Practice English through Podcasts «My American Friend». Part 2

Пособие предназначено для поэтапного обучения аудированию английской речи в рамках курса «Практикум по иноязычной коммун

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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»


Б.В. Дашидоржиева, Е.А. Бабушкина, Б.В. Дашидоржиева



Part 2


Часть 2 Рекомендовано Учебно-методическим советом БГУ в качестве учебно-методического пособия для студентов направлений 035700.62 Лингвистика и 032700.62 Филология

Улан-Удэ 2014

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УДК 811.111 ББК 81.432 Д 12 Утверждено к печати редакционно-издательским советом Бурятского государственного университета Рецензенты С.И. Гармаева, канд. пед. наук, доцент М.Н. Башкуева, канд. филол. наук, доцент Author’s Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Department of Foreign Languages of Buryat State University who has contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support are due in particular to: M.F. Ovchinnikova, V.A. Dugartsyrenova

Д 12

Дашидоржиева Б.В. Practice English: практикум по иноязычной коммуникации (на основе серии аудиоподкастов «My American Friend»): учебное пособие: в 2 ч. / Б.В. Дашидоржиева, Е.А. Бабушкина, Б.В. Дашидоржиева. – Улан-Удэ: Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета, 2014. – Ч. 2. – 92 с. Пособие предназначено для поэтапного обучения аудированию английской речи в рамках курса «Практикум по иноязычной коммуникации первого иностранного языка». В него вошли тринадцать разделов, каждый из которых включает дискуссионные и проблемные задания, дополнительные страноведческие комментарии, нацеленные на формирование разговорных навыков в ежедневных ситуациях. Изучение языка по подкастам «My American Friend» усиливает лингвострановедческий компонент обучения английскому языку за счет ознакомления с реалиями проживания в США и способствует обучению межкультурному общению в реальной языковой среде. Адресовано студентам первого курса языковых вузов и может быть рекомендовано учащимся старших классов общеобразовательных учреждений, участникам международных программ обмена студентами и школьниками. © Бурятский госуниверситет, 2014

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ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Идея создания книги «Practice English through podcasts «My American Friend»« состоит в том, чтобы создать условия для формирования готовности обучающихся к приобретению опыта разговорной практики в реальных жизненных ситуациях во время пребывания в США: участию в Российско-Американском конкурсе по программе молодых лидеров FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange Programe), IREX, программе «Work and Travel» и т.д. Интеграция учебных подкастов «My American Friend» в процесс преподавания английского языка и культуры изучаемого языка обусловлен его лингводидактической и лингвокультурологической ценностью. Он ориентирован на формирование практических навыков восприятия языка на слух и разговорных навыков в ежедневных ситуациях в рамках дисциплины «Практикум по иноязычной коммуникации первого иностранного языка». Изучение языка по подкастам «My American Friend» усиливает лингвострановедческий компонент обучения английскому языку за счет ознакомления с реалиями проживания в США и способствует обучению межкультурному общению в реальной языковой среде. Это служит основой элиминирования лакун в рамках участия в международных академических программах обмена обучающимися. Представленное учебное пособие «Practice English through podcasts «My American Friend»« предназначено для студентов I курса факультетов иностранных языков уровня Intermediate B1 в соответствии с международными стандартами Общеевропейской Системы Языковых Компетенций (Common European Framework of Reference) и может быть рекомендовано учащимся старших классов общеобразовательных учреждений для подготовки к участию в международных программах обмена. Целью пособия является формирование коммуникативной культуры обучающегося и его эффективная адаптация к условиям межкультурного взаимодействия. А изучение разных акцентов и сленгов будет способствовать подготовке к общению с разными носителями и пользователями языка. 3

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Пособие состоит из 13 разделов (units). Каждый раздел включает список слов и словосочетаний, подлежащих активному усвоению (Expressions to be remembered), лингвострановедческий комментарий (Cultural notes), а также упражнения, обеспечивающие эффективное формирование и развитие базовых навыков и умений восприятия и понимания английской речи (Exercises). Авторы данного пособия использовали серии аудиоподкастов «My American Friend», созданных носителями языка Марта Иноченти и Синди. Методическая записка Внедрение технологии подкаста актуально в свете современного развития языкового образования и информатизации образовательного процесса. Лингводидактический потенциал технологии подкастов, выявленный российскими и зарубежными исследователями и педагогами (Abdous M., Camarena M., Facer B., Ducate L., Lomicka L.; В.А. Дугарцыренова), выражается в интерактивной и динамической природе подкастинга как технологии Веб 2.0. Подкастинг способствует дальнейшему развитию коммуникативной и лингвострановедческой компетенции обучающегося, готовности к проживанию в англоязычных семьях во время стажировок за рубежом. Технология подкаста обеспечивает реализацию принципов личностно-деятельностного подхода и обучения в сотрудничестве, что позволяет авторам подкастов не только «поставлять» ресурсы заинтересованной аудитории для автономного прослушивания, но и далее взаимодействовать с ней в режиме комментирования в текстовой или звуковой формах (В.А. Дугарцыренова). Серии учебных подкастов «My American Friend» выполнены в жанре дискуссии авторов подкаста по выбранной теме, интервью с приглашенным экспертом с последующим чередованием монолога – диалога – полилога. В конце пособия представлены транскрипты подкастов для каждого раздела. Работа по развитию коммуникативной культуры обучающего на основе серии этих подкастов строится на основе эталонного трехуровневого подхода к оценке языковой и межкультурной подготовки Н.В. Володина и поэтапной работы с аудиотекстом: предтексто4

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вый (Pre-Listening), текстовый (Listening) и послетекстовый (PostListening) этапы. Пособие включает градуированные упражнения по погружению в американскую среду на когнитивном или рецептивном (уровень узнавания), репродуктивном (уровень воспроизведения) и функциональном уровне (Н.В. Володин). На когнитивном уровне расширению активного словаря обучающихся в рамках подготовки к академическим программам обмена будет способствовать серия упражнений на увеличение объема фоновых знаний обучаемых. С этой целью вводится лингвострановедчески ценная информация при работе над темой в виде лингвострановедческой кванты (Е.И. Пассов), содержащей определенный набор фактологической информации – необходимых сведений по теме, которая будет необходима обучающемуся в подобной ситуации в стране изучаемого языка (Expressions to be remembered, Cultural notes). Предлагаются упражнения на снятие фонетических, лексических, грамматических трудностей восприятия звучащей речи. Это такие упражнения, как Practice the pronunciation of the following words and word-combinations; Put the verbs in the correct form; Consult the Macmillan Dictionary for the origin of the following expressions; Read the passage from the dialogue and complete gaps with the correct derivative of each word in capitals. Then translate the text in to Russian. На репродуктивном уровне группа упражнений ориентирована на развитие умений вычленять различные категории смысловой информации, слуховой памяти обучающего, а также на тренировку форм и структур речи. Match the speakers Adrian, Kate and Britney to sentences A-G. Use each sentence only once; For statements 1-7 decide if each statement is True, False or Not Stated. Circle the answer you choose; УпражнениеMatch idioms and expressions to their definitions; Translate the sentences into Russian направлены на активизацию активного словаря. Упражнение Answer the following questions нацелено на тренировку лексических единиц и грамматических форм в устной речи. Следующие упражнения на функциональном уровне нацелены на развитие умений дискуссионного обсуждения, высказываться в соответствии с заданной темой или ситуацией межкультурного общения. Сюда входят такие упражнения, как Give a talk about ... Re5

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member to discuss: You will have to talk for 1-2 minutes. Student B will listen until you have finished. Then he or she will ask you some questions; Reproduce some episodes on … Make use of the following expressions; Say a few words about... Fill in the table below with the information you hear about them; you and your friend are trying to decide what to do this Saturday evening. Use the table below to discuss your preferences. You can use ideas from the dialogue .Discuss in pairs. Justify your answers using the idioms under study and phrases below. В эту же группу включены задания на закрепление знаний, умений и навыков, полученных в процессе работы над разделом: Make up a situation using; Describe … using information from the dialogue. Take into account all the vocabulary studied; In pairs speak on the following using the vocabulary under study. Наформированиеисовершенствованиенавыковписьменнойречисиспользованиемновойлексикипредлагаютсяупражнения: Write an e-mail asking questions about….;Write a letter to a pen-friend telling him or her about; a diary entry about; a short paragraph giving your opinion on; Comment on the following statement. Упражнения Compare the strategies applicable to … in American and Russian cultures; Speak on cultural diversity of American and Russian; Comparing … in America and Russia discuss their differences and similarities. Then make a project on.... Use all the vocabulary studied; Work in groups and discuss perception of … in the USA способствуют формированию социокультурной компетенции. В целом система упражнений носит коммуникативный характер, что позволяет формировать и развивать навыки и умения восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи, и способствуют закреплению нового лексического материала. Рассчитано на 45 занятий (90 аудиторных часов). Работа над одним разделом требует 8 академических часов (4 аудиторных занятий). Работа по представленному учебному пособию может выполняться как в классе, так и самостоятельно.


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UNIT 1 FOOD I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered TO TURN A BLIND EYE TO: to ignore something, to pretend you don't see it. For Example: She’s turned a blind eye to the fact she is failing at university. Foods that are mentioned in this episode: SEAFOOD: Lobsters, mussels, clams, oysters, shrimps, crabs, crawfish. MEAT: Ribs, chicken, steaks, pork, kielbasa (polish sausage), alligator. VEGETABLES: Pumpkin, corn, sauerkraut (cabbage), potatoes (potato salad) PASTA: Pirogues, linguine. FRUIT: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries. BAKED GOODS: bread, pies, cakes, bagels, pancakes. Methods of preparing food: steaming, baking, boiling, grilling, frying, or raw (uncooked). Cultural note The cuisine of the United States refers to food preparation originating from the United States of America. European colonization of the Americas yielded the introduction of a number of ingredients and cooking styles to the latter. The various styles continued expanding well into the 19th and 20th centuries, proportional to the influx of immigrants from many foreign nations; such influx developed a rich diversity in food preparation throughout the country. Exercises 1. Consult a dictionary, transcribe the words and learn their pronunciation: Guest, restaurant, treasure, cheap, calorie, nutrient, deficient, obesity, 7

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complication, memorable, reputation, hungry, microphone, peanut, sauce, recipe, influence, ingredient, laden, bakery, strawberry, delicious, consuming, pasta, etouffee, oyster, gumbo, alligator, lobster, mussel, clam, fresh-caught, syrup, nationality, cuisine, savory, immigrant, spicy, barbecuing, crawfish, hybridized, authenticity, taco stand, salmon, protestant, scratch, hamburger. 2. Study the following word-combinations: Washington, DC, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Paris, Boston, Italy, the Podomatic River, the Chesapeane Bay, the Algonquian people, Old Bay seasoning, Sicilian, Connecticut, Clam Chowder, Manhattan, Rhode Island, New England, Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, Lousiana, Butler’s Orchard, Maine, Vermont, Cajun food, Polish Pierogies, Kielbasa, Italian ravioli, Mexico, North Carolina, Bagels, Jewish, the Amish, Maryland, New York, Los Angeles, South East Asia, the Middle East. 3. Practise reading combinations:






To offer treasure to wait for the recipe to turn a blind eye to teach smb to cook to be on the rise the fresh ingredients mass produced, cheap, calorie and fat the home cooked meals laden nutrient deficient food to have professional training all the medical complications to have different jobs in bakeries and restaurants to have many memorable meals to grow corn, pumpkin, strawberries to have a bad reputation to eat crabs to look beyond the fast food restau- time consuming rants to get hungry a very popular dish to crack the crab shells open to be eaten in many ways, steamed, baked, in soups crab cakes and dips to prepare linguine with crab 8

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to put crabs over pasta to try the oysters to go to local farms for fresh produce pick-your-own fruit and vegetables to sell some really great fruit pies

sauce to be known for lobsters, mussels and calms shrimp and fresh-caught fish to buy seasonal produce to pick strawberries, blueberries and blackberries to make a fabulous apple pie

II.LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 4. Supply the missing words 1. We have to mention … for breakfast prepared with fresh Maine blueberries and … with warm Vermont Maple Syrup. 2. That all sounds … but we should really talk about some of the nationalities that have had their influences on American cuisine. 3. America is truly a ….. Where do we begin? 4. We have Cajun food in Louisiana. It’s … on seafood and very spicy. 5. Common dishes include …, oysters, alligator, shrimp and spicy Boudin sausage). 6. … is also very popular in the U.S. 7. We grill … 8. Since my family is half Eastern European we have to mention … 9. Christine, do you know what Pierogi are? They’re a type of …, aren’t they? 10. A large part of the western United States was once owned by …. 11. Over time, the border changed but the influences remained. For a long time we’ve had a …, a melding of American & Mexican. 5. Insert prepositions where necessary: 1. We’ve had an explosion … Mexican immigrants to the US in the last 10 years or so. 2. This has given a great shot of authenticity … the Mexican food available. And when I’m back in North Carolina, the taco 9

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stand is one of the first places I run …! 3. Let’s see what else can we talk …? Bagels … cream cheese and smoked salmon! 4. What about the Amish? They're a well known group … people because … their food. 5. They're a protestant religious group that is famous … baked goods like pies, cakes and bread. 6. My mom and I … the summer go to a local Amish market … Maryland. 7. And listeners, if you’re planning a trip … New York or Los Angeles it’s safe to say you will be able to find a restaurant offering up pretty much any cuisine you’re looking … . 8. Thank you … taking us … the hamburger. I hope our listeners have learned a little something … American food today, I know I have. 6. Enlarge the statements 1. There is a lot of bad food in America. 2. The most important influences came from my mother, grandmother and great grandmother. 3. I miss a lot of great food from back home in Washington D.C., which is on the Potomac River and this river flows into the Chesapeake Bay. 4. Crab is a very popular dish and is eaten in many ways. 5. Near my parents' home is a farm called Butler's Orchard. 6. We should really talk about some of the nationalities that have had their influences on American cuisine. 7. Barbecuing is also very popular in the U.S. 8. Since my family is half Eastern European we have to mention Polish Pierogies, stuffed cabbage rolls and Kielbasa. 9. A large part of the western United States was once owned by Mexico. 10. Let’s see what else can we talk about? Bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon! 11. What about the Amish? They're a well known group of people because of their food. 7. Read the episode from the dialogue, mark the stresses and tunes. Learn the dialogue by heart and act out it in class. Marta & Cindy: Hi Christine! Christine: Hi everyone! Cindy: Now Christine, can you tell us something about yourself and 10

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your background? And just to make it clear to our listeners, Christine is American, so her accent is like mine. She speaks American English. Where are you from in The States? Christine: I grew up in Washington, DC. My father was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo and my mother is Italian-American. Cindy : Yeah, and in the last episode you mentioned your chicken with a peanut sauce and we're still waiting for the recipe. Christine : Well, that's a family secret! Marta: Christine, who taught you to cook? Christine: The most important influences came from my mother, grandmother and great grandmother. They all taught me that the most important aspects of cooking are the fresh ingredients and the home cooked meals. But I've also had professional training in Paris. Marta: Yes, I understand you have studied and worked all over the world? Christine: Yes, I have travelled a lot. I've had different jobs in bakeries and restaurants, in Boston, Washington D.C.. But my favorite job is teaching English in Italy. Cindy: I know it's a joy to cook in Italy, but could you tell us about some of your favorite things to eat when you return to The States? Christine: Of course. I miss a lot of great food from back home in Washington D.C., which is on the Potomac River and this river flows into the Chesapeake Bay. Many names like Potomac and Chesapeake come from the Algonquian people who are a Native American tribe. And this region is also well known for its Blue Crabs and the many farms that grow things like corn, pumpkin, strawberries. On my visits back home one of my favorite things to eat is boiled crabs with plenty of Old Bay seasoning. Cindy: Delicious! But eating crabs is quite time consuming, isn't it? Christine: It's messy and there's a lot of hard work to crack the crab shells open but well worth it. Crab is a very popular dish and is eaten in many ways, steamed, baked, in soups, crab cakes and dips. Cindy: My mother used to prepare linguine with crab sauce. She needed to put crabs over pasta so my Sicilian father could identify with it. Christine: What about you? Where did you grow up? Cindy: I was born in Connecticut and in that region we’re known for Lobsters, mussels and clams. Clam Chowder is an especially popular 11

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soup. There are three main types of Chowder: Boston, Manhattan and Rhode Island style. Christine: That's New England, but you live in the South now, don't you? Cindy : Yes, and in the South it’s all about the oyster and shrimp. So if you’re visiting the American East Coast down to Florida and on around to the Gulf of Mexico and onto Louisiana, be sure to try the oysters, shrimp and fresh-caught fish. 8. Write an essay on one of the following topics using the ideas from the dialogue: a) A hybridized version of Mexican food, a melting of American and Mexican b) The American cuisine: for and against. c) Some national American crab dishes d) Going to a local Amish market. e) American Pies. Delicious? UNIT 2 RESTAURANTS I.PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: SERVER: a waiter or a waitress. Person who serves food and drink. FREE REFILLS: beverages that can be filled up again and again at no cost. Note: you will have to pay full price for the first glass, but each refilling after that is without cost for the duration of you meal. STARTER/APPETIZER: a small course of food served before the main meal. Usually salty, starchy or sweet in flavor and intended to entice your appetite. MAIN COURSE / ENTREE: your main plate of the entire dinner, usually consisting of a protein (meat), a starch (potato or bread) and a vegetable. LEFTOVERS: Food you haven't finished 12

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DOGGY BAG: the bag or box used to bring leftover food home. DRESSING: The ''sauce'' poured over a salad to make it more appetizing. Usually oil & vinegar based with additional mustard, mayonnaise or spices added. HOUSE SPECIALS: featured meals for the evening, sometimes at a discounted price. REGIONAL SPECIALTIES: foods typical of a region, state or city. TO BE IN SEASON: foods at their peak of perfection. For Example: Watermelon is in season during the summer months. TO BE INTOLERANT TO / TO BE ALLERGIC TO: foods that are an irritant to your body in some way causing you to become ill. VEGETARIAN: a person that eats no meat, but maybe eggs, cheese or butter. VEGAN: A person who eats no animal derived products at all. BILL / TAB / CHECK: the total cost of your meal, written or printed on a piece of paper. TIPPING: extra money given in appreciation of good service. Some restaurants will allow you to add the ''tip'' to your credit card. Most people leave it directly on the table in cash or coins at the end of the meal when they leave. A ''tip'' is usually 15% of the total bill. Less or more depending on the quality of service. FOR HERE OR TO GO: meaning ''will you be eating your meal inside the restaurant? or taking it boxed up to go (a take away)? RARE / MEDIUM / WELL DONE STEAK: duration of cooking applied to the steak. RARE: brown on the outside, but still bloody and red inside. MEDIUM: Brown on the outside, but still pink and juicy on the inside. WELL DONE: Steak lovers feel this is overcooked meat. The steak is brown throughout, has lost much of its moisture and can be quite tough. RECIPE: the instructions and ingredient list for preparing a specific dish.
 ENJOY YOUR MEAL!: Bon Appetit! (French) Buon Appetito! (Italian). Phrase said at the beginning of the meal wishing the diner a pleasant experience. TO HAVE SECONDS: to have a second serving of a specific food or dish. For Example: teenage boys eat a lot when they are growing up, and they will often have seconds or even third helpings of food!


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Exercises 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: a) restaurant, experience, hostess, entrance, average, device, vibrate, server, immediately, coffee, alcohol, cocktail, diet, cocktail, refill, foreigner, appetizer, starter, entrée, main course, leftover, leftover, doggy bag, dressing, vinegar, based sauces, pour, flavorful, Thousand Island, Ranch, oil & vinegar, house specials, regional specialties, showcasing, in season, dietary, intolerant, certain food products, allergies, nuts and gluten, b) vegetarian, vegan, dessert, buffet, spicy, bill, tab, check, tipping, a reduced wage, steamed vegetables, Fine Dining establishments, ethnic cuisine, pasta, chicken, peanut sauce, delicious, hamburgers & fries, Authentic Mexican food, virtually, small takeaway trays of sushi, Sicilian or Neapolitan descent, excellent pizza & pasta dishes, an Italian delicatessen, sausages, hot dogs, sauerkraut, cabbage, potato salad and even pretzels, Caribbean food, yucca sticks, tropical fruits, avocado, roast pork, marinated, tasty tropical spices. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 2. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs 1. In your average American restaurant there is a hostess that will greet you … the entrance and ask the question: «How many in your party?» 2. Some restaurants will give you a small electronic device to hold until your table is ready. It will flash or vibrate when a space opens …. Or they may just suggest you relax … the bar … a drink until your name is called. 3. Sometimes they will tell you the name … your SERVER tonight, and that he or she will be right with you. 4. … some restaurants you can have alcohol like beer, wine or a cocktail along with your meal. 5. In my experience, the drinks are always filled … the top with ice! 6. Not long … the drink order is placed, a basket of bread with butter 14

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arrives … your table. 7. Avoid eating the bread, if you’re … a diet. 8. You may want to even skip the appetizer because … the States, the entrée or main course often comes … a salad and side items. 9. You can always take the leftovers home in a doggy bag. 10. Dressings are oil and vinegar based sauces poured … a salad to make it more flavorful. 11. I always keep it simple and ask … just oil & vinegar. 12. House specials are featured meals for that evening. They may be regional specialties, or meals available … a good price, or dishes showcasing what's … season at the moment. 13. In case you have specific dietary needs, make sure you know how to communicate this … your server. 14. You may be intolerant … certain food products, the three most common food allergies are: milk, nuts and gluten. 15. There are different levels … vegetarianism. If you don't eat any animal products you're called a vegan. (with, of, up, at, over, to, after, on, for, ) 3. Answer the following questions: 1. Who will greet you at the entrance of the average American restaurant? 2. Some restaurants will give you a small electronic device to hold until your table is ready, won’t they? 3. Do some restaurants suggest you relax in the bar with a drink until your name is called? 4. What do they sometimes tell you? 5. What are the usual drinks in some restaurants? 6. You can have alcohol like beer, wine or a cocktail along with your meal, can’t you? 7. Are refills free in America? 8. What does the sentence ’What can I start you off with tonight?» mean which is said by the server? 9. Can one skip the appetizer in the States? 10. Does the entree or main course often come with a salad and side items? 11. How can you take the leftovers home? 15

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12. What are house specials? 13. What should you do in case you have specific dietary needs? 14. Which common food allergies should you consider if you are intolerant to certain food products? 15. There are a lot of restaurants offering «All You Can Eat» buffets, aren’t there? 16. Are you encouraged to eat what you like or to waste food? 17. Is dining in the States a much shorter, faster experience than in Europe? 18. When will many servers leave the bill for the meal on the table? 19. What other words for bill do you know? 20. Why are servers paid a reduced wage? 21. How much percent is generally a tip? 22. What does the sentence «Do you prefer your steak cooked rare?» mean? 23. What are three levels of dining in America? 24. Why are there so many kinds of ethnic cuisines in America? 25. Many immigrants brought recipes from home and had to adapt to what foods they could find in America, didn’t they? 26. Is authentic Mexican food found virtually all over the United States? 27. Can you easily find a sushi restaurant... or buy small takeaway trays of sushi in large supermarkets? 28. What part of America has southern Italy had a huge influence? 29. What Italian dishes can you find there? 30. The Germans brought sausages, hot dogs, sauerkraut made of cabbage, potato salad and even pretzels, didn’t they? 4. -

Topics for discussion: Describe the American cuisine. Use the vocabulary studied. Compare Russian and American restaurants. Give your opinion of the American restaurants.

5. Imagine that you have come to the American restaurant to dine. Your friend will be a server. What dishes will you choose and why? You can choose from: • baked potato, fries or steamed vegetables • a chicken made with peanut sauce from the Congo 16

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• an Italian delicatessen • sausages, hot dogs, potato salad and even pretzels Remember to: • Discuss all the options • Be polite to each other • Take into account house specials, specific dietary needs, vegetarianism, tipping • Come up with ideas • Come to an agreement Conversational phrases to be used: - Good idea! You are right! Actually, … True! Sure! No Problem! All right! Great! Delicious! - Could I have …? So what have you decided? What would you like for an appetizer? How do you like that cooked? So you think that… UNIT 3 DRINKING I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: to CLINK GLASSES: to touch (making a «clink» sound) glasses during a toast. Toasts can be made with non-alcoholic drinks as well. Let's TOAST TO / let's DRINK TO... / let's DRINK A TOAST TO.... / let's RAISE OUR GLASSES TO or FOR...: Ways to say let’s celebrate or honor something with a drink. to TAKE SMALL SIPS: to drink slowly, taking small mouthfuls at a time. DOWN IT IN ONE GO! / SLAM IT! : to finish the beverage all at once. I CAN'T HOLD MY DRINK: alcohol intolerant, to become intoxicated or sick from alcohol easily. TO GET DRUNK: ingesting too much alcohol before the liver has a chance to metabolize it, the result is inebriation and impaired judgment. to BUY A ROUND OF DRINKS: to buy beverages for everyone at 17

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your table, group or bar. Watch out! That can be very expensive! to be a TEETOTALER: someone who does not drink alcoholic beverages. to SOBER UP: When the body has metabolized all alcohol and you are feeling normal again. HANGOVER: The after effects of too much alcohol. These may include headache, dehydration, nausea & fatigue. to be DEAD DRUNK / WAISTED / SLOSHED / PICKLED: severely impaired by too much alcohol. BINGE DRINKING: consuming a dangerous amount of alcohol at one occasion. they DRINK THEIR PROBLEMS AWAY / they DROWN THEIR SORROWS : The attempt to relieve or forget problems through the use of alcohol. to BET A DRINK: a challenge where there winner receives a drink from losing person. Cultural note Alcohol consumption by youth in the United States of America is an umbrella term for alcohol consumption by minors and adults under 21 years of age across the country. Although the minimum legal age to purchase alcohol is 21 in all states (see National Minimum Drinking Age Act), the legal details vary greatly. While a few states completely ban alcohol usage for people under 21, the majority have exceptions that permit consumption. Underage drinking has become an activity primarily done behind closed doors. Typically, underage drinkers hide their alcohol consumption by drinking quickly before they go out, which is often referred to as pregaming or pre-partying. Brittany Levine explained in her article «PrePartying» in USA Today that «of all drinking events involving prepartying, 80% involved additional drinking afterward.» Those who oppose a complete ban on underage drinking argue that it is important that minors be introduced to alcohol in a controlled environment, so that supervision and guidance might occur instead of experimentation. Some parents are willing to provide alcohol for their children if they drink it in a controlled environment. Furnishing alcohol to one's own children is permitted in 31 states, while it's illegal to do so for other people's chil18

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dren in all 50 states. Social host ordinances have been enacted in a number of jurisdictions to attempt to limit the parties where adults may permit minors to drink. Social host laws or ordinances have proliferated in the last 10 years because it has been too difficult for law enforcement to prove which adult(s) furnished or served alcohol to minors in their own home, so it permits them to cite or arrest the adult who has control of the premises. Exercises 1. Transcribe and pronounce: Bar, club, client, rockstar, celebrity, cocktail, wine, glass, celebrate, toast, cheers, slam, asleep, alcohol, designated, sober, hangover, headache, hilarious, bachelor, previous, drunk, control, sloshed, pickled, binge, drown, sorrow, vice versa, challenging, wallet, thirsty, occasion, addiction, responsible. 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up sentences of your own: 1. It's common to have a drink together when you’re celebrating something. 2. You're taking small sips, com'on, down it in one go or I could also say: slam it! 3. I can’t hold my drink, one glass is more than enough. 4. Steven Tyler and Slash just bought us another round of drinks! 5. I didn't know he was a teetotaler. 6. Well, at least I don't have to sober up the following day. No headache, no hangover. 7. Binge drinking is an extreme form of drinking, that would be overdoing it. 8. If we're watching a football match we can bet a drink on the winner. 9. Hanging out with your friends having a drink or two is just great, drinking a little more on special occasions is ok, but alcohol can turn into a serious addiction, so, be responsible. 10. Among the regular clients of those bars you get to see rockstars and actors, you're likely to spot some celebrity, like, every night out there 3. Explain what is meant by: To clink glasses, to take small sips, to down it in one go, to get drunk very easily, to buy another round of drinks, be a teetotaler, to sober up the following day, hangover, dead drunk, be wasted, be sloshed, pickled, binge drinking. 19

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II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 4. True or False: 1. Among the regular clients of such bars as Whisky a Go-go, Rainbow, House of Blues, Roxy, Viper you get to see rockstars and actors, you're likely to spot some celebrity, like, every night out there. 2. Steven Tyler and Slash just bought Marta and Cindy another round of drinks! 3. Steve Vai was a teetotaler. 4. Cindy has been the designated driver her whole life. 5. The Hangover is about American celebrities. 6. Drink like a fish means an extreme form of drinking. 7. When you are challenging someone, you bet a drink on something. 5. Recall the situation in which you come across the following expressions: To drink one’s problems away, to drown one’s sorrows. 6. In pairs describe the problem of people’s relieving or forgetting problems through the use of alcohol 7. Read, translate and say what specific expression or idiom truly reflects this dialogue. Give your reasons. JOHN: Your team is awful! I’ll bet they can’t even score a goal during the first half of the game! STEVE: You’re wrong! My team is awesome! JOHN: Ok, you’re on! What should we bet? STEVE: I’ll bet you a pint of beer! JOHN: You’re on! If your terrible team makes a goal in the first half of the game- then I’ll buy you a beer. STEVE: Well, take your wallet out of your pocket because they just scored – and I’m thirsty! 20

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8. There are a lot of examples which show that drinking traditions vary from society to society. Identify three other examples to show that drinking traditions vary from culture to culture. Write a personal letter to Marta Innocenti and Cindy telling about it. Make use of all the expressions studied in this unit. Remember the rules of letter writing. UNIT 4 AIRPORT I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions To be Remembered: EXCESS BAGGAGE: suitcases beyond the normal allowance for that particular flight. Check online with your carrier because these allowances and restrictions can vary greatly. WINDOW SEAT: a seat located next to a window, preferred by those who enjoy the view. AISLE SEAT: a seat located on the aisle. It’s the seat located between the window and aisle seats.ϑMIDDLE SEAT: Nobody wants this one! TAKE OFF: the period of time when the aircraft accelerates quickly and leaves the runway to take flight. TOUCH DOWN: the end of the flight when the aircraft decends slowly and makes contact once again with the runway. MOTION SICKNESS / BEING AIRSICK: a disturbance of the inner ear caused by motion creating nausea, vomiting or dizziness. DOMESTIC DEPARTURE: a departure that begins and ends in the same country. For example from New York to Los Angeles. INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS: flights that begin in one country but land in another, for example, New York to Paris. DIRECT FLIGHT: a flight that connects from one city or country to another without stopping and switching planes. STOPOVER or LAYOVER: stopping in one city for a period of time before switching planes and continuing onto your final destination. ATTENTION: Some airports can be very large and complicated to maneu21

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ver through. You may have to take a shuttle bus or monorail train to get from one section to another. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time so that you don’t have to run or maybe miss your connecting flight! CHECK IN (BAGGAGE): the suitcases that are «checked in» with airport personnel and stored beneath the plane during flight. Be sure NOT to leave your medications, expensive electronics, jewelry or any items of value in your «check in» bags. CARRY ON BAGS: the bags you carry with you onto the plane. Example: Purse, computer bag or small suitcase. GO THROUGH SECURITY: security is the first stop you make after you are issued your boarding passes. Security can be quite thorough. During security checks, officers will x-ray your carry on bags and personal belongings. You will be asked to show all your boarding passes, identification and pass through a metal detector as well. OVERHEAD COMPARTMENT: the airplane storage cabinets located above the seats where you are to store your belongings during a flight. GATE: the numbered doors and passages that connect airport terminals to the planes for departures and arrivals. Example: « My flight to New York leaves from Terminal 2 at Gate B-10» TO BOARD: to get on the plane. BOARDING PASS: the ticket that allows you entrance to the plane. You will not be allowed on a flight without a BOARDING PASS. BAGGAGE CLAIM: the area of the airport where all suitcases are delivered and passengers can then pick them up from a moving conveyor belt. If your bags do not arrive, go to the baggage office corresponding to your airline company and fill out a «LOST BAGGAGE REPORT». TURBULENCE / BUMPY RIDE: «Bumps» in the journey caused by wind. COMPLIMENTARY: Free. For example: on this flight, we offer a complimentary beverage» JET LAG: exhaustion or confusion brought on by a difference in time between your states or countries of departure and arrival. For example: New York is 6 hours earlier than Rome.


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Cultural note Airports in the United States that provide scheduled passenger services and have over 10,000 passenger boardings per year are classified as primary airports by the Federal Aviation Administration. Delaware is the only U.S. state with no primary airports; see the list of airports in Delaware for other types of airports in that state. The list of primary airports contains the following information • CITY – The city generally associated with the airport. This is not always the actual location since some airports are located in smaller towns outside of the city they serve. • FAA – The location identifier assigned by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These are linked to that airport's page in the state's airport directory, where available. • IATA – The airport code assigned by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Those that do not match the FAA code are shown in bold. • ICAO – The location indicator assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). • AIRPORT – The official airport name. • ROLE – One of four FAA airport categories. This list only includes airports designated as Commercial service – primary (P). Each primary airport is further classified by the FAA as one of the following four "hub" types: L: Large hub that accounts for at least 1% of total U.S. passenger enplanements. M: Medium hub that accounts for between 0.25% and 1% of total U.S. passenger enplanements. S: Small hub that accounts for between 0.05% and 0.25% of total U.S. passenger enplanements. N: Nonhub that accounts for less than 0.05% of total U.S. passenger enplanements, but more than 10,000 annual enplanements • ENPL. – The number of enplanements (commercial passenger boardings) that occurred at the airport in calendar year 2007, 2008, 2009, or 2010 as per FAA records. (Click on the individual state lists to see which year's data is used.) 23

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Primary airports: Alabama – Alaska – Arizona – Arkansas – California – Colorado – Connecticut – Delaware – Florida – Georgia – Hawaii – Idaho – Illinois – Indiana – Iowa – Kansas – Kentucky – Louisiana – Maine – Maryland – Massachusetts – Michigan – Minnesota – Mississippi – Missouri – Montana – Nebraska – Nevada – New Hampshire – New Jersey – New Mexico – New York – North Carolina –North Dakota – Ohio – Oklahoma – Oregon – Pennsylvania – Rhode Island – South Carolina – South Dakota – Tennessee – Texas –Utah – Vermont – Virginia – Washington – West Virginia – Wisconsin – Wyoming – American Samoa – Guam – Northern Mariana Islands –Puerto Rico – U.S. Virgin Islands Exercises 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations Airplane, unforeseen, excess baggage, embark, seat, aisle, sickness, dimension, personnel, layover, departure, amusement rides, identification, allowance, overhead compartment, weight restrictions, purses, laptop computers, check for liquids, resealable plastic bag, board, aircraft, boarding pass, baggage claim, recollecting, medications, jewelry, electronics, turbulence, illuminate, fasten, seatbelt, buckle-up, highway, complimentary, purchase, an economy seat, a complimentary snack, beverages, the duration of flight, grab a bite, jet lag, internal clock, adjusting. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Give reasons This time Cindy is not here with me, but don't worry, we ____(to listen) to her beautiful voice later on anyway. She ____ (to travel) around the States at the moment, and that's why I thought of this episode about airplane travel. There's a lot of vocabulary to revise about it. Ok, uhm...well, before you even get to the airport, you'd better double _____(to check) your tickets, all the documents you need to bring along as well as the weight and dimensions of your bags. You _____(not to want) to pay any unforeseen costs for your excess baggage or miss your flight just because of some silly oversight, do you? No, I'm sure you don't. All right, so picture yourself at the airport, ____(to embark) on a wonderful vacation or preparing for an important business trip. You ___ 24

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(be ready) and willing to fly. Well, at least, I would because I love _____( to fly), I always choose a window seat to better _____( to enjoy) the take off, that's the moment when the plane leaves the ground, as well as the touch down that is the moment when the plane ____(to land). I really love the view you can see from the window when you ____(to fly) above the clouds. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 3. Read the text and complete gaps with the correct derivative of each word in capitals. Some people prefer the aisle seat because they like the 1) ______(ADDITION) leg room or freedom to leave their seat more easily. I'm as far as one can be from being airsick, you know, you're airsick when you suffer from 2) ____ (MOVE) sickness. This can happen on boats, cars, planes, 3) _______ (AMUSE) rides etc... Ok, first off, if you're in the States, your 4)_____ (FLY) can be international or domestic. You 5) ____ (NEED) to go to domestic departures if you fly within the country, or to international departures if you fly abroad. Each airport is designed 6) ______(DIFFER), and some can be quite large. Be sure to look carefully at airport monitors for your gate 7) _____ (INFORM) and don’t be afraid to ask airport personnel for some help. That’s what they’re there for! Before 8) _____ (LAND), I always take a look in the seat pocket in front of me for the convenient airport maps 9) _____(LOCATE) in airline magazines. These diagrams are helpful to familiarize yourself with 10) ______(ARRIVE) airports. It can be a direct flight or you may have to make a 11) _______(STOPOVER) or layover that means you have to stop down at 12______(MANY) than one airport and switch planes in order to reach your destination. 4. Fill in the blanks with the words below: Boarding pass, tickets, commuter, flying, baggage, remove, compartment, allowances, surprises, through, board, security, laptop, scanning 25

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There's a lot of checking in to be done and that's the boring thing about …... You need to present your ….. and proper identification with a photo I.D. and check your ….. in. The bigger suitcases are to be stored below the plane. Be sure to check your airline’s baggage ….. online before going! Fees and baggage limits vary greatly and you may be asked to pay for your first or second suitcase depending on the airline’s rules. Check online to avoid unexpected …. ! Then you need to go …. security, together with your carry on bags. These are the small bags you take on the plane with you, to be put in the overhead …. . Most flights allow you one carry on bag and one personal item (like a purse or a computer bag), but even these rules can vary on small …. planes with weight restrictions. Security will scan your bags, purses, …. computers and check for liquids and anything else they find questionable. You may be asked to … your jacket, belt, shoes, watch and large jewelry for … as well. Keep all your liquids or gels (and for women- that means cosmetics!) in a small clear resealable plastic bag for … to check easily. Then you eventually get to the gate, where you wait until you can …. the aircraft, that is to get on the plane. Of course, you are going to need your …. , the document that lets you enter the plane and your passport or picture identification available as well. 5. Explain what is meant by: baggage claim, carry on suitcase, turbulence, fasten seatbelt, complimentary, an economy seat, jet lag. 6. Retell the dialogue using the following words and phrases. To have some hard times recollecting one’s bags; an airline that shall remain nameless; to get off the plane; to go down to baggage claim; to pick up one’s bags; to arrive on time; to have something delivered to hotel; to look for the baggage office related to your airline; to fill out the proper documentation with all contact information; to work hard to get lost bags; not to panic; it’s not such a big deal; not to pack one’s medications, jewelry, electronics or anything else of value into checked bags; to keep the items and pack them into carry on suitcase; inconvenience about flights; to fly through some turbulence; to take off and land safely; to feel some «bumps» along the journey; to illuminate the «fasten seat26

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belt» sign; to buckle-up; to fly on a budget; to purchase a low cost ticket or an economy seat; complimentary; to offer a complimentary snack; to pay for any other foods or beverages; depending on the duration of one’s flight; to «grab a bite» at the airport before your departure; jet lag; internal clock 7. Give a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane. Remember to discuss: • why airplane flight is necessary; • the problems in airport caused by lost bags, turbulence, a lot of checking in; • whether you prefer airplane and why. You will have to talk for 3 minutes. Your friend will listen and ask you some questions. Useful phrases: On the one hand … On the other hand … There are many benefits to … One of the drawbacks of … is … My personal opinion is that … I would say that … There’s no doubt in my mind that … One thing that should be mentioned is …


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UNIT 5 DIRECTIONS I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered TO MISS OUT ON: to lose the opportunity to … YOU GUYS: used in addressing two or more people during very casual, informal conversation. Do not use with people of importance to HANG A LEFT / A RIGHT: to turn left /right a LIGHT = a traffic light, a stoplight to be a ROADBLOCK to: a barrier, a difficulty, an obstacle Exercises 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: Device, exit, request, suggestion, ahead, experience, curious, pleasant, favor, handle, casually, immediate, refer, professor, theatre, laundry, sign, highway, ballpark, neighborhood, landmark, traffic, embarrass, highway, roadblock, reservation, comprehension. 2. Read and repeat. Use the structures in sentences of your own: 1. When I travel around the States sometimes asking for directions is the quickest way to break the ice with local people and start a conversation. 2. I don’t want to get lost. 3. Well, go on down to Main St and hang a left. Then hang a right at the second church past the park. 4. Just keep going straight. 5. Then go on down to the first light until you see a ... . 6. It’s near the highway. 7. Start from the Movie Theater on Main Street and go straight heading West, until you reach the bank. 8. Turn left onto State Street. 9. Drive past that ballpark named «Williams Park» and straight 28

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ahead on your left, there will be a big white church. 10. Turn right onto Chestnut Street and follow it to the end. There’s a light at the end... II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 3. Fill in the blanks with prepositions given below: 1. You miss out on all that local «flavor», something you can't get … a GPS. 2. It’s the new restaurant … the other end of town. 3. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get … Riccardo’s Restaurant? Drive … that ballpark named «Williams Park» and straight ahead … your left, there will be a big white church. 4. As soon as you pass the big church, look … Chestnut Street on your right. 5. Turn right … that stoplight and Riccardo’s is just … on the left. 6. Don’t feel embarrassed … asking people to speak slowly when giving directions. 7. There are some parts … the United States where a regional accent can be a roadblock … comprehension (from, at, about, to, of, past, on, ahead, to) 4. Retell the dialogue using the following words and phrases: Hang a left or right; light; to be a roadblock; travel around; ask for directions; break the ice with local people; to get lost; to go on down to; to keep going straight; go on down to the first light; near the highway; start from; go straight heading; to reach the bank; turn left; drive past … and straight ahead on your left. 5. Construct 6 tail-questions that are not true to fact and ask the students to correct them, using words and phrases from the dialogue (isn’t it, don’t you, didn’t he). 29

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6. Translate into Russian: C: You guys know how to get there? M: Uhm... no, I don’t think so. It’s the new restaurant at the other end of town, right? C: Yeah, right. That’s the one. You guys need directions? M: Yeah... thanks. That would be helpful. I don’t want to get lost. C: Ok, got a pen? M: Yes, I’m ready, go ahead. C: Ok, well, go on down to Main St and hang a left. Then hang a right at the second church past the park. Just keep going straight, oh wait...or do you need to hang another right?? No.. no... I was right the first timego straight. And then go on down to the first light until you see a .... M: Hold on Cindy....that makes no sense at all to me. You’re going to need to back up, start over and speak English! C: I was speaking English! M: If you give directions like that, then no one will ever get anywhere! C: I’m sorry, Marta. It’s just that your English is so good, I forget that you’re not American like me! Many times I speak too fast and with too much slang. Let’s start over. M: Good idea! And first off: why did you refer to us as «guys» when my friends and I are all women? C: Oh! You’re right! I didn’t mean «guys» as if to say you’re all men. When speaking casually to friends you can refer to a group as «guys». But it’s only to be used amongst close friends or immediate family that you are very familiar with- don’t use it if you are referring to your Grandparents or Professors, all the important people that you would normally treat with respect. M: Ok, that’s clear. So you weren’t calling us men. C: No, not at all, you and all your friends are very beautiful and no one would ever mistake any one of you for a man! M: OK, thank you. Well, I’ve got my pen – let’s start over: «Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to Riccardo’s Restaurant? It’s near the highway. And please speak slowly». C: Sure, do you know where Main Street is? M: Yes. I do. C: Okay. Start from the Movie Theater on Main Street and go straight 30

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heading West, until you reach the bank. M: Okay got it. C: Then, at the bank, hang a left onto.... M: Wait a minute! What does that mean? To «hang a left»?! I mean, I can hang my laundry, I can hang a sign, I can even hang up the phone, but ... «hang a left» ? C: Sorry, to «hang a left» or «hang a right» means to turn. M: Oh, that’s clear! So I should turn left onto what street?? C: Turn left onto State Street. M: Got it. Okay. C: Drive past that ballpark named «Williams Park» and straight ahead on your left, there will be a big white church. M: Big white church on left. Got it. C: Drive past the big church. And, everyone, when giving directions it’s good to give people some landmarks, like stores or buildings, so they will know that they are in the right neighborhood. Okay, as soon as you pass the big church, look for Chestnut Street on your right. Turn right onto Chestnut Street and follow it to the end. There’s a light at the end... M: You mean a traffic light? or some may call it a stoplight? C: You’re right again, sorry- it’s a stoplight or a traffic light. Turn right at that stoplight and Riccardo’s is just ahead on the left. You can’t miss it. It’s the big red building. M: Great! Now that makes sense! Listeners, don’t feel embarrassed about asking people to speak slowly when giving directions. Be sure to have a pen and paper ready. C: And you could even ask them to write it down for you. Because I know, speaking from personal experience, there are some parts of the United States where a regional accent can be a roadblock to comprehension. If you’re not sure, ask them to write it down. M: Well, I guess now you're ready to be the ones giving directions! C: And Marta… reservations are at 8:30. M: Ok! Thank you Cindy, and now that you’ve explained yourself in proper English- I know that I’ll be there on time! C: Touché! Fair Enough! Thanks for listening everyone! See you later, Marta! 7. Write out all slang words. Put down their definitions from the English-English dictionary. 31

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UNIT 6 SPORTS I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: to BE GLUED TO THE TV SCREEN: to be stuck on a TV program TAILGATE PARTY: a picnic in the parking lot before the game is played. NATIONAL ANTHEM: the official national song of a country 1500: 15 HUNDRED or 1 thousand 5 hundred. ROOKIE: a beginner IDIOMS DERIVED FROM SPORTS mentioned in this episode : - you are barking up the wrong tree - it's a long shot - to be behind the 8 ball - you are calling the shots - it's time to fish or cut bait - I'm gonna get into full swing - keep my eye on the ball - hit a home run - keep the ball rolling - to hit below the belt - saved by the bell - to be a knockout - throw in the towel Cultural notes Sports are an important part of the culture of the United States. Three of the nation's five most popular team sports were developed in North America: American football, basketball and ice hockey, whereas soccer  and baseball were developed in England. The four major professional sports leagues in the United States are Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Basketball Association (NBA), the National Football League (NFL), and the National Hockey League (NHL); all enjoy massive media exposure and are considered the preeminent competitions in 32

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their respective sports in the world. Three of those leagues have teams that represent Canadian cities, and all four are among the most lucrative sports leagues in the world. The top professional soccer league in the United States, Major League Soccer, has not yet reached the popularity levels of the top four sports leagues, although average attendance has been increasing and in fact has matched or surpassed those of the NBA and the NHL. Professional teams in all major sports operate as franchises within a league. All major sports leagues use the same type of schedule with a playoff tournament after the regular season ends. In addition to the major league-level organizations, several sports also have professional minor leagues, active in smaller cities across the country. Sports are particularly associated with education in the United States, with most high schools and universities having organized sports. College sports competitions play an important role in the American sporting culture. In many cases college athletics are more popular than professional sports, with the major sanctioning body being the NCAA.

Exercises 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: a) hockey, soccer, championship, sporting seasons, Major League, Super Bowl, rivalries, intensify, truthfully, concert, a performance, the TV commercials, advertisers, extraordinary, television viewers, significantly, schedule, National Hockey League, National Basketball Association, neighbor, Michigan, Stanley Cup finals, glue to the TV screen, awesome, T-shirt, cheer, hero, atmosphere, entertainment, Baseball game, Miami, fascinated, the tailgate parties, the parking lot, the national anthem, awesome. b) fireworks, the cheerleaders, barbecue, the parking attendant, star, the Longest Yard», «The Blind Side», equipped, arenas, gymnasiums, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Tar Heels basketball team, birthright, the ACC tournament, the Atlantic Coast Conference, gifted high school athletes, sought-after, a rookie, dedication, determination, a champion, bark, stack, a hunting reference, doubtful, underqualified, pressure, shooting pool, billiards, cut bait, enthusiastic, unfairly, arguments, heated, hurled at each other, you may 33

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say something really hurtful, that's hitting below the belt, defeat, a knockout, stunningly, attractive, weak in the knees, signals, surrender. 2. Explain the idioms in bold. Are there similar idioms in your language? 1. You start a rookie and you become – through hard work, study, dedication and determination – a champion. 2. You are really barking up the wrong tree with this one. 3. It's a long shot, I know nothing about sports. 4. I felt like I was behind the 8 ball. But you're calling the shots. 5. So I thought it's time to fish or cut bait. 6. The cards are stacked against me but I'm gonna get into full swing, keep my eye on the ball and hit a home run. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 3. Choose the correct preposition. Which of these sentences do you agree with? Correct the sentences which aren’t true for you. 1. Soccer has grown in The States, but it still doesn't carry the fan base it holds from /in the rest of the world. 2. The championships are played throughout/around the year, so the sporting seasons don't overlap each other much, giving each sport its own season. 3. Everyone watches the Super Bowl game and of/in course the Half Time show! 4. Friends and family gather about/in pubs or at home to watch. Great food is prepared. Rivalries intensify. 5. Truthfully it's mainly since/about food and breaking your friend's balls on Facebook. 6. The Half Time Show is a concert, a performance given on/during the break between the second and third quarter of the game. Great performances, artists like Bruce Springsteen, U2, The Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson... 7. Advertisers pay extraordinary amounts of/under money for Super Bowl air time. 34

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8. Last year 30 seconds in/of advertising time was expected to cost 2.6 million US dollars. 9. You know, we may say that in general football attracts more television viewers than baseball, although baseball attracts significantly more ticket sales with/due to its much longer schedule. 10. (NHL) National Hockey League runs October though April and the NBA National Basketball Association November to/through April. 4. For statements 1-7 decide if each statement is True, False or Not Stated. Circle the answer you choose. 1. There are 4 main team sports in the States: Basketball, Baseball, Hockey and Football. A. True B. False C. Not stated 2. The championships are played throughout the year, so the sporting seasons don't overlap each other much, giving each sport its own season. A. True B. False C. Not stated 3. Major League Baseball runs roughly April through October, while American Football the NFL (National Football League) is played September through January. A. True B. False C. Not stated 4. America's biggest TV sport event is the famous Super Bowl! A. True B. False C. Not stated 5. The Half Time Show is a concert, a performance given during the break between the second and third quarter of the game. Great performances, artists like Bruce Springsteen, U2, The Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson... A. True B. False C. Not stated 6. Advertisers pay extraordinary amounts of money for Super Bowl air time. Last year 30 seconds of advertising time was expected to cost 2.6 million US dollars. A. True B. False C. Not stated 35

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7. Football attracts more television viewers than baseball, although baseball attracts significantly more ticket sales due to its much longer schedule. A. True B. False C. Not stated 8. (NHL) National Hockey League runs October though April and the NBA National Basketball Association November through April. A. True B. False C. Not stated 9. Hockey is more popular in the colder climates of the northern United States such as New England and in the Midwest. A. True B. False C. Not stated 10. Our neighbors in Canada are crazy about Hockey! A. True B. False C. Not stated 11. A tailgate party is a picnic in the parking lot before the game. A. True B. False C. Not stated 12. «Space Jam» about Basketball starring Michael Jordan, or «Field of dreams» about baseball, «Jerry Maguire» with Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding Jr ? – Show me the money!, «Any given Sunday» or «Leatherheads» both about football. Or «The Longest Yard» with Adam Sandler, «The Blind Side» are centered about sports. A. True B. False C. Not stated 13. High Schools and Colleges are equipped with fields and arenas and gymnasiums … teams and championships are nearly as important as national ones: the NCAA (The National Collegiate Athletic Association) A. True B. False C. Not stated 14. College basketball is taken very seriously in North Carolina where many NBA players first started out, Michael Jordan for one. A. True B. False C. Not stated


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15. Gifted high school athletes who make an impression are sometimes sought-after at the college level and then have a good chance to continue their career in the NBA or NFL. A. True B. False C. Not stated 16. A rookie is a beginner, someone who is in their first year of something, not necessarily sport. You can be a rookie mum, if it's your first child and everything is new to you. A. True B. False C. Not stated 17. If you apply for a job that you're seriously underqualified for, that's a long shot. A. True B. False C. Not stated 18. To be behind the 8 ball means to feel under pressure. A. True B. False C. Not stated 19. You're calling the shots means You're the boss. A. True B. False C. Not stated 20. It's time to fish or cut bait means to get serious, stop wasting time, do the job or go home, just like a fisherman who has spent his day waiting for a fish to bite. A. True B. False C. Not stated 5. Listen to the dialogue again and define the idioms which refer to the boxing world. 6. In pairs use the language in the box to act out dialogues for the following situations. You can continue your dialogue if you like. • Your friend has won the Stanley Cup finals • Your friend joined the NBA National Basketball Association • Your friend wanted to attend the Half Time Show


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Asking about feelings • How are you? • Are you alright / angry / upset / pleased? • Is everything OK? • What’s wrong with you?

Expressing feelings • Well, it’s been a … day and … • The thing is … • Actually, … • To be honest, I … • Well may be you should tell … • You know we may say that … • I can tell you for sure that … • You are awesome! • Yes, actually that’s a good point about …

7. Write the first and the last paragraph for the following: 1. You are writing a letter to invite your friend to join National Hockey League. 2. You are sending an email to congratulate your American penfriend on his success in baseball championship. 3. You are writing a letter to thank Marta and Cindy for their wonderful report on the American sports culture. UNIT 7 THE AMERICAN DREAM I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: The American dream: The DESIRED, SOUGHT-AFTER OBJECT: it's your aim, your goal, your target. To PURSUE YOUR DREAM, TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE, TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL, TO FULFILL YOUR AMBITIONS, TO ACCOMPLISH «THE SKY’S THE LIMIT!» meaning there is no limit to your possibility of success, so dream big! BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS: an idiom about effort and hard work in order to reach your target work, but we’ve had a lot of fun too. 38

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«The Pursuit of Happiness» To PAVE YOUR WAY: that your future could depend on your individual choices and not only on your social class, race or family. Have inalienable rights, including Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness: people are created equally. A DREAM OF SOCIAL ORDER: each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.» To come in search of a free, happy and richer life. Cultural note The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility achieved through hard work. In the definition of the American Dream by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the United States Declaration of Independence which proclaims that "all men are created equal" and that they are "endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights" including "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The meaning of the "American Dream" has changed over the course of history, and includes both personal components (such as home ownership and upward mobility) and a global vision. Historically the Dream originated in the mystique regarding frontier life. As the Royal Governor of Virginia noted in 1774, the Americans "for ever imagine the Lands further off are still better than those upon which they are already settled". He added that, "if they attained Paradise, they would move on if they heard of a better place farther west." The ethos today implies an opportunity for Americans to achieve prosperity through hard work. According to The Dream, this includes the opportunity for one's children to grow up and receive a good education and career without artificial barriers. It is the opportunity to make individual choices without the prior restrictions that limited people according to their class, caste, religion, race, or ethnicity. Immigrants to the United States sponsored 39

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ethnic newspapers in their own language; the editors typically promoted the American Dream. Exercises 1. Transcribe and pronounce: Sought-after, success, blood, sweat, pursuit, scene, target, perception, determination, equality, justice, curious, Independence, inalienable, democracy, perseverance, prosperity, crisis, stature, innately, fortuitous, colossus, breathe, engraved, plaque, huddled. 2. Point out the shades of meaning the italicized words reveal: 1. How do you define the desired, sought-after object? 2. Marta, how many downloads do you think that our podcast will get next month? M – Who knows? The sky's the limit! 3. When we hit #5 on The Podomatic language courses chart.... it was not due to luck, it was blood, sweat and tears! 4. I'd love to quote a movie before we go because I think it's a good example of what the American Dream is like in the 21st century. Which one? – «The Pursuit of Happiness» by Gabriele Muccino. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 3. Make up an imaginary conversation on American dream which may have taken place between American representatives of Leaders Exchange program and you during the participants selection process. 4. Reproduce the contents of the dialogue. Employ the following expressions: Pursue what makes you feel happy in life, the freedom to build up your future brick by brick through hard work and determination, be founded on values and ideals, like democracy, equality, justice and liberty, have deep roots in the American culture, give a chance to pave one’s way, depend on one’s individual choices and not only on your social class, race or family, be created equal, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, get the merit for one’s work and perseverance, a promise 40

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of the possibility of prosperity and success, face worldwide, get money, goods, fame and fortune, turn into a nightmare, improve one’s life and the society one lives in, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement, a dream of social order, attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position, the main reason for millions of people to move to the USA along the centuries, come in search of a free, happy and richer life, leave one’s family and take the risk to cross the ocean, to seek justice, religious freedom and economic opportunity. 5. What is the American dream according to your point of view? Identify a situation in which you have experienced the pursuit of happiness. 6. Read the song and try to translate it. Define its main idea. Song: «MISS LIBERTY» written and performed by Marta Innocenti The lyrics: 'MISS LIBERTY' Here I am * Walking down the streets * Leaving my footprints * On the sidewalks * In New York * I’m part of a multiethnic place * In the dawn of century 2K * the land of opportunities… it must be, it must be! * * I crossed the ocean and now I look inside * Miss Liberty’s eyes * She holds up the torch and she lights up the fear that I’m * Trying to hide * Got my dreams in my pocket, Miss Liberty knows it * I take my chance * from Miss Liberty’s hands * * 41

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Here I am * Blinded by the lights * USA skyline * On the top floor * Of New York * I’m part of the army of the brave * And I know that I am here to stay * the land of opportunities…. believe me, believe me! * * I crossed the ocean and now I look inside * Miss Liberty’s eyes * She holds up the torch and she lights up the fear that I’m * Trying to hide * Got my dreams in my pocket, Miss Liberty knows it * I take my chance * from Miss Liberty’s hands * * Here I am, here I am, October 12th... Welcome in New York ! *

UNIT 8 BRITISH ENGLISH VS. AMERICAN ENGLISH I. PRE-LISTENING Words to Be Remembered: biscuit ---> cookie wardrobe ---> closet lift ---> elevator starter ---> appetizer full stop ---> period garden ---> yard motorway ---> highway, interstate holiday ---> vacation pavement ---> sidewalk queue ---> line 42

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underground ---> subway rubbish ---> garbage car park ---> parking lot petrol ---> gasoline chips ---> French fries sweets ---> candy tap ---> faucet timetable ---> schedule booking ---> reservation single ticket / return ticket ---> one way ticket / round trip ticket 3rd year of primary school ---> 2nd grade of elementary school pants ---> underwear trousers ---> pants trainers ---> sneakers handbag ---> purse headmaster ---> principal autumn ---> fall rubber ---> eraser lorry ---> truck aeroplane ---> airplane shop ---> store angry ---> mad mad ---> crazy ground floor ---> first floor first floor ---> second floor UK POSSESSION ---> USA POSSESSION: Have you got ...? ---> Do you have...? ; UK SPELLING ---> USA SPELLING: centre ---> center dialogue ---> dialog cheque ---> check travelling ---> traveling fulfil ---> fulfill colour ---> color analyse, paralyse, catalyse... ---> analyze, paralyze, catalyze... learnt, dreamt, smelt... ---> learnt/learned, dreamt/dreamed, melt/smelled... metre/meter, kilogramme/kilogram... ---> meter, kilogram... 43

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UK ---> USA going to, want to, ought to... ---> gonna, wanna, oughta...

Exercises 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: Globe, except, newscaster, immediately, accent, starring, interview, pronunciation, punctuation, teenager, precious, reviewer, transcript, apartment, wardrobe, elevator, appetizer, biscuit, purchase, pavement, contraction, possession, tour, budget, suggestion. 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian 1. Just compare the newscasters on BBC with the ones from CNN and you will immediately notice how different the accents are! 2. Your accent is American now! You jumped the pond! 3. And it's not really only about pronunciation, there are differences of spelling, grammar, vocabulary, idioms, even how you write dates or punctuation. 4. Ready, steady, go! 5. In America we live in apartments. 6. Our houses have backyards. 7. When we are on the first floor we take the elevator to get on the second floor. 8. Our pants are in a closet. 9. The Americans are crazy about French fries! 10. It’s also an economical meal to purchase if you are touring the UK on a budget! Now where were we? 11. In London we walk on the pavement and we park in car parks. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 3. Paraphrase the italicized parts of the sentences: 1. We take the subway. 2. We buy either a one way ticket or a round trip ticket. 3. In America, we drive on the interstate or the highway to go on vacation. 4. We eat biscuits and we have starters. 5. A 7 year old kid attends the second grade of elementary school. 44

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4. Ask different types of questions to the following sentences: 1. If you travel around the globe you will have a much easier time if you understand both British and American accents. 2. She’s going to help us in understanding the difference between British and American English. 3. George Bernard Shaw once said that the USA and The UK are two countries divided by a common language. 4. Watch a movie starring Hugh Grant and a movie starring Jeff Bridges. 5. I was taught British English at school and I also spent a couple of summers in England when I was a teenager. 5. Make up sentences to which would correspond the following conversational phrases: So, Wow, So true, I couldn’t agree more, It’s just great, good idea, That’s it! You are right! In fact … Try to use the expressions under study. 6. Retell the dialogue in Indirect Speech. 7. In groups - Prepare the Power Point Presentation on BRITISH English vs. American English! Compose each other tasks on interpreting the expressions in English. - Reveal the key-lines of the dialogue and then reproduce them. UNIT 9 AMERICAN HOLIDAYS I. PRE-LISTENING Cultural notes Public holidays in the United States For constitutional reasons, the United States does not have national holidays in the sense that most other nations do, i.e. days on which all businesses are closed by law and employees have a day off. [1] Pursuant 45

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to the Tenth Amendment, the U.S. federal government only has constitutional jurisdiction to establish holidays for itself, for certain federally chartered and regulated businesses (such as federal banks), and for the District of Columbia; otherwise, constitutional authority to create public holidays is a power reserved to the states. Most states also allow local jurisdictions (cities, villages, etc.) to establish their own local holidays. As a result, holidays are not governed at the federal level as each state has jurisdiction over its holidays. Although holidays are declared as official, the government, whether it be federal, state or local, cannot dictate to businesses when they need to officially close. Clifton Mill in Clifton, Ohio is the site of this Christmas display with over 3.5 million lights. As of 2012, there are eleven federal holidays in the United States, ten annual holidays and one quadrennial holiday (Inauguration Day). Pursuant to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968 (effective 1971), official holidays are observed on a Monday, except for New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. All current federal holidays have also been made public holidays in all 50 states. States are not bound to observe the holidays on the same dates as the federal holidays but they are free to do as they will. Many states also have additional holidays that are not observed by the U.S. federal government, such as Cesar Chavez Day (California, Colorado, and Texas), Emancipation Day (District of Columbia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Texas, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), Susan B. Anthony Day (California, Florida, Wisconsin, and West Virginia), and Good Friday (a legal holiday in 12 states). The day after Thanksgiving is a public holiday in California. Malls, shopping centers and most retail stores close only on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day and many on Easter Sunday as well, but remain open on all other holidays (early closing on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, and sometimes on other major holidays).[6]Virtually all companies observe and close on the "major" holidays (New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). Some non-retail business close on the day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) while some (such as federal banks and post offices) are not allowed to close on the day after Thanksgiving. Some smaller businesses normally open on Sunday will close on Easter Sunday, if it is their experience they will have very few customers that day. 46

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Valentine’s Day, February 14th- celebrated by giving flowers and candy. Some couples may choose to celebrate with a special meal or by exchanging small gifts. Easter Sunday, (springtime) date varies – celebrated by giving baskets of chocolate to small children, coloring Easter Eggs, going to church, enjoying a meal with family, giving flowers to your mother or grandmother. April Fool’s Day, April 1st – Be careful! Someone may play a trick on you today! Children LOVE this holiday! Mother’s Day, second Sunday in May – celebrate your mom by taking her to lunch and giving flowers or a sentimental gift. Father’s Day, 3rd Sunday in June – in honor of Fathers. Gifts vary greatly- it just depends on the dad! Give a small gift according to your dad’s preferences. Halloween, October 31st – celebrated with costumes and candy. Kids dress up in costumes (either scary or not, depends on the kid) visit homes in their neighborhoods, knock on the door and yell «Trick or Treat!». The owner of the home gives candy to all the «trick or treaters». Adults celebrate Halloween by dressing in costume and attending parties in homes or pubs. New Year’s resolutions – promises somebody make to himself or loved ones to better himself in some way.

Exercises 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: Resolution, prosperity, healthful, commitment, jurisdiction, government, employee, legal, recovery, televise, honor, observe, recovery, slain, activist, soldier, memorial, firework, commemorate, hotel, independence, labor, bittersweet, signal, vacationing, non-religious, restaurant, Thanksgiving, roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing (or stuffing) a kind of casserole, cranberry sauce, gravy, corn and bread. 2. Fill in the blanks with the words given below: 1. Some families have lunch together on New Year’s Day and … are prepared to bring things like good luck, health and prosperity in the com47

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ing year. 2. Many of us make 1 or 2 … at the beginning of every year. 3. These are promises we make to ourselves or … ones to better ourselves in some way. 4. Many people would like to …smoking too, that’s a very popular New Year’s resolution. 5. A New Year’s Resolution is a promise to … your life in some way. 6. I learned that there are no national holidays in America and that each of the 50 states has … over its own holidays. 7. There are ten days in the year that are proclaimed as holidays for … …… ... 8. Most states do observe these holidays and they are called «…» or «public» holidays. 9. In other words- no … will be delivered and most likely the banks will be closed as well. 10. That’s January 1st and it’s a day of … , recovery, renewal…and football – there's always football games televised on New Year’s Day! (legal, quit, specific food, jurisdiction, New Year’s resolutions, loved, improve, federal government employees, mail, relaxation) II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 3. For statements decide if each statement is True, False or Not Stated. Circle the answer you choose. 1. MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY, that’s in honor of slain African American civil rights activist Reverend Martin Luther King. He’s honored on the 3rd Monday in January. A. True B. False C. Not stated 2. PRESIDENTS DAY in honor of George Washington. He was the first President of The United States of America. We celebrate Presidents Day on the 3rd Monday in February. A. True B. False C. Not stated 3. MEMORIAL DAY in honor of our fallen soldiers who have died in all wars. Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It’s also known as the «kick off» to the start of summer vacation. A. True B. False C. Not stated 48

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4. THE 4TH OF JULY or INDEPENDENCE DAY commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence and our independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. If any listeners are lucky enough to be in America on July 4th, it’s a lot of fun. We celebrate with picnics, parades, fireworks, music, family & friends. It’s one of my favorite holidays. A. True B. False C. Not stated 5. LABOR DAY, that’s the first Monday in September. Labor Day honors the American worker. Labor Day is bittersweet for a lot of us because it signals the end of summer. If you’re vacationing in The States during Labor Day weekend then you should know that hotels (especially those at the beach) are going to be more expensive during Labor Day weekend. A. True B. False C. Not stated 6. VETERANS DAY, observed on November 11th. This is a day where we honor all American Armed Service Veterans. A. True B. False C. Not stated 7. THANKSGIVING, observed on the fourth Thursday in November. Thanksgiving is a non-religious holiday. It’s generally shared at home with family members, but you can celebrate it any way you like-with family or friends, at home or in a restaurant. It’s a day to be reminded and thankful for all that we have. A. True B. False C. Not stated 8. Thanksgiving table are: Roasted Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Dressing (or Stuffing) a kind of casserole made with bits of vegetables and cubed bread, Cranberry Sauce (similar to jam or jelly), Gravy (a sauce made from the roasted turkey juices), Corn and Bread. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 4. Read through the dialogue below which describes some aspects of New Year’s Day. Define three points form the dialogue to support the view that holidays vary cross-culturally. Marta: Now Cindy, we all pretty much know about the big holidays like Christmas and Halloween… 49

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Cindy: Oh, I love Halloween! Marta: But could we talk about some of the other holidays as well? Cindy: Sure, let’s take it month by month then, beginning with January 1st – New Year’s Day. Marta: What do Americans do on New Year’s Day? Cindy: Recover from New Year’s Eve. Marta: …besides that…don’t you celebrate with family and make «NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS»? Cindy: That’s true. Some families have lunch together on New Year’s Day and specific foods are prepared to bring things like good luck, health and prosperity in the coming year. Marta: Which foods are those? Cindy: Well, it depends on the individual family traditions and the region you live in, but just to name a few: cabbage, black eyed peas, and fish. Marta: And what about those New Year’s resolutions? Cindy: Many of us make 1 or 2 «New Year’s resolutions» at the beginning of every year. These are promises we make to ourselves or loved ones to better ourselves in some way. Marta: Can you give us some examples? Cindy: Oh sure, the most common would be to commit to taking better care of yourself in the form of a healthful diet and exercise. Many people would like to quit smoking too, that’s a very popular New Year’s resolution. Marta: And it’s a very good idea too. Cindy: Or your focus could be on family. You might want to make a commitment to work less and spend more time with your loved ones. Marta: That’s nice, so a New Year’s Resolution is a promise to improve your life in some way? Cindy: Exactly. 5. Work in pairs. Get ready to discuss the following topics: 1. New Year arrangements 2. Thanksgiving Day 3. Memorial Day. Make up dialogues getting your opponent to take your viewpoint without using «no» responses or strong rejection. 50

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Useful phrases: Personally, I think …; It’s an excellent idea! Good advice! Sure, no problem; In other words, …; Smart! That’s true! What about ….; Can you give some examples? That’s nice! Well, you are lucky! That’s it for now! If I’m not mistaken, …; Exactly! That’s an interesting question. 6. Write a summary of the American holidays. 7. Make up a quiz on American holidays.


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PODCAST SCRIPTS UNIT 1 FOOD M: Today we're going to talk about FOOD! C: Marta, I'm so excited today because we have a returning guest with us. For those of you who missed the last episode about restaurants our friend Christine came in to join us. She's back today to talk about food in America and some of the treasures we have to offer. Now we haven’t TURNED A BLIND EYE TO the fact that there is a lot of bad food in America – bad food that is mass produced, cheap, calorie & fat laden, and nutrient deficient. Obesity is on the rise as well as all the medical complications it brings along with it. M: It’s a serious problem around the world, not just in America, isn’t it? C: It’s a very serious epidemic. But today we’re going to discuss the good things America has to offer. M: Great, because it's true! American food has a bad reputation, but I've travelled all over The States and I've had many memorable meals! C: Exactly! And that's what we want to talk about today. There is a lot fantastic food out there if you only look beyond the fast food restaurants! M: I'm getting hungry! Give our guest a microphone and let's get started! And listeners, don't worry if you can't follow along, you'll find useful definitions at the end of our transcript. C: Christine, will you come in and join us? M & C: Hi Christine! Christine: Hi everyone! C: Now Christine, can you tell us something about yourself and your background? And just to make it clear to our listeners, Christine is American, so her accent is like mine. She speaks American English. Where are you from in the States? Christine: I grew up in Washington, DC. My father was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo and my mother is Italian-American. C: yeah, and in the last episode you mentioned your chicken with a peanut sauce and we're still waiting for the recipe. 52

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Christine: Well, that's a family secret! M: Christine, who taught you to cook? Christine: the most important influences came from my mother, grandmother and great grandmother. They all taught me that the most important aspects of cooking are the fresh ingredients and the home cooked meals. But I've also had professional training in Paris. M: Yes, I understand you have studied and worked all over the world? Christine: Yes, I have travelled a lot. I've had different jobs in bakeries and restaurants, in Boston, Washington D.C. But my favorite job is teaching English in Italy. C: I know it's a joy to cook in Italy, but could you tell us about some of your favorite things to eat when you return to the States? Christine: Of course. I miss a lot of great food from back home in Washington D.C., which is on the Potomac River and this river flows into the Chesapeake Bay. Many names like Potomac and Chesapeake come from the Algonquian people who are a Native American tribe. And this region is also well known for its Blue Crabs and the many farms that grow things like corn, pumpkin, strawberries. On my visits back home one of my favorite things to eat is boiled crabs with plenty of Old Bay seasoning. C: Delicious! But eating crabs is quite time consuming, isn't it? Christine: It's messy and there's a lot of hard work to crack the crab shells open but well worth it. Crab is a very popular dish and is eaten in many ways, steamed, baked, in soups, crab cakes and dips. C: My mother used to prepare linguine with crab sauce. She needed to put crabs over pasta so my Sicilian father could identify with it. Christine: What about you? Where did you grow up? C: I was born in Connecticut and in that region we’re known for Lobsters, mussels and clams. Clam Chowder is an especially popular soup. There are three main types of Chowder: Boston, Manhattan and Rhode Island style. Christine: That's New England, but you live in the South now, don't you? C: Yes, and in the South it’s all about the oyster and shrimp. So if you’re visiting the American East Coast down to Florida and on around to the Gulf of Mexico and onto Louisiana, be sure to try the oysters, shrimp and fresh-caught fish. 53

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Christine: I also love to go to local farms for fresh produce. Near my parents' home is a farm called Butler's Orchard. This is a place where you can buy seasonal produce as well as pick-your-own fruit and vegetables. I often go there in the summer to pick strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. But Butler’s Orchard also sells some really great fruit pies. My favorite is an American classic, Apple Pie. C: Christine makes a fabulous Apple Pie! And talking about fresh berries, Christine we have to mention Blueberry Pancakes for breakfast prepared with fresh Maine blueberries and served with warm Vermont Maple Syrup. Ahh... that takes me back to my childhood. M: That all sounds delicious but we should really talk about some of the nationalities that have had their influences on American cuisine. Christine: America is truly a melting pot of cultures. Where do we begin? C: Well, we've already mentioned Italian, German and Cuban influences in episode number five. But there's so much more to say. We have Cajun food in Louisiana. It’s heavy on seafood and very spicy. Common dishes include etouffeé, gumbo, boiled crawfish (they look like miniature lobsters), oysters, alligator, shrimp and spicy Boudin sausage. Christine: And of course barbecuing is also very popular in the U.S. C: Ribs, chicken, steaks, pork... you name it: we grill it! And since my family is half Eastern European we have to mention Polish Pierogies, stuffed cabbage rolls and Kielbasa which is a type of sausage. Christine, do you know what Pierogi are? Christine: They’re a type of filled pasta, aren’t they? C: Exactly, similar to Italian ravioli but thicker, larger and filled with sweet of savory fillings. M: You have a lot of Mexican food in the U.S. don’t you? Christine: A large part of the western United States was once owned by Mexico. Over time, the border changed but the influences remained. For a long time we’ve had a hybridized version of Mexican food, a melding of American & Mexican. C: We’ve had an explosion of Mexican immigrants to the US in the last 10 years or so. This has given a great shot of authenticity to the Mexican food available. And when I’m back in North Carolina, the taco stand is one of the first places I run to! Christine: Let’s see what else can we talk about? Bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon! 54

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C: Yum! A Jewish influence. Can you explain what a bagel is? Christine: Yeah, it's bread that's first boiled then baked. C: And Christine what about the Amish? They're a well known group of people because of their food. Christine: They're a protestant religious group that is famous for baked goods like pies, cakes and bread. My mom and I in the summer go to a local Amish market in Maryland. C: And listeners, if you’re planning a trip to New York or Los Angeles it’s safe to say you will be able to find a restaurant offering up pretty much any cuisine you’re looking for. Christine: We could go on for days... C: So true, and we haven’t even scratched the surface! There’s still Chinese, South American, Indian, Spanish, Greek, Russian, South East Asia and the Middle East to talk about! We haven’t forgotten you! So I hope you will join us in the future to discuss this topic a little further. M: Girls, this has been a lot of fun. Thank you for taking us beyond the hamburger. I hope our listeners have learned a little something about American food today, I know I have. Christine it’s been a pleasure and I hope you’ll come back to talk with us soon? Christine: Thank you, ladies. It’s been fun and I’d love to join you again. C: Well, we'll see you again soon! And to all our listeners living around the world, a big thanks to each and every one of you for your support. M: Thank you very much for listening! And remember that you can find us on iTunes, on, on and on Facebook, we have a Facebook page you can visit. We'll see you soon! C: Bye-bye! UNIT 2 RESTAURANTS M: Today we're going to talk about RESTAURANTS! M: Cindy, let’s give our listeners a general overview of what a restaurant experience could be like for them in America. C: Good idea. Well, in your average American restaurant there is a hostess that will greet you at the entrance and ask the question: «How many in your party?» 55

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M: ...what? C: Meaning: how many people are in your group? Sometimes there will be a long wait for a table. Some restaurants will give you a small electronic device to hold until your table is ready. It will flash or vibrate when a space opens up. Or they may just suggest you relax in the bar with a drink until your name is called. M: And then the hostess will walk you to your table. Sometimes they will tell you the name of your SERVER tonight, and that he or she will be right with you. C: And generally the server will ask you immediately what you would like to drink. You can ask for a moment to think it over. The usual drinks are coffee, sodas (regular & diet) large or small, milk, tea, and water. In some restaurants you can have alcohol like beer, wine or a cocktail along with your meal. M: And I noticed you're always refilling your drinks! Like water, sodas, even coffee. My glass was never empty. C: I know, we give FREE REFILLS, it's a great country, isn't it? M: Yeah! C: Actually it's not true for all restaurants, but the free refill does happen quite often. M: And in my experience, the drinks are always filled to the top with ice! That may seem strange to foreign travelers. C: You’re right. It’s common, but you can politely ask for little or no ice in your drink. M: And not long after the drink order is placed, a basket of bread with butter arrives at your table. C: Avoid eating the bread, if you’re on a diet! Your server may ask you something confusing like «What can I start you off with tonight?» M: ….what...? C: This means «what would you like for your APPETIZER?» That’s the STARTER, or the first course. M: You may want to even skip the appetizer because in The States, the ENTREE or MAIN COURSE often comes with a salad and side items. Not to mention the portions can be huge. C: True. But don't worry because you can always take the LEFTOVERS home in a DOGGY BAG. M: Oh, Cindy, you know what was confusing to me ? The DRESSING ! The waiter asking me «how do you want it dressed?» and I was 56

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like «what do you mean?» C: Dressings are oil and vinegar based sauces poured over a salad to make it more flavorful. Some common salad dressings are Blue Cheese, Italian, French, Thousand Island and Ranch. I always keep it simple and ask for just oil & vinegar. M: And I remember hearing about specials. Could you explain them? C: Sure. HOUSE SPECIALS are featured meals for that evening. They may be REGIONAL SPECIALTIES, or meals available at a good price, or dishes showcasing what's IN SEASON at the moment. M: And in case you have specific dietary needs, make sure you know how to communicate this to your server. C: Right, for example you may be INTOLERANT to certain food products, the three most common food ALLERGIES are: milk, nuts and gluten. M: What if you don't eat meat? C: You're called a VEGETARIAN; there are different levels of vegetarianism. If you don't eat any animal products you're called a VEGAN. M: And what if there’s a problem with my food? For instance my steak is not cooked to my preference, the food is cold, or it’s too spicy? C: No problem, you can politely send it back to the kitchen. Most restaurants will try hard to keep the customer happy and bring you something you will enjoy. M: Okay, so now we’ve had our bread, starter/appetizer, a salad, a main course, drink and now it’s time for... C: Dessert! Desserts are rich and delicious in The States, and again portions may be big so you may want to share a plate between two people. M: Would you like to share one with me? C: Sure! M: I remember during my trip to Las Vegas, I saw a lot of restaurants offering «All You Can Eat» buffets. C: Buffets are very common in America. You are encouraged to eat what you like, but not to waste food. And upon each trip to the buffet, you need to take a new clean plate from the buffet and not reuse the old dirty one. M: Dining in the States is a much shorter, faster experience than in Europe. C: True. We tend to eat and run. Many servers will leave the bill for 57

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the meal on the table while you are still eating dessert! M: The BILL for meal can also be called a «TAB» or a «CHECK», right? C: Right. And if you would like to ask for the bill, you can say «May I have the check please?» M: This is where «TIPPING» comes into play. We have already talked about tipping in our episode #1 about shopping, but, just in case you have missed it, what is tipping? C: «Tipping» is extra money. It’s not mandatory. It’s a polite and unspoken agreement that acknowledges good service. Servers are paid a reduced wage because they earn tips from customers. A tip is generally %15 percent of your total cost of the meal. A good rule to figure how much you should leave for a tip is to look at your bill, double the tax and leave a bit more or less depending on the quality of service. It’s different for larger parties though. In these cases, the charge will be added directly to your bill. M: Well Cindy, thank you very much, now I really feel I could handle any conversation in a restaurant. C: Oh, you do, uh? M: Yep. Bring it on! C: All right, girl. Your table is ready. M: Good, 'cause I'm hungry! C: Hi welcome to Cindy Family's Restaurant. How many in your party? M: (….how many in your party...) oh, just two. C: Ok, will that be FOR HERE OR TO GO? M: I'm sorry? Could you repeat that? C: For here or to go? Are you eating here or is this a take away? M: For here. C: Ok, would you like to eat at the bar or have a table? M: We'd like a table. C: Ok, then I'll get you seated. What would you like to drink? M: Could I have a minute to decide? Thank you. C: Sure, here are the menus to look over and I'll be right back. M: (Ok, I got a minute to think, she speaks fast but I can handle it, I've studied, I listen to my American friend every week.... I can do it, I can do it...) C: So what have you decided? What can I start you off with tonight? 58

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M: I'm sorry, could you speak more slowly? C: I'm sorry, what would you like for an appetizer? M: we'll just have an entree this evening. We'd like a steak. C: Great, how do you like that cooked? M: Oh, I'm afraid I don't understand. C: Do you prefer your steak cooked RARE, that's red in the middle, or medium or well done? M: Medium is good for both of us. Does it come with a salad? C: Sure it does! There is a salad and your choice of side item, would you like baked potato, fries or steamed vegetables? M: Baked potato, please. C: What kind of dressing would you like on your salad? M: (...dressing, yeah, I know that!) Ranch, please. And we'll have just water to drink. With just a little ice. C: All right, I'll place your order and it will be out in just a few, enjoy your meals everyone! M: Wow, it ain't easy at all! C: This is real life, baby! M: Yep! C: But, seriously, don't feel embarrassed to ask people to repeat themselves or speak more slowly. And your experience will vary from place to place. There are generally three levels of dining in America: 1 Fast Food restaurants, 2 Family Restaurants and lastly Fine Dining establishments. Personally, I do most of my dining at the first two! M: And you can find any kind of ethnic cuisine C: Because we're a melting pot! The immigrants coming to the States brought their own customs with them, a lot of different flavors from all over the world. M: And that's what we are going to discuss with a special guest today! C: Our other American friend! M & C: Hi Christine! M: Christine, thank you so much for joining us today. Christine: Thank you ladies for having me. M: Christine, could you please introduce yourself to our listeners? Christine: Sure my name is Christine, and I’m an American, I grew up on the East coast of the United States in Washington DC. C: And I know we have something in common in that each of us has 59

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one parent who was not born in the US. My father was born in Sicily and my mother is of Eastern European descent. How about you? Christine: My father was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo and came to the U.S. as a graduate student. This is when he met and married my mom who is Italian-American. C: We ate pasta 5 nights a week! What did you eat when you were growing up? Christine: Our family table had both influences from the Congolese and the Italian-American side. We ate pasta as well as a chicken made with peanut sauce from the Congo. C: Delicious! America is really a melting pot. People have settled here from the four corners of the globe. So if you think that we’re all sitting around eating hamburgers & fries- you’re wrong, because America’s cuisine today is much more complex than that. That said, there’s nothing bad about the occasional burger and fries! Christine: In fact, many immigrants brought RECIPES from home and had to adapt to what foods they could find in America. M: So what can our listeners find to eat when they visit America? C: Well in large cities, like Los Angeles and New York, anything. You can literally find any kind of ethnic cuisine you desire. Christine: Authentic Mexican food is found virtually all over the United States. And we also have sushi from Japan. You can easily find a sushi restaurant...or buy small takeaway trays of sushi in large supermarkets. C: Italy, mainly southern Italy has had a huge influence on the north east of America. We have many people of Sicilian or Neapolitan descent living there, and as a result you can find excellent pizza & pasta dishes. And if you happen to find an Italian delicatessen, stop in and buy a takeaway. You won’t be disappointed! Christine: The Germans have had a big influence too! They brought sausages, hot dogs, sauerkraut made of cabbage, potato salad and even pretzels! What would an American picnic be without hotdogs and potato salad? C: You’re right! Thank you Germany! Ok, what else? What about Caribbean food? There are lots of Puerto Ricans living in New York and Cubans in Miami. Marta, you had wonderful Cuban food in Miami last year, didn’t you? M: Yeah, for example I had fried yuca sticks and salads with tropical 60

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fruits and avocado. And also the Lechon Asado, that is roast pork marinated in tasty tropical spices. Christine: wow! there are so many delicious influences to talk about! We need to discuss the Native American influences as well. M: You’re right. Christine will you come back next time so we can discuss this topic a little more in depth? We’ve left out so much. And besides... our listeners may be hungry now? Christine: I’d love to. C: That’s settled then. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule today. We’ll see you again soon? Christine: Ok, great. C: Bye Christine! Christine: Bye! M: That's all for now, now you're ready for a great dinner, so ENJOY YOUR MEAL! C: Can I have SECONDS? M: No, Cindy, it's over, I'm sorry. C: Ok, but if you listeners would like to have seconds, you can find us on, on iTunes, on, and on our Facebook page, just do a web search for 'my American friend podcast', we're everywhere! M: Bye-bye!

UNIT 3 DRINKING M: This episode is going to be about …. DRINKING! C: We know that many of our listeners study English in order to travel around the globe and make new friends. When you hang out with those new friends it's likely that you’ll have a drink together and you may need to know some specific words and expressions about drinking. M: Ok, listeners, make sure to read the transcript of this episode. Now, let's imagine we're having a drink somewhere in the States... C: How about the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles? Plenty of cool bars and clubs there, Whisky a Go-go, Rainbow, House of Blues , Roxy, Viper... 61

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M: Nice choice, among the regular clients of those bars you get to see rockstars and actors, you're likely to spot some celebrity, like, every night out there. C: But before you order your cocktail, enjoy the live music and make friends with Steven Tyler or Slash you'd better revise some vocabulary with me, Marta, ok? M: Ok, let me get a bottle of wine and two glasses. C: Now, it's common to have a drink together when you’re celebrating something, right? For example we can celebrate that our podcast was number one on the Podomatic chart last week. M: Ok, so what should I say while I CLINK GLASSES? C: Let's TOAST TO our podcast and to our listeners! Or we could say: let's DRINK TO... let's DRINK A TOAST TO.... or : let's RAISE OUR GLASSES TO or FOR.... M: CHEERS! C: Cheers! M: Mmmm, delicious! C: Marta, you're taking small SIPS, com'on, DOWN IT IN ONE GO! Or I could also say: SLAM IT! M: All right, but that's it for me. I CAN'T HOLD MY DRINK, one glass is more than enough. C: You GET DRUNK very easily, don't you? M: Well, it's not that I get drunk, I just ...fall asleep! C: Uh, that wouldn't be good if you fell asleep now. Steven Tyler and Slash just bought us another ROUND OF DRINKS! M: I know, I know, it's not my fault, I just fall asleep. I'd better have some soda with Steve Vai who I'm pretty sure doesn't drink any alcohol. C: I didn't know he was a TEETOTALER? Ok, so you and Steve Vai are going to be our designated drivers, right? M: Ok, ok. I've been the designated driver my whole life! Well, at least I don't have to SOBER UP the following day. No headache, no HANGOVER. C: Oh, Marta, have you seen that movie, «The hangover»? M: That's hilarious! C: It’s got to be one of my favorite movies of all-time. It's about a group of friends who wake up in Vegas having no memory of what they've done the previous night, after a wild bachelor party for one of them. And that's what happens when you're DEAD DRUNK: you have a 62

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great time and the next day – you can’t remember a thing! Doesn’t seem to be much sense in it, does it? M: Yeah. Everyone, be careful, you can get into trouble if you drink too much and you lose control. Cindy, can you think of any idiom or expression about those people who drink too much? C: «TO DRINK LIKE A FISH», that's drinking a lot. M: To drink like a fish. Ok. C: And to be really drunk is: TO BE WASTED, TO BE SLOSHED, PICKLED... there are so many expressions. M: And how about BINGE DRINKING? What is it? C: Oh, binge drinking is an extreme form of drinking, that would be overdoing it. M: How about those people who drink because they're sad? C: We say that: they DRINK THEIR PROBLEMS AWAY, they DROWN THEIR SORROWS. M: Ok, anything else? C: I have a funny song about drinking to suggest. M: Which one? C: «Alcohol» by Brad Paisley. M: You're right! It's a really cool song! And now that you make me think about it, there is something interesting Brad says in the lyrics of that song, he says: «I'll bet you a drink or two that I can make you....» do something, whatever. C: Yes, for example, if we're watching a football match we can BET A DRINK on the winner. If your team wins I'll pay for our drinks and vice versa. Or you can use this expression when you are challenging someone. Marta, this song is too difficult, I'll bet a drink that you can't sing it. M: You do? Ok, you'd better prepare your wallet, I'm getting thirsty! C: I was just kidding! M: So was I. C: And everyone, let's make it clear once again: hanging out with your friends having a drink or two is just great, drinking a little more on special occasions is ok, but alcohol can turn into a serious addiction, so, be responsible. M: Well, listeners, we went through a lot of vocabulary, so check it out in our transcript and come visit us on,, Facebook, twitter and iTunes. Before we go let me thank 63

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some of our listeners: Bairma, Natalia, Zainal and our dear friends Tatsuro and Reza. C: See you soon with a new episode! M: Bye-bye! UNIT 4 AIRPORT M: Hello everybody, today we're going to take you to the... AIRPORT. M: Well, listeners, this time Cindy is not here with me, but don't worry, we will listen to her beautiful voice later on anyway. She's traveling around the States at the moment, and that's why I thought of this episode about airplane travel. There's a lot of vocabulary to revise about it. Ok, uhm... well, before you even get to the airport, you'd better double check your tickets, all the documents you need to bring along as well as the weight and dimensions of your bags. You don't want to pay any unforeseen costs for your EXCESS BAGGAGE or miss your flight just because of some silly oversight, do you? No, I'm sure you don't. All right, so picture yourself at the airport, embarking on a wonderful vacation or preparing for an important business trip. You're ready and willing to fly. Well, at least, I would be 'cause I love flying, I always choose a WINDOW SEAT to better enjoy the TAKE OFF, that's the moment when the plane leaves the ground, as well as the TOUCH DOWN, that is the moment when the plane lands. I really love the view you can see from the window when you fly above the clouds. But some people prefer the AISLE SEAT, because they like the additional leg room or freedom to leave their seat more easily. I'm as far as one can be from being AIRSICK, you know, you're airsick when you suffer from MOTION SICKNESS. This can happen on boats, cars, planes, amusement rides etc.. Ok, first off, if you're in The States, your flight can be international or domestic. You need to go to DOMESTIC departures if you fly within the country, or to INTERNATIONAL departures if you fly abroad. Each airport is designed differently, and some can be quite large. Be sure to look carefully at airport monitors for your gate information and don’t be afraid to ask airport personnel for some help. That’s what they’re there 64

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for! Before landing, I always take a look in the seat pocket in front of me for the convenient airport maps located in airline magazines. These diagrams are helpful to familiarize yourself with arrival airports. It can be a DIRECT FLIGHT or you may have to make a STOPOVER or LAYOVER, that means you have to stop down at more than one airport and switch planes in order to reach your destination. There's a lot of CHECKING IN to be done and that's the boring thing about flying. You need to present your tickets and proper identification with a photo I.D. and check your baggage in. The bigger suitcases are to be stored below the plane. Be sure to check your airline’s baggage allowances online before going! Fees and baggage limits vary greatly and you may be asked to pay for your first or second suitcase depending on the airline’s rules. Check online to avoid unexpected surprises! Then you need to GO THROUGH SECURITY, together with your CARRY ON BAGS. These are the small bags you take on the plane with you, to be put in the OVERHEAD COMPARTMENT. Most flights allow you one carry on bag and one personal item (like a purse or a computer bag), but even these rules can vary on small commuter planes with weight restrictions. Security will scan your bags, purses, laptop computers and check for liquids and anything else they find questionable. You may be asked to remove your jacket, belt, shoes, watch and large jewelry for scanning as well. Keep all your liquids or gels (and for women- that means cosmetics!) in a small clear resealable plastic bag for security to check easily. Then you eventually get to the GATE, where you wait until you can BOARD the aircraft, that is to get on the plane. Of course, you are going to need your BOARDING PASS, the document that lets you enter the plane and your passport or picture identification available as well. Now it's time to get in contact with Cindy, hey Cindy, can you hear me? C: Yes, I can hear you quite well. Hi Marta and hi everyone! I'm back home in The States this month, traveling around and visiting with my family. So, I understand that you're talking about flights today? M: Yeah, by the way, could you tell us something about BAGGAGE CLAIM? I know you've had some hard times recollecting your bags more than once... right? C: Oh, girl, don’t even get me started! Last Christmas, an airline that 65

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shall remain nameless, lost my bags for 8 days!!! But this is common for me, it happens every time I fly – I get off the plane, go down to BAGGAGE CLAIM to pick up my bags and they never arrive on time. I mean, they always arrive eventually, a day or two later, but I just have them delivered to my hotel. So, for all of you listening – if your bags get lost, don’t worry, just look for the baggage office related to your airline and fill out the proper documentation with all of your contact information. The airport will work hard to get those bags to you as soon as possible. So don’t panic, it’s not such a big deal, believe me – I’m an expert! ***SPECIAL NOTE: DO NOT pack your medications, jewelry, electronics or anything else of value into your checked bags! Keep these items with you at all times and pack them into your CARRY ON suitcase instead. *** M: Another possible inconvenience about flights is: flying through some TURBULENCE. C: Turbulence? Well, a margarita will take care of that nicely. But if you’re not a drinker – again, don’t worry. I don’t know the exact statistics, but thousands of planes take off and land safely every day around the world. Wind turbulence is just a normal part of flying. So don’t panic if you feel some «bumps» along the journey. The pilot may even illuminate the «FASTEN SEATBELT» sign. Just buckle-up and don’t worry. I’ve been much more afraid riding along inside a car on Italian highways than I ever have in an airplane! M: You're right! Cindy, could you remind our listeners about the word COMPLIMENTARY? C: Complimentary- important word. That means «it’s free». It won’t cost you anything. When you fly on a budget for instance and you purchase a low cost ticket (or an ECONOMY seat) you need to check for what is complimentary and what is not. For instance, you may be offered a complimentary snack, but you may have to pay for any other foods or beverages, and it could be very expensive. Water, soda and a small bag of nuts or crackers are usually free, depending on the duration of your flight. It may be a good idea to «grab a bite» (that means to eat something quick) at the airport before your departure. M: All right, Cindy, that's it for now, we let you go back to your traveling and to your JET LAG! C: Oh! Jet lag! Well, that’s another story! There is a 6 hour time dif66

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ference between Italy and the American East Coast – and my internal clock is still adjusting! It was nice talking with you, everybody! I wish you a great day! Marta, I’ll see you soon, dear! Bye! *** M: Ok, listeners, before we go, I want to thank a few of you: Henrietta, Maria, Derek, Darko, Alejandro. And I also wanna thank Skip Montreaux for all his nice words about our podcast. He is running a great podcast too, it's about business English, if you're interested, check it out . Everybody, come visit us at where you can read the transcript of this episode together with a lot of interesting posts we have already uploaded to help you improve your English. Of course you still find us on Facebook, twitter, iTunes, and but now we also have our blog See you there! Bye-bye! UNIT 5 DIRECTIONS M: This episode is about: asking and giving DIRECTIONS! C: Ok, we know what you're thinking, we're in the 21st century and you all have some sort of GPS device in your cars and cell phones nowadays. M: Yes, and to make the most of it you'd better set your GPS in English! C: Have you set yours, Marta? M: Sure! C: And what does it sound like? M: ….in two point five miles enter roundabout then take second exit! C: That's excellent! M: So why are we dealing with this topic? C: Because one of our listeners made a request. M: Yeah, thanks to Sergio Leon for all of his kind comments and suggestions! 67

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C: Well, we thought it over and decided the topic could be worth an episode if we went beyond the «turn left, turn right, go straight ahead»stuff which I'm pretty sure most of our listeners are already familiar with. M: You know, Cindy, when I travel around the States sometimes asking for directions is the quickest way to break the ice with local people and start a conversation. C: And practice the language! M: In my experience as far as your approach is polite and friendly Americans are always willing to help and they're also curious to know about you, so the conversation is very likely to continue for a few pleasant and interesting minutes. C: No map or GPS can compare to talking with local people when you're visiting a country. You miss out on all that local «flavor», something you can't get from a GPS. M: Ok, then. So we need to make sure that our listeners will be able to handle this kind of conversation. Let's give them some hints. C: For example, we need to arrange for tonight, Marta. You’re meeting us later on for dinner, right? M: Sure, the girls and I are looking forward to it! C: You guys know how to get there? M: Uhm... no, I don’t think so. It’s the new restaurant at the other end of town, right? C: Yeah, right. That’s the one. You guys need directions? M: Yeah... thanks. That would be helpful. I don’t want to get lost. C: Ok, got a pen? M: Yes, I’m ready, go ahead. C: Ok, well, go on down to Main St and hang a left. Then hang a right at the second church past the park. Just keep going straight, oh wait...or do you need to hang another right? No... no... I was right the first time – go straight. And then go on down to the first light until you see a .... M: Hold on Cindy....that makes no sense at all to me. You’re going to need to back up, start over and speak English! C: I was speaking English! M: If you give directions like that, then no one will ever get anywhere! C: I’m sorry, Marta. It’s just that your English is so good, I forget that you’re not American like me! Many times I speak too fast and with too much slang. Let’s start over. 68

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M: Good idea! And first off: why did you refer to us as «guys» when my friends and I are all women? C: Oh! You’re right! I didn’t mean «guys» as if to say you’re all men. When speaking casually to friends you can refer to a group as «guys». But it’s only to be used amongst close friends or immediate family that you are very familiar with- don’t use it if you are referring to your Grandparents or Professors, all the important people that you would normally treat with respect. M: Ok, that’s clear. So you weren’t calling us men. C: No, not at all, you and all your friends are very beautiful and no one would ever mistake any one of you for a man! M: Ok, thank you. Well, I’ve got my pen- let’s start over: «Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to Riccardo’s Restaurant? It’s near the highway. And please speak slowly.» C: Sure, do you know where Main Street is? M: Yes. I do. C: Okay. Start from the Movie Theater on Main Street and go straight heading West, until you reach the bank. M: Okay got it. C: Then, at the bank, hang a left onto.... M: Wait a minute! What does that mean? To «hang a left»?! I mean, I can hang my laundry, I can hang a sign, I can even hang up the phone, but ... «hang a left»? C: Sorry, to «hang a left» or «hang a right» means to turn. M: Oh, that’s clear! So I should turn left onto what street?? C: Turn left onto State Street. M: Got it. Ok! C: Drive past that ballpark named «Williams Park» and straight ahead on your left, there will be a big white church. M: Big white church on left. Got it. C: Drive past the big church. And, everyone, when giving directions it’s good to give people some landmarks, like stores or buildings, so they will know that they are in the right neighborhood. Okay, as soon as you pass the big church, look for Chestnut Street on your right. Turn right onto Chestnut Street and follow it to the end. There’s a light at the end... M: You mean a traffic light? or some may call it a stoplight? C: You’re right again, sorry- it’s a stoplight or a traffic light. Turn right at that stoplight and Riccardo’s is just ahead on the left. You can’t 69

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miss it. It’s the big red building. M: Great! Now that makes sense! Listeners, don’t feel embarrassed about asking people to speak slowly when giving directions. Be sure to have a pen and paper ready. C: And you could even ask them to write it down for you. Because I know, speaking from personal experience, there are some parts of the United States where a regional accent can be a roadblock to comprehension. If you’re not sure, ask them to write it down. M: Well, I guess now you're ready to be the ones giving directions! C: And Marta... reservations are at 8:30. M: Ok! Thank you Cindy, and now that you’ve explained yourself in proper English – I know that I’ll be there on time! C: Touché! Fair Enough! Thanks for listening everyone! See you later, Marta! M: Yeah, and listeners, remember you can find us on, on iTunes, on, on Facebook and on twitter. See you very soon, bye! UNIT 6 SPORTS M: Well, today we're going to talk about SPORTS! M: First of all, Cindy, let me tell you one thing that I noticed about team sports in the States: there are 4 main team sports. Not one but Four! C: Yes, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey and Football. M: And when you mention Football you don't mean European Football that is soccer to Americans, do you? C: No, soccer has grown in The States, but it still doesn't carry the fan base it holds in the rest of the world. M: So 4 team sports that have an incredible number of fans. C: That's possible because the championships are played throughout the year, so the sporting seasons don't overlap each other much, giving each sport its own season. For example Major League Baseball runs roughly April through October, while American Football the NFL (National Football League) is played September through January. M: …..ending with America's biggest TV sport event. 70

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C: Yes, the famous Super Bowl! Everyone watches the Super Bowl game and of course the Half Time show! Friends and family gather in pubs or at home to watch. Great food is prepared. Rivalries intensify. Truthfully it's mainly about food and breaking your friend's balls on Facebook. It's a lot of fun. M: Well, Maybe you should tell our listeners about The Half Time Show… C: It's a concert, a performance given during the break between the second and third quarter of the game. Great performances, artists like Bruce Springsteen, U2, The Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson... This year we saw The Black Eved Peas Usher and Slash from my personal favorite Guns and Roses. The Super Bowl is always an exciting event. The TV commercials are famous too. Advertisers pay extraordinary amounts of money for Super Bowl air time. Last year 30 seconds of advertising time was expected to cost 2.6 million US dollars. You know, we may say that in general football attracts more television viewers than baseball, although baseball attracts significantly more ticket sales due to its much longer schedule. M: And there are also Basketball and Hockey, as well. (NHL) National Hockey League runs October though April and the NBA National Basketball Association November through April. C: Hockey is more popular in the colder climates of the northern United States such as New England and in the Midwest. And our neighbors in Canada are crazy about Hockey! But that's a topic for another show. M: I can tell you for sure that Hockey is very popular in Michigan, I was there a couple of years ago during the Stanley Cup finals and I was supposed to perform a live concert, because you know I'm a singer, well, that night I had to wait for the match to be over before the music could start, because everyone was glued to the TV screen! C: Awesome!! Isn't that what sport is about? Supporting your favorite team. Going crazy when they win or lose? Wearing those T-shirts proudly, cheering on your heroes and supporting them when they're down. It's a great atmosphere. It really brings family and friends together, and it even unites countries. M: Do you know what I like about American sports culture? C: What's that? M: You can turn any match into great entertainment. When I went to 71

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a Baseball game in Miami, for example, I was fascinated by the whole thing. Starting from the tailgate parties in the parking lot before the game... C: Oh, wait a minute, Marta, let's explain tailgate parties. A tailgate party is a pic-nic, a pic-nic in the parking lot before the game. M: And after that there was the national anthem to be sung all together, do you know that? «...the land of the free and the home of the brave!!!» C: You're awesome. M: And then the fireworks, the cheerleaders, there even were a concert at the end of the game... C: I mean, you can spend a whole night partying with your friends and family. Marta, was there any baseball being played somewhere between the barbecue and the concert? M: Yes, and do you know where the fun began? C: Where? M: With the parking attendant asking me how many people usually attend the baseball game of my local team in the little town I am from in Italy. C: A little different, uh? M: And I answered « 15» and he asked «thousand»? And I said: 'No, fifteen. Period.' C: Well, the parking attendant would have expected at least 15 hundred. M: Yes, actually that's a good point about numbers for our listeners, watch out, you can say one thousand and five hundred or 15 hundred. That's the same. (1500) C: Yes, so you had a great time at the game? M: Yes, that's America, always entertaining. C: And speaking of entertainment, how about sports and Hollywood? Can you think of any films centered around one of these sports? M: «Space Jam» about Basketball starring Michael Jordan, or «Field of dreams» about baseball. C: Do you remember «Jerry Maguire» with Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding Jr? – Show me the money! – M: And «Any given Sunday» or «Leatherheads» both about football. C: Or «The Longest Yard» with Adam Sandler. Love that movie. It was a remake of a 1974 Burt Reynolds film. Oh, and «The Blind Side». 72

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M: «The Blind Side» that makes me think of another aspect of American sports that I noticed. Actually sports play a very important role in schools. C: That's true. M: High Schools and Colleges are equipped with fields and arenas and gymnasiums … teams and championships are nearly as important as national ones. Just think of the NCAA. C: The National Collegiate Athletic Association. Marta, I live in The States just outside of Chapel Hill, North Carolina home of the University of North Carolina Tar Heels basketball team. And the Tar Heels feel it is their birthright to be part of the final four and go on to win the ACC tournament, the Atlantic Coast Conference. College basketball is taken very seriously in North Carolina where many NBA players first started out , Michael Jordan for one. Gifted high school athletes who make an impression are sometimes sought-after at the college level and then have a good chance to continue their career in the NBA or NFL. M: You start a rookie and you become – through hard work, study, dedication and determination – a champion. By the way Cindy, how would you explain the word «rookie» to our listeners? C: A rookie is a beginner, someone who is in their first year of something, not necessarily sport. You can be a rookie mum, if it's your first child and everything is new to you. M: Or you can be a rookie English student! C: Yes, you know what? It's amazing how sports are part of our everyday life. We use a lot of idioms derived from sports. For example, when you asked me to do this podcast about sports I thought: Marta you are really barking up the wrong tree with this one. It's a long shot, I know nothing about sports. I felt like I was behind the 8 ball. But you're calling the shots. So I thought it's time to fish or cut bait. The cards are stacked against me but I'm gonna get into full swing, keep my eye on the ball and hit a home run. M: Wow, Cindy, slow down, you used a whole lot of idioms, I guess we need to go through them with our listeners. So, first of all you said: you are barking up the wrong tree. C: That's a great one, isn't it? This is a hunting reference, referring to the hunter and his confused dog who has mistakenly led the sportsmen to the wrong tree. So if I go to the bakery for example and ask for a pound of sausage I'm barking up the wrong tree. 73

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M: All right, that's clear now. Then you said: It's a long shot. What does that mean? C: If you bet on a horse that is unlikely to win, that's a long shot. It's doubtful that you will win the bet. If you apply for a job that you're seriously under qualified for, that's a long shot. M: Ok. How about: To be behind the 8 ball? C: It means to feel under pressure. It's a reference to shooting pool, billiards. For example, at school, if you have a lot of exams coming up, you feel under pressure and behind the 8 ball. M: All right. Then you said: you're calling the shots. C: That means: You're the boss. M: Oh, thank you! C: You're the referee of the game. When I was a kid, my father called the shots in my family, he was the boss. M: Clear. Now that one was interesting: It's time to fish or cut bait. C: I love this! This is a reference to fishing, it means to get serious, stop wasting time, do the job or go home, just like a fisherman who has spent his day waiting for a fish to bite. He must make the decision to continue on fishing or cut his line and go home. An example could be a boy who really likes a girl but he's afraid to ask her out on a date. There would be a time where he has to fish or cut bait. Ask her out or give up the dream. M: What about: The cards are stacked against me but I'm gonna get into full swing. C: It's like the odds are not in your favour but you're gonna go for it and make the best of it. Get into full swing, means to give it your all and be enthusiastic. It can also be used for parties: the party was in full swing and everyone was having a great time! M: Then we had: Keep my eye on the ball and hit a home run. C: Both baseball references: keep your eye on the ball means stay focused and hit a home run means to succeed. M: Ok. Well, now you'd better repeat it all for our listeners, now they can understand you. C: I said: when you asked me to do this podcast about sports I thought: Marta you are really barking up the wrong tree with this one. It's a long shot, I know nothing about sports. I felt like I was behind the 8 ball. But you're calling the shots. So I thought it's time to fish or cut bait. The cards are stacked against me but I'm gonna get into full swing, keep 74

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my eye on the ball and hit a home run. M: All right, Cindy, now let's stay focused on sports idioms and keep the ball rolling, that means keep the conversation moving. I have a few idioms that refer to the boxing world. C: Oh great, we haven't talked about boxing yet. M: To hit below the belt, that is an illegal move, so it means to act unfairly. C: Arguments for example may become heated and angry words are hurled at each other, you may say something really hurtful, that's hitting below the belt. M: Another one: Saved by the bell, the end of the round saves the boxer from defeat, so it means to be saved from a situation that you don't like because you run out of time. C: At school, if the bell rings and the class is over before it's your turn to speak, you're saved by the bell. M: And: Knockout. If I say «she's a knockout» that's a hell of a compliment, isn't it? C: You're a knockout, Marta. M: Thank you, you too! C: It means she's stunningly attractive, she knocks men out with her beauty, she makes them weak in the knees. M: What else? Throw in the towel, that signals the end of the match, so you admit defeat, you surrender. C: This podcast is getting more and more difficult for our listeners to understand, let's hope that they don't throw in the towel and give up on us. M: No, guys, hang in there, we're almost finished here anyway. But as a very famous baseball player once said «it ain't over till it's over» C: oh, Yogi Berra wasn't it? He's almost more famous for his Yogiisms than he was for his amazing baseball career. M: «...and baby it ain't over till it's over» C: Lenny Kravitz, right? Fantastic! M: All right. Before we go, let me remind you that you can find the transcription of this podcast including all these sport idioms on Well thanks for joining us everyone, and remember to keep your eye on the ball, and your ball is -of course- your English lessons. C: Are we finished? 75

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M: I guess so. C: Oh, saved by the bell. M: Cindy, are you throwing in the towel? C: No, I think we did a great job and kept the ball rolling and for two rookies I think it was a knockout performance! M: It was. C: Thanks everyone, bye-bye!.... M: Bye-bye! See you next time!

UNIT 7 THE AMERICAN DREAM M: So, this time we're talking about … the AMERICAN DREAM! C: Marta, since you are not American, I'm curious to know your perception of the American dream. M: I've always thought of it as the right to aspire and to pursue what makes you feel happy in life, the freedom to build up your future brick by brick through hard work and determination. Having the opportunity to somehow feel successful in your life. But why don't you give us some hints about the American dream? C: Well, since the very beginning, when the first settlers came to the New World the USA was founded on values and ideals, like democracy, equality, justice and liberty. Of course sometimes there is a great distance from the ideals and the actual reality, I mean, everyday life is still harder for the poorest part of the population even in a country based on the right of equality. M: Those values still have deep roots in the American culture. There is this general feeling that you should be given a chance to pave your way that your future could depend on your individual choices and not only on your social class, race or family. C: And this is what the Declaration of Independence stated in fact, that all men are created equal and that they have inalienable rights, including Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. M: The ideal was to create a country where everyone could express their talents, where everyone could get the merit for their work and per76

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severance. C: Yes, and again, let me point out that it's just a promise of the possibility of prosperity and success, that doesn't mean that every single person achieves it, not to mention nowadays with this difficult economic crisis we’re facing worldwide. M: Yeah, now those that believed the American Dream to be only about getting money, goods, fame and fortune, must be thinking that the dream has turned into a nightmare! C: Yeah, while the idea of the so called American Dream is far from being only materialistic, it's about improving your life and the society you live in. This is what James Adams wrote in 1931: «The American Dream is the dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. (...) A dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.» M: And let me add that you can call it American Dream or not, but it was the main reason for millions of people to move to the USA along the centuries. They came in search of a free, happy and richer life. C: All those immigrants leaving their families and taking the risk to cross the ocean, came to the New World to seek justice, religious freedom and economic opportunity. It’s certainly a part of my family’s history. M: And all those immigrants were welcomed by The Statue of Liberty! C: The Statue of Liberty is a real landmark. Marta, I know you wrote a song about her. M: Yes, the title is 'Miss Liberty'. C: May we listen to it? M: Sure, at the end of this episode! Now, there is something else really worth mentioning about the Statue, the sonnet entitled «The new colossus». C: You're right, it was written by Emma Lazarus in 1883 and when visiting the Statue you can read this sonnet engraved on a bronze plaque. The most famous sentence is «Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free» M: Hey listeners, you can read the whole sonnet in the transcript of this episode, don't miss it! 77

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*** C: Marta, how about giving our listeners some vocabulary about dreams and ambitions? M: Ok, how do you define the desired, sought-after object? C: It's your aim, your goal, your target. M: And what about the verbs we use in this kind of context? C: To pursue your dream, to make your dreams come true, to achieve your goal, to fulfill your ambitions, to accomplish... M: Any idioms about ambitions and dreams? C: Oh, yeah. «The sky's the limit!» meaning there is no limit to your possibility of success, so dream big! For example, Marta, how many downloads do you think that our podcast will get next month? M: Who knows? The sky's the limit! C: You got it! An idiom about effort and hard work in order to reach your target is: «blood, sweat and tears». So, Marta, when we hit #5 on The Podomatic language courses chart.... M: It was not due to luck, it was blood, sweat and tears! C: Well... I don’t think either one of us actually shed blood during the making of this podcast... Maybe some sweat though....and a few tears of joy when we hit #5!.... M: ....And let us not forget the over 10,000 listener downloads from around the world! Thank you everyone! It’s been a lot of work, but we’ve had a lot of fun too. *** C: Is this episode almost over? M: Yes, almost. I'd love to quote a movie before we go because I think it's a good example of what the American Dream is like in the 21st century. C: Which one? M: «The Pursuit of Happyness» by Gabriele Muccino. C: Is that the film starring Will Smith and his son? M: Yes, and this is the quote I chose. The scene is a father (Will Smith) talking to his child: «You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period. » 78

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C: Go get it, listeners! And good luck! M: Thanks for listening, we await your comments, questions and suggestions. C: Come visit us on Facebook,, and iTunes – and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter. And remember to always read the transcripts! M: And now... C: ...your beautiful song about The Statue of Liberty, right? M: Yes, enjoy! See you guys very soon! C: Bye-bye! UNIT 8 BRITISH English vs. AMERICAN English M: So, today we’re going to learn something about... BRITISH English vs. American English! C: Wow, we picked a very useful topic today, if you travel around the globe you will have a much easier time if you understand both British and American accents. M: So true! C: And in a little while we are going to introduce a special guest here with us today, she’s going to help us in understanding the difference between British and American English. M: Just to give you an idea of what this difference is like, I'll quote George Bernard Shaw who once said that the USA and The UK are two countries divided by a common language. Also Oscar Wilde wrote something similar, he wrote: We have really everything in common with America nowadays, except, of course, the language! C: I couldn't agree more! You don't even have to travel to hear the differences! Just compare the newscasters on BBC with the ones from CNN and you will immediately notice how different the accents are! M: Yeah, or watch a movie starring Hugh Grant and a movie starring Jeff Bridges. C: Or compare an interview with Angelina Jolie to an interview with Keira Knightley... M: You know, Cindy, I was taught British English at school and I also spent a couple of summers in England when I was a teenager. So, had 79

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I met you back then your accent would have been very difficult for me! C: That's funny because your accent is American now! You jumped the pond! M: And it's not really only about pronunciation, there are differences of spelling, grammar, vocabulary, idioms, even how you write dates or punctuation. C: Sometimes it’s confusing- even for me, a native English speaker! Listeners, we really recommend that you read the transcript of this episode, because you will find a precious list of the main differences between American and British English. M: And now let's introduce our English friend, Emanuela! Hello! E: Hello! C: Thank you very much for joining us today! Could you tell our listeners something about yourself? E: I'm from London, I live in Milan and I'm married to a Scotsman. We have two children. I'm an English teacher and translator, as well as an art reviewer in my spare time. C: Well, you can tell she wasn't raised in Connecticut like me, right?! M: Yes! It's just great having you both here, we can compare Cindy's American words with the ones Emanuela uses in the UK. C: Great idea, everyone, pay attention, listen carefully and try to pick out as many differences as you can! Then, check them out in the transcript. Ok? M: Ok, then. Ready, steady, go! C: In America we live in apartments. E: In England we live in flats. C: Our houses have backyards. E: Our houses have gardens. C: When we are on the first floor we take the elevator to get on the second floor. E: While we take the lift to get from the ground floor up to the first floor. C: Our pants are in a closet. E: Our trousers are in a wardrobe, and if you say pants in England that means underwear. C: We eat cookies at snack time and we have appetizers before dinner. E: We eat biscuits and we have starters. 80

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C: The Americans are crazy about French fries! E: In the UK we have chips. We have fish & chips quite often too! C: Yum! Fish & chips are fantastic! It’s also an economical meal to purchase if you are touring the UK on a budget! Now where were we? Oh yes...In New York City we walk on the sidewalk and we park our car in parking lots. E: In London we walk on the pavement and we park in car parks. C: We take the subway. E: We take the underground and in London we call it the Tube. C: We buy either a one way ticket or a round trip ticket. E: We buy either a single ticket or a return ticket. C: In America, we drive on the interstate or the highway to go on vacation. E: We drive on the motorway to go on holiday. C: A 7 year old kid attends the second grade of elementary school. E: In the UK that child would attend the third year of primary school. M: Wow! And we could go on for hours!! C: Yes, again, listeners, don't miss the transcript of this episode, you'll find a detailed list of differences worth reading. M: And watch out because even the same word could have different meaning according to which side of the Atlantic ocean you're swimming in. For instance «MAD». C: Mad usually means angry in America, for example: «I didn't do my math homework, and my teacher was mad at me.» How about to be mad in the UK? E: It means to be insane, out of mind, you would say to be crazy. M: And in fact compare these two songs: «I'm crazy for you» C: Madonna, American. M: And «I'm mad about you, I'm mad about you.» E: Sting, British. M: That's it! What else? In Britain you don't use slang contractions like gonna, wanna, oughta... E: You're right, we usually say I'm going to, I want to, I ought to... C: Yes, and let's talk about possession. We usually ask: «Do you have this or that?» For example: Do you have a pencil? E: While we ask : «Have you got this or that?» For example: Have you got a pencil? C: And in writing British English you can still find the influence of 81

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French. M: How do you spell the words color and center? E: C o l o u r and centre with final r e. C: While I spell them c o l o r (without the letter «u») and center with a final er. M: Even the spelling of some irregular past participles can change, what about «to learn»? E: It's learnt, with a final T C: In America it can be both learnt and learned as if it was regular. M: Now let's compare the pronunciation of a few words. C: Ok. How does «hand» sound in British? E: Hand. C: Butter? E: Butter. C: Anybody? E: Anybody. C: Garage? E: Garage. C: Vitamin? E: Vitamin. M: Wow! I think we'd need other 10 episodes on this subject, but I hope that this general overview has given our listeners at least an idea of what we're talking about. C: Emanuela, would you like to make any further suggestion to our English learners? E: Well, as I usually say to all of my students: practice makes perfect. And as long as you have a DVD player or you have the chance to read a newspaper or a magazine in English then just do it, whenever you can, it doesn't matter if you don't actually live there. And in my opinion listening to music is one of the best ways to learn or improve the language. M: Thank you so much for your help. It's been awesome talking with you. E: Thank you, girls, my pleasure. C: Come back any time and thanks again! Bye-bye! E: Bye! *** 82

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C: Hey, Marta? How are you, dear? Mixed up? Confused? Lost in the middle of the Atlantic ocean? M: Well, I'm fine, I'm happy I had a chance to review my British English knowledge, even though I will never be able to get rid of the American accent anyways. C: Is it my fault? Just kidding. By the way, you used an expression that our listeners may not know: «TO GET RID OF something». M: Ok, let's explain it. C: It means to throw something away, to be eventually free of something that was bothering you. Like for example: «her boyfriend was a real slob, I'm so happy to hear she got rid of him». M: Yeah, of course I didn't mean that my American accent bothers me, I meant that I've been speaking American English for so many years now that it's really hard to go back to the British English I was taught as school. C: Yes, but as long as you and our listeners can understand both accents that's ok. M: Yes, it sure helps when traveling abroad. Ok, that's all folks! Now it's time for you to read the transcript! C: Thanks for listening and come visit us on, on our Facebook page, on Twitter, on, and on iTunes. M: We are already working on new episodes. Stay tuned! C: Bye-bye! UNIT 9 AMERICAN HOLIDAYS M: Today, we’re talking about «American Holidays! ». Cindy, today we’re going to discuss American holidays. C: Our friend Laura suggested that topic didn’t she? Hi Laura! M: Yes, she did! Hi Laura! C: Ok, that’s a fun topic…let’s do it! M: Now Cindy, we all pretty much know about the big holidays like Christmas and Halloween… C: Oh, I love Halloween! M: But could we talk about some of the other holidays as well? C: Sure, let’s take it month by month then, beginning with January 1st 83

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– New Year’s Day. M: What do Americans do on New Year’s Day? C: Recover from New Year’s Eve. M: …besides that…don’t you celebrate with family and make «NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS»? C: That’s true. Some families have lunch together on New Year’s Day and specific foods are prepared to bring things like good luck, health and prosperity in the coming year. M: Which foods are those? C: Well, it depends on the individual family traditions and the region you live in, but just to name a few: cabbage, black eyed peas, and fish. M: And what about those New Year’s resolutions? C: Many of us make 1 or 2 «New Year’s resolutions» at the beginning of every year. These are promises we make to ourselves or loved ones to better ourselves in some way. M: Can you give us some examples? C: Oh sure, the most common would be to commit to taking better care of yourself in the form of a healthful diet and exercise. Many people would like to quit smoking too, that’s a very popular New Year’s resolution. M: And it’s a very good idea too. C: Or your focus could be on family. You might want to make a commitment to work less and spend more time with your loved ones. M: That’s nice, so a New Year’s Resolution is a promise to improve your life in some way? C: Exactly. M: How many holidays do you have in America? C: That’s an interesting question. In doing my research for this podcast, I learned that there are no national holidays in America and that each of the 50 states has jurisdiction over its own holidays. M: Oh, that’s interesting! C: Isn’t it? But, there are ten days in the year that are proclaimed as holidays for federal government employees. Most states do observe these holidays and they are called «legal» or «public» holidays. In other words: no mail will be delivered and most likely the banks will be closed as well. M: TEN LEGAL HOLIDAYS. Can you go over the list for us, with a brief explanation for each one? 84

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C: Sure, no problem. First off, we have NEW YEAR’S DAY. That’s January 1st and it’s a day of relaxation, recovery (if you’ve celebrated too much the night before), renewal…and football- there's always football games televised on New Year’s Day! Second: MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY, that’s in honor of slain African American civil rights activist Reverend Martin Luther King. He’s honored on the 3rd Monday in January. Number 3: PRESIDENTS DAY in honor of George Washington. He was the first President of The United States of America. We celebrate Presidents Day on the 3rd Monday in February. Number 4: MEMORIAL DAY in honor of our fallen soldiers who have died in all wars. Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It’s also known as the «kick off» to the start of summer vacation. M: In other words, hotels in tourist destinations (like the beach) are more expensive after Memorial Day? C: You got it! M: Ok, that’s four holidays, there are six more. C: Number five: Independence Day… M: or as it’s more famously known: The 4th of July! C: I love the fourth of July! THE 4TH OF JULY or INDEPENDENCE DAY commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence and our independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. If any listeners are lucky enough to be in America on July 4th, it’s a lot of fun. We celebrate with picnics, parades, fireworks, music, family & friends. It’s one of my favorite holidays. M: And holiday number six? C: Number 6 would be LABOR DAY, that’s the first Monday in September. Labor Day honors the American worker. Labor Day is bittersweet for a lot of us because it signals the end of summer. If you’re vacationing in The States during Labor Day weekend then you should know that hotels (especially those at the beach) are going to be more expensive during Labor Day weekend. M: Good advice. C: Also, airline tickets will cost more and traffic on the highways will be jam packed with travelers. Everyone will be trying to capitalize on that very last weekend of summer. M: So maybe it’s a good idea to plan your vacation for just a week before or after Labor Day Weekend? 85

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C: Personally, I think it’s an excellent idea. You’ll save money, tourist areas won’t be quite as crowded and the traffic will be less likely to give you a headache. I’ve gotten some lovely hotel rooms at the beach for a fraction of the cost by reserving after Labor Day. M: Smart. How about holiday #7? C: Holiday# 7 is October 12th- Observance of Marta Innocenti’s Birthday! M: Cindy, thank you- although I am flattered, I don’t think my birthday is a federal holiday in America. C: No, not yet, but I’m sure it will be one day. Ladies & Gentlemen, not only is October 12th the birthdates of our lovely & talented host, Marta Innocent, but it is also the day CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS arrived in the Americas back in 1492. And Marta, since Columbus was a fellow countryman who landed in the Bahamas on your birthday, I will ask you to give everyone the proper pronunciation of his name… M: Cristoforo Colombo. C: Grazie mille. (=Thank you very much – in Italian) M: Prego. (= you're welcome – in Italian) C: Holiday #8 is VETERANS DAY, observed on November 11th. This is a day where we honor all American Armed Service Veterans. M: Holiday #9? C: Number 9 is THANKSGIVING, observed on the fourth Thursday in November. Thanksgiving is a non-religious holiday. It’s generally shared at home with family members, but you can celebrate it any way you like-with family or friends, at home or in a restaurant. It’s a day to be reminded and thankful for all that we have. Thanksgiving is a holiday with humble origins and the most common foods shared at the Thanksgiving table are: Roasted Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Dressing (or Stuffing) a kind of casserole made with bits of vegetables and cubed bread, Cranberry Sauce (similar to jam or jelly), Gravy (a sauce made from the roasted turkey juices), Corn and Bread. M: Sounds delicious, I’m getting hungry! C: Well, you’re in luck because we only have one holiday left to talk about! M: Let me guess…Christmas Day! C: You’re right! CHRISTMAS DAY, celebrated on December 25th! M: if I’m not mistaken you spent last Christmas on an airplane, right? 86

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C: …I did! Three planes, actually! But for all normal Americans, who prefer to spend their holiday on the ground, it’s a great time of the year. In fact, it's so great we think it deserves an episode all on its own. M: At Christmas time. C: Well, that's it for now, we're finished with American holidays but before we go we have some very special people to thank. M: Yes, some new followers on podomatic: Ishi, Giantsun Juu, Sirinapa, Mywjch. Our friends on Facebook : Olfa, Krewa, Kirshan, Omed, Karolina, Irina, Blerta, Helena Maluluka, Zhipeng Li, Key Cee, Sarah Rose, Maria, Sergio, Gertraud, Gilberto, Soha. And on twitter: Andrea, Ana Paula, Chantha Seng, Vanesa, Tamara, Jarvin, Anna Loseva, Carl Pierre, Kotova, Joseph Yu, Yuliya. I'm sure I have mispronounced your names and I'm sorry. C: But believe us when we say our sentiments are heartfelt: thank you. M: And again a big thank you to our friend Laura who is now in Australia. Go check her blog at :www.mydestinationaustralia. .Thank you so much for listening and see you soon, bye-bye! C: Bye-bye!


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UNIT KEYS UNIT 1. FOOD. 4.12. Blueberry Pancakes, served. 2. Delicious. 3. Melting pot of cultures. 4. Heavy. 5. Etouffeé, gumbo, boiled crawfish (they look like miniature lobsters), oysters, alligator, shrimp and spicy Boudin sausage. 6. Barbecuing. 7. Ribs, chicken, steaks, pork...8. Polish Pierogies, stuffed cabbage rolls and Kielbasa which is a type of sausage. 9. Filled pasta. 10. Mexico. 11. Hybridized version of Mexican food. 5. 2. Of. 2. To, to. 3. About. With. 4. Of, of. 5. For. 6. In, in. 7. To, for. 8. For, beyond. About. UNIT 2. RESTAURANTS 3. – 16. At. 2. Up, in, with. 3. Of. 4. In. 5. To. 6. After. 7. On. 8. In. 9. With. 10. Over. 11. For. 12. At 13. In 14. To. 15. To 16. Of. UNIT 3. DRINKING 4. True or False: 8. True. 2. True. 3. True. 4. False. 5. False. 6. False. 7. True. UNIT 4. AIRPORT 1. Will listen, is travelling, check, don’t want, embarking, are ready, flying, enjoy, lands, fly. 2. 1- additional, 2- motion, 3 – amusement, 4 – flight, 5 – need, 6 – differently, 7 – information, 8 – landing, 9 – located, 10 – arrival, 11 – stopover, 12 – more. 3. Flying, tickets, baggage, allowances, surprises, through, compartment, commuter, laptop, remove, scanning, board, boarding pass. UNIT 5. DIRECTIONS 3. 8. From. 2. At. 3. To, past, on. 4. For. 5. At, ahead. 6. About . 7. In, to 88

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UNIT 6. SPORTS 3. 1. In. 2. Throughout. 3. Of. 4. In. 5. About. 6. During. 7. Of. 9. Of. 10. Due to. 11. Through. 4. 1.True. 2. True. 3. True. 4. True. 5. True. 6. True. 7. True. 8. True. 9. True. 10. True. 11. True. 12. True. 13. True. 14. True. 15. True. 16. True. 17. True. 18. True. 19. True. 20. True. UNIT 7. THE AMERICAN DREAM UNIT 8. BRITISH ENGLISH VS. AMERICAN ENGLISH UNIT 9. AMERICAN HOLIDAYS 11. 5. Specific foods. 2. New Year’s resolution. 3. Loved. 4. Quit. 5. Improve. 6. Jurisdiction. 7. Federal government employees. 8. Legal. 9. Mail. 10. Relaxation. 3. 1. True. 2. True. 3. True. 4. True. 5. True. 6. True. 7. True. 8. True.


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Библиографический список 1. Вайсбурд М.Л. Требования к речевым умениям / М.Л. Вайсбурд, А.Д. Климентенко // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2013. – №8. – С. 11-24. 2. Володин Н.В. Контроль понимания иноязычного текста / Н.В. Володин // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2013. – №8. – С. 58-67. 3. Гез Н.И. К вопросу об обучении распознаванию речи при зрительном и слуховом восприятии / Н.И. Гез // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2013. – №4. – С. 21-31. 4. Дугарцыренова В.А. Подкастинг в обучении иностранным языкам: дидактические особенности, возможности и проблемы (на материале английского языка) / В.А. Дугарцыренова // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2013. – № 3. – С. 9-16 5. Елухина Н.В. Обучение аудированию в русле коммуникативно-ориентированной методики / Н.В. Елухина // Иностранные языки в школе. – 1989. – № 2. – С. 28-36. 6. Елухина Н.В. Обучение слушанию иноязычной речи / Н.В. Елухина // Иностранные языки в школе. – 1999. – № 5. – С. 20-24. 7. Елухина Н.В. Языковые трудности понимания французской речи на слух на среднем этапе обучения и пути их преодоления / Н.В. Елухина // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2013. – №4. – С. 3239. 8. Ковалева Т.А. Дидактический потенциал подкастов и методика их использования в дистанционной форме обучения иностранному языку / Т.А. Ковалева // Иностранные языки в дистанционном обучении: материалы III Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. (Пермь, 2325 апреля 2009 г.) / под ред. Л.К. Гейхман. – Пермь: Изд-во ПГМУ, 2009. – С. 49-55. 9. Лапидус Б.А. К вопросу о сущности процесса обучения иноязычной устной речи и типологии упражнений // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2013. – №4. – С. 10-20. 10. Методика обучения иностранным языкам: традиции и современность / под ред. А.А. Миролюбова. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010. – 464 с. 11. Практический курс английского языка / под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – М.: ВЛАДОС, 2003. – 520 с. 90

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СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Предисловие . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Методическая записка . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 UNIT 1. FOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 UNIT 2. RESTAURANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 UNIT 3. DRINKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 UNIT 4. AIRPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 UNIT 5. DIRECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 UNIT 6. SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 UNIT 7. THE AMERICAN DREAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 UNIT 8. BRITISH ENGLISH VS. AMERICAN ENGLISH . . . . . 42 UNIT 9. AMERICAN HOLIDAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Podcast scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Unit keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Библиографический список . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

______________________ Учебное издание Баирма Владимировна Дашидоржиева Елена Алексеевна Бабушкина Бальжима Владимировна Дашидоржиева

Практикум по иноязычной коммуникации на основе серии аудиоподкастов «My American Friend» Часть 2 Учебное пособие

В авторской редакции Св-во о государственной аккредитации №1289 от 23 декабря 2011 г. Подписано в печать 01.04.14. Формат 60 х 84 1/16. Усл. печ. л. 5,3. Уч.-изд. л. 4,2. Тираж 30. Цена договорная. Заказ 60. Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета 670000, г.Улан-Удэ, ул.Смолина, 24 а. E-mail: [email protected] Отпечатано в типографии Бурятского госуниверситета 670000, г. Улан-Удэ, ул. Сухэ-Батора, 3а