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Department of Floriculture and Landscaping Horticultural College and Research Institute Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore - 641 003


Date: 23.12.2009


FOREWORD The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University is one of the most renowned Agricultural Universities. The University campus at Coimbatore sprawling on either side of the Marudhamaiai main road is a beautiful landscape, with a wide collection of plants of diverse types. The University also has a Botanical Garden which was established during 1925. The garden has a wide collection of plant species including trees, shrubs, palms, climbers and creepers, foliage plants, annuals, cacti and succulents, etc. The garden is a priceless wealth to the Institution as well as the public and it serves as a very valuable educational tool to students, researchers and environmentalists and as a stress-reliever to the general public and nature lovers. This book is an exclusive document on the trees and shrubs present in the University campus which are on job 24 hours every day, working towards improving the environment and quality of life. Such a document on the tree and shrub wealth of the University would no dout be of immense help to a diverse category of people including teachers and students, who teach and learn respectively about trees and shrubs and their role in landscaping and environmental conservation, apart from being helpful to Horticultural Scientists, researchers as well as entrepreneurs who are involved in landscaping and nursery activities. At this juncture, I congratulate the authors Dr. M. Jawaharlal, Dr. N. Kumar, Dr. M. Kannan, Dr. M. Ganga, Dr. S. Velmuragan and Ms. C. Swapna for their strenuous efforts in bringing out this book, which would serve as a guide to identify and research the trees and shrubs of TNAU. I strongly feel that this book would be useful to students and scientists of the Horticultural and allied faculties.


PREFACE Not many people on the earth would get the fortune of sitting amidst a bunch of green trees, a group of colourful flowering shrubs, an array of fragrant flowering creepers and a row of strikingly beautiful annuals. We, the faculty of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University at Coimbatore are among those few lucky ones who have our work places situated amidst an extremely wonderful natural scenery. Among us, we the staff of the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping located inside the 84 year old University, Botanical Garden, filled with cool green trees and lawns are even luckier. In this book, we have documented the ornamental trees and shrubs in the University, Botanical Gardens and the campus premises, so that it would serve as a guide to students, faculty members and the general public interested in plants. Among the many types of plants which play a vital role in making the air we breathe purer and the land we live greener, trees and shrubs find a very significant place. Besides making the atmosphere healthy, these plants also make the environment beautiful to the eyes and minds, helping us to relieve ourselves from stress. We wish to place on record our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. P. Murugesa Boopathi, the Vice Chancellor of TNAU for encouraging us to bring out this document and

Dr. D. Veeraragavathatham, the former Dean (Hort.) for rendering us great technical support in the documentation work. We believe that this small piece of work which we dedicate to the ornamental trees and shrubs of TNAU would be helpful to the people who are in love with plants and nature.

The authors

CONTENTS Sl. Botanical Name No.


Common Name

Page No.


Adenanthera pavonina


Coral Wood



Aegle Marmelos


Bael tree



Samanea saman


Rain tree



Albizia lebbek


Siris/ Parrot tree



Alstonia scholaris


Indian devil tree



Anthocephalus cadamba





Araucaria heterophylla


Norfolk Island Pine



Areca lutescens


Yellow butterfly palm



Azadirachta indica




10. Bauhinia purpurea


Camel’s foot tree


11. Callistemon lanceolatus


Red bottle brush


12. Caryota mitis


Clustered fish tail palm


13. Cassia fistula


Golden shower


14. Cassia renigera


Burmese pink cassia


15. Casuarina equesetifolia


Beef wood


16. Citharexylum spinosum


Zither wood


17. Clusia rosea


Autograph tree


18. Cordia sebestena


Aloe wood


19. Couroupita guianensis


Cannon ball tree


20. Cresentia cujete


Beggers bowl


21. Dalbergia sissoo


Indian rose wood


22. Delonix regia




23. Enterolobium cyclocarpum


Elephant ear tree


24. Ficus benghalensis


Banyan tree


25. Ficus benjamina


Java fig


26. Ficus elastica


Indian rubber


27. Ficus religiosa


Peepul tree


28. Filicium decipiens


Fern leaf tree


29. Garcina gummi-ghatta




30. Guaiacum officinale


Tree of life


31. Harpullia cupanioides


Black pearl


32. Hyphaene thebaica


Egyptian doum palm


33. Jacaranda mimosifolia


Mimosa-leaved jacaranda


34. Kigelia pinnata


Cucumber tree


35. Markhamia lutea


Yellow bell bean tree


36. Michelia champaca


Joy perfume tree


37. Millingtonia hortensis


Tree Jasmine


38. Mimusops elengi


Indian medlar


39. Nyctanthes arbor-tristis


Coral jasmine


40. Olea europea




41. Pandanus odoratissimus


Screw pine



Parkia biglandulosa


Badminton ball tree



Peltophorum pterocarpum


Rusty shield bearer


44. Phoenix dactylifera


Date palm


45. Pisonia alba


Cabbage tree


46. Plumeria rubra


Temple tree


47. Podocarpus macrophylla


Buddhist pine


48. Polyalthia longifolia


Indian mast tree


49. Pongamia pinnata


Indian Beach


50. Pritchardia grandis


Ruffled fan palm


51. Pterospermum acerifolium


Dinner plate tree


52. Pterygota alata


Buddha’s coconut


53. Roystonea regia


Bottle palm


54. Santalum album


Sandal wood


55. Saraca asoca


Ashoka tree


56. Schefflera actinopylla


Umbrella tree


57. Simarouba glauca


Paradise tree


58. Spathodea campanulata


African tulip tree


59. Sterculia colorata


Bonfire tree


60. Tabebuia avellanedae


Pink trumpet tree


61. Tabebuia rosea


Rosy trumpet tree


62. Tamarindus indica




63. Tectona grandis




64. Terminalia bellerica


Belleric myrobalan


65. Terminalia cattappa


Indian Almond


66. Thespesia populnea


Indian tulip tree


67. Vernicia fordii


Tung oil tree


68. Acalypha spp.


Copper leaves


69. Adenium obesum


Desert rose


70. Allamanda cathartica


Golden trumpet shrub


71. Artabotrys odoratissimus


False Ylang-Ylang


72. Barleria cristata


December flower


73. Bauhinia tomentosa


Yellow orchid tree


74. Bougainvillea spp.




75. Breynia nivosa


Snow bush


76. Caesalpinia pulcherrima


Peacock flower


77. Calliandra brevipes


Powder puff


78. Cassia alata


Candle bush


79. Clerodendron inerme


Wild jasmine


80. Codiaeum variegatum




81. Cordyline terminalis


Hawaiian Ti leaf


82. Crossandra undulaefolia




83. Dracena deremensis




84. Duranta plumieri




85. Eranthemum tricolor




86. Hibiscus spp.





87. Holmskioldia sanguinea


Cup and saucer plant


88. Ixora spp.




89. Jasminum spp.




90. Lagerstromia indica


Crape myrtle


91. Lantana camara




92. Murraya exotica


Orange jasmine


93. Mussaenda frondosa


Tropical dogwood


94. Nerium oleander




95. Plumbago auriculata


Blue plumbago


96. Rosa spp.






Pin wheel jasmine


98. Tecoma stans


Yellow bells


99. Tecomaria capensis


Cape Honeysuckle


100. Thevetia peruviana


Yellow oleander


101. Thunbergia erecta


King’s mantle


Tabernaemontana coronaria

LEGENDS Plant Size / Growth Habit

Big tree (7 m) tall

Small tree (3-7 m) tall


Small shrub (0.5-1m) tall

Big shrub (1.5-3 m) tall

Vine climber or creeper


Light requirements

Full sun



Watering needs

Drought tolerant

Regular watering

Moderate watering

Ample water daily.

Flower (bloom) colour

Red, crimson, vinous

White and off-white


Yellow, orange

Blue, violet, purple, lavender

Other characteristics

Edible fruit or other part


Thorny or spiny

Ornamental foliage

Attracts butterflies

Medicinal use


Seaside, salt tolerant plant

Flood tolerant for a short time

Deciduous or semi-deciduous

Cold hardiness

Cold hardy





CORAL WOOD / BEAD TREE Scientific name : Adenanthera pavonina Family

: Fabaceae

Tamil name

: Manchadi or Kunthimuthu


: India

Description It is a medium sized handsome unarmed deciduous tree, about 20 m tall. It has a clear bole of 6m having greyish brown bark with longitudinal fissures. Leaves are bipinnate and opposite, leaflets alternate, ovate–oblong, obtuse, glabrous, unequal sided, dark green above. Flowers are pale yellow, in short racemes. The fruits are curved pointed pods whose valves become spirally twisted after dehiscence. Seeds are violently thrown out upon dehiscence. Seeds shining brilliant scarlet coloured and globose. The tree distributed throughout India in deciduous forests. It enjoys tropical climate. It is a moderate light demander. The tree sheds its leaves in winter and new flushes sprout by March followed by flowering. The flowering extends up to rainy season and may continue up to September. Seeds become mature by October. Seeds start falling and last up to next summer season. Propagated by seeds. The leaves fall off in late winter and new leaves arise in February–March. Though the tree flowers profusely in March-April, minor flushes of flower are seen in early rains and also in September. Beautiful bright red seeds are used in ornaments.


BAEL TREE / BENGAL QUINCE Scientific name : Aegle marmelos Family

: Rutaceae

Tamil name

: Vilvam


: India

Description A deciduous tree of medium size, 10-15 m high, with straight axillary spines; bark thick, grey. Leaves alternate, trifoliate; leaflets elliptic or ovate lanceolate, 4–15 cm long, acuminate, base narrowed, the terminal one larger than two laterals. Flowers greenish white, scented, about 1.3 cm across, in short axillary panicles; calyx obscurely lobed; petals 4 or 5, oblong, deflexed; stamens 30 to 60. Fruits usually globose, 7-18 cm in diameter, smooth, greenish, grey or yellowish, rind hard and woody, pulp sweet, orange or yellow aromatic; seeds many, inside a gummy substance. The tree is slow growing and the leaves fall in cold months. Flowers are produced in April – May after the new leaves arise. Fruits take about a year to ripe. It is a sacred tree to the Hindus and the leaves are used for worshipping Lord Shiva. The root, bark, leaf and seed of the bael are valued in the indigenous system of medicine. The root is ingredient of the ‘dasamula’, a medicine commonly used by the ayurvedic practitioners. Wood is strong and hard.


RAIN TREE Scientific name : Samanea saman (syn. Albizia saman) Family

: Fabaceae

Tamil name

: Thoongumoonji maram


: Tropical America

Description A very large, flat topped, deciduous tree of great spread, reaching 20-25 m in height and more in diameter; trunk thick, short, covered with rough, dark grey or blackish bark. Leaves bipinnate, about 40 cm long; pinnae 6-8 pairs, leaflets 4-8 pairs, opposite, up to 4 cm long, upper side bright green, lower pubescent. Flowers in axillary or terminal globose heads, up to 5 cm in diameter, on a peduncle 10-12 cm long; corolla tubular yellowish, 1 cm long; stamens 20, hairy, pink, far exceeding corolla. Fruit is a pod, sessile, straight, 15 -20 cm long & 1.5 – 2 cm broad, dark brown; seeds 10-15, embedded in sweet pulp. It is easily propagated from seeds & also from large cuttings. This is very good for large, wide roads and highways and also for big parks; suitable for planting in avenues and borders suited to sandy to heavy clay; tolerates water stagnation as well as high concentration of salt in water. The leaflets characteristically droop by evening till early morning. The tree sheds off leaves in winter and new leaves appear in spring; flowering seen from April - October.


SIRIS / PARROT TREE Scientific name : Albizia lebbek Family

: Fabaceae


: Tropical Southern Asia

Description A large, deciduous tree, up to 25 m high; bark rough, brownish-grey. Leaves bipinnate; pinnae 4-8; leaflets 10-16, obliquely –oblong, 1,5 -3 cm long, obtuse or retuse, light green or yellowsh green, pubesscent beneath. Flowers greenish-white, turning pale yellow, 2.5 3 cm long, fragrant, in large heads; heads 3-4 together, axillary , on 5-8 cm long peduncles; calyx half the length of corolla; stamens numerous, greenish white, exerted beyond the other part of flower. Pods thin flat, 15-25 cm long, straw coloured when ripe, dehiscent. The tree is fairly quick growing and becomes leafless at the end of winter months. The straw-coloured furits become very conspicuous on leafless tree. Flowers appear in summer and especially in rains.


INDIAN DEVIL TREE / BLACKBOARD TREE Scientific name : Alstonia scholaris Family

: Apocynaceae


: South Eastern Asia

Description A large shrub or small tree, 5 m high; bark light brown, corky; branchlets and leaves beneath pubescent. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3-5, narrowly–lanceolate, 10-16 cm long, acuminate, entire, attenuate to cuneate at base, thick coriaceous, interpetiolar gland present. Cymes subumbellate, flowers white, 1-1.5 cm across; calyx very small, lobes triangular; corolla tube about 1 cm long, limbs spreading, about 1 cm long; ovary ovoid, style slender, bifid stigma. Follicles 12-16 cm long, slender, coriaceous, smooth. The tree flowers in March – May. The wood is moderately hard. The stem contains the alkaloids echitamine and nerifoline.


KADAMBA Scientific name : Anthocephalus cadamba Family

: Rubiaceae


: Tropical Asia

Description A tall, handsome tree with a straight trunk, up to 25 m high; bark smooth, marked with longitudinal cracks; branches long, horizontal. Leaves large, ovate or elliptic, 15-25 cm long, acute, shining, coriaceous, much larger in young plants; stipules small, caduceus. Flowers small, scented, numerous in compact, terminal spherical heads of 4-5 cm in diameter; calyx pale greenish; lobes oblong; corolla orange, funnel shaped, lobes starshaped, head assumes a dull white colour when flowers open, because of the white stigma. Fruit of each flower inserted on the fleshy head forming a composite fruit, becomes yellowish or brownish when ripe; seeds minute.


NORFOLK ISLAND PINE / INDOOR FIR Scientific name : Araucaria heterophylla Family

: Araucariaceae

Tamil Name

: Chirstmas Maram


: Australia, South America

Description This pyramidal tree reaches up to 60 m in height in its native home at Norfolk Island, east of Australia, with erect habit and a thick strong trunk whose branches grow horizontally, regularly whorled. Juvenile leaves subulate, 1-2 cm long, light green, curved and sharp pointed; adult leaves shorter and overlapping, ovate triangular, with a stiff point. Staminate catkins 4-5 cm long; female cones sub globose, 8-15 cm broad and about 10 cm long with a large winged seed to every scale which terminates into an incurved spine. Araucarias grow in the tropical and subtropical climate. Equitable temperature is better than the extreme ones. They prefer deep and fertile soil and stand partial shade. Propagation is mainly by seeds. Plants may be raised from cuttings also. Cuttings may be taken from the ripened tops during winter or early spring when cut back, a plant spreads a group of leaders which are also useful for cuttings. The plant is grown on a large scale for decoration as window or table plants. It is also planted in gardens in tropical and subtropical climate.


YELLOW BUTTERFLY PALM Scientific name : Areca lutescens (syn.Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Hyophorbe indica) Family

: Palmae


: South Florida

Description Stem about 6m long, 5 cm in diameter, yellowish green in colour, more or less smooth; branches at the root and forms tufts of stems. Leaves pinnate, arching; leaflets to 60 cm long, yellowish green, midrib yellowish, prominent on upper side. Inflorescence interfoliar, pendulous, about 1 m long; male flowers 3.5 mm long; petals three, longer than sepals; stamens six; female flowers about 3 mm long, curved. Ripe fruits ovoid, about 2 cm long; seeds ovoid. This is a fairly quick growing palm, flowers appear in January – March and fruits mature in May-July. It prefers semi shade. It is a very hardy and popular house plants.


NEEM / MARGOSA Scientific name : Azadirachta indica Family

: Meliaceae

Tamil name

: Vembu


: India and Burma

Description Neem is an elegant tall tree, with long spreading branches forming dense globose crown. The tree has a short, stout and straight clean trunk. It often grows 5 to 15 m high. The rough bark is grey, thick with numerous angled furrows and small scattered tubercles. Inner bark’s size varies with growing locality. Roots grow very deep into the soil scavenging water from deeper layers. Flowers are produced in panicles; white and fragrant. Blossoming period of Neem is from March to June and fruiting period is June to August. Young leaves appear in several flushes but new shoots with reddish young leaves are produced abundantly in March when the tree becomes semi-deciduous, followed by flowering. Flowers are visited by bees and other insects. Fruit is a greenish yellow colored ellipsoidal drupe& normally one seeded. Propagated by seeds. Neem is an exceptionally known medicine for blood pressure, poisons, skins and oral treatments. It is also used as insect repellant, nematicide etc.


CAMEL’S FOOT TREE / GERANIUM TREE Scientific name : Bauhinia purpurea Family

: Fabaceae


: Australia and East Asia

Description An almost evergreen tree of moderate size, 10-16 m high; bark thick, nearly smooth and ashy to dark brown in colour. Leaves smooth, leathery, rather longer than broad and cleft about half –way down into two rounded or pointed lobes, making the characteristic camel-foot of the genus; lobes often overlapping along the inner margins. Flowers large, scented, about 6-8 cm across, in various tones of purple, white and mauve, borne in a few-flowered clusters towards the end of the branches; 5 narrow petals 4-6 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, oblanceolate, narrowed towards both ends; fertile stamens 3-4; fruits flat pods, green 10-30cm long, 2 cm wide, somewhat woody and look like French beans, contains 12-16 flat, oblong- ellipsoid seeds, scattered around due to sudden bursting of the ripe fruits. The tree is easily propagated by seeds which should be sown in April –May. Flowers appear among the leaves in December –January and early cold weather and pods ripen from January to March. The leaves fall in March and April and the tree is almost bare for a short time. It is planted along the medium avenues and in parks, gardens and around the temples. The wood is hard and used for making implements and furniture. The flowers are laxative, bark and flowers are used for the treatment of boils.


RED BOTTLE BRUSH Scientific name : Callistemon lanceolatus Family

: Myrtaceae


: Australia

Description A low evergreen tree, reaching a height of 6-7m with slender drooping branches and greyish brown, rough bark deeply cleft vertically into narrow ridges. Leaves linear lanceolate, 3-6 cm long, about 1 cm wide, glabrous, acute, sharp pointed, rigid, leathery; mid-vein and lateral nerves prominent, clustered near the ends of the twigs, reddish when young; petioles short. Flowers appear on cylindrical spikes at the tip of twigs among leaves, 5-10cm long, resembling a cylindrical brush (bottle brush); calyx pale greenish, 5 –toothed; petals 5, ceducous; filaments numerous, free, bright red, about 2.5cm long, projecting stiffly outwards. Fruit is an ovoid capsule, slight contracted and truncated at the apex, containing numerous seeds. The tree is grown in moist and dry regions, but prefers a warm, humid climate and moist soil. It can be propagated form seed, cutting and air-layers; seedlings take about 3 years to flower. Flowering occurs periodically almost throughout the year except during the winter when temperature goes below 150c. It can stand temporary water stagnation. This small tree with gracefully drooping branches, producing background of the shrubbery, along the boundary of small gardens, by the sides of small garden paths and specially around the border of tanks and pools.


CLUSTERED FISH TAIL PALM Scientific name : Caryota mitis (syn. Caryota furfuracea) Family

: Palmae


: South East Asia

Description Tufted trunk, up to 12 m long, with many rootsuckers. Leaves spreading, to 3 m long; leaf blade broadly triangular; leaflets irregularly wedge shaped, jagged and toothed at the margin. Inflorescence terminal and axillary up to 90 cm long. Flowers in triads of two lateral male and middle female; male flowers oblong in bud, caudcous after anthesis; petals bright pink outside. Ripe fruits globose, red, about 12 mm in diameter; seeds globose, about 5mm in diameter. The palm prefers moist soil. The inflorescence of a number of equal branches appears in descending order and seen almost throughout the year hanging down like a brush. It is widely cultivated ornamental plant. The core of the stem contains starch.


INDIAN LABURNUM / GOLDEN SHOWER Scientific name : Cassia fistula Family

: Fabaceae


: Caesalpinioideae

Tamil name

: Sarakondrai


: South Asia

Description A small to medium – sized, open branched, deciduous and hardy tree of slow growth, reaching a height of 8- 10m. Bark smooth, greenish grey on young trees, turning brown and rough with age. Leaves large, up to 40 cm long, paripinnate; leaflets 8 -16, opposite, glabrous when mature, ovate, acute or shortly acuminate, up to 12 cm long and 9 cm broad; new leaves often of rich copper colour with a soft downy undersurface and remain pendulous and folded until fully falling prematurely; inflorescence long pendulous raceme, bright yellow in colour; corolla 5, large, showy, unequal, ovate; petals clawed; stamens 10, yellow, 3 with long curved filaments. Fruit a pod, 3- 60 cm long, indehiscent, green when young and black after ripening, with 40 -100 seeds, embedded in a dark colored sweetish pulp and separated by transverse partitions. It is drought tolerant and therefore, an excellent flowering tree for arid regions, though well-drained soil of moist locality is also suitable for growing this tree. It is suitable along small and medium roads, also for planting in parks and gardens. The cattle repellant nature of the plant makes it suitable for open planting. The tree is also an important medicinal plant. The pulp of the fruit is used to cure leprosy, heart diseases and abdominal pain and also used as common laxative. The wood is hard and mainly used for making handles of tools and agricultural implements.


BURMESE PINK CASSIA Scientific name : Cassia renigera Family

: Fabaceae


: Western Peninsula

Description A medium sized deciduous tree reaching 8 -10 m in height with a short trunk and a few upright branches bearing numerous slender, drooping branchlets; bark fairly smooth and brownish grey and covered with small corky excrescences. Leaves up to 35 cm long, bearing 8-20 pairs of oblong, obtuse, leaflets rounded at the base, membranous, erect clusters often with basal leaves form old leaf scars along the arching branches; inflorescence is a raceme; petals elliptic –oblong, 2-2.4 cm long, pink in colour, pod indehiscent, round, almost black, 30 -45 cm long, 2.3 cm wide, internally divided by transverse partitions, each chamber containing a seed. It is propagated by seed. It is not a long- lived plat; flowering takes place when the trees are 4-5 years old. It thrives better in moist climate, though can grow also under dry conditions and comparatively poor soil. It is a good tree for small gardens and can be used for planting along small roads in parks and townships. This dwarf tree sheds the leaves in cold months, flowering starts on bare trees in April and continues till June.


BEEF WOOD / AUSTRALIAN OAK / SHE OAK Scientific name : Casuarina equesetifolia Family

: Casuarinaceae

Tamil name

: Savukku


: Malaysia

Description A tall, straight-stemmed tree reaching a height of 30m or more. The ends of branches thickly set with numerous long slender and usually drooping branchlets, mostly deciduous, performing the functions of leaves; branchlets jointed, 20-25cm long, the internodes 46mm long, 6-8 ribbed; form a distance branchlets look like the needles of pine. Flowers pinkish, inconspicuous; male flowers appear in spikes at the end of branchlets, at the base of which the female heads (cones) are borne on comparatively thicker twigs; male spikes about 2 cm long; female cones very short-stalked, globular, 2 cm in diameter, ovary single celled, with 2 ovules of which one develops into seed. Male and female flowers are usually borne on the same tree, sometimes on the same branch, in certain cases flowers of each sex are borne on separate plants. It is a good tree in parks and large gardens. But due to the brittle nature of its branches it is not advisable to plant them along the roads. Casuarina is very suitable for mass planting along the sea shore and river banks where spacing should be close to check soil erosion. Regularly pruned casuarinas make good hedge and topiary. It is easily grown from seeds. Wood is hard and durable, it splits and therefore used for making planks. The bark is astringent and used in diarrhea and dysentery.


ZITHER WOOD / FIDDLE WOOD Scientific name : Citharexylum spinosum (syn. Citharexylum quadrangulare) Family

: Verbenaceae


: West Indies

Description A small, deciduous tree 5-6m high; bark light grey; straight trunk and wide- spreading, drooping branches; branchlets 4 –angled. Leaves opposite, elliptic –oblong, nearly entire, about 16 cm long. Flowers white, scented, in drooping racemes, of 20 cm long; petals white to form 5mm long tube with 5 lobes. Fruit small, fleshy, red when ripe. This tree is propagated by seed or large cuttings. Leaves turn red before falling down. Flowers appear in March – May and beginning of rain or occasionally at other times. The branches of old stumpy tree may be cut back with advantage to be replaced by vigorous young ones. Though the major flowering time is June- August, flowers also appear in March-April and November –December. The wood is strong, hard and close grained.


AUTOGRAPH TREE / FAT PORK TREE Scientific name : Clusia rosea Family

: Clusiaceae


: America

Description A well shaped handsome , evergreen tree with spreading crown, reaching a height of 6 -8 m. leaves thick, leathery, opposite, obovate, entire, 10 -16 cm long. Flowers showy, white with pink tinge, 6 -7 cm across appear in clusters at the leaf axil or tip of shoots; petals are thick and glossy; centre with a round disc of stamens. Fruit a capsule, round 34 cm in diameter. Clusias grow well in warm humid places. Attractive flowers appearing in January to March. Propagated from seeds, cuttings and layers. It has a variety bearing leaves variegated with different shades of green and yellow.


ALOE WOOD Scientific name : Cordia sebestena Family

: Boraginaceae


: South America

Description It is a small evergreen tree or large shrub, reaching a height of 5-8 m, often with a straight trunk, but sometimes branching from the base; bark dark grey, rough and marked with deep longitudinal furrows. Leaves simple, ovate or elliptic, pointed, 10-18cm long and 6-10 cm wide, rounded or tapered at the base, slightly undulated or entire; flowers 35cm long, borne on loose terminal racemes at the tip of the branches; corolla tube about 4 cm long, much longer than the green calyx lobes, spreading, orange-scarlet, crumpled; stamens 5-12, enclosed in the corolla tube. Fruit egg shaped, white drupe, 3-4 cm long, enclosed in the persistent calyx which enlarges as the fruit swells, containing a single seed embedded in a sticky pulp. Cutting and layering are also the methods of propagation. The plant is quick growing and seedlings come to flowering in 2 years. Flowers appear throughout the year but profusely during January to March. It is specially suited for small gardens. In parks and large gardens, it can be planted at the back of a shrubbery or in groups in corners of large lawn.It flowers almost throughout the year and more abundantly during hot months. New leaves are produced in February.


CANNON BALL TREE Scientific Name : Couroupita guianensis Family

: Lecythidaceae

Tamil name

: Nagalingam


: Tropical South America

Description A soft wooded, 15-20 m tall, deciduous tree with straight, stout trunk and rough, brownish grey bark; young parts pubescent. Leaves alternate, oblong-ovate or broad lanceolate, acute, sub-glabrous, about 15 cm long. Flowers about 8 cm in diameter, in woody, pendulous racemes 75 cm to 1m long, springing from the trunk and lower part of thick branches; calyx top-shaped with rounded lobes; petals 6; not equal, concave, rounded, about 5 cm long, outside a mixture of white, yellow and pink and inside deep pink or crimson. The peculiarity of the flower lies in the curious arrangement of stamens, which are numerous, divided into two sets, the infertile ones surround the pistil and the fertile ones united to form a serpent’s hood –like structure over the pistil, whitish, vertical about 2 cm. Fruit spherical, brown about 15 cm in diameter containing a large number of seeds; when ripe the pulp turns yellow with a foul, stinking smell. The tree is propagated from seeds which should be sown fresh. The tree has a habit of shading its leaves all on a sudden and within 7-10 days, followed by light green tuft of leaves of the tip of the branches. The trees are planted in parks, around temples and along wide city roads. The leaves fall several times a year but new light green leaves arise almost simultaneously at the end of branches. Flowers appear abundantly on mature tree during summer months.


WEST INDIAN CALABASH TREE / BEGGERS BOWL Scientific name : Crescentia cujete Family

: Bignonaceae

Description Calabash is an evergreen tree reaching 20 to 30 feet in height with a broad, irregular crown composed of long, spreading branches clothed in two to six-long bright green leaves, which create moderate shade beneath the tree. Calabash is most outstanding in the landscape for its year-round production of flowers and fruit, both of which are unusual. The two-inch-wide flowers are yellow/green with red or purple veins, cup-shaped, and appear to emerge directly from the branches. These are followed by the emergence of the large, round fruit, 5 to 12 inches in diameter, with a smooth, hard shell, which hang directly beneath the branches. Fruits are poisonous. The leaves fall during the winter months. The flowering starts in February–March when new leaves also appear and continues up to July. Large green fruits are found on the tree for many months. Hard shell takes fine polish and is often used for ornamental purpose and domestic utensils. Roasted fruits are used as aperients and febrifuge and to relieve headache.


INDIAN ROSE WOOD Scientific name : Dalbergia sissoo Family

: Fabaceae


: India, Pakistan and Afghanistan

Description Dalbergia sissoo is a medium to large deciduous tree with a light crown which reproduces by seeds and suckers. It can grow up to a maximum of 25m in height and 2 to 3m in diameter, but is usually smaller. Trunks are often crooked when grown in the open. Leaves are leathery, alternate, pinnately compound and about 15cm long. Flowers are whitish to pink, fragrant, nearly sessile, up to 1.5cm long and in dense clusters 5–10cm in length. Pods are oblong, flat, thin, strap-like 4–8cm long, 1cm wide and light brown. They contain 1–5 flat bean-shaped seeds which are 810mm long. They have a long taproot and numerous surface roots which produce suckers. Young shoots are downy and drooping; established stems with light brown to dark gray bark to 2.5cm thick, shed in narrow strips; large upper branches support a spreading crown. The tree becomes leafless in early winter and new leaves appear in February followed by flowering in March-May. The pods ripen in October- November. It is used for making furniture and house constructions.


GULMOHAR / MAY FLOWER / FLAMBOYANT Scientific name : Delonix regia (syn. Poinciana regia) Family

: Fabaceae


: Madagascar

Description A large, deciduous, quick growing, open-branched, spreading tree, reaching up to 15-20 cm; bark slightly rough, greyish brown. Leaves bipinnate, up to 60 cm long, on stout petiole and 10-20 pairs of oblong leaflets, 1cm long and 3 mm wide. Flower 7-10 cm across, arises in broad, erect clusters near the end of the leafless branches on new shoots; petals 5, about 5cm long, orange- scarlet. Fruits 40-60cm long, 5-7 cm broad pod, hard and almost black when fully ripe; it splits open to disperse 20-40 oblong hard seeds. Commonly propagated by seed. Seedling grows very fast, reaching about 3 m in the same year and producing flowers when about 3 years old. It can be propagated from large cutting also. The tree becomes leafless in spring and flowers appear in April-May. Flowering continues up to July, sometimes even up to August. It is one of the finest flowering trees of the tropics and subtropics and there is variation in the flower colour ranging from scarlet to almost yellow. The tree sheds off leaves in late winter and early spring, flowers and new leaves arise almost simultaneously in April and flowering continues till June. The wood is white, soft and light and of little value except as fuel wood. The seeds contain a gum which may find use in food and textile industries.


ELEPHANT EAR TREE Scientific name : Enterolobium cyclocarpum Family

: Fabaceae


: Central America

Description A large tree up to 25m high, with widely spreading branches. Pinnae 4-5 pairs, short stalked; leaflets 20-30 pairs, linear oblong, 8-15mm long, acute, pale beneath. Heads many flowered; calyx puberulous, 2-3mm long; corolla nearly twice as long as the calyx; staminal tube included. Fruits compressed, 3-4mm wide, curved into a complete circle, spiral. The tree flowers in March – May. Wood is hard and durable, used for construction works.


BANYAN TREE Scientific name : Ficus benghalensis Family

: Moraceae

Tamil name

: Aal


: South Asia

Description This is a large milky evergreen tree with milky latex and aerial prop roots and large leaves. Leaves are simple, alternate, broadly elliptic to ovate, subcordate at base, blunt at apex, entire with coraicious upper part. Inflorescence is a sessile hypanthodium and figs (2cm in diameter) are monoecious. There are 4-5 bracts, copular, 6 mm shortly connate, obtuse, persistent, tepals 3-5, shortly connate, glabrous. The figs are axillary, globose, turning from green to dark brick red upon ripening. The male flowers are seen with oblong anther. Female flowers unequal, sessile, ovary is ovoid with erect style, tapering, sterile flowers similar to female flowers, but pedicellate. Banyan tree grows on a variety of soils including shallow and stony sites or even on rocky crevices. It also thrives on saline soils. The tree requires a sub-tropical climate. It tolerates drought and frost. Severe frosts damage the leaves even though they recover quickly. In dry localities the trees become leafless for a short time in the hot season. Propagated by seeds. Terminal buds of banyan tree are used in religious rituals. Bark is an astringent and cooling. A decoction of buds in milk cures hemorrhages and a paste of leaves promote suppuration on wounds.


JAVA FIG Scientific name : Ficus benjamina Family

: Moraceae


: India

Description A large, almost evergreen tree, up to 20m high, with numerous spreading and drooping branches; bark smooth, grey. Leaves very variable, opposite, ovate or elliptic, 4-10 cm long, acuminate, with many parallel fine secondary veins. Receptacles in axillary pairs, yellowish orange when ripe, about 1–1.5 cm in diameter; male and gall flowers in the same receptacle. New leaves are produced in early summer and the main crop of fig is found almost at the same time, a second crop of fig ripens in August. Wood is suitable for manufacturing of packing cases, match boxes etc. Leaves are used for the treatment of ulcer and the milky juice for treating the eyes of young babies.


INDIAN RUBBER Scientific name : Ficus elastica Family

: Moraceae


: India

Description A very large tree, up to 25m in height and spread of the crown; trunk supported by high buttresses; bark smooth and grey. Leaves alternate, elliptic, 10-25cm long, shortly acuminate, coriaceous and also leathery, shining; stipules pink, up to 15cm long, fall when the leaves open. Receptacles in pairs, in the axils of fallen leaves, ovoid –oblong, about 1.2cm long, covered with caduceus involucres, greenish yellow when ripe; male, female and gall flowers in the same receptacle. The shining fresh green new leaves appear at the end of the cold months. The receptacles ripen during the rainy months. The tree was the source of India rubber and erasers were made from the milky juice. The wood is used as fuel.


PEEPUL TREE Scientific name : Ficus religiosa Family

: Moraceae

Tamil name

: Arasu


: India and Asia

Description Peepul is a large entirely glabrous tree with irregularly shaped trunk and huge wide spreading branches. Leaves are broad ovate with undulating margin and a peculiar tail, 1-3 inch long possessing one third of the length of the whole blade. After a leaf shedding for a short time in summer season, new brown tender leaves appear. Leaves always swing in mild breeze. Flowers in April and May and occasionally second time during October and November. The pedicel is also long, slender and subtends the leaf blade. Flowers sessile, inside hypanthodium, half an inch in diameter, dark purple with broad basal coriaceous bracts. Male flowers are a few seen near the entrance hole, in many receptacles. The fruit after ripening is consumed by birds. The tree does not grow in arid tracts. It is capable of growing on a variety of soils. It prefers deep, alluvial sandy loam with good drainage; avoids heavy –textures soils with impeded drainage. Propagated by seeds. Bark leaf buds and seeds are medicinal. The bark is astringent, heavy, cooling in action, haemostatic, laxative, improves complexion and cleans vagina.


FERN LEAF TREE Scientific name : Filicium decipiens Family

: Sapindaceae


: New zealand

Description This is a slow growing evergreen tree of compact growth and blackish stem, reaching a height of 8-10m. Leaves paripiinate; leaflets 12-16,narrowly elliptic, shining, 10-15cm long, opposite, rachis broadly winged between each pairs of leaflets, wing narrowing towards base, all these features giving a resemblance to the leaf of a fern. Flowers white, numerous, minute, unisexual, pentamerous, in narrow axillary panicles,. Fruits ovoid, shining, 1cm in diameter, purple when ripe, containing one seed. It is a handsome tree and can be planted along avenues in parks, gardens or other protected places. It is propagated from seed or cutting where seed is scarcely planted. This evergreen tree is slow growing, but attains a good shape in course of time. The flowers appear in January – February and the fruits ripen in April – May. The timber is very hard and strong and it is used for building purposes and also suitable for making furniture.


GARCINA Scientific

: Garcina gummi-ghatta


: Guttiferae

Tamil Name

: Kodampuli


: India, Bangladesh, Malaysia

Description Evergreen tree, up to 15 m high. Leaves decussate, oblong-lanceolate to oblong – elliptic, 8-15cm long, narrowed into petiole, coriaceous, nerves prominent. Flowers polygmao-dioecious, 5-7 in axilarry umbellate clusters; male flowers; about 1 cm across; sepals 4, or rarely ovate, suborbicular; petals 4 or rarely 5, ovate to ovate-oblong, unequal, 8-10 mm long, yellowish; stamens about 20, connate on a central column; female flowers; about 1.5 cm across; ovary 2 or 3 celled; The yellowish fruit is pumpkin-shaped. It contains potentially hepatotoxic hydroxycitric acid. n Indian traditional medicine, this species was prescribed for edema, delayed menstruation, constipation and intestinal parasites. In the form of precoction, it was also used for rheumatism and bowel complaints. The extract and rind of Garcinia cambogia is a curry condiment in India. Extracts from this species are an ingredient in some herbal appetite suppressant and energy products, though there is no formal evidence to support its effectiveness. It is used in the weight-loss supplement Hydroxycut, which has been removed from the market after being associated with liver failure and death.


TREE OF LIFE Scientific name : Guaiacum officinale Family

: Zygophyllaceae


: West Indies

Description An evergreen, small tree, attaining a height of 8-10m; barks smooth, green and white. Leaves paripinnate; leaflets opposite, 4-6, obovate, 1.5-2.5cm long, sessile, somewhat leathery. Flowers blue, about 1.5 cm across, arranged in umbellate bunches at the base of the leaves; sepals 5; petals 5, ovate; stamens 5. Fruits capsule, somewhat flattened, obcordate, at first green, turning yellow when ripe; seeds ovate. Flowers are produced in great profusion towards the end of the cols season. The brilliant blue flowers fade gradually to bluish- white before they fall. Guaiacum resin is used as a fat stabilizer. It is used to prevent rancidity and loss of flavor of preserved products. Gum Guaiacum is a mild laxative and used in the treatment of tonsillitis and pharyngitis.


BLACK PEARL Scientific name : Harpullia cupanioides Family

: Sapindaceae


: Africa

Description A moderate sized tree, up to 15m high, with somewhat discoloured grayish bark; branchlets whitish. Leaves pari- or impair-pinnate; 20-40cm long; leaflets 3-6 pairs, oblong or elliptic-lanceolate, 7-15cm long, one sided at base. Flowers greenish white, polygamous, 1.2cm long, in cymose panicles; sepals, petals and stamens 5; calyx 4-6mm long, pubescent outside; petals obtuse, glabrous. Fruit an inflated 2-lobed capsule, 3-5 cm across, brilliant orange to orange scarlet, each lobe opening by 2 valves; seeds 4, black, one in each lobe. The flowers are produced in November – December and large numbers of attractive fruits are found in February –April. Fruit is saponaceous, used for washing. Bark is used as fish poison.


EGYPTIAN DOUM PALM Scientific name : Hyphaene thebaica Family

: Palmae


: North Africa

Description Stem solitary at base, up to 25m high; upper part dichotomously branched, dark grey in colour. Leaves costapalmate; petioles dentate at margin; leaf base rusty tomentose outside; leaf blades orbicular, deeply segmented. Staminate inflorescence about 1 m long; male flowers: calyx with three yellowish lobes; petals broadly ovate; staminate six; female flowers: globose; calyx lobes orbicular; petals ovate; staminodes six; ovary globose. Pistillate flowers appear in April–June, staminate inflorescence emerges earlier. Fruits ripen in December-February. It is widely grown in gardens for its unusual growth habits.


MIMOSA – LEAVED JACARANDA Scientific name : Jacaranda mimosifolia Family

: Bignoniaceae


: Central America and West Indies

Description A medium-sized, graceful, deciduous tree reaching 8-10m in height with an open, rather straggling habit of growth; bark fairly smooth, pale grey. Leaves opposite, bipinnate, mimosa–like, 35-40cm long with 16 or more pairs of pinnae, each pinna having 14-24 pairs of oblong leaflets, 5-8mm long. Flowers borne profusely in 18-20cm high, loose, pyramidal, terminal panicles of 5- 100, 4cm long, 3cm wide flowers; corolla bluish purple, tube bent, slender below, inflated above, stamens five. Fruit a flat, disc-like woody dehiscent capsule, 5cm across. The species prefers moderate climate with dry atmosphere and thrives in well drained soils. It is propagated from seed and vegetatively from semihardwood cuttings. The tree sheds leaves towards the end of winter. Flowers appear in March-June along with new leaves. This is a slow growing tree and flowering starts after five years. The tree prefers dry climate and well drained soil and it becomes leafless in winter months. Flowers are produced in March-April and new leaves appear almost at the same time. An infusion of the bark is used for the treatment of ulcer and leaves cure diseases of chest.


CUCUMBER TREE / SAUSAGE TREE Scientific name : Kigelia pinnata Family

: Bignoniaceae

Tamil name

: Sivakundalam


: Tropical West Africa

Description A moderate–sized, evergreen, spreading tree, 12-15m high with short trunk, distorted branches, covered with rough greyish-brown bark. Leaves clustered near the end of branches in opposite pairs or whorls; imparipinnate; leaflets green, rough, leathery, sessile, elliptic-oblong or ovate, 8-15cm long. Flowers foul-smelling, rope-like pendulous racemes from branches; corolla gamopetalous with cylindrical tube and 2 –lipped limb, deep chocolate-red, about 12cm across; the lower lip deflexed and 3-lobed and upper one 2 – lobed, wrinkled and striped outside. Fruit hard, cylindrical, indehiscent, cucumber-like, 15-20cm long and 6-10cm in diameter, hanging singly or in a few on cord-like long stalks; contains many seeds set in fibrous pulp. It prefers dry, arid tracts but grown in humid tropics under good soil conditions. The tree is propagated from seed. Flowers appear in March-May emitting foul smell that attracts flies. Flowers open during night in the arid regions. This tree can be planted in large gardens and parks for its shade and peculiar looking fruits. Leaves fall during January-February and the new foliage appears in MarchApril. Bark is used in rheumatism, dysentery and venereal diseases. Fruits are used for dressing syphilitic sores, also sued as a purgative.


YELLOW BELL BEAN TREE Scientific name : Markhamia lutea Family

: Bignoniaceae


: Tropical Africa

Description A medium–sized, evergreen tree, upto 14m high. Leaves 20-25cm long, with suborbicular, 1.5–2.5cm broad pseudo-stipules in the axils; leaflets 5-9, elliptic-oblong to obovate, 10-20cm long, abruptly or obtusely acuminate, entire or serrate, with lepidotes; flowers large, 3-4cm across, in dense terminal or axillary paniculate cymes; calyx boatshaped, pubescent with lepidotes, 2cm long; corolla yellow; tube 3-3.5cm long; inside striped red, with lepidotes; lobes elliptic–obovate. Capsules linear, 30 cm long. The tree flowers and bears fruits for many months and abundantly in September–October. The wood is used for house posts, spear shafts, paddles and furniture.


JOY PERFUME TREE Scientific name : Michelia champaca Family

: Magnoliaceae

Tamil Name

: Shenbagam


: India, Indonesia

Description A large evergreen tree, attaining a height of 25m, with silky young shoots and smooth grey bark. Leaves lanceolate, 15-25cm long, acuminate, shining green above; leaf buds covered with stipules which fall off when the leaves expand. Flowers orange–yellow or yellow, strongly scented, 5cm across; perianth 15, the outer oblong, the inner linear. Fruiting thalamus 7-14cm long; carpels ovoid, blunt; seeds red, scarlet or brown, attached on long funicle. The flowers appear in March-June and may continue till the end of rains (September). The wood is soft and is used for furniture, house building, boats etc., Bark is used as tonic and for reducing fever. The oil from the flowers ‘champaka oil’ is employed in curing eye ailments and gout. The fruits are used for healing of cracks in the feet.


TREE JASMINE / INDIAN CORK TREE Scientific name : Millingtonia hortensis Family

: Bignoniaceae

Tamil Name

: Maramalli


: Myanmar

Description A columnar, evergreen tree with straight trunk, reaching 20m or more; bark, thick, corky, yellowish white, fissured and rough. Leaves opposite, 50-60cm long, imparipinnate at apex and bipinnate or tripinnate below; leaflets 4-6 cm long and 2-3cm broad, ovate or ovate –lanceolate. Flowers in 25-30cm long, erect, terminal panicles; corolla tube 6-8cm long, slender, cylindrical, white with greenish tinge, mouth nearly 2.0cm across; stamens 4. Fruit a pod 30-45cm long, flattened; seeds flat, thin, 2.5cm long, with a broad, transparent, delicate wing. It prefers a deep, fertile soil and warm humid climate, but grows well in arid regions also. Besides seeds the tree is propagated easily from suckers. The tree may be multiplied form cutting also. It is a quick-growing tree and comes to flowering in 4-5 years. Flowering occurs twice, once in autumn and another in spring, the flowers open during night and fall down in the early parts of the day. The tree is extensively planted along the roads in gardens and parks especially for its beautiful, fragrant flowers. However, the root system is comparatively shallow and the wood is brittle.


INDIAN MEDLAR Scientific name : Mimusops elengi Family

: Sapotaceae

Tamil Name

: Magizham


: India

Description A medium–sized, handsome, evergreen tree with regular globular crown, reaching 10-15m height; trunk round, straight upto 3m with numerous spreading branches; bark rather rough, dark grey, leaves alternate, upper side shiny green, lower side pale green, elliptic, shortly acuminate, 10-15cm long. Flowers borne in axillary clusters of 1-6; corolla gamopetalous, star–shaped, fragrant, off–white, 1.5 cm across; ovary silky pubescent. Berry ovoid, 2-3cm long; orange when ripe, containing 1 or 2 brown, polished seeds in a semi–sweet pulp. This tree grows in the tropical climate both in moist and dry regions with equal ease but cannot stand water–logging. Easily propagated form seed, the seedlings are rather slow growing, coming to flower in 5-6 years. Adapted from coast to high altitudes of 2000-2300 m above MSL.


CORAL JASMINE / NIGHT JASMINE Scientific name : Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Family

: Oleaceae

Tamil name

: Paarijaatham / Pavala Malli


: South Asia and India

Description A large shrub or small tree reaching 5-7m in height, often water suckers come out profusely from the base; bark thick, rough and pale brownish and young branches quadrangular, leaves opposite, ovate with smooth or somewhat dentate margin, up to 10 cm long. Flowers scented in small, dense clusters at the end of short stalk; corolla tube orange or orange-red, 1cm; corolla tube 5-8, of various shapes, 2.5-3cm across and white. Fruit a flat, obcordate, papery capsule, separating into 2 flat parts, each with 1 seed. Easily propagated by seed; the quick growing seedlings may flower with good care in two years. The tree flowers profusely in autumn, which open at night and fall off before sunrise forming a carpet underneath the tree; in milder climate stray flowers are observed in other seasons also. Its a very popular flowering plant in warm, humid regions and is planted in home gardens, religious places for the numerous scented flowers. The plant becomes deciduous at the end of winter months and the new leaves appear in summer. Flowers are produced abundantly in September-December. Wood is fairly hard and makes an excellent fuel. The orange tubes of the flowers are used to make a beautiful orange dye for silk and other fabrics. The leaves are used medicinally to cure fever, rheumatism. The flowers are made into a hair tonic and the seeds are remedy for skin diseases.


OLIVE Scientific name : Olea europea Family

: Oleaceae


: Eastern Mediterranean sea

Description A small, evergreen tree, 8-10m high with well-shaped canopy. Leaves oblong or lanceolate, 3-8cm long, grey–green above, silvery beneath. Flowers white, fragrant, about 5mm cross, in axilary racemes, 3-5cm long; corolla lobes 4, ovate. Fruits oval or oblong, 2-3cm long, greenish at first but shining, purplish–black when ripe, seeds 1, hard. The tree is relatively slow growing but very long lived, up to 1000 years. Flowering occurs between March and May, depending on the climate and the fruits mature in 4-5 months after blooming. Olive fruits are mainly utilized for extraction of oil and on a limited scale for table purposes. The fruit is pickled. The oil is consumed in cooking and in preparation of perfumed soaps. Olive oil is good for human skin. It yields a good timber.


SCREW PINE Scientific name : Pandanus odoratissimus Family

: Pandanceae

Tamil name

: Thazhampoo


: South East Asia

Description Plant much branched, up to 8 m high, resting on strong aerial roots. Leaves glaucous green, 1-1.5m long, caudate–acuminate, usually with strong prickles on edges and midrib. Male spadix with numerous sessile cylindric spikes, 5-7cm long, enclosed by long white fragrant, caudate–acuminate spathes; staminal coloumn 6-12mm long. Syncarpium solitary, scarlet, drupes numerous, each containing 5-12carpels, apex of each carpel distinct, more or less convex. Fruits about 20 cm long and 10 cm wide. It grows from plains to hilly areas, mainly in the coast of streams, arable lands etc. Yellow fragrant flowers appear from July–October. Male flowers are valued for their fragrance and used for extraction of kewda attar and kewda water. Leaves are used for covering huts, mat-making, cordage, hats, baskets and other fancy articles.


BADMINTON BALL TREE Scientific name : Parkia biglandulosa Family

: Leguminoseae


: Mimosoidae


: Africa

Description A large, upright, stately, showy, quick growing, evergreen tree attaining a height of 20 m or more. Leaves pretty, feathery, bipinnate, 30 cm or more long; rachis of leaves downy; pinnae 45-50, each 8-10cm long having 70-75 pairs of small, oblong leaflets about 1 cm long; glands on petioles 2. Inflorescence axillary, pendent, globular, 2-3 cm across, suspended by a long peduncle. Flowers very small and insignificant, borne in heads which are at first brown and velvety, but white as the flowers open; pods flat, coriaceous, dehiscent containing some white, powdery mass. The tree thrives in warm and moist climate. Flowering takes place in November–December followed by large, hanging clusters of long, brown pods in February - March. The tree deserves a place in large gardens and parks, for it feathery foliage consisting of minute leaflets and the interesting suspended inflorescence and pods. The tree bears large number of compact flower-heads on pendulous peduncles in November-March. Wood is hard and good. The farinaceous pulp of the pod is edible. Sprouted seedlings are eaten in Malaysia. Flower-heads discharge a lot of pollen which with water makes a refreshing drink.


RUSTY SHIELD BEARER / COPPER POD Scientific name : Peltophorum pterocarpum (syn. P.ferrugineum) Family

: Fabaceae


: Caesalpinioideae


: India and South East Asia

Description A partially deciduous fast growing tree with grey bark, handsome foliage, reaching up to about 20 m in height. Leaves, bipinnate, 30-50 cm long, 20-30 cm broad, pinnate 4 -13 opposite leaflets, dark shiny green above, whitish below, about 2.5 cm across; flowers yellow in large racemes, make a beautiful yellow carpet of flowers that are shed; sepals 5; petals 5, roundish, crinkled, yellow; stamens 10, free, unequal. Fruit flat, elongated, shield-shaped, copper coloured indehiscent pod turning almost black on maturity, 4-6cm long, 2-3 cm broad, woody, broadly winged containing 1-3 elongated seeds. Propagated mainly by seeds and cuttings. It is a good shade tree; it is largely planted along wide roads and in large gardens and parks. When alternated with Delonix regia which nearly has the same blooming period, a pleasant contrast of red colour alternated with yellow brightens up the landscape. The tree becomes leafless in winter months; new leaves arise in late February or early March, followed by flowering at the end of March till July. The heart wood is blackish and hard and is used for making furniture. Wood barks and leaves contain tannin. Leaves are rich in protein, used as a cattle feed.


DATE PALM Scientific name : Phoenix dactylifera Family

: Palmae


: Middle East

Description A tall tree, up to 20 m high; trunk covered with persistent bases of petioles; the base usually surrounded by a mass of shoots or suckers. Leaves in open crown, pinnate, up to 5 m long, grayish–green; pinnae 20-30 cm long, linear, keeled, lower pinnae modified into spines. Flowers in branched spadices, small. Fruits oblong berries, 2.5 cm long, reddish or yellowish, brown when ripe; seeds cylindrical, hard with a longitudinal furrow. The spathes generally emerge during February – March in North western India and flowers open in March–April. The fruits ripen in August – October. Selection of good pollenizer is important for fruit set. Fruits are rich in sugar, iron, potassium and nicotinic acid.


LETTUCE TREE / CABBAGE TREE Scientific name : Pisonia alba (syn. Pisonia grandis) Family

: Nyctaginaceae


: Andaman Islands

Description: A small tree, 8-10 m high; branchlets thick. Leaves elliptic or ovate–oblong, 12-20 cm long, obtuse–rounded, base cordate, pubescent along midrib beneath. Flowers greenish –white, fragrant, in dense corymbose terminal cymes, often borne on short side shoots; perianth tube obconical, 3-4 mm long; stamens 8-10. Fruits borne on slender pedicels, cavate to obconical, 1.5-2 cm long, with 5 of protuberances. It flowers from January to April, followed by fruiting. The fresh leaves are used to subdue inflammation of a filaroid nature in the legs and other parts, as diuretic. The root is purgative. Leaves are used as vegetable.


PAGODA TREE / TEMPLE TREE Scientific name : Plumeria rubra Family

: Apocynaceae


: Mexico

Description A small or medium–sized deciduous tree with fleshy stems; leaves large, lanceolate or with rounded tips according to species and varieties. Flowers large, 5-8 cm in diameter and red in colour. Flowers purple, red, rose or crimson in various shades with or without white and different shades of orange or yellow at the throat. Plumerias are popular and free flowering trees in tropical gardens. Many large clusters of flowers appear in the summer months on nearly leafless trees. It grows in all types of soil but flowers better in poor and porous soil. Cuttings root well in spring.


BUDDHIST PINE Scientific name : Podocarpus macrophylla Family

: Podocarpaceae


: Japan, China

Description An evergreen resinous tree which attains considerable height (up to 16 m) under favorable conditions. Leaves linear–lanceolate up to 10cm long and 1.2cm wide, leathery, spread in all directions near the ends of the numerous green twigs, dark green above, but pale beneath, pronounced midrib on both surfaces, tips pointed. Male and female flowers usually borne on separate tree during hot months. Thrive well in warm and humid tropics in partial shade; the growth is better in mild climate. They prefer moist soil. The tree is suited for small and large gardens and propagated from seeds or cuttings. They also form well –shaped pot plant for indoor decoration. This tree is propagated from seeds and cuttings.


INDIAN MAST TREE Scientific name : Polyalthia longifolia Family

: Annonaceae

Tamil name

: Nettulingam


: South India and Sri Lanka

Description A tall, deciduous, handsome tree of pyramidal shape with dark, tall–straight stem and slender branches. Leaves lance-shaped, glossy green, translucent, narrowing to a point, with wavy or undulated margin, nearly 15-25 cm long and 3-4 cm wide, placed alternately on the young branches. Flowers greenish yellow, star–shaped, bi-sexual, 3 cm across, on long slender pedicels, in sessile or shortly pedunculate umbels, borne on oneyear old twigs in profusion; sepals 3, greenish, broad, short; petals 10, narrowly lanceolate, spreading. Fruits in clusters of many pedunculate carpels on a common stalk, egg –shaped, about 1cm long, rounded at both ends; seeds smooth.A slow growing tree, attaining a height of 8m. It can be grown in rows, along narrow roads and paths in gardens and also in pots.


INDIAN BEACH / KARANJ Scientific name : Pongamia pinnata (syn. Pongamia glabra) Tamil name

: Pungam


: Leguminosae


: India

Description Indian beach is a medium sized deciduous tree with a short bole and a spreading thick verdant crown. The branches of the tree are stout. The stem bark is thin, smooth, grey and yellowish within. The leaves are imparipinnate, leaflets opposite, 2-3 pairs and ovate, acuminate and glabrous. Flowers seen from April to July. The flowers have a white and purple shade. Calyx cup- shaped, red corolla, papilionaceous, white. Pods ripen during February-May in the next year. A ripe pod is 4-5cm long and yellowish grey coloured with tapering ends. The pod is oblong, nearly sessile, thick and somewhat woody. The ripe pods and seeds are available from December–January and extend up to May in the following year. The pod contains 1-2 seeds, which are wrinkled, reddish brown in colour. The seed yields non- edible oil (Karanja oil) used externally in eruptive diseases. It fetches high price. It has application in scabies, herpes, leucoderma and other cutaneous diseases.


RUFFLED FAN PALM Scientific name : Pritchardia grandis (syn. Licuala grandis) Family

: Palmae


: Solomon Islands

Description Stem solitary, about 6 m tall. Leaves costapalmate; leaf sheath thickly tomentose outside; leaf blade 3/4th united at the base, tip of free segments divided in 2 narrow strips. Inflorescence interfoliar, about 1.4m long. Flowers bisexual, orange yellow, about 4mm long; calyx cupular; petal lobes caduceus. Ripe fruits conical, 1 cm long. A tropical, very ornamental fan-leaved palm, 1.8 to 2.5m tall. The leaves are orbicular or almost round, bright green, plaited, margins lobed and toothed; the stalks slender and spiny. Best as an indoor pot plant. It is propagated by seeds. Flowering continues from September to January and fruits ripen in July to August.


DINNER PLATE TREE / BAYUR TREE Scientific name : Pterospermum acerifolium Family

: Malvaceae


: Burma

Description A medium sized, evergreen tree, usually 20 m high with rough grey bark; twig and inflorescence covered with rusty brown. Leaves obovate to orbicular, often peltate, shallowly or irregularly lobed, 15-30cm long, often terminating in sharp points, upper surface shining dark green, grey tomentose beneath. Flowers large, scented, in few flowered cymes; calyx thick, about 12cm long, densely tomentose outside, brownish; petals 5, pure white, membranous, linear oblong. Fruit is a woody capsule, oblong covered with scurfy hairs, requires about 1 year ripening and splited open. Seeds with large, brown, membranous wings. It is a slow growing species and flowers appear form February–April. The wood is used for planking and other purposes and takes good polish. The flowers are sued as disinfectant and for keeping insects away from clothes. They are also used to cure ulcer, leprosy and blood diseases.


BUDDHA’S COCONUT Scientific name : Pterygota alata Family

: Sterculiaceae

Description A tall, deciduous tree, reaching about 20 m or more in height, leaves ovate–cordate, 10-30 cm long, clustered near end of branches. Flowers without petals, nearly 3cm long, from leafless axils, in short, a few- flowered raceme; flowers greenish purple or rusty brown outside and red–veined within, having unpleasant odour. Fruit woody, spherical, about 12 cm diameter. The tree is grown on road side and in large parks and other public gardens. The flowers appear in February–March when the old leaves begin to fall. It is a quick growing tree. The old leaves begin to fall in February-March when the flowers appear in axillary cluster and new leaves are produced in April–May. The timber is light, fibrous and of little value. The wood is chiefly used for tea boxes and used for planking and plywood and light furniture.


BOTTLE PALM / ROYAL PALM Scientific name : Roystonea regia (syn. Oreodoxa regia ) Family

: Palmae


: Guyana

Description An elegant palm, up to 20m high; stem thickened in the middle, fairly smooth, light grey. Leaves pinnatisect, 2.5-3.5m long; leaflets alternately inserted along the rachis in for different planes, more or less bifid, up to 1m long, leaf sheath green, large, covering the upper part of the stem. Flowers small, straw-coloured, on 3-4 spadices below the green leaf sheath; male flowers larger than the females; stamens six; stigma triangular, fleshy. Fruits globose-ovoid, about 1cm long, violet when ripe. This species prefers warm humid climate, flowers appear in summer and rains. This palm is widely grown as ornamental tree for its elegant appearance. Pulp as well as seeds yield fatty oil.


SANDAL WOOD Scientific name : Santalum album Family

: Santalaceae

Tamil name

: Santhanam


: India

Description A small evergreen tree reaching about 6 m with a spherical head; young shoots round and smooth, entire, 5-7cm long, membranous. Flower on terminal and lateral panicles, numerous, small, tetrafid, straw – colored first, changing to a deep ferruginous purple. Fruit a drupe, globose, smooth, black when ripe, about 1cm in diameter; seed solitary, spherical. It is propagated by seed; the young seedlings are parasite in nature. Therefore, the seed should be sown near a host seedling and lantana is one such host plant. Flowering occurs in about 2 years and continues almost throughout the year along with the production of profuse fruits. The tree grows on all types of climate except frost and prefers well – drained loam soil rich in humus. Both wood and oil is used in incense and are of great commercial importance. It is one of finest wood for carving. Oil is used for perfumery.


ASHOKA TREE Scientific name : Saraca asoca Family

: Fabaceae

Tamil Name

: Ashokamaram


: India

Description This is a small to medium sized erect evergreen tree. It has drooping young shoots reddish to light brown coloured. Mature leaves are dark green in colour. Stipules are intrapetiolar, more or less united. Leaflets are 3-4 pairs. Flowers orange and red coloured, blooms in dense corymbs, 3-4 inch in diameter, with coloured bracts and bracteoles. Flowers are orange on opening, gradually changing to scarlet. Peduncles and pedicels are glabrous, red coloured, bracteoles persistent. The funnel like calyx tube is twice the length of lobes. Petals are absent. Stamens 2-8, exerted, oblong, versatile, anthers adhered on the long slender filaments. Fruit is a pod. Pod 6- 10 in number, valves hard and reticulate. It is flat and dehiscent. Moist well-drained soil is preferred by the tree. Water logged soils are unfit. Red laterite alluvial soil is highly suitable for the growth of the plant. Propagated by seed. It is frequently cultivated as an ornamental tree throughout tropical India. The wood is used in making implements and for house building. The water extract of flower is said to cure dysentery.


UMBRELLA TREE / OCTOPUS TREE Scientific name : Schefflera actinophylla (syn. Brassaia actinophylla ) Family

: Araliaceae


: Australia, New Guinea and Java

Description A small to medium sized tree, 8-12m high, often epiphytic in natural habitat and growing up to 30m. Leaves palmately compound, in rosette at the upper ends of the branches, forming umbrella–like appearance; leaflets 6-8, more in older plants, oblong up to 20cm long, acute, base rounded or cuneate, soft leathery, shining–green. Flowers wine– red, in dense, sessile clusters on terminal inflorescence, consisting of several spikes, up to 1cm long. Fruits purple. It flowers in summer months.


PARADISE TREE Scientific name : Simarouba glauca Family

: Simaroubaceae


: Florida

Description A medium sized tree, up to 15m high; bark grey, smooth. Leaves 2-40cm long; leaflets 11-21, oblong or oblong-elliptic, 5-10cm long, rounded, retuse or abruptly pointed at the apex, cuneate at base, glabrous, coriaceous, dark green above, pale or glaucous beneath. Panicles 10-30cm long, widely branched, the staminate more copiously flowered than the pistillate; calyx 3-3.5mm wide; lobes ovate to triangular; petals oblong to obovate, 4-6mm long, rounded, pointed at apex. Drupes ovoid or oblong, 1.5-2cm long, slightly oblique, scarlet or dark purple. The tree is fairly fast growing and it is not browsed by cattle. It flowers in March-April. It is grown for fuel wood; oil form kernels and for establishing vegetation in degraded land exposed to long spells of drought. The fruits are edible.


AFRICAN TULIP TREE Scientific name : Spathodea campanulata Family

: Bignoniaceae


: Uganda

Description A handsome, evergreen or deciduous tree in dry area reaching 15–20m, with light grey, fibrous bark and short branches; young shoots hairy. Leaves densely arranged near tip of branches, opposite, odd –pinnate, 30-45 cm long; leaflets 9-17, ovate- laceolate or oval, pointed, 8-10 cm long and 5-6 cm wide with short stalk. Flowers in large, mayflowered terminal clusters; sickle–shaped buds filled with liquid; calyx– boat shaped, 4 cm long; corolla –bell shaped with 5-8 triangular lobes, orange–crimson outside, about 10 cm long hairy yellow with wrinkled margin. Fruit a long, pointed pod, 20-25 cm long, 4-5 cm broad, containing many thin papery seeds. It is easily propagated form seed. Root suckers and cuttings are also successful. Seedling grow quickly and begin to flower when 3-4 years old. In dry regions the tree is deciduous. Flowering usually starts in January–February. In moderate climate the tree continues to flower for many months, major flushes appear in summer. It is suitable for medium and large gardens and avenues.


BONFIRE TREE / COLOURED STERCULIA Scientific name : Sterculia colorata Family

: Sterculiaceae


: India, Thailand

Description A large, tall, deciduous tree reaching 20m or more, with branches arranged in whorls and spreading horizontally. Leaves digitally wide, petiole about 20cm long. Flowers in axillary panicles, unisexual & hermaphrodite on the same plant; calyx deeply 5 –cleft, lobe 1cm long, oblong or lanceolate, red and yellow or purplish; petals none. Fruit 1-5, pedicelled, each, turning to scarlet on maturity, very attractive. Seeds grayish black, ovoid –oblong, 10-15 in each follicle, 2 cm long, oily. The tree grows well both in tropical and sub-tropical regions under humid or dry climate. Easily grown form seeds and the seedlings grow quickly. Tree becomes leafless towards the end of winter. It is a good tree for wide urban roads and on the boundary of parks, big gardens and large compounds.


PINK TRUMPET TREE Scientific name : Tabebuia avellanedae Family

: Bignoniaceae


: Central America

Description A large, fast growing deciduous tree of 20-25m height with dense hemispherical crown and rough, grey brown bark. Leaves paripinnate, shining, 10-20cm long with 2-5 pairs leaflets, 4-6 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, ovate or lanceolate. Flowers mauve coloured , small 5-6 mm across, in panicles, 5-15 cm long; petals 5; stamens united, anthers 10, style short. Fruit large, woody, ovate 50 cm long, 5-7 cm broad; seeds many winged at the upper end. The tree requires a moist situation. The tree becomes deciduous in cold months and numerous clusters of flowers appear in March-May flowed by emergence of new leaves. It is used as cabinet timber.


ROSY TRUMPET TREE / PINK TECOMA TREE Scientific name : Tabebuia rosea Family

: Bignoniaceae


: Tropical America

Description A large, erect deciduous tree, reaching a height up to 25 m. Leaves digitate; leaflets 3-5, ovate to oblong, 8-12cm long, acuminate, entire. Flowers large, rosy pink, 5-6 cm long, in many- flowered terminal panicles; corolla funnel –form with short tube and large spreading lobes, wrinkled ; stamens 4. Fruit a linear dehiscent capsule, 12-15 cm long; seeds numerous, flat, winged. The plants are fairly fast growing and the seedlings begin to flower in 4-5 years. The leaves fall off completely in winter in dry climate and flowers appear profusely in February–March, new leaves emerge after flowering. The wood is not very durable and it is used in general interior decorations, furniture and cabinet work etc.


TAMARIND / IMLI Scientific name : Tamarindus indica Family

: Fabaceae

Tamil name

: Puli


: Tropical Africa and South Asia

Description Tamarind (Imli) is a long lived evergreen tall tree with a spreading crown. Fully grown tree has a short clean bole. Trees grow more than 30 m height. Main bole is short and stout with branches. Leaves are shed before rains and Imli enter bloom in April–July in south India. In north India, sometimes flowering and flushing occur in September. Pods ripen by November in south India. Pods vary in quantity and quality of the contents. The leaves are abruptly pinnate and leaflets numerous. Leaves have a pale green colour. Flowers are in racemes with straw tinted calyx and yellow petals streaked with red, purple filaments and brown anthers. Seven short stamens are present all of which are sterile and only one is longer and fertile. Fruit is more or less curved, unilocular many seeded. Seeds are compressed, bluntly 4-angled, dark shining brown, enveloped by a tough-seed coat. Seeds remain viable for 2 years. Root suckers are produced. Leaves are used to cure inflammation, ring worm, small pox and opthalmia, ear pain, snake bite etc. Flowers used to cure urinary disorders. Unripe fruits are astringent to bowels effecting lubiousness.


TEAK Scientific name : Tectona grandis Family

: Lamiaceae

Tamil name

: Thekku


: Tropical Asia

Description A large deciduous tree with tall, erect, trunk, reaching 20-25 m or more. Branches numerous, spreading, bark grey; branchlets covered with star –like hairs. Leaves opposite, elliptical or ovate, 30-60 cm long and half as broad, often larger in young seedlings. Flowers in large, erect, panicles up to 90cm, long; calyx minute and hairy; corolla white, united 6-8mm across; stamens 5. Fruit a hard bony nut, enclosed in a thick spongy covering, 1-1.5 cm across, containing usually 1-3 seeds. Valued as a high class timber tree. Prefers laterite loam and soils rich in organic matter but not alkaline soils or clay. It is propagated mainly by seeds. It is a fairly quick growing tree. The old leaves fall in November –January. It prefers a well drained soil and uniformly warm climate. The wood is hard and very strong. It is best building timber in India, Myanmar, Bangladesh and is largely used for furniture and ship building. Wood is used to cure headache, biliousness and dyspepsia.


BELLERIC MYROBALAN Scientific name : Terminalia bellarica Family

: Combretaceae


: India and Myanmar

Description A large decidious tree, attaining height of 30m, usually with a straight tall bole, often butressed at the base; bark bluish or ashy grey, with numerous fine longitudinal cracks, yellowish inside. Leaves obovate, obovate-elliptic, 10-20cm long, clustered at the ends of the branchlets, with long petioles, acute, base cuneate, glabrous, glaucous beneath. Flowers greenish yellow with a strong offensive smell, male and hermaphrodite flowers mixed in simple axillary spikes; calyx woolly with brown hairs within; teeth pubescent. Fruits ovoid or obovoid, grey, velvety, about 2-2.5cm long. Leaves fall in February–March. Wood is used for shafts, carts and in coal mines as pit props, also used for rafters, boards, packing –cases etc. Fruits are used for tanning.


INDIAN ALMOND Scientific name : Terminalia cattappa Family

: Combretaceae


: India

Description It grows to 35 metres tall, with an upright, symmetrical crown and horizontal branches. The tree has corky, light fruit that is dispersed by water. The nut within the fruit is edible when fully ripe,tasting almost like almond. As the tree gets older, its crown becomes more flattened to form a spreading, vase shape. Its branches are distinctively arranged in tiers. The leaves are large, 15–25cm long and 10–14cm broad, ovoid, glossy dark green and leathery. They are dry-season deciduous; before falling, they turn pinkishreddish or yellow-brown, due to pigments such as violaxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin. It is widely grown in tropical regions of the world as an ornamental tree, grown for the deep shade its large leaves provide. The fruit is edible, tasting slightly acidic. This is one of the few tropical trees changing the leaf colour to reddish purple before falling in November and December. Emergence of new olive green leaves arising almost in clusters at the apices of branchlets in February is also very showy. The seeds inside the fruit have the taste and flavour of almond. The juice of the young leaves is used to cure skin diseases and for the treatment of headache and colic ailments.


INDIAN TULIP TREE / PORTIA TREE Scientific name : Thespesia populnea Family

: Malvaceae

Tamil Name

: Poovarasu


: India

Description A small evergreen tree with umbrella–like, dense, hemispherical crown, reaching 810m; dark brown rough & often knobby. Leaves green, cordate, acuminate, entire, 812cm long, 6-10cm wide, veins whitish, prominent against green background. Flower axillary, mostly solitary, large, 5-8 cm across, appearing as if it is made of yellow crinkled paper, colored in others, resembling tulip; calyx truncate, bell-shaped, shallow. Fruit a capsule, oblong, flattened at the top, 2-3cm across, 5 –valved containing many silky seeds. Adapted to moist situations in the plains and coasts, tolerant to salinity. Propagated by limb cuttings which root easily. It is a quick growing tree, bears large colourful flowers in almost all seasons but abundantly during hot months. The wood is hard and durable and used for making boats, carts etc. it is mostly used as remedy for skin diseases and leaves, flowers, fruits and bark are also employed. The root is used as a tonic, fresh fruits are sued to cure migraine.


TUNG OIL TREE Scientific name : Vernicia fordii Family

: Euphorbiaceae


: China

Description It is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree growing to 20m tall, with a spreading crown. The bark is smooth and thin, and bleeds latex if cut. The leaves are alternate, simple,4.5-25 cm long and 3.5-22cm broad, heart-shaped or with three shallow, maplelike lobes, green above and below, red conspicuous glands at the base of the leaf, and with a 5.5-26cm long petiole. The flowers are 2.5-3.5cm diameter, with five pale pink to purple petals with streaks of darker red or purple in the throat; it is monoecious with individual flowers either male or female, but produced together in the inflorescences. The flowers appear before or with the leaves in loose, terminal clusters. The fruit is a hard, woody pear-shaped drupe 4-6cm long and 3-5cm diameter, containing four or five large, oily seeds; it is green initially, becoming dull brown when ripe in autumn. Seeds yield a drying oil, used for water-proofing of fabrics, wood and paper and manufacturing of paints and enamels, varnishes, automobile brakelining, linoleaum, lacquers, tiles, pressed fibre boards and printing ink. Pressed seed cake is used as a fertilizer.




COPPER LEAVES Scientific name : Acalypha spp. Family

: Euphorbiaceae

Description Several species and varieties of Acalypha are colorful foliage shrubs used for various purposes of garden decoration. Leaves are alternate, ovate or cordate, sometimes toothed. Flowers are reddish or greenish, usually not very conspicuous except in A. hispida, in erect or drooping, terminal or axillary spikes. Plants with a colourful leaves are suitable as hedge plants and also add colour in the shrubbery. Acalyphas grow quickly, form a well shaped bush on any type of soil and can also be used for screening an undesirable spot in the garden. A .godseffiana - The plants are dwarf and bushy; leaves are ovate and bright green edged creamy white. A. hamiltoniana – The leaves are more or less like A. godseffiana but the plants are taller in height. A. hispida (Cats tail) – it is also a bushy shrub with green leaves, hairy on the top and slightly pale beneath. Flowers are bright red, in drooping spike, 20 to 40 cm long. It is a native of East Indies, Burma. A. hispida var. alba - spikes creamy white. A. wilkesiana – These are also colored leaves shrubs, 1.8 to 3.0m high. The leaves are blotched, mottles with different shades of red, crimson, brown.


A. wilkesiana var. macafeana - leaves are red, blotched bronzy crimson. A. wilkesiana var. macrophylla – large leaves, russet-brown, blotched with pale spots. A. wilkesiana var. marginata – bronzy green, edged crimson A. wilkesiana var. mosaica – bronzy green with orange and markings A. wilkesiana var. obovata – leaves obovate, bronzy green with rose pink margin. A. torta – leaves are ovate, margin cream and yellowish green.


DESERT ROSE Scientific name : Adenium obesum Family

: Apocynaceae


: Arabia and East Africa

Description Tall erect shrub, growing up to 2.5 metres. Stem swollen at base, stem and branches succulent. Leaves are clustered near the tip of branches; simple, sessile, oblong. Flowers are many on terminal corymbs, funnel shaped, pinkish crimson. The long conical fruits contain winged seeds. It produces large showy flowers from June to September and the succulent stout stem and branches give a peculiar ‘obese’ appearance to the plant. It is an ideal rock garden plant and thrives in porous soil. Propagated from seeds or air layer. It is also amenable for bonsai.


GOLDEN TRUMPET SHRUB Scientific name : Allamanda cathartica Family

: Apocynaceae


: Brazil

Description A common quick–growing shrub for the tropics. It can be also grown as a climber. An evergreen, subscandent shrub. The stem is woody below, terete and covered with minute hair when young. Leaves are in whorls of three to five, elliptic, dark green about 7.6-10.0 cm long, 2.5–3.8 cm wide. Flowers are large, showy, rich yellow on terminal panicle. The corolla tube is about 5 cm long, base swollen green, the upper part is cup shaped and golden yellow, dividing into five orbicular spreading lobes, about 4 cm across. The plant flowers for prolonged period during the summer and the rains. This should be pruned after flowering. Propagation is by cutting or layers. Allamanda cathartica is also notable for its medicinal properties: all parts of the plant contain allamandin, a toxic iridoid lactone. The leaves, roots and flowers may be used in the preparation of a powerful cathartic (hence the name); the milky sap is also known to possess antibacterial and possibly anticancer properties. Gardeners exposed to the sap will develop rashes, itch, and blisters. Allamanda violaceae (syn. A. blanchetti) Family: Apocynaceae Origin:South America A shrub about 1.5 m tall. The branches are hairy when young. Flowers are showy, light violet in colour. The shrub when grown on own roots is a poor grower and hence it is grafted on A. cathartica var.schotii. The shrub needs a sunny position and a well-drained soil. The flowering is in rainy or hot season.


FALSE YLANG-YLANG / CINNAMON JASMINE Scientific name : Artabotrys odoratissimus Family

: Annonaceae

Tamil name

: Manoranjitham


: South china, India

Description A large woody climber or half scandent shrub. The flowers are axillary, solitary or in clusters of two or three. Greenish yellow in colour when ripe and give a strong scent resembling that of ripened jackfruits. Flowers almost all the year round but more during the summer and the rains. Unsuitable for small gardens because of its huge size. Needs pruning to keep it in shape. Propagation is from seeds or layers.


DECEMBER FLOWER Scientific name : Barleria cristata Family

: Acanthaceae


: India

Description An evergreen bushy shrubs, attaining heights of 60-150cm. The flowering is mostly during the rains but continues if pruned after each flowering. These are suitable in mixed borders or as ornamental hedges. The flowers are used for Puja and hair decoration. The shrub is raised from cuttings and seeds. Flowers are violet-blue.


YELLOW ORCHID TREE / BELL BAUHINIA Scientific name : Bauhinia tomentosa Family

: Fabaceae


: Caesalpinoideae


: Sri Lanka

Description An erect, bushy, handsome, deciduous shrub, which grows up to 2.5m. Leaves are alternate, broader than long, 2.5–5.0cm long, coriaceous, lobes obtuse, leaf blades of two connate leaflets glabrous on the upper surface, tomentose below. The corolla is of five distinct petals, 3.5 to 4.5cm long, yellow in colour, veined one with a dark brown blotch on the inner surface. The plant bears numerous sulphur yellow, drooping flowers in the summer and during the rains and grows in all types of soils. Seed pods are produced abundantly and the seedlings start flowering in the second year.


BOUGAINVILLEA Scientific name : Bougainvillea spp. Family

: Nyctaginaceae


: Brazil

Description It is a popular ornamental plant, grown in Indian gardens both as shrub and climber. It is a much branched woody plant. Leaves are simple, alternate, generally ovate, oblong or lanceolate in shape membranous to somewhat leathery in texture. Stiff thorns arise from the axils of many leaves. Flowers grow in a group of three, occasionally four or five on brightly coloured bracts which are a characteristically conspicuous feature of this genus, ovate or cordate in shape. Perianth is tubular up to 2.5cm long, opening in five rayed stars.


SNOW BUSH / HAWAIIAN-LEAF FLOWER / SWEET PEA BUSH Scientific name : Breynia nivosa (syn. Phyllanthus nivosus) Family

: Euphorbiaceae


: Pacific Islands

Description A slender, bushy shrub, 1.8m tall. The variety Phyllanthus nivosus roseo-pictus has very attractive leaves, mottled with red and pink as well as green and white. The pink colour of the foliage becomes more conspicuous during the winter. For good foliage colour higher amount of nitrogen and potassium should be supplimented. New growth displays the color. Keep trimmed to promote color and fullness. It spread by underground runners. It is propagated by suckers and from cuttings.


PEACOCK FLOWER Scientific name : Caesalpinia pulcherrima (syn. Poinciana pulcherrima) Family

: Fabaceae


: Caesalpinoideae


: Tropical America

Description A beautiful bushy shrub with few prickles, about 2.5 to 3.0 metres high. The leaves have a length of 20-30 cm, bipinnate; each pinna bears eight to twelve pairs of oblong leaflets. 1.5-2.0 cm long. Flowers are orange scarlet, in terminal raceme, 20-35 cm long. Sepals are red, tinged green; petals about 2 cm long. A very hardy shrub, it grows in any soil receiving full sun. Pruning is done to make it bushy. It is a good shrub for hedge and adds colour to shrubbery. Propagation is by seeds.


POWDER PUFF Scientific name : Calliandra brevipes Family

: Fabaceae

Sub family

: Mimosoideae


: Brazil

Description This is bushy shrub, with branches drooping and spreading. Leaves are pinnately compound, each pinna about 2.5-5.0cm long, leaflets very small 0.3-0.6cm long, light green, linear oblong. The flowers arise in clusters, almost round with numerous fine pink stamens, 5cm wide. It flowers almost throughout the year, but producing the maximum number during the winter months. Plants are propagated form seeds. Plants prefer light soils. In heavy clay, it is slow growing. Though it can thrive in alkaline soil, sodicity in soil as well as irrigation water ill make it short lived. Adapted to live upto 1300 above MSL.


CANDLE BUSH Scientific name : Cassia alata Family

: Fabaceae


: Caesalpinoideae

Description A tall erect shrub, up to 2.5 metres high. The stem is thick, semi woody and yellowish. Leaves are compound, 25- 60 cm long; six to ten leaflets grow in pairs, oblong 6-10 cm long, six to ten leaflets grow in pairs, oblong 6- 10 cm long, broader, above notched or rounded, the rachis is yellowish green. Flowers grow on a 15-25 cm long raceme, terminal, covered with a brownish yellow bract. The corolla is golden yellow, 2.5 cm across. The pod is 15-20 cm long, winged.


WILD JASMINE Scientific name : Clerodendron inerme Family

: Verbenaceae


: India

Description A straggling shrub, which forms a compact and clean hedge. The shrub can be pruned very low and it does not produce any leafless woody stem, but remains evergreen. The white fragrant flowers appear during the rains. Easily propagated from cuttings. It is widely used for topiary.


CROTON Scientific name : Codiaeum variegatum Family

: Euphorbiaceae

Description The garden crotons differ in many ways from the true crotons and are much more attractive. Crotons are popular ornamental shrubs with colourful and attractively–shaped leaves, which are much more commonly grown than plants of similar type. The cultivation of crotons is also easy as the plants are comparatively hardy. Crotons can be used in the garden as ornamental hedges for screening, as specimen plants in the lawn, and as a member of the shrubbery. They are also widely grown in pots or tubs for indoor decorations.


HAWAIIAN TI LEAF Scientific name : Cordyline terminalis Family

: Liliaceae


: Eastern Asia to Polynesia

Description The ‘Red Dracena’ of commerce; leaves 30-60 cm long, 5-10 cm wide, normally green but developed by cultivation into various shades of red. Some beautiful varieties and cultivars of this are: (i) ‘Firebrand’: A compact rosette; leaves recurivng, purplish-red with a satiny texture, young leaves mahogany red, mid-rib crimson. (ii) ‘Madame Eugene Andre’: Broad leaves, green to coppery with red border, new foliage shocking pink. (iii) ‘Tricolor’ : A colourful rosette; leaves variegated cream, pink and red over a base colour of fresh green.


CROSSANDRA Scientific name : Crossandra undulaefolia Family

: Acanthaceae


: India and Malaya

Description A dwarf evergreen shrub about a metre high. Leaves are opposite, ovate, 2-4cm long, dark green, glabrous, margin undulate. The yellow flowers grow in four rows on an axillary spike on a peduncle 10-5cm long, the flowers are hairy, the bracts green. The corolla tube is greenish white, 2.8cm long and slightly swollen at the base; the five lobes are orange, unequal and 3.2cm across. It is a perpetual flowering shrub, suitable for sunlight or semi shade, quick growing and forms a small bush plant. Propagation is by cutting or ground layering.


DRACAENA Scientific name : Dracaena deremensis Family

: Liliaceae

Description Dracaena deremensis ‘Bausei’ : It has sword–shaped leathery leaves having two broad white marginal bands separated by a narrow milky-green central stripe. Dracaena deremensis ‘Longii’ : The leaves are pointed, corrugated lengthwise, abruptly drooping, having a white central band.


DURANTA Scientific name : Duranta plumieri Family

: Verbenaceae


: Tropical America

Description A tall much branched shrub with axillary spines, about 2.5 to 3.5 metres high. Branches are four angled. Leaves are opposite or whorled ovate or elliptic, upper part toothed, 2.55.0 cm long, glabrous, about 1.5-3.0 cm wide. Flowers are blue in loose terminal panicle. The corolla tube is white and curved; has five lobes, 0.8cm across, longitudinal line of deeper colour in the middle of each lobe. Fruits are yellow colour. Duranta plumieri var. alba – Flowers white. Duranta plumieri var. variegata – Flowers blue, foliage variegated.


ERANTHEMUM Scientific name : Eranthemum tricolor Family

: Acanthaceae


: Polynesia

Description A popular foliage shrub, grown in shady spots of the garden. Its stem is dark, quadrangular with a longitudinal depression in the middle of each side. Leaves are elliptic –lanceolate, entire or irregularly toothed, upper surface is greysish purple on dark green base; lower surface reddish with violet spots, 6- 10 cm long, 4.0–6.5cm wide. Flowers are red on a terminal panicle about 7.5–12cm long; the tube is 1.5cm long, the four lobes are red with white spots. Scientific name : Eranthemum bicolor Origin

: Solomon islands

The plant attains a height of 1.5 -1.75m. A part of the leaf lamina and margins are yellow, whereas the central portion is green, suffused with greenish-yellow patches. The flowers are white with pink lobes.


HIBISCUS Scientific name : Hibiscus spp. Family

: Malvaceae


: China

A deciduous shrub, growing up to a height of 2.5m. Leaves are simple, alternate, deeply cordate, three to five lobes, 10-19 cm long, hairy on both surfaces, more on the under surface. Flowers are solitary and large, 7-12cm across, axillary, usually double or single; petals have a wide range of colours. Scientific name : Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Common name

: Chinese rose, Tropical hibiscus, Shoe flower

Description A tall or medium sized evergreen shrub, height varying form 1 to 3 m, depending on the variety and climate. Leaves are ovate, narrowed to the tip, coarsely toothed. Flowers are large solitary, axillary, single or double, having one or shades of two or more colours.


Scientific name : Hibiscus schizopetalous Common name

: Coral hibiscus


: Tropical East Africa

Description A tall, glabrous, much branched shrub, upto 4 m high. Leaves are ovate- elliptic, toothed, glossy. Flowers pendulous, on long peduncles, orange red, petals recurved and beautifully cut at various lengths. Long staminal tube hangs down with red anthers. This species is very hardy and grows in almost every type of the soil and bears numerous flowers throughout the year. The height and shape of the plants can be regulated by pruning in the rainy season. Propagated by air layering.


CUP AND SAUCER PLANT Scientific name : Holmskioldia sanguinea Family

: Verbenaceae


: Himalaya region

Description A large, 1-2 m tall. Shrub with a tendency to straggling. The sepals fuse and form a saucer –shaped structure and the petals, a tubular structure, placed at the centre of the saucer. Sometimes the petals fall off but the sepals persist, giving the shrub its beauty. The orange –red flowers bloom February to May and are borne along the almost the entire length of the branches. Propagated from seeds and air layering, while cuttings root with difficulty.


IXORA Scientific name : Ixora spp. Family

: Rubiaceae


: India, Madagascar and East Indies

Ixoras are popular and useful flowering shrubs in the gardens of the warm humid regions. There are more than 150 species in this genus. Almost all the species and varieties flower very freely in the summer and rains. When the flowers are over, light pruning is beneficial. Many types of Ixora produce seeds, but cuttings and layering are the common methods of propagation. The species and varieties have been arranged according to the colour of the flower. Scientific name : Ixora chinensis Common name

: Needle flower

A dwarf species of this genus, about 1.5m high. Leaves are opposite, ovate or obovate–oblong, 4 to 7cm long. The inflorescence is terminal and consists of dense corymb trichotomous branches. Flowers are red, tubular, 2.5cm long.


Scientific name : Ixora coccinea Origin

: India and Sri Lanka

Scientific name : Ixora singaporensis

Description One of the finest Ixora in cultivation. A tall bushy plant, 2 to 2.5m. Leaves are large, elliptic–lanceolate, 12-18cm long, shinning green. Flowers grow on a large corymbs, about 15 to 18cm in diameter, brilliant orange–scarlet. Many large well shaped bunches of flowers appear in June and very few shrubs have such colourful appearance in bloom. Flowering continues for about two months. It should be grown as a specimen plant in a place protected from the western sun.


JASMINE Scientific name : Jasminum grandiflorum Common name

: Spanish jasmine


: Oleaceae

Tamil Name

: Jathimalli or Picchi


: South Africa

Description A large shrub with straight branches. Leaves are opposite, compound, 7-12 cm long; leaflets are five to seven in number, glabrous, dark green, entire and vary in shape and size. Flowers are in terminal or axillary cymes, white, very fragrant; the corolla tube is cylindrical, 2 -2.5 cm long; with five lobes, elliptic, obtuse, about 3 cm across. A hardy scandent shrub of vigorous growth, producing snow white flowers in the summer and the rains. The plant is pruned after flowering to check the spreading habit. Propagated by layering.

Scientific name : Jasminum sambac (syn. Jasminum fragrans) Common name

: Arabian jasmine

Tamil Name

: Gundumalli


: Oleaceae


A bushy weak stemmed shrub, up to 1.0 metre high with pubescent branches. Leaves are simple, opposite, ovate, 4-8cm long, dark green, glabrous. Flowers are in clusters of short terminal cymes, white, single or double. Fragrant, 1.5–3.0cm across. This species of jasmine produces sweet and strongly scented flowers, which are used in garland and other decorative purposes. The flowers have a good market in cities and towns. These are very hardy shrubs and flowers appear in abundance for four to five months in the summer and rains. Large scale propagation is done by cuttings.

Scientific name : Jasminum auriculatum Common name

: Indian Jui

Tamil Name

: Mullai


: Oleaceae

Description Plants shrubby having shiny leaves with auricles. Flowers white, sweet scented, borne in pubescent compound many flowered flax cymes; corolla lobes elliptic, carpels solitary and globose. Fruits black. Flowers used for production of perfumes.


CRAPE MYRTLE Scientific name : Lagerstromia indica (syn. L. elegans) . Family

: Lythraceae


: Tropical America

Grows upto a height of four metres. Its stem is angular, brownish, glabrous. Leaves are alternate, or in whorls of three, obovate, 3.5 to 6.0cm long, glabrous. Flowers grow on long panicles, 15-23cm long. There are six petals, with a slender claw and much crinkled limb, 3-4cm across. Colour of the flowers are white, light pink, deep pink, mauve and also shades of pink and mauve. A very hardy plant and flowers profusely form May to July. The plant does not grow above 2.5m, if pruning is done in January or early February up to a height of half a metre only. The cut branches can be used as cuttings for propagation.


LANTANA Scientific name : Lantana camara (syn. L. aculeata ) Family

: Verbenaceae

Prickly stemmed bushy plants of half to two metres height. Leaves are opposite, ovate or oblong, toothed, coarse. Flowers grow on compact heads. Fruits are black and round. Lantana camara var. depressa

- Plants semi-trialing, dwarf. Leaves small; flowers yellow.

Lantana camara var. mixta

– Outer flower opening yellow, becoming saffron, then brick red.

Lantana camara var. nivea

– Tall growing, flowers white.

Lantana camara var. sanguinea

– Opening saffron-yellow, becoming bright red.


ORANGE JASMINE / CHINESE COSMETIC BOXWOOD Scientific name : Murraya exotica Family

: Rutaceae


: India

Description A tall shrub, growing up to 3 m and sometimes even more, with white–greyish bark. The foliage is beautiful–dark green, glossy and pinnate. The white, strongly sweet scented flowers appear in great profusion during the rains. It can be grown as a specimen plant, or in shrubbery, or can be used as hedge. It stands pruning well and can be a subject for topiary. The red fruits are showy. The shrub is propagated from seeds or by air layering.


TROPICAL DOGWOOD Scientific name : Mussaenda frondosa Family

: Rubiaceae


: Africa

Description A semi-erect shrub, about two metres high. Branches covered with numerous light brown hairs. Leaves are opposite oblong 6.0–8.5cm long, both surfaces covered with minute hairs, veins on the lower surface are reddish, light green, upper surface dark green. Flowers grow in terminal cyme on a long peduncle, full of red hairs. Expanded sepals are sessile, bright scarlet above, whitish with red veins below, hairy, on both surfaces, more or less orbicular, 4.0-6.6cm long. The corolla is 2cm long, red, hairy, five lobed, thick yellow, centre red. It produces many vivid scarlet, velvety and leafy sepals in the summer and rains. The plant thrives in partial shade and the soil should be porous. Propagation is by layering.


OLEANDER Scientific name : Nerium oleander Family

: Apocynaceae


: India

An evergreen, erect, shrub, up to 2.5 m high. Leaves mostly in whorls of three or opposite, lanceolate 12-20 cm long, 1-2cm wide. Flowers double or single in terminal panicle, fragrant, 3-4.5cm across, showy. Nerium is a very common but beautiful tall shrub with dark green foliage. Flowers are borne profusely in the summer on the top of the branches and give a spectacular display. It is a quick growing plant and propagated from cuttings or air layering.


BLUE PLUMBAGO / CAPE PLUMBAGO Scientific name : Plumbago auriculata (syn.Plumbago capensis) Family

: Plumbaginaceae


: S. Africa, Himalayas, China

Description A straggling, dwarf shrub, 75-100 cm tall. Remains in flowering 8-9 months in a year. The flower are azure-blue. They are susceptible to water logging. A shrub good for edging or as ornamental hedging or in the border of a mixed shrubbery. It is propagated by separation of suckers, by layering and from cuttings.


ROSE Scientific name : Rosa sp. Family: Rosaceae

Description The leaves of most species are 5–15 cm long, pinnate; the leaflets usually have a serrated margin, and often a few small prickles on the underside of the stem. The vast majority of roses are deciduous but a few (particularly in South east Asia) are evergreen or nearly so. The flowers of most species of roses have five petals, with the exception of Rosa sericea, which usually has only four. Each petal is divided into two distinct lobes and is usually white or pink, though in a few species yellow or red. Beneath the petals are five sepals (or in the case of some Rosa sericea, four). These may be long enough to be visible when viewed from above and appear as green points alternating with the rounded petals. The ovary is inferior, developing below the petals and sepals. The leaves are alternate and pinnately compound, with sharply toothed oval-shaped leaflets. The plant’s fleshy edible fruit, which ripens in the late summer through autumn, is called a rose hip. Rose plants range in size from compact, miniature roses, to climbers that can reach 7 meters in height. Species from different parts of the world easily hybridize, which has given rise to the many types of garden roses. Attar of rose is the steam-extracted essential oil from rose flower that has been used in perfumes for centuries. Rose water, made from the rose oil, is widely used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine. The French are known for their rose syrup, most commonly made from an extract of rose petals. In the United States, this French rose syrup is used to make marshmallows. Rose hips are occasionally made into jam, jelly, and marmalade, or brewed for tea, primarily for their high Vitamin C content. They are also pressed and filtered to make rose hip syrup. Rose hips are also used to produce Rose hip seed oil, which is used in skin products and some makeup products.


PINWHEEL JASMINE / CRAPE JASMINE Scientific name : Tabernaemontana coronaria (syn. Ervatamia coronaria) Family

: Apocynaceae

Tamil name

: Nandiya vattai


: India

Description A very popular handsome shrub especially in eastern India, which bears numerous flowers almost all the year round but more during the summer and the rains. The single types form a good ornamental hedge and can also be grown as a specimen in lawn, in shrubbery. The double flowering variety can be grown as specimen in lawn, in a shrubbery or may be formed into an ornamental hedge. Propagated from cuttings. The shrubs need regular pruning after flowering to keep them in good shape.


YELLOW ELDER / YELLOW BELLS Scientific name : Tecoma stans(syn . Bignonia stans) Family

: Bignoniaceae


: Tropical America

Description A large, 3 m tall, bushy shrub which grows very quickly and even seedlings flower in the second year. It can be brown in light shade as well as in the sun. The pinnate leaves are handsome. The large golden–yellow flowers are borne in terminal clusters almost throughout the year. The shrub is used to screen a high compound wall or grown in shrubberies or as hedge. The shrub is kept bushy by cutting the branches severely.


CAPE HONEYSUCKLE Scientific name : Tecomaria capensis Family

: Bignoniaceae


: South Africa

Description A glabrous climber or upright shrub, 4.5m tall. The tubular honeysuckle-like bright orange scarlet flowers bloom almost throughout the year. Suited for planting in lawns as a specimen, it should be trimmed to shape. This can also be planted in large groups or formed into an ornamental hedge or grown as standard.


STILL TREE / YELLOW OLEANDER Scientific name : Thevetia peruviana Family

: Apocynaceae


: Central America

Description A three meters tall shrub, but may grow into a small tree if not pruned regularly. The branches are cylindrical and cane like. The leaves resemble oleander. The greenish yellow flowers are tubular at base but opening into funnel–shaped structure. The foliage is not eaten by cattle and goats. The plant can be grown as a specimen in large compounds or can be grown as ornamental hedge. The fruits and seeds are poisonous.


KING’S MANTLE / BUSH CLOCK VINE Scientific name : Thunbergia erecta Family

: Acanthaceae


: Tropical West Africa

Description A compact, bushy shrub, 60-120 cm tall, with erect branches which originate almost from the ground level. In severe winter, the shrub becomes deciduous. The flowers are dark blue with orange throat and yellow tube. The flowering season is during February. The shrub is trimmed during the rainy season to keep it dwarf. A handsome shrub for a mixed border or shrubbery; can also be trimmed into ornamental hedge. Easily propagated from cuttings during the rains, although the seed set is very good.