

x ... -oo

Note. From this it follows, incidentally, that Jim Jl-2X2'+3 does ..... 00


not exist. lim

(g) lim 52x/(x+3) = 5x ... "' K-+


= 52 = 25.

mx Iltn 1+. ; .,_, 0 sin x

; (b)

2x2+ 5



{[I+ (f (x)- l)jll}•~

t. I0.8. Find the limits: . (2x:l + 3 )8x'+3


+ [f (x)- I] }'f

[f (x) ]'I- (X) = li.n {I


(c) lim (1 +sin nx)cot nx; x-+ 1


(d) llin




(a =I= kn, with k an integer).



Solution. (a) Let us denote:

f (x) = 22xx2 + + 3. 5, 2

cp (x) = 8x 2 + 3;

rtm f()x = rtm 22x2+3 xLt 5 =




Jim cp (x)

Jim (8x 2



+ 3) = oo.


Use the formula (*): .



(2x2+ ~\Bx'+3 _ l~m00 rp(x)[/(x)-!] 0 2X 2+ D"/ -e1' ' 2x 2



f (x)- I= 2x2+ 5 .

lun cp (x) [f (x)-1]

I= - 2x·i+ 5;

. = - 1tm



Therefore )"



1. I0.9. The function

2 (8x2+3) 2x2 5 = -



+ 3)

( 2x2 Bx'+ 3 _ _~ 2x2-f- 5 -- e .

f (x)

is given with the aid of the limit

f (x) =



x 2" - I


""+ 1•

Investigate this function and graph it. Solution. Consider three cases: (I) / x / > l. Since in this case Jim x 2 " = oo, then

f (x) = (2)

Ix I < 1.


l-l/x 2n 1;x:in =

11111 1




In this case Jim x 2 " = 0; thPrefore fl-+


f (x) =-1.


§ I .JO. Calculation of Limits of Functions

(3) x-= + 1. In this case x211 = l at any n, and therefore f (x) = 0. Thus, the function under consideration can be written in the fol lowing way: liflxl>l f (x) = { - I if Ix I < I 0 if X= +1 or, briefly, f(x)=sign(\xl-1) (see Problem 1.5.ll(n)). The graph of this function is shown in Fig. 27. 1.10.10. The population of a country increases by 2°/o per year. By how many times does it increase in a century? Solution. If we denote the initial number of inhabitants of a given country as A, then after a year the total population will amount to



I l -1 I







T1 - - x




1 1

A+1~0·2 =(l+~o)A.






After two years the population will amount to A ( l + 50I . After I 00 years it will reach the total


have increased [ ( l



rr 0


of A ( l + 510 Taking





i. e. it wil 1




(I + = e, we can approximately consider that (I + 510 ~ e. Hence, after 100 years the population of the country will have increased e2 ~ 7.39 times. Of course, this estimation is very approximate, but it gives an idea as to the order of the increase in the population; (the quantity f\ l t


I ')100 = 50 /


7 .245 to within three dt'cimal places ) .

1.10.11. Find the limits:

r () a Imo X->



cosx+4tanx. 2-x-2x4 '


2x 2 +5x- 7 3x2-x-2

. Y5-x-2 (c) 11m ; x ... 1 Y2-x-I . 2x 2 -5x+ 4 (d) hm 5x2 -2x-3 ; X-• 00


Ch. I. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis


(e) Jim (V x 2 + 1-J,/ x2 - I); X-+IXl

(f) Iim (



+ 2-x').

2x 3 I+ Bx

l. I0.12. Find the limits: (a) lim


vx+4-2 . ; sin 5x

(b) limsin(l-xl.

Vx-1 '


. si11 a (c)hm 1 2 , 2 ; a-Jt - a 1n . tan3 x-3 tan x (e ) Itm . x-rr/ 3 cos (x n/ 6)

(d) Jim tan2x lan(;cc/4-x); :c-Jt/4


l. I0.13. Find the limits: • e-X-1 (b) I1 m--; x-o x

(a) Jim (I+ 4/x)x+a; x-ao •



( d) lim (I

(c) l t m - - ; :c-o x


(e) "~~~4 (sin 2x)tan' (g)

Jim (tan x)tan



2 ";

+ 3 tan


x)cot' ";


(f) !~1! \2x+ I) '

(h) Jim (sin x) 18 "




(I') 1. (3x2+2x+l )(6x+IJ/(3x+2>, ' Im x-ao X 2+ X +2 (J') J' (1+3x)(I-Vx)/(l-x). tm 2+3X ' x-rs:: • e•X _ ePX (k) ltm . '.o x

1.10.14. Find the limits: (a) limarccV(l-x); •-0 x

(b) Jim x-Jt/ 4 I

lntanx; -cot x

(c) Jim - 1- In (I+ a sin x). •-O Sill X

I.II. Infinitesimal and Infinite Functions. Their Definition and Comparison


The function a (x) is called infinitesimal as x __,a or as x __, oo if Jim a (x) = 0 or Jim a (x) = 0. x-.,.a



The function f (x) is called infinite as x-> a or as x ~ oo 1f Jim f (x) = oo or Iirri f (x) = oo.


-------=-§_J_.11. Infinitesimal and Infinite Functions

A quantity inverse to an infinite quantity is called an infinitesimal. Infinitesimal functions possess the following properties: (1) The sum and the product of any definite number of infinitesimal functions as x ___...a are also infinitesimals as x---+ a. (2) The product of an infinitesimal function by a bounded function is an infinitesimal. Comparison of Infinitesimals. Let the functions a (x) and ~ (x) be infinitesimal as x ---+ a. If I . a (x) x'_?;! ~ (x) = C, where c is a certain finite number different from zero, then the functions a (x) and ~ (x) are cal led infinitesimals of the same order. If c = 1, then the functions a (x) and ~ (x) are called equivalent; notation: a (x),...., ~ (x). If c = 0, then the function a (x) is called an infinitesimal of a higher order relative to ~ (x), which is written thus: a (x) = o (~ (x)), and ~ (x) is called an infinitesimal of a lower order with respect to a (x).

If !~n; c; 0 there exists X---+- Xo



0 such that for all x satisfying the inequ-ality 0 < x-xQ 6 (e) and belonging to the domain of definition of the function f (x) the inequality If (x)-A [ < e holds true. The limit to the left of the function f (x 0 -0) as X-+X 0 -0 is defined in a similar way. If x 0 =0, then we write simply x----++0 or X-+-0 and, respectively, f(+O) and f (-0). 1.13.1. Find the one-sided limits of the functions:

I -2x+3 (a)f(x)=\3x-5 x2 - I

(b) f(x)= Ix-II

if x~ 1,


as x-+ I;



Ch. I. Introduction to Mathematical Anulym


(d) (e) (f)

f (x ) = V I -

cos 2x



as x--.. ;


f (x)=3+ l+ 711 , 1_x> as x--.. f (x) =cos (n/x) as x--.. O; f (x) ·= 5/(x- 2) 3 as x---.. 2.


Solution. (a) Let x ~ 1. Thenf(x)~-=-2x+3. Hence, f(l-0)= Jim f (x) =I is the limit to the left. x- 1-0


If x > I, then f (x) = 3x-5; hence_, f (l + 0) = Jim f (x) = - 2 is the limit x-1+0

to the right (see Fig. 28).

() ) - V1-cos2x -_ V2sin 2 x -_ C f( X-x



V2jsinxf x

but if 0 < x < n/2, if -n/2 < x < 0.

sin x,

\sin x I= {



Fig. 28

f (--0) = Jim f (x) = Jim ( - V-2 x- -0

x) =

sin -x-



~ 2,


f (+0) = Jim f (x) = Jim ( V2 si~ x) = V2. x-+o


(d) The expression l/(1-x) tends to + oo, when x tends to 1, remaining less than 1, therefore

Jim 711< 1 -x> x~1-o


+ oo



'x .... 1-01+7 11 =O,


=0 '

f (l-0)~~3.

1/(1-x)--..-oo. Therefore

:c- I +0

f(l+O)= Jim (3+ x-1+0




(e) Let us choose two sequences, {xn} and {x~}. with the general terms xn ==



21i and


Xn = 2n

2 + 1


= I, 2, ... )

§ 1.14. Continuity of a Function. Points of Discontinuity


Then lim xn = lim


= 0 and

lim f (xn) = lim cos 2:rtn = l; lim f (x~) = Jim cos (2n + l)





= 0.

Hence, the function f (x) has no limit to the right at the point 0; taking into account that f (x) is an even function, we cone! ude that it has no limit to the left either (see Fig. 29). !I 1

-1 Fig. 29

1.13.2. Prove that, as

f (x) =


1, the function

J x+ l \ 3x


at 0 ~ x at I < x


§ 1.14. Continuity of a Function. Points of Discontinuity


Find the points of discontinuity (if any). Determine the 1ump discontinuities of the functions at the points of discontinuity of the first kind. Solution. (a) The domain of definition of the function is the entire number scale (-oo, oo). In the open intervals (-oo, I), (1, 3), (3, oo) the function is continuous. Therefore discontinuities are possible only at the points x= I, x=3, at which analytic representation of the function is changed. Let us find the one-sided limits of the function at the point x ~c I:

f ( I - 0) = Ii m ~ (2x 2 + 3) ~ I; x-1-0

f (I+ 0) = lim (6-Sx) =I. x-1+0

The value of the function at the point x = 1 is determined by the first analytic representation, i. e. f (I)= (2 + 3)/5 =I. Since f (1-0) = f (1+0) = f (I), the function is continuous at the point x = 1. Consider the point x = 3: f (3-0) = li:n (6-Sx) = -9; x- 3-0

f(3+0)= lim (x-3)=0. x- 3 + 0

We see that the right-hand and the left-hand limits, though finite, are not equal to each other, therefore the function has a discontinuity of the first kind at the point x = 3. The 1ump of the function at the point of discontinuity is f (3+ 0)-f (3-0) = 0-(-9) = 9. (c) The function is defined and continuous throughout the entire number scale, except at the point x = 3/2. Since 2x-3 > 0 for x > 3/2 and 2x - 3 < 0 for x < 3/2,

f (x) = Hence,


1 at x > 3/2, - I at x 0 it is possible to find a number &> 0 such that at I x-x0 I < & the inequality If (x)-f (x 0 ) I< c holds true. Consider the absolute value of the difference .1f (x)-f (x 0 ) I= I(ax+b)-(axd-b) I= Iax+b-ax 0-b/ =I a 11 x-xo I.

Let us require that lf(x)-f(x0 )/O

1.17.8. Find the domains of definition of the following functions:

f (x} = VXCX2; (b) f (x) =}/sin V x; (c) f (x) = V - sin 2 nx; 1 (d) f (x) = .~ and g(x) = r lxl-x Yx-Jxl (e) f (x) =arc sin (Ix l-3); I (f) f (x) =arc cos sin x . (a)


1.17.9. Are the following functions identical?

(a) ~b)

f (x) =!...x and cp (x) == 1; f (x) =log x 2 and cp (x} = 2 log x;


Ch. I. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis

(c) f (x) =x and qi (x) = (Vx) 2 ; (d) f (x) =--= I and qi (x) = sin 2 x+ cos 2 x; (e) f(x)=log(x-l)+log(x-2) and


t.17 .10. In what interval are the following functions identical? (a) f(x)=X and qi(x)=lOlogx; (b) f(x)=VxJlx-1 and fp(x)=Vx(x-1). 1. 17 .11. An isosceles triangle of a given perimeter 2p = 12 revolves about its base. Write the function V (x), where V is the volume of the solid of revolution thus obtained and x is the length of the lateral side of the triangle. t.17.12. lnves.tigating the domain of definition of functions. (a) solve the inequality

Vx-t2+Vx-5~V5-x; (b) prove that the inequality log 2 _x (x-3) ~-5 has no solutions. 1.17.13. The function y=signx was defined in Problem 1.5.11 (n). Show that (a) Ix I = x sign x; (b) x = Ix I sign x; (c) sign (sign x) =sign x.

1.17.14. Prove that if for a linear function

f (x) =ax+b the values of the argument x = xn (n = 1, 2, ... ) form an arithmetic progression, then the corresponding values of the function y,,=f(x,,) (n=l,2, ... )

also form an arithmetic progression.

1.17.15. Prove that the product of two even or two odd functions is an even function, whereas the product of an even and an odd function is an odd function. 1.17.16. Prove that if the domain of definition of the function f (x) is symmetrical with respect to x = 0, then f (x) + f (- x) is an even function and f (x)-f (- x) is an odd one. 1.17 .17. Prove that any function f (x) defined in a symmetrical interval (- l, l) can be presented as a sum of an even and an odd

§ 1.17. Additional Problems


function. Rewrite the following functions in the form of a sum of an even and an odd function: (a)

f (x) = -x+2 -,-., ; 1,x·

(b) y =a".

1.17.18. Extend the function f(x)=x 2 +x defined on the interval [O, 3] onto the interval [- 3, 3] in an even and an odd way. 1.17 .19. The function {x} = x- E (x) is a fractional part of a number x. Prove that it is a periodic function with period I. 1.17 .20. Sketch the graph of a periodic function with period T=I defined on the half-open interval (0, l] by the formula y-=X2 • 1.17 .21. Let us have two periodic functions f (x) and cp (x) defined on a common set. Prove that if the periods of these functions are commensurate, then their sum and product are also periodic functions. 1.17.22. Prove that the Dirichlet function A. (x) (see Problem 1.14.4(b)) is a periodic one but has no period. 1.17 .23. Prove that if the function

f (x) =sin x +cos ax is periodic, then a is a rational number. 1.17 .24. Test the following functions for monotony: (a) f(x)=lx/; (b) f(x)=jx/-x. 1.17 .25. Prove that the sum of two functions increasing on a certain open interval is a function monotonically increasing on this interval. Will the difference of increasing functions be a monotonic function? 1.17.26. Give an example of a non-monotonic function that has an inverse. 1.17 .27. Determine the inverse function and its domain of definition if x if - oo < x


lim sin 2 " x. fl-+ 00

1.17.48. Prove that

Jim [(l--j-x)(l--j-x 2 )(1--j-x 4 ) 11 -+ 00


(l \-x 211 )}=


(c) cp(x)=x[l-2A.(x)], where A.(x) is the Dirichlet function (see Problem 1.14.4 (b)). 1.17.58. Test the following functions for continuity and sketch their graphs: (a) y=x-E(x); (b) y=x2 +E(x2 ); (c) y = (- l)E 0 the increment of the funcFig. 34 tion !J.y atx=O will be: liy=3(O+lix)+1-1 =31ix. Therefore I"un ;:rAy = 3. 11.x-+ +O


At !ix< 0 the increment of the function !iy will be

liy = - 3 (0 + !ix)+ 1-1

= -


hence, Jim 11.x-+ -0

tJ..y _ _ 3 Ax'

Since the one-sided limits are different, there is no derivative at the point x=O (see Fig. 34). 4•

Ch. If. Difjerentiation of Functions


2.1.4. Investigate the function y =I In x I for differentiability at the point x = 1. Solution. At x = 1 11y =I In (1+11x) 1-1 ln l j =I ln(l + 11x) I. i. e.



= j ln (1 + /1x) I= { Jn ( 1+ 11x)

at 11x:;;;::: 0, In (1 + 11x) at 11x < 0.


Therefore In (I+ 11x)


L1x =



{ -


In ( 111: 11x)



> O,

at 11x

< 0,

whence lim ~Y = /'>.x -



+ 1 and

lim il.x - - 0

~Y = - 1. X

Since the one-sided limits are different, there is no derivative. Hence, the function y = j ln x I is not differentiable at the point x=l (see Fig. 35). 2.1.5. Find the average velocity of !f motion specified by the formula S=(t 2 -5t+2) m from t 1 = 5 sec to t 2 = 15 sec. 2. 1.6. Using the definition of the x derivative, find the derivatives of 0 1 the following functions: Fig. 35

(a) y=x 3 ; (b) y= l/x2 •

2.1.7. Investigate the function Y=lcosxl for differentiability at the points x = n/2 + nn (n an integer). § 2.2. Differentiation of Explicit Functions

I. Basic Rules of Differentiation (l)c'=O; (2) (u+v)'=u'±v'; (3) (cu)' =cu'; (4) (uv)' = u' u uv', the product rule;


v =

(5) ( u )'

u'v-uv' v2

(v =I=- 0), the quotient rule.

Here c =canst, and u and v are functions of x which have derivatives at a corresponding point. (6) If the function u =qi (x) is differentiable at the point x0 , and the function y=f(u) is differentiable at the point u0 =qi(x 0 ), then

§ 2.2. Differentiation of Explicit Functions


the composite function y = f (qi (x)) is differentiable at the point x0 and y~ (x0 } = y~ (u 0 ) u~ (x0 }, the function of a function, or chain, rule. II. Differentiation of Basic Elementary Functions (1) (u")' = nu 11 - 1 u'; (2) (sin u)' =cos U· u'; (3) (cosu)'=-sinu-u'; u'

(4) (tan u)' = cos 2 u; (5) (cot u)' = u' (6) (In u)' =


sin2 u;


(7) (au)'= au In a· u'; 8) (e")' (9) (sinh u)' =cosh U· u'; (10) (coshu)'=sinhu-u'; u'

(11) (arcsinu)'=y



. =-(arccosu)';

l-u 2


( 12) (arc tan u)' = 1+u 2 =

- (arc cot u)'.

2.2.1. Find y', if: (a) y = 5x 2 13 -3x•l 2

(b) y =


V x. 2

+ 2x-


t v(a, b constan s). x x b

Solution. (a) y'=5·: x 213 -i_3. ~ x•l 2 - 1 -2.3x- 3 - 1 =

-~xVx-:4 •


3V x

2.2.2. Find y', if:

. sinx+cosx (a) y=3cosx+2smx; (b} y=sinx-cosx; (c) y = (x 2 + 1) arc tan x; (d) y = x 3 arc sin x. Solution. (a) y'=3(cosx)'+2(sinx)'=-3sinx+2cosx; (b) , =(sin x+ cos x)' (sin x-c~s x)- (sin x-cos x)' (sin x+ cos x) = Y (sm x- cos x) 2 (cos x-sin x) (sin x-cos x)-(cos x+ sin x) (sin x+cos x) (sin x- cos x)2 2

(sin x-cosx) 2 (d) y' = (x 3 )' arc sin x+ (arc sin x)' x 3 = 3x2 arc sin x+


y 1 x~ x2 .

2.2.3. Find the derivative of the given function and then compute the particular value of the derivative at the indicated value of the argument: (a) f (x} = x2 + 16/x at x = - 8;


Ch. II. Differentiation of Functions


(b) f(x)=(l-Vx) 2 /x at x=0.01; (c) f(t)=(cost)/(1-sint) at f=n/6.

Solution. (a) f'(x)=-

2 3


x- 113 -l6x- 2 = 3

Putting x = - 8, we obtain f' (-8) =







~. v3 ,-x x l


(c) f'(t)=-sint(l-s.inl)+cos 2 t = 1. . (1-smt) 2 1-smt Whence f' (n/6) = 2.

2.2.4. Taking advantage of the differentiation formulas, find the derivatives of the following functions:

(a) y=2x 3 +3x-5;

(b) y=Vx +

2x 2 +x+ I


(c) y = x2 -x-t- I ·'

(d) y

() e y = cosqi+sinqi ---o-~-~ 1-cosqi

(f) y = 2ex

(g) y=ex(cosx+sinx);




/~-+O.lx 10 ;

Vx V ,· x

+ In x;


2.2.5. Taking advantage of the rule for differentiation of a composite function find the derivatives of the following functions: (a) y=sinax;

(b) y=lntanx;


(c) y=Scosx;

(e) y =arc sin Vf=Xi; (g) y = sin 2 V1/( 1-x).

(d) y =In sin (x 3 l); (f) y =In" (tan 3x);

Solution. (a) Here the role of the external function is played by the power function: sin x is raised to the third power. Differentiating this power function with respect to the intermediate argument (sin x), we obtain • 3 )' 3 . 2 • ( Slll X sin x = Sl!J X, but the intermediate argument sin x is a function of an independent variable x; therefore we have to multiply the obtained result by the derivative of sin x with respect to the independent variable x. Thus, we obtain

y: = (sin


x):in x (sin x)~ = 3 sin 2 x cos x;

, = (I n t an X )tan x ( t an x )'x =tanl x cosl2 x =sin2 2x; =(Seas x)~os x (cos x)~ = 5cos x In 5 (-sin x) = - 5cos x sin x In 5;





§ 2.2. Diflerentiation of Explicit Functions


(d) y~= [In sin (x 3 + l)fsin O; y' = I at points where sin x < 0. At points where sin x = 0, i.e. at the points x =kn (k = 0, +I, ±2, ... ) the function, though continuous, is not differentiable. (b) The domain of definition of this function is the interval -l~x~l.


y' --

-- 2V1-v 1-·x2


2 r l--x2

(-2x) at x =;b 0 and x =;b ± 1.

As X-+ 1-0 or x-.- l + 0 we have y' -++ oo. Let us find out whether the derivative y' exists at the point x = 0, i.e. whether


I 1m


. o

i\x ...



YI -

fJ.x 2


I\~-· 0


V. l-i1x2 - l,.., _

VI -

exists. I

2 dx2 , then

r I - fJ.x 2 fJ.x




= Jim

i\x·... 0




fJ.x 2

{ __

,}.,, r 2 -

as L1x-+O, I


as dX-+-0.


Ch. 11. Differentiation of Functions

Thus, y'_ (0) =I= y: (0), which means that the function under consideration has no derivative at the point x = 0, though it is cont inuous at this point. Note. There are cases of failure of existence of f' (x) and even of (x) and f'_ (x) at a given point, i.e. when the graph of the f unction has neither a right-, nor a left-side tangent at the given point. For instance, the function



f xsin(l/x) \ 0

at x=1=0, at x=O

is continuous at the point x = 0, but does not have even one-sided . tl{(x) . I . t· denva 1ves, smce -XX= sm !1x.

2.2.13. Find the derivatives of the following functions: (a) f (x) = sinh (x/2) + cosh (x/2); (b) f(x)=ln[coshx]; (c) f(x)=2Vcoshx-l; (d) f(x)=arcsin[tanhx]; (e) f (x) =Vt+ sinh 2 4x; (f) f (x) = eax (cosh bx+ sinh bx). 2.2.14. Applying logarithmic differentiation find the derivatives of the following functions: (b) y=·

(a) y=(cosx)slnx;


sin3x l-sin3x;


(c) y=

V (x+2)2 JI (x+ 3)

3 •


f (x) =

cos 2 x I -1- sin2 x;

show that

f (n/4)-3f' (n/4) = 3. 2.2.16. Show that the function x-e-x•



satisfies the differential equation xy' 2y = e-x•.


2.2. 17. Find the derivatives of the following functions: (a) y =In cosVarc sin 3- 2 " (x > O); (b) y= Varc tan

V co~ ln



§ 2.3. Successive Di(Jerentiation. Leibniz Formula


2.3. Successi'Ve Differentiation of Explicit Functions. Leibniz Formula


If the derivative of the (n- l)th order of a function y= f (x) is already found, then the derivative of the nth order is determined by the equality y (x) = [y =


~ C~uv, k=O

_ d Ck_n(n-1) ... (n-k+I)_ n! where u - u, v -v an n- kl (n-k)! are 1. 2 . 3 . .. k binomial coefficients. Here are the basic formulas: (1) (xmr>=m(m-1) .. . (m-n+ l)xm-". (2) (ax) 0). In particular, (ex) =ex. (3) (lnxr> =(-l)n-1 (n nl) I. x (4) (sinx)=sin(x+nn/2).

(5) (cosx) =cos(x+nn/2). 2.3.1. Find the derivatives of the nth order of the following functions: (a) y=lnx; (b) y=ekx; (c) y=sinx; (d) y=sin5xcos2x; (e) y=sinxcosx; (f) y=sin3xcos2 x; (g) y=ln(x2 +x-2). Solution. (a) y'=+=x- 1 ; y"=(-l)x- 2 ; y"'= 1·2x- 3 ; y=(sin x. x2 )( 25 i = (sin x)< 25 i x 2 + 25 (sin x)< 241 (x2 )' + + 25 ; 24 (sin x)( 23 >(x 2 )'', since the subsequent summands equal zero. Therefore y( 25 i = x 2 sin ( x + 25 ; ) + 50x sin ( x + 24 ; ) + 600 sin ( x + 23 ; ) =


(x2 -600) cosx+ 50x sin x.

2.3.5. Compute the value of the nth derivative of the function 3x+2


y = x2 _ 2x+S at the po mt x = 0.

Solution. By hypothesis we have y (x) (x 2 -2x+ 5) = 3x+ 2. Let us differentiate this identity n times using the Leibniz formula; then (for n ~ 2) we obtain yn(x)(x 2 -2x+5)+nyu•- 1l(x) (2x-2)+

n (n-1) y(x)·2=0. 2

Putting x = 0, we have

5y (0)- 2ny(n-u (O)+ n (n- 1) g1n-z) (0) = 0. Whence

y(n1 (0) = ~ ny; y'"; y.

2.3.9. Using the expansion into a linear combination of simpler functions find the derivatives of the lOOth order of the functions: I

(a) Y = x2-3x+ 2 ;

(b) y=

+x vr=x I

2.3. IO. Show that the function

y = xn [c 1 cos (In x) +c2 sin (In x)] (c1 , c2 , n constants) satisfies the equation

x2 y" + (l -2n) xy' + (1 2.3.11. Prove that if



y =0.

f (x) has a derivative of the

[f (ax+ b)] ''" = a"f'n> (ax+ b).

nth order, then

§ 2.4. Inverse, Implicit and Parametrically Represented Functions


§ 2.4. Differentiation of ln'Verse, Implicit and Parametri-

cally Represented Functions

I. The Derivative of an Inverse Function. If a differentiable function y = f (x), a < x < b has a single-valued continuous inverse function x = g (y) and y~ =I= 0 then there exists also ,


Xy=-, •


For the derivative of the second order we have


x" __ Yxx



2. The Derivative of an Implicit Function. If a differentiable function y = y (x) sat is fies the equation F (x, y) = 0, then we have to differentiate it with respect to x, considering y as a function of x, and solve the obtained equation d~ F (x, y) = 0 with respect to y~. To find y;, the equation should be twice differentiated with respect to x, and so on. 3. The Derivative of a Function Represented Parametrically. If the system of equations x=qi(t), y='IJ(t), a< t < ~. where qi (t) and 'iJ (t) are differentiable functions and qi' (t) =I= 0, defines y as a single-valued continuous function of x, then there exists a derivative y~ and

, ipi (t) Yi -,-=--; ·


\Pl (t)


The derivatives of higher orders are computed successively: ,. - (y~)i YX XI





= (y;x)'i I

and so on '


In particular, for the second derivative the following formula is true: "


Xt Ytt -Xtt Yt • (x1)a

2.4. l. For the function (a) y=2x 3 +3x&+x; find x~; (b) y = 3x-(cos x)/2; find 11 ; (c) y= x+ex; find x;11 • Solution. (a) We have y~=6x 2 + 15x 4




X11= y~

+ 1,

l = -6x_2 _+_1-5x-,+-I •



Ch. II. Differentiation of Functions




!f'xx=ex, hence, ,



Xy= I +ex'


(I +ex)3.

2.4.2. Using the rule for differentiation of an inverse function, find the derivative y~ for the following functions: (a) ii= f/ x; (b) y =arc sin V x; (c) y =In V~l+-x2- . Solution. (a) The inverse function X= y 3 has the derivative x~ = 3y2 • Hence, ,



Yx = x~ (c) At x


= 3 y2 =


V x2



the inverse function x = Ve 2Y - 1 has the derivative x~= e Y/Ve Y-1. Hence, 2



Jf x2



Yx = x~






+ I = x2 + I .

2.4.3. For each of the following functions represented parametrically find the derivative of the first order of y with respect to x: (a) x=a(t-sint), y=a(l-cost); (b)


y=kcost+coskt; y= tan t +cott; y=e-ct.

(c) X= 2 ln cott,

(d) X=ect,

Solution. (a) Find the derivatives of x and y with respect to the

parameter t: x;=a(l-cost);


Whence dy dx =


(c) dt = dy dt

- 2 cosec2 cot t





a sin t

a (I-cost)




dy _ 4 cos 2t sin 2t = dx 4 sin 2 2t


t t =co 2 (t =I= 2kn).

sin 2t ;


4. cos 2t •

= - sin 2 2t ,


t 21

(t =I= kn) 2 •

2.4.4. The functions are defined parametrically: (a) {x=acos3 t, y=bsin 3 t; (c) { x =a (cos t + t sin t}, y= a (sin t-t ms t);

(b) {

X= t 3 +3t+ 1, y= t 3 -3t + l;

(d) {x=e1 c~~t.

y= e1 sin t.

Find for them the second derivative of y with respect to x.

§ 2.4. Inverse, Implicit and Parametrically Represented Functions


Solution. (a) First find y;. y/ = 3b sin 2 t cos t; xi = - 3a cos 2 t sin t; , = _ 3b sin~2 t c~s t = _ !!_ tan t ( t =f: (2k + 1) ~) Yx 3a cos t sm t a 2 • Then we shall find y"xx using the formula "


Yxx=-, • Xt

where (Yx')'1 =

Whence •

Yxx =


b 2 t• - a cos



a cos 2 t ( - 3a cos 2 t sin t) = 3a2 cos 4 t sin t'

(d) xl=e1 cost-e1 sint=e'(cost-sint); y; = e1 sin t +et cost = e1 (cost+ sin t); ,

cos t+sint

Yx= cost-sin t; ,.


Yn =--:; = 2.4.5. Find


( cost+sin cos t- sin t 1 et (cost-sin t)

2 et (cos t-sin t)3


(a) x =e- 1; y = t 3 ; (b) x =Sect; Solution. (a) First find

x; =-e- 1; whence

y: = -

y; =

y= tan t. 3t 2 ,

3t2/e-t = - 3ett2.

Then find the second derivative • - (y;); - -(3ett2+6tet) = 3te2t (t , -e-t


+ 2).


And finally, find the third derivative

y~;x = (y~~)I = 3e21 [2 (t2+2t)+ 2t + 2] Xt

_ 6eat (t 2

+ 3t + 1).


2.4.6. Find the derivative y; of the following implicit functions: (a) x 3 +x2 y+y2 =0; (b) lnx+e-ulx=c; (c) x 2 +y2 -4x-10y+4=0; ( d) x·i. y'la =a''·· Solution. (a) Differentiate with respect to x, considering y as a function of x; we get: 3x2 2xy x2y' 2yy' = 0.






Ch. 11. Diflerentiation of Functions

Solving this equation with respect to y' find ,

3x 2 +2xy

Y = -

x 2 +2y


2.4.7. Find y;x if: (a) arctan y-y+x=O; (b) ex-eY=y-x; (c) x+ y =ex-y.

Solution. (a) Differentiate with respect to x, considering y as a function of x and determine y': '


l~y 2 -y'+l=O, whence y'=---l-=y- 2 +1. 2

Differentiate once again with respect to x:

y" =



Substituting the value of y' thus found, we finally get 2 (I+ y2)






2.4.8. Find the value of y" at the point x = l if

x 3 -2x2 y 2 + 5x + y-5 = 0 and Y lx=t = l. Solution. Differentiating with respect to x, we find that

3x 2 -4xy 2 -4x2 yy' + 5 + y' = 0. Putting x = 1 and y = 1, obtain the value of y' at x = 1: 3-4-4y' +s+ y' =O;

y' =4/3.

Differentiate once again with respect to x:

6x-4y 2 -8xyy' -8xyy' -4x2 y' 2 -4x 2 yy" + y" = 0. Putting x= 1; y== 1 and y' =4/3, find the value y" at 6 - 4 - 64 3

64 9



3y" = 0 • y" = - 8 27. 22

2.4.9. Find y~ for the following implicit functions: (a) x+Vxy+y=a; (b) arctan(y/x)=lnVx 2 +y 2 ; (c) exsiny-e-Ycosx=O;

(d) eY+xy=e; find


at the point (0, 1).

2.4.10. Find y;x ot the following implicit functions: (a) y=x+arctany; (b) x 2 +Sxy+y 2 -2x+y-6=0; find y" at the point (1, 1).

§ 2.5. Applications of the Derivative

2 .4.11. For each of the trically find the indicated a sin t (a) X=1+b.cost' (b) x =In (1 + t 2 ), (c) X=t 2 +2, (d) x=e-t 2 , (e) x=4tan 2 (t/2), (f) x=arcsin(t 2 -l), (g) x=arcsint,


following functions represented paramederivatives: c cos t Y=1+bcost; find y;; y = t-arctan t; find y;; y=t 3 /3-t; find y;x; y=-arctan(2t+ l); find y;; y=asint+bcost; find y~; y=arccos2t; find y;; y=Vl-t 2 ; find y;x.

2.4.12. Show that the function y = f (x), defined by the parametric equations x=e1 sint, y=e1 cost, satisfies the relation y"(x+y) 2 =

= 2(xy'-y). §

2.5. Applications of the Deri'Vati 2 = arc tan

~ ~ 18.5°.



Fig. 37 2.5.4. Prove that the segment of the tangent to the hyperbola y = c/x which is contained between the coordinate axes is bisected at the point of tangency. Solution. We have y' = - c/x 2 ; hence, the value of the sub tangent for the tangent at the point M (x0 , y 0 ) will be

I:. l=lxoj, i.e. Ox 0 =x0 T (Fig. 37), which completes the proof. Whence follows a simple method of constructing a tangent to the hyperbola y = c/x: lay off the x-intercept OT= 2x0 • Then MT will be the desired tangent.


Ch. II. Differentiation of Functions

2.5.5. Prove that the ordinate of the catenary y =a cosh (x/a) is the geometric mean of the length of the normal and the quantity a. Solution. Compute the length of the normal. Since

y' = sinh (x/a), the length of the normal will be

MN= Iy I Vl + (y') 2 = YV 1 + sinh 2 (x/a) =ycosh (x/a) =y 2/a, whence y2 =a-MN, and y=Va-MN, which completes the proof. 2.5.6. Find the slope of the tangent to the curve

f X=f +3t-8, 'l y = 2t 2t - 5 2

2 -

at the point M (2, -1). Solution. First determine the value of t corresponding to the given values of x and y. This value must simultaneously satisfy the two equations

I l

t 2 +3t-8=2 2t 2 -2t-5= -


The roots of the first equation are t 1 = 2; t 2 = - 5, the roots of the second equation t 1 = 2; t 2 = - 1. Hence, to the given point there corresponds the value t = 2. Now determine the value of the derivative at the point M:


'I X=2 = (y;) Xf 1=2 =

(4t-2) 2/ +3



=7 •

And so, the slope of the tangent at the point M (2, -1) is equa I to 6/7.

2.5.7. Prove that the tangent to the lemniscate p=aVcos20at the point corresponding to the value 00 = n/6 is parallel to the x-axis. Solution. Write in the parametric form the equation of the Iemniscate: x= p cos0 =a V cos 20 cose,

y= p sin 0 =a V cos 20 sin 0. Whence

v-. 0, cos 20 v-cos20 0,

a cos 8 sin 28 f cos 28 • a sin 8 sin 28 Yo = - y +a cos 28 ,



x~ (n/6) = - a V2,



ye (n/6) = o.

§ 2.5. Applications of the Derivative

y~ (n/6)

Thus, the slope k= .

x0 (n/6)


=0. Consequently, the line tangent to ·

the lemniscate at the point with 00 = n/6 and Po= aVr cos 200 = = a/V-2 is parallel to the x-axis. 2.5.8. Find the equations of the tangent and the normal to the following curves: (a) 4x 3 -3xy2 +6x2 -5xy-8y2 +9x+ 14=0 at the point (-2, 3); (b) x•+y•-2xy=0 at the point (1, 1). Solution. (a) Differentiate the implicit function:

12x2 -3y2 -6xyy' + 12x-5y-5xy' -16yy' + 9 = 0. Substitute the coordinates of the point M (-2, 3):

48-27 + 36y'-24-15 + IOy' -48y' + 9 =0; whence

y'=-9/2. Thus the equation of the tangent line is 9

y-3 = - 2 (x + 2) and the equation of the normal 2

y-3 =g-(x+2). 2.5.9. Through the point (2, 0), which does not belong to the curve y = x4, draw tangents to the latter. Solution. Let (x 0 , xt,) be the point of tangency; then the equation of the tangent will be of the form:

y-xg = y' (x0 ) (x-x 0 )

y-xt, = 4xi (x-x 0 ). By hypothesis the desired tangent line passes through the point (2, 0), hence, the coordinates of this point satisfy the equation of the tangent line:

-x3=4xH2-x0 );


whence x0 = O; x0 = 8/3. Thus, there are two points of tangency:

M 1 (0, 0), M 2 (8/3, 4096/81). Accordingly, the equations of the tangent lines will be 4096

2048 (

8 )

y=O, y-81=21 X-3 .

Ch. JI. Differentiation of Functions


2.5.10. f (x) = 3x&- 15x3 + 5x- 7. Find out at which of the points x the rate of change o.f the function is minimal. Solution. The rate of change of a function at a certain point is equal to the derivative of the function at this point

f' (x) =

15x4 -45x2 + 5 = 15 [(x2 -

l/2) 2 + 1/12].

The minimum value of f' (x) is attained at x = + l/V2. Hence the minimum rate of change of the function f (x) is at the point x = ± t;V2 and equals 5/4. 2.5.11. A point is in motion along a cubic parabola 12y=x3 • Which of its coordinates changes faster? Solution. Differentiating both members of the given equation with respect to t we get the relation between the rates of change of the coordinates: 12yi = 3x2 ·xi or

Hence, (1) at -2 < x < 2 the ratio y;:xi is less than unity, i.e. the rate of change of the ordinate is less than that of the abscissa; (2) at x = ±2 the ratio y;: x; is equal to unity, i.e. at these points the rates of change of the coordinates are equal; (3) at x < -:-2 or x > 2 the ratio yi: x; is greater than unity, i.e. the rate of change of the ordinate exceeds that of the abscissa. 2.5.12. A body of mass 6g is in rectilinear motion according to the law s=-l+ln(t+l)+(t+l) 3 (sis in centimetres and t, in seconds). Find the kint>tic energy (mv 2/2) of the body one second after it begins to move. Solution. The velocity of motion is equal to the time derivative of the distance:

v (t) = s/



+ 3 (t + 1)2.

Therefore 2 2 v(l)= 12 2I and mv y= 26 ( 12 2I ) =468 43 (erg).

2.5.13. The velocity of rectilinear motion of a body is proportional to the square root of the distance covered (s), (as, for example, in free fall of a body). Prove that the body moves under the action of a constant force. Solution. By hypothesis we have v=si=aVs (a=const);


2.5. Applications of the Derivative


whence I s"11 = v1' =a ---:;p s'1 =a·''/2 .




But according to Newton's law the force F = ks/1 (k = const). Hence, F = ka. 2/2 =canst.

2.5.14. A raft is pulled to the bank by means of a rope which is wound on a drum, at a rate of 3 m/min. Determine the speed of the raft at the moment when it is 25 m distant from the bank if the drum is situated on the bank 4 m above water level. Solution. Let s denote the length of the rope between the drum and the raft and x the distance from the raft to the bank. By hypothesis s2 =x2+42_ Differentiating this relation with respect to ship between their speeds: 2ssi =2xx/, whence '

t, find the relation-

s '



Taking into consideration that

si=3; x=25; s=V25 2 +4 2 ~ 25.3, we obtain

' = v2s2+ 42 · 3 ~ 3.03 (m/mm). .



2.5.15. (a) Find the slope of the tangent to the cubic parabola

y=x3 at the point x=V3/3. (b) Write the equations of the tangents to the curve y= 1/(1 +x 2 ) at the points of its intersection with the hyperbola y = 1/(x+ 1). (c) Write the equation of the normal to the parabola y = x2 +4x+ I perpendicular to the line joining the origin of coordinates with the vertex of the parabola. (d) At what angle does the curve y =ex intersect the y-axis?

2.5.16. The velocity of a body in rectilinear motion is determined by the formula v=3t+t 2 • What acceleration will the body have 4 seconds after the start? 2.5.17. The law of rectilinear motion of a body with a mass of 100 kg is s = 2t 2 3t l. Determine the kinetic energy (mv 2/2) of the body 5 seconds after the start.

+ +


Ch. II. Diflerentiat ion of Functions

2.5.18. Show that if the law of motion of a body is s=ae1 +be- 1, then its acceleration is numerically equal to the distance covered. 2.5.19. A body is thrown vertically with an initial velocity of am/sec. What altitude will it reach in t seconds? Find the velocity of the body. In how many seconds and at what distance from the ground will the body reach the highest point? 2.5.20. Artificial satellites move round the Earth in elliptical orbits. The distance r of a satellite from the centre of the Earth as a function of time t can be approximately expressed by the following equation:

r = a [ I - e cos M where M =


e; (cos 2M - I) J

(t- tn)

t =time parameter

a= semi-major axis of the orbit e =eccentricity of the orbit

P =period of orbiting

tn=time of passing the perigee 1 ty the satellite. Here a, e, P and tn are constants. Find the rate of change in the distance r from the satellite to the centre of the Earth (i.e. find the so-called radial velocity of the satellite).

§ 2.6. The Differential of a Function .

.4pplication to Approximate Computations If the increment !J.y of the function y = f (x) can be expressed as:

!J.y = f (x+ !J.x)-f (x) =A (x) !J.x+a (x, !J.x) !J.x, where Jim a (x, !J.x)

= 0,

l'J.X - 0

then such a function is called ditferentiable at the point x. The principal linear part of this increment A (x) !J.x is called the ditferential and is denoted df (x) or dy. By definition, dx = !J.x. For the differential of the function y = f (x) to exist it is necessary and sufficient that there exist a finite derivative y' =A (x). The differential of a function can be written in the following way:

dy = y' dx= f' (x)dx. 1 The perigee of the satellite orbit is the shortest distance from the satellite to the centre of the Earth.

§ 2.6. Differential of a Function


For a composite function y = f (u), u =qi (x) the differential is retained in the form dy =f' (u) du (the invariance of the form of the differential). With an accuracy up to infinitesimals of a higher order than dx the approximate formula dy :::::::: dy takes place. Only for a linear function y =ax+ b do we have dy = dy. Differentials of higher orders of the function y = f (x) are successively determined in the following way: d 2 y=d(dy); d 3 y=d(d2 y), .. . , dny=d(d"- 1 y). If y =

f (x)

and x is an independent variable, then d y = y" (dx) 2 ; d 3 y = y"' (dx)3, ... , dny = y 0,

at x = 0

vanishes on an infinite set of points of the interval lO, l). Solution. The function f (x) vanishes at points where sin (n/x)

= 0, n/x =kn, x = l/k, k = l, 2, 3, ...

Since the function f (x) has a derivative at any interior point of the interval [O, l], the Rolle theorem is applicable to anyone

§ 3.1. Basic Theorems on Diflerentiable Functions


of the intervals [l/2, l], [l/3, 1/2]. ... , [I!(k+l), l/k], Consequently, inside each of the intervals of the sequence, there is a point £k, l/(k + l) < £k < l 1k, at which the derivative f' (sk) = 0. And so we have shown 1.hat the derivative vanishes on an infinite set of points (see Fig. 38). 3.1.14. The Legendre polynomial is Y a polynomial defined by the following t formula (Rodrigues' formula): p n (x) =

I dn 2--,,-, n. . d----,, x (x


l)n (n = 0,

l, 2, ... ). Using the Rolle theorem, prove that the Legendre polynomial P n (x) has n different real roots, all of them --=*liftt-t~~~--~-:r: found between - 1 and + l. 0 Solution. Consider the function f(x)=(x 2 -l)"=(x-l)n (x+l)". This function and its n- 1 successi · ve derivatives vanish at the points Fig. 38 x = + 1 (use the Leibniz formula for higher derivatives of the product of two functions). It follows from f ( l) = f ( - 1) = 0 that inside the interval [.- 1, 1J a point £1 can be found at which f' (£ 1 ) = 0, i.e. x = ~ 1 will be the root of the first derivative. Now apply the Rolle theorem once again to the function f' (x) on the intervals [-I, ; 1 ]. rn 1 , 1). We find that besides + 1 and - 1 the function f" (x) has two more roots on the interval [ - 1, 1]. Reasoning as before, we will show that, apart from + 1 and -1, fhe (n- l)th derivativ·e has (n-1) more roots on the interval (-1, 1), i.e. the function rn-l) (x) has all in all n + 1 roots on the interval [ - 1, 1), which divide this interval into n parts. Applying the Rolle theorem once again, we ascertain that the function f(n> (x), and hence, the function P,, (x)= 2 n~! f-


§ 3.2. Evaluation of Indeterminate Forms


Finally, there exists a limit of the ratio of the derivatives: .




ltm ---,--() = X-+0 ltm X->OgX

I/( 1

+X) = 3a.

Therefore the L'Hospital rule is applicable: .

eax_e-2ax In (I +x)



= !1!.110

aeax+2ae-2ax 1/(1 +x) - =



Note. When the limit of the ratio is computed according to the L'Hospital rule the result is usually written directly as shown in(*). Whether the desired derivatives and limits exist is ascertained in the course of calculation. In case the ratio of the derivatives ~'. ~;~ again represents an indeterminate form, the L'Hospital rule should be applied for a second time, and so on until the indeterminacy is removed or until it becomes clear that the required limits do not exist. Therefore, henceforward we write only the necessary transformations, leaving to the reader the task of checking whether the conditions of their applicability are fulfilled. v1+2x+ I




Vo +2x)

4 =-; Y2+x+x x--1 l/(2V2+x)+l 9 r sin 3x2 _ (" -6X COS 3x2 CQS (2x 2 -x) _ .i: 1.:11olncos(2x2 -x)-/~o (4x-l)sin(2x 2 -x) -

(b) lim





() e


= - 6 11m x_ 0

cos 3x2 cos (2x 2 -x) 1. x 1m . 4x - I x __, 0 sm (2x2



The limit of the first factor is computed directly, the limit of the second one, which represents an indeterminate form of the type ~ is found with the aid of the L'Hospital rule: -

. cos 3x 2 cos 6 11m

. - 1Im

(2x 2 -x~

4x - I

x_ 0

x ---=--x)

x _ 0 sin (2x 2



-Ix_ 0 (4x-l)cos(2x2 -x)

= 6 · -1- = - 6 -1·1 •

3.2.2. It is known that, as x-+-+ oo, the functions xk (k > O); logax; ax (a> 1) are infinitely large quaFttities. Applying the L'Hospital rule, compare these quantities.

. 1. Sol ut ton. 2.




xm ax

r1m x-+oo


loga x -k-= X

mxm -1



I -logae


k-i X

= X-++OOa Im ------X----111 = · · · = a

= 1ogae l'Im




-I = 0;


m! ax (In a)m -



Ch. 111. Differential Calculus: Investigation of Funcf's

Hence, the power function xk (k > 0) increases more rapidly than the logarithmic function logax(a >I), and the exponential function ax with the base exceeding unity increases more rapidly than the power function xm.

3.2.3. Find the limits: 1- - -1- ) ; (a) xlim (lnx x-1

(b) lim (cot


(c) x-0 lim


(I.x eX-1




1--) •

Solution. (a) We have an indeterminate form of the type


Let us reduce it to an indeterminate form of the type ~- and then apply the L 'Hospital rule: I ) . ( -I - - . x-1 - ln.x = 1tm . I1m = 11m

" .... 1

In x

x- I

x .... 1

(x-1) In x

I - l/x x+ I - l/x x-1 . ~---

x .... 1 In

. = xI1m I + = !tm .... I X n X X - 1 x .... I 3.2.4. Find the limits: {a) Iim xn In x (n > O); x-o {b) lim [In ( 1 x .... 0

+ sin


x) cot ln 2 (I

+ x)].

Solution. (a) We have an indeterminate form of the type 0. oo. Let us transform it to : , and then apply the L 'Hospital rule:

. I . In x I/x I . O . . Itm xn nx=. 1tm x-n = 1tm -nx-n-i - - f i 1tm xn= ,smcen>O.


x- 0



(b) We have an indeterminate form of the type O· oo: . In(l+sin2x) .11m . [! n (I+ srn . 2 x) co ti n2 (l+ x)] = 1tm 2 (I+ ) = .x .... 0 x .... 0 1an 1n x .


I . 2 I+ sin·i x sin x I

x .... o 2 {I +tan2 [In2 (I +x)l} In (I +x)- 1+x





= x1m I + ) = x-o 1m - 1.... on 0 x


3.2.5. Find the limits: (a) Jim (l/x)•in x; x .... +o

(b) lim x-+-+ 0




§ 3.2. fa.Ja/uation of Indeterminate Forms


Solution. (a) We have an indeterminate form of the type 00°. Let y ~ (l/x)sin x; then In y =sin x In (l/x),

lim lny= Jim sinxln(l/x) (indeterminate form of the type 0-oo). x-----10


Let us transform it to 00 and apply the L'Hospital rule: 00 . I . . . sin2 x -In x -1/x l1111 ny = 11m - -.-= 1lm . . 2 = 1lm - - = 0 . x~+o


Hence, Jim y = e" ·I

X -




-(cosx)/sm x





3.2.6. Find the limits: (a)

Jim (sinx)tanx;

(b) Jim xx. x- 0

x - ;r/2

3.2.7. Compute


(tan x)

cot x.

x - + rr/2-0

Solution. Let us take advantage of the identity (tan X) cot x = ecot x In tan x, but 1 ~ tan x Jim Jim cot x In tan x = Jim x-+rr/2-0


Whence Jim

x- +rr/2- o


(tan x) cot x =


y=tanx-+oo eo



= l.

3.2.8. Ascertain the existence of the following limits: . x2 sin(l/x). ()I a 1m . , x-


Sll1 X

(b) Jim

2+2x+sin2x ; x - oo (2x+ sin 2x) e•rn x . tan x (c) Illll -- . x _ n/ 2 sec x

Can the L'Hospital rule be applied in computing them? Does its formal application lead to the cerrect answer? Solution. (a) The limit exists and equals zero. Indeed, x l O O. . x2 sin(l/x) . . . I 11m . = 11m - . - 11mxstn-= · = x- O

SI 11 X

x _ O Slll X x - O


But the limit of the ratio of the derivatives does not exist. Indeed, . 2x sin (l/x)-cos (l/x) O 1. Illll = - Im COS - I , x~0

cos x

x - 0



Ch. II I. Differential Calculus: I nvestigatinn of Fu net's

but lim cos (l/x) does not exist, hence the L'Hospital rule is not x - 0

applicable here. (b) The limit of the ratio of the functions does not exist:

. 11m



x _ oc (2x + sin 2x) e 5111 x

but li;n


(t ,

. 11m





· 2x -1- s1 n 2x ;

x _ en


e- x+x 3 /3 at 0 < x < n/2; I x2 (c) 1+ 2 x- 8 < l+x 0, i.e. x > 1/2. The function decreases if 4x-1/x < 0, i. e. x < 1/2. And so, the function decreases in the interval 0 < x increases in the interval 1/2 < x < +oo. (b) Evaluate the derivative

0, then f' (x) > 0 in the intervals (- oo, -1), (4, oo), and f' (x) < 0 !I in the interval (-· l, 4). Consequently, f (x) increases in the first two intervals, whereas in (-1, 4) it decreases. (c) h1 this case the derivative f' (x) = (2x-x2 ) e-x vanishes at the points X= 0 and x= 2. In the intervals (- oo, 0) and (2, oo) Fig. 39 the derivative f' (x) < 0 and the function decreases; in (0, 2) the derivative f' (x) > 0 and the f unction increases (see Fig. 39). 3.5.2. Find the intervals of decrease and increase for the following functions:


Ch. I II. Differential Calculus: Investigation of Funct's

(a) f(x)=cos(n/x); (b) f(x)=sinx+cosx on [O, 2n). Solution. (a) The function y= cos (n/x) is defined and differentiable throughout the number scale, except at the point x= O;





n . x

=---,,Sin x~

As is obvious, the sign of y' coincides with that of the multiplier sin (n/x). (l) sin (n/x) > 0 if 2kn < n/x < (2k+ l)n (k=O, +l, +2, ... ); (2) sin ( n/x)

0, a minimum. If n is odd, then there is no extremum at the point x 0 • IV. Let a function y = f (x) be represented parametrically:

x =

0, the function y = f (x) has a minimum at x = Xo =

O; hence, we have a minimum y (n/2) =I at the point X 2 = :rt/2; y" (5n/6) = - 3 < 0; hence, we have a maximum y (5n/6) = 3/2 at the point x,1 = 5n/6; y" (3n/2) = 6 > O; hence, we have a minimum y (3n/2) = - 3 at the point x 4 = 3n/2 (see Fig. 41). !J

Fig. 41

3.6.4. Investigate the following functions for extrema: _ f -2x (x < 0), (a) f (x) - I 3x + 5 (x;;;;: O); (b)

f (x)= { 2x 2 +3(x=i=O), 4

(x = 0).

Solution. (a) Though the derivative




f - 2 (x 3 (x


< 0), > O)

exists at all points, except the point x = 0, and changes sign from minus to plus when passing through the point x = 0, there is no minimum here: f (0) = 5 > f (x) at -1 < x < 0.

Ch. 111. Differential Calculus: Investigation of Funct's


This is explained by the fact that the function is discontinuous at the point x = 0. (b) Here the derivative f' (x) = 4x (x =F 0) also exists at all points, except at x = 0, and it changes sign from minus to plus when passing through the point x = 0. Nevertheless, we have here a maximum but not a minimum, which can readily be checked. It is explained by the fact that the function is discontinuous at the point x = 0. 3.6.5. Find the extrema of the following functions: 50

(a) (b)

f (x) =3x4 +sxs-1sx2+60; f (x) = JI ex2 - I.

Solution. (a) Here it is simpler to find the extrema of the function f 1 (x) = 3x4 + 8x3 - l8x2 + 60. Since 12x3 + 24x2 -36x = 12x (x 2 + 2x-3), (x) = 12 (3x2 + 4x-3),

f; (x) = f~

the critical points are: X1

= - 3,


= 0,


= J,

and the character of the extrema is readily determined from the sign of the second derivative f; (-3) > O; hence, at the point x, = -3 the function f 1 (x) has a minimum, and the given function f (x) obviously has a maximum f (-3) = - 2/3, f; (0) < O; hence, at the point x2 = 0 the function f 1 (x) has a maximum, and f (x) a minimum f(0)=5/6; f~(l)>O; hence, at the point X3 =l the function f i(x) has a minimum, and f (x) a maximum f (1) = 50/53. (b) In this case it is easier to find the points of extremum of the radicand

f1(X)=ex2_l, which coincide with the points of extremum of the function f (x). Let us find the critical points of f 1 (x): (x) = 2xex 2 ; f; (x) = 0 at the point x = 0. Determine the sign of the second derivative at the point x = 0:


f; (x) = 2ex' (1

+ 2x

2 ),

f~ (0)

= 2 > 0.

Therefore the point x = 0 is a minimum of the function f 1 (x); it will also be a minimum of the given function f (x): f (0) = 0. 3.6.6. Investigate the character of the extremum of the function

y=coshx+cosx at the point x=O. Solution. The function y is an even one and apparently has an extremum at the point x = 0. To determine the character of the

§ 3.6. Maxima and Minima of a Function


extremum Jet us evaluate the derivatives of this function at the point x=O: y' == sinh x-sin x, y' (0) = 0; y" =cosh x-cosx, y" (0) = O; y"' = sinh x +sin x, y"' (0) = O; y< 4 > = cosh x +cos x; y"' (0) = 2 > 0. Since the first non-zero derivative at the point X=O is a derivative of an even order, which takes on a positive value, we have a minimum y (0) = 2 at this point. 3.6.7. Investigate the following functions for an extremum at the point x = 0:




y=cosx-1+~2 •

x2 Solution. (a) y'=-sinx+x- 2 ; y'(O)=O; y" =-cosx+ 1-x; y" (0) =0; y"' =sin x- I; y'" (0) = - 1 =I= 0.

And so, the first non-zero derivative at the point x = 0 is a derivative of the third order, i. e. of an odd order; this means that there is no extremum at the point x= 0. 3.6.8. Investigate the following functions for extrema: (a) f (x)=x 4 e-x 2 ; (b) f(x)=sin3x-3sinx. Solution. (a) The function f (x) = x 4e-x 2 is continuously differentiable everywhere. Equating the derivative

f' (x) = 4x3e-x 2 -2x 0 e-x2 = x3e-x 2 (4-2x



to zero, find the critical points: X1





= V2.

Compute the values of the second derivative at the critical

f" (x) =


12x2e-x" -8x4 e-x" - l0x 4 e-x" +4x6 e-x" = = 2x2e-x 2 (6-9x 2 -r- 2x• ); f" (0) = O; f" (- V2) < 0; f" (V2) < 0.


Consequently, at the points X1 =-V2 and X3= + the function 2 reaches a maximum f (+ V2) = 4e- = e~ . As far as the critical point x2 = 0 is concerned, nothing definite can be said as yet, we have to find derivatives of f (x) of higher orders (up to the fourth order!). But this process is cumbersome, therefore \\'e will turn to the first sufficient condition of an extremum: let us find the sig11s


111. Differential Calculus: Investigation of Funct"s


of the first derivative in the neighbourhood of the critical point X 2 =0: f' (-1) < O; f' (1) > 0. Hence, at the point x = 0 the function has a minimum 3.6.9. The function y =


f (x)

f (0) =


is rPpresented parametrically:

x= cp (t) = tj-sr1 -2ot -1- 7,

\ y=\jl(t)=4f 3 -3f 2 -18t+3

(-2 0

at x = V-b/a (x > 0). for any x > 0, the f unction f (x) reaches a minimum at this critical point. This is the only exiremum (minimum) in the interval (0, oo ). Hence, at x = J/ b/a the function f (x) attains the least value.

3.7.4. As a result of n measurements of an unknown quantity x the numbers x 10 x2 , • • • , x,. are obtained. It is required to find at what value of x the sum of the squares of the errors

f (x) = will be the least.

(X-X1) 2

+ (X-X2) 2 + ... + (x-x,.)2


3.7. Finding the Greatest and the Least Values of a Function

lfi l

Solution. Compute the derivative

f' (x)

= 2 (x-x 1 H- 2 (x-x 2 ) + ...

+ 2 (x-xn)·

The only root of the derivative is X=

+ X2 + ... + Xn



Then, for all x we have f" (x) = 2n > 0. Therefore, the function f (x) has its minimum at the point X = X1 + X2 + ... + X,, • n

Being the only minimum, it coincides with the least \'alue of the function (cf. Problem 1.3.8). And so, the best (in the sense of "the principle of the minimum squares") approximate value of an unknown quantity x is the arithmetic mean of the values x 1 , x2 , • • • , xn3.7 .5. Find the largest term in the sequence



n'1 + 200 . .


f(x)=x 3 + 200

Solution. Consider the funct10n [l, oo). Since the derivative





(400-X3 ) 200)2



in the interval




is positi\e at 0 < x < 400 and negative at x > 400, the function f (x) increases at 0 < x < V 400 and decreases at x > V 400: From the inequality 7 < V 400 < 8 it follows that the largest term in the sequence can be either a1 or a8 • Since a1 = 49/543 > a8 = 8/89, the largest term in the given sequence is 49 01 =


3.7 .6. Find the greatest and the least values of the following functions on the indicated intervals: (a )


f (x) = 4l x4 - 32 x·'l - 23 x2 + 2 on [- 2 , 4] ; f (x) = V4-x2 on [ -2, 2];

(c) f(x)=arctanx-f lnx on [ ; 3 , (d)/(x)=2sinx+sin2x on 6 -3148


~ n:j;


Ch. II I. Differential Calculus: Investigation of Funct's


{e) f(x)=x-2lnx on [I, e]; (f)

f (x) = ~ I


2x2 1


for -2 ~ x for x =0.

< O; 0 < x ~ 2,

§ 3.8. Sol'Ving Problems in Geometry and Physics 3.8.1. The force of a circular electric current acting on a small magnet with the axis perpendicular to the plane of the circle and passing through its centre is expressed by the formula


Cx (a2+x2i'!, '

where a= radius of the circle x =distance from the centre of the circle to the magnet (0 < x < oo) C =constant. At what x will the value of F be the greatest? Solution. The derivative


a2-2x2 (a2+x2)'/1

has a single positive root x=a/V2. This solves the problem. Note. It often happens that reasons of purely physical or geoinetric character make it unnecessary to resort to the differential methods in investigating a function for the greatest or the least value at the point under consideration. 3.8.2. Determine the most economical dimensions of an open-air swimming pool of volume 32 m 3 with a square bottom so that the facing of its walls and bottom require the least quantity of material. Solution. Let us denote the side of the bottom by x and the height by y. Then the volume V of the pool will be

V =x2 y=32,


and the surface S to be faced

S=x 2+4xy. Expressing y through x from the relation (*), we get

S=x2+4x~ =x2+ 128. x~


Investigate the function thus obtained for a minimum in the interval (0, oo ):

S' = 2x - ~8 ;

2x - 1;~ = O;

x = 4.


3.8. Solving Problems in Geometry and Physics


The single point thus found will obviously yield the least value of the function S, since it has no greatest value (it increases unboundedly as x ~ 0 and x ~ oo ). And so, the required dimensions of the pool are: x = 4 m, y = 2 m. 3.8.3. Inscribe into a given sphere a cylinder with the greatest lateral surface. 3.8.4. 20 m of wire is available for fencing off a flower-bed which should have the form of a circular sector. What must the radius of the circle be if we wish to have !J a flower-bed of the greatest possible surface area? Solution. Let us denote the radius of the circle by x, and the length of the arc by y (see Fig. 42). Then whence

20 = 2x+ y,


y = 2 (10-x).

Fig. 42

The area of the circular sector S= ~ xy=x(lO-x) (O~x~lO). The derivative S' (x) = 10-2x has a root x = 5. Since the least value S = 0 is reached at the end-points of the interval [O, 10], the obtained value x = 5 yields the greatest surface area S. 3.8.5. It is required to construct an open cylindric 0 we have y" > 0 and the curve is concave. At the point X= 0 the first derivative y' = 1, the second derivative changes sign when passing through the point x = 0. Therefore the point (0, 0) is a point of inflection. (g) Find the derivatives: y' =sin (In x) +cos (In x), y" =+[cos (In x)-sin (lnx)]

=~~sin (~-In x).

The second derivative vanishes at the points Xk=enf 4 +kn, k=O, + 1, +2, .... The function sin(n/4- lnx), and together with it y", changes sign when passing through each point xk. Consequently, the points xk


Ch. 111. Differential Calculus: Investigation of Funct's

are the abscissas of the points of inflection. In the intervals (e2kn-an/4,


the curve is concave, and in the intervals (e2kn+n/4,


it is convex. (h) The given function can be written in the following way: 2 - (x 0 - 1), x;:;:: 1, { y= 2+(x 5 - l), x 0,

Ch. Ill. Differential Calculus: Investigation of Funct"s


on each of the intervals of the domain of definition the graph of the function is concave, and at the point x = 1 / 2 the function has a minimum From the information obtained we can sketch the graph as in Fig. 55. To specify the graph in the intervals (-oo, 0) and (1/2 , oo) the !J following additional points are used: X= - 1, y=e- 1 ~ 0.37; X= 1, y=e ~ 2.72. (h) The function is defined and continuous throughout the number scale, since at any x 1





1l+x2 ~ 1.

Since the function is even, we may confine ourselves to the investigation of the function Fig. 55 at x~O. As the function is continuous, the graph has no vertical asymptotes, but it has a horizontal asymptote: Jim y =arc sin (-1) = - ~. :C-++CD

The first derivative ,

Y = ,



I (l-x2)2 X l-(l+x2)2

-2x (I +x 2)-2x (I -x2 ) (I +x2)2 =



4x X (I +.t2)2

is negative for x > 0, therefore the function decreases. The derivative is non-existent !f at the point x = 0. By virtue of the symmetry of the graph about the y-axis there will be a maximum at the point y (0) = ~. Notice that at the point x = 0 the right derivative is equal to -1, and the left one to + 1. The second derivative is positive: ,,

y (x) =2

2 (I + x2) 2x Bx (I +x2)4 =n+x2)3


2 Fig. 56


for all x > 0.

Hence, in the interval (0, oo) the graph of the function is concave. Also note that the curve intersects with the x-axis at the points X=± 1.

§ 3.12. Algebr. and Transcendent. Equations


Taking into consideration the results of the investigation, construct the graph of the function (see Fig. 56). 3.11.2. Investigate and graph the following functions: x4


y=l+x 2 - 2 ; (b) I


y=(l+x):i; x3

2 ; (d) y=-:i- ; (c) y=-+4x x x - 1



(e) y = x2 x2 - 4; 2 (f) y=x ln(x+2); (g) y=x3e-4x;

(h) y =

( x arctan



at x =F 0, at X= 0.

§ 3.12. Approximate Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations

Approximate determination of isolated real roots of the equation 0 is usually carried out in two stages: l. Separating roots, i.e. determining the intervals [a, ~] which contain one and only one root of the equation. 2. Specifying the roots, i.e. computing them with the required degree of accuracy. The process of separation of roots begins with determining the signs of the function f (x) at a number of points x = a 1 , a 2 • • • , whose choice takes into account the peculiarities of the function f (x). If it turns out that f (ak) f (ak+r) < 0, then, by virtue of the property of a continuous function, there is a root of the equation f (x) = 0 in the interval (ak, ak+ 1). Real roots of an equation can also be determined graphically as x-intercepts of the graph of the function y = f (x). If the equation has no roots close to each other, then its roots are easi 1y separated by this method. In practice, it is often advantageous to replace a given equation by an equivalent one

f (x) =

'l-'r (x) = 'ljl2 (x), where the functions 'ljl1 (x) and 'ljl 2 (x) are simpler than the function f (x). Sketch the graph of the functions y = 'ljl1 (x) and y = 'ljl 2 (x) and find the desired roots as the abscissas of the points of intersection of these graphs. The Methods of Approximating a Root. I. Method of Chords. If the interval [a, b] contains the only real root of the equation f (x) = 0 and f (x) is continuous on the interval, then the first approximation x 1 is found by the formula



f (a) a- t (b)--f(a) (b-a).

Ch. Ill. Differential Calculus: Investigation of Funct's


To obtain the second approximation x 2 a similar formula is applied to that of the intervals [a, x1 ] or [x1 , b], at the end-points of which the function f (x) attains values having opposite signs. The process is continued until the required accuracy is obtained, which is judged of by the length of the last obtained segment. 2. Method of Tangents (Newton's method). If f (a) f (b) < 0, and f' (x) and f" (x) are non-zero and retain definite signs for a~ x ~ b, then, proceeding from the initial approximation x0 (x0 E [a, b]) for which f (x0 ) f" (x0 ) > 0, we obtain all successive approximations of the root £ by the formulas:

f (Xo) f (x1) f (Xn-1) Xi=Xo-f'(xo)' X2=X1-f'(x1)' · · • ' Xn=Xn-I-f'(Xn-1)" To estimate the absolute error in the nth approximation we can apply the general formula J~I f

t_x where



m1 =

n ...._,,

min a 0;


< o.


f' (x) =

- 1 - ...!.. loge; x

f" (x) = ~ loge x


> 0 over the whole interval [ 1.6; I 8]. Applying to this interval both the method of chords and the method of tangents with the initial point x0 = 1.6 we obtain the first approximations: f' (x) < O; f" (x)



x; =

l.6-(lf~l~8 ;~),'(l('.6~) = l.6--j-0. I559= 1.7559; 1.6 - /, ~\ ·.~) = 1.6 + 0.1540 = l. 7540.

Applying the same methods to the interval [1.7540, l.7559], we get the second approximations: = I 7559 (I. 7540- I. 7559) f (I. 7559) = I 75558 X2 ' f (I. 7540) - / (I. 7559) . ' ' f(l.7540) X2 = 1. 7540- I' (I. 7540 ) = 1. 75557.

Since x2 -x; = 0.00001, the root £ is computed with an accuracy up to 0.00001. 3.12.8. Using the combined method find all roots of the equation

f (x) == x3 -5x+ 1=0 accurate to three decimal places.

3.12.9. Applying the iteration method find the real roots of the equation x-sin X= 0.25 accurate to three decimal places. Solution. Represent the given equation in the form x-0.25 =sin x. Using the graphical method, we find that the equation has one real root £, which is approximately equal to x0 = 1.2 (see Fig. 58). Since sin l.1=0.89I2> l.l-0.25, sin 1.3 = 0.9636 < 1.3-0.25, --=-o _ ___.__._____ a: the root£ lies in the interval (I.I, I 3). Let us rewrite the equation in the f f.2 form -D.25 Fig. 58 x = cp (x) =sin x+ 0.25.


Since the derivative cp' (x) =cos x in the interval (I. I, l.3) does. not exceed cos 1.1 < 0.46 < 1 in absolute value, the itE>ration method is applicable. Let us write successive approximations Xn=sinxn-i+0.25 (n= I, 2, ... ),

§ 3.12. Algebr. and Transcendent. Equations




= l.2 for the initial approximation: X1 =Sin x 2 =sin X 3 =Sin X4 =sin x 0 =sin x6 =sin

l.2 +0.25=0.932 +0.25= 1.182 + 0.25 = 0. 925 + 0.25 = J.175 +0.25=0.923 +0.25= J.173 +0.25=0.9219+0.25= l.1719 + 0.25 = 0.9215 + 0.25 = l.1715+ 0.25 = 0.9211+0.25 =

J.182; 1.175; 1.173; J.1719; 1.1715; 1.1711.

Since q=0.46 and hence, -1-q q ] +C .

4.3.16. Applying the generalized formula for integration by parts, find the following integrals: (a) ~ (x3 -2x2+3x-l)cos2xdx, (b) ~ (2x 3 +3x 2 -8x+ I) V2x+6dx.

Solution. (a)

S(x -2x2+3x- l) cos2xdx= (x 3


2x2+3x-- l )sin2x 2- -

-(3x2_4x+ 3) (-co: 2x) +(6x- 4) ( - si~2x)_ 6 cot62x +C= = si~ 2x (2x 3 -4x2+ 3x) +co: 2x (6x 2 -8x + 3) + C; (b) ~ (2x 3

+ 3x -8x + 1) v· 2x + 6 dx = 2

=(2x 3 +3x 2 -8x+

1)( 2 x~ 6 ) 312 (6x2 +6x-8)( 2xt,~>"' 2 +


12(2x-f-6)u/2 +C=



~~ (2x +

6) (70x3-45x2- 396x + 897} + C.

Evaluate the following integrals:

4.3.17. ~ln(x+Vl+x 2 )dx. 4.3.18. ~

V x(In x)

4 . 3 . 19 .

ar;;in xdx. 1-1-x




Sxcossin xdx x • 3

4.3.21. ~ 3"cosxdx.


§ 4.4. Reduction Formulas

4.3.22. ~ (x 3 -2x 2


+ 5) e x dx. 3

+ x cos x dx. ~ (x + 2x- l) sin 3xdx. ~ (x -2x + 3) In x dx.

4.3.23. ~ ( l 4.3.24.


2) 2



4.3.26. ~ x 3 arc tan x dx. 4.3.27. ~ x 2 arc cos x dx. 4.3.28. Applying the formula for multiple integration by parts. calculate the following integrals: . 2(3 x+ l)dx; (a ) S(3 x 2 +x- 2) sm

(b) sx2-7x+ldx.


§ 4.4. Reduction Formulas

Reduction formulas make it possible to reduce an integral depending on the index n > 0, called the order of the integral, to an integral of the same type with a smaller index.

4.4.1. Integrating by parts, derive reduction formulas for calculating the following integrals: (a) /"=

dx S(x2+a2)n;

(b) ln,-m=


sinn x


(c) In= ~ (a 2 -x2 ) 11 dx.

Solution. (a) We integrate by parts. Let us put I

U= (x2+a2)n'

dv= dx,

whence du=

2n x dx

(x2+a·i)n+1 •


I Ience,

whence I

= _I_ . n+J

2na 2

x (x 2 i- a:l)"

+ 2n2n-

I • _.!_ I . aJ n

Ch. IV. Indefinite Integrals


The obtained formula reduces the calculation of the integral I n+l to the calculation of the integral In and, consequently, allows us to calculate completely an integral with a natural index, since dx I x / 1 = x~+ a2 =-arctan-+C. a a


For instance, putting n = 1, we obtain f2 =



J (x2+ a2)2 =

I x I 2a2 • x2+a2+2a2f1


I x I 2a2 x2+a2 + 2aa

x arc tan a+ C;

putting n = 2, we get I a=

S(x2~a2)s = 4~2 • (x2~a2)2 + 4:2 /2 = =



4a2 •





(x2+ a2)2 + 8a4 • x2+a2+ Ba& arc tan a +C.

(b) Let us apply the method of integration by parts, putting

u =sinn- 1 x;

sin x d dV=-X cosm x '

whence I

du=(n-l)sinn- 2 xcosxdx; V=(m- l)cosm-lx


=I= 1).

Hence, sinn-lx

In, -m = (m-1) cos"'- 1 x -

n-1 5sinn- 2 xdx m-1 cosm- 2 x = sinn- 1 x (m-l)cosm-tx

n-1 m-1'n-2.2-m


(c) Integrate by parts, putting U=(a 2-x 2)n; dv=dx, whence du=- 2nx (a 2 -x2 )n- 1 dx; v =X. Hence In= x (a 2- x2)n+ 2n ~ x 2 (a 2 -x2)n- 1 dx = =x(a2- x2t+2n ~ (x 2 -a 2 +a 2 )(a 2 -x2 )n- 1 dx= =X (a 2- X 2)n-2nf,. 2na 2[ n-1"


Wherefrom, reducing the similar terms, we obtain

(1+2n) In =x (a 2 -x 2)" + 2na2 / ,,_ 1 • Hence,

§ 4.4. Reduction Formulas


For instance, noting that




SV a2-x2 dx =arc sin~+ C, a

we can find successively

4.4.2. Applying integration by parts, derive the following reduct ion formulas: (a)

In=~ (lnx)ndx=x(lnx)n-nln-i;

(b) In= (c)


xa+l (In x)n


n -a+I ln-1

(a =f=.-1);

In=~ xnexdx=xnex-n/n_ 1 ;

(d) ln=

~ eaxsinnxdx:= _



- a 2 +n 2 Stn




x asmx-ncosx


I + n(n-1) az+n 2

n- 2 •

4.4.3. Derive the reduction formula for the integration of In= and use it for calculating the integral / 3 = .d~ . j Sin X Sin' X

= ('



4.4.4. Derive the reduction formulas for the following integrals: (a) In=~ tannxdx; xn dx (c) In= .r-.- · r xj+a


(b) in=~ cotnxdx;




§ 5.1. Integration of Rational Functions

If the denominator Q (x) of the proper rational fraction ~ ~;~ can

be represented in the following way:

Q (x)=(x-a)k(x-b) 1 ••• (x 2 +ax+~)'(x 2 +yx+µ)s .. ., where the binomials and trinomials are different and, furthermore, the trinomials have no real roots, then P(x) A1 A2 Q (x) = x-a + (x-a)2


+ · · · + (x-a)k





+ x-b + (x-b)2+ .. · +rx=w+ .. · M 2 ~+N 2



· · · + x2+ax+~ + (x2+ax+~)2 + · · · + (x2+ax+~V + + R1x+L R x+L Rsx+Ls x2+yx+ µ + (x2+yx+ µ)2 + · · · + (x2+yx+µ)s + · · ·• 1



where A1 , A 2 , ••• , B1 , B 2 , ••• , M1 , N1 , M 2 , N2 , . • • , R1 , L1 , R 2 , L2 , ••• are some real constants to be determined. They are determined by reducing both sides of the above identity to integral form and then equating the coefficients at equal powers of x, which gives a system of linear equations with respect to the coefficients. (This method is called the method of comparison of coefficients.) A system of equations for the coefficients can also be obtained by substituting suitably chosen numerical values of x into both sides of the identity. (This method is called the method of particular values.) A successful combination of the indicated methods, prompted by experience, often allows us to simplify the process of finding the coefficients. If the rational fraction ~ i;~ is imp-roper, the integral part should Ctrst be singled out.

§ 5.1. Integration of Rational Functions

5. t. t.



15x 2 -4x-81 (x-3) (x-j-4) (x-1)



Solution. The integrand is a proper rational fraction. Since all roots of the denominator are real and simple, the integral will appear in the form of the sum of three simple fractions of the form 15x2 -4x-81 (x-3) (x-j-4) (x-1)




= x-3 + x-j-4 + x-1'

where A, B, D are the coefficients to be determined. Reducing the fractions to a common denominator and then rejecting it, we obtain the identity 15x2 - 4x-81=A(x+4) (x-1)+ B (x-3) (x- l) + +D(x-3)(x+4).


Comparing the coefficients at equal powers of x in both sides of the identity, we get a system of equations for determining the coefficients


-4A +3B-12D=-81.

Solving the system of equations we find A= 3, B = 5, D = 7. Hence,

t=35~+5 x-3 .)r~+15~= x-j-4 x-1 = 3 In I x - 31 + 5 In I x + 4 I+ 7 In I x- I I+ C = =In [ (x-3) 3 (x + 4)° (x--1)11

+ C.

Note. Let us use the same example to demonstrate the application of the method of particular values. The identity (*) is true for any value of x. Therefore, setting three arbitrary particular values, we obtain three equations for determining the three undetermined coefficients. It is most convenient to choose the roots of the denominator as the values of x, since they nullify some factors. Putting x = 3 in the identity (*), we get A =3; putting x=-4, we obtain B=5; and putting x~ l, we get D=7. ('

5.1.2. I= J 5.1.3. I


x 4 dx

(2-j-x) (x2- I).

5x x3-x2-2x -3x -3x-2 d x. 4


Solution. Since the power of the numerator is higher than that of the denominator, i.e. the fraction is improper, we have to single out the integral part. Dividing the numerator by the denominator,


Ch. V. Basic Classes of Integrable Functions

we obtain x'-3x2-3x-2 __ x

x3 -x2-2x -


I= S xs-x2-2x


dx =





x+ 2 x(x2-x-2) ·

I) dx-


(x+2) dx x (x-2) (x+ I) .

Expand the remaining proper fraction into simple ones: x+2 A B D x(x-2)(x+l)=x+x-2+x+1 · Hence x+2 =A (x-2) (x+ I)+ Bx (x+ I)+ Dx (x-2). Substituting in turn the values x1 =0, x2 =2, X 3 =-I (the roots of the denominator) into both sides of the equality, we obtain



8= 3 ;



And so

'=S(x+ t)dx+S dx x -~s~-_!_s~= 3 x-2 3 x+ I ~



= 2 +x+lnlxl- 3 Inlx-2l- 3 Inlx+ l l+C. 2x2-3x+ 3 5.1.4. I= x3- 2x2+x dx. Solution. Here the integrand is a proper rational fraction, whose denominator roots are real but some of them are multiple:


x3 -2x2 +x =X (x-1) 2 • Hence, the expansion into partial fractions has the form 2x2-3x+3 A B x3 -2x 2 + x=x+ (x-1) 2


+ x-1'

whence we get the identity: 2x 2 -3x+3 =A (x-1) 2 + Bx+ Dx (x-1) = =(A+ D)x2 + (-2A-D+8)x+A.


Equating the coefficients at equal powers of x we get a system of equations for determining the coefficients A, 8, D: A+D=2; -2A-D+8=-3; A =3. Whence A =3; 8=2; D=-1. Thus,

I =3 s~ +2 s (x dx1)2-S xd\ =3 lnlxl-x 2 I-In lx-1 i+C.

§ 5.1. Integration of Rational Functions


Note. The coefficients can be determined in a somewhat simpler way if in the identity (*) we put x 1 = O; x 2 = l (the denominator roots), and x3 equal to any arbitrary value. At x=O we get 3=A; at x~~ l we will have 2=8; at x=2 we obtain 5=A+2B+2D; 5=3+4+2D; whence D=-1. 5.1.5. I=

x +1 Sx (x!)

5.1.6. I=

xdx xa+ I






Solution. Since x 3 + l =(x+ l)(x2 -x+ l) (the second factor is not expanded into real multipliers of the first power), the expansion of the given fraction will have the form A Bx+D x x3 + I = x+ I + x2 -x + I · Hence, x = A (x 2 -x + I)+ (Bx+ D) (x + I) =

=(A +B)x2 + (-A+ B+ D)x+(A+D). Equating the coefficients at equal powers of x, we get I

A=-3; Thus, I

I =-3


dx I x+1+3






x+ I I I I I x2-x+ldx=:-3 nlx+l +311.

To calculate the integral I1 =

Sx ~~ ~ 1 dx 2

let us take the perfect square out of the denominator: x 2 -x+ l = ( x-+

r+ !

and make the substitution x-i=t. Then I 1 -



J 12+ :

=+Jn ( t 2 +

dt-r -


J12+ ! J12+ ! 2

! )+ V3 arc tan ;

Returning to x, we obtain I 2 -x+l)+ l1=2ln(x

3 + C.

v-3 arctan ra+c. ~-I


Ch. V. Basic Classes of Integrable Functions

Thus, x

J xa+ I dx = (>


_ I I l y3 2x- I 2 - - 3 lnjx+ 11+ 6 In(x -x+ ) + -3-arctan y3" +c.

5.1.7. I=


dx I) (x2+4) .

Solution. The denominator has two pairs of different conjugate complex roots, therefore l

Ax+B x2 + I

hence 1=(Ax+8) (x 2


+ x +4' +4)+ (Dx+ E) (x + 1). 2


Here it is convenient to apply the method of particular values for determining the coefficients, since the complex roots of the denominator (x = + i and x = + 2i) are sufficiently simple. Putting x = i, we obtain 38+ 3Ai = 1, I

whence A= 0, B = 3 . Putting x = 2i, we obtain -3E-6Di = 1, I

whence D=O, E = - 3 . Thus,

S(x2+ I)dx(x +4) = 3l s dx x+ I - 3l s dx2x+4 = 2





= 3 arc tan x- 6 arc tan 2 + C. 5 .t.B. I=

(x+ l) dx S(x +x+2)(x +4x+5)' 2


_ (' x4+4x3 + I lx 2 +12x+B (x2+2x+3)2 (x+ l) dx.

5.1.9. I - j

Solution. Here we already have multiple complex roots. Expand the fraction into partial fractions: x4+4x3 + I lx2 + 12x+B Ax+B Dx+E F (x 2 +2x+3)2(x+I) =(x2 +2x+3) 2 +x2 +2x+3+x+I'

Find the coefficients: A= 1; B=-1; Hence,




F= 1.

E =0;


x'+4x 3 + I lx 2 12x+8 d = (x 2 +2x+3) 2 (x+ I) X

= 5(x2+ 2x+ 3)2dx+ x-1



x+I =ln\x+ l

\-f--/ 1 ,


§ 5.2. Integration of Certain Irrational Expressions

Calculate / 1= (x 2 :;~ 3 ) 2 dx. Since x 2+ 2x + 3 = (x + 1) 2+2, let us make x-f- 1 = t. Then we obtain


the substitution

The integral / 2


S(t2 dt+ 2)2

is calculated by the reduction formula (see Problem 4.4.1 ): I

I ('


/2 = 4 t2+2+-:r





J t2+2=-:r12+2+ 4 V2


arc tan V2 + C.

Thus I







Returning to x, we obtain I ___ I__ x+I 1=-2(x2+2x+3) 2(x2+2x+3)



2 V"2 arc tan V"2

+ C.

We finally obtain I =Sx4 +4x3 + llx 2+ 12x+8 d = (x 2+2x+3) 2 (x+ I) X =!nix+ 1I Find the following integrals: 5x3+9x 2-22x-8 5.1.10. dx. x3 - 4x 5.1.11.

S S(x+ I) (x+dx2) 2 (x+3)3 ·


S(x -4x+4)dx(x2-4x+5) ·

5. t.13.

5 +x)





+x2) (I +x3) · x 3 +3 (x+ l)(x2+1>dx. (I


§ 5.2. Integration of Certain Irrational Expressions

Certain types of integrals of algebraic irrational expressions can be reduced to integrals of rational functions by an appropriate change of the variable. Such transformation of an integral is called its rationalization.


Ch. V. Basic Classes of Integrable Functions

I. If the integrand is a rational function of fractional powers of

x~) ,


an independent variable i. e. the function R (x, ;1,, ... , then the integral can be rationalized by the substitution X= tm, where m is the least common multiple of the numbers q1 , q2 , • • • , qk. II. If the integrand is a rational function of x and fractional

powers of a linear fractional function of the form ~:t:, then rationalization of the integral is effected by the substitution = tm, where m has the same sense as above.


5.2.1. I=

J\x+V~+V~ x ( 1+ V x) dx.

Solution. The least common multiple of the numbers 3 and 6 is 6, therefore we make the substitution:

x=f 6 ,

dx=6t 0 dt,




5 ta+ t' + (t6

t) to dt

(I -j-t2)

= 6 5to+ 1s + I dt = J +t2



= 6 t3 dt + 6 t 2d~ 1 = ~


+ 6 arc tan t + C.

Returning to x, we obtain 3 2 6 I= 2 x 3 +6 arc tan V x+C.

5.2.2. J =


j Vv-x+V~ V dx. xo-

I =~



(2x-3)1 dx • (2x-3) 3 +1

Solution. The integrand is a rational function of V2x-3, therefore we put 2x-3 = t 6 , whence I

dx=3t 0 dt; Hence,



3tB 12 1 dt




(t6 -


(2x-3)3 =t 2 •

(2x-3)2 =f 3 ;

t 4 + t 2 - 1) dt t7

+3 to

= 3 7 -3 5

s+ dt

12 =


-3t + 3 arc tan t +c.


+3 3


§ 5.2. Integration of Certain Irrational Expressions

Returning to x, we get






I= 3 7 (2x- 3) 6

5 (2x-3) 6 3 (2x-3)


_!... 2 -

-(2x-3)} +arc tan (2x-3)



5.2.5. I=





H 2 x)

! ] + C.



Solution. The integrand is a rational function of x and the ex. v 2 -+x, x therefore let us introduce the substitution press10n 2


2--x_ . 2+x- t,

whence Hence


+ t3)2 t .J 2t2 3 S2 (I16to(l+t3)2 dt =-2





Returning to x, we get


'=S V 4

'= ! V(;+;y +c. dx . (x- 1)3 (x +2)&

Solution. Since

V the integrand is a rational function of x and V V (x-1)



=(x-1) (x+2)

x+2 x-- I•

-x+2 x- I; therefore let

us introduce the substitution:

V whence

x+2 =t· x+2 =l' x-1 'x-1 '


Ch. V. Basic Classes of Integrable Functions


'= -S

(/4-1) (/4-1) 12/3d/ =-.!s~ 3-3t 4 t (t'- 1)2

Returning to x, we obtain

" v 5.2.7. J 5.2.s. Iv ., (x+ (x

4 l=3



=.!+c 3t •





l - x2 "



1) 2



-1) 4


J(x-2) v: +;dx.

5.3. Euler's Substitutions

Integrals of the form ~ R(x, V ax2 +bx+c)dxare calculated with the aid of one of the three Euler substitutions: (I) V ax 2 +bx+ c = t + x Va if a > O; (2) Vax 2 +bx+c= tx ±Ve if c > O; (3) Vax 2 +bx+c=(x-cx.)t if

ax2 +bx+c =a (x-cx.) (x-~). i.e. if ex. is a real root of the trinomial ax 2 +bx+ c. 5.3.1. I=






Solution. Here a= 1>0, therefore we make the substitution

Vx 2 +2x+2=t-x. Squaring both sides of this equality and reducing the similar terms, we get whence /2-2



12 +21+2 2 (l+t) 2 dt;

1 + V x2 +2x+ 2= I +t- 2 ( 1 +t)= 2 (l+t) • /2-2

Substituting into the integral, we obtain


t2 +4t+4

2 (I +t) (t2+2t+2) s(t2+2t +2) dt S(t2+4t+4)2(l+t) dt = (l+t)(t+2)2" 2


§ 5.3. Euler's Substitutions

Now let us expand the obtained proper rational fraction into partial fractions: t2+2t+2


(t+ I) (t+2) 2




+I+ t +2+ (t +2) 2

Applying the method of undetermined coefficients we find: A= 1, B=O, D=-2. Hence, [2 + 2t + 2 s dt s dt 2 u+1)(t-i-2)2dt = t+i-2 u+2>2=lnlt + l l+t+2+c.


Returning to x, we get

l=ln(x+l+Vx2 +2x+2)+ 5.3.2. I



y xdx--x-r- I



x 2 + 2x+2




Solution. Since here c = 1 > 0, we can apply the second Euler substitution V x2 -x+ 1 = tx- l, whence

2t-I (2t-l)x=(t 2-l)x2; X=t2=T; [2-

t-L I

dx=-2((2_ 1') 2 dt; x+

vx -x+l=t-I" t 2

Substituting into /, we obtain an integral of a rational fraction:


-2t 2+2t-2 dt t(t-l)(t+l) 2 '

5x+Yx2--x+I dx






t (t-1) (t+ 1) 2 =t+ t -I+ (t+ 1)2+ t +I' By the method of undetermined coefficients we find I

B=- 2 ;




E=- 2·


1= 2 S7-2 t-1- 3 (t+l) 2 -2 t+1= dt








=2lnjt!- 2 lnlt-l j+t+i- 2 1njt+ll+C,


t = y x""""2-x-:-+-:-1 + I

5.3.3. I=





(l+x) r l+x-x2

Ch. V. Basic



of Integrable Functions

=S (Y

5.3.4. I

xdx . 7x-10-x2) 3

Solution. In this case a < 0 and c < 0 therefore neither the first, nor the second Euler substitution is applicable. But the quadratic trinomial 7x-10-x2 has real roots a= 2, ~ = 5, therefore we use the third Euler substitution:

V7x-10-x 2 = V(x-2) (5-x) =(x-2) t. Whence

5-x= (x-2) t 2 ; X=

s+21 2 1+t2;

(x-2)t= Hence



6t dt -(l+t2)2;

2 ) ( 5+2t 1 12 -2



31 i+i2·

-2; s~dt=-: SC~ +2)dt= - ~ ( - ~ +2t)+c, _ V7x-10-x 2 . x- 2

where t-

Ca lculate the following integrals with the aid of one of the Euler subst it ut ions:


s y sy






dx • x2 +2x+4

dx . 1-x2 - I dx Y (2x-x2)3 '



(x+ YT+X2>10 .~ J'

I+- cos2x 2tanx+3 I= sin 2x+2 cos2 x dx= tan 2 x+2 = r·2t+3 3 t = 12 + 2 dt =In (t 2 2) + ¥2" arc tan y-2 +c =

0, and m / - I. If n is a positive integer, then, applying this formula successively n times, we get n

Im. n = m+

n(n-1) 1/ m+1,n-1 =

(m+ I) (m+2) I m+2, n-2 = · · · _ n (n-1) ... [n-(n-1)) (in+ I) (m+2) .. . (m+n) lm+n, o·

••· -

§ 6.7. Approximating Definite Integrals



xm+n+l I' - - - 5xm+ndx-- m+n+ o - m+n+ I



m+n, o -


I '


Hence, n (n-1) (n-2) ... 3·2· l

Im, n = (m+ I) (m+2) .. . (m+n) (m +n+ I) The obtained result, with m a non-negative integer, can be written in the form m!n!

(m+ n+ 1)1'

/ m, n =

6.6.13. Compute the integrals: I


(a) ~arc tan V'xdx;

(b) ~ (x- l)e-xdx;








( d) ~ x arc tan x dx;







~ x In ( 1 + x 2 ) dx;




~ ln(l+tanx)dx; 0




(g) ~ sin 2x arc tan (sin x) dx;

(h) ~arctanyVx-ldx. I


6.6.14. Prove that I

5(arc cos x)n dx





6.6.15. Prove that if lowing formula is valid



1- n (n-1)

f" (x)

5(arc cos x)"-




> 1).


is continuous on [a, b], then the fol-


~ xf" (x)dx= [bf' (b)-f (b)]-[af' (a)-f (a)]. a

§ 6.7. Approximating Definite Integrals

1. Trapezoidal formula. Divide the interval [a, b] into n equal . k b-a parts by pomts xk =a+ h, where h = ~. k = 0, 1, ... , n, and apply the formula n b

Sf (X)dx tl

~ b-;;a [ ~ f (x )+f (x 1) + 0

· · · +f (xn-1)+

~ f (xn)]


Ch. VI. The Definite Integral

The error

R in this formula is estimated as follows:

IR I~ M, l(~~a)a'

where M, =



aa+b 2 .

6.8.9. Investigate the function defined by the definite integral x

F (x) =~Vt - t ' dt. 0

6.8.10. Show that the inequalities I

0.692 ::::;; ~ xx dx::::;; 1 0

are valid. 6.8.11. With the aid of the inequality

x~sinx~ ~

x (o::s;;x::s;;




::::;; 2Jt \) show t hat I

Solution. "'



(a) g=S l 0r k 1 dt= lim t 0r k 1 dt=l 0 lim A-+oo.J0 A-+oo 0

r-~-k 1 ] 0A=l 0 /k;

. S= j 12e-2ktdt=-o . 00


2k ,





(b) g=

~ I,rk sinffitdt= lim \ ! 0r k 1 sinffitdt= 1

A-+oo I a 1-1 b I

or x

> 8;

(b) x

0, smx ) -1 if sinx < O;

(f) at the points x=n=O, ±I, ±2, ... removable discontinuities, since (x) = { -1 ~f x=: n, 0 1f x ""n. 1.14.8. (a) At the point X= 1 there is an infinite discontinuity of the second kind; (b) at the point x=-2, a discontinuity of the first kind (the jump being equal to 2); (c) at the point x=O, an infinite discontinuity of the second kind, at the point x= l, a discontinuity of the first kind (the jump being equal to -4); (d) at the point X= l, an infinite discontinuity of the second kind.


l.14.9. (a) f(O)=l;

(b) f(0)=-

3 2 ;


(c) f(0)= 2



f (0)=2.


1.15.2. (b) The function is continuous on the interval (0, oo ). 1.15.3. (b) The function is continuous everywhere. At the only possible point of discontinuity x=O we have lim y = lim u 2 = 1; ~--0

y= lim u 2 = 1;



(c) at the points x = ~ con!inuities, since limy= 3t


+ mt (n =

0, ± I, ± 2, ... ) there are removable dis-

lim IJ=-1. u-±oo


1.16.2. Yes. 1.16.12. 1.53. 1.16.13. No. For instance, the function on the interval [-1, 1]. 1.17.1. (a) Hint. Multiply the obvious inequalities:

an-aBa+ ... J}.


2_3 _6_ (a)


(b) (1 +2x2) arc sin x +~;


~ (l-x2) 2

(1 +x2) Vl +x2

(c) 2e_x 2 x


x (2x 2 -l). (a) x3 sin x-60 x 2 cos x-1140 x sin x+8640 cos x; (b) 2e-x x (c) ex [3x2+6nx+3n (n-1)-4); (d) (-l)n [(4n 2+2n + + I -x2) cos x- 4nx sin x]. I I (b)tx3x5x ... xt97x(399-x) 1001 [ 2.3.9. (a) (x-2)101 (x-1)101 ; 201 • 2100 (l -x)_2_ 2.3.8.

X (sin x+cos x);




Hint. y=2 (l-x)- 2 -(I -x)2. " 4 cos x 2.4.1. (b) Xyy=- (6+ sin x)a. 2.4.3. (b) 2 •4 •4 • (b)




(d) y~=- 2e- 2 ct.

- cot - 2 - t;


(t2~ 1)3;

1 (c) u:x= at cos 3 t

2.4.5. (b) Y~':x=-3sintsec 2 t. ,_ y 2. 4. 6· (b) Yx-x

+e --xy ., (c) Yx-y_ , _ 2-x ., 5

(d) u·=-


x 4ex-Y ,, _(ex-eY) (1-ex+Y). 4 (x+y) 2.4.7. (b) Yxx(I +eY)a ' (c) Y:x= (ex-Y 1)3 (x+y+ 1)3. ex sin y+e-Y sin x I 2a-2x-y x+y 2.4.9. (a) + 2 ; (b) ; (c) -excosy+e-Ycosx; (d) -7· x y- 2a x-y c sin t t 4 10 ( - 2y2 + 2 . (b) !!.!. 2.4.11. (a) 2. . . a) y5 ' 256 . a (b+cos t) ; (b) 2; x



t 2 +1


(f) -

(a cos (d)

.. /1-4t 2 V 2-t2 ;

2t (2t 2 +2t+ 1); (g) -



2.5.1. (b) 6x+2y-9=0;


t-b sin t) cos 3 . t 4 sm



Answers and Hints to Ch. 11 2.5.2. (c) M 1 ( 2.5.3.







2 y3",


5+ 3


y3" ) ,

qi=arctan2Y2. :rt

4 ;

y= I,



2.5.8. x+2y-2=0;



2 'ya , 5- 3 IO y:f ) ·


x+y-2=0; y=x. 39 2 ( 5 \ Y+f6= -3 x+ 4 };


2.5.16. 11.

gt2 2.5.19. s=at- 2

2.5.17. 26,450.


2.5.20. v = r/ = 2

; v=a-gt;




a2 =2.




sin M (I + 2e cos M).

2.6.3. !J.y

2.6.5. (b) log 10.21 ;::: 1.009; (d) cot 45°10' ~ 0.9942. (d) 11y=(l+tan 2 x)l1x. 2.6.7. (c) 11y=lcosxl/J,,x; 2.6.9. (a) d 2y = 4-x 2 2 In 4 (2x 2 In 4- I) dx 2 ; (b) d 2 y (c) d3 y=-4 sin 2xdx 3 • 2610 ()d2 =-4(1+3x')d2. .. . a Y (l-x')2 x, in particular at x= tan t, d 2 y= 2.6.ll. 11V=4:rtr 2 M+4:nrM 2



dy = 0.05.

4 ln x-4-Jn3 x dx2; x 2 Y(ln 2 x-4)3

(b)d2 =-4(I+3x')dx2-~d2 . Y (l-x')2 l-x4x,

~ dt 2 • cos 21


:nMa is the volume contained between

two spheres of radii r and r+M; dV=4:rtr 2 !J.r is the volume of a thin layer with a base area equal to the sphere's surface area 4:rtr 2 and a height !J.r. 2.6.12. !J.s=gt M++ g M 2 is the distance covered by a body within the time M; ds=gt M=vdt is the distance covered by a body which would move at a velocity v=gt during the entire interval of time. 2.7.l. (a) It does not exist; (b) it exists and equals zero. 2.7.2. 90°. Hint. Since ex, x;;;=. 0 Y= { e-x, x < 0,


f'_ (0) = -1, (0) = l. 2.7.3. f'_ (a)= -qi (a); (a)= qi (a). 2.7.4. Hint. For x t= 0 the derivative


f' (x) =


cos (


+2x sin (

! ).

At x=O the derivative equals zero:

f' (0)= lim l::,,.x



/J.x 2 sin J_ _ _ _!J._x__ o !J.x - .

Thus, the derivative f' (x) exists for all x, but has a discontinuity of the second kind at the point x = 0. 2.7.5. a=2x 0 , b=-x~. 2.7.7. Hint. The formula for the sum of a geometric progression represents an identity with respect to x. Equating the derivatives of both sides of the identity, we get nxn+l-(n+ I) xn+ I I +2x+3x 2+ ... +nxn- 1 = (l-x)2 ;

Amwers and Hints


multiplying both sides of this equality by x and differentiating again, we get +n 2xn-•= I +x-(n 1) 2 x"+ (2n·!+2n- I) x 11 + 1 -nx11+2 12+ 22x+


•· ·




2.7.8. sin x+3 sin 3x+ ... +(2n- l) sin (2n-1) x~ (2n-l- I) sin (2n- l) x- (Zn- I) sin (2n+ I) x 4 sin 2 x Hint. To prove the identity multiply its left side by 2 sin x and apply the formula 2 sin a sin~= cos (a-~)- cos (a+~). To deduce the desired formula differentiate both sides of the identity and equate the derivatives. 2. 7.9. (a) sin 2x [f' (sin 2 x)- f' (cos 2 x) ); (b) el [ext' (ex)+ f' (x) f (ex)); "ljl' (x) I +0


6.8.3. No. Hint. Consider the function I if x is rational, {




(a) 0. I


l. Vx,

for x >


2 .

Y e-1;

(b) converges;

(d) converges; ()d' e 1verges.

Represent the


as the sum of two items:


S 1 1~:2 dx=S 1 ~: 2 dx+ S 1 ~: 2 dx.



(e) n;



Make the substitution




(' In x cond summand and show that .) 1 +x2 dx=




In x 1 +x2 dx;


in these-




8.2.2. (a) 9a 3 ;

(b) it diverges;



(f) converges for p < l and diverges for p >- I. 8.2.7. (a) It converges; (b) diverges;




(c) converges;

8.2.11. (a) It diverges;

(e) diverges; (f) converges. converges;



(a) 2n.

(e) converges. 8.3.7. (a) ; ;



8.3.8. 3:rra 2 .

(b) 2

(d) converges; 51 (c) 7 .

.r r In 2;


diverges; 8.3.9.


(d) converges; 8.3.10.


8.3.14. mgR. Hint. The law of attraction of a body by the Earth is deter-

mined by the formula



f = -r-2 - ,

where m is the mass of the body, r is the

diStance between the body and the centre of the Earth, R is the radius of Earth. 8.3.15. e1 • Hint. Electric charges interact with a force e,~ 2 r


where e1 and e2

are the magnitudes of the charges and r is the distance between them. 8.4.1. Hint. Represent the integral in the form of the sum +oo

S 1



xP~:qx=S xP~:qx+ S xP~~qx I





Answers and Hints to Ch. VIII


and apply special tests for convergence, taking into consideration that in the first integral lnx=ln[I+(x-1)]-x-l as X-+ I, and in the second integral the logarithmic function increases slower for q < 0 than any power function. 8.4.2. Hint. Making the substitution xq=t, reduce the given integral to the



+s"' t:~


sin t dt. Represent the integral


S'" t~~: sin t dt

as the sum




Ss~~ / dt + S s~~ t dt, where a= 1-p~ 1 , and show that the integral convero


I I, since the function sin x (I -cos x) is bounded. But if 0 < s.;;;;; I, the second in· tegral converges conditionally as the difference of two conditionally converging integra Is

S"' sinxs x dx and S"" sin Tl




cos x dx (see Problem 8.1.13).


8.4.11. Hint. Integral (2) can diverge. For q:>(x)= {

example, let

+ I) :rt, + I) :rt < x < (2n + 2) :rt.

I, 2n:rt .;;;;; x .;;;;; (2n - I,


s 00

The .integra I

s "'

sin -x-x dx converges (see p ro bl em 8.I. 13 ).



sixn x m .,, (x) dx =



=SI si~


x I dx diverges (see the same problem). But if the integral

Sf (x) dx con· u

0 00

verges absolutely, then the integral


(x) q:> (x) dx also converges absolutely: if


I q:> (x) I < C,


If (x) q:> (x) I < CI f (x) I.

and it remains to use the comparison

theorem. l't

2-.1: 8.4.12

Hint. Transform the integral f (x) into f (x)=


In sin z dz by the



y=; -z.

2 Taking into account that sin

z= 2 sin ~


the above to the sum ol three integrals. 8.4.13. Hint. Putting u= In cos x, cos 2nxdx=dv, integrate by


2 I the equality I ,.=2n


sinx dx, sm 2nx cos ll'.

sin '2.nx =sin (2n-2)


n ¢: Cl .


2.!.+ sin 2x·cos (2n-2) x,



, reduce and get

Answers and Hints to Ch. Vl/1

r I ln=2




2 -




sin x (2n-2)x--dx+ cos x




•In (2n - 2) r-oln 2xdx




,1n•x·m• (2n-2) xdx



Check by direct calculation that for n ~ 2 the second and the third summands equal zero. Therefore, for n ~ 2

2" 1 I =- " 2n


sin x n-l sm (2n-2) x--dx=- - - I - i · cos x n "


and by mductwn, l,,=(-l)n- 1
