Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations: Analysis, Approximation, and Applications (Applied Mathematical Sciences, 207) 303077225X, 9783030772253

This is a book on optimal control problems (OCPs) for partial differential equations (PDEs) that evolved from a series o

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Table of contents :
List of Algorithms
About the Authors
Chapter 1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure
1.1 Optimal Control Problems Governed by PDEs
1.2 An Intuitive Example: Optimal Control for Heat Transfer
1.3 Control of Pollutant Emissions from Chimneys
1.4 Control of Emissions from a Sewage System
1.5 Optimal Electrical Defibrillation of Cardiac Tissue
1.6 Optimal Flow Control for Drag Reduction
1.7 Optimal Shape Design for Drag Reduction
1.8 A General Setting for OCPs
1.9 Shape Optimization Problems
1.10 Parameter Estimation Problems
1.11 Theoretical Issues
1.12 Numerical Approximation of an OCP
Part I A Preview on Optimization and Control in Finite Dimensions
Chapter 2 Prelude on Optimization: Finite Dimension Spaces
2.1 Problem Setting and Analysis
2.1.1 Well Posedness Analysis
2.1.2 Convexity, Optimality Conditions, and Admissible Directions
2.2 Free (Unconstrained) Optimization
2.3 Constrained Optimization
2.3.1 Lagrange Multipliers: Equality Constraints
2.3.2 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Multipliers: Inequality Constraints
2.3.3 Second Order Conditions
Chapter 3 Algorithms for Numerical Optimization
3.1 Free Minimization by Descent Methods
3.1.1 Choice of descent directions
3.1.2 Step Length Evaluation and Inexact Line-Search
3.1.3 Convergence of Descent Methods
3.2 Free optimization by trust region methods
3.3 Constrained Optimization by Projection Methods
3.4 Constrained Optimization for Quadratic Programming Problems
3.4.1 Equality Constraints: a Saddle-Point Problem
3.4.2 Inequality Constraints: Active Set Method
3.5 Constrained Optimization for More General Problems
3.5.1 Penalty and Augmented Lagrangian Methods
3.5.2 Sequential Quadratic Programming
Chapter 4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems
4.1 Algebraic Optimal Control Problems
4.1.1 Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution
4.1.2 Optimality conditions
4.1.3 Gradient, Sensitivity and Minimum Principle
4.1.4 Direct vs. Adjoint Approach
4.2 Formulation as a Constrained Optimization Problem
4.2.1 Lagrange Multipliers
4.2.2 Control Constraints: Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Multipliers
4.3 Control Problems Governed by ODEs
4.4 Linear Payoff, Free End Point
4.4.1 Uniqueness of Optimal Control. Normal Systems
4.5 Minimum Time Problems
4.5.1 Controllability
4.5.2 Observability
4.5.3 Optimality conditions
4.6 Quadratic Cost
4.6.1 First-order conditions
4.6.2 The Riccati equation
4.6.3 The Algebraic Riccati Equation
4.7 Hints on Numerical Approximation
4.8 Exercises
Part II Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems
Chapter 5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs
5.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case
5.1.1 Analysis of the State Problem
5.1.2 Existence and Uniqueness of an Optimal Pair. A First Optimality Condition
5.1.3 Use of the Adjoint State
5.1.4 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach
5.2 Optimal Heat Source (2): a Box Constrained Case
5.2.1 Optimality Conditions
5.2.2 Projections onto a Closed Convex Set of a Hilbert Space
5.2.3 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
5.3 A General Framework for Linear-quadratic OCPs
5.3.1 The Mathematical Setting
5.3.2 A First Optimality Condition
5.3.3 Use of the Adjoint State
5.3.4 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach
5.3.5 Existence and Uniqueness of an Optimal Control (*)
5.4 Variational Formulation and Well-posedness of Boundary Value Problems
5.5 Distributed Observation and Control
5.5.1 Robin Conditions
5.5.2 Dirichlet Conditions, Energy Cost Functional
5.6 Distributed Observation, Neumann Boundary Control
5.7 Boundary Observation, Neumann Boundary Control
5.8 Boundary Observation, Distributed Control, Dirichlet Conditions
5.9 Dirichlet Problems with L2 Data. Transposition (or Duality) Method
5.10 Pointwise Observations
5.11 Distributed Observation, Dirichlet Control
5.11.1 Case U=H1/2(Γ)
5.11.2 Case U=U0=L2(Γ)
5.11.3 Case U=U0=H1(Γ)
5.12 A State-Constrained Control Problem
5.13 Control of Viscous Flows: the Stokes Case
5.13.1 Distributed Velocity Control
5.13.2 Boundary Velocity Control, Vorticity Minimization
5.14 Exercises
Chapter 6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs
6.1 A Classification of Possible Approaches
6.2 Optimize & Discretize, or the Other Way Around?
6.2.1 Optimize Then Discretize
6.2.2 Discretize then Optimize
6.2.3 Pro's and Con's
6.2.4 The case of Advection Diffusion Equations with Dominating Advection
6.2.5 The case of Stokes Equations
6.3 Iterative Methods (I): Unconstrained OCPs
6.3.1 Relation with Solving the Reduced Hessian Problem
6.4 Iterative Methods (II): Control Constraints
6.5 Numerical Examples
6.5.1 OCPs governed by Advection-Diffusion Equations
6.5.2 OCPs governed by the Stokes Equations
6.6 All-at-once Methods (I)
6.6.1 OCPs Governed by Scalar Elliptic Equations
6.6.2 OCPs governed by Stokes Equations
6.7 Numerical Examples
6.8 All-at-once Methods (II): Control Constraints
6.9 Numerical Examples
6.9.1 OCPs Governed by the Laplace Equation
6.9.2 OCPs Governed by the Stokes Equations
6.10 A priori Error Estimates
6.11 A Posteriori Error Estimates
6.12 Exercises
Chapter 7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs
7.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case
7.1.1 Analysis of the State System
7.1.2 Existence & Uniqueness of the Optimal Control. Optimality Condition
7.1.3 Use of the Adjoint State
7.1.4 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach
7.2 Optimal Heat Source (2): a Constrained Case
7.3 Initial control
7.4 General Framework for Linear-Quadratic OCPs Governed by Parabolic PDEs
7.4.1 Initial-boundary Value Problems for Parabolic Linear Equations
7.4.2 The Mathematical Setting for OCPs
7.4.3 Optimality Conditions
7.5 Further Applications to Equations in Divergence Form
7.5.1 Side Control, Final and Distributed Observation
7.5.2 Time-distributed Control, Side Observation
7.6 Optimal Control of Time-Dependent Stokes Equations
7.7 Optimal Control of the Wave Equation
E7.8 xercises
Chapter 8 Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs
8.1 Optimize & Discretize, or Discretize & Optimize, Revisited
8.1.1 Optimize Then Discretize
8.1.2 Discretize Then Optimize
8.2 Iterative Methods
8.3 Numerical Examples
8.4 All-at-once Methods
8.5 Exercises
Part III More general PDE-constrained optimization problems
Chapter 9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs
9.1 Motivation
9.2 Optimization in Banach and Hilbert Spaces
9.2.1 Existence and Uniqueness of Minimizers
9.2.2 Convexity and Lower Semicontinuity
9.2.3 First Order Optimality Conditions
9.2.4 Second Order Optimality Conditions
9.3 Control Constrained OCPs
9.3.1 Existence
9.3.2 First Order Conditions. Adjoint Equation. Multipliers
9.3.3 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
9.3.4 Second Order Conditions
9.4 Distributed Control of a Semilinear State Equation
9.5 Least squares approximation of a reaction coefficient
9.6 Numerical Approximation of Nonlinear OCPs
9.6.1 Iterative Methods
9.6.2 All-at-once Methods: Sequential Quadratic Programming
9.7 Numerical Examples
9.8 Numerical Treatment of Control Constraints
9.9 Exercises
Chapter 10 Advanced Selected Applications
10.1 Optimal Control of Steady Navier-Stokes Flows
10.1.1 Problem Formulation
10.1.2 Analysis of the State Problem
10.1.3 Existence of an Optimal Control
10.1.4 Differentiability of the Control-to-State Map
10.1.5 First Order Optimality Conditions
10.1.6 Numerical Approximation
10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology
10.2.1 Problem Formulation
10.2.2 Analysis of the Monodomain System
10.2.3 Existence of an Optimal Control (u,t ,f)
10.2.4 Reduction to a Control Problem with Fixed End Time
10.2.5 First Order Optimality Conditions
10.2.6 Numerical Approximation
10.3 Optimal Dirichlet Control of Unsteady Navier-Stokes Flows
10.3.1 Problem Formulation
10.3.2 Optimality Conditions
10.3.3 Dynamic Boundary Action
10.3.4 Numerical Approximation
10.4 Exercises
Chapter 11 Shape Optimization Problems
11.1 Formulation
11.1.1 A Model Problem
11.2 Shape Functionals and Derivatives
11.2.1 Domain Deformations
11.2.2 Elements of Tangential (or Surface) Calculus
11.2.3 Shape Derivative of Functions
11.3 Shape Derivatives of Functionals and Solutions of Boundary Value Problems
11.3.1 Domain Functionals
11.3.2 Boundary Functionals
11.3.3 Chain Rules
11.3.4 Shape Derivative for the Solution of a Dirichlet Problem
11.3.5 Shape Derivative for the Solution of a Neumann Problem
11.4 Gradient and First-Order Necessary Optimality Conditions
11.4.1 A Model Problem
11.4.2 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach
11.5 Numerical Approximation of Shape Optimization Problems
11.5.1 Computational Aspects
11.6 Minimizing the Compliance of an Elastic Structure
11.6.1 Numerical Results
11.7 Drag Minimization in Navier-Stokes Flows
11.7.1 The State Equation
11.7.2 The Drag Functional
11.7.3 Shape Derivative of the State
11.7.3 Shape Derivative and Gradient of T (Ω)
11.7.5 Numerical Results
11.8 Exercises
Appendix A Appendix Toolbox of Functional Analysis
A.1 Metric, Banach and Hilbert Spaces
A.1.1 Metric Spaces
A.1.2 Banach Spaces
A1.3 Hilbert Spaces
A.2 Linear Operators and Duality
A.2.1 Bounded Linear Operators
A.2.2 Functionals, Dual space and Riesz Theorem
A.2.3 Hilbert Triplets
A.2.4 Adjoint Operators
A.3 Compactness and Weak Convergence
A.3.1 Compactness
A.3.2 Weak Convergence, Reflexivity and Weak Sequential Compactness
A.3.3 Compact Operators
A.3.4 Convexity and Weak Closure
A.3.5 Weak Convergence, Separability and Weak Sequential Compactness
A.4 Abstract Variational Problems
A.4.1 Coercive Problems
A.4.2 Saddle-Point Problems
A.5 Sobolev spaces
A.5.1 Lebesgue Spaces
A.5.2 Domain Regularity
A.5.3 Integration by Parts and Weak Derivatives
A.5.4 The Space H1(Ω)
A.5.5 The Space H01(Ω) and its Dual
A.5.6 The Spaces Hm(Ω) , m>1
A.5.7 Approximation by Smooth Functions. Traces
A.5.8 Compactness
A.5.9 The space Hdiv(Ω)
A.5.10 The Space H001/2 and Its Dual
A.5.11 Sobolev Embeddings
A.6 Functions with Values in Hilbert Spaces
A.6.1 Spaces of Continuous Functions
A.6.2 Integrals and Spaces of Integrable Functions
A.6.3 Sobolev Spaces Involving Time
A.6.4 The Gronwall Lemma
A.7 Differential Calculus in Banach Spaces
A.7.1 The Fréchet Derivative
A.7.2 The Gâteaux Derivative
A.7.3 Derivative of Convex Functionals
A.7.4 Second Order Derivatives
A.8 Fixed Points and Implicit Function Theorems
Appendix B Appendix Toolbox of Numerical Analysis
B.1 Basic Matrix Properties
B.1.1 Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Positive Definite Matrices
B.1.2 Singular Value Decomposition
B.1.3 Spectral Properties of Saddle-Point Systems
B.2 Numerical Approximation of Elliptic PDEs
B.2.1 Strongly Coercive Problems
B.2.2 Algebraic Form of (P1h)
B.2.3 Saddle-Point Problems
B.2.4 Algebraic Form of (P2h)
B.3 Numerical Approximation of Parabolic PDEs
B.4 Finite Element Spaces and Interpolation Operator
B.5 A Priori Error Estimation
B.5.1 Elliptic PDEs
B.5.2 Parabolic PDEs
B.6 Solution of Nonlinear PDEs
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Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations: Analysis, Approximation, and Applications (Applied Mathematical Sciences, 207)
 303077225X, 9783030772253

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Applied Mathematical Sciences

Andrea Manzoni Alfio Quarteroni Sandro Salsa

Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations Analysis, Approximation, and Applications

Applied Mathematical Sciences Volume 207

Founding Editors F. John, New York University, New York, NY, USA J. P. LaSalle, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA L. Sirovich, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA Series Editors Anthony Bloch, Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA C. L. Epstein, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Alain Goriely, Department of Mathematics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK Leslie Greengard, New York University, New York, NY, USA Advisory Editors J. Bell, Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA P. Constantin, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA R. Durrett, Department of Mathematics, Duke University, Durham, CA, USA R. Kohn, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York, NY, USA R. Pego, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA L. Ryzhik, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA A. Singer, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA A. Stevens, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Münster, Münster, Germany S. Wright, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA

The mathematization of all sciences, the fading of traditional scientific boundaries, the impact of computer technology, the growing importance of computer modeling and the necessity of scientific planning all create the need both in education and research for books that are introductory to and abreast of these developments. The purpose of this series is to provide such books, suitable for the user of mathematics, the mathematician interested in applications, and the student scientist. In particular, this series will provide an outlet for topics of immediate interest because of the novelty of its treatment of an application or of mathematics being applied or lying close to applications. These books should be accessible to readers versed in mathematics or science and engineering, and will feature a lively tutorial style, a focus on topics of current interest, and present clear exposition of broad appeal. A compliment to the Applied Mathematical Sciences series is the Texts in Applied Mathematics series, which publishes textbooks suitable for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate courses. More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/34

Andrea Manzoni • Alfio Quarteroni • Sandro Salsa

Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations Analysis, Approximation, and Applications

Andrea Manzoni MOX, Department of Mathematics Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italy

Alfio Quarteroni MOX, Department of Mathematics Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italy

Sandro Salsa Department of Mathematics Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italy

ISSN 0066-5452 ISSN 2196-968X (electronic) Applied Mathematical Sciences ISBN 978-3-030-77225-3 ISBN 978-3-030-77226-0 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0 Mathematics Subject Classification (2020): 35-XX, 44-XX, 65N-XX © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors, and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland


This is a book on Optimal Control Problems (OCPs): how to formulate them, how to set up a suitable mathematical framework for their analysis, how to approximate them numerically, how to use them to address both academic and real life applications. An OCP consists in searching for a control function u and a corresponding state function y = y(u) yielding the optimum (either maximum or minimum) of a quantity, called cost or objective function, that depends on both u and y = y(u). This latter is the solution of an equation, the so-called state (or governing) equation. Typically, u represents a set of data for the state equation to be properly chosen in order to achieve the optimum cost. An OCP can therefore be regarded as an optimization problem subject to the constraint expressed by the state equation; further additional constraints, both on the control function and the state function, may also apply. OCPs arise in a broad variety of situations. Depending upon the nature of the state equation, we talk about OCPs for algebraic systems, ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or partial differential equations (PDEs). In this book we will restrict to state equations that are well posed (i.e. they admit a unique solution that depends continuously on the problems’ data). However, OCPs can be formulated as well for ill posed state equations. Their analysis is more involved; the interested reader can find examples in, e.g., [96]. The literature is paved by an almost uncountable number of excellent textbooks and monographs in the field of optimal control problems, see, e.g., [177, 178, 148, 151, 263, 44]. In this book we primarily deal with OCPs governed by PDEs. Our aim is to cover the whole range going from the set up and the theoretical analysis of the OCP, to the derivation of the system of optimality conditions, the proposition of suitable numerical methods, their analysis, and the application to a wide class of problems of practical relevance. This broad span represents one of the distinguishing features of our book. We cover the basic types of governing equations – algebraic systems, linear ODEs and linear PDEs of elliptic and parabolic type. Hyperbolic (wave) equations require special attention – indeed, the controllability of hyperbolic equations and systems is more challenging because of the lack of dissipation mechanisms – and we only address them occasionally by presenting an example and few exercises, referring to the pertinent literature; see, e.g., [72]. Moreover, we treat OCPs that are relevant in the field of engineering and applied sciences. Among those, we mention OCPs for advection-diffusion equations, Navier-Stokes equations governing the motion of incompressible viscous fluids, the monodomain electrophysiology problem for the cardiac electrical potential, shape optimization, and parameter identification problems. Depending upon the case, the cost function to be minimized may represent energy dissipation in a mechanical system, drag forces acting on an airfoil, the maximum time for defibrillation in a cardiac tissue affected by arrhythmias, etc.




A quick outline of the book is reported below. Chapter 1 is a self-contained introduction which addresses a handful of meaningful and representative OCPs, and presents an overview of the mathematical issues arising in the field of optimal control problems for PDEs. Although these are not trivial concepts, we have made an effort to render this subject accessible to a large audience, including readers who are not necessarily acquainted with the mathematical intricacies of PDEs. Part I, from Chapter 2 to 4, deals with optimization in finite dimensional spaces as well as with optimal control problems for algebraic systems and (linear) ordinary differential equations. After the problem setting, we carry out the well posedness analysis and derive first-order optimality conditions for both free (unconstrained) and constrained optimal control problems. We then review some of the most widely used algorithms for the numerical computation of functional minimizers, and discuss the case of state equations governed by algebraic equations or by a Cauchy problem for ordinary differential equations. This part has been conceived to be accessible to students with a basic knowledge of Calculus and Linear Algebra. Given the introductory character of Chapters 2 and 3, exercises are proposed from Chapter 4 on. Part II, from Chapter 5 to 8, represents the core of the book. We first address OCPs for linear elliptic PDEs with quadratic cost functionals, and their numerical approximation. We cover both constrained and (free) unconstrained OCPs, with algebraic constraints on the control. State constrained OCPs (i.e. with constraints on the solution of the state equation) are mathematically more challenging and will be treated only marginally. Then we turn to OCPs for initial-boundary value problems of parabolic type and their numerical approximation. Different types of controls are considered and first order optimality conditions are derived. This part is suitable for advanced undergraduate programs in mathematics, applied mathematics and engineering; in principle, it can be directly accessed without passing through Part I. For pedagogical convenience, our presentation follows an inductive approach: starting from simple problems that allow a hands-on treatment, the reader is progressively led to a general framework, suitable to face broader classes of problems. Part III, from Chapter 9 to 11, is aimed at covering advanced OCPs involving nonlinear PDEs and non-quadratic cost functions. We start by providing a general framework for nonlinear state equations, with an introductory preview on the optimization in Banach and Hilbert spaces. We then derive first order optimality conditions for OCPs with constraints on the control functions. The analysis of this type of problems requires some basic concepts of differential calculus in Banach spaces that are provided to the reader’s benefit. The two more classical approaches for the numerical approximation of these OCPs are presented: iterative methods, and all-at-once methods. We then turn to more advanced applications involving OCPs for Navier-Stokes equations (both steady and unsteady) in fluid dynamics and a nonlinear diffusion reaction system that models the propagation of the electric potential through the myocardium (the heart’s muscle). Our final application concerns shape optimization problems. Because of the mathematical intricacy and the vastity of this subject, we confine ourselves to a quick introduction to shape functionals and shape derivatives, to the derivation of firstorder optimality conditions, and to a quick presentation of the numerical methods for shape optimization. Two classical applicative examples conclude this part: the minimization of the compliance of an elastic structure, and the drag minimization for a steady Navier-Stokes flow. This part requires a more in-depth mathematical knowledge in order to be fully appreciated. However, by surfing on the more intricate mathematical concepts, all the readers can find precise and constructive guidelines to set up and solve OCPs in the context of more complex applications.



For the reader’s convenience, those sections that address the more subtle mathematical concepts (with full proofs) are labelled by a ⇤. The writing has been conceived in such a way that skipping the ⇤ parts would not compromise the reading and the understanding of all of the practical aspects necessary to implement OCPs. However, we hope that readers more passionate with Math will find the ⇤ parts stimulating. The book also features two Appendices. Appendix A is aimed at providing a wealth of tools that are essential to carry out a rigorous theoretical analysis of OCPs. These include tools of Functional Analysis and functional spaces that are essential to formulate and analyze PDEs. Appendix B o↵ers instead a preview on the numerical approximation of PDEs by the classical Galerkin methods. We hope that readers unacquainted with these subjects could find them useful before facing some of the Chapters of this book. While writing this book, we benefitted from comments, insights and suggestions of many colleagues and students. In particular, the authors would like to thank Luca Ded`e, Federico Negri and Stefano Pagani for many fruitful discussions on numerical methods for optimal control problems. Among the students who have sat through our courses on Optimal Control of PDEs, we would like to thank Ludovica Cicci, Niccol` o Dal Santo, Monica Huynh, Matteo Salvador, and Carlo Sinigaglia. In addition, special thanks are due to Francesca Bonadei and Francesca Ferrari of Springer Italia for their invaluable help in the preparation of the manuscript. Lausanne, Switzerland Milan, Italy November 2021

Andrea Manzoni Alfio Quarteroni Sandro Salsa

List of Algorithms

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 6.1 6.2

Descent method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 BFGS method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Backtracking algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Trust region method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Active Set method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Penalty method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Augmented Lagrangian method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Local Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Global Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Iterative algorithm for unconstrained OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Steepest descent method with backtracking Armijio line-search for unconstrained OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 6.3 Symmetric Gauss-Seidel for the system Ax = b: x = SGS(A, b, m) . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 6.4 Chebyshev semi-iterative method (l steps) for Mw = b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 6.5 Application of the block preconditioner Pˆd : Pˆd z = r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 6.6 Bramble Pasciak CG method for the system Ax = b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 6.7 Projected Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PPCG) method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 6.8 Application of the block preconditioner Pˆd : Pˆd z = r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 6.9 Uzawa method: xzq = uzawa(AS , bzq , kmax ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 6.10 PDAS method for constrained OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 8.1 Iterative algorithm for unconstrained OCPs, case of linear evolution PDEs . . . . . 270 9.1 Newton method for algebraic nonlinear problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 9.2 SQP method for unconstrained nonlinear OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 9.3 PDAS method for constrained nonlinear OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 9.4 Newton method with PDAS strategy for constrained nonlinear OCPs . . . . . . . . . 320 9.5 SQP method with PDAS strategy for constrained nonlinear OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 11.1 Gradient method for shape optimization, local boundary variation . . . . . . . . . . . . 402




Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure . . . . . . . . 1.1 Optimal Control Problems Governed by PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 An Intuitive Example: Optimal Control for Heat Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Control of Pollutant Emissions from Chimneys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Control of Emissions from a Sewage System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Optimal Electrical Defibrillation of Cardiac Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Optimal Flow Control for Drag Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Optimal Shape Design for Drag Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 A General Setting for OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 Shape Optimization Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 Parameter Estimation Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11 Theoretical Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 Numerical Approximation of an OCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 1 3 5 8 9 12 14 15 18 19 20 20

Part I A Preview on Optimization and Control in Finite Dimensions 2

Prelude on Optimization: Finite Dimension Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Problem Setting and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Well Posedness Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Convexity, Optimality Conditions, and Admissible Directions . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Free (Unconstrained) Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Constrained Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Lagrange Multipliers: Equality Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Multipliers: Inequality Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.3 Second Order Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

25 25 26 28 29 30 30 33 36


Algorithms for Numerical Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Free Minimization by Descent Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Choice of descent directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Step Length Evaluation and Inexact Line-Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.3 Convergence of Descent Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Free optimization by trust region methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Constrained Optimization by Projection Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Constrained Optimization for Quadratic Programming Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Equality Constraints: a Saddle-Point Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Inequality Constraints: Active Set Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Constrained Optimization for More General Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

39 40 41 45 45 47 49 51 51 52 55




3.5.1 Penalty and Augmented Lagrangian Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3.5.2 Sequential Quadratic Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4

Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Algebraic Optimal Control Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 Optimality conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.3 Gradient, Sensitivity and Minimum Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.4 Direct vs. Adjoint Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Formulation as a Constrained Optimization Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Lagrange Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Control Constraints: Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Control Problems Governed by ODEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Linear Payoff, Free End Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Uniqueness of Optimal Control. Normal Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Minimum Time Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.1 Controllability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.2 Observability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.3 Optimality conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Quadratic Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.1 First-order conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.2 The Riccati equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.3 The Algebraic Riccati Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Hints on Numerical Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

61 61 62 63 65 66 68 68 70 72 74 77 79 79 82 83 86 87 89 92 94 98

Part II Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems 5

Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 5.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 5.1.1 Analysis of the State Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 5.1.2 Existence and Uniqueness of an Optimal Pair. A First Optimality Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 5.1.3 Use of the Adjoint State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 5.1.4 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 5.2 Optimal Heat Source (2): a Box Constrained Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 5.2.1 Optimality Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 5.2.2 Projections onto a Closed Convex Set of a Hilbert Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 5.2.3 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 5.3 A General Framework for Linear-quadratic OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5.3.1 The Mathematical Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 5.3.2 A First Optimality Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 5.3.3 Use of the Adjoint State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 5.3.4 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 5.3.5 Existence and Uniqueness of an Optimal Control (*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 5.4 Variational Formulation and Well-posedness of Boundary Value Problems . . . . 123 5.5 Distributed Observation and Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 5.5.1 Robin Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 5.5.2 Dirichlet Conditions, Energy Cost Functional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 5.6 Distributed Observation, Neumann Boundary Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 5.7 Boundary Observation, Neumann Boundary Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135



5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11

Boundary Observation, Distributed Control, Dirichlet Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Dirichlet Problems with L2 Data. Transposition (or Duality) Method . . . . . . . . 139 Pointwise Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Distributed Observation, Dirichlet Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 5.11.1 Case U = H 1/2 (Γ ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 5.11.2 Case U = U0 = L2 (Γ ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 5.11.3 Case U = U0 = H 1 (Γ ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 5.12 A State-Constrained Control Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 5.13 Control of Viscous Flows: the Stokes Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 5.13.1 Distributed Velocity Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 5.13.2 Boundary Velocity Control, Vorticity Minimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 5.14 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 6

Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 6.1 A Classification of Possible Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 6.2 Optimize & Discretize, or the Other Way Around? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 6.2.1 Optimize Then Discretize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 6.2.2 Discretize then Optimize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 6.2.3 Pro’s and Con’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 6.2.4 The case of Advection Diffusion Equations with Dominating Advection . 176 6.2.5 The case of Stokes Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 6.3 Iterative Methods (I): Unconstrained OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 6.3.1 Relation with Solving the Reduced Hessian Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 6.4 Iterative Methods (II): Control Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 6.5 Numerical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 6.5.1 OCPs governed by Advection-Diffusion Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 6.5.2 OCPs governed by the Stokes Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 6.6 All-at-once Methods (I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 6.6.1 OCPs Governed by Scalar Elliptic Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 6.6.2 OCPs governed by Stokes Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 6.7 Numerical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 6.8 All-at-once Methods (II): Control Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 6.9 Numerical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 6.9.1 OCPs Governed by the Laplace Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 6.9.2 OCPs Governed by the Stokes Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 6.10 A priori Error Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 6.11 A Posteriori Error Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 6.12 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226


Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs . . . . . . . 229 7.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 7.1.1 Analysis of the State System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 7.1.2 Existence & Uniqueness of the Optimal Control. Optimality Condition . 232 7.1.3 Use of the Adjoint State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 7.1.4 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 7.2 Optimal Heat Source (2): a Constrained Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 7.3 Initial control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 7.4 General Framework for Linear-Quadratic OCPs Governed by Parabolic PDEs . 237 7.4.1 Initial-boundary Value Problems for Parabolic Linear Equations . . . . . . . 237 7.4.2 The Mathematical Setting for OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 7.4.3 Optimality Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242



7.5 Further Applications to Equations in Divergence Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 7.5.1 Side Control, Final and Distributed Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 7.5.2 Time-distributed Control, Side Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 7.6 Optimal Control of Time-Dependent Stokes Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 7.7 Optimal Control of the Wave Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 7.8 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 8

Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 8.1 Optimize & Discretize, or Discretize & Optimize, Revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 8.1.1 Optimize Then Discretize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 8.1.2 Discretize Then Optimize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 8.2 Iterative Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 8.3 Numerical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 8.4 All-at-once Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 8.5 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

Part III More general PDE-constrained optimization problems 9

A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 9.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 9.2 Optimization in Banach and Hilbert Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 9.2.1 Existence and Uniqueness of Minimizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 9.2.2 Convexity and Lower Semicontinuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 9.2.3 First Order Optimality Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 9.2.4 Second Order Optimality Conditions∗ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 9.3 Control Constrained OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 9.3.1 Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 9.3.2 First Order Conditions. Adjoint Equation. Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 9.3.3 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 9.3.4 Second Order Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 9.4 Distributed Control of a Semilinear State Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 9.5 Least squares approximation of a reaction coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 9.6 Numerical Approximation of Nonlinear OCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 9.6.1 Iterative Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 9.6.2 All-at-once Methods: Sequential Quadratic Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 9.7 Numerical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 9.8 Numerical Treatment of Control Constraints∗ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 9.9 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322

10 Advanced Selected Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 10.1 Optimal Control of Steady Navier-Stokes Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 10.1.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 10.1.2 Analysis of the State Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 10.1.3 Existence of an Optimal Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 10.1.4 Differentiability of the Control-to-State Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 10.1.5 First Order Optimality Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 10.1.6 Numerical Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 10.2.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 10.2.2 Analysis of the Monodomain System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342



 10.2.3 Existence of an Optimal Control u ˆ ,tˆf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 10.2.4 Reduction to a Control Problem with Fixed End Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 10.2.5 First Order Optimality Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 10.2.6 Numerical Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 10.3 Optimal Dirichlet Control of Unsteady Navier-Stokes Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 10.3.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 10.3.2 Optimality Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 10.3.3 Dynamic Boundary Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 10.3.4 Numerical Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 10.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 11 Shape Optimization Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 11.1 Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 11.1.1 A Model Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 11.2 Shape Functionals and Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 11.2.1 Domain Deformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 11.2.2 Elements of Tangential (or Surface) Calculus∗ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 11.2.3 Shape Derivative of Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 11.3 Shape Derivatives of Functionals and Solutions of Boundary Value Problems . . 386 11.3.1 Domain Functionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 11.3.2 Boundary Functionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 11.3.3 Chain Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 11.3.4 Shape Derivative for the Solution of a Dirichlet Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 11.3.5 Shape Derivative for the Solution of a Neumann Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 11.4 Gradient and First-Order Necessary Optimality Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 11.4.1 A Model Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 11.4.2 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 11.5 Numerical Approximation of Shape Optimization Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 11.5.1 Computational Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 11.6 Minimizing the Compliance of an Elastic Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 11.6.1 Numerical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 11.7 Drag Minimization in Navier-Stokes Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 11.7.1 The State Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 11.7.2 The Drag Functional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 11.7.3 Shape Derivative of the State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 11.7.4 Shape Derivative and Gradient of T (Ω) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 11.7.5 Numerical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 11.8 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Appendix A Toolbox of Functional Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 A.1 Metric, Banach and Hilbert Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 A.1.1 Metric Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 A.1.2 Banach Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 A.1.3 Hilbert Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 A.2 Linear Operators and Duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 A.2.1 Bounded Linear Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 A.2.2 Functionals, Dual space and Riesz Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 A.2.3 Hilbert Triplets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 A.2.4 Adjoint Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 A.3 Compactness and Weak Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 A.3.1 Compactness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430








A.3.2 Weak Convergence, Reflexivity and Weak Sequential Compactness . . . . . 431 A.3.3 Compact Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 A.3.4 Convexity and Weak Closure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 A.3.5 Weak∗ Convergence, Separability and Weak∗ Sequential Compactness . . 433 Abstract Variational Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 A.4.1 Coercive Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 A.4.2 Saddle-Point Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 Sobolev spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 A.5.1 Lebesgue Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 A.5.2 Domain Regularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439 A.5.3 Integration by Parts and Weak Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 A.5.4 The Space H 1 (Ω) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 A.5.5 The Space H01 (Ω) and its Dual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441 A.5.6 The Spaces H m (Ω), m > 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443 A.5.7 Approximation by Smooth Functions. Traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444 A.5.8 Compactness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 A.5.9 The space Hdiv (Ω) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 1/2 A.5.10 The Space H00 and Its Dual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 A.5.11 Sobolev Embeddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448 Functions with Values in Hilbert Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 A.6.1 Spaces of Continuous Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 A.6.2 Integrals and Spaces of Integrable Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 A.6.3 Sobolev Spaces Involving Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 A.6.4 The Gronwall Lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 Differential Calculus in Banach Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 A.7.1 The Fr´echet Derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 A.7.2 The Gˆ ateaux Derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 A.7.3 Derivative of Convex Functionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 A.7.4 Second Order Derivatives∗ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 Fixed Points and Implicit Function Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463

Appendix B Toolbox of Numerical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 B.1 Basic Matrix Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 B.1.1 Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Positive Definite Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 B.1.2 Singular Value Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 B.1.3 Spectral Properties of Saddle-Point Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467 B.2 Numerical Approximation of Elliptic PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 B.2.1 Strongly Coercive Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 B.2.2 Algebraic Form of (P1h ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 B.2.3 Saddle-Point Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 B.2.4 Algebraic Form of (P2h ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 B.3 Numerical Approximation of Parabolic PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 B.4 Finite Element Spaces and Interpolation Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 B.5 A Priori Error Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479 B.5.1 Elliptic PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479 B.5.2 Parabolic PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 B.6 Solution of Nonlinear PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493

About the Authors

Andrea Manzoni, PhD is an associate professor of numerical analysis at Politecnico of Milan. He is the author of 2 books and of approximately 50 papers. In 2012, he won the ECCOMAS Award for the best PhD thesis in Europe about computational methods in applied sciences and engineering and the Biannual SIMAI prize (Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics) in 2017. His research interests include the development of reduced-order modelling techniques for PDEs, PDE-constrained optimization, uncertainty quantification, computational statistics, and machine/deep learning. Alfio Quarteroni is a professor of numerical analysis at Politecnico di Milano and professor emeritus at EPFL, Lausanne. He is the author of 25 books, editor of 12 books, and author of about 400 papers. He is the recipient of two ERC Advanced Grants. He is a member of the Italian Academy of Science, the European Academy of Science, Academia Europaea, and the Lisbon Academy of Science. His research group at EPFL has carried out the mathematical simulation for the Alinghi sailing boat, the winner of two editions (2003 and 2007) of America’s Cup. His research interests include mathematical modeling and its applications at large. Sandro Salsa is professor emeritus at the Politecnico di Milano, where he has been one of the main founders of the educational program in mathematical engineering. His research interest ranges over diverse aspects of nonlinear, nonlocal, singular or degenerate elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, with particular emphasis on free boundary problems. He is author of 13 books and several papers with the most prestigious scientific mathematical journals.


Chapter 1

Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure

The purpose of this chapter is to introduce a general framework for optimal control problems (OCPs) governed by partial differential equations (PDEs), as well as a few intuitive examples and some significant cases. In Sect. 1.1 we present some preliminary concepts common to many different OCPs and provide the basic ingredients useful to formulate the examples that are introduced in Sect. 1.2. In Sects. 1.3–1.7 we deal with more advanced problems in engineering and applied sciences. In Sect. 1.8 we prepare the general setting and notations that will be used throughout the book for the formulation and the analysis of OCPs. More general PDE-constrained optimization problems, such as shape optimization and parameter estimation problems, are introduced in Sects. 1.9–1.10. Finally, we sketch some general theoretical features and numerical challenges shared by these problems in Sect. 1.11 and 1.12.

1.1 Optimal Control Problems Governed by PDEs Problems arising from applied sciences are often modeled by PDEs which depend on a set of input data, such as physical or material coefficients, boundary and initial conditions, source terms, as well as on the geometrical configuration describing the domain where the problem is formulated, which can be considered as input itself. Often, a problem governed by PDEs – usually denoted as state system – needs to be controlled or optimized by acting on (one, or more of) these input variables. This is a difficult mathematical task that may pose severe computational challenges. Solving a forward problem (or direct problem) consists in computing the solution of a given PDE (the state system) and, possibly, some output of interest. Instead, solving an optimal control problem governed by a PDE consists of minimizing (or maximizing) a physical quantity, called the cost function and depending on the PDE solution itself, by acting on some suitable control variables; these latter are some of the data required by the PDE. In an optimal design (or shape optimization) problem we look for that specific shape of the geometrical domain of the PDE that minimizes (or maximizes) a suitable cost function. Other problems that can often be cast in the form of PDE-constrained optimization are parameter estimation and data assimilation problems. In the former case, we aim at identifying some input data (the parameters) which are unknown, or only partially known, by relying on some observations (or measures) of a given output of interest. In the latter case, a numerical model of a given system, usually affected by uncertainty, is improved by incorporating system observations. The main focus of this book is on optimal control problems for PDEs, whose formulation, analysis and numerical approximation are treated in details in Chapters 5–10.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0_1



1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure


state problem

observed variable


target Fig. 1.1 Structure of an unconstrained optimal control problem

Optimal control problems for PDEs are characterized by four main ingredients: a state problem, a control function, a cost function and, possibly, some constraints (see Fig. 1.1). The state problem can be either an algebraic system, an initial-value problem for ordinary differential equations, or a boundary-value problem for partial differential equations. Its solution, denoted by y, depends on a variable u representing the control that can be exerted on the system. In this way, the state problem associates to every control a state solution y = y(u). The goal is to find the control u in such a way that an observed variable z, also called observation – a function of u through y – is as near as possible to a desired value zd , the so-called target. The state problem is said to be controllable if a control u exists such that the observed variable z matches exactly the desired value zd . Achieving exact controllability is neither easy nor (always) possible1 and depends on the class of systems under consideration. For instance, controllability of heat and wave equations poses different challenges because of their different behavior with respect to time reversal. If we wish to control the state of the system at a given time, the heat equation is not exactly controllable for any time, due to its regularizing effect; on the contrary, the time needed to control waves needs to be large enough due to their finite speed of propagation. See, in this respect, [278], as well as [175, 168]. The difficulties mentioned above motivate replacing the problem of controllability by one of optimization, in which case we do not require the output variable (or observation) z to be exactly equal to the target zd , rather the distance between z and zd (in a suitable sense) to be minimized. Control and optimization problems are thus two intimately related concepts, as we will see later on. In this respect, another essential ingredient of an optimal control problem is the cost function, which depends on the control function u and on the state solution y = y(u), and has to be minimized, reflecting the goal of the problem. Depending on the context, the cost function may represent a suitable distance, a function of the state solution having a physical meaning, such as energy, flux, forces and so on. A further (optional) ingredient is given by constraints that may act on the control u and/or on the state y (respectively, control constraints or state constraints); they restrict the set of admissible controls or prescribe desired properties of the state solution. In the following section we introduce two simple examples, while more advanced problems are described in Sections 1.3–1.7. A more precise mathematical setting for OCPs is provided later in Sect. 1.8. 1

Take for instance the simple case in which the state problem is the linear algebraic system Ay = b, where A is a given n × n non singular matrix and b a given vector of Rn . Assume moreover that the observation is represented by one solution component, say the first one, and the control be one of the components of the right hand side, say the last one. The question therefore reads: “Find u ∈ R such that the solution of the linear system Ay = b + (0, . . . , 0, u)> satisfy y1 = z1 ”, being z1 a given value. In general, this problem admits no solution.

1.2 An Intuitive Example: Optimal Control for Heat Transfer


1.2 An Intuitive Example: Optimal Control for Heat Transfer We now introduce some OCPs related to heat transfer. An example is provided by a body occupying a region (the domain) Ω ⊂ R3 that has to be heated (or cooled). In this case, the state y represents its temperature, whereas the state system is modeled by the (stationary) heat equation. To heat or cool the system, we apply to the volume a heat source u. The latter represents the control function which has to be chosen so that on one side the corresponding temperature distribution y = y(u) in the domain be as near as possible to a given target temperature zd , and on the other side the effort in heating (or cooling) the system is as low as possible. Clearly, the state y, the control u and the target zd are all functions of the spatial coordinates x ∈ Ω ⊂ R3 . This problem can be modeled by seeking for the solution of the following minimization problem for the cost function J(u), Z Z 1 α J(u) = (y(u) − zd )2 dx + u2 dx → min (1.1) 2 Ω 2 Ω where y = y(u) is the solution of the following state problem  −∆y = f + u in Ω y = gD on Γ = ∂Ω,


given by a Dirichlet boundary problem for the stationary heat equation. Notation (1.1), J(u) → min, is an abridge notation that stands for: we look for u that minimizes J(u) over all possible control functions that belong to a suitable functional space. The latter will depend on the problem at hand and will be made precise from case to case. Here the temperature gD on the boundary Γ of the domain and the source term f in Ω are prescribed. Thus, the first term appearing in the cost2 function (1.1) represents a suitable distance between the target zd and the temperature y = y(u), whereas the second term can be thought as the heating cost, i.e. the cost paid to enable the action of the control. In this respect, α ≥ 0 is a parameter that can be used like a tuning unitary cost. From a mathematical point of view, we will see in the following chapters that this term sometimes ensures the well-posedness of the optimal control problem, providing some regularization property on its solution. In the case we are interested in heating or cooling only a portion of the region Ω, i.e. by controlling the heat source in a subdomain Ωc ⊂ Ω, u can be replaced by uχΩc (x), being χD (x) the indicator function of the set D,  1 x∈D χD (x) = (1.3) 0 x∈ / D. Alternatively, we might be interested to reach a desired temperature just in a portion Ωobs ⊂ Ω of the region, so that instead of (1.1) we should minimize Z Z 1 α (y(u) − zd )2 dx + u2 dx → min . (1.4) J(u) = 2 Ωobs 2 Ω If the target is to reach a desired thermal flux across Γ , (1.4) is replaced by J(u) =

Z  Γ


∂y(u) − zd Γ ∂n


dσ +

α 2


u2 dx → min


J is in fact a functional of u. For this reason, we can equivalently use the expressions cost function or cost functional.


1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure

provided y(u) is sufficiently regular. Here ∂y/∂n = ∇y · n is the normal derivative of u, i.e. the derivative of u along the normal direction n to the boundary (directed outward). For the heat equation, this latter provides the outer thermal flux across the boundary. In all these cases we say that we are dealing with a distributed control problem; the observation of the system can be distributed, when it takes place in the domain Ω or in a subdomain Ωobs , as in (1.1) or (1.10), or at the boundary, like for the cost functional (1.10). An important class is that of the feedback controls, so-called because of their direct dependence on the state variable. A typical example is represented by a thermostat which can switch on and off. This is a piecewise constant control function taking only the values 0 or 1, that measures the temperature in the region to be cooled or heated, compares that value with a desired temperature value zd , and acts (through the control u) on the heating plant according to the sign of the difference y(u) − zd , also called the feedback error. In this way, we may think that it turns heating on when y(u) < zd , whereas it turns it off when y(u) > zd . In a similar way, we might control the thermal flux on a portion ΓN of the boundary, so that the state equation can be formulated as follows:  −∆y = f in Ω     y = gD on ΓD (1.6)   ∂y   = γ(u − y) on ΓN , ∂n where ΓD and ΓN provide a disjoint partition of Γ . Here we look for Z Z 1 α J(u) = (y(u) − zd )2 dx + u2 dσ → min 2 Ωobs 2 ΓN

by replacing the second integral in (1.4) with a boundary integral over ΓN . Alternatively, we shall seek 2 Z  Z ∂y(u) α J(u) = − zd Γ dσ + u2 dσ → min ∂n 2 ΓN ΓD



if we want the temperature to be close to a desired distribution over a portion of the boundary (disjoint from the one where we act through the control). In this case, we suppose that the surroundings are kept at temperature u and assume that the inward heat flux from ΓN , affected by our control variable, depends linearly on the difference u − y, with γ > 0 (radiation3 or Robin condition). In the case where ∂u/∂n = u on ΓN , we directly control the heat flux across ΓN (Neumann condition). Alternatively, we can directly control the temperature on a portion ΓD of the boundary, that is the Dirichlet datum of the state problem:  −∆y = f in Ω    y=u on ΓD (1.9)   ∂y  = gN on ΓN ∂n by seeking u like in (1.1), (1.4) or, otherwise, Z Z α 2 J(u) = (y(u) − zdΓ ) dσ + u2 dσ → min . 2 ΓN ΓD 3


This formula is based on Newton’s law of cooling, for which the heat loss from the surface of a body is a linear function of the temperature drop from the surroudings to the surface.

1.3 Control of Pollutant Emissions from Chimneys


In all these cases we may need to impose some constraints on the control function. Typically, by requiring that either u ≤ umax or u ∈ [umin , umax ], we model some restrictions in the control heating capacity. This is a constrained OCP, with constraints on the control functions. A more complex case (that we only marginally consider, see Sect. 5.12) is that of state constraints, that is, constraints on the state variable, e.g. under the form y>0 over Ωcon ⊆ Ω. We conclude by mentioning shape optimization problems, where the shape of the domain Ω itself acts as a control variable. For instance, if we minimize the cost functional Z J(Ω) = (u(Ω) − zd )2 dx → min Ω

among a family of admissible shapes, we look for that shape allowing to approach as much as possible the desired temperature distribution zd in the domain. The list of applications involving OCPs in engineering, applied sciences and industry is endless. In the following sections we present some complex cases, much closer to real-life applications than those described until now. We deal with physical models and OCPs of increasing difficulty, highlighting for each case the additional mathematical ingredients required to formulate the problem.

1.3 Control of Pollutant Emissions from Chimneys Our first application deals with the control of emissions released by industrial chimneys into the atmosphere. In this case, the spreading of the pollutant can be modeled by an advectiondiffusion-reaction equation, while the emission we want to control is described by a source term (either distributed or pointwise). Indeed, the dispersion into the atmosphere of pollutants (like sulfur dioxide, SO2 , or carbon dioxide, CO2 ) is a physical process depending on many factors, such as meteorological situation, air composition and pollutants species. With some simplifications, we may assume that at urban scales the concentration behavior can be modeled by stationary advection-diffusion equations, neglecting (without significantly lowering the model accuracy) the reactive terms:  −div(ν∇y) + b · ∇y = u in Ω ⊂ R2    y=0 on ΓD (1.11)  ∂y  ν =0 on ΓN . ∂n

Here y = y(u) is the pollutant concentration, u is a control function representing, for instance, the pollutant emission rate, ν = ν(x) is the (turbulent) diffusion coefficient, whereas b = b(x) is a given velocity field representing the wind speed. Molecular diffusivity can be neglected. In this case, the state system is represented by a boundary value problem for an elliptic PDE. For simplicity we have imposed homogeneous Dirichlet conditions over the inflow boundary ΓD = {x ∈ ∂Ω : b(x) · n(x) < 0}, where n(x) is the normal (outward) unit vector, and a homogeneous Neumann condition on the outflow boundary ΓN = ∂Ω \ΓD . This latter choice is


1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure

dictated by numerical reasons, since the far region downfield the chimneys has been truncated by considering a bounded domain Ω (see Fig. 1.2). The system (1.11) models the diffusion and transport of pollutant at the emission height in a plane x = (x1 , x2 ) parallel to soil, at height, say, x3 = H, assuming that the tallness of every emission plant equals H. Since a complete model should take into account 3D phenomena related with air motion, following [78] we can adopt a quasi-3D model by considering the pollutant concentration y˜(x1 , x2 , x3 ) = π(x1 , x2 , x3 )y(x1 , x2 ) in a parallelepipedal domain, where  2 !  2 ! 1 x3 − H 1 x3 + H π(x1 , x2 , x3 ) = exp − + exp − 2 σ3 2 σ3 takes into account the distribution of the concentration with respect to the vertical coordinate x3 . The function π mimics a Gaussian function which, in case of constant wind field, models the pollutant concentration in a parallelepipedal domain as being emitted by a unique source. We denote by σ3 the vertical dispersion coefficient, which accounts for atmospherical stability and soil orography. Our target consists in regulating the emission rates from N chimneys in order to keep the pollutant concentration below a desired threshold in an observation area Ωobs , say a town. If we denote by Di the spatial region representing the i-th chimney and ui its emission rate (normalized with respect to an appropriate emission volume), then an admissible control takes the form N X u(x) = ui χDi (x), ui ≥ 0. i=1

Let us introduce the observed variable

1 Cy(u) = π(x1 , x2 , 0)y(u) = 2 exp − 2

H σ3

2 !


which represents the projection of pollutant concentration at soil. Thus, our optimal control problem is to solve the minimization problem Z J(u) = (Cy(u) − zd )2 dx → min (1.12) Ωobs

over the set of admissible controls, where zd is the desired pollutant concentration at soil (limited to the observation area Ωobs ).

Fig. 1.2 Domain for emission control problem in air

1.3 Control of Pollutant Emissions from Chimneys


Fig. 1.3 Control of pollutant emissions from chimneys (case of horizontal velocity field). Top: pollutant initial concentrations at effective height z = H (left) and at soil, z = 0 (right). Bottom: solution of the optimal control problem, in terms of pollutant concentrations at effective height z = H (left) and at soil, z = 0

Fig. 1.4 Control of pollutant emissions from chimneys (case of oblique velocity field). Top: pollutant initial concentrations at effective height z = H (left) and at soil, z = 0 (right). Bottom: solution of the optimal control problem, in terms of pollutant concentrations at effective height z = H (left) and at soil, z = 0


1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure

In particular, the emission areas χDi are approximately at the same distance from the 2 observation area Ωobs , so that we can consider the same diffusion coefficient ν = σ12 V /2r, where σ12 is the horizontal dispersion coefficient. For the sake of illustration, in Figs. 1.3–1.4 the solution of the optimal control problem (1.11)-(1.12) in the case of N = 4 chimneys is displayed. In this particular case, zd = 100µg/m3 is chosen as target concentration level (the attention level is 125µg/m3 , while the alarm level is 250µg/m3 ), as well as a maximum emission rate umax = 800g/s at height H = 100m, and two different scenarios regarding the velocity field: either b = (2.5, 0)m/s or b = (2.5, 1)m/s. We point out that, in both cases, by solving the optimal control problem, the maximum value of SO2 concentration in the observation area Ωobs is found to be below the threshold. Obviously, a difference in the velocity field b has a huge impact on the optimal control able to reach the target, as we see by comparing Figs. 1.3 and 1.4. See, e.g., [78] for more details on the model and its numerical solution. With respect to the heat transfer examples of the previous section, the optimal control problem here considered stands on a different state problem (advection-diffusion equation), features a distributed observation and a localized control function, which may even reduced to pointwise controls in the limit of the control areas |Ωi | → 0.

1.4 Control of Emissions from a Sewage System If either the rate of pollutant release or the advection field vary in time, the model introduced in the previous section is no longer appropriate. Let us consider, for example, the pollutant released by a sewage system (after going through a purification plant) into a water body near a town. As before, our goal is to regulate the emission rate from the drainage (and its location, in a more general case) in order to keep the pollutant concentration below a desired level in an observation area Ωobs located, say, along the coast, right by the town. Other examples are given, e.g., by a plant in a river or by shipping tanks, with the goal of keeping pollutant concentration below a desired threshold in a specific area. For the sake of simplicity, we model the water basin by a two-dimensional domain Ω ⊂ R2 , neglecting its depth (otherwise said, assuming pollutant to surf on the water). In such a case, the evolution of the pollutant concentration y(t) = y(t; u) over a time interval (0, T ), T < +∞, can be described by an unsteady advection-diffusion equation:  ∂y   − div(ν∇y) + b · ∇y = u in Ω × (0, T )   ∂t    y = 0 on ΓD × (0, T ) (1.13)  ∂y   ν = 0 on Γ × (0, T ) N   ∂n    y(0) = y0 on Ω

where, in addition to the boundary conditions (now defined for any t ∈ (0, T )), we also need to specify an initial condition in Ω. In this way, the state problem is an initial/boundary value problem for a parabolic PDE. Here ν denotes the mass diffusivity (of the pollutant substances) in water, which can be considered constant if the water temperature is about constant. The vector b = b(x, t) is a velocity field representing the water speed in the basin that, in the simplest case, can be modeled as a given function of the spatial coordinates.

1.5 Optimal Electrical Defibrillation of Cardiac Tissue


In more realistic models, the transport field b could be provided by the solution of an external fluid dynamics problem, such as the (steady or unsteady) Navier-Stokes equations, or the shallow water equations (see [2]). Alternatively, and similarly to what we did in the previous example, we can model the water speed with a Gaussian-like function, see [29]. According to the above assumptions, the same setting of the previous example can be adapted to the current situation. In particular, an admissible control takes the form u(x, t) = U (t) χD (x),

U (t) ≥ 0,

where χD (x) denotes the characteristic function of the spatial region D from which the pollutant is released and U (t) its emission rate, a function of time. Thus, we can consider the following minimization problem, Z TZ J(u) = (Cy(x, t; u) − zd (x, t))2 dx dt → min 0


over the set of admissible controls, where zd is the desired pollutant concentration in the observation area Ωobs , and the observed variable Cy(x, t; u) = χΩobs (x)y(x, t; u), is defined as the restriction of y to Ωobs . Alternatively, we might consider Cy(x, t; u) = χΩobs (x)y(x, T ; u), for which the corresponding minimization problem becomes Z J(u) = (Cy(x, T ; u) − zd (x, T ))2 dx → min Ωobs

over the set of admissible controls. In this case, the goal is to reach a desired target at a given final time, where the dynamics of the system is fully developed.

1.5 Optimal Electrical Defibrillation of Cardiac Tissue The active mechanical behavior of the heart muscle, which allows to pump blood into the vascular network, depends on the electrical excitation of the muscle, which goes under the name of electrical activation [68]. At each heart beat, the electrical signal spreads throughout the ventricular chambers, whose mechanical contraction induces blood ejection. A similar behavior occurs within the atria, whose relaxation lets the blood flow into the heart [221, 219]. In the healthy case, the electrical activation of the heart is an extremely organized (and efficient) process. However, disturbances in the formation and/or propagation of electrical signals may induce reentrant activation patterns which lead to tachycardia, that is, a noticeable increase in the heart’s activation rate. In the worst case, this may turn to an even less organized activation pattern, the so-called fibrillation. The only reliable therapy to terminate (otherwise lethal) fibrillations and restore a healthy cardiac rhythm is electrical defibrillation, consisting in delivering a strong electrical shock by injecting external currents through a set of electrodes. This restores a spatially uniform activation pattern, recovering an extracellular potential distribution which dampens voltage gradients. Electrical defibrillation is nowadays achieved by implanting a suitable device (the so-called cardioverter defibrillator) that can monitor heart rhythm and then deliver electrical discharges when needed.


1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure

In this case, the state problem is represented by the so-called monodomain model, a nonlinear unsteady diffusion-reaction equation for the transmembrane potential v (describing the macroscopic electrical activity in the heart tissue) coupled with an ODE describing the evolution of a gating or recovery variable w; see, e.g., [68, 220, 259]. Denoting by Ω ⊂ Rd , d = 2, 3, a portion of (isolated) cardiac tissue, the monodomain problem reads as follows:  ∂v   − div(σ∇v) + Iion (v, w) = Ie in Ω × (0, T )   ∂t      ∂w = g(v, w) in Ω × (0, T ) ∂t (1.14)   ∂v   =0 on ∂Ω × (0, T )   ∂n    v(0) = v0 , w(0) = w0 in Ω, where y = (v, w) plays the role of state variable, σ : Ω → Rd×d denotes the intracellular conductivity tensor, Iion is the current density flowing through ionic channels across the membrane, and Ie is an extracellular current density stimulus, representing the defibrillation action, which plays the role of control function. The ionic activity is usually modeled through a system of ODEs; here we consider the simplest case involving just a single ionic current variable w, and a single ODE. A very popular choice is the so-called Fitzhugh-Nagumo model, where we set:    v v Iion (v, w) = η0 v 1 − 1− + η1 vw, vth vpk   (1.15) v g(v, w) = η2 − η3 w . vpk

Here ηj , j = 0, . . . , 3 are positive real coefficients, vth > 0 is a threshold potential and vpk , vpk > vth , is the peak potential [68]. In (1.14) we apply homogeneous Neumann conditions because we assume that both intracellular and extracellular domains are electrically isolated; the initial value of the transmembrane potential and ion current variables are prescribed to, say, constant values v0 and w0 , respectively. See e.g [45, 259, 68] for more on the subject. To perform an optimal electrical defibrillation, we aim at determining an optimal extracellular current Ie , which depends on the defibrillation pulse to be controlled, such that the electrical activity in the tissue – described by the transmembrane potential v – is damped in an optimal way. The current is induced by external devices consisting in electrode plates Ωj , j = 1, . . . , N , placed in the tissue; to each plate Ωj is associated an independent pulse uj = uj (t) so that Ie can be modeled as Ie (x, t) =


uj (t)χΩj (x)ξ[0,tf ] (t),


where tf is the duration of the electrical pulse; χΩj and ξ[0,tf ] denote instead the characteristic functions of Ωj and [0, tf ], respectively. Hence, the control function is given by the vector u(t) = (u1 (t), . . . , uN (t)). Distinguishing features of defibrillation procedures are (i) the duration of the electrical pulse, (ii) the distribution of the electric potential at the end of a defibrillation, which is indeed a relevant factor determining the failure or the success of the procedure, and (iii) the strength of the applied current.

1.5 Optimal Electrical Defibrillation of Cardiac Tissue


Fig. 1.5 From top to bottom: transmembrane potential at different time instants with optimal electrical defibrillation (left) and without electrical defibrillation (right)

Following [62, 163, 161], we consider the minimization problem J(u) =


tf 0


 α µ |u(t)|2 dt + 2 2


|v(x, tf )|2 dx → min

subject to the state system (1.14) and the constraints |uj (t)| ≤ Mj ,

j = 1, . . . , N,

0 ≤ t ≤ tf .

The first term in the cost functional takes into account the duration of the electrical pulse, the second one reflects the need to maintain the electrical shock as small as possible, whereas the third one enforces the requirement of a more uniform potential distribution after the shock; κ, α, µ are positive constants. The electrical potential without electrical defibrillation and in presence of an optimal electrical defibrillation, is shown in Fig. ??. We highlight the role of the optimal control, which stabilizes the reentry wave so that at the end of the selected time window [0, tf ) the electrical potential is uniform and no longer shows the typical pattern characterizing reentry waves as in the case of the top, left panel. We will analyze this problem in Sect. 10.2.


1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure

1.6 Optimal Flow Control for Drag Reduction Another situation where optimal control comes naturally into play is when one looks for the reduction of resistance on bodies immersed in a fluid. In several fields, such as ship design and aeronautics engineering, this is aimed at increasing the performance of a given system. We consider the problem of reducing the viscous drag of a body immersed in a fluid and moving with respect to a fluid with a prescribed relative velocity (a generalization to optimal shape design will be presented in Sect. 1.7). In fact, drag or frictional forces increase if the boundary layer, in this case modeled by the fluid velocity field located in a thin layer close to the surface of the body, becomes turbulent. We aim at reducing the viscous drag by controlling the velocity of the fluid over a portion Γc ⊂ ΓB of the boundary of the body, representing some holes (see Fig. 1.6): positive velocities yield a blowing effect, that drives away the fluid from the body, whereas negative velocities give a sucking effect, and the fluid is aspirated in. We suppose that our body occupies a volume B with boundary ΓB , surrounded by a fluid, filling a domain Ω = D \ B; here D ⊂ Rd (d = 2, 3) denotes a large box around the body. Then ∂Ω = ΓB ∪ ∂D. The goal is to minimize the drag coefficient by regulating a suitable flow u across a portion Γc of the boundary ΓB . For the sake of simplicity, we consider a steady fluid flow, denoting by v and π its velocity and pressure, respectively. The state system is given by the following steady Navier-Stokes equations:  −divT(v, π) + ρ(v · ∇)v = 0 in Ω      divv = 0 in Ω       on Γin   v = v∞ v=0 on ΓB \ Γc (1.16)    v = u on Γc     v · n = 0,  (T(v, π)n) · t = 0 on Γw     T(v, π)n = 0 on Γout

where ρ is the fluid density and v∞ represents the incoming flow far from the body (if we think the body steady and the fluid flowing around it); conversely, −v∞ is the velocity of the body moving in the fluid; n and t are the (outward directed) normal and the tangent unit vectors on the boundary ∂Ω. Note that both the state y = (v, π) and the control function u are vector functions. In the case of a Newtonian fluid, the (Cauchy) stress tensor T(v, π) depends linearly on the symmetric part of the velocity gradient, that is T(v, π) = −πI + 2µσ(v),

σ(v) =

1 (∇v + (∇v)T ), 2

where µ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid. The drag force (which represents the force component in the direction of the flow velocity) on a body in relative motion with respect to a fluid can be computed from the stress tensor as Z FD = − (T(v, π)n) · e∞ dσ. ΓB

Note that by inserting a minus sign we conform to the convention that the force is positive when acting on the fluid. The drag coefficient CD is a dimensionless quantity commonly used to quantify the resistance of an object in a fluid environment, and is given, for the two-dimensional case at hand, by

1.6 Optimal Flow Control for Drag Reduction

CD =


FD = q∞ d

FD 1 2 ρV ∞ 2


where d is a characteristic dimension of the body, e∞ is the unit vector directed as the incoming 2 flow v∞ = V∞ e∞ , and q∞ = 12 ρV∞ . Note that in a more general three-dimensional case d would be replaced by a characteristic area A of the body. Our purpose is thus to solve the optimization problem J(u) = CD (v(u), π(u)) → min over a suitable set of admissible controls on Γc , where Z 1 CD (v, π) = − (T(v, π)n) · e∞ dσ q∞ ΓB


is the drag coefficient and (v, π) = (v(u), π(u)) the solution of the state system (1.16). According to the classification above, this is a boundary control problem, with boundary observation, where the observed variable is given by 1 C(v, π) = − (T(v, π)n) · e∞ . q∞ d ΓB

Evaluating the cost functional (1.17) can be troublesome from a numerical point of view; for this reason, when solving numerically this problem, it is preferable to convert it into an equivalent functional involving a distributed observation. Another option is to solve the optimization problem Z Z J(u) = 2µ |σ(v(u))|2 dx = 2µ σ(v(u)) : σ(v(u)) dx → min, (1.18) Ω

Pd ∂vi ∂wi where ∇v : ∇w = i,j=1 ∂x . In this case, J is given by the dissipation function, repj ∂xj resenting the rate at which heat energy is conducted into the fluid. Note that if Dirichlet conditions are assigned on the whole boundary and a constant velocity field is imposed far from the body, (1.18) is equivalent to (1.17) (see Sect. 11.7.2). The solutions (velocity, pressure, and streamline velocity) corresponding to the problem without control and that with optimal control on the velocity are plotted in Fig. 1.7. In particular, a comparison between the streamlines highlights the effects of the optimization in reducing the wake extension. An analysis of this problem is presented in Sect. 10.1.

Fig. 1.6 Domain for velocity control problem


1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure

IsoValue -0.0608638 0.0304319 0.0912957 0.152159 0.213023 0.273887 0.334751 0.395615 0.456478 0.517342 0.578206 0.63907 0.699933 0.760797 0.821661 0.882525 0.943389 1.00425 1.06512 1.21728

IsoValue -0.0654575 0.0327288 0.0981863 0.163644 0.229101 0.294559 0.360016 0.425474 0.490931 0.556389 0.621846 0.687304 0.752762 0.818219 0.883677 0.949134 1.01459 1.08005 1.14551 1.30915

IsoValue -0.706064 -0.56939 -0.478273 -0.387157 -0.29604 -0.204924 -0.113808 -0.0226912 0.0684252 0.159542 0.250658 0.341775 0.432891 0.524007 0.615124 0.70624 0.797357 0.888473 0.97959 1.20738

IsoValue -2.48998 -2.22754 -2.05258 -1.87762 -1.70266 -1.5277 -1.35274 -1.17778 -1.00282 -0.827866 -0.652907 -0.477948 -0.302989 -0.12803 0.0469292 0.221888 0.396847 0.571806 0.746765 1.18416

Fig. 1.7 Velocity (magnitude), pressure and streamlines of the velocity field in the case without velocity control (left) and in the optimal control case (right)

1.7 Optimal Shape Design for Drag Reduction The drag minimization problem, formulated as an optimal control problem in Sect. 1.6, can be alternatively reformulated as a shape optimization problem: in this case, we look for the geometrical shape of the body that minimizes the drag forces acting on its surface. This is a common problem in aerodynamics, where the optimal design of an airfoil (e.g., the wing cross section) can yield remarkable fuel savings and global improvement of aircraft performance, but also in hydrodynamics, where for instance an optimal design of ship hulls yields substantial reduction in power requirements. In this context, the control variable is the shape of the domain itself or, more precisely, its boundary or else a portion of it. In the drag minimization case we look for optimal shape change of the boundary ΓB of the body B. Even if the resulting problem is harder to solve, its formulation is very similar to that of an optimal control problem. In particular, if the flow field around the body is still modeled by means of the steady NavierStokes equations (1.16) already considered in the previous example, we denote this time its solution by (v, π) = (v(Ω), π(Ω)) in order to highlight the dependence on the shape of the domain Ω. Moreover, we have Γc = ∅, so that homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions v = 0 are imposed on the whole boundary ΓB . To formulate our problem we need to select the set Oad of admissible shapes. Since we only admit variations of the shape of the body B and we assume that its volume is constant (so that the volume of Ω = D \ B is constant, too), we can choose   Z Oad = Ω ∈ O : ∂Ω \ ΓB is fixed, |Ω| = dx = m0 , Ω

1.8 A General Setting for OCPs


where O is a suitable set of smooth shapes. In this way, we end up with the following shape optimization problem with boundary observation J(Ω) = cD (v(Ω), π(Ω)) → min


over the set Oad . By considering the same setting of the previous example, through the shape optimization problem (1.19), we obtain a reduction of drag coefficient of about 15%; initial and optimal shapes, as well as velocity and pressure fields in both cases, are reported in Fig. 1.8. With respect to the boundary velocity control addressed in Sect. 1.6, the reduction of the wake extension at the rear of the body is now even more evident, thus making shape optimization more effective in order to design the shape of aerodynamic/hydrodynamic bodies. This problem is considered in Sect. 11.7.

Fig. 1.8 Velocity (magnitude), pressure and streamlines of the velocity field in the case without velocity control (left) and in the optimal control case (right).

1.8 A General Setting for OCPs From the previous sections we have learned that for a given state or controlled system, the goal of an optimal control problem is to find the best control input such that the observation of some output of interest (depending on the solution of the state system) reaches a prescribed target, in a suitable sense.


1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure

In abstract form, such a problem is characterized by: • the control function u, that belongs to a functional vector space U , the control space. In general, a control is subject to suitable constraints, usually characterized through a set of equalities or inequalities, that define a subset Uad ⊆ U of admissible controls; • the state of the system (or state variable) y = y(u), depending on the control u and belonging to a suitable functional space V . It satisfies the state equation, given in our case by either a boundary value problem for an elliptic PDE or an initial-boundary value problem for an evolution PDE. In the former case, the state equation writes G(y, u) = Ay − f − Bu = 0,


where A is a second-order, elliptic partial differential operator (linear or not). Equation (1.20) models a physical problem subject to suitable boundary conditions; additional assumptions will be specified whenever required. In the time-dependent case, the state equation takes the form: G(y, u) =

∂y + Ay − f − Bu = 0, ∂t

t ∈ (0, T )


where T ∈ (0, +∞) and A is still a second-order, elliptic operator. In this case, we need to impose a suitable initial condition on the state at t = 0; • the control can be, e.g., a source term (distributed control) or a boundary data (boundary control). In both cases, its action on the state is exerted through the control operator B; • the observation function, denoted by z = z(u), also depending on the control u through y and a suitable operator C : V → Z, z = Cy. (1.22) This function belongs to a space Z of the so-called observed functions. The observation is typically given by the state variable itself, its restriction to a subdomain Ωobs ⊂ Ω or to a portion of the boundary Γobs ⊂ Γ , or else some physical quantities depending on the gradient of the state variable; • the cost (or objective) functional J˜ : V × U → R. Inserting the state y = y(u) we obtain the so-called reduced cost functional J : U → R, that is ˜ J(u) = J(y(u), u). (1.23)

In this framework, two equivalent formulations of the OCP are possible: 1. full space approach (minimization with respect to (y, u)) ˜ u) → min J(y, subject to


G(y, u) = 0, y ∈ V, u ∈ Uad . A minimizing pair (ˆ u, yˆ) satisfying (1.24) is called optimal control and optimal state, respectively. Note that the state problem G(y, u) = 0 plays the role of an equality constraint, and that y and u are regarded as two independent variables. Moreover, we may also require that the state variable fulfills additional constraints – also referred to as state constraints – that is, y ∈ Vad ⊂ V .

1.8 A General Setting for OCPs


2. reduced space approach (minimization with respect to u). If the state system can be used to express the state variable y as a function of u, that is, y = y(u), then problem (1.24) reduces to ˜ J(u) = J(y(u), u) → min (1.25)

subject to u ∈ Uad .

From a computational standpoint, it can be advantageous to treat y and u as independent variables; this approach stands at the basis of the well-known Lagrange multiplier method, which will be extensively used throughout the book. Remark 1.1. Sometimes, (1.24) is also called Simultaneous Analysis and Design formulation of an OCP, while (1.25) is called Nested Analysis and Design formulation of an OCP; see, e.g., [13]. • A typical expression of the cost functional is ˜ u) = P (y) + Q(u) = 1 kCy − zd k2 + α kuk2 , J(y, Z U 2 2

α ≥ 0.

Depending on the observation, P may assume several forms, such as Z Z P (y) = (y − zd )2 dx, P (y) = |∇(y − zd )|2 dx, Ωobs

corresponding to the choice Cy = uχΩobs or Cy = ∇y, respectively, as distributed observation functions, or 2 Z Z  ∂y 2 P (y) = (y − zd ) dσ, P (y) = − zd dσ, ∂n Γobs ∂Ω corresponding to the choice Cy = y|Γobs i.e. the trace of the state on a portion Γobs ⊆ ∂Ω, or the trace of its normal derivative Cy = ∂y/∂n, called boundary observation function. For time-dependent PDEs, observations can be made over the whole time interval, 2 Z TZ Z TZ  ∂y P (y) = (y(x, t) − zd (x, t))2 dxdt, or P (y) = (σ, t) − zd (x, t) dσdt, ∂n 0 Ωobs 0 ∂Ω or restricted to the final time t = T only, Z P (y) = (y(x, T ) − zd (x))2 dx, Ωobs


P (y) =


|∇(y(x, T ) − zd (x))|2 dx.

The choice of Q can be inspired by different aims, for instance minimizing a suitable norm of the control function, introducing a regularization term for the minimization problem, etc. Specific examples will be introduced later on.


1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure

1.9 Shape Optimization Problems The framework introduced above proves very useful in other contexts as well. With no pretention to be exhaustive, we consider in this book the extension to shape optimization problems. In a shape optimization problem, the goal is, say, to minimize an objective function which involves the solution of a state system, defined over a geometrical domain of interest, by controlling the shape of the domain itself. As in the optimal control case, the state system can be modeled by either a boundary value problem for a stationary PDE, or an initial/boundary value problem for a time-dependent PDE. For the sake of simplicity, we focus on the former, A(Ω)y(Ω) = f (Ω),


where we highlight the dependence of both the partial differential operator and the right-hand side on the shape of the domain Ω. The latter belongs to a space Oad ⊆ O of admissible shapes that plays in the current context the role of control space. From now on, we identify the shape of the domain with the domain itself, for the sake of simplicity. Also the state space V = V (Ω) may depend on the domain Ω, for instance in the case where non-homogeneous Dirichlet conditions are imposed on a portion of the boundary ∂Ω. Here the objective is given by a cost functional J(Ω), also called shape functional, defined on Oad . Similarly to (1.25), a shape optimization problem can be written as ˜ J(Ω) = J(y(Ω), Ω) → min subject to


Ω ∈ Oad . ˆ is called optimal shape. Also in a shape optimization problem the A minimizing shape Ω objective function can be expressed as the sum of two terms ˜ Ω) = P (y) + Q(Ω) = 1 kCy − zd k2 + Q(Ω). J(y, Z 2 The observation function P obeys to problem-dependent criteria as in the optimal control case, whereas Q may depend on shape features such as the volume (or area) of Ω, its perimeter, etc. Shape optimization problems under the form (1.27) can be regarded as a particular case of a larger class of problems, usually denoted as optimal design problems in structural optimization. In this context, some data of the mathematical model describing the behavior of a structure are considered to be design parameters (or control variables), by means of which a structure is tuned until a desired property is achieved. Depending on the nature of the design parameters, three different approaches can be envisaged: (i) sizing or parametric optimization: design parameters reflect material properties of the structure, or simple geometrical features, such as typical sizes; the control variables enter into the coefficients of the PDE. In this case we deal with constrained optimization problems in Rp , being p the number of the design parameters; (ii) (geometrical) shape optimization : the position of the boundary of the shape under control is optimized without varying its topology; (iii) topological optimization: the topology of a structure, as well as its shape, is optimized by allowing for example the inclusion of holes.

1.10 Parameter Estimation Problems


Topology optimization problems require deeper mathematical tools than those introduced in this book; the interested reader may refer, e.g., to [27, 135]; in Chapter 11 we will focus instead on (simple) geometrical shape optimization problems (case (ii)).

1.10 Parameter Estimation Problems Another class of problems that can be cast in the family of OCPs are parameter estimation problems. Indeed, when setting a mathematical model to describe complex phenomena, not all model inputs may be directly measurable. For example, in the case of the monodomain problem (1.14)–(1.15), the electrical conductivity function σ can be hard to assess for a given individual. On the other hand, estimating this quantity is essential for the model. This raise the issue of parameter estimation: the missing parameters are typically recovered starting from measurements concerning a specific quantity that can be related to the solution of the state problem. In this book we limit ourselves to underline some analogies between parameter estimation and optimal control, and to show some examples. The so-called variational approach recasts parameter estimation in the framework of PDEconstrained optimization, by considering the equations governing the problem at hand as state system and the discrepancy between the observation of the state and the measured data as cost functional to be minimized. Exploiting a mathematical analogy, the parameters to be estimated can be regarded as if they were control variables in the case of OCPs; be aware, however, that these are model parameters that escape the possibility of being controlled! In abstract mathematical terms, we can formulate the parameter estimation problem as follows. Assume that the state problem reads A(µ)y(µ) = f (µ),


where now we have highlighted the dependence on the missing parameter µ ∈ P ⊂ Rp (here assumed to be a vector). The available measurements zd can be exploited to estimate µ by minimizing the error (in the least squares sense) between zd itself and the observation z(µ) = Cy(µ), 1 α J(µ) = kCy(µ) − zd k2Z + Q(µ) → min (1.29) 2 2 where Q : P → R+ typically plays the role of regularization term. For instance, the choice Q(µ) = kµ − µp k2P ,


where µp ∈ P represents the a priori guess on µ, yields the celebrated Tikhonov regularization (see e.g. [91]). It is worth mentioning that measurements are typically affected by noise and/or uncertainties. This might call for the set up of an approach aimed at recovering the way uncertainties are propagated into the model and eventually affect the estimates. We can for instance look for confidence bands about the estimated quantities – and not only point estimates, as done with the variational approach – and characterize the statistical distribution of the unknown parameters, by formulating a suitable statistical inverse problem in, e.g., a Bayesian setting [154, 260, 256]. More in general, statistical inversion recasts the parameter estimation problem in a larger space of probability distributions [154]. This strategy provides a better characterization of the prior information brought, e.g., by the regularization terms in (1.30), under the form of a prior probability density function of the unknown inputs. For more on this topic, see, e.g., [256, 257].


1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure

Another (indeed, very relevant) case where optimal control theory can be exploited is that of (variational) data assimilation, where experimental measurements of a quantity modeled by the state system can be incorporated (or assimilated) into the (computational) model in order to better characterize model inputs that are unavailable [14, 171].

1.11 Theoretical Issues The analysis of optimal control problems and more general PDE-constrained optimization problems presents several challenges. A classical approach is that of J.L. Lions [177], see Chapters 5 and 9. Another (more general) approach follows the Lagrangian formalism: the OCP is regarded as a constrained minimization problem for which a Lagrangian functional is introduced. The associated Lagrange multiplier is denoted as adjoint state or co-state. In this framework, should it exist, the optimum is a saddle point of the Lagrangian functional. In this section we highlight the most relevant issues addressed in the following chapters. 1. Well-posedness. We first need to study the existence of an optimal control and, possibly, its uniqueness. At this stage, we can rely on well-posedness results for the state problem (given for example by the Lax-Milgram theorem in the simplest case of linear, elliptic PDEs), and on suitable assumptions on both the cost functional and the space of admissible controls. 2. Optimality conditions. Once the well-posedness of the problem has been stated, we need to derive a system of equations capable to characterize its solution. First-order optimality conditions express necessary conditions to be satisfied by the solution. They usually involve the state problem, the so-called adjoint problem and a condition on the control function involving the expression of the gradient of the cost functional. For instance, a distributed control problem like (1.1), with state system described by an elliptic PDE like (1.2), leads to the optimality system:  −∆y = f + u in Ω state problem     y = g on ∂Ω D   −∆p = y − zd in Ω adjoint problem (1.31)   p=0 on ∂Ω     p + αu = 0 optimality condition. Its derivation in more general cases is provided in Chapters 5 and 7. 3. Sensitivity analysis. Once the optimal control problem has been solved, we might be interested to study the way the optimal value of the cost functional varies with respect to control perturbations. This is called sensitivity analysis and requires the characterization of the gradient of the cost functional.

We will investigate these issues in Chapters 5,7 and 9. For a gentle warm up, we start with optimization of finite dimensional OCPs in Chapter 4.

1.12 Numerical Approximation of an OCP Once the solution has been characterized by a system of optimality conditions (OC), the corresponding coupled system of PDEs has to be approximated numerically. This poses several challenges from a numerical point of view.

1.12 Numerical Approximation of an OCP


In this section we anticipate some general ideas related to the numerical solution of this class of problems; algorithms will be extensively analyzed in Chapters 6, 8, and 9.6. For the sake of simplicity, let us consider a general PDE-constrained optimization problem, including all the cases listed in the previous sections (the only exception is given by shape optimization problems, which feature several differences, and will be addressed later on), under the following form: ˜ u) → min J(y,

subject to

G(y, u) = 0, y ∈ V, u ∈ Uad


For the numerical solution of this problem, two different paradigms can be adopted: - optimize-then-discretize (OtD): we first write down the optimality system at the continuous level and then we solve it numerically; - discretize-then-optimize (DtO): we first discretize the state problem and the expression of the cost functional, and then look for a discrete control, so that the optimality conditions are stated directly at the finite dimensional level. In general, these two strategies do not necessarily yield the same result. In any case, discretization schemes and optimization methods are fundamental constituents of the numerical solution of PDE-constrained optimization problems. The goal of this section is to highlight the main sources of complexity and/or difficulty entailed by the numerical solution of this class of problems: 1. Discretization of the state problem (and its adjoint): the choice of a suitable discretization method is the first step af any numerical approximation of a PDE-constrained optimization problem. In this book we will focus on the Galerkin-Finite Element Method (FEM); however, this choice is not restrictive, the whole construction remains valid for other discretization techniques as well. In particular, the choice of discrete spaces, numerical solvers for linear systems, preconditioning techniques, etc., is usually dictated by the very nature of the state problem. Since the numerical solution of the state and adjoint problems has to be performed many times when solving iteratively a PDE-constrained optimization problem, using efficient numerical PDE solvers is mandatory. Moreover, very often also the control function is a vector of (control) parameters. In this case the optimization can be performed with respect to a finite-dimensional variable. The smaller the dimension p of the control parameter vector, the more effective the discrete representation. Note that, after (spatial) discretization, the size of the discrete control function might be at most equal to the one of the discrete state variable in the case of distributed controls. For instance, dealing with control parameters is often preferable in the case of shape optimization problems to avoid boundary deformations and possible remeshing [134, 200]. 2. Numerical Optimization: by formally eliminating the PDE constraint using the solution operator u → y(u) : G(y(u), u) = 0, we can keep only the control variable as optimization variable in (1.32). The resulting problem is usually solved by iterative methods for the ˜ minimization of the reduced cost functional J(u) = J(y(u), u) over the control space. This class of methods is typically referred to as iterative approach for the solution of the OCP. For instance, if Uad = U , we can exploit standard nonlinear optimization algorithms (such as descent methods or trust region methods, see Chap. 3) in a straightforward way. These algorithms require the repeated solution of the state and the adjoint problems, as well as the sequential updating of the control (or optimization) variables, until a suitable convergence criterion is achieved. Indeed, this requires many numerical evaluations of the PDEs and of quantities related with the state and the adjoint solutions, such as the gradient or the Hessian of the cost functional.


1 Introduction: Representative Examples, Mathematical Structure

3. Computational complexity: it emerges, from the considerations above, that PDE-constrained optimization problems are computationally demanding, because of their intrinsic iterative nature. Essential features related to the state problem, the control variables and the observation operator may greatly affect the rate of convergence of the optimization procedure, and therefore the global computational cost. Alternatively, at least in some particular cases and under suitable assumptions, the coupled system of the optimality conditions can be solved as a whole. For instance, in the case of linear-quadratic problems in absence of further control constraints, the set of optimality conditions yields a linear system with a saddle-point structure, for which effective numerical methods have to be used. This approach is usually referred to as all-at-once method [226, 241, 141] and can be regarded as an alternative to the iterative approach discussed above. For more general OCPs, methods such as active set or sequential quadratic programming [208, 148] entail a sequence of saddle point problems of similar nature. In Chapters 6 and 8 we introduce the main ideas underlying these numerical strategies, as well as some of the most popular optimization methods. We consider first the simpler (yet significant and non-trivial) case of OCPs with quadratic cost functional and linear state equations. In fact, when tackling more difficult PDE-constrained optimization problems, usual optimization techniques require the solution of simpler linear-quadratic problems, making indispensable the development of efficient methods for these latter problems. Shape optimization problems feature additional difficulties also from the numerical standpoint. For instance, they require further effort for representing and deforming efficiently the shape of the underlying geometry, as well as for evaluating shape derivatives or shapedependent quantities. As we will see in Chap. 11, one can benefit from representing shapes by means of a (possibly small) number of design parameters, hence adopting suitable shape parametrization techniques. See, e.g., [134, 200] for a survey of numerical techniques in shape optimization. The numerical solution of parameter estimation problems features further difficulties because of their ill-posedness, which often demand for special care in the choice of computational techniques, regularization parameter selections, and so on. We remark that also a statistical approach to uncertainty in inverse problems requires in any case the repeated evaluation of outputs (depending on the state solution) over large sample sets, for instance in order to compute sample statistics such as expectations, variances, and higher order moments. Useful references for the numerical solution of inverse problems are, e.g., [268, 154, 260].

Part I A Preview on Optimization and Control in Finite Dimensions

Chapter 2

Prelude on Optimization: The Finite Dimensional Case

As pointed out in Sect. 1.1, optimization is a crucial ingredient of control problems. In this chapter we review the optimization of functions in finite dimensional spaces. This sets the ground for the investigation of the infinite dimensional case, the natural ambient for the OCPs governed by PDEs. In Sect. 2.1 we set up the problem and we analyze it. We address free and constrained optimization of functions in Rn in Sects. 2.2 and 2.3, respectively. In particular, we introduce the Lagrange multipliers and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker methods for treating the case of equality constraints and inequality constraints, respectively. These ideas will then be generalized to the case of infinite dimensional spaces in Chapter 9. Some notions of practical interest when dealing with Euclidean spaces, such as vector/matrix norms, scalar products and basic issues related with matrix operations, are reviewed in Sect. B.1. In particular, for the scalar product in Rn , we use the notations x · y or (x, y).

2.1 Problem Setting and Analysis We want to minimize an objective (or cost) function J : Rn → R, over a set K ⊆ Rn , that is J(x) → min .



A point where the minimum of J is achieved is called a minimizer or minimization point (or also optimal decision). Note that max J = − min (−J), so that we can restrict ourselves to minimization problems. Problem (2.1) is: • a free optimization problem when K = Rn or, more in general, K is open. Solving a free optimization problem consists therefore in seeking minimizers that are interior points of the set K; • a constrained optimization problem if K ⊂ Rn is not an open set. In many relevant cases K ⊂ Rn is defined by means of equality or inequality constraints under the following form K = {x ∈ Rn : ϕj (x) = bj ∀ j = 1, . . . , m, ϕi (x) ≥ bi ∀ i = m + 1, . . . , m + p},

m < n.


When the search is over the whole domain K, (2.1) is a global minimization problem. Optimization algorithms are generally tailored for local minimizers, that is, for points x ˆ for which there exists a ball Br (ˆ x) such that J (ˆ x) ≤ J (x)

∀ x ∈ K ∩ Br (ˆ x) .

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0_2



2 Prelude on Optimization: Finite Dimension Spaces

Clearly, a local minimizer x ˆ is a global minimizer in K ∩ Br (ˆ x). In the sequel, the expression minimum or minimizer will always refer to global minimization.

2.1.1 Well Posedness Analysis The first issue we address is the well-posedness of problem (2.1). Let K be a closed set. Here are the most common properties that guarantee the existence of a minimum: ˆ ∈ K, (a) J is lower semicontinuous in K. This means that, for any x J (ˆ x) ≤ lim inf J(x). x→ˆ x

Equivalently, the lower-level sets Ec = {x ∈ K : J (x) ≤ c} ,



are closed (see Fig. 2.1). (b) K is bounded ; otherwise, we require that the following coercivity at ∞ condition holds J (x) → +∞ as |x| → +∞.


If K is bounded, since it is also closed, it is compact. Instead, if K is unbounded, condition (2.4) reduces the search for the minimum to a compact set. Indeed, if z ∈ K and c = J (z), the lower-level set (2.3) is non-empty, closed and bounded, that is compact, and inf J(x) = inf J(x).



To seek the minimum of J it is therefore sufficient to consider the restriction of J to Ec . The above conditions ensure the existence of a minimum for problem (2.1) thanks to the Weierstrass Theorem, see e.g. [234]. Let us examine the key steps of its proof, emphasizing the role of the conditions (a) and (b). As we have seen, we can assume that K is compact. 1. Construction of a minimizing sequence. Let λ = inf x∈K J(x) (finite or −∞). By definition of infimum, there exists a sequence {xk } ⊂ K such that J (xk ) → λ

as k → ∞.

Fig. 2.1 A lower semicontinuous function (left) and a function which is not lower semicontinuous (right)

2.1 Problem Setting and Analysis


2. Extraction of a convergent subsequence. Since K is compact, a subsequence {xkj } exists such that xkj → x ˆ, j → ∞, with x ˆ ∈ K. 3. Use of the lower semicontinuity of J. Since J (ˆ x) ≤ lim inf J(xkj ) = λ j→+∞

we deduce that J (ˆ x) = λ (in particular, λ > −∞) and that x ˆ is a minimizer. Clearly, infinitely many minimization points might exist. Simple conditions ensuring uniqueness are the convexity of the set K and the strict convexity of the cost function J. Definition 2.1. A set K ⊆ Rn is convex if, for all x, y ∈ K and all t ∈ [0, 1], the point (1 − t)x + ty is in K, that is, every point on the line segment between x and y belongs to K. Definition 2.2. Let K ⊆ Rn be convex. A function J : K → R is convex (resp. strictly convex) if, for any x, y ∈ K, x 6= y, J (tx + (1 − t) y) ≤ tJ (x) + (1 − t) J (y)

(resp. < ).


Geometrically, convexity means that the graph of J lies above its tangent plane at any point. Strict convexity rules out flat parts of the graph (see Fig. 2.2, left). When J is differentiable1 in K, (2.5) is equivalent to J (x) − J (y) ≥ ∇J(y) · (x − y)

(resp. > ),

ˆ 1 and Let now K be convex and J be strictly convex. Should there exist two minimizers x ˆ 2 on K, we would end up with x   1 1 1 1 ˆ1 + x ˆ 2 < J (ˆ λ≤J x x1 ) + J (ˆ x2 ) = λ 2 2 2 2 which is impossible. Summarizing, we have shown the following theorem:

Fig. 2.2 A strictly convex function (left) and a convex function (right).

The function J : K → R is differentiable at x ∈ K if there exists a linear map dJ(x) : Rn → R, called differential of J at x, such that J(x + h) − J(x) = dJ(x)(h) + o(|h|) for |h| → 0. With respect to the usual inner product, we have dJ(x)(h) = ∇J(x) · h. 1


2 Prelude on Optimization: Finite Dimension Spaces

Theorem 2.1 (Weierstrass). Let K ⊆ Rn be a closed, non-empty set. Assume that J : K → R is a lower semicontinuous function on K and coercive at ∞ if K is unbounded. Then there exists x ˆ ∈ K such that J (ˆ x) = min J (x) .



Moreover, if K is convex and J is strictly convex, the minimizer is unique.

2.1.2 Convexity, Optimality Conditions, and Admissible Directions ˆ be a minimizer for J. If K is convex and J is differentiable, it is easy to derive a first Let x order optimality condition. As ˆ )) − J (ˆ J (ˆ x + t(x − x x) ≥ 0 for any x ∈ K and 0 < t ≤ 1, dividing by t, letting t → 0 and denoting by dJ (ˆ x) the ˆ , we find differential of J at x ˆ ) = ∇J(ˆ ˆ) ≥ 0 dJ (ˆ x) (x − x x) · (x − x

∀ x ∈ K.


This is a variational inequality and constitutes a first order necessary optimality condition. This condition becomes also sufficient if J is convex, since ˆ) J (x) − J (ˆ x) ≥ ∇J(ˆ x) · (x − x

∀ x ∈ K;


ˆ is a minimizer. Thus, the following result (also referred to as Fermat theorem) if (2.7) holds x holds: Theorem 2.2. Let K be a convex, non-empty set and x ˆ a minimizer for J. If J is differˆ , then (2.7) holds. Conversely, if J is convex in K and (2.7) holds, then x entiable at x ˆ is ˆ is the unique minimizer. a minimizer. Moreover, if J is strictly convex, x Remark 2.1. According to (2.7) either ∇J(ˆ x) = 0 (i.e., x ˆ is a stationary (or critical) point ˆ is an interior point of K, or the ∇J(ˆ for J), for instance when x x) meets every admissible ˆ , x ∈ K, at an angle not greater than π/2. direction2 h = x − x • For a general set K and a differentiable cost function J, the variational inequality (2.7) holds for all vectors h such that there exists a sequence {xk } ⊂ K with xk → x ˆ, xk 6= x ˆ, for all k, and xk − x ˆ h → . |xk − x ˆ| |h| This follows from the relation

0 ≥ J (xk ) − J (ˆ x) = ∇J(ˆ x) · (xk − x ˆ) + o (|xk − x ˆ|) , upon dividing by |xk − x ˆ| and letting xk → x ˆ. The set of these vectors is denoted by T (ˆ x, K) and is called the set of admissible directions or the tangent cone at x ˆ ∈ K. It is a non empty closed cone that essentially contains all 2

From now on, a direction is meant to be any vector on Rn , not necessarily of unit length.

2.2 Free (Unconstrained) Optimization


the vectors “tangent” to K or pointing towards the interior of K.  For instance, in the case represented on the left of Fig. 2.3, T (ˆ x, K) coincides with the set h ∈ R2 : h1 ≥ 0, h2 ≥ 0 . Note that T (ˆ x, K) is not necessarily convex as in Fig. 2.3, right). The variational inequality ∇J(ˆ x) · h ≥ 0

∀ h ∈ T (ˆ x, K)


expresses the fact that, near x ˆ, J cannot decrease along a direction h in the tangent cone. As we will see in the next sections, a basic question in optimization is how to turn (2.9) into a more practical condition.

2.2 Free (Unconstrained) Optimization For the reader’s convenience, we review few additional elementary facts about free optimizaˆ is a minimizer belonging to the interior of K, a tion. According to Remark 2.1, when x first-order optimality condition is ∇J(ˆ x) = 0. This is a necessary condition that becomes sufficient when both K and J are convex. Besides, in this case any local minimizer is also a global one, as J(x) ≥ J(ˆ x) ∀x ∈ K thanks to (2.8). ˆ can be analyzed using the Taylor development If J ∈ C 2 (K), the nature of a critical point x J(ˆ x + h) − J(ˆ x) = where (D2 J)ij (x) =

n 1 X (D2 J)ij (ˆ x)hi hj + o(|h|2 ) 2 i,j=1

∂2J (x), ∂xi ∂xj


i, j = 1, . . . , n

are the elements of the symmetric Hessian matrix D2 J(x) of J. If D2 J(ˆ x) is positive definite, ˆ is a local minimizer. The following result holds. then x

Fig. 2.3 Left: the tangent cone T (ˆ x, K) is convex. Right: T (ˆ x, K) is nonconvex, since T (ˆ x, K) = Γ + (ˆ x, K)∪h0 . The notation Γ + (ˆ x, K) is used here to denote the directions h such that ∇ϕ1 (ˆ x) · h ≥ 0 and ∇ϕ2 (ˆ x) · h ≥ 0, and will be clear in Sect. 2.3.2.


2 Prelude on Optimization: Finite Dimension Spaces

ˆ is a (local) Theorem 2.3. Let K be open and J : K → R be a differentiable function. If x ˆ is a stationary point for J, that is ∇J(ˆ minimizer of J, then x x) = 0. Furthermore, if ˆ is a J ∈ C 2 (K), then D2 J(ˆ x) is positive semidefinite. On the other hand, if J ∈ C 2 (K), x ˆ is a local minimizer stationary point for J and D2 J(ˆ x) is a positive definite matrix, then x for J. The interested reader can find further and more general results, e.g., in [36]. We devote Sects. 3.1-3.2 to the most popular algorithms for free optimization; they can also be exploited to build algorithms suitable for constrained problems.

2.3 Constrained Optimization As we have already mentioned, in many relevant cases, the set K is characterized by equality constraints or inequality constraints. In this section we sketch the most important ideas related to the methods of Lagrange multipliers and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker multipliers. We refer the reader to [36, 55, 184] for further details and the proofs of the results we introduce.

2.3.1 Lagrange Multipliers: Equality Constraints Consider first the following two-dimensional case (n = 2)   J (x1 , x2 ) → min subject to  ϕ (x1 , x2 ) = b.


We assume that J : R2 → R and ϕ : R2 → R are continuously differentiable functions. The second equation represents the constraint. Suppose x ˆ = (ˆ x1 , x ˆ2 ) is a minimizer for (2.11) and assume the following, key regularity condition3 ∇ϕ (ˆ x) = 6 0.


Then, thanks to the implicit function theorem, in a neighborhood of x ˆ the constraint ϕ (x1 , x2 ) = b identifies a regular curve γ, that can be parametrized as x (t) = (x1 (t) , x2 (t)), with t ∈ (−δ, δ) and x (0) = x ˆ. Note that ∇ϕ (ˆ x) is normal to γ at x ˆ. Since x ˆ is a minimizer, the function t 7→ g (t) = J (x (t)) attains a free minimum at t = 0, so that g 0 (0) = 0 or, equivalently, ∇J (ˆ x) · x˙ (0) = 0.


Now, the vector h = x˙ (0) is tangent to γ at x ˆ, so that (2.13) tells us that the derivative of J at x ˆ along a tangential direction vanishes. We also deduce that ∇J (ˆ x) is normal to γ at x ˆ, ˆ and therefore it is parallel to ∇ϕ (ˆ x) (see Fig. 2.4). This means that, for some real number λ, we can write ˆ ∇J(ˆ x) = λ∇ϕ(ˆ x). (2.14) 3

In general, we say that a point x ∈ Eb := {x ∈ Rn : ϕ (x) = b} is regular if (2.12) holds.

2.3 Constrained Optimization


Fig. 2.4 A graphical sketch of the Lagrange multipliers method in the case n = 2: both the contour lines of ˆ the gradients ∇J and ∇ϕ are parallel J and the constraint ϕ = b are shown. At the minimizer x

In summary we obtain the following first-order necessary optimality condition: under the ˆ ∈ R, called Lagrange multiplier, such that (2.14) holds. above hypotheses, there exists λ Introducing the Lagrangian function L (x,λ) = J (x) + λ(b − ϕ (x)), we can recover the above optimality conditions for problem (2.11) by requiring the vanishing of the gradient of L, that is:  ∂L ˆ =0  (ˆ x, λ)    ∂x1   ∂L ˆ =0 (ˆ x, λ)  ∂x 2    ∂L   ˆ = 0. (ˆ x, λ) ∂λ Note that the third equation reproduces the constraint. In the general case, K is expressed by a set of equality constraints K = {x : ϕj (x) = bj , j = 1, . . . , m} where ϕj : Rn → R, j = 1, . . . , m, with m < n, are m continuously differentiable functions and b = (b1 , . . . , bm ). Let J : Rn → R be a differentiable cost function and consider the problem:   J (x) → min (2.15) subject to  x ∈ K.

Let x ˆ be a minimizer and assume that the vectors ∇ϕj (ˆ x), j = 1, . . . , m are linearly independent or, equivalently, by setting ϕ = (ϕ1 , . . . , ϕm ), that the Jacobian ∇ϕ : Rn → Rm×n of ϕ, defined by ∂ϕi (x) (∇ϕ(x))ij = , i = 1, . . . , m , j = 1, . . . , n ∂xj is a surjective map.


2 Prelude on Optimization: Finite Dimension Spaces

This hypothesis guarantees that in a neighborhood of x ˆ, K geometrically represents a hypersurface of dimension n − m, whose tangent hyperplane at x ˆ is described by Π (ˆ x) = {h : ∇ϕj (ˆ x) · h = 0,

j = 1, . . . , m}.


The argument used for the above two-dimensional problem can be extended to prove that the derivatives of J at x ˆ along any tangential direction vanish, ∇J(ˆ x) · h = 0

for all h ∈ Π (ˆ x) .

Thus, ∇J(ˆ x) is orthogonal to Π (ˆ x). Thanks to (2.16), every vector orthogonal to Π (ˆ x) takes the form λ1 ∇ϕ1 (ˆ x) + λ2 ∇ϕ2 (ˆ x) + . . . + λm ∇ϕm (ˆ x) for some scalars λj ∈ R, j = 1, . . . , m. We are therefore led to state the following result, whose proof can be found, for instance, in [208, Theorem 12.1]: ˆ j ∈ R, j = 1, . . . , m, Theorem 2.4. Under the above hypotheses, there exist m scalars λ called (Lagrange) multipliers, such that ˆ 1 ∇ϕ1 (ˆ ˆ 2 ∇ϕ2 (ˆ ˆ m ∇ϕm (ˆ ∇J(ˆ x) = λ x) + λ x) + . . . + λ x) .


By denoting λ = (λ1 , . . . , λm ) and introducing the Lagrangian function L (x, λ) = J (x) +

m X j=1

λj (bj − ϕj (x)),


the optimality condition (2.17) can be written in the form ˆ =0 ∇x L(ˆ x, λ) while the constraints are obtained from the equation ˆ = 0. ∇λ L(ˆ x, λ) ˆ j play a role in the sensitivity analysis. Indeed, let x Remark 2.2. The multipliers λ ˆ (b) be a minimizer for (2.15). If x ˆ (b) is a differentiable function of b, the optimal value m (b) = J (ˆ x (b)) is differentiable, too, and it satisfies ∂m ˆ = λj , ∂bj

j = 1, . . . , m.


ˆ j represents the sensitivity (measured by the partial derivative ∂m/∂bj ) of In other words, λ the optimal value m(b) to the variations of the level bj of the j-th constraint. • Remark 2.3. If the vectors ∇ϕj (ˆ x), j = 1, . . . , m, are linearly independent, we say that x ˆ is a regular point, or that the constraints are regular at x ˆ. Clearly, this is only a sufficient condition for the existence of multipliers, as the following example shows. •

2.3 Constrained Optimization


Example 2.1. In the case of the following problem:  J(x1 , x2 , x3 ) = x22 → min    subject to ϕ1 (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = x1 + x2 + x3 = 0    ϕ2 (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = x21 − x22 = 0


ˆ = (0, 0, 0) is a solution, ∇ϕ1 (ˆ x x) = (1, 1, 1) and ∇ϕ2 (ˆ x) = (0, 0, 0) are not independent. However, (2.17) is verified by choosing λ1 = 0 and λ2 ∈ R arbitrary. On the other hand, for the following problem:   J(x1 , x2 ) = x21 + x22 → min subject to (2.21)  ϕ(x1 , x2 ) = (x1 − 1)3 − x22 = 0

ˆ = (1, 0) is the point on the curve ϕ1 (x1 , x2 ) = 0 closest to the origin (see the solution x ˆ is not a regular point and no Fig. 2.5). Here ∇J(ˆ x) = (2, 0) and ∇ϕ(ˆ x) = (0, 0), hence x multiplier exists. •

ˆ Fig. 2.5 A graphical sketch of the second problem in Example 2.1. No multiplier exists at the minimizer x

2.3.2 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Multipliers: Inequality Constraints Assume now that K is identified by a set of inequality constraints (m = 0 in (2.2)). Under a suitable regularity condition of the constraints – the so-called constraints qualification (CQ) condition – the variational inequality (2.9) can be expressed more conveniently in terms of multipliers. Let J : Rn → R and ϕi : Rn → R, i = 1, . . . , p be continuously differentiable functions and define K = {x : ϕi (x) ≥ bi , i = 1, . . . , p} . If x ˆ is a minimizer for

from (2.9) we know that

  J (x) → min subject to  x∈K



2 Prelude on Optimization: Finite Dimension Spaces

∇J(ˆ x) · h ≥ 0

∀ h ∈ T (ˆ x, K) ,


where T (ˆ x, K) is the tangent cone at x ˆ of K. As in the case of equality constraints, we express (2.23) in terms of the gradients ∇ϕi (ˆ x) of the constraints. Let I (ˆ x) = {i = 1, . . . , p : ϕi (ˆ x ) = bi } be the set of active constraints at x ˆ, and define the (positive) polar cone of K at x ˆ as Γ + (ˆ x, K) = {h : ∇ϕi (ˆ x) · h ≥ 0, i ∈ I (ˆ x)} . If ∇ϕi (ˆ x) does not vanish, it points towards the interior of K, and the polar cone Γ + (ˆ x, K) collects the vectors h meeting all the ∇ϕi (ˆ x) at an angle not greater than π/2, see Fig. 2.3. Definition 2.3. We say that the constraints qualification (CQ) condition is satisfied at x ˆ if the following relation holds: Γ + (ˆ x, K) = T (ˆ x, K) .


A simple condition ensuring (2.24) is the linear independence of the vectors ∇ϕi (ˆ x) , i ∈ I (ˆ x). Alternative conditions are: - there exists h∗ ∈ Rn such that ∇ϕi (ˆ x) · h∗ > 0 ∀ i ∈ I (ˆ x) (Cottle condition); - there exists x ¯ such that ϕi (¯ x) > 0 ∀ j ∈ I (ˆ x) and either ϕi is convex or ϕi (¯ x) ≥ 0 and ϕi is affine (Slater condition). The first option requires that K has non empty interior. Thanks to (2.24), (2.23) holds for every h ∈ Γ + (ˆ x, K), and implies that ∇J(ˆ x) can be expressed as a linear combination of ∇ϕi (ˆ x), i ∈ I(ˆ x), with nonnegative coefficients, called Karush-Kuhn-Tucker multipliers. First consider the case n = p = 2, with b1 = b2 = 0   J (x) → min (2.25) subject to  ϕ1 (x) ≥ 0, ϕ2 (x) ≥ 0 .

Referring to Fig. 2.6, if x ˆ is a minimizer, the optimality condition (2.23) implies that ∇J(ˆ x) belongs to the intersection of the two half planes whose interior normals are ∇ϕ1 (ˆ x) and ∇ϕ2 (ˆ x). We easily conclude that ∇J (ˆ x) = λ1 ∇ϕ1 (ˆ x) + λ2 ∇ϕ2 (ˆ x), with λ1 > 0, λ2 > 0. In the general case, the same conclusion can be found thanks to the Farkas lemma, whose geometrical intepretation is reported in Fig. 2.7: Lemma 2.1 (Farkas). Let w1 , . . . , wp , v ∈ Rn be a set of vectors in Rn . The following inclusion {h : wi · h ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , p} ⊆ {h : v · h ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , p} (2.26) holds if and only if there exist nonnegative λi , i = 1, . . . , p, such that v=

p X

λi w i .


By choosing v = ∇J(ˆ x) and wi = ∇ϕi (ˆ x), i = 1, . . . , p in Farkas Lemma 2.1, we deduce the following fundamental result:

2.3 Constrained Optimization


Fig. 2.6 A graphical sketch of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker multipliers method in the case n = p = 2.

Theorem 2.5 (Karush, 1939; Kuhn-Tucker, 1951). Let x ˆ be a minimizer for problem (2.22) and suppose that the constraint qualification (CQ) condition is satisfied at x ˆ. Then, there ˆ exist λi ≥ 0, i ∈ I (ˆ x), called Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) multipliers, such that X ˆ i ∇ϕi (ˆ ˆ i ≥ 0. ∇J(ˆ x) = λ x) , λ (2.27) i∈I(ˆ x)

We point out that only the active constraints at x ˆ appear in formula (2.27). Since x ˆ is not a priori known, it is more convenient to rewrite (2.27) in terms of the Lagrangian function, defined as p X L (x, λ) = J (x) + λi (bi − ϕi (x)) , (2.28) i=1

where λ = (λ1 , . . . , λp ) is the vector of KKT multipliers, and all the constraints are considered.

Fig. 2.7 Geometrical interpretation of Farkas lemma: if Wi+ is the half-space of the vectors forming with wi T an acute angle, the set at the left-hand side of (2.26) is given by pi=1 Wi+ . Since W1+ ∩ W2+ ⊆ V + , v is a linear combination of w1 and w2 with nonnegative coefficients.


2 Prelude on Optimization: Finite Dimension Spaces

The optimal necessary condition expressed in Theorem 2.5 is equivalent to require that ˆ is a solution of the following system (Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions): (ˆ x, λ) p X ∂L ˆ = ∂J (ˆ ˆ i ∂ϕi (ˆ (ˆ x, λ) x) − λ x) = 0 ∂xk ∂xk ∂xk i=1

∂L ˆ = bi − ϕi (ˆ (ˆ x, λ) x) ≤ 0 ∂λi ˆ i ≥ 0, ˆ i (bi − ϕi (ˆ λ λ x)) = 0

k = 1,



i = 1, . . . , p


i = 1, . . . , p.


Equations (2.31) are also called complementary equations. Note that, if i ∈ / I (ˆ x), from (2.31) we get λi = 0, so that only the active constraints play a role in equations (2.29) and we recover equation (2.27).

2.3.3 Second Order Conditions Second order conditions are also available. We treat both m equality and p inequality constraints at the same time, and assume that both the cost function and the constraints are twice continuously differentiable. The first-order optimality conditions are therefore: ˆ =0 ∇x L(ˆ x, λ) ϕj (ˆ x ) = bj , ϕm+i (ˆ x) ≥ bm+i ,

ˆ i ≥ 0, λ ˆ i (bi − ϕi (ˆ λ x)) = 0,

∀ j ∈ E = {1, . . . , m} ∀ m + i ∈ I = {m + 1, . . . , m + p}


∀ i ∈ I;

ˆ . In this case, the moreover, denote by I(ˆ x) ⊆ I the set of active (inequality) constraints at x ˆ is given by polar cone of K at x Γ + (ˆ x, K) = {h : ∇ϕj (ˆ x) · h = 0 ∀ j ∈ E,

∇ϕi (ˆ x) · h ≥ 0 ∀ i ∈ I(ˆ x)}.

Second order conditions involve the action of the Hessian of L along directions tangential to ˆ satisfying (2.32), we introduce the constraints. Given the polar cone Γ + (ˆ x, K) and a pair (ˆ x, λ) ˆ K) of those directions belonging to Γ + (ˆ the critical cone C(ˆ x, λ, x, K) for which first order ˆ. conditions do not provide any information on the nature of x Precisely, the critical cone can be defined as the set of those directions h such that:  x) · h = 0 ∀i ∈ E,  ∇ϕi (ˆ ˆ i > 0, ˆ K) ⇔ ∇ϕi (ˆ x) · h = 0 ∀i ∈ I(ˆ x) with λ h ∈ C(ˆ x, λ, (2.33)  ˆ i = 0. ∇ϕi (ˆ x) · h ≥ 0 ∀i ∈ I(ˆ x) with λ

ˆ i = 0 for all inactive components i ∈ I \ I(ˆ In fact, from (2.33) and the fact that λ x), we immediately obtain that ˆ K) h ∈ C(ˆ x, λ,

ˆ i ∇ϕi (ˆ λ x) · h = 0

∀i ∈ E ∪ I;

hence, from (2.32)1 and the definition (2.28) of the Lagrangian function, we find that X ˆ K) ⇒ ∇J(ˆ ˆ i ∇ϕi (ˆ h ∈ C(ˆ x, λ, x) · h = λ x) · h = 0. i∈E∪I

2.3 Constrained Optimization


ˆ K) is exactly the subset of Γ + (ˆ It follows that C(ˆ x, λ, x, K) we are interested in. A necessary condition for a local minimizer at which the CQ condition is fulfilled reads as follows: ˆ satisfy system (2.32). Assume that the CQ condition is satisProposition 2.1. Let (ˆ x, λ) fied at x ˆ. Then 2 ˆ ·h≥0 ˆ K). Dxx L(ˆ x, λ)h ∀ h ∈ C(ˆ x, λ, More significant is the following sufficient condition for a strict local minimizer: ˆ such ˆ ∈ K there is a multiplier vector λ Proposition 2.2. Suppose that for some point x that the first-order conditions (2.32) are satisfied. Suppose also that 2 ˆ ·h>0 Dxx L(ˆ x, λ)h

ˆ K), h 6= 0. ∀ h ∈ C(ˆ x, λ,

ˆ is a strict local minimizer. Then x Note that the CQ condition is not needed in Proposition 2.2, since we are already assuming the existence of the multipliers.

Chapter 3

Algorithms for Numerical Optimization

We consider the optimization of a cost function J : Rn → R. Numerical methods for optimization problems are based on iterative algorithms which compute a finite sequence of points {xk }k≥1 approaching a local optimizer. For a comprehensive survey on optimization algorithms see, e.g., [208, 80, 36]. From a numerical standpoint, we can make a general distinction between optimization in Rn (free optimization) and optimization over a closed set K ⊂ Rn characterized by either equality and/or inequality constraints (constrained optimization). We first illustrate two families of numerical algorithms for solving free optimization problems: descent methods (Sect. 3.1) and trust-region methods (Sect. 3.2). Then, in Sects. 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 we describe some widely used algorithms for solving constrained optimization problems, such as the penalty method, the augmented Lagrangian method and the more general sequential quadratic programming method. As already noticed in Sect. 2.1, we can restrict our analysis to minimization problems without loss of generality. From now on, the word optimization should therefore understood as minimization. Most algorithms for nonlinear optimization require the knowledge of the derivatives of the cost function J. However, if J is not differentiable, or if the computation of its derivatives is nontrivial, we can rely on derivative free methods. The latter exploit either the comparison among function evaluations in different directions at each step, or low-order local approximants of J in order to assess its local behavior and localize the minimizer; see for instance [270, 273, 71, 167]. A very popular derivative-free method is the method of Nelder and Mead [206] (see also [166] for the analysis of its convergence properties). A widespread approach makes use of finite difference approximations of partial derivatives of J; see e.g. [208]. More efficient methods are usually employed in the solution of large-scale problems, like those arising from the discretization of OCPs for PDEs. For any given starting point x0 , these methods build up a sequence {xk }k≥1

such that

J(xk+1 ) < J(xk )

iteratively, until a suitable stopping criterion is fulfilled. Several strategies allow to move from the current iterate xk to the new one xk+1 : • descent or line-search methods: the algorithm selects a direction dk and then computes a step length to move from the current iterate xk along that direction to find a new iterate such that J(xk+1 ) < J(xk ); • trust region methods: the information about the cost function J is exploited to construct a model function which, in a given region (the so-called trust region) near the current iterate xk , resembles the actual cost function J. Both strategies enable a substantial simplification of the original problem (2.1). In the former, at each iteration problem (2.1) is reduced to a one dimensional problem, as xk+1 is

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0_3



3 Algorithms for Numerical Optimization

obtained by restricting the function J along the direction dk , and then minimizing a single variable function alongwith. In the latter, instead, the cost function is replaced by a model function – for instance, a quadratic function – for which the search of a local minimizer is easier, even if the dimension of the problem is not reduced. For large problems (say n > 103 ) trust region methods may become computationally unaffordable unless an efficient implementation is carried out. For the sake of notation, we highlight that in this chapter, as well as in those regarding the numerical approximation of OCPs, the gradient is understood (as all the other vectors) as column vector, to make notation more closely related to the one adopted when implementing numerical methods.

3.1 Free Minimization by Descent Methods In this section we describe the most popular descent methods, for which the minimization problem can be stated as follows: given an initial guess x0 , the method consists in constructing iteratively a sequence {xk } such that xk+1 = xk + τk dk

k = 1, 2, . . .


where dk represents a descent direction, that is a vector that satisfies: d> k ∇J(xk ) < 0 dk = 0

if ∇J(xk ) 6= 0 if ∇J(xk ) = 0,


and τk is a step length (possibly not too small, for the efficiency of the method) that can be chosen in a variety of ways, as we discuss later. Descent directions (3.2) are called in this way since ∇J(xk ) gives in Rn the direction of maximum increase of J starting from xk ; d> k ∇J(xk ) is the directional derivative of J along dk . Formula (3.1) yields a descent method if the vectors dk are chosen according to (3.2). Thus, by requiring (3.2)1 , we step in the direction opposite to the gradient, that is (in principle) towards a minimum of the function. At every iteration, descent methods require the evaluation of the cost function and its gradient. The evaluation of the latter, in particular, may be quite involved. A pseudocode implementing a descent method is reported in Algorithm 3.1. Algorithm 3.1 Descent method Input: Maximum iterations number kmax , stopping tolerance ε, starting point x0 ˆ Output: Minimizer x 1: set k = 0, err = ε + 1 2: while err > ε and k < kmax 3: compute the search direction dk 4: compute the step length τk with a backtracking routine (see Section 3.1.2) 5: set xk+1 = xk + τk dk 6: set err = |∇J(xk )| 7: (alternatively, set err = |J(xk+1 ) − J(xk )|, or err = |xk+1 − xk |) 8: set k = k + 1 9: end while ˆ = xk−1 10: set x

3.1 Free Minimization by Descent Methods


Fig. 3.1 Contour lines of a function, its restriction along a descent direction dk and the direction of its gradient evaluated at xk

Typically the search direction dk could depend on both the gradient and the Hessian of the objective function J; several algorithms are available with different choices of dk , each of them bearing advantages and disadvantages in terms of computational and storage costs. An example of descent direction is shown in Fig. 3.1. Once dk has been chosen, the optimal step length τk , which ensures the maximum (negative) variation of J along dk , has to be computed.

3.1.1 Choice of descent directions The most popular strategies to choose a descent direction are recalled below. • Steepest-descent method The steepest descent method (also-called gradient method) makes use of the following direction dk = −∇J(xk ) (3.3) at every step. This method requires the calculation of the gradient ∇J(xk ), but not of the Hessian. While it is globally convergent (that is, it converges for any choice of the initial guess x0 ), it converges only linearly (see Section 3.1.3). • Conjugate gradient method The conjugate gradient (CG) method improves (in principle) the convergence of the gradient method by moving along the directions: d0 = −∇J(x0 ), dk = −∇J(xk ) + βk dk−1 ,



where βk ∈ R is to be determined by requiring that dk−1 and dk be conjugated with respect to the Hessian matrix Hk = D2 J(xk ), that is, d> k Hk dk−1 = 0. When J is quadratic, Hk = H is constant, and in this case βk is given by


3 Algorithms for Numerical Optimization

βk =

∇J(xk )> Hdk−1 . d> k−1 Hdk−1


When J is a general nonlinear function, different choices of βk are used; examples are given by the Fletcher-Reeves and the Polak-Ribi`ere formulae βkF R =

k∇J(xk )k2 , k∇J(xk−1 )k2

βkP R =

∇J(xk )> (∇J(xk ) − ∇J(xk−1 )) . k∇J(xk−1 )k2


If J is quadratic, these choices coincide with (3.5); other choices are available in literature, see for instance [95, 208, 258]. • Newton and quasi-Newton methods The idea of the Newton method is to minimize the quadratic approximation 1 m(d) = J(xk ) + d> ∇J(xk ) + d> D2 J(xk )d 2


of J in a suitable neighborhood of xk . If D2 J(xk ) is positive definite, the vector dk that minimizes m(d) is given by dk = −(D2 J(xk ))−1 ∇J(xk ),


so that the descent direction dk is the solution of the linear system D2 J(xk )dk = −∇J(xk ).


Newton methods converge quadratically but only locally (i.e., provided the initial guess is chosen within a suitable neighborhood of the solution), see Section 3.1.3. Moreover, at each iteration they require the computation of the Hessian Hk = D2 J(xk ) and therefore the solution of the linear system (3.9) may become computationally prohibitive when n is very large. For instance, in the case of OCPs for PDEs, methods requiring the evaluation of the Hessian of the cost functional may become computationally demanding for large scale problems. Quasi-Newton methods employ a suitable approximation Bk of D2 J(xk ) in equation (3.9), and provide reliable surrogates of the Newton method in optimal control problems. The associated search direction is therefore obtained as dk = −B−1 k ∇J(xk ).


that is, as the solution of the linear system Bk dk = −∇J(xk ).


Matrix Bk is required to: – fulfill the secant equation Bk+1 (xk+1 − xk ) = ∇J(xk+1 ) − ∇J(xk ); – be symmetric (since D2 J(x) is symmetric) and positive definite; – provide a good approximation of D2 J(ˆ x) along dk , more precisely, |(Bk − D2 J(ˆ x))dk | = 0. k→∞ |dk | lim


A popular strategy to update Bk is the BFGS recursive method (from Broyden-FletcherGoldfarb-Shanno), according to which

3.1 Free Minimization by Descent Methods

Bk+1 = Bk −


Bk s k s > yk yk> k Bk + , s> yk> sk k Bk s k


where sk = xk+1 − xk and yk = ∇J(xk+1 ) − ∇J(xk ); B0 can either be an approximation of D2 J(x0 ), or a scaled identity matrix. The BFGS method is reported in Algorithm 3.2. In practical implementations of quasi-Newton methods, sometimes we directly solve (3.10) by replacing the exact inverse B−1 k with an approximation Ck based on the recursive formula > Ck+1 = (I − ρk sk yk> )Ck (I − ρk yk s> k ) + ρk s k s k ,

ρk =

1 yk> sk



and setting1 dk = −Ck ∇J(xk ). Algorithm 3.2 BFGS method Input: Maximum number of iterations kmax , stopping tolerance ε, starting point x0 , initial inverse Hessian approximation C0 ˆ Output: Minimizer x 1: set k = 0, err = ε + 1 2: while err > ε and k < kmax 3: compute dk = −Ck ∇J(xk ); 4: compute step length τk with a line-search routine (see Section 3.1.2) 5: set xk+1 = xk + τk dk 6: compute sk = xk+1 − xk , yk = ∇J(xk+1 ) − ∇J(xk ), 7: update Ck by computing Ck+1 through formula (3.14) 8: set err = |∇J(xk )| 9: (alternatively, set err = |J(xk+1 ) − J(xk )|, or err = |xk+1 − xk |) 10: set k = k + 1. 11: end while ˆ = xk−1 12: set x

An example of the iterates generated by steepest descent, CG, Newton and quasi-Newton methods is provided by Example 3.1 and represented in Fig. 3.2, whereas the descent directions leading to these methods are summarized in Table 3.1. steepest descent conjugate gradient Newton quasi-Newton

dk = −∇J(xk ) dk = −∇J(xk ) + βk dk−1 dk = −(D2 J(xk ))−1 ∇J(xk ) dk = −B−1 k ∇J(xk )

Table 3.1 Choice of descent directions

We remark that although the steepest descent (or gradient) directions (3.3) verify the conditions (3.2) for any k ≥ 0, the choices (3.8) and (3.10) yield descent directions only when D2 J(xk ) and Bk , respectively, are positive definite matrices. The directions (3.4) employed in the CG method are descent directions under suitable conditions, as detailed in Section 3.1.3.


At each iteration, this approach requires to store both Ck−1 and Ck , a task which could be troublesome for large scale optimization problems. The limited-memory BFGS method circumvents this difficulty, by storing, instead of a fully dense n × n approximation matrix, only a few vectors of length n; see [208, Section 7.2].


3 Algorithms for Numerical Optimization

ˆ ≈ (−0.5954, −0.7161). Fig. 3.2 Minimization of the function (3.15), whose global minimization point is x Together with the contour plot of f , the iterations of the steepest descent and the CG method (top), quasiNewton and Newton methods (bottom) are reported, obtained by taking x0 = (0.5, −0.5) (in black) and x0 = (0.4, 0.5) (in red)

Example 3.1. The function f (x) =

2 2 2 1 − (5x21 + 5x22 + 3x1 x2 − x1 − 2x2 )e−(x1 +x2 ) 5 10


ˆ ≈ (−0.5954, −0.7161). For the approximation of x ˆ , we exploit a has a global minimizer x descent method. First, we set x0 = (0.5, −0.5), a tolerance ε = 10−5 and a maximum number of iterations kmax = 200. We compare the steepest descent method, the CG method (with Polak-Ribi`ere formula for evaluating βk at each step), the quasi-Newton method and the Newton method. The first three methods converge to the global minimizer, requiring 11, 29 and 36 iterations, respectively. In the case of the Newton method, after 200 iterations the stopping test would not be fulfilled, and the Newton method does not converge (recall that the Newton method is only locally convergent). Choosing a different initial guess x0 = (0.4, 0.5), again with ε = 10−5 and kmax = 200, all the methods converge to a local minimizer x = (0.8873, 0.6395). This example highlights several features: different methods can have a different convergence behavior, some converge, other may not converge for the same initial guess. When they converge, convergence rates can be different. Finally, the limit may sometimes be the global minimizer, most often however it coincides with a local minimizer. Contour plots of the function (3.15) and the sequences generated by descent methods with the two initial guesses above are reported in Fig. 3.2. •

3.1 Free Minimization by Descent Methods


3.1.2 Step Length Evaluation and Inexact Line-Search Once the direction dk has been chosen, we need to compute a step length τk . The most natural choice is to seek the minimum of the restriction of J along dk , that is τk = arg min J(xk + τ dk ). τ ∈R


When the cost function J is quadratic, i.e. of the form J(x) =

1 > x Qx − b> x, 2


for a suitable matrix Q and a vector b, one can easily perform an exact line-search: the solution of problem (3.16) can be found by requiring that the derivative of J(xk + τ dk ) with respect to τ vanishes. In this case, we find τk =

gk> dk , d> k Qdk

gk = −∇J(xk ) = b − Qxk .


If J is not a quadratic function, solving (3.16) exactly shall require an iterative method and will be therefore rather involved. A popular alternative is to rely on an inexact line-search procedure, based for instance on the following Wolfe conditions: a step size τk > 0 is accepted if J(xk + τk dk ) ≤ J(xk ) + στk d> k ∇J(xk ), (3.19) > > dk ∇J(xk + τk dk ) ≥ δdk ∇J(xk ) where 0 < σ < δ < 1 are given constants. The first condition, also known as Armijo rule, assures the cost variations to be proportional to both τk and the directional derivative d> k ∇J(xk ). The second condition ensures instead that the directional derivative of J along dk at xk +τk dk is larger than δ times the directional derivative of J along dk at xk . In other words, xk + τk dk is a good candidate if at that point the cost function decreases less than at xk : this also ensures that the step length is not too small when starting from a point where J has a very small directional derivative. More restrictive conditions are the so-called strong Wolfe conditions, obtained by replacing (3.19)2 by the following one (see [208, Lemma 3.1]): > |d> k ∇J(xk + τk dk )| ≥ −δdk ∇J(xk ).


The backtracking algorithm provides a simple strategy to find a step length τk fulfilling the Wolfe conditions (3.19): an initial value τ = 1 is set and then progressively reduced every time by a given factor ρ (typically, ρ ∈ [1/10, 1/2]) until the first condition of (3.19) is fulfilled. The second condition in (3.19) is usually not checked because the backtracking algorithm ensures that the resulting steps do not become too small. A simple implementation is provided in Algorithm 3.3. Often, a quadratic or cubic interpolation is used to model the behavior of J along the direction dk , so that xk+1 results as the minimization point of the interpolating polynomial. This is the so-called quadratic or cubic line-search [208].

3.1.3 Convergence of Descent Methods In this section we recall some convergence results for the descent methods introduced so far. ˆ , that is For a sequence {xk }k≥0 converging to x ˆ | = 0, lim |xk − x



3 Algorithms for Numerical Optimization

Algorithm 3.3 Backtracking algorithm Input: descent direction dk , current iterate xk , σ ∈ (0, 1), ρ ∈ [1/10, 1/2) Output: step length τk 1: set τ = 1, k = 0 2: while J(xk + τ dk ) > J(xk ) + στ d> k ∇J(xk ) 3: set τ = ρτ 4: end while 5: set τk = τ .

we say that its rate of convergence is equal to p (≥ 1) if there is a positive constant C such that ˆ | ≤ C|xk − x ˆ |p |xk+1 − x

for all k larger than some k¯ ≥ 0. When p = 1 the sequence is linearly convergent; in that case the constant C is required to be smaller than 1. • Let us consider the steepest descent method (3.1)-(3.3); as we have already remarked, the choice (3.3) always yields descent directions. If J ∈ C 2 (Rn ) is bounded from below and the step lengths satisfy the Wolfe conditions (3.19), the steepest descent method is globally convergent. In the case of a quadratic cost function (3.17) and exact line searches, the method is linearly convergent2 (see for instance [184]). • Let us now turn to the CG method (3.1)-(3.4) and consider a cost function J ∈ C 1 (Rn ), with Lipschitz continuous gradient. By assuming that the step lengths τk fulfill the strong Wolfe conditions (3.19)1 -(3.20) with 0 < σ < δ < 1/2 and the initial guess x0 is such that the set A = {x : J(x) ≤ J(x0 )} is bounded, then the CG method (3.1)-(3.4) with the FletcherReeves choice for βk = βkF R is globally convergent to a stationary point for J (see for instance [208, 258] for the proof). Note that instead of δ < 1 as in (3.19)1 -(3.20), here we have required that δ < 1/2. It is possible to show (see for instance [208]) that under this condition we have ∇J(xk )> dk = −|∇J(xk )|2 + βkF R ∇J(xk )> dk−1 < 0. Thus, any line search procedure fulfilling the strong Wolfe conditions (with δ < 1/2) ensures that the directions {dk }k≥1 are descent directions3 for J. A similar result holds for the CG method with the Polak-Ribi`ere choice βk = βkP R , provided that we consider βkP R+ = max{βkP R , 0} instead of βkP R and the step lengths τk according to a modified version of the strong Wolfe conditions. See for instance [207, 208, 258] for a more detailed analysis. • Let us now consider the Newton method (3.1)-(3.8) with step lengths fulfilling the Wolfe conditions (3.19) and J ∈ C 2 (Rn ). If the Hessian matrices Hk = D2 J(xk ) are positive definite4 for any k ≥ 0 and their condition numbers are uniformly bounded from above, ∃ M > 0 such that κ(Hk ) ≤ M

∀k ≥ 0,



This result agrees with the classical convergence result for the gradient method when regarded as iterative method for the solution of linear systems; see for instance [222, Theorem 4.10]. In fact, solving a free optimization problem with a quadratic cost function by means of the gradient method is equivalent to the solution of the linear system arising from the first-order necessary optimality condition. Nevertheless, the convergence of the steepest descent method is the same for any nonlinear objective function; see, e.g., [208]. 3 We recall that the CG method in exact arithmetic will return the exact solution in at most n iterations in the case of a quadratic cost function (3.17), exact line searches yielding (3.18) and the choice (3.5) for the parameter βk (thus, when regarded as iterative method for the solution of linear systems). Choosing conjugate directions thus improves substantially the convergence properties of the gradient (or steepest descent) method. See for instance [222] for a comprehensive analysis. 4

When this condition is not met, the Hessian matrix could be suitably modified, see, e.g., [223, Sect. 7.5].

3.2 Free optimization by trust region methods


then the sequence {xk }k≥0 generated according to (3.1)-(3.8) converges to a stationary point ˆ for J. Moreover, by considering step lengths τk = 1 for all k larger than some k¯ ≥ 0, that x ˆ , the Newton method converges quadratically (i.e. with is, when we are sufficiently close to x rate p = 2); see for instance [208, Theorem 3.2]. • Finally, in the case of quasi-Newton methods (3.1)-(3.10) we can prove that if J ∈ C 2 (Rn ) is bounded from below and the matrices Bk are positive definite for any k ≥ 0 and fulfill the relation (3.21) where Hk is replaced by Bk , then the BFGS method converges to a minimizer for J superlinearly (i.e. with rate p ∈ (1, 2)); see for instance [80, 208]. We remark that the BFGS matrices (3.13) are symmetric and positive definite provided that yk> sk > 0, and this latter condition is guaranteed if the step lengths fulfill the Wolfe conditions (3.19). As a general principle, achieving a rapid convergence in optimization algorithms is often in contrast with the need of ensuring a global convergence. For instance, the steepest descent method is globally convergent but is usually quite slow, whereas the Newton method converges rapidly provided x0 is close enough to a local minimizer.

3.2 Free optimization by trust region methods The trust region method exploits an approximate quadratic model of the cost function to generate steps towards the minimization point, as done in (3.7). Precisely, we select a ball Bδk (xk ) inside which we trust the quadratic model to be a suitable representation of the cost function. Then, we set xk+1 = xk +pk , where the step pk is determined by seeking a minimizer of the quadratic model in the trust region Bδk (xk ), so that the direction and the step length can be chosen simultaneously. The size δk of the trust region is crucial for the convergence of the algorithm. In case a step is considered not acceptable, we reduce the size of the trust region and seek a new minimizer; instead, if the quadratic model accurately predicts the behavior of the cost function, the size of the trust region may be increased to enable longer steps. More precisely, at each iteration k, we start from a trusted value δk > 0 and build a quadratic model 1 mk (p) = J(xk ) + p> ∇J(xk ) + p> Hk p 2 for the cost function J; here Hk may denote either the Hessian D2 J(xk ) of J at xk , or a suitable symmetric approximation (as in quasi Newton methods). At each step, we look for a solution pk of the subproblem mk (p) → min

subject to

|p| ≤ δk .


If the solution pk , obtained with the quadratic model, is feasible also for the original minimization problem (see below), we define xk+1 = xk + pk , then we update the quadratic model, possibly modify the trust region, and iterate in the same way. Otherwise, we reduce the size of the trust region and we solve again (3.22). When Hk is positive definite and |H−1 k ∇J(xk )| < δk , the solution of (3.22) lies in the interior of the trust region, thus, it is a critical point of mk , that is pk = −H−1 k ∇J(xk ). Otherwise, we solve (see Fig. 3.3) mk (p) → min

subject to

|p| = δk .



3 Algorithms for Numerical Optimization

Fig. 3.3 A quadratic model with positive definite Hessian whose minimum lies inside (left) or outside (right) the trust region Bδk (xk ).

For this constrained minimization problem, we seek a critical point of the Lagrangian function Lk (p, λ) = mk (p) +

λ 2 (δ − |p|2 ). 2 k

Precisely, we look for a vector pk and a scalar multiplier5 λk < 0 such that    (Hk − λk I)pk = −∇J(xk ), δk2 − |pk |2 = 0,   Hk − λk I is positive semidefinite.


We still need to ensure that the solution pk to the subproblem (3.22) is feasible for the original minimization problem, and that the size δk of the trust region is well-chosen. The criterion usually employed to assess the quality of pk is based on the agreement between the variation of J and that of the quadratic model mk , evaluated at the points xk and xk + pk . More precisely, we evaluate the ratio between the actual reduction and that predicted by the quadratic model, ρk =

J(xk ) − J(xk + pk ) : mk (0) − mk (pk )


• if ρk is close to 1, there is good agreement between mk and J, thus we can accept pk and define xk+1 = xk + pk . If the minimizer lies on the boundary of the trust region, we expand the trust region for the next iteration; • if ρk ≈ 0 or ρk < 0, pk is rejected, we shrink the trust region by reducing its radius ρk and seek a new pk by solving (3.22) again; • finally, if ρk > 0 is significantly smaller than 1, we keep the same trust region. An implementation of the trust region method is reported in Algorithm 3.4. δ > 0 denotes the maximum radius, δ0 (0 < δ0 < δ) the initial radius, η1 , η2 (0 < η1 < η2 < 1) two real parameters for the update of the trust region, and µ (0 ≤ µ < η1 ) a real parameter for assessing the feasibility of the solution; see [208, Section 4.2] for possible choice of δ, η1 , η2 and µ.


The Lagrange multiplier λk is negative since the quadratic model mk (p) is a convex function. In this case, the size of its level sets increases along the direction of its gradient, and the minimization point is the first point where a level set is tangent to the spherical surface representing the constraint. At that point, the gradient of

3.3 Constrained Optimization by Projection Methods


Algorithm 3.4 Trust region method Input: initial guess x0 , δ > 0, 0 < η1 < η2 < 1, 0 ≤ µ < η1 ˆ Output: Minimizer x 1: for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . 2: compute J(xk ), ∇J(xk ), Hk and solve problem (3.22) 3: compute ρk from (3.25) 4: if ρk > µ 5: set xk+1 = xk + pk 6: else 7: set xk+1 = xk 8: end if 9: if ρk < η1 10: set δk+1 = γ1 δk 11: else 12: if η1 ≤ ρk ≤ η2 13: set δk+1 = δk 14: else 15: if ρk > η2 and |pk | = δk 16: set δk+1 = min(γ2 δk , δ) 17: end if 18: end if 19: end if 20: end for ˆ = xk 21: set x

A final remark: if J ∈ C 2 (Rn ) is bounded from below, the norms kHk k are uniformly bounded for any k ≥ 0, and the chosen steps yield a sufficient reduction in the quadratic model mk , then the sequence {xk }k≥0 obtained through the trust region algorithm converges to a critical point of J. See for instance [247, 70] for the convergence analysis.

3.3 Constrained Optimization by Projection Methods Let us now focus on the solution of constrained optimization problems, for which a huge variety of methods can be employed, depending on the type of constraints and/or the nature of the cost function to be minimized. Here we describe the most relevant techniques which prove to be useful in the design of numerical algorithms to solve OCPs for PDEs. We refer to [36, 208, 258] for further techniques and details. A first approach consists in adapting a descent method to the constrained case   J (x) → min subject to (3.26)  x ∈ K. Since we minimize over a closed set K ⊂ Rn , there is no guarantee that the iterates {xk }k≥0 obtained by formula (3.1) belong to K. To enforce the condition xk ∈ K, after evaluating each

the constraint is orthogonal to the spherical surface, pointing outward from it (see Fig. 3.3), so that the two gradients are parallel but point in opposite directions.


3 Algorithms for Numerical Optimization

iterate we apply the projection operator P rK : Rn → K,

P rK (x) = arg min |x − y|2 .

x 7→ P rK (x) :


This yields e.g. to the so-called projected steepest descent method if the descent direction is given by (3.3), xk+1 = P rK (xk − τk ∇J(xk )), k ≥ 0. Note that in this case the search for the step length τk is slightly more tricky than in the unconstrained case, since the function φ(τ ) = J(P rK (xk − τ ∇J(xk )) is not necessarily differentiable. Evaluating the projection operator for an arbitrary set K is in general rather involved. However, there are situations where the projection can be easily obtained, as the ones that follow. Example 3.2. For instance, if K = {x : xi ≥ ai , i = 1, . . . , n}

K = {x : xj ≤ bj , j = 1, . . . , n}


that is, K is characterized by a set of inequality constraints on the x components, the vector y = P rK (x) reads yi = max(xi , ai )


yi = min(xi , bi ),

i = 1, . . . , n.

In the case of box constraints K reads K = {x : aj ≤ xj ≤ bj , j = 1, . . . , n} .


Then the components of y = P rK (x) are yj = min{bj , max{aj , xj }},

j = 1, . . . , n.


With an abuse of notation, we can more easily express (3.27) as K = {x ∈ Rn : a ≤ x ≤ b}. • Example 3.3. Let c ∈ R be a given constant and consider the set n

K = {x ∈ Rn :

1X xj = c} ⊂ Rn . n j=1

In this case y = P rK (x) is such that (y − x) · (s − y) ≥ 0 ∀s ∈ K, and its components are given by n 1X yj = x j − (xj − c) , j = 1, . . . , n. (3.29) n j=1

• Example 3.4. If K = {x ∈ R : x ∈ B(x0 , R)} where B(x0 , R) is the ball of center x0 and radius R, y = P rK (x) is given by ( x, x∈K y= • x − x0 x0 + R , x∈ / K. |x − x0 | n

Trust-region methods can also be extended to problems involving box constraints. The main difference with the unconstrained case is that, instead of problem (3.22), we now seek the solution of the following subproblem at each step: ( mk (p) → min subject to |p| ≤ δk , a ≤ xk + p ≤ b

3.4 Constrained Optimization for Quadratic Programming Problems


where the inequalities for xk + p have to be intended componentwise. The following sections are devoted instead to more general numerical methods for constrained optimization (see Fig. 3.4). The table below is a preview of the different situations and associated numerical methods that will be addressed.

Fig. 3.4 A preview of the methods presented in Sections 3.4 and 3.5

3.4 Constrained Optimization for Quadratic Programming Problems Consider a quadratic programming (QP) problem of the form:  1   J(x) = x> Gx − x> c → min   2 subject to   a> x = bi , i∈E  i  a> i ∈ I, i x ≥ bi ,


where G ∈ Rn×n is a symmetric positive (semi)definite matrix, E and I are finite sets of indices and c, {ai }i are vectors in Rn . Apart from its own interest, this kind of problems arises in many algorithms for nonlinear programming problems, such as in the case of sequential quadratic programming (see Sect. 3.5.2), where a sequence of quadratic subproblems need to be solved.

3.4.1 Equality Constraints: a Saddle-Point Problem We start by considering the case of equality constraints:  1   J(x) = x> Gx − x> c → min 2 subject to   Ax = b, where A ∈ Rm×n (with m < n) is a given matrix.



3 Algorithms for Numerical Optimization

By applying the Lagrange multiplier method described in Sect. 2.3.1 with L(x, λ) = J(x) − λ> (b − Ax), ˆ is a solution of (3.31), there exists a vector the first-order necessary conditions state that, if x ˆ such that of Lagrange multipliers λ      ˆ x c G A> (3.32) ˆ = b . A 0 λ This is a saddle point system; thanks to a general result of linear algebra, the saddle point matrix   G A> K= (3.33) A 0 is nonsingular if and only if G = GT is positive semidefinite, A has full row rank and ker(G)∩ ker(A) = {0}. In this case, provided that G is (symmetric and) positive definite, the matrix S = AG−1 A> (named Schur complement of G) is (symmetric and) positive definite, too. ˆ is the unique global solution of the equalityUnder the assumptions above, the vector x constrained QP (3.31). See Appendix B.1.3 for further properties of saddle point systems. Solving a QP with only equality constraints is thus equivalent to solve the linear system (3.32). The saddle-point matrix K is in general indefinite (with both positive and negative eigenvalues). Depending on the size and the ill-conditioning of this matrix, the system (3.33) can be solved according to different strategies: either by direct LU block factorization methods or by iterative Krylov methods, such as the generalized minimal residual method (GMRES). In the former case, some blocks will involve the Schur complement matrix S; this requires using iterative procedures with suitable preconditioners; see e.g. [30] or [4, 226]. Note also that, in order to preserve the symmetry, a symmetric indefinite factorization under the form PT KP = LBLT , where P is a permutation matrix, is often preferable with respect to the classical Gaussian elimination method with partial pivoting. In the latter case, the global system needs to be preconditioned, however the choice of the preconditioner depends on the specific problem at hand; see Sect. 6.6.

3.4.2 Inequality Constraints: Active Set Method In this section we describe the active set method for the solution of quadratic problems under the form (3.30). Of course, this is not the only available technique to solve such a problem. For instance, a well-known alternative is given by the interior-point method. However, the active set method is more intuitive and allows to take advantage of the techniques for equalityconstrained QPs already discussed. We start by observing that, if the active set I(ˆ x) defined as ˆ = bj } I(ˆ x) = {j ∈ E ∪ I : a> j x were known, (3.30) would reduce to an equality-constrained QP,  1   J(x) = x> Gx + x> c → min 2 subject to   a> i ∈ I(ˆ x), i x = bi ,

as those addressed in the previous section. Unfortunately, the determination of the active set represents the main challenge of inequality-constrained QPs.

3.4 Constrained Optimization for Quadratic Programming Problems


The goal of an active set method is to construct a sequence of active sets, by starting from an initial guess and using repeatedly the information provided by gradients and Lagrange multipliers to adding/dropping indices to the current active set, until some optimality condition is achieved. The set Wk of the indices corresponding to all the active constraints at step k is called working set. In particular, we require that the gradients of the constraints in the working set are linearly independent. To turn this into practice, given xk and Wk , first of all we check if xk minimizes J in the subspace defined by the current working set. If not, we solve an equality-constrained QP problem, where we consider just the constraints corresponding to the working set, which are all treated as equalities:   qk (p) = 1 p> Gp + g> p → min  k 2 (3.34) subject to   > ai p = 0, i ∈ Wk , where p = x − xk , gk = Gxk + c. We remark that J(x) = J(xk + p) =

1 > p Gp + gk> p + hk = qk (p) + hk . 2

> Note that hk = 21 x> k Gxk + c xk is independent of p, and it can be dropped from the cost function in (3.34). Let pk be the solution of this QP subproblem, which can be computed following the procedure of Section 3.4.1, as G is positive definite. Moreover, since a> i pk = 0 for any i ∈ Wk , we have > a> i (xk + αpk ) = ai xk = bi ,

∀ α ∈ R.

Since the constraints in the working set Wk are fulfilled at xk , they are also fulfilled at xk +αpk , for any α ∈ R: thus, pk is a feasible direction to move along. We still have to select a step length along the direction pk . Usually, we set α = 1 if xk + pk is still feasible with respect to any constraint, otherwise we set xk+1 = xk + αk pk , where the step length αk ∈ [0, 1] is selected as the largest value for which every constraint is fulfilled. As already seen, the constraints i ∈ Wk are satisfied regardless of the choice of αk , so that we can derive an explicit expression of the step size by considering only the constraints i∈ / Wk . We remark that: • if a> / Wk , we have i pk ≥ 0 for some i ∈

> a> i (xk + αk pk ) ≥ ai xk ≥ bi

∀αk ≥ 0.

In this case, the i-th constraint is fulfilled for any nonnegative step size; • if instead a> / Wk , we have that a> i pk < 0 for some i ∈ i (xk + αk pk ) ≥ bi only if 0 ≤ αk ≤ Thus, we can select

bi − a> i xk . > ai pk

bi − a> i xk αk = min 1, min > > ai pk i∈W / k ,ai pk 0 is a penalty parameter. If the constraints are not satisfied at x, the sums appearing in (3.38) measure the distance of x from the set K of the constraints. The larger µ, the more the constraints violation is penalized. ˆ is a solution of (3.37), then x ˆ is a minimizer of P (x, µ). On the other hand, under If x ˆ = x ˆ (µ) of suitable assumptions of regularity for J and {ϕi }i , i ∈ E ∪ I, the minimizer x P (x, µ) is such that ˆ (µ) = x ˆ. lim x µ→∞

ˆ (µ) is a good approximation of the solution x ˆ for µ  1. However, large values of Hence x µ make the minimization problem for P (x, µ) ill-conditioned, so that a better strategy is to consider a monotonically increasing sequence of penalty parameters {µk }k≥0 and to compute, ˆ k given by for each µk , an approximation x ˆ k = arg minn P (x, µk ), x x∈R


by exploiting one of the free optimization methods of Sect. 3.1. The sequence µk should grow rather quickly, otherwise the convergence of the method would be too slow. A common choice is to start with a moderate value of µ0 and then set µk+1 = βµk for k > 0, where β is an integer, typically between 4 and 10, to be chosen according to the difficulty occurred while solving (3.39) at the previous step (see [36]). More precisely, if (3.39) has required many iterations at step k, µk+1 will be slightly larger than µk , otherwise larger increments can be considered. Furthermore, at step k we initialize the new iteration by the


3 Algorithms for Numerical Optimization

Algorithm 3.6 Penalty method Input: µ0 > 0, {εk }k≥0 such that εk > 0, εk → 0 for k → ∞, ε¯ > 0, initial guess xs0 , 1: for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . 2: Find an approximate minimization point xk of P (·, µk ), starting at xsk , 3: with tolerance εk on the stopping criterion; 4: if k ≥ 1 and |∇x P (xk , µk )| ≤ ε¯ ˆ = xk and exit; 5: set x 6: else 7: set xsk = xk−1 8: choose β and compute µk+1 = βµk > µk 9: end if 10: end for

solution xsk = xk−1 of (3.39) computed at the previous iteration. The whole procedure is reported in Algorithm 3.6. By assuming J and {ϕi }i∈E to be regular, if µk → ∞ and εk → 0, it is proved in [208, ˆ is feasible and the constraint gradients ∇ϕi (ˆ Theorem 17.2] that if a limit point x x) are linearly ˆ is a KKT point for problem (3.37). Further details can be found in [36]. independent, then x A variant of the penalty method makes use, instead of P (x, µ), of the augmented Lagrangian function X µX 2 LA (x, λ, µ) = J(x) − λi ϕi (x) + ϕi (x). 2 i∈E


For the sake of simplicity, we consider only equality constraints, that is I = ∅ in (3.37). In this case, we build a sequence {µk }k≥0 , µk → ∞, such that the corresponding sequence (xk , λk ) converges to a point P which fulfills the optimality conditions for the Lagrangian function L(x, λ) = J(x) − i∈E λi ϕi (x). At the k-th iteration, given the multipliers vector λk = {(λi )k }i∈E , we need to compute an approximate solution xk to the problem min LA (x, λk , µk )


and then update λk . For the update, a strategy consists of imposing that ∇x LA (xk λk , µk ) ≈ 0, since we aim at converging to a critical point of LA . Since X ∇x LA (xk , λk , µk ) = ∇J(xk ) − (λi )k − µk ϕi (xk ))∇ϕi (xk ) i∈E

ˆ is a critical point of L, then from (2.17) and thanks to the property that if (ˆ x, λ) X ˆ = ∇J(ˆ ˆ i ∇ϕi (ˆ ∇x L(ˆ x, λ) x) − λ x) = 0, i∈E

ˆ i , and the following update rule by direct comparison we obtain (λi )k − µk ϕi (xk ) ≈ λ (λi )k+1 = (λi )k − µk ϕi (xk ).


The update of the parameter µk follows instead the same rules introduced for the penalty method. The whole procedure is reported in Algorithm 3.7.

3.5 Constrained Optimization for More General Problems


Algorithm 3.7 Augmented Lagrangian method Input: µ0 > 0, {εk }k≥0 such that εk > 0, εk → 0 for k → ∞, ε¯ > 0, initial guess xs0 , 1: for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . 2: Find an approximate minimization point xk of LA (·, λk , µk ), starting at xsk , 3: with tolerance εk on the stopping criterion; 4: if k ≥ 1 and |∇x LA (xk , λk , µk )| ≤ ε¯ ˆ = xk and exit; 5: set x 6: else 7: set (λi )k+1 = (λi )k − µk ϕi (xk ) 8: set xsk = xk−1 and choose β and compute µk+1 = βµk > µk ; 9: end if 10: end for ˆ then the solution x ˆ of (3.37) (in the If we know the exact Lagrange multiplier vector λ, ˆ µ) for all µ sufficiently large. Not only, we can obtain case I = ∅) is a minimizer for LA (x, λ, ˆ µ) even though we only know a reasonable ˆ by minimizing LA (x, λ, a reasonable estimate of x ˆ estimate of λ, and µ is not particularly large. See for instance [208, Theorem 17.6].

3.5.2 Sequential Quadratic Programming Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) represents one of the most effective strategies for solving general (nonlinear) programming problems. SQP is an iterative procedure which generates, at each step, an optimization subproblem in which a quadratic model of the objective is minimized, subject to a linearization of the constraints. At the simplest stage, this technique can be regarded as the application of the Newton method (for the solution of nonlinear equations) to the system of KKT optimality conditions (2.29)–(2.31) obtained for the given constrained optimization problem. We start by considering a local version of the SQP algorithm for the problem  J(x) → min  subject to (3.41)  ϕi (x) = bi , 1≤i≤m for some real bi ’s, and denote by A(x)> = [∇ϕ1 (x), . . . , ∇ϕm (x)] the transpose6 of the Jacobian matrix of the constraints. We introduce the Lagrangian functional as L(x, λ) = J(x) − λ> (b − ϕ(x)) , where ϕ(x) = [ϕ1 (x), . . . , ϕm (x)]> . The first-order optimality conditions for (3.41) can be written as a system of n + m (nonlinear) equations in the n + m unknowns (x, λ):   ∇J(x)+A(x)> λ F (x, λ) = = 0. (3.42) ϕ(x) − b ˆ of (3.41) for which the constraint qualification (CQ) condition – see Any solution (ˆ x, λ) Sect. 2.3.2 – holds (that is, for which the matrix A(x)> has full rank) satisfies (3.42). By defining A(x)> in this way, A(x) is indeed the Jacobian matrix coherently with the definition introduced in Sect. 2.3.1, in which gradients were considered (as commonly done in Analysis) as row vectors. 6


3 Algorithms for Numerical Optimization

Applying Newton’s method (for nonlinear equations) to system (3.42) gives the so-called Lagrange-Newton method. Starting from an initial guess (x0 , λ0 ), we generate the sequence {(xk , λk )}k≥0 as       xk+1 xk δx = + (3.43) λk+1 λk δλ where the increment (δx, δλ)> solves the following Newton-KKT system      2 δx Dxx L(xk , λk ) A(xk )> ∇J(xk ) + A(xk )> λk =− . δλ A(xk ) 0 ϕ(xk ) − b


This requires the calculation of the Jacobian of F (x, λ) – that is, the Hessian of the Lagrangian L(x, λ) – with respect to x and λ, which is a nonsingular matrix if: – the constraint Jacobian A(xk ) has full row rank; 2 – the matrix Dxx L(xk , λk ) is positive definite on the tangent space of the constraints, that 2 is, d> Dxx L(xk , λk )d > 0 for all d 6= 0 such that A(xk )d = 0. The second condition above essentially matches the second-order sufficient condition of Proposition (2.1). We remark that the same system can be obtained if, at the iterate (xk , λk ), we approximate (3.41) by means of the following equality-constrained quadratic program7 :  1 2   m (p) = J(xk ) + ∇J(xk )> p + p> Dxx L(xk , λk )p → min   k 2 (3.45) subject to     A(xk )> p + ϕ(xk ) − b = 0.

Under the above assumptions, the unique solution (pk , lk ) of (3.45) satisfies the following first-order conditions:  2 Dxx L(xk , λk )pk + ∇J(xk ) + A(xk )> lk = 0 (3.46) A(xk )> pk + ϕ(xk ) − b = 0 and is strictly related to the solution of the Newton-KKT system (3.44); in fact, by summing A(xk )> λk to both sides of the first equation in (3.44), we obtain      2 δx −∇J(xk ) Dxx L(xk , λk ) A(xk )> = (3.47) λk+1 −ϕ(xk ) A(xk ) 0

so that lk = λk+1 = and pk = δx solve (3.44). The new iterate (xk+1 , λk+1 ) can therefore be viewed either as the solution of the quadratic program (3.45) or as (xk+1 , λk+1 ) = (xk + δx, λk + δλ), (δx, δλλ ) being the solution to the k-th iterative step (3.44) of Newton iterations applied to the first order optimality system (3.42). The Lagrange-Newton method (which is also called local SQP method) for solving (3.41) is implemented in Algorithm 3.8. In the case of a general nonlinear programming problem under the form (3.37), we can linearize both equality and inequality constraints to get  1 2   m (p) = J(xk ) + ∇J(xk )> p + p> Dxx L(xk , λk )p → min   k 2 subject to (3.48) >   ∇ϕ (x ) p + ϕi (xk ) = 0, i∈E i k   ∇ϕi (xk )> p + ϕi (xk ) ≥ 0, i∈I 7

Since ∇J(xk )> p = ∇x L(xk , λk )> p, mk (p) can be seen as a quadratic approximation of L at xk .

3.5 Constrained Optimization for More General Problems


Algorithm 3.8 Local Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method Input: Initial guess (x0 , λ0 ), 1: set k = 0; 2: repeat 2 3: evaluate J(xk ), ∇J(xk ), Dxx L(xk , λk ), ϕ(xk ), A(xk ); 4: solve the quadratic program (3.45) to obtain (pk , lk ); 5: set xk+1 = xk + pk and λk+1 = lk ; 6: until a convergence criterion is fulfilled.

in analogy to (3.45). By using the active set method described in Sect. 3.4.2, the new iterate (xk + pk , λk+1 ) yields the solution pk and the corresponding Lagrange multiplier of (3.48). The local (quadratic) convergence of the SQP method follows from the application of Newton’s method to the nonlinear system given by the KKT conditions (3.46). However, a SQP method must be able to converge also when the initial guess is far from the (unknown) solution, or in the case of nonconvex problems. In this respect, two alternative strategies, the trust-region SQP or the line-search SQP methods can be used in order to properly adjust the step length at each iteration. Here we only describe the latter case because it is more intuitive and simple to implement; further details about trust-region SQP and other possible approaches can be found for instance in [208]. In the line-search SQP case: • to decide whether to accept or reject a step, we could control its size as in the line search method for unconstrained optimization. In this respect, we can introduce a merit function Φ(x; µ) (as we already did, for instance, in the case of the augmented Lagrangian function) and accept a step only if it yields a sufficient decrease in the merit function. In analogy with the Armijo rule (3.19) the step length α > 0 is required to be small enough to satisfy the inequality Φ(x + αp; µ) ≤ Φ(x; µ) + ηαD(Φ(x; µ); p) for some η ∈ (0, 1); D(Φ(x; µ); p) is the directional derivative of Φ(x; µ) in the direction p; • if the quadratic subproblem (3.48) is convex, we can use an active-set method to solve it at each iteration, by initializing the working set for each QP subproblem with the final active set from the previous SQP iteration; • since the Hessian of the Lagrangian function is not often easily computable, in (3.48) it is replaced by a quasi-Newton approximation, obtained for instance with the BFGS formula (3.13). By using these recipes in Algorithm (3.8), we obtain a line-search SQP (or global SQP) method for solving nonlinear programming problems such as (3.37). We report it in Algorithm 3.9. In practice, SQP methods often manage to converge to a solution from a remote initial guess. Nevertheless, classical global convergence results can be stated by requiring several restrictive (and often very difficult to verify) assumptions. Instead, local convergence is guaranteed under more natural hypotheses, such as the CQ condition (2.24), given that both J and the constraints are twice differentiable with Lipschitz ˆ continuous second derivatives at (ˆ x, λ). ˆ the sequence Under these assumptions, provided that (x0 , λ0 ) is sufficiently close to (ˆ x, λ), ˆ {xk , λk }k>0 generated by the SQP algorithm converges quadratically to (ˆ x, λ) when an exact Hessian matrix is used, similarly to what happens with the Newton method in the case of unconstrained minimization problems.


3 Algorithms for Numerical Optimization

Algorithm 3.9 Global Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method Input: Initial guess (x0 , λ0 ), η ∈ (0, 0.5), τ, ρ ∈ (0, 1), 1: evaluate J(x0 ), ∇J(x0 ), ϕ(x0 ), A(x0 ); 2: choose an initial Hessian approximation B0 (if a quasi-Newton approximation is used), otherwise compute D2 L(x0 , λk ); 3: set k = 0; 4: repeat ˆ 5: solve (3.48) to obtain (pk , λ); ˆ − λk ; 6: set δλ = λ 7: choose µk such that D(Φ(xk ; µk ); pk ) is sufficiently negative; 8: set αk = 1; 9: while Φ(xk + αk pk ; µ) > Φ(xk ; µk ) + ηαD(Φ(xk ; µk ); pk ) 10: reset αk ← τα αk , for some τα ∈ (0, τ ); 11: end while 12: set xk+1 = xk + αk pk and λk+1 = λk + αk δλ; 13: evaluate J(xk+1 ), ∇J(xk+1 ), ϕ(xk+1 ), A(xk+1 ) (and possibly D2 L(xk+1 , λk+1 )); 14: if a quasi-Newton approximation is used 15: set sk = αk pk , yk = ∇x L(xk+1 , λk+1 ) − ∇x L(xk , λk+1 ); 16: compute Bk+1 by updating Bk with the BFGS formula (3.13); 17: end if 18: until a convergence criterion is fulfilled.

On the other hand, if quasi-Newton approximate Hessians are used, {xk , λk }k>0 converges superlinearly (although not quadratically) to the solution under some assuptions similar to those introduced in Sect. 3.1.3. In conclusion, SQP methods generalize to the case of constrained minimization problems the Newton and quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained minimization problems, and feature the same convergence properties.

Chapter 4

Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

In this chapter we describe two important classes of finite-dimensional OCPs, governed by either a linear system of algebraic equations, or a linear ODE system. This choice is motivated by several reasons. These problems serve as a warm up to develop the analysis and derive the system of optimality conditions by exploiting the results of Chap. 2. Moreover, when treating the numerical discretization of OCPs governed by PDEs we naturally land on finite dimensional problems. Last, but not least, these two classes of problems can be relevant per se. For instance, control problems governed by ODEs arise in several areas, e.g. finance and economics, where a vast literature exists.

4.1 Algebraic Optimal Control Problems In this section we consider an OCP governed by a linear system of algebraic equations. Let us denote by Uad a convex closed nonempty subset of U = Rq , a control vector u ∈ Uad and a state vector y ∈ V = RN , with q ≤ N . V denotes the state space, U the control space, Uad the space of admissible controls. The state equation is given by the algebraic system Ay = f + Bu


where A ∈ RN ×N is a nonsingular matrix, f ∈ RN and B ∈ RN ×q is a matrix of rank q. We consider the minimization problem over V × Uad , 1 α 2 J˜ (y, u) = |y − zd | + |u|2 → min 2 2

(α ≥ 0).


Since A is non-singular, from (4.1) we obtain y(u) = A−1 (f − Bu);


by inserting (4.3) in (4.2), we can introduce the so-called reduced cost functional J : U → R and formulate the OCP as an optimization problem for J over Uad , ˜ J(u) = J(y(u), u) → min .


In the following subsections, we discuss the well-posedness of problem (4.4), by recalling the theoretical results introduced in Sect. 2.1.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0_4



4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

4.1.1 Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution In order to prove existence of a solution to (4.4), we use the Weierstrass Theorem 2.1. To prove the uniqueness of the solution, we show that J is strictly convex. The reduced cost functional J is clearly continuous since it is a composition of linear and quadratic functions of u. Thus, since Uad is closed, for the existence of a minimizer it is sufficient that Uad be bounded, or to check condition (2.4), the coercivity at ∞. Let S = A−1 B ∈ RN ×q be the so-called solution matrix; since B has rank q, S has rank q, too, and its singular values σ1 ≥ . . . ≥ σq > 0 are such that σq2 |v|2 ≤ (Sv, Sv) ≤ σ12 |v|2

∀v ∈ Rq .


Now, we can write 2 α 1 −1 A (f + Bu) − zd + |u|2 = 2 2 2 2 α  1 1 −1 −1 = A Bu − A Bu , A−1 f − zd + A−1 f − zd + |u|2 . 2 2 2

J (u) =

By setting

 α α ((u, v)) = A−1 Bu , A−1 Bv + (u, v) = (Su, Sv) + (u, v) 2 2


  Lu = A−1 Bu , A−1 f − zd = Su, A−1 f − zd ,

we can write

J (u) = with c =


1 ((u, u)) − Lu + c 2

2 1 −1 A f − zd . We have 2   α 2 α 2 σq2 + |u| ≤ ((u, u)) ≤ σ12 + |u| 2 2

thanks to (4.5), and Therefore

√ |Lu| ≤ |Su| A−1 f − zd ≤ σ1 2c |u| .

∀u ∈ Rq



√ 1  2 α 2 σq + |u| − σ1 2c |u| + c → +∞ if |u| → ∞ (4.9) 2 2 which expresses the coercivity at ∞ of J. Thus, there exists (at least) one minimizer. Thanks to (4.7), J is also strictly convex (see Exercise 1), so that the minimizer is unique. Note that, if α = 0, the matrix B must have full rank in order for (4.7) to hold, and thus ((u, u)) to be positive. J (u) ≥

Remark 4.1. Since ((u, w)) = ((w, u)), ((· , ·)) is a scalar product in U . More generally, ((u, w)) is a bilinear, symmetric, coercive form; see Sect. A.4. • Remark 4.2. In more general cases, (4.2) is replaced by J˜ (y, u) = P (y) + Q(u) where P : V → R and Q : U → R.


4.1 Algebraic Optimal Control Problems


For instance, P (y) =

1 2 |Cy − zd | 2


where C ∈ Rm×N and z = Cy ∈ Z = Rm is the observation, and α Q(u) = (Nu, u), 2 where N ∈ Rq×q is a given symmetric and positive definite matrix. For the cost function J (u) = P (y (u)) + Q(u) =

1 α 2 |Cy(u) − zd | + (Nu, u), 2 2

with N ∈ Rq×q being a symmetric positive definite matrix, the same conclusion as above holds provided α > 0 or the matrix CS has full rank. •

4.1.2 Optimality conditions Due to the strict convexity of J, the optimality condition (2.7) dJ (ˆ u) (v − u ˆ ) = (∇J (ˆ u) , v − u ˆ) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad ,


is both necessary and sufficient for u ˆ to be optimal. We first consider the case of the cost functional (4.2). The Jacobian matrix of y = y (ˆ u) is ∇y (u) = A−1 B, hence we obtain (chain rule)  y (ˆ u) − zd , A−1 B (v − u ˆ ) + α(ˆ u, v − u ˆ) = (y (ˆ u) − zd , y (v) − y (ˆ u)) + α(ˆ u, v − u ˆ ) ≥ 0.

∀v ∈ Uad .


The last expression of the variational inequality is of limited practical interest because of the presence of y(v) − y(ˆ u). On the other hand, the inequality in the second line requires the inverse matrix of A. A more efficient way to proceed benefits from the use of an auxiliary variable, the so-called adjoint state (or Lagrange multiplier), p ˆ=p ˆ (ˆ u), which is the solution of the following adjoint problem A> p ˆ = y (ˆ u ) − zd . Then, noting that A (y (v) − y (ˆ u)) = B(v − u ˆ ), the variational inequality (4.13) becomes 0 ≤ (y (ˆ u) − zd , y (v) − y (ˆ u)) + α(ˆ u, v − u ˆ) = (A> p ˆ , y (v) − y (ˆ u)) + α(ˆ u, v − u ˆ)

= (ˆ p, B(v − u ˆ )) + α(ˆ u, v − u ˆ ) = B> p ˆ, v − u ˆ + α(ˆ u, v − u ˆ ). We thus reach the following conclusion:



4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

Theorem 4.1. Assume that A ∈ RN ×N is nonsingular and either α > 0 or B ∈ RN ×q has full rank. Let us consider the following OCP:  1 2 α 2    J(u) = 2 |y(u) − zd | + 2 |u| → min (4.15) subject to    u ∈ Uad .

ˆ = y(ˆ If u ˆ is the minimizer and y u) is the corresponding optimal state, there exists p ˆ = p (ˆ u) such that the following system of first-order necessary optimality conditions holds:   Aˆ y = f + Bˆ u (4.16) A> p ˆ=y ˆ − zd   > B p ˆ + αˆ u, v − u ˆ ≥0 ∀ v ∈ Uad .

Conversely, if y ˆ, p ˆ and u ˆ are solutions to (4.16), then u ˆ is the optimal control for (4.15), with associated optimal state y ˆ. The control problem1 is said to be unconstrained if Uad = U , and constrained if Uad ( U . In this latter case, the control is subject to a set of constraints, usually defined through a set of equalities or inequalities. Note that in the unconstrained case Uad = U = Rq , v − u ˆ can be any vector in Rq . Therefore the variational inequality (4.14) reduces to the equation B> p ˆ + αˆ u = 0. Then, (4.16) can be written under the form of a block linear system, as follows:      I 0 −A> y zd  0 αI B>  u =  0  . p −f −A B 0



This system features a saddle point structure. In fact, provided we group the state and the control vector in a unique variable w = (y, u)> ∈ RN +q and define       I 0 0 G= , E = −A B , b= , 0 αI −f we can rewrite (4.25) as

    z G E> w = d . (4.19) p b E 0 We will often deal with this kind of systems in the following chapters. In Chapter 6 several preconditioning techniques are shown to make the application of iterative solvers feasible in the case of large-scale systems under this form. Here we only point out that (4.19) is a saddlepoint system provided we regard state and control vectors as a unique variable. Moreover, if α 6= 0 the matrix G has full rank and system (4.19) admits a unique solution. Several other spectral properties of saddle-point systems are recalled in sect. B.1.3. In the unconstrained case, if α > 0 we obtain from (4.17) that 1 ˆ = − B> p u ˆ. α 1


The state equation always plays the role of constraint, as it expresses a link between the state and the control; however, we usually refer to constrained OCPs when the control and/or the state are subject to a set of additional constraints.

4.1 Algebraic Optimal Control Problems


Then, from the state and adjoint equations, we derive the following system: ( 1 Aˆ y = f − BB> p ˆ α > A p ˆ=y ˆ − zd . Solving this optimality system yields the optimal state vector and the corresponding adjoint state; then, using (4.20) we can retrieve the optimal control vector.

4.1.3 Gradient, Sensitivity and Minimum Principle In this section we focus on ∇J(u), on its evaluation and its usage for the sensitivity analysis. First of all, we highlight the important role played by the adjoint state on the solution sensitivity. Taking first the case α = 0, the third equation of (4.16) gives (B> p ˆ , v) ≥ (B> p ˆ, u ˆ ), that is (B> p ˆ, u ˆ ) = min (B> p ˆ , v). v∈Uad

This last relation is also known as minimum principle. On the other hand, from (4.13) we have that if y ˆ, u ˆ and p ˆ solve (4.16), then dJ (ˆ u) (v − u ˆ ) = (B> p ˆ, v − u ˆ ), which is nonnegative thanks to the minimum principle. From (4.13) we also find2 ˆ ) = (∇J (ˆ dJ (ˆ u) (v − u u) ,v − u ˆ ) = (B> p ˆ, v − u ˆ)

∀v ∈ Uad ,

which gives the following expression for the (reduced) gradient of J ∇J (ˆ u) = B> p(ˆ u).


Actually, formula (4.21) holds for any u. Hence, B> p(u) denotes the direction of steepest ascent of J starting from a given value u of the control vector. This expression, sometimes called sensitivity, plays a key role in several algorithms for the solution of an OCP as shown, e.g., in Sect. 6.3. In the case α 6= 0, we have instead ∇J (u) = B> p + αu. ˜ For a general cost functional under the form J(u) = J(y(u), u) and a state problem like (4.1), the adjoint problem reads ˜ u))> A> p = (∇y J(y,


˜ u). ∇J(u) = B> p + ∇u J(y,


and the (reduced) gradient is

Recall that dJ (u) ∈ Rq×q is the differential of J at u, and that for any v ∈ Rq , dJ(u)(h) = (∇J(u), h), being ∇J(u) ∈ Rq the gradient of J at u. 2


4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

Consider for instance the case ˜ u) = 1 |Cy − zd |2 + α |u|2 , J(y, M 2 2 N where α > 0, C ∈ Rm×N , M ∈ Rm×m and N ∈ Rq×q are two symmetric and positive definite matrices, and |z|M = (Mz, z)1/2 , Then, we find

|u|N = (Nu, u)1/2

˜ u) = C> M(Cy − zd ), ∇y J(y,

∀z ∈ Rm , ∀u ∈ Rq .

˜ u) = αNu ∇u J(y,

and the optimality conditions read as follows (see Exercise 2 for a detailed derivation):  y = f + Bˆ u   Aˆ > > A p ˆ = C M(Cˆ y − zd ) (4.24)    > B p ˆ + αNˆ u, v − u ˆ ≥0 ∀ v ∈ Uad .

ˆ = 0 so that the system (4.24) In the unconstrained case (Uad = U ) we obtain B> p ˆ + αN u now can be written in the form  >    >  y C MC 0 −A> C Mzd  0 . 0 αN B>  u =  (4.25) p −f −A B 0

4.1.4 Direct vs. Adjoint Approach So far we have considered the adjoint approach to compute the gradient of the cost functional, for each u ∈ Rq . This approach requires to solve the state problem to compute y and then the adjoint problem to compute p, in order to evaluate the expression of the gradient in (4.23). Alternatively, the direct approach provides the expression of the gradient without requiring the solution of the adjoint problem. However, q + 1 problems have to be solved in this case, thus making this approach computationally attractive only if the dimension q of the control variable is small. This may occur, for instance, if the control variable is parametrized, that is, it is defined as a function of (possibly few) design parameters. In literature the direct approach is also called sensitivity approach, since the q additional problems to be solved are meant to characterize the sensitivity of J with respect to each control variable. We only describe the direct approach in the algebraic case, while we refer to, e.g., [120, 153] for the case of PDE-constrained optimization problems. A possible way to speed up the evaluation of the derivative of a functional depending on the solution of a PDE is proposed, e.g., in [116], where it is applied to both a parameter identification problem for a Navier-Stokes flow and an OCP for a diffusion-reaction equation. To compare the two approaches, let us consider the problem ˜ u) → min J(y,

subject to

g (y, u) = 0,

y ∈ V, u ∈ U .

Assuming that the Jacobian matrix ∇y g(y, u) is invertible, the state problem g(y, u) = 0 ˜ implicitly provides y = y(u), and the gradient of J(u) = J(y(u), u) can be obtained by the chain rule ˜ ˜ ∇J(u) = ∇u J(y(u), u) + ∇y J(y(u), u)∇u y(u), (4.26) with

4.1 Algebraic Optimal Control Problems

˜ ∇u J(y(u), u) = ˜ ∇y J(y(u), u) =



∂ J˜ ∂ J˜ (y(u), u), . . . , (y(u), u) ∈ R1×q , ∂u1 ∂uq ! ∂ J˜ ∂ J˜ (y(u), u), . . . , (y(u), u) ∈ R1×N . ∂y1 ∂yN

In equation (4.26)∇u y(u) ∈ RN ×q is the sensitivity matrix, whose components represent the sensitivities of the state with respect to the control variables (∇u y(u))ij =

∂yi (u), ∂uj

i = 1, . . . , N, j = 1, . . . , q.

To obtain it, we derive the expression g(y(u), u) = 0 with respect to u, thus finding 0 = ∇y g(y(u), u)∇u y(u) + ∇u g(y(u), u).


Substituting (4.27) in (4.26) gives ˜ ˜ ∇J(u) = ∇u J(y(u), u)−∇y J(y(u), u) (∇y g(y(u), u))


∇u g(y(u), u).


At this point we have two ways to compute the gradient, depending upon the way the second term on the right-hand side of (4.28) is treated: • in the direct approach, we solve for ∇u y(u) in (4.27) – that is, we compute the q vectors ∂y/∂uj , j = 1, . . . , q, solutions of the q (possibly, nonlinear) systems ∇y g(y(u), u)

∂y ∂g (u) = − (y(u), u) ∂uj ∂uj

and evaluate the gradient by (4.26); • in the adjoint approach we solve for p in

> ˜ (∇y g(y(u), u)) p = (∇y J(y(u), u))>

and then, using (4.28), we evaluate the gradient as ˜ ∇J(u) = ∇u J(y(u), u)−p> ∇u g(y(u), u) ∈ R1×q . The size of ∇y g(y, u) is N × N ; this makes the direct approach much more expensive than the adjoint one since we need to solve a N × N system q times – as involved by (4.27) – to evaluate ∇J(u). For this reason, the direct approach is usually out of reach from a computational standpoint; recall that the gradient of the cost function must be evaluated at every iteration when using, e.g., a descent method. On the other hand, to evaluate ∇J(u) the adjoint approach requires the solution of a N ×N system only once; however, the adjoint solver may be rather involved to implement when algebraic systems arise from the discretization of a nonlinear or time-dependent OCP. In this latter case, provided q is very small, the direct approach is a viable alternative to get ∇J(u). Remark 4.3. In the case of a linear state system, g(y, u) = f + Bu − Ay, so that ∇y g(y, u) = −A, ∇u g(y, u) = B = (b1 , . . . , bq ) ∈ RN ×q . Problem (4.27) yields the linear systems A

∂y − bi = 0, ∂ui

i = 1, . . . , q.

The adjoint problem takes instead the form (see (4.22)) ˜ u))> , A> p = −(∇y J(y,


4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

so that the gradient becomes ˜ ∇J(u) = ∇u J(y(u), u) − B> p ∈ R1×q .

Both these approaches fit the so-called reduced space approach (also denoted as Nested Analysis and Design paradigm), for which the solver of the state system is nested within the optimization solver. The former must supply the latter with updated state variables which fulfill the state problem and corresponding sensitivity information (e.g., the gradient of the cost functional). The optimization solver then uses the information to generate the next value of the control variables, according, e.g., to a descent method (see Sect. 3.1); the updated control is passed as input to the PDE solver at the next step, until convergence. This approach is also referred to as iterative or black-box method; we will discuss it in detail in Chapter 6. Note that the state problem is implicitly fulfilled at each step, and that the optimization solver only needs to store the control variables.

4.2 Formulation as a Constrained Optimization Problem In this section we formulate the algebraic OCP (4.1)–(4.4) as a constrained optimization problem, by taking advantage of the approaches of Sect. 2.3, based on Lagrange multipliers and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker multipliers.

4.2.1 Lagrange Multipliers The algebraic OCP (4.1)–(4.2) can be rewritten as min


˜ u) J(y,

subject to

g (y, u) = 0,


with g (y, u) = f + Bu − Ay.


To address the equality constraint g (y, u) = 0, we introduce the Lagrangian L : R2N +q → R, 1 α 2 L (y, u, p) = J˜ (y, u) + (p, g (y, u)) = |y − zd | + |u|2 + (p, f + Bu − Ay) , 2 2 where p ∈ RN plays the role of Lagrange multiplier. The corresponding system of (first-order, necessary) optimality conditions (4.16) reads:  y, u ˆ, p ˆ) = 0   ∇p L (ˆ ∇y L (ˆ y, u ˆ, p ˆ) = 0   (∇u L (ˆ y, u ˆ, p ˆ ) , (v − u ˆ )) ≥ 0 for all v ∈ Uad .

ˆ is in fact the adjoint variable, i.e. the solution of the adjoint equation (4.22). We remark that p In other words, the state equation can be easily recovered by differentiating the Lagrangian function with respect to the adjoint variable p and requiring it to be zero, that is Aˆ y = f + Bˆ u.

4.2 Formulation as a Constrained Optimization Problem


In the same way, by differentiating the Lagrangian with respect to the state variable y, we easily obtain the adjoint equation A> p ˆ = −(ˆ y − zd ). Finally, the variational inequality follows from differentiation of the Lagrangian with respect to the control variable u (αˆ u − B> p ˆ, v − u ˆ) ≥ 0

∀ v ∈ Uad .

Note that we still have to account for the constraint v ∈ Uad (we will return on this point in the following subsection). As we will see in the next chapters, deriving the optimality conditions of an OCP (and, more generally, a PDE-constrained optimization problem) by introducing Lagrange multipliers and the corresponding Lagrangian function is a general approach, valid for any cost functional and any state equation, provided suitable assumptions on regularity/differentiability of the involved expressions are made. Formulating the OCP (4.29) as a constrained optimization problem fits the so-called full space approach (also denoted as Simultaneous Design and Analysis approach), in which the constraints provided by the set of equations corresponding to the state system are explicitly specified. Following the notation introduced in Sect. 4.1.4 and extending the conclusions we obtained so far to the case of a more general OCP (without control contraints), the first-order optimality ˆ such that the system conditions state that there exists p  ˜ y, u ˆ ))> − (∇y g(ˆ ˆ ))> p ˆ=0 y, u  (∇y J(ˆ > > ˜ (4.31) ˆ ))) − (∇u g(ˆ ˆ )) p ˆ=0 (∇ J(ˆ y, u y, u  u ˆ) = 0 g(ˆ y, u ˆ, p ˆ ); note the formal analogy with the system (3.42). is fulfilled at the optimum (ˆ y, u ˜ u) is quadratic and g(y, u) is linear with respect to both the state y and the control If J(y, u, problem (4.29) is nothing but a quadratic programming problem. Solving the linear system (4.31) provides the optimal state, control and adjoint variables. In the case the OCP stems from the discretization of a PDE-constrained optimization, the system (4.31) has very large dimension; moreover, in the linear-quadratic case, its saddle-point structure calls for efficient preconditioners; see Sect. 6.6 for a detailed discussion. If the state system is nonlinear, then the equations in (4.31) are linear in the multiplier p but nonlinear in the optimization variables y and u. By using the standard Newton method, we look for the search direction δx = (δy, δu) and the multiplier update δp, which fulfill, at each step k = 0, 1, . . ., the following linear system:   >  Hyy (yk , uk , pk ) Hyu (yk , uk , pk ) (∇y g(yk , uk )) δy  Huy (yk , uk , pk ) Huu (yk , uk , pk ) (∇u g(yk , uk ))>  δu δp ∇y g(yk , uk ) ∇u g(yk , uk ) 0   > ˜ k , uk )) − (∇y g(yk , uk ))> pk (∇y J(y ˜ k , uk ))> − (∇u g(yk , uk ))> pk  , = − (∇u J(y (4.32) g(yk , uk ) where the blocks

2 ˜ Hyy (y, u, p) = Dyy J(y, u) +


2 pi Dyy gi (y, u),


2 ˜ Huu (y, u, p) = Duu J(y, u) +

N X i=1

2 pi Duu gi (y, u),


4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems 2 ˜ Hyu (y, u, p) = Dyu J(y, u) +


2 pi Dyu gi (y, u),


2 ˜ Huy (y, u, p) = Duy J(y, u) +


2 pi Duy gi (y, u),


correspond to the Hessian of the Lagrangian function; then, we set       yk+1 yk δy uk+1  = uk  + δu . pk+1 pk δp

Note the formal analogy between (4.32) and (3.44). System (4.32) corresponds to the (necessary and sufficient) optimality conditions for the linear-quadratic problem  >    >   1 δy δy ∇y g(yk , uk ) δy H(yk , uk , pk ) + → min δu ∇u g(yk , uk ) δu 2 δu subject to ˆ k )δu + g(ˆ ˆk) = 0 ∇y g(yk , uk )δy + ∇u g(ˆ yk , u yk , u where H(yk , uk , pk ) =


 Hyy (yk , uk , pk ) Hyu (yk , uk , pk ) . Huy (yk , uk , pk ) Huu (yk , uk , pk )

Solving a sequence of quadratic programs under the form (4.33) yields the so-called Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method, which indeed is equivalent to use a Newton method applied on the optimality system. For this reason, SQP is also referred to as Lagrange-Newton method. The SQP method provides a locally quadratic convergent method for finding stationary points of constrained optimization problems; this technique will be exploited for the solution of OCPs involving nonlinear PDEs, see Sect. 9.6.2. The approach described above to find the optimal solution of (4.29) is an instance of allat-once or one-shot method, extensively analyzed in Sect. 9.6.2. Note that in this case solving system (4.31) requires to store all the variables, not just the control one.

4.2.2 Control Constraints: Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Multipliers So far, we have exploited the Lagrangian function to eliminate the equality constraints expressed by the state equation. However, a similar approach can be used also to deal with the constraint u ∈ Uad , provided Uad is identified by a set of inequality constraints. For the sake of analysis, here we consider the case – yet, of practical relevance – of admissible controls Uad defined through a set of box constraints, under the form Uad = {u ∈ Rq : ua,i ≤ ui ≤ ub,i , i = 1, . . . , q} ⊂ U .


If we consider the minimization of the cost functional (4.2), the variational inequality expressing the minimum principle in (4.16) can be rewritten as   B> p ˆ + αˆ u , v ≥ B> p ˆ + αˆ u, u ˆ ∀ v ∈ Uad , (4.35) see Sect. 4.1.3. Hence, we can recognize that u ˆ minimizes over Uad the function  v 7→ (∇u L (ˆ y, u ˆ, p ˆ ) , v) = B> p ˆ + αˆ u, v .

4.2 Formulation as a Constrained Optimization Problem


Thanks to (4.34), the minimization can be done componentwise. Then (4.35) is equivalent to   B> p ˆ + αˆ u iu ˆi = min B> p ˆ + αˆ u i ui , i = 1, . . . , q. ua,i ≤ui ≤ub,i

From this observation, it follows that  ua,i if (B> p ˆ + αˆ u)i > 0   > ˜i ∈ [ua,i , ub,i ] if (B p ˆ + αˆ u)i = 0 u ˆi = u   > ub,i if (B p ˆ + αˆ u)i < 0.

From the minimum principle we cannot recover any direct information on the value of those components ui associated to an index i for which (B> p ˆ + αˆ u)i = 0. However, in this case 1 u ˆi = − (B> p ˆ )i . α

ˆ is either equal to ua,i or to ub,i : in Furthermore, if B> p ˆ + αˆ u 6= 0, then each component of u ˆ is called bang-bang control. We note that (4.35) yields this case, u    1 > u ˆi = min ub,i , max ua,i , − (B p ˆ )i , α that is to say, u ˆ = P rUad

 1 − B> p ˆ , α

where P rUad (x) is the projection3 of x ∈ Rq over the n-dimensional hypercube Uad . The minimum principle (4.35) can be more conveniently expressed in terms of KarushKuhn-Tucker (KKT) multipliers. Let us introduce the Lagrangian L (y, u, p) = J˜ (y, u) + (p, g (y, u)) + (u − ua , λa ) + (ub − u, λb )


similarly to (2.28); λa and λb are the Lagrange multipliers associated to the inequality constraints u − ua ≥ 0 and ub − u ≥ 0, respectively. Here we denote by ua , ub the vectors whose components are given by (ua )i = ua,i , (ub )i = ub,i , so that the box constraints can be expressed as ua ≤ u ≤ ub . According to the results of Sect. 2.3.2, if u ˆ is an optimal control for the problem (4.29), ˆ a, λ ˆ b ∈ Rq ˆ ∈ RN and λ (4.30),(4.34), with associated state y ˆ, there exist KKT multipliers p not both vanishing, such that the following KKT optimality conditions hold: ∇p L (ˆ y, u ˆ, p ˆ , λa , λb ) = 0 ∇y L (ˆ y, u ˆ, p ˆ , λa , λb ) = 0 ∇u L (ˆ y, u ˆ, p ˆ , λa , λb ) = 0 ∇λa L (ˆ y, u ˆ, p ˆ , λa , λb ) ≤ 0 ∇λb L (ˆ y, u ˆ, p ˆ , λa , λb ) ≤ 0 ˆ a ≥ 0, λ ˆ b ≥ 0, λ (u − ua , λa ) = 0, (ub − u, λb ) = 0.

(4.37) (4.38) (4.39) (4.40) (4.41) (4.42)

As in the case of Lagrange multpliers, the adjoint equation can be recovered from the vanishing of the derivative of the Lagrangian functional L with respect to y. In the same way, the state equation corresponds to the vanishing of the derivative of L with respect to p (see equations (4.37) and (4.38), respectively). q The projection of x ∈ Rq over the box Q = Πj=1 [aj , bj ] is given by the vector y = P rQ (x), whose components are yj = min {bj , max {aj , xj }} , j = 1, . . . , q. 3


4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

Equation (4.39) gives instead ˆa + λ ˆ b = 0. ˜ y, u ˆ ) + B> p ˆ −λ ∇u J(ˆ


Equations (4.42) are also called complementary equations. ˆ a, λ ˆ b in terms of ∇u J(ˆ ˜ y, u ˆ ) + B> p ˆ. From (4.40)–(4.42) we can express the multipliers λ Indeed, (4.40)–(4.41) yield ∇λa L (ˆ y, u ˆ, p ˆ , λa , λb ) = u − ua ≥ 0,

∇λb L (ˆ y, u ˆ, p ˆ , λa , λb ) = ub − u ≥ 0 that is, the expression of the bound constraints. Then: • for the complementary equations, either ˆ b,i = 0 λ


u ˆb,i − ui > 0,

ˆ a,i = (∇u J(ˆ ˜ y, u ˆ ) + B> p ˆ )i ≥ 0, or so that λ ˆ b,i > 0 λ


u ˆb,i − ui = 0,

ˆ a,i = 0 and then λ ˆ b,i = 0 − (∇u J(ˆ ˜ y, u ˆ ) + B> p ˆ )i > 0; so that necessarily, λ • similarly, either ˆ a,i = 0 when ui − u λ ˆa,i > 0, > ˆ b,i = −(∇u J(ˆ ˜ y, u ˆ) + B p ˆ )i ≥ 0, or so that λ ˆ a,i > 0 λ


ui − u ˆb,i = 0,

ˆ b,i = 0 and then λ ˆ a,i = 0 + (∇u J(ˆ ˜ y, u ˆ ) + B> p ˆ )i > 0. so that necessarily, λ In conclusion, we obtain  + ˆ a = ∇u J(ˆ ˜ y, u ˆ ) + B> p ˆ , λ

 − ˆ b = ∇u J(ˆ ˜ y, u ˆ ) + B> p ˆ λ

where (x)+ and (x)− denote the positive and negative part of x, respectively. A possible strategy to solve the KKT system (4.37)–(4.42) exploits the so-called primaldual active set method, which indeed generates a sequence of problems, each one characterized by a set of active and inactive control constraints, and without inequality constraints. This technique will be exploited for the solution of constrained linear-quadratic OCPs, see Sect. 6.8.

4.3 Control Problems Governed by ODEs So far we have introduced the reader to the basic concepts and optimality conditions in a stationary decision problem, emphasizing the double nature of optimization and control. Now we consider a class of optimal control problems, still in a finite dimensional setting, with both state and control variables evolving in time. More specifically, we deal with control problems governed by a linear autonomous ordinary differential (ODE) system. A complete analysis and, consequently, the numerical approximation of optimal control problems governed by ODEs would require mathematical tools from dynamic optimization, calculus of variation and optimal control theory which deserve an entire book. For this reason, we only introduce some basic notions, to highlight useful facts in view of the treatment of OCPs involving time-dependent PDEs. Those readers interested to deepen the analysis of OCPs for ODEs can refer, e.g., to [265, 186, 155, 216].

4.3 Control Problems Governed by ODEs


Fig. 4.1 Left: open loop control; right: closed loop (or feedback) control

In our presentation the state variable, describing the system evolution, is a vector valued function y : [0, T ] → Rn subject to a control process (or dynamics) given by the ODE system y˙ = g (y, u)


with initial and final conditions y (T ) ∈ YT ,

y (0) = ξ,


where YT ⊆ Rn is the final target set. If YT = Rn the end point is free. Also note that the final time T could be either fixed or unknown. Indeed, an important example where T is unknown is the so called minimum time problem, see Sect. 4.5. A solution of (4.44), (4.45), also called path or trajectory, is influenced by the function u : [0, T ] → Rm that acts as a control on the dynamics for y. A control is in general subject to constraints, e.g. u (t) ∈ U , for every t ∈ [0, T ], where U ⊆ Rm is called control region. The set of controls satisfying the constraints and such that there is a unique corresponding trajectory respecting the initial and final conditions constitutes the class C of the admissible controls. A control can influence the dynamics in two ways, as shown in Figure 4.1: • in an open loop control scheme, at each time a control is chosen independently of the current state; • in a closed loop (also called feedback ) control scheme, u (t) has a functional dependence on y (t) and the dynamics can be written in the form (control synthesis) y = g (y, G (y)) . A feedback control works more efficiently since at each time the optimal control is chosen accordingly with the knowledge of the state at the same time. The problem we have to face consists in selecting an admissible control and the corresponding trajectory in order to minimize (or maximize) a cost (or objective) functional of the form J (u) = ψ (y (T )) +



f (y (s) , u (s)) ds.



The term ψ (y (T )) is called terminal payoff. An admissible control that minimizes (or maximizes) the cost is called optimal control and the corresponding trajectory an optimal path. From now on we consider the case where the state equation is given by a linear system of ODEs. We address different cases of cost functional to be minimized: the scalar product of the state solution with a vector of (given) constant coefficients; the time to reach a desired state (involving the relevant concepts of controllability and observability); quadratic functional, leading to a special case of Riccati equation.


4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

Remark 4.4. The description of numerical methods for the solution of control problems governed by ODEs would deserve (at least) a complete chapter and does not fit the target of this book, mainly devoted to optimal control problems for PDEs. We only mention that it is possible to distinguish between direct methods and indirect methods. Another possible strategy relies on dynamic programming [185]. An indirect method (such as the indirect shooting method) seeks a solution of the system of necessary optimality conditions [54]. A direct method first discretizes (in time) the control problem, then applies nonlinear programming techniques to the resulting finite-dimensional optimization problem, using only control and state variables as optimization variables [261, 37]. We also highlight that, in the case of indirect methods, the state and adjoint equations are integrated forward and backward in time, respectively, from their initial or final conditions. In particular, the adjoint equations are stable provided that the state equations are themselves stable [56]; integrating the adjoint equations backward in time then requires to reconstruct the state information at each time instant. This can be pursued, for instance, by storing the state variables at each time step during the forward integration, and then interpolating these values during the backward integration. A simple example in this respect is proposed in Sect. 4.7. •

4.4 Linear Payoff, Free End Point In this simple case it is possible to convey the essential features of time-dependent control problems in an elementary way and to unveil some underlying geometrical aspects. Given a non-zero vector η ∈ Rn and the linear function ψ (y) = η · y, we consider the following linear control problem, ψ (y (T )) = η · y (T ) → min for a given time T > 0, subject to  y˙ (t) = Ay (t) + Bu (t) , y (0) = ξ


p∗ (t) = e(T −t)A η


which is the unique solution of the following adjoint problem  ∗ p˙ (t) = −A> p∗ (t) , 0 p∗ (s) · u (s) ds ∀u ∈ CT . (4.55) 0


Inequality (4.55) is a special case of the so called minimum principle, a cornerstone of the whole theory. We have proved the following Theorem 4.2. Let u∗ ∈ CT and y∗ (t) = y∗ (t; ξ, u∗ ), 0 ≤ t ≤ T. Let p∗ (t) be the solution of the adjoint problem (4.54). Then u∗ is optimal if and only if (4.55) holds or, equivalently, ∀v , |v| ≤ 1 : B> p∗ (t) · u∗ (t) ≤ B> p∗ (t) · v


for every t ∈ [0, T ], except for a finite number of points.

¯ , |¯ Proof. Clearly, (4.56) implies (4.55). Vice versa, if (4.56) is not true, there exists v v| ≤ 1, such that ¯ B> p∗ (t) · u∗ (t) > B> p∗ (t) · v


at infinitely many points t ∈ [0, T ] and, in particular, at some continuity point s of B> p∗ (t) · u∗ (t). Thus, (4.57) holds for each t ∈ Iε = (s − ε, s + ε), for some ε > 0. Define

 ˜ (s) = v

¯ v u∗ (s)

in Iε in (0, T ) \ Iε .

˜ into (4.55), we get a contradiction. Then |˜ v(s)| ≤ 1 and inserting u = v


This is a terminology borrowed from the classical Calculus of Variation.

t u

4.4 Linear Payoff, Free End Point


Fig. 4.3 Transporting η back in time along the optimal path y∗

Let us define the Hamiltonian function H(y, u, p) = p · (Ay + Bu).


H(y∗ , u∗ , p∗ ) is constant over [0, T ] (see Exercise 5). As a consequence, the function t 7→ B> p∗ (t) · u∗ (t) is continuous over [0, T ] and the pointwise minimum principle (4.56) holds for every t ∈ [0, T ]. Using (4.55) we can prove the following result (see Exercise 6) Corollary 4.1. For every t ∈ [0, T ], y∗ (t) ∈ ∂R (t; ξ)and p∗ (t) · (y − y∗ (t)) ≥ 0

∀y ∈ R (t; ξ) .


The geometrical meaning of (4.59) is the following. If u∗ is optimal, for every t, y∗ (t) lies on the boundary of the reachable set R (t; ξ) and p∗ (t) is an interior normal to a hyperplane supporting R (t; ξ) at y∗ (t). This normal is obtained by transporting p∗ (T ) = η backwards in time through the adjoint equation along the optimal trajectory (see Fig. 4.3).

4.4.1 Uniqueness of Optimal Control. Normal Systems Let us now explore the uniqueness of an optimal control. A consequence of (4.55) is that an optimal control u∗ = (u∗1 , . . . , u∗m ) is given by u∗j (t) = −sgn [p∗ (t) · bj ] ,

j = 1, 2, . . . , m,

where bj is the j th column of B and   −1 sgn (y) = +1  c ∈ [−1, 1]

if y < 0 if y > 0 if y = 0.

t ∈ [0, T ]



4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

Indeed, if for some j we had u∗j (t) < 1 on some interval Ej− ⊆ {t ∈ [0, T ] : p∗ (t) · bj < 0} , we could select the admissible control u ˜ = (˜ u1 , . . . , u ˜m ) given by u ˜j (t) = 1 on Ej− , u ˜j (t) = u∗j (t) outside Ej− and, for k 6= j,

u ˜k (t) = u∗k (t)

in [0, T ] .

Inserting u ˜ in (4.55) we would reach a contradiction Z  0> p∗ (t) · bj 1 − u∗j (s) ds ≥ 0. Ej

Thus, set


(t) = 1 on {t ∈ [0, T ] : p∗ (t) · bj < 0}. Similarly we deduce that u∗j (t) = −1 on the {t ∈ [0, T ] : p∗ (t) · bj > 0} .

Clearly, since we are assuming η 6= 0, the analytic function >


t 7−→ p∗ (t) · bj = e(T −t)A η · bj = eT A η · e−tA bj


is either identically zero in [0, T ] or it vanishes at most at a finite number of points7 . Then formula (4.60) uniquely determines the optimal control if and only if the following condition holds: for every j = 1, . . . , m, the function (4.61) is not identically zero.


Thus if (4.62) holds, the optimal control u∗ assumes only the values ±1, except at a finite number of points, corresponding to the zeros of (4.61). In this case, we say that u∗ is a bang-bang control, with a finite number of switching points (the zeros of (4.61)). We summarize our conclusions in the following Proposition 4.3. If condition (4.62) holds, there is a unique optimal control u∗ given by u∗j (t) = −sgn [p∗ (t) · bj ] ,

j = 1, 2, . . . , m , t ∈ [0, T ] .

u∗ is a bang-bang control with at most a finite number of switching points. When condition (4.62) holds for every η 6= 0, we say that the control system is normal, according to the following Definition 4.1. We say that the control system y(t) ˙ = Ay(t) + Bu(t) is normal if, for every ν ∈ Rn , ν 6= 0, and every j = 1, . . . , m, the (analytic) functions t 7−→ ν · e−tA bj


can vanish in [0, T ] only at a finite number of points.

It is useful to have simple tests for normality. The simplest one is expressed in the following


Recall that e(T −t)A = eT A e−tA .

4.5 Minimum Time Problems


Theorem 4.3. The control system y(t) ˙ = Ay(t) + Bu(t) is normal if and only if for every j = 1, . . . , m the vectors bj , Abj , A2 bj , . . . , An−1 bj (4.64) are linearly independent. Proof. Assume that the vectors (4.64) are independent and that the control system is not normal. Then there exists a non-zero vector ν such that ν · e−tA bj ≡ 0 (4.65) for some j. Letting t = 0 we get ν · bj = 0. Differentiating (4.65) we have ν · e−tA (−A) bj ≡ 0 and for t = 0 we obtain ν · Abj = 0. Differentiating (4.65) n − 1 times and letting t = 0 we get ν · (−A)k bj = 0,

k = 0, . . . , n − 1

which implies that the vectors (4.64) must be linearly dependent, that is, we get a contradiction. Assume now that, for some j, the vectors (4.64) are linearly dependent. Then ν · Ak bj = 0,

k = 0, . . . , n − 1


for some non-zero vector ν. Set h (t) = ν · e−tA bj . We show that h (t) ≡ 0. For that, by setting D = d/dt and D k = dk /dtk , we have D k h (t) = ν · (−A)k e−tA bj .



Let σ (λ) = det (−A − λI) = k=0 ak λk be the characteristic polynomial of the matrix −A. From CaleyHamilton Theorem (see Sect. B.1.1), we deduce that σ (−A) = O, where O denotes matrix. Pn the zero k On the other hand, applying the nth −order differential operator σ (D) = k=0 ak D to h, and recalling that D = d/dt, we have, from (4.67), σ (D) h (t) = ν · σ (D) e−tA bj = ν · σ (−A) e−tA bj = 0.


Finally, (4.66) gives D k h (0) = 0,

k = 0, . . . , n − 1.


Now, (4.68) is a linear homogeneous ODE of order n for h whereas (4.69) provides a set of n homogeneous initial conditions for h and its derivatives up to order n − 1. Thus, we must have h (t) ≡ 0, which contradicts the fact that the control system y˙ = Ay + Bu is normal. t u

4.5 Minimum Time Problems 4.5.1 Controllability An important problem is to drive some state variable y = y (t) from a given initial state ξ to a given target state ytar in minimum time. Precisely, let us consider the problem T → min under the dynamics

y˙ (t) = Ay (t) + Bu (t) , y (0) = ξ, y (T ) = ytar .

0 B = 0,

ν > AB = 0.

Then ν > Ak B = 0 for every k ≥ 0, which in turn implies ν > eτ A B = 0 for every τ ≥ 0. Hence Z t ν· e(t−s)A Bu (s) ds = 0 for every t ≥ 0 0

and every u ∈ C. In conclusion, R (t; 0) is contained in the hyperplane orthogonal to ν. Therefore, if ν · ytar 6= 0, there is no way to steer y from the origin to ytar . •

4.5 Minimum Time Problems


The above example leads to the concept of controllability. For the time being, we keep the class C of admissible controls. Definition 4.2. The autonomous control system y˙ (t) = Ay (t) + Bu (t) ,


is called C− controllable if for any given pair of points ξ and ytar , there exists an admissible control u ∈ C that steers y from ξ to ytar in finite time. According to Definition 4.2, the control process in Example 4.1 is not C−controllable: let us explore the reason. A closer look at the example reveals that the key point lies in the possibility to exhibit a vector which is orthogonal to all the columns of the matrix   1 0 −1 0 (B, AB) = . 1 0 −1 0 This is possible because the matrix (B, AB) has rank 1 < 2. The same argument clearly works in dimension n with reference to the n × nm matrix  B, AB, A2 B, . . . , An−1 B . (4.72) In fact, if the columns of the matrix (4.72) are linearly dependent, that is  rank B, AB, A2 B, . . . , An−1 B < n,

it is always possible to find a vector ν ∈ Rn such that R (t; 0) is contained in the hyperplane orthogonal to ν, so that the system is not controllable. Conversely, if  rank B, AB, A2 B, . . . , An−1 B = n, (4.73) the system is controllable, otherwise there would exist a non-zero vector ν such that, say, Z 1 ν· e(1−s)A Bu (s) ds = 0 0

for all u ∈ C. This implies8 , for the column vector ν, ν > e(1−s)A B = 0 for every s ∈ [0, 1] .


Letting s = 1, we find ν > B = 0. Differentiating (4.74) n − 1 times and setting s = 1, we obtain ν > AB = ν > A2 B = · · · = ν > An−1 B = 0, which contradicts the maximum rank condition (4.73). We summarize the above conclusions in the following Theorem 4.4. The linear autonomous control system y˙ (t) = Ay (t) + Bu (t) ,


is C− controllable if and only if

 rank B, AB, A2 B, . . . , An−1 B = n.


In fact, for any given g ∈ C ([a, b]), if

Rb a

g (t) u (t) = 0 for every u ∈ C ([a, b]) then g = 0 in [a, b].



4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

Note that (4.75) is independent of T . The following consequence is also immediate. Corollary 4.2. If the system is normal, then it is C−controllable. Note that the converse is true only for n = 1. Take for instance n = m, A = I and any B  non singular. Then, clearly, rank B, AB, A2 B, . . . , An−1 B = rank(B, B, B, . . . , B) = n but the system is not normal.

4.5.2 Observability Controllability of a system is related to observability. Consider the linear ODE system  y˙ (t) = Ay(t), t>0 (4.76) y (0) = ξ. Assume that we can only observe some linear function of the solution z (t) = Cy(t)


where C ∈ Rq×n is a constant matrix, so that z (t) ∈ Rq . We wonder if the solution y (t) can be uniquely reconstructed for each t ≥ 0, from the sole knowledge of z (t) on some interval [0, T ]. The interesting case is q < n, corresponding to reconstructing an n−dimensional vector y from a lower dimensional observed vector z. Since y (t) is uniquely determined in any interval by the knowledge of ξ, the problem reduces to determine ξ uniquely. When this is possible for any ξ we say that the system (4.76), (4.77) is observable. The following theorem shows the connection between observability and controllability. Theorem 4.5. The system (4.76), (4.77) is observable if and only if the control system x˙ (t) = A> x (t) + C> u (t) ,



is C−controllable, that is if and only if

 rank C> , A> C> , (A> )2 C> , . . . , (A> )n−1 C> = n.


Proof. The solution of (4.76) is given by y (t) = eAt ξ, hence z (t) = CeAt ξ,

t ≥ 0.


Suppose the system (4.76), (4.77) is not observable. This means that there are ξ1 , ξ2 , ξ1 6= ξ2 such that CeAt ξ1 = CeAt ξ2

∀t ≥ 0

or, setting ξ0 = ξ1 − ξ2 , CeAt ξ0 = 0

∀t ≥ 0.


Differentiating (4.81) n − 1 times with respect to t and setting t = 0, we obtain Cξ0 = CAξ0 = · · · = CAn−1 ξ0 = 0 or, equivalently, ξ0> C> = ξ0> A> C> = . . . = ξ0> (A> )n−1 C> = 0, which contradicts the rank condition (4.79). Assume now that rank C> , A> C> , (A> )2 C> , . . . , (A> )n−1 C> < n.

Then there exists a non-zero vector ξ0 such that Cξ0 = CAξ0 = · · · = CAn−1 ξ0 = 0.


4.5 Minimum Time Problems


Caley-Hamilton Theorem gives Ak = ck−1 I + ck−2 A + ck−2 A2 + · · · + c0 Ak−1

∀k ≥ 1

for suitable real numbers c0 , . . . , ck−1 . Using (4.82) we infer CAk ξ0 = 0 ∀k ≥ 1 and in turn CeAt ξ0 = 0 for every t ≥ 0. Therefore Cy (t) = CeAt ξ0 = 0 ∀t ≥ 0, hence system (4.76), (4.77) is not observable.

t u

4.5.3 Optimality conditions We now return to our class C∞ of admissible controls. The control constraint |u (t)| ≤ 1 clearly limits the system controllability. Typically, given ytar , there will be only a subset E ⊂ Rn of initial points (the so called controllability region) that can be steered to ytar , as shown in Example 4.1. In this section we assume that an optimal control u∗ exists, with optimal time T ∗ . To find a characterization of u∗ , we may re-interpret our mimimum time problem in terms of the reachable sets R (ξ; t) introduced in Sect. 4.4. Then y (T ∗ ; ξ, u∗ ) = ytar ∈ R (ξ; T ∗ ) and T ∗ is the smallest time t for which ytar ∈ R (ξ; t), otherwise we should have y (τ ; ξ, u∗ ) = ytar for some time τ < T ∗ . However, since T ∗ is unknown, it is convenient to write   Z t Z t y (t; ξ, u) = etA ξ + e(t−s)A Bu (s) ds = etA ξ + e−sA Bu (s) ds 0

and set z (t) = z (t; u) = If we define




e−sA Bu (s) ds,

ztar = e−T



ytar − ξ.

Z (t) = { z (t; u) : u ∈ C∞ } , then Z (t) = e−tA R (ξ; t) − ξ

and the condition ytar ∈ R (ξ; T ∗ ) is equivalent to ztar ∈ Z (T ∗ ). Since, for every t ≥ 0, R (ξ; t) is bounded and convex, so is Z (t). The set Z (t) grows with time; indeed, Z (0) = 0 and Z (t1 ) ⊂ Z (t2 ) for t1 < t2 . Thus T ∗ coincides with the first time Z (t) intersects ztar . By the continuity of the trajectories, it must be ztar ∈ ∂Z (T ∗ ). From convex analysis we infer the existence of a non-zero vector η ∗ which is the interior normal to a hyperplane supporting Z (T ∗ ) at ytar , that is η ∗ · (z − ztar ) ≥ 0

∀z ∈ Z (T ∗ ) .


This inequality translates into the following version of the minimum principle, Z T∗ η∗ · e−sA B (u (s) − u∗ (s)) ds ≥ 0. 0


Note now that p∗ (t) = e−tA η ∗ is the solution of the adjoint problem  > p˙ ∗ (t) = −A p∗ (t) , 0 < t < T ∗ ∗ ∗ p (0) = η .


Note that here both T ∗ and η ∗ are unknowns. Reasoning as in Sect. 4.4, we deduce the following


4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

Theorem 4.6. Let u∗ be an optimal control steering ξ to ytar in minimum time T ∗ . Then there exists a non-zero vector η ∗ such that Z T∗ B> p∗ (s) · (u (s) − u∗ (s)) ds ≥ 0 ∀u ∈ C∞ (4.85) 0

where p∗ (t) is the solution of the adjoint problem (4.84). If the control system is normal, the optimal control is a unique bang-bang control, given by u∗j (t) = −sgn (p∗ (t) · bj ) ,

j = 1, 2, . . . , m, t ∈ [0, T ∗ ] ,

with at most a finite number of switching points. We apply the above theorem to a classical example. Example 4.2 (Control under a repulsive force). Consider the problem T → min 


y¨ (t) = k 2 y (t) + u (t) , y (0) = y0 , y˙ (0) = v0 ,

t ∈ (0, T ) y (T ) = y˙ (T ) = 0


with k 6= 0 and |u| ≤ 1. The above problem describes a unit mass particle, initially located at y0 , with velocity v0 , in motion under the action of a repulsive force k 2 y and a control force u. Our goal is to select u in order to steer the particle to the origin with zero velocity, in minimum time. Setting y1 = y, y2 = y, ˙ we write (4.86) in the form (here n = 2, m = 1)  y˙ 1 = y2 (4.87) y˙ 2 = k 2 y1 + u or


y˙ 1 y˙ 2

0 1 = k2 0

   y1 0 + u y2 1

       y1 (0) y0 y1 (T ) 0 = , = . y2 (0) v0 y2 (T ) 0

Notice that b=

  0 1


Ab =

  1 0

so that the system is normal and therefore C−controllable. The adjoint equations are:  p˙ 1 = −k 2 p2 p˙ 2 = −p1 . from which we find p1 (t) = −αβ cosh (k + βt) , p2 (t) = α sinh (k + βt) ,

α, β ∈ R.

The minimum principle gives u∗ (t) = −sgn [p∗ (t) · b] = −sgn[p2 (t)] = −sgn [α sinh (k + βt)] . This proves that u∗ is indeed a bang-bang control with at most one switching time ts , corresponding to the zero of sinh (k + βt) .

4.5 Minimum Time Problems


Fig. 4.4 Phase portrait for the systems S+ , S−

To proceed, we examine the trajectories of the systems obtained by setting u = 1 and u = −1 in (4.87)   y˙ 1 = y2 y˙ 1 = y2 (S+ ) and (S− ) y˙ 2 = k 2 y1 + 1 y˙ 2 = k 2 y1 − 1.   The two systems have the equilibria P+ = −1/k 2 , 0 and P− = 1/k 2 , 0 , respectively, obtained by solving the algebraic systems   y2 = 0 y2 = 0 and k 2 y1 + 1 = 0 k 2 y1 − 1 = 0. Since detA = −k 2 < 0, both equilibria are saddle points, with unstable manifolds given, respectively, by the straight lines   y2 = k y1 + 1/k 2 , y2 = k y1 − 1/k 2 and the stable manifolds given, respectively, by the straight lines   y2 = −k y1 + 1/k 2 , y2 = −k y1 − 1/k 2 .

The phase portrait of systems S+ and S− is shown in Figure 4.4. If the initial point (y0 , v0 ) belongs to one of the two orbits Γ+ or Γ− , then clearly these orbits coincide with the optimal path, with optimal control u∗ = 1 and u∗ = −1, respectively. After a finite time T ∗ (the optimal time) these orbits reach the origin. If (y0 , v0 ) does not belong to Γ+ or Γ− we need to distinguish two cases. Consider the strip    E = (y1 , y2 ) : −k y1 + 1/k 2 < y2 < −k y1 − 1/k 2 between the two stable manifolds of systems S+ and S− . If (y0 , v0 ) ∈ / E, by looking at the phase portraits we see that there is no possibility to reach the origin using one or more orbits of either system. If (y0 , v0 ) ∈ E, the optimal trajectory is constructed in the following way. There are only two possibilities:

a) (y0 , v0 ) belongs to an orbit O+ of S+ . Then we choose u∗ = 1 and move along O+ until we intersect Γ− at some switching time ts . At that time we choose u∗ = −1 and move along Γ− until we reach the origin at time T ∗ (the optimal time);


4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

Fig. 4.5 Optimal paths and controllability strips for the control under repulsive force problem

b) (y0 , v0 ) belongs to an orbit O− of S− . Then we choose u∗ = −1 and move along O− until we intersect Γ+ at some switching time ts . At that time we choose u∗ = 1 and move along Γ+ until we reach the origin at time T ∗ (the optimal time). The two optimal paths are shown in figure 4.5. The strip E is called controllability region and its size depends on k for a given constraint on u. Indeed, k 2 represents the intensity of the repulsive force: a larger k corresponds to a smaller width of E. It turns out that u∗ can be put into feedback form. Indeed, let y2 = w (y1 ) be the function whose graph is given by Γ = Γ+ ∪ Γ− . This graph is called switching locus. Define now  −1 on Γ− and y2 > w (y1 ) G (y1 , y2 ) = 1 on Γ+ and y2 < w (y1 ) and G (0, 0) = 0. Then we can write u∗ in the feedback form u∗ (t) = G (y1∗ (t) , y2∗ (t)) ,


that is, the optimal trajectory is a solution of the system  y˙ 1 = −y2 y˙ 2 = −k 2 y1 + G (y1 , y2 ) with (y0 , v0 ) ∈ E. Note that (4.88) allows us to choose the value of u∗ at time t by only looking at the position on the trajectory. •

4.6 Quadratic Cost In this last section we consider quadratic cost functionals of the form Z T J (u) = ψ (y (T )) + [f (y (s)) + q (u (s))] ds




1 1 1 Sy · y, f (y) = Py · y, q (u) = Qu · u; 2 2 2 S, P are n×n positive symmetric semidefinite matrices while Q is a m×m symmetric positive definite matrix. ψ (y) =

4.6 Quadratic Cost


We want to solve the quadratic control problem, also referred to as linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) J (u) → min (4.90) under the usual dynamics 

y˙ (t) = Ay (t) + Bu (t) , y (0) = ξ

0  + A p (s) · z (s) + B> p (s) · v (s) + p˙ (s) · z (s) ds − p> (T ) · z (T ) , 0

(4.95) valid for every v ∈ CT . We now choose p = p∗ , where p∗ is the solution of the adjoint final-value problem  ∗ p˙ (t) = −A> p∗ (t) − Py∗ (t) , 0 p∗ .


We will see some numerical implication of this formula in Sect. 4.7. • ∗ We now go back to our OCP. Choosing v = u − u and θ ∈ (0, 1], by the convexity of CT , uθ ∈ CT and we can wrtite J (u∗ + θ (u − u∗ )) − J (u∗ ) ≥ 0. Dividing by θ and letting θ → 0 we end up with the following variational inequality: dJ (u∗ ) (u − u∗ ) =


T 0

 Qu∗ (s) + B> p∗ (s) · (u (s) − u∗ (s))ds ≥ 0

∀u ∈ CT .


4.6 Quadratic Cost


Reasoning as in Sect. 4.4, (4.99) implies that for every u ∈ Rm , |u| ≤ 1, ∇J (u∗ ) (s) · (u − u∗ (s)) = (Qu∗ (s) + B> p∗ (s)) · (u (s) − u∗ (s)) ≥ 0


(minimum principle) for all s ∈ [0, T ] except at the discontinuity points of u∗ . Since Q is positive, we recognize from (4.97) or (4.100) that u∗ is the projection of −Q−1 B> p∗ onto CT , that is,  u∗ = P rCT −Q−1 B> p∗ , according to what we have seen in Sect. 4.2.2. We summarize the above results in the following Theorem 4.7. Let u∗ ∈ CT and y∗ (t) = y∗ (t; ξ, u∗ ), 0 ≤ t ≤ T . Let p∗ (t) be the solution of the adjoint problem (4.96). Then u∗ is optimal if and only if Z T   Qu∗ (s) + B> p∗ (s) · (u (s) − u∗ (s)) ds ≥ 0 ∀u ∈ CT . (4.101) 0

As a consequence, the minimum principle (4.100) holds for all s ∈ [0, T ] except at the discontinuity points of u∗ and  u∗ = P rCT −Q−1 B> p∗ . (4.102)

4.6.2 The Riccati equation In this section we show that through the solution of a final value problem for a particular matrix equation (the so called Riccati equation) the optimal control that minimizes the quadratic cost function (4.89) can be expressed in feedback form, realizing in this way a control synthesis. In turn, this gives complete information on the optimal cost value. For simplicity we remove the control restriction |u (t)| ≤ 1 in [0, T ]. In this case Theorem 4.7 still holds except for formula (4.102). Let t be a continuity point of u. Then, the minimum principle   Qu∗ (t) + B> p∗ (t) · (u − u∗ (t)) ≥ 0 (4.103) holds for every u ∈ Rm . Since u is arbitrary, it must be

Qu∗ (t) + B> p∗ (t) = 0 whence ∗

u∗ (t) = −Q−1 B> p∗ (t) .

(4.104) (4.105) ∗

Since p is continuous in [0, T ], this formula implies that also u is continuous in [0, T ]. In order to express u∗ in terms of y∗ , let us write p∗ (t) = R (t) y∗ (t)


where R is the so-called Riccati matrix, that will be determined from the dynamics and the adjoint equation, independently of the initial condition ξ. We have, from (4.105) and (4.106), y˙ (t) = Ay∗ (t) + Bu∗ (t) = Ay∗ (t) − BQ−1 B> R (t) y∗ (t) . On the other hand, differentiating (4.106) we get ˙ (t) y∗ (t) + R (t) y˙ ∗ (t) = [R ˙ (t) + R (t) A − BQ−1 B> R (t)]y∗ (t) . p˙ ∗ (t) = R



4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

Finally, using (4.96),

  p˙ ∗ (t) = −A> R (t) − P y∗ (t)

and comparing the last two expressions for p, ˙ we deduce for R the Riccati (matrix) equation ˙ (t) = −R (t) A − A> R (t) + R (t) BQ−1 B> R (t) − P. R


Since p∗ (T ) = Sy∗ (T ), to (4.108) we can associate the final condition R (T ) = S.


The final value problem (4.108), (4.109) always admits a regular solution R∗ defined in a neighborhood [t0 , T ], t0 ≥ 0, uniquely determined as a symmetric and positive semidefinite matrix, since S meets these assumptions. It turns out that R∗ is defined in the whole interval [0, T ] (see, e.g., [172, Sect. 3.3]). The symmetry of R∗ implies, in particular, that to solve problem (4.108), (4.109) only n (n + 1) /2 rather than n2 equations have to be solved. Note that R(t) can be found without knowing either y(t) or u(t); this allows to (i) first solve a final-value problem for R(t) and then (ii) solve an initial-value problem for y(t), once the optimal control has been expressed through (4.105) and (4.106). We summarize the above results in the following Theorem 4.8. There exists a unique symmetric and positive semidefinite solution R∗ (t) of problem (4.108)–(4.109) in [0, T ]. The quadratic cost control problem (4.90), (4.91) admits a unique solution u∗ given by u∗ (t) = −Q−1 B> R∗ (t) y∗ (t) where y∗ is the solution of the linear ODE system   y˙ ∗ (t) = A − BQ−1 B> R∗ (t) y∗ (t) ,

y∗ (0) = ξ.

Moreover, the minimum cost value is given by J (u∗ ) =

1 ∗ R (0) ξ · ξ. 2


Proof. We have only to check formula (4.110). Since u∗ = −Q−1 B> R∗ y∗ , J (u∗ ) =

1 ∗ 1 Sy (T ) · y∗ (T ) + 2 2



P + R∗ (s) BQ−1 B> R∗ (s) y∗ (s) · y∗ (s) ds.


From the Riccati equation, ˙ ∗ (s) − R∗ (s) A − A> R∗ (s) + R∗ (s) BQ−1 B> R∗ (s) P = −R so that J (u∗ ) =

1 ∗ Sy (T ) · y∗ (T ) 2 Z  1 T ∗ ˙ ∗ (s) y∗ (s) · y∗ (s) ds. + 2R (s) BQ−1 B> R∗ (s) − R∗ (s) A − A> R∗ (s) − R 2 0

Thanks to (4.107) the expression under the integral coincides with −

d [R∗ (s) y∗ (s) · y∗ (s)] . dt

Thus, we conclude the proof by noting that J (u∗ ) =

1 ∗ 1 Sy (T ) · y∗ (T ) − 2 2


Z 0

1 d [R∗ (s) y∗ (s) · y∗ (s)] ds = R∗ (0) ξ · ξ. dt 2

t u

4.6 Quadratic Cost


Remark 4.6. We can recover the maximum principle by introducing the Hamiltonian function 1 (Py · y + Qu · u) + p · (Ay + Bu) . 2 Then equation (4.104) corresponds to H (y, p, u) =

∇u H (y∗ (s) , p∗ (s) , u∗ (s)) = Qu∗ (s) + B> p∗ (s) = 0.



Thanks to the convexity of the function u→

1 Qu · u + p · Bu, 2

(4.112) is equivalent to H (y∗ (s) , p∗ (s) , u) ≥ H (y∗ (s) , p∗ (s) , u∗ (s))

∀u ∈ Rn


which in turn is the usual form to express the minimum principle. Moreover, observe that p˙ ∗ (t) = −∇y H (y∗ (t) , p∗ (t) , u∗ (t)) corresponds to the adjoint equation. • Remark 4.7. To solve the Riccati equation (4.108), it could be useful to consider the matrix factorization R (t) = Y (t) X−1 (t) . Then, R (t) solves the Riccati system (4.108)–(4.109) if and only if the matrices X and Y solve the following linear ODE system      ˙ (t) X A −BQ−1 B> X (t) = , 0 ≤ t ≤ T, ˙ (t) Y (t) P −A> Y with X−1 (T )Y(T ) = S. Example 4.3. Let us solve the one-dimensional problem Z  1 T 2 x2 (T ) + x (s) + u2 (s) ds → min 2 0 under the dynamics

x˙ = −x +


x (0) = ξ.

The Riccati equation for the scalar function R = R (t) is R˙ (t) = 2R (t) + 3R2 (t) − 1


R (T ) = 2.


with the final condition

The constant k = −1 is a solution of (4.114). Setting R = −1 +

1 Y

we see that Y solves the linear equation Y˙ = 4Y − 3 with Y (T ) = 1/3. We find Y (t) =

3 5 − exp {−4(T − t)} . 4 12


4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems


−1 3 5 − exp {−4(T − t)} . 4 12 The optimal trajectory is the solution of the initial value problem R (t) = −1 +

x˙ (t) = [−1 − 3R (t)] x (t) ,

x (0) = ξ

while the optimal control is given by √ u (t) = − 3R (t) x (t) . Finally, the optimal cost value is   −1 1 3 5 1 R (0) ξ 2 = −1 + − e−4T ξ2. 2 2 4 12

4.6.3 The Algebraic Riccati Equation In the special case T = ∞ and ψ = 0, we want to minimize the cost functional Z 1 ∞ J (u) = [Py · y + Qu · u] ds 2 0


under the usual dynamics (4.91); this problem is sometimes referred to as time-invariant LQR. Since there is no terminal payoff, there are no constraints on the final value p(T ) or, equivalently, on R(T ). We can thus seek for a constant matrix R fulfilling the Riccati matrix equation (4.108), that is, RA + A> R − RBQ−1 B> R + P = 0.


This equation is also referred to as the algebraic Riccati (matrix) equation. Since Q is positive definite, we can express it as Q = H> H, so that the cost function becomes Z  1 ∞ J (u) = |Hy|2 + Qu · u dt. 2 0 Moreover, let us assume that the pair (A, H) is observable. It is well-known that equation (4.117) admits a variety of solutions: it may have no solution at all or, if it does have one, it can admit both real and complex solutions, some of them being Hermitian or symmetric matrices; there can be even infinitely many solutions. Due to the underlying physical problem, however, only non-negative solutions are of interest to us. Therefore, we are mainly concerned with the existence and uniqueness of such solution. We also assume that (A, B) is controllable, so that the state can be steered to the origin in finite time and, due to the observability assumption, equilibrium at the origin is the only solution corresponding to the vanishing of the cost function. Hence, the solution of the optimal control problem converges to the origin, so that limt→∞ y(t) = 0. In other words, the optimal control required for moving from any state to the origin can be found by applying a feedback law as in (4.118) and letting the system evolve in closed loop. Precisely, the following result holds (see, e.g., [21, Sect. 3.5] for the proof and [15, Chap. 6] for further details.

4.6 Quadratic Cost


Theorem 4.9. Consider the quadratic cost control problem (4.108)–(4.109) with T = +∞ and J(u) given by (4.116). Assume that (A, B) is controllable and that (A, H) is observable. The optimal control is given by u∗ = −Q−1 B> R∗ y∗


where R∗ is the unique (symmetric) positive definite solution of the algebraic Riccati equation (4.117) and y∗ is the solution of the linear ODE system   y˙ ∗ (t) = A − BQ−1 B> R∗ y∗ (t) , y∗ (0) = ξ. Moreover, the minimum cost value is given by J (u∗ ) =

1 ∗ R ξ · ξ. 2


Example 4.4. Consider the mechanical system shown in Figure 4.6, where d1 , . . . , d4 denote displacements from an equilibrium position, and u1 , u2 , u3 represent control forces acting on the masses. For the sake of simplicity, we can take masses and spring (stiffness) constants equal to 1, that is, m1 = . . . = m4 = 1, k1 = . . . = k4 = 1. By applying the Newton law, we can derive the equations of the motion for the system, which read as follows: m1 d¨1 m2 d¨2 m3 d¨3 m4 d¨4

= −k1 d1 + k2 (d2 − d1 ) + u1 = −2d1 + d2 + u1 = −k2 (d2 − d1 ) + k3 (d3 − d2 ) − u1 = d1 − 2d2 + d3 − u1 − u3 = −k3 (d3 − d2 ) + k4 (d4 − d3 ) + u2 = d2 − 2d3 + d4 + u2 = −k4 (d4 − d3 ) − u2 = d3 − d4 − u2

Introducing four new variables, d5 = d˙1 , . . . , d8 = d˙4 and setting y = (d1 , . . . , d8 ) ∈ R8 we can rewrite the system above as a (coupled) system of first-order linear ODEs under the form (4.109) with     0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0  0 0 0      0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0  0 0 0      0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  0 0 0    . A= B= ,   −2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0   1 0 0  1 −2 1 0 0 0 0 0   −1 0 −1       0 1 −2 1 0 0 0 0   0 1 0 0 0 1 −1 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0

Fig. 4.6 A mechanical system made by four masses and four springs


4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

We want to determine the optimal control forces so that the cost functional Z  1 ∞ J (u) = |y(t)|2 + |u(t)|2 ds 2 0


is minimized. Note that (4.120) is nothing but (4.116) once we have set   I4 0 P= , Q = I3 0 0 where Id ∈ Rd is the d × d identity matrix. Using an initial condition y(0) = ξ = (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),

we can determine the displacements for the open loop system (that is, with u(t) = 0) and the closed loop system with optimal feedback control (4.118). To this aim, we can use the Matlab command care [R,E,K] = care(A, B, P, Q) to determine the Riccati matrix R and the gain matrix K = −Q−1 B> R or, alternatively, the Matlab command lqr [K,R,E] = lqr(A, B, P, Q) The (optimal) gain matrix K = −Q−1 B> R results as follows,   −0.1579 0.3393 0.0447 0.1948 −0.3975 0.4758 0.5069 0.5787 K =  0.1754 0.1755 −0.1997 0.3923 −0.0514 0.0203 0.0234 1.1090  . 0.1458 0.7680 0.2497 0.1537 0.6683 1.1442 0.8593 0.8796

Note that Matlab returns as K the negative of the optimal gain matrix in the notation we have adopted. The solution computed with the Matlab command ode23 (implementing an explicit, single-step Runge-Kutta method [246]) for both the open loop system and the closed loop system are reported in Figure 4.7. •

4.7 Hints on Numerical Approximation We close this chapter by illustrating a possible strategy to approximate the solution of an OCP governed by the linear ODE (4.91) and a quadratic cost functional under the form (4.89). Rather than providing a detailed numerical treatment, we simply highlight a possible strategy for the numerical solution of OCPs involving ODEs, which can be applied also in the case of PDEs, as we will see in Chapters 6 and 8. We consider the simple case where we aim at minimizing the cost functional J(u) = ˜ J(y(u), u) over the set U = L2 (0, T ), where 1 J˜ (y, u) = 2


T 0

|y(t) − zd (t)|2 dt +

α 2


T 0

|u(t) − ud (t)|2 dt,


 with α > 0, where y(t) ∈ V = y ∈ L2 (0, T ) : y˙ ∈ L2 (0, T ) is the solution of the linear Cauchy problem  y˙ (t) = ay(t) + u(t), 0 < t < T (4.122) y (0) = y0 .

4.7 Hints on Numerical Approximation

Mass displacements (open loop system)


1 d


0 -1















































1 0 -1



1 0 -1



1 0 -1

t Mass displacements (closed loop system, optimal control)


1 0 -1







































25 t







1 0 -1


1 0 -1


1 0 -1

Fig. 4.7 Mass displacements for the open loop system (top) and the closed loop system (bottom)


4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems

Here zd (t) is the target and ud (t) is the target control function, that is, the desired profile of the control over the time interval. Following what shown in Sect. 4.6.1, we can deduce that ∇J(u)(t) = p(t) + α(u(t) − ud (t)) where p(t) ∈ V is the solution of the following adjoint final-value problem,  p˙ (t) = −ap(t) − (y(t) − zd (t)), 0 < t < T p (T ) = 0.


A rigorous derivation of a system of optimality conditions for the problem at hand, adopting the standpoint of constrained optimization and introducing a suitable Lagrangian functional, will be provided in the following chapters. For the time being, we only highlight that the minimum principle stated by (4.97), together with the remarks made in Sect. 4.1.3, allow us to identify the expression of the gradient of the cost functional, in terms of both the state and the adjoint variables. We can now exploit the steepest descent method (or gradient method) introduced in Sect. 3.1 as numerical optimization algorithm to solve the OCP at hand. Starting from an initial control function u0 (t), we iteratively solve the state initial-value problem to determine y(t), then the adjoint final value problem to determine z(t), and finally update the control function so that, at the k-th step of the optimization algorithm, uk+1 (t) = uk (t) − τ ∇J(uk )(t) = uk (t) − τ (pk (t) + α(uk (t) − ud (t))),

k = 0, 1, . . . (4.124)

where τ > 0 is a suitable step length, here chosen as constant for the sake of simplicity. To solve both the state and the adjoint problem, we use the backward (implicit) Euler method (see Sect. B.3). Let us subdivide the time interval [0, T ] into N subintervals, so that ∆t = T /N,

tn = n∆t,

n = 0, 1, . . . , N

and denote by y n , un , n = 0, . . . , N the approximations of y(tn ), u(tn ), respectively. Given the (approximated) control un , the backward Euler method reads:  n  y − y n−1 = ay n + un , n = 1, . . . , N, (4.125) ∆t  0 y = y0 .

Similarly, we can approximate the dual problem (a final-value problem, going backward in time) as follows:  n  p − pn+1 = apn + (y n − zdn ), n = N − 1, . . . , 0 (4.126) ∆t  N p = 0.

We can exploit the state and the adjoint solutions computed in this way in an optimization loop, implementing the gradient descent method: starting from an initial control un0 , n = 0, . . . , N , at each step k = 1, . . . : • given the control unk , n = 0, . . . , N , determine the state solution ykn , n = 0, . . . , N through (4.125) with unk in place of un , and ykn in place of y n ; • determine the adjoint solution zkn , n = N, . . . , 0 through (4.126) with zkn in place of z n , and ykn in place of y n ; • update the control according to the discrete counterpart of (4.124), that is,

4.7 Hints on Numerical Approximation








0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0


state y target z d 0







control u target control u d 0








Fig. 4.8 State solution (left) and control (right) at the initial step k = 0 of the optimization procedure. The target zd and the target control ud are also reported (dotted lines)

unk+1 = unk − τ (pnk + α(unk − und )),

n = 0, . . . , N ;

• iterate until a suitable stopping criterion is fulfilled. For instance, the optimization loop can be stopped as soon as the difference between two successive iterates is smaller than a given tolerance ε > 0, that is, |J(uk+1 ) − J(uk )| < ε, or N X





und )|2


< ε.

Example 4.5. We now report a test case solved using this procedure. We consider T = 5, a = −0.75, y0 = 1 and α = 0.1. Moreover, we set zd = 1,

ud = 1 − e−t .

We discretize both the state and the adjoint problems introducing a uniform partition of the time interval [0, 5], with subintervals of length ∆t = 0.0125. As initial control, we set a constant function u0 (t) = 3; we then consider the descent method discussed above, by setting a constant step length τ = 1 and a tolerance ε = 10−6 on the stopping criterion based on the difference between two successive iterates. For the case at hand, the cost functional is approximated by the (composite) trapezoidal formula, resulting in " # N −1 X 1 1 N Jk = ∆t (yk − zdN )2 + (ykn − zdn )2 ; 2 2 n=1 note that yk0 − zd0 = y0 − 1 = 0. Starting from an initial value of the cost functional of J0 = 5.497 · 10−1 , after K = 113 steps the optimization loop stops with J113 = 2.353 · 10−3 , having reached |J(u113 ) − J(u112 )| = 9.735 · 10−7 < ε. The state and the control at the beginning of the optimization procedure are reported in Fig. 4.8, whereas the optimal state, optimal control and corresponding adjoint solution are reported in Fig. 4.9. •


4 Prelude on Control: The Case of Algebraic and ODE Systems State (optimal)


Control (optimal)








0.6 0.6

-0.01 0.4


0.4 state y target z 0








0.2 0

Adjoint (optimal)


control u * target control u d










-0.04 adjoint z 5











Fig. 4.9 Optimal state solution (left), optimal control (center) and corresponding adjoint solution (right) at the end of the optimization procedure

4.8 Exercises 1. Let ((u, v)) be as in (4.6). Deduce from (4.7) that ((u, u)) is strictly convex. 2. Let ˜ u) = 1 |Cy − zd |2 + α |u|2N , J(y, α > 0. M 2 2 Show that ˜ u), z) = (M(Cy − zd ), Cz) (∇y J(y, and therefore that

˜ u) = C> M(Cy − zd ); ∇y J(y,

finally, deduce the optimality conditions (4.24). 3. Solve the problem x2 → min subject to

x˙ 1 = −x2 , t ∈ (0, 1) x˙ 2 = −x1 + u

with x1 (0) = 0, x2 (0) = 10 and |u| ≤ 1. 4. Solve the problem Z T  2  px (s) + u2 (s) → min 0

with p > 0, subject to

x˙ = ax + bu, x (0) = 1.

t ∈ (0, T )

5. Show that the Hamiltonian function (4.58) t 7→ H ∗ (t) = H (y∗ (t) , u∗ (t) , p∗ (t)) = p∗ (t) · (Ay∗ (t) + Bu∗ (t)) is constant on [0, T ].

4.8 Exercises


[Hint. a) First show that t 7→ p∗ (t) · Bu∗ (t) is continuous on [0, T ]. Let t be a point of discontinuity for u∗ . Use (4.56) to write, for h positive and small, p∗ (t + h) · Bu∗ (t + h) ≤ p∗ (t + h) · Bu∗ (t − h) and

p∗ (t − h) · Bu∗ (t − h) ≤ p∗ (t − h) · Bu∗ (t + h) .

Then let h → 0 to get and

p∗ (t) · Bu∗ (t+ ) ≤ p∗ (t) · Bu∗ (t− ) p∗ (t) · Bu∗ (t− ) ≤ p∗ (t) · Bu∗ (t+ ) .

b) Show that H˙ ∗ (t) exists and it is zero on (0, T ). We have, using (4.56) H ∗ (t + h) − H ∗ (t) = p∗ (t + h) · (Ay∗ (t + h) + Bu∗ (t + h)) − p∗ (t) · (Ay∗ (t) + Bu∗ (t)) = [p∗ (t + h) − p∗ (t)] · Ay∗ (t + h) + p∗ (t) · [Ay∗ (t + h) − Ay∗ (t)] + +p∗ (t + h) · [Bu∗ (t + h) − Bu∗ (t)] + [p∗ (t + h) − p∗ (t)] · Bu∗ (t) . | {z } ≤0

Dividing by h > 0 and letting h → 0+ we get lim sup h→0+

1 h

[H ∗ (t + h) − H ∗ (t)] ≤ p˙ ∗ (t) · [Ay∗ (t) + Bu∗ (t)] + p∗ (t) · Ay˙ ∗ (t) = p˙ ∗ (t) · y˙ ∗ (t) + p∗ (t) · Ay˙ ∗ (t) = −A> p∗ (t) · y˙ ∗ (t) + p∗ (t) · Ay˙ ∗ (t) = 0.

Similarly, dividing by h < 0 and letting h → 0− one gets lim inf− h→0

1 h

[H ∗ (t + h) − H ∗ (t)] ≥ 0

and therefore H˙ ∗ (t) exists and it is zero in (0, T ) .] 6. Prove Corollary 4.1. [Hint: From (4.56) we have, for every s ∈ (0, T ) and every admissible u η · e(T −s)A [Bu∗ (s) − Bu (s)] ≤ 0 or


e(T −t)A η · e(t−s)A [Bu∗ (s) − Bu (s)] ≤ 0.

Integrate over (0, t), recalling (4.48) and (4.53).] 7. Consider the problem G (y (T )) → min for a given fixed time T , subject to  y˙ (t) = Ay (t) + Bu (t) , y (0) = ξ

0 0. [Hint: first solve the algebraic Riccati equation (4.117), in which     0 1 0 A= , B= ; 0 0 1 p then find u∗ (t) = −Q−1 B> Ry∗ (t) where Q−1 B> R = K = [1/p 2/p].]

Part II Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems

Chapter 5

Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

The examples we have chosen in Chapter 1 give a flavor of the wide range of problems that can be tackled within the optimal control framework. In this chapter we focus on the case of linear-quadratic OCPs, namely OCPs involving a quadratic cost functional and a state problem given by a linear elliptic PDE. We consider both unconstrained and constrained problems. In Sect. 5.1 we analyze an unconstrained linear-quadratic OCP governed by an advectiondiffusion equation. We prove its well-posedness and obtain a system of optimality conditions, following an adjoint-based approach. We also recover the optimality conditions by the Lagrange multipliers method. The constrained case is considered in Sect. 5.2. In Sect. 5.3 we provide a general framework for linear-quadratic OCPs governed by abstract variational problems in presence of control constraints; we also recall the main results on the well-posedness of boundary value problems in Sect. 5.4. Next, in Sects. 5.5–5.11 we apply the above analysis to OCPs governed by general, second order boundary value problems for elliptic equations in divergence form, with different kinds of distributed/boundary controls, more general observations of the state variable (i.e., over a subregion or on a portion of the boundary) and various kinds of quadratic cost functionals. A simple case of OCP involving state constraints is also considered in Sect. 5.12. Finally, OCPs governed by a Stokes system are presented in Sect. 5.13. For readers not well-acquainted with the analysis of PDEs, the suitable tools for abstract variational formulations, Sobolev spaces, etc., are provided in Appendix A.

5.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case Our initial illustrative example concerns the heat control problem of Sect. 1.2. In particular, we want to reach a given temperature distribution zd over a bounded domain Ω ⊂ Rd , by controlling a distributed heat source u (the control variable) and seeking the solution of the following minimization problem Z Z β ˜ u) = 1 J(y, (y − zd )2 dx + u2 dx → min (5.1) 2 Ω 2 Ω with β > 0, where y = y(u) (the state variable) is the solution of the following state problem  Ey = −∆y + b · ∇y = f + u in Ω (5.2) y=0 on Γ = ∂Ω.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0_5



5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

 ¯ Rd is a given velocity field with divb = 0 in Ω, f ∈ L2 (Ω) is a source Here b ∈ C 1 Ω; term, while b · ∇y represents a drift or transport term. If b = 0, we find the simpler diffusion equation (1.2) of Sect. 1.2. Since u appears as a distributed source in the state equation, this is a distributed control problem. J˜ (y, u) is the cost functional. The second term in (5.1), called penalization term, besides helping in the well-posedness analysis, prevents using “too large” controls in the minimization ˜ of J. The main issues to be addressed concern existence and, possibly, uniqueness of an optimal pair (ˆ y, u ˆ), and the derivation of necessary and/or sufficient optimality conditions.

5.1.1 Analysis of the State Problem For the well-posedness analysis of problem (5.2) it is convenient to turn it into an equivalent integral form, the so-called weak formulation. We proceed along the following steps: 1. select a space of smooth test functions (or test space) compatible with the boundary conditions, multiply the differential equation by a test function and integrate over the domain Ω; 2. assume that all the data are smooth. Integrating by parts the divergence terms (here only the diffusion term ∆y = div∇y) and using the boundary conditions, we obtain an integral equation, valid for every test function. This is a weak or variational formulation; 3. check that the original formulation can be recovered by integrating by parts in reverse order. This means that, for smooth solutions and data, the two formulations are equivalent (coherence principle); 4. extend the variational formulation to the state space V (usually a Sobolev space), represented by the closure of the test space in a suitable norm, and interpret it as an abstract variational problem in V (see Sect. A.4). The main tool ensuring that the abstract variational problem admits a (unique) solution is the Lax-Milgram Theorem A.6. We now implement the above strategy to achieve a weak formulation of (5.2). 1. We select C01 (Ω) as the space of test functions, having continuous first derivatives and vanishing outside a bounded closed subset of Ω. In particular, these test functions vanish in a neighborhood of Γ . We multiply the differential equation by ϕ ∈ C01 (Ω) and integrate over Ω. We get Z {−∆y + b · ∇y − f − u } ϕ dx = 0. (5.3) Ω

2. We integrate by parts the first term, obtaining, since ϕ = 0 on Γ , Z Z Z Z − ∆y ϕ dx = ∇y · ∇ϕ dx + ∇y · n ϕ dσ = ∇y · ∇ϕ dx, Ω


where n is the outward unit normal to Γ. Then, from (5.3), we get the following integral equation, Z Z {∇y · ∇ϕ + (b · ∇y) ϕ} dx = (f + u) ϕ dx ∀ϕ ∈ C01 (Ω) . (5.4) Ω

A solution y of (5.4) is called weak or variational solution to problem (5.2). Thus (5.2) implies (5.4).

5.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case


3. On the other hand, assume (5.4) is true. Integrating by parts in the reverse order, we return to (5.3), which entails −∆y + b · ∇y − f − u = 0 in Ω, due to the arbitrariness of ϕ (see Lemma A.4). Thus, for smooth solutions, (5.2) and (5.4) are equivalent. 4. Observe that (5.4) only involves first order derivatives of the solution and of the test function. Then, we extend the variational formulation to V = H01 (Ω), the closure of C01 (Ω) in the norm kukH 1 (Ω) = k∇ukL2 (Ω) (see Sect. A.5) and we arrive to the following 0 final weak formulation: Find y ∈ V = H01 (Ω) such that Z Z {∇y · ∇ϕ + (b · ∇y) ϕ} dx = (f + u)ϕ dx Ω

∀ϕ ∈ V.

Introducing the bilinear form a (y, ϕ) =



{∇y · ∇ϕ + (b · ∇y) ϕ} dx

and the linear functional Fϕ =



(f + u)ϕ dx, Ω

equation (5.5) corresponds to the following abstract variational problem: Find y ∈ V such that

∀ϕ ∈ V.

a (y, ϕ) = F ϕ


The well-posedness of this problem follows from the Lax-Milgram Theorem. Proposition 5.1. For each u ∈ L2 (Ω), problem (5.5) has a unique solution y = y (u) ∈ H01 (Ω). Moreover n o k∇ykL2 (Ω) ≤ CP kf kL2 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) (5.8) where CP > 0 is the Poincar´e constant defined in (A.37).

Proof. We check that the hypotheses of the Lax-Milgram Theorem hold with V = H01 (Ω). Recall that in H01 (Ω) the Poincar´ e inequality kukL2 (Ω) ≤ CP k∇ukL2 (Ω) holds (see Theorem A.10), for some (Poincar´ e) constant CP , depending on d and the diameter of Ω. Continuity of a(·, ·). The Schwarz and Poincar´ e inequalities yield (with |b|∞ = maxΩ¯ |b|):

|a (y, ϕ)| ≤ k∇ykL2 (Ω) k∇ϕkL2 (Ω) + |b|∞ k∇ykL2 (Ω) kϕkL2 (Ω) ≤ 1 + CP |b|∞ k∇ykL2 (Ω) k∇ϕkL2 (Ω) . Coercivity of a(·, ·). We have


|∇y|2 dx +

a (y, y) = Ω


Z (b · ∇y) ydx =

|∇y|2 dx = k∇yk2L2 (Ω) .

Indeed, since y = 0 on Γ and divb = 0, via an integration by parts, we find

Z (b · ∇y) ydx = Ω

1 2


b · ∇(y 2 )dx =

1 2


(b · n)y 2 dσ −


1 2


divb y 2 dx = 0.

Continuity of F (·). The Schwarz and Poincar´ e inequalities give


|F ϕ| = Hence L ∈

H −1

(f + u)ϕdx ≤ k(f + u)kL2 (Ω) kϕkL2 (Ω) ≤ CP

kf kL2 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) k∇ϕkL2 (Ω) .

(Ω) (the dual space of H01 (Ω)) and kLkH −1 (Ω) ≤ CP (kf kL2 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) ).

t u


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

5.1.2 Existence and Uniqueness of an Optimal Pair. A First Optimality Condition Given a control u ∈ L2 (Ω), the state problem (5.5) has a unique weak solution y (u) ∈ H01 (Ω) that we may substitute into the analytical expression of J˜ to get the reduced cost functional (depending only on u) Z Z 1 β 2 J (u) = J˜ (y (u) , u) = (y (u) − zd ) dx + u2 dx. (5.9) 2 Ω 2 Ω Thus, our minimization problem (5.1) becomes J (u) → min


over the space U = L2 (Ω). Once an optimal control u ˆ is known, the corresponding optimal state is yˆ = y (ˆ u). This is the reduced space formulation of the OCP. To derive optimality conditions it is convenient to rewrite J (u) as J (u) =

1 q (u, u) − Lu + c 2


where: • q is a nonnegative, bilinear, symmetric, continuous and coercive form in U = L2 (Ω); • L is a linear, continuous functional in U = L2 (Ω); • c is a constant (irrelevant in the optimization).

Under these assumptions, we can derive necessary and sufficient first order optimality conditions, as done in the finite dimensional case. We will see below how to cast the cost functional in (5.9) in the form (5.11). Let ε 6= 0, v ∈ L2 (Ω) and compare the values of J at u ˆ and u ˆ + εv :     1 1 J (ˆ u + εv) − J (ˆ u) = q (ˆ u + εv, u ˆ + εv) − L (ˆ u + εv) + c − q (ˆ u, u ˆ) − Lˆ u+c 2 2 1 = ε [q (ˆ u, v) − Lv] + ε2 q (v, v) , (5.12) 2 where we have used the bilinearity of q and the linearity of L. Dividing by ε we get J (ˆ u + εv) − J (ˆ u) 1 = q (ˆ u, v) − Lv + εq (v, v) . ε 2


The left hand side is the differential quotient [Φ (ε) − Φ (0)] /ε of the real variable function Φ (ε) = J (ˆ u + εv) . Now, if u ˆ is a minimizer, then J (ˆ u + εv) − J (ˆ u) ≥ 0 for any ε and v. Then, letting ε → 0+ , we obtain d 0 0 ≤ Φ (0) = J(ˆ u + εv) = q (ˆ u, v) − Lv dε ε=0 while, letting ε → 0− , we get

d 0 ≥ Φ (0) = J(ˆ u + εv) = q (ˆ u, v) − Lv. dε ε=0 0

Therefore it must be q (ˆ u, v) − Lv = 0 for all v ∈ L2 (Ω). Conversely, if q (ˆ u, v) − Lv = 0 for all v ∈ L2 (Ω), then from (5.12) J (ˆ u + εv) − J (ˆ u) =

1 2 ε q (v, v) ≥ 0 2

∀v ∈ L2 (Ω) ,

5.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case


whence u ˆ is a minimizer. Thus, our first order optimality condition reads d J(ˆ u + εv) = q (ˆ u, v) − Lv = 0 ∀v ∈ L2 (Ω). dε ε=0


Since v 7−→ q (ˆ u, v) − Lv is a linear continuous functional on L2 (Ω), the left hand side of equation (5.14) defines an element of the dual space of L2 (Ω), called the derivative 1 of J at u ˆ. More generally, we can define the derivative of J at any u ∈ L2 (Ω); for it we use the symbol J 0 (u) and its action along the direction v is precisely given by the formula d 0 J (u) v = J(u + εv) = q (u, v) − Lv ∀v ∈ L2 (Ω) . (5.15) dε ε=0 In this way, equation (5.14) can be written in the more revealing form J 0 (ˆ u) v = 0

∀v ∈ L2 (Ω)


and takes the name of Euler equation. Still we have to check existence and uniqueness of a minimizer. However, under our hypotheses on q and L, thanks to the Lax-Milgram Theorem, the Euler equation (5.16) has a unique solution u ˆ ∈ L2 (Ω) and this must be the unique minimizer, with corresponding unique optimal state yˆ = y (ˆ u). We now apply the above strategy to our OCP, by writing our functional (5.9) in the form (5.11). Let y0 (u) be the (weak) solution of problem (5.2) with f = 0, that is, Ey0 (u) = u, y0 (u) = 0 on Γ . Note that y0 (u) = y(u) − y(0) and that the map u 7→ y0 (u) is linear. With these notations J(u) can be written in the form (5.11) where Z Z q(u, v) = y0 (u)y0 (v) dx + β uv dx (5.17) Ω

is a bilinear form, Lu = is a linear functional in L2 (Ω) and c=


1 2

y0 (u)(zd − y(0)) dx



(y(0) − zd )2 dx

is a constant. Moreover, q is symmetric (obvious), continuous and coercive in L2 (Ω). In fact, from (5.8) with f = 0, using the Schwarz and Poincar´e inequalities, |q(u, v)| ≤ ky0 (u)kL2 (Ω) ky0 (v)kL2 (Ω)

≤ CP2 k∇y0 (u)kL2 (Ω) k∇y0 (v)kL2 (Ω) ≤ CP4 kukL2 (Ω) kvkL2 (Ω)

which gives the continuity of q. The L2 (Ω)-coercivity of q follows from Z Z 2 2 q(u, u) = (y0 (u)) dx + β u2 dx ≥ β kukL2 (Ω) , Ω

This derivative is a particular case of Gˆ ateaux derivative, defined in Sect. A.7. In Calculus of Variation, J 0 is called first variation of J and denoted by δJ. 1


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

since β > 0. In the same way, |Lv| ≤ kzd − y (0)kL2 (Ω) ky0 (v)kL2 (Ω) ≤ CP2 kzd − y (0)kL2 (Ω) kvkL2 (Ω) , which shows that L is continuous in L2 (Ω). Moreover, recalling that y0 (u) = y (u) − y (0), from (5.15) we have for all u, v ∈ L2 (Ω), Z Z Z J 0 (u) v = y0 (u)y0 (v) dx + β uv dx − (zd − y(0))y0 (v) dx Ω Ω ZΩ Z = (y (u) − zd ) y0 (v)dx + β uv dx. Ω

Then, we infer existence and uniqueness of an optimal control u ˆ ∈ L2 (Ω), characterized by the Euler equation (with yˆ = y(ˆ u)) Z Z 0 J (ˆ u) v = (ˆ y − zd ) y0 (v)dx + β u ˆv dx = 0 ∀v ∈ L2 (Ω). (5.19) Ω

We summarize everything in the following Theorem. Theorem 5.1. There exists a unique optimal control u ˆ ∈ L2 (Ω), solution of the OCP (5.1) and (5.2). Moreover, u ˆ is optimal if and only if the Euler equation (5.19) holds. Remark 5.1. We used the full coercivity of q(·, ·) only to prove existence and uniqueness of the optimal control. A closer inspection reveals that to derive the optimality condition (5.19) it is enough to assume that q is nonnegative, that is q (u, u) ≥ 0 ∀u ∈ L2 (Ω) . •

5.1.3 Use of the Adjoint State Although the Euler equation (5.19) provides a characterization of the optimal control u ˆ, it is not suitable for its actual computation. Indeed, due to the presence of the factor y0 (v) = y (v) − y(0) in the analytical expression of the derivative of J, to compute J 0 (ˆ u) v one needs to solve the state equation for both u ˆ and v. Moreover, formula (5.19) does not offer a readable expression for the gradient of J at u ˆ, ∇J (ˆ u), which is the Riesz element associated to the functional J 0 (ˆ u), see Sect. A.2.2. ∇J (ˆ u) is an element of the control space and corresponds to the direction of maximum increase (or ascent) for J. This motivates the use of ∇J (ˆ u) in constructing approximation algorithms based e.g. on the steepest descent method (see Sect. 6.3). Our next task is to obtain a formula for J 0 (¯ u) v, at any point u ¯, that does not involve y0 (v) and that allows us to easily compute ∇J (¯ u). The idea is to use the state equation introducing as a test function a multiplier p ∈ H01 (Ω), to be chosen suitably later on, and write J (u) in the augmented form Z Z Z 1 β 2 2 J(u) = (y(u) − zd ) dx + u dx + {(f + u)p − ∇y(u) · ∇p − (b · ∇y(u)) p} dx. 2 Ω 2 Ω Ω (5.20) In fact, we have just added a term which is zero for all u, thanks to (5.5). Consequently, recalling that y(u) = y0 (u)+y (0), with y0 (u) linear, the linear part Lu in (5.18) now becomes Z Z ˜ = Lu y0 (u)(zd − y(0)) dx + {up − ∇y0 (u) · ∇p − (b · ∇y0 (u)) p} dx Ω

5.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case


˜ is still a linear, continuous functional in L2 (Ω) . Therefore (5.15) yields the following and L formula for the derivative at a point u ¯: for all v ∈ L2 (Ω), Z Z Z 0 J (¯ u) v = (y(¯ u) − zd ) y0 (v) dx + (p + β u ¯)vdx − {∇y0 (v) · ∇p + (b · ∇y0 (v)) p} dx. Ω

We now choose the multiplier in order to get rid of the terms containing y0 (v). For that, consider the following adjoint problem: given u ¯, find p ∈ V = H01 (Ω) such that Z Z {∇ψ · ∇p + (b · ∇ψ) p} dx = (y(¯ u) − zd ) ψ dx Ω

∀ψ ∈ V.


Observe that the bilinear form on the left hand side of (5.21), Z ∗ a (p, ψ) = {∇ψ · ∇p + (b · ∇ψ) p} dx, Ω

is precisely the adjoint of the bilinear form a in (5.6), given by a∗ (p, ψ) = a (ψ, p)

∀p, ψ ∈ V,

obtained by interchanging the arguments. An integration by parts reveals that (5.21) represents the weak formulation of the problem  −∆p − div (bp) = −∆p − b · ∇p = y (¯ u) − zd in Ω (5.22) p=0 on Γ, as divb = 0. Since a∗ enjoys the same properties of a and y (u) − zd ∈ L2 (Ω), by the Lax-Milgram Theorem the adjoint problem (5.21) has a unique solution p¯ = p(¯ u) ∈ H01 (Ω), called adjoint state or multiplier. Using (5.21), we deduce the following formula for the derivative of J Z J 0 (¯ u) v = (¯ p + βu ¯)v dx. (5.23) Ω

Note that (5.23) expresses the action of J 0 (¯ u) on an element v ∈ L2 (Ω) as the inner product of p¯ + β u ¯ and v. This precisely2 means that ∇J (¯ u) = p¯ + β u ¯. The way the multiplier p¯ enters into the expressions of J 0 (¯ p) and ∇J (¯ p) highlights that its role is not merely to get rid of uncomfortable terms. In particular, if u ¯=u ˆ, the Euler equation (5.19) takes the form Z J 0 (ˆ u) v = (ˆ p + βu ˆ)v dx = 0 ∀v ∈ L2 (Ω) (5.24) Ω

which gives immediately pˆ + β u ˆ=0


1 u ˆ = − pˆ β

a.e. in Ω.


In fact, u ˆ enjoys a better regularity than just belonging to Uad , as from (5.25) u ˆ ∈ H01 (Ω). However, this extra regularity of the optimal control is not true in general, as we well see later. 2

More rigorously, ∇J (u) = Ep (u) + βu, where E is the embedding operator of H01 (Ω) into L2 (Ω).


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

Summarizing, we have proven the following result. Proposition 5.2. The control u ˆ and the state yˆ = y(ˆ u) are optimal for the OCP (5.1)– (5.2) if and only if, together with the adjoint state (or multiplier) pˆ, they fulfill the following system of optimality conditions:  E yˆ = −∆ˆ y + b · ∇ˆ y =f +u ˆ in Ω, yˆ = 0 on Γ    E ∗ pˆ = −∆ˆ p − b · ∇ˆ p = yˆ − zd in Ω, pˆ = 0 on Γ    pˆ + β u ˆ=0 a.e. in Ω.

5.1.4 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach The weak form of the state and adjoint equations can also be obtained after introducing the Lagrangian L = L (y, u, p), given by L (y, u, p) = J˜ (y, u) − a (y, p) + (f + u, p)L2 (Ω) 1 β 2 2 = ky − zd kL2 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) − a (y, p) + (f + u, p)L2 (Ω) . 2 2


In (5.26) y, u, p have to be considered as independent variables. Notice that L is linear in p. Proceeding as in the definition of J 0 , we can define the partial derivatives of L with respect to p, y, u as follows: d 0 Lp (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ϕ = L (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ + εϕ) ∀ϕ ∈ V dε ε=0 d L0y (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = L (ˆ y + εψ, u ˆ, pˆ) ∀ψ ∈ V dε ε=0 d 0 Lu (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) v = L (ˆ y, u ˆ + εv, pˆ) ∀v ∈ U = L2 (Ω) . dε ε=0 We have

L0p (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ϕ = −a (ˆ y , ϕ) + (f + u ˆ, ϕ)L2 (Ω) = 0

∀ϕ ∈ V

that corresponds to the state equation. Moreover L0y (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = J˜y0 (ˆ y, u ˆ) ψ − a(ψ, pˆ) = (ˆ y − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω) − a∗ (ˆ p, ψ) = 0

(5.27) ∀ψ ∈ V

corresponds to the adjoint equation, while L0u (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) v = J˜u0 (ˆ y, u ˆ) v + (v, pˆ)L2 (Ω)

= (v, β u ˆ)L2 (Ω) + (v, pˆ)L2 (Ω) = 0

represents the Euler equation.

∀v ∈ L2 (Ω)

5.2 Optimal Heat Source (2): a Box Constrained Case


5.2 Optimal Heat Source (2): a Box Constrained Case Suppose now that in the optimal heat source problem of Sect. 5.1, the heat source control u is more realistically subject to some pointwise limitations, under the form of box constraints. Precisely, define a set of admissible controls as  Uad = u ∈ L2 (Ω) : a ≤ u (x) ≤ b, a.e. in Ω . (5.28) where a, b are either constants or L∞ (Ω) functions. Observe that Uad is a bounded, closed and 1/2 convex subset of L2 (Ω). Indeed, if u ∈ Uad , then kukL2 (Ω) ≤ max{kakL∞ (Ω) , kbkL∞ (Ω) } |Ω| and therefore Uad is bounded. Moreover, if u, v ∈ Uad , any linear convex combination of u and v, tu + (1 − t) v, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, belongs to Uad . Finally, if a ≤ uk (x) ≤ b a.e. in Ω and uk → u in L2 (Ω) then a ≤ u (x) ≤ b a.e. in Ω.

5.2.1 Optimality Conditions Putting aside for the time being the existence/uniqueness issues, let us focus on optimality conditions. Also we allow β = 0 in the expression of the cost functional. As in the unconstrained case, we compare the value of J at u ˆ and at another admissible point, given by the convex combination tv + (1 − t) u ˆ=u ˆ + t (v − u ˆ) , 0≤t≤1 where v ∈ Uad . From (5.12) we have

1 J (ˆ u + t (v − u ˆ)) − J (ˆ u) = t [q (ˆ u, v − u ˆ) − L(v − u ˆ)] + t2 q (v − u ˆ, v − u ˆ) . 2

If u ˆ is a minimizer, then the left hand side is nonnegative and, since this time we can divide by t > 0 only, letting t → 0+ , we get the variational inequality J 0 (ˆ u) (v − u ˆ) = q (ˆ u, v − u ˆ) − L(v − u ˆ) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad .


On the other hand, if (5.29) holds, then J (ˆ u + t (v − u ˆ)) − J (ˆ u) ≥

1 2 t q (v − u ˆ, v − u ˆ) ≥ 0 2

∀v ∈ Uad

and therefore u ˆ is a minimizer. Thus, in our control constrained case, a first necessary and sufficient optimality condition is given by the variational inequality (5.29). Writing it in explicit form, and noticing that y0 (v − u ˆ) = y(v) − y(ˆ u), we get the following Proposition 5.3. The control u ˆ ∈ Uad is optimal for the OCP (5.1) and (5.2), with u ∈ Uad , if and only if the following variational inequality holds Z Z 0 J (ˆ u) (v − u ˆ) = (ˆ y − zd ) (y(v) − y(ˆ u)) dx + β u ˆ (v − u ˆ) dx ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ Uad . (5.30) Ω

Introducing the multiplier pˆ and the adjoint problem (5.21), we can use formula (5.23) for the derivative of J to obtain a simplified version of the variational inequality (5.30), namely Z (ˆ p + βu ˆ) (v − u ˆ) dx ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ Uad . (5.31) Ω


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

In terms of the Lagrangian function, (5.31) reads L0u (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) (v − u ˆ) ≥ 0 or

∀v ∈ Uad

L0u (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) u ˆ = min L0u (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) v. v∈Uad

For this reason, (5.31) is sometimes called minimum principle. Still we have to check existence/uniqueness of a minimizer. According to Proposition 5.3, both existence and uniqueness follows if we prove that the variational inequality q (ˆ u, v − u ˆ) − L(v − u ˆ) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad


has a unique solution u ˆ ∈ Uad . Since Uad is a closed convex set, this is a consequence of Theorem 5.5, proven in Sect. 5.3.5.

5.2.2 Projections onto a Closed Convex Set of a Hilbert Space In the case β > 0 the variational inequality (5.31) has an important geometric interpretation in terms of projection over a closed convex set. Under this assumption, we can put z = −β −1 pˆ and write (5.31) in the form (ˆ u − z, v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad .


The (general) theorem below characterizes the solution u ˆ of (5.33) as the element of Uad which realizes the distance kˆ u − zk from Uad , that is kˆ u − zk = dist (Uad , z) = inf ku − zk . u∈Uad

Such element is called the projection of z onto Uad , which we denote by u ˆ = P rUad (z) . Theorem 5.2. Let H be a Hilbert space and K ⊆ H be a closed, convex set. For every z ∈ H there exists a unique projection P rK (z). Moreover u ˆ = P rK (z) if and only if u ˆ∈K and (ˆ u − z, v − u ˆ) ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ K (5.34) or, equivalently, (ˆ u − z, u ˆ) = min (ˆ u − z, v) . v∈K


Proof. Let d = inf u∈K ku − zk and {un } ⊂ K be a minimizing sequence, i.e. kun − zk → d as n → ∞. As K is convex, 12 (um + un ) ∈ K and, from the parallelogram law, we can write kun − um k2 = 2 kun − zk2 + 2 kum − zk2 − 4 z −

1 2


(um + un ) ≤ 2 kun − zk2 + 2 kum − zk2 − 4d2 .

Letting m, n → ∞ we deduce kun − um k → 0 and therefore {un } is a Cauchy sequence. Since H is complete, un converges to some u ˆ ∈ K since K is closed. On the other hand kun − zk → kˆ u − zk by the norm continuity, whence kˆ u − zk = d and u ˆ = P rK (z).

5.2 Optimal Heat Source (2): a Box Constrained Case


To show uniqueness, assume by contradiction that kˆ u − zk = kˆ v − zk = d. Using again the parallelogram law, we have kˆ u − vˆk2 = 2 kˆ u − zk2 + 2 kˆ v − zk2 − 4 z −

1 2


(ˆ u + vˆ) ≤ 2d2 + 2d2 − 4d2 = 0

whence u ˆ = vˆ. To prove (5.34), fix v ∈ K. Assume u ˆ = P rK (z). By the convexity of K, for any t ∈ [0, 1], tv + (1 − t) u ˆ∈K so that we can write kz − u ˆk2 ≤ kz − [tv + (1 − t) u ˆ]k2 = k(z − u ˆ) − t(v − u ˆ)]k2 = kz − u ˆk2 − 2t (z − u ˆ, v − u ˆ) + t2 kv − u ˆ k2 . This implies 0 ≤ 2 (ˆ u − z, v − u ˆ) + t kv − u ˆk2 and letting t → 0 we obtain (5.34). Conversely, if u ˆ ∈ K and (5.34) holds, for every v ∈ K, we have kz − vk2 = kz − u ˆ+u ˆ − vk2 = kz − u ˆk2 + 2 (z − u ˆ, v − u ˆ) + kv − u ˆk2 ≥ kz − u ˆ k2 which shows that u ˆ = P rK (z).

t u

For the case at hand, H = U and K = Uad . Corollary 5.1. The projection map P rK : H → K, z 7−→ P rK (z), is (a) strictly monotone, that is (P rK (z) − P rK (w) , z − w) > 0

∀w, z ∈ H, z 6= w;

(b) non-expansive, that is kP rK (w) − P rK (z)k ≤ kw − zk

∀w, z ∈ H.


Proof. (a) If w, z ∈ H, we have for all v ∈ K (P r K (w) − w, v − P r K (w)) ≥ 0


(P r K (z) − z, v − P r K (z)) ≥ 0.


Taking v = P rK (w) in (5.38) and v = P rK (z) in (5.37), we obtain (P r K (w) − w, P r K (z) − P r K (w)) ≥ 0 (P r K (z) − z, P r K (z) − P r K (w)) ≤ 0. Subtracting these two inequalities and rearranging the terms, we deduce kP r K (z) − P r K (w)k2 ≤ (P r K (z) − P r K (w) , z − w)

∀w, z ∈ H.


Hence P rK is a strictly monotone operator. (b) By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, (P r K (z) − P r K (w) , z − w) ≤ kP r K (z) − P r K (w)k kz − wk ; (5.36) then follows by (5.39) simplifying by kP r K (z) − P r K (w)k.

t u

5.2.3 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions In the case of box constraints, explicit pointwise equivalent versions of the variational inequality (5.31) are available.


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

Lemma 5.1. Let Uad be as in (5.28), β ≥ 0. Then, if u ˆ ∈ Uad , the variational inequality (5.31) is equivalent to each one of the following pointwise conditions: (i) for all v ∈ Uad ,

[ˆ p (x) + β u ˆ (x)] [v (x) − u ˆ (x)] ≥ 0

(ii) for a.e. x in Ω, u ˆ (x) =

a b

a.e. in Ω;

if pˆ (x) + β u ˆ (x) > 0 if pˆ (x) + β u ˆ (x) < 0

and pˆ (x) + β u ˆ (x) = 0 everywhere else; (iii) if β > 0, for a.e. x in Ω,     u ˆ (x) = min b, max a, −β −1 pˆ (x) = max a, min b, −β −1 pˆ (x) .

(5.40) (5.41)


Remark 5.2. When β > 0, (5.42) provides an explicit expression of the projection operator, analogous to that already found in (3.28) in the case of a finite dimensional space. Moreover, if pˆ ∈ H 1 (Ω), (5.42) indicates that u ˆ not only belongs to L2 (Ω) but also to H 1 (Ω). If β = 0, (5.41) gives  if pˆ (x) > 0 a if pˆ (x) = 0 u ˆ (x) = ∈ [a, b]  b if pˆ (x) < 0. In particular, if a = −1, b = 1, u ˆ (x) = −sign pˆ (x) . We see that where pˆ (x) = 0 no information on u ˆ is available. When it is possible to prove that pˆ (x) 6= 0 a.e. in Ω, then u ˆ assumes only the extreme values a or b a.e. in Ω. In this case u ˆ is called a bang-bang control. A simple situation in which this happens is described below. Assume for simplicity that b = 0 and that our equation makes sense pointwise. Then if −∆zd − f is either > a or < b, then pˆ (x) 6= 0 a.e. in Ω. In fact, if pˆ (x) = 0 on a set E ⊂ Ω of positive measure, we infer from the adjoint equation that on this set yˆ = zd on E. Then, from the state equation we deduce that u ˆ + f = −∆ˆ y = −∆zd on E. In this set, u ˆ = −∆zd − f. Therefore, since a ≤ u ˆ ≤ b, we reach a contradiction.

Proof. Clearly (i) implies (5.31) just by integration of (5.40) over Ω. On the other hand, assume by contradiction that (5.31) holds and there exists w ∈ Uad such that [ˆ p (x) + β u ˆ (x)] [w (x) − u ˆ (x)] < 0


in a set A of positive measure. Define v¯ (x) =


w (x) u ˆ (x)

in A in Ω\A.

Then v¯ ∈ Uad and inserting it into (5.33) we get the contradiction


Z (ˆ p + βu ˆ) (¯ v−u ˆ) dx =

[ˆ p (x) + β u ˆ (x)] [w (x) − u ˆ (x)] dx < 0. A

Thus (i) is equivalent to (5.31). A direct check shows that (i) is equivalent to (ii). Let β > 0; we check that (ii) ˆ (x) > 0, and  is equivalent to (iii). Assume that (ii) holds. If pˆ (x) + β u therefore u ˆ (x) = a, then max a, −β −1 pˆ (x) = a and (5.42) is true. If pˆ (x) + β u ˆ (x) < 0, and therefore  u ˆ (x) = b, then min b, −β −1 pˆ (x) = b and again (5.42) is true.   Conversely, assume that (iii) holds. If min b, max a, −β −1 pˆ (x) = a, then −β −1 pˆ (x) ≤ a = u ˆ (x) while   −1 −1 −1 if min b, max a, −β pˆ (x) = −β pˆ (x) then a ≤ −β pˆ (x) ≤ b and therefore −β −1 pˆ (x) = u ˆ (x).   Finally, if min b, max a, −β −1 pˆ (x) = b, we obtain −β −1 pˆ (x) ≥ b = u ˆ (x). In all cases (ii) follows. u t

5.3 A General Framework for Linear-quadratic OCPs


Another equivalent way to express (5.31) makes use of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker multipliers. Precisely, we have the following result. Proposition 5.4. Let β ≥ 0. The variational inequality (5.31) is equivalent to the following Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions: there exist two functions λa and λb in L2 (Ω) such that, a.e. in Ω,    βu + p − λa + λb = 0 a ≤ u ≤ b, λa ≥ 0, λb ≥ 0 (5.44)   λa (u − a) = λb (b − u) = 0 (complementarity conditions). Proof. Define λa = (βu + p)+ = max {0, βu + p},

λb = (βu + p)− = max {0, −(βu + p)} ;

then λa ≥ 0, λb ≥ 0 and the first two equations in (5.44) are satisfied. Assume that (5.31) is true. Recalling (5.41), if λa (x) > 0 then u (x) = a. Similarly, if λb (x) > 0 then u (x) = b. Conversely, assume that (5.44) holds true. We distinguish the three cases a < u (x) < b, u (x) = a and u (x) = b. In the first case, the complementarity conditions give λa (x) = λb (x) = 0 and βu (x) + p (x) = 0. If u (x) = a and v ∈ Uad we have v (x) ≥ u (x), λb (x) = 0 and βu (x) + p (x) = λa ≥ 0. Similarly, if u (x) = b and v ∈ Uad we have v (x) ≤ u (x), λa (x) = 0 and βu (x) + p (x) = −λb ≤ 0. Then (p + βu) (v − u) ≥ 0 a.e. in Ω, and (5.31) follows by integration over Ω. t u

The following conditions are also equivalent to (5.44) (see the more general result reported in Lemma 9.1): • there exists λ ∈ L2 (Ω) such that, a.e. in Ω,   βu + p + λ = 0 a≤u≤b  u = a where λ < 0,

(5.45) u = b where λ > 0;

• there exists λ ∈ L2 (Ω) such that, for any c ∈ R+ , a.e. in Ω  βu + p + λ = 0 λ − min{0, λ + c(u − a)} − max{0, λ + c(u − b)} = 0.


Expressing the optimality condition as in (5.44) or (5.45) is instrumental to set up the primal-dual active set algorithm, which will be presented in Sect. 6.8. Formulation (5.46) is instead useful to interpret this algorithm as a semismooth Newton method.

5.3 A General Framework for Linear-quadratic OCPs In this section we provide a general theoretical framework to analyze linear-quadratic OCPs, more precisely in presence of control constraints. We derive the system of optimality conditions, using either the adjoint method or the Lagrange multipliers method.


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

5.3.1 The Mathematical Setting As we sketched in Sect. 5.1, the essential components of our class of OCPs are: • a Hilbert space V for the state variables, a Hilbert space U for the control variables and a convex, closed subset Uad ⊆ U of admissible controls. We use the symbol h·, ·iV ∗ ,V to denote the duality pairing between V ∗ and V (see Sect. A.2.2) and similarly for the duality between U ∗ and U ; • a control u that influences the state variable y through the following state problem: find y = y(u) ∈ V such that a (y, ϕ) = hF + Bu, ϕiV ∗ ,V

∀ϕ ∈ V.


Here a (·, ·) : V × V → R is a continuous and coercive bilinear form, that is, one for which there exist positive numbers M and α such that |a (ϕ, ψ)| ≤ M kϕkV kψkV and


∀ϕ, ψ ∈ V

a (ϕ, ϕ) ≥ α kϕkV

∀ϕ ∈ V.

kBukV ∗ ≤ b kukU

∀u ∈ U .

F ∈ V and B : U →V is a linear continuous operator, called control operator. In particular, we require that there exists b ≥ 0 such that Thus, B maps a control u into an element Bu of V ∗ . Typically B is an “embedding” operator (see Sect. A.2.3) defined by hBu, ϕiV ∗ ,V = (u, ϕ)U

∀ϕ ∈ V.

Thanks to Lax-Milgram Theorem A.6, for each u ∈ U , equation (5.47) has a unique solution y = y (u) ∈ V and the following stability estimate holds ky (u)kV ≤

1 (kF k∗ + b kukU ) . α


Note that (5.48) states the continuity of the control to state map u 7−→ y (u); • an observation operator C : V → Z, where Z is a Hilbert space. Given a state y, Cy is the object we are interested to observe. A crucial hypothesis is that C ∈ L (V, Z) , so that there exists γ ≥ 0 such that kCykZ ≤ γ kykV ∀y ∈ V ; (5.49) • a cost (or objective) functional J˜ : V × U → R, defined by

β 1 2 2 J˜ (y, u) = kCy − zd kZ + kukU , 2 2


where zd is a prescribed (target) function in Z, β ≥ 0, and the associated reduced cost functional 1 β 2 2 J (u) = kCy(u) − zd kZ + kukU . (5.51) 2 2 The optimal control problem can be formulated as an optimization problem following two different approaches3 : (i) the full-space approach, where both y and u are optimization variable and the PDE constraint is explicitly specified, or (ii) the reduced-space approach, where only 3

As already noted, the two formulations yield different approaches to set up numerical approximation procedures, which goes under the name of Simultaneous Analysis and Design or Nested Analysis and Design, respectively; see Sect. 6.1.

5.3 A General Framework for Linear-quadratic OCPs


the control variable is an optimization variable, whereas the state variable is considered to be an implicit function of the control through the PDE constraint. In the former case, y, u are two independent variables restricted by an equality constraint (the state equation) and by a control constraint (u ∈ Uad ): ˜ u) → min J(y, subject to y ∈ V, u ∈ Uad , a (y, ϕ) = hF + Bu, ϕiV ∗ ,V

(5.52) ∀ϕ ∈ V ;

a solution (ˆ u, yˆ) is called an optimal control-state pair. The latter formulation involves the minimization of the reduced cost functional subject only to a control constraint, ˜ J(u) = J(y(u), u) → min subject to u ∈ Uad .


In the latter case one looks for an optimal control u ˆ; the corresponding optimal state is given by yˆ = y (ˆ u).

5.3.2 A First Optimality Condition To derive optimality conditions we use the second formulation (5.53), proceeding as we did in Sect. 5.1.2. Define y0 (u) = y(u) − y (0) and recall that u 7→ y0 (u) is a linear map since y0 (u) ∈ V satisfies the equation a (y0 (u) , ϕ) = hBu, ϕiV ∗ ,V

∀ϕ ∈ V.


We write the (reduced) cost functional (5.51) as 1 β 2 2 kCy0 (u) + Cy (0) − zd kZ + kukU 2 2 1 β 1 2 2 2 = kCy0 (u)kZ + kukU + (Cy0 (u), Cy (0) − zd )Z + kCy (0) − zd kZ . 2 2 2

J (u) =

Introducing the symmetric bilinear form q (u, v) = (Cy0 (u), Cy0 (v))Z + β (u, v)U ,


the linear functional Lu = (Cy0 (u), Cy (0) − zd )Z and the constant c=

1 2 kCy (0) − zd kZ , 2

we can write J (u) =

1 q (u, u) − Lu + c. 2



5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

To proceed as in Sect. 5.1 (see in particular Remark 5.1) we have to check that q is continuous and nonnegative in U and that L is continuous in U . In fact, using (5.48), (7.37) and Schwarz inequality we find |q (u, v)| ≤ kCy0 (u)kZ kCy0 (v)kZ + β kukU kvkU ≤ γ 2 ky0 (u)kV ky0 (v)kV + β kukU kvkU ≤ (γ 2 b2 α−2 + β) kukU kvkU which shows the continuity of q. Moreover, q is nonnegative since q (u, u) ≥

β 2 kukU ≥ 0. 2

Concerning the linear form L, using the same inequalities, we have |Lu| = |(zd − Cy (0) , Cy0 (u))Z | ≤ kzd − Cy (0)kZ kCy0 (u)kZ ≤ γ kzd − Cy (0)kZ ky0 (u)kV ≤ bγα−1 kzd − Cy (0)kZ kukU , thus yielding the continuity of L (hence L ∈ U ∗ ). We can now calculate d J 0 (u) v = J(u + εv) = q (u, v) − Lv dε ε=0

for all v ∈ U


and conclude that a necessary and sufficient condition for u ˆ ∈ Uad to be a minimizer is the following variational inequality J 0 (ˆ u) (v − u ˆ) = q (ˆ u, v − u ˆ) − L(v − u ˆ) ≥ 0

for all v ∈ Uad ,


formally identical to (5.29). The analogous of Proposition 5.3 reads as follows. Proposition 5.5. u ˆ ∈ Uad is an optimal control, that is a minimizer of (5.53), if and only if the following variational inequality holds J 0 (ˆ u) (v − u ˆ) = (Cy(ˆ u) − zd , C(y(v) − y(ˆ u)))Z + β (ˆ u, v − u ˆ )U ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad .


5.3.3 Use of the Adjoint State As already noticed, (5.59) is of least practical interest, due to the presence of the term y(v) − y(ˆ u). To find a more convenient expression of J 0 (u), we can write our reduced cost functional in the following augmented form using the state equation, J (u) =

1 β 2 2 kCy(u) − zd kZ + kukU − a (y (u) , p) + hF + Bu, piV ∗ ,V , 2 2

where the multiplier (or co-state or adjoint state) p ∈ V is to be suitably chosen. Then, the linear part Lu in (5.56) becomes ˜ = (Cy0 (u), Cy (0) − zd ) − a (y0 (u) , p) + hBu, pi ∗ , Lu Z V ,V ˜ (5.57) yields the following formula still a continuous functional in U . Thus, replacing L with L, for the derivative J 0 at an arbitrary point u ¯ J 0 (¯ u) v = (Cy (¯ u) − zd , Cy0 (v))Z − a (y0 (v), p) + (β u ¯, v)U + hBv, piV ∗ ,V


5.3 A General Framework for Linear-quadratic OCPs


for any variation v ∈ U . As done in Sect. 5.1.3, in order to get rid of the terms containing y0 (v), we introduce the following adjoint problem: Given u ¯, find p ∈ V such that

a∗ (p, ψ) = (Cy (¯ u) − zd , Cψ)Z

∀ψ ∈ V,


where a∗ (p, ψ) = a (ψ, p)

∀ψ, p ∈ V

is the adjoint bilinear form of a(·, ·). By the Lax-Milgram Theorem, problem (5.61) admits a unique solution p¯ = p (¯ u). Indeed, the bilinear form a∗ (·, ·) inherits the coercivity and continuity properties of a(·, ·). Moreover, the linear map ψ 7→ Gψ on the right-hand side of (5.61), ψ 7→ (Cy (¯ u) − zd , Cψ)Z = Gψ


is an element4 of V ∗ . As a matter of fact, G is linear and also continuous, since from (7.37) we deduce |Gψ| ≤ kCy (¯ u) − zd kZ kCψkZ ≤ γ kCy (¯ u) − zd kZ kψkV . Inserting p = p¯ into (5.60), we find the more convenient expression of J 0 (¯ u) we were looking for, J 0 (¯ u) v = (β u ¯, v)U + hBv, p¯iV ∗ ,V

∀¯ u, v ∈ U .


From (5.58), setting u ¯=u ˆ (and, consequently, p¯ = p(ˆ u)) in (5.63) we obtain the variational inequality (β u ˆ, v − u ˆ)U + hB(v − u ˆ), pˆiV ∗ ,V ≥ 0. (5.64) Since (5.64) is a necessary and sufficient optimality condition, we can summarize our conclusions in the following main theorem. Theorem 5.3. For the OCP (5.47), (5.51) and (5.53), u ˆ and yˆ = y (ˆ u) are the optimal pair if and only if, together with the adjoint state pˆ = p (ˆ u) ∈ V , they fulfill the following system of optimality conditions:  y , ϕ) = hF + B u ˆ, ϕiV ∗ ,V ∀ϕ ∈ V state equation   a (ˆ ∗ a (ˆ p, ψ) = (C yˆ − zd , Cψ)Z ∀ψ ∈ V adjoint equation (5.65)   (β u ˆ, v − u ˆ)U + hB(v − u ˆ), pˆiV ∗ ,V ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ Uad minimum principle. Note that the observation operator C enters into the data of the adjoint problem; this is in fact a general property of the adjoint problem, no matter which observation operator is ˜ the rightconsidered. Also remark that, from the expression (5.50) of the cost functional J, More rigorously: to identify G, it is necessary to write this functional as a duality pairing between V ∗ and ∗ V . To do this, let us introduce the inverse of the Riesz map (see Theorem A.2) R−1 Z : Z → Z and the adjoint operator C ∗ : Z ∗ → V ∗ (see (A.12)). In this way, we can write 4

(Cy (u) − zd , Cψ)Z = R−1 Z (Cy (u) − zd ), Cψ so that G = C ∗ R−1 Z (Cy (u) − zd ).

Z ∗ ,Z

= C ∗ R−1 Z (Cy (u) − zd ), ψ

V ∗ ,V



5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

hand side of the adjoint equation in (5.65) is nothing but J˜y0 (ˆ u, yˆ) ψ. Hence, the adjoint equation can be written as a∗ (ˆ p, ψ) = J˜y0 (ˆ u, yˆ) ψ

∀ψ ∈ V.

Equation (5.63) provides also an important information for numerical approximation, since it allows to calculate the gradient5 ∇J (u) of the cost functional, which provides the direction of maximum increase (or ascent) for J. To calculate ∇J (u), we have to write the expression (βu, v)U + hBv, p (u)iV ∗ ,V as a scalar product in U . For that, we introduce the operator B ∗ ∈ L (V, U ∗ ), the adjoint of B, and the Riesz map (see Sect. A.2.2) RU : U ∗ → U. Proposition 5.6. For any u ∈ U , ∇J (u) = RU B ∗ p (u) + βu,


where p (u) ∈ V is the solution of the adjoint problem (5.61). Proof. Since J 0 (u) ∈ U ∗ , it is necessary to express the second term appearing in (5.63) as a scalar product in U . Let p (u) ∈ V be the solution of (5.61). Then we can write, by the definition of B ∗ , hBv, p (u)iV ∗ ,V = hB ∗ p (u) , viU ∗ ,U = (RU B ∗ p (u) , v)U . From (5.63) we deduce J 0 (u) v = (βu + RU B ∗ p (u) , v)U

∀v ∈ U .


Thus, the Riesz element (belonging to U ) which represents J 0 (u) is given by (5.66).

t u

Formula (5.66) has mainly a theoretical interest, due to the presence of the operator RU B ∗ . However, in many cases, the gradient can be easily calculated by hands, as several examples in the following sections will highlight.

5.3.4 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach To reformulate the optimality conditions (5.65) in a compact way, it is convenient to introduce the following Lagrangian functional L (y, p, u) =

1 β 2 2 kCy − zd kZ + kukU − a (y, p) + hF + Bu, piV ∗ ,V 2 2

where now y, p, u are independent variables. By requiring that the derivatives of L with respect to the variables p, u, evaluated at (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) vanish, we obtain: L0p (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ϕ = −a (ˆ y , ϕ) + hF + B u ˆ, ϕiV ∗ ,V = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ V, L0y (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ψ = (C yˆ − zd , Cψ)Z − a (ψ, pˆ) = (C yˆ − zd , Cψ)Z − a∗ (ˆ p, ψ) = 0

∀ψ ∈ V

which correspond to the state and the adjoint equations, respectively. Moreover L0u (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) v = (β u ˆ, v)U + hBv, pˆiV ∗ ,V , 5

In this context, ∇J(u) is also called sensitivity of J. As we have seen in Sect. 4.1.4, the so-called sensitivity approach to compute this quantity is, however, substantially different and much more expensive than the adjoint approach we have addressed so far.

5.3 A General Framework for Linear-quadratic OCPs


and we can conclude that the system (5.65) is equivalent to  0 y , pˆ, u ˆ) ϕ = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ V  Lp (ˆ L0y (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ψ = 0 ∀ψ ∈ V  0 Lu (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) (v − u ˆ) ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ Uad ,


that is, (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) is a stationary point for the Lagrangian L.

5.3.5 Existence and Uniqueness of an Optimal Control (*) The existence and uniqueness of the solution of the OCP (5.52) or (5.53) is stated in the following theorem, which is actually a particular case of the general Theorem 9.1. The proof that we offer here, however, is tailored on the quadratic case. The less interested reader can safely skip it and jump to Sect. 5.4. Theorem 5.4. If β > 0 there exists a unique optimal control u ˆ ∈ Uad . If β = 0 and Uad is bounded, there exists an optimal control u ˆ ∈ Uad ; if moreover the operator C ◦ y0 ∈ L (U , Z) is one-to-one, the optimal control u ˆ is unique. On the basis of Proposition 5.5, to prove Theorem 5.4 it is enough to show that the variational inequality (5.58) has a unique solution u ˆ ∈ Uad . When β > 0, this follows from the following theorem, which can be seen as a generalization of the Lax-Milgram theorem A.6; its proofs relies on the classical Contraction Mapping Theorem A.21. Theorem 5.5 (Stampacchia). Let U be a Hilbert space, K ⊆ U a closed, convex set and q a symmetric, continuous and coercive bilinear form on U , that is, there exist positive numbers N , θ such that |q (u, v)| ≤ N kukU kvkU ∀u, v ∈ U and


q (u, u) ≥ θ kvkU

Then, if L ∈ U ∗ , the variational inequality

∀u ∈ K.

q (u, v − u) ≥ L (v − u)

∀v ∈ K


has a unique solution u ∈ K. Proof. Since q is a continuous bilinear form, the linear functional v → 7 q (u, v) is an element of U ∗ , obviously depending on u. Let Au ∈ U denote the Riesz element associated to this functional, (Au, v)U = q (u, v)

∀v ∈ U .


A is a linear and continuous operator, since from kAuk2U = (Au, Au)U = q (u, Au) ≤ N kukU kAukU it follows that kAukU ≤ N kukU .


Similarly, let zL be the Riesz element associated to L. Then we can write (5.69) in the form (Au − zL , v − u)U ≥ 0

∀v ∈ K.


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

By adding and subtracting u we obtain the equivalent inequality (u − [u − t(Au − zL )], v − u)U ≥ 0

∀v ∈ K, ∀t > 0.


Introducing the projection operator onto K, P rK , we recognize that (5.72) is equivalent to the following fixed point equation in K u = P r K [u − t(Au − zL )]. (5.73) Since K is a closed subset of the Hilbert space U , it is a complete metric space if endowed with the same metric of U . To conclude our proof it is enough to show that for suitable values of t, the operator u → T (u) = P rK [u − t(Au − zL )] is a strict contraction, thanks to the Contraction Mapping Theorem A.21. Since a projection operator is nonexpansive (see Corollary 5.1), kP r K [u − t(Au − zL )] − P r K [v − t(Av − zL )]k2U ≤ ku − v − tA(u − v)k2U = ku − vk2U − 2t (A(u − v), u − v)U + t2 kA(u − v)k2U . Using (5.70) and (5.71), and thanks to the coercivity of q, we obtain 2 2 2 ku − vk2U − 2t (A(u − v), u − v)U + t2 kA(u − v)k2U ≤ ku − vk2U − 2tq (u  − v, u −2 v) + N t ku − vkU 2 2 ≤ 1 − 2θt + N t ku − vkU .

For 0 < t < 2θ/N 2 we have 1 − 2θt + N 2 t2 < 1 and therefore T is a contraction.

t u

The case β = 0 is more delicate, since we only have 2

q (u, u) = kCy0 (u)kZ ≥ 0. In general the bilinear form q is not coercive and in this case we cannot apply Theorem 5.5. However if K is also bounded, to achieve existence it suffices that q is a nonnegative bilinear form while, for uniqueness, it suffices that q is positive6 , that is q (u, u) > 0 if u ∈ K, u 6= 0. Indeed, we have the following variant of Theorem 5.5. Theorem 5.6. Let U be a Hilbert space and K ⊆ U be a closed, bounded, convex set and q be a symmetric, continuous and nonnegative bilinear form on U . Then, if L ∈ U ∗ , the variational inequality (5.69) has a solution u ∈ K. If q is positive, this solution is unique. Proof. First we prove uniqueness. Let u and w be two solutions to (5.69), i.e. q (u, v − u) ≥ L (v − u)

∀v ∈ K,

q (w, v − w) ≥ L (v − w)

∀v ∈ K.

Insert v = w ˆ and v = u ˆ into the first and the second inequality, respectively. We get, by changing sign in the first inequality q (u, u − w) ≤ L (u − w) and q (w, u − w) ≥ L (u − w) . Subtracting the two inequalities yields

q (u − w, u − w) ≤ 0. By the positivity of q, it follows that u = w. To prove existence we use an approximation argument. For j ≥ 1, consider the variational problems: find uj ∈ K such that qj (uj , v − uj ) = q (uj , v − uj ) +

1 (uj , v − uj )U ≥ L (v − uj ) j

Since qj is coercive, by Theorem 5.5, for each j (5.74) has a unique solution.


Indeed, a positive bilinear form is strictly convex.

∀v ∈ K.


5.4 Variational Formulation and Well-posedness of Boundary Value Problems


Since K is bounded, the sequence of solutions {uj } has a subsequence {ujm } weakly convergent to u. Being K closed and convex, it follows that u ∈ K (see Exercise 1). We want to show that u is a solution of (5.69) by passing to the limit into the inequality q (ujm , v − ujm ) +

1 (ujm , v − ujm )U ≥ L (v − ujm ) , j

that is q (ujm , v) − q (ujm , ujm ) +

1 (ujm , v − ujm )U ≥ Lv − Lujm . j



Since {ujm } is bounded, 1j (ujm , v − ujm )U → 0 as j → ∞. Moreover, Lujm → Lu by definition of weak convergence, since L ∈ U ∗ . Also q(ujm , v) → q(u, v) since, for fixed v, the map u 7→ q(u, v) is linear and continuous. Finally, since q is in particular nonnegative and symmetric, we have (see Exercise 2) |q (u, v)| ≤


q (u, u) = lim q(ujm , u) ≤


q (u, u) q (v, v).

Then, we can write m→∞

q (u, u) lim inf m→∞


q(ujm , ujm )

or q (u, u) ≤ lim inf q(ujm , ujm ), m→∞

which expresses the weak sequential lower continuity of q. Passing to the limit into (5.76), and rearranging terms, we get q (u, v − u) ≥ L (v − u) which concludes the proof.

t u

Proof. (of Theorem 5.4) To apply Theorem 5.6 to the OCP (5.52) or (5.53), we need to check under which conditions q (u, u) = kCy0 (u)k2Z is a positive bilinear form. Now, q (u, u) = kCy0 (u)k2Z = 0 implies Cy0 (u) = 0 and this in turn implies u = 0 if the operator C ◦ y0 : U → Z is one-to-one. t u

Remark 5.3. If B : U → V ∗ and C: V → Z are both one-to-one operators, then C ◦ y0 is also one-to-one. In fact, Cy0 (u) = 0 and the injectivity of C give y0 (u) = 0. From the state equation with F = 0, we infer hBu, viV ∗ ,V = 0 for all v ∈ V, which means Bu = 0. Since B is one-to-one we deduce that u = 0. •

5.4 Variational Formulation and Well-posedness of Boundary Value Problems Since in this chapter the state equations will be boundary value problems for second order elliptic equations in divergence form, we devote this section to recall their weak or variational formulation and to examine their well-posedness. Accordingly, a solution of the weak formulation is called a weak or variational solution of the original boundary value problem. In a bounded and Lipschitz domain Ω ⊂ Rd (an interval if d = 1) we consider the operator Eϕ = −div(A∇ϕ) + div(b ϕ) + c · ∇ϕ + rϕ . |{z} | {z } | {z } dif f usion




Usually, the first term in (5.77) models (thermal or molecular) diffusion in heterogeneous or anisotropic media featuring a constitutive law for a flux function q = −A∇ϕ (Fourier or Fick law). The matrix A = A(x) = (aij (x)) is called diffusion matrix, and its dependence on x denotes anisotropic diffusion. The terms div(bϕ) models drift or transport; if divb = 0, then div(bϕ) reduces to b · ∇ϕ, which is of the same form of the third term c · ∇ϕ. The vectors b = b(x) and c = c(x) have the dimensions of a velocity. Finally, rϕ is a reaction term: if, e.g., ϕ is the concentration of a substance, r = r(x) represents its rate of decomposition (r > 0) or growth (r < 0), see [237].


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

Multiplying (5.77) by a smooth function ψ and integrating once by parts, we get the formula Z Z ∂ϕ Eϕ ψ dx = − ψ dx + a (ϕ, ψ) (5.78) ∂n E Ω Γ where Z Z Z Z a (ϕ, ψ) = A∇ϕ · ∇ψ dx − ϕb · ∇ψ dx + c · ∇ϕ ψ dx + rϕψ dx (5.79) Ω

is the bilinear form associated to E, and ∂ϕ = (A∇ϕ − bϕ) · n ∂nE is the natural flux at the boundary associated to the terms −div(A∇ϕ) and div(bϕ), and takes the name of conormal derivative of ϕ. We will extensively use the adjoint bilinear form a∗ of a, given by Z Z Z Z a∗ (ϕ, ψ) = A> ∇ϕ · ∇ψ dx − b · ∇ϕ ψ dx + c · ∇ψ ϕdx + rϕψ dx Ω

obtained by exchanging the arguments ϕ and ψ in the analytic expression of a, that is a∗ (ϕ, ψ) = a (ψ, ϕ); a∗ is the bilinear form associated to the formal adjoint operator7 of E, given by E ∗ ψ = −div(A> ∇ψ) − b · ∇ψ − div(cψ) + rψ. (5.80) Throughout this section, we assume the following hypotheses, under which all the integrals in the analytic expressions of a and a∗ are well defined: 1. the differential operator E is uniformly elliptic, i.e. there exist positive numbers α and M such that 2 2 α |ξ| ≤ A (x) ξ · ξ ≤ M |ξ| ∀ξ ∈ Rd a.e. in Ω; (5.81) 2. the coefficients b, c and r are all bounded, that is, |b (x)| ≤ β,

|c (x)| ≤ γ,

|r (x)| ≤ ρ

a.e. in Ω.


The uniform ellipticity condition (5.81) states that A is positive definite in Ω. If A is symmetric its minimum eigenvalue is real and bounded from below by α, called ellipticity constant, and its maximum eigenvalue is bounded from above by M . We give below the weak formulation of the most common boundary value problems, that can be achieved by following the steps 1-4 in Sect. 5.1.1. We also indicate some hypotheses for the well posedness of these problems.

Dirichlet problem We start by considering the homogeneous Dirichlet problem:  Ey = f + divF in Ω y=0 on Γ = ∂Ω. 7


We refer to this operator as to the formal adjoint because no boundary condition is involved in its definition; this latter is given by the relation (Eϕ, ψ)L2 (Ω) = (ϕ, E ∗ ψ)L2 (Ω)

∀ϕ, ψ ∈ C0∞ (Ω) .

5.4 Variational Formulation and Well-posedness of Boundary Value Problems



If f ∈ L2 (Ω) and F ∈ L2 (Ω) , from Theorem A.9, the right hand side in the differential equation is an element of H −1 (Ω). Choosing ϕ ∈ C01 (Ω), from (5.78) we get Z Z Z a (y, ϕ) = (f + divF)ϕ dx = f ϕ dx − F · ∇ϕ dx (5.84) Ω


since ϕ = 0 on Γ . Thus, the weak formulation of (5.83) is: given f ∈ L2 (Ω) and F ∈ L2 (Ω) , find y ∈ H01 (Ω) such that a (y, ϕ) = F ϕ ∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) , (5.85) where F is the linear functional in H −1 (Ω) defined by

ϕ 7−→ (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) − (F, ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω)d . If the Dirichlet condition is nonhomogeneous, we impose y = g on Γ with g ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ), g 6= 0 (see Sect. A.5.7). Then g is the trace on Γ of a function g˜ ∈ H 1 (Ω), called lifting of g. By setting y˜ = y − g˜, we end up with a homogeneous Dirichlet problem for the equation ˜ with E y˜ = f˜ + divF, f˜ = f + c · ∇˜ g + r˜ g and

˜ = F − A∇˜ F g + b˜ g.

Neumann and Robin problems In the case of a Neumann problem we prescribe the conormal derivative (flux) at the boundary   Ey = f in Ω ∂y (5.86) =g on Γ.  ∂nE  1 ¯ Choosing ϕ ∈ C Ω , from (5.78) we get Z Z Z Z ∂y a (y, ϕ) = f ϕ dx + ϕ dx = f ϕ dx + gϕ dσ. (5.87) Ω Γ ∂nE Ω Γ  Note that, if g ∈ L2 (Γ ) , the last integral is well defined. Since, by Lemma A.3, C 1 Ω is dense in H 1 (Ω), the weak formulation of problem (5.86) is the following: given f ∈ L2 (Ω) and g ∈ L2 (Γ ), find y ∈ H 1 (Ω) such that ∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω) ,


ϕ 7−→ (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (g, ϕ)L2 (Γ ) .


a (y, ϕ) = F ϕ where F is the linear functional defined by

Note that the Dirichlet condition is imposed to the solutions, while the Neumann condition is hidden into the weak formulation (5.88). For this reason, we say that the Neumann condition is natural while the Dirichlet one is forced (or essential). In the case of a Robin problem the condition on Γ in (5.86) takes the form ∂y + hy = g ∂nE where h ∈ L∞ (Γ ), h ≥ 0 a.e. on Γ .


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

The corresponding variational formulation is: given f ∈ L2 (Ω), g ∈ L2 (Γ ) and h ∈ L∞ (Γ ), h ≥ 0 a.e. on Γ , find y ∈ H 1 (Ω) such that a ˜ (y, ϕ) = a (y, ϕ) + (hy, ϕ)L2 (Γ ) = F ϕ

∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω) .


Mixed Dirichlet/Neumann problem In this case we prescribe zero Dirichlet data on ΓD ⊂ Γ and the conormal derivative on ΓN = Γ¯ \ ΓD , that is,  Ey = f in Ω   y = 0 on ΓD (5.91)   ∂y = g on ΓN . ∂nE  1 1 Here V = HΓD (Ω). Choosing ϕ ∈ C Ω vanishing in a neighborhood of ΓD , from (5.78) we get Z Z Z Z ∂y a (y, ϕ) = f ϕ dx + ϕ dx = f ϕ dx + gϕ dσ. Ω ΓN ∂nE Ω ΓN Note that if g ∈ L2 (ΓN ) the last integral is well defined. Since the closure in H 1 (Ω) of the space of test functions is dense in HΓ1D (Ω) , the weak formulation of problem (5.86) is the following: given f ∈ L2 (Ω) and g ∈ L2 (ΓN ), find y ∈ HΓ1D (Ω) such that a (y, ϕ) = F ϕ ∀ϕ ∈ HΓ1D (Ω) , (5.92) where L is the linear functional defined by ϕ 7−→ (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (g, ϕ)L2 (ΓN ) . Existence, Uniqueness and Regularity As all the above problems can be recast as abstract variational problems, their analysis can be carried out by invoking the Lax-Milgram Theorem A.6. Under the hypotheses (5.81), (5.82), a is a continuous bilinear form in H 1 (Ω) and therefore also in H01 (Ω) and HΓ1D (Ω). In fact, d by a repeated use of Schwarz inequality, we can write (L2 = L2 (Ω) or L2 (Ω) ): |a (ϕ, ψ)| ≤ d2 M k∇ϕkL2 k∇ϕkL2 + β k∇ϕkL2 kψkL2 + γ kϕkL2 k∇ψkL2 + ρ kϕkL2 kψkL2  ≤ d2 M + β + γ + ρ kϕkH 1 (Ω) kψkH 1 (Ω) .

For the extra term in the expression of ˜a in problem (5.90), observe that, from the trace inequality (A.40), we get (hϕ, ψ)L2 (Γ ) ≤ khkL∞ (Γ ) kϕkL2 (Γ ) kψkL2 (Γ ) ≤ c2tr khkL∞ (Γ ) kϕkH 1 (Ω) kψkH 1 (Ω)

so that also a ˜ is continuous. The proof of the coercivity of a requires additional assumptions on the coefficients b, c, r. We shall indicate below some of these conditions.

5.4 Variational Formulation and Well-posedness of Boundary Value Problems


Proposition 5.7. Assume that f ∈ L2 (Ω), F ∈ L2 (Ω)d . If b and c have Lipschitz components and 1 div (b − c) + r ≥ 0 a.e. in Ω, (5.93) 2 problem (5.85) has a unique solution. Moreover, o 1n k∇ykL2 (Ω)d ≤ CP kf kL2 (Ω) + kFkL2 (Ω)d . (5.94) α Proof. We already know that a is continuous and F ∈ H −1 (Ω). We have only to show that


a (y, y) =

A∇y · ∇y − (b − c)y · ∇y + ry 2 dx ≥ αkyk2V

for any y ∈ V . Since y = 0 on Γ , integrating by parts we obtain

Z (b − c)y · ∇y dx = Ω

1 2


(b − c) · ∇y 2 dx = −

1 2


div(b − c) y 2 dx.

Therefore, from (5.81) and (5.93), it follows that a is coercive, since

Z a (y, y) ≥ α

|∇y|2 dx +

Z  Ω

1 div(b − c) + r y 2 dx ≥ α k∇yk2L2 (Ω)d . 2

The Lax-Milgram Theorem A.6 gives existence, uniqueness and the stability estimate (5.94).

t u

Increasing the summability of the data we can obtain at least continuity up to the boundary of a Lipschitz domain. Precisely, the following slightly more general result holds for the Dirichlet problem (see, e.g., [104] for the proof) under the hypotheses of Proposition 5.7; note that no regularity is required on the coefficients. Theorem 5.7. Let Ω be a bounded, Lipschitz domain and y ∈ H01 (Ω) be the weak solution d of Ey = f + divF in Ω. If f ∈ Lp (Ω) and F ∈ Lq (Ω) with p > d/2 and q > d, d ≥ 2, then y ∈ C 0,σ Ω for some σ ∈ (0, 1], and  kykC 0,σ (Ω ) ≤ C kf kLp (Ω) + kFkLq (Ω)d (5.95) where σ and C depend only on α, β0 , γ0 , α0 , M and on both the diameter and the Lipschitz constant of Ω. Concerning the Robin or Neumann problems, we have instead the following result. Proposition 5.8. Assume that f ∈ L2 (Ω), g ∈ L2 (Γ ), 0 ≤ h ≤ h0 a.e. on Γ . If b and c have Lipschitz components and (b − c) · n ≤ 0 a.e. on Γ


1 div (b − c) + r ≥ c0 > 0 a.e in Ω, 2

then, problem (5.88) has a unique solution. Moreover, kykH 1 (Ω) ≤

n o 1 kf kL2 (Ω) + C (d, Ω) kgkL2 (Γ ) . min {α, c0 }



5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

Proof. As in the proof of Proposition 5.7, we write


|∇y|2 dx −

a (y, y) ≥ α Ω



(by (5.96)) ≥ α

1 2


(b − c) · n y 2 dσ + Γ


|∇y| dx + c0 Ω

Z  Ω

1 div(b − c) + r y 2 dx 2

y dx ≥ min {α, c0 } kyk2H 1 (Ω) . 2

Finally, using the trace inequality, it is not difficult to check that

  (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (g, ϕ)L2 (Γ ) ≤ kf kL2 (Ω) + C (d, Ω) kgkL2 (Γ ) kϕkH 1 (Ω) and therefore the functional (5.89) belongs to H 1 (Ω)∗ . We can apply Lax-Milgram Theorem A.6 and conclude the proof. t u

A result similar to the one reported in Theorem 5.7 holds for the case of Robin/Neumann conditions, see e.g. [115] for the proof. Theorem 5.8. Let Ω be a bounded, Lipschitz domain and assume that a (x) ≥ c0 > 0 a.e. in Ω. Let y ∈ H 1 (Ω) be the weak solution of Ey = f in Ω,

∂y + hy = g on Γ. ∂nE

 If f ∈ Lp (Ω), g ∈ Lq (Γ ), with p > d/2, q > d − 1, d ≥ 2, then y ∈ C Ω and n o kykC (Ω ) ≤ C kf kLp (Ω) + kgkLq (∂Ω)

where the constant C depends on α, β0 , γ0 , α0 , h0 , M and on both the diameter and the Lipschitz constant of Ω. Finally, in the case of a mixed Dirichlet-Neumann problem we have the following result. Proposition 5.9. Assume that f ∈ L2 (Ω), g ∈ L2 (ΓN ). If b and c have Lipschitz components in Ω and (b − c) · n ≤ 0 a.e. on ΓN ,

1 div (b − c) + r ≥ 0, a.e. in Ω, 2

then problem (5.92) has a unique solution y ∈ HΓ1D (Ω). Moreover, o 1n k∇ykL2 (Ω)d ≤ CP kf kL2 (Ω) + C kgkL2 (∂Ω) . α The proof is similar to the one of Proposition 5.8 (see Exercise 4). Remark 5.4. The regularity for mixed problems is much more involved and requires subtle conditions along the border between ΓD and ΓN . We will not insist on this subject; see, e.g., [133] for further details. • In the following sections we apply the theory just developed to various OCPs (whose analysis features an increasing mathematical complexity) governed by elliptic advection-diffusionreaction problems, because of their relevance in applications. In particular, we deal with distributed or boundary controls, distributed or boundary observation operators, different boundary conditions and different quadratic cost functionals.

5.5 Distributed Observation and Control


For each OCP, we will systematically carry out the analysis of the state equation, an existence and uniqueness analysis of the optimal control, and will derive the optimality conditions.

5.5 Distributed Observation and Control We start by considering a simple case, where both the observation and the control are distributed. We first address the case of a state problem with Robin conditions; then, we turn to a different quadratic cost functional.

5.5.1 Robin Conditions Let Uad ⊆ U = L2 (Ω) be a closed, convex set and f ∈ L2 (Ω), g ∈ L2 (Γ ), 0 ≤ h ≤ ho a.e. on Γ . Let moreover Ω0 be an open subset of Ω and zd ∈ L2 (Ω0 ). Consider the minimization of the functional Z Z 1 β 2 J˜ (y, u) = (y − zd ) dx + u2 dx, 2 Ω0 2 Ω with β ≥ 0, subject to (y, u) ∈ H 1 (Ω) × Uad and to the state problem  in Ω  Ey = −div (A∇y) + ry = f + u ∂y  + hy = g on Γ. ∂nE


The weak form of problem (5.97) reads

a ˜ (y, ϕ) = (A∇y, ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (ry, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (hy, ϕ)L2 (Γ ) = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (g, ϕ)L2 (Γ )

∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω) .

With reference to the general framework of Sect. 5.3, here Z = L2 (Ω0 ) , V = H 1 (Ω) and the observation operator C : V → Z is given by Cy = χΩ0 y,


where χΩ0 is the characteristic function of Ω0 . We are thus interested in observing y only on the subset Ω0 of Ω. Since kCykL2 (Ω) ≤ kykL2 (Ω) ≤ kykH 1 (Ω) we have C ∈ L (V, Z). However, if Ω0 is strictly contained in Ω, C is not a one-to-one operator. • The state problem. Assume that r (x) ≥ c0 > 0. Then, by Proposition 5.8, there exists a unique weak solution y = y (u) ∈ H 1 (Ω) for every u ∈ L2 (Ω) and we can consider the reduced cost functional J (u) = J˜ (y (u) , u). • Existence and uniqueness of the optimal control. If β > 0, by Theorem 5.4, there exists a unique optimal control u ˆ ∈ Uad . If β = 0 and Uad is bounded, there exists at least an optimal control, but uniqueness is not guaranteed. Indeed, the relation Cy0 (u) = χΩ0 y0 (u) = 0 gives y0 (u) = 0 a.e. only on the subset Ω0 and we cannot infer that u = 0 all over Ω. • Optimality conditions. We make use of the Lagrangian function L (y, p, u) =

1 β 2 2 ky − zd kL2 (Ω0 ) + kukL2 (Ω) − a ˜ (y, p) + (f + u, p)L2 (Ω) + (g, p)L2 (Γ ) . 2 2


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

By differentiating L (y, p, u), we find: L0p (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ϕ = −˜ a (ˆ y , ϕ) + (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (g, ϕ)L2 (Γ ) 0 ∗ Ly (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ψ = −˜ a (ˆ p, ψ) + (ˆ y − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω0 ) L0u (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) v = (β u ˆ + pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) Thus, from Theorem 5.3 and relation (5.68), we obtain the conditions:  ˜ (ˆ y , ϕ) = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (g, ϕ)L2 (Γ ) a a ˜∗ (ˆ p, ψ) = (ˆ y − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω0 )  (β u ˆ + pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) ≥ 0

∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∀ψ ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∀v ∈ Uad .

following system of optimality ∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∀ψ ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∀v ∈ Uad .


Moreover, for all u ∈ U , the following formula holds for the gradient of the cost functional, ∇J (u) = βu + p (u) ∈ L2 (Ω) , where p = p (u) is the unique solution to the adjoint problem a ˜∗ (p, ψ) = (y (u) − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω0 ) ∀ψ ∈ H 1 (Ω). Remark 5.5. The adjoint equation is the weak formulation of the Robin problem   ∗ p + rpˆ = (ˆ y − zd ) χΩ0 in Ω  E pˆ = −div A> ∇ˆ  ∂ pˆ + hˆ p=0 ∂nE ∗

on Γ,

which is clearly well posed in H 1 (Ω). • Recalling Sect. 5.2.2, if β > 0, from the variational inequality in system (5.104) we deduce that  u ˆ = P rUad −β −1 pˆ , i.e. u ˆ is the projection with respect to the L2 (Ω) scalar product of −β −1 pˆ onto Uad . Let us examine some special cases.

(a) Let Uad = L2 (Ω), that is, no control constraint is imposed, and let β > 0, since Uad is unbounded. The variational inequality reduces to the equation (ˆ p + βu ˆ, v)L2 (Ω) = 0 yielding

pˆ (x) + β u ˆ (x) = 0


∀v ∈ L2 (Ω)

u ˆ (x) = −β −1 pˆ (x)

a.e. in Ω.

Inserting this equality into (5.68) we get a system in the variables yˆ, pˆ only:  ∂ yˆ   + hˆ y = g on Γ y ) + rˆ y + β −1 pˆ = f in Ω,  −div (A∇ˆ ∂nE  ∂ pˆ    −div A> ∇ˆ p + rpˆ = (ˆ y − zd )χΩ0 in Ω, + hˆ p = 0 on Γ. ∂nE ∗

 (b) Uad = v ∈ L2 (Ω) : v ≥ 0 a.e. in Ω , β > 0 (since Uad is unbounded). From Lemma 5.1 with a = 0 and b = +∞, it follows that   u ˆ (x) = P r[0,∞) −β −1 pˆ (x) = max 0, −β −1 pˆ (x) = −β −1 min {0, pˆ (x)} a.e. in Ω. System (5.68) now reads ( −div (A∇ˆ y ) + rˆ y + β −1 min {0, pˆ} = f  −div A> ∇ˆ p + rpˆ = (ˆ y − zd )χΩ0

in Ω,

yˆ = 0 on Γ

in Ω,

pˆ = 0 on Γ.

5.5 Distributed Observation and Control


 (c) Uad = v ∈ L2 (Ω) : a ≤ v (x) ≤ b a.e. in Ω . Here Uad is bounded in L2 (Ω) so that we may consider β ≥ 0. From Lemma 5.1, if β > 0 we get, for a.e. x ∈ Ω,      u ˆ (x) = P r[a,b] −β −1 pˆ (x) = min b, max a, −β −1 pˆ (x) = max a, min b, −β −1 pˆ (x) . In the case β = 0, a conclusion similar to the one of Remark 5.2 holds.

Remark 5.6. Note that in the three cases above, if β > 0 u ˆ enjoys better regularity than L2 (Ω), indeed u ˆ ∈ H 1 (Ω). •

5.5.2 Dirichlet Conditions, Energy Cost Functional Given zd ∈ H01 (Ω) , we examine the minimization of the energy functional Z n o 1 1 2 2 2 ˜ J(y, u) = ky − zd kH 1 (Ω) = (y − zd ) + |∇ (y − zd )| dx, 2 2 Ω

where y = y(u) is the solution of the state problem:  −∆y = f + u y=0

in Ω on Γ



whose weak formulation is a (y, ϕ) = (∇y, ∇ϕ) = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) .


Here Z = H01 (Ω) and Cy = y, the identity operator in H01 (Ω). We choose for the time being U = L2 (Ω) (even though β = 0) and let Uad ⊂ L2 (Ω) be a bounded, closed and convex set. Hence, for every u ∈ L2 (Ω), (5.102) has a unique solution y = y (u) ∈ H01 (Ω) and   k∇y (u)kL2 (Ω) ≤ CP kf kL2 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) .

• Existence and uniqueness of the optimal control. Existence of an optimal control is guaranteed, since Uad is bounded. To check uniqueness, according to Theorem 5.4, we examine the injectivity of the operator C ◦ y0 ∈ L (U , Z) , where y0 (u) ∈ H01 (Ω) is the solution to a (y0 (u) , ϕ) = (u, ϕ)L2 (Ω)

∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) .


Now, from the state equation, Cy0 (u) = y0 (u) = 0 implies 0 = a (y0 (u) , ϕ) = (u, ϕ)L2 (Ω)

∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) .

Since H01 (Ω) is dense in L2 (Ω), we infer u = 0. We deduce that the optimal control is unique. • Optimality conditions. The Lagrangian is L (y, p, u) =

1 2 ky − zd kH 1 (Ω) − a (y, p) + (p, f + u)L2 (Ω) . 2

By differentiating L (y, p, u) with respect to p, we find L0p (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ϕ = −a (ˆ y , ϕ) + (f + u ˆ, ϕ)L2 (Ω) . Similarly, by differentiating L (y, p, u) with respect to y, we obtain L0y (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ψ = (ˆ y − zd , ψ)H 1 (Ω) − a (ψ, pˆ) = (ˆ y − zd , ψ)H 1 (Ω) − a∗ (ˆ p, ψ)


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

and, for each v ∈ L2 (Ω) ,

L0u (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) v = (ˆ p, v)L2 (Ω) .

Thus, the system of optimality conditions for u ˆ and state pˆ ∈ H01 (Ω), reads:  a (ˆ y , ϕ) = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω)   ∗ a (ˆ p, ψ) = (ˆ y − zd , ψ)H 1 (Ω)   (ˆ p, v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) ≥ 0

yˆ = y (ˆ u), together with the adjoint ∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω)

∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω)


∀v ∈ Uad .

Moreover, for all u ∈ U , the following formula holds

∇J (u) = p (u) ,


where p = p (u) is the unique solution to the adjoint problem a∗ (p, ψ) = (y (u) − zd , ψ)H 1 (Ω) ∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω). Remark 5.7. The adjoint equation for pˆ is the weak formulation of the problem: ( E ∗ pˆ = (I − ∆) (ˆ y − zd ) in Ω pˆ = 0

on ∂Ω

which is clearly well posed since (I − ∆) (ˆ y − zd ) ∈ H −1 (Ω) . Remark 5.8. An interesting case occurs when Uad coincides with a ball, precisely n o Uad = BR = u ∈ L2 (Ω) : kukL2 (Ω) ≤ R .

In this case, u ˆ ∈ BR satisfies the inequality

(ˆ p, v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) ≥ 0 If pˆ 6= 0 a.e. in Ω,

u ˆ = −R

∀v ∈ BR .


pˆ . kˆ pkL2 (Ω)

This follows from a geometrical argument: from (5.106) we see that the vectors pˆ and v − u ˆ meet at an acute angle for any v ∈ BR , and u ˆ given above is the only point that fulfills this property. • An alternative choice for the control space∗ If Uad is unbounded, we can still prove existence and uniqueness of the optimal control, but in a slightly different setting. Let us choose U = H −1 (Ω), Uad ⊆ H −1 (Ω), closed, convex, f ∈ H −1 (Ω), and write the state equation in the form a (y, ϕ) = hf + u, ϕiH −1 (Ω),H 1 (Ω) 0

∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) .


Referring to Theorem 5.4, the quadratic form (5.55) in the present case is 2

q (u, u) = ky0 (u)kH 1 (Ω) . Using the state equation we have |hu, ϕiH −1 (Ω),H01 (Ω) | = |a (y0 (u) , ϕ)| ≤ ky0 (u)kH 1 (Ω) kϕkH 1 (Ω)

∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) ,

5.5 Distributed Observation and Control


from which kukH −1 (Ω) =

sup kϕkH −1 (Ω) =1

This means that

|hu, ϕiH −1 (Ω),H01 (Ω) | ≤ ky0 (u)kH 1 (Ω) . 2


q (u, u) = ky0 (u)kH 1 (Ω) ≥ kukH −1 (Ω)


and therefore q is continuous, symmetric and coercive in U = H −1 (Ω). Existence and uniqueness of the optimal control u ˆ then directly follow from Theorem 5.4. The Lagrangian now takes the form L (y, p, u) =

1 2 ky − zd kH 1 (Ω) − a (y, p) + hf + u, piH −1 (Ω),H 1 (Ω) . 0 2

For every ϕ, ψ ∈ H01 (Ω), Lp (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ϕ = −a (ˆ y , ϕ) + hf + u ˆ, piH −1 (Ω),H 1 (Ω) , 0

while Ly (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ψ = (ˆ y − zd , ψ)H 1 (Ω) − a∗ (ˆ p, ψ) as in the previous case and for all v ∈ H −1 (Ω) , Lv (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) v = hˆ p, viH 1 (Ω),H −1 (Ω) . 0


The optimality system (5.68) reads, in this case:  a (ˆ y , ϕ) = hf + u ˆ, ϕiH −1 (Ω),H 1 (Ω)  0  ∗ a (ˆ p, ψ) = (ˆ y − zd , ψ)H 1 (Ω)   hˆ p, v − u ˆiH 1 (Ω),H −1 (Ω) ≥ 0 0

∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω)

∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω)


∀v ∈ Uad .

Regarding the gradient of the cost functional, from (5.109) we obtain J 0 (ˆ u) v = hˆ p, viH 1 (Ω),H −1 (Ω) . 0

Observe now that the operator −∆ : H01 (Ω) → H −1 (Ω) coincides with the inverse of the Riesz operator in H01 (Ω), so that we can write J 0 (ˆ u) v = hˆ p, viH 1 (Ω),H −1 (Ω) = (−∆ˆ p, v)H −1 (Ω) . 0

Therefore, where p (u) ∈

H01 (Ω)

∇J (u) = −∆p (u) ,


solves a∗ (p, ψ) = (y (u) − zd , ψ)H 1 (Ω)

∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω) .

By comparing the two formulas (5.105) and (5.111), we see that a more general functional setting produces a much more complex formula for the gradient of J.


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

5.6 Distributed Observation, Neumann Boundary Control Let Ω0 ⊂ Ω be a subdomain of Ω of positive measure, ΓD ⊂ Γ , ΓN = Γ \ΓD , and zd ∈ L2 (Ω0 ). Consider the minimization of the following functional Z Z 1 β 2 J˜ (y, u) = (y − zd ) dx + u2 dσ, β ≥ 0, 2 Ω0 2 ΓN subject to (y, u) ∈ HΓ1D (Ω) × Uad , where Uad ⊆ U = L2 (ΓN ) is a closed, convex set, and to the state problem  Ey = −∆y + div(by) = f in Ω    y=0 on ΓD (5.112)   ∂y  − (b · n) y = u on ΓN , ∂n

where f ∈ L2 (Ω). With reference to the general framework of Sect. 5.3, here Z = L2 (Ω0 ) , V = HΓ1D (Ω), endowed with the norm k∇ykL2 (Ω)d , and the observation operator is the same as in (5.98). The control u is a boundary control, defined on ΓN ; the control operator B : L2 (ΓN ) → V ∗ is defined by Z hBu, ϕi∗ = uϕdσ. ΓN

By the trace inequality (A.47) and the Poincar´e inequality (A.37), we have Z ≤ kuk 2 uϕdσ L (ΓN ) kykL2 (ΓN ) ≤ ctr kukL2 (ΓN ) kykH 1 (Ω) ≤ ctr CP kukL2 (ΓN ) k∇ykL2 (Ω)d ΓN

so that B ∈ L (U , V ∗ ) with kBuk∗ ≤ ctr CP kukL2 (ΓN ) .

• The state equation. According to (5.92), the variational formulation of problem (5.112) is

a (y, ϕ) = (∇y, ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) − (y, b · ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) = (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (u, ϕ)L2 (ΓN )

1 ∀ϕ ∈ H0,Γ (Ω) D

for y ∈ HΓ1D (Ω). Existence and uniqueness of the solution y = y(u) of (5.112), for each u ∈ U , follow from Proposition 5.9, provided b has Lipschitz components and b · n ≤ 0 a.e. on ΓN ,

divb ≥ 0

a.e. in Ω.


• Existence/uniqueness of the optimal control. By Theorem 5.4, if β > 0, there exists a unique optimal control u ˆ. If β = 0 and Uad is bounded, there exists an optimal control, however since the operator u 7−→ Cy0 (u) is not one-to-one, it may not be unique. • Optimality conditions. The Lagrangian is L (y, p, u) = We have:

1 β 2 2 k(y − zd )kL2 (Ω0 ) + kukL2 (ΓN ) − a (y, p) + (f, p)L2 (Ω) + (u, p)L2 (ΓN ) . 2 2 L0p (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ϕ = −a (ˆ y , ϕ) + (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (ˆ u, ϕ)L2 (ΓN ) , L0y (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ψ = (ˆ y − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω0 ) − a (ψ, pˆ) ,

L0u (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) (w − u ˆ) = (β u ˆ + pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (ΓN ) . Theorem 5.3 gives the following optimality system for u ˆ ∈ Uad , yˆ = y (ˆ u) and the adjoint state pˆ ∈ HΓ1D (Ω) :

5.7 Boundary Observation, Neumann Boundary Control


 y , ϕ) = (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (g + u ˆ, ϕ)L2 (ΓN )  a (ˆ a∗ (ˆ p, ψ) = (ˆ y − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω0 )  (β u ˆ + pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (ΓN ) ≥ 0

∀ϕ ∈ HΓ1D (Ω) 1 ∀ψ ∈ H0,Γ (Ω) D ∀v ∈ Uad .


Moreover, for every u ∈ L2 (ΓN ),

∇J (u) = p (u) + βu ∈ L2 (ΓN ) where p = p (u) is the solution of the adjoint problem a∗ (p, ψ) = (y (u) − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω0 )

∀ψ ∈ HΓ1D (Ω).

Remark 5.9. Observe that (5.115) is the variational formulation of the problem  ∗ E p = −∆p − b · ∇p = χΩ0 (y − zd ) in Ω    p=0 on ΓD   ∂p  =0 on ΓN . ∂n



Under the conditions (5.113) a∗ is coercive and therefore the adjoint problem has a unique weak solution, thanks to the Lax-Milgram Theorem. • Remark 5.10. If β > 0, the variational inequality (β u ˆ + pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (ΓN ) ≥ 0  gives u ˆ = P rUad −β −1 pˆ ∈ L2 (ΓN ) . In particular, when  Uad = u ∈ L2 (ΓN ) : a ≤ u ≤ b a.e. on ΓN   we deduce that u ˆ (σ) = max a, min b, −β −1 pˆ (σ) , a.e. on ΓN . If β = 0, then u ˆ (σ) = a if pˆ (σ) > 0, u ˆ (σ) = b if pˆ (σ) < 0, on ΓN . No information on u ˆ is available at points where pˆ = 0. •

5.7 Boundary Observation, Neumann Boundary Control Let U = L2 (Γ ) and Uad ⊆ U be a closed convex set. Given f ∈ L2 (Ω) , zd ∈ L2 (Γ ), h ∈ L∞ (Γ ), consider the minimization of the cost functional Z Z 1 β 2 J˜ (y, u) = (hy − zd ) dσ + u2 dσ, β≥0 2 Γ 2 Γ subject to (y, u) ∈ H 1 (Ω) × Uad and to the state problem: ( Ey = −∆y + y = f in Ω ∂y =u on Γ. ∂n The (boundary) observation operator is Cy = hy|Γ and, from the trace inequality, khykL2 (Γ ) ≤ khkL∞ (Γ ) kykL2 (Γ ) ≤ ctr khkL∞ (Γ ) kykH 1 (Ω) whence C ∈ L(V, Z).



5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

• The state problem. The weak formulation of problem (5.117) is a (y, ϕ) = (∇y, ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (y, ϕ)L2 (Ω) = (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (u, ϕ)L2 (Γ )

∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω) , (5.118)

with y ∈ H 1 (Ω). Proposition 5.8 ensures the well-posedness of problem (5.118). • Existence and uniqueness of the optimal control. Thanks to Theorem 5.4, if β > 0 there exists a unique optimal control u ˆ. Let us now consider the case β = 0. If Uad is bounded, there exists at least an optimal control. If h 6= 0 a.e. on Γ then the optimal control is also unique. Indeed, in this case, Cy0 (u)|Γ = hy0 (u)|Γ = 0 implies y0 (u)|Γ = 0. Since y0 satisfies −∆y0 + y0 = 0 in a weak sense, we infer y0 (u) = 0 in Ω. Hence, ∂y0 /∂n = 0 on Γ . • Optimality conditions. The Lagrangian is L (y, p, u) = We have:

1 β 2 2 khy − zd kL2 (Γ ) + kukL2 (Ω) − a (y, p) + (f, p)L2 (Ω) + (u, p)L2 (Γ ) . 2 2 L0p (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ϕ = −a (ˆ y , ϕ) + (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (ˆ u, ϕ)L2 (Γ ) , L0y (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ψ = (hˆ y − zd , hψ)L2 (Ω0 ) − a (ψ, pˆ) , L0u (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) (w − u ˆ) = (β u ˆ + pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (Γ ) .

Now, from Theorem 5.3 we derive the following optimality system for u ˆ ∈ Uad , yˆ = y (ˆ u) and the adjoint state pˆ ∈ H 1 (Ω):  y , ϕ) = (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (ˆ u, ϕ)L2 (Γ )  a (ˆ ∗ a (ˆ p, ψ) = (hˆ y − zd , hψ)L2 (Γ )  (ˆ p + βu ˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (Γ ) ≥ 0

∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∀ψ ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∀v ∈ Uad .


Moreover, for each u ∈ Uad ,

∇J (u) = p (u)|Γ + βu ∈ L2 (Γ ) ,


where p = p (u) ∈ H 1 (Ω) is the unique solution to the adjoint equation a∗ (p, ψ) = (hy (u) − zd , hψ)L2 (Γ )

∀ψ ∈ H 1 (Ω).

Remark 5.11. The adjoint equation is the weak formulation of the Neumann problem  ∗ p + pˆ = 0 in Ω  E pˆ = −∆ˆ ∂ p ˆ  = h(hˆ y − zd ) on Γ. ∂n

Since h ∈ L∞ (Γ ) then h(hˆ y − zd ) ∈ L2 (Γ ) and hence the adjoint equation has a unique solution. •

5.8 Boundary Observation, Distributed Control, Dirichlet Conditions We examine here a case of flux observation at the boundary. Let U = L2 (Ω), Uad ⊆ U be closed and convex. Given a smooth subset Γ0 ⊆ Γ and zd ∈ L2 (Γ0 ), f ∈ L2 (Ω), consider the minimization of the functional 2 Z  Z 1 ∂y β J˜ (y, u) = − zd dσ + u2 dx 2 Γ0 ∂n 2 Ω

5.8 Boundary Observation, Distributed Control, Dirichlet Conditions

where β > 0, subject to the state problem  Ey = −∆y = f + u y=0

in Ω on Γ,



whose weak formulation is: find y ∈ H01 (Ω) such that a (y, ϕ) = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω)

∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) .


As we shall see, some caution is needed when dealing with this optimal control problem. Indeed, in the use of the adjoint state to achieve the optimality conditions, some adjustement is required with respect to the general framework of Sect. 5.3. • The state problem. Clearly, for each u ∈ L2 (Ω), (5.122) has a unique solution y (u) ∈ ∂y 1 H0 (Ω). However, this minimal regularity of y (u) is not enough to deduce that ∂n (u) has a 2 ˜ trace on Γ0 belonging to L (Γ0 ), a necessary condition for J (u) = J (y (u) , u) to make sense. To achieve a better (elliptic) regularity of y (u), we assume that Ω is either a convex or a smooth (at least of class C 2 ) domain in Rd . In this case the weak solution y (u) enjoys a better regularity and indeed (see e.g. [237]) y (u) ∈ Y = H 2 (Ω) ∩ H01 (Ω). Moreover   ky (u)kH 2 (Ω) ≤ c (d, Ω) kf kL2 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) . (5.123) As a consequence, −∆ : Y → L2 (Ω) is a continuous isomorphism. Since now ∇y (u) ∈ H 1 (Ω), each partial derivative has a trace in L2 (Γ0 ) and in particular ∂y (u) Cy (u) = = ∇y (u)|Γ0 · n ∈ L2 (Γ0 ) . ∂n Γ0

Thus, we can observe ∂y(u) ∂n on Γ0 and the cost functional J is well defined. Moreover, y (u) possesses second derivatives in L2 (Ω) and the equation −∆y = f + u makes sense pointwise a.e. in Ω (we say that the equation holds in strong form). • Existence and uniqueness of the optimal control. Since β > 0, Theorem 5.4 guarantees existence and uniqueness of an optimal control u ˆ. • Optimality conditions. The usual derivation of the optimal conditions would lead to an adjoint problem of the form: find pˆ ∈ H01 (Ω) such that   ∂ yˆ (u) ∂ψ − zd , ∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω) (5.124) a (ˆ p, ψ) = (∇ˆ p, ∇ψ) = ∂n ∂n L2 (Γ0 ) which does not fit into the variational theory of Sect. 5.4, since the right hand side is not well defined for ψ ∈ H01 (Ω) ( ∂ψ / L2 (Γ0 )). On the other hand, if we choose Y instead of H01 (Ω) ∂n ∈ as state space, we see that the bilinear form is not coercive in Y . Therefore we abandon the variational formulation (5.124) and try to exploit the strong form of the state equation. Going back to the derivation of the optimality conditions in Sect. 5.3, Proposition 5.5 gives the following variational inequality,  Z Z  ∂y0 (v − u ˆ) ∂y(ˆ u) 0 − zd dσ + β u ˆ(v − u ˆ)dx ≥ 0 (5.125) J (ˆ u) (v − u ˆ) = ∂n ∂n Ω Γ0 for all v ∈ Uad .


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

Since −∆y = f + u a.e. in Ω, we can write the augmented functional 1 J (u) = 2


χ Γ0 Γ

∂y (u) − zd ∂n


dσ +

β 2


u2 dx + Ω


p(f + u + ∆y (u))dx. Ω

Setting w (v) = y0 (v − u ˆ) ∈ Y , the optimality condition becomes   Z Z Z ∂y (ˆ u) ∂w (v) χΓ0 − zd dσ + (β u ˆ + p)(v − u ˆ)dx + p∆w (v) dx ≥ 0. ∂n ∂n Ω Ω Γ


Now we proceed formally, integrating twice by parts the last term. We find, recalling that w (v) = 0 on Γ, Z Z Z Z Z ∂w (v) ∂w (v) p∆w (v) dx = p dσ − ∇w (v) · ∇p dx = p dσ + w (v) ∆p dx. ∂n ∂n Ω Γ Ω Γ Ω In order to get rid in (5.126) of the terms containing w (v) , we choose p = pˆ ∈ Y as the solution of the following adjoint problem:  ∗ p=0 in Ω   E pˆ = −∆ˆ   (5.127) ∂ yˆ (u)  − zd on Γ.  pˆ = −χΓ0 ∂n Inserting p = pˆ in (5.126) we find the variational inequality Z (β u ˆ + pˆ)(v − u ˆ) dx ≥ 0.


The optimality system is therefore given by the state equation, the adjoint equation (5.127) and the variational inequality (5.128). Apparently everything works fine, but there is still a problem: the Dirichlet datum in the adjoint problem belongs only to L2 (Γ ) and in general is not the trace of a function of H 1 (Ω) . This means that this kind of problem cannot be solved via a variational formulation as in Sect. 5.4 and, in particular, there is no reason to expect that pˆ ∈ Y, which we implicitly assumed for the integration by parts. Hence, it is necessary to reconsider problem (5.127), as we do in the next subsection, introducing the notion of very weak solution, due to the low regularity of the Dirichlet data that induces a lower–than-H 1 regularity of the adjoint state. According to Proposition 5.10 below, problem (5.127) has a unique very weak solution, which is defined as the function pˆ ∈ L2 (Ω) that satisfies  Z Z  ∂ yˆ ∂ψ pˆ∆ψdx = − − zd dσ ∀ψ ∈ Y (5.129) ∂n ∂n Ω Γ0 and

∂ yˆ

kˆ pkL2 (Ω) ≤ c (d, Ω) − z . d


2 L (Γ0 )

Thus, (5.129) is the proper weak formulation of the adjoint problem (5.127). Remark 5.12. We emphasize that the regularity of the multiplier in this section is lower than that of the multipliers considered so far: indeed, y ∈ H 2 (Ω) whereas p ∈ L2 (Ω) only, so that there is a break in the symmetry between the regularity of the state and the adjoint solutions. This fact is not unexpected. Indeed, as we shall see in Chapter 9, the state equation can be written in the form G(y, u) = 0 with G : V × U → W , and the multiplier p is chosen in the

5.9 Dirichlet Problems with L2 Data. Transposition (or Duality) Method


dual space W ∗ . For instance, in the variational setting, we can write the state equation under the form G(y, u) = Ey − f − Bu = 0 with G : V × U → V ∗ and p belongs to (V ∗ )∗ = V . In the very weak formulation, we have instead G(y, u) = Ey − f − Bu = 0 with G : Y × U → L2 (Ω) ∗ and p belongs exactly to L2 (Ω) , usually identified with L2 (Ω) itself. •

5.9 Dirichlet Problems with L2 Data. Transposition (or Duality) Method The analysis of this case requires more tools of functional analysis. Consider the Dirichlet problem  −∆w = f in Ω (5.130) w = g on Γ where f ∈ L2 (Ω), g ∈ L2 (Γ ). Assume that the domain Ω is smooth (say, of class C 2 ) and let Y = H01 (Ω) ∩ H 2 (Ω). To derive a new weak formulation, multiply the differential equation by a test function ψ and integrate over Ω, Z Z −∆wψ dx = f ψ dx. Ω

Integrating twice by parts we find Z Z Z Z ∂w ∂ψ −w∆ψ dx − ψ dσ + w dσ = f ψ dx. ∂n ∂n Ω Γ Γ Ω Choose ψ ∈ Y in order to get rid of the terms containing ∂w ∂n , on which there are no information. Taking into account the Dirichlet condition, we obtain the equation Z Z Z ∂ψ −w∆ψ dx = f ψ dx − g dσ. (5.131) Ω Ω Γ ∂n Thus, if w is a regular solution of problem (5.130), then w satisfies (5.131) for all ψ ∈ Y . Viceversa, assume that f, g are smooth and w is a smooth function satisfying (5.131) for every ψ ∈ Y . Integrating back by parts we find Z Z Z Z ∂ψ ∂ψ ψ∆w dx + w dσ = g dσ − f ψ dx. (5.132) ∂n Ω Γ Γ ∂n Ω In particular, (5.132) holds for each ψ ∈ C0∞ (Ω), whence −∆w = f in Ω. Using now ψ ∈ Y , we infer Z ∂ψ (w − g) dσ = 0. (5.133) ∂n Γ Since ψ ∈ Y is arbitrary, (5.133) implies8 w = g on Γ .


Let h = w − g ∈ C ∞ (Γ ) . Let z ∈ H 2 (Ω) be such that ∆z = 0 in Ω, z = h on Γ . Then


Z ∆ψ · z dx =

h Γ

∂ψ dσ = 0. ∂n

Since ∆ : Y → L2 (Ω) is a continuous isomorphism we deduce that z = 0 whence h = 0.


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

Therefore, for regular functions, the formulations (5.130) and (5.131) are equivalent. However, (5.131) requires only w ∈ L2 (Ω) . We are led to the following notion of very weak solution: Definition 5.1. The function w ∈ L2 (Ω) is a very weak solution to problem (5.130) if Z Z Z ∂ψ − w∆ψ dx = f ψ dx − g dσ (5.134) Ω Ω Γ ∂n for all ψ ∈ Y = H01 (Ω) ∩ H 2 (Ω). We show that with the new formulation problem (5.130) is well posed. Indeed we have: Proposition 5.10. Problem (5.130) has a unique very weak solution w ∈ L2 (Ω). Moreover n o kwkL2 (Ω) ≤ c (d, Ω) kf kL2 (Ω) + kgkL2 (Γ ) . The proof of Proposition 5.10 is a consequence of the following result. Proposition 5.11. (Transposition (or Duality) method). Let Y and H be two Hilbert spaces, T : Y → H a continuous isomorphism and F ∈ Y ∗ . The equation (w, T ψ)H = F ψ

∀ψ ∈ Y


has a unique solution w ¯ ∈ H. Moreover,

where C = T −1 L(H,Y ) .

kwk ¯ H ≤ C kF kY ∗

Proof. Since T is a continuous isomorphism, for every h ∈ H we have


T h


≤ T −1 L(H,Y ) khkH .


Now, setting h = T ψ, equation (5.135) is equivalent to (w, h)H = (F ◦ T −1 )h

∀h ∈ H.


From (5.136):

(F ◦ T −1 )h ≤ kF k ∗ T −1 khkH Y L(H,Y )

∈ H ∗ with F ◦ T −1 H ∗ ≤ T −1 L(H,Y ) kF kY ∗ . By Riesz Representation Theorem, (5.137)

whence F ◦ T −1 has a unique solution w ¯ ∈ H with

kwk ¯ H ≤ T −1 L(H,Y ) kF kY ∗ .

t u

Remark 5.13. Proposition 5.11 is equivalent to the following statement: If T : Y → H is a continuous isomorphism then its adjoint (or dual) operator T ∗ : H ∗ = H → Y ∗ is also a continuous isomorphism. Indeed, equation (5.135) is equivalent to T ∗ w = F . This is the reason of the name transposition (or duality) method. • Proof. (Proposition 5.10) The very weak formulation of problem (5.130) satisfies (5.134). It is now sufficient to apply Proposition 5.11 with Y = H01 (Ω) ∩ H 2 (Ω) , H = L2 (Ω) , T = −∆ and F given by

5.9 Dirichlet Problems with L2 Data. Transposition (or Duality) Method



Fψ =

f ψ dx −



∂ψ dσ. ∂n




≤ c (d, Ω) kf kL2 (Ω) + kgkL2 (Γ ) kψkY

F belongs to Y ∗ , since |F ψ| ≤ kf kL2 (Ω) kψkL2 (Ω) + kgkL2 (Γ )



L2 (Γ )




kF kY ∗ ≤ c (d, Ω) kf kL2 (Ω) + kgkL2 (Γ ) . t u

Remark 5.14. We can obtain a representation formula for the solution to problem (5.130). Let {uk }k≥1 be an orthonormal basis in L2 (Ω) given by the Dirichlet eigenfunctions for the operator (−∆), with corresponding eigenvalues {λk }k≥1 , with 0 < λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ . . ., λk → +∞. By elliptic regularity, all these eigenfunctions belong to Y . Then we can write w=

∞ X

w ˆ k uk


where w ˆk = (w, uk )L2 (Ω) . Inserting ψ = uk into (5.131), we get Z Z ∂uk (w, −∆uk )L2 (Ω) = −w∆uk dx = fˆk − g dσ = fˆk − gk . Ω Γ ∂n Since (w, −∆uk )L2 (Ω) = λk w ˆk , we infer that w ˆk = (fˆk − gk )/λk and w=

∞ ˆ X fk − gk 1


uk .

Remark 5.15. If g ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ), the very weak solution y to problem (5.130) actually belongs to H 1 (Ω) and coincides with the variational solution. In fact, let z ∈ H 1 (Ω) be the variational solution. Then Z Z ∇z · ∇ψ dx = f ψ dx ∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω) . Ω



Choosing ψ ∈ (Ω) ∩ H (Ω) we can integrate by parts to get Z Z Z ∂ψ − z∆ψ dx + z dσ = f ψ dx ∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω) ∩ H 2 (Ω) . Ω Γ ∂n Ω


Using z = g on Γ , we conclude that z is a very weak solution to (5.130) and therefore, by uniqueness, z = y. This remark will be useful in the sequel. • Remark 5.16. The method works with more general hypotheses on f and g. Namely, since R ψ ∈ Y , one could choose f ∈ Y ∗ and substitute Ω f ψ dx in the Definition 5.1 by the du1/2 ality hf, ψiY ∗ ,Y . Similarly, since ∂ψ (Γ ) one could choose g in the dual space of ∂n ∈ H R 1/2 −1/2 H (Γ ), denoted by H (Γ ), and substitute Γ g ∂ψ ∂n dσ in the Definition 5.1 by the duality hg, ∂ψ i . Still, problem (5.130) has a unique very weak solution w ∈ L2 (Ω) and 1/2 −1/2 ,H ∂n H n o kwkL2 (Ω) ≤ c (d, Ω) kf kY ∗ + kgkH −1/2 (Γ ) .


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

5.10 Pointwise Observations The transposition method introduced in Sect. 5.9 is appropriate to handle OCPs involving pointwise observations. Under suitable regularity hypotheses on the domain and the data of the state problem, the state variable is continuous and pointwise observations are well defined. Consider for instance the following problem:  Ey = −∆y + ry = f in Ω (5.139) y=0 on Γ. Let Ω be either a convex or a smooth domain (e.g. of class C 2 ) and r be bounded and non negative a.e. in Ω. Then the operator E : Y = H01 (Ω) ∩ H 2 (Ω) → L2 (Ω) is a continuous isomorphism between Y and L2 (Ω). Thus the variational solution y belongs to Y and kykH 2 (Ω) ≤ C kf kL2 (Ω) ,


where C depends on Ω and d only. As a consequence, the PDE in (5.139) makes sense pointwise a.e. in Ω. On the other hand, from the Sobolev  embedding theorem A.16, we know that if d ≤ 3, Y is continuously embedded into C Ω , that is kykC (Ω ) ≤ C1 kykH 2 (Ω) .


In particular, (5.140) implies that the evaluation operator y 7→ y (ξ) is well defined for all ξ ∈ Ω and belongs to Y ∗ . The evaluation operator at a point ξ is usually denoted by δ (x − ξ) or δξ and is called the Dirac delta at ξ. We can write hδξ , yi = y (ξ) to denote the action of δξ on y ∈ Y . If z ∈ C Ω , the operator zδξ is well defined as an element of Y ∗ by the relation hzδξ , yi = hδξ , zyi = z (ξ) y (ξ) .


Thus, if zd ∈ C Ω is a given target state and ξj ∈ Ω, j = 1, . . . , N , it makes sense to consider the problem N 1X β 2 2 J˜ (y, u) = (y (ξj ) − zd (ξj )) + kukL2 (Ω) → min (5.143) 2 j=1 2 with β > 0, subject to u ∈ Uad , a closed convex subset of L2 (Ω), and to  Ey = f + u in Ω, y=0 on Γ.


Since β > 0, existence and uniqueness of an optimal control u ˆ follows from Theorem 5.4. To find the optimality conditions, we exploit the full regularity of the state variable and introduce the Lagrangian function N

1X β 2 L (y, p, u) = (y (ξj ) − zd (ξj )) + kuk2L2 (Ω) + (f + u − Ey, p)L2 (Ω) 2 j=1 2 with p ∈ L2 (Ω). The adjoint equation then reads L0y (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) ψ =

N X j=1

(y (ξj ) − zd (ξj )) ψ (ξj ) − (Eψ, p)L2 (Ω) = 0

∀ψ ∈ Y.


5.11 Distributed Observation, Dirichlet Control

We recognize that pˆ is the very weak solution of the problem  PN E pˆ = j=1 (ˆ y (ξj ) − zd (ξj )) δξj in Ω pˆ = 0 on Γ,



which is well-posed according to Remark 5.16. The Euler equation takes the usual form L0u (ˆ y , pˆ, u ˆ) v = (β u ˆ + pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ Uad , (5.147)  which gives u ˆ = P rUad −β −1 pˆ . We summarize these results in the following proposition. Proposition 5.12. Let Ω ⊂ Rd , d = 2, 3, be either a convex or a domain of class C 2 , and consider the OCP (5.143), (5.144). Then the control u ˆ ∈ Uad and the state yˆ = y(ˆ u) ∈ Y are optimal if and only if, together with the adjoint state pˆ ∈ L2 (Ω), they are solutions of the state equation (5.144), the adjoint equation (5.145) and the variational inequality (5.147). Moreover, ∇J (ˆ u) = β u ˆ + pˆ.

5.11 Distributed Observation, Dirichlet Control The case of OCPs with boundary Dirichlet control is more delicate to treat. For simplicity, we consider unconstrained OCPs for the Laplace operator with distributed observation. We show how to derive optimality conditions, depending on the choices of the cost functional and of the control space U . We consider the minimization of the following functional ˜ u) = 1 ky − zd k2Z + β kuk2U J(y, 0 2 2


where β > 0, zd ∈ Z is a given target state, f ∈ L2 (Ω) and U0 is a Hilbert space included into U , with (y, u) subject to the state problem  −∆y = f in Ω (5.149) y=u on Γ. Note that the norms of the penalization term and of the control space do not necessarily coincide.

5.11.1 Case U = H 1/2 (Γ ) Choosing H 1/2 (Γ ) as control space looks rather natural, as this space is the proper space of traces for a well-posed variational formulation in H 1 (Ω) of the Dirichlet problem (5.149). We examine the two options U0 = H 1/2 (Γ ) and U0 = L2 (Γ ). Option 1: U0 = H 1/2 (Γ ) If we also choose U0 = H 1/2 (Γ ) and Z = L2 (Ω) , we can consider the OCP β ˜ u) = 1 ky − zd k2 2 J(y, kuk2H 1/2 (Γ ) → min . L (Ω) + 2 2 Since β > 0, existence and uniqueness of an optimal control u ˆ follow immediately.



5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

• Analysis of the state equation. The standard variational formulation of the state problem requires an extension (lifting) uext ∈ H 1 (Ω) of the Dirichlet data u. Then, setting z = y − uext ∈ H01 (Ω), the weak formulation of the state problem for z takes the form (∇z, ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) = (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) − (∇uext , ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω)

∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) .


By a straightforward application of the Lax-Milgram Theorem, this problem admits a unique solution z = z (u) ∈ H01 (Ω). The corresponding OCP problem in reduced form reads J0 (u) =

1 β kz (u) + uext − zd k2L2 (Ω) + kuk2H 1/2 (Γ ) → min 2 2


with u ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ). • Optimality conditions. We introduce the Lagrangian functional L (z, u, p) =

1 β kz+uext −zd k2L2 (Ω) + kuk2H 1/2 (Γ ) +(f, p)L2 (Ω) −(∇uext , ∇p)L2 (Ω) −(∇z, ∇p)L2 (Ω) 2 2

with the multiplier p ∈ H01 (Ω) to be chosen. Then, the adjoint equation is given by (ˆ z = z (ˆ u)) L0z (ˆ z, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = (ˆ z+u ˆext − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω) − (∇ˆ p, ∇ψ)L2 (Ω) = 0

∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω) .

Thus pˆ is the variational solution of the problem (ˆ z+u ˆext = yˆ)  −∆ˆ p = yˆ − zd in Ω pˆ = 0 on Γ.



The Euler equation is L0u (ˆ z, u ˆ, pˆ) v = (ˆ y − zd , v)L2 (Ω) + β (ˆ u, v)H 1/2 (Γ ) − (∇ˆ p, ∇v)L2 (Ω) = 0 ∀v ∈ H 1 (Ω) . (5.155) To turn (5.155) into a somewhat more explicit form, we would like to integrate by parts the last term. Since pˆ is in H01 (Ω) only, we need to give a meaning to the trace of its normal derivative on Γ . First observe that for functions belonging to the space Hdiv (Ω) = {w ∈ L2 (Ω)d : div w ∈ L2 (Ω)} the trace w · n on Γ is well defined as an element of H −1/2 (Γ ) and the following integration by parts formula holds (see Theorem A.14): Proposition 5.13. Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Then, for any v ∈ H 1 (Ω), w ∈ Hdiv (Ω), (w, ∇v)L2 (Ω) − hw · n, viH −1/2 ,H 1/2 = (div w, v)L2 (Ω) (5.156) and moreover

∂ pˆ ∂n

n o kw · nkH −1/2 (Γ ) ≤ C(d, Ω) kwkL2 (Ω) + kdiv wkL2 (Ω) .

As a consequence, by taking w = ∇ˆ p, from (5.153) we have div w = yˆ −zd ∈ L2 (Ω), whence −1/2 ∈H (Γ ) and, in particular (letting hereon h· , ·iH −1/2 ,H 1/2 = h· , ·iH −1/2 (Γ ),H 1/2 (Γ ) )   ∂ pˆ (∇ˆ p, ∇v)L2 (Ω) − (ˆ y − zd , v)L2 (Ω) = ,v ∀v ∈ H 1 (Ω) . (5.157) ∂n −1/2 1/2 H ,H

Using (5.157) we can write (5.155) in the form

5.11 Distributed Observation, Dirichlet Control

β (ˆ u, v)H 1/2 (Γ ) −

∂ pˆ ,v ∂n


H −1/2 ,H 1/2


∀v ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ) .


Introducing the Riesz isometry (see Sect. A.2.2) Λ = H −1/2 → H 1/2 , we find   ∂ pˆ βu ˆ − Λ ,v =0 ∀v ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ) ∂n H 1/2 from which

∂ pˆ =0 ∂n In conclusion, we have proved the following result. ∇J(ˆ u) = β u ˆ−Λ

in H 1/2 (Γ ) .


Proposition 5.14. Consider the OCP (5.150), (5.149). Then the control u ˆ ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ) and 1 the state yˆ ∈ H (Ω) are optimal if and only if, together with the adjoint state pˆ ∈ H01 (Ω), they satisfy the state equation (5.151), the adjoint equation (5.153), and the Euler equation (5.158) or (5.159).

Option 2: U0 = L2 (Γ ) The presence of the fractional Sobolev norm in the expression of J˜ and the fractional inner product in the optimality conditions make the choice U0 = H 1/2 (Γ ) hardly appealing, notably ∂ pˆ from the numerical point of view. Note instead that the duality term h ∂n , viH −1/2 ,H 1/2 is not an issue. A possible way to overcome this inconvenience is to choose U0 = L2 (Γ ) and indeed, this option is successfully exploited in several applications (see e.g. [74] for further details). In principle, weakening the norm in the control space reflects on the choice of a narrower observation space (with a stronger norm) in order to ensure existence and uniqueness of an optimal control u ˆ ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ). Indeed, in this asymmetric situation, the bilinear form appearing in (5.11) is given, for the case at hand, by q (u, v) =

1 β (y0 (u) , y0 (v))Z + (u, v)L2 (Γ ) . 2 2

This bilinear form is coercive if we make the choice Z = H 1 (Ω); in fact, by the trace inequality (A.43), we have kukH 1/2 (Γ ) ≤ ky0 (u) kH 1 (Ω) . Hence, we consider the minimization problem β ˜ u) = 1 ky − zd k2 1 J(y, kuk2L2 (Γ ) → min H (Ω) + 2 2


with u ∈ L2 (Γ ). Thanks to Theorem 5.4, even if β = 0, we can prove that there exists a unique optimal control u ˆ ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ) • Optimality conditions. Using the extension method for the state problem, we introduce the Lagrangian functional L (z, u, p) =

β 1 kz + uext − zd k2H 1 (Ω)+ kuk2L2 (Γ )+ (f, p)L2 (Ω) − (∇uext , ∇p)L2 (Ω)− (∇z, ∇p)L2 (Ω) 2 2


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

with the multiplier p ∈ H01 (Ω) to be chosen. Proceeding as in the previous case, the adjoint equation takes the form (∇ˆ p, ∇ψ)L2 (Ω) = (ˆ y − zd , ψ)H 1 (Ω) ∀ψ ∈ H01 (Ω)


which represents the variational formulation of the problem  −∆ˆ p = (I − ∆) (ˆ y − zd ) in Ω pˆ = 0 on Γ. The associated Euler equation is given by   ∂ pˆ β (ˆ u, v)L2 (Γ ) − ,v =0 ∂n H −1/2 ,H 1/2 or, equivalently9 ,

  ∂ pˆ βu ˆ− ,v =0 ∂n H −1/2 ,H 1/2

∀v ∈ H 1/2 (Γ )

∀v ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ) .


Thus, from (5.162) we deduce

∂ pˆ = 0. (5.163) ∂n ∂ pˆ Remark 5.17. Since u ˆ ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ) , we see that actually ∂n ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ) and, by elliptic regu2 larity, pˆ ∈ H (Ω). See, e.g., [237]. • We summarize everything in the following proposition. βu ˆ−

Proposition 5.15. Consider the OCP (5.149), (5.160). Then the control u ˆ ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ) and 1 the state yˆ ∈ H (Ω) are optimal if and only if, together with the adjoint state pˆ ∈ H01 (Ω), u ˆ and yˆ are solutions of the state problem (5.149), the adjoint problem (5.161), and the Euler equation (5.163).

An alternative formulation* An alternative approach makes use of a different formulation of the state problem, aimed to avoid the use of extensions of the Dirichlet datum. We illustrate the method in the case U0 = H 1/2 (Γ ). The other case is similar. The idea (see [16]) is to exploit equation (5.156) ∂y introducing a new unknown ξ ∈ H −1/2 (Γ ), playing the role of ∂n , and appending a multiplier η ∈ H −1/2 (Γ ) to the Dirichlet condition. We shall use this kind of strategy in Sect. 5.13.2. The new formulation, which is often referred to as primal mixed formulation, reads as follows. Find (y, ξ) ∈ W = H 1 (Ω) × H −1/2 (Γ ) such that (∇y, ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) − hξ, ϕiH −1/2 ,H 1/2 = (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) hη, y − uiH −1/2 ,H 1/2 = 0

(5.164) (5.165)

for all (ϕ, η) ∈ W . We can consider the Hilbert triplet H 1/2 (Γ ) ⊂ L2 (Γ ) ⊂ H −1/2 (Γ ) , where L2 (Γ ) is identified with its dual. Then if u ∈ L2 (Γ ), hu, viH −1/2 ,H 1/2 = (u, v)L2 (Γ ) ∀v ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ). 9

5.11 Distributed Observation, Dirichlet Control


The variational and the primal mixed formulations are equivalent. Indeed, if y is the variational ∂y solution to (5.149), from (5.156) with w = ∇y, we infer that the pair (y, ξ) = (y, ∂n ) solves (5.164), (5.165) for all (ϕ, η) ∈ W . Conversely, let (y, ξ) ∈ W solve (5.164), (5.165) for all (ϕ, η) ∈ W . Choosing first the test functions ϕ in H01 (Ω) we conclude that −∆y = f in Ω. From (5.165) we infer y = u on Γ , so that y is the unique variational solution to (5.149). ∂y Finally, from (5.156) and (5.164) with w = ∇y, we deduce that ξ = ∂n . We can now go back to our OCP problem, and state it as follows β ˜ ξ, u) = 1 ky − zd k2 2 J(y, kuk2H 1/2 (Γ ) → min L (Ω) + 2 2


subject to (y, ξ, u) ∈ W × H 1/2 (Γ ), and to the state problem (5.164), (5.165). • Optimality conditions. To derive the optimality conditions we define the Lagrangian L (y, ξ, u, p, q) =

1 β ky − zd k2L2 (Ω) + kuk2H 1/2 (Γ ) + (f, ϕ)L2 (Ω) 2 2 − (∇y, ∇p)L2 (Ω) + hξ, piH −1/2 ,H 1/2 + hq, y − uiH −1/2 ,H 1/2

where the multipliers p ∈ H 1 (Ω) and q ∈ H −1/2 (Γ ) replace the test functions in (5.164), (5.165). We check that we reach the same conclusions in Proposition 5.14. ˆu The adjoint equation is given by the system (Lˆ0(·) ψ = L0(·) (ˆ y , ξ, ˆ, pˆ, qˆ) ψ) Lˆ0y ψ = (ˆ y − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω) − (∇ˆ p, ∇ψ)L2 (Ω) + hˆ q , ψiH −1/2 ,H 1/2 = 0 and

Lˆ0ξ η = hη, pˆiH −1/2 ,H 1/2 = 0

∀ψ ∈ H 1 (Ω)

∀η ∈ H −1/2 (Γ ) .

(5.167) (5.168)

From (5.167) and (5.168) we infer that pˆ is the variational solution of the adjoint problem (5.154) while ∂ pˆ qˆ = on Γ. (5.169) ∂n The Euler equation takes the form Lˆ0u v = β (ˆ u, v)H 1/2 (Γ ) − hˆ q , viH −1/2 ,H 1/2 = 0

∀v ∈ H 1/2 (Γ )

which, by (5.169), coincides with (5.158). Finally, observe that from the vanishing of the 0 0 derivatives Lp and Lq , we recover the state problem under the formulation (5.164), (5.165).

5.11.2 Case U = U0 = L2 (Γ ) We have seen in the previous subsection that by choosing U = H 1/2 (Γ ) and U0 = L2 (Γ ) instead of H 1/2 (Γ ) , the situation has improved since the use of fractional norms or inner products is avoided. The only little drawback is the appearance of the source term (∇ˆ y − ∇zd , ψ)L2 (Ω) in the adjoint equation. A further semplification can be achieved with the choice U = U0 = L2 (Γ ) , that calls into play very weak solutions of the state problem, as in Definition 5.1. Thus, we consider the minimization problem β ˜ u) = 1 ky − zd k2 2 J(y, kuk2L2 (Γ ) → min L (Ω) + 2 2



5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

subject to (y, u) ∈ L2 (Ω) × L2 (Γ ) and to the state equation   ∂ψ (y, ∆ψ)L2 (Ω) = u, − (f, ψ)L2 (Ω) ∀ψ ∈ Y = H 2 (Ω) ∩ H01 (Ω). ∂n L2 (Γ )


Existence and uniqueness of an optimal control u ˆ follow by the standard theory, since β > 0. • Optimality conditions. We introduce the Lagrangian functional   1 β ∂p 2 2 L (y, u, p) = ky − zd kL2 (Ω) + kukL2 (Γ ) + u, − (f, ψ)L2 (Ω) − (y, ∆p)L2 (Ω) 2 2 ∂n L2 (Γ ) where the multiplier p ∈ Y takes the place of ψ in (5.171). Then, L0y (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ϕ = − (∆ˆ p, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (ˆ y − zd , ϕ)L2 (Ω) = 0 is the adjoint equation, that gives, since pˆ ∈ Y ,  −∆ˆ p = yˆ − zd pˆ = 0

∀ϕ ∈ L2 (Ω)


in Ω on Γ.

The Euler equation takes the form L0u

(ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) v =

∂ pˆ βu ˆ− ,v ∂n

=0 L2 (Γ )

∀v ∈ L2 (Γ )



∂ pˆ =0 on Γ. (5.174) ∂n Although everything is cast in the standard theory, there is some price to pay. First of all, to use the transposition method, we need a stronger regularity of Ω, namely we require Ω to be either convex or of class C 2 . Moreover, in principle, the numerical solution of equation (5.171) requires a special care, since the Dirichlet conditions do not fit the variational setting in a straightforward way, and the optimal order of convergence in the context of finite element discretization may be difficult to achieve. Nevertheless, since pˆ ∈ Y , the trace of ∇ˆ p belongs to H 1/2 (Γ ) and if Ω is a C 2 domain, the normal vector field n is in C 1 (Γ ). This implies that ∂ pˆ p · n ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ) which in turn, from (5.174), gives u ˆ ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ). ∂n = ∇ˆ But then, owing to Remark 5.12, we infer that the optimal state yˆ is actually a variational solution of the state equation and the usual numerical approximation methods can be used. We can summarize these conclusions as follows. βu ˆ−

Proposition 5.16. Let Ω be a C 2 domain. Consider the OCP (5.149), (5.170). Then, the control u ˆ and the state yˆ are optimal if and only if u ˆ ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ), yˆ ∈ H 1 (Ω) and together 2 1 with the adjoint state pˆ ∈ H (Ω) ∩ H0 (Ω), they are solutions of the state problem (5.149), the adjoint problem (5.172), and the Euler equation (5.174). Remark 5.18. In this case we easily derive the formula ∇J (u) =

∂p (u) + βu ∂n

in L2 (Γ )

where p (u) ∈ Y solves the adjoint equation −∆p = y (u) − zd in Ω, p (u) = 0 on Γ .

5.12 A State-Constrained Control Problem


5.11.3 Case U = U0 = H 1 (Γ ) A way to avoid fractional norms and the use of very weak solution of the state problem (requiring extra regularity of the domain) is to choose U = U0 = H 1 (Γ ). H 1 (Γ ) is made of functions belonging to L2 (Γ ) together with their tangential gradient, that is,  H 1 (Γ ) = u ∈ L2 (Γ ) : ∇Γ u ∈ L2 (Γ ) . The definition of tangential gradient can be found in Sect. 11.2.2. Endowed with the inner product (u, v)H 1 (Γ ) = (u, v)L2 (Γ ) + (∇Γ u, ∇Γ v)L2 (Γ ) ,

H 1 (Γ ) is a Hilbert space, continuously embedded into H 1/2 (Γ ). We denote by H −1 (Γ ) the dual of H 1 (Γ ). Then we may choose Z = L2 (Ω) so that our OCP becomes β ˜ u) = 1 ky − zd k2 2 J(y, kuk2H 1 (Γ ) → min L (Ω) + 2 2


with u ∈ H 1 (Γ ) . Clearly, since β > 0, we have existence and uniqueness of the optimal control u ˆ ∈ H 1 (Γ ). • Optimality conditions. Using the extension method for the state problem and keeping the notations of the case U = U 0 = H 1/2 (Γ ), we introduce the Lagrangian functional L (z, u, p) =

1 β kz+uext −zd k2L2 (Ω) + kuk2H 1 (Γ ) +(f, p)L2 (Ω) −(∇uext , ∇p)L2 (Ω) −(∇z, ∇p)L2 (Ω) . 2 2

The adjoint system still coincides with (5.172); however, the Euler equation becomes now a differential equation on Γ and using once more (5.157), it takes the form   ∂ pˆ 0 ˆ = 0 ∀v ∈ H 1 (Γ ) . (5.176) Lu v = β (∇Γ u ˆ, ∇Γ v)L2 (Γ ) + β (ˆ u, v)L2 (Γ ) − ,v ∂n H −1/2 ,H 1/2 We can summarize these conclusions as follows. Proposition 5.17. Consider the OCP (5.175), (5.149). Then the control u ˆ ∈ H 1 (Γ ) and 1 the state yˆ ∈ H (Ω) are optimal if and only if, together with the adjoint state pˆ ∈ H01 (Ω), u ˆ and yˆ are solutions of the state problem (5.149), the adjoint equation (5.172), and the Euler equation (5.176). Here the drawback is the appearance of the tangential gradients both in the cost functional and in the Euler equation. An application of this approach will be considered in Sect. 5.13.2.

5.12 A State-Constrained Control Problem In this section we consider a state-constrained optimal control problem where both control and observation are distributed. Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain and set Uad = U = L2 (Ω); we want to solve the minimization problem 1 β J˜ (y, u) = ky − zd k2L2 (Ω) + kuk2L2 (Ω) → min 2 2



with β > 0, subject to

and to the state constraints

5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

  −∆y + y = u  ∂y = 0 ∂n

in Ω on Γ

ya (x) ≤ y (x) ≤ yb (x) a.e in Ω,



where ya , yb ∈ L∞ (Ω). Hereon in this section we denote the optimal control problem (5.177)– (5.179) by (P). With reference to the general framework of Sect. 5.3, here Z = L2 (Ω) , V = H 1 (Ω) and the observation operator C : V → Z is given by Cy = y. According to Proposition 5.8, for every u ∈ L2 (Ω) there exists a unique weak solution y = y (u) ∈ H 1 (Ω) with ky (u)kH 1 (Ω) ≤ C (d, Ω) kukL2 (Ω) (5.180) and we can consider the reduced cost functional J (u) = J˜ (y (u) , u). For (5.179) to make sense, we restrict to dimensions d = 2, 3; indeed, in this case, from the elliptic regularity property (see Theorem 5.8) we have y (u) ∈ C(Ω). The presence of the state constraints (5.179) is troublesome from both a theoretical and a numerical standpoint. Since β > 0, as long as there exists a feasible point u, that is one for which the corresponding y (u) satisfies (5.179), there exists a unique optimal control u ˆ; this follows from the general Theorem 5.4. Hence, existence and uniqueness of the optimal control are not an issue. Things change significantly when we come to first order optimality conditions. Indeed, it is known from Karush-Kuhn-Tucker theory in Banach spaces that Lagrange multipliers associated to the state constraints exist under suitable assumptions that generalize those in the finite dimensional case (see Sect. 2.3). Even more crucially, these multipliers are measures [235] rather than, say, L2 −functions, a circumstance rather uncomfortable to be addressed numerically. To overcome this difficulty a Laurentiev-type regularization technique can be invoked. This is a rather common approach in the treatment of inverse problems, consisting in three steps: first we introduce a regularization parameter λ > 0 and replace the state constraints (5.179) by ya (x) ≤ λu (x) + y (x) ≤ yb (x) a.e in Ω (5.181) obtaining what we call a regularized control problem, denoted by (P )λ . Then (step 2), we convert problem (P )λ into an equivalent one, with control box-constraints only, we check its well-posedness and derive the usual first-order optimality conditions under the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) form. Finally (step 3), we let λ → 0 to recover the solution of the original problem. The two following results address steps 2 and 3, respectively. Our presentation follows [197]; similar considerations can also be found in [198]. We first characterize the optimality conditions of problem (P )λ , corresponding to the step 2 of the Laurentiev-type regularization method. The following result holds. Theorem 5.9. The regularized control problem (P )λ admits a unique optimal pair  (ˆ uλ , yˆλ ) ∈ L2 (Ω) × H 1 (Ω) ∩ C(Ω) .

Moreover (ˆ uλ , yˆλ ) is optimal if and only if there exist nonnegative Lagrange multipliers ηλ , ξλ ∈ L2 (Ω) and an adjoint state pˆλ ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∩ C(Ω) such that the following optimality system holds:

5.12 A State-Constrained Control Problem

   yλ + yˆλ = u ˆλ  −∆ˆ         −∆ˆ pλ + pˆλ = yˆλ − zd + ηλ − ξλ


∂ yˆλ = 0 on Γ ∂n ∂ pˆλ = 0 on Γ ∂n

in Ω, in Ω,

state problem adjoint problem

  pˆλ + β u ˆλ + λ(ηλ − ξλ ) = 0      ya ≤ λˆ uλ + yˆλ ≤ yb , ξλ ≥ 0, ηλ ≥ 0 a.e. in Ω     ξλ (λˆ uλ + yˆλ − ya ) = ηλ (yb − λˆ uλ − yˆλ ) = 0

KKT conditions

Proof. Let us introduce a new control variable by setting v = vλ = λu + Su, where S : u → y (u) is the (linear and symmetric) control-to-state map. Since y (u) ∈ H 1 (Ω), a space that is compactly contained into L2 (Ω), when operating from L2 (Ω) into L2 (Ω) , S is compact and its eigenvalues are all positive (see [237, Chapter 6]). It follows that, for λ > 0, the operator Sλ = λI + S has a continuous inverse Sλ−1 = (λI + S)−1 : L2 (Ω) → L2 (Ω) . In particular

kvkL2 (Ω) = kSλ ukL2 (Ω) ≤ C0 kukL2 (Ω) = C0 Sλ−1 v L2 (Ω)


for a suitable constant C0 , depending only on d, λ and Ω. Setting Bλ = SSλ−1 and inserting Sλ−1 v = u and y (u) = Bλ v into J (u) we are led to the following OCP:

2 1 β  Jλ (v) = kBλ v − zd k2L2 (Ω) + Sλ−1 v L2 (Ω) −→ min    2 2    


subject to

v ∈ Vad = v ∈ L2 (Ω) : ya ≤ v ≤ yb a.e. in Ω .

Note that v is only subject tobox-constraints. An optimal solution vˆλ for (5.183) corresponds to an optimal pair (ˆ uλ , yˆλ ) = Sλ−1 vˆλ , Bλ vˆλ for problem (P )λ and, conversely, if (ˆ uλ , yˆλ ) is an optimal pair for (P )λ , then vˆλ = Sλ u ˆλ is optimal for (5.183). The two problems are therefore equivalent. Problem (5.183) fits into the framework of Sect. 5.2, as Jλ (v) =

1 q (v, v) − Lv + c 2

provided we set q (v, w) = (Bλ v, Bλ w)L2 (Ω) + β Sλ−1 v, Sλ−1 w

L2 (Ω)



Lv = (Bλ v, zd )L2 (Ω) .

Now, q is symmetric and thanks to (5.180) and (5.182), it is also continuous and coercive (as β > 0) in L2 (Ω), while L is continuous in L2 (Ω). Then, Theorem 5.3 ensures existence and uniqueness of the optimal control vˆλ , characterized by the following variational inequality (Bλ vˆλ − zd , Bλ (v − vˆλ ))L2 (Ω) + βSλ−1 vˆλ , Sλ−1 (v − vˆλ )

L2 (Ω)


∀v ∈ Vad .


Since both S and Sλ−1 are self-adjoint operators, we can write (5.184) under the form (since Bλ = SSλ−1 )



Sλ−1 S (Bλ vˆλ − zd )L2 (Ω) + βSλ−1 vˆλ , v − vˆλ

 L2 (Ω)


∀v ∈ Vad .


This latter inequality shows that ∇Jλ (ˆ vλ ) = Sλ−1 S (Bλ vˆλ − zd ) + βSλ−1 vˆλ = gλ ∈ L2 (Ω) .

Set + ξλ = g λ = max {0, gλ } and ηλ = max {0, −gλ } .

With the same argument used in the proof of Proposition 5.4, it turns out that (5.185) is equivalent to the following Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, valid a.e. in Ω:


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

  −1  −1   Sλ S (Bλ vˆλ − zd ) + βSλ vˆλ + ηλ − ξλ = 0    ya ≤ vˆλ ≤ yb


ξλ ≥ 0, ξλ (ˆ v λ − ya ) = 0 ηλ ≥ 0, ηλ (yb − vˆλ ) = 0.

    

Note that ξλ and ηλ play the role of Lagrange multipliers associated to the constraints ya ≤ vλ and vλ ≤ yb , respectively. An important consequence of the regularization procedure is that both ξλ and ηλ are L2 (Ω) functions rather than measures. Applying Sλ = λI + S to both sides of the first equation in (5.186) we get S (Bλ vˆλ − zd + ηλ − ξλ ) + βSλ−1 vˆλ + λ(ηλ − ξλ ) = 0.


By expressing (5.187) in terms of the optimal pair (ˆ uλ , yˆλ ) = Sλ−1 vˆλ , Bλ vˆλ for problem (P )λ , we get

S (ˆ yλ − zd + ηλ − ξλ ) + β u ˆλ + λ(ηλ − ξλ ) = 0. Observe now that pˆλ = S (ˆ y λ − z d + η λ − ξλ ) is the solution of the adjoint problem

 pλ + pˆλ = yˆλ − zd + ηλ − ξλ  −∆ˆ

in Ω

 ∂ pˆλ = 0 ∂n

on Γ.


Since ηλ , ξλ ∈ L2 (Ω), the adjoint problem (5.188) admits a unique solution pˆλ ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∩ C(Ω).

t u

Regarding the recovery of the solution of the original problem (P ) – which we have referred to as step 3 – the following result holds; see, e.g., [197] for its proof. Theorem 5.10. Let {λn } , λn > 0, be a sequence converging to 0 and u ˆn , u ˆ be the optimal solution of problem (P )λn and of (P )λ , respectively. Then u ˆn → u ˆ in L2 (Ω). Remark 5.19. A Laurentiev-type regularization can also be applied to the case of boundary control by looking for controls in the range of the adjoint operator S ∗ . In the case of Neumann control, (5.178) is replaced by (

−∆y + y = 0 ∂y =u ∂n

in Ω on Γ.


In this case, we can make the ansatz u = S ∗ v with a new control v defined in Ω. This allows to express the pointwise state constraint (5.179) under the form ya ≤ SS ∗ v ≤ yb a.e. in Ω, and to express the combined state/control constraint in the regularized problem as ya ≤ λv + SS ∗ v ≤ yb a.e. in Ω. See, e.g., [264] for further details. • Remark 5.20. Alternative regularization techniques can be used. For instance, in the MoreauYosida regularization (see, e.g., [142]) one state constraint {y ≤ yb } is included in the penalized functional Z Z 1 β 1 2 2 (y − zd ) dx + u2 dx+ kmax {0, µ + γ (y − yb )}kL2 (Ω) 2 Ω 2 Ω 2γ where γ and µ are a penalization and a shift parameters, respectively. In this case, the optimality conditions lead to the adjoint problem

5.13 Control of Viscous Flows: the Stokes Case



−∆ˆ p + pˆ = yˆ − zd − max {0, µ + γ (ˆ y − yb )} ∂ pˆ =0 ∂n

in Ω on Γ

and to the Euler equation βu ˆ − pˆ = 0

in Ω.

5.13 Control of Viscous Flows: the Stokes Case In this section we consider two examples of OCPs for fluid flows modeled by the linear steady Stokes equations. The Stokes equations describe the flow of a Newtonian, incompressible viscous fluid confined in a (sufficiently smooth) domain Ω ⊂ Rd when convective forces can be neglected. We start by considering an unconstrained problem, then we turn to a problem involving control constraints.

5.13.1 Distributed Velocity Control In the first case we want to approach a given velocity distribution zd over the bounded Lipschitz domain Ω ⊂ Rd , d = 2, 3 by controlling a distributed force u. Thus we seek the solution of the following minimization problem Z Z 1 τ J(u) = |v(u) − zd |2 dx + |u|2 dx → min (5.190) 2 Ω 2 Ω where τ > 0 and (v, π) = (v(u), π(u)) denotes the solution of the following steady Stokes system:    −ν∆v + ∇π = f + u in Ω    in Ω  div v = 0 (5.191) v = 0 on ΓD       −πn + ν ∂v = h on ΓN . ∂n Here v and π denote the fluid velocity and pressure, respectively, while ν > 0 denotes its kinematic viscosity; f ∈ L2 (Ω)d , h ∈ L2 (ΓN )d are given data. The first equation expresses the conservation of the linear momentum of the fluid, while the second equation, also denoted as incompressibility condition, enforces the mass conservation. Moreover, we impose the zero velocity profile over ΓD ⊂ Γ and the normal Cauchy stress h over ΓN = Γ \ Γ¯D . We define the velocity space X = HΓ1D (Ω)d , the pressure space Q = L2 (Ω), and we set V = X × Q; y = (v, π) denotes the state variable. Moreover, we take U = L2 (Ω)d as control space; here Uad = U , that is, the OCP is unconstrained. Before addressing the well-posedness of problem (5.190)–(5.191), we provide further details about the weak formulation (and the well-posedness) of the state problem; indeed, this is the first time we are dealing with a state problem given by a system of PDEs, which moreover features a saddle-point form. This avoids the use of divergence free spaces, somewhat uncomfortable from a numerical point of view. For (v, w) ∈ X × X, q ∈ Q we define the bilinear forms e : X × X → R, b : X × Q → R as Z Z e(v, w) = ν∇v : ∇w dx, b(v, q) = − q divv dx, (5.192) Ω


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

where ∇v : ∇w = and we set (∇v, ∇w)L2 =


d X ∂vi ∂wi ∂x j ∂xj i,j=1

∀v, w ∈ X.

k∇wk2L2 =

∇v : ∇w dx,

since the Poincar´e inequality holds in X. Moreover, we define the linear functionals Z Z Fϕ = (f + u) · ϕ dx + Ω



∇v : ∇v dx = kwk2X

h · ϕ dσ.

The weak form of problem (5.191) thus reads: find (v, π) ∈ X × Q such that ( e(v, ϕ) + b(ϕ, π) = F ϕ ∀ϕ ∈ X b(v, φ) = 0 ∀φ ∈ Q.


System (5.193) is obtained by multiplying the first equation in (5.191) by a test function ϕ ∈ X and the second one by a test function φ ∈ Q, exploiting the Green identity and integrating by parts. • Analysis of the state system (5.193). The weak formulation (5.193) results into a mixed variational problem; its well-posedness can be proved by means of Theorem A.7, see Sect. A.4.2. Indeed the following conditions hold: 1. e is continuous over X × X; in fact, |e(v, w)| ≤ νk∇vkL2 k∇wkL2 = νkvkX kwkX ; 2. e is coercive on X and, in particular, on X0 = {v ∈ X : b(v, q) = 0 ∀q ∈ Q}, since e(w, w) = νk∇wk2L2 = νkwk2X ; 3. b is continuous over X × Q, since |b(v, q)| ≤ kqkQ kdivvkL2 (Ω) ≤

dkqkQ k∇vkL2 =

dkqkQ kvkX ;

4. b satisfies the inf-sup condition: there exists β0 > 0 such that inf sup

q∈Q w∈X

b(w, q) ≥ β0 . kwkX kqkQ


The last condition is an immediate consequence of a general result stating that for any q ∈ Q = L2 (Ω) there exists w ∈ X such that divw = q and kwkH 1 (Ω) ≤ CkqkQ , for a constant C > 0 independent of w and q 10 . Thanks to this result, we have that, given q, there exists w such that kqk2Q b(w, q) 1 = ≥ kqkQ ; kwkX kwkX C 10

Let q ∈ L2 (Ω) , fix v0 ∈ X such that

Z v0 · n dσ = 1 ΓN

and set v = v0


q. Then kvkX ≤ a kqkL2 (Ω) , where a = |Ω|1/2 kv0 kX , and




divv = Ω

v · ndσ = ΓN

q. Ω

5.13 Control of Viscous Flows: the Stokes Case


hence, sup v∈X

b(v, q) b(w, q) 1 ≥ ≥ kvkX kqkQ kwkX kqkQ C

∀q ∈ Q.

By taking the infimum with respect to q ∈ Q we get (5.194) with β0 = 1/C. Thus there exists a unique solution to system (5.193). Moreover, the stability estimates (A.23) yield in this case kp(u)kQ ≤ C˜1 kF kX ∗ ,

kv(u)kX ≤ C1 kF kX ∗ ,

where C1 , C˜1 are positive constants depending only on ν, β0 . In particular, v0 (u) = v(u)−v(0) and π0 (u) = π(u) − π(0) are such that kv0 (u)kX ≤ C1 kukU ,

kπ0 (u)kQ ≤ C˜1 kukU

∀u ∈ U .

Remark 5.21. Using divergence free spaces, we seek velocity functions in the closed subspace of X given by Xdiv = {v ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)d : divv = 0}, a Hilbert space endowed with the norm kvkXdiv = k∇vkL2 . This eliminates the pressure on the first equation in (5.191), whose weak formulation is : find v ∈ Xdiv such that e(v, ϕ) = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω)d

∀ϕ ∈ Xdiv .


By the Lax-Milgram theorem A.6, (5.195) has a unique solution that satisfies the condition divv = 0. To recover the pressure, we observe that the vector G = ∆v + f + u ∈ X ∗ satisfies the equation hG, ϕiX ∗ ,X = 0

∀ϕ ∈ Xdiv .

Hence (see, e.g., [105, Lemma 2.1]) if Ω is a bounded, Lipschitz domain, there exists a unique π ∈ L2 (Ω) such that G = ∇π and that (v, π), satisfies the Neumann boundary condition in a suitable sense 11 . • • Existence and uniqueness of an optimal control. We can now analyze the well posedness of problem (5.190)–(5.191); a general result can be obtained as in the case of Theorem 5.4, once the OCP has been cast under the general form of a linear-quadratic OCP described in Sect. 5.3. ˜ ∈ H01 (Ω)d such that div˜ Thus π = q−divv has zero mean value. By, e.g., [105, Theorem 5.1], there exists v v=π ˜ and π. Then w = v ˜ + v satisfies divw = q − divv + divv = q. with k˜ v kX ≤ C kπkL2 (Ω) , C independent of v Moreover kwkX ≤ (C + bC + a) kqkL2 (Ω) where b = |Ω|1/2 kdivv0 kL2 (Ω) . 11

Let σ = −ν∇v + πId where Id is the identity matrix in Rd . The Stokes equation implies that σ ∈ Hdiv (Ω) = {u ∈ L2 (Ω)d : divu ∈ L2 (Ω)} −1/2

and therefore (see [176]) σ · n|ΓN is well defined as an element of H00 1/2 H00


1/2 H00


(ΓN )d , the dual of the Hilbert space


(ΓN ) where (ΓN ) = {g ∈ (ΓN ) : ∃u ∈ (Ω) , u|ΓN = g}, see Sect. A.5.10. Using formula (A.51) one can show that the Neumann condition holds in the following sense

σ · n|ΓN , η


= (h, η)L2 (Γ




where h·, ·iΓN denotes the duality pairing between H00


∀η ∈ H00 (ΓN )d 1/2

(ΓN )d and H00 (ΓN )d .


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

In this case we denote by B : U → X ∗ × Q∗ the control operator B(u) = (u, 0), and by C : X × Q → Z = X × Q the observation operator C(v, π) = (v, 0). Remark 5.22. The image of the operator C is isometrically isomorphic (see Sect. A.1.3) to X, thus we can identify Z with X in this case. • Moreover, we can write the cost functional (5.190) under the form (5.56) by setting q (u, η) = (v0 (u), v0 (η))L2 (Ω)d + τ (u, η)U ,


1 2 kv (0) − zd kL2 (Ω)d . 2 q is continuous and coercive in U (as τ > 0) and L is continuous in U . Hence, there exists a unique solution of problem (5.190)–(5.191). • Optimality conditions. As in the cases previously analyzed, we can recover the system of first-order (necessary and sufficient) optimality conditions in weak form, introducing the Lagrangian L = L((v, π), u, (z, q)) given by Lu = (v0 (u), v (0) − zd )L2 (Ω)d ,

L ((v, π), u, (z, q)) =


1 τ 2 2 kv − zd kL2 (Ω)d + kukL2 (Ω)d (5.197) 2 2 −e (v, z) − b(z, π) − b(v, q) + (f + u, z)L2 (Ω)d + (h, z)L2 (ΓN )d

where (z, q) ∈ X × Q are the adjoint variables (or Lagrange multipliers related to the constraints represented by the equations in the state system). By taking the derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect to the state variables and setting them equal to zero, we obtain ˆ (z, ˆ qˆ)) ϕ = (ˆ ˆ − b(ϕ, qˆ) = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ X, L0v ((ˆ v, π ˆ ), u, v − zd , ϕ)L2 (Ω)d − e(ϕ, z) ˆ (z, ˆ qˆ)) φ = −b(z, ˆ φ) = 0 L0π ((ˆ v, π ˆ ), u,

∀φ ∈ Q.


Equations (5.198) yields the weak formulation of the adjoint problem: this latter is again a Stokes problem, with homogeneous Dirichlet/Neumann conditions, and source term (for the momentum equation) equal to vˆ − zd :  −ν∆zˆ + ∇ˆ q = vˆ − zd in Ω      in Ω  divzˆ = 0 zˆ = 0      ∂ zˆ  −ˆ qn + ν =0 ∂n

on ΓD

on ΓN .

By taking the derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to the control variable, we obtain the Euler equation ˆ (z, ˆ qˆ)) η = (zˆ + τ u, ˆ η)L2 (Ω)d = 0 L0u ((ˆ v, π ˆ ), u, Finally, from (5.199) we obtain 0

ˆ η= J (u)


ˆ · η dx = 0 (zˆ + τ u)

∀η ∈ L2 (Ω)d .

∀η ∈ L2 (Ω)d

thus yielding the expression of the gradient of the cost functional



5.13 Control of Viscous Flows: the Stokes Case


ˆ = zˆ + τ u ∇J(u) ˆ. Remark 5.23. The case of a velocity profile g 6= 0 on ΓD requires an extension of the procedure R 1/2 described in this section. If g ∈ H00 (ΓD ) with ΓD g · ndσ = 0, there exists a function rg ∈ HΓ1N (Ω)d , called lifting of g, such that rg |ΓD = g and divrg = 0 (see, e.g., [105, Chap. 1, Lemma 2.2]). The function v˜ = v − rg satisfies (5.191) with v˜|ΓD = 0 and − πn + ν

∂ v˜ ∂ r˜g −1/2 =h−ν ∈ H00 (ΓN )d . ∂n ∂n

The analysis of the state problem, as well as the derivation of the optimality conditions, can be easily adapted to the case where the velocity field is v˜. • Remark 5.24. An alternative treatment of optimal control problems for Stokes equations with respect to Lagrange multiplier techniques can be found in [126], where a penalty/least-squares method using least-squares variational principles to treat the PDE constraints is used. •

5.13.2 Boundary Velocity Control, Vorticity Minimization As in the example introduced in Sect. 1.6, we consider the problem of reducing the vorticity in the proximity of a body immersed in a fluid through a velocity control operated on a portion of its boundary. Using the same notation of Sect. 1.6, we denote by Ω ⊂ R2 , the region occupied by the fluid, and by Γin , Γout and Γw the inflow, outflow and wall boundary portions, respectively, while Γ = ∂Ω. The boundary of the body is denoted by ΓB , whereas Γc ⊂ ΓB is the control boundary (see Fig. 5.1). The goal is to minimize the vorticity (and thus the drag, as a result) by controlling the velocity u on the boundary Γc ⊂ ΓB . Thus, we seek the solution of the minimization problem12 Z Z 1 τ |∇ × v(u)|2 dx + |∇u|2 dσ → min (5.201) J(u) = 2 Ω 2 Γc where τ > 0 and (v, π) = (v(u), π(u)) is the solution of the following steady Stokes system:  −ν∆v + ∇π = f in Ω      divv = 0 in Ω      v = v∞ on Γin (5.202) v=u on Γc      v=0 on Γw ∪ (ΓB \ Γc )     ∂v  −πn + ν = 0 on Γout . ∂n We impose no-slip conditions13 on both Γw and ΓB \ Γc , no-stress conditions at the outflow Γout and Dirichlet conditions on the control boundary Γc . This is a Dirichlet boundary control problem, similarly to those addressed in Sect. 5.11. We consider suction/injection of fluid through the control boundary Γc only in the normal direction, imposing a no-slip condition in the tangential one. 12

Recall that in two dimensions, ∇ × v =

∇×ϕ= 13

∂ϕ ∂ϕ ( ∂x , − ∂x ). 2 1

∂v2 ∂x1

∂v1 ∂x2

is a scalar, while, for a scalar ϕ, its curl is the vector

A better condition to impose on the non-physical boundary Γw would be a symmetry condition, prescribing the velocity to be (i) parallel to the boundary, v · n = 0, and such that the tangential stress is vanishing, ∂v (−πn + ν ∂n ) · t = 0. This introduces only slight differences in our weak formulation and functional setting.


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

Fig. 5.1 Domain for the boundary velocity control problem

As in Sect. 5.11, the natural choice for the control space would be U = H 1/2 (Γc )2 . As a consequence we would need to penalize the vorticity by adding the H 1/2 (Γc )2 -norm of the control variable in the cost functional. However, as seen in Sect. 5.11.1, a fractional inner product would arise from the optimality condition in the realization of the H 1/2 (Γc )-inner product. See, e.g., [159] for further details. Also, the choice U = L2 (Γc )2 and the use of the transposition method is not appropriate given the low regularity of the solution of a mixed problem, even in presence of more regularity of the domain. Thus the best choice here seems to be U = H01 (Γc )2 , requiring further regularity on the controls (see e.g. [128]). Moreover we handle the Dirichlet boundary conditions (involving the control function) by a Lagrange multiplier approach, as illustrated in Sect. 5.11; see also [125]. Note that a similar approach to treat non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions could have been exploited also to formulate problem (5.191), although its boundary data do not involve the control function. We have however opted for a lifting-based approach in that case since this is the most widely used approach in the numerical implementation. For ease of notation, hereon we 1/2 denote by T1 = H00 (Γ1 )2 and by h·, ·iΓ1 the duality pairing between T1 and its dual T1∗ . • Analysis of the state problem. First of all, we look for the weak formulation of the state problem. Let e and b be the bilinear forms defined in (5.192). Define  on Γc  u on Γw ∪ (ΓB \ Γc ) g(u) = 0   v∞ on Γin . 2

Let Γ1 = Γc ∪ Γin , Γ0 = Γw ∪ (ΓB \ Γc ). Assuming for simplicity that v∞ ∈ H01 (Γin ) we have g(u) ∈ (H01 (Γ1 ))2 ⊂ T1 with continuous injection. Finally, we introduce the state space X = HΓ10 (Ω)2 , endowed with the norm kvkX = k∇vkL2 . Observe that if v ∈ X, then v|Γ1 ∈ T1 .

5.13 Control of Viscous Flows: the Stokes Case


Our weak formulation of (5.202) reads as follows: find v ∈ X, π ∈ L2 (Ω), t ∈ T1∗ such that    e(v, ϕ) + b(ϕ, π) + ht, ϕiΓ1 = (f , ϕ)L2 (Ω)2 ∀ϕ ∈ X b(v, φ) = 0 ∀φ ∈ L2 (Ω) (5.203)   ∗ hλ, viΓ1 = hλ, g(u)iΓ1 ∀λ ∈ T1 . Note that a formal integration by parts in the first equation gives πn − ν

∂v =t ∂n

on Γ1


∂v =0 on Γout . ∂n For convenience, we group together the last two equations in (5.203) and obtain the following equivalent formulation: find v ∈ X, π ∈ L2 (Ω), t ∈ T1∗ such that ( e(v, w) + b(w, π) + ht, wiΓ1 = (f , w)L2 (Ω)2 ∀w ∈ X (5.204) b(v, φ) + hλ, viΓ1 = hλ, g(u)iΓ1 ∀(φ, λ) ∈ Q πn − ν

where Q = L2 (Ω) × T1∗ . Upon defining the bilinear form ˜b : X × Q → R as ˜b(w, (φ, λ)) = b(w, φ) + hλ, wiΓ 1 and the norm k(φ, λ)kQ =


q kφk2L2 (Ω) + kλk2T ∗ , 1

we rewrite problem (5.204) in the saddle-point form : find (v, (π, t)) ∈ X × Q such that ( e(v, ϕ) + ˜b(ϕ, (π, t)) = F1 ϕ ∀ϕ ∈ X (5.206) ˜b(v, (φ, λ)) = F2 (φ, λ) ∀(φ, λ) ∈ Q, with F1 ∈ X ∗ and F2 ∈ Q∗ given by F2 (φ, λ) = hλ, g(u)iΓ1 .

F1 w = (f , w)L2 (Ω)2 ,

The well-posedness of problem (5.206) follows from Theorem A.7. As in the case discussed in the previous section, the inf-sup condition on ˜b(·, ·) is the hardest assumption to verify; we prove that Lemma 5.2. There exists a constant β˜ > 0 such that inf


06=(φ,λ)∈Q 06=v∈X

˜b(v, (φ, λ)) ˜ ≥ β. kvkX k(φ, λ)kQ

˜ λ) ˜ ∈ Q, according to Riesz Theorem there exists a unique λ∗ ∈ T1 such that Proof. Given (φ, ˜ θiΓ = (λ∗ , θ) hλ, 1


H00 (Γ1 )

˜ T ∗ . Then we choose v ˜ ∈ X such that with kλ∗ kT1 = kλk 1

∀ θ ∈ T1 ,



5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs ˜ φ) 2 b(˜ v , φ) = (φ, L (Ω) ˜ = −λ v k˜ v kX

∀φ ∈ L2 (Ω)

on Γ1

∗ ˜ 2 ˜ φk ≤ C(k L (Ω) + kλ kT1 .


˜ can be obtained as follows. Let r ∈ X be such that its trace on ∂Ω is equal to Such v



 Z g=

  −λ∗

φ˜ dx +

on Γ1 on Γ0 on Γout

0  g



R Γout

λ∗ · n dσ




˜ = w + r, with w ∈ H01 (Ω) to be determined in order to have g0 · n = 1. Let us now set v ˜ div˜ v = divw + divr = φ,

that is, divw = φ˜ − divr. We have, from (5.209),


φ˜ dx − Ω


Z divr dx =

φ˜ dx +

Z Γ1

λ∗ ·n− dσ

Z g · n dσ = 0. Γout

Hence, there exists w ∈ H01 (Ω) with divw = φ˜ − divr so that div˜ v = φ˜ as required. Hence, using (5.208) ˜b(˜ ˜ λ))) ˜ ˜ + hλ, ˜ v ˜ 22 ˜iH −1/2 ,H 1/2 = kφk v , (φ, = b(˜ v , φ) + kλ∗ k2T1 L (Ω) 1 ˜ 1 ∗ 2 ∗ ˜ 2 ≥ (kφkL2 (Ω) + kλ kT1 ) ≥ (kφk v kX L (Ω) + kλ kT1 )k˜ ˜ 2 2C 1 1 ˜ 22 ˜ λ)k ˜ Q k˜ ˜ 2 ∗ )1/2 k˜ ≥ (kφk + kλk v kX = k(φ, v kX . T1 L (Ω) ˜ ˜ 2C 2C Thus (5.207) follows with β˜ =

1 ˜, 2C

˜ λ). ˜ ˜ and the infimum over (φ, by taking the supremum over v

t u

Hence, by applying Theorem A.7 (see Exercise 11 for the proof of the other assumptions), we have that for any u ∈ U the state problem (5.206) has a unique weak solution. Moreover,  kvkX + kπkL2 (Ω) + ktkT1∗ ≤ C kf kL2 (Ω) + kg(u)kT1 (5.210) ˜ where C depends only on ν, β.

• Existence and uniqueness of an optimal control. First note that, if v0 (u) = v(u) − v(0), π0 (u) = π(u) − π(0) and t0 (u) = t(u) − t(0), we have from (5.210), for any u ∈ U , kv0 (u)kX + kπ0 (u)kL2 (Ω) + kt0 kT1∗ ≤ CkukU since kg(u)kT1 ≤ CkukH01 (Γc )2 . Thus the solution of the OCP (5.201)–(5.202) exists and is unique since τ > 0. • Optimality conditions. To characterize the system of optimality conditions, we introduce the Lagrangian functional L ((v, π, t), u, (z, q, r)) = J˜ (v, u) + (f , z)L2 (Ω) − e (v, z) −˜b(z, (t, π)) + hr, g(u)iΓ − ˜b(v, (q, r)) 1


where (z, q, r) ∈ X × L2 (Ω) × T1∗ is the adjoint variable (or Lagrange multiplier related to the constraint represented by the state equations). To highlight the dependence on u, we rewrite the Lagrangian as

5.13 Control of Viscous Flows: the Stokes Case

L ((v, π, t), u, (z, q, r)) =

1 2



τ kuk2H 1 (Γc )2 0 2 Ω +(f , z)L2 (Ω)2 − e (v, z) − b(z, π) − ht, ziΓ1 +hr, uiΓc + hr, v∞ iΓin − hr, viΓ1 − b(v, q). |∇ × v|2 dx +

By differentiating the Lagrangian with respect to the adjoint variables and setting its derivaˆ u, ˆ (z, ˆ qˆ, rˆ))) tives to zero, we obtain (with Lˆ0(·) = L0(·) ((ˆ v, π ˆ , t), ˆ ψiΓ1 = 0 Lˆ0z ψ = (f , ψ)L2 (Ω) − e (ˆ v , ψ) − b(ψ, π ˆ ) − ht, 0 ˆ Γc + hκ, v∞ iΓin − hκ, vˆiΓ1 − b(ˆ Lˆ(q,r) (ξ, κ) = hκ, ui v , ξ) = 0

∀ψ ∈ X

∀(ξ, κ) ∈ Q

which is nothing but the weak form (5.204) of the state problem. Differentiating now the Lagrangian with respect to the state variables and setting its derivatives to zero, we obtain Z 0 ˆ ˆ − hr, ϕiΓ1 − b(ϕ, qˆ) = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ X Lv ϕ = (∇ × vˆ) · (∇ × ϕ)dx − e(ϕ, z) (5.212) Ω ˆ Γ1 + b(z, ˆ φ) = 0 Lˆ0(π,t) (φ, λ) = hλ, zi ∀(φ, λ) ∈ Q. Finally, differentiating the Lagrangian with respect to the control variable, we obtain the following Euler equation ˆ η)H01 (Γc )2 = 0 Lˆ0u η = −hˆ r , ηiΓc + τ (u,

∀η ∈ U .


Equations (5.212) represent the weak formulation of the following adjoint problem, which reads (see Exercise 12):  −ν∆zˆ + ∇ˆ q = ∇ × (∇ × vˆ)       divzˆ = 0 with

in Ω in Ω (5.214)

zˆ = 0 on Γ1 ∪ Γ0      ∂ zˆ  −ˆ qn + ν − (∇ × vˆ)n⊥ = 0 on Γout , ∂n rˆ = qˆn − ν

∂ zˆ + (∇ × vˆ)n⊥ ∂n

on Γ1 ,

where n⊥ = (−n2 , n1 ) is a tangential vector to the boundary. Recall that Γ1 = Γc ∪ Γin and Γ0 = Γw ∪ (ΓB \ Γc ). ˆ From (5.213) we can The Euler equation (5.213) constitutes a differential equation for u. ˆ ∈ Uad is deduce that the derivative of the reduced functional J (u) = J˜ (v (u) , u) at u = u given by ˆ η = (τ u, ˆ η)H 1 (Γc )d + hˆ J 0 (u) r , ηiΓc ∀η ∈ Uad . 0

1/2 H00 (Γc )d ,

Then, denoting by Tc = and by h·, ·iΓc the duality pairing between Tc and its dual d Tc∗ , we can introduce the embedding operator B : Tc∗ → H −1 (Γc ) defined by hB rˆ, ηiH −1 (Γc )d ,H 1 (Γc )d = hˆ r , ηiΓc 0


∀η ∈ H01 (Γc ) .


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

In this way, we find that ˆ = τu ˆ+w ˆ ∇J (u)


ˆ ∈ H01 (Γc ) is the unique weak solution to where w ˆ = B rˆ −∆w

in Γc .


Example 5.1. Assuming that Γc = {(x1 , k) : 0 < x1 < L} – see Fig. 5.1 – and that the control is under the form u = (0, u), u ∈ H01 (0, L), (5.213) becomes: find u ˆ ∈ H01 (0, L) such that Z L τ u ˆ0 η 0 dx1 = hˆ r2 , ηiΓc ∀η ∈ H01 (0, L) 0

which is the weak formulation of (

−τ u ˆ00 = rˆ2 u ˆ (0) = u ˆ (L) = 0.

in (0, L)

provided r2 is sufficiently smooth. • ˆ ∂z ˆ = Remark 5.25. Note that −ˆ q n + ν ∂n − (∇ × vˆ)n⊥ is well defined in T1∗ . Indeed, set w ˆ Then the first ∇ˆ v − (∇ˆ v )> and observe that, since div vˆ = 0, ∇ × ∇ × vˆ = −∆ˆ v = −divw. equation in (5.214) can be written in the form ˆ =0 div(−ν∇zˆ + qˆI + w) and therefore

∂ zˆ ∂ zˆ ˆ =ν − qˆn − wn − qˆn − (∇ × vˆ)n⊥ ∈ T1∗ . • ∂n ∂n Remark 5.26. (The Stokes solver ). We have seen that the weak solution (v, π, t) ∈ V = X × L2 (Ω) × T1∗ of the Stokes problem   e(v, ϕ) + b(ϕ, π) + ht, ϕiΓ1 = hF, ϕiX ∗ ,X ∀ϕ ∈ X b(v, φ) = (h, φ)L2 (Ω) ∀φ ∈ L2 (Ω) (5.216)  hλ, viΓ1 = hλ, GiΓ1 ∀λ ∈ T1∗ , ν

for any (F, h, G) ∈ V ∗ = X ∗ × L2 (Ω) × T1 exists and is unique. Moreover, n o kvkX + kπkL2 (Ω) + ktkT1∗ ≤ C kFkX ∗ + khkL2 (Ω) + kGkT1


˜ Then, we can introduce the operator R : V ∗ → V where C only depends on the constants ν, β. ∗ such that, for every (F, h, G) ∈ V , R (F,h, G) = (v, π, t) ∈ V


is the unique solution of (5.216). R is called the Stokes solver. By (5.217), R is a (linear) continuous isomorphism between V ∗ and V . Moreover, it is possible to show that R is selfadjoint (see Exercise 13). •

5.14 Exercises 1. Let U be a Hilbert space and K ⊆ U be a closed, convex subset. Let {um }m≥1 ⊂ K be such that um * u in U , that is (um − u, v)U → 0 as m → ∞, for all v ∈ U . Show that v ∈ K (this means that K is weakly sequentially closed ).

5.14 Exercises


[Hint. Let z =PrK u. Then (z − u, um − z) ≥ 0, m ≥ 1. Pass to the limit and conclude that u = z.] 2. Let q be a nonnegative and symmetric bilinear form on the Hilbert space U . Show the following Schwarz-type inequality p |q (u, v)| ≤ q (u, u) q (v, v)

with equality if and only if u and v are colinear. Deduce that u 7−→ q (u, u) is a convex function, strictly convex if q is positive. [Hint: observe that, for any real number t, 0 ≤ q (u + tv, u + tv) = . . .]. 3. Consider the optimality condition Z (ˆ p + βu ˆ) (v − u ˆ) dx ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ Uad (5.219) Ω

found in the constrained  problem of Sect. 5.2.3. Show that if the space of admissible controls is given by Uad = v ∈ L2 (Ω : v ≥ 0 a.e. in Ω) , then (5.219) is equivalent to the following system of complementarity conditions:  ˆ≥0 u pˆ + β u ˆ≥0 a.e. in Ω.  u ˆ(ˆ p + βu ˆ) = 0

4. Show that the Dirichlet/Neumann problem (5.91) is well posed if (b − c) · n ≤ 0 a.e. on ΓN ,

1 div (b − c) + r ≥ 0 a.e. in Ω. 2

5. Let zd ∈ L2 (Ω) be given and Ω0 ⊂ Ω. Analyze the problem Z Z 1 β 2 ˜ J (y, u) = |∇y − ∇zd | dx + u2 dσ → min, 2 Ω0 2 Γ β ≥ 0, subject to u ∈ Uad ⊂ L2 (Γ ), convex, closed, and to   Ey = −div(A∇y) = 0 in Ω ∂y +y =u on Γ.  ∂nE


In particular, examine the special cases

 Uad = u ∈ L2 (Γ ) , u ≥ 1 a.e. on Γ


n o Uad = u ∈ L2 (Γ ) , kukL2 (Γ ) ≤ 1 .

6. Let Uad ⊆ L2 (Ω), Wad ⊆ L2 (Γ ) both closed and convex sets. Analyze the problem Z Z Z 1 β1 β2 2 J˜ (y, u) = (y − zd ) dx + u2 dσ + w2 dσ → min, 2 Ω 2 Ω 2 Γ β1 , β2 > 0, subject to (u, w) ∈ Uad × Wad and to   −∆y + y = f + u in Ω ∂y =w on Γ.  ∂n


5 Quadratic control problems governed by linear elliptic PDEs

7. Let ΓD ⊂ Γ , ΓN = Γ \ΓD , Uad ⊆ L2 (ΓN ) be a closed and convex set. Analyze the problem Z Z 1 1 2 ˜ J (y, u) = |∇y − ∇zd | dx + u2 dx → min 2 Ω 2 ΓN subject to    −∆y + b · ∇y = f in Ω y=0 on ΓD   ∂y + hy = u on ΓN ∂n by choosing an appropriate functional setting and formulating reasonable hypotheses on the data. 8. Let Ω = (0, 1) × (0, 1). Analyze the problem Z Z 1 1 2 2 J˜ (y, u) = (y − zd ) dx + (u2 + |∇u| )dx → min, 2 Ω 2 Γ subject to

  −∆y = f ∂y +y =u  ∂n

in Ω on Γ.

9. Approximate controllability. Given zd ∈ L2 (Ω), consider the OCP Z 2 ˜ J (y, u) = (y − zd ) dx → min, Ω

subject to (y, u) ∈



(Ω) × L (Ω) and to  −∆y = u in Ω y=0 on Γ.

Show that, given ε > 0, it is possible to find uε such that J˜ (y (uε ) , uε ) < ε, through the following steps: • Show that if w ∈ L2 (Ω) and Z

y (u) w dx = 0

∀u ∈ L2 (Ω)


then w = 0. [Hint: y satisfies the equation (∇y, ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω)2 = (u, ϕ)L2 (Ω)

∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) .


Let z be the weak solution to −∆z = w in Ω and z = 0 on Γ . Then (∇z, ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω)2 = (w, ϕ)L2 (Ω)

∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) .


Inserting ϕ = z and ϕ = y into (5.222) and (5.223), respectively, and taking into account (5.221), deduce that (u, z)L2 (Ω) = 0 for each u ∈ L2 (Ω).] • Use the result above to deduce that the set S of solutions y (u), as u varies over L2 (Ω), is dense in L2 (Ω). [Hint: By contradiction assume that the closure in L2 (Ω) of S is a closed linear proper subspace of L2 (Ω) . Deduce that there exists an element z 6= 0, orthogonal to each element of S.]

5.14 Exercises


10. Verify that the Neumann problem (5.86) admits a unique solution also in the case where g ∈ H −1/2 (Γ ). 11. Verify the other assumptions of Theorem A.7 on the bilinear forms appearing in (5.206). 12. Show that the strong form of the adjoint problem (5.212) is provided by (5.214). [Hint: in two dimensions we have, for smooth vector fields v and ϕ, Z Z Z (∇ × ϕ) · w dx − ϕ · (∇ × w) dx = (ϕ · n⊥ )wdσ Ω


and, as a consequence, by taking w = ∇ × v, Z Z Z (∇ × v) · (∇ × ϕ) dx = (∇ × ∇ × v) · ϕ dx + (∇ × v)n⊥ · ϕdσ Ω



where n⊥ = (−n2 , n1 ) is a tangential vector to the boundary. Use (5.224) and integrate by parts the terms −e (ˆ v , ϕ) − b(ϕ, pˆ) in (5.212).] 13. Prove that the Stokes solver R defined in (5.218) is self-adjoint. ˜ G) ˜ G) ˜ h, ˜ ∈ V ∗ and R(F, ˜ h, ˜ = (˜ ˜ We have to show that [Hint: let (F, v, π ˜ , t). D E

˜ G) ˜ h, ˜ ˜ ∗ . (v, π, t) , (F, = (F, h, G) , (˜ v, π ˜ , t) V,V ∗

 Indeed, we have: v˜, π ˜ , t˜ ∈ X × L2 (Ω) × T1∗ is such that  ˜ ϕiX ∗ ,X ˜ ϕiΓ1 = hF, v , ϕ) + b(ϕ, π ˜ ) + ht,   e(˜ ˜ φ)L2 (Ω) b(˜ v , φ) = (h,   ˜ Γ1 hλ, v˜iΓ1 = hλ, Gi

V ,V

∀ϕ ∈ X

∀φ ∈ L2 (Ω) ∀λ ∈

T1∗ .


 Substitute (ϕ, φ, λ) = v˜, π ˜ , t˜ into (5.216) and (ϕ, φ, λ) = (v, π, t) into (5.225) and compare the expressions so obtained.]

Chapter 6

Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

In this chapter we address the numerical solution of OCPs with quadratic functional and linear state equation. For the sake of exposition we consider two different examples of state problems: a scalar advection-diffusion (-reaction) problem, and the Stokes system for viscous incompressible flows. After a quick overview in Sect. 6.1, in Sect. 6.2 we describe two general approaches which go under the name of optimize-then-discretize and discretize-then-optimize. In Sect. 6.3 we solve the OCPs by employing the numerical iterative methods for unconstrained optimization introduced in Sect. 3.1; the generalization of this approach to the constrained case – the so-called projected methods – is treated in Sect. 6.4. Some numerical results are shown in Sect. 6.5. Then, in Sect. 6.6 we consider a different strategy, based on the so-called all-at-once (or one-shot) methods, yielding the solution of a saddle point system in the unconstrained case, and the primal-dual active set method in the constrained case, see Sect. 6.8. Some numerical examples are shown in Sects. 6.7–6.9. Finally, we derive both a priori and a posteriori error estimates for linear-quadratic OCPs in Sects. 6.10–6.11, respectively.

6.1 A Classification of Possible Approaches Optimal control problems addressed in Chapter 5 can be written as PDE-constrained optimization problems under the following general form ˜ u) → min J(y,

subject to

G(y, u) = 0, y ∈ V, u ∈ Uad

where Uad ⊆ U denotes the space of admissible controls, expressed by a set of (inequality) control constraints, and the state problem G(y, u) = 0 plays the role of an equality constraint. We recall that two strategies can be pursued: we can either 1. either keep the constraint G(y, u) = 0 and treat both y and u as a single optimization variable, x = (y, u), 2. or eliminate the PDE constraint by introducing the control-to-state map u 7→ y(u), and replace y by y(u), the solution of G(y(u), u) = 0, thus keeping only u as optimization variable. The choice is often driven by external reasons: for instance, if we aim at building an optimization loop by using an existing PDE solver providing y = y(u), keeping only u as optimization variable is recommended.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0_6



6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

Depending on the way the PDE constraint is treated, we can use: • iterative methods, also referred to as black-box methods, where the PDE constraint is eliminated and the only optimization variable is the control u; • all-at-once methods, also referred to as one-shot methods, where the PDE constraint is explicitly kept in the problem formulation and both y and u are treated as optimization variables. In this chapter we present both iterative and all-at-once methods for linear-quadratic OCPs; extensions to nonlinear problems will be considered in Chapter 9.6. A chapter preview is reported in the table below. Iterative (or black-box) methods -

Treat u as optimization variable

All-at-once (or one-shot) methods -

Treat both y and u as optimization variables

Unconstrained OCPs Descent methods (Sect. 6.3) - Iterative update of control - Evaluation of the gradient of the cost - functional based on the adjont solution

Quadratic Programming (Sect. 6.6) - Solution of a large linear system - Efficient preconditioning for saddle-point - problems

Constrained OCPs Projected Descent methods (Sect. 6.4) - Projection of the updated control - on the set of admissible controls

Primal-Dual Active Set methods (Sect. 6.8) - Solution of a quadratic subproblem at each step - Update of active/inactive constraint sets

Even though for pedagogical reasons our presentation is mainly focused on the discrete (algebraic) problem, the methods above can also be formulated on the infinite dimensional problem (that is, on function spaces); we will first formulate the primal-dual active set method on the infinite-dimensional constrained OCP to highlight relevant mathematical properties of its construction.

6.2 Optimize & Discretize, or the Other Way Around? The interplay between optimization and discretization, which this section is devoted to, is an essential component of numerical approximation of OCPs. For the sake of exposition, we consider the OCP (5.1)–(5.2), here recalled for the reader’s convenience: Z Z β ˜ u) = 1 J(y, (y − zd )2 dx + u2 dx → min (6.1a) 2 Ω 2 Ω subject to u ∈ Uad , y ∈ V :  −∆y + b · ∇y = f + u in Ω (6.1b) y=0 on Γ, where β > 0 and Uad ⊂ U = L2 (Ω) denotes the set of admissible controls.

6.2 Optimize & Discretize, or the Other Way Around?


The weak formulation of the state problem (6.1a) reads: find y = y(u) ∈ V = H01 (Ω) such that a (y, ϕ) = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ ∈ V with a (y, ϕ) =


(∇y · ∇ϕ + b · ∇yϕ) dx;


f ∈ L2 (Ω) and b ∈ L∞ (Ω)d are given data, with divb ≤ 0. If we use the optimize-then-discretize (OtD) strategy, we carry out optimization first (at the continuous level, see, e.g., (5.25)) and then discretize the resulting optimality system. With the discretize-then-optimize (DtO) strategy, it is the other way around, that is we first discretize the state system, and then minimize the cost functional subject to the corresponding algebraic system, following the procedure described in Sect. 4.1. The two approaches do not necessary yield identical solutions in general. Before moving on, we introduce some notation regarding PDE discretization used throughout the book. Readers less-acquainted with the numerical approximation of PDEs can refer to Sect. B.2. To compute the solution of a problem like the state equation in (6.1) we use the finite element (FE) method, that we briefly recall in Sect. B.4 for the reader’s convenience. We therefore need to introduce suitable, finite-dimensional subspaces of both the state and the control space. From now on, we denote by Vh ⊂ V a family of finite-dimensional subspaces of V , such that dim Vh = Ny ; the subscript h > 0 is a characteristic discretization parameter (most typically, the mesh size). In the same way, we denote by Uh ⊂ U a family of finitedimensional subspaces of U , such that dim Uh = Nu . The dependence of both Ny and Nu on h is understood. For instance, we can set Vh = Xhr ∩ V , where  Xhr = vh ∈ C(Ω) : vh |K ∈ Pr ∀K ∈ Th , r = 1, 2, . . . (6.3)

is the space of globally continuous functions that are polynomials of degree at most r on the single elements of the triangulation Th . Here we restrict to Lipschitz domains Ω ⊂ Rd (d = 2, 3) with polygonal shape, for which Th represents a partition with non-overlapping elements K, triangles (d = 2) or tetrahedra (d = 3); h will denote the maximum diameter of the elements K. Note that Ny < dim Xhr when Dirichlet boundary conditions are imposed; in the case of a Neumann (or Robin) problem, Ny = dim Xhr . For the case at hand, we choose Uh = Xhr , thus yielding Ny = Nu , although different options make sense too. Note that, in general, the dimension Nu of the control variable may differ from Ny , that of the state variable: this can happen, for instance, when dealing with boundary control problems. We also point out that we do not explicitly consider as further discretization stage the evaluation of quadrature formulas needed to compute the arrays (namely, matrices and vectors involving integrals) arising from the discretization of a PDE problem. In other words, we refer to a discrete PDE problem as to the one obtained by replacing the infinite dimensional spaces with the corresponding finite dimensional ones, but still keeping the exact integral operators. This is called Galerkin method, as opposed to generalized Galerkin methods (or Galerkin methods with numerical integration) where integrals are replaced by numerical quadratures (see, e.g., [218]). For the sake of exposition we focus on the case of distributed control in the unconstrained case, hence Uad = U ; the treatment of control constraints makes the specific object of Sects. 6.4 and 6.8. The numerical approximation of Dirichlet boundary control problems, as well as of state constrained OCPs (that is, OCPs with constraints on the solution y of the state problem), requires more advanced tools and we only provide references to technical papers addressing these aspects.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

6.2.1 Optimize Then Discretize In the optimize then discretize approach (OtD, in short), we first recover a system of optimality conditions at the continuous level. For the case at hand, Proposition 5.2 (in weak formulation) yields: find y ∈ V , u ∈ U and p ∈ V such that:  a (y, ϕ) = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ ∈ V   ∗ a (p, ψ) = − (y − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω) ∀ψ ∈ V (6.4)   (βu − p, v)L2 (Ω) = 0 ∀v ∈ U .

Remark 6.1. Note that the adjoint variable has now an opposite sign than that appearing in the optimality conditions considered throughout Chapter 5. Although the two formulations are equivalent, the choice operated here is more convenient for the numerical approximation. • Then, we approximate the spaces V by Vh and U by Uh (two suitable finite-dimensional spaces) and replace (6.4) with the following problem: find yh ∈ Vh , uh ∈ Uh and ph ∈ Vh such  that: a (yh , ϕh ) = (f + uh , ϕh )L2 (Ω) ∀ϕh ∈ Vh   ∗ a (ph , ψh ) = − (yh − zd , ψh )L2 (Ω) ∀ψh ∈ Vh (6.5)   (βuh − ph , vh )L2 (Ω) = 0 ∀vh ∈ Uh .

Here the same space Vh is used to approximate both state and control variables; choosing two different spaces Vh , V˜h is also possible, see Sect. 6.2.3. Moreover, Vh is used to approximate the trial space (where we seek the solution) as well as the test space, thus yielding a Galerkin problem1 for both the state and the adjoint system in (6.5). We denote by {ϕj , j = 1, . . . , Ny } and {ψj , j = 1, . . . , Nu } a basis for Vh and Uh , respectively. Set yh (x) =

Ny X j=1

yh,j ϕj (x) ∈ Vh ,

ph (x) =

Ny X j=1

ph,j ϕj (x) ∈ Vh


as discrete state and adjoint variables, respectively, and uh (x) =

Nu X j=1

uh,j ψj (x) ∈ Uh


as discrete control variable, and introduce the stiffness matrix A ∈ RNy ×Ny (A)ij = a(ϕj , ϕi ),

i, j = 1, . . . , Ny ,


the control matrix B ∈ RNy ×Nu (B)ij = (ψj , ϕi )L2 (Ω) ,

i = 1, . . . , Ny , j = 1, . . . , Nu


and the vector f ∈ RNy (f )i = (f, ϕi )L2 (Ω) ,

i = 1, . . . , Ny .

Then (6.5)1 can be equivalently written as a linear system, Ay = f + Bu, with y = (yh,1 , . . . , yh,Ny ) ∈ R >




and u = (uh,1 , . . . , uh,Nu ) ∈ R >



A more general Petrov-Galerkin problem is obtained instead when the trial and the test spaces do not coincide; further details can be found in Sect. B.2.

6.2 Optimize & Discretize, or the Other Way Around?


The discrete adjoint problem (6.5)2 can be written in matrix form (see Exercise 1) as A> p = −M(y − zd ),


where p = (ph,1 , . . . , ph,Ny )T ∈ RNy while zd ∈ RNy is the vector of components2 (zd )i = (zd , ϕi )L2 (Ω) ,

i = 1, . . . , Ny .

We have exploited the property a∗ (ϕj , ϕi ) = a(ϕi , ϕj ) and defined the finite element (state) mass matrix M ∈ RNy ×Ny , (M)ij = (ϕj , ϕi )L2 (Ω) ,

i, j = 1, . . . , Ny .


Finally, equation (6.5)3 , expressing the minimization property, can be rewritten as βNu − B> p = 0


where N ∈ RNu ×Nu is the finite element (control) mass matrix, (N)ij = (ψj , ψi )L2 (Ω) ,

i, j = 1, . . . , Nu .


Summarizing, the vectors (y, u, p) ∈ R × R × R corresponding to the optimal state, control, and adjoint variables solve the following discrete KKT system:    Ay = f + Bu A> p = −M(y − zd ) (6.15)   T βNu − B p = 0, Ny

that is



    M 0 A> y M zd  0 βN −B>  u =  0  . p f A −B 0


Hu = b


H = βN + B> A> MA−1 B ∈ RNu ×Nu


Note that the reordering3 of the equations yields a block-symmetric matrix in (6.16); moreover, as we will see in Sect. 6.6, by considering y and u as components of a unique optimization variable will unveal an extremely convenient structure. By block Gaussian elimination of the vectors y and p, (6.13) yields the reduced system

where (A−> = (A−1 )> ) is the Hessian of the reduced cost functional (or reduced Hessian matrix), and b = B> A> M(zd − A−1 f ) ∈ RNu . Remark 6.2. In the case of a distributed control over the whole domain Ω, provided the same discretization is used for the state and the control variable, we have that B = M = N and all the blocks in the system (6.16) are square matrices. •


The target function zd ∈ L2 (Ω) could also be replaced by an approximation zdh ∈ Vh . For instance, we can consider zdh as the piecewise finite element approximation of degree r of zd , the continuous function Πhr zd obtained as the L2 projection or the Cl´ ement interpolant or Scott-Zhang interpolant of zd over Th [66, 242]. 3

Should we have operated with the opposite sign for the adjoint variable, see Remark 6.1, we would have ended up with a similar matrix with however different opposite signs for the extra-diagonal matrices A and B.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

A very similar system of equations is obtained when a cost functional like (5.65), involving an observation operator C : V → Z, is minimized, with zd ∈ Z. For instance, instead of (6.1a), we could consider the following problem (we refer to the general framework of Sect. 5.3.1): Z Z β ˜ u) = 1 J(y, (Cy − zd )2 dx + u2 dx → min (6.19a) 2 Ω 2 Ω subject to u ∈ Uad , y ∈ V :  −∆y + b · ∇y = f + u in Ω (6.19b) y=0 on ∂Ω, The associated system of optimality conditions related to (6.19) (in presence of control constraints) has been derived in (5.65). To get the corresponding discrete version, we can proceed similarly to what done for problem (6.1), by introducing a further finite dimensional space Zh (a priori different from Vh , depending on the observation operator at hand) to approximate the observation space Z. Let dim Zh = Nz and {ξj , j = 1, . . . , Nz } denote a basis of Zh . We obtain the following discrete system of optimality conditions: find yh ∈ Vh , ph ∈ Vh and uh ∈ Uh such that:  a (yh , ϕh ) = (f, ϕh )L2 (Ω) + (uh , ϕh )L2 (Ω) ∀ϕh ∈ Vh   ∗ a (ph , ψh ) = − (Cyh − zd , Cψh )L2 (Ω) ∀ψh ∈ Vh (6.20)   (βuh , vh )L2 (Ω) − (vh , ph )L2 (Ω) = 0 ∀vh ∈ Uh . Problem (6.20) can be equivalently rewritten from an algebraic standpoint as follows (see Exercise 2): denoting as usual by (y, u, p) ∈ RNy × RNu × RNy the vectors of degrees of freedom corresponding to the optimal state, control, and adjoint variables, they satisfy  >    >  C MC 0 A> y C M˜ zd  0 βN −B>  u =  0  . (6.21) p f A −B 0 The observation matrix C ∈ RNy ×Nz usually represents a (discrete) restriction operator. The mass matrix M ∈ RNz ×Nz is now given by (M)ij = (ξj , ξi )Z ,

i, j = 1, . . . , Nz .

All the conclusions and the results presented in the following sections are valid for any linearquadratic OCP under the form (6.19); nevertheless, for the sake of simplicity we restrict ourselves to the model problem (6.1). The extension to the case (6.19) is straightforward. Example 6.1. For the problem addressed in Sect. 5.5.1, Z = L2 (Ω0 ),where Ω0 is a given subset of Ω, whereas V = H 1 (Ω). The observation operator C : V → Z is the restriction operator Cy = χΩ0 y, hence C ∈ RNy ×Nz is a suitable rectangular matrix, and M ∈ RNz ×Nz is given by (M)ij = (ξj , ξi )L2 (Ω0 ) ,

i, j = 1, . . . , Nz .

Example 6.2. For the problem of Sect. 5.5.2, Z = V = H01 (Ω) and C : V → Z is the identity operator. Hence, C = I ∈ RNy ×Ny is the identity matrix, and (M)ij = (ϕj , ϕi )H01 (Ω) = a(ϕj , ϕi ) + (ϕj , ϕi )L2 (Ω) ,

i, j = 1, . . . , Ny ,

that is, M is the sum of the stiffness matrix A and the L2 (Ω) mass matrix.

6.2 Optimize & Discretize, or the Other Way Around?


Remark 6.3. In the case of a boundary control (say, of Neumann type) some of the blocks in system (6.16) are no longer squared. Consider for instance the problem addressed in Sect. 5.6 and assume that the observation is distributed on the whole domain Ω. In this case Nu is the number of Neumann boundary nodes, which is typically much smaller than Ny , the number of nodes of the state variable. •

6.2.2 Discretize then Optimize Alternatively to the previous strategy we may first discretize problem (6.1a)–(6.1b) by substituting all functional spaces by finite dimensional ones. By so doing we end up with the following discrete OCP: Z Z 1 β J˜h (yh , uh ) = (yh − zd )2 dx + u2 dx → min 2 Ω 2 Ω h (6.22) subject to uh ∈ Uh , yh ∈ Vh :

a (yh , ϕh ) = (f + uh , ϕh )L2 (Ω)

∀ϕh ∈ Vh .

This is the so-called discretize then optimize approach (DtO, in short). With the same notation of the previous section, problem (6.22) can be rewritten in algebraic form as follows: 1 β J˜h (y, u) = (y − zd )> M(y − zd ) + u> Nu → min 2 2 subject to u ∈ RNu ,


y ∈ RNy : Ay = f + Bu.

The algebraic OCP (6.23) is indeed very similar to the problems already analyzed in Sect. 4.1. It is characterized by a quadratic cost function and a set of linear equality constraints; since no further constraints are imposed on the optimization variables, the optimization problem is unconstrained. Since A is non-singular, we can formally invert the state system to get y = A−1 (f + Bu), then replace it in J˜h (y, u) to obtain the reduced cost function Jh (u) = J˜h (y(u), u) = J˜h (A−1 (f + Bu) , u).


According to Theorem 4.1, the solution of the optimization problem (6.23) is unique and is characterized by the following optimality conditions, as in (6.15):    Ay = f + Bu A> p = −M(y − zd ) (6.25)   > βNu − B p = 0. Indeed, by deriving (6.24), we obtain (see Exercise 3)

∇Jh (u) = βNu + B> (A−> M(A−1 (f + Bu) − zd )) = βNu − B> p provided that p, the discrete adjoint vector, fulfills A−> M(A−1 (f + B) − zd ) = p

AT p = −M(y − zd ).



6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

Fig. 6.1 OtD and DtO approaches in the case of linear-quadratic OCPs; the final discrete problems concide if a Galerkin approximation of both state and adjoint problems is adopted

We point out that, by following the DtO approach, the discretization ph of the adjoint variable p is automatically determined by the discrete test space used in the variational formulation of the state problem appearing in (6.23). Similarly, the discrete test space of the adjoint problem is equal to the discrete trial space of the state problem. Thus, if we consider a Galerkin approximation of the state equation, we find that ph ∈ Vh ; this is also clear if we recall the role of the adjoint variable in the Lagrangian functional.

6.2.3 Pro’s and Con’s In the case of linear-quadratic OCPs, the OtD and the DtO approaches generate the same problem, if a Galerkin approximation of both state and adjoint problems is adopted. More specifically, if we choose the same discrete space to approximate the state and the adjoint space in the OtD approach, the system of optimality conditions (6.15) is equal to (6.25). A graphical sketch of the two approaches is reported in Fig. 6.1. A case where the two approaches yield different algebraic systems is discussed in the next subsection. If the state and the adjoint variables are taken in two different finite-dimensional spaces, the discrete optimality system is not the same. Indeed, by choosing as adjoint space V˜h 6= Vh , dimV˜h = Np , with Np possibly different than Ny , and corresponding basis {ϕ˜j , j = 1, . . . , Np }, the OtD approach yields the following discrete adjoint problem ˜ = −T(y ˜ − zd ), Ap


instead of (6.11), where p = (ph,1 , . . . , ph,Np )T ∈ RNp is the discrete adjoint vector, while ˜ ∈ RNp ×Np and T ˜ ∈ RNp ×Ny are the matrices A ˜ ij = a(ϕ˜j , ϕ˜i ), (A) ˜ ij = (ϕj , ϕ˜i )L2 (Ω) , (T)

i, j = 1, . . . , Np , i = 1, . . . , Np , j = 1, . . . , Ny ,

6.2 Optimize & Discretize, or the Other Way Around?


that replace A> and M, respectively. Similarly, instead of (6.13) we get ˜ >p = 0 βNu − B ˜ ∈ RNp ×Nu , with B ˜ ij = (ψj , ϕ˜i )L2 (Ω) , (B) In compact form,

i = 1, . . . , Np , j = 1, . . . , Nu .

   ˜ 0 ˜ T A y  0 βN −B ˜ >  u =  p A −B 0

 ˜ d Tz 0 . f


˜ >A ˜ −1 TA ˜ −1 B ∈ RNu ×Nu is no longer The corresponding reduced Hessian matrix H = βN + B 4 symmetric, even if A is symmetric . Moreover, there is no optimization problem featuring (6.28) as optimality system. In conclusion, optimization and discretization steps do not commute in this case. Using different discretizations for the adjoint and the state variables could be motivated by the property that the adjoint variable is often more regular than the state variable (the latter tight to the regularity of the control function u; see e.g. [148]). Last, but not least, the numerical strategy pursued to compute the solution of an OCP should be consistent with the infinite dimensional system of optimality conditions. For instance, the identity βu − p = 0 a.e. in Ω that links the adjoint and the control variables in the case of problem (6.1) should ideally be preserved at the discrete level: this implies that the discrete control space and the discrete adjoint space coincide. Moreover, there are situations where approximating the adjoint variable in the same trial space of the state variable can be troublesome, see, e.g., [205, 204]. Concerning the numerical approximation of OCPs with Dirichlet boundary control, a special care must be paid when the control space is U = L2 (Γ ), and the very-weak solution of the state problem is involved in the system of optimality conditions (see Sect. 5.9). In general, a Dirichlet problem with L2 boundary data cannot be approximated by standard Galerkin techniques – see e.g. [33]. However, things are better in the case of OCPs with Dirichlet controls, since the solution of the OCP enjoys more regularity than the one required by the problem formulation. Indeed, the optimal state yˆ ∈ H 1 (Ω) is a variational solution of the state problem, so that we can exploit the standard finite element approximation as in the case of distributed or Neumann controls (see Sect. 5.11). A final comment is in order. So far in this Chapter we have mainly considered unconstrained OCPs since they also represent a first step towards the resolution of more general and involved problems. In fact, when tackling constrained OCPs, various techniques like active set strategies, penalty methods and Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) for more general nonlinear OCPs (see Chapter 9.6) involve the solution of a sequence of simpler problems with the same structure of (6.4) (or (6.15)). Developing suitable methods for these latter problems is crucial to design efficient algorithms for more challenging problems. The discrete formulation of an OCP with (pointwise) control constraints will be considered later in Sect. 6.8, directly at an algebraic level.


In the case of the OtD approach, if A is symmetric then H is symmetric as well.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

6.2.4 The case of Advection Diffusion Equations with Dominating Advection An example in which DtO and OtD lead to different solutions is that of OCPs with state problem like the one in (6.1) and suitable numerical stabilization techniques are employed on both state and adjoint equations. More specifically, let us consider as state problem the following advection-diffusion equation (with distributed control):    Ey = −div(ν∇y) + b · ∇y = u in Ω y=0 on ΓD (6.29) ∂y  ν =0 on ΓN , ∂n

where ν(x) ≥ ν0 for all x ∈ Ω, divb ≤ 0, Γ = Γ¯D ∪ Γ¯N , ΓD ∩ ΓN = ∅ and ΓN = {x ∈ ∂Ω : b(x) · n(x) > 0} is the outflow boundary. This represents a simplified version of the problem described in Sect. 1.3 dealing with the control of pollutant emissions from chimneys. We assume that transport dominates over diffusion; more precisely, that the P´eclet number P e(x) =

kb(x)kL∞ (Ω) L , 2ν0


is very large; here L denotes the linear dimension of the domain. We consider the following cost functional to be minimized, Z Z β ˜ u) = 1 J(y, (ky − zd )2 dx + u2 dx, (6.30) 2 Ω0 2 Ω for a suitable function k ∈ L∞ (Ω). Similarly to the case of problem (6.1), the system of optimality conditions reads: find y ∈ V , u ∈ U and p ∈ V such that  ∀ϕ ∈ V   a (y, ϕ) = (u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∗ (6.31) a (p, ψ) = (ky − zd , kψ)L2 (Ω0 ) ∀ψ ∈ V   (p + βu, v)L2 (Ω) = 0 ∀v ∈ U , with V = HΓ1D (Ω), U = L2 (Ω), and Z a (y, ϕ) = (ν∇y · ∇ϕ + b · ∇yϕ) dx,

a∗ (p, ψ) = a (ψ, p) .

In strong form the adjoint problem reads:  ∗   E p = −div(ν∇p + bp) = χΩ0 k(ky − zd ) in Ω p=0 on ΓD ∂p  ν + b · np = 0 on ΓN . ∂n


In both OtD and DtO approaches, to solve the state and the adjoint problems we use the Galerkin–Least–Squares (GLS) finite element formulation, a stabilized and strongly consistent method necessary to prevent numerical oscillations that would otherwise affect the Galerkin method for larger P´eclet numbers, see e.g. [218, Chapter 12].

6.2 Optimize & Discretize, or the Other Way Around?


Optimize then Discretize We discretize the optimality system (6.31) as follows: find yh ∈ Vh , uh ∈ Uh , ph ∈ Vh such  that: ∀ϕh ∈ Vh   a(yh , ϕh ) + sh (yh , ϕh ) = (uh , ϕh )L2 (Ω) ∗ ∗ (6.33) a (ph , ψh ) + sh (ph , ψh ) = (kyh − zd , kψh )L2 (Ω0 ) ∀ψh ∈ Vh   (ph + βuh , vh )L2 (Ω) = 0 ∀vh ∈ Uh , with X Z sh (yh , ϕh ) = δK R(yh ; uh ) Eϕh dx, (6.34) K∈Th

s∗h (ph , ψh ) =





δK R∗ (ph ; yh ) E ∗ ψh dx.


Here δK > 0 is a suitable stabilization parameter, to be chosen according to the local P´eclet number Peh = kbkL∞ (K) hK /2kνkL∞ (K) , hK = diam(K), whereas R(y; u) = Ey − u,

R∗ (p; y) = E ∗ p − C0 y,

C0 y = χΩ0 k (k y − zd ).

The terms sh and s∗h aim at controlling the numerical oscillations that would affect the pure Galerkin method (see [218]). Other stabilization strategies are of course available. The discretized system (6.33) is strongly consistent, meaning that if (y, u, p) solve (6.31) and are such that y, p ∈ H 2 (K) for any K ∈ Th , then (y, u, p) also solve (6.33). Note however that, due to the presence of the GLS terms sh (yh , ϕh ) and s∗h (ph , ψh ), and to the right-hand side of (6.33)2 , (6.33) cannot represent the system of optimality conditions for a discrete optimization problem. As a matter of fact, let us rewrite (6.33)1 as X Z ah (yh , ϕh ) = (uh , ϕh )L2 (Ω) + δK uh Eϕh dx ∀ϕh ∈ Vh K∈Th

where ah (yh , ϕh ) = a(yh , ϕh ) +




and, similarly, (6.33)2 as a∗h (ph , ψh )

= (kyh − zd , kψh )L2 (Ω) +

where a∗h (ph , ψh )

= a (ph , ψh ) +








δK Eyh Eϕh dx

δK C0 yh E ∗ ψh dx

∀ϕh ∈ Vh

δK E ∗ ph E ∗ ψh dx.

Since the advection term has different forms in the state Ey and adjoint E ∗ p operators, ah (ϕh , yh ) 6= a∗h (yh , ϕh ). Discretize then Optimize If we follow the DtO approach, we first discretize (by the same stabilized GLS formulation as in (6.33)1 –(6.34)), then we recover the optimality conditions by introducing the (now, discrete) Lagrangian functional Lh (yh , uh , ph ) = J(yh , uh ) + (uh , ph )L2 (Ω) − a(yh , ph ) − sh (yh , ph ).



6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

By differentiating Lh with respect to ph , yh , and uh , respectively, we obtain the following optimality system: find yh ∈ Vh , ph ∈ Vh and uh ∈ Uh such that  a(yh , ϕh ) + sh (yh , ϕh ) = (uh , ϕh )L2 (Ω) ∀ϕh ∈ Vh      a (ψ , p ) = (ky − z , kψ ) 2 ∀ϕh ∈ Vh h h h h d h L (Ω) Z (6.37) X    2 (p + βu , v ) + δ v Ep dx = 0 ∀v ∈ U . h h L (Ω) K h h h h   h K K∈Th

Note that the discrete state equation (6.37)1 is equal to the one, (6.33)1 , obtained with the OtD approach. Instead, the discrete adjoint equation (6.37)2 involves a stabilization term X Z s˜∗h (ph , ψh ) = δK Eψh Eph dx (6.38) K∈Th


different than the one given by (6.35), and appearing in (6.33)2 . There are therefore substantial differences between the discrete adjoint equation (6.37)2 and the discretized adjoint equation (6.33)2 , as well as between the discrete optimality condition (6.37)3 and the discretized optimality condition (6.33)3 : • while the discrete state equation is strongly consistent (as it happened for (6.33)1 ), (6.37)2 is not, that is, it is not satisfied if yh and ph are replaced by y and p, respectively. In fact, the discrete adjoint equation does not result from a weighted residual method applied to the continuous adjoint problem; • equation (6.37)2 is not the adjoint of equation (6.33)1 ; • the optimality condition (6.37)3 is not satisfied if uh and ph are replaced by u and p, respectively. To overcome this lack of consistency, we can follow the method proposed in [78] and introduce a different, stabilized Lagrangian functional Lsh (yh , ph , uh ) = L(yh , ph , uh ) + Sh (yh , ph , uh ), where Sh (y, p, u) =



δK R(y; u) R∗ (p; y) dx.

(6.39) (6.40)


By differentiating Lsh we obtain the new discretized state and adjoint equations a(yh , ϕh ) + s˜ ˜h (yh , ϕh ) = (uh , ϕh )L2 (Ω)

a∗ (ph , ψh ) + s˜ ˜∗h (ph , ψh ) = (kyh − zd , kψh )L2 (Ω0 )

∀ϕh ∈ Vh ∀ψh ∈ Vh ,

(6.41) (6.42)

which are still written under the form of (6.33)1 , (6.33)2 , respectively, yet involving the new stabilization terms X Z ˜ s˜h (yh , ϕh ; uh ) = − δK R(yh ; uh ) E ∗ ϕh dx, (6.43) K∈Th

s˜˜∗h (ph , ψh ; yh ) = −





δK (R∗ (ph ; yh ) Eψh − R(yh ; uh ) Gψh ) dx,

instead than sh , s∗h , respectively, with Gψ = χΩ0 k 2 ψ.


6.2 Optimize & Discretize, or the Other Way Around?


The optimality condition now becomes X Z (ph + βuh , vh )L2 (Ω) − δK R∗ (ph ; yh )vh dx = 0 K∈Th


∀vh ∈ Uh .


In this way, we still have a strongly consistent method for both the discrete state (6.41) and adjoint (6.42) problems. More importantly, equation (6.42) is indeed the adjoint of equation (6.41). Furthermore, the strong consistency property is also reflected in the optimality condition (6.45), which is indeed fulfilled if uh and ph are replaced by the optimal control u and the corresponding adjoint p, since R∗ (p; y) = 0.

6.2.5 The case of Stokes Equations Let us consider the following OCP for the Stokes equations (indeed very similar to the one addressed in Sect. 5.13.1) with distributed control and observation: Z Z Z 1 δ α 2 2 ˜ J(v, π, u) = |v − vd | dx + (π − πd ) dx + |u|2 dx → min 2 Ω 2 Ω 2 Ω subject to (v, π) ∈ V, u ∈ U , (6.46)  in Ω  −ν∆v + ∇π = f + u div v = 0 in Ω  v=g on Γ ;

vd ∈ L2 (Ω)d and πd ∈ L2 (Ω) are given target velocity and pressure fields, while δ > 0, α > 0 are given parameters. The second term of J penalizes the pressure, driving it to be as close as possible to πd ; its role will become clear in the sequel. For the numerical approximation of the OCP (6.46), we can follow either the OtD or the DtO approach; here we adopt the latter choice, the former yielding indeed the same result, provided the discrete spaces for both the state and the adjoint problems be the same (see Exercise 4). Let us introduce a stable pair of finite element spaces (Xh , Qh ) for the velocity and the pressure (such as the Taylor-Hood P2 –P1 finite elements; see Sect. B.2.3), of dimension Nv , Nπ , respectively; hence, Vh = Xh × Qh has dimension Ny = Nv + Nπ . Since we deal with distributed controls, here we can choose Uh = Xh . The discretized state equation in algebraic form reads         Mv u f E B> v = + . (6.47) π 0 0 g B 0 |{z} | {z } AS


Here (v, π, u) are the vectors of degrees of freedom corresponding to the optimal state (velocity and pressure) and control variables, respectively, Mv ∈ RNv ×Nv is the velocity mass matrix, E ∈ RNv ×Nv and B ∈ RNv ×Nπ is the matrix representations of the (vector) Laplace and divergence operators, f ∈ RNv and g ∈ RNπ account for the source terms and non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

The discrete counterpart of (6.46) reads 1 δ α 1 J˜h (v, π, u) = v> Mv v − v> Mv vd + π > Mπ π + u> Mv u + vd> Mv vd → min 2 2 2 2 Nv subject to u ∈ R , ( Ev + B> π = Mv u + f Nv Nπ v∈R , π∈R : Bv = g,


where Mπ is the pressure mass matrix. Introducing the discrete adjoint velocity z and pressure q, similarly to Sect. 6.2.2, we obtain the following optimality system: - state problem

- adjoint problem


Ev + B> π = Mv u + f Bv = g;


Ez + B> q = −Mv (v − vd ) Bz = −δMπ (π − πd );


− Mv z + αMv u = 0.


- optimality condition Equivalently, (6.49)–(6.51) can be rewritten in matrix form as follows:      Mv 0 0 E B> v Mv v d  0 δMπ 0     B 0    π  δMπ πd   0 0 αMv −Mv 0   u  =  0  .       E B> −Mv 0 0  z  f  q g B 0 0 0 0


If we introduce the aggregated variables for the state Y (velocity and pressure) and the adjoint P (adjoint velocity and pressure),     v z Y= , P= , π q we can highlight the same block structure of the system of optimality conditions (6.16). In fact, system (6.52) can be written as      M 0 AS Y fa  0 αMv −V>   u  =  0  , (6.53) P fs AS −V 0 provided we define   Mv 0 M= , 0 δMπ

 Mv V= , 0

 Mv v d fa = , δMπ πd

  f fs = . g


6.3 Iterative Methods (I): Unconstrained OCPs So far, we have derived the discrete optimality system for an unconstrained linear-quadratic OCP; both OtD and DtO approaches yield large linear systems to solve, with a saddle-point structure. Employing an efficient preconditioned iterative solver to compute its solution is the goal of all-at-once methods. We will describe them in Sect. 6.6.

6.3 Iterative Methods (I): Unconstrained OCPs


In this section we address a simpler class of methods, the so-called iterative (or black-box, or reduced space) methods, for the numerical solution of unconstrained OCPs, which rely on classical algorithms for numerical optimization, such as descent or trust-region methods (see Sects. 3.1–3.2). Iterative methods consider the state variable y as a function of u, the control, and then recast the OCP into an unconstrained optimization problem for u, ˜ J(u) = J(y(u), u) → min

subject to u ∈ U .


Once u is available, y(u) is computable by solving the state equation. Although an iterative method can also be set on the infinite-dimensional problem (6.55) in a Banach space setting (see, e.g., [148, Chapter 2]), here we introduce it on the discrete counterpart of (6.55), Jh (u) = J˜h (y(u), u) → min

subject to u ∈ RNu .


The optimization variable u is the vector of nodal values of the discrete control uh and Nu is the dimension of the discrete control space. For the sake of simplicity we focus on the model problem (6.1); the extension to advection-diffusion-reaction equations or Stokes equations is straightforward. When a descent method is employed, given an initial guess u0 ∈ RNu , we need to find iteratively a sequence {uk } such that uk+1 = uk + τk dk where dk is a descent direction (that can depend on the gradient ∇Jh and/or the Hessian5 H of the objective function Jh ) and τk > 0 is a suitable step size which should ensure that Jh (uk + τk dk ) < Jh (uk ). Below we apply the algorithms of Sect. 3.1 to problem (6.56).

Steepest descent method As seen in Sect. 3.1.1, the steepest descent method (also called gradient method) uses the direction dk = −∇Jh (uk ) at each step. It is globally convergent (that is for every choice of u0 ) but only linearly: it might therefore require a large number of steps to converge to the solution within a given tolerance. Moreover, it requires to evaluate the gradient ∇Jh at each step. The evaluation of Jh (¯ u) at ¯ (the generic iterate uk ) requires to solve the state problem in order to an arbitrary point u ¯ = y(¯ compute y u). In the same way, evaluating the reduced gradient ∇Jh (¯ u) requires to solve both the state and the adjoint problem, that is, two potentially large-scale linear systems (whose size depends on the dimension of the discrete space Vh ). Note that ∇Jh (¯ u) depends on the inner product we have chosen in RNu .


If the functional is quadratic, i.e. of the form Jh (u) =

1 > u Hu − b> u, 2

the (reduced) Hessian matrix H = β N + B> A−> MA−1 B ∈ RNu ×Nu defined in (6.18) does not depend on u. Evaluating its action Hw on a generic vector w involves, however, the solution of a state and an adjoint problem, see Sect. 6.3.1.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

Conjugate gradient method The conjugate gradient (CG) method improves the gradient method by using descent directions that are conjugate with respect to H, i.e. such that d> k H dk−1 = 0.


In the case of a more general (non quadratic) cost functional, H = H(uk ), the k-th descent direction is determined as dk = −∇Jh (uk ) + βk uk−1 where βk ∈ R is chosen so that (6.57) is fulfilled. For a quadratic functional, βk =

∇Jh (uk )> Hdk−1 . d> k−1 Hdk−1

In the case of a general nonlinear cost functionals, different nonlinear CG methods, corresponding to different choices of βk , can be employed, such as the Fletcher-Reeves and the Polak-Ribi`ere formulae, see equation (3.6) and Sect. 3.1.1.

Newton and quasi-Newton methods Among descent methods, Newton and quasi-Newton methods are those most employed. In the Newton method we minimize the quadratic functional 1 > m(dk ) = J(uk ) + d> k ∇Jh (uk ) + dk (H(uk ))dk 2 which represents an approximation of J(uk ) in a neighborhood of uk . Provided the Hessian matrix is positive definite, the descent direction dk that minimizes m(dk ) is dk = −(H(uk ))−1 ∇Jh (uk ), that is, the descent direction is obtained by solving the linear system (H(uk ))dk = −∇Jh (uk ).


Newton methods converge quadratically, but only locally (that is for appropriate choice of u0 sufficiently close to the minimum). Note that for a general nonlinear cost functional the Hessian matrix H = H(uk ) must be reassembled at each step. In any case, H is usually not formed explicitly due to the large computational effort that would be required. For instance, in the case of a linear-quadratic OCP, (6.58) can be more conveniently written as (see Exercise 5)      0 M 0 −A> δy  0 βN B>  dk  = B> pk − βNuk  . δp 0 −A B 0

Quasi-Newton methods provide instead an alternative to the exact calculation of the Hessian −1 matrix H(uk ). An approximate inverse B−1 in equation (6.58); k is used to replace (H(uk )) one of the most popular formulas for updating Bk is the BFGS (from Broyden-FletcherGoldfarb-Shanno) update, see equation (3.14), whereas a possible way to update the inverse of Bk instead of Bk itself was provided in (3.14). Quasi-Newton methods need to store gradient information at each step to approximate second derivatives; due to the large dimension of the discretized OCP, the limited-memory BFGS (LM-BFGS) should be employed for the sake of computational efficiency (see [208, Section 7.2]).

6.3 Iterative Methods (I): Unconstrained OCPs


The different choices are summarized in Tab. 6.1; see also Algorithm 6.1. steepest descent conjugate gradient Newton quasi-Newton

dk = −∇Jh (uk ) dk = −∇Jh (uk ) + βk uk−1 dk = −H−1 ∇Jh (uk ) dk = −B−1 k ∇Jh (uk )

Table 6.1 Choice of descent directions for the solution of an unconstrained OCP

Note that, when using an iterative method, the PDE is nested in the optimization routine; this method is therefore recommended if a PDE solver is already available. This solver must provide updated state variables that satisfy the PDE constraint, and corresponding sensitivity information (e.g., the gradient ∇Jh ). The three equations forming the optimality system are then uncoupled, and the state and the adjoint problems are iteratively solved, to provide those quantities required to evaluate ∇Jh and, possibly, the Hessian matrix H. We remark that, in an iterative method, the optimization solver needs only control variables to be stored, and PDE constraints are always (implicitly) satisfied. Algorithm 6.1 Iterative algorithm for unconstrained OCPs Input: initial guess u0 1: compute y0 by solving the state equation with u = u0 2: compute p0 by solving the adjoint equation with y = y0 3: compute Jh (u0 ) and ∇Jh (u0 ) 4: set k = 0 5: while |∇Jh (uk )| / |∇Jh (u0 )| > tol or |Jh (uk ) − Jh (uk−1 )| > tol 6: compute the search direction dk according to a descent method 7: compute the step length τk with a line-search routine 8: set uk+1 = uk + τk dk 9: compute yk+1 by solving the state equation with u = uk+1 10: compute pk+1 by solving the adjoint equation with y = yk+1 11: compute Jh (uk+1 ) and ∇Jh (uk+1 ) 12: k =k+1 13: end while Remark 6.4. Employing a finite difference approximation of the gradient may seem an attractive alternative, because of its ease of implementation. However, this often induces limited accuracy and large computational costs when dealing with, e.g., distributed control variables, whose dimension Nu depends on the discretization of the control u. Finite difference approximations of the gradient can be more reliable when dealing with parametrized control variables that are expressed in terms of few control parameters (or design variables), with respect to which the cost function is indeed minimized. • For an OCP related with a Stokes problem (see Sect. 6.2.5), at each step of an iterative algorithm two Stokes problems have to be solved; numerical results are reported in Sect. 6.5.2.

Choice of of the step length For linear-quadratic problems the calculation of the optimal step length τk acoording to the (line-search) criterium (3.16) is straightforward. In fact, recalling that y and u represent the


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

nodal values of state and control variables, we have φ(τ ) = Jh (uk + τ dk ) =

1 β kyk + τ (y(dk ) − y(0)) − zd k2M + kuk + τ dk k2N 2 2

where y(dk ) and y(0) denote the numerical solutions of the state equation when u = dk or u = 0, respectively. Then a simple calculation (see Exercise 6) yields τk = arg min φ(τ ) = − τ >0

β(uk , dk )N + (yk − zd , y(dk ) − y(0))M . ky(dk ) − y(0)k2M + βkdk k2N


In this case, in step 7 of Algorithm 6.1 we can compute τk without invoking an inexact linesearch routine. For more general problems, alternative step length selection strategies in step 4 are based, e.g., on Wolfe conditions, see Sect. 3.1.2, or the backtracking Armijo line-search: for given parameters σ ∈ (0, 1) – usually σ ∈ (10−5 , 10−1 ) – and ρ ∈ [1/10, 1/2), we accept the first step length τ = ρj ,j = 0, 1, . . . which satisfies the descent criterion ϕ(τ ) ≤ ϕ(0) + στ ϕ0 (0) where

ϕ(τ ) = J(uk + τ dk ),

ϕ0 (0) = (∇J(uk ), dk ).

Further details about the evaluation of the descent directions in the case of control constraints can be found, e.g., in [253]. For the sake of completeness, we also report the algorithm of the steepest descent method with the backtracking Armijio line-search in Algorithm 6.2. In particular, we denote by τ0 and τmin the initial and the minimum step size, respectively, and by Kmax the maximum number of allowed iterations. Algorithm 6.2 Steepest descent method with backtracking Armijio line-search for unconstrained OCPs Input: initial guess u0 , σ, ρ, τ0 , τmin 1: compute y0 by solving the state equation with u = u0 2: compute p0 by solving the adjoint equation with y = y0 3: compute Jh (u0 ) and ∇Jh (u0 ) 4: set k = 0 5: while |∇Jh (uk )| / |∇Jh (u0 )| > tol and k < Kmax 6: set τ = τ0 7: while τ > τmin 8: uk+1 = uk − τ ∇Jh (uk ) 9: compute yk+1 by solving the state equation with u = uk+1 10: compute pk+1 by solving the adjoint equation with y = yk+1 11: compute Jh (uk+1 ) and ∇Jh (uk+1 ) 12: if Jh (uk+1 ) ≤ J(uk ) − στ (∇Jh (uk ), ∇Jh (uk )) 13: set k = k + 1 14: break 15: else 16: τ = ρτ 17: end if 18: end while 19: end while

6.3 Iterative Methods (I): Unconstrained OCPs


6.3.1 Relation with Solving the Reduced Hessian Problem Any iterative method for the minimization of Jh (u) (see (6.56)) can be regarded as an iterative method to solve the linear system (6.17) iteratively. For instance, an iteration of the steepest descent algorithm described above is equivalent to an iteration of the non-stationary Richardson method for the solution of (6.17): uk+1 = uk + τk rk ,

rk = b − Huk .


As a matter of fact, the steepest descent update reads uk+1 = uk + τk dk ,

dk = −∇Jh (uk ) = B> pk − βNuk .

Using the adjoint equation (6.11), pk = −A−> (Myk − Mzd ), thus

 uk+1 = uk + τk B> A−> Mzd − βNh uk − B> A−> Myk .

Then, using the state equation (6.10), yk = A−1 (Buk + f ), substituting and rearranging we obtain uk+1 = uk + τk (B> A−> Mzd − B> A−> MA−1 f − βNuk − B> A−> MA−1 Buk ) = uk + τk (b − Huk ), that is (6.60). This result is not surprising if we write the algebraic counterpart of the reduced cost functional: in fact, by substituting y(u) = A−1 (Mu + f ) in J˜h (y, u), we obtain 1 > β u MA−> MA−1 Mu − u> MA−> Mzd + u> Nu 2 2 1 > 1 −> > −> −1 + u MA MA f + zd Mzd + f A MA−1 f − f > A−> Mzd 2 2 1 > > = u Hu − u b + c. 2

Jh (u) =

The constant c accounts for all the u-independent terms since the minimizer of Jh is independent of c. If H is a symmetric positive definite matrix, minimizing the quadratic functional Jh (u) is equivalent to solving the linear system (see e.g. [222]) ∇Jh (u) = Hu − b = 0. Because of the difficulty in assembling H, the linear system (6.17) is typically solved by iterative methods, in particular CG, that can take advantage of the symmetry of H; see, e.g., [236]. No matter which iterative method is used, at each iteration a matrix-vector multiplication Hr has to be calculated for the current value r of the system residual. This vector can be calculated without explicitly constructing the entries of H by proceeding as follows. We first compute the solution of the state equation Ay(r) = Br, then that of the solution of an adjoint equation AT p(r) = My(r). The desired vector is then recovered using the identity Hr = βNr + B> p(r). Finally, upon convergence to the optimal control variable, the last step consists in solving the state and the adjoint equation to retrieve the state and adjoint solutions, respectively.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

6.4 Iterative Methods (II): Control Constraints Iterative methods can also be used for constrained OCPs with control constraints on the control function under the form of box constraints, that is, with Uad = {u ∈ RNu : ua,i ≤ ui ≤ ub,i , i = 1, . . . , Nu } ⊂ U .


By using a more compact notation, the numerical problem (6.56) becomes Jh (u) = J˜h (y(u), u) → min

subject to a ≤ u ≤ b


where u ∈ RNu , a, b ∈ RNu are two vectors representing the bounds at the discrete level. Following Sect. 3.3, the basic idea of a projection method is to use, at each iteration, a descent direction dk computed for the unconstrained problem, and then projecting the new iterate onto the set of admissible controls defined by the inequality constraints. Then step 8 in Algorithm 6.1 is now uk+1 = P rUad (uk + τk dk );


τk > 0 is a suitable step length and P rUad denotes the projection onto Uad , see Sect. 4.2.2. Although it is often unfeasible in practice, for box constraints the projection can be easily calculated as follows, P rUad w(x) = P r[a,b] w(x) = max{a, min{w(x), b}}. This equality has to be understood componentwise, that is, (P rUad w)i (x) = (P r[a,b] w)i (x) = max{ai , min{wi (x), bi }},

i = 1, . . . , Nu .

For instance, when using the projected gradient method, (6.63) becomes uk+1 = P rUad (uk − τk ∇J(uk )). If we use the backtracking Armijo line-search, in this case we would proceed as follows: for given parameters σ ∈ (0, 1), ρ ∈ [1/10, 1/2), we accept the first step length τ = ρj ,j = 0, 1, . . . which satisfies the descent criterion ϕ(τ ) ≤ ϕ(0) + στ ϕ0 (0) where ϕ(τ ) = J(P r[a,b] (uk + τ dk )), Note that ˜k = d

˜ k ), ϕ0 (0) = (∇J(uk ), d

dk = −∇J(uk ).

0 if either uk ∈ / [a, b] or (uk = b and dk ≥ 0) or (uk = a and dk ≤ 0) dk otherwise

is a modified descent direction. All iterative methods described in Sect. 6.3 can therefore be employed for the numerical approximation of OCPs in presence of control constraints, too.

6.5 Numerical Examples


6.5 Numerical Examples In this section we consider some numerical test cases dealing with the application of the iterative methods discussed so far to OCPs governed by either (advection-)diffusion equations or Stokes equations. We limit oursevles to the case of unconstrained OCPs; further applications of iterative methods to constrained OCPs will be considered in Chapter 10.

6.5.1 OCPs governed by Advection-Diffusion Equations Test case 1: Laplace Equation To investigate the role of the choice of the descent direction and the regularization parameter β > 0, we consider the distributed OCP (6.1) in the case b = 0: Z Z 1 β 2 ˜ J(y, u) = (y − zd ) dx + u2 dx → min (6.64a) 2 Ω 2 Ω subject to u ∈ U , y ∈ V :  −∆y = f + u in Ω (6.64b) y=0 on Γ, where β > 0, U = L2 (Ω) denotes the set of admissible controls, and V = H01 (Ω). For the case at hand, we take Ω = (0, 1)2 and the target function zd (x) = 10x1 (1 − x1 )x2 (1 − x2 ). To discretize state, control and adjoint variables, we use linear (P1 ) FE spaces, built on a mesh made by 17361 vertices and 34320 triangular elements, resulting in Ny = Nu = Np = 16961 degrees of freedom for the three variables. To solve problem (6.64) we employ either the steepest descent method or the BFGS method, including the backtracking Armijio line search method, considering different values of the regularization parameter. The optimal state, adjoint and control numerical solutions, computed with the BFGS method in the cases β = 10−3 and β = 10−6 , are displayed in Fig. 6.2. We highlight that, if the regularization parameter is not sufficiently small, the difference between the target zd and the computed optimal state might be relevant (see Fig. 6.2, top). Smaller values of the cost functional at optimum are reached for smaller values of β, however requiring a larger number of iterations when using the steepest descent method, see Fig. 6.3. We also highlight that the behavior of this latter method reported a huge decrease of the cost functional in the first, few iterations, followed by a mild decrease in the remaining iterations, often occurs when relying on inexact (e.g., backtracking) line search procedures. On the contrary, the BFGS method requires very few iterations to achieve convergence – measured in terms of the decrease |∇Jh (uk )| / |∇Jh (u0 )| of the norm of the gradient of the cost functional, if compared to the case without control (that is, setting u0 = 0). For the sake of comparison, here we have stopped the BFGS iterations when the cost functional reaches the same value of the optimal cost obtained with the steepest descent method. For the case at hand, the tolerance on the stopping criterion of the descent method is tol = 10 −3 , whereas for the backtracking Armijio line search method we select ρ = 0.7, σ = 10−5 , τmin = 0.01 in the case of the BFGS method, τmin = 0.2 in the case of the steepest descent method. To keep computational costs limited, a maximum number Kmax = 5 of step size rescaling is allowed at each iteration.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

Fig. 6.2 Unconstrained OCP for the Laplace equation, numerical approximation obtained by the BFGS method. Top: target function zd ; optimal state yˆ, adjoint pˆ and control u ˆ for β = 10−3 . Bottom: optimal state −6 yˆ, adjoint pˆ and control u ˆ for β = 10 . Cost functional


10 -1

Norm of the gradient of the cost functional

0.045 10 -2


J 0.025

= 10 -1

steepest descent,

= 10


steepest descent,

= 10 -3

10 -3



steepest descent,

10 -4


LM-BFGS (quasi Newton),

= 10

LM-BFGS (quasi Newton),

= 10 -2

LM-BFGS (quasi Newton),

= 10 -3



10 -5 steepest descent,

10 -7 0.015 10










# iter

10 -8 10 0

= 10 -1

steepest descent, = 10 -2 steepest descent, \beta = 10^{-3}}

10 -6




LM-BFGS (quasi Newton),

= 10 -1

LM-BFGS (quasi Newton),

= 10 -2

LM-BFGS (quasi Newton),

= 10 -3





10 4

# iter

Fig. 6.3 Unconstrained OCP for the Laplace equation, numerical approximation obtained by iterative methods. Left: values of the cost functional Jh (uk ) along the iterations; right: values of the norm of the gradient |∇Jh (uk )| of the cost functional during the iterations. The problem has been solved using the steepest descent method and the LM-BFGS method, for different values of the regularization parameter β = 10−1 , 10−2 , 10−3

Test case 2: Advection-Diffusion Equation To investigate the role of the observation region Ω0 ⊂ Ω and of boundary controls, we consider a boundary OCP for a mixed Dirichlet-Neumannn advection-diffusion equation, namely the Graetz flow problem (see, e.g., [205, 187] and references therein). This latter is a benchmark problem in heat transfer, dealing with forced steady heat convection and heat conduction in a rectangular channel, whose walls are kept at different temperature. The flow has an imposed temperature on ΓD , and a known convective field (in our case, a given parabolic velocity profile b(x) = (1.5x2 (1 − x2 ), 0), such that divb = 0).

6.5 Numerical Examples


The OCP is then similar to the one addressed in Sect. 5.6: Z Z β ˜ u) = 1 J(y, (y − zd )2 dx + u2 dσ → min 2 Ω0 2 Γc subject to u ∈ U , y ∈ V  −div(µ∇y) + div(by) = 0     y=1    ∂y − (b · n) y = u  ∂n    ∂y    − (b · n) y = 0 ∂n



in Ω on ΓD (6.65b)

on Γc on Γout ,

where β = 10−3 , V = HΓ1D (Ω), U = L2 (Γc ) denotes the set of admissible controls. Here µ = 1/10, Ω = (0, 1 + l) × (0, 1), where l = 3, ΓD ⊂ Γ , ΓN = Γc ∪ Γout = Γ \ΓD , and Γc ⊂ ΓN is the portion of the Neumann boundary where we apply the boundary control (see Fig. 6.4).

Fig. 6.4 Test case 2: domain and boundaries

Here the state variable plays the role of adimensional temperature, which is imposed on ΓD ; the control acts as heat flux on the boundary Γc , while an insulation condition (no flux) is imposed on Γout . We consider two different options regarding the observation region Ω0 , Ω01 = {(x1 , x2 ) : x1 > 1, x2 < 0.3 or x2 > 0.7}


Ω02 = {(x1 , x2 ) : x1 > 1}

and the target function, zd1 = 2


zd2 = 4x2 (1 − x2 ).

To discretize state, control and adjoint variables, we use linear (P1 ) FE spaces, built on a mesh made by 11028 vertices and 21653 triangular elements, resulting in Ny = Np = 10907 degrees of freedom for the state and the control variables, whereas the dimension of the control space is Nu = 243. In all the resulting scenarios, the BFGS method is employed to solve the unconstrained OCP. Numerical results are reported in Table 6.2 and Fig. 6.5. case (a) (b) (c) (d)

Ω0 Ω01 Ω02 Ω01 Ω02

zd # iter zd1 59 zd1 54 zd2 48 zd2 87

Jh (u0 ) 316.6661 192.8385 29.2188 45.9996

Jh (ˆ u) 3.5682 2.6368 0.7826 0.8464

1 − Jh (ˆ u)/Jh (u0 ) 98.87% 98.63% 97.32% 98.16%

|∇J(ˆ u)|/|∇Jh (u0 )| 0.0250 0.0569 0.0753 0.0387

Table 6.2 Unconstrained OCP for an advection-diffusion equation, numerical approximation obtained by the BFGS method. Number of iterations required by the BFGS method to converge, values of the cost functional in absence of control (u0 = 0) and for the optimal control, cost reduction 1 − Jh (ˆ u)/Jh (u0 ), and reduction |∇J(ˆ u)|/|∇Jh (u0 )| of the norm of the gradient ∇Jh compared to the case in absence of control





[, 1out + =⇥ ,nD c ⇢= 3, N D ⇢ , N = c [ out = D c ⇢ N of the Neumann boundary where we apply the boundary control (see Fig. 6.5).


> 0, V = H 1D (⌦), U = L2 ( c ) denotes the set of admissible controls. Here ⌦ = 203 6.5 Numerical Examples , 1 + l) ⇥ (0, = \ D ,Approximation and c ⇢ N is the portion OCPs of Linear-Quadratic 190 1), where l = 3, D ⇢ , N = c [ out 6 Numerical


Fig. 6.4 TestThe caseOCP 2: domain andsimilar boundaries is then to the one addressed in Sect. 5.6:


Z Z Z 1 1 2 case 2: domain and ˜6.5 u)Numerical ˜ boundaries Fig. Fig. 6.4Test Test domain and boundaries J(y, = (yExamples zd )2 dx + 6.4 u d case ! 2: min u) =(6.65a)(y zd )2 dx + u2 d ! min203 (6.65a) 203 J(y, Here state variable plays the role which is imposed on 2 ⌦0 2 the 2 of 2 c ⌦0 adimensional temperature, c

;c ,the insulation acts as heat condition flux on(no theflux) boundary anVinsulation condition (no flux) 203 subject to u 2DU, ywhile 2control V :an subject to uc ,2while U, y 2 : 203 6.5 Numerical Examples to the one addressed in 5.6: 8The OCP is then issimilar 8 Sect. imposed on state out . variable Here the plays the role of adimensional temperature, which isis imposed imposedon on Here the state variable plays the role temperature, which Z Z Z div(µry) + div(by) = 0 in1 ⌦ div(µry) + div(by) = 0 in ⌦ > > > > ↵erent options regarding the D observation We consider two di↵erent ⌦ ,as heat options the observation region ⌦ > > Theregion OCP is0as then toregarding thethe one addressed in Sect. 5.6:an 0, 2 2 2 similar 2 boundary ; the control acts flux on while an insulation condition (no flux) > > ˜ ; the control acts heat flux on the boundary , while insulation condition (no flux) D c y = 1 on , y = 1 on , zd ) dx +> min (6.65a) J(y, zd ) dx u d ! min D (6.65a) Zu d !Fig. Z = caseD 2:(y Z 1,u)x@y ˜xx12 > (6.65b) (6.65b) = (y z ) dx + u d ! min (6.65a) J(y, u) = (y z ) dx + u d min (6.65a) < 0.3orx > 0.7} ⌦ or = {(x ⌦ , = x {(x ) , x > ) 1, : < 1} 0.3orx > 0.7} or ⌦ = {(x (b · n) y = u on , (b · n) y = u on ,1 , x Fig. 6.4 Test case 2: domain and boundaries d d 2 ) : x1J(y, 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 ) : x1 > 1} c c! 0 0 0 > y@n2 2V ⌦ > y@n2 2V regarding 2 consider 2 c > We two di↵erent options the observation region ⌦ , We consider two di↵erent options regarding observation region ⌦ , ⌦ u 2 U,> : subject to u 2 U, : 0 c 0 0 0 > > > @y > @y > > : : (b · n) y to =u 0 and (b · n) y to =u 0 2 U, y 2 V :on out , subject 2 U,the y82target V :on function, subject out , by) = in ⌦ Here 2the +))div(by) = 0x@n in ⌦ 2 > > 1 1div(µry) 810@n 8 1 > state variable plays the role of adimensional temperature, imposed ⌦ = {(x , x : x > 1, < 0.3orx ⌦is22 = {(x , xon) : x > 1} ⌦ = {(x , x : x > 1, x < 0.3orx 0.7} 1 2 1 2 2 > z = 2 or z = 4x (1 x ). z = 2 or z = 4x (1= 0 x2or ).which 1 2 1 2 2 0 0 2 2 d div(µry) + div(by) d d > ddiv(by) div(µry) +boundary in ⌦ ⌦00 = {(x11 , x22 ) : x11 > 1} = 0> > > > ywhere =in 1⌦heat , an2insulation ,the > ; the the control acts as= heat flux on the D D 1 flux) 2on 2 Dcontrol c > > < ; , while an insulation acts as condition flux on (no the boundary , while condition (no flux)Here D ⇢ , > 0, V H (⌦) U = L ( ) denotes the set of admissible controls. = H 1D (⌦) U = L ( ) denotes set of admissible controls. Here ⇢ , D c c > > c c D1 y = on , y = 1 on , > > D D D < @y In allthe the resulting scenarios, the < BFGS method is employed toofsolve the(6.65b) unconstrained OCP. is imposed on . and the target function, on .N (6.65b) = [ = \ , and ⇢ is the portion the Neumann boundary where we is the portion the Neumann boundary where we and target function, outof out c out D c N @y @y c ⇢onisNimposed (b · n) y = u on , == u \ D , and , c= u (6.65b) (6.65b) > (b · n) y on , (b · n) We yc = consider u on , c c > @n two di↵erent ⌦ , options regarding the observation region ⌦ , apply the boundary control. > > 0 two di↵erent options 0 > We(d)consider regarding the observation region ⌦0 , > @n (a) (b) > > > > @n @y 1 2 (a) (b) (c) (c) (d) > 1 2 > > @y @y Test domain and : boundaries = 1.5 1.5(bon > zzd> oryout x22).). , =0 on d= : : case(b2: · n) = ,0 zdd2= 4x22(1 onx · n) yout = ,01 on (b · n) , y=0 @n > 1, x2 < 0.3orx ⌦or0 = {(x ⌦1021 ,= x2{(x ) :1x, 1xout ) 1,: x12 > < 1} 0.3orx2 @n > 0.7} or ⌦0 = {(x1 , x2 ) :out x1 > 1} @n 2 > 0.7} 2> 2 .

= {(x : x1 > 1, x2BFGS < 0.3orx {(x1 , x2 ) : xOCP. 1 , x2 )scenarios, 2 >is0.7} 1 >1 0 =unconstrained In ⌦ all0 the resulting the method employedor to solve⌦the

In all the resulting theset employed to solve the, unconstrained 1 the where >D V =governed (⌦) U BFGS = L2the ( , cmethod ) Stokes denotesis the set of Here admissible controls. Here D ⇢ ,OCP. = H 1D where (⌦) U = L>2 (0,and set of = admissible controls. Here ⇢ by Equations = Htarget (⌦) U6.5.2 L2 (OCPs ) scenarios, denotes of admissible controls. ⇢ , H 1Dthe c )Vdenotes D the function, c0, D ⇢ D Here the state variable plays the role of adimensional temperature, which is imposed on 1 \ D 2 1 2 = [ = \ , and ⇢ is the portion of the Neumann boundary where we = , and ⇢ is the portion of the Neumann boundary where we c D NNeumann 2 N = or of zd out = 4x= xD2boundary ). zdoutis =we 2the portion or zdofc=the 4x2N(1 x2 ). boundary where we , target andN c function, ⇢ Neumann is zthe the where 2 (1 \the cc [ N d = portion and on the boundary , while an insulation condition (no flux) the boundary control. D ; the control acts as heat fluxapply c 1 unconstrained OCP 2 Let us consider the following governed by Stokes equations: apply the boundary control. OCPs governed Stokes zdthe = 2is or Equations zd =the 4xunconstrained x2 ). OCP. In all the6.5.2 resulting scenarios, the BFGSby method employed to solve 2 (1

Z Z OCPs governed by the ZStokes Equations outZ. 6.5.2 6.5.2 governed by the1 Stokes 2Equations ↵ 1 ↵ OCPs 2 2 ˜ observation ˜ ⇡, u) =two J(v, ⇡, u) = |v v | + |u|2 ! min J(v, |v v | + |u| ! min We consider di↵erent options regarding the region ⌦ , d d (a) (b) 2(c) (d) Let us2consider the following unconstrained (a) (b) (c) 2(d) OCP governed02by Stokes equations: ⌦ 6.5.2 OCPs governed by the⌦Stokes Equations

Let usconsider consider theStokes followingEquations unconstrainedsubject OCP governed by to tous 1 2OCP 6.5.2 OCPssubject governed by0.3orx the the following unconstrained governed by Stokes Stokes equations: equations: 8 8⌦0 = {(x1 , x2 ) : x1Let > 1, x2 < or 2 > 0.7} (6.66) ⌦0 = {(x1 , x2 ) : x1 > 1}

(6.66) ⌫ v +unconstrained r⇡ = f + u OCP governedinby⌦,Stokes equations: ⌫ v + r⇡ = f + u > Letinus⌦,consider the > following > > < < div v = 0 in ⌦, div v = 0 in ⌦, Z Stokes equations: Z Z the following Z unconstrained OCP governed by Let us consider 1 Stokes ↵ 1 ↵OCPs 6.5.2 Equations v˜= 0by the on @⌦ \ right =0 on2 @⌦ governed \ right > > vJ(v, 2 2 > > J(v, ⇡, u) = |v v | + |u|2 ! min = |v v | + |u| ! min : : ˜ ⇡, u) d d 6.5.2 OCPs governed by the Stokes Equations 1 2 Z, Z = 0, v · t = 0,Z on right 2(T(v, 2d = or zd v=· t4x x2⌦).⇡)n) · n = 02 ⌦ on right , ⌦ ⇡)n) · n =z0 ⌦ 2 2 (1 2(T(v, 1 ↵ ↵ ˜ ⇡, u) = |v vd |2 + |u|2 !subject min to |v vd |2 + |u|2 !subject min J(v, to @v @v 2 ⌦⇡)n 2OCP where T(v, = 8 ⇡n normal + ⌫ @n , whereas and t are the (outward directed)equations: normal(6.66) and n = 8 ⇡n + 2 ⌫ @n , whereas n consider and are the (outward directed) and Let ust consider the following unconstrained governed by Stokes ⌦ ⌦ Let us the following unconstrained governednbyOCP Stokes equations: (6.66) ⌫ v + r⇡ = f + u in ⌦,at hand, ⌫ v + r⇡ = f + u in ⌦, > > > > OCP foratanhand, advection-diffusion equation, numerical approximation using the(0,BFGS thecase tangent unit on boundary @⌦. For the case ⌦ = 1) ⇥ (0, 2), @⌦. For the ⌦vectors = (0, 1) ⇥the (0, 2), < < to Fig. 6.5 Unconstrained subject to subject Z Z div in ⌦, div v =method. 0= 1} and in ⌦, 1 =and {(x(e1optimal , ,xe22))2the @⌦ :v x=1in0=different 1} = 0e1 1eCase Uncontrolled (top) states Ω0by=(eΩ101, e, 2z)dthe = zstandard f = 0e8 1estate by standard basis right 2 , denoting 2 ) 2 @⌦ : x1 1 2 , denoting 1 1and fscenarios. ↵(a): d . Case basis (6.66) v⇡, =2 .we 0Case on @⌦ \ 2(6.66) v = 0 (b): Ω in= ⌦, on2 . @⌦ \target ˜ > 2, z > 1⌫. Case 1 2 ,vz |2=+ 2 right right v + r⇡ = f + u in ⌦, u > > > J(v, u) = |v |u| ! min in R As function consider Ω = z (c): Ω = Ω , z = z (d): Ω = Ω z d 0 0 0 > d d d : d : 0 0 0 d < d= 0 v · t = 0, 2in (T(v, v · t = 0, (T(v, ⌦ v = 0 on right , ⌦, ⇡)n) · n = 0 2 on⌦ right , ⌦, ⇡)n) · ndiv v = x e + 0e . e1 v+ = 0e . d 1 2 d = \x2> on @⌦ \ 2 right on v@⌦ right 20 where T(v, ⇡)n = @v ⇡n normal + ⌫ @n , and whereassubject n and t to are the (outward directed) normal and n = ⇡n + ⌫ @v , whereas n > and t are the (outward directed) : 8 ·t= 0, (T(v, ⇡)n) · n = 0 on , , ⇡)n) · n = 0 @n on right@⌦. , vFor right thecase tangent unit boundary @⌦. For the the target case at –hand, = (0, 1)with ⇥ (0, 2), atdistributed hand, ⌦vectors =have (0, on 1) ⇥the (0, 2), Numerical results been obtained considering steepest method fixed Compared to the the previous getting close and ⌦then small ⌫ di↵erent v OCP, + r⇡ =and f+ u 0e to1ethe indescent ⌦, > =by {(x ,5, @⌦ : x1values = 1} f =regularization by (e e2 ) the basis : x1values = 1} and f =regularization 0e1 1e2 , denoting ,xusing e2for basis step ⌧– (e = of the coefficient ↵,1 ,using thestandard inf-sup com↵erent ofofthe coefficient ↵, thestandard inf-sup comrightsize 1> 1 2 , denoting 2 ) 2 @⌦ 1 2))2the < values the cost functional appears to be harder in the case of boundary controls; on @v 2 div v10278 = twe 0spaces, in ⌦,and where ⇡)n + ⌫patible ,normal n are the normal n tspaces, areT(v, the (outward directed) in R . whereas As target function consider pair P2and P1 and of FE built(outward on a mesh directed) made by 5140 vertices and 10278 triangular P1 and of FE built on a=mesh⇡n made by@n 5140 vertices and triangular hand, regularization parameter has a function minor impact on the1) convergence of horizontal the Z Z e↵ect of the control is to make the flow the ↵ect ofthe the the control function is the to ⌦ make the flow parallel to the horizontal tangent unit vectors on the boundary @⌦. For the case at hand, ⌦ = (0, ⇥ parallel (0, 2),\ toright @⌦. For theother case at hand, =elements. (0, 1) ⇥The (0, 2), v = 0 on @⌦ > > 1 ↵ v = x e + 0e . v = x e + 0e . optimization algorithm. The higher number of iterations required to achieve convergence is 2 2 : d 2 1 2 d 2 1 2 (see Fig. 6.4). ˜2(e@⌦ = {(x1 , xby x1direction 1} and = by (e the0 standard basis , = 0e1 1e e2:)u) the right 2 )J(v, 1 ,·en 2 )= 2 , denoting 1 , ⇡, ==standard |vfbasis |u| ! min vofkv·0e 0, 2 ,todenoting (T(v, ⇡)n) on dt|1=+1e right 2 2 (⌦)2 between the 2 (⌦) 2 between The number iterations reach convergence, the distance kˆ v v k kˆ v v the 2 2 motivated by the fact that, for the case at hand, a constant step size τ is chosen. d d L L in R . As target function we consider ⌦ ⌦obtained considering the steepest descent method with fixed Numerical ˆ are ˆtarget optimal state results velocityhave andbeen the u are velocity, and the norm of the optimal control u size ⌧ = 5, for di↵erent values of regularization the regularization coefficient using the ↵erent values of the regularizationstep coefficient ↵, using the inf-sup comsubject to reported in Table 6.2. The smaller the parameter, the ↵, stronger the inf-sup action ofcomthe vPd2 =and e10278 + 0e = Px12of e1FE + 0e 1FE 2. 2. Px12of built on acost mesh made by 5140 vertices and 10278 triangular spaces, built8 on a mesh made patible by 5140pair vertices triangular control and the higher thespaces, decrease of the functional. (6.66) r⇡ =f +The u e↵ecttoofthe ⌦, is to make the flow parallel to the horizontal > elements. thehorizontal controlinfunction ↵ect of the control function the flow parallel > ⌫ is vto+make < Numerical results obtained considering the Equations steepest direction (see 6.4). 6.5.2 OCPs governed by Fig. the Stokes div vhave = 0 been in ⌦, descent method with fixed 2 (⌦)2 between The number to reach the the distance kˆ v comvd kL2 (⌦)2 between the kˆ v the vdof kLiterations the convergence, step size ⌧ = 5, for di↵erent values of regularization coefficient using inf-sup fficient inf-sup comon @⌦ \↵, right > v =↵,0using the ˆ are optimal stateonvelocity the u and the10278 norm triangular of the optimal control u ˆtarget are patible pair P> P1 of FE spaces, built a meshand made by 5140velocity, vertices and : 2 Let us consider unconstrained governed by equations: v · t the = 0,following (T(v, ⇡)n)6.2. · is nThe = 0OCP on regularization , Stokes Table the the stronger the action of the right elements. The e↵ect of the reported control in function to smaller make the flow parallelparameter, to the horizontal control and theZhigher the decrease of the Z cost functional.

direction (see Fig. 6.4). 1 α ˜ toπ, u) = convergence, |2 dx + |u|2 vdx 2 (⌦)min 2 between the 2 reach The number of distance kˆ v kˆ viterations vd kJ(v, between the|v − vdthe d kL→ L2 (⌦) 2 Ω 2 Ω ˆ are optimal state velocity and the target u and the norm of the optimal control u ˆvelocity, are subject to reported in Table 6.2. The smaller the regularization parameter, the stronger the action of the decrease of the cost functional. control and the higher the in Ω  −ν∆v + ∇π = f + u

 

div v = 0 v=0    v · t = 0,

(T(v, π)n) · n = 0


in Ω on ∂Ω \ Γright on Γright ,

∂v where T(v, π)n = −πn + ν ∂n , whereas n and t are the (outward directed) normal and the tangent unit vectors on the boundary ∂Ω.

6.5 Numerical Examples


For the case at hand, Ω = (0, 1) × (0, 2), Γright = {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ ∂Ω : x1 = 1} and f = 0e1 − 1e2 , with the target vd = x2 e1 + 0e2 , denoting by (e1 , e2 ) the standard basis in R2 . Numerical results have been obtained considering the steepest descent method with fixed step size τ = 5, for different values of the regularization coefficient α, using the inf-sup compatible pair P2 − P1 of FE spaces, built on a mesh made by 5140 vertices and 10278 triangular elements. The effect of the control function is to induce the flow to align along the horizontal direction (see Fig. 6.6).

Fig. 6.6 Unconstrained OCP for the Stokes equations, numerical approximation using the steepest descent ˆ for α = 10−2 , 10−3 , 10−4 . Center: velocity v0 and method. Top: target function vd and optimal control v ˆ and pressure π0 , adjoint velocity z0 and adjoint pressure q0 in absence of control. Bottom: optimal velocity v pressure π ˆ , and corresponding adjoint velocity zˆ and pressure qˆ in the case α = 10−3


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

The number of iterations to reach convergence, the distance kˆ v − vd kL2 (Ω)2 between the ˆ are optimal state velocity and the target velocity, and the norm of the optimal control u reported in Table 6.3. The smaller the regularization parameter, the stronger the impact of the control and the higher the decrease of the cost functional. β 10−2 10−3 10−4

Jh (ˆ u) 0.00317078 0.000383566 5.9189 · 10−5

# iter 29 70 90

ˆ L2 (Ω) kuk 0.752571 0.827743 0.847255

Table 6.3 Unconstrained OCP for the Stokes equations, numerical approximation through the steepest deˆ number of iterations required by the scent method. Values of the cost functional for the optimal control Jh (u), ˆ L2 (Ω) , for different values of the regularsteepest descent method to converge, norm of the optimal control kuk ization parameter α. The value of the cost functional in the absence of control (u0 = 0) is Jh (u0 ) = 0.076222

6.6 All-at-once Methods (I) Iterative methods recast the (discrete) OCP into an optimization problem for the control u. Instead, all-at-once methods, also called one-shot methods, treat both control and state variables simultaneously as independent optimization variables, coupled through the PDE constraint, and therefore solve the state problem, the adjoint problem and the optimality condition as a unique system. For unconstrained linear-quadratic OCPs, the problem can be naturally analyzed in the framework of equality constrained quadratic programming (see Sect. 3.4.1), yielding a KKT system of optimality conditions in saddle point form. This has already been addressed for algebraic OCPs in Sect. 4.1.2. Saddle point problems are encountered in several kind of OCPs: • problems with control constraints treated using the primal-dual active set strategy yield a sequence of subproblems under this form (see Sect. 6.8); • the same also happens for more general nonlinear problems when the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method is employed (see Sect. 9.6.2). Let us consider an unconstrained linear-quadratic OCP whose discrete version (6.23) can be formulated as a quadratic programming problem with equality constraint


1 > x Jx − h> x → min subject to x ∈ RNy +Nu , Dx = f , 2       y M 0 Mzd x= , J= , h= , D = [A − M]. u 0 βN 0


Note that both OtD and DtO approaches yield this kind of problems. As seen in Sect. 3.4.1, the optimality conditions6 corresponding to problem (6.67) are given by      x h J D> = (6.68) p f D 0 where the adjoint variable p plays the role of Lagrange multiplier. This is equivalent to the KKT system (6.16). 6

Note that the analogy with a saddle-point problem can also be seen at the continuous level, see Sect. 6.10.

6.6 All-at-once Methods (I)


In the case of unconstrained linear-quadratic OCPs, all-at-once methods provide the solution of the OCP by solving the (coupled) linear system (6.68) simultaneously. The matrix in (6.68) has a saddle-point structure; it is block symmetric, indefinite, usually ill-conditioned and often very large and sparse. Efficient preconditioned iterative solvers (such as Krylov subspace methods, like MINRES or GMRES) are the matter of choice for the solution of (6.68). Below we describe some preconditioning strategies which are best suited in the case of saddle-point problems arising from the discretization of OCPs. Let us rewrite (6.68) with shorthand notation Kχ = b, with obvious meaning of symbols. A left preconditioner for K is a matrix P such that:

(i) P −1 K has better spectral properties than K (i.e. lowest condition number and/or more clustered eigenvalues), (ii) P −1 χ is cheap to evaluate for any given vector χ. The preconditioned system reads P −1 Kχ = P −1 b;


right or symmetric preconditioners could be devised as well (see, e.g., [218]). Constructing efficient preconditioners is a highly problem-dependent task: “... the construction of highquality preconditioners necessitates exploiting the block structure of the problem, together with detailed knowledge about the origin and structure of the various blocks” [30, Sec. 10]. For the sake of simplification, we can say that the two main preconditioning strategies are domain decomposition (DD, see e.g., [4] and references therein) and multigrid techniques (MG, see [42, 43] and the monographs [50, 132] for a general introduction). Both have proven to be among the fastest methods for solving large-scale PDE problems. Regarding their application to PDEconstrained optimization, here we focus on multigrid preconditioners; see, e.g., [241, 228] for a general overview on other possible approaches and, e.g., [138, 20] for DD preconditioners. MG preconditioners can be applied to the whole KKT system or separately to every block. Preconditioning each single block enables to exploit existing MG (either algebraic or geometric) preconditioners for the matrices D and E as building blocks of the preconditioner, in particular optimal multigrid preconditioners for the matrix E encoding the discretized PDE operator. See for instance [42, 43, 240] for more on the former approach. In Sect. 6.6.1 we will focus on elliptic problems and present two different block diagonal preconditioners following the work in [226, 279]. Similarly, in Sect. 6.6.2 we discuss the oneshot approach for the optimal control of the Stokes equations principally referring to [229]. Numerical results are shown in Sect. 6.9.2. Remark 6.5. All-at-once (or one-shot) methods fit the Simultaneous Analysis and Design (SAND) framework, introduced in Sect. 4.2. Depending on the way the full system (6.68) is actually solved, a further distinction between reduced SAND and full SAND approaches can be made. Reduced SAND stems from a suitable factorization (or block elimination) of the KKT system; the most known strategies are the null space and the range space methods, see e.g. [208]. For instance, the range space method solves for the multiplier estimates first, and then compute optimization variables. Full SAND solves (6.68) simultaneously. Our description actually conforms to the full SAND approach. •

6.6.1 OCPs Governed by Scalar Elliptic Equations A distributed control problem for the Laplace equation like the one in (6.16) yields a system of KKT optimality conditions under the form (6.68). Here we assume that B = N = M (distributed control and observation), so that all the blocks appearing in the matrices D and


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

J are square. System (6.16) thus reads      y Mzd M 0 A>  0 βM −M u =  0  . p f A −M 0


Under the assumption that D = (A − M) has full rank, the system above is nonsingular, symmetric and indefinite. the MINRES iterative algorithm can be effectively used. To preserve symmetry in the preconditioned system, a preconditioner has to be symmetric and positive definite; in particular, effective block-diagonal preconditioners are often employed. An efficient iterative method for this kind of system is MINRES [210]. An alternative is represented by the Bramble-Pasciak CG method [49], well-suited for saddle point problems like the ones arising in PDE-constrained optimization. It uses a block-triangular preconditioner and a suitable inner product in which the preconditioned matrix is symmetric and, under certain conditions, positive definite. Finally, we mention the possibility to define constraint preconditioners which allow to use the preconditioned projected conjugate gradient (PPCG) method [111]. Below we describe block-diagonal, block-triangular and constraint preconditioners, welldesigned for linear systems arising from linear-quadratic OCPs. Earlier approaches, where available preconditioners are only exploited for the state operator, can be found in [22, 131, 39].

Block-diagonal Preconditioners A basic block diagonal preconditioner for saddle point systems is given by (see, e.g., [30])   J 0 Pd = (6.71) 0 S where S = DJ−1 D> is the so-called Schur complement. Note that S is nonsingular as both J and A are nonsingular. In our case     M 0 0 J 0 . 0 Pd = =  0 βM (6.72) 0 DJ−1 D> 1 −1 > 0 0 β M + AM A

The matrix T = Pd−1 K is nonsingular and satisfies (see [202])  √  √  1 1 (T − I) T − (1 + 5)I T − (1 − 5)I = 0. (6.73) 2 2 √ √  T is diagonalizable and has at most three distinct eigenvalues, 1, 12 (1 + 5), 12 (1 − 5) ; both GMRES and MINRES algorithms applied to the preconditioned system with matrix T will terminate after at most 3 iterations. This brilliantly fulfills the first request (i). Unfortunately, forming the preconditioned system is as expensive as computing a factorization of K – that is, the second request (ii) is not met at all. Relation (6.73) implies that a good preconditioner is found when the (1,1) block J and the Schur complement of K are well approximated. With this aim, Pd can be replaced by   ˆJ 0 (6.74) Pˆd = ˆ 0 S where b J and b S represent suitable approximations of J and S.

6.6 All-at-once Methods (I)


Note that the Schur block S = β1 M + AM−1 A> is the only block of Pd that contains the PDE matrix. Indeed, blocks (1,1) and (2,2) are simple mass matrices that can be inverted without difficulties. Following [226], for small enough β (say, 10−1 . β . 10−7 ) the term β1 M is smaller than AM−1 A> (see Exercise 7). This suggests us to use the following preconditioner   M 0 0 bd =  0 βM . 0 P (6.75) 0 0 AM−1 A> bd at each iteration requires to Solving the (left) preconditioned system (6.69) with P = P compute the preconditioned residual z by solving Pd z = r, where z and the residual r are given by     zy ry z =  zu  , r = ru  , zp rp respectively. Formally, we obtain

M−1 z= 0 0

 0 0 1 −1  r. 0 βM −> −1 0 A MA

This expression highlights that we still need to solve for A and A> , that is the state and the adjoint problem. A cheaper version of this preconditioner can be obtained by replacing the ˆ and M. ˆ The new preconditioner reads exact matrices M and A with suitable approximations A ˆ  M 0 0 ˆ . Pˆd =  0 β M (6.76) 0 −1 ˆ > ˆ 0 0 AM A ˆ for the mass Thanks to its mesh independent condition number, a good approximation M matrix M is for instance provided by the lumped mass matrix or even by the diagonal of the mass matrix. Other options exist, for instance based on performing a few iterations of the symmetric Gauss-Seidel method, possibly accelerated by Chebyshev semi-iterations (see [226, 241] for further details). ˆ a possibility is to regard it as an inexact solver of A obtained by carrying out Concerning A, ˆ provides an optimal preconditioner a fixed (low) number of multigrid iterations, say k. Such A for A in the case the latter is a finite element discretization of the Laplace equation (e.g. ˆ and M ˆ such that, for [88, 50, 132]). To summarize, and following [226], we can choose A instance: ˆ involves k Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) V-cycles, • A ˆ involves carrying out m iterations of the symmetric Gauss-Seidel method (in short • M SGS(m)). For the algebraic multigrid method we can use, e.g., the HSL MI20 package [47], while the symmetric Gauss-Seidel method and the Chebyshev semi-iterative method are implemented in Algorithms 6.3 and 6.4, respectively. Remark 6.6. Using the lumped mass matrix would result in a preconditioner that is less costly and less time-consuming than SGS preconditioning. However, its spectral properties are not as good, yielding a higher number of iterations of the outer Krylov solver and therefore a higher computational time. •


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

Algorithm 6.3 Symmetric Gauss-Seidel for the system Ax = b: x = SGS(A, b, m) Input: A, b, x0 , m 1: set DA = diag(A), EA = −tril(A), FA = −triu(A), k = 0 2: while k < m 3: x(k+1/2) = (DA − EA )\(FA x(k) ) + (DA − EA )\b 4: x(k+1) = (DA − FA )\(EA x(k+1/2) ) + (DA − FA )\b 5: k =k+1 6: end while Algorithm 6.4 Chebyshev semi-iterative method (l steps) for Mw = b Input: M, b, l, ω 1: set D = diag(M), g = ωD−1 b, and the relaxation parameter ω 2: set S = (I − ωD−1 M) 3: set w0 = 0 and w1 = Swk−1 + g 4: set c0 = 2 and c1 = ω 5: for k = 2, . . . , l 6: ck+1 = ωck − 14 ck−1 ck 7: ηk+1 = ω ck+1 8: wk+1 = ηk+1 (Swk + g − wk−1 ) + wk−1 9: end for

ˆ and M ˆ are not formed explicitly but are defined through the action of Note that both A ˆ = z, instead of forming the matrix their inverses; in fact, when we have to solve the system Aw ˆ A, we apply a routine, say w = amg-precon(A, z), that implements the multigrid method. In Algorithm 6.5 we summarize the main steps involved for the computation of z such that Pˆd z = r, where     zy ry z =  zu  , r = ru  . zp rp

The use of the block diagonal preconditioner Pˆd allows to achieve a convergence rate independent of the mesh size h [226], a property that is referred to as optimality. Unfortunately, the preconditioner Pˆd is not “robust” with respect to the regularization parameter β, meaning that its spectral preconditioning properties are not independent of β. In particular for smaller β the number of iterations of the outer solver is higher. See the numerical tests in Sect. 6.7. In [279] a preconditioner is designed for solving the reduced system      y Mzd M A> = (6.77) f A −β −1 M p Algorithm 6.5 Application of the block preconditioner Pˆd : Pˆd z = r Input: A, M, β, ry , ru , rp 1: zy = SGS(M, ry , m) 2: zu = β −1 SGS(M, ru , m) 3: w1 = amg-precon(A> , rp ) 4: w2 = Mw1 5: zp = amg-precon(A, w2 )

6.6 All-at-once Methods (I)


obtained by substituting u = β −1 p into the original optimality system (6.70). The proposed block diagonal preconditioner is   M + β 1/2 A 0 Pdr = . 0 β −1 M + β −1/2 A> The application of Pdr still requires the exact inversion of the two blocks; in order to ensure an −1 efficient evaluation of Pdr r, the inexact “inversion” of the two diagonal blocks is approximately accomplished by a suitable number of multigrid iterations. The approximation of Pdr that is obtained in this way is denoted Pˆdr . To compare the expression of Pˆdr with the one of the preconditioner Pˆd previously introduced, let us point out that the analogue of Pd when dealing with system (6.77) would be given by   M 0 Pd2 = , 0 β −1 M + AM−1 A> which can be approximated by

  ˆ M 0 ˆ Pd2 = ˆ −1 A ˆ> . 0 AM

Remark 6.7. In the case of boundary control and distributed observation (see, e.g., the problem discussed in Sect. 5.6), in system (6.16) M 6= N and the block B is rectangular. Similarly to (6.72), an ideal preconditioner would be in this case   M 0 0 . 0 Pdb =  0 βN 1 −1 > −1 > 0 0 β BN B + AM A

As done with (6.72), a cheaper version of Pdb can be obtained by the same procedure. The preconditioner that we find in this way has a similar structure to (6.76), precisely (see, e.g., [226]) ˆ  M 0 0 ˆ . • Pˆdb =  0 β N 0 −1 > ˆ ˆ 0 0 AM A Block-triangular Preconditioners For the saddle-point problem (6.68), a block triangular preconditioner of the form PˆBT =

ˆJ D

0 ˆ −S

ˆ ≈ S, and S = DJ−1 D> is the Schur complement of (6.68), was proposed by where ˆJ ≈ J, S Bramble and Pasciak in [49] to be used for conjugate gradient (CG) iterations. ˆ = P −1 K is in fact symmetric and positive definite with respect to the The matrix K BT p (nonstandard) inner product (v1 , v2 )H = v1> Hv2 , where H is the matrix H=

J − ˆJ 0

0 ˆ S

ˆ are symmetric and positive definite blocks. provided J − ˆJ and S


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

Algorithm 6.6 Bramble Pasciak CG method for the system Ax = b Input: A, b, x(0) = 0 1: set r(0) = P\(b − Kx(0) ), p(0) = r(0) , k = 0 2: for k = 0, 1, . . . (r(k) , r(k) )H 3: α= (P\Kp(k) , r(k) )H 4: 5: 6: 7: 8:

x(k+1) = xk + αp(k) r(k+1) = r(k) − αP\Kp(k) β=

(r(k+1) , r(k+1) )H (r(k) , r(k) )H

p(k+1) = r(k+1) + βp(k) end for

When applied to the OCP system (6.70), the block triangular preconditioner reads (see [227, 228])   ˆ γ0 M 0 0 ˆ 0  PˆBT =  0 βγ0 M ˆ A −M −S whereas the nonstandard inner product (v1 , v2 )H is realized by choosing   ˆ M − γ0 M 0 0 ˆ 0 , H= 0 β(M − γ0 M) ˆ A −M S

ˆ is positive definite. The where γ0 > 0 is a suitable scaling factor ensuring that M − γ0 M Bramble Pasciak CG method is reported in Algorithm 6.6. With the Bramble-Pasciak CG method, multigrid-based preconditioners can be used for ˆ is needed when evaluating the inner product each block, as only the action of the inverse of D ˆ −1 A ˆ > can be approximated with H. Moreover, the Schur complement matrix S = 1 M + AM β

ˆ = AM ˆ −1 A ˆ > , similarly to what done in (6.76). See, e.g., [227, 228] for more details and by S [86] for a discussion related to different solvers derived from the Bramble-Pasciak CG method.

Constraint Preconditioners Another class of symmetric indefinite preconditioners for the projected conjugate gradient (PPCG) method [111, 84] are the so-called constraint preconditioners [157, 85]:   G D> PCP = D 0 where G ∈ R(Ny +Nu )×(Ny +Nu ) is a symmetric matrix. The inclusion of the exact representation of the (1, 2) and (2, 1) matrix blocks in the preconditioner, which are associated with the constraints of the OCP, yields a more favorable distribution of the eigenvalues of the preconditioned system (6.69). Their name comes from the observation that these blocks are unchanged from the original system. The PPCG method for the saddle-point system (6.68) is reported in Algorithm 6.7.

6.6 All-at-once Methods (I)


Algorithm 6.7 Projected Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PPCG) method Input: J, D, g, h, x(0) such that Dx(0) = g 1: set ˜ r(0) = Jx(0) − h  (0)   (0)  g r 2: solve PCP = 0 v(0) 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8:

9: 10: 11: 12:

d(0) = −g(0) , r(0) = ˜r(0) − D> v(0) for k = 0, 1, . . . (r(k) , g(k) ) α = (k) (d , Jd(k) )

x(k+1) = x(k) + αd(k) ˜r(k+1) = r(k) + αJd(k)  (k+1)   (k+1)  g ˜r solve PCP (k+1) = 0 v δ=

(˜r(k+1) , g(k+1) ) (r(k) , g(k) )

d(k+1) = −g(k+1) + βd(k) r(k+1) = ˜r(k+1) − D> v(k+1) end for

A possible approximation of the matrix PCP is  ˆ > −1 ˆ βA M A 0 PˆCP =  0 0 ˆ A −M

 A> ˆ  −M 0

ˆ denotes the approximation of A based e.g. on k AMG V -cycles and M ˆ stands for m where A steps of the symmetric Gauss-Seidel method; see, e.g., [226, 157]. Remark 6.8. Symmetric indefinite preconditioners for the projected conjugate gradient method can also be designed in the case where J is positive definite only on ker(D). This is a typical situation for certain classes of PDE-constrained optimization problems, see [241]. •

6.6.2 OCPs governed by Stokes Equations As done in (6.67), the optimality system related to the Stokes OCP (6.46) – no matter whether an OtD or a DtO approach is used – could have also been obtained by rewriting as 1 > X JS X − h> S X → min 2 the discrete OCP, where   M 0 JS = , 0 αMv

subject to

DS = [AS − V],

X ∈ RNy +Nu , DS X = fS ,


  Y X= , U


  f hS = a . 0

Matrices AS , M and V are defined in (6.47) and (6.54), respectively. Here X denotes the vector related to state and control variables.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

Problem (6.78) is equivalent to the saddle-point system      X h JS D> S = S , P fS DS 0


where P denotes the vector related to the adjoint variable. DS is non-singular, and so is the matrix KS in the left hand side of (6.80) provided DS has full rank. This is true provided the observation is made on the whole domain Ω and δ 6= 0, that is, the pressure term is present in the functional. If the observation is restricted to a portion of the domain, or else the pressure term in the functional is missing, the diagonal preconditioner we are going to discuss can not be used as is, since it requires the Schur complement to be nonsingular. By exploiting the analogy of (6.53) with the optimality system (6.68) obtained in the case of scalar elliptic equations, a block diagonal preconditioner can be set up as follows   JS 0 Pd = (6.81) 0 S > where S = DS J−1 S DS is the (non-singular) Schur complement in this case. According to (6.79), we obtain     M 0 0 J 0  0 αMv . 0 Pd = S > = 0 DS J−1 > −1 > S DS 0 0 α−1 VM−1 V + A M A S v S

As in the elliptic case, Pd needs to be replaced by a convenient approximation   ˆJS 0 Pˆd = ˆ , 0 S


ˆ represent suitable approximations of JS and S, respectively. Except that for where JˆS and S −1 small values of α, the term AS M−1 A> VMv V> (see [229]). However, solving S dominates α a system with AS M−1 A> requires two solves with the discrete Stokes matrix, which is not S cheap. We can therefore consider the following preconditioner ˆ  M 0 0 ˆv , Pˆd =  0 αM (6.83) 0 −1 ˆ > ˆ ˆ 0 0 AS M AS

ˆ M ˆ v and A ˆS. where M, Mv and AS have been replaced by suitable approximations M, For the approximation of M (and Mv ) we could simply use the lumped mass matrix (or even the diagonal of the mass matrix), otherwise a few iterations of the symmetric Gaussˆ S , recall that AS represents the Stokes operator, a saddle-point Seidel method. Regarding A matrix for which the task of preconditioning is not straightforward. Moreover, we need to ˆ S is an effective preconditioner for AS , but also that A ˆSM ˆ −1 A ˆ > is ensure that not only A S ˆ a good approximation of AS M−1 A> S . A good choice is to take AS implicitly defined by the application of a preconditioned iterative method [229, 48]. For instance, a preconditioned Krylov subspace method can be used, for which several effective preconditioners are available. However, using a Krylov subspace method as inner solver for the Stokes saddle-point matrix leads to a nonstationary preconditioner for the whole system, which is allowed only if we use a flexible outer method, for example the flexible GMRES7 method. A possible alternative is to use as inner solver a stationary iterative method, like the Uzawa method (see e.g. [30, 255]).


By flexible iterative method we mean an iterative procedure that allows the preconditioner to vary from step to step. See e.g. [236] for the description of the flexible GMRES method.

6.6 All-at-once Methods (I)


ˆ S is implicitly In this case, to solve the system AS w = d the action of the approximation A defined by the following iterative scheme w(k+1) = w(k) + M−1 r(k) , where the matrix M is given by


 ˆ 0 E ˆπ B −M ˆ and M ˆ π represent suitable approximations and the residual is defined as r(k) = d − AS w(k) . E of E and Mπ (being Mπ itself an approximation of the Schur complement for the Stokes system ˆ π we can use one of the several alternatives already (6.47), SS = BE−1 B> ). In particular for M ˆ mentioned, while an effective choice for E is to use a fixed number of multigrid iterations. The preconditioner Pˆd is robust with respect to the mesh size h but not to the parameters α and δ, see e.g. [229]. Other alternatives might include inexact Uzawa methods, see, e.g., [89]. In Algorithm 6.8 we summarize the main steps required by the application of the preconditioner Pˆd ; for the sake of simplicity, we use the exact mass matrices instead of their approximation. The Uzawa method, whose call takes the form xzq = uzawa(AS , bzq , mmax ), is reported in Algorithm 6.9. Note that in this case     rv zv rπ         zπ    bz zz r     z =  , r =  ru  , bzq = , zzq = , rzq = z . zu b z rq q q  rz  zzq rq M=

Algorithm 6.8 Application of the block preconditioner Pˆd : Pˆd z = r Input: AS , Mv , Mπ , α, rv , rπ , ru , rz , rq 1: zv = Mv \rv 2: zπ = δ −1 Mπ \rπ 3: zu = α−1 Mv \ru 4: wzq = uzawa(AS , rzq , kmax ) 5: wzq = M\wzq 6: zzq = uzawa(AS , wzq , kmax )

Algorithm 6.9 Uzawa method: xzq = uzawa(AS , bzq , kmax ) Input: AS , Mpi , bzq , kmax 1: set x(0) = 0, r(0) = bzq − AS x(0) , k = 1 2: while k < kmax (m) (m) 3: solve the linear system Mzzq = rzq , i.e. (k) z(k) w = amg-precon(E, rw ) (k) (k) z(k) q = Mπ \(Bzw − rq )

4: 5: 6: 7:




update the solution xzq = xzq + zzq (k+1) (k) (k) update the residual rzq = rzq − AS zzq set k = k + 1 end while


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

Remark 6.9. As done for elliptic OCPs, see equation (6.77), one can also consider preconditioners for the reduced system obtained after eliminating the optimality equation in the full KKT system. With this reduced formulation, there is no need to add the pressure term in the functional; moreover, observations of the velocity only on a portion of the domain (instead than on the whole domain) are admissible, see for instance [279]. •

6.7 Numerical Examples We now report some results obtained with the all-at-once method on OCPs governed by elliptic equations. We compare the performances of different preconditioners on two test cases, governed by either a Laplace problem or a diffusion-reaction problem, adapted from the examples proposed in [226], and implemented starting from the code provided by the authors8 .

Test case 1: Laplace Equation Let us denote by Ω = (0, 1)2 , by  (2x1 − 1)2 (2x2 − 1)2 zd = 0

(x1 , x2 ) ∈ (0, 1/2]2 otherwise

the target function, and consider the following OCP: Z Z ˜ u) = 1 J(y, (y − zd )2 dx + β u2 dx → min 2 Ω Ω where  −∆y = u in Ω y = zd on Γ,



where β > 0 is a suitable regularization parameter. We rely on a DtO approach and Q1 conforming piecewise bilinear finite elements in Ω, obtaining the following discrete OCP: 1 1 J˜h (y, u) = kyh − zd k2L2 (Ω) + βkuh k2L2 (Ω) = y> My − y> b + c + βu> Mu → min 2 2 (6.85) subject to u ∈ RNu , y ∈ RNy : Ky = Mu + d.

Here we denote by K ∈ RNy ×Ny and M ∈ RNy ×Ny the stiffness and the mass matrix, respectively, with Z (K)ij = ∇ϕj · ∇ϕi , i, j = 1, . . . , Ny , (6.86) Ω

by b = Mzd , c = boundary values of

kzd k2L2 (Ω) and d ∈ yh . Introducing the

RNy a vector containing the terms coming from the Lagrangian

L(y, u, p) = J˜h (y, u) + p> (Ky − Mu − d) and using the KKT optimality conditions (that is, the stationarity conditions of L) we find that y, u, p are the solution of the following saddle point system: 8

For further details, see https://github.com/tyronerees/poisson-control.

6.7 Numerical Examples


2βM 0 0 M M K | {z 


    M> u 0 K >   y  = b . p d 0 }


To solve this system, we employ the MINRES method with one of the following (optimal) block-diagonal preconditioners,     e 0 e 0 2β M 0 2β M 0    bda =  e e Pˆdg =  0 M P (6.88) 0 0 ,  0 M  −1 e > −1 b > e b 0 0 KM K 0 0 KM K

e and K b are two approximations of the stiffness matrix obtained with the geometric or where K e denontes two geometric V-cycles the algebraic multigrid method, respectively. In particular, K b denotes two algebraic multigrid (AMG) V-cycles of the HSL package HSL MI20 package and K [47] applied through a Matlab interface. For both multigrid methods, the smoother is given by the relaxed Jacobi method, that is, if we have to solve a linear system Ax = b for some matrix A and vectors x, b, we iterate as follows, x(k+1) = (I − ωD−1 A)x(k) + ωD−1 b where D = diag(A), I is the identity matrix, x(0) = 0 and ω is a relaxation parameter. As suggested in [226], we consider two pre- and post- smoothing steps of relaxed Jacobi to ensure a reasonable overall efficiency, with the optimal relaxation parameter ω = 8/9. The e of the mass matrix is instead obtained through the Chebyshev semi-iteration approximation M method – that is, a solve with M is approximated by few steps of relaxed Jacobi, accelerated by the Chebyshev semi-iteration, see [226] for further details. We highlight that the approximate mass matrix solve is the the cheapest part of the application of the preconditioner, and also a lumped mass matrix, or even the diagonal of M would lead to an optimal preconditioner. As an alternative to the MINRES method, we also consider the PPCG method, employing the following constraint preconditioner,   e 0 0 −M  b > M−1 K b K>  Pˆca =  0 2β K  e −M K 0

b stands for the approximation of the solves with where, as for the diagonal preconditioner, K e denotes few iterations of the K by two AMG V-cycles of the HSL package HSL MI20, and M Chebyshev semi-iterative method. Aiming at showing the mesh-independent properties of these preconditioners, we compare the time to solve the system (6.90), for different values of β, and different spatial discretizations (obtained by taking h = 2−2 , 2−3 , . . . , 2−8 , using a direct method (implemented in the \ bdg and P bda , and (backslash) function in Matlab, the MINRES method with preconditioner P b the PPCG method with preconditioner Pca , possibly including G = diag(K) – even if this latter preconditioner might reveal prohibitive to use for small values of h. In particular, we take β = 10−2 , 5·10−5 , 10−5 , 10−8 . The MINRES method is stopped when the relative residual (in the 2-norm) has reached the desired tolerance, whereas the PPCG method is terminated when r> g has reached the desired tolerance relative to its initial value (see Algorithm 6.7). In both cases, we choose 10−8 as tolerance.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

Results are reported in Fig. 6.7 and Table 6.4. The number of iterations required by the iterative methods does not increase as the mesh is refined with the MINRES method or ca preconditioner. Moreover, the smaller the value of β, the PPCG method with using the P the larger the number of iterations required to converge (keeping fixed the tolerance). The geometric MG preconditioner (Pdg ) converges in about the same number of iterations as the da ), but the latter is faster9 than the former (at least for corresponding AMG preconditioner (P coarser meshes). The employed preconditioners work effectively with regularization parameter β = 10−2 , 5 · 10−5 , 10−5 , offering mesh size-independent convergence until β = 10−5 . For β = 10−8 the number of iterations grows remarkably for both methods, however tending to a constant value for smaller values of h. On the other hand, for any fixed value of h, more and more iterations are required to achieve convergence as β becomes smaller. MINRES

300 250


# iter

# iter

=1e-2 =5e-5 =1e-5 =5e-8


200 150 100

40 30 20

50 0 -3 10


70 =1e-2 =5e-5 =1e-5 =5e-8








0 -3 10









da and PPCG with P ca to solve problem Fig. 6.7 Case 1. Number of iterations for the MINRES method with P (6.84) for β = 10−2 , 5 · 10−5 , 10−5 , 10−8 , as function of the mesh size h.

Test case 2: Diffusion-Reaction Equation We now consider an OCP for a diffusion-reaction equation, which takes the same form of problem (6.84), except that now the state problem (6.84b) is replaced by  −Δy + y = u in Ω (6.89) y = zd on Γ, In this case, the KKT optimality conditions yield the following saddle point system: ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ u 0 2βM 0 M ⎣ 0 M (K + M) ⎦ ⎣y⎦ = ⎣b⎦ . p d M K+M 0 



To solve this system, we employ the MINRES method with one of the following (optimal) block-diagonal preconditioners,


Results have been obtained on a 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 processor, 16GB RAM.

6.7 Numerical Examples



2−2 27 2−3 147 2−4 675 2−5 2883 2−6 11907 2−7 48387 2−8 195075 2−9 783363



2−2 27 2−3 147 2−4 675 2−5 2883 2−6 11907 2−7 48387 2−8 195075 2−9 783363



2−2 27 2−3 147 2−4 675 2−5 2883 2−6 11907 2−7 48387 2−8 195075 2−9 783363

backslash 0.0001 0.0009 0.0027 0.0085 0.0488 0.2681 1.5194 11.4919

backslash 0.0001 0.0008 0.0027 0.0091 0.0520 0.3436 1.6133 10.7542

backslash 0.0001 0.0011 0.0030 0.0097 0.0545 0.3113 1.5165 8.6826


MINRES bdg ) (P 0.0930 (12) 0.1038 (12) 0.1366 (12) 0.1102 (12) 0.1824 (12) 0.5454 (12) 2.0213 (12) 8.9402 (12)

β = 10−2 MINRES bda ) (P 0.0021 (12) 0.0032 (12) 0.0071 (12) 0.0247 (12) 0.1009 (12) 0.4469 (13) 2.0513 (14) 10.5010 (16)

MINRES bdg ) (P 0.0762 (14) 0.0830 (28) 0.0895 (30) 0.1346 (30) 0.2989 (30) 1.2287 (32) 5.0477 (32) 23.1803 (32)

β = 5 · 10−5 MINRES bda ) (P 0.0034 (20) 0.0075 (32) 0.0192 (34) 0.0680 (36) 0.2916 (36) 1.1829 (36) 4.9689 (36) 23.3629 (38)

PPCG bca ) bca (P (P 0.0015 (6) 0.0038 (10) 0.0102 (11) 0.0288 (11) 0.1049 (10) 0.4998 (10) 1.8249 (8) 8.3284 (8)

PPCG with G = diag(K)) 0.0009 (6) 0.0053 (11) 0.0230 (11) 0.1123 (11) 0.8468 (10) 5.6151 (10) 30.3726 (10) 179.6498 (9)

MINRES bdg ) (P 0.0765 (18) 0.0891 (44) 0.1023 (48) 0.1754 (51) 0.4482 (51) 1.9730 (52) 8.4082 (54) 38.5304 (54)

β = 10−5 MINRES bda ) (P 0.0029 (22) 0.0110 (50) 0.0318 (58) 0.1117 (60) 0.4876 (60) 1.9447 (60) 8.3950 (60) 39.3321 (62)

PPCG bca ) bca (P (P 0.0018 (8) 0.0052 (15) 0.0143 (19) 0.0471 (19) 0.1765 (18) 0.7429 (16) 2.9093 (14) 13.2998 (14)

PPCG with G = diag(K)) 0.0012 (6) 0.0056 (10) 0.1049 (11) 0.8305 (10) 5.2758 (10) 6.2209 (10) 29.1385 (10) 172.6486 (9)

PPCG bca ) (P 0.0025 (3) 0.0015 (3) 0.0032 (3) 0.0107 (3) 0.0441 (3) 0.2089 (3) 1.0019 (3) 4.6273 (3)

PPCG bca with G = diag(K)) (P 0.0011 (6) 0.0054 (11) 0.0221 (11) 0.1150 (11) 0.9520 (10) 6.2209 (10) 42.5664 (10) 344.9240 (9)

Table 6.4 Case 1. Comparison of times (and iterations) for solving problem (6.84) with β = 10−2 , 5·10−5 , 10−5 for different mesh sizes h (with 3Ny unknowns) to a tolerance of 10−8 for Matlab’s backslash method, MINRES bdg or P bda , and PPCG with preconditioners P bca , or constraint preconditioner method with preconditioners P including G = diag(K).


 e 0 2β M 0   e 0 = 0 M , −1 ^ > ^ 0 0 (K + M)M (K + M)

or the PPCG method with   Pˆca = 

 e 0 2β M 0  bda =  e P 0  0 M  0 0 (K\ + M)M−1 (K\ + M)> (6.91) the constraint preconditioner  e 0 0 −M  0 2β(K\ + M)> M−1 (K\ + M) (K + M)>  . e −M K+M 0

Compared to case 1, the only difference is represented by the approximation of the solves with the stiffness matrix, now given by K + M instead of K because of the presence of the mass matrix, which exploit the same multigrid solvers as before. Results are reported in Fig. 6.8 and look similar to the ones obtained for the previous case of the OCP governed by the Laplace equation. Computational times depend on both h and β in the same way as the ones reported in Table 6.4 and are not reported for the sake of space.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs MINRES

300 250


# iter

# iter

=1e-2 =5e-5 =1e-5 =5e-8


200 150 100

40 30 20

50 0 -3 10


70 =1e-2 =5e-5 =1e-5 =5e-8








0 -3 10









da and PPCG with P ca to solve problem Fig. 6.8 Case 2. Number of iterations for the MINRES method with P (6.84a)–(6.89) for β = 10−2 , 5 · 10−5 , 10−5 , 10−8 , as function of the mesh size h.

6.8 All-at-once Methods (II): Control Constraints A more general strategy to approximate the solution of constrained OCPs is the so-called primal-dual active set (PDAS) method, that we will present here in the case of box constraints. First contributions on the PDAS method for optimal control problems are given in [34, 143, 35]; for a rigorous formulation of the PDAS algorithm in Hilbert spaces see [34, 162]. For the sake of brevity, we confine to the Optimize-then-Discretize approach, first providing a formulation of the method at the continuous level, then introducing a suitable discretization. Due to the presence of the control constraints, the optimality system features a nonlinear nature, so that a sequence of saddle-point problems – similar to the ones arising in the unconstrained case – have to be solved, each one characterized by a set of active and inactive control constraints, which can entirely change from one iteration to the next. At each step, a problem has to be solved without inequality constraints, and we can take advantage of the preconditioners introduced in Sect. 6.6. For this reason, we consider the PDAS method as an all-at-once method. Later on, we will also highlight some analogies between this method and the more general sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method, described in Sect. 9.6.2, and employed for the numerical solution of nonlinear OCPs. We consider problem (6.1) with Uad = {u ∈ U : a(x) ≤ u(x) ≤ b(x) a.e. in Ω}. Here U = L2 (Ω), and a, b ∈ L∞ (Ω). Different (e.g., unilateral) constraints on the control can also be considered. The optimality system for this problem reads: find y ∈ V , u ∈ U and p ∈ V such that: ⎧ ∀ϕ ∈ V a (y, ϕ) = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) ⎪ ⎨ ∗ a (p, ψ) = − (y − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω) ∀ψ ∈ V (6.92) ⎪ ⎩ ∀v ∈ U. (βu − p, v − u)L2 (Ω) ≥ 0 Recall (see Proposition 5.4) that the variational inequality appearing in the system above is equivalent to the following KKT conditions: there exist two functions λa and λb in L2 (Ω) such that a.e. in Ω ⎧ ⎨ βu − p − λa + λb = 0 a ≤ u ≤ b, λa ≥ 0, λb ≥ 0 (6.93) ⎩ λa (u − a) = λb (b − u) = 0

6.8 All-at-once Methods (II): Control Constraints


or, alternatively (see equation (5.45)), there exists λ ∈ L2 (Ω) such that:   βu − p + λ = 0 a≤u≤b  u = a where λ < 0, u = b where λ > 0.


The last two equations in (6.94) can be equivalently rewritten as

λ − min{0, λ + c(u − a)} − max{0, λ + c(u − b)} = 0

∀c ∈ R+ .


Let us define the active sets A+ = {x ∈ Ω : λ + c(u − b) > 0},

A− = {x ∈ Ω : λ + c(u − a) < 0}.

If they were known, the optimality system would reduce to  a (y, ϕ) = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ ∈ V      a∗ (p, ψ) = − (y − z , ψ) 2 ∀ψ ∈ V d L (Ω)  βu − p + λ = 0 a.e. in Ω     + − u = b in A , λ = 0 in I, u = a in A ,


where I = Ω \ {A+ ∪ A− } denotes the inactive set, that is, the set of points in Ω where the control constraints are not active. Problem (6.96) can then be solved. More in general, however, the PDAS method starts by making a guess of the optimal active sets, then move from one step to the following one by solving a quadratic subproblem in which some of the inequality constraints are treated as equality constraints on the basis of a prediction made according to the complementarity conditions. More in detail: 1. set (y0 , u0 , λ0 ), k = 0, and initialize active and inactive sets as follows: A+ 0 = {x ∈ Ω : λ0 + c(u0 − b) > 0},

A− 0 = {x ∈ Ω : λ0 + c(u0 − a) < 0},

I0 = {x ∈ Ω : λ0 + c(u0 − b) ≤ 0 ≤ λ0 + c(u0 − a)}; 2. until k < kmax , a maximum number of iterations, do: a. solve for (yk+1 , uk+1 , pk+1 , λk+1 ) the following KKT system:  ∀ϕ ∈ V   a (yk+1 , ϕ) = (f + uk+1 , ϕ)L2 (Ω)    a∗ (p ∀ψ ∈ V k+1 , ψ) = − (yk+1 − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω)  βuk+1 − pk+1 + λk+1 = 0 a.e. in Ω     + − uk+1 = b in Ak , λk+1 = 0 in Ik , uk+1 = a in Ak ,


b. given (yk+1 , uk+1 λk+1 ), update active and inactive sets as follows: A+ k+1 = {x ∈ Ω : λk+1 + c(uk+1 − b) > 0}, A− k+1 = {x ∈ Ω : λk+1 + c(uk+1 − a) < 0},

Ik+1 = {x ∈ Ω : λk+1 + c(uk+1 − b) ≤ 0 ≤ λk+1 + c(uk+1 − a)};

+ − − c. check convergence: if A+ k+1 = Ak , Ak+1 = Ak and Ik+1 = Ik then end the loop, otherwise set k ← k + 1 and go back to point 2a.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

For the approximation of the PDAS method, introduce suitable discrete spaces Vh and Uh of dimension Ny = dim Vh and Nu = dim Uh , to approximate the state space V and the control space U , respectively. Uh is also the space for approximating the multiplier λ, and we assume that the adjoint space is equal to the state space, that is, V˜h = Vh . The discretized version of problem (6.97) reads (in algebraic form):  Ayk+1 = f + Muk+1     A> p k+1 = −M(yk+1 − zd ) (6.98)  βuk+1 − Mpk+1 + λk+1 = 0    uk+1 = b in A+ λk+1 = 0 in Ik , uk+1 = a in A− k, k, with obvious meaning of notation. In particular, the active and inactive sets are subsets of the mesh nodes, that is, A+ k = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk )i + c(uk − b)i > 0}, A− k = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk )i + c(uk − a)i < 0}, Ik = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk )i + c(uk − b)i ≤ 0 ≤ (λk )i + c(uk − a)i }. Equivalently, (6.98) can be rewritten as      yk+1 Mzd M 0 A> 0  0 βM −M I  uk+1   0    =   A −M 0 0  pk+1   f  λk+1 cψk 0 cIAk 0 IIk



• the matrix IAk ∈ RNu ×Nu is diagonal, (IAk )jj =

• the matrix IIk ∈ RNu ×Nu is diagonal, (IIk )jj =

− if j ∈ A+ k ∪ Ak otherwise;

1 0

1 0

if j ∈ Ik otherwise;

• the vector ψk ∈ RNu is given by ψk = χA− a + χA+ b, that is, k

  (a)j (ψk )j = 0  (b)j


if j ∈ A− k if j ∈ Ik if j ∈ A+ k

This follows from rewriting (6.98)4 as

IAk uk+1 + IIk λk+1 = ψk .


By using the similar shorthand notation of the unconstrained case, (6.99) can be rewritten as Kk χ = bk . The matrices IAk and IIk change at every iteration, as they depend on the active and inactive sets. The whole matrix Kk changes therefore at every iteration, and so does the right-hand side bk , because of the modifications occurring in the components ψk . The PDAS method is implemented in Algorithm 6.10.

6.8 All-at-once Methods (II): Control Constraints


Algorithm 6.10 PDAS method for constrained OCPs Input: initial guess y0 , u0 , p0 , λ0 , c ∈ R+ , kmax 1: Initialize active and inactive sets: A+ 0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λ0 )i + c(u0 − b)i > 0}, A− 0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λ0 )i + c(u0 − a)i < 0}, I0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λ0 )i + c(u0 − b)i ≤ 0 ≤ (λ0 )i + c(u0 − a)i } 2: 3: 4: 5:

set k = 0 and converged = false while converged = false and k < kmax solve (6.99) for (yk+1 , uk+1 , pk+1 , λk+1 ) given (yk+1 , uk+1 , λk+1 ), update active and inactive sets: A+ k+1 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk+1 )i + c(uk+1 − b)i > 0}, A− k+1 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk+1 )i + c(uk+1 − a)i < 0}, Ik+1 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk+1 )i + c(uk+1 − b)i ≤ 0 ≤ (λk+1 )i + c(uk+1 − a)i }

6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12:

check convergence: + − − if A+ k+1 = Ak , Ak+1 = Ak and Ik+1 = Ik converged = true else k = k+1; end if end while

Note that the matrix Kk is no longer symmetric, as in the unconstrained case (see equation (6.68)). To restore its symmetry, we note that from (6.100) ∀j ∈ Ik .

(λk+1 )j = 0

By eliminating these components from (6.99) we obtain      M 0 A> 0 yk+1 Mzd ˜ A  uk+1   0   0 βM −M P k   = .  A −M 0 0  pk+1   f  k ˜> λA ψ˜kA 0 P 0 0 k+1 Ak


k ˜ A ∈ R(Ny +Nu )×NAk is Here λA of λk+1 to the active set Ak , P k k+1 denotes the restriction   Nu ×NAk ˜ PA k ; PA k ∈ R a rectangular matrix, PAk = 0 is also rectangular, consisting of those rows of the matrix IAk which correspond to the active indexes. In the same way, ψ˜kA ∈ RNAk is given by ψ˜kA = PA− a + PA+ b k

where PA− ∈ R k

Nu ×NA− k

and PA+ ∈ R

Nu ×NA+




are rectangular matrices consisting of those

+ rows of IAk which correspond to the indexes of A− k and Ak , respectively. The linear system (6.101) now exhibits the same saddle-point structure of the optimality system arising in the unconstrained case; indeed, we are just adding a further Lagrange multiplier. Note that the variable λk+1 is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the discrete constraint a ≤ u ≤ b, and the relationships

˜ + λ Ak , λk+1 = P k+1 A k

k ˜> λA k+1 = PA+ λk+1 k


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

hold. Finally, by solving the system Mξk+1 = λk+1 , we find the nodal values ξk+1 of a finite element function which approximates the multiplier λk+1 in the continuous system (6.97). Both block-diagonal and block-triangular preconditioners can be efficiently used to solve the system (6.101) arising as part of the primal-dual active set method, see, e.g., [141, 228, 252]. Remark 6.10. The primal-dual active set method can also be interpreted as a (regularized) semismooth Newton method. This follows by solving approximately the (non differentiable) nonlinear equation λ − min{0, λ + c(u − a)} − max{0, λ + c(u − b)} = 0

∀c ∈ R+ •

by a semismooth Newton algorithm (in the sense made precise in [143]).

Regularized State-Constrained Problems: Mixed Constraints A primal-dual active set strategy can also be employed to approximate mixed control-state constraints10 . For the sake of exposition, we consider the regularized control problem (5.177)– (5.179), where the state constraints are replaced by the Laurentiev-type regularization (5.181). Such a problem is recalled below for reader’s convenience: Z Z 1 β 2 ˜ min J(y, u) = (y − zd ) dx + u2 dx y∈V,u∈Uad ⊆U 2 Ω 2 Ω ( −∆y+ = f + u in Ω (6.102) subject to ∂y =0 on ∂Ω ∂n and ya ≤ εu + y (u) ≤ yb a.e in Ω. Note that the regularization parameter has now been denoted by ε > 0 since λ already denotes the Lagrange multiplier related to the mixed state-control constraint. Using Theorem 5.9 and condition 5.46, we have that the optimality system for problem (6.102) reads: find y ∈ V , u ∈ U , p ∈ V , λ ∈ U such that, for any c ∈ R+ :  a (y, ϕ) = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ ∈ V      a∗ (p, ψ) = − (y − z , ψ) 2 ∀ψ ∈ V d L (Ω) − (λ, ψ)L2 (Ω) (6.103)  βu − p + ελ = 0 a.e. in Ω     λ − min{0, λ − c(ya − εu − y)} − max{0, λ + c(εu + y − yb )} = 0 a.e. in Ω. The generic step of the PDAS method reads:  a (yk+1 , ϕ) = (f + uk+1 , ϕ)L2 (Ω)      a∗ (p k+1 , ψ) = − (yk+1 − zd , ψ)L2 (Ω)  βuk+1 − pk+1 + ελk+1 = 0     εuk+1 + yk+1 = yb in A+ λk+1 = 0 in Ik , k,

∀ϕ ∈ V

∀ψ ∈ V

a.e. in Ω

εuk+1 + yk+1 = ya in A− k,

where the active and inactive sets now take the form

Ak− = {x ∈ Ω : λ − c(ya − εu − y) < 0}, 10

Mixed control-state constraints can be viewed as a possible way to regularize problems with pure state constraints, see Sect. 5.12.

6.9 Numerical Examples


Ak+ = {x ∈ Ω : λ + c(εu + y − yb ) > 0}, I = Ω \ {Aa ∪ Ab }. From an algebraic standpoint, the discretization of the problem above can be carried out as in the case of control constraints, yielding the following saddle-point system:  ˜ >   yk+1  Mzd  M 0 A> P Ak  0 ˜ A  uk+1   0  βM −M εP k   = , (6.104)  A −M 0 0  pk+1   f  A A k ˜ > εP ˜> λ ψ˜ P 0 0 Ak




˜ > and the vector ψ˜A defined similarly than in (6.101). Preconditioned iterwith the matrix P Ak k ative solvers (with either block-diagonal or block-triangular preconditioners) can therefore be employed within a PDAS algorithm also in the case of state constraints provided a Laurentiev regularization is operated, as done in the more general case of mixed state-control constraints. See, e.g., [141, 197] for further details.

6.9 Numerical Examples In this section we report some numerical results obtained with the PDAS method, regarding constrained OCPs governed by either the Laplace equation or the Stokes equations.

6.9.1 OCPs Governed by the Laplace Equation Test case 1 Let us denote by Ω = (0, 1)2 , by a > 0 a bound on the control function, by zd (x) = sin(2πx1 ) sin(2πx2 ) the target function, and consider the following OCP: Z Z β ˜ u) = 1 J(y, (y − zd )2 dx + u2 dx → min (6.105a) 2 Ω 2 Ω subject to u ∈ Uad = {u ∈ L2 (Ω) : −a ≤ u ≤ a}, y ∈ V :  −∆y = u in Ω (6.105b) y = zd on Γ, where β > 0 is a suitable regularization parameter. With the choice of zd made above, the best possible control (i.e., the one giving a state solution equal to zd , the desired value, disregarding the discretization error) is given by uex = 8π 2 sin(2πx1 ) sin(2πx2 ). As initial guesses for the PDAS algorithm, we consider u = 0 and λ = 0. This means that at the first iteration the inactive set I0 coincides with the whole domain, i.e. the bounds are nowhere active. Tests have been performed using Q1 conforming piecewise bilinear finite elements in Ω, built on a quadrilateral mesh, and considering different values for the regularization parameter β = 10−2 , 10−4 , 10−6 , 10−8 , and different bounds on the control a = 100, 70, 50, 30, in order to analyze their effect on the OCP solution and the PDAS algorithm.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

Fig. 6.9 Case 1. Optimal state yˆ for β = 10−8 and different control bounds: from left to right, a = 30, 50, 70 and the unconstrained case

Fig. 6.10 Case 1. Optimal control u ˆ in the unconstrained case for β = 10−2 , 10−4 , 10−6 , 10−8 (from left to right)

Numerical results are shown in Figures 6.9–6.13. In the case a = 100, the PDAS method converges in a single iteration, since the best possible control uex is such that kuex kL∞ (Ω) ≤ 80; however, the norm of the control highly depends on the regularization parameter β (see Fig. 6.10). The stricter the bound a, the higher the number of iterations required to the PDAS method to converge. In particular, the optimal control is determined by forcing the control to fulfill the bound constraints in some regions (i.e., the ones corresponding to the active sets A+ and A− ), and, at the same time, by widening these regions as far as β allows: indeed, smaller values of β allow a larger control norm, and the possibility, for the control, to act on wider regions of the domain (Fig. 6.11). The larger the regularization parameter α, the lower the number of iterations required to the PDAS method to converge and the norm of the control, and the larger the value of the distance kˆ y − zd kL2 (Ω) between the optimal state and the target (Fig. 6.12). Finally, we can notice that, by keeping fixed the control bound a and β, the number of iterations required to achieve convergence increases for decreasing mesh sizes h (Fig. 6.13).

6.9 Numerical Examples


Fig. 6.11 Case 1. Optimal control u ˆ in the constrained case for different control bounds: from top to bottom, a = 30, 50, 70, and different regularization parameters, β = 10−2 , 10−4 , 10−6 , 10−8 (from left to right) Distance of the optimal state from the target 0.5 a = 100 a = 70 0.45 a = 50 a = 30 0.4

Number of iterations to reach convergence a = 100 a = 70 a = 50 a = 30


35 30

L ( )

0.3 25




|| y -z ||

# iter


d L ( )



0.2 15





0.05 10

a = 100 a = 70 a = 50 a = 30


0.35 10

Norm of the optimal control










0 -8 10







0 -8 10







Fig. 6.12 Case 1. From left to right: number of iterations to reach convergence, distance ˆ y − zd L2 (Ω) between the optimal state and the target, norm of the optimal control u ˆ, for different control bounds and different regularization parameters. In the center and right plots, the values obtained in the cases a = 100 and a = 70 are almost superimposed


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs Number of iterations to reach convergence = 10-6 , a = 30 = 10-8 , a = 30 = 10-6 , a = 50 = 10-8 , a = 50 = 10-6 , a = 70 101

# iter

= 10-8 , a = 70





Fig. 6.13 Case 1. Number of iterations to reach convergence, for different control bounds and regularization parameters, as a function of the mesh size h

Test case 2 Let us denote by Ω = (0, 1)2 , by  zd (x) = −x1 exp −


 (xi − 0.5)



the target function, for d = 2 and d = 3, and consider the following OCP, originally proposed in [228]:   1 β 2 ˜ J(y, u) = (y − zd ) dx + u2 dx → min (6.106a) 2 Ω 2 Ω subject to u ∈ Uad = {u ∈ L2 (Ω) : a ≤ u ≤ b}, y ∈ V :  −Δy = u in Ω = (0, 1)d (6.106b) y = zd on Γ, where β > 0 is a suitable regularization parameter, and  a=

−0.15 −0.2

 x1 < 0.5 x1 ≥ 0.5,

b = −0.01 exp −





We solve the OCP in both cases d = 2 and d = 3, considering u = 0 and λ = 0 as initial guesses for the PDAS algorithm. Tests have been performed using Q1 conforming piecewise bilinear finite elements in Ω, built on a quadrilateral or a hexahedral mesh, respectively. Numerical results are shown in Figs. 6.14–6.15 for different values of the regularization parameter β = y − zd L2 (Ω) 10−2 , 10−4 , 10−6 ; the number of iterations to reach convergence, the distance ˆ between the optimal state and the target, and the norm of the optimal control u ˆ, behave as functions of β similarly to the ones obtained in Test case 1. Note that, in presence of a discontinuous bound function a, large values of the regularization coefficients might limit the norm of the control, as in the case reported in Fig. 6.14 (top).

6.9 Numerical Examples


Fig. 6.14 Case 2 (dimension d = 2). Optimal state yˆ, optimal control u ˆ and adjoint state pˆ for different regularization parameters, β = 10−2 , 10−4 , 10−6 (from top to bottom)

6.9.2 OCPs Governed by the Stokes Equations Let us consider the following OCP governed by Stokes equations, originally proposed in [229]: Z Z 1 α 2 ˜ J(v, π, u) = |v − vd | dx + |u|2 dx → min 2 Ω 2 Ω subject to (v, π) ∈ V, u ∈ Uad , (6.107)  in Ω  −ν∆v + ∇π = f + u div v = 0 in Ω  v=g on Γ, where Ω = (0, 1)2 , Γright = {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ ∂Ω : x1 = 1} and  0 on Γright g= −e2 on Γ \ Γright , denoting by (e1 , e2 ) the standard basis in R2 .

6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs


Fig. 6.15 Case 2 (dimension d = 3). Optimal state yˆ, optimal control u ˆ and adjoint state pˆ for different regularization parameters, β = 10−2 , 10−4 , 10−6 (from top to bottom)

As target function we consider vd = (x2 − 0.5)e1 − (x1 − 0.5)e2 , 2

we set V = H01 (Γright ) × L2 (Ω), and consider Uad = {u ∈ L2 (Ω)2 : −550 ≤ ui ≤ 550 a.e. in Ω, i = 1, 2}.

6.9 Numerical Examples


Numerical results have been obtained for different values of the regularization coefficient α, using the inf-sup compatible pair Q2 − Q1 of FE spaces, whose dimensions for the case at hand are Nv = 51842 and Nπ = 6561, respectively. Note that, since the target velocity is not compatible with the boundary conditions prescribed on the state velocity in problem (6.107), we cannot expect to reduce the value of the cost functional below a certain value. The effect of the control function is to move the vortex from the right side of the domain towards the center; in particular, smaller values of α yield a more remarkable shift (see Fig. 6.16). The number of iterations to reach convergence, the distance kˆ v − vd kL2 (Ω)2 between the ˆ plotted optimal state velocity and the target velocity, and the norm of the optimal control u versus α, behave similarly to the ones obtained in Test case 1, see Table 6.5.

ˆ, π ˆ and Fig. 6.16 Case 3 (Stokes). Optimal velocity and pressure (v ˆ ), adjoint velocity zˆ and optimal control u for different regularization parameters, β = 10−2 , 10−4 , 10−6 , 10−8 (from top to bottom, from left to right). In the case of state variables, the vector fields in the top row are oriented as the velocity field, and colored according to the pressure values. Note that pressure peaks are localized along the boundary of the domain and for this reason are not clearly visible in this figure


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs β 10−2 10−4 10−6 10−8

Jh (ˆ u) 0.0579601 0.0430436 0.0244265 0.0176069

# iter 1 1 1 6

kˆ ukL2 (Ω) 0.326406 10.3743 72.2504 308.912

kˆ y − zd kL2 (Ω) 0.338902 0.274453 0.208885 0.185093

Table 6.5 Case 3. Values of the cost functional for the optimal control Jh (ˆ u), number of iterations required by the steepest descent method to converge, norm of the optimal control kˆ ukL2 (Ω) , value of the cost kˆ y −zd kL2 (Ω) , for different values of the regularization parameter β. The value of the cost functional in the absence of control (u = 0) is Jh (u0 ) = 0.0585097

6.10 A priori Error Estimates In this section we provide some a priori error estimates for the Galerkin-FE solution of a linear-quadratic OCP. A quite general (and intuitive) fact is that error estimates for optimal controls cannot improve those known for the solutions of the associated state equation. Early contributions on the subject date back to the 70’s and are due to Falk [94] and Geveci [102]. L2 -error estimates are obtained which exploit the H 1 -regularity of the optimal control11 and the optimal regularity of the state variable, both for the case of distributed controls and Neumann boundary controls. Here we mainly focus on the case of unconstrained OCPs, for which this kind of results can be derived by exploiting the saddle-point nature of the KKT system (6.4), as well as of its discrete version (6.5), and Theorem B.2. A similar approach is adopted by Becker, Kapp and Rannacher in [23], where the KKT system is indeed rewritten as a weakly coercive problem for the aggregated state, adjoint and control variables.

OCPs governed by scalar elliptic equations We start by considering the case of an OCP for a scalar elliptic equation with distributed control, like (6.1). First of all, we want to recast (6.4) in the form of a saddle-point problem12 . With that in mind, let us denote by x = (y, u) ∈ X, where X = V × U is the product space between the state space V and the control space U , equipped with the scalar product ∀x = (y, u), w = (z, v) ∈ X;

(x, w)X = (y, z)V + (u, v)U

moreover, let us denote by Q(= V ) the adjoint space. For the case at hand, V = H01 (Ω), U = L2 (Ω). Introduce the aggregated bilinear forms D : X × X → R and E : Q × X → R, given by D(x, w) = (y, z)L2 (Ω) + β(u, v)L2 (Ω) ∀x, w ∈ X, (6.108) E(q, x) = a(y, q) − (u, q)L2 (Ω) ∗

with β ≥ 0, and the functionals H ∈ X , G ∈ Q

hH, wiX ∗ ,X = (zd , z)L2 (Ω) + (0, v)L2 (Ω) ,

∀x ∈ X, ∀q ∈ Q,


hG, qiQ∗ ,Q = (f, q)L2 (Ω) .

Here a(·, ·) is the bilinear form defined in (6.2), whose continuity and coercivity constants are denoted by M and α, respectively. Then, we can rewrite (6.4) as follows: find (x, p) ∈ X × Q such that  D(x, w) + E(p, w) = hH, wiX ∗ ,X ∀w ∈ X (6.110) E(q, x) = hG, qiQ∗ ,Q ∀q ∈ Q. 11

Assuming f ∈ L2 (Ω), a, b ∈ L∞ (Ω) ∩ H 1 (Ω), so that the optimal control belongs to H 1 (Ω).


This is indeed the continuous counterpart of what we did from an algebraic standpoint in Sect. 6.6.

6.10 A priori Error Estimates


Proposition 6.1. The bilinear forms D(·, ·) and E(·, ·) satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem A.7; hence, problem (6.110) is well-posed. Proof. The symmetry and the non-negativity of D(·, ·) are evident. Thanks to the continuity of the bilinear form a(·, ·), D(·, ·) is continuous on X × X, as 2 kyk kzk + βkuk kvk |D(x, w)| ≤ kykL2 (Ω) kzkL2 (Ω) + βkukU kvkU ≤ CP V V U U 2 + β)kxk kwk , ≤ (CP X X

where CP is the Poincar´ e constant. D(·, ·) is strongly coercive on X0 : in fact, if w = (z, v) ∈ X0 , then E(q, w) = 0

∀q ∈ Q

Using the Lax-Milgram Lemma we have kzkV ≤

a(z, q) = (v, q)L2 (Ω)

1 kvkU , α

∀q ∈ Q.

from which we deduce β kvk2U + β2 kvk2U 2  β ≥ 2 max 1, α2 (kzk2V

D(w, w) = kzk2L2 (Ω) + βkvk2U ≥ kzk2L2 (Ω) + ≥

kzk2L2 (Ω)


β kvk2U 2


β 2 α kzk2V 2

+ kvk2U ).

Moreover, E(·, ·) is continuous on X × X since |E(x, q)| ≤ |a(y, q)| + |(u, q)L2 (Ω) | ≤ M kykV kqkQ + kukU kqkQ ≤ (M + 1)kxkX kqkQ . Furthermore, E(·, ·) is inf-sup stable on X × Q, since sup 06=x∈X

a(y, q) − (u, q)L2 (Ω) E(q, x) = sup 2 2 1/2 kxkX 06=(z,v)∈V ×U (kykV + kukU )

≥ (y,u)=(q,0)

a(q, q) ≥ αkqkV = αkqkQ . kqkY t u

Remark 6.11. Thanks to the equivalence between saddle-point problems and constrained minimization problems stated in Proposition A.9, the result above allows the original OCP to be rewritten under the form of a constrained minimization problem, which is nothing but the counterpart of problem (6.67) at the continuous level. • Remark 6.12. The analogy between the optimality system and a saddle-point problem holds at the continuous level for a constrained OCP, too, provided a primal-dual active set algorithm is used. In fact, by defining q = (q, λA ) and the aggregated bilinear forms D(x, w) as in (6.108), and EA (q, x) = a(y, q) − (v, q)L2 (Ω) + (u, λA )L2 (A) ∀x ∈ X, ∀q ∈ Q × L2 (A) instead of (6.109), where A denotes the active set, it is possible to show that EA also fulfills the assumptions of Theorem A.7, see [141]. Because of the nature of the PDAS algorithm, the main difference with respect to the unconstrained case is that this saddle-point problem is changing at each iteration as long as the active set changes. • Let us now consider the Galerkin approximation of the saddle-point problem (6.110); we define Xh = Vh × Uh ⊂ X and Qh ⊂ Q for suitable finite element spaces Vh , Uh and Qh ; moreover, we assume that Qh = Vh . The Galerkin-FE approximation (6.5) of (6.4) can be rewritten as: find (xh , ph ) ∈ Xh × Qh such that  D(xh , wh ) + E(ph , wh ) = hH, wh iX ∗ ,X ∀wh ∈ Xh (6.111) E(qh , xh ) = hG, qh iQ∗ ,Q ∀qh ∈ Qh Applying Theorem B.2, we obtain the following convergence result.


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

Theorem 6.1. If Vh = Qh , the bilinear forms D(·, ·) and E(·, ·) satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem B.2. Then, for every h > 0, problem (6.111) has a unique solution (xh , ph ) ∈ Xh × Qh . Moreover, if (x, p) ∈ X × Q denotes the unique solution of (6.110), the following optimal error inequality holds ky − yh kV +kp − ph kV + ku − uh kU   ≤C inf ky − wh kV + inf kp − qh kV + inf ku − vh kU wh ∈Vh

qh ∈Vh

vh ∈Uh


where C = C(M, α, β) is independent of h. Furthermore, if we use finite elements of local degree r for approximating both the state and adjoint variables, and of local degree s for approximating the control variable, the following a priori error estimate holds ky − yh kV +kp − ph kV + ku − uh kU ≤c1 hr (|y|H r+1 (Ω) + |p|H r+1 (Ω) ) + c2 hs |u|H s (Ω)


provided that y, p ∈ H r+1 (Ω), u ∈ H s (Ω), r ≥ 1, s ≥ 0. Proof. We only sketch the main points, see Exercise 8 for more details. D(·, ·) and E(·, ·) fulfill the assumptions of Theorem B.2 thanks to the property that a(·, ·) is continuous on the discrete subspaces Vh × Qh and strongly coercive in Vh , provided that Vh = Qh , and then follow the main lines of the proof of Proposition 6.1. Then, the well-posedness of problem (6.111) as well as the error inequality (6.120) directly follow from Theorem B.2, whereas (6.113) is a direct consequence of the a priori error estimates for the FE approximation of elliptic problems, see Theorem B.4. t u

OCPs governed by the Stokes equations Similar results can be obtained in the case of an unconstrained linear-quadratic OCP for the Stokes equations. Here we only sketch the main points, see, e.g., [233] for more. In the case of the problem of Sect. 5.13.1, the system of optimality conditions can be reformulated as a saddle point system. To see that, we denote by x = ((v, π), u) ∈ X = V × U the variable grouping the state (v, π) ∈ V and the control u ∈ U , by Q = V the adjoint space, being in this case V = X × Q the product space between the velocity and the pressure space. Then, let us define: • the bilinear form a : V × V → R a((v, π), (ϕ, φ)) = e(v, ϕ) + b(ϕ, π) + b(v, φ)

∀(v, π), (ϕ, φ) ∈ V


which is continuous and weakly coercive on V × V (see Exercise 9); • for any x = ((v, π), u) ∈ X and corresponding test functions ζ = ((ϕ, φ), η) ∈ X , the bilinear forms D(x, ζ) = (v, ϕ)L2 (Ω) + τ (u, η)L2 (Ω) ∀x, ζ ∈ X , (6.115) E(x, (ϕ, φ)) = a((v, π), (ϕ, φ)) − (u, ϕ)L2 (Ω)

∀x ∈ X , ∀(ϕ, φ) ∈ Q,


which satisfy the assumptions of Theorem A.7 (see Exercise 9). Then, (x, (z, q)) ∈ X × Q is an optimal solution of problem (5.190)–(5.191) if and only if  D(x, ζ) + E(ζ, (z, q)) = hH, ζiX ∗ ,X ∀ζ ∈ X (6.117) E(x, (ϕ, φ)) =0 ∀(ϕ, φ) ∈ Q,

6.10 A priori Error Estimates


with H = ((zd , 0), 0) ∈ X = V × U . Similarly to what done above for the elliptic problem, we can introduce the Galerkin approximation of problem (6.117) by considering two finitedimensional spaces Xh ⊂ X , Qh ⊂ Q, such that Xh = Vh × Uh , Qh = Vh : find (xh , (zh , qh )) ∈ Xh × Qh such that  D(xh , ζh ) + E(ζh , (zh , qh )) = hH, ζh iX ∗ ,X ∀ζh ∈ Xh (6.118) E(xh , (ψh , ξh )) =0 ∀(ψh , ξh ) ∈ Qh . A necessary condition to ensure that D(·, ·) and E(·, ·) fulfill the assumptions of Theorem B.2 is that Vh is an inf-sup stable subspace of V , that is, the couple of discrete spaces (Xh , Qh ) satisfy the discrete inf-sup condition (B.16), here reported for convenience, inf


qh ∈Qh wh ∈Xh

E(ζh , (zh , qh )) ≥ βs, kζh kX k(zh , qh )kQ


for a suitable constant β s > 0 independent of h. Then, a result similar to that reported in Proposition 6.1 holds for the Stokes case as well. Theorem 6.2. If the couple of discrete spaces (Xh , Qh ) satisfy the discrete inf-sup condition (B.16) and if Qh = Vh , the bilinear forms D(·, ·) and E(·, ·) satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem B.2. Then, for every h > 0, problem (6.118) has a unique solution (xh , (zh , qh )) ∈ Xh × Qh . Moreover, if (x, (z, q)) ∈ X × Q denotes the unique solution of (6.117), the following error inequality holds kv − vh kX + kπ − πh kQ + ku − uh kU + kz − zh kX + kq − qh kQ ≤ C

inf kv − ϕh kV + inf kπ − φh kQ

ϕh ∈Vh

φh ∈Qh

+ inf ku − ηh kU ηh ∈Uh

+ inf kz − ψh kV + inf kq − ξh kQ ψh ∈Vh

ξh ∈Qh

where C = C(ν, τ, β s ) is independent of h.

OCPs with Control or State Constraints In the case of constrained OCPs, deriving a priori error estimates becomes much more involved. Other approaches which do not rely on the saddle-point nature of the KKT system are also available in literature, aiming at the derivation of error bounds for state, adjoint and control variables separately. In this case, usually, the control space is first discretized, then the discrete state space is considered. The effect of an independent discretization of the control and state spaces has also been investigated: 1. in [145] the discretization of the state space alone is considered. Denoting by Sh a suitable discretization of the control-to-state map y = Su by means of continuous, piecewise linear finite elements, a bound ku − uh kU ≤ Ch2 , with C > 0, independent of h, is proven, where u is the optimal control for the continuous ˜ h u, u); problem and uh = arg minu∈Uad J(S


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

2. in [232] no discretization of the state space is considered, whereas the effects of the discretization of boundary controls is analyzed. A space Uh of continuous, piecewise linear finite elements is considered to approximate U = L2 (Γ ), leading to the corresponding set Uh,ad = {u ∈ Uh : a ≤ u ≤ b a.e. on Γ }; then the estimate ku − uh kU ≤ Ch3/2 is recovered, where u is the optimal control for the continuous problem and uh = ˜ arg minUh,ad J(Su h , uh ). For piecewise constant control approximations the estimate is instead of the form ku − uh kU ≤ Ch. The literature about error estimates for Dirichlet boundary control problems is not ample. Deckelnick, G¨ unther and Hinze consider in [75] the Dirichlet boundary control of an elliptic equation with L2 -boundary controls subject to pointwise bounds on the controls – that is, Uad = {u ∈ L2 (Γ ) : a ≤ u(x) ≤ b a.e. on Γ } – and the cost functional (5.170). In this case, denoting by u ∈ L2 (Γ ) the optimal control, by uh ∈ Uad,h the solution of the discrete problem, where Uad,h is the discrete counterpart of Uad and by y and yh the corresponding states (provided the state solution is approximated by piecewise linear, continuous finite elements) the following error estimate holds, p ku − uh kL2 (Γ ) + ky − yh kL2 (Ω) ≤ Ch | log h|

for a suitable constant C > 0 independent of h. In the case Ω ⊂ R2 , and under additional conditions on the mesh regularity, an improved error bound under the form ku − uh kL2 (Γ ) + ky − yh kL2 (Ω) ≤ Ch3/2

is also derived, reflecting a superconvergence effect; see also [58]. May, Rannacher, and Vexler also consider in [191] the case of Dirichlet boundary control without control constraints on two-dimensional convex polygonal domains, showing optimal error estimates for both the state and the adjoint state by using duality techniques and an optimal error estimate in H −1/2 (Γ ) for the control. Regarding instead the case of both control and state constrained elliptic OCPs under the form (5.177)–(5.179), only few attempts have been made to develop a rigorous finite element analysis. Deckelnick and Hinze prove in [76] the following error bounds,  Ch| √ log h|, if d = 2, ku − uh kL2 (Ω) , ky − yh kH 1 (Ω) ≤ C h, if d = 3 in the case of a control discretization made by piecewise constant finite elements, and state discretization by piecewise linear, continuous finite elements; similar results can also be found in [196]. Error estimates for the Lavrentiev-regularized problem are instead provided in [147].

6.11 A Posteriori Error Estimates A posteriori error bounds allow to quantify the discretization error through computable quantities (for instance, the residual of the approximate solution) once the discrete problem has been solved. This information is usually exploited within a mesh refinement procedure – this

6.11 A Posteriori Error Estimates


is called a posteriori adaptivity. Error control and adaptive mesh design is a central topic in numerical analysis, which is beyond the scope of the present introduction; see, e.g. [218, Chapter 4] for a general introduction to a posteriori adaptivity, and [3, 25, 112, 266] for more on this subject. We now describe a possible strategy, known as dual weighted residual (DWR) method, to derive a posteriori error estimates for OCPs where the state problem is given by a scalar elliptic PDE like (6.1). DWR methods have been introduced by Rannacher and coworkers (see [25] and references therein) for the more general sake of error control and adaptive mesh design in PDE problems, and provide a way to derive estimates based on suitable functionals of the solution of the problem, by taking advantage of several ideas arising in the field of optimal control. Here we exploit the DWR method to estimate the discretization error on the solution of an unconstrained OCP. For the sake of simplicity, we consider a pure diffusion problem, setting b = 0; see e.g. [23] for the extension to the case of advection-diffusion-reaction problems. The case of control-constrained OCPs, which would require further care when formulating the discrete system of KKT conditions, is discussed in [267]. DWR methods are based on the assumption that the discretization error on the OCP ˜ y, u ˜ yh , u problem can be identified with the error on the cost functional |J(ˆ ˆ) − J(ˆ ˆh )|, taking however into account the whole set of KKT conditions for the state, the adjoint and the control variable. Indeed, the cost functional depends directly on y and indirectly on u and p so that it is possible to estimate the distance between the discrete optimum (ˆ yh , u ˆh , pˆh ) and the continuous one (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ), by taking into account these relationships. Let us use the notation x = (y, u, p) and xh = (yh , uh , ph ) and express the error on the cost functional as ˜ u) − J(y ˜ h , uh ) = L(y, p, u) − L(yh , uh , ph ) = L(x) − L(xh ). J(y, Note that, provided a Galerkin approximation is used, the error on the OCP problem can be seen as the error on the Lagrangian. According to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, we have Z 1 Z 1 d L(x) − L(xh ) = L(sx + (1 − s)xh )ds = ∇L(sx + (1 − s)xh )(x − xh )ds 0 ds 0 Z 1 = ∇L(xh )(x − xh ) + (∇L(sx + (1 − s)xh ) − ∇L(xh )) (x − xh )ds. 0

In the case of a linear state equation and a quadratic cost functional (with respect to y), ∇L(x) is linear with respect to x, so that the previous equation directly yields the following useful relationship, ˜ u) − J(y ˜ h , uh ) = 1 ∇L(x)(x − xh ) + 1 ∇L(xh )(x − xh ). J(y, 2 2


Since the exact solution x ˆ is such that ∇L(ˆ x) = 0, we end up with the following Proposition 6.2. The optimal solution x ˆ = (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) of the linear-quadratic OCP (6.1) and the corresponding approximation x ˆh = (ˆ yh , u ˆh , pˆh ) fulfill system (6.4) and (6.5), respectively, and are such that 1 ˜ y, u ˜ yh , u J(ˆ ˆ) − J(ˆ ˆh ) = ∇L(ˆ xh )(ˆ x−x ˆh ). 2



6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

To turn (6.121) into a computable expression , let us assume that, as usual, the triangulation Th of the domain Ω underlying the finite element spaces is made by elements denoted by K, and denote by hK = diam(K), see Sect. B.4. Moreover, we denote by e the edge of a generic triangle K and define the jump of the normal derivative of yh through the internal side e the quantity   ∂yh = ∇yh |K1 · n1 + ∇yh |K2 · n2 = (∇yh |K1 − ∇yh |K2 ) · n1 ∂n where K1 and K2 are the two triangles sharing the side e, whose normal outgoing unit vectors are given by n1 and n2 , respectively, with n1 = −n2 . By convention, such a definition can be extended to the boundary edges e ∈ Γ by setting the jump equal to zero, yielding the so-called generalized jump. By introducing the residuals   1 ∂ yˆh Ry (ˆ yh ) = f + u ˆh + ∆ˆ yh , ry (ˆ yh ) = − on ∂K \ Γ, 2 ∂n   1 ∂ pˆh Rp (ˆ ph ) = yˆh − zd + ∆ˆ ph , rp (ˆ ph ) = − on ∂K \ Γ, 2 ∂n Ru (ˆ ph , u ˆh ) = pˆh , and defining the weights 1/2

p ωK = kˆ p − pˆh kK + hK kˆ p − pˆh k∂K , 1/2 y ωK = kˆ y − yˆh kK + hK kˆ y − yˆh k∂K , u ωK = kˆ u−u ˆh kK ,

following [23] we obtain the result below. Theorem 6.3. The following weighted a posteriori error estimate holds on the cost func˜ tional J, X ˜ y, u ˜ yh , u |J(ˆ ˆ) − J(ˆ ˆh )| ≤ ηωρ (ˆ yh , u ˆh , pˆh ) = ηK (ˆ yh , u ˆh , pˆh ) (6.122) K∈Th

where p y y p u u ηK (ˆ yh , u ˆh , pˆh ) = ωK ρK + ω K ρK + ω K ρK

is the local error indicator, with −1/2

kry (ˆ yh )k∂K ,


krp (ˆ ph )k∂K ,

ρyK = kRy (ˆ yh )kK + hK ρpK = kRp (ˆ ph )kK + hK

ρuK = kRu (ˆ yh )kK .

Proof. For the sake of notation we omit the symbol ˆ throughout the proof. First of all we can write

h i ˜ u) − J(y ˜ h , uh ) = 1 (f, p − ph ) 2 J(y, L (Ω) + (uh , p − ph )L2 (Ω) − a(yh , p − ph ) 2 i 1h + (yh − zd , y − yh )L2 (Ω) − a(y − yh , ph ) 2 i 1 1h + (βuh , u − uh )L2 (Ω) + (u − uh , ph )L2 (Ω) = [Iy + Ip + Iu ]. 2 2

6.11 A Posteriori Error Estimates


Using integration by parts elementwise, we have Iy = (f, p − ph )L2 (Ω) + (uh , p − ph )L2 (Ω) − a(yh , p − ph )





f (p − ph )dx +

uh (p − ph )dx −

ZΩ =


(f + uh )(p − ph )dx − Ω


∇yh · ∇(p − ph )dx


X Z K∈Th


∆yh (p − ph )dx −


∇yh · ∇(p − ph )dx K



X Z ∂yh (p − ph )dσ + (f + uh )(p − ph )dx; ∂n K K∈Th

in particular, regarding the boundary integrals appearing in the last expression, we can express the boundary ∂K of each element as the union of its edges, and find that

X Z K∈Th


X ∂yh (p − ph )dσ = ∂n

X Z ∂yh

K∈Th e∈∂K




X Z  ∂yh 

1 X 2

(p − ph )dσ =

K∈Th e⊂∂K



(p − ph )dσ

  Z 1 X ∂yh (p − ph )dσ, 2 ∂n ∂K K∈Th

where the factor 1/2 takes into account the fact that each internal side of the grid is shared by two elements. Hence,    Z X Z 1 ∂yh Iy = (f + uh + ∆yh )(p − ph )dx − (p − ph )dσ 2 ∂K ∂n K K∈Th



(Ry (yh ), p − ph )L2 (K) + (ry (yh ), p − ph )L2 (Γ ) .


Similarly, it is possible to show that Ip = (yh − zd , y − yh )L2 (Ω) − a(y − yh , ph ) =





(yh − zd + ∆ph )(y − yh )dx −

1 2

Z ∂K

∂ph (y − yh )dσ ∂n

(Rp (ph ), y − yh )L2 (K) + (rp (ph ), y − yh )L2 (Γ )


and Iu = (βuh , u − uh )L2 (Ω) + (u − uh , ph )L2 (Ω) =

X Z K∈Th


(βuh + βuh , u − uh )L2 (Ω) =


(Ru (uh ), u − uh )L2 (K) .


t u

To evaluate the terms involving the exact solution (y, u, p) we can replace this latter by higher-order reconstructions of the approximated solution (yh , uh , ph ). For instance, in [24, 25] a Galerkin approximation of the OCP based on linear finite elements is considered, hence the errors y − yh , u − uh and p − ph , are estimated through the interpolation errors operating a quadratic reconstruction of (y, u, p). Remark 6.13. A slightly different derivation of the a posteriori error estimates can be found, e.g., in [23], still relying on the method we have considered, which aims at estimating the error on the cost functional. • Remark 6.14. Other approaches aiming instead at estimating the sum of errors on state, adjoint and control variables can be found in [174, 180, 181]. The result is indeed quite similar, since the error on the cost functional can be bounded by suitable combinations of the errors on state, adjoint and control variables. • A posteriori error estimates like those derived above can be exploited when performing mesh adaptivity in the numerical solution of OCP problems. The error contribution arising


6 Numerical Approximation of Linear-Quadratic OCPs

from the numerical discretization can be treated separately from the one arising from the iterative optimization process, in view of mesh adaptation. By splitting the error on the cost functional into the sum of an iteration error plus a discretization error, the adaptive strategy is performed on the latter once the former is reduced below a given threshold. Further details can be found, e.g., in [23, 78] and references therein. For the derivation of a posteriori error estimates in the case of OCPs for the Stokes equation, see, e.g., [182].

6.12 Exercises 1. Observing that the algebraic counterpart of the adjoint bilinear form a∗ (·, ·) of a(·, ·) is given by the transpose matrix A> , show that the discrete adjoint problem (6.5)2 can be rewritten under the form (6.11). 2. Following the same procedure used to derive the expression of the linear system (6.15) from the discrete system of optimality conditions (6.5), show that (6.20) can be equivalently rewritten in the form of system (6.21). 3. Compute the derivative of (6.24) with respect to u and show that ∇Jh (u) = βNu − BT p provided that the discrete adjoint vector fulfills AT p = −M(y − zd ). 4. Write the system of first-order optimality conditions for the OCP (6.46), then discretize it using a stable pair of finite element spaces (Xh , Qh ). Under which assumptions on the discretization of the state problem, the adjoint problem and the optimality condition is it possible to recover a linear system equivalent to (6.52)? 5. Show that, in the case of a linear-quadratic OCP, problem (6.58) can be rewritten under the form      0 M 0 −A> δy  0 βN B>  dk  = B> pk − βNuk  . δp 0 −A B 0 To do that, perform block elimination and obtain δp as a function of δy, then express this latter as a function of dk . 6. Show that for a quadratic cost functional under the form J(u) =

1 > u Hu − b> u 2

an exact line search method yields the expression (6.59) for the step length. With this goal, show that by minimizing J(uk + τk dk ) with respect to τk one obtains τk = −

∇Jh (uk )> dk . d> k Hdk

Then, obtain (6.59) by substituting into the equation above the expressions (6.26) and (6.18) of the gradient ∇Jh (uk ) and the reduced Hessian H, respectively. 7. Verify that 1 M + AM−1 A> ≈ AM−1 A> β by comparing the order of magnitude of the entries of M and A in terms of the mesh size h. Show in particular that if h = 0.1 or h = 0.01, the approximation is valid for β  10−4 or β  10−8 , respectively.

6.12 Exercises


R [Hint. Recall that, by denoting with h the mesh size, Mij = K ϕi ϕj dx ≈ h2 , |∇ϕi | ≈ h1 R so that Kij = K ∇ϕi · ∇ϕj dx = O(1). ] 8. Check that the aggregated bilinear form D(·, ·) defined in (6.108) is continuous on Xh ×Xh and strongly coercive over X0h = {wh ∈ Xh : E(wh , qh ) = 0 ∀qh ∈ Qh } ⊂ Xh . Moreover, check that the aggregated bilinear form E(·, ·) defined in (6.109) is continuous and inf-sup stable over Xh × Qh . 9. Show that the bilinear form a : V × V → R defined in (6.114) is continuous and weakly coercive on V × V , and that the bilinear forms defined in (6.115)–(6.116) satisfy the assumptions of Theorem A.7.

Chapter 7

Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

In this chapter we address time-dependent linear-quadratic OCPs, that is OCPs involving a quadratic cost functional and a state system described by a linear initial-boundary value problem (IBVP). Both unconstrained and constrained problems will be considered. We follow the same road map of Chapter 5: we first analyze a simple case, then we formulate a class of OCPs by introducing a more general mathematical setting, and finally we present some meaningful instances. In Sect. 7.1 we analyze an unconstrained linear-quadratic OCP governed by the evolutionary heat equation, involving a distributed heat source as control function. We prove its well-posedness and derive a system of optimality conditions, following an adjointbased approach and, subsequently, recovering them by the Lagrange multiplier method. The extension to the constrained case is presented in Sect. 7.2, whereas an example related to initial control – that is, the identification of the initial condition – is presented in Sect. 7.3. A general framework for linear-quadratic OCPs governed by parabolic PDEs under divergence form is presented in Sect. 7.4; both the mathematical setting and the optimality conditions are then generalized to problems featuring e.g. side controls and side observations, as well as Cauchy-Neumann and Cauchy-Robin boundary conditions, like the one presented in Sect. 7.5. Finally, we discuss a simple instance of OCP related with the time-dependent Stokes equations in Sect. 7.6, and briefly mention the case of optimal control for the wave equation in Sect. 7.7.

7.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case Let Ω ⊂ Rd be a bounded Lipschitz domain (an interval if d = 1), T > 0 and consider the space-time cylinder (see Fig. 7.1) QT = Ω × (0, T ), whose lateral surface is denoted by ST = Γ × (0, T ), Γ = ∂Ω. Consider the minimization problem Z Z 1 β 2 J˜ (y, u) = (y (x,T ) − zd (x)) dx + u2 dxdt → min (7.1) 2 Ω 2 QT with β > 0, where zd ∈ L2 (QT ) is a given target, u ∈ L2 (QT ) and y = y (x,t; u) solves the state problem:  in QT   yt − ∆y + y = f + u ∂y (7.2) =0 on ST   ∂n y (x,0) = g (x) in Ω. We will use the symbols yt or ∂t y to denote the partial derivative of y with respect to t.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0_7



7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

Fig. 7.1 Space-time cylinder QT

Thus, we want to control the distributed heat source u in QT , in order to minimize the distance from a given target zd of the final observation of y, given by y (x,T ). We could as well interpret the problem above as an inverse problem, where an unknown source u has to be determined from the measurements y (x,T ) of the temperature at a final time T . This linear-quadratic evolution control problem is the analogue of the quadratic cost problem considered in Sect.4.6, when only the final payoff ψ (y (T )) is present. We will recognize other analogies between these two problems concerning the optimality conditions.

7.1.1 Analysis of the State System For the well-posedness analysis of the state problem (7.2) we introduce a weak formulation. Let us proceed formally, assuming that every function we deal with is smooth enough to undergo the requested operations. As we did several times in Chapter 5, we multiply the diffusion equation by a smooth function ϕ = ϕ (x, t) and integrate over QT to find Z Z {yt ϕ − ∆y ϕ + yϕ} dxdt = (f + u)ϕ dxdt. QT


Integrating by parts the second term with respect to x and taking into account the homoge∂y neous Neumann condition ∂n = 0 on ST , we get Z Z {yt ϕ + ∇y · ∇ϕ + yϕ} dxdt = (f + u)ϕ dxdt. (7.3) QT


To introduce a correct functional setting, note that the integrals at the left hand side of (7.3) make sense if y, yt ∈ L2 (QT ) and ∇y ∈ L2 (QT )d , that is y ∈ H 1 (QT ), with the test function ϕ such that ϕ ∈ L2 (QT ) , ∇ϕ ∈ L2 (QT )d . The conditions on ϕ are equivalent to require that ϕ(·, t) ∈ H 1 (Ω) for all t ∈ [0, T ] and that kϕ (t, ·)kH 1 (Ω) ∈ L2 (0, T ): with shorthand notation  we write ϕ ∈ L2 0, T ; H 1 (Ω) .

7.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case


The initial condition holds a.e. in Ω and it is attained in the mean square sense, Z 2 (y (x, t) − g (x)) dx → 0 as t → 0.


The above arguments motivate our first weak formulation. Definition 7.1. Let u ∈ L2 (QT ) and g ∈ H 1 (Ω); then y ∈ H 1 (QT ) is a weak solution of problem (7.2) if:  1. for every ϕ ∈ L2 0, T ; H 1 (Ω) (7.3) holds; 2. y (x,0) = g in the sense of (7.4). We can easily check that, if y, g, f are smooth functions and y is a weak solution, then y solves problem (7.2) in a classical sense (see Exercise 1). Thus, weak and classical formulations are equivalent. For the numerical treatment of problem 7.2, it is often more convenient to adopt an alternative formulation in which space and time are separated. To find it, choose ϕ (x,t) = φ (x) η (t) with φ ∈ H 1 (Ω) and η ∈ L2 (0, T ). Clearly ϕ ∈ L2 0, T ; H 1 (Ω) and can be inserted into (7.3) to obtain Z

T 0


{yt φ + ∇y · ∇φ + yφ} dx η (t) dt =


T 0


(f + u)φ dx η (t) dt. Ω

Since η is an arbitrary function of L2 (0, T ), we deduce the following equation Z Z {yt (x,t) φ (x) + ∇y (x,t) · ∇φ (x) + y (x,t) φ (x)} dx = (f (x,t) + u (x, t))φ (x) dx (7.5) Ω

1 a.e. in (0, T ). On the other hand, it can be proved that, if (7.5)  holds for every φ ∈ H (Ω) 2 1 and a.e. in (0, T ) then (7.3) holds for every v ∈ L 0, T ; H (Ω) . Thus, we have the following definition, equivalent to Definition 7.1:

Definition 7.2. A function y ∈ H 1 (QT ) is a weak solution of problem (7.2) if: 1. for every φ ∈ H 1 (Ω) and a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), (7.5) holds; 2. u (0) = g in the sense of (7.4).

The well-posedness of IBVPs, will be adressed in Sect. 7.4.1. From the results in that section we deduce the following proposition. Proposition 7.1. Let g ∈ H 1 (Ω), f, u ∈ L2 (QT ). Then problem (7.2) has a unique weak 2 solution y ∈ H 1 (QT ). Moreover, the function t 7→ ky (·, t)kL2 (Ω) is continuous in [0, T ] , and the following estimates hold: 2





max ky (·, t)kL2 (Ω) + k∇ykL2 (QT )d ≤ kgkL2 (Ω) + kf kL2 (QT ) + kukL2 (QT )

t∈[0,T ]






kyt kL2 (QT ) ≤ 2 kgkH 1 (Ω) + 4 kf kL2 (QT ) + 4 kukL2 (QT ) .




7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

7.1.2 Existence and Uniqueness of the Optimal Control. Optimality Conditions For fixed f, g and any control u ∈ L2 (QT ), let y = y (x,t; u) = y (u) be the weak solution to the state problem (7.2). By substituting y (u) into J˜ (y, u), we obtain the reduced cost functional Z Z 1 β 2 J (u) = J˜ (y (u) , u) = (y (x,T ; u) − zd (x)) dx + u2 dxdt. (7.8) 2 Ω 2 QT We set y0 (u) = y (u) − y(0), which is the solution of (7.2) with f = 0, g = 0; u 7−→ y0 (u) is a linear map. Then Z Z 1 β 2 J (u) = (y0 (x,T ; u) + y (x,T ; 0) − zd (x)) dx + u2 dxdt 2 Ω 2 QT (7.9) 1 = q (u, u) − Lu + c, 2 where q is the symmetric bilinear form Z Z q (u, w) = y0 (x,T ; u) y0 (x,T ; w) dx + β Ω

L is the linear functional Lu =


uw dxdt, QT

(zd (x) − y (x,T ; 0)) y0 (x,T ; u) dx

R 2 and c = 12 Ω (y (x,T ; 0) − zd (x)) dx. The bilinear form q(·, ·) is coercive and continuous in L2 (QT ). Indeed, since β ≥ 0, Z Z 2 2 q (u, u) = y0 (x,T ; u) dx + β u2 dxdt ≥ β kukL2 (QT ) , Ω


while, from (7.7) and (7.6), it holds |q (u, w)| ≤ ky0 (·, T ; u)kL2 (Ω) ky0 (·, T ; w)kL2 (Ω) + β kukL2 (QT ) kwkL2 (QT )   2 2 ≤ (1 + β) kukL2 (QT ) + kwkL2 (QT ) .

Moreover, the linear form L is continuous in L2 (QT ), since

|Lu| ≤ kzd − y (·,T ; 0)kL2 (Ω) ky0 (·, T ; u)kL2 (Ω) ≤ kzd − y (·,T ; 0)kL2 (Ω) kukL2 (QT ) . The reduced cost functional J in (7.9) has therefore the same structure as the one in Sect. 5.1.2 for the elliptic case. From the results in that section, we deduce that there exists a unique optimal control u ˆ, with corresponding optimal state yˆ = y (ˆ u), characterized by the following Euler equation J 0 (ˆ u) w = q (ˆ u, w) − Lw = 0 which, after some adjustments, becomes Z Z J 0 (ˆ u) w = (ˆ y (x,T ) − zd (x)) y0 (x, T ; w) dx + β Ω

∀w ∈ L2 (QT )

u ˆw dxdt = 0 QT

∀w ∈ L2 (QT ) .

7.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case


7.1.3 Use of the Adjoint State As in the elliptic case, we look for an expression of J 0 (ˆ u) w which does not contain y0 . With this aim, we write the reduced cost functional (7.8) in the following augmented form, using the formulation (7.3) of the state equation for y (u) with the test function v replaced by a multiplier p = p (x,t) to be chosen later, Z Z β 2 J (u) = (y (x,T ; u) − zd (x)) dx + u2 dxdt 2 Ω QT Z + {(f + u)p − yt (u)p − ∇y (u) · ∇p − y (u) p} dxdt. QT

Note that in this way we have just added zero to the reduced functional J, which can thus be written under the form 1 ˜ + c˜, J (u) = q (u, u) − Lu 2 ˜ is still a linear and continuous functional, given by where L ˜ = Lu


(y (x,T ; 0) − zd (x))y0 (x,T ; u) dx+



{up − ∂t y0 (u)p − ∇y0 (u) · ∇p − y0 (u) p} dxdt

and c˜ =

1 2



(y (x,T ; 0) − zd (x)) dx +



{f p − yt (0)p − ∇y (0) · ∇p − y (0) p} dxdt.

The Euler equation for the augmented functional is then ˜ =0 J 0 (ˆ u) w = q (ˆ u, w) − Lw

∀w ∈ L2 (QT ) ,

that is, J 0 (ˆ u) w = −



(ˆ y (x,T ) − zd (x)) y0 (x, T ; w) dx +



(β u ˆ + p)w dxdt QT

{∂t y0 (w)p + ∇y0 (w) · ∇p + y0 (w) p} dxdt = 0

Integrating by parts, and noticing that y0 (x,0; w) = 0, we find Z Z Z ∂t y0 (w)p dxdt = y0 (x,T ; w)p (x, T ) dx − QT

∀w ∈ L2 (QT ) .

pt y0 (w) dxdt.


Thus we get 0

J (ˆ u) w = +



(ˆ y (x,T ) − zd (x) − p (x,T )) y0 (x, T ; w) dx +



(β u ˆ + p)w dxdt QT

{pt y0 (w) − ∇p · ∇y0 (w) − py0 (w)} dxdt = 0.



7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

To get rid of the terms containing y0 , we choose p = pˆ ∈ H 1 (QT ) as the weak solution of the following adjoint problem:  −ˆ pt − ∆ˆ p + pˆ = 0 in QT    ∂ pˆ (7.11) =0 on ST    ∂n pˆ (x,T ) = yˆ (x,T ) − zd (x) in Ω. Thus pˆ satisfies the equation Z {ˆ pt ϕ − ∇ˆ p · ∇ϕ − pˆϕ} dxdt = 0 QT

∀ϕ ∈ L2 0, T ; H 1 (Ω)


or, equivalently, Z {ˆ pt (x, t) φ (x) − ∇ˆ p (x, t) · ∇φ (x) − pˆ (x, t) φ (x)} dx = 0 ∀φ ∈ H 1 (Ω) and a.e. t ∈ (0, T ) . Ω

(7.13) Both (7.12) and (7.13) account for the Neumann condition on ST . The final condition holds a.e. in Ω and it is attained in the mean square sense, as in (7.4) Z 2 (ˆ p (x, t) − yˆ (x,T ) + zd (x)) dx → 0 as t → T. (7.14) Ω

Note that (7.11) is a final value problem for the backward in time heat equation and therefore (7.11) is well posed. With this choice of p, the first and the last integral in (7.10) vanish and the Euler equation reduces to Z J 0 (ˆ u) w = (β u ˆ + pˆ)w dxdt = 0 ∀w ∈ L2 (QT ) QT

whence βu ˆ + pˆ = 0 a.e. in QT .


Moreover, ∇J(ˆ u) = pˆ + β u ˆ. Summarizing, we have proven the following result. Proposition 7.2. For the OCP (7.1)–(7.2), the control u ˆ and the state yˆ = y(ˆ u) are optimal if and only if, together with the adjoint state (or multiplier) pˆ, they are weak solutions of the optimality conditions given by the state system (7.2), the adjoint problem (7.11) and the Euler equation (7.15).

7.1.4 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach Also in the parabolic case, with a slightly stronger effort, we can recover the optimality conditions in terms of a Lagrangian function given by Z Z 1 β 2 L (y, u, p) = (y (x,T ) − zd (x)) dx + u2 dxdt (7.16) 2 Ω 2 QT Z + {f p + up − yt p − ∇y · ∇p − yp} dxdt QT

7.1 Optimal Heat Source (1): an Unconstrained Case


where  1 y, u, p have to be 2considered as1 independent variables belonging to the spaces Vad = H (QT ) : y (0) = g , L (QT ) and H (QT ), respectively. Note that L is linear with respect to p. By requiring that the derivative of L with respect to p vanishes on any variation ϕ ∈ H 1 (QT ) we get d L0p (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ϕ = L (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ + εϕ) dε ε=0 Z = {(f + u ˆ)ϕ − yˆt ϕ − ∇ˆ y · ∇ϕ − yˆϕ} dxdt = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (QT ) . QT

 Since H 1 (QT ) is dense1 into L2 0, T ; H 1 (Ω) , this corresponds to the state equation. Let us now compute d 0 Ly (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = L (ˆ y + εψ, u ˆ, pˆ) . dε ε=0

The variations ψ must belong to H 1 (QT ) with ψ (x,0) = 0 to ensure that yˆ + εψ ∈ Vad . We have Z Z L0y (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = (ˆ y (x,T ) − zd (x)) ψ (x,T ) dx + {−ψt pˆ − ∇ψ · ∇ˆ p − ψ pˆ} dxdt Ω QT Z Z = (ˆ y (x,T ) − zd (x) − pˆ (x,T )) ψ (x,T ) dx + {ˆ pt ψ − ∇ˆ p · ∇ψ − pˆψ} dxdt. Ω


Choosing variations ψ of the form ψ (x, t) = φ (x) η (t) with φ ∈ H 1 (Ω) , η ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]) , η (0) = 0 = η (T ), from L0y (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = 0, we get Z

T 0


{ˆ pt (x, t) φ (x) − ∇ˆ p (x, t) · ∇φ (x) − pˆ (x, t) φ (x)} dx η (t) dt = 0.

Since η is arbitrary, Z {ˆ pt (x, t) φ (x) − ∇ˆ p (x, t) · ∇φ (x) − pˆ (x, t) φ (x)} dx = 0 Ω

∀φ ∈ H 1 (Ω) , a.e. in (0, T ) ,

which is indeed the weak form (7.13) of the adjoint problem (7.11). If we now choose variations ψ of the form ψ (x, t) = φ (x) η (t) with φ ∈ H 1 (Ω) , η ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]) , η (0) = 0, η (T ) 6= 0, we are left with Z (ˆ y (x,T ) − zd (x) − pˆ (x,T )) φ (x) dx = 0 ∀φ ∈ H 1 (Ω) . Ω

Since H 1 (Ω) is dense in L2 (Ω) we get the final condition pˆ (x,T ) = yˆ (x,T ) − zd (x)

a.e. in Ω.

From Theorem A.19 (b), we recover condition (7.14). Finally, Z L0u (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) v = (β u ˆ + pˆ)v dxdt = 0 ∀v ∈ L2 (QT ) QT

is equivalent to the equation pˆ + β u ˆ = 0, a.e. in QT . 1

See Lemma A.3 in Sect. A.5.1.


7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

Summarizing, the optimality conditions (7.2), (7.11) and (7.15) can be written in terms of the Lagrangian (7.16) as follows:  0 y, u ˆ, pˆ) ϕ = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (QT )  Lp (ˆ 0 L (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = 0 ∀ψ ∈ H 1 (QT ) , ψ (x,0) = 0 (7.17)  y0 Lu (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) v = 0 ∀v ∈ L2 (QT ) .

7.2 Optimal Heat Source (2): a Constrained Case Suppose now that the control u represents a heat source subject to the constraint u ∈ Uad , a closed convex subset of L2 (QT ). Reasoning as in the elliptic case (see Sect. 5.2) we infer that the necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for u ˆ ∈ Uad to be an optimal control are given by system (7.17) where however the last equation is replaced by the variational inequality Z 0 Lu (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) (w − u ˆ) = (β u ˆ + pˆ)(w − u ˆ) dxdt ≥ 0 ∀w ∈ Uad . (7.18) QT

This condition characterizes u ˆ ∈ Uad as the projection of −β −1 pˆ onto Uad , that is  u ˆ = P rUad −β −1 pˆ .

In the relevant case of box constraints, we can repeat the same considerations done for the elliptic case in Sect. 5.2. For instance, if  Uad = u ∈ L2 (QT ) : a ≤ u (x,t) ≤ b, a.e. in QT (7.19) a, b constants2 , then, a.e. in QT

u ˆ (x,t) = β −1 max {a, min {b, −ˆ p (x,t)}} = β −1 min {b, max {a, −ˆ p (x,t)}} . Existence and uniqueness of an optimal control follows from the general results of Sect. 7.4.

7.3 Initial control If we want to control the initial state we are led to the following minimization problem, Z Z 1 β 2 J˜ (y, u) = (y (x, T ) − zd (x)) dx + u2 dx → min (7.20) 2 Ω 2 Ω with β > 0, where u ∈ Uad , a closed convex subset of L2 (Ω), and y = y (x,t; u) solves the state problem:  in QT   yt − ∆y + y = f ∂y (7.21) =0 on ST   ∂n y (x,0) = u (x) in Ω. 2

Or a, b ∈ L∞ (QT ) .

7.4 General Framework for Linear-Quadratic OCPs Governed by Parabolic PDEs


If regarded as an inverse problem, this amounts to reconstruct the initial data from a final temperature measurement. Performing the same calculations as in Sect. 7.1.3 (see Exercise 2), we obtain the adjoint equation (7.12) while, instead of (7.18), we now have the variational inequality Z (β u ˆ (x) + pˆ (x, 0))(w (x) − u ˆ (x))dx ≥ 0 ∀w ∈ Uad (7.22) Ω

 which gives u ˆ (x) = P rUad −β −1 pˆ (x, 0) a.e. in Ω.

7.4 General Framework for Linear-Quadratic OCPs Governed by Parabolic PDEs In this section we provide a general theoretical framework to analyze a linear-quadratic OCP governed by a parabolic IBVP, in presence of control constraints. As done in Sect. 5.3, we will derive the system of optimality conditions, using either the adjoint method or the method of Lagrange multipliers. Several examples related to advection, diffusion and reaction problems will be extensively discussed in the next sections.

7.4.1 Initial-boundary Value Problems for Uniformly Parabolic Linear Equations Let A = A (x,t) be a square matrix of order d × d, c = c (x, t) a vector field in Rd , r = r(x,t) and f = f (x,t) two real functions. We consider equations in divergence form of the type Py = yt + Ey = yt − div(A (x, t) ∇y) + c (x,t) · ∇y + r (x,t) y


and make the following assumptions: (a) P is uniformly parabolic: there exists α > 0 such that 2

α |ξ| ≤

d X


aij (x, t)ξi ξj


|aij (x,t)| ≤ M,

∀ξ ∈ Rd , a.e. in QT ;


(b) the coefficients c and r are bounded (i.e. they all belong to L∞ (QT )), with |c| ≤ γ0 , |r| ≤ r0 , a.e. in QT . We consider initial-boundary value problems of the form:  in QT  yt + Ey = F y (x,0) = g (x) in Ω  By = 0 on ST



where By stands for By = A∇y · ν + hy for the Neumann/Robin condition, with h ∈ L∞ (ST ), h ≥ 0, By = y for the Dirichlet condition. In Sect. 7.1.1 we introduced a weak formulation of the Neumann problem for the heat equation with a reaction term. To achieve a greater generality, necessary to address more significant applications, it is convenient to separate space and time and look at functions v = v (x, t) as a function of t with values into a suitable Hilbert space V, determined by the type of boundary conditions, that is v : [0, T ] → V .


7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

When we adopt this convention, we write v (t) instead of v (x, t) and yt (t) or ∂t y (t) instead of yt (x,t) and ∂t y (x,t), respectively. This approach requires the use of integrals for functions with values in Hilbert spaces, and of Sobolev spaces involving time; see Sect. A.6. To give a weak formulation of problem (7.26), we follow the usual procedure: choose a set of test functions suitably related to the boundary conditions, multiply the differential equation by a test function ϕ, integrate over the space-time cylinder QT and integrate by parts the divergence form term. Introducing the bilinear form Z a (y, ϕ; t) = {A(t)∇y · ∇ϕ + (c(t) · ∇y) ϕ + r(t)yϕ} dx Ω

or, in the case of Robin condition, Z Z a (y, ϕ; t) = {A(t)∇y · ∇ϕ + (c(t) · ∇y) ϕ + r(t)yϕ} dx + h(t)yϕ dσ Ω


we end up, formally, with the following equation Z

T 0

(yt (t) , ϕ (t))L2 dt +



a (y, ϕ; t) dt = 0


T 0

(f (t) , ϕ (t))L2 dt.


Here we adopt more natural and flexible hypotheses than those stated in Sect. 7.1.1. We are given a Hilbert triplet3 V ,→ H ,→ V ∗ , where H = L2 (Ω) and V is a Sobolev space, H01 (Ω) ⊆ V ⊆ H 1 (Ω). We denote by h·, ·i∗ the duality between V and V ∗ and by k·k∗ the norm in V ∗ . The choice of V depends on the boundary condition we are dealing with. Classical choices are V = H01 (Ω) for the homogeneous Dirichlet condition, V = H 1 (Ω) for the Neumann or Robin condition, V = HΓ1D (Ω) in the case of mixed Dirichlet/Robin or Neumann conditions (where ΓD denotes the portion of the boundary holding a Dirichlet condition). If the initial data g and the source term f belong to H and L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ), respectively, our solution belongs to the Hilbert space  H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ) = y : y ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ) , yt ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ) (7.28) endowed with the scalar product

(y, ϕ)H 1 (0,T ;V,V ∗ ) = and the norm


T 0

{(y (t) , ϕ (t))V + (yt (t) , ϕt (t))V ∗ } dt

 1/2 2 2 kykH 1 (0,T ;V,V ∗ ) = kykL2 (0,T ;V ) + kyt kL2 (0,T ;V ∗ ) .

Thanks to Theorem A.19 (b), H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ) ,→ C ([0, T ] ; H), so that kukC([0,T ];H) ≤ C (T ) kukH 1 (0,T ;V,V ∗ ) .

A first consequence is that in equation (7.27) the L2 −inner products (yt (t) , ϕ (t))L2 (Ω) and (f (t) , ϕ (t))L2 (Ω) must be replaced by the duality pairings hyt (t) , ϕ (t)i∗ and hf (t) , ϕ (t)i∗ . Moreover, the initial condition y (0) = g means ky (t) − gkH → 0 as t → 0. Thus, a weak formulation of problem (7.26) reads as follows.


See Sect. A.2.3 for the definition of Hilbert triplet.

7.4 General Framework for Linear-Quadratic OCPs Governed by Parabolic PDEs


Definition 7.3. Let f ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ) and g ∈ H; y ∈ H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ) is called a weak solution to problem (7.26) if y (0) = g (7.29) and, for all ϕ ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ), Z T Z hyt (t) , ϕ (t)i∗ dt + 0




hf (t) , ϕ (t)i∗ dt


∀ φ ∈ V , a.e. t ∈ (0, T ) .


a (y (t) , ϕ (t) ; t) dt = 0


or, equivalently, hyt (t) , φi∗ + a (y (t) , φ; t) = hf (t) , φi∗

Existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to problem (7.26) are guaranteed by the following hypotheses on the bilinear form a: (i) continuity: there exists M = M (T ) > 0, such that |a (φ, η; t)| ≤ M kφkV kηkV

∀φ, η ∈ V , a.e. t ∈ (0, T ) ;

(ii) V − H weak coercivity: there exist two positive numbers λ and α0 such that 2


a (φ, φ; t) + λ kφkH ≥ α0 kφkV

∀φ ∈ V , a.e. t ∈ (0, T ) ;

this is sometimes called G¨ arding inequality. (iii) t−measurability: the map t 7→ a (φ, η; t) is measurable for all φ, η ∈ V (see Sect. A.5).

Remark 7.1. Note that, under the assumption (i), for every φ, η ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ) , the function t 7→ B (φ (t) , η (t) ; t) belongs to L1 (0, T ). • Under the hypotheses (7.24) and (7.25), by following what done in the elliptic case in Sect. 5.4, we can show that the bilinear form a is continuous, with M depending only on d, T and on M , γ0 , r0 that is, on the dimension d and the size of the coefficients aij , cj , r (and of khkL∞ (ST ) in the case of Robin condition). Concerning the weak coercivity, from (7.25) we have, for every ε > 0 (L2 denotes either 2 L (Ω) or L2 (Ω)d )   Z γ0 1 2 2 (c · ∇φ) φdx ≥ −γ0 k∇φkL2 kφkL2 ≥ − ε k∇φkL2 + kφkL2 2 ε Ω and whence, as h ≥ 0 a.e. on ∂Ω,



rφ2 dx ≥ −r0 kφkL2 ,

 γ  γ0 ε  0 2 2 a (φ, φ; t) ≥ α − k∇φkL2 − + r0 kφkL2 . 2 2ε


If γ0 = 0, i.e. c = 0, assumption (ii) holds provided λ > r0 . If γ0 > 0, choose in (7.32) γ  α 0 ε= and λ = 2 + r0 . γ0 2ε Then a (φ, φ; t) +

2 λ kφkL2

α λ 2 2 ≥ k∇φkL2 + kφkL2 ≥ min 2 2

α λ , 2 2


kφkH 1 (Ω) ,


7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

 that is, a is weakly coercive independently of the choice of V , at least4 with α0 = min α2 , λ2 . Finally, for fixed φ, η in V, the function t 7−→ a (φ, η; t) is measurable thanks to Fubini Theorem. The main theorem is the following5 . Theorem 7.1. Let f ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ), g ∈ H. Then problem (7.29), 7.30) or (7.31) has a unique weak solution y ∈ H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ). Moreover the following estimates hold, ( ) Z T Z T 1 2 2 2 2 2λT max ky (t)kH , α0 ky (s)kV ds ≤ e kgkH + kf (s)k∗ ds (7.33) α0 0 t∈[0,T ] 0 and


T 0



kyt (s)k∗ ds ≤ C0 kgkH + (α0−1 C0 + 2)

where C0 = 2α0−1 M2 e2λT .




kf (s)k∗ ds



The estimates (7.33) and (7.34) deteriorate as T becomes large, unless the bilinear form is coercive. Indeed, in this case λ = 0 and no time dependence pops up in those constants. This is very useful for studying asymptotic properties of the solution as t → +∞. Remark 7.2 (Regularity). If A is symmetric, time-independent and f ∈ L2 (0, T ; H), g ∈ V , then yt ∈ L2 (0, T ; H), y ∈ L∞ (0, T ; V ) and ( ) Z T Z T 2 2 2 2 α0 ess sup ky (t)kV + kyt (s)kH ds ≤ C kgkV + kf (s)kH ds , (7.35) t∈[0,T ]



where C = C(M, λ, T, α0 ); see Sect. A.5.1 for the definition of essential supremum. If in addition Ω is a C 2 domain and the coefficients aij (also h for the Robin condition) are Lipschitz  continuous, then y ∈ L2 0, T ; H 2 (Ω) and ( ) Z T Z T 2 2 2 kyt (s)kH ds ≤ C kgkV + C kf (s)kH ds , 0


where C depends also on the curvature of Γ and on the Lipschitz constant of the coefficients. These results apply in particular to problem (7.2) where A is the identity matrix, λ = 0, V = H 1 (Ω). Indeed, note that yt ∈ L2 (0, T ; H) and y ∈ L∞ (0, T ; V ) imply y ∈ H 1 (QT ). •

7.4.2 The Mathematical Setting for OCPs We point out the main differences with respect to the elliptic case. The essential components of time-dependent linear-quadratic OCPs are: • a separable Hilbert space V, H01 (Ω) ⊆ V ⊆ H 1 (Ω), H = L2 (Ω) and a Hilbert space for the state variable y, Y = H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ), defined in (7.28); • a Hilbert space U for the control variable and a convex, closed subset Uad ⊆ U of admissible controls. We may distinguish distributed, side or initial controls defined in a subset of QT , ST or Ω × {0}, respectively; 4

This is a rather “crude” estimate. Better estimates could be available in each particular case.


See e.g. [237, Thm. 10.6], Sect.10.3 for its proof and further details.

7.4 General Framework for Linear-Quadratic OCPs Governed by Parabolic PDEs


• a control operator B : U → L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ), linear and continuous. In particular, we require that there exists b ≥ 0 such that kBukL2 (0,T ;V ∗ ) ≤ b kukU

∀u ∈ U .

Thus, B maps a control function u into an element Bu of L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ). Usually B is an embedding operator, for instance B : L2 (0, T ; H) = L2 (QT ) → L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ) is defined by Z T Z T Z hBu (t) , ϕ (t)i∗ dt = (u (t) , ϕ (t))H dt = uϕ dxdt ∀ϕ ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ) . 0



If the control function coincides with the initial value only, we set B = 0; • the state equation: a uniformly parabolic equation yt + Ey = F + Bu

in QT = Ω × (0, T )


supplied with boundary conditions on ST and an initial condition y (0) = g. In general, F ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ) , g ∈ H and we write the state problem in the weak form (7.30) or (7.31) with f = F + Bu. Thanks to Theorem 7.1, for each u ∈ U , the state problem has a unique weak solution y = y (u) ∈ Y and the stability estimates (7.33), (7.34) hold. We point out that these stability estimates ensure the continuity of the control-to-state map u 7−→ y (u) from U into Y ; • a linear continuous observation operator C : Y → Z, where Z is a Hilbert space. Thus there exists γ ≥ 0 such that kCykZ ≤ γ kykY

∀y ∈ Y.


Some remarkable examples follow: (a) distributed observation in QT : Z = L2 (0, T ; H) = L2 (QT ) and Cy = y (the embedding of L2 (0, T ; V ) into Z); (b) final observation: Z = H and Cy = κy (T ), where κ ∈ L∞ (Ω). Note that kκy (T )kH ≤ kκkL∞ (Ω) ky (T )kH ≤ kκkL∞ (Ω) max ky (t)kH t∈[0,T ]

≤ C0 kκkL∞ (Ω) kykY , for some constant C0 , since Y ,→ C ([0, T ] ; H); (c) pointwise observations: Z = L2 (0, T )N and C defined by (Cy) (t) = (b1 y (x1 , t) , . . . , bN y (xN ; t)) with bj ∈ R, xj ∈ Ω, j = 1, . . . , N . For instance, in dimension d = 1, V = H 1 (a, b) ,→ C ([a, b]) so that y ∈ L2 (0, T ; C ([a, b])) and, for each xj , the function t 7−→ y (xj , t; ) is well defined as an element in L2 (0, T ). Similar considerations hold in dimension d = 2, 3 if f ∈ L2 (0, T ; H), Ω and the coefficients of the equation are sufficiently smooth (see   Remark 7.2). Indeed in this case y ∈ L2 0, T ; H 2 (Ω) and H 2 (Ω) ,→ C Ω ;

• a cost (or objective) functional J˜ : Z × U → R, defined by

β 1 2 2 J˜ (y, u) = kCy − zd kZ + kukU , 2 2


where zd is a prescribed (target) function in Z, β ≥ 0, and the associated reduced cost functional is 1 β 2 2 J (u) = kCy(u) − zd kZ + kukU . (7.39) 2 2


7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

The optimal control problem can be formulated in two ways, exactly as in the elliptic case: in the first one, y, u are two independent variables restricted by an equality constraint (the state equation) and by a control constraint (u ∈ Uad ): ˜ u) → min J(y, subject to y ∈ Y, u ∈ Uad and to Z T 0

hyt (t) , ϕ (t)i∗ dt +



a (y (t) , ϕ (t) ; t) dt = 0


T 0

hF (t) + Bu (t) , ϕ (t)i∗ dt


∀ φ ∈ V , a.e. t ∈ (0, T ) ,


∀ ϕ ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ) or, equivalently, hyt (t) , φi∗ + a (y (t) , φ; t) = hF (t) + Bu (t) , φi∗ with y (0) = g.


A minimizer (ˆ u, yˆ) is called an optimal control-state pair. The second formulation involves the minimization of the reduced cost functional subject only to a control constraint and is formally identical to the reduced cost formulation (5.53) in the elliptic case: J(u) → min

subject to u ∈ Uad . In the latter case, once an optimal control u ˆ is found, the corresponding optimal state is retrieved by setting yˆ = y (ˆ u) .

7.4.3 Optimality Conditions As in the elliptic case, the reduced cost functional (7.39) can be written in the form J (u) =

1 q (u, u) − Lu + c 2

where q is the symmetric bilinear form q (u, v) = (Cy0 (u), Cy0 (v))Z + β (u, v)U , L is the linear and continuous functional given by Lu = (zd − Cy (0) , y0 (u))Z and c=

1 2 ky (T ; 0) − zd kZ , 2

7.4 General Framework for Linear-Quadratic OCPs Governed by Parabolic PDEs


where y0 (u) = y (u) − y (0) is the weak solution of the state problem with F = 0, g = 0. If β > 0, existence and uniqueness of the optimal control then follow from Theorem 5.4. If β = 0 and Uad is bounded there exists at least an optimal control which is also unique if the operator u → C ◦ y0 (u) is injective. Moreover, for any w ∈ U , after small rearrangements, J 0 (u) w = q(u, w) − Lw + β (u, w)U = (Cy (u) − zd , Cy0 (w))Z + β (u, w)U .


From Proposition 5.5 a necessary and sufficient condition of optimality reads J 0 (ˆ u) (v − u ˆ) = (Cy (ˆ u) − zd , Cy0 (v − u ˆ))Z + β (ˆ u, v − u ˆ )U ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad .


As already done in the elliptic case, to get a better condition that does not contain y0 (v − u ˆ), we write the functional J in the augmented form, using the state equation (7.40) with the test function replaced by a multiplier p ∈ Y , J (u) =

1 β 2 2 kCy (u) − zd kZ + kukU + 2 2 Z T + {hF (t) + Bu (t) , p (t)i∗ − hyt (t; u) , p (t)i∗ − a (y (t; u) , p (t) ; t)} dt. 0

Note that the last integral vanishes, due to the state equation. Using the integration by parts formula (see Theorem A.19) Z

T 0

hyt (t; u) , p (t)i∗ dt = (y (T ; u) , p (T ))H − (y (0; u) , p (0))H −


T 0

hy (t; u) , pt (t)i∗ dt,

we have

Z T β 1 2 2 J (u) = kCy (u) − zd kZ + kukU + hF (t) + Bu (t) , p (t)i∗ dt 2 2 0 Z T − (y (T ; u) , p (T ))H + (y (0; u) , p (0))H + {hy (t; u) , pt (t)i∗ − a (y (t; u) , p (t) ; t)} dt. 0


Computing again J (ˆ u) along any direction w ∈ U and recalling (7.43), we find, setting yˆ = y (ˆ u), Z T J 0 (ˆ u) w = (C yˆ − zd , Cy0 (w))Z + (β u ˆ, w)U + hBw (t) , p (t)i∗ dt − (p (T ) , y0 (T ; w))H +





{hpt (t) , y0 (t; w)i∗ − a (y0 (t; w) , p (t) ; t)} dt

since y0 (0; w) = 0 for all w. We now choose the multiplier pˆ = p (t; u ˆ) as the solution of a suitable adjoint problem (that depends on the form of the observation operators), in order to get rid ot the terms containing y0 . We refer to the three cases (a), (b), (c) above. Further relevant cases will be considered in the next sections.


7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

(a) Z = L2 (0, T ; H) = L2 (QT ) and Cy = y, the embedding of L2 (0, T ; V ) into L2 (QT ). We have Z T (C yˆ − zd , Cy0 (w))Z = (ˆ y (t) − zd (t) , y0 (w))L2 (Ω) dt. 0

Then, if pˆ is the solution of the following adjoint equation: ∀ϕ ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ), Z T Z T {hˆ pt (t) , ϕ (t)i∗ − a (ϕ (t) , pˆ (t) ; t)} dt = (ˆ y (t) − zd (t) , ϕ (t))L2 (Ω) dt 0



with pˆ (T ) = 0, all the terms containing y0 disappear in the expression of J 0 (ˆ u) w; equivalently, (7.45) can be written as:  − hˆ pt (t) , ψi∗ + a∗ (ˆ p (t) , ψ; t) = (ˆ y (t) − zd (t) , ψ)L2 (Ω) ∀ψ ∈ V and a.e. in (0, T ) pˆ (T ) = 0. (7.46) (b) Z = H and Cy = κy (T ), where κ ∈ L∞ (Ω) . We have (C yˆ − zd , Cy0 (w))Z = (κˆ y (T ) − zd , κy0 (T ; w))L2 (Ω) . Then, by the same considerations made in (a) , we choose pˆ as the solution of the adjoint problem: ( − hˆ pt (t) , ψi∗ + a∗ (ˆ p (t) , ψ; t) = 0 ∀ψ ∈ V and a.e. in (0, T ) (7.47) pˆ (T ) = κ (κˆ y (T ) − zd ) . (c) Pointwise observations: Z = (L2 (0, T ))N and Cy (t) = (b1 y (x1 , t) , . . . , bN y (xN ; t)) . Then, with zd fixed in L2 (0, T )N , we have (C yˆ − zd , Cy0 (w))Z =

N Z X j=1

T 0

bj (bj yˆ (xj , t) − zdj (t))y0 (xj , t; w)) dt

and pˆ is the solution of the adjoint problem:  − hˆ pt , ψi∗ + a∗ (ˆ p (t) , ψ; t)     Z T N  X = bj ψ (xj ) (bj yˆ (xj , t) − zj (t))dt  0  j=1    pˆ (T ) = 0.

∀ψ ∈ V, a.e. in (0, T )


In all cases, by a straightforward application of Theorem 7.1, all the above adjoint problems admit a unique weak solution pˆ = p (ˆ u) ∈ Y . With this choice of pˆ, we are led to the following theorem. Theorem 7.2. The control u ˆ and the state yˆ = y(ˆ u) are optimal if and only if, together with the adjoint state pˆ, they solve the optimality system given by the state problem, the adjoint problem and the variational inequality J 0 (ˆ u) (v − u ˆ) = (β u ˆ, v − u ˆ )U +


T 0

hB (v (t) − u ˆ (t)) , pˆ (t)i∗ dt ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad .


7.5 Further Applications to Equations in Divergence Form


By introducing the Lagrangian function L (y, u, p) =

1 β 2 2 kCy − zd kZ + kukU (7.50) 2 2 Z T + {hF (t) + Bu (t) , p (t)i∗ − hyt (t) , p (t)i∗ − a (y (t) , p (t) ; t)} dt, 0

the adjoint problem can be obtained by requiring that L0y

(ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = J˜y0 (ˆ y, u ˆ) ψ −



{hψt (t) , pˆ (t)i∗ + a (ψ (t) , pˆ (t) ; t)} dt = 0


∀ψ ∈ Y, ψ (0) = 0, and performing an integration by parts (see next sections). The variational inequality corresponds to L0u

(ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) (v − u ˆ) = (β u ˆ, v − u ˆ )U +


T 0

hB (v (t) − u ˆ (t)) , pˆ (t)i∗ dt ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ Uad .


Remark 7.3. Introducing the adjoint operator B ∗ : L2 (0, T ; V ) → U ∗ and the canonical isometry RU : U ∗ → U (i.e. the Riesz map, see Sect. A.2.2), we can write Z

T 0

hB (v (t) − u ˆ (t)) , pˆ (t)i∗ dt = (RU B ∗ pˆ, v − u ˆ )U

so that J 0 (ˆ u) (v − u ˆ) = (β u ˆ + RU B ∗ pˆ, v − u ˆ )U ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad .

Thus, ∇J (ˆ u) = β u ˆ + RU B ∗ pˆ.

7.5 Further Applications to Equations in Divergence Form In this section we present some additional examples of time-dependent linear-quadratic OCPs for equations in divergence form, with control functions, observations and boundary conditions different than those considered so far, without however carrying out a comprehensive analysis as we did instead in Chapter 5 for OCPs governed by elliptic PDEs. Some advanced tools introduced in Chapter 5 can also be adapted to time-dependent OCPs to face more involved cases. All these examples share similar mathematical notations and properties. However, each of them has specific features. For this reason, we prefer to provide the reader with a comprehensive list, even though this might look a little repetitive.


7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

7.5.1 Side Control, Final and Distributed Observation, Cauchy-Robin Conditions We consider the minimization of the following cost functional Z Z Z 1 1 β 2 2 ˜ J (y, u) = |y − yd | dxdt + |y (T ) − zd | dx + u2 dσdt 2 QT 2 Ω 2 ST with β ≥ 0; yd and zd are two target states, and y satisfies the state problem  yt − div (A (x) ∇y) = f in QT    ∂y + hy = u on ST    ∂n y (x,0) = g (x) in Ω.



The interpretation is that we look for the optimal radiation in order to minimize the distance of both y and y (T ) from the two target states yd and zd , respectively. We assume f ∈ L2 (QT ) , g ∈ L2 (Ω) and h ∈ L∞ (ST ), h ≥ 0 a.e. with respect to the surface measure on ST . The control variable is constrained to u ∈ Uad ⊆ U = L2 (ST ), with Uad being closed and convex. • The state equation. Let V = H 1 (Ω). Then, a weak formulation of the Neumann problem (7.53) is: find u ∈ Y = H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ) such that for all ϕ ∈ V , a.e. in (0, T ), hyt (t) , ϕi∗ + (A∇y (t) , ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) + (h (t) y (t) , ϕ)L2 (Γ ) = (u (t) , ϕ)L2 (Γ ) and y (0) = g. The control operator B : L2 (ST ) → L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ) is defined for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ) by hBu (t) , ϕiV ∗ = (u (t) , ϕ)L2 (Γ ) ∀ϕ ∈ V. Thanks to the trace inequality (A.40), one can prove that B is continuous. Then, thanks to Theorem (7.1), for all u ∈ L2 (ST ), problem (7.53) has a unique weak solution y (u) ∈ Y . • Existence and uniqueness of the optimal control. The observation operator is defined as Cy = (y, y (T )) ∈ Z 2



where Z = L2 (QT ) × L2 (Ω) , with norm k(y, y (T ))kZ = kykL2 (QT ) + ky (T )kL2 (Ω) . Since 2


k(y, y (T ))kZ ≤ (1 + ctr ) kykY , C is continuous from Y into Z. If β > 0 there exists a unique optimal control. When β = 0 and Uad is bounded, we consider the operator u → C(y0 (u)). If C(y0 (u)) = 0, then y0 (u) = 0 in QT and therefore also u = 0. Thus also in this case there exists a unique optimal control. • Optimality conditions. To write the adjoint problem, we can combine the cases (a) and (b) of Sect. 7.4.3. We conclude that the adjoint equation in weak form is: ( − hˆ pt (t) , ϕi∗ + a∗ (ˆ p (t) , ϕ) = (ˆ y (t) − yd (t) , ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ ∈ V and a.e. in (0, T ) pˆ (T ) = yˆ (t) − zd

where a∗ (ˆ p (t) , ϕ) = A> ∇ˆ p, ∇ϕ

L2 (Ω)

+ (hˆ p, ϕ)L2 (Γ ) .

7.5 Further Applications to Equations in Divergence Form


The strong form of this adjoint problem is:   −ˆ pt − div A> ∇ˆ p = yˆ − yd    ∂ pˆ + hˆ p=0  ∂n   pˆ (x,T ) = yˆ (T ) − zd .

in QT (7.54)

on ST in Ω.

The variational inequality (7.49) reads

J 0 (ˆ u) (v − u ˆ) = (β u ˆ + pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (ST ) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad .


We also deduce that ∇J (ˆ u) = β u ˆ + pˆ

on ST .

We summarize everything in the following proposition. Proposition 7.3. The control u ˆ and the state function yˆ = y(ˆ u) are optimal for the OCP (7.52)–(7.53) if and only if, together with the adjoint state pˆ, they solve the state problem (7.53), the adjoint problem (7.54) and the variational inequality (7.55). Remark 7.4. If

 Uad = u ∈ L2 (ST ) : a ≤ u ≤ b a.e. on ST

and β > 0, then

 u ˆ = P rUad −β −1 pˆ

If β = 0, then (see Sect. 5.5.1), a.e. on ST ,   =a u ˆ (σ, t) ∈ [a, b]  =b

a.e. on ST .

if pˆ (σ, t) > 0 if pˆ (σ, t) = 0 if pˆ (σ, t) < 0.

If we introduce the Lagrangian function Z Z Z 1 1 β 2 2 L (y, u, p) = (y − yd ) dxdt + (y (T ) − zd ) dx + u2 dσdt 2 QT 2 Ω 2 ST Z Tn o + f p − hyt , pi∗ − (A∇y, ∇p)L2 (Ω) − (hy − u, p)L2 (Γ ) dt,



the adjoint equation is obtained by requiring that L0y (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = 0, for all ψ ∈ Y, ψ (0) = 0. We have Z TZ Z L0y (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = (ˆ y − yd ) ψdxdt + (ˆ y (T ) − zd ) ψ (T ) dx 0



− T 0






o hψt , pˆi∗ + (A∇ψ, ∇ˆ p)L2 (Ω) + (hψ, pˆ)L2 (Γ ) dt

(ˆ y − yd , ψ)L2 (Ω) + hˆ pt , ψi∗ − A> ∇ˆ p, ∇ψ

+ (ˆ y (T ) − zd − pˆ (T ) , ψ (T ))L2 (Ω) .

L2 (Ω)

o − (hˆ p, ψ)L2 (Γ ) dt


7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

For any ψ of the form ψ (t) = ϕη (t) with ϕ ∈ V, η ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]) , η (0) = 0, we get Z Tn o  (ˆ y − yd , ϕ)L2 (Γ ) + hˆ pt , ϕi∗ − A> ∇ˆ p, ∇ϕ L2 (Ω) − (hˆ p, ϕ)L2 (Γ ) η (t) dt 0


+ (y (T ) − zd − pˆ (T ) , ϕ)L2 (Ω) η (T ) = 0.

If we assume that η (T ) = 0, thanks to the arbitrariness of η, we deduce the adjoint equation in the weak form  − hˆ pt , ϕi∗ + A> ∇ˆ p, ∇ϕ L2 (Ω) + (hˆ p, ϕ)L2 (Γ ) = (ˆ y − yd , ϕ)L2 (Γ ) ∀ϕ ∈ V and a.e. in (0, T ) . If instead η (T ) 6= 0, (7.57) reduces to

(ˆ y (T ) − zd − pˆ (T ) , ϕ)L2 (Ω) = 0

∀ϕ ∈ V.

Since V is dense in L2 (Ω) we get the final condition pˆ (T ) = yˆ (T ) − zd . Finally, the optimality condition is the variational inequality L0u (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) (v − u ˆ) = (β u ˆ + pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (ST ) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad

from which we can also deduce the following expression for the gradient of the cost functional, ∇J (ˆ u) = β u ˆ + pˆ

onST .

7.5.2 Time-distributed Control, Side Observation, Cauchy-Neumann Conditions , In some applications we may be faced to minimize the cost functional Z Z N X 1 βj T 2 2 ˜ J (y, u1 , . . . , uN ) = |y − yd | dσdt + u (t) dt 2 ST 2 0 j j=1 with a given yd ∈ L2 (0, T ; ST ) and βj > 0, j = 1, . . . , N , subject to a state equation like PN  yt − div (µ (x) ∇y) = j=1 sj (x) uj (t) in QT    ∂y (7.58) =0 on ST    ∂n y (x,0) = g (x) in Ω.

Here µ ∈ L∞ (Ω), µ (x) ≥ µ0 > 0 a.e. in Ω, g ∈ L2 (Ω) and the functions sj , called controlshape functions, all belong to L2 (Ω). In the special case sj (x) = δ (x − xj ) , the delta measure concentrated at xj , we are dealing with a space-pointwise control, distributed in time. The control function u = (u1 , . . . , uN ) is subject to the box constraint  Uad = u ∈ L2 (0, T )N : aj ≤ uj (t) ≤ bj a.e. in (0, T ) , j = 1, . . . , N . • The state equation. Let V = H 1 (Ω); a weak formulation of problem (7.58) reads hyt (t) , ϕi∗ + (µ∇y, ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) =

N X j=1

(sj , ϕ)L2 (Ω) uj (t)

∀ϕ ∈ V and a.e. in (0, T )

7.5 Further Applications to Equations in Divergence Form



with y (0) = g. The control operator B : L2 (0, T ) → L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ) is an embedding operator. N Thanks to Theorem 7.1, for any u ∈ L2 (0, T ) , there exists a unique weak solution y (u) ∈ 1 ∗ Y = H (0, T ; V, V ). • Esistence and uniqueness of the optimal control. Here Z = L2 (ST ) and the observation operator is Cy = y|ST . This is a boundary observation. Note that, by the trace inequality (A.40), we have kykL2 (ST ) ≤ ctr kykL2 (0,T ;V ) ≤ ctr kykY . Since the hypotheses of Theorem 5.4 are fulfilled, there exists a unique optimal control u ˆ ∈ Uad . • Optimality conditions. To write the optimality conditions, we introduce the Lagrangian function Z Z N X 1 βj T 2 2 (y − yd ) dσdt + u (t) dt (7.59) 2 ST 2 0 j j=1   N X  (sj , p (t))L2 (Ω) uj (t) − hyt (t) , p (t)i∗ − (µ∇y (t) , ∇p (t))L2 (Ω) dt.  

L (y, u, p) = +


T 0


ˆ , pˆ) ψ = 0, for all ψ ∈ Y, ψ (0) = 0. We have: The adjoint equation corresponds to L0y (ˆ y, u L0y =

ˆ , pˆ) ψ = (ˆ y, u


T 0



T 0



(ˆ y − yd ) ψdσdt +


T 0


o − hψt (t) , pˆ (t)i∗ − (µ∇ψ (t) , ∇ˆ p (t))L2 (Ω) dt

o (ˆ y − yd , ψ)L2 (Γ ) + hˆ pt (t) , ψ (t)i∗ − (µ∇ˆ p (t) , ∇ψ (t))L2 (Ω) dt − (ψ (T ) , pˆ (T ))L2 (Ω) .

By choosing ψ of the form ψ (t) = ϕη (t) with ϕ ∈ V, η ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]) , η (0) = 0 = η (T ), the ˆ , pˆ) ψ = 0, yields equation L0y (ˆ y, u Z

T 0


o (ˆ y − yd , ϕ)L2 (Γ ) + hˆ pt (t) , ϕi∗ − (µ∇ˆ p (t) , ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) η (t) dt = 0.

Hence, thanks to the arbitrariness of η, − hˆ pt (t) , ϕi∗ + (µ∇ˆ p (t) , ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) = (ˆ y − yd , ϕ)L2 (Γ )

∀ϕ ∈ V and a.e. in (0, T ) . (7.60)

Choosing now ψ of the form ψ (t) = ϕη (t) with ϕ ∈ V, η ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]) , η (0) = 0, η (T ) = 1, we deduce that (ϕ, pˆ (T ))L2 (Ω) = 0 for all ϕ ∈ V. Since V is dense in L2 (Ω) we get the final condition pˆ (T ) = 0. (7.61) The strong form of the adjoint problem is:  −ˆ pt − div (µ (x) ∇ˆ p) = 0    ∂ pˆ = yˆ − yd  ∂n   pˆ (T ) = 0

in QT on ST in Ω.

The variational inequality comes from

ˆ , pˆ) (v − u ˆ) ≥ 0 L0u (ˆ y, u

v ∈ Uad ,



7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

which in this case turns into N Z X j=1

T 0

 βj u ˆj (t) + (sj , pˆ (t))L2 (Ω) (vj (t) − u ˆj (t)) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad .


Hence, each component uj of the control vector function can be characterized as the projection of −β −1 (sj , pˆ (t))L2 (Ω) onto [aj , bj ] (see Sect. 5.2.2), i.e.   Z   1 uj (t) = P r[aj ,bj ] −βj−1 (sj , pˆ (t))L2 (Ω) = P r[aj ,bj ] − sj (x) pˆ (x, t) dx . βj Ω


Remark 7.5. Note that if sj (x) = δ (x − xj ), (7.64) gives

 uj (t) = P r[aj ,bj ] −βj−1 pˆ (xj ,t) .

7.6 Optimal Control of Time-Dependent Stokes Equations We consider now an optimal control problem for the time-dependent Stokes equations. We consider an unconstrained distributed control problem, similar to the one of Sect. 5.13.1, where we want to reach a given velocity profile zd over the bounded domain Ω ⊂ Rd , d = 2, 3, d for (almost every) t ∈ (0, T ), by controlling a distributed force u = u(x, t) ∈ L2 (QT ) . We assume that Ω is a polyhedron or a sufficiently smooth domain. The goal is to minimize over d L2 (QT ) the cost functional Z Z 1 τ 2 J(u) = |v(u) − zd | dxdt + |u|2 dxdt (7.65) 2 QT 2 QT where τ > 0 and (v, π) = (v(u), π(u)) is the solution of the following unsteady Stokes system:  vt − ν∆v + ∇π = f + u in QT      divv = 0 in QT    v=h on SD = ΓD × (0, T ) (7.66)  ∂v    −πn + ν =c on SN = ΓN × (0, T )   ∂n   v(x, 0) = g in Ω. Here ΓD and ΓN are two subsets such that Γ = ΓD ∪ ΓN , ΓD ∩ ΓN = ∅. We impose the velocity profile h over SD and the normal Cauchy stress c over SN .

• Saddle point formulation and analysis of the state equation. To handle the inhomogeneous Dirichlet condition we rewrite the state problem into a parabolic saddle point formulation, ∂v introducing as a multiplier the restriction λ of the Cauchy stress −πn + ν ∂n on SD . In this way we can avoid to use a lifting for the Dirichlet data and divergence-free spaces for the velocity. As we explain in Remark 7.6 below, this leads to choose6 n o 1/2 X = ϕ ∈ (H 1 (Ω))d : ϕ|ΓD ∈ H00 (ΓD )d (7.67) d

as velocity space, H = L2 (Ω) and Q = L2 (Ω) as pressure space. 6


See Sect. A.5.10 for the definition of the space H00 (ΓD )d , ΓD ⊂ Γ , and their duals.

7.6 Optimal Control of Time-Dependent Stokes Equations


We keep the same notation of Sect. 5.13 and denote by Z Z (∇v, ∇w)L2 = ∇v : ∇wdx, k∇vk2L2 = ∇v : ∇vdx. Ω

X is a closed subset of H 1 (Ω)d and therefore is a Hilbert space with respect to the same norm. Moreover, X is dense in H with compact embedding and X ⊂ H ⊂ X ∗ form a Hilbert triplet. For simplicity, we assume that the problem data are regular enough, namely f ∈ L2 (0, T ; H) = 1/2 L2 (QT )d , h ∈ H 1 (0, T ; H00 (ΓD )d ), c ∈ L2 (0, T ; L2 (ΓN )d ) and g ∈ X. Moreover, we assume that h and g satisfy the following compatibility conditions: divg = 0 in Ω and

(7.68) −1/2

hs, h(0) − giΓD = 0 for all s ∈ H00

(ΓD )d .

(7.69) 1/2

By the symbol h · , · iΓD we denote the duality pairing between H00 (ΓD )d and its dual −1/2

H00 (ΓD )d . Remark 7.6. Under the above assumptions, we shall find a velocity field v in H 1 (0, T ; H) ∩ L2 (0, T ; X). Since f (t) , u (t), and vt (t) all belong to H for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), the first equation in (7.66) implies that d div (−ν∇v (t) + π (t) I) ∈ L2 (Ω)  ∂v for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), where I is the identity matrix. Hence the trace λ (t) = −πn + ν ∂n |Γ D


belongs to H00 (ΓD )d (see Sect. A.5.10). Thus, in the integration by parts leading to the saddle point formulation below, one is forced to assume that the trace of a test function belongs 1/2 to H00 (ΓD )d . Coherently, X becomes the correct choice for both test and velocity spaces. 1/2 1/2 Also note that H 1 (0, T ; H00 (ΓD )) ⊂ C([0, T ]; H00 (ΓD )), hence h (0) makes sense. • For t ∈ (0, T ) and ϕ ∈ X, define now the linear functional F (t) ∈ X ∗ by Z Z hF (t), ϕiX ∗ ,X = (f (t) + u(t)) · ϕ dx + c(t) · ϕ dσ. Ω


The saddle point formulation of problem (7.66) is obtained: first, by multiplying the first equation in (7.66) by a test function ϕ ∈ X, integrating over Ω, integrating by parts and taking into account the boundary conditions; then, by multiplying the other equations by test func−1/2 tions q, s, ϕ in L2 (Ω), H00 (ΓD )d and X, respectively, and integrating over Ω. Thus, the saddle point formulation of the problem results as follows: find v ∈ L2 (0, T ; X)∩H 1 (0, T ; H), π ∈ −1/2 L2 (0, T ; Q) and a multiplier λ ∈ L2 (0, T ; H00 (ΓD )d ) such that, for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ) and every −1/2 ϕ ∈ X, (q, s) ∈ M = L2 (Ω) × H00 (ΓD )d ,  (vt (t) , ϕ)H + ν (∇v (t) , ∇ϕ)H − (π (t) , divϕ)L2 (Ω) − hλ (t) , ϕiΓD = hF (t), ϕiX ∗ ,X     (divv (t) , q)L2 (Ω) = 0   hs, v (t)iΓD = hs, h(t)iΓD   (v (0) , ϕ)H = (g, ϕ) H . (7.70) A triplet (v, π, λ) that fulfills system (7.70) is named a saddle point solution to (7.66). Indeed, for smooth data and solution, it can be shown that the saddle point formulation is equivalent to (7.66).


7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

Introducing the bilinear forms e : X × X → R and b : X × M → R given by e (v, ϕ) = ν (∇v, ∇ϕ)H ,

b (ϕ, (q, s)) = − (q, divϕ)L2 (Ω) − hs, ϕiΓD

we can write (7.70) in the more compact form   (vt (t) , ϕ)H + e (v (t) , ϕ) + b (ϕ, (π (t) , λ (t))) = hF (t), ϕiX ∗ ,X b (v (t) , (q, s)) = hs, h(t)iΓD  (v (0) , ϕ)H = (g, ϕ)H .



Note that the set

Z = {z ∈ X : b (z, (q, s)) = 0 for all (q, s) ∈ M } d

is contained in HΓ1D (Ω) and therefore the bilinear form e is strictly coercive on Z, i.e. 2

e (z, z) ≥ ν kzkX

for all z ∈ Z.

Moreover, from Lemma 5.207, it follows that inf


(q,s)∈M w∈X

b (w, (q, s)) ≥ τ > 0. kwkX k (q, s) kQ

The following result holds. Theorem 7.3. There exists a unique saddle point solution (v, π, λ) to (7.70). Moreover kvkL∞ (0,T ;X) , kvkH 1 (0,T ;H) , kπkL2 (0,T ;H) , kλkL2 (0,T ;H −1/2 (ΓD )d ) 00 n o ≤ C kgkX + kf kL2 (0,T ;H) + kukL2 (0,T ;H) + khkH 1 (0,T ;H 1/2 (ΓD )d ) 00

where C depends only on Ω, ν and β.

This result is a direct consequence of the abstract parabolic saddle point Theorem below (see [63] for the proof). Theorem 7.4. Let X ⊂ H ⊂ X ∗ be a Hilbert triplet, with X compactly embedded into H. Let M be a Hilbert space and e : X × X → R, b : X × M → R be two continuous bilinear forms satisfying the following conditions: (a) ∀z ∈ Z = {z ∈ X : b (z,µ) = 0 ∀µ ∈ M } , 2

e (z, z) ≥ ν kzkX ; (b) ∀v, w ∈ X

1 1 e (v, v) + e (w, w) ; 2 2 (c) there exists β > 0 such that the following inf-sup condition holds, e (v, w) ≤

inf sup

µ∈M w∈X

b (w, µ) ≥ β. kwkX kµkM

If F ∈ L2 (0, T ; H) , G ∈ H 1 (0, T ; M ∗ ) , g ∈ X and b (g, µ) = hµ, G(0)iM,M ∗

∀µ ∈ M


7.6 Optimal Control of Time-Dependent Stokes Equations


then the problem   hvt (t) , ϕiX ∗ ,X + e (v (t) , ϕ) + b (ϕ,ζ (t)) = hF (t), ϕiX ∗ ,X ∀ϕ ∈ X b (v (t) ,µ) = hµ, G(t)iM,M ∗ ∀µ ∈ M  (v (0) , ϕ)H = (g, ϕ)H ∀ϕ ∈ X   has a unique solution (v, ζ) ∈ L∞ (0, T ; X) ∩ H 1 (0, T ; H) × L2 (0, T ; M ) and


kvkL∞ (0,T ;X) , kvkH 1 (0,T ;H) , kζkL2 (0,T ;M ) n o ≤ C (ν, β) kgkX + kF kL2 (0,T ;H) + kGkH 1 (0,T ;M )) .

Remark 7.7. In the application to our saddle point problem, the bilinear forms e : X × X → R −1/2 and b : X × M → R are defined in (7.71), with X as in (7.67) and M = L2 (Ω) × H00 (ΓD )d . Moreover, G (t) = (divv (t) , v (t))Γ = (0, h (t)). Note that the condition (7.73) corresponds to the compatibility conditions (7.68) and (7.69): the initial data must be divergence free and the boundary data must be compatible with initial data on Γ for t = 0. • • Existence and uniqueness of an optimal control. We can apply the general result of Theorem 5.4, since the cost functional (7.65) can be easily expressed under the form (5.56) by setting (using the notation of that section) q (u, η) = (v0 (u), v0 (η))L2 (QT )d + τ (u, η)L2 (QT )d ,


1 2 kv (0) − zd kL2 (QT )d , 2 where v0 is the saddle point solution to the state problem corresponding to f = g = h = 0. Indeed, it is simple to prove that q is continuous and positive in L2 (QT )d (as τ > 0) and that ˆ of L is continuous in L2 (QT )d (see Exercise 4). Hence, there exists a unique optimal control u ˆ π(u)) ˆ and multiplier problem (7.65)–(7.66) with corresponding optimal state (ˆ v, π ˆ ) = (v(u), ˆ = λ(u). ˆ λ Lu = (v0 (u), v (0) − zd )L2 (QT )d ,


• Optimality conditions. As done in Sect. 5.13.2, we can recover the system of first-order (necessary and sufficient) optimality conditions in weak form, introducing the Lagrangian L = L ((v, π, λ), u, (z, q, σ) given by Z Z 1 τ 2 L ((v, π, λ), u, (z, q, σ) = |v − zd | dxdt + |u|2 dxdt 2 QT 2 QT Z Tn o − (vt (t) , z (t)) + e (v(t), z(t)) − (π (t) , divz (t))L2 (Ω) − hλ (t) , z (t)iΓD dt + +




0 T 0


o (q (t) , divv (t))L2 (Ω) + hσ (t) , h(t) − v (t)iΓD dt

(f (t) + u (t) , z (t))H + (c (t) , z (t))L2 (ΓN )d dt, −1/2

where z ∈ L2 (0, T ; X) ∩ H 1 (0, T ; H) and (π, σ) ∈ L2 (0, T ; M ) × L2 (0, T ; H00 (ΓD )d ) are the adjoint variables (or Lagrange multipliers) related to the constraints represented by the equations in the state problem (7.70).


7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

We now differentiate the Lagrangian with respect to the state variables v, π, λ and set each derivative, evaluated at the optimal state and adjoint variables, equal to zero. We put ˆ u, ˆ (z, ˆ qˆ, σ)). ˆ Lˆ0(·) = L0(·) ((ˆ v, π ˆ , λ), • Lˆ0v w = 0 for all w ∈ L2 (0, T ; X) ∩ H 1 (0, T ; H) , w (0) = 0, gives Lˆ0v w =


T 0

(ˆ v (t) − zd , w (t))H dt − +


T 0



T 0

ˆ ˆ {(wt (t) , z(t)) dt+ H + e(w (t) , z(t)}

o ˆ (t) , w (t)iΓD dt = 0. (ˆ q (t) , divw (t))L2 (Ω) − hσ


Integrating by parts we get Z

T 0

ˆ (wt (t) , z(t)) H dt = −


T 0

ˆ ))H . (w (t) , zˆt (t))H dt + (w (T ) , z(T

Thus, if we choose w (t) = a (t) ϕ with a ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]) , a (0) = 0, ϕ ∈ X, as a test function in (7.76), we obtain the following equation, for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ): ˆ (t) , ϕiΓD = (ˆ − (zˆt (t) , ϕ)H + ν (∇zˆ (t) ,∇ϕ)L2 − (ˆ q (t) , divϕ)L2 (Ω) − hσ v (t) − zd , ϕ)H (7.77) and the final condition ˆ ) = 0. z(T (7.78) • Lˆ0π r = 0 for all r ∈ L2 (QT ) yields Lˆ0π r =


T 0

(r (t) , divzˆ (t))L2 (Ω) = 0

which implies divzˆ = 0 in QT .


−1/2 • Lˆ0λ µ = 0 for all µ ∈ L2 (0, T ; H00 (ΓD )d ) gives

hµ (t) , zˆ (t)iΓD = 0 which implies zˆ = 0 on SD .


We recognize that system (7.77), (7.78), (7.79) and (7.80) represents the saddle point formulation of the following adjoint problem:  zˆt + ν∆zˆ − ∇q = −ˆ v (t) + zd in QT      ˆ div z = 0 in QT    zˆ = 0 on SD (7.81)  ∂ zˆ    −qn + ν =0 on SN   ∂n   ˆ T) = 0 z(x, in Ω.

This latter is a backward-in-time Stokes problem with final condition (that is, at the final time T ), homogeneous Dirichlet/Neumann conditions on the boundary of Ω for all times, and source term (for the momentum equation) equal to zd − vˆ(t). After a time reversing

7.7 Optimal Control of the Wave Equation


transformation t → T − t, Theorem 7.4 ensures existence and uniqueness of a saddle point d ˆ ∂z ˆ = −ˆ solution zˆ ∈ L∞ (0, T ; HΓ1D (Ω) ) ∩ H 1 (0, T ; H) , qˆ ∈ L2 (Ω), with σ q n + ν ∂n on ΓD . 0 ˆ • Finally, Lu η = 0 for all η ∈ H yields the following Euler equation Lˆ0u η =



ˆ + τ u(t), ˆ (z(t) η)H = 0



from which we obtain the expression of the gradient of the cost functional ˆ = zˆ + τ u ˆ ∇J(u)

in L2 (QT ).

Finally, by requiring that the derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect to the adjoint variables vanish, we obtain the state system (7.70). Other examples of optimal control problems for the unsteady Stokes equations dealing with the case of Neumann control and initial control, can be found in Exercises 5 and 6, respectively.

7.7 Optimal Control of the Wave Equation In this section we adapt the foregoing theory to an example of linear-quadratic OCP governed by the wave equation. Consider the minimization problem Z Z 1 β 2 J˜ (y, u) = (y (T ) − zd ) dx + u2 dxdt → min (7.83) 2 Ω 2 QT with β ≥ 0, where zd ∈ L2 (QT ) is a given target, u belongs to a closed, convex subset Uad of L2 (QT ), and y = y (x,t; u) solves the state problem:  in QT   ytt − ∆y = f + u y=0 on ST (7.84)   y (x,0) = g (x) , yt (x,0) = h (x) in Ω. • Analysis of the state problem. For the well-posedness analysis of the state problem we introduce a weak formulation. We multiply the wave equation by a smooth function v = v (x,t) vanishing on Γ , and integrate over QT . After an integration by parts in space, we find Z

T 0

(ytt (t) , v (t))H dt +


T 0

(∇y (t) , ∇v (t))H dt =


T 0

(f (t) , v (t))H dt,


 where H = L2 (Ω). Again, the natural space for y is L2 0, T ; H01 (Ω) . Thus, for a.e. t > 0, y (t) ∈ V = H01 (Ω), and ∆u (t) ∈ V ∗ = H −1 (Ω). On the other hand, since ytt = ∆y + f + u, it is natural to require ytt ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ) and consequently the first integrand in (7.85) has to be interpreted as a duality, hytt (t) , v (t)i∗ . Accordingly, a reasonable assumption is yt ∈ L2 (0, T ; H), an intermediate space between 2 L (0, T ; V ) and L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ). Thus, we look for solutions y such that y ∈ H 1 (0, T ; V, H) , ytt ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ) .



7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

For simplicity7 , we assume f ∈ L2 (0, T ; H), g ∈ V , and h ∈ H. Since y satisfies (7.86), it follows that y ∈ C ([0, T ]; H) and yt ∈ C ([0, T ] ; V ∗ ) and therefore the initial conditions actually mean ky (t) − gkH → 0, kyt (t) − hkV ∗ → 0 as t → 0.


The above considerations lead to the following definition, analogous to Definition 7.1 for the heat equation: Definition 7.4. Let f ∈ L2 (0, T ; H), g ∈ V , h ∈ H; y ∈ H 1 (0, T ; V, H) is called a weak solution to problem (7.84) if ytt ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ) and: 1. for all v ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ), Z T Z hytt (t) , v (t)i∗ dt + 0

T 0

(∇y (t) , ∇v (t))L2 (Ω)d dt =


T 0

(f (t) + u (t) , v (t))H dt;

2. y (0) = g, yt (0) = h (in the sense of (7.87)). As in the case of the heat equation, condition 1 of Definition 7.4 can can be stated in the following equivalent form: 10 . for all ϕ ∈ V and a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), hytt (t) , ϕi∗ + (∇y (t) , ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω)d = (f (t) + u (t) , ϕ)H .


Remark 7.8. If f , g, h are smooth functions and y is a smooth weak solution of problem (7.84) then it is actually a classical solution. • 8 The following theorem holds : Theorem 7.5. Let f ∈ L2 (0, T ; H), g ∈ V , h ∈ H. There is a unique weak solution of problem (7.84). Moreover y ∈ C ([0, T ]; V ), yt ∈ C ([0, T ]; H) and n o kykC([0,T ];H) , kyt kC([0,T ];H) , kytt kL2 (0,T ;V ∗ ) ≤ c kf kL2 (0,T ;H) + k∇gkL2 (Ω)d + khkH with c = c (T, Ω).

• Existence and uniqueness of the optimal control. The foregoing theory applies without problem and we deduce that if β > 0 there exists a unique optimal control pair yˆ, u ˆ; when β = 0 and Uad is bounded, we consider the operator u → y0 (u). If y0 (u) = 0 then, clearly y0 (u) = 0 in QT and therefore also u = 0. Thus also in this case there exists a unique optimal control pair. • Optimality conditions. We introduce the Lagrangian Z Z Z Tn o 1 β 2 L (y, u, p) = (y (T ) − zd ) dx+ u2 dxdt+ (f + u)p − hytt , pi∗ − (∇y, ∇p)L2 (Ω)d dt 2 Ω 2 QT 0 We could also assume f ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ), however in this case we would need to rely on the transposition method and look for very weak solutions, as done in Sect. 5.9. 7


See e.g. Thm. 10.6 in [237, Sect.10.6] and [176, Vol.1, Chap. 3] for its proof and further details.

7.7 Optimal Control of the Wave Equation


with p ∈ H 1 (0, T ; V, H), ptt ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ). The adjoint problem is obtained by requiring that L0y (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = 0, for all ψ ∈ H 1 (0, T ; V, H) , ψ (0) = ψt (0) = 0. We find L0y (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) ψ = (ˆ y (T ) − zd , ψ (T ))H −


T 0


o hψtt , pˆi∗ + (∇ψ, ∇ˆ p)L2 (Ω)d dt = 0.


Integrating by parts we get, since ψ (0) = ψt (0) = 0, Z

T 0

hψtt , pˆi∗ dt = − =



T 0

(ˆ pt , ψt )H dt + (ˆ p (T ) , ψt (T ))H



(ˆ ptt , ψ)∗ dt − (ˆ pt (T ) , ψ (T ))H + (ˆ p (T ) , ψt (T ))H .

Substituting into (7.89), we have Z

T 0

h(ˆ ptt , ψ)H i∗ + (∇ˆ p, ∇ψ)H dt + (ˆ y (T ) − zd + pˆt (T ) , ψ (T ))H − (ψt (T ) , pˆ (T ))H = 0

for every ψ ∈ H 1 (0, T ; V, H) , ψ (0) = ψt (0) = 0. Choosing ψ = a (t) φ with φ ∈ V and a ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]) , a (0) = a0 (0) = 0, we conclude that the adjoint problem is ( hˆ ptt (t) , φi∗ + (∇ˆ p (t) , ∇φ)H = 0 ∀φ ∈ V and a.e. in (0, T ) (7.90) pˆ (T ) = 0, pˆt (T ) = zd − yˆ (T ) in Ω in weak form, and

 p=0  pˆtt − ∆ˆ pˆ = 0  pˆ (T ) = 0, pˆt (T ) = zd − yˆ (T )

in QT on ST in Ω


in strong form. Since zd − yˆ (T ) ∈ H, problem (7.90) has a unique weak solution pˆ ∈ H 1 (0, T ; V, H), pˆtt ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ). Finally, the optimality condition is given by the variational inequality L0u (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) (v − u ˆ) = (β u ˆ + pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (QT ) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad


from which we deduce that the gradient of the cost functional is ∇J (ˆ u) = β u ˆ + pˆ. Theorem 7.6. The control u ˆ and the state function yˆ = y(ˆ u) are optimal for the OCP (7.52)–(7.53) if and only if, together with the adjoint state pˆ, they solve the state system (7.88), the adjoint problem (7.90) and the variational inequality (7.92). Cost functionals involving the value of yt at the final time are more delicate and involve adjoint problems with initial states in V ∗ .


7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

7.8 Exercises 1. Show that if y, g, f are smooth functions and y is a weak solution to problem (7.2) in the sense of Definition 7.1, then y solves problem (7.2) in a classical sense, too, that is,  yt − ∆y + y = f + u in QT    ∂y =0 on ST    ∂n y (x,0) = g (x) in Ω.

2. Derive the system of optimality conditions for the initial control problem (7.20)–(7.21), that is, Z Z 1 β 2 J˜ (y, u) = (y (T ) − zd ) dx + u2 dx → min 2 Ω 2 Ω with β > 0, where u ∈ Uad ⊂ L2 (Ω) and y = y (t; u)  yt − ∆y + y = f    ∂y =0    ∂n y (x,0) = u (x)

solves in QT on ST in Ω.

[Hint. Introduce a suitable Lagrangian functional L and require that the derivatives of L with respect to p, y and u vanish on any admissible variation. In particular, show that the adjoint problem in this case is given by (7.12) while Z (β u ˆ (x) + pˆ (x,0))(w (x) − u ˆ (x)) dx ≥ 0 ∀w ∈ Uad . (7.93) Ω

gives the minimum principle.] 3. Transposition method for the heat equation. Consider the problem  in QT   yt − ∆y = F y=g on ST   y (x,0) = 0 in Ω


with F ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ∗ ) , V = H 2 (Ω) ∩ H01 (Ω), g ∈ L2 (ST ); here Ω is a smooth domain. A unique (very weak) solution can be constructed via the transposition method as follows (see Sect. 5.9). We ask the reader to fill in the details in the steps below (also recalling Remark 7.2). a. After a time transformation t 7→ T − t, for every f ∈ L2 (QT ) there exists a unique weak solution ψ = S (f ) ∈ H 1 (0, T ; V, H), H = L2 (Ω), to the backward-in-time heat equation −ψt − ∆ψ = f, with ψ (T ) = 0. Let X be the image of S (f ), that is  X = ψ : ψ = S (f ) , f ∈ L2 (QT ) .

Show that X is a Hilbert space when endowed with the inner product (ψ1 , ψ2 )X = (f1 , f2 )L2 (QT ) and that the backward-in-time heat operator

7.8 Exercises


ψ → H∗ (ψ) = −ψt − ∆ψ is a continuous isomorphism between X and L2 (QT ). b. Multiply by ψ ∈ X the heat equation in problem (7.94), integrate over QT , integrate by parts in space and time and use the boundary and initial conditions to find  Z T Z T Z T ∂ψ (y, −ψt − ∆ψ)H dt = hF, ψiV ∗ ,V dt − g, dt. (7.95) ∂n L2 (ST ) 0 0 0 c. Define y ∈ L2 (QT ) as a very weak solution to (7.94) if (7.95) holds for every ψ ∈ X. Show that there exists a unique very weak solution y to (7.94) and that n o kykL2 (QT ) ≤ C (T, Ω) kgkL2 (ST ) + kf kL2 (0,T ;V ∗ ) . [Hint. The operator L (ψ) = Equation (7.95) reads

RT 0

hF, ψiV ∗ ,V dt −


(y, H∗ (ψ))L2 (QT ) = L (ψ)


g, ∂ψ ∂n

L2 (ST )

dt belongs to X ∗ .

∀ψ ∈ X.

Apply now Proposition 5.11 to conclude.] 4. Denote by v0 the velocity component of the saddle point solution to the Stokes problem (7.72) corresponding to f = g = h = 0. Show that the bilinear form q (u, η) = (v0 (u), v0 (η))L2 (QT )d + τ (u, η)L2 (QT )d d

is continuous and nonnegative in L2 (QT ) (as τ > 0) and that the linear form Lu = (v0 (u), v (0) − zd )L2 (QT )d d

is continuous in L2 (QT ) . 5. Analyze the following control problem for the time-dependent Stokes equations (ST = Γ × (0, T )): Z Z 1 τ 2 J(c) = |v(c) − zd | dxdt + |c|2 dσdt → min 2 QT 2 ST where (v, π) = (v(c), π(c)) is the solution of the following unsteady Stokes system:  vt − ν∆v + ∇π = f in QT      in QT  divv = 0 ∂v  −πn + ν =c on ST   ∂n    v(x, 0) = 0 in Ω.


7 Quadratic Control Problems Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

6. Consider the Stokes system  vt − ν∆v + ∇π = f      divv = 0    v=0  ∂v    −πn + ν =0   ∂n   v(x, 0) = ξ

in QT in QT on ΓD × (0, T ) on ΓN × (0, T ) in Ω

where the initial datum ξ ∈ X (see (7.67)) plays the role of control function. Write the optimality conditions for the minimization of the cost functional Z Z  1 τ J(ξ) = |v(T ; ξ) − zd |2 dx + |∇ξ|2 + |ξ|2 dx. 2 Ω 2 Ω

7. Let f ∈ L2 (QT ). Analyze the problem Z Z 1 β 2 J˜ (y, u) = (y − zd ) dxdt + u2 dσdt → min 2 QT 2 ST


with β > 0, where zd ∈ L2 (QT ) is a given target, u belongs to a closed, convex subset Uad of L2 (ST ), and y = y (u) solves the state problem:  in QT   ytt − ∆y = f  ∂y =u on ST  ∂n   y (x,0) = 0, yt (x,0) = 0 in Ω.

Chapter 8

Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

In this chapter we address the numerical solution of time-dependent linear-quadratic OCPs, that is OCPs involving a quadratic cost functional and a state system described by a linear initial-boundary value problem (IBVP). We will closely follow the same road map of Chapter 6. In Sect. 8.1 we revisit the optimize-then-discretize and the discretize-then-optimize approach; we will show how time discretization might affect the numerical approximation of the system of optimality conditions. Solution approaches based on iterative methods will be presented in Sect. 8.2, showing some numerical results in Sect. 8.3, whereas those using all-at-once (or one-shot) methods in Sect. 8.4. .

8.1 Optimize & Discretize, or Discretize & Optimize, Revisited In this chapter we focus on the numerical approximation of time-dependent linear-quadratic OCPs, confining to the case where the state system is given by a IBVP for a parabolic PDE; similar considerations can also be drawn when dealing with other linear evolution PDEs, such as time-dependent Stokes equations. The numerical approximation of OCPs for the wave (and, more generally speaking, linear hyperbolic) equations will not be addressed; the interested reader is referred, e.g., to [277, 92, 93]. A similar classification to the one introduced in Sect. 6.1 also holds in the case of timedependent linear-quadratic OCPs. Indeed, also in this case, depending on the way the PDE constraint is treated, we can use: • iterative methods, where the PDE constraint is eliminated and the only optimization variable is the control u; • all-at-once methods, where the PDE constraint is explicitly kept in the problem formulation and both y and u are treated as optimization variables. We highlight, however, that algebraic systems arising from the use of all-at-once methods become, in the case of time-dependent problems, more involved to treat, because of their (potentially very large) size: indeed, these methods compute the solution to OCPs in a single iteration by treating all time-steps at the same time. As in the case of linear-quadratic OCPs governed by elliptic PDEs, the interplay between optimization and discretization yields slightly different numerical problems that must be solved, yet sharing a very similar structure. The need of solving two coupled dynamical systems resulting from the state and the adjoint problem, represent the main difference if compared to the case of OCPs for elliptic PDEs, and introduce a further level of difficulty.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0_8



8 Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

For the sake of effort, we will just emphasize the distinguishing features related with the numerical solution of time-dependent linear-quadratic OCPs, exploiting as much what we already introduced in Chapter 6. Our OCP reads as follows: Z Z 1 β 2 J˜ (y, u) = |y − yd | dxdt + u2 dxdt → min (8.1) 2 QT 2 QT with β > 0, where yd ∈ L2 (QT ) is a given target, u ∈ L2 (QT ) and y = y (x,t; u) solves the state problem:  in QT  yt − ∆y = f + u y=0 on ST (8.2)  y (x,0) = g (x) in Ω.

According to (7.5), the weak formulation of the state problem (8.2) reads: for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), find y(t) ∈ V such that ( (y(t), ˙ ϕ)L2 (Ω) + a(y(t), ϕ; t) = (f (t), ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ ∈ V (8.3) y(0) = g; in this case V = H01 (Ω), and a(y, ϕ) =


∇y · ∇ϕdx

is the bilinear form associated with the Laplace operator. The extension to more general elliptic operators is straightforward. For ease of notation, we might denote the time-derivative of y(t) by y(t) ˙ instead of ∂t y(t). Remark 8.1. Often, to simplify their definition, control functions u = u(x, t) are expressed as the product u(x, t) = η(x)˜ u(t) of two functions: a time-dependent function u ˜(t), and a timeindependent function η(x) supported over those portions of the domain where the control acts. If the action of the control in space is determined a priori, only its dynamics in time expressed by u ˜(t) has to be adjusted to minimize the cost functional, thus simplifying the OCP substantially. •

8.1.1 Optimize Then Discretize If we use the optimize-then-discretize (OtD) strategy, we carry out optimization first (at the continuous level) and then discretize the resulting optimality system. Hence, we first recover a system of optimality conditions at the continuous level; for the case at hand, Proposition 7.2 yields the following system of optimality conditions. For a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), find y(t) ∈ V , u(t) ∈ U and p(t) ∈ V such that:  (y(t), ˙ ϕ)L2 (Ω) + a(y(t), ϕ; t) = (f (t) + u(t), ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ ∈ V     y(0) = g  (8.4) −(p(t), ˙ ψ)L2 (Ω) + a∗ (p(t), ψ; t) = −(y(t) − yd (t), ψ)L2 (Ω) ∀ψ ∈ V    p(T ) = 0   (βu(t) − p(t), v)L2 (Ω) = 0 ∀v ∈ U . Then, we approximate the spaces V by Vh and U by Uh (two suitable finite-dimensional spaces) and replace (8.4) with the following problem: for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), find yh (t) ∈ Vh , uh (t) ∈ Uh and ph (t) ∈ Vh such that:

8.1 Optimize & Discretize, or Discretize & Optimize, Revisited

 (y˙ h (t), ϕ)L2 (Ω) + a(yh (t), ϕ; t) = (f (t), ϕh )L2 (Ω) + (uh (t), ϕh )L2 (Ω)       yh (0) = gh − (p˙ h (t), ψh )L2 (Ω) + a∗ (ph (t), ψh ; t) = −(yh (t) − yd (t), ψh )L2 (Ω)     p (T ) = 0   h (βuh (t) − ph (t), vh )L2 (Ω) = 0


∀ϕh ∈ Vh ∀ψh ∈ Vh


∀vh ∈ Uh .

Here gh denotes a suitable approximation of g in Vh . Note that the same space Vh is used to approximate both state and control variables; moreover, Vh is used to approximate the trial space (where we seek the solution) as well as the test space, thus yielding a Galerkin spatial approximation. The spatial discretization of the optimality conditions (8.4) thus yields two systems of ODEs, coupled through the right-hand side of the adjoint problem, and a further condition involving both the adjoint state and the control, to be fulfilled a.e. t ∈ (0, T ). Introducing a basis for Vh , {ϕj , j = 1, . . . , Ny }, and a basis for Uh , {ψj , j = 1, . . . , Nu }, respectively, and proceeding as in Sect. 6.2.1, it is possible to rewrite system (8.5) expressing the ODE systems in matrix form (see Sect. B.3 in the Appendix B, and Exercise 1 for a detailed derivation):  ˙ My(t) + Ay(t) = f (t) + Bu(t) ∀t ∈ (0, T )      y(0) = g  (8.6) ˙ −Mp(t) + A> p(t) = −M(y(t) − yd (t)) ∀t ∈ (0, T )    p(T ) = 0    βNu(t) − B> p(t) = 0, where:

• y(t) = (yh,1 (t), . . . , yh,Ny (t))> ∈ RNy , u(t) = (uh,1 (t), . . . , uh,Nu (t))> ∈ RNu , p(t) = (ph,1 (t), . . . , ph,Ny (t))> ∈ RNy are the vectors corresponding to the optimal state, control, and adjoint variables, at time t; • A ∈ RNy ×Ny is the stiffness matrix defined in (6.8); • B ∈ RNy ×Nu is the control matrix defined in (6.9); • the vector f (t) ∈ RNy encodes the source term of the state problem, at time t; • M ∈ RNy ×Ny is the FE (state) mass matrix defined in (6.12); • N ∈ RNu ×Nu is the FE (control) mass matrix defined in (6.14); • yd (t) ∈ RNy encodes the target function, at time t. Let us now introduce a uniform partition of the time interval (0, T ) into subintervals [tn , tn+1 ], n = 0, . . . , Nt − 1, with t0 = 0 and tn = t0 + n∆t, of length ∆t – hence, tNt = T . Then, performing a time discretization of the ODE systems appearing in (8.6) using a backward Euler scheme (see Sect. B.3 in the Appendix B), we end up with the following sequence of algebraic systems to be solved at each time step (the superscript n indicates that the considered quantity is evaluated at time tn ). Given g, find yn+1 such that, for n = 0, 1, . . . , Nt − 1,   yn+1 − yn M + Ayn+1 = f n+1 + Bun+1 , n = 0, 1, . . . , Nt − 1 (8.7) ∆t  0 y = g.


8 Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

Putting all of equation (8.7) together, we obtain the one-shot discretization for Nt timesteps under the following form: 

M ∆t


 −M ∆t   


M ∆t







. M − ∆t

M ∆t



y1   y2    ..  .


y Nt

    


 B  − ..  . |





u1   u2    ..  . }

u Nt

M  f 1 + ∆t g    f2    .. = .    .


f Nt

Remark 8.2. Note that in the case control functions are expressed as the product u(x, t) = η(x)˜ u(t) of a time-dependent function u ˜(t), and a time-independent function η(x) supported over those portions of the domain where the control acts, space discretization only acts on η(x). In this case, denoting by ηh ∈ Vh the approximation of η in Vh , and by η = (ηh,1 , . . . , ηh,Ny )> the vector corresponding to ηh , the approximated control takes the form u(t) = η u ˜(t), so that only its dynamics in time – expressed by u ˜(t) – has to be adjusted to minimize the cost functional. If the control is given by a scalar time-dependent function u ˜ (t), we have that Nu = 1, since the product Bη is equal at each time step, and can be computed once for all. • Proceeding in a similar way on the adjoint system, we need to solve the following algebraic system at each time step. Find pn such that, for n = Nt − 1, . . . , 1, 0:   pn − pn+1 M + A> pn = −M(yn − ydn ), n = Nt − 1, . . . , 1, 0 (8.9) ∆t  Nt z = 0. Note that (8.9) is implicit. By considering all the time steps simulteaneously, we obtain the one-shot discretization for Nt time-steps under the following form:  M  0  M > p − ∆t ∆t + A    p1  . . .. ..       ..  M M >  − ∆t   .  ∆t + A M > pNt −1 ∆t + A | {z } K> (8.10)   0    Myd0 y M  M   y1   Myd1       .. +   ..  =  . . .   . .  .   |




Finally, from the optimality condition, we have that βNun − B> pn = 0, that is,


yNt −1

n = 1, . . . , Nt ,

MydNt −1

8.1 Optimize & Discretize, or Discretize & Optimize, Revisited

  β  |




 . N

{z N

u1   u2    ..  . }



    −  






 . B>



p1   p2    ..  .

p Nt


  0   0     =  ..  .  . 0

Using other implicit methods (e.g., the Crank-Nicolson scheme) for time discretization would lead to a similar form (see Exercise 2). If we look at the matrices appearing in the equations (8.8)–(8.10), we note a clear analogy with the block structure of the KKT system (6.16) obtained in the case of an elliptic OCP; however, due to the different time steps involved in the state and the adjoint systems, things are more delicate here. A straightforward manner to recover the block structure of the KKT system would be to evaluate the state yn and the target ydn in the adjoint problem (8.10) at time tn+1 instead than at time tn , and require that βNun − B> pn−1 = 0,

n = 1, . . . , Nt ,

so that the unknown vectors appearing in the three systems would indeed be the same. However, this way of proceeding might yield some inconsistency. For this reason, we will come back to the OtD strategy later on, after introducing the alternative DtO approach. Note also that the way the cost functional – involving time integrals – is approximated through numerical quadrature formulas does not impact on the OtD approach, however it is crucial in the DtO approach, as different KKT systems will be obtained.

8.1.2 Discretize Then Optimize With the discretize-then-optimize (DtO) strategy, we first discretize the state system, and then minimize the cost functional subject to the corresponding algebraic system, following the procedure described in Sect. 4.1. Hence, let us go back to the discretized state system (8.7), assume to define y0 as the projection of the initial condition onto the FE space, and to express the all-at-once form for the state system involving all the time steps y0 , . . . , yNt as unknowns, including the initial time step. According to [255], it is possible to express the state system as: 

M ∆t


 −M ∆t    |

that is,

M ∆t



{z K




. M − ∆t

M ∆t


y0   y1    ..  .


y Nt

    


 B  − ..  . |

{z B



u0   u1    ..  . }

KY − BU = F.

u Nt

    =   |

M ∆t

  +A g  f1  .. ,  .

f Nt {z F




8 Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

The matrix K defines the block-lower triangular matrix in (8.11) and B the rectangular matrix acting on the discretized control; here we denote by 

y0  y1  Y =  ..  .

y Nt

u0  u1  U =  ..  .

  , 

u Nt

  , 

p0  p1  P =  ..  .

p Nt

   

the vectors containing the state, control and adjoint variables, respectively. Equation (8.11) represents the discretization of the state system; the adjoint of (8.11) will represent the timeevolution described by (8.9), however the final condition for the adjoint system will be different when using a DtO approach compared to the OtD strategy. Then, we discretize the functional (8.1) in space using a standard FE approach in space; we highlight that the way it is discretized in time will impact on the resulting adjoint problem in the DtO approach. Assuming that the same FE space is used to discretize both the state and the control space, and employing a trapezoidal rule for the time discretization leads to ∆t β∆t > J˜h (Y, U) = (Y − Yd )> M1/2 (Y − Yd ) + U M1/2 U 2 2 where



   =  




 . M

1 2M

   ,  

yd0  yd1  Yd =  ..  .



  . 

The Lagragian for the discrete problem using the trapezoidal rule can now be written as Lh (Y, U, P) = J˜h (Y, U) − P> (F + BU − KY) and the corresponding KKT system results as follows (see Exercise 3):      ∆tM1/2 0 K> Y ∆tM1/2 Yd  . 0 0 β∆tM1/2 −B >  U =  P F K −B 0

In the case of a control function acting over the whole domain, B = M, where   M  M      .. M= . .    M  M



Note that the adjoint equation obtained through the OtD approach will in general differ from the discretization of the adjoint PDE obtained in the previous section, as the mass matrix in the (1, 1)-block has the factor 1/2 in the first and last block (this is due to the trapezoidal rule), while this would in general not be obtained from the discretization of the right hand side appearing in (8.9) when using an OtD approach.

8.1 Optimize & Discretize, or Discretize & Optimize, Revisited


Moreover, also the final condition for the adjoint problem (8.9) has to be represented by the first equation in (8.20). Note that the last line of the first equation in (8.20) gives (M + ∆tA> )pNt =

(∆t)2 M(yNt − ydNt ) 2

which does not necessarily coincide with the final condition of the adjoint system; the final condition is indeed fulfilled only in the limit ∆t → 0 – in other words, the final condition of the adjoint equation is satisfied to first order accuracy in ∆t when using the trapezoidal rule. Using instead a (left) rectangular rule to approximate the first integral appearing in the cost functional would yield ∆t β∆t > J˜h (Y, U) = (Y − Yd )> M0 (Y − Yd ) + U M1/2 U 2 2 where

   M0 =   




   .. . .  M  0

By proceeding in the same way as before, we would end up with the following KKT system (see Exercise 4):      ∆tM0 0 K> Y ∆tM0 Yd  . 0 0 β∆tM1/2 −B >  U =  (8.16) P F K −B 0 This would allow for a discretization that preserves the final condition of the adjoint PDE (8.9) as the last line of the first block in (8.16) gives (M + ∆tA> )pNt = 0 and hence the correct final condition for the adjoint PDE.

The Case of a Final Observation In the case of a cost functional involving an observation at the final time, like Z Z 1 β 2 ˜ J(y, u) = |y (T ) − zd | dx + u2 dxdt 2 Ω 2 QT


the system of first-order KKT conditions can be derived in the same way as done in this section, and reads as follows (see Exercise 5):      ∆tMT 0 K> Y ∆tMT Zd  , 0 0 β∆tM1/2 −B >  U =  (8.18) P F K −B 0 where


8 Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs


 0   .. MT =  .   0


   .  

The Case of Time-Dependent Stokes Equations Optimal control problems involving the time-dependent Stokes equations, as those described in Sect. 7.6, can in principle be treated in the same way. For instance, minimizing the cost functional Z Z 1 τ J(u) = |v(u) − vd |2 dxdt + |u|2 dxdt (8.19) 2 QT 2 QT subject to the time-dependent Stokes system (7.66), would lead to the following system of firstorder KKT conditions when dealing with the trapezoidal rule for the numerical approximation of the first integral appearing in (8.19):      ∆tM1/2 0 K> Y ∆tM1/2 Vd  . 0 0 τ ∆tM1/2 −B >  U =  (8.20) P F K −B 0 where

 v0  π0   1 y   1   Y =  π ,  ..   .     y Nt  π Nt

u0  u1  U =  ..  .

u Nt

 z0  q0   1 p   1   P =  q ,  ..   .    p Nt  q Nt

  , 

 vd0  0   1  vd     0  Vd =    ..   .    v Nt  d 0

are the vectors for the state Y (velocity and pressure), the control U, the adjoint P (adjoint velocity and pressure) and the target function Zd , whereas     M BS ∆t + AS   BS M  −M    ∆t ∆t + AS     . . , B = K=   , . .. ..     . .   BS M M − ∆t + A S ∆t BS with

AS =

 E B> , B 0

 Mv 0 M= , 0 0

 Mv BS = . 0

We recall that Mv is the velocity mass matrix, E and B the matrix representations of the (vector) Laplace and divergence operators, whereas F accounts for the non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions; see Sect. 6.2.5. The interested reader can found a detailed derivation of the algebraic system of equations in [255].

8.2 Iterative Methods


8.2 Iterative Methods So far, we have derived the discrete optimality system for an unconstrained time-dependent linear-quadratic OCP; both OtD and DtO approaches yield potentially large linear systems to solve – indeed, their dimension is equal to 3Ny Nt in the case the same discrete space is used for the state and the (distributed) control – presenting a saddle-point structure. As in the case of elliptic OCPs, employing an efficient preconditioned iterative solver to compute its solution is the goal of all-at-once methods – we will address them in Sect. 8.4. In this section, instead, we revisit iterative (or black-box, or reduced space) methods, for the numerical solution of unconstrained time-dependent OCPs, which rely on classical algorithms for numerical optimization. Also in this case, we can formulate iterative methods starting from the discrete counterpart of the OCP, once the PDE constraint has been eliminated (by expressing Y = Y(U) and the control U is considered as the only optimization variable, Jh (U) = J˜h (Y(U), U) → min

subject to U ∈ RNt Nu .


Here U collects the vectors of nodal values of the discrete control uh at each time step tn , n = 0, . . . , Nt , where Nu is the dimension of the discrete control space. Using the compact notation makes the extension of the iterative methods of Sect. 6.3 to the time-dependent case straightforward. In this case, when a descent method is employed, given an initial guess U0 ∈ RNu , we need to find iteratively a sequence {Uk } such that Uk+1 = Uk + τk Dk where Dk represents a descent direction (that can depend on the gradient ∇Jh and/or the Hessian H of the objective function Jh ) and τk > 0 is a suitable step size which should ensure that Jh (Uk + τk Dk ) < Jh (Uk ). This means that, for any optimization step, we must evaluate the descent direction at each time step, so that the control unk , n = 0, 1, . . . , Nt can be updated accordingly. By replicating what done in Sect. 3.1 and Sect. 6.3, we obtain the different options summarized in Tab. 8.1. The corresponding iterative algorithm is reported in Algorithm 8.1. steepest descent conjugate gradient Newton quasi-Newton

Dk = −∇Jh (Uk ) Dk = −∇Jh (Uk ) + βk Uk−1 Dk = −H−1 ∇Jh (Uk ) Dk = −B−1 k ∇Jh (Uk )

Table 8.1 Choice of descent directions for the solution of an unconstrained time-dependent OCP

Also in this case, when using an iterative method, the PDE is nested in the optimization routine; the three equations forming the optimality system are then uncoupled, and the state and the adjoint problems are iteratively solved: t • control vectors u0k , . . . , uN k computed at the previous optimization step, at all time steps, enter as data in the state system, that has to be solved (forward) in time • once the state vectors yk0 , . . . , ykNt have been computed, they are used as data for the adjoint system, that has to be solved backward in time; t • once the adjoint vectors p0k , . . . , pN k have been computed, it is possible to evaluate the gradient and, possibly, the Hessian matrix H.


8 Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

Algorithm 8.1 Iterative algorithm for unconstrained OCPs, case of linear evolution PDEs Input: initial guess U0 1: compute Y0 by solving the state equation with U = U0 forward in time 2: compute p0 by solving the adjoint equation with Y = Y0 backward in time 3: compute Jh (U0 ) and ∇Jh (U0 ) 4: set k = 0 5: while |∇Jh (Uk )| / |∇Jh (U0 )| > tol or |Jh (Uk ) − Jh (Uk−1 )| > tol 6: compute the search direction Dk according to a descent method 7: compute the step length τk with a line-search routine 8: set Uk+1 = Uk + τk Dk 9: compute Yk+1 by solving the state equation with U = Uk+1 forward in time 10: compute Pk+1 by solving the adjoint equation with Y = Yk+1 backward in time 11: compute Jh (Uk+1 ) and ∇Jh (Uk+1 ) 12: k =k+1 13: end while

˜ Note that different numerical approximations of the cost functional J(u) = J(y(u), u) yield different expressions of Jh (U), and therefore of its gradient. For instance, if the trapezoidal rule is used, as in (8.12), we obtain ∇Jh (U) = β∆tM1/2 U − B > P. Also when dealing with linear evolution PDEs, iterative methods can be adapted to the case of constrained OCPs , with control constraints on the control function expressed under the form of box constraints, similarly to what we have done in Sect. 6.4.

8.3 Numerical Examples In this section we show the numerical results for two optimal control problems dealing with the heat equation, obtained using a quasi-Newton method exploiting the BFGS update for the update of the matrix B−1 k and a cubic line search procedure at each step. In particular, we aim at determining an optimal distributed control for a heat conduction problem in Ω = (0, 1)2 , where we set the initial temperature distribution g = 0, the distributed source f = 0 and homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on ST ; the heat conduction coefficient is taken equal to 1 for the sake of simplicity. We deal with two different settings, defining target functions as the ones used in [254], to which we refer for some numerical results obtained with all-at-once methods. In particular, we consider: • case 1: a distributed observation (that is, over the whole time interval t ∈ (0, T )) and a discontinuous cross-shaped target of the form  2 2 −64t e−(x−0.5) −(y−0.5) x1 ∈ (0.4, 0.6) or x2 ∈ (0.4, 0.6) yd = 0 otherwise aiming at minimizing the cost functional (8.1), that is, Z Z 1 β 2 J˜ (y, u) = |y − yd | dxdt + u2 dxdt; 2 QT 2 QT

8.3 Numerical Examples


• case 2: a final observation (that is, at the final time t = T ) and a discontinuous cross-shaped target of the form  2 2 −x1 e−(x−0.5) −(y−0.5) x1 ∈ (0.4, 0.6) or x2 ∈ (0.4, 0.6) zd = 0 otherwise aiming at minimizing the cost functional (8.28), that is, Z Z 1 β 2 ˜ J(y, u) = |y (T ) − zd | dx + u2 dxdt 2 Ω 2 QT We adopt a OtD approach by first deriving the system of first-order optimality conditions. These latter are given by system (8.4) for case 1; for case 2, they read as follows:  (y(t), ˙ ϕ)L2 (Ω) + a(y(t), ϕ; t) = (f (t) + u(t), ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ ∈ V     y(0) = g  (8.22) −(p(t), ˙ ψ)L2 (Ω) + a∗ (p(t), ψ; t) = 0 ∀ψ ∈ V    p(T ) = −(y(T ) − zd )   (βu(t) − p(t), v)L2 (Ω) = 0 ∀v ∈ U ; the only difference compared to case 1 stands in the form of the adjoint problem (see Sect. 7.1.3). We then discretize the system of optimality conditions. For the spatial discretization of both the state and the adjoint problem, we apply the Galerkin-FE method on a finite-dimensional space Vh ⊂ V = H01 (Ω) of dimension dim(Vh ) = dim(Wh ) = Nh , where h denotes a parameter related to the mesh size of the computational grid, using linear finite elements. Regarding time discretization, we rely on the Cranck-Nicholson method, after introducing a partition of Nt = T /∆t time intervals of length ∆t. In both cases, we consider different settings, precisely:

(i) a mesh with 1342 triangular elements and 712 vertices, resulting in a state dimension Ny = 632 (corresponding to the internal vertices) and a dimension Nu = 712 of the control un at each time step, and a time discretization with ∆t = 0.05; this results in a control vector U of dimension Nt Nu = 20 · 712 = 14240; (ii) a mesh with 3704 triangular elements and 1921 vertices, resulting in a state dimension Ny = 1785 (corresponding to the internal vertices) and a dimension Nu = 1921 of the control un at each time step, and a time discretization with ∆t = 0.01; this results in a control vector U of dimension Nt Nu = 100 · 1921 = 192100. For each of these two settings, and both cases 1 and 2, we consider different values of the regularization parameter β = 10−2 , 10−3 , 10−4 , to assess its impact on the numerical optimization procedure. The iterative optimization method is stopped when a desired accuracy on the maximum norm |∇Jh (U)|∞ < ε of the gradient of the cost functional is reached; we fix ε = 10−12 . For the case 1 with distributed observation, numerical results obtained with setting (ii) are reported in Figs. 8.1–8.2, showing different snapshots of the optimal state, adjoint and control variables obtained at t = 0.6 and t = 0.9, for the two values β = 10−3 and β = 10−4 . For the case 2 with final observation, numerical results obtained with setting (ii) are reported in Fig. 8.3, showing the optimal state, adjoint and control variables obtained at the final time t = 1, for the two values β = 10−2 and β = 10−3 . In both cases, it can be appreciated that the optimal temperature better converges to the target temperature distribution as the regularization parameter β decreases.


8 Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

Fig. 8.1 Case 1. Target yd , optimal state yˆ, adjoint pˆ and control u ˆ at t = 0.6 and t = 0.9, for β = 10−3 .

Fig. 8.2 Case 1. Target yd , optimal state yˆ, adjoint pˆ and control u ˆ at t = 0.6 and t = 0.9, for β = 10−4 .

8.3 Numerical Examples


Fig. 8.3 Case 2. Target zd , Optimal state yˆ(T ), adjoint pˆ(T ) and control u ˆ(T ) at t = T , with T = 1, for two different values of the regularization parameter: β = 10−2 (top), β = 10−3 (bottom).

The values of the cost functional at the optimum, and the number of iterations required by the BFGS method to converge, for several values of β, are reported in Tab. 8.2 and Tab. 8.3 regarding cases 1 and 2, respectively. We can note that the regularization parameter has a strong impact on the convergence velocity of the iterative method: indeed, more than four times iterations are required to reach the same accuracy degree of when β decreases of two orders of magnitude. β = 10−2 β = 10−3 β = 10−4 h = 0.1, ∆t = 0.05 147.6619 (36) 91.9129 (63) 55.4118 (176) h = 0.05, ∆t = 0.01 159.5637 (46) 104.9392 (82) 67.2146 (206) ˆ and number of iterations Table 8.2 Case 1. Values of the cost functional for the optimal control Jh (U) required by the BFGS method to converge, for different values of the regularization parameter β.

β = 10−2 h = 0.1, ∆t = 0.05 0.018837 h = 0.05, ∆t = 0.01 0.022603

β = 10−3 β = 10−4 (64) 0.0074174 (153) 0.0019042 (66) 0.012369 (151) 0.0050182

(318) (308)

ˆ and number of iterations Table 8.3 Case 2. Values of the cost functional for the optimal control Jh (U) required by the BFGS method to converge, for different values of the regularization parameter β.


8 Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

8.4 All-at-once Methods In this section we discuss a possible extension of the preconditioning framework introduced in Sect. 6.6 for linear quadratic OCPs to time-dependent problems. We focus on the case of problem (8.1)–(8.2), assuming that the distributed control act over the whole domain, and follow the DtO approach. As shown in [213, 254], it is worthy to consider an equivalent – and slightly more convenient – form for the state system, obtained by multiplying the formulation in (8.11) by ∆t, thus yielding KY − ∆tMU = ∆tF, where we define, hereon, 

 M + ∆tA   −M M + ∆tA   K= . . . .. ..   −M M + ∆tA

Hence, we obtain a system of first-order KKT optimality conditions, as done in the case of system (8.20), which now reads as:      Y ∆tM1/2 Yd ∆tM1/2 0 K>  . 0 0 β∆tM1/2 −∆tM U =  (8.23) P ∆tF K −∆tM 0 | {z } A

All-at-once methods provide the solution of the OCP by solving the (coupled) linear system (8.23) simultaneously. More than in the case of elliptic PDEs, a direct solver might run out of memory fairly quickly – for a reasonable sized spatial discretization, even in two spatial dimensions – as the dimension of the matrix A appearing in (8.23) crucially depends on the temporal discretization. Since A has a saddle-point structure, is block symmetric, indefinite, usually ill-conditioned and extremely large, efficient preconditioned iterative solvers (such as Krylov subspace methods, like MINRES or GMRES) empowered by a suitable block preconditioner are the matter of choice for the solution of (8.23). In order for the preconditioned system to maintain the symmetric and indefinite nature of the problem, we need it to be symmetric and positive definite. A reasonable choice is to opt for a symmetric block-diagonal preconditioner, under the form   ∆tM1/2 0 0 0 β∆tM1/2 0  , Pd =  0 0 S where S denotes the (negative) Schur complement of system (8.23), which is given by S=

1 ∆t −1 > KM−1 1/2 K + β MM1/2 M. ∆t

Note that this is the only block of Pd that contains the PDE matrix – blocks (1,1) and (2,2) are, as in the case of preconditioner (6.75), simple mass matrices that can be inverted without difficulties. Two possible options have been proposed in [213, 254] to approximate the diagonal blocks of Pd , that is, the mass matrices – blocks (1,1) and (2,2) – and the Schur complement.

8.4 All-at-once Methods


Option 1. We can replace M1/2 by M and approximate the Schur complement S by neglecting the term ∆tβ −1 M as already proposed for non time-dependent problems, thus getting   ∆tM 0 0 Pˆd =  0 β∆tM 0  , 0 0 Sˆ having defined

1 Sˆ = KM−1 K> . (8.24) ∆t Note that in this case the evaluation of the preconditioned residual involves formally the ˆ that is, Sˆ−1 = ∆t K−> MK−1 , where K is lower triangular. The inverse of K inverse of S, is therefore relatively cheap to implement. Since K is a lower block triangular matrix, both the application of K−1 and K−> are simple forward and backward substitutions, which only involve the solution of a linear system with the block L = M + ∆tK. Formally speaking, we ˆ −1 , that consists in replacing L by a multigrid can replace the action of K−1 by that of K 1 ˆ approximation L. Hence, we can set ˆ −> MK ˆ −1 Sˆ−1 = K with the preconditioner in its final form 

ˆ ∆tM 0 ˆ  ˆ Pd = 0 β∆tM 0 0

 0 0 . Sˆ


ˆ for the mass Thanks to its mesh independent condition number, a good approximation M matrix M is for instance provided by the lumped mass matrix or even by the diagonal of the mass matrix, even if other options are also available, such as the so-called Chebyshev semi-iterations (see Sect. 6.6.1 and references therein). As in the elliptic case, also for time-dependent OCPs the use of the block diagonal preconditioner Pˆd allows to achieve a convergence rate independent of the mesh size h, a property that is referred to as optimality. Indeed, it is possible to show (see [254] for the detailed proof) that the eigenvalues of Pd−1 are given by 1 and eigenvalues depending on the term 1 KM−1 K> + ∆tβ −1 M); these latter only have a benign dependence on ∆t ∆tK−> MK−1 ( ∆t and are independent of the discretization parameter h. Option 2. We can consider the same approximation for the mass matrices as in Option 1, and approximate the Schur complement S by 1 Sˆ = ∆t

  > ∆t ∆t √ K + √ M M−1 K + M , 1/2 β β


see [214]. In this case the eigenvalues of Sˆ−1 S belong to the interval [1/2, 1]. The resulting preconditioner can then be expressed under the form (8.25), replacing (8.24) by (8.26).

Note that L is symmetric and positive definite. A typical approximation for L = M + ∆tA would be the use of one algebraic multigrid (AMG) V-cycle involving, e.g. few steps of the Chebyshev smoother or the Gauss-Seidel smoother. The former option is usually preferred, because of the importance of the mass matrix in L, at least for small ∆t, given that Chebyshev methods are known to be very efficient for mass matrices. 1



8 Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

 ˜  L ˜  −M L  ∆t   K+ √ M=  . . .. ..   β ˜ −M L

∆t ˜ = (1 + √ with L )M + ∆tA, the inversion of this matrix and also its transpose involve forward β and backward substitutions. As done in Option 1 for the blocks L appearing in the matrix ˜ will in fact be approximated by employing, e.g., algebraic multigrid K, the diagonal blocks L techniques. Compared to Option 1, Option 2 yields a preconditioned system for which the number of MINRES iterations is almost independent of the mesh size, the regularization parameter β and, in the case of a distributed control, the time-step, too. The strategy for constructing a block-diagonal preconditioner described so far can be easily extended to different situations. In particular:

• slightly different preconditioners are obtained in the case an OtD approach is considered or, equivalently, a (left) rectangular rule is used to approximate the first integral appearing in the cost functional. In this case, following the same procedure that led us to system (8.23), yields      Y ∆tM0 Yd ∆tM0 0 K>  , 0 0 β∆tM1/2 −M U =  P ∆tF K −M 0 which is the analogue of (8.16). The main issue in this case is due to the rank-deficiency of the (1,1) block – indeed, M0 is not invertible. Option 2 described above yields the following preconditioner,   ˆ0 ∆tM 0 0 ˆ 1/2 0  . Pˆd =  0 β∆tM (8.27) 0 0 Sˆ ˆ 0 and M ˆ 1/2 denote approximation to Mγ and M1/2 , respectively, being where now M 0


   =  




. M γM

for some constant γ such that 0 < γ  1, and 1 Sˆ = ∆t

   ,  

  > ∆t ∆t −1 K + √ M1 M0 K + √ M1 . β β



   M1 =   

See, e.g., [254] for further details.

2M M


. M√


   .  

8.5 Exercises


• In the case that the desired state is observed on a subset Ωobs ⊂ Ω, the matrix M1/2 is a block-diagonal matrix consisting of matrices Mobs , where this matrix only contains contributions from the domain Ωobs . This means that the matrix Mobs is only semi-definite. For the preconditioning of this matrix, it is possible to introduce a small parameter ν > 0, ˜ obs = Mobs + νI, where I is an identity matrix to obtain the preconditioning matrix M associated with the degrees of freedom in the part Ω \ Ωobs . In general, ν will depend on the mesh parameter h, the time-step ∆t, and the regularization parameter β. See, e.g., [255] for further details. Remark 8.3. The construction of a block-diagonal preconditioner in the case of a cost functional involving an observation at the final time, like (8.28), would require a different approximation of the (1,1) block, however yielding a similar preconditioner to the one discussed above. In the case of OCPs involving the time-dependent Stokes equations, the construction carried out so far can be easily adapted, taking advantage of several considerations made in Sect. 6.6.2 for the approximation of the Schur complement – that, in this case, would entail two solves with the discrete Stokes matrix, at each time step. See, e.g., [255] for further details. • It should now be clear that the numerical approximation of OCPs governed by linear evolution PDEs borrows several toolboxes from the approaches already used in the case of OCPs for elliptic PDEs. On the other hand, a wealth of possible approaches can be obtained depending on the interplay between optimization and discretization tasks, as well as because of different options that can be followed when dealing with space and time discretization. In this chapter we have limited ourselves to show how the strategies proposed in Chapter 6 can be extended to the time-dependent case, provided state, control and adjoint discrete variables at all time steps are grouped together. Several other aspects, including, e.g., adaptivity [192], the treatment of different type of boundary conditions and/or constraints [109, 107], a priori [193, 194, 195] and a posteriori [183, 179, 108] error estimates, as well as the numerical approximation of feedback control problems and their connection with the Riccati Equations [18, 19, 28] of Chapter 4, would require a more advanced theoretical and numerical background. The interested reader can find further details in the referred papers.

8.5 Exercises 1. Proceeding as in Sect. 6.2.1, show that the semi-discrete problem (8.5) can be equivalently rewritten as the system (8.6). 2. Recover the one-shot discretization for Nt time steps of both the state and the adjoint system using the Crank-Nicolson scheme (recalled in Sect. B.3 of Appendix B). 3. Show that, similarly to what we did in Sect. 4.2.1, deriving the Lagrangian functional (8.13) with respect to Y, U and P yields the first-order KKT system under the form   KY = F + BU K> P = −∆tM1/2 (Y − Yd )  β∆tM1/2 U − B > P = 0 that is, system (8.20). 4. Proceeding as in Exercise 3 and introducing a suitable Lagrangian functional, show that the minimization of the cost functional 8.15 under the constraint expressed by the state system (8.11) yields the first-order KKT system (8.16).


8 Numerical Approximation of Quadratic OCPs Governed by Linear Evolution PDEs

5. Show that the minimization problem Z Z 1 β 2 J˜ (y, u) = |y(T ) − zd | dxdt + u2 dxdt → min 2 Ω 2 QT


with β > 0, where yd ∈ L2 (QT ) is a given target, u ∈ L2 (QT ) and y = y (x,t; u) solves the state problem:  in QT  yt − ∆y = f + u y=0 on ST (8.29)  y (x,0) = g (x) in Ω. yields the system of first-order KKT conditions (8.18). With this goal, proceed by first discretizing with respect to space and time the state system (8.29), use the trapezoidal rule to discretize the cost functional (8.28), introduce a suitable Lagrangian functional and derive it with respect to state, control and adjoint variables.

Part III More General PDE-constrained Optimization Problems

Chapter 9

A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

In this chapter we provide a reference theoretical setting for investigating the well-posedness of a rather general class of OCPs and the corresponding set of optimality conditions. After an introductory section, we present some general results on optimization in Banach and Hilbert spaces in Sects. 9.2–9.3. In Sect. 9.2 we address the question of existence/uniqueness of a minimizer. A natural idea is to extend the result from Theorem 2.1 using weak rather than strong convergence in infinitely many dimensions. The search of optimality conditions requires differential calculus in these spaces, whose basic notions are presented in Sect. A.7. In particular, the new tools are applied to derive first-order optimality conditions under the form of variational inequalities in Sect. 9.2.3. In Sect. 9.3 we deal with control constrained OCPs. After carrying out a well posedness analysis (Sect. 9.3.1), we extend both the adjoint method and the Lagrange multipliers method in Sect. 9.3.2 and Sect. 9.3.3, stating second order optimality conditions, too, in Sect. 9.3.4. We then analyze two model problems: a distributed control of a semilinear state equation (Sect. 9.4) and a least squares approximation of a reaction coefficient in a time-dependent diffusion-reaction equation (Sect. 9.5). Finally, some numerical approximation strategies to deal with nonlinear OCPs are described in Sect. 9.6 and Sect. 9.8, whereas some numerical results are reported in Sect. 9.7.

9.1 Motivation So far we have considered linear-quadratic OCPs (for elliptic and evolution PDEs) in a Hilbert space setting. Both well-posedness analysis and the derivation of the system of first-order necessary optimality conditions have been obtained after expressing the reduced cost functional as a quadratic functional and, consequently, by exploiting basic properties such as the continuity and the coercivity of some bilinear forms. To cover a broader range of applications we need to develop a more general framework for the analysis of OCPs where the state system may consist of a nonlinear PDE, the control function may belong to a Banach space, and/or the cost functional is no longer quadratic. The results that we will derive extend those of Chapters 5 and 7 for the linear-quadratic case. For instance, consider the case where Ω ⊂ Rd , d ≤ 3, is a bounded, smooth domain, β ≥ 0 and zd ∈ L6 (Ω) a given target and we want to solve the following OCP F (y, u) = subject to

1 β 6 2 ky − zd kL6 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) → min 6 2

 u ∈ Uad = u ∈ L2 (Ω) : a ≤ u (x) ≤ b, a.e. in Ω ,

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0_9



and to the state system

9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs


−∆y + y + y 3 = u in Ω (9.1) ∂y =0 on Γ = ∂Ω. ∂n In this case the state system is given by a nonlinear (actually, semilinear) PDE, and the cost functional is no longer quadratic. Typical examples of nonlinear PDEs arise, e.g., in fluid dynamics (Navier-Stokes equations) and in structural mechanics (non-elastic materials). Non quadratic cost functionals may be required to ensure the well posedness of some OCPs (e.g. in fluid dynamics). This problem will be analyzed in Sect. 9.4. On the other hand, the role of control function can be played by some coefficients of (a linear) state system which have to be identified or estimated from a set of measurements. For instance, consider the case of a simple diffusion-reaction equation  in QT = Ω × (0, T )  yt − ∆y + u (x) y = f (x) y=0 on Γ × (0, T )  y(x, 0) = g(x) in Ω where y = y(u) is the state variable, while the reaction coefficient

u ∈ Uad = {u ∈ L∞ (Ω) : a ≤ u ≤ b a.e. in Ω} is the unknown control function, that has to be recovered by minimizing (on Uad ) Z 1 F (y) = (y(x, T ) − zd (x))2 dx. 2 Ω This identification problem will be analyzed in Sect. 9.5. In both examples considered above, the cost functional is convex. However, the reduced functionals obtained from F by replacing y with y(u), are in general nonconvex, due to the nonlinearity of the control-to-state map u 7→ y (u). As a consequence, first order necessary conditions are no longer sufficient for optimality and, in principle, one has to resort to higher order conditions to ensure optimality. Moreover, the search of necessary/sufficient conditions of optimality requires a notion of differentability for both the control-to-state mapping and the cost functional.

9.2 Optimization in Banach and Hilbert Spaces 9.2.1 Existence and Uniqueness of Minimizers Let X be a reflexive Banach space and F : X → R be a functional (linear or nonlinear) on X. Given K ⊆ X, we consider the problem F (x) → min

subject to x ∈ K.


The first question we address is to find conditions on K and X under which an optimal x ˆ exists. Let us re-consider the case of optimization in finite dimensions. The main assumptions of Theorem 2.1 of Sect. 2.1.1 are: (a) K is a closed set; (b) F is lower semicontinuous, that is F (x) ≤ lim inf F (xk ) k→+∞


9.2 Optimization in Banach and Hilbert Spaces


whenever xk → x or, equivalently, the lower level sets Ec = {x : F (x) ≤ c}


are closed for every c ∈ R; (c) if K is unbounded, then F (x) → +∞ as

kxk → +∞.


Let us now define µ = inf F (x)



and let {xk }k≥1 ⊂ K be a minimizing sequence, that is F (xk ) → µ


k → +∞.


From (c) {xk } is bounded, then there exists a subsequence {xkj }j≥1 which converges to some element x ˆ ∈ K when kj → +∞. From this fact and assumption (b), we deduce that µ ≤ F (ˆ x) ≤ lim inf F (xkj ) = lim F (xkj ) = µ, j→+∞



whence x ˆ is a minimizer. Let us now examine more closely the main steps in the proof of Theorem 2.1, in order to extend them to the minimization of a function over an infinite dimensional space. The proof of existence essentially consists of three steps: 1. {xkj } is bounded. This is trivial if K itself is bounded, whereas it follows from the coercivity assumption (c) if K is unbounded. No problem arises in the infinite dimensional context. 2. Extraction of a convergent subsequence. If the dimension of X is finite, any bounded sequence contains a subsequence converging to some limit x ˆ . Since K is closed, x ˆ ∈ K. Everything indeed works because we are actually minimizing F over a compact set: K or K ∩ Ec , where Ec is a non empty lower level set of F . If dim X = ∞, the matter is more involved since in this case closed and bounded sets are not necessarily compact, and the possibility to extract a convergent subsequence from a bounded sequence is very seldom possible (see Sect. A.3.1 in Appendix A). Indeed, compactness turns out to be a very strong requirement. The situation improves significantly if we content ourselves of extracting weakly convergent sequences, rather than norm (or strongly) convergent ones. In fact, if X is a reflexive Banach space (see Proposition A.4), from a bounded sequence it is possible to extract a weakly convergent sequence. By weakening the notion of convergence, we gain in compactness; however, another problem arises. Assuming that a subsequence xkj weakly converges to some x ˆ ∈ X, we cannot always deduce that x ˆ ∈ K: indeed, a closed set is in general not weakly sequentially closed (see Example A.6). Thus, instead of (a), we require that (a0 ) K is weakly sequentially closed. By Proposition A.6, if we add convexity, then a closed set K is also weakly sequentially closed. Thus, alternatively we may assume that (a00 ) K is closed and convex. Recall that if K is a convex set, we say that F is convex in K if for all x, y ∈ K and all t ∈ [0, 1], F (x + t(y − x)) ≤ F (x) + t (F (y) − F (x)) . (9.9) F is strictly convex if the inequality (9.9) is strict for all t ∈ (0, 1) and all x 6= y.


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

3. Lower semicontinuity. The lower semicontinuity of F enters in the final step (9.8), to conclude that x ˆ is a minimizer. If dim X = ∞, we deal with weakly convergent sequences {xkj }, and therefore we require that (9.8) still holds when strong convergence is replaced by weak convergence. Instead of (b), we require that (b0 ) F is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous. The meaning of (b0 ) is provided in the following definition. Definition 9.1. F is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous if F (x) ≤ lim inf F (xk )



whenever xk * x; equivalently, the lower level sets (9.4) are weakly sequentially closed for every c ∈ R. Thanks to the new assumptions (a0 ) (or (a00 )) and (b0 ), existence can be proved (see Theorem 9.1 below). We know from Theorem 2.1 that the uniqueness of a minimizer follows from the strict convexity of the functional F and the dimension of X does not matter, we do not require to weaken any assumption. Hence, a first existence and uniqueness result for the minimization problem (9.2) is the following one. Theorem 9.1. Let X be a reflexive Banach space, K ⊆ X be a weakly sequentially closed set and F : X → R. Assume that: 1. inf x∈K F (x) = µ > −∞; 2. if K is unbounded, the following condition holds F (x) → +∞

as kxk → +∞;

3. F is sequentially lower semicontinuous with respect to the weak convergence, that is if xj * x for j → ∞ then F (x) ≤ lim inf F (xj ) . j→∞

Then there exists x ˆ ∈ K such that F (ˆ x) = minF (x) . x∈K


Moreover, if F is strictly convex, x ˆ is the unique minimizer of F over K. Proof. We can proceed as done in the previous section. Consider a minimizing sequence {xk } ⊂ K, for which (9.7) holds. By hypothesis 2, the sequence {xk } is bounded. Since X is reflexive, by Theorem A.4, there exists a subsequence {xkj } ⊂ K such that xk j * x ˆ as kj → ∞ and x ˆ ∈ K because K is weakly sequentially closed. We use now the weak lower semicontinuity of F to conclude that F (ˆ x) ≤ lim inf F (xkj ) = µ. kj →∞

Hence F (ˆ x) = µ and x ˆ is a minimizer. Finally, if in addition F is strictly convex over K, x ˆ is the unique minimizer. This follows by using the same argument of the finite dimensional case. t u

9.2 Optimization in Banach and Hilbert Spaces


Remark 9.1. We considered only reflexive Banach spaces because of the weak compactness of their bounded subsets. If X is not reflexive but it is the dual of a separable space1 , then bounded subsets of X are weakly∗ sequentially compact (according to the Banach-Alaoglu Theorem A.5). Thus Theorem 9.1 still holds if K is a weakly∗ closed subset of K and F is weakly∗ sequentially lower semicontinuous. •

9.2.2 Convexity and Lower Semicontinuity If F is convex, the lower level sets introduced in (9.4) are convex for every c ∈ R; indeed, for every x, y ∈ Ec F (x + t(y − x)) ≤ F (x) + t (F (y) − F (x)) ≤ c (1 − t) + tc = c, then x + t(y − x) ∈ Ec for every t ∈ [0, 1]. The fact that a closed convex set of a Banach space X is weakly sequentially closed (see Proposition A.6) implies that lower semicontinuous and convex functionals are also weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous. More precisely, Proposition 9.1. Let F : U → R be convex and lower semicontinuous. Then F is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous. Proof. Every Ec is convex (thanks to the convexity of F ) and closed (because of the lower semicontinuity of F ). Thanks to Proposition A.6, Ec is also weakly sequentially closed and therefore F is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous. t u

Example 9.1. (Lower semicontinuity of a norm). Consider the map F : X → R, F : x → kxk . F is called the norm functional ; it is continuous since if xk → x, then kxk k → kxk. It is also convex (although not strictly convex) since, by the triangle inequality, F (x + t(y − x)) = kx + t(y − x)k ≤ t kxk + (1 − t) kyk = tF (x) + (1 − t) F (y) . for every t ∈ [0, 1] and x, y ∈ X. Hence, F is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous, that is, if xk * x, kxk ≤ lim inf kxk k . • k→+∞

Example 9.2. Quadratic cost functionals like the ones considered in Chapter 5 are sequentially lower semicontinuous with respect to the weak convergence. • Example 9.3. Let X = Lp (Ω) , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, and consider K = {u ∈ Lp (Ω) : a (x) ≤ u (x) ≤ b (x) a.e. in Ω} , for a, b ∈ Lp (Ω) . K is obviously convex. To check that K is closed, let {uk } ⊂ K and uk → u in Lp (Ω) as k → +∞. Then: 1. if p = ∞, uk → u a.e. in Ω, hence a (x) ≤ u (x) ≤ b (x) a.e. in Ω; 2. if 1 ≤ p < ∞, up to a subsequence uk → u a.e. in Ω, and again a (x) ≤ u (x) ≤ b (x) a.e. in Ω. 1

For instance L∞ (Ω) is not reflexive but it is the dual of L1 (Ω), which is separable.


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

In both cases we conclude that K is closed in Lp (Ω). Since Lp (Ω), for 1 < p < ∞, is reflexive, then K is weakly sequentially closed. As L1 (Ω) and L∞ (Ω) are not reflexive, in principle we cannot draw any conclusion. However, if p = ∞ and Ω is bounded, we can deduce that K is ∗ weakly∗ sequentially closed. In fact, let {uk } ⊂ K and uk * u that is Z Z uk v → uk v for all v ∈ L1 (Ω) . (9.12) Ω



Since L (Ω) ⊂ L (Ω), (9.12) holds in particular for all v ∈ L2 (Ω). Thus uk * u in L2 (Ω), whence u ∈ K since K is weakly sequentially closed in L2 (Ω). •

9.2.3 First Order Optimality Conditions We now extend Theorem 2.2 (valid for functions of n variables) to the case of Gˆateaux or Fr´echet differentiable functionals. See Sect. A.7 in Appendix A for the definition of Fr´echet and Gˆateaux differentials of a functional F , for which we use the symbols F 0 and FG0 , respectively.

Theorem 9.2. Let U be a Banach space, Uad ⊆ U be a closed and convex subset and F be a Gˆateaux differentiable functional over Uad . 1. If F (ˆ u) = minv∈Uad F (v), then the following variational inequality holds,

0 FG (ˆ u) , v − u ˆ ∗≥0 ∀v ∈ Uad .


2. If F is convex and (9.13) holds, then

F (ˆ u) = min F (v) . v∈Uad

Proof. 1. Let us consider t ∈ (0, 1) and v ∈ Uad . Since Uad is a convex set, u ˆ + t(v − u ˆ) ∈ Uad , so that F (ˆ u) ≤ F [ˆ u + t(v − u ˆ)]. Then, lim


F [ˆ u + t(v − u ˆ)] − F (ˆ u) ≥0 t

or, equivalently,

FG0 (ˆ u) , v − u ˆ


∀v ∈ Uad .

2. As F is convex, thanks to Theorem A.20, for each v ∈ Uad we have F (v) − F (ˆ u) ≥ FG0 (ˆ u) , v − u ˆ


Thus, if (9.13) holds, we have that F (v) ≥ F (ˆ u) for any v ∈ Uad . t u

Remark 9.2. If F is a convex functional, we can provide further equivalent characterizations of a minimizer (see Exercise 1). •

9.2.4 Second Order Optimality Conditions∗ For a quadratic functional, first-order conditions are not only necessary, but also sufficient for optimality. This is no longer true for a general nonlinear functional. For this reason, we state

9.3 Control Constrained OCPs


an additional result which, provided a suitable second order optimality condition is verified, ensures that a stationary point of F is also a (strict local) minimizer of F , according to the following definition. Definition 9.2. Let U be a Banach space. We say that u ˆ ∈ U is a local minimizer of F if there exists a neighborhood B(ˆ u) such that J(ˆ u) ≤ J(v)

∀v ∈ B(ˆ u).

The local minimizer is strict if J(ˆ u) < J(v) ∀v ∈ B(ˆ u), v 6= u ˆ. In the unconstrained case, the following sufficient condition is the analogue of Theorem 2.3. Theorem 9.3. Let U be a Banach space and F be a Fr´echet differentiable functional, such that F 0 (ˆ u) = 0. If F is twice Fr´echet differentiable at u ˆ, and if there exists α > 0 such that hF 00 (ˆ u)w, wiU ∗ ,U ≥ αkwk2U

∀w ∈ U ,


then u ˆ is a strict local minimizer of F .

Proof. From Taylor formula (see A.74), we can write F (ˆ u + w) − F (ˆ u) =

1 00 F (ˆ u)w, w U ∗ ,U + ε(ˆ u, w)kwk2U 2

with ε(ˆ u, w) → 0 as kwkU → 0. Let r be small enough such that |ε(ˆ u, w)| < α/2 if kwkU ≤ r. Then, from (9.13) we get α  F (ˆ u + w) − F (ˆ u) ≥ − ε(ˆ u, w) kwk2U > 0 2 if kwkU ≤ r. t u

Although these conditions are hardly useful by themselves in practice, they play a significant role in numerical approximation (see Sect. 9.6.2). Remark 9.3. For constrained optimization problems, the coercivity requirement (9.14) on the whole space U is too strong. However, this requirement can be relaxed as follows. As done in the finite dimensional case, directions. If U = L2 (Ω) with  we 2can introduce a cone of critical box constraints, Uad = u ∈ L (Ω) : a ≤ u ≤ b, a.e. on Ω , the critical cone associated to u ˆ is defined by  C (ˆ u) = v ∈ L2 (Ω) : J 0 (ˆ u) v = 0 and v satisfies the sign conditions v ≤ 0 if u ˆ = b, v ≥ 0 if u ˆ = a} . Then, if in Theorem 9.3 the coercivity condition (9.14) is restricted to w ∈ C (ˆ u), then u ˆ is a local minimum on Uad . For a comprehensive discussion on the role of second order conditions see, e.g., [59]. •

9.3 Control Constrained OCPs Let U , V be two reflexive Banach spaces and W be a Banach space. Let F : V × U → R and G : V × U → W. We consider the following constrained optimization problem:


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

F (y, u) → min subject to (y, u) ∈ V × Uad , G(y, u) = 0 in W,


where Uad ⊆ U is a (nonempty) closed, convex set. If Uad ⊂ U then u ∈ Uad represents a control constraint. G (y, u) = 0 plays the role of a (generally nonlinear) state equation. We say that a point (y, u) is feasible if it belongs to V × Uad and G (y, u) = 0.

9.3.1 Existence Existence of an optimal pair (ˆ y, u ˆ) follows from the general Theorem 9.1. One has to check that: (1) (2) (3) (4)

inf (y,u)∈V ×U F (y, u) = µ > −∞ and the set of feasible points in nonempty; a minimizing sequence {(yk , uk )} is bounded in V × U ; the set of feasible points is weakly sequentially closed in V × U ; F is sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous.

Theorem 9.4. Under assumptions (1) − (4) there exists a (optimal) solution (ˆ y, u ˆ) to problem (9.15). Remark 9.4. According to Remark 9.1, if V × U is not a reflexive space, but it is the dual of a separable space, theorem 9.4 still holds by replacing weakly by weakly∗ in conditions (3) and (4) above. • Remark 9.5. Theorem 9.4 also holds when both control and state constraints are present, this latter being expressed under the form y ∈ Vad with Vad ⊂ V . In this case the set of feasible points is given by Fad = {(y, u) ∈ V × U : (y, u) ∈ Vad × Uad , G(y, u) = 0}.

Example 9.4. The linear-quadratic case. The linear-quadratic case (5.52) of Sect. 5.3 fits well in the above framework: here V, U are Hilbert spaces and the state equation corresponds to the abstract variational problem a (y, ϕ) = hBu + f, ϕiV ∗ ,V

∀ϕ ∈ V


where a is a continuous and coercive bilinear form, B : U → V ∗ , f ∈ V ∗ . Indeed, since a is continuous, for fixed y ∈ V , the linear form ϕ 7−→ a (y, ϕ) defines an element Ay ∈ V ∗ such that a (y, ϕ) = hAy, ϕiV ∗ ,V . Hence equation (9.16) can be written as an equation in W = V ∗ in the equivalent form G (y, u) = Ay − Bu − f = 0. Moreover, assuming that Z is a Hilbert space and C ∈ L (V, Z), the cost functional F (y, u) =

1 β 2 2 kCy − zd kZ + kukU , 2 2

is convex and continuous. Thus Theorem 9.4 applies.

9.3 Control Constrained OCPs


9.3.2 First Order Conditions. Adjoint Equation. Multipliers To derive first order optimality conditions, we recast the OCP (9.15) under a reduced form. Clearly this is not always possible; for instance, the state system must be uniquely solvable. Then, we can apply the results introduced in Sect. 9.2. Although in principle we deal with global minimizers, necessary first order conditions holds for local minimizers too, i.e. for control functions that minimize the cost functional in a neighborhood of u ˆ . We make the following assumptions: (i) F : V × U → R and G : V × U → W are F -differentiable; (ii) for each u in a neighborhood BU of Uad , the state equation G(y, u) = 0 in W defines a unique control-to-state map u 7→ y(u), that is G(y (u) , u) = 0 for any u ∈ BU ; moreover, the control-to-state map is G−differentiable; (iii) the partial derivative G0y (y (u) , u) ∈ L(V, W ) is a continuous isomorphism2 between V and W , for every u ∈ BU . In particular (see, e.g., [274]) this is equivalent to require that the adjoint operator G0y (y (u) , u)∗ ∈ L(W ∗ , V ∗ ) is a continuous isomorphism between W ∗ and V ∗ , for every u ∈ BU . Remark 9.6. If moreover G is continuously (respectively, twice continuously) F -differentiable, by the Implicit Function Theorem A.23 the map u ∈ BU 7→ y(u) ∈ V is continuously (respectively, twice continuously) F -differentiable. • Under hypothesis (ii), we can introduce the reduced formulation of problem (9.15), J(u) = F (y(u), u) → min

subject to u ∈ Uad .


Note that by (i) , (ii) and the chain rule (A.67), J is G−differentiable in BU and JG0 (u) = Fy0 (y(u), u) ◦ yG0 (u) + Fu0 (y(u), u) ∈ U ∗ .

A direct application of Theorem 9.2 to problem (9.15) yields the following result. Theorem 9.5. Under the assumptions (i), (ii), (iii), a solution u ˆ of problem (9.15) fulfills the following optimality condition

0 JG (ˆ u) , v − u ˆ ∗≥0 ∀v ∈ Uad . (9.18) Remark 9.7. In the linear-quadratic case, the reduced functional is strictly convex if β > 0, as it is the composition of a strictly convex P with the affine linear control-to state-map. Thus, we can deduce uniqueness of the minimizer. Furthermore, (9.18) is also a sufficient optimality condition. However, in the nonlinear case, even if the cost functional is strictly convex, the reduced functional is not in general convex, because of the nonlinearity of the control-to-state map. Thus, the variational inequality (9.18) is only a necessary optimality condition. • As in the linear-quadratic case, we need to make the optimality condition (9.18) more effective, to exploit it numerically. Also in this case, we proceed by introducing a suitable adjoint problem to write the derivative JG0 (u) in a more convenient form.

A linear operator T : X → Y is a continuous isomorphism if it is bijective and both T and T −1 are bounded. A homeomorphism (or topological isomorphism) is a continuous map between topological spaces that has a continuous inverse. 2


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

Proposition 9.2. The following formula holds, ∗

JG0 (u) = Fu0 (y (u) , u) + G0u (y (u) , u) p (u)

∀u ∈ BU


where p (u) ∈ W ∗ is the solution of the adjoint equation ∗

G0y (y (u) , u) p (u) = −Fy0 (y(u), u).


Proof. Using the identity G (y (u) , u) = 0 for all u ∈ BU , we can write the reduced cost functional in the augmented form J (u) = F (y (u) , u) + hp, G (y (u) , u)iW ∗ ,W where p ∈ W ∗ is a multiplier to be chosen later on. We differentiate (` a la Gˆ ateaux) the above expression along the direction v ∈ U ; using the chain rule (A.67) we get: , 0 hJG0 (u), viU ∗ ,U = Fy0 (y(u), u), yG (u) v

+ Fu0 (y (u) , u) , v

V ∗ ,V

U ∗ ,U

0 + p, G0y (y (u) , u) yG (u) v

+ p, G0u (y (u) , u) v

W ∗ ,W

W ∗ ,W


Let G0u (y (u) , u) ∈ L (W ∗ , U ∗ ) be the adjoint of the operator Gu (y (u) , u) ∈ L (U , W ) ; then we can write 0 hJG0 (u), viU ∗ ,U = Fy0 (y(u), u) + G0y (y (u) , u)∗ p, yG (u) v


Fu0 (y (u) , u)



(y (u) , u) p, v

V ∗ ,V


U ∗ ,U

0 (u) v. Indeed, their As in the linear case, in this expression, the expensive terms are those containing yG evaluation would entail the solution of a (linear) PDE problem for any v, the so-called sensitivity equations. To avoid this, and to get rid of those terms, choose p = p (u) as the solution of the adjoint problem

Fy0 (y(u), u) + G0y (y (u) , u)∗ p (u) = 0.


Since G0y (y (u) , u) is a continuous isomorphism between W ∗ and V ∗ , equation (9.22) has a unique solution p = p (u) ∈ W ∗ . Inserting p = p (u) into (9.21) we obtain hJG0 (u), viU ∗ ,U = Fu0 (y (u) , u) + G0u (y (u) , u)∗ p (u) , v

U ∗ ,U

∀v ∈ U

from which (9.19) follows.

t u

Remark 9.8. Equation (9.20) may be often written in the weak form hp, Gy (y (u) , u) viW ∗ ,W = − hFy (y(u), u), viU ∗ ,U

∀v ∈ U


which is much easier to handle. • The following theorem is an immediate consequence of Proposition 9.2 and Theorem 9.5. Theorem 9.6. Under the assumptions (i), (ii), (iii) , if u ˆ is a solution of problem (9.15), then there exists a unique multiplier pˆ ∈ W ∗ such that u ˆ, pˆ and yˆ = y (ˆ u) fulfill the following optimality system:  y, u ˆ) = 0 (state equation)   G (ˆ ∗ G0y (ˆ y, u ˆ) pˆ = −Fy0 (ˆ y, u ˆ) (adjoint equation) (9.24)  ∗  F 0 (ˆ 0 y, u ˆ) + G (ˆ y, u ˆ) pˆ, v − u ˆ ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ U . (variational inequality) u


U ∗ ,U


Introducing the Lagrangian functional L : V × U × W ∗ → R,

L (y, u, p) = F (y, u) + hp, G (y, u)iW ∗ ,W ,


9.3 Control Constrained OCPs


where y, u, p are now independent variables, system (9.24) can be equivalently written in the following way:  0 y, u ˆ, pˆ) = 0 (state equation)  Lp (ˆ L0y (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) = 0 (adjoint equation) (9.26)  0 hLu (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) , v − u ˆiU ∗ ,U ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ Uad (variational inequality). Remark 9.9. In the unconstrained case Uad ≡ U , the variational inequality reduces to the equation hFu0 (y, u) + G0u (y, u)∗ p (u) , viU ∗ ,U = 0 ∀v ∈ U or Fu0 (y, u) + G0u (y, u)∗ p (u) = 0 so that (9.24) can be viewed as the Euler-Lagrange system for the Lagrangian functional, that is, the solutions of (9.24) are the stationary points of the Lagrangian function. • Remark 9.10. We consider once again the linear-quadratic case. We have G (y, u) = Ay − Bu − f,

F (y, u) =

1 β 2 2 kCy − zd kZ + kukU 2 2

so that ∗

G0y (y, u) = A, G0y (y, u) = A∗ and Gu (y, u) = −B, G0u (y, u) = −B ∗ while, denoting by RZ the canonical Riesz isomorphism between Z ∗ and Z,

Fy0 (y, u)ψ = (Cy − zd , Cψ)Z = C ∗ R−1 Z (Cy − zd ) , ψ V ∗ ,V . Thus the adjoint equation reads ∗

G0y (y, u) p + Fy0 (y, u) = A∗ p + C ∗ R−1 Z (Cy − zd ) = 0 or, more explicitly, a∗ (p, ψ) = (Cy − zd , Cψ)Z , while the variational inequality becomes

0 ∗ Fu (y, u) + G0u (y, u) p, v − u U ∗ ,U = (βu − RU B ∗ p, v − u)U ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad

from which we can obtain the expression of the gradient of the cost functional, ∇J (u) = βu − RU B ∗ p. Thus we recover the results of Sect. 5.3.

9.3.3 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions In the case of box constraints on the control, Uad = {u ∈ U : a ≤ u(x) ≤ b a.e. in Ω}, with U = L2 (Ω), a, b ∈ L∞ (Ω), we can express the optimality system (9.26) by means of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker multipliers, as in the linear-quadratic case (see Proposition 5.4).


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

Since in this case U = U ∗ , we have from the third equation in (9.24), JG0 (u) = ∇J(u) = L0u (y, u, p) = Fu (y, u) + Gu (y, u)∗ p. The following result (a slight variation of Lemma 1.12 in [148]) provides an alternative characterization of the optimality conditions also in view of numerical approximation. Lemma 9.1. Let u ˆ ∈ Uad . The following conditions are equivalent: (i) for every v ∈ Uad

(∇J(ˆ u), v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) ≥ 0;

(ii) for all v ∈ Uad


∇J(ˆ u)(v − u ˆ) ≥ 0 a.e in Ω;

ˆa, λ ˆ b ∈ L (Ω) such that (iii) there exist λ 2

ˆb − λ ˆ a = 0, ∇J(ˆ u) + λ ˆ a ≥ 0, λ ˆ a (ˆ λ u − a) = 0, ˆ ˆ λb ≥ 0, λb (b − u ˆ) = 0;


ˆ ∈ L2 (Ω) such that (iv) there exists λ ˆ = 0, ∇J(ˆ u) + λ ˆ < 0, u ˆ = a where λ

ˆ > 0; u ˆ = b where λ


ˆ ∈ L2 (Ω) such that, for any real number c ≥ 0, (v) there exists λ ˆ = 0, ∇J(ˆ u) + λ ˆ ˆ + c(ˆ ˆ + c(ˆ λ − min{0, λ u − a)} − max{0, λ u − b)} = 0;


(vi) for all γ > 0, u ˆ = P rUad (ˆ u − γ∇J(ˆ u))

where P rUad : L2 (Ω) → Uad is the (pointwise) projector operator onto Uad , that is, P rUad w(x) = max{a(x), min{w(x), b(x)}} = min{b(x), max{w(x), a(x)}}. Proof. (i) ⇐⇒ (ii) follows from Lemma 5.41. (ii) ⇐⇒ (iii). Assume (ii) holds. Set ˆ b = max {−∇J(ˆ ˆ a = max {∇J(ˆ λ u), 0} , λ u), 0} . ˆb − λ ˆ a = 0, a ≤ u ˆ a ≥ 0, λ ˆ b ≥ 0. If u Then ∇J(ˆ u) + λ ˆ ≤ b and λ ˆ (x) > a (x) then (ii) gives ∇J(ˆ u) (x) = 0 and ˆ a (x) = 0. Similarly, if u ˆ b (x) = 0. Thus therefore λ ˆ (x) < b (x) then (ii) gives ∇J(ˆ u) (x) = 0 and therefore λ (ii) =⇒ (iii). ˆ b (x) = λ ˆ a (x) = 0 and ∇J(ˆ On the other hand, let (iii) hold. If a (x) < u ˆ (x) < b (x), then λ u) (x) = 0. If ˆ b (x) = 0, ∇J(ˆ a (x) = u ˆ (x) < b (x), then λ u) (x) ≥ 0 and ∇J(ˆ u) (x) (v (x)−a (x)) ≥ 0. If a (x) < u ˆ (x) = b (x) , ˆ a (x) = 0, ∇J(ˆ then λ u) (x) ≤ 0 and ∇J(ˆ u) (x) (v (x) − b (x)) ≥ 0. Thus (iii) =⇒ (ii) . ˆ = λ ˆb − λ ˆ a . Vice versa, choose (iii) ⇐⇒ (iv) . The implication (iii) =⇒ (iv) follows just by setting λ ˆ b = max {−∇J(ˆ ˆ a = max {∇J(ˆ ˆ = 0. If λ ˆ a (x) > 0, then λ ˆ b (x) = 0 so that λ u), 0} , λ u), 0} and use ∇J(ˆ u) + λ ˆ < 0 which implies u ˆ b (x) > 0 implies u λ ˆ (x) = a. Similarly λ ˆ (x) = b. Thus (iv) =⇒ (iii) . ˆ (x) ≤ 0. If λ ˆ (x) = 0, (iv) ⇐⇒ (v). Assume (iv) holds. If u ˆ (x) < b then λ

9.3 Control Constrained OCPs


ˆ (x) − min{0, λ ˆ (x) + c(ˆ ˆ (x) + c(ˆ λ u (x) − a)} − max{0, λ u (x) − b)} = − min{0, c(ˆ u (x) − a)} − max{0, c(ˆ u (x) − b)} = 0; ˆ (x) < 0 then u if λ ˆ (x) = a and ˆ (x) − min{0, λ ˆ (x) + c(ˆ ˆ (x) + c(ˆ ˆ (x) − min{0, λ ˆ (x)} = 0. λ u (x) − a)} − max{0, λ u (x) − b)} = λ ˆ (x) ≥ 0, and By a similar argument, if u ˆ (x) > a then λ ˆ (x) − min{0, λ ˆ (x) + c(ˆ ˆ (x) + c(ˆ λ u (x) − a)} − max{0, λ u (x) − b)} = 0; ˆ (x) ≥ 0, so that if u ˆ (x) = b then λ ˆ (x) − min{0, λ ˆ (x) + c(b − a)} − max{0, λ ˆ (x)} = λ ˆ (x) − λ ˆ (x) = 0; λ ˆ (x) ≤ 0, so that if u ˆ (x) = a then λ ˆ (x) − min{0, λ ˆ (x)} − max{0, λ ˆ (x) + c(a − b)} = λ ˆ (x) − λ ˆ (x) = 0. λ ˆ (x) < 0, from This proves that (iv) =⇒ (v). Vice versa, assume (v) holds. Then, if λ ˆ (x) − min{0, λ ˆ (x) + c(ˆ ˆ (x) + c(ˆ 0=λ u (x) − a)} − max{0, λ u (x) − b)} = c(ˆ u (x) − a) ˆ (x) > 0, then u we deduce u ˆ (x) = a. Similarly we infer that if λ ˆ (x) = b. Thus (v) =⇒ (iv). (i) ⇐⇒ (vi). It is enough to write the condition (∇J(ˆ u), v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad

in the equivalent form (ˆ u − (ˆ u − γ∇J(ˆ u)), v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad ,

showing that u ˆ − γ∇J(ˆ u) is the projection of u ˆ onto Uad .

t u

9.3.4 Second Order Conditions Let us assume that, in addition to conditions (i), (ii) and (iii) displayed in Sect. 9.3.2, F and G are twice continuously F−differentiable. Then also the control-to-state map u 7→ y (u) is twice continuously F−differentiable. In the case of an OCP like (9.15), the positivity condition (9.14) can be better specified by requiring it to be fulfilled by the solutions of the linearized state equation (see (9.34) below). We first show a formula for the second derivative of the reduced functional J(u) = F (y(u), u), in terms of the Lagrangian function L : V × U × W ∗ → R,

L (y, u, p) = F (y, u) + hp, G (y, u)iW ∗ ,W ,


which involves the adjoint state p(u), solution to (9.20), and avoids an explicit dependence on y 00 (u). Proposition 9.3. Let J : V × U → R and G : V × U → W be twice continuously F differentiable. The following formula holds for J 00 (u) : U → L (U , U ∗ ): hJ 00 (u)v1 , v2 iU ∗ ,U = hL00yy (y(u), u, p(u))z2 , z1 iV ∗ ,V + hL00yu (y(u), u, p(u))v2 , z1 iV ∗ ,V + hL00uy (y(u), u, p(u))z2 , v1 iU ∗ ,U + hL00uu (y(u), u, p(u))v2 , v1 iU ∗ ,U

where z1 = y 0 (u) v1 , z2 = y 0 (u) v2 , ∀v1 , v2 ∈ U .



9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

Proof. We have the identity J(u) = L(y(u), u, p)

for every p ∈ W ∗ .

By differentiating along the direction v1 ∈ U , we obtain hJ 0 (u), v1 iU ∗ ,U = hL0y (y(u), u, p), y 0 (u)v1 iV ∗ ,V + hL0u (y(u), u, p), v1 iU ∗ ,U . Differentiating the expression above along the direction v2 ∈ U we get 0 0 hJ 00 (u)v1 , v2 iU ∗ ,U = hL0y (y(u), u, p), y 00 (u)[v1 , v2 ]iV ∗ ,V + hL00 yy (y(u), u, p)y (u)v2 , y (u)v1 iV ∗ ,V 0 00 0 + hL00 yu (y(u), u, p)v2 , y (u)v1 iV ∗ ,V + hLuy (y(u), u, p)y (u)v2 , v1 iU ∗ ,U

+ hL00 uu (y(u), u, p)v2 , v1 iU ∗ ,U . Choosing p = p(u) so that L0y (y(u), u, p(u)) = 0, the term containing y 00 (u) vanishes and we end up with 0 0 00 0 hJ 00 (u)v1 , v2 iU ∗ ,U = hL00 yy (y(u), u, p(u))y (u)v2 , y (u)v1 iV ∗ ,V + hLyu (y(u), u, p(u))v2 , y (u)v1 iV ∗ ,V 0 00 + hL00 uy (y(u), u, p(u))y (u)v2 , v1 iU ∗ ,U + hLuu (y(u), u, p(u))v2 , v1 iU ∗ ,U .

t u

We can equivalently express formula (9.32) as J 00 (u) = y 0 (u)∗ L00yy (y(u), u, p(u))y 0 (u) + y 0 (u)∗ L00yu (y(u), u, p(u)) +L00uy (y(u), u, p(u))y 0 (u) + L00uu (y(u), u, p(u))

or, in a more compact way, J 00 (u) = T (u)∗ L00(y,u) (y(u), u, p(u))T (u) by introducing the abridged notation  00 00  Lyy Lyu 00 L(y,u) = , L00uy L00uu

T (u) =

y 0 (u) IU

where IU is the identity operator in U . Note that L00(y,u) is a bilinear form on V × U into R.

Remark 9.11. An efficient calculation of J 00 (u) v (the action of J 00 (u) on a generic v ∈ U ) can be carried out as follows: 1. given y(u) ∈ V , evaluate the sensitivity δv y = y 0 (u)v by solving the linearized state problem G0y (y(u), u)δv y + G0u (y(u), u)v = 0; 2. compute w1 = L00yy (y(u), u, p(u))δv y + L00yu (y(u), u, p(u))v; 3. solve the adjoint problem 4. finally, set

G0y (y(u), u)pw1 = −w1 ;

J 00 (u)v = L00uy (y(u), u, p(u))δv y + L00uu (y(u), u, p(u))v + G0u (y(u), u)∗ pw1 .

This calculation represents indeed a basic step at each iteration of the Newton method, when solving a nonlinear OCP numerically. We can now state a result providing a second order sufficient condition to be fulfilled by a triple (y, u, p) in order to be a local minimum. Indeed, directly from Proposition 9.3 and exploiting the result of Proposition 9.3, it is possible to prove the following result.

9.4 Distributed Control of a Semilinear State Equation


Theorem 9.7. Let F : V × U → R and G : V × U → W be twice continuously Fr´echet differentiable, and let (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) be a solution to the optimality system (9.24). If there exists a constant α > 0 such that      zˆ zˆ 00 ≥ αkvk2U (9.33) L(y,u) (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) , v v V ∗ ×U ∗ ,V ×U for all v ∈ U and zˆ = zˆ(v) ∈ V that satisfies the linearized equation G0y (ˆ y, u ˆ)z + G0u (ˆ y, u ˆ)v = 0

in W,


then there exist two constants ε, σ > 0 such that F (y, u) ≥ F (ˆ y, u ˆ) + σku − u ˆk2U

∀u ∈ U ∩ Bε (ˆ u).

In particular, (ˆ y, u ˆ) is a local minimizer of F . Remark 9.12. Conditions (9.33)–(9.34) express the coercivity of L00(y,u) (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) along the directions tangential to the constraints given by the state equation. This sufficient condition is the infinite dimensional counterpart of the similar condition in Proposition 2.2. In spite of its theoretical relevance, the verification of the coercivity condition might be rather involved. However, the computation of the second derivative play a significant role in numerical approximations. •

9.4 Distributed Control of a Semilinear State Equation Let Ω ⊂ Rd , d ≤ 3, be a bounded, smooth (e.g. C 2 ) domain, β ≥ 0 and zd ∈ L6 (Ω) a given target. We consider the following control problem: F (y, u) = subject to

1 β 6 2 ky − zd kL6 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) → min 6 2

 u ∈ Uad = u ∈ L2 (Ω) : a ≤ u (x) ≤ b, a.e. in Ω ,

and to the semilinear state system (9.1), here reported for the reader’s convenience:  3  −∆y + y + y = u in Ω  ∂y = 0 on Γ. ∂n

(9.35) (9.36)


Analysis of the state system. Problem (9.37) is a Neumann problem for a diffusion-reaction equation, with reaction given by c (y) = y +y 3 . We look for weak solutions, that is for functions y ∈ V = H 1 (Ω) satisfying the relation Z Z    ∇y · ∇ϕ + y + y 3 ϕ = uϕ ∀ϕ ∈ V. (9.38) Ω

Note that, since d ≤ 3, the Sobolev embedding Theorem A.15 gives kykH 1 (Ω) ≤ CS kykV , and Z Z 1/2 Z 1/2 3 6 2 y 3 ϕ ≤ y ϕ = kykL6 (Ω) kϕkL2 (Ω) Ω

so that all integrals in (9.38) are well defined.


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

The following result holds3 . Proposition 9.4. For every u ∈ L2 (Ω),  problem (9.37) has a unique weak solution y = y (u) . Moreover y (u) ∈ H 2 (Ω) ∩ C Ω and kykH 2 (Ω) + kykC (Ω ) ≤ C (Ω) kukL2 (Ω) .


Proof. To prove existence we use Leray-Schauder Theorem A.8. Let w ∈ V be fixed. By Lax-Milgram Theorem, the linear problem −∆z + z = −w3 + u has a unique weak solution z = T (w) ∈ V . Since Ω is smooth and the right hand side is in L2 (Ω) , from elliptic regularity it follows that z ∈ H 2 (Ω) and


kzkH 2 (Ω) ≤ c (Ω) w3 L2 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω)




= c (Ω) kwk3L6 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) .


Since H 2 (Ω) is compactly embedded into V, the operator T : V → V is compact. To check the continuity of T , observe that, if wn → w in V, then kwn kL6 (Ω) , kwkL6 (Ω) ≤ M and from (9.40), 3 kT (wn ) − T (w)kH 2 (Ω) ≤ c (Ω) wn − w3 L2 (Ω) .

3 − w 3 = (w − w) w 2 + w w + w 2 ≤ |w − w| 2w 2 + 2w 2 , and using H¨ Now, wn older inequality with n n n n n exponents p = 3, q = 3/2 we get


wn − w3 2 2

L (Ω)


2 ≤ kwn − wk2L6 (Ω) 2wn + 2w2 L3 (Ω)

≤ 8 kwn k4L6 (Ω) + kwk4L6 (Ω) kwn − wk2L6 (Ω) ≤ 8M 4 kwn − wk2L6 (Ω) ≤ 8CS M 4 kwn − wk2V . Therefore, T is (Lipschitz) continuous in V . Finally, for every s ∈ (0, 1] and every z solution of z = sT (z) we have, inserting ϕ = z and y = z/s into (9.38), Z Z 1 1 (|∇z|2 + z 2 + s−2 z 4 ) ≤ s |uz| ≤ kzk2L2 (Ω) + kuk2L2 (Ω) 2 2 Ω Ω from which kzk2V ≤ kukL2 (Ω) . The Leray-Schauder Theorem implies that T has a fixed point y (u), which therefore is a weak solution to (9.37). Moreover, since T (V ) ⊂ H 2 (Ω) it follows that y (u) ∈ H 2 (Ω). The Sobolev embedding Theorem A.15 gives the continuity of y (u) in Ω and the estimate (9.39). To show uniqueness, suppose that y1 and y2 are weak solutions. Then w = y1 − y2 satisfies the equation



[∇w · ∇ϕ + wϕ] + Ω

y12 + y1 y2 + y22 wϕ = 0

∀ϕ ∈ V.

Choosing ϕ = w, we get


|∇w|2 + w2 = 0

from which w = 0.

t u

Remark 9.13. Note that the control-to-state map u 7→ y (u) is Lipschitz continuous. Indeed h (u, v) = y (u + v) − y (u) 3

When Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain, the well posedness of problem (9.37) follows from the Browder-Minty theory of monotone operators, since c : R → R is continuous and monotonically increasing. The Browder-Minty theorem actually extends the result of the Lax-Milgram Theorem to the case of nonlinear monotone operators. See, e.g., [231, Theorem 10.49] for a statement of the Browder-Minty theorem and Chapter 10 of the same reference for a comprehensive introduction to the subject.

9.4 Distributed Control of a Semilinear State Equation

satisfies the equation


−∆h + (1 + c (u, v))h = v

∂h ∂n

with = 0 on ∂Ω, where c (u, v) = y 2 (u + v) + y (u + v) y (u) + y 2 (u). Since c is bounded and nonnegative, we get, after multiplying by h and integrating by parts, Z Z 2 (|∇h| + h2 ) ≤ vh. Ω

Using Schwarz inequality we find khkV ≤ kvkL2 (Ω)


which is the Lipschitz continuity of u 7→ y (u) . • F−differentiability of the control-to-state map. We must show that, for every u ∈ L2 (Ω), there exists a bounded, linear operator y 0 (u) : L2 (Ω) → V , such that, for every v ∈ L2 (Ω), ky(u + v) − y(u) − y 0 (u) vkV →0 kvkL2 (Ω)

as kvkL2 (Ω) → 0.


The expression of y 0 (u) can be guessed, by formally taking the derivative with respect to u, along the direction v, of both equations in (9.37). We find that y 0 (u) is the linear map that associates to v ∈ L2 (Ω) the weak solution z = y 0 (u) v of the problem  2  −∆z + z + 3y z = v in Ω (9.43)  ∂z = 0 on Γ. ∂n For a rigorous proof, see Exercise 4.

Existence of an optimal control. We recast our OCP into the framework (9.15). First introduce the following operators: a) the continuous isomorphism A : V → V ∗ , associated to the bilinear form Z a (y, ϕ) = (∇y · ∇ϕ + yϕ) Ω

through the relation

a (y, ϕ) = hAy, ϕiV ∗ ,V Since a is symmetric, we have A = A∗ ; b) the operator Φ : V → L2 (Ω) given by

∀y, ϕ ∈ V.

y 7→ y 3 .

From Example A.14, Φ ∈ C 1 (V ) and, for all ϕ, y0 ∈ V , there holds Φ0 (y0 )ϕ = 3y02 ϕ;

c) the embedding operator B : L2 (Ω) → V ∗ defined by Z hBv, ϕiV ∗ ,V = vϕ. Ω

Then problem (9.37) is equivalent to the equation G (y, u) = Ay + B[Φ (y) − u] = 0 in V ∗ , so that our OCP fits into the formulation (9.15). We thus have:


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

Proposition 9.5. There exists an optimal pair (ˆ y, u ˆ) ∈ H 1 (Ω) × L2 (Ω) solution of the optimal control problem (9.37)–(9.35). Proof. We use Theorem 9.4. Let us check assumptions (1) − (4). (1) and (2) directly follow from (9.39). (3) Let {(yk , uk )} ⊂ V × Uad , with G (yk , uk ) = 0, such that yk * y in V and uk * u in L2 (Ω). We have to show that (y, u) is feasible. Clearly (y, u) ∈ V × Uad since Uad is weakly closed. We prove that G (y, u) = 0. For each ϕ ∈ V we have: hG (yk , uk ) − G (y, u) , ϕiV ∗ ,V = hA(yk − y) + B[Φ (yk ) − Φ (y) − (uk − u)], ϕiV ∗ ,V




∇(yk − y)∇ϕ + Ω

(yk3 − y 3 )ϕ −

Z (uk − u)ϕ. Ω

Clearly both the first and the third terms on the right tend to zero thanks to the weak convergence of (yk , uk ) to (y, u). For the second term we observe that, as {yk } is bounded in H 2 (Ω), by Rellich Theorem A.13, {yk } (not only a subsequence, in this case) converges to y (strongly) in V , and hence in L6 (Ω), too. Therefore we can write, using Holder inequality with exponents 1/6, 1/3, 1/2 :



2 (y 3 − y 3 )ϕ ≤ kyk − yk 6

kϕkL2 (Ω) ≤ C kyk − ykL6 (Ω) kϕkL2 (Ω) k L (Ω) yk − yk y + y L3 (Ω) Ω

so that 0 = G (yk , uk ) * G (y, u) in V ∗ . (4) F is clearly continuous and therefore also sequentially weakly continuous in L6 (Ω) × Uad . Finally, by Theorem 9.4, we can conclude that there exists an optimal pair (ˆ y, u ˆ) , solution of the optimal control problem (9.35)–(9.37). t u

First order optimality conditions. We can recover a system of first-order optimality conditions for the OCP (9.35)–(9.37) by applying the result of Theorem 9.6. We can show the following Theorem 9.8. Let d ≤ 3. Let (ˆ y, u ˆ) be an optimal solution. There exists pˆ ∈ H 1 (Ω) such that yˆ, u ˆ and pˆ fulfill the following system:  ∂ yˆ   −∆ˆ y + yˆ + yˆ3 = u ˆ in Ω, = 0 on Γ    ∂n  ∂ pˆ 5 −∆ˆ p + pˆ + 3ˆ y 2 pˆ = − (ˆ y − zd ) in Ω, = 0, on Γ   ∂n     (β u ˆ − pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ Uad . Proof. We check assumptions (i) , (ii) , (iii) of Theorem 9.6. (i) F : V × L2 (Ω) → R and G : V × L2 (Ω) → V ∗ are continuously F -differentiable; indeed, we have: Fy0 (y, u) ψ = (y − zd )5 , ψ

L2 (Ω)


(y, u) v = (u, v)L2 (Ω) G0y (y, u) ϕ = Aϕ + B[Φ0 G0u (y, u) v = −Bv

∀ψ ∈ V ∀v ∈ L2 (Ω)

(y) ϕ]


∀ϕ ∈ V ∀v ∈ L2 (Ω) .

Note that (y − zd )5 ∈ L6/5 (Ω) ⊂ V ∗ . (ii) We have already checked that, for each u ∈ L2 (Ω), the state equation G(y, u) = 0 in Z defines a G−differentiable control-to-state map u 7→ y(u). (iii) The partial derivative G0y (y, u) is a continuous isomorphism between V and V ∗ for every (y, u) ∈ V × L2 (Ω). In fact, let f ∈ V ∗ and consider the problem G0y (y, u)ϕ = Aϕ + B[Φ0 (y) ϕ] = f

in V ∗ .


9.4 Distributed Control of a Semilinear State Equation


In weak form, we have


a (ϕ, η) =

∇ϕ · ∇η + ϕη + 3y 2 ϕη = hf, ηi∗

∀η ∈ V.

The bilinear form a is clearly coercive in V and symmetric. It is also continuous, since, by H¨ older inequality with exponents 31 , 16 , 16 , we have

Z y 2 ϕη ≤ y 2 3 kϕkL6 (Ω) kϕkL6 (Ω) ≤ c kyk2L6 (Ω) kϕkV kηkV . L (Ω) Ω

From Lax-Milgram Theorem, problem (9.45) has a unique solution ϕ ∈ V and Gy (y, u) is a continuous isomorphism between V and V ∗ . To write the optimality condition, introduce the Lagrangian L (y, u; p) =

1 β ky − zd k6L6 (Ω) + kuk2L2 (Ω) + hp, Ay + B[Φ (y) − u]iV,V ∗ . 6 2


Recalling (9.26) we deduce that the adjoint equation is L0y (ˆ y, u ˆ; pˆ) ψ = (ˆ y − zd ) 5 , ψ

L2 (Ω)

+ pˆ, Aψ + B[Φ0 (ˆ y ) ψ]

V,V ∗


∀ψ ∈ V

or a (ˆ p, ψ) + 3ˆ y 2 pˆ, ψ

L2 (Ω)

= (ˆ y − zd ) 5 , ψ

L2 (Ω)

∀ψ ∈ V,

which is the weak form of the Neumann problem

 p + pˆ + 3ˆ y 2 pˆ = − (ˆ y − z d )5  −∆ˆ

in Ω,

 ∂ pˆ = 0 ∂n

on Γ.

Finally, the variational inequality Lu (ˆ y, u ˆ; pˆ) (v − u ˆ) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad

gives (β u ˆ − pˆ, v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad . t u

Remark 9.14. Thanks to Lemma 9.1, we can equivalently express the optimality conditions of Theorem 9.8 as follows:  ∂ yˆ   −∆ˆ y + yˆ + yˆ3 = u ˆ in Ω, = 0 on Γ   ∂n     ∂ pˆ  5  p + pˆ + 3ˆ y 2 pˆ = − (ˆ y − zd ) in Ω, = 0 on Γ   −∆ˆ ∂n ˆb − λ ˆa = 0  βu ˆ − pˆ + λ      ˆ a ≥ 0,  u ˆ ≥ a, λ      ˆ b ≥ 0, u ˆ ≤ b, λ

a.e. in Ω

ˆ a (ˆ λ u − a) = 0, ˆ b (b − u λ ˆ) = 0.

•  Second derivatives and second order condition ∗ . Let X = V ∩ C Ω . From Examples A.17, A.18, A.19 we deduce that F : X × L2 (Ω) → R, G : X × L2 (Ω) → L2 (Ω) , and hence (Remark 9.6) also the control-to-state map u 7→ y (u), are twice continuously F−differentiable. To calculate J 00 (u) we use formula (9.32). We have, for the cost functional, Z Z 4 00 00 Fyy (y, u) [ϕ1 , ϕ2 ] = 5 (y − zd ) ϕ1 ϕ2 , Fuu (y, u) [v1 , v2 ] = β v1 v2 Ω


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

and 00 Fyu (y, u) [ϕ1 , v2 ] = 0,

00 Fuy (y, u) [ϕ1 , v2 ] = 0

for any ϕ1 , ϕ2 ∈ X and any v1 , v2 ∈ L2 (Ω). For the state operator, we find G00yy (y, u)[ϕ1 , ϕ2 ] = B[Φ00 (y)][ϕ1 , ϕ2 ] ∈ V ∗ or, more explicitly, if ψ ∈ V , G00yy (y, u)[ϕ1 , ϕ2 ]ψ



yϕ1 ϕ2 ψ. Ω

Finally, G00yu (y, u) = 0,

G00uy (y, u) = 0,

G00uu (y, u) = 0.

Hence, from (9.32), 00

J (u) [v1 , v2 ] = 5



(ˆ y − zd ) z1 z 2 + 6


yˆz1 z2 pˆ + β Ω


v1 v2 Ω

where zj = zj (vj ) = y 0 (u) vj , j = 1, 2. Remark 9.15. In this case, condition (9.33) becomes Z Z Z Z 4 5 (ˆ y − zd ) zˆ2 + 6 yˆz 2 pˆ + β v2 ≥ α v2 Ω


for any v ∈ L2 (Ω) and zˆ = zˆ (v) satisfying the linearized equation  z + zˆ + 3ˆ y 2 zˆ = v in Ω  −∆ˆ  ∂ zˆ = 0 on Γ. ∂n

If β > 0 and



[5 (ˆ y − zd ) + 6ˆ y pˆ]ˆ z2 ≥ 0

then (9.47) is satisfied for α = β. The case β = 0 is essentially more difficult since (9.47) is hardly satisfied. For a discussion of this case see, e.g., [59]. •

9.5 Least squares approximation of a reaction coefficient We now consider the identification problem mentioned in Sect. 9.1. Let us denote by QT = Ω × (0, T ) the space-time cylinder, where Ω is a bounded, Lipschitz domain in Rd , and take zd ∈ L2 (Ω), f ∈ L2 0, T ; H −1 (Ω) , g ∈ L2 (Ω). We consider the following OCP: Z 1 (y (x, T ) − zd (x))2 dx → min (9.48) F (y) = 2 Ω subject to the state system

9.5 Least squares approximation of a reaction coefficient


  yt − ∆y + u (x) y = f (x, t) y=0  y (x, 0) = g (x)

in QT = Ω × (0, T ) on Γ × (0, T ) in Ω


and to the box constraint

u ∈ Uad = {u ∈ L∞ (Ω) : a ≤ u(x) ≤ b a.e. in Ω} .


The above problem can be interpreted as an identification problem: we want to identify the coefficient u such that, at time T , y (u) is the best approximation (in a least squares sense) of the given target (or measurement) zd . The coefficient u thus will play the role of a control function. Analysis of the state problem. Since u ∈L∞ (Ω) we already know that (9.49) is well posed in the space Y = H 1 0, T ; H01 (Ω) , H −1 (Ω) ; see Sect. A.6.3 for the definition of the functional space H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ). In our case V = H01 (Ω). Precisely, the following proposition holds, where u− = max {−u, 0} is the negative part of u. Proposition 9.6. For every u ∈ L∞ (Ω), problem (9.49) has a unique solution y (u) ∈ Y . Moreover   2 2 2 ky (u)kY ≤ C0 kf kL2 (0,T ;H −1 (Ω)) + kgkL2 (Ω) (9.51) where C0 = C0 (M, ku− kL∞ (Ω) , T ), M =1+CP2 kukL∞ (Ω) and CP is the Poincar´e constant.

Remark 9.16. By Proposition 9.6, for fixed u ∈ L∞ (Ω), the map (f, g) 7→ y (u) realizes a continuous isomorphism between Z = L2 0, T ; H −1 (Ω) × L2 (Ω) and Y . Note that if f ∈ L2 (QT ), then kf kL2 (0,T ;H −1 (Ω)) ≤ CP kf kL2 (QT ) . • Proof. We check the assumptions of Theorem 7.1 for the bilinear form

Z B (ϕ, ψ) =

(∇ϕ · ∇ψ + uϕψ) Ω

in H01 (Ω). We can write

Z (∇ϕ · ∇ψ + uϕψ) ≤ kϕk 1 H0 (Ω) kψkH01 (Ω) + kukL∞ (Ω) kϕkL2 (Ω) kψkL2 (Ω) Ω   ≤

2 1 + CP kukL∞ (Ω) kϕkH 1 (Ω) kψkH 1 (Ω) 0


so that B is continuous in (Ω) with continuity constant M =1 + u+ − u− ≥ −u− a.e. in Ω and therefore

Z B (ϕ, ϕ) = Ω

|∇ϕ|2 + uϕ2 ≥



2 CP

kukL∞ (Ω) . Moreover, we have u =

|∇ϕ|2 − u− ϕ2 ≥ kϕk2H 1 (Ω) − u− L∞ (Ω) kϕk2L2 (Ω) .


kϕk2L2 (Ω) is coercive in H01 (Ω) with coercivity constant α = 1. Existence, uniqueL∞ (Ω) ness and stability estimates now follow directly from Theorem 7.1. t u

Thus B (ϕ, ϕ) + u−

Differentiability of the control-to-state map. To prove that the control-to-state map is F−differentiable we must show that, for every u ∈ L∞ (Ω), there exists a bounded, linear operator y 0 (u) : L∞ (Ω) → Y , such that y(u + v) − y(u) − y 0 (u) v = R (u, v)


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs


kR (u, v)kY →0 kvkL∞ (Ω)

as kvkL∞ (Ω) → 0.

To find the expression of y 0 (u), we formally take the derivative with respect to u along the direction v of the three equations in (9.49). Then y 0 (u) is the linear map that associates to v ∈ L2 (Ω) the weak solution z = y 0 (u) v of the problem   zt − ∆z + uz = −vy (u) in QT z=0 on Γ × (0, T ) (9.52)  z (x, 0) = 0 in Ω. Note that from Proposition 9.6 we get (see Remark 9.16) 2




kzkY ≤ C0 kvy (u)kL2 (0,T ;H −1 (Ω)) ≤ C0 CP kvkL∞ (Ω) ky (u)kL2 (QT )   2 2 2 ≤ C1 kvkL∞ (Ω) kf kL2 (0,T ;H −1 (Ω)) + kgkL2 (Ω)


with C1 = C02 CP2 , so that y 0 (u) ∈ L (L∞ (Ω) , Y ) with   2 2 2 ky 0 (u)kL(L∞ (Ω),Y ) ≤ C1 kf kL2 (0,T ;H −1 (Ω)) + kgkL2 (Ω) . Rigorously, the following proposition holds:

Proposition 9.7. The map y = y (u) ∈ C 1 (L∞ (Ω) ; Y ) and, for every v ∈ L∞ (Ω), y 0 (u) v = z


where z is the solution to problem (9.52). Proof. We use the definition of F−differentiability. Let u, u + v ∈ L∞ (Ω) with corresponding solutions y (u + v), y (u) . Let z be the unique solution to problem (9.52). Using the weak formulations of the equations satisfied by y (u + v), y (u) and z, we obtain that R = R (u, v) = y (u + v) − y (u) − z satisfies the equation



hRt , ϕi∗ +

[∇R · ∇ϕ + (u + v)Rϕ] = − Ω


∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) , a.e. in (0, T )

with R (0) = 0. Therefore, kRk2Y ≤ C0 kvzk2L2 (0,T ;H −1 (Ω)) ≤ C0 CP kvk2L∞ (Ω) kzk2L2 (Ω)

≤ C1 kvk4L∞ (Ω) kf k2L2 (0,T ;H −1 (Ω)) + kgk2L2 (Ω)

from which we deduce that kRkY / kvkL∞ (Ω) → 0 as kvkL∞ (Ω) → 0 and therefore u 7→ y (u) is F −differentiable in L∞ (Ω) and (9.54) holds. t u

Existence of an optimal control. The following result holds. Proposition 9.8. There exists at least an optimal solution (ˆ y, u ˆ) of the optimal control problem (9.48)–(9.50).

9.5 Least squares approximation of a reaction coefficient


Proof. We use Theorem 9.4 and Remark 9.4. Here we have: V = Y , U = L∞ (Ω) , Z = L2 0, T ; H −1 (Ω) × L2 (Ω) and G : Y × L2 (Ω) → Z is given by

 G (y, u) =

yt − ∆y + uy − f y (0) − g


We check assumptions (1) − (4) in that theorem. (1) It is trivially satisfied, since F (y) ≥ 0. (2) Let {(yk , uk )} ⊂ Y × Uad be a (feasible) minimizing sequence: F (yk ) → µ = inf F, G (yk , uk ) = 0. Since Uad is a bounded set in L∞ (Ω), we have kuk kL∞ (Ω) ≤ M = max {|a| , |b|}. From Proposition 9.6 we deduce that   kyk kY ≤ C0 kf k2L2 (0,T ;H −1 (Ω)) + kgk2L2 (Ω) = M0 so that {(yk , uk )} is bounded. (3) The set of feasible points is weakly∗ sequentially closed in Y × U . Indeed, let (yn , un ) ∈ Y × Uad with ∗ un * u (weakly∗ ) in L∞ (Ω) , yn * y in Y and G (yn , un ) = 0. Since Uad is weakly∗ sequentially closed (see Example 9.3) we infer that (y, u) ∈ Y × Uad . Moreover,





h∂t yn , ϕi∗ + (∇yn , ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) dt →


h∂t y, ϕi∗ + (∇y, ∇ϕ)L2 (Ω) dt


uyϕ dxdt



for each ϕ ∈ L2 0, T ; H01 (Ω) . We now check that T



Z un yn ϕ dxdt →




for each ϕ ∈ L2 0, T ; H01 (Ω) , and yn (0) * y(0)

in L2 (Ω) .


Passing if necessary to a subsequence, by Theorem A.19(c) we may assume that yn → y (strongly) in L2 (QT ). Now, for ϕ ∈ L2 0, T ; H01 (Ω) , write










(un yn − uy)ϕ dxdt =


yϕ(un − u)dxdt + 0

(yn − y)un ϕ dxdt. 0

The first integral on the right tends to zero thanks to the Lebesgue dominated convergence (Theorem ∗ A.8) since4 yϕ ∈ L1 (QT ) and un * u in L∞ (Ω). For the second term we have





(yn − y)un ϕ dxdt ≤ kun kL∞ (Ω) kϕkL2 (QT ) kyn − ykL2 (QT ) ≤ M kϕkL2 (QT ) kyn − ykL2 (QT )

and therefore also this term converges to zero. Finally, using the integration by parts formula (A.61) with ϕ = wψ, w ∈ H01 (Ω), ψ ∈ C 1 [0, T ], ψ(T ) = 0, ψ(0) = 1, we deduce T



Z h∂t yn , ϕi∗ dt = −


(yn , ψ 0 )L2 (Ω) wdt − (yn (0), w)L2 (Ω) ,




Z h∂t y, ϕi∗ dt = −



(y, ψ 0 )L2 (Ω) wdt − (y(0), w)L2 (Ω) .


Since yn * y in Y , it follows that yn (0) * y(0) in L2 (Ω). From (9.55), (9.56), (9.57) we conclude that G(y, u) = 0 and that (3) holds. (4) Being F continuous in Y , it is also sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous in Y . Applying Theorem 9.4 and Remark 9.4 we infer the existence of an optimal solution (ˆ y, u ˆ).



t u

We R have that wn (t) = Ω y (x, t) ϕ (x, t) (un (x) − u (x)) dx → 0 a.e. in (0, T ) as n → ∞ and |wn (t)| ≤ 2M Ω |y (x, t) ϕ (x, t) |dx ∈ L1 (0, T ) .


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

Optimality conditions. To write the necessary optimality conditions, we use Theorem 9.6, whose assumptions have to be verified. Since F : Y → R is a quadratic functional and G : Y × U → Z is a bilinear mapping, assumption (i) of Theorem 9.6 holds with: F 0 (y) : Y → R,

F 0 (y) ψ = (y (T ) − zd , ψ (T ))L2 (Ω)   ϕt − ∆ϕ + uϕ G0y (y, u) ϕ = ϕ (0)   vy G0u (y, u) v = 0

G0y (y, u) : Y → Z, G0u (y, u) : U → Z

∀ψ ∈ Y ∀ϕ ∈ Y


∀v ∈ L∞ (Ω) .

Regarding assumption (ii), we already checked that, for each u ∈ U , the state equation G(y, u) = 0 in Z defines a unique continuously G−differentiable (actually F−differentiable) control-to-state map u 7→ y(u). Finally, concerning assumption (iii), we have that the partial derivative G0y (y, u) ∈ L(Y, Z) is a continuous isomorphism between Y and Z, for every u ∈ U . In fact, for each z = (f, g) ∈ Z the equation G0y (y, u) ϕ = z is nothing but problem (9.49) for ϕ and the assertion comes from Remark 9.16. Hence, by applying Theorem 9.6 we derive the following result. Theorem 9.9. Let (ˆ u, yˆ) be an optimal solution of the OCP (9.48), (9.49), (9.50). Then there exists a unique multiplier pˆ ∈ Y such that, u ˆ, yˆ, pˆ fulfill (in a weak sense) the following system of optimality conditions: - the state equation

 y+u ˆyˆ = f  yˆt − ∆ˆ yˆ = 0  yˆ (0) = g

- the adjoint equation

 pt − ∆ˆ p+u ˆpˆ = 0  −ˆ pˆ = 0  pˆ (T ) = zd − yˆ (T )

in QT on Γ × (0, T ) in Ω,


in QT on Γ × (0, T ) in Ω,


- and the variational inequality Z

T 0

(ˆ y (t) pˆ (t) , v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) dt ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad .


Proof. Let z ∗ = (p, q) ∈ Z ∗ = L2 0, T ; H01 (Ω) × L2 (Ω) be a multiplier and introduce the Lagrangian function

L (y, u, p, q) = F (y) + hz ∗ , G (y, u)iZ ∗ ,Z =

1 ky (T ) − zd k2L2 (Ω) + 2





hyt (t) , p (t)i∗ + (∇y (t) , ∇p (t))L2 (Ω) + uy (t) p (t) dt


+ (y (0) − zd , q)L2 (Ω) . From (9.58), we obtain the following system of optimality conditions for u ˆ, yˆ and (ˆ p, qˆ), where Lˆ0(·) = 0 L(·) (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ, qˆ): -

∀η ∈ L2 0, T ; H01 (Ω) , ∀w ∈ L2 (Ω) ,

9.5 Least squares approximation of a reaction coefficient Lˆ0p η =






hˆ yt (t) , η (t)i∗ + (∇ˆ y (t) , ∇η (t))L2 (Ω) + u ˆyˆ (t) η (t) dt = 0



Lˆ0q w = (y (0) − zd , w)L2 (Ω) = 0. -

System (10.35), is equivalent to the state system (9.49) in weak form; ∀v ∈ Uad , Lˆ0u (v − u ˆ) =



(y (t) pˆ (t) , v − u ˆ)L2 (Ω) dt ≥ 0




which is the variational inequality (9.61) expressing the optimality condition; ∀ψ ∈ Y, Lˆ0y ψ =





hψt (t) , pˆ (t)i∗ + (∇ψ (t) , ∇ˆ p (t))L2 (Ω) + u ˆpˆ (t) ψ (t) dt



+ (ˆ y (T ) − zd , ψ (T ))L2 (Ω) + (ψ (0) , qˆ)L2 (Ω) = 0 which is nothing but the adjoint equation. To better express it, first note that a solution pˆ ∈ L2 0, T ; H01 (Ω) of (9.64) actually belongs to Y (see Exercise 8). Then, integrating by parts, we get T




hψt (t) , pˆ (t)i∗ dt = 0

− hˆ pt (t) , ψ (t)i∗ dt + (ˆ p (T ) , ψ (T ))L2 (Ω) − (ψ (0) , pˆ (0))L2 (Ω) 0

so that the adjoint equation takes the form





− hˆ pt (t) , ψ (t)i∗ + (∇ψ (t) , ∇ˆ p (t))L2 (Ω) + u ˆpˆ (t) ψ (t) dt


+ (ˆ y (T ) − zd + pˆ (T ) , ψ (T ))L2 (Ω) + (ψ (0) , qˆ − pˆ (0))L2 (Ω) = 0.

Choosing first ψ ∈ C 0, T ; H01 (Ω) , we get





− hˆ pt (t) , ψ (t)i∗ + (∇ψ (t) , ∇ˆ p (t))L2 (Ω) + u ˆpˆ (t) ψ (t) dt = 0.


Going back to ψ ∈ Y , we infer pˆ (T ) = −(ˆ y (T ) − zd ) and qˆ = pˆ (0) .

Since C 0, T ; H01 (Ω) is dense in L2 0, T ; H01 (Ω) , we deduce that pˆ is the (unique) weak solution of problem (9.60) and that qˆ = pˆ (0). The proof is then complete. u t

The gradient of the reduced functional J (u) = F (y (u)) is the element in L2 (Ω) given by ∇J (u) =



y (t) pˆ (t) dt. 0

Second derivative of J (u). It is easy to check that F and G are twice continuously differentiable. We have, recalling (9.58) F 00 (y) [ψ1 , ψ2 ] = (ψ1 (T ) , ψ2 (T ))L2 (Ω)

  0 G00yy (y, u) [ψ1 , ψ2 ] = G00uu (y, u) [ψ1 , ψ2 ] = 0   v1 v2 00 00 Guy (y, u) [v1 , v2 ] = Guy (y, u) [v1 , v2 ] = 0

∀ψ1 , ψ2 ∈ Y ∀ψ1 , ψ2 ∈ Y ∀v1 , v2 ∈ L∞ (Ω) .

Thus, using (9.32), we find, setting zj = zj (vj ) = y 0 (u) vj , j = 1, 2, Z Z 00 J (y (u) , u) [v1 , v2 ] = z1 (T ) z2 (T ) + pv1 v1 dt. Ω



9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

9.6 Numerical Approximation of Nonlinear OCPs In this section we provide an overview of the most common strategies used to approximate a nonlinear OCP. A broad variety of methods can be found in literature, depending on (i) the type of nonlinearity of the state problem, and (ii) the presence of control and/or state constraints. Far from being exhaustive, here we present some basic ideas on how to extend the numerical methods introduced in Chapters 6 and 8 to the case of nonlinear OCPs. In particular, we consider iterative methods (based on descent directions) in Sect. 9.6.1, and the sequential quadratic programming method as main representative of all-at-once methods in Sect. 9.6.2. For the sake of simplicity, we focus on unconstrained OCPs, postponing to Sect. 9.8 some hints to handle control constraints. The interested reader can refer, e.g., to [140] for a more in-depth review of algorithmic approaches for solving PDE-constrained optimization problems in the nonlinear case, as well as to, e.g., [39, 150, 117].

9.6.1 Iterative Methods We can introduce iterative (or black-box, or reduced space) methods for the numerical solution of nonlinear OCPs as we already did in the case of linear-quadratic OCPs in Sect. 6.3. We recall that in an iterative method we set y = y(u) and the control variable u is the only optimization variable. No matter if an optimize-then-discretize approach or a discretize-thenoptimize approach is employed, iterative methods can be set up by applying classical algorithms for numerical optimization to the discrete counterpart of problem (9.17). For the sake of convenience, here we rely on the optimize-then-discretize approach to exploit the system of first-order optimality conditions (9.24) we have already derived. This latter is a nonlinear system because of the nonlinearity of the state problem – the adjoint problem is indeed always linear. Let us denote by y ∈ RNy , u ∈ RNu and p ∈ RNp the discrete state, control and adjoint vectors, respectively; let us assume that the same space is used to discretize both state and adjoint variables, so that Np = Ny . At the optimum, y, u and p must fulfill the following system of optimality conditions:  (state equation)   G (y, u) = 0 (G0y (y, u))> p = −F0y (y, u) (adjoint equation) (9.65)   0 0 > Fu (y, u) + (Gu (y, u)) p = 0 (optimality condition) where:

1. G(y, u) ∈ RNy is the vector representing the residual of the discrete state system;

2. G0y (y, u) ∈ RNy ×Ny and G0u (y, u) ∈ RNy ×Nu are two matrices, representing the discrete counterpart of the partial derivatives of G with respect to y and u, respectively; 3. F0y (y, u) ∈ RNy and F0u (y, u) ∈ RNu are two vectors, representing the discrete counterpart of the partial derivatives of F with respect to y and u, respectively. Below we detail the construction of system (9.65), the solution of the nonlinear state system, and the use of a descent method for the sake of numerical optimization. A system similar to (9.65) would be obtained by following the discretize-then-optimize approach as well.

9.6 Numerical Approximation of Nonlinear OCPs


Solving the state equation Because of the nonlinearity, the numerical approximation of the state equation now yileds a nonlinear algebraic system that can be solved by using traditional methods, such as the Newton method or the fixed point (or Picard) iterations method. Assuming hereon that W = V ∗ , from the nonlinear state equation G(y, u) = 0 in V ∗ , (9.66) we first retrieve its weak formulation: given u ∈ U , find y = y(u) ∈ V such that g(y, ϕ; u) = 0

∀ϕ ∈ V,


where the variational form g(·, u; ·) : V × V → R is defined as g(y, ϕ; u) = hG(y, u), ϕiV ∗ ,V

∀y, ϕ ∈ V.

Moreover, given y¯ ∈ V , ϕ ∈ V , we denote the partial Fr´echet derivative of g(·, ϕ; u) with respect to y at y¯ ∈ V , evaluated in the direction z, by gy0 [¯ y ](z, ϕ; u) = hG0y (¯ y , u)z, ϕiV ∗ ,V

∀z ∈ V

where G0y : V → L(V, V ∗ ). For the numerical approximation of (9.67), let us introduce two suitable finite-dimensional subspaces Vh ⊂ V and Uh ⊂ U of dimension Ny and Nu , respectively. The Galerkin problem reads as follows: given uh ∈ Uh , find yh = yh (uh ) ∈ Vh such that g(yh , ϕ; uh ) = 0

∀ϕ ∈ Vh .


The discrete problem (9.68) is equivalent to the solution of a nonlinear system of Ny equations. Ny u Indeed, denoting by {ϕj }j=1 , {ψj }N j=1 a basis for Vh , Uh , respectively, we set yh =

Ny X

yh,j ϕj ,

uh =


Nu X

uh,j ψj


and denote by y, u the vectors having as components the unknown coefficients yh,j or uh,j , respectively. Then, (9.68) is equivalent to: given u ∈ RNu , find y = y(u) ∈ RNy such that G(y, u) = 0, where the residual vector G(·, u) ∈ RNy is defined as  G(y, u) i = g(yh , ϕi ; uh ),


i = 1, . . . , Ny .

The nonlinear system (9.69) can be solved through the Newton method. Starting from an initial guess y(0) ∈ RNy , at each step n = 0, 1, . . . we seek δy ∈ RNy as the solution of G0y (y(n) , u) δy = −G(y(n) , u). The latter is a linear system; the Jacobian matrix G0y (¯ y, u) ∈ RNy ×Ny is defined as  G0y (¯ y, u) ij = gy0 [¯ yh ](ϕj , ϕi ; uh ), i, j = 1, . . . , Ny



is nonsingular provided the assumptions of the Kantorovich theorem (see Theorem B.7) are fulfilled. The Newton method for the solution of (9.69) is reported in Algorithm 9.1.


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

Algorithm 9.1 Newton method for algebraic nonlinear problems Input: u ∈ RNu , tolerance δN > 0, max number of iterations Nmax , y(0) ∈ RNy Output: y = y(u) 1: n = 0 2: while n ≤ Nmax and kG(y(n) , u)k > δN 3: solve G0y (y(n) , u) δy = −G(y(n) , u) 4: set y(n+1) = y(n) + δy 5: n=n+1 6: end while 7: y(u) = y(n)

An alternative method to solve nonlinear system (9.69) is to rely on the so-called fixed point (or Picard) iterations method. In this case, starting from an initial guess y(0) ∈ RNy , at each step we seek y(n+1) ∈ RNy as the solution of the following linear system, G0y (y(n) , u) y(n+1) = 0,

n = 0, 1, . . . .

until a stopping criterion similar to the one used in Algorithm 9.1 is satisfied. Example 9.5. For the problem of Sect. 9.4 we have V = H01 (Ω) and V ∗ = H −1 (Ω), and G(y, u) = −∆y + y + y 3 − u so that hG(y, u), ϕiH −1 (Ω),H 1 (Ω) = g(y, ϕ; u) = as a consequence, gy0 [¯ y ](v, ϕ; u) =



∇y · ∇ϕ dx +

∇v · ∇ϕ dx +



(y + y 3 )ϕ dx −

(v + 3¯ y 2 v)ϕ dx.


uϕ dx; Ω


Note that, given u ∈ U , for any y¯ ∈ V this bilinear form is symmetric and coercive. The problem to be solved at each Newton’s step is the discrete counterpart of the following boundary value problem: given y (n) ∈ V , find δy ∈ V such that Z Z a(δy, ϕ) + 3(y (n) )2 δy ϕdx = −a(y (n) , ϕ) − (y (n) )3 ϕdx + (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ ∈ V. Ω


(n) 2 (n)

Summing Ω 3(y ) y ϕdx to both sides, and denoting by y (n+1) = y (n) + δy we finally obtain: given y (n) ∈ V , find y (n+1) ∈ V such that Z Z (n+1) (n) 2 (n+1) a(y , ϕ) + 3(y ) y ϕdx = 2 (y (n) )3 ϕdx + (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ ∈ V. Ω

Alternatively, if we rely on the fixed point (Picard) iterations method, at each step we would need to solve the following problem: given y (n) ∈ V , find y (n+1) ∈ V such that Z a(y (n+1) , ϕ) + 3(y (n) )2 y (n+1) ϕdx = (f + u, ϕ)L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ ∈ V. • Ω

9.6 Numerical Approximation of Nonlinear OCPs


Solving the adjoint equation and updating the control Given the state y and the control u, the adjoint equation (G0y (y, u))> p = −F0y (y, u)


is a linear system. The matrix at the left-hand side is the transpose of the Jacobian matrix defined in (9.71), while the right-hand side has components given by (F0y (y, u))i = Fy0 (yh , uh )ϕi ,

i = 1, . . . , Ny .

Finally, since we are dealing with unconstrained OCPs, the optimality condition turns to an algebraic equation, which involves the discrete control and adjoint vectors u and p, F0u (y, u) + (G0u (y, u))> p = 0.


In the equation above we denote by: • the matrix G0u (y, u) ∈ RNy ×Nu , whose components are defined as  ¯ ij = gu0 [¯ G0u (y, u) uh ](yh ; ϕi , ψj ), i = 1, . . . , Ny , j = 1, . . . , Nu ;

here, we denote the partial Fr´echet derivative of g(y, ·; u ¯), with respect to u at u ¯ ∈ U , by G0u

gu0 [¯ u](y; w, ψ) = hG0u (y, u ¯)w, ψiV ∗ ,V

∀w ∈ U , ψ ∈ V,

where : U → L(U , V ). • F0u (y, u) ∈ RNu is a vector, with components

(F0u (y, u))i = Fu0 (yh , uh )ψi ,

i = 1, . . . , Nu .

When a descent method is employed, given an initial guess u0 ∈ RNu , we iteratively find a sequence of discrete control vectors {uk } such that uk+1 = uk + τk dk ,

k = 0, 1, . . .

where dk ∈ RNu represents a descent direction and τk > 0 is a suitable stepsize, ensuring that Jh (uk + τk dk ) < Jh (uk ); here we denote by Jh the discrete counterpart of the reduced cost functional. The descent direction dk can be calculated according to one of the methods described in Sect. 6.3; the solution of the nonlinear state system is then embedded into the optimization loop, each step requiring the solution of (at least) a state problem and an adjoint problem. The steepest descent method uses the direction dk = −∇Jh (uk ) at each step; note that evaluating the reduced gradient ¯ ) + (G0u (y, u ¯ ))> p ∇Jh (¯ u) = F0u (y, u ¯ requires to solve both the state and the adjoint problem. at an arbitrary point u The Newton method for numerical optimization5 uses the direction dk = −(H(uk ))−1 ∇Jh (uk ) 5


Choosing (9.75) as descent direction is nothing but the result of the application of the Newton method to the nonlinear system ∇Jh (u) = 0.


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

at each step, where H(uk ) ∈ RNu ×Nu is the Hessian of the reduced cost functional (also referred to as reduced Hessian matrix). In other words, at each Netwon’s step the descent direction is obtained by solving the linear system H(uk )dk = −∇Jh (uk ),


whose dimension is that of the control space Uh . The right-hand side −∇Jh (uk ) must be calculated at each Newton step, requiring the solution of a (nonlinear) state problem and of an adjoint problem. In the case of a nonlinear state system (and/or a general nonlinear cost functional) we refrain from explicitly calculating the Hessian matrix H because of the large computational effort that would be required. The evaluation of the matrix-vector product H(u)d requires two additional problems to be solved, a linearized state problem and an adjoint problem, see Remark 9.11. Note that the same holds true in the linear-quadratic case, see Sect. 6.3.1. To avoid the difficulties of evaluating the action of the exact Hessian in (9.76), it is also possible to rely on quasi-Newton methods. Remark 9.17. Summarizing, for the outer iteration of the Newton method one has to solve the state problem to obtain yk = yk (uk ), and one adjoint problem to obtain zk = zk (uk ). An inner loop is then necessary to solve (9.76) iteratively, for every k; at every inner iteration loop, a linearized state problem and an adjoint problem are to be solved. • Remark 9.18. In the case of time-dependent nonlinear OCPs, iterative methods can be exploited in a very similar way. In these cases, the state problem yields a nonlinear system of ODEs to be solved once a spatial discretization has been operated. The adjoint equation will be a time-dependent, backward in time, linear system of ODEs. •

9.6.2 All-at-once Methods: Sequential Quadratic Programming In contrast to iterative methods, all-at-once methods treat the control and state variables as independent optimization variables. Here we limit ourselves to introduce one of the most popular strategies to address nonlinear OCPs in the framework of all-at-once methods, namely the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method. First, we focus on the unconstrained case; some options to handle control constraints will be illustrated at a later stage. As already remarked in Sect. 3.5.2 for a general finite-dimensional optimization problem, SQP generates, at each step, a linear-quadratic optimization problem, in which a quadratic approximation of the cost functional is minimized, subject to a linearization of the constraints. Here we show how this method can be applied to solve a nonlinear OCP under the form (9.15), in the unconstrained case Uad = U . Based on the results of Sect. 9.3.4, we first formulate the SQP method directly at the continuous level, to unveil the structure of the linear-quadratic problem generated at each step. Later on, we turn to the finite dimensional problem that arises from the numerical approximation of this linear-quadratic problem. This optimize-then-discretize approach allows us to better highlight the connection between the second-order optimality conditions stated for a general nonlinear OCP and the discrete problem to be solved. In the unconstrained case Uad = U , the SQP method can be obtained by applying the Newton method to solve the nonlinear system of optimality conditions (9.26); for this reason, the SQP method is also referred to as Lagrange-Newton method.

9.6 Numerical Approximation of Nonlinear OCPs


Rearranging the equations, the system (9.26) can be rewritten as (see Remark 9.9):  0 ∗ y, u ˆ) + G0y (ˆ y, u ˆ) pˆ = 0   Fy (ˆ ∗ (9.77) Fu0 (ˆ y, u ˆ) + G0u (ˆ y, u ˆ) pˆ = 0   G (ˆ y, u ˆ) = 0,

or, in terms of the Lagrangian functional L (y, u, p) = F (y, u) + hp, G (y, u)iW ∗ ,W ,  0 L(y,u) (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ) = 0 G (ˆ y, u ˆ) = 0, where L0(y,u) (y, u, p) =

L0y (y, u, p) L0u (y, u, p)



Here (y, u, p) are treated as independent variables and, similarly to the all-at-once methods introduced in Sect. 6.6, both y and u are optimization variables. By applying the Newton method to the nonlinear system above, we obtain the following Newton iteration: given (y0 , u0 , p0 ), until convergence solve  00   0  ∗  ∗ Lyy (yk , uk , pk ) L00yu (yk , uk , pk ) G0y (yk , uk ) Fy (yk , uk ) + G0y (yk , uk ) pk δy  L00uy (yk , uk , pk ) L00uu (yk , uk , pk ) G0u (yk , uk )∗   δu  = −  Fu0 (yk , uk ) + G0u (yk , uk )∗ pk  δp G0y (yk , uk ) G0u (yk , uk ) 0 G (yk , uk ) (9.79) and set yk+1 = yk + δy, uk+1 = uk + δu, pk+1 = pk + δp. To stop the iterations, we can use, for instance, a criterion based on the difference of two successive iterates, that is, we iterate until q kδyk2V + kδuk2U + kδpk2V < ε,

where ε > 0 is a prescribed tolerance. System (9.79) is well-posed provided the second order sufficient condition (9.33) is verified. Indeed, under this assumption, the Newton method generates a unique sequence of iterates converging quadratically to (ˆ y, u ˆ, pˆ); see, e.g., [10, 11]. We can derive the expression of the algebraic system corresponding to the Newton step (9.79) by introducing two suitable finite-dimensional subspaces Vh ⊂ V and Uh ⊂ U of diNy u mension Ny and Nu , respectively, and denoting by {ϕj }j=1 , {ψj }N j=1 a basis for Vh , Uh , respectively; we assume that Vh is used to discretize both the state and the adjoint variable. The discretization of those terms involving the state operator G and the first derivative of G and F has already been considered in Sect. 9.6.1; regarding instead the other terms, let us recall that the second derivatives L00yy , L00yu , L00uy , L00uu can be identified with suitable continuous bilinear forms, so that we can define the following matrices: (Hyy (y, u, p))ij = L00yy (yh , uh , ph )[ϕi , ϕj ],

i, j = 1, . . . , Ny ,

(Hyu (y, u, p))ij = L00yu (yh , uh , ph )[ϕi , ψj ],

i = 1, . . . , Ny ,

j = 1, . . . , Nu ,

(Hyu (y, u, p))ij =

i = 1, . . . , Nu ,

j = 1, . . . , Ny ,

L00uy (yh , uh , ph )[ψi , ϕj ],

(Huu (y, u, p))ij = L00uu (yh , uh , ph )[ψi , ψj ],

i, j = 1, . . . , Nu ,

corresponding to the discretization of the Hessian of the Lagrangian function.


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

Hence, given y0 ∈ RNy , u0 ∈ RNu , p0 ∈ RNy , at each step we solve the linear system:  >    δy Hyy (yk , uk , pk ) Hyu (yk , uk , pk ) G0y (yk , uk )    Huy (yk , uk , pk ) Huu (yk , uk , pk ) (G0u (yk , uk ))>  δu δp G0y (yk , uk ) G0u (yk , uk ) 0  0  0 Fy (yk , uk ) + (Gy (yk , uk ))> pk = − F0u (yk , uk ) + (G0u (yk , uk ))> pk  , (9.80) G (yk , uk )

and then set

     yk+1 yk δy uk+1  = uk  + δu , pk+1 pk δp

until convergence. We summarize the resulting procedure in Algorithm 9.2; the norms of the increments δy, δu, δp are those inherited by the norms of V and U . Alternatively, the discretize-then-optimize approach would also yield a similar system to be solved at each step; indeed, we highlight the formal analogy between (9.80) and system (4.32), which had been obtained in Sect. 4.2.1 in the case of an algebraic OCP. Let us now highlight the structure of the linear-quadratic problem that is indeed generated, and solved, at each step. Introducing the abridged notation  00 00  Lyy Lyu 00 L(y,u) = , L00uy L00uu system (9.79) corresponds to the (necessary and sufficient) optimality conditions of the following linear-quadratic problem: 1 00 L (yk , uk , pk )[(δy , δu )2 ] + L0(y,u) (yk , uk , pk )(δy , δu ) → min 2 (y,u)


subject to the linearized equation G0y (yk , uk ) δy + G0u (yk , uk ) δu + G (yk , uk ) = 0

in W.


Similarly, system (9.80) corresponds to the (necessary and sufficient) optimality conditions for the discrete linear-quadratic problem  >    0 >   1 δy Gy (yk , uk ) δy δy H(yk , uk , pk ) + → min δu δu G0u (yk , uk ) 2 δu (δy,δu)> (9.83) s.t. G0y (yk , uk )δy + G0u (yk , uk )δu + g(yk , uk ) = 0. Algorithm 9.2 SQP method for unconstrained nonlinear OCPs Input: initial guess y0 , u0 , p0 1: set k = 0, δ = 1 2: while δ > ε 3: solve the system (9.80) 4: set yk+1p= yk + δy, uk+1 = uk + δu, pk+1 = pk + δp 5: set δ = |δy|2 + |δu|2 + |δp|2 6: set k = k+1 7: end while

9.6 Numerical Approximation of Nonlinear OCPs


In the equation above, we have denoted by   Hyy (yk , uk , pk ) Hyu (yk , uk , pk ) H(yk , uk , pk ) = . Huy (yk , uk , pk ) Huu (yk , uk , pk ) Note that, in contrast to the Newton method, the iterates (yk , uk ) generated by the SQP method are infeasible for the nonlinear state equation, that is, the SQP method generates control/state pairs that satisfy the state equation only in the limit. Remark 9.19. In the linear-quadratic case, the SQP method yields the saddle-point system (6.70) to solve. Indeed, let us assume to apply the Algorithm 9.2 to a linear-quadratic OCP whose discrete version (6.23) can be formulated as a quadratic programming problem with equality constraint, as done in Sect. 6.6,


1 T x Jx − hT x → min subject to x ∈ RNy +Nu , Dx = f . 2       y M 0 Mzd x= , J= , h= , D = [A − M]. u 0 βN 0


In this case, the Newton step (9.80) would read      δx Jxk − h + Dpk J D> = δp Dxk + f D 0 that is,

    M 0 A> δy Myk − Mzd + A> pk  0 βN −M>   δu  =  βNuk − M> pk  . δp A −M 0 Ayk − Muk + f

Taking y0 = 0, u0 = 0, p0 = 0, the previous system is nothing but the saddle point system (6.70) stemming from the KKT optimality conditions in the linear-quadratic case. • Example 9.6. We detail the procedure exploiting the nonlinear OCP introduced in Sect. 9.4. In this case, the Lagrangian functional (9.46) can be rewritten as Z Z Z Z 1 β 6 2 3 L (y, u; p) = ky − zd kL6 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) + ∇p · ∇y + y p+ yp − up. 6 2 Ω Ω Ω Ω Consequently, for any (ψ, v), (η, w) ∈ V × U ,   Z Z Z ψ 5 L0(y,u) (y, u, p) = ((y − zd ) , ψ)L2 (Ω) + ∇p · ∇ψ + 3 y 2 ψp + ψp v Ω ΩZ Ω +β(u, v)L2 (Ω) −

L00(y,u) (y, u, p)


    Z Z ψ η 4 , = 5 (y − zd ) ψη + 6 ypψη + β (v, w)L2 (Ω) . v w Ω Ω

On the other hand, we can rewrite the relations in (9.44) as 5

Fy0 (y, u) ψ = ((y − zd ) , ψ)L2 (Ω) Fu0 (y, u) v = (u, v)L2 (Ω)Z Z

0 Gy (y, u) ϕ, ψ V ∗ ,V = ∇ϕ · ∇ψ + 3 y 2 ϕψ Ω Z Ω hG0u (y, u) v, wiU ∗ ,U = − vw Ω

∀ψ ∈ V ∀v ∈ U = L2 (Ω) ∀ϕ, ψ ∈ V ∀v, w ∈ U = L2 (Ω) .



9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

According to (9.79), at each Newton step we must solve the following system: Z Z Z  Z 4  6 yk pk δyϕ + 5 (yk − zd ) δyϕ + ∇ϕ · ∇δp + 3 yk2 δpϕ    Ω Ω Ω Z Ω Z Z     2  = − ∇p · ∇ϕ − 3 y ϕp − (yk − zd )5 ϕ k k  k Ω Ω Ω Z Z Z Z   β δuv − vδp = −β uk v + pk v    Z Ω Ω Z Ω Z Ω Z Z Z     ∇δy · ∇ψ + 3 yk2 δyψ + δuψ = − ∇yk · ∇ψ − yk3 ψ + uk ψ Ω

for all ϕ ∈ V , v ∈ U , ψ ∈ V . The discrete counterpart of the system above results as follows:    5M[(yk − zd )4 ] + 6M[yk pk ] 0 A> + 3M[yk2 ]> δy   δu 0 βN −B> δp A + 3M(yk2 ) −B 0   5 M(yk − zd ) + (A + 3M[yk2 ])> pk , βNuk −B> pk = − (9.86) Ayk + Myk3 − Muk where we have defined: • • • • •

the stiffness matrix A ∈ RNy ×Ny : (A)ij = a(ϕj , ϕi ), i, j = 1, . . . , Ny ; the control matrix B ∈ RNy ×Nu : (B)ij = (ψj , ϕi )L2 (Ω) , i = 1, . . . , Ny , j = 1, . . . , Nu ; the mass matrix M ∈ RNy ×Ny : (M)ij = (ϕj , ϕi )L2 (Ω) , i, j = 1, . . . , Ny ; the (control) mass matrix N ∈ RNu ×Nu : (N)ij = (ψj , ψi )RL2 (Ω) , i, j = 1, . . . , Nu ; the weighted mass matrix M[q] ∈ RNy ×Ny : (M[q])ij = Ω qh ϕj ϕi , i, j = 1, . . . , Ny , having exploited the equivalence between qh ∈ Vh and the vectorP q = (qh,1 , . . . , qh,Ny )> ∈ RNy . 2 2 ϕj when assembling the Note that a further approximation is made by taking yh ≈ j yh,j 2 matrix M[yk ]). •

Remark 9.20. Both the Newton and SQP methods presented above require the repeated solution of linear systems (9.76) and (9.80). These saddle point systems are inherently large scale and ill-conditioned. Hence, their efficient solution requires the use of preconditioned iterative solvers. The design of efficient preconditioner is usually carried out through general strategies for preconditioning saddle-point systems, indeed very similar to the ones introduced in Sect. 6.6.1; see also, e.g., [146, 212]. • Remark 9.21. Solving the nonlinear state problem at every step on an iterative optimization method, like the Newton method, might seem disadvantageous compared to the SQP method (see Algorithm 9.2), which only requires linearized equations to be solved. However, this gap can be closed for time-dependent problems, if the nonlinearities are treated by considering a semi-implicit method for time discretization. Solving the nonlinear state problem in this way indeed becomes as expensive as solving the linearized state problem. Further details about SQP methods in the case of time-dependent problems can be found, e.g., in [146]. • Remark 9.22. Other all-at-once algorithms are avaialble. For instance, augmented Lagrangian methods or penalty methods embed the PDE constraint in the cost functional, yielding to a family of unconstrained problems under the form ˜ u) + c ke(y, u)k2 ∗ → min over (y, u) ∈ V × U J(y, V 2 where the augmentation parameter c has to be iteratively updated. See, e.g., [151, 269] for further details. •

9.7 Numerical Examples


9.7 Numerical Examples In this section we show some numerical results obtained for the distributed control problem of a semilinear state equation introduced in Sect. 9.4; further results dealing with more advanced OCPs (both stationary and time-independent) will be the object of Chapter 10. We deal with two differen cost functionals to be minimized, and will use either an iterative (steepest descent) method, or the SQP method. For the sake of simplicity, we address the case of an unconstrained OCP – with Uad = L2 (Ω) – and homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, that is, we consider the following state problem: ( −∆y + y + σy 3 = f + u in Ω = (0, 1)2 (9.87) y=0 on Γ instead of (9.37). In particular: • in Case 1 we consider f = x + y, the following cost functional, F (y, u) = with the target function 2

1 β 2 2 ky − zd kL2 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) , 2 2


zd = x1 x2 (1 − x1 )(1 − x2 );

• in Case 2 we consider f = 10 (x + y), the cost functional (9.35), that is, F (y, u) =

β 1 6 2 ky − zd kL6 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) . 6 2

with the target function 3

zd = 10 x1 x2

1 − x21 4

 1 2 − x2 (1 − x1 ) (1 − x2 ) . 4

Regarding Case 1, we discretize in space the system of optimality conditions applying the Galerkin-FE method using a finite-dimensional space Vh ⊂ V = H01 (Ω) of dimension dim(Vh ) = Ny = dim(Uh ) = Nu = 11750, using linear finite elements, and a mesh with 23894 triangular elements and 12148 vertices. We consider the steepest descent method, exploiting the Newton method to solve the state problem at each iteration, and stopping the iteration when |∇Jh (uk )| / |∇Jh (u0 )| < tol for tol = 5 · 10−2 ; we consider a fixed step length τk = τ = 5 and different values of the regularization parameter β = 10−2 , 10−3 , . . . , 10−6 , to assess its impact on the numerical optimization procedure. First, we take σ = 1 as the coefficient of the nonlinear term; then, we compare the results obtained with β = 10−2 and β = 10−6 for different values of σ = 1, 10, 102 . Numerical results for the case σ = 1 are reported in Fig. 9.1, where we display the optimal state, adjoint and control variables obtained for the two values β = 10−2 and β = 10−6 , and in Table 9.1. As expected, the regularization parameter has a strong impact also in the case of a nonlinear OCP, in terms of number of iterations (ranging from 51 to 1312) required to achieve convergence. We highlight that alternative step length (adaptive) selection strategies, relying, e.g., on inexact line searches or on the Armijio strategy, might yield convergence of the algorithm in a (remarkably) smaller number of iterations. Moreover, the norm of the optimal control shows a mild increase as β decreases. Numerical results for different values of σ = 1, 10, 102 are reported in Tables 9.2–9.3, showing that, for the case at hand, the


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

regularization parameter has a stronger impact than the magnitude of the nonlinear term regarding the convergence of the iterative method – the number of iterations is almost constant when β = 10−2 , and mildly affected by σ when β = 10−6 . The overall computational cost is however larger in the case of higher values of σ, since the Newton method requires more steps to converge, at each solve of the state system, when σ = 102 (7, on average), compared to the case σ = 1 (3, on average), for the same tolerance δN = 10−10 .

Fig. 9.1 Case 1. Target zd , optimal state yˆ, adjoint pˆ and control u ˆ for β = 10−2 (top) and β = 10−6 (bottom)

β 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6

Jh (ˆ u) 3.2385 · 10−5 1.9712 · 10−5 6.2104 · 10−6 1.9645 · 10−6 1.3985 · 10−6

# iter 51 298 916 1252 1312

kˆ ukL2 (Ω) 0.02403 0.11072 0.24485 0.30237 0.31098

kˆ y − zd kL2 (Ω) 0.00543104 0.00368553 0.00179243 0.00122774 0.00116199

Table 9.1 Case 1. Values of the cost functional for the optimal control Jh (ˆ u), number of iterations required by the steepest descent method to converge, norm of the optimal control kˆ ukL2 (Ω) , value of the cost kˆ y −zd kL2 (Ω) , for different values of the regularization parameter β, in the case σ = 1

σ 1 10 100

Jh (ˆ u) 3.23854 · 10−5 3.21316 · 10−5 2.97785 · 10−5

# iter 51 51 52

kˆ ukL2 (Ω) 0.0240383 0.0237927 0.0215791

kˆ y − zd kL2 (Ω) 0.00543104 0.00541306 0.00523935

Table 9.2 Case 1. Values of the cost functional for the optimal control Jh (ˆ u), number of iterations required by the steepest descent method to converge, norm of the optimal control kˆ ukL2 (Ω) , value of the cost kˆ y −zd kL2 (Ω) , for different values of the coefficient σ, in the case β = 10−2

Regarding Case 2, we use the SQP method, solving a sequence of quadratic problems according to Algorithm 9.2, and following the derivation carried out in Example 9.6. For the case at hand, system (9.86) is obtained by applying on the Galerkin-FE method, using a finite-

9.7 Numerical Examples

317 σ Jh (ˆ u) 1 1.39858 · 10−6 10 1.38473 · 10−6 100 1.24759 · 10−6

# iter 1312 1326 1482

kˆ ukL2 (Ω) 0.310982 0.311496 0.317031

kˆ y − zd kL2 (Ω) 0.00116199 0.00115595 0.00109423

Table 9.3 Case 1. Values of the cost functional for the optimal control Jh (ˆ u), number of iterations required by the steepest descent method to converge, norm of the optimal control kˆ ukL2 (Ω) , value of the cost kˆ y −zd kL2 (Ω) , for different values of the coefficient σ, in the case β = 10−6

dimensional space Vh ⊂ V = H01 (Ω) of dimension dim(Vh ) = Ny = dim(Uh ) = Nu = 8065, using linear finite elements, and a mesh with 16384 triangular elements and 8321 vertices. Choosing a tolerance ε = 10−12 , the SQP method requires from 12 to 26 iterations to converge, when different values of the regularization parameter β = 10−3 , 10−6 , 10−9 are considered. Numerical results are reported in Fig. 9.2, where we display the optimal state, the adjoint and control variables obtained for the two values β = 103 and β = 10−9 , and Table 9.4. Hence, the regularization parameter has only a mild effect on the SQP convergence, making the solution of the problem feasible also for very small values of β. Despite its implementation might be more involved than the one associated to the use of iterative methods (especially in those cases where already built-in subroutines are not available), the SQP method reveals to be a more efficient strategy from a computational standpoint.

Fig. 9.2 Case 2. Target zd , optimal state yˆ, adjoint pˆ and control u ˆ for β = 10−3 (top) and β = 10−9 (bottom)

β 10−3 10−6 10−9

# iter 12 19 26

Table 9.4 Case 2. Number of iterations required by the SQP method to converge for different values of the regularization parameter


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

9.8 Numerical Treatment of Control Constraints∗ Special attention must be paid to the treatment of control constraints when solving nonlinear OCPs numerically, although similar strategies to those introduced for linear-quadratic OCPs can be employed. Let us now consider the following constrained OCP, F(y, u) → min subject to (y, u) ∈ R


× Uad ,


G(y, u) = 0,

and focus on the case of box constraints, which in discrete form can be expressed as Uad = {u ∈ RNu : ua,i ≤ ui ≤ ub,i , i = 1, . . . , Nu } ⊂ RNu . As in the linear-quadratic case, a projection method can be used to project the new iterate – updated using the descent direction computed for the unconstrained problem – onto the set of admissible controls, as we did for linear-quadratic OCPs in Sect. 6.4. Alternatively, a primal-dual active set (PDAS) strategy, similar to the one introduced in Sect. 6.8, can be used in combination with the Newton method or the SQP method to handle control constraints, at least in two possible different ways [140]: • by solving, at each step of the PDAS strategy, a nonlinear OCP with equality constraints (option 1), thus requiring two nested loops; • by combining the linearization and the PDAS strategy into a single loop (option 2). Option 1: two nested loops Following this option, the primal-dual active set strategy converts a problem like (9.89) into a sequence of problems only involving equality constraints. Using the same notation of Sect. 6.8, we can introduce the Lagrange multiplier λ to handle the bound constraints, and define the active and inactive sets at the iterate (uk , λk ) as A+ k = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk )i + c(uk − b)i > 0}, A− k = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk )i + c(uk − a)i < 0}, Ik = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk )i + c(uk − b)i ≤ 0 ≤ (λk )i + c(uk − a)i }, for some c > 0. At every iteration k = 0, 1, . . . of the PDAS method, given the active and − inactive sets A+ k , Ak , In , a constrained problem has to be solved, under the form F(yk+1 , uk+1 ) → min subject to G(yk+1 , uk+1 ) = 0, uk+1 = a in

A− k,

(9.90) uk+1 = b in

A+ k.

Inequalities are thus removed at the expense of an outer iteration, then an iterative (e.g., Newton) method or the SQP method can be used as an inner iteration, to solve problem (9.90) at each step k = 0, 1, . . ., see Algorithm 9.3. The resulting methods are referred to as PDAS-Newton or PDAS-SQP methods, respectively. Note that in this case the active/inactive sets depend on the solution of the nonlinear state problem.

9.8 Numerical Treatment of Control Constraints∗


Algorithm 9.3 PDAS method for constrained nonlinear OCPs Input: initial guess u0 , λ0 , c ∈ R+ , kmax 1: Initialize active and inactive sets: A+ 0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λ0 )i + c(u0 − b)i > 0}, A− 0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λ0 )i + c(u0 − a)i < 0}, I0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λ0 )i + c(u0 − b)i ≤ 0 ≤ (λ0 )i + c(u0 − a)i } 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:

set k = 0 and converged = false while converged = false and k < kmax solve problem (9.90) for uk+1 and associated Lagrange multipliers λa , λb set λk+1 = λb − λa given (uk+1 , λk+1 ), update active and inactive sets: A+ k+1 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk+1 )i + c(uk+1 − b)i > 0}, A− k+1 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk+1 )i + c(uk+1 − a)i < 0}, Ik+1 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λk+1 )i + c(uk+1 − b)i ≤ 0 ≤ (λk+1 )i + c(uk+1 − a)i }

7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13:

check convergence: + − − if A+ k+1 = Ak , Ak+1 = Ak and Ik+1 = Ik converged = true else k = k +1; end if end while

Option 2: a single loop An alternative option is the one in which we update the active and inactive sets iteratively, at each Newton or SQP step, thus combining the linearization and PDAS into one single loop. In this case, the active/inactive sets depend on the solution of a linearized state problem at each step. In the case a Newton method is used to solve the optimization problem (in the control variable), the Newton update at iteration k can be obtained as the solution to      ∇Jh (uk ) + λk H(uk ) I δu =− , (9.91) − cI+ cIAk −IIk δλ Ak (uk − b) + cIAk (uk − a) − IIk λk where: • the matrices IAk , IIk ∈ RNu ×Nu are diagonal, with components   1 1 if j ∈ A+ ∪ A− k k (IAk )jj = (IIk )jj = 0 0 otherwise,

if j ∈ Ik otherwise;

− Nu ×Nu • the matrices I+ are diagonal, too, with components Ak , I Ak ∈ R

(I+ Ak )jj =

1 0

if j ∈ A+ k otherwise,

(I− Ak )jj =

1 0

if j ∈ A− k otherwise.

The expression of the system above can be obtained by rewriting the system (6.99) in the case of a general nonlinear problem, and performing block elimination for the variable u; this interpretation is motivated by reformulating the complementarity condition by relying on a


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

(regularized) semismooth Newton method, see Remark 6.10. In practice, it is more convenient to convert (9.91) into the following symmetric form, as we did in (6.101):      ˜A ∇Jh (uk ) + IAk λk H(uk ) P δu k = − P + (u − b) + P − (u − a) , (9.92) ˜> δλAk k k P 0 Ak Ak Ak where δλAk denotes the restriction of δλ to the active set, and λk+1 on the inactive  is set to zero  ˜ A ∈ R(Ny +Nu )×NAk is a rectangular matrix, P ˜A = 0 P set. Here P ; P ∈ RNu ×NAk A A k k k k is also rectangular, consisting of those rows of the matrix IAk which correspond to the active indexes. In the same way, PA± ∈ R k

Nu ×NA± k

are rectangular matrices consisting of those rows of

A− k

IAk which correspond to the indexes of and A+ k , respectively. We summarize the resulting procedure in Algorithm 9.4; see, e.g., [141] for further details. Differently than the Newton method, a SQP method yields a quadratic programming problem to be solved at each step, similarly to (9.83); given the current iterate (yn , un , pn ),  >    0 >   1 y − yn Gy (yn , un ) y − yn y − yn H(yn , un , pn ) + → min u − un u − un G0u (yn , un ) 2 u − un s.t. G0y (yn , un )(y − yn ) + G0u (yn , un )(u − un ) + g(yn , un ) = 0 and a ≤ u ≤ b.


Problem (9.93) is a constrained linear-quadratic problem like the one addressed in Sect. 6.8, hence it can be solved by means of the PDAS method. In this problem, the Hessian of the Lagrangian H(yn , un , pn ) is evaluated at the current iterate (yn , un , pn ), whereas the solution Algorithm 9.4 Newton method with PDAS strategy for constrained nonlinear OCPs Input: initial guess u0 , λ0 , c ∈ R+ , kmax 1: Initialize active and inactive sets: A+ 0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nh } : (λ0 )i + c(u0 − b)i > 0}, A− 0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nh } : (λ0 )i + c(u0 − a)i < 0}, I0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nh } : (λ0 )i + c(u0 − b)i ≤ 0 ≤ (λ0 )i + c(u0 − a)i } 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8:

set k = 0 and converged = false while converged = false and k < kmax evaluate the reduced gradient ∇Jh (uk ) solve the Newton system (9.91) set uk+1 = uk + δu − set (λk+1 )j = (λk )j + δλAk if j ∈ Ak = A+ k ∪ Ak , and (λk+1 )j = 0 if j ∈ Ik given (uk+1 , λk+1 ), update active and inactive sets: k+1 A+ )i + c(uk+1 − b)i > 0}, k+1 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nh } : (λ − Ak+1 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nh } : (λk+1 )i + c(uk+1 − a)i < 0}, Ik+1 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nh } ∈ Ω : (λk+1 )i + c(uk+1 − b)i ≤ 0 ≤ (λk+1 )i + c(uk+1 − a)i }

9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14:

+ − − if A+ k+1 = Ak , Ak+1 = Ak and Ik+1 = Ik converged = true else k = k+1; end if end while

9.8 Numerical Treatment of Control Constraints∗


y, u and the adjoint state p – playing the role of Lagrange multiplier associated to the equality constraint in (9.93) – yield the successive iterate (yn+1 , un+1 , pn+1 ). Because of the presence of inequality constraints in problem (9.93), the corresponding optimality system is nonlinear, and cannot be solved at one go. It is then possible to adopt a PDAS strategy, denoting by k = 0, 1, . . . the iterations with respect to this further loop, by − A+ k , Ak the active sets, and by Ik the inactive set. At a given iterate (yn+1,k , un+1,k , pn+1,k ), − we thus need to find the active and inactive sets A+ k , Ak and Ik and then solve the following problem:      Hyy Hyu (G0y )> 0 F0y (yn , un ) yn+1,k+1 − yn ˜ A un+1,k+1 − un   Huy Huu (G0u )> P   F0u (yn , un ) k   0 =−   (9.94) 0  Gy Gu   G (yn , un ) 0 0  pn+1,k+1  ˜> + (un − b) + P − (un − a) P λ 0 P 0 0 k+1,A k An An A k

where λk+1,Ak denotes the restriction of λk+1 to the active set; all matrix coefficients are evaluated at (yn , un , pn ). The nonlinear OCP is then linearized around each solution yn+1 , un+1 resulting from the application of the PDAS method. The SQP method with PDAS strategy for constrained nonlinear OCPs is summarized in Algorithm 9.5. Note that in this case the PDAS strategy is applied to a linearized problem. The main difference between Algorithm 9.4 and 9.5 is that the iterates of the former satisfy the nonlinear state system, while the iterates of the latter satisfy the linearized state system as it can be seen from the third equation in (9.94). The nonlinear state system is satisified only in the limit.

Algorithm 9.5 SQP method with PDAS strategy for constrained nonlinear OCPs Input: initial guess y0 , u0 , p0 , λ0 , c ∈ R+ , kmax 1: set n = 0, δ = 1 2: Initialize active and inactive sets: 0 0 A+ 0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λ )i + c(u − b)i > 0}, − 0 A0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λ )i + c(u0 − a)i < 0}, I0 = {i ∈ {1, . . . , Nu } : (λ0 )i + c(u0 − b)i ≤ 0 ≤ (λ0 )i + c(u0 − a)i }

3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17:

while δ > ε set k = 0 and converged = false while converged = false and k < kmax solve the system (9.94) set (λk+1 )j = 0 if j ∈ Ik + − − if A+ k+1 = Ak , Ak+1 = Ak and Ik+1 = Ik converged = true else k = k+1; end if end while set yn+1p= yn+1,k , un+1 = un+1,k , pn+1 = pn+1,k set δ = |yn+1 − yn |2 + |un+1 − un |2 + |pn+1 = pn |2 set k = k+1 end while


9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

9.9 Exercises 1. [Minty lemma] Under the assumptions of Theorem 9.2, show that, if J is a convex functional, condition (9.13) is equivalent to 0 hJG (v) , v − u ˆ i∗ ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad .


[Solution: To show that (9.95) implies (9.13) consider the function g(t) = J(ˆ u + t(v − u ˆ)). Prove that g is differentiable in [0, 1], for any u ˆ, v chosen in Uad . Moreover, since J is convex, 0 g 0 (t) = hJG (ˆ u + t(v − u ˆ)), v − u ˆ i∗ is a monotone, nondecreasing function; hence, g 0 is continuous and in particular we have 0 0 hJG (ˆ u + t(v − u ˆ)), v − u ˆi → hJG (ˆ u), v − u ˆ i∗


t → 0.

Taking v = u ˆ + t(ˆ u − v), t ∈ (0, 1) in (9.95) and dividing by t, we obtain 0 hJG (ˆ u + t(ˆ u − v)), u ˆ − vi ≥ 0

from which, taking the limit for t → 0, we obtain (9.13). We use (A.69) to show that 0 0 hJG (v), v − u ˆi∗ ≥ hJG (ˆ u), v − u ˆ i∗ ≥ 0

∀v ∈ Uad

and, finally, to show that (9.13) implies (9.95)]. 2. If Uad is a convex cone with vertex at v = 0, relation (9.13) is equivalent to the system ( 0 hJG (ˆ u) , vi∗ ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ Uad (9.96) 0 hJG (ˆ u) , u ˆi∗ = 0. [Hint: To show that (9.96) implies (9.13) it is sufficient to subtract the two equations in (9.96). To show that the opposite is true, let v = 2ˆ u + w; then v ∈ Uad , since Uad is a 0 convex cone. Insert v into (9.13) to get hJG (ˆ u) , u ˆi∗ ≥ 0. Insert v = 0 into (9.13) to get 0 hJG (ˆ u) , −ˆ ui∗ ≥ 0. Use (9.13) to get the first equation in (9.96)]. 3. Let us consider U = L2 (Ω), with Ω a bounded domain and   Z 1 2 K = u ∈ L (Ω) ; u=c , |Ω| Ω where c is a prescribed constant. Prove that PK (u) = u −

1 |Ω|


(u − c).

4. Show that the control-to-state map u 7→ y (u) of problem (9.1) is G−differentiable. [Hint: Write in weak form the equation satisfied by w (s; u, v) =

y(u + sv) − y(u) s

9.9 Exercises


for s and v fixed. Show that, for u, v fixed, w (s; u, v) * w0 (u; v) in H 1 (Ω), as s → 0, strongly in L2 (Ω). Then pass to the limit as s → 0 into the equation]. 5. Show that the operator Φ : L6 (Ω) → L2 (Ω) , given by Φ : y 7→ y 3 , is F−differentiable at every point and Φ0 (y) h = 3y 2 h

∀u, h ∈ L6 (Ω).

[Hint: Use H¨older inequality with exponent p = 3, q = 3/2 to write

2 3

(y + h)3 − y 3 − 3y 2 h 2 = 3yh2 + h3 L2 (Ω) ≤ 3 kykL6 (Ω) khkL6 (Ω) + khkL6 (Ω) . L (Ω)

and then apply the definition of F−differentiability.] 6. Show that the solution map u 7→ y (u) of the semilinear problem (9.1) is F−differentiable and that y 0 (u) is the linear map that associates to v ∈ L2 (Ω) the weak solution z (u, v) = y 0 (u) v of the problem (

−∆z + z + 3y 2 (u) z = v ∂z =0 ∂n

in Ω on Γ.


[Hint: The equation satisfied by h (u, v) = y (u + v) − y (u) is −∆h + h + y 3 (u + v) − y 3 (u) = v with

∂h ∂n

= 0 on Γ. From Exercise 5 y 3 (u + v) − y 3 (u) = 3y 2 (u) h + E (u, v)

where kEkL2 (Ω) = o(khkL6 (Ω) ) = o(khkH 1 (Ω) ), since d ≤ 3. Thus h = z + e where z is the solution of (9.97) and e solves (

−∆e + e + 3y 2 (u) e = −E (u, v) ∂e =0 ∂n

in Ω on Γ.

From Remark 9.13, khkH 1 (Ω) ≤ kvkL2 (Ω) . Thus kekH 1 (Ω) ≤ kE (u, v)kL2 (Ω) = o(khkH 1 (Ω) ) = o(kvkL2 (Ω) ) which shows the F−differentiability of u 7→ y (u)]. 7. Analyze the following control problem: J (y, u) = subject to

β 1 6 2 ky − zd kL6 (Ω) + kukL2 (Ω) → min 6 2

 u ∈ Uad = u ∈ L2 (Ω) : a ≤ u (x) ≤ b, a.e. in Ω ,

with semilinear state system (provided Ω is a smooth domain)



9 A Mathematical Framework for Nonlinear OCPs

−∆y + y 3 = u y=0

in Ω on Γ.

 8. Show that the weak solution pˆ ∈ L2 0, T ; H01 (Ω) of (9.64) actually belongs to Y . [Hint: After choosing a test function of the form ψ (x,t) = ϕ (t) v (x) with ϕ ∈ C0∞ (0, T ) , v ∈ H01 (Ω), write the equation in the form ! Z Z T


pˆ (t) ϕ0 (t) dt, v


L2 (Ω)



hf (t) ϕ (t) , vi∗ dt

where f (t) v = (∇ˆ p (t) , ∇v)L2 (Ω) + u ˆpˆ (t) v for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ) .  Check that f ∈ L2 0, T ; H −1 (Ω) and deduce that Z



pˆ (t) ϕ0 (t) dt = −


 which shows that pˆt = f in D0 0, T ; H −1 (Ω) .]


f (t) ϕ (t) dt 0

Chapter 10

Advanced Selected Applications

In this chapter we consider few, selected OCPs set in the context of fluid dynamics or cardiac electrophysiology mathematical models. Nonlinear state systems, more involved cost functionals, and additional constraints required to ensure control feasibility, make these OCPs more challenging than those addressed so far, both for their analysis and for their numerical approximation. We propose a theoretical framework for the well-posedness analysis of (some of) them, and suitable adaptations of the numerical approaches previously introduced. Moreover, we indicate alternative approaches available from literature.

10.1 Optimal Control of Steady Navier-Stokes Flows The first application we consider concerns the steady Navier-Stokes equations. Optimal control of fluid flows is crucial to many applications in engineering and has been extensively analyzed. Examples include the maximization of lift, or the minimization of drag or resistance forces, turbulent kynetic energy, vorticity or wall shear stresses. Early contributions date back to the 90’s and are addressed by Temam [1], in a series of articles by Gunzburger ([119, 127, 129, 130], as well as by Ghattas [103], Heinkenschloss [137] and many other authors; see, e.g., [144, 164, 77]. In this section we address a mixed boundary value problem for the incompressible steady Navier-Stokes equations, both in two and three dimensions, where we prescribe homogeneous Neumann conditions (on the normal stress) on a portion of the boundary, homogeneous Dirichlet conditions on the velocity field on another boundary portion, and a velocity control on the remaining portion of the domain boundary. We consider the minimization of quadratic cost functionals involving either the square of the L2 norm of the vorticity, or a velocity trackingtype term, on the whole computational domain. For the problem at hand, we introduce an ad-hoc saddle point formulation of the state problem that entails the presence of both the velocity and the pressure fields. This formulation is more apt for numerical approximation than the one with a single field v that is obtained after projecting the Navier-Stokes equations onto a divergence free space. For the control problem, the saddle point formulation enables us to derive a system of first-order optimality conditions, and to carry out a rigorous well-posedness analysis. Similar problems have been studied in [128, 124] for the case of full Dirichlet boundary conditions, in [127] for the case of viscous drag reduction, and in [119, 98] in the case of boundary Neumann control. We do not report all the proofs of the corresponding theoretical results; the interested reader can however refer to our paper [190].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0_10



10 Advanced Selected Applications

10.1.1 Problem Formulation In this section we consider a state system given by the velocity-pressure formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations for modeling steady, incompressible and viscous fluid flows. We analyze a minimization problem for quadratic functionals of the velocity field through a velocity control operated on a portion of the inflow boundary. For a concrete example we denote by Ω ⊂ Rd , d = 2, 3 the domain shown in Figure 10.1, occupied by the fluid and by Γ = ∂Ω its boundary. The inflow boundary Γ1 = Γc ∪ Γin is composed by Γc , the control boundary, and by Γin , where a Dirichlet data is assigned; Γout and Γw are the outflow and the wall boundary portions, where zero stress and zero velocity are prescribed, respectively. n o Let d d X = HΓ1w (Ω) = v ∈ H 1 (Ω) : v = 0 on Γw denote the state space, endowed with the norm kvkX = k∇vk0 where  1/2 2 d Z  X ∂vi k∇vk0 =  dx . ∂x j i,j=1 Ω Our goal is to minimize either the vorticity functional Z Z 1 τ J˜1 (v, u) = |∇ × v|2 dx + |∇u|2 dσ 2 Ω 2 Γc


or a velocity tracking-type cost functional Z Z 1 τ J˜2 (v, u) = |v − zd |2 dx + |∇u|2 dσ 2 Ω 2 Γc



where τ ≥ 0, u ∈ U = H01 (Γc ) is a control variable and is a weak solution of the following system:  −ν ∆v + (v · ∇)v + ∇π = 0      div v = 0       v = vin v=u    v = 0        πn − ν ∂v = 0 ∂n

(v, π) = (v(u), π(u)) ∈ X × L2 (Ω) in Ω in Ω on Γin on Γc on Γw


on Γout ,

where v and π denote the fluid velocity and pressure, respectively, ν is a given kynematic viscosity, and n is the unit outward normal direction. This configuration may e.g. refer to an arterial bypass where the lower branch is the hosting artery (that is partially or totally occluded) while the upper branch is the bypass. vin indicates the residual blood flow velocity

Fig. 10.1 The domain and its boundary portions

10.1 Optimal Control of Steady Navier-Stokes Flows


in the occluded vessel, while the control function u expresses the flow field at the bypass inflow section. See Sect. 10.1.6 for more. In the case of J˜2 , a flow matching problem is solved, aiming at driving the velocity field toward a target velocity profile zd ∈ X; this latter can be given, e.g., by solving the Stokes flow problem in the same domain, if the goal is to minimize recirculation and vortex generation to regularize the flow. As usual, if τ > 0 the second term in (10.1) or (10.2) (a penalization term) helps in the well-posedness analysis and prevents using “too large” controls in the minimization of the cost functional. Concerning the choice of the norm in the penalization term kuk2H 1 (Γc )d , see Sect. 5.13.2. 0 We handle the Dirichlet boundary conditions on Γ1 (involving the control function) by a Lagrange multiplier approach. Let e and b be the following bilinear forms Z Z e(v, w) = ν∇v : ∇w dx, b(v, q) = − q divv dx (10.4) Ω

and c be the trilinear form c (v, w, z) =


(v · ∇)w · z dx =

d Z X


vi Ω

∂wj zj dx. ∂xi


Using H¨older inequality, and the Sobolev inequality kvkL4 (Ω) ≤ CS k∇vk0 = CS kvkX , we find that |c (v, w, z)| ≤ kvkL4 (Ω) k∇wk0 kzkL4 (Ω) ≤ CS2 kvkX kwkX kzkX Let us now define


 u g = g(u) = 0  vin

∀v, w, z ∈ X.


on Γc on Γw on Γin . 1/2



Assuming that vin ∈ H00 (Γin ) , we have that g|Γ1 ∈ H00 (Γ1 )d , since u ∈ H01 (Γc ) ⊂ 1/2 H00 (Γc )d with continuous injection, that is, for some positive constant c0 , kukH 1/2 (Γc )d ≤ c0 kukH 1 (Γc )d . 0




We introduce the notation T1 = H00 (Γ1 )d and denote by h·, ·iΓ1 the duality pairing between 1/2

T1 and its dual T1∗ . In the same way, we set Tc = H00 (Γc )d , and denote by h·, ·iΓc the duality pairing between Tc and its dual Tc∗ .

10.1.2 Analysis of the State Problem Let V = X × L2 (Ω) × T1∗ . As done in Sect. 5.13.2, to analyze the well-posedness of problem (10.3), we use a saddle-point formulation, introducing a new variable t ∈ T1 , representing the ∂v on Γ1 , and appending a multiplier λ ∈ T1∗ to the Dirichlet boundary boundary stress πn − ν ∂n conditions: find (v, π, t) ∈ V such that 1   e(v, ϕ) + c (v, v, ϕ) + b(ϕ, π) + ht, ϕiΓ1 = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ X b(v, φ) = 0 ∀φ ∈ L2 (Ω) (10.8)  hλ, viΓ1 = hλ, giΓ1 ∀λ ∈ T1∗ . 1


Observe that if φ ∈ X, then φ|Γ1 ∈ H00 (Γ1 )d .


10 Advanced Selected Applications

Note that a formal integration by parts in the first equation returns t = πn − ν

∂v ∂n

on Γ1 ,



∂v on Γout . ∂n Thus, the first equation in (10.8) enforces in a natural way the Neumann condition on Γout . By grouping together the last two equations in (10.8), we obtain the following equivalent formulation: find v ∈ X, (π, t) ∈ Q = L2 (Ω) × T1∗ such that ( e(v, ϕ) + c (v, v, ϕ) + b(ϕ, π) + ht, ϕiΓ1 = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ X (10.10) b(v, φ) + hλ, viΓ1 = hλ, giΓ1 ∀(φ, λ) ∈ Q. 0 = πn − ν

Upon defining the bilinear form ˜b : X × Q → R as

˜b(v, (φ, λ)) = b(v, φ) + hλ, viΓ 1

and the norm k(φ, λ)kQ =


q kφk2L2 (Ω) + kλk2T ∗ , 1

we finally reformulate problem (10.10) as: find v ∈ X, (π, t) ∈ Q such that  e(v, ϕ) + c (v, v, ϕ) + ˜b(ϕ, (π, t)) = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ X ˜b(v, (φ, λ)) = hG, (φ, λ)i ∗ ∀(φ, λ) ∈ Q, Q ,Q with G ∈ Q∗ given by

hG, (φ, λ)iQ∗ ,Q = hλ, giΓ1 .

(10.12) (10.13)

As in Lemma 5.2, the inf-sup condition holds for the bilinear form ˜b, that is, Lemma 10.1. There exists a constant β˜ > 0 such that inf


06=(φ,λ)∈Q 06=v∈X

˜b(v, (φ, λ)) ˜ ≥ β. kvkX k(φ, λ)kQ

The following result is proved in [190, Thm. 3.3]. ˜ CS ) > 0 such that, if kg(u)kT ≤ η, then problem Theorem 10.1. There exists η = η(ν, β, 1 (10.12) has a unique solution (v, π, t) = (v(u), π(u), t(u)) ∈ X × L2 (Ω) × T1∗ . Moreover, kvkX ≤ 5β˜−1 kg(u)kT1


kπkL2 (Ω) + ktkT1∗ ≤ C1 kg(u)kT1 + kg(u)k2T1


˜ CS . Furthermore, for each u1 , u2 ∈ Uad , where C1 depends only on ν, β, kv(u1 ) − v(u2 )kX ≤ CL ku1 − u2 kTc , ˜ CS . with CL depending only on ν, β,


10.1 Optimal Control of Steady Navier-Stokes Flows


Remark 10.1. A possible choice of η is (see [190]) η=

β˜ min{ν, ν −1 }. 60CS2


• Remark 10.2. Theorem 10.1 also holds if a volume force f ∈ X , f 6= 0 is considered at the right hand side of the momentum equation in (10.3), such that kf kX ∗ is small enough. In this case, the unique solution (v, π, t) satisfies the estimates ∗

kvkX ≤ C˜1 (kf kX ∗ + kg(u)kT1 ) ,


kπkL2 (Ω) + ktkT1∗ ≤ C˜2 kf kX ∗ + kg(u)kT1 + kg(u)k2T1 ˜ CS . where C˜1 and C˜2 only depend on the constants ν, β,

(10.18) •

10.1.3 Existence of an Optimal Control We are now ready for investigating the well-posedness analysis of the optimal control problem ˜ u) → min J(v,

subject to

(10.8), v ∈ X, (π, t) ∈ Q, u ∈ Uad .


Here J˜ is given by either (10.1) or (10.2) and

Uad = {u : c0 kukH01 (Γc )d ≤ η/2}, is a closed, convex set in H01 (Γc )d , where η denotes the constant defined in (10.16). Note that the definition of Uad depends on the positive constant c0 in (10.7). If we assume that kvin kT1 ≤ η/2 then kg(u)kT1 ≤ kvin kT1 + c0 kukH01 (Γc )d ≤ η and by Theorem 10.1 there exists a unique solution v (u) ∈ X, (π (u) , t (u)) ∈ Q, with kv(u)kX ≤ 5β˜−1 kg(u)kT1 ≤ 5β˜−1 η. The following result holds. ˆ ∈ Uad and a correTheorem 10.2. If kvin kT1 ≤ η/2, there exists an optimal control u ˆ ∈ Q. sponding optimal state vˆ ∈ X, (ˆ π , t) Proof. Define the set of feasible points by F = {(v, π, t, u) ∈ Sδ × Q × Uad such that (10.8) is satisfied} , where Sδ = v ∈ X : kvkX ≤ δ , δ = 5β˜−1 η. The proof follows from Theorem 9.4:

˜ u) ≥ 0 and F is nonempty by Theorem 10.1. (1) J(v, (2) Let {vk , πk , tk , uk } ∈ F be a minimizing sequence of tildeJ for our OCP (10.19). Then {vk , πk , tk , uk } is bounded. Indeed {vk , uk } ⊂ Sδ × Uad and therefore is bounded in X × H01 (Γ1 )d . From (10.14), kπk kL2 (Ω) + ktk kT1∗ ≤ C1 (η + η 2 )


and hence also {πk , tk } is bounded in Q. (3) F is weakly sequentially closed. We only need to check that if {vk , πk , tk , uk } is a solution to

  e(vk , ϕ) + c (vk , vk , ϕ) + b(ϕ, πk ) + htk , ϕiΓ1 = 0 b(vk , φ) = 0  hλ, vk iΓ1 = hλ, g (uk )iΓ1

∀ϕ ∈ X ∀φ ∈ L2 (Ω) ∀λ ∈ T1∗



10 Advanced Selected Applications and (vk , πk , tk ) * (v, π, t) in V , uk * u in H01 (Γc )d , then (v, π, t, u) is a solution of (10.8). Since vk * v in X and the trace operator v 7→ v|Γ1 is continuous from X into T1 , it follows that, for every ϕ ∈ X, φ ∈ L2 (Ω) and λ ∈ T1∗ , e(vk , ϕ) → e(v, ϕ),

b(vk , φ) → b(v, φ)


hλ, vk iΓ1 → hλ, viΓ1 .

Also, πk * π in L2 (Ω) implies that b(ϕ, πk ) → b(ϕ, π). Moreover, the embedding of H01 (Γ1 )d into Tc is continuous and hence uk * u in H01 (Γc )d implies that hλ, g (uk )iΓ1 → hλ, g (u)iΓ1 and htk , ϕiΓ1 → ht, ϕiΓ1 . Let us write c (vk , vk , ϕ) − c (v, v, ϕ) = c (vk − v, vk , ϕ) − c (v, v − vk , ϕ) and recall that X is compactly embedded into L4 (Ω)d , so that vk * v in X implies that vk → v in L4 (Ω)d . Thus |c (vk − v, vk , ϕ)| ≤ kvk kX kϕkL4 (Ω)d kvk − vkL4 (Ω)d ≤ δ kϕkL4 (Ω)d kvk − vkL4 (Ω)d → 0. Finally, thanks to the weak convergence of {vk } in X, we have c (v, vk − v, ϕ) → 0. Passing to the limit for k → ∞ into (10.21), we deduce that (v, π, t, u) is a solution of (10.8). (4) J is continuous and convex and therefore also sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous.

t u

10.1.4 Differentiability of the Control-to-State Map In order to derive first order optimality conditions, we need to show that the control-to-state map S : u 7→ (v (u) , π (u) , t (u)) is Fr´echet differentiable in Uad . Precisely, we show the following result. ¯ ∈ Uad , k ∈ H01 (Γc )d , with u ¯ + k ∈ Uad . The control-to-state map S Theorem 10.3. Let u 0 ¯ ¯ is Fr´echet-differentiable at u and its derivative S (u) is given by ¯ k = (v 0 (u) ¯ k, π 0 (u) ¯ k, t0 (u) ¯ k) = (w, q, s) S 0 (u) where (w, q, s) ∈ V is the solution to  v , w, ϕ) + b(ϕ, q) + hs, ϕiΓ1 = 0   e(w, ϕ) + c (w, v¯, ϕ) + c (¯ b(w, φ) = 0   hλ, wiΓ1 = hλ, χΓc kiΓ1

∀ϕ ∈ X ∀φ ∈ L2 (Ω) ∀λ ∈ T1∗


¯ and v¯ = v (u).

Remark 10.3. Since k¯ v kX ≤ 5β˜−1 η ≤ 12−1 CS−2 ν thanks to (10.16), the bilinear form a (w, ϕ) = e(w, ϕ) + c (w, v¯, ϕ) + c (¯ v , w, ϕ)


is X−coercive; hence, the linear problem (10.22) is well posed. In fact, 2

a (w, w) ≥ (ν − 2CS2 k¯ v kX ) kwkX ≥

5 2 ν kwkX . 6

10.1 Optimal Control of Steady Navier-Stokes Flows


¯ ∈ Uad , k ∈ H01 (Γc )d be such that u ¯ + k ∈ Uad . Denote by S (u ¯ + k) = (v k , π k , tk ) and Proof. Let u ¯ the corresponding solutions in V to (10.8). Write ¯ = (¯ S(u) v, π ¯ , t) ¯, ϕ) = c v k , v k − v ¯, ϕ − c v ¯ − vk , v ¯, ϕ c v k , v k , ϕ − c (¯ v, v

¯ − vk , v ¯, ϕ − c v ¯, v k − v ¯, ϕ + c v ¯ − vk , v ¯ − vk , ϕ . = −c v

¯ = S (u ¯, π k − π ¯ + k) − S (u) ¯ satisfies the system Then the difference (d, p, r) = (v k − v ¯ , tk − t)

 v , d, ϕ) + b(ϕ, p) + hr, ϕiΓ1 = −c (d, d, ϕ)   e(d, ϕ) − c (d, v¯, ϕ) − c (¯ b(d, φ) = 0

 


hλ,diΓ1 = hλ, χΓc kiΓ1

for all (ϕ, φ, λ) ∈ V . Therefore, the triple ¯ + k) − S (u) ¯ − S 0 (u) ¯ k (d − w, p − q, r − s) = S (u is a solution to the problem

 v , d − w, ϕ) + b(ϕ, p − q) + hr − s, ϕiΓ1 = −c (d, d, ϕ)  e(d − w, ϕ) + c (d − w, v¯, ϕ) + c (¯ 

b(d − w, φ) = 0 hλ, d − wiΓ1 = 0


for all (ϕ, φ, λ) ∈ V . From estimates (10.17), (10.18) we obtain kd − wkX ≤ C kf kX ∗


kp − qkL2 (Ω) + kr − skT1∗ ≤ C kf kX ∗


and ˜ c0 , CS and f is the functional ϕ 7−→ −c (d, d, ϕ). where C depends only on ν, β, Using (10.15) we obtain |c (d, d, ϕ)| ≤ CS2 kdk2X kϕkX ≤ CS2 CL kkk2Tc kϕkX from which kf kX ∗ ≤ CS2 CL kkk2Tc .


From (10.27) and (10.28) we have

S ( u ¯ + k) − S (u) ¯ − S 0 (u) ¯ k


≤ C3 kkk2Tc ≤ c0 C3 kkk2H 1 (Γ

˜ CS . where C3 only depends on the constants ν, β,




t u

Remark 10.4. From the previous proof, it is clear that S is differentiable also with respect to the Tc -norm. •

10.1.5 First Order Optimality Conditions We are now ready to write the first order optimality conditions for our OCP (10.19). The following result holds.


10 Advanced Selected Applications

ˆ be an optimal control and Theorem 10.4. For the optimal control problem (10.19), let u ˆ the corresponding optimal state. There exists a unique multiplier (z, ˆ qˆ, sˆ) ∈ V such (ˆ v, π ˆ , t) ˆ and (z, ˆ qˆ, sˆ) satisfy the following optimality system: that u • state problem (10.8); • adjoint problem: for every (ψ, φ, λ) ∈ V ,  ˆ + c (ˆ ˆ + c (ψ, vˆ, z) ˆ + b(ψ, qˆ) + hˆ ˆ ψ v , ψ, z) s, ψiΓ1 = J˜v0 (ˆ v , u)   e(ψ, z) ˆ φ) = 0 b(z,   ˆ Γ1 = 0; hλ, zi


• variational inequality: for every k ∈ Uad ,

ˆ ˆ = (τ u, ˆ k − u) ˆ H 1 (Γc )d + hˆ ˆ Γc ≥ 0 J 0 (u)(k − u) s, k − ui 0


˜ where J(u) = J(v(u), u) is the reduced cost functional. Proof. Let us recall (see Sect. 5.13.2) the definition of the Stokes solver R : V ∗ → V : given (F, h, G) ∈ V ∗ , R (F,h, G) = (v, π, t) ∈ V


is the unique solution of the problem

  e(v, ϕ) + b(ϕ, π) + ht, ϕiΓ1 = hF, ϕiX ∗ ,X b(v, φ) = (h, φ)L2 (Ω)  hλ, viΓ1 = hλ, GiΓ1

∀ϕ ∈ X ∀φ ∈ L2 (Ω) ∀λ ∈ T1∗ .


Moreover, define the nonlinear operator N : V × Tc → V ∗ by N (v, π, t, u) = ((v · ∇)v, −h, −g (u)) . The nonlinear component of N is a continuous bilinear operator and therefore N is Fr´ echet differentiable2 , with 0 N(v,π,t) (v, π, t, u) (ψ, q, r) = ((v · ∇) ψ + (ψ · ∇) v, 0, 0) (10.33) and

0 Nu (v, π, t, u) k = (0, 0, −g0 (k))


( g0 (k) =


on Γc


on Γw ∪ Γin .


In terms of R and N , the state problem can be written as G (v, π, t, u) = R−1 (v, π, t) + N (v, π, t, u) = 0



with G : V × T1 → V In Lemma 10.2 below we prove that: 0 (a) the adjoint operator N(v,π,t) (v, π, t, u)∗ : V → V ∗ is given by 0 N(v,π,t) (v, π, t, u)∗ (z, q, s) = (− (v · ∇) z + (∇v)> z + [(v · n)z]|Γ1 , 0, 0)


where n is the exterior unit normal to Γc ; 0 (b) the adjoint operator Nu (v, π, t, u)∗ : V → Tc∗ is given by 0 Nu (v, π, t, u)∗ (z, q, s) = −s.


ˆ qˆ, ˆ By Theorem 9.5, the existence of a unique multiplier (z, s) ∈ V follows from the properties (i) , (ii) , (iii) listed below. (i) J˜ and G are Fr´ echet differentiable, with 2


Since H01 (Γc ) is continuously embedded into H00 (Γc ) it follows that N is differentiable also as an operator from H01 (Γc )d into V ∗ , and expressions of the two differentials coincide.

10.1 Optimal Control of Steady Navier-Stokes Flows

( J˜v0 (v, u) w =


(∇ × v, ∇ × w)L2 (Ω)d in the case of J˜1 (v, u) (v − zd , w)L2 (Ω)d in the case of J˜2 (v, u)

∀w ∈ X

0 J˜u (v, u) k = τ (u, k)H 1 (Γc )d

∀k ∈ H01 (Γc )d


and J˜π0 (v, u) = 0, J˜t0 (v, u) = 0. Moreover, G 0 (v, π, t, u) (w, q, r, k) = R−1 (w, q, r) + N 0 (v, π, t, u) (w, q, r, k) . (ii) From Theorem 10.3 we know that, for every u ∈ Uad , the state equation (10.35) defines a unique control-to-state map S (u) which is Fr´ echet-differentiable. 0 ¯ u), ¯ ∈ Uad , the partial derivative G(v,q,s) ¯ with (¯ ¯ π(u), ¯ t(u)) ¯ is a (iii) For every u (¯ v, π ¯ , t, v, π ¯, ¯ t) = (v(u), ∗ ∗ continuous isomorphism between V and V . Indeed, given (F,h, g) ∈ V , the equation 0 0 ¯ u) ¯ (ψ, η, r) = (F, h, g) , G(v,π,t) (¯ v, π ¯, ¯ t, u ¯ ) (ψ, η, r) = R−1 (ψ, η, r) + N(v,π,t) (¯ v, π ¯ , t,


in weak form reads:

 ¯ v , ψ, ϕ) + b(ϕ, η) + hr, ϕiΓ1 = hF, ϕiX ∗ ,X   e(ψ, ϕ) + c (ψ, v , ϕ) + c (¯ b(ψ, φ) = (h, φ)L2 (Ω)

 

hλ, ψiΓ1 = hλ, giΓ1

∀ϕ ∈ X ∀φ ∈ L2 (Ω)


T1∗ .

∀λ ∈

¯ ∈ Uad , the bilinear form Since u ¯, ϕ) + c (¯ a (ψ, ϕ) = e(ψ, ϕ) + c (ψ, v v , ψ, ϕ) 0 ¯ u) ¯ is a continuous isomorphism is X−coercive, therefore problem (10.39) is well posed and G(v,q,s) (¯ v, π ¯ , t, ∗ between V and V .

Introducing the Lagrangian functional L ((v, π, t), u, (z, q, s)) = J˜ (v, u) − hG (v, π, t, u) , (z, q, s)iV ∗ ,V , where (z, q, s) is a multiplier, the first order optimality conditions are obtained by differentiating L. Precisely, ˆ u, ˆ (z, ˆ qˆ, sˆ)) ) : the adjoint problem reads (Lˆ0(·) = L0(·) ((ˆ v, π ˆ , t), 0 0 ˆ u) ˆ , (ψ, η, r)iV ∗ ,V − hG(v,π,t) ˆ (ψ, η, r) , (z, ˆ qˆ, sˆ)iV ∗ ,V = 0 Lˆ0(v,π,t) (ψ, η, r) = hJ˜(v,π,t) (ˆ v , u) (ˆ v, π ˆ , t, 0 ˆ u) ˆ ∗, or, equivalently, upon introducing the adjoint operator G(v,π,t) (ˆ v, π ˆ , t,


0 0 ˆ u) ˆ − G(v,π,t) ˆ ∗ (z, ˆ qˆ, sˆ) , (ψ, η, r) J˜(v,π,t) (ˆ v , u) (ˆ v, π ˆ , t,

E V ∗ ,V



for every (ψ, η, r) ∈ V . Since R is self-adjoint, we have (see the proof of Lemma 10.2)

D =


0 ˆ u) ˆ ∗ (z, ˆ qˆ, sˆ), (ψ, η, r) G(v,π,t) (ˆ v, π ˆ , t,



ˆ qˆ, sˆ) + (z,

E V ∗ ,V

0 ˆ u) ˆ ∗ (z, ˆ qˆ, sˆ), (ψ, η, r) N(v,π,t) (ˆ v, π ˆ , t,

ˆ qˆ, sˆ), (ψ, η, r) = R−1 (z,

V ∗ ,V

E V ∗ ,V

ˆ + c(ψ, v ˆ, z) ˆ + (η, 0)L2 (Ω) + hr, 0iΓ1 = 0 + c(ˆ v , ψ, z)

and therefore (10.40) corresponds to the following system:

 ˆ + c (ˆ ˆ + c (ψ, v ˆ, z) ˆ + b(ψ, qˆ) + hˆ v , ψ, z) s, ψiΓ1 = J˜v0 (v, u) ψ   e(ψ, z) ˆ η) = 0 b(z,

 


ˆ Γ1 = 0 hr, zi

for every (ψ, η, r) ∈ V , which is (10.29). The variational inequality reads, recalling (10.37), 0 ˆ = J˜u ˆ ,k − u ˆ Lˆ0u (k − u) (ˆ v , u)

U ∗ ,U

0 ˆu ˆ, π ˆ + Nu v ˆ , t,

ˆ k − u) ˆ H 1 (Γc )2 + hˆ ˆ Γc ≥ 0 = (τ u, s, k − ui 0

which is (10.30).


ˆ qˆ, sˆ) , k − u ˆ (z,

V ∗ ,V

∀k ∈ Uad t u


10 Advanced Selected Applications

ˆ ∈ Uad , the following bilinear form (the adjoint of the bilinear As in Remark 10.3, since u form (10.23)) a∗ (z, ψ) = e(ψ, z) + c (ψ, vˆ, z) + c (ˆ v , ψ, z) is X-coercive and the linear problem (10.29) is well posed. To write the adjoint system in strong form, note that Z Z d Z X ∂ˆ vj > ˆ = c (ψ, vˆ, z) (ψ · ∇)ˆ v · zˆ dx = ψi zˆj dx = (∇ˆ v ) zˆ · ψ dx (10.42) ∂x i Ω Ω Ω i,j=1 and ˆ = c (ˆ v , ψ, z) = =



(ˆ v · ∇)ψ · zˆ dx


(ˆ v · n) (zˆ · ψ) dσ −



(ˆ v · ∇)zˆ · ψ dx −


divˆ v (zˆ · ψ) dx

ˆ ψ) (ˆ v · n) (zˆ · ψ) dσ − c (ˆ v , z,

since div vˆ = 0, zˆ = 0 on Γ \ Γout . Moreover, in the case of the vorticity functional J˜1 , Z Z Z (∇ × vˆ) · (∇ × ψ) dx = (∇ × ∇ × vˆ) · ψ dx + (∇ˆ v − (∇ˆ v )⊥ )n · ψ dσ. Ω



Therefore, the adjoint system in strong form reads, setting the (∇ˆ v )⊥ ,  >  −ν ∆zˆ − (ˆ v · ∇)zˆ + (∇ˆ v ) zˆ + ∇ˆ q = ∇ × ∇ × vˆ      divzˆ = 0 zˆ = 0       qˆn − ν ∂ zˆ − (ˆ ˆ =0 v · n) zˆ + Wn ∂n

ˆ = ∇ˆ rotation tensor W v− in Ω in Ω on Γ0 ∪ Γ1


on Γout .

We can also deduce that, regarding the multiplier, sˆ = qˆn − ν

∂ zˆ ˆ + Wn ∂n

on Γ1 .


In the case of the cost functional J˜2 , the strong form of the adjoint problem reads:  > −ν ∆zˆ − (ˆ v · ∇)ˆ z + (∇ˆ v ) zˆ + ∇ˆ q = vˆ − zd in Ω      divzˆ = 0 in Ω (10.47) zˆ = 0 on Γ0 ∪ Γ1      ∂ zˆ qˆn − ν − (ˆ v · n) zˆ = 0 on Γout . ∂n In this case, we find ∂ zˆ sˆ = qˆn − ν on Γ1 . (10.48) ∂n Remark 10.5. From (10.30) we deduce that the derivative of the reduced functional J (u) = ˆ ∈ Uad is given by J˜ (v (u) , u) at u = u ˆ k = (τ u, ˆ k)H 1 (Γc )d + hˆ J 0 (u) s, kiΓc 0

∀k ∈ Uad .

10.1 Optimal Control of Steady Navier-Stokes Flows

335 d

Introducing the embedding operator B : Tc∗ → H −1 (Γc ) defined by hBs, kiH −1 (Γc )d ,H 1 (Γc )d = hs, kiΓc 0


∀k ∈ H01 (Γc ) ,

we find that ˆ = τu ˆ+w ˆ ∇J (u)

ˆ ∈ H01 (Γc )d is the unique weak solution to where w ˆ = B sˆ −∆w

in Γc .


Thus, the variational inequality (10.30) can be written in the form ˆ + w, ˆ k − u) ˆ H 1 (Γc )d ≥ 0 ∀k ∈ Uad . (τ u



If B sˆ 6= 0 and τ = 0, (10.50) gives ˆ=− u

ˆ η w . ˆ H01 (Γc )d 2c0 kwk


ˆ = −w/τ ˆ if w/τ ˆ ∈ Uad , otherwise u ˆ is given by (10.51). If B sˆ 6= 0 and τ > 0, we have u

Lemma 10.2. The following expressions hold: ∗ 0 (a) N(v,π,t) (v, π, t, u) : V → V ∗ is given by ∗

0 N(v,π,t) (v, π, t, u) (z, q, s) = (− (v · ∇) z + (∇v)> z + [((v · n)]|Γ1 , 0, 0).

where n is the exterior unit normal to Γc ; ∗ (b) Nu0 (v, π, t, u) : V → Tc∗ is given by


Nu0 (v, π, t, u) (z, q, s) = −s.


Proof. (a) We check (10.52). Using (10.42), (10.43) and recalling (10.33), we can write


0 N(v,π,t) (v, π, t, u) (ψ, η, r) , (z, q, s)



V ∗ ,V

Z = c (v, ψ, z) + c (ψ, v, z) =

Z (v · ∇)ψ · z dx +



− (v · ∇) z · ψ + (∇v)> z · ψ dx +



(ψ · ∇)v · z dx Ω

Z Γ1

0 N(v,π,t) (v, π, t, u)∗ (z, q, s) , (ψ, η, r)

for every (z, q, s) ∈ V and every (ψ, η, r) ∈ V

(v · n) (z · ψ) dσ + (η, 0)L2 (Ω) + hr, 0iΓ1

E V ∗ ,V


(b) We check (10.53). We have, using (10.34),

0 Nu (v, π, t, u) k, (z, q, s)

V ∗ ,V

0 = hs, −kiΓc = h−s, kiΓc = Nu (v, π, t, u)∗ (z, q, s) , k

for every (z, q, s) ∈ V and k ∈ Tc .


t u

10.1.6 Numerical Approximation For the numerical solution of the OCP (10.19) we use an iterative method for the minimization of the cost functional, and we exploit the Galerkin finite element method for the numerical


10 Advanced Selected Applications

discretization of the state equation, the adjoint equation and the optimality equation. In this way we can take advantage of the system of first-order (necessary) optimality conditions we have derived in the previous sections. Several alternatives have been proposed in literature; see, e.g., [103, 137, 149, 217] for the case of sequential quadratic programming methods applied to boundary control of steady Navier-Stokes flows, [81] for an augmented Lagrangian method, and [38] for inexact Newton methods.

Numerical discretization of state and adjoint equations The state system consists of the steady Navier-Stokes equations, while the adjoint system is a steady Oseen problem [90]. Following the saddle-point approach described so far, for both these problems Dirichlet boundary conditions are enforced in weak form, by means of the Lagrange multipliers t and s, respectively. These two latter variables are indeed related with the boundary stress over the Dirichlet boundary, see, e.g., equations (10.9) and (10.46)–(10.48). For the numerical approximation, however, a direct imposition of the (essential) Dirichlet conditions is more convenient, by introducing appropriate functional spaces and suitable lifting terms. This option allows us to avoid the explicit computation of the Lagrange multipliers t and s. We therefore introduce two subspaces Xh ⊂ X and Qh ⊂ L2 (Ω), of dimension NV , NQ < +∞, respectively, and let us denote by vh ∈ Xh and πh ∈ Qh the FE approximations for the velocity and the pressure fields [224]. Similarly, zh ∈ Xh and qh ∈ Qh will denote the FE approximations for the adjoint velocity and pressure fields, respectively. We also denote by uh ∈ Uh ∩ Uad the FE approximation of the control variable, where Uh ⊂ U is a subspace of d the control space U = H01 (Γc ) of dimension NU < +∞. The Galerkin-FE approximation of the state system (10.8) thus reads as follows: we seek (vh , πh ) ∈ Xh × Qh such that  e˜(vh , ϕh ) + c (vh , vh , ϕh ) + b(ϕh , πh ) = F1 ϕh ∀ϕh ∈ Xh (10.55) b(vh , φh ) = F2 φh ∀φh ∈ Qh , where vhD = vhD (uh ) ∈ Xh is a discrete (lifting) function interpolating the Dirichlet data on the boundary, e˜(vh , ϕh ) = e(vh , ϕh ) + c(vhD , vh , ϕh ) + c(vh , vhD , ϕh ), F1 ϕh = −e(vhD , ϕh ) − c(vhD , vhD , ϕh ),

F2 φh = −b(vhD , φh ).

All the previous forms are continuous over the discrete spaces Xh and Qh . The approximation stability is ensured by imposing that the coercivity and inf-sup conditions are still valid at the discrete level. In particular, the coercivity of e over Xh is inherited from that over X; on the other hand, we require that b is inf-sup stable over Xh × Qh , so that the following discrete inf-sup condition holds [53]: ∃ β˜h > 0 :



q∈Qh w∈Xh

b(q, w) ≥ β˜h . kwkV kqkQ


This last property is ensured e.g., by choosing Xh × Qh as the space of Taylor-Hood P2 − P1 finite elements for the velocity and the pressure, respectively (in both the state and the adjoint problem); however, this choice is not restrictive — the whole construction keeps holding for other choices of the discrete spaces, too [113]. We now derive the matrix formulation corresponding to the Galerkin-FE approximation p Np v (10.55). Let us denote by {φvi }N i=1 and {φi }i=1 the Lagrangian basis of the FE spaces Xh and Qh , respectively, so that we can express the FE velocity and pressure as

10.1 Optimal Control of Steady Navier-Stokes Flows

vh =

Nv X

vh,i φvi ,


πh =


Np X

πh,i φpi .



We remark that the solution to (10.55) is vanishing on the whole Dirichlet boundary, so that the corresponding velocity approximation fulfilling the boundary conditions is given by vh + vhD . Thus, by denoting with v ∈ RNv and π ∈ RNp the vectors of the degrees of freedom appearing in (10.57), problem (10.55) can be rewritten as:      v f E + C(v) B> = 1 (10.58) π f2 B 0 where, for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ Nv and 1 ≤ k ≤ Np , (E)ij = e˜(φvj , φvi ),

(B)ki = b(φpk , φvi ), (f1 )i =

F1 φvi ,

(C(w))ij = (f2 )k =

F2 φpk .

Nv X


 wh,m c φvm , φvj , φvi ,


We solve the nonlinear saddle-point problem (10.58) by the Picard iteration method, see, e.g., [90, Sect. 8.2] as its ball of convergence is larger than Newton’s method (see e.g., [90], Chapter 7.2 and references therein). Moreover, if a small data condition (like, e.g., (5.5) for the case at hand) is satisfied, this fixed-point method is globally convergent (that is, for every initial guess). Starting from an initial guess (v(0) , p(0) ), for n ≥ 1 we solve    (n)    v f E + C(v(n−1) ) B> = 1 , (10.60) f2 B 0 π (n) S NS to obtain (v(n) , π (n) ), until kv(n) − v(n−1) kV ≤ εN tol , given a small tolerance εtol > 0. As initial guess, we take the Stokes solution of (10.58). Each Oseen system (10.60) is solved by means of a sparse LU factorization.

Remark 10.6. Using instead Newton’s method, a different linearized problem has to be solved at each iteration. Starting from an initial guess (v(0) , π (0) ), for n ≥ 1 we solve    (n)    v f 1 + fN E + C(v(n−1) ) + N(v(n−1) ) B> = , (10.61) f2 B 0 π (n) where (N(w))ij =

Nv X


 wh,m c φvj , φvm , φvi ,

(fN )i =

Nv X

wh,l wh,m c (φvl , φvm , φvi ) .


The additional arrays appearing in the linear system above arise from the residual vector and the Jacobian matrix. See, for comparison, problem (9.70) that was derived from a generic nonlinear system. • Regarding instead the numerical approximation of the adjoint variables, the adjoint system (10.41) is linear with respect to both the adjoint velocity and pressure. Moreover, it depends ˆ + c (ψ, vˆ, z) ˆ and the right-hand side of on the state variables only through the term c (ˆ v , ψ, z) (10.41). Hence, the FE arrays corresponding to these two terms must be reassembled at each step during the optimization procedure. Given the approximation vh = vh (uh ) of the (state) velocity and uh of the control function, the Galerkin-FE approximation of the adjoint system (10.41) thus reads as follows: we seek (zh , qh ) ∈ Xh × Qh such that  e(ϕh , zh ) + c (vh , zh , ϕh ) + c (zh , vh , ϕh ) + b(ϕh , qh ) = G1 (vh , ϕh ) ∀ϕh ∈ Xh (10.62) b(zh , φh ) = 0 ∀φh ∈ Qh ,


10 Advanced Selected Applications


G1 (vh , ϕh ) = J˜v0 (vh , uh ) ϕh .

Problem (10.62) can be rewritten algebraically as:  >     z g1 (v) E + D(v) B> = q 0 B 0 where, for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ Nv and 1 ≤ k ≤ Np ,  PNv (D(w))ij = m=1 wh,m c(φvm , φvj , φvi ) + c(φvj , φvm , φvi ) ,


(g1 (v))i = G1 (v, φvi ). (10.64)

Numerical optimization We now describe the numerical optimization method exploited for the solution of our OCP. We use an iterative method exploiting the gradient ∇J (uh ) to iteratively update the control until a suitable convergence criterion is fulfilled; a similar approach can be found, e.g., in [77]. (0) In the simplest case of the steepest descent method, starting from an initial guess uh , we iteratively generate a sequence   (k+1) (k) (k) uh = PUad uh − λk ∇J(uh ) , k ≥ 0, where λk > 0 is a step size, until, e.g., a suitable stopping criterion is fulfilled. As usual, PUad denotes the projection onto Uh ∩ Uad , to be evaluated similarly to what we have done in (10.51). As stopping criterion, we can require either (k)

k∇J(uh )kL2 (Ω)d < ε or



|J(uh ) − J(uh

)| < ε


for a given tolerance ε > 0 (not necessarily the same). At each step of the steepest descent method, we solve the state Navier-Stokes system ˜ (k) , u(k) ). Then, (10.55), from which we obtain v (k) , and the value of the cost functional J(v (k) (k) we solve the adjoint system (10.62) (v and u being given) and obtain (z (k) , q (k) ). From these variables, we determine the boundary stress in weak from, (k)



sh = q h n − ν

∂zh ∂n

on Γc ,

and approximate (by the Galerkin finite element method) the solution of the following problem, Z Z (k) (k) ∇wh : ∇ϕh dσ = sh · ϕh dσ ∀ϕh ∈ H01 (Γc )d Γc


in order to evaluate the gradient




∇J(uh ) = τ uh + wh . At each step of the steepest descent method, the initial guess of the Newton method is given by the state velocity computed at the previous step of the optimization procedure, for the sake of computational efficiency.

10.1 Optimal Control of Steady Navier-Stokes Flows


Numerical results In this section we present the numerical results related with an OCP for the optimal control of blood flows through a bypass graft. This latter usually provides blood flow through an alternative bridging path in order to overcome critically occluded arteries; one of the most dangerous cases is related to coronary arteries, which supply the oxygen-rich blood perfusion to the heart muscle. The design of the connection between the graft and the host arterial vessels is a critical factor in avoiding post-operative recurrence of the occlusion, since fluid dynamic phenomena such as recirculation, oscillating or untypical high/low shear rates, and stagnation areas, can cause the growth of another stenosis downstream the arterial-graft connection. Hence, a typical design of a bypass graft aims at minimizing some cost functionals related to haemodynamic quantities [83, 199]. However, a rigorous model for blood circulation should take into account (i) the flow unsteadiness, and (ii) the arterial wall deformability. Optimal control (and optimal design) problem require the repeated simulation of these flow equations (and the evaluation of the cost functional to be minimized); to reduce the computational burden, we adopt steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for laminar Newtonian flows. We focus on the minimization of the tracking-type functional (10.2) in order to drive the blood velocity towards a specified velocity target state zd , featuring a regular pattern; this latter is given by the solution of the Stokes system in the same domain. Other possible cost functionals for the problem at hand have been employed, e.g., in [164, 169]; the effect of uncertainty (e.g., affecting either the residual flow across Γin , or the geometrical configuration of the bypass) has been explored in [169, 170, 238]. Here a two-dimensional geometrical configuration is considered, although the whole theoretical analysis and the computational pipeline are perfectly valid for three-dimensional problems as well. For the case at hand, we consider a fluid flow in a tract of blood vessel where a bypass is inserted. As a matter of fact, the whole bypass graft is not simulated; its action is represented via a velocity control u acting on the boundary Γc ⊂ Γ , the interface where the final portion of the graft and the host vessel meet (see Figure 10.1). We consider the case in which a residual blood flow is present in the host artery, hence vin 6= 0 on Γin . In particular, we set     (x2 − x ¯ 2 )2 vin = a exp − ,0 2b2 with a = 50 and b = 10−2 , to model a (limited) blood flow across the occluded artery vessel; here x ¯2 denotes the x2 -coordinate of the midpoint of the (vertical) boundary segment Γin – for this reason, the residual flow is assumed to have only a horizontal component. We choose ρ = 1, v¯ = 25cm s−1 , d¯ = |Γc | ≈ 0.5cm from which, defining the Reynolds ¯ which is set equal to Re = 200, the dynamic viscosity coefficient µ can be number Re = ρ v¯ d/µ, deduced. We first compute the solution to the Stokes system, to determine the target velocity profile vd ; we set the relaxation parameter λk = λ = 0.1 and the regularization parameter τ = 0.05. We consider the stopping criterion based on the difference of two successive iterates (10.65), for which we select ε = 0.01; the tolerance for the stopping criterion of the Newton S −5 method is instead given by εN . For our computations we use a mesh with 27233 tol = 10 triangular elements and 14048 vertices. In Figure 10.2 we report the velocity (both its magnitude and the streamlines) and pressure (0) ˆ h obtained fields corresponding to the initial control function uh and the optimal control u when the steepest descent algorithm stops, after Nit = 151 iterations. In this case, the cost (0) ˆ h ) = 183.565. functional is reduced of about 37%, decreasing from J(uh ) = 289.796 to J(u A reduction in the magnitude of the adjoint velocity field, which can be observed by comparing the plots displayed in Figure 10.3, also shows that the derivative of the cost functional ˆ h is smaller than the corresponding quantity calculated on the initial evaluated at uh = u


10 Advanced Selected Applications

Fig. 10.2 State velocity magnitude (top) and pressure with velocity streamlines (bottom) for the initial control (left) and the optimal control (right). Case vin 6= 0.

Fig. 10.3 Adjoint velocity magnitude for the initial (left) and the optimal (right) control. Case vin 6= 0.

Fig. 10.4 Vorticity magnitude for the initial (left) and the optimal (right) control. Case vin 6= 0. (0)

guess uh = uh . The magnitude of the vorticity is reported in Figure 10.4: a global decrease of this quantity is indeed obtained also by minimizing the tracking-type cost functional, as it results by comparing the vorticity magnitude for the initial and the optimal control.

10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology In this section we consider an optimal time control problem, first introduced and analyzed in [161, 163], arising in the mathematical modeling of cardiac electrophysiology.

10.2.1 Problem Formulation The rhytmic contraction of the heart is triggered by an electrical stimulus (see [221, 68, 220]). Disturbances and/or anomalies in the formation/propagation of electrical impulses may increase the heart activity and lead to fibrillations. A common therapy to restore a normal cardiac rhythm consists in delivering a defibrillation pulse through implantable cardioverter defribrillators, which acts as a control and has to be carefully operated, based on accurate measurements.

10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology


The state system. For the mathematical setting of this problem we first need to write a model for electrical propagation in the myocardium (the cardiac muscle). Let Ω be a bounded domain in Rd , d = 2, 3, representing a layer of heart muscle tissue, and let tf be the terminal time of the control horizon If = (0, tf ), that will be part of our main cost functional. The state variables are v = v (x, t), the transmembrane voltage, and w = w (x, t), a gating or recovery ionic variable, both defined in the cylinder Qtf = Ω × If . The following reaction diffusion system, known as the monodomain equations, models the electrophysiological activity of the heart (see [68])  vt − div (σ∇v) + Iion (v, w) = Ie in Qtf    wt + g (v, w) = 0 in Qtf (10.66) σ∇v · n = 0 on Γ × If    v (0) = v0 , w (0) = w0 in Ω.

Here Γ = ∂Ω, σ : Ω → Rd×d is a time-independent symmetric and uniformly elliptic d × d matrix (the intracellular conductivity tensor ). Then, σ > = σ and there exists Λ > σ0 > 0 such that 2 2 σ0 |ξ| ≤ ξ > σ (x) ξ ≤ Λ |ξ| for all ξ ∈ Rd and a.e. x ∈ Ω. (10.67) The functions Iion and g represent ionic activities in the myocardium, given by    v v Iion (v, w) = η0 v 1 − 1− + η1 vw = R (v) + η1 vw vth vpk   v g (v, w) = η2 η3 w − , vpk


respectively, where ηj > 0, j = 0, 1, 2, 3, vth > 0 is a threshold potential and vpk > vth is the peak potential. Ie is an extracellular stimulation current which depends on the defibrillation pulse to be controlled. The current is induced by external devices consisting of electrode plates Ωj , j = 1, . . . , N, placed on the cardiac tissue. Each plate Ωj delivers an independent pulse uj = uj (t), so that Ie may be modeled as Ie (u; x,t) =


uj (t) χΩj (x) χ[0,tf ] (t) ,



where χΩj and χ[0,tf ] denote the characteristic function of Ωj and [0, tf ], respectively, and u (t) = (u1 (t) , . . . , uN (t)) is the control vector, that we assume to belong to U = L2 (0, tf )N . The cost functional. As we have already mentioned, the duration time tf of the electrical pulse has to be controlled to achieve a successful defribrillation. Aiming at a low energy pulse and a small final value of the transmembrane voltage, the cost functional can be set as follows, Z tf   α µ 2 2 J (v, w, u, tf ) = κ + |u(t)| dt + kv (tf )kL2 (Ω) (10.70) 2 2 0 subject to the pointwise constraints u ∈ Uad = {u ∈ U : |uk (t)| ≤ Mj , k = 1, . . . , N, 0 ≤ t ≤ tf } ;


κ, α, µ in (10.70) denote positive constants. Our time optimal control problem reads therefore J (v, w, u, tf ) → min


under the state system (10.66) and the constraint u ∈ Uad . The existence of a minimizer is shown in Section 10.2.3. Under a suitable assumption we can ensure the optimal time tf to be positive. Then, our main goal is to derive first order


10 Advanced Selected Applications

necessary optimality conditions. Our presentation follows the approach of [161], framing it in the general theoretical setting introduced in Chapter 9.

10.2.2 Analysis of the Monodomain System The analysis of existence, uniqueness and regularity for the solutions of the state system (10.66) requires some advanced tools from Functional Analysis. We will only state the main results and sketch some of the proofs, referring to the original paper [161] for a complete coverage. Let V = H 1 (Ω), Lp = Lp (Ω) , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ where no ambiguity on the domain occurs. Recall that, by Sobolev Embedding Theorem A.15, V ,→ L6 (Ω), d = 2, 3. We denote by h·, ·i∗ the duality pairing between V ∗ and V . Weak solutions. Weak solutions to the monodomain equations are represented by pairs (v, w) with3

such that Z


v ∈ Y = L2 (If ; V ) ∩ L4 (Qtf ), vt ∈ Y ∗ = L2 (If ; V ∗ ) ⊕ L4/3 (Qtf )  w ∈ H 1 If ; L2 or, equivalently, w ∈ L2 (Qtf ), wt ∈ L2 (Qtf ), Z



{hvt , ϕ1 i∗ + (σ∇v, ∇ϕ1 )L2 + (Iion (v, w), ϕ1 )L2 } dt = hIe (u) , ϕ1 i∗ dt, (10.73) 0 Z tf {hwt , ϕ2 i∗ + (g(v, w), ϕ2 )L2 } dt = 0, (10.74) 0

for every ϕ1 ∈ L2 (If ; V ) ∩ L4 (Qtf ), ϕ2 ∈ L2 (Qtf ), and v (0) = v0 , w (0) = w0 .


Remark 10.7. The choice of the space L4 (Qtf ) for both the solution v and the test functions Rt ϕ1 guarantees that the integral 0 f (Iion (v, w), ϕ1 )L2 dt is well defined; see Exercise 3. Since,  in particular, v ∈ L2 (If ; V ) , vt ∈ L2 (If ; V ∗ ), we have v ∈ C I f ; L2 so that the initial conditions (10.75) are well defined, too. • Remark 10.8. (Solution of the inhibitor equation). Equation (10.74), known as the inhibitor equation, is equivalent to the pointwise form wt + g(v, w) = 0

a.e. in Qtf .

(10.76) •

Given the specific choice of g in (10.68), equation (10.76) is linear with respect to w and it can be solved in closed form in terms of v, via the variation of constant formula, yielding Z t η2 −η2 η3 t w (t) = e w0 + e−η2 η3 (t−s) v (s) ds. (10.77) vpk 0 3

The space Y ∗ = L2 If ; V ∗ ⊕ L4/3 (Qtf ) = {f = f1 + f2 : f1 ∈ L2 (If ; V ∗ ), f2 ∈ L4/3 (Qtf )} with norm

kf kZ = inf{kf1 kL2 (If ;V ∗ ) + kf2 kL4 (Qt



: f = f1 + f2 }

is the dual of Y = L2 If ; V ∩ L4 (Qtf ) endowed with the norm kvkY = max{kvkL2 (If ;V ) , kvkL4 (Qt


) }.

10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology


  From this formula we can derive that w ∈ H 1 If ; L2 ∩ C I f ; L2 and, for every t ∈ [0, tf ],   q η2 kw (t)kL2 ≤ kw0 kL2 + 2v2 η3 kvkL2 (Qt ) . (10.78) f


The following result, true in dimension d = 2, 3, establishes existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to problem (10.66) under mild assumptions. Theorem 10.5 (Weak solutions). Let v0 , w0 ∈ L2 (Ω) and Ie ∈ L2 (If ; V ∗ ). Then there exists a unique weak solution (v, w) to problem (10.66). Moreover there exists a constant C, independent of v0 , w0 and Ie , such that   kvkY + kvt kY ∗ + kvkC(I f ;L2 ) + kwkH 1 (If ;L2 ) ≤ C 1 + kv0 kL2 + kw0 kL2 + kIe kL2 (I f ;V ∗ ) . (10.79) Proof. See [46] for the existence and the estimate (10.79). Uniqueness can be proved as follows. Assume (v1 , w1 ), (v2 , w2 ) are two solutions to (10.66) sharing the same initial condition and the same right hand side. Let h = v1 − v2 , k = w1 − w2 . Then for (h, k) we get the equations tf


hht , ϕ1 i∗ + (σ∇h, ∇ϕ1 )L2 + (R (v1 ) − R (v2 ) + η1 (v1 w1 − v2 w2 ) , ϕ1 )L2 ds = 0



and k (t) =

η2 vpk



e−η2 η3 (t−s) h (s) ds



with h (0) = k (0) = 0. Observe now that

R0 (v) = η0 1 − 2

1 1 + vth vpk


3 v 2 ≥ R0 vth vpk

vth + vpk 3

 = −c0 .


2 + v 2 − v v )/v v having set c0 = η0 (vth th pk th pk > 0. Therefore pk 1

Z (R (v1 ) − R (v2 ) , ϕ1 )L2 =

(R0 (θv1 + (1 − θ) v2 ) h, ϕ1 )L2 dθ ≥ −c0 (h, ϕ1 )L2 .


Now we test equation (10.80) against ϕ1 = χ(0,t) h, 0 < t < tf . By using (10.67), observing that v1 w1 − v2 w2 = hw1 + v2 k and integrating the first term, we get kh (t)k2L2 + σ0



kh (s)k2V ds ≤ c0




kh (s)k2L2 ds + η1




|(hw1 , h)L2 | + (v2 k, h)L2 ds. 0

H¨ older inequality and (10.79) give

(hw1 , h) where M =



a = ε−3/4 CS

η2 2 η . 2vpk 3


≤ khk2 4 kw1 k L

≤ M khk2L4

Now, we first use H¨ older inequality then Young inequality4 with p = 4, q = 4/3,



khkL2 , b = ε3/4 khkV 1/2

, ε > 0, and the Sobolev embedding V ,→ L6 (Ω). We get: 3/2


khk2L4 ≤ khkL2 khkL6 ≤ CS





khkL2 khkV

CS6 3ε khk2L2 + khk2V . 4ε3 4

Young inequality states that ab ≤

ap aq + , p q

1 1 + = 1, p, q > 1 p q

∀a, b ≥ 0.



10 Advanced Selected Applications

On the other hand, using (10.79),

(v2 k, h)


≤ kv2 k 4 khk 4 kkk 2 ≤ 1 khk2 4 + 1 kv2 k2 4 kkk2 2 L L L L L L


C6 1 2 3ε C kIe k2L2 (I¯ ;V ∗ kkk2L2 + S3 khk2L2 + khk2V . f 2 8ε 8




By collecting the previous estimates we can write kh (t)k2L2 + σ0



kh (s)k2V ds ≤ C1





1 + ε−3 kh (s)k2L2 + ε khk2V + kkk2L2 ds

where C1 is independent of h, k and ε. Choosing ε = 1/2C1 , the term containing the V −norm of h can be absorbed into the left-hand side so that kh (t)k2L2 ≤ C2

Z 0


kh (s)k2L2 + kk (s)k2L2 ds

with C2 independent of h, k. For k, (10.78) gives kk (t)k2L2 ≤ C 2 kh (t)k2L2 .


Thus we deduce the estimate kh (t)k2L2 + kk (t)k2L2 ≤ (C2 + C 2 )




kh (s)k2L2 + kk (s)k2L2 ds

for every t ∈ 0, tf . From Gronwall Lemma (see Lemma A.5 in Appendix A) we deduce that h = k = 0.

t u

Strong solutions and regularity. Due to the cubic nonlinearity of R (v), to derive the optimality conditions for our control problem, we need more regularity of the solution than the one provided in Theorem 10.5. In fact, in the end we shall need to work with bounded solutions. Notice that from (10.69) and (10.71) one has Ie ∈ L∞ (Qtf ). Since σ is only bounded, we cannot use the standard results (see, e.g., [118]) to infer additional regularity of the weak solution. Thus we introduce an ad-hoc Hilbert space, tailored on the operator A : V → V ∗ , defined through the formula hAv, ϕi∗ = (σ∇v, ∇ϕ)L2 with domain

for all ϕ ∈ V,

 DA = v ∈ V : Av ∈ L2 .

(10.87) (10.88)




DA is a Hilbert space5 when endowed with the graph norm kvkDA = kvkL2 + kAvkL2 . In  dimension d ≤ 3, we have the embedding DA ,→ C 0,β Ω for some β > 0; see, e.g., [114]. Accordingly, looking at the equation vt = Av + Iion (v, w) + Ie (u), it is natural to introduce the time dependent Sobolev space  W (If ) = L2 (If ; DA ) ∩ H 1 If ; L2 with norm given by

kvkW (If ) =


tf 0

 1/2 2 2 kv (s)kDA + kvt (s)kL2 ds .

In the next lemma we collect some embeddings we are going to use later on.


For smooth σ and Ω, DA = v ∈ H 2 (Ω) : σ∇v · n = 0 on Γ

and Av = −div(σ∇v).

10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology


Lemma 10.3. The following continuous embeddings hold in dimension d ≤ 3:   1. W (If ) ,→ C I f ; V ,→ L∞ If ; L6 ,→ L6 (Qtf ); 2. L2 (If ; DA) ,→ L2 (If ; L∞ );   3. H 1 If ; L2 ,→ C 0,1/2 I f ; L2 ,→ L∞ If ; L2 . 

Proof. For 1, see [176]; 2 is a consequence of the embedding DA ,→ C 0,β Ω . For 3, see Exercise 4.

t u

We are now ready to state the following regularity result (see, e.g., [161] for the proof). Theorem 10.6. (Regularity of weak solutions). Let (v, w) be a weak solution to (10.66).  a) If v0 ∈ V and w0 ∈ L3 , then (v, w) ∈ W (If ) × H 1 If ; L3 and   kvkW (If ) + kwkH 1 (If ;L3 ) ≤ C 1 + kv0 kV + kw0 kL3 + kIe kL2 (Qt ) . (10.89) f

b) If moreover v0 ∈ V ∩ L∞ and w0 ∈ L∞ , then (v, w) ∈ L∞ (Qtf ) × L∞ (Qtf ) with norms bounded by a constant C depending only on tf , kv0 kV , kw0 kL∞ , kw0 kL∞ and kIe (u)kL∞ (Qt ) . f

 Remark 10.9. If v ∈ W (If ), w ∈ H 1 If ; L2 a weak solution (v, w) to (10.66) is called a strong solution. In this case the equation vt + Av + Iion (v, w) = Ie (u) makes sense a.e. in Qtf . Also, by Lemma 10.3, one can check that Iion (v, w) ∈ L2 (Qtf ) and therefore for strong solutions we can choose test functions ϕ1 ∈ V ∩ L2 (Qtf ). Moreover, we have hvt , ϕ1 i∗ = (vt , ϕ1 )L2 . •

10.2.3 Existence of an Optimal Control u ˆ ,tˆf

We now prove that our optimal control problem (10.72) has at least one solution. We work under the assumptions of Theorem 10.6.  Theorem 10.7. There exists at least one optimal solution tˆf , u ˆ to (10.72) with corresponding optimal state (ˆ v , w) ˆ and tˆf ≥ 0. Proof. Let tf k , uk ; vk , wk be a minimizing sequence. Up to a subsequence we may assume that tf k → tˆf , as k → ∞. Let tmax = maxk {tf k } and extend uk to the interval Imax = (0, tmax ), maintaining uk ∈ Uad . Accordingly, we extend vk , wk to the interval Imax by solving the monodomain system with the extended control uk .   To show existence, set Vmax = W (Imax ) × H 1 Imax ; L2 and Umax = I¯max × L2 Imax ; RN . From (10.89),   tf k , uk ; vk , wk is bounded in Umax ×Vmax and (again up to a subsequence) weakly convergent to tˆf , u ˆ ; vˆ, w ˆ in Umax × Vmax .  Now, Uad is closed and convex in L2 Imax ; RN and therefore weakly sequentially closed. Moreover, it is not difficult to show (see Exercise 5) that we can pass to the limit into the weak formulation (10.73), (10.74) and conclude that vˆ, w ˆ are the solutions corresponding to the control u ˆ in Qtmax .


10 Advanced Selected Applications

To show the optimality of Indeed, since the map

tˆf , u ˆ ; vˆ, w ˆ

we observe that F is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous. u 7→ kuk2L2 (I

max ;R



is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous (being a convex and continuous    functional), we have only to check that kvk tf k kL2 → kˆ v tˆf kL2 . Indeed, we show that kvk tf k − vˆ tf kL2 → 0. Write kvk tf k − vˆ tˆf kL2 ≤ kvk tf k − vk tˆf kL2 + kvk tˆf − vˆ tˆf kL2 .

By the embedding 3 in Lemma 10.3 we deduce kvk tf k − vk tˆf kL2 ≤ C|tf k − tˆf |1/2

with C independent of k. Therefore kvk tf k − vk tˆf kL2 → 0 as k → ∞.  On the other hand, since W (Imax ) ,→ C I max ; V (Lemma 10.3), we have

kv tˆf kV ≤ CkvkW (Imax ) .

Hence the point evaluation in V at tˆf is a bounded linear operator on W (Imax ). Thus, since vk * v in W (Imax ), we infer that vk tˆf * v tˆf in V . Since V is compactly embedded into L2 we conclude that   vk tˆf → vˆ tˆf in L2 . Thus J tˆf , u ˆ ; vˆ, w ˆ ≤ lim inf J tf k , uk ; vk , wk = inf J tf , u; v, w .

t u

We emphasize that an optimal time tˆf should be positive. To this purpose we make the following assumption, reasonable since we expect the optimal potential v to be small at the final time. Let δ > 0 be a small number. Assumption6 H: There exists v¯, w, ¯ u ¯ , with u ¯ ∈ Uad , t¯f > 0 and such that (¯ v , w) ¯ solves the monodomain system and fulfills the terminal condition k¯ v (t¯f )kL2 ≤ δ. Define f¯ = The following result holds.


t¯f 0


 α 2 |¯ u(t)| dt. 2

Theorem 10.8. Let assumption H hold and let δ1 > δ.  If µ ≥ 2f¯/(δ12 − δ 2 ) any optimal  solution vˆµ , w ˆµ , u ˆ µ ,tˆfµ , satisfies the condition vˆµ tˆfµ L2 ≤ δ1 . If δ1 < kv0 kL2 , then tˆfµ > 0. Proof. Define fˆµ =





 α |ˆ uµ (t)|2 dt 2

and observe that f¯ is independent of µ. By optimality, for all µ > 0,

  µ µ µ fˆµ + vˆµ tˆfµ L2 ≤ f¯ + v¯ t¯f L2 ≤ f¯ + δ 2 . 2 2 2 Since fˆµ > 0, we get

vˆµ tˆf µ


so that if µ ≥ 2f¯/(δ12 − δ 2 ), vˆµ tˆfµ L2 ≤ δ1 .


2 ¯ f + δ2 µ t u

At present, conditions on data and controls that ensure the validity of assumption H are not known. See however [161] for a discussion on the large time behavior of the solution of the monodomain system.

10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology


10.2.4 Reduction to a Control Problem with Fixed End Time To derive optimality conditions we reformulate our time optimal control problem as a control problem with fixed time horizon IT = (0, T ), thanks to a suitable transformation. This is convenient for implementing numerical approximation algorithms, too. To this purpose we introduce a new control variable ν, subject to the constraint ν ∈ Nad = {ν ∈ L∞ (0, T ) : ess inf ν > 0} ; Nad is an open subset of L∞ (0, T ). Then we set Z t = θ (τ ) =


ν (r) dr


so that tf = θ (T ) =


ν (r) dr. IT

Since θ is strictly monotonically increasing and Lipschitz continuous, it is a bijective mapping from [0, T ] onto [0, tf ]. Let now (v, w) be a strong solution (in the sense of Remark 10.9) to the monodomain systems corresponding to a control u. If we set y = v ◦ θ, z = w ◦ θ, c = u ◦ θ, we have

yτ = νvt ◦ θ, zτ = νzt ◦ θ.  Thus (y, z) ∈ W (IT ) × H 1 IT ; L2 and (y, z) is a strong solution to the problem Z Z {(yt , ϕ1 )L2 + ν (σ∇y, ∇ϕ1 )L2 + ν (Iion (y, z), ϕ1 )L2 } dτ = ν(I˜e (c) , ϕ1 )L2 dτ (10.90) IT IT Z {(zt , ϕ2 )L2 + ν (g(y, z), ϕ2 )L2 } dτ = 0, (10.91) IT

where I˜e (c; x,τ ) =


cj (τ ) χΩj (x) χ[0,T ] (τ ) ,



for every ϕ1 ∈ L2 (IT ; V ) ∩ L2 (QT ), ϕ2 ∈ L2 (QT ), and y (0) = v0 , z (0) = w0 .


Vice versa, for any strong solution (y, z) to system (10.90), (10.91) with initial conditions (10.93) and controls (ν, c), the inverse transformation v = y ◦ θ−1 , w = z ◦ θ−1 yields a strong solution to the original monodomain system, corresponding to the control u = c ◦ θ−1 . Indeed, for ν ∈ Nad we have ∂t θ−1 =

1 ∈ L∞ (IT ) . ν ◦ θ−1


10 Advanced Selected Applications

In terms of the new variables, the optimal control problem (10.72) reads as follows: Z  α 2 µ 2 J˜ (y, z, c, ν) = ν κ + |c| dτ + ky (T )kL2 (Ω) → min (10.94) 2 2 IT  over c ∈ Uad , ν ∈ Nad and (y, z) ∈ W (IT )×H 1 I; L2 , subject to (10.90), (10.91) and (10.93).

Remark 10.10. The two problems (10.72) and (10.94) are equivalent in the following sense. If (y, z, c, ν) is feasible for (10.94), then v = y ◦ θ−1 , w = z ◦ θ−1 , u = c ◦ θ−1 , tf = θ (T ) is feasible for (10.72) and J˜ (y, z, c, ν) = J (v, w, u, tf ). Vice versa, if (v, w, u, tf ) is feasible for (10.72) and tf > 0, then for every ν ∈ Nad such that θ (T ) = tf , the quadruplet y = v ◦ θ, z = w ◦ θ, c = u ◦ θ, ν is feasible for (10.94) and J (v, w, u, tf ) = J˜ (y, z, c, ν). •

10.2.5 First Order Optimality Conditions The main result of this section provides a system of optimality conditions for our fixed end time OCP. Since we need the boundedness of strong solutions to the state system, from now on it is understood that the initial conditions v0 and w0 ∈ L∞ are chosen in V ∩ L∞ and L∞ , respectively. For any adjoint state (p, q) ∈ W (IT ) × H 1 IT ; L2 we introduce the Hamiltonian function (of time τ )  α 2 H (y, z, c, p, q) = κ + |c| + (I˜e (c) , p)L2 −(σ∇y, ∇p)L2 + (Iion (y, z), p)L2 − (g(y, z), q)L2 . 2 The following result holds.

 Theorem 10.9 (First order optimality conditions). Let yˆ, zˆ, ˆ c, νˆ ∈ W (IT ) × H 1 IT ; L2 × Uad ×Nad be an optimal p, qˆ) ∈  solution of (10.94). Then there exists a unique adjoint state (ˆ W (IT ) × H 1 IT ; L2 such that the following optimality conditions are fulfilled: a) adjoint system (in strong form):  0 pˆt + νˆdiv (σ∇ˆ p) − νˆIion,y (ˆ y , zˆ)ˆ p − νˆgy0 (ˆ y , zˆ)ˆ q=0      0  (ˆ y , zˆ)ˆ p − νˆgz0 (ˆ y , zˆ)ˆ q=0  qˆt − νˆIion,z σ∇ˆ p·n=0       y (T ) , qˆ (T ) = 0  pˆ (T ) = µˆ

in QT in QT on Γ × IT


in Ω.

b) Regularity of the optimal control. For j = 1, . . . , N   1 (10.96) cˆj (τ ) = PrUad − (χΩj , pˆ (τ ))L2 . α  In particular, ˆ c ∈ H 1 I T ; RN . c) The Hamiltonian function τ 7→ H (ˆ y (τ ) , zˆ (τ ) , ˆ c (τ ) , νˆ (τ ) , pˆ (τ ) , qˆ (τ )) satisfies the following transversality condition H (ˆ y (τ ) , zˆ (τ ) , ˆ c (τ ) , pˆ (τ ) , qˆ (τ )) = 0 for every τ ∈ [0, T ].


Proof. In order to apply the theory developed in Sect. 9.3, in particular Theorem 9.6, we check assumptions (i) , (ii) , (iii) of Theorem 9.6.

10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology


The functional J˜ is linear in ν and quadratic with respect to c and y. Since ν ∈ L∞ (IT ), the Fr´ echet continuous differentiability of J˜ follows from a direct computation. The rest of the assumptions are proved in Lemma 10.4 and Theorem 10.10 below. We now write the optimality  conditions in the form of system (9.26). Let us introduce the adjoint state p = (p, q) ∈ W (IT )×H 1 I; L2 and the Lagrangian functional, expressed in terms of the Hamiltonian function H, by Z  µ L (y, z, c, ν, p, q) = νH (y, z, c, p, q) − (yt , p)L2 − (zt , q)L2 dτ + ky (T )k2L2 . 2 IT The adjoint system is obtained from the vanishing of L0y (ˆ y , zˆ, ˆ c, νˆ, pˆ, qˆ) and L0z (ˆ y , zˆ, ˆ c, νˆ, pˆ, qˆ). This yields,  for all ϕ1 , ϕ2 ∈ W (IT ) × H 1 I; L2 , with ϕ1 (0) = ϕ2 (0) = 0, L0y (ˆ y , zˆ, ˆ c, νˆ, pˆ, qˆ) ϕ1




0 −ˆ ν (σ∇ϕ1 , ∇ˆ p)L2 − νˆ(Iion,y (ˆ y , zˆ)ϕ1 , pˆ)L2 − νˆ gy0 (ˆ y , zˆ)ϕ1 , qˆ



− (∂t ϕ1 , pˆ)L2


+µ (ˆ y (T ) , ϕ1 (T ))L2





0 −ˆ ν (σ∇ˆ p, ∇ϕ1 )L2 − νˆ(Iion,y (ˆ y , zˆ)ˆ p, ϕ1 )L2 − νˆ gy0 (ˆ y , zˆ)ˆ q , ϕ2



+ (ˆ p t , ϕ 1 )L2


+ (µˆ y (T ) − pˆ (T ) , ϕ1 (T ))L2 .


where the last equality follows by an integration by parts. Analogously, L0z (ˆ y , zˆ, ˆ c, νˆ, pˆ, qˆ) ϕ2 =



0 −ˆ ν Iion,z (ˆ y , zˆ)ϕ2 , pˆ


Z =


0 −ˆ ν Iion,z (ˆ y , zˆ)ˆ p, ϕ2




− νˆ gz0 (ˆ y , zˆ)ˆ q , ϕ2 ,

− νˆ gz0 (ˆ y , zˆ)ϕ2 , qˆ


+ (ˆ q t , ϕ 2 )L2



− (∂t ϕ2 , qˆ)L2


dτ − (ˆ q (T ) , ϕ2 (T ))L2 .

The adjoint system

L0y (ˆ y , zˆ, ˆ c, νˆ, pˆ, qˆ) ϕ1 = 0 L0z (ˆ y , zˆ, ˆ c, νˆ, pˆ, qˆ) ϕ2 = 0

for all ϕ1 , ϕ2 ∈ W (IT ) × H 1 I; L2 , with ϕ1 (0) = ϕ2 (0) = 0, is the weak form of system (10.95). Moreover, we have the variational inequalities L0ν (ˆ y , zˆ, ˆ c, νˆ, pˆ, qˆ) (ν − νˆ) ≥ 0 for all ν ∈ Nad


L0cj (ˆ y , zˆ, ˆ c, νˆ, pˆ, qˆ) (ξj − cˆj ) ≥ 0 for all ξ ∈ Uad .


and, for j = 1, ..., N , Since Nad is open in L∞ (IT ), (10.100) reduces to the equation L0ν (ˆ y , zˆ, ˆ c, νˆ, pˆ, qˆ) ν =

Z νH (ˆ y , zˆ, ˆ c, pˆ, qˆ) dτ = 0 for all ν ∈ Nad IT

which implies the transversality condition H (ˆ y (τ ) , zˆ (τ ) , ˆ c (τ ) , pˆ (τ ) , qˆ (τ )) = 0 for a. e. τ ∈ IT . Since L0cj (ˆ y , zˆ, ˆ c, νˆ, pˆ, qˆ) ξj =



νˆ αˆ cj ξj + ξj (χΩj , pˆ)L2



(10.101) writes


νˆ αˆ cj + (χΩj , pˆ)L2 (ξj − cˆj ) dτ ≥ 0 for all ξ ∈ Uad .



10 Advanced Selected Applications

As we know, formula (10.104) expresses each component cˆj of the optimal control vector as the projection

 cˆj (τ ) = PrUad

1 − (χΩj , pˆ (τ ))L2 α


 = max

( −Mj , min

( = min

( Mj , max

1 α


Z pˆ (x, τ ) dx,Mj Ωj

1 −Mj , − α


Z pˆ (x, τ ) dx



From the last formula we deduce that ˆ c ∈ H 1 IT ; RN and therefore that ˆ c is continuous in [0, T ] . It follows, from Lemma 10.3, that the Hamiltonian function τ 7→ H (ˆ y (τ ) , zˆ (τ ) , ˆ c (τ ) , νˆ (τ ) , pˆ (τ ) , qˆ (τ )) is continuous in [0, T ] and hence the transversality condition 10.102 actually holds for every τ ∈ [0, T ]. t u

In the next lemma we prove that the control-to-state map S : (c, ν) 7→ (y, z) is continuously Fr´echet differentiable. Lemma 10.4 (differentability of the control-to-state map). Let S : Uad × Nad ⊂ U × L∞ (IT ) → W (IT ) × H 1 IT ; L2

be the control-to-state map. Then, for each (¯ c, ν¯) ∈ Uad × Nad there exists a neighborhood of (¯ c, ν¯) in Uad × Nad where (y, z) = S (c, ν) is continuously Fr´echet differentiable. Proof. We use the Implicit Function Theorem A.23 for the state equation that we write in operator form as G (y, z, c, ν) = 0 where G : W (IT ) × H 1 I; L


× U × L∞ (IT ) → L2 (QT ) × L2 (QT ) × V × L3 is defined by


  G (y, z, c, ν) =  

yt + νAy + νIion (y, z) − ν I˜e (c)  zt + νg (y, z)   y (0) − v0 z (0) − w0

where A is defined in (10.87), (10.88). Note that the first equation in (10.105) incorporates the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition. We check that G is continuously Fr´ echet differentiable by inspecting its first two components.  Since A : W (IT ) → L2 (QT ) and g : W (IT )×H 1 I; L2 → L2 (QT ) are linear and bounded, and c → I˜e (c) is quadratic, both these operators are continuously Fr´ echet differentiable. Write (see 10.68)

 Iion (y, z) = η0 v


y vth


y vpk

 + η1 yz = R (y) + η1 yz.

Since W (IT ) ,→ L6 (QT ), the differentiability of the cubic operator R : L6 (QT ) → L2 (QT ) follows by direct computations as done in the Example A.14 of Sect. A.7.3 in the Appendix A. By property d), Sect. A.7.1, it follows that R is also differentiable when regarded as an operator from W (IT ) into L2 (QT ). For the bilinear operator (y, z) → b (y, z) = yz we have b0y (y, z) k = kz and b0z (y, z) h = yh and b (y + k, z + h) − b (y, z) − b0y (y, z) k − b0z (y, z) h = hk. Using the embeddings L2 (IT ; DA ) ,→ L2 (IT ; L∞ ) and H 1 IT ; L2 ,→ L∞ IT ; L2 in Lemma 10.3, we find

khkk2L2 (Q

Z T)


Z dτ

h2 (x, τ ) k (x, τ )2 dx ≤


≤ khk2L2 (I

T ;L


kh (τ )k2L∞ dτ IT


kkk2L∞ (I

T ;L



k (x, τ )2 dx

2 2 ) ≤ C khkW (IT ) kkkH 1 (IT ;L2 )

from which the differentiability of b follows. Finally, since ν ∈ L∞ (IT ), the differentiability of G easily follows.

10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology


The Implicit Function Theorem requires that, for any fixed (¯ c, ν¯) and (¯ y , z¯) = S (¯ c, ν¯), the linear operator G0(y,z) (¯ y , z¯, ¯ c, ν¯) : W (IT ) × H 1 I; L2 → L2 (QT ) × L2 (QT ) × V × L3

defined by

  G0(y,z) (¯ y , z¯, ¯ c, ν¯) (h, k) =  

0 0 ht + ν¯A0 (¯ y )h + ν¯Iion,y (¯ y , z¯) h + ν¯Iion,z (¯ y , z¯) k  kt + ν¯g(h, k) ,  h (0) k (0)

has a bounded inverse. Thus we have to check that the linear system

 0 y )h + ν 0 0 ¯Iion,y (¯ y , z¯) h + ν¯Iion,z (¯ y , z¯) k = f1 (x,t)   ht + ν¯A (¯ 

in QT in QT on Γ × IT in Ω

kt + ν¯g(h, k) = f2 (x,t)   σ∇h · n = 0  h (0) = h0 , k (0) = k0


has a unique solution for every (f1 , f2 ) ∈ L2 (QT ) × L2 (QT ) and every (h0 , k0 ) ∈ V × L3 . Since ν¯ ∈ L∞ (IT ) and (¯ y , z¯) ∈ L∞ (QT ) × L∞ (QT ) , recalling Remark 10.8 and, in particular, formula (10.77), we can rewrite (10.106) in the form of system (10.107). Applying Theorem 10.10 we infer that G0(y,z) (¯ y , z¯, ¯ c, ν¯) has bounded inverse. Finally, applying the Implicit Function Theorem we conclude the proof. t u

Our next result states the well-posedness of the integro-differential equation obtained by linearization of the monodomain system. Consider the system   ψt − div (σ∇ψ) + aψ + bEδ (ψ) = f in QT σ∇ψ · n = 0 on Γ × IT (10.107)  ψ (0) = 0 in Ω, where a, b ∈ L∞ (QT ), f ∈ L2 (QT ) and

Eδ (ψ) (x, t) =



e−δ(t−s) ψ (x,s) ds. 0

A function ψ is a strong solution of (10.107) if ψ ∈ W (IT ), ψ(0) = 0 and Z

T 0

((ψt , ϕ)L2 + (σ∇ψ, ∇ϕ)L2 + (aψ + bEδ (ψ) , ϕ)L2 ) dt =


T 0

(f, ϕ)L2 dt


for every ϕ ∈ L2 (IT ; V ). We want to prove the following theorem: Theorem 10.10 (linearization). There exists a unique strong solution to equation (10.108). Moreover, kψkW (IT ) ≤ C kf kL2 (QT ) (10.109) with C independent of ψ and f . Proof. First we replace ψ by the new variable ψ¯ = e−γt ψ, γ > 0. The equation for ψ¯ becomes ψ¯t − div σ∇ψ¯ + (a + γ) ψ¯ + bEδ+γ ψ¯ = e−γt f.


We use the Contraction Mapping Theorem A.21 in L2 (QT ). Fix ψ0 ∈ L2 (QT ), choose γ > 1 + kakL∞ (QT ) and solve the equation  ψ¯t − div σ∇ψ¯ + (a + γ) ψ¯ = −bEδ+γ (ψ0 ) + e−γt f (10.111) with

ψ¯ (0) = 0 and σ∇ψ¯ · n = 0 on Γ × If .



10 Advanced Selected Applications

In weak form,



ψ¯t , ϕ


¯ ∇ϕ + σ∇ψ,


¯ ϕ + (a + γ) ψ,



Z L2

e−γt f − bEδ+γ (ψ0 ) , ϕ

dt =





or, equivalently,



¯ ϕ ψ¯t + Aψ¯ + (a + γ) ψ,



Z L2

dt =

e−γt f − bEδ+γ (ψ0 ) , ϕ





for all ϕ ∈ L2 If ; V . We have, by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,

Eδ+γ (ψ0 ) 2 2

L (QT )




e−(δ+γ)(t−s) ψ0 (s, x) ds

= QT

2 dxdt ≤


T kψ0 k2L2 (Q ) . T 2(δ + γ)


Thus Theorem 7.1 and Remark 7.2 give existence and uniqueness of a weak solution ψ¯ ∈ L∞ (IT ; V ), with ψ¯t ∈ L2 IT ; L2 . ¯ since ψ¯ (0) = 0, a + γ > 1, In particular, testing (10.113) with ϕ = ψ, ¯ ∇ψ¯ σ∇ψ,

2 ≥ c0 ∇ψ¯ L2 and




ψ¯t , ψ¯



dt =


ψ¯ (T ) 2 2 , L 2

we can write


L2 (QT )

≤ kf kL2 (QT ) + kbkL∞ (QT ) Eδ+γ (ψ0 ) L2 (Q

s ≤ kf kL2 (QT ) +


T kbkL∞ (QT ) kψ0 kL2 (QT ) . 2(δ + γ)


In this way we have defined a map S : L2 (QT ) → L2 (QT ), ψ0 7→ ψ¯ = S (ψ0 ), where S (ψ0 ) is the solution to system (10.111), (10.112). From (10.115) and (10.116) we have

s kS (ψ0 ) − S (ψ1 )kL2 (QT ) ≤ provided γ is large enough to have, say

T 1 kbkL∞ (QT ) kψ0 − ψ1 kL2 (QT ) ≤ kψ0 − ψ1 k2L2 (Q ) T 2(δ + γ) 2


T 2(δ+γ) L2 (Qf )

kbkL∞ (QT ) ≤

1 . 2

Therefore S is a strict contraction in and has a unique fixed point ψ¯∗ . Notice that, from (10.116) we deduce

ψ¯ 2 ≤ 2 kf kL2 (QT ) . (10.117) L (Q ) T

Together with the parabolic estimate in Remark 7.2, this gives

∗ 2

ψ¯t 2

L (QT )

≤ C0 kf k2L2 (Q



Finally, from equation (10.114), we infer Aψ¯∗ ∈ L2 If ; L2 and


W (IT )

≤ C1 kf kL2 (QT ) .

The constants C0 , C1 depend, in general, only on T, c0 , Λ, δ, kakL∞ (QT ) and kbkL∞ (QT ) . Going back to ψ ∗ = eγt ψ¯∗ we deduce that ψ ∗ ∈ W (IT ) and (10.109) holds. u t

Remark 10.11. The adjoint system admits a unique solution. Indeed equation (10.95) shares the same structure of problem (10.107), which is well-posed according to Theorem 10.10. •

10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology


10.2.6 Numerical Approximation We show some numerical results obtained on a simplified version of the optimal time control problem (10.72), inspired by the problem addressed by Kunisch et al. in [163]. This problem is posed on a fixed time horizon (0, tf ) at the end of which defibrillation must be achieved, while the defibrillation pulse (to be controlled) is applied on the first part (0, T¯) of the time interval, with T¯ ∈ (0, tf ) being part of the optimization process. Moreover, to reach an effective defibrillation at time t = tf , we aim at bringing as much tissue to the resting state as possible. Hence, in this section we assume that T¯ is also fixed; as a result, we deal with control functions acting on (0, tf ), with the assumption that u(t) = u(T¯) in the interval (T¯, tf ). As control function, we assume that similarly to (10.69) the current is induced through N electrode plates Ωj , j = 1, . . . , N , each one delivering a pulse uj = uj (t). Hence, we minimize the cost functional Z Z µ α tf J˜ (v, w, u) = |v (tf ) |2 dx + |u(t)|2 dt (10.118) 2 Ω 2 0 under the constraints u ∈ Uad , where  Uad = u ∈ U : |uk (t)| ≤ Mj , k = 1, . . . , N, 0 ≤ t ≤ T¯, u = u(T¯), T¯ ≤ t ≤ tf .


The first-order optimality conditions for the OCP (10.66), (10.119), (10.118), can be recovered similarly to the time-distributed control problem of Sect. 7.5.2; see Exercise 6 for further details. In particular, the adjoint problem is given by the following backward in time, linearized monodomain system:  pt + div (σ∇p) − (Iion )0v (v, w) p − gv0 (v, w)q = 0 in Qtf    0 qt − (Iion )0w (v, w) p − gw (v, w)q = 0 in Qtf (10.120) σ∇p · n = 0 on Γ × If    p (tf ) = µv(tf ), w (tf ) = 0 in Ω, whereas the gradient of the reduced cost functional J(u) = J˜ (v(u), w(u), u), according to the formula (10.103) (read in terms of the original time variable) is provided by Z (∇J(u))j = αuj + p, j = 1, . . . , N. (10.121) Ωj

For the numerical solution of the OCP (10.66), (10.118), (10.71), we use an iterative method for the minimization of the cost functional and the Galerkin finite element method for the numerical discretization of both the state and the adjoint equation. Numerical results obtained for problem (10.72) can be found, e.g., in [161, 163], where a trust region semismooth Newton method has been employed for the stabilization of a reentry wave in minimal time and with minimal energy input.

Numerical discretization of state and adjoint equations We discuss a possible strategy to solve the state problem, which can also be exploited to approximate the adjoint problem. This latter indeed shares the same structure of the state problem. It is a linear, backward in time, PDE, whereas the state problem is a time-dependent nonlinear PDE (the monodomain equation) coupled to a system of ODEs. The ODE system has to be solved at each node of the spatial discretization used to approximate the monodomain equation.


10 Advanced Selected Applications

We apply the Galerkin-FE method on two finite-dimensional spaces Vh ⊂ V = H 1 (Ω), Wh ⊂ W = L2 (Ω), of (usually very large) dimension dim(Vh ) = dim(Wh ) = Nh ; as usual, h denotes a parameter related to the mesh size of the computational grid. The Galerkin-FE approximation of the state system (10.73)–(10.75) thus reads as follows: given u ∈ Uad , for each t ∈ (0, tf ), we seek (vh , wh ) = (vh (t), wh (t)) ∈ Vh × Wh such that Z Z Z   (∂ v + I (v , w )) ϕ + σ∇v · ∇ϕ = Ie (u)ϕ ∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω),  t h ion h h h   Ω  Ω ZΩ (10.122) (∂t wh + g(vh , wh )) ψ = 0 ∀ψ ∈ L2 (Ω),    Ω    vh (0) = vh0 , wh (0) = wh0 . Here we denote by vh0 ∈ Vh , wh0 ∈ Wh two suitable approximations of the initial conditions. We can now derive the matrix formulation corresponding to the Galerkin-FE approximation h (10.122). Let us denote by {ϕi }N i=1 the Lagrangian basis of the FE space Vh , so that we can express the FE approximation to v(x, t) as vh (x, t) =

Nh X

vh,i (t)ϕi (x);



as a matter of fact, at each t ∈ (0, tf ), v(t) ∈ RNh will denote the vector of the degrees of freedom appearing in (10.123). Similarly, we denote by w(t) ∈ RNh , for each t ∈ (0, tf ), the vector of the nodal values of wh (x, t). Formally speaking, wh (x, t) cannot be expressed as a function of Vh ; nevertheless, for the sake of algebraic calculation, its vector representation has indeed the same dimension of v(t) ∈ RNh . Problem (10.122) can thus be rewritten as: given v(0) = v0 , w(0) = w0 , solve ( ˙ Mv(t) + Av(t) + Iion (v(t), w(t)) = Ie (u) t ∈ (0, tf ). (10.124) ˙ w(t) + g(v(t), w(t)) = 0, Here Mh ∈ RNh ×Nh and Ah ∈ RNh ×Nh denote the mass matrix and the stiffness matrix, Z Z (M)ij = ϕi ϕj , (A)ij = σ∇ϕi · ∇ϕj , Ω

respectively, for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ Nh ; the source term Ie ∈ R is given by Z (Ie (u))j = Ie (u)ϕj Nh

while the nonlinear terms Iion , g ∈ RNh are given by Z Z (Iion (v, w))j = Iion (v, w)ϕj , (g(v, w))j = g(v, w)ϕj , Ω

respectively. Regarding the treatment of nonlinear terms and time discretization, we use a semi-implicit, first order, one-step scheme [67]. Given a uniform partition of (0, tf ) in subintervals (tn , tn+1 ) of length ∆t = tn+1 − tn , n = 0, 1, . . . , Nt − 1, with Nt ∆t = tf , at each time-step tn+1 the nonlinear vector Iion,h is evaluated around the solution already computed at time t(n) . This decouples the PDE from the ODE leading to a linear system to be solved at each time step. Moreover, a ionic current interpolation strategy is used to evaluate the ionic current term, so that only the nodal values are used to build a (piecewise linear) interpolant of the ionic current.

10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology


The control vector u = u(t) is piecewise constant in time, with values un ∈ RN at each time step tn , n = 1, . . . , Nt ; hence, we have u(t) =

Nt X

un χ(tn−1 ,tn ] (t);


its discrete counterpart is a vector un ∈ RN , n = 1, . . . , Nt . n+1 t In conclusion, given {un }N and wn+1 n=1 , solving the state problem requires to find v such that v(0) = v0 , w(0) = w0 and, for n = 0, . . . , Nt − 1,  n+1 w − wn   + g(vn , wn+1 ) = 0,  ∆t (10.125) n+1  − vn  M v + Avn+1 + Iion (vn , wn+1 ) − Ie (un+1 ) = 0. ∆t

The major computational costs are due to assembling the terms Iion and g at each time step and by the solution of the linear system (10.125)2 . On its turn, the time step ∆t is required to be sufficiently small to ensure the stability (and the convergence) of the method. Once the state problem has been solved, the cost functional (10.118) can be evaluated as N t −1 X  µ α J˜ (vh , wh , u) = (vNt )> M(vNt ) + ∆t |un |2 + (|un+1 |2 . 2 2 n=1

Numerical optimization Regarding the minimization of the cost functional Jh (u) = J˜ (vh (u), wh (u), u), an iterative method with projection is employed exploiting a limited-memory BFGS (LM-BFGS) to compute the descent direction, through a suitable approximation of the Hessian matrix of the cost functional. A backtracking algorithm is exploited to update the step length τk so that it fulfills the Wolfe conditions, according to Algorithm 3.3; in particular, σ = 0.5 and ρ = 0.2 have been chosen. The box constraints on the control, u ∈ Uad , have been taken into account by projecting, at each optimization step, the updated control on the set of admissible controls. As stopping criterion, we require that |∇Jh (uk )|/|∇Jh (u0 )| < ε,


for a given tolerance ε > 0. At each step of the BFGS method, we solve the state monodomain system (10.66), from which we obtain the state variables and the value of the cost functional. Then, we solve the adjoint problem (10.120), similarly to the state problem, and finally we evaluate the gradient of the cost functional. The control is then updated according to the computed descent direction, and then projecting the new iterate onto Uad . Numerical results We now present the numerical results related with the optimal electrical defibrillation problem. A mesh with 16,384 triangular elements and 8,385 vertices has been built over the domain Ω = (0, 2) × (0, 0.8) reported in Fig. 10.5. On the time interval (0, 70) (in milliseconds) a partition of Nt = 1750 time intervals of length ∆t = 0.04 has been introduced.


10 Advanced Selected Applications

Fig. 10.5 The domain Ω and the subdomains Ω1,2 where the control acts simulating an electrical defibrillation. On the background, the initial condition on the trasmembrane potential v0

The initial condition (v0 , w0 ) describes a reentry wave of the so-called figure of eight type, and is constructed by the usual S1-S2 protocol (see, e.g., [5]) as follows [163]. Start by exciting the lower edge of the domain by setting v(x, 0) = 101 if {(x1 , x2 ) : x2 < 1/160} and v(x, 0) = 0 otherwise, with w(x, 0) = 0. Then compute the uncontrolled solution until t = 130 ms using a fixed step size Δt = 0.1 ms. The solution describes a planar wave front travelling from the bottom up. As soon as the centre gets excitable again, a second stimulus is based on a circle around the midpoint with radius 0.3 for 2 ms, that is, by setting Ie = 200χΩS2 (x)χ[130,132] (t) with ΩS2 = B0.3 (1, 0.4). We carry on the simulation without any further stimulus up to T = 217 ms; the resulting v(x, T ) and w(x, T ) are kept as initial condition (v0 , w0 ) of the state problem. Regarding the state (and the adjoint) problem, the choice of parameters is inspired by [69], where further details on the adimensionalization procedure used in this example can also be found. In particular, we take σ = diag(3 · 10−3 , 3.1525 · 10−4 ) and η0 = 1.5,

η1 = 4.4,

η2 = 0.012,

η3 = 1.0,

vth = 13,

vpk = 100

in the definition of the functions Iion and g. We consider a symmetric case, in which it is possible to defibrillate with just one control pulse, that is, N = 1, acting on the control domain Ω1 ∪ Ω2 = (0, 0.25) × (0.3, 0.55) ∪ (1.75, 2) × (0.3, 0.55) (see Fig. 10.5). Regarding the optimal control problem, we set T¯ = 34.12 ms, tf = 64 ms, α = 10−3 , μ = 103 and the initial control to a constant value, u = −50; for the bound constraints, we set M1 = 100. The LM-BFGS method takes 13 steps to fulfill the stopping criterion (10.126) with the tolerance set to ε = 10−2 ; the value of the cost functional decreases from the initial value





umin u





-100 0









Fig. 10.6 Optimal control, initial guess, control constraints as functions of time tn , n = 1, . . . , 1750. Time T¯ = 34.12 ms corresponds to n = 853

10.2 Time optimal Control in Cardiac Electrophysiology


Fig. 10.7 From top to bottom: transmembrane potential v at time instants t = 0, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1100, 1500, 1750 ms with optimal control (left) and without control (right)

J (0) = 1.5775 · 1010 to Jˆ = 5.4094 · 103 , thus being reduced by a factor of about 99%. The profile of the computed optimal control is reported in Fig. 10.6, while a comparison between the uncontrolled solution (in terms of transmembrane potential) and the optimal solution is shown in Fig. 10.7, where the suppression of the reentry wave through the action of the control is clearly visible. Indeed, the defibrillation at the final time t = tf is effective since almost the whole tissue is at the resting state (left column); conversely, without defibrillation, the reentry wave is still present (right column).


10 Advanced Selected Applications

10.3 Optimal Dirichlet Control of Unsteady Navier-Stokes Flows In this section we consider an optimal flow control problem inspired by the problem of flow regularization considered in [32]. We study a mixed initial-boundary value problem for the incompressible unsteady Navier-Stokes equations in two dimensions, where we prescribe homogeneous Neumann conditions on a portion of the boundary, Dirichlet conditions (both homogeneous and non-homogeneous) on the velocity on another boundary portion, and a velocity control on the remaining portion of the domain boundary. The goal is to operate a dynamic control (that is, to control the flow in time) so that flow vorticity (both in space and time) is minimized. Similar problems, dealing however with Dirichlet conditions on the whole boundary, have been considered, e.g., in [122, 123, 97, 158].

10.3.1 Problem Formulation We first formulate the state system, given by the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations, in primitive variables (velocity and pressure), for incompressible and viscous fluid flows. For this state system, we consider a minimization problem for quadratic functionals of the velocity field through a velocity control operated dynamically on a portion of the inflow boundary. For concrete examples, we denote by Ω ⊂ Rd the domain occupied by the fluid and by Γ = ∂Ω its boundary. We refer to the concrete examples shown in Figure 10.8 for d = 2 and d = 3. The time interval is denoted by (0, T ], for a given final time T > 0; we also denote by Q = Ω ×(0, T ] the space-time cylinder. The inflow boundary Γ1 = Γc ∪ Γin is composed by Γc , the control boundary (a segment if d = 2, a disc if d = 3) and by Γin the inlet where Dirichlet data are assigned; Γout and Γw are the outflow and the wall boundary portions, where zero stress and zero velocity are assigned, respectively. Unless explicitly stated, notation conforms to those introduced in Sect. 10.1. We set an inflow parabolic profile on Γin – simulating, e.g., a fully developed flow through a planar duct if d = 2, or a cylinder if d = 3 – setting its inclination by prescribing the value of the angle η ∈ (−π/2, π/2). Our goal is to minimize the vorticity of the flow over the bounded domain Ω ⊂ Rd , by controlling a Dirichlet inflow u = u(x, t). Hence, we want to minimize the cost functional ˜ u) = 1 J(v, 2


τ ξ|∇ × v| dxdt + 2 2



T 0



|∇u|2 dσdt



where τ ≥ 0, u ∈ U = L2 (0, T ; H01 (Γc ) ) is a control variable and (v, π) = (v(u), π(u)) ∈ X × Q is a weak solution of the following unsteady Navier-Stokes system:  vt − ν ∆v + (v · ∇)v + ∇π = 0 in QT      div v = 0 in QT      v = vin on Sin = Γin × (0, T )    v=u on Sc = Γc × (0, T ) (10.128)   v = 0 on S = Γ × (0, T ) w w     ∂v    πn − ν =0 on Sout = Γout × (0, T )   ∂n   v(x, 0) = h in Ω where v and π denote the fluid velocity and pressure, respectively. Here ξ = ξ(x) is a weight function emphasizing the effect of vorticity far from the boundaries Γc and Γin .

10.3 Optimal Dirichlet Control of Unsteady Navier-Stokes Flows


Moreover, let  Uad = {u ∈ L2 0, T, H01 (Γc )d : ku(t)kH01 (Γc )d ≤ η a.e. t ∈ (0, T )}

be the set of admissible controls, for a given constant η > 0. Let us now define  on Γc  u(t) on Γw g(t) = g(t; u) = 0  vin (t) on Γin . 1/2


Assuming that vin ∈ L2 (0, T, H00 (Γin ) ), we have that g|Γ1 ∈ L2 (0, T, T1 ), being T1 = 1/2 1/2 d d H00 (Γ1 )d , since u ∈ L2 (0, T, H01 (Γc ) ) and H01 (Γc ) ⊂ H00 (Γc )d with continuous injection. If η, vin and h are sufficiently small, the well-posedness of a suitable weak formulation of problem (10.128) can be inferred following what shown in, e.g., [160]. To write the optimality conditions, we take advantage of the setting already introduced in Sect. 7.6 (regarding the optimal control of unsteady Stokes equations) and Sect. 10.1 (concerning the case of steady Navier-Stokes equations). In particular, to handle the inhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions, we rewrite the state problem into a parabolic saddle point formulation, ∂v introducing a new variable s ∈ T1 , representing the boundary stress πn − ν ∂n on Γ1 , and ∗ appending a multiplier s ∈ T1 to the Dirichlet boundary conditions. This exempts us to use a lifting for the Dirichlet data and divergence free spaces for the velocity. Indeed, we choose n o 1/2 d d X = ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω) : ϕ|Γ1 ∈ H00 (Γ1 ) as velocity space and L2 (Ω) as pressure space, respectively. Moreover, we assume that h ∈ X is such that divh = 0 in Ω, and set H = L2 (Ω)d . The saddle point formulation of the problem is obtained by: multiplying the first equation in (10.128) by a test function ϕ ∈ X, integrating over Ω, integrating by parts and taking into account the boundary conditions, then by multiplying the other equations by test functions φ ∈ Q, λ ∈ T1∗ , respectively, and integrating over Ω. Thus, we find the following formulation: find v ∈ L2 (0, T ; X) ∩ H 1 (0, T ; H), π ∈ L2 (0, T ; L2 (Ω)) and s ∈ L2 (0, T ; T1∗ ) such that, for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ),  (vt (t) , ϕ)H + e (v (t) , ϕ) + c(v(t), v(t), ϕ) + b(π(t), ϕ) + hs (t) , ϕiΓ1 = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ X     b(v (t) , φ) = 0 ∀φ ∈ L2 (Ω)  ∀λ ∈ T1  hλ, v (t)iΓ1 = hλ, g(t)iΓ1   (v (0) , ϕ)H = (h, ϕ)H ∀ϕ ∈ X. (10.129)

Fig. 10.8 The domain and its boundary portions


10 Advanced Selected Applications

By grouping together the second and the third equation in (10.129), defining Q = L2 (Ω) × and introducing the bilinear form ˜b : X × Q → R as in (10.11), we obtain the following equivalent formulation of (10.129): find v ∈ L2 (0, T ; X) ∩ H 1 (0, T ; H), (π, s) ∈ L2 (0, T, Q) × L2 (0, T ; T1∗ ) such that, for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ),  ˜   (vt (t) , ϕ)H + e(v(t), ϕ) + c (v(t), v(t), ϕ) + b(ϕ, (π(t), s(t))) = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ X ˜b(v(t), (φ, λ)) = hG(t), (φ, λ)i ∗ ∀(φ, λ) ∈ Q × T1∗ Q ,Q   (v (0) , ϕ)H = (h, ϕ)H ∀ϕ ∈ X, (10.130) with G ∈ Q∗ defined, for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), by T1∗

hG(t), (φ, λ)iQ∗ ,Q = hλ, g(t)iΓ1 .

10.3.2 Optimality Conditions Following what we did in Sect. 7.6 in the case of unsteady Stokes equations, and proceeding formally, we can recover the system of first-order necessary optimality conditions in weak form, introducing the Lagrangian L = L ((v, π, s), u, (z, q, λ)) given by L ((v, π, s), u, (z, q, λ)) = −


T 0


1 2



ξ|∇ × v|2 dxdt +

τ 2


T 0



|∇u|2 dσdt

(vt (t) , z (t)) + e (v(t), z(t)) + c(v(t), v(t), z(t)) + ˜b(z (t) , (π (t) , s(t)) −


T 0

n o ˜b(v(t), (q(t), λ(t))) − hG(t), (q(t), λ(t))i ∗ Q ,Q dt,



where z ∈ L2 (0, T ; X) ∩ H 1 (0, T ; H) and (π, λ) ∈ L2 (0, T ; L2 (Ω)) × L2 (0, T ; T1∗ ) are the adjoint variables (or Lagrange multipliers) related to the constraints represented by the equations in the state problem (10.129). We now differentiate the Lagrangian with respect to the state variables v, π, s and set each derivative, evaluated at the optimal state and adjoint variables, equal to zero. We put ˆ ˆ (z, ˆ qˆ, λ)). Lˆ0 = L0 ((ˆ v, π ˆ , sˆ), u, (·)


• Lˆ0v w = 0 for all w ∈ L2 (0, T ; X) ∩ H 1 (0, T ; H) , w (0) = 0, gives Lˆ0v w = −



T 0

T 0



ξ(∇ × vˆ(t)) · (∇ × w (t))dxdt −


T 0

ˆ ˆ {(wt (t) , z(t)) dt H + e(w (t) , z(t)}

o ˆ ˆ ˆ c(w, vˆ(t), z(t)) + c(ˆ v (t), w, z(t)) + ˜b(w(t), (ˆ q (t), λ(t)) dt = 0.


Integrating by parts we get Z

T 0

ˆ (wt (t) , z(t)) H dt = −


T 0

ˆ ))H . (w (t) , zˆt (t))H dt + (w (T ) , z(T

Choosing w (t) = a (t) ψ with a ∈ C 1 ([0, T ]) , a (0) = 0, ψ ∈ X, as a test function in (10.131), we derive the following equation, for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ):

10.3 Optimal Dirichlet Control of Unsteady Navier-Stokes Flows


ˆ ˆ ˆ − (zˆt (t) , ψ)H + e(ψ, z(t)) +c (ψ, vˆ(t), z(t)) + c (ˆ vZ(t), ψ, z(t)) ˆ ψiΓ = +b(ψ, qˆ) + hλ, ξ(∇ × vˆ(t)) · (∇ × ψ) 1

∀ψ ∈ X, (10.132)

and the final condition ˆ ) = 0. z(T •

Lˆ0π r



= 0 for all r ∈ L (QT ) yields Lˆ0π r =


T 0

(r (t) , divzˆ (t))L2 (Ω)dt = 0

which implies divzˆ = 0 in QT .


• Lˆ0s µ = 0 for all µ ∈ L2 (0, T ; T1∗ ) gives hµ (t) , zˆ (t)iΓ1 = 0 which implies zˆ = 0 on Γ1 × (0, T ).


Using (10.42), (10.43), and (10.44), and defining the rotation tensor ∇ˆ v (t) − (∇ˆ v (t))⊥ = ˆ W(t), we recognize that system (10.132), (10.133), (10.134) and (10.135) represents the saddle point formulation of the following adjoint problem:  > −zˆt − ν ∆zˆ − (ˆ v · ∇)zˆ + (∇ˆ v ) zˆ + ∇ˆ q = ∇ × (ξ∇ × vˆ) in QT      div zˆ = 0 in QT    zˆ = 0 on (Γ0 ∪ Γ1 ) × (0, T )   ∂ zˆ  ˆ =0  ˆ + Wn qˆn − ν − (ˆ v · n) zξ on Γout × (0, T )   ∂n   ˆ T) = 0 z(x, in Ω. (10.136) This latter is a backward in time Navier-Stokes problem with final condition, homogeneous Dirichlet/Neumann conditions and source term (for the momentum equation) equal to ∇ × (ξ∇ × vˆ(t)). We can also deduce that, regarding the multiplier, sˆ(t) = qˆ(t)n − ν

ˆ ∂ z(t) ˆ + ξ W(t)n ∂n

on Γ1 .


ˆ ≥ • We now differentiate the Lagrangian with respect to the control variable and set Lˆ0u (k−u) 0 for all k ∈ Uad , obtaining the following variational inequality Z T Z T ˆ = ˆ k − u) ˆ H 1 (Γc )2 dt + ˆ Γc dt ≥ 0 Lˆ0u (k − u) (τ u, hˆ s, k − ui ∀k ∈ Uad . (10.138) 0




Then, introducing the embedding operator B : Tc∗ → H −1 (Γc ) defined by hBs(t), kiH −1 (Γc )d ,H 1 (Γc )d = hs(t), kiΓc 0

we find that


∀k ∈ H01 (Γc ) , a.e. t ∈ (0, T )

ˆ = τu ˆ+w ˆ ∇J (u)

d ˆ where, for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), w(t) ∈ H01 (Γc ) , is the unique weak solution to

ˆ = B sˆ(t) −∆w(t)

on Γc .



10 Advanced Selected Applications

Finally, by requiring that the derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect to the adjoint variables vanish, we obtain the state system (10.129).

10.3.3 Dynamic Boundary Action To simplify the problem discussed so far, we can assume that the flow is controlled by suction and blowing on a part of the boundary, so that boundary control takes place through a parameterized, prescribed velocity distribution on the control boundary Γc . As we will see below, this also enables to turn the constrained OCP of the previous section into a more favorable unconstrained OCP. Practically, the control flow is meant to enhance the flow emission from the outflow Γout . More specifically, following [32] we assume that the function u(t) is defined as u(t) = ψ(θ)u(t) where: • ψ : Iad → Rd is a (chosen) one-parameter family of velocity distributions on Γc , where Iad ⊂ R is a closed interval. For the case at hand, θ is a control quantity, representing the angle of incidence for an injected flow featuring a fixed, parabolic velocity profile on a flat part Γc of the boundary; in particular, ψ(θ) ∈ H01 (Γc )d ; • u : (0, T ) → R is a control function, representing the (time-varying) amplitude of the injected flow. We can also specify the choice of the cost functional (10.127), by considering ˜ u, θ) = 1 J(v, 2


τ ξ|∇ × v| dxdt + 2 2



T 0

1 (u(t))2 dt + ϕ(θ) δ


where, in addition to the vorticity term and to the second (penalization) term, we handle the box constraint on the control variable θ (which must belong to Iad ) by introducing a convex function ϕ ∈ C 1 (R) such that ϕ = 0 on Iad and ϕ > 0 otherwise, and a second penalization parameter δ > 0, typically small. Intuitively, ϕ forces θ to take values in Iad . In this way, instead of Uad = {(u, θ) : u ∈ L2 (0, T ), θ ∈ Iad } we can take as space of admissible controls the (convex) set Uad = U = {(u, θ) : u ∈ L2 (0, T ), θ ∈ R}. Hence, the OCP reads as follows: ˜ u, θ) → min J(v, subject to (10.130) v ∈ L2 (0, T ; X) ∩ H 1 (0, T ; H), (π, s) ∈ L2 (0, T, Q) × L2 (0, T ; T1∗ ) (u, θ) ∈ U = L2 (0, T ) × R,


where J˜ is given by (10.140). It is possible to show (see Exercise 7) the following result.

10.3 Optimal Dirichlet Control of Unsteady Navier-Stokes Flows


ˆ be an optimal control and (ˆ Theorem 10.11. Let (ˆ u, θ) v, π ˆ , sˆ) be the corresponding optimal state. The optimality system is given by • the state problem (10.130); • the adjoint problem: for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ) ˆ ˆ ˆ − (zˆt (t) , ψ)H + e(ψ, z(t)) + c (ψ, vˆ(t), z(t)) + c (ˆ v (t), ψ, z(t)) R ˆ ˆ ψiΓ = ˆ +˜b(ψ, (ˆ q (t), λ(t))) + hλ, ξ(∇ × v (t)) · (∇ × ψ) 1 Ω ˜b(z(t), ˆ (φ, µ)) = 0 (zˆ (T ) , ψ)H = (0, ψ) • the Euler equations: ˆ = Ju0 (ˆ u, θ)k



τu ˆ k dt + 0


T 0

ˆ Γ dt = 0 k hˆ s, ψ(θ)i c

ˆ = 1 ϕ0 (θ) ˆ + Jθ0 (ˆ u, θ) δ


T 0

∀ψ ∈ X

∀(φ, µ) ∈ Q × T1∗ ∀ψ ∈ X; (10.142)

∀k ∈ L2 (0, T ),

ˆ Γ dt = 0, u ˆhˆ s, ∇ψ(θ)i c



˜ where J(u, θ) = J(v(u, θ), u, θ) is the reduced cost functional and   ∂ψ1 ∂ψd ∇ψ : R → Rd , ∇ψ(θ) = ,..., . ∂θ ∂θ

10.3.4 Numerical Approximation Numerical results are shown for different values of two characteristic parameters, namely the inflow inclination η and the Reynolds number Re = d1 U/ν, being U the maximum inflow velocity, ν the kynematic viscosity of the fluid, and d1 the length of the inflow nozzle. In particular, for moderate Reynolds numbers we include stabilization terms in the solver for the state problem, and modify the system of optimality conditions accordingly.

Numerical discretization of state and adjoint equations The state system consists of the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations, while the adjoint system is given by an unsteady Oseen problem (backward in time). Similarly to the steady case of Sect. 10.1.6, we rewrite both equations by introducing appropriate functional spaces and suitable lifting terms to take into account non-homogeneous boundary conditions; unless explicitly stated, all the notations required to set the algebraic problems is the same as the one introduced in Sect. 10.1.6. The Galerkin-FE approximation of the state system (10.128) thus reads as follows: for each t ∈ (0, T ), we seek (vh , πh ) = (vh (t), πh (t)) ∈ Xh × Qh such that Z  ∂t vh · ϕh + e˜(vh , ϕh ) + c (vh , vh , ϕh ) + b(ϕh , πh ) = F1 ϕh ∀ϕh ∈ Xh (10.145) Ω  b(vh , φh ) = F2 φh ∀φh ∈ Qh ,


10 Advanced Selected Applications

such that vh (0) = vh0 , where now the discrete (lifting) function interpolating the Dirichlet data vhD (t) = vhD (u(t)) ∈ Xh for each t ∈ (0, T ), depends on time, too. Here we denote by vh0 ∈ Xh a suitable approximation of the initial condition. The matrix formulation corresponding to the Galerkin-FE approximation (10.145) is then a nonlinear system of ODEs. Indeed, by expressing vh (t) =

Nv X

vh,i (t)φvi ,


πh (t) =

Np X

πh,i (t)φpi ,



the system (10.145) can be equivalently rewritten as: given v(0) = v0 , solve  ˙ Mv(t) + Ev(t) + C(v(t))v(t) + B> π(t) = f1 (t) t ∈ (0, T ). Bv(t) = f2 (t),


Here v0 ∈ RNv is the vector representation (over the FE basis) of vh0 and M is the (velocity) mass matrix, whose elements are given by Z (M)ij = φvj · φvi , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ Nv ; Ω

all the other matrices and vectors are defined similarly to what we have done in (10.59). To discretize the ODEs system (10.147) in time, we use the backward (or implicit) Euler method (see Sect. B.3 in the Appendix B), by introducing a uniform partition of (0, T ) in subintervals (tn , tn+1 ) of length ∆t = tn+1 − tn , n = 0, 1, . . . , Nt − 1, with Nt = T /∆t, and discretizing the time derivative by a backward finite difference: for n = 0, 1, . . ., given v0 = v0 , solve  n+1 − vn  v M + Evn+1 + C(vn+1 )vn+1 + B> pn+1 = f1n+1 ∆t  n+1 Bv = f2n+1 .

Equivalently, we obtain a nonlinear system of equations to be solved at each time step, under the form  "  #  M n M n+1 n+1 n+1 > v f + v ) B   ∆t + E + C(v = 1 (10.148) ∆t  . n+1 p n+1 B 0 f2 At each time step, a nonlinear system must then be solved; here we rely on the Newton method for small Reynolds numbers, and on the fixed point iteration method for moderate Reynolds numbers; these iterations are initialized with the solution computed at the previous time step. The resulting linear system to be solved at each (Newton or fixed point) step is solved with the GMRES method, employing the Cahouet-Chabard preconditioner (see, e.g., [90]). For moderate Reynolds numbers, we also introduce a streamline-upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) stabilization in the case of large Reynolds numbers. Regarding instead the numerical approximation of the adjoint variables, the adjoint system (10.142) is backward in time, and is linear with respect to both the adjoint velocity and pressure. Given the approximation vh = vh (t) of the (state) velocity, the Galerkin-FE approximation of the adjoint system (10.142) thus reads as follows: for each t ∈ (0, T ), we seek (zh , qh ) ∈ Xh × Qh such that  Z   ∂t zh · ϕh + e(ϕh , zh ) + c (vh , zh , ϕh ) + c (zh , vh , ϕh ) − Ω (10.149) +b(ϕh , qh ) = G1 (vh , ϕh ) ∀ϕh ∈ Xh    b(z , φ ) = 0 ∀φ ∈ Q , h




10.3 Optimal Dirichlet Control of Unsteady Navier-Stokes Flows


and that zh (T ) = 0. The right-hand side of the first equation is related with the derivative of the cost functional with respect to the state velocity, and for the case at hand, it reads as Z G1 (vh , ϕh ) = (∇ × vh )(∇ × ϕh ). Ω

Proceeding similarly to the state problem, the system (10.149) can be equivalently rewritten as: given z(T ) = 0, solve  ˙ + E> z(t) + D(v(t)) z(t) + B> q(t) = g1 (t; v) −Mz(t) t ∈ (0, T ), (10.150) Bz(t) = 0, where D and g1 (t; v) (this latter now depending on t) are defined as in (10.59). To discretize the ODEs system (10.150) in time, we use the backward (or implicit) Euler method. Hence, for n = Nt , Nt − 1, . . ., given zNt = 0, we solve  zn − zn+1  M + E> vn + D(vn )zn + B> qn = g1n ∆t  n Bz = 0

At each time step, a linear system of equations has to be solved, under the form  " #   M M n+1 n > n n > z g + z  ∆t + E + D(v ) B  . = 1 ∆t n q Bh 0 0


In the case of the adjoint problem, a streamline diffusion stabilization is employed when dealing with moderate Reynolds numbers. This case then represents a further example of the Optimize-then-Discretize approach, since different discretization strategies are used to deal with the state and the adjoint problem, similarly to what we have shown in Sect. 6.2.4. Finally, the cost functional (10.140) can be evaluated as N

t X ˜ h , u, θ) = 1 ∆t J(v 2 n=1


ξ|∇ × vh (tn )|2 +

Nt X τ 1 ∆t (u(tn ))2 dt + ϕ(θ). 2 δ n=1

˜ h , u, θ). where u = (u(t1 ), . . . , u(tNt )), then setting Jh (u, θ) = J(v

Numerical optimization We rely on the steepest descent method to solve the optimization problem, with an adaptive choice of the step length τ u and τ θ at each iteration to update both u and θ. For the sake of simplicity, here we denote by τ the generic step length, since the strategy below is valid in both cases. First of all, too small values of τ would imply an extremely slow convergence of the algorithm, whereas too large values might cause the algorithm not to converge at all. The adaptive criterion – indeed very similar to the backtracking algorithm 3.3 – is set so that the cost functional always decreases from one iteration to another; in particular, we first solve (0) the state equation and compute the initial value of the cost functional Jh ; an initial value τ > 0 of the step size is chosen. Then, as long as the stopping criterion is not satisfied, at each iteration k two controls are determined from uk by performing a step of the gradient method by employing two different step lengths τ1 = α1 τ and τ2 = α2 τ , with α1 > 1 and α2 < 1.


10 Advanced Selected Applications (k+1)


The corresponding state solutions, as well as the values J1 and J2 (k) (k+1) (k) (k+1) functional, are calculated. Then, if Jh > J1 and Jh > J2 , either (k+1)



of the cost


• J1 > J2 , so that Jh = J2 and τk+1 = α2 τk , or (k+1) (k+1) (k+1) (k+1) • J1 < J2 , so that Jh = J1 and τk+1 = α1 τk ; (k+1)



otherwise, if both J1 and J2 are larger than Jh , then we set τk+1 = α ˜ τk with α ˜ < α2 . At each step of the steepest descent method, the values of both control variables v and θ are then updated.

Numerical results We present the numerical results related with the OCP for unsteady flows assuming that the control takes place through a dynamic boundary action. A mesh with 19,523 triangular elements and 10,527 vertices has been built over the domain Ω = (0, a) × (0, b) reported in Fig. 10.8, with a = 2 and b = 0.6. On the time interval (0, 6.25) (in seconds) a partition of Nt = 125 time intervals of length ∆t = 0.05 has been set. The Reynolds number is defined as Re = d1 U/ν, where • U denotes the maximum value of the inflow (parabolic) profile; • d1 = |Γin | = 0.125 is the length of the inflow boundary portion; • ν = 10−3 is the kynematic viscosity. Two different cases have been considered: (i) Re = 125, and (ii) Re = 375, corresponding to the cases U = 1 and U = 3, respectively. The length of the control boundary portion is instead dc = |Γc | = 0.09. Moreover, we have set v0 = 0 as initial condition, and defined the function ξ(x) = ξ1 (x1 )ξ2 (x2 ) with   x1 ≤ 0.35 x2 ≤ 0.1  2/5 0 ξ1 (x1 ) = 6x1 − 1.7 x1 ∈ (0.35, 0.45] , ξ2 (x2 ) = 2(x2 − 0.1) x2 ∈ (0.1, 0.15]   1 x1 > 0.45 1 x2 > 0.15.

As initial step length we fix the same value for both τ u and τ θ in the case Re = 125, whereas we take τ θ = 0.1τ u in the case Re = 375. As stopping criterion for the steepest descent method, we consider (k+1) (k) |Jh − Jh | < 10−6 (0) |Jh |

together with a maximum number of Nmax = 25 iterations. We consider as inflow inclination η ∈ (0, π), focusing on the cases η = π/6, π/4, π/3. As initial guess we take either u(0) (t) = 1 if Re = 125 or u(0) (t) = 3 if Re = 375 and, under this assumption the initial control, the angle θ(0) for which the cost functional is minimized. The decay of the cost functional, as well as the optimal control (in terms of angle θ and magnitude u(t)), are reported in Fig. 10.9 in the case Re = 125. The baseline (reported in blue) is given by the value of the cost functional Jh without boundary control. Since at t = 0 the fluid velocity is zero, vorticity induced by the inflow is rather low, so that the optimal control magnitude decreases in time in order to prevent an undesired increase of vorticity. Later on, the control magnitude becomes larger because of the presence of vorticity induced by the inflow. The optimal angle is, in all the three cases, smaller than the one of the initial control.

10.3 Optimal Dirichlet Control of Unsteady Navier-Stokes Flows


Fig. 10.9 Optimal control of unsteady flows, Re = 125. Top: decay of the cost functional during the steepest descent method; center: control angle θ at different iterations of the steepest descent method; bottom: optimal control velocity u ˆ(t) (in red) and initial guess u(0) (t) (in blue) as functions of time. From left to right: η = π/6, π/4, π/3

Fig. 10.10 Optimal control of unsteady flows, Re = 125. Streamlines of the velocity field without control (top) and with optimal control (bottom), in the case η = π/4, at the final time t = 6.25


10 Advanced Selected Applications

Fig. 10.11 Optimal control of unsteady flows, Re = 375. Velocity field (magnitude and streamlines) in the case without control (top) and with optimal control (bottom) at the final time t = 6.25, for η = π/4

The decrease in the cost functional is reported in Table 10.1, in which the values of the cost functional (i) without control, J(0, 0); (ii) with the initial guess for the control, J(u0 , θ0 ); ˆ are reported. We highlight that the and (iii) with the computed optimal control, J(ˆ u, θ), larger the inflow inclination, the higher the decrease of the cost functional, compared to the case without control. In other words, vorticity is minimized by enhancing the outflow through Γout , and this effect is more evident as the inflow inclination η increases. In particular, we get a reduction in the value of the cost functional, compared to the case without control, ranging from 37% to 82% for different values of η. A detail of the streamlines of the velocity field without control and with optimal control are reported in Fig. 10.10 for the case η = π/4.

η = π/6 η = π/4 η = π/3

J(0, 0)

J(u0 , θ0 )

ˆ J(ˆ u, θ)

19.367 18.739 11.285

16.725 10.313 4.7244

12.293 6.561 2.0695

ˆ J(ˆ u, θ) J(0, 0) 0.365 0.649 0.816



ˆ J(ˆ u, θ) J(u0 , θ0 ) 0.264 0.363 0.561

Table 10.1 Optimal control for unsteady flows, Re = 125. Computed values of the cost functional: without control, J(0, 0); with the initial guess for the control, J(u(0) , θ (0) ); and with the computed optimal control, ˆ and resulting reductions in the value of the cost functional due to numerical optimization, for different J(ˆ u, θ); values of the inflow inclination η

Similar considerations can be drawn in the case Re = 375, too. The velocity field (magnitude and streamlines) without and with optimal control are reported in Fig. 10.11-10.12 for the cases η = π/4, π/3, respectively. The values of the optimal control computed at different iterations of the steepest descent method, as well as the cost functional and the step lengths, are reported in Figs. 10.13–10.14. We observe that the vorticity reduction during the optimization procedure is less pronounced in this case (the reduction in the cost functional is 7% against 37% for η = π/4, 21% against 56% for η = π/3). This might be due to an intrinsic difficulty in controlling a flow with three times larger magnitude. Moreover, the optimal angle tends to increase in the case η = π/3 (see Fig. 10.13, bottom) thus yielding a control flow directed

10.3 Optimal Dirichlet Control of Unsteady Navier-Stokes Flows


Fig. 10.12 Optimal control of unsteady flows, Re = 375. Velocity field (magnitude and streamlines) in the case without control (top) and with optimal control (bottom) at the final time t = 6.25, for η = π/3

towards the bottom. We also point out that the chance to select step lengths adaptively during steepest descent iterations plays a relevant role, as shown by the large variations the values of τ u and τ θ undergo in Fig. 10.14, bottom.

Fig. 10.13 Optimal control of unsteady flows, Re = 375. Top: optimal control velocity u ˆ(t) (in red) and initial guess u(0) (t) (in blue) versus the number of iterations; bottom: control angle θ at different iterations of the steepest descent method. Left: case η = π/3, right: η = π/4


10 Advanced Selected Applications

Fig. 10.14 Optimal control of unsteady flows, Re = 375. Top: optimal control velocity u ˆ(t) (in red) and initial guess u(0) (t) (in blue) as functions of time; bottom: control angle θ at different iterations of the steepest descent method. Left: case η = π/3, right: η = π/4

10.4 Exercises 1. Distributed control of steady Navier-Stokes equations. In the same framework of Sect. 10.1, analyze the minimization of each of the following cost functionals Z Z 1 α J(v, u) = |v − vd |2 dx + |u|2 dx 2 Ω 2 Ω or

1 J(v, u) = 2


α |∇ × v| dx + 2 Ω 2

under the state system  −ν ∆v + (v · ∇)v + ∇π = f + u       div v = 0   ∂v ∂n − πn = g     v=0     ∂v −πn + ν ∂n =0 d



|u|2 dx

in Ω in Ω on Γin ∪ Γc


on Γw ∪ Γin on Γout .

where f ∈ L2 (Ω) g ∈ L2 (Γin ) . 2. Neumann control of steady Navier-Stokes equations. In the same framework of Sect. 10.1, analyze the minimization of each of the following cost functionals

10.4 Exercises


J(v, u) = or J(v, u) =

1 2


1 2


|v − vd |2 dx +

α 2


|∇ × v|2 dx +

α 2


under the state system  −ν ∆v + (v · ∇)v + ∇π = f       div v = 0   ∂v ∂n − pn = u     v=0     ∂v −πn + ν ∂n =0

|u|2 dx

|u|2 dx

in Ω in Ω on Γc


on Γw ∪ Γin on Γout .

where f ∈ L2 (Ω). 3. The H¨older inequality with three factors states that for every functions f ∈ Lp (Ω), g ∈ Lq (Ω), h ∈ Lr (Ω) such that p, q, r ∈ (1, ∞) with 1/p + 1/q + 1/r = 1, Z |f gh|dx ≤ kf kLp (Ω) kgkLq (Ω) khkLr (Ω) . Ω

Using this inequality, show that the integral Z tf (Iion (v, w), ϕ1 )H dt 0

appearing in (10.73) is well-defined. 4. Let V be a Hilbert space. Show that H 1 (0, T ; V ) ,→ C 0,1/2 ([0, T ] ; V ) where ( C


([0, T ] ; V ) =

u ∈ C ([0, T ; V ]) :


s,t∈[0,T ],t6=s

|t − s|



ku (t) − u (s)kV < ∞ ,

is a Banach space with norm kukC 0,1/2 ([0,T ];V ) = max ku (t)kV + t∈[0,T ]

sup s,t∈[0,T ],t6=s

|t − s|


ku (t) − u (s)k .

[Hint. By Theorem A.18, H 1 (0, T ; V ) ,→ C ([0, T ] ; V ) and u (t) − u (s) =



u0 (r) dr. s

Use (A.56) and Schwarz inequality A.4.] 5. Complete the proof of Theorem 10.7. Consider the weak formulation (10.73), (10.74) of the monodomain problem and an admissible sequence {tf k , uk ; vk , wk } , bounded in Umax ×  Vmax and weakly convergent to tˆf , u ˆ ; vˆ, w ˆ in Umax × Vmax . Show that we can pass to the limit into (10.73), (10.74) and conclude that vˆ, w ˆ are the solutions corresponding to the control u ˆ in Qtmax . 6. Show that, for the optimal control problem (10.66), (10.118), (10.71), the gradient of the cost functional (10.118) is given by (10.121), where the adjoint variables (p, q) solve the linearized monodomain system (10.120).


10 Advanced Selected Applications

7. Check the optimality conditions for the OCP (10.141) in Theorem 10.11.

Chapter 11

Shape Optimization Problems

In this chapter we provide a short review on some of the most relevant analytical and numerical tools required to face shape optimization problems. Without pretending to be exhaustive on this broad and non-trivial topic, we nonetheless aim at (i) highlighting the specific difficulties intrinsic to shape optimization problems, (ii) deriving a system of (first-order, necessary) optimality conditions, and (iii) reviewing some numerical optimization algorithms already introduced for OCPs that can be exploited in this context too. For a more in depth presentation, the interested reader can refer to, e.g., [6, 79, 134, 139, 200, 215]. In Sect. 11.1 we introduce a general formulation of shape optimization problems. Domain deformations and shape derivatives of functions, which are essential tools in shape optimization, are introduced in Sect. 11.2. Some useful formulas to compute the shape derivative of functionals and solutions of boundary value problems are then provided in Sect. 11.3. Starting from a simple shape optimization model problem, the derivation of a system of first-order optimality conditions is presented in Sect. 11.4; in particular, the adjoint method introduced for OCPs is adapted to the case of shape optimization problems. Some techniques for the numerical approximation of shape optimization problems are then described in Sect. 11.5. Finally, we consider two applications in Sects. 11.6–11.7: the former is related to a minimum compliance problem for an elastic structure, while the latter deals with the optimal design of a body immersed in a fluid, subject to the minimization of its drag coefficient.

11.1 Formulation In abstract form, a shape optimization problem (SOP) amounts to the minimization, over a ˜ Ω) that depends on the domain Ω and set of admissible shapes Oad , of a cost functional J(y, on the solution y ∈ V of a state problem defined over Ω, that is: ˜ Ω) → min J(y, subject to E(y; Ω) = 0, y ∈ V, Ω ∈ Oad .


Here J˜ : V ×O → R, O is a suitable set of shapes and E(y; Ω) = 0 represents the state problem. This formulation is analogue to the full space formulation of an OCP, see Sect. 1.8. As for OCPs, Ω denotes the spatial domain over which the state problem is set; the difference is that now the domain Ω is unknown, and represents in fact an optimization variable. To guarantee the existence of an optimal solution, Oad has to be included in a larger set O fulfilling some regularity assumption.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0_11



11 Shape Optimization Problems

When the state problem allows to express the state variable y as a function of Ω, that is, y = y(Ω) : Ω → R, problem (11.1) reduces to: ˜ J(Ω) = J(y(Ω), Ω) → min subject to


Ω ∈ Oad . This is a reduced space approach, see Sect. 1.8. As in the OC case, also a shape optimization problem is defined as soon as a state problem, a cost functional to be minimized, a set of admissible shapes where we seek the optimal solution, and further additional constraints (e.g. on the state) have been set. The solution of a SOP requires, additionally to the techniques already developed for OCPs, flexible and computationally efficient tools for shape deformation and mesh motion, possibly avoiding remeshing. Three families of shape optimization problems, and corresponding ways to define sets of admissible shapes, can be identified, in increasing order of complexity (see Fig. 11.1): 1. parametric shape optimization. The admissible shapes are described by means of a set of parameters {pi }, i = 1, . . . , N having a physical meaning, e.g., thicknesses, diameters, angles, control points displacements, etc, or by a function. These parameters are in fact the optimization variables, and the shape optimization problem becomes min

p1 ,...,pN ∈Pad

J(p1 , . . . , pN )

where Pad is a set of admissible parameters. For this family of problems shape variations can be easily calculated. However, the variety of possible designs is severely restricted, and the use of this method implies an a priori knowledge of the desired optimal design; 2. geometric shape optimization. In this case the topology of the considered shapes is fixed, whereas the boundary Γ of Ω represents the optimization variable; in other words, all the domains generated during the design process are homeomorphic to the initial domain, so that formation or coalescence of holes in the domain are not allowed; 3. topological shape optimization. In the most general case, we deal with the optimization of a shape by acting on both the position of its free boundary and its topology, as for example the inclusion of holes.

Fig. 11.1 Three families of shape optimization problems. Left: parametric SO (description of a wing profile by a non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS), and of a plate through its thickness function h = h(x)). Center: geometric SO (optimization of a shape by free perturbations of its boundary). Right: topological SO.

11.1 Formulation


Hereon we will restrict our discussion to geometric SOPs; for topological shape optimization the reader is referred, e.g., to [27, 61]. In particular, we pursue the same approach followed in Chapter 5: we first consider a model problem to address the main issues related with shape optimization, then we provide the mathematical and numerical tools required to address general shape optimization problems. The interested reader can refer, e.g., to [6, 79, 134, 250] for further details.

11.1.1 A Model Problem Our initial illustrative example concerns the shape optimization of a two-dimensional elastic membrane (see Fig. 11.2). Let Ω ⊂ R2 be its shape (that is, the region it occupies), and Γ = ΓD ∪ ΓN ∪ ΓC its boundary. Here ΓC denotes the varying part of the boundary we want to act on, in order to, e.g., reach a target displacement zd ∈ L2 (Ω). More precisely, the functional Z Z 1 β J(Ω) = |y(Ω) − zd |2 dx + dσ (11.3) 2 Ω 2 ΓC has to be minimized over all admissible shapes. Here β ≥ 0 is a parameter that penalizes the 1 length of the moving boundary ΓC , while y = y(Ω) ∈ V = H0,Γ (Ω) denotes the vertical D displacement of the membrane, that is, the solution of the following state problem:  −∆y = f in Ω     y = 0 on ΓD   ∂y = g on ΓN  ∂n      ∂y = 0 on ΓC . ∂n

The membrane is kept fixed on the boundary ΓD , where its displacement is null. Moreover, f, g : U → R are sufficiently smooth functions, and U ⊂ R2 denotes the so-called universe domain. This latter is assumed to be a closed subset of R2 and serves as the domain of definition for all data in order to make the underlying shape problem well posed. U is assumed to be sufficiently large to contain all the domains generated by an iterative process used to solve the shape optimization problem. Another cost functional we might be interested to minimize is the compliance, that is, the work of external loads, which can be expressed as Z Z J(Ω) = f y(Ω)dx + gy(Ω)dσ. (11.4) Ω


Fig. 11.2 Shape optimization of an elastic membrane: domain and boundaries.


11 Shape Optimization Problems

This is equivalent to maximize the stiffness of the structure, which is equal and opposite in sign to the compliance (intuitively, the less the structure works, the higher its stiffness). To determine the optimal shape we need to find a system of first-order optimality conditions, similarly to what we have done, when addressing OCPs. The main difficulty arises because, hereon, the control function is given by the domain Ω itself, and derivation with respect to the shape of a given quantity, such as the cost functional, is rather involved. This indeed requires: • to introduce suitable notions of shape deformations; for instance, a suitable way to describe deformations of the shape Ω is to consider perturbations of the identity of the form Φt (x) = x + tV (x), where t ≥ 0 and V : U → Rd is a sufficiently smooth vector field. The unknown field V must also satisfy some physical constraints; for instance, V = 0 on Γ \ ΓC , since we can only act on ΓC for the sake of optimal design; • to define the shape derivatives y 0 (Ω; V) of the solution y = y(Ω) of the state problem and J 0 (Ω; V) of the shape functional J(Ω), respectively; both quantities are meant as directional derivatives, evaluated at Ω, along the direction V; • to extend the adjoint method and the Lagrange multipliers method to avoid the calculation of the shape derivative y 0 (Ω; V) when deriving J(Ω) with respect to the shape. Indeed, if we consider a cost functional like (11.3) (in the case β = 0 for simplicity), it is quite intuitive that according to the chain rule its shape derivative will be of the form Z J 0 (Ω; V) = (y(Ω) − zd )y 0 (Ω; V)dx + . . . Ω

and, as already done in the case of OCPs, we need to get rid of the term containing y 0 (Ω; V) to improve computational efficiency. Proceeding in this way, in the case the cost functional is given by (11.4), we obtain1 Z J 0 (Ω; V) = − |∇y|2 V · n dσ. ΓC

Hence, in order to reduce the compliance (that is, to have J 0 (Ω; V) ≤ 0), it is enough to enlarge the domain, that is, to choose V · n > 0. This information will then be exploited by an optimization algorithm, by suitably extending descent methods to shape optimization problems.

11.2 Shape Functionals and Derivatives Although shape optimization problems share a common structure with OCPs, both their analysis and numerical approximation involve further relevant difficulties. As previously mentioned, in this case we deal with the minimization of shape functionals J : A → R, where A is a suitable family of admissible subsets of a (closed, smooth) universe domain U ⊆ Rd . An element of A can be a domain Ω, with various degrees of smoothness, typically Lipschitz or of class C k , its boundary Γ or a part of it. For C 2 plane domains the notion of curvature at any point of Γ is well defined, while in dimension d = 3 the surface Γ has two principal curvatures κmin (p) and κmax (p) at any point p, defined, respectively, as the minimum and the maximum of the curvatures of the sections to Γ , obtained by planes normal to the tangent plane at p. We denote by κ (p) = κmin (p) + κmax (p) the total curvature of Γ at p.  For each domain Ω ∈ A, let y (Ω) : Ω → R belong to some function space, e.g. C k Ω or H k (Ω), k ≥ 1. We call y (Ω) a domain function. 1

As we will see in Sect. 11.4.2, the problem of minimizing the compliance is indeed self-adjoint, that is, the adjoint problem here coincides with the state problem. For this reason, J 0 (Ω; V) only depends on y.

11.2 Shape Functionals and Derivatives


Fig. 11.3 Shape deformation of a two-dimensional domain obtained through the perturbation of identity map.

Correspondingly, the shape functional Z Z J (Ω) = y (Ω) = y (Ω) (x) dx Ω

takes the name of domain functional. For instance, if y (Ω) = 1, then J (Ω) is the measure (area or volume) of Ω. On the other hand, the definition of y (Ω) could be more involved, e.g., it could represent the solution of an elliptic boundary value problem. Analogously, boundary functionals can be given by Z Z J (Γ ) = z (Γ ) = z (Γ ) (σ) dσ Γ


where z (Γ ) : Γ → R is a boundary function belonging to some space, e.g. C k (Γ ) or H k (Γ ), k ≥ 1. Examples are z (Γ ) = 1, in which case J (Γ ) represents the measure (length or surface area) of Γ , or z (Γ ) = V · n, where n is the outward unit normal to Γ and V a vector field. To minimize a cost functional J (Ω) (or J (Γ )) with respect to Ω (or Γ ), a suitable notion of derivative, called shape derivative must be called into play. This is a non-trivial issue that requires a notion of shape deformation (or perturbation). Here we describe the simplest way to define it, suitable for first order necessary conditions of optimality, restricting ourselves to dimension d = 3 for better clarity. Our main focus is on the derivation of the necessary formulas to implement numerical approximation algorithms. We often proceed formally, referring to specialized texts for rigorous proofs. Hereon, we omit the symbols dx and dσ usually appearing in the integrals for ease of notation.

11.2.1 Domain Deformations Given a bounded domain Ω ⊂ U , we introduce a one-parameter family of perturbations of the identity Φt , given by Φt (x) = x + tV (x) where x ∈ Ω, t ∈ [0, ε] , for some ε > 0 and V : U → R3 is a regular vector field, typically 3 3 V ∈ C k (U ) , k ≥ 1, or V ∈ W 1,∞ (U ) (e.g. locally Lipschitz continuous). We denote the gradient (or Jacobian matrix) of V the matrix whose elements are given by (∇V)ij =

∂Vi , ∂xj

i, j = 1, . . . , 3.

11 Shape Optimization Problems


Starting from the reference domain Ω, we then define a deformed domain Ωt as the image of Ω through the map Φt , t ∈ [0, ε], i.e. Ωt = Φt (Ω) = {Φt (x) : x ∈ Ω} . Clearly Ω0 = Ω and Φ0 = I, the identity mapping, and, for ε small, Ωt ⊂ U . Similarly, we define a deformed boundary Γt of Ωt as Γt = Φt (Γ ) = {Φt (σ) : σ ∈ Γ } . The Jacobian matrix ∇Φt of Φt is given by ∇Φt (x) = I + t∇V (x) so that d ∇Φt (x)|t=0 = ∇V (x) and det ∇Φt (x) = 1 + tdivV (x) + o (t) dt

as t → 0.

As a consequence, if ε is small enough, det Φt (x) ≥ C > 0 and thanks to the Inverse Function Theorem, Φt defines a family of bijective mappings (diffeomorphisms) between Ω and Ωt . Moreover, Ωt inherits the regularity properties of Ω and V. Note also that d det ∇Φt (x)|t=0 = divV (x) . dt


Example 11.1. Of special interest are normal deformations, in which V (x) points in the direction of the outward unit normal n (x) at any point of Γ . In this case, the family of perturbations may take the form Φt (x) = x + tv (x) n (x) where v = v (x) is a smooth function.

11.2.2 Elements of Tangential (or Surface) Calculus∗ We briefly introduce the tangential or surface calculus on the boundary Γ of a smooth bounded domain Ω. If f ∈ C 1 (Γ ) is a scalar function defined on Γ , quantities like ∇f are meaningless, thus, to define tangential differential operators acting on f , we can use a C 1 extension f˜ of f to a tubular neighborhood N (Γ ), where N (Γ ) = {x ∈ U : dist (x,Γ ) ≤ δ} for some small δ. Analogous concepts are introduced for vector valued functions w ∈ C 1 (Γ ) with extension w. ˜


The signed distance All the notions we are going to introduce are independent of the extension chosen for f . In particular an extension of objects defined on Γ can be realized in a canonical way by using the so called signed distance function, defined as

11.2 Shape Functionals and Derivatives



  dist (x;Γ ) b (x) = b (Ω) (x) = 0  −dist (x;Γ )

x ∈ Rd \Ω x∈Γ x∈Ω


dist (x;Γ ) = inf |x − y| . y∈Γ

This function is globally Lipschitz, indeed


|b (x) − b (y)| ≤ |x − y| and if δ is small enough, for each point x ∈ N (Γ ) there exists a unique point p (x) ∈ Γ , the projection of x onto Γ , that realizes the distance of x from Γ : |p (x) − x| = dist (x;Γ ) . In this case, b is as smooth as Γ . Moreover3 |∇b| = 1

in N (Γ )

and therefore, being Γ the zero-level set of b, ∇b = n

on Γ.

Thus, ∇b constitutes a unitary (canonical) extension to N (Γ ) of the unit normal n. Moreover, we have (see [79]) ∆b = κ on Γ. (11.7) We can write the projection operator p : N (Γ ) → Γ in terms of the signed distance as p (x) = x − b (x) ∇b (x) . Definition 11.1. Given f : Γ → R, the canonical or normal extension of f to N (Γ ) is the composite function f˜ (x) = (f ◦ p) (x) = f (p (x)). Remark 11.1. Clearly, p (y) = p (x) at every point y on the segment [p (x) , x] = {p (x) + tn (x) , 0 ≤ t ≤ b (x)} . Along this segment, the canonical extension f˜ is constant and therefore


∂ f˜ ∂n

= 0 at p(x).

Clearly, passing from a point x to a point y, the distance cannot increase more than |x − y|.


Let b be differentiable at x ∈ N (Γ ) and z be such that dist(x, Γ) = |x − z|. Then, for all y and any ε small, we have b2 (x + εy) = b2 (x) + 2ε (x) y · ∇b (x) + o (ε) b2 (x + εy) ≤ |x + εy − z|2 = b2 (x) + 2ε (y, x − z) + o (ε) . Hence, after dividing by 2ε > 0 and letting ε → 0, we get b (x) ∇b (x) · y ≤ (y, x − z) . Since this inequality holds for every y, it must be an equality, from which we infer ∇b (x) = (x − z)/b (x), whence |∇b (x) | = 1.


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Tangential gradient and divergence We now recall the definitions and some basic properties of the surface (or tangential) differential operators. Tangential gradient. The tangential gradient ∇Γ of f at a point x ∈ Γ is defined as the tangential component of ∇f˜ (x), i.e. the projection of ∇f˜ (x) onto the tangent plane to Γ at x, that is ∂ f˜ ∇Γ f = ∇f˜|Γ − (∇f˜|Γ · n)n = ∇f˜|Γ − n on Γ. (11.8) ∂n Note that ∇Γ f · n = 0 and that the definition of ∇Γ f is independent of the extension f˜ of f . Indeed, if f˜1 is another extension of f , then g˜ = f˜ − f˜1 = 0 on Γ and ∇˜ g|Γ = (∇˜ g|Γ · n)n on Γ . Therefore, ∇Γ g = 0 or ∇Γ f = ∇Γ f1 .

∂ f˜ Remark 11.2. Thanks to Remark 11.1, using the canonical extension f˜ = f ◦p we have ∂n =0 and therefore ∇Γ f = ∇f˜|Γ . (11.9)

• The tangential gradient ∇Γ w of a vector valued function w is given by the following matrix, whose rows are the tangential gradients of the components of w:   ∇Γ w 1 ∇Γ w =  ∇Γ w 2  . ∇Γ w 3 ∇Γ w can be written in the compact form4

∇ Γ w = ∇w ˜ |Γ −

∂w ˜ ⊗ n. ∂n


Note that [∇Γ w] n = 0. Tangential divergence. In analogy with the usual definition, the tangential divergence of w is defined as   ∂w ˜ divΓ w = tr∇Γ w = tr∇w ˜ |Γ − ∇w ˜ |Γ n · n = divw ˜ |Γ − ·n on Γ. (11.11) ∂n A particularly important case is the tangential divergence of the unit normal vector n.

Proposition 11.1. Let κ be the total curvature of Γ . Then divΓ n = κ. Proof. Let n ˜ = ∇b (Ω) be the canonical extension of n, where b (Ω) is the signed distance function. We have the identity |˜ n|2 = 1 in N (Γ ). Taking the normal derivatives, we get d˜ n ·n=0 dn 4

on Γ

The symbol w ⊗ z denotes the tensor product between two vectors w and z is defined as the matrix w ⊗ z = (wi zj )i,j=1,2,3 .

Note that tr(w ⊗ z) = w · z.

11.2 Shape Functionals and Derivatives


whence, from (11.7), divΓ n = div˜ n|Γ = tr∇˜ n|Γ = trD 2 b|Γ = ∆b|Γ = κ.


In particular ∆b (Ω) constitutes an extension to N (Γ ) of the total curvature κ.

t u

Example 11.2. For a surface ball ΓR = x ∈ R3 ; |x| = R , we have κmin = κmax = 1/R so that κ = 2/R. Let us check that, in this case, divΓR n = κ. At any point σ ∈ ΓR , n = σ/R. The vector field n ˜ = x/ |x| is a unitary extension of n, and div n ˜ = div Therefore, divΓR n = div

3 X x2j x 3 = − . |x| |x| j=1 |x|3

3 x 3 1 X 2 2 = − 3 x = = κ. |x| |ΓR R R j=1 j R

Calculus rules and integration by parts formulas The tangential operators share with their classical counterparts several calculus rules that we gather in the following proposition (see Exercise 2 for the proof). 3

Proposition 11.2. Let f ∈ C 1 (Γ ) , w ∈ C 1 (Γ ) . The following rules hold: 1. ∇Γ (f g) = g∇Γ f + f ∇Γ g


divΓ (f w) = ∇Γ f · w + f divΓ w.



Let w ∈ C 1 (Γ ) and let

wΓ = w − (w · n) n

on Γ,


be its tangential component. The following proposition directly follows from the previous result (see Exercise 3 for the proof). 3

Proposition 11.3. Let Ω be a C 2 domain and f ∈ C 1 (Γ ) , w ∈ C 1 (Γ ) . The following formulas hold on Γ : divΓ (f n) = f κ,

divΓ w = divΓ wΓ + κ (w · n) .


The following theorem provides some integration by parts formulas involving tangential operators.


11 Shape Optimization Problems 3

Theorem 11.1. Let Ω be a C 2 domain and f ∈ C 1 (Γ ) , w ∈ C 1 (Γ ) . Then: 1. if w · n = 0, Z divΓ w = 0;



2. 3.



f divΓ w = Γ

κ w · n;


[−∇Γ f · w + κf w · n] .


divΓ w = Γ





Proof. (sketch). For (11.17), see [139]; (11.18) follows from (11.17) and the second formula in (11.16), since wΓ · n = 0. Finally, (11.19) follows from (11.18) and (11.14). t u

Remark 11.3. If Γ0 ⊂ Γ has a smooth closed curve as its boundary ∂Γ0 (e.g. a circle on a spherical surface), formula (11.18) must be modified as follows. Let τΓ be a unit tangent vector to Γ0 and nΓ = τΓ × n. Then Z Z Z divΓ w = κ w·n+ w · nΓ . • Γ



Tangential Laplacian. Let Ω be of class C 2 and f ∈ C 2 (Γ ). By analogy with the classical Laplace operator, we define the tangential Laplacian (or Laplace-Beltrami operator) of f on Γ as ∆Γ f = divΓ ∇Γ f. (11.20) Using (11.16) we have on Γ (see Exercise 4)

h i ∂ f˜ ∂ f˜ ∂ 2 f˜ ∆Γ f = ∆f˜ − D2 f˜ n · n − κ = ∆f˜ − κ − ∂n ∂n ∂n2


where5 D2 f˜ denotes the Hessian matrix of f˜. The following Green formulas are also very useful.


Proposition 11.4. Let Ω be a C 2 domain and f ∈ C 1 (Γ ), g ∈ C 2 (Γ ) . Then: 1. Z Z f ∆Γ g = − ∇Γ f · ∇Γ g; Γ




f˜ ∆˜ g=−



∇f˜ · ∇˜ g+





∂ f˜ ∂˜ g ∂ 2 g˜ ∂˜ g + f 2 + κf ∂n ∂n ∂n ∂n




Proof. Formula (11.22) follows from (11.19), by taking w = ∇Γ g. Regarding (11.23), on one hand we have, on Γ ,     ∂ f˜ ∂˜ g ∂ f˜ ∂˜ g ∇f˜ · ∇˜ g = ∇Γ f + n · ∇Γ g + n = ∇Γ f · ∇ Γ g + . (11.24) ∂n ∂n ∂n ∂n On the other hand, (11.21) gives, on Γ , ∆Γ g = ∆˜ g−κ

∂˜ g ∂ 2 g˜ − ∂n ∂n2


Inserting (11.24) and (11.25) into (11.22), (11.23) follows. 5

The notation

∂ 2 f˜ ∂n2

here stands for D 2 f˜ n · n and not for

t u ∂ ∂n

∂ f˜ ∂n

= n · ∇(n · ∇f ).

11.2 Shape Functionals and Derivatives


Remark 11.4. The above concepts and formulas make sense also for domain or boundary functions in Sobolev spaces provided the surface operators are intended in the sense of traces  in these spaces. For instance, Theorem 11.1 still holds for f ∈ H 2 (Ω), and w ∈ H 2 Ω; R3 . •

11.2.3 Shape Derivative of Functions For domain and boundary functions, two kind of derivatives can be introduced, that reflect the material (or Lagrangian) and the Eulerian points of view.

Domain Functions Let y = y (Ω) be a domain function and, recall, Φt (x) = x + tV (x), x ∈ Ω. Provided the following limit exists, y˙ (Ω; V) (x) = lim


y (Ωt ) (Φt (x)) − y (Ω) (x) d = y (Ωt ) (Φt (x))|t=0 , t dt


it is called the material derivative of y (with respect to the family of deformations Φt ) in the direction V. Remark 11.5. The limit (11.26) can be understood in several ways. It makes sense pointwise for C 1 (U ) functions; if V ∈ C k (U ) and y is in C k (U ) or H k (U ), it could be intended in some suitable Sobolev norm, k ≥ 1. Finally, for functions with weaker regularity, it can be understood in the corresponding weak sense. • The material derivative is the derivative of y (Ω) with respect to a coordinate reference system that moves with the deformation Φt . This operator obeys the usual rules of calculus (product rule, chain rule,...) but cannot be interchanged with temporal or spatial derivatives. If y does not depend on the geometry of Ω, e.g., if y can be seen as the restriction to Ω of a function yˆ defined in U , the chain rule gives y˙ (Ω; V) − ∇y (Ω) · V = 0.


In general, the left hand side of (11.27) encodes the sensitivity of y (Ω) with respect to domain deformations, but without the convective effect of moving the domain itself. Thus it makes sense to define the shape (or Eulerian) derivative of y in the direction V as y 0 (Ω; V) = y˙ (Ω; V) − ∇y (Ω) · V

in Ω.


This definition extends to vector valued functions w as follows w0 (Ω; V) = w ˙ (Ω; V) − [∇w (Ω)] V = w ˙ (Ω; V) − (V · ∇) w

in Ω.

Example 11.3. Let Ω = BR (0) \B 1 (0), R ≥ 2, be a spherical shell in R3 and y = y (Ω) be the solution to the Dirichlet problem ∆y = 0 in Ω, y = 0 on ∂B1 and y = 1 on ∂BR . It is easy to check that   R 1 y (Ω) (x) = 1− . R−1 |x| We want to keep the inner boundary fixed and move ∂BR to ∂BR+vt , along the normal n (x) = x/ |x|, t > 0. One way to realize this deformation is to introduce a smooth and monotonically increasing function β = β (s) such that β (s) = 0 for s ≤ 1 and β (s) = 1 for


11 Shape Optimization Problems

s ≥ 2, and define

V (x) = vβ (|x|)

Indeed, we have

x , |x|

v ≥ 0.

2 x 2 2 |Φt (x)| = x+tvβ (|x|) = |x| + 2tvβ (|x|) |x| + t2 v 2 β 2 (|x|) |x|

and for |x| = R, |Φt (x)| = R + tv, since R ≥ 2 and β (R) = 1. Then Ωt = B(1+vt)R (0) \B 1 (0) and the solution of the Dirichlet problem ∆y = 0 in Ωt , y = 0 on ∂B1 and y = 1 on ∂BR+vt is given by   R + tv 1 y (Ωt ) (x) = 1− . R + tv − 1 |x| Hence

R + tv y (Ωt ) (Φt (x)) = R + tv − 1

We have, after routine calculations, y˙ (Ω; V) (x) =

1 1− |Φt (x)|

d v y (Ωt ) (Φt (x))|t=0 = − dt (R − 1)2


1 |x|


R vβ (|x|) . R − 1 |x|2

Thus, since ∇y (Ω) (x) · V (x) = for the shape derivative we get

R vβ (|x|) , R − 1 |x|2 v


y (Ω; V) (x) = y˙ (Ω; V) (x) − ∇y (Ω) (x) · V (x) = −

(R − 1)


1 1− |x|


Note that y 0 = y 0 (Ω; V) solves the Dirichlet problem ∆y 0 = 0 in Ω, y 0 = 0 on ∂B1 and y0 = −

v ∂y =− V·n R(R − 1) ∂n

on ∂BR .

According to intuition, y 0 < 0, in Ω. We will see later a general formula for the shape derivation of a Dirichlet problem. • Boundary Functions For boundary functions z (Γ ), the definition of material derivative is analogous to (11.26): z˙ (Γ ; V) (x) = lim


z (Γt ) (Φt (x)) − z (Γ ) (x) d = z (Γt ) (Φt (x))|t=0 . t dt


To define the shape derivative, since ∇z (Γ ) does not make sense, we use the canonical extension z˜ = z ◦ p according to Definition (11.1), recalling (Remark 11.1) that ∇˜ z|Γ = ∇Γ z: z 0 (Γ ; V) = z˙ (Γ ; V) − ∇Γ z · V

on Γ.


11.2 Shape Functionals and Derivatives


Remark 11.6. If z = z (Γ ) is the restriction to the boundary of a domain function y = y (Ω) (e.g. in a Dirichlet problem), in general it is not true that z 0 (Γ ; V) = y 0 (Ω; V)|Γ . Indeed, assume that y (Ω) and z (Γ ) are restrictions to Ω and Γ , respectively, of the same function ψ ∈ C 1 (U ). Then we have, since ψ is independent of Ω, z˙ (Γ ; V) = y˙ (Ω; V)|Γ


since both quantities are equal to ∇ψ · V|Γ . However, from (11.28), we have y 0 (Ω; V) = 0, while ∂y z 0 (Γ ; V) = ∇ψ · V − ∇Γ ψ · V = V·n on Γ. ∂n Formula actually holds (11.31) for any smooth extension y (Ω) of z (Γ ) and this leads to the following general formula z 0 (Γ ; V) = y 0 (Ω; V)|Γ +

∂y V · n. ∂n


Clearly, if y (Ω) is the canonical extension of z (Γ ) in a tubular neighborhood of Γ , then ∂y 0 0 • ∂n = 0 and z (Γ ; V) = y (Ω; V)|Γ . Basic Rules for Shape Derivatives The following rules hold for shape derivatives; their proof can be obtained by direct verification using the definitions. • Product rule for shape derivatives. Let S = Ω or S = Γ , with Γ smooth, and u (S) , v (S) : S → R be C 1 functions. Assume the shape derivatives u0 (S; V) and v 0 (S; V) exist for any vector field V. Then 0

(uv) (S; V) = u0 (S; V) v (S; V) + v 0 (S; V) u (S; V) .


• Chain rule. Let f : R → R be differentiable at u (S). Then 0

(f ◦ u) (S; V) = f 0 (u (S)) u0 (S; V)


where f 0 denotes the usual derivative of f . • Mixed shape-spatial derivative. Since classical differentiation does not depend on the domain geometry, for domain functions it commutes with shape differentiation. Assume y (Ω) , w (Ω) are smooth functions which are shape differentiable along the direction V, with V also smooth. Then: 1. ∇y (Ω) and ∆y (Ω) are also shape differentiable along the direction V and 0

(∇y) (Ω; V) = ∇y 0 (Ω; V) ,


(∆y) (Ω; V) = ∆y 0 (Ω; V) ;

2. ∇w (Ω) and divw (Ω) are also shape differentiable along the direction V and 0

(∇w) (Ω; V) = ∇w0 (Ω; V) ,


(divw) (Ω; V) = divw0 (Ω; V) .

We apply the formulas above to compute the shape derivative in the direction V of the signed distance b (Ω), as defined in (11.6) in a tubular neighborhood N (Γ ) , and of the normal unit vector n.


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Proposition 11.5. The following formulas hold on Γ : b0 (Ω; V) = −V · n,


n0 (Γ ; V) = −∇Γ (V · n) .


Proof. Since b (Ωt ) = 0 on Γt , for t small, we have b (Ωt ) (Φt (x)) = 0 on Γ whence b˙ (Ω; V) = 0. Thus b0 (Ω; V) = b˙ (Ω; V) − V · ∇b (Ω) = −V · n on Γ. To prove (11.36), we use the canonical extension n ˜ = ∇b (Ω) of n in N (Γ ) . Taking the shape derivative of |˜ n|2 = 1 we get, on Γ , (∇b)0 (Ω; V) · n = ∇b0 (Ω; V) · n = 0. Thus ∇b0 (Ω; V) is orthogonal to n and therefore, using (11.35), ∇b0 (Ω; V)|Γ = ∇Γ b0 (Ω; V)|Γ = −∇Γ (V · n) .

t u

11.3 Shape Derivatives of Functionals and Solutions of Boundary Value Problems In this section we provide the definition of shape derivative of a functional and several examples, in view of subsequent applications. Given a Banach space V of admissible vector fields (e.g. C 1 (U )), we first define an Eulerian derivative as a directional derivative, along the direction of the domain perturbation, as follows. Definition 11.2. Let J : A → R be a shape functional, S ∈ A. The Eulerian derivative of J at S along the direction V is defined as the limit J 0 (S; V) = lim


J (St ) − J (S) t

where, as usual St = Φt (S). We call J shape differentiable at S if J 0 (S; V) exists for every V ∈ V and the map G (S) : V → J 0 (S; V) is linear and continuous in V. In this case G (S) takes the name of shape derivative of J at S. A classical result due to Hadamard, called Structure Theorem (see, e.g., [201]), states that, under appropriate smoothness conditions, the shape derivative of a differentiable functional J(Ω) at Ω, in the direction of V , only depends on the normal trace V · n on Γ . Theorem 11.2. Let Ω ∈ A be an admissible domain and J : A → R be shape differentiable at Ω; denote by G(Ω) the shape derivative of J at Ω. Then: 1. the support of G(Ω) is contained in Γ ; 2. if Ω is at least of class C 1 , there exists a distribution G(Γ ) ∈ D0 (Rd ; Rd ) such that J 0 (Ω; V) = hG(Γ ), V|Γ · ni 3. if G(Γ ) ∈ L1 (Γ ) then

J 0 (Ω; V) =



∀ V ∈ D(Rd ; Rd ). G(Γ )V · n.


11.3 Shape Derivatives of Functionals and Solutions of Boundary Value Problems


The function G(Γ ) is often referred as the shape gradient of J(Ω), a scalar field which depends on J and on the current shape S. Indeed, the shape derivative is concentrated on Γ . We emphasize that formula (11.37) requires the domain Ω to be at least C 1 . Indeed, it is not valid, e.g., for piecewise smooth domains (see, e.g., [250]). Heuristically, at first order, a vector field V tangential to Γ only yields a pure transport of the shape Ω, and it is somehow natural to expect that J 0 (Ω; V) = 0. We note that thanks to (11.37) we can evaluate a descent direction at Ω in a straighforward way (at least formally): letting V = −G (Γ ) n, for a small enough descent step t > 0, one has Z J(Ωt ) = J(Ω) − t (G (Γ ))2 + o(t) < J(Ω). Γ

11.3.1 Domain Functionals We calculate the shape derivative of some significant domain functionals. We start with integrands that do not depend on Ω. Proposition 11.6. [250, Prop. 2.45] Let Ω ⊂ U be a bounded Lipschitz domain. If y ∈ H 1 (U ) and V ∈ W 1,∞ (U )3 , the functional Z J(Ω) = y Ω

is shape differentiable and its shape derivative along the direction V is given by Z Z J 0 (Ω; V) = div(yV) = yV · n. Ω



Proof. The classical formula for the change of variables in volume integrals gives

Z J(Ωt ) =

Z y=

y ◦ Φt det ∇Φt


(note that det ∇Φt (x) > 0 for t small). Using

d (y ◦ Φt ) = ∇y · V dt t=0 and (see (11.5))

d (det ∇Φt ) = divV, dt t=0 we have6 , using first the chain and product rules and then the divergence theorem, J 0 (Ωt ; V) =

d dt


y ◦ Φt det ∇Φt

Z = t=0

Z =

Z (∇y · V + ydivV) =

d (y ◦ Φt det ∇Φt ) dt t=0 Z

div(yV) = Ω

yV · n. Γ

t u

Note that (11.38) is in accordance with the Structure Theorem 11.2, provided we take G (Γ ) = y|Γ . We now consider the case y = y (Ω). We have the following result. 6

It is possible to exchange integral and t−derivative.


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Proposition 11.7. [250, Sect. 2.31] Let Ω ⊂ U be a bounded Lipschitz admissible domain and V ∈ W 1,∞ (U )3 . Let y = y(Ω) be so that the material derivative y(Ω; ˙ V) and the shape derivative y 0 (Ω; V) exist in L1 (Ω). Then, the functional Z J(Ω) = y (Ω) Ω

is shape differentiable and J 0 (Ω; V) = =



y 0 (Ω; V) + Ω

y 0 (Ω; V) + Ω


div (y(Ω)V)


y(Ω)V · n



Proof. We have, using the definitions of material and shape derivative for y (Ω) , d dt

J 0 (Ω; V) =


y (Ωt ) ◦ Φt det ∇Φt

Z = Ω



d (y (Ωt ) ◦ Φt det ∇Φt ) dt t=0



(y(Ω; ˙ V) + y (Ω) divV) =

ZΩ =

(y(Ω; ˙ V) − ∇y (Ω) · V + div (y (Ω) V)) Ω

y 0 (Ω; V) + div (y (Ω) V) =


y 0 (Ω; V) +

Z y(Ω)V · n. Γ

t u

When y is a solution of a boundary value problem, also formula (11.40) can be put in the form (11.37) by introducing a suitable adjoint problem, as we shall see later.

11.3.2 Boundary Functionals We now consider integrals on Γ = ∂Ω, starting again with integrands independent of Ω. We shall need the following change of variables formula for boundary integrals, where Γt = ∂Ωt : Z Z −> f (σ) = f (Φt (σ)) det ∇Φt (σ) (∇Φt (σ)) n (σ) , (11.41) Γt



where (∇Φt ) is the inverse of the transpose of ∇Φt and n (σ) is the outward unit normal to Γ at σ. For the proof of (11.41) see, e.g., [139]. The next lemma shows some preliminary calculations. Lemma 11.1. Let γ (t) = (∇Φt ) >

γ 0 (0) = −(∇V) n




n = (I + t (∇V) )−1 n. Then

d > |γ (t)||t=0 = −(∇V) n · n = − (∇V) n · n dt

Proof. For any differentiable invertible matrix M (t), we have d −1 d M (t) = −M −1 (t) M (t) M −1 (t) , dt dt see Exercise 9. Therefore

d (∇Φt )> (∇Φt )−> n dt = I, evaluating at t = 0 we get γ 0 (0) = −(∇V)> n. Finally,

γ 0 (t) = − (∇Φt )−>

and, since γ (0) = n and (∇Φ0 )>


11.3 Shape Derivatives of Functionals and Solutions of Boundary Value Problems

v u d X d du t |γ (t)| = γj (t)2 =

dt and




1 γ (t) · γ 0 (t) |γ (t)|

d 1 |γ (t)||t=0 = γ 0 (0) · γ (0) = − (∇V) n · n. dt |γ (0)|

t u

Proposition 11.8. [250, Prop. 2.50] Let z ∈ H 2 (U ), V ∈ C 1 (U )3 and Ω ⊂ U be a C 2 domain. Then the functional Z J(Γ ) = z Γ

is shape differentiable and its shape derivative is  Z Z  ∂z 0 J (Γ ; V) = (∇z · V + zdivΓ V) = + κz (V · n). ∂n Γ Γ


Proof. We have J 0 (Γ ; V) =

d dt

Z Γt


 d  z ◦ Φt det ∇Φt (∇Φt )−> n . dt t=0

Z = Γ


From Lemma 11.1, letting γ (t) = (∇Φt )−> n = I + t(∇V)>


n, we have γ (0) = n and

d |γ (t)||t=0 = (∇V) n · n. dt

γ 0 (0) = −(∇V)> n, Thus, using the chain and product rules,


d (z ◦ Φt det ∇Φt |γ (t)|) = dt t=0

Z (∇z · V + zdivV − z (∇V) n · n) . Γ

Since, on Γ , divΓ V = divV − (∇V) n · n, we can write J 0 (Γ ; V) =

Z (∇z · V + zdivΓ V). Γ

Finally, using formula (11.19), we get


Z zdivΓ V =


[−∇Γ z · V + κz V · n] ; Γ

recall that κ denotes the total curvature of Γ . Since ∇z − ∇Γ z = J 0 (Γ ; V) =

∂z n, ∂n

we find


Z (∇z · V − ∇Γ z · V + κz V · n) = Γ


∂z + κz ∂n

 V · n.

Remark 11.7. Also (11.43) is coherent with the structure theorem, letting G (Γ ) = In particular, let J(Γ ) = |Γ |, the surface area of Γ. We have Z Z 0 J (Γ ; V) = divΓ V = κ V · n. Γ


t u ∂z ∂n

+ κz



Example 11.4. The presence of the curvature in (11.43) is not surprising, as the following simple case shows.  Let ΓR = ∂BR , where BR is the ball of radius R centered at the origin, and z ∈ C 1 R3 independent of ΓR . When R changes, ΓR expands (or contracts) along the normal direction V (x) = x/ |x|. Consider the integral Z J (ΓR ) = z (ω) dω. ΓR


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Putting ω = Rσ, we have dω = R2 dσ and J (ΓR ) =


z (Rσ) R2 dσ. Γ1

Taking the derivative with respect to R (i.e. the shape derivative), we obtain Z J 0 (ΓR ) = ∇z (Rσ) · σ R2 dσ + 2z (Rσ) Rdσ. Γ1

Going back to ω, we find J 0 (ΓR ) = Since

ω R



∇z (ω) ·

 ω 2 + z (ω) dω. R R

= V (ω) = n (ω) , V (ω) · n (ω) = 1 and 2/R = κ (ΓR ) , we finally can write  Z  ∂z J 0 (ΓR ) = + κ (ΓR ) z V · n dω. ∂n ΓR •

Consider now the case z = z (Γ ). We have the following result. Proposition 11.9. [250, Sect. 2.33] Let z = z(Γ ) be so that the material derivative z(Γ ˙ ; V) and the shape derivative z 0 (Γ ; V) exist and both belong to L1 (Γ ). Then we have Z Z J 0 (Γ ; V) = z 0 (Γ ; V) + κz(Γ )V · n. (11.44) Γ


If z(Γ ) = y(Ω)|Γ , then J 0 (Γ ; V) =


y 0 (Ω; V)|Γ + Γ

Z  Γ

 ∂y(Ω) + κy(Ω) V · n. ∂n


Proof. We have J 0 (Γ ; V) =

d dt



 d  z(Γt ) ◦ Φt det ∇Φt (∇Φt )−> n . dt t=0

= Γ


z(Γt ) ◦ Φt det ∇Φt (∇Φt )−> n


Proceeding as in Proposition 11.8, we end up with J 0 (Γ ; V) =


Z (z(Γ ˙ ; V) + zdivΓ V) =


(z(Γ ˙ ; V) − ∇Γ z · V + κz V · n) . Γ

In the first case z(Γ ˙ ; V) = z 0 (Γ ; V) + ∇Γ z (Γ ) · V, therefore J 0 (Γ ; V) =


z 0 (Γ ; V) + κz V · n .



If z(Γ ) = y(Ω)|Γ , then by (11.32) z 0 (Γ ; V) = y 0 (Ω; V)|Γ + (11.45).

∂y(Ω) V ∂n

· n, and a substitution into (11.46) gives t u

11.3 Shape Derivatives of Functionals and Solutions of Boundary Value Problems


11.3.3 Chain Rules To use Propositions 11.7 and 11.9 for functionals of the type Z Z J0 (Ω) = F0 (y (Ω)) or J1 (Γ ) = F1 (z (Γ )) Ω



where F0 , F1 ∈ C (R) and Ω, Γ ∈ A, we need to compute the shape derivative of y(Ω) and z (Γ ). As a matter of fact, under the usual smoothness assumptions, the chain rule holds for the shape derivatives, giving Z Z dF0 0 0 J0 (Ω; V) = (y (Ω)) y (Ω; V) + F0 (y(Ω)) V · n (11.47) Ω dy Γ and


(Γ ; V) =

or, if z(Γ ) = y(Ω)|Γ , J10

(Γ ; V) =




dF1 (z (Γ )) z 0 (Γ ; V) + dz




κF1 (z(Γ )) V · n

dF1 ∂y(Ω) (z (Γ )) [y 0 (Γ ; V) + V · n] + dz ∂n



κF1 (z(Γ )) V · n.

In the following sections we consider the shape derivative of solutions to simple elliptic boundary value problems.

11.3.4 Shape Derivative for the Solution of a Dirichlet Problem In this section we consider the solution y = y (Ω) to the problem  −∆y = f in Ω y = g on Γ


where Ω ∈ A is of class C 2 , f ∈ H 1 (U ) , g ∈ H 2 (U ). Thus f, g are functions defined on the universe domain U and do not depend on Ω. The following theorem holds. Theorem 11.3. Let V ∈ W 1,∞ (U ) . Then y ∈ H 2 (Ω) and it is shape differentiable along the direction V. The shape derivative along the direction V of y is the unique variational solution y 0 = y 0 (Ω; V) ∈ H 1 (Ω) to the problem ( −∆y 0 = 0 in Ω (11.49) ∂(y − g) y0 = − V · n on Γ. ∂n Proof. For the proof of the shape differentiablility of y see [139] or [6]. We now prove (11.49) starting with −∆y 0 = 0 in a weak sense. If A is an open set compactly supported in Ω, then


Z ∇y · ∇ϕ =


∀ϕ ∈ C0∞ (A) .


Observe that neither the domain of integration nor the test function depend on Ωt , for t small enough. Thus, we can take the shape derivative and find


∇y 0 · ∇ϕ = 0

∀ϕ ∈ C0∞ (A) .


Since A is arbitrary, we obtain the equation −∆y 0 = 0 in Ω, in a weak sense.


11 Shape Optimization Problems

To get the boundary condition, we write y = g in the weak form


∀ψ ∈ C0∞ (U ) .

(y − g)ψ = 0 Γ

Taking the shape derivative we find, using (11.45) and y = g on Γ ,


y0 ψ +


Z  κ (y − g) ψ + Γ

∂ ((y − g) ψ) ∂n

which yields the boundary condition y 0 = −

∂(y−g) V ∂n


y0 ψ +

V·n= Γ


∂ (y − g) ψV · n = 0, ∂n

· n by the arbitrariness of ψ.

t u

11.3.5 Shape Derivative for the Solution of a Neumann Problem In this section we compute the shape derivative of the solution y = y (Ω) to the problem (

−∆y + y = f ∂y =g ∂n

in Ω (11.50)

on Γ

where Ω ∈ A is of class C 2 , f ∈ H 1 (U ) , g ∈ H 2 (U ). The following theorem holds. Theorem 11.4. Let V ∈ W 1,∞ (U ) . Then y ∈ H 2 (Ω) is shape differentiable along the direction V and the shape derivative along the direction V is the unique solution y 0 = y 0 (Ω; V) ∈ H 1 (Ω) of the variational problem  Z Z Z  ∂g 0 0 (∇y · ∇v + y v) = − (∇Γ y · ∇Γ v + yv)V · n + f + κg + v V · n (11.51) ∂n Ω Γ Γ for every v ∈ C02 (U ) . Moreover, if Ω is of class C 3 , then y ∈ H 3 (Ω) and y 0 ∈ H 2 (Ω) is the unique solution of  in Ω  −∆y 0 +y 0 = 0  ∂y0 ∂g ∂2y (11.52) = − V · n + ∇Γ y · ∇Γ (V · n) on Γ.  2 ∂n ∂n ∂n Proof. For the proof of the shape differentiablility of y see [139]. We now prove (11.51) starting with the weak formulation of problem (11.50): Z Z Z (∇y · ∇v + yv) = fv + gv Ω


for each v ∈ C02 (U ). Taking the shape derivative we get, using (11.40) and (11.45),


∇y 0 · ∇v + y 0 v +


Z (∇y · ∇v + yv)V · n = Γ

f v + κgv + Γ

∂(gv) ∂n

 V · n,


since v 0 (Ω; V) = (gv)0 (Ω; V)Γ = 0. From (11.24) we get, on Γ, ∇y · ∇v = ∇Γ y · ∇Γ v +

∂y ∂v ∂v = ∇Γ y · ∇ Γ v + g . ∂n ∂n ∂n

Inserting this expression into (11.53) gives (11.51). Choosing v ∈ C02 (Ω) we obtain that y 0 is a weak solution to −∆y 0 + y 0 = 0 in Ω.

11.4 Gradient and First-Order Necessary Optimality Conditions


If Ω is of class C 3 , thanks to the elliptic regularity, we have y ∈ H 3 (Ω) and y 0 ∈ H 2 (Ω); hence, we can integrate by parts and get



∇y 0 · ∇v + y 0 v =


∂y 0 v+ ∂n


(−∆y 0 + y 0 )v =



∂y 0 v. ∂n


Moreover, using (11.22),




∇Γ y · ∇ Γ v V · n = Γ

∇Γ y · ∇Γ (vV · n) − Γ

v∇Γ y · ∇Γ (V · n) Γ




v∆Γ y V · n −

v∇Γ y · ∇Γ (V · n) .



On the other hand, (11.21) gives, on Γ, − ∆Γ y = −∆y + κ Thus


Z (∇y · ∇v + yv)V · n = Γ

∂y ∂2y ∂2y + = −y + f + κg + . 2 ∂n ∂n ∂n2


f + κg +


∂2y ∂n2


Z V·n−

v∇Γ y · ∇Γ (V · n) .



Inserting (11.54), (11.56) into (11.53) we obtain, after simple adjustments, ∂y 0 v= ∂n


Choose now v such that

∂v ∂n


Z  Γ

∂ (vg) ∂2y −v 2 ∂n ∂n

Z V·n+

v∇Γ y · ∇Γ (V · n) . Γ

= 0. Then ∂y 0 v= ∂n

Z v Γ

∂g ∂2y − ∂n ∂n2

Z V·n+

v∇Γ y · ∇Γ (V · n) . Γ

Observing that the set of restrictions to Γ of functions in C02 (U ) with vanishing normal derivative on Γ is dense7 in L2 (Γ ) we deduce the Neumann condition ∂y 0 = ∂n

∂g ∂2y − 2 ∂n ∂ n

 V · n + ∇Γ y · ∇Γ (V · n).

t u

11.4 Gradient and First-Order Necessary Optimality Conditions In this section we derive a system of first-order necessary optimality conditions for a shape optimization problem. We first present the formal calculation of the shape derivative of a functional depending on the solution of a simple boundary value problem on a smooth domain, then we introduce a general framework exploiting the Lagrange multipliers approach to derive a system of optimality conditions.

11.4.1 A Model Problem Let Ω be a C 2 domain and AΦ be the set of shapes obtained by deforming Ω through the perturbation of the identity map Φt (x) = x + tV(x), V ∈ W 1,∞ (U ) . For a fixed constant m0 , define Oad = {Ω ∈ AΦ : |Ω| = m0 }. 7 The space C 2 (Γ ) is dense in L2 (Γ ) and every v ∈ C 2 (Γ ) has an extension (see Definition 11.1) in C 2 (U ) 0 ∂v = 0 on Γ . such that ∂n


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Consider the following shape optimization problem: Z 1 2 J(Ω) = (y(Ω) − zd ) → min 2 Ω subject to Ω ∈ Oad and to

−∆y(Ω) = f in Ω y(Ω) = 0 on Γ.



Under the assumptions of Sect. 11.3.4 and using formula (11.40) we can write, setting for simplicity y = y (Ω), Z Z 2 0 0 J (Ω; V) = (y − zd )y + (y − zd ) V · n (11.59) Ω




where the shape derivative y = y (Ω; V) of y is the solution to the Dirichlet problem (

−∆y 0 = 0

in Ω

∂y y = − V·n ∂n 0

on Γ.

ˆ we require that At an optimal shape Ω, ˆ V) = 0 J 0 (Ω; for all admissible vector fields V. Through an adjoint method, as in optimal control theory, it is possible to calculate J 0 (Ω; V) in terms of V, determining also the gradient of J (Ω) , without the need of calculating the shape derivative y 0 . Let us introduce the adjoint state p = p(Ω) as the solution of the following adjoint problem  −∆p(Ω) = y(Ω) − zd in Ω (11.60) p(Ω) = 0 on Γ. By multiplying the adjoint equation by y 0 and integrating over Ω we get Z Z − y 0 ∆p = y 0 (y − zd ). Ω

Integrating by parts twice, we get −


∂p = y ∂n 0



y 0 (y − zd )

∂y being ∆y 0 = 0 in Ω and p = 0 on Γ . Finally, since y 0 = − ∂n V · n on Γ , we end up with the following expression for the shape derivative of J,  Z  ∂y ∂p 2 J 0 (Ω; V) = + (y − zd ) V · n. (11.61) ∂n ∂n Γ

Note that both y and p belong to H 2 (Ω) by elliptic regularity, so that (11.61) makes sense. We note that the equation above can be expressed under the form (11.37), where the shape gradient of J is given by ∂y ∂p 2 G(Γ ) = (y − zd ) + . ∂n ∂n

11.4 Gradient and First-Order Necessary Optimality Conditions


On the other hand, differentiating the constraint Z 1 = |Ω| = m0 Ω


along the direction V, we get


V · n = 0.


Summarizing, the optimality conditions for the OCP (11.57), (11.58) are, other than the state equation itself, the adjoint equation (11.60) and Z 0 J (Ω; V) = G(Γ )V · n = 0 Γ

for all V satisfying (11.62).

11.4.2 The Lagrange Multipliers Approach We have seen that, by introducing the adjoint variable, we can express J 0 (Ω; V) as a function of y and p, without involving the shape derivative y 0 (Ω; V). The goal is to find, in general, an expression of the form Z J 0 (Ω; V) = g(y, p)V · n Γ

where g(y, p) is the gradient of J. From a numerical standpoint, y and p are two variables independent of the field V and can be calculated prior to the choice of the direction V along which we move the boundary. Two questions arise: - How to obtain the system of optimality conditions in a simpler way? - How to compute the numerical solution of the problem? A concrete approach is based on the Lagrange multipliers method – in this case also referred to as C´ea’s method – allowing to determine the adjoint problem and the gradient in a more natural way. We start with Neumann boundary conditions. As we shall shortly see, the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions is sligthly more delicate.

Neumann boundary conditions Consider the problem J(Ω) =


C(y(Ω)) → min

where C = C(·) is a smooth function, subject to Ω ∈ AΦ and to (

−∆y(Ω) + y(Ω) = f in Ω ∂y (Ω) = g on Γ. ∂n

The weak formulation of (11.63) is Z Z (∇y · ∇ψ + yψ − f ψ) = gψ Ω


∀ψ ∈ H 1 (Ω).



11 Shape Optimization Problems

  Under the assumptions of Sect. 11.3.5, i.e., f ∈ H 1 Rd , g ∈ H 2 Rd , we have y = y (Ω) ∈ H 2 (Ω) and it is shape differentiable (Theorem 11.4). We introduce the Lagrangian functional Z Z Z L(Ω, z, p) = C(z) − (∇z · ∇p + zp − f p) + gp Ω


which is defined for any shape Ω ∈ Oad , and for any z and p ∈ H 1 (Rd ), so that the variables Ω, z and p are independent. In general, the Lagrangian functional is given by the difference between the cost functional J(·) and either the weak or the strong form of the state problem. Observe that evaluating L at z = y(Ω) gives8 Z L(Ω, y(Ω), p) =

C(y(Ω)) = J(Ω).

As in the OCPs case, the vanishing of the partial derivatives of L with respect to z and p and the shape derivative of L yield, at the optimum, the system of optimality conditions. Recovering the state equation. We have Z Z L0p (Ω, z, p) ψ = − (∇z · ∇ψ + zψ − f ψ) + gψ ∀ψ ∈ H 1 (Rd ). Ω


ˆ with Ω ˆ optimal shape and Γˆ = ∂ Ω, ˆ We require that, at the optimum z = yˆ = y(Ω), Z Z − (∇ˆ y · ∇ψ + yˆψ − f ψ) + gψ = 0 ∀ψ ∈ H 1 (Rd ). ˆ Ω


Choosing in particular9 ψ ∈ D(Ω), we recover the weak formulation of the state problem. The adjoint problem. The partial derivative of L with respect to z, evaluated at ξ, is Z Z L0z (Ω, z, p)ξ = C 0 (z)ξ − (∇ξ · ∇p + ξp) ∀ξ ∈ H 1 (Rd ). Ω

ˆ yˆ, We choose p = pˆ such that, at Ω, ˆ yˆ, pˆ)ξ = 0 L0z (Ω,

∀ξ ∈ H 1 (Rd ).


Choosing again ξ ∈ D(Ω), (11.64) gives the weak formulation of the adjoint problem  ˆ  −∆ˆ p + pˆ = C 0 (ˆ y ) in Ω (11.65) ∂ pˆ  =0 on Γˆ . ∂n Note that, by elliptic regularity, pˆ ∈ H 2 (Ω) . ˆ V). Since The shape derivative J 0 (Ω;

J(Ω) = L(Ω, y(Ω), p)

∀p ∈ H 1 (Rd ),

we have, using the chain rule, J 0 (Ω; V) = L0Ω (Ω, y(Ω), p)(V) + L0z (Ω, y(Ω), p)y 0 (Ω, V), 8

Recall that there exists a continuous extension operator E : H 1 (Ω) → H 1 Rd .

Recall that D(Ω) is the set of restrictions to Ω of functons in C0∞ R a bounded Lipschitz domain. 9


, which is dense into H 1 (Ω), if Ω is

11.4 Gradient and First-Order Necessary Optimality Conditions


where L0Ω (Ω, z, p)(V) denotes the shape derivative of L along V, evaluated at Ω, z, p. At the ˆ yˆ, pˆ) = 0, we get optimum, since L0z (Ω, ˆ V) = L0Ω (Ω, ˆ y(Ω), ˆ pˆ)(V). J 0 (Ω;


To calculate L0Ω (Ω, z, p)(V), p ∈ H 2 (Rd ), we use formulas (11.40) and (11.45), since the integrands are fixed functions; we find  Z  ∂(gp) 0 LΩ (Ω, z, p)(V) = C(z) − ∇z · ∇p − zp + f p + + κgp V · n. ∂n Γ ˆ yˆ and p = pˆ, we finally find, since ∂ pˆ = 0 on Γˆ , Evaluating this derivative at Ω, ∂n  Z  ∂g 0 ˆ J (Ω; V) = C(ˆ y ) − ∇ˆ y · ∇ˆ p + (f − yˆ + + κg)ˆ p V · n. ∂n Γˆ Thus the gradient of J is given by G (Γ ) = C(ˆ y ) − ∇ˆ y · ∇ˆ p + (f − yˆ +

∂g + κg)ˆ p. ∂n

Dirichlet boundary conditions Consider now the problem J(Ω) =


C(y(Ω)) → min

where C = C(·) is a smooth function, subject to Ω ∈ AΦ and to  −∆y(Ω) + y(Ω) = f in Ω y(Ω) = g on Γ,


with f ∈ H 1 (Rd ), g ∈ H 2 (Rd ). A weak formulation of (11.67) is: find w = y − g ∈ H01 (Ω) such that Z Z (∇w · ∇ϕ + wϕ) = (f ϕ − ∇g · ∇ϕ − gϕ) ∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) . Ω


By elliptic regularity, y = y (Ω) ∈ H (Ω) and it is shape differentiable by Theorem 11.2. It would seem natural to introduce the Lagrangian functional Z Z L(Ω, w, p) = C(w + g) + (f − gp − ∇w · ∇p − wp); Ω

however, L(Ω, w, p) should be defined for any shape Ω ∈ AΦ , and here w, p ∈ H01 (Ω). Unfortunately, in this case Ω, w and p are not independent; indeed w and p vanish on Γ so that they are tied to Ω. This means that the shape derivative of this L does not give the correct result. To avoid this inconvenient, multiply the differential equation by ϕ ∈ H 1 (Rd ), integrate over Ω to get, after an integration by parts, Z Z Z ∂y ϕ= f ϕ ∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Rd ). (∇y · ∇ϕ + yϕ) + Ω Γ ∂n Ω To take care of the Dirichlet conditions, we introduce a second Lagrange multiplier λ and, for Ω ∈ AΦ , z ∈ H 2 (Rd ), p, λ ∈ H 1 (Rd ), we define the Lagrangian functional


11 Shape Optimization Problems

L(Ω, z, p, λ) =


C(z) + Ω


(f − ∇z · ∇p − zp) +



∂z p+ ∂n



λ (z − g)


Since z, q and λ belong to spaces independent of Ω, all the arguments in (11.68) are independent. Note again that evaluating L at z = y(Ω) gives Z  L(Ω, y(Ω), p, λ) = C(y(Ω)) = J(Ω) ∀p, λ ∈ H 1 Rd . Ω

Recovering the state problem. The vanishing of the partial derivatives L0p and L0λ along ˆ ψ ∈ H 2 (Rd ) and µ ∈ H 1 (Rd ) give, at the optimum z = yˆ, Ω = Ω, Z Z ∂ yˆ (f − ∇ˆ y · ∇ψ − yˆψ) + ψ = 0 ∀ψ ∈ H 2 (Rd ) (11.69) ∂n ˆ ˆ Ω Γ and



µ (ˆ y − g) dσ = 0

∀µ ∈ H 1 (Rd ).


Choosing both ψ and µ in D(Ω), counter-integrating by parts in (11.69), we recover the ˆ and, from (11.70), the boundary condition yˆ = g on Γˆ . state equation ∆ˆ y − yˆ = f in Ω The adjoint problem.The partial derivative of L with respect to z, evaluated at ξ ∈ H 2 (Rd ), is Z Z Z Z ∂ξ L0z (Ω, z, p, λ)ξ = C 0 (z)ξ − (∇ξ · ∇p − ξp) + p+ λξ. Ω Ω Γ ∂n Γ ˆ such that, at the optimum Ω, ˆ yˆ, We choose p = pˆ, λ = λ Z Z Z Z ∂ξ 0 ˆ =0 C (ˆ y )ξ − (∇ξ · ∇ˆ p − ξ pˆ) + pˆ + λξ ˆ ˆ Ω Ω Γˆ ∂n Γˆ To identify pˆ, choose ξ ∈ D (Ω), arbitrary. We deduce Z Z C 0 (ˆ y )ξ − (∇ξ · ∇ˆ p − ξ pˆ) = 0 ˆ Ω

ˆ Ω

 Choosing now ξ ∈ D Ω , ξ = 0 on Γˆ and arbitrary pˆ = 0

∂ξ ∂n ,

on Γˆ .

∀ξ ∈ H 2 (Rd ).

∀ξ ∈ D (Ω) .



we obtain (11.73)

Thus pˆ ∈ H01 (Ω) and it satisfies the adjoint equation (11.72) in weak form. Note that elliptic regularity gives that pˆ ∈ H 2 (Ω). Thus, the adjoint problem for the multiplier pˆ in strong form is  ˆ −∆ˆ p + pˆ = C 0 (ˆ y ) in Ω (11.74) pˆ = 0 on Γˆ .  ˆ choose ξ ∈ D Ω , arbitrary, in (11.71). Taking into account (11.74), we deduce, To identify λ, after an integration by parts of the first term,  Z   ∂ pˆ ˆ − +λ ξ =0 ∀ξ ∈ D Ω ∂n ˆ Γ from which

11.4 Gradient and First-Order Necessary Optimality Conditions

ˆ = ∂ pˆ λ ∂n

on Γˆ .



ˆ V). From The shape derivative J 0 (Ω; J(Ω) = L(Ω, y(Ω), p, λ)

∀p, λ ∈ H 1 (Rd ),

we have J 0 (Ω; V) = L0Ω (Ω, y(Ω), p, λ)(V) + L0z (Ω, y(Ω), p, λ)y 0 (Ω, V).

ˆ = 0, we get ˆ yˆ, pˆ, λ) Since L0z (Ω,

ˆ ˆ V) = L0Ω (Ω, ˆ yˆ, pˆ, λ)(V). J 0 (Ω; Formulas (12.35) and (12.40) give, being z, p and λ independent of Ω,  Z  ∂((z − g)λ) 0 LΩ (Ω, z, p, λ)(V) = C(z) + (f + ∆z − z)p + + κ(z − g)λp V · n. ∂n Γˆ ˆ and using that yˆ = g, λ ˆ = ∂ pˆ and pˆ = 0 on Γˆ , we find ˆ yˆ, pˆ, λ) Evaluating this derivative at (Ω, ∂n  Z  ∂(ˆ y − g) ∂ pˆ ˆ V) = J 0 (Ω; C(ˆ y) + V · n. ∂n ∂n Γˆ Thus the gradient of J is given by G(Γˆ ) = C(ˆ y) +

∂(ˆ y − g) ∂ pˆ . ∂n ∂n

Other types of functionals and boundary conditions can be considered, as shown below.

Mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions We consider the optimization of the shape of an elastic membrane (see Fig. 11.2), whose displacement y is the solution to the following mixed problem:  −∆y = f in Ω     y = 0 on ΓD   ∂y (11.76) = g on ΓN  ∂n      ∂y = 0 on ΓC . ∂n Only the part ΓC is free to move, while ΓD and Γ  N are kept fixed. Accordingly, we assume that V = 0 on ΓD and ΓN . Moreover, f ∈ H 1 Rd and g ∈ H 2 Rd . The goal is to minimize the compliance of the structure, which can be expressed as Z Z J(Ω) = f y(Ω) + gy(Ω). (11.77) Ω


Let us introduce the following Lagrangian functional,


11 Shape Optimization Problems

L(Ω, z, p, λ) =


fz + Ω


gz + ΓN

where z, p, λ ∈ H 1 (Rd ), and a(z, p) =


fp + Ω



gp − a(z, p) +


λz, ΓD

∇z · ∇p.

The state equation and the corresponding Dirichlet boundary condition can be recovered as in the previous section, requiring that, respectively, Z Z ˆ = ˆ yˆ, pˆ, λ)ϕ L0p (Ω, fϕ + gϕ − a(ˆ y , ϕ) = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ H 1 (Rd ) ΓˆN ZΩˆ ˆ = ˆ yˆ, pˆ, λ)µ L0λ (Ω, µˆ y=0 ∀µ ∈ H 1 (Rd ). ΓˆD

The partial derivative of L with respect to z evaluated at ξ is Z Z Z L0z (Ω, z, p, λ)ξ = fξ + gξ − a(ξ, p) + Ω

We require that, at the optimum, Z Z 0 ˆ ˆ Lz (Ω, yˆ, pˆ, λ)ξ = fξ + ˆ Ω



gξ − a(ξ, pˆ) +

 Choose ξ ∈ D Ω , ξ = 0 on ΓˆD . We find Z Z fξ + gξ − a(ξ, pˆ) = 0 ˆ Ω




ˆ =0 λξ

λξ. ΓD

∀ξ ∈ H 1 (Rd ).


 ∀ξ ∈ D Ω , ξ = 0 on ΓˆD .

Thus, we obtain that pˆ = yˆ, that is, the adjoint problem is equivalent to the state problem. In other words, the initial minimization problem is self-adjoint. Moreover, integrating by parts in (11.78) and taking into account the adjoint problem (in strong form), we (formally) find, for each ξ ∈ H 1 (Rd ),  Z Z Z Z Z Z  ∂ pˆ ˆ = ˆ − ∂ pˆ ξ = 0. fξ + gξ + ∆ˆ pξ − ξ+ λξ λ ∂n ˆ ˆ ˆ ∂n Ω ΓˆN Ω ∂Ω ΓˆD Γˆ D Hence

ˆ = ∂ pˆ = ∂ yˆ λ on ΓˆD . ∂n ∂n Since the initial minimization problem is self-adjoint, to compute the shape derivative of J, we can refer to a reduced Lagrangian function by setting p = z, that is Z Z Z 2 L(Ω, z, λ) = 2 (f z − |∇z| ) + 2 gz + λz. Ω

We have that

J(Ω) = L(Ω, y(Ω), λ)


∀λ ∈ H 1 (Rd )

and, as in the previous section, ˆ ˆ V) = L0Ω (Ω, ˆ yˆ, λ)(V). J 0 (Ω; Since f, z, g, λ are independent of Ω,


11.5 Numerical Approximation of Shape Optimization Problems

L0Ω (Ω, z, λ) (V) =





(2f z − |∇z| )V · n + 2 Γ ΓN  Z  ∂ (λz) + + κλz V · n ∂n Γ Z D = (2f z − |∇z|2 )V · n

∂(gz) + κgz) V · n ∂n


since V = 0 on ΓD ∪ ΓN . Therefore, ˆ V) = J (Ω; 0



In absence of external forces, that is if f = 0, ˆ V) = − J (Ω; 0

 2f yˆ − |∇ˆ y |2 V · n. Z


|∇ˆ y |2 V · n.

ˆ V) ≤ 0, a We can conclude that, in order to reduce the compliance, that is, to have J 0 (Ω; possible way is to enlarge the domain, that is, to choose V · n ≤ 0.

11.5 Numerical Approximation of Shape Optimization Problems The numerical approximation of shape optimization problems poses additional challenges than for OCPs, because of the need to handle shape deformations, to enhance shape regularity, and possibly to avoid remeshing. In this respect, a key issue is the way shape deformations are expressed as functions of the shape gradient of the cost functional. In this section we illustrate a basic technique relying on the gradient (or steepest descent) method, and point out further possible extensions available in literature. Starting from the expression Z J 0 (Ω; V) = G(Γ )V · n, Γ

the idea of the steepest descent (or gradient) method is to deform, at each step k = 0, 1, . . ., the shape of the domain Ω (k) into a new shape configuration Ω (k+1) = (I + τk V(k) )(Ω (k) ) where τk is a pseudo time-step and V(k) is the descent direction at step k. In particular, if we ( set (k) −G(Γ (k) )n(k) on ΓC (k) (11.79) V = (k) 0 on Γ (k) \ ΓC (k)

where ΓC

denotes the part of the boundary (at step k) that we can modify, we obtain that J(Ω (k+1) ) < J(Ω (k) )

since J 0 (Ω (k+1) ; V(k) ) =


(k) ΓC

G(Γ (k) )(−G(Γ (k) )n(k) · n(k) ) = −


(k) ΓC

|G(Γ (k) )|2 < 0.


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Fig. 11.4 Shape deformation through local boundary variation

In the case at each step of the gradient method the shape is deformed through a local displacement of its boundary, we obtain the so-called local boundary variation method. This technique assumes shapes are described through boundary parametrization, so that boundary portions are defined analytically. The corresponding numerical algorithm can be obtained by adapting the idea of the descent method of Sect. 6.3, see Algorithm 11.1. In this algorithm, the numerical approximation of both state and adjoint problems is performed through the finite element method, yielding the discrete state y = y(Ω) and adjoint state p = p(Ω), respectively. Algorithm 11.1 Gradient method for shape optimization, local boundary variation Input: initial shape Ω (0) 1: compute y0 = y(Ω (0) ) by solving the state equation in Ω (0) 2: compute p0 = p(Ω (0) ) by solving the adjoint equation in Ω (0) 3: compute J(Ω (0) ) and the shape gradient G(Γ (0) ) 4: set k = 0 5: while |J 0 (Ω (k) ; V(k) )|/|J 0 (Ω (0) ; V(0) )| > tol or |J(Ω (k) ) − Jh (Ω (k−1) )| > tol 6: compute a descent direction V (k) fulfilling (11.79) 7: compute a step length τk with a line search routine 8: set Ω (k+1) = (I + τk V(k) )(Ω (k) ) 9: compute yk+1 = y(Ω (k+1) ) by solving the state equation on Ω (k+1) 10: compute pk+1 = p(Ω (k+1) ) by solving the adjoint equation on Ω (k+1) 11: compute J(Ω (k+1) ) and G(Γ (k+1) ) 12: k =k+1 13: end while An update of the computational mesh is required at each step k. For the sake of computational efficiency, we would like to avoid remeshing at each step. Mesh motion, obtained by (k) (k) (k) relocating each mesh node xh to xh + τk V(k) (xh ), is a more feasible option, however two crucial questions arise since: • the mesh quality must be preserved at each step, avoiding numerical artifacts, and • the shape gradient only provides information on the free boundary ΓC of the domain shape which we can act on during the iterative design process. Hence, we need to extend the definition of V(k) inside the domain, and to regularize it at the same time. Indeed, if the step size τk can be properly tuned to avoid large deformations (often breaking mesh validity), to enhance the regularity of the mesh displacement we can exploit a

11.5 Numerical Approximation of Shape Optimization Problems


harmonic (or solid) extension mesh moving technique, by evaluating e.g. an harmonic extension of the shape gradient of the cost functional at each optimization step. This operation can be performed in (at least) two possible ways: 1. by defining V(k) as the solution of the problem   −∆V(k) = 0 V(k) = −G(Γ (k) )n(k)  V(k) = 0

in Ω (k) (k) on ΓC (k) on Γ (k) \ ΓC .

It is straightforward to check that V(k) is a descent direction for J. However, a possible low regularity of G(Γ (k) ) may yield numerical oscillations of the boundary during the optimization procedure. The following option enables to gain a further degree of regularity; 2. by defining V(k) as the solution of the problem  −∆V(k) = 0 in Ω (k)     ∂V(k) (k) (11.80) = −G(Γ (k) )n(k) on ΓC  (k)  ∂n   (k) V(k) = 0 on Γ (k) \ ΓC . In this case, from the weak form of the problem, Z Z Z ∂V(k) (k) w=− G(Γ (k) )w · n(k) ∇V · ∇w = (k) (k) (k) Ω (k) ΓC ∂n ΓC we obtain, inserting w = V(k) , Z J 0 (Ω (k) ; V(k) ) =



G(Γ (k) )V(k) · n(k) = −


Ω (k)

∀w ∈ HΓ1D (Ω (k) )d

|∇V(k) |2 < 0,

hence V(k) is indeed a descent direction.

11.5.1 Computational Aspects The numerical approximation of the harmonic extension problem (11.80) can be carried out using the finite element method, on the same computational mesh already used for the discretization of both the state and the adjoint problems. Some comments are in order, to make this procedure computationally feasible.

Additional Geometric Constraints Very often, geometric constraints are included in a shape optimization problem to fulfill specific properties depending on the problem at hand. For instance, the shape of a body immersed in a fluid is optimized in order to minimize drag forces, while requiring that the volume of the body remains constant, say, Z m(Ω) = 1 = m0 (11.81) Ω

for a given m0 > 0. This is in fact a common constraint on the admissible open sets, as seen in Sect.11.4.1. We follow [9] to show how this constraint can be handled in the optimization algorithm. The same procedure can then be extended to treat other geometric constraints.


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Recall that the shape derivative of m(Ω) in the direction V is given by Z 0 m (Ω; V) = V · n. Γ

Hence, to fulfill (11.81), we can minimize the modified cost functional ˜ J(Ω) = J(Ω) + ξ (m(Ω) − m0 ), where ξ ∈ R is a Lagrange multiplier; the descent direction is then computed by evaluating ˜ the shape derivative of J(Ω). From a numerical standpoint, the value of the Lagrange multiplier is updated at each step so that at convergence the domain shape fulfills the volume constraint. Since mesh motion is an expensive task, we prefer not to enforce the volume constraint exactly at each step; rather, we increase the value of the Lagrange multiplier if the current shape volume is larger than the target volume, or we decrease it otherwise. To avoid numerical oscillations in the value of the shape volume, the constraint is relaxed by taking into account the value of the Lagrange multiplier computed by assuming that the optimality condition J 0 (Ω; V) + ξm0 (Ω; V) = 0 is satisfied at least by averaging on the value of V on the boundary, so that R G(Γ ) ξ = − ΓR . 1 Γ

Finally, the Lagrange multiplier is updated at each iteration according to the formula ξ (k+1) =

ξ (k) + ξ + εl (m − m0 ) 2

where εl > 0 is a sufficiently small costant, fixed a priori.

Mesh Handling From a numerical standpoint, shape regularization can be achieved by using two meshes to (k) represent the computational domain during the optimization process. We denote by Th,f ine the (fine) mesh used to perform the discretization of the state and the adjoint problems, as (k) well as for the solution of the harmonic extension problem to determine V(k) , and by Th,coarse a coarser mesh used to perform shape deformation, after the displacement field V(k) has been (k) (k+1) interpolated over Th,coarse . The updated mesh Th,coarse is generated by moving the nodes of (k+1)

the coarse mesh; then, the fine mesh Th,f ine is built by adapting the coarse one. Despite the flexibility of local boundary variations, alternative approaches are often employed. Indeed, at each step of the optimization procedure local boundary variation requires the evaluation of a further differential problem and the need to handle mesh structures. Although remeshing is avoided, the whole procedure is rather expensive in any case. Suitable shape parametrizations are introduced to prescribe admissible shape deformations by a set of geometrical parameters (or design variables). In this way, a geometrical SOP is cast in the (simpler) family of parametric SOPs. For instance, shapes can be described in terms of a set of control points – this is. e.g., the case when using Computer Aided Design (CAD) – exploiting given families of polynomial (or rational) functions, such as B´ezier curves, B-splines or NURBS. In these cases, the position of control points can be updated at each step of the

11.6 Minimizing the Compliance of an Elastic Structure


optimization procedure, according to the information provided by the shape gradient; see, e.g., [60] for a derivation of such a procedure. Another popular approach relies on the so-called volume-based representations [99] which allow to perform deformations whatever the complexity of the shape. In particular, by means of maps relying on such a representation, geometry can be parametrized independently from PDE models, discrete formulations and computational meshes. Volume based representations operate on a control volume, regardless of the object to be deformed, contained into the volume. Parametric maps are thus defined by introducing a set of control points over the control volume and considering their displacements (which actually induce a shape deformation) as geometrical parameters, rather than geometrical properties directly related with the shape itself. In this way, shifting a control point causes a deformation of the embedding space – the parametric map is defined inside the whole control volume – and thereby induces a global modification of each shape located inside this volume. Two possible techniques leading to free shape representations are free-form deformations [243, 173, 82, 12] and radial basis functions interpolation [152, 239, 272]. See, e.g., [17, 189, 188] for their application to the numerical approximation of shape optimization problems. Another possible – and indeed often used – approach to represent shapes relies on the level set method [245], in which a bounded domain is given by the zero level set of a suitable function φ : Rd → R and its deformations are determined through a level set advection equation, which is indeed related to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, see, e.g., [8, 7].

11.6 Minimizing the Compliance of an Elastic Structure In this section we consider a problem arising in structural mechanics, namely the optimal design of a solid structure in order to minimize its compliance, under suitable physical constraints, e.g., on the total mass of the structure. The compliance represents the work of external loads, and its minimization is equivalent to the maximization of the stiffness of the structure. We consider a structure occupying the domain Ω ⊂ Rd , which is fixed on a portion of its boundary ΓD ⊂ ∂Ω and submitted to a surface load g, applied on ΓN . A third portion, ΓC , represents the free boundary portion, and has to be optimally designed; we assume that ΓC is neither fixed, nor subject to surface loads. Moreover, we assume that Γ = ΓD ∪ ΓN ∪ ΓC , with ΓD , ΓN , ΓC pairwise disjoint. The linear elastic deformation of an isotropic solid occupying the domain Ω ⊂ Rd is described in terms of the stress tensor σ : Rd → Rd×d , the strain tensor ε : Rd → Rd×d , the applied body force f : Rd → Rd and the displacement field y : Rd → Rd , this latter being the unknown of the problem. The governing equations consist of an equation stating the equilibrium of forces −div(σ) = f

in Ω,

the strain-displacement relation 1 > (∇y + (∇y) ) 2 and the constitutive law, which in the linear isotropic case takes the form ε(y) =

σ = 2µε(y) + λ(div(y))I. Here µ and λ are the Lam´e coefficients, which can be expressed in terms of the Young modulus E and the Poisson coefficient ν as Eν E λ= , µ= . (1 + ν)(1 − 2ν) 2(1 + ν)


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Fig. 11.5 Shape optimization of an elastic structure (in d = 2 dimensions): domain and boundaries.

The state equation can therefore be written as follows:  >  −div(µ(∇y + (∇y) + λ(divy)I) = f   y=0    

σn = g σn = 0

in Ω on ΓD on ΓN on ΓC .


Note that on the Dirichlet boundary ΓD we impose a prescribed displacement, whereas on the boundary ΓN we impose that the normal stress σn equals a prescribed load vector g. On the free boundary Γc we prescribe instead a homogeneous Neumann condition. Our goal is to minimize the compliance Z Z J(Ω) = f ·y+ g · y. Ω


Moreover, we impose a constraint on the total mass of the structure, assuming that Oad = {Ω ∈ AΦ : ΓD ∪ ΓN ⊂ Γ and |Ω| = m0 }. In order to ensure that the fixed portions ΓD ∪ ΓN are included in the boundary Γ of any admissible shape, it is sufficient to choose on ΓD ∪ ΓN

V=0 in the parametrization of the vector fields V.

The weak formulation of problem (11.82) reads: find y ∈ V = HΓ1D (Ω)d such that ∀v ∈ V,

a(y, v) = F v

where we have defined the bilinear form a : V × V → R as Z Z a(y, v) = 2µ ε(y) : ε(v) + λ div(y) div(v), Ω

and the linear form F : V → R as Fv =




f ·v+



g · v.


11.6 Minimizing the Compliance of an Elastic Structure


The bilinear form (11.84) is symmetric and strongly coercive thanks to Korn’s inequality (see e.g. [64]). Therefore problem (11.82) admits a unique solution u ∈ V thanks to Lax-Milgram lemma. Note that F y = J(Ω). In order to make the choice of the state space independent of the domain, we can introduce a further variable to penalize the Dirichlet condition. Hence, the weak formulation (11.83) can be rewritten as: find y ∈ V = H 1 (Ω)d , η ∈ H 1 (Ω)d such that Z a(y, v) + η · v = Fv ∀v ∈ V. (11.86) ΓD

Proceeding as in the case of problem (11.76)–(11.77) and exploiting the C´ea’s method, provided we consider the definition (11.84) of the bilinear form, we can obtain (see Exercise 10) the following expression for the shape derivative of the compliance J(Ω), Z  J 0 (Ω; V) = − 2µ|ε(y)|2 + λ |div y|2 V · n. (11.87) ΓC

Also in this case, the problem is self-adjoint and the adjoint state p results from the solution of a problem equivalent to the state problem, that is, p = y.

11.6.1 Numerical Results In this section we use the steepest descent method introduced in Sect. 11.5 for the numerical solution of the compliance minimization problem. We consider a solid made of a linear isotropic material with Young modulus E = 25 GP a and Poisson ratio ν = 0.45, and initially occupying the two-dimensional domain Ω (0) shown in Fig. 11.6. There are no distributed forces (f = 0) whereas the load vector acting on ΓN is g = (0, −10). The state problem is discretized by means of P1 finite elements over a computational mesh made by 2435 vertices and 4640 elements. At each step of the steepest descent method, we solve the state problem and problem (11.80) to recover the displacement fields over the domain; the problem is self-adjoint, so that no further adjoint solutions are needed. We further impose a geometric constraint on the shape area under the form (11.81), by considering three different cases: (i) m0 = |Ω (0) | (which is equal to 99.6432 for the case at hand); (ii) a slight reduction in the shape area, taking m0 = 95; (iii) a moderate reduction in the shape area, taking m0 = 75.

Fig. 11.6 Shape optimization of an elastic structure (in d = 2 dimensions): domain and boundaries


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Shape regularization is achieved by introducing a coarser mesh to perform shape deformation, after the displacement field V(k) has been interpolated. An adaptive choice of the step length τk is made at each step, depending on the value of pk = (V(k−1) , V(k) ): if pk < 0 the current step size is decreased – to prevent a possible growth of the cost functional at that step – otherwise it is increased (proportionally to the value of pk > 0). Furthermore, the current step is then decreased as soon as reversed triangles arise in the coarse mesh. Further details, and a possible implementation10 of the procedure summarized so far, can be found, e.g., in [9]. The displacement magnitude computed on the initial shape and on the optimal shape obtained in the case (ii) are shown in Fig. 11.7; displacements’ magnitude obtained in the cases (i) and (iii) are instead reported in Fig. 11.8. We note that in all cases the initial shape undergoes relevant shape variations, allowed by the large portions of free boundary ΓC . The values of the cost functional obtained during the optimization steps are reported in Fig. 11.9 for the cases (i) and (iii). We can clearly notice that the step size τk has been reduced several times to avoid the cost functional increased. In Tab. 11.1 we report the values of the cost functional and of the domain’s area for the optimal shape; by means of the steepest descent method, a decrease in the cost functional in the range 45% - 58% has been reported. Finally, we report in Fig. 11.10 the values of the area of the domain obtained at each iteration, in all the three test cases, showing that the volume constraint imposed on the admissible shapes is accurately fulfilled.

Fig. 11.7 Shape optimization of an elastic structure (in d = 2 dimensions): displacements and geometrical configurations at the initial step (Ω (0) , top) and at the optimum (bottom) in the case the final area is fixed to m0 = 95 < |Ω (0) | 10

The current implementation of the numerical procedure whose results are shown in this section is actually based on the algorithm proposed in [9].

11.7 Drag Minimization in Navier-Stokes Flows


Fig. 11.8 Shape optimization of an elastic structure (in d = 2 dimensions): displacements and geometrical configurations at the optimum in the case the final area is fixed to m0 = |Ω (0) | (left) or to m0 = 75 < |Ω (0) | (right) Compliance (m 0 = |


Compliance (m = 75)








2000 1800



1800 1600





















Fig. 11.9 Convergence history of the cost functional during the steepest descent method if the final area is fixed to m0 = |Ω (0) | (left) or to m0 = 75 < |Ω (0) | (right) ˆ J(Ω) (i) 922.1 (ii) 965.5 (iii) 1201.5

(0) ) ˆ 1 − J(Ω)/J(Ω 0.5807 0.5610 0.4537

ˆ m0 |Ω| 99.6432 99.9175 95 95.4116 75 75.8621

ˆ 1 − |Ω|/m 0 -0.0028 -0.0043 0.0115

ˆ and reduction with respect to the initial value J(Ω (0) )) shape areas (target Table 11.1 Cost functional J(Ω ˆ m0 , optimal shape area |Ω|, and distance from the target m0 ) for test cases (i), (ii) and (iii). The initial value of the compliance is J(Ω (0) ) = 2199.4, whereas the area of the initial shape is |Ω (0) | = 99.6432

11.7 Drag Minimization in Navier-Stokes Flows In this section we consider the drag T exerted on a body (or profile) by a viscous incompressible fluid flow travelling at a given uniform velocity γ, at the far field. Our purpose is to determine the optimal shape of the body in order to minimize the corresponding drag. We first carry out the analysis of this problem, following [26], and then present numerical results obtained for a two-dimensional profile. See also, e.g., [200, 173, 251, 51, 101, 100] for optimal shape design in fluid flows.


11 Shape Optimization Problems Shape area

105 100 95




90 85 80 75 70








Fig. 11.10 Convergence history of the domain’s area during the steepest descent method in the case the final area is fixed to m0 = |Ω (0) | (black, dashed), m0 = 95 (blue) or m0 = 75 (red, dash-dotted)

11.7.1 The State Equation Let D and B be two bounded Lipschitz domains in R2 , with B ⊂ D, and let Ω = D\B. Here B represents the body whose shape has to be optimized and Ω is the region occupied by the fluid, see Fig. 11.11. Since D is fixed, to compute the shape derivative of the drag we will choose vector fields V ∈ C 1 (Rn ) such that V=0

on ∂D.

The state problem can be stated in the following way. Let us define   Z 2 Q = q ∈ L (Ω) : q=0 Ω

and consider as universe domain U = R . For the sake of simplicity, we consider a Dirichlet problem for the steady Navier-Stokes equations, and impose a velocity profile on the whole 2

Fig. 11.11 Shape optimization of a body immersed in a fluid flow (in d = 2 dimensions): the domain and its boundaries.

11.7 Drag Minimization in Navier-Stokes Flows


boundary ∂D – rather than the more natural zero flux condition on the outflow boundary. 2 Let γ ∈ R2 be a given constant vector. Then, choose g ∈ H 1 R2 such that divg = 0

in Ω

and that g = γ in a neighborhood of ∂D,

g = 0 in a neighborhood of B.



Hence, we seek (v, π) ∈ H 1 (Ω) × Q such that v = g on Γ = ∂Ω and ( −ν ∆v + (v · ∇)v + ∇π = 0 in Ω divv = 0 in Ω.


Thus, if B is well contained in D, e.g. if B ⊂ D0 , for some D0 ⊂ D, the fluid velocity is constant far from B. 2 A weak formulation of problem (11.89) is obtained as follows: find v ∈ H 1 (Ω) , v − g ∈ 2 H01 (Ω) and π ∈ Q, such that  e(v, ϕ) + c(v, v, ϕ) + b(ϕ, π) = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω)2 (11.90) b (v, q) = 0 ∀q ∈ L2 (Ω) where the bilinear forms and the trilinear form are defined as in (10.4)–(10.5). If |γ| is small enough, problem (11.90) is well posed. Precisely, the following result holds (for the proof see, e.g., [201, Theorem 2.1]; the C ∞ − regularity can be found instead in, e.g., [165]). Proposition 11.10. There exists α > 0 such that if |γ| < αν, then (11.89) has a unique 2 solution (v, π) with v ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∩ C ∞ (Ω) , π ∈ L2 (Ω) ∩ C ∞ (Ω), independent of the choice of the extension function g satisfying (11.88). Furthermore, if D0 ⊂ D is given and B ⊂ D0 , for each ε > 0, α can be chosen to depend only on ε, D0 , D, in such a way that kvkH 1 (Ω) ≤ εν. 2

Finally, if Ω is a C 2 domain, then (v, π) ∈ H 2 (Ω) × H 1 (Ω).

11.7.2 The Drag Functional If Ω is regular enough, thanks to Proposition 11.10, we can express the hydrodynamical drag as Z T (Ω) = −γ · (−πI + 2νσ (v)) · n ∂B


 1 ∇v + (∇v)> . 2 By inserting a minus sign we conform to the convention that the force is positive when acting on the fluid. Exploiting the particular Dirichlet conditions of the state problem, it is possible to write an equivalent expression for the drag as a more comfortable volume integral, that makes sense also when Ω is a bounded and Lipschitz domain. σ (v) =


11 Shape Optimization Problems 2

Lemma 11.2. Let Ω be a C 2 domain and (v, π) ∈ H 2 (Ω) × H 1 (Ω) be a solution to (11.90). Then Z 2 T (Ω) = 2ν |σ (v)| . (11.91) Ω

Proof. Since v − g = 0 on ∂Ω and g = γ on ∂D, g = 0 on ∂B, we can write



T (Ω) = −

[π(v − γ) − 2νσ (v) (v − γ)] · n



div [π(v − γ) − 2νσ (v) (v − γ)] Ω

thanks to Gauss formula. From divv = 0 and the symmetry of σ (v), we have div [σ (v) (v − γ)] = div (σ (v))> · (v − γ) + (σ (v))> : ∇v

= (div σ (v)) · (v − γ) + σ (v) : ∇v Therefore


1 ∆v · (v − γ) + σ (v) : ∇v. 2

Z T (Ω) =

[(∇π − ν∆v · (v − γ) + 2νσ (v) : ∇v] . Ω

From the Navier Stokes momentum equation, we get (∇π − ν∆v) · (v − γ) = (v · ∇)v · (v − γ) =

1 div(|v − γ|2 v). 2

Moreover (see Exercise 11) σ (v) : ∇v = σ (v) : σ (v) = |σ (v)|2 . Thus

Z  T (Ω) = Ω

1 = 2

1 div(|y − γ|2 y))+2ν |σ (v)|2 2


|v − γ|2 v · n + 2ν



|σ (v)|2 = 2ν


|σ (v)|2 .

t u

The expression (11.91) makes sense when Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain and for v ∈ 2 H 1 (Ω) . Therefore from now on we adopt Z 2 T (Ω) = 2ν |σ (v)| Ω

as cost functional.

11.7.3 Shape Derivative of the State The problem on the deformed domain Ωt = Φt (Ω) can be stated in the following form. Given 2 2 g ∈ H 1 R2 , find vt ∈ H 1 (Ωt ) , πt ∈ L2 (Ωt ) such that Z 2 1 vt − g ∈ H0 (Ωt ) , πt ◦ Φ t = 0 (11.92) Ω



−ν∆vt + (vt · ∇) vt + ∇πt = 0 div vt = 0

Here, the subscript t does not mean derivative with respect to t.

in Ωt in Ωt .


11.7 Drag Minimization in Navier-Stokes Flows


If t is small enough, g = 0 in a neighborhood of Bt = Φt (B). Notice that the normalization condition for the pressure in (11.92) is slightly different from Z Z πt = πt ◦ Φt detΦt = 0, Ωt

but somewhat more convenient for the calculations. From [26, Theorem 6], we deduce that the map t 7→ (vt , πt )◦Φt is differentiable at t = 0, and 2 ˙ π), its derivative at 0, denoted by (v, ˙ belongs to H01 (Ω) × Q. Since for the shape derivatives 0 0 v and π along V we have v 0 = v˙ − (V · ∇) v, then

π 0 = π˙ − V · ∇π, 2

v 0 + (V · ∇) v ∈ H01 (Ω) ,

π 0 + V · ∇π ∈ Q

and, from the state equation (11.89),  −ν∆v 0 + (v 0 · ∇) v + (v · ∇) v 0 + ∇π 0 = 0 in Ω div v 0 = 0 in Ω.


The above formulas hold when Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain. If Ω is a C 2 domain, then, since v˙ = 0 and v is constant on Γ , we have on Γ , v 0 = − (V · ∇) v and, using (11.10), 0 = ∇Γ v = ∇v|Γ −

∂v ⊗ n. ∂n

Thus, on Γ , [(V · ∇) v]j = and therefore

2 X i=1


∂vj ∂vj ni = (V · n) , ∂n ∂n

v0 = −

∂v V·n ∂n

j = 1, 2

on Γ.

11.7.4 Shape Derivative and Gradient of T (Ω) In this section we compute shape derivative and gradient of the cost functional. Recall that our vector fields V vanish on ∂D.


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Theorem 11.5. Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Then 1 2 σ (v) : σ (v 0 ) + div (|σ (v)| V) ∈ L1 (Ω) 2 and 0

T (Ω; V) = 4ν

Z  Ω

1 2 σ (v) : σ (v ) + div (|σ (v)| V) 2 0


where v 0 = v 0 (Ω; V) . If Ω is a C 2 domain, then T 0 (Ω; V) = −4ν


∆v · v 0 − 2ν


2 ∂v (V · n) . ∂B ∂n


Proof. We check only formulas (11.95) and (11.96). Formula (11.95) follows from the chain rule and (11.39). ∂v Let now Ω be a C 2 domain. To derive (11.96) observe that, since v 0 = −V · n ∂n on ∂Ω and V = 0 on ∂D, we have Z Z Z Z σ (v) : σ v 0 =

σ (v) : ∇v 0 = −

(divσ (v)) · v 0 +

Z =−

∆v · v 0 −


σ (v) n · v 0


σ (v) n · ∂B

∂v (V · n). ∂n

Now, v is constant on ∂B and divv = 0. This implies that (see Exercise 8) (∇v)> n = 0 and therefore ∂v σ (v) n = ∂n . Hence


σ (v) : σ v 0 = −


∆v · v 0 −



2 ∂v (V · n). ∂n


On the other hand, 1 2


div(|σ (v)|2 V) =

1 2


|σ (v)|2 V · n =


1 2

Z σ (v) : ∇v (V · n)



Since v = 0 on ∂B, we have ∇∂B v = 0 and from (11.10) we get ∇v|∂B = (∇v)|∂B n ⊗ n =

∂v ⊗n ∂n

Therefore, on ∂B, ∇v : ∇v =

2 X ∂vi i,j=1

while ∇v : (∇v)> =

2 X ∂vi i,j=1






∂v ∂vi = ∂xj ∂n

∂vj = (∇v) n · (∇v)> n = 0. ∂xi

Thus, from (11.98), we get 1 2


div(|σ (v)|2 V) =

and finally (11.96), follows from (11.97) and (A.61).

1 2

Z ∂B

2 ∂v (V · n) ∂n

(11.99) t u

Formulas (11.95) or (11.96) require to solve problem (11.94) for each direction V, because of the presence of the shape derivative v 0 . As we did for OCPs and in the model problem in Sect. 11.4.1, it is possible to introduce an adjoint problem for a multiplier (z, q) to get rid of v 0 . We do it in the case of C 2 domains and formula (11.96). Precisely, the following result holds (recall Proposition 11.10).

11.7 Drag Minimization in Navier-Stokes Flows


 2 Theorem 11.6. Let Ω be a C 2 domain, V ∈ W 2,∞ R2 and (v, π) ∈ H 2 (Ω) × H 1 (Ω) be 2 2 2 1 the solution of problem (11.89). Let (z, q) with z ∈ H (Ω) ∩ H0 (Ω) and q ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∩ Q, be the unique solution to the adjoint problem  −ν∆z + (∇v)> z − (v · ∇) z + ∇q = −2ν∆v in Ω (11.100) div z = 0 in Ω. Then 0

T (Ω; V) = 2ν



(V · n)

∂z ∂v − ∂n ∂n

∂v ∂n



and hence the gradient of T is given by

G (Γ ) = 2ν

∂z ∂v − ∂n ∂n


∂v . ∂n

Proof. Using the first equation of the adjoint problem we can write T 0 (Ω; V) = 2


(−ν∆z + (∇v)> z − (v · ∇) z + ∇q) · v 0 − 2ν Ω

Z ∂B

2 ∂v (V · n) . ∂n


∂v We have, since v 0 = − ∂n (V · n) on ∂B, V = 0 on ∂D,




∂z · v0 + ν ∇z : ∇v 0 ∂B ∂n Ω Z Z ∂z ∂v =ν · (V · n) − ν z∆v 0 . ∂B ∂n ∂n Ω

∆z · v 0 = −ν

−ν Ω

Moreover, since v = 0 on ∂B, v 0 = 0 on ∂D, divv = 0, divv 0 = 0 in Ω,


((∇v)> z − (v · ∇) z + ∇q) · v 0 =


((v 0 · ∇)v · z + (v · ∇) v 0 · z).

Thus, from the first equation in (11.94)


(−ν∆z + (∇v)> z − (v · ∇) z + ∇q) · v 0 =


−ν∇π 0 · v 0 + ν



Z =ν ∂B

∂z ∂v · (V · n) ∂n ∂n

∂z ∂v · (V · n) ∂n ∂n

and finally, from (11.102), we get (11.101).

t u

Remark 11.8. To derive the adjoint equation (11.100), observe that the first equation of (11.94) in weak form reads (v is given) e˜ (v 0 , ϕ) + b (ϕ, π 0 ) = 0 where e˜ (v 0 , ϕ) =


∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω)


[ν∇v 0 : ∇ϕ + (v 0 · ∇) v · ϕ + (v · ∇) v 0 · ϕ]

and b(·, ·) is defined as in (10.4). The adjoint bilinear form e∗ (z, ϕ) = e (ϕ, z) is given by (see the calculations in Sect. 10.1)


11 Shape Optimization Problems

e˜∗ (z, ϕ) = =



[ν∇z : ∇ϕ + (ϕ · ∇) v · z + (v · ∇) ϕ · z]

[−ν∇z : ∇ϕ + (∇v)> z · ϕ − (v · ∇) z · ϕ]

where we have used z = 0 on Γ and divz = 0 in Ω. The first equation in the adjoint problem (11.100) is the strong formulation of e∗ (z, ϕ) + b (ϕ, q) = −2ν (∆v · ϕ)


∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) .

11.7.5 Numerical Results In this section we report some numerical results for the drag minimization problem for twodimensional Navier-Stokes flows. In particular, we investigate the impact of the Reynolds number on the optimal shape, as well as the robustness of the steepest descent method with respect to the initial shape to be optimized. First, we consider as initial shape the bluff body already introduced in Sects. 1.6–1.7, and impose that the area occupied by the body B (or, equivalently, by the fluid in the domain ¯ remains constant. Here, D = (−a, a) × (−b, b) with a = 0.5, b = 0.4. We Ω = D \ B) discretize both the state and the adjoint problems using Taylor-Hood P2 /P1 finite elements for velocity and pressure, respectively, and adopt the same regularization procedure on the mesh introduced in Sect. ??. The initial mesh is made of 2872 vertices and 1436 elements, whereas the mesh corresponding to the optimal shape (after iterative shape regularization and mesh refinement) is made of about 6000 vertices and 3000 elements (slight differences are obtained from case to case). The far field velocity has a parabolic profile γ(x) = Vγ g(x2 )e1 , vanishing on the upper and the lower portion of the boundary12 ∂D, since g(x2 ) = 1 − (y/b)2 ; note that the maximum is reached for g(0) = 1. As shape functional to minimize, we consider a slight variation of the drag functional T (Ω), namely, we take the drag coefficient CD (Ω), a dimensionless quantity commonly used to quantify the resistance of an object immersed in a fluid. For the two-dimensional case at hand, this is given by T (Ω) T (Ω) J(Ω) = = 1 2 = CD (Ω) qγ d 2 ρVγ d where ρ is the density of the fluid, d is a characteristic linear dimension of the body, e∞ is the unit vector directed as the incoming flow γ = Vγ e1 , and qγ = 12 ρVγ2 . In this case, the Reynolds number is defined as ρVγ d Re = . ν Numerical optimization is performed following the procedure introduced in Sect. 11.6.1. In particular, shape regularization is achieved by introducing a coarser mesh to perform shape deformation, after the computed displacement field has been interpolated over it, and an adaptive choice of the step length τk is made at each iteration of the steepest descent method. This latter is then stopped as soon as |J 0 (Ω (k) ; V(k) )| < tol; |J 0 (Ω (0) ; V(0) )| 12

For the sake of numerical calculations, here we have opted for the more usual choice of imposing a zero-stress Neumann condition at the outflow; as a matter of fact, only slight variations are required in the expression of the adjoint problem and the shape gradient of the cost functional.

11.7 Drag Minimization in Navier-Stokes Flows


in our case, tol = 5 · 10−3 . Three cases with increasing Reynolds number – Re = 10, Re = 100, and Re = 500 – have been considered; the values of the cost functional and of the domain’s area for the optimal shape, compared to those of the initial shape, are reported in Table 11.2. In these three cases, a decrease in the drag coefficient ranging from 14% to 29% has been observed. The computational meshes for the initial shape, as well as for the optimal shapes obtained in these three cases, are reported in Fig. 11.12. As expected, the larger the Reynolds number, the higher the tapering of the optimal shape of the profile. ˆ J(Ω) Re = 10 3.9984 Re = 100 0.5540 Re = 500 0.2144

J(Ω (0) ) 4.6516 0.7012 0.3036

(0) ) ˆ 1 − J(Ω)/J(Ω 0.1404 0.2099 0.2938

|J 0 (Ω (k) ; V(k) )|/|J 0 (Ω (0) ; V(0) )| 0.0022 0.0014 0.0055

(0) | ˆ 1 − |Ω|/|Ω -0.0005 -0.0013 0.0003

ˆ and the initial shape J(Ω (0) ), and correTable 11.2 Values of the cost functional for the optimal shape J(Ω) 0 (k) (k) sponding reduction; ratio between shape derivatives |J (Ω ; V )|/|J 0 (Ω (0) ; V(0) )|; discrepancy between the ˆ corresponding target area |Ω (0) | = 0.79107 (of the domain with initial shape) and the area of the domain |Ω| to the optimal shape, for different Reynolds numbers.

Computed velocity and pressure fields for both the initial and the optimal shape, as well as the adjoint velocity and pressure fields, are reported in Figs. 11.13 and 11.14, respectively, for the case Re = 10. In Fig. 11.15 we report instead the computed velocity and pressure fields for the initial and the optimal shape in the case Re = 500. In this latter case, the vortex cores at the rear of the optimal profile are almost completely suppressed, as we notice by comparing the streamlines of the velocity field for the initial and the optimal shape.

ˆ for different Reynolds Fig. 11.12 From top, left to bottom, right: initial shape Ω (0) and optimal shapes Ω numbers (Re = 10, top right; Re = 100, bottom left; Re = 500, bottom right) and corresponding computational meshes


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Fig. 11.13 Case Re = 10: initial (top) and optimal (bottom) velocity field magnitude (left) and pressure field with velocity streamlines (right)

Fig. 11.14 Case Re = 10: initial (top) and optimal (bottom) adjoint velocity field magnitude (left) and adjoint pressure field

11.7 Drag Minimization in Navier-Stokes Flows


Fig. 11.15 Case Re = 500: initial (top) and optimal (bottom) velocity field magnitude (left) and pressure field with velocity streamlines (right)

Fig. 11.16 Initial (top) and optimal (bottom) shapes and velocity field magnitude in the case Re = 10 (left) and Re = 100 (right) obtained from an initial shape including an elliptical profile


11 Shape Optimization Problems

Finally, we show in Fig. 11.16 the optimal shape obtained in the case Re = 10 and Re = 100 starting from a different initial shape, namely, a domain in which the immersed body has an elliptical shape. Comparing the optimal shapes with the one reported in Fig. 11.12 (top, right and bottom, left, respectively) we can observe that the steepest descent method is robust with respect to the choice of the initial shape – in fact, the computed optimal shapes are indeed very similar.

11.8 Exercises 1. Tangential gradient on the unit sphere. Let x = x (θ, ψ) = (cos θ sin ψ, sin θ sin ψ, cos ψ)

0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, 0 ≤ ψ ≤ π

be the parametrization of the unit sphere S. The vectors xθ (θ, ψ) = − sin θ sin ψi + cos θ sin ψj, xψ (θ, ψ) = cos θ cos ψi + sin θ cos ψj − sin ψk span the tangent plane to S at the point (θ, ψ). Let f : R3 → R and let f˜ (r, θ, ψ) = f (rx (θ, ψ) ) be its expression in spherical coordinates (r, θ, ψ) . Assume that f˜ is a differentiable function. Check that, in terms of the tangent basis xθ , xψ , (∇S f ◦ x)(θ, ψ) =

1 f˜θ (1, θ, ψ) xθ (θ, ψ) + f˜ψ (1, θ, ψ) xψ (θ, ψ) . (sin ψ)2


[Hint. Observe that ν (θ, ψ) = x (θ, ψ) is the unit (exterior) normal to S at (θ, ψ). In terms of the basis ν, xθ , xψ , one has (see, e.g., [237] p. 674) ∇f˜ = f˜r ν+ (sin1ψ)2 f˜θ xθ + f˜ψ xψ . . .. ]

2. Check the rules (11.13) and (11.14) for shape derivatives by using the definitions. [Hint. Apply the definition of tangential gradient to f g to get (11.13). For the second formula, apply (11.13) to each row of the matrix ∇Γ (f w) and take the trace. ] 3. Prove formulas (11.16). [Hint. For the first one recall that ∇Γ f · n = 0 and divΓ n = κ. For the second one, use (11.15) and apply the first formula with f = w · n.] 4. Show formula (11.21). [Hint. First, use definition (11.20) to obtain ∆Γ f = divΓ ∇Γ f = divΓ (∇f˜|Γ − (∇f˜|Γ · n)n) = divΓ (∇f˜|Γ ) − divΓ (∇f˜|Γ · n)n. Then, use the first relation in (11.16) and the definition (11.12) to conclude that divΓ (∇f˜|Γ ) − divΓ (∇f˜|Γ · n)n = div∇f˜|Γ − ([D2 f˜|Γ ]n) · n − (∇f˜|Γ · n)κ = ∆f˜|Γ − 5. Let f : Γ → R3 be the identity map, f (x) = x. Show that −∆Γ f = κn.

∂ 2 f˜ ∂f − κ .] ∂n2 ∂n

11.8 Exercises


6. Show that, if Ω is a smooth domain, ∇Γ n = D2 b|Γ . where b = b (Ω) is the signed distance. 7. Let Ω be a smooth domain with boundary Γ and w be a smooth vector field in R3 . Derive the formula Z Z divΓ w = κw · n Γ


by taking the shape derivative on both members of the classical Gauss formula Z Z divw = w · n. Ω


˜ = ∇b, where b = b (Ω) is the signed distance to Ω. Use that [Hint. Use the extension n D2 b|Γ n = 0].] >

8. Let y = (y1 , y2 ) be constant on ∂B and div y = 0. Show that (∇y) n = 0 on ∂B. > ∂y1 ∂y2 [Hint. Since ∂x + ∂x = 0, the first component of (∇y) n is given by 1 2 h


(∇y) n




∂y1 ∂y2 ∂y2 ∂y2 n1 + n2 = − n1 + n2 = ∇y2 · τ ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x1

where τ = (n2 , −n1 ) is a tangential vector on h∂B. Sinceiy2 is constant on ∂B, ∇y2 · τ = 0. > By a similar argument we conclude that also (∇y) n = 0.] 2

9. Let M = M (t) be a square non singular matrix with differentiable entries. Check the formula   d −1 d M (t) = −M −1 (t) M (t) M −1 (t) . dt dt d [Hint. Observe that 0 = ( dt M −1 (t))M (t) = . . ..] 10. By adapting the calculations done for problem (11.76)–(11.77), show formula (11.87).  11. Recalling that σ (v) = 12 ∇v + (∇v)> , show that 2

σ (v) : ∇v = σ (v) : σ (v) = |σ (v)| .

Appendix A

Toolbox of Functional Analysis

In this Appendix we provide many definitions and results related to Banach and Hilbert spaces, which form a useful toolbox for the analysis of OCPs governed by PDEs. Further details can be found on, e.g., [237, 52, 274, 65].

A.1 Metric, Banach and Hilbert Spaces A.1.1 Metric Spaces A metric space is a set M endowed with a distance d : M × M → R, satisfying the following three properties, for every x, y, z ∈ M : D1 : d (x, y) ≥ 0, d (x, y) = 0 if and only if x = y D2 : d (x, y) = d (y, x) D3 : d (x, z) ≤ d (x, y) + d (y, z)

(positivity) (symmetry) (triangular inequality).

A metric space does not need to be a linear (vector) space. A sequence {xn } ⊂ M converges to x in M , and we write xm → x in M , if d (xm , x) → 0 as m → ∞. The limit is unique: if d (xm , x) → 0 and d (xm , y) → 0 as m → ∞, then, from the triangular inequality, we have d (x, y) ≤ d (xm , x) + d (xm , y) → 0



which implies x = y. We call Br (x) = {y ∈ M : d (x, y) < r} the open ball of radius r, centered at x. As in the finite dimensional space Rd , we can define a topology in M , induced by the metric. Let A ⊆ M ; a point x ∈ A is:

• an interior point if there exists a ball Br (x) ⊂ A; • a boundary point if any ball Br (x) contains both points of A and of its complement M \ A; the set ∂A of boundary points of A is called boundary of A; • x is a limit point of A if there exists a sequence {xk }k≥0 ⊂ A such that xk → x.

A is open if every point in A is an interior point; the set overlineA = A ∪ ∂A is the closure of A; A is closed if A = A. A set is closed if and only if it contains all its limit points. In other words, A is closed if and only if A is sequentially closed, that is if, for every sequence {xk }k≥0 ⊂ A such that xk → x, then x ∈ A. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis


An open set A is connected if for every couple of points x, y ∈ A there exists a regular curve joining them entirely contained in A. In the case of M = Rd , by domain we mean an open connected set, usually denoted by the letter Ω. Moreover, we say that A is bounded if it is contained in some ball Br (0). A sequence {xm } ⊂ M is a Cauchy (or fundamental ) sequence if d (xm , xk ) → 0 as m, k → ∞. If {xm } is convergent then it is a Cauchy sequence. The converse in not true, in general. A metric space in which every Cauchy sequence converges is called complete. We say that l ∈ R ∪ {−∞} ∪ {+∞} is a limit point of {xm } if there exists a subsequence {xmk } such that xmk → l as k → ∞. Denoting by E the set of limit points of {xm }, we define lim inf xm = inf E, m→∞

lim sup xm = sup E. m→∞

A.1.2 Banach Spaces Let X be a linear space over the scalar field R. A norm in X is a real function k·k : X → R


such that, for each scalar λ and every x, y ∈ X, the following properties hold: N1 : kxk ≥ 0; kxk = 0 if and only if x = 0 N2 : kλxk = |λ| kxk N3 : kx + yk ≤ kxk + kyk

(positivity) (homogeneity) (triangular inequality).

A normed space is a linear space X endowed with a norm k·k. A norm induces a distance given by d (x, y) = kx − yk, which makes X a metric space. A normed space which is complete with respect to this induced distance is called a Banach space. Proposition A.1. Every norm in a linear space X is continuous in X. Definition A.1. Two norms k·k1 and k·k2 , defined in the same space X, are equivalent if there exist two positive numbers c1 , c2 such that c1 kxk2 ≤ kxk1 ≤ c2 kxk2

for every x ∈ X.

Definition A.2. A seminorm on V is a function | · | : X → R fulfilling properties N2 , N3 , whereas property N1 is replaced by |x| ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ X. Example A.1. Let Ω ⊂ Rd be a bounded open set. 1. The space

  C Ω = u : Ω → R, u continuous

is a Banach space if endowed with the norm (called the maximum norm) kvkC (Ω ) = sup v. Ω

A.1 Metric, Banach and Hilbert Spaces


  2. The spaces C k Ω , k ≥ 0 integer. The symbol C k Ω denotes the set of functions whose derivatives, up to the order k included, are continuous in Ω and can be extended continuously up to Γ = ∂Ω. To denote a derivative of order m, it is convenient to use the symbol ∂ α1 ∂ αn Dα = , α1 ... n ∂x1 ∂xα n where α = (α1 , ..., αn ) is an n − uple of nonnegative integers (a multi-index ), of length |α| = α1 + . . . + αn = m. Endowed with the norm (maximum norm of order k ) kf kC k (Ω ) = kf kC (Ω ) + 

k X


kDα f kC (Ω ) ,

C k Ω is a Banach space. Note that C 0 (Ω) ≡ C(Ω).  3. The spaces C 0,α Ω , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. A function f is H¨ older continuous in Ω with exponent α if |f (x) − f (y)| sup = CH (f ; Ω) < ∞. (A.2) α |x − y| x,y∈Ω x6=y

The quotient in the left hand side of (A.2) represents an “incremental quotient of order α”. The number CH (f ; Ω) is called the H¨ older constant of f in Ω. If α = 1, f is Lipschitz continuous. Typical examples of H¨ older continuous functions in Rd with exponent α are α the powers f (x) = |x| .   0,α We use the symbol C Ω to denote the set of functions of C Ω , H¨older continuous in Ω with exponent α. Endowed with the norm kf kC 0,α (Ω ) = kf kC (Ω ) + CH (f ; Ω) ,  C 0,α Ω is a Banach space.

4. The spaces C k,α (Ω), k ≥ 1 integer, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. C k,α (Ω) denotes the set of functions of C k (Ω), whose derivatives up to order k included, are H¨older continuous in Ω with exponent α. Endowed with the norm X kf kC k,α (Ω) = kf kC k (Ω) + CH (Dβ f ; Ω) |β|=k

C k,α (Ω) becomes a Banach space. •

Throughout the book we denote by Xd = X × X × . . . × X | {z } d times

the (Cartesian) product space for, say, vector-valued functions. For instance, v ∈ C(Ω)d = C(Ω; Rd ) denotes a vector field whose components v1 , . . . , vd belong to C(Ω).


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

A.1.3 Hilbert Spaces Let X be a linear space over R. An inner or scalar product in X is a function (·, ·) : X × X → R with the following three properties. For every x, y, z ∈ X and every scalar λ, µ ∈ R: I1 : (x, x) ≥ 0 and (x, x) = 0 if and only if x = 0 I2 : (x, y) = (y, x) I3 : (λx + µy, z) = λ (x, z) + µ (y, z)

(positivity) (symmetry) (bilinearity).

A linear space endowed with an inner product is called an inner product space. Property I3 shows that the inner product is linear with respect to its first argument. From I2 , the same is true for the second argument as well. Then, we say that (·, ·) constitutes a symmetric bilinear form in X. When different inner product spaces are involved it may be necessary the use of notations like (·, ·)X , to avoid confusion. An inner product induces a norm, given by p kxk = (x, x). (A.3)

In fact, properties N1 and N2 in the definition of norm are immediate, while the triangular inequality is a consequence of the two properties stated in the following Theorem A.1. Let x, y ∈ X. Then: 1. Schwarz inequality:

|(x, y)| ≤ kxk kyk ,


where equality holds in (A.4) if and only if x and y are linearly dependent; 2. Parallelogram law: 2 2 2 2 kx + yk + kx − yk = 2 kxk + 2 kyk . The parallelogram law generalizes an elementary result in Euclidean plane geometry: in a parallelogram, the sum of the squares of the sides length equals the sum of the squares of the diagonals length. The Schwarz inequality implies the continuity of the inner product; in fact, |(w, z) − (x, y)| = |(w − x, z) + (x, z − y)| ≤ kw − xk kzk + kxk kz − yk and if w → x, z → y, then (w, z) → (x, y). Definition A.3. Let H be an inner product space. We say that H is a Hilbert space if it is complete with respect to the norm (A.3), induced by the inner product. Two Hilbert spaces H1 and H2 are isometric if there exists a linear map L : H1 → H2 , called isometry, which preserves the norm, that is kxkH1 = kLxkH2

∀x ∈ H1 .


An isometry preserves also the inner product since from 2



kx − ykH1 = kL(x − y)kH2 = kLx − LykH2

A.2 Linear Operators and Duality

we get






kxkH1 − 2 (x, y)H1 + kykH1 = kLxkH2 − 2 (Lx, Ly)H2 + kLykH2 and from (A.5) we infer (x, y)H1 = (Lx, Ly)H2

∀x, y ∈ H1 .

It is easy to show that every real linear space of dimension n is isometric to Rd .

A.2 Linear Operators and Duality In this section we focus on linear operators and functionals, on the concepts of dual space, dual and adjoint operators.

A.2.1 Bounded Linear Operators Given two normed spaces X and Y , a linear operator from X to Y is a map L : X → Y such that, for all α, β ∈ R and for all x, y ∈ X L(αx + βy) = αLx + βLy. If L is linear, when no confusion arises, we shall write Lx instead of L(x). Moreover, we say that L is a bounded operator if there exists a constant C > 0 such that kLxkY ≤ CkxkX

∀x ∈ X,


or, equivalently, sup kLxkY = K < +∞.


kxkX =1

Indeed, if x 6= 0, using the linearity of L we can express (A.6) under the form   x L ≤ C, kxkX Y

which is equivalent to (A.7) since x/kxkX is a unit vector in X; clearly, K ≤ C.

Proposition A.2. A linear operator L : X → Y is bounded if and only if it is continuous. We denote by L (X, Y ) the set of linear and bounded operators from X to Y . In particular, L(X, Y ) is a vector space, over which we can define the following norm kLkL(X,Y ) = sup kLxkY , kxkX =1

which is the number K appearing in (A.7). Thus, for every L ∈ L(X, Y ), we have kLxkY ≤ kLkL(X,Y ) kxkX . Furthermore, endowed with the norm (A.8), L(X, Y ) is a Banach space.



Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

Example A.2. Let A ∈ Rm×n ; then, the map L : x → Ax is a linear operator from Rn into Rm . Moreover, since kAxk2 = Ax · Ax = A> Ax · x and A> A is symmetric and nonnegative, from Linear Algebra we have that sup A> Ax · x = σM


where σM is the maximum eigenvalue of A> A, that is to say, the maximum singular value of √ A. Thus, kLk = σM . • Example A.3. Let V and H be Hilbert spaces, with V ⊂ H. Considering an element in V as an element of H, we define the operator IV →H : V → H, IV →H (u) = u which is called embedding of V into H. This is a linear operator, and it is also bounded if there exists a constant C such that kukH ≤ CkukV for every u ∈ V . In this case, we say that V is continuously embedded in H and we write V ,→ H. •

A.2.2 Functionals, Dual space and Riesz Theorem If X is a normed space, a linear operator L : X → R is called (linear) functional. The space L(X, R) of linear and bounded (or continuous) functionals over X is a Banach space, called dual space of X and is denoted by X ∗ . This space is endowed with the norm kLkX ∗ = sup |Lx| kxkX =1

∀L ∈ X ∗ .

To denote the action of an element L ∈ X ∗ on v ∈ X we use the notations Lv or hL, viX ∗ ,X , called duality pairing. The following important theorem, known as the Riesz Representation Theorem, gives a characterization of the dual space of a Hilbert space. Theorem A.2 (Riesz). Let H be a Hilbert space with inner product (·, ·). The dual space H ∗ is isometric to H. Precisely, for every u ∈ H, the linear functional Lu defined by Lu v = (u, v) belongs to H ∗ with norm kLu kH ∗ = kukH . Conversely, for every L ∈ H ∗ there exists a unique uL ∈ H such that Lv = (uL , v) ∀v ∈ H. Moreover, kLkH ∗ = kuL k . See, e.g., [237] for the proof. Since it is linear, one-to-one and it preserves norms, the Riesz map RH : H ∗ → H, given by L 7−→ uL is an isometry – also referred to as Riesz canonical isometry – and we say that uL is the Riesz element associated with L, with respect to the scalar product (·, ·). Moreover, H ∗ is a Hilbert space, when endowed with the inner product (L1 , L2 )H ∗ = (uL1 , uL2 ) .


A.2 Linear Operators and Duality

429 ∗

Since X ∗ is a normed space (actually a Banach space) we can consider its dual (X ∗ ) = X ∗∗ , called the bidual of X, a Banach space, normed by kx∗∗ kX ∗∗ = Between X and X


sup kLkX ∗ =1

| hx∗∗ , LiX ∗∗ ,X ∗ |.

there exists a canonical injection J : X → X ∗∗ defined by hJx, LiX ∗∗ ,X ∗ = hL, xiX ∗ ,X

∀L ∈ X ∗ .

Clearly Jx belongs to X ∗∗ since | hJx, LiX ∗∗ ,X ∗ | ≤ kxkX kLkX ∗ and (by the Hahn-Banach Theorem, see, e.g., [235]) kJxkX ∗∗ = kxkX ; thus J is an isometry. In general J (X) ⊂ X ∗∗ . Definition A.4. When J (X) = X ∗∗ we say that X is reflexive. Thus, if X is reflexive we can identify X with X ∗∗ through the canonical isometry. Theorem A.2 allows the identification of a Hilbert space with its dual. Applying Riesz Theorem to H ∗ , we conclude that every Hilbert space is reflexive.

A.2.3 Hilbert Triplets In the analysis of boundary value problems, we often meet a pair of Hilbert spaces V , H with the following properties: 1. V ,→ H, i.e. V is continuously embedded in H. Recall that this simply means that the embedding operator IV ,→H , from V into H, introduced in Example A.3, is continuous or, equivalently that there exists a number c such that kukH ≤ c kukV

∀u ∈ V ;


2. V is dense in H. Using Riesz Representation Theorem A.2, we may identify H with H ∗ . Also, we may continuously embed H into V ∗ , so that any element in H can be thought as an element of V ∗ , with action given by hu, viV ∗ ,V = (u, v)H ∀v ∈ V. (A.11) Finally, V (and therefore also H) is dense in V ∗ . Summarizing, we have V ,→ H ,→ V ∗ with dense embeddings. We call {V, H, V ∗ } a Hilbert triplet. Remark A.1. Given the identification of H with H ∗ , the scalar product in H achieves a privileged role. As a consequence, a further identification of V with V ∗ through the Riesz map R−1 • V is forbidden, since it would give rise to a nonsense, unless H = V.

A.2.4 Adjoint Operators The basic relation that characterizes the definition of the transpose A> of a matrix A, (Ax, y)Rm = (x, A> y)Rn

∀x ∈ Rn , ∀y ∈ Rm ,

can be generalized to define the adjoint of a bounded linear operator.

Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis


Let X, Y be Banach spaces. For an operator T ∈ L (X, Y ) we can define the adjoint or dual operator T ∗ ∈ L (Y ∗ , X ∗ ) by the relation hT ∗ L, xiX ∗ ,X = hL, T xiY ∗ ,Y


for all L ∈ Y ∗ , x ∈ X. It holds kT ∗ kL(Y ∗ ,X ∗ ) = kT kL(X,Y ) . We say that L is selfadjoint if X = Y and T ∗ = T . Example A.4. Let {V, H, V ∗ } be a Hilbert triplet and T = IH,→V ∗ the embedding of H into V ∗ . Then, T ∗ : V → H ∗ = H is given by (T ∗ v, h)H = hv, T hiV,V ∗ = (v, h)H

∀h ∈ H, ∀v ∈ V.

Thus T ∗ = IV ,→H , the embedding of V into H.

A.3 Compactness and Weak Convergence A.3.1 Compactness We briefly review the notion of compactness. Let X be a normed space. The general definition of compact set involves open coverings: an open covering of E ⊆ X is a family of open sets whose union contains E. Definition A.5. We say that E ⊆ X is compact if from every open covering of E it is possible to extract a finite subcovering of E. It is somewhat more convenient to work with pre-compact sets as well, that is sets whose closure is compact. In finite dimensional spaces the characterization of pre-compact sets is well known: E ⊂ Rd is pre-compact if and only if E is bounded. What about infinitely many dimensions? Let us introduce a characterization of precompact sets in normed spaces in terms of convergent sequences, much more comfortable to use. First, let us agree that a subset E of a normed space X is sequentially precompact (resp. compact), if for every sequence {xk } ⊂ E there exists a subsequence {xks }, convergent in X (resp. in E). The following result holds. Theorem A.3. Let X be a normed space and E ⊂ X. Then E is precompact (compact) if and only if it is sequentially precompact (compact). While a compact set is always closed and bounded, the following example exhibits a closed and bounded set which is not compact. Example A.5. Consider the Hilbert space ( l2 =


endowed with (x, y) =

∞ = {xk }k=1

∞ X


x k yk


∞ X



x2k < ∞, xk ∈ R 2

kxk =

∞ X


) x2k .

A.3 Compactness and Weak Convergence


 Let E = ek k≥1 , where e1 = {1, 0, 0, ...}, e2 = {0, 1, 0, ...}, etc.. Observe that E constitutes an orthonormal basis in l2 . Then, E √ is closed and bounded in l2 . However, E is not sequenj k tially compact. Indeed, ke − e k = 2, if j 6= k, and therefore no subsequence of E can be convergent. • Thus, in infinite dimensions, closed and bounded does not imply compact. Actually, in a normed space, this can only happen in the finite-dimensional case. In fact, the following theorem holds. Theorem A.4. Let B be a Banach space. B is finite-dimensional if and only if the unit ball {x : kxk ≤ 1} is compact.

A.3.2 Weak Convergence, Reflexivity and Weak Sequential Compactness We have seen that compactness in a normed space is equivalent to sequential compactness. In the applications, this translates into a very strong requirement for approximating sequences. Luckily, in normed spaces there are other notions of convergence, much more flexible, which turn out to be better suited to our purposes. Let X be a Banach space with norm k·k and X ∗ be its dual space. Definition A.6. We say that a sequence {uk } ⊂ X converges weakly to u ∈ X, and we write uk * u, if Luk → Lu ∀L ∈ X ∗ . (A.13) If X is a Hilbert space with inner product (·, ·), then (A.13) is equivalent to (uk , v) → (u, v)

∀v ∈ U ,

thanks to Riesz Representation Theorem. Since by definition any L ∈ X ∗ is a continuous functional in X, it follows that if uk → u then Luk → Lu and therefore uk → u


uk * u.

The converse is not true in general, as the following example shows. This justifies the denomination of weak convergence. Example A.6. Let X = L2 (0, 2π) and xk (t) = √1π sin kt, t ∈ (0, 2π); see Sect. A.5.1 for the definition of the L2 (a, b) space. Then, Z 2π lim sin kt ϕ(t)dt = 0 ∀ϕ ∈ X k→0


so that xk * 0 in X. On the other hand, xk 9 0 strongly in X since Z 1 2π 2 kxk kX = (sin kt)2 dt = 1. π 0

The following properties are consequences of the Hahn-Banach and the Banach-Steinhaus theorems in Functional Analysis (see, e.g., [235]).


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

Proposition A.3. Let {uk } ⊂ X, uk * u. Then:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

the weak limit is unique: if uk * v then v = u; {uk } is bounded; kuk ≤ lim inf kuk k; if kLk − LkX ∗ → 0, then Lk uk → Lu.

We have observed that the norm in a normed space is strongly continuous. Property (c) in Proposition (A.3) expresses the fact that the norm is only sequentially lower semicontinuous with respect to weak convergence. The following fundamental result states the connection of weak convergence with reflexivity. Proposition A.4. Let X be a reflexive Banach space. Then every bounded sequence {un } ⊂ X contains a weakly convergent subsequence. Remark A.2. Thanks to the Riesz representation theorem A.2, every Hilbert space H is reflexive. Hence, usual control spaces such as those introduced in Chapter 5 are all reflexive, since they are Hilbert spaces. In particular, Proposition A.4 applies to any Hilbert space. •

A.3.3 Compact Operators By definition, every operator in L(X, Y ) transforms bounded sets in X into bounded sets in Y. The subclass of operators that transform bounded sets into precompact sets is particularly important. Definition A.7. Let X and Y be Banach spaces, and L ∈ L (X, Y ). We say that L is compact if, for every bounded E ⊂ X, the image L (X) is pre-compact in Y . From Theorem A.4, the identity operator I : X → X is compact if and only if dimX < ∞. Also, any bounded operator with finite dimensional range is compact. The following proposition is also very useful. Proposition A.5. Let L : X → Y be compact. Then:

(a) L∗ : X → Y is compact; (b) if G ∈ L (Y, Z) or G ∈ L (Z, X), the operators G ◦ L and L ◦ G are compact. Remark A.3. Linear compact operators convert weak convergence into strong convergence. If X is reflexive, also the converse is true. Precisely, let T ∈ L (X, Y ), X, Y be Banach spaces, and X reflexive. Then T is compact if and only if ∀{xk } ⊂ X, xk * x implies T xk → T x.

A.3 Compactness and Weak Convergence


A.3.4 Convexity and Weak Closure We have seen in Sect. A.3.2 that a strongly convergent sequence is also weakly convergent: however, not always a property holding in the strong sense also holds in the weak one. For instance, a (strongly) closed set in a Banach space X is not necessarily weakly sequentially closed. The sequence {xk } of Example A.6 is contained in the unit sphere S1 of L2 (0, 2π), which is a closed set in this space. However xk * 0 ∈ / S1 , and therefore S1 is not weakly sequentially closed. Here convexity comes into play: as soon as the (strongly) closed set is also convex, it is also weakly sequentially closed, according to the following Proposition A.6. Let K ⊆ X be a closed convex set. Then K is weakly sequentially closed. Thus, a convex set is closed if and only if it is weakly sequentially closed.

A.3.5 Weak∗ Convergence, Separability and Weak∗ Sequential Compactness In several problems the natural space where we seek a control variable is not reflexive. This is for instance the case in which a control u ≥ 0 acts as a reaction coefficient or a potential in a state equation like −∆y + uy = f in Ω, or as a diffusion coefficient in

−div (u∇y) = f

in Ω.

In these situations u ∈ L∞ (Ω), which is not a reflexive Banach space, see Sect. A.5.1. When reflexivity is lacking, weak convergence is not appropriate to recover compactness. In fact, the dual X ∗ of a Banach space can be endowed with another type of convergence, called weak ∗ convergence. Definition A.8. We say that a sequence {Lk } ⊂ X ∗ converges weakly∗ to L ∈ X ∗ , and ∗ we write Lk * L, if Lk u → Lu ∀u ∈ X. (A.14) Remark A.4. If X is reflexive, the weak∗ convergence is nothing else than weak convergence in X ∗ . • ∗ For the weak convergence an analog of Proposition A.4 holds. ∗

Proposition A.7. Let X be a Banach space and {Lk } ⊂ X ∗ such that Lk * L. Then: ∗

(a) the weak∗ limit is unique: if Lk * G then G = L; (b) {Lk } is bounded in X ∗ ; (c) if kuk − ukX → 0, then Lk uk → Lu.


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

The relevance of weak∗ convergence relies in the following fundamental result that states a connection with the separability of X. We recall that X is separable if there exists a countable subset D which is dense in X, that is D ⊆ X and D = X. Theorem A.5 (Banach-Alaoglu). If X is separable, any bounded sequence in X ∗ contains a weakly∗ convergent subsequence.

A.4 Abstract Variational Problems We recall in this section some results essential for the correct variational formulation of a broad variety of boundary value problems, including several examples of state problems for optimal control problems discussed along this book. In particular, we briefly review (strongly) coercive and saddle-point problems, presenting the main well-posedness results; see, e.g., [224, 64, 121, 237, 218, 41] for their proofs. In this context, a key role is played by bilinear forms. Given two linear spaces V, W , a bilinear form in V × W is a map a:V ×W →R satisfying the following properties:

(i) for every y ∈ W , the function x 7→ a(x, y) is linear in V ; (ii) for every x ∈ V , the function y 7→ a(x, y) is linear in W . When V = W , we simply say that a is a bilinear form in V .

A.4.1 Coercive Problems Let V be a Hilbert space, a be a bilinear form in V and F ∈ V ∗ (the dual space of V ). Consider now the following problem, called abstract variational problem: find y ∈ V such that

a (y, v) = hF, viV ∗ ,V

∀v ∈ V.

(P1 )

The fundamental result is provided by the following Theorem A.6 (Lax-Milgram). Let V be a real Hilbert space endowed with inner product (·, ·) and norm k·k, and a(·, ·) a bilinear form in V which is: (i) continuous, i.e. there exists a constant M such that |a(v, w)| ≤ M kvk kwk

∀v, w ∈ V ;

(ii) V −coercive, i.e. there exists a constant α > 0 such that 2

a(v, v) ≥ α kvk

∀v ∈ V.


Then, problem (P1 ) has a unique solution y ∈ V . Moreover, y satisfies the stability estimate kyk ≤

1 kF kV ∗ . α


A.4 Abstract Variational Problems


If a is also symmetric, then it induces in V the inner product (v, w)a = a (v, w) . In this case, existence, uniqueness and stability for problem (P1 ) follow directly from Riesz Representation Theorem A.2. Moreover (see Sect. 5.1.2), by defining the quadratic functional J(v) =

1 a(v, v) − hF, viV ∗ ,V , 2


the following property holds. Proposition A.8. Let V be a real Hilbert space, a : V × V → R a continuous, symmetric and positive bilinear form on V × V , and F ∈ V ∗ . Then, u is the (unique) solution of (P1 ) if and only if J(u) = min J(v). (A.18) v∈V

A.4.2 Saddle-Point Problems Mixed variational problems or saddle point problems do not fall in the class of coercive problems, thus requiring a different treatment1 . Two remarkable cases, addressed in this book, are Stokes equations and the optimality system arising from unconstrained linear-quadratic OCPs. For a more in-depth reading we refer e.g. to [41]. Given two Hilbert spaces X and Q along with their duals X ∗ and Q∗ , respectively, the bilinear forms e : X × X → R, b : X × Q → R and F1 ∈ X ∗ , F2 ∈ Q∗ , we consider the following mixed variational problem: find (x, p) ∈ X × Q such that ( e(x, w) + b(w, p) = hF1 , wiW ∗ ,W

∀w ∈ X

b(x, q) = hF2 , qiQ∗ ,Q

∀q ∈ Q.

(P2 )

The following theorem [53, 41] establishes sufficient conditions for the saddle-point problem (P2 ) to be well posed. Let us denote by X0 = {w ∈ X : b(w, q) = 0

∀q ∈ Q} ⊂ X.

Theorem A.7. Assume that the following conditions hold: 1. e(·, ·) is continuous, i.e. there exists Me > 0 such that |e(x, w)| ≤ Me kxkX kwkX

∀x, w ∈ X;


2. e(·, ·) is weakly coercive on X0 , i.e. there exists α0 > 0 such that inf


x∈X0 w∈X0 1

e(x, w) ≥ α0 , kxkX kwkX


sup e(x, w) > 0;

w∈X0 x∈X0


These are special instances of weakly coercive problems, which can be analyzed according to the Neˇ cas Theorem, see, e.g., [203] for further details. This may happen if, for instance, (i) in (P1 ) a(·, ·) fails to be coercive, or (ii) y ∈ V but we ask the variational equation to hold for every ϕ ∈ W 6= V , with F ∈ W ∗ .


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

3. b(·, ·) is continuous, i.e. there exists Mb > 0 such that |b(w, q)| ≤ Mb kwkX kqkQ

∀w ∈ X, q ∈ Q;


4. the bilinear form b(·, ·) satisfies the inf-sup condition, i.e. there exists β0s > 0 such that inf sup

q∈Q w∈X

b(w, q) ≥ β0s . kwkX kqkQ


Then, there exists a unique solution (x, p) ∈ X × Q to the mixed variational problem (P2 ). Moreover, the following stability estimates hold: i 1h α 0 + Me ∗ , kxkX ≤ kf1 kX ∗ + kF k (A.23a) 2 Q α β0s i 1 h Me  Me (α0 + Me ) ∗ . kpkQ ≤ s 1 + kF1 kX ∗ + kF k (A.23b) 2 Q β0 α0 α0 + β0s Remark A.5. Note that if e(·, ·) is symmetric, the second condition in (A.20) automatically follows from the first one. • We have seen that for symmetric bilinear forms the variational problem (P1 ) is equivalent to a minimization problem for the quadratic functional J defined in (A.17). Similarly, the following result states that the mixed variational problem (P2 ) is equivalent to a constrained minimization problem for the same quadratic functional, provided e(·, ·) is a symmetric and positive bilinear form, in the following sense. Given a linear mapping L : X × Q → R, (x, p) is called a saddle point of L if L(x, q) ≤ L(x, p) ≤ L(w, p)

∀(w, q) ∈ X × Q,

or equivalently, inf sup L(w, q) = sup L(x, q) = L(x, p) = inf L(w, p) = sup inf L(w, q).

w∈X q∈Q



q∈Q w∈X

Proposition A.9. Let X and Q be two Hilbert spaces and consider the functionals F1 ∈ X ∗ and F2 ∈ Q∗ , as well as the bilinear forms e(·, ·) and b(·, ·) on X ×X and X ×Q, respectively. Assume that d : X × X → R is symmetric and positive. Then (x, p) ∈ X × Q is a solution to problem (P2 ) if and only if (x, p) is a saddle point of 1 e(w, w) + b(w, q) − hF1 , wiX ∗ ,X − hF2 , qiQ∗ ,Q , 2 that is, if and only if x is a minimizer of L(w, q) =

J(w) =


1 e(w, w) − hF1 , wiX ∗ ,X 2

over X under the constraint b(x, q) = hF2 , qiQ∗ ,Q ∀q ∈ Q. Equivalently, x = arg min J(w) w∈X

subject to

b(x, q) = hF2 , qiQ∗ ,Q

∀q ∈ Q.


If, additionally, the assumptions of Theorem A.7 are fulfilled, problem (P2 ) has a unique solution, which is the unique saddle point of L. Hence, (P2 ) can be seen as a set of first-order necessary (and sufficient) optimality conditions for the constrained minimization problem (A.25).

A.5 Sobolev spaces


A.5 Sobolev spaces Sobolev spaces provide the natural functional setting for the PDEs that we consider in this textbook. After introducing their definition, we recall the main results concerning these spaces. It is understood that by a measure |E| of a set E ⊆ Rd we mean the Lebesgue measure defined over the (σ−algebra of the) Lebesgue measurable sets. Accordingly, if Ω is a measurable set, a function u : Ω → R, is measurable if the set {x ∈ Ω : u (x) > t} is measurable ∀t ∈ R. For a survey on measure theory we refer, e.g., to [234, 280].

A.5.1 Lebesgue Spaces Let Ω be an open set in Rd and p ∈ R, p ≥ 1. We denote by Lp (Ω) the set of measurable p functions u : Ω → R such that |u| is Lebesgue integrable2 in Ω. Identifying two functions u and v when they are equal a.e.3 in Ω, Lp (Ω) becomes a Banach space when equipped with the norm (integral norm of order p) kukLp (Ω) =






L2 (Ω) is a Hilbert space when endowed with the inner product Z (u, v)L2 (Ω) = uv. Ω

The identification of two functions equal a.e. amounts to saying that an element of Lp (Ω) is not a single function but, actually, an equivalence class of functions, different from one another only on subsets of zero measure. When dealing with a function in Lp (Ω), for most practical purposes, one may refer to the more convenient representative of the class. However, as we shall see later, some care is due, especially when pointwise properties are involved. The symbol L∞ (Ω) denotes the set of essentially bounded functions in Ω. We say that u : Ω → R is essentially bounded if there exists M such that |u (x)| ≤ M

a.e. in Ω.


The infimum of all numbers M with the property (A.26) is called essential supremum of u, and denoted by kukL∞ (Ω) = ess sup |u| . Ω

Note that the essential supremum may differ from the supremum. As an example, take the characteristic function of the rational numbers  1 x ∈ Q, χQ (x) = (A.27) 0 x ∈ R \ Q. Then supR χQ = 1, but kχQ kL∞ (Ω) = 0, since Q has zero Lebesgue measure. If we identify two functions when they are equal a.e., kukL∞ (Ω) is a norm in L∞ (Ω), and L∞ (Ω) becomes a Banach space. 2 3

A basic introduction on the construction of the Lebesgue integral can be found, e.g., in [237].

A property is valid almost everywhere in a set Ω, a.e. in short, if it is true at all points in Ω, but for a subset of measure zero.


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

We list below some relevant results concerning the Lp spaces. Lemma A.1 (H¨ older inequality). Let p ∈ [1, ∞] and q = p/(p − 1) be its dual exponent (with q = 1, ∞ if p = ∞, 1, respectively). If u ∈ Lp (Ω), v ∈ Lq (Ω), then Z |uv| ≤ kukLp (Ω) kvkLq (Ω) . (A.28) Ω

A more general version of the H¨ older inequality, involving three functions, states that if p, q, r ∈ [1, ∞] with 1/p + 1/q + 1/r = 1, and u ∈ Lp (Ω), v ∈ Lq (Ω), and w ∈ Lr (Ω), then Z |uvw| ≤ kukLp (Ω) kvkLq (Ω) kwkLr (Ω) . (A.29) Ω

Note that, if Ω has finite measure and 1 ≤ p1 < p2 ≤ ∞, from (A.28) we have, choosing v = 1 and taking |u|p1 as u , p = p2 /p1 and q = p2 /(p2 − p1 ), Z p 1/q p |u| 1 ≤ |Ω| kukL1p2 (Ω) Ω

where |Ω| denotes the Lebesgue measure of Ω, then Lp2 (Ω) ⊂ Lp1 (Ω). If the measure of Ω is infinite, this inclusion is not true, in general; for instance, f = 1 belongs to L∞ (R) but not to Lp (R) for 1 ≤ p < ∞. Lemma A.2. For every p ∈ [1, ∞], the dual of Lp (Ω) is identified with Lq (Ω), where q = p/ (p − 1). This means that for p ∈ (1, ∞) the space Lp (Ω) is reflexive. The spaces Lp (Ω), 1 ≤ p < ∞ are all separable; L∞ (Ω) is not. Remark A.6. If X ∗ is separable, so is X, but clearly the converse is false. For instance, L∞ (Ω) is the dual of L1 (Ω). • Let C ∞ (Ω) be the set of infinitely differentiable functions in Ω and C0∞ (Ω) be the set of all functions u ∈ C ∞ (Ω) vanishing outside a compact subset of Ω. Then: Lemma A.3. C0∞ (Ω) is dense in Lp (Ω) for any 1 ≤ p < ∞. As a consequence, we have the following useful result, where L1loc (Ω) denotes the set of functions integrable on every compact subset of Ω. Lemma A.4. If u ∈ L1loc (Ω) and Z uϕ = 0 Ω

for all ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Ω) ,

then u = 0 almost everywhere. The following result is a cornerstone of the Lebesgue theory.

A.5 Sobolev spaces


Theorem A.8 (Lebesgue dominated convergence). Let uk : Ω → R, k ≥ 1, be a sequence of measurable functions such that: (i) uk → u a.e. in Ω; (ii) there exists g ∈ L1 (Ω) such that |uk | ≤ g a.e. in Ω ∀k ≥ 1. Then uk , u ∈ L1 (Ω) and kuk − ukL1 (Ω) → 0 as k → ∞.

A.5.2 Domain Regularity A domain Ω ⊂ Rd can be classified according to the degree of smoothness of its boundary Γ = ∂Ω (see Fig. A.1). Definition A.9. We say that Ω ⊂ Rd is a C 1 −domain if for every point p ∈ Γ there exists a system of coordinates (y1 , . . . , yd−1 , yd ) = (y0 , yd ) with origin at p, a ball B (p) and a function ϕ defined in a neighborhood Np ⊂ Rd−1 of y0 = 00 such that ϕ ∈ C 1 (Np ) , ϕ (00 ) = 0 and Γ ∩ B (p) = {(y0 , yd ) : yd = ϕ (y0 ) , y0 ∈ Np } ,

Ω ∩ B (p) = {(y0 , yd ) : yd > ϕ (y0 ) , y0 ∈ Np } . In other words, Γ locally coincides with the graph of a C 1 −function, and Ω is locally placed on one side of its boundary. The boundary of a C 1 −domain does not have corners or edges and for every point p ∈ Γ , a tangent straight line (d = 2) or plane (d = 3) or hyperplane (d > 3) is well defined, together with the outward normal unit vectors n = (n1 , . . . , nd ). Moreover these vectors vary continuously on Γ . The couples (ϕ, Np ) appearing in the above definition are called local charts. If the functions ϕ are all C k −functions, for some k ≥ 1, Ω is said to be a C k −domain; if this is true for every k ≥ 1, Ω is a C ∞ −domain (or smooth domain). In several applications the relevant domains are rectangles, prisms, cones, cylinders or unions of them; moreover, polygonal domains obtained by triangulation procedures of smooth domains are very often employed in numerical approximation, see Sect. B.4. All these are Lipschitz domains, described by local charts where all the functions ϕ are Lipschitz continuous.

Fig. A.1 A C 1 domain (left) and a Lipschitz domain (right)


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

A.5.3 Integration by Parts and Weak Derivatives The following integration by parts formula holds: let Ω be a bounded, Lipschitz domain in  Rd ; if u, v ∈ C 1 Ω , then Z Z Z uxj v dx = uv nj dσ − uvxj dx, j = 1, . . . , d (A.30) Ω


q 2 where dσ denotes the surface area element; in terms of local charts, dσ = 1 + |∇ϕ| dy0 . The notion of derivative in a weak sense (weak derivative or distributional derivative) relies  on the fact that, using formula (A.30), for functions u ∈ C 1 Ω the following relation holds Z Z uxj ϕ dx = − uϕxj dx ∀ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Ω) . (A.31) Ω

Observing that the right hand side in (A.31) makes sense for u ∈ L1loc (Ω), we are led to the following definition. Definition A.10. Let Ω ⊆ Rd be open and u ∈ L1loc (Ω). A function w ∈ L1loc (Ω) is called the weak partial xj −derivative of u, if Z Z wϕ dx = − uϕxj dx ∀ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Ω) , j = 1, . . . , d. (A.32) Ω

We use the same symbols uxj , ∂xj u or ∂u/∂xj to denote the weak xj −derivative of u. Note that w is uniquely determined thanks to Lemma A.4. Similarly, for any multi-index α = (α1 , . . . , αd ), |α| > 0, the α − th weak partial derivative of u, w = Dα u is defined by the Z Z relation |α| wϕ dx = (−1) uDα ϕdx ∀ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Ω) . (A.33) Ω

A.5.4 The Space H 1 (Ω) Let Ω ⊆ Rd be an open set. The Sobolev space H 1 (Ω) is the subspace of L2 (Ω) of the functions u having weak first partial derivatives which belong to L2 (Ω). Precisely: Definition A.11. The Sobolev space H 1 (Ω) is defined by  H 1 (Ω) = u ∈ L2 (Ω) : u has weak derivatives uxj ∈ L2 (Ω) , j = 1, . . . , d .

The weak gradient ∇u is a vector whose components are the weak first partial derivatives of u; then u ∈ H 1 (Ω) if ∇u ∈ L2 (Ω)d . Since in several contexts the Dirichlet integral Z 2 |∇u| Ω


represents an energy, the functions in H (Ω) are associated with configurations having finite energy.

A.5 Sobolev spaces


Proposition A.10. Endowed with the inner product Z Z (u, v)H 1 (Ω) = uv dx + ∇u · ∇v dx Ω

H 1 (Ω) is a Hilbert space, continuously embedded in L2 (Ω).  a Example A.7. Let Ω = B1/2 (0) = x ∈ R2 : |x| < 1/2 and u (x) = (− log |x|) , x 6= 0. Using polar coordinates, we find Z Z 1/2 2a u2 dx = 2π (− log r) rdr < ∞ ∀a ∈ R, B1/2 (0)


so that u ∈ L2 B1/2 (0) for every a ∈ R. Moreover, uxi = −axi |x| a−1


(− log |x|)


, i = 1, 2


and therefore |∇u| = |a (− log |x|) | |x| . Still using polar coordinates, Z Z 1/2 2 2a−2 −1 |∇u| dx = 2πa2 |log r| r dr. B1/2 (0)


This integral is finite only if 2 − 2a > 1 or a < 1/2. In particular, ∇u represents the gradient of u in the weak sense. We conclude that u ∈ H 1 (B1 (0)) only if a < 1/2. We point out that when a > 0, u is unbounded near 0. • 1 As Example A.7 shows, a function in H (Ω) may be unbounded. In dimension d = 1 this cannot occur. In fact, the elements in H 1 (a, b) are continuous functions4 in [a, b]. Proposition A.11. Let u ∈ L2 (a, b). Then u ∈ H 1 (a, b) if and only if u is continuous in [a, b] and there exists w ∈ L2 (a, b) such that Z y u(y) = u(x) + w (s) ds ∀x, y ∈ [a, b]. (A.34) x


Moreover u = w (both a.e. and in the weak sense). Remark A.7. Since a function u ∈ H 1 (a, b) is continuous in [a, b], the value u (x0 ) at every point x0 ∈ [a, b] makes sense. •

A.5.5 The Space H01 (Ω) and its Dual We introduce an important subspace of H 1 (Ω). Definition A.12. We denote by H01 (Ω) the closure of C0∞ (Ω) in H 1 (Ω). Hence, u ∈ H01 (Ω) if and only if there exists a sequence {ϕk } ⊂ C0∞ (Ω) such that ϕk → u in H 1 (Ω), that is, kϕk − ukL2 (Ω) → 0 and k∇ϕk − ∇ukL2 (Ω) → 0 as k → ∞. Since the test functions in C0∞ (Ω) vanish on Γ , every u ∈ H01 (Ω) “inherits” this property and it is 4

Rigorously: every equivalence class in H 1 (a, b) has a representative continuous in [a, b].


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

reasonable to consider H01 (Ω) as the set of functions in H 1 (Ω) vanishing on Γ . Clearly, H01 (Ω) is a Hilbert subspace of H 1 (Ω). In the applications of the Lax-Milgram theorem to boundary value problems, the dual of H01 (Ω) plays an important role and it is denoted by H −1 (Ω). Theorem A.9. F ∈ H −1 (Ω) if and only if there exists f0 ∈ L2 (Ω) and f = (f1 , . . . , fd ) ∈ L2 (Ω)d such that hF, viH −1 ,H 1 = (f0 , v)L2 (Ω) + (f , ∇v)L2 (Ω) ; (A.35) 0


n o kF kH −1 (Ω) ≤ kf0 kL2 (Ω) + kf kL2 (Ω) .


Hence, the elements of H −1 (Ω) are represented by a linear combination of functions in L (Ω) and their weak first derivatives. In particular, L2 (Ω) ,→ H −1 (Ω). An important property of H01 (Ω), particularly useful in the analysis of boundary value problems, is the Poincar´e inequality5 . 2

Theorem A.10. Let Ω ⊂ Rd be a bounded domain. Then, there exists a positive constant CP = CP (d, diam (Ω)) (Poincar´e constant) such that kukL2 (Ω) ≤ CP k∇ukL2 (Ω)d

∀u ∈ H01 (Ω) .


Inequality (A.37) implies that, if Ω is bounded, the norm kukH 1 (Ω) is equivalent to k∇ukL2 (Ω)d in H01 (Ω). Indeed q 2 2 kukH 1 (Ω) = kukL2 (Ω) + k∇ukL2 (Ω)d and from (A.37)

k∇ukL2 (Ω)d ≤ kukH 1 (Ω) ≤


CP2 + 1 k∇ukL2 (Ω)d .

In the space H 1 (Ω), k∇ukL2 (Ω)d only defines a seminorm, denoted by |u|H 1 (Ω) = k∇ukL2 (Ω)d . Example A.8 (Weak convergence). We characterize the weak convergence in L2 (Ω) and H01 (Ω). We have that {uk } ⊂ L2 (Ω) converges weakly to u if Z Z uk ϕ → uϕ ∀ϕ ∈ L2 (Ω) . Ω

Similarly, {uk } ⊂ H01 (Ω) converges weakly to u if Z Z ∇uk · ∇ϕ → ∇u · ∇ϕ Ω

∀ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω) .

Remark A.8. The optimal constant CP in the Poincar´e inequality is usually referred to as the Poincar´e constant for the domain Ω. Its determination is related with the solution of an eigenvalue problem for the Laplace operator. Indeed, denoting by R |∇u|2 dx Ω R λ1 = min R(u), R(u) = , u2 dx u∈H01 (Ω),u6=0 Ω 5

Recall that the diameter of a set Ω is given by diam (Ω) = supx,y∈Ω |x − y|.

A.5 Sobolev spaces

we have that


1 kukL2 (Ω) ≤ √ k∇ukL2 (Ω)d λ1

and equality holds when u is √ an eigenvector corresponding to λ1 . R(u) is usually called the Rayleigh quotient. Hence, 1/ λ1 is the best (i.e. the smallest) Poincar´e constant for the domain Ω. See, e.g., [237, Chapter 8] for further details and related proofs. • Another very useful result (see e.g. [276] for the proof) is provided by the following G¨arding inequality, helpful when dealing with weakly coercive problems. Proposition A.12. Let a : V × V → R be a bilinear form in V , H01 (Ω) ⊂ V ⊂ H 1 (Ω), such that: 1. it fulfills the G¨ arding inequality: for some constants α > 0 and λ > 0 a(v, v) ≥ αkvk2V − λkvk2L2 (Ω)

∀v ∈ V ;


2. if u ∈ V is such that a(u, v) = 0 for any v ∈ V , then u = 0. Then there exists a constant β = β(λ) > 0 such that sup w∈V

a(v, w) ≥ βkvkV kwkV

∀v ∈ V.

Indeed, a bilinear form fulfilling inequality (A.38) is often called weakly coercive.

A.5.6 The Spaces H m (Ω), m > 1 Involving higher order derivatives, we may construct new Sobolev spaces. Let N be the number Pd of multi-indexes α = (α1 , . . . , αd ), αj ≥ 0, such that |α| = i=1 αi ≤ m. We denote by H m (Ω) the Sobolev space of the functions in L2 (Ω), whose weak derivatives up to order m included, are functions in L2 (Ω), that is (with slight abuse of notation)  H m (Ω) = u ∈ L2 (Ω) : Dα u ∈ L2 (Ω) ∀α : |α| ≤ m . Proposition A.13. Equipped with the inner product X Z (u, v)H m (Ω) = Dα uDα v dx |α|≤m

H m (Ω) is a Hilbert space, continuously embedded in L2 (Ω). Moreover, !1/2 m X 2 kukH m (Ω) = kukL2 (Ω) + |u|2H k (Ω) .



where |u|H k (Ω) denotes the following seminorm in H k (Ω), k = 1, . . . , m, sX 2 |u|H k (Ω) = kDα ukL2 (Ω) . |α|=k

If u ∈ H m (Ω), any derivative of u of order k belongs to H m−k (Ω); more generally, if |α| = k ≤ m, then Dα u ∈ H m−k (Ω) and H m (Ω) ,→ H m−k (Ω), k ≥ 1.


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

Example A.9. Let B1/2 (0) ⊂ R3 and consider u (x) = |x| a < 1/2. The second order derivatives of u are given by uxi xj = a (a + 2) xi xj |x|



− aδij |x|

 ; then, u ∈ H 1 B1/2 (0) if



 −a−2 Then |uxi xj | ≤ |a(a + 2) | |x| so that uxi xj ∈ L2 B1/2 (0) if 2a + 4 < 3, or a < − 21 . Thus u ∈ H 2 B1/2 (0) if a < −1/2. • m ∞ We denote by H0 (Ω) the closure of C0 (Ω) with respect to the norm (A.39). The elements in H0m (Ω) “vanish” on Γ together with all their derivatives of order up to m − 1 included. More in general, for k ≥ 0 integer, and 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, we define the Sobolev spaces n o d W 1,p (Ω) = u ∈ Lp (Ω) : ∇u ∈ Lp (Ω) .

A.5.7 Approximation by Smooth Functions. Traces A function u ∈ H 1 (Ω) is, in principle, defined only up to a set of zero measure. However, if Ω is a bounded Lipschitzdomain, it is possible to approximate any element in H 1 (Ω) by smooth functions in C ∞ Ω , the set of infinitely differentiable functions, whose derivatives of any order can be continuously extended up to Γ . In other terms, ∞ \   C∞ Ω = Ck Ω . k=1

Proposition A.14. Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Then C ∞ Ω H 1 (Ω) .

is dense in

The possibility of approximating any element u ∈ H 1 (Ω) by smooth functions in Ω represents a key tool for introducing the notion of restriction of u on Γ , denoted by u|Γ . Such restriction is called the trace of u on Γ and it will be an element of L2 (Γ ). Since Γ is a set of zero measure, this notion is subtle and has to be addressed in a rather indirect way, by introducing a suitable trace operator, as shown in the following theorem. Theorem A.11. Let Ω ⊂ Rd be a bounded, Lipschitz domain. Then there exists a linear operator (trace operator) τ0 : H 1 (Ω) → L2 (Γ ) such that  τ0 u = u|Γ if u ∈ C ∞ Ω and

kτ0 ukL2 (Γ ) ≤ ctr kukH 1 (Ω)

(trace inequality),


for a suitable constant ctr = ctr (Ω, d); τ0 u is called the trace of u on Γ . It is not surprising that the kernel of τ0 is precisely H01 (Ω), that is, τ0 u = 0 if and only if u ∈ H01 (Ω) . For the trace τ0 u we also use the notation u|Γ and, if there is no risk of confusion, inside a R boundary integral we will simply write Γ u dσ.

A.5 Sobolev spaces


The operator τ0 : H 1 (Ω) → L2 (Γ ) is not surjective. In fact, the image of τ0 is strictly contained in L2 (Γ ) . In other words, there are functions in L2 (Γ ) which are not traces of functions in H 1 (Ω). We use the symbol H 1/2 (Γ ) to denote Imτ0 , that is,  H 1/2 (Γ ) = τ0 u : u ∈ H 1 (Ω) . (A.41) H 1/2 (Γ ) is a Hilbert space with norm given by n o kgkH 1/2 (Γ ) = inf kwkH 1 (Ω) : w ∈ H 1 (Ω), τ0 w = g .


This norm is equal to the smallest among the norms of all elements in H 1 (Ω) sharing the same trace g on Γ and takes into account that the trace operator τ0 is not injective, since we know that Ker τ0 = H01 (Ω). In particular, the following trace inequality holds kτ0 ukH 1/2 (Γ ) ≤ kukH 1 (Ω) ,


which means that the trace operator τ0 is continuous from H 1 (Ω) onto H 1/2 (Γ ) . We denote by H −1/2 (Γ ) the dual space of H 1/2 (Γ ). Remark A.9. It is possible to define a semi-norm in H 1/2 (Γ ) thanks to the so-called SteklovPoincar´e operator. Indeed, for any g ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ), there exists a unique function ug ∈ H 1 (Ω), called the harmonic extension of g, fulfilling  −∆ug = 0 in Ω (A.44) ug = g on Γ. Exploiting the Green’s identity, we can formally define the following semi-norm Z Z ∂ug 2 |g|H 1/2 (Γ ) = ug dσ = |∇ug |2 dx. Γ ∂n Ω


By introducing the Steklov-Poincar´e operator S : H 1/2 (Γ ) → H −1/2 (Γ ), Sg =

∂ug ∂n


realizing the so-called Dirichlet-to-Neumann map [225] related to problem (A.44), we can rewrite (A.45) rigorously as |g|2H 1/2 (Γ ) = hSg, giH −1/2 ,H 1/2 . As a consequence, kgk2H 1/2 (Γ ) = kgk2L2 (Γ ) + |g|2H 1/2 (Γ ) . See, e.g., [209] for further details about applications in the field of OCPs. In a similar way, we may define the trace of u ∈ H 1 (Ω) on a smooth subset Γ0 ⊂ Γ . Theorem A.12. Assume that Ω ⊂ Rd is a bounded, Lipschitz domain. Let Γ0 be a smooth subset of Γ. Then there exists a trace operator τΓ0 : H 1 (Ω) → L2 (Γ0 ) such that  τΓ0 u = u|Γ0 if u ∈ C ∞ Ω , and

kτΓ0 ukL2 (Γ0 ) ≤ ctr (Ω, d) kukH 1 (Ω)

(trace inequality).



Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

The function τΓ0 u is called the trace of u on Γ0 , often denoted by u|Γ0 . For the kernel of τΓ0 , a Hilbert subspace of H 1 (Ω), we use the symbol HΓ10 (Ω), that is τΓ0 u = 0 if and only if u ∈ HΓ10 (Ω) .

 This space can be characterized in another way. Let VΓ0 be the set of functions in C ∞ Ω vanishing in a neighborhood of Γ 0 . Then HΓ10 (Ω) is the closure of VΓ0 under the norm in H 1 (Ω). Proposition A.15. The Poincar´e inequality holds in HΓ10 (Ω). Therefore, k∇ukL2 (Ω)d is a norm in HΓ10 (Ω). We use the symbol H 1/2 (Γ0 ) to denote the image of τΓ0 , that is,  H 1/2 (Γ0 ) = τΓ0 u : u ∈ H 1 (Ω) .


H 1/2 (Γ0 ) is a Hilbert space with induced norm given by n o kgkH 1/2 (Γ0 ) = inf kwkH 1 (Ω) : w ∈ H 1 (Ω), τΓ0 w = g . In particular,

kτΓ0 ukH 1/2 (Γ0 ) ≤ kukH 1 (Ω)


which means that the trace operator τΓ0 is continuous from H 1 (Ω) onto H 1/2 (Γ0 ).

A.5.8 Compactness Since kukL2 (Ω) ≤ kukH 1 (Ω) , H 1 (Ω) is continuously embedded in L2 (Ω) that is, if a sequence {uk } converges to u in H 1 (Ω) it converges to u in L2 (Ω) as well. If we assume that Ω is a bounded, Lipschitz domain, then the embedding of H 1 (Ω) in 2 L (Ω) is for any bounded sequence {uk } ⊂ H 1 (Ω), there exists a subse also compact. Thus, 1 quence ukj and u ∈ H (Ω) such that ukj → u in L2 (Ω)


ukj * u in H 1 (Ω) .

Actually, only the former property follows from the compactness of the embedding; the latter – i.e., the fact that ukj converges weakly to u in H 1 (Ω) – expresses indeed a general fact in every Hilbert space H, since every bounded subset E ⊂ H is sequentially weakly compact (see Proposition A.4). We can state the following Theorem A.13 (Rellich). Let Ω be a bounded, Lipschitz domain. Then H 1 (Ω) is compactly embedded in L2 (Ω). Moreover, under the same assumptions, H 1/2 (Γ ) is dense and compactly embedded in L2 (Γ ).

A.5 Sobolev spaces


A.5.9 The space Hdiv (Ω) Another space which is indeed useful when dealing with incompressible fluid flows is Hdiv (Ω). Definition A.13. Let Ω ⊂ Rd , d ≥ 2, be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Then Hdiv (Ω) = {u ∈ L2 (Ω)d : divu ∈ L2 (Ω)}

is a Sobolev space, with norm  1/2 kukHdiv (Ω) = kuk2L2 (Ω) + kdivuk2L2 (Ω)

and inner product

(u, v)Hdiv (Ω) =


u · v dx +


divu divv dx. Ω

Hdiv (Ω) is a separable Hilbert space, continuously embedded into L2 (Ω)d . For each u ∈ H (Ω)d ⊂ Hdiv (Ω), d ≥ 2, we can define the trace of each component ui on Γ = ∂Ω and, consequently, the so-called normal trace of u, 1


d X i=1

u i | Γ ni .

Since C ∞ (Ω)d is dense also in Hdiv (Ω), the normal trace can be defined for vectors of Hdiv (Ω), according to the following Theorem A.14. Assume Ω ⊂ Rd is a bounded, Lipschitz domain. Then there exists a linear operator (normal trace operator) τ : Hdiv (Ω) → H −1/2 (Γ ) such that ¯ d τ u = u · n|Γ if u ∈ C ∞ (Ω)


kτ ukH −1/2 (Γ ) ≤ c(Ω, d)kukHdiv (Ω) .

Moreover, for each u ∈ Hdiv (Ω) and each ϕ ∈ H 1 (Ω), the following generalized integration by parts formula holds Z Z ∇ϕ · u dx = − ϕdivu dx + hu · n, ϕiH −1/2 ,H 1/2 . (A.50) Ω


A.5.10 The Space H00 and Its Dual The treatment of mixed problems for Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations requires the introduction of other trace spaces. In general, if Γ0 is a smooth subset of Γ and u ∈ H 1/2 (Γ0 ), the trivial extension u ˜ of u to Γ , that is u ˜ = u on Γ0 and u ˜ = 0 on Γ1 = Γ \Γ 0 , does not belong6 1/2 to H (Γ ). Thus, we introduce the new space n o 1/2 H00 (Γ0 ) = u ∈ H 1/2 (Γ0 ) : u ˜ ∈ H 1/2 (Γ ) . Take for instance Ω = (−2, 2)2 ⊂ R2 and Γ0 = (−1, 1) × {0}. The characteristic function of Γ0 does not belong to H 1/2 (Γ ) (although it is not trivial to prove it) while clearly the function v = 1 on Γ0 belongs to H 1/2 (Γ0 ) since it is the trace of the function identically equal to 1 on Ω. 6


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis 1/2



In other terms, H00 (Γ0 ) is the space of traces on Γ0 of elements in HΓ1 (Ω). H00 (Γ0 ) is a Hilbert space if endowed with the norm kukH 1/2 (Γ0 ) = k˜ ukH 1/2 (Γ ) . We denote its dual by −1/2




H00 (Γ0 ) and the duality between H00 (Γ0 ) and H00 (Γ0 ) by the symbol h·, ·iΓ0 . It turns out that 1/2 −1/2 H00 (Γ0 ) ⊂ L2 (Γ0 ) ⊂ H00 (Γ0 ) 1/2

is a Hilbert triplet, with H00 (Γ0 ) compactly embedded into L2 (Γ0 ). In particular, if u ∈ 1/2 L2 (Γ0 ), v ∈ H00 (Γ0 ) then hu, viΓ0 = (u, v)L2 (Γ0 ) . d

Using these spaces, it is possible to define the normal trace u · n of u ∈ Hdiv (Ω) on Γ0 . Indeed, we can define u · n|Γ0 as the restriction to Γ0 of the trace u · n|Γ ∈ H −1/2 (Γ ). This restriction requires some care. In fact, let F ∈ H −1/2 (Γ ). If F and v were functions in L2 (Γ0 ), the action of F|Γ0 on v would be defined by Z F|Γ0 v = F v˜. Γ

The functional F|Γ0 acts on the trivial extension of v. Therefore, the restriction to Γ0 of 1/2 −1/2 F ∈ H −1/2 (Γ ) must act on H00 (Γ0 ) and be an element of H00 (Γ0 ). Its action is defined by the formula

1/2 F|Γ0 , v Γ = hF, v˜iH −1/2 (Γ ),H 1/2 (Γ ) ∀v ∈ H00 (Γ0 ) . (A.51) 0


Going back to the normal trace of u ∈ Hdiv (Ω) on Γ0 , we conclude that u · n|Γ0 is well −1/2 defined as an element in H00 (Γ0 ). Moreover, the following integration by parts formula Z Z holds

∇v · u dx = − v divu dx + u · n|Γ0 , v Γ ∀v ∈ HΓ11 (Ω) . Ω


A.5.11 Sobolev Embeddings We know that the elements of H 1 (a, b) are actually continuous functions in [a, b]. In dimension d ≥ 2, the functions in H 1 (Ω) enjoy a better summability property, as indicated in the following theorem. Theorem A.15. Let Ω ⊂ Rd be a bounded, Lipschitz domain. Then:

2d 1. If d > 2, H 1 (Ω) ,→ Lp (Ω) for 2 ≤ p ≤ d−2 . 2d Moreover, if 2 ≤ p < d−2 , the embedding of H 1 (Ω) in Lp (Ω) is compact; 2. if d = 2, H 1 (Ω) ,→ Lp (Ω) for 2 ≤ p < ∞, with compact embedding.

In the above cases kukLp (Ω) ≤ c(d, p, Ω) kukH 1 (Ω) . For instance, if d = 3,

2d d−2

= 6, hence

H 1 (Ω) ,→ L6 (Ω)


kukL6 (Ω) ≤ c(Ω) kukH 1 (Ω) .

Theorem A.15 shows that H 1 -functions can enjoy better summability properties than just L2 (Ω). For H m -functions, with m > 1, the following regularity theorem holds.

A.6 Functions with Values in Hilbert Spaces


Theorem A.16. Let Ω be a bounded, Lipschitz domain, and m > d/2. Then  H m (Ω) ,→ C k,α Ω , for k integer, 0 ≤ k < m − in (A.52) is compact and

d 2


and α = 1/2 if d is odd, α ∈ (0, 1) if d is even. The embedding

kukC k,α (Ω ) ≤ c(d, m, α, Ω) kukH m (Ω) . Theorem A.16 implies that, in dimension d = 2, two derivatives occur to get (H¨older) continuity  H 2 (Ω) ,→ C 0,α Ω , 0 < α < 1. In fact, in this case d is even, m = 2, and m − H 3 (Ω) ,→ C 1,a since m − d2 = 2. In dimension d = 3 we have H 2 (Ω) ⊂ C 0,1/2 Ω since m −

d 2


1 2

d 2

= 1. Similarly  Ω , 0 < α < 1,


in the former case and m −

d 2


 H 3 (Ω) ⊂ C 1,1/2 Ω ,

3 2

in the latter.  Remark A.10. If u ∈ H (Ω) for any m ≥ 1, then u ∈ C ∞ Ω . This kind of results is very useful in the regularity theory of boundary value problems. • m

A.6 Functions with Values in Hilbert Spaces Let V be a separable Hilbert space (e.g. L2 (Ω) or H 1 (Ω)). We consider functions y : [0, T ] → V and introduce the main functional spaces we are going to use.

A.6.1 Spaces of Continuous Functions We start by introducing the set C ([0, T ]; V ) of the continuous functions y : [0, T ] → V , endowed with the norm kykC([0,T ];V ) = max ky (t)kV . 0≤t≤T

Clearly C ([0, T ]; V ) is a Banach space. We say that v : [0, T ] → V is the (strong) derivative v of y if

y (t + h) − y (t)

− v (t)

→0 h V

for each t ∈ [0, T ]. We write as usual y 0 or y˙ for the derivative of y. The symbol C 1 ([0, T ]; V ) denotes the Banach space of functions whose derivative exists and belongs to C ([0, T ]; V ) , endowed with the norm kykC 1 ([0,T ];V ) = kykC([0,T ];V ) + ky 0 kC([0,T ];V ) Similarly we can define the spaces C k ([0, T ] ; V ) and C ∞ ([0, T ] ; V ) , while C0∞ (0, T ; V ) denotes the subspace of C ∞ ([0, T ] ; V ) of the functions compactly supported in (0, T ).


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

A.6.2 Integrals and Spaces of Integrable Functions The notions of measurability and integral (called Bochner integral ) can be extended to these types of functions. First, we introduce the set of functions s : [0, T ] → V which assume only a finite number of values; they are called simple and take the form s (t) =


0 ≤ t ≤ T,

χEj (t) yj ,



where y1 , . . . , yN ∈ V and E1 , . . . , EN are Lebesgue measurable, mutually disjoint subsets of [0, T ]. We say that f : [0, T ] → V is measurable if there exists a sequence of simple functions sk : [0, T ] → V such that, as k → ∞, ksk (t) − f (t)kV → 0

a.e. in [0, T ] .

It is not difficult to prove that, if f is measurable and v ∈ V , the (real) function t 7−→ (f (t) , v)V is Lebesgue measurable in [0, T ]. The notion of integral is defined first for simple functions. If s is given by (A.53), we define Z T N X s (t) dt = |Ej | yj 0


with the convention that |Ej | yj = 0 if yj = 0. We thus provide the following

Definition A.14. We say that f : [0, T ] → V is summable in [0, T ] if it is measurable and there exists a sequence sk : [0, T ] → V of simple functions such that Z T ksk (t) − f (t)kV dt → 0 as k → +∞. (A.54) 0

If f is summable in [0, T ], we define the integral of f as follows Z


f (t) dt = lim





sk (t) dt 0

as k → +∞.


The limit (A.55) is well defined and does not depend on the choice of the approximating sequence {sk }. Moreover, the following important theorem holds. Theorem A.17 (Bochner). A measurable function f : [0, T ] → V is summable in [0, T ] if and only if the real function t 7−→ kf (t)kV is summable in [0, T ]. Moreover




f (t) dt ≤ kf (t)kV dt (A.56)


0 V





f (t) dt 0


= V




(u, f (t))V dt,

∀u ∈ V.


The inequality (A.56) is well known in the case of real or complex functions. Thanks to the Riesz Representation Theorem, (A.57) shows that the action of any element of V ∗ commutes with the integrals.

A.6 Functions with Values in Hilbert Spaces


Once the definition of integral has been given, we can introduce the space Lp (0, T ; V ), 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, as the set of measurable functions y : [0, T ] → V such that: • if 1 ≤ p < ∞, kykLp (0,T ;V ) = • if p = ∞


T 0

p ky (t)kV



< ∞;


kykL∞ (0,T ;V ) = ess sup ky (t)kV < ∞. 0≤t≤T


Endowed with the above norms, L (0, T ; V ) becomes a Banach space for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. If p = 2, the norm (A.58) is induced by the inner product Z T (y, v)L2 (0,T ;V ) = (y (t) , v (t))V dt 0


that makes L (0, T ; V ) a Hilbert space. Rt If y ∈ L1 (0, T ; V ), the function t 7−→ 0 y (s) ds is continuous and Z d t y (s) ds = y (t) a.e. in (0, T ) . dt 0 Proposition A.16. C0∞ (0, T ; V ) is dense in Lp (0, T ; V ) , 1 ≤ p < ∞.

A.6.3 Sobolev Spaces Involving Time To define Sobolev spaces, we need the notion of derivative in the sense of distributions for functions y ∈ L1loc (0, T ; V ). We say that y 0 ∈ L1loc (0, T ; V ) is the derivative in the sense of distributions of y if Z T Z T 0 ϕ (t) y (t) dt = − ϕ0 (t) y (t) dt (A.59) 0

for every ϕ ∈ C0∞ (0, T ) or, equivalently, if Z T Z 0 ϕ (t) (y (t) , v)V dt = − 0


T 0

ϕ0 (t) (y (t) , v)V dt

∀v ∈ V .


We denote by H 1 (0, T ; V ) the Sobolev space of the functions y ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ) such that y 0 ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ). This is a Hilbert space with inner product Z T (y, ϕ)H 1 (0,T ;V ) = {(y (t) , ϕ (t))V + (y 0 (t) , ϕ0 (t))V } dt. 0

Since functions in H 1 (a, b) are continuous in [a, b], it makes sense to consider the value of y at any point of [a, b]. In a certain way, the functions in H 1 (0, T ; V ) depend only on the real variable t, so that the following theorem is not surprising.


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

Theorem A.18. Let u ∈ H 1 (0, T ; V ). Then, u ∈ C ([0, T ]; V ) and max ku (t)kV ≤ C (T ) kukH 1 (0,T ;V ) .


Moreover, the fundamental theorem of Calculus holds, Z t u (t) = u (s) + u0 (r) dr, 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T. s

If V and W are separable Hilbert spaces with V ,→ W , it makes sense to define the Sobolev space  H 1 (0, T ; V, W ) = y ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ) : y 0 ∈ L2 (0, T ; W ) ,

where y 0 is intended in the sense of distributions in C0∞ (0, T ; W ), endowed with the scalar product Z T (y, ϕ)H 1 (0,T ;V,W ) = {(y (t) , ϕ (t))V + (y 0 (t) , ϕ0 (t))W } dt. 0

and the norm

 1/2 2 2 kykH 1 (0,T ;V,W ) = kykL2 (0,T ;V ) + ky 0 kL2 (0,T ;W ) .

This situation typically occurs in the applications to initial-boundary value problems. Given a Hilbert triplet (see Sect. A.2.3) V ,→ H ,→ V ∗ , with V and H separable, the natural functional setting is precisely the space H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ). The following result (whose proof can be found, e.g., in [73, Volume 5, Chapter XVIII]) is of fundamental importance. Theorem A.19. Let (V, H, V ∗ ) be a Hilbert triplet, with V and H separable. Then: (a) C ∞ ([0, T ] ; V ) is dense in H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ); (b) H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ) ,→ C ([0, T ] ; H), that is kukC([0,T ];H) ≤ C (T ) kukH 1 (0,T ;V,V ∗ ) ; (c) (Aubin Lemma) H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ) is compactly embedded into L2 (0, T ; H); (d) if y, ϕ ∈ H 1 (0, T ; V, V ∗ ), the following integration by parts formula holds, Z t {hy 0 (r) , ϕ (r)i∗ + hy (r) , ϕ0 (r)i∗ } dr = (y (t) , ϕ (t))H − (y (s) , ϕ (s))H



for all s, t ∈ [0, T ]. From (A.61) we infer that d (y (t) , ϕ (t))H = hy 0 (t) , ϕ (t)i∗ + hy (t) , ϕ0 (t)i∗ dt a.e. t ∈ [0, T ] and (letting ϕ = y) Z t d 2 2 2 ky (r)kH dt = ky (t)kH − ky (s)kH . s dt


A.7 Differential Calculus in Banach Spaces


A.6.4 The Gronwall Lemma When dealing with initial-boundary value problems, the following result proves to be extremely useful in order to derive stability estimates (see, e.g., [224, Chap. 1] for the proof). Lemma A.5 (Gronwall). Let A ∈ L1 (0, T ) be a non-negative function, ϕ a continuous function on [0, T ]. If g is non-decreasing and ϕ is such that Z t ϕ(t) ≤ g(t) + A(τ )ϕ(τ )dτ ∀t ∈ [0, T ], 0

then ϕ(t) ≤ g(t) exp



A(τ )dτ t0

∀t ∈ [t0 , T ].

A.7 Differential Calculus in Banach Spaces In order to write first order optimality conditions for OCPs in Banach spaces, we need some calculus in infinite dimensional vector spaces.

A.7.1 The Fr´ echet Derivative We start by generalizing the notion of differential to operators between Banach spaces. Definition A.15. Let X and Y be Banach spaces, and U ⊆ X be a (non-empty) open subset of X. An operator F : U → Y is called Fr´echet differentiable (briefly F−differentiable) at x0 ∈ U if there exists an operator L (x0 ) ∈ L (X, Y ) such that if h ∈ U and x0 + h ∈ U , F (x0 + h) − F (x0 ) = L (x0 ) h + R (h, x0 )


with R (h, x0 ) = o (khkX ), that is lim


kR (h, x0 )kY = 0. khkX


L (x0 ) is called Fr´echet derivative (or differential) of F at x0 , and we write L (x0 ) = F 0 (x0 ). The following properties hold: a) Uniqueness. The Fr´echet derivative F 0 (x0 ) is unique; indeed, if L1 , L2 ∈ L (X, Y ) and both satisfy (A.63), then we would have (L1 − L2 )h = o (khkX ), which implies L1 = L2 . b) F−differentiability =⇒ continuity. If F is F−differentiable at x0 then it is continuous at x0 ; in fact, letting h → 0 in (A.63) we get F (x0 + h) − F (x0 ) → 0. c) Linearity. Fr´echet differentiation is a linear operation: if F, G : U ⊆ X → Y are F−differentiable at x0 , and r, s ∈ R, then rF + sG is F−differentiable at x0 with (rF + sG)0 (x0 ) = rF 0 (x0 ) + sG0 (x0 ).


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

˜ ,→ X and the operator F : X → Y be F−differentiable at d) Different norms. Let X ˜ ˜ to Y and the x0 ∈ X. Then F is differentiable at x0 when regarded as an operator from X 7 analytical expression of the derivative does not change . In particular, if F is differentiable with respect to a given norm, then it is also differentiable with respect to a stronger norm. If we introduce two equivalent norms over X or Y , a differentiable function with respect to one norm is still differentiable with respect to the other norm and its derivative does not change. e) Chain rule. The chain rule for the derivation of the composition of functions still holds. Let X, Y, Z be Banach spaces, F : U ⊆ X → V ⊆ Y and G : V ⊆ Y → Z, where U and V are open sets. If F is F -differentiable at x0 and G is F -differentiable at y0 = F (x0 ), then G ◦ F is F -differentiable at x0 and (G ◦ F )0 (x0 ) = G0 (y0 ) ◦ F 0 (x0 ) . Example A.10. If F is constant, then F 0 = 0. If F ∈ L (X, Y ), F is differentiable at any point and F 0 (x) = F for every x ∈ X. • Example A.11. Let X, Y, Z be Banach spaces. Introduce over X × Y the norm 2


k(x, y)kX×Y = (kxk + kyk )1/2 and let F : X × Y → Z be a bilinear and continuous operator, that is x 7→ F (x, y) and y 7→ F (x, y) are linear for y and x respectively fixed, and there exists a number C such that kF (x, y)kZ ≤ C kxkX kykY

∀ (x, y) ∈ X × Y.

Then F is differentiable and F 0 (x0 , y0 ) is the linear map (h, k) 7−→ F (x0 , k) + F (h, y0 ) . In fact, F (x0 + h, y0 + k) − F (x0 , y0 ) = F (x0 + h, y0 + k) − F (x0 + h, y0 ) + F (x0 + h, y0 ) − F (x0 , y0 ) = F (x0 + h, k) + F (h, y0 ) = F (x0 , k) + F (h, y0 ) + F (h, k) . Moreover, F (h, k) = o (k (h, k) kX×Y ); indeed, kF (h, k)kZ khkX kkkY C ≤C 2 2 1/2 ≤ 2 k (h, k) kX×Y , k (h, k) kX×Y (khk + kkk ) which tends to 0 as k (h, k) kX×Y → 0.

If F is F−differentiable at every point of U , the map F 0 : U → L (X, Y ) given by x 7−→ F 0 (x) is called the Fr´echet derivative of F . We say that F is continuously F−differentiable and we write F ∈ C 1 (U ; Y ) , if F 0 is continuous in U , that is if for any x, x0 ∈ U we have kF 0 (x) − F 0 (x0 )kL(X,Y ) → 0


kx − x0 kX → 0.

˜ ,→ X means that kxk ≤ c kxk ˜ ∀x ∈ X, ˜ for a given constant c > 0. If L ∈ L (X, Y ), then Note that X X X ˜ ˜ Y ). Then, it is kxkY ≤ kLkL(X,Y ) kxkX ≤ c kLkL(X,Y ) kxkX ∀x ∈ X and hence L ∈ L(X, Y ) implies L ∈ L(X, ˜  ˜ Y ), and R (h, x0 ) = o khk ˜ . possible to show that (A.63) holds with the same L, regarded as element of L(X, 7


A.7 Differential Calculus in Banach Spaces


In the special case Y = R, we have L (X, R) = X ∗ and therefore if J : U ⊆ X → R is F−differentiable at any point of U , its Fr´echet derivative is a map J 0 : U → X ∗ . Thus, the action of J 0 (x) on an element h of X is given by the duality J 0 (x) h = hJ 0 (x) , hiX ∗ ,X , and we can simply write hJ 0 (x) , hi∗ if there is no risk of confusion. If moreover X is a Hilbert space with inner product (·.·), through the Riesz canonical isomorphism R (see Theorem A.2) we can identify X ∗ with X. The application R◦J 0 deserves a special name and leads to the following definition. Definition A.16. Let H be a Hilbert space and J : U ⊆ H → R be F−differentiable at any point of U . The application R ◦ J0 : U ⊆ H → H is called the gradient of J and is denoted by ∇J. Equivalently, ∇J is defined by the following relation hJ 0 (u) , vi∗ = (∇J (u) , v) ∀u ∈ U, ∀v ∈ H. (A.65) Example A.12. Quadratic functionals over a Hilbert space. Let H be a Hilbert space with inner product (·, ·) and norm k·k. Let a : H × H → R be a bilinear, symmetric and continuous form on H (see Sect. A.4) and J : H → R be the quadratic functional 1 a (u, u) . 2 We want to show that J ∈ C 1 (H) = C 1 (H; R) , that J (u) =

hJ 0 (u) , vi∗ = a (u, v)

∀u, v ∈ H


and to compute ∇J. Since a is bilinear and symmetric, we have

1 1 a (u + v, u + v) − a (u, u) 2 2 1 = a (u, v) + a (v, v) = a (u, v) + o (kvk) 2

J (u + v) − J (u) =


as a (v, v) ≤ M kvk . We can conclude that J is F -differentiable and (A.66) holds. Moreover, hJ 0 (u + h) − J 0 (u) , vi∗ = a (h, v) and then, since a is continuous, kJ 0 (u + h) − J 0 (u)kH ∗ = sup |hJ 0 (u + h) − J 0 (u) , vi∗ | ≤ M khk kvk=1

from which we deduce the (Lipschitz) continuity of J 0 . Now we compute ∇J. From Riesz Representation Theorem A.2, there exists an element ua = R ◦ J 0 (u) such that we can rewrite (A.66) under the form hJ 0 (u) , vi∗ = (ua , v) Therefore ∇J (u) = ua .

∀u, v ∈ H.

Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis


In particular, let z0 ∈ H and consider the functional J (u) =

1 1 1 2 2 2 ku − z0 k = kuk − (z0 , u) + kz0 k . 2 2 2

Then J ∈ C 1 (H) and

hJ 0 (u0 ) , vi∗ = (u0 − z0 , v) ,

so that

∇J (u0 ) = u0 − z0 .

The Fr´echet partial derivatives of an operator F : U ⊆ X × Y → Z, Fx0 ∈ L (X, Z) ,

Fy0 ∈ L (Y, Z)

at a point (x0 , y0 ) ∈ U , can be defined by the following relations: for every h ∈ X, k ∈ Y , F (x0 + h, y0 ) − F (x0 , y0 ) = Fx0 (x0 , y0 ) h + o (khkX ) , F (x0 , y0 + k) − F (x0 , y0 ) = Fy0 (x0 , y0 ) k + o (kkkX ) . As in the finite dimensional case, the following result holds: Proposition A.17. If Fx0 : U → L (X, Z) and Fy0 : U → L (Y, Z) are continuous at (x0 , y0 ) ∈ U , then F is F -differentiable at (x0 , y0 ) and F 0 (x0 , y0 ) (h, k) = Fx0 (x0 , y0 )h + Fy0 (x0 , y0 )k

∀h ∈ X, ∀k ∈ Y.

A.7.2 The Gˆ ateaux Derivative A weaker notion of derivative is that of Gˆ ateaux derivative, which generalizes the concept of directional derivative. Definition A.17. Let X and Y be Banach spaces, and U ⊆ X be an open subset of X. An operator F : U ⊆ X → Y is called Gˆateaux differentiable (briefly G−differentable) at x0 ∈ U if there exists an operator A (x0 ) ∈ L (X, Y ), such that, for any h ∈ X and any t ∈ R such that x0 + th ∈ U , lim


F (x0 + th) − F (x0 ) = A (x0 ) h. t

A (x0 ) is called the Gˆateaux derivative (or differential) of F at x0 and we write A (x0 ) = FG0 (x0 ). If F is G−differentiable at any point in U , the application FG0 : U → L (X, Y ) given by FG0 : x 7→ FG0 (x) is called Gˆ ateaux derivative of F . The following properties hold: a) uniqueness. The Gˆateaux derivative at x0 is unique; b) commutativity with linear bounded functionals. The Gˆ ateaux differentiation commutes with any linear and continuous functional. In fact, if y ∗ ∈ Y ∗ and F is G−differentiable in a

A.7 Differential Calculus in Banach Spaces


neighborhood of x0 , we can write   d ∗ F (x0 + th + sh) − F (x0 + th) hy , F (x0 + th)i = lim y ∗ , s→0 dt s

∗ 0 = y , FG (x0 + th)h

and, in particular,

d ∗ hy , F (x0 + th)i|t=0 = y ∗ , FG0 (x0 )h ; dt c) chain rule. The chain rule holds in the following form: if F is G−differentiable at x0 and G is F -differentiable at y0 = F (x0 ), then G ◦ F is G-differentiable at x0 and (G ◦ F )0G (x0 ) = G0 (y0 ) ◦ FG0 (x0 ) ;


d) F and G−differentiability. If F is F -differentiable at x0 , then it is also G-differentiable at x0 and F 0 (x0 ) = FG0 (x0 ). Conversely, we have: Proposition A.18. Let F : U ⊆ X → Y be G−differentiable in U. If FG0 is continuous at x0 , then F is F -differentiable at x0 and F 0 (x0 ) = FG0 (x0 ). This latter result is often employed to show the F−differentiability of a given operator; in fact it is often simpler to compute the Gˆateaux derivative and show that it is a continuous operator, than to check directly the F -differentiability.

A.7.3 Derivative of Convex Functionals When dealing with minimization problems, convex functionals play a relevant role. As already seen in the finite dimensional case, uniqueness of the minimizer is guaranteed for strictly convex functionals. Let J : U ⊆ X → R be a G−differentiable functional in U . Then, JG0 (x) ∈ X ∗ for any x ∈ U , that is, JG0 : U → X ∗ . To denote the action of JG0 (x) (or of any other element of X ∗ ) over h ∈ X, we will use the symbols

0 JG0 (x) h or JG0 (x) , h ∗ or JG (x) , h X ∗ ,X depending on the context. The following result (strictly related to OCPs, hence provided together with its proof) holds: Theorem A.20. Let U be an open convex set and J : U ⊆ X → R be a G−differentiable functional on U . The following properties are equivalent: 1. J is convex; 2. for any x, y ∈ U

J (y) ≥ J (x) + JG0 (x) , y − x ∗ ;

3. JG0 is a monotone operator in the following sense

0 JG (x) − JG0 (y) , x − y ∗ ≥ 0

∀x, y ∈ U.




Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2). Fix x, y ∈ U . Since J is convex, for all t ∈ (0, 1) we have J (x + t(y − x)) − J (x) ≤ t (J (y) − J (x)) . Dividing by t and letting t → 0+ we get

JG0 (x) , (y − x)

≤ J (y) − J (x) .


(2) ⇒ (3). Exchanging the roles of x and y in (A.70), we obtain

JG0 (y) , (x − y)

≤ J (x) − J (y) .


By summing up (A.70) and (A.71) we deduce (A.69). (3) ⇒ (1). Set g (t) = J (x + t(y − x)), t ∈ [0, 1] and compute g 0 (t) = JG0 (x + t (y − x)) , (y − x)

Thus, if t > s, g 0 (t) − g 0 (s) = JG0 (x + t (y − x)) − JG0 (x + s (y − x)) , (y − x)

1 0 = J (x + t (y − x)) − JG0 (x + s (y − x)) , (t − s) (y − x) ∗ ≥ 0. t−s G It follows that g 0 is nondecreasing, therefore g is convex and hence, for t ∈ (0, 1), g (t) ≤ g (0) + t[g (1) − g (0)] which is the convexity of J.

t u

We point out that when in (A.68) and (A.69) the inequality is replaced by a strict inequality for any x, y ∈ U, x 6= y, both these conditions are equivalent to the strict convexity of J. Example A.13. We return to the case of quadratic functionals discussed in Sect. A.7.1. If the bilinear form a is nonnegative, that is a (v, v) ≥ 0 ∀v ∈ U , then the functional J (u) =

1 a (u, u) 2

is convex. In fact, since hJ 0 (u) , vi∗ = a (u, v), we have that 1 J (u + v) − J (u) = a (u, v) + a (v, v) ≥ a (u, v) 2

∀v ∈ U .

If a is positive, that is, a (v, v) > 0 ∀v ∈ U , v 6= 0, J is clearly strictly convex.

Example A.14. Let Ω ⊂ Rd be a bounded Lipschitz domain. The operator Φ : L6 (Ω) → L2 (Ω) given by Φ : y 7→ y 3 is F−differentiable at every point and

Φ0 (y) h = 3y 2 h

∀y, h ∈ L6 (Ω).

This follows by a straightforward application of the definition (A.15). By property d) in Sect. A.7.2, Φ is also F−differentiable as an operator from H 1 (Ω) into L2 (Ω), provided d ≤ 3.  Moreover Φ0 : L6 (Ω) → L L6 (Ω) , L2 (Ω) is continuous. In fact, using H¨older inequality (A.29) with exponents p = q = r = 1/3,

 k[Φ0 (y + z) − Φ0 (y)] hkL2 (Ω) = 3 y 2 − z 2 h L2 (Ω) ≤ 3 ky + zkL6 (Ω) ky − zkL6 (Ω) khkL6 (Ω)


A.7 Differential Calculus in Banach Spaces


kΦ0 (y + z) − Φ0 (y)kL(L6 (Ω),L2 (Ω)) =

sup khkL6 (Ω) =1

k[Φ0 (y + z) − Φ0 (y)] hkL2 (Ω)

≤ 3 ky + zkL6 (Ω) ky − zkL6 (Ω) and Φ0 is (locally Lipschitz) continuous. p


Example A.15. Let Φ : L (0, 1) → L (0, 1) be given by Φ : y → sin y. Then Φ is G−differentiable for every p, 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, with Φ0G (y) h = cos (y) h

∀y, h ∈ Lp (Ω).

In fact, we can show that sin (y (x) + th (x)) − sin (y (x)) − cos (y (x)) h (x) = R (t; y, h) t with R (t; y, h) = −h (x)


1 0

[cos(y (x) + sth (x)) − cos (y (x))] ds.

Since R (t; y, h) → 0 as t → 0 and |R (t; y, h)| ≤ 2 |h| ∈ Lp (0, 1), by the Lebesgue’s dominated convergence Theorem A.8 we conclude that kR (t; y, h)kLp (0,1) → 0 as t → 0 and therefore is G−differentiable with Φ0G (y) h = cos (y) h. • Remark A.11. In general, if 1 ≤ p < ∞, Φ : y 7→ sin y is not F−differentiable, at any point. Indeed, it can be proved that an operator Φ : Lp (Ω) → Lp (Ω) given by Φ : y 7→ F (y) is F−differentiable if and only if F (y) = cy for some constant c.

Remark A.12. Maps of the form Φ : y → f (x,y) are known as Nemytskii operators (see, e.g. [231, Section 10.3.4]). • Example A.16. Let F ∈ C 2 (R). The operator Φ : L∞ (Ω) → L∞ (Ω) given by Φ : y → F (y) is F−differentiable with

Φ0 (y) h = F 0 (y) h,

and that Φ0 : L∞ (Ω) → L (L∞ (Ω) , L∞ (Ω)) is (locally Lipschitz) continuous. Indeed, we can write, for a.e. x ∈ Ω, F (y(x) + h(x)) − F (y (x)) Z 1 Z 1 d = F (y (x) + th (x))dt = F 0 (y (x) + th (x))h (x) dt 0 0 dt Z 1 0 = F (y (x))h (x) + h (x) [F 0 (y (x) + th (x)) − F 0 (y (x))] dt 0

= F 0 (y (x))h (x) + E (y (x) , h (x)) and



Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

F 0 (y (x) + th (x)) − F 0 (y (x)) = = Then,




d 0 F (y (x) + sh (x))ds ds

0 t

F 00 (y (x) + sh (x)) h (x) ds. 0



kE (y, h)kL∞ (Ω) ≤ khkL∞ (Ω) kF 00 (y (x) + sth (x))kL∞ (Ω) ≤ C khkL∞ (Ω) where C =

sup s∈[0,1],x∈Ω

|F 00 (y (x) + sh (x))|. Thus, we can deduce that Φ is F -differentiable and

that (A.72) holds. With the same method, it is possible to show that Φ0 is (locally Lipschitz) continuous. •

A.7.4 Second Order Derivatives∗ As in Definition A.15, let F : U ⊆ X → Y be a F− differentiable operator, where U is an open subset of X. The mapping y 7→ F 0 (y) defines an operator from U into L (X, Y ). Definition A.18. The operator F : U ⊆ X → Y is twice differentiable at y ∈ U if the operator u 7→ F 0 (y) is F−differentiable at y ∈ U . (F 0 )0 is called the second derivative of F 0 and we can write F 00 (y) = (F 0 ) (y); moreover, we have F 00 (y) ∈ L (X, L (X, Y )) . Thus, F 00 (y) is a bounded linear operator from X into L (X, Y ). More explicitly, given h ∈ X, F 00 (y) h represents a bounded linear operator in L (X, Y ), whose action on another element k ∈ X is given by (F 00 (y) h)k ∈ Y . Therefore, F 00 (y) can be identified (see, e.g., [57, Sect. 5.1]) with a continuous bilinear form from X × X into Y , and its action can be denoted by (h, k) 7→ F 00 (y) [h, k] ; (A.73) in particular, we set F 00 (y) [h2 ] = F 00 (y) [h, h]. With these notations, we have that kF 00 (y)kL(X,L(X,Y )) =

sup khk=1,kkk=1

kF 00 (y) [h, k]kY .

A result by Cartan (see [57, Thm. 5.1.1]) asserts that the continuous bilinear form (A.73) is symmetric, that is (F 00 (y) h)k = (F 00 (y) k)h or F 00 (y) [h, k] = F 00 (y) [k, h] . In the particular case Y = R, we have F 00 (y) ∈ L (X, X ∗ ), so that F 00 (y) h ∈ X ∗ and, for its action on k ∈ X, we may use the (hybrid) notation hF 00 (y) h, kiX ∗ ,X . For twice F−differentiable operators, the following Taylor expansion holds:

A.7 Differential Calculus in Banach Spaces


1 2 F (y + h) = F (y) + F 0 (y) h + F 00 (y) [h2 ] + ε (y, h) khkX 2


with kε (y, h)kY → 0 as khkX → 0.

If F is twice differentiable at every point y ∈ U , the mapping y 7→ F 00 (y) from U into L (X, L (X, Y )) is well defined. If this mapping is continuous, that is if kF 00 (y) − F 00 (y0 )kL(X,L(X,Y )) → 0 as ky − y0 kX → 0, we say that F 00 is twice continuously F− differentiable. Example A.17. We go back to Example A.14, and consider Φ : L6 (Ω) → L2 (Ω) : y 7→ y 3 . We have seen that Φ0 (y) : L6 (Ω) → L(L6 (Ω) , L2 (Ω)) is given by the multiplication operator h 7→ 3y 2 h We now show that Φ0 is continuously F−differentiable, with Φ00 (y) : L6 (Ω) → L(L6 (Ω) , L(L6 (Ω) , L2 (Ω)) given by Indeed,

Φ00 (y) [h, k] = 6yhk. Φ0 (y + h) − Φ0 (y) − 6yh = 3h2 ,

to be intended as a multiplication operator from L6 (Ω) into L2 (Ω). By the three-factors H¨older inequality (A.29), with p = q = r = 3,


2 2

h 6

h k 2 = sup ≤ khkL6 (Ω) ; 2 L(L (Ω),L (Ω)) L (Ω) kkkL6 (Ω) =1


kΦ0 (y + h) − Φ0 (y) − 6yhkL2 (Ω) khkL6 (Ω)

→ 0 as khkL6 (Ω) → 0.

The (Lipschitz) continuity of Φ00 follows by the following relationship, kΦ00 (y) − Φ00 (z)kL(L6 (Ω),L(L6 (Ω),L2 (Ω)) = 6

sup khkL6 (Ω) =kkkL6 (Ω) =1

k(y − z)hkkL2 (Ω)

≤ 6 ky − zkL6 (Ω) . Example A.18. The operator Φ : L

(Ω) → L

(Ω) given by

u 7→ f (u) already considered in Example A.16 is twice continuously F−differentiable, with ∗

Φ00 (u) : L∞ (Ω) → L(L∞ (Ω) , L∞ (Ω) ) given by

Φ00 (u) [h, k] = f 00 (u) hk.

Example A.19. The functional F : L∞ (Ω) → R given by


Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis

F (y) =

1 6

is twice continuously F−differentiable, with 0

F (y) h =



y 5 h dx


and F 00 (y) [h, k] = 5 In fact, for khkL∞ (Ω) small, we have

y 6 dx


y 4 hk dx.


Z Z 6 6 (y + h) − y 5 5 F (y + h) − F (y) − y hdx ≤ − y h dx 6 Ω Ω Z 5 4 2 10 3 3 5 2 4 5 6 = 2 y h + 3 y h + 2 y h + 6yh + h dx Ω 2

≤ C(kykL∞ (Ω) ) khkL∞ (Ω)

so that F is F−differentiable and (A.75) holds. Similarly, for khkL∞ (Ω) small,

Z Z 0 5 4 5 4 F (y + h) − F 0 (y) − 5 ≤ y hdx + h) − y − 5y h dx (y Ω Ω Z 5 4 2 10 3 3 5 2 4 y h + y h + y h + 6yh5 + h6 dx = 2 3 2 Ω 2

≤ C(kykL∞ (Ω) ) khkL∞ (Ω)

and also (A.76) holds. Finally, 00


kF (y) − F (z)kL(L∞ (Ω),L∞ (Ω)∗ ) =

sup khkL∞ (Ω) =kkkL∞ (Ω) =1

Z 4 4 5 (y − z )hkdx Ω

≤ C(kykL∞ (Ω) , kzkL∞ (Ω) ) ky − zkL∞ (Ω)

which shows that F 00 is locally Lipschitz continuous. • Second-order partial derivatives. Let X = X1 × X2 and U = U1 × U2 ⊆ X, open, F : U ⊆ X → Y be a F−differentiable operator. Then, there exist the partial derivatives Fx1 : U → L (X1 , Y ) and Fx2 : U → L (X2 , Y ). The second partial derivatives of F are defined as the partial derivatives of Fx1 and Fx2 . We have (Fxi xj = ∂xj ∂xi ), for h1 , k1 ∈ X1 and k1 , k2 ∈ X2 ,  Fx001 x1 : U → L (X1 , L(X1 , Y )), Fx001 x1 (u) [h1 , k1 ] = Fx001 x1 (u) h1 k1 and

while and

 Fx001 x2 : U → L (X2 , L(X1 , Y )), Fx001 x2 (u) [h1 , k2 ] = Fx001 x2 (u) k2 h1 ,  Fx002 x1 : U → L (X1 , L(X2 , Y )), Fx002 x1 (u) [h1 , k2 ] = Fx002 x1 (u) h1 k2

 Fx002 x2 : U → L (X2 , L(X2 , Y )), Fx002 x2 (u) [h2 , k2 ] = Fx002 x2 (u) h2 k2 .

A.8 Fixed Points and Implicit Function Theorems


As in the finite dimensional case, if F is twice continuously F−differentiable, the order of differentiation commutes, Fx002 x1 (u) [h1 , k2 ] = Fx001 x2 (u) [h1 , k2 ] .

A.8 Fixed Points and Implicit Function Theorems Fixed point theorems provide a fundamental tool for solving nonlinear problems of the form F (x) = x, where F : X → X is an operator defined in some normed space X. We recall here two of these theorems. The first one is the contraction mapping theorem, that involves maps that contract distances (so called contractions). Let X be a Banach space and F : X → X; F is a strict contraction if there exists a number ρ, 0 < ρ < 1, such that kF (x) − F (y)k ≤ ρkx − yk

∀x, y ∈ X.


Clearly, every contraction is continuous. The inequality (A.77) states that F contracts the distance between two points at least by a percentage ρ < 1. This fact confers to a recursive sequence xm+1 = F (xm ) , m ≥ 0, starting from any point x0 ∈ M , a remarkable convergence behavior, particularly useful in numerical approximation methods. Precisely, the following result (also known as Banach-Caccioppoli fixed-point theorem) holds. Theorem A.21 (Contraction Mapping Theorem). Let X be a Banach space and F : X → X be a strict contraction. Then there exists a unique fixed point x∗ ∈ X of F . Moreover, for any choice of x0 ∈ X, the recursive sequence xm+1 = F (xm )

∀m ≥ 0


converges to x∗ . The second result is the Leray-Schauder theorem, that requires the compactness of F and the existence of a family of operators Fs , 0 ≤ s ≤ 1, where T1 = T and T0 is a compact operator which has a fixed point. Theorem A.22 (Leray-Schauder). Let X be a Banach space and F : X → X such that: i) F is continuous and compact; ii) there exists M such that kxk ≤ M for every solution (x, s) of the equation x = sF (x) with 0 ≤ s ≤ 1. Then F has a fixed point. Note that the Leray-Schauder Theorem yields no information on the uniqueness of the fixed point.

Appendix A: Toolbox of Functional Analysis


Another valuable tool for the analysis of nonlinear problems is the Implicit Function Theorem in Banach spaces. Recall that a linear operator T : X → Y is an isomorphism if it is bijective and both T and T −1 are bounded. Theorem A.23 (Implicit Function). Let X, Y and Z be three Banach spaces, A ⊆ X ×Y an open set and f : A → Z. Let us assume that:

(i) f ∈ C 1 (A); (ii) for a suitable (x0 , y0 ) ∈ A, f (x0 , y0 ) = 0 and fy (x0 , y0 ) is a continuous isomorphism from Y onto Z. Then:

(1) There exists a unique function g : U → Y , defined in a neighborhood U of x0 , such that g (x0 ) = y0 and f (x, g (x)) = 0 in U ; (2) g ∈ C 1 (U ) and the following formula holds, g 0 (x) = − [fy (x, g (x))]


◦ fx (x, g (x)) .


Remark A.13. In the above Implicit Function Theorem, an additional degree of regularity on f yields more regularity of the implicit function g, too. In particular, if f ∈ C 2 (A), then g ∈ C 2 (U ). •

Appendix B

Toolbox of Numerical Analysis

In this Appendix we provide a short introduction to the numerical methods for the approximation of PDEs, as well as some basic matrix properties, used all along the book. The interested reader can refer, e.g., to [222, 224] for further details.

B.1 Basic Matrix Properties We denote by Rm×n the vector space of all m × n real matrices; the components of A ∈ Rm×n are denoted by (A)ij = aij ∈ R. A vector x ∈ Rn is tacitly considered as a column vector, x = (x1 , . . . , xn )> , being xi its i-th component. Its p-norms are !1/p n X p kxkp = |xi | , p ≥ 1, kxk∞ = max |xi |; 1≤i≤n


the Euclidean norm, corresponding to the case p = 2 is also denoted as kxk2 = |x|. For any matrix A, we denote its transpose by A> ; if m = n, A is a squared matrix. If A = A> , A is symmetric. If the inverse A−1 of A exists, A is said to be nonsingular – in this case, det A 6= 0.

B.1.1 Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Positive Definite Matrices The eigenvalues of A ∈ Rn×n are the zeros of the characteristic polynomial p(λ) = det(A−λI). More precisely: if λ is an eigenvalue of A, there exists x ∈ Rn , x 6= 0, called eigenvector of A associated with λ, such that Ax = λx. If A ∈ Rn×n has n independent eigenvectors x1 , . . . , xn such that Axi = λi xi , i = 1, . . . , n, A is diagonalizable: by setting X = [x1 | . . . | xn ] ∈ Rn×n , X−1 AX = diag(λ1 , . . . , λn ).

Such a decomposition always exists if A is symmetric; in this case all the eigenvalues are real, λn (A) ≤ . . . ≤ λ2 (A) ≤ λ1 (A), and X is an orthogonal matrix – that is, its columns are orthonormal vectors: x> i xj = δij , where δij denotes the Kronecker delta. The largest and the smallest eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix A satisfy λ1 (A) = max x6=0

x> Ax , x> x

λn (A) = min

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0


x> Ax , x> x



Appendix B: Toolbox of Numerical Analysis

where the ratio being minimized or maximized is called Rayleigh quotient; moreover, we denote by ρ(A) = |λ1 (A)| the spectral radius of A. For any square matrix A, the Caley-Hamilton Theorem states that p (A) = O, where O is the null matrix and p(·) denotes the characteristic polynomial of A. A matrix A ∈ Rn×n is positive (negative) definite if x> Ax > 0 (resp. < 0) for all x ∈ Rn , x 6= 0, positive (negative) semidefinite is x> Ax ≥ 0 (resp. ≤ 0) for all x ∈ Rn , x 6= 0, and indefinite if we can find x, y ∈ Rn so that (x> Ax)(y> Ay) < 0. Symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices appear in many situations, and several methods for solving linear systems are tailored on this kind of matrices. A positive definite matrix is nonsingular; moreover, A ∈ Rn×n is positive definite if and only if its symmetric part 21 (A + A> ) has positive eigenvalues. In particular, an SPD matrix has positive eigenvalues. Moreover, if A ∈ Rn×n is SPD, n X (x, y)A = x> Ay = Ax> y = aij xi yj (B.1) i,j=1

defines another scalar product in R , that induces the so-called energy norm, or A-norm, p kxkA = (x, x)A . 1


B.1.2 Singular Value Decomposition Singular value decomposition is a diagonalization process involving left and right multiplication by orthogonal matrices. More precisely: if A ∈ Rm×n is a real matrix, there exist two orthogonal matrices U = [ζ1 | . . . | ζm ] ∈ Rm×m , Z = [ψ1 | . . . | ψn ] ∈ Rn×n such that A = UΣZ> ,

with Σ = diag(σ1 , . . . , σp ) ∈ Rm×n


and σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ . . . ≥ σp ≥ 0, for p = min(m, n). The matrix factorization (B.2) is called singular value decomposition (SVD) of A and the numbers σi = σi (A) are called singular values of A. ζ1 , . . . , ζm are called left singular vectors of A, whereas ψ1 , . . . , ψn are the right singular vectors of A, as Aψi = σi ζi ,

A> ζ j = σ j ψ j ,

i, j = 1, . . . , n.

Since AA> and A> A are SPD matrices, the left (resp. right) singular vectors of A are the eigenvectors of AA> (resp. A> A). There is a close relationship between the SVD of A and the eigenvalues of A> A and AA> ; indeed q σi (A) = λi (A> A), i = 1, . . . , p. The largest and the smallest singular values are also denoted by σmax = max σi , i=1,...,p

σmin = min σi . i=1,...,p

Furthermore, if A ∈ Rn×n is symmetric, then σi (A) = |λi (A)|, with λ1 (A) ≥ λ2 (A) ≥ . . . ≥ λn (A) being the eigenvalues of A. The most frequently employed matrix norms are the Frobenius norm  1/2 m X n X kAkF =  |aij |2  (B.3) i=1 j=1


Every inner product in Rn can be written in the form (B.1), with a suitable matrix A.

B.1 Basic Matrix Properties


and the p-norm, p ∈ [1, ∞], kAxkp = sup kAxkp . x6=0 kxkp kxkp =1

kAkp = sup

This latter is also called the natural matrix norm, or matrix norm induced by the vector norm k · kp . Note that the 2-norm (also-called spectral norm) and the Frobenius norm can be expressed in terms of the singular values of A: for any A ∈ Rm×n , v u p uX kAk2 = σmax , kAkF = t σi2 . (B.4) i=1

In particular, if A is symmetric then kAk2 = ρ(A). Finally, for any matrix p-norm the condition number of a matrix is defined as κp (A) = kAkp kA−1 kp .

If A has a large condition number, the solution of the linear system Ax = b is more sensitive to perturbations both of the matrix coefficients aij and the right-hand side coefficients bi . If A ∈ Rn×n is nonsingular, by inverting (B.2) we obtain A−1 = ZΣ −1 U> , with Σ −1 = diag(σ1−1 , . . . , σn−1 ); σn−1 is the largest singular value of A−1 , whence kA−1 k2 = 1/σn ,

κ(A) = kAk2 kA−1 k2 = σ1 /σn .

In particular, for any SPD matrix A, κ2 (A) = λ1 (A)/λn (A). Further details related to matrix properties can be found in [222] and in specific monographs devoted to matrix computations like [106, 40].

B.1.3 Spectral Properties of Saddle-Point Systems Although substantial progress has been made in the design of sparse direct solvers for largescale linear systems of equations, very often preconditioned iterative solvers provide the only viable approach for the approximation of PDE problems, because of large dimension, exhagerate filling-in and conditioning issues that are inherently related with direct (factorization) methods. Typical matrices requiring efficient preconditioners are those related to saddle-point problems, which are ubiquitous in PDE-constrained optimization. Indeed, quadratic programming for linear-quadratic OCPs and, more generally, optimization methods showing a faster-thanlinear rate of convergence such as the SQP method, require to solve (once, or repeatedly) systems involving a saddle point matrix under the form   A B> 1 . B2 −C Hereon, we will restrict ourselves to the case where A is symmetric, B1 = B2 and C = 0, that is   A B> K= , with A = A> . B 0


Appendix B: Toolbox of Numerical Analysis

The saddle-point system

A B> B 0

    x f = p g


represents the KKT system for the finite dimensional optimization problem 1 > x Ax − f > x → minn x∈R 2

s.t. Bx = g,


see Sect. 3.4.1. Throughout this section, we suppose that A ∈ Rn×n and B ∈ Rm×n , with m ≤ n. We recall that the matrix K in (B.5) is invertible if and only if A = A> is positive semidefinite, B has full row rank m and ker(A) ∩ ker(B) = {0}. Saddle point matrices are indefinite. If A = A> is positive definite on ker(B), K has exactly n positive and m negative eigenvalues; moreover, problem (B.6) admits a unique solution. In particular, if A = A> is positive definite on Rn , the cost function in (B.6) is strictly convex, A is invertible and S = BA−1 B denotes its Schur complement, which is positive definite, too. Regarding instead the spectral properties of saddle point matrices, we have that if A = A> is positive definite on ker(B) and A is positive semidefinite, the spectrum of K is contained in the intervals I − ∪ I + , where      q q 1 1 − 2 2 2 2 I = µn − µn + 4σ1 , µ1 − µ1 + 4σm ⊂ R− 2 2    q 1 I + = µn , µ1 + µ21 + 4σ12 ⊂ R+ , 2

and µ1 ≥ µ2 ≥ . . . ≥ µn ≥ 0 are the eigenvalues of A, whereas σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ . . . ≥ σm > 0 denote the singular values of B. In particular, the following estimate for the spectral condition number of K holds (see [110]) p p max{ 12 (µ1 + µ21 + 4σ12 ), − 12 (µn − µ2n + 4σ12 )} p κ2 (K) ≤ 2 ) min{γ, − 12 (µ1 − µ21 + 4σm where γ > 0 is the smallest positive root of the cubic equation

2 2 µ3 − µ2 (ˆ µ + µn ) + µ(ˆ µµn − M 2 − σm )+µ ˆ σm = 0.

Here M > 0 is the continuity constant of the bilinear form a(·, ·) to which the matrix A is associated, whereas µ ˆ = λn (Z> AZ) is the smallest eigenvalue of the reduced problem, and Z is a matrix whose columns span ker(B). For a simple linear-quadratic OCP where the state system is given by the Laplace equation, the control is distributed and belongs to U = L2 (Ω), the observation of the state is taken over Ωobs ⊂ Ω and Vh , Uh consist of piecewise linear and constant finite elements, respectively, such an estimate yields κ2 (K) ∼ h−2 for problems in both d = 2 or d = 3 dimensions. Remark B.1. In the case of more general PDE-constrained optimization problems, J(x) → minn x∈R

s.t. G(x) = 0

the SQP method approximates the optimal solution by solving a sequence of problems under the form (B.5) with A = ∇2xx L(x, p), the Hessian of the Lagrangian L(x, p) = J(x)+p> G(x), and B = ∇x G(x), the linearization of the constraints. The sufficient condition of Proposition (2.1) matches the assumptions on the block of the matrix K above – namely, we require that: ˆ is a local minimizer. In particular, the first-order necessary conditions ∇x L(ˆ ˆ) = 0 • x x, p and G(ˆ x) = 0 hold;

B.1 Basic Matrix Properties


ˆ; • ∇x G(ˆ x) has full rank, so that the constraint qualification (CQ) is satisfied at x ˆ ) is positive definite on ker(Dx G(ˆ • ∇2xx L(ˆ x, p x)). By a continuity argument, we can expect these conditions to be fulfilled by the blocks appearing in matrices of the form  2  ∇xx L(x, p) (∇x G(x))> ∇x G(x) 0 ˆ ) which satisfies the second-order sufficient where (x, p) in a neighborhood of a point (ˆ x, p conditions. • −1 Since A is nonsingular, from the first equation of (B.5) we can formally obtain x = A (f − B> p) so that substituting this expression in the second equation of (B.5) yields the following Schur complement system Sp = g + BA−1 f ,


S = BA−1 B> .

A possible strategy for the solution of (B.5) consists in solving the above Schur complement system by an iterative method, such as the conjugate gradient (CG) method (as A is symmetric), the GMRES or the Bi-CGStab method. In all these cases, a convenient preconditioner is mandatory, see, e.g., [30]. Because of the potentially large size of the problem, the approach we pursue exploit multigrid solvers as part of block preconditioners employed within appropriate Krylov subspace iteration. Indeed, let us observe that the matrix K of system (B.5) can be expressed, by an LU factorization, as the product of two block triangular matrices    A 0 I A−1 B> K= . (B.7) B −S 0 I Similarly, K can be factorized through the following LDU decomposition,     I 0 A 0 I A−1 B> K= . BA−1 I 0 −S 0 I Most preconditioners are based on a combination of block factorizations with a suitable approximation of the Schur-complement matrix. For instance, each one of the two matrices     A 0 A 0 PBD = or PBT = 0 −S B −S provides an optimal preconditioner for S, a block diagonal preconditioner (PBD ), and a block triangular preconditioner (PBT ). If the saddle-point system (B.5) is preconditioned by PBD , √ then the resulting preconditioned system has only the three distinct eigenvalues 1, 1/2 ± 5/2. If the same system is preconditioned by PBT , then the resulting preconditioned system has only the two distinct eigenvalues ±1 [271, 249, 248]. In both cases, a suitable Krylov subspace method (such as MINRES or GMRES in the symmetric and nonsymmetric case, respectively) will terminate with the correct solution after respectively three or two iterations. Indeed, the fewer the number of distinct eigenvalues or the number of eigenvalues, the faster the convergence. Of course, computing A−1 and S−1 is impractical due to storage and CPU requirements; as a matter of fact, both these preconditioners are computationally expensive to apply. However, the result above show the way to preconditioning: if approximations to A and S are employed, the preconditioned matrix will show respectively three or two clusters of eigenvalues, so that Krylov subspace iterative convergence will still be very rapid. Therefore, all variants of block


Appendix B: Toolbox of Numerical Analysis

diagonal or triangular preconditioners contain a cheap approximation of S. Hence, we can employ their approximants     ˆ 0 ˆ B> A A ˆ ˆ PBD = or PBT = ˆ ˆ 0 −S 0 −S ˆ and S ˆ are two inexpensive approximations of A and S, respectively. For instance, where A the system Ax = f is solved approximately, usually by a small number of iterations with an iterative method. On the other hand, the Schur complement is not formed, but approximated by a simple matrix; the way this approximation is done yields different block preconditioners. The literature on this class of preconditioners is huge, also because of their role when dealing with Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations, see [88]. In the special case of the Stokes problem, the (properly scaled) pressure mass matrix is a cheap and spectrally equivalent approximation to the Schur-complement matrix. In the case of steady Navier-Stokes problem, popular methods are, e.g., the pressure correction diffusion [156], the least squares commutator [87] and the augmented Lagrangian [31] preconditioners; see, e.g., [230, 244, 136]. The LU factorization (B.7) in the case of Stokes (or linearized Navier-Stokes) equations also stands at the base of the so-called SIMPLE preconditioner [211], obtained by replacing A−1 in both factors by a triangular matrix D−1 (for instance, D could be the diagonal of A). See, e.g., [244] or [218, Chap. 16] for possible generalizations of the SIMPLE preconditioner. An in depth presentation of iterative methods and preconditioning techniques for sparse linear systems can be found, e.g., in [222, 236].

B.2 Numerical Approximation of Elliptic PDEs In this book the Galerkin-finite element method (FEM) is used for the numerical approximation of OCPs governed by PDEs. In this section we introduce it for the case of scalar coercive second-order elliptic PDEs; parabolic PDEs are treated in Sect. B.3. Since FE approximations are obtained by projecting the original problem upon a finitedimensional subspace, their analysis follows from that of their infinite-dimensional counterpart, see Appendix A. Conditions to be fulfilled by discrete problems are in some cases (but not always!) automatically inherited from the ones on the original problems. For an in depth discussion we refer, e.g., to [218, 41].

B.2.1 Strongly Coercive Problems We start from the approximation of a strongly coercive problem like (P1 ), for which the assumption of the Lax-Milgram Theorem A.6 are fulfilled. Let us denote by Vh ⊂ V a family (depending on the real parameter h > 0) of finitedimensional subspaces of V , such that dim Vh = Nh ; h > 0 is a characteristic discretization parameter (most typically, the mesh size). The problem approximating (P1 ) reads find yh ∈ Vh such that

a(yh , vh ) = f (vh )

∀vh ∈ Vh

(P1h )

B.2 Numerical Approximation of Elliptic PDEs


and is called Galerkin problem; yh is called the Galerkin approximation of y. Since Vh ⊂ V , the exact solution y satisfies the weak problem (P1 ) for each element v = vh ∈ Vh , a(y, vh ) = f (vh )

∀vh ∈ Vh .


Thanks to this property, the Galerkin problem is said strongly consistent (see, e.g., [218]). A remarkable consequence is that a(y − yh , vh ) = 0

∀vh ∈ Vh ,


a property which goes under the name of Galerkin orthogonality. Indeed, should a(·, ·) be symmetric, (B.9) can be interpreted as the orthogonality – with respect to the scalar product a(·, ·) – of the approximation error y − yh from the subspace Vh . A consequence of (B.9) is the optimality condition ky − yh ka ≤ ky − vh ka

∀vh ∈ Vh .

With these premises, the following result (of existence, uniqueness, stability and convergence) easily follows; see, e.g., [64, 224, 121]). Theorem B.1. Let the space V , the bilinear form a(·, ·) and F ∈ V ∗ satisfy the hypotheses of the Lax-Milgram Theorem A.6. Let Vh ⊂ V be a closed subspace. Hence, a(·, ·) is continuous on Vh × Vh with constant Mh ≤ M and coercive on Vh × Vh with constant αh ≥ α. Then, for every h > 0, the approximate problem (P1h ) has a unique solution yh ∈ Vh , that satisfies the stability estimate 1 kyh kV ≤ kF kV ∗ . (B.10) αh Furthermore, the following optimal error inequality is satisfied ky − yh kV ≤

M inf ky − vh kV . α vh ∈Vh


We remark that optimality here means that the error ky − yh kV in a finite-dimensional approximation is bounded from above by the error of the best approximation out of the same finite-dimensional subspace Vh , multiplied by a constant independent of h. However, this is not sufficient to ensure the convergence ky − yh kV → 0 when h → 0: in fact, an additional property related to the approximability of the discrete spaces is required. As a matter of fact, thanks to (B.11) (also known as C´ea Lemma), in order for the method to converge it will be sufficient to require that lim

inf kv − vh kV = 0

h→0 vh ∈Vh

∀v ∈ V.


In that case, the Galerkin method is convergent and ky − yh kV → 0 when h → 0; Vh must therefore be chosen in order to guarantee the density property (B.12). In this way, by taking a sufficiently small h, it is possible to approximate y by yh as accurately as desired. The actual convergence rate will depend on the specific choice of the subspace Vh ; see Sect. B.4. We underline that, in the finite element case, Vh is made of piecewise polynomials of degree r ≥ 1, so that ky − yh kV tends to zero as O(hr ). Remark B.2. Since inf vh ∈Vh ky − vh kV ≤ ky − yh kV , in the case where M/α has order 1 the error due to the Galerkin method can be identified with the best approximation error for y in Vh . On the other hand, both errors have in general the same infinitesimal order with respect


Appendix B: Toolbox of Numerical Analysis

to h. In the particular case where p a(·, ·) is a symmetric bilinear form, then (B.11) can be improved by replacing M/α with M/α. •

B.2.2 Algebraic Form of (P1h ) Problem (P1h ) can be turned into an algebraic linear system of equations. Indeed, if we denote h by {ϕj }N j=1 a basis for the space Vh , then every vh ∈ Vh has a unique representation vh =

Nh X

vh,j ϕj ,

Nh X

a(ϕj , ϕi )yh,j = F ϕi


with v = (vh,1 , . . . , vh,Nh )> ∈ RNh .


PNh By setting yh = j=1 yh,j ϕj , and denoting by y the vector having as components the unknown h coefficients yh,j , (P1 ) is equivalent to: find y ∈ RNh such that


that is

∀ i = 1, . . . , Nh ,

Ay = f ,



where A ∈ RNh ×Nh is the stiffness matrix with elements (A)ij = a(ϕj , ϕi ) and f ∈ RNh the vector with components (f )i = F ϕi . Thanks to the coercivity of a(·, ·) over Vh , for every h > 0, the matrix A in (B.15) is positive definite (and thus nonsingular); moreover, if a(·, ·) is symmetric so is the matrix A. Other properties, such as the condition number or the sparsity pattern of A, depend on the chosen basis of Vh ; for instance, basis functions with small support (like those in finite element approximations) reduce to zero the entries of A related to basis functions having nonintersecting supports. The numerical solution of (B.15) can be carried out using either direct methods, such as the LU (Cholesky in the symmetric case) factorization, or iterative methods, such as the GMRES or the conjugate gradient method in the symmetric case.

B.2.3 Saddle-Point Problems We now turn to the approximation of a relevant class of weakly coercive problems, namely saddle-point problems. Such a problem can arise when dealing with OCPs governed by Stokes equations, like in the case addressed in Sect. 5.13. Even more importantly, whenever relying on a full-space (or all-at-once) approach to derive the system of optimality conditions for a linear-quadratic unconstrained OCP, we end up with a saddle-point problem to be solved. Recalling the formulation provided in Sect. A.4.2, a saddle point problem reads as follows: find (x, p) ∈ X × Q such that ( e(x, w) + b(w, p) = f1 (w) b(x, q) = f2 (q)

∀w ∈ X ∀q ∈ Q.

(P2 )

B.2 Numerical Approximation of Elliptic PDEs


Let Xh ⊂ X and Qh ⊂ Q be two finite dimensional subspaces of X and Q, respectively. We consider the following variational problem: find (xh , ph ) ∈ Xh × Qh such that ( e(xh , wh ) + b(wh , ph ) = f1 (wh ) b(xh , qh ) = f2 (qh )

∀wh ∈ Xh ∀qh ∈ Qh

(P2h )

that represents a Galerkin approximation of (P2 ). Let X0h = {wh ∈ Xh : b(wh , qh ) = 0

∀qh ∈ Qh } ⊂ Xh .

The well-posedness of (P2h ) follows by the discrete counterpart of Theorem A.7 (see, e.g., [41] for the proof). Theorem B.2 (Brezzi). Let the space X and Q, the bilinear forms e(·, ·), b(·, ·) and F1 ∈ X ∗ and F2 ∈ Q∗ satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem A.7. Let Xh ⊂ X and Qh ⊂ Q be two finite-dimensional subspaces. Then e(·, ·) and b(·, ·) are continuous on Xh × Xh and Xh × Qh , respectively. Assume that the bilinear form e(·, ·) satisfies the conditions inf


xh ∈X0h wh ∈X h 0


wh ∈X0h

e(xh , wh ) ≥α ˆ > 0, kxh kX kwh kX

sup xh ∈X0h

e(xh , wh ) > 0. kxh kX kwh kX

Moreover suppose that the bilinear form b(·, ·) verifies the discrete inf-sup condition inf


qh ∈Qh wh ∈Xh

b(wh , qh ) ≥ βˆs , kwh kX kqh kQ


for a suitable constant βˆs > 0 independent of h. Then, for every h > 0, problem (P2h ) has a unique solution (xh , ph ) ∈ Xh × Qh , which satisfies the stability estimates i 1h α ˆ + Md kF1 kX ∗ + kF2 kQ∗ , α ˆ βˆs h  i 1 Md Md (ˆ α + Md ) kph kQ ≤ 1+ kF1 kX ∗ + kF2 kQ∗ . α ˆ βˆs α ˆ + βˆs kxh kX ≤

(B.17a) (B.17b)

If (x, p) ∈ X × Q denotes the unique solution of (P2 ), the following optimal error inequality holds   kx − xh kX + kp − ph kQ ≤ C inf kx − wh kX + inf kp − qh kQ , wh ∈Xh

qh ∈Qh

where C = C(ˆ α, βˆs , Md , Mb ) is independent of h. Condition (B.16) is also called Ladyzhenskaia-Babuˇska-Brezzi (LBB) inf-sup condition; see, e.g., [41]. In the case of mixed variational problems, well-posedness of the discrete approximation (P2h ) is ensured provided the inf-sup conditions on both bilinear forms e and b are fulfilled


Appendix B: Toolbox of Numerical Analysis

over Xh ⊂ X and Qh ⊂ Q, respectively. As in the case of weakly coercive problems, these assumptions are not automatically verified if they are valid on X and Q. This is the reason why they should be explicitly required on the spaces Xh and Qh .

B.2.4 Algebraic Form of (P2h ) i Mh u h If {ϕi }N i=1 and {η }i=1 denote two bases for Xh and Qh respectively, being Nh = dim Vh and p h Nh = dim Qh , then (P2 ) is equivalent to the linear system      xh f Dh B > h = 1h , (B.18) ph f2h Bh 0

where xh =




x h ϕ j , ph =

the unknown coefficients


k=1 (j) (k) x h , ph ,

(Dh )ij = d(ϕj , ϕi ),


ph η k , xh and ph are the vectors whose components are

(Bh )kj = b(ϕj , η k ),

i, j = 1, . . . , Nhu , k = 1, . . . , Nhp

are the elements of the matrices Dh and Bh , whereas f1h and f2h denote the vectors with components (f1h )i = F1 ϕi and (f2h )k = F2 η k , i = 1, . . . , Nhu , k = 1, . . . , Nhp . From an algebraic standpoint, Theorem B.2 ensures that the matrix in (B.18) is nonsingular; in particular the inf-sup condition (B.16) is equivalent to the condition Ker(B> h ) = {0}. Moreover, the matrix in (B.18) is always indefinite, see, e.g., [88, Chap. 6], for the proof.

B.3 Numerical Approximation of Parabolic PDEs In this section we consider the numerical approximation of an initial-boundary value problem like (7.26) for uniformly parabolic linear equations, under the assumptions stated in Sect. 7.4. In particular, we consider the weak formulation (7.31) of problem (7.26), which we report here for the sake of convenience, with f ∈ L2 (0, T ; Ω): for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), find y(t) ∈ V such that  (y(t), ˙ v)L2 (Ω) + a(y(t), v; t) = (f (t), v)L2 (Ω) y(0) = g.

∀v ∈ V,


Here a(·, ·) is the bilinear form associated with an elliptic operator and f is the linear functional depending on the source term and on the boundary conditions; for ease of notation, we denote the time-derivative by y. ˙ The classical approach consists in discretizing in space by the finite element method and then in time by the finite difference method, limiting ourselves to first-order accurate methods in time. We set t ∈ (0, T ) and approximate the weak problem (B.19) at time t in Ω. Given a family of subspace of finite dimension {Vh }h>0 of V , being Nh = dim(Vh ), for t ∈ (0, T ) we introduce the following semi-discrete problem in space:

B.3 Numerical Approximation of Parabolic PDEs


for a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), find yh (t) ∈ Vh such that ( (y˙ h (t), vh )L2 (Ω) + a(yh (t), vh ; t) = (f (t), vh )L2 (Ω) yh (0) = gh .

∀vh ∈ Vh ,


Here gh denotes a suitable approximation of g in Vh . Such a problem yields a coupled system of ODEs, whose solution yh (t) is an approximation of the exact solution for each t ∈ (0, T ). Remark B.3. Assuming that a(·, ·) is a coercive bilinear form with coercivity constant α, and thanks to the Cauchy and the Young inequality, by applying the Gronwall lemma (see, e.g., [224, Sect. 1.4]) it is possible to show the stability of the semi-discretization in space, yielding kyh (t)k2L2 (Ω)

+ 2α


t 0

kyh (s)k2V

ds ≤ e


ku0h k2L2 (Ω)



t 0

kf (s)k2L2 (Ω) ds


for all t ∈ (0, T ). In particular, this implies that yh ∈ L2 (0, T ; V ) ∩ C0 (0, T ; L2 (Ω)). • Let us introduce a basis {ϕj } of Vh , and write the solution of the Galerkin problem (B.20) as a linear combination on the basis, yh (x, t) =

Nh X

yh,j (t)ϕj (x).


Problem (B.20) can thus be rewritten as   Z X Nh Nh X y˙ h,j (t)ϕj ϕi + a  yh,j (t)ϕj , ϕi ; t = (f (t), ϕi )L2 (Ω) , Ω j=1

i = 1, . . . , Nh ,


that is,

Nh X j=1

y˙ h,j (t)


Nh X ϕj ϕi + yh,j (t) a(ϕj , ϕi ; t) = (f (t), ϕi )L2 (Ω) , | {z } | {z } | Ω {z } j=1 aij (t) f (t) mij

i = 1, . . . , Nh .



Let y = (yh,1 (t), . . . , yh,Nh (t))> , M = (mij ) the mass matrix, A(t) = (aij (t)) the stiffness matrix, and f = (fh,1 (t), . . . , fh,Nh (t))> the vector of known terms; then, system (B.22) may be written in matrix form, ˙ My(t) + A(t)y(t) = f (t). For the sake of simplicity, hereon we assume that A does not depend on t, that is, the elliptic operator is time-independent. To solve this system we can use, e.g., the θ-method, which consists in discretizing the time derivative by an incremental ratio and replacing the other terms by a linear combination of the values at times tn and tn+1 , depending on θ ∈ [0, 1]:

yn+1 − yn + θAyn+1 + (1 − θ)Ayn = θf n+1 + (1 − θ)f n ; (B.23) ∆t n+1 n ∆t = t − t , n = 0, 1, . . ., denotes the discretization timestep, while the superscript n indicates that the considered quantity is evaluated at time tn . Some special cases of the θ-method are the following ones: M


if θ = 0, we obtain the forward (explicit) Euler method, which is a first order method with respect to ∆t;


Appendix B: Toolbox of Numerical Analysis


if θ = 1, we have the backward (implicit) Euler method, which is also a first order method with respect to ∆t; - if θ = 1/2, we have the Crank-Nicolson (trapezoidal) method, which is a second order method with respect to ∆t. Note that θ = 1/2 is the only value such that the corresponding method is of second order. Remark B.4. Note that (B.23) is an implicit algebraic system of equations; however, in the special case θ = 0, this system can be made explicit by diagonalizing the matrix Mh /∆t (achievable by lumping of the mass matrix). • Regarding the stability analysis of the fully discretized problem, applying the θ-method to the Galerkin problem (B.20) we obtain  n+1   yh − yhn , vh +a θyhn+1 + (1 − θ)yhn , vh ∆t (B.24) L2 (Ω) = θF n+1 (vh ) + (1 − θ)F n (vh )

∀vh ∈ Vh ,

for all n ≥ 0, with yh0 = gh and F n (vh ) = (f (tn ), vh )L2 (Ω) . Let us first consider the case where f = 0 and θ = 1 (implicit Euler method):  n+1  yh − yhn , vh + a(yhn+1 , vh ) = 0 ∀vh ∈ Vh . ∆t L2 (Ω) Using again the coercivity of a(·, ·), the Cauchy-Schwarz and Young inequalities, and summing with respect to n from 0 to m − 1, we find kyhm k2L2 (Ω) + 2α∆t

m−1 X n=0

kyhn+1 k2V ≤ kgh k2L2 (Ω) .


Finally, observing that Ckyhn+1 kV ≥ kyhn+1 kL2 (Ω) (where C = 1 if V = H 1 (Ω), and C = CP , the Poincar´e constant, if V = H01 (Ω)), we deduce from (B.25) that, for any chosen ∆t > 0, lim kyhn kL2 (Ω) = 0,


that is, the backward Euler method is absolutely stable with no hypothesis on the timestep ∆t. This results can also be extended to the more general case where f 6= 0 by relying, e.g., on the discrete Gronwall lemma (see, e.g., [224, Sect. 1.4]) showing that ! m m X X kyhm k2L2 (Ω) + 2α∆t kyhn k2V ≤ C(m) kgh k2L2 (Ω) + ∆tkf n k2L2 (Ω) . (B.26) n=1


This relation resembles (B.21), provided we replace the integrals merical integration formula with timestep ∆t. In general, it is possible to show that: -

Rt 0

· ds by a composite nu-

if θ ≥ 1/2, the θ-method is unconditionally stable (i.e., it is stable for all ∆t), if θ < 1/2, the θ-method is only stable for ∆t ≤

2 . (1 − 2θ)κ2 (Ah )

where κ2 (Ah ) ' C(θ)h−2 and C(θ) denotes a positive constant dependent on θ. Hence, for θ < 1/2, ∆t cannot be chosen arbitrarily.

B.4 Finite Element Spaces and Interpolation Operator


B.4 Finite Element Spaces and Interpolation Operator In this section we recall the definition of the finite element spaces used throughout the book, as well as some relevant (more technical) tools required to derive error estimates for finite element approximations. To define approximations of the space H 1 (Ω) that depend on a parameter h, let us first introduce a triangulation of the domain Ω. For the sake of simplicity, most often we will consider domains Ω ⊂ Rd (d = 2, 3) with polygonal shape, and meshes (or grids) Th which represent their cover with non-overlapping triangles (d = 2) or tetrahedra (d = 3) K. We denote by hK the diameter of K and define h to be the maximum value of hK , K ∈ Th . Under this assumption, the discretized domain  [  Ωh = int K K∈Th

represented by the internal part of the union of the triangles of Th coincides with Ω. Hence, from now on we will adopt the symbol Ω to denote without distinction both the computational domain and its (optional) approximation. Of course, the extension to domains with nonpolygonal shape is also possible, see e.g. [224] for a detailed definition. We also refer e.g. to [218] for a more detailed description of mesh generation, refinement and other essential features.

Finite Element Spaces The most natural (and well-known) strategy to define a finite element space is to consider globally continuous functions that are polynomials of degree r on the single triangles (elements) of the triangulation Th , that is, to define  Xhr = vh ∈ C 0 (Ω) : vh |K ∈ Pr ∀K ∈ Th , r = 1, 2, . . . . (B.27)

as the space of globally continuous functions that are polynomials of degree at most r on the single elements of the triangulation Th . Moreover, we can define ◦

r X hr = {vh ∈ Xh : vh |∂Ω = 0}


and, more in general, Vh = Xhr ∩ V . Remark B.5. We remark that the space of polynomials Pr in d variables is defined as follows       X Pr = p(x) = ai1 ...id xi11 . . . xidd , ai1 ...id ∈ R ; (B.29)     0 ≤ i1 , . . . , i d i1 + · · · + id ≤ d

Pr has dimension

Nr = dim Pr =

r+d r

d 1 Y = (r + k). d!



In particular, for d = 2 the spaces Pr have dimension (r + 1)(r + 2)/2, so that dim P1 = 3, dim P2 = 6 and dim P3 = 10, hence on every element of the grid Th the generic function vh is well defined whenever its value at 3, resp. 6, resp. 10 suitably chosen nodes, is known. • ◦

The spaces Xhr and X hr are suitable for the approximation of H 1 (Ω), resp. H01 (Ω), thanks to the following property (for its proof see, e.g., [224]):


Appendix B: Toolbox of Numerical Analysis

Proposition B.1. If v ∈ C 0 (Ω) and v|K ∈ H 1 (K) for each K ∈ Th , then v ∈ H 1 (Ω). The spaces Xhr are all subspaces of H 1 (Ω), as they are constituted by continuous functions, differentiable inside the elements of the partition. The fact that the functions of Xhr are locally (element-wise) polynomials will make the stiffness matrix sparse and easy to handle. To this aim, let us now choose a basis {ϕi } for the Xhr space. First of all, it is convenient that the support of the generic basis function ϕi has non-empty intersection only with the support of a negligible number of other functions of the basis. In this way, many elements of the stiffness matrix will be null. It is also convenient to deal with a Lagrangian basis: in that case, the coefficients of the expansion of a generic function vh ∈ Xhr in the basis will be the values taken by vh at carefully chosen points Ni , with i = 1, . . . , Nh of the grid Th , which we call nodes (and which form, in general, a superset of the vertices of Th ). Thus, each function vh ∈ Vh is uniquely characterized by its values at the nodes Ni , with i = 1, . . . , Nh , excluding the boundary nodes where vh = 0. Consequently, a basis for the space Vh can be the set of the characteristic Lagrangian functions ϕj ∈ Vh , j = 1, . . . , Nh , such that  0 i 6= j, ϕj (Ni ) = δij = i, j = 1, . . . , Nh . (B.31) 1 i = j, In particular, if r = 1 the nodes are the vertices of the elements, with the exception of those belonging to the boundary of Ω, while the function ϕj is affine on each triangle and is equal to 1 at the node Nj and 0 at all the other nodes of the triangulation. A function vh ∈ Vh can be expressed through a linear combination of the basis functions of Vh in the following way vh (x) =

Nh X i=1

vi ϕi (x)

∀ x ∈ Ω,

with vi = vh (Ni )


so that, by expressing the discrete solution yh in terms of the basis {ϕj } via (B.32), we have that yj = yh (Nj ), that is, the unknowns of a linear systems like (B.15) are the nodal values of the FE solution. It is rather evident, since the support of the generic function with basis ϕi is only formed by the triangles having node Ni in common, that A is a sparse matrix. In particular, the number of non-null elements of A is of the order of Nh , as aij is different from zero only if Nj and Ni are nodes of the same triangle. A has not necessarily a definite structure (e.g. banded), as that will depend on how the nodes are numbered.

Interpolation Operator and Interpolation Error A further ingredient required to obtain an estimate for the approximation error ky − yh kV is the interpolation operator (and related interpolation error estimates). Here we recall the basic results; see, e.g. [218, 224] for their proof. For each v ∈ C 0 (Ω) we define interpolant of v in the space of Xh1 , determined by the grid Th , the function Πh1 v such that Πh1 v(Ni ) = v(Ni ) for each node Ni of Th , for i = 1, . . . , Nh .

B.5 A Priori Error Estimation


If {ϕi } is the Lagrangian basis of the space Xh1 , then Πh1 v(x) =

Nh X

v(Ni )ϕi (x).


The operator Πh1 : C 0 (Ω) → Xh1 , associating to a continuous function v its interpolant Πh1 v, is called interpolation operator. Similarly, we can define an operator Πhr : C 0 (Ω) → Xhr , for each integer r ≥ 1. Having r denoted by ΠK the local interpolation operator associated to a continuous function v the r polynomial ΠK v ∈ Pr (K), interpolating v in the degrees of freedom of the element K ∈ Th , we define r Πhr v ∈ Xhr : Πhr v K = ΠK (v K ) ∀K ∈ Th . (B.33) Let us denote by hK the diameter of each triangle K, so that hK ≤ h for all K ∈ Th . Then, for the interpolation operator the following global estimate holds: Theorem B.3 (Global estimate for the interpolation error). Let {Th }h>0 be a family of regular grids of the domain Ω and let m = 0, 1 and r ≥ 1. Then there exists a constant b > 0 such that C = C(r, m, K) |v − Πhr v|H m (Ω) ≤ C





|v|2H r+1 (K)


∀v ∈ H r+1 (Ω).


In particular, we obtain |v − Πhr v|H m (Ω) ≤ C hr+1−m |v|H r+1 (Ω)

∀v ∈ H r+1 (Ω).


B.5 A Priori Error Estimation We furthermore provide some results dealing with convergence of finite element approximations in the case of elliptic and parabolic PDEs. The interested reader may refer, e.g., to [224, 218] for a deeper analysis and further a priori error estimates.

B.5.1 Elliptic PDEs The result of Theorem B.3 provides us with an estimate for the approximation error of the Galerkin method in the case of an elliptic equation. For the sake of simplicity we focus on the (strongly) coercive case described in Sect. B.2.1; similar results can be obtained for the other classes of problems we have considered so far. Indeed, it is sufficient to apply (B.11) and Theorem B.3 (for m = 1) to obtain the following a priori error estimate:


Appendix B: Toolbox of Numerical Analysis

Theorem B.4. Let y ∈ V be the exact solution of the variational problem (P1 ) and yh its approximate solution via the finite element method of degree r, i.e. the solution of problem (P1h ) where Vh = Xhr ∩ V . If y ∈ H r+1 (Ω), then the following a priori error estimates hold: ky − yh kH 1 (Ω) ≤

1/2 M  X 2r 2 C hK |y|H r+1 (K) , α


M Chr |y|H r+1 (Ω) , α



ky − yh kH 1 (Ω) ≤ C being a constant independent of h and y.

Note that (B.37) follows from (B.36). In order to increase the accuracy, two different strategies can therefore be pursued: (i) decreasing h, i.e. refining the grid; (ii) increasing r, i.e. using finite elements of higher degree. However, the latter approach can only be pursued if the solu¯ ∩ H p+1 (Ω) for some p > 0, tion y is regular enough. In general, we can say that if y ∈ C 0 (Ω) then ky − yh kH 1 (Ω) ≤ Chs |y|H s+1 (Ω) ,

s = min{r, p}.


B.5.2 Parabolic PDEs Regarding instead the convergence analysis of parabolic problems, we report an a priori estimate for the error between the semi-discrete solution yh (tn ) and the fully-discrete one yhn for any fixed h (see, e.g., [224, Chapter 11] and [262] for further details). Theorem B.5. Assume that the hypotheses for existence and uniqueness of the solution y to the initial-boundary value problem (B.19) are satisfied with λ = 0. When 0 ≤ θ < 1/2 assume, moreover, that the time-step restriction ∆t ≤ C(θ)h2 is satisfied. Under the hypothesis that g, f and y are sufficiently regular, the functions yhn and yh (t) defined in (B.24) and (B.20) fulfill the following a priori error estimate holds: for all n = 1, . . . kyhn − yh (tn )k2L2 (Ω) + 2α∆t

n X


˜ f, y)(∆tp(θ) + h2r ) kyhn − yh (tn )k2V ≤ C(g,

if Vh = Xhr ∩ V , where p(θ) = 2 if θ 6= 1/2, p(1/2) = 4 and C˜ depends on its arguments but not on h and ∆t.

B.6 Solution of Nonlinear PDEs In this section we provide some basic notions about the numerical approximation of nonlinear PDEs through the Newton method. Let us consider a general problem under the form G(y) = 0

in W,


B.6 Solution of Nonlinear PDEs


where G : V → W and V, W are suitable Banach spaces. The weak formulation of problem (B.39) reads: find y ∈ V such that ∀ϕ ∈ V,

g(y; ϕ) = 0


where the variational form g(·; ·) : V × V → R is defined as g(y; ϕ) = hG(y), ϕi

∀y, ϕ ∈ V.

Moreover, we denote by dg[¯ y ](v, ϕ) = hG0y (¯ y )v, ϕi

∀v, ϕ ∈ V

the partial Fr´echet derivative of g(¯ y , ·) with respect to its first argument, evaluated at y¯ ∈ V . For the numerical approximation of (B.40) we rely on the finite element method, introducing a finite-dimensional subspace Vh ⊂ V of dimension Nh = dim(Vh ): hence, we seek yh ∈ Vh such that g(yh ; ϕh ) = 0 ∀ϕh ∈ Vh . (B.41) For the discrete problem (B.41) to be well-posed we assume dg[yh ](·, ·) to be inf-sup stable, i.e. that there exists a constant β0,h > 0 such that βh = inf


wh ∈Vh vh ∈Vh

dg[yh ](wh , vh ) ≥ β0,h , kwh kV kvh kV


and continuous, i.e. that there exists a positive constant γ0,h < ∞ such that γh = sup


vh ∈Vh wh ∈Vh

dg[yh ](wh , vh ) ≤ γ0,h . kwh kV kvh kV


A solution yh to problem (B.41) is said to be regular if it fulfills (B.42)-(B.43). Solving problem (B.41) requires nonlinear iterations with a linearized problem being solved (0) at every step. Newton method is a very natural approach: given an initial guess yh ∈ Vh , for n = 0, 1, . . . until convergence, we seek δyh ∈ Vh such that (n)


dg[yh ](δyh , ϕh ) = −g(yh ; ϕh ) (n+1)

∀ϕh ∈ Vh ,



and then set yh = yh + δyh . Newton method is quadratically convergent provided dg[yh ](·, ·) is locally Lipschitz contin(0) uous and yh is sufficiently close to yh . Theorem B.6. Let yh be a regular solution of (B.41) and dg[yh ](·, ·) locally Lipschitz continuous at yh , i.e. there exist ε > 0 and Kh > 0 such that kdg[yh ](·, ·) − dg[vh ](·, ·)kL(Vh ,Vh0 ) ≤ Kh kyh − vh kV , for all vh ∈ Bε (yh ) = {wh ∈ Vh : kyh − wh kV ≤ ε}. Then there exists δ > 0 such (0) (n) that if kyh − yh k ≤ δ, the Newton sequence {yh } is well-defined and converges to yh . Furthermore, for some constant M with M δ < 1, we have the error bound (n+1)



− yh kV ≤ M kyh − yh k2V ,

n ≥ 0.


Appendix B: Toolbox of Numerical Analysis

This local convergence theorem (see, e.g., [275, Chap. 5] for the proof) regretfully requires the existence of a solution uh in advance. The Kantorovich theorem (see, e.g., [275, 65]) overcomes this drawback by establishing the existence of yh simply on the basis of the knowledge (0) (0) of g(yh , ·) and dg[yh ](·, ·). (0)

Theorem B.7 (Kantorovich). Let yh ∈ Vh be a given initial guess such that: (0)


i) ε = kg(yh ; ·)kVh∗ < ∞ and dg[yh ](·, ·) is continuous and inf-sup stable with (0)

a−1 = inf


wh ∈Vh vh ∈Vh

dg[yh ](wh , vh ) > 0; kwh kV kvh kV


ii) there exists a positive constant K such that (0)

kdg[wh ](·, ·) − dg[vh ](·, ·)kL(Vh ,Vh∗ ) ≤ Kkwh − vh kV

∀vh , wh ∈ Br (yh )

with r = 1/(aK) and 0 < 2εKa2 ≤ 1.


Define two positive numbers r− =


1 − 2εKa2 , aK

r+ =


1 − 2εKa2 . aK

Then (0)

1. problem (B.41) has a solution yh ∈ B r− (yh ). Moreover, if kdg[wh ](·, ·) − dg[vh ](·, ·)kL(Vh ,Vh∗ ) ≤ Kkwh − vh kV


∀vh , wh ∈ Br+ (yh ),

this solution is unique in B r+ (u0h ); (n) 2. the Newton sequence {yh } converges to yh and the following error bound holds for each n ≥ 0  2 n r r− (n) kyh − yh kV ≤ n . 2 r


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problem statistical inverse, 19 active set, 52 adaptivity a posteriori, 223 adjoint problem, 63, 76, 119, 396 state, 20, 63, 88, 394, 396 admissible direction, 28 algorithm backtracking, 45, 184, 186 all-at-once method, 22 approach adjoint, 66 direct, 66 full space, 16 reduced space, 17 sensitivity, 66 approximation Galerkin, 471, 473 Armijo rule, 45 basis Lagrangian, 478 boundary function, 377 functional, 377 box constraints, 50 canonical extension material, 379 cardiac defibrillation, 9 cardiac electrophysiology, 340 chain rule, 385, 391, 454, 457 co-state, 20 compactness, 283, 430, 446 compliance, 375 computer aided design, 405 condition constraint qualification, 34, 57 Cottle, 34 discrete inf-sup, 473 inf-sup, 328, 436, 473

number, 467 regularity, 30 Slater, 34 transversality, 76 conditions Armijo, 186 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT), 36, 54, 57, 71, 292 optimality, 31, 63, 106, 111, 242 first order, 286, 289 second order, 36, 287, 295 Wolfe, 45, 184 cone critical, 36 polar, 36 conjugate exponent, 438 constant Poincar´ e, 442 constraint active, 34 control, 5, 16 equality, 16, 25, 52 inequality, 16, 25 qualification, 33, 34 state, 5, 16, 149 constraints box, 50, 111 control, 111 contraction, 463 control admissible, 116 bang-bang, 71, 114 boundary, 4, 12, 16 Dirichlet, 143 Neumann, 134, 135, 189 velocity, 157 closed loop, 73 distributed, 2, 4, 16, 129, 136, 142, 149, 187 velocity, 153 feedback, 4, 73 flow, 12 initial, 237 open loop, 73 optimal, 16 side, 246

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Manzoni et al., Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences 207, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77226-0


494 space-pointwise, 248 synthesis, 73 system controllability region, 83 controllable, 81 normal, 78 observable, 82 time-distributed, 248 variable, 1, 240 controllability, 79, 82 convergence, 423, 471 rate, 46 weak, 283, 431 weak∗ , 433 convexity, 27, 285 cost, 25 function, 1 functional, 3, 104 critical cone, 34, 36 curvature principal, 376 total, 376 data assimilation, 1, 20 derivative, 107 conormal, 124 directional, 456 distributional, 440 Eulerian, 383, 386 Fr´ echet, 286, 453, 454 partial, 456 Fr´ echet second, 460 Gˆ ateaux, 286, 456 material, 383, 384 shape, 377, 383, 384 weak, 440 descent direction, 40 design parameter, 18 differential Fr´ echet, 286, 453 Gˆ ateaux, 286, 456 discretize-then-optimize, 21, 169, 177, 262 distance, 423, 424 domain C k , 439 function, 376 functional, 377 Lipschitz, 439 smooth, 439 triangulation, 477 drag coefficient, 12 force, 409 dual weighted residual, 223 eigenvalues, 465 eigenvectors, 465 elliptic regularity, 137 embedding, 428 Sobolev, 448

Index equation adjoint, 91 advection-diffusion, 5, 8 algebraic Riccati (matrix), 92 Euler, 107 linear elasticity, 405 Riccati, 89 Riccati (matrix), 90 Stokes, 153 uniformly parabolic, 237 equations complementary, 72 monodomain, 341 Navier-Stokes, 12, 409 steady, 326 unsteady, 358 Stokes steady, 153, 179 unsteady, 250 error approximation, 471 estimate a posteriori, 224 a priori, 479, 480 optimal, 471, 473 indicator local, 224 essential supremum, 437 estimate error, 471, 479 stability, 471 finite difference, 40 finite elements Lagrangian, 478 first variation, 107 fluid dynamics, 326, 358, 409 form bilinear symmetric, 426 bilinear, 434 adjoint, 124 coercive, 435 continuous, 435 symmetric, 435 formula Green, 382 variation of constants, 74, 342 formulation primal mixed, 146 variational, 105 weak, 105 free-form deformation, 405 function F −differentiable, 453 G−differentiable, 456 coercive at ∞, 26 continuous, 425 continuously F −differentiable, 454 control, 16 convex, 27

Index dissipation, 13 essentially bounded, 437 H¨ older continuous, 425 Hamiltonian, 77, 91 Lagrangian, 31 lifting, 125 Lipschitz continuous, 425 lower semicontinuous, 26 measurable, 437 observation, 16 observed, 2, 16 piecewise continuous, 74 radial basis, 405 signed distance, 378 summable, 437 support, 478 functional, 428 F−differentiable, 286 G−differentiable, 286 coercive at ∞, 283 convex, 457 cost, 16, 104, 116, 241 gradient, 120 gradient, 455 Lagrangian, 20, 110, 120, 234, 290 stabilized, 178 lower semicontinuous, 282 objective, 241 quadratic, 455 reduced cost, 16, 61, 106, 116, 241 shape, 18 strictly convex, 284, 458 weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous, 285 weakly∗ sequentially lower semicontinuous, 285 Galerkin orthogonality, 471 gradient, 65, 88, 120, 455 reduced, 65 harmonic extension, 403, 445 heat energy, 13 heat transfer, 3 Hilbert triplet, 429 homeomorphism, 289 inequality G¨ arding, 443 H¨ older, 438 Poincar´ e, 442 Schwarz, 426 trace, 445 triangular, 423 inner product, 426 integral Bochner, 450 interpolation, 478 error estimate, 479 operator, 479 isometry, 426 isomorphism, 137, 289, 464 Riesz canonical, 428

495 iterative method, 21 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker multipliers, 115 KKT system, 171 Lagrange multiplier, 234 lemma C´ ea, 471 Farkas, 34 Gronwall, 453 line-search inexact, 45 local chart, 439 lower semicontinuity, 285 map control-to-state, 116, 241, 289 projection, 113 Riesz, 428 matrix control, 170 Hessian, 70, 311 Jacobian, 307 mass, 171 negative definite, 466 negative semidefinite, 466 observation, 172 positive definite, 466 positive semidefinite, 466 reduced Hessian, 171 Riccati, 89 saddle point, 52, 467 Schur complement, 469 stiffness, 170, 472 measurability, 239 method θ, 475 active set, 52, 59, 206 adjoint, 394 all-at-once, 70, 168, 192, 261, 310 augmented Lagrangian, 39, 56 backward Euler, 476 BFGS, 43, 182 Bi-CGStab, 469 black-box, 168, 180, 261, 269 C´ ea’s, 395 conjugate gradient, 41, 182, 469 Crank-Nicolson, 476 derivative-free, 39 descent, 39, 40 direct, 52, 472 domain decomposition, 193 dual weighted residual, 223 duality, 140 finite difference, 474 forward Euler, 476 Galerkin, 169, 471 convergence, 471 Least Squares (GLS), 176 Galerkin-finite element, 470 GMRES, 52, 193, 469

496 gradient, 41, 181, 401 iterative, 52, 68, 96, 168, 180, 261, 269, 472 Krylov subspace, 469 Lagrange multipliers, 395 Lagrange-Newton, 58, 70 level set, 405 line-search, 39 cubic, 45 quadratic, 45 local boundary variation, 402 MINRES, 193, 469 multigrid, 193 Nelder and Mead, 40 Newton, 42, 58, 182 one-shot, 70, 168, 192, 261 penalty, 39, 55 primal-dual active set, 72, 206 projection, 186 quasi-Newton, 42, 182 reduced space, 180, 269 sequential quadratic programming, 39, 57, 70, 310 line-search, 59 local, 58 trust region, 59 steepest descent, 41, 96, 181, 401 projected, 50 strongly consistent, 471 transposition, 140, 258 trust region, 39, 47 Uzawa, 200 minimization point, 25 minimizer, 25 global, 25 local, 25, 287 minimum principle, 65, 76, 89, 112 multiplier, 108 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker, 33, 71 Lagrange, 31, 63, 68 Lagrange , 120 Nested Analysis and Design, 17, 68, 116 nodes, 477, 478 norm, 424 equivalent, 424 Euclidean, 465 Frobenius, 466 Integral of order p, 437 maximum, 424 maximum of order k, 425 p, 465, 467 objective, 25 observability, 82 observation, 2 boundary, 135, 136 distributed, 129, 134, 143, 149, 153, 157, 241, 246 final, 241, 246 pointwise, 142, 241, 244 side, 248 open covering, 430 operator

Index adjoint, 119, 430 bounded, 427 compact, 432 continuous, 427 control, 16, 116, 240 dual, 430 embedding, 428 interpolation, 479 Laplace-Beltrami, 382 linear, 427 observation, 116, 241 projection, 50, 112 selfadjoint, 430 shape derivative, 386 Steklov-Poincar´ e, 445 surface, 380 tangential divergence, 380 gradient, 380 Laplacian, 382 optimal design, 1, 18 optimal shape, 18 optimal state, 106 optimality conditions, 20 optimality system, 20 optimization, 39 constrained, 39, 49, 51 free, 39, 40, 47 structural, 18 optimize-then-discretize, 21, 169, 177, 262, 365 parameter estimation, 1 statistical approach, 19 variational approach, 19 penalization term, 104 point reachable, 80 polar cone, 34, 36 polynomial characteristic, 465 preconditioner, 469 block-diagonal, 194 block-triangular, 197 constraint, 198 preconditioning, 193 problem abstract variational, 105, 434 adjoint, 20, 63, 88, 96, 109, 119 control constrained, 64 unconstrained, 64 controllability, 79 controllable, 2 Dirichlet, 104, 124 final value, 234 Galerkin, 471 linear-quadratic regulator, 87 minimization global, 25 local, 25 minimum time, 79

Index mixed Dirichlet-Neumann, 126 mixed variational, 435 Neumann, 125 optimal control state-constrained, 149 optimization, 2 constrained, 25 free, 25 quadratic programming, 51, 69 Robin, 125 saddle point, 22, 435, 436 saddle-point, 472 state, 103 projection, 112, 379 reduced space, 106 saddle point problem, 251 scalar product, 426 Schur complement, 52, 194, 468 seminorm, 424 sensitivity, 65, 294 sensitivity analysis, 20 sequence Cauchy, 424 convergent, 424 fundamental, 424 sequential quadratic programming, 22 set compact, 283, 430 convex, 27, 283, 433 measurable, 437 pre-compact, 430 reachable, 75 sequentially compact, 430 sequentially pre-compact, 430 weakly sequentially closed, 283, 433 weakly∗ closed, 285 shape differentiability, 386 functional, 376, 377 gradient, 387 optimal, 18 parametrization, 404 shape optimization, 1, 5, 14 geometric, 374 parametric, 18, 374 problem, 373 topological, 18, 374 signed distance function material, 378 Simultaneous Analysis and Design, 17, 69, 116 singular value decomposition, 466 singular values, 466 singular vectors, 466 solution variational, 104 very weak, 138 weak, 104 space

497 inner product, 426 Banach, 282, 424 compact, 446 complete, 424 dual, 427, 428 finite element, 477 Hilbert, 426 Lebesgue, 437, 438 linear, 424 metric, 423, 424 normed, 424 reflexive, 429, 432 separable, 434 Sobolev, 437 state, 116, 240 test, 104 vector, 423 spectral radius, 466 stability absolute, 476 estimate, 471 state equation, 16, 116, 241 problem, 2, 116, 240 system, 1, 104 variable, 116 structural mechanics, 405 supporting hyperplane, 75 surface calculus, 378 system discrete KKT, 171 Euler-Lagrange, 291 Newton-KKT, 58 saddle point, 52, 64, 467 tangent cone, 28 tangential calculus, 378 terminal payoff, 73 theorem Banach-Alaoglu, 434 Banach-Caccioppoli fixed-point, 463 Bochner, 450 Brezzi, 435, 473 Caley-Hamilton, 466 contraction mapping, 463 Fermat, 28 implicit function, 30, 463 Kantorovich, 482 Karush, Kuhn-Tucker, 34 Lax-Milgram, 434 Lebesgue dominated convergence, 438 Leray-Schauder, 296, 463 projection, 112 Rellich, 446 Riesz representation, 428 structure (of Hadamard), 386 Weierstrass, 26 topology, 423 trace, 444 normal, 447



uniform ellipticity, 124

variational inequality, 28, 88, 111, 286, 291

variable adjoint, 76, 109, 119 control, 104 state, 103 variational data assimilation, 20 variational formulation, 105

Weak formulation Initial-Dirichlet problem (wave equation), 256 weak formulation Cauchy-Dirichlet problem, 231 Cauchy-Robin/Neumann problem, 238