Playing around Aristophanes: essays in celebration of the completion of the edition of the Comedies of Aristophanes by Alan Sommerstein
9780856687716, 0856687715
Alan Sommerstein joined the staff of the University of Nottingham in 1974 and remains there to this day. During this per
Table of contents : PrefacePoetics and politics in the comedies of Aristophanes (Bernhard Zimmermann)Names, satire and politics in Aristophanes (Andrea Ercolani)Aristophanes, fandom and the classicising of Greek tragedy (Ralph Rosen)Aristophanic spacecraft (Nick Lowe)A little ironic, don't you think? Utopian criticism and the problem of Aristophanes' late plays (Ian Ruffell)On first looking into Kratinos' Dionysalexandrou (Ian Storey)How Aristophanes got his A&P(Alan Sommerstein)Bibliography