Practice English through Podcasts «My American Friend». Part 1

Пособие предназначено для поэтапного обучения аудированию английской речи в рамках курса «Практикум по иноязычной коммун

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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»


Б.В. Дашидоржиева, Е.А. Бабушкина, Б.В. Дашидоржиева



Part 1


Часть 1 Рекомендовано Учебно-методическим советом БГУ в качестве учебно-методического пособия для студентов направлений 035700.62 Лингвистика и 032700.62 Филология

Улан-Удэ 2014

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

УДК 811.111 ББК 81.432 Д 12 Утверждено к печати редакционно-издательским советом Бурятского государственного университета Рецензенты С.И. Гармаева, доктор пед. наук, доцент М.Н. Башкуева, канд. филол. наук, доцент Author’s Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Department of Foreign Languages of Buryat State University who has contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support are due in particular to: M.F. Ovchinnikova, V.A. Dugartsyrenova

Д 12

Дашидоржиева Б.В. Practice English: практикум по иноязычной коммуникации (на основе серии аудиоподкастов «My American Friend»): учебное пособие: в 2 ч. / Б.В. Дашидоржиева, Е.А. Бабушкина, Б.В. Дашидоржиева. – Улан-Удэ: Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета, 2014. – Ч. 1. – 124 с. Пособие предназначено для поэтапного обучения аудированию английской речи в рамках курса «Практикум по иноязычной коммуникации первого иностранного языка». В него вошли тринадцать разделов, каждый из которых включает дискуссионные и проблемные задания, дополнительные страноведческие комментарии, нацеленные на формирование разговорных навыков в ежедневных ситуациях. Изучение языка по подкастам «My American Friend» усиливает лингвострановедческий компонент обучения английскому языку за счет ознакомления с реалиями проживания в США и способствует обучению межкультурному общению в реальной языковой среде. Адресовано студентам первого курса языковых вузов и может быть рекомендовано учащимся старших классов общеобразовательных учреждений, участникам международных программ обмена студентами и школьниками. © Бурятский госуниверситет, 2014

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Идея создания книги «Practice English through podcasts «My American Friend»« состоит в том, чтобы создать условия для формирования готовности обучающихся к приобретению опыта разговорной практики в реальных жизненных ситуациях во время пребывания в США: участию в Российско-Американском конкурсе по программе молодых лидеров FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange Programe), IREX, программе «Work and Travel» и т.д. Интеграция учебных подкастов «My American Friend» в процесс преподавания английского языка и культуры изучаемого языка обусловлен его лингводидактической и лингвокультурологической ценностью. Он ориентирован на формирование практических навыков восприятия языка на слух и разговорных навыков в ежедневных ситуациях в рамках дисциплины «Практикум по иноязычной коммуникации первого иностранного языка». Изучение языка по подкастам «My American Friend» усиливает лингвострановедческий компонент обучения английскому языку за счет ознакомления с реалиями проживания в США и способствует обучению межкультурному общению в реальной языковой среде. Это служит основой элиминирования лакун в рамках участия в международных академических программах обмена обучающимися. Представленное учебное пособие «Practice English through podcasts «My American Friend»« предназначено для студентов I курса факультетов иностранных языков уровня Intermediate B1 в соответствии с международными стандартами Общеевропейской Системы Языковых Компетенций (Common European Framework of Reference) и может быть рекомендовано учащимся старших классов общеобразовательных учреждений для подготовки к участию в международных программах обмена. Целью пособия является формирование коммуникативной культуры обучающегося и его эффективная адаптация к условиям межкультурного взаимодействия. А изучение разных акцентов и сленгов будет способствовать подготовке к общению с разными носителями и пользователями языка. 3

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Пособие состоит из 13 разделов (units). Каждый раздел включает список слов и словосочетаний, подлежащих активному усвоению (Expressions to be remembered), лингвострановедческий комментарий (Cultural notes), а также упражнения, обеспечивающие эффективное формирование и развитие базовых навыков и умений восприятия и понимания английской речи (Exercises). Авторы данного пособия использовали серии аудиоподкастов «My American Friend», созданных носителями языка Марта Иноченти и Синди.

Методическая записка Внедрение технологии подкаста актуально в свете современного развития языкового образования и информатизации образовательного процесса. Лингводидактический потенциал технологии подкастов, выявленный российскими и зарубежными исследователями и педагогами (Abdous M., Camarena M., Facer B. , Ducate L., Lomicka L.; В.А. Дугарцыренова), выражается в интерактивной и динамической природе подкастинга как технологии Веб 2.0. Подкастинг способствует дальнейшему развитию коммуникативной и лингвострановедческой компетенции обучающегося, готовности к проживанию в англоязычных семьях во время стажировок за рубежом. Технология подкаста обеспечивает реализацию принципов личностнодеятельностного подхода и обучения в сотрудничестве, что позволяет авторам подкастов не только «поставлять» ресурсы заинтересованной аудитории для автономного прослушивания, но и далее взаимодействовать с ней в режиме комментирования в текстовой или звуковой формах (В.А. Дугарцыренова). Серии учебных подкастов «My American Friend» выполнены в жанре дискуссии авторов подкаста по выбранной теме, интервью с приглашенным экспертом с последующим чередованием монолога – диалога – полилога. В конце пособия представлены транскрипты подкастов для каждого раздела. Работа по развитию коммуникативной культуры обучающего на основе серии этих подкастов строится на основе эталонного трехуровневого подхода к оценке языковой и межкультурной подготовки Н.В. Володина и поэтапной работы с аудиотекстом: предтексто4

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вый (Pre-Listening), текстовый (Listening) и послетекстовый (PostListening) этапы. Пособие включает градуированные упражнения по погружению в американскую среду на когнитивном или рецептивном (уровень узнавания), репродуктивном (уровень воспроизведения) и функциональном уровне (Н.В. Володин). На когнитивном уровне расширению активного словаря обучающихся в рамках подготовки к академическим программам обмена будет способствовать серия упражнений на увеличение объема фоновых знаний обучаемых. С этой целью вводится лингвострановедчески ценная информация при работе над темой в виде лингвострановедческой кванты (Е.И. Пассов), содержащей определенный набор фактологической информации – необходимых сведений по теме, которая будет необходима обучающемуся в подобной ситуации в стране изучаемого языка (Expressions to be remembered, Cultural notes). Предлагаются упражнения на снятие фонетических, лексических, грамматических трудностей восприятия звучащей речи. Это такие упражнения, как Practise the pronunciation of the following words and word-combinations; Put the verbs in the correct form; Consult the Macmillan Dictionary for the origin of the following expressions; Read the passage from the dialogue and complete gaps with the correct derivative of each word in capitals. Then translate the text in to Russian. На репродуктивном уровне группа упражнений ориентирована на развитие умений вычленять различные категории смысловой информации, слуховой памяти обучающего, а также на тренировку форм и структур речи. Match the speakers Adrian, Kate and Britney to sentences A-G. Use each sentence only once; For statements 1-7 decide if each statement is True, False or Not Stated. Circle the answer you choose; УпражнениеMatch idioms and expressions to their definitions; Translate the sentences into Russian направлены на активизацию активного словаря. Упражнение Answer the following questions нацелено на тренировку лексических единиц и грамматических форм в устной речи. Следующие упражнения на функциональном уровне нацелены на развитие умений дискуссионного обсуждения, высказываться в соответствии с заданной темой или ситуацией межкультурного общения. Сюда входят такие упражнения, как Give a talk about ... Remember to discuss: You will have to talk for 1-2 minutes. Student B will 5

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listen until you have finished. Then he or she will ask you some questions; Reproduce some episodes on … Make use of the following expressions; Say a few words about... Fill in the table below with the information you hear about them; You and your friend are trying to decide what to do this Saturday evening. Use the table below to discuss your preferences. You can use ideas from the dialogue .Discuss in pairs. Justify your answers using the idioms under study and phrases below. В эту же группу включены задания на закрепление знаний, умений и навыков, полученных в процессе работы над разделом: Make up a situation using; Describe … using information from the dialogue. Take into account all the vocabulary studied; In pairs speak on the following using the vocabulary under study. Наформированиеисовершенствованиенавыковписьменнойречисиспользованиемновойлексикипредлагаютсяупражнения: Write an e-mail asking questions about….; Write a letter to a pen-friend telling him or her about; a diary entry about; a short paragraph giving your opinion on; Comment on the following statement. Упражнения Compare the strategies applicable to … in American and Russian cultures; Speak on cultural diversity of American and Russian; Comparing … in America and Russia discuss their differences and similarities. Then make a project on .... Use all the vocabulary studied; Work in groups and discuss perception of … in the USA способствуют формированию социокультурной компетенции. В целом система упражнений носит коммуникативный характер, что позволяет формировать и развивать навыки и умения восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи, и способствуют закреплению нового лексического материала. Рассчитано на 45 занятий (90 аудиторных часов). Работа над одним разделом требует 8 академических часов (4 аудиторных занятий). Работа по представленному учебному пособию может выполняться как в классе, так и самостоятельно.


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UNIT 1 INTRODUCE YOURSELF I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: Introductions: let me introduce you to... / I'd like you to meet …. nice to meet you / how do you do / it's a pleasure to meet you Self-introductions: your name, your age, where you're from, your family, your career, your hobbies Questions: Where were you born? What do you do for a living? / What is your job? Where do you live? Who do you live with? What are your hobbies? What do you like doing in your free time? What are you interested in? Exercises 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: Nervous, stranger, comfortable, intimidating, Earth, career, pleasure, accent, industrial chemist, daughter, amateur, skier, windsurfer, intimidating, skiing, windsurfing, barbeque, awesome, snippet, laidback, theatre, interview, recipe, accompanying. 2. Read 3 variants of self-introduction and complete gaps with the correct derivative of each word in capitals. Then translate the text into Russian. a) Hi, my name’s Adrian and I was born in Liverpool from Scottish parents. I spent most of my … (CHILD) in England but moved back to Scotland for job reasons in my 20s. I’m an … (INDUSTRY) chemist and I’ve been living in Italy for 6 years. I’m … (MARRY) and I’ve 2 daughters. I like sports and I’m a keen amateur … (SKI) and windsurfer. I … (DECIDE) to come to Italy because I was interested in … (GET) to know a new culture and language and of course… cause the girls are … 7

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(NICE)! b) Hi, my name is Kate and I’m an 18 year old girl from Melbourne, Australia. I live with my parents in a little town just out of the city, which … (BE) right near the beach. In the summer, this is where I spend most of the time with my friends, … (USUAL) followed by a barbeque in the evening. We also have lots of music festivals which are great fun! … (BIG) ones are over New Year’s Eve, when it’s really hot. It’s a great way to welcome in the New Year, listening to some awesome local … (AUSTRALIA) acts, as well as some big international … (ART). It was a pleasure … (TALK) to you all, thanks for listening to this little snippet of the laidback Aussie culture! c) Hi! My name is Britney I am 19 years old and I am from North Carolina. I have a son … (NAME) Jaden, he is 10 months old. My husband’s name is David, he … (BEAR) in Puerto Rico and moved to the U.S. with his family when he was 5 years old. My grandparents came from Poland. I’ve never been to Poland, but I would love to … (VISIT) one day. In my spare time, I like to go to the movie theater plus I … (REAL) hate to cook but I like … (GO) to restaurants. I love music and the radio is always on at my house. Well, I was nice talking to y’all. Have a …(NICE) day. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 3. Match the speakers Adrian, Kate and Britney to sentences AG. Use each sentence only once. A. In the summer, this is where I spend most of the time with my friends, usually followed by a barbeque in the evening. B. I’ve never been to Poland, but I would love to visit one day. C. I live with my parents in a little town just out of the city, which is right near the beach. D. I’m an industrial chemist and I’ve been living in Italy for 6 years. E. In my spare time, I like to go to the movie theater plus I really hate to cook but I like to go to restaurants. F. I spent most of my childhood in England but moved back to Scotland for job reasons in my 20s. 8

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G. I’m an 18 year old girl from Melbourne, Australia. 4. Make up sentences using the following conversational expressions: We know that … You have to bear in mind … I’m so happy when … No hesitations Great! Let’s move on to … Oh, that sounds like fun! So, I could say … We have some great news That was great! You’d better … 5. Ask your neighbor: What his name is; How old he is; Where he is from; Where he was born: What he is by profession; What his hobbies are; What he does for a living; Where he lives and who lives with him; What he likes doing in his free time; What he is interested in. 6. Write down your self-introduction. Just a few lines to be prepared to talk about yourselves and to be sure you can relate to other people quickly and in a pleasant way.


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UNIT 2 WEATHER I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: FRIGID: Very cold temperatures. FREEZING: The temperature at which water turns from liquid to solid ice. 0 degrees Celsius. 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Commonly used to describe the feeling of being very cold. OVERCAST: A cloudy, gray sky. DRIZZLING: Light rain. TO RAIN CATS AND DOGS: Very heavy rain. THE FOG IS SO THICK YOU COULD CUT IT WITH A KNIFE: An expression to describe very thick fog with limited visibility. DUSTING: A light coating of snow. A BLANKET OF SNOW / TO BE BLANKETED IN SNOW: A thick covering of snow. TO BE BURIED IN SNOW: Completely covered in snow. ICICLES: Spikes of solid ice that occur from melting snow (off the edge of a rooftop for example). The snow melts, drips, re-freezes and causes a build-up of solid ice in the shape of a pointed spike. Icicles can be quite dangerous when they become long, heavy and dislodge themselves from great heights. HURRICANES: Powerful cyclonic destructive storms that form over warm seas. BLISTERING HOT: Extreme heat. Exercises 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: Frigid, temperature, thermostat, drizzling, departure, umbrella, airplane, knife, dusty, slippery, maintenance, eclipse, avalanche, dislodge, heights, icicle, precipitation, accustomed, caution, visibility, severely, restricted, heavy coating, blanketed, buried, sleet, hurricane, puddle, mysterious, blistering, allergy. 10

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2. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form: When we (leave) Italy it was like totally overcast and I … (to be) so happy to be leaving. Then we … (to land) in Amsterdam and it was like kind drizzling. But when we got to Atlanta it … (to rain) cats and dogs. 2. We … (to be) accustomed to rain here in the north of Italy. 3. I … (to wake) up really early and noticed that we had a DUSTING overnight. 4. I have some family in the state of Vermont and some friends in northern New York where it’s quite cold and they … (to be) often «blanketed in snow». Sometimes they … (to bury) in snow. 5. Sleet is exactly what you (not to want) to find when you’re on the road. Sleet … (to be) that halfway point between snow and rain. It’s soft ice. 6. One Christmas an ice storm … (to knock) out power in my town for 3 days! 7. In the country that … (to mean) no lights, no running water and no heat! 8. Hurricanes can be mild with just rain and high winds or they can destroy everything in their path like Hurricane Katrina … (to do) in 2005. 9. Mud season is that mysterious hidden season between winter and spring! It’s when all the ice and snow … (to melt) up north and (to turn) the ground into water puddles and brown mud! 10. We … (to be) halfway through winter now, spring … (to be) just around the corner. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. 11. July and August … (to be) blistering hot. 12. I … (to give) up years ago on my hopes of ever having a garden. Everything is wilted by noontime- including me! I just … (to buy) my vegetables now from the nice fruit & veg people on the corner! 13. Wherever you are, we hope the sun … (to shine) brightly on you today! And for you too, Marta…hey, those icicles … (to hang) off your nose? 14. We … (to be) halfway through winter now, spring … (to be) just around the corner. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. II. LISTENING III.POST-LISTENING 3. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1. Be sure to wear a warm winter coat today, as well as a scarf & thick gloves. The temperature is below zero degrees and it’s positively FRIGID outside! 2. The temperature at which water turns from liquid to solid ice. 0 degrees Celsius. 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Commonly used to describe the 11

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feeling of being very cold. 3. Turn up the thermostat! It’s freezing in here! or « I’m going to put on another sweater, I’m freezing! 4. We wanted to watch the solar eclipse yesterday, but it was impossible due to an overcast sky. 5. It’s just drizzling outside right now but maybe it’s better to take your umbrella with you just in case the rain becomes heavier. 6. The airplane delayed its departure due to heavy rain. It had been raining cats and dogs all day and the bad weather had caused many airport delays. Be very careful while driving – it’s raining cats & dogs outside! 7. It took me 2 hours to drive home from work! I had to drive very slowly because the fog was incredibly thick- you could cut it with a knife! 8. Pay attention and drive slowly on your way to work this morning, we had a dusting of snow last night and the roads may be slippery. 9. School is delayed 2 hours this morning. The entire city received a blanket of snow last night and maintenance crews are working hard to clean, plow and spread salt on the roads. 10. The little town at the base of the mountain was buried in snow due to an avalanche that occurred overnight. 11. Icicles can be quite dangerous when they become long, heavy and dislodge themselves from great heights. Be careful not to be standing under icicles when they begin to melt! 4. For statements 1-7 decide if each statement is True, False or Not Stated. Circle the answer you choose. 1. When Cindy left Italy it was like totally overcast and she was so happy to be leaving. 2. When Cindy got to Atlanta it was raining cats and dogs. 3. Cindy has some family in the state of Vermont and some friends in northern New York where it’s quite cold and they’re often «blanketed in snow». 4. Sleet is common in the region of North Carolina and in winter it causes all kinds of damage. 5. Hurricanes can be mild with just rain and high winds or they can destroy everything in their path like Hurricane Katrina did in 2005. 6. Cindy’s favorite season is summertime 12

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7. Springtime is Marta’s favorite time of the year here in Northern Italy. 5. Give a talk about seasons and weather. Remember to discuss: • the weather on your trip; • drizzling, fog, raining cats and dogs; • a blanket of snow and sleet, their side effects; • whether you prefer summer, winter or spring and why You will have to talk for 1-2 minutes. Student B will listen until you have finished. Then he or she will ask you some questions. Useful phrases Well, Speaking of …; Ok! That sounds serious! Oh, yes, I remember! I was thinking something more specific! Exactly! Wow! I didn’t know you felt so passionately about …! Thank goodness! It’s true! Good idea! By the way, … Stop horsing around …Lovely! Don’t worry! UNIT 3 LIKES and DISLIKES I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered LIKES I love / I enjoy playing soccer. I'm crazy about her. I'm crazy about dancing. ….. is my favorite film, singer, etc. …...smells, tastes, feels, looks, sounds good. He drives me crazy. I am nuts about …. it's awesome , amazing , ridiculous ! I'm addicted to ... British English : *I fancy you. I fancy reading. *I'm keen on him. I'm keen on hiking. *I'm fond of her. I'm fond of cycling. *** 13

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DISLIKES I can't stand … I can't bear ... I can't put up with … I’m fed up with …. I’m sick of …. I’m tired of …... …. really bugs me. …. makes me mad / angry. … annoys me. … doesn't really appeal to me I'm not a big fan of … I'm not that bothered about … I'm not really into … … is driving me up the wall !

Exercises 1. Transcribe and pronounce: love, adore, leopard, jaguar, cougar, concert, vacation, band, commercial, bug, annoy, soccer, score, controlling, folk, familiarize, constructive, challenge, specifically, currently, neighbor, bark, awesome, bass player, songwriter, headband, performance, lyrics, harmony, weird, chanting, hiking, trail, cell phone, whine, law, bicycle, alcohol, designated, insane, tax, exemption, income, perk, accidentally, guitar. Florida, Michigan, California, Nevada, Texas, Madrid, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Bon Jovi, Train, Nicki Tedesco, Alex Guadagmol. 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up sentences on the analogy. 1. I can’t bear the cold, I can’t put up with people who are always late. 2. I'm sick and tires of always being sick and tired... 3. I definitely do not like spiders. I am scared to death of them! 4. I’m starting to think my neighbor’s dog just likes to hear the sound of his own bark! 5. I love to play the bass, when the bass is in the pocket with the drums and you're rocking and head banging, it’s just the best thing in life. 6. I also love writing songs and lyrics and creating harmonies, it’s so nice to sing with someone in perfect harmony, it’s almost, in a weird way, like chanting. 7. I mean, if I decide to be responsible and go out drinking but I want to ride my bicycle home, so that I don’t drink and drive…in the law’s eyes, it’s the same as driving a car, they can still give you a DUI 14

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(Driving Under the Influence, of alcohol) and arrest you. 3. Consult the Macmillan Dictionary for the origin of the following expressions: be fed up with; a pretty simple gal; drive smb up the wall; cool perk for small businesses. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 4. Reproduce some episodes on likes and dislikes. Make use of the following expressions: adore smth, be nuts about smth, drive smb crazy, be addicted to, enjoy doing smth, have a great life, be crazy about, be with smb on the bug thing, annoy smb, stand the rain, be sick and tired of , be able to get away, an absolutely amazing experience, be scared to death of smth, be a big fan of homework, be over controlling, be creative and constructive, like a challenge, hear the sound of one’s own voice, have a mixing and mastering studio, just the best thing in life, teach rock band performance, vocals and bass at a music school, make one’s music come to life, love creating harmonies, the trail of «the beautiful people», whine, strict Drinking and Driving laws, ride one’s bicycle home, give somebody a DUI, a designated driver, to show the cities’ value of art and culture, worldwide gross income, bang one’s guitar against the furniture. 5. Make up dialogues using the following colloquial phrases: 1. Well actually I love cats! 2. Ok, we got it, you made it clear, darling. 3. You’re right, they are amazing. 4. Oh, I hate that. 5. Beautiful, right! 6. That’s great. 7. I totally agree with you. 8. That’s it. I’m a pretty simple gal! 9. Ok, cool. 10. I’m really happy about it. 11. It’s like they’re all there! 12. Hopefully I’m not whining. 13. Thanks guys, it’s been fun chatting. 14. All right, that’s all for now. 6. Say a few words about Marta Innocenti, Brianna, Cindy and Nicki Tedesco. Fill in the table below with the information you hear about them. Marta

Brianna 15



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Likes Dislikes

UNIT 4 SHOPPING I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: 24/7: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TIP: extra-money (approximately %15 of total bill) given on top of the bill in appreciation for good service MARKDOWNS: to mark down a price means to reduce a price to GO OUT OF BUSINESS / to GO UNDER: to close a business, cease to exist a SHOPAHOLIC: a person addicted to shopping I MAXED OUT MY CREDIT CARD: I can't charge any more purchases on my credit card because I have reached my charge limit. IT WAS A STEAL: Not actually stealing. A way to say something wasn't expensive at all, I got it on sale. to GO WINDOW SHOPPING: hanging out and watching the windows without buying anything. I CAN'T HELP IT / I CAN'T HELP BUT GO SHOPPING / I CAN'T HELP BUT ... : I can't resist, I can't avoid it, it's stronger than me.


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Cultural notes Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., branded as Wal-Mart is an American multinational retail corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores. The company is the world's second largest public corporation, according to the Fortune Global 500 list in 2013, the biggest private employer in the world with over two million employees, and is the largest retailer in the world. Wal-Mart remains a familyowned business, as the company is controlled by the Walton family, who own over 50 percent of Wal-Mart. It is also one of the world's most valuable companies. The company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962, incorporated on October 31, 1969, and publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. It is headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. Wal-Mart is also the largest grocery retailer in the United States. In 2009 it generated 51 percent of its US$258 billion sales in the U.S. from grocery business. It also owns and operates the Sam's Club  retail warehouses in North America. In the late 1980s and early 1990s the company rose from a regional to national giant. By 1988, Wal-Mart was the most profitable retailer in the US and by October 1989 it had become the largest in terms of revenue. Geographically limited to the South and Lower Midwest up to the mid 1980s, by the early 1990s WalMart's presence spanned coast to coast – Sam's Club opened in New Jersey in November 1989 and the first California outlet opened in Lancaster on July 28, 1990. A Wal-Mart in York, Pennsylvania was opened in October 1990 bringing the main store into the Northeast. Wal-Mart has 8,500 stores in 15 countries, under 55 different names. The company operates under the Wal-Mart name in the United States, including the 50 states and Puerto Rico. It operates in Mexico as Walmex, in the United Kingdom as Asda, in Japan as Seiyu, and in India as Best Price. It has wholly owned operations in Argentina, Brazil, and Canada. Wal-Mart's investments outside North America have had mixed results: its operations in the United Kingdom, South America, and China are highly successful, whereas ventures in Germany and South Korea were unsuccessful. Best Buy Co., Inc. is an American multinational consumer electronics  corporation headquartered in Richfield, Minnesota, a Minneapolis  suburb. It operates in the United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Canada, and China. The company was founded by Richard M. Schulze and Gary 17

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Smoliak in 1966 as an audio specialty store; in 1983, it was renamed and rebranded with more emphasis placed on consumer electronics. Best Buy's subsidiaries include Cinema Now, Geek Squad, Magnolia Audio Video, Pacific Sales, Cowboom. Best Buy operates under the Best Buy, Best Buy Mobile, Geek Squad, Magnolia Audio Video and Pacific Sales brands in the US; the Best Buy, Geek Squad, Cell Shop, Connect Pro and Future Shop brands in Canada; Best Buy Mobile and Five Star in China; and Best Buy, Best Buy Express and Geek Squad in Mexico. Best Buy sells cellular phones with phones from Verizon Wireless, AT&T Wireless, Sprint PCS, Boost Mobile, and T-Mobile, in regular stores and standalone Best Buy Mobile stores in shopping malls. Best Buy was named «Company of the Year» by Forbes magazine in 2004, »Specialty Retailer of the Decade» by Discount Store News in 2001, ranked in the Top 10 of «America's Most Generous Corporations» by Forbes in 2005 (based on 2004 giving), and made Fortune magazine's List of Most Admired Companies in 2006. Hubert Joly serves as Best Buy president and CEO. The Target Corporation is an American retailing company, founded in 1902 and headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is the second-largest discount retailer in the United States, Wal-Mart being the largest. The company is ranked 36th on the Fortune 500 as of 2013 and is a component of the Standard & Poor's 500 index. Its bulls eye trademark is licensed to Wesfarmers, owners of the separate Target Australia  chain which is unrelated to Target Corporation. The first Target store was opened in 1962 in Roseville, Minnesota. Target grew and eventually became the largest division of Dayton Hudson Corporation, culminating in the company being renamed as Target Corporation in August 2000. In early 2013, Target expanded into Canada and now operates over 100 locations through its Canadian subsidiary. In December 2013, a data breach of Target's systems affected up to 110 million customers.


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Exercises 1. Practise the combinations:







Megastore, electronic sign, lodging, percentage, sales, tax, appreciation, purchase, reduced, incentive, restaurant, pleasurable, customary needs, target, convenience, fingertip, explore, highway, mandatory, markdown, shuttle, budget, shopaholics, leak, coupon, eye-shadow, steal. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 2. Use the words in the list to complete the sentences below. 1. We have a lot of … for example Wal-Mart, «monster» Wal-Mart, Best Buy for all your electronics needs, Target which is similar to WalMart (Americans love convenience, they like to have everything at their fingertips). 2. Many are open until 9 p.m. every night, seven days a week. Or some are even open … . 3. Driving across country is really …, as I've done myself and I know you've done yourself a couple of times, exploring United States. 4. It's very convenient because on the main highways you'll find signs listing ... , … and … just before each exit ramp. 5. When you're tired and you've been driving all day and you just want to stop, you just wait for that … listing those hotels and find one you like and pull over, very close to the highway you'll find a room. 6. You will pay a certain percentage of … … on top of that and it varies from State to State. 7. New York has a 4% sales tax on each …, so if you were to buy an item for a dollar there'd be an extra 4 cents tacked on to it. 8. Actually you give a … in addition to your bill, it's usually 15%, and it's given to the waiter or your waitress in … for good service. 9. Tips are really important and there's a great … in the States to provide good service to the customers, to make your dining experience … . 10. Tipping is customary in many places, it's not … but it's polite and it's to show your appreciation of a job well done. For example, a valet that would park your car for you, the porter at the airport, … that 19

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would take you maybe to your hotel once you've left the airport, again, customary to tip a few dollars. (dollar, convenient, tip, 24/7, sign, megastores, lodging, gas, pleasurable, appreciation, food, mandatory, sales tax, incentive, shuttle drivers) 3. Read the passage from the dialogue and complete gaps with the correct derivative of each word in capitals. Then translate the text into Russian. M: Cindy, is there anything that a foreign … (TOUR) should know about prices in the USA? C: Something unexpected for … (FOREIGN) coming to visit us is that the price you see on the item is not … (EXACT) what you will pay. You will pay a certain percentage of SALES TAX on top of that and it varies from State to State. For example in New York City (a lot of people travel to New York City on … (VACATION)) New York has a 4% sales tax on each dollar, so if you were to … (BUY) an item for a dollar there'd be an extra 4 cents … (TACK) on to it. And it varies from State to State, so you may wanna check that before you go on your trip. For example, California has 8.25% sales tax, Florida is 6%, and where I live in North Carolina is 5.75%. So that could really add up with your … (LARGE) purchases. M: Yeah, I mean, if you buy something expensive it … (MAKE) a difference. C: A huge … (DIFFER), so you wanna be prepared for that. M: Anything else that is unexpected to us? C: Tipping. Let's talk about TIPPING. Was that a surprise to you the first time you … (COME) to the States? M: The first time, yes. So, actually you give a TIP … C: … (ADD) to your bill, it's usually 15%, and it's given to the waiter or your waitress in … (APPRECIATE) for good service. M: So it's extra-money that you give... C: It's extra-money on top of the bill. M: Don't … (WAIT) get a salary? C: They get a reduced salary, actually. M: So tips are … (REAL) important. C: Tips are really important and there's a great incentive in the States 20

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to provide good service to the customers, to make your … (DINE) experience … (PLEASURE). M: Yeah, right. Is there any place except from restaurants where tipping is customary? C: … (TIP) is customary in many places, it's not mandatory but it's polite and it's to show your appreciation of a job well done. For example, a valet that would park your car for you, the porter at the airport, shuttle … (DRIVE) that would take you maybe to your hotel once you've left the airport, again, customary to tip a few dollars. 4. For statements decide if each statement is True, False or Not Stated. Circle the answer you choose. 1. By 24/7 I mean: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 2. Driving across country is really convenient, as I've done myself and I know you've done yourself a couple of times, exploring United States. It's very convenient because on the main highways you'll find SIGNS listing LODGING, GAS and FOOD just before each exit ramp. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 3. When you're tired and you've been driving all day and you just want to stop, you just wait for that sign listing those hotels and find one you like and pull over, very close to the highway you'll find a room. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 4. Something unexpected for foreigners coming to visit us is that the price you see on the item is not exactly what you will pay. You will pay a certain percentage of SALES TAX on top of that and it varies from State to State. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 5. California has 8.25% sales tax, Florida is 6%, and where I live in North Carolina is 5.75%. So that could really add up with your larger purchases. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 6. Tipping is also unexpected to us the first time, actually you give a 21

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TIP …in addition to your bill, it's usually 15%, and it's given to the waiter or your waitress in appreciation for good service. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 7. Waiters get a reduced salary, actually. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 8. Tipping is customary in many places, it's not mandatory but it's polite and it's to show your appreciation of a job well done. For example, a valet that would park your car for you, the porter at the airport, shuttle drivers that would take you maybe to your hotel once you've left the airport, again, customary to tip a few dollars. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 9. There are markdowns on everything now. Markdowns meaning the price has been marked down, reduced. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 10. The price is lower. There's a lot of «buy one, get one for free» incentives. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 11. Cindy’s favorite way to buy shoes is «Buy one and get one half off» A. True B. False C. Not Stated 12. Restaurants also took quite a hit, many restaurants have gone under, and by gone under I mean they've gone out of business, they've closed. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 13. A lot of restaurants, what they've offered is a reduced price menu, a budget price menu, you may not get the large portions that you are accustomed to in America, but you'll get a little less food but at a very reasonable price. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 14. People have to reduce their spending but they are still dreaming 22

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of Tiffany's, Rodeo Drive, 5th Avenue ... A. True B. False C. Not Stated 15. Dolly Parton said: «You'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap.» A. True B. False C. Not Stated 16. Another interesting sentence by Benjamin Franklin and here it goes: «Beware of little expenses, a small leak will sink a great ship». A. True B. False C. Not Stated 17. And Adrienne Gusoff: «Shopping is better than sex. If you're not satisfied after shopping you can make an exchange for something you really like.» A. True B. False C. Not Stated 18. And Will Rogers: «Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.» A. True B. False C. Not Stated 19. Ashley and Kelly are just hanging out at the mall, chilling because they can't spend any more money, still Ashley maxed out her credit card. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 20. Ashley bought the coolest eye-shadow, it was a steal, it's silver and it's all sparkly. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 21. Ashley and her friend have to go window shopping because she can't spend any more money, my credit card's maxed out, so they are just window shopping. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 22. Women can't help but go shopping A. True B. False C. Not Stated 23. The expressions «I can't resist, I can't avoid it» mean I really need to go shopping. 23

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A. True B. False C. Not Stated 24. After Christmas sales, fantastic, because everyone wants to get rid of their stock, there are markdowns everywhere. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 5. Compare the strategies applicable to shopping in American and Russian cultures.

UNIT 5 ANIMALS I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: 1. A «stone cold fox» – slang term for someone very good looking, attractive, hot, beautiful, handsome. 2. To have a «bird’s-eye view» – an excellent view from high above the ground. 3. to have «eyes like a hawk» – to have excellent vision, like that of a hawk. To be very attentive to your surroundings. To watch everything. To pay close attention. 4. To be «like a parrot» – to repeat everything one hears, like a parrot. 5. To eat crow – to admit you were wrong after making a strong argument and suffer humiliation afterwards. 6. To refer to something as a «dinosaur» – to imply that something is old, outdated, antique, slow. 7. Computer bug – an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system 8. To catch a bug – to contract a minor ailment like a head cold or the stomach flu. 9.To «bug» someone – to annoy someone 10. To call someone «a snake» – to call them untrustworthy, dishonest, sneaky, crafty. 11. To get «goose bumps» from something – a roughness of the skin 24

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produced by erection of its papillae especially from cold, fear, or a sudden feeling of excitement (Merriam-Webster definition) You can get goose bumps from either good or bad sensations. 12. To be a «chicken» – to be easily scared, not brave, without courage. 13. To be a «a fly on the wall» – to go unnoticed, to quietly observe without speaking or calling attention to yourself. 14. An elephant in the room – an obvious subject, problem, situation that no one wants to talk about. 15. To be «as blind as a bat» – to have poor vision, a joke term meaning someone’s vision is so poor they must use sonar instead of their eyes to «see» what is around them. 16. To be «at the tail end» of something – to be at the end of something 17. To be «packed in like sardines» – many people packed into a small area. 18. To worm your way out of something – To avoid responsibility, to make excuses and leave before the job is finished 19. Crocodile tears- fake tears, insincere emotions. 20. Something «smells fishy» – Something sounds dishonest, to suspect someone of lying 21. To be «sly as a fox» – to be crafty, sneaky. 22. To be as «slow as a snail» – to move very slowly 23. Snail mail – letters, cards and packages stamped & sent the traditional way using the postal service, instead of electronically through email. 24. To be a «bull in a china shop» – by using the word «china» we refer to fine, delicate dishware (not the country of China). Expression to describe a person who is clumsy, rough, awkward, unsophisticated, destructive. 25. To be as «strong as an ox» – to be very strong, to have the strength of an ox. 26. To be as «stubborn as a mule» – to be very stubborn, hard headed, unwilling to change opinion or listen to advice.

Exercises 1. Practise the pronunciations of the following words and wordcombinations 25

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Fascinating, eyes, hawk, niece, dinosaur, preference, stubborn, strength, headache, terrified, incredible, elephant, bankruptcy, oppressive, worm, mechanic, engine, charge, snail, excuse, china, debt, rumor, layoff, affair, clumsy, purchase, wrestling, horror, weight lifting, entire, sardine. 2. Read the sentences and complete gaps with the correct derivative of each word in capitals. Then translate them into Russian: 1. Susan is a stone cold fox! She’s so … (BEAUTY). All the guys in the office are crazy about her! 2. I love airplane travel because I can have a bird’s eye view of the Earth. From my window, I can see mountains, rivers, fields and clouds. It’s … (FASCINATE) for me! 3. My mother … (HAVE) eyes like a hawk! She always knew when my brothers & I … (BE) about to get into some mischief! She always caught us before we … (DO) anything wrong. 4. We are always very … (CARE) not to use any bad language in front of my 3 year old niece. She’s like a little parrot, she … (REPEAT) everything she hears from the adults! 5. My laptop computer … (BE) a dinosaur! It’s old, functions … (SLOW) and crashes quite often. I must save my money and purchase a new one … (THIS) year. 6. Tomorrow I’ll take my laptop to … (REPAIR). I must have a bug. It keeps crashing, … (CAUSE) me to lose all my … (SAVE) data. 7. I’m feeling very tired today. My throat … (BE) sore and I have a headache too. I must … (CATCH) a bug. Tonight I … (GO) to bed early and get a good night’s sleep. 8. It’s easy to bug my sister. She hates my … (PREFER) in music. I love … (LISTEN) to rap. She always becomes … (ANNOY) whenever I turn my stereo on! 9. My … (SISTER) exboyfriend is nothing but a snake. He lied to her and cheated on her with her … (GOOD) friend. Our parents … (BE) so happy when she … (FINAL) broke up with him because he was a terrible person. 10. My uncle is … (TERRIFY) of spiders. Every time we talk about spiders he … (GET) goose bumps and his face turns pale. We never mention spiders any … (MANY) when he is around us! 11. I got goose bumps when I heard Whitney Houston … (SING) The Star Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl back in 1991. She had the … (INCREDIBLE) singing voice I had ever heard. 12. I’m such a chicken when I … (WATCH) horror movies! I am so … (EASY) scared that I spend the entire movie with my hands covering my eyes! 13. I would like to be a fly on the wall during the board … (MEET) this afternoon. I would like to see how the … 26

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(DECIDE) are being made about our company’s future. 14. Everyone was smiling & … (FRIEND) during the office meeting, but nobody wanted to discuss the elephant in the room- which is the future of the company and our job … (SECURE). For months, the company has been falling … (DEEP) into debt and rumors of layoffs & … (BANKRUPT) are flying around the office. 15. I’m as blind as a bat without my glasses! I must wear them all the time in order to see … (CLEAR). 16. I purchased my airline ticket at the last moment and therefore my seat … (LOCATE) at the tail end of the aircraft. 17. The heat was … (OPPRESS) in the disco. We were packed in like sardines with no open windows. It was very hot and … (PLEASURE). We left early and went for a walk on the beach instead of … (DANCE). 18. My brother was supposed to clean his room today but he … (WORM) his way out of it by saying he had to study for a big exam on Monday. 19. Although John had a good excuse for arriving home at 3am, Barbara thought something «smelled … (FISH)». John … (SPEND) a lot of time away from home lately and she suspected he may be having an affair with another woman. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 3. Fill in the article where necessary. Complete gaps with the correct derivative of each word in capitals. I never take my car to that mechanic! He’s as sly as … fox. If you go in for … oil change, you’ll leave with … new engine! He … (BE) very good at finding ways to charge you extra money for … simple jobs. 21. I … (REAL) need to purchase … new computer, … one I have is 10 years old and slow as … snail! 22. My aunt Barbara prefers to send letters through snail mail. She never … (LEARN) to use … computer. She … (LAUGH) and says she’s too old to learn now. 23. My brother is like … bull in a china shop! He … (BE) so clumsy. My mother is always buying … new dishes and glasses because my brother has a … (TEND) to break everything he touches. 24. My brother is … excellent athlete. He’s as … (STRENGTH) as … ox! He’s very good in wrestling and weight … (LIFT). 25. My sister’s car is …piece of junk. It always … (BREAK) down and costing her … lots of money in repairs. I keep … (TELL) her to buy a new car but she’s as stubborn as a mule and refuses to listen to 27

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me. She … (THINK) her … old car is just fine. 4. Match animal-related idioms and expressions to their definitions. Have eyes like a hawk Bug somebody The elephant in the room Be like a parrot Chicken (adj.) Packed in like sardines

Have a bird’s eye view Catch a bug Fly on the wall Worm one’s way out of Snake Eat crow Stone-cold fox

refer to a minor illness, like a head cold or the stomach flu. sneaky, crafty, untrustworthy have very good vision and be attentive to everything admit that you were wrong and then suffering humiliation from it. afraid of, not very brave try to avoid the responsibility of doing my job? Uh, yeah!!! The sun is shining for like the first time in a month! Let’s go out and enjoy it! very good looking repeat everything one says an obvious problem or situation that nobody wants to discuss. annoy somebody there are a lot of people packed into a small area quietly watch & hear what happens in a room – without anyone actually knowing that you are there. have a good view of everything below you

5. Read the quotation by the English author George Eliot. Discuss in pairs. Justify your answers using the idioms under study and phrases below. «Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms». Useful phrases: Let’s …. Shall we? Don’t you think …? What about …? Why don’t we …? It does sound interesting …This seems to be very effective … I definitely …. 6. Give a talk on the advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos. Remember to discuss: • The educational benefits of zoos; • Why some people think it’s cruel to keep animals caged; 28

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• What your own opinion of zoos is. You will have to talk for 2 minutes. Your neighbor will ask you some questions. UNIT 6 DATING I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered TO FEEL LIKE DOING SOMETHING: to be in the mood for doing something DATING: when two people are romantically involved TO GO ON A DATE: to meet someone at a scheduled time and place usually with romantic intentions TO ASK SOMEONE OUT: to invite someone on a date TO HIT IT OFF / TO GET ALONG WELL: to be compatible BLIND DATE: an arranged date between two people who have never met before TO SET SOMEONE UP: to introduce one person to another TO GO DUTCH: every person pays for their own meal / entertainment WOMANIZER: a man who enjoys chasing lots of women CALL IT QUITS: to end something TURN SOMEONE DOWN: to refuse, to deny STAND SOMEONE UP: to abandon a date without notification first DOUBLE DATE: two couples on a date together AFFAIR: a relationship outside of a committed union TO HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: to be attracted to someone TO FEEL BUTTERFLIES IN YOUR TUMMY: nervous excitement at the prospect of new love Cultural notes One report suggested the United States as well as other westernoriented countries were different from the rest of the world because «love is the reason for mating», as opposed to marriages being arranged to cement economic and class ties between families and promote politi29

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cal stability. Dating, by mutual consent of two single people, is the norm. British writer Kira Cochrane, after moving to the U.S., found herself grappling with the American approach to dating. She wondered why it was acceptable to juggle «10 potential partners» while weighing different attributes; she found American-style dating to be «exhausting and strange.» She found dating in America to be «organized in a fairly formal fashion» with men approaching women and asking point blank for a date; she found this to be «awkward.» She described the «third date rule» which was that women weren't supposed to have sex until the third date even if they desired it, although men were supposed to try for sex. She wrote: «Dating rules almost always cast the man as aggressor, and the woman as prey, which frankly makes me feel nauseous.» Canadian writer Danielle Crittenden, however, chronicling female angst, criticized a tendency not to take dating seriously and suggested that postponing marriage into one's thirties was problematic: By waiting and waiting and waiting to commit to someone, our capacity for love shrinks and withers. This doesn't mean that women or men should marry the first reasonable person to come along, or someone with whom they are not in love. But we should, at a much earlier age than we do now, take a serious attitude toward dating and begin preparing ourselves to settle down. For it's in the act of taking up the roles we've been taught to avoid or postpone – wife, husband, mother, father – that we build our identities, expand our lives, and achieve the fullness of character we desire. Muslims living in the United States can choose whether to use traditional Islamic methods, or date American-style; Muslims choosing to stick to Islamic tradition can «only marry another Muslim», according to one Malaysian account. Mosques have been known to try to bring people together – one in California has a dating service for Muslims. Exercises 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: Spicy, relationship, familiar, pick up lines, break the ice, compatible, blind date, go Dutch, intention, commitments, womanizer, disadvantage, quits, dump, double date, butterflies in your tummy, blush. 30

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2. Explain what is meant by: Dating, ask smb out on a date, go on a date, feel like doing smth, break the ice, hit it off, get along well, a blind date, set someone up, go dutch, a womanizer, call it quits, dump, turn someone down, stand someone up, have an affair with, have a crush on, be nuts about, feel butterflies in one’s tummy. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 3. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs: To improve your career maybe, for doing business abroad, but also we study foreign languages in order to travel … the world and meet new and exciting people. 2. New people you get to know and you may feel like dating. New people you may even start a relationship … . 3. My husband is Italian but he could speak English well enough to ask me … … a date. 4. If the ice-breaker is successful, you hit it … and you get …well. 5. A blind date is when a friend arranges the date … you with someone they feel is a good match for you. 6. Don't worry if it's not love … first sight and you have nothing … common with the person you have been set … …, make a polite excuse, go Dutch and go home in separate cars. 7. Many people meet on-line … chat rooms or through dating services and speed dating, personal ads … the newspapers. 4. Make up a situation using: Well, you know I was wondering, exactly, actually, all right, let’s say, I’m just kidding here, that’s a great idea, there’s no feeling like it, really? by the way, I don’t know. 5. Describe the dating procedures using information from the dialogue. Take into account all the vocabulary studied. 6. Topics for discussion: 1. Speak on cultural diversity of American and Russian dating procedures. 31

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2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of blind date. 3. Speak about a film the hero of which is a break-icer in the relationships.. UNIT 7 B-SIDE OF DATING I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: MOVERS AND SHAKERS: people with influence. Example: I’m attending a very important charity dinner tonight in Washington D.C. to benefit the American Red Cross. There will be many «movers and shakers» of the American political arena there this evening.» HAVE THEIR FINGER ON THE PULSE OF...: to have a deep understanding of something. Example: «He’s a very famous club dj (disc jockey) in America. He’s got his finger on the pulse of the music scene.» KILLER SONG: a great song. SKANK: offensive slang term used to describe a girl of low moral value/prostitute/hooker. Technically not a curse word, but still very offensive. Be careful how you use it. Maybe best not used at all. SCARFING DOWN: eating fast. Example: «Those teenage boys must be very hungry! Look at the way they’re scarfing down those hamburgers!» CHUBBY: Fat. REDNECK: Merriam Webster dictionary defines redneck as: sometimes disparaging: a white member of the Southern rural laboring class.

Exercises 1. Read the title of the text and comment on it. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 2. Read the dialogue quickly to get an idea of what it is about. 32

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Then translate the beginning of the text into Russian. M: Hi Cindy! C: Hi Marta! This is a new short episode about dating, let's call it the B-Side of dating, does that sound good? M: Great, we're going to talk with a couple of friends today about their dating experiences. C: Have you found some MOVERS AND SHAKERS? People who really HAVE THEIR FINGER ON THE PULSE of the dating scene? M: Well...they have a pulse. First off, I think it's a good idea to get a teenager's point of view on dating today. C: Oh good, are we going to talk to Ashley? M: Yes, providing that she can hear her phone ring above her iPod blowing out what's left of her eardrums. Hello, Ashley? Ashley: «Hold on....yeah, I'll have a double mango smoothie to go.» M: Ashley, are you at the mall again? I thought you had maxed out your credit card? A: Marta? Is that you? M: Yes, dear.... turn off the music... A: What? M: Turn off the music or I'm hanging up now!» A: Okaaaaayyy, but KILLER SONG right? M: Yes, Ashley. I don't know if I'd call it music but... A: look pretty on your website. I showed all my friends. We loooooooove your eyeshadow. Where did you get it? M: Ashley, you can't spend any more money. Honey, we wanted to talk to you about dating. Do you have any advice for us? A: Debbie is a SKANK. M: Ok, and by «skank» you mean a girl of low moral values? A: I mean Debbie the Skank. She talks bad about my best friend Kellie, like, all the time. M: What happened, Ashley? A: I don't want to talk about it. M: Oh, come on. A: No. M: Ok, I'll buy you that eye shadow you wanted. A: OK, Debbie is such a skank. She like totally stole Kellie's boyfriend and I'm all like : «You should kick her ass!» And I'm all like : 33

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«Whatever» And she's all like : «Whatever» and I'm like «Yeah...». Cindy: Is that your office phone ringing? M: Yes, hold on Ashley, let's see who it is... Hello? This is Marta Innocenti... Debbie: Girl you don't know me! You don't know me! Call me a skank! M: Debbie is that you? D: that's right. Damn! Put me on! I wanna talk to her! M: Ashley, we have Debbie on the line now and I'm putting her through. D: Girl, you don't know me! A: I know you're a skank. Oh excuse me – a girl of low-moral value! You stole Kellie's boyfriend, right before prom! D: That's right, and I'll get your man too if you keep SCARFING DOWN those double mango smoothies. Because let's face it, you're looking a little CHUBBY! A: Oh no you didn't just go there! D: That's right, that's right! I did! What? What? M: I can't take it any more Cindy: ...did you just hang up on them? M: yeah, of course! C: ...Awesome! M: Ashley forgot to mention that she stole Debbie's boyfriend last year over Spring Break in Cancun. C: Oh, the drama! M: All right, let's move on. So today we've heard a teenager's perspective on dating. C: Right. Debbie is a skank. M: That's it. C: Do you think they're still arguing? M: Well, probably... especially if Ashley's father is still paying for her cell phone bill. So Cindy, I think we should provide our listeners with a little «old school» dating advice now. C: Oh no, who else have you found? Barb: Hello! M: Barb? B: Hey, Y'all quit that. I can't hear nothin'. Y'all I'm on the phone! M: Hello Barb, dear, it's Marta...Marta Innocenti. B: Hold on darlin'...let me step out the trailer...Marta, is that you dar34

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lin'? M: Yes,'s me! B: Oh hey, Darlin'! How y'all doin? y'all doin alright? M: We're great Barb! What's going on there? I hear a party! B: Oh we's having a high ol' time. Britney Lee Anne Jr. done had a little junior of her own. He's so precious. I'm a grandmamma now! M: Wow ! Congratulations, Barb! B: Thank you, darlin! What y'all up to today? You still working with that ugly old Yankee? M: mean, Cindy? Well, she went out for coffee. B: Well, be sure to lock the door behind her. M: Barb, we're doing a show today on dating, and we wanted to get some of your advice. B: Aww suge (short for «sugar» a term of endearment), at was a long time ago. I'm a grandmamma now. I can't hardly remember back that far! M: Oh come on, Barb...what was it like when you first met your husband? On your first date? B: Aw darlin' That's REDNECK love baby. We do things a little differently here in the South. M: What happened? What was the one line that ignited the flames of passion? B: Flames of Passion??....oh, damn… : «Get in the truck, bitch!». M: Barb, that's horrible !!!!! No man should ever talk to a woman like that! I can't believe you let him speak to you in that degrading way! B: Oh hell, suge...that's what I said to him! M: what you said to him!....Barb, we love you! B: I love you too, darling. But I got to run now. Y'all take care, be good and come see us some time! M: Bye Barb! B: Bye darlin'. Cindy: ...Here's your coffee. M: Thank you Cindy. C: Marta where do you find these people? Have you got some sort of Crazy Phone book to call. The Yellow Pages of Crazy? M: Kind of crazy, but, you know, it's useful to listen to a language as it's spoken on the street, because there is no text book that can prepare you for every day language complete with regional accent and slang words. C: Fair enough. 35

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M: Well folks, that's all for now. You can reach us on and on and on iTunes. Don't forget to read the transcripts of each episode! C: and come visit us on Facebook too! On the «my American friend – podcast» page. M: Thank you for listening! C: Bye-bye! 3. Match the words or phrases from the text to their definitions: people with influence, to have a deep understanding of something, a great song, offensive slang term used to describe a girl of low moral value/prostitute/hooker. Technically not a curse word, but still very offensive. Be careful how you use it. Maybe best not used at all; eating fast, fat, sometimes disparaging: a white member of the Southern rural laboring class. 4. Fill in: B-side, credit card, steal, dating advice, the flames of passion, killer, in that degrading way, right, a girl of low moral values, dating, a little chubby, get, on the line, bill.


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5. Make sentences based on the text using the phrases. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

…. of dating 6. Ignite … 11. … before prom Max out … 7. … scene 12. … a teenager’s point of view …. song 8. «Old school» … 13. Have somebody … Skank is … 9. Look … 14. … Kellie’s boyfriend Speak to somebody … 10. … scarfing down 15. Cell phone …

6. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

(movers and shakers) I know … I think (skank) among my acquaintances … (killer song) I know … (redneck) in my friends … (chubby) person I know …

7. You and your friend are trying to decide what to do this Saturday evening. Use the table below to discuss your preferences. You can use ideas from the dialogue. Asking about preferences • • • •

Do you want + to -infinitive …? Do you fancy + -ing from …? Would you like + to -infinitive …? Where would you rather + bare infinitive Expressing preferences

• • • •

I’d prefer + to -infinitive/noun I’d much rather + bare infinitive (+ than + bare infinitive) I’d rather not … I’m not so keen on … Not really. I’d rather …

8. Project: Choose one of the following: 37

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a) What dating techniques do people in your country use? Collect as much information as you can and prepare a presentation for the class. Use photographs to illustrate your work. b) Write an informal letter describing B-side dating. UNIT 8 JEWELRY I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: the spelling: JEWELRY (Am.E.) or JEWELLERY (Br.E.) jewelry-related vocabulary used in this episode: BAUBLES = costume (fake) jewelry TIARAS = a delicate and ornate crown worn by women, for example, in a beauty pageant. Tiaras can be made of real or fake stones. Some brides enjoy wearing a tiara for their wedding ceremony. BRACELET, BANGLE = jewelry worn on the wrist. Can be made of anything from plastic to metal. NECKLACE = jewelry worn around the neck EARRINGS = jewelry for the ears. Earrings that require a hole in the earlobe are called «pierced» and earrings worn without requiring a hole in the earlobe are called «clip ons» or «clip» earrings. RING = jewelry for the fingers SEMI-PRECIOUS STONES = stones of lower value but still of great beauty for example: turquoise, amethyst, topaz GEMS: stones of high value (still varying much in price according to clarity, color, cut.. etc...) like diamond, ruby, sapphire and emerald. CORSAGE = flowers worn by a girl or woman, pinned to her dress or worn bracelet-like, for a special occasion like a wedding or dance. BOUTONNIERE = small bouquet of flowers (just one flower and a bit of greenery) worn by a man or boy for special occasions. The boutonniere is worn pinned to the lapel of the suit jacket. BLING = excessive, big, sparkly, showy jewelry. Often worn by rappers, hip hop stars. AMULET = a protective charm usually worn on a necklace. FAMILY JEWELS (watch out!!!) = a DOUBLE meaning here! 38

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1. inherited jewelry passed down from generation to generation. PROMISE RING = a ring given as a «promise» of the future. For example, teenagers may exchange promise rings as a commitment to each other with a «promise» of marriage in the future. ENGAGEMENT RING = when a man (or woman) asks their partner to marry them, an engagement ring is given to symbolize they are committed to marriage. In America, an engagement ring usually has at least one diamond in the setting and is made of either white or yellow gold. WEDDING BAND = the simple band slipped onto the bride & groom's ring finger of the left hand during the wedding ceremony. ANNIVERSARY BAND = a ring given at any stage in the marriage to celebrate an anniversary. Idiom – «to be the jewel in the crown»= the best among a group Idiom – «speech is silver, silence is golden» Cultural notes Native American jewelry refers to items of personal adornment, whether for personal use, sale or as art; examples of which might include necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings and pins, as well as ketohs, wampum and labrets, made by one of the Indigenous peoples of the United States. Native American jewelry normally reflects the cultural diversity and history of its makers, but tribal groups have often borrowed and copied designs and methods from other, neighboring tribes or nations with which they had trade, and this practice continues today. Native American tribes continue to develop distinct aesthetics rooted in their personal artistic visions and cultural traditions. Artists may create jewelry for adornment, ceremonies, and display, or for sale or trade. Lois Sherr Dubin writes, « in the absence of written languages, adornment became an important element of Indian communication, conveying many levels of information.» Later, jewelry and personal adornment «...signaled resistance to assimilation. It remains a major statement of tribal and individual identity.» Native American jewelry can be made from naturally occurring materials such as various metals, hardwoods, vegetal fibers, or precious and semi-precious gemstones; animal materials such as teeth, bones and hide; or man-made materials like beadwork and quillwork. Metal smiths, beakers, carvers, and lapidaries combine these materials to create 39

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jewelry. Contemporary Native American jewelry ranges from handquarried and processed stones and shells to computer-fabricated steel and titanium jewelry.

Exercises 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: Jewelry, bauble, tiara, bracelet, bangle, necklace, earring, ring, semiprecious, gem, turquoise, amethyst, emerald, ruby, sapphire, diamond, accessories, corsage, wrist, boutonniere, greenery, bling, excessive, showy, encrusted, promise ring, engagement ring, commitment, wedding band, marriage, anniversary band, token, accumulate, family jewels, treading, accessorize, eventually, layers, earrings, rockstar, salute, establishments. 2.Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form: Last week another American friend … (to come) to visit me here in Italy. We talked all about jewelry because she … (to work) as a rep (=sales representative) for a brand of silver jewelry. 2. Have you learnt anything about jewelry and accessories that you … (not to know)? 3. Girls … (to wear) corsages around their wrists or pinned to a dress for special occasions, like prom or homecoming dances for example. And mothers and grandmothers usually wear a corsage for weddings as well. 4. He will wear a boutonniere … (to match) her corsage or dress. 5. Bling … (to wear) by rappers or hip hop stars...even Hollywood actors can rock a little ‘bling’ from time to time. 6. When I … (to be) younger I used to wear a charm in the image of a smiling, shining sun. I … (not to wear) necessarily wear it to bring good luck, but it was cute and it … (to make) me happy just to wear it. 7. The first ring would be the promise ring. That is a promise that … (to make), that you're committing yourself to the relationship, to that other person. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 40

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3. Use the words and expressions from the dialogue in answering the following questions: 1. What special jewel is considered to bring people good luck according to the superstitions? 2. What different types of rings do Americans have? Describe each of them. 3. Having accumulated all kinds of rings during that course of lifetime, Americans look for an anniversary band, don’t they? 4. How do we call the collection of jewels a family inherits from grandparents and other relatives? 5. Is the guy supposed to buy the corsage for the girl he's dating in America? 6. Will accessorizing anything bring out the best of you? 7. Can you make your way up to an extreme amount of layers: earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets? 8. What does the expressions mean «be the jewel in the crown». 4. Imagine that your classmate and you are in the jewelry shop to buy some accessories for the prom. You are to choose from: bracelet, necklace, earrings, ring Remember to: • discuss all the options • be polite • come up with ideas • give good reasons • find out about your friend’s opinion and take it into account • come to an agreement Use the phrases: Expressing opinions Agreeing/Disagreeing I’d still prefer … Let’s move on … I think it depends on … It’s a bit difficult to decide. In my opinion … I couldn’t agree more. That sounds like a great idea … I think you right … I’m not really sure this … I agree with that because … 41

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5. Write… • a letter to a pen-friend telling him or her about collecting of jewelry as your hobby; • a diary entry about diamonds like girls’ friends • a short paragraph giving your opinion on different types of rings in America 6. Comment on the following statement Some people consider jewelries are not important for girls to bring out. Others, however, find them attractive and believe that they help to bling up like rockstars. What is your opinion? Why do you think jewelry and accessories are of such interest to some people? Your answer must be 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • make an introduction; • express your personal opinion and give reasons for it; • give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it; • draw a conclusion


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UNIT 9 DRIVING I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: HIT THE ROAD: to set out on a trip, to leave COP: a police officer, cop is a familiar term DRIVER’S LICENSE: official document (in a card format) you carry with you at all times, allowing you to drive legally. VEHICLE REGISTRATION: the legal documents issued by The Department of Motor Vehicles you must have in order to drive a car in the States. Vehicle registration card lists the identification number of the vehicle as well as the insurance company name and policy number specific to that vehicle. You must have car insurance and a drivers license to drive a car on the road in The United States. TICKET: the fee, the penalty you have to pay for a traffic violation. Example: Speeding, failing to stop for a red light or stop sign, reckless driving, etc.. BREATHALYZER: a test to check if you're driving under the influence of alcohol. RADAR GUN: a device to check the speed of a vehicle UNIT OF MEASURE IN THE USA: speed limit signs are MILES PER HOUR (a mile is about 1,6 km) and gasoline is measured in GALLONS (a gallon is about 3.79 liters). a GAS GUZZLER: a vehicle that burns too much gasoline to GUZZLE: to drink or eat fast. to be PARCHED: to be really thirsty AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION: gears are changed automatically as the vehicle moves, freeing the driver from having to shift gears manually CRUISE CONTROL: a system that automatically controls the speed of a vehicle RUSH HOURS: times of heavy traffic (usually between 7-9 am and 4-6 pm when people are driving to work) CLOSE CALL: when you come close to having an accident CAR POOL LANES: lanes designated for passenger vehicles with 2 or more people. 43

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to TAILGATE: following too close while driving, not keeping a reasonable distance between two vehicles to SLAM ON THE BRAKES: to stop abruptly to CUT OFF: To pull in front of a car abruptly without signaling first to BE FRESH OUT OF something: to have just run out of something HELMET: a form of protective gear worn on the head to protect it from injuries. TRAFFIC COURT: a municipality's specialized judicial process for handling cases of traffic violation Cultural notes Mile is about 1.6 km. Gallon is about 3.79 liters. Beltline /beltway: a highway that by-passes the city center Black ice: a thin layer of frozen rain/ice, very dangerous because it appears to be the same color as the road (black). Commute: the journey from home to school or workplace Pile up: a multi-car accident Rubbernecking: drivers slowing down, turning to look at the accident that happened on the other side of the road Fender-bender: a minor accident, with minor damage Ride Home Traffic Report: radio traffic report around big cities Driving in the Unites States The eligible age varies substantially by state. Nationally by age 16 one can obtain a license after passing the requisite tests and drive without adult supervision. Since the driver's license is a commonplace document that carries much of the necessary information needed for identification, it has become the primary method of identification in the United States. In the United States, a holder of a Driver License is typically legally allowed to operate a motor vehicle up to 26,001 pounds, is not carrying hazardous materials or more than 16 passengers (driver included). Most jurisdictions when granting driver licenses only permit the holder to operate a road worthy four or more wheeled vehicle. To operate a twowheel motorized vehicle with a sustainable speed greater than 30 miles per hour requires an endorsement upon the license, typically after successful completion of a theory and practical test. On the Federal Level, Motor vehicles with a Curb Weight of GCWR of 26,001 pounds or more, a vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers (driver in44

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cluded), or a vehicle transporting hazardous materials can only be driven by an operator carrying a Commercial Driver License (Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986). Upon successful completion of theory and practical testing endorsements can be applied to a CDL to allow legal transport of specialty types of goods: • T Semi trailer Double or Triple (Written Test) • Certain states prohibit triple trailers statewide, such as California, Florida, and New York • A Class A license is required to obtain the T endorsement • P Passenger Vehicle (Written and Driving Tests) • S School Bus (Written and Driving Test, Background Check, Sex Offender Registry Check and P endorsement) • N Tank Truck (Written Test) • H Hazardous materials (Written Test and Background Check through the Transportation Security Administration) • X Combination of Tank Vehicle and Hazardous Materials (Written Test) • W Tow truck. (Written Test) Various state statues also mandate that CDL must be held to operate vehicles not covered by federal statutes. Many U.S. states now issue graduated drivers' licenses to novice minors. Typically, newly licensed minors may not drive or operate a motorized vehicle at night or with a passenger other than family members. The duration of the restriction varies from six months to until the driver is 18 years old. This is due to the mental aptitude of a young or inexperienced driver not being fully developed. Exercises 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: a) maneuver, car rentals, highways, motorcycle, route, familiarize, organized chaos, driving laws, check-point, license, vehicle registration, violation, issue, undocumented immigrants, drugs, drunk drivers, influence of alcohol, breathalyzer test, penalty, severe, a designated driver, cab money, open liquor bottle or can, a radar gun, device, a rear-view mirror, speed limit sign, gasoline, measure, gallon, an economy car. 45

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b) gas guzzler, inefficient, automatic transmission, cruise control, journey, comfortable, radio traffic, rush hours, time of heavy traffic, beltline, evening commute, a multi-car pile up, the inner belt line, emergency personnel, scene, clear away debris, rubbernecking, passersby, a minor fender-bender, exit, traffic lane, Ride Home Traffic Report, a multi-car accident, minor damage, the local traffic reports, intersection, car pool lanes, slam on the brakes, a truck driver, taxicab, sober, the helmet laws, traffic court , evade the cops, a black trash bag. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 2. Fill in the blanks with words given below: In cities you will find trains and subways and city buses, but as soon as you … the city limits you may find it difficult to … about without a car. 2. In Europe a lot of people have the dream of being out on the … …, riding a Harley Davidson … maybe on Route 66, lost in the endless landscape. 3. We drive on the … …. , we get our driver's license at 16. 4. In case you rent a car, you must be at least ... . 5. The police officer will stop you and ask for your documents, your … and … , if he finds a violation you will be issued a ticket. 6. If the … suspects you may be under the influence of alcohol you may be given a … . 7. Make sure you do not have any open liquor bottles or cans in your … while driving. 8. So keep an eye on … … … and be aware that the limit can change quickly for instance from 55 miles per hour to 35. 9. Since gas prices are rising steadily I recommend you pick an economy car when … … . 10. Stay away from … … . (the speed limit signs, exit, open road, breathalyzer test, maneuver, 25, choosing a rental, motorcycle, right side of the road, driver’s license, the gas guzzlers, car, vehicle registration, officer ) 3. Answer the following questions: Why are car rentals so commonly used in America? 2. Prove that driving laws in America are strictly enforced? 3. At what age do Americans get their driver's license and rent a car? 4. What will the police officer do to a driver if he or she comes upon a check-point? 5. The officer can search for anything really, undocumented immigrants, drugs, drunk drivers, can’t he? 6. When may you be given a breathalyzer test? 7. What 46

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should you do before you go out? 8. Why won't you get very far before you come upon an officer with a radar gun and «the catch you!»? 9. Is gasoline measured in gallons? 10. Since gas prices are rising steadily does one recommend you pick a gas guzzler or an economy car when choosing a rental? Which is the best? 11. Most cars in America have automatic transmission and many offer cruise control, don’t they? 12. What two things make long journeys more comfortable? 13. What is the advantage of Ride Home Traffic Report? 14. Could you explain the meaning of the words «beltline» and «black ice»? 15. What is a «commute»? 16. A «pile up» is a multi-car accident, isn’t it? 17. How do you understand the word «rubbernecking»? 18. «Fender-bender» is a minor accident with minor damage, isn’t it? 19. Name a couple of rules to avoid close calls and car accident? 20. What special lanes are there in L. A. highways? 4. In pairs discuss the rules of the American road. Use the conversational phrases: Maybe, that’s why, first off, if you think … Well, back to, Right, ok, All right, That’s a great idea, Clear, Do it! So let’s talk about …, could you explain a few things, starting with … That reminds of ….? It's all clear now! Have you ever noticed …That’s an amazing story! Thank you! Take care and come see us some time! Oh my goodness! That’s a perfect example of …. I swear it’s the truth! And I agree with that … 5. Comment on the quote by Dudley Moore: «The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.» 6. Comparing driving laws in America and Russia discuss their differences and similarities. Then make a project on the rules of the American road. Use all the vocabulary studied.


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UNIT 10 SAFETY I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: DOWNER: something or someone that brings the mood down. Depressant. Example: The evening news is such a downer! They never talk about happy things. POINTERS: tips, advice or useful hints. Example: I'm not a good baseball player, but my brother is helping me but giving me a few pointers. SEIZURE: a sudden episode of transient neurologic symptoms such as involuntary muscle movements, sensory disturbances and altered consciousness. A seizure is caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS: medication that have been prescribed by a doctor. OVER THE COUNTER: buying medicines without a prescription ie: aspirin, common cold medicine etc... SPRAIN: Sudden twisting or wrenching of a joint causing great pain. E.R.: Emergency room at the hospital STOMACH AILMENTS / UPSET STOMACH / DIARRHEA: common discomforts caused by eating too much or consuming rich, acidic or spicy foods. ATM: automated teller machine, Automated banking machine. STICK UP: a robbery. CHECK UP: a visit to a doctor to be sure everything is ok. Example: I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. It's not serious, it's only for my yearly check up. Cultural notes Committee of Safety (American revolution) Many Committees of Safety were established throughout the Thirteen American colonies at the start of the American Revolution in 177475. They became shadow government that took actual control of the colonies away from royal officials who became increasingly helpless. These committees in part grew out of the less formal Sons of Liberty groups, which started to appear in the 1760s as means to discuss and 48

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spread awareness of the concerns of the time, and often consisted of every male adult in the community. The local militias were usually under the control of the committees, which in turn sent representatives to county-wide and colony-level assemblies to represent their local interests. Committees of Safety formed in 1774 to keep watch on the distrusted royal government. By 1775 they had become the operating government of all the colonies, as the royal officials were expelled. Massachusetts took the lead in the appointment of a committee of safety so early as the autumn of 1774, of which John Hancock was chairman. It was given power to call out mandatory militia, with penalties for failing to respond to a call-up, and provide means of defense. It provided many of the duties of a provisional government. Other colonies appointed committees of safety. One was appointed in the city of New York, composed of the leading citizens. In the spring of 1778, the New York state legislature replaced all committees with «Commissioners of Conspiracy». In North Carolina, the demand for independence came from local grassroots Committees of Safety. The First Continental Congress had urged their creation in 1774. By 1775 they had become counter-governments that gradually replaced royal authority and took control of local governments. They regulated the economy, politics, morality, and militia of their individual communities. After December 1776 they came under the control of a more powerful central authority, the Council of Safety. These Committees of Safety were in constant communication with committees of correspondence, which disseminated information among the militia units and provided a clearinghouse of information and intelligence on enemy activities. Exercises 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations Downer, specifically, pointers, health issues, vacation, emergency, appropriate, assistance, ambulance, fire truck, constitute, seizure, automobile, accident, injury, prescription, medications, stomach, remedy, high blood pressure, diabetes , cholesterol, sprain, health insurance, ailment, diarrhea, design, belonging, receipt, withdraw, automated. II. LISTENING 49

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III. POST-LISTENING 2. Fill in the blanks with the words given below: 1. They may need some … on how to express their needs. 2. If you have an emergency while in America you can dial the numbers 9-1-1 for …. 3. I hope everyone has a happy and healthy … in America. 4. Some examples of a 911 emergency would be a serious health issue- like a … attack or seizure, an automobile accident -with injuries, or a fire just to name a few. 5. … are medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor. 6. You can easily buy general pain medicines and stomach and cold … in America «over the counter». 7. For travelers to the US, be sure to keep all your prescription medications in the …. (remedies, assistance, prescription medications, heart, pointers, stay, original bottles) 3. Answer the following questions 1. What number can you dial for assistance if you have an emergency in America? 2. What does the expression «over the counter» mean? 3. Why should one keep all his prescription medications in the original bottles? 4. Have you ever sprained the ankle? 5. Do you buy a traveler’s health insurance whenever you go to the States? 6. Health care is very expensive in the States, isn’t it? 7. If you find yourself with an upset stomach, and it’s happened many times, what do you do first? 8. Are Imodium or Pepto-Bismol products in liquid or pill form designed to ease the discomforts of traveler’s belly? 9. What should men (women) do when visiting densely populated areas? 10. Is it necessary to always ask for a credit card receipt with your purchases? 11. What do you use when withdrawing money from an Automated banking machine? 50

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12. Why should you follow the instruction when you hear someone yell «put your hands up! This is a stick up!» in a bank? 4. Respond to the following statements using think, believe, hope,

am afraid

Summer is a very popular vacation time for tourists. 2. Tell the operator your location – your address- and what the problem is and they will send the appropriate assistance, i.e.: an ambulance, the police or fire truck. 3. If you’re on more serious medication for example for high blood pressure, diabetes , cholesterol or heart medication that requires a doctor’s prescription and cannot be purchased without one. 4. Accidents do happen, no matter how well prepared you are. 5. Thankfully nothing was broken, but she did sprain her ankle. 6. If the break is serious, then call 911 and ask for an ambulance to drive you to the hospital. 7. It's better to check on line or with your insurance company for a traveler's health policy right for you. 5. Topics for discussion: 1. Speak on the pointers: safety, specifically traveler’s safety and health issues. 2. Describe the personal safety. 3. Speak on the way you behave in a bank.


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UNIT 11 TIME I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: - SHE GETS UP WITH THE ROOSTERS - SHE'S A NIGHT OWL - TO HAVE A GREAT TIME - TO HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE - TIME IS ON MY SIDE - TO STAND THE TEST OF TIME - NO TIME TO WASTE! - I’VE GOT NO TIME» FOR... - I HAVE TIME TO TALK! - IT’S NEVER A BAD TIME FOR YOU! - TO PAY ON TIME - TO PAY BY A SET TIME - TIME OUT! - TO HAVE A HARD TIME UNDERSTANDING SOMETHING - IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO CHANGE - TIME FOR US TO RUN! Cultural notes Time The U.S. differs from other countries in that it uses 12-hour notation almost exclusively, not only in spoken language, but also in writing, even on timetables, for airline tickets, and with some computer software. The suffix «a.m.» or «p.m.» (often represented as AM and PM) is appended universally in written language. Where this is inconvenient typographically (e.g., in dense tables), different fonts or colors are sometimes used instead of a.m./p.m. The most common usage in transport timetables for air, rail, bus, etc is to use lightface for a.m. times and boldface for p.m. times. Due to ambiguity of the 12-hour notation at noon and especially midnight, events are sometimes scheduled at «11:59 p.m.» or «12:01 a.m.» instead of 12:00 a.m. to remove ambiguity.[citation needed] Alternatively, people might specify «noon» or «midnight», after or instead of 12:00 (12:00M for 00:00 and 12:00N for 52

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12:00). (Business events, which are increasingly scheduled using groupware calendar applications, avoid such ambiguity, since the software itself takes care of the naming conventions.). The USA is one of the few countries which uses the 12-hour clock in reporting relevant airport times to the public (e.g. those used in the flight information display). 24-hour usage The 24-hour notation is rarely used so far in the U.S. in daily life. It is best known there for its use by the military, and therefore commonly called «military time». In U.S.-military use, 24-hour time is traditionally written without a colon (1800 instead of 18:00) and in spoken language is sometimes followed by the word «hours» (e.g., «eighteen hundred hours»). The 24-hour notation is also widely used by astronomers and other communities such as public safety (police, fire, rescue), who would pronounce 18:35 «Eighteen Thirty Five», for example in two-way communications. It is also used in hospitals, various forms of transportation, and at radio and other broadcast media outlets behind the scenes where scheduling programming needs to be exact, without mistaking AM and PM. In these cases, exact and unambiguous communication of time is critical. If someone mistakes 5:00 AM with 5:00 PM in a hospital for example, when medication or other medical treatment is needed at a certain time, the outcome could be critical. Thus 24-hour time (5:00, 17:00) is used. Exercises 1. Transcribe and pronounce: Time zone, rooster, sunrise, owl, prey, nocturnal, dirty, chemistry, survival, waste, vacation, irk, mutual, liability, endure, payment, purse, relevant. 2. Make up dialogues using the following sentences: 1. She gets up with the roosters. 2. She’s a night owl. 3. It's been an unforgettable vacation, we've had the time of our lives! 4. I have a big paper to write for Chemistry class, but I’m not worried because it isn’t due until the end of semester. I’ve got time on my side. 5. And they are still relevant today. They’ve stood the test of time. 6. Hurry up and buy those concert tickets! They sell out fast, there’s no time to waste! 7. I 53

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have time to talk! It’s never a bad time for you! I saw you on Youtube! 8. When did you get that credit card? That bill absolutely must be paid by a set time each month, without fail! 9. It’s time for you to change and be more responsible, my dear. 10. I think our work is done here. Time for us to run! II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 3. Explain or express in another way the following expressions. Use them in sentences of your own: have a great time; time is on my side; pay on time, time out, it’s time for you to change; no time to waste; get up with the roosters. 4. Read the sentences and complete gaps with the correct derivative of each word in capitals. 1. Roosters … (KNOW) to sing very early in the morning, at sunrise. 2. I was born an owl and I’ve tried to be a rooster – believe me I have – but being a «night owl» just comes … (NATURAL) to me. 3. They are … (SURVIVE)! 4. They’ve endured what like 50 years in the music … (BUSY)? 5. There is little time available and you must act … (QUICK). 6. Ashley, are you paying the credit card bills on … (TIME)? 7. I think our work is done here. Time for us … (RUN)! 5. In pairs speak on the following using the vocabulary under study: 1. Time is money. 2. Disadvantages of wasting time Use the following linkers to write an opposing viewpoint: On the other hand …. Alternatively …, It can be argued that …, However …., In contrast … Some people argue … 6. Work in groups and discuss whether while in the USA you should arrive early, on time, or late at the following events (perception of Time) 54

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Event Early On time Late 1. A school examination 2. A concert 3. A date 4. A job interview 5. A business meeting 6. A meeting with a friend 7. A film 8. A class 9. A wedding 10. A play 11. A graduation ceremony 12. A dinner party Answer the following questions: 1. What generalization can you make about the concept of time in the USA? 2. Is the concept of time in Russia different from the American one? 7. Spend three minutes writing a few sentences on getting up with the roosters as a source of success in everyday life. Read your sentences to the class.


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UNIT 12 CLOCK I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to Be Remembered: a 12 HOUR CLOCK CURFEW FROM DUSK TILL DAWN MIDNIGHT What time is it? It’s … sharp How long does it take? DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME SHE’LL BE LATE FOR HER OWN FUNERAL! A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK AROUND THE CLOCK IT’S TIME TO … TIME FLIES when you’re having fun Cultural notes Pacific time zone (PT) – known as the «West coast» Time. Eastern time zone (ET) – the «East coast» Time. Mountain standard time -that's 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time, but in the summer, when Daylight Saving Time is observed, it changes into Mountain Daylight Time, that is only 6 hours behind Greenwich. But, watch out, not all the States adopt daylight saving time, you need to pay attention when scheduling appointments around America! Remember to check Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time. Time in the United States, by law, is divided into nine standard time zones covering the states and its possessions, with most of the United States observing daylight saving time for approximately the summer months. The time zone boundaries and DST observance are regulated by the Department of Transportation. Official and highly precise timekeeping services (clocks) are provided by two federal agencies: the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (an agency of the Department of Commerce); and its military counterpart, the United 56

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States Naval Observatory (USNO). The clocks run by these services are kept synchronized with each other as well as with those of other international timekeeping organizations. It is the combination of the time zone and daylight saving rules, along with the timekeeping services, which determines the legal civil time for any U.S. location at any moment. Daylight saving time in the United States – The Energy Policy Act of 2005 extended daylight saving time (DST) for an additional month beginning in 2007. The start of DST now occurs on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. The Energy Policy Act specifies that continuation of daylight saving time beyond 2008 is subject to favorable evaluation of the energy savings attained. Clocks will be set ahead one hour at 2 a.m. on the following start dates and set back one hour at 2 a.m. on these ending dates: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Start date April 2 March 11 March 9 March 8 March 14 March 13 March 11 March 10 March 9 March 8

Ending date October 29 November 4 November 2 November 1 November 7 November 6 November 4 November 3 November 2 November 1

In response to the Uniform Time Act of 1966, each state of the US has officially chosen to apply one of two rules over its entire territory: Most use the standard time for their zone (or zones, where a state is divided between two zones), except for using daylight saving time during the summer months. Originally this ran from the last Sunday in April until the last Sunday in October. Two subsequent amendments, in 1986 and 2005, have shifted these days so that daylight saving time now runs from the second Sunday in March until the first Sunday in November. The Eastern Time Zone is commonly used by the national media and other organizations as somewhat of a de facto national time for all of the United States. National media organizations will often report when news events happened or are scheduled to happen in Eastern Time, even if they occurred in another time zone. TV schedules, especially those that 57

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list events that are broadcast live across the country, are also almost always posted in Eastern Time. The major professional sports leagues also post all game times in Eastern time; thus, for example, the start time of a Los Angeles Dodgers – San Francisco Giants game usually is still posted by Major League Baseball and the national sports media in Eastern Time, even though the game location is covered by the Pacific Time Zone. However, the United States currently does not use any sort of national railway time like the railways in Russia; airports, railway stations, and other modes of transportation follow the local time.

Exercises 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: Curfew, dawn, midnight, dusk, sharp, announce, ceremony, standard, Greenwich, specified, indoors, fluent, broadcast, scheduling, appointment, honest, funeral, assistance, emergency. 2. Fill in: adjust, specified, same, dawn, midnight, took, Pacific, sharp, coast, saving, late. Make sentences using the phrases. 1. From dusk till …. 2. It's a regulation about … hours. 3. It’s 5 … 4. It …me two hours to relax and unwind. 5. In the … time zone (PT). 6. The «west …» time. 7. … in New York. 8. Daylight … time. 9. … appointments around America. 10. … my clock when landing in Chicago, 11. In the …time zone. 12. And I hate being! II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 58

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3. Read the sentences and complete gaps with the correct derivative of each word in capitals. 1. It was … (NEAR) 12.30, that means it was 12.20 or 25. 2. By the time I … (GET) home I was dead tired, but that's another story. 3. Whenever you travel around the globe you need to … (ADJUST) your clock to the local time, according to which time zone you are in. 4. In the States we have 4 … (DIFFER) time zones. 5. California is in the Pacific time zone (PT) otherwise … (KNOW) as the «West coast» Time. 6. There is a 3 hour difference between the two … (AMERICA) coasts. 7. That means it's 3 hours … (EARLY) in California than in New York. 8. When … (ANNOUNCE) a live event being broadcast on TV such as a football game or an award ceremony you may hear something like: «next Sunday, … (START) at 6 p.m. Eastern Time / 3 p.m. Pacific Time.» 9. Have you ever … (HAVE) any problems with Time Zones when traveling in the States? 10. Well, I had to adjust my clock many times, not only because of the different time zones but also because of the daylight … (SAVE) time. 4. For statements decide if each statement is True, False or Not Stated. Circle the answer you choose. 1. The Americans use a 12 hour clock. A. True B. False C. Not stated 2. Curfew is a regulation about specified hours for people to remain indoors, especially at night. A. True B. False C. Not stated 3. Each region on Earth has its own standard time, whenever you travel around the globe you need to adjust your clock to the local time, according to which time zone you are in. A. True B. False C. Not stated 4. In the States we have 4 different time zones. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 5. California is in the Pacific Time zone (PT) otherwise known as the «West coast» time. 59

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A. True B. False C. Not Stated 6. When it's midnight in New York it's still nine o'clock in Los Angeles. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 7. Alaska and Hawaii have their own different time zones. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 8. Mountain Standard Time is 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time, but in the summer, when Daylight Saving Time is observed, it changes into Mountain Daylight Time, that is only 6 hours behind Greenwich. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 9. Not all the States adopt daylight saving time, you need to pay attention when scheduling appointments around America! A. True B. False C. Not Stated 10. A great idiom to describe someone who is always late «She’ll be late for her own funeral!» A. True B. False C. Not Stated 11. «A race against the clock» sounds like an emergency to somebody. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 12. «Around the clock» means all day and all night. A. True B. False C. Not Stated 5. Give a talk about Time zones in America. Remember to discuss: • Pacific and Eastern Time zones • Mountain time and Central time • Daylight saving time • Time-related idioms You will have to talk for 2 minutes. Then your neighbor will ask you some questions. 60

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Conversational phrases to be used: I would say that … I think it’s fair to say … One thing that should be mentioned is … There’s no doubt in my mind that … 6. You are going to spend a week at your American pen-friend’s house and you aren’t sure how to get there. Write him/her an e-mail asking questions about different time zones in America (100-140 words) UNIT 13 ADVICE AND SUGGESTIONS I. PRE-LISTENING Expressions to be remembered: to TAKE SOMETHING FOR GRANTED: 1. To consider as true, real, or forthcoming; anticipate correctly. 2. to underestimate the value of, for example: My husband takes for granted that his dinner will be ready every evening when he arrives home from work. WORD OF MOUTH: without any kind formal promotion or advertising, spread only through one person talking to another, for example: In New York City, the reputation of a new restaurant spreads quickly through word of mouth. to PREVENT SOMEONE FROM DOING SOMETHING: to stop a person from carrying out an action. This could be for many reasons like jealousy or competition, or for the benefit of someone's personal safety, for example: For fear of hurting himself, the grandmother prevented the small child from climbing onto the table. For example: My workmates are very jealous people and do not want me to succeed at my job! They will do anything they can to prevent me from moving up the corporate ladder! Let's sum up : - 'you should' 61

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- 'you ought to' (oughta) - 'if I were you, I would...' - 'you'd better' (= you had better) - to make a suggestion, to suggest To suggest doing something, to suggest something to suggest that you do something - to make a recommendation , to recommend To recommend doing something, to recommend something to recommend that you do something - to give advice, to give a piece of advice, to advise To advise someone on something, to advise someone to do something To advise against something Exercises 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words and wordcombinations: Suggestion, according, aware, recommend, doubt, convey, due, knowledge, jogging, journey, authority, lawyer, performance, counsel, client, patient, success, manager, repetition, encouragement. 2. Translate into English rapidly. a) Native speakers kinda take it for granted, but to us learners it's not easy. b) With all due respect, Sir, if I were in your position, I would change that sentence». c) To recommend means telling someone what you think the right thing to do is according to your experience or knowledge, while to suggest means to give an idea, to offer some further possibilities to a matter. d) I suggest that you listen to 'my American friend' while jogging in the park. e) May I also suggest our Facebook page to our listeners? f) I suggest listening to 'my American friend' while driving in your car on long journeys. g) You usually give advice if you have some authority to do so, for example if you're a lawyer counseling your client, a mother talking to your children, or a doctor talking to a patient, and so on. h) I went to a concert and I saw The Fire live, their performance was 62

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absolutely amazing, they blew me away, so I recommend that you check them out. i) I suggest listening to it again, repetition is imperative when studying a foreign language. j) I advise you to always read the transcripts. Our podcast has had more than 10.000 downloads in less than 4 months with no promotion at all, just word-of-mouth. II. LISTENING III. POST-LISTENING 3. Complete the following sentences using the conversational phrases: I know, You’re right; for instance; True! First off, … All right! Now let’s talk about …; Perfect! Beautiful! I agree with you …, Ok, now …; I’m so glad to ask …; Yes, definitely! Good/ Excellent idea! Let me try this one! It’s unbelievable! Perfect! Great! Thank you! Ok, let me guess! That’s a good point! Well, let’s compare … to make it clear! So, it’s like … Ok, in this case … 1. You’d better … 2. She recommends … 3. I suggest … 4. They should … 5. We advise … 6. If I were you, I would … 7. You made recommendations … 4. Ask your neighbor and have the question answered: Whether he (she) suggests wearing a pretty pink gown; What he recommends about arrival at an old country inn; What piece of advice she gave to a young businessman; Why the man didn’t seem to follow the advice; Whether you suggest going on a tour; Who advises him to paint a fence round the garden. 5. Translate the sentences from part 1 into English, the ones from part 2 – into Russian: 63

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Part 1. 1. Вам не следует так разговаривать с ней. 2. Нам бы лучше послать им телеграмму, если вы хотите, чтобы они поскорее приехали. Тебе следовало бы сообщить нам об этих изменениях. 3. Ей бы лучше пойти и поговорить с ним сейчас же, если он еще не ушел. 4. Нам следует торопиться. 5. Вам необходимо посетить эту выставку. 6. Тебе не надо было ходить в такую дождливую погоду. 7. Вам следовало бы еще раз прочитать свое сочинение. Там, наверное, есть ошибки. 8. Если бы я не устала, я бы пошла осматривать город. 9. Мы бы не пошли завтра на этот спектакль, если бы это не была премьера. 10. Ты бы лучше мне объяснила, почему он рассердится, если я расскажу ему правду. Part 2. 11. If I were young, I should have a walking holiday. 12. There was no reason why I should not get away promptly in the afternoon. 13. «It’s very disappointing,» he said, « that Hugh should go off like this just when I counted on him to help him». 14. If I were you, I should keep an eye on that girl. 15. Why should he think that? 16. He was very sorry that Philip should be disturbed. 17. He seemed to see nothing exceptional in the idea that he should get up and speak at the meeting. 18. «Where is Meg?» «Where should she be if not in school?». 19. If I were you I should pay no attention to what she says. 6. Explain the meaning of the following sayings and illustrate them. 1. If it were not for hope, the heart would break. 2. If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded. 3. If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. 4. If things were to be done twice all would be wise. 7. State whether should is auxiliary or modal: 1. «So you think I should go, then?» said Randall behind him. 2. At breakfast I told Mary that I should be absent at least four days. 3. I shouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. 4. You really shouldn’t have said that, Felix. I’ll talk to him myself. 5. How about Pinfold? Shouldn’t he be there? 6. Thank God for our Gilbert. What should we do without him? 7. No one knew when I was to be back or if I should be back at all. 8. Felix said hastily, «Forgive me. I 64

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shouldn’t have troubled you». 9. Nell has just told me you wanted to see me or I shouldn’t have troubled you. 10. They had not seen – no one should see her distress, not even her grandfather. 8. Translate the sentences into English, using give advice, suggest, recommend, should, ought to, to advise someone on something, to advise someone to do something, to advise against something and then make up a situation connected with them. 1. Вам бы лучше остаться дома; сейчас польет дождь. 2. Он предложил, чтобы собрание было назначено на пятницу. 3. Я, пожалуй, почитаю полчаса перед сном. У меня интересная книга. 4. Я был бы вам премного обязан, если бы вы пришли в шесть часов. 5. Тебе бы лучше подождать Джона и пойти вместе с ним. 6. Детям следовало бы остаться дома в такую скверную погоду. 7. Вам бы лучше остаться дома; сейчас польет дождь. 8. Тебе бы лучше туда одной не ходить.


Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

PODCAST SCRIPTS UNIT 1 INTRODUCE YOURSELF M: Hello! My name is Marta, nice to meet you! C: Hi, I'm Cindy, nice to meet you too! M: and this episode is about how to... INTRODUCE YOURSELF ! C: We know that this podcast is for intermediate and advanced English learners, but even the easiest things can get difficult sometimes, for example when you're nervous for a job interview, or excited to join a new class of complete strangers, or you don't feel comfortable for any reason. M: Yeah, every time I have a new class at school for one of my English+Music lessons and I ask the students to introduce themselves it seems that... well... they just don't know where to start from. C: Yeah, that can be intimidating... M: You know, it should be the easiest thing on Earth, I mean, just go ahead, say your name, your age, where you're from, tell me something about your family, your career, your hobbies. C: You feel under pressure, everyone's looking at you, you may have studied English for years but in that very moment you just can't remember the difference between «how do you do?» and «how are you» ! I remember being introduced to a woman who told me: «it's a pleasure to meet me»! M: Really? It's a pleasure to meet me instead of it's a pleasure to meet you?! C: She just got confused, and she was probably a bit nervous, it happens! And local accents can be a big problem too. M: That's why we are going to listen to a few special guests now introducing themselves. C: I'm so happy when we have guests here at my American friend! M: So am I! Let's start with some Scottish accent! Let's listen to Adrian! Adrian : Hi, my name’s Adrian and I was born in Liverpool from Scottish parents. I spent most of my childhood in England but moved back to Scotland for job reasons in my 20s. I’m an industrial chemist and I’ve been living in Italy for 6 years. I’m married and I’ve 2 daughters. I 66

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like sports and I’m a keen amateur skier and windsurfer. I decided to come to Italy because I was interested in getting to know a new culture and language and of course… cause the girls are nicer! C: Wow! I love his accent! Ok, let's practice questions and answers a little bit. Where was Adrian born? M: He was born in Liverpool but his parents are Scottish. C: What does he do for a living? Or, I could also say: what is his job? M: He's an industrial chemist. C: Where does he live? And who does he live with? M: He lives in Italy with his wife and his two daughters. C: What are his hobbies? What does he like doing in his free time? What is he interested in? M: He likes skiing and windsurfing and he's interested in getting to know new cultures. C: Great, let's move on to a new accent. Our next guest comes from Australia! Oh, and by the way, shall we revise how to introduce people? M: Why not? C: So, I could say: Marta, let me introduce you to my friend Kate from Australia. Or: Marta, I'd like you to meet Kate, she's a friend of mine, she's Australian. M: Ok, let's listen to Kate. Kate: Hi, my name is Kate and I’m an 18 year old girl from Melbourne, Australia. I live with my parents in a little town just out of the city, which is right near the beach. In the summer, this is where I spend most of the time with my friends, usually followed by a barbeque in the evening. We also have lots of music festivals which are great fun! The biggest ones are over New Year’s Eve, when it’s really hot. It’s a great way to welcome in the New Year, listening to some awesome local Australian acts, as well as some big international artists. It was a pleasure talking to you all, thanks for listening to this little snippet of the laidback Aussie culture! M: Thank you Kate! Great, now let's go back to the States. C: Hi, Britney! Thanks for being here today. Could you tell our listeners a little bit about yourself? Britney: Hi! My name is Britney I am 19 years old and I am from North Carolina. I have a son named Jaden, he is 10 months old. My husband’s name is David, he was born in Puerto Rico and moved to the U.S. with his family when he was 5 years old. My grandparents came from Poland. I’ve never been to Poland, but I would love to visit one day. In 67

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my spare time, I like to go to the movie theater plus I really hate to cook but I like going to restaurants. I love music and the radio is always on at my house. Well, I was nice talking to y’all. Have a nice day. M: That was great. Thanks a lot to our special guests: Adrian, Kate and Britney, thank you. All right, listeners, why don't you try and write down your self-introduction? Just a few lines to be prepared to talk about yourselves and to be sure you can relate to other people quickly and in a pleasant way. C: You don't have to LEARN IT BY HEART, that means to memorize it word by word. But it will certainly help you in avoiding those uncomfortable moments of silence and panic next time you're asked to say something about yourself. This is especially useful when you're not dealing with a new group of friends but with an interviewer who has to decide to hire you or not and it's the job opportunity of a lifetime! M: Ooooh, job interviews are so difficult when you have to speak a foreign language! C: That's why you'd better prepare your answers before. Because, of course the interviewer is not interested in your whole life story, the question «tell me something more about yourself» actually means: «why do I have to choose you for this position? Give me a good reason» So you have to mention a few good points about your education and previous career related to the job you're applying for. M: You have to bear in mind what the interviewer is after and focus only on that. C: No hesitations, proper language. You definitely have to prepare the answer to that question before you enter the room for that job interview! M: Let's pretend you're applying for a job, Cindy, mmmm, ok. The host for a tv program about international recipies. C: Oh, that sounds like fun! M: I'm the interviewer. So: tell me something more about yourself. C: I've studied the cuisines of many different cultures. I've lived in America and Europe and still continue to travel the world with every chance I get. I love to cook and I love meeting new people. As an English language podcast professional and teacher I believe I possess many essential qualities that would be an asset to your program. M: Wow, this is how to talk about yourself in order to make an impression! Ok, let's shake hands and leave me your business card, I'm quite sure you're going to be chosen for this job! 68

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C: And...thank you for your time! C: Hey everyone! We have some great news! We've been preparing our brand new blog!! M: It's going to be constantly updated with new material regarding the English language, the States, pictures, idioms, travel suggestions, songs, anything to help you improve the language and to better know the American culture and everyday life. C: And of course you'll also find all the episodes of our podcasts with accompanying transcripts. And you will be active part of our blog! So, everyone who has been following our podcast on Facebook, twitter,, and iTunes... M: ...come visit us at: ! C: And enjoy all the new pictures and content. M: Let's create the my American friend-community. You will make new friends from all over the world to practice the English language with ! And before we go, I want to thank some of our listeners for contacting us on our Facebook page: Shin San, Viswashakti, Angela, Ayad. And also Hikari and Giorgio who are following us on podomatic. Thank you. C: Thanks for you support everyone and we'll see you soon! M: Bye-bye! UNIT 2 WEATHER M: Today, we’re talking about «Weather». M: It’s positively FRIGID in here! C: Ok, I'll turn up the thermostat in here. I know, today’s a cold one isn’t it? M: I’m FREEZING! C: Ok, there you go. It’ll warm up in here soon. M- Thank you! I can’t stand winter! I want to move to a place with palm trees! C: Well…. wait until we finish this episode before you book your plane ticket! M: Speaking of plane tickets… that reminds me that you’ve just returned from The States. How was the weather? I hope it was warmer than here? C: Well, when we left Italy it was like totally overcast and I was so happy to be leaving. Then we landed in Amsterdam and it was like kinda drizzling. But when we got to Atlanta it was raining cats and dogs and by 69

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the time we landed in North Carolina… M: Hang on. Wait a minute, Cindy….I haven’t been able to process a thing you’ve said. C: Oh, has your brain frozen over? M: Maybe so. Now what were you talking about? C: I was talking about the weather on our trip. M: All I heard was something about cats and dogs. C: Tell the truth. All you heard was the word «cats»! M: Okay, maybe so, everyone knows by now that I love cats …but you also used the word «drizzling», you’d better explain yourself a little better. C: Ok, you’re right. I was saying that when we left Italy (and for those of you who are just joining us- Marta and I both live in the north of Italy)… when we left Italy, the sky was OVERCAST. M: And when the sky is «overcast» that means it’s cloudy and gray outside. C: Right. Then we caught a connecting flight in Amsterdam and it was DRIZZLING outside. M: And that means…? C: Drizzling means a light rain. That’s just enough precipitation for you to have to take your umbrella with you. M: And what about the cats and dogs in Georgia? C: IT WAS RAINING CATS AND DOGS in Atlanta, Georgia. M: that sounds serious! C: It is! If someone says «it’s raining cats & dogs outside» that means it’s raining quite hard. M: And maybe you should use a little extra caution while doing things like driving a car. C: Yes! And be extra careful if you’ve just spent a lot of money in the salon to have your hair styled! If it’s raining cats & dogs outside then you’ve just wasted a whole lot of money! M: We’re accustomed to rain here in the north of Italy. C: And fog! Sometimes, THE FOG IS SO THICK YOU COULD CUT IT WITH A KNIFE! M: Well not literally, Cindy, that’s just an expression meaning that the fog is very dense and visibility is severely restricted. C: Yeah, whatever…do you remember how foggy it was when you performed in Rovigo recently? M: Oh yes! I remember! You could cut that fog with a knife! 70

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C: I rest my case. Let’s see, what else can we talk about? M: How about just this morning? C: Oh yeah, I woke up really early and noticed that we had a DUSTING overnight. M: I want to move to Florida. C: You can’t move to Florida until we finish this podcast. Now explain what a dusting is. M: A dusting is a light coating of snow. C: It’s kind of pretty really, it looks like everything’s been coated with powdered sugar! It also hides the fact that I need to wash my car! M: Cindy, how about the expression «A BLANKET OF SNOW»? C: Right. A blanket of snow is a heavy coating. I have some family in the state of Vermont and some friends in northern New York where it’s quite cold and they’re often «BLANKETED IN SNOW». Sometimes they’re BURIED IN SNOW. M: And can you explain what SLEET is? C: Sleet is the enemy. M: I was thinking something more specific, Cindy. C: Sleet is awful. Sleet is exactly what you don’t want to find when you’re on the road. Sleet is that halfway point between snow and rain. It’s soft ice. M: Oh you mean like Italian sorbetto? C: Exactly! But much less appealing! Sleet is common in my region of North Carolina and in winter it causes all kinds of damage. I live midway between the mountains and the sea. Too cold for rain and too warm for snow – and the result is sleet and ice and broken trees, power outages and perilous driving conditions. M: Wow! I didn’t know you felt so passionately about sleet? C: I do! And you want to know why? Because one Christmas, an ice storm had knocked out power in my town for 3 days! In the country that means no lights, no running water and no heat! M: Merry Christmas! C: Thank goodness I had a wood burning stove in my living room, so we cooked Christmas dinner on that stove. One learns to be very resourceful when living in North Carolina. M: And what about HURRICANES? C: Oh, those are nasty too! Hurricane storms are common on the Gulf Coast, East Coast, the Caribbean and Mexico. Hurricanes can be mild with just rain and high winds or they can destroy everything in their path 71

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like Hurricane Katrina did in 2005. Can we talk about something happy now?? M: You’re right. What about springtime, that’s a lovely time of the year. C: Springtime! My favorite season! But you know, Marta that reminds me of another season- a mysterious 5th season! M: 5th season? I thought there were only 4. Spring, summer, winter and fall (autumn). C: There’s another- a fifth season. M: A fifth? C: Mud Season! Mud season is that mysterious hidden season between winter and spring! It’s when all the ice and snow melts up north and turns the ground into water puddles and brown mud! M: Lovely. Let’s talk about spring now. C: Oh, I love springtime. It’s so beautiful. It’s my favorite time of the year here in Northern Italy. M: It’s also allergy season… C: It’s true! M: But it is beautiful around here when the clouds and rain finally go away and flowers begin to bloom. C: Don’t worry, Marta. We’re halfway through winter now, spring is just around the corner. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. M: I can’t wait! C: It can get very hot & dry here in the summertime. M: July and August are BLISTERING HOT. C: I gave up years ago on my hopes of ever having a garden. It’s too damned hot, everything is wilted by noontime- including me! I just buy my vegetables now from the nice fruit & veg people on the corner! M: Good idea. We need to support our local farmers! C: By the way, Marta, are you feeling warmer now? Is the heater starting to kick in? M: Yes…I’m warmer…it’s still not Florida, but I’m happy. C: Well, go ahead and book your flight now. I think we’re about done here. M: Thanks for listening everyone! And be sure to check the transcript for more useful weather- related words and definitions. C: Thanks for listening everyone! And wherever you are, we hope the sun shines brightly on you today! And for you too, Marta…hey, are those ICICLES hanging off your nose?..... 72

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M: Stop horsing around and turn the heat up again! C: You’re crazy! It’s a sauna in here… M: I’m still cold!.... C: Then go to Florida!.... M: I will! Right now…. C: I’ll book your flight. Ugh! What are you a reptile?? M: thanks for listening everyone! Bye-bye! C: Bye-bye! UNIT 3 LIKES AND DISLIKES M: today we’re talking about... LIKES AND DISLIKES! C: There are so many different ways to express your likes and dislikes in English! Marta, for example, tell us something that you like. M: I like cats, well actually I LOVE cats, I ADORE kittens and I AM NUTS ABOUT big cats, like tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars, cougars... C: Ok, ok, we got it, you made it clear...darling. M: I'm sorry, it's just that cats DRIVE ME CRAZY and I can't stop talking about 'em. C: I know, you're ADDICTED TO cats. And what do you like doing? M: I ENJOY traveling and going to concerts. The best thing for me is a special place. A place where I can enjoy my vacation and see a great concert at the same time! C: That reminds me of your trip to Florida and the Bon Jovi concert in Tampa Bay! Or your trip to Madrid to see the Train concert. What a great life you have! M: Yep! Bon Jovi and Train are my FAVORITE bands! I'm CRAZY ABOUT them! C: You're right, they are amazing. Ok, so far we’ve used verbs and expressions like to adore, to be nuts about, to be crazy about, to enjoy, to be addicted to.., your favorite... etc. Now let's talk about dislikes instead. M: I CAN'T BEAR the cold, I CAN'T PUT UP WITH people who are always late. C: Oh, I hate that. M: I'm FED UP WITH T.V. commercials and I HATE bugs. C: I'm with you on the bug thing. Wow, it seems that you know quite well what ANNOYS you! Can you think of any other examples? 73

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M: (singing) I CAN'T STAND the rain against my window... C: Beautiful, right! M: (singing) I'm SICK and TIRED of always being sick and tired... C: That's great. Songs are always a precious help in remembering useful expressions! M: I totally agree with you. C: Ok, then, in order to express your dislikes you can use : I can't stand, I can't bear, I can't put up with... , I'm fed up with..., I'm sick of.. I'm tired of... it annoys me... M: Now we have a very special guest, talking about her likes and dislikes. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Brianna! Brianna: Hey everybody, I’m Bri and I’m from Michigan. Ok, three things I like. I like to play soccer. It's definitely my favorite sport. I love scoring a goal for my team. I also like my phone, I don’t think I could live without it! I would talk on it all day if I could. Another thing I like to do is travel. It’s so nice to be able to get away. I went to Italy a couple of years ago, and it was an absolutely amazing experience! Now, three things I don’t like. I definitely do not like spiders. I am scared to death of them! I’m not a big fan of homework, either. I would much rather be outside, especially when it’s nice out! I also can’t stand when my parents are over controlling! It’s so annoying. I’m a teenager, give me a break ! Well, anyway, that's about it. It's been nice joining you guys in this episode of my American friend. See ya! C: Thank you Brianna!! It was nice to listen to a teenager from Michigan. And folks, that is another regional American accent to familiarize yourself with! M: Thanks a lot, my dear Bri. Now Cindy, it's your turn. Tell us something you like and something you don't. C: Something I like...well, I adore olives. I love flowers-any kind. I’m happiest when I'm being creative and constructive. I enjoy cooking any kind of food, especially if it’s not American. I like a challenge! That’s it. I’m a pretty simple gal! And you want to know my dislikes? Well, I can’t stand people who talk too much, specifically those without anything useful to say. You know the ones that just want to hear the sound of their own voice? And currently, my neighbor’s dog is driving me up the wall! I’m starting to think my neighbor’s dog just likes to hear the sound of his own bark! M: Ok, cool. Now we have another guest! I'm really happy about it, her name is Nicki and she's from Los Angeles, California! 74

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C: Pay attention everyone because we’re going to listen to another regional accent! Awesome! M: Yes, and what is more, by telling us what she likes and what she doesn't like she will also give us some hints on everyday life in Los Angeles. Here she is ! Nicki : «Hello everybody, my name's Nicki Tedesco and I live in Los Angeles, Ca. I’m a bass player/singer/songwriter and have a mixing and mastering studio called The Strands L.A., along with Alex Guadagnoli. We also create music for movies and TV and you can check out our website at: or Ok, so 3 things I like or love... I love to play the bass, when the bass is in the pocket with the drums and you're rocking and head banging, it’s just the best thing in life. I also teach rock band performance, vocals and bass at a music school, and I really like working with people and making their music come to life. I also love writing songs and lyrics and creating harmonies, it’s so nice to sing with someone in perfect harmony, it’s almost, in a weird way, like chanting. Hiking: there’s this place called Runyon Canyon that overlooks all of Hollywood. It’s amazing, and it’s a dog park. And it’s funny because I call this trail: the trail of the «the beautiful people». It’s like they're all there! Everyone's a model or an actress and they all have their cell phones, so it’s a little on the funny side, 'cause they're exercising and talking on the phone, it's kind of weird. Ok, so 3 things I don’t like: hopefully I’m not whining and these are actually useful! So, strict Drinking and Driving laws! Some other states like Nevada, and Texas are not so strict, but in California, you cannot drink and walk basically. I mean, if I decide to be responsible and go out drinking but I want to ride my bicycle home, so that I don’t drink and drive…in the law’s eyes, it’s the same as driving a car, they can still give you a DUI (Driving Under the Influence, of alcohol) and arrest you. I mean, could you see me all up in my mini skirt and heels getting up on a bike. It’s just not worth it. Just get a cab, or a designated driver. Some things that cost too much in Los Angeles, like parking! You might pay $15 to $20 to park on a weekend night in Hollywood. It's insane! Also, cell phone charges: if someone calls you, it takes away your minutes, which means you pay for the call…and so does the person making the call to you. And taxes, I hate taxes of course…but there is one cool thing that shows the cities value of art and culture: there's the «Creative Activities» Exemption and this is for creative artists whose worldwide gross income is less than $300,000. 75

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It’s a really cool perk for small businesses. And finally I don't particularly like it when friends come over and get too drunk and «accidentally» bang my guitars against the furniture. I mean, come on guys, put the axe down!!! Thanks guys, it's been fun chatting, bye! C: That was absolutely fascinating! M: Thank you very much, Nicki, it was great listening to your voice! C: I love it when we have guests here at my American friend! M: So do I! Let me add one little thing for our listeners. C: What is that? M: You may have heard both «I like playing tennis» and «I like to play tennis», so again the same question 'gerund or infinitive' of our episode #7. Hey, don't worry, it can be both. In Britain they tend to use the gerund most of the time, while in America the infinitive is more common. C: This is great advice. M: And, even if it's not a strict rule in everyday conversation, you can consider: I like playing tennis (when you state a general fact) and 'I like to play tennis with you, why don't we play again next week?' (stating something more specific). C: Another good example could be: I hate interrupting my parents when they're talking. Versus : I hate to interrupt you, but we need to get going. M: All right, that's all for now. Right? C: Right! Listeners, if you want to let us know about your likes and dislikes contact us on Facebook, Twitter,, or iTunes. M: Let me thank a few of you: Giada, Tania, Tatsuro, Luiz Carlos and Somaia. C: And a big thanks to all those who clicked the «make a request» button on our Podomatic page and thank you so much for all the nice reviews you’ve posted about our podcast on iTunes USA, Saudi Arabia and Japan. M: We'll be back very soon with new episodes! C: Bye-bye! M: This episode is going to be about …. DRINKING ! C: We know that many of our listeners study English in order to travel around the globe and make new friends. When you hang out with those new friends it's likely that you’ll have a drink together and you 76

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may need to know some specific words and expressions about drinking. M: Ok, listeners, make sure to read the transcript of this episode. Now, let's imagine we're having a drink somewhere in the States... C: How about the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles? Plenty of cool bars and clubs there, Whisky a Go-go, Rainbow, House of Blues , Roxy, Viper... M: Nice choice, among the regular clients of those bars you get to see rockstars and actors, you're likely to spot some celebrity, like, every night out there. C: But before you order your cocktail, enjoy the live music and make friends with Steven Tyler or Slash you'd better revise some vocabulary with me, Marta, ok? M: Ok, let me get a bottle of wine and two glasses. C: Now, it's common to have a drink together when you’re celebrating something, right? For example we can celebrate that our podcast was number one on the Podomatic chart last week. M: Ok, so what should I say while I CLINK GLASSES? C: Let's TOAST TO our podcast and to our listeners! Or we could say : let's DRINK TO... let's DRINK A TOAST TO.... or : let's RAISE OUR GLASSES TO or FOR.... M: CHEERS! C: Cheers! M: Mmmm, delicious! C: Marta, you're taking small SIPS, com'on, DOWN IT IN ONE GO! Or I could also say: SLAM IT! M: All right, but that's it for me. I CAN'T HOLD MY DRINK, one glass is more than enough. C: You GET DRUNK very easily, don't you? M: Well, it's not that I get drunk, I just ...fall asleep! C: Uh, that wouldn't be good if you fell asleep now. Steven Tyler and Slash just bought us another ROUND OF DRINKS! M: I know, I know, it's not my fault, I just fall asleep. I'd better have some soda with Steve Vai who I'm pretty sure doesn't drink any alcohol. C: I didn't know he was a TEETOTALER? Ok, so you and Steve Vai are going to be our designated drivers, right? M: Ok, ok. I've been the designated driver my whole life! Well, at least I don't have to SOBER UP the following day. No headache, no HANGOVER. C: Oh, Marta, have you seen that movie, «The hangover»? 77

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M: That's hilarious! C: It’s got to be one of my favorite movies of all-time. It's about a group of friends who wake up in Vegas having no memory of what they've done the previous night, after a wild bachelor party for one of them. And that's what happens when you're DEAD DRUNK: you have a great time and the next day- you can’t remember a thing! Doesn’t seem to be much sense in it, does it? M: Yeah. Everyone, be careful, you can get into trouble if you drink too much and you lose control. Cindy, can you think of any idiom or expression about those people who drink too much? C: «TO DRINK LIKE A FISH», that's drinking a lot. M: To drink like a fish. Ok. C: And to be really drunk is : TO BE WASTED, TO BE SLOSHED, PICKLED... there are so many expressions. M: And how about BINGE DRINKING? What is it? C: Oh, binge drinking is an extreme form of drinking, that would be overdoing it. M: How about those people who drink because they're sad? C: We say that: they DRINK THEIR PROBLEMS AWAY, they DROWN THEIR SORROWS. M: Ok, anything else? C: I have a funny song about drinking to suggest. M: Which one? C: «Alcohol» by Brad Paisley. M: You're right! It's a really cool song! And now that you make me think about it, there is something interesting Brad says in the lyrics of that song, he says: «I'll bet you a drink or two that I can make you....»do something, whatever. C: Yes, for example, if we're watching a football match we can BET A DRINK on the winner. If your team wins I'll pay for our drinks and vice versa. Or you can use this expression when you are challenging someone. Marta, this song is too difficult, I'll bet a drink that you can't sing it. M: You do? Ok, you'd better prepare your wallet, I'm getting thirsty! C: I was just kidding! M: So was I. C: And everyone, let's make it clear once again: hanging out with your friends having a drink or two is just great, drinking a little more on special occasions is ok, but alcohol can turn into a serious addiction, so, be responsible. 78

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M: Well, listeners, we went through a lot of vocabulary, so check it out in our transcript and come visit us on,, Facebook, twitter and iTunes. Before we go let me thank some of our listeners: Bairma, Natalia, Zainal and our dear friends Tatsuro and Reza. C: See you soon with a new episode! M: Bye-bye! UNIT 4 SHOPPING M: So, today we're gonna talk about SHOPPING! C: Oh, well, Americans love shopping. M: They do. C: We have a lot of MEGASTORES. M: Such as? C: For example Wal-Mart, «monster» Wal-Mart, Best Buy for all your electronics needs, Target which is similar to Wal-Mart (Americans love convenience, they like to have everything at their fingertips) And many are open until 9 p.m. every night, seven days a week. Or some are even open 24/7. M: What do you mean by 24/7? C: By 24/7 I mean: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. M: Yeah, you're right. When I went to America I was surprised by that, it seems strange to me, I mean I could buy anything I needed in the middle of the night, at least in big cities. C: In big cities, usually. M: It is also easy to find whatever you need while driving across the country. C: Driving across country is really convenient, as I've done myself and I know you've done yourself a couple of times, exploring United States. It's very convenient because on the main highways you'll find SIGNS listing LODGING, GAS and FOOD just before each exit ramp. M: That's really helpful. C: Isn't it? When you're tired and you've been driving all day and you just want to stop, you just wait for that sign listing those hotels and find one you like and pull over, very close to the highway you'll find a room. M: Just as simple as that. C: Exactly. 79

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M: Cindy, is there anything that a foreign tourist should know about prices in the USA? C: Something unexpected for foreigners coming to visit us is that the price you see on the item is not exactly what you will pay. You will pay a certain percentage of SALES TAX on top of that and it varies from State to State. For example in New York City (a lot of people travel to New York City on vacation) New York has a 4% sales tax on each dollar, so if you were to buy an item for a dollar there'd be an extra 4 cents tacked on to it. And it varies from State to State, so you may wanna check that before you go on your trip. For example, California has 8.25% sales tax, Florida is 6%, and where I live in North Carolina is 5.75%. So that could really add up with your larger purchases. M: Yeah, I mean, if you buy something expensive it makes a difference. C: A huge difference, so you wanna be prepared for that. M: Anything else that is unexpected to us? C: Tipping. Let's talk about TIPPING. Was that a surprise to you the first time you came to the States? M: The first time, yes. So, actually you give a TIP … C: addition to your bill, it's usually 15%, and it's given to the waiter or your waitress in appreciation for good service. M: So it's extra-money that you give... C: It's extra-money on top of the bill. M: Don't waiters get a salary? C: They get a reduced salary, actually. M: So tips are really important. C: Tips are really important and there's a great incentive in the States to provide good service to the customers, to make your dining experience pleasurable. M: Yeah, right. Is there any place except from restaurants where tipping is customary? C: Tipping is customary in many places, it's not mandatory but it's polite and it's to show your appreciation of a job well done. For example, a valet that would park your car for you, the porter at the airport, shuttle drivers that would take you maybe to your hotel once you've left the airport, again, customary to tip a few dollars. M: All right, so watch out, it could be expensive, more than what you expect! C: That's it, start carrying your own bags ! 80

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M: Well, actually we're talking about shopping but we are in the middle of an economic crisis, so how is retail responding to that? C: There are markdowns on everything now. Markdowns meaning the price has been marked down, reduced. M: Reduced, so it's lower. C: The price is lower. There's a lot of «buy one, get one for free» incentives. M: Yeah, I like that. C: Or «Buy one and get one half off» which is my favorite way to buy shoes. M: And how about the restaurants? C: Restaurants also took quite a hit, many restaurants have gone under, and by gone under I mean they've gone out of business, they've closed. A lot of restaurants, what they've offered is a reduced price menu, a budget price menu, you may not get the large portions that you are accustomed to in America, but you'll get a little less food but at a very reasonable price. M: So people have to reduce their spending but they are still dreaming of Tiffany's, Rodeo Drive, 5th Avenue and...that kind of stuff ? C: Oh, aren't we all ? Marta, do you remember Pretty Woman's scene on Rodeo Drive? M: Of course I do! C: That scene turned me into a 'shopaholic' , that very same day I ran out with my brand new credit card and bought those thigh high black leather boots. M: Really?! Could you walk on that?! C: No! M: So you just wanted to buy them... C: I wanted to be Pretty Woman. M: I see, I see. How about all those TV shows and movies like Sex and the City and I Love Shopping? C: That's Hollywood effect on us. It turns us all into 'shopaholics'. M: It's unbelievable. Well, I think now it's time for quotes about shopping. All right, Cindy, I know you have a great sentence by Dolly Parton. C: Oh, my favorite, I love Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton said : «You'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap.» M: I'd be surprised, I guess. I got another interesting sentence, it's by Benjamin Franklin and here it goes: «Beware of little expenses, a small 81

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leak will sink a great ship». That's it! C: And Adrienne Gusoff: «Shopping is better than sex. If you're not satisfied after shopping you can make an exchange for something you really like» M: And Will Rogers: «Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.» C: Oh, how much happier would we be if we listened to all those words? M: You're right. M: As far as shopping is concerned Teenagers are professionals. So I guess we should get in contact with a friend of ours, Ashley. I'll try and give her a ring. Here she she is.. Hey, Ashley, how are you doing? A: Hi Marta! How are you honey? M: I'm fine, where are you? Oh, I'm sorry, can you introduce yourself to our listeners? A: Hi everyone, I'm Ashley, with a Y, 'cause I like lil’ smiley faces with my Y’s. M: draw smiley faces when you write your name..? A: It's really cool. I'll show you next time I see you, ok? M: I can't wait. So, where are you? A: We're at the mall, Kelly and I are at the mall, we're getting mani's and pedi's, it's so cute, Marta, I got French tips on my toes, and we're gonna go out and buy toe rings. We're just hanging out at the mall, we're just chilling because I can't spend any more money, Marta, I maxed out my credit card. M: You maxed out your credit card. A: My Dad won't let me shop any more, so we're getting mani's and pedi's as I told you, and then we're gonna go and get Smoothies, and then....oh, my God, oh Marta! I bought the coolest eye-shadow, it was a steal, it's silver and it's all sparkly. M: It was a steal, oh my God, Ashley, are you crazy? Do you mean you stole it? A: Marta, I didn't steal it, no, I mean I got it on sale. M: You meant it was not expensive, so it was a steal. (oh, teenagers!) A: I got it for , like, nothing, ok well I got it for like 6.99 $, but it was originally 12.99$ then it was marked down, and I had a coupon, and I got it for like 6.99$ it was a steal. it's so pretty, I'll show you next time I see you. 82

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M: All right so I really gotta go now. A: Oh, you have to go? No, Marta, wait a minute, I have to tell you something. Debbie is here. M: Debbie who? A: Debbie, I told you about her, that b**ch. M: Who? Oh, that 'bitch'! A: She's the one who stole Kelly's boyfriend, I told you about her last week. She bought the dress that Kelly wanted, she's such a bitch! M: I guess she is. So, girls, what are you gonna do now? A: We have to go window shopping. 'cause I can't spend any more money, my credit card's maxed out, so we're just looking, we're just window shopping. M: I see, so don't spend too much of your father's money. A: I won't M: Behave! A: I will. M: Have fun, girls! A: Ok, will you go shopping next week ...with me? M: Yes, of course... A: I wanna show you where I got that eye-shadow! M: Of course... Bye honey! A: Bye Marta! M: Ooh! Wow, I made it! Sometimes teenagers are so difficult to deal with! Ooh! Cindy.... C: Sweet girl, though. M: She's sweet, kind of sweet. A: Kind of on her own planet, but she's a nice girl. M: Yeah, and she's crazy about shopping too, it seems like... women just can't help but go shopping, no matter the age. C: It's true. M: Women can't help but go shopping, that's an interesting expression. C: Yeah, we don't mean help as in... M: assist, giving assistance... C: «I can't help it», it means it's stronger than me. M: I can't resist, I can't avoid it. I really need to go shopping. C: I need to go shopping especially after watching (the film) Pretty Woman. M: And when is the best period of the year to go shopping ? 83

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C: Oh, well after Christmas sales, fantastic, because everyone wants to get rid of their stock, there are markdowns everywhere. M: So in that period of the year you can't help but … C: ...take advantage of the sales! And in between the seasons, as well. M: Well, I guess, that's it. We have already taken up enough of our listeners' time, so, guys, I can't help but say goodbye here. C: And stay off the roads because I think Ashley just got her driver's license. M: She's dangerous, watch out! That's all, folks! You can find the transcription of this podcast on Thank you again for listening but now we really have to go, we have to go shopping! Bye! C: Thanks everyone, bye bye! M: See you next time!


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UNIT 5 ANIMALS M: Today we’re talking about «ANIMALS» C: Hi Marta, I love your hair& make – up today! You look beautiful! M: Thank you, Cindy! C: You’re a STONE-COLD FOX! M: Uh? … that’s a compliment, right? C: Yes! To call someone a «stone cold fox» is a great compliment! It means they’re very good looking! M: ok then. You’re right then, I AM a stone cold fox! C: Y’know, Marta, I was thinking that you love animals, and I’m sure that we have a lot of listeners out there who love animals too. Wouldn’t it be fun to do an episode about animal-related idioms and expressions? M: Sounds great! C: Alright get the sound effects button ready. Let’s begin with your home: you’ve got a BIRD’S EYE VIEW through your living room window! It’s incredible! I can see all the surrounding hills. M: A bird’s eye view. C: A bird’s eye view means you’re high up and you have a good view of everything below you. A bird’s eye view. M: I like that! How about another? C: Ok, what if I say «John has EYES LIKE A HAWK!» M: Then he must have very good vision? C: Exactly, if someone has «eyes like a hawk» they have a good vision and are attentive to everything. M: What if we refer to someone as being «LIKE A PARROT»? C: oh, here we must be very careful! Little children are like parrots – they’ll repeat everything you say! So be sure to only use polite language around them! M: Useful advice! Cindy, I once heard the expression «TO EAT CROW», what does it mean? C: To «eat crow» means admitting that you were wrong and then suffering humiliation from it! We don’t actually eat a bird, a crow. It’s just an expression. M: Can you give us a sentence? C: Sure! Steve had been bragging all year long about how his favorite football team was so awesome and they would surely beat out everyone to win the Super Bowl …. 85

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M: I remember! C: But when his team failed to even make the play-offs, he had to eat crow and finally admit they were a terrible team! M: Got it! C: Better luck next time loser! M: Ok, we’ve got it! There’s no reason to be mean to Steve! C: But seriously, Steve, you’re team is made up of a bunch of like DINOSAURS! M: Why? Because they’re old? C: … and nearly extinct! Seriously, they’re like slow … like a bunch of TURTLES. My grandmother moves faster than his team. M: (sigh) … moving on. C: Let’s talk about bugs! M: You know I HATE bugs! C: I know, but unfortunately the word «bug» is used everywhere. We can use «BUG» to describe a problem with our computer. M: Right. C: We also use «bug» to refer to a minor illness, like a head cold or stomach flu. If I say: «I’m feeling really tired today and I’ve got a headache and a sore throat» M: Hmm … then you must have CAUGHT A «BUG». Ok, Cindy … let’s change the subject! Talking about bugs is starting to bug me! C: (whispering) That means she’s annoyed! M: if you want to talk about bugs – then I will talk about snakes! C: No!!! Not snakes! I hate snakes! M: If I call someone a «SNAKE». C: Then it’s not a compliment. It means they are sneaky, crafty, untrustworthy. Ok. Ok. That’s enough creepy stuff. I’m starting to get GOOSE BUMPS Ick! Snakes! M: When talking about snakes, Cindy is a big CHICKEN! C: It’s true! If someone is a chicken, that means they’re afraid, or not very brave. For example: I never watch horror movies – I’m too chicken! M: It’ just acting! It’s not real! C: You wanna know the last time I watched a horror movie? M: You’re a chicken! C: That’s right I am. 1999. That’s the last time I saw a horror movie in a theatre. 1999. I saw «The Sixth Sense» with Bruce Willis. M: I would have loved to have been a «FLY ON THE WALL» in that movie theatre! 86

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C: Great expression! «A fly on the wall» that means you want to quietly watch & hear what happens in a room – without anyone actually knowing that you are there. «A fly on the wall». It’s a good one. Oh, how about «THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM»? M: That’s an obvious problem or situation that nobody wants to discuss. C: «The elephant in the room» M: And if you can’t see the elephant in the room? C: That would be me! I have terrible vision! (laughs) If someone has very poor vision then we say «they are BLIND AS A BAT!» M: Someone with poor vision is «blind as a bat». Got it. C: And speaking of vision, it’s nice to see the sunshine again isn’t it? I think we’re finally at the tail end of winter. It’s nearly over. M: I hope se. C: Before you know it, it will be warm & sunny … M: … and we’ll all be back at the beach! C: PACKED IN LIKE SARDINES! If we say «we’re packed in like sardines» that means there are a lot of people packed into a small area, like sardines (small fish) in a can. M: … or like an Italian beach during mid-August! C: Oh my, if any of you have ever experienced an Italian beach during mid-August you will surely understand the meaning of «packed in like sardines». And we invite you to take a look at the vocabulary at the end of this transcript. It’s PACKED with lots of fun animal-related expressions and words! M: Cindy, are you trying to WORM YOUR WAY OUT OF this episode? C: Am I trying to avoid the responsibility of doing my job? Uh, yeah!!!! The sun is shining for like the first time in a month! Let’s go out and enjoy it! M: Good idea! Thank you for listening everyone! C: Thanks everyone …. And a special thanks to my husband Gio who gave us the idea for this episode! Have a great day everybody! And be sure to come visit us on our blog at You can also catch us on Facebook, iTunes, Podomatic, Twitter and Youtube! UNIT 6 DATING 87

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M: In this episode we're going to talk about DATING! C: We've chosen a spicy topic this time, haven't we? M: Well, you know, I was wondering: what do you study a foreign language for? C: To improve your career maybe, for doing business abroad, but also we study foreign languages in order to travel around the world and meet new and exciting people. M: Exactly, new people you get to know and you may feel like dating. New people you may even start a relationship with. By the way, does that sound familiar to you? C: Yeah, it does, my husband is Italian, but he could speak English well enough to ASK ME OUT ON A DATE! M: Actually GOING ON A DATE with someone who speaks a different language is not that easy, so, listeners we are going to help you! C: Today we're going to use a lot of words and expressions about dating, make sure to read the transcript of this episode by downloading it on your iPod or by visiting our page on that's spelled podomatic: the transcription includes the list of all the specific words and idioms about dating with relevant explanations. M: All right. Cindy, let's say that I am to date an American guy, like, I don't know, Jon Bon Jovi. C: oh, You picked a good one! M: Well, it could happen sooner or later! And we may need to listen to some New Jersey accent, so Jon, we'd be glad to have you here! C: Yes, Jon Bon Jovi. If you feel like being our guest on any future episodes, you're more than welcome! M: Oh, Cindy, I think we'd better explain this one to our listeners. To feel like doing something. C: It's a very common expression. It means: to be in the mood for doing something. An example of a conversation could be: What do you feel like doing tonight? I'm tired, I don't feel like going out. I feel like watching a DVD on the sofa. M: And do you remember that song: «don't feel like dancing, dancing...». C: Yeah, that's it. M: All right, now let's go back to dating. Jon is waiting for me. C: Shall we start from «pick-up lines»? You know, those sentences you say in order to «break the ice» and start a conversation with someone. 88

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M: All right. Shoot! C: Ok, let me give you a few examples of common ice-breakers. You can use : I think I've seen you before... do you come here often? haven't we met before? would you like to dance / take a walk / have a drink ? do you have a lighter/cigarette? could you tell me what time it is? I really like your....whatever M: and if the ice-breaker is successful... C: ...and you HIT IT OFF, meaning you're compatible and you GET ALONG WELL ... M: then someone will make the first move! C: and ask the other out on a date. The ideal dating situation is when you know who you're going out with, but this is not always the case in a BLIND DATE. M: what's a blind date? C: the dreaded blind date! This is a source of great pain or pleasure! A blind date is when a friend arranges the date for you with someone they feel is a good match for you. That is to SET SOMEONE UP on a blind date. But don't worry if it's not love at first sight and you have nothing in common with the person you have been set up with, make a polite excuse, GO DUTCH and go home in separate cars. M: Oh, and going Dutch means.... C: Each person pays for their own meal. M: But there are other ways to meet new people nowadays. C: Yes, many people meet on-line in chat rooms. Or through dating services and speed dating, personal ads in the newspapers. Whatever method you choose just take your time, be careful, really do your best to know who you're going out with. M: And also be sure that you both have the same intentions, that you're looking for the same level of commitment in the relationship. C: Or someone could have their heart broken. For example you wouldn't pair a WOMANIZER with a woman who wants to settle down and start a family. That would be a lose lose situation, that means both sides would be at a disadvantage. M: and they should break up and CALL IT QUITS. That means end the relationship. C: and one more thing about ending a relationship: to DUMP. To dump someone means to drop someone, to throw them away. For example: «he was dumped» means he wasn't let down easily. And, people, don't ever dump anyone via text message, that's kind of rude, or even 89

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worse ...through Facebook! M: How about to TURN SOMEONE DOWN? What does that mean? C: To turn someone down means to refuse a date or a dance. For example: Marta, because we are friends, if Jon Bon Jovi asked me out on a date I would turn him down. M: Really? C: No, you're right. I'd say yes. But don't worry, I'd stand him up. M: Stand him up? C: Yeah, to STAND SOMEONE UP means to arrange a date and then blow it off. We agree on a time and a place, but then one person doesn't show or call to cancel. M: Oh, I see. Anyway, Cindy, don't worry, if Jon calls me we can arrange for a DOUBLE DATE, and you can invite whoever you want. C: Oh, that's a great idea, I could take your husband for example! M: Hey, wait a minute, we're just kidding here, I'm not having an AFFAIR with Jon Bon Jovi. C: You just have a crush on him and you're just flirting with the idea! M: Yeah, HAVING A CRUSH ON someone, that's useful for you listeners! Take notes! C: There's no other feeling like it! Remember when you first met that special someone you were NUTS about? And the feeling of BUTTERFLIES IN YOUR TUMMY? M: Oh, love! C: Marta have you written any songs about love? M: Hundreds! C: Can you sing us out on this podcast? Can you do us the honor? M: I'd be happy to, but first let me remind our listeners about our websites. You can find us on PODOMATIC.COM and on and of course on iTunes. C: and you can easily reach us on Facebook on the 'my American friend – podcast» page. Come visit us! We welcome your comments and suggestions. Otherwise we'll feel like you're not that into us. And we'd really like to have a second date. M: Thank you for listening! See you next time! C: and folks I give you the beautiful Marta Innocenti... M: don't make me blush! C: they can't see you, it's a podcast!


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UNIT 7 B-SIDE OF DATING M: Hi Cindy! C: Hi Marta! This is a new short episode about dating, let's call it the B-Side of dating, does that sound good? M: Great, we're going to talk with a couple of friends today about their dating experiences. C: Have you found some MOVERS AND SHAKERS? People who really HAVE THEIR FINGER ON THE PULSE of the dating scene? M: well...they have a pulse. First off, I think it's a good idea to get a teenager's point of view on dating today. C: Oh good, are we going to talk to Ashley? M: Yes, providing that she can hear her phone ring above her iPod blowing out what's left of her eardrums. Hello, Ashley? Ashley: «Hold on....yeah, I'll have a double mango smoothie to go.» M: Ashley, are you at the mall again? I thought you had maxed out your credit card? A: Marta? Is that you? M: Yes, dear.... turn off the music... A: What? M: Turn off the music or I'm hanging up now!» A: Okaaaaayyy, but KILLER SONG right? M: Yes, Ashley. I don't know if I'd call it music but... A: look pretty on your website. I showed all my friends. We loooooooove your eyeshadow. Where did you get it? M: Ashley, you can't spend any more money. Honey, we wanted to talk to you about dating. Do you have any advice for us? A: Debbie is a SKANK. M: Ok, and by «skank» you mean a girl of low moral values? A: I mean Debbie the Skank. She talks bad about my best friend Kellie, like, all the time. M: What happened, Ashley? A: I don't want to talk about it. M: Oh, come on. A: No. M: ok, I'll buy you that eye shadow you wanted. A: OK, Debbie is such a skank. She like totally stole Kellie's boy91

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friend and I'm all like :»You should kick her ass!» And I'm all like : «Whatever» And she's all like : «Whatever» and I'm like «Yeah... Cindy: Is that your office phone ringing? M: Yes, hold on Ashley, let's see who it is... Hello? This is Marta Innocenti... Debbie: Girl you don't know me! You don't know me! Call me a skank! M: Debbie is that you? D: that's right. Damn! Put me on! I wanna talk to her! M: Ashley, we have Debbie on the line now and I'm putting her through. D: Girl, you don't know me! A: I know you're a skank. Oh excuse me- a girl of low-moral value! You stole Kellie's boyfriend, right before prom! D: That's right, and I'll get your man too if you keep SCARFING DOWN those double mango smoothies. Because let's face it, you're looking a little CHUBBY! A: Oh no you didn't just go there! D: That's right, that's right! I did! What? what? M: I can't take it any more Cindy: ...did you just hang up on them? M: yeah, of course! C: ...Awesome! M: Ashley forgot to mention that she stole Debbie's boyfriend last year over Spring Break in Cancun. C: oh, the drama! M: All right, let's move on. So today we've heard a teenager's perspective on dating. C: Right. Debbie is a skank. M: that's it. C: Do you think they're still arguing? M: Well, probably... especially if Ashley's father is still paying for her cell phone bill. So Cindy, I think we should provide our listeners with a little «old school» dating advice now. C: Oh no, who else have you found? Barb: Hello! M: Barb? B: Hey, Y'all quit that. I can't hear nothin'. Y'all I'm on the phone! M: Hello Barb, dear, it's Marta...Marta Innocenti. 92

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B: Hold on darlin'...let me step out the trailer...Marta, is that you darlin'? M: Yes,'s me! B: Oh hey, Darlin'! How y'all doin? y'all doin alright? M: We're great Barb! What's going on there? I hear a party! B: Oh we's having a high ol' time. Britney Lee Anne Jr. done had a little junior of her own. He's so precious. I'm a grandmamma now! M: Wow! Congratulations, Barb! B: Thank you, darlin! What y'all up to today? You still working with that ugly old Yankee? M: mean, Cindy? Well, she went out for coffee. B: Well, be sure to lock the door behind her. M: Barb, we're doing a show today on dating, and we wanted to get some of your advice. B: Aww suge (short for «sugar» a term of endearment), at was a long time ago. I'm a grandmama now. I can't hardly remember back that far! M: Oh come on, Barb...what was it like when you first met your husband? On your first date? B: Aw darlin' That's REDNECK love baby. We do things a little differently here in the South. M: What happened? What was the one line that ignited the flames of passion? B: Flames of Passion??....oh, damn…: 'Get in the truck, bitch!' M: Barb, that's horrible!!!!! No man should ever talk to a woman like that! I can't believe you let him speak to you in that degrading way! B: Oh hell, suge ... that's what I said to him! M: what you said to him!....Barb, we love you! B: I love you too, darlin. But I got to run now. Y'all take care, be good and come see us some time! M: Bye Barb! B: Bye darlin'. Cindy: ...Here's your coffee. M: thank you Cindy. C: Marta where do you find these people? Have you got some sort of Crazy Phone book to call. The Yellow Pages of Crazy? M: kind of crazy, but, you know, it's useful to listen to a language as it's spoken on the street, because there is no text book that can prepare you for every day language complete with regional accent and slang words. 93

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C: fair enough. M: well folks, that's all for now. you can reach us on and on and on iTunes. Don't forget to read the transcripts of each episode! C: and come visit us on Facebook too! on the 'my American friend – podcast» page. M: Thank you for listening! C: Bye-bye! UNIT 8 JEWELRY M: Our topic today is JEWELRY! C: Hey, Marta, why have you decided to talk about jewelry today? Have you had Breakfast at Tiffany's lately, like Audrey Hepburn? M: No, I love that movie, but I prefer having breakfast at the Waffle House! C: Oh, ok then…Grits instead of gold? Bacon in favor of BAUBLES? Toast in trade of TIARAS? So what have you been up to? M: Last week another American friend came to visit me here in Italy. We talked all about jewelry because she works as a rep (=sales representative) for a brand of silver jewelry. C: Does she? You definitely need to introduce me to her! Jewelry collecting is one of my favorite hobbies! M: Well, even better, I will introduce her to you & our listeners in just a little while. C: Great! So have you discussed jewelry-related vocabulary with your friend? M: Sure: BRACELET, BANGLE, NECKLACE, EARRINGS, RING and also SEMI-PRECIOUS STONES & GEMS. C: Like TURQUOISE, AMETHYST, EMERALD, RUBY, SAPPHIRE or DIAMOND. M: And someone would say: (singing) Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. C: Is it true? M: Well, I'd still prefer the Waffle House menu when hungry in the morning... C: Ok, you made it clear, Marta, you must be starving today, you just 94

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can't get those waffles out of your head!! We'll have a sandwich as soon as we're finished recording this episode, ok? Now, back to your friend...what's her name? M: Michelle. C: Ok, back to Michelle, have you learnt anything about jewelry and accessories that you didn't know? M: yes!! I eventually got to know the name of that sort of strange bracelet I had seen in the movies. C: Which bracelet? M: The one made of flowers... C: Oh, you mean the CORSAGE! M: Exactly! C: Yeah, girls wear corsages around their wrists or pinned to a dress for special occasions, like prom or homecoming dances for example. And mothers and grandmothers usually wear a corsage for weddings as well. M: Is it really like in the movies? Is the guy supposed to buy the corsage for the girl he's dating? C: Uh huh, I mean – not out for a burger or anything... – but for special occasions and dances, yes. That's how it usually works, and he will wear a BOUTONNIERE matching her corsage or dress. A BOUTONNIERE is just a smaller version of a corsage, maybe with just one rose and a bit of greenery. M: That's sweet. C: Hey, another word our listeners should know about is BLING. M: Bling, yes. C: It's an American slang word used to define the kind of big, excessive, showy jewelry encrusted with diamonds and big gems. It’s worn by rappers or hip hop stars...even Hollywood actors can rock a little ‘bling’ from time to time. M: And making reference to our episode about Superstitions, some people choose to wear a special jewel because they think it brings them good luck. C: That's an AMULET. A protective charm. Do you have one? M: Not really. And you? C: Not now, but when I was younger I used to wear a charm in the image of a smiling, shining sun. I didn’t necessarily wear it to bring good luck, but it was cute and it made me happy just to wear it. M: Now it's time to introduce our guest, hey, Michelle, welcome to 95

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my American friend! Michelle: Well, hello everyone! This is Michelle, here, and I'm on line now from Ludington, Michigan. I'm an independent rep with Silpada Designs Jewelry. C: Michelle, could you tell our listeners something about the different types of rings we have in America? Michelle : Here in America we have a lot of rings, when it comes to relationships we have a lot of rings that we give. Well, the first ring would be the PROMISE RING. That is a promise that's made, that you're committing yourself to the relationship, to that other person. M: Ok, promise ring. What's next? Michelle: An ENGAGEMENT RING, the next stage in moving towards wedding or, you know, that type of commitment. Then you move into the side of the world where the WEDDING BAND would come into play, on that special day: your marriage. The wedding band will of course fit on the same finger as your engagement ring. This is very special and very sentimental. M: Yeah, sure. Michelle: Later down the road, you know, we look for an ANNIVERSARY BAND which is just a token of love. You could be anywhere, from one year, five years, ten years... Well you can accumulate all kinds of rings, you know, during that course of lifetime. M: So... Michelle: ….so several different rings to wear and symbols of love, that's for sure. M: Wow, it seems you end up collecting a lot of rings over a lifetime... Oh, that reminds me of FAMILY JEWELS, Cindy, is that what you call the collection of jewels a family inherits from grandparents and other relatives? C: Yes, but watch out, you are treading a thin line, Marta... there's also a double meaning to the term ‘family jewels’. It can also refer to the external male sex organs. M: Ooooh really?? C: Yep! Let's move on, Michelle, since you are an expert in silver jewelry and accessories, do you have any special suggestions for our listeners? Michelle: When it comes to jewelry I would definitely say you need to accessorize! Accessorizing anything that you're wearing will bring out the best of you. You could be wearing just a simple T-shirt and a pair of 96

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jeans and adding that little bit of accessory would bring it out and would bling you up. Eventually you could make your way up to, you know, an extreme amount of layers: earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets... Men and women, that's for sure. So, I would say, definitely, shine like a rockstar! M: Thanks for being our guest Michelle! Michelle: Thank you, ladies, so much for having me on line with you! C: Bye Michelle, come visit us again! Michelle: Bye everyone! Bye-bye! C: I know I say it every time, but it's great having guests here at my American friend. M: Yes, again a big thank you to Michelle. One last thing, Cindy. C: One last thing and then we go out for a sandwich, right? M: I couldn't agree more. I've heard an idiom related to jewelry. C: Which one? M: «to BE THE JEWEL IN THE CROWN». C: Oh, when someone is the jewel in the crown it means they are the best among a group. For example: Marta, you rock. You are a jewel amongst chicks that make the Rock world go round. We salute you! M: Oh, come on, Cindy! Don't make me blush! give us another example. C: Ok, since you mentioned it before, Marta, we know that for you the Waffle House restaurant is the jewel in the crown of American breakfast establishments. M: Yeah! M: Ok, folks, that's it for now! C: Thank you for listening! Check out the transcript of this episode either on our blog or on our Facebook page or on and you can also follow us on twitter! M: We await your comments and feedback on C: Marta... there is one idiom I didn't tell you about... it goes like this: «Speech is silver, silence is golden». M: Do you mean it's time for us to shut up? C: yes, it's time for that sandwich! Bye everyone! M: Bye-bye! UNIT 9 97

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DRIVING M: In this episode we're going to talk about DRIVING ! C: Nearly everyone owns a car in America. In cities you will find trains and subways and city buses, but as soon as you exit the city limits you may find it difficult to maneuver about without a car. M: Maybe that's why car rentals are so commonly used. C: We have a well-developed and maintained system of highways and secondary roads, and driving coast to coast maybe is the best way to experience America. By driving you can enjoy the people and places that don't make it into the guide books. M: In Europe a lot of people have the dream of being out on the open road, riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle maybe on Route 66, lost in the endless landscape C: We all wish we could kiss our job goodbye and hit the road! M: Hey, listeners, if you plan to make this dream a reality, before you go, do a little research and familiarize yourselves with the rules of the American road! C: You won't find the same organized chaos that you find in some parts of the world, driving laws are strictly enforced. We drive on the right side of the road, we get our driver's license at 16. In case you rent a car, you must be at least 25. M: What if I'm driving and I come upon a check-point? What will the cop do to me? C: First off, don't call him a cop. The police officer will stop you and ask for your documents, your driver's license and vehicle registration, if he finds a violation you will be issued a ticket. M: A ticket. C: And if you think you don't have to pay your ticket because you live outside of the Country, you may receive it at home in the mailbox. M: ...exactly like a birthday card! C: Except that this asks you for money. M: Yes. Well, back to our check-point, what else may the officer be searching for? C- Anything really, undocumented immigrants, drugs, drunk drivers... if the officer suspects you may be under the influence of alcohol you may be given a breathalyzer test. M: So, listeners, don't drink and drive! C: The penalties are severe. 98

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M: Before you go out make sure you have a designated driver. C: Or cab money. And make sure you do not have any open liquor bottles or cans in your car while driving. M: Cindy, in order to introduce the next topic I'm gonna quote the film 'Top Gun'. C: Do it! M: 'I feel the need ... the need for speed! So, let's talk about it. C: Speed is great, speed is a lot of fun, as long as you're within the limits. You won't get very far before you come upon an officer with a radar gun and «the catch you!» M: That reminds me of a quote by Dudley Moore: «The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it» C: Works for me every time! So keep an eye on the speed limit signs and be aware that the limit can change quickly for instance from 55 miles per hour to 35. M: Oh, and a mile is about 1.6 km. C: Remember when you're travelling abroad to check the unit of measure, for example if you need to get gas, to gas up, gasoline is measured in gallons. M: A gallon is about 3.79 liters. C: Right, since gas prices are rising steadily I recommend you pick an economy car when choosing a rental. Stay away from the gas guzzlers. M: ...gas what? C: A gas guzzler, a vehicle that drinks gasoline because it's too large or too old and inefficient. To guzzle means to drink or eat fast. For example: it was really hot and I was parched, that is to say I was really thirsty, so I guzzled down a bottle of water. M: Ok, clear. When I went to America I rented an economy car and it was also very easy to operate. C: Most cars in America have automatic transmission and many offer cruise control. Two things that make long journeys more comfortable. As well as radio traffic reports around big cities, that can help you during rush hours, times of heavy traffic. M: Well Cindy, traffic reports would have helped me, had I understood them! C: Oh, would you like to go through a traffic report with me? We can review some of the words together. M: All right, that's a great idea. And you're on in 3... 2... 1! C: I'm Cindy with your Ride Home Traffic Report. A few problems 99

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out on the beltline this evening due to «black ice» making your evening commute a bit longer than usual. There's a multi-car pile up on the inner belt line. Emergency personnel are on the scene clearing away debris. The outer belt line is clear, but starting to slow down due to some rubbernecking from passersby. There's a minor fender-bender at exit 12, but all vehicles have been cleared from the scene and traffic lanes are once again moving. That's all for now on your Ride Home Traffic Report. Drive safely everyone. M: All right, could you explain a few things, starting with the «beltline»? C: The beltline or beltway is a highway that by-passes the city center and makes a circle around the city. M: And «black ice». C: Black ice is rain that has frozen over, so it's the same color of the road and very dangerous. M: And what is a «commute»? C: Your commute is your journey from your home to your school or workplace. M: And then a «pile up»? C: That's a multi-car accident. More than one car has been involved. M: What's next? «rubbernecking». C: Have you ever noticed, Marta, that whenever there is an accident on one side of the highway the traffic slows down on the opposite side? M: Yeah, always and that drives me crazy! C: Me too! That’s rubbernecking, drivers slowing down, because they're turning to look at the accident that happened on the other side. M: The last one: «fender-bender». C: A fender-bender is a minor accident, with minor damage. M: its all clear now, the next time I visit the States I will surely understand the local traffic reports. C: And our listeners too! Hey guys, just a couple of rules to avoid close calls and by close calls I mean to come close to having and accident. M: Ok. C: #1: when you get to an intersection with a 4 way stop sign the driver to arrive first is the first one to go, so pay attention and wait your turn. #2: in many cases it is possible to turn right at a red light unless there is a clear sign stating «no right on red». M: Oh, that's why everyone was beeping at me when I was in Los 100

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Angeles! Speaking of L.A., I noticed special lanes in the highways over there, called car pool lanes. C: Bigger cities will have car pool lanes on a highway, lanes designated for passenger vehicles with 2 or more people. M: Any other rule? C: #3: do not tailgate, keep a reasonable distance between you and the car in front of you. If you follow too closely the driver in front of you may slam on the brakes to signal that you're too close. And #4: don't ever cut anyone off. M: To cut off? C: To pull in front of a car abruptly without signaling first causing that driver to slam on his brakes. M: It's best to be thoughtful and never cut off a truck driver for example, especially not the one I'm about to introduce to you now. Hello, Barbara, welcome to «My American Friend» thanks for being here. B: You can just call me, Barb. Like «barbed wire». All my friends do. M: Ok, then...Barb. Thanks for stopping by. B: You Mexican? M: Well.. no Barb. I’m Italian. B: Oh, my bad. I thought you’s Mexican. I like Mexicans. They’re good hard working people. M: ...I'm sure they are... B: (sound of beer can opening) Y’all party? M: Well...Barb enjoy your beer, but Cindy and I don't usually drink while recording our podcast, do we Cindy? C: Not usually at 10 o’clock in the morning. M: Right. B: You a goddamned Yankee! That’s a dang ol’ Yankee voice. Ain’t nobody told me they gon' be a dang New York Yankee up in here! M: No, Barb, Cindy is from Connecticut. B: An that’s close-a-damned-nuff. M: Come on, Barb, Connecticut is a beautiful state! B: I ain’t never lost nothing up north and I ain’t got no reason to go there. M: Cindy, where are you going? C: Marta, I’m not feeling the love here. I’ll see you later .. B: That’s right, take your ass on Yankee. Git! Aint no love for you here. I do Civil War reenactments, they call me the «mule skinner»! 101

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Y’all got a mule round here? M: No... I’m sorry, we’re fresh out of mules here in the studio. B: At’s too bad. Y’all mind if I smoke, it’s my day off? (sound of cigarette lighter) M: Oh... you smoke cigars? B: Yep, granny got me started. Nasty habit. M: Well, thank you for joining us on your day off. what do you do for a living? B: I’m a chicken truck driver. M: A chicken truck driver? B: Yes, a chicken truck driver. What? Oh, you think the chicken just gonna fly up onto your plate? Like you’re goddamned Lady Diana? M: No.. I was just trying to get a visual on that. B: I come from a long line of chicken truck drivers. My momma & daddy drove a chicken truck. My husband drives a chicken truck. And my daughter, Britney Lee Ann Jr.... They’s some hard working people behind every bite of food you eat. M: And we sincerely thank you for that. Barb. Tell me, are you going to drink and drive after finishing that beer? B: Aww, hell no. I learnt my lesson years ago. Had a close call out on a country road one night coming back from the bar. M: Oh no... B: Yeah, it was terrible. Put me straight off drinking and driving for good. I’d learned my lesson good that night. M: What happened? B: (sigh) I’s drivin’ home after my 13th birthday party Momma throwed for me down at the bar... M: ..wait....did you say 13th? B: 13th....I had a little too much hooch that night, we's riding home in the old truck and my little brother saw it first. Big ol’ deer running like the wind. M: Oh no! B: Yep. I didn’t see him. I'd been drinking. My good judgment was compromised. I’d had the shotgun right there in the seat behind me. M: ...wait, shotgun? What happened? B: Big ol’ deer. Pretty one too. Lot a meat on him. Ran right on by. I missed him. I’d had a clear shot and I missed him. I coulda shot the som’ bitch and my whole family woulda eaten good for days. But my judgment was clouded by the devil’s juice... and my family went hungry. 102

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M: That’s an amazing story. B: I know. See, I’d learnt a valuable lesson that day, so young... that the things I do affect not only me but the ones around me. These actions touch my family, my friends old and new- such as yourself Marta. M: Thank you. B: So y’all be thoughtful of those around you. Don’t drink and drive. Before you party, appoint a designated driver. Someone who will stay sober and not drink. Or call a taxicab. It’s worth it in the long run. M: Thank you, Barb. Thank you for your wise words. B: I need to go now. Keep the Yankee in the closet until I’m out of sight. M: Ok, Barb, thanks again and come visit any time. B: I will. Y’all take care and come see us some time. Just don’t bring the Yankee. M: I promise. B: Bye y’all. M: Bye Barb. Oh my goodness! So her problem was that she wasn't able to shoot the deer and her family went hungry, not that she was 13 and driving, drunk and driving. Oh! Well, Cindy! Cindy come back here! C: Is she gone? M: Yes Cindy, she's gone. Tough woman, uh? C: Did she open that beer with her teeth? M: yeah. C: That's a perfect example of who you should not cut off or tailgate while driving in America, like we said, riding a Harley on route 66. M: Then the dream would become a nightmare. Cindy, since you mentioned the motorbike again, there's something I want to ask you. I noticed that not all bikers wear helmets. C: The helmet laws can change from State to State. So be sure to check on line before you go. Because you may find yourself in traffic court if you don't wear a helmet when you're supposed to. M: And I know you have a story about that, don't you Cindy? C: I do. A true story, I won't give you all the details, but I did find myself three years ago in a certain traffic court with a brilliant man who thought he would evade the cops by wearing a black trash bag on his head instead of a helmet. M: A trash bag?! are you serious? C: I swear it's the truth. I heard his attorney say: «So, you were wearing a trash bag on your head?» and the man nodded in agreement. 103

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M: I wonder what Barb would say about that... C: I think she'd say «that boy ain't got a lick of sense in his head». M: And I agree with that... well folks, that's all for now. let me remind you that you can find the transcription of this podcast on Well thanks for joining us . C: And drive safely everyone, wherever you are, whether you're in Las Vegas at a quickly drive-through wedding chapel or just McDonald's ordering your lunch-time Big Mac! M: Thank you for listening! See you next time! C: Bye-bye! UNIT 10 SAFETY M: So, today we’re going to talk about SAFETY! C: We’re talking about safety today?! M: Yes, Cindy. Safety, specifically traveler’s safety and health issues. C: But we usually talk about fun stuff, why did you choose such a DOWNER of a topic? M: Because this may be an important concern for our listeners visiting America. They may need some POINTERS on how to express their needs. C: You’re right. Summer is a very popular vacation time for tourists. So where do we begin? M: Let’s start with nine one one. C: Good idea. 9-1-1. Everybody write it down if you must because this is a very important number to remember. If you have an emergency while in America you can dial the numbers 9-1-1 for assistance. Tell the operator your location – your address – and what the problem is and they will send the appropriate assistance, i.e.: an ambulance, the police or fire truck. M: And can you give our listeners some examples of what would constitute a 911 emergency? C: Sure. And let me say I hope there is no need for anyone to ever call 911. I hope everyone has a happy and healthy stay in America. Some examples of a 911 emergency would be a serious health issue – like a heart attack or SEIZURE, an automobile accident – with injuries, or a fire just to name a few. 104

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M: So remember the phone number 911 and write it down somewhere to help you remember. C: What else? M: PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS? C: Prescription medications are medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor. You can easily buy general pain medicines and stomach and cold remedies in America «OVER THE COUNTER». That is to say you do not need a doctor’s prescription. But if you’re on more serious medication for example for high blood pressure, diabetes , cholesterol or heart medication that requires a doctor’s prescription and cannot be purchased without one. M: For travelers to the US, be sure to keep all your prescription medications in the original bottles. C: Yes, because if you need to refill your medicine while in the US, then the doctor can easily see what you need and refill accordingly. M: And what about accidents? C: Accidents do happen, no matter how well prepared you are. It happened to my aunt last year in Rome, on her very first day of a 10 day European tour she slipped and fell down a small staircase. M: Oh no! Did she break a bone? C: No, thankfully nothing was broken, but she did sprain her ankle. A SPRAIN happens when a joint is suddenly stressed or twisted beyond its normal range of motion. It’s very painful, and may take a while to heal, but nothing is broken. M: And if someone were to break something while on vacation, what should they do? C: Oh, hope that doesn’t happen! But if it does, go to a doctor or hospital right away. If the break is serious, then call 911 and ask for an ambulance to drive you to the hospital. M: And hope to be visited by George Clooney when you get to the E.R. !! C: You may have a longer wait than usual, I've been told his queue is quite long! M: well, if George is busy I will settle for Dr House!! Let me add one thing about it: whenever I go to the States I buy a traveler's health insurance. C: That's a good idea, because health care is very expensive in the States. M: It's better to check on line or with your insurance company for a 105

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traveler's health policy right for you. Ok, let’s talk about something more common like... C: ….stomach AILMENTS. M: I think all of us have had this problem at least once in our lives while on vacation. C: Unfortunately yes, traveler’s DIARRHEA is common no matter where you go in the world. It’s generally safe to eat and drink anywhere in the US, but you may try new foods that just don’t agree with you. If you find yourself with an UPSET STOMACH, and it’s happened to me many times, just go a pharmacy, otherwise known as a drugstore, or any other large store (stores such as Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, grocery -food- stores, Dollar General, Family Dollar, some convenience stores, truck stops, large gas stations and Dollar Tree) and look for brands like Imodium or Pepto-Bismol. These are products in liquid or pill form designed to ease the discomforts of traveler’s belly. M: That’s good advice. Now what about personal safety? What can we tell our listeners? C: The most important thing I can stress is to use your common sense as you would anywhere else in the world. When visiting densely populated areas, women keep your handbags zipped and close to you. For men, be sure your wallet is secure. Stay away from the bad parts of town, especially at night. When driving through the city, keep your doors locked. Don’t leave valuables and personal belongings in your car. M: It’s the same all over the world. C: All over. Always ask for a credit card receipt with your purchases. Use caution when withdrawing money from an Automated banking machine. In the States they’re abbreviated as ATM’s. And if you're in a bank and you hear someone yell «put your hands up! This is a STICK UP !» as you're told ! M: I surrender, I surrender, don't shoot me!! C: well, we're just joking around by making movies references, I swear to you in all of my years on this Earth I've never been witness to a bank robbery in the US, and it's not likely to happen to you either. M: well listeners, it's safe to say that this episode has come to a close. C: are you ok? No broken bones? No emergencies? M: I'm ok, but I'm gonna ask Doctor George to give me a CHECK UP anyways... C: ok and when you're done with that come visit us on,, iTunes and Facebook. And don't forget 106

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to read the transcript. M: have a nice vacation everyone! see you very very soon! bye bye! C: Bye-bye! UNIT 11 TIME M: This episode is about TIME. C: OK, in our previous episode we talked about the clock and about Time Zones in the States. M: Right. C: We also mentioned a few idioms regarding the clock, such as «a race against the clock» or «around the clock». M: On preparing this episode we thought of a bunch of time-related expressions. C: So here we are with an episode about these idioms. First off, have you ever heard this one: «SHE GETS UP WITH THE ROOSTERS». M: ROOSTERS? C: A rooster is a male chicken. Roosters are known to sing very early in the morning, at sunrise. So «She gets up with the roosters» means she wakes up very early in the morning. M: You’re definitely not talking about me! C: Don’t you get up with the roosters Marta? M: Only under death threat! Or if I have to catch an early flight to the States. But I prefer singing at sunrise when I’ve been up all night and I’m about to go to sleep. C: Oh, you’re a rockstar. Got it, so I guess we could describe you with another time-related expression: «SHE’S A NIGHT OWL». M: owl? C: It’s a bird of prey and it’s nocturnal. So «She’s a night owl» means: she stays up very late at night. M: Clear. So, Cindy, are you a rooster or an owl? C: well, I was born an owl and I’ve tried to be a rooster – believe me I have – but being a «night owl» just comes naturally to me. M: Ok, let’s move on. I guess everyone knows «to have a great time». C: That’s common, but there’s also «TO HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE», to express that you’re really enjoying something. For example: «it’s been an unforgettable vacation, we’ve had the time of our 107

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lives!» C: Dirty Dancing soundtrack. And speaking of songs, Marta, think of the Rolling Stones, with the song «TIME IS ON MY SIDE». M: (singing) Time is on my side. C: That means I have lots of time, time is working to my advantage. For example: «I have a big paper to write for Chemistry class, but I’m not worried because it isn’t due until the end of semester. I’ve got time on my side». M: Good. And back to the Rolling Stones … they’ve really STOOD THE TEST OF TIME haven’t they? C: They are survivors! They’ve endured what like 50 years in the music business? M: And they are still relevant today. They’ve stood the test of time. C: … and I think My American Friend will stand the test of time as well! M: I think so too! C: Now what could we use to mean the opposite of time is on your side? M: Oh, we could say «We’ve got NO TIME TO WASTE!». C: Perfect. The expression «no time to waste» means there is little time available and you must act quickly. M: Can you give us an example? C: Sure … «Marta, hurry up and buy those concert tickets! They sell out fast, there’s no time to waste!» M: Oh wow … now I feel like I need to call someone now! C: Go ahead, call someone. Just please don’t call Barb «I’VE GOT NO TIME» FOR that woman. She irks me. M: Cindy, I think the feeling is mutual. C: Call Ashley. I’ve heard she’s got her own credit card now. M: Oh no! I hope she’s paying the bill on time! Oh … Ashley: Hello? Marta: Hi Ashley! It’s Marta, dear Ashley: Hello? M: Ashley, DO YOU HAVE TIME TO TALK? It’s Marta! … Turn the music off or I’m hanging up! Ashley: Marta!!!!! Oh my God! Yes, I HAVE TIME TO TALK! IT’S NEVER A BAD TIME FOR YOU! I saw you on Youtube! You look sooooooo pretty! Where did you get those shoes? I told all my friends! M: What? …. Ashley, I’m not taking you anywhere. You’re a liabil108

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ity. Ashley: No. I’m not Marta! I’m 18! I’m an adult now! I have my own credit card! M: Ashley, just being 18 and having a credit card does not make you an adult. This goes for you especially! Ashley, are you paying the credit card bills ON TIME? Ashley: Yes …. I am … actually, I haven’t gotten a bill yet. So don’t worry about it. Marta: Ashley, when did you get that credit card? That bill absolutely must be paid BY A SET TIME each month, without fall! Ashley: I dunno, like before my trip to Cancun last fall. M: Ashley, you got your credit card last year and you still have not made a single payment??? Ashley: Yes … because like I only have to pay like once a year! M: Whoa! TIME OUT! Wait a minute! once a year??? Ashley: Yes! M: Ashley, I know you’re going TO HAVE A HARD TIME understanding this but you must pay your bill without fail each month or you will ruin your credit? It’s TIME FOR YOU TO CHANGE and be responsible, my dear. Ashley: Oh my God, Marta …. you’re so right. I have to change. These shoes …. They like totally do not match with my shirt. I have to change. How could I be seen out in public like this?! M: Oh my goodness! Ashley! Ashley: How could I have been so stupid? M: (whispering) … Cindy, what should I say? Help me out! Cindy: (whispering) … Break it down for her. Put it in terms she can understand. M: Ashley, listen to me. Ashley: I look like a skank! Marta: I’m sure you don’t look like a skank. Dear, listen to me: If you don’t get online right now and make a credit card payment you are never ever going to be able to buy eye shadow or shoes or sunglasses or purses ever again! Ashley: Never? Marta: Ever! Ashley: I have to go! Cindy: Now that she could understand! Good work, Marta! Marta: I think our work is done here. TIME FOR US TO RUN! 109

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Cindy: We hope you’ve all had a great time listening today! M: Come visit us on we’re also on twitter, Facebook, podomatic, iTunes and Youtube. C: we are available for private lessons via skype, just send us an email at [email protected] M: See you soon! C: bye bye!


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UNIT 12 CLOCK . M: This time we're going to talk about the CLOCK. C: First of all, I guess everyone knows that in America we use a 12 HOUR CLOCK, so for example you may say: «yesterday I had lunch at 1» and that would mean it’s 1 p.m., 1 o’clock in the afternoon, while : «I went to bed at 1», that would be 1 a.m., 1 o’clock at night. M: 12 hour clock, clear. Speaking of 12, that's «NOON», right? C: Noon is 12, that's the reason for the word: afternoon, it's after noon. M: Noon, but also: MIDDAY. While 12 at night is: MIDNIGHT and that's when the fun usually begins. C: or when the CURFEW begins. Oh, this might be a new word. Curfew. It's a regulation about specified hours for people to remain indoors, especially at night. Curfew, for example, can be «from DUSK till DAWN». M: From dusk … C: ...till dawn. M: Ok. C: It means from sunset to sunrise, so: all night long. M: Ok, back to the clock. By the way, WHAT TIME IS IT? C: It's 5 o'clock, or, I could say: it's 5 SHARP. M: Sharp, ok. Cindy, what time did you go to school yesterday? C: at ABOUT 8, that means it was a couple minutes to or past 8. M: And what time did you come home from school? C: It was NEARLY 12.30, nearly, that means it was 12.20 or 25. That also means that I had 4 classes in a row and by the time I got home I was dead tired, but that's another story. M: Oooh, I guess so. C: IT TOOK ME two hours to relax and unwind. M: It took you two hours, that reminds me that we use the verb to take when talking about time. C: Yes, for instance: HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE to become fluent in English? M: Oh, it doesn't take a long time if you work hard and …. C: ...listen to our podcast, of course. M: Right. C: Everyone, don't miss the transcript of this episode, so that you can 111

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read a lot of examples about how to express time. Now, let's talk about something you really need to be aware of when traveling around the States. M: What is it? C: TIME ZONES. Well, each region on Earth has its own standard time, whenever you travel around the globe you need to adjust your clock to the local time, according to which time zone you are in. In the States we have 4 different time zones. M: Ok, let's imagine we are in San Francisco. C: California is in the PACIFIC TIME ZONE (PT) otherwise known as the «WEST COAST» TIME. M: Let's move to Connecticut. C: Connecticut, where I was born and raised. That would be the EASTERN TIME ZONE (ET), or the «EAST COAST» TIME. There is a 3 hour difference between the two American coasts. M: That means it's 3 hours earlier in California than in New York. C: Exactly, for instance when it's midnight in New York it's still nine o'clock in Los Angeles. When announcing a live event being broadcast on TV such as a football game or an award ceremony you may hear something like: «next Sunday, starting at 6 p.m. Eastern Time / 3 p.m. Pacific Time.» M: How about the other two time zones? C: MOUNTAIN TIME and CENTRAL TIME. And, of course, Alaska and Hawaii have their own different time zones. Marta, have you ever had any problems with Time Zones when traveling in the States? M: Well, I had to adjust my clock many times, not only because of the different time zones but also because of the DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME. C: Uh huh, that's true! That may be confusing to some people. Ok, for example: Mountain Standard Time. That's 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time, but in the summer, when Daylight Saving Time is observed, it changes into Mountain Daylight Time, that is only 6 hours behind Greenwich. But, watch out, not all the States adopt daylight saving time, you need to pay attention when scheduling appointments around America! Remember to check Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time. M: So true, I remember arriving EARLY at an appointment in Michigan only to find out that everyone had been waiting for me for almost 1 hour. C: How did that happen? 112

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M: I had adjusted my clock when landing in Chicago, then I drove directly to Michigan. I didn't realize that Illinois and Michigan are not in the same time zone. And I hate BEING LATE! C: Aww, it’s an honest mistake. You didn’t know. M: No… but now I know! C: Hey, there is a great idiom to describe someone who is always late…and frankly, it’s been said about me more than once … SHE'LL BE LATE FOR HER OWN FUNERAL! or : he'll be late for his own funeral, of course. But women are more likely to be late, because it takes us hours to decide what to wear. M: (singing) It's late in the evening, she's wondering what clothes to wear... C: Eric Clapton, isn't it? M: Right. Ok, before we go, can you think of any other clock-related expressions? C: Yes : «A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK». M: a race against the clock, it sounds like an emergency to me. C: Right, for example: World leaders are racing against the clock in an attempt to solve this economic crisis. Or: The oil spill is spreading, we need to act before it's too late, it's a race against the clock.» M: ok, clear. What about «AROUND THE CLOCK» ? I know there's a song that goes like «we're gonna rock around the clock tonight». So, around the clock? C: That means all day and all night. For example: We've worked around the clock to help the earthquake victims. Or: That TV channel broadcasts news reports around the clock. Or: He's very ill, he needs assistance around the clock. M: Ok, IT'S TIME TO GO now. C: I hadn't noticed how late it is! Oh, that reminds me of another sentence: «TIME FLIES WHEN YOU’RE HAVING FUN.»…isn’t that the truth! M: Time flies when you're having fun, right. We hope it flies when you're studying English as well! C: Thank you for listening everyone. And we'd like to send a special hello to Igor, his wife and their beautiful two daughters Nastya and Ann, listening in Moscow, Russia. Everyone, come visit our blog at You can find «my American friend» on iTunes, podomatic, twitter, Facebook & Youtube. We are also available for private lessons via Skype, just send us an email 113

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at [email protected] And remember, your donations and support help us in making this podcast bigger and better, thank you. M: See you soon! C: Bye-bye.   UNIT 13 ADVICE AND SUGGESTIONS M: This episode is going to be about... ADVICE and SUGGESTIONS! C: Marta, why do we have to talk about advice and suggestions? I suggest you explain why? M: I know, I know, you, native speakers kinda take it for granted, but to us learners it's not easy. We need to know how to build the sentence according to the verb we use and we need to be aware of the shades of meaning that each verb and expression conveys. C: You're right, our listeners could be confused about how and when to use the verbs to SUGGEST, to RECOMMEND or to ADVISE, just to mention the most common ones. M: Yeah, for instance I always have this sort of doubt: what do I have to use? 'Gerund or infinitive?' this is the question. It's not 'to be or not to be?', my dear friend William Shakespeare, you SHOULD rewrite it, William, trust me, it OUGHTA be 'Gerund or infinitive?!'. C: True! But let me say that in addressing Sir William Shakespeare, Marta, you NEED TO be more formal and polite. M: Was there anything wrong with what I said? C: It was grammatically correct, you used «should» and «oughta» that is a slang word, a contraction of ought to- , but when speaking with someone like William Shakespeare YOU'D BETTER say something like this instead: «With all due respect, Sir, if I were in your position, I would change that sentence». Marta, try that sentence again. M: All right, all right. «With all due respect, Sir, if I were in your position, I would change that sentence». How was that? C: Perfect, beautiful. M: Okay, so far we have 'you should' 'you ought to' 'you need to' 'IF I WERE YOU, I WOULD...' and 'you'd better'- that is you had better. C: Now let's talk about «to recommend» and «to suggest». 114

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M: First off, there is a difference of meaning, right? C: To recommend means telling someone what you think the right thing to do is according to your experience or knowledge, while to suggest means to give an idea, to offer some further possibilities to a matter. M: Ok, let's give our listeners a few examples to show them how to use these verbs. Cindy, could you recommend a good language podcast? C: Marta, I’m so glad you asked! I recommend 'my American friend’! M: I agree with you, I've been told it's a good one... C: Ok, now listen to this: I recommend listening to 'my American friend'. Or: I recommend that you listen to 'my American friend'. M: All right, so we can use this verb in three different ways. To recommend doing something, to recommend something, and to recommend that you do something. How about «to suggest»? C: Same three structures. For example: I suggest that you listen to 'my American friend' while jogging in the park. M: Mmm, good idea! C: Or: I suggest listening to 'my American friend' while driving in your car on long journeys (we're going to prevent you from falling asleep!). M: Yeah, definitely! May I also suggest our Facebook page to our listeners? C: Good idea! And by the way, friends, do you know that we are on Twitter as well? Our account is mAf_podcast M: Ok, let me try this one: I suggest that you follow us on Twitter. Was that correct? C: Perfect, Marta, you're not just a beautiful face! You’re a quick learner too! M: Thank you! So, now we know how to MAKE A RECOMMENDATION and how to MAKE A SUGGESTION. C: Great. Ok. Now what about learning how to GIVE ADVICE or to GIVE A PIECE OF ADVICE to someone? M: That's a good point, advice is uncountable, so if it's singular it's a piece of advice. C: You usually give advice if you have some authority to do so, for example if you're a lawyer counseling your client, a mother talking to your children, or a doctor talking to a patient, and so on. M: So advise has a stronger meaning compared to recommend. C: Well, let's compare these sentences to make it clear. Let me think....ok, let's talk about the soundtrack of our podcast. What's the 115

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name of the band? M: 'The Fire'. C: Ok, if I say 'I suggest listening to The Fire' the meaning is: I like their music and I think you could enjoy listening to it as well. M: So it's like: why don't you give them a try? C: Yes, but it would sound different if I said : 'I went to a concert and I saw The Fire live, their performance was absolutely amazing, they blew me away, so I recommend that you check them out.' Which, by the way, is like totally true! M: Ok, in this case you talk from experience. C: Right. Third example: imagine a band manager. And this band manager wants to inspire his young rock n’ roll wannabes to play better and learn how to perform onstage. He would say: 'I advise you to go see The Fire in concert.' M: He's the manager, he's giving a piece of advice that could be important for the future success of the band. C: Right. Or an English teacher, for example, could advise her students on the right English language podcast to listen to. M: Oh, let me guess, would that be … 'my American friend'? C: Excellent idea! So, you can advise someone on something and you can advise someone to do something. You can also advise against something. M: But not against our podcast!! C: Of course not. For example, my mother advised me against drinking and driving. M: Right, and listeners in case you missed our episode #3 about driving, I recommend that you download it immediately. C: And in case you didn't miss it, I suggest listening to it again, repetition is imperative when studying a foreign language. M: And I advise you to always read the transcripts. ***


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C: Now, Marta, we'd better take some time in order to thank a lot of people. M: Definitely. C: Our podcast has had more than 10.000 downloads in less than 4 months with no promotion at all, just word-of-mouth. M: It's unbelievable! C: And we want to send out a big thank you to all our treasured listeners around the world for your continued encouragement, positive energy and support. A very special thanks to those who have contacted us or commented on our episodes on, on our Facebook page, on Twitter, on, and on iTunes. M: I'm going to mention a few of you, and please forgive me if I mispronounce your names: thank you Reza, Alice, Muhammad, Sergio Leon, Sung Gyun, Parisa, Mehdi & Laura. C: And also thanks to Jorge, who suggested talking about phrasal verbs, we will certainly do that soon. And one more thing: if you're on Facebook, show us how you listen to your podcast. Take a picture of yourself with your laptop, iPod, or cell phone showing our logo and upload it onto the wall of our Facebook page! M: And remember: we are open to suggestions for new podcast topics! C: And you know how to make suggestions now, don't you? M: Yeah! New episodes are coming very soon. Stay tuned! C: Bye!  


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UNIT KEYS UNIT 1. INTRODUCE YOURSELF 3. a) children, industrial, married, skier, decided, getting, nicer b) is, usually, the biggest, Australian, artists, talking c) named, was born, visit, really, going, nice 4. Adrian – F Kate – G, A, C Britney – B, E, UNIT 2. WEATHER 2. – 1. left, was, landed, was raining; 2. were; 3. woke; 4. are, are buried; 5. Don’t want, is; 6. had knocked. 7. means; 8. Did; 9. Melts, turns; 10. Are; is; 11. Are; 12. Gave; buy; 13. Shines, are hanging; 14. Are, is. 4.1. True. 2. True. 3. True. 4. True. 5. True. 6. False. 7. Not stated. UNIT 3. LIKES AND DISLIKES 7. Likes

Marta Innocenti - cats, kittens, big cats, like tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars, cougars... traveling and going to concerts. – a special place. for vacation and a great concert at the same time bands: Bon Jovi and Train

Brianna - play soccer. – score a goal for her team. - her phone, - travel.


Cindy olives. flowers-any kind. being creative and constructive. cooking any kind of food, especially if it’s not American. a challenge!

Nicki Tedesco play the bass, when the bass is in the pocket with the drums and you're rocking and headbanging,. - working with people and making their music come to life. - writing songs and lyrics and creating harmonies, sing with someone in perfect harmony, Hiking: the place called Runyon Canyon that overlooks all of Hollywood, a dog park. when people are exercising and

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the cold, people who are always late. T.V. commercials bugs. the rain against her window

spiders homework, when her parents are over controlling

people who talk too much, specifically those without anything useful to say. her neighbor’s dog

talking on the phone strict Drinking and Driving laws - Some things that cost too much in Los Angeles, like parking cell phone charges - taxes - when friends come over and get too drunk and «accidentally» bang my guitars against the furniture.

UNIT 4. SHOPPING 1. 11. Megastores. 2. Convenient. 3. Lodging, gas, food. 4. Sign. 5. Sales tax. 6. Dollar. 7. Tip. Appreciation. 8. Incentive. Pleasurable. 9. Mandatory. Shuttle drivers. 3. M – tourist. C – foreigners, exactly, vacation, buy, tacked, larger. M – makes. C – difference. M – Anything else that is unexpected to us? C – came. C – addition, appreciation. M – waiters M – really. C – dining, pleasurable. C – tipping, drivers. 4. – 1.True. 2. True. 3. True. 4. True. 5. True. 6. True. 7. True. 8. True. 9. True. 10. True. 11. True. 12. True. 13. True. 14. True. 15. True. 16. True. 17. True. 18. True. 19. True. 20. True. 21. True. 22. True. 23. True. 24. True. 25. True. UNIT 5. ANIMALS. 1. – 1. Beautiful. 2. Fascinating. 3. Had, were, had done. 4. Careful, repeats.


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5. Is, slowly, this. 6. Repairs, causing. 7. Is, have caught, am going. 8. Preference, listening, annoyed. 9. Sister’s, best, are, finally. 10. Terrified, gets, more. 11. Singing, incredibly. 12. Watch, easily. 13. Meeting, decisions. 14. friendly, security, deeply, bankruptcy. 15. Clearly. 16. Was located. 17. Oppressed, inpleasurable, dancing. 18. Wormed. 19. Fishy, spent. 2. A, an, a, is, -, really, a, the, a, learns, a, laughs, a, is, -, tendency, an, strong, an, lifting, a, is breaking, -, telling, thinks, -. 3. Have eyes like a hawk have very good vision and be attentive to everything Bug somebody annoy somebody The elephant in the an obvious problem or situation that nobody room wants to discuss. Be like a parrot repeat everything one says Chicken (adj.) afraid of, not very brave Packed in like sardines there are a lot of people packed into a small area try to avoid the responsibility of doing my job? Uh, yeah!!! The sun is shining for like the first time in a month! Let’s go out and enjoy it! Have a bird’s eye view have a good view of everything below you Catch a bug refer to a minor illness, like a head cold or the stomach flu. Fly on the wall quietly watch & hear what happens in a roomwithout anyone actually knowing that you are there. Worm one’s way out of try to avoid the responsibility of doing a job Snake sneaky, crafty, untrustworthy Eat crow admit that you were wrong and then suffering humiliation from it Stone-cold fox very good looking UNIT 6. DATING 3. 1. around. 2. With. 3. Out, on. 4. Off, along. 5. For. 6. At, in. up, with. 7. In, in. UNIT 7. B-SIDE OF DATING 3. People with influence – movers and shakers, to have a deep understanding of something – to have their finger on the pulse of, a great song – killer song, offensive slang term used to describe a girl of low moral value/prostitute/hooker – skank. eat fast – scarf down, fat – chubby, sometimes disparaging: a white member of the Southern rural laboring class – redneck.


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4. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

B-side 6. The flames of passion 11. right Credit card 7. dating 12. get Killer 8. Dating advice 13. Have somebody … Skank 9. A little chubby 14. Steal in that degrading way 10. … scarfing down 15. Bill

UNIT 8. JEWELRY 2. 1. came, works. 2. Didn’t know. 3. Wear. 4. Matching. 5. Is worn. 6. Was, didn’t wear, made. 7. Is made. UNIT 9. DRIVING 7. Fill in the blanks with words given below: 1. Exit. 2. Open road, motorcycle. 3. Right side. 4. 25. 5. Driver’s license and vehicle registration. 6. Officer, a breathalyzer test. 7. Car. 8. The speed limit signs. 9. Choosing a rental. 10. The gas guzzlers. UNIT 10. SAFETY 8. Pointers. 2.Assistance. 3. Stay. 4. Heart. 5. Prescription medications. 6. Remedies. 7. Original bottles. UNIT 11. TIME 4. 2. are known to sing. 2. Naturally. 3. Survivors. 4. Business. 5. Quickly. 6. Time.7. to run. UNIT 12. CLOCK 2. 13. dawn. 2. Specified. 3. Sharp. 4. took. 5. Pacific. 6. Coast. 7. Midnight. 8. Saving. 9. Scheduling. 10. adjust . 11. Same. 12. late 3. 2. nearly. 2. Got. 3. Adjust. 4. different 5. known. 6. American. 7. Earlier. 8. Announcing, starting. 9. Heard. 10. Saving. 4. 13. True. 2. True. 3. True. 4. True. 5. True. 6. True. 7. True. 8. True. 9. True. 10. True. 11. True. 12. True.

Библиографический список 1. Вайсбурд М.Л. Требования к речевым умениям / М.Л. Вайс121

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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Предисловие . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Методическая записка . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 UNIT 1. INTRODUCE YOURSELF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 UNIT 2. WEATHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 UNIT 3. LIKES AND DISLIKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 UNIT 4. SHOPPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 UNIT 5. ANIMALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 UNIT 6. DATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 UNIT 7. B-SIDE OF DATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 UNIT 8. JEWELRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 UNIT 9. DRIVING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 UNIT 10. SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 UNIT 11. TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 UNIT 12. CLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 UNIT 13. ADVICE AND SUGGESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . 61 Podcast scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Unit keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Библиографический список . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

_________________________ Учебное издание Баирма Владимировна Дашидоржиева Елена Алексеевна Бабушкина Бальжима Владимировна Дашидоржиева

Практикум по иноязычной коммуникации на основе серии аудиоподкастов «My American Friend» Часть 1 Учебное пособие В авторской редакции Св-во о государственной аккредитации №1289 от 23 декабря 2011 г. Подписано в печать 01.04.14. Формат 60 х 84 1/16. Усл. печ. л. 7,2. Уч.-изд. л. 5,3. Тираж 30. Цена договорная. Заказ 59. Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета 670000, г.Улан-Удэ, ул.Смолина, 24 а. E-mail: [email protected] Отпечатано в типографии Бурятского госуниверситета 670000, г. Улан-Удэ, ул. Сухэ-Батора, 3а